assaſh l]SB tis - - BY HIS EXCELLENCY WILLIAM E. RUSSELL, GO///º VOR, O CLAMATIO -> - -, * , . º º - 4% - *** 5 cº- 47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/Arzarzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/ArzArzz/Arzzzz/ArzAz/ArzAr/z/ArzArzzzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzz/ArzArzz/Arzzzzzzzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/4"/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/4” 4. The summer ended, the harvest gathered, the season returns when for generations our Christian Commonwealth has been accustomed to call upon her children to lift up their hearts in public thanksgiving to God for his manifold mercies, new every morning, and fresh every evening. In accordance with this honored and revered custom, I hereby, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint THURSDAY, the thirtieth day of November meat, as a day of public thanksgiving and praise. Let the people of the Commonwealth on that day, forgetting all differences in the recognition of their common fatherhood, in mutual charity and love, and in such ways as their consciences most approve, unite in grateful public homage to God; let them ever remember as they gather at their altars and their firesides on this joyful day that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” Given at the Council Chamber, in Boston, this twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and TVWILLIAM E. EUSSELL. Ay A/is Aacceſ/ency the Governor, wit/, //e Advice and Consenſ of the Counci/. WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary. eighteenth. (50d Save the (ſummonutalth of Štúšachusett5. ITY OF MICHIGAN milli O39 O159 II. *ºs ~s > -R GY sº * 3: ; ; ; ; * | s ºsºs