laſ-edia C-4elºrs. Awa-ce. © *º- weau.k. - 1% ABOUT THE INTELLECTUAL WORK of THEODORE SCHROEDER Evolutionary Psychologist and Lawyer O †. *ANGELS” WANTED–AND PUBLISHERS TOO No book has ever been printed which attempted to define the subjective processes of psychologic evolution, or to apply any such theory to the solution of any of our social problems. I wish to complete such books. For me, all social problems are problems of human nature, that is, problems of psychology. More specifically they are problems of mental health and of psychologic im- maturity. I wish to finish a number of books which define, justify and apply such a theory. The material is at hand and many such essays of mine have appeared in technical magazines. These need editing or rewriting for book pub- lication, and some new essays need to be written. During a long life-time, I have financed my own work, but now need help to finish the record of that work. I also need a publisher with confidence in his ability to find a market for such new claims of truth—a wholly new concept of evolutionary psychology, developed by the psy- chanalytic method of observation and then applied to many social problems. I believe that this tentative theory of psychosocial evolution will be the most important contribution to social science since Darwin. Who will cooperate with me, for a completion and publication of this first formulation of a most important scientific contribution? This pamphlet gives some indication of my past performance, and of the more important work yet to be completed. Yours for a saner society, THEODORE SCHROEDER Sept. 17, 1944 COS COB CONN BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SCHROEDERIANA 1913 Partial bibliography of the writings of Theodore Schroeder dealing largely with problems of religion, of Sex, and of freedom of speech. Free Speech League. (New York) April 1913, 8p., 84 titles. 1919 Authorship of the book of Mormon. Psychologic tests of W. F. Prince, critically reviewed by Theodore Schroeder * * * to which is now added a bibliography of Schroeder on Mormon- ism. Reprint [except bibliography]. American Journal of Psychology. (Worcester, Mass.) XXX pp. 66-72. January, 1919. 18p., 65 titles. Bibliography pp. 10-18. There is some duplication by re- vision, republication or translation. Sankey-Jones, Nancy Eleanor, 1862— Theodore Schroeder on free speech, a bibliography by Nancy E. Sankey-Jones. (New York.) Free Speech League. 1919. 24 p., 149 titles. Duplication by revision, republication or translation. 1920-2 Sankey-Jones, Nancy Eleanor, 1862– Theodore Schroeder's use of the psychologic approach to problems of religion, law, criminology and philosophy. A bibliography by Nancy E. Sankey-Jones. (Cos Cob, Conn.) 1920. 16p. Revised ed., Jan., 1922. 18p., 92 titles.—Some duplication by revision, republication or translation. 1922 Sankey-Jones, Nancy Eleanor, 1862– A unique heathen, to which is now added: Theodore Schroeder on the erotogenesis of religion, a bibliography “. * * republish- ing in combination two essays from: The Freethinker, London, Eng. Apr. 17, 1921; The Truth-seeker, New York, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1922. Cos Cob, Conn. January 1922. 13–H 14pp. Lists 50 titles, mostly selected from the last list. 1934 Sankey-Jones, Nancy Eleanor, 1862 Bibliography of Theodore, Schroeder on the psychology of religion and the erotogenetic interpreation of mysticism. Pub- lished by the author, Coscob, Conn. Dec. 30, 1934. 1945 Bibliography of Theodore Schroeder's writings on: Mormon- ism, Free Speech, Church & State; also Psychoanalysis and Evolutionary Psychology, applied to Philosophy, Religiosity, Sex, Law, Criminology, Sociology, Wage-Arbitration, Split Personality, Mental Hygiene and the Amoral Attitude. " In preparation. ANGEL NEEDED FOR PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING THIS ITEM. SUPERSPECIALIST ON LIBERTY “This is a day of specialties and specialism, and Theodore Schroeder is a specialist. It may be said, even, that he is a superspecialist. Also, he is an exclusive specialist. His specialty is human liberty. He is a liberty specialist, a liberty expert, a liberty enthusiast. There be many other liberty enthusiasts, and not a few liberty experts; but, so far as I know, Mr. Schroeder is the only liberty specialist. Applied liberty being something outside the sphere of our social experience, Mr. Schroeder's consideration of the subject necessarily is academic in character. Although he possesses no more liberty than do the rest of us, he knows much more about it than does any other of us. His lack of knowledge of its practice does not lessen his knowledge of its theory. He is a philosophic libertarian, a scientific libertarian, a technical libertarian. He is the last word on the subject of social liberty. Mr. Schroeder has written more along these lines than any other person that ever lived; and the aggregate volume of his published writings in defense of unabridged freedom of speech exceeds that of the combined similar output of all other writers in the English language. His industry in this direction is nearly incredible. He is an accepted au- thority on the law of this subject, being himself of the legal profession and profoundly versed in its various intricacies.”— WALTER HURT, in The Paladin, Jan. 12, 1918. A MAVERICK PSYCHOLOGIST “One hundred and sixty [170 before 1944] periodicals in six languages have published Theodore Schroeder's Psychological, Philosophical, Religious, Medical, Sociological and Legal Essays; * * * At the very least, he is one of the most interesting figures alive in America today.”—Maynard Shipley, Pres, Science League of America, in: The New Humanist, v 6. 1933. WORLD'S LEADING AUTHORITY “A lawyer by profession [Theodore Schroederl has long been the world's leading authority on the legal aspects of freedom, and he has become convinced that the psychologic approach to problems is more important than the legal.”— PRYNs HOPKINS, in Freedom and Unity, Jan. 1942. 3 THEODORE SCHROEDER THE LITERARY output of Theodore Schroeder haſ appeared in one hundred ſeventy different periodical ſcattered through six different languageſ. In later years he haſ specialized, with growing emphaſir, on evolutionary pry- chology aſ applied to all human problems. . Hiſ eſſays on the psychologic approach have appeared in the following periodicalſ: Albany Law Journal, Albany, N. Y. Alienist and Neurologist, St. Louis, Mo. American Journal of Eugenics, Chi- cago, Ill American Journal of Psychology, Worcester, Mass. American Journal of Religious Psy- chology, Worcester, Mass. American Journal of Urology and Sexology, New York, N. Y. American Medicine, New York N. Y. Anthropus, New York, N. Y. Archives of Dermatology and Syphil- ology, Chicago, Ill. Arena, Boston, Mass. Azoth, New York, N. Y. California Law Review, Berkeley, Calif. Central Law Journal, St. Louis, Mo. Critic and Guide (Medical), New York, N. Y. Current Psychology and Psycho - analysis, New York, N. Y. Everyman, Los Angeles, Calif. Forum, New York, N. Y. Freedom and Unity, Santa Barbara, Calif. Freethinker, London, Eng. Imago, Vienna and Leipzig. Indian Journal of Venereal Diseases and Dermatology, Bombay, India. International Journal of Psycho- analysis, London, Eng. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Boston (then Albany, N. Y. and Hanover, N. H.), Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, New York, N. Y. Journal of Religious Psychology and ropology, Worcester, Mass. Journal of Sexology and Psycho- analysis, New York, N. Y. Labor Age, New York, N. Y. Liberal Review, Chicago, Ill. Medical Journal and Record, New York, N. Y. Medical Council, Philadelphia, Pa. Mºgico-Legal Journal, New York, N. Medical Review of Reviews, New York, N. Y. Michigan Law Review, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mºgern Psychologist, New York, N. Modern Thinker, New York, N. Y. Monist, Chicago, Ill. National Pictorial Monthly, New York, Y. New york Daily Call, New York, N. Y. New York Medical Journal, New York, N. Y. New Yorker York, N. Y. Nudist, Oakland, N. J. Open Court, Chicago, Ill. Open Road, Mays Landing, N. J. Pacific Medical Journal, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Pioneer Illustrierter Volks Kalender, New N. Y. Volkszeitung, New Proceedings: XV Congré Interna- tional de Medicine, Lisbonne, Por- tugal. Psyche, London, Eng. Psyche and Eros, New York, N. Y. Psychoanalytic Review, Washington, New York City. Severi Arts, New York, N. Y. Sexuelle Probleme, Frankfurt a. M., Germany. Social Science, Winfield, Kan. Sound View, Ollala, Wash. sºme and Health, Mays Landing, Truth Seeker, New York N. Y. Unity, Chicago, Ill. Zeitschrift fur Religions-Psycholo- any gie, Leipzig, Germ e Zentralblatt fur Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie, Wiesbaden, Ger- many. ERUDITE INFANTILISM "IN the year of our Lord 1432 there arose a grievous quarrel among the brethren over the number of teeth in the mouth of a horse. For thirteen days the disputation raged without ceas- ing. All the ancient books and chronicles were fetched out, and wonderful and ponderous erudi- tion, such as was never before heard of in this region, was made manifest. At the beginning of the fourteenth day, a youthful friar of godly bear- ing asked his learned superiors for permission to add a word, and straightway, to the wonderment of the disputants whose deep wisdom he sore vexed, he beseeched them to unbend in a manner coarse and unheard of, and to look into the open mouth of a horse to find answer to their questionings. At this, their dignity being grievously hurt, they waxed exceeding wroth; and, joined in a mighty uproar, they flew upon him and smote him hip and thigh, and cast him out forthwith. For, said they, Surely Satan hath tempted this bold neophyte to declare unholy and unheard-of ways of finding truth con- trary to all the teachings of the fathers. After many days more of grievous strife the dove of peace sat on the assembly, and they as one man declared the problem to be an everlasting mystery because of a grievous dearth of historical and the: ological evidence thereof, and so ordered the same writ down.—From an old Chronicle.” With compliments of Theodore Schroeder, Coscob, Conn. 1 3 8 10. 1 1 2. PAST BOOKS OF THEODORE SCHROEDER 1909–FREE PRESS ANTHOLOGY. 267 pp. 1911—“OBSCENE” LITERATURE AND CONSTITU- TIONAL LAW. 439 pp. . 1913–EDWARD BOND FOOTE. 85 pp. . 1916—FREE SPEECH FOR RADICALS, Enlarged Edition. 206 pp. . 1919—CONSTITUTIONAL FREE SPEECH DE- FINED AND DEFENDED. 465 pp. - 1922—FREE SPEECH BIBLIOGRAPRY. (4,000 items.) 1928—AL SMITH, THE POPE AND THE PRESI- DENCY. 212 pp. . 1938—A CHALLENGE TO SEX CENSORS. 160 pp. . 1940–A NEW CONCEPT OF LIBERTY, from an Evo- lutionary Psychologist. 253 pp. 1941—THUMBNAIL ESSAYS (Samples only) 1941. (Printing discontinued.) . 1944—WHERE SPEECH IS NOT FREE: In the U. S. A. 64 pp. NEXT CENTURY PAMPHLETS Individual Initiative of an Evolutionary Psychologist, Described by Joseph Ishill and Theodore Schroeder. Next Century Press. R. 1, Box 136, CosCob, Conn. 1941, 16 pp. This pamphlet summarizes the peculiar results which come from applying the psychologic approach to our major social problems. For supplementary reading see: A New Philosophy of Life—Reprinted from: Modern Thinker, Oct. 1935. A prize winning essay. Really New Education for Social Living. Psychoana- lytic Review, v. 28:363-371. July, 1941. The reprint has added to it a list of essays for the book: TOWARD EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY. Conservatisms, Liberalisms and Radicalisms. Revised from: Psychoanalytic Review, Oct. 1920; 18 pp. This reprint has inserted a partial list of essays for a book: TOWARD SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 4. Attitude of One Amoral Psychologist. Psychoanalytic Review; v. 31:329-335, July 1944. This essay defines the position, illustrated in a future book: THE “SPIR- ITUAL” VALUE OF SYPHILIS, AND OTHER AMORAL ESSAYS. 5. Thumbnail Essays on the Psychology of War and Peace. Published by the author R. 1, Box 136, Coscob, Conn. 1944. 16 pp. Contains dogmatic statement of Some new claims of truth, to be justified in a future book. IN PREPARATION 6. If I Had a Million for a New Education. (A Prize Los- ing Essay) and other matter on Education. 7. Psychologist on Wage Arbitration. Reprint from: Social Science: Winter No. 1944-1945. PROSPECTIVE BOOKS There are several hundred of Schroeder's essays that have appeared in magazines, and need preservation in book form. Most of them need revising, and some need rewriting. In most cases other essays must be written to round out the thesis for a book. Below is a tentative list of such possible books, which are here given a de- scriptive title. This list seems overlong, because many of the mag- azine essays can be fitted to several different volumes. One published essay is entitled: SEXUAL DETERMI- NANT IN MORMON THEOLOGY. That essay could be used in books on MORMONISM, SEX IN RELIGION, or SEX IN SOCIETY. Some of the published essays have even a more varied book-classification. This means that many of the books hereafter listed can never appear. The help received from others will determine which use will be made of the existing material and which books will be completed first. Tentative tables of contents for a number of prospective books are ready, or in preparation. PROSPECTIVE BOOKS . Bibliography of Theodore Schroeder's Writings. . Psychoanalysis to Evolutionary Psychology. . Toward Psycho-Social Science. . Psychologist's Challenge to Sex Censors. (Enlarging book of 1938.) “Spiritual” Value of Syphilis and other Amoral Essays. War-time Essays of a Psychologist. One Religio-Sexual Maniac. . Sex in Religion. (2 vols. nearly ready.) My Criminal Friends and Criminology. . Holy Joe and Jesus. (The GREAT Mormon Fraud.) . Heresy Trial of Bishop Brown. (P. E. Church, 1923–6) . Church-State Issues (Catholicism and Mormonism). . The New Agnosticism (of a Psychologist). . Psychologist Looks at Judicial Opinions. . Psychologist Looks at Philosophers. . Psychology of the “Split Personality”. . Sex and the “Saints” (very little is ready). . Thumbnail Essays and Laconics. . Free Speech Miscellany. . Better than the “Golden Rule.” . Sex and Society. NOT BEGUN BUT ALLURING: Psychological Autobiography of a Psychologist. Psychologic Study of: Woodrow Wilson; or, Franklin D. Roosevelt; or, Jesus of Nazareth * It is believed that an objective appraisal of any of these books can be prepared and will be supplied to interested persons.