3tlašachusetts, BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN L, BATES, GOVERNOR: —e—-9 –e—ºrem –—— In accordance with the provisions of section 16 of chapter 53 of the Revised Laws, and in conformity with the custom founded thereon, I hereby set apart Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of April current, as º PA R B O R & D R Y º and I recommend that it be observed by the people of the Commonwealth in the planting of trees, shrubs and vines, in the promotion of forest growth and culture, in the adornment of public and private grounds, places and ways, and in such other efforts and undertakings as shall be in harmony with the general character of a day so established. May this day be observed in a practical way, not only by the planting of trees, but especially by endeavor to protect those already in existence, by well considered and determined efforts to destroy those insect pests which are the foes of vegetation, and as a result of such observance, may there be developed a greater interest in the tree life of the Commonwealth and a greater apprecia- tion of its beauty, utility and value to ourselves, and to those who come after us. Given at the Executive Chamber, in Boston, this eleventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-seventh. JOHN L. BATES. By HIs ExCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. (500 sabt the Commontotalth of #lassachusetts. - -** *** Iliſii • *----~~~~~~" *. ***. -- - ****T***-*-> --~~~-------...- ... --_ __ *—- - -, -. - *