ITY OF MICHIGAN . ||||||||||| - 0389656 A 2. -- zzºll Pº c2,&ze'll CA štate uf ſhirlinait 3Flag ſlag Irurlantatiut illu (ſhage š. ()alurit (§uuerttur 3ſuite 14, 1911 štate uf ſilirhinait 3flag ſlag A #rurlantatiutt by the (Buurritur All Of Our loyal people love the flag. It has come indeed to be the emblem of the highest form of human liberty. A day is now most worthily set apart for the display of the Stars and Stripes. Let it float from every church and school and home and from every place of business. And, as we give it to the breeze, let us rehearse its fullest meaning- fulness and resolve again and again that it shall never mean less but always more, Uherefure, I, CHASE S, OSBORN, Governor of the Commonwealth of Michigan, do hereby issue this my Proclamation, and earnestly urge the observance of Wednesday, June 14th, 1911, as 3Flag ſlag (śīuett under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this 27th day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of the Commonwealth the seventy-fifth, By the Governor, %24.2% *%.e. 44. Secretary of State.