ST44B. 4444. º 5- NOV 6 1919 lensing, Mieh. ſº A 2- . . 6. . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN º, cº- || GT ||||||||||||| 3 9015 08038 9631 Therurutim #Irurlantatiut 1II12: A #rurlantatiºn hiſ the (§uurritur The Grand Army of the Dead continues to grow. The Grand Army of the Living is in the aftermath. The evening shadows of life are falling about them. They are as brave in confronting the great enemy of mankind that has never been vanquished as they were on the battlefields that saved the nation. Love, rev- erence and patriotism demand that we obey our more than willing hearts and consecrate to their memory May 30, when flowers by land and sea will be the testimonials of a grateful people. THEREFORE, I, Chase S. Osborn, Governor of the Commonwealth of Michigan, do issue this procla- mation and earnestly urge the Observance of Thursday, May 30, 1912, as Beruralian arth ſilentºrial Bag Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this fourteenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and of the Commonwealth the sev- enty-sixth. Governor. By the Governor: %24.2/ */º 44. Secretary of State.