STATE OF MICHIGAN Arbor and Bird Day A Proclamation By the Governor By Legislative enactment, the Governor is authorized to set apart one day in the year to be known as Arbor and Bird Day. The importance of the proper observance of an Arbor Day is becoming more apparent every year. The problem of conservation of our natural resources is one of national proportions, and faithful remembrance of the day is furnishing the people of our common- wealth with a clearer understanding of the economic value of forest and bird preservation. While the purpose of the day is to stimulate the pride and interest of the people, the State should also be concerned in the adoption of a far-sighted policy of conservation and reforestration, thereby creating value, as well as adding comfort and beauty for the benefit of present and future generations. For the first time in the history of Michigan, the Governor is requested by Senate resolution (No. 55, introduced by Senator L. Whitney Watkins) to call attention to the importance of protect- ing and encouraging song and insectivorous birds, not only for their economic, but for their aesthetic, value. This is a commendable action. It is desirable to teach an intelligent appreciation of the pleasures and benefits to be derived from birds. Almost all birds do more good than harm. The balance of value is clearly in favor of even all the hawks, except two. It is much better to let a harmful bird escape than to run the risk of killing a bird of value. Great care should be exercised that birds are not killed or molested in their nesting places. A person who will put up bird boxes and otherwise take an interest in our feathered friends, will be well repaid. Every farmer should be a bird guardian. To be interested in and kind to birds is a sign of gentleness and makes one better. Tree planting on private and public grounds is recommended, and it is requested that all public schools and places of learning throughout the state, will hold appropriate exercises to call attention to the importance of saving our birds and trees. Especial attention is called to the forest-fire laws. Campers should exercise care in selecting a place for a fire, and should extinguish it before leaving. Nor should trees and shrubs be needlessly marred by hacking with an axe or otherwise. Therefore, I, Chase S. Osborn, Governor of the Commonwealth of Michigan, do hereby issue this my Proclamation, designating May 2, 1911, Arbor and Bird Day Throughout the Commonwealth and earnestly urge its observance. By the Governor: Ginen under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of the Commonwealth the seventy-fifth. Chases. Deborus гр Fredench & Martindale Secretary of State. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 08039 0126