State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY EVERETT J. LAKE GOVERNOR lafi II it RT HE tremendous losses by fire each year retard | greatly the economic development of the country, and impose a heavy handicap upon the American ". . . . . . . . . people in the keen competition for trade with other nations. American fire waste costs thousands of lives annually and property damage amounting in the last calendar year to nearly half a billion dollars. It drains our resources, hampers industry, reduces our supply of houses and generally impairs - prosperity. - In order that the people may fully realize these funda- mental facts; that this loss is everybody’s loss and everybody’s responsibility, and that the great majority of fires are prevent- able through the exercise of ordinary carefulness, the General Assembly has directed that a day be set apart as 3fire irrurutiun ſlau and in conformity therewith I designate as such day Monday, October 9th, and I request that on this day the teachers in our schools, the press and civic bodies emphasize the danger and needless waste in these huge losses, and study the causes of fires and the methods of fire prevention. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this 20th day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-two, and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred and forty-seventh. &a- By His Excellency's Command: - 5. - */wwe A Secretary. 1966 88080 9 106 9 ||||||||||||||||||||||||| NVS)IHO|W —JO Å LISHEAINñ |