h *# *. • . . . . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ` * |||||||||||||| . 3 9015 080389953 , , ------------------- ... --------r------------> - ** •:--------> Bernatiuit alth filemurial ſlau flag an. 1915 * - A #rm r lant afin it - in the Gaurruur Beruratinit attà ſilenturial ſlau #rurlamafinit %g thr (§uu er it ur Now I hear his whistle; now I hear his song; now I hear the music of his horse's hoofs. He has said his last good-bye to the old home. That was fifty-five years ago. All this comes to me through the magician called Memory. On Memorial Day I shall place flowers on his grave. Just a few of the “boys in blue” linger to recall the Civil War scenes. Only a few more years, at the longest, are theirs to live. I am sure that the boys and girls of this, the best nation on earth, have sufficient patriotic love to crave the privilege of decorating with a flower the person of every living member of the Grand Army of the Republic and every living Spanish War Veteran. Remember the dead, although they cannot acknowledge your flowers. In all the years to come the graves of our dead patriots can be decorated; but only for a few short years can we gladden the eye and shake the hand of the veteran. When we place flowers on every grave, when we speak graciously of the dead, we give most joy, most sympathy to those who remain to love, in memory, the dead. On Memorial Day, we are sure that if the immortal Lincoln and the armies of the North and the armies of the South could with us assemble on One great camp ground, they would join in One great chorus for universal peace and good will. Therefore, I, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby issue this my Proclamation, and heartily urge the observance of Sunday, May 30, 1915, as Memorial Day. As a part of the public exercises of Memorial Day, I suggest that bells be tolled from 12:00 o'clock noon until 12:05; that flags be placed at half mast, and that comrades stand with uncovered heads during this period. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this nineteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and of the Commonwealth the seventy-ninth. By the Governor: Governor. Secretary of State.