SUB' W.2. BY HIS EXCELLENCY ROGER WOLCOTT. GO//>RVOA’. 4 _-º- ofº * ***/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/4'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZºzarzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/Arzzzzzzzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzºzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' --~~~~------—-sº arza’azzº,…º.º.º.º.ºzzzzº’zzzzzzº.”zzº.” Zºzz/.º.º.º. ~ *-ºs- • \ Uülhertaş, The season has returned after the harvest has been gathered, when from the early days of our colonial history it has been the custom in this Commonwealth to set apart a day to be observed in church and home with praise and thanksgiving to God for all the mercies of the year, and Üülhertää, This custom, hallowed by tradition and embedded in the affection of the people, serves to remind us of our continued dependence upon the Lord who hath helped us hitherto, as well as to strengthen the love which should unite families and cause us to remember the poor, Ślult, therefort, I, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November current, as a day of remembrance and of thanksgiving. For abundant harvests, for increased national prosperity and improved credit, for a nation once more, after many years, united in heart and purpose, for the success of our arms in a just and humane cause, for every act of valor in battle and of magnanimity to the vanquished, may our grateful homage ascend to Him who is the God of Nations and the Lord of Hosts. May we tenderly remember those who have given their lives in their country’s service, and resolve that their example and their sacrifice shall not be unheeded or forgotten. May we pray that an honorable and righteous peace may close a war which was entered upon by a peace-loving nation to free a people suffering intolerable misrule and oppression. And may God hear the prayers of His people, and continue to the Republic the blessings of His divine favor. Given at the Council Chamber, in Boston, this fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-third. - FOG-EBF, WOLCOTT. -- ~. By His Excellency the Governor, with the Advice and Consent of the Counci/ TVVILLIAM M. OLIN, SECRETARY. (50d Save the (ſummomuralth of Štlağachusett5. * , —5. - ...UNVEST OFWGº- _2~ RSITY OF MI Iliji | 4-47 75 A Cººl AP Pa Mossaleſ oser/s |%a y