State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR A # rur lantafi ult gº? fresh the memory of those who served and I n compliance with the statute, and to keep died aboard the Maine in Havana harbor thirty years ago, I hereby designate Wednesday, February the fifteenth, as filaite ſilenturial Bau and I recommend that in accordance with the statute suitable exercises having reference to this historical occasion be held in the schools on that day. May such exercises recall not only the courage and spirit of sacrifice which has ever inspired our Soldiers and sailors, but also the high purpose to which that courage and sacrifice has ever been dedicated. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-second. By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. - , --------------T 2.4- tº- **. astºry of MCHIGAN Min, mill. 2-TUNIVERSITY 3 got 508 * x- *