State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY CHARLES A TEMPLETON GOVERNOR NTNUR fathers founded this nation upon the rock of | faith. Connecticut from earliest times has observed the great days of the religious year along with those of the national year. In with ancient usage, I designate Friday the eighteenth of April next to be a day of Fastitu, alth Irager Through the ages the Savior's death stands as a reminder that suffering and death are not of themselves evil; that comfort and safety are not of themselves good; that only as a life is lived for others is it worth the living. This day of commemoration affords us an opportunity to ask ourselves whether the spirit of sacrifice is yet alive in us; whether we are still ready to give ourselves for others as did those of this nation and other nations who died that the world might be saved from oppression and wrong. And I recommend that on this day, without distinction of creed, we assemble in our places of worship to pray to the God who has made and preserved us a nation that in our prosperity we may be delivered from selfishness, from greed, from contempt of law; to pray that we may have courage to stand and if need be to suffer on the side of right. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this third day of April, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-eighth. By His Excellency’s Command: º &e= Secretary. UNI Rsity of Micrº, ill - \\ *ść8039 0084 --- --~~~~~~ -r 3.