É. 㺠ºl. T&Nº. *S$º §§§ sº §§§sº " ". º S$º. º, * ºza, - A - * º 2%% W Aſºº’ ºr - º \Aºs º SE2. *) ºs º ~ ºš ſº §§4%:F º z- | 5 a lºº. - [...A- - º W. º -=§ àE:s #.sE:-s -eH º º E. =#| BY HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE D. ROBINSON, GO/ / R.VOA’. FOR A DAY OF Dyeſ"- -- --- -- -------r - e -ºpºem— s— In accordance with the Sacred custom transmitted from the Fathers, in harmony with the general sentiment of the people and in recognition of the mercies and blessings of the Divine Providence, I do hereby, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint THURSDAY, the third day of April meat, to be observed throughout the Commonwealth as a day of Fasting and Prayer. - d And I do earnestly urge the need and the duty of acknowledging on that day, in the homes and in the accustomed places of public worship, the great goodness and overruling power of Him, who is now as ever before the God of nations and of individuals, the Heavenly Father who in loving kindness bestows every precious gift upon man. May our prayers be to Almighty God that the bereaved and the distressed may have consolation and support; that the holy ministrations of noble men and women, diligent in their self-sacrifice in behalf of the needy, the fallen, the outcast, may be helpfully encouraged; that integrity and incorruptibility in public and in private station, may everywhere prevail; that industry, intelligence, good order and righteousness may be universally held to constitute the best title to honorable citizenship; and that the whole people may reverently appreciate the abundant benefactions of His Providence, and unfalteringly walk in His ways. Given at the Council Chamber, in Boston, this twentieth day of February, in the year of - - - --" .--------- - our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one - hundred and eighth. GEORGE D. ROBINSON. Ay His Frceſ/ency the Governor, with the Advice and Consent of the Council. HENRY B. PEIRCE, Secretary. gun save the gammonwealth of Massachusetts. º tº A : _ºssa §§§ B* , q ! º• ¶¿?# A'!% ¿.*?)(\ſ*$, ſº%% ' ’ , !º ç’ «*' } ),*|§§§§§§§§Ř, ;'; }!,\¿ §§:ſſiº)ſº … } -$" |#ş º* , , , , „ “¿§§#ffff;";�ę§, !”; ** -->{»¿ºíſ? ’, ſº ` ^*. \!§§§)\}, ſ.UNIVERSİTY OF MICHIGAN¡¿¿.ſae . ****&?×** *tº w v^ .{ ſ.:}: