Cºnvºy CA (Julierruluaig Bag Ait I, it at 2 II, 1 g 15 A # r u r I a ut at in it #g the (6 at eritar (Julierruluaig #rurlamatium Tº u fl; e (§ u u er it a r The people of the State of Michigan always have been subject to the ravages of tuberculosis. a wholly preventable disease. This disease is the common enemy of mankind, and is rightly called the White Plague. The first mani- festations of tuberculosis are frequently overlooked. The patient discovers his danger when it is too late. The Medical Fraternity of Michigan have it in their power to render the State an invaluable service. Their functions are to relieve suffering, cure disease and prevent disease, and the greatest of these three is to prevent disease. Michigan physicians are ready to encourage and practice this form of patriotism — the patriotism of saving their fellowmen from this awful scourge. I suggest that on Friday, August twentieth, any person in Michigan desiring a medical exam- ination whereby he may ascertain whether he has any of the symptoms of tuberculosis, may have such examination and advice by asking a physician for it. Therefore, I, Woodbridge N. Ferris, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby designate Friday, August twentieth, A. D. 1915, as Tuberculosis Day, at which time all physicians engaged in the practice of medicine are requested to render this service without charge. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and of the Commonwealth the seventy- ninth. By the Governor: Governor. Cºwevaº Secretary of State. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | O8039 0225 3 9015