4 * 5. . A 2 P 4 C*67.e4 | Y STATE OF MICHIGAN PRO CLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR -*- Kirbor Dap - MARCH 26, 1896 STATE OF MICHIGAN. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. PROCLAMATION. Gºor.cº.uyvaerºf (Reso fution Jºo. 6, aft fºſtovecl 777 afteft 26, 1885, reques+s +fts 9 overcroft £o café £fe of £ention of £he # eoffe of £his Słaże £o #fe impoſitor-ce of Éléarting +/tees for over ament, Any rºaming a clay upor, which £his wroſtk shot.” & e given specio & afterºf Lor, to & 8 fºr own as “CU-A, or 49ay.” cyr accoſt clance wiłł, the alſ, ove reso/ºution arc wiłł żhe for 9 esła/, fish ecl custom of ovi Słoże, jribay, (II)ap 1, 1896, is he/te/ºy cle&igrated as “Q/u/ of 49ay.” 6/fe # eoffe aſte correółęy Jieque&#ec to o/s eſtve £fle clong &ng se££ir 9 out £rees, shrubs arºc' vires a!, out their homes arºcl uft or ov, highways arc fºu & fic #&aces. 6/fe exercises in ovejºub &ic school’s uſbor £f of clay &fou &c. & e of a chaſtacheſ, £hat wif £ infº/cess up or £he miraclá of our you:#f the mate/via 2 & enefits cle/lived £/com its of 3 eſtvorce. /Sy fº/decept arc examp/e ov, £eacf.eſcº 4fou &c. &eac in a wrofift £f of vić'ſ rºof or ºf £ºving its revoſtcl £o fiftem, Auf remain a 3 art in cer five £oſt futuyve gene/cafiorº £o & eautify arc acorn ouyi fair Słoże, Qu/, /topiclºg climini ºf in 9 foſted:#3 arc £he irreſteo.3 ec clern arc £oſt shocle or cl o/tram erºto & Łteed fox coué ec #fe of gorizołior of “&oſteºcy Q44 o'ciation. " whose fuſif oº e L3 +o fºſted eſtve £he foſted:#4 arc eclu.cate £he #, coffe in £he 4 eierce of £oſveć4/ty. 6/fede of 9 anization 3 cle&e/cve encouvragement arc it is £o / e foſſ, ed # at £heiſt rºurn & eye; vić.2 mu &#ift ºf 6/fix occo.3 ior £3 +after to uſ, 98 the fºſted eſt- votion of £he 4f a cle £reed which row &#arc of or 9 ouyi country ſco acs. 67hey imony claim age £he 9/towing croft, 3.6 igfúðy ºut in A, eaufºy, 3%acle, arc jºcotection #/vom the virclá, £hey rejº any £he clamage £hey clo many £imed over. Given &nder my 9tand, arc £fe 9/teaf Sea 2 of £fe Słaże, of £he Gºoft, ižof, in Carºling, £h is £wenty- & Ex+f. clong of JJK of Gºf, in £fle yeaſt of ouſt JCoſtcl one #ffoux, arc eight fºur-clytec arc. ruinety-3-ix, arc of £fle ircleft erºclerce of £he QUri tec Słażes, fife one fºur-clyzed arc £urer:Eile:Éf. JOHN T. RICH, Governor. BY THE GOVERNOR : WASHINGTON GARDNER, Secretary of State.