UNIVERSITY of Michigan º | | | l | ſ * { | 3 * GENERA. f.º.º. . . . UNRW. Qi Yāść... à, SEP 3 j994 $fate IIf flirtuan #Irurlautafiult gº Tºg Aaruit (U. ºligº, (Sauermur ... Tahur ſlag... 1 g II 4 9015 080389607 J štate mi ſtirhigan--Executine ſepartment. A #rurlautatint lig flir (Buurritur. Tiahur ſlag, 1 III.4. Uu the Heuple uſ the 5tate uf ſilichigant, (§reefituſ: The custom of setting apart one day each year in the interest of the toilers well deserves the cooperation and the sanction of the State to the end that the day may attain to the true dignity the vastness of the element of life it has been instituted to represent, demands. Therefore, as the chief executive of the State of NMichigan, I do pro- claim as Labor Day, flimthau, the fifth mf Šeptember, 1914, and call upon the people to further its observance. The world is absolutely and entirely dependent upon its workers, for without the producer civilization would end. His welfare ought to be studiously advanced and Labor Day in causing a cessation of work wherever it is possible without harm serves as an object lesson of impressive value. The nation which protects its working people and conserves their interests has nothing to fear. Its foundations are proof against decay. The coming holiday should be one in fact as well as in name and its observance wholehearted. The State departments will be closed and wherever it is possible without detriment to the service State institu- tions will conform to the spirit of this declaration. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at the Cap- itol, in Lansing, this Thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four, and of the Independence of the United |Great Seal.] States the One Hundred and Twenty- Governor. ninth. By the Governor: Secretary of State.