Jmazedaiae ('adationa &y Important Persons About d Significant Book BERTRAND RUSSELL - RUDOLF ROCKER RECEPTION AND BANQUET December 10, 1939, Los Angeles, Calif. ROCKER PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE 1038 South Alvarado Street Los Angeles, Calif. Friends of Freedom : This is a letter about a book and about the reasons why it is important. Today throughout the world states are being made over 3 made over peacefully under the forms of ordinary constitutional procedure, as in the United States, England, and France ; made over violently by the usurpation of power and its main- tenance and enforcement in the hands of a dictatorship through force and terror, as in Germany and Italy; made over by armed intervention from without, as in China ; made over by a combination of these processes, as in Spain ; but definitely and drastically made over everywhere by one process or anothere By whatever process and in what ever form this reshaping goes on it is accompanied and char- acterized by two significant manifestations: — 2– First, an intensive centralization of gov- ernmental power, involving an almost complete surrender of control by local or district units and an extension of the activities of the State into fields in which it has not previously intervened since the downfall of the absolute monarchies. Second, a resurgence of nationalism such as the world has perhaps never before witnessed ; nationalist feeling that in some countries approaches hysteria ; nationalist structure of the state, aiming at economic self-sufficiency, cultural separateness, hostility to other states and their peoples. This reshaping of states carries with it many and far-reaching consequences : The status of the individual is being funda– mentally altered. His economic independence and his personal freedom are subjected to increasing and already drastic limitations. Cultures are being changed, in some in- stances, as in the United States, almost uncon— — 3 — Sciously, though rapidly, in the course of the accepted processes of adaptation to the changing conditions ; in some instances, as in Germany, abruptly by authoritative decree. In the latter case a people is given a new set of Social con– cepts, a new set of ethical values, a new set of artistic and literary norms, new manners, new morals, a new religion, even a new diet, by cataclysmic, revolutionary command ; in the former they acquire these in some degree by their own acquiescence in change. Are these changes that go on good changes? A new world is shaping for men and women to live in. Is it a better World or a worse one than that which they have lived in? In either case is there anything that they can do about it? You probably do not feel very sure of the answers to these questions. We want to tell you of a book which will help you to formulate answers — 4 — if you have none, to revise or confirm your answers if you have already formulated some. NATIONALISM AND CULTURE by Rudolf Rocker is a detailed and scholarly study of the develop— ment of nationalism and the changes in human cul- tures from the dawn of history to the present day, and an analysis of the relations of these to one another. It tells the story of the growth of the state and the other institutions of authority and their influence on life and manners, on archi- tecture and art, on literature and thought. It traces the evolution of religious and political Systems and their relation to the authoritarian State on the one hand and to the people on the other. It analyzes the Nation as alleged community of race, of culture, of language, of interest. It presents in its 574 pages a series of cross-sections of European Society at successive historical periods and relates them to one another. —5 — It offers copious illustrations of the literature of every period and country. It is at every point illuminated by the 1nterpretative comment of the author, scholarly, brilliant, poetic, human. It is the ripened fruit of thirty years of intensive and devoted study by a man in every way fitted for the task. In the following pages we present you with a few of the opinions expressed about the book by great , thinkers in many fields. We are sure that you will want to possess and to read a work that has appealed so strongly to men like Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, and the other distinguished men whose comments fill the succeeding pages. Ray E. Chase (Translator and Editor) For ROCKER PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE. 1038 South Alvarado Los Angeles, California. — 6 — From the World's Best-Loved Scientist FIRST LETTER Translation from German: I have not been able to reply to your request of February 7th until today, because I had first to study Rocker's work carefully. I find the book extraordinarily original and illuminating. Many facts and rela- tionships are presented in it in a novel and convincing fashion. I am, to be sure, not in agreement with its fundamental attitude of purely negative estimate of the functions of the state. This, however, does not prevent me from regarding the book as important and illuminating. I am sincerely grateful to you for sending it to me. With distinguished regard, A. EINSTEIN. Second LETTER Translation from German: The little book you wrote me about has just arrived; I shall cer- tainly read it with great interest. In my opinion the work Nationalism and Culture is deserving of the highest respect. I have studied it throughout, and I learn that specialists in its field are also interesting themselves in its behalf. With Friendly greetings, i A. EINSTEIN. — 7 — Louis Adamic on Rocker's Book “With its impressive scholarship, forthright thought, on-pushing spirit, and dynamic analysis of the central phases of the problem of human culture and progress, the book may well gradually become re- garded as one of the most important publications of the 1930's. Any attempt to get it read is a praiseworthy effort.” Charles A. Beard, Distinguished Historian and Social Thinker, Says: “Rocker's work illuminates fundamental problems of contemporary life and invites students of history to widen the range of their observa- tion and thought.” America's Most Widely-Read Philosopher A magnificent book, written with profound understanding of man and history, and expressed in language of amazing power and brilliance. WILL DURANT. —8 — From a Historian and Man of Letters Great books, like other great monuments, owe their publication as a rule to the generosity of a few enthusiasts. . So “Nationalism and Culture” comes to us through the generosity of the Rocker Publications Committee. This book is truly monumental, the life-work of an unusual soul whose enormous learning has fed his artistic fires instead of smothering them. The author traces culture from its beginning down to now, and shows how incessantly mankind has permitted and encouraged its basest tyrants to crush the aspirations and destroy the achievements of its loftiest spirits. The tyrants climb to power by invoking racial preju- dices, fallacies, and patriotic fanaticisms; then use them to crowd the people back into barbarism and servitude, while the deluded populace connives at its own degradation and cheers the very men who enslave it. Thus almost every hope of united action by all mankind has been nipped as soon as it blossomed. This book in itself is a startling illustration of its own thesis; for its brilliant author was driven from his native country by the Hitlerian government. It is a glorious thing for our country that he has found a shelter here, and that his great work first appears in a translation so deft that it reads like an original text. RUPERT HUGHes. –9 — Once Germany's Leading Man of Letters . . . Now an American Dear Sirs: I thank you heartily for sending me Rudolf Rocker's great work, “Nationalism and Culture.” I am sincerely happy to possess this impor- tant, profound, and richly intellectual book, and wish that it may be put into many hands all over the world. It will be a good guide and helper to everyone who is concerned with the problems of our times and yearns for enlightenment. For myself, I am impressed with the impor- tance of the existence of such a book, which by its great qualities may serve as a counterbalance against the misleading doctrines that are being propagated today with such dangerous intensity. - With thanks, once more, and my most respectful greeting, Your very devoted, THoMAs MANN. — 10 — From the Author of "The Culture of Cities" and "Technics and Civilization" Nationalism and Culture is an important contribution to our thought about human society: it is the work not merely of a keen, well-poised mind, but of a deeply humane personality. The tradition with which it affiliates is one that has never been absent from American thought, from Paine and Jefferson on through Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman, and William James: the point of view it expresses needs double em- phasis today, when one form or another of totalitarian despotism profess to embrace the hopes, the allegiances, and the possibilities of human society. Rudolf Rocker's wide historical background, his richness of reference, his deep organic humanism give to his thesis far more than the academic qualifications it likewise possesses. Nationalism and Cul- ture, in short, is a book worthy to be placed on the same shelf that holds Candide, the Rights of Man, and Mutual Aid. Lewis MUMFORD. — 11 — From a Leader in Adult Education A German scholar, familiar with twelve languages, Rudolf Rocker has spent twenty years in assembling material, studying history, human evolution, and cultural and economic phenomena, picking up the threads which lead with iron necessity to our present situation. He has evolved a fundamental theory of history which throws light on our past, present and future. With compelling logic he shows why and how humanity has become enslaved by a force which drives it ever nearer to the brink of destruction, depriving larger and larger groups of their freedom and individuality. He shows us the meaning of cul- ture, the conditions under which it grows, and how it becomes stifled and doomed to extinction. By uncovering the real pattern of historic forces he shows us also the way out. Thus he develops a truly con- structive philosophy. We believe that we do not overstate the case in asserting that Rock- er's book is an epochal work of transcendental significance such as is written only once in a hundred years. DR. FREDERICK. W. Roman, Founder and Director of the Parliament of Man and Associated Forums in Southern California. — 12 — A World-Renowned Liberal Philosopher Says: Rudolf Rocker's book, “Nationalism and Culture,” is an important contribution to political philosophy, both on account of its penetrating and widely informative analysis of many famous writers, and on account of the brilliant criticism of state-worship, the prevailing and most nox- ious superstition of our time. I hope it will be widely read in all those countries where disinterested thinking is not yet illegal. BERTRAND RUSSELL. A Critical Note From Pitirim A. Sorokin Though I fundamentally disagree with Mr. Rocker's views in several important points; though I find many factual errors in his treatise; though I find here enormously exaggerated anti-cultural influ- ences of nationalism; nevertheless, in the atmosphere of the aridity of most books in the field of social science I find some fresh thought, stimu- lating, interesting, and in many parts valuable, in the book of Rocker. Very sincerely yours, P. SoRoKIN, (Chairman of the Department of Sociology of Harvard University.) — 13 — From a Leader in Social Progress THE COOPERATIVE LEAGUE 167 W. 12th St., N. Y. Dear Mr. Cook: Thank you for the copy of “Nationalism and Culture” by Rudolf Rocker. I have already begun reading this book and am impressed by its philosophical soundness. I have examined the book and have read far enough to be able to give you my impression. I think Mr. Rocker has written a book of tremendous value. It is most opportune, coming as it does at this period of the world's history when the domination of force is so highly manifested. The expansion of centralized power vested in political governments is the great disaster threatening the world at the present time. Wars, the attendant brutalities, and the social disorganization which they engender are the natural result of such politically centralized force. Mr. Rocker, in his “Nationalism and Culture,” philosophically evaluates the significance of these forces. I hope that this book may be widely read. It is much needed. [Two paragraphs on other matters are here omitted.] With all good wishes, Sincerely yours, J. P. WARBAsse, President. — 14 — Excerpts From Comments in the Press A very important and stimulating work. . . . of especial significance at a time when new tyrannies threaten to destroy all that free men have struggled to attain for the past three or four centuries . . . an eloquent and well reasoned protest against all forms of reaction and brutal mech- anizing of life.—PAUL JoRDAN SMITH in The Los Angeles Times. This is one of the most interesting and original volumes of political philosophy I can remember having read. Its net result is a crushing criticism of the current superstition that makes a god of the state. . . . It is a work of vital importance, and its challenge must be met by economists, sociologists and philosophers alike.—TED Robinson in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rudolf Rocker's work is . . . a most welcome contribution. . . . Many of its luminous pages are devoted to an analysis of national fallacies and myths, especially as they have been taught and practiced in Germany. . . . Rocker supports his position with a wealth of information of ency- clopedic range. He is inspired by flaming sympathy for the oppressed and wields an impassioned pen. — SoLOMON F. BLOOM in the New Republic. A profound historical analysis of two concepts which the author, an outstanding developer of the Libertarian Socialism of Proudhon and Kropotkin, believes fundamentally at odds.—The New Yorker. — 15 — Eternal destruction of man's achievement by his quest for power.— Herald-Tribune, New York. Mr. Rocker's impressive book . . . is revolutionary . . . in its departure from the thought patterns we have learned to expect from voluminous writers on political and social problems. . . . “Nationalism and Culture” avoids easy generalization about man and society. . . . What gives Mr. Rocker's book its especial value, however, is his panoramic historica} survey of the “will-to-power” and its consequences. . . . If people woke up to the fact that they are primarily human beings and not merely citizens or sinners or Japanese emperor-worshipers, war and exploitation would cease. . . . In pointing out such a possibility, even though it be unrealizable, Mr. Rocker has performed a great service. — F. H. BUTLER in the Brooklyn Eagle. . . . study of the destruction of man's cultural achievements by the tyranny of the state and his own quest for power.—Boston Transcript. A study of the historical development of culture from classical times to our own, which shows the widest scholarship combined with a hopeful idealism.—Book of the Month Club News. . . . studies of the history of the destruction of culture in man's quest for power.—Tribune, Chicago. — 16– From a Well-Known English Reviewer “Mr. Rocker's second book (Nationalism and Culture) is a work of an altogether different order. In about six hundred pages it surveys the whole range of human culture, and as an analysis and interpreta- tion of history offers itself as an alternative to the comparable works of Marx, Pareto, and Spengler. Its main purpose is to controvert all forms of fatalism—religious, political or economic. Its guiding prin- ciple is that ‘the causes which underlie the processes of social life have nothing in common with the laws of physical and mechanical natural events, for they are purely the results of human purpose, which is not explicable by scientific methods. To misinterpret this fact is a fatal self-deception from which only a confused notion of reality can result.” It is impossible to give an adequate review of a book so dense with facts; I can only state that where I have special knowledge, as in the history of art, I have invariably found these facts correct. Their inter- pretation is another matter. I do not say that this Weltanschauung is destined to supersede all others. There is a grain of truth—even a vein of truth—in Spengler, in Pareto, and in Marx. It is the obsession with this one aspect of truth that vitiates their systems. I find Rocker more tolerant, more modest, more aware of the essential values in culture. In a word, I find him infinitely more sympathetic.—HERBERT READ in The Criterion, a quarterly review, London, England. – 17 — How Rocker's Contribution to The Culture Concept in Sociology Can Be Made Better Known It must be done by friends of this Libertarian Interpretation of History—not by enemies. You, who appreciate Rocker's work, need to pass it along to others likely to appreciate it—else it will never be done. Circulate More Copies — Accept This Offer Two or more copies may be secured at the quantity cost of $2.43 each plus 7c tax. Send $5.00 and two copies will be mailed to any address in U. S. or possessions—or to two separate addresses, if desired. Keep one copy for your own library if you must, but LEND your second copy constantly. TO STUDY CLUBS AND CLASSES — Write to us how copies may be obtained for study purpose by making a small guarantee deposit. Order from the ROCKER PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE 1038 S. Alvarado Street Los Angeles, California DR. 2327 — 18 — Special Combination Offer of Rocker’s English Works Date ROCKER PUBLICATIONS CoMMITTEE, 1038 South Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, California Enclosed find $4.35, for which please send: Refail Price One Copy NATIONALISM AND CULTURE . . $3.50 Postpaid One Copy THE SIX a - - $2.50 Postpaid Both at Combination Price . . . $4.35 Postpaid Name Street City State NOTE: Be sure your name and address is just the way you want it. If not clear, PRINT IT. Also by Rudolf Rocker BEHIND BARBED WIRE AND BARS To be published at an early date. The story of the author's four years in a British internment camp during the World War. One of the most impressive factual narratives that have come out of that terrible time, told by a sensitive, poetic, tender-hearted, and innocent victim of war-time frenzy. A vivid throbbing tale of cruel folly and of what it does to men. A devastating exposition of one of war's many-sided horrors. A book to which the existing world situation gives an exigent, a compelling timeliness. About 500 pages. Price $3.50—retail. Advance subscriptions for 500 copies are now necessary to secure publication. Two copies by Advance Subscription $5.00. ROCKER PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE 1038 SOUTH ALWARADO LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA