*::::.. SA, T. & 6 - 2 & */ State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR rurlautafin it TELF-DISCIPLINE as a means of spirit- } | ual advancement is in the New England : tradition. The enduring of hardship for £) conscience' sake, the living of sober and ves for their souls’ good, were cardinal principles in the code of our forefathers. Our custom of setting aside Good Friday as a day for self-denial and for special devotions is therefore particularly fitting in its emphasis on those ideals which have been landmarks on the path of our own moral development. For many of us the day has a profound religious significance. For all of us, the solemn events which it commemorates carry lessons in humility, devotion and sacrifice which cannot fail to give strength and inspiration. I therefore designate Friday, the twenty-ninth day of March next, as a day of 3Faatitu, alth #irager, and I recommend to all of the people in this State that this anniversary be generally observed as befits its origin, in the sure hope of the spiritual refresh- ment to be thereby gained. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this fifteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-third. By His Excellency's Command: QWZZea”.4% ºv, Secretary. `--—