(Ulpe (Juntutulturalth BY HIS EXCELLENCY EUGENE N. FOSS, Gorºkwok: - A PROCLA MATION as ARBOR DAY as In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 53, Section 16, of the Revised Laws, I hereby set apart Saturday, April 29th, as Arbor Day. The day should be observed throughout the Commonwealth ; trees, shrubs, and vines should be planted, neglected trees cared for, and gardens beautified. - Classes of school children, under the direction of their teachers, should plant seeds, or set out saplings, according to some carefully arranged plan; and thus not only help in building up the future of our woodlands, but learn a valuable lesson in systematic co-operation. - In the effort to suppress the gipsy moth and other pests which are destroying our trees, the State has been spending such immense sums as to occasion much criticism, and this work cannot possibly succeed, and might properly be abandoned, unless individual owners of trees will do their full share of it. In this, as in all public work, state ordinances and outlays can never relieve the citizens themselves from doing, individually, their full civic duty. . . . - . Moreover, the attention of the citizens of Massachusetts should be increasingly “s, directed to country and suburban life, and to the rich possibilities of our State in ****s agriculture. No better start can be made than by taking a keener personal interest in the trees and by working actively to safeguard and develop the fruit and timber products of the State. s We have many days set apart in this State for special observances; but among them all Arbor Day is pre-eminently marked by its practical usefulness. I urge that it be suitably observed by everybody, not only as an occasion of enjoyment, but as a º means of performing some useful service to the present and future advantage of the Commonwealth in the manner designated. - ; Given at the Executive Chamber, in Boston, this fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-fifth. EUGENE N. FOSS. BY HIS ExCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. (śmā Śaur (ſhe (Juntututturalth uſ ſilagºariutgeftā. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 39015 08039 0480