A Hrurlantatium ºg the ... (6 m up r it m r ... On the Heuple uſ the $tate uf ſilichigan, (§reeting: The Universal Exposition commemorating the acquisition by the United States of the vast territory known as the Louisiana Purchase is now in progress at St. Louis. The event it com- memorates is not only one of the most important in the world's history, but the Exposition itself is the greatest and most com- plete exhibition of the achievements of the human race ever made. NMichigan, though not of the Louisiana Purchase, is, by her history, her traditions and her people, closely related to that great event and the magnificent states which have grown out of it. Her natural products and manufactures find at this exposition a prominent place and have received deserved applause. Her prog- ress in education and the arts has been signally recognized. To properly emphasize the relation of NMichigan to the Exposition, the event which it celebrates and the achievements it represents, the fuelfth bag uſ (ºrfulner, 1914, has been set aside as ‘‘NAichigan Day” whereon can be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies the worth and achievements of our great State. - - - I therefore proclaim Wednesday, October 12, 1904, as NMichigan Day at the Universal Exposition, St. Louis, and invite all loyal citizens to attend, that the celebration may be signalized by merited dignity and enthusiasm. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at the Capitol, in Lansing, this third day of (Great Seal.) September, in the year of our Lord one Thousand Nine Hundred and Four, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred Twenty-ninth. Governor. By the Governor: %2. /77 &avvva- - Secretary of State ſ....WNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN- 38675%;"| T --—— — . . - - . ...’ – So : - S- & | N/ to \) * -* Illin