474 . A 2. 5 C3c2 o'll A 3&et (Trogg (ſāeek A #rurlantatium Tºg the (§uuerttur The National Red Cross has designated the week of June 18th to 25th as “Red Cross Week” and I hereby call upon the Mayors of cities and the Presidents of incorporated villages to join with the Officers of the Red Cross in securing the funds which will enable that organization to carry out its plans for the care and protection of our Soldiers and their dependents during this great war. In the days to come the Soldiers of the United States will rely on the Red Cross to care for them when wounded and sick. Think of the great service which subscriptions to their funds will enable the members of the Red Cross to give the ighting men of this Nation. In no other way can adequate preparation be made or the stress and strain which will come when the men of America are on the battlefield, and the money should be provided now. Only by generous giving can we assure ourselves that the soldier whom we send to the trenches will have proper care and attention when sick and wounded. Every man, woman and child should stop and think of the need which makes necessary this request, and give accordingly. I trust that the people of Michigan will consider the importance of this enterprise and do their full duty to the Nation and the men who serve it. Therefore, I, ALBERT E. SLEEPER, Governor of the State of Michigan, do issue this my Proclamation, and I urgently request all our citizens, according to their ability, to contribute of their means to this most worthy cause. ALBERT E. SLEEPER, Governor. . ...T.T.T. --— Iliſi T------—"