- State of Connecticut - MARCUS H. HOLCOMB GoverNOR I hereby designate Friday, the fourteenth day of June upon which day suitable exercises in commemoration of the adoption, on June 14th, 1777, of the Stars and Stripes as our National flag shall be had in all of our public schools. The children should be taught the principles and ideals repre- sented by our flag; that each of its forty-eight stars represents a sovereign state and that combined they represent the greatest republic of the world. They should be taught that this Republic was established with the sacrifice of lives and suffering. They should be taught the significance of the service stars which we see all about us, and that the owner of each gold star appearing in increasing numbers has paid the supreme sacrifice in this war which is to determine whether liberty shall be preserved to humanity. They should be impressed with the fact that sacrifice is the price of lib- erty, and that the responsibility rests upon them in their day and generation to preserve the liberty they inherit for the generations which shall succeed them. Every day should be a flag day with all of us, and we should pray to our God to give us an enduring peace founded upon righteousness. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. -*- By His Excellency's Command: º, . † - - - . . . ... e % - :----...-: w. * 6886 88080 GĻO6 € ||||||||||||||||||| NVSDIHCIW JO ALISHEÁIN† |||| |||||