N 881 P962 Providence Public Library -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN QUERIS PENINSULAM AMONAR CIRCUMSPICE 18.17 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE LLURIDUS Umumi TIEBOR monitoring VASTAVU.U.V. Wivu.W. LIIIIIII HIHIHIHIRHENTINIAT. far fallet put LA- UNIV. OF MICH. AUG 31 1908 Z 881 P962 STANDARD LIBRARY. LPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF THE EDITIONS IN THE STANDARD LIBRARY OF THE PROVIDENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MAY, 1901. I2mo. I2mo. Izmo. AESOP. rus. 2 V. Izmo. 2 DDISON, Joseph. Works. Edited by Jo- by Gerald H. Rendall. London: Mac- seph Hurd; revised by Henry G. Bohn. millan & Co. 1898. Izmo. [Bohn's British Classics.] London: ARABIAN nights. Translated into Eng- George Bell & Sons. 1875. 6 v. lish by Edward William Lane. London: ESCHYLUS. [Tragedies.] Edited by H. Chatto & Windus. 1889. 3v. 8vo. Weil. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leip- ARIOSTO, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. zig: B. G. Teubner. 1889. 12mo. [Italian original.] Venezia: S. Valle. Same. [English translation. 1799-1800. 5 v. Works. Translated into English blank Same. [English translation.] Or- verse, by Lewis Campbell. London: Ke- lando Furioso. Translated into English gan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. 1890. verse by William Stewart Rose. [Bohn's Illustrated Library.] London: George [Fables.] Edited by K. Halm. Beil & Sons. 1895. 12mo. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig. ARISTOPHANES. [Comedies.] Edited by B. G. Teubner. 1889. 12mo. T. Bergk. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Same. [Latin version by Phaed- Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1897, 1892. Fabularum Aesopiarum 14bri quinque. [Bibliotheca Classica La na.] Same. Translated by John Hook- Paris: N. E. Lemaire. 1826. 8vo. ham Frere. Published as v. 2 of Frere's Same. [Early English version.] “Works.”] London: Basil Montagu Fables or desup, as first printed by Wil- Pickering. 1872. 1872. 12mo. liam Caxton in 7484, with those of Avian, ARISTOTLE. De arte poetica. Edited by Alfonso ay roio, now again edited W. Christ. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] and indur oseph Jacobs. London: Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1893. 12mo. Dayid Nub, 1899. 2 v. I2mo. Same. [Greek and Eng- Same.' [Mdern English version.] Translated lish.] by Samuel Three hundred Aesop's fables. George H. Butcher. London: Macmillan & Co. Tyler Townsend, translator. London and New York: George Routledge & 1898. 8vo. Ethica Nicomachea. Edited by F. Sons. w 12mo. Susemihl. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] KEMPIS, Thomas. De imitatione Christi, Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1887. 12mo. [Latin text, with English translation, on Same. [English transla- parallel pages.] London: Kegan Paul, tion.] Translated by J. E. C. Welldon. Trench, Trübner & Co. 1892. 12mo. London: Macmillan & Co. 1897. 12mo. ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius. [Commen- Oeconomica. Edited by F. Suse- tariorum libri xii.] Edited by J. Stich. mihi. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] [Teubner's Greek Classics. ] Leipzig : Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1887. 12mo. B. G. Teubner. 1882. Politica. Edited by F. Susemihl. Same. [English translation.] [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig: Marcus Aurelius to himself. Translated B. G. Teubner. 1894. 12mo. 2 STANDARD LIBRARY. 2 V. 8vo. 12 V. 12mo. Izmo. I 2mo. Izmo. ARISTOTLE, continued. Same. [English trans- BUNYAN, John. The pilgrim's progress. lation.] Translated by Benjamin Jowett. [Golden Treasury Series.] London: Oxford : Clarendon Press. 1885. Macmillan & Co. 1896. 16mo. BURKE, Edmund. Works. (American re- [English translations. ] Politics print.] Boston: Little, Brown & Co. and Ecoiromics. Translated by Edward Ed. 1871-72. I 2mo. Walford. London: George Bell & Sons. 1898. 12mo. BURNS, Robert. Works. London: James Rhetoric. Translated by J. Cochrane & Co. 1834. 8 v. I 2mo. E. C. Welldon. London: Macmillan & Lyrical poems. Edited by Ernest Co. 1886. 8vo. Rhys. [Lyric poets.] London: J. M. Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nico- Dent & Co. 1895. 16mo. machean ethics. Translated by Thomas BYRON, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron. Taylor. London: J. Black & Son. Poetical works. [British Poets. Amer- 1818. 2 v. 8vo. ican reprint.] Boston: James R. Os- ARNOLD, Matthew. Works. New York: good & Co. 1874. 8 v. Macmillan Co. 1883-94. 13 v. Works. Letters and journals. I 2mo. BACON, Francis, Viscount Saint Albans. Edited by Rowland E. Prothero. Lon- Works. Edited by James Spedding, don: John Murray. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Vols. 1-5. 1898-1901. Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath. [American reprint.] Boston: Works. - Poetry Edited Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 15 v. by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. London: BIBLE, The. Old Testament, in Greek. New York: John Murray. Charles Septuagint version. version. Edited by Henry Scribner's Sons. Vols. 1-3. 1898-1900. B. Swete. Cambridge, England: Uni-. versity press. 1895. 3 v. I 2mo. New Testament, in Greek. Edited CAESAR, Caius Julius. Commentarii. Ed- by B. F. Westcott, Bishop of Durham, ited by B. Kübler. [Teubner's Latin and F. J. A. Hort. London: Macmillan Classics.] Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. & Co., 1898. 12mo. 1893-96. 3v. Same. [Entire Bible, in Latin.] Biblia [English translation.] sacra. Vulgate version. Paris : Garnier Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Frères. Wars. Translated by Henry G. Bohn. [English version.] The Eversley [Bohn's Classical Series. 1 London: Bible. Edited by John William Mackail. George Bell & Sons. 1893. Izmo. [King James version.] London: Mac- CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Ny Pedro. Com- millan & Co. 1877. 8 v. edias. Edited by Y. E. Iartzenbusch. [Canterbury version.] [Biblioteca de autores y deles.]. Ma- [American reprint.] New York: James drid: Manuel Rivadeneyra. 1872 1874, Pott & Co., and others. Ed. 1898. 8vo. 1881, 1886. 4 v. 8vo. [Douay version.] Trans- Same. [English translation.] Six lated from the Latin Vulgate. Balti- dramas. Translated by Edward Fitz- more: John Murphy Company. Ed. gerald. [Published as v. 2 of Fitzger- 1899. 8vo. ald's “Works."'] London : Bernard BOSWELL, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. Quaritch. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Edited by Augustine Birrell. Westmin- & Co. 1887. 8vo. ster, England: A. Constable & Co. 1896. CAMOENS, Luiz de. Lusiads. [Portuguese I 2mo. and English on parallel pages.] Trans- BROWNING, Mrs. Elizabeth [Barrett]. Po- lated by J. J. Aubertin. London: etical works. London: Smith, Elder & Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co. I2mo. Co. 1890. 6 v. I2mo. CARLYLE, Thomas. Works. Centenary BROWNING, Robert. Poetical works. edition. London: Chapman & Hall. [American reprint.] Boston: Hough- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ton, Mifflin & Co, 1887. 7 v. 1896-99. 3 v. I 2mo. I 2mo. 6 y. 2 V. I 2mo. I 2mo. STANDARD LIBRARY. 3 I2mo. I 2mo. I 2mo. I 2mo. net CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. Don print.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Quixote. Edited by James Fitzmaurice Co. 1891. 2 v. 8vo. Kelly and John Ormsby. London: DEMOSTHENES. [Orations.] Edited by David Nutt. 1898. 2 v. Quarto. W. Dindorf; revised by F. W. Blass. Same... [English translation.] [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig : Translated by Henry Edward Watts. B. G. Teubner. 1892, 1898, 1899. 3. v. London and Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. 1895. 4 v. Sanie. [English translation.] CHANSON de Roland. Translated by Lé- Orations. Translated by Charles Rann once Rabillon. New York: Henry Holt Kennedy. [Bohn's Classical Library.] & Co. 1885. 12mo. London: George Bell & Sons. 1897. Same. Song of Roland. Trans- lated, with verse renderings, by Arthur Way and Frederic Spencer. London: DEQUINCEY, Thomas. Collected writings. David Nutt. New York: Macmillan & Edited by David Masson. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. 1896. 14 v. Co. 1895. 12mo. I 2mo. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Works. Globe edi- tion. Edited by Alfred W. Pollard, H. DICKENS, Charles. Works. Library edi- F. Heath, Mark H. Liddell and W. S. tion. London: Chapman & Hall. 30 v. McCormick. London: Macmillan & Co. I2mo. 1899. DRYDEN, John. Works. Edited by Sir CICERO, Marcus Tullius. [Scripta quae Walter Scott. London: William Miller. 1808. 18 y. 8vo. . manserunt omnia.] Edited by C. F. W. Müller. [Teubner's Latin Classics.] Latin Classics.] “ELIOT, George.” Life and works. Cabi- Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1890. edition.] Edinburgh: William COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Poetical and Blackwood & Sons. 1888. 24 V. dramatic works. London: Macmillan & Co. 1880. 4 v. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Works. [River- CORNEILLE, Pierre, Oeuvres. Edited by side edition.] Boston: Houghton, Mif- C. Marty-Laveaux. [Grands Écrivains flin & Co. 1883-84. 12 v. de la France.] Paris : Hachette et Com- EPICTETUS. [Works.] Edited by H. pagnie. 1862. I2 V. 8vo. Schenkl. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] DANTE ALIGHIERI. Tutte le opere. Edited Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1894. 12mo. . by Edward Moore. Oxford: University Same. [English translation.] Press. 1894. 8vo. Translated by Thomas Wentworth Hig- Same. Divina Commedia. [Ital- ginson. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. ian and English.] Translated by Arthur 1865. I 2mo. John Butler. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1894. 3. v. ERASMUS, Desiderius. Stultitiae laus. I 2mo. Same. [English translations.] The Edited by I. B. Kan. The Hague: Mar- Divine comedy. Translated into English tin Nyhoff. 1898. 12mo. prose, by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston: Same. [English translation.] The Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1891-92. 3 v. pi aise of folly. London: Reeves & Tur- 1876. 8vo. The Paradiso. [Italian and Familiar colloquies. Translated by English.] Translated into English terza N. Bailey. 1824-25. rima, by Philip H. Wicksteed. [Temple EURIPIDES. [Tragedies. ] Edited by A. Classics.] London: J. M. Dent & Co. Nauck. Teubner's Greek Classics.] 1899. Iomo. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1895. 3 V. -The new life. Translated into Eng- lish by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston: Same. [English translation.] Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1898. 12mo. . Tragedies in English verse. Translated DE FOE, Daniel. The life and adventures by Arthur S. Way. London: Macmillan of Robinson Crusoe. [American re- & Co. 1894, 1896, 1898. 3 v. I 2mo. I 2mo. I 2mo. I2mo. ner. I 2mo. 12mo. I 2mo. 4 STANDARD LIBRARY. I2mo. I2mo. I2 V. I2mo. I2mo. FEDERALIST, The. [By Alexander Hamil- HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Works. [River- ton, John Jay, and James Madison.] side edition.] Boston: Houghton, Mif- Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. New flin & Co. 1896. 13 v. York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. HEINE, Heinrich. Gesammelte Werke. 1888. 12mo. Edited by Gustav Karpeles. Berlin: G. FIELDING, Henry. Works. London: W. Grote. 1893. 9 v. Strahan and others. 1783 Same. [English translation.] I 2mo. Works. Translated by Charles Godfrey FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Works. Edited Leland. London: William Heinemann. by Jared Sparks. Boston: Hilliard, 1892. 8 v. Gray & Co. 1840. IO V. 8vo. Poems and ballads. Trans- FROISSART, Sir John. Chroniques. Edited lated by Sir Theodore Martin. Edin- by J. A. C. Buchon. Paris : A. Desrez. burgh: William Blackwood & Sons. 1835. 3 v. 8vo. 1878. 12mo. Same. [English version.] Chron- icles. Translated by Sir John Bouchier, HERODOTUS. [Histories. ] Edited by H. Lord Berners. Edited by W. P. Ker: R. Dietsch; revised by H. Kallenberg. [Tudor Translations.]. London: David [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig : Nutt. 1901. 8vo. B. G. Teubner. 1894. 2 v. GIBBON, Edward. Autobiographies. Ed- Same. [English translation.] ited by John Murray. London: John Translated by George Rawlinson and Murray. 2d ed., 1897. 8vo. others. London: John Murray. 1880. Private letters. 1753-94. Edited 4 y. 8vo. by Rowland E. Prothero. London: HOMER. [Iliad.] Edited by K. W. Din- John Murray. 2d ed., 1897. 2 v. 8vo. dorf; revised by C. Hentze. [Teubner's History of the decline and fall of the Greek Classics.] Leipzig: B. G. Teub- Roman Empire. Edited by John B. 1896, 1898. 2 V., bound in I. Bury. London: Methuen & Co. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1897- Same. [English translation.] 1900. 7 v. Iliad. Translated into English rhymed Miscellaneous works. London: Edited John Murray. 1814. 5 v. couplets, by Alexander Pope. 8vo. by J. S. Watson. [Bohn's Illustrated GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Werke. Library.] London: George Bell & Sons. Edited by K. Gödeke. Stuttgart: J. G. Ed. 1898. 12mo. Cotta. 36 v., bound in 18 v. 1893. Iliad. Translated into Eng- Same. [English translation.] lish blank verse, by William Cullen Bry- ant. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Works. [Translated into English by Scott, Bowring, Boylan, and others. Copyright, 1871. 2 v. [Bohn's Standard Series.] London: Iliad. Translated into Eng- George Bell & Sons. 12 V. I 2mo. lish prose, by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf, Faust. Translated by Bay- and Ernest Myers. London and New ard Taylor. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin York: Macmillan & Co. 1898. & Co. Copyright, 1871. 2 v. [Odyssey.] Edited by K. W. Din- GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Works. Edited by dorf; revised by C. Hentze. [Teubner's Peter Cunningham. [American re- Greek Classics.] Leipzig: B. G. Teub- print.] New York: Harper & Bros. 1892, 1896. 2 V., bound in I. 1881. 4 v. 4 v. 8vo. Poetical works. Edited, with Saine. [English translation.] memoir, by William Spalding. London: Odyssey. Translated into English Charles Griffin & Co. 1864. 12mo. rhymed couplets, by Alexander Pope. GRAY, Thomas. Works in prose and verse. Edited by J. S. Watson. [Bohn's Il- Edited by Edmund Gosse. London: lustrated Library.] London: George Macmillan & Co. 1884. 1884. 4 v. Bell & Sons. Ed. 1894. Ed. 1894. 12mo. ner. I2mo. I 2mo. Izmo. I2mo. I 2mo. I 2mo. ner. I 2mo. I 2o. STANDARD LIBRARY. 5 IO V. Izmo. 3 v. Immo. I 2mo. HOMER, continued. Odyssey. Translated in- LANDOR, Walter Savage. Works. Edited to English blank verse, by William Cul- by Charles G. Crump. London: J. M. len Bryant. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Dent & Co. 1891-92. 12mo. & Co. Copyright, 1871. 2 v. I 2mo. LE SAGE, Alain René. Gil Blas. Paris : Odyssev. Translated into Charpentier. 1843. 1843. 12mo. English prose, by Samuel H. Butcher and Samie. [English translation.] Gil Andrew Lang. London and New York: Blas. Translated by George Saintsbury. Macmillan & Co. 1882. London: J. C. Nimmo and Bain. 1881. [Hymns.] Edited by A. Baumeis- I2mo. ter. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leip- LESSING, Gotthold Ephraim. Sämtliche zig: B. G. Teubner. 1894. 12mo. Schriften. Edited by K. Lachmann. HORACE. [Works.] [Works.] Edited by L. Müller. 1886-1900. Stuttgart: G. J. Göschen. [Teubner's Latin Classics.] Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. Ed. 1897. 12mo. 15 v. 8vo. Same. [English Same. translation.] translation.] [English Translated into English verse by John Dramatic works. Translated by E. Bell. London: George Bell & Sons. 1895, Conington. London: George Bell & 1892. 2 v. Sons. 1892. 2 V. I 2mo. Selected prose works. HUGO, Victor Marie, Vicomte Hugo. Translated by E. C. Beasley and Helen Oeuvres. [Edition définitive d'après les Zimmern. London: George Bell and manuscrits originaux.] Paris : J. Het- Sons. 1890. 12mo. zel et Compagnie. 70 v. 12mo. Same. LOWELL, James Russell. Works. [River- [English translation.] side edition.] Boston: Houghton, Mif- Lyrical poems. Translated by Henry L. flin & Co. 1890-92. 12 V. Williams. London: George Bell & Sons. 1887. MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Baron I2mo. Dramatic works. [Her- Macaulay. Complete works. Edited by Lady Trevelyan. nani, etc.] Translated by Frederick L. [Edinburgh edition.] Slous and Mrs. Newton Crosland. Lon- London and New York: Longmans, don: George Bell & Sons. 1894. 12mo. Green & Co. 1897. 8 v. 8vo. JOHNSON, Samuel. Works. Edited by MACHIAVELLI, Niccoló di. Opere. Italia: Arthur Murphy. [American reprint.] 1813. 8 v. 8vo. Philadelphia: H. C. Carey and I. Lea. Same. [English translation.] His- 1825. 6 v. 8vo. torial, poetical, and diplomatic writings. JONSON, Ben. Works. Edited by William Translated by C. E. Detmold. Boston: Gifford; revised by F. Cunningham. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1891. 4. v. 8vo. London: Bickers & Son; reissued by Henry Sotheran & Co. 1875. 9 v. 8vo. MAHABHARATA, The. Condensed into “JUNIUS." Letters of Junius. Edited by English verse by Romesh Dutt. Edited Henry Sampson Woodfall. [American by Israel Gollancz. [Temple Classics.] reprint.] New York: Leavitt & Co. London: J. M. Dent & Co. 1899, 1898. 1851. 2 V., bound in 1. 8vo. Ібmo. KEATS, John. Poetical works. Edited by MALORY, Sir Thomas. Morte d’Ar- Francis Turner Palgrave. [Golden thur. Edited by Israel Gollancz. [Tem- Treasury Series.] London: Macmillan ple Classics.] London: J. M. Dent & & Co. 1898. 16mo. Co. 1898. 4 v. Ібmo. . LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Oeuvres. Edited MILTON, John. Paradise lost. Paradise lost. Edited by by Henri Regnier. [Grands Ecrivains Thomas Newton. London: J. and R. de la France.] Paris : Hachette et Com- Tonson, and S. Draper, and others. 2d pagnie. 1883. 8vo. ed., 1750. 8vo. LAMB, Charles. Poetical works. London: Paradise regained, etc. Edited by H. G. Bohn. 4th ed., 1841. Izmo. Thomas Newton. London: J. and R. -Prose works. London: E. Moxon. Tonson, and S. Draper, and others. 2d 1838. ed., 1753. 8vo. . 2 V. II v. 2 v. 3 v. Immo. 2 V. 6 STANDARD LIBRARY. VILTON, John. 1875. I 2mo. I2mo. IO V. I2imo. HOMER, continued. Poetical works. Lon- by various hands. [Bohn's Illustrated don: William Pickering. 1832. 3 v. Library.] London: George Bell & Sons. I2mo. Prose works. Edited by J. A. St. PLATO. [Dialogues.] John. Standard Library.] Edited by C. F. [Bohn's Hermann; reëdited by M. Wohlrab. London: George Bell & Sons. 1893. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig : 5 v. I2mo. B. G. Teubner. 1890-1896. 6 v. Selected prose writings. Edited by Ernest Myers. [American reprint. Same. Parchment series.] New York: D. Ap- [English translation.] Translated by Benjamin Jowett. New pleton & Co. 1884. I6mo. York and London: Macmillan & Co. 3d MOLIÈRE, Jean Baptiste Baptiste Poquelin de. Oeuvres. Edited by E. Despois. ed., 1892. 5 v. 8vo. [Grands Écrivains de la France.] Paris : PLUTARCH. [Lives. ] Edited by C. Sin- Hachette et Compagnie. 1873. 10 v. tenis. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] 8vo. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1889-95. 5 v. Same. [French and English, on al- ternate pages.] London: John Watt. Sanie. [English transla- 1739. tion.] Translated by Francis North. MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de. Essais, Edited by W. H. D. Rouse. [Temple Edited by J. V. Le Clerc. Paris : Gar- Classics.] London: J. M. Dent & Co. nier Frères. 1865. 4 v. 8vo. 1898-99. 10 v. 16mo. Same. [English translation.] [Morals.] Edited by G. N. Bern- Translated by W. Hazlitt. Edited by adakis. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] O. W. Wight. New York: Hurd & Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1888-96. 8 v. Houghton. 1872. 4 v. I 2mo. I 2mo. MORE, Sir Thomas. Utopia. Translated Same. [English transla- from the Latin by Raphe Robinson. Ed- tion.] Edited by William Watson Good- ited by T. F. Dibdin. London: William win. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Miller. 1808. 1898. 5 v. 8vo. NIBELUNGENLIED, Das. [Translated from Old High German into modern German Polo, Marco. Travels. Edited by verse, by Karl Simrock.] Stuttgart: Thomas Wright. [Bohn's Antiquarian J. G. Cotta. 1873. Library.] London: George Bell & Sons. Same. [English translation.] 1892. Translated by Alice Horton. Edited by POPE, Alexander. Works. Edited by Edward Bell. London: George Bell & William Roscoe. London: C. and J. Sons. 1898. Rivington, and others. 1824. OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubâiyât. [Persian 8vo. and English.] Translated by Edward Heron-Allen. London: Bernard Quar- RACINE, Jean. Oeuvres. Edited by Paul Mesnard. [Grands Écrivains de itch. Boston: L. C. Page & Co. 1899. la France.] Paris : Hachette et Com- 8vo. pagnie. 1885. 8 v. 8vo. -Same. [English translation.] Trans- lated into English verse by Edward Fitz- RAMAYANA, The. Condensed into English gerald. [Old World Series.] Portland, verse by Romesh Dutt. Edited by Israel Me.; T. B. Mosher, 1899. Gollancz. [Temple Classics.] London: OVID. [Works.] Edited by R. Ehwald. J. M. Dent & Co. 1899. 16mo. [Teubner's Latin Classics.] Leipzig : B. SAPPHO. [Greek and English.] Sappho: G. Teubner. 1891, 1897. 3 v. I 2mo. memoir, text, selected renderings, and a PETRARCA, Francesco. Le Rime. Edited literal translation, by Henry Thornton by G. Leopardi. Firenze: 1886. Wharton. London: David Stott. Chi- Same. [English translation.] cago: A. C. McClurg & Co. 1887. Triumphs and other poems. Translated I 2mo. 2 V. Izmo. I 2mo. I2ino. IO V. I 2mo. I2mo. STANDARD LIBRARY. 7 I 2mo. 33 v. 8vo. TENNYSON, I 2mo. 40 V. I 2mo. II V. SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. SWIFT, Jonathan. Works. Edited by Sir... Werke. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta. 1885- Walter Scott. Edinburgh: A. Constable 67. 12 V., bound in 6 v. 8vo. & Co. 1814. 19 v. 8vo. Same. [English translation.] TACITUS, Caius Cornelius. [Works.] Ed- Poems and plays. [Translated into ited by K. Halm. [Teubner's Latin English verse, by Lord Lytton, Coleridge Classics.] Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. and others.] Edited by Henry Morley. 1891, 1893. 2 v. London: George Routledge & Sons. Sanie. [English translation ] 1890. Izmo. Translated by A. J. Church and W. J. SCOTT, Sir Walter. Waverley novels. Brodribb. London: Macmillan & Co. [Library Edition.] Edinburgh: A. & C. 1893-95. 3. v. I2mo. Black. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Tasso, Torquato. Opere. Pisa: Niccolo Co. 1887. 25 v. 8vo. Capurro. 1821. Poetical works. Edited by Andrew Same. [English translation.] Lang. London and Edinburgh: A. & Jerusalem delivered. Translated by Ed- C. Black. 1895. 2 v. 8vo. ward Fairfax. Edited by Henry Mor- Journal. [American reprint.] ley. London: George Routledge & Sons. New York: Harper & Bros. 1890. 2 v. 1890. 12mo. 8vo. Alfred, Baron Tennyson. SHAKESPEARE, William. Works. [Tem- Works. London: Macmillan & Co. ple Edition.] Edited by Israel Goſlancz. 1896. 6 v. London: J. M. Dent & Co. Ed. 1896. THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Works. 16mo. [Popular Edition.] London: Smith, El- Works. Plays and Poems. [Pre- der & Co. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- face by Samuel Johnson.] London: cott & Co. 1879. 24 V. William Pickering. 1825 THEOCRITUS. [Works. ] Bucolicorum I 2mo. Graecorum, Theocriti, Bionis, Moschi re- SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Works. Edited liquiae. Edited by F. H. L. Ahrens. by George Edward Woodberry. [Cen- [Teubner's Greek Classics.] Leipzig : tenary edition.] Boston: Houghton, B. G. Teubner. 1897. I2mo. Mifflin & Co. 1892. 4 V. I 2mo. Same. [English translation.] SIDNEY, Sir Philip. The Countess of Pem- Poems of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. broke’s Arcadia. London: Sampson Translated by Andrew Lang. London: Macmillan & Co. 1880. Low, Marston & Co. 1898. 8vo. THUCYDIDES. Complete poems. Edited by A. B. [Works.] Edited by G. Grosart. Böhme. London: Chatto & Windus. [Teubner's Greek Classics.] 1877. 3 v. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1897, 1896. I2mo. 2 V. Miscellaneous works. Edited by William Gray. Sanie. Boston: T. O. H. P. translation.] [English Burnham. 1860. 8vo. History of the Peloponnesian War. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. Ox- SOPHOCLES. [Works.] Edited by Lewis ford: Clarendon Press. Ed. 1900. 2 v. Campbell. [The Clarendon Press Series. ] 8vo. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1879, 1881. VIRGIL. [Works.] Edited by John Con- Same. ington and Henry Nettleship. [Biblio- [English translation.] theca Classica.] London: George Bell Translated into English blank verse, by & Sons. 1898. 3 v. 8vo. Lewis Campbell. London: John Mur- Same. London: A. Dulau ray. 1896. & Co. 1800. 8vo. SPECTATOR, The. Edinburgh. 1776. 6 v. Same. [English translation.] Aeneid. Translated into English verse SPENSER, Edmund. Poetical works. Lon- by John Conington. London: Long- don: W. Pickering. 1825. 5 v. I 2mo. mans, Green & Co. 1893. 12mo. I 2mo. I2mo. 2 2 V. I2mo, 2 V. I2mo. 8 STANDARD LIBRARY. I2 V. VIRGIL, continued. Eclogues and Georg- New York: Macmillan & Co. 1896-97 ics. Translated into English prose, by I 2mo. John William Mackail. London: Riv- Poems. Chosen and edited by Mat ingtons. 1889. I6mo. thew Arnold. [Golden Treasury Se WALTON, Izaak. Compleat angler. Ed- ries.] London: Macmillan & СС ited by Israel Gollancz. [Temple Clas- I 2mo. sics.] London: J. M. Dent & Co. 1899. XENOPHON. [Works. ] Edited by W Ібто. Gilbert, A. Hug, A. Keller, and L. Din Lives of Donne, Wotton, and others. dorf. [Teubner's Greek Classics. Edited by A. H. Bullen. [Bohn's Il- Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1883, 1895 lustrated Library.] London: George 1896, 1897. 5 v. Bell & Sons. 1884. I 2mo. Same. [English translation. WORDSWORTH, William. Works, life, etc. Translated by H. G. Dakyns. London Edited by William Knight. London and Macmillan & Co. 1890-97. 3 v. I 2mo. I2mc NOTE, The above editions comprise an approximate at- author, exceptions being made in the case of Burn, tempt, only, at a symmetrical representation of the . Byron, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Milton, Shakespeare, an different authors. Thus, the following are found in Wordsworth. Likewise, the rule is, usually, in th the original only, and not in an English translation : case of foreign authors, one translation to an autho Cicero, Corneille, La Fontaine, Ovid, and Racine. The the exceptions being the Chanson de Roland, Dant following are not found in the original : Arabian Heine, and Homer. In the following instances, th nights, Chanson de Roland, More, and the Nibelun- original and the English translation are placed in con genlied. The following though included in both ori- bination with each other, within the same volume ginal and translation, is not complete in the original : À Kempis, Bacon, Camoens, Dante, Molière, an Erasmus ; and the following, are incomplete in the Omar Khayyâm. English: Aristophanes, Aristotle, Calderon, Dante, The following are represented by certain edition Homer, Hugo, and Schiller. The following comprise which are now out of print: Aristotle, Burns, Dryder a single selected work only, in both the original and Erasmus, Fielding, Gibbon, Johnson, Lamb, Milto the translation: Ariosto, Bunyan, De Foe, and Cer- Molière, More, Pope, Shakespeare, and the Spectato vantes. The following represent a limited selection : Editions which will approach more nearly the ide the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana, in translations, standard will be substituted later, in the case of th and Coleridge, in his English works. following: Addison, Junius, Scott, and Thackeray. The rule is, usually, in English, one edition to an Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros.Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 08171 3219