M. 1884
Library Letter B.AC
An Hiſtorical
Burghs or Boroughs.
Their Original, and Whence, and from Whom
they Received their Liberties, Privileges, and
Immunities; What they were, and what Made
and Conſtituted a Free Burgh, & Free Burgeffes.
When they firſt ſent their Repreſentatives to PARLIAMENT.
Concurrent Difcourfe
Of moft Matters, and Things Incident, or Re-
lating thereto.
By ROB. BRADY, Doctor in Phyfick.
The Second Edition,
Printed for A. L. and Sold by John Nutt near Stationers-
Hall, and by the Bookfellers of London and Westmin
fter. MDCCIV.
HEN for my own private Satisfaction
firft began to inquire into the Original Confti-
tution of Burghs, in this and Foreign Ña-
tions, what they were, and whence their
great Liberties, and Privileges. In our Or-
dinary Writers, whosoever they were, that
difcourfed of them as they came in their way, I found little
elfe but Prefcription, and pretended Uſage and Poffeffion time
out of Mind, vouched for the great Independent Rights they
have claimed, and do challenge.
And truly by the Notion thefe Writers have, and their Rea-
ders cannot but have, of them, according to their Informations,
they feem to have been Eternal, or at least Coxval with
the Creation, and fo many ready Wrought, and Framed, fmall
·Commonwealths, lifted out of the Chaos, and fixed upon the
E furface of the Earth, with their VValls, Gates, Town or
Gild-Halls, Courts, Liberties, Cuſtoms, Privileges, Free-
doms, Jurifdictions, Magiftrates and Officers, in their For-
malities, and all Extravagant, Uncontroulable, and Abſo-
lute Powers, and Abfurd Rights, they have of late Tears
pretended to.
But, whoever will ſeriouſly perufe this Treatiſe, ſhall find
the Dates of their Originals, and Gradual Augmentations,
and must confefs they have nothing of the Greatness and Au-
thority they boast of, but from the Bounty of our Ancient Kings,
and their Succeffors, notwithstanding any other Confirmations,
or acquired Right, they may allege, and acknowledge that
A 2
* Sec Appen [* Preſcription, and pretended Immemorial Customs or Uſages
dix N. 1. b.
D. E. F. and
D. E.
fol. 6. B. C. avail not, when there are Charters or other Records which
ful. 7. A.B.C. fhew, that in this cafe (of what weight foever they may be in
other,) they are mere Conjectures, Words of Courfe, and the
Popular Affertions of fuch Men, as either knew not how, or
would, or for their more gainful Imploym. nts could, not look
into thofe great Monuments of Antiquity, and difcoverers of
And therefore I have oppofed matter of Fact, through the
whole difcourfe, to thefe fond Imaginations, and eafie Notions,
and for the clearer Demonftration of what I intended to Evince,
have produced all the Inftances of Cities, Burghs, and Towns
in both the Books called Domeſday Eooks, from whence I could B
receive any Satisfaction of the Condition and Import of Burghs
and Burgeffes in the Saxon Times, without any particular
Deductions from thefe Inftances, or Remarks upon them.
'Tis eafie for any Man that will but note them to observe,
that according to the Modern way of Speaking, they then
made but a ſmall Figure in the Nation; to be fure the
Burghs were not diftinct Commonwealths, or Governments,
nor the Burgeffes Stateſmen, or People of much Intereft, what-
foever fome Popular and Factions Writers, who Scrible by
Rote, and according to their own Fancies, have delivered to
the contrary.
Many other places not Named in this Treatife, are either
called Burghs in the Conquerors Survey, or there are Bur D
gefles mentioned in the Defcription of them; feveral of which
are not now esteemed Burghs, nor is there any Light or Infor-
mation to be had from them, what Burghs or Burgeffes then
were, as Torchfey, Louth, and Stanford in Lincolnshire,
Stainings in Suffex, Sceptesbury or Shaftsbury in Dorſet-
ſhire, Domnitone or Dountone, Theodulvefide, Saresberie, E
Wilton, Malmesbury, Chrichlade, and Caun in Wilts.
Lideford and Totneffe in Devon, Colcefter and Maldon in
Effex, Winchelcumb in Gloceſterſhire, Hereford, Snotting-
ham, or Nottingham, theſe have the bare Names only of
Burghs, or fome Burgeffes are faid to have lived in them,
without any thing relating to their Quality, or Condition. :
I ondon and Winchefter are not defcribed in this Survey,
in Worceſter, Derby, and Lincoln, the Name of Burgeſs
not mentioned. Briftol not to be found in the Survey, it was
made a City and County 47 Ed. 3. though a Burgh long before,
Bridgewater not to be found there, nor Minehead, Lin or
Len in Norffolk only mentioned, but not as a Burgh, or Town
of note.
126. Col. I.
'Tis only faid of Glocere. Tempore Regis Edwardi
[1] Reddebat Civitas de Glowceftre XXVI Lib. numera- [1] Domeid. f.
tas & XII Sextaria Mellis ad menfuram ejufdem Burgi, in the
time of King Edward, the City of Glocefter paid Thirty Six
Pounds by Tale, and Twelve Sextaries or Gallons of Honey,
according to the meaſure of the fame Burgh, nothing further
of this Burgh or any Burgeffes therein.
eo. Si vero
a. Cal. I.
And of Leicéfter thus. Civitas de [2] Ledecefter Tem-[2] Ibid.f.236.
pore Regis Edwardi reddebat per annum Regi XXX Lib.
ad numerum & XV Sextaria Mellis. Quando Rex ibat in
B Exercitu per Terram de ipio Burgo XII Burgenfes ibant cum
Si vero per Mare in hoftem ibat, mittebant ei quatuor
Equos, dc eodem Burgo ufque Londoniam ad Comportanda
Arma, & alia quæ opus Effent. That is, The City of Lei-
cefter in the time of King Edward paid yearly to the King
Thirty Pounds by Tale, and Fifteen Sextaries of Honey, when
the King marched with his Army by Land, there went with him
Twelve Burgeffes of this Burgh, when he went by Sea against
an Enemy, he had Four Horfes fent from the fame Burgh to
London to carry Arms, or other Neceffaries; nothing more of
this Burgh, or its Burgeffes in the Survey.
Sir Edward
Coke, fays, all
Biſhops Sees
are Cities, &c.
We may note from both theſe laft Towns, there was not then
much difference between a City and Burgh, both Appellations
being given to one and the fame Town; Leiceſter never had
* Bishops, and at this time Glocefter had none, the great di-
ftinction grew, after Cities were made Counties by Charter.
Nor was the Condition of London (unleſs Men would think
otherwife from the largeness of the place only,) much better.
or the Liberties, and Privileges of it, more, or much greater
E than those of other Cities, and great Burgh's. Notwithstanding
the Prodigious Flatteries, and Elevating Haran ues, it hath
been puffed up with by the Author of Londinum * Triumphans, * A Book
Printed and Dedicated to the Men in Authority, in the Year 1682. Fables, and the
And by the Writings of many others, Ancient and Modern, who Perverted Hi-
either on purpoſe, or occafionally, wrote what they found con- good Authors.
cerning this City, without Examination, and fo were Deluded
by fuch as went before them, or by their own Imaginations, or
Apprehenfions. Fudging of its former State and Condition, (or
at least what in their Opinion it ought to be,) according to the
prefent Splendor, and Appearance of it.
compoſed of
ſtory of ſome
iv |
And to Demonftrate what I have here faid, I canfed the
Charters made to the City of London, by Henry the First,
Henry the Second, Richard the First, and King John, to be
Printed in the Appendix, N. 17. and 18. And likewife the
Charters of Winchefter, Lincoln, York and Norwich Grant-
ed in the fame Times, by comparing of which one with another,
there will be found but little difference in their Compofitions,
or in the Immunities, Liberties, and Privileges Granted by
them. Except that, the Citifens of London by the Kings
Grant, had Power, and Liberty to Diftrein the Goods of any
other Citifens, or Burgeffes, or of any * Inhabitants of the
Counties, where fuch Foreign Citifens or Burgeffes lived, that
were indebted to them, if found in London, as is to be feen in B
the Charter of King Henry the Firft, N. 17. f. 27. A. and
the Confirmation of it in General Words, in all the Subfequent
Charters, before noted, whereas the Citifens and Burgeffes of
*See Dunwich other Cities, and Burghs, by their Charters, had not Power to
above. The Diftrein the Goods of a Country-Man, or Inhabitant of the
other Ancient County for their Debts, if they were not * Debtors to them,
or Sureties for others.
* See the Char-
ter of Dunwich
N.3.b. f. 11.
Charter as
like in many
Charters of
The Cities of Norwich, and Lincoln, bad all the Liber
ties and Free-Cuftoms, of the City and Citiſens of London,
in fuch manner as when they did beft, and most freely enjoy
them. See Appendix N. 20. and 22. Tet never pretended to,
then, fuch unthought-of Liberties.
And after thefe times, whoever will take the pains toread D
all the Charters of London, Tranflated into English by S. G.
Gent. (though not fo exactly as he pretends,) and Dedicated to
Sir Robert Clayton, when Lord Mayor,) which were Grant-
ed by King Henry the Firſt, and our Succeffive Kings, will
find, that all the Great Privileges and Liberties, that City lately
enjoyed or pretended to, were the Grants of the Kings Progeni- E
tors; and also find them Succeffively, and particularly Granted,
as the Citifens Petitioned, Bargained, or Compounded for
them. And therefore no Reafon for them to plead Immemorial
Cuftont, or Prefcription for all, or moft things, that might have
been found Granted by Charter, if thofe imployed had had
Time, or Will, to have Induſtriously perufed them.
#oi moiti
somaruaigh kno
(331 ..
Hen for my own private Satisfaction I first began to inquire
into the Original Conftitution of Burghs, in this and Foreign
Nations What they were, and Whence their great Liberties
and Priviledges, I could not find any thing in all our Wri-
tex's, an Books, whofoever, or whatsoever they were, to, and in which a
Rational Inquirer might give his Affent, and, in fome meaſure, reft fa-
And therefore I had Recourfe unto Records, and looked into thoſe
Great Monuments of Antiquity, and Difcoverers of Truth, that I
might bring to light Things themselves, and Matter of Fact concerning
them. And for the clearer Demonſtration of what I intended to evince,
have produced all the Instances of Cities, Burghs and Towns, in Both
the Books called Domefday-Books, from whence I could receive any Sa-
tisfaction about the Condition and Import of Burghs in the Saxon
Many other Places not. Noted in this Treatife, are either only called
Burghs in the Conqueror's Survey, or there are Burgeffes only men-
tioned in the Defcription of them; feveral of which are not now esteemed
Burghs mar is there any Light or Information to be had from them what
Burghs or Burgefles then were; as Torchfey, Louth, and Stanford in
Lincolnshire, Stainings in Suffex; yet 'tis faid in the Defcription of
this Town, That there were in the Burgh (which was a distinct part of
it} CXXIII. * Honſes, that paid a C. Shillings and a C. Pence, that * Mafure.
they mare built upon a Plough-Land and half, and the Inhabitants in the
time of King Edward did Servile Works, at the Lords Court as Vil-
Col. 2.
lains ufed to da, Ad Curiam Operabant, ficut Villani, Tempore Re-* Domesday,
gis Edwardi; Sceptesbury or Shaftsbury in Dorfet fhire, Domnitone fol. 17. a.
or Dountone, Theodulvefide, Saresberie, Wilton, Malmsbury, Chrich-
lade, and Caun in Wilts; Lideford and Totnefs in Devon, Colcheſter
and Maldon in Effex, Winchelcumb in Glocefterfhire, Hereford, Snot
tingham or Nottingham. Thefe have the Bare Names only of Burghs,
or fome Burgeffes are faid to have lived in them, without any thing re-
lating to their Quality and Condition.
London and Winchester are not Defcribed in this Survey; in Wor-
cefter, Derby and Lincoln, the Name of Burgeſs not mentioned. Bri-
ftol not to be found in the Survey, it was made a City and County 47
Edw. 3. though a Burgh long before; Bridgewater not to be found
there, nor Minhead, Lin or Len in Norfolk, only mentioned, but not as
a Burgh, or Town of Note.
* Domefd.
'Tis only faid of Glocefter, Tempore Regis Edwardi * Reddebat
fol.126. Col.1. Civitas de Glouceſter XXXVI. Lib. numeratas & XII. Sextaria Mel-
lis ad Menfuram ejufdem Burgi. In the time of King Edward, the
City of Glocefter paid Thirty Six Pounds by Tale and Twelve Sextaries
or Gallons of Honey according to the Measure of the ſame Buigh.* Ng-
thing further of this Burgh,, or any Burgeffes therein.
*Ibid. f.230.a.
Col. I.
* Sir Edward
Coke fays, all
Biſhops Sees
are Cities, &c.
And of Leicefter thus, Civitas de Ledecefter Tempore Regis Ed-
wardi Reddebat per Annum Regi XXX. Lib. ad numerum, & XV.
Sextaria Mellis, Quando Rex ibat in Exercitu per Terram de ipfo
Burgo XII Burgenfes ibant cum eo: Si vero per Mare in Hoftem ibat,
Mittebant ei Quatuor Equos, de eodem Burgo ufque Lundoniam ad
Comportanda Arma & alia quæ opus effent. That is, the City of Ley-
ceſter, in the time of King Edward, paid Tearly to the King Thirty
Pounds by Tale, and Fifteen Sectaries of Honey; when the King marched
with his Army by Land, there went with him Twelve Burgeffes of this
Burgh; when he went by Sca against an Enemy, he had four Horfes fent
from the fame Burgh to London to carry Arms, or other Neceſſaries; no-
thing more of this Burgh or its Burgeffes in the Survey.
We may note from both thefe laft Towns, there was not then much dif-
ference between a City and Burgh, both Appellations being given to one.
and the fame Town; Leiceſter never had* Biſhops, and at this time Glọ-
cefter had none,
the great Diftinction grew, after Cities were made
Counties by Charter.
Nor was the Condition of London much better than other Cities and C
great Burghs, or the Liberties and Privileges much greater, unless Men
would think otherwife from the largeness of the place only, judging of its
former State and Condition (or at least what in their Opinion it ought to
be) according to the prefent fplendor, and appearance of it.
And to demonftrate what I have here faid concerning London, I have
caufed the Charters made to that City by Henry the First, Henry the Se-
cond, Richard the First, and King John, to be Printed in the Appen-
dix, N. 17 and 18. And likewife the Charters of Wincheſter, Lincoln,
York and Norwich, Granted in the fame Times; by comparing of which
one with another, there will be found but little difference, in their Com-
pofitions, or in the Immunities, Liberties and Privileges Granted by
The Cities of Norwich and Lincoln had all the Liberties, and Free
Cuſtoms of the City and Citizens of London, Granted to them, in fuch
manner as when they did beft, and most freely enjoy them. See Append.
N. 20 and 22. yet never pretended to, then, fuck great Liberties.
And after thefe Times, whoever will take the pains to read all the
Charters of London, Tranflated into English by S. G. Gent. (though
not fo exactly as he pretends) which were Granted by King Henry the
First and our Succeffive Kings, will find that all the Great Privileges
and Liberties that Huge City doth now enjoy, or pretend to, were the
Grants of the Kings Progenitors; And alfo find them fucceffively, and
particularly Granted, as the Citizens Petitioned, Bargained or Čom-
pounded for them. And therefore there is no Reafon for pleading of F
Immemorial Cuſtom or Preſcription for all or most things, that might
have been found Granted by Charter, with ſmall Skill and Trouble.
Engliſh Burghs,
SAAC CAUSABON in his Comment upon
Strabo, and others will have the Greek nupf,
and the Latin Burgus to be the fame, and the
later to be derived from the former, and fo
to fignifie a Tower, a Caftle, or City. He adds,
That the Thracians and Macedonians pronoun-
ced the word Bupy in ftead of пúgy☺.
Cluverius in his [1] Germania Antiqua, [1] F. 89, 90.
contradicts Canfabon, and afferts Burg to be a pure German word,
man word.
and that it fignifies, The Placing or Situation of many Houſes toge- Burg a Ger-
ther, which was called a Vicus or Street, or Rows of Houſes cloſe to
one another. Not that every Vicus, Street, or Congregation of Hou-
ſes was a Burg, but fuch only as were the Head or Chief of fome
Tuum, Ton,
Tur, Town,
Tune, what
they were.
[3] Ibidem.
Burgs why fo
Burgh or Berg
what it figni-
[3] Lib.2. Tit.
45. C. 27.
[4] Lib. 3.
Tit. 57.
Burg fignifies
a City, Bo-
rough or
Country or Nation; as Batenburg was the chief Town of the Bita-
vi, &c. And further notes, That the word in its moſt ancient fig-
nification denotes an Inclosure or hedge, which was otherwife called
Tuun or Tupn, in the fame fenfe as, we anciently ufed Zon, or Tun,
and now do Tom, and the Scots Tune: Which by the French are
rendred Bourg or Bang ade. To this purpoſe [2] Luitprandus (who
lived about the year 940.) fpeaking of the Burgundians, fays, fi
Domorum Congregationem qua Muro non Clauditur Burgum vegant, A
They called a Congregation of Houſes which were not incloſed with
a Wall, a Burg. That is, it was a great Town, not Walled about.
Du Frefa in his Gloffary agrees with Claverins, and ſays, The
Latins, French and Germans at firft called Numbers of Houfes joyned
together Burgs, from whence their great Towns had the fame Name,
and that afterwards many Towers and Castles were built for the Se-
curity of thoſe Towns against the Attempts of Enemies, which B
were alfo called Burgs, which is proved by the Termination of ma-
ny German Towns in Burg; and therefore afferts the word to be ra
ther French, or German, than Greek,
Wendelin in his Salic Gloffary of Atuatic Words informs us, That
Bergh or Berg ſometimes fignified Receptaculum, a place of Receit,
as in Dallo-bergum, a word derived from Dallus or Pallum, a
Convention for the Determining of Law-Cafes, and Berg the Houſe
or Place where it was kept. So in the Laws of the [3] Lombards,
Volumus utique, ut Domus à Comite, in loco ubi Mallum tenere debeat,
constituatur, ut propter Calorem Solis, & pluviam publica utilitas non
remaneat. We will, That a Houſe be built by the Earl where the
Mall or Affifes ought to be holden, left the Public Benefit be hindred
or put off, by the heat of the Sun, or Rain. Alfo in the [4] Capi-
tulars, Ut in loco ubi Mallos publicos habere folent, Tectum tale Confti-
tuatur, Quod in hiberno & Eſtate Obfervatum effe poffit. We will, D
That in the place where Public Malls of Law-Conventions ought to
be kept, there may be fuch a Roof or Covering provided, as they
may be holden in Winter and Summer; in this fenfe hierberg is now
an Inn, or Houſe of Common Receit: which was at firſt a place of
Receit for Souldiers, (from Here an Army, and Berg as before) and
upon the Public Roman ways. Whence the fame Author ex-
plaining the word Berg, faith, That in the Compofition of Dal
berg, &c. Non fignificat Montem aut Tumulum, fed Receptaculum & E
Tutamen adverfus Tempestatum injurias, &c. It doth not fignifie an
Hill, or Hillock, Barrow, Tomb or Grave, but a place of Recett and
Security againſt the Injury of Weather. Unde Burgen & Bergen
eft Tegere ac Tueri, &c. from whence Burgen and Bergen fignifie to
Cover and Defend: And from thence Dalsberg in Dutch, is an
Iron Gorget or Collar to Defend the Neck. Heutberg, and haut or
Hauberg an Ivon Helmet to Defend the Head, and Bainberg Tron
Boots to Defend the Legs.
Somner in his Saxon Dictionary tells us, That Burg fignifies a City,
Fort, Fortress, Tower, Castle, à Bourough, Free-Bourough or Town
Town Corpo- Corporate, and Cites Otfrid for its Derivation from the Saxon
Beorgan in Tutum recipere, fervare, to preferve and keep in ſafety.
GJ and
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 3
The Author of the [5] Court-Law of Norwey gives the fame fenfe [5]P.708.709.
of the word Burch, Burgh, Borgh. Burgum, Munimentum, lo-
cus Editus, & Munitus, ad falutem hominum. A Berghen in Tutum
recipere, fervare.
And whether Burgh was taken for a place of Strength, or a place
A of Frade, as it was Guarded with the Liberties and Priviledges grant-
ed by Princes, then (and perhaps now) altogether neceffary to the
advantage of Buying, Selling, and Trading, by which Tradeſmen
quietly and without difturbance enjoy the Benefit of it, Burghs
might truly be called Places of Safety, Protection and Privilege. But
enough of the Notation of the word. I fhall proceed to fhew what
Cities and Burghs were, in reference to Trade and other Matters, and
of what Value and Reputation the Inbabitants or Burgeffes were in
B the Saxon Times, and afterwards; when they became Parlement-
Norfulc [6] Rex,
Eft Hund. de Flec.
[6] Little
fol. 118.
in the time of
King Edward
as at the time
of making the
[7] Append.
N. 1.
Germemwa tenuit Rex Edwardus femper LXX Burgenfes, King Tarmouth.
Edward held Tarmouth, there were always 70 Burgaffes. And there* i. e. as well
is in the Survey it ſelf nothing further faid of thefe Burgeffes, what
they or their Candition was. But in a Controverfie [7] that hap-
pened between the Burgeles of Tarmouth and the Tenents of the Ma-
ner of Luthinglond in Gorlton and little Yarmouth, in the 12th of
Henry the Third, about Lading and Unlading of Goods, it appears
they were Merchants and Traders at Sea, and upon the Water. That
the Kings of England kept this' Burg in their own Hands, and re-
ceived by their Officers the Profits of the Port, until the time of King
John, who in the 9th year of his Reign [8] Granted the Burg in [8] Append.
Fee-Farm to the Burgeffes for ever, at the Rent of Fifty Five Pounds N. 2.
by the Year to be paid by the Provoft or Bayliff of Larmouth, and
Granted they fhould yearly chufe a Bayliff amongst themſelves, fit
both to ferve him, and themſelves.
[8] Norfulc.
Hundred de Tetford Terre Regis in Tetford, &c. After an
Eftimate made of the Lands and Mills belonging to
the King and Earl or Sheriff, it follows.
[8] Domesday
ut fupra:
In Burgo autem erant DCCCCXLIII Burgenfes Tempore Regis Ed- Thetford.
wardi, de hio Rex omnem confuetudinem habet. De iftis hominibus erant
F XXXVI Dominici Regis Edwardi, ut non poffent effe homines Cu-
juflibet, fine licentia Regis; Alii omnes poterant effe homines Cujuflibet,
fed femper tamen Confuetudo Regis remanebat præter Derigere. Modo
funt DCCXX Burgenſes & CCXXIII Manfura vacue. De iftis Bur
genfibus XXI habent VI Càrucat as & LX acr. quas tenent de Rege, &c.
That is, In the Burg there were 944 Burgeffer in the Time of King
Edward, and the King had all the Custom they paid, or had of them
* B 2
4 1
[9] Ibid.f.304.
&f. 311. b.
all forts of Cuſtom, of thoſe Men there were 36 fo much under the
Power of King Edward, or fo much his Vaffals, as they could not
be the Vaſſals of, or have any other Man to be their Patron, withi
Out his Licence, all the other might put themſelves under the Patro
nage or Protection of any other Lord. But fo as their Cuſtom al-
ways remained to the King, except only the Hereot. Now there
are 720 Burgeffes, and 224 Houfes or Dwellings void. Of theſe
Burgeffes 21 have fix Plough-Lands and 60 Acres, which they held A
of the King, &c.
Terra [9] Roberti Malet in Sudfulc.
Dunewic [9] Tenuit Edzicus de Lelefelde T. R. E. pro uno Ma-
nerio, & modo Robertus Daler Tunc II Caruc. Terra, modo I, Marę
abftulit aliam, & femper I Car. in Dominio Tunc XII Bordar. Modo II
XXIIII Franci homines de XL acr. Terra, & omnem confuetudinem
reddunt huic Manerio,& Tunç C & XX Burgenfes, & modo CCXXXVI.
Edric de Lefefelde held Dunewic in the time of King Edward for
one Maner, and now Robert Balet holds it. Then there were two
Plough-Lands, now one, the Sea hath washed away the other, and
there was alway one Plough-Land in Demeafn, then twelve Bordars,
now two, and 24 French, or Free-Men, each 40 Acres, who pay all
Cuſtom to this Maner, and then 120 Burgeffes, and now 236, &c.
For the Quality of this Burg and the Condition of the Burgeffes, fee
* Append.N.3. the Grant and Confirmation of their Liberties, 1 Johannis in the * Ap-
pendix, N. 3.
[1] Domeſday
ut fupra,
f. 1 18. a.
*Ralph de
Guader that
againſt the
[1] Norfulc.
Franci de Norwic. In Novo Burgo XXXVI Burgenfes VI Anglici,
& ex Annua confuetudine reddebat .unufquifque 5 d. præter Forisfactu
ras, de hoc toto habebat Rex Duas partes, & Comes Tertiam. Modo
XLI Burgenfes Franci in Dominio Regis & Comitis, & Rogerus Bigot
habet L, & Radulfus de Bellofago XIIII, & Hermerus VIII, & Rober-
tus Arbaliftarius V. & Fulcherus homo Abbatis I & Ifac. I& Rad,
Vifo Lupi I & in Priftring Comitis III. And then it follows, Tota
Terra Burgenfium erat in Dominio Comitis, & Rad. Conceffit Regi in E
Commune ad faciendum Burgum inter fe & Regem ut Teftatur Vice-
comes, & omnes Terra ifta tam Militum, quam Burgenfium reddunt
Regi fuam Confuetudinem.
19 ab.
There were 36 French Burgeffes in Norwich, in the New Burg, and
fix Engliſh, and every one paid an Annual Cuftom of befides
their Mulds or Forfeitures. The King had two parts of the whole,
and the Earl the third part. Now there are 41. French Burgeffés F
Haffals to the King, and Earl; and Roger Bigot hath 50, and
Ralph de Bellefago hath 14, and Hermer 8, and Roberta Manager of
Battering Engines 5, Fulcher Vaffal to the Abbat 1, and Taac I, and
Ralph Wolfs-face 1, and three in the Earls Bake, or Grinding-Houfe.
All the Land of the Burgeffes (in the New Burg) was the Demeafn
of Earl Ralph, who Granted it to the King in Commune with him-
| 5
Engliſte Burghs, or Bouroughs.
Castle, or the
ſelf, to* make a Burg, to be (that is the Profits of it) between him (* This was the
and the Kings and all thofe Lands which were the Knights or Bur-
geffes paid their Rent to the King.
In the old City, or Burg.
Land about the
Caſtle, which
was within its
outinoft Ditch;
or within its
more imme-
diate Jurifdi-
In [2] Norwico de MĊCXXXVIIÌ Burgenfibus Rex & Comes ha- [2] Domef. ut
bent Socam, Saçam, & confuetudinem, de L Stigandus habuit Socam, Jupra, f. 116.
Sacam & Commendationem, de XXII Heroldus habuit Socam, Sacam
& Commendationem, & unus eorum ita Dominicus effet ut non potuit
decedere vel homagium facere fine ejus Licentia.
In Norwich the King, and Earl have the Jurifdiction and Cuſtom
of 1238 Burgelles, Stigand had the Jurifdiction and Protection, or
Money for the Protection of 50, and Herold of 22; whereof one
was fo much his Vaffal, as he could not depart or do Homage to any
other, without his Licence.
[3] Devenefcire.
In Civitate Exonia habeť Rex ĊĊC Domus XV. minus redden-
tes Confuetudinem, in hac Civitate funt vaftate XLVIII Domus_poſt:
quam Rex venit in Angliam. Burgenfes Exoniæ urbis habent Extra
Civitatem Terram XII Carucat. Qua nullam Confuetudinem reddunt
nifi ad ipfam Civitatem,
In the City of Excefter the King hath 315 Houfes more or leſs
paying Rent in this City, 48 lying waft, fince the King came into
D England. The Burgeffes of the City of Excefter have 12 Plough-
Lands without the City which pay no Cuftom, or Rent, unleſs to
the City it felf
This is all that is to be found in the Defcription of Exceftre, con-
cerning the Inhabitants or Burgeſſes of that place.
Terra [4] Regis.
[3] Great
Domefd. Book
f. 100. a. Col.ı.
[4] Ibid.Col.2.
Rex babet Burgum Barneftaple, Rex Edwardus habuit in Dominio ibi Barne-
funt intra Burgum XL Burgenfes & IX funt Extra Burgum, inter staple.
omnes reddunt Regi XL Sol ad penfum, Epifcopo Conftantienfi XX* He was pro-
Sol. ad numerum. This is all of this Burg, and its Burgeffes.
The King hath the Burg of Barneftaple, King Edward had it in
Fr Demeafn, there are, within the Burg 40 Burgeffes and nine without,
amongſt them all they pay the King 40 s. by weight, and the Bishop
of Conftance: 20$ by Tale.
A ei gred.
bably their
Protector, or
© Rex habet [5] Burgam Lideford, Rex Edwardus Tenuit in Dos Lideford.
mento, ibi funt XXVIII' Burgenſes intra Burgum & XL. Extra, inter [5] Ibid.
omves reddunt Regi LX Sob ad penfum, & habent II Carus. Terra
Extra Burgum.
[6] Domefd.
ut fupra, f. 56.
a Col. 2.
The King hath the Burg of Lideford, King Edward held it in De-
meafn, there are within the Burg 28 Burgeffes, and 41 without,
amongst them all, they pay the King 60 s. by Weight, and they
have two Plough-Lands without the Burg, this is all of this Burg,
and its Burgeffes.
[6] Berroche Scire.
In Burgo de Walingford habuit Rex Edwardus VIII Virgatas Terra,
& in his erant CCLXXVI Haga reddentes XI Lib. de Gablo, Ga.
* From the In the Burg of Walingford King Edward had eight Virgates of Land,
Saxon Haegh
a Houfe, which upon which were 275 Hages or Houfes, paying eleven Pound Rent.
was common- The reft of the Defcription of this Burg is a long and rude Catalogue
ly Ditched, or of all the Hages or Houfes belonging to this Town, and their Own B
ers being either in Barkſhire or Oxford-fire fides. With their Rents
or Cutomes, many whereof belonged to Forreign Maners, not one
word of any Burgeffes in the Survey. But by the Charter of King
[7] Henry the Second, there were many and large Liberties and Pri
viledges granted them by the Name of Burgeffes of Walingford.
Hedged about,
whence our
word Haye, or
[7] Append.
N. 4.
[8] Little
[9] Domefd.
ut Supra, f.
319. b.
[8] Sudfolc.
De Dimid. Hund. de Gepefwit.
In Burgo erant Tempore Regis Edwardi DXXXVIII Burgenfes red-
dentes confuetudinem Regi, & habebant XL acr. Terræ. Modo vero
funt CX Burgenfes, qui confuetudinem reddunt, &C pauperes Burgen-
fes, qui non poffunt reddere ad Geltum Regis nifi unum. Denarium de fuis
Capitibus& CCCXXVIII. Vaftata funt, &c. In the Burg of Gipwic,
or Ipfwich, there were in the time of King Edward 538 Burgeffes
which paid Cuftom to the King, and had 40 Acres of Land, now
there are only 110 Burgeffes which pay Cuftom, and roo poor Bur-
geffes, which can only pay one Penny a Head, and 328 Manfions lye
wafte; nothing more of this Town as a Burg, or of its Burgeffes.
Terra [9] Roberti Malet. Hund. de Hertefiera.
Ejam Tenuit Edricus XII Car. Terre T. R. E. Modo Tenet R. in
Dominio, &c. Et modo [1] mercatum, & [1] Pancus, & in Mer-
cato Manent XXV Burgenſes. Huic Manerio pertinent XLVIII focmani
CXXI acr. Terræ. Ex his focmannis funt XXXVII in Dominio, &c.
The Land of Robert Malet, in the Hundred of Hartefmer.
Edric held Eye, there were 12 Plough-Lands in the time of King
Edward, now Robert holds it in Demeafn, &c. And now there is a
Market, and a Pound for Cattle, or rather a Park for Deer. And to
the Market belong 25 Burgeffes. To this Maner there belonged 48
Secmen, who had 131 Acres of Land, of theſe Socmer there were
Engliſh Burghs, or Boúroughs.
37 in Demean, or the Lords Vaffals.
Burgeffes of this Town.
This is all concerning the
[1]. Bochingham Scire:
Bochingham [1] cum Bortone pro una Hida fe defendebat T. R.[1] Great
AE. & modo fimiliter facit. Terra eft VIII Caruc. in Dominio funt II Domefd. Book,
Villani habent III Car. & Dimid. &adhuc Due & Dimid, 143. Col. I.
poffunt fieri. Ibi funt XXVII Burgenfes & XI Bordar. & II Servi, ham.
lbi. 1. Molin. de XIIII Sol. Pratum VIII Car. paftura ad Pecuniam
Ville. In totis valentiis T. R. E. reddebat X Lib.´ad Numeram, Modo
reddit XVI Lib. de albo argento. "
Ecclefiam hujus Burgi Tenet Remigius Epifcopus & Terram IIII
B Caruc. Qua ad eam pertinet ibi funt IIII Carucæ & IlÍ Villani & III
Bordar X Cotar. Et I Molin! X Solidor. Pratum II Car. Ne-
mus ad fepes, valet & valuit VI Lib. T. R. E. VIỊ Lib. bảnc Ec-
clefiam Tenuit Willielmus Epifcopus de Rege E.
In hoc Burgo Epifcopus Conftantienfis habet III Burgenfes quos tenuit
Wluvard filius Eddeve hi reddunt VI Sol. & VI Denar. per annum
& * Regi reddunt XI Denar.
* Q. Whether
this not Gel-
tum Regis,
Hugo Comes habet I Burgenfem qui fuit homo Burcardi de Senelay which is fre-
hic reddit XXVI Denar. per annum, & Regi V Denar.
qnently faid to
be paid by
Burgeffes in
Robertus de Olgi habet I Burgenfem qui fuit homo Azor f. Toti, General
hic reddit XVI Denar. per annum, & Regi V Denar.
Rogerius de Juri habet IIII Burgenfes qui fuerunt homines ejufdem
D Azor hi reddunt VII Sol. & VI Denar. & Regi XIII Denar.
Hugo de Bolebec.habet IIII Burgenfes qui fuerunt homines Alrici.
Hi reddunt XXVIII Denar. & Regi XII Denar.
Manno Brito habet IIII Burgenfes qui fuerunt homines Eddeve fe-
mine Syred hi reddunt XXIX Denar: Regi nil Debent.
Hafcojus Mufart habet I Burgenfem qui fuit homo Azor. f. Mufart.
Toti, hic reddit XVI Denar. & Regi II Denar.
Ernulfus de Hefding babet I Burgenfem qui fuit Wilaf hic reddit
per-annum II Sol. & Regi III Denar.
Willielmus de Caftellon de Feudo Epifcopi Baiocenfis habet II Bur-
genfes, qui fuerunt homines Leuvini Comitis hi reddunt XVI Denar.
F&Regi modo Nichil. Sed T. R. E. reddebat III Denar.
De Feudo Alberici Comitis I Burgens reddit Regi II Denar.
Leuumus de Neuucham habet V Burgenfes & T. R. E. habuit,
Hi reddunt ei IIII Sol. per annum & Regi XII Denar.
Buching ham
* A Norman
Bochingham with Borton was Taxed for one Hide in the Time of
King Edward, and now likewife, the Arable is eight Plough-Lands.
There are two in Demeafn, and the Villans have three Plough-Lands
and half, and yet there may be two more and half. There are 27
Burgeſſes, and eleven Bordars, and two Servants, there is one Mill
of 14s. Rent, Meadow fufficient for the eight Plough-Lands. Pa-
ture for the Cattle of the Town, for all Dues it paid in the Time of A
King Edward Ten Pounds by Tale, now it pays Sixteen Pounds of
White Money.
Bishop Remigius holds the Church of this Burg, and four Plough-
and Bifhop of Lands which belong to it. There are four Ploughs, and three Villans,
and three Bordars, and ten Cotars and one Mill of 10 s. Rent. Mea-
dow fufficient for two Ploughs, and Wood fufficient for Hedges, it is
and was worth Six Pounds by the Year, in the Time of King Edward B
it was worth Seven Pounds, Biſhop Wluni held this Church of King
* In Norman-
The Burgeffes
of Bucking-
bam paid a
yearly Rent to
their Patrons,
In this Burg the Biſhop of Conftance hath three Burgeſſes, which
Wlward the Son of Eddeve held; theſe pay Six Shillings and Six Pence
to him by the Year, and to the King Eleven Pence.
Earl Hugh hath one Burgefs who was the Comendatus, or under c
or Protectors. Protection of Burcard of Senelay, he paid Twenty Six Pence by the Year,
and to the King Five Pence.
*In Norman-
Robert D'oyly hath one Burgess who was the Man, or under the Pro-
tection of Azor the Son of Tot, he paid Sixteen Pence, and to the King
Five Pence.
Roger de Juri hath four Burgeffes which were under the Patronage D
of the fame Azor, theſe paid Seven Shillings and Six Pence, and to
the King Thirteen Pence.
Hugh de Bolebec hath four Burgeffes who were the Men, or under
the Patronage of Alric, theſe paid Twenty eight Pence, and to the
King Twelve Pence.
Manno a Britain hath four Burgeffes, which were the Men, or un- E
der the Protection of Eddeve the Wife of syred, theſe pay Twenty
nine Pence, they owe nothing to the King.
Haſcoy Mufart hath one Burgeſs who was under the Protection of
Azor Son of Tot. He paid Sixteen Pence, and to the King Two
Ernulf of Heſding hath one Burgess who was Wilaf's, he pays Two F
Shillings, and to the King Three Pence.
William de Caftellon Feudal Tenent to the Bishop of * Bajeux hath
two Burgeffes, who were under the Protection, or the Men of Earl
Leunin, thefe paid Sixteen Pence, and nothing now to the King, but
in the Time of King Edward they paid Three Pence.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
One Burgess was of the Fee of Earl Alberit, and paid to the King
Two Pence.
Leuuin of Nenueham hath Five Burgeffes, and had them in the Time
of King Edward. Theſe pay to him 4 s. by the year, and to the
King 12 Pence.
Here are all the 27 Burgeffes of this Burg Obnoxious to, and un
der the Protection of Foreign Lords, and Patrons.
a. Col. I.
Tempore [2] Regis Edwardi fuere in Northantone in Dominic Regis [2] Domeld.
LX Burgenfes habentes Totidem Manfiones, ex his funt modo XIV ut fura,f.219.
Vafte. Refidue funt XLVI. præter hos funt Modo in Novo Burgo Northam-
XL Burgenfes in Dominio Regis Willielmi
Burg was ei-
In the Time of King Edward there were in Northamton 60 De-
meafn-Burgelles of the King, or 60 Burgeffes Vaffals to him; that
had fo many Manfions, of which 14 are now wafte. The Refidue
are 46. Befides thefe, there are now in the New Burg 40 De- The New
meafn-Burgeffes of King William. This is all I find either concern-ther the Ca-
ing this as a Burg, or its Burgeffes; only a little further 'tis faid, ftle, or fituate
Burgenfes de Hantone reddunt Vicecomiti per Annum XXX Lib. & X within the
Sol. hoc pertinet ad firmam ipfius. The Burgeffes of Hamton pay to
the Sheriff 30 Lib. and ros. by the year, and it belongs to his Farm,
(that is, his Farm of the whole Shire.
Precinct of it.
Burgum [3] Hertford, pro X hidis fe Defendebat T. R. E. & modo [3] Demeld.
non facit, ibi erant CXLVT Burgenfes in Soca Regis Edwardi.
Alios XVIII Burgenfes habet Rex Willielmus, qui fuere homines Co-
mitis Heraldi, & Comitis Leuuini, omnes Confuetudines reddunt.
The Burg of Hertford in the time of King Edward was Taxed as
E much as Ten Hides, now not fo much: There were 146 Burgeffes
under the Liberty or Privilege of King Edward:
King William hath 18 others, that were the Me, or under the
Protection of Earl Herald, and Earl Leuuin. They paid all Cuſtoms.
Nothing more relating to Burg or Burgeffes in this place.
ut fupra,f.132.
a. Col.1.
[4] Domefd.
ut fupra,f.298.
a. Col. 1.
Quin-*Such as were
hofpinual Rent, and
let for an an-
In Eboraco [4] Civitate Tempore Regis Edwardi præter Scyram Ar-
chiepifcopi fuere WI Scyra, una ex his 'eſt Vaftata in Caftellis. In
que Scyris fuere Mille & Quadringente & Octodecim Manfiones
tate, &c bra
the Inhabitants
bound to re-
fide in them.
10 |
fuch as went
and came as
they pleafed.
De fupradictis omnibus Manfionibus funt modo hofpitate in manu Re-|
gis reddentes Confuetudinem quadringente IX Minus inter Magnas &
Parvas. Et CCCC Manfiones non Hofpitate, que reddunt Melior. I
Denar. & alie Minus, & Quingente & XL Manfiones ita vacue quod
nil omnino reddunt. Et CXLV Manſiones tenent Francigene.
In York City in the Time of King Edward, befides the Archhiſbop's
Ward or Divifion, there were fix Wards or Divifions, one of theſe A
was deftroyed when the Castles were built; in five there were 1418
Manfions inhabited, &c..
Of all theſe Manfions there are in the King's Poffeffion inhabited,
*Non hofpi- and paying Custom 409 great and ſmall, and 400 Mansions not in-
tate; ie. they habited, the best of which pays one Penny, and others lefs; and 540
ftant Inhabi-Manfions fo uninhabited as they yield nothing at all. The French
tants tied to hold 145. The reft of the Defcription of this City is taken up, in B
Refidence, but fetting down many particular Proprietors of Manfions, and fome
particular Customs and Privileges belonging to fome of them. No
mention of Burgeffes, but as it were after the following manner:
Sanitus Cutbertus habet I Domam quam Temper habuit, ut plures di-
cunt, quietam ab omni Confuetudine. Sed Burgenfes dicunt non eam
fuiffe quietam T. RE. nifi ficut anta Burgenfium, nifi tantum quod pro-
pter eam habebat Theloneum fuum, &c. Saint Cutbert, or the Church
of Durefm, hath one Houfe which it always had, as many fay, free C
from all Custom; but the Burgeles fay it was not free in the Time of
King Edward, otherwife than one of the Burgeffes Houſes was free,
except by reafon thereof he paid no *Toll.
* For things
bought and
fold in the
Market; cfpe-
cially Victu
[5] Domefd.
a. Col. I.
In Civitate [5] Cantuaria babuit Rex Edwardus L&I Burgenfes
ut fupra, f. 2. reddentes Gablum, & alios CC & XII fuper quos habebat Socam & D
Sacam, &c. Modo Burgenfes Gablum reddentes funt XIX. de aliis qui
fuerant XXXII obierunt, & adhuc funt CC & XII Burgenfes fuper.
quos habet Rex Sacam & Socam, &c.
*Money paid
for their Li-
berty and Pri-
* Probably
and Toll in
this place.
Burgenfes habuere XLV. Manfuras extra Civitatem, de quibus ipfa
habebant Gablum & Confuetudinem, Rex autem Sacam & Socam, ipfi
quoque Burgenfes habebant de Rege XXXIII Acr. prati in Gildar fram,
bas Domus & hanc Terram Tener Ranulphus de Columbels, shabet etiam E
quater XX Acras Terra fuper hæc Quas Tenebant Burgenfes in Alodia
de Rege, de his omnibus revocat ifdem Rannulfus ad Protectorem Epif-
copum Bajocenſem.
war, bo 2. At
In the City of Canturbury King Edward had Fifty one Burgeffes
paying Rent, and other 212 under his Privilege and Jurifdiction,
&c. Now the Burgeffes paying Rent are 19, the others which were
32 are dead, and yet there are 212 under the King's Privilege and F
The Burgeffes had Forty Five Houſes without the City, of which
they had the Rent and Custom, but the Kingshad the furusdiction and
Soke. The Burgeffes alſo had of the King Thirty Three Acres, of
Meadow which was toward the maintenance of their Guild, or be-
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
longing to their Society, befides thefe, which the Burgeffes held freely
of the King. For all theſe the fame Ranulf voucheth the Bishop of
Baieux for his Protector. Nothing more here concerning the *He held them
Terra Archiepiſcopi Ĉäñtuarienfis.
Archiepifcopus [6] Tenet Aldingtone in Dominio, &c.
In Romenel [6] funt quater XX & V Burgenfes qui
ad Aldintone Maner. Archiepifcopi, & valuerunt & modo
mino VI Lib.
The Archbishop holds Aldingtone in Demeafn, &c:
of him, and
he was his War
rant for the
pertinent [6] Domefd.
valent Do- ut fupra, f. 4.
In Romeney there are Eighty Five Burgeffes, which belong to Al-
dinton the Maner of the Archbishop, and they were worth, and now
are worth to the Lord Six Pounds, (that is, ſo much by the Year.)
[7] Huntedune Scire.
a Col. I.
* Pertinentes,
fervi qui ad a-
liquem perti-
nent, fubditi,
tenentes, &c.
Frefn, in
[7] Domiefd
ut fupra,fi203.
a Col. I,
Terræ tunc
In Burgo Huntedone furt IIII* Ferlingi. In duobus Ferling is T.
R. E. fuerunt & funt modo CXVI Burgenfes Confuetudines omnes &
Gëldum Regis reddentes; & fub eis funt C Bordarii qui adjuvant eos continebat 32
ad perfolutionem Geldi. De his Burgenfibus habuit San&us Benedi- acras Terra.
ctus de Ramefyg. X cum Saca & Soca, omni Confuetudine:Tantummodo don.
Geldabant T. R. E. Hos abftulit Euſtachiús per vim de Abbatia, & funt
modo cum ceteris in Manu Regis.
Ulf Fenife habebat XVIII Burgenfes, modo habet Giſlebertus de Gand
cum Saca & Soča præter Geldum Regis.
In the Burg of Huntington there were Four. Furlongs. In two of
them there are now and were in the Time of King Edward 116 Bur-
geffes, paying all Customs, and the Kings Tax, and under them are
100 Bordars which help them to pay the Tax. Of thefe Burgeffes
E the Abby of Ramely had Ten with Jurisdiction, and Soke-Money,
and all Custom. They were only Taxed in the time of King Edward.
Theſe Euſtachius (the Earl) took by force from the Abby, and they
are now with the reft in the Kings Hand.
Ulf Fenife had Eighteen Burgeffes, now Gilbert de Gand hath them,
with Jurifdiction and Protection-Money, except the Kings Tax.
The further Description of thefe Two Furlongs is in noting, whơ
had been Proprietors, and what Houfes had been deftroyed for a place
to build the Caſtle in.
In aliis duobus [8] Ferling is fuere & funt CXL Burgenfes ad om- [8] Ibidem.
nes Confuetudines & ad Geldum Regis, & ifti habebant quater XX Ha-
gas pro quibus dabant & dant omnes Confuetudines, de his babebat San-
C 2
12 |
[9] Domefd.
£246. a Col.
[1] Ibid. f.
&us Benedictus de Ramely XXII. T.R.E. Duo ex his fuere quieti ab'omɩ
nibus Confuetudinibus, & XXX reddidere quifque X Denar. per Annum.
In the other two Ferlings there were, and are 140 Burgeffes which
pay all Cuſtoms, and the Kings Tax, and they had Eighty Hages or
Houſes, for which they did give, and do give all Customs, of which
the Abby of Ramfey had Twenty two in the Time of King Edward
Two of theſe were free from all Customs, and Twenty paid every A
one Ten pence by the Year, the Refidue of the Survey of theſe two
Furlongs is as the other, nothing more of the Burgeffes.
Stadford Scire,
In Burgo de [9] Stadford habet Rex in fuo Dominio XVIII Bur-
genfes, the King hath in Demeafn Eighteen Burgeffes in the Burg
of Stafford, nothing further particularly about the Burg or Burgeffes..
Terra Henrici de Ferrariis, vel Ferieres.
Henricus de 1] Ferreres habet Caftellum de Toteberie, in Burgo
248. b Col. 1. circa Caftellum funt XLII homines de Mercato fuo tantum viventes,
& reddunt cum foro IIII Lib. & X. Sol.
Henry de Ferrers hath the Castle of Tutbury, in the Burg about the
ie Burgef-Caftle are XLII *. Men, which only Live upon his Market, and
they with the Market yeild Four Pounds and Ten Shillings.
[2] Domefd. f.
87. a Col. 2.
[3] Ibib. b
Col. I.
Rex tenet [2] Bade T. R. E. Geldabat pro XX Hid. Quando
Scira Geldabat. Ibi habet Rex LXIIII Burgenfes reddentes IHI Lib.
quater Viginti & X Burgenfes aliorum hominum reddunt ibi LX
The King holds Bath, in the Time of King Edward it was Taxed
at the rate of Twenty Hides, when the Shire was Taxed. There
the King hath Sixty four Burgeffes, paying him four Pound by the
Year, and there are Ninety under the Protection of other Men which E
pay Sixty Shillings yearly, nothing more of this Town or its Bur-
In [3] Tanton there is only mention of Sixty Four Burgeffes
which paid Thirty Two Shillings, but there are many Privileges
Taunton. noted to belong to that Town thẹn.
[4] Domeld. f.
52. a Col. I.
İn Burgo de [4] Hantune habet Rex in Dominio quáter XX homi,
nes IIII minus, qui reddunt VII Lib. de Gablo Terra, & totidem red-
diderunt T. R. E. In the Burg of Hamton the King hath in Demeafn,
or his immediate fubjection, Eighty Four Men or Tenents at leaft,
which pay Seven Pound Rent for their Land, and fo much they paid
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 13
in the time of King Edward, not one word of any Burgeſſes in the Sur
vey of this Town, unleſs thefe Eighty four Men were fuch, as there
can be no doubt but they were.
Terra Willielmi de Waren.
Burgum de [5] Lewes T. R. E. reddebat VI Lib. & III Solid.
&III obolos de Gablo & de Thelonea ibi Rex Edwardus habebat CXXVII a
Burgenfes in Dominio. The Burg of Lewes in the Time of King Ed
ward did yield 6 l. 43. 1 d. ob. for Rent and Toll. There King
Edward had 127 Burgeffes in Demeafn, or in immediate Subjection to
him, or that were his Vaffals.
Sudfex. Terra Comitis Meritonienfis.
[5] Ibid. f. 26.
Col. I.
In Burgo [6] Revenfek I. R E. fuere XXIIII Burgenfes in Do- [6] f. 20. b
minio Regis & reddebant de Gablo XIIII Sol. & VỊ Denar. de Thelo- Col. I.
neo XX Sol. De portu XXV Sol. De paftura VII Sol. & III Denar.
Epifcopus de Cicestre habebat V Burgenfes. Edmer Presbyter XV,
COrmer Presbyter V, Doda Presbyter III.
Quando Comes de Moritonio recepit, nifi XXVII Burgenfes, modo
habet ipfe in Dominio LX Burgenfes reddentes XXXIX Sol. de Gablo.
Theloneum III Lib. Moneta XX Sol.
Monachi de Moritonio VIII Burgenfès de LXVI Denar. Gifleber-
tus Vicecomes I Burgenfem de XX Denar. Willielmus de Cabainges II
D. Burgenfes de II Sol. Ausfridus III de II Sol. Giroldus II de VI Sol.
And fo others that had Burgeffes in this Burg to the Number of Forty
one Burgeffes under Leveral Patrons.
In the Burg of Pevenfey in the Time of King Edward there were
Twenty four Burgeffes in Demeafn of, or Vaſſals to the King, who paid
Fourteen Shillings and Six pence Rent. Tol. Twenty Shillings,
Port Custom, or for ufe of the Port Twenty five Shillings, for Pafture
E Seven Shillings and Three pence,
The Bishop of Chichester had Five Burgeffes, Emer a Prieſt
Fifteen, Damer a Prieft Five; Doba a Priet Three.
When the Earl of Moreton received this Burg,he had but Twen-
ty fèven Burgesses, now he hath in Demeafn Sixty Burgeffes, pay-
ing Thirty nine Shillings Rent, Tol. Four Pound, Money Twenty
F Shillings.
The Monks of Moreton had Eight Burgeffes which paid them* In Norman-
Sixty fix pence, Gilbert the Sherif one Burgefs which paid Twenty
William de Cabainges Two Burgeffes that paid him Two
Shillings. Ausfrid Four that paid Two Shillings Girold Two that
paid Six Shillings, Thefe were Annual Payments.
[7] Domefd. f.
In the City of [ Chichester, no mention of any Burgeffes, only
23. a Col. 1. of Hages, Houfes and Dwellings, and that it paid Ten Pound yearly
Chichester. to the King, and Five Pound to the Earl in King Edwards time.
That it was then worth but Twenty five Pound, yet it paid Thirty
five Pound.
[8] Ibidema
Caftrum [8] Harundel inter Burgum & Portům Aqua, & Confue- A
Arundel.tudinem Navium reddit XII Lib. & tamen valent XIII.
The Burg and Port, of the Caſtle of Arundel, with the Cuſtom of
Ships, yeilded Twelve Pounds, and were worth Thirteen Pounds.
Morinus habet ibi Confùetudinem de II Burgenfibus XII Denar. Er-
naldus I Burgenfem de XII Denar. San&us Martinus I Bergenfem de
XII Denar.
Morin had there the Cuftom of Two Burgeffes Twelve pence.
Ernald of One Burgeſs Twelve pence, the Church of St Martin one
Burgeſs Twelve pence.
Warwic Scire.
[9] Domefd. f.
In Burgo de [9] Warwic habet Rex in Dominio fuo CXIII Domas
238, a Col. 1.& Barones Regis habent CXII de quibus omnibus Rex habet Geltum fuum.
In the Burg of Warwic the King hath in his Demeafn 113 Houſes,
and the Kings Barons have 112, of all which the King hath his Tax.
And then the Survey notes all the Bishops, Abbats, Earls and Barons,
that were poffeffed of thoſe Houſes. Nothing further of the Bur-
geffes and Burg to any purpoſe, except theſe Words. In ipfo Burgo
XIX Burgenfes qui habent XIX Manfuras cum Saca & Soca & omni-
bus Confuetudinibus & ita habebant T. R. E. In this Burg there
are Nineteen Burgefes who had Nineteen Houſes, with Furifdi-
&ion, Protection-Money and all Customs, or Forfeitures incurred in
them, and fo it was in King Edward's time.
Terra Regis.
Rex tenet [1] Colefbelle, &c. Et in Tameworde X Burgenfes buic
Colebelle Manerio pertinentes. The King holds Colefbull and Ten Burgeffes in
&Tame Tamworth belonging to this Maner.
That is, paid their Customs
to the Lords of it.
*Ibid.f. 64. b.
verfus finem.
Terra Regis.
Rex * habet de tertio Denario de Chrichelade V Lib.
The King hath Five Pounds of the Third Peny of Cricklade.
English Burghs, or Boroughs.
| 15
Rex Tenet Albeborn, Ghida tenuit T. R. E. Geldabat pro XL*
Hidis, &c.Huic manerio pertinebant VI Burgenfes de Chrichelade red-
dentes LXIHI Denarios
The King holds Albeborn, Ghida held it in the Time of King Ed
ward,to this Maner there were Six Burgeſſes of Chrichelade Servants,
or bafe Tenents, who paid yearly Sixty four pence.
Ibid. fol. 65.
Col. 1.
C 7. fol. 15.
Epifcopus Sarifberienfis tenet Ramesberie, &c. In Chrichelade * Ibid. f. 66, a
huic Manerio pertinentes V Burgenfes, reddunt V Sol.
The Bishop of Salisberie holds Rameſberie, &c. In Chrichelade there
are Five Burgeffes, Servants, or Bafe Tenents to this Maner, who
paid Five Shillings yearly.
Col. t.
Ecclefia* Glaftinberienfis tenet Badberie, &c. In Chrichelade Ibid. f. 66. B
Burgenfis reddit Nr Denarios..
The Church of Glastonbury holds Badberie, &c. In Chrichelade,
one Burgefs paying Five pence by the Year.
Col. I.
Ecclefia Sancti Petri Weftmonaſterienfis tenet Ecclefiam de Chri- *Ibid. f. 67. a.
chelade, & habet ibi plures Burgenfes, & Tertium Denarium ejufdem
Villes Fotim fimul Reddit IX Lib. Quod habet: Sanctus Petrus Weft-
The Church of St Peter at Westminster, holds the Church of Chri-
chelade, and hath there many Burgeffes, and the Third Peny of the
fame Town; all together yeild to that Church, Nine Pounds
Col. 2.
· Ecclefia Sceptberienfis tenet Lèdington, &t. In Chrichelade I * Ibid. f. 67.
Burgenfis reddit VI Denarios.
The Church of Shaftsbury holds Ledington, &c. In Chrichelade
One Burgefs (that is, One Burgefs belonging to that Maner) who paid
Six Pence by the Year.
In Wallia.
In ipfo Maneria [2] Roelend eft fa&tum naviter Caftellum fimiliter [2] Ibid.f.269.
Roulent appellatum, ibi eft Noʊum Burgum & in eo XVIII Burgenfes a Col. 2.
inter Comitem & Róbertum.
In ipfo Anno hujus Deferiptionis datum eft ad firmam \bajus Burgi
Theloneum pro III Solid.
T .fl.
In the Maher of Roelent there was lately erected a Castle called
alfo Raclent Therelisa New Bug and in it Eighteen Burgeffes be-
​tween the Eart, (that is) Hugh Earl of Cheſhire;) and Robert (that
is, Robertide Roelent. quo ng of .
* That is, in
the year when
In the year of this * Deſcription, the Toll of this Burg was let to of Cheshire
Farm for Three Shillings.
and this Coun-
try was made.
16 |
the Savon
By theſe Inftances (which are all can be found in both Domeday
Books, that do give any light to the underſtanding what Burgs and
Burgeffes were in the Saxon times, and in the Reign of Edward the
Confeffor, as likewife afterward in the Reign of William the Conque-
Tradesmen in ror) we find the Burgeffes or Tradefmen in great Towns, had in thoſe
tires, and in times their Patrons under whofe Protection they Traded, and paid
the time of the an acknowledgement therefore; or elfe were in a more Servile Condi- A
Conqueror had tion, as being in Dominio Regis vel aliorum, altogether under the
Power of the King, or other Lords, and it ſeems to me that then they
Traded not, as being in any Merchant-Gild, Society and Community,
they Traded. but meerly under the Liberty and Protection given them by their
Lords and Patrons, who probably might have Power from the King
to Licence fuch a number in this or that Port, or Trading Town.
their Patrons,
under whoſe
And any Man would think the Charter of the Conqueror, obtained B
by William Biſhop of London, looked this way, and that it was a
meer Instrument of Protection rather than a Charter. The Saxon
[3] Vol. 3. f. Words are thefe, as they are found in [3] Holinfbead.
15. n. 20.
See thefewords
Ed. 4. part. 5.
Williem King gres Williem Bifceop & Godfred Port-Refan, & calle
in more plain ya Burgbwarn binnen London Frencife & Englife Frendlice, & ic Ki
Saxon, pat. 2. den eoy, yeet ic wille git ben ealra weera Lagay-Weord, ye get Weeran
m.23. per in- on Eadwerds Daege Kings. And ic Wille yeet aele Child by his Fader C
yrfnume after his Fader Daege. And ic nelle ge Wollian yeet adnig
Mian eoy aenis Wrang beode. God eoy heald. That is,
from Port an
་ ་
William the King Greets William the Bishop, and Godfrey the
*Port-Reve, Port-Reve, and all the Burgefes, or rather Inhabitants of the Burg,
Haven or Har- within London French and English Friendly. And I declare to you,
bour,andReve, that I will that you be all Law-Worthy as ye were in King Edward's
Days, and I will that each Child be his Fathers Heir, after his Fa- D
thers Days. And I will not that any Man command any Wrong to
be done to you. God you hold, or Keep.
an Officer,
Minifter, or
Bayliff, that
doth bufinefs
for other Men,
and the Port-
Reve was the
that looked
London, before
The Interpre-
There are two things remarkable in this Charter, (as 'tis call'd.)
Kings Bayliff, First, the Burgeffes were declared, all to be Law-Worthy. Secondly,
after his Cu-That their Children fhould be their Heirs. Now there were two
ftoms and Tolls ways of being Law-Worthy, or having the benefit of the Law. By the
in the Port of State and Condition of Mens Perfons, fo almoft all Free-Men had the E
they were let free benefit of the Law, but Men of Servile Condition had not, ef-
to Fee-Farm. pecially fuch as were in Dominio, in Demeafn, for they received
tation of the Justice from their Lords, were Judged by them in moft Cafes, and
had not the true benefit of the Law; fo neither as to the ſecond ob-
fervable in this Charter, "could their Children be their Heirs, for they
held their Lands and Goods at the Will of the Lord, and were not fure
to enjoy them longer than they pleaſed him. The Second way of
being Law-Worthy was, when Men had not committed any Crimes, F
or done any thing for which they forfeited the Law and deferved to
be Out-Lawed, than they were faid to be Legates homines, recti in
Curia, or Law-Worthy, but not fo properly as in the first Senfe of
the Word.
Charter, or
protection to
the City of
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 17
From hence we may make a very probable Conjure at the true
meaning of this Protection or Charter. It is not to be doubted, but
that the Burges of London had obtained of the Saxon Kings feveral
Liberties and Immunities, amongſt which this was one, to be fo far
Free, as not to be in Dominio, or fo Obnoxious to any Lord, but that
by reason of their State and Condition, they might be Law-Worthy,
A that is, have the free benefit of the Law, and had likewiſe further
obtained, (if it was not then a confequent of their Perſonal State
and Condition) that their Children fhould be Heirs of their Lands
and Goods, and in both theſe were Free from the Injuries, and un-
reaſonable Demands, and Power of any Severe Lord; So that all the
application made by their Bishop William, and not unlikely by
Godfrey the Port-Reve, to the Conqueror for them, was, that their
State and Condition might be the fame it was in King Edward's Days,
B that their Children might be their Heirs, and that they might in both
be Protected from the Injury and Violence of Imperious Lords, which
by the Prevalenty of their Bishop were granted; confidering there-
fore that by the foregoing Inftances it is clear, that many or moft
Burgeffes of other Burghs, were in Dominio either of the King, or
fome other Lords or Patrons, in the time of King Edward, and that
the Londoners might fear the Conqueror would break in upon their
Privileges, and reduce them to the fame Condition; this Explication.
Cfeems to difcover the Genuine meaning, and very Import of this Prg
tection, or, as 'tis commonly called, Charter.
He had alfo
been ihop of
London Six-
teen years, in
King Edwards
Burghs began.
How long in moſt Burghs, very many Burgeſſes remained in this A Conjecture
Servile State, or others in a Middle or Neutral State of between Ser- when the Free
vitude and Freedom; I cannot fay certainly, but do fuppofe, until condition of
our Ancient Norman Kings granted by their Charters, there fhould
be Merchant or Trading-Gilds, Communities and Societies, in Burghs,
Dand gave them * Free Liberty of Trade, without paying Toll or Cu-* See Append,
from any where, other than their Fee-Farm-Rent in Lieu of them, N. 1. a & b. &
where that was Referved; or to raife and Multiply fuch Payments ing great Yar-
by Incouragement of Trade, which by the Grants of fuch Liberties
did mightily Increaſe, where the Kings Bayliffs collected them.
N. 2. concern-
The Commu-
Foreign parts
In France and Countries adjoyning, the Chief and Ruling Inhabi-
tants of Cities, Burghs and Towns, that enjoyed theſe Privileges were
E çalled Communities, which in Latin were variouſly expreſſed, by the
Words [4] Commune, Communia, Communio, Communitas: Du Frefn [4] Du Fren,
in his Gloffary and Explication of thefe Words, fays, The Kings of in verbo.
France erected theſe Communities to cheque the Infolencies of their nities of Cities
great Vaffals, and to protect them from their over-grown Dominion and Burghs,
and Extravagant Power over them, that they reputed fuch Cities and here and in
Towns their own, where there were fuch Communities; and truely, erected or
for that the Inhabitants were in a manner Freed from the Dominion confirmed by
F of their Lords thereby, and became immediately Subject to their Kings,
who by reaſon of fuch Eſtabliſhments had Power to call them forth
into their Armies, many fuch Communities were erected in France
by Dukes, Earls and other great Vaffals of that King, which were
confirmed by his Affent, and Supreme Right, and where he pleaſed
did inftitute, and take away fuch Communities without confulting
their Lords, if the Inhabitants offended. The fame Author ſays,
18 |
or what makes
The Rights of, that inter Communia Jura præcipua recenfentur, Scabinatus, Colle-
a Community grum, Dafozarus, Sigmium, Campana, Berfredus & Jurifd.
of a City, or 10. That is, the chief things which conftituteda Community, were,
a Major, Efchevins or Aldermen, a Body, Society, Fraternity of Com-
mon Counſell, out of which they were to be chofen, a Bell-Fry and
Bell, to call them together to publick Meetings, a Common Seal and
Jurifdiction. He gives an account of Ninety feven in France, and
parts adjoyning, which were Erected by Charters of the Ancient A
Kings thereof, and their great Vaſſals. The moſt Antient, I find
Communities, amongſt them, is the Charter granted by Lewis the Sixth called the
when they firft Groß, to the Town of St. Riquier in Pontien, A. D. 1126. He
frequent in began his I
began his Reign, July 26. A. D. 1108, and was Contemporary to
our Henry the Firft, they were much increafed and multiplied by his
Succeffor Lewis the Seventh, who was Contemporary to our King
Stephen, and Henry the Second.
France, &c.
The Burgh-
Laws when
first publiſhed
in Scotland.
About the ſame time the Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scot
land were publifhed by David the firft King of that Nation, who
began his Reign A. D. 1124. and was Contemporary to our Henry
the Firft and King Stephen.
It wants not Probability, though it manifeftly appears not, that
William Rufus, Henry the Firſt and King Stephen, being all Ufurpers,
granted large Immunities to Burghs, to fecure them to their Party;
and by the time that Glanvil wrote, which was in the Reign of
Henry the Second, Burghs had fo great Privileges, as that if a Bond-
Man or Servant [5] remained in a Burgh as a Burgess of Member of
it, a Year and Day, he was by that very Refidence made Free, and
fo it was in Scotland, he was always free and enjoyed the Liberty of
the Burgh, if he were able to buy a Burgage, and his Lord claimed him
[6] Leg. Burg, not within a Year and a Day. Si [6] homo Comitis vel Baronis
[5] Glanvil.
lib. c.
Scot. c. 17.
fea cujufcunque Servus fuerit, venerit in Burgo; Et emerit fibi Bar- D
gagium, & manferit in eodem Burgagio per unum Annum & unum Di-
em, fine Calumnia Domini fui vel ejus Ballivi Semper erit Liber,
Libertate Burgi gaudebit ficut Burgenfis, nifi fit fervus Domini Regis.
And in or before the Sixth year of this King, he granted, by Charter
before cited, to the Burgeffes of Wallingford, many large Privileges
for the Servise they did him againſt King Stephen, in recovering his
Hereditary Right. Theobald, Archbishop of Canturbury was a Witnes
to this Charter, who died A. D. 1160. in the Sixth of Henry the E
Second; Winchester alſo and Oxford had Charters in the Reign of
[5] Append. Henry the Second, as appears by the [5] Charter of Portsmouth in
the Fifth of Richard the Firft, and that of [6] Andever in the Sixth
of King John.
n. 5.
[6] Ibid. n. 6.
[7] Append.
n. 3.
Why theſe were called Free-Burghs,and why the Tradesmen in them
were called Free Burgeffes, the Charters themfelves will inform us, in
the Charter of [7] Dunwich, Johannis 29 Junii. Sciatis, nos concef F
fiffe quod Burgum de Dunewiz. Sit Liberum Burgum. So in the
[8]Append.n.7 Charter of Bridgwater, granted to William Brimers [8] Quod Bruge
Why Burghs Walteri, 2 Johannis 26 Junii, fit Liberum Burgum, & quod ibi fit Li-
and Burgeffes berum Mercatum, and that the Burgeffes of the fame Burg fhould be
Free-Burghs Free Burgeffes and quiet of Toll, Paffage, Pontage, Laftage and Stal-
and Free-Bur-lage, and Thould have all Liberties and Free Custom
oms, Quittances,
were called
| 19
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
which belonged to the Crown, through all his Territories, and all Ports,
except the City of London. Likewife in the Charter of Hellefton in Corn-
wall, 2 Johan. Ut fit [9] Burgus nofter de Hellefton Liber Burgus, &c. [9] Append.
After the fame manner King John granted to the Burgeffes of the Town n. 8.
of [1] Tarmouth in Norff. Quod Burgenfes noftri de Gernemua habeant [1] Append.
Burgum de Gernemua ad feçdi Firmam in perpetuum; & quod Burgus ille n. 2.
fit Liber Burgus in perpetuum. In the Fifth of the fame King, Noveritis
Aut Villa de Lenna fit [2] Liber Burgus in perpetuum. And in the Charter [2] Append.
to Hertlepoole in the Bishoprick of Durham [3] Sciatis nos conceffiffe & n. 9.
[3] Append.
hac præfenti Charta noftra confirmaffe hominibus de Hertlepoole, quod n. 1o.
fint liberi Burgenfes. Which Liberty granted to the Burgs and Bar-
geffes (for all Inhabitants of Burgs were not fuch) was a Freedom to
Buy and Sell freely without difturbance, a Liberty from paying Toll, What the Free-
Pontage, Paffage-Money, Leftage, Stallage, &c. In the Mercates and Burgelles
and Fairs in thefe Burgs, and in coming to, and going from them, was, and in
Band for theſe things, the Burgs were called free Burgs, and the Bur- what it confi-
geffes Free Burgeffes, and for nothing elfe, as is moſt evident from
the Charters themſelves:
From the Burg and other Laws of Scotland, the fame.thing is evin-
ced; in the Burg-Laws, Tit. de Vigiliis, C. 86, by which every Houfe
was bound to find one to Watch and Knock at their Doors with a
Staff Exceptis Viduis, que tamen fi Communicaverint cum Vicinis fuis,
Cin Emendo Vendendo, Vigilare debent, & alia onera fupportare; ex-
cept Widows, who notwithſtanding, if they Bought and Sold as
their Neighbours did, ought to Watch and bear other Burthens.
Again Cap. 108. Nullus Burgenfis qui manet extra Burgum poteft ali-
quid Emere nec Vendere, nec Liber effe in aliquo Burgo nifi in illo Burgo
in quo eft Burgenfis. And in Chiap. 139. Statuit Rex David, quod
omnes Burgenfes fui fint liberi per totum Regnum fuum, tam per aquam
quam per Terram, ad Emendum & Vendendum, & ad commodum fuum
D faciendum abfque perturbatione, fuper plenam fuam forufacturam.
What the Free-
dom of Burgs
and Burgeffes
was, by the
Burg Laws of
King David made a Law, that all his Burgeffes fhould be free to
Buy and Sell in his whole Kingdom, as well by Water as by Land,
and to make their advantage without diſturbance, upon pain of full
forfeiture to fuch as diſturbed them. In the Statutes of King William
Chap. 35. Item ftatuit, quod Mercatores Regni habeant Gildam fu
am Mercatoriam,& ita gaudeant in pace; cum libertate Emendi &&
E Vendendi, ubique infra limites Libertatum Burgorum, ita quod quilibet
fit contentus fua Libertate, & nullus occupet Libertatem alterius, &c.
Alfo he decreed, that the Merchants of the Kingdom ſhould have
their Merchant-Gild, and fo peaceably with the Liberty of Buying
and Selling every where within the Liberties of their Burgs, fo that
every one be Content with his Liberty, and none ſhouldUfurp the
Liberty of another, &c. By understanding wherein their Liberty his Trade.
confifted, we come to know what Men, the Burgeffes were, [4] Riley's
F to wit, Buyers and Sellers, Ordinary and Common Tradefmen, Placita Parle-
(then called Merchants) fuch as are commonly found in ordinary 293,294,295.
Inland Burgs, & Mercate Towns, fuch as frequented Fairs and Mar- [5] Inter Com-
kets. So in a Plea [4] between the Abbat of Westminster, and the munia de Ter-
Tradeſmen that reſorted to his Fair there in 30th of Edward the Firft, Ann. R. R.Ed.
they are often called Mercatores Merchants; likewife in the 34th of 1.34. cum
the fame King in the Parlement holden at [5] Westminster on them. The
D 2
That is, uſe
mentar. f. 292,
mino Trinitat.
morrow after Trinity Sunday, the Citifens, Burgeffes, and others of
the Kings Demeafn Subjects, granted unto him the 20th part of their
6.455.lin.6. Goods, c. Mat. Westminster, fpeaking of this very Gift, fays, [6]
Mercatores Vicefimum Denarium concefferunt, and in all Old Authors,
Engliſh and French, Ordinary Tradesmen are termed Merchants. In
the Agreement between Richard the Firft King of England, and
Philip King of France at Meffins. Statutum eft a predictis Regibus,
quod Mercator, de quacunque Mercatione fit Mercator, non poteft emere A
in exercitu panem ad Vendendum, ne farinam, nifi aliquis Alienigena
illam adduxerit, & de illa panem fecerit, nec Bladum nifi de illo fi-
militer panem fecerit. Hoved. f. 384. b. n. 30. Here Bakers and
Sutlers were accounted Merchants. Alii Mercatores, de quacunque
Mercatione fuerint, in Decem Denarios tenentur Lucrari unum, Ibid.
Here other ordinary Tradeſmen, that brought Goods into the Army
to fell, were termed Merchants. Aldermannus Gilde Mercatorum
Oxonie, Judex Gilda Oxonienfis. Qui Mercatorum lites dijudicabat. B
Monaft. Angl. Tom. 2. f. 141. Here the ordinary Tradefmen of
Oxford, were called Merchants, and that they were fo Denominated,
the very words, Gilda Mercatoria, do fufficiently prove it, as it was
granted to moſt ordinary Inland Burgs.
For the Gild or Community there did always confift of a Select
Number of Ordinary Tradesmen, yet of the moft Difcreet and Wealthy
of the Burg,and by whom the Bulk of the meaner fort of Burgeffes (or, C
as they are now called, Freemen) were Superintended and Governed.
In the Iter or Circuit of the Kings Chamberlain, who had the Superin-
tendency of all Burgs in Scotland, and went from Burg to Burg, and
puniſhed all Faults and Crimes committed there, and alſo the Chief
Officers, if negligent in their Duties, in the Third Chapter of the
Iter, intituled, Modus Tenendi Iter, hath this Article; Item, petantur
in Scriptis omnia Nomina Burgenfium infra habitantium, & extra,
videlicet, Nomina fratrum Gilda per fe, & Nomina aliorum per fe. D
Alfo, that all the Names of the Burgeffes be demanded in Writing,
as well of thoſe that dwell within the Burg as without; that is to
fay, the Names of the Brethren of the Gild by themselves, and the
Names of others by themſelves; from hence it is clear, the Gilds or
Communities of all the Burgs in Scotland were a Select Number, and
fo they were in France, Germany, and all other places where they
had Burgs, or Municipal Towns, and in England the fame.
[7] Hoved. f.
In the [7] Year 1191. which was the Second of Richard the First,
399.b.n.20. John Earl of Moreton, the Archbishop of Roven, and all the Bishops,
Earls and Barons, with the Citifens of London, met in St Pauls
Church-yard on the 11th of October, depofed the Chancellor, Wil
liam Longchamp Bishop of Ely, the King then in the Holy Land, and
made Walter, Archbishop of Roven, Chancellor in his ffead, and the
fame Day the faid Earl and Archbishop, and other the Kings Justices,
Granted to the Citifens of London, to have their Community. Et eo- F
dem Die Cames Moretonii, & Archiepifcopus Rothomagenfis, & alii
Regis Juftitiarii conceſſerunt Civibus Londoniarum habère Communiam
they fhould fuam And the fame Year the Earl of Mareton and the Archbiſbap,
have a Com- and almoſt all the Bishops, and Earls and Barons of the Kingdom, did
Swear firmly and ſtedfaftly to Defend and Preſerve that Community,
fo long as it pleaſed the King. Et eodem Anno Comes Moretonii, &
A Grant to the
Citifens of
London, that
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
Archiepifcopus Rothomagenfis, & fere omnes Epifcopi & Comites &
Barones Regni juraverunt Cmmunism illam firmiter, & inconcuff.
Servaturos; gamdiu Lomino Regi placuerit.
| 21
This Community, which was thus granted to the Citifens, was a
Select Number, for the better management of the Affairs of the City,
for no doubt but the Citifens met promifcuously in St Pauls Church
Ayard, and to avoid confufion for the future, it was defired by them-
felves, and thought requifite by Earl Moreton, the Chancellor and Kings
Juftices, that they fhould have fuch an Establishment, the better to
affift them in their Seditious Practices, and for the more advantage of
the Citifens; otherwife, why ſhould the Citifens defire it,and the No-
bility be Importuned to Swear the Defence of it? The Citifens that were
of this Constitution Swear Fealty to the King, and alfo to his Brother
[8] John Earl of Moreton, againſt all Men if he ſhould Dye without [8] Ibid. n. 40.
B Heirs, and fome Obligation there was upon them without doubt to
affift in War, as well as there was upon the Communities in other Edward the
Nations, if Earl John, and the Bishops and Barons of his Faction, Second de-
could have had an opportunity to have uſed them. In Rigord, and Citifens of
other Ancient French Hiftorians, we read often of the King of France London, Aid
calling out his Communities to War, and Hoveden aforefaid tells us Queen, in the
[9] that A. D. 1197. On the Eve of St Michael, Philippus Rex 19th of his
Francia Magno congregato Exercitu Militum, Communiarum Sua- Reign: when
Crum, Exiens de Mantua profectus est verfus Curceles. Here it feems Rebels landed
as if he had as much Power to call his * Communities out to War, as with Foreign
he had to call his Knights, and this may be the reaſon why London Force, upon
in the time of Edward the Third, and fome other Cities and Burghs Exire Civita-
in England had Charters of Privilege, and Grants from our Antient te fua fe nolle
Kings, that they fhould not be called out to War, or forced to march
out of the Limits of their own Jurifdiction.
manded of the
against his
the and other
ad pugnam,
nifi poffent
(juxta liberta-
tem eis Concef
Jam) ipjo co-
dem Die rever-
cafum, Wal-
fing.f. 123. n.
ti ante folis oc-
in the Iſle of
Whether this Community mentioned by Hoveden was the firft that
was granted to London, or whether they had One before, and it was
Diffolved by King Henry the Second,for their conftant Rebellion against
his Mother Maud the Empress and Himfelf, and never reſtored un-
till this time, I know not. They had not a Mayor untill the Firft of 40.
Richard the First, the Year before this, and perhaps might not have lin. 28.
[9] £. 444. b.
a Community untill the Second of his Reign. However it was then,* Mant. upon
it appears, by the City [1] Books, that in the time of Edward the the River Seym
E firft, and the fucceeding Kings, it had Communia's, and the firſt men-France.
tioned in theſe Books confifted of Two in every Ward, in all Forty,* See du Frefn
who were Elected by the Probi homines of the Ward, which Probi Heftis, where
Homines are explained by thefe Words, Difcretiores, Sapientiores, it evidently
Meliores de Warda; the moft Difcreet, Knowing, and Best Men appears, that
of the Ward. Such were the Electors, and of fuch was the Commu-ties of Cities
nity to confift, fometimes the Number of the Communia (which and Burghs in
word is more frequently used in their Books, than Communitas) was to fend out
made up of 2, 4, 5, & out of every Ward, or out of fome Wards
more, others fewer, according to the Quantity of the Ward, and the
Summons, at leaſt Direction, of the Major, or of him and the Sheriffs
There is a notable Writ or Record much to this purpofe in the time
of King [2] Henry the Sixth, concerning the Election of the Mayor
and Aldermen of London; fetting forth, that his Progenitors Kings
in the word
the Commiuni-
France, were
their Horſe and
Foot upon
Summons into
the Hoft or
[1] Lib. A.B.C.
[2] Append.
1. II.
22 |
[3] Lib. c. fol.
82. b.
How the
Mayor and Al-
of England, had by their Charters granted to his Citifens of the City
aforefaid Liberty to chooſe a Mayor and Aldermen among themſelves,
whom they pleaſed, and to prefent them to the Lord Treafurer and
Barons of the Exchequer, the King not being there, that according
to Cuſtom they might be Admitted. And that though according to
Cuftom in former times, they were wont to be chofen by the Alder
men,and more diſcreet Perfons of the faid City,fpecially fummoned and
Warned for that purpoſe, ('tis not ſaid, how many out of every Ward) A
yet fome that had not, nor ought to have, any Intereſt in ſuch Electi-
ons, came, and with their Noiſe and Clamors difturbed them. He
therefore Commanded the Mayor and Sheriffs to make Proclamation and
Prohibit all from coming, that had no right to be there, and that the
Elections ſhould be made by the Aldermen and Others, more Difcreet
and Able Citifens of the faid City, fpecially Summoned for that purpoſe,
according to Custom, letting them know, that if any one was Chofen
any other way and prefented to Him,or the Treasurer or Barons of the B
Exchequer, he ſhould not be Admitted, and alfo directing them to
Arreſt, and Commit to Prifon, all fuch as they fhould find doing con-
trary to the Proclamation and Inhibition.
In the 29th of Edward the Firft, John Blund was chofen Mayor
[3] per Commune Confilium Elye Ruffel tunc Majoris, and the Alder-
men there named; and the Sheriffs, per affenfum Duodecim proborum
hominum Singularum Wardarum, by Affent of Twelve Good Men of C
every Ward. In the 31 of the fame King, alfo in the 32 and 33.
Fohn Lincoln [4] and John Blund the third and fourth time chofen
[4] Ibid.f.111, by Twelve bonos legales homines de qualibet Warda Summonitos;
Twelve Good and Lawful Men Summoned out of every Ward. In that
[5] Lib. c. f. 31 Year, William de Coumb-Martin, and John de Burford were [5]
dermen of
-London were
112, 113.
[6] Lib. d. f.3.
[7] Ibid. b.
[8] Ibid.
elected Sherifs by the Mayor and Aldermen, in præfentia XII de Sin-
gulis Wardis Summonitorum ad Eligendum & recipiendum Vicecomites
Juos, in the prefence of Twelve of every Ward, Summoned to chooſe D
and receive their Sheriffs. ·
In the Sixth of Edward the Second, [6] William Wellesford and
another were chofen Sheriffs by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Twelve
Summoned out of every Ward. Wellesford Dyes, and Adam Ludkin
was Chofen, per Sex & amplius de Singulis Wardis Summonitos, by
Six and more Summoned out of every Ward.
In the Seventh of Edward the Second, Nicholas [7] Farendon was
chofen Mayor by the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, & per Communita-
tem, by the Community affembled. The [8] Sheriffs chofen the fame
Year by the Mayor, Aldermen, and per Communitatem Summonitam,
c. by the Community Summoned, &c.
In the Eight of Edward the Second, the Mayor and Sheriffs were
[9] Ibid.f. 4.a. chofen as before, and [9] per probiores homines Communitatis de qua-
libet Warda, by the better Men of the Community of every Ward.
[1] London
f. 2. & f. II.
In the 20th of Edward the Third, it was [1] Agreed, That from
Liberties, &c. thenceforth there fhould come the Mayor, Aldermen, and alfo out of
every Ward of the City of London, Twelve, Eight, or Six, according
as the Ward ſhall be great or small of the Richest and Wifeft of every
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 23
Ward; and fuch Twelve, Eight or Six, with the Mayor and Alder-
men; ſhall intermedale, and choose a Mayor and Sheriffs for the year
following. In all thefe Elections, and all others in the Times of
Edw. 1, 2. 3. Risb. 2. Hen,, 4, 5, and 6, no mention is made of the
Common Council, but there can be no doubt made but that the Com-
mon Council-Men in every Ward were all fummoned, and the others
that were fummoned befides them, were fent to by the Mayor's Di-
A rection, and happily, not without the Advice of the Aldermen and
Sheriffs There being not the leaft notice of their being chofen by
the Ward.
Theſe Elections are recorded by various Expreffions, and probably
were not made always according to the fame exact Form, until the
Fifteenth of Edward the Fourth; when the [2] Masters, Wardens, [2] Ibid. f. 2.
and Liveries of the feveral Companies were taken in. So that fince
B that time, the Elections of the Mayor and Sheriffs, &c. are made by
the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council, and Them, according to the
Ack of Common Council then made.
In the year 1650. there was a great Controverfie, Whether the
Right of Electing Lord Mayors, Sheriffs, &c. refted in the Lord
Mayor, Aldermen, and the Freemen in general by their Reprefenta-
tives to be chofen in every Ward: Or in the Mayor, Aldermen, Com-
Cmon Council, Masters, Wardens, and Liveries of the ſeveral Compa-
nies; managed by Judge Hales, and Mr. Serjeant Maynard of Coun-
cil for the Livery-Men, and Major John Wildman, and one Mr. Price
Agents and Speakers for the Freemen, before the Lord Mayor, Court
of Aldermen, and Common Council. Now in which foever the Right The Commu-
of Election remained, the Arguments on both fides, and the Records nity of the City
then produced, and infifted upon by them, do manifeftly prove, That Select Num-
the Community of the City, or as 'tis called the Commonalty, did con- ber.
Dfift of a Select Number of the more difcreet, able, wife, and rich Citi-
zens, and was not the Body of Freemen in General: And that ſuch a
Select Number in Cities and Burgs was moft frequently expreffed, meant
and understood, by the Latin Words, Communa, Communia, or Com-
munitas. And is, or ought to be lo, at this Day.
of London a
See the [3] Title of the Common Council holden in the Chamber [3] See Peti-
of the Guildhal of the City of London, before the Mayor, Aldermen, Jan. 13. 1680.
tion, &c.
E Sheriffs, and the greater part of the Commoners in Common Council in Print.
affembled. All theſe together being a Select Number in Common Of what Per-
Council affembled, are the Commonalty or Community of the City of fons the Com-
London, according to the Ancient Import, and true Signification of munity of
thoſe Latin Words in all Nations.
London con-
Norman. Ve-
teres, by Du
In the [4] Establishment or Charter of Roven, and Falaiſe in Nor- [4] Scriptor,
mandy, the Government of the City and Town was by a Mayor, Twen-
Fty Four Jurats, (fo called, becaufe fworn, &c. when they were cho-Chef. 1066.
fen and admitted) and an Hundred Pares or Peers. The Twenty Four
Jurats were annually chofen,out of the 100 Peers, by the 100 Peers; What the
whereof Twelve were Efchevins, that is, Aldermen, and the other of Reven in
Twelve, Confultores, Counſellors, and all theſe together were called the Normandy
Communia, or Community of that City, and Town with the Castle.
Community -
24 1
*At the end
of the 38
Membrane and
beginning of
the 39th.
Yet further to make it clear beyond all Exception, what the Com-
munity or Commonalty of a Burgh or City was, I will add a Claufe
in a Private Act of Parlement, made for the Eſtabliſhment of certain
Rents, and other Matters between the Burgh of Plimouth, and the
Prior and Convent of Plimpton, in the Time of King Edw. the Fourth,
in theſe Engliſh words, as 'tis to be found upon the Parlement Roll,
4 Edw.4. M.*38.39.´ And if the fayd yerely Rent of xxix l. vis. A
viit d. be behind in part, or in all, not payd to the fame Priour of
Plympton, and Covent, and to their Succeffours in the fame Priorye
by xv Dayes next after Eny of the faid Fefts of Payment, That then
it be Lefull unto the fame Priour and Covent and their Succeffours, and
to their Officers and Minifters to Diftreyne in the faid Borough, and in
Name of Diſtreſſe to take all the Goods and Catalles of the faid Daire
and Comonalte, and of all other Burgeis of the fame Borough, and
of all other Perfones refident and Dwelling in the fame Borough, B
Commonalty and Precinct of the fame, and in every Parcel thereof. Here we
all other Bur-find the Mayor and Commonalty of Plymouth a Select Number, and
geffes, &c.
diftinct from all other Burgeffes of that Burgh, and all other Perfons.
Refident and Dwelling within the fame. And what the Mayor and
Commonalty of this Burgh were, other than the Mayor, Aldermen,
and Common Council, or the Mayor and Chief Burgeffes, which
were the Governing part of the Town, let any one, that can, tell
Mayor and
diftinct from
The Seals of
Theſe Communities had their Seals, by which they Ratified their
Communities. Grants and Charters, and made Authentic all their Matters of Mo-
[5] De Re Di- ment, almoft as Ancient as their Being. The Learned [5] Mabil
plomat. f.148. lon, after he hath mentioned the Seals of the Communities of fome
F.149. B. C. Towns and Burghs, faith, Idem cenfendum eft de aliis Communiarum Si-
When they be-gillis, qua à Seculo duodecimo Originem habuerunt. We are to think
the fame, of the Seals of other Communities which began to be in D
ufe about the Twelfth Century: He might have added, and fome
time before.
gan to be in
The main
Cities and
From Treating of the Constitution of Burghs, and fhewing what
they, and the Burgeffes anciently were, and of what Value and Efti-
mation in the Nation, I fhall proceed to fhew, what the Parlement-
Burghs were, and when, and for what cauſe at firſt they ſent Repre-
Jentatives to Parlement.
In the Reigns of King John, and Henry the Third, we do not find
any Citifens or Burgeffes in Great Councils or Parlements, unless they
were in that of the 49th of Henry the Third; at which time,the Ci-
tifens of York and Lincoln, and other Burghs of England were writ-
ten unto, To fend two Citifens, and two Burgeffes according to the
form of the Writ directed to the Bishop of Durham. See my Anfwer
to Mr. Petyt, f. 137. A. f. 140. B.
The main cauſe of their being first Summoned to Parlement, was,
caufe of the to give their Conſent to Taxes propounded to, or impofed upon them;
Burgeffes be-before that time in the Reigns of thoſe two Kings, they were Talli-
ing firft Sum-ated or paid Tallage according to the Impofition upon them, or Accep-
moned to tance of what they offered by the Kings Officers, or Justices, as alfo
| 25
An Advertiſement.
Fter the Additions were Printed in this Treatife Fol. 81, 82,
83, 84. it was thought fit to make this alfo, which is to be
inferted in Fol. 24. C. between the first and fecond Para-
graph, and before the words, Thefe Communities had their Seals, &c.
But if all this ſhould not be thought fufficient to prove, That the
CCommonalties or Communities of Burghs, or other Societies, were
a Selea Number, and different from all other Cominon Burgelles,
ſuch as are not ſatisfied may peruſe the following Statutes.
See Stat. at
In the 2d and 3d of Edv.6. C.36. The Lords and Commens did by
Authority of that Parliament Give and Grant, &c. To be Rated, Taxed, Large.
Levied, and Gathered as well of all and every Perfon, as were, or the e-
after fhild be, his Graces Natural Subjects, as of all and every frater
Dnity, Guild, Cozpozation, Dyllery, Brotherhood, Company o
Communalty, Corporate or not Corporate, within the Realm of Eng-
land, Wales, and other the Kings Dominions, &c. And fo in the 7th
of the fame King, C. 12. The fame Words are in the 2d and 3d of
Philip and Mary, C. 23. In the 5th of Queen Eliz. C. 27. And fur-
ther be it Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon born un-
der the Queens Obeyfance, and every Cozpozation, Fraternity, Guild,
Byltery, Brotherhood and Communalty, Corporate or not Corporate,
E for every Pound of every of the fame Perfon, and every Corporation,
Fraternity, Guild, Syliery, Brotherhood and Communalty, Cor-
porate or not Corporate, or any other to his or their uſe, hath in Fee-
Simple, Fee-Tail, for Term of Life, Term of Tears, by Execution, Ward-
hip, or by Copy of Court-Roll, of and and in any Honozs, Catles, Dan-
nos, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Pcreditamente, An-
uuities, Fees, Cozrodies, or other Yearly Profits, of the Tearly Value
of Twenty Shillings, and fo upwards, ſhall pay to and for the first Paz-
Fment of the faid Subfidy Two Shillings and Eight Pence of and for every
Pound, &c.
The fame Words are in the 18th of Eliz. C. 23. and in the 27th
of Eliz. C.29. Alfo 29th of Eliz. C. 8. And 43d of Eliz. C. 18.

An Advertiſement.
All thefe Words of Fraternity, Guild, Cozpozation, pltery,
Brotherhood, Company and Communalty, Coporate by Charter,
or voluntarily Embodied or Uni ed (by permiffion) amongst them-
felves without one, are Terms almoft Identical, and Expreffive of one
another; and are fuch as in thofe Times were frequently ufed, to de-
note a Select Number of Men joyned together in Mutual Society and
Fellowship, for Tranfacting the Common Bufinefs of a Greater Num-A
ber that had Dependence on that Society or Fellowship, and of all the
Ordinary and General Members of the fame. And this Select Number
is in all thefe Statutes, Expreffed and Notified, by one, or more, or
all the Words above-mentioned, in Contra-D ftinction to the Common,
Ordinary, and General Members of fuch Fraternities, Guilds, Cop:
rations, Opferies. Brotherhoods, Companies and Communalties.
For the Subfidies Granted by all thefe Statutes, were to be Rared,
Taxed, Levyed and Gathered as well of all, and every Perfon that were
the Kings Subjects, as of all and every Fraternity, Guild, Commu
nalty, &c. So that Fraternities, Guilos and Communities, mut
be diferent things, from fingle and particular Perfons, or all the
Kings Subjects in general. And from the Common and Ordinary
Members of fuch Societies, who could not be there meant, or unde ftood
by Communalty, or Commonalties, as having no Ponogs, Cattles,
innos, Lands, Tenements, or bereditamen's l'efted in them;
nor dees One of Twenty of them poffefs or enjoy any fuch things.
Therefore feeing Commonalties had fuch Poffeffions, they must be
Selza Numbers, and Body's of Men who were by Law capable of
Taking, Receiving, and being Poffeffed of them. And from hence, as
well as from what hath been faid before, 'tis manifeft beyond Con-
tradiction, That the Commonalties, of Cities and Burghs, and other
S c'eties or Fellowship, were the Magiftrates and Governors, and all
fch as with them had the Tranfaction of all Affairs appertaining to
them, and not the Common, Ordinary, or Inferior Burgeffes, who always
were under the Government, and Direction of fuch Communities,
or Commonalties.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
in the time of Edward, the Firft, untill after the 34th year of his
Reign, as is manifeftly proved in my Animadverfions upon a Book,
called, Jani facies Nova, Fol. 178, 179. 130. and further appears
in Ryley's Placita Parlementaria, in the 33d of this King, Fol. 259.
264, 265. 275, 276. Although ſeveral years before, Catifens and
Burgeffes were Summoned to Parlement, and there gave their Confent
to the Raising and Paying of Taxes. In the 32d Tear of his Reign he
A caufed a Tallage, without Common Confent, to be Affeffed by Ccm-*See the Com
miffioners in all his Cities, Burghs and D.meafns, in every County of miflions, Pat.
England, either by Heads, (Capitatim) or in Common, and gave Cedula.
particular direction that the Tallage of Norwich fhould be Affeffed
at four Hundred Pounds.
32 Ed. 1:72
The first time we find any Citifens or Burgeffes Summoned to Par-Citifens and
lement, was, in the 23d Year of Edward the First, according to the Burgelles firft
BTenor of this Writ.
Rex [6] Vicecomiti Northampton Salutem, quia cum Comitibus,
Baronibus, & cæteris Proceribus Regni noftri fuper remediis contra pe-
ricula que eidem Regno his diebus imminent providendu, Colloquium
habere Volumus & Tractatum per quod eis mandavimus, quod fint ad
Nos Die Dominica proxima poſt feftum Sancti Martini in Hyeme prox-
imè futurum apud Weftmonafterium ad Tractandum, Ordinandum, &
C faciendum qualiter fit hujufmodi periculis obviandum, tibi Præcipimus
firmiter injungentes, quod de Comitatu pradicto Duos Dilites, & de
qualibet Tibitate ejufdem Comitatus Duos Cibes, de quolibet
Burgo, Duos Burgenles de difcretioribus, & ad laborandum poten-
tioribus fine Dilatione eligi, & eos ad Nos, ad prædictos Diem & Lo-
cum venire facias. Ita quod dicti Milites plenam & fufficientem po-
teftatem pro le, & Communitate Comitatus predicti,& dicti Cibes
& Burgenles pro le & Communitate Civitatum & Burgorum præ
D dictorum Divifim ab ipfis tunc ibidem habeant. Ad faciendum tunc
quod de Communi Confilio ozdinabitur in præmiffis. Ita quod pro
defectu hujufmodi poteftatis negotium prædictum infectum non remaneat,
quoquo modo; Et habeas ibi nomina Militum, Civium & Burgenfium
&hoc Breve. Tefte Rege apud Cantuariam tertio Die Octobris.
The King to the Sheriff of Northampton-shire, Greeting. Becaufe
we defire to have a Conference and Treaty with the Earls, Barons,
E and other Great Men of our Kingdom, to provide Remedies againft
the Dangers the fame Kingdom is in at this time, therefore we have
Commanded them,that they be with us at Wotminster on the next Sun-
day after the Feast of St Martin in Winter next coming, to Treat,
Ordain and Do, fo as thofe Dangers may be prevented. We Command
and Firmly enjoyn thee, that without delay thou doſt cauſe to be
Chofen, and to come to us, at the time and place aforefaid, two Knights
of the County aforefaid, and of every City, two Citifens, and of every
F Burgh, two Burgeffes, of the moſt diſcreet and fit for buſineſs. So as
the faid Knights may have fufficient Power for themſelves, and the
Community of the County aforefaid, and the faid Citifens and Burgef-
Jes, may have the fame power, feparately from them, for themselves;
and the Communities of Cities and Burghs, then to Do in the Pre-
mifles what shall be ordained by Common, or the Common Council.
So that for defect of fuch Power the bufinefs aforefaid may not remain
undone ;
Summoned to
[6] Clauf. 23.
Ed. 1. m. 4.
De Parliamen
to Tenendo.
The Parlement
Prorogued be-
fore it met.
undone; And have there the Names of the Knights, Citifens, and
Burgeffes, and this Writ. Witness the King at Canturbury the third
of October.
This Parlement did not meet on the Sunday after St Martin, but
was Prorogued before meeting, to the Sunday next before St Andrew
the Apoſtle, which is the 30th of November. Teft. [7] Rege apud
Odmer 2 Die Novembris. And all the Treating, Ordaining and Doing A
Dorf. De Par- in this Parlement was only to Grant, and Confent to Raife fuch
Supplies as the King Demanded, as will afterward appear.
[7] Clauf. 23.
Ed. 1. n. 2.
liamento Pro-
[8] Bundle of
Summons to
Parlement, 18
Ed. I.
The not finding any Citifens or Burgeffes, Summoned by former.
Writs directed to Sheriffs, nor particular Writs directed to the Ma-
yors, Bayliffs, or Chief Officers of Cities and Burghs, before this, (ex-
cept that in the 49th of Henry the Third) might be a fufficient proof,
that theſe were the first Summons of Citifens or Burgeffes to Parlement. B
But to clear this point, beyond all doubt and cavil, we muſt look back
to the 18th of this King, and fee what the Style of Parlements was,
between that time, and this.
In this [8] Year, there is a Bundle of Writs directed to the She-
riffs of feveral, or moft, of the Counties of England, and they are
the Ancienteft extant, or perhaps that ever were, (except as above)
by which two or three Knights were directed to be chofen for each C
[9] Retorn. County; but no Cirifens or Burgeffes. And accordingly [9] Norfolk,
Parte 18. 11. Suffolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Shires, and Cumberland returned
returned for each of them thee Knights with Manucaptors for their appearance,
fome Counties, all other Counties but two each, &c.
E. I.
Three Knights
13. Ed. 1. and
two for others
This Parlement gave the King a Fifteenth part of all their Move
[1] In officio
able Goods, as appears by the [1] account upon the Great Roll in
Pipe ajud the 23d year of this King, in the two laft Rolls of that Great Roll. D
Westmonaft. The Title of Account, wherein alfo we have the Style of that Par-
Roll hereafter liment, which runs thus.
The Account
Compotus Quinta-Decima Regi Anno Decimo Octavo per-Archie-
pifcopos, Epilcopos, Abbates, Pziozes, Comites, Barones, &
omnes alios de Regno, de omnibus bonis fuis mobilibus conceffa, &
per Diverfos Collectores, in Diverfis Comitatibus, Ecdem Anno
Decimo Octavo Affeffe, Collectæ, & Levatæ.
The Account of the Fifteenth, Granted to the King in his Eighteenth
Tear, by the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbats, Priors, Earls, Barons,
and all others of the Kingdom, Affeffed, Collected, and Levied by
Divers Collectors in feveral Counties, in the fame Eighteenth Year.
This is the very fame Style which was uſed in the Reigns of King
*Adconfulen- John and Henry the Third, before the Commons or Community of
dum con- Counties were Repreſented by Knights, chofen by them. And 'tis F
fe & Commu- here further to be noted, that the two or three Knights, chofen for
nitate illa His the Community of the County did Reprefent them, and according
que Comites,
to the form of the Writ, Confulted and Confented to a Fifteenth for
Barones, &
Proceres pre- them, which are here called the Omnës alii de Règno, and were
diti tunc dux- Military Tenents in Capite of the Ordinary Rank, but of the fame
fentiendnm pro
erint concor-
Order with the Knights.
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
Kings Remem-
Salu- Communia de
Termino, St.
In the Chequer [2] Roll of the 19th of Edward the Firſt. There [2] In the Cu-
is the Form of a Writ, to appoint Taxors and Collectors of this Fif- ftody of the
teenth, in thefe Words. Edwardus Dei Gratia, &c. Dilitibus, brancer. Inter
liberis hominibus,& toti Communitati Comitatuum, &c.
tem. Cum Archiepilcopi, Epilcopi, Abbates, Pziozes, Comites, Mich. Rot. or
Barones & omnes alii de Regno noftro, nunc ficut alias nobis & n. 5.
A progenitoribus noftris liberaliter concefferunt Dufntam-Decimam de
omnibus bonis fuis Mobilibus, &c. Tefte meipfo apud Kings-Clipton 22
Die Septembris Anno Regni noftri decimo octavo. Edward by the Grace
of God, &c. To the Knights, Freemen, and the whole Community See my Glof-
of Counties, (none named) &c. Greeting, Whereas the Archbishops, fary what theſe
Bifhops, Abbats, Priors, Earls, Barons, and all others of our King-
dom, now as at other times, to us and our Progenitors have freely
Granted a Fifteenth part of all their Moveable Goods, c. Wit-
B nefs our-felf at Kings-Clipton the 22d of September in the Eighteenth
Year of our Reign. Here we find the fame perfons only Granted this
Fifteenth, which were wont to Grant the fame manner of Taxes in the
times of his Progenitors, which illuftrates what was faid before.
Freemen were.
The Cities and Burghs, or at leaſt the City of Londoz, this Year
alſo had a Fifteenth Taxed, and Levied upon them, which notwith- Citifens and
ſtanding it was demanded by the King, without their being Summo- Burgeffes
Cned to Parlement, by Citifens and Burgeffes their Reprefentatives, yet with the Kings
their compliance with the Kings demands, was called a Grant.
demands, cal-
led a Grant.
great Roll, as
Georgius de Rokefly, Walterus de Rokefly Executor Teftamenti ejuf.
dem Georgii pro eo, [3] Henricus de Waleys, Robertus de Bafings, [3] In the fame
Willielmus de Hereford, & idem Robertus de Bafings Execator Tefta- Account-Roll
menti ejufdem Willielmi pro eo, una cum Magiftro Willielmo de Wi- of the fame
mondham Clerico, Affeffozes & Colletozes Quinte-Decima in Ciabove,
Dvitate London, & infra totum pracinitum ejufdem Civitatis Regi
concellæ. Anno Regni fui decimo octavo reddunt compotum de 2860 1.
13. s. 8 d. de eadem Quinta-Decima ficut continetur in Rotulo de par-
ticulis, quem iidem Affeffores & Collectores liberaverunt in Thefaurario,
&c. That is,
George de Rokefly, Walter de Rokefly Executor of the Teftament of
the fame George for him, Henry de Waley's, Robert de Baſings, Wil-
Eliam de Hereford, and the fame Robert de Bafings Executor of the
Teftament of the fame William for him; together with Mr. William
de Wimondham Clerc, Affeffors, and Collectors of the Fifteenth **By the City
Granted to the King in the City of London, and within the whole upon theKings
Precinct of the fame City in the Eighteenth year of his Reign,do give fending to
account of 2860 l. 13 s. 8 d. of the fame Fifteenth as it is con-them.
tained in a Roll of Particulars delivered into the Treasury, &c.
demand, and
*This was the
Sum of the
whole Fif-
don, 18 Ed. 1.
Many Compounded, or (as the Phraſe was then) fined for this Fifteenth in Lon-
teenth, as for Example. [4] Abbas de Santo Edmundo reddit Com-A. D. 1290.
potum de 6661. 139. 4 d. De fine pro habenda acquietancía Quinta-[4] Ibid.
Decime omnium Bonorum Suorum Temporalium & Bonorum Conventus Many admit.
fui & Villanorum fuorum, & hominum totius Villa Sancti Edmundi, pofition for
Salua Regis Duinta-Décima Bonòzum omníum aliogum libere their Taxes
Tenentium ipfius Abbatis & Conventus præðiάozum, ficut con-
E 2
*St. Edmunds-
The Sum of a
Fifteenth in
Shire, 18 Ed.
I.A. D. 1290.
Ibib. in Dorfo.
tinetur in Rotulo de finitus Diberiozum pro Quinta-Desima in The-
faurario liberavit per quatuor Talens & Quietus eft. That is,
The Abbat of St Edmund makes his Account of 666 l. 13 s. 4´da
för a Fine (or Compoſition) to have his Diſcharge of the Fifteenth
of all his Temporal Goods, and the Goods of his Convent, and his Vìl-
lans, and the Men of the whole Town of St Edmund, fabing the
Kings Fifteenth of the Goods of all other free Tenents of the A
Abbat, and Conbent aforefaid, as 'ris contained in the Fine-Roll of
divers perfons for this Fifteenth; he paid this Sum in Money by four
Tallies, and is diſcharged.
It will not be Foreign to this matter, to take notice of the Col-
lectors Accounts in an Inftance or two, nor unpleaſant to the Reader.
Compotus Henrici de Lafcy, & Willielmi de Mortuo Mari Colle- B
&torum Quint&-Decime Regi Conceffa, Anno Decimo Octavo
in Comitatu Cantabridgiæ.
Iidem reddunt Compotum de 3482 l. 16 s. 2. gr. De Quinta-De-
cima Bonorum Mobilium Epifcoporum, Comitum, Baronum, & omnium
aliorum in Comitatu prædicto, ficut continetur in Rotulo de particulis
liberaverunt in Thefaurario. Exceptis Bonis mobilibus Prioris &
Fratrum Sancti Johannis Jeruſalem & Villanorum fuorum, &c.
The Account of Henry de Lafcy, and William de Mortemer, Col-
lectors of the Fifteenth, in the County of Cambridge, Grant-
ed to the King in the 18th Year of his Reign.
The fame make their Account of 3482 . 16 s. 2 d. farthing, of
the Fifteenth of the moveable Goods of the Bishops, Earls, Barons,
and all others in the faid County, as it is contained in a Roll of D
ticulars which they delivered into the Treasury. Except the move-
able Goods of the Pzioz and Brethren of Saint John of Jerufalem,
and many others who had fined, or compounded for them,as above,&c.
Compotus Johannis de Breton & Willielmi de Kerdefton Collecto-
rum Quinte-Decima Regi Conceffe Anno Decimo Octavo in
Comitatu Norff.
The Account of John Breton and William de Kerdeſton, Col-
lectors of the Fifteenth in the County of Norff. Granted to
the King in the Eighteenth Year of his Reign.
The Sum of a Iidem reddunt compotum de 9782 l. 14 s. 6 d. de Quinta Decima
Fifteenth in Bonorum mobilium, &c. The fame Collectors give in their Account
Norff 18 Ed. of 9782 l. 14 s. 4-d. of the moveable Goods, &c. as in Cambridge-
1. A. D. 1290. Shire. Exceptis, the Goods of fuch as had Compounded and were F
Difcharged, &c.
m. 6. Dorf.
De Militibus
eligendis, &
mittendis ad
In the Twenty Second Year of this King there iffued this Sum-
mons or Writ.
Rex [5] Vicecomiti Northumbr. Salutem, Quia cum Comitibus,
Baronibus, & Cæteris Magnatibus de Regno noftro fuper quibufdam
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 29
Negotiis arduis, nos & idem Regnum noftrum Contingentibus, in Cra-
ftino Saniti Martini proxime futuro apud Westmonafterium Colloqu
um habere Volumus & Traaatum, tibi pracipimus, quod eligi facias
Duos Milites, de Difcretioribus & ad Laborandum potentioribus de
Comitatu prædicto & eos ad nos ufque Westmonafterium venire facias:
Ita quod fint ibi in Craftino prædicto, cum plena poteftate pro fe & to-
ta Communitate Comitatus predicti, ad Confulendum & Confentiendum
pro Je & Communitate illa, his quæ Comites, Barones & Proceres præs
dicti concorditer Ordinaverint in Pramiffis: Et Ita quod pro defectu
poteftatis hujufmodi idem negotium infectum non remaneat, & habeas
ibi hoc Breve. Tefte Rege apud Westmonafterium 8. Die Octobris.
Confimiles Litera Diriguntur Singulis Vicecomitibus Anglia, Ï.
nt supra.
The King to the Sheriff of Northumberland, Greeting. Becauſe In the 22d of
we défire to Confer and Treat with the Earls, Barons, and the other Edward the
Firſt, no Citi-
Great Men of our Kingdom; upon certain difficult Bufinefs, that fens or Bur-
concerns Us, and the fame our Kingdom, at Westminster, on the geffes Summo-
Morrow of St Martin, or 12th of November, we Command thee, ned to Parle-
That thou doft caufe to be chofen out of the County aforefaid, and to
come to us to Westminster, two difcreet Knights, and moft fit för
Bufinefs, fo as they be there on the Morrow aforefaid, with full
C Power for themſelves and the whole Community of the County afore-
faid, to Confult and Confent for themſelves, and that whole Commu-
nity, to thoſe things, the Earls, Barons and Great or Noble Men
aforefaid, fhall have Unanimously Ordained in the Premiffes. And
fo that for the defect of fuch Power, the fame Buſineſs may not
remain undone; Have there this Writ. Witneſs the King at West-
minster the Eight Day of October:
The like Letters or Writs were directed to every Sheriff in Eng-
land. Witneſs, as above.
On the [6] next day following, (that is,) on the Ninth of October. [6] Ibidem.
The King directed other Writs (reciting in them much of this above)
to every Sheriff to caufe to be Elected two Knights more, to be added
to the former, to come to him at the fame time and place. Ad au-
diendum, & faciendum, quod eis tunc ibidem plenius injungemus. To
E hear and do, what he ſhould there more fully enjoyn them. Tefte
Rege apud Westmonafterium nono Die Octobris. Here was no Citifens The fame day
or Burgelles Summoned by thefe Writs, and none but Knights, in the Parlement
Number Four, who with the Earls, Barons and Great Men, on the Grant the King
very Day of their Meeting, gave the king a Tenth of all their Goods, a Tenth.
and the Writs or Commiſſions, whereby Taxors and Collectors of the
fame Tenth were affigned in every County, were dated the fame
Day, as is moſt evident from the Records following.
Decima [7] Bonorum Temporalium, Regi Conceffa in Anglia in
Craftino Sandi Martini, Anno Regni Regis Edw. í. Vicefimo Secundo
finiente, incipiente Vicefimo Tertio.
A Tenth of Temporal Goods, Granted to the King in England,
on the Morrow of St Martin, ending the Twenty Second Year of
met, they
[7] Rot. 23. E.
n. 72. in
that Roll, pe-

30 1
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid. &
m. 2. in Ce-
* i. e. their
Armor, Plate
of ordinary
ufe, Jewels
King Edward the Firit, beginning the Twenty Third, he begun his
Reign November the Sixteenth, 1272.
Taxatores & Collectores ejufdem Decima [8] affignantur in Sin-
gulis Comitatibus Anglie in hac forma.
The Taxors and Collectors of the fame Tenth are affigned in
every County in this Form.
Rex [9] Militibus, Libere Tenentibus & toti Communitati Comi-
Pat. 22 Ed. Itatus Cumbria, Salutem, cum Comites, Barones, Dilttes, & om-
nes alii de Regno nelica in Subfidium Guerra nobis nunc ficut alias
Progenitoribus noftris Regibus Anglia liberaliter fecerunt Decimam
de omnibus Bonis fuis Mobilibus, Exceptus que in Quinta-Decima ul-
timo nobis Conceffa in eodem Regno Excipiebantur nobis curialiter con
cefferint & gratanter. Nos ut Decima illa ad
Nos ut Decima illa ad minus Dampnum & B
Gravamen Populi, &c. Affignavimus Dilectos & Fideles noftros
Thomam de Newton Robertum de Whiterigge vel alterum ipforum
una cum quodam Clerico ad Dictam Decimam affidendam, Taxandam,
Levandandam, & Colligendam, & ad Scaccarium noftrum Deferen-
dam, & Solvendam: Unam medietatem citra feftum Purificationis
proxime future, & alteram citra Feftum Pentecoftes, &c. Tefte Re-
ge apud Westminster 12 Die Novembr. Anno Regni fus 22.
and wearing
The King to the Knights, Free-Tenents, and the whole Community
of the County of Cumberland, Greeting. Whereas the Earls, Barons,
Knights, and all others of our Kingdom, have liberally done to us now
toward the War, as heretofore to our Progenitors Kings of England.
And have Courteoufly and Willingly or Gratefully Granted a Tenth of
all their Moveable Goods, except thofe things which were excepted,
in the laft Fifteenth which was Granted unto us. We, that the
Tenth may be paid with the leaft i Damage and Grievance to the Peo- D
ple, have affigned our Faithful and well-beloved Thomas de New-
ton, and Robert de Whiterigge, or one of them, together with a cer-
rtain C Clerc, to Affef, Tax, Levy and Collect the faid Tenth, and to
bring it to, and pay it at our Exchequer, one Half before the Feast of
the Purification, and the other Half before the Feast of Pentecoft.
Witnefs the King at Westminster, the 12th of November in the Twen-
ty Second of this Reign. tom siad bloodt dan ob b
m) ad T
[1]Mat. Weft.
Anno Dom.
ob bis 1051
In this very Twenty Second Year of King Edward the Firft, Philip
King of France having then furprized and feized Gafcony, after the
Feaft of Pentecoft a [1] Parlement was affembled, to advife how to
regain that Country, in which it was agreed to Recover it by Force
1294. fol.421 and Arms. Toward which War the Clergy had Granted a Moiety,
or Half part of the Value of their Benefices, and Goods for that Year,
as may appear by the Kings Writ or Ca
or Commiffion to
to the Abbat of Fe-
verfham in Kent, by which he was appointed Collector for the fame F
n. 20.
[2] Inter Re-in the Province of Canturbury.chitul
corda de Ter-
mino Trinitat.
22 Ed 1. Rot.
vel. n. 68.
De Subfidio
Regi a Clero
Affignatio Collector. Medietatis, Regi a Clero Conceffe.
Edwardus Dei Gratia, &c. Dilecto fibi in Chrifto [2] Abbati de
Feverfham, Salutem. Cum Prælati & Totus Clerus de Regno noftro
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs:
| 31
the Eve of St.
* Medietatem Beneficiorum & Bonorum Suorum nobis in Subfidium * This Grant
noftrum de Anno prefenti Liberaliter Concefferunt, & gratanter. Ita was made on
quod prima Fertia pars ejufdem medietatis in feſto omnium Sanctorum Matthew,
proxime futuro, Secunda in Quindena Pafcha, Tertia in Quindena Na- Septemb. 21.
tivitat. Sancti Johanis Baptifta proxime futur. nobis perfolvantur, Clero & Popu
&c. Nos de vestra Fidelitate & Diligentia confidentes, affignavimus lo. Mat. Weft-
vos ad Dictam Medietatem, &c. In Diocefi Cantuarienfi Colligen. mint.f. 422.n.
A dam, &c. Tefte meipfo apud Westmonafterium 30 Septemb. Anno
Regni noftri 22.
Here we have a Moyety given this Year of their Benefices, and
Goods by the Clergy, and a Tenth by the Earls, Barons and Knights,
for all others of the Kingdom; That is, all Free-Tenents, fuch as held
in Military Service, and others in Soccage, which then were very
fem. Let us now fee, how and what the Cities, Burghs, and Kings
B. Tenents of his Demeafns gave,or paid by themſelves,not being then reck-
oned, inter omnes aliosde Regno, which granted a Tenthpart only.
30. 40.
when notSum-
Theſe then were neither Summoned, or came to a Common Council,
or Parlement, but were required and induced by the Kings Commif- Citifens and
fioners, or Taxors to pay a certain Sum charged upon or demanded of Burgeffes,
them. Which at this time was a Sixth part of all their Moveable moned to Par-
Goods, towards the War. The City of London was firft fent to, and lement.
C that made an Example to all other Cities, Burghs and Towns of the
Kings Demeafns, and their Compliance with the Kings · Demands
paffed as, and under the Name of a Grant. #
How they
were Taxed.
23 Ed. I. n.
Rex Dilectis & Fidelibus fuis [3] Cuftodi, Vicecomitibus Alderman-
nis & Foti Communitati Civitatis fuæ London, Salutem. Cum vos in [3] Inter Re-
forma qua Nuper Nobis Quintam-Decimam Concefferatis, Sextam corda de Anno
partem Bonorum & Mobilium Veftrorum in Subfidium Guerra noftræ vel Rot. 73 pe-
D nobis Concefferitis liberaliter & libenter; nos ut illa Sexta pars ad nes Remem.
minus Dampnum & Gravamen Veftri & Singulorum Civitatis ejuf De Sexta par-
dem Levetur & Colligatur providere Volentes, affignavimus, Johanem re Regi Conce
de Banquelle, Thomam de Romeyn, Hamonem Box, Willielmum de Be-fa in London.
tonia, & Gilbertum de Marchia una cum Dilecto Clerico noftro Magiftro
Willielmo de Wymundham, &c. And after the Example of London the
King fent his Commiſſioners to Tax or Demand of his other Demeafn
Cities, and Towns, a Sixth part through England:
dem Anno &
affignatis ad
fimilem Sex-
petendum Con-
nicis Villis Re-
Rex Dilecto & Fideli fuo Roberto de Ratford Salutem; [4] Cum
Cives & probi homines nostri London, Sextam partem Bonorum fuo- [4] Ibid. Ea-
rum Mobilium nobis in Subfidium Guerræ noftre Gratanter Conceffe-
rint, ut aliis qui funt de noftris iltis Dominicis exemplum prabe- De Diverfis
ant ad Confimile Subfidium faciendum, Affignavimus vos ad petendam
hujufmodi Sextam partem in Singulis Dominicis Civitatibus
Galiis Willis noftris in Comitatibus Kancia, Suffex, Surry, & tam in Domi-
F Suthamton Secundum Taxationem Decima jam nobis in Regno noftro giis in Diverfis
Conceffe, & Idea vobis Mandamus, quod affumptis vobifcum Vicecomi- Comitatibus.
tibus Locorum, ad Singulas Dominicas Civitates, & alias Uil-
las noutras perſonaliter accedatis, & homines earúndarum Civi-
tatum, & Millarum ¿ð Concedendam & Præftandam nobis Præ-
dicam Sextam partem juxta Taxationem prædictam, diligenter
Ex partè noftra requiratis, & efficaciter inducatis, modis quibus
32 |
*William Bi-
ſhop of Bath
and Wells then
Lord Treafu-
London an ex-
Cities and
Burghs to
Grant a
Sixth part of
their Goods,
videbitis expedire. Et quod inde feceritis, nobis aut Thefaurario & Ba
ronibus noftris de Scaccario fine Ditatione conftare faciatis. In cujus
Rei Teftimonium has literas noftras fecimus Patentes: Tefte * Vene-
rabili Patre, &c, 21 Die Novembr. Anno 23. That is.
The King to his well Beloved and Faithful Robert de Ratford,
ample to all Greeting. Whereas our Citifens and Good Men of London, have
willingly Granted to us, toward maintaining our War a Sixth part A
of their Moveable Goods, that they might fhew an Example to others
of our Demeafn Towns, to make the like Aid. We have affigned
you to Demand a like Sixth part in every of our Demeafn Cities, and
other Towns in the Counties of Kent, Suffex, Surry and Southampton,
according to the Taxation of the Tenth now Granted to us in our
Kingdom; and therefore we Command you, that taking with you the
Sheriffs of Places, ye perfonally go to every of our Demeafn Cities
and other Towns, and diligently on our behalf require, and effectu- B
ally induce the Men of the fame Cities and Towns, by fuch means as
you think expedient, to give and Grant to us the faid Sixth part ac-
cording to the Taxation aforefaid, and what you fhall do herein, you
fhall fignifie to us, or our Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer,
without delay. In Witneſs of which thing we have made theſe our
Letters Patents. Witnefs the Venerable Father, c. The 21st of
November, the 23d Year.
[5] Ibid. Eo- Per [5] Confimiles Literas affignantur infra Scripti ad petendam
dem Anno. hujufmodi Bertam partem in Singulis Dominicis Civitatibus,
Num. five Rot.& aliis Willis Regiis, in Comitatibus Subfcriptis, viz.
Willielmus de Ormesby in Comitatibus Norff. Suff. Cantabr.
Magifter Petrus de Lek in Comitatibus Northampton, Leycefter, D
Warwick, Roteland, Lincoln.
Fohannes de Litegremes in Comitatibus Ebor. Northumberland, Cum-
bria, Weftmerland, Lancaftria.
Magifter Johannes Lovel in Comitatibus Wilts, Somerset, Dorset,
Johannes de Bofco in Comitatibus Nottingham, Derby, Salop. Staf-
ford, Wigorn.
No Citifens
Summoned to
Radulfus de Broghton in Comitatibus Oxon, Berks, Bedf. Bucks.
Gloucefter, Hereford. T. ut fupra.
By all theſe Records 'tis moft clear, there were no Citifens, Bur-
and Burgeffes geffes or Tenents of the Kings Demeafns, Summoned to great Councils F
Parlement be- or Parlements untill the 23d of Edward the Firſt, and alſo how they
fore the 23 of were Taxed before that time.
Edward the
The first Writ of their Summons, and the Prorogation of that Par-
lement from the Sunday next after St Martin, (which was the firft
Day appointed for meeting,) to the Sunday next before St Andrew
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 33
the Apoſtle, we have noted before. And I fhall further obferve,
that the W'rit directs they fhould have a Power to Ad leparately
from the Knights of the Counties, and do what by Common Councils
fhould be ordained. Et dici Cives & Burgenfes Plenam & Sufficien-
tem poteftatem pro fe, & Communitate Civitatum, & Burgorum, Di-
bilim ab ipfis (i. e. Militibus) tunc ibidem habeant, ad faciendum
tunc quod de Communi Concilio Ordinabitur in pramiffis, and according-
A ly they made a different Grant, the Earls, Barons and Knights, who
then fate, Treated, and Confulted altogether, about Granting Taxes,
Gave an Eleventh part of all their Moveable Goods; and the Good
Men of his Demeafn Cities and Burghs Granted a Séventh part of
all their Moveable Goods.
De undecimà
And according to the Addition made in the Writ of Summons,
when the Citifens and Burgeffes came firſt to Parlement, there was
B alſo an alteration made anfwerable to it, in the Writ or Commiffion
for appointing Taxors and Collectors, for the Levying and Collecting
of this Eleventh and Seventh part, in the ſeveral Counties, which
is not to be found in theſe Writs or Commiffions before this time.
The Words of the Writ or Commiſſion are theſe. [6] Rex Militi-|[6] Pat.242.
bus, Libere Tenentibus, & Toti Communitati Comitatus Roteland, P. 1. m. 22.
Salutem, Cum Comites, Barones, Milites, & alii de Regno noftro in fepima
Subfidium Guerra noftræ nunc ficut alias, nobis & progenitoribus no-Regi Conce.
Cftris Regibus Anglia liberaliter fecerunt Undecimam de omnibus Bo-Levand. &
nis fuis Mobilibus. Et Cives, & Burgenfes, & alii probi homines* Thele words
de Dominicis noftris Civitatibus & Burgis ejufdem Regis were not in
Se- former Com-
ptimam de omnibus Bonts fuis Mobilibus, exceptis his que in Decima miffions, for
ultimo nobis conceffa excipiebantur, nobis Curialiter Concefferint & Gra-appointing
tanter, nos ut Undecima, & Septima pradice, ad minus Dampnum & Taxors and
Gravamen, &c. Affignavimus Dilectos & Fideles noftros Rob. de * This Parle-
Flixthorp & Johannem de Wakerley, &c. Ad Dictas Undecimam &ment met by
·D Septimam in Comitatu pradicto Affidendas, Taxandas, Levandas, about the 30th
Colligendas, &c. Tefte Rege apud Westmonafterium Quarto Die of November.
According to the Tenor of the Writ of Summons, we find by this Citifens and
Commiffion, that the Citifens and Burgeffes were in this Parlement, Burgeffes, dif-
ferent perfons
and that they were different Perfons from the lit de Regno, men- from the Ali
tioned after the Earls, Barons and Knights, for they gave the Eleventh de Regno, &c.
E part, and theſe the Seventh, fomewhat more than a Third beyond
what they gave; And it became a fettled Rule afterward for the Ci-
tifens, Burgeffes and Tenents in antient Demeafns to give a Third part
more, or thereabouts of their Perfonal Eftates, than the Earls, Ba-
rons and Knights did Grant.
The Summons to this Parlement directed to the Archbishop of
Canturbury is very obfervable, and may furnish us with the Reason
F why the King Summoned the Citifens and Burgeffes to it.
They gave a
3d part more
than the Earls,
I. 1. Dorf.
De Parliamen-
Rex Venerabili in Chrifto [7] Patri R. Eadem Gratia Cantuara [7] Cl. 23.Ed.
enfi Archiepifcopo, totius Anglia Primati, Salutem, Sicut Lex juftif 3.
fima pravida circumfpectione Sacrorum Principum ftabilita hortatur & tenendo
fatuit, ut quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus approbetur, fic & innuit evi- apud Weftmo-
denter at Communibus periculis per remedia provifa Communiter obvietur, nasterium.
34 1
ber this year,
Sane fatis noftis, & jam eft ut credimus per univerfa mundi Climata
Divulgatum, qualiter Rex Francia de Terra noftra Vafconia nos frau-
dulenter & cautelofe decepit eam nobis nequiter Detinendo. Nunc vero
pradictis fraude & nequitia non contentus, ad Expugnationem Regni
noftri Claffe maxima, & Bellatorum copiofa multitudine congregatis,
cum quibus Regnum noftrum, & Regni ejufdem incolas hoftiliter jam in
vafit, Linguam Anglicanam fi concepta iniquitatis propofito deteftabili
poteftas correfpondeat (quod Deus avertat) omnino de Terra delere pro- A
ponit. Quia igitur prævifa jacula minus lædunt, & res vestra Max-
ime ficut Cæterorum Regni ejufdem concivium agitur in hac parte. Vobis
mandamus in Fide & Dilectione quibus nobis tenemini, firmiter injun-
gentes quod Die Dominica proxime poft feftum Sancti Martini in hyeme
proxime futurum apud Westminster perfonaliter interfitis. Pramuni
entes Priorem & Capitulum Ecclefie veftræ, Archidiaconum totumque
Clerum veftra Diocafeos. Facientes quod iidem Prior & Archidiaconus
in propriis perfonis fuis, & Dictum Capitulum per unum, idemque Cle- B
rus per duos Procuratores idoneos, plenam & fufficientem poteftatem ab
ipfis Capitulo & Clero habentes, una vobiſcum interfint modis omnibus.
Tunc ibidem ad Tractandum, Ordinandum & Faciendum, nobifcum, &
cum cæteris Prælatis & Proceribus & aliis incolis Regni noftri, quali-
ter hujufmodi periculis & excogitatis malitiis obviandum. Tefte Rege
apud Wengeham Tricefimo Die Septembris.
The King to the Venerable Father in Chrift, R. by the fame Grace,
Archbishop of Canturbury, &c. Greeting, As the moft juft Law
Why the Citi- eftabliſhed by Princes doth appoint, That which concerns all bould
fens and Bur-be approved by all. So it evidently fhews, that dangers, common to
Summoned to all, fhould be obviated by Remedies provided by all. You under-
ſtand fufficiently, and as we believe 'tis now Divulged through the
whole World, how the King of France fraudulently furprized Gafco-
ny, and yet detains it from us. But now not content with that, he
*About the hath provided a great Navy and Army, with which he hath Inva D
8th of Septem- ded our Kingdom, and the Inhabitants thereof, and intends to destroy
the French the English Nation and Language, if his Power were anfwerable to
landed at Do- his deteftable purpoſe, (which God avert.) Becauſe therefore, fore-
ver, burnt a feen attempts do lefs hurt us; and not only you chiefly, but the reft
the Town, and of the Inhabitants of the Kingdom are alfo concerned in this matter.
we Command, firmly enjoyning you in the Faith and Love by which
you are bound to us, that on the Sunday next after the Feaft of St
Martin, next coming, you be at Westminster, and that you warn the E
Prior and Chapter of your Church, the Arch-Deacon and whole Clergy
of your Dioceß, and cauſe the Prior and Arch-Deacon in their own
perfons, and the Chapter by one, and the Clergy by two, fit * Procu-
rators or Proxies, having fufficient Power from the faid Chapter and
Convocation. Clergy to be prefent with you, then and there to Treat, Ordain, and
appoint with us, and the reft of the Prelates, Great Men, and other
Inhabitants of the Kingdom, how to prevent thefe Dangers, and
defigned Miſchiefs. Witneſs the King at Wengeham, the 30th of F
great part of
killed an old
Monk. Wal-
fingh. fol. 64.
n. Io.
* Theſe are
now called
Clercs of the
The firft Sum-
mons of the
Clergy to
This is the first Summons I find directed to the Archbishop, by
which he was ordered to caufe the Body of the Clergy of his Diocefs,
and the Chapter to come to Parlement with him, by their Procura
tors or Repreſentatives, and the fame Reafon given in this Writ, that
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 35
brought them thither, brought alſo the Citifens and Burgeffes, as may
appear by the Writ before recited, directed to every Sheriff of Eng
land for the first choice of them, and dated the third Day of October,
next following after the date of this to the Archbiſhop.
The Treating, Ordaining, and Appointing Remedies to prevent the
imminent Dangers to the Kingdom, was only to raife Money, to
A profecute the War, and defend the Nation against the King of France
and towards that, the Clergy gave a Tenth; the Earls, Barons and
Knights, gave an Eleventh; and the Demeafn Cities, Burghs and
Kings Tonents of his Demeafns, gave a Seventh part of all their
Moveable Goods. There were no Laws made, or other Matters dif-
patched in this Parlement, as was hinted before,
fent Citifens
Having thus Proved, the Time when, and the Caufe why, Citi-
B Jens, Burgeffes, and the Tenents of the Kings Demeafns, were at firſt
Summoned to Parlement, we fhall proceed to difcover what Cities and
Burgbs fent their Reprefentatives, or Citifens and Burgeffes,upon fuch
Summons. The Anſwer to this is very fhort, that they were only what Cities
the Dominici Civitates, and Burgi Regis, the Kings Demeafn Cities and Burghs
and Burghs, fuch as had Charters from the King, and paid a Fee- and Burgeffes
Farm Rent in Lieu of the Customs, and other Advantages and Royal- to Parlement.
ties that belonged to the Crown, and were originally taken and ga- Cuftoms in
Cthered by the Kings Collectors and Officers, whether Bayliffs, Port-Cities and
Reves, Senefcals, or Stewards, or by what other Names they were nally gathered
Burghs, origi-
called. But afterward Collected and Received by Officers, chofen by by the Kings
the Cities and Burghs, according to Licence, Granted by the Kings Bayliffs, &c.
Charter, to the uſe of fuch Cities and Burghs, or perhaps, fometimes
by Permiffion only.
This doth abundantly appear by the Account given of great Tar-
D mouth, in the [8] Appendix, where after the Defcription of that and [8] N. 1. A.
Gorleston, taken out of Domesday Book, it is faid thus. Et Sciendum,
quod Progenitores Domini Regis tenuerunt prædictum Burgum in ma-
nibus fuis propriis, percipiendo omnia proficua exeuntia de portu prædi-
Eto, ufque ad Tempus Regis Johannis, qui [9] conceffit Villam pradi- [9] Append.
&tam Burgenfibus Ville prædicte ad feodi firmam, Reddendo fibi & he- N. 2.
redibus fuis Quinquaginta & Quinque libras per Annum, ad quod Sol-
vendum, nihil aliud habent nifi confuetudinem & alia proficua proveni-
E entia de portu prædico,nec capiant aliquas confuetudines de rebus Venditis
vel Emptis in Mercato fuper terram, nullo Tempore Anni. That is,
And it is to be underſtood, that the Progenitors of the Lord the King
held the forefaid Bargh (that is, Tarmouth) in their own hands, untill
the time of King John, who Granted it in Fee-Farm to the Bur-
geffes, paying to him and his Heirs Fifty Five Pounds by the Year,
for the Payment whereof, they had nothing but the Customs, and
other Profits of the Port, neither might they at any time of the
F Year take any Customs of things Bought and Sold in the Mercate
upon the Land.
Not long after King John had Granted his Charter, there happen-
ed a Controversy, between Gorleston and South-Yarmouth in Luthing-
lond, both on the other fide of the River, and Great Tarmouth, [1] [1] Append.
about certain Cuſtoms and Privileges in the 12th of Henry the Third, N. 1. a.
F 2
35 1
[2] Ibid.
{3] Append.
clen of the
and [2] again, in the 34th of Edward the First, which was deter-
N. I. B. minea in the Exchequer by the Lord Treasurer, the Chancellor of Eng-
Tarmouth holland, the Justices of both Benches, and others of the King's Counsel.
King in Fee- By which [3] Record it is evident, That Great Yarmouth was holden
of the King in Fee-farm, was ftyled, Villa Regu, the King's Town,
and Liber Burgus, a Free Burgh, and enjoyed fuch Liberties as be-
longed to a Free Burgh, only by, and in respect of the Charter.
Why called a
Free Burgh.
* Commons
Journal, Maii
A great mi-
Towns that
ftake, That
It was, and is the General Opinion of Lawyers, That fuch Towns
as fent Burgeffes to Parlement, though but very ſeldom, and paid
Tenths when they were granted in Parlement, were Burghs, Not-
withstanding they had not, nor perhaps now have any Charter, Fayr,
paid Tenths, Market, Franchife, or other Liberties which ſhould Conftitute, and
and fent Re-make them Burghs. But this is a mighty Miftake: For there were
to Parlement, anciently, and are yet many Towns that fent their Reprefentatives to
were Burghs. Parlement, which were not Burghs, but only Towns of Ancient De- B
Towns in An-means, and theſe (in the Granting of Taxes eſpecially) confulted,
and gave their confent with the Citizens and Burgeffes, who in All
Taxes upon Goods and Perfonal Eftates did ufually give and
pay about
one Third or Fourth more than the other Towns which were neither
Cities or Burghs, or Ancient Demeafns, before the Tenths and Fif
teenths were conftantly and regularly fetled.
cient Demeafns
that were no
Burghs fent
M. 1 5. Dorf.
in Cedula.
This will be fully Evinced by the following Records. Edward the C
[4]Cl.34.Ed. Firft intending to Knight his Son, [4] Summoned the Archbishops, Bi-
hops, Abbats, Priors, Earls, Barons, and other Great Men to be be-
Append. n.13.fore him and his Council, on the Morrow after Holy Trinity, to Treat
of, and Grant an Aid which was due upon that occafion. He alfo
fent to all the Sheriffs of England, to [5] cauſe to come before him
and his Council on the fame day, two Knights of every County, and
of every City two Citizens, and of every Burgh two or one Burgeffes, as
the Burgh was greater or leffer, to Treat, Ordain, and Confent, &c.
[5] Append.
n. 12. 13.
[6] Append.
n. 13.
[7] Ibid.
* Note, The
Citizens, Bur-
geffes, and Te
nents in Anci-
ent Demeafus,
were no part
of the Com-
Kingdom, for
they gave a
20th part for,
and by them-
felves, and
Treated apart.
+ The reaſon
of this Clauſe
at this time
was, for that
the Aid for
making the
was to have
been laid upon
All which Orders of Men being [6] Affembled before the King's
Council, and it having been fbewed unto them by the fame Council, on
behalf of the King, That there was an Aid due to him in the forefaid
cafe, (that is, for making his Son Knight :) And alfo, That there
were manifold Expences, and many other Burthens incumbent on the
King in reftraining the Rebellion and Malice of Robert de Brus, his
Traytor, and his Adherents in Scotland, who had prefumed to make E
War againſt him.
The fame [7] Prelates, Earls and Barons, and other Great Men,
and alſo the Knights of Shires, Treating deliberately upon this Mat-
ter, and confidering there was an Aid due as aforefaid, and that
many Burthens were incumbent upon the King by reafon of the War
Prince Knight, aforesaid, at length unanimoufly Granted to the King for themselves
and whole Community of the Kingdom, a Thirtieth Part of all their F
Land; i. e. fo Temporal Moveable Goods, which they fhould be poffeffed of at the
Feast of St. Michael next coming, for a Competent Aid toward the
Knighthood of his Son, and alfo for an Aid toward his Expences
which he was to be at in the War aforefaid. But fo, as this Grant
ſhould not ‡ prejudice themſelves, nor their Succeffors, and Hers in
due upon future Times, nor be made an Example in the like cafe. And that
much upon
every Knights
Fee; and here
it was Taxed
upon Goods,
whereas it was
Knights Fees.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1 37
in Taxing the Goods aforefaid, all things were to be Excepted, as in
the Taxation of the Fifteenth granted to the King by the Commu
nity of the Kingdom, in the Eighteenth Year of his Reign, for the
Baniſhment of the Jews.
Allo [8] the Citifens and Burgeffes of Cities and Burghs, and others. [[8]. n
of the King's Demeafns Affembling together, and Treating about the
A Premifes, confidering the Burthers incumbent upon the King, as
was before mentioned, unanimoufly Granted unto him for the Cauſes
aboveſaid, a Twentieth Part of their Moveable Goods, and to have
them as aforefaid.
Who, and what the Cœteri, the Refidue, or others of the King's
Demeafns were, is plainly diſcovered in another Record about the
fame Matter.
It is to be [9] remembred, That on the Morrow of Holy Trinity [9] Thic
laft paft, the Prelates, and the other Great Men of the Kingdom, for
themſelves and the whole Community of the Kingdom, Granted to the
Lord the King, for themselves and the whole Community of the fame
Kingdom, a Thirtieth Part of all their Temporal Goods, without
Cities, Burghs, and the King's Demeafns. And the Citizens, Bur-
geffes, and Tenents of the forefaid Demealns, Granted a Twentieth
Part of their Goods, as well toward the Knighthood of Edward the
C King's Son, as toward the Defence of Scotland againſt Robert Brus,
and his Complices, the King's Enemies, and the Form of the forefaid
Grant is more fully noted in the Memorials of Trinity-Term laft paft.
Earls, Barons
Treated toge
By this Record it is very plain, That the Prelates, Earls, Barons, The Prelates,
and Knights of Shires Confulted together and Treated about this 30th and Knights
Part which they granted for themſelves and the whole Community of
the Kingdom; as alſo that the Citizens, Burgeſſes, and Tenents of the
D Kings Demeafns Treated and Confulted by themſelves apart, and
Granted a 20th Part of their Goods, which was a Third Part more
than the Lords and Knights gave. And that Tenents of the King's
Demeafns were Members of Parlement.
The Citizens,
Burgeffes, and
Tenents in An-
need to
cient Demeafns
gether, and
apart from
The King's Commiffion, and Affignment of Commiffioners to Levy,
and Colle& the 20th, and 15th Granted in the Fiff of Edward the Se-
cond, proves the fame thing. Rex [1] Militibus, Liberis Hominie [1] Pat. 1 E.2.
E bus & Toti Communitati Comitatus Middleſex tam infra Libertates p. i. M.7.
quam extra, Salutem. Cum Comites, Barones, Milites, Liberi Homi-
nes, ac Communitates Comitatuum Regni noftri, Vicefimam omnium
Bonorum fuorum Mobilium; Civefque & Burgenfes, ac Communitates
omnium Civitatems & Burgorum ejufdem Regni, necnon Tenentes de
Antiquis Dominicis Goronæ noftræ Quintam-Decimam Bonorum fuo
rum Mobilium Curialiter concefferint & Gratanter, nos, ut Vicefima, &c.
That is, the King to the Knights, Freemen, and whole Community of
F the County of Middlefex, as well within Liberties as without, Greet-
ing. Whereas the Earls,Barons,Knights and Freemen,and the Commu-
nities of Counties of our Kingdom Courtly, or courteouſly and grate-
fully Granted us a 20th Part of their Moveable Goods;and the Citizens,
Burgeffes and Communities of Cities and Burghs of the fame King-
dom,and alfo the Tenents of the Ancient Demea fn of our Crown a 15th
Part of their Moveable Goods, We, that the faid 20th Part, &c.
Tenents in an
cient Demeafn
fometime o-
mitted in
[2] Inter Re-
corda d
Term Sanct.
Trin.Anno 12.
d. 2. penes
Remem. Regis
in Scaccario.
Commiffio ad
Levand. &
Oxon. Berks,
Bed. Bucks
de Levatione
12 & 18 fuper
vidend. &
*Note the
Earls and Ba-
rons and
Knights of the
Shire, granted
this 18th, and
Some time afterward, the Tenents in ancient Demeafns were left
out of the Preambles of the Commiffions, and not mentioned as
Grantors of Taxes, with the Citifens and Burgeffes in the 12th of
Edward the Second, in fome Commiffions they were retained, in
others omitted. Edwardus Dei Gratia Rex Anglia, &c. [2] Fidelibus
fuis Ballivis & Communitatibus Civitatum & Burgorum in Comi
tatu Lincoln, Salutem. Cum Cives & Burgenfes Civitatum & Bur-A
gorum Comitatnum Regni noftri in Parlamento noftro apud Eborum à
Die Pafcha proximo præterito in unum menfem convocato pro expedi
tione Guerra noftre Scotia Duodecimam omnium Bonorum fuorum Mo-
bilium nobis Concefferunt, &c. Nos, ut, &c. Tefte meipfo, apud
Eborum 30 Die Maii Anno Regni noftri 12. Per ipfum Regem.
The Tenents of the Kings ancient Demeafns were not mentioned
as Grantors in this Commiffion.
Yet in this following Commiffion about Levying the fame Tax,
they are mentioned as Grantors of it, with the Citifens and Bur-
Inter Commiffiones & Literas Patentes de Termino Sanita Tri-
nitatis Anno 12 R. Rs. Edwardi Secundi penes Remem
Regis in Scaccario.
Rex omnibus ad quos præfentes literæ pervenerint, Salutem. Cum
per Literas noftras Patentes Affignaverimus quofdam Dilectos & Fi-
deles noftros ad Decimam Octavam nobis per
* Communitates Co-
mitatuum Regni noftri in Parlamento noftro apud Ebor. a Die Paf-
the proxime præterito in unum menfem Convocato. Et Duodecimam
per Cibes, Burgenles, & Tenentes de Dominicis nofiris
in eodem Parlemento conceffas, &c.
But afterwards they were frequently omitted,and after the Eighth
therefore the of Edward the Third, when the Establishment of Taxes upon Per-
Earls and Ba- fonal Eſtates became certain, and the way and manner of Levying
them was changed, the Tenents in ancient Demeafns are no longer
mentioned in the Commiſſions of the Taxors and Collectors, as Gran-
tors of thoſe Taxes.
rons were part
of the Com-
munity of the
County, which
was the Te-
nents in Capi-
At what time
ancient De-
meafns are no
tors of Taxes
Before this time there were two chief Taxors appointed by the King
the Tenents in in every County, who appointed Twelve in every Hundred, to raife
every Mans Perfonal Eftate according to the true value, and then to
longer menti-Levy a Thirtieth, or an Eighteenth part of it, as it was Granted by
oned as Gran- the Earls, Barons and Knights of Shires in Parlement. They alfo
in the Taxors appointed fuch and as many as they thought fit in every City,Burgh and
Commiffions. Town of the Kings Demeafns, to inquire into every Mans Perfonal
The ancient Eftate in thoſe places, and find out the true value of it, and then to F
vying Taxes. Levy a Twentieth, or Twelfth part of it, as it had been Granted by
the Citifens, Burgeles and Tenents of the Kings ancient Demeafns in
[3] Inter Re- Parlement. And that they might Tax and Value every Mans Eſtate
Term. Trinit. truly and really, the Tacos were Sworn not to do otherwife for
34 Ed. 1. pe- Love, Hatred, Favor, Gift or Promife. See the [3] Form of Tax-
ing and Levying the 30th and 20th part Granted to King Edward
manner of Le-
corda de
ne's Remem.
English Burghs, or Bonroughs.
the Firft, made by him and his Council in the 34th year of his Reign,
as it was delivered to the Chief Taxors of every County with the Oath.
See the like [4] Form in the 12th of Edward the Second, for Tax-[[4] Inter Re-
ing and Levying an 18th Granted by the Earls, Barons, &c. and a
12th by the Citizens, Burgeffes, and Tenents of Ancient Demeafns.
In the Eighth of Edward the Third, upon [5] Complaint of the
A Barons, Knights, Citizens and Burgeles to the King in Parlement,
That the Taxors and Collectors for Bribes fpared fome Men, and by
Colour of their Office extorted from others more than they ought to
pay, and applyed it to their own fe; with Request to him, That
they might pay toward the 15th and 10th then Granted, as they
had done to the laſt 10th and 15th. There were fent Commiſſioners
into every County in England, to Agree and Compound with the In-
habitants of every Town that was to pay a Fifteenth; And alſo with
B the Communities of Cities and Burghs, and Men of the Towns of An-
cient Demeafns, which paid a Tenth; Ad Cragandum & Concoz,
Dandum cum Communitatibus Civitatum & Burgozum, ac h b
minibus Villarum, & Dominicazum antiquorum, qui hujufmodi De-
címam & Quintam-Decimam folvere tenentur, for the Sums they
were to pay; which Sum was fixed upon the particular Towns, Ci-
ties and Burghs for the future, and Collected, and Rated moſt com-
monly by the Inhabitants (I ſuppoſe) amongſt themſelves; the chief
C Collectors and Taxors in every County were referved to be Taxed by
the Treaſurer and Barons of the Exchequer as before.
corda. de
Term. Trinit.
F2 Ed.2. penes
The occafion
[5] Pat. 8 E.3.
p.2. M. 16.
and manner of
the firft fetling
of Fifteenths
and Tenths.
brancer in the
I could never find the Roll, or any Book of this Establishment of
this Eighth year of King Edward the Third. But in a [6] Book of [6] With the
Fifteenths and Tenths in the Third year of King Henry the Fifth, Kings Remem-
where the part tular Sums of every ordinary Town, and of every Exchequer.
City, Burgh, and Town of Ancient Demeafns in all Counties in Eng-*Every Town
D land are noted, there is often Reference to the Particulars of fuch a there that paid
Roll in that Eighth year. After which time, when Tenths and Fifa Tenth, and
teenths were reduced to a certainty, the Parlement for the moft part City nor
Granted Taxes of thoſe Denominations, half a Tenth, and Fifteenth, Burgh, was
a whole Tenth, and Fifteenth, Two Tenths, and Two Fifteenths, &c. Ancient De-
according to the Exigency of the King's Affairs.
was neither
There hath been often mention made of the King's Demeafn Cities What the
E and Burghs, as well as of his Tenents of Ancient Demeafn, in this Kings De-
Treatife. And it will much tend to the underſtanding of it, and of
meafn Cities
and Burghs
ancient Records and Hiftory where they are mentioned, to know were.
what they were. And if they be duly confidered, they are not much
unlike one another, having their Names from the fame thing, that
is, from holding of the King by Fee-farm.
For thoſe Town and Lands which are found in Domesday-Books un- The Original
F der the Title of Cerra Regis, were then and afterwards kept in his of Fee-Farins.
Hands, and managed by Prepofiti, or Bayliffs, (as were moſt of the
Towns and Lands of Bishops, Abbats, Priors, Earls, Barons, and
other Great Men) and called his, and their Demeafns; which in pro-
ceſs of time were let to Farm to Tenents for a confiderable part of
their true value, an half part, third or fourth at leaſt, and this Rent
was called a Fee-Farm-Rent, the Tenents efteeming what theſe
[7] Adventus
Anno 5 Ed. 3.
finiente, inci-
piente 6, in
Mich. apud
Remem. The-
Eſtates were above the Rent, or in refpect of the Tenure, to be to
them, at, or tanquam de feodo, as if they were holden in Fee, pay-
ing their Rent, and Tallages.
Of the fame condition were Cities and Burghs; at first they were
kept in the Kings Hands, and the Cuftoms and Profits, that arofe
from Trade, gathered by his Bayliffs and Officers, which afterward
were let out in Fee-Farin, to the Communities of Cities and Burghs, A
which commonly were made fuch, by the fame Charters by which
the Cuſtoms in kind, or the true value of them, as then Collected,
were changed into Fee Farm Rents, and the Kings Officers, or others
in Lieu of them, were made Officers as well to the Cities and Burghs,
as to himſelf. This is clearly apparent from the Narrative of great
Tarmouth, in the Appendix Ñ. I. A. N. 1. B. and from the Charter
N. 2, as alſo from the Second Charter of Donewic, N. 3. B. and
from others. And may further be confirmed by the following B
Amerciamenta [7] Hominum & Burgenfium Firmariorum Diverſa-
rum Villatarum ad Feodi Firmam de Rege tenentium qui non venerunt
ad Scaccarium ad faciendum Proffrum de firmis fuis in Craftino San-
&ti Michaelis Anno Regni Regis Edwardi Tertii poft Conqueftum VI
incipiente, V finiente.
faura. in Scac-Northum- De hominibus Villa de Bamburgh quia non
At this time
they began
their Accounts
for that half
Year, and paid
a fmall Sum in
part of their
Rent, which
was called
their proffer.
venerunt ad Scaccarium ad faciendum? V Merc.
Proffrum fuum ad Diem prædictum.
Bedeford. De Hominibus Villa Bedeford pro eodem
De Hominibus Villa de Cölcheftre pro eodem
​V Merc.
V Merc.
De Hominibus Villæ de Brudport pro eodem — V. Merc.
Et Memorandum quod hujufmodi Firmarii, & alii Vicecomites & D
Ballivi confimili modo amerciati funt pro non Adventu fuo ad Proffrum
fuum Tempore Regis Edwardi fibii Regis Henrici, ficut continetur in Me-
morandis Anni XVIII ejufdem inter Communia de Termino Sancti
The Amerciaments of the Men and Burgeffes, Farmers of divers
Towns, holden of the King in Fee-Farm, who came not to the Ex-
chequer or Scaccar, to make the proffer, (i. e. the beginning of E
their Accounts) on the morrow of St Michael in the Year of the
Reign of King Edward the Third, after the Conqueft beginning the
Sixth, ending the Fifth.
Of the Men of the Town of Bamburgh
becauſe they came not to the Scaccar to Five Marks.
maketheir proffer at the Day aforefaid.
Of the Men of the Town of Bedford for the Five Marks.
Of the Men of the Town of Colchester for Five Marks,
the fame.
Of the Men of the Town of Brudport fort Five Marks.
the fame.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 41
It cannot be denied, that many Towns which are now Parlement
Burghs were the ancient Demeafns of the Crown, and that the Lands
belonging to them were holden in Fee-Farm. But then it muſt be
confidered, that the Towns and Lands fo holden, were holden by
particular Men, by Grant from the Crown, and as Tenents to the
Manner, where the Lands lay, or to fome other Manner, at fomedi-
Aftance from them, and therefore for this reafon, they could not be
called Demeafi
called, Civitates & Burgi Dominici Regis. The Kings Demeafn Ci-Cities and
ties and Burghs, but muſt be ſo called, by reaſon of the Fee-Farm Burghs why
they paid as Cities and Burghs, as Communities, Corporations and Bo-Cities and
dies Politique, conftituted by the Kings Charters, with Liberty of free Burghs:
Trading, from which Trade, or from Tolls and Cuſtoms thereby
happening, the Fee-Farms of fuch Communities aroſe, and from
hence the Burgeffes of fuch places, as Burgeffes were called the Kings
B Farmers, or Tenents in Fee-Farm.
Having feen, what the Civitates & Burgi Dominici Regis, the
Kings Demeafn Cities and Burghs were, we fhall next fhew what,
and how many of the prefent Parlement Burghs were ancient De-
meafns. And in doing this, I will follow the direction of an anci-
ent [8] Writ, to the Treaſurer and Barons of the Exchequer, in [8] Old Régi-
48th of Edward the Third, when the Men of the Town of Lindon in the fter, fol. 181.
B. 182. A.
C County of Roteland,complained to the King, that notwithſtanding it
was neither Burgh nor antient Demeafn of the Crown, yet it was Tax-
eda Tenth, whereas they ſhould have been Taxed only a Fifteenth, in
this cafe the King Commands the Treaſurer and Barons of the Exche-
quer,that if it did appear by his Book called Domeſday,or by other Rolls
and Memorials of the Exchequer, or any other competent way, that
it was neither Burgh nor antient Demeafn, they fhould accept a Fif-
teenth and diſcharge them of the Tenth, &c. Vobis mandamus gued
Dfi per Librum noftrum qui vocatur Domelday, vel alios Rotulos
Demozanda Scaccarii five alio modo competenti dictam Villam Bur-
gum vel de antiquo Dominico Corona noftræ non effe invenire conti-
gerit, &c.
From this Book therefore of Domesday, and other Records it will
manifeftly appear, which of the preſent Burghs were ancient De-
In Berk-Shire New-Windfor, and Reding in Buckingham-Shire,
Wicomb, Wendover, Alisbury then no Burghs, In Devon-Shire, Bark
ftable, Plimpton, Taviftoke, Afb-Burton, Tiverton, the four laft then
no Burghs. Dorfet-fhire, Melcomb then no Burgh. Effex, Maldox.
Glocefter Shire, Tewkesbury, Cirencester, the laft then no Burgh. He-
reford-Shire, Lemfter then no Burgh. Huntington-Shire, Huntington
3 Henry Quinti. Lincoln-Shire, Grantham, Grimeſby, then the laft
Fno Burgh. Norfolk, City of Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Thetford.
Oxford-Shire, Woodfrooke, but then no Burgh. Sommerfet-Shire,
Ilchefter, Milborne. Ham-Shire, Andover. Stafford-Shire, Tam-
worth. Suffolk, Ipfwich. Surrey, Guildford. Wilt-Shire, Wilton,
Westbury, Caln, Chepeham, now Chippenham, Cricklade, Bedwin, then
the laft Westbury and Chepeham no Burghs. Tork-Shire, Knaresburg,
Malton, Threſke, Alvertune, then no Burghs. All theſe Towns are
How many of
Burghs, were
only Towns in
ancient De-
the préfènt

42 |
* Domefd. f.
143. B. Col.2.
to be found under the Title of Terra Regis, the Kings Land in Domef-
day Books, in the feveral Counties, except Wicomb, which is to be
found in Buckingham-Shire, under the Title of Terra Epifcopi Wintoni-
enf, and was allotted to the Monks of Winchester for their Diet,both
before and after the Conqueft. Hoc Manerium (1. e. Wicomb.)
fuit & eft ad victum Monacorum Wintonienfium. But how I
fay, this Town afterwards came into the Kings Hands, and was the
[9] Cart. 5.
Demeafn of the Crown. For in the [9] Fitch of his Reign King A
Johan. n. 210. John Granted it in Fee-Farm, at the Rent of 20 l. per Annum, and
the Service of one Knights Fee, to Alan Ballet, and King Henry the
Third, in the 33d year of his Reign, when he Taxed his Demeans
at the request of Philip Ballet, his Son, directed his Writ to the She-
riff of Buckingham-Shire to impofe a reafonable Tallage upon the Te-
nents of Philip in Wicomb, as having been once the Demeafn of his
Progenitors as appears by the Writ it felf. [1] Quia Rex Talliari
facit Dominica fua Mandatum eft Vicecomiti Bucks, quod habere fa- B
ciat Philippo Baffet Rationabile Tallagium de Hominibus fuis de eo
Tenentibus in Manerio de Wycumb, quod aliquando fuit Dominicum
Frædecefforum Regis, Regum Anglia. Tefte Rege apud Westminster
Vicefimo Octavo Die Decemb.
[1] Clauf. 33.
Henry the 3d
m. 14.
[2] The time
of the making
of Domesday
Book which
Tit. Terre
In Corawal at the [2] time of the Survey, none of the now
Burghs were placed under the Title of Terra Regis, unless that
which was then called Henliftone, and defcribed as an ordinary C
fee in Cornwal. Town, be now Helfton, nor had any of them at the time aforefaid,
[3] Domefd. in the Title of Burghs, [3] Ecclefia Sandi Germani, that Manner or
Cornwal, fub Parith confifted of Twenty four Hides, whereof the Bishop of Ex
Epifcop. Ex- cefter had Twelve, and the Canons of the place had Twelve, what
belonged to the Bishop was valued at VIII I. by the Year, what
belonged to the Canons was valued at an C. Shillings. In hoc Manerio
eft Mercatum in Die Dominico fed ad nichilum redigitur pro Mercato
Comitis Moritonii quod ibi eft proximum, in this Minner is a Mercate D
on the Lords Day, but 'tis reduced to nothing by reafon of the Mercate
of the Earl of Moreton, that is very near.
[4] Ibid. Sub.
Tit. Terra
ton. F 121. B.
Comit. Mori-
Col. I.
[5] Ibid.f.120.
B. Col, 2.
The Earl of Moreton [4] holds Life arret, there defcribed as an or-
dinary Town, the fame holds Fawintone, there defcribed as an ordi-
nary Town, Pariſh or Village, the fame holds Dunbevet (now Lance-
fton) ibi Caftrum Comitis, there is the Earls Castle, or the Head of the
The [5] Church of St. Petroc holds Bodmine, there St. Petroc
hath 68 Houfes, and a Mercate, the whole is valued at XXXV Shil-
lings by the Year.
No other Names of the prefent Burghs in Cornwal to be found in
Domesday Book, or other things of theſe.
In Devonshire, befides what were mentioned before under the Title F
of Terra Regis. There is Excefter Burgus defcribed by it felf, Honetone
under the Title of Terra Comitis Moretonenfis but no Burgh. Totnais
Burgus, under the Title of Terra Judhael de Tornais, and Ochementone.
(I fuppofe now Okehampton) Burgus, under the Title of Baldwin the
[6] Ibid.f.105. Sheriff. Baldwinus Vicecomes [6] Tenet Ochementone de Rege, ibi feder
Caftellum, ibi quatuor Burgenfes, & Mercatum valet IHI Solidos.
B. Col. 2,
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
No other Names of the prefent Berghs to be found in this County
in Domefday-Book, unleſs, as hath been noted before, thofe which
are placed under the Title of Terra-Regis.
In Wiltshire, befides what were reckoned before under the Title
of Terra-Regis, there is [7] Malmesbery deſcribed by it felf; Mer. [7] Ibid. fol.
A leberg is defcribed as an ordinary Town, no Burgh. Duntone is pla-64.B. Col. I.
ced under the Title of Terra Epifcopi Wintonienfis, no Burgh, but
deſcribed as an ordinary Town. Salisbery is under the Title of
[8] Terra Epifcopi Salisberienfis, no Burgh, but defcribed as a very [8] Ibid. fol.
great Manner, and as other Country Towns, only thus in part of the 66. A. Col.1.
Defcription. In Wiltune vii. Burgenfes pertinentes buic Manerio,
reddunt lxv. Denarios. [9] Etesbery (I fuppofe now Heytsbury)
under the Title of Terra Aluredi de Ifpania, and is thus défcribed;
B Aluredus [1] de Ifpania Tenet de Rege Etesberie, Alwi Tenuit Tem- [1] Ibid. fol.
pore Regis Edwardi, valuit iii 1. modo iiii l.
No other Names of the prefent Burghs to be found in the Defcrip
tion of Wiltſhire, but ſuch as were Ancient Demeafns.
And fo it is in other Shires and Counties, fuch efpecially as have
now many Burghs in them, as Somerfetfhire, Hamshire, Suffex, Lan-
Ccafbire and Yorkshire, in every of thefe there are now feveral real or
reputed Burghs, whofe Names are not to be found in the Conquerors
73. A. Col. I.
And therefore we are next to fhew, or at leaſt make a probable The Original
conjecture, what the Original of many (if not all) our prefent Barghs of our prefent
was; which to me feems to have been only from Charters. We Burghs.
will begin with thofe of Cornwal, which are moſt obſcure, and then
Dinftance in fome others.
For the Burgh of Hellefton fee Appendix, Numb. 8.
Col. I. 2.
Truro, Truru, or Trineren, was fomtime the Poffeffion of Ri
chard de Lucy, a Perfon of great Note in the Reigns of King Stephen,
and Henry the Second; in the Eighth of whofe Reign he was made
Juftice of England. From him it came to Reginald Fitz-Roy, who
E was one of the Illegitimate Sons of King Henry the First, and was
[2] Created Earl of Cornwal by King Stephen in the Fifth of his [2] Dugd.
Reign, and died in the 21ft of Henry the Second. He, by his Char Baron. f. 610.
ter, Granted to his Free Burgeffes of Triueren, That they fhould have
all their Free Customs, and fuch as were uſed in Cities, and the fame
in all things which they had in the time of Richard de Lucy: (That
is to fay) Sac, Soc, Tol, Them, and Infangenethuf; and Granted
them, That they fhould not Plead or be Profecuted in Hundred or
F County Courts, nor for any Summons fhould go any where to any
Law-Bufinefs without the Town of Triuereu; and that they fhould
be Quit from paying Toll through all Cornwal, in Fayrs and Mercats,
and wherefoever they bought and fold. And that for the Goods they
Trusted, when they were not paid, they might Diftreyn their
Debtors, when they found them in their Town. The Charter it
felf runs thus:
G 2
[2] Cart. per
Reginaldus Regis Filius Comes [3] Cornubie. Omnibus Baronibus
Cornubie & omnibus Militibus, & omnibus Libere-Tenentibus, & omni-
bus Tam Anglicis quam Cornubienfibus, falutem. Sciatis, quod conceffi
The Charter Liberis Burgenfitus meis de Triuereu habere omnes Liberas Con-
fuetudines & Urbanas, & eafdem in omnibus quas habuerunt in Tem-
pore Ricardi de Luty, fcilicet Sacham, & Socham,& Toll,
of Truro.
* A¸ D. 1294.
Chem, & pinfangenethuf & Conceffi eis quod non placitent
in bundzedis, nec Comitatibus, nec pro aliqua fummonitione eant A
ad placitandum alicubi extra villam de Triuereu, & quod quieti fint
de Tholneo dando per totam Connubiam in feriis, & in foris, &
ubicunque emerint & vendiderint, & quod de pecunia corum accredita,
& non reddita Damum capiant, in Villa fua de Debitoribus fuis. His
Teftibus, &c. without Date.
In the fame Record it follows thus: Infpeximus etiam Chartam
quam Henricus proavus Nofter (Henry the Second, who was Great B
Grandfather to Edward the First) fecit eifdem Burgenfibus in hac Ver-
ba. Henricus Dei Gratia Rex Anglia, & Dux Normanniæ, & Aqui-
taniæ &Comes Andegavia, Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comi-
tibus, Baronibus, Juficiariis, Ficecomitibus, Miniftris & omnibus fi-
delibus fuis Francis, & Anglis, totius Angliæ, & Cornubiæ, Salu-
tem. Sciatis me Conceffiffe & Prafenti Carta Confirmafſe Burgenfitus
Richardi de Lucy de Triuereu omnes Libertate's Liberas Confuetu-
dines, quas Comes Reginaldus Abunculus meus, (bafe, Son to c
Penry the Firft, and fo Brother to Daud the Empreſs) rationabili-
ter dedit eis & conceffit ficut Carta ipfius Comitis Teftatur, quare volo,
&c. Teftibus R. Epifcopo Winton. &c. without date, both which
Charters Edward the First Confirmed by his Charter, dated on the
12th of June, in the 13th of his Reign, Eumuno then Earl of
Corawal being a Witness to it.
Richard, Brother to King Henry the Third, was created Earl of D
Cornwal in the [4] Fifteenth year of his Reign, who by his [5]
[4] Cart. 15.
Hen. 3. M. 4 Charter, without date made Dunhebed or Lancetton a free Burgh,
[5] Pat.Hen and amongst other Liberties, Granted to the Burgeffes to chooſe their
per infpexi- own Bayliffs, who were to answer the Farm of the Burgh, which
was to himſelf an Hundred Shillings, to the Priory of St Stephen in
Dunheved Lancefton, Sixty Five Shillings and Ten Pence, and to the Lepers of
or Lance-St Leonard of Lancefton an Hundred shillings of his Alms. He gran
fton. ted them alfo Unam Placeam, where they ſhould think it moſt De-E
cent and Honourable,to erect a Gild-Hall in the fame Burgh, to hold of
him and his heirs, by a Pound of Pepper to be paid yearly at Michael
massfor all Service and Demand whatever, he Granted alfo they fhould
not be Taxed when the County was, not Talliated, by him or his Heirs,
when the King Talliated all his Burghs in England. Et [6] quod
non Talliantur per nos vel Hæredes noftros ad Tempus quando Dominus
Rex omnes Burgos fuos per Angliam Talliaverit. There were Bar-
geffes inhabiting in, or belonging to the Caftle of this Town in the F
time of King Henry the Second, who had certain Liberties and Pri
vileges, as appears by the Charter of Hellefon in the Appendix, N. 8.
}{6] Ibid.
The fame Earl Richard made Liskereth or Liskard a free Burgh,
[7] Pat.2.E.3. and Granted to the Burgeffes [7] all thofe Liberties and Free Customs,
Part.2. M.14. which by his Charter he had Granted to his Burgefes of Lanceſton and
per infpexi-
English Burghs, or Bouroughs:
| 45
Hellefton. This Charter is dated 5 Junii, in the 24th of his Brother
Henry the Third. A. D. 1240.
Edmund Earl of Cornwal his Son in the [8] Third of Edward the [8] Ibid.
Firſt, Granted this whole Burgh, with the Rent of the fame, and his
Mills of Bodgara, and Lonvil, with the Hill of Bodgara and the
Meadows belonging to the Mills, with the Toll of the Mercat and
A Fairs, and alfo all Fines, Mulets and Perquifites of the fame Burgh,
belonging to him and his Heirs in Fee-Farm, at the Rent of Eighteen
Pounds Sterling, to be paid to him or his Heirs by the hands of his Se-
neschal of Cornwal, by equal portions at Eafter and Michaelmafs, [9] [9] Ibid.
except to himſelf and Heirs, that they might Talliate the faid Burgh,
as often and when the King of England did Talliate his Cities and
Burghs. Salvo nobis & Hæredibus noftris quod pradictum Burgum
Talliare poffumus, quotiefcunque Dominus Rex Anglia Civitates &
B Burgos fuos Talliauerit.
The fame Earl Richard, [1] Granted to the Prior and Canons of
Bodmin, a free Merchand-Gild, (Gildam Percatoziam) in that
Town, and that their Burgeffes fhould be free and quit of all Customs
and Exactions through all Cornwal, for the yearly Rent of 43 s. and
4 d. without date, &c.
[1] Cart. 13.
Ed. 1. n. 9. by
Ed.2. n. 24. by
[3] A.D.1269.
The fame Earl when he was King of the Romans, [2] in the 12th [2] Cart. 19.
year of his Reign [3] made Lostwithiel and Penknek one free Burgh,
Cand that his Burgeffes there fhould have a Merchant Gild, and then
proceeds and Grants them further Liberties in the fame, mords with Hen. 3. 53.
thoſe of Truro.
Loft with
2. part. 6. m.7.
John of Eltham Second Son to Edward the Second, was Earl of Graunt-
Cornwal, who. [4] gave and Granted to his Burgeffes of Graunt pount, pount.
or Great-Bridge in Cornwal, the whole Town, and feveral other [4] Pat. 1. R.
Lands abuttalled and bounded in his Charter, and made it a free Burgh,
D which they were to hold of him and his Heirs for ever in Fee-Farm,
paying at the Feafts of Easter and Michaelmaß, Twelve Pounds Eleven
Shillings, and four Pence. This Charter bears date the Sixth of
October in the Seventh year of his dearest Brother King Edward.
Reginald de Valle Torta, or Vautort, who [5] lived in the time
King John, and died in the 30th of Henry the Third, was Lord
the Hanor and Castle of Trematon, which was head of it, to it [6]
E belonged Fifty nine Fees of the yearly Value of 259 1. 6 s. 8 d. As
the Earls of Cornwal exerciſed their Jara Regalia in erecting of Burghs
in the County, fo this Reginald and his Anteceffors, exerciſed theirs
in erecting the Burgh of Effa, or Saltash, within their Honor of Tre
by Infpeximus.
Vid. Cart. 6.
Ed. 3. 11. 7.
John Earl of
To which this
Cornwal, fo
named there,
was a Witnefs.
I. 2.-
[5] Dugd. Ba-
ron f. 22. Col.
[6] Rot. Ef-
chaet. 28. Ed.
I. n.
Ella, or
Salt afb.
by Infpeximus.
[7]Sciant præfentes & futuri, Quod ego Reginaldus de Valle Torta Dedi | [7] Pat. 5.Ric.
& Concelli & hac præfenti Carta med Confirmavi Liberis Burgenfibus 2.part1.m.10.
meis de Eſſa omnes Libertates & Liberas Confuetudines fuas hic fubfcri-
Fptas, quas babuerunt tempore Antecefforum meorum, &c. which were
many, and amongst them thefe, That they should choose their own
Bayliff or Mayor; That they should have the whole Toll of Bread, To-
tum Panis Theloneum; and, That none of his Burgeffes fhould be taken
and carried to his Castle, if they were able to find fufficient Sureties of
their Peers, for their Tranfgreffions. This Charter was Confirmed
by Richard the Second, ut fupra.
46 1
[9] Carew's
Survey of
Co with P.
This Burgh of Effa is now called [8] Saltafh, which lies in the
fame Parish of St Stephens, whe ein the Caftle of Tremeton, the head
11. Sp. of that Honor now doth, or then did ftand. Thefe inftances are fuf-
112. b. prin- ficient for Cornwal, fome few do follow in other Counties.
ted A. D.
[9] Cart. 13.
Ed. 1. n. 64.
by Infpeximus.
[1] Cart. 2 Ed.
3. n. 6. by
Baldwin de Redverys, [9] Earl of Devon and Lord of the Ile (that
is, Wight) in the 26th of Henry the Third, Granted to his Bur- A
geffes of Plympton, his whole Burgh of Plympton, with the Market
and Fairs, and all appurtenances to the faid Burgh belonging, to
have and to hold to them and their Heirs of him and his Heirs for
ever, ſo freely and quietly, with all Liberties and free Customs, eo mo-
do ficut Cives Exoniæ meliùs & liberiùs habent vel habere debent in Ci-
vitate fua Exoniæ, quam de Rege tenent, in the fame manner as the
Citifens of Excefter, beft or moſt freely have, or ought to have in their
City, which they held of the King; this Charter was confirmed by B
Edward the Firft, as above.
Prefton in Lancashire, [1] made a Burgh by King Henry the Se-
cond, had new Liberties granted by King John, when Earl of
Preston. Moreton and Lancaster, confirmed by King Henry the Third, and Ed-
ward the Third.
[2] Cart. 11.
Ed. 3. m. 22.
n. 39. by
The fame John Earl of Moreton and Lancaster, [2] Granted and C
Confirmed to his Burgeffes of that Town, in the fourth of Richard
the First, all the Liberties which he had Granted to the Burgeffes of
Lancaster. Bristol, and furthermore, releaſed to them the Suit they ought to his
Mill, and acquitted them from Ploughing his Lands, and performing
other Servile Customs. Johannes Comes Moreton omnibus hominibus
& amicis fuis Francis & Anglicis præfentibus & futuris, Salutem. Sci.
atis, me conceffiffe & hac Carta mea confirmaffe Bergenfibus meis Lanca-
Stria omnes Libertates quas Burgenfibus Bristol conceffi. Praterea cla- D
mavi eofdem Burgenfes quietos de Secta Molendini, & de Arura, & de
aliis Servilibus Confuetudinibus quas facere folebant, &c. This Charter
was confirmed by this John, when King, and by Edward the Third,
in the Eleventh of his Reign, as in the Margin.
[3] Pat. 2. Ed.
3 Part.1.m.
11. by Infpex-
John the eldeſt Son of the Duke of Britain, and Lord of Richemund,
by his Charter without date for him and his Heirs, [3] Granted to
the Burgeſſes of Richemund, the Burgh of Richemund, with the Mer E.
cate and Fairs, and the Tolls, with all Rents of Affize, Attachments,
and Pleas, or Mulds of the faid Burgh, and his whole Demeafn, cal-
led the Land of Fonteney, &c. At the Rent of Forty Pound per An-
num, &c. Which Charter was confirmed by Edward the Third, in
the Second of his Reign, as in the Margin.
[4] Cart. 9. King John in the Second of his Reign, Granted to [4] Baldwin
Zd. 3. n. 53. Earl of Albemarle and Hawis or Avis his Countess the free Burgage F
by Infpeximus. in Heddun, now Hedon, Heydon, or Hodon in Yorkshire, to them and
their Heirs in Fee and Inheritance, fo that their Burgeffes of Heddun
might hold freely and quietly in free Burgage, as his Burgeffes of Tork
and Lincoln, beſt, moſt freely and quietly did hold, with fuch Customs
and Liberties as King Henry his Father, (that is, Henry the Second)
Granted to William Earl of Albemarle, by his reaſonable Charter.

English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
Johannes Dei Gratia Rex Anglia, &c. Sciatis nos Conceffiffe [s]
Baldewing Comiti Albemarlia & Harifia Comitiffe Uxori fua liberum [5] Ibid.
Burg agium in Hedduna eis & Haredibus fuis in feudo & ha editate, it a
quod Burgenfes eorum H ddune, libere & quiete in libero Burg agio tene
ant ficut Burgenfes noftri de Eboraco vel Nichol meliùs, & liberiùs, &
quietius tenent, illis Confuetudinibus & Libertatibus, ficut Rex Henri-
cus Pater nofter Willielmo Comiti Albemarlie per Cartam fuam rationa-
A bilem conceffit. Teftibus, &c. Dat. apud Caneford 13 Die Decemb.
Anno Regni noftri 2. This Charter was confirmed by Edward the
Third, as in the Margin. Very many more Inftances might be given
of Charters of very obfcure Burghs, and might alfo be published in
the Appendis, if it were not for making this Treatife too Bulky.
From thefe Inftances we may make a more than probable Conje-
ture, that all Free-Burghs, though now never fo obfcure had their
B beginning from Charter, which was Granted as well for the Advan
tage of the King, Earl, or other great Man, Lord of the Burgh, as
for the profit of the Burges themfelves. For a Free Burgh in the
true fenfe of the word, was only a Town of free Trading, with a What a Free
Merchant Gild, or Community, without paying Toll, Pontage, Paffage, Burgh is.
Stallage, &c. And being free from certain Fines or Mulets, from
Suit to Hundred, and County Courts, or being profecuted, or answering
there, or any where elfe, but within their own Burgh, except in Pleas of
C the Crown, With other Privileges, Liberties and Customs according
to the Tenor of particular Grants and Charters. And a free Burgef
was no other, than a Man that exercifed free Trade, according to
the Liberties and Privileges of his Burgh, whether he refided in it,
or whether he had Liberty to live and Trade other where.
Upon Account of thefe Liberties, the Prince or Lord of the Burgh
received Toll and Customs, for the Goods bought and fold, or in pro-
D cefs of time a Fee-Farm Rent, or Annual Compofition in a ftated Sum,
always lefs than the true value, in Lies of them. And a reaſonable
Tallage or Ad, when for his neceffity he had reafon to impofe it. And Tallage why
that Tallage was due and paid by Citifens and Burgeffes, to our anci- paid and impo-
ent Kings, only, in Confideration of their Liberty of Buying, Selling tient Kings.
and Trading, and the Liberties they had Granted them to that pur-
pofe and fo to do, will be clearly evinced by what follows..
fed by our an-
lamentar. f.
bout Tallage.
In the [6] Eleventh of Henry the Third, New Sarum was made [6] Riley's
a City by the Kings Letters Patents, and given to the then Bishop his Placit. Par-
Succeffors and Canons there, and their Succeffors as their proper De- 271.
meafns, (tanquam proprium Dominicum) and further Granted to the The Cafe of
fame Bbop and his Succeffors, that for the neceffity of himself or his Salisbury a-
Church, he might take a reasonable Tallage or Aid of his Citifens,
when the King or his Heirs made a reafonable Tallage in his Demeafns.
(Concedimus infuper eidem Epifcopo, & Succefforibus fuis, quod pro ne-
F ceffitatibus fuis, & Ecclefia fua, Tallagium vel rationabile aurili-
um capiant de predictis Civibus fuis, quando nos vel hæredes noftri
Callagium faciemus in Dominicis noftris.).
In the 33d year of Edward the Firft, the Biflap of Salisbury, [7] [7] Ibid.6273
required an Aid or Tallage of the Citifens of New Sarum, according
to the Grant of Henry the Third, the Citifens refule payment, upon
48 |
[8] Ibid.
application of the Bishop to the King, he granted his precept to the
Sheriff of Wiltshire, to Summon, by two legal Men, the Mayor and
Community (not all the Burgeffes, but the governing part) of New
Sarum, to appear before him and his Council at Westminster, to fhew
caufe why they ought not to be Talliated according to the Charter and
Grant aforefaid.
They appeared by their Attorneys, [8] and Pleaded, that Ri- A
chard, the Predeceffor of the then Bishop with the Concurrence and
Affent of the Dean and Chapter, by their Charter, had confirmed to
[9] Ibid.f.274. their Free Citifens of New Sarum [9] that every one of them fhould
bold his free Tenement, (füum Liberum Tenementum) in the City afore-
ſaid, and their Heirs likewife, honourably, freely, quietly and peace-
ably,rendring to the Bishop and his Succeffors, (pro plena placea) that is,
a full Tenement or Burgage, twelve pence by the year, and he that held
more or leſs fhould pay according to the fame quantity more or lefs B
for all Services and Demands, and upon this they produce the Charter
of Bishop Richard, and demand Judgment, if as they were Free Men
and Free Tenents, (Deficut funt liberi & libere Tenentes) as it was
contained in the Charter aforefaid, and never were as they faid Tal-
liated, whether they ought then to be Talliated.
[1] Ibid.f.27 5.
Tallage paid
by Burgeffes in
refpect of their
Trading and
the uſe of
The Bishop, notwithſtanding the Grant of his Predeceffor, [1] af
firmed, they ought to be Talliated, and pleads the Charter of King C
Henry III. and that the Citifens at their own charge had procued a Con-
firmation of it, from King Edward. And the matter having been fully
debated before the King and Council in Parlement, it was faid, that
King Henry in the Grant of their Liberties (which were no other
Burgh Liber-than thofe of the City of Winton, and many other Cities and Burghs)
impofed upon the faid Citifens, the Burthen of the faid Tallage and
reaſonable Aid, for the neceffities of the faid Church, when the King
or his Heirs made a Tallage in his Demeafns, and from the time the D
faid Citifens uſed their Liberties and quietances (that is from Toll,
Pontage, Paffage, &c.) to their profit, by the faid Charter, they ought
to bear the Burthen impofed upon them by the fame, when 'tis con-
fonant to Reaſon, that thoſe who have the profit fhould bear the
[2] Ibid.
[3] Cart. 34.
Ed. 1. n. 27.
The King therefore did Will and Command, [2] that the Citifens
ſhould be for that time Talliated, for the profit they had received by E
their Liberties from the time of the firft Grant of their Charter until
then. And afterward chooſe whether they would uſe their Liberties,
and be Talliated according to their Charter for the future, or renounce
them, and not be Talliated. The Citifens did chooſe to renounce their
Liberties, and a few days after Surrendred them to the King by the
hands of their Mayor.
When by reaſon of this Renunciation, the Citifens could not ufe F
their Liberties, or any one of them, within leſs than the space of a
year, they, with the Bishop, Petition the King to have their Liber-
ties Regranted, and do ſubmit to pay Tallage, as it follows in the
Charter of this King, after the Repetition of King Henry's Charter,
and the precedent Judgment: [3] Et idem Epifcopus & Predicti
Cives jam nobis attentè fupplicaverunt, ut de Gratianoftra concedere ve

English Burghs, or Bouroughs,
limas, libertatibus fuperius expreffis, (in the Charter of King Henry)
&dictos Cives contingentibus, per ipfos ut prædictum eft Renunciatis,
de cætero uti poffint & gaudere, Nos licet dicti Cives Libertatibus prædi
dis Renunciaverint ficut pradictam eft, confiderantes tamen pium propofi-
tum quod dictus Paten nofter habuit ad Ecclefiam pradictam, &c. Nec-
non & per finem quem predicti Cives fecerunt nobifcum coram Confilio
noftro Volumus & Concedimus pro Nobis & Hæredibus noftris, quod
A dicta Civitas de Nova Sarum fit Libera Civitas ipfins Epifcopi, & Suc-
cefforum fuorum, ac Ecclefie fua predicte in perpetuum. Et quod Cives
ejufdem Civitatis ibidem manentes fint Cives ipfius Epifcopi & Succef-
forum fuorum, & quod per totam Terram noftram de Theolonio, Bonta-
gio, Paffagio, Paiagio, Leftagio, Stallagio, Cariagio, & omni alia
Confuetudine de omnibus rebus fuis fint quieti. Et quod habeant in
perpetuum omnes alias Libertates & Quietantias per totam Terram no-
ftram quas habent Cives noftri Wynton & quod omnibus & fingulis Li-
B bertatibus fupra Scriptis quatenus eos contingunt de Catero utantur &
gaudeant adeo plenè & integrè ficut in dicta Carta predicti Patris noftri
necnon & in Carta noftra de Confirmatione predict a plenius continentur
Quodque idem Epifcopus & Succeffores fui, Tallagium vel rationabile
auxilium capiant de predictis Civibus fuis, Hæredibus vel Succefforibus
fuis ratione Libertatum ipfis Civibus per nos fic conceffarum quando nos
vel Haredes noftri Tallagium in noftris Dominicis de cetero faciemus.
Quare volumus, &c. In English thus.
And the fame Bifbop and the forefaid Citifens now moft earnestly
have befeeched us. That of our efpecial Grace we would Grant them
the Liberties above expreffed touching the faid Citifens, and which
were renounced by them, and that they might afe and enjoy them
We though the faid Citifens have renounced the Liberties aforefaid,
confidering the Pious purpofe our Father had to the Church aforefaid,
&c. And alfo for the Compofition or Fine the Citifens made with us
D before our Council, we Will and Grant for Us, and our Heirs, that
the faid City of New Sarum be the Bfbops and his Succeffors Free
City, forever, and that the Citifens of the fame City there dwelling,
be the Bishops and his Succeffors Citifens, and that they be quit of Toll,
Pontage, Paffage, Paiage, Leftage, Stallage, Carriage, and all other
Cuftom of all their Goods through our whole Land, and that they
have for ever all other Liberties, and Quietances through our whole
Land, which our Citifens of Winchefter have, and that for the future
E they afe and enjoy all and Singular the above Written Liberties, fully
and wholly, as they are contained in our Fathers Charter, and our
own of Confirmation. And that the fame Bishop and his Succeffors may why Tallage
take a reafonable Tallage or Aid of his Citifens aforefaid their Heirs or paid by Burghs
Succeffors, by Reafon of the Liberties by us fo Granted, when we or
our Heirs fhall hereafter Talliate our Demeafns. Wherefore we will,
&c. Dated the 28th of May at Westminster.
and Cities.
The Emolument and Profit mentioned in this Judgment and Charter,
did arife from Buying, Selling and Trading, and the Liberties (by
reafon whereof the Citifens were Talliated,) there fpoken of, were
Granted for the Furtherance and Incouragement of them, which all
Free Citifens and Free Burgeffes injoyed, as Members of a Free City
or Burgh. And 'tis evident they were called Free Cities, (or more
frequently) Free Burghs, and the Members thereof Free Citifens, why fo called.
Free Burghs,
Free Cities,
[4] Riley's
mentar. f. 259.
and Free Burgeffes, (almoft in all Charters) from thefe Liberties,
and Free Trading only, notwithſtanding they were liable to reafon-
able Tallage impofed by the King, when his neceffity required it; and
from their paying a Fee-Farm Rent, and being abrasions to the
Kings Tallage, either expreffed, or implied in the Charters, by the
profit received, moft of the Cities or Burghs in England, were called
Civitates & Burgi Dominici Regis, as his Demeafn Lands were called
Terræ Regis Dominica, and the Tenents of thèm, Tenentes Reğis. Da- ¡A
minici, for the fame reaſon, and for others as before hath been faid.
To this we will add another Record for the proof of the affertion,
that Tallage in Cities and Burghs was paid, upon the account of Buy-
ing, Selling, Trading or Merchandising, and wife of their Liberties
Granted by the King, being a Petition in Parlement in the 33d of
Edward the Firſt.
Ad petitionem [4] Majoris & Burgenfium Briſtol petentium quod
Placita Parle- Homines qui Tenent Terras, & Redditus Magiftri, & fratram Templi,
in Villa Bristol Tallientur & Contributionem faciant ad Fallagium Re-
gu ejufdem Villa cum Burgenfibus ejufdem, de ficut ipfi Mercantur, &
omnibus aliis Libertatibus & Aiftamentis ufi funt que ad dictam Villam
pertinent, &c.
*Note Tra-
ding, a Liber
Ita Refponfum eft. Diftringantur pro Contributionibus, & Tallagiis C
faciendis,& fiat Juftitia Conquerentibus, & fuper boc babenaur Breve
de Cancellaria Majori & Ballivis Bristol. That is.
To the Petition of the Mayor and Burgeffes of Bristol, that the Te-
nents of the Master and Brethren of the Temple, in the Town of Bri-
stol, might be Talliated, and make Contribution to the Tallage of the
fame Town paid to the King, with the Burgeffes of the fame, for
that they Traded or Merchandiſed, and uſed all other Liberties and
Eafements, which belong to the faid Town.
It was Anfwered. Let them be Diftreined for Contributions, and
Tallages, and let Juftice be done to the Complainants, and upon, or
for this, let a Writ go out of Chancery directed to the Mayor and Bai-
liffs of Briſtol.
By what hath been here Written upon that Head, 'tis mightily E
probable, that our prefent free Burghs had their Origin, and recei-
ved the Liberties they have of long time uſed, from Charters only,
Cefpecially fince the Conqueft) and if any Man can fhew.any Burghs,
or Antient Trading Towns, which uſe the Common Liberties of
Burghs, without Charter, or that never had one, undoubtedly (if
any fuch there be) they were Towns holden of the King in Ancient
Demeafn; and the Inhabitants upon prefumption of being his Tenents,
did at firft begin to Buy, Sell and Trade, and by Connivence conti- F
nued fo to do, as the Tenents or Men of the Templers did in Briſtol,
prefuming upon their Mafters great Privileges.
The Inftances uſed concerning the Original of Burghs, were of
fuch, as have been Erected by, or Granted to Earls, Thofe Erected
by the Charters of Earls, were notwithſtanding conftituted ſuch,
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1 51
by an Implicite Derivative Power from the King,who had Created them
Earls and the Chief Fundamental Dominion of thoſe Burghs re-
mained in the King of Crown: For the Earls could not Talliate them The Funda-
at their own Pleafure, but only when the Kings Demeafns were Tal-mental Domi-
liated, and then by his Grant," or Precept, as is manifeft from thefe remained in
two Records.
nion of Burghs
the King.
han, m. 4.
Rex Vicecomiti Lincoln, Salutem, [5], Scias quod Commifimus Di- [5] Cl. 6. Jo-
letto noftro Willielmo Comiti de Warenna Grantham & Stanford cum per-
tinentiis habendum quoufque Terram fuam recuperaverit in Norman.
nia, vel quoufque ei alibi fecerimus Competens Excambium. Ita tamen
quod non poffit Talliare Homines de Stanford nifi per præceptum noftrum.
Et ideo tibi præcipimus quod ei inde fine dilatione Sefinam habere facias,
Tefte Regé apud Weſtm. 19. Die Aprilis.
By this Record it ſeems probable, that by the Original Grant,
William de Warenna might have Power and Licence to Talliate Gran-
tham, but he could not impofe Tallage upon Stanford, but by the
Kings Precept. The other Record is this.
De Tallag. in
Rex Vicecomiti Cornubia, Salutem. [6] Scias quod de Confilio no-[6]C1.11.Hen,
ftro provifum eft, quod auxilium Efficax affideri faciamus in omnibus 3. part. 1. m.
Burgis & Dominicis noftris per totam Terram noftram Anglia, & Volu-19
Cmus quod Confimile auxilium affideatur per Totam Ballivam tuam in Do- Comitatu
minicis & Burgis noftris, ad opus dilecti fratris noftri R. Comitis Picta-
via, & ideo tibi præcipimus quod una cum Simone de Brackel, Ballivo
predicti Comitis ad auxilium affidendum in Burgis & Dominicis noftris
de Comitatu tuo diligenter intendas, Tefte Rege apud Westm. 16 Die
Sir William Dugdale in his Baronage, Fol. 762. Col. 1. Says,
D Richard Earl of Poitou Brother to King Henry the Third, was Cre-
ated Earl of Cornwal in the Eleventh of his Reign, if fo, the King
might Grant this Precept after he was Earl, and call them his De-
meafn and Burghs, by reafon of his Supream Original Dominion, and
Prerogative; or if not made Earl of Cornwal until the Fifteenth of
that King, as hath been noted before, he might then have the Earl-
dom of Cornwal in his Hands by Efchaet, or Forfeiture, and fo call the
Revenues of the Earldom, and Burghs in that County, his Demeafns.
E Which way foever it was, his Brother Richard could not impofe a
Tallage without his Precept. Which was a certain Argument that the
Supream Dominion of thoſe Cornish Burghs was in the King.
I fhall conclude this Treatife with the Anfwers to theſe two
First, Who named them, and by whofe Direction and Appoint-
ment it was, that fuch, or fuch Burghs chofe, and fent
Burgeffes or Members to Parlement, and not others?
Secondly, Who then were, or ought to be the Electors, in Real
or Reputed Burghs?
H 2.
52 |
The Sheriffs at
what Towns
To the First, I was left to the Sheriff of each County to Name
firft directed, and Direct which were Burghs, and which were not, by thols Indefi
nite and General Words in the Writ. De qualiber Ciuitate Duos Ci-
ves, & de quolibet Burga Duos Burgenfes, &c. eligi facias, &c. To
caufe to be chofen two Citifens of every City, and two Burgeffes of
every Burgh.
or Burghs
fhould fend
Burgeffes to
[7] Retorn.
Brev. Parl. 26.
Ed. 1. in Tur-
ri Lond.
The [7] firſt Returns Extant of Knights, Citifens and Burgeffes
are in the Twenty Sixth of Edward the Firſt, and in that of Wiltſhire
for that year Annexed to the Writ, there were returned two Knights
Wiltshire. for the County, two Citifens for New Sarum, two Burgeffes for Doun
ton, two Burgeffes for the Devifes, two for the Burgh of Chippenham;
and two for Malmsbury, with their Manucaptors, and the Writ was
fent to the Constable of Merleberge, (that is, the Constable of the Castle
there,) Ballivis Libertatis Caln, Worthe, qui nullum inde dede- B
runt Refponfum. And to the Bayliffs of the Liberty of Cain and Wor
the, who returned no Anfwer. To the City of New Sarum, and theſe
Six other Burghs, the Sheriff of this year, made his Precepts, and
for them only made his Returns.
[8] Retorn.
Brev. Parl. 12.
Ed. 3.
[9] Retorn.
Brev. Parl. 36
Ed. 3.
In the [8] Returns of Knights, Citifens and Burgeffes to ferve
for this County in the Twelfth of Edward the Third, in a Parlement
holden at Tork three weeks after Michaelmaß, the Execution of the
Writ was in a Schedule fewed to it, Executio istius Brevis patet in Ce-
dula huic Brevi confuta. After the Return of the Knights, the Sheriff
for that year, Returns only two Citifens for Sarum, two Burgeffes for
Wilton and two for Dounton, with Manucaptors; and then for two
Burgeffes for Merleberg; Breve retornatum fuit Conftabulario Castri
Merleberg, eo quod nulla inde fieri potuit Executio in Balliva mea infra
Libertatem prædictam, Et idem Conftabularius qui habet Returnum
omnium Brevium & Executiones eorundem, nullum mihi inde dedit Ref D
ponfum. The Writ was returned to the Conftable of the Caftle of
Markeburgh, becaufe it could not be Executed by me in that Liberty,
and the Constable, that hath the Return of all Writs and the Execu
tion of them gave me no Anſwer. The Sheriff of this year made
his Precept to two Burghs only, and for them, and no other made
his Return, and one of them was not returned in the Twenty Sixth
of Edward the Firft, and then immediately after his Anſwer concern-
ing Marleburgh, clofeth the Return thus. Non funt plures Civitates, E
neque Burgi infra Ballivam meam, that there were no more Cities,
nor Burghs within his Bailywick : That is, within the County, not.
withſtanding Bedwin, Caln, Chippenham, Creklade, Devifes, Lutger-
fbal, Malmsbury and Marleburgh had frequently Burgeles returned to
Parlement, efpecially the two later, before this time, as appears
by the Returns in Edward the Firſt, Second and Third until this
In the [9] Return of the Thirty Sixth of this King, after the
Return of Knights for the fame County, and Citifens for New Sarum,
there were by this Sheriff two Burgeſſes returned for Wilton, two for
the Burgh of Old Sarum, two for the Burgh of Daunton, two for the
Burghof Chippenham, two for the Burgh of Caln, in the Return. No-
mina Burgenfium Burgi de Caln, two for the Burgh of Marleburg, two
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1 53
for the Burgh of Devifes, two for the Burgh of Malmesbury, two for
the Burgh of Creklade, Nomina Burgenfium Burgi de Creklade, fo
in the Return, and two for Bedwinde. Then after the Names of the
Burgeffes for thofe ten Burghs, with their Manucaptors, the Sheriff
clofeth his Return with thefe Words, & non funt plures Civitates
nec Burgi in Comitatu pradicto, Ideo inde ulterius nichil actum eft, and
there are no more Cities por Burghs, within the faid County, and
A therefore there is nothing further done in this matter.
The Return of thefe Burgeffes in the Dors of the Writ, is much to
our purpoſe, and runs thus: [1] Ego Henricus Sturmy Vicecomes [1] Ibid. in
prætextu iftius Brevis de Comitatu infra Scripto, Duos Milites, & de Doro Brevist
qualibet Civitate ejufdem Comitatus Duos Cives, & de quolibet Burgo
dicti Comitatus Duos Burgenfes de melioribus, validioribus, & difcre-
tioribus, Militibus, Civibus & Burgenfibus, Comitatus, Civitatum &
B Burgorum prædictorum eligi feci juxta tenorem iftius Brevis, & no-
mina dictorum Militum Civium & Burgenfium patent in quadam cedula
huic Brevi Confuta. That is,
I Henry Sturmy Sheriff, by Virtue or Pretext of this Writ, have
cauſed to be chofen, in the County under-Written two Knights, and
of every City of the fame County two Citifens, and of every Burgh
of the faid County two Burgeffes, of the beſt, moſt able, and diſ-
Ccreet, Knights, Citifens and Burgeffes of the County, 'Cities and
Burghs aforefaid, according to the Tenor of the Writ; and the
Names of the Knights, Gitifens and Burgeffes, are Written in a Sche-
dule fewed to this Writ.
In this Return notwithſtanding the Sheriff returned that there
were no more Cities nor Burghs in his County, yet he left out Lat-
Dgerfball, which had fent Burgeffes to Parlement, 7th of Ed. 2. twice
in the 8th of Ed. 2. the 4th of Ed. 3. the 14th of Ed. 3.. and 33d of
Ed. 3. before this time, as appears by the Returns of thoſe years.
Brev. Parl. 43.
Ed. 3.
In the 43d of Edward the Third. The [2] Return is thus upon [2] Retorn.
the Dors of the Writ. Ego Walterus Haywood, Vicecom. Vobis fic
Refpondeo Mandatum Veftrum Reverenter fum Executus prout patet in
Cedula buic Brevi Confuta. IWalter Haywood Sheriff, make you this
E Anſwer, that I have Reyerently, or rather (according to the mean-
ing of the Man) Truly, Executed your Command, as is to be ſeen in
the Schedule fewed to this Writ. And then Returns only the Names
of the Knights, Citifens for New Sarum, Burgeffes for Wilton, Old
Sarum, Marleburgh, the Devifes, Malmsbury, Creklade and no more,
making no Return for Caln, Chippenham, Bedwin, or Lutgersbal, nor
Excuſe why he did not.
Ed. I.
F In the 26th of [3] Edward the 1ft, The Sheriff of Buckingham-Shire [3] Retorn.
made this Return in the Dors of the Writ. Nulli funt Cives, nec Brev. Parl. 26.
Burgenfes in Comitatu pradicto, nec Civitas, nec Burgus propter quod BackS &
Cives, nee Burgenfes coram vobis venire facere non poffum. There are Bedford.
no Citifens nor Burgeffes in the County aforefaid, nor City, nor
Burgh, for which caufe I cannot make Citifens or Burgeffes to come
before you.
54 1
[4] Retorn.
In the 28th of that King, the [4] Sheriff returned for Agmunde
Brev. Parl. 28. ham, Wicomb and Wendover, two Burgeffes for each, which were
Bucks, &c. Elected by thoſe Towns or Burghs.
Ed. 1.
[5] Ibid. 30.
Ed. I.
Bucks, &c.
Ed. 2.
[6] Ibid. 12.
Bucks, &c.
[7] Ibid. 6.
Ed. 2.
In the 30th of the fame King, there were only [5] two Bar-
geffes returned for Wycomb, and none for Agmundesham or Wendover.
In the Fitft and Second of Edward the Second, the then Sheriffs
[6] returned two Burgeffes for Wycomb, two for Wendover, two for
Agmondeſham, and two for Great Marlow.
→ 2
In the 6th of Edward the Second, Parlement at [7] Woodstock
July 20th, the Sheriff made this Return, Nulla funt Civitates in
Bucks,&c. Comitatu Bucks, nec etiam Burgi prater in Villa de Wycomb. There
are no Cities or Burghs in the County of Buckingham, except in the B
Town of Wycomb.
[8] Ibid. 12.
Ed. 6.
In the 12th of this King, [8] Wycomb is only returned as a Burgh,
and Burgefjes for it in Buckingham-Shire, and in the clofe of the Re-
Bucks,&c. turn, Nulla eft Civitas nec plures Burgi, in Balliva mea. There is no
City or more Burghs in my Bailywick; and fo no other Burghs were
returned in this County, until after the Reign of Edward the Fourth,
or the Parlement in 1641. And there are many omiffions of very
many other inconfiderable Burghs, for 100, 150, 200, 250, 300.
or more years, grounded upon the like Returns, fome of which fent
Burgeffes, but once or twice, before the Years, 1640 and 1641.
[9] Ibid. 21.
22. Ed. 3.
In the 21st and 22d of Edward the Third, after the [9] Return
for Knights of the Shire, for Glocefter-Shire, and Burgeffes, for Glo-
Glocester-cester and Bristol, the Sheriff Returns, Non funt plures Burgi feu Ci-
vitates in Balliva mea, that there were no more Cities nor Burghs in D
his County.
22. Ed. 3.
In the 11th, 17th, 22d of Edward the Third, after Knights for
the County, and only Citifens for Worcester, the [1]. Returns were
Worcester- the fame as in Glocefter-Shire.
[2] See Re-
feveral Coun-
And fo it was in [2] Fork-Shire, Lincoln-Shire, Cornwal, Dorſet, De-
turns of thefe von, Somerset, Southampton, Surry, Suffex, and most if not all Counties in E
England, where there were, at the time of the Returns, any Small,
Poor, Inconfiderable Burghs, and where the Sheriffs were more or lefs
kind to them, they returned or omitted them at Pleaſure, and for all
what ever I could find, notwithſtanding all my Endeavour, with-
out the direction of the King or his Council.
[3] Stat, at
In the 5th of Richard the Second, there was a Law made, [3]
large, 5. Rich. that if any Sheriff of the Realm fhould be from thenceforth negli- F
gent in making his Returns of Writs of the Parlement, or that he
fhould leave out of the faid Returns any Cities or Bouroughs, which
be bound and of old time were wont to come to the Parlement, he
fhall be puniſhed in the manner as was accuſtomed to be done in the
faid Cafe in the faid time paft. But notwithſtanding this Law, the
Practice of the Sheriffs remained the fame it was before, as will be
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
proved by what fhall in part next be faid concerning the meaning and
reafon of thefe Returns,
When the Sheriffs made their Returns, that there was not any
or more Cities and Burghs in fuch or fuch Counties, than for which
they had Returned Burgeffes, no Man can believe they were fo Igno-
rant, as not to know there were other Burghs, or more than they
A had Returned Burgeffes for, and therefore fome other than the very
Literal meaning of thofe Words muſt be found out.
And to my Apprehenfion, the reafons (which alfo fhew the mean-
ing) of thefe Returns, in thefe Words, Non eft aliqua Civitas, vel
aliquis Burgus, or non funt plures Civitates, vel Burgi (than what
were returned) in Balliva mea, was for that many times, there was
no able, fit, Perfons for that Service to be found in the other Burghs
B of the County, at the time of the Return. (The choice being al-
ways made in thoſe days out of their own Body, and not of Foreign-
ers or Country Gentlemen.) And Secondly, for that the Barghs were
fo Poor as they were not able to pay the Burgeffes their Wages or
This affertion feems to be manifeftly evinced, by fome other Re-
turns made in different Words, though of the fame Senfe and Import,
C4 In the 21 Ed. 3. after the Burgeffes Returned for Exon, Barnfta-
ble Plympton, Tavyſtock, Toryton and Totnes. The Sheriff of De-
von Shire clofeth his Return with theſe Words, Non funt plures Ci-
vitates vel Burgi in Balliva mẹa quæ retornari poffunt. There are not
any more Cities or Burghs in my Bailywick, which can be Returned,
omuting all other Burghs in that County, by thefe Words it fhould
feem, that either there were no Burgeffes fit or qualified for the Ser-
vice of Parlement in the other Burghs, or that they were fo Poor as
Dthey could not bear the Expences of fuch as fhould ferve for them,
for the Sheriff denies not that there were more Burghs in his County,
but affirms they were fuch as could not be Returned, and if not for
thefe, 'tis hard to imagine, for what other Reafons they were fuch.
In the [5] Returns for Worcester-Shire in 8 and 12 of Ed. 2. and
12, 14 Ed.3. the Sheriff ends them thus, after the Returns of Knights
for the County, and Citifens for Worcester, Non eft aliquis Burgus in
E Balliva mea, unde aliqui funt Burgenfes qui ad dictum Parlementum
venire poffunt, there is not any Burgh in my Bailywick, whence any
Burgeffes can come to Parlement. For the reafons without doubt
abovementioned. Though Wyche (now Droitwich) had fent Bur
geffes to Parlement, 26. 28. 29. 30. of Ed. 1, and in 2. and 4.
Ed. 2. and in 28. and 29. Ed. 1. they received their Expences, as
appears by the Writs, de Expenfis Militum, Civium & Burgenfium,
then directed to the Bailiffs of that Town, and are to be found in the
Fclofe Rolls in thoſe years.
The reafons of
the Returns of
non funt plures
Burgi, &c.
[4] Retorn.
Brev, Parl. 21.
Ed. 3.
[5] Ibid. in
thofe years.
In the 27. 28. 29. 33. of Hen. 6. the Sheriffs of [6] Tork-Shire, [6] Ibid. in
after the Return only of the Burgeſſes for Scardeburgh conclude years.
*York was then a City and County, and fo the Writs for Citifens were directed to, and
returned by the Sheriffs of that City, and Hull was then alfo a Town and County, and
the Writs were directed to, and returned by the Sheriffs of that Town.
56 1
[7] Ibid. 29.
Hen. 6.
Norff, &
[8] Ibid. 28.
Hen. 6.
[9] Ibid. 28.
Hen. 6,
[1] Ibid. 26.
Ed. 1.
[2] Ibid. 2.
Ed. 2.
thus. Et non funt Alique. Civitates, vel aliqua Civitas, nec plures
Burgi in Comitatu Eborum, unde aliquis Çivis, čèu plurės Burgenfes ad
Parliamentum prædi&um ad prafens venire facere poffum. And there
are not any Cities, or City, or more Burgh in the County of Fork,
from whence I can make any Cutiens, or more Bargeffes at prefent
come to the forefaid Parlement. I fee not what could be a Temporary
reason why at that prefent the Sheriff of Tork-Shire, could not cauſe
more Burgeffes to come to thoſe Parlements, from other Burghs than
Scardeburgh, except one, or both of thofe abovementioned.
In the 29 Hen. 6. only Citifens [7] for 'Norwich, Bürgelfes for
Lin and Tarmouth Returned for Norffolk, and only for Ipſwick and
Donewick for Suffolk.
In [8] Corawal, 28th of the fame King, Burgeffès returned only
for Launceston, Leskard, Bodmin, Loſtwithiel, Truro, Hellefton, and B
then follows, Nullæ funt Civitates infra Búllivam meum, nec funt
plures Burgi infra Ballivam meam.
In [9] Devon, the fame year Burgeffes Returned only for Exon,
Dartmouth, Totnes, Plimouth, Plimpton, Taveſtock, Barnstable.
In the 26th of Ed. 1. after the Knights of the Shire [1], Palph.
Fitz-Thomas and William le Chantour were Returned for the Town.Ć
of Lancaſter, and Adam Fitz-Ralph, and Adam de Biri for Preſton.
In the 8th of Ed. 2. only [2] Knights of the Shire Returned, no
Burgeffés for any Burghs.
In the 19th of Ed. 2. for [3] Lancaster, William Laurénce, John
[3] Ibid. 19. Brokeholes, no Return then for Preston, and the Words of the Sheriffs
Ed. 2.
* Retorn.
Return are, Non funt aliqua Civitates in dicto Comitatu nec Burgi D
præter Lancaſter in Balliva mea,there are no Cities in the faid County,
nor Burghs, befide Lancaster in my Bailywick.
In the 1. of Ed. 3. at the Parlement at Lincoln, that year
Brev. Parl. I. John le Ken, and Laurence de Bulke were returned for Lancaster, and
John Starkey and Henry Banafter for Preston, and no Returns for
other Burghs.
Ed. 3.
He began his
Reign January In the fame year at the Parlement at Tork, Nich. de Lancaster
25th A. D. and Henry Burgeis were Returned for Lancaſter, but none for Preston,
*Ibid. Eodem or any other Burgh.
* Ibid.2.Ed.3.
* Ibid. Eodem'
In the * Second of the fame King, in the Parlement at Northamp
ton three Weeks after Eafter. The Writ of Summons dated 5.Martii.
John de Burghton Sheriff. Adam Fitz-Simon, John le Ken, were
Returned for Lancaſter, and then the Return was thus cloſed. Non Ė
funt aliqua Civitates vel Burgi in Balliva mea præter Burgum Lanca-
ter. There are no Cities and Burghs in my Bailywick, except the
Burgh of Lancaster. No Return for Prefton this Parlement.
In the fame year of the fame King, in the Parlement at New
Sarum on Sunday next after Fifteen days after Michaelmaß, the Writ
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1. 57
of Summons dated 26 Augufti, and the fame John de Burghton She-
riff, John le Ken, and Robert de Bolroun were Returned for Lanca-
fter; and for Preston, William Fitz-Paulin, and Nich. de Preſton, and
then the Return ends thus, Non funt alique Civitates in Balliva mea.
There are no Cities in my Bailywick,
In the 4th of Edward the Third, in the Parlement at Winchester * Ibid. 4.Ed‚3:
A on the Sunday next before St Gregory, the Writ of Summons dated Lanca-
25 Januarii, John de Denom Sheriff, William de Bolleroun, John de Shire.
Bulke Returned for Lancaster, but no Burgeffes Returned for Preston,
nor doth the Return end with, Non funt alii Burgi, &c.
* Ibid, the
In the fame year of the fame King, in the Parlement at Weft.
minfer on the Monday before the Feast of St Katherine, (i. e. No- fame year.
vember 25th.) the Writ of Summons dated 23 Octobris. The fame
B John de Denom Sheriff, Robert de Bolleroun and John de Ken were
Returned for Lancaster; and William Fitz-Paulin and Henry Hay.
doke for Preston, and then the Return is thus concluded, Non funt
alii Burgi in Balliva mea.
In the 34th of Edward the Third, the Writ of Summons dated *Ibid.34.Ed.3.
the 20th of November, for a Parlement to be holden at Westminster Lanca-
on the Sunday before the Converfion of St Paul was directed to
CHenry Duke of Lancaster, or his Deputy, who made this Return.
Henricus Dux Lancastria fic refpondet. Nomina Militum ad refpon-
dendum, faciendum, & confentiendum in prafenti Parliamento prout
idem Breve requirit pro Communitate dicti Ducatus, Willielmus de
Radecliffe, Ricardus de Tounkay. In eodem Ducatu non eft aliqua Ci-
vitas, nec Burgus qui ante hac Tempora, in aliqua Parliamento refpon-
dit per Burgenfes. Henry Duke of Lancaster anfwereth thus. The
Names of the Knights who are to anſwer, do and confent in the pre-
D fent Parlement, for the Community of the faid Dukedom, as the
fame Writ requires, William de Radcliffe, Richard de Tounkay. There
is not any City in the fame Dukedom, nor Burgh, which before this
time anſwered in any Parlement by Burgeffes. It wants not proba-
bility, that from the 4th of Edward the Third, to this 34th of the
fame, there might be Thirty years intermiffion and omiffion of Bur-
geffes for thefe Burghs, (in all that time there being no Return of
Burgeffes for this County,) which might be the reaſon ofthis Return.
In the 38th of this King, the [4] Sheriff of Lanca-Shire after [4] Ibid. 58.
the Return of the Knights, gives the reason why Citifens and Bur- Ed. 3.
geffes ought not, nor were wont to come, in theſe Words. Et non
funt aliqui Civitates feu Burgi infra Comitatum de quibus aliqui Cives
fen Burgenfes ad dictum Parliamentum venire debent feu folent, prop-
ter eorum debilitatem feu paupertatem. That there were not any Ci-
ties, or Burghs within that County, from which any Citifens or Bur-
Fgeffes ought, or were wont to come to the faid Parlement, for, or by
reafon of their Inability or Poverty.
In the 39th of Edward the Third, the Return is [5], Non eft [5] Ibid. 39.
aliqua Civitas feu aliquod Burgum de quibus aliqui Cives fen Bürgen. Ed. 3.
fes venire poffunt feu folent fecundum tenorem Brevis propter eorum
debilitatem & paupertatem. There is not any City or any Burgh from
58. 1
Hen. 4.
which any Citifens or Burgeffes, can or were wont to come, by rea-
fon of their Low Condition or Poverty. The fame Words are in the
50th of Edward the Third. And the Returns of this County are
clofed after this manner with fome ſmall variation, in the Reigns
of Edward the Third, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth, Fifth
and Sixth, and Edward the Fourth, and no Burgeffes Returned for
any Town or Towns in all that time from the 33d of Edward the
Third, which was 124 years, and how much longer it cannot well A
be known.
In the 10th of Henry the Fourth, there was this Return made af
[6] Ibid. 1o. ter the Knights, c. [6] Et non funt aliqui Cives ant Burgenfes in-
fra dictum Comitatum Lancaftria qui ad dictum Parliamentum venirę
poffunt propter eorum paupertatem & debilitatem. The fame Return
is Word for Word in the 2d of Henry the Fifth.
[7] Ibid. 7.25.
28.33. H. 6.
Hen. 6.
In the 7th, 25th, 28th, 33d of Henry the Sixth. The Returns
were with this fmall Variation. [7] Et non eft aliqua Civitas infra
Comitatum prædictum nec Burgus qui ad aliquod Parliamentum Tempo-
ribus.retroactis aliquos Cives aut Burgenfes Dittere folebant propter
eorum paupertatem & debilitatem, ideo de Civibus & Burgenfibus nulla
fit mentio. And there is not any City within the County aforefaid,
or Burgh, which uſed to fend any Burgeffes or Citifens, to any Par
lement in former times, by reafon of their Poverty and Inability.
Therefore no mention is made of Citifens or Burgeffes.
In the 27th of Henry the Sixth. The Return after the Knights.
[8] Ibid. 27. Names, is fomewhat different from others. [8] Et non eft aliqua
Civitas infra Comitatum prædictum nec Burgus qui ad aliquod Parlia
mentum temporibus retroactis aliquos Cives aut Burgenfes folebant in-
bemce propter eorum debilitatem & paupertatem, ideo, &e. And there
is not any City within the County aforefaid, or Burgh, which in for- D
mer times were wont to find Citiſens or Burgeffes in any Parlement
by reafon,
In the 17th of Edward the Fourth, or the Dors of the Writ of
Summons for Election of two Knights for the County, two Citifens
for every City, and two Burgeffes for every Burgh, in the Return
after the Indorfment of the Knights for the County and their Manu
captors, it follows. Et quia non est aliqua Civitas infra Comitatum E
pradictum, aut Burgus qui ad aliquod Parliamentum temporibus retroa-
Etis aliquos Cives aut Burgenfes Mittere folebant propter eorum paupers
tatem & debilitatem, coram Domino Rege & Confilio fuo, ideo de Civi
bus & Burgenfibus non eft mentio. And becauſe there is not any City
within the faid County or Burgh which in former times fent any Ci
tifens or Burgeles to Parlement before the King and his Council by
reafon of their Poverty and Inability, therefore no mention is made
of Citiſens and Burgeffes. The fame Words are in the Sheriffs In F
denture of Return of Knights of the County annexed to the Sheriffs
Precept, and the fame Returns were in the 7th and 12th years of
this King.
In the Seventh of Edward the Fourth, (who began his Reign March
4th A. D. 1481.) in the Parlement at Westminffer dithe Third of
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 59
Ed. 4-
June, the *Writ of Summons dated February 28. the fixth of his Retorn.
Reign, Henry Barle Sheriff of Effex and Hertfordshire, after the Brev. Pail. 7.
Returns of Knights for each County, and Burges only for Colcheſter
and Maldon, adds this Claufe; Et in predicto Comitatu Hertford non
eft Aliqua Civitas, nec aliquis Burgus, unde Aliqui Cives five Burgenfes,
nec aliqua Civitas, neque plures Burgi in Dicto Comitatu Effex, unde
plures Burgenfes neque aliqui ċives Eligi poffunt. That is,
And in the forefaid County of Hertford, there is not any City, or
any Burgh from whence any Citifens or Burgeffes may be chofen. Nor
is there any City, or more Burghs in the faid County of Effex, from
whence any Citifens, or more Burgeffes may be chofen.
By theſe few Returns and Inftances, of very many more which
might have been produced, if needful, 'tis abundantly proved, That
B from the 23d of Edw. 1. when the First Writs were fent forth for
the choice of Citiſens and Burgeſſes, and alfo during the Reigns of
Edw. 2. and 3. Rich. 2. Hen. 4. 5. and 6. and Edm. 4. it was left to
the Difcretion and Judgment of the Sheriffs, which Burghs were fit
and able to fend Burgeſſes, and which not. And that if antient able
Burghs became poor and indigent, and unable to pay the Expences of
their Burgeffes, or had none fit to chufe, it was a juft Ground for
the Sheriff to excufe them from the trouble and charge of Electing and
Cfending Burgeffes, notwithstanding the Statutes 5 Rich. 2.
c. 4.
The firft Writi
fent for the
fens and Bur-
Choice of Citi-
Sheriffs Judges
what Burgis
able to fend
Burgeffes, and
were fit and
what not.
and meaning
1 Hen. 5. c. I. 8 Hen. 6. c. 7. 23 Hen. 6. c. 15. And alſo, That
the plain Negative Returns, of Non funt aliqui Civitates vel Burgi The reafon
in Balliva mea, or Non funt plures Civitates vel Burgi in Comitatu of Sheriffs Ne-
pradicto, &c. are to be explained by thofe other Returns of Non funt gative Re-
alique Civitates, vel aliqua Civitas, nec plures Burgi, (in this, or that turns.
County) unde Cives vel Burgenfes venire facere poffum, or unde Cives
& Burgenfes venire poffunt, vel venire debent, vel venire folebant,
D and other different Expreffions before mentioned. Propter debili
tatem eorum & paupertatem. Thofe Abfolute Negatives in Terms on-
ly, being equivalent in fignification to the other, and import no more,
than, that thoſe Burghs the Sheriffs did not return, at ſuch times,
were poor and inconfiderable, and that either they had not fit Perſons
to fend, or for their poverty could not pay their VVages, or bear
the Expences by Law due to them. And all this was done by Vir-
tue of the General Claufe in the VVrits, De qualibet Civitate duos
E Cives, & de quolibet Burgo duos Burgenfes, &c. For in the Charters
of Antient Burghs, there was no Claufe or Grant for the choice or
fending of Burgeffes to Parlement, nor have I ever feen or heard of
any particular Directions from the King and Council, or others, to
the Sheriffs, for the fending their Precepts to this or that Burgh only,
and not to others.
made by the
Burghs of She-
I ſhall finiſh the Apfwer to the firft Queſtion with this Remarque; No Complaint
F That the Burghs during the time of all thefe Kings Reigns, never
complained of the sheriffs for not Returning them Burghs, or not fend-ris for not
ing Precepts to them, or taking away their Birth-Rights. Nor did fending Pre-
they clamor against hard ufage, or injustice. Nor did the King, Lords, cepts to Elect
Bargelles, &c.
or Commons in Parlement, ever blame, complain of, or question the
Sheriffs for fending, or not fending Precepts to this, or that Burgh;
to all, or any of them, and making Returns accordingly. Nor was
I 2
60 1
it accounted an Advantage, Honor, or Priviledge, to be bound to ſend |
Burgeſſes to Parlement, but rather on the contrary, it was reputed a
Burthen and a grievance for Poor and Small Burghs to fend them, as
[9] Pat.42.Ed. in the Cafe of [9] Cogiton in Devon-Shire, that Petitioned the King
3.part.1. m.8. in Parlement to be discharged of fending Burgeffes to Parlement, fug
von-Shire dif- gefting it was great Trouble and Charge, and to their manifeft Dam
charged from mage and Depreffion, and their Petition was Granted, and the Town
or Burgh Exonerated and Excufed for ever after, notwithſtanding it| A
had fent Burgeffes Thirty two times before.
Torriton in De-
fending Bur-
[1] Commons
Journal, die
veneris 21 Maii
22 Jacobi. A.
The Second Queſtion, who were or ought to be the Electors in
real or pretended Burghs, hath much exerciſed the Houfe of Com-
mons, (fince they have taken upon them to determine thoſe Caſes)
and perhaps there hath ſcarcely been given a direct and true Solution
of it to this day. In the 22d of King [1] James in a conteſt be-
tween Sir William Mafters, and Sir Maurice Berkley, upon an Election B
made at Cirencester in Glocefter-Shire, upon the Queſtion, it was Re-
folved, that no confent of Parties, Competitors, can alter the Legal
courfe of Elections. That where no Charter or Cuſtom to the contra-
Charter or Cury, the Election to be made by all the Houfboulders; that Sir William
flom,how Ele-Mafters duly Elected, that he had the greater Number of Inhabitants
made? and Freeholders; and that where * neither Charter nor Custom, nor
* i. e. in truth free Bargeffes in any Borough, there the Election to be made by Houf-
holders, and not only Freeholders.
D. 1624.
Where no
ctions to be
where there is
not, nor can
be a Burgh.
[2] Commons
Journal. vene-
ris 28 Martii
4. Car. I. A.
D. 1628.
Two Electi
In the 4th of King [2] Charles the Firſt, Report made from the
Committee of Privileges, (now the Committee of Elections) by Mr.
Colchester, one only Return made by the Bailiffs, in which Sir
Thomas Cheek, and Mr. Alford returned. That the Bailiffs, Alder-
men and Common Council, confifting of Forty two in an upper Room, D
ons, one by the read the Writ and there Elected Sir Thomas Cheek, and Mr. Alford.
Mayor Alder- In a lower Room the Common fort of Burgeffes in General, Elected Sir
mon Council, Thomas Cheek, and Sir William Mafbam.
men and Com-
the other by
the common
fort of Bur-
That the Bailiffs, &c. made their Prefcription, by Election, as
they now made it. Againft this alleged, that till Richard the Firft, no
An infufficient Bailiffs, nor then, no Common Council, till Edward the Fourth, then
Sixteen appointed by a new Charter, which by Conftitutions fi- E
thence they have increaſed to
Upon this the Prefcription holden Infufficient, that the Committee
is alfo of Opinion, that the Election of Sir William Mafham is Good,
and his Name to be put in by the Bailiff inſtead of Mr. Alford.
Upon Question Sir William Masham duly Elected, and his Name
by one of the Bailiffs was Inferted at the Board, in ftead of Mr. F
[3] Commons Alfords.
Journ, Sabbat.
12 April. 4.
Car. I. 1628.
Mr. Hackwill [3] Reporteth from the Committee of Priviledges
Whether the the Cafe of the Burgh of Bridport. The Question whether the Com-
Commons or mons, or the two Bailiffs and Thirteen Capital Burgeffes are Electors.
fes, Electors. There the laſt claiming by Preſcription the fole Power, this proved
chief Burgef-
| 61.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
by two Witneſſes for Forty Six years, primo Jacob claimed it, but
were denied.
A Certificate of Difclaimer under the Hands of 80 Commoners of
fering to juftifie it upon Oath, and affirmed they could have proved
it by Forty Commoners more.
words of the
On the other part Records produced the 6th of Edw. 6. Indenture Theſe the very
returned the Election to be per Ballivos per affenfum Communitatis, 2.
&3. Philip. & Maria Election accordeth, 1 Eliz. accordeth, i Jacobi
accordeth. This alſo proved by two Witneffes, above 40 Commoners
gave Voices primo Jacobi. Another that above 60 years ago the
Commoners had Voice, and that he himſelf, then a Commoner, gave
Replyed to this, That the Addition of the Commonalty, becauſe And theſe.
that the Name of the Corporation, that fo they make their Leafes, yet
the Commoners never meddle.
Exception to one of the Witneffes, That he, a Commoner, and very
aged Man, fcarce could hear, or be heard; That the other have been
Disfranchiſed, and therefore ſpake out of ſpleen.
Alledged for them, That primo Jacobi the Commons called, be-
cauſe they were to Contribute towards Wages.
Agreed by the Major part of the Committee, That the Commoners
had Voice in Election.
Refolved alfo here no good Election, becauſe the Commons having
right of Voice, had no Warning as they ought to have had.
Refolved upon the Question, The Commonalty in General ought tơ
have Voices in the Elections of the Burgeſſes for Parlement.
Upon the Question, The Election void in reſpect of the want of
Warning to the Commonalty.
And thefe, and
to the end
of this Caſe.
A new Writ for a new Election.
Mr. Hackwill [4] reporteth from the Committee of Privileges the [4] Commons
Cafe of Bofton in Lincolnshire, Mr. Belling bam the Recorder, and Journal, fovis
Mr. Okeley choſen.
The Question, Whether a Select Number, or the Commonalty were
to chufe. Sir Anthony Irby chofen by Majority of Voices of the*
Commonalty, and 14 of the Select Number.
Agreed by the Committee, That the Election of Burgeffes in all Bur-
roughs did of Common Right belong to the Commoners, and that
thing could take it from them, but a Prefcription and a conftant
#ſage beyond all memory.
8 Maii,
4 Car. I. 1626.
He of my
ewn Know-
ledge a Friend
to the Cauſe.
Voted to
no-whom the
right of Ele-
1. Upon the Queſtion, the right of Election for Burgeffes to ſerve
ction belongs
in all Burghs.
62 |
ultimo Maii,
in Parlement for Boston, refteth in the Commonalty, and not in the
Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council.
2. Upon the Queſtion, Mr. Okely not duly Elected or Returned.
3. That Sir Anthony Irby duly Elected, and ought to have been Re-
4. That the Mayor of Boston ſhall be ſent for, to put out Mr. Okely's A
Name, and put in Sir Anthony Irby's.
[5] Commons Mr. Hackwill [5] reporteth from the Committee of Privileges the
Journ. Sabbat. Cafe of Warwick. Queftion, Whether the Election to be made by
4 Car.1.1628. the Mayor and Common Council, or by the Commons in general? That
a Petition produced whereby above 200 Commoners Dilclaim to have
any Right of Election. But that refufed to be accepted by the Com
mittee, becauſe if but one Commoner appear to fue for his Right, they
will hear him.
The Cafe of
20 Martii,
3 Car.1. 1627.
monaitics of
1. Upon the Queſtion, The Right of Election for the Town of War-
wick belongs to the Commonalty.
2. That Mr. Robert Grevill and Mr. Francis Lucy unduly Elected.
3. A new Writ to iffue for a new Choice in their Rooms.
By thefe Five Inftances it appears how perplext and conjectural C
the Opinions of the Committee, and Refolves of the Houfe of Com-
mons were, concerning the Right of Electing of Burgeffes to ferve
in Parlement, and the Perfons in whom it was Lodged. They judg-
ed, the Communities or Commonalties of Cities and Burghs to be only
the ordinary and lower fort of Citifens, Burgeffes, or Freemen in Ge-
neral. And that the Right of Election of Burgeffes in all Burghs did
of common Right belong to the Commoners, (meaning) the ordinary
fort of Burgeffes or Freemen, and not to the Major, Aldermen, and D
Common Council, as in the Cafes of Boston, Colchester, and Warwick, nor
in the Bayliffs and Capital Burgeffes, being a Select Number, as in the
Cafe of Bridport.
The Ground of this popular Error was, That this Committe (not-
[4] Ibid. Jovis withſtanding the two great Antiquaries [4] Sir Robert Cotton, and
Mr. Selden, and the Oracle of Law (fo called) Sir Edward Coke, were
Members of it) did not truly understand the meaning of the words
Communitates Civitatum, & Burgorum, the Commonalty of Cities and
Burghs; which always fignified the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common
The Commu- Council, where they were to be found, or the Steward or Bayliff, and
ities or Com-Capital Burgeffes, or in fhort the Governing part of Cities and Towns,
Citle and by what Perfons foever they were Governed, or Names and Titles
Burghs are the they were called and known, which hath been fufficiently evinced by
what hath been faid before in this Treatife, upon that Subject. So
that, if the Communities of Cities and Burghs had been truly under- F
tood, the Committee ought to have Determined, and the House Re-
folved, That the Right of Election in very many, if not in moft, or
all Cities and Burghs, ought to have refted in the Governing part of
them, which is always a Select Number. And therefore I fhall pro-
duce many Instances from the Returns of Parlement Writs upon
cord, to Confirm this Opinion.
part of them.
Engliſh Barghs', ar Bouroughs,
| 63
In the 26th of Edward the First, in moft Counties, Cities and Burghs,
the Knights, Citifens and Burges are only named with their Manu-
captors, or Sureties, in the Dors of the Writ, as for Example. [5] [5] Retorn.
Nomina Duorum Militum Comitatus Hereford, with each of them four Brev. Parl. 26.
Manucaptors, there named. Nomina Duorum Civium Civitatis Here 1. The
firft Returns
ford, with each two Manucaptors or Sureties there named. Nomina Extant.
A Duorum Burgenfium de Burgo Leominster, with each two Manucap-
tors, there named. But not faid by whom Elected, and fo in many
others, with fome, Hot very material, Variation.
Yet in fome, the Elections are faid to be made by the Bailiffs, with
the affent of the Community, or for the Community of the Burghs. So
the choice was made for the Town of Derby. Et Breve [6] iftud re- [6] Ibid.
turnatăm fuit Willielmo Oyler, Ballivo Libertatis Ville Derby, qui ple-
B num Returnum Brevis habet pro duobus Burgenfibus ejufdem Villa, &
mihi Reſpondit, quod elegit affenfu Communitatis Totius Villa predicte
Magiftrum Willielmum Broun de Derby, & Nicholaum Latimer de ea-
dem. And that Writ was Returned to William le Oyler Bailiff of
Derby, who hath full Return of the Writ for two Burgelfes of the
fame Town. And he Anſwers me, he hath choſen by the affent of
the Community of the whole Town aforefaid, Master William Broun of
Derby, and Nicholas le Latimer of the fame, who have two Manucap-
Ctors for each Returned. In like manner for the Town of Nottingham.
Et Breve ifted [7] Retornatum fuit Ballivis, &c. Qui michi Ref- [7] Ibid.
ponderunt quod elegerunt affenfu Communitatis Villa prædicta Johan. le
Fleminge de Nottingham, Adam le Fleminge de eadem, and that Writ
was Returned to the Bailiffs of the Liberty of Nottingham, &c.
Who Anſwer me, that they have chofen by the affent of the Commo-
nalty of the Toms aforefaid, John the Fleming of Nottingham afore-
faid, and Adam the Fleming of the fame, who found each two Sure-
Dties for their Appearance in Parlement. So two Burgeffes chofen, [8] [8] Ibid.
pro Communitaře Burgi Colecester, for the Community of the Burgh of
Colchester, with four Manucaptors or Sureties each, likewife, [9][9] Ibid,
Johannes de Weftreet de Hertford Simon Walle de eadem, elesti funt duo
Burgenfes per Communitatem Burgenfium Hertford, &c. And gave
Security for their Appearance by four Manucaptors each.
Accordingly two. Burgeffes were Elected for the Community of
E the Burgh of Newcastle upon Tine, with their Names, and Manucap-
tors Names in a Schedule. Nomina [1] Burgenfium pro Communi[1] Ibid.
tate Burgi Novi Caftri fuper Tinam, fu in Gedula haic Brevi Annexa.
In the 27th of Edward the Third, that King directed his Writ to Boston.
the Bailiffs of the Town of Boston in Lincoln Shire. Edwardus [2] [2] Retorn.
Des Gratia, &c. Ballivis Villa de Sancto Botolpho, G. And then Brev. Parl. 27
after the Introduction to, and Caufes of the Precept itſelf, which
follows in theſe Words, Vobis præcipimus firmiter injurgentes quod du-
o Burgenfas de provedioribus, & difcretioribus, & magis exportis Bur-
genfibus Villa prædiche, de affenfu ejufdem Villa fine dilatione eligi, &
eos ad Diem & Locum præditos venire faciatis, ita quod iidem Burgen-
ſes prò fa & Communicate Ville prædict & fufficientem potestatem ba-
bent, ad Tractandum, Confulendum, & Confentiendum his quæ tuât Di-
vina favente Clementia de Communi Confilio contigerit Ordipari, &e.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid. in
We command, firmly injoyning you, that without delay you cauſe
to be chofen two Burgeffes, of the more Grave, Difcreet and Experi-
enced Burgeffes of the Town aforefaid, by the affent of the fame Town.
So that the fame Burgeſſes may have fufficient Power for themſelves
and the Community of the Town aforefaid to Treat, Confult of and
Conſent to thoſe things, which, Divine Clemency favoring, fhall hap-
pen to be ordained by common advice, &c.
The Return in the Dors of the Writ was anſwerable to the Words
of the Precept of this Writ. Refpons. [3] Johannis de Morys, &
Ricardi de Rede Ballivorum Villa de Sancto Botolpho.
Manucaptores Johannis de Skirbek de Sancto Botolpho unius Burgen-
fium Villa de Sancto Botolpho, de affenfu ejufdem Villæ electi ad Tractan-
dum, Confulendum, & Confentiendum fecundum Tenorem hujus Brevis.
Thomas de Tumby de Santo Botolpho.
Johannes de Gosberkirk de eadem.
Manucaptors or Sureties of John de Skirbek of Boston, one of the
Burgeſſes of Boſton, chofen by affent of the fame Town, to Treat, Con-
fult and Confent according to the Tenor of this Writ.
Thomas de Tumby of Bofton,
John de Gosberkirk of the fame.
The fame Return, and in the fame Words, is for William Bayard,
the other Burgeẞ with two Manucaptors. This Town of Bofton ne-
ver Elected, or Returned any Burgeffes during the Refidue of this
Kings Reign, nor in the Reigns of Richard the Second, Henry the
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Edward the Fourth.
In the Writ directed to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Bristol to chooſe
Burgefjes for the fame Great Council, the Precept is the fame. [4]
Vobis præcipimus firmiter injungentes, quod duos Burgenfes de provecti-
oribus,& difcretioribus & magis expertis Burgenfibus Villa prædicta de
affenfu ejufdem Villa fine dilatione eligi, & eos ad diem & locum pradi-
tos venire faciatis. Ita quod iidem Burgenfes pro fe & Communitate
Villa prædicta fufficientem poteftatem habent, &c. As in the former
Writ for Boſton.
To the Precept of this Writ, the following Return was made. [5]
Virtute Brevis Domini Regis prafentibus annexi, nos Major & Ballivi
Ville Bristol, de affenfu Communitatis Villa prædicta, eligi fecimus Tho-
mam Babbecary, & Willielmum Coumbe de effendo ad diem & locum
infra Breve contentos ad faciendum quod ex parte Domini Regis eis
tunc ibidem injungetur. That is,
By Virtue of the Kings Writ annexed to theſe Preſents, we the
Mayor and Bailiffs of the Town of Bristol, by affent of the Community
of the Town aforefaid, have cauſed Thomas Babbecary, and William
Coumbe to be chofen, to be at the time and place contained in the
Writ, to do what on the behalf of the Lord the King, fhall then,
and there be injoyned them.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1 65
It appears by this Writ and Return, that the words Affenfus Villa,
and Affenfus Communitatis Ville, fignified the fame thing; and that
as the Community of the Town, ſo the Town itſelf, Government of the
Town, and Body Politique were, and did confist of a felect Number.
The words of the Writ directed to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Ex- Excefter.
cefter for the choice of Burgeffes for this Great Council, are the fame
A with thofe of Boston and Bristol, [6] Vobis pracipimus firmiter injun- [6] Ibid.
gentes quod Duos Burgenfes de Provectioribus, Difcretioribus, & ma-
gis Expertis Burgenfibus Civitatis prædicte, de affenfu ejufdem Civitatis
fine Dilatione Eligi, &c. Ita quod iidem Burgenfes pro fe & Commu-
nitate Civitatis,&c. fufficientem poteftatem habent, &c. The Return
was, as hereunder written.
Roberti de Brideport [7] Manucaptores
Roberti de Hugheton Manucaptores
Johannes Spicer.
Willielmns Wike.
Willielmus Sleght.
Richard Oliver.
[7] Ibid. in
Dorfo Brevis.
Refponfio [8] Roberti de Brideport Majoris Civitatis Exon. & Ri- [8] Ibid.
cardi Oliver & Thome Spicer Ballivorum ejufdem Civitatis, ac Commu-
Cnitatis Civitatis pradicta, talis eft. Quod ipfi eligerunt pradictos Rober-
tum de Brideport, & Robertum de Hugheton Burgenfes dicta Civitatis,
ad faciendum fecundum Tenorem iftius Brevis. In Engliſh thus:
The Anfwer of Robert de Brideport Mayor of the City of Exon, and
Richard Oliver and Thomas Spicer Bailiffs of the fame City, and the
Community of the City aforefaid, is fuch; That they have chofen
the forefaid Robert de Brideport, and Robert de Hugbeton Burgeffes of
the ſaid City, to do according to the Tenor of the Writ.
The words of this Return do illustrate the words of the former, and
make it moſt evident, That the Affent of the Mayor, Bailiffs, and
Community of the City of Exon, which was the Government of it,
was the Affent of the City itſelf.
The form and words of the Writ for the choice of Citifens for the
fame Great Council, directed to the Mayor and Sheriffs of the City
E of London, are the fame. [9] Vobis præcipimus, &c. Quod duos Ci-[9] Ibid.
ves, &c. de affenfu ejufdem Civitatis fine Dilatione eligi, &c. The London.
Return was as follows.
Eligi [1] fecimus Thomam Leggy & Thomam Dolfeley duos Cives [1] Ibid. in
Civitatis London de affenfu ejufdem Civitatis ad intereffendum coram vo- Dorfo Brevis.
bis in inftanti Confilio fufficientem poteftatem pro fe & Communitate
Civitatis pradicta habentes ad Tractandum, Confulendum, & Confenti-
dum bis, qua, Divina favente Clementia, de Communi Confilio tunc
F contigerit Ordinari.
Et predictus Thomas Leggy attachiatus est per Radulphum de
Cauntebrigge, & Johannem Herewardstoke.
Et prædictus Thomas Dolfeley attachiatus eft per Thomam Wil-
chir, & Rogerum de Reygate.
Retorn. Parl.
12 Ed. 2.
Refponfio Ada Franceys Majoris, & Johannis de Stodeye, & Johannis
Pecche Vicecomitum. The Return is thus made Engliſh
We have cauſed to be chofen Thomas Leggy and Thomas Dolfeley,
two Citifens of the City of London, by Affent of the fame City, to
appear before you in the Council next to be holden, having fuffici-
ent Power for themſelves, and the Community of the forefaid City,
to Treat, Confult, and Conſent to thofe Things which by Divine
Clemency ſhall happen to be Ordained by Common Advice.
The forefaid Thomas Leggy hath given Security for his being
in Parlement by John de Caantebrigge, and John Here-
And the forefaid Thomas Dolfeley hath done the fame, by
Thomas Wilchir, and Roger de Reygate.
The Anſwer of Adam Franceys Mayor, and John de Stedeye, and B
John Pecche Sheriffs.
What is here meant, by the Affent of the City, and the Power
they had to Treat for themfelves, and Community of it, and what
the Community itſelf was, hath been cleared by what hath been ob-
ferved upon the Returns of Bristol and Exon; and is confirmed by
the following Record beyond all Contradiction.
Excellentiffimo Principi & Domino fuo cariffimo Domino Edwardo
Dei Gratia Illuſtriſſimo Regi Anglie Domino Hibernie & Duci Aquita-
nie Johannes de Wengrave Major Civitatis London. Aldermanni, Viceco-
mites, & tota Communitas ejufdem Civitatis, fe & fua. Noverint Ex
cellentia veftra nos affignaffe dilectos Concives noftros Jobannem de Cher-
leton, Willielmum de Flete & Rogerum le Palmere vel duos eorum, ac
eifdem vel duobus eorum plenam & fufficientem poteftatem dediffe
per prefentes ad faciendum in hoc inftanti Parliamento veftro à die D
Sancti Michaelis ultimo preterito in tres feptimanas apud Ebor. quod
de Communi Confilio ordinabitur in Parliamento pradicto juxta formam
Brevis veftri nuper nobis inde directi. In cujus rei teftimonium has li-
teras noftras eifdem fieri fecimus Patentes. Sigillo Communitatis no-
ftre predicte fignatas. Dat. London. Sextodecimo die Octobris, Anno
Regni veftri duodecimo.
To the moſt Excellent Prince, and their moft Dear Lord, the E
Lord Edward by the Grace of God the moſt Illuftrious King of Eng-
land, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitain, John de Wengrave
Mayor of the City of London, the Aldermen, Sheriffs, and the whole
Community of the fame City, Themfelves and Theirs. Your Excel-
lency may know we have affigned our beloved Fellow-Citifens John
de Cherleton, William de Flete, and Roger le Palmere, or two of them,
and have given to them, or two of them, full and fufficient Power
by theſe Preſents, to do in this your inſtant Parlement, to be holden| F
at Tork three weeks after Michaelmas, what fhall be Ordained in the
forefaid Parlement by Common Advice, according to the form of
your Writ lately to us directed. In witneſs whereof we have made
theſe our Letters Patents, to be fealed with the Seal of our Community
or Commonalty aforefaid. Dated at London the 16th day of October,
in the 12th year of your Reiga.
Engliſh Burghs; or Bouroughs.
1 67
There can be no doubt, but what was called the City in the pre-
ceding Record, was the fame with the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and
whole Community or Commonalty in this Record,
The Writ upon which this Return was made, was dated at Not-
tingham, August 25th, and directed only to the Sheriffs of London,
A not to the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Community, as the Return
infinuates, and the Precept was only to chooſe two Citifens, though
there are three Returned as chofen.
Edwardus Dei Gratia Rex Anglia, &c. Vicecomitibus London, Retorn. Brev.
Salutem. Quia pro diverfis & arduis negotiis nos & ftatum Regni no-Parl. 12 Ed.2.
ftri fpecialiter tangentibus Parliamentum noftrum apud Eborum a Die
Sandi Michaelis proximo futuro in tres feptimanas tenere ac cum præ-
B latis, &c. Vobis præcipimus firmiter injungentes quod de Civitate
noftra prædicta duos Cives de difcretioribus, &c. Tefte meipfo apud
Nottingham 25 Die Augufti. Anno Regni noftri duodecimo.
Per ipfum Regem & Confilium.
In the Second of King Henry the Fifth, the Mayor of York and
thirteen more Concrues, Fellow-Citifens named in the Return, Ple-
€ nam poteftatem de tota Communitate Civitatis habentes, eligerunt duos
Cives idoneos, &c. Having full power from the whole Community of
the City, chofe two fit Citifens, &c. In Witneſs whereof they
put their particular Seals to the Indenture of Return.
In the Indenture of Return for the Town of Derby in the Twelfth
of Henry the Fourth, after Six of the Electors Names, which were
of the Community, it follows, & per Multos alios de Communitate pra-
dicti Burgi Derby, qui in Curia Burgi interfuerunt Electi funt duo
Burgenfes, and by many others of the Community of the Burgh of
Derby, which were prefent in the Court of the Burgh, two Burgef-
fes were Elected, &.
In the Second of Edward the Third, for the Parlement at York,
Bailiffs & Communaltie de la Ville de Geppewic de noftre Commun affent
avons Eluz. nons Comburgois Geffrei Stacy & Chriftophre Del Bois de
EEftre pur noftre dit Ville al Parlament avaundite, &c. The Bailiffs
and Communalty of Ipfwich, by our Common affent have chofen of
our Fellow Burgeffes, Geofry Stacy and Chriftopher Del Bois, to be
for our faid Town at the Parlement aforefaid.
See the Re-
turus of Parle-
thefe years.
ment Writs for
Pryn's Brevia
Parl. Rediviva.
p. 267.
Not to be
found amongſt
this year.
the Returns of
In the Second of Henry the Fifth, the Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs Oxford.
and whole Community of the Burgeffes of the Town of Oxford, choſe
Burgeffes for the Parlement at Westminster. Omnibus ad quos præfen-
tes litera pervenerint, Major, Aldermani Ballivi & Tota Communitas
Burgenfium Villa Oxon, Salutem, &c. Sciatis nos unanimi affenfu &
confenfu noftris, &c. Elegiffe dilectos Comburgenfes noftros Johannem
Merfton, & Thomam Coventry effendum ad Parlementum, &c. In cu-
jus rei Teftimonium præfentibus Sigillum noftrum Commune appofuimus
Dat. in Gihala Villa prædi&a, &r. 2 Regis Hen. quinti.
K 2
68 1
nity or Com-
In the Twenty fifth of Henry the Sixth, for a Parlement to be hol-
den at Cambridge, Johannes North Major Villa Oxon. & Johannes
Barton, Thomas Wymond Ballivi ac tota Communitas dicta Ville
eligerunt Thomam Dagfield & Robertum Watford Comburgenfes fuos,
perfonas jdoneos & difcretos ad comparendum, &c. John North Mayor
of the Town of Oxford, and John Barton and Thomas Wjmond, and
the whole Community of the faid Town chofe Thomas Dagfield and Ro- A
bert Watford their Fellow-Burgeffes,fit and diſcreet Perfons to appear,
c. In cujus rei Teftimonium hiis Indenturis tam Sigillum Ditorum
Majoris Ballivorum & dice Communitatis, quam Sigillum Officii Vice-
comitis Oxon. eft appenfum.
The later Return explains the former, and fhews that the Commu-
nitas Burgenfium Ville, and Communitas Villa, was the fame.
In the Seventh of Edward the Fourth, the Return was thus, Pre-
fens Billa indentata facta, &c. Teftatur quod Richardus Buftrad &
Thomas Halman Ballivi Burgi Oxon, & Comburgenfes Burgi predicti
ex unanimi affenfu & confenfu eligerunt Willielmum Bedfton & Willi-
elmum Dayvile Burgenfes effendi ad Parlementum, &c. The prefent
Bill indented made, &c. Witneffeth that Richard Burftrad and
Thomas Halman Bailiffs of the Burgh of Oxford, and their Fellow-
Burgeffes of the faid Burgh, by one affent and confent chofe William
Bedfton and William Dayvile Burgeffes to be at the Parlement, &c.
In cujus rei Teftimonium Commune Sigillum appofuerunt, &c. In
Witneſs whereof they put to the Common Seal, c.
Bailiffs and It is not to be otherwiſe thought, but the Bailiffs and Fellow-Bur-
fes the fame effes were the fame perfons in this Return, with the Bailiffs and
with Bailiffs, Community of the Town of Oxford in the others, and that the Ele-
and Comm-tion was now made as formerly, notwithſtanding the different ex- D
preffions, and Clerkship of the Return; and that theſe Comburgenfes,
Fellow Burgeffes, were of the fame Rank and Order, with the Mayor,
Bailiffs and Aldermen, before they had been chofen and promoted by,
and out of their Fellow Burgeffes, and were not of the moſt ordinary
and poor fort of Burgeffes or Freemen, who never were ordinarily or
regularly of the Community or Common Council of any Town or Burgh.
Retorn. Brev.
4. In Pryn's
To confirm what hath been laft faid, I fhall produce the Returns E
of Wallingford in the Eleventh of Henry the Fourth, and Fifth of
Henry the Fifth.
Vifo Breve Domini Regis nos Johannes Derby Major Burgi Walling-
Parl. 11 Hen. ford, & omnes ejufdem Burgi Comburgenfes, Scrutinio veritatis eligi
Brev. Parle-mus, & ordinavimus Johannem Cotterel, & Willielmum Cotterel, no-
mentar. Redi- ftros Burgenfes in peritia abiles, & honeftos procuratores ad Westmona.
viva, p. 288. fterium ad Parlementum Domini Regis, ipfis conferentes noftram plena- F
Walling- riam poteftatem ad Omnia & Singula ibidem legalia facienda, & in
Teftimonium Ordinationis & Electionis præfatarum, nos ante dicti
Major, & præfati Burgi Comburgenfes huic Indenturæ fecundum dičti
Brevis exigentiam Sigilla noftra appofuimus. Sicut patet in Scriptura
inferius nominatim.
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs,
Johannes Derby, Willielmus Arnegat, Thomas Smallwyke, Rogerus
Baker, Willielmus Morgan, Johannes Culham, Willielmus Effex, Johannes
Payable, Robertus Colfill, Galfridus Littell, Johannes Breewood, Rc-
bertus Deffont, Johannes Hert, The Engliſh of which runs thus:
Having feen the Kings Writ, we John Derby, Mayor of the Burgh
of Wallingford, and all the Fellow-Burgeffes of the fame Burgh, have
A by true fcrutiny chofen and appointed John Cotterell and William
Cotterell, our skilful Burgeffes, and honeft Procurators in the Parle
ment of the Lord the King at Westminster, conferring upon them our
full Power, to do there all and fingular Legal Things; And in witneſs
of the Appointment and Ordination aforefaid, we the forefaid Mayor and
Fellow Burgeffes of the forefaid Burgh, according to the Exigency or
Command of the faid Writ, have put to our Seals to this Indenture,
as it doth appear here underwritten Name by Name.
John Derby, William Arnegat, Thomas Swallwyke, Roger Baker, Wil-
liam Morgan, John Culham, William Effex, John Payable, Robert Col-
fill, Geofrey Little, John Breewood, Robert Deffont, John Hert. We
fee here the Omnes Comburgenfes ejufdem Burgi, all the Fellow-Bur-
geffes of the Burgh of Wallingford were then but Twelve, and it
may eafily be believed, That no Man can think, but that theſe
Twelve, with the Mayor, were the Community, or Governing part
C of the Town, or at leaſt the more part of it.
The other Return in the 5th of Hen. the 5th, runs thus: Vifo Breve Walling-
Domini Regis nos Johannes Derby, Willielmus Arnyat, Johannes Chal-ford, ibid.
mer, Galfridus Little, Thomas Swalewit, Ricardus Algate, Johannes
Denby, cum affenfu & confenfu omnium Comburgenfium noftrorum, Ele-
gimus & Ordinavimus Johannem Cotterel, & Johannem Derby, neftros
Comburgenfes perreduros ad Parlementum Domini Regis ad certum diem
D&locum in Breve contentos. Ad quam Ordinationem & Ele&ionem, illi
qui ejufmodi Electioni interfuerunt figilla fua appofuerunt.
Having feen the Writ of our Lord the King, we John Derby, Wil-
liam Arnegat, John Chalym, Geofrey Little, Thomas Swalewit, Řichard
Algate, John Benby, with the confent and affent of all our Fellow-
Burgeffes, have chofen and appointed John Cotterel and John Derby,
our Fellow-Burgeffes, to go to the Parlement of our Lord the King,
at the day and place conteined in the Writ. To which Election and
E Appointment, thoſe which were preſent at the Election put to their
By this fecond Election it is manifeft, That the Fellow-Burgeffes,
or the abfent our Fellow-Burgeffes, were equal in their ordinary Qua-
lity to John Derby, who was, or had been then Mayor of the Town,
and to William Arnegat, and others, who doubtleſs were Aldermen
or chief Burgeffes of the fame, and not Burgeffes of the lower Rank.
In the Return of the Writ for Wallingford in the 7th of Edward Walling-
the Fourth, 'tis thus: Hec Billa Indentata, &c. Teftatur quod Hen- ford.
ricus Glafyer, & Johan, Medowys Ballivi Burgi de Wallingford & Com-
burgenfes Burgi prædicti ex unanimi affenfu & confenfu eligerunt Jo-
hannem Colynggrugge & Robertum Hoptoik Burgenfes effendi ad Parte-
mentum Domini Regis, &c. In cujus Rei Teftimonium Sigillum Com-
mune appofuerunt.
Here in this indented Bill of Return 'tis faid the Bailiffs of the
Burgh of Wallingford and the Fellow-Burgeffes inade the Election,
in witneſs whereof they put the Common Seal of the Burgh to this
Bill; whereas in the former every one fet his particular Seal to the
Returns. Now who they were that had the difpofal, ordering, and
directing of the uſe of the Common Seal of any Burgh, fee hereafter
in the Obfervations upon the Return for Windfor, in the fame 7th
year of this King.
In the Return of Helfton in Cornwal, in the 7th of Edward the
Fourth, the words are thefe: Har Indentura facta apud Helfton
Burgh, &c. inter Johannem Colfbill Militem Vicecomitem, &c. ex parte
una, & Ricardum Lanargh Majorem Burgi pradicti, Johannem Em-
mont; & Johannem Harry Ricchowe, Ballivos ejufdem Burgi & Henri-
cum Gellyot, & omnes alios Comburgenfes fuos Burgi pradicti ex parte
altera Teftatur. Quod iidem. Ricardus, Johannes Emmont, Ricardus B
Harry Ricchove, Henricus, & omnes alii Comburgenfes fui unanimi
affenfu & confenfu, &c. Eligerunt Edwardum Gower & Willielmum
Stavely, &c.
This Indenture made at Helston-Burgh, &c. between John Colſbill
Knight, Sheriff, &c. on the one part, and Richard Lanargb, Mayor
of the Burgh aforefaid, John Emmont, and John Harry Ricchowe, Bais
liffs of the fame Burgh, and Henry Gellyot, and all other their Fellam Ć
Burgeffes of the Burgh aforefaid, on the other part, witneffeth, That
the fame Richard, Jahn Emmont, Richard Harry Riachowe, Henry,
and all other their Fellow-Burgeffes, by their unanimous affent and
confent, &c. chofe Edward Gower and William Stavely, &c.
Here the Comburgenfes, or Fellow-Burgeffes of this Town, were in
their ordinary value and esteem, Equals to the Mayor and Bailiffs, as
being their Fellow-Burgeffes; fo that 'tis not hard to believe they D
were the Community, or Governing part of the Burgh.
In the 25th of Henry the Sixth, the Return for Windſor was thus :'
Hac Indentura facta, &c. Teftatur quad Major & Communitas Burgen-
fium Burgi de Nova Windfore eligimus & nominavimus de Gommuni
Confilio noftro Rogerum Fafnam, & Rogerum Scherman dicti Burgi Bur
genfes ad comparendum, &c. In quorum Teftimonium Sigillum Com
*In the Re-mune omnium & fingulorum Burgenfium, & Communitatis prædicta* ha
cord 'tis habebentium Electionem intereffentium prafentibus. eft appenfum. Dat. apud
Windfore,&c. prafentibus Jahanne Avelyn Majore Burgi pradiċi, Wil-
lielmo Scherman, Willielmo Trome, Rogero Weyte, Johanne Notewey
Ballivis, Johanne Bethewood, Thoma Swan, Johanne Rumelond, Thoma
Pers, Ricardo Bernard, Conftabulariis & aliis.
mus Electio-
Here we find the Parlement Burgeffes of New Windfor chofen by
the Mayor and Community of the Burgefjes of that Burgh. In wit
nefs whereof, the Common Seal of all and fingular Burgeffes, and
of the Community aforefaid, which had Voices in the Election, was
affixed to the Indenture. Dated, &c. in the prefence of John Avelin
Mayor, William Scherman, William Trowe, Roger Weyte, and John
Notewaye Bailiffs, John Bethewood, Thomas Swan, John Ruweland;
Thomas Pers, Richard Bernard Conftables, and others.
Engliſh Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 71
But in the Seventh of Edward the Fourth, about Twenty four years Windfore.
afterward, the Return is much different, Prafens Billa indentata fa-
&a, &c. Teftatur quod Johannes Scot, & Willielmus Kemfale Ballivi
Burgi de Windfore, & Comburgenfes Burgi prædicti eligerunt Williel-
mum Evinton & Henricum Franceys Burgenfes effendi ad Parlementum,
Ovc. In cajus rei Teftimonium Sigillum Commune appofuerunt, id eft,
Ballivi, & Comburgenfes, Sigillum appofuerunt.
The Communitas Burgenfium, in the former Return, and the Com-
burgenfes in the later were the fame Body of Men; that is, thoſe with
the chief Officers made the governing part of the Burgh, who in moft,
if not all, Corporations have the Common Seal at their difpofing, and
by their only confent, it is to be affixed to any Writing. See the
Returns for Oxford, in the Second of Henry the Fifth, and 25th of
Henry the Sixth, here before mentioned, for the clearing of this
B matter.
In the fame 25th of Henry the Sixth, the Return was the fame for Reding.
Reding. Hac Indentura, &c. Teftatur, quod nos Major & Commu-
nitas Burgi de Redynge ordinavimus eligimus, & nominavimus de Com-
muni Confilio noftro Simon Kent & David Gower dicti Burgi Burgenfes
ad comparendum, &c. In quorum Teftimonium Sigillum Commune om-
nium & fingulorum Burgenfium & Communitatis prædicta habentium * In the Re-
C. Electionem intereffentium præfentikus eft appenfum. Dat. apud Reding, cornus Electio-
c. Prefentibus Johanne Sawyer Majare Burgi prediti, Roberto nem.
Morys, Willielmo Stapper, Willielmo Stapper, Edwardo Linacre, Jo-
banne Weft, Thoma Goldoure Conftabulariis Ricardo Farle, Bartholom.
At More Ballivis, & aliis.
cord 'tis, Ha
So in thefame 7th year of Edward the 4th, the words of the Return Reding.
were the fame,except the Names. Præfens Billa indentata,&c. Teftatur
D quod Willielmus Bluet&Johannes Brode Ballivi Burgi de Reddinge &
Comburgenfes Burgi prædiiti ex unanimi affenfu & confenfu eligerunt
Johannem Bukke& Johannem Upton Burgenfes effendi ad Parlementum
Domini Regis, &c. In cujus Rei Teftimonium figillum commune præ-
fentibus appofuerunt. There needs no other Obfervation here, than
what was made upon the foregoing Returns for Windfor in the fame
The Return for Len in Norff. Seventh of Edward the Fourth was,
E Major & Communitas eligerunt Henricum Bermingham & Willielmum
Pilton Burgenfes Ville five Burgi Len, &c. In the Twelfth of Ed-
ward the Fourth, it was the fame, in the 17th, it was Major & Bur-
genfes pro fe, & Communitate eligerunt, &c.
So for Great Yarmouth in that County, for the fame year. Balli-Tarmouth.
vi & Communitas Villa Magna Fenemuthe eligerunt Johan. Ruß, &
Johan. Tymperley ad Effend. ad Parlementum, &c. In the 12th of
Fthis King it was, Ballivi de Communi affenfu Villa eligerunt, &c. In
the 17th of the fame King it was, Ballivi & Communitas unanimi af-
fenfu eligerunt, &c. The meaning and intent of the Returns was
the fame.
In the rath of Edward the Fourth, Major & Communitas unanimi
affenfu & confenfu eligerunt Johannem Beynton & Willielmum Abury
72 1
Cives Civitatis Wellenfis ad intereffend. in proximo Parlemento apud
Westminst. &c. As by the Return for Wells in Sommerfet Shire,
for that year appears and the like Return changing the Names is in
the 17th year of that King.
In the Return for Brideport 17th of Edward the Fourth Ballivi
& Burgenfes de Brideport per affenfum & confenfum totius Burgi Com-
munitatis eligerunt Thomam Neburgh & Robertum Hill dnos Burgenfes, A
In the Seventh of Edward the Fourth, only five Burgefles of Col-
cheſter, named in the Return, chooſe two Burgeffes, William Forde and
John Boteler in the County-Court holden at Chelmsford for the Parle-
ment mentioned in the Writ, &c.
In the 12th and 17th of that King, the Returns were thus, Ballivi B
Burgi Colchester, &c. Eligi fecerunt per majorem partem Burgenfium
magis fufficientium Johan Wright & Johan. Boteler. "Effend. pro
Burgo illo ad Parlementum, &c.
In the Seventh of that King John Hertbull Efq; John Fiber of
Warwick, and only Ten more Named in the Indenture of Return, did
in the County Court holden at Warwick, on the Monday next before
Whitsunday, chooſe Edward Durant and Benedict Lee, Burgeffes pro C
Burgo Villa Warwick, to which Indenture the Sheriff on one part and
all the twelve Electors on the other part put to their Seals.
'Tis not faid in the Return of what quality any of theſe Electors
were, whether Mayor, Bailiffs or what others, yet it cannot be
doubted, but they were of the best and most fubftantial Burgeſſes,
and were at leaft part of, if not the whole Community, or Government
of the Town.
In the 12th and 17th years of that King, the Burgeffes were alfo
choſen in the County Court, but not faid how, or by whom, for
their Names are only Indorfed on the Writ, with their Manucap-
tors, and likewiſe only mentioned in the Indenture.of Return for the
County. Yet, by a paralel Return, we may make a more than pro-
bable Conjecture, they were chofen by the chief Magiftrate, or Ma-
giftrates, and the Community of the Town.
For in the 15th of Edward the Second, after the Knights of the
Shire Indorfed on the Kings Writ of Summons, the Citifens of Lin-
coln follow in the fame method with their Manucaptors, and in the
fame Form here underwritten.
Manucaptores Henrici de Hakethorn, unius Civium Civitatis Lin-
Johannes Fowler de Lincoln.
Adam del Marrays de eadem.
Manucaptores Thoma Gamel, alterius Civium Civitatis de Lincoln.
Philippus Millays de Lincoln.
Rogerus Ingloys de eadem.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
1 73
The like Returns are in the Dors of the Writ for Grimsby and Grimsby
Stanford, and then it follows, Et non plures Cavitates feu Burgi in and Stan-
Comitatu Lincoln, Boſton and Grantham being omitted.
Here is only a bare Return of the Names of the Citifens of the City
of Lincoln, with their Sureties, who were to be at the Parlement to
be holden at Tork, three Weeks after Eafter, without any mention,
A how; or by whom chofen. Yet, by the Petition, Certificate, or
Return following, which is now fewed to the Kings Writ, directed to
the Sheriff of Lincoln-Shire, it appears they were Elected by the Mayor
and Communalty of the City of Lincoln.
A tres Noble Home & Sage Sire William de Eyrminne Meire & la
Comminalty de Nicole, quant quit devent & poent, D'onors & Reve-
rences, par ceo Sire, qui nous avons Eflutz, Henry de Hakethorn, & Tho-
Bmas Gamel nos Conciteyns, de venir au Parlement noftre Seigneur le Roi,
par la citee de Nicole felonc le purport le Brief le dyt noftre Seigneur
le Roi,&ore le dyt Thomas ne fe Deggne venir
pur riens que nous
favoms faire, pur quoy Sire nous avoms Ellutz Alayn de Hodelfton
en le leiu le dyt Thomas, a faire & affentir pur la Dite Citee folonc
le tenure le dyt Breif, vous Prioms Cher Sire, Sil vous pleft,
que le dit Hen. Et Alayn voilets Refceivire pur la Citee avant Dite.
En Tefmoygnance de quelque chofe a ceftrez præfents avoms Mis le Seal
C de noftre Meiretee. Don a Nicole le Seconde jour de May lan du Reign
noftre Seigneur le Roi Edward que oreft qui Dien Garde. Quinfzime.
Befides, that 'tis manifeft from this Certificate and Return, that
the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Lincoln, Elected thefe two
Citifens to reprefent them in Parlement; there are feveral other
things may be obferved from it: As Firft, that Thomas Gamel one
of the Citifens, though he had two Manucaptors Returned with him
Don the Dors of the Writ, yet would not go to the Parlement, for
any thing the Mayor and Commonalty of the City knew what to do.
Secondly, that they without any other, or new Writ, after his Name
was Returned to the Sheriff, and by him Indorſed on the Writ, and
Returned with two Manucaptors for his Appearance at the Day and
place appointed for the Parlement, Elected another Citifen, Alayn de
Hodelfton in his place, and defired Sir William Eyrminne, (then Ma-
fer of the Rolls, and Keeper of the Seal, in the abfence or time of
E indifpofition of John Bishop of Norwich, then Lord Chancellor,) that
he being thus Elected by them, according to the Form of the Firft
Writ of the King, might be received with the other Citifen Henry
de Hakethorn, firft Elected with Gamel, as Citifen for this Parlement,
upon the Mayors Seal of Office affixed to this Certificate. Thirdly,
if Hodelfton Sate, as in all probability he did, there could not then
be ſuch fine Nuceties and Functilioes in the Return of Parlement Writs,
as at this prefent..
How Cirencester in Gloucester-Shire came to fend Burgeffes, 22 J4-
cobi, I know not, it fent None before that time that I can find.
In the Return for the City of Rochester, in the 17th of Edward the Rochester.
Fourth, the Words were very General, and thefe following. Hes
Indentura facta apud Rochester, &c. Teftatur quod Willielmus Munge-
bam Major Civitatis Roffen una cum omnibus, & Singulis Civibus, &
74 1
Bath and
Communiariis ejufdem Civitatis eligerunt & nominaverint Johan. Kyr-Į
on & Willelmum Revers ad Effend. Cives pro Civitat, &i.
The meaning whereof is, that the Mayor together with all and
Singular Citifens, and Communers, that is, with all and every Ci-
tifen who was a Communer, and of the Community of the City,
which was as much as to fay, the whole Community of the City
chofe them for the Communtarii, or Comminiarii of the City of Lon A
don, are the Common Council Men thereof, and a Select Number
of the moſt Worthy, and able Citifens, as appears by the Style of
the Common Council in the City Books. Commune Concilium text.
in Camera Guildhall Civitatis London, .. Coram Tali, Majore Civi-
tatis, &c. Then after the Names of the Aldermen prefent, and She-
riffs, it follows, Nec non Majore parte Comminariorum dicta Civitatis.
in Communi Concilio tunc & ibidem affemblat, and it cannot be doubt-
ed but the Commoners of the City of Rochester were Perfons of the fame B
In the 12th and 17th years of Edward the Fourth. The Returns
of Bath and Bridgewater in Sommerfet-Shire, are thus Penned. Hac
Indentura, &c, Teftatur quod Cives Civitatis Bathon. Ex vnanimi
affenfu eligerunt, &c. Willielmum Haynes & Robertum Baten, &c.
Ad Effend. ad Parliamentum, &c. So for the Burgh. Har Inden-
tura, &c. Teftatur quod Burgenfes Burgi de Briggewater unanimi affen-C
Su elegerunt Thomam Tremagle, & Johannem Kendale, pro Burgenfi-
bus dicti Burgi ad effendum ad Parliamentum, &c.
How the Elections have been made in the Burgh of Bridgewater,
fince the date of thefe Writs, and of late times, I cannot fay. But
[1]Pryn's Brev. in the City of Bath, they have always been made [1] only by the
Pail. Rediviva. Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, confifting of Thirty one Per-
P. 317.
ſons and no more, notwithſtanding theſe General Words, Cives or D
Burgenfes, or at leaft, Major, Aldermanni, & Cives elegerunt, have
been in moſt of their Returns.
In the 13th year of King Charles the Second, 1651. Alexander Pop-
ham, and William Pryn Efquires, were chofen Citifens for the City
[2] Ibid.p.31;. of Bath, by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citifens as in the [2] Return,
of which the whole Number that Elected them were but Twenty
one Perfons of the Thirty one above mentioned. There happened a
[3] Ibid.p.317, Controverfie about this Election, there being two Competitors [3]
chofen by one Aldermen, Five Common Council Men, and Thirty
two Freemen, the queftion before the Committee of Privileges, and the
[4] Ibid.p.318. Parlement was, [4] whether all the Freemen and Citifens of Bath had,
and ought to have Voices in the Election of Citifens to ferve in Par-
lement, or only the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City.
That the choice had been always made by the later was clearly proved.
19]Ibid.p.320. The principal matter then [5] infifted upon by the Competitors
Counfel, was, that the Elections were made in the Name of the Mayor,
Aldermen, and Citifens of Bath, which Word Citifens, muft neceffari-
ly, and of Common Right be intended of all the Citifens, and Freemen
of the City, who are Citifens, and not of the Citifens only, that are
Common Conncil Men.
Englifh · Burghs, or Boaroughs.
1 75
To this it was, or might have been anſwered, That Knights of the
Shire are faid to be chofen by the County, or the whole Community of
the County, and yet thofe Words do not extend to all the Inhabitants
of the County, though never fo Rich, for Tradefmen, and others
whofe Eftates are in Money or Goods, nor Copyholders, or Leafehol
ders have any Vo.ce in fuch Elections. And the Commons affembled in
A Parlemeift, are uſually tyled the Commonalty of the Realm, nay, all
the Commons of the Realm, as in the Stat. of Provifors, 25 Edward
the Third, and others, yet are a Select Number of Perfons, Ele-
ted, Fatrufted, and Authorized not by half the Inhabitants of Eng-
Land. So that though the Words Crves & Burgenfes may in fome
Cafes, and in their full Latitude, extend to all Citifens, Burgeſſes, or
Freemen and Inhabitants alſo of Cities and Burghs, yet in many others,
and most frequently in this particular cafe of Eltors, they are re-
B trained to fome Select Number of Citifens and Burgeffes, or to the
Chief Magiftrates, and Common Council. Whoever defires further fa-
tisfaction in this port may perufe Mr. Pryn's Brevia Parliament a-
ria Rediviva, from page 320 to page 328..
Citilens and
Burgeffes cho-
fen in County
In feveral Counties the Citifens and Burgeffes were chofen in the
County Courts with the Knights, onthe day of the Knights Election in
the fame Court, and joyntly Returned in one Indenture efpecially be-
Cfore the Statiof the 231of Henry the Sixth, and in fome after that;
there were commonly fent four or five Citifens or Burgefes from, the
Refpective Cities, or Burghs, whereof the Mayor, or Chief Magistrate
was uſually one, to the County Court. Qui de affenfu totius Com-
munitati Civitatis vel Burgi eligerunt, &c. Who by affent of the
whole Community of the City or Burgh, from which they were fent,
did chooſe Citifens and Burgeffes, who gave them full and fufficient
Power for themfelves, and the Community of the Cities and Burghs,
D to do and confent to fuch things, as by Common Council ſhould be or-
dained. One Example of thefe Returns may be ſeen in the Ap- N. 14.
pendix which was made for Sommerfet-Shire, in the Second of Henry
the Fifth, and the like is upon Record for Dorſet-Shire, in the fame
year; there is alfo in that year one for Wilt-Shire, though not in the
very fame Form, for which fee the Appendix for Devon-Shire in the
27th of Henry the Sixth, for Cambridge and Huntington, Warwick,
and Kent and other Counties and Shires, in other years.
To all theſe Inſtances for the greater proof, that the Communities
of Cities and Burghs did and ought to chooſe, may be added, that
the Citifens and Burgeffes conftantly had from their particular Cities,
and Burghs, Power to Treat, Do and Confent for themſelves, and the
faid Communities, according to the Tenor of all Writs, in all times,
and those, for whom they were to Treat, Do and Confent, did, or
moft certainly ought to fend them: For the Citifens and Burgeffes
FReprefented the Cities and Burghs, and were Trustees for them in Par-
lement, as the Community, or Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Coin-
cil, or the Chief Magiftrate, and Capital Burgeffes Repreſented them
at home, in the Cities, and Burghs themſelves, and were Trustees for
them there. For before Bribery, Meat, and Drink, with Infinuation,
and Artifice, prompted to the Mean, and Ordinary poor forts of Bur
geffes, a right which anciently they never Dreamt of, there were no
L 2
N. 15.
Returns of
Writs as to
Form încer-
contefts between them and the Communities, or Commonalties, or the
Governing part of Cities and Burgeffes about the Election of Citifens
and Burgeffes to Reprefent them in Parlement, feeing when they Re
ceived Wages, it was a Burthen to thoſe that chole and ſent them.
And it is not eaſily to be imagined, Poor Ordinary Men would contend
for a Burthen, or feek a Trouble.
Befides, the Returns are very incertain, and different in Form, fom-
times the Names of the Knights, Citifens, and Burgeffes only with
their Sureties are Returned. Somtimes they are made according to
the Tenor of the Writ, but moſtly according to the Foss, Fancy, and
Invention of the Clerk that drew them up, without any strictness of
Words or deſign to inform pofterity, Who were, or aught to be
Electors. The Writs were commonly in the nature of a venire fa-
cias, and the Cities and Burghs took care only to fend their Citifens
and Burgeſſes according to the Precept, which was the Busineß of B
the Government of the places, to which the Writs were directed,
and that was the beſt Judge Who was fitteft to ferve them; there was
then no friving for Votes, or making Partiesor Fa&ions to be Elected.
Hitherto of the great probability, if not certainty, Who anciently
were, and now ought to be the Electors in allCities and Burghs, which
have Charters, and Free Burgeffes. But the difficulty is, Who ought
to be Electors in fuch Towns or Burghs, that have neither Charter, C
*Fol. 60.A.B. Custom, or Free Burgeffes, as invthe cafe of Cirencester above-men-
[1] Here f. 47.
49, 50. and
and Append.n.
i. b.
To this I fay, Firft, that where there is neither Charter, Guftam, or
Burgeffes, there can be no Burgh
Secondly, as to this particular Cafe, I am apt to belejue Cirenceſter
was anciently no Burgh, for amongst all the Returns in the Tower, D
from the 26th of Edward the Firft, to the 17th of Edward the Fourth,
there is not one for that Town.
Thirdly, I fay, that becauſe ſeveral Towns have fent Burgeffes or
Members to Parlement, therefore to affert according to the Vulgar
Opinion, they muſt be Burghs, or, as they call them, Burghs by Pre-
Scription, as not having Charter or Burgeffes, is an exrour occafioned
by want of due Obfervation and Perufal of Ancient Records.
For, no Man that I know of hath taken notice of Tenents in An-
cient Demeafns, having been fent to, and having fat in Parlement.
And ſeveral of thofe Towns that fent them, were fuch as might have
no Charters conftituting them Free Burghs, and confequently had no
Free Burgeffes, for, as it hath been ſaid and proved before, theſe were
made fuch by [1] Charters only, and the Grant of Royal Liberties,
by which Cities and Burghs were conftituted.
But it will be faid, that never was any. Writ or Summons directed
to the Sheriffs, to fend to any Town of the Kings Ancient Demeafns,
to chooſe and ſend two Tenents to Parlement, as there was for Cities,
and Burghs, to fend Citifens, and Burgeffes.
English Burghs, or Bouroughs.
| 77
To this I reply, and do confefs, I never did fee fuch Writs or Sum-
mons directed to any Sheriffs, or Tenents in Ancient Demeafns, to
fend any of their own Number to Parlement, nor was there any need
of it, for the Reprefentatives of fuch Towns as were Burghs by Char- Tenents in
ter, and alfo the Kings Ancient Demeafns, Reprefented both the Ancient De-
Burgeffes and Tenents too, and in fome places might therefore be and by whom
chofen by them both.
meafns, how
Secondly, when it was left to the Sheriff as hath been [2] fhewn [2] Here f52,
before, to direct his Precepts to what Burghs, Towns, or Places he $3 $4. &c.
pleafed, he might fend them to fuch large Towns of the Kings Ancient
Demenfns as had a Market only by Connivence and Permiffion, or
Charter, without the conftitutive claufe of a Burgh, or Free Bur-
geffes, for it was a hard matter to diſtinguiſh fuch Market Towns from
Burghs, which by outward appearence, in many things could not be
B diftinguifhed, ſeeing they always paid the fame Tallages, and Taxes,
that Burghs did, they were free from [3] Toll all over the Kingdom, [3] Regifter of
free from [4] contributing to the Wages of Knights of the Shire, Writs, f.261.b.
and free from Suit to Hundred, and County Courts, as Burghs were.
[4] Append.
They only wanted Burgh Liberties and Royalties, Free Burgeffes, a
Merchant-Gild, or Community and peculiar Officers, which were the
Characteriſticks of a Burgh, and were Created and paſſed by Charter,
which the Sheriffs might not take notice of.
Laftly, when fome Sheriffs might call for the Charters, and en-
quire after the Free Burgeffes of fome Towns, they might not find
any, or be informed there was none, which fomtimes might be the
cauſe of fome Negative Returns, that there were no more Burghs in
Such or fuch a County, than what they then Returned.
When therefore there doth arife a difpute about Elections, by whom
D they ought to be made, in fuch Towns as have neither Charter, nor
Burgeffes. The Anſwer is ready, that they ought to be made by the
Freeholders, fuch as are poffeffed of the Ancient Demean Lands, or
thoſe which anciently by one way or other had been in the Crown.
turns loft,fince
From the 17th of Edward the Fourth, which are the laſt Returns
of Parlement Writs in the Tower, now known, to the First of Edward Moft of the
the Sixth, the Returns are all loft; there are two Bundles in the Writs and Re-
E Chappel of the Rolls in the time of Henry the Eighth, but not Legi- the Reign of
ble. Two other Bundles in the Reign of Edward the Sixth, ift and Edw: the 4th.
6th. Five Bundles in Reign of Queen Mary. Seven in the Reign of
Queen Elizabeth. Three in the Reign of King James the Firft, and
Five in the Reign of King Charles the First, and no others either in
the Petty-Bag, Crown-Office, or in any other known place, until the
Reign of King Charles the Second.
And theſe Returns here are not much unlike thofe in the Tower,
as may appear in theſe few inftances, being alfo different in moſt pla-
ces, according to the Clerkship of thofe that made them.
Returns fince
the Eighth
King Henry
[1] Retorn.
Brev. Parl. I
Cheping-Wicomb in Buckingham-Shire. [1] Hee Indentura teftatur, Ed. VI. In
&c. Quod Major & Burgenfes unanimi affenfu & confenfu elegerunt, Capella Rotu-
c. In cujus rei Teftimonium Major & Burgenfes Sigillum fuum appo- Wicomb.
[2] Ibid. 6 Ed.
[3] Ibid. 1
For the fame Town, Het [2] Indentura teftatur, &c. Quod Mas
jor, Ballivi, & Burgenfes unanimi affenfu elegerunt, &t. In cujus rei
Teftimonium Major Ballivi & Burgenfes Sigillum fuum appofuerunt.
The fame Return in i Maria. And the Elections of Mayor, Burger-
fes, and Town Officers, were then made by a Select Number, under
the Name of Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgefles, ever fince, except for a
few years laft paft, as alſo the Parlement Members Exclufive of the
Ordinary Freemen.
Reding in Bark-Shire. Hec [3] Indentura Teftatur, &r. Qrod
Major, Burgenfes & Communitas Burgi, Ordinavimus, Elegimus, &
Reding. nominavimus, &. In cujus Rei Teftimonium Major Burgenfes
Sigillum fuum Commune, &c.
[4] Ibid. 1.
[5] Ibid. I
New Windfor, nos Major
Windfor ex unanimi affenfu
Burgenfes & Communitas [4] Nova
confenfu noftris elegimus, &c.
Thetford in Norff. Hec [5] Indentura Teftatur, &c. Quod Ma-
jor, Burgenfes & alii homines de Communi Concilio,& congregatione dicti
Thetford. Burgi, una voce elegimus, confecimus, ordinavimus & in loco noftrá
pofuimus, &c. In cujus Rei Teftimonium nos Major & Burgenfes Si-
gillum noftrum Commune apponi fecimus. The fame Return is in the
Firft of Elizabeth, the Burgefjes Names only excepted. Here the
Mayor, Burgeffes, and other Men of the Common Council, and fuch as c
ufed to come to Town or Burgh-Meetings, were the Electors, which
agrees with the Practice at this Day.
The Cafe be.
tween Sir 70-
Seph William-
fon and Mr.
In the Cafe between Sir Joseph Williamfon, and Mr. Heveningham,
the firſt chofen by the Mayor, Burgeffes, and Commonalty of Thetford,
the other chofen by fome of the forementioned Electors, and alfo by
Heveningham the Major part of the Freemen of the Town.
at Thetford.
[6] Commons
The Report of the [6] Committee of Elections to the Houfe con-
Journal. Mer- cerning the Election at Thetford.
cur. 17 Jun. 1
£. 193.
[7] Ibid.
Refolved, that 'tis the opinion of this Committee, that the Right of
Election is in the Mayor, Burgeffes, (which are Ten,) and in the
Commonalty, or Common Council (which are Twenty,) amounting in
the whole to Thirty one.
Refolved, [7] that this Houſe doth agree with the Committee,
that the Right of Election is in the Mayor, Burgeffes, (which are Ten,)
and in the Commonalty, or Common Council, (which are Twenty,)
amounting in the whole to Thirty one.
By all theſe Ancient, and later Returns, but more eſpecially if com-
pared one with another, it is manifeft, that in very many Contro-
verfies about Elections, the House of Commons have been frequentlyf
The House of mistaken in the meaning of theſe indefinite expreſſions, Major & Ci-
Commons mi-ves, Major & Burgenfes, Major & Communitas, or Major, Burgenfes,
ftaken in the & Communitas elegerunt, underftanding thereby all Citifens, Burgef
fome indefi- fes, or Freemen in General of fuch Cities and Burghs, when as they
nite expreffi- were only a Select Number, which managed the Affairs and Govern
turns of Writs. ment of thoſe places.
meaning of
ons in the Re-
English Burghs, or Bouroughs,
Nay, when or where it is faid in fome few Returns Major, & om-
nes Burgenfes, & Comminarii elegerunt,thofe Words are most common-
ly if not always to be understood in a Limited and Refrained Senfe,
which was, that the Mayor, and all the Chief Burgaffes, or the Mayor
and all fuch Burgaffes (which were the fame with Aldermen, though
they wanted the Title,) and Commoners ſuch as were of the Common
A Council, or ought to be at City or Burgh Congregations or Meetings
did chooſe, Who always were a Select Number, Exclufive of the
Bulk of Common, Ordinary, Poor Freemen, Citifens, or Burgeffes of
the loweſt Rank. And the omnes Burgenfes Comminarii, & alii homi-
nes Burgi, did mostly fignifie no other Perfons than all the Burgeffes,
Men, and Commoners, who were or ought to be at publick Meetings of
the Burgh or City, and did tranfact the uſual buſineſs of the place.
Add to this, what hath been faid before, concerning the great
errour about the meaning and fignification of the Word Communitas,
and that there were very few ancient Writs and Returns made upon
them, to be ſeen in the Record-Office in the Tower,before Mr. Pryn, in
the years 1660, and 1661. found fo many lying confuſedly amongſt
other Records in the White Tower, as made Ninety Seven Bundels,
which he mentions in his Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva; by which
Men might have been better informed. And it will feem no great
wonder to find Men guided only by the Sounds of Words, and Byaffed
by Popularity, to run into Opinions both pleafing to themſelves, and
the Vulgar, and of late years, to have determined Controverfies about
Elections accordingly, contrary to the moſt common and frequent
ancient ufage, in Electing Citifens and Burgeffes, and Tenor of the
Returns of Parlement Writs in thoſe times.
1 79
To be added in Fol. 12. Letter E. after thefe words, To that Town thën,
Rex tenet Mileburn, Rex Edwardus tenuit nunquam Geldavit nec *Domeſday,
fcitur quot hide funt ibi, Terra eft L. Caruc. &e. In hot manerio funt fol. 38. b.
56 Burgenfes cum Mercato Reddentes, LX Sol.
The King holds Mileburn, King Edward held it, 'twas never Taxed,
neither is it known how many Hides there are, the Arable is 50 Caru-
cates,&c. In this Maner there are 56 Burgeffes with the Market, pay-
ing Sixty Shillings. Nothing more of this place, and its Burgeffes
In* Givelcefter, Sunt CVII Burgenfes Reddentes XX Sol. Mercatum
cum fuis Appendicibus Redd. XỈ Lib.
In Givel, or Ilcefter, there are io7 Burgefes, who pay Twenty
Shillings, the Market with its Appendices, or what belongs to it, pays
11 Pounds. This is all to the prefent purpoſe, in the Defcription of
this Town.
To be added in Fol. 37. Letter F. after the laft Line in the Leaf.
Col. I.
* Clauf, 3 E 2.
M. 22. Durf.
And it is yet more clear from the following Record in the Parle-
ment holden at Westminster, in the Month of Eafter, in the fecond of
the fame King Edw. 2. The Commons then delivered certain Articles of
Grievances to him for Redrefs, whereof the Sixth Article begins thius,
Que les Chivalers, gentz de Citez é de Burghs, é des autres Gilles
Cqui font venuz à fon Parlement per fon Comaundement pur Eux &
pur le people's ont peticions à Livrer por Fortz& Grievances, &c. That
is, The Knights, Men of Cities and Burghs, and of other Towns,
that were come to his Parlement, by his Command, &c. Here are
Knights, Citizens, Burgeffes, and Men of other Towns, who came to the befides Citics
Parlement by the Kings Command, What were thefe Towns that and Burghs
were neither Cities,, nor Burgbs, if not the Kings Ancient Demeafns? fent Reprefen-
Or, what were the Men that came from thefe Towns, if not Tenents in lenient.
Ancient Demeafns? They could be no other Towns, nor other Men,
than the Tenents, that were their Repreſentatives, and with the
Knights, Gitifens and Burgeffes, delivered the Articles of Grievances
to the King.
Other Towns
tatives to Par-
The Kings
meafus, fiom
To be added in Fol. 42. Letter B. after the words, Die Decembris.
Befides the Towns above-mentioned to be found in Domefday-Book,
in the feveral Counties under the Title of Terra Regis,the Kings Lands,
that were holden of him, and werè Ancient Demeafns, or his Ma-
ners; Gildeford in Surrey at the time of making the Conquerors Sur- Towns, and
vey, was the Kings Land, but thien no Burgh, Domeſday-Book, f. 30. Antient De-
a: Col. i. Gaton or Gatton in the fame County, was the Bishop of
Bayeux his Land, Ibid. f. 31. b. Col. 1. Then no Burgh; this Town Book.
Efcheated or Reverted to the Crown after his Death, or perhaps be-
fore by Forfeiture, when he was Imprifoned as a Traytor by his Half-
Brother King William, A. D. 1085. Dorchester in Dorfetfhire, de-
fcribed by its felf with its Cuftoms, Ibid. f.75. d. Col. 1. and then
under the Title of Terra Regis, as a very great Maner only, Ibid, Çol.2.
Pool in the fame County is not to be found in Domefday-Book; 'tis an
Hamlet of Canford or Chenford, which was the Kings Land, and holden
of him by Edward of Salisbury. Edwardus de Sarisburia tenet de Rege
Chenefòrd, &c. f. 80. b. Col. i. Corf in the fame County was the
Kings Land, then no Burgh, and holden of him by Robert Fitz-Gerold.
The Kings
Towns, or an-
f om other
Robertus filius Geroldi tenet de Rege Corf, &c. ibid. The Mayor of
this place is chofen and worn in the Court-Leet. Marlave or Marlow
in Buckingham bire, is to be found under the Title of Terra Regina
Matildis, and fo Crown-Land, but no Bargh, defcribed only as a
great Maner, ibid. f. 152. b. Col. 1. Newton in Lancaſhire, "holden
of the King, and was ancient Demeafns, then no Burgh, ibid. f. 259.
b. Col. 2. f. 260. a. Col: t.
There were alfo other Towns, that appear to have been the Kings A
Towns or Demeafns by other Records, Old Sarum in Wiltshire, or the
cent Demeafns Old Castle of Salisbury, was the Kings Demeafns. See Charter the
11th of Hen. 3. for the Foundation of the Church and City of New
Şarum. Excefter in Devonshire was the Kings City and Demeafns. Cart.
13 Edw. 1. per infpeximus, and here fol. 46. A. The Maner of Christ-
Church in Hambire, with the Inheritance, was conveyed to King
Ed. 1. by Avelin de Fortibus, Countess of Devonshire, Pat. 21 Ed. 1.
M. 3. The fworn Burgeffes of the Baron Jury of the Court in this B
Town,chooſe two Perfons,and preſent them to the Steward, of which
he taketh one, and fwears him Mayor; they alſo chooſe Parlement-
Men. Heden in Torkſhire was paffed to the fame King by way of Ex-
change, Clauf.4 Ed. 1. M. 7. in Cedula: Leftwithiel in Cornwal was
the Kings Town, Rot. Parl. 8 Ed. 2. N. 41. Dorcheſter and Lime in
Dorfetfhire, were the Kings Demeafn Burghs, Rot. Parl. 11 Hen. 4.
N. 53. 55. Newcastle under Line in Staffordshire, and Higham Ferrers
in Northamptonshire, were both the Kings Maners, Rot. Parl. 38 H.6. C
N. 38. The City of Winchester in Hambire, held of the King in Fee-
Farm, paying 120 Marks per Annum, and fome part of it was holden
of him in Capite, Rot. Parl. 11 Hen. 4. N. 57. Stock-Bridge in Ham-
bire, the Parlement-Men are Returned by the Steward of the Leet or
Court-Baron. The Burgeffes of Agmondefbam in Bucks are chofen by
the Homage in the Court-Baron: And note, That where ever the May-
or, Bayliffs and Burgeffes are chofen by the Jury in a Court-Baron, or
at the Leet, they were Towns in Ancient Demeafns; or where the Re- D
turns of Parlement-Members have been, or are now made by the Lord
*In the Addi- or Lady of the Maner, as at* Aylesbury in Bucks, or their Steward. The
Conftable of the place, an ordinary Bayliff, or fuch inferior Officer.
They were allo Towns in Ancient Demeafns. And further, 'tis not to
be doubted, but there are many Small Towns, Maners and Places, now
Reputed Burghs, which were not fuch at the making of Domefday-
Book, or the Conquerors Survey, nor perhaps were they the Kings De-
meafns at that time., But thofe Maners and Towns might have come E
to the Crown afterwards, by Efcheat or Forfeiture, before there were
any Summons iſſued for the choice of Citifens and Burgeffes. And fo
the Sheriffs then (to whofe Difcretion it was left to direct them)
might fend Precepts to fuch of the Kings Towns as they thought to
be,, or named Burghs, to fend Reprefentatives to Parlement. Whe-
ther they were Real Burghs or not; or in ftead of Burghs, might di
rect their Precepts upon the Writ to fuch of the Kings Towns, and
Demeafns, as by exercifing Trade, and ufing fome Franchises and Li-F
berties by Connivence, and under fhelter of the Royal Protection, had
the appearance of Burghs.
tions to the
N. 23. 24.
See here from
Fol. 51. to Fol.
To be added in Fol, 50. Letter D. after the words, Bailiffs of Briſtol.
And is yet further evident, That Cities and Burghs maintained
themfelves, paid Taxes, and bare other Charges in Refpect, and by
| 83
Means of their Franchifes, upon which the Cities and Bürghs were founded, from
the * Petitions of the Citizens and Burgeffes to the King and his Council in Par. In the Addi-
liament, in the 46 of Edw. 3. in the form following: To our Lord the King, tions to the
and his Noble Council, the Citizens of the City of London do fhew, That they Append. N.25
have nothing to live upon but their Industry and Franchife, upon which Franchife
the faid City was founded, and by reafon of which Franchise they were wont to The City of
Travail by Land and by Sea in divers Countries for their profit. By which Lm din found-
ed upon the
Travail they uſed to bring divers Merchandiſes, to the great common profit of Franchifes
A the whole Realm of England, to the great Aid and Maintenance of the faid Granted by the
City, Suftenance and Increaſe of the Navy of the faid Land: And of late their Kings of Eng-
Franchiſes are taken from them again the Grant of our faid Noble Lord the land and their
King, and his Noble Progenitors, Jealed with their Seals, and againſt the Great Progenitors.
Charter, to the great Deftruction as well of the faid City, common Damage of
the Land, as allo of the Navy. Whereupon they pray, That the King would
pleaſe to have regard, and take notice, the faid City was founded upon the faid
Franchifes, without which they could not maintain the City, nor bear the Taxes
and other Charges as they were wont to do: For which caufe they pray they
B may have their Franchises according to the Grant of the King, and his Noble Pro-
genitors, and the Great Charter; and that all fuch Grants, and Confirmations of
Franchifes may be made to all other Cities, and Burghs of the Realm.
To be added in Fol. 75. Letter D. after the words, In other Years.
Ibid. N. 26
Bat 12 Ele-
Burgeſſes for the Town of Cambridge were chofen in the County-Court in the 2d. Cambridge.
of Hen. 5. in 4.6. 11. 14. and 29 Hen, 6. and 17 Edw. 4. In the 2d. of Hen.5.
they were chofen in the County Court by Twelve Electors only, ex affenfu to-
tius Communitatis Bargi, by affent of the whole Community of the Burgh. And
from this time to the 22d. of Edw. 4. being the laſt Returns in the Tower, there
are but Eight Electors mentioned in the Returns, whether the Election was made
in the County or Town-Court. In the 27th of Hen. 6. the Election was made
by only Eight Electors, for the Community of the Burgh, according to the Cu-
ſtom of the Liberty of the Town. In the 29th of the fame King, the Election Town.
was made in the County-Court, by Eight Electors only, according to the CuIbid. N. 27.
tom of the Town, who are named in both Returns
Or Eight ac-
cording to the
Cuftom of the
* Ibid. N. 28.
& Wicomb,
12 Perfons on-
ly Electors.
In the 7th and 12th of Edw. 4. the Elections for Huntington were made by Huntington
12 Perſons only, there being no Affent or Authority of or from others mention-
ed in the Returns. The like were made by 12 Perfons only for Wicomb in
Buckinghamſhire, in the 12th and 17th of the fame King; and fuch as will fearch
the Returns in the Tower, may find very many fuch Elections, made conſtantly
by a certain Number of Electors, in theſe and other Towns, and even in fuch,
where of late (fince the 22d. of King James the Firſt) Popular Elections have
fometimes prevailed.
To be added in Fol. 59. Letter A. after the words, May be chofen.
The Town of Hertford fent Burgelles to Parlement 18 times; fee Bundles of Hartford.
Writs and Returns in the Tower, and Pryn's Fourth part of a Brief Regiſter of
E Parlement. Writs, p. 1002. but fince the 7th of Hen. 5. for the ſpace of 20
Years, fent none, until the 22d. of King James the Firſt, notwithſtanding it
was the Shire-Town. By an Extent of the Castle and Town of Hertford, with
their Appurtenances, made on Saturday in Eafter-Week; in the 5th of Edw. 3
and ſtill in being under Seal, it appears, the Castle of Hertford and the Burg In Archivis
there, were holden in Capite of the King. Juratores dicunt fuper Sacramentum. Ville.
fuum, quod Caftrum de Hertford & Burgus ibidem tenentur in Capite de Domino Rege, *In Extent. ib.
c. The Bayliff, and Under-Bayliff, and all other Officers, were chofen every The Cafle and
Year by the Community of the Town in the next Court after Michaelmafs, and Burgh of Ilert-
F the Chief Bayliff was allowed by the King Twenty Shillings every Year for a ford, holden in
Gown or Livery. The Porter of the Castle was put in by the King, and had of Capite of the
him for his Wages Two Pence a Day. Furatores dicunt, quod Ballivus Ville de King.
Hertford debet Eligi per Communitatem Ville, & facient Electionem fuam quolibet An
no in proxima curia poft Feftum Sancti Michaelis tam de Ballivo, & fub-Ballivo,
quam de omnibus aliis officiariis & Capitalis Ballivus habet de Domino Rege per An-
num 1 1. pro Roba fua, &c.
* Ibid.
84 1
* Ibid.
To be added in Fol. 78. Letter B. after the words, Noftris Elegimus, &c.
What this Community or Commonalty of New-Windfor was, may be feen in the
Charter of Edward the Fourth, Inrolled in the Exchequer in Easter-Term, in
*In Archivische 7th of that King, Roll the 4th, with the Kings Remembrancer, and in the
oth Year of the fame King, in the fame Term, Roll the 5th, with the Trea-
furer's Remembrancer. By which Charter 'tis plain, That the Corporation, or
Body Politick, and the Community, was the fame thing. Concedimus Edmundo
Pury nunc Majori, necnon Tho. Sherman Willielmo Stephen Ballivus dicta Villa de A
Nova Windfor& Burgenfibus, & Inhabitantibus ejufdem Ville, quod ipfi Burgenfes,
A Community, Inhabitantes, (i.e. the Burgeffes Refident, that dwelt in the Town) de Cætero
or Commonal- fint in perpetuum unum Corpus in Re & Nomine, & Una Communitas perpe-
ty Corporate. tlla doźpozata de uno Majore & Duobus Ballivis, ac Burgenfibus ejufdem Villa,
ifique Major Ballivi & Burgenfes fucceffionem habeant perpetuam, & quod ipfi Major
Ballivi, & Burgenfes & Succeffores fui per nomine Majoris, Ballivorum, & Burgen.
fium de Nova Windfor placitare & implacitari, &c. And that theſe Burgeffes were
a felect Number of the chief Inhabitants of the Town, it appears by the Town-
Books, in which the Tranfactions of the Burgh and Corporation have been no- B
ted, and from time to time fet down. Thele Burgeſſes at firſt were the Kings
Tenents, as appears by another Charter of Edw.4. Sciatis, Quod cum Edwar
2 Ed. 4. Decidus nuper Rex Angliæ primus poft Conqueftum, concefferit pro fe & hæredibus fuis,
mo die Martii Quod Villa fua de Nova Windfor deinceps Liber Burgus Effet, & quod probi homines
lui ejufdem Villa & eorum Hæredes, & Succeffores, Libert Burgentes Effent,
Gildam Mercatoziam haberent, &c.
*Lit. Pat.
per Infpexi-
A Town with
a Trading
ety, was a
*Pat. Jac. 1.
in Capella Rot.
& Addit.to the
This Trading Gild, Fellowship, Community or Fraternity, was in thoſe times,
with the Privileges belonging to it, the very Conftitution of a Burgh, and was
Gild, or Soci- always a felect Number, diftributed into feveral Ranks and Orders, and the whole C
Fellowship or Fraternity of the Gild of New-Windfor, as it had been formerly E-
ftablished according to the Ancient Ufage, and Cuſtom of the Town, is explained.
and confirmed in the Charter of King James the Fitft, wherein the Old Name
of the Burgh, or Corporation is continued, viz. the Mayor, Bayliffs and Bur-
geffes of New-Windfor, &c. And 28, or not above 30, of the best, and moſt
Append. N.29. Worthy Inhabitants of the Burgh are appointed to be the Number of the Fraternity
of the Gild Hall of the Burgh, and to be the Common Council of the Burgh, and
affiftent to the Mayor and Bayliff's of the fame Burgh, in all Matters and Things
touching the fame. Of thefe 28 or 30 Brethren, Thirteen were to be called, D
Fellows or Benchers of the Guild-Hall; and of them Thirteen, Ten were to be called,
Aldermen or Chief Benchers, out of which the Mayor is to be chofen, and the two
Bayliff's out of the Brethren of the Burgh. Here we have the Mystery of the Com-
munity or Corporation unfolded, That it confifted of à Mayor, Two Bayliffs, and 28
or 30 Brethren of the Guild-Hall, who were the Mayor, Bayliffs and Burgeffes, at-
cording to the Ancient Ufage and Cuſtom of the Town. And if the Ancient Char-
ters, Writings and Monuments of all Burghs, or pretended Burghs in England, were
infpected, judiciouſly examined, and compared one with another, the meaning
of the word Communitas, Community, (or, as vulgarly tranflated) the Com-
monalty, would be as clear and perfpicuous, as it is in this place of Windfor, or
any other City or Burgh.
* In the Bun-
dle of Returns
for that Year,
in the Cape
of the Rolls.
* Ibid.
The Indenture of Return for Parlement-Burgeffes in the 15th of King Charles
the Firſt, 1639. runs thus, * This Indenture made the 6th Day of March, in the
15th Year of King Charles 1639. between the Mayor, Bayliffs and Burgeffes of the
Burgh of New-Windfor on the one part, and George Purefey Efq; High Sheriff of
the County of Berks, on the other part, Witneffeth, That the faid Mayoz,
Bayliffs and Burgeles, with their mutual free Affent and Confent, have
Elected and Chofen Sir Arthur Ingram, and Sir Richard Harifon, Burgelles, &c.
The like Return is in the 39th of Queen Elizabeth, and before; and all the F
Reign of King James the First, and King Charles the Firſt, until the Year 1641.
Preceding Advertiſement;
And to be read with, and after it.
Sancti Johanis
de Hunting-
D Petitionem Comunitatis Villæ de Huntingdon & Simonis Rot. Parl. 8.
de Broughton Magiftri Hofpitalis Sancti Johannis de Hunting-Pro Comuni
don fuggerentium Regi Quod licet idem Simon jam per viginti tate & Magi-
Annos & amplius Magifter prædicti Hofpitals Extitiffet & ad Epi- ftro Hofpitalis
fcopum iftius loci per Comunitatem prædictam præfentatus, & ad
ipforum Præfentationem in dicto Hospitali prout Prædeceffores ejufdem
Dprafentati femper bactenus extiterunt Inftitutus fuiffet; Willielmus de
Langeele nihilominus Domino Edwardo Regi nunc,dedit intelligi
non eft Diu quod dictum Hofpitale vacabat. Quodq; Prafentatio
ejuſdem ad Regem pertinuit, per quod idem Willielmus de Langelee
verfus Comunitatem, & Magiftrum prædictos diverfa Brevia de
Quare Impedit, ad certos Dies coram Jufticiariis Domini Regis
de Banco returnabilia; Nomine Regio Impetravit, ad quos Dies
idem Willielmus de Langelee ufq; finem Termini, ut ipfos Comu
nitatem & Magiftrum vexaret inde indebitè & gravaret, fe vo-
luntarie & maliciofe abfentavit, in ipforum Comunitatis & Ma-
giftri Damnum, &. Unde petunt, &c.
Refponfum est per Concilium.
Mandetur Jufticiariis coram quibus Loquela ifta pendet quod Ibm.
procedant indilate, co non obftante quod Willielmus de Langelee
Fqui fequitur pro Rege fe per Maliciam fic abfentat, quia Rex non
vult quod per hujufmodi Maliciam, Jufticia deferatur.
For the Co-
monalty and
Hofpital of
Maſter of the
Upon the Petition of the Comunity, or Comonalty of the Town
of Huntingdon, and Simon de Broughton, Maſter of the Hofpital
of St. John of Huntingdon, fuggefting to the King, That altho' the
faid Simon had been Mafter of the faid Hofpital above twenty St. John in
Years, and was prefented by the faid Comonalty to the Biſhop of
the Dioceſe, and inftituted to the faid Hofpital according to their
Preſentation, as his Predeceffors always had been, Nevertheleſs
William of Langele informed the Lord Edward that now is King,
That the faid Hofpital was not long fince void, and that the Pre-
ſentation to the fame belonged to him. By which the fame Wil-
liam obteined in the King's Name divers Writs of Quare Impedit
against the Comonalty, &c. returnable at certain Days before the A
Juftices of Common Pleas, at which Days, the fame William of
Langele until the end of the Term willingly and maliciouſly ab-
fented himſelf, That he might thereby unduly vex and diſturb the
faid Comonalty and Mafter, to their Damage, c. Whence they
begg, &c.
To which Petition 'twas answered by the Council.
Let the Juftices, before whom the Suit is depending, be com-
manded to proceed without Delay, notwithſtanding William de
Langele, who fues for the King, by Malice abfents himſelf, be-
cauſe the King will not, That Juftice ſhould be delayed, by ſuch
No man I think can affirm otherwiſe, Then that this Comonalty
was the Corporation, the Body politic, or Governing part, of the
Burgh or Town of Huntington, that prefented to the Bishop the
Maſter of the Hoſpital to be Inftituted, that was fued by Writ of
Quare Impedit for fo doing: For no number of Ordinary Freemen,
as fuch only, could have a Capacity to do ſuch Acts, and to be ſued
for doing them; nor the Herd of Common Freemen or Burgeffes,
who in themſelves never were or can be qualified for any fuch
Purpoſes, as Diftinct from, and not Members of the Body politic or
Governing part of the Town.
To this ancient Record I fhall fubjoin ſeveral modern Charters,
by which Burghs have been erected, that prove the meaning of
the Word Comunity or Comonalty, and who were the Como-
nalty or Comunity in Burghs or Corporations.
The firſt ſhall be that of Banbury, Pat. 1. Mariæ, parte 10. in
the Rolls Chappel. She granted Inhabitantibus Villa de Banbury,
quod dicta Villa de Banbury de cætero fit & erit liber Burgus co2-
pozatus; in re, facto, & nomine, in perpetuum; De Uno Balivo,
Duodecim Aldermannis, ac Duodecim Burgenfibus, per Nomen Ba-
livi, Aldermannorum & Burgenfium Burgi & Parochie de Ban-
bury. Ac quod Ballivus, Aldermani & Burgenfes Burgi & Paro-
chiæ prædictorum fint & erunt Cozpus cozpozatum & politicum,
& una Comunitas perpetua De Le, in re, facto, & nomine, in per-
petuum, per Nomen Ballivi, Aldermannorum, & Burgenfium Burgi
predicti & Parochia de Banbury, habeantq; Succeffionem perpetuam,
Ipfofq: Ballivum, Aldermannos, Burgenfes, unum Co2pus coz
pozatum, & unam Comunitatem de fe, realiter & ad plenum
erigimus, facimus, ordinamus creamus, pro Nokis, Haredibus
& Succefforibus Noftris, in perpetuum per Prefentes, &c. Then it
follows, That the fame Baylif, Aldermanni, & Capitales Burgenfes,
facient & erunt ac vocabuntur, Comune Confilium Burgi præditi, pro
omnibus rebus, materiis, caufis & negotiis, Burgum pradictum ac Re-
gimen & Gubernationem inde tangentibus & concernentibus. After
the Erection and Conftitution of the Burgh, She Grants there
fhould be one Burgefs to ferve in Parliament for this Burgh, and
that only the Baylif, Aldermen and Burgeffes, fhould choofe him.
Volumus ac pro nobis & Succefforibus noftris per Præfentes concedimus
A ordinamus quod fit & erit in dicto Burgo de Banbury unus Bur
genfis Parliamenti noftri, Hæredum & Succefforum noftrorum. Quodq;
præviai Ballivus, Aldermanni, & Burgenles dicti Burgi & Pa-
rochia de Banbury & Succeffores fui fuper Brevi noftro Succefforum
Hæredum noftrorum de Electione Burgenfis Parliamenti eis directo,
habeant & habebunt Authozitatem, Poteftatem & Facultatem,
eligendi & nominandi unum difcretum Virum dicti Burgi, fore Bur-
genfem Parliamenti noftri, Håredum & Succefforum noftrorum, pro
Beodem Burgo. Eundemq; Burgenfem fic electum ad onera cuftagia
dicti Burgi, Parochie, & Comunitatis, mittent ad Parliament.m
noftrum, Hæredum & Succefforum noftrorum ubicunq; ad tunc tentum
fuerit iifdem modo & forma prout in aliis Burgis Regni noftri Anglis
ufitatum & confuetum fuerit. Quem quidem Burgenfem fic elum
& nominatum volumus intereffe, & moram facere ad Parliament a ros
ftra & Succefforum noftrorum ad onera & cuftagia dicti Burgi, & Pa-
rochia & Comunitatis ejufdem, durante tempore quo hujufmodi Par-
Cliamenta teneri contigerunt in eodem modo & forma prout alii Bur.
genfes Parliamenti pro quibufcunq; aliis Burgis aut alio Burgo quocunq;
infra dictum Regnum noftrum Angliæ faciunt feu facere confueverunt.
Et qui quidem Burgenfis in hujufmodi Parliamentis noftris, Hæredum
& Succefforum noftrorum habebit vocem fuam, tam affirmativam quam
negativam, cæteraq; omnia & fingula faciet ibidem & exequetur que
alii Burgenfes, aut alius Burgenfis Parliamenti noftri, pro quibufcunq;
aliis Burgis aut alio Burgo quocunq; facient aut exequantur, aut ha-
D bere, facere aut exequi valeant, Ratione aut Modo quocunq;
By this Charter 'tis very manifeſt, That the Corporation, and
Comunity or Comonalty of this Burgh, were the fame thing, and
that the Bayliff, twelve Aldermen, and twelve Burgeffes, who all
together were the Common Council of the Burgh, were that Co-
pozation and Comunity or Comonalty, and had only the power
and authority to choose a Burgess or Parliament man.
In the ſecond and third of Philip and Mary, part. 8. the Patent
by which Higham Ferrers in Northamptonshire was made a Burgh,
runs thus. Concedimus Inhabitantibus Villa de Higham Ferrers,
quod dicta Villa five Burgus de Higham Ferrers de catero fit erit
Liber Burgus cozpozatus in re, facto, & nomine, in perpetuum;
de uno ajoze, feptem Aldezmannis, & tredecem Burgenfibus
Burgi & Parochia de Higham Ferrers. Ac quod Bajoz, Alver
manni, & Burgenfes Burgi Parochia prædicorum, fint &
erunt Corpus co2pozatum & politicum, & una Comunitas per-
petua, De le, in re, facto, & nomine, in perpetuum, per nomcn Ma-
joris, Aldermannorum, & Burgenfium Burgi Parochia de
Higham Ferrers, &c. as in Banbury; and then Orders that leben
of the best, moſt able, and difcreet Inhabitants, fhould be called Al-
dermen, and thirteen more of the beſt and moſt able ſhould be cal-
led Capital Burgeffes, and that the faid Mayor, Aldermen, and Bur.
geffes, fhould be the Common Council of the Burgh and Town, to
tranfact all things belonging to it; and then gives the Mayor, Al-
dermen and Burgeffes only, Power and Authority to chooſe one Bur-
gefs for Parliament, &c. Quodq; Bajoz, Aldermanni, & Bur-
genles dicti Burgi, &c. habeant & habebunt Poteftatem, Autho-
ritatem & Facultatem, elegendi & nominandi unum difcretum
Hominem Burgi, fore Burgenfem Parliamenti, &c. ad onera cu A
Gagia dicti Burgi, Parochiæ, & Comunitatis ejuſdem, &c.
In the fame year of the fame King and Queen, part.6.
tium, Abington in Oxfordshire was made a Burgh and Corporation,
confifting of a Mayor, two Bayliffs, and nine Aldermen; which
twelve were to be called principal Burgelles, and there named
who had power to elect firteen or more fecundary Burgefies, to
be with them the Common Council of the Town for all Things. Ac.B
quod idem Bajoz, Ballibi, & Burgenfes ejufdem Burgi, &c. erunt
unum Cozpus cozpozatum & una Comunitas perpetua, &c. who
only, and their Succeffors, had a Grant to chooſe one Burgefs for
Parliament. Concedimus præfatis ajozi, Ballivis, & Burgenfi
bus, & Succeffozibus fuis, quod habeant & babebunt (as often
as there ſhould be Summons to Parliament) Poteftatem, Autho-
ritatem & Facultatem elegendi & nominandi unum difcretum &
probum Virum dicti Burgi fore Burgenſem parliamenti, &c. as in C
all things in the Patents or Charters of Banbury and Higham
Ferrers. And there needs nothing further to be obſerved upon
theſe two places than hath been upon Banbury.
All the time of Queen Mary, the Returns for thefe new erected
Burghs are either loft, or fo much perifhed and rotten as they are
not legible. Yet the Returns about this time of fome other Towns
and Places not far diftant are anferable to this Conftitution; as of D
Oxford in the first of Queen Mary, and the firſt and ſecond of Phi-
lip and Mary.
Hec Indentura facta apud Civitatem Oxon. &c. inter Johanem
Williams Militer, &c. ex una parte, &c. & Richardum Atkinſon,
Majorem Civitat. pradict. & totam Comunitatem Civitatis præ-
dict. ex altera parte, Teftatur quod prædicti ajo Comunitas
Virtute, &c. unanimi Affenfu & Confenfu fuis étigerunt Thomam
Walkinfon & Edwardum Clinton, duos idoneos Cives, &c. Data E
apud Oxon. 27 die Martit, Anno Regni Regina primo.
And alſo of Wallingford, in the firft of Queen Mary, Hes Inden-
tura facta apud Wallingford
inter Robertum Cockfon Dafozem & Camimirarem Pillate & Bur-*
gi Wallingford ex
Vicecomitem Oxon. &
Berks ex altera parte, Teftatur, Quod nos dictà Comunitas Vil-
late & Burgi prædictorum-
Edmundum Affchefyld & Robertum Cockfon Dajozem Villæ &
Burgi antedictorum Burgenfes, ad
In quorum Teſtimonium Sigillum noftrum Commune, nomine om-
nium Intereſſentium præfentibus eft appofitum:
1 ..
De Burgo Magna Jernemu.
Emorandum quod Villa Magne Jernemu non modico tem
pore ante conqueftum extitit Situata per progenitores
Regis Angliæ fuper portum Magna Fernemu, occafione
proficui provenientis de eodem portu, ad meliorationem
cjus Villæ percipiendi, & factus fuit Burgus Regis. Unde in libro
qui vocatur Domesday reperiuntur verba quæ fequuntur.
In Bibliotheca
Cotton. Clau-
dius, E. 8. f.
5. A. Col. 1.
N. 1. a.
day Book, f.
Gernemu tenuit Rex Edwardus femper feptuaginta Burgenfes tunc Nordfalc.
valuit cum duabus partibus Soche de tribus Hundredis 18 L. ad nu- Ibia.
merum & pars Comitis 9 . ad numerum, modo duæ partes Regis Little Domef-
17 l. 16 s. & quatuor Denarios blancas, pars Comitis 10. blancas, 118. a.
& Vicetomes habet quatuor libras & unum ancipitem Terræ de Gerfu-
ma, has quatuor libras dant Burgenfes gratis & amicitia. In eadem
habuit tempore Regis Edwardi Ailmarus Epifcopus quandam Eccle-
fiam Sancti Benedicti, eandem modo habet W.
Epifcopus de
Epifcopatu & Valet 20 s. totum reddit 12 d. de gelto.
Dimidium Hundredi de Luthingtond Gorleſton tenuit Guertus tem- Sadfulc.
Fpore Regis Edwardi quinque carucas Terræ pro uno Manerio, tunc Ibid. f.283. a.
viginti Villani moda duodecim, femper quinque Bordmanni, tuac
quinque Servi, modo quatuor, tùnc in Dominico duæ carucæ modo
una, tunc boves V. carúc. modo III. Silvæ quinque porcorum decem
acræ prati, tres Saline tunc II. Rancini, modo duo, femper trecent &
öves, in Gernemu viginti quatuor pifcatores pertinent huic Manerio.

[1] Here
T Sciendum quod Progenitores Domini Regis tenuerunt prædictum
Burgum in manibus fuis propriis percipiendo omnia proficua exeun-
ria de portn prædicto, ufque ad tempus Regis, Johannis [1] qui conce-
N. 2.it Vellam prædictam Burgenfibus Villa prædicte ad feodi firmam red-
dendo & hæredibus quinquaginta & quinque libras per annum,
ad quod folvendum mihil aliud habent if confuetudinem, & alta profi
cua provententia de port predicto, nee capiant aliquas confuetudines de A
rebus venditis vel empi in mercato fuper terram, nullo tempore anni
[2] Viz. Ter-
Et poftmodum tempore Regis [2] Henrici Anno Regni fui duo-
decimo ortis aliquibus contentionibus inter homines de Fernemu, &
Rogerum filium Ofberti cuftodem Manerii de Luthing lond de confuetu-
dinibus quas idem Rogerus cepit in portu prædicto contra libertates
ipforum hominum de Jernemu, idem Dominus Rex Anno Regni fui
prædicto volens certiorari quæ confuetudines pertinuiffent prædictis B
hominibus de Jernemu, & quæ Manerio fuo de Luthinglond, affig-
navit Martinum de Patelhull ad inquirendum fuper præmiffis. Et
facta fuit inquifitio apud Magnam Jernemu Anno Regis Henrici duo-
decimo, Sacramento viginti quatuor de Comitatu Norfolcia, & viginti
quatuor de Comitatu Suffolcia tam Militum quam aliorum, per quam
quidem inquifitionem fuit compertum, quod omnia magna mercimo-
nia vendi deberent & difcarcari apud Magnam Jernemu, & quod tota
aqua fpectabat ad Homines de Jernemu, fed quod minuta mercimonia & C
victualia difcarcari poterant verfus partes de Luthinglond, vel verfus
Jernemu pro voluntate eadem adducentium,
ram præfato Martino, & Sociis fuis plenius apparet. Unde patet
1 prout in Recordo habito Co-
quod Præfcriptio omnium rerum venalium, quam Johannes de Bri-
tannia, Comes Richmond Homines & Tenentes fui Villarum Parvæ
asdfoildi&a fernem & Gorlefton penitus eft interrupta. mibnstom I
HUN notto
4100 A
3.8ub ePoftea vero prædicti Burgenfes percipientes quod per prædictam D
inquifitionem fuerunt damnificati in hoc quod naves cum victualibus
poterant difcărcare verfus partes de Luthinglond, præcipue cum fei,
fona pifcationis fuit potiffimum eorum proficuum; accefferunt ad præ-
dictum Dominum Regem Henricum & obtinuerunt ab ipfo quod
hidem Rex Henricus Anno Regni fui quadragefimo prædicto Manerio
hidde Luthinglond in manu fua exiftente per Cartam fuam conceffit iifdem
Tamod sluil quod omnia mercandife & mercimonia tam de pifcibus quam de aliis
Erebus, ad portum de Jernemu in navibus vel extra inventa per manus E
hujufmodi Mercandorum deferentur apud magnam Jernemu, ven-
dantur, &c. Quibus quidem libertatibus prædicti Burgenfes & An-
teceffores fui ufi fuerunt pacifice.A big stores inded
dal obom m
bibond inse mail
3ood yab
Declaratio Carta Regis Henrici tertii fuper liber-
tatibus portus Magna Fernemuobom wall
obom moet
i on 10Usup obom i spring
asoob miundoing sugniup evlie III obom ouro Vodopus
ED poftea quia videbatur præfatis Burgenfibus quod verba con-
tenta in Carta Domini Regis Henrici prædicta nimis extiterant
obfcura, accefferunt ad nobilem Regem Dominum Edwardum Avum
following, by
pears what, a
Domini Regis nunc, & petierunt fibi declarationem fieri de verbis
antedictis, qui quidem Rex Edwardus Avus, &c. per avifamentum
magni Concilii fui, prout patet in memorandis de Scaccario fuo* See this Re-
anno Regni fui tricefimo quarto, de Termino Sanctæ Trinitatis, non cord hereafter
obftante reclamatione Ada Bacoun Clerici, Johannis Kybel, & Jo- the latter
hannis de Belton mifforum ibidem per homines de parva Jernemu & claufe whereof
Gorlifton prædicto Manerio de Luthinglond in manu ipfius Regis it evidently ap
A Aviexiftente, conceffit etiam Burgenfibus & Succefforibus fuis quod free Burgh
omnia mercandifa & mercimonia quæcunque fuerint five de pifcibus, was.
feu de aliis rebus quibufcunque, quæ infra dictum Portum dicta Villa
noftræ magnæ Jernemu in Navibus aut batellis feu alio modo adduci
feu deferri contingeret, ut ibidem negotiaretur de eifdem apud ean
dem Villam de magna Jernemu & non alibi infra portum prædictum
difcarcarentur, & Caufam exprimit in eadem Carta, * pro eo quod * Note this
prædicta Villa fua de magna Jernemu fuit liber Burgus fuus, & reafon.
progenitores fuos fituata extitit fuper portum fuum prædictum, oc-
cafione proficui de eodem portu fuo provenientis, ad meliorationem
Villa fue percipiendi, quibus quidem libertatibus iidem Burgenfes
poft confectionem ejufdem Carte ufi fuerunt & gavifi, eo quod omnia
mercandifæ & mercimonia infra portum prædictum adducta tam in
Navibus Hominum, & Tenentium ipfius Comitis Villarum parvæ
Jernemu & Gorlefton, quam in Navibus aliorum quorumcunque
expofita fuerunt venditioni, vendita & difcarcata apud magnam Jer-
Cnemu virtute Cartæ prædicta, & juxta tenorem ejufdem quod omni-
bus eft publicum & notorium in partibus eidem Villæ magnæ Jerne
mu circumjacentibus.
Et Sciendum eft, quod omnes libertates præfatis Burgenfibus con-
ceffe per Gartas Regis fuperius annotatas funt confirmata per Do-
minum Edwardum Patrem Regis nunc,& per Dominum Regem nunc 3
Et in confirmatione Patris Regis nunc, continetur, quod licet Bur
D genfes prædicti, vel eorum Succeffores, aliqua vel aliquibus libertatum
prædictarum hactenus ufi non fuerunt, eifdem tamen gaudéant & utantur.
Carta Regis Edwardi tertii de libertatibus Portus
Magna Fernemu.
Dwardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliæ, Dominus Hyberniæ, & Dux
Aquitaniæ, omnibus ad quos præfentes literæ pervenerint,
Salutem. Sciatis quod cum celebris memoriæ Dominus Edwardus
nuper Rex Avus nofter per Cartam fuam quam Dominus Edwardus
nuper Rex Angliæ Pater nofter per Cartam fuam, & nos fimiliter per
Cartam noftram confirmavimus, conceffiffe Burgenfibus noftris Ville
E noftræ magna Fernemu, quod omnia mercandife & mercimonia quæ-
cunque fint, five de pifcibus five de aliis rebus quibufcunque que
infra portum noftrum dicta Villæ noftræ magnæ Jernemu in Navibus
aut batellis feu alio modo adduci feu deferri contigerit; ut ibidem
negotietur de eifdem licite & aperte, apud eandem Villam de magna
Jernemu & non alibi, in portum prædictum difcarcentur, & per ma-
nus mercandifas & mercimonia illa ducentium feu deferentium, & ea
A 2
ibidem vendere volentium, feu per manus fervientium fuorum ven-
ditioni exponantur, & ibidem quibus voluerint libere vendantur; &
emantur, abfque aliquo forftallamento, vel abrocamento, feu alio
quovis impedimento. Ita quod nullus forftallarius, abrocator, vel
alius quicunque obviam eat Mercatoribus cum pifcibus, aut aliis
mercandifis, & rebus venalibus verfus prædictam Villam noftram ve-
nientibus, ad aliqua inde emenda, feu forftallamenta, vel abroca-
menta in dicta Villa vel extra inde facienda fub forisfactura rei empta, A
per quod dicti Burgenfes, feu aliqui mercatores hujufmodi mercandi-
las & mercimonia ibidem ducentes fuper emptionibus & venditionibus
fuis apud eandem Villam noftram de magna Jernemu faciendis, ad
detrimentum ejufdem Villa aliqualiter impediantur, prout in Carta
noftra plenius continetur. Ac inter Johannem de Britannis Comitem
Richemond & Homines & Tenentes fuos Villarum parvæ Jernemu &
Gorleſton ex parte una, & communitatem dicta Villa Magnæ Jernemu
ex altera,occafione quorundam impedimentorum factorum per præfa- B
tos. Burgenfes colore dicta Carta dicti Avi noftri (ut dicebatur) eif
dem Hominibus & Tenentibus Villarum parvæ Jernemu & Gorleſton
de proficuis capiendis de carcationé & difcarcatione navium venire vo-
lentium ad eafdem Villas parvæ Jernemu & Gorlefton, & de empti-
one & venditione rerum venalium, Idem placitum in diverfis Curiis no-
ſtris tam Parliamentis quam aliis habitum fuiffet, quod in placito illo
inter eafdem partes per nos & Concilium noftrum confideratum fuit
quod idem Comes, & Hæredes fur, nec non Homines & Tenentes di- C
Etarum Villarum parvæ Jernemu & Gorleſton Hæredes & Succeffo.
res fui proprias naves fuas cum rebus & mercandifis in eifdem Navi-
bus carcatis, feu de allece, feu de aliis pifcibus, rebus, & mer-
candifis quibufcunque ad eafdem Villas parvæ Jernemu & Gorle-
fton carcare & difcarcare, & res & mercandifas fuas ibidem venditi-
oni exponere, & alias commodum fuum inde facere valeant, pro eo-
rum libito voluntatis, folvendo inde ibidem illis quos nos vel hæredes
noftri ad hoc deputabimus culturas debitas & confuetas quadam fub D
miffione quorundam hominum, & tenentium, dictarum Villarum par-
væ Jernemu & Gorlefton, & etiam quorundam Burgenfium dicta Villæ
magnæ Jernemu, ad quofdam de confilio noftro ad * dictum negotium
inter partes prædictas finaliter terminandum, nec non quadam ordi-
natione per ipfos de eodem Confilio inter eafdem partes inde facta, feu
prædicta Carta ipfius Avi noftri non obftante. Ita videlicet, quod
corum naves Laniis Coriis & pellibus lanutis fuis, de quibus magnæ
*Our Beam, cuftumæ dari debent, in eodem portu in loco ubi *Thronus nofter, E
& * Sigillum noftrum quod dicitur Çoket exiftunt, & non alibi car-
centur. Et quod voluntas noftra & intentio noftra & ipfius Confilii
noftri fuit, quod dicta Carta ipfius Avi noftri prædictis Burgenfibus
Villæ magnæ Jernemu, ut præmittitur, facta per iftam confiderati-
onem, quoad alios in nullo fit reftricta, fed quod locum fuum habeant
& effectum in omnibus, & gentes omnes, tam indigenas, quam ali-
enigenas, præterquam eofdem Comitem, Homines, & Tenentes di-
&tarum Villarum parvæ Jernemu & Gorleſton, Hæredes & Succeffo- P
res fuos in forma fupradicta, Salvo jure Civium Civitatum London,
Norwici, Baronum de quinque portubus,& aliorum quorumcunqué fi
quod habeant Cartas de antiquiori data carte ipfius Avi noftri vel
alio modo in hac parte. Et quod dictum fuit & inhibitum per nos
& dictum Confilium noftrum præfatis Comiti, Hominibus & Te-
nentibus dictarum Villarum parvæ Jernemu & Gorleſton, ne fub
*See the next
N. 1. b.
and the Seal
called Coc-
1 5
gravi forisfactura noftra ad eafdem Villas parva Jernemu & Gorleston)
naves aliorum attraherent quo vis modo, nec mercandifas aliquas in
Aquam portus prædicti cum aliquibus per prædictam Gartam dicti
Avi noftri reftri&tis exerceant, nec impedimentum aliquod faciant
quo minus iidem Burgenfes dicta Carta ipfius Avi noftri gentes alias
ficut prædictum eft in omnibus fuis articulis juxta vim & efficaciam
ejufdem uti valeant & exercere. Et quod dictum fuit & inhibitum
A tam præfatæ Communitati quam præfatis Hominibus & Tenentibus
parvæ Jernemu & Gorlefton, ne quicquam contra conſiderationem
dictam & inhibitionem prædi&tas attemptare præfumant fub forisfactu-
ra fupra dicta prout in Recordo & proceffu inhibitis, & in Cancellaria
noftra refidentibus plenius continetur, Nos ne præmiſſa quæ pro
tranquillitate & quiete partium prædi&tarum & juftitia manutenenda
per nos & præfatum Confilium noftrum fic confiderata fuerunt, fatu-
ris temporibus in dubium revocentur, ea tenore præfentium duximus
B teftificanda. In cujus rei teftimonium has literas noftras fieri fecimus
patentes. Tefte me ipfo apud Wodeſtok,decimo die Julii Anno Regni
noftri Sexto.
Inter Recorda de Termino Sanctæ Trinitatis Anno
tricefimo quarto Edwardi primi Rot. vel. N.
Emorandum quod congregatis in Scaccario Regis apud Weft-North. Saff. de
monaſterium modo die Jovis in Vigilia Natalis Sancti Johan- hominibus de
nis Baptifte venerabili Patre W. Coventrenfi & Lichfield-Jernemuth, &
Denfi Epifcopo, Domino Regis Thefaurario, Willielmo de Hamelton N. 1. b.
Cancellario Angliæ R.
le Brabazon Jufticiario ad placita co-
ram Rege placitanda deputato, Baronibus de Scaccario, prædi&is
Jufticiariis de Banco, & quibufdam aliis de Confilio Regis prædicti
fuper quibufdam negotiis Regis tranctantibus, venerunt coram eis
Henricus Rofe, & Willielmus Faftolft Burgenfes Villæ Regis magnæ
Jernemuthæ, & fupplicarunt pro fe & aliis Burgenfibus Ville præ-
dicta, quod cum per Cartam Domini Regis Henrici quondam Regis
E Angliæ progenitoris Regis nunc, quam ipfe Rex nunc confirmavit
inter cætera contenta in Carta prædi&ta conceffum fuit Burgenfibus de
Villa de magna Fernemutha, quod omnia mercandifa & mercimonia
tam de pifcibus quam de aliis rebus ad portum de Fernemutha venien-
tia in Navibus vel extra, libere & aperte per manus hujufmodi merci-
monia deferentium abfque alicujus impedimento vendantur & emantur,
ita tamen quod non fint abrocatores in prædicta Villa de Jernemutha,
per quos venditores vél emptores de venditionibus vel emptionibus fuis
F libere faciendis impediantur ad detrimentum Villæ memoratæ, quod
ad majorem notificationem & expreffionem præmifforum concedatur eis
inde declaratio fub hac forma (videlicet) quod mercandife & merci-
monia quæcunque, five fint de pifcibus five de rebus alius quibufcunque,
que infra portum Villa pradicta vel ad eandem Villam per terram vel per
mare caufa negotiandi ibidem, de eifdem adduci ſeu deferri contigerit
libere & aperte apad eandem Villam de magna Fernemutha per manus
Burgh was.
Town that
or certain
mercandifas & mercimonia illa ducentium, & ea ibidem vendere volen
tium, feu fervientium fuorum venditioni exponantur, & ibidem ven-
dantur & emantur abfque aliquo forstallamento vel abrocamento ſeu alio
quovis impedimento, ita quod nullus forftallarius, abrocator vel alius quis
funque obviam eat mercatoribus cum pifcibus vel aliis mercandifis aut
aliis rebus venalibus per terram vel per aquam verfus dictam Villam ver
pientibus ad aliqua inde emenda, vel forft allamenta feu abrocamenta in-
de facienda fub forisfactura rei empte, per quod dicti Burgenfes feu ali A
qui mercatores hujufmodi mercandifas & mertimonia ibidem ducentes
Juper emptionibus & venditionibus ad detrimentum Ville prædittæ ali-
qualiter impediantur.
Et fuper hoc obtulerunt fé coram Concilio prædicto Adam Bacon Cle-
ricus, Johannes Kybel de Gorleston, & Johannes de Belton de Suth Jer-
nemutha quæ funt in Ludinglond, dicentes & proponentes quod dicta
declaratio fi conceffa fuerit, multum cederet in præjudicium & perpetu- B
am deteriorationem hominum Villarum earundem, quæ quidem Villa fitæ
Sunt prope portum prædictum: dícunt enim, quod femper retroactis tem-
poribus naves ingredientes portum illum in feifona pifcationis allecis dif-
carcari folebant pro voluntate Magiftrorum navium illarum, tam ad
illas Villas quam ad magnam Jernemutham, (videlicet) ad quem loco-
rum prædi&torum illi quorum interfit vendere mercimonia in hujufmodi
Navibus carcata vellent exponere ea venditioni & ibidėm vendi &
emi abfque ullo impedimento; & per predictam declarationem fi conceffa C
effet, in forma prædicta, attraherent Burgenfibus Magna Fernemutha
toto tempore anni omnimodas naves cum quibufcunque mercimoniis appli-
cantes in portu predicto ad eandem Villam, & non permitterent hujuf
modi naves alibi difcarcare nec aliqua mercimonia in eifdem navibus
adducta alibi venditioni exponere, &c. Unde petierunt pro Stati
hominúm Villarum prædictarum in Luding lond quod nulla conceffio
fiat in hac parte in læfionem vel derogationem confuetudinum fuarum
pacifice hactenus obtentarum fuper emptionibus & venditionibus facien- D
dis ad eafdem Villas, ut prædictum est, &c.
Et prædicti Henricus & Willielmus dicunt, magna Jernemutha eft
* Note here Liber Burgus Regis, & tenetur de ipfo Rege ad feodi firmam quin-
wing are quaginta quinque librarum per annum, eo quod non eft aliquod
certum in Villa prædicta fpectans ad firmam illam, unde aliqua pars
To wit, a inde exeat vel emergat, fed quod ipfi Villæ ejuſdem ratione proficui
had fpecial Li- quem habent & habere clamant, de rebus venalibus adductis ad por-E
berties granted tum prædictum vendendis ad eandem Villam, & pro aliis libertati-
by the Kings bus quæ ad liberum Burgum pertinent & quas Rex Scilicet Avus
* i. e.no Lands Regis nunc, & Rex Henricus Pater Regis nunc, per cartas fùas eis con-
cefferunt, & ipfe Rex nunc per cartam fuam confirmavit, folverunt
annuatim firmam fupradictam, &c. Et oftendunt Cartam Regis
nunc de confirmatione cartarum prædi&tarum Avi fui & Patris fui quæ
teftatur magnam Jernemutham effe liberum Burgum, &c. Et de Rege
teneri ad feodi firmam, &c. Et plures & diverfas libertates hominibus F
ejufdem Ville & eorum Hæredibus & Succefforibus effe conceffas, in-
ter quas ad plenum continetur quod fuperius in principio hujus pro-
ceffus de conceffione Patris Regis nunc exprimitur, &c. Et
petunt quod explanatio five declaratio quam petunt fuper conceffione
illa concedatur, non obftante reclamatione dictorum Ada, Johannis &
Johannis pro hominibus prædictis de Ludinglond, præfertim cum ipfi
*King John.

1 2
s M
non oftendant, nec oftendere poterunt quod ille de Suth Fernemu-
tha & de Gorleston fint Burgi, vel aliquam libertatem ad * Libe- Note here
rum Burgum pertinentem habeant per Cartam Regis, &c. Adjicientes, the fame.
quod nifi inhabitantes Villas illas, qui ex concellione Regia nullas
habent libertates, &c. compellantur fubtrahere & delere ufurpationes
&foriftallamenta que faciunt & indies facere nituntur contra liber-
tates magne fernemathe, &c. Attrahentes eis mercandifas & mer-
A cimonia quorumcunque adducta ad prædictum portum, & non per-
mittentes mercimonia hujufmodi tranfduci feu transferri ad Villam
magna jernemucha ibidem venditioni exponenda & vendenda, ad
quam Villam & non aliam fpectat portus pradictus eadem in proximo
penitus adnullabitur, unde pro Rege & Statu Villa fue opportunum re-
medium petent eis adhiberi in bac parte; & habito inde traaatu per
Concilium Regis prædictum, vifaque & examinata Carta Regis præ-
dicta, &c. Et quefiro etiam a præfatis Ada, Johanne, & Johanne, fi
B aliquam Cartam Regis habeant de aliquibus libertatibus conceffis ho-
minibus Ville parva Fernemathe, & Gorleston, & obtento quod non,
bifum eft concilic predicto quod per verba expreffa in prædictis Cartis
Regum Johannis & Henrici confirmatis per Regem nunc, &c. Et
per hoc quod prædicta Villa de magna Jernemutha eft * Liber Bur-* Note again
gus, &c. quod omnia mercimonia adducta ad portum prædictum tum what Liber
de pifcibus quum de aliis rebus vendenda, &c. Exponi debent vendi. Burgus was.
tioni & vendi ad Villam magna Jernemathe, &c. & non ad pradict as
CVillas in Ludingtond, que non funt Burgi, &c. Unde diaum eft
per dictum Concilium ex parte Domini Regis firmiter injunctum
tatis Ada, Johanni & Johanni de Belton, quod ipfi fcire faciant
hominibus prædictarum Villarum in Luding lond pro quibus fequun-
tur quod nullus eorum præfumat attrahere ad fuas partes aliquas naves
applicantes in portu præditto cum aliquibus mercandifis feu merci-
moniis vendendis, nec de hujufmodi mercandifis feu mercimo-
niis venditiones feu emptiones ibidem facere quoquo modo, quo mi-
Dnus mercandifee & mercimonia illa libere & aperte abfque impedi-
mento feu aliquo foriftallamento tranfduci poffint ad prædictum Bur-
gum Regis Jernemutham, & ibidem prius exponi venditioni & vendi
per manus illorum quorum mercandife & mercimonia illa fuerint vel At-
tornatorum eorundem prout juftum fuerit, & prout per libertates ho-
minibas Burgi pradicti a Domino Rege & Progenitoribus fuis concef-
fas fieri debet, &c.
againſt the Li-
By this Plea and Controverfie in the Exchequer, between the
Burgh of Great Tarmouth, and the Men of Little Tarmouth and Gor- Prefcription
lefton in Loving lond, it appears, That Prefcription, Seeing they were not allowed,
no Burghs, prevailed not to affert and make good a liberty of unlading berties of free
Goods, and expofing them to Sale in thofe Towns, though it had been Burghs, &c.
always done in foregoing times. By the fame it is alfo evident, that
Liberties belonging to free Burghs were only to be had and obtained
by the Kings Charter, and that where they were ufed without it, they M12
F were efteemed and judged Ufurpations. Especially if practifed, and
continued to the prejudice and damage of a free Burgh.
rel baival box og Oma big game vo
gim voz suis made of bing
Jinshup 2 102 103 1
bygs up

8 1
Cart. 9. Johan-
nis, N. 20.
fium de Ger-
N. 2.
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Sciatis non conceffiffe & præfenti
Carta noftra confirmaffe Burgenfibus noftris de Gernemua quod
Carta Burger- habeant Burgum de Gernemua ad feodi firmam in perpetuum, &
quod Burgus ille fit liber Burgus imperpetuum,& habeant
[4] Socam & [6] Sacam, [] Tol & [d] Theam, & [e] Infan-
genethef & [f] Litfangenethef, & quod ipfi Burgenfes per totam
terram noftram, & per omnes portus maris fint quieti de [g] Theo- A
loneo, [b] Leftagio, [] Paffagio, [k] Paagio, [] Pontagio, [m]
Stallagio, & de [n] Leve, & de [o] Denegeld, & omni alia con-
fuetudine, falva libertate Civitatis London, & quod nullam fectam
Comitatuum vel Hundredorum faciant de tenuris infra Burgum de
Gernemua. Conceffimus etiam eifdem Burgenfibus, & hac Carta
noftra confirmavimus quod nullus eorum placitet extra Burgum de
Gernemua de nullo placito præter placita de tenuris exterioribus.
Conceffimus etiam eis quietanciam murdri infra Burgum de Gerne- B
mua, & quod nullus eorum faciat [p] Duellum, & quod de placitis
og hoop akils
new ungs a
no mulu
[a] Soca, Socna, the place, Territory, or Precinct, wherein Saca or Liberty of Court was
exercifed, the Circuit of the place of the Franchife, or the Liberty, Priviledge, or Fran-
chife itself.
aid oh m
[b] Saca, Sacca, Saka, Sacna, fignifies a Liberty or Power granted by the King to try and
judge caufes, and of receiving the forfeitures arifing from them, within the Limit, Domi-
nion, or Jurisdiction of the Court. See more of theſe words in the Preface to my Hi-C
ftory, Fol. 61. 2
fisi houp
[c] Tol, a word commonly known, being an impofition or payment for things bought and
fold in Mercates,
do[d] Theam, a Privilege to take and keep Bondmen, Villans, Servants and Slaves, with their
Generations one after another, and Pofterities, which in Latin are fometimes called Secta,
fometimes Sequela, and to difpofe of, and fell their Children, or moveable, or immoveable
it goods at pleafure poup it mohidi
[b] Leftagium, a Liberty for Men to carry their Goods up and down in Fairs and Mercates,
where they pleaſe.
[e] A Liberty granted to try and judge a Thief taken within the Jurifdiction of the Burgh
[f] Ut or Outfangenetheof, a Liberty to take a Thief that fled, and bring him back to the
Court, or Place, within which the fact was committed, and there to try and judge him.
[g] Theoloneum, the fame with Toll out muflagers
Moda bas
991 to its
[i] Paffagium, Money paid by Paffengers at Bridges, Gates, &c.
Gare-Toll, Bridge-Toll, &c. 1319701:00
U bos dias
dob inst
which may be called
[k] Paagium any Tribute or Payment from the French Word pater, and ours to pay, or
perhaps the fame word with Paffagium the double S being left out, yet the word retained
by the ignorance of the Scribe.
Ponragium, Toll paid for Paffage over Bridges, with Horfes, Carriages, &c. and un-
der them, with Boats, Ships, c.
Das ad of vino
no 515
Stallagium. [m] A payment for a Stall, or a Right to have one in Fairs or Mercates,
si vd
[n] Leve, pro Leva, Tribute, Levies, Exaction, Collection, a Levare, Exigere, Tribu- F
tum imponere.
IT to gamah bra bujang ora
[o] Danegeld, this was a Tax or Money paid, and impofed, and levied for defence of the
Nation againft h: Danes, or rather an annual Tribute paid to them, that they might ab-
ftain from Rajine, Burning and Slaughter, See my Hiftory, Fol. 123. E. F.
Duellum, &c. [p] De Duello inter forinfecum & Burgenfem. Leg. Burgor. Scot. c. 14. Si quis forinfe-
cus Burgenfem de re aliqua appellaverit, non poteft fuper Burgenfem pugnare, fed Burgenfis
per legem Burgi fe defendet.
ad Coronam pertinentibus fe poffint dirationare fecundum legem &
confuetudinem Oxon, & quod infrá Burgum prædictum nemo capiat
hofpitium per vim, vel per liberationem Marefchallorum, & quod
in Burgo illo in nullo placito fit Meskenninga, & quod Hufting femel
tantum in ebdomada teneatur. Conceffimus etiam eis Gildam Mer-
catoriam, & quod terras, & tenuras, vadia fua, & debita fua, om-
nia jufte habeant quicunque eis debeat, & de terris fuis & tenuris
A quæ
infra Burgum prædictum funt reftum eis teneatur, fecundum
legem & confuetudinem Burgi Oxon, & de omnibus debitis fuis
accommodata fuerint apud Gernemuam, & de vadiis ibidem factis
placita apud Gernemuam teneantur. Et fi quis in tota Anglia The-
olonia vel confuetudines a Burgenfibus de Gernemua ceperit, excep-
tâ, ut fuperius, dicta Civitate London, poftquam ipfe a recto defe-
cerit, Præpofitus de Gernemua Namium apud Gernemuam capiat.
Infuper ad emendationem prædicti Burgi de Gernemua conceffimus
B quod quinque Mercatores petierint Burgum de Gernemua cum Mer-
cato fuo de quocunque loco fuerint five extranei, five alii qui de pace
noftra fuerint vel de licentia noftra in terram noftram venerint, ve-
niant, morentur, & recedant, falva pace noftra reddendo rectas
confuetudines illius Burgi. Prohibemus etiam ne quis prædictis
Burgenfibus injuriam vel dampnum vel moleftiam inferat fuper foris-
facturam decem librarum. Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus
quod prædi&ti Burgenfes de Gernemua, & eorum hæredes habeant &
C teneant imperpetuum omnia prædicta hæreditarie, bene & in pace,
liberè, quiete, integre, plenarie & honorificè reddendo inde annua-
tim quinquaginta & quinque libras numero, per manum Præpofiti
de Gernemua ad Scacarium noftrum ad Terminum Sancti Michaelis:
& Burgenfes de Gerriemua facient Præpofitos de fe per annum qui fint
idonei nobis & eis. Teftibus Domino H. Wintonienfi, Do-
mino J.
Sarisberienfi Epifcopis, G.
Marefcallo, Comite. Pembroke, W
Comite de Ferra-
Norwicenfi, S.
Filio Petri, W:
fratre noftro, Comite Sarum, W.
riis, Petro filio Herberti, W.
Briwer, H.
de Nevill,
Adamo de Portu, Garino filio Geroldi, Willielmo de Cantilupo, Jo
hanne de Baffing, Galfrido Lutterell, Thoma filio Adæ. Datum
de Well Archidiacono Wellenfi apud Merle-
berg decimo octavo die Martii, Anno Regni noftri nono.
per manum H.
པ་ །
10 |
I Johannnis, N.
164. Carta
de Dunewic.
N. 3. a.
Ohannes Dei Gratia Rex Angliæ, Dominus Yberniæ, Dux Nor-
manniæ, Aquitaniæ, Comes Andegavia, Archiepifcopis, Epif-
copis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Jufticiariis, Vice-Comi-
tibus, Præpofitis & omnibus Ballivis & fidelibus fuis, Salutem. Sci-
atis nos conceffifle & præfenti Carta confirmâffe Burgenfibus noftris
Dunewici quod Burgum de Dunewic fit liberum Burgum noftrum,
& habeat Socam, & Sacam, & Toll, & Theam, Infangenetheof,& quod A
ipfi per totam terram noftram fint quieti de Theloneo, & Leftagio, &
Paffagio, & Pontagio, & Stallagio, & de Leve, & de Danegeld, &
de [4] Ewagio, & de [6] Wrec, & [c] Lagan, & de omnibus
aliis confuetudinibus, Salva libertate Civitatis London, & quod ipfi
rectam & Solitam firmam fuam per manum fuam reddant ad Scac-
carium noftrum, & quod nullam Sectam faciant Comitatuum vel
Hundredorum nifi coram Jufticiariis noftris; Et cum ſummoniti fue-
rint effe coram Jufticiariis mittant pro fe duodecim legales, homines B
de Burgo fuo, qui fint pro eis omnibus. Et fi forte amerciari debue-
rint, per fex probos homines de Burgo fuo, & per ſex' probos homi-
nes extra Burgum, amercientur. Conceffimus etiam eis quod [*]
filios & filias fuas poffint libere ubi voluerint in terra noſtra maritare,
& viduas fimiliter per confilium amicorum fuorum, & [*] perquifi-
tiones fuas de terris & ædificiis in Villa fua poffint dare aut vendere,
aut facere inde quod voluerint, & quando voluerint. Conceffimus
etiam eis [d] hanfam, & [e] Gildam Mercatoriam, ficut habere c
confueverint. Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus, quod præ-
dicti Burgenfes noftri prænominatas libertates & liberas confuetu
nines habeant, & teneant liberè, pacifice, & integre fine omni im-
pedimento. Teftibus Euftachio Elyenfi Epifcopo, Willielmo Ma-
reſchallo, Comite de Pembroke, Johanne de Pratell, Ga.
Data per manum Huberti Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi, Cancellarii
noftri apud Rupem Aurmall Vicefimo nono Die Junil, Anno Regni
noftri primo.
[a] Ewagium, I know not what it means, unless it be here ufed for Aquagium, an Aquæ-
Duct, or Water-Paffage.
[b] Wrec, Goods thrown over-board, when the Ship is over-laden, or cafti away at Sea.
Thefe belonged to the Crown in all places, and could not be injoyed but by ſpecial Grant
or Priviledge.
[c] Lagan, from the old word Liggen or Leggen, Goods lying and found under Water, or E
in the bottom of the Sea.
[*] Note; before they had the Kings Licence, the Burgeffes could not Marry their Sons and
Daughters to whom, and where they pleafed, nor could Widows Marry themſelves, nor
could the Burgeſſes give or fell the Lands they purchaſed, without Licence, or before their
Charter. And moft probable it is, theſe were of the fame ſtate and condition with the
Burgenfes Dominici, in the Saxon times before the Conqueft, who had the King or fome
other Lords, or great Men for their Perrons, and Protectors.
[d] Hanfa, from the German word Hanfe, which fignifies a Society.
[e] Gilda Mercatoria, a Trading Society, a Company of Buyers and Sellers. The other
words are all interpreted in the Charter of Tarmouth.
| I
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Sciatis.quod remifimus & perdonavi-
mus Burgenfibus noftris de Dunwico quadraginta libras in per-
petuum de firma fua quam nobis reddere folebant pro Villa de Dun-
wico, fcilicet, de [4] fexties viginti libris & viginti quatuor mille
allecum & una Marca. Ira quod reddent nobis & hæredibus noftris
de cætero fingulis annis quater viginti libras & viginti quatuor mille
A allecum & unam Marcam pro prædicta Villa de Dunwico tenenda
in perpetuum ad feodi firmam. Quare, &c. quod prædicti Bur-
genfes noftri & hæredes fui quieti fint in perpetuum a nobis & hære-
dibus noftris de prædictis quadraginta libris de prædicta firma, ficut
prædictum eft. Conceffimus etiam eis & hac Carta noftra confirma-
Cart. 7 Johan.
m. 6. n. 45.
N. 3. b.
vimus quod non namientur pro aliquo debito unde non fuerint * Should not
vel plegii vel capitales debitores nifi ipfi fuper hoc quieti in Jufticia be diftreined.
exhibenda defecerint, & nifi in locis quibus libertatem & poteftatem
Bhujufmodi nantia capiendi conceffimus. Teftibus W.
Comite Sarum, W.
Comite Arundell, Willielmo Briwer,
Hugone de Neville, Warino filio Geroldi, Thoma Baffet. Data per
manunt Hugonis de Well
Archidiaconi Wellenfis apud Freit
mantell quinto die Novembris anno, &c. Septimo.
Dunwich paid to the King Three Hundred Marks for to have
their Liberties granted to them, in their Charter in the First of King
C John befides Ten Falcons, and Five Girfalcons.
Dunewic [1] dat Domino Regi trecentas Marcas pro habendis [1] Rot. oblat.
Libertatibus fuis fecundum tenorem, Cartarum fuarum quas habe-Johan. M. 19.
bunt. Item dant pro eodem decern Ofterios, & quinque Girfal-
The Burgeffes or Men of Dunewic further gave the King an Hundred
D Marks of Silver, that they might have and enjoy their Charter of Liber-
ties which was then detained, as may be ſuppoſed by what follows.
Homines [2] de Dunewic dant Domino Regi centum Marcas Ar-[2] Ibid. M. 9.
genti üt Carta Domini Regis de libertatibus fuis teneantur. Scilicet
quinquaginta Marcas ad Pafcha, & quinquaginta Marcas ad Feſtum
Santti Michaelis.
The Burgeffes of Dunewich gave more to the King 2co Marks and
500 Eeles, for having Wrec and Lagan inferted into, or Granted by
their Charter, and the Charter was delivered to Geofry Fitz-Peter,
until provifion was made for the Security of 300 Marks first promifed,
and 100 Marks promifed the fecond time.
Burgenfes [3] de Dunewic dant Domino Regi ducentas Marcas & [3] Ibid. M. 1.
quinque mille Anguillarum pro habenda Wrec & Lagan in Carta fua
Cartam G.. Fil. Petri ut provideatur de fecu-
ritate de trecentis Marcis primo promiffis, & de centum Marcis
fecundo promiflis.
[4] Note the great Fee-Farm Rent of this new poor Town, it was almoſt twice as much as
any, and more than twice as much as moft Conf Towns in Norff. and Suff. then paid.
B 2
Cart, $1 H. 3.
M. 10. N. B.
by Infpeximus.
Note, there
Enricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ, &c. Archiepifcopis, Epifco-
pis, &c. Salutem. Infpeximus
Infpeximus Cartam quam bonæ memo-
riæ Henricus quondam Rex Angliæ Avus nofter fecit Burgenfibus
are in this Roll Wallingfordiæ in hæc verba.
two M. 10.
N. 4.
Officer or
Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ, & Dux Normanniæ & Aquitaniæ
& Comes Andegavia Archiepifcopis, &c. & fidelibus totius Anglia
& Normanniæ, Francie & Aquitaniæ, Salutem. Præcipio vobis ut A
Birgenfes mei de Wallingford firmam pacem meam habeant per to-
tam terram meam Anglia & Normanniæ ubicunque fint; & fciatis
me dediffe & conceffiffe eis imperpetuum libertates & leges fuas om-
nes & confuetudines bene & honorifice ficut melius & honorabilius
eas habuerunt [4] tempore Edwardi Regis & tempore Atavi mei
Regis Willielmi, & ejus filii alterius Regis Willielmi & tempore
Henrici Regis Avi mei, fcilicet, Gildam Mercatoriam cum omnibus
confuetudinibus & legibus fuis libere habeant, ne* Præpofitus meus B
vel aliqua Jufticia mea de Gilda eorum fe intromittat nifi proprie
Aldermannus & Minifter eorum. Et fi Miniftri mei vel aliqua Ju-
fticia aliquo placito vel occafione calumpniaverit illos, vel in cau-
fam ducere voluerit, prohibeo & præcipio ne ullo modo reſpondeant
nifi illorum proprio portimoto. Et fi ipfe Præpofitus eos aliqua oc-
cafione fine calumpniatore implacitaverit non refpondeant. Et fi
aliquo forisfacto vel recto judicio aliquis eorum forisfactus fuerit per
rectam confiderationem Burgenfium erga Præpofitum illud emendet. C
Prohibeo etiam & præcipio ne aliquod Mercatum fit in [6] Crau-
merfa, nec Mercator aliquis nifi fit [c] Gilda Mercatoria, & fi ali-
quis exierit de Burgo Wallingford, & vivat de Mercato ipfius Wal-
lingford, præcipio ut rectum Gilde Mercatoria faciat ipfis Burgen-
fibus ubicunque fit infra Burgum vel extra. Sciatis præterea me de-
diffe & conceffiffe imperpetuum omnibus hominibus Wallingford
plenam quietanciam de annuo [d] Gablio meo quod folebant red-
dere de Burgo Wallingford, de eo, fcilicet, quod ad me pertinet in D
Burgo has leges & confuetudines, & libertates & quietancias omnes
[a] Modo funt in ipfo Burgo Confuetudines omnes ut ante fuerunt, This follows in a diftinct
Line by itself, immediately after what is written out of Domesday Book further on.
The word Confuetudines here feems to fignifie Rents, and the whole to found no more,
than that the Rents of Houſes were not raiſed in that Burgh after the Conqueft; or they
might have the fame other Cuftoms, though they paid more for them, for the Farm of
the Town was raiſed from 30 to 60 l. per Annum, Domefd. f. 56. b. Col 1.
[b] Cramerfa is a Village or fmall place over againſt Wallingford Castle or the Town, where
there was an Anti-Caftle or Fortress built, to reſtrain and keep in the Garifon in that
Caftle in the time of King Stephen; this appears by the great Ditches and Trenches to
be ſeen before the place where the great Caftle-Gate was,
[c] At this time it was thought a great Privilege at leaft, if not a Livelyhood to be a Mem
ber of a Trading or Merchant-Gild; and where-ever a Burgess dwelt, if he lived upon,
or ufed the Mercate of Wallingford, he was to perform all Duties to the Gild, and be
judged according to the Rules and Lars of it, whether he lived within a Burgh, or
without. Et fi quis exierit de Burgo Wallingford, & vivat de Mercato ipfius Wal-
lingford, præcipio ut rectum Gilde Mercatoria faciat ipfis Burgenfibus, ubicunque fit, F
infra Burgum, vel extra,
[d] In Burgo de Wallingford habuit Rex Edwardus octo virgatas Terrain his erant 276
Hage reddentes undecem libras de Gablo, & qui ibi manebant faciebant Servitium Regis,
cum Equis, vel per Aquam ufque ad Blidberiam, Reddinges, Sudtone, & Benfentone
(all Towns in Berkshire) & hoc facientibus dabit Præpofitus (Burgi) Conredium (their
Diet) non de cenfu Regis fed de fuo, Domefd. f. 56. a. Col. 2. Blubery, Reding, Sutton-
Courtney and Befirgron all in Berkshire, upon or near the Thames, above and below
Wallingford, and the fervice here meant was Water and Land Carriage.
| 13
dono eis, & concedo imperpetuum, & alias omnes quas poterunt
oftendere anteceffores fuos habuiffe libere, quiete, & honorifice ficut
Cives mei Winton melius unquam habuerunt, & hoc pro Servitio
& laboré magno quem pro me fuftinuerunt in acquifitione hæredita-
rii juris mei in Anglia. Concedo etiam eis quod ubicunque ierint
in Mercationibus fuis per totam terram meam Angliæ & Norman-
nie, Aquitaniæ & Andegaviæ, by Gater and by Stronde, by Wode
A and by Londe, quieti fint de Tolneto & Paffagio & omnibus Confue-
tudinibus & Exactionibus, ne fuper hoc ab aliquo inquietentur fu-
per forisfacturam decem librarum. Prohibeo etiam & præcipio
fuper eandem forisfacturam ne Præpofitus Wallingford [e] Scota-
liam faciat, & ne [f] Gerefumam ab aliquo quærat, & quod nul-
lam confuetudinem in Wallingfordia ftatuat que noceat Burgenfibus
Villa hujus Donationis & Conceffionis. Teftes funt Thebaldus Ar-
chiepifcopus Cantuarienfis & alii. Data apud Oxeneford primo Idus
B Januarii. Nos autem prædictas donationem & conceffionem ratas
habentes & gratas eas pro nobis & hæredibus noftris, prædictis Bur-
genfibus & eorum Succefforibus concedimus & confirmavimus prout
Carta prædicta rationabiliter teftatur. Volumus etiam & concedi-
mus pro nobis & hæredibus noftris quod licet Burgenfes prædicti a
principio turbationis dudum poft Parliamentum habitum apud Oxon
in Regno noftro fufcitate, aliquo articulorum libertatum prædicta-
rum minus plene hactenus ufi fuerint ipfi tamen & eorum Succeffores
Cnichilominus de cætero libere & fine impedimento aliquo utantur li-
bertatibus ante dictis ficut prædictum eft. His teftibus Roberto
Walraund, Roberto Aguyloun, Nicholao de Leukenore, Willielmo
de Aete, Johanne de La Lynde, Petro de Neville, Radulpho de Ba-
kepuz, Willielmo Belet, Bartholomæo Bigod, & aliis. Data per
manum noftram apud VVeftmonafterium duodecimo die Januarii,
Anno Regni noftri quinquagefimo primo.
[e] Scotale from Scot, a gathering or foot, and Ale in the known fignification, Scotales were Scotale, what
abuſes put upon the Kings People by his Officers, who invited them to drink Ale, and it was.
then made a Collection, to the end they ſhould not vex or inform againſt them, for the
Crimes they had committed or ſhould commit.
[f] Gerefumma, or fometime Ferefumma, is properly an Income or Fine paid for the en- Gerefumma,
trance upon fome Place, Eftate or Office. Here it fignifies plainly a Bribe, or Money or Jerejumma.
given to the Kings Officer to connive at, and not to profecute thofe that gave it in Cri-
minal Cafes.
This was a large Charter, and was granted unto the Burgeffes of
VVallingford for the good fervice they did King Henry the Second,
and his Mother Maud the Empress, againg King Stephen.
Cart. 5 Rica:-
di I.
N. 5.
Icardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliæ, &c. Archiepifcopis, Epifco
pis, &c. Salutem. Sciatis nos retinuiffe in manum noftram
Burgum noftrum de Portefmue, cum omnibus ad eum pertinentibus,
& in eo ftabiliffe & dediffe & conceffiffe Nundinas duraturas femel in
anno per quindecem dies ad vincula Sancti Petri, fcilicet. Conceffi-
mus etiam quod omnes homines Angliæ, Normanniæ, Pictavia, Wal-
liæ, Scotia & omnium terrarum noftrarum, & aliarum veniant ad A
prædictas Nundinas, & eant & redeant bene & in pace, & habeant
omnes quietancias & libertates quas habent ad Nundinas Winton,
vel Hoiland, vel alibi in terram noftram. Conceffimus etiam quod
Burgenfes noftri in eodem Burgo habeant fingulis Ebdomadis anni
una die feptimana, fcilicet die Jovis, Mercatum cum omnibus liber-
tatibus & liberis confuetudinibus quas cives noftri Wintonia, vel
Oxoniæ vel alii terrarum noftrarum habent vel habere debeant. Con-
ceffimus etiam quod prædicta Villa de Portefmue, & omnes Burgenfes B
noftri in eâ, & de ea tenentes fint quieti &liberi de Thelonio, &
*Pedagium Pontagio, & Paffagio, &* Pedagio, & Paagio, & Stallagio & Tal-
and Paagium lagio, & de Schiris, & Hundredis, & de Sectis Schirarum & Hun-
are the fame. dredorum, & de fummis, & auxiliis Vicecomitum & Servienti-
um & de placitis & querelis omnibus, & de [4] Blodmyta, &
de [b] Sichwyta, & de [] Leiremyta, & de [d] Wapentake, &
de placito Foreftæ, & Guardo, & [e] Reguardo Foreft, & de omni-
bus aliis fecularibus exactionibus tam per mare quam per terram ubi-
cunque venerint in totam terram noftram. Quare volumus & fir
miter præcipimus, quod prædicta Villa de Portefmue, & Burgenfes
noftri in ea tenentes Manfiones fuas & poffeffiones habeant & teneant,
cum Thol, & Theam, & Infangenetheof, & Utfangenetheof, & cum
omnibus libertatibus & liberis confuetudinibus ita bene & in pace,
libere & quiete ficut Cives noftri Wintoniæ, vel Oxoniæ, vel alií
de terra noſtra melius habent & tenent. Et prohibemus ne ponan-
tur in placitum de aliquo tenemento ejufdem Villæ, nifi coram no-D
bis. Et prohibemus ne quis eos difturbet in aliquo fuper forisfactu-
*i.e. 10 Lib. ram noftram. His teftibus, &c. Data per manum Willielmi de
Longo Campo Elyenfis Epifcopi Cancellarii noftri apud Portefmue.
Secundo die Maii, Anno Regni noftri quinto.
[a] Blodenyta, a Mul& or Amerciament for drawing Blood.
[b] Sichwyte, I know not what it is.
[c] Leiriòyte, Emiviyte, Legermyre, a Mule upon hini that corrupted a Bondaron
upon a Bondman for the Fornication of his Daughter
[d] Free from Suit and Service to the Wapentake Court, as before from Suit and Service to
the County or Shire Court, and Hundred Courts.
[e] Regard, &c. There were in the Kings Forefts certain Officers called Regardatores, now
called Rangers, who often viewed and went about the Forefts, to fee if any Wood was
cut, Venifon ftoln, and other Trefpaffes committed therein; which view or inſpection
was called a Regard; as likewife was the punishment for fuch Offences and Trefpaffes.
| 15
N. 6.
hannes Dei grátia, &c. Sciatis nos conceffiffe hominibus de Cart. 6 Johan.
Andever quod habeant Gildam Mercatoriam in Andever & quod". 15.
fint quieti de Theloneo & Paffagio & confuetudine per totam terram
noftram ficut Burgenfes Wintonia qui funt de Gilda Mercatorum
funt quieti, & fuper hoc nullus eos injufte difturbet pro confuetudine
fuper decem librarum forisfactura, ficut Carte Henrici Patris noftri,
& Ricardi Fratris noftri quas inde habent rationabiliter teftantur.
Teftibus R. Comite Ceftriæ, Warino filio Geroldi, W.
de Braofa, Petro filio Herberti, Henrico Biffet, Hugh de Lafcy, Pe-
tro de Stok. Data per manum J. de Well apud Radinge
primo die Maii Anno Regni noftri fexto.
N. 7.
Ohannes Dei gratia, &c. Sciatis nos dediffe & conceffiffe & hac Cart. 2 Joban.
præfenti Carta noftra confirmaffe dilecto & fideli noftro Williel- P. 2. n. 132,
ino Briwer quod Brage Walteri fit liberum Burgum & quod ibi fit
liberum Mercatum, & una feria fingulis annis per octo dies duratu-
ra, fcilicet, a die Nativitatis Beati Johannis in octo dies cum Thelo-
neo, Paagio, Pontagio, Paffagio, Leftagio, Stallagio & cụm omni-
bus aliis libertatibus & liberis confuetudinibus ad liberum Burgum &
Cad Mercatum & Feriam pertinentibus. Conceffimus etiam prædicto
Willielmo quod prædicti Burgenfes fui de prædicto Burgo fint liberi
Burgenfes, & fint quieti de Theloneo, Paagio, Pontagio, Paffagio,
Leftagio & Stallagio, & habeant omnes libertates, & liberas confue-
tudines & quietancias quæ ad nos pertinent per totam terram no-
ftram, & per omnes portus terræ noftræ, excepta Civitate London.
Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus quod prædictus Willielmus &
hæredes fui poft ipfum habeant & teneant omnia prædicta bene, & in
D pace, libere & quiete, integre, plenarie, & honorifice cum omnibus
libertatibus & liberis confuctudinibus fuis ficut prædi&tum eft. Te-
ftibus W.
Marefcallo Comite de Penbroc, R.
Ceftria, Willielmo Comite Sarum, Willielmo de Rupibus Senef-
challo Andegaviæ, &c. Data per manus S. Wellens Archi-
diaconi Glouceftriæ apud Turon vicefimo fexto die Junii, Anno Reg-
ni noftri fecundo.
Johannes Dei gratia, &c. Sciatis nos conceffiffe & præfenti Carta Cart. 2 Johan.
N. 8.
noftra confirmaffe, quod Burgus nofter de Hellefton fit liber Bur-n. 47.
gus & quod Burgenfes noftri de eadem Villa habeant Gildam Merca-
toriam & quietanciam per totam terram noftram de Theloneo, Pon-
tagio, Paffagio, Stallagio, Leftagio & [4] Sollagio falvis in omni-
bus libertatibus Civitatis London. Concedimus etiam eis quod non
placitent nifi infra Burgum fuum de rebus vel tenuris pertinentibus
ad villam fuam præterquam de placitis ad Coronam noftram per-
tinentibus & placitis de terris forinfecis. Volumus etiam quod
[a] I know not the meaning of Sollagium, unleſs it be in ftead of Seldagium, a Payment for
ſtanding in a Shed.
16 |
habeant omnes alias libertates & liberas confuetudines quas habue-[
runt Burgenfes noftri de Caſtello de Lancefton tempore Regis Hen-
rici Patris noftri. Ita quod nullus Burgenfium prædictorum [6].nifi
refidens fuerit in prædicta Villa de Hellefton has habebit libertates.
His teftibus W. Comite Sarum, W. Briwer,Roberto de Turn-
ham, Roberto de Trefgos, Sim. de PateЛhul, Radulpho de Stok,
Euftachio de Faruberge. Data per manum S. Wellenfis Archi-
diaconi apud Craneburn decimo quinto.die Aprilis, Anno Regni no- A
ftri fecundo.
Rot. Cart.
5 Johan.
n. 112.
N, 9.
Cart. 2 Johan.
n. 19.
N. 10.
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Noveritis nos ad inftantiam & petitio-
nem venerabilis Patris noftri Johannis Norwicenfis Epifcopi Se-
cundi, conceffiffe & hac præfenti Carta noftra confirmaffe quod Villa
de Lenna fit liber Burgus in perpetuum, & habeat omnes libertates & B
liberas confuetudines quas [liberi Burgi habent, omnibus falvis
ipfi Epifcopo & Succefforibus fuis, & Willielmo Comiti Arundell, &
hæredibus fuis libertatibus & confuetudinibus quas ipfi in prædicta
Villa antiquitus habuerunt. Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus
quod prædicta Villa de Lenna fit liber Burgus in perpetuum & habeat
omnes libertates & confuetudines liberas quas liberi Burgi noftri ha-
bent in omnibus bene & in pace, libere & quiete, & integre, plenarie
& honorifice ficut prædictum eft. Teftibus Domino Cantuarienfi
Archiepifcopo, W. London Epifcopo, G. filio Petri
Comite Effex, R. Comite Ceftria, Gaufrido de Say, &c.
Data per manum Summi Præpofiti de Beverl, &c. apud Lamhe
Vicefimo Septimo Die Januarii Anno Regni noftri quinto,
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Sciatis non conceffiffe & hac præfenti
Carta noftra confirmafle hominibus de Hertlepole quod fint liberi
Burgenfes, & quod habeant eafdem libertates & leges in Villa fua de
Hertlepole quos Burgenfes noftri de Novo Caftello fuper Tinam ba-
bent in Villa fua de Novo Caftello, Quare volumus & firmiter præ-
cipimus quod prædi&ti Burgenfes habeant & teneant prædictas liber-
tates & leges bene, & in pace, libere, & quiete, & integre ficut præ-
dictumeft. His Teftibus Willielmo de Stutevill, Hugone Bard, Pe-
tro de Patell, Willielmo Briwer, Hugone de Neville, Roberto de
Ros, Euftachio de Vefcy, Petro de Bruis, &c. Data per manum
S. Wellenfis Archidiaconi apud Dunefi. Octavo Die Fe-
bruarii, Regni noftri Anno Secundo.
[4] Note here, if the Burgeffes were not refident in the Burgh, they were not to enjoy thẻ
Liberties of it,
[c], Note, froth hence it appears there were a certain number of Liberties, which made a free
Burgh, and they were no other than what were ufually granted by Charter to free Burghe,
ad-ſuch at are ordinarily munitioned in theft Charters7-
De Proclama-
N. 11.
EX Majori & Vicecomitibus London, Salutem. Cum per Clauf. 22. H.6.
Cartas Progenitorum noftrorum quondam Regum Angliæ m. 25. Dorf.
quas confirmavimus, conceffum fit Civibus noftris Civitatis prædictæ tione facienda.
quod Majorem & Aldermanos de fe ir fis quos voluerint eligant & ip-
fos, nobis apud Weftmonafterium non exiftentibus, Thefaurario &
Baronibus noftris de Scaccario præfentent, ut ibidem prout moris eft
A admittantur; Ac jam intellexerimus quod quamquam hujufmodi
electiones per Majorem & Aldermannos nec non difcretiores dictæ
Civitatis ad hoc fpecialiter fummonitos & præmunitos temporibus
retroactis fieri confueverint, nonnulli tamen qui aliquod intereffe in
electionibus hujufmodi non habent nec habere debent electionibus
illis aufu temerario fe ingerunt, immifcent, & multociens electiones,
quæ rite & pacifice fierent, fuis validis clamoribus & importunis mul-
tipliciter impediunt & perturbant,ad intentionem quod tales eligeren-
Btur qui fuis malefactis & erroribus poftmodum favere poffent, & ea
fub diffimulatione dimittere impunita; quod fi fieri permitteretur,in
noftriac Corona & dignitatis noftræ læfionem, necnon ftatus Civita-
tis prædictæ fubverfionem civiumque noftrorum ibidem perturbatio-
nem & commotionem cederet manifefte. Nos igitur quieti & tran-
quillitati populi nobis fubjecti providere & congruum remedium in
hac parte volentes adhibere, ut tenemur, vobis præcipimus firmiter
injungentes, quod ante tempus electionis Majoris Civitatis prædi&tæ
C proximo faciendæ per totam Civitatem illam & libertatem ejuſdem
ex parte noftrâ publice proclamari & firmiter inhiberi faciatis,ne quis
hujufmodi electioni nifi qui de jure & fecundum confuetudinem Ci-
vitatis prædictæ intereffe debeat, illi interfit, quovis modo nec ſe de
electione illa quoquo quæfito colore intromittat, neque eam impe-
diat, vel perturbet, fed quod electio illa per Aldermannos & alios
Cives difcretiores & potentiores Civitatis prædictæ ad hoc fpecialiter
præmunitos & fummonitos fiat & habeatur, prout fecundum confue
tudinem fupradictam fuerit facienda. Scientes pro certo, quod fi-
quem alio modo quam ut præmittitur electum nobis vel Thefaurario
& Baronibus de Scaccario præfentaveritis, illum nullatenus admitte-
mus, & omnes illos quos contrarium proclamationis & inhibitionis
prædictarum inveneritis, facientes areftetis, & eos prifonæ noftræ
committatus ibidem moraturos, quoufque pro eorum deliberatione
duxerimus demandandum. Tefte Rege apud Weftmonafterium Sep-
timo die Octobris.
Per Confilium.
Dwardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliæ, Dominus Hiberniæ & Dux
Aquitaniæ Vicecomiti Bedford & Buckingham, Salutem. Quia
ordinavimus quod Edwardus filius nofter primogenitus in fefto Pen-
Etecoftes proximo futuro, Deo propitio, cingulo Militia decoretur,
per quod de jure Coronæ noftræ in hujufmodi cafu auxilium fieri no-
bis debet, tibi præcipimus quod de utroque Comitatu tuo duos Mi-
lites & de qualibet Civitate in Balliva tua duos. Cives & de quolibet
Burgo duos Burgenfes vel unum fecundum quod Burgus fuerit major
vel minor venire facias coram nobis & confilio noftro apud Weftmona-
ſterium in Craftino Sanctæ Trinitatis proximo futuræ ad tractandum
Retorn. Brev.
Parl 34 Ed. 1.
Ed. 1. m. 15.
in Cedula.
& Clauf. 34
N. 12.
18 |
& ordinandum de auxilio nobis in cafu prædicto faciendo, & ad con-
fentiendum hiis quæ ordinabuntur in hac parte. Scire etiam facias
Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, & aliis viris reli
giofis per totam Ballivam tuam quod per fe vel fufficientès procura
tores vel attornatos fuos tunc fint ibidem ad tractandum & ordi-
nandum fimiliter de præmiffis ac ad confentiendum eifdem prout fu-
perius eft expreffum, & habeas ibi nomina Militum, Civium & Bur-
genfium prædictorum, & hoc Breve. Tefte Meipfo apud Wynton A
quinto die Aprilis, Anno Regni noftri tricefimo quarto.
Anglie. de
auxilio Con-
ceffo ad Mili-
tiam Regis.
Inter Communia Brevia de Terminis Sanctæ Trini
tatis, Anno Regni Regis Ed. 1. 34 Rot. vel B
N. 40. penes Remem. Regis in Scaccario,
Emorandum quòd cum nuper Dominus Rex ordinaffet quod
Edwardus filius fuus primogenitus in fefto Pentecoftes,
Anno Regni fui tricefimo quarto Cingulo Militia decoraretur, Et
Mandatum effet Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, C
N. 13. Comitibus, Baronibus, & aliis Magnatibus Regni quod effent coram
ipfo Domino Rege & Concilio fuo apud Weftmonafterium in Crafti
no Sanctæ Trinitatis proximo fequenti ad tractandum & ordinandum
de auxilio Regis faciendo ad Militiam prædictam & ad confentien-
dùm hiis quæ ulterius ordinarentur in hacparte, vel qued procura-
tores aut attornatos fuos fufficienter inftructos ad præmiffa loco co-
rum facienda mittëréht tunc ibidem.
.6 J
}) :
Ac etiam præceptum fuiffet fingulis Vicecomitibus Angliæ, quod
eorum quilibet venire faceret de Comitatu fuo ad præfatos diem &
locum duos Milites & de qualibet Civitate Ballivæ fuæ duos Cives,
& de quolibet Burgo ejufdem Ballivæ fuæ duos Burgenfes, vel unum,
&c. ad tractandum, ordinandum & confentiendum ficut prædictum
Venerunt perfonaliter coram Rege & Concilio fuo apud Weftmo- E
nafterium, ad diem illum Antonius Bek Patriarcha Jerofolomitanus
Epifcopus Dunelmenfis, W. de Langeton Coventrenfis & Lich-
fieldenfis, Radulfus de Baldok London, Epifcopi, H.
de Lacy
Comes Lincolnia, J: de Warenna Comes Surriæ, R.
de Monte Hermerii Comes Glouceftria & Hertfordia, H.
Boun Comes Herefordiæ, G. de Bello Campo Comes Wart-
wici, Robertus filius Walteri, Hugo le Difpenfer, Johannes de Has
ftinges, Hugo de Veer, Willielmus Martyn, Henricus le Tyeys, Jo F
hannes Lovel, Rogerns de Mortuomari, Johannes de Mohun, Ala
nus la Zouche, Willielmus de Leyburn, & Robertus de Burgheri
Cuftos Quinque Portuum cum quibufdam Baronibus Portuum ea
| 19
Ac etiam per Procuratores & Attornatos Robertus Cantuarienfis
& Willielmus Ebotum Archiepifcopi, Thomas Exonienfis, Richar-
dús Herefordenfis, Johannes Wintonienfis, Johannes Ciceftrenfis,
Thomas Roffenfis, Robertus Elyenfis, Johannes Norwicenfis, Johannes
Lincolnienfis, Simon Sarum, Willielmus Wigornienfis, Walterus
Bathonienfis & Wellenfis, & Johannes Karliolenfis Epifcopi; Abbates
A Weftmonafterii, Sancti Edmundi, Sancti Auguftini Cantuariæ, San-
&i Albani, Glaſtonia, Burgi Sancti Petri, Rammefeye, Thorneye,
Seleby, & Malmesbury, Sancti Petri Glouceftriæ; Rogerus Comes
Norfolcia & Marefcallus Anglia, Thomas Comes Lancaftrenfis, Ed
mundus Comes Arundel, & quam plures alii Prælati, Magnates, &
Proceres Regni, nec non de quolibet Comitatu Regni ejufdem duo
Milites, & de qualibet, Civitate duo Cives & de quolibet Burgo dud
Burgenfes electi per Communitates Comitatuum, Civitatum, & Bur-
B gorum eorundem ad præmiffa, loco Communitatum eorundem, tra-
tanda, ordinanda & confentienda fimiliter venerunt.
Quibus prædictis omnibus congregatis coram Concilio Regis præ-
dicto ipfifque oftenfo, per idem. Concilium ex parte Regis quod de
jure Coronæ Regiæ auxilium Domino Regi fieri debuit in cafu præ-
dicto; Ac etiam quod expenfe multiplices & alia quam plura one-
ra eidem Domino Regi incumbent ad rebellionem & malitiam Ro-
Cberti de Brus proditoris ipfius Domini Regis & fibi in partibus Sco-
tiæ adhærentium, qui adverfus ipfum Regem jam in illis partibus
guerram movere præfumpferunt, reprimendas.
Iidem Prælati, Comites, Barones, & alii Magnates, nec non Mi-
lites Comitatuum Tractatum fuper hoc cum deliberatione habentes
confiderantefque auxilium deberi út prædictum eft, & quam plura
onera Regi incumbere propter guerram prædictam, tandem unani-
Dmiter Domino Regi concefferunt pro fe & tota Communitate Regni
tricefimam partem omnium bonorum fuorum temporalium mobi-
lium, quæ ipfos habere continget in Fefto Sancti Michaelis proximo
futuro, habendam pro auxilio eidem Domino Regi competente ád
Militiam filifui prædicti, ac etiam in Auxilium Mifarum quas ipfe
eft facturus circa guerram prædictam; ita tamen quod ifta conceffio
ipfis vel eorum Succefforibus aut hæredibus futuris temporibus nulla-
tenus cedat in præjudicium, nec in cafu hujufmodi trahatur in ex-
E emplum, & quod in taxando bona prædi&ta excipiantur omnia quæ
in taxationé Quinte-Decimæ a Communitate Regni Domino, Regi
anno Regni fui decimo octavo conceffe propter exilium Judæorum
fuerunt excepta.
Cives quidem & Burgenfes Civitatum ac Burgorum ac cæteri de
Dominicis Regis congregati & fuper præmiffis tractatum habentes
confiderantefque onera Domino Regi incumbentia ut præmittitur,
eidem Domino Regi unanimiter concefferunt ob caufas fupradictas
vicefimam partem bonorum fuorum mobilium habendam ut prædi- Inter Commu-
&um eft.
nia Brevia de
Terin. Sancti
Mich. Anno
Memorandum quod ad craftinum Sandæ Trinitatis proximo præ-34 Ed. 1. pe-
teritum. Prælati & cæteri Magnates Regni pro fe & tota Communi- nes Remem.
tate ejuſdem Regni concefferunt Domino Regi Tricefimam bonorum Scaccario.
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C 2
Thefaurar, in
20 |
Retorn. Parl.
2 Hen. 5.
N. 14.
fuorum omnium temporalium extra Civitates, Burgos, & Dominica
Domini Regis ; & Cives, & Burgenfes, & tenentes Dominicorúm
prædictorum, vicefimam bonorum fuorum tam ad Militiam Edwar
di filii Regis prædicti, quam ad fubfidium defenfionis ternæ Scotia
contra Robertum de Brus, & ipfius Complices inimicos Regis, &c. I
Ac Indentura facta apud Ivefceftre Die Lane 12 Die Novem
bris, Anno Regni Regis Henrici Quinti poſt Conqueſtum fe-
cundo inter Walterum Hungerford Militem Vicecom. Somerfet in
pleno Comitatu eodem Die ibidem tento ex parte una, & Radul
phum Hunt Majorem Civitatis Bathon. Johannem Skittish, Johan-
nem Savage, & Johannem Haygoby Cives Civitatis prædictæ, qui
de affenfu totius Communitatis Civitatis prædictæ, Eligerunt Ricar-
dum Wydecombe, & Willielmum Radeftoke Duos Cives pro Com- B.
munitate Civitatis prædictæ, Ellend. apud Weſtminſter ad Parlia-
mentum Domini Regis tenendum Die Lunæ proximo poft Octavas
Sancti Martini proximo futuras, fecundum formam Brevis Domini
Regis quod eft huic annex. eidem Vicecomiti inde Direct. & Jo
hannem Herewode, Johannem Ruffel, Walterum Dyere, & Lucam
Wilton Burgenfes Bürgi de Wells, qui in forma prædicta Eligerunt
Thomam Dynt, & Johannem Hindon duos Burgenfes Burgi prædicti
Effend. tunc ibidem pro Communitate Burgi prædicti fecundum for
mam prædicti Brevis. Et Johannem Ward, Willielmum Goffe, Ri-
cardum Ward, & Thomam Cave, Burgenfes Bargi de Bruggewater
qui in forma prædicta Eligerunt Willielmum Gafcoigne, & Johan-
nem Redwelly duos Burgenfes Burgi prædicti fecundum formam di-
&ti Brevis. Et Thomam Wiger, Walterum Portman, Edmundum
Tailleur, & Johannem Northmore, Burgenfes Burgi de Taunton,
qui in forma prædicta Eligerunt Johannem Merchant & Edmundum
Dyere duos Burgenfes Burgi prædicti, Effend. tunc ibidem pro Com-
munitate Burgi prædicti fecundum formam prædicti Brevis, Dantes
& Concedentes Civibus & Burgenfibus prædictis plenam & fuffici
entem poteftatem, pro fe & Communitate Civitatis & Burgorum
prædictorum ad faciendum & confentiendum iis quæ tunc ibidem de
Communi Confilio ordinari contigerit fuper negotiis inibi Tra-
Aandis. In cujus Rei Teftimonium, &c.
Here were Returned to this Parlement Citifens only for the City of
Bath, and three Burghs, Wells, Bridgwater and Taunton in the Coun
ty of Somerſet. Three of the prefent Burghs being omitted, Minehead,
Milborn-Port and Ilchefter, notwithstanding the County-Court was
holden there, in which the Election was made, d
The wards of the Indenture or Return for Dorſetſhire for the Par-
lement are the fame with the words of this, (mutatis mutandis) there
being then the fame Sheriff for both Counties. Pool and Corf-Caffle,
two only of the prefent Burghs, were omitted.
Breve & Re-
torn. Parl.
2 Hen. 5.
N. 15.
Enricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ & Franciæ, & Dominus Hi
berniæ Vicecomiti Wilts, Salutem: Quia de avifamento con
filii noftri, pro quibufdam arduis & urgentibus negotiis nos, ftatum
& defenfionem regni noftri Angliæ ac Ecclefiæ Anglicane contingen- Wiltshire.
tibus, quoddam Parliamentum noftrum apud Weftmonaft. die Luna
A proximo poft Octavas Sancti Martini proximo futuras teneri ordina-
vimus, & ibidem cum Prælatis, Magnatibus & Proceribus dicti regni
noftri colloquium habere & tractatum: Tibi præcipimus firmiter
injungentes, quod facta proclamatione in proxime Comitatu tuo
poft receptionem hujus Brevis, tenend. de die & loco prædictis, duos
Milites gladiis cinctos, magis idoneos & difcretos de Comitatu præ-
dicto; & de qualibet Civitate Comitatus illius duos Cives; & de
quolibet Burgo duos Burgenfes de difcretioribus & magis fufficien
Btibus libere & indifferenter per illos qui Proclamationi hujufmodi
interfuerint, juxta formam ftatuti inde editi & provifi, eligi ac nomi-
na eorundem Militum Civium & Burgenfium fic eligendorum in qui-
bufdam Indenturis inter te & illos, qui hujufmodi electioni interfae-
rint, inde conficiendis, licet hujufmodi eligendi præfentes vel ab-
fentes fuerint, inferi eofque ad dictos diem & locum venire facias. Ita
quod iidem Milites plenam & fufficientem poteftatem pro fe & Com
munitate Comitatus prædicti & dicti Cives & Burgenfes pro fe &
CCommunitatibus Civitatum & Burgorum prædictorum divifim ab ipfis
habeant ad faciend. & confentiend, his, quæ tunc ibidem de cam-
muni confilio dicti regni noftri, favente domino, ordinari contigerit
fuper negociis antedictis. Ita quòd pro defectu poteftatis hujuf
modi feu propter improvidam electionem Militum, Civium aut
Burgenfium prædictorum dicta negocia infecta non remaneant quo-
vis modo. Nolumus autem, quod tu feu aliquis alius Vicecomes
regni noftri prædicti aliqualiter fit electus & electionem tuam in ple-
Dno Comitatu tuo factam diftincte & aperte fub figillo tuo & figillis
eorum, qui electioni illi interfuerint, nobis in Cancellaria noftra ad
dictos diem & locum certifices indilate, Remittens nobis alteram
partem Indenturarum prædictarum præfentibus confutam, unà cum
hoc Brevi. Tefte meipfo apud Weftmonaft. Vicefimo fexto die Sep-
tembris, Anno Regni noftri fecundo.
Ego Elias de la Mare, Vicecomes, vobis fignifico, quod
Breve iftud in omnibus executus fum fecundum te
norem & effectum ejufdem, prout in altera parte In-
denturarum inde confectarum & in quadam cedula
huic Brevi confutâ pleniùs continetur.
22 1
Ec Indentura facta apud Wilton in pleno Comitatu Wilts,
tento die Martis proximo ante feftum Omnium Sanctorum,
Anno Regni Regis Henrici quinti poft Conqueftum fecundo inter
Eliam de la Mare Vicecomitem Comitatus prædicti ex parte una, &
Willielmum Danngens, Johannem atte Borwe, Willielmum Befiles,
Robertum Erle, Nicholaum Lye, Robertum Afshelegh, Thomam
Martyn, Johannem Wichford, Laur: Gowayn, Thomam Godefray, A
Johannem Brid, Johannem Benger, Johannem Byngham, Johannem
Niweton, Henr. Stauley, Johannem Perham, Rogerum Alewyne,
Johannem Hardy, Thomam Hat, Thomam Vellard, Johannem Bil-
lyndon, Rogerum Wodman, Johannem Coof, Thomam Shawe,
Thomam Stabbere, Ricardum Hoke, Jacobum Hemyngby, Gal-
fridum Cowebrigge, Willielmum Depeden, & Johannem Warham
ex parte altera, teftatur quod prædictus Willielmus Danngens & om-
nes alii fuperius nominati ad diem & locum fupradictos exiftentes, B
& per prædictum Vicecomitem Virtute Brevis Domini Regis eidem
Vicecomiti directi & huic Indenturæ confuti fingulariter examinati
elegerunt Willielmum Efturmy. Chivaler, & Thomam Bonham Mi-
lites pro Communitate Comitatus prædicti, & fimiliter elegerunt
Walterum Shirle & Johannem Becket Cives pro Communitate Ci-
vitatis Nova Sarum, Johannem Harleſton & Johannem Whithorn Bur-
genfes pro Communitate Burgi de Wilton, Willielmum Covyntre
& Thomam Covyntre Burgenfes pro Communitate Burgi de Devyfes, C
Thomam Hiwey & Johannem Goore Burgenfes pro Communitate
Burgi de Malmesbury, Johannem Brid & Thomam Hatheway Bur-
genfes pro Communitate Burgi de Marleborgh, Robertum Sálman
& Robertum Roude Burgenfes pro Communitate Burgi de' Calne in
Comitatu prædicto, ad omnia & fingula juxta tenorem prædicti
Brevis in Parliamento dicto Domini Regis apud Weſtmonaft: die
Lunæ proximo poft Octavas Sancti Martini proximo futuras, affign.
& ordinat. cum aliis communicand. tractand. faciend. fimiliter & D
terminand. prout dictum Breve exigit & requirit. In cujus rei te-
ftimonium, uni parti iftius Indenturæ penes prædictum Vicecomi-
tem remanenti prædictus Willielmus & omnes alii fuperius nomi-
nati figilla fua appofuerunt; Alteri vero parti ejufdem Indenturæ
penes prædictum Willielmum & omnes alios fuperiùs nominatos re-
fidenti, prædictus Vicecomes figillum fuum appofuit. Dat. die, loco
& anno fupradictis.
| 23
Nomina Militum, Civium & Burgenfium Comitatus
Wilts, Electorum ad Parliamentum Domini Re-
gis apud Weftmonaft. die Luna proximo poft Octa-
vas Sancti Martini, Anno Regni Regis Henrici
quinti poft Conqueftum fecundo.
Devyfes. <
Anucaptores Willielmi Eftur-1
my Chivaler, unius Militum | Petrus Braknal.
électi pro fe & Communitate Co-Willielmus Rey-
mitatus prædicti ad Parliamentum
Manucaptores Thomæ Bonham al-
terius Militum electi ad Parlia
mentum prædictum.
Manucaptores Walteri Shirle unius
Civium Civitatis prædi&tæ electi
ad Parliamentum prædictum.
Manucaptores Johannis Beckot alte-
Johannes Denyas.
Johannes Cory.
Johan, Durneford.
Johan. Cofcombe.
rlus Civium ejufdem Civitatis(Willielm. Donyng.
electi ad Parliamentum præ-(Willielmus Slegge.
diétum. **n
Manucaptores Johannis Harlefton
unius Burgenf. ejufdem Burgi ele-
Johannes Perfbore.
&ti ad Parliamentum prædictum. Johannes Richman.
Manucaptores Johannis Whithorn)
alterius Burgent ejufdem Burgi Ricardus Lamprey.
eletti ad Parliamentum præ(Johannes Digon.
Manucaptores Willielmi Covyntre
unius Burgenfium ejufdem Burgi Johannes Pſbore.
electi ad Parliamentum præ- Johannes Richman,
Manucaptores Thome Covỳntre al-
terius Burgenfium ejufdem Bur-Willielmus Neek.
gi eletti ad Parliamentum præ-Henricus Lamkyn.
Retorn. Parl.
2 Hen. 5.
Manucaptores Thoma Hiwey unius
Burgenf. ejufdem Burgi electi adNicholaus Penpas.
Willielmus Palmer.
Parliamentum prædi&um.
Manucaptores Johannis Goore alte-
terius Burgenſ. ejuſdem Burgi ele-Ricardus Felice.
Eti ad Parliamentum prædictum.
Manucaptores Johannis Brid unius
Burgenf. ejufdem Burgi electi ad Ricardus Heſham.
Parliamentum prædictum.
SJohannes Bide.
Manucaptores Thoma Hathewey Johann. Shirwode.
alterius Burgenſ. ejuſdem Burgi Willielmus Warner.
electi ad Parliamentum prædictum.
r Manucaptores Roberti Salman unius
Burgenf. ejufdem Burgi electi ad
Parliamentum prædictum.
Manucaptores Roberti Roude alteri-
us Burgenf. ejufdem Burgi electi
ad Parliamentum prædictum.”
Robertus Grene.
Robertus Grene.
Robertus Lary.
Willielmus Stokke,
Johannes Domel.
The Sheriff, notwithstanding he fays in that part of the Return be-
fore the Indenture, That he had in all things executed the Writ accor-
ding to the Tenor and Effect thereof, yet returned only two Citifens for
New Sarum, and Burgeffes for only five Burghs; having omitted
nine of the prefent Burghs, viz. Downton, Hindon, Weftbury,
Heitsbury, Chippenham, Crickelade, Bedwin, Lutgerfhal, Old D
Sarum, and Wootton-Baffet; And the Citifens and Burgefes fent to
this Parlement were chofen by the fame Perfons, that chofe the Knights
of the Shire.
The Return for Devonshire for the fame Parlement was without In-
denture, only the Names of the Knights, Citifens and Burgeffes, with
their Manucaptors or Sureties, were returned. And that two Citifens
only for Exon, and Burgeffes for five Burghs, Plympton, Tottones,
Tavyſtok, Barnstaple, and Dertmouth; And then the Return is clofed
with theſe words, Et non funt plures Civitates, feu Burgi infra Co-
mitatum prædictum. The Sheriff baving omitted fix of the prefent
Burghs, viz. Plymouth, Okehampton, Honiton, Afhburton, Be-
ralfton, and Tiverton.
1 25
Ex univerfis & fingulis Vicecomitibus, Majoribus, Ballivis, Pat. 3 H. 4.
Conftabulari's, Miniftris & aliis fidelibus fuis tam infra liber- P. 2. M.23.
tates quàm extra ad quos, &c. Salutem. Sciatis, quôd cùm fecun-
Ń. 16.
dum confuetudinem in regno noftro Angliæ hactenus obtentam &
approbatam, homines de antiquo dominico Corona Angliæ quieti
A fint & effe debeant a præftatione Theolonei per totum regnum An-
gliæ. Vobis mandamus, quod homines de Manerio de Aisbertone,
quod de antiquo Dominico Corona Angliæ exiftit, ficut per quandam
Certificationem per Thefaurarium & Camerarios Domini Ricardi
nuper Regis Angliæ fecundi poft conqueftum in Cancellariaṁ fùam
de Mandato ipfius nuper Regis miffam, & in filaciis Cancellariæ
ejufdem nuper Regis refidentem plenè liquet, de hujufmodi præ-
ftatione Theolonei vobis præftanda quietos effe permittatis, juxta
B confuetudinem fupradictam. In cujus, &c. Tefte Rege apud Weſt-
monaft, vicefimo fexto die Aprilis.
Note this then a Town in Antient Demeafn, and no Burgh, yet in
26 E. 1. and 8 Hen. 5. it fent Members to Parlement.
London. by Infpeximus, Tempore Hen. 1.
Hen. 2. Ric. L.
* Hen. I.
N. 17,
Ex omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Infpeximus tenorem Car- Pat. 2 E. 4.
tæ Domini * Henrici quondam Regis Angliæ Progenitoris no- P. 5. M.
ftri factam in hæc verba. Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ Archi-
epifcopo Cantuarienfi, & Epifcopis, & Abbatibus, & Comitibus, &
Baronibus, & Jufticiariis, & Vicecomitibus & omnibus fidelibus fuis
Francis & Anglicis totius Angliæ, Salutem. Sciatis me conceffiffe
Civibus meis Londonix Tenendum Middlefexiam ad firmam pro tre-
centis libris ad computum ipfis & hæredibus fuis de me & hæredi-
bus meis. Ita quod ipfi Cives ponent Vicecomitem qualem voluerint
de feipfis & Jufticiarium quemcunque vel qualem voluerint de fe-
ipfis ad cuftodienda placita Coronæ meæ, & ad eadem placitanda,
& nullus alius erit Jufticiarius fuper ipfos homines Londoniæ, &
Cives non placitabunt extra muros Civitatis pro ullo placito, &
fint quieti de [4] Schot, & de [b] Loth, & de [c] Danegeld, & de
[d] Murdro & nullus eorum faciat bellum, & fiquis Civium de pla-
citis Corona implacitatus fuerit per [e] Sacramentum quod judica [e]Shall purge
[4] [b] Scot and Lot, Publick Impofitions or Contribution.
[c] Danegeld. See Notes upon the Charter of Yarmouth.
[d] Murdrum, fignifies not only the Crime, but the Mulct or Pecuniary Punishment for that
Crime. So that to be free from Murder, was, that the place where, the Murder was
committed, and the Murtherer fled, fhould not be Fined or Amercied for not producing
of him. See Leg. Ed. Conf. c.15. Gul. 1. c. 26. 46 Hen. 1. c. 91.
himſelf by
Scot and Lot
Murder what?
26 1
tum fuerit in Civitate fe difrationet homo London, & infra muros
Civitatis nullus [f] hoſpitetur, neque de mea familia neque de alia
vi alicui hofpitium liberatur. Et omnes homines Londoniæ fint
quieti & liberi, & omnes eorum res per totam Angliam & per por-
tus maris de Theoloneo & Paffagio & Leftagio & omnibus aliis con-
fuetudinibus, & Ecclefiæ & Barones [g] & Cives habeant & teneant
bene & in pace [b] Socas fuas cum omnibus confuetudinibus. Ita
quod hofpites qui in Sokis hofpitabuntur nulli dent confuetudines, A
nifi illi cujus [] Soka fuerit vel miniftro fuo quem ibi pofuerit, &
Homo Londoniæ non judicetur in mifericordia pecuniæ nifi ad fa
[k] Were, fcilicet ad centum Solidos, dico de placito quod ad pe
cuniam pertineat, & amplius non fit [1] Meskenninge in [m] Hu-
ftengo neque in [#] Folkefmot, neque in aliis placitis infra Civi-
No Stranger to
be lodged in
the City of
London, &c.
Barons of
Paris mistaken
in his Reafon,
why Londoners
were called
The Citifens
and Inhabi-
tants of York,
Cheſter and
Warrick were
called Barons.
* In verbo.
What the Ba-
rons of Lon-
don were.
The Citifens
of Orleans
and Bourges
in France were
called Barons.
The price of
a Citiſens Life.
* Col. 957.
.n. Io.
Hufteng's not
to London.
Folkmot what?
[f] No Stranger in thefe times was lodged, or had his abode in the City, unle's placed by
the Kings Marſhal, or by the Guardian, or Alderman of the Ward or Liberty, and for
his being fo lodged or placed, he gave to him or his Servant Cuſtom, 1. e. Money, as
[g] Barons. The Citifens or Men of London, who for the Dignity of the City, and Anti-
ent Liberties of the Citifens, were wont to be called Barons. Quos propter Civitatis Dig-
nitatem, & Civium antiquam Libertatem Barones confuevimus appellare, Paris in A.Ď.
1253. The fame Author in A. D. 1258. Londinum deftinati convocaverunt totius
Civitatis Cives, quos Barones vocant, being fent to London they called together the
Citifens of the whole City, which they call Barons. But for the latter part of the Rea-
fon which the Monk gives, why they were called Barons, it was only his Fancy For
Biron was a Norman or French word, and came in ufe here after the Conqueft; fo
that the Citiſens could not have that Appellation for any antient Liberties they enjoyed,
for it was then but 187 years fince the Conqueft, which was not time enough to make
them Antient, according to the meaning of the word in fuch Cafes. And further, the
Citifens of York and Chefter, the Burgeffes of Warwick, and of other famous Cities and
Towns that were Endowed with large and Royal Privileges, were called Barons, yet the
Citifens or Burgeffès, or Inhabitants of any of theſe, or other places, were not fo term-
ed in Domefday-Book, nor had they then any extraordinary Liberties: Therefore fince
the making of that Book they must have that Title, and that for the great Privileges and
Immunities granted by the King, and not otherwife; perhaps for fome fignal Service D
done him, as Sir Henry Spelman * truly informs us. But the word Barones in this
Charter feems to mean the better fort of Citifens, that is, the Guardians or Aldermen
of the Wards; for the words are, Et Barones, &Cives, which put a Diftinction be
tween the greater and ordinary Citifens. Nor was this Appellation ufed here in England
only, for the Citifens of Orleans, and Bourges in France, are fo called.
[b] Their Liberties or Wards, with all Cuftoms or Payments.
[i] Except to the Guardian, or as now, the Alderman of the Ward, or his Servant.
[k] A Citifen of London fhall not be Amercied beyond his Were, that is, the price of his E
Head, or Life, which was 100 Shillings.
[1] Meskenninge from the Saxon Cenninge or Cennan, citare, vqcare, and mis, or in
French mes, male. So Miskenninge was, when one Man falfly or unduly profecuted
another, or as * Brompton hath it, Myskenning, i. e. Variatio loquele in Curia, a Va-
riation of the Plea in Court; that is, when a Man changes and leaves his firft Plea, and
takes up another.
[m] Huftengus or Huftengum, either from us a Houfe, and Ting, or Thing Caufa, a
Houfe where Caufes were tryed. Or from the Saxon word phft, or pbfta, Supremum,
Higheft, and Thing, Judicium, a Court or Judgment according to Mr. Somner; fo that F
Hufting fignifies in this fenfe the Supreme Court of the City of London, as in truth it is.
But the Name was not appropriated to the Chief Court in London only, for Winchester,
Lincoln, York, the Five-Ports, and the Iſle of Shipwrey have their Huftings.
[n] Folkefmor, from folt, People, or as they are often called Folke, and Dote, a Meeting
or Convention. A Convention and Court of the People, which in Shires and Counties
was, and now is, the Sheriffs Turn, and in Cities and Burghs may be called the Burgh-
Mote, or Sheriffs Court.
| 27
& Huftengum fedeat femel in Ebdomada, videlicet, die
Lunæ, & terras & [] vadimonia & debita Civibus meis habere fa-[o] Pawns.
ciam infra Civitatern & extra, & de terris de quibus ad me clama-
verint rectum eis tenebo lege Civitatis. Et fiquis theoloneum vel
confuetudinem a Civibus meis Londoniæ ceperit, Cives Londoniæ
capiant de Burgo vel de Villa ubi theoloneum vel confuetudo capta
fuerint quantum homo Londoniæ pro theoloneo dedit, & proinde de
A dampno receperit, & omnes debitores qui Civibus London debita
debent eis reddant in Londonia vel in Londoniâ, fe difrationent quod
non debent, quod fi reddere noluerint, neque quod non debent ad
difrationandum venire, tunc Cives Londoniæ quibus debita fua de-
bentur capiant namia fua in Civitate London de Burgo vel Villa vel
de Comitatu in quo manet qui debitum debet. Et Cives Londoniæ
habeant [p] fugationes fuas ad fugandum ficut melius & plenius[] Their
habuerunt Anteceffores eorum, fcilicet, in Chiltre & Middlefexe & Huntings.
B Surreie. Teftibus Epifcopo Wintonienfi, & Roberto filio Richier
& Hugone Bigot & Alnero de Toteneis & Willielmo de alba Spina
& Huberto Regis Camerario & Willielmo de Mountfichet & Hau-
gulfo de Taney & Johanne Bellet & Roberto filio Siwardi apud Weft-
There is the fame Charter by Infpeximus in 1 Hen. 4. 25 Maii.
Nfpeximus infuper cartam Domini Henrici Secundi quondam Hen. 2.
Regis Angliæ Progenitoris noftri factam in hæc verba
to his own
this Charter.
cus Rex Angliæ, & Dux Normannia & Aquitania & Comes Ande-.
gavia Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus,
Jufticiariis, Vicecomitibus, Miniftris & omnibus fidelibus fuis Fran-
cis & Anglis totius Angliæ, Salutem. Sciatis me conceffiffe Civibus
meis Londoniæ quod nullus eorum placitet extra muros Civitatis
Lundoniæ de ullo placito præter placita de tenuris exterioribus (ex-
ceptis [a] Monetariis & Miniftris meis.) Conceffi etiam eis quie-[a] Which
tanciam Murdri infra urbem & in * [6] Portfoka, & quod nullus eo- were referved
rum faciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad Coronam pertinentibus Court.
fe poffint [c] difrationare fecundum antiquam confuetudinem Civita- See Notes on
tis prædicta, & quod infra muros Civitatis nemo capiat hofpitium [e] Vide Carti
per vim vel per liberationem Marefcalli. Hoc etiam eis conceffi,quod Hen. 1.
omnes Cives Lundoniæ fint quieti de Theoloneo & Leftagio per totam
Angliam & per portus maris, & quod nullus de [d] mifericordia [d] Vide Cart
pecuniæ judicetur nifi fecundum legem Civitatis quam habuerunt Hen. 1.
tempore Regis Henrici Avi mei, & quod in Civitate in nullo placito
fit Meskenninga, & quod Huftingum femel tantum in ebdomada te-
neatur, & quod terras fuas & tenuras & vadimonia & omnia debita
jufte habeant quicunque eis debeat. Et de terris fuis & tenuris qua
infra urbem funt rectum eis teneatur fecundum confuetudinem Civi-
tatis, & de omnibus debitis fuis quæ accommodata fuerint apud Lon-
doniam, & de vadimoniis ibidem factis placita apud Lundoniam tene-
antur. Et fi quis in tota Anglia Theoloneum vel confuetudinem ab
hominibus Lundoniæ ceperit, poftquam ipfe a recto defecerit, Vice-
comes Lundoniæ Namium inde apud Lundoniam capiat. Concedo
[b] Postfoka, the extent of their Jurisdiction or Liberty from the Gates of the City.
D 2
Ric. I.
tam. Hen. I.
etiam eis,quod habeant fugationes fuas ubicunque eas habuerunt tem-
pore Regis Henrici Avi mei. Infuper etiam ad emendationem Civi-
tatis eis conceffi quod omnes fint quieti de [e] Bridtol, & de [f]
Childwite, & de [g] Jerefgieue, & de [4] Scotale, ita quod Vice-
comes nofter Lundoniæ vel aliquis alius Ballivus Scotale non faciat..
Has prædictas confuetudines eis concedo, & omnes álias libertates &
liberas confuetudines quas habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici Avi mei
quando meliores vel liberiores habuerunt. Quare volo & firmiter A
præcipio,quod ipfi & hæredes eorum hæc omnia prædicta hæreditarie
habeant & teneant de me & de meis hæredibus. Teftibus T
Archiepifcopo Cantuarienfi R Epifcopo Londinenfi Ph
Epifcopo Baiocenfi, Ern Epifcopo Lexovienfi, T
Cancellario, R
de novo Burgo R
de Warenna Walth
filio Geroldi Ma
de Sancto Walrico
Maminot Ricardo de Lucy
Bifet Loc
de Ballolio, apud
Nfpeximus etiam Cartam Domini Ricardi primi quondam Regis
Angliæ Progenitoris noftri factam in hæc verba. Ricardus Dei
Gratia Rex Anglix, Dux Normannia, Aquitania, Comes Andegavie,
Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Jufti-
ciariis, Vicecomitibus, Miniftris, & omnibus fidelibus fuis Francis &
Anglis totius Angliæ, Salutem. Sciatis nos conceffiffe Civibus no. C
ftris Londoniæ, quod nullus eorum placitet extra muros Civitatis
Londoniæ de ullo placito præter placita de tenuris exterioribus (ex-
ceptis Monetariis & Miniftris noftris.) Conceffimus etiam eis quie-
tanciam Murdri infra urbem & in Portfoka, & quod nullus eorum fa-
ciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad Coronam pertinentibus fe poffint
* Vid. Char- difrationare fecundum antiquam confuetudinem Civitatis, & quod
infra muros Civitatis nemo capiat hofpitium per vim vel per liberatio-
nem Marefcalli. Hoc etiam eis conceffimus quod omnes Cives Lon- D
doniæ fint quieti de Theloneo & Leftagio per totam Angliam & per
portus maris, & quod nullus de mifericordia pecuniæ judicetur nifi
fecundum legem Civitatis quam habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici
Avi Henrici Patris noftri. Et quod in Civitate in nullo placito fit
Veskenninga, & Huftingum femel tantum in ebdomada teneatur, &
quod terras fuas & tenuras, & vadimonia & debita omnia jufte habe-
ant quicunque eis debeat, & de terris fuis & tenuris quæ infra urbem
funt rectum eis teneatur fecundum confuetudinem Civitatis, & de E
omnibus debitis fuis quæ accommodata fuerint apud Londoniam te-
neantur. Et fiquis in tota Anglia Theoloneum vel confuetudinem ab
hominibus Londoniæ ceperit poftquam ipfe a recto defecerit, Vice-
comes Londoniæ namium inde apud Londoniam capiat. Concedimus
etiam eis quod habeant fugationes fuas ubicunque eas habuerunt tem-
pore Regis Henrici Avi Henrici Patris noftri. Infuper etiam ad emen-
Childurite and
Fereſgieuc or
Scctale what?
[e] Wadrol, that is, Bridge-Toll, Money paid for paffing over a Bridge.
[f] The fame with Leirwite, Money paid, or a puniſhment for corrupting a Bond-Maid.
[g] Jerefgiene, or Gerefgieue, the fame that Gerefuma,, a Bribe or Reward given to the
Kings or other Officers, for Connivence, and being favourable in their Office.
[b]Scorale, See the notes upon Walingford Charter, Letter [a]
dationem Civitatis eis conceffimus, quod omnes fint quieti de Bridtol,
& de Childwite, & de Jerefgieue, & de Scotale, ita quod Vicecomes
nofter Londoniæ vel aliquis alius Ballivus Scothale non faciat. Has
prædictas confuetudines eis concedimus & omnes alias libertates & li-
beras confuetudines quas habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici Avi Hen-
rici Patris noftri quando meliores vel liberiores habuerunt. Quare
volumus & firmiter præcipimus,quod ipfi & hæredes eorum hæc omnia
A prædicta hæreditarie habeant & teneant de nobis & hæredibus noftris.
Teftibus Huberto Cantuarienfi Archiepifcopo, Ricardo Londinenfi,
Hugone Dunelmenfi, Gileberto Roffenfi, Hugone Lincolnienfi Epif
copis, Ran
Comite Ceftria, Ricardo Comite de Clare, Wil-
lielmo Marefcallo, Rogero Bigot, Gaufrido filio Petri, Hugone Bar-
dolfe, Willielmo Briewer, Willielmo de Warenna. Data per manum
Willielmi Elienfis Epifcopi Cancellarii noftri apud Wintoniam Vice-
fimo fecundo die Aprilis,Anno Regni noſtri quinto.
Nfpeximus infuper quandam aliam cartam ejufdem Domini Regis Ric.I.Chart.2.
Progenitoris noftri factam in hæc verba. Ricardus Dei Gratia Rex
Angliæ, Dux Normannie, Aquitannia, & Comes Andegavia, Archie-
pifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Jufticiariis,
Vicecomitibus, Senefcallis, Caftellanis, Conftabulariis, Ballivis,
Miniftris & omnibus fidelibus fuis, Salutem. Noverit Univerfitas
C veftra nos pro Salute animæ noftræ & pro Salute animæ Henrici Regis
Patris noftri, & animarum antecefforum noftrorum, necnon & pro
communi utilitate Civitatis noftræ Londoniæ, & totius Regni noftri
conceffiffe, & firmiter præcepiffe, ut omnes Kideli qui funt in Tha-
mifia amoveantur ubicunque fuerint in Tamifia; & ne de cætero Ki-
delli alicubi ponantur in Tamifia. Quietum etiam clamavimus omne
id quod Cuftodes Turris noftræ Londoniæ annuatim percipere fole-
bant de prædictis Kidellis. Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus, ne
Daliquis Cuftos præfatæ Turris aliquo tempore poft hoc aliquid exigat
ab aliquo, nec aliquam demandam aut gravamen five moleftiam ali-
cui inferat occafione prædictorum Kidellorum. Satis enim nobis con-
ftat, & per venerabilem Patrem noftrum Hubertum Cantuarienfem
Archiepifcopum & per alios fideles noftros nobis fufficienter datum
eft intelligi, quod maximum detrimentum & incommodum prædi&a
Civitati noftræ Londoniæ, nec non & toti regno noftro occafione
Kidellorum illorum proveniebat, quod ut firmum & ftabile perfeve-
E ret imperpetuum præfentis paginæ infcriptione & figilli noftri appofi- Note this.
tione communivimus. His Teftibus Huberto Cantuarienfi Archie-
pifcopo, Johanne Comite Moritoniæ, Ran
Comite Ceftriæ,
Roberto Comite Leiceftria, Willielmo Comite Arundel, Comite
Willielmo Marefcallo, Willielmo de Sanctæ Mariæ Ecclefia, Petro
filio Hereberti, Matthæo fratre fuo, Sym
de Kyma, Seherio
de Quinceo. Data per manum Magiftri Euftachii Sarum Decani Vi-* Ifle of An-
ces Cancellarii tunc agentis apud Infulam
F quarto die Julii, Regni noftri Anno octavo.
Andeliacam decimo dely in Nor-
30 1
Cart. Antiq.
C. n. 26.
N. 18.
London. I Fohannis.
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Archiepifcopis, &c. Sciatis. Nos
conceffiffe Civibus noftris Londoniæ, quod nullus eorum placitet
extra muros Civitatis Londoniæ de nullo placito præter placita de te-
nuris exterioribus, exceptis Monetariis & Miniftris noftris. Concef
fimus etiam eis quietanciam murdri infra urbem & in Portfocha, &
quod nullus eorum faciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad coronam per-
tinentibus fe poffint difrationare fecundum antiquam confuetudinem
Civitatis, & quod infra muros Civitatis neque in Portfocha nemo ca-
piat hofpitium per vim vel per liberationem Marefcalli. Hoc etiam
conceffimus quod omnes Cives Londoniæ fint quieti de Theloneo &
Leftagio & omni alia confuetudine per omnes terras noftras citra mare
& ultra & quod nullus de mifericordia pecuniæ judicetur nifi fecun-
dum legem Civitatis quam habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici Avi
Henrici Patris noftri. Et quod in Civitate in nullo placitò fit Meſ-
kenninga, & quod Huftinga femel tantum in ebdomada teneatur &
quod terras fuas & tenuras & vadimonia & debita omnia jufte habe-.
ant quicunque eis debeant. Et de terris fuis & tenuris quæ infra ur-
bem funt eis rectum teneatur fecundum confuetudinem Civitatis, &
de omnibus debitis fuis quæ accommodata fuerunt apud Londoniam
& de vadimoniis ibidem factis placita apud Londoniam teneantur. Et
fiquis in aliquam terrarum noftrarum citra mare vel ultra five in
portubus maris citra vel ultra Theloneum vel aliquam aliam confue-
tudinem ab hominibus London ceperit poftquam ipfe a recto defece-
rit Vicecomites London Namium inde apud London capiant. Con-
ceffimus etiam eis quod habeant fugationes fuas, ubicunque eas habu-
crunt tempore Regis Henrici Avi Henrici Patris noftri. Infuper etiam
ad emendationem Civitatis eis conceffimus quod omnes fint quieti de
Bridtol & de Childwite & Jerefleue & de Scotale, ita quod Vice-
withGerefima, comes nofter Londoniæ nec aliquis alius Ballivus Scotale non faciat.
Has prædictas confuetudines eis conceffimus & omnes alias libertates
& liberas confuetudines quas habuerunt tempore Henrici Regis Avi
Patris noftri quando meliores & liberiores habuerunt. Quare volu-
mus & firmiter præcipimus qnod ipfi & hæredes eorum hæc omnia
dicta hæreditarie & integre habent & teneant de nobis & hæredibus
noftris. Teftibus Huberto Cantuarienfi Archiepifcopo Cancellario
Londoniæ Epifcopo, &c. Data per manum præ-
noſtro, W.
dicti Huberti Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi Cancellarii noftri apud
Sorham decimo Septimo die Junii, Anno Regni noftri primo.
* The fame
fee Wallirg-
ford Chart.
M. 20.
The Citifens of London gave 3000 Marks for the Confirmation of
1 Johannis, their Liberties by this Charter, as appears by the * Oblata Roll of thy
year, and it was left in the Hands of Geofry Fitz-Peter until they paid
the Money.
Cives London dant Domino Regi tria Millia Marcarum pro haben-
da confirmatione Domini Regis de Libertatibus fuis in Carta, & libe-
rabitur Galfrido filio Petri per fic, Quod fi illa tria millia Marcarum
volunt dare fuam Cartam habebunt, fin autem non, Cartam non ha-
| 31
Winton. 1 Ric
1 Ric. 1.
R. n. 30.
N. 19.
Icardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliæ, Dux Normanniæ, &c. Archi- Cart. Antiq.
epifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Ju-
Aft.ciariis, Vicecomitibus, Miniftris & omnibus Ballivis & fidelibus
ſuis totius terræ fuæ, Salutem. Sciatis nos conceffifle Civibus noftris
Wintoniæ de Gilda Mercatoria, quod nullus eorum placitet extra mu-
ros Civitatis Wintonia de ullo placito præter placita de tenuris exte-
rioribus, exceptis Monetariis & Miniftris noftris. Conceffimus etiam
eis quod nullus eorum faciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad Coro-
nam noftram pertinentibus fe poffint difrationare fecundum antiquam
confuetudinem Civitatis. Hæc etiam eis conceffimus quod omnes
Cives Wintoniæ de Gilda Mercatoria fint quieti de Thelonco & Leſta-
gio & Pontagio in feria & extra & per portus maris omnium terrarum
noftrarum citra mare & ultra, & quod nullus de Mifericordia pecuniæ
judicetur nifi fecundum antiquam legem Civitatis quam habuerunt
tempore antecefforum noftrorum, & quod terras & tenuras fuas & va-
dimonia & debita omnia juſte habeant quicunque eis debeat, & de
terris fuis & tenuris quæ infra urbem funt rectum eis teneatur fecun-
dum confuetudinem Civitatis, & de omnibus debitis fuis quæ accom-
modata fuerint apud Wintoniam & de vadimoniis ibidem factis pla-
cita apud Wintoniam teneantur, & fi quis in tota terra noftra The-
loneum vel confuetudinem ab hominibus Wintoniæ de Gilda Mercato-
ria cepit, poftquam ipfe a recto defecerit Vicecomes de Southamton
vel Præpofitus Wintoniæ Namium inde apud Wintoniam capiat. In-
fuper etiam ad emendandam Civitatem eis conceffimus quod omnes
fint quieti & de * Jerefgiene & de Scottefhale ita quod fi Vicecomes The fame
nofter vel aliquis alius Ballivus Sotthale faciat. Has prædictas con- with Gerefu
D fuetudines eis concedimus & omnes alias libertates & liberas confue-ma, lee Wa-
tudines quas habuerunt temporibus Antecefforum noftrorum quando ter
meliores vel liberiores habuerunt; & fi aliquæ confuetudines injuſte
levatæ fuerunt in guerra caffatæ fint, & quicunque petierint Civita-
tem Wintoniæ cum mercatu fuo de quocunque loco fint, five extra-
nei five alii, veniant, morentur & recedant in Salva pace noftra red-
dendo rectas confuetudines, & nemo eos difturbet fuper hanc Cartam
noftram. Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus quod ipfi & hæredes
eorum hæc omnia prædicta hæreditarie habeant & teneant de nobis &
hæredibus noftris. Teftibus Waltero Rothomagenfi Archiepifcopo,
R. Bathonienfi, H. Coventrenfi Epifcopis, Bertram
Verdun, Johanne Marefcallo, W. Marefcallo. Data per ma-
num Johannis de Alencon Archidiaconi Lexovia Vicecancellarii no-
ftri apud * Nunancurt decimo quarto die Martii, Anno primo Regni In Norman=
lingford Char-
Cart: Antiq. F.
11. 16.
N. 20.
* The Burgh
or Folkmot,
or Court of
the Inhabitants
of the Burgh
or City.
Lincoln. I vel 2 Ric. 1.
Icardus Dei Gratia Rex Anglia, Dux Normannia, Aquitania,
Comes Andegavix Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Co
mitibus, Baronibus, Jufticiariis, Vicecomitibus, Miniftris & omni-
bus fidelibus fuis tam Francis quam Anglis, Salutem. Sciatis nos
conceffiffe Civibus noftris Lincolniæ quod nullus eorum placitet extra
Civitatem Lincolnie de aliquo placito præter placita de tenuris exte-
rioribus, exceptis Monetariis & miniftris noftris. Conceffimus etiam
quietanciam murdri infra Civitatem & in Portfocha & quod nullus
eorum faciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad coronam pertinentibus
fe poffint difrationare fecundum confuetudinemCivium Čivitatis Lin-
colniæ, & quod infra Civi:atem illam nemo capiat hofpitium per vim
vel per liberationem Marefcalli. Hoc etiam eis conceffimus quod
omnes Cives Lincolniæ fint quieti de Theloneo & Leftagio per totam
Angliam & per portus Maris, & quod nullus de Mifericordia pecu-
niæ judicetur nifi fecundum legem quam habent Cives noftri Lundo-
niæ, & quod in Civitate illa in nullo placito fit Meskenninga, & quod
Burwäremot femel tantum in ebdomada teneatur; & quod terras
& tenuras & vadia fua & debita fua omnia jufte habeant quicunque
eis debeat, & de terris fuis & tenuris quæ infra Civitatem funt rectum
eis teneatur fecundum confuetudinem Civitatis, & de omnibus debi-
tis fuis quæ accommodata fuerint apud Lincolniam & de vadiis ibi-
dem factis placita apud Lincolniam teneantur. Et fiquis in otà An-
glia Theloneum vel confuetudinem ab hominibus Lincolniæ ceperit
poftquam ipfe a recto defecerit, Præpofitus Lincolniæ Namium apud
Lincolniam capiat. Infuper etiam ad emendationem illius Civitatis
illis conceffimus quod fint quieti de Bridtol, & de Childwite & de Ge-
refgiene & de Scothale, ita quod Præpofitus nec alius Ballivus Scotha-
lam faciat. Has prædictas confuetudines eis conceffimus & omnes alias
libertates & liberas confuetudines quas habuerunt vel habent Cives
noftri Lundoniæ quando meliores vel liberiores habuerunt fecundum
libertates Lundoniæ & leges Civitatis Lincolniæ. Quare volumus &
firmiter præcipimus, quod ipfi & hæredes eorum hæc omnia prædicta
habeant & teneant hæreditarie de nobis & hæredibus noftris reddendo
per annum novies viginti libras numero de Lincolniâ cum omnibus
pertinentiis ad Scaccarium noftrum duobus terminis, ad Paſcham, E
Scilicet, & ad Feftum Sancti Michaelis per manum Prapofiti Lincol-
niæ. Et Cives Lincolniæ faciant Præpofitum quem voluerint de fe per
annum qui fit idoneus Nobis &eis. Teftibus his Huberto Cantuarienfi
Archiepifcopo, Willielmo Marefcallo, Gaufrido filio Petri, Hugone
Bam Data per manum Willielmi Elienfis Epifcopi Cancellarii
noftri apud Winton.
William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, was Chancellor of England be- F
fore he was Confecrated Bishop of that place. Anno Domini 1189. 1
Richard 1. and was depofed from his Chancellor-Ship A. D. 1191. So
that this Charter was dated by him, either in the First, or Second year
of King Richard the First.
| 33
York. 1 Johannis.
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Sciatis nos conceffiffe Civibus noftris Cart. 1 Johan.
de Eboraco omnes libertates & leges & confuetudines fuas & no- p. 1. n. 75.
minatim Gildam fuam Mercatoriam & Hanfas fuas in Anglia, & Nor-
N. 21.
mannia, & Leftagia fua per totam Coftam maris quieta ficut ea un-
quam melius & liberius habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici Avi patris
noftri. Et volumus & firmiter præcipimus, quod prædictas libertates
& confuetudines habeant & teneant cum omnibus libertatibus prædi-
&tæ Gilda fua & Hanfis fuis pertinentibus, ita bene & in pace libere &
quiete ficut unquam melius liberius & quietius habuerunt & tenue-
runt tempore prædicti Regis Henrici Avi patris noftri, ficut Carta
ejufdem Patris noftri & Carta Regis Ricardi fratris noftri rationabili-
ter teftantur. Præterea Sciatis nos conceffiffe & præfenti Carta con-
firmaffe omnibus civibus noftris Eboraci quietanciam cujuflibet The-
lonei, & leftagii, &* Dewree, & Pontagii, & Paffagii & de trefpas* Forfan de
& de omnibus Coftivis per totam Angliam & Normanniam, & Aqui-
taniam & Andegaviam & Pictaviam, & per omnes portus & Coftas
maris Anglia & Normanniæ Aquitania Andegaviæ & Pictaviæ.
Quare volumus & firmiter præcipimus quod inde fint quieti, & pro-
C hibemus ne quis fuper hoc diſturbet fuper decem libras forisfacturæ,
ficut Carta Ricardi Regis fratris noftri rationabiliter teftatur. Te-
ftibus G.
Epifcopo, Gaufrido filio Petri Comitis Effex, &c. Data per manum
Wellenfis Archidiaconi & Johannis de Gray apud Eboracum
Vicefimo quinto Die Martii, Anno Regni noftri primo.
Eboracenfi Archiepifcopo, Ph.
Norwich. 1 Johannis.
Ohannes Dei Gratia, &c. Archiepifcopis, &c. Sciatis nos con- Cart. 1. Johan.
ceffiffe Civibus noftris Norwici quod nullus eorum placitet extra P.I. m. II. n.
Civitatem Norwici de'nullo placito præter placita de tenuris exterio-
ribus,exceptis Monetariis & Miniftris noftris. Conceffimus eis etiam N. 22.
E quietantiam murdri & Gawitam infra Civitatem, & quod nullus eo-
rum faciat duellum, & quod de placitis ad coronam pertinentibus fe
poffint difrationare fecundum confuetudinem Civitatis Londonia, &
quod infra Civitatem illam nemo hofpitetur vel capiat quicquam per
vim. Hoc etiam conceffimus eis, quod omnes Cives Norwici fint qui-
eti de Theloneo & Leftagio per totam Angliam & per portus maris, &
quod nullus de mifericordia pecuniæ judicetur nifi fecundum legem
quam habent Cives noftri Londoniæ, & quod in Civitate illa in nullo
F placito fit Miskenninga, & quod Hufting a femel in ebdomade tan-
tum teneatur & quod terras fuas & tenuras, & vadia fua & de vita
fua omnia jufte habeant, quicunque eis debeat, & de terris fuis & te-
nuris quæ infra Civitatem funt, rectum eis teneatur fecundum con-
fuetudinem Civitatis, & de omnibus debitis fuis quæ accommodata
fuerint apud Norwicum & de vadiis, ibidem factis placita apud Nor-
wicum teneantur. Et fiquis in tota Anglia Theloneum vel conſuetu-
dinem ab hominibus Norwici ceperit, poftquam ipfe a recto defece-
rit, Præpofitas Norwici Namum inde apud Norwicum capiat. Has
prædictas confuetudines eis conceffimus & omnes alias libertates & li-
beras confuetudines quas habuerunt & habent Cives noftri Londoniæ,
quando meliores vel liberiores habuerunt fécundum libertates Londo
niæ & leges Civitatis Norwici. Quare volumus & firmiter præci-
pimus, quod ipfi Cives & hæredes eorum hæc omnia prædicta cum
Civitate & pertinentiis ejus hæreditarie habeant & teneant de nobis & A
hæredibus noftris, reddendo per annum Centum. & octo libras Sterlin-
gorum blanceas de Civitate Norwici per manum Præpofiti Norwici
ad Scaccarium noftrum in termino Sancti Michaelis. Et Cives Nor-
wici faciant Præpofitos de fe per annum, qui fint idonei Nobis & eis.
Teftibus H.
Wellenfi Archidiacono
de Gr.
Epifcopo, S.
Data per manum H.
Archidiaconi Cancellarii noftri apud Genom.
die Septembris anno Regni noftri primo.
Vicefimo fecundo
| 35
In the Chappel of the Rolls, in the Bundle of Re-
turns of Parlement Writs, in the 14 of Queen
O all Chriftian People to whom this prefent Writing fhall N. 23.
come. I Dame Dorothy Packington Widow, late Wife of Sir
John Packington Knight, Lord and Owner of the Town of Aylesbury,
fendeth Greeting. Know ye, Me the ſaid Dame Dorothy Packing-
ton, to have chofen, named and appointed my trusty and well-belo-
yed Thomas Lichfeld and George Burden Efquires, to be my Burgeffes
of my faid Town of Aylesbury. And whatſoever the faid Thomas and
BGeorge, Burgeffes, fhall do in the Service of the Queens Highneſs
in that prefent Parliament to be holden at Westminster the Eighth
Day of May next enfuing the date hereof, I the fame Dame Dorothy
Packington do ratifie and approve to be my own Act, as fully and
wholly as if I were or might be preſent there. In witneſs whereof,
to theſe Preſents I have fet my Seal. the Fourth Day of May, in the
14th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the
Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, Queen, Defender of
Cthe Faith, &c.
In the Chappel of the Rolls, and Bundle of Returns
of Parlement Writs this Year.
Ec Indentura facta apud Aylesbury in Comitatu Bucks vicefimo N. 24.
octavo die Septembris Anno Regni Dominæ noftræ Elizabe-
thæ Dei Gratia Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Reginæ Fidei Defenfo-
ris, &c. Vicefimo Octavo, Inter Edwardum Bulftrode Armigerum
Vicecomitem Comitatus prædicti ex una parte & Johanem Packing-
ton Armigerum Dominum Burgi de Aylesbury,& Comunitatem ejuf-
dem ex altera parte Teftatur. Quod prædictus Joanes Packington, &
Comunitas ejufdem Burgi & Villæ virtute Warranti ejufdem Viceco-
mitis Ballivo prædi&i Johanis Packington directi die & Anno prædictis
eligerunt Thomam Tasburgh & Thomam Scot Armigeros Effendos
Burgenfes pro Burgo & Villa prædicto, ad Parliamentum Dominæ
Reginæ apud Weftmonafterium Quinto decimo die Octobris proxime
futuro tenendum. Et quod iidem Burgenfes plenariam & fufficien-
tem du poteftatem pro fe, Burgo, & Villa prædictis habent ad
confentiendum eis quæ tunc ibidem pro Comuni Confilio ejufdem
Parliamenti pro utilitate Regni Angliæ ad dictum Parliamentum fa-
vente Deo contigerint ordinari. In cujus Rei Teftimonium tam
prædictus Johanes Packington & Comunnitas Villæ prædi&tæ, Quam
prædictus Vicecomes figilla fua hiis Indenturis alternatim appofue-
runt die & Anno fupra-dicis.
E 2
Rot. Parl. 46
Ed. 3. N. 46.
N. 25.
Les Peticions des Citezeins & Burgeis.
Noftre Seigneur le Roi, & fon noble Confeil monffrent fes Ci-
tefzeins de la Citee de Londres,que come ils neient d'ont vivre,
fi non pur lour Travaille & Franchife, fur queux Franchife la dit Citee A
eftoit Fundus. Et à caufe la dite Franchile ils foloient Travailler per
Terre & Meer en divers Terres à fair lour profit, par quelle Travaille
ils foloient de divers Terres amefner divers Merchandiles à Grant Co-
mune profit de Tout la Roialme Dengleterre, à Grant Eyde & Main-
tenance de la dite Citee, fuftenance & encrefce del Navy de la dite
Terre. Et ore tard lour dites Franchefes font telluz encontre la Grante
noftre dite Seigneur le Roy, fes noble Progenitors Enfehlez de fouz
lour fealez & encontre la Grant Chartre, à Grant Deftrucción fi bien B
du dite Citee, Comunes Damages de la Terre, Come al dite Navie,
fur quoy ils priont que lour plefe avoir Regard, que la dite Citee eft
funduz fur les ditz Franchifes, faunz queuz ils ne poient la dite Citée
Mayntener, ne les Taxes & autres Charges porter come ils foloient
faire, fur quoy ils priont qu'ils puiffent avoir louz dites Franchifes fo
lonc la Grant noftre dit Seigneur le Roi, les noble Progenitors, & la
Grant Chartre. Et que altiels Grants, & Confirmements des Fran-
chifes, foient faitz as toz altres Citees & Boroghs du Roialme.
Declarent en efpecial Queles Franchifes lour font Tolluz, & Droit
lour ferra fait.
Retorn. Brev.
Parl. 2. Hen.5.
N. 26.
Burgeffes cho-
fen in the
12 Burgeffes
Ec Indentura teftatur quod virtute cujufdam brevis Domini
Regis Roberto Hakebech Vicecomiti Cantebrigia directi &
huic Indeture confuti, facta proclamatione in proximo ComitatuCan-
tebrigiæ apud Cantebrigian tento die Jovis proximo ante feftum A-
poftolorum Simonis & Jude, Anno Regni Regis Henrici quiqti poft
Conqueftum fecundo, Alexander Weftmerland, Johanes Knapton,Ro-
bertus Gerneys, Alanus Huberd, Robertus Attilbrigg, Hen Topclef, Jo-
hanes Sexteyn, Thomas Wexchaundeller, Johannes Abraham, Williel-
mus Hiſton, Johanes Luftere, & Willielmus Duke, Burgenfes de Burgo
Cantabriggiæ, qui proclamationi illi inter fuerunt legerunt Johanema
Grenelane, Johanem Hokynton, duos Burgenfes pro Burgo predicto ex
affenfu totius Commnnitatis, Burgi predicti ellend. ad parliamentum di-
ċti Domini Regis teneri ordinatum apud Weſtminſterium, die lune
proximo poft octabas fancti Martini proximo futur. Qui quidem
Burgenfes plenam & fufficientem poteftatem habent pro fe & Com-
munitatibus Burgi, predicti ad faciend. & confentiendurn hiis que tune
ad dictum parliamentum favente Domino ordinari contigerit. In
cujus rei teftimonium tam predictus Vicecomes quam predicti Alex. F
Johanes, Robertus. Alanus, Robertus, Henricus, Jobanes, Thomas, Jo
hanes, Willielmus, Johanes,& Willielmus, prefentibus Indenturis Sigil-
la fua alternatim appofuerunt. Dat. loco die & anno fupra-dictis.
| 37
Retorn. Brey.
N. 27.
Parl. ~ H. &.
Ec Indentura teftatur quod virtute cujufdam precepti Domini
Regis, Richardo Wright Majori Cantabrigie facta proclama-
tione in proxima Curia libertatis Ville predicte tenta poft receptio.
nem ejufdem precepti die Veneris proximo ante feftum Purificationis
beate Marie Virginis, Anno Regni Regis Henrici Sexti poft Conque-
ftum Viceffimo feptimo Richardus Andrewe, Johannes Neel, Tho-
mas Harman, Johannes Scot, Johannes Gelbrok, Johannes Lawe,
Robertus Garland, & Johannes Hefhewell, Burgentes Ville predicte
qui proclamatione predicte fuerunt, & illi octo fecundum confuetu-
dinem libertatis Ville predicte eligerunt Willielmum Temays & Jo- Eight Electo
hannem Croft duos Burgenfes idoneos pro Communitate predicti fuetudinem
Burgi Cantabrigie qui plenam & fufficientem poteftatem pro fe & Libertatis
Communitate Burgi predicti habent, ad faciendum & confenciendum Ville, &c.
Bfuper hiis que in Parliamento Dómini Regis apud Weftminſter duo-
decimo die Februarii proximo futuro teneri ordinari contigerit juxta
formam precepti predicti. In cujus rei teftimonium predicti Richar-
dus Andrewe, Johannes Neel, Thomas Hayrman, Johannes Scot,
Johannes Colbrok, Johannes Lawe, Robertus Garland, & Johannes
Hefhewel prefenti Indenturæ Sigilla ſua appofuerunt dat. die loco
& anno fupra-dictis.
fecundum con-
N. 28.
fen in the
Ec Indentura facta inter Johannem Harleſton Armigerum Vi-Retorn. Brev.
cecomitem Comitatus Cantabrigie ex una parte & Majorem Parl. 29 H. 6.
Ballivos & Comitates Ville Cantabrigia ex parte altera,teftatur quod
idem Vicecomes apud Caftrum Cantabrigie in pleno Comitatu fuo Burgeffes cho-
ibidem tento die Jovis decimo quinto die Octobris Anno Regni Regis County-Court.
Henrici Sexti Viceffimo nono virtute brevis Domini Regis prefenti-
bus confuti, & prefato Vicecomiti directi, eligi feci per octo perfonas
fecundum confuetudinem Villata predicte, Videlicet per Ricardum Eight Electors
Togood, Henricum Symmefon, Joharmem Sergeant, Benedictum fecundum con-
Morys, Thomam Hunmale, Johannem Sexteyn, Willielmum Alreth,
& Robertum Damay, tunc ibidem prefentes duos Burgenfes Burgi
predicti magis idoneos & difcretos juxta formam predicti brevis vide-
licet Johannem Cooke, & Johannem Barton Ville predicte plenam
poteftatem & fufficientem habentes ad confenciendum & faciendum
in parliamento in dicto brevi fpecificato quod dictum breve in fe exi-
git & requirit juxta formam ejufdem brevis pro fe & Communitate
Ville & Burgi predicti divifim. In cujus rei teftimonium tam prédi-
&tus Vicecomes quam predicti Major, & octo Burgenfes Ville predicte
Sigilla fua prefentibus Indenturis alternatim appofuerunt data die
Anno & loco fupra-dictis.
Patent 1 Jac.2
in capella Rot.
N. 29.
T infuper Voluinus at per prefentes ordinamus & de uberiori
gratia noftra fpeciali pro nobis heredibus & fuccefforibus noftris
concedimus prefato Majori Ballivis & Burgenfibus & Succefforibus
Nova Windfor fuis quod in perpetuum fint & erint in Burgo predicto viginti octo
homines vel aliquis alius numerus non excedens numerum triginta in
numero tantum, de melioribus & probioribus Inhabitantibus ejufdem
Burgi de tempore in tempus in hujufmodi modo & forma eligendos & A
conftituendos ficut ex antiquo & temporibus retroactis fecundum or-
dinationes, ufus, & confuetudinem Burgi illius antehac ufi fuerunt
& confueverunt, qui erunt, vocabuntur, & nominabuntur fratres
Guildhall Burgi de Nova Windfor, ac fic continuabuntur & perma-
nebunt, in Fraternitate illa quamdiu fefe bene gefferint in eadem,
Nifi intérim pro aliqua caufa rationabili ab officio & loco predictis
amovebuntur,aut eorum aliquis amovebitur Qui quidem fratres fic in
forma Superius ſpecificati,electi, prefecti,& nominati facient & erunt, B
& in perpetuum futuris temporibus vocabuntur commune Concilium
Burgi predicti pro omnibus rebus, materiis, caufis, & negotiis Bur-
gum predictum ac bonum regimen, Statum, & Gubernationem ejuf-
dem Burgi tangentibus five concernentibus ac erunt de tempore in
tempus affiftentes & auxiliantes Majori & Ballivis ejufdem Burgi pro
tempore exiftentibus, in omnibus caufis & materiis. eundem Burgum
tangentibus five concernentibus volumus;in fuper ac per prefentes pro
nobis heredibus & fuccefforibus noftris ordinamus & concedimus quod C
ex numero predicto fratrum Guildhalde Burgi predicti fic ut prefertur
electorum & prefectorum eligendorum & preficiendorum tres decim
eorum in perpetuum de cetero erunt, & vocabuntur ac nominabun-
tur Socii Anglice les Benchers Burgi predicti, Ac etiam erunt & per-
petuis futuris temporibus vocabuntur, & nominabuntur Socii, An-
glice the Benchers of the Guildhall infra Burgum predictum ac informa
inferius in prefentibus mentionata de tempore in tempus eligentur
& conftituentur Ex quoque quidem tres decim Sociorum numero fic D
electorum & prefectorum eligendorum & preficiendorum decem eo-
rum inperpetuum de cetero erunt, vocabuntur, & nominabuntur Al-
dermani five Primarii Socii Anglice les Chiefe Benchers Burgi illius,
Qui quidem Aldermani five Primarii Socii Anglice les Chiefe Ben-
chers Burgi predicti de tempore in tempus eligendi & conftituendi
informa inferius in prefentibus mentionata & expreffa de tempore in
tempus eligentur & conftituentur, Ex quoque quidem decem Alder-
mannorum numero unus Anuatim elegetur in officium Majoris E
Burgi predicti, modo & forma inferius Specificatis, & Officio fuo Ma-
joris Burgi predicti peracto deinde perpetuis futuris temporibus erit,
vocabitur & nihilominus remanebit unus de Aldermannis five Pri-
mariis Sociis, Anglice lez Chiefe Benchers Burgi predicti, Et ulterius
volmus ac per prefentes pro nobis heredibus & Succefforibus noftris
ordinamus quod de cetero in perpetuum fint & erunt in Burgo predi-
Єtoduo Ballivi in numero tantum de fratribus Burgi predicti in forma
his literis Patentibus Specificata eligendi, & conftituendi.
Rundel-Caſtle, on whom ´it held, and what it paid-
Fol. 14. A.
Barnstaple, on whom it held, and who their Patron in the Conqueror's time,
Barons of London, who, and why fo called
-Fol. <. F.
-Append. Fol. 26. Č. D.
Bath, when made a Burgh, on whom it held and what it paid- Fol. 12. D.
Blodemyta, what
Bofton Cafe about Elections
Append. Fol. 14. A
Fol. 61. E. F.
No Burgelles fent from thence to Parlement for many Kings
Bridport Cafe about Election of Burgelles
D Bridtol, what it means-
Buckingham, on whom it held in the Conqueror's time
Under the Protection of Foreign Lords and
Burgh, a German word.
From whence derived, and what it fignifies
How and when Burghs became Parlementary
Fol. 64. C.
-Fol. 60. F.
Append. Fol. 28. F.
Fol. 7. A.
9. A.
Fol. 1. F.
Fol. 2. 3.
Fol. 24. E. F.
What they were in the Saxons times, and in the Reign of William
the Conqueror-
What Number found in Domefday-Book
Fol. 4. to the 16.
.Fol. 16. A.
Many of our prefent ones, not found in Domeſday-Fol. 43. B. C.
All had their Patrons and Protectors.
When their free Condition began.
Erected and Confirmed by the Kings Grants
Why called Free-
What their Freedom was, and wherein it conſiſted—Fol. 19. A. B.
Who of them fent Burgeſſes to Parlement-
Why called Demeafn
How Amercied by King Edward the Third-
Their Origin from their Charters-
Fol. 16. B.
-Fol. 17. D.
Fol. 17. E. F.
·Fol. 18. F. & 47. B. 49. F.
Fol. 35. D. E.
Fol: 41. A.
Fol. 39. C.D.
Fol. 5o. E.
Fol. 5o. f. & 51. A.
Fol. 52. A. &c.
·Fol. 55. 56.57.
Such as were Erected by Earls had their Dominion from the
King -
The Sheriffs directed which of them fhould fend Burgeffes to Par-
Many never fent Burgeſſes conſtantly till 1641. & 1642. and the
Reaſons for this Intermiffion
E 2
| 35
35 1
Burgeffes, when firft fummoned to Parlement
--Fol. 25. B. and 32. F.
Their Compliance with the K, Demands called a Grant-Fol. 27.C.
None fummoned to Parlement the 22d of Edw.the First-Fol.29.B.
How Taxed when not, fummoned.
Fol. 31. C.
They were diſtinct from the Alii de Regno
Fol. 33. E.
They gave one Third more than the Earls, Bar, and Knights-Ibid.
Why fummoned to Parlement
Fol. 34. C.
Frequently excufed upon Account of their Poverty-Fol. 57.58.
They never complained for being omitted.
Who were Electors
They only named in the Dorfe of Writs
Somtimes chofen in County-Courts
Fol. 59.F. A
-Fol. 60 B.
·Fol. 63. 64
·Fol. 75. C.D.
Of Dunwich, not to Marry their Sons or Daughters but by the
King's Licence-
Append. Fol. 10. E.
They paid Tallage for their free Trading and Liberties, -Fol.
Burgi Dominici Regis, what they were
Burgh-Laws of Scotland, when firſt publiſhed
What Freedom was given by them-
Fol. 35. B. and
-Fol. 18. B.
-Fol. 19. C. D.
Anturbury, how many Burgeſſes, and on whom they held in the Conqueror's
Fol. ro. F.
Charter of the Conqueror granted at the Requeſt of William Bishop of London,
to the Citifens-
Fol. 16. C.
Fol. 76, D.
Interpreted,it was a Protection rather than a Charter,Fol.17.A.B.C.
Cirencester antiently no Burgh-
Citifens, Vid. Burgelles,
Civitates Dominica, what they were
Fol. 35. B. C
Clergy, when firft fummoned to Parlement by their Proxies Fol. 34.E.F.
Commonalties,or Communities of Cities and Burghs by whom Erected Fol.17.E.F.
Interpreted to be a felect Number,
Fol, 20. C. 21. A. B.
23.C.DE 75. A.B. 79. A.
What Conftitutes them, and when they firit began in France,
Large Immunities granted to them by William the
the Firit, and King Stephen
Of London, by whom, and when granted.
Of Roven in France
They were diſtinct from other Burgeſſes
When the uſe of Gorporation-Seals began
Signifie the Governing Party
Communitatis, and Villa Affenfus, the fame
Compoſition for Taxes admitted by the King.
-Fól. 18. A.
Second, Henry D
Ibid. C. D.
Fol. 20. E. F.
-Fol. 23. F.
Fol. 24. A. B.
-Ibid. C.D.
Fol. 62.E. F.
-Fol. 65. 67. 68.
Fol. 27. F.
Cricklade, on whom it held, what it paid to the King, and its Patrons, Fol. 14. F. E
15. A. B. C.!
Anegeld, what-
Demeaſu Cities and Burghs what they were
Their Number in the Reign of Edward the
Append. Fol. 8. F.
-Fol. 39. D. E.
Third-Fol. 41. E. F.
Dunwick,how,and by whom held in the Conqueror's and Confeffor's time, Fol.4.B.
Lections, how to be made where no Charter or Cuftom-
-Fol. 60. B. C.
Ewagium, what it means.
Made by Bayliffs with the Affent of the Communities—Fol 63.B.
Electors of Burgeffes, who
Excefter, how it held in the Conqueror's time-
-Fol. 60. B.
Append. Fol. 10. D.
Fol. 5. D.
Eye,on whom it held in the Confeſſor's time, and the Number of Børgeffès, Fol 6.F.
​Fee Farms,
| 37
· F.
Ee Farms, the Original
Fifteenth granted to Edward the Firſt.
Several Cities, Counties and Abbies Compofit, for
Upon what account granted, and how fettled.
Folkmot, what it fignifies
A Free-Tenents, who they were-
Fol. 39. F.
Fol. 26. D.
them-Fol. 27. 28.
-Fol.39. A. B.
Append. Fol. 26. F.
Fol. 31. B.
Erefgive, what it fignifies
Gerefumma, what it means
Gilda Mercatoria explained
Grauntpont made a Burgh by John Earl of Cornwal
Anfa, what
Append. Fol. 28. F.
Append. Fol. 13. D.
Append. Fol. ic. F.
Fol¿45. B.
Append. Fol. 10. E.
·Fol. 46. F.
Hedon made a Burgh by King John
Henry the Second made Preston a Burgh-
Fol. 46. B.
Hertford, the Number of the Burgeffes, and how Taxed in Domesday Fol. 9.D.E.
Huntington, the Number of Burgeffes, on whom they held,and what they paid,
Huftengs, how interpreted
-Fol. 11. C. D.
Append. Fol. 26. F.
Nfangthef, what it fignifies-
Append. Fol. 8. D.
John Earl of Cormal made Grauntpont a Burgh
Earl of Moreton made Lancaster a Burgh
·Fol. 45. D.
-Fol. 46. C.
Eldeft Son of the Duke of Britain made Richmand a Burgh,Fol. 46. E.
King of England made Hedon a Burgh-
Fol. 46. F.
Ipvich, on whom it held, and what Burgelles in the Confeffor's time-Fol. 6. D.
Agan explained.
Lancaster, when, and by whom made a Burgh:
Lancefton, when, and by whom made a Burgh
Law-worthy, who, and by what means made fo
Leirwyte, what it fignifies
Lefcard, when, and by whom made a Burgh
Leftagium explained-
E Leve, what it means
Lewes, on whom it held, and what it paid
Lideford, how held in the Conqueror's time-
London, when Conſtituted a Community.
When Divided into Wards
Append. Fol. 10.E.
-Fol. 46. C. D.
Fol. 43. D. E.
-Fol. 16. E.
Append. Fol. 14. E.
-Fol. 44. F.
Append. Fol. 8. D.
·Ibid. F.
Fol. 13. A.
Fol. 6. A.
Fol. 20. F. 21. D. E.
Who to chuſe the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs-Fol. 22. A. B. C.
The Conqueror's Charter, a Protection only-. Fol. 16, B. &c.
How interpreted-
-Ibid. E. F. and 17. A. B. G.
-Append. Fol. 26. B.
... No ſtranger to be lodged there
Afliam (Sir William,) declared duly Elected Burgess for Colchester, Fol.60.F.
Meskeminge explained
Murdrum, how underſtood
Append. Fol. 26. E.
Append. Fol. 25. F.
38 1
Orthampton, the Number of Burgeſſes, and on whom it held in the Con-
queror's time-
Fol. 9. B.
Norwich, the Number of Burgelles, and on whom they held-Fol. 4. D. 5. B.
Aagium and Paffagium interpreted—
Parlement-Burghs, what they were,and when they firſt
Append. Fol; 8.D.
began-Fol. 24. E. F. A
Pevensey, on whom it held,how many Burgeflès,and what they paid-Fol.13.C.D.
Plympton, by whom Erected into a Burgh
Pontagium, what-
Port-Reeve, from whence derived.
Portfoka, what
Preſcription only cannot make a Burgh
·Fol. 46. A.
Append. Fol. 8. E.
Fol. 16. D
Append. Fol. 27. F.
Fol. 76. D. E.
*Not allowed againſt the Liberties of Free Burghs-Append. Fol.7.E.
Preſton made a Burgh by Henry the Second-
Procuratores Cleri, when firft fummoned-
Fol. 46: B.
Fol. 34. E. F. B
Protection and Charter of London in the Conqueror's time the fame-Fol. 17. A.
R Egard and Regarders, what and who-
Reginald Earl of Cornwal, his Charter to Truro
Returns of Writs the firſt that are extant
Of Boston
·Of Bristol
Of Excefter-
Of London.
·Of York-
Of Derby, Ipswich and Oxford-
Of Wallingford
Of Helfton and Windfor
Of Reding, Len, Tarmouth, and Wells
Of Bridport, Colchester, Warwick and Lincoln
Of Grimsby, Rochester, Bath and Bridgwater
Under no certain Form
Their Form fince Henry the Eighth
Append. Fol. 14. F.
Fol. 44. A.
Fol. 63. &c.
Fol. 64. A.
Ibid. E. C
-Fol 65. C.
Ibid. E.
Fol. 67. A. B.
Ibid. C. D. E.
Fol. 68.69.
Fol. 70.
Fol. 7L
Fol. 72.
Fol. 73.74. D
-Fol. 76. A.
Fol. 77. F.
Richard Earl of Cornwal, made Lanceton and Lefcard Burghs-Fol. 44. D. E. F.
Richmund, by whom made a Burgh
·Roelent, when Erected into a Burgh, and on whom it held-
Romeney, on whom it held, and how many Burgelles in the
Fol. 46. E.
"Fol. 18. E.F
Conqueror's time,
Fol, 11. B.
Append. Fol. 8. B.
∙Fol. 47. E.
Salisbury, when made a City, and granted to the Biſhop as his proper Dé-
Aca, what it fignifies
How Tallaged by the Biſhop
Saltaſk, by whom made a Burgh
Scotale, what it means
Seals of Communities, when firſt uſed
Sheriffs at first directed what Burghs fhould fend Burgeffes to
Soca, what-
Fol. 48.
Fol. 45. E.
Append. Fol. 13. D.
Fol. 24. C. D.
Parlement-Fol. 52.
A. and 53. 54 59
The reaſon why they returned Non funt plures Burgi,&c.-Fol.55.A.
They were never complained against, or questioned for fuch Re-
Southampton, on whom it held, and what it paid
Fol. 59. F.
Append. Fol. 8. B.
Fol. 12. F.
Stallagium, how interpreted--
Append. For 8. B.
Stafford, the Number of Burgeffes, and on whom they held
Fol. 12. B.
| 41
'Allage why paid and impoſed
Fol 47 D.
Paid by Citifens and Burgeſles for free Trading and their Liber-
Taunton how many Burgeffes, and what they paid
Taxes how antiently levyed
·Fol. 48 49.50.
-Fol. 12. E.
Fol. 38. F.
A Tenents in antient Demeafus diftinct Members in Parl, from Burgeſſes Fol.
Somtimes omitted in Commiſſions
By whom reprefented-
Fol. 38. A.
Fol. 77. A.
Append. Fol. 8, B.
Theam explained
Thetford, the Number of Burgeffes, and on whom they held in the Confeffor's
The Cafe of the Right of Electors
-Fol. 3. F.
-Fol. 78. D. E.
Append. Fol 8. B.
Toll, what it fignifies
Toriton diſcharged from fending Burgeffes upon their Petition to the K Fol 60. A.
B Towns that fent Repreſentatives to Parlement, and paid Tenths, were not all
of them Burghs-
Tradeſmen in the Saxons and Conqueror's time had their Patrons-Fol. 16. A.
They were the Antient Burgefles and Merchants.
Fréquently fignifies Community
Truro, by whom made a Burgh-
·Fol. 36. A. B.
Fol. 65. A.
Fol. 19. F.
Fol. 43. E.
Tutbery-Caftle how many Burgeffes, on whom they held,& what they paid Fol.12.C.
Tfangthef how explained—
Ŵ Allig ford, how
Allingford, how and what it held in the Confeffor's
Warwick-Cafe about Election of their Burgeſſes-
On whom it held, and by whom Taxed-
Append. Fol. 8. D.
time—Fol. 6. A.
-Fol. 62. A. B.
-Fol. 14. C.
Append.Fol. 1o.D.
Wree what it fignifies
Writs and Returns from the 17 of Edw. 4th, to Edw. 6th, all loft-Fol. 77. E.
Armouth when made a Royal Burgh, and what it paid to the King Fol.3.D.
Why called a Free Burgh
How it held in the Confeffor's time
and 35. D.
·Fol. 36. A.
York how many Manſions, and how taxed in Domeſday→
-Fol. 3. C.
Fol. 10. A. B.
FIN is.
We can ve vat