UNIV. OF Michi. a i G-T * Jun 1190, C*%20%| A/V p 4- c, q 5 ºwn tº sº tºtal º 30 £xerittitle (ºffire—ſanging flirhinait A 2. fa A #rurlantafiult ºg Ulre (ßmuerttur To the People of the State of Michigan: A third of a century ago Governor John J. Bagley by proclamation called the attention of the people of Michigan to the planting of trees as a duty devolving upon good citizens and urged the setting aside of one. day in each springtime for that purpose. The custom has been follow- ed by each executive since that time, and, in accordance with it, I here- by designate Friday, April 30th, 1909, as Arhur flag. Every year emphasizes the need of such a day and its observance . should be statewide. The day should leave its influence and impress upon the minds of those upon whom the burdens of the future will de- volve, and, to this end, the exercises in the schools should be of a nature that will bring out and develope a love for the forest, field and flower. It should be a day when attention is called to what a generous Providence has done for our state. A soil and climate adapted for all that makes a country beautiful and attractive is chief among God’s bless- ings. The splendid endowment of riches our state was given in its forests no longer exists in its entirety, but it was not to be expected that its resources of timber would not be drawn upon for the needs of our people. We can and should, however, by our efforts now, intelligent and energetic, provide resources for those who come after us that will prove that our mission here was not alone to use and destroy. “Plant a tree” should be the watchword on April 30th, 1909, and the farm roadside and school grounds should be an evidence from that date on that it was not simply a precept. The Commission on Country Life appointed by President Roose- velt suggested that the people in the rural communities come together in their schoolhouses on Arbor Day and form an organization with the school as the center and meeting place, for the purpose of developing and making better the general life of the community. It is to be hoped that our state will be among the pioneers in this great movement, and commend to the consideration of the people the suggestions and the program which has been prepared by the State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction. IN TESTINKONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Lansing, this 26th day of March, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. %2. /77 &avvce - By the Governor: Governor. FREDERICK C. NAARTINDALE, Secretary of State. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN