A Blow at º ºr * Trial by Jury AN EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIAL JURY L.A.W. PASSED BY THE NEW YORK LEGISLATURE |N 1896 BY BENJ. R. TUCKER New York BINºſ. R. TUCKER, Publisher ººº- -º-º-º: º ~~~~~~ - º: dº. Boaº, º ºzºa cº, Cae.”/ - - A - --- - A BLOW AT TRIA|, |}\ ||RY AN EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIAL JURY LAW PASSED BY THE NEW YORK LEGISLATURE IN 1896 BY B E. N.J. R. Tº UC PC E. R. NEW York BENJ. R. TUCKER, PUBLISHER 1898 A Blow at Trial by Jury.” Mr. President AND FRIENDs: I hold in my hand an official reprint copy of Chapter 378 of the State laws of 1896. This chapter consists of an act in twenty-three sec- tions, which, after passing the legislature, be- came a law by the affixing of Governor Mor- ton's signature on April 23, 1896. It bears this title: An act providing for a special jury in criminal cases in each county of the State having a certain popula- tion, and for the mode of selecting and procuring such special juries; also, creating a special jury commis- sioner for each of such counties, and regulating and prescribing his duties. This title does accurately and specifically de- scribe the immediate objects of the act. I as- sert, nevertheless, that its ulterior purposes would have been more clearly revealed, and that its exterior would have better harmonized with its “true inwardness,” had it been en- * A speech delivered by Benj. R. Tucker, editor of Liberty, at a mass meeting held in Cooper Union, New York, Friday evening, June 25, 1877, under the auspices of the Central Labor Union, Ty- pographical Union No. 6, and other labor organizations. 4. A BLow AT TRIAL is Y JURY. titled “An act providing for the enforcement of those laws of the State of New York which, having found their way into the statute-books only through the insidious machinations of a clique or a cabal or a boss or an interest or a handful of fanatics, are so unpopular with the citizens of the State of New York that a con- viction of the violation of them can seldom, if ever, be secured from a jury fairly and impar- tially impaneled from the mass of sober-minded people.” This assertion it is now my purpose to make good. To do so it is unnecessary to make an elaborate statement of the provisions of the law. A circular setting forth its most ob- noxious features has been distributed among you, and I shall assume that you are now familiar with them. I may say, however, in the briefest way, that the law provides that, in each county of the State containing five hun- dred thousand people,_that is, in New York and Kings counties only,–a special commis- sioner of jurors shall be appointed by a majo- rity of the justices of the appellate division of the supreme court; that his term of office shalf be five years, but that he shall be removable at pleasure and without cause by the justices who appointed him, who shall also fix his salary, within a maximum limit of six thousand dollars A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 5 a year; that he shall select from the list of or- dinary trial jurors, after personal examination, at least three thousand special jurors, and as many more as the appellate justices may direct, any of which special jurors he may thereafter strike from the special jury list at his pleasure, replacing them with others equally of his own selection; that he shall not select as a special juror any person who has been convicted of a criminal offence, or any person who possesses conscientious opinions in regard to the death penalty such as would preclude his finding a defendant guilty if the crime charged be pun- ishable with death, or any person who avows such a prejudice against any law of the State as would preclude his finding a defendant guilty of violating such law; that the special jurors chosen shall be exempt from ordinary jury duty, and that no one of them shall serve on a special jury oftener than once a year; that in any criminal case, upon application from either side, the justices of the appellate division may order a special jury trial if for any reason the due, efficient, and impartial administration of justice requires it; and that, when the special jury trial thus ordered shall come on before the trial court below, the ruling of the trial court upon the admissibility to the jury box of any juror challenged for bias shall be - 6 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. final and not a subject of exception. Under this law special jury commissioners have been appointed for the counties of New York and Kings, and their offices are in full operation. How much progress has been made in Kings I do not know, but in New York large numbers of citizens have been before the com- missioner for examination at his office in the Constable Building at the corner of Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue, and it was stated a few days ago in the newspapers that he had so far secured 2,909 out of the needed 3000 special jurors. Among others I had an inter- esting session with the commissioner, or, rather, with one of his subordinates, for I did not succeed in penetrating to the inner temple, but fell down at one of the outer gates. And I may note here, by the way, as the single favor- able comment that can be made upon this special jury system, that the printed notices served upon those whom the commissioner wishes to examine, instead of commanding them to appear, request them to appear. You will observe that better manners prevail in the aristocratic offices of this aristocratic commis- sioner on aristocratic Fifth avenue than in the more democratic offices of the ordinary com- missioner of jurors, who, within sight of the unemployed on the benches of City Hall park, A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 7 has to deal with the common herd. Let us find a crumb of comfort, if we can, in this im- provement in official deportment. To each person appearing for examination a printed blank is supplied, which he is expected to fill out, sign, and swear to, as a condition of admission to the special jury list. Of the printed statements contained in the blank, the following, for reasons which I will give pres- ently, are the most objectionable: I have not been convicted of a criminal offence. I do not possess conscientious opinions with regard to the death penalty which would preclude me from finding a defendant guilty, if the crime charged be punishable with death. I have not such a prejudice against any law of the State as would preclude my finding a defendant guilty of violating such law. In connection with this blank each person re- ceiving it is subjected to a personal examination by the commissioner or one of his subordinates. He is examined in detail upon each of the state- ments contained in it, and, in the multitude of questions asked him, two hypothetical cases, evidently chosen with deliberation, are pro- pounded, accompanied by a request that he state what course he would pursue in each. Here let me say that, in presenting my views of this matter before a small company recently, 8 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. I found the phrase “hypothetical question” to be a cause of misunderstanding. Even a lawyer, then present, who ought to have known better, supposed a hypothetical question to be a question that might be asked, but is not asked, whereas every lawyer ought to know that in legal usage a hypothetical question is one which is actually asked, but which assumes hypothetical or supposed conditions, and in- quires of the party questioned what course he would pursue, or at what conclusion he would arrive, under the supposed conditions. Do not misunderstand me, then. The hypo- thetical questions now referred to were actually put to me at the commissioner's office; they were actually put to others; and, in my belief, they are actually put to all, or nearly all, the persons who appear for examination. They are of importance, because they clearly indicate the intent of the framers and executors of the special jury law to use it for the enforcement of unpopular statutes which the average juror will not consent to enforce. Not that the framers and executors have seriously at heart the enforcement of the particular unpopular statutes involved in the two hypothetical cases, but they are confident that any man submissive enough to aid in enforcing these will also prove submissive enough to aid in enforcing the laws A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 9 which they have seriously at heart, the laws that sustain the privileged classes in their priv- ileges, and the laws that strip the masses of their rights in order to make them an easy prey for the exploiter. These, then, are the two hypothetical ques- tions propounded, as nearly as I can remember them: 1. “Supposing you to be a juror in a case where a girl is accused of killing a man who had betrayed her and declined to fulfil a prom- ise of marriage, and suppose the evidence to clearly establish the defendant's guilt, would the knowledge that a verdict of guilty would result in the imposition and execution of a death sentence prevent you from finding such a verdict 2" 2. “Supposing you to be a juror in a case where a man is accused of criminally assaulting a girl under eighteen years of age, and sup- posing the evidence to clearly establish that the act was committed with the girl's knowledge and consent and at her desire, have you any prejudice against the law making such an act, so committed, a criminal assault, punishable by the heavy penalties that attach to such an as- sault, which would preclude you from finding the defendant guilty of violating it?” In addition to these two hypothetical ques- 10 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. tions, particular citation should be made of a third and general question which is asked: “Would you, being a juror, and being charged by the court upon a point of law, and knowing this point of law to be unsound, de- cline to accept the ruling 2* Now, a word as to the origin of this special jury law. Something less than two years ago, I think, in consequence of great difficulty that had been experienced in getting a satisfactory jury in a celebrated criminal case, much em- phasis was laid in the newspapers on the pressing necessity of removing this obstacle from our legal procedure. Shortly thereafter the newspapers published a proposed special jury law purporting to have been drafted by Justice George C. Barrett, of the New York supreme court. This proposed law was gen- erally commended by the press, and was nowhere attacked, so far as I now remember, save in a paper which I have the honor to edit. Happily or unhappily, according to the view one takes, that paper is read only by thinking people, and consequently the attack never came to the knowledge of our lawmakers, which need not be regretted, since it would have exercised no influence upon them, if it had. Apparently the matter found its way before the legislature in some form, and action was A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 11 taken My memory does not permit me to state whether the law as it now stands corre- sponds in every particular with Justice Bar- rett's draft, but I am safe in saying that, if the two differ, they differ in detail alone. The plan and purpose of the existing law are sub- stantially the plan and purpose of Justice Bar- rett's draft. And be it noted here that the bench record of the author of this law is one of hostility to the rights of organized labor, and that he is himself a member of that appellate division of the supreme court which this law entrusts with a new and unprecedented power. The law must have been engineered through the legislature with great secrecy, for I, though my profession compels me to be an exception- ally diligent reader of newspapers, saw no re- cord of its passage and no subsequent discus- sion of it, my first knowledge of the existence of the law coming to me almost a year after its passage in the shape of a notice to appear for examination under its provisions. And up to a month ago, before the publicity given by the present agitation, I had not met a single per- son, even among lawyers, who had any knowl- edge of this law which was not the result, directly or indirectly, of the examination of some individual concerning his fitness for special jury service. In the press, up to a 12 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. month ago, a silence had been maintained re- garding it which could hardly have been more complete had it been maintained by conspiracy. And even at this date it can be said that the excellent editorial, adverse to the law, which appeared a few days ago in the New York Daily “News” is the only word of opposition to the law that has appeared in the editorial columns of the New York press.” Now, my friends, I have laid before you nearly all the information at my disposal con- cerning this new law. And here I believe that I might safely leave the subject in your hands. It seems to me that argument against this measure is almost a superfluity. The facts alone appear quite sufficient for its condemna- tion. Nevertheless, with your permission, I will indulge myself in a few words of criticism. But first let me say that I am not here to- night to question the motives of all who have furthered this law. Doubtless some have acted with the best of intent. The main ques- tion to-night is not what motive inspired the law, but what it will be possible for men of bad motive to do with the law when once it has been placed in their hands as an instrument. * On the afternoon of the Cooper Union meeting the “Mail and Express” printed a strong leader in opposition to the special jury law. A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. 13 Even were we to assume, then, that all the initiators, framers, enactors, and executors of this law have been and are prompted only by the purest intentions and a sincere desire to facilitate the administration of perfect justice, it would still remain true that, if, on the con- trary, they had been actuated by the most diabolical of designs, by an intent to destroy individual liberty, to undermine public welfare, and to utterly emasculate that chief remaining safeguard of both, the jury system, even in the condition of decline from its former high estate to which previous and gradual judicial usurpations have reduced it, -even then, I say, they could scarcely have framed an instrument better adapted than this law for the fell purpose. In detailing my criticisms I shall begin with the minor and proceed to the major. This law, then, is unjust and a piece of spe- cial legislation, in that it applies to only two counties in the State. Important and intricate cases, widely commented on by the press, may and do arise in all parts of the State, and not alone in the counties of New York and Kings; and, if impartial administration of justice re- quires that such cases be tried by a special jury in one or two counties, it requires that they be so tried in all counties. At the present time, 14 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. in fact, a very important murder trial is in progress up the State, at Batavia in Genesee county, and, in consequence of the ridiculous system of examining jurors now in vogue, much trouble has been experienced in impanel- ing a jury. If a special jury system facilitates the administration of justice, why should Gen- esee county be deprived of this blessing 2 If the new law tends to promote justice, then the people of the State at large are discriminated against in being shut off from its benefits. If it tends to promote injustice, then the people of New York and Kings are discriminated against in being alone subjected to the evil and oppres- sion that grow out of it. This law, again, is a public menace in that it clothes the judges of the higher courts, who already exercise prerogatives that are nearer akin to absolute despotism than anything else that this country knows, with a new, alarming, and far-reaching power. It places in the hands of these judges an absolute control of the make-up of the jury in whatever cases they may see fit to try by special jury. The ordinary commissioner of jurors is an appointee of the mayor, not of tfie courts, and he is not subject to removal by the courts. But this new and special commissioner of jurors is an appointee of the appellate division of the supreme court, A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 15 and is removable at its pleasure and without cause. The appellate division selects the com- missioner and can discharge him at will, and the commissioner selects the jurors and can dis- charge them at will. This same appellate divi- sion fixes the commissioner's salary and the sal- aries of his subordinates, controls the appoint- ment and removal of all such subordinates, and decides what cases shall be tried by special jury. Thus it has the whole special jury machinery under its immediate and irresponsible control, and can see to it, therefore, that jurors to its liking, and no others, are admitted to the special jury list from which will be drawn the juries to try the most important cases that arise. I submit that this is a distinct and dan- gerous departure in the direction of judicial usurpation and despotism. This law, again, tends to greatly impair the efficiency of the jury system in general by giv- ing a tremendous impetus to the growing evil of exemption from jury duty, and so lowering the average of the general jury box in quality that it becomes less representative of the com- munity as a whole. It withdraws instantly from ordinary jury duty, in each county to which it applies, at least three thousand picked men, and as many more as the court sees fit to enroll. The ordinary jury list in New York 16 A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. county containing only 35,000 names (and, by the way, it ought to contain 150,000 at the very least), to take from it 3,000 names is an extra exemption of almost ten per cent. ; and in Kings county, where the ordinary jury list cannot be more than half as large as that of New York county, a reduction of 3,000 must amount to an extra exemption of twenty per cent. Of course, the burden upon the remain ing ordinary jurors will be almost correspond- ingly increased, since the number of special jury trials will not suffice to shorten the ordi- nary trial calendar by even one per cent. No special juror being required to do special jury duty oftener than once a year, it would be necessary, in order to give each man of the minimum three thousand one case annually, to try by special jury two hundred and fifty cases each year. But, as the number of cases of sufficient importance to be so tried would cer- tainly not exceed twenty-five a year in a given county, no special juror, unless especially un- fortunate in the drawing, would be required to serve oftener than once in ten years. Here, then, is a very great inducement (to use no stronger word) offered to those busy and suc- cessful men who wish to avoid jury duty, and yet whose services as jurors the public so much needs, to seek enrollment on the special jury A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 17 list, whereby they may secure absolute exemp- tion from ordinary jury duty and something pretty near to exemption from any jury duty at all. The obvious result is that the great mass of cases will be tried by a reduced body of jurors, if not inferior in quality, at least less representative of the community as a whole. If this be not an assault on the jury system, what is it 2. In confirmation of this view, an important piece of expert testimony has been rendered very lately. On the evening of Thursday, May 20, the annual address provided by the Law Academy of Philadelphia was de- livered before a representative gathering of Philadelphia members of the bench and bar by Justice John Dean, of the Pennsylvania su- preme court, his subject being “The Jury.” In this address Justice Dean had nothing to say of this special jury act, -I doubt if he knows of its existence,—but he said much that bears powerfully upon the phase of the subject which I am now discussing. I cite him upon it with the more force and the more pleasure, because, first, he is a high member of the judi- ciary, whose prerogatives and powers this special jury act so increases; because, second, his interest in the subject is prompted by his sympathy with the holders of property and cap- ital, and his alarm at what he considers the 18 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. growing tendency of juries to award inordin- ately heavy damages in suits against corpora- tions and rich men; and because, third, Mr. Charles A. Dana, the editor of the “Sun,” with characteristically unscrupulous audacity, has striven to make it appear that Justice Dean sympathizes with the modern assault on the jury system, whereas, in reality, as you will see, he is a rational and fair-minded man who wants to secure justice to all, including the rich, by restoring trial by jury, in part at least, to its ancient estate. I wish that time permitted me to read his entire address to you, but it limits me to a few extracts. He says: The jury wheel is to be filled with the names of “sober, intelligent, and judicious persons.”. . . These names ought to and do include citizens from every vocation in life—the laborer, mechanic, business and professional man. It will at once be noticed that the jury wheel and the general panel represent the aver- age conscience and intelligence of the district; elim- inate from this the mechanic, small storekeeper, and laborer, you get above the grade of conscience and intelligence applicable to the settlement of disputes in ordinary affairs of men; for these are experts in those matters which immediately concern them. I have re- ceived more light in the trial of a cause from a coal miner than from an educated mining engineer; the coal miner was better educated in the practical knowl- edge which he dug out with his pick than the engi- neer, whose knowledge was largely gained from his A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 19 books. And, if you eliminate from the jury panel the educated man, the man of large business affairs, the professional man, you get below the average con- science and intelligence of the judicial district. . . . The professional man, the boss mechanic, the city councilman, the thriving farmer, all want to be ex- cused from jury service, because of the pressing nature of their business affairs. They are superior men, the very best specimens of the judicious citizen. Relieve this class from jury duty, and you at once re- duce the average of conscience and intelligence in the jury box. . . . The most intelligent and judicious cit- izen in every court is seeking to escape jury duty, and too often he succeeds in evading the performance of an unpleasant service. This was not the case in the early history of our country. Then the most intel- ligent and influential citizens felt honored by being called upon to serve as jurors, and never sought to evade the duty. Business was not so exacting in its demands; the pursuit of wealth was not so eager. The consequence of this evasion of duty is you have not in the jury box the average conscience and intel- ligence of the public. What would be the verdict in any given case involving a property right with three or four such men on every jury to aid by their con. science, intelligence, and knowledge of business affairs in the deliberation, we cannot certainly know, but I believe that, with them there, unjust verdicts would be rare, and the growing dissatisfaction with the jury system would in a few years disappear. I would take the banker from his desk, the editor and professor from their chairs, the preacher from his pulpit, and put them in the jury box, there, under oath, to well and truly try or a true deliverance make according to 20 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. the evidence. . . . The presence of such men would raise the average of conscience and intelligence as in- dicated by the verdict, and have it represent the in- telligence and conscience of the general public. . I have not sought to discourse profoundly on the principles of jurisprudence, as applicable to trial by jury, but only to call attention to what to me seems full of peril to the institution itself, and so, if possible, to suggest a practical cure for the defect, and to save to our free government that part of it which, in my opinion, is its very life. To survive, the jury must represent the conscience and intelligence of the whole people, not of a part. Contrast now with this the purpose of the special jury act, which is to segregate the busy men into a separate class of jurors with very little jury duty to do, and that little often to be done in matters where the class interests of men of business are directly at stake, thus mak- ing them, if unbalanced by other elements, in- completely representative of the community at large. How much wiser and fairer is Justice Dean's proposal to restore to public service as general jurors these busy men who now suc- ceed so largely in dodging jury duty alto- gether, and thereby to give them their just share of influence in the jury box, and no more! This law, again, is fraught with danger to justice in that it is capable of being used by judges, not only to pack the jury list itself, but also to pack, with impunity, the special A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 21 jury drawn from the list for any given case. For under its provisions the trial judge's rul- ing upon any challenge of a juror for bias is final and subject to no exception. As appealed cases are often reversed by the higher courts because of the lower court’s error in admitting or excluding a challenged juror, it will be seen at once that to give the lower court absolute power in this respect is to greatly add to the ieopardy of all accused persons. It was errors of this sort (made, however, by the higher court as well as the lower, which only shows the necessity of all possible caution) that led to the judicial murder of August Spies and his comrades at Chicago, and that laid the prin- cipal foundation for the righteous and glorious pardon issued by Governor Altgeld to Fielden, Schwab, and Neebe. But we come to an even more serious phase of the subject when we approach the qualifica- tions laid down in this law as requisite in a special juror. To begin with one of the milder ones, let us look at the requirement that he shall never have been convicted of a crim- inal offence. At first blush this commends itself, but on a closer look it becomes more doubtful. If it were required that he should never have been convicted of certain specified and extremely serious crimes, possibly no ob- 22 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. jection to it could be offered. But in its pres- ent sweeping form it is unjust and irrational. I undertake to say that at least one-half of the men who have been convicted of crime and have paid the legal penalties would make as good jurors as one-half of the men who have never been so convicted. Who of us, I should like to know, has never committed a crime? There is not a person within the sound of my voice, not a person in active life anywhere in the civilized world, who does not violate more than one statute law every day of his life. I go farther: with the monstrous and ridiculous laws that year by year are accumulating on our statute-books, one may safely say that the man who is not a confirmed criminal is scarcely fit to live among decent people. Mark Twain, who is not only a great humorist, but, like most great humorists, a philosopher as well, said the other day in all seriousness, in an article in the New York “Herald,” that, until a man has committed a crime or under- gone a term of imprisonment, he is not fit to sit in judgment upon his fellow-creatures. I do not go so far as Mark Twain; but I am sure that much more can be said in favor of his view than of the contrary view, embodied in the special jury law, that a man who has been con- victed of crime is necessarily unfit to sit in A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. 23 judgment. How absurd it is to insist that all criminals are unfit for jury duty! Why, a man may commit some of the crimes to which very heavy penalties are attached, and still be a well-nigh ideal juror. Suppose, for instance, —and it is by no means an impossible case, for stranger things have often happened in our courts, suppose, I say, that the head of the house of Harper Bros. were to be arrested under the Comstock law and sent to prison for ten years for the crime of publishing and selling Du Maurier's novel, “Trilby,” or Thomas Hardy's novel, “Jude, the Obscure”; could it be claimed for a moment that, on coming out of prison, provided his imprisonment had not ruined him physically, mentally, or morally, he would not make one of the best of jurors? Under this law John Brown would not have been an admissible juror; under this law George Washington would have been excluded from the jury box; under this law the man who was legally crucified on Calvary would have been disqualified for jury duty after he rose from the dead. And at this present moment I have in mind a man who would be on this platform to-night, were he not temporarily ab- sent from the city; a man whom many people in this hall know and honor and intimately as- sociate with; a man whom I consider as be- 24 A BLoW AT TRIAL BY JURY. longing to the salt of the earth; but a man who once served a long term in prison for the com- mission of an act as innocent in itself as my act in delivering this speech; and this man, although he has repeatedly served on ordinary juries in this city and has proved an excellent juror, was summarily set aside at the special commissioner's office, after examination, be- cause he would not deny that he had once been convicted of a criminal offence. Why, my friends, I say, entirely apart now from the question of fitness of a former criminal for jury duty, that, when a man, having been convicted of crime and duly sentenced, has paid in full the penalty exacted of him by society, to com- pel him thereafter to appear before an official and, under penalty of further punishment for contempt, answer the question whether he has ever been convicted of crime is distinctly an outrage, and that the law under which this can be done is an infamy intolerable by freemen. I shall not dwell long on the requisite that a special juror must be willing to accept the court's rulings upon matters of law, because, although I personally consider it a perversion of genuine trial by jury, and maintain that jurors should be judges of the law as well as of the facts, I recognize that there is a difference of opinion upon this point, and I wish to-night A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 25 to address you solely from the generally- accepted view of jury trial. Nevertheless I crave your indulgence for a moment while I re- late in this connection a recent experience of mine illustrative of the ignominious treatment which jurors continually suffer at the hands of judges, and of the propensity of the bench to carry things with a high hand. A few evenings since, reaching my dwelling- place at about nine o'clock, I found there a summons in which I was ordered to appear in court at ten o'clock the following morning for ordinary jury duty. Short notice though it was, I appeared, together with other victims. After the jury-roll had been called, and those present had answered their names, and before any juror had uttered a word or given sign of protest, the judge (I was informed that it was Judge McAdam, though I do not know this of my own knowledge) suddenly broke out with a tirade after the manner of an impatient school- master addressing a crowd of unruly school- boys, saying: “Now I want you jurors to understand that you have been summoned here, not to be ex- cused, but to serve. I will listen to none but. absolute excuses. If any of you belong to the militia or fire department or any of the classes expressly exempt by law, I will hear you. 26 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. Now get into line, those of you who are legally exempt. All others keep out of the line.” The line began to form, and, as it length- ened, the judge broke out again, repeating almost word by word, but with greater vehemence, his previous remarks. Although I did not come within the classes legally exempt, I took a place in the line with all the intre- pidity of a member of the really “unterrified” democracy. Those ahead of me were heard in private, at the judge's bench, one by one, with varying results. Finally my turn came. Placing my summons in the judge's hand, I said: “I have already been pronounced incom- petent to serve as a juror in any case in this State.” “How so? Why are you incompetent?” “Because my views of trial by jury are such as to prevent me from accepting the ruling of the court upon a point of law, when, in my opinion, such ruling is unsound.” “What Not accept the ruling of the court 2 How’s that * * “Because of opinions formed after twenty- five years’ study of this and kindred questions.” “Well, but why not accept the court’s rul- ing? I don’t understand.” “Because I consider that juries should judge A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 27 the law as well as the facts, as they do in Illi- nois and Maryland.” “But so they do here in some cases, for instance, in cases of criminal libel.” “I know it; and I simply think that this should apply to all cases.” “You an American ** “Yes, sir.” ** Wative American P’’ “Yes, sir.” “Born in this country?” “Yes, sir.” “Well, I am surprised to hear that a native American entertains such views. Well, I sup- pose I shall have to excuse you; but I–really I am astonished to hear a native American talk so.” Whereat I smiled sweetly, and departed. Strange, is it not that a man in this country cannot manifest the smallest sign of mental independence without straightway coming under suspicion of being a Pole, or a Russian, or a Hungarian, or some other awful monster. Is it not a curious upsetting of all the tradi- tions that, when a man with two hundred years of Yankee stock behind him ventures to in- timate that his soul is his own, his native Americanism is promptly called in question? Yet, after all, it seems not so extraordinary 28 A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. that judges should have such a conception of native Americanism, when we reflect upon the contemptible meekness with which native Americans, for the past twenty years, have sub- mitted to the piling-up of tyrannies upon them. I could not help asking myself, as I left that court-room, after being thus insulted, how Judge McAdam would feel, should he chance to meet me that evening in the parlor of a mutual friend. I wondered with what sort of grace, under such circumstances, he would be able to look me in the face. Yet such a contretemps must sometimes happen in the experience of an overbearing magistrate. Nay, even worse, for Judge McAdam's treatment of me was princely courtesy in comparison with the insults daily heaped upon inoffensive gentlemen by boorish judges dressed in a little brief authority. I cannot urge too strongly upon all who hear me the importance to true Americanism of refusing to be overawed by the bad manners of the bench. And now for the worst feature of it all. I refer to the hypothetical questions put by the special commissioner, and to the requirement that the special juror shall have no prejudice against any law of the State that would pre- clude him from finding a defendant guilty of violating it. There are times when a single A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. 29 and simple illustration is more forceful than all the arguments in the world. Let me cite to you, then, just one fact. In 1851, in the United States district court for the district of Massachusetts, Peleg Sprague, the United States district judge, in empanelling three several juries for the trials of Scott, Hayden, and Morris, charged with hav- ing aided in the rescue of a fugitive slave from the custody of the United States deputy mar- shal, caused the following question to be pro- pounded to all the jurors separately, and those who answered unfavorably for the purposes of the government were excluded from the panel. Do you hold any opinions upon the subject of the fugitive slave law, so called, which will induce you to refuse to convict a person indicted under it, if the facts set forth in the indictment, and constituting the offence, are proved against him, and the court direct you that the law is constitutional? The reason of this question was that the “fugitive slave law, so-called,” was so ob- noxious to a large portion of the people as to render a conviction under it hopeless, if the jurors were taken indiscriminately from among the people. A similar question was soon afterwards pro- pounded to the persons drawn as jurors in the United States circuit court for the district of 30 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. Massachusetts, by Benjamin R. Curtis, one of the justices of the supreme court of the United States, in empanelling a jury for the trial of Morris, and again those answering unfavorably for the government were excluded. Now I ask you, my friends, if you think this new jury law is in harmony with the people,_ if you think, that is to say, that the people de- sire the “fugitive slave laws” of to day to be easy of enforcement. Here we get at the very essence of this issue. The purpose of trial by jury is less the punishment of the guilty than the safety of the innocent. The object of the barons when they exacted the right of jury trial from King John was the protection of the individual against the tyranny of the govern- ment. The object of those who are now seek- ing to emasculate this right seems to be to leave the individual helpless in the tyrant's hands. “But,” I hear some one ask, “is it not rather absurd to put the enforcement of a law in the hands of a jury composed in whole or a part of men prejudiced against that law 2° Well, it does seem a bit irrational, until we inquire what the purpose of statute law is, or ought to be. If the purpose of statute law is the attainment of a rigid, inflexible, stiff- backed, cast-iron justice, then perhaps the spe- A BLow AT TRIAL BY Jur-Y. 31 cial jury system is an excellent method of achieving it. But I declare to you that no such justice is wanted in any civilized com- munity. We want a justice, not rigid, but elastic; we want a justice, not stern, but tem- pered with mercy, sympathy, and common sense; we want a justice, not blind, but with eyes sharp enough to detect causes, conditions, and circumstances; we want a justice, not superficial, but profound. Granting perfectly that no man is entitled to assault another, we yet want a justice that will not punish the striker who knocks down a so-called “scab." three times as severely as it punishes any com- mon citizen for knocking down another common citizen. Granting perfectly that property ought to be protected against thieves, we yet want a justice that, instead of putting the rich man who steals a million in prison for a year and the poor boy who steals a ten-cent pocket- book in prison for six years and a half, will re- verse the severity of those sentences. Granting perfectly the validity of the eighth command- ment, we want a justice that, when convinced that a man has stolen a loaf of bread because he was actually starving, will send him to jail for not more than a week, and will see that he has three good meals a day while he is there. And not only granting, but asserting, the free- 32 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. dom of woman to choose, we want a justice that will see to it that a difference of twenty- four hours in a young woman's age shall not make all the difference between a man at per- fect liberty and a man in prison for twenty years. But such justice as this, my friends, is not to be had by excluding from jury duty men who have prejudices against certain stat- utes. It is prejudice against the law that oftenest saves society. However we may look at it theoretically, prejudice against the law serves in practice as a most valuable corrective of the folly of law-givers and the cruelty of courts. Shall we, then, dismiss so useful a public servant 2 Suppose, however, that we were to admit— which we do not, for the reasons just given— suppose we were to admit that prejudice against a particular law ought to disqualify the man who entertains it for jury service in a trial in- volving that law. There is nothing new about this. As we have seen, it is a condition that has sometimes been insisted on in the past. But does this furnish the slightest justification for a jury law providing that no man having a prejudice against any single law, no matter what, shall sit as juror in any important case whatsoever, though the law involved in the case be one in which he thoroughly believes? A blow at trial by jury. 33 Under this special jury law a man prejudiced against the Raines law could not serve as juror in a murder trial, though he believed as stoutly as Moses and Jehovah in the doctrine of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life. Under it a man having conscientious scruples against the death penalty could not sit in judgment on the tobacco trust, though he were to outdo Karl Marx in asserting the right of the State to suppress freedom of trade. Could there be a more monstrous perversion of common sense and fairness than this 2 Does it not show beyond a doubt that the purpose of this law is to exclude men who are both intel- ligent and honest from the jury box * For who are the intelligent and honest men in a community? They certainly are not the men who swallow all the laws in a lump. Rather are they the men of sufficient mental calibre to enable them to examine the laws for them- selves, to discriminate between the good and the bad, and to reject some while accepting others. “But,” it may be said, “this law does not exclude the simply prejudiced; it excludes only those who will not or can not put aside their prejudices sufficiently to enable them to convict.” Ah! it is a damaging admission. For it is confessed thereby that it is the pur- 34 A BLoW AT TRIAL BY JURY. pose of this law to recruit special jurors ex- clusively from those who are willing to de- throne their brains and consciences, to abdicat- their individual sovereignty, and become mere cat’spaws of those in power. I take it that it is not such men that we need for the jury box. But that this new law wants such, and only such, we have abundant proof. I know a man—a very amiable gentleman, whom I esteem highly as a friend—who is on this spe- cial jury list. He is a very mild and gentle individual, who strongly objects to capital punishment. He was examined by one of the commissioner's subordinates, and then by the commissioner himself. The commissioner, on discovering his objection to the death penalty, turned to his subordinate, and asked rather severely: “Why did you bring this man in to me? You should have known that he would not do for us.” “Please, sir, ask him a few more questions,” mildly urged the subordinate. The few more questions were put, and, in answering them, the gentleman stated that, while believing it wrong to kill a murderer, he would consider it his duty, in his capacity as a juror, to find a murderer guilty, in order that the State might kill him. A BLoW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 35 “Oh! in that case,” said the commissioner, “you are just the man we want,” and on the list he went. I suppose that this gentleman would also accept the office of sheriff, press the button that would send a fatal current of electricity through some helpless wretch, and then piously exclaim: “Of this act of murder I wash my hands. It was not I, it was the sheriff who did it.” I do not believe that the people of these two counties want their jury boxes filled ex- clusively with such men as he. Do not, however, understand me to declare that all the men now on this special jury list are thoroughly objectionable. I believe that it is a part of the plan to have some good men on it at first. The executors of the law desire to be able to say to objectors: “See! we have laborers on our jury list.” Personally I know of two or three labor leaders who are on the list. I even know one Anarchist on it. It is the intention not to be too particular in this first sifting. Moreover, it is no easy matter, even in as large a county as New York, to find at short notice 3,000 men exactly to the liking of our masters. So they are taking the best that they can easily get, being well aware that, as they learn to know their men, they can cast out the unruly and put the submissive in their 36 A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. places. Meanwhile the game is to make the thing attractive to the people. Note the course lately pursued by the commissioner against Mr. John Claflin, millionaire, of the great dry goods house of Claflin & Co. Mr. Claflin has long been accustomed to ignoring notices to appear for jury duty. Consequently, and being unaware of the new special jury law, when he received the special commissioner's notice, he ignored this also. But, the mil- lionaires collectively having in their own inter- est determined that no individual millionaire shall dodge special jury duty, a warrant forth- with issued for Mr. Claflin's arrest. Where- upon he hastened before the commissioner, and was received with the usual affability. I tell the story substantially as it was told in the newspapers “Evidently, Mr. Claflin,” said the commis- sioner, in substance, “you don't know a good thing when it is put in your way. If you had known what a snap we were offering you, you would have come here voluntarily. Why, my dear sir, this is the juror's paradise. You are not only exempt from ordinary jury duty, but, assuming the worst, you will not have to serve on a special jury oftener than once in four years.” And then Mr. Claflin's examination began. A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 37 “Have you, Mr. Claflin, any prejudice against any law of the State that would pre- clude you from finding a defendant guilty of violating it?” * Well, yes, I have a prejudice against the Anti-Trust law.” “But now, Mr. Claflin, you surely are an honest man. Do you not think that, in spite of your prejudice, you could find a verdict in accordance with the law and the evidence?” “Well, yes, I suppose I could.” And so Mr. Claflin's name went on the list, and a double purpose had been served. An effective warning had been given to the rich as to what their fellow rich men expect of them in this matter, and, by a huge bluff, the people had been assured that this new law is the poor man's friend, designed to force the rich man to do his fair share of jury duty. By holding this meeting to-night the organized labor of these two counties declares that this bluff does not go, and insists that the commissioner and his backers shall show their hand. It is a call which the special commissioner will not relish, for, as he recently declared in conversation, his commissionership is his bread and butter. It is likely, my friends, that still other efforts will be made to hoodwink the people. Special pains may be taken to make ordinary jury ser- 38 A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. vice appear inefficient, ineffective, and ridicu- lous, and, with the ground thus prepared, the special jury law may be first brought into ac- tion in a case carefully selected for the con- cealment of its inherent evils, and the abuses for which it opens the door may be strenuously avoided. Then the newspapers will promptly call our attention to the beautiful manner in which this law is saving the precious time of our courts. But some fine day a band of fana- tics will have a pet persecution to enforce, or a band of thieves will contemplate a new and gi- gantic steal under the cover of the law, and we shall awake to the fact that we have placed in the hands of our enemies one of the most potent engines ever devised for crushing out the lib- erties of men. I come here to-night simply to warn you of the danger. The law is passed and on the stat- ute books, thanks to our indifference. We are confronted now with a condition, not a theory. And I ask you, in the language of a great cri- minal, famous and infamous in the annals of New York, who, numerous and appalling as were his crimes, never committed any half as mischievous, never perpetrated one a thousandth part as wicked in effect, as this new law will prove, I ask you, in the language of Bill Tweed, but in a very different spirit: “What A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 39 are you going to do about it?” For myself, I tell you frankly that I am not too hopeful of this law's repeal. Mighty in- terests are entrenched behind it. I am certain that it will not be repealed if our efforts are to stop with this meeting. I am certain that you cannot secure its repeal by going to Albany and asking for it. I am certain that you will not remove it from the statute books by your ballots next November. Make these efforts if you will; I wish you all success. But I predict failure. There is, however, a way, a certain way, of repealing this law, and it lies in your own hands. That way is the pursuance by each of you, individually, in the courts, of that policy which Parnell pursued so successfully in the British parliament, the policy of passive resistance, the policy of loud and steady pro- test, the policy of embarrassment, hindrance, blockade, and obstruction. Next week, next month, next autumn, next year, at some time or other in a not remote future, it will fall to the lot of many of those in this hall, and to many more in these two counties outside of this hall, to be summoned for ordinary jury duty. If each and every one of you, on being placed in the jury box and before each trial begins, will rise in his place and say to the court: “I most earnestly protest against having to serve 40 A blow at trial by jury. on this jury; there were already too many exemptions, and now the exemption by the spe- cial jury law of an additional three thousand in this county imposes upon me more than my fair share of jury duty; I serve here only on com- pulsion and in a spirit of indignant discon- tent,”—if each and every one of you will do this, and will repeat it on every occasion that arises, you will powerfully contribute to a con- stantly-swelling current of public opinion that sooner or later will become a torrent and cause this obnoxious law either to be repealed, or else, to quote Grover Cleveland again, to fall into a state of innocuous desuetude. You need not fear to take this course. You are perfectly safe in doing so. Every juror has a right to make such a protest. No one can say him nay. The judge will frown, but he is power- less to do more. The very worst that he can do is to ask you if you are a native American. And you, in return, if you choose to take a risk, and desire to rival the judge as a black- guard, can ask him if his grandmother was a monkey. If, indeed, you have in you just a little of the stuff that stiffened the spines of native Americans a century ago, you will go still further, on occasion. You will resent every attempt of the court to encroach upon the province of the juror, and especially, when the A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. 41 court orders you as a juror to bring in a certain verdict, you will decline to do so, and will then and there declare that the registration of the verdict as your own is a falsehood spread upon the records of the court. If you have in you the stuff to do that, you will win this fight; if you have not, you deserve your slavery. At any rate such tactics alone can succeed, and it is these tactics that I advise you to follow, while I at the same time promise to follow them myself. Remember, my friends, that they have rights who dare maintain them. In conclusion, Mr. President, I offer, and move the adoption of, the following resolutions: * Whereas, the legislature of the State of New York for 1896 passed, and the then governor of the State signed, a special jury law whereby the trial of im- portant criminal cases will be taken out of the hands of ordinary juries and placed in the hands of special juries drawn from a special panel of at least three thousand men; and Whereas, special jury commissioners have been ap- pointed under this law in the counties of New York and Kings—the only counties to which this law ap- plies—and are now engaged in selecting special jury lists; and Whereas, this law creates a new and dangerous de- parture by placing the selection and control of special * The resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote. 42 A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. juries and of the special jury commissioners in the hands of the judiciary; and Whereas, it forbids the selection for special jury duty of any person who avows such a prejudice against any law of the State as would preclude his finding a defendant guilty of violating such law, thereby preventing every man whose intelligence and sense of justice will not allow him to become an in- strument for the execution of a particular law, to him revolting, from serving as a juror in any criminal trial of high importance, even though he thoroughly ap- prove the law whose violation is the occasion of such trial; and Whereas, it further forbids the selection for special jury duty of any person who has been convicted of a criminal offence, notwithstanding the fact that many of the acts which the laws pronounce criminal may be and are committed daily by men whose unquestionable intelligence, honesty, and love of order peculiarly fit them for jury service; and Whereas, by these exclusions, it throws out of the special jury box all men of independent mind, and fills it with mere tools for the execution of unjust and tyrannical designs; and Whereas, by exempting from ordinary jury duty the three thousand men selected for the special jury list in each county where the law applies, it so alters the ordinary jury list as to make it less representative of the community at large, and thereby strikes a blow at the jury system, to say nothing of making the burden of ordinary jury duty more onerous by largely re ducing the number of men liable to such duty, while lessening but very little the sum total of such duty; and Whereas, as a condition of exemption from ordinary A BLOW AT TRIAL BY JURY. 43 jury duty, it imposes but a very small amount of special jury duty, thus offering to those who are rich enough, or powerful enough, or unscrupulous enough, or pliant enough, to gain admission to the special jury list, what the special jury commissioner for the county of New York is said to have described as “the juror's paradise”; and Whereas, it seriously adds to the danger of every ac- cused person tried under its provisions by refusing to such person what every accused person has hitherto enjoyed,—namely, the right to appeal to a higher court for review of the trial court's decision upon the admissibility to the jury box of a juror challenged for actual bias; and - Whereas, it being applicable only to New York and Kings counties, it unwarrantably discriminates between citizens, since its provisions, if just and beneficial, should be enjoyed by citizens of all counties alike, and, if unjust and detrimental, should not be enforced upon any; and Whereas, for the various reasons specified, it is capable of being utilized for trial by the classes, of questions deeply affecting the liberty and welfare of the masses, to the nullification of that supreme safe- guard of popular liberties, the right of the accused to trial by jury of his peers, which we owe to the men who, bearing arms in their hands, exacted from the tyrant John, nearly seven hundred years ago, the Great Charter of English Liberties, -therefore We, citizens of New York and Kings counties, in mass meeting assembled, in the hall of the Cooper Union, on this twenty-fifth day of June, 1897, do hereby resolve: 1. That we protest against the presence in the statute books of the special jury law here described, 44 A BLow AT TRIAL BY JURY. and demand that the State legislature, at its next session, repeal it without delay. 2. That we cannot too strongly condemn the legis- lators who voted for this law, and the then governor, Levi P. Morton, who signed it, for thus recklessly lay, ing hands on the most valuable of our political insti- tutions, already seriously weakened by the steady en- croachments of judicial usurpation. 3 That we call upon the justices of the appellate divisions of the supreme court to whose discretion is entrusted the ordering of special jury trials under this law, to steadily refuse, in the exercise of that dis. cretion, to order such trials, on the ground that by their very nature they cannot contribute to that “due, efficient, and impartial administration of justice”at which the law professes to aim. 4. That, remembering the splendid judicial services already rendered by the Hon. William J. Gaynor, justice of the supreme court of the second judicial dis trict of the State, in defending the rights of the citizen against official invasion, we especially and confidently rely upon him to use his large influence, as jurist as well as publicist, to thwart the evil designs of the enemies of trial by jury. 5. That, while realizing that the friends of liberty and equality can expect no aid from that portion of the daily press which habitually gives sanction to every new form of oppression and privilege, we wonder at the apathetic silence on this momentous question thus far maintained by the New York dailies that champion the cause of the common people, with the single exception of the “Daily News,” to which, for lifting its voice against this iniquitous law, we offer our heartiest thanks. 6. That we call upon each and every citizen who A 1-Low AT TRIAL BY JU RY. 45 may be drawn for ordinary jury duty to enter his in- dividual, separate, and public protest, from his seat in the jury box, against being compelled to serve upon a jury, on the ground that the exemption of three thousand special jurors from ordinary jury duty places upon his shoulders an unfair burden. 7. That we likewise urge upon every trial juror the importance of upholding the independence of the jury box by resenting with dignity, but with firmness, every attempt of the bench to encroach upon it, and especially by declining to render a verdict at the dicta- tion of the court. - 8. That it is the duty of every member of the bar, in the interest of his client, of his profession, and of the public welfare, to second the efforts of jurors to maintain their prerogatives. 9. That, agreeing with Justice John Dean, of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, that the jury should “represent the conscience and intelligence of the whole people,” we demand the repeal of that section of the regular jury law which exempts from jury duty all persons not worth two hundred and fifty dollars. 10. That a printed copy of these resolutions, signed and certified to by the secretary of this meeting, be forwarded by him to the governor and lieutenant- governor of the State, to the secretary of State, to ex-Governor Levi P. Morton, to every member of the legislature of 1896, to every new member of the legis- lature of 1897, to every member of the State court of appeals, to every supreme court justice of the State, to the recorder of the city of New York and to each of the three judges of general sessions, and to the dis- trict attorneys and commissioners of jurors, ordinary and special, of New York and Kings counties: and 46 A Blow AT TRIAL BY JURY. that these officials and ex officials are hereby requested to regard these resolutions as notice served upon them that the citizens of New York and Kings are alive to their interests, jealous of their liberties, and deter- mined to protect both. Speaks for itself. [New York Evening Post, October 19, 1897.] The board of estimate and apportionment this morn- ing adopted the provisional estimate of the office of the special commissioner of jurors calling for $25,000 because it was said to be compelled by law to do so. Mr. Jeroloman protested that this was throwing away the city's money, but he was advised by Cor- poration Counsel Scott and Comptroller Fitch that the board had no option, and could be mandamused if it failed to appropriate. Mr. Jeroloman declared that the special commis- sioner had not drawn a single jury this year, and Cor- poration Counsel Scott added that it wouldn't empanel a jury next year. But the city will pay the $25,100 nevertheless. The salaries and expenses are as fol- lows: Henry W. Gray, special commissioner, $6,000; William T. Gray, assistant commissioner, $3,000; four clerks, at $1,500, $6,000; stenographer, $1,500; three typewriters, at $1,000, $3.000; three messengers, at $1,000, $3,000; rent, $2,300; contingent expenses, $300; total, $25,100. |