º ** # - º | |lin ZH lls * \; * ~ N t. il [8 and 121 Gººg ſº Nassau ww.tasr, bra. --→ S WłºńAM s Gºe yol. vi. New York, JUNE 1, 1874. No. 6. C O N T E N T S. PAGE - PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, * – 489 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs. — 1 99 LONDON LETTER, sº-º 4-º'- - 194 | BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTs For JUNE, 200 oBITUARY, 4- wº- - '92 |MAY PUBLICATIONs, - tº- – 2C2 SPECIAL NoTICES, *- *- — 195 NEw MUSIC, * = - 2 - – 206 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, - 196 - FoREIGN LITERARY NOTEs, 19, the stationery MARKer. – – 209 NewsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, – 198|THE AMERICAN NEws com. PANY's MUSIC NOTEs, – * * — 1 99 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND NoveLTIES, GAMES, Toys, ETC., - 199 PERIODICALs, sº {-ºº: — 2 I I TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. * Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. . & Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY. I 15, I 17, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. INT O W, F. E. A. D. Y. 77, eodore 7'izzon's New Novel, TEIMIPIEST - TOSSED. one Vol., Large 12mo. Tinted Paper. Price $1.75. The story is one of marked power and poetic beauty. Mr. Tilton wields a very graceful pen, and possesses a vivid imagination. AcRoss AMERICA; THE GREAT WIEST AND PACIFIC COAST. BY C. EN'L. JAS. F. R USLI NC. One Wol., Large 12mo, with S Full-page Illustrations and Map of the Route. |Price 93.00. Many places on the Pacific Coast were visited, and are described, which will be entirely new to the most intelligent readers. This trip of Gen'l Rusling's occupied two years, and embraced 15,000 miles. BIECEINTLY FUIELISHED- SECRETARY WELLES BOOK, LINGOLIN AND SEWARD. $1.5C). THE WETHERELT, AFFAIR. BY COL. J. W. DE FOREST. $1.O.O. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDS. “Mrs. Edwards is one of the brightest and freshest of the novel writers of the day.”—Journal, JBoston. MISS FORRESTER, rº º Iº $º Dººl º $1 00 OUGHT WE TO WISIT HER 7 ſº ſº sººn * I sº 1 00 THE ORDEAL FOR WIWES, ſº dº * º fººt 1 00 ARCHIE LOWELL, ſº tºº. tºº ſºng Lºs tºn 1 00 PHILIP EARNSCLIFFE, º º sº tºº tº 1 00 A WAGABOND HEROINE, - - lº. tºº rº gº 75 By JUSTIN IMcCARTHY. A FAIR SAX0N, tº-ſº tº sº tºº sº ſº $1 00 LADY JUDITH, gº tºº tºº tº iºn ſº sºng 1 25. Any of the above sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Address SHELDON & Co., New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers’, or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. T HE £ook MARKET. NEW YORK, June 1st, 1874. Although the lists of new books from our pub- lishing houses have, with few exceptions, been light, the issues during the month have exceed- ed the demand, and in the general dulness, even the best books have failed to receive much at- tention. Some volumes which would have been eagerly sought for in a more active season, have fallen flat upon the market. The list for the month includes a number of works which have been stereotyped for months, and been an- nounced several times, and their publishers had to take the risk of issuing them now or with- hold them till fall. - The Harpers have issued in a large octavo vol- ume, entitled Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands, Mr. Charles Nordhoff’s papers on those places, which have been printed in their Magazine ; Dr. Schweinfurth’s Heart of Africa, in two volumes ; Motley's Life of John of Barneveld ; Five Minute Chats, “with young women and certain other parties,” by Dio Lewis; A Fast Life on the Modern Highway, by Joseph Taylor, and of novels, Anthony Trollope's Lady Anna ; Wilkie Collins' Queen of Hearts ; Juhn Worthington's Name, by Frank Lee Benedict; My Mother and 1, by Mrs. Craik ; and At Her Mercy, by Jas. Payn. A book of travel by an enterprising, wide-awake journalist seldom fails to be interesting, and Mr. Nordhoff's second book certainly deserves a place amó-g the best. The author's newspaper experience has taught him what will most interest his readers, and this book, like his California, while full of graphic descriptions and lively gossip, is free from the tiresome details and dry matter of fact which is always dreaded by the reader of such books. The chapters on the Sandwich Islands are especially entertaining and full of valuable in- formation. The Heart of Africa is admirably translated by Ellen E. Frewer, and contains an introduction by Winwood Reade. It is a very interesting narrative of the explorer's adventures during three years of travel in a portion of Cen- tral Africa, to which but one besides himself, Sir Samuel Baker, has succeeded in penetrating. Dr. Schweinfurth ranks among the first explorers of this or any age, and his extensive work, besides being a most valuable contribution to science, is, without doubt, the most entertain- ing book on Africa ever written. It is illus- trated with the author's own sketches. Dio Lewis's book consists of brief and readable talks on subjects connected with health and morals. Upon these topics he is always viva- cious and instructive. The writer of A Fast Life on the Modern Highway is evidently a prac- tical railroad man, and the book is just the one with which to while away the tedious hours of a journey by rail. It gives an account of the workings and management of a railway, the uses of signals, time-tables, etc., and descrip- tions—frequently laughable, and interspersed with lively anecdotes—of the work and duties of the various employees. Mr. Motley's Life of John of Barneveld is historical more than bio- graphical, embracing in its scope the whole of Europe. The papers, now first exhumed from the archives of the Hague, throw much light on the events in which the subject of the volume took part. Henry Holt & Co. have published The Orelan Insurrection of 1866-7-8, by William J. Stillman, late U S. Consul at Crete, a well written and intensely interesting account of a sad event in modern history; Recent Art and Society, and a condensed compilation of Mr. Hewlett's bulky Memoirs of Chorley. The work of con- densing has been well done by Mr. C. H. Jones, who has preserved everything which is likely to interest Americans, and given to us a volume of delightful reading. The other books from Holt & Co. are Sacred Anthology, a harge work by M. D. Conway; a smaller volume by the same author, entitled The Earthly Pilgrimage; two novels from Turgenieff, in one volume, in the “Leisure Hour Series,” Spring Floods and a Lear of the Steppe ; two of Auerbach's books in the same series, viz., Little Barefoot, and Joseph in the Snow; and early in the month, Auerbach's Waldfried. The two stories of Turgenieff’s are both good, the last in the volume dealing with strange scenes and having a somewhat weird interest. This is translated from a French ver- sion, by William H. Brown, the other directly from the Russian, by Miss Sophie M. Butts. Berthold Auerbach, who holds a high place among German writers, pronounces Waldfried Y 90 THE AMERICAN Books ELLERS GUIDE. his best work. It is a story of German home- life during the last two wars, and the political changes which attended them. It is written naturally and with force, possessing the prime requisites of a novel, and yet it is, as the author intended it should be, something more than a novel, interweaving German philosophy and German history, and blending fact and fic- tion so harmoniously as to muake the work highly readable, and of such a character that it will attract attention throughout the world. D. Appleton & Co. have published a novel entitled Beauseincourt, by the author of Miriam Monforl; a lengthy treatise on the Surgical Dis- eases of live Urinary Organs, designed as a manual for students and practitioners, by Doc- tors W. H. Van Buren and E. L. Keys; a trea- tise on Mental Physiology, by William B. Car- penter, M. D.,LL.D.; and Proctor's Expanse of Heaven. The last volume is a series of brilliant essays on the wonders of the universe, as brought to light by the late astronomical dis- coveries. Prof. Proctor has done more than any other living writer to popularize the study of his favorite science, and this book is as fas- cinating as a popular novel. The elegant dic- tion, profound knowledge, and vivid imagina- tion which he displays on its pages, invests the book with a charm which is not easily resisted. Dr. Carpenter's Mental Physiology is a work that will attract much attention, from the well-estab- lished reputation of the author, and also for the views which he sets forth on the relation of mind to matter, and his treatment of the mor- bid conditions of the former. He divides his work into two parts. The first part, “General Physiology,” is learned and Scientific, giving a clear and minute description of the nervous systems of living organizations, from the sim- plest to the most complex, and following this, the mental attributes. The second treats in a masterly manner of Memory, Common Sense, Imagination, Unconscious Cerebration, —under which he includes “Planchette writing ' and the various “spiritual manifestations"—Mes- merism, Animal Magnetism, Delirium, In- sanity, etc. This part of the volume is very in- teresting, abounding with anecdotes and sug- gestions. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued the volume on Revelation, which completes Lange's extensive “Commentary on the NewTestament,” edited by Dr. P. Schäff; Forgiveness and Lato, by Dr. Horace Bushnell, a volume treating of the nature and necessity of the atonement ; the fourth volume of Dr. Ernst Curtius’ History of Greece ; and the initial volume of “Bric-a-Brac Series,” Personal Reminiscences of Chorley, Planche and Young, edited by R. H. Stoddard. This is one of the most entertaining books of the season and gives abundant assurance of the success of the series. Its motto is “Infinite riches in a little room,” and without violating it in respect to space, this volume is certainly rich and at- tractive, its contents culled from three of the best anecdotal books in the language, the re- miniscences of Chorley the critic, of Planche the play-writer, and of Julian Charles Young, who has been famous as a tragedian with two generations of theatre goers. G. P. Putnam's Sons have issued two English books of sanitary value. The first is “the result of forty years' experience” of John Murray, M. D., Inspector General of Hospitals, and is entitled Observations on the Pathology and Treatment of Cholera. Dr. Murray's practice has been mostly in India, and his work will be read with interest. The second book is less scientific but quite as important. It is Sami- tary Arrangements for Dwellings, by William Earsie. It is illustrated by plates, and gives an abundance of good advice to architects and builders. This house have also issued An Epi- lome of Therapeutics, by W. I. Stone, F. R. C. S.; and Passages from the Life of Charles Knight, an- other book of reminiscences, which have lately grown so popular. Knight was born in 1791 and died in 1873 ; and his recollections extend- ed almost from the beginning of the century. G. W. Carleton & Co. have published two translations from the French : She Loved Him Madly, a novel, by Goutran Borys, and Female Beauty and the Art of Pleasing, the first part from Dr. A. Cazenave, the second from Ernest Feydeau. It is very Frenchy, full of receipts and directions for preserving the hair, the com- plexion, the figure, &c. She Loved Him Madly, is a passably good story of contemporaneous life in France, with all the scenes and plots and characters which go to make up an ordinary French novel. The volume is the forerunner of a series of translations from the French, which Carleton & Co. propose to publish, Pourquoi, by Chavette and A Fatal Passion, by Charles de Bernard, are underlined. Robert Carter & Brothers have published a pretty little story for children, entitled Little Triaſ, or Grandma's Lessons; A Golden Sunset, a little volume by Dr. J. R. Macduff, giving an account of the last days of an exemplary and devoted Christian servant; and an illustrated volume of travel by Henry Day, entitled A Lavo- yer Abroad; What to See, and How to See it. Mr. Day is a practical New York lawyer, and in his tour through Europe, he detected and recorded many things in regard to the people, their so- cial customs and condition, which other travel- lers have failed to see. Most of the matter ap- peared in his letters to the N. Y. Observer, where they attracted much attention. They have all been corrected and some of them re- written for this volume. E. P. Dutton & Co. have published Dr. F. W. Farrar's Life of Christ, which has been very flatteringly received by the critics and the pub- lic. Dr. Farrar has travelled extensively in the Holy Land, and his descriptions of the scenes in which the Saviour passed His life, and the people among whom He lived, are vivid and real. The work is learned, without being dry and technical ; religious, without the semblance of cant; and candid and earnest, without dog- matism or even boldness. It possesses a glow of religious feeling which is wanting in most other works of its kind. It is written neither for the learned nor the unlearned, but for that large class of readers who are cultured and have correct literary tastes, but are not profoundly learned in Theology or Greek. Dr. Farrar is well known here to such readers by his volume THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. I 91 of sermons, The Silence and Voices of God, and they gladly welcome a continuous work from his pen like The Life of Christ. BosTon, June 1st, 1874. There is a light demand for books, and our publishers have issued but few new volumes. They are nearly all available, however, for the “summer campaign,” and include a num- ber which will attract special attention. Estes & Lauriat have issued an American edition of Victor Hugo's The Rhine; A Tour from Paris to Mayence, by the way of Aix-la- Chapelle, from Aird's translation, which was first published in England about ten years ago; a new edition of Passages from the Life of Charles knight; another charming little book on insects, in the “Half Hour” series, Packard’s Re- lation of Insects to Man; and a treatise on Coal as a Reservoir of Power, by R. Hunt, F. R. S. These little “half hour" books are not only entertaining, but, as compilations of scien- tific facts in convenient and cheap form, are valuable. These two are among the best in their respective series. Hugo’s Tour on the Rhine is a handsome octavo, full of entertain- ing descriptions of curious places and events, legends and reminiscences, written in a style which will please even those who object to the author's epigrammatic novels. The abridged edition of The Life of Charles Knight is a vol- ume of pleasing reminiscences, not only of the industrious publisher and author, for whom Douglass Jerrold proposed the epitaph “Good Knight,” but also of Scott, Macaulay, Brougham, and many other celebrities. Estes & Lauriat have nearly ready the first volume of Camp- bell’s Lives of the Lord Chancellors, bound uni- form with their edition of the same author's Chief Justices, and containing nineteen illustra- tions ; a second edition of Phillips' Famous () uses of Circumstantial Evidence, which has been revised and enlarged by the addition of many new cases. This is the only work of the kind published, and one that is almost indispensable to the legal student or practitioner, besides being of general interest. The author is well known by his work on Evidence, and his introductory essay in this volume on the Theory of Presump- tive Proof, adds greatly to its value. The other immediately forthcoming books from this house are Memories of Westminster Hall, a collection of anecdotes, incidents, and sketches relating to Westminster Hall,—its lawyers, judges, and trials, compiled by an American, with an his- torical introduction by Edward Foss, F. R. S., and illustrations; and a Memoir of Thomas, First Lord Denman, by Sir Joseph Arnould, in two volumes, uniform with Campbell's Chief Justices. In a few weeks they will publish Our Vacations, and How to Ejoy Them, “being an account of the cheapest and best method of spending a few weeks at the White Mountains, the Seashore, the Canadas, and other popular resorts ; written to assist those who desire to get the largest possible amount of recreation and enjoyment for the Smallest amount of money ’’ Henry L. Shepard & Co., the successors to Shepard & Gill, have published Jules Wernes Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth ; Nuga Inutiles, containing very clever, and in some cases ludicrous Latin versions of Mother Goose rhymes, ‘‘The Heathen Chinee,” and some more serious selections, with a few pages of laughable fables, all accompanied by the English originals; Money and Music, an art story by Charles Bar- nard ; and a cheap edition of Edward Sprague Rand's Flowers for the Parlor and Garden, at just one half the price of the former edition. Jules Werne's book is also very cheap, being printed on tinted paper with twenty full-page illustra- tions and richly bound. As it has never before been printed in this country, it will no doubt meet with a ready sale. Money and Music by the editor of Voa, Humana, and author of The Soprano, portrays the struggles of a music teacher, in her endeavors to convert her art into bread. The dedication is likely to frighten the ordinary novel reader: “To Eugene Thay- er, whose friendship was the inspiration of those scientific and technical parts of this book, that alone give it any value;” but we can assure the reader that it is a good story, containing excellencies aside from those which are scienti- fic or technical. The imprint of the publishers, on the last, instead of the title page, looks odd enough. Shepard & Co. have in press and will issue in a few days, the first volume of a series to be known as “Tribune Popular Science,” to consist of the scientific papers, addresses, etc., which compose the “Tribune Extras.” This volume comprises ten lectures by Proctor, seven of Agassiz's lectures at Penikese, Whittier's “Prayer of Agassiz,” Bayard Taylor's letter on the Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Troy, six of Brown-Sequard's lectures, and as much other matter, making a large octavo volume at the very low price of one dollar and a half. D. Lothrop & Co. have published a Life of Charles Summer, written by Rev. J. Chaplin and his wife, Mrs. J. D. Chaplin, daughter of Dum- can Dunbar, who was so closely identified with the anti-slavery cause in its earlier days. The volume which has an introduction by ex-Gov- ernor Claflin, extends to 504 pages, and gives glimpses of Mr. Sumner's social life, a full ac- count of his life's work against slavery, tracing the advances made in the contest from the time he entered into public life, and his con- nection with it. The authors do not claim that this is a complete biography, but it is very read- able and will commend itself to the public. It is finely illustrated with heliotype portraits and engravings. Lothrop & Co. have just ready a book of sketches of the temperance crusade, which takes its name from the title of the first story, Modern Prophets. There are fourteen stories written by Pansy and Faye Huntington, and illustrated. Stella and the Priest, a story by Laurie Loring, will be ready in a few weeks. Also, Knights and Sea-Kings, giving a history of the romantic Knights of Malta, and a general view of chivalry, its rise and decline, by Dr. S. F. Smith. They also have in press a new edi- tion of Banvard's Plymouth and the Pilgrims, which has been revised. Henry Hoyt & Co. have nearly ready a new edition of Mrs. Alden's (Pansy) temperance story, The Three People; Charley Bartlett's Ad- I92 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. ventures, a story of home and school, for boys, full of life without exaggeration; The Promise and the Promiser, the sixth volume of the “Anna Shipton" series; Miriam Brandon; or, Conflict and Victory, an excellent story for young ladies, by Mrs. J. F. Moore ; and Rose, Robin, and Litlle May, a story of domestic life, for children. They have also in preparation two question books on the International subjects for Sunday-schools for 1875, and a volume of notes or comments on the same, all of which will be brought out in the fall. James R. Osgood & Co. have published a new and cheaper edition, revised and enlarged, of Clarence King's Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada; the first two volumes of a new edition of Robert Buchanan’s works, revised and re- arranged by the author, and to be comprised in five volumes; a volume of Poems, by H. R. Hudson; The Legend of Jubal and other Poems, by George Eliot; an American edition of Bae- deker's European Guide-Books; Baddeck and That Sort of Thing, by Chas. Dudley Warner, and The Queen of the Regiment, by Katherine King. Volume first of the new edition of Buchanan's works contains “Meg Blane,” “Ballad of Judas Iscariot,” “London Lyrics,” and a col- lection of pieces never before published, also a portrait of the author. The second volume contains “Poems and Ballads of Life,” “Songs of the Terrible Year,” and “Traces on the Wall.” Mr. Hudson's poems are strong without rudeness, and tender without effeminateness. Many of them are already known to the public through the newspapers, and their many ad- mirers will be glad to possess them in this permanent and elegant form. The new volume from George Eliot contains eleven poems, of which “The Legend of Jubal" is the first. It is founded upon Jubal's invention of the lyre and the birth of music, and although it is, perhaps, the stateliest and most heroic in the volume, it is by no means the best. Baddeck. and That Sort of Thing, which has already ap- peared in the Atlantic is printed in an attractive little volume in the Saunterer's Series. It is a lively and picturesque account of tourists' ad- ventures in Canada. The Queen of the Regiment is an English novel, which the London Spectator pronounces “charming, fresh and cheery.” Baedeker's Guide-Books are well known to European tourists. They are convenient in ar- rangement and form, accurate in their informa- tion , and contain excellent maps. The series includes a useful manual of conversation in English, German, French and Italian. Osgood & Co. publish them by special arrangement with the European publishers. A new volume of poems by Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, author of A Woman's Poem, published about three years ago, will Soon be issued by Osgood & Co. Its title is A Voyage to the Fortunale Isles. Mrs. Piatt is the accomplished wife of the Librarian of the House of Representatives, and one of the few of the younger poets mentioned in Griswold's Female Poets of America. Her new volume is awaited with interest. This house will also issue early this month a translation of Gaboriau's La Corde au Com, and the first volume of “Little Classics,” which will bear the title Ecile, and will contain James Green- wood's “A Night in a Workhouse,” Bret Harte's “Outcasts of Poker Flat,” Hale’s “The Man Without a Country,” and De Quincey's “Flight of the Tartar Tribe.” Lee & Shepard have published Sumner's Prophetic Voices Concerning America, which was announced for the previous month. It was first published in the Atlantic Monthly, but has since been revised by the author, and additions made. The work bears evidence of much careful thought. Mr. Underwood's novel, Lord of Himself, will be issued in a few weeks. The publishers announce it as “a powerful American novel.” They will also have ready this month The Bible Regained, and the God of the Bible Ours, by Rev. Samuel Lee, who has attempted in the work to present a system of religious truth in outline, keeping in mind the fact that “think- ing men are weary of ponderous volumes, and they want books that are suggestive, being wil- ling to do the thinking in detail.” As an at- tempt to rescue the simple teachings of the Bible from the fog in which too much discus- sion has involved them, it is worthy of atten- tion. Roberts Brothers have issued Sara Coleridge's fairy romance, Phantasmion ; Some Women’s Hearts, or, Love Stories for Idle Hours, by Louise Chandler Moulton ; and Sea and Shore, a book of poetry for summer idlers, selected from the best modern poets, by Miss Preston, author of Love in the Nineteenth Century, and Mrs. Goddard, wife of the editor of the Daily Advertiser. Mrs Moulton is a charming writer, who never allows the interest of her readers to flag, and the “idle hours”cannot be more pleas- antly spent than with her book of love stories. hantasmion was given to the world years ago, but a very small edition only was printed, and it was soon exhausted. It is the author's only work of fiction, and is remarkable for its purity, both in conception and language. As a series of beautiful, artistic pen pictures, it is scarcely ex- celled in the language. Roberts Brothers will reprint Hale's In His Name, uniform with their 18mo books, for which they have lately designed new bindings. Lowell's story of boy-life, An- tony Brade, will probably be issued during the SUlDO DOleI’. William F. Gill & Co. have been busy with new editions of popular old books. They have brought out J. T. Trowbridge's two books, which had such a run ten years ago, Cudjo's Cave, and The Three Scouts; also, Haunted Hearts, by Maria S. Cummings, the author of The Lamplighter. They have also issued a new edition of Milch Cows and Dairy Farming, by Charles L. Flint, Secretary of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture. This work was first pub- lished in 1858, but has been almost forgotten. It is now revised and printed with the old cuts. It is a very valuable work of its kind, giving di- rections for breeding and managing dairy and other stocks, and for the culture of forage plants. The publishers have just ready Grasses and Forage Plants, a companion volume to the above by the same author, and a new novel, by Edmund Yates, entitled A Dangerous Game, which has much to do with theatrical life. They THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLE RS’ GUIDE. 1 93 will issue, about the middle of June, An Honest Woman, by Victor Cherbuliez. Loring has in press Lulu's Novel, from the Ger- man of Elise Polko, reprinted from Old and New, in which it was published several years ago under the awkward title, She Writes. The fact that Loring will print it, is proof enough that it is a good novel. A very useful little book, and one that de- serves attention is The Parents' Manual, or Home and Family, written by Professor Hiram Orcutt, and published by Thompson, Brown & Co. Professor Orcutt is a teacher of wide experience, and his suggestions in regard to parents’ duties to their children are entitled to consideration. His previous book The Teacher's Manual on the Same plan as this, has been extensively read and appreciated. PHILADELPHIA, June 1st, 1874. There is a dearth of literary news in this city. Business continues to be dull, and there is little prospect of a change for the better till fall. • Some of our publishing houses are making active preparations for new issues, and their publications during the month have kept them comparatively busy; but many good books that are ready for the press are withheld, and will not appear until the early fall. Porter & Coates have issued in their popular series of novels, Mme. Schwartz's book, Gerda. It is a highly wrought and very interesting tale, and, without doubt, is the best of the works yet translated of this pleasing author Gerda is the story of a little girl, whose father, reduced to a state of extreme poverty, is induced to become an accomplice to crime, and in order to escape the hands of justice, is obliged to fly from his home, leaving his little daughter and a sick wife entirely dependent on the charity of others. The plot is carried forward by charac- ters life-like and entertaining, and cannot fail to interest. The “denouement’’ is a happy one; the various characters receiving their re- spective rewards and punishments in the usual Orthodox way. The story is laid in Sweden, and conveys a knowledge of the manners and Customs of that nation. The tone of the book is pure throughout, and the reader cannot lay it aside without an inward feeling of admiration for an author possessed with such noble senti- ments and excellent qualities of mind as are expressed in its pages. Valenline the Countess, from the German of Carl Detlef, is also ready in this series. It is translated by “M. S.,” the translator of By His Own Might, and is a novel of much merit. This house have issued the third volume of the new “Fireside " edi- tion of the Waverley Novels. It is printed in excellent type, on fine paper, with steel illustra- tions. The binding is stamped with a new design expressly drawn for this edition. During June they will issue new novels by Annie Thomas and Holme Lee. T. B. Peterson & Brothers seem not to be af- fected by the dull times, as they continue to print and, what is more to the purpose, to sell their novels. During May they have issued “The Conscript,” the famous historical romance from the pen of Alexander Dumas, which gives pictures of France from 1810 to 1814; “Kate Kennedy,” a new and readable novel from Mrs. Newby, being volume eight of the Newby series ; “The Planter's Daughter, ' a ro- mance fresh from the studio of the gifted novelist Miss Eliza A. Dupuy; also the elder Dumas' famous story of '92 and '93, “Love and Liberty,” a narrative embodying, in a graphic manner, the startling scenes of the first French Revolution ; and “ Wondrous Strange,” still another readable novel by Mrs. Newby. Dur- ing the first summer month, the Petersons will issue “The Orphan's Trials, or Alone in the Great City,” by Emerson Bennett, a story of much in- terest now being published in the Saturday Night ; and a new illustrated edition of The Tower of London, by William Harrison Ainsworth, which will be presented to a new generation of readers in an improved dress, as it well deserves; being one of our best historical romances, blend- ing fact and fiction so intimately as to de- ceive at times even the closest historical stu- dent. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have issued the second and last volume of Prescott's Conquest of Peru, carefully revised and edited in a scholarly man- ner by Mr. John Foster Kirk, and handsomely printed and bound ; and A Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems, by Mrs. Horace Howard Fürness, a fine octavo volume upon which the author must have bestowed much patience and careful study. It is very complete, giving every word in the poems. The Cambridge edi- tion is followed, and the poems are printed in full at the end of the volume. The work will be almost as valuable to students of Shakes- peare, as Mrs. Mary Cowden Clarke's Concor- dance to the plays, and the author is entitled to great credit. Among the English books im- ported by Lippincott & Co.. is Mr. Proctor's The Universe and the Coming Transit, two books in one, for it contains two series of essays, the first devoted to the universe and its constitu- tion ; the other devoted entirely to the coming transit of Venus. The volume contains the author’s charts and maps in sections. This house have in press for publication in a few days, the account of the Herald correspondent, Mr. James J. O'Kelly, of his adventures in Cuba, under the title of The Mambi Land. This prom- ises to be a very interesting book, as it gives an account of the author's imprisonment, describes the system of warfare which has enabled a few thousand men to resist the Government for years, and gives graphic descriptions of their . life in the mountains and forests. Claxton. Remsen & Haffelfinger have pub- lished Sabbath School Help, an exposition of the International lessons in Mark, in a 16mo vol- ume of about a hundred pages, by Rev. Dr. Alfred Nevin ; and a new novel by Emerson Bennett, entitled Villett Limden, or the Artist's Bride The scene of the story is laid mainly in Philadelphia, and like all this author's works, it is full of action, plots and counter-plots. Many of Mr. Bennett's admirers will probably pronounce it his best work. The publishers have prefaced the volume with a brief biograph- ical sketch of the author's life. Lindsay & Blakiston will shortly publish I 94 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ GUIDE. & Clay's Hand Book of Obstetrical Surgery, with illustrations ; Swain's Surgical Emergencies, and have nearly ready Materia Medica, sixth edition, for the use of students, by Prof. John B. Biddle, of the Jefferson College of Philadelphia; also The Student's Guide to Materia Medica, by John C. Thorowgood, M. D., of the Middlessex Hos- pital, London. They will also publish Whalley on the Human Eye; and Buzzard on Syphililic Nervous Affections. As special agents for the Sydenham Society's publications in the United States, they will soon receive the first volume for the year 1874, and can supply to the trade any of the publications of back years or complete Sets. LoNDoN, May 13th, 1874. The Summer season has now fairly set in, and the publishers' announcements include but few important books. One of the great books of the season will probably be the long announced poem by Algernon Charles Swin- burne, entitled “Bothwell,” a tragedy in five acts. He is also said to have a version of the story of “Ysolde,” in active preparation, but it will not be issued until some time after “Both- well,” which will be published this month. There is a life of Samuel Lover in preparation by an old friend and ardent admirer of the poet, Bayle Bernard, the well-known adapter of so many plays. It will be in two volumes—the first being biographical, and the second con- taining the literary remains and letters. Many of the papers which he left are said to be of great value, and the letters are gathered from many sources. Canon Kingsley’s new work, to be entitled “South by West,” will give experience of Winter in the Rocky Moun- tains, and Spring in Mexico. “Lyrics from a Country Lane,” is the title of a charming col- lection of poems by John L. Owen. They are gathered into four sheafs, each representing the season of the year to which they are most appropriate. There is a new translation of Horace's Odes, by R. M. H. Hovender, who has undertaken the difficult task of putting them in English verse. That most fertile of modern poets, Nicholas Mitchell, has another new volume, entitled . “The Heart's Great Rulers.” The author of Olrig Grange has just issued another poem, in six books, called “Borland Hall” and has dedicated it to Mr. Gladstone. “Coomassie and Magdala,” Mr. Stanley's new book, is a spirited record of Brit- ish powers and bravery, and his account of the fighting is most stirring. King Koffee has a good character given him, being represented as both mild and hospitable, Miss Braddon's “Lucius Davoreu" is having a very large sale, and it is well deserved, for there is a freshness about it not observable in many of her later novels. Mrs. Oliphant’s “For Love and Life,” and F. W. Robinson's “Second Cousin Sarah,” are both worthy their author's reputation. “Out of Court.” by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, is a fascinating, healthy book. A most weird and ghastly story is “The Mystery of Ashleigh Manor,” by Eliza Rhyl Davies, who shows a great dramatic power and holds the reader spell- bound until the denouement. Henry Kiugs- ley’s “Reginald Hetherege” is among the latest announcements, as is also Lady Chatterton's “Won at Last.” Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. issue Dutton Cook’s “Young Mr. Nightingale” and “B,” an autobiography by E. Dyne Fenton, the curious title being sus- tained by a still more curious motto, “Some relish from the saltness of time,” from Shakes- peare. Miss Christina Rossetti has a new vol- ume of tales which will shortly be produced. A new life of Allan Cunningham is being prepared by the Rev. David Hogg. A third edition of the English translation of “The Old Faith and the New * is to appear shortly with an original memoir of Strauss, by Miss Blind, and a translation of Strauss's “Postcript.” “Sylvia's Choice ’’ is the title of a novel, by Georgiana M. Craik. After a great deal of talk and conjecture the author of “Prince Florestan” has at length been decided to be (much to every one's surprise, for a great many people profess to recognize him in one of the characters) no other than Sir Charles Dijke. “Argus Fair- burn,” by the author of “Gilbert Rugge,” is quite a treat in the way of novels, for there is not even a murder in it ; no, nor even a rob- bery, and yet is a story that holds the reader's attention till the close of the volume. A new edition of “Pepy's Diary” will shortly be issu- ed, containing the hitherto unprinted part, which is being deciphered by Mr. Mynors Bright, and which is said to relate to the thea- tres of Pepy's time. The history of Japan from the earliest period to the present time, by Francis Ottiwell Adams, supplies a want that has long been felt, for more information con- cerning that country whose seclusion was so rudely broken. The Gentleman's Magazine for this month contains a most interesting article on “The Early Poems of Edgar Allen Poe,” by Dr. John H. Ingram. It consists chiefly of an analysis of a volume of poems, published by Poe when a student at West Point, and the contents are as rare in America as they are in England, for they were published for private circulation only, and the ridicule excited by the modest little volume amongst the sensitive author's brother Cadets, caused him to suppress and destroy all the copies he could reclaim. George Sand is writing a drama for the Odéon Theatre. Thomas Cooper, author of “The Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time,” and many other well known works, has just issued a collection of very charming tales entitled “Old- fashioned Stories,” a very pleasing series, calcu- lated to interest both young and old, Now that the Czar is the topic of general conversation, Mrs. Guthrie's book of travels in Russia is in great demand. Mr. C. G. Leland has in preparation a volume of ballads in the English gipsy dialect, with mc- trical English translations. He is assisted by Professor E. H. Palmer, of Cambridge, and also by Miss Tuckey, an author well known to the readers of Chambers’ Journal. Mr. Herbert Smith contributes specimens of Rommany songs, collected from the gipsies who accompa- nied him in his tour through Norway. W. T. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I 95 pertUARY. JOHN CAMPBELL. This well-known bookseller of Philadelphia, died at his residence in that city on the 29th of April, at the age of sixty-four years. He was born in the County Armagh. Ireland, but in early life went to London, where he engaged in the business of bookselling. In 1843, having become involved in the Chartist movement, he came to this country and established himself in Philadelphia, where he remained till the time of his death. ELIEIU P. MARVIN, D. D. Rev. Elihu P. Marvin, for several years editor and proprietor of the Daily News, of Boston, died in that city on the 11th of May He was born in the State of New York in 1819, but dur- ing his youth his family removed to Michigan, where he was educated, graduating from the Western Reserve College. He was pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Medford, Mass., from 1852 to 1865, and edited the Boston Recorder from 1864 until it was consolidated with the Congregationalist in 1867. In 1869 he bought the Daily News, and conducted it until his death. He took a lively interest in the tem- perance agitation, and was a most zealous work- er. His death resulted from a complication of disorders, induced by over-work. EDMUNID MORRIS. Mr. Edmund Morris, the journalist and au- thor, died at his residence in Burlington, N.J., on the 4th ult., in the seventieth year of his age. He was well known to newspaper men as the correspondent of the New York Tribune for a number of years, and afterwards as the pro- prietor of the Trenton, N. J., State Gazette. His name is more familiar to the public as the au- thor of the little book, Ten Acres Enough, pub- lished in 1864. He was also the author of Derrick and Drill, and How to Get a Fºurm, and Where to Find One. His books found appreciat- ive readers, and, as a journalist, he wielded an able and a graceful pen. His genial nature at- tached to him many warm personal friends, who will most sincerely mourn his death. I, SMITEI EIOMIANS. Mr. I. Smith Homans, editor of the N. Y. Bankers' Magazine, died on the 23d ult., after a few weeks' illness, in the 67th year of his age. Mr. Homans was for several years Actuary of the Mutual Life Ins. Co., and was well known in commercial and financial circles. Only a few weeks since the deceased celebrated the an- niversary of his golden Wedding. JOSEPHI HAVEN ID. D., L.L. D. Professor Joseph Haven, the distinguished di- vine and author, died at his residence in Chica- go, on the 23d ult , in the fifty-ninth year of his age. He was born in the town of North Dennis, Mass., and graduated with honor from Amherst College at the age of nineteen. He afterward pur- sued a course of theology at Andover, and took charge of a parish in Ashland. In 1839 he be- came pastor of a church in Brookline, and in 1850, accepted the chair of Mental and Moral Philosophy in Amherst. This he occupied un- til 1858, when he relinquished it to take the chair of Theology in the Congregational Theo- logical Seminary in Chicago. Professor Haven wrote much on his favorite topics, mental and moral philosophy, and his works are used as text-books in most of our colleges and Schools. In 1840 he wrote his celebrated review of Paley's Natural Theology, and his review of Dr. Bushnell on the Trinity. His works on mental and moral philosophy were published in the years 1858 and 1861. His last book, Studies in Philosophy and Theology, comprised miscel- laneous essays and addresses, and articles pub- lished previously in the Bibliotheca Sacra, and other reviews. =ºr- *- SPECIAL Notices. Macmillan & Co. have removed from Bleecker street to 21 Astor Place. Carl Heuser, publisher and importer of mu- sic, has removed from 820 Broadway to 841. J. R. McDivitt, law bookseller and pub- lisher, New York, has removed from his former place of business to 111 Nassau street. Mr. Walter Carter has retired from the firm of Robert Carter & Bros. New York, and Mr. Robert Carter, Jr., has taken his place in the firm. A. J. Bicknell & Co., New York, ‘have become the publishers of Riddell's Mechanic's Geometry, previously published by Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. John M. West, printer, and dealer in sta- tionery and pictures, Petersburg, Va., has sold out to Messrs. Nash & Rogers, who continue the business at the old stand. Willy Wallach, the well-known stationer, has removed from the store which he has occupied for many years at 41 John street, to more ex- tensive premises at 36 Park Row. - Levering & Son, the Well-known booksellers, of Lafayette, Ind., have moved into new quar. ters, at 82 Main Street, where they will have greater facilities for conducting their growing business. The firm of Sell & Backus, Erie, Pa., has been dissolved by the mutual consent of the partners, Mr. Backus retiring. Mr. William J. Sell remains in business at the old stand, 708 State street. Mr. Henry A. Young, of Henry A. Young & . Co , 24 Cornhill, Boston, and Mr. N. J. Bart- lett, formerly of 62 and 64 Cornhill, have formed a copartnership as publishers and book- sellers, under the name of Young & Bartlett. They have commenced business under the most favorable auspices in a new and spacious store, at No. 26 School street, 13oston. Messrs. H. C. & E. C. Tuttle, of the firm of Tuttle & Co., Rutland, Vt., have purchased a two-thirds interest in Mr. H. O. Brown's patents for making slate pencils, and have commenced manufacturing in that city under the title of The Vermont Slate Pencil Company. These pencils are named the “Patent Compressed Soapstone Pencil,” and are made by reducing the stone to powder, and compressing it. They are said to be much Superior to the common pencil. 3. 196 * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. We are authorized to say that Henry L. Hin- ton & Co. have severed all communication with their Agent, Henry M. Wynkoop. The Easy Book for Little Children is a handsome little volume, containing interesting stories for little ones, mostly in words of one syllable, and each one finely illustrated. Published by John L. Shorey, Boston. - At New Haven, Conn., Mr. George H. Rich- mond, and Mr. F. W. Patten, having purchased the interests of George H. Richmond & Co. and Wilson & Co., will continue the business as publishers and booksellers, under the firm name of Richmond & Patten, at 296 Chapel street. A. J. Fisher, New York, has brought out a new edition of Oliver Byrne's Apprentice; or, First Boole for Mechanics, Machinists, and En- gineers. It is a practical elementary treatise, containing so little of mathematical formula, and with the matter so well arranged, that it can be easily understood by an ordinary me- chanic with very little previous study. There is much in this work that is not found in the text- books used in the schools, and the student of mechanics will find it of great service in illus- trating elementary principles. The Secretary of the Publishers' Board of Trade reports the engagement of agents as fol. lows: By Clark & Maynard, Mr. W. W. McClel- land; by Cowperthwaite & Co., Mr. Francis N. IRitton; by A. S. Barnes & Co., Mr. J. M. Strad- ling; by Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Mr. Geo. B. Damon, at Boston; by Wilson, Hinkle & Co., Mr. Chas. B. Fry, at St. Louis, and Mr. Frazier, at Richmond, Ind. The following agents have been withdrawn : By Cowperth- waite & Co., Mr. A. P. Mott; by Wilson, Hinkle & Co., Mr. George B. Damon; by Ivison, Blake- man, Taylor & Co., Mr. Alfred L. Storms; by A. S. Barnes & Co., Mr. D. L. Libby. S. C. Griggs & Co. Chicago, have published two of the most entertaining volumes of the month. The Great Conversers is a volume of lively essays, from Professor William Matthews, of the University of Chicago. The first, from which the book takes its name, treats in a cap- tivating manner of the most famous talkers of ancient and modern times. The others are upon a variety of topics, including “The Battle of Waterloo " (with map), “French Traits,” “Popular Fallacies,” “Noses,” “Originality in Literature,” etc., all full of learning and life. The other volume is The World on Wheels, a series of humorous, illustrated sketches, by Benjamin F. Taylor, full of refined scholarly humor. The Autobiography of Edward Wortley Mon- tagu, with a Preface by R. Shelton Mckenzie, LL. D., Literary Editor of the Philadelphia Press, is now in press, and will be published in a few days by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. The London Evening Post, in a review of it, says: “The Autobiog- raphy of Edward Wortley Montagu is the most remarkable book that has been given to the public for many years. The author was the only son of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, whose career was, perhaps, one of the most extraordi- nary of any woman in the annals of England during the last two hundred years.” JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. The title of Edgar Fawcett's new volume of poems will be Asses’ Ears. The Harpers will publish here Stanley's book on Coomassie and Magdala. Osgood & Co. have commenced the publi- cation of a new edition of Robert Buchanan's works, in five volumes. Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge has prepared a volume of songs for children, which Scribner & Co. will illustrate and publish. The Carters will publish in the fall, Professor Peabody's lectures, in Union College, on “Christianity and Science.” A biography of Rear-Admiral Foote, written by Professor Hoppin, of Yale, will soon be pub- lished by Harper & Brothers. Miss Anna Dickinson's forthcoming book is not a novel, but a series of sketches of her lecturing tour experiences. When Hamerton had completed his Intellectual Life, he was so much dissatisfied with it that he burned the manuscript and re-wrote it all. Mr. Parton is collecting material for a history of caricature, in which its influence on American politics, through the pencil of Nast and others, will have prominence. Holden with the Cords, a new religious novel by the author of Shiloh, has been delayed by the author's illness. The first chapters, which have appeared in The Churchman, have been highly praised. E. P. Dutton & Co. announce it in book form for the early fall. We have received the Ninth Annual Report of The National Temperance Society and Publi- cation House, presented on the 11th ult., from which it appears that during the year ending at that date, they have issued forty-seven new publications, making a list of three hundred and fifty since the organization of the Society. Auerbach's son is described by Mrs. Ames as tall, graceful, and handsome, a pure Saxon, with a wealth of blonde hair and a depth of blue eyes sufficient to turn any American maiden's head. He is described by Mr. Holt, in whose office he has spent many hours, as of medium height, rather stout, well knit, a pure Hebrew, with black eyes and short black hair. The Journal of the Institute of Reward for Orphans and Patriots, published occasionally, is upon our table, containing the Twelfth Annual Report of the above Institute, and a very in- genious and serviceable Calendar for the first 6,000 years of the Christian Era. Published and sold by David Parsons Holton, M. D., Cor. Sec. of the I. R. O. P., No. 19 Great Jones street New York. Price 25 cents. A number of the most eminent clinical in- structors of Germany have undertaken to pre- pare a complete Encyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine, which will embrace the entire range of special Pathology and Therapeutics, and be completed in fifteen large volumes. William Wood & Co. will issue here by subscrip- tion, a translation of the work. The first vol- ume will be ready in August, and the succeed- ing volumes will follow at intervals of about three months. THE AMERICAN BOOKS EJ, LERS’ G UI/O E. I 97 The little Bazar Books of Health and Deco- rum are to be followed by Manuals of the Toilet and of the Household. Thomas Cook & Son, the excursion con- ductors, will issue, through a London house, a series of “Tourists' Guides.” The “Guide" to Switzerland will be issued in a few days, and will be followed by works on Holland, Belgium, the Rhine, and Italy, during the summer. Dickens' MS. of Our Mutual Friend has re- cently been purchased by Mr. George W. Childs. It is written in a small, cramped hand, on blue paper, the sheets being pasted on larger sheets, and bound in two thick quarto volumes. There is much scratching and inter- liuing, and prefacilig each volume is the au- thor's sketch of the plot, his list of characters, and memoranda in regard to their introduction and the parts they are to take, –showing the methodical care with which the author worked. The MS. is complete, even to the postscript which refers feelingly to the railway accident, in which Mr. and Mrs Boffin, “in their manu- script dress for receiving Mr and Mrs. Lam- mel at breakfast,” and also “Miss Bella Wilfer in her bridal dress,” were involved. In an article on “The Forty Immortals” in the June Galaay, Mr Alfred Rhodes says: “The man of letters of an éclatant talent, bearing the seal of popularity, is not in favor among aga- demicians as a rule When Victor Hugo first offered himself, in the zenith of his fame, he was defeated by an unknown man named Emmanuel Dupaty ; when Du Vigny presented himself, he was beaten by another of the un- known called M. Empis. The greatest orator of the French pulpit is Loyson, better known as the Père Hyacinthe, and he is not of the forty. The most gifted writer on Biblical and Oriental literature is Renan, and it is doubtful if he will ever sit in the Academy. Hippolyte Taine and Edmond About stand at the head of their respective branches of art, and neither be. longs to it. The Academy possesses the first historians in Guizot and Thiers, the first poet in Victor Hugo, the first political orator in Jules Favre, the first dramatic author in Emile Augier, the first critic in Jules Janin ; and what follows is mostly outside of it.” Mr. E. Steiger, who persevered, notwith- standing the apathy of publishers, in making a collection of the periodicals of the United States. for the Vienna Exposition, for which he received a medal of merit, has published a handsome catalogue of his collection of over eight thou- sand publications, with an index of subjects, with headings in English, French, Dutch, Ger– man, Italian and Spanish. To the catalogue he has added “an attempt at a catalogue of original American books,” with a copious in- dex to subjects. The latter is very imperfect as a catalogue, as any first attempt must neces- sarily be, but it shows what may be done in that direction, and Mr. Steiger deserves great credit for undertaking the thankless task. Every one in the trade is ready to affirm that a complete catalogue of American books would be very valuable, yet very few are willing to give the assistance which is required to make Qū0, foreign JLITERARY Notes Mr. Kinglake's fifth volume of the Jnvasion of the (rimea is in press. Schlieman's work, on Troy and its Remains, will not be issued until fall. General Wilson's Slcelches of Illustrious Soldiers will be published in London. It is now asserted that the author of Prince Florestam of Monaço is Sir Charles Dilke. A second volume of M. Louis Blanc's Political Essays will soon be published in Paris. In Germany, Herr Wuttke has published a volume of illustrations to his well-known His- tory of the Art of Writing. Professor Sepsius, the celebrated Egyptian scholar, has accepted the appointment of chief of the Prussian State Library at Berlin. Mr. Thornbury has completed the second volume of Old and New London. Mr. Edward Walford will prepare the succeeding volumes. In 1873 upwards of four hundred printed books, magazines and pamphlets, Were suppress- ed in Austria, by the Government. Dore's London will be brought out in Paris by Hachette. Mr. Blanchard Jerrold’s letter-press is replaced by a special text from the pen of M. Louis Enault. The second volume of the Records of the Past is nearly ready for publication. It is devoted exclusively to Egyptian texts, and contains chapters illustrating ancient Bible history. Sampson Low & Co. have published a series of sketches in verse, by Mr. Nicholas Michell, designed to illustrate the passions. It is en- titled The Heart's Great Rulers. The Publishers' Circular, London, is “sorry to have to record that two young women have re- cently been elected to the charge of depart- ments in American Educational Institutions.” An authorized translation of Comte's Positive Polily, with analytical tables of contents, is an- nounced in London. It will be issued in four volumes, each Volume having a separate trans- lator. Mr. J. Payne Collier has reprinted a small edition of the play Edward The Third, originally printed in 1596, and attributed by Capell to Shakespeare. It is printed only for presentation to private friends. Mr. J. R. Planche, the author of The History of British ('ostume, is engaged on a cyclopaedia of costume in England, from the earliest period to the time of George III., to include notes of con- temporaneous fashions on the Continent. The book on Khiva, written by Mr. McGahan, the correspondent of the New York. Herald, will be translated and published in Russia ; Ino work on the subject having yet appeared in that country. - Brockhaus, of Leipzig, has commenced the publication of what promises to be a very inter- esting series, under the title of “The Modern Plutarch,” to contain short biographies of dis- tinguished persons, from the Reformation to the present time. It is edited by Herr Gottsch- all, the editor of Unsere Zeit. The first volume comprises Luther, Cromwell, Woltaire, and | Henry IV, 198 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue Swisse, published at Lausanne, Switzerland, claims, to be the oldest review in existence. It was founded in 1796. The Khedive of Egypt is collecting into a library the treasures of Arabic literature scat- tered through his domain. IIe has already se- cured thirty valuable copies of the Koran, one of them dating about A. D. 720, and written on the skin of gazelles, in Cufic characters. Cassell, Petter & Galpin will publish a serial in fortnightly parts, entitled The National Pon:- trait Gallery. Each number is to contain a por- trait in colors of a prominent character and original memoir. The first four numbers will comprise Gladstone, Disraeli, John Bright and the Earl of Derby. A correspondent of a London paper calls at- tention to the fact that the most valuable library of its kind in the world, that at the India Office, containing thousands of Arabic, Persian and Sanscrit manuscripts, is entirely without pro- tection from fire. General Cluseret writes from Geneva that the French Government have given notice to the Swiss Times that it must stop the publication of bis “Reminiscences of 1870 and '72,” or the paper would be stopped at the frontier. The proprietors of the Times have broken their con- tract with the author, and he is obliged to find another publisher. A correspondent of the Boston Pilot, writing from Rome, says that out of the forty-seven libraries of that city, but three are to be left. These are to be increased by the addition of all the books in the other libraries with the excep- iton of 300,000 volumes. “From these the Municipality will make certain selections. Works regarding Rome, and works written by celebrated Romans, or printed at Rome, will be selected from these 300,000, and will form a municipal library. To this will be added the musical compositions gathered, with so much patience and cost, by the Fathers of the Ora- tory of St. Philip Neri ; these contain inedited compositions by the celebrated masters of sacred music, Palestrina and Pergolese. The volumes remaining after this selection will be catalogued, the catalogue printed and dispersed through the various chief cities of Italy and other countries, with the intention of selling what remains.” NewsPAPERS AND RERIODICALs. The price of The Crusader has been reduced to two cents. New German newspapers have recently been founded in Athens and Constantinople. The trade price of the Weekly and Semiweekly Th’ibune is on and after June 1st changed to three and a half cents. Here and There has been discontinued as a weekly. About the first of July, its publication will be resumed as a monthly. The Spectre is a new eight-page iilustrated weekly paper, “a character journal for the exposition of fraud, vice, and crime.” Retail price 6 cents. Watson's Art Journal, N. Y., has removed its editorial and publication offices to 101 East Fourteenth street. Mr. Julius Magnus, the former musical and art editor of the Arcadian, has assumed the editorship of that paper. The article in the curreat number of the English Quarterly upon the late Dr. Wilberforce is understood to be by Mr. Gladstone. A Paris correspondent says that M. Rochefort will take up his residence in London, and re- commence there the publication of the Lanterne. The American competition with The Milliner and Dressmaker (English) being removed, its publishers have raised it to its former prioe, 75 Cent8. Mr. E. Steiger of this city is making a collec- tion of sample copies of the periodical publica- tions of all countries, for exhibition at the Centennial. - - The Saturday Portfolio is a new illustrated paper of four pages, containing stories, sketches, fashions, gossip, etc. It is published weekly. Price 3 cents. - The Field ſland is the title of a new eight-page monthly paper, published in Jackson, Miss., “in behalf of the laboring men.” Subscription price $1.00 per year. e Farjeon, the author of the popular Christmas book Blade ()' (#rass, is engaged on a story for Tinsley's Magazine. The advance sheets have been purchased by Frank Leslie for his Illus- trated paper. The Scotsman and Caledonian Advertiser is the name of a new weekly journal, published by a stock company in New York in the interest of Scotsmen residing in America. Price 7 cents per copy. The Wilmer and Rogers News Company re- publish for this country The Little Dressmalcer, a monthly quarto magazine, devoted to fashions for children and dolls, and edited by Marie Schild. Each number contains a colored fashion plate, with cut paper patterns for children's and dolls' clothing, and descriptive text. Price per number 25 cents. The publishers of the beautiful magazine for children, St. Nicholas, seem determined to secure everything that is good in children's literature. Not content with appropriating the best of the Boston Juveniles, they have made a raid on Philadelphia, and now announce that T. S. Ar- thur's The Children's Howr is to be merged in St. Nicholas after the June number. Subscribers to the Hour will receive the St. Nicholas for July. The June magazines are especially rich in literary criticisms and reminiscences. Harper's contains a paper by General Grant Wilson, on Joseph Rodman Drake, containing Reveral of his poems not before printed, and anecdotes of his literary life : Scribner's has the second part of Mr. Stedman's profound criticism of Tenny- son ; Lippincott's contains a number of unpub- lished letters of Coleridge, which will be read with interest ; and The Galaay has a lively ar- ticle by Alfred Rhodes on the French Academy, and Richard Grant White's paper on the claims of Wagner as a composer and musical authority. THE AMERICAN B O O KS ELLERS’ GUIDE. I 99 Music NotEs. Boosey & Co. publish a ballad by J. L. Mal- loy, entitled Polly. It is lively and spirited and has a touch of the rollicking freedom of the sailor. Among the newest publications of Ditson & Co. are two songs which are worthy of special mention. They are My Golden Ship, by the emi- nent English composer J. Barnby, and One Morning So Early, by A. S. Gatty. Walter Street, of Montreal, Can. has publish- ed The Ministerial Galop, by Arthur E Overell, which is not without merit, and is an excellent piece for the practice of beginners. It bears on the title-page a fine portrait of the Canadian Premier. Schaefer & Koradi, Philadelphia, have issued a little volume of four-part songs for male voices, with English and German words. They are se- lected from the German, revised by Leopold Engelke, and are especially adapted to the wants of Glee Clubs and Singing Societies. Schuberth & Co. are the American agents for the new edition of Chopin's complete works, published by Jurgenson of Moscow. This edi- tion is in six volumes, compiled by Charles Flindworth, and carefully corrected from the original German, French, and Polish editions. We have received from Lee & Walker, a copy of their new collection of church music—enti- tled “The Sabbath.” It is a handsomely printed volume, containing nearly one thousand selec- tions of the best old and new tunes, chants and anthems, prefaced with the usual pages of in- struction in rudiments. W. H. Ewald & Bro., Jersey City, N. J., are the publishers of a beautiful spirited set of Lan- cers with the title Natalie, by W. W. Keenan, introducing selections from the author's Operet- ta of Natalie. Mr. Keenan is the composer of the charming song Come Back to Me Darling, published by Louis Berge, New York. One of the most valuable song copyrights is that of Listen to the Mocking Bird, owned by Lee & Walker, Philadelphia. It was first published in 1856, and immediately achieved a popularity which it has held for nearly twenty years. Up- wards of fifty different arrangements have been published, and more than a million copies sold. Louis Meyer, of Philadelphia, has issued a new catalogue.of vocal music which comprises a great variety of works carefully selected from the best composers. One of the latest additions to Mr. Meyer's excellent list is a song, Sleep, Dearest Sleep, by F. A. Kulling, the talented author of the popular serenade Ah 1 Twinlcling Star. It is written as a solo for Soprano or tenor in G, for mezzo soprano in F, and for alto or baritone in E b. It is also arranged as a quartette. Geo. Willig & Co., Baltimore, have sent us The Wild Hunt, by Julius Müller, a spirited descrip- tive piece, in keeping with the composer's other compositions. The theme is well worked up, and the variations, though not elaborate, are appropriate and well arranged. We have also received from the same house, The Song My Darling Sang, a tender melody with appropriate accompaniment, by Harrison Millard, the popu- lar song-maker; three sacred solos adapted and arranged by J. Schomann, of which Jesus Sav- iour of My Soul is the best, a sweet and simple melody with a florid accompaniment ; and A Relic, Fantasia Impromptu, a little gem in mi- nuet movement, attributed to Mozart, and edited by Adodph Maas. Cº- Novel TIES, gaMEs, Toys, ETC. THE WEST & LEE GAME Co., Worcester, Mass., have issued a new illustrated catalogue of their elaborate lawn game, Chivalrie, which was first introduced last summer, and attracted much attention. It is played with mallets and balls like Croquet, and combines all the health- ful exercise of that game, with several more at- tractive features. The few games introduced last year cost from one to two thousand dollars. This year they are offered at prices varying from $8 to $1,000. E. B. TREAT & Co., New York, announce: Centennial Games of American History and Biography. In which the history of the Government is told, on 60 cards, comprising upwards of 50 games, 75c. McLAUGE LIN BRos., New York, announce : New Toy, Building Lumber for Little Archi- tects. Woodbox, $1.50. Watts' Songs, new edition, 32mo, in colors, paper, $3 per gross. Chiromagica, new edition, black walnut bds., $2.00. h Aunt Louisa Series, Toy Books, linen, 50c.; cloth, $1.50. w Uncle Ned's Series, Toy Books, cloth, $1.00. Aesop's Fables, cloth, 75c. Young America Building Blocks, $1.00. sº-Gº- INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheldon & Co.—New Books......... 2d page of cover. Porter & Coates.—New Books...... 3d { { { { T. B. Peterson & Bros.--New Books 4th “ ſ & Jenny June's Cook Book. . . . . . . . . . . ......... Page 208 Wants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 216 Books Wanted and For Sale................ ** 216 Wilson, Hinkle & Co.—New Books.......... ** 216 Brewer & Tileston.—Worcester's Diction- 8Ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 216 F. Leopoldt.—Uniform Trade List Annual for 1874. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... “ 217 Baird's Practical and Scientific Books...... “ 218 Wm. L. Allison.—Popular Books............ “ 218. Cincinnati News Company.................. “ 218 English Classics. . . . . . . . . . . .................. “ 219. D. Lothrop & Co.—New Books.............. “ 221 Presbyterian Board of Publication......... “ 221 Homoeopathic Family Guide.......... . . . . . “ 221. Stereoscopic Studies in Natural History... “ 222 Pittsburgh Book and News Company....... ** 222. Henry L. Shepard & Co.—New Books....... “ 223. Jesse Haney & Co.—Book of advertised Wonders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 223. Estes & Lauriat.—New Publications...... . “...s,824 2OO THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. Book ANnouncements FOR |UNE. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Broclcley Moor. A Novel. 12mo. HKrusi’s Drawing, Perspective Series. ual.) 8vo, 65 pp., cloth, 75c. Body and Mind ; an Inquiry into their Connec- tion and Mutual Influence, especially in reference to Mental Disorders. By Henry Maudsley, M.D., London, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, London, etc., etc. A new edition. 12mo, cloth. Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System. Delivered at Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College. 8vo, cloth. (Man- AMERICAN BIBLE UNION, New York. The Mighty Worker. International Sunday School Commentary. By American Bible Union. 8vo, cloth, $1. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Complete Arithmetic. By W. G. Peck, LL.D., Prof. of Mathematics Columbia College. Elementary Geography. By James Monteith. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. The Land Question. By Charles Bradlaugh. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. Why do Men Starve. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. New Life of David. By Charles Bradlaugh. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 5c. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. High on Extraordinary Remedies. By James L. High. 8vo, 750 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 32. By O. M. Conover. 8vo, 750 pp., law sheep, $4.50. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. By Charles Bradlaugh. The Log of Commodore Rollingpina. Pro- fusely illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. True to Him. Ever. A new novel. 12mo, $1.50. Sketches by Boz. The 15th volume of “Carleton's New Illustrated Edition of Charles Dickens' Works.” 12mo, $1.50 Northern Ballads. By Edward L. Anderson. 12mo, $1. ROBERT CLARRE & CO., Cincinnati. Peck’s Township Officers’ Guide. A Manual of the Law governing Townships and Town Officers in Ohio, setting fortſ the statutes relating to the same, with numerous Forms and Annotations of Decisions. By Eliram D. Peck. 12mo, cloth, $2. tº º ºs CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila. Practical Guide to the Determination of Minerals by the Blowpipe. By Dr. C. W. C. Fuchs, Professor in the University of Heidelberg. Translated and Edited by T. W. Danby, M. A., F.T.S., Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge; Associate of the Royal School of Mines, H. M. In- spector of Schools, etc., etc., etc. DIOSSY & CO., New York. New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Vol. 4. By Austin Abbott. 8vo, 324 pp., law sheep, $6. New York Superior Court Reports. 4th and 5th Serial Nos., º; the decisions of April and May, 1874. By Sam'l Jones and J. C. Spencer. 8vo, pp.. paper. Abbott’s N. Y. Practice Reports. N. S. Vol. 15, No. 4. By Austin Abbott. 8vo, 96 pp., paper. DODD & MEAD, New York. Syrian Home Life. By Rev. H. H. Jessup, D.D., Author of “Women of Arabs.” 12mo, By Still Waters. By Edward Garrett, 12mo, $1.75. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Tour on the Rhine. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.75. Our Summer Vacations. 18mo, cloth, red edge. Memories of Westminster Hall. By Edward Foss. 8vo, 2 vols., Erskine’s Speeches. By Edward Walford. 8vo, 2 vols., $7.50. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. 8vo, 10 vols. $35, Vol. 1 ready. GINN BROS., Boston. Caesar's Gallic War. By Allen & Greenough. Bucolies and Six Books of Virgils? AEmeid. By Allen & Greenough. W. GOULD & SON, Albany. Tyler on Boundaries, Fences, and Window ##". By Ransom H. Tyler, 8vo, 650 pp., sheep, 6.50. - WM. L. GROSS, Springfield. The Statutes of Illinois. An Analytical Com- pilation of all the General Laws of the State in force at the present time. Edited by William L. Gross, Counselor at Law. Royal octavo, 510 pp., law sheep. Volume III. Acts of 1873–4. Uniform with Wols. 1 and 2. Contains the New Revised Laws of Illinois, which take effect 1st July, 1874. $4.50. * HARPER & BROS., New York. Under the Trees. By S. I. Prime. Crown 8vo, * cloth. Second Cousin Sarah. By F. W. Robinson. Il- lustrated, 8vo, paper, 75c. Miss Moore. By Georgiana M. Craik. Illustrated. 18mo, cloth, 90c. - HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Clarissa Harlowe. By Richardson. 16mo. Leisure Hour Series, $1.25. Condensed Edition. HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. Poems. By Celia Thaxter. New and Enlarged Edi- tion. 18mo, 188 pp., cloth gilt, $1.50. Mose Evans : A Simple Statement of the Singular Facts in his Case. By William M. Baker. 16mo, 317 pp., cloth, $1.50. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. United States Digest. New Series, , Vol. IV. Being the annual Digest for 1873. Royal 8vo, $7.50. Phillips on the Law of Mechanics' Liem on Real Property. 8vo, $7.50. Clark and Finnelly’s Reports. Vol. X. 8vo, $6. Story on the Law of Contracts. Fifth Edition. ' 2 vols., 8vo, $15. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. Materia. Medica, for the Use of Students. By John B. Biddle, M.D., Professor of Materia. iºd. Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. gºth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, cloth, The Student’s Guide to Materia Medica. By § C. Thorowgood, M.D. Foolscap, 8vo, cloth, THE AMERICAN ROOKS E L L E RS’ GUIDE. 2O | º LORING, SHORT & HARMON, Portland. Guide to Mt. Desert Island. By Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin. 16mo, 100 pp., boards. A. K. LORING, Boston. rº's Novel. By Elise Polko. 8vo, 90 pp., paper, C. ~ D. LOTHROP & Co., Boston. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By Joseph Banward, D.D. 16mo, $1.25. First and Second Numbers of Bible Lessons for S. S. Councerts and Anniversaries. By Edmund Clark, 16mo, 10c. each. LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. Lord of Himself. By Francis H. Underwood, A.M. 12mo, cloth. The Columbian Speaker. Consisting of a great variety of Choice aud New Pieces for Declamation. Selected and adapted by L. J. Campbell and O. Root, Jr. 16mo, cloth, J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. History of French Literature. Adapted from the French of M. Demogeot. By Christiana Bridge. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.50. Hulda. A Novel. After the German of Fanny Lewald. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. 12mo, cloth. The Mambi-Lan, .d.; or, Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba. By James J. O'Kelly. 12mo. Charteris. 12mo. The Lost Model. 12 3ID A Romance. By Mary M. Meline. A Romance. By Henry Hooper. A Story of African 12mo. With Illus- Crowned in Palm-Land. Mission Life. By R. H. Nassau. trations. The German Emperors. History of the German Emperors and their Contemporaries. Translated from the German, and Compiled from Authentic Sources. By Elizabeth Peake. 8vo. With numer- ous Illustrations. Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia: Vol. IV, Containing the Report of the Proceedings for the years 1871, 1872, 1873. Edited by James Tyson, M.D., Recorder of the Society. 8vo. Tobin’s Bond Tables. Calculated by Thomas Tobin, Cotton Broker, Augusta, Georgia. Showing the Percentage of Interest yielded annually by In- vestment in Three and Ten per cent. Bonds. having from One to Thirty Years to Run, when Purchased § 50 and 110 Cents on the Dollar. Sixty Tables. WO. The Second Wife. A Novel. After the German of E. Marlitt. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. The Life and Works of Mencius. With Essays and Notes. By James Legge, D.D., LL.D. German University Life. The Story of my Career as a Student and Professor. With Personal Re- miniscences of Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, and others. By Heinrichs Steffens. Translated by Wrm. L. Gage. 12mo, New Edition. JAS. MILLER, New York. New York As It Is ; or Strangers' Guide Book to New York, Brooklyn, etc. New edition, profusely Illustrated. 16mo, 140 pp., cloth, $1. Guide to the Central Bark. By T. Addison Richards. New Edition, profusely Illustrated. 16mo, 101 pp., cloth, $1. Guide to the Hudson River. By T. Addison Richards. New Edition, profusely Illustrated. 16mo, 131 pp., cloth, $1. Guide to the Saratoga Springs. By T. Addison Richards. New Edition, profusely Illustrated. 16mo, 91 pp., cloth, 75c. MASONIC PUBLISHING CO., New York. The Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonary. By Albert Pike, Sov. Gr. Commander 33d. 8vo, §i pp., cloth, $5. J. R. McDIVITT, New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. IX, Nos.10, 11 and 12. 8vo, 52 pp. each, paper. Not sold in Nos. separate, only sold by vol.; to Subscribers in Nos. National Bankruptcy *gºtes Reports. Vol. IX. 8vo, 650 pp., law sheep, $6. MACMILLAN & CO., New York. Under the Limes. By the author of “Christina, North.” 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. The Odes of Horace in a Metrical Para- phrase. By R. M. Hovenden, B. A. The Ballads and Songs of Scotland in View of their Influence on the Character of the People. By J. Clark Murray, LL.D. A Critical History of the Writings of Apostolic Fathers. By J. Donaldson, LL.D Introduction to Irish Farnainag. By Thomas Baldwin, M. R. J. A. Principles of Political Economy newly Ex- pounded. By Prof. Cairnes. The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. By J. B. Pettigrew, M. D., F. R. S. Songs of Consolation. By Isa Craig Knox. NOYES, HOLMES & CO., Boston. The Reasonableness and Efficacy of Prayer. By Rev. Neuman Hall. 16mo, 76 pp., cloth, 75c. The Stars and the Earth. 4th edition, revised. 16mo, cloth, 75c. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, New York. The Model Landlord. By Mrs. M. A. Holt. 18mo, cloth, 50c. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Homes, and How to Make Them. By E. C. Gardner. 16mo. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in the gºtted States. Vol. II. By Henry Wilson. 8vo, C. the Idolatry. A Novel. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. New Edition of Infant Diet. By Dr. A. Jacobi. 12mo, paper, 75c. Revised and Enlarged by Dr. M. Putnam Jacobi. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Qrpham's Trials; or, Alone in a Great City. By Emerson Bennett. One vol., 12mo, cloth, $1.75; paper cover, $1.50. The Tower of London. A New Illustrated Edi. tion. By William Harrison Ainsworth. Illustrated with Ninety-eight}, large Illustrative Engravings, from designs by George Cruikshank, of London. Complete in one large octavo volume, cloth, $2; paper, $1.50. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. : Charlotte Ackerman. By Otto Muller. A The- a trigal, Romance. 12mo, cloth, black and gold. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1. Translated from the Ger- man by Mrs. Coleman and her Daughters. A New §º Uniform with the International Series of OW CIS. By Julian Hawthorne. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. Antony Brade. A Story. By Robert T. S. Lowell. 16mo, $1.50. y y Wel In His Name. A Story of the Waldenses Seven Hundred Years Ago... By E. E. Hale. Square 18mo cloth, red edges, $1.25. * 2O2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. J. W. SCHERMERHORN & CO., New York, Catalogus Plantarum. By O. R. Willis, Ph. D., 12mo, 95 pp., cloth, $1. SHELDON & CO., New York. Tempest-Tossed. By Theodore Tilton. Oné vol., large 12mo, tinted paper, $1.75. Across America. A or, The Great West and Pacific Coast. By Gen. James F. Rusling. One vol., large 12mo, elegantly illustrated, $2. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Alexander's Commentary on Mark. Sunday School Edition. Cloth, $1.25. Owen’s Commentary on Mark. Sunday School Edition. Cloth, $1. * Lange’s Commentary on Mark. Sunday School Edition. Cloth, $1.50. HENRY L. SHEPARD & CO., Boston. Tribune Popular Science. By Agassiz, Proctor, Hammond, Chandler, Bayard Taylor, Brown-Se- quard; containing, The Wheeler Explorations, The Meeting of the Academy of Science, &c., &c. 8vo, cloth extra, $1.50. TURNBULL BROS., Baltimore. , Lost and Won. By S. Williams. 12mo, cloth, $1. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Way-Side Swine. By Anna Shipton. 16mo, cloth and paper. JOHN WILEY & SON, New York. Wiley’s American Iron Trade Manual of the Leading Iron Industries of the United States. With a description of the ſºon Ore Regions, Blast Fur- naces, Rolling Mills, Bessemer Steel Works, Cru- cible Steel Works, Car Wheel and Car Works, Loco- motive Works, Steam-Engine and Machine Works, Iron Bridge Works, Iron Ship Yards, Pipe and Tube Works, and Stove Foundries of the country. By Thos. Dunlop. With Numerous Plates, 4to, about 700 pp., cloth, $10. By Subscription. WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Cincinnati. Manual of Mediaeval rand Modern History. #. E. Thalheimer. With Twelve Double-Page , Maps. 8vo, 480 pp., cloth, $2.50. YOUNG & BARTLETT, Boston. Temperance Concert Exercise. T. E. ZELL, Philadelphia. Cyclopedia of American Literature. By E. A. & G. L. Duyckinck and M. L. Simons. Quarto, 40 pp. One Steel Engraving. Paper covers, Nos. 25 and 26, 50c. Sold by Subscription. Brown’s Self-Interpreting Bible. With 50 Illustrations, consisting of Original Steel Engrav- ings and Etchings, Chromos, Maps, &c. "Royal §."; 32 pp. Two Steel Engravings. Paper covers, os. 13 and 14. Sold by Subscription. MAY Publications. D. APPLETON & Co., New York. Beauseincourt. A Novel. By the author of “Miriam Monfort, ” and the “Household of Bouve- rie.” 12mo, cloth, $2. The Expanse of Heaven. the Wonders of the Firmament. B. A. 12mo, $2. A Practical Treatise on the Surgical Diseases of the Genito - Urinary Organs, including Syphilis. Designed as a Manual for Students and Practitioners, with Engravings and Cases. By W. H. Van Buren, A.M., M.D., and E. L. Keyes, A.M., M.D. Cloth, $5.00; sheep, $6. Principles of Mental Physiology, with their Ap- lications to the º Discipline of the #. and the jºr its Morbid Conditions. By Wm. B. Carpenter, M. D., LL.D., F. R. S., F. L. S., F.G.S. 12mo, cloth. . A Series of Essays on By R. A. Proctor, APPLEGATE, PONNSFORD & CO., Cincinnati. Memoirs of Eminent Preachers in the Free Will Baptist Denomination. By Selah Hibbard Barrett. "12mo, 304 pp., cloth. Autobiography of Selah Hibbard Barrett. By Selah Hibbard Barrett. 12mo, 396 pp., cloth. AMERICAN S. S. UNION, New York. I)el Dunstan’s Childhood. By author of “Wait- ing for the Morning.” 16mo, 306 pp., muslin, $1.10. - A. J. BICKNELL & CO., New York. The Stepping Stone to Architecture. By Thos. Mitchell. Reprint from London edition. 24mo, flexible cloth, 60C. - Atwood’s Rules of Proportion. É. D. T. At- wood. 12mo, 71 pp. and 5 plates. Cloth, $1. IBuilders’ New York Form of Contract. Revised by W. T. Hallett, Arch. 4 pp., 10c. BAKER, VOORHIS & CO., New York. Reports of Cases in the U. S. District Courts. (Second Circuit.) Vol. 5. By Robt. D. Benedict, Reporter. 8vo, 618 pp., law sheep, $10. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. Secular Responsibility. By Geo. Jacob Holyoake. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 5c. The Atonement. By Chas. Bradlaugh. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. Manna. Edited by Chas. P. Somerby. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 17. With Notes by Vilas and Bryant. By O. M. Conover. 8vo, 810 pp., law sheep, $4.50. PETER. F. CUNNINGHAM & SON., Philadelphia. Tigranes. A Tale of the Days of Julian the Apos- tate. By Rev. John Joseph Franco, S. J. 12mo, 372 pp., cloth and gilt centre, $1.50. Ilife of St. Thomas of Villanova. With an Intro- ductory Sketch. 12mo, 352 pp., cloth, with gilt centre, $1.50. Adeline de Chazal; or, First Experience of the World after Leaving School. A beautiful Tale, Translated from the French. 12mo, 360 pp., cloth, with gilt centre, $1.50, ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio. , New Series. , Vol. 23. By M. M. Granger. 8vo, 688 pp., law sheep, $2.50. Memoir of Washington. Written for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. E. B. Phelps. 12mo, 215 pp., Eng. cloth, $1.50. THE AMER) CAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 203 G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. sº Hoved Him Madly. A New Novel. 12mo, Female Beauty and the Art of Pleasing. From the French of Ernest Feydeau. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Christmas Books. The 14th volume of “Carleton’s New Illustrated Edition of Charles Dickens' Works.” $1.50. ROBERT CARTER & BROS, New York. Little Trix; or, Grandma's Lessons. 16mo, 136 pp., cloth, 60c. A Lawyer Abroad. By Henry Day, Esq. 12mo, 348 pp., cloth, $2. y y Q1 A Golden Sunset. 92 pp., cloth, 35c. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila. Villet a Linden. By Emerson Bennett. 12mo, 420 pp., black and gold, $1.50. Sabbath School Help. By Rev. Alfred Nevin, D.D. 16mo, 96 pp., half boards, 50c. DODD & MEAD, New York. IDavid Crockett. By J. S. C. Abbott. pp., $1.50. Pioneer Series. Fº in Theology. By John Miller, D.D. 12mo, By J. R. Macduff, D.D. 18mo, 12mo, 350 ... ſº). Prayer and the Prayer Gauge. By Mark Hop- kins, D.D. 16mo, 75c. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. The Life of Christ. By Rev. F. W. Farrar. 8vo, 480 and 516 pp., cloth, $7. J. W. DAUGHADAY & CO., Philadelphia. Schoolday Dialogues. Very much enlarged and 2 vols. thoroughly revised. By Alexander Clark. 12mo, 372 pp., cloth, $1.50. DIOSSY & CO., New York. Abbott’s N. Y. Practice Reports. N. S. Vol. 15. No. 3. By Austin Abbott. Swo, 96 pp., paper. New York Superior Court Reports. 3d Serial No., containing the decisions of March Term, 1874. By Sam’l Jories and J. C. Spencer. 8vo, 120 pp., paper. PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Theologia, Moralis Novissimi Ecclesiae Doctoris S. Alphonsi, in Compendium Redacta, et Usui Venera- bilis Cleri Americana. Accommodata. Pars Prima. By Rev. A. Konings, C. S.S. R. , 8vo, 246 pp., paper, Part 1, $1.50. To be completed in 3 parts. ESTEs & LAURIAT, Boston. Passages from the . Life of Charles Knight. 12mo, 480 pp., cloth, $2.50. Coal as a Reservoir of Power. F.R.S. 12mo, paper, 250. Relation of Insects to Man. By A. S. Packard, Jr. 12mo, paper, 25C. A. J. FISHER, New York. Harrigan and Hart’s Soup House Songster. 18mo, 64 pp., 100. Harrigan and Hart’s Tom Collins’ Songster. 18mo, 64 pp., 10C. Tony Pastor’s Budget of Fun Songster. 25c. wild and Bradley’s Big Fat Nance Songster. 10.C. By R. Hunt, W. GOULD & SON., Albany, N. Y. EIoward’s Practice Reports. 46th vol. Howard, Jr. 8vo, 600 §§ sheep, $4.50. Lowenstein’s Trial. 8vo. 352 pp., half sheep, $2.50. GINN BROS., Boston. Festival Music. By L. M. Mason and J. B. Shar- land. 32 pp., 20c. By N. H. S. GOODSPEED & CO., New York. Minnie Hermon, the Rumseller’s Daughter; or, Woman in the Temperance Reform. By T. W. Brown. 12mo, 542 pp., cloth gilt, $2. Subscription. HARPER & BROS., New York. Northern California, Oregon, and Sandwich. Islands. By C. Nordhoff. vo, cloth, $2.50. John Worthington’s Home. By F. L. Benedict. 8vo, cloth and paper, $1 and $1.50. A Fast Isife. By Jos. Taylor. 12mo, cloth and paper, $1 and $1.50. The Heart of Africa. cloth, 2 vols., Fººtnute Chats. By Dio Lewis. 12mo, cloth, By D. Schweinfurth. 8vo, Lady Anna. By A. Trollope. 8vo, paper, 500. ≥ of Hearts. By W. Collins. 12mo, cloth, Harper’s Guide to Europe and the East. By W. P. Fetridge, 12mo, Ieather, 1 and 3 vols., $7 and $9. - Life of John of Barneveld. By J. L. Motley. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, $7. s - * Mother and I. Bp. Mrs. Craik. 12mo, cloth. At Her Mercy. By Jas. Page. 8vo, paper, 50c. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Sacred Anthology. By M. D. Conway. 8vo, $4. Tºarthly Pilgrimage. By M. D. Conway. 12mo, . (O. gºs 12mo, $1.50 wgarried. 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O Deus Ego Amo Te. Wernig. INSTRUMENTAL. Elizabeth Ruff Polka. 30c. Aida di Verdi. Marks. Transcription. $1. How the Bird Sings. Chase. Song. Sacred. 35c. Aida March. Marks. 30c. Contented Farmer. Root. Easy piece. 20c. Rough and Ready. Root. Easy piece. 10c. Voices Sweetly Calling. Root. Easy piece. 20c. CORY BROS., Providence. The Clouds of Intennperance are Passing Avvay. C. D. Blake. 40c. Cling to Me, Little One. C. D. Blake. Elegantly illustrated. 40c. Happy Land Bright and Fair. C. D. Blake. Elegantly illustrated. 40c. Lovely Night. E. Dorn. Dance Napolitana. Little Fairy Waltz. Streabog. 30c. Little Fairy Polka. Streabog. 30c. 60C. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. VOCAL, WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. Curfew Bells. Finch. 30c. Thy Smile. Pratt. 30c. Marching to Victory. Fine Lithograph Title. Temperance song and chorus. Blake. 40c. O Pray, Sir, Close the Bar-room Door. and chorus. Wheeler. 30c. Changed. Boott. 35c. Greeting Glee. Solo and chorus. Simplician. 30c. Gliding O'er the Lake. Pratt. 30c. Whate” er Betide. Millard. 50c. Why Don't My Darling Papa Come 3 and chorus. Wheeler. 35C. - INSTRUMENTAL. Rondeau Brillanate. C. M. von Weber. by Franz Liszt. 75c. Scherzo Roara antique. Gottschalk. $1. Repertoire di Solfeggi. Gaetano Nava. Books. Book 5. $1.50. Ermani. Potpouri. Cramer. 60c. Valse Brilliante. Giovannini. 75c. La Seduisante. (Lockung.) (Enticement.) Valse. Lange. 60c. Song Song Edited In 5 THE AMERICAN B O OKS E L L ERS’ G UID. E. 2O7 Funeral March for Charles Sumner. With Portrait. Turner. 40c. Spring. Easy pieces by Maylath. Each 25c. No. 1. Spring, Gentle Spring. No. 2. Qui Vive Galop. Galop of the Night. Fernald. 30c. Nearer, My God, to Thee. Warner. 50c. Strauss Carnival Lancers. 50c. Piggy-back Galop. Picture Title. Mack. 40c. Souvenir de Steinbach. Idylle. Kafka. 40c. Zaragoza March. Mexican March. Ortega. 35c. S. T. GORDON & SON, New York. VOCAL. Beautiful BIue Danube. W. J. Wetmore. Dream of a Summer Night. A. Thomas. Fly Forth, Gentle Dove. 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Zikoff. Song. Carnivalsbilder. Song. I Wait Thee My LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Love Song. Comic. Hunt, 30c. It’s Funny When You Feel that Way. Hob- son. 30c. - Tannhauser Grand March. 4 hands. Beyer. 60C. Thºu Art Crunabling to the Dust. Hewitt. 0c, Come Back to Me. Instrumental. Merz. 30c. True to You. Instrumental. Merz. 30c. First. She Would and Then She Wouldn’t. Hobson. 30c. I Know it Was a Riss. Danks. 30c. Pºrest Mother I Must Leave You. 30C. Know'st Thou Darling. Hewitt. 30c. First Troop Waltz. Hassler. 75c. Carleton. Washington Assembly Valses. Hassler. 75c. Silver Wedding March. Hassler. 50c. open tlae Gates as High as the Sky. Mack. 0C. - MILLET & CO., New York. Hippodrome Waltz. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Colored Lithograph of Hippodrome Interior. 50c. Hippodrome March. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Colored Lithograph of Hippodrome Interior. 50c. Hippodrome Galop. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Colored Lithograph of Hippodrome Interior. 50c. Leo March. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Plain Lithograph. Lotos Galop. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Plain Litho- graph. 40c. rº March. D. L. Downing. Full Brass Band. what Mollie said. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Plain Lithograph. Song. 40c. Don't Believe Them Darling. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Plain Lithograph. Song. 40c. Nell, the Village Pride. Geo. F. Morris. Plain Lithograph. Song. 40c. Kiss and Make it Up. Wm. A. Smith. Plain Title. Song. 30c. Reep a Cheerful Heart. Plain Title. Song. 35c. Cottage by the Lake. Title. Song. 30c. Baby Wants to go to Sleep. Jr. Plain Title. Song. 35c. Geo. A. Cromwell. W. F. Wellman, Jr. Plain W. F. Wellman, LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. Sleep, Dearest Sleep. A. Kulling. Serenade No. 2, for sop. or ten. in G, for mez, sop. in F, for alto Or bar. in E flat. 35C. Rondo from Sonata Op. 439. Czerny. Choice Sonatinas and Rondos No. 23. 35C. Centennial Waltzes. Strauss. 75c. J. L. PETERS, New York. O Cup of Sparkling Crystal. Temperance song and chorus. Hays. 25c. Hark! The Wives and Mothers Weeping. Temperance song and chorus. Stewart. 30c. Give Me, Darling, One Sweet Kiss. Song and chorus. Danks. 35c. Forsaken. Ballad. Babcock. Minnie Mine. Song and chorus. Percy. 35c. Sweet Little May. Song and chorus. Hays. 35c. Peters’ Social Orchestra. A collection of Strauss' waltzes, and other pieces, arranged for 8 500. instruments. From 80c. to $1.50. Toccata. Theme original. Andres. 50c. Return of the Birds. Ballad. Hodge. 30c. Something Else Waltz. Stewart. 50c. No Tidings from Over the Sea. Song and chorus. Stewart. 30c. Madeleine. Song and chorus. Percy. 35c. Alºama Blossoms. Song and dance. Stewart. 30C. - LOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Come Again, Beloved Darling. A. Steubling. Ballad. English and German words. 35c. Alice. Ascher. Romance. 30c. L'Argentine. Ketterer. Mazurka. 60c. Night in Grenada. Kreutzer. Overture. 40c. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. Wherefore. Wilson. Piano inst. Forest Fairy. Wisson. Spring, Gentle Spring. Waltz. Gooch. 2O8 THE AMERICAN BOO KSE L L ERS’ GUI/O E. Mendlessohn’s Songs Without Words. Fair Oak Waltz. Mason. Gipsy Maiden Waltz, 4 hands. Blake. Spring Arrival Polka. All in the Starlight. Polka. 4 hands. Blake. New York Glide. Gooch. Dreams of Heaven. Blake. March celeste. Bride of the Wind. 4 hands. Blake’s Opera Waltz. Blake. Puss in the Corner. Inst. Blake. That Lady Seems to Know You. Song. Sadly Sweet. Song. Racecourse Galop. 4 hands. Blake. Rain Drops. Song. Madame Angot. Quad. Thorne. March of the Brave. Blake. Weston 4 Part Songbook. Weston. Comme Quaff the Bowl. Gipsy Master Waltz. Solo. Blake. When the Corra is White with Blossoms. La Fille de Madame Angot Waltz. Thorne. Inst. GEO. WILLIG, Baltimore. La Fille de Madame Angot Gnlop. Don’t Forget Me. Pinsuti. Vocal. 35c. Sonata. H. E. Scowton. What We Have Loved, We Love for Ever. I should Like to. Song. Pinsulti. Vocal. 30c. Smiles and Tears. Ryder. Inst. Would Ye Leave Ye Home, Robin. White. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Song. Gentle Breezes Waltz. Gardner. Medium. 35c. sºor Mother, Birdie is Dying. Estburm. Premiere valse Caprice. Mazurette. Difficult. º ( OC, Rock of Ages. Wilder. Julia Polka Mazurka. Gerardot. Medium. 50c. Chiming Bells. 4 hands. Blake. Spring Flowers Waltz. Cabot. Easy. 25c. Beatrice. Fox. Inst. Feu Foliet. Jungman. Medium. 35c. Honey Suckle. Ryde. Inst. Music and Her Sister Song. Glover. Duet, 60c. White Rose, Battle of Waterloo. Anderson. Descriptive Red Pinnk. 40G. Little Bo-peep March. Blake. Rathleen G’Neil. Song. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Killarney. Song. A Sigh. C. N. Colwell. Song. 30c. JENTNTY JTTNTE's AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. t AWE Ir EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A N E VV A N D H A N DSO ME E IN DIN G. This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSO, A chAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH BLACK AND GOLD SIDE STAMIPS. IE’r ice SIL.75 TELE AMERICAN NIEWS COME’AN Y, IN E w ºr of Ex- THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 2O9 The jStationery MARKET, No improvement in trade has manifested itself during the month, and none is expected until after midsummer. Prices have stiffened slightly, but there is still a tendency to decline, owing to the overstocked con- dition of the market. Fine paper makers are running on two-thirds time, yet the supply exceeds the demand, and there are rumors that they will shut down entirely for thirty or sixty days. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer's advertisement .............. 10 00 “ 1,000, “ $ & ... . . . . . . . . . . . [800 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS, Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e e º ſº tº 30 cts, Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7lbs. to ream, per lb.... 33 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, perlb. 35 “ SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb....................... 27 to 28 cts. Bill and Legal, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ Commercial Note “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º 27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers, { { {{ ** No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 4 & ( & { { No. 5 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M “. . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw......... 11 to 13 cts { { { { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 to 16 “ { { good to first class.......... . . . . . . . . . 20 to 30 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUIRE 14 by 17, per quire.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 30 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Medium, 17 by 22, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Royal, 19 by 24, {{ e tº • e e º 'º e - & e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. 80 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire....... tº e º e º 'º e s tº º º ºs 55 Demy, 15 by 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medium, 17 by 22 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 30 Royal, 19 by 24 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Elephant, 23 by 28 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Tissue Paper. American White, per ream............. e - e º e º ºs e º e º . 2 00 “ Colored, “. . . . . . . . * * * * - e º e º e º te e º e º º . 2 50 English, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire......................... tº e º ºs e º e º º e 75 Medium, “ © e º e º ºs e e º 'º - tº ſº tº & e º e º e º º e º 'º º e º 'º e º ºs e º tº I 25 Bristol Boards, REYNoLDS” AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 & e g c e e . 50 { { 3 { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 { { 4 ( & & 4 tº e º 'º º e e © © e e º º tº º ſº a I 00 Demy, 2 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 { { 3 ( & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 { { 4 ( & “. . . . . . . . . • - e. e º e º e º e º e I 60 Medium, 2 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 & 4 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e e s e e 1 70 & 4 4 { { { { tº e º e º is e º e º 'º e e tº e º 'º e º 'º 2 20 Perforated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Blotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * e º e º e e e º e - 75 Quarto, 4 & § { tº e º 'º - tº e º º te e - * - tº e º º e º 'º e º e tº º I 50 Ink. David Stands in 34 gross boxes, per gross............ $9 00 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. “ per doz. ............ 1 25 & 4 8 {{ 1 4 & {{ { { ... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 David Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............... 3 25 “ Quarts, 1 “ ( & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's, Stafford's stands, in 34 gross boxes, per gross........ $7 29. Arnold's Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ............ 6 09 & C {{ Pints “. ............ 3 59 { { {{ % pints, & 4 tº a tº a tº º e g º e º 'º 2 00 {{ & C Stands, per gross............ 7 20 * Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ............. 12 00 {{ & Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { “... Assorted Colors, per doz. ... ..... 1 25. Carmine, Guyott's 2 ounce, per doz. ........... ... . . . . 90 ‘‘ Conger & Field's, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... 1 25 ( & { { {{ tº glass stops, der doz 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ............... .... 2 25 {{ § { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 { { 4 & No. 2, per doz. ............... .... 3 15 { { { % No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. .................... 2 25 Clark's Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-Ilouse Imlr. BLACK WIOLET WRITING INK, INK. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes... per doz. $4.50.... $6.00.... $4.75 Pints, { { “ ... “ 2.75.... 3.50.... 3.00 Half Pints, “ “ ... “ 1.60. ... 2.00.... 1.75. 4 oz., {{ “ ... “ 90.... 1.15.... 1.00 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes 45. . . . 60.... 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing and Copying ſml, . Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . .800 Half pints, per doz. .... 3 00 Pints, “. . . . . . . . . 5 00 4 oz. Flat, Ink stands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross ..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. Mucilage. Peerless Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . tº e º 'º e º O & ... , 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * 50 & 4 Pints, { { tº tº e g º ºs e º 'º e º 'º e e º e º e º e º e º 'º & © 4 25. “ Quarts, “. . . . . . . . e e - e. e. e. e. e e tº e º 'º e - . . . . 7 00 Inlistands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, perdoz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 55 & ( { { No. 2, ( & tº e º e º e º e º e º º º © º 1 65 Silliman's No. 3, School, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 { { o. 2, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 ( & No. 1, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 87 “ Academiec “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 4 00 ** Mechanics “ “. . . . . . . • e o e º e s a e .... 2 25 Flat glass, 2% inch," “. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º 'º . I 10 { { 3 “ tº “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 {{ 3% “ {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 {{ 4 {{ ( & ( & tº - © tº e º 'º e º e e tº e e º e º e e 1 75 Air-tight Inks, small “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 { { “ large “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air Tight No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10.00; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air-Tight No. 1, $12; No. 3, $11.25. Glass Screw Tops, from 87c, to $1.25 per dozen. Steel Pems. American News Company's No. 170. . . . . . 50 & 4 & & { { School, No. 51...... 3O. { { . { { * Extra Fine, No. 333. ..... 50 { { { { { { { { { { No. 444. . - 50 { { { { “ Quill, No. 76.... 50 { { { { { { Falcon, No. 48 50 { { & C & 4 Bank, No. 14...... 50 { { { { { { Commercial, No. 9.... . . 50 & 4 { { {{ Albata, No. 11... . . . 50 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. 3 IO THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. * Gillottº Pens, No. 303. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * G - e º 'º . . . $1 00 - |Donnaimoes. tº §: #: e e º e º e º e º e s tº e e º 'º e º 'º - e º 'º ſº e º e º ſº ; Bonº, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. s: ; : ; º tº tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e º 'º e º ſº e º - * * * * * * * * * * ood 4 & $ & gº º e º e º º O {{ No. 361. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 {{ } 00 Washington Medallion Pens........................ . 90 Mahogany boxes ...... 6 00 to 18 *::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ; Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Empress......... . 18 Lead Pencils. Rose Tint {{ “. . 15c. Newport. . . . . . . . . . 22 Faber, Round Gilt, per doz. ..................... tº gº tº 48 Backgammon Boards. “ Hexagon, : “... © e º # => tº e º & © e º 'º e - e - c e º e º ºs 63 * Tablet, “. . . . . . tº e º ºs e º e • * * * * * - e. e. e. e. 40 | Leather, 2 in nest, per nest...... tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e e º 'º ..... 2 75 * Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. ........ • e - e º 'º e º ºs . 5 50 { { “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 {{ “ 5 & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 00 * 2 in extra nest e c e º e e s e e is a tº e e ... . . . . . . . 450 Eagle, Round Gilt, per doz. .......... • e º 'º - e - © tº e º e e º § ) Hexagon, y p & 4 º tº e º º te e e º e º e º e º a • ‘º e s tº e º e e Q ; Checker-Men. * Rubber Head, “ ............... • * * * * * * * * • 63 Box Wood, per doz. ....... e a e s e s e e s e a e s a e º e ... . . . . $1 75 * Red, Blue, and Green, Tipt.......... tº º º e º e º 'º 60 | Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Red and Black, polished, per gross, Faber's.......... I 80 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle........ © º e º 'º º . . . . . . . . . 1 20 . Chess-MIem. Scholars.......................................... 72 Bone, German, per doz. ... & º 'º e º 'º e º & e º 'º º ... . $7 ;: ; ; Wood ( & “. . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e º e s a . . . . 9 00 to - Pem-Holders. Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .18 00 to 36 00 A & tº e º e - e º e º 'º - e. ccommodation, gº per *:e e º e a º * - - - e. e. º w I ; Crayons, Rubbers, © [Ce French Tip, tº e e º e - e. e. e. e. e. • * ºr e º e e e 392 | Blackboard Crayons, per gross.......... e e s e e º 'º e º 'º a º 15 #. & per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 to 1 00 { { *" assorted colors, per gross...... l 10 ocket Reversible, • . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 to 60 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per lb 60 Slat - Rubber Heads, for pencils, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 $1 (eſſ, Rubber Bands, 34 inch, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 and 1 00 Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ...... 48 {{ % “ “. ........... $1 60 and 2 00 : & § . . . . . . . . : Portfolios. #1. 4 & e - e. e. e. e. e. 80 Letter stae, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 00 to 15 00 7 *i; ii. & 4 ....... 87 | Uap, {{ “. . . . . . . e e º e º e s e e e e g tº e e º 'º - e. 10 00 to 24 00 8 by 12, “ ....... 1 08 Pocliet-Books. 9 by 13 “. . . . . . . . 1 30 . . . . . $1 5 4 00 i. . i. inch, 45c.; #h, 50c. sº P, peri *:::::::::::::::::::::::::. ... *; . : 8 00 erman Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch, 20c. iſ, “an Morº º' " ::::::::::::: ... 1 50 to 6 00 German Fººts. i.i.d.º.º...... go||...”. Pº.”...........: ; ; ; ; Silicate Bool; Slates. - Stereoscopes. FOR SLATE PENCIL, Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per joz, Nº. ; e - e º 'º e º & ; % Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 3% by 5% in, pr d 50 | Mahogany { { { : . . . . . . . . Companion, ... * gilt title, , 8% by % in, pr goz # ; Rosewood,' {{ {{ “ 39 . . . . . . . 12 00 Quartz, 2 surfaces 5 by 8 94 (4 tº 1 80 Silica, intervá, 6 surfaces, 5 ; 8 # {{ {{ 3 00 | ... * Therannoumeters. º Mineral, “ { { 7 by 11 “ “ 6 00 | Tin Çase, 8 inch, pe; doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º 'º º s: ; D il d º: LEAD PENCIL. {{ 12 { { { { e e e º 'º e º e º 'º e ºs • & © tº dº º º º : : : . 6 00 aily memoranda, intely'd, gilt, 2% by 3% “ “ 1 50 , , .................... Calendar, 5 surfaces. { { y g º * { { ( & l 80 Mahºgany, # º {{ tº º e º e º e e s e e º e º 'º e º 'º - * * * * * ; 3. Every Day, gilt, title, {{ 3 by 5 C & { { 2 10 * e s e e º 'º a e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - {{ { *** -- - Miaº, doz * 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, 3 00 School and Counting Mouse Rulers. cºlºr columns, 10 pages, 3% by 5% Size..................12 15 18 21 24 inches, per doz. ... . . 6 tº $ tº e g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 |School, per doz. ......... $1.25 1.62 1.87 2.12 2.50 Jº * dollar lines, 10 pages, 3% by 8 00 Counting House, per doz.53.00 3.75 400 5.25 6.00 22 **) Nº". "+**** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * N. B.—For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Quills. - . 20 h d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * 60 Emvelopes. Quillº, No 30, per Andre e e º e º e g º e º e e g c e º e e • 2 e e º e 75 Buff, heavy, 5, per 1,000............ . . . . . . . . . . I 30 . 40, º ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 { { X5, ...] • * * * * * * * * * e o e a e e e e e s s I 50 50, 4. • * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 65 {{ XX5, {{ • * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e s e & © 2 00 {{ 60, 4. • a e º e e º e º ſº e s s a tº t e a tº e º 'º e e 2 35 { { 5, Ç tº e º e º e s e e º 'º • * ~ * e s tº e e . 2 40 UILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25 White, X3, “ ........... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Q 1. * vºw tº ºivº { { 5, {{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 | Italian, per doz. Boxes... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 { { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 | Portable, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 35 {{ * { { tº {{ 3 30 | Large, ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 39 Orange, XX5, per 1,000 e e º 'º e º º * * * * * * * g º e e º e tº e 3 00 Office, { { {{ © e e º e g º e º e e º e º e º e º e º º ſº dº º e º 'º e O 75 Gold, XX5, {{ e e º 'º e s e e s e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. 3 00 Blamalk Books. Playing Cards. - The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Steamboat, per doz...................... 2 00 | Say, Hºlf Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25 Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 ull, “. . . º • ... • - - - 22c. to 50 Eureka, or Players, “. . . . . . . . . . . & © tº e º e º e º e e 2 5S Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 40c. to 75 Mogul, fancy “. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * 3 33 Demy, & 4 $ 4 4 4 dº e - 60c. to I 25 Mo ls enamelled {{ tº e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º e e º e º 'º e º e º e 0. #. viii. } “. . . . . . . . . . * @ tº e º ºs e e t % IWIemnoramdum Books. Euchre, per do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 50 | 12mo, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 to 1 00 Ill Moguls, - “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 8vo, { { e e º e º e º e º ºr e º 'º e º 'º e º ſº e º e º e º e º tº º e 94 to 1 25 Gold Eagles “ . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * tº e º sº 800 | Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 to 2 00 Gold Faced Moguls { { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 | Demy, “ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 to 5 00 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. t THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 2 11 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY's T, I S T O F NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of The American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no dis- appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances. always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th. –The Wholesale Prices are net. ...We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.- We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order us not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We enclose bill daily to costumers, having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. |POSTAGE TO NEWS DEA LIERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. PAPER COVERED Novels same rates as Magazines MAGAZINEs. Two Cents for every four ounces. #6üß$66;sº.º.º.º.º.º.o.” To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to. cover one week's papers) similar to this form: - [Forma 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGO, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Enclosed find $.........................., which pass to m credit, and send the following order, com-- mencing on receipt of this: * & } 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 10 Fireside Companion. ~ 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Your truly, Jºgy”. Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing: or decreasing, write said order similar to this form: [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGO, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e e º e s e e º e s e e º e s e s to e º e º e s e s º e o e º e s e s e s a e e s is e e s making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . • a e e º e s tº e s e e s a e º e e s e e º e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e s e e s e & 4 { { 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e s a e e s s e e s e e s e º e s e e s e e s e s s e º is a e s e s e º 'º e º se e s is e e s s e e a e { { ** 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . • e a e e s a e e s e e s e e º e e e s e s e a s e < * c e s e º e s e > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e ... “ “ 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * e e º 'º e tº e º 'º º º ºs e e $6 {{ 8. CUT OFF– 2 Waverley.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .se e s a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * { { “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said. alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city, and the last date the change was made. Jºãº- Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, 2 12 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. Mºjº New Publications are printed in heavy type. changed since Our last issue are marked with a star (*). Trade. Ret. Price. Commercial Bulletin. . . . . . . . . 3% Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% N. Y. Courier des Etats Unis... 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . • * 4.74 New York Evening Express... 3% { { { * Mai G - 1% & & & 4 News . . . . .34 El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Messager Franco Americain. .. 4% New York Evening Post...... 3% Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advance, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . ... 7% After Dinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e Amateur (Washington). . . . . . . 7 American Brewer's Gazette. . .35 American Gael (The). . . . . . . . . 4% Almerican Journal... . . . . . . . . . 3% American Protectionist. . . . . . . Aumerican Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4% American Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 American Sportsman. . . . . . . . . 7 American Union.... . . . . . . . . . 4% Appleton's Journal. . . . . . Arcadian.... . e a e º e º 'º e a . . . . . . 7 Army and Navy Journal.... . .11 Atlantische Blaetter. . . . . . . . . . 4 Ave Maria.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Banner of Light ... . . . . . . . . . . 6 Baptist Union.... . . . . . . . . . . 8% Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . . . 4 Beekeeper's Journal. ... . . . . . . 6 Boston Congregationalist. . . . . 6 Boston Independent . . . . . . . . . 6 Boston Journal of Chemistry. .. 7 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Boston Traveler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. IBoston Weekly Journal. . . . . . . 4% Boyd's Shipping Gazette. . . . . . 5 Boys' Own. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Brooklyn Sunday Review. . . . . 3% Cabinet-Makers' Journal . . . . . 4% Canadian Illustrated News. . . . : Capital. . . . . . . . . . . • sº e e s e s e º 'º e Catholic Mirror.... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Advocate and Journal 6 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% *Christian Intelligencer. . . . . . 7 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother.... . . . . . . . .11 Christian Registèr . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Christian Union .... Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% Church and State . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Church Journal... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Church Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . 6 Church Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Churchman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Coal and Iron Record ........ 7 College Courant. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Commercial and Financia Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country Gentleman. . . . . . . . . . 4 Courier des Etats Unis. . . . . . . . 9 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% : I : | D A LI IL Y P A P E J R S . Trade. Ret. Prlee, New York Evening Post...... 4 {{ • $ Telegram... 13% { { {{ Witness... }{ { { French Messenger... 3% { { German Democrat... 2% & 4 Herald ............ 3% { { Journal (German).. 2% S. E. M. I. I = W E E R L. Y. 25 | New York Express........ ... 3% 7 { { Journal of Com. 5 5 | New York Sun..... . . . . . . . . . . 1 W E E R L. Y. Critic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5% Crusader.... . . . . . 0 tº e º ºs e . . . . 1% Danbury News.......... . . . . . 3% Das Neue Heim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Day Book......... © c e º is a e . . . . 8% Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . . 4 Der Bazar.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Der Bazar (Double) . . . . . . . . . 24 Dwight's Journal of Music.... 8 Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . El Espejo. . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * . . .18 Elite, The... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Engineering and Mining Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º ºs e º e e & Episcopalian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Every Saturday.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 Examiner and Chronicle ... . . 4% Exchange Market. . . . . . . . . . . . Farm and Fireside........... 3 Favorite (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1% Financier . . . . . . . . . . . tº º tº 0 - - - - 10 Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Forney's Weekly Press....... , 4% Forest and Stream..... . . . . . . Frank Leslie'sſllustrated Paper 7 {{ “. . Lady's Journal... 7 “ “ Boys and I Girls' Weekly....... 3% {{ “ Chimney Corner... 7 {{ “ Illustrite Zeitung (German)..... 7 { { * Young American. 4% *Freeman’s Journal.... . . . . . . 4% Germania. ....... tº a e Girls and Boys of America...."4% Golden Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º - e º e Harper's Weekly............. 7% Harper's Bazar....... . . . . . . . . 7% Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Hearth and Home. . . . . . . . . . . . Hebrew Leader...... ........ 7 Hebrew News................ 7 Herald (California)........... 4% Herald (European)......... ... 4% Here and There . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Home Circle........ tº e o ſº e e ... 3% Home Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Independent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Industrial Record............ Industrial Record (with sup- plement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 Inventor's Internat?l Gazette... 3 Investigator..... tº e e º tº e º 'º e - e. º Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 : i I ; I l Those the prices of which have been Trade. Rea Prige New York Journal Commerce. 5 “. . Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% ( & Staats Zeitung. . . . . 2% { { Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-1 { { Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1% ( & Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3% & 4 World. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% * “ . Tribune ........... 3% {{ World ... . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish American............... 4 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish World........ • ‘e e º e º 'º e º 'º Jewish Messenger. . . . . . . . . . . . Jewish Times...... e e º 'º º tº e º e tº Knights of Pythias Journal... La Republica (Spanish)....... 7 Liberal Christian.......... ... 6 Living Age .......... • . . . . . . .14 : Medical and Surgical Reporter, 9 Medical Independent......... Memorial Pulpit. ... . . . . . . . . .12 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% Mercury (N. Y.) ..... . . . . . . . . 6 Methodist..... © tº e º t e º e º . . . . . 4% Moniteur de la Mode........ .22 Nachtseiten..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nation (The)............. . ... 9. National Car Builder...... ... 7 Nature .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Nautical Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Jersey Record. . . . . . . . . . New Sensation. . . . . . . . ë e º e º 'º New York Albion . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Courier . . . . . . . . . . . New York Clipper. . . . . . . . . . . . New York Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . New York Era....... tº e º ºs e e º º New York Family Story Paper 4% New York Home Circle. . . . . . . 4% 1/ 2 4 % New York Journal (German).. 4} New York Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . New York Observer . . . . . . . . . . *New York Reader......... ... 4 New York School Journal..... 3% *New York Tablet ...........f4% New York Varieties. . . . . . . . . . 7 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Weekly Budget.... 7 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offord's Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve'ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age . . . . . 3% Pilot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 7 — | Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . Police News (Illustrated). ... ? 1 12::: I : 1 0 THE AME R J C A N BOOKSE L L E R S GUIDE. 2 13 Trade. Ret. Price, Pomeroy's Democrat......... 4% Prairie Farmer .............. Price Current.... tº e º e º º ºs e º 'º e º 7 Presbyterian ...... .......... 5 Professional................. 4% Publishers' Weekly........... 7 Railroad Gazette............. 7 Railroad Journal...... . . . . . . .11 Railway Times.'..... tº gº tº e º ſº e º e 7% Real Estate Record.... . . . . . . .19 Religio-Philosophical Journal... 7 Rural New Yorker............ 4 San Franciscoweekly Bulletin. Saturday Morning . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Night ... . . . . . . . . . Saturday Portfolio........ 2 Saturday Star Journal Scotsman (The)........ Scottish American Journal.... 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List.10 Shoe and Leather Reporter.... 7 Singers' Journal ............ I Skandinavische Post ......... 5 South (The).................. 9 Spectre (The).... . . . . . . . . . . 4% Agriculturist (English)........ 9 Agriculturist (German)....... - 9 American Antiquarian . . . . . . . 28 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers' Guide.. 5 American Builder..... . . . . . . . 23 American Chemist..... ....... 35 American Exchange & Review .20 American Grocer (semi-month- American Historical Record .28 American Illustrated Industrial Journal Americanische Gartenlaube (Semi-monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 American Journal of Health and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 American Journal of Pharm- BC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *4 American Journal of Philately. 9 American Law Register........ 4 American Miscellany . . . . . . . . . 5 American Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 American Naturalist . . . . . . . . . 24 American Odd Fellow......... 17 American Stock Journal...... 7 American Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% American Turfman. . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appleton’s Journal (4 weekly numbers) Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) 35 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Architectural Magazine...... .38 Archives’ Medical Science. . . .35 Arthur's Home Magazine...... 14 Association Monthly ......... Btlantic Monthly............. 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers' Magazine........... 35 Bankrupt Register. . . . . . . . . . . Beadle's Publications. Dime books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% { { ** 100 or over. ... 6 Song books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 { { “ 100 or over.... 4% { { { { 1000 ( (. { { g 4 Beautiful World.... . . . . . . .18 Best Words........... . . . . . . . 7 6 W .E. JE & L Y—Countinued. Trade. Ret. Price. Stockholder...... * * g is dº º º e & & 10 Sunday Citizen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Sunday Courier............... 4 * -º-º-º: Sunday Daily Times.......... 4% — Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Dispatch ........... • 7% – “Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 – Sunday German News........ 1 l-5 — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Mercury ... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News........ . . . . . . . . 32% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% — Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 *-* Sunday Times................ 6 7 Sunday World... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Telegraph Journal . . . . . & º º e e 5 8 *The Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 * The People................ 3 — The Scythe. . . . . . . . . . tº tº ſº e e º e . 3%. 5 Thompson's Reporter...... .. 5 7 Thompson’s Reporter, Coin ... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 To Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Toiler (The)............... 2 º Toledo Weekly Blade......... 3 5 Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 True Flag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 IVII O N T | H II, Y . Bijou–of Fashion—(semi-mo.) 4% — Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . . 28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 60 Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Carriage Journal............. 22 25 Catholic Record............... 17 25 Catholic Total. Abstinence Union . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * e º e º ºs 4% — Catholic World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 50 Cassell's Magazine (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Central Magazine............ 16 * Children's Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 Children's New Church Maga- azine. . . . . . . * & © e º e º ºs º º q & ſº tº e e 10 15 Chronotype.................. 20 {-mº Church Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 *E* Comic Monthly.............. 7 12 Comic News.................. 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Son's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e s 11 15 Creme de la Creme........... 23 ſº-º: Crofutt's Western World...... 5% IO De La Salle Monthly.......... 10 15 Demorest's Magazine......... 20 ºm- Demorest’s Young Annerica... 7 10 De Nordendorf’s Monthly..... 4% — Dental Cosmos............... 22 * - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 * -º-º: De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% lo De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 I5 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6..... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances, 1 to 105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 DeWitt's Ten Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) ... .. 5 I0 Dexter Smith's Paper... . . . . . 11 l6 Drug Bulletin..... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * Druggists’ Circular,........... 9 I5 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 Educational Monthly.......... 17 20 El Mundo Nuevo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 Trade. Ret. Price Truth Seeker........... . . . . . 5 * Turſ, Field and Farm........ . 7 10 Union Advocate ........ . . . . . 2% — Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal ........ 8 10 Waverley Magazine........... 11 15 Weekly Demokrat ........... 4 7 Weekly Era ...... * & © ... tº ſº e º e º 'º 2 3 Weekly Express ............. 3%. 5 Weekly Graphic.... . . . . . . . . . 4% — Weekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Weekly Mail...... * * * * * * * * * * * -3% 4 Weekly News................ 4 5 Weekly New York Journal. .. 4%. 6 Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 6 Weekly Staats Zeitung....... 3%. 5 Weekly Star................. 2 3 Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 Weekly Times ...... * @ tº e º º e º 'º 3% 4 *Weekly Tribune............. 3%. 5 Weekly Witness ............. 2 3 Weekly World ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 15 Woman's Journal... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 10 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 Young Men of America ...... 3% — Youth's Companion.......... 3 5 Every Saturday (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 56 Family Magazine ......... ... 6 10 Favorite (monthly parts).... 18 Fireside, Musical.... . . . . . . . . . 4% — Floral Cabinet........... . . . . 8 10 Folio (musical)...... . . . . . . . . .10 * Fortnightly Review...... .... 40 50 Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun.10 15 Frank Leslie's Chimney C or- ner (mo. p’ts)36 59 { { Lady's Journal g (mo. p’ts). . . .30 40 & & Lady's Maga- zine (mo.p’ts)27 35 & 4 Pleasant H’rs...10 I5 ( & Boys and Girls' W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 *= Galaxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 27 35 Gas-Light Journal........ . . . .10 15 Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 25 Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, semi-monthly) ............. 15 Gleason's Monthly Companion 6%. 10 Globe (The)......... . . . . . . . . .10 15 Godey's Lady's Book.......... 21 * Golden Hours........ . . . . . . .18 – Good Things....... tº g º º e º 'º... 19 25 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...19 25 Grand Army Gazette..... 7 10 Guide to Holiness............11 *= Gynaecological Journal ....... 33 50 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger. man Semi-monthly).... . • * * Harper's Weekly (monthly pºrts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 50 Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 40 Horticulturist....... . . . . . . . . .16 25 Herald of Health....... * * * g º e 10 15 Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 *ms Harper's Magazine.......... . .28 35 Historical Magazine..... . . . . .55 75 Holbrook's U. S. Mail........ 9 12 Howe's Musical Monthly..... .25 35 Hub (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 $ºs Humorist (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . 6 *s Insurance Monitor........ ... 28 30 Internal Revenue Record...... 9 I2 Insurance Times........ . . . . .22 30 Insurance Spectator..... . . . . .22 * { { Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . .40 — 2 I 4 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. * MI O N T | H L Y-Countinued. Trade. Ret. Tradc. Ret. Price. Price. Inland Monthly..............16 25 | Nature (monthly parts, 5 Nos.)50 60 Industrial Monthly .......... 9 15 || New and Old Friends......... 6% — Irish National Magazine...... 10 – | New Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Jolly Joker.................. 7 10 | New Sensation (mo. p’ts)...... 30 - Journal of Applied Chemistry..14 20 | New Yorker Musick { { Franklin Institute...45 60 Zeitung: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Journal of the Telegraph (semi- New York Medical Journal... 30 50 monthly):... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | N. Y. Musical Gazette........ 6 - La mode Elegante............ 38 50 | N. Y. Lithograph............ 7 10 Le Charivaria............. 4% N. Y. Reader (parts). ........ 14 — Literary World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Little Corporal................ 10% là | North American Journal of Laws of Life...... e e º 'º e º e g º e e 10 15 Homoeopathy.... . . . . . . . . . .85 - Lady's Repository............ 27 35 | Nursery (The)...... . . . . . . . . .10 15 Ladies? Own Magazine 14 — Obstetrical Journal........... 37% — London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 0 Oliver Optic Magazine.... . . . .20 25 La America (tri-monthly)..... 13 18 | Old and New................. 26 35 Ladies' Friend.............. .16 25 || Overland Monthly............ 26 35 Lippincott's Magazine........ 27 35 | Ornum's Indian Novels, l to 35. 6%. 10 Lakeside Monthly........... .28 — | Ornum's Pop'l’r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 Land and Meer....... we & © e º 'º e 15 25 | Ornum’s Ten CentNovels, 1 to 13 6%. 10 Literary Miscellany......... .1 ( & { { Songs, 1 to 42 5 10 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 833 15 Land Owner................. 7% lo ** 2s. Letter Writer..... 15 25 Mackey's Freemason ......... 2 30 Our Friend (semi-monthly). .. 2 – Mark Twain’s Sketch- Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 - ©B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 — | Paper Trade Journal......... 11 - *Mammoth Monthly Reader... 6 Pension Record.............. 6 - Metropolitan Magazine.......16 20 | Pet Stock, Pigeon and Poultry Merryman’s Monthly......... 7 10 Bulletin. . . . . . . . tº º e º e e º e º º e 6 : 10 Mother's Magazine........... I0 15 Phunny Phellow............. 7%. 10 “ Journal... . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 ! Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 Manufacturer and Builder....12 15 Photographic World.......... 43 50 Mechanic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — | Peterson’s Counterfeit Detectoril 15 Medical Times (Semi-Mo.)..... 10 — | Peterson’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 20 | Poultry World............ ... 8 10 Musical Independent......... 16 20 | Peter's Musical Monthly...... 18 25 Musical World (N. Y.)........ 16 30 Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 & & (Cleveland). ... 9 — | People's Magazine............ 20 25 Munro's 10 Cent Nov. 1 to 232. 6%. 10 || Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 5 {{ Song Book, Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 from 1 to 14. 5 10 | Popular Science Monthly..... 35 50 National Agriculturist and Practical Magazine........... 78 - Bee Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Pulpit of the Day. ........... 6 10 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | Railway Monitor............. 33 - National Temperance Advocate 9 10 || Rand & McNally Guide....... 23 - National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Record and Repository........ 6 - National S. S. Teacher.......10 15 l Revue de la Monde...... .... 25 35 Nature (monthly parts, 4 No5.)40 50 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6% 10 Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. E. W. I E w s, American Church Review ... .90 — Christian Examiner.......... 67 - { { Journal Medical Sci- Congregational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 - en CeS . . . . . . . . . . . 1. — Contemporary Review. . . . . . . . 62 75 4 & Journal of Obstet- Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 rics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 — | Edinburgh Review (reprint) . .62 - ** Law Review........ 1.05 — Half Yearly Compendium Med- Baptist Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 – ical Science ............... 1.20 — Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 — | International Review (Bi- Braithewaite's Retrospect .... 1.05 — Monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 - British Quarterly (reprint). . . .62 — | Journal Social Science ....... 1.25 — Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Journal of Psychological Medi- Brownson's Review.... . . . . ..1.00 — ine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 — Church and World. . . . . . . . . . .85 F o R E H G N P E R N o us 1 g A L s—w E E K L Y. Cl De London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 - Trade, Ret, - Price. Sailor's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 30 Saturday Journal (Parts)..... 18 - Schoolday Magazine, ......... 7 10 Science of Health....... ... . .14 25 Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . . . 75 — Scribner's Monthly....... ... .28 35 Silliman's Journal............43 50 Southern Magazine......... . .30 35 Spirit of the Press........ . . . . 4 — Star Spangled Banner...... ... 4% 6 Student's Journal............ 10 Sunday Magazine.......... ..18 25 St. Nicholas................. 19 - St. Paul's Magazine......... .23 30 Texas New Yorker ...........17 - The Domestic....... ºn tº tº sº e º e e 3 - The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 70 * There and Back (Guide).... .. 14 - Thompson's Descriptive List..16 25 To-Day (Parts) • * * * * ~ & tº e º ºs & © º .21 - Trans-Continental Guide . . . . .40 50 *Traveler’s Official Guide. . . . . .20 40 Tribune Pamphlet........ . . .15 - “ Novels.... . . . . . . . . . . - University Journal........... 16 20 Unionn Era (Parts). . . . . . . .25 - Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine..... e tº e º 'º 50 Vox Humana....... • * ~ e e e ... 6 - Watchmaker and Jeweller....17 – Watson’s Musical Monthly ...15 — Waverley Magazine (mo. pts.).42 60 Whitney's Musical Guest...... 16 25 Welcome Guest (semi-monthly) 7 10. Wild Oats (semi-monthly) .... 7 10 Wood’s Household Ad- vocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - Wood's Magazine ............ 7 I0 Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Working Farmer............. Q 12 Workshop... . . . . . . . . . . • sº e º e º e 30 50 Yankee Notions..... tº º t t t e º ... 7%. 10 Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Young Ladies’ Journal....... 27 - Youth's Progress............. 10 - Zell’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . . . 12 IE T C . Methodist Quarterly.......... 75 - National Quarterly Review ... 1.12 — New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - New Remedies........ 35 56) North American Review.... . .i.12%- Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Princeton Review.......... 80 Rankin’s Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1 Smith's Pattern Bazar........ 20 Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Westminster Review ......... 62 What to Wear (Yearly).......10 Wood's Quarterly Retrospect... 1.00 — Trade price, Trade price Trade price, Trade price Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 English Mechanic....... 10 : Lancet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pall Mall Budget....... 23 Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Land and Water......... 20 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of All the Year Round...... 8 Examiner............... 14 || Lloyd's Newspaper....... 5 six dates). . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenæum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Family Berald........... 5 | London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 Pºiº Circular (fort- 14 Belfast News. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 “. Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. e e - e º e e tº e º e e s e * §§• e º e s e e s • e e s a e e e s a e e 1. Hºly tº e º 'º e º e ; § Öpinion. e e - e. e. e. e. e. e. # OW E36.118- 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - tltCled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UlSUTātl QI] . . . . . . . . . . . . º e e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º Builder. . . . . . . e e º ºs e º e º º i; º Chronicle.... 20 | L’Universe Illustré...... * | Queen........... . . . . . . . 23 Building News. . . . . . . • ... 1 uardian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mark £xpress..... . 23 Cassell's Magazine....... 5 || Gas Light Journal..... ... 20 #;"gº . . . . . 18 Reynolds’ Newspaper. ... 5 Chambers’ Journal ...... 7 || Glasgow Herald ......... 5 Mining Journal... ....... 20 §. Review........ ; Chemical News. . . . . . . . . . 18 || Graphic............... ... 20 | Musical v © e º 'º e º 'º tº pectatDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Christian World. . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated News......... §|Miliº Woºd........ #|Šºćette..... IO - - Manchester TimeS....... 10 e - Church Review. . . . . . . . . . 10 & 4 Police News. .. 5 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times. . . . . . . . . . . 44 Penny........ 5|Nature..... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 || 5c.)................... 10 Court Journal..... . . . . . . 20 { { Sporting and News of the World. . . . . . . 19 |Tablet................... 20 Dispatch... . . . . . . . . . .... 5 || Dramatic News........ 20 Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 18 |Tailor and Cutter........ 8 #. º e º e º e g º º e º e e e ; }...". & e º 'º - © e. e. e. e. e. e. e. • * # * º e - © e º º º O - * †. º • ‘º e G # ngineer. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * Oſld bull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il C6 8, W 66. K. . . . . . e e s e e º . € M18,1] [º (18 UCS) . . . . . . #:#; • * * e º ºs e e . . . . . 20 Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Observer........ * * * * * * * * 14|Weekly Register (Catholic)10 Edin. Scotsman . . . . . . . . . 5 La Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 | Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 * Times. . . . . . . . . . . THE A MER / CAN BOOKS FLI FRS" G UID E. 2 I 5 IF CD RE HE I G N P E RE I O D II C A. L S – M. ON T IHN I, Y. Trade Price. "l' acle Price, Trude Prlce. Trade Prof. HMI PO RE THE D GE RENIAN NIAG AZINES AND IPE RELIO DE CA LS. Back numbers always on hand. Sennni-MLounthly. † Das Neue Blatt....... ....... 6 d äh s S . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 f† Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M & G S & s 12 †† Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit. .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 †† Daheim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ------------------ 10 †† Leipziger Gartenlaube . . . . . ) º - a d . d. . . . 9 † Ueber Land und Meer. . . . . . d e. G. sº s d S & G, a sº . . . . . . . 14 1S In Yeza P. t Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung......... 16 † Der Hausfreund.... ........ ..................... 14 † Illustrirte Welt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E s . . d 12 MIonntln ly. † Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf zeitung- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 & & 9 † Gewerbehalle... . . . . . . . . * * * E S & P & s» s | W as a Z0 Gräf’s praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbel- tischler- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ 4 & sº d s s - sº 50 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 a s & & 9 d 9 E s G s | D & sº 10 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . d - d e . . . . . . s an 20 EINWI POP KRT WE ID G E RWIAN BOOKS PUBE BL IS HIED KIN PARTS. First number gratis to the trade. Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. about 40 parts, at . . . . . S & S & P & O s s» s 8 s s» a e e 4 e s es . . . 14 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at. . s B º a B G. Karl Gutzkow’s Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- lished in about 80 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 Parts, ab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G a d - - - - - - - - es G es d « » m a & º S w « a « s es a sº s . es g d ſº Ed d . . . . . d S sº 25 25 40 25 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at. . . . . . sº d a B - sº p 2 M. G. Saphir's Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at. . . . . . 4 d s E s a B & s es G º S. d. B. B. º . . d - s . . . s a s Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Stieler’S Hand-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at. .40 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, ab. - - - - - - - - $ - a a s - & sº d - a s = 6 s B . . . 10 N Ew GE R M AN P U E LI CAT º oN s. Importeel. Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at...................15 J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. 16 parts. 15 Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at....... ......10 25 29 | H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 18 | Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. Schiller's Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. 30 parts.15 Donnnestic. 60 parts, at. . . . . . . . 40 parts at. . 7 Art Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 | Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . . d FCind Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . . 16 A. Ä and Pic- Dublin University M 00 Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . . . . Z0 Ä Magazine. . . . . # 0 d d = B s & sº e . . a s . Zºº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - "all'S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ä Round (part) Dublin Review (quar’ly). 230 Ä jü (parts). . 22 Ä - « « sº a s sº s 4 a a dº a sº * Ä. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 70 Ä ÄÄÄ Äé Höje 2ö Athenaeum (part). . . . . . . . 54 English Woman's Domes- Ladies? Är jj Sunday School Times.... 10 Yes A A-h tic Magazine 38 | Ladies'Gazette of Fashion 38 ( . (. . Aunt Judy’s Magazine... 20 vº Mºgº"e: - - - - - - - - - La Mode Illustré. . . . . . . 1 00 4 . ( . Ä 7 Band of Hope Review.... 2 Family Friend - - - - - - - - - - % | McMillan's Magazine . . . . 38 Treasur Teacher's Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . . Mión y Microscopicals Äßiji 20 Boys Own Magazine... 20 Family Herald (parts)... - 20 Journal 57 Ä------ Ä of Ä Ä j Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . 76 MÄ Timesjärts) 98 Ä e - G d G . Bow Bells (monthly pts.). 27 Ä Ä & Ä Musical Times. . . . . . . . . . - Sword & Trowel(Spurgeon) British Workman . . . . . . . . 2% renty Y stor: . . . . . . . . ## |* Milliner and Dressmaker 50 | Temple Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 # Workwoman . . . . . 2# Ä rº sº E - - - - j Mother's Friend . . . . . . . . . 3 | Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . . . . 38 L Juvenile. . . . . . . . . . Z O OUll'Il (U - - - - - - - - - - - «-s s | Uni Review (bi-m’thly) 76 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . «d Once a Week (parts)..... 36 | Union Review (bi-m'thly Ä Journal # Ä d «d # Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . . 20 Yeterinarian (Varies) .... 57 ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ Picture Gallery.......... 38 | Ägºine...::::: 38 Children's Friend . . . . . s 2. ... ------------ j Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Villa Gardener . . . . . . . . . . 20 Child's Companion..... ## Homilist........ G D s . . e es 89 | Practitiöner............. 28 | World of Fashion. . . . . . . . Z5 Christian Work. . . . . . . . Zö Infant’s Magazine. . . . . . . 22 | Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 | Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 26 ÄT Treasury 20 ſlustrated Travels....... 38 | Popular Science Review Young ladies' Journal. . . 27 Churchman's Companion. 20 "0" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5„Ä::::::::::: “ Gentleman's Maga- Contemporary Review. 62 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Ä::::::::::: ” zine ................. 14 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 | Journal of Science (quar- Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . . °9 | Young Men of Great Bri- Cottager and Artisan. . . .2). terly). . . . . . . . . . M S s sº d e Quiver, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 tain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 GE R MIA N - AMI E R I CA N PU B. a. I CAT I ON S. d " Weekly. TÄst Trººst. Arbeiter-Zeitung... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 334 5 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 4 Atlantische Blätter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſº s | d | e . . . d B - s s 4 6 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Ä Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 | Vorwarts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - 8 6 Familien Blatter . . . . . * - so s d | e wº e a e . . . . . H - & s 1. 15 | Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung.................. 7 10 | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Freischütz. . . . . . . . sº d G e. Sº sei es d as a « - e n e e G s - a - e e e es - s sº 3 4 5 Wochenblattder N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . er es sº s e . 4 . 6 Ä e e d D - e ee sº & º s a s s Sº e s sº s sº e e e d e W S 4 s - a s d s 6 10 | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 El VE ia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * am a • « e s s sº a se u. a. « - a e s sº 4 6 Sennni-MIounthly. Ä aus Deutschland und der Schweiz.... 6 10 | Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations Lexicon... 17 25 Ä Ä Heim ; - º.- º.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 10 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung G 8 Ä Ä Ä Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . „” # Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . 9 15 ÄÄÄÄNachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Verbrecherwelt. 8 12 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . 4» an sº d a - - - - - - d d M & M & d | e . . d . . . . e 7% 10 MMonº Inly. Roman Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 | Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gd b d . . . . . . 17 25 Schnedderedengg... . . . . . . . . . . . . . d E s sº s s W - s 7 10 | Amerikanischer Agriculturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal... .... .. • • • • • • • . 3 4 . Der Freidenker . . . . . . . . . W dº dº . E s B - Ad G G < 6 d Ed & E . 12 20 First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked †† 20 40 75 20 35 40 20 25 60 15 25 0 1Q 2 r 6 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. WANTED–A Publisher for two Mathematical Works— a Business Arithmetic containing much original matter of utility, and a treatise on Plane Geometry, giving shorter and simpler methods of demonstration than those now in use, also new propositions and exercises. Address J. H. M., care of Booksellers' Guide, N. Y. WANTED–A graduate of the University of Boon, Ger- many, and a resident teacher in the United States for 20 years, desires to obtain a position on a literary or political journal. He is fully conversant with English, French, and German. Please address W. G., care of Booksell ERs' GUIDE, N. Y. B00KS WANTED. TUTTLE & Co., 11 CENTRE STREET, RUTLAND, WT. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 26, and 28 of “Vermont Law Reports º State condition and price. JOHN B. THOMAS & Co., Dayton, 0. Limitation of Human Responsibility. By Dr. F. Wayland. Sacred and Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson. Cabinet, or blue and gold. Philosophy of Shakespeare's Plays Unfolded. By Delia Bacon. Three Ways of Living–Within, Up to, and Beyond One's Means. By Miss Sedgwick. T. D. WOODRUFF, QUINCY, ILL. The Architecture of the Heavens. Nichol. Glasgow, 1823: or thereabouts; not his later book of same title. Quote condition and price. Shillaber's Poems. J. C. Derby, N. Y. HENRY MILLER, 82 Nassau STREET, New York. Wols. 20 and 21 Encyclopædia Britannica. Latest edition. Newell's History of Texas Revolution. Holme on Walking. Wylde on Walking. Hammerton's Etching and Etchers. Townsend Memorial. Published by Stringer & Townsend. Milburn's Ten Years of Preacher's Life. Works of Rufus Choate. B00KS FOR SALE, A. PIDDINGTON, 248 & 250 Yongº St., Toronto, CAN. Restituta; or, Titles, Extracts, and Character of Old Books in English Literature Revived. By Sir Egerton Brydes. 4 vols., half bound; good condition; scarce $20. Loug- man, Amst, 1763. Fol., vellum. Gr. et 50. Herodotus Wesselingii. Lat. editio Optima Brunet. Manuel du Libraire, &c., Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique. 5 vols, half bound, $7.50 Bruxelles, 1838. Cudworth's Intellectual System of the Universe, &c. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, $4. London, 1829. HENRY MILLER, 82 Nassau STREET, NEw York. Pacific Railroad Report. A complete uniform set, in half calf, Government binding; 13 vols. Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Consisting of 25 Colored Pictures of the Manners and Customs of the Indian. Very scarce. Smith's History of Virginia. Reprint of London edition of 1629, 2 vols., 8vo, boards, $12. Balzac's Contes Drolatiques. Translated into English. Com- plete and unabridged. Illustrated with 425 illustrations by Doré. 1 vol., post 8vo, cloth, gilt, $5. READY JUNE 1st. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN HIS. ToRY. By M. E. Thalheimer, former teacher of His: tory and Composition in Packer Collegiate Institute; author of Manual of Ancient history. 480 pp...full 8vo. 12 beautiful and accurate double-page Maps. Volumin- oux Index. 2.50 -- THALHEIMER'S ANCIENT HISTORY is the same price as the MEDLEVAL AND MODERN HISTORY: The two volumes are uniform in style and binding, and together form a complete History of the World from the earliest times to the present. | THE AIMATEUR ACTOR: A of choice Acting Plays for Young People. Edited by W. l H. VENABLE, author of The School Stage. Full and lucid descriptions and explanations of Stage . Management. costumes, Scenery, &c, &c. Numerous elegant illustra- tions by HARRY FARN.Y. The Amateur Actor, $1.50; School Stage, $1.25. A PRocłRESSIVE AND PRACTICAL METHOD FOR THE STUDY OF THE FRENCH LAN. GUAGE. By F. Duffer, Paris, France; Author of Popular Method of Learning English. PART I: 192 pp. 12mo. Limp Cloth. $1.00. PART II: 192 pp. 12mo. Limp Cloth. $1.00. TWELVE LECTURES ON THE HIS- Tory of PEDAGoGY, Deliverca before the Cincinnati Collection teachers' Association. By W. N. Hanım AN, A. M., Author of “ Kindergarten Culture.” 12mo, 130 pp. Cloth, 75c. WILSON, WINKLE & CO., Publishers of the Eclectic Educational Series. CINCINNATI and NEW YORK. * The best authority, Worcester's Large Dictionary.” —HoN, CHARLES SUMNER. WO R C E STER'S DICTION AIRIES. cº o D- ºl. 3 2. É 3. Qo à -- > # “WORCESTER,” THE AUTHORITY or EVERETT, SUMNER, QUINCY, RIVES, MILES, WINTHROP, MARSH, MANN, AGASSIZ. HILLARD, HOLMES. LONG FFLLOW. ALEXANDER, BRYANT, IRWING, HENRY, ELTON, HOPKINS, THE U. S. SENATE AND THE U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. For sale by Booksellers generally. BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers, B0STON, MASS, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 217 T EI IE UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL IFor 1874-1875. The forthcoming TRADE LIST ANNUAL, in addition to a much fuller represen- tation of Publishers and Stationers' Trade Lists than in last year's volume, is to contain a specially prepared Reference List of Books recorded in the Publishers’ Weekly from Jan. 16, 1873, to July 1, 1874 (eighteen months), all arranged in one Alphabet, uniform with the Reference List of Books from Jan. 18, 1872, to Jan. 16, 1873—a feature which alone is worth the price of subscription. The volume is expected to comprise over 1800 pages large 8vo, bound in cloth. T E R M S. . The price will be One Dollar per copy. 1 2. In order to insure the contributing publishers against any waste of material and unnecessary expense, and ourselves against any risk which the low price would not warrant, only a very limited number of copies will be bound beyond the number of copies subscribed for, and these will be sold at a price justified by the value of the volume. 3. It is desirable that the subscription should be closed at the earliest date possible. In order to comply with the generally expressed request to have the volume ready two months earlier than last year, at least in time to be of use for making up Fall orders, publishers should be notified of the number of Catalogues and Trade Lists needed by June 15 at the latest. Almost all the shortcomings of last year's issue may be attributed to the short time given for the prepara- tion of so eactensive a work. 4. No subscription can be accepted after the number of copies to be printed has been determined 'upon. 5. No subscriptions can be taken in account that have not been paid up when the number of copies to be printed will be determined upon, as the Small amounts will neither bear the trouble, nor the expense or risk of numerous accounts, bills, Statements, and subsequent collections. 6. Remittances should be made by money order on New York, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. Receipt for remiltance, with attached order for delivery, will be sent by return mail. 7. Booksellers, in their own interest, are requested to call the attention of librarians and large book- buyers to the ANNUAL ; but copies ordered by the latter must be subscribed for through book- sellers. Eaccept in the case of subscribers to the Publishers’ Weekly, all inquirers will be referred to their local dealer. Orders for over 1000 copies of the TRADE LIST ANNUAL for 1873–1874 were received after publication day, too late to be filled by the publisher. It is to be hoped that the disappointed, and the trade in general, will promptly come for- ward this year. Address - F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, P. O. Box 4.295, N. Y. 218 7"HE AMER / CAN BOOKS £f LERS’ GUID #. BAIRD’S & " " , º ICAI, MEN," My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE of PRACTICAL and SCIENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who will favor me with his address. HIENRY CARE Y BAIRID, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. POPULAR BOOKS SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. &mm-mm-sº-sº Mrs. Hill's New Cook book Hans Brinker. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . Little Pet Books. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Girls of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Robinson Crusoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Scottish Chiefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Children of the Abbey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine. . . . . . . . . . i 50 Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns... 1 50 Romance of the Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Arabian Nights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Don Quixotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of one hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song Books, 25 kinds. Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novels, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. WM. L. ALLISON, 128 NASSA U ST., N. Y. T H E (INCINNATI NEWS COMPANY., No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, AND News-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEW YORK, BosTon, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI Houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also always on hand A LARGE STOCK STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. gººmsºmºsº Trade-List, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. English Classics. The Cheapest Books Ever Published. SHAKSPERE, 600, - Cloth, $1.25 Containing all the great Poet's Plays, 37 in number, from the Original Text, the whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 Illustra- tions, by Gilbert, Wilson, &c. BYRON. 50C, Cloth, $1,00 A New Edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages, 16 Illustrations by F. Gilbert. SCOTT, 25C. Cloth, 50c. A New Edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated by F. Gilbert. GOLDSMITH, 400. Cloth, 80c The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete Illustrated Edition. BURNS, 25C, Cloth, 50c. This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is elaborately Illustrated, and contains the whole of the Poems, Life, and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. ARABIAN NIGHTS. 25C, Cloth, 50c. A New Translation, complete, with numerous Illustrations. MILTON, 25C, Cloth, 50c. Milton's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. COWPER. 25C, - Cloth, 50c. Cowper's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. WORDSWORTH, 25C, Cloth, 50c. Wordsworth's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. - MI00RE, 25C, Cloth, 50c. Moore's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. was The wswal Discounts given to the Trade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORK. 22O THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. B00KS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOWEST RATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheap- ness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Pooles, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G ºt, IE A. T. V. A. E. II ET Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, - Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, E.T.C., ETC. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or Small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Cata- logues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., JNEW YORIZO. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UID E. 22 I D. LOTHROP & Co., Boston, EE C A V EE INT GO NAV" E. E. A. Tº Tºº" THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK OF THE SEASON, CHAPLIN'S LIFE OF CHARLES SUMNER, With an Introduction by Ex-Governor CLAFLIN, of Massachusetts, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH HELIOTYPE PORTRAITS, ENGRAVINGS, FAC.SIMILE LETTERS, ETC., ETC. l?rrh.O, ESC 4- pages- IE’rice SSL-5 C – The authors, Mr. and Mrs. Chaplin, were intimately acquainted with Mr. Sumner's social and public life, and have had abundant facilities for this work. More extensive biographies of Mr. Sumner may be written, but none can ever be produced which will convey more vivid descriptions of him as a man and a statesman, or which will picture more faithfully the contest against slavery which formed his life's work. The work has been purposely condensed and published at a low price, so as to place it within the reach of all. We are confident that it will be one of the best selling books of the year. IR. E.A. D Y ST. T.J INT E: IL st., M O D E R N P R O P H E T S. Stories of the Great Temperance Movement. By “PAN.SY.” and “FAYE HUNTINGTON.” PRESENTING WIEWS OF AND REASONS FOR THE WOMEN'S CRUSADE AGAINST - INTEMPERANCE . FINELY Boon D AND ILLUSTRATED, 12mo, 354 pages, Price $1.50. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Bay Early Orders Solicited. *- JUST ISSUED. BY THE Prällä Hiſ him 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. PARADISE. The Place and State of Saved Souls between Death and the Resurrection. By Rev. R. M. PATTERson. 16mo, bevelled, red edge. Price, $1.25. CHRISTIAN LOVE, as Manifested in the Heart and Life. By JonATHAN EDWARDS, Some time Pastor of the Church at Northampton, Mass., and Presi- dent of the College of New Jersey. Edited from the Original Manuscript by the Rev. TYRON EDwARDS, D. D. 16mo, Cloth. Price, $1.25. LITTLE LIGHTs, AND HOW THEY , , SHONE. 18mo. Cloth. Three Illustrations. Price, 70 CentS. Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent, Or to DoDD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; BoARD of ColpoRTAGE, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; SUTTON & SCOTT, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; FAIRBANKS & Co., 54 and 56 Madison St., Chicago, Ill. ; Rev. F. E. SHEARER, 757 Market Street, San Fran- cisco, California. who keep all the publications of the Bjard for sale. JUST READY | Ih; Humb|alit family liſt, FOR THE USE OF TWENTY-EIGHT PRINCIPAL REMEDIES IN THE TREATMENT OF THE MORE SIMPLE FORMS OF DISEASE. By G. E.O.R. G. E. E. SHIP MAN, M. D Together with Directions for the Treatment of DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, By W. H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., New Orleans, La. Eighth Edition, Single Copies, $2.00, Senf free by mail on receipt of price by publishers, or may be ordered from any bookseller. For the present edition a chapter has been added on the management of children during the first few days of life— the most important days, in many respects, of their Whole existence. Many valuable suggestions are given here, which, if carefully followed out, would save the litle one6 and their attendants much needless suffering and very ma- terially diminish the rates of infant mortality. The book contains the photograph and autograph of the author. PUBLISHED BY THE WESTERN NEWS COMP'y, 42 & 44 Randolph St., Chicago. 222 THE AMERICAN ROOKSELLER & Guide. STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY, OBJECT TEACHING IN SCHOOLS AND P A R L. O. F. E N T E F. T. A. I N M E N T S. We are now prepared to issue the first nnmbers of the first series of Animals and Birds of North America ; these we propose to continue, and to add to them a second series of foreign specimens, and a third of various Animals and Birds in grotesque attitudes, never, however, violating their natural instincts. We offer these views not as pictures only, but as studies from nature. One of the great moving elements in our modern system of education is object teaching. The uperring fidelity of the stereoscope transfers the Animals and Birds from their natural habitat to the rooms of the student and the fireside of our homes, where they cannot fail to leave a lasting impression of the form, color, habits, and locality of each specimen. An experience of more than twenty-five years as Taxidºrmist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and in gathering our large collection of native and foreign specimens, enables us to represent the results of our own work, and to combine in every view the locality of the specimen with its appropriate rocks, woods, or water, and coloring from the originals. Buck numbers and parts of sets always on hand. IEP Fº I C E s- In fitne Paper Boxes of Omne Dozen................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 per doz. { { { { * * i & $ = * * * e º e s s & º & º e s tº º is s e º te e = e º s 4 º' tº g tº a º e º ºs º $ tº * * * * 3:3.00 per grºs. an eleganat Wał an unt Cases, containing One set of Four Dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 per set . { { * { { { { { { % { % “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.00 per gr8. The following are a few of the gentlemen from whom we have received testimonials as regards their utility and value: H. W. BEECHER, Brooklyn. NEWTON DEXTER, Providence. D. G. EATON, Packer Collegiate Institute, GEO. W. CLINTON, Buffalo. Brooklyn. EZRA CORNELL, Cornell University, Ithaca. TELE AMCEERICA TNT INTIEWV's CON/IE’ A-INTY, N E W Y O F. K. The Pittsburgh B00k and News Company, WHOLESALE DEA LERS IN ALL ARTICLES WHICH FORM THE News Dealers’, Booksellers’, and Stationery Stock. S. WE REEP ALWAYS ON ELAND FULL LINE OF * Hmmmiſſimillinum g|Tifºſiſ:# H O U S E S, As Soon as Issued, and at Publishers' Lowest Rates, i º i We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includ- == ing all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles and cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c, &c. Also a full line of SCHOOL, BOOPKS AND SCHOOL STATIONIERY. Dealers Save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to THE PITTSBURGH B00K AND NEWS COMPANY No. 163 WOOd. Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. ſº # º Eº- º ~tºº | sºº:º ºsºi i | ºr 2ſº. * A - THE AMERICAN BOOKS FM. L. F P & G ty/DE 223 THE CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED. -*- T H E P R T C E O F Jules Verme’s Summer. Book, ADWENTURES IN THE LAND OF THE BEHEMOTH, COPYRIGHTED EDITION, Square 8vo, Tinted Paper, Fully Illustrated and Elegantly Bound, H A S B E E N RED U C E D TO $1.00, At which price it will be kept; but we have in press the uncopyrighted and inferior edition of above work, entitled NAIIEER.I.D.I.A.N.A. The price of this edition will be kept the same as that of the rival edition, published in contravention of the courtesies of the trade, which is now $1.00. IN PREPARATION: The Earth to the Moon. By JULES VERN E. IILL U S T RATE D. C L OTH, $1.00. Advance orders filled in tho order received. º JUST PUBLISHED. H.IFE IN DANFSURY. 35th Thousand. Cloth extra.............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 29 MONEY AND MUSIC. A Sequel to “The So- 1 00 prano.” By Chas. Barnard. Cloth extra....'.... NUGAE INUTILES (Mother Goose in Latin). 1 00 POPULAR FLOWERS, AND HOW TO CUL- TIVATE THEM. By Rand..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 FLOWERS FOR THE PARLOR AND GAR- DEN. Cheap edition. By Rand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 HENRY L. SHEPARD & C0, Successors to SHEPARD & GILL, BOSTON, NEW YORK, and CHICAGO, 31 Hawley St., 24 Bond St., 92 Market Street, fºr See Correspondence in the Reading Columns of the Daily Papers. A&" As this book is of novel char- acter, we give below a lengthy de- scription, from which booksellers can get the best understanding of its plan and contents. *- 'ſ ſh Fiſh worTH OF º 2^\ || || ADVERTISED WONDERS • º By means of circulars and newspaper advertisemonts a thriv- ing business is done in selling recipes, rights to mako or use won- derful discoveries, and various secrets, ct c. Some of them are good, some worthless, some fraudulent. Many persons invest a few shillings or dollars out of mere cu'iosity or in hopes of money making or gaining knowledge. We have collected at a cost of over $250 all the prominent of these advertisod things. Their sellers we ſind have no exclusive right to them, so we pre- pose to give oup $250 worth to the public, in a neat little book which we call the Book of ADVERT!SEED WONDERS. This gives the good, bad, and indifferent, but with comments expiaining the real character of each. The following list will give an idea of the contents : It tells you how to make vinegar in ten hours from molasses, Borghum cider, etc., without drugs or chemicals; American gin without any distillation at 16 cents per pint; Premium mead; Ale without malt or hops; Cure for asthma; Imitation Cognac brandy equal to finest French genuine; Glycerine cement; Chinese art of dwarfing trees; How to raise the vinegar plant; Bee-keeper's secret for securing fertilization of young queens by any drones desired; How to secure nearly double the usual pro- duct in artificial fish raising; Chemical paint, durable and’edor- less, of any color, without oil; Great water-proof varnish for boots and shoes; Kapnophyte, the new departure in fertilizers; Great art of chemicalizing manure; Great vegetable remedy for burns, sealds, etc.; Food for mocking-birds; Death to the cotton- worm ; India-rubber cement. Nickel plating without a battery; Art of saw-filing ; Remedy for love of strong drink f Hunters’ secrets and private guide to trappers; “Mad-stones,” how to find, how to prepare, aud how to use the great, natural remedy for bites of poisonous or rabid animals; Seltzer aperient; Excelsior axle greuse; Art of sha ening saws; Magical British washing powder; Printer's in pensable, for improving and drying inks of all kinds and colors- greatest help to good printing everinvented; Imperial fly-paper, or “ catch 'em alive oh! ” Soluble blues, or liquid bluing; Eng- lish harness blacking; Preserving grapes in their natural condi- tion all winter; How to make brandy, from shavings; Apple butter without apples; Old orchards made new ; Kainite, or tree medicine; Safety gunpowder; 100 pounds of soap for one dollar; How to keep apples fresh and sound all winter; Tyler's permea- ting powder; How to restore vitality of seeds; Hunters' secret; How to nuke honey from tomatoes; Chinese art of catching fish; Infallible remedy for potato rot; Liquid black lead polish; “All farmers and horse owners; ” Barrel of soft soap for 75 cents; Dead shot for rose slugs; Scrofula ointment; Rat killing with. out traps or poison; Baking powder; Maple sugar without maple tree8. Fifty methods of making money; Fire-proof paint; Premium black writing ink; Magic copier; Vegetable salve; Counterfeit detector; Art of painting on glass; Celebrated chemical com- pound; Hunters' secret; Soft Soap ; Starch polish; Cider botter than from apples and not intoxicating : Rheumatic liniment; Magnetic ointment; Indian pills; Red ink; Blue ink; Indelible ink, without preparation ; Luminous ink; Red ruling ink; Yel- low ink; Invisible ink; Water-proof composition; Gunpowder; Shaving soap; Hard solder; Soft solder; Silver plating fluid ; Great pain extractor; Mutches; Horse tanning; Oil-paste black- ing; Metals preserved from rust; Sealing wax; Cologne water; Hair restorative; Curling liquid for the hair; Excelsior hair-oil; Celebrated tooth powder; Cough syrup; Universal limiment; Brick paint; Wood I’aint; Best varnish; Leather varnish ; A1. mond soap; Fancy soap; Non explosive burning fluid : Florida water ; Macassar oil; Lavender perfumed water; Buffalo oil. Sun-light oil; Corassa compound; lnman's cure for nervous weakness, etc.; Clover vinegar; Curing pork without brine ; Sure and safe remedy for warts : 1:lectric blacking ; How to add 50 per cont. to yield of grain at trifling labor and expense ; Har- dening gloss for printers' inks; Whiskers in six weeks, Beau- tiful art of transferring any kind of pictures to glass : Great American washing fluid ; Liebig's great fertilizer; Gilding without a battery; Waier witching, or the art of finding hidden water, oil or other valuable fiuids tomcath the ground, with the forked switch; Yeast from grape loaves ; How to soften hard water; Butter without milk or cream—artificial butter which camuet be told from genuino ; Chinese cure for nouralgia ; Pain paint; Artificial fruit syrups for soda water, and a secret for adding largely to profits ; , Meat preserving in hot wea: her , 3ordeaux wine imitation ; Art of waterproofing cloth Phyco- metic fascination, or art of soul charming ; Colored fire for the atrical and other purposes; , Boiler incrustation preventive : Vegetable cure for hydrophobia ; Egg preserving secret, Lautu- dry secrets ; Art of pickling meat in one day. §25 Io beat 12mo, volume of 100 pages. Price Fifty Cents. For sale by all bookscilors and newslettlers, or mailed, post-paid on receipt of price, by JESSE HANTEY & • 9 119 Nassau Street, New York, 2 24 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. ESTES & LAURIAT’S New Publications. VV AREHOUSE, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. ELENA. & By L. N. COMYN, author of “Atherstone Priory,” “Ellice,” etc., etc. One vol., 12mo, $1.50. “An Italian story of great power and beauty; one that is sure to live.”—Leeds Mercury. “‘Elena' is one of the most elegant and interesting fictions of the season.”—London Messenger. “A very pleasing and touching story. It is sure to be read.”—London Daily News. “It is a captivating love story. The heroine is one of the sweetest of the girls of fiction—true-hearted, pure-minded, innocent as a daisy, pure as a lily, but strong withal.”—N. Y. Tribune. “To say that “Elena’ is powerfully written, is not enough ; for not many a day have we read a story so thorougbly imbued with the loveliness, the charm, and transcendent beauty of Southern Italy.”—G. L. AUSTIN, in American Homes. RELIGION AND THE STATE. A careful discussion of the questions of Protection vs. Alliance, Taxation vs. Exemption. By ALWAH HOVEY, D. D., President of Newton Theological Institution. 16mo, cloth, bevelled, $1.25. “Dr. Hovey's book is so fair, so honest, so scholarly, and so exact, that it cannot fail to carry conviction to the mind of every reader. It will indeed create a sensation.—G. L. AUSTIN, in American Homes. “This book deserves, and we doubt not will receive, general and careful attention.”—Literary World. ENIGHT.”3 POPULAR HISTORY OF ENGLAND. An Illustrated History of Society and Government, from the earliest period to our own times. With 1000 Illustratious, including sixty-four fine Steel Plates. This is the only complete standard history of England. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, bev., black and gold... $25 00 | 8 vols., 8vo, half calf or mor, extra........ $45 00 { { { { “ untrimmed . . . . . . . . ... 25 00 { { ‘‘ full tree calf, London bound.... 60 00, “The last and greatest literary work of his life. This history will remain for many a long day a standard work.”— London Times. “This work is the very best History of England we possess.”—London Standard. “A standard work on the shelves of all libraries.”—Spectator. We would call the attention of the trade to the fact that we have issued this standard work in an entirely new dress. . It is now bound with, trimmed edges, bevelled boards, and strong American sewed back, It is believed that in this new binding it will have a greatly increased sale. CAMPBELL’S LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. Illustrated with Views of Westminster Hall, and Portraits of the Justices. A new edition, printed on fine tinted paper, and bound in bevelled Boards. Cloth, lettered, 4 vols., 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e s e o e s a e g o e s e a e . $14 00 Law sheep, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800 Half calf, marbled edges, 4 vols., 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e 25 00 The same work, printed on fine white paper, cloth, 4 vols., 12mo... . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º e tº & © tº $ tº tº ... 8 00 Making a cheap edition of this standard work. ſº “The brilliant success of this work is by no means greater than its merits. It is certainly the most brilliant con- tribution to English history made within our recollection.”—N. Y. Tribune. The trade will please notice that we make a very liberal discount for quantities of this work, to especially interest dealers in pushing the same. TOUR ON THE RHINE, AND OTHER ExCURSIONS. By VICTOR HUGO. With Descriptions of Curiosities, Legends, Antiquities, and Important Places. and Events. 1 vol., crown 8vo, laid paper, $1.75. SHAW’S TOURIST'S PICTURESQUE GUIDE TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Prepared expressly for the use of American Travellers. It i. . Colored Plates, and a large number of Engravings, new Maps, etc. 16mo, cloth, gilt uck, *JVe We would remind the trade that the season for foreign travel will soon open, and that this Guide Book, being the latest and best one in the market, is the safest one to have in stock. PRIMITIVE CULTURE. By EDWARD B. TYLOR. 2 vols., 8vo, $5.00. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. NEW N O VIE L S. R E A D Y J U N E 1. NO) AITITIERNATIVE. By ANNIE THOMAs, author of “Dennis Donne,” “‘He Cometh Not,” She Said,” etc., etc. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50; paper, $1,00. This is the last novel, and one of the best, by this prime favorite. J U S T P U B L is H E D. VALENTINE, THE COUNTESS. From the German of CARL DETLEF, by M. S., the translator of “By His Own Might,” etc., etc. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50; paper, $1.00. A work of unusual interest and power, by one of the most popular writers in Germany. G- ED. F. D A . By the famous Madame SCHWARTZ, author of “Gold and Name,” “Guilt and Innocence,” etc., etc. . Translated from the Swedish by SELINA BORG and MARIE A. BBown. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50; paper, $1.00. “Charmingly written. It has an exceedingly interesting plot, and is distinguished by spirited description and vigorous character drawing.”—Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston. LAT E L Y P U B L | S H E D . --- IN THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH. By AMELIA B. Edwards, author of “Barbara's History,” “Debenham's Wow,” etc., etc. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50; paper, $1.00. “A singularly brilliant novel.”—E. P. WHIPPLE, in the Boston Globe. This book has been very successful. | N P R Ess. THE WICISS|TUDES OF BESSIE FAIRFAX. - By HOLME LEE, Author of “Sylvan Holt's Daughter,” etc., etc. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50; paper, $1.00, Holme Lee's books are always so popular, and so sure to be good, that buyers have a guars antee of safety in ordering this book, which is thoroughly pleasant, and one of her best. PORTER & COATES, Publishers, * PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. T. B. PETERSOINT & BROTHERS7 New and G000 Books for Summer Reading, DUMAS GREAT BOOKS, The Conscript. AN HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE DAYS OF THE FIRSTNAPOLEON. OR, WHAT PASSED IN EUR ope, FRoM 1sno To 1s14. AND LOWE AND LIBERTY. A Thrilling Novel of the French Revo- lution of A792 and 1793, B Y A L E X A N D E R D U M A S. Author of “The Count of Monte-Cristo.” Each is complete in one large duodecimo volume. Price $1.75 in cloth; or $1.50 in paper. The Planter's Daughter, IBY MISS ELIZA. A. DUPUY. Author of “Why Did He Marry Her," etc. Complete in one large duodecimo volume. Price $1.75 in cloth ; or $1.50 in paper. MISS LESLI E'S |E|{{|PIS FI}} ||||||| Complete in one large duodecimo volume. cloth, gilt back. Price $1.75. Mrs. Newby's New Books. KATE KENNEDY. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Married,” etc. Price 50 cents. WONDROUS STRANGE. 4 Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Married,” etc. Price 50 cents. MARGARET HAMILTON. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Married,” etc. Price 50 cents. RIGHT AND LEFT, A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Common Sense,” etc. Price 50 cents, TRODDEN DOWN. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Common Sense,” “Married,” etc. Price 50 cts. COMMON SENSE. 4 Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Only Temper,” “Married,” etc. Price 50 cts. ONLY TEMPER. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Married,” “Kate Kennedy,” etc. Price 50 cts. MARRIED. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Only Temper,” “Common Sense,” etc. Price 50 cts. In morocco New Books New Books PUBLISHED THIS DAY BY T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia, And for Sale by all Booksellers and News Agents. A L EXAN DER BUM As G R E AT Book: THE CONSCRIPT. An Historical Novel of the Days of the First Napoleon; or, What Passed in Europe from 1810 to 1814. By Alexander Dumas, author of “The Count of Monte-Cristo,” “Love and Liberty,” etc. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, bound in cloth, price $1.75, or in paper cover for $1.50. LOVE AND LIBERTY. A thrilling Novel of the French Revolution of 1792 and 1793, by ALEXANDER DUMAS, author of “The Count of Monte-Cristo.” Complete in ope large duodecimo volume, bound in cloth, price $1.75, or in paper cover for $1.50. ALEXANDER. DUMAS COMPLETE WORKS. Count of Monte-Cristo. $1 50 | Memoirs of a Physician $1 00 Edmond Dantes....... 75 | Queen’s Necklace... . . . 1 00 The Three Guardsmen. 75 Six Years Later... . . . . 1 00 Twenty Years After... 75 Countess of Charny... 1 00 Bragelonne . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Andree de Taverney... 1 00 The Iron Mask........ 1 00 The Chevalier . . . . . . . . 1 00 Louise La Walliere. ... 1 00 Forty-Five Guardsmen I 00 Diana of Meridor. . . ... 1 00 | The Iron Hand. . . . . . . . 1 00 Adventures of Marquis. 1 00 Countess Monte-Cristo. 1 00 Love and Liberty. . . . . 1 50 The Couscript........ . 1 50 Camille; or, The Fate of a Coquette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Above are in paper cover, or in cloth at $1.75 each. The Fallen Angel........ 75 The Black Tulip......... 50 Felina de Chambure..... 75 | The Corsican Brothers. .. 50 The Horrors of Paris. ... 75 | The Count of Moret ... .. 50 Sketches in France...... 75 || Mohicans of Paris. . . . . . . 50 Isabel of Bavaria. . . . . . . . 75 The Marriage Verdict.... 50 Twin Lieutenants... . . . . 75 | Madame de Chamblay... 50 Man with Five Wives.... 75 | Buried Alive. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 George; or, The Plauter of the Isle of France.......... 50 Annette; or, The Lady of the Pearls................... 50 M R S . S O U T H W OR TH' S N E W B O O K. VICTOR'S TRIUMPH. A. Sequel to “A BEAUTIFUL FIEND.” By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Price $1.75 in cloth, or $1.50 in paper cover. MRS. SOUTHWORTH'S COMPLETE WORKS. Complete in thirty-seven volumes, bound in morocco cloth, from entire new desigms, ww.h a full gult back, price $1.75 each; or $64.75 a set, each set wr, a meat boz. Victor's Triumph . . . . . $1 75 ) The Lost Heiress. $1 75 A Beautiful Fiend..... 1 75 | The Bridal Eve. . . . . . . 1 (5 The Artist’s Love..... 1 75 | Lady of the lsle...... 1 75 A Noble Lord. . . . . . . . . 1 75 | Deserted Wife . . . . . . . ... l 75 Lost Heir Linlithgow... 1 75 The Two Sisters....... 1 75 Tried for Her Life. . . . . 1 75 | The Three Beauties. . . 1 75 Cruel as the Grave. . . . 1 75 Vivia: Secret of Power 1 7 The Maiden Widow. . . . 1 75 . The Missing Bride..... 1 7 The Family Doom..... 1 75 | The Christmas Guest... 1 75' Prince of Darkness.... 1 75 The Fatal Marriage. ... 1 75 The Bride's Fate. . . . . . 1 75 | Love's Labor Wom . . . . 1 75 The Changed Brides... 1 75 | The Gipsy's Prophecy. 1 75 How He Won Her. . . . . 1 75 Haunted Homestead... 1 75 Fair Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 | Wiſe’s Victory. . . . . . . . 1 75 Fallon Pride.......... 1 75 | The Mother-in-Law ... 1 75 The Widow’s Son. . . . . 1 75 | Retribution. . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Bride of Llewellyn.... 1 75 | India; of Pearl River. 1 75 The Fortune Seeker... 1 75 | Curse of Cliſton. . . . . . . 1 75 Allworth Abbey....... 1 75 Discarded Daughter... 1 75 Above are in cloth, or in paper cover at $1.50 each. Bº Booksellers are solicited to order at once what they may want of any of the above books, which will be filled at low rates of discount. promptness and care as large ones. Canvassers Wanted. Our Illustrated Catalogue will be sent to any address. Small orders are filled with the same We Will, upon application, furnish any Bookseller or News JAgent with our addressed Envelopes, Posters, Wholesale Rates, and Circulars, free. Address all orders to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers & Booksellers, Philadelphia, Pa. | ººº º º: à à |||ſº §º º *- O \ººſ au5 B.M.T Røra PEG. --→ S S-> WiMRAM - 69, - Yol. YI. New York, MAY 1, 1874. No. 5. C O N T E N T S. PAGE p PAGH THE BOOK MARKET, - – 53 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For MAY, - 164 LONDON LETTER, - *s – 158 APRIL PUBLICATIONS, tº- – 167 SPECIAL NoTICEs, - - – 158 | NEw MUSIC, - *e - – 172 THE AGAssiz MEMORIAL FUND, - 16o INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTS, – 174 oRITUARY, º - * – I 60 | THE STATIONERY MARKET, - – 175 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 16O | THE AMERICAN NEws company's Foreign LITERARY NOTEs, — 162 LIST OF NEWSFAFERS AND NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, – 162 PERIODICALs, -> - – 177 MUSIC NOTEs, – - º — 63 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. - The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., 115, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN ROOKSELLERS GUIDE. STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY, oBJECT TEACHING IN schools - AND . -> P A R. L. O. F. E N T E Fr. T A I N M E N T S. º We are now prepared to issue the first nnmbers of the first series of Animals and Birds of North America; these we propose to continue, and to add to them a second series of foreign specimens, and a third of various Animals and Birds in grotesque attitudes, never, however, violating their natural instincts. We offer these views not as pictures only, but as studies from nature. One of the great moving elements in our modern system of education is object teaching. The uDerring fidelity of the stereoscope transfers the Animals and Birds from their natural habitat to the rooms of the student and the fireside of our homes, where they cannot fail to leave a lasting impression of the form, color, habits, and locality of each specimen. An experience of more than twenty-five years as Taxidermist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and in gathering our large collection of native and foreign specimens, enables us to represent the results of our own work, and to combine in every view the locality of the specimen with its appropriate rocks, woods, or water, and coloring from the originals. Back numbers and parts of sets always on hand. - IE IF I C E S. In fine Paper Boxes of Ome I Dozen...... • * * * * * e º e º e º e º e º e s e e < e < e e e * * * * c e s e e s e ... . $3.00 per doz. { % * * * * { % * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 33.00 per grse In elegant Walnut Cases, containing Ome Set of Four Dozem............. 12.00 per set. { { * { { { { { 66 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.00 per grs. The following are a few of the gentlemen from whom we have received testimonials as regards their utility and value: H. W. BEECHER, Brooklyn. NEWTON DEXTER, Providence. D. G. EATON, Packer Collegiate Institute, GEO. W. C.Ll NTON, Buffalo. Brooklyn. & EZRA CORNELL, Cornell University, Ithaca. TETE AIMIEERICANT INTEV's CONME ANTY", N E W Y O E. E. - The Pittsburgh B00k and News Company, WHOLESALE DEA LERS IN ALL ARTICLES WEIICFI FORM THE News Dealers’, Booksellers', and Stationery Stock. tº HITI; ſimilmillińIII. EH O U S E S, As Soon as Issued, and at Publishers' Lowest Rates. We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includ- ing all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles and cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c., &c. Also a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY. Dealers save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. - Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. - Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and , other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to - tº THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY, H #: tº No. 163 Wood Street, sº PITTSBURGH, PA. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by $ THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE £ook MARKET. . • NEw York, May 1st, 1874. Universal quiet has prevailed in the book trade during the month. In spite of the general dulness, however, our publishers keep steadily adding to their lists with a hopefulness of the future which, to say the least, is com- mendable. D. Appleton & Co. have issued A Daughter of JBohemia, a novel, by Christian Reid, which has been running as a serial in Appleton's Journal, and has added not a little to the value of that publication. Miss Fisher is one of the few Southern writers who can make a good novel. This is probably her best work, and although not brilliant, the plot is good and so ingeniously developed, that the interest is sustained to the end. The illustrations are excellent. The Appletons have also issued a new revised edition of Bain's Logic, Deductive and Inductive ; The Science and Practice of Medicine in Relation to Mind, by J. Thompson Dickson, A. M., with photographic illustrations; and Responsibility in Mental Disease, by Henry Maudsley, M. D., of London, an interesting and valuable treatise on a subject which is receiving much attention. Dr. Maudsley is well known as an expert in mental diseases, and this volume will, no doubt, be accepted as authority in future cases of medi- cal jurisprudence... These publishers announce that they have in active preparation a work, to be called Picturesque Europe, on the plan of their Picturesque America, which has been re- ceived with much favor, the drawings for which are to be from sketches made by American artists. They promise to give in this work “the most exhaustive and artistically perfect series of views of picturesque places in the Old World ever published.” A. J. Bicknell & Co. have published The Carpenter and Builder's Assistant, by Lucius D. Gould, a practical builder and architect. This work is a revision of The House Carpenter’s Assistant, issued several years ago, but now out of print, with the treatise on mathematical in- struments onlitted and much new matter added. It is fully illustrated with plates, and gives explicit directions for framing roofs, cutting joints, finding the sections of the angular pieces, mitreing circular mouldings and planes, also the relative sizes of timbers required to support a given weight, tables of weight and strength of materials, and much other matter designed to aid the carpenter in his work. Robert Carter & Brothers have published Crossing the River, a number of short papers written with a view of inspiring cheerfulness and resignation in last hours; Mabel Hazard's Thoroughfare, by the author of the “Win and Wear” series, in which an old maid tells in a readable manner how she found her life shut up, “without a thoroughfare through it,” and how, through the aid of others' hearts and hands and her own hopefulness, she at last found her way out of that dreary state of exist- ence; and The Gospel and its Fruits, by J. H. Wilson, M.A., a handsomely illustrated volume, in which the author has endeavored “to present the Gospel in a way that may interest the young and be understood by them.” G. W. Carleton & Co. have published The Tale of Two Cities, in their handsome edition of Dickens's works; a little volume of verse under the title Beldazzle's Bachelor Studies, which con- tains a few good hits on Society; and a new book by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, entitled Phemie Frost's Ecperiences, telling quite facetiously how a verdant old maid from Vermont set out on a mission to reform society, and the mishaps which attended her efforts. There is sufficient plot to interest the ordinary novel reader, and sufficient humor to make it pleasant reading. Carleton & Co. have also brought out a new ed- tion of Dr. Ruffini's charming story of Italian life during the political disturbances of 1848. The book has enjoyed considerable popularity in the past, and will no doubt find many new admirers. J. B. Ford & Co. have issued the 9th and 10th series of Beecher's Sermons, two handsome and valuable volumes, which should find their way to the shelves of every library. They include his best discourses during the two past years, and, like the previous volumes, are marked by that vigor and brilliance which have made the author so conspicuous among American divines. His publishers have also issued, in tasteful bind- ing, Mr. Beecher's Pleasant Tulks about Fruits, Flowers, and Farming, which was first published I 54 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. in 1859, and is now enlarged by the addition of some sketches more recently written, and his address at Ionia Island on “The Political Econ- omy of the Apple.” All the “Talks” exhibit that happy combination of quiet humor with wholesome instruction, for which the author is famous. The other book on the April list of this house is The Circuit Rider, “a Tale of the Heroic Age,” by Edward Eggleston. This is a story of the pioneer life of the American mis- sionaries in the early West, the days when mus- cular Christianity as well as pious zeal were essential to success and safety, the time which the enthusiastic author has termed the “Heroic Age.” Although those days have long since passed away, the graphic pictures of the men and women among whom those early mission- aries worked, and the vivid descriptions of the incidents attending their labors, possess an his- torical interest and will be widely read. The illustrations are excellent. Henry Holt & Co. have published a timely book in A History of American Currency, by Wil- liam G. Sumner, Professor of Political and Social Science in Yale College. The plan of the author has been to “leave the historical facts to tell their own story without comment.” He says further in his preface, and very truly, that the history of American finance and politics is a most Important department, which lies as yet almost untouched, but the materials for such a work are all in the rough, and it would require very long time and extensive research to do any justice to the subject. He has made, nothwith- standing, a very interesting book, and one which at this time, when the subject of finance is re- ceiving a large share of public attention, will be widely read. The volume contains also chapters on “The English Bank Restriction ” and “Aus- trian Paper Money,” and, in an appendix, the famous “Bullion Report" made in 1810, by the select committee of the House of Commons, on the High Price of Gold Bullion. Auerbach's new novel Waldfried has been translated for Holt & Co., and will soon be issued here. The author pronounces it his best work. It deals with both the Austrian and French wars, and some of the scenes are laid in America. Hurd & Houghton have brought out an edition for 1874, of that excellent book for travellers, A Satchel Guide for Vacation Towrists in Europe; and First Steps in General History, by Arthur Gilman, author of Fºrst Steps in English Literature. l3oth books are models in the way of showing what can be done by judicious condensation. Few persons have the time or the inclination to wade through the cumbrous volumes of general history, and yet a knowledge of it is indispens- able to every well informed person. To such as wish to obtain that knowledge in the shortest possible time, this work will be very welcome. Harper & Bros. have issued Baird's Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873; and The Office and Duty of a Christian Pastor, by Dr. Stephen H. Tyng. In the former book, all the important scientific discussions and the eviden- ces of progress in science and industry have been carefully compiled by Professor Baird of the Smithsonian Institute, with the assistance of some of our most eminent scientists. It is a volume of great value to students and all who wish to keep up with the times in scientific knowledge. Dr. Tyng's book contains five lec- tures delivered before the Theological Students of the Boston University, in September and Oc- tober of last year, dwelling upon the duties and qualifications, the agencies and power of the pastor in his work outside of the pulpit, as well as a preacher. . In May, the Harpers promise Motley s Life and Death of John of Barneveld; The Evangelical Alliance Conference, 1873, and Dr. Schweinfurth's Heart of Africa, all of which we have before noticed. - James Miller has published Christ the Spirit, in two volumes, by General E. A. Hitchcock, an attempt, by analysis of the Gospels, to prove the theory of the author, that they are the work of a sect known as the Essenes, of which Jesus was a member, and to state the view of Christianity in its primitive days. Mr. Miller has also issued in neat style, new editions of those old and long ago popular novels of William Ware, Aurelian, a story of Rome fifteen centuries ago; Julian, in which the scenes are laid in Judea, in the time of the Saviour; and Zenobia. Among early historical novels these three must always hold a prominent place, and they will always find admiring readers. The National Temperance Society, through their publication house in this city, are indus- triously engaged in the preparation of temper- ance literature, and their works are of especial interest at the present time. Among their latest issues is a pamphlet on The Woman.’s Tem- perance Crusade, by the well-known lecturer, Rev. W. C. Steel, with an introduction by Dr. Dio Lewis. It gives a concise history of the late movement, its plans, methods of operation, incidents, and humors of the campaign, also a summary of the results. The Society have also issued, in a tract of twenty-four pages, an elo- quent treatise on The Duty of the Church Towards the Present Temperance Movement, by Rev. Isaac J. Lansing ; a large number of smaller tracts, and two pretty little story-books, Humpy Dumpy, by Rev. J. Jay Dana, and The Fatal Dower, by Mrs. E. J. Richmond. G. P. Putnam's Sons have published a trans- lation by Prof. James Morgan Hart, of Auguste Langel’s England, Political and Social; Sun Views of the Earth, by Richard Proctor; Sketches of Il- lustrious Soldiers, by J. Grant Wilson ; The Maid of Orleans, by George H. Calvert; a novel by J. Hilton Jones, with the title The Dominie's Son ; and, in the binding and style of their “Handy Book Series,” a Handbook of Statistics of the United States, containing, in convenient form, a record of events from the organization of the Government to the present time, with brief bio- graphical data of the Presidents, Cabinet officers and menubers of the Continental Congress, state- ments of the finances under each administra- tion, and other statistics. It is compiled by M. C. Spaulding. M. Langel's book is an able and comprehensive study of a great nation, giving clear views of her social and political institu. tions, her policies and tendencies, her aristoc- racy and her working people, and suggestions as to her future that will command attention. Though the author is a Frenchman, it is one of THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 155 the most important books on England ever written ; quite as able as Taine's, and more hilosophical. The translation by Professor art, of Cornell, is an excellent one. Mr. Wil- son’s Illustrious Soldiers is a series of twenty-five brief biographies of those who have distin- guished themselves on the battle-field, from Gonsalvo de Cordova, to General Grant. The book is in a handsome binding, and contains four steel portraits and twenty-one autographs. Mr. Calvert’s tragedy of The Maid of Orleans differs from Schiller's drama in that it claims to be strictly historical. The author claims that the new facts which have been brought to light since Schiller wrote, change very mate- rially the characters and circumstances of the tragedy, and make such a reconstruction neces- sary. The volume is daintily bound in cream- white muslin, relieved on the side by a heraldic device in blue and gold. Sheldon & Co. have issued Lillie Devereux Blake's “novel with a purpose,” Fettered for Life; or, Lord and Master. As is indicated by the title, the story is an attempt to picture the social and legal disadvantages to which, accord- ing to the views of the author, women are sub- jected. Even those who do not endorse this view, must agree that the story is well written and possesses considerable dramatic interest. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have published Dr. Theodore Christlieb's Modern Doubt and Christian Belief; What is Darwinism 2 by Charles Hodge, D.D. ; and The Superhuman Origin of the Bible, by Henry Rogers ; all of which have been previously noticed ; and the fourth volume of Dr. Ernst Curtius' History of Greece. This work is translated by Prof. William Ward. It is very elaborate, and the publishers have done full justice, in printing and binding, to its im- portance. - D. Wan Nostrand has issued two little books which deserve attention. The first is Mille An- alysis, a practical treatise on the examination of milk and its derivatives, by J. A. Wanklyn ; and the other, a treatise on Fuel, by C. W. Sie- mens, to which is appended a paper by F. Wormald, on “The Value of Artificial Fuels as compared with Coal.” - John Wiley & Son have published, under the title Ariadne Florentima, three of Ruskin's lec- tures on wood and metal engraving, delivered in his fourth year as Art Professor of Oxford. The subjects of the lectures are. “Definition of . the Art of Engraving,” “The Relation of En- graving to other Arts in Florence,” and “Th Technics of Wood Engraving.” - BosTon, May 1st, 1874. ... The book business of the month in this city has been light. Some of our houses by con- stantly issuing new books have managed to keep up a creditable appearance of activity, but even the busiest are forced to admit that the trade is dull, and that publishing does not yield the returns that the heavy outlays demand in order to make it profitable. Our juvenile book publishers, who have, perhaps, suffered more than any other class of the trade by the undercutting competition which prevails. have entered into an agreement to go into effect at this date, and which has also been signed by a majority of the publishers of juvenile books in New York and Philadelphia, not to sell to the trade at greater than a fixed discount, except on special bills of $500 and upwards, and not to use undue influences to affect sales, such as gifts, expressage, allowing discounts to be charged back, etc. This is a movement in the right direction, and should be followed by all pub- lishers of miscellaneous books. Colby & Rich have published Agassiz and Spirit- walism, involving the investigation of Spiritual- ism, by the Professors of Harvard, in 1857. It is written by Allen Putnam, and gives the views of Agassiz and others of the committee ap- pointed to make the investigation, and whose report has never been made public. These publishers have also issued a new edition of The Clergy, A Source of Danger to the American Republic, and have in press a volume by J. O. Barrett, entitled Immortels of Love. Divine love is the author's theme, and the book somewhat resembles his previous work, Looking Beyond. Estes & Lauriat have issued in their cheap but valuable series of “Half Hour IRecrea- tions,” Insects Garden, by A. S. Packard, Jr.. and a learned treatise on Coal as a Reservoir of Power, by Robert Hunt, F. R. S.; Elena, an en- tertaining and fresh story of Italian life, drama- tic, but not open to the objection of being too sensational, by L. N. Comyn ; a little volume on the Vienna Hæposition, by Charles F. Adams ; and Field Ornithology, by Dr. Elliott Coues, the author of the large work on his favorite science. He is an able as well as a zealous ornithologist, and has given in this volume in plain simple language, all the directions which are necessary for the collection of specimens, the selection of guns and dogs, the shooting, preserving, stuffing and mounting, and much of the detail attending the various processes. He has added also a valuable check list of North American birds. The publishers have given the book a very pretty binding. Having published Camp- bell's Lives of the Chief-Justices of England, they will issue his Lord Chancellors, which has never been printed in this country. The work will comprise ten volumes, including the lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham, which will bring it down to the reign of Victoria. Each volume will contain from fifteen to twenty portraits, and other illustrations. The first will be ready this month. This house will soon add to their octavo edition of the Chief-Justices, a Memoir of Thomas, first Lord Denman, formerly Lord Chief- Justice of England, in two volumes, by Sir Joseph . Arnould, late Judge of the High Court at Bom- bay, and have nearly ready Religion and the State, by Alvah Hovey, D. D. which treats of “The Bible in the Schools,” “Ought Church Property to be Taxed,” and other questions of the day which are engaging attention. Henry Hoyt's most recent publications are Antoine, the Italian Boy; The King’s Servants; John Dane; Cily Sparrows; and Ned's Search. Antoine is written by a well known clergyman, who is also an ex-consul. It is the story of a boy who was stolen from his home in Italy and brought to this country, and is a picture of the abuses which have lately been brought to light, 156 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. and which both the Italian and our own govern- ments are endeavoring to correct. It is not only founded upon fact, but much of it is fact, the names of the characters being only slightly changed. The King's Servants, by Hester Stret- ton, is an excellent story for children, illustrat- ing the fruits of faithfulness to duty and the penalties of unfaithfulness. City Sparrows is an endeavor to awaken sympathy for the poor in our cities, and is full of excellent lessons for the young. John Dane is the story of an ambitious artist, Who goes out into the world to find fame and fortune, is disappointed, meets with re- verses, resorts to the bottle, becomes a wreck, and is saved by his grown-up daughter, who Crosses the ocean to find him. These books are all finely illustrated and handsomely bound, and are safe books for children. Little, Brown & Co. have published Famous Trials, by John T. Morse, Jr. "It includes a very full account of the Tichborne trial, which oc- cupies 234 pages, or about two-thirds of the volume, the trials of Troppmann, Prince Bona- parte and Mrs. Fair, and an account of the Meteor case, which, though less popular in its character, as the author says, involved questions of importance, and is well worth preserving. The volume contains portraits of Chief-Justice Cockburn, Justices Mellow and Lush, Henry Hawkins, counsel for the Crown, Dr. Kenealy, the defendant's counsel, of Lady Tichborne, and of the claimant. D. Lothrop & Co. have published The Tropics, a book that is well calculated to interest the young, telling, in a pleasant, colloquial man- ner, stories of the tropical regions, and contain- ing illustrations of strange animals and scenery; and Peter, the Ship Boy, a clever tale of the ad- ventures of a boy at sea, written by H. G. Kings- ton. D. Lothrop & Co. announce as in press, to be published immediately, a Life of Charles Summer, by J. & J. D. Chaplin, with an intro- duction by Hon. William Claflin. It will be a 12mo volume of over four hundred pages, and will contain fac-simile letters, a heliotype por- trait, and other illustrations. Mr. Summer, for a number of years, while in Boston, made his home with Mr. Claflin, who has furnished most of the material for the work. Mrs. Chap- lin, one of the joint authors, is a writer of con- siderable ability, well known to the readers of the Watchman and Reflector, to which she has contributed stories. Roberts Brothers have issued a new and cheaper edition of that charming, yet sorrowful love story Mireio, and a new edition of William R. Alger's Poetry of the Orient, to which thirty or forty pages of new matter have been added; Sarah Tytler's two books The Old Masters and their Pictures, and Modern Painters and their J’aintings, both valuable books for the studio and the school-room, and pleasant and profita- ble reading for the drawing-room ; and Mary Cowden Clarke's The Trust and The Remittance, “two love stories in metred prose. They have in press, Antony Brade, a story of boy school- day life by Robert T. S. Lowell, a brother of Prof. Lowell, and an old and successful teacher of boys; and Christine, a love story of Sweden. Noyes, Holmes & Co. have in preparation a work by Rev. W. M. Fernald, entitled Christian Life and How to Obtain it. Readers of Scientific books twenty years ago, will remember a re- markable little work published at that time under the title The Stars and The Earth. It was issued in England and reprinted here, with an introduction by Rev. Dr. Thomas Hill, formerly of Harvard University, and although it created quite a sensation at the time, the author has never been discovered. Noyes, Holmes & Co. are soon to bring out a new edition of it, and Dr. Hill again writes the introduction. Henry L. Shepard & Co. have published Nugge Inutiles, or Mother Goose in Latin, which will puzzle even the good Latin scholars who have only read in the schools. The volume also contains several translated poems from the Latin and German. This new firm have in pre- paration for the Summer and Fall, new books from Edward Eggleston, Jules Werne, Wilkie Collins, Mr. Bailey, and Mr. Stephens,the author of the delightful “Camping Out Series.” J. R. Osgood & Co. have published Working- men's Homes, by E. E. Hale ; and Good Luck, a novel translated from the German of Ernst Werner, by Francis A. Shaw. The former book consists of a portion of the matter which ap— peared in Sybaris and Other Homes, which was issued about five years ago, with about a hun- dred pages of new matter devoted to the plans of co-operative societies of furnishing homes for working men. It contains many valuable Sug- gestions and should be widely read both by capitalists who are seeking safe investments, and by those who wish to furnish themselves with cheap homes. Not the least interesting portion of the volume, is a letter from Josiah Quincy, telling the results of his experiments in building homes for working men in Dedham, Mass. Good Luck is an exceptionally good story of life among the miners of Germany. Osgood & Co. have nearly ready Baddeck, and that Sort of Thing, consisting of the papers of travel, by Charles Dudley Warner, which have appeared in the Atlantic ; Life whder Glass, elucidating a curious plan för a grand glass hotel for invalids, which shall protect them from our rigorous climate ; and The Middle States, a hand-book for travellers, uniform with, and on the same plan as the New England, issued a year ago. It contains maps and plans and a great amount of information about the chief cities and popular resorts of the Middle States—New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Lee & Shepard have published the late Mr. Sumner's Prophetic Voices Concerning America, which has a special interest from the fact that it was the last literary work of the distinguished Senator, but whose own intrinsic value is suffi-. cient to command universal attention ; Beaten Paths, or a Woman's Vacation, a lively, gos- sipy book of travel in Europe, by Mrs. Ella W. Thompson, resembling in character and style The American Girl Abroad; The Secret of Chris- tianily, by Rev. S. S. Hibbard, a very scholarly work, written with a view of showing the great influence of Christianity upon civilization ; and Brief Essays and Brevities, by George H. Col- vert, the author of Goethe's Life and Works, with which this latest volume is uniform. Mr. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 157 Colvert is one of the most charming essayists living, and his papers are as full of interest, even to the average reader, as the most ap- proved novel. The essays in this volume are twenty-five in number and on a great variety of subjects, including Work, Art, Travel, Lady- hood, Materialism, Books for Boys, etc. There are six on Shakespeare and his works. How Mar- jory Helped, recently issued by this house, is a juvenile book, healthy in tone, and full of in- terest. The story secured the prize of $250, offered by a commission of ladies in Boston for the best Sabbath-school book. Lee & Shepard have in press a new book by Jennie June on wedded life, entitled For Better or Worse; and a new American novel by Francis H. Under- wood, of Boston, with the title Lord of Himself. It is a tale of Kentucky twenty years ago. - PHILADELPHIA, May 1st, 1874. The book world—at least, the portion of it which is located in this city—is almost at a stand-still, and there is very little literary news to chronicle. Some of our publishers assert that the business is duller than it has been before in ten years, while others claim to be doing a very fair business for the season. The latter, however, are those who have a long list of stan- dard books. New books certainly sell very slowly. Very few books have been issued during the month, and not many will be issued until the fall. Porter & Coates' series of novels, hitherto known as “The Library of Approved Authors,” will in future be called “The International Series of Novels,” and will embrace the works of some of the most popular living authors of America, England, France, Germany, Sweden, etc. Gerda is the next volume in the series. It is a novel of special interest, written in Madame Schwartz's most captivating style, and promises to be even more popular than her other works. Many incidents experienced by the author dur- ing youth, before she began her literary career, are introduced in its pages. It will be followed by No Alternative, by Annie Thomas ; The Vicis- situdes of Bessie Fairfax, by Holm Lee, a novel which has been very highly commended by the London reviewers; and Valentime the Countess, translated from the German of Carl Detlef, by the successful translator of the former novels of this author. The Sportsman's Club Afloat, by Harry Castlemon, is now ready, and is in great demand with the boy-admirers of this popu- lar writer, who pronounce it a “jolly book.” The revised edition of Coates' Comprehensive Speaker is also just ready, and its adoption as a text-book by the public school boards has crea- ted a considerable demand for it. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have published Eugene Aram and Zanoni in their neatly bound and clearly printed edition of Bulwer's works; Au- tumn, Musings and olher Poems, by E. Hazard; a volume of verse which will commend itself to all lovers of nature who prefer sense to sound, and hearty, wholesome, old-fashioned poetry to either sensational or sentimental nonsense; Alide, the romance of Goethe's life, which was mentioned in my last ; As It Show.ld Be, the Woman question defined, and an effort to settle it once for all, by “Alex,” the author of How She Would Have It ; The Heir of Malreward, a really good English novel, resembling The Heir of Red- cliffe; Martin Chuzzlewit, in two volumes, in their illustrated edition of Dickens; Plato; volume first of Prescott's Peru; Philosophers and Fools, a study, by Julia Duhring, a Virginian lady ; . and a volume on the Ligation of the Arteries, from the French of Dr. L. H. Farabeuf, trans- lated by Dr. John D. Jackson of Kentucky. This volume of Prescott's Peru is the third work of the new edition of that author's works, which is being edited with Mr. Prescott's latest corrections and editions by his co-laborer and companion, J. Foster Kirk. The new edition of Lieber's Civil Liberty is printed from new plates, with changes from notes, which the author left. Plato is the nineteenth volume of Lippincott's “Ancient Classics for English Readers.” It is by Clifton W. Collins, A. M., and tells us all about the life and followers of Plato, which the ordinary reader will desire to know, without putting him to the trouble of mastering a dead language to acquire it. - . Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have issued in English and German a Hand Book of the Loco- motive, by Stephen Roper, the author of the Catechism on Steam Engines; a poem entitled Ralph Elmwood, by John H. Vosburg; and A History of the Origin of the Appellation Keystone State. Mr. Roper is a practical engineer, and his book is eminently a practical one. It treats of all the details connected with the construc- tion, running, and management of locomotive engines and boilers in a manner which shows that the author not only understands these sub- jects, but that he fully comprehends the wants of those for whom he writes. The book is an 18mo illustrated, and neatly bound in morocco tucks, with a pocket, making a handy pocket volume. The writer of the History of the Origin of the Appellation of the Keystone State, as applied to Pennsylvania, sets out in his preface with this statement: “Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State, the thirteenth stone, the block of the arch, from the fact that, by the casting vote of John Morton, she secured the unani- mous adoption of the Declaration of Independ- ence in the Continental Congress, on the 4th of July, 1776, being the last or thirteenth State to vote for that instrument.” To establish this fact and disprove other theories which are given, he has compiled a mass of evidence from old documents, and succeeded in making a work of historical interest. This house will issue at an early day a second edition of Flander's Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, which has been revised and enlarged by the addition of the latest cases. They also have in press Sabbath School Help, an exposition of the inter- national lessons for 1874, by Rev. Dr. Alfred Nevin ; and a new novel by Emerson Bennett entitled Villeta Linden. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have published new editions of several of their old but still popular books, and Victor's Triumph, a sequel to A Beautiful Fiend, by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Mrs. Southworth is probably the most popular of our American novelists, and it is only necessary to announce her books, and 158 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. they find a host of readers. The Petersons will shortly reissue The Autobiography of Edward Wortley Montagu, with a preface by Dr. Macken- zie, of the Philadelphia Press; The Conscript, Dumas' historical novel of the days of the First Napoleon, from 1810 to 1814; and Dumas' Love and Liberty, a novel of the French Revolu- tion. T. & J. W. Johnson & Co. have issued Broom's Legal Maaſims, the seventh American edition, enlarged and improved, with references to American cases; and Sir John Barnard Byles' treatise on The Law of Bills of Ecchange, sixth American edition, with additional notes. illus- trating the law and practice in the United States, by George Sharswood. This work has a high reputation, and is used as a text-book in several of the colleges. Broom's Legaſ Maaims is considered by many the best book of the kind in existence. As a collection of the first principles of law, it is certainly very useful to the practitioner and the student. —- sº.--º- -ºr -º- LoNDoN, April 13th, 1874. An International Copyright Act is now the subject of discussion amongst publishers, and there is not the slightest doubt that by such an Act, America would be very much the gainer, for the American authors, now over-ridden by English reprints, would soon create a literature of their own. Messrs. Ward, Lock & Tyler have just re-published a novel by Dr. J. G. Hol- land, “Arthur Bonnicastle,” but to avoid trenching on literary property, they have had the concluding chapter finished by another hand. A preface has been written by Mr. S. O. Beeton, and issued as a pamphlet, telling why this was done, and apologizing to Dr. Holland for making his book the subject of an experi- ment. - Mrs. Oliphant's new book is in the press and will be issued by Messrs. Hurst & Blackett. It is to be called “For Love and Life.” Mr. Swinburne is said to be engaged upon a new poem called “The Romance of Yseult.” Mrs. Sewell, Author of “Mothers’ Last Words,” and several other well known works, will soon con- clude a new work upon the dangers to which seamen are exposed, which is to be entitled “Davie Blake the Sailor.” A néw volume of poems by George Eliot is about to be issued by Messrs. Blackwood. After having been a long time out of print, a new edition is about to be published of Mr. Kinglake’s “Invasion of the Crimea.” Auerbach's long announced novel “Waldfried ” is soon to be published by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. It has just been issued from the Cotta press, in Germany, and is to be also published in Dutch, Russian and Italian, but not in French, which is a pity, as the French never read German, and Auerbach has always a good word for them, which is not always the case with German writers. The novel sketches the history of Germany from the eve of the Napoleonic wars to the present time. It is told by Heinrich Waldfried in the form of an auto- biography. “The Hero of Elston’’ is the title of a modest little work about Bunyan, by Rev. Jas. Coplier, M. A., Vicar of the parish where Bun- yan was born. The story of Bunyan’s life is vivaciously and pathetically told, and no one will be the worse for reading it. A new edition is announced of “The Mothers of Great Men,” by Mrs. Ellis, author of “The Women of Eng- land.” “Judith Gwynne” is the name of a three- volume novel by Lisle Carr, which contains so many startling situations, that it is quite melo- dramatic. The heroine's escape from a burning house is miraculous, but how she managed to Survive in a room of which the door-handle was red hot, is beyond an ordinary understanding, but perhaps it requires an extraordinary under- standing to fully comprehend it. Now that the subject of cremation is exciting so much interest, the pamphlet of that eminent Surgeon, Sir Henry Thompson, is meeting with 'a large sale. It is called “Cremation, or the Treatment of the Body after Death.” A novel by the late Presi- dent of Spain, Senor Castelar, is announced at Madrid, and is to be called “The Story of a Heart.” The jeu d'esprit entitled “The Story of the Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco" is exciting considerable attention, probably because the author's name is kept so secret. W. T. —-º- ºr -ºr = sº- SPECIAL Notices Brewer & Tileston have moved into their new quarters at 47 Franklin street, Boston. Woolworth, Ainsworth, & Co. will publish in a few days a history of The Brooklyn Council for 1874. Melvin Hard & Son, New York, have re- moved their wholesale paper warehouse to No. 25 Beekman street. Doty & McFarlan, wholesale stationers, New York, have removed to new and more com- modious quarters, at No. 30 Reade street. On May 1st, H. W. Ellsworth & Co. remove to 142 and 144 Grand street, the house of Mason, Baker & Pratt, where their publications can be obtained as usual. The price of the library edition of John Stuart Mill's works, published by Henry Holt & Co., has been changed from $2.25 per volume to $2.50, except the volume on Comte, which remains at $1.50. Messrs. McElroy and McBride, of Albany, N. Y., have issued Life Sketches of State officers and Members of the Legislature of 1874, in a hand- some volume of some 350 pages, bound in cloth and paper. The sketches are well written, and are said to be accurate in their statements of facts. The volume is illustrated with good portraits of Gov. Dix. Lieut. Gov. Robertson, Speaker Husted, and Comptroller Hopkins. Among the “Books for Sale” offered in this issue is a list from A. Piddington, of Toronto, Can., including bound volumes of the New York. Mirror from 1829 to 1840. In Mr. Piddington's stock of old books are many rare and valuable volumes, and, as books twenty years old are now admitted free of duty, there are, no doubt, many among our readers who will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity to become their possessors at Mr. Piddington's reasonable prices. THE AMERICAN Booksell ERS GUIDE. Í59 . ably enlarge it. *=– Jansen, McClurg & Co., of Chicago, have || published a volume of sermons by Rev. David Swing, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of that city. They are all characterized by close, logical reasoning, and much originality of thought. They are not only eloquent, but practical, and applied to every-day life and the common weaknesses of humanity. The paper and binding are in keeping with the contents— attractive and elegant. Articles of agreement have been concluded between the United States and Switzerland for the exchange of postal cards between the two countries, which are to go into effect on the 1st of May. They provide that postal cards ad- dressed to Switzerland may be forwarded in the mails to that country on prepayment of a post- age of two cents each, such prepayment to be made by affixing to the cards an ordinary one- cent postage-stamp in addition to the stamp printed on the card. - A. S. Barnes & Co. have adopted a novel im- provement in their school-books, in attaching silicate slates to the inside of the covers. The slates are white or black, for the lead or slate- pencil, as ordered, and will be of great con- venience to teachers and students, and also to general readers, for memoranda, reference-notes, etc. The adjacent fly-leaves are of water-proof paper, so that the Slates can be cleaned without injury to the books. As the attachment adds but a trifle to the cost of the book, it will prob- ably be extensively used. Messrs. James R. Osgood & Co. have made arrangements with Mr. Karl Baedecker by which they become the publishers in this country of “Baedecker's European Guide Books,” and an edition bearing their imprint will soon be issued The series embraces nine volumes relating to those portions of Conti- nental Europe most frequented by travellers, and is supplemented by a “Traveller's Manual of Conversation ” in English, German, French, and Italian. Robert Clarke & Co. have published a new edition (the second) of Seney's Civil, Code of Ohio, with notes of the decisions of the courts of that State. The previous edition was issued thirteen years ago, and since that time so many changes have been made in the Code and its administration that it has been necessary to re- write a great part of the work, and consider- This has been carefully done, and the volume now furnishes a complete copy of the Code as it now is, with notes of all judicial decisions which interpret its pro- V1810IlS. The Insurance Year Boolc for 1874, published by Hayden, Miller & Maltbie, Hartford, is a well printed octavo volume of 284 pages. It is a valuable contribution to the statistics of insurance, containing, in tabulated form, the amount of fire, life, and marine business of the whole country ; excerpts from new tables of mortality; account of fire department and water supply in cities and towns; digest of in- surance decisions ; abstracts.of statutory re- quirements of the several States, and much valuable miscellaneous matter; price $1.00. Theodore Tilton's novel Tempest Tossed will be issued by Sheldon & Co. during the month. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, have removed their store to 225 Washington street, where they will remain until their old building, which was considerably damaged by the late fire, is re- paired. Their losses, which amounted to about $50,000, were fully covered by insurance. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, have pub- lished a handsome edition of that quaint old book, The Doctor and Student; or, Dialogues be- tween a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England. The work held its place for many years as among the most popular of its kind, but it has long been out of print, and cultured laymen as well as lawyers will be glad of the opportunity to place it in its present at- tractive form on their book-shelves. Fortescue's De Laudibus is in preparation and will shortly be issued by the same publishers. The Secretary of the Publishers' Board of Trade announces the following engagements : By Brewer & Tileston, Mr. Langerbaugh, Chicago, Ill.; by Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Mr. Alfred L. Storms, New York ; by Wil- son, Hinkle & Co., Mr. J. Roland Ray, South Bend, Ind ; by A. S. Barnes & Co., Mr. Der- ville Libley. The following have been with- drawn : By Brewer & Tileston, Mr. James W. Smythe, Augusta, Ga.; by Tſarper & Bros., Dr. J. H. Stort, Atlanta, Ga. - John Murphy & Co., of Baltimore, the enter- prising publishers of Catholic books, have is- sued a revised edition of the treatise on the Devotion to the Sacred Heart, by Rev. S. Franco, S.J. It was much admired by Catholic readers in this country when it first appeared in the Monthly Messenger of the Sacred Heart, and the first edition in book form was soon exhausted. . It has now been carefully revised, and published in handsome style. Murphy & Co. have also published, on tinted paper and in attractive binding, The Paradise of God; or, the Virtues of the Sacred Heurt of Jesus, which treats of Meek- ness, Patience, Charity, and other attributes of the Saviour, as exhibited by his words and works. We have received a copy of Crofutt's new Transcontinental Towrist, one of the handsomest and most useful books of the kind ever issued in this country. The illustrations, of which there are nearly a hundred, comprising beauti- ful scenery and points of interest along the Union and Central Pacific Railroad, are beauti- ful as works of art, and as samples of cut-print. ing they are seldom excelled. The reading matter embraces descriptions of over five hun- dred cities, towns, stations, forts, and camps, the summer resorts, the mineral and hot springs ; where to look for buffaloes, deer, and other game; where to seek for trout—in fact, everything that can interest or be useful to the traveller across the Continent. There are also some, practical suggestions to the traveller, a number of excellent, large maps and blank pages for memoranda. It is bound in strong flexible cloth, and may be folded and carried in the pocket without injury. 16o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AGAssiz MEMORIAL FUND. We cheerfully accede to a request to call the attention of our readers to an enterprise which has recently been started in Boston to raise an endowment for the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, founded at Cambridge, by the late Professor Agassiz. Circulars have been distributed calling upon teachers and pupils throughout the country to celebrate the next anniversary of the great scientist's birthday, which occurs on the 28th inst., by contributing to a “Teachers and Pupils' Memorial Fund;” and certainly, for such a purpose, and in honor of the able teacher and enthusiastic student, the appeal will not go unheeded. No fitter tribute of respect to his memory can be offered than to assist, in how- ever small a degree, to carry forward the work which he held nearest his heart, and for which he labored so hard. He devoted to it some of the best years of his life, and resisted repeated offers of honorable positions in other countries, that he might continue the work so ardently begun. In his will, written but a few years before his death, he bequeathed such of his books as he might se– lect to his son, and the rest to the Museum. As he “had no time to make money,” this was all, at the close of his labors, which he had to give. Had he lived, he would have made it one of the most valuable Museums of Natural History in the world. It is already, in the number and value of its collections, the finest in America, and it is very proper that every American should be given the op- portunity to contribute his mite to assist in its maintenance and enlargement. Contri- butions may be sent to James M. Barnard, Treasurer of the Memorial Fund, Room 4, No. 13 Exchange street, Boston. pertUARY. WILHELMI VON EAULBACH. This celebrated painter died at Munich, on the 7th of April. He was regarded in Germany as the foremost in his profession, and his works have made him famous among modern painters. He was born in the Principality of Waldeck, in 1805. His father was an engraver and portrait painter of some celebrity, and gave his son in- struction in the rudiments of drawing ; but it was not until his eighteenth year that he took any great interest in the art. About that time he commenced his studies at Dusseldorf, under Cornelius, and within a few years produced “Apollo Among the Muses” and “The Mad- house.” . Among his other great pictures are, “The Battle of the Huns,” “The Capture of Jerusalem,” “The Tower of Babel,” and “The Era of the Reformation,” which was exhibited at the Paris Exposition, and afterward pur- chased and brought to this country, and ex— —-º hibited in the Somerville Art Gallery, in 1869. Raulbach also executed a large number of book. portraits and book illustrations. But few of his paintings have been brought to this coun- try; but they have nearly all been engraved, and the copies are celebrated as works of art. JoBN PHILLIPS. A cable dispatch from London, on the 24th of April, announced the death of John Phillips, LL.D. He was the author of several im- portant works on geology, and, as the Secre- tary of the British Association, arranged and edited twenty-seven volumes of the reports of the transactions of that body. He has com- tributed a large number of books and papers to geological literature, many of them being the records of original researches. In 1858, he was elected President of the Geological Society, and in 1864 was made President of the British ASSO- ciation. He was at different times Professor of Geology at King's College, London ; Trinity College, Dublin, and at the University of Ox- ford. He also devoted much time and study to meteorology, was the author of Three Years' Observation on Rain, and the inventor of several valuable appliances for conducting me- teorological investigations. At the time of his death he was in his seventy-fourth year. sº-º- JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Mr. Swinburne has completed his tragedy, Bothwell. Eight of the twelve members of the present English Cabinet are authors. The late Dr. Strauss has left unfinished biog- raphies of Beethoven and of the poet Lessing. There is to be a new edition of the first two volumes of Kinglake's Invasion of the Chrimea. It is understood that Victor Hugo's Ninety- three is but the first part of an extensive prose epic on the Revolution. Dr. William Smith's great Atlas of Classical Geography will be completed by the publication of the fifth part before the close of the year. The title of Mr. Howell's new story will be A Forlorn Hope. The characters are mainly Amer- icans, but most of the scenes are laid in Venice. The Academy says that the original of Robert Browning's poem The Lost Leader was the poet Wordsworth, who left the liberals and became a tory. * Ş. Edwin James is writing reminiscences of London barristers for publication in New York. The life of the Lord Chief Justice of England will begin the series. © Mr. Charles Nordhoff has been studying the communistic societies, and is writing a book giving their origin, history, religion and lit- erature. We hear with regret of the death of Mr. J. S. White, the senior partner of J. S. White & Co., of Marshall, Mich. Mr. White was for many years engaged in the book and music trade, and at the time of his death was sixty-two years of age. The firm name will not be changed, and the business will be continued by his son, Mr. George H. White. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I61. Boston is to have a new book auction mart. Mr. Salom having established himself as an auc- tioneer, announces that he will hold a sale of books “at an early day in May.” Wm. F. Gill & Co., Boston, will soon publish A Dangerous Game, by Emund Yates, a novel of contemporaneous society, introducing the pro- fessional theatrical life of New York and London. About three-fourths of all the books circulated by public libraries in this country, are works of fiction. In most of them Mrs. Southworth’s books are in greater demand than those of any other author. Mr. Percy Fitzgerald is editing a new edition of Boswell's Johnson, in which will be preserved the original text of the first edition exactly as it was printed, with the old spelling, punctua- tion, paragraphs, &c. A boy entered one of our book stores the other day, and inquired for “You know how it is yourself.” With some difficulty it was as- certained that he wanted Charles Reade's “Put Yourself in His Place.” Howard Challen has met with so much en- couragement with his Philadelphia Trade Direc- tory, that he now proposes to make as general Directory, to embrace all the leading cities of the country. - A. J. Holman & Co., Philadelphia, are con- stantly devising new styles of bindings for their Bibles, and providing new illustrations. Their new Illustrated Family Bible, with Doré's illus- trations, are among the finest ever made in this country. The illustrations are very fine copies from the originals. The lectures of Prof. Peabody of Harvard College, on “Christianity and Science,” lately delivered in Dr. Adams' Church, N. Y., on the Ely Foundation of the Union Theological Semi- nary, are to be published in the early autumn by Robert Carter & Brothers, uniform with Dr. McCosh’s “Christianity and Positivism * of the same series. Rev. E. E. Hale has published, in paper cov- ers, four of the sermons which he preached to his people after his return from Europe last year, embodying some of the observations he made and things he learned on that trip. Their subjects are, “Worship in Europe,” “The Wi- enna Exhibition.” “Pilgrimäges,” and “Open Air and Aryan Virtues.” Mr. Lincoln has withdrawn from the firm of Gould & Lincoln, Boston, after a connection with it of nearly forty years, during which time the firm has occupied the premises at 59 Wash- ington street. Mr. Gould continues the business under the old firm name, and with a view of confining himself principally to his own publi- cations, has moved to the second floor of 57 Washington street. James Campbell, Boston, will publish early in May a limited edition of Liebold's Comparative Anſttomy, translated from the German. and ed- ited with notes and additions by Waldo J. Burnett, M. D. This translation was originally published in 1854, and has been long out of print. The work has been pronounced by Pro- fessors Agassiz, Silliman, Hitchcock, and others, to be the best on the subject printed in English. Ilovers of the “ceramic art" are to be sup- plied with a portable guide to marks and mono- grams, by Sampson Low, Marston & Co., who have in press The China Collectors' Poclcet Com- panion, by Mrs. Bury Palliser. - Loring has republished that curious little work, A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem, written for Blackwood's in 1866, by W. W. Story, the sculp- tor. It is an ingenious defence of Judas Iscariot, and illustrates the shrewdness of the modern lawyer. E. J. Hale & Co. have published Guy Manner- ing in two volumes, being volumes third and fourth of their beautiful Thistle Edition of the Waverley Novels. They are printed on tinted paper, and most tastefully bound in green cloth, ornamented in black and gold. The illustrations, of which there are a large number in each vol- ume, are excellent copies from the original editions. That curious old book, Alexander Barclay's Ship of Fools, first published in 1497, has recently been republished. in Edinburgh, in two hand- some quarto volumes, with fac-similes of the original cuts. Mr. T. H. Jamieson, the editor, says in his introduction, “in the long, barren track between Chaucer and Spenser, the ‘Ship of Fools’ stands all but alone as a popular poem.” A few copies have been imported and are for sale by D. Appleton & Co. In answer to the report that Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, on account of ill health, will not give to the public anything from her pen for several years to come, the publishers of The Christian Union announce that she is in good health in Florida, and that they will shortly commence in that paper a new serial from her pen, entitled “We and Our Neighbors.” It is founded on the miseries resulting in the tem- perance agitation, and has been written during the past year. Mr. Henry S. Allen, formerly member of the firm of Leavitt & Allen Bros., whose partnership expired by limitation in February last, has es- tablished himself at No 136 8th street, New York, with a view of publishing subscription books. He has in preparation for his first ven- ture “A History of America for the People, embracing both North and South America, from its earliest discovery to the present time, by em- inent and popular authors. . It will contain up- wards of 1,000 pages, 4to, in clear legible type, and be fully illustrated with photo-engravings from steel plates, by best artists.” Thompson, Brown & Co., Boston, will issue, early in May, The Parents' Manual, by Professor Hiram Orcutt. It is designed as a counterpart of The Teachers’ Mamwal, published two years ago, and which has had an extensive sale. The Teachers' Manwal treated upon the teacher's du- ties to his pupils. The Parents' Manual treats upon parents' duties in the relations they sus- tain to their children, in the family, in the school and in society, during the period of their minority. It covers a ground hitherto almost unoccupied, and, from the author's reputation as a teacher and writer on similar subjects, must be a work of great value to all parents interested in the proper moral training of their children. 162 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ GUIDE. f or EIGN JLITERARY Notes The long announced comic paper The Sand- wich has appeared in Dublin. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn's work on Junius is completed but will not be issued till Fall. The concluding volumes of Froude's The Eng- lish in Ireland have been issued in London. Fifteen hundred new newspapers have been registered in France during the last three years. Mr. Henry Labouchere, of the London Daily News, is said to be the author of The Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco. A new German epic, by Adolf Stern, is de- voted to Gutenberg, who has been sadly ne- glected heretofore by the Muses. Mr. G. A. Sala has succeeded the late Mr. Shirley Brooks, as editor of the Home News, London. . A new volume of poems by George Eliot is in the press and will shortly be issued by Black- wood & Sons. Sampson Low & Co. are the publishers of Henry M. Stanley's new book, Coomassie and Magdala ; The story of Tico British Campaigns in Africa. A congress of Austrian writers has been called to meet at Vienna to mediate on literary ques- tions between France and the German Em- 1T6 & Eighty thousand volumes were added to the University Library of Strasburg during the past year; about one half were acquired by pur– chase, and the rest were donated. The Gaulois, Paris, accuses Victor Hugo of a want of patriotism for allowing a German to translate his Ninety-Three for publication in the semi-official journal of Bismarck at Strasburg. Mr. Winwood Reade, who was special cor- respondent of the London Times from Ashantee is writing a complete account of the late war, which will be published by Smith, Elder & Co. The recent riots at Bombay are attributed to the publication by a Parsee of a Guzerate ver- sion of Irving's Life of Mahomet, in which there is a reference to the prophet's domestic rela- tions. - Edmund Yates is engaged on a new novel which will deal largely with French life, and he has gone to the South of France for the purpose of familiarizing himself with the scenes he de- scribes. - Prof. Blackie is engaged upon a volume of essays which will be published by Messrs. Mac- Millan, under the title Horae He'lemicae. The papers will discuss “The Theology of Homer,” “My Theological Interpretations,” “Prome- theus Bound,” and other historic and literary subjects, and will oppose many of the views of Grote and Max Müller. Senor J. de Armas Cespedes, nephew of the Cu- ban President and the writer of a paper in a late number of the Gulaay, is writing a historic novel, based upon the struggle of the South American colonies for independence, and the conspiracies in Cuba near the close of the first quarter of the century. It promises new and interesting rev- elations concerning the origin of the Monroe doctrine. Cassell, Petter & Galpin have issued a new edition of Æsop's Fables, with illustrations by Mr. Griset. An extremely sensitive person writes to the Athenaeum as follows: “Permit me to suggest that an edition of Dickens's works should be brought out in classical English. The words used in the author's works are extremely dis- agreeable to read. I think that the language of the lower orders ought never to appear in print.” Imagine Mrs. Gamp talking classical English. The London Orchestra points out two blunders in Tennyson’s “Welcome” poem. The first is in making “England's Harold’ give Russia's throne a wife, whereas it was England Harold's papa who performed that noteworthy act, and the second, “in writing Alexandrovna with a to instead of a v. There is no w in the word at all. The Russian letter is the Greek beta, now pro- nounced veta, and its exact equivalent in En- glish is our v.” The Booksellers in Mulhouse and other Alsacian towns have been informed by the Ger- man Government that all their publications in the French language—newspapers, magazines, &c., -will for the future be subject to the re- vision of a Censor, whose office will be in Stras- burg. In Strasburg, the papers, if approved, will be stamped, and sent therefron, to their re- spective centres of circulation in Alsace. Curwen's History of Booksellers, recently pub- lished in London, is full of interesting informa- tion and anecdote. From it we learn that although ancient Egypt and Greece had their libraries, and Rome had her professional book- makers and a popular newspaper, Atticus was the first who conceived the idea of making books on a large scale, and carried it out by em- ploying a large number of slaves to copy simui- taneously from dictation the favorite authors. He soon found imitators, and publishing became a regular business. The first copyright sale effected by an author to a publisher is shown in the agreement between Milton and Samuel Sim- mons, the printer. It was executed on April 27, 1667, and disposes of the copyright of “Para- dise Lost" for the sum of £5, and £5 more when the first edition of 1,300 copies should be sold in retail, and the like sum at the end of the second and third editions. NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. * The May number of Harper’s closes the forty-eighth volume. On the 10th ultimo, the New York Tribune en- tered upon its thirty-fourth year. The July Atlantic will contain the first chap- ters of Howell's new story of Italian life. There are one hundred and forty newspapers printed in Texas, of which one hundred and ten have been started since the war. The House of Representatives have passed a bill providing for the free exchange of news- papers between publishers, and for their free distribution to subscribers in the county where published, THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 163 Over a quarter of a million of the Tichborne number of the Lond ºn Graphic have been sold. Scribner's for June will contain a new story by “Saxe Holm,” entitled “The Four-Leaved Clover.” American Homes for July will contain an article on mining, by Mr. Charles Barnard, who has been sent by the publishers to the Pennsylvania coal mines for the material. The Morning Slar, Van Wert, Ohio, “ edited by spirits, through the instrumentality of Mrs. Alolphus Kline, " is changed from a monthly to a weekly. The Illustrated People's Monthly is now issued' in a meat blue cover, which not only gives four additional pages for advertisements, but adds mnch to the appearance of the paper. We have received the first number of The Freethinker, the “organ of the Freethinker As– sociation.” It is in the form of an uncut pam- phlet of sixteen octavo pages, and contains articles on “ The Religion of Humanity,” “‘Causality,” “Cremation,” and others. Price 2 cents. The “Stationers' Department” of The Paper Trade Journal is discontinued, and a separate publication, The American Stationer, is issued by Mr. Lockwood. It is printed on fine heavy paper, and its sixteen pages of useful matter, including reviews of home and foreign markets, prices current, lists of novelties, new patents, etc., will commend it to the trade. It is issued semi-monthly at $2.00 per annum ; 10 cents per copy. - Street & Smith, the enterprising proprietors of the New York. Weekly, have commenced the publication of a large eight-page monthly, called The Mammoth Monthly Reader. Its contents are made up of stories, sketches, poetry, record of events, etc. Retail price, 8 cents per copy. The same publishers will, at an early day, issue the first number of a new weekly paper for children, entitled the Boys' and Girls' Weekly Library, which will retail for 5 cents. The Trade Bureau is the name of a new eight- page weekly journal, published in the interest of the furniture trade, by George Whittemore & Co., 58 John street, New York. The first numbers are neatly printed, and contain full market reports from our principal trade centres, and much other matter of interest to the trade. Price $2.50 per annum. The Post Office Committee of the House of Representatives has under consideration a bill providing for the prepayment of postage on magazines and newspapers, quarterly, at the office from which they are sent. Such a law would undoubtedly save much money to the Government, and much inconvenience both to publishers and subscribers. The April number of the able quarterly The American Law Review is an especially good One. Besides the valuable digests of English and State Law Reports, and learned book reviews, it contains elaborate articles on “The Trial of the Tichborne Claimant,” “The Virginius Case,” and “The Delivery of Telegraphic Mes- sages.” MUsic NotEs. Hibbarl & Munro, New York, publish Mowatt's Temperance Glee Book, a collection of temperance songs, adapted to popular airs, compiled and edited by James Alexander Mowatt. - Mr. Henry R. Waite, who published in 1868, through Ditson & Co., a collection of college songs under the title of Carmina Collegensia, is now re-editing the work, and desires to add to it all new college songs. Among the new issues of Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, is a beautiful four part Decoration . Hymn, Cover them over with Beautiful Flowers, by E. F. Stewart. The music is simple but effective, and the words very appropriate. The publishers haye also sent us the Fiorence Galop, by C. J. Miers. St. Peter, the new Oratorio by Mr. John K. Paine, Professor of Music at Harvard Uni- versity, is a work of one hundred and seventy- four pages, and contains sixteen recitatives, twelve choruses (one being for female voices alone), two airs for soprano, two for contralto, two for tenor, and three for bass, and one duett for soprano and tenor voices There are also three Chorals selected from the Old Masters, re- arranged by Mr. Paine, and two orchestral pieces, an Introduction and a “Lament.” It is published by Ditson & Co. Oliver Ditson & Co., on account of the recent fire at their store, have published a much smaller list than usual, but it includes some excellent pieces. Changed is a beautiful song by F. Boott, adapted to words from Long- fellow’s “Aftermath.” The Night has a Thou- sand Eyes, by the same composer, with words by F. W. Bourdillon, is also worthy of special mention ; the melody is attractive and the accompaniment simple, but effective. In Shadow Land, a song in E minor by Ceiro Pinsuti, is a beautiful example of the adaptation of Italian music to English poetry, in which the composer excels. White, Smith & Co. have issued the first of a new musical quarterly, entitled The Organists' Quarterly Journal and Review. The objects of the journal are stated to be —“First, that or— ganists may have a paper which shall be de- voted to them and their interests ; Second, to assist in supplying a long felt wart of Organ music suitable for church service ; Third, to present from time to time short essays and articles concerning organs, organists, and or- gan-playing. He also hopes to give a concise and reliable history of the organ ; full descrip- tions of all great and celebrated organs ; Biog- raphies of noted Composers and Players; an- alysis of great compositions for the organ, and general discussions of all matters pertaining to the organ and organ-playing. ... The music will be from the best representative organists of both continents, and not too difficult for players of ordinary ability ; and will appear in prin- for the first time in this journal. Should there be occasional reprints, they will be of the choicest character, and such as have not before been printed in this country. 164 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Book ANNouncements FOR Max - D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Christopher Columbus : A History of the Char- acter and Achievements of the so-called. With mu- merous Illustrations. Flint’s Physiology. Vol. W. Contents: The Spe- cial Senses and Generation. The Great Ice Age, and its Relation to the Anti- quity of Man. By James Geikie. With Illustra- tions. Health : a Hand-book for Households and Schools. By Edward Smith, M. D. Health and Education. Kingsley. Mysteries and Miseries of the Great Metro- polis, with some Adventures in the Country. Being the Disguises and Surprises of a New York Jour- malist. By A. P., the Amateur Vagabond. Wilkes, Sheridana, and Fox. The Opposition under George III. By W. F. Rae. Life of Salmon P. Chase. By J. W. Schuckers. (By subscription.) Life of S. F. B. Morse. By the Rev. Canon By S. Irenaeus Prime. BAKER, VOORHIS & CO., New York. U. S. District Court Reports. (Second Circuit.) Vol. v. By R. D. Benedict, Reporter. 8vo, 610 pp., law sheep, $10. A Treatise on the Measure of Damages, &c. 6th edition. By Theodore Sedgwick. Edited by H. D. Sedgwick. Law sheep, $8.50. The Law of Design Patents. Onds. By W. E. Sim- J. A. BANCROFT & CO., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania State Register. New edition. By Henry Houck. Royal 250, half morocco, $5. BOSWORTH, CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. The History of a Great Miand, A Survey of the Bducation and Opinions of John Stuart Mill. By B. A. Hinsdale, A. M., President Hiram College. 8vo, 32 pp., paper, 20c. Gospel Plan of Salvation. By Dr. T. W. Brents. Second edition. 12mo, 667 pp., cloth, $2.50. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Parsing Blanks. 4 Nos. By J. H. Sampson. 4to, $1.50 per 100. Complete Arithmetic. 12mo, half bound. Monteith’s Primary Geography. Monteith. 94 pp., half bound. Youths’ Script Speller. By J. Madison Watson. 12mo, half bound. By G. W. Peck, LL.D. By James A. K. BTTTS & CO., New York. Secular Responsibility. By Geo. Jacob Hol- yoke. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. The Atonement. By Chas. Bradlaugh, 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 5c. Manna. Edited by C. P. Somerby, 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. Underwood’s Prayer. By B. F. Underwood. 12 mo, 4 pp. paper, 10C. per doz. ROBERT CARTER & BROS, New York. Little Trix ; or, Grandma’s Lessons. 16mo, 154 pp., cloth, 60c. A Golden Sunset. By J. R. Macduff, D.D. 18mo, 108 pp., cloth, 35c. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. She Loved him Madly. Cloth. $1.75. The Art of Pleasing a French, Beauty. Earnest Feydean. Cloth, $1.50. Christmas Stories. 14th vol. of Carleton's Dickens. By CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY, N. Y. I. The Life of S. Johla of the Cross. 12mo, 25 II. fine Farrn of Muicerola and Madanane Agnes. 8vo, $1.50. III. Grapes and Thorns. 8vo, $1.50. IV. Life of S. Catherine of Genoa. 12mo, $2. V. The French Prisoner in Russia. 16mo, $1. VI. Glory and Sorrow, and Selim. * 16mo, $1. CASSELL, PETTER & GALPIN. New York. Our Children: How to Rear and Train Them. Crown 8vo, 280 pp., cloth, $1.75. Popular Dravviang-Book. cloth, $1.75. Mechanical Section. $1.50. FC p. 4to, 260 pp., Fop. 4to, 128 pp., cloth, JAMES CAMPBELL, Boston. Comparative Anatomy. By C. Th. V. Siebold and H. Stamnius. Translated from the German, and Edited with Notes and Additions recording the recent progress of the Science. By Waldo J. Bur- nett, M.D., 8vo, 470 pp., cloth, $5. (Invertebrata, only, being Vol. I. of the German Edition. & CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila. Villeta Linden ; or, The Artist’s Bride. By Emerson Bennett. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Second Volume of the Uniform Series of Emerson Ben- nett's Works. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio. New Series, §º By Moses M. Granger. Svo, law sheep, 2.50. DODD & MEAD, New York. David Crockett. By John S. C. Abbott. Pioneer and Patriot Series, $1.50. Fetich in Theology. By Rev. John Miller, D.D. 12mo, 12mo. Prayer and the Prayer Gauge. By Mark Hopkins, D.D. 18mo. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. The Life of Christ. By Rev. F. W. Farrar. 2 vols. 8vo, 600 pp. per vol., cloth, 37. ESTES & LAURIET, Boston. Memories of Westminster Hall. By Edward Ross, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, $7. Tour on the Rhine. By Victor Hugo. cloth, $2.50. Discrepancies of the Bible. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Lig ºnts anx ſl Shadows of Ministerial Life. 12mo, cloth. Memoir of Thomas, First Lord Denman. Uniform with Chief Justices. By Sir Joseph Armould. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, $7. 12mo, By J. W. Haley. E. J. HALE & SON, New York. The Antiquary. Thistle Edition. . By Sir Walter Scott. 2 yols. 12mo, cloth, $1.50 per vol.; half Turkey, gilt top, $2.25. THE AMER ICA W B O O KSE L LERS’ G UI/O E. 165 EIARPER & BROS., New York. à Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Ad- vocate of Holland. With a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of “The Thirty Years' War.” By John Lothrop, D.C.L. With Illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, $7. Lady Ann. A Novel. By Anthony Trollope. 8vo, paper, 500. - Evangelical Alliance Conference; 1873. His- tory, Essays, Orations, and Other Documents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2–12, 1873. Edited by Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D., and Rev. S. Irenaeus Prime, D. D. With Portraits of Rev. Messrs. Pronier, Carrasco, and Cook, recently de- ceased. 8vo, cloth, nearly 800 pp., $6; sheep, $7; half calf, $8.50. The Heart of Africa; or, Three Years' Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of the Centre of Africa. From 1868 to 1871. By Dr. George Schweinfurth. Translated by Ellen E. Frewer. With an Introduction by Winwood Reade. Illus- trated by about 130 Woodcuts from Drawings made by the Author, with Two Maps. 2 vols., 8vo. A Fast Life on the Modern Highway. Being a Glance into the Railroad World from a New Point of View. By Joseph Taylor. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; paper, $1. John Worthington’s Name. A Novel. By Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, paper, $1; cloth, $1.50. Northern California, Oregon, and Sandwich Islands. By Charles Nordhoff. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, $2.50; paper, $1. Second Cousin Sarah. By F. W. Robinson. lustrated. 8vo, paper, 75c. Il- |HENRY HOYT, Boston. - Miriam Brandon ; or, Trial and Conquest. A Book for Girls. By Mrs. J. F. Moore. 16mo, $1.50. Chenly Bartlett’s Adventures. 16mo, $1.25. The Promise and the Promiser. By Anna, sºn. Reprint. 16mo, $1, 5th Volume Shipton e] 162 S. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. wºldfried. By Berthold Auerbach. 12mo, cloth, Little Barefoot. By Berthold Auerbach. Joseph in the Snow. By Berthold Auerbach. Clarisa Harlowe. By Richardson. Chorley’s Autobiography. By H. F. Chorley. History of the Cretan Rebellion. By W. J. Stillman. - HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. By Celia. Thaxter. New and Second Edi- 18mo, cloth. By William M. Baker. Poems. tion. Mose Evans. 18mo, cloth. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. The Literary Reader. Typical Selections from the best British and American Authors, from Shakespeare to the present time, Chronologically Arranged, with Biographical and Critical Sketches, and Numerous Notes. By G. R. Cathcart, M.A. 12mo, about 400 pp., cloth. A Mamural of French Poetry. By A. H. Mixer, M.A., Professor Modern Languages, Rochester Uni- versity. 12mo, about 500 pp., cloth. 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Wildfang. Galop. Faust. 20c. Brook. Dolores. Song. 20c. I ºve but must not Say Who. Sedgwick. Song. 200. Wings. Dolores. Song. 20c. BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. SONGS. In Spring Time. Domberg. 40c. 'The Dawn. Domberg. 35c. tº waiting for Thee. Domberg. Song and chorus. Leaves. Gabriel. 35c. Voices of the Past. Gatty. 30c. A Place Within Thy Heart. Meininger. 35c. I Wonder What's Her Name. Nussbaum. 35c. Captive Galop. Cardella. 30c. Treasure Polka. Meininger, 35c, Inspiration of Love Polka. Weigand. 35c. Emmie Schottisch. Schuman. 20c. Little Sweetheart. Schuman. 20c. Nuptial Schottisch. Hamel. 35c. Chris and Lena Waltz. Wondell. 35c. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. VOCAL. e Lauda Sion. Wernig. Jos. Schwartz. 30c. While the Gas is Burning. Batcheldor. song. 30c. ‘Take a Shine ºf Sarchet. Bootblack's song. When Mary was a Lassie. Christy. chorus. 30c. Comic 300. Maudlie Dear. Macy Song and chorus. 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Ben Bolt. Smith. New arrangement. 50c. Ripples on the Lake. Fantasie. 75c. Blackbird Polka. Nace. "30c. Secret Love. Lange. 50c. Phi Delta. Theta. Wells. March. 40c. Stranger's Story. Wilson. 50c. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. vocal, WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. New Songs by Lon. Dinsmore. With Portrait. Each 40c. No. 2. I Remember, I Remember. No. 3. The Wind’s Warning. No. 6. The Summer Days are Ended. Oh My Charmer. (Oh Ma Charmante.) Sulli- van, 35c. A Life that Lives for You. Sullivan. 40c. Little Eyes and Little Hands. Simplician. 30c. The Child’s Vision. Molloy. 35c. Promise Me Dearest, You’ll Not Drink Again. Temperance song and chorus. Wheeler. 30c. Curfew Bells. Finch. 30c. Autumn Leaves are Falling. Christie, 30c. It was a Dream. Cowen. 30c. TIarket Day. Vivien, 30c. - Ave Maria. (See Instrumental.) Gottschalk. 75c. | Morgan Blatter Waltzes. Song and . New Music. INSTRUMENTAL. My Angel. Mon Ange. (Bluette.) Egghard. 40c. Aurora Galop. Robertson, 35c. Spring, Gentle Spring. Warren. 40c. Posthumous Works of L. M. Gottschalk. No. 4. Cocoye, Grand Caprice Gulbain. $2. No. 10. Marguerite. Grand Valse Brillante, 75c. No. 11. Rayons d'Azur. (Shades of Evening.) Polka de Salon. 90c. No. 12. Overture d'Oberon. 4 hands. $2. Ava Maria. 75c. A vocal piece, but described here, because the interest lies largely in the accom- paniment, which is for the organ, furnished with manual and pedal notes, and is finely elaborated. Love’s Messenger. March. Siebert, 50c. La Petite Coquette. Valses Francaise. 75C. Egmont Overture. Zikoff. 4 hands. Beethoven. $1. BOORS. Esther, the Beautiful Queen. Dramatized by Prof. Seager. Price, 50c.; $4.50 per doz. Home Songs... A collection of the most popular sºngs and Ballads, with very easy accompaniment. Father Remp’s Old Folks? Concert Tunes. Enlarged edition. 40c., or $4 per doz. D. P. FAULDS, Louisville. The Lisht House. J. W. Parson Price. with English and Welsh words. 50c. Strauss. edition. 75c.; abridged edition, 50c. AII Yesterday I was Spinning. lad. 40c. Hope Semimary March. four hands. 50e. Don’t Let the Roses Listen. 35C. - Grand Galop de Concert. Kitterer. 75c. Haunted Stream. Barker, Ballad, 30c. Song, Complete Dolores. Bal- Albrecht. Arranged for Balfe. Ballad. S. T. G.ORDON, N. Y. wº VOCAL. Bonnie Doon. Burns. 20c. Minute Gun at Sea. King. Molly Bawn. Lover. 30c. Rock of Ages. French. 35c. 6 Offertory Sentences. French. Aprile. Gounod. 40c. With Verdure. Clad. Hayden. 35c. Children’s Frolic. Maylath. Rondo. Erl King. Liszt. Rondo. 60c. Faust. S. Smith. Rondo. $1. Heimweh. Maylath. Rondo. Little Star. Maylath. Rondo. 30c. 50c. 20C. 30C, 200. Overture Merry Wives of Windsor. Nocolai. Rondo. 85c. - Pure as Snow. Maylath. Rondo. 30c. Snow Flakes. B. Richards. Rondo. 50c. Somnatines. Lichner. Rondo. 60c. Overture ** Tamere di.” Rossini. Rondo. 40c. Rutschke. Stasny. Polka. 30c: Windsor Locks. Conkey. Polka, 30c. Little Maids. Maylath. Waltz. 20c. Pauline. Coote. Waltz. Complete, 75c.; abridged, 40G. - - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I73 * &. Salvia. Leybach. Waltz. 60c. Students’ Ball. Strauss. Waltz. 60c. Vienna Bloods. Maylath. Waltz. 30c. Azalien. Zickoff. . Polka mazurka, 30c. - Trotty Horse. Maylath. Polka mazurka. 20c. Aida. Maylath. March, 30c. Coronation. Maylath. March. 35c. rºle Soldiers to Front. Maylath. March. X20C. Tamamhauser. Maylath. March. 35c. Watch on the Rhine. Hermann. March. 10c. Aida. Maylath. Galop. 30c. Far Away. Strauss. Galop. 30c. Pique Damme. Maylath. Galop. 30c. Prince Imperial. Mack. Galop. 20c. Clear the Traclº. Maylath. 4 hands. Galop. 50c. Fºnseline. Maylath. 4 hands. Valse redowa. C. Qui Va La. Stockton, 4 hands. Galop. 60c. Op. 61, Bk. I. Berens. Studies. $1.50. Op. 61, Bk. 2. Berens. Studies. $1.50. Etudes. ing. $1.5 Op. 453, Bk. 1. Czerny. Studies. 90c. Op. 299, Pt. 3. Czerny. Velocite. Foreign finger- ing. $1 . L. Cramer. Studies. Foreign finger- Op. 299, Pt. 2. Czerny. Velocite. Foreign fin- gering. $1. Op. 409, Bk. 4. Czerny. Studies. $1,15. Op. 409, Blc. 6. Czerny. Studies. $1.15. Op. 823, Bk. 4. Czerny. Sudies. 60c. Ecole Du Mechanisme Nos. 3 and 3. Duvernay. Studies. Foreign fingering. 60c. each. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Cover The m Over with Beautiful Flowers. Quartette for Decoration Day. Stewart. 30c. To the Rescue. Temperance song and chorus. E. Mack. 35C. sºns, Gentle Spring. Guitar song. Winner. C. …” Beauties of the Opera, “Bride of Messina,” by J. H. Bonowitz. When Through Darkness. 30c. Long has my Heart Beat Wildly. 30c. Chorus of Peace. 30c. - Holy Virgin, Rich in Mercy. 35c. Again Thou Art Mine, Love. 40c. Oh I Give to Me thy Hand. 30c. Stay, Sister. 75c. Will You Renew in Me the Struggle. 30c. Only Yesterday. Ballad. Wm. Hamilton. 35c. Alone. Song. Tryon, Jr. 30c. Centenannial Galop. Jno. Solan, 35c. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. The Mellew. Eve is Gliding. Schubert. Sacred quartette. 40c. Sleep, Dearest, Sleep. Kulling. Serenade for Sop. or tenor, 35c.; mez. Sop., 35c.; alto or bar., 35c. Certainty (Gewissheit). Abt. Concert song for sop. or tenor, 50c.; alto or bar, 50c. Amaryllis (Air Louis XIII.). Loumey. Celebrated pieces for Amateurs. Class II. 35c. Bridal Chorus. (Lohengrin.) Loumey. Celebra- ted pieces for Amateurs. 20c. Hua Recluta (The Recruit). Coop. Scherzo mili- taire. Class 4. 75c. - Lºhºngxin. Loumey. Potpourri for piano. Class OC. Language of Love. Lange. Class 3. 40c. Romanze for piano. Air Magic Flute. 18, Class 2, 25c. - Volkslied. Mendelssohn. Little Gems, N. 17, 18. Class 2. 25c. Rºdo. Czerny. From Sonata, Op. 439, Class 2. Mozart. Little Gems. N. 17, 550C. Taranatelle. Giese. Class 3. 30c. W.M. E. MILLETT & SON, N. Y. ICeep a Cheerſul Heart. New edition. Love’s Golden Chain. New edition. Solo and quartette. Sing the Dear Old Sohng. more. Solo and quartette. Looking for Light. New edition. Solo and quartette. Song of the Olden Time. Under the Elms. Hilda Melody, Hilda Waltzes. Godfrey. My Wife, my Baby, and I. Ballad. We are Wandering O'er the Mountains. Quartette. s New England, I Love Thee. Our Baby. Song for the Children. Billiards. Galop, brilliant. New edition. Maiden’s Choice. Comic song. Babbling Brook Polka. Echo from Lake Mahopac. Le Pluie Jolie. Waltz. New York Ledger Polka Redowa. MIilford Polica. Pot Pouris from Operas Aida, Geneveve Brabant, La Fille Mad. Angot, Barbe Blue, La Belle Helene, Un Ballo in Maschera, Le Nozze di Figaro, La Ballad. Wetmore. New edition. Wet- Wotmore. Moore. Quartette. Redowa. Traviata, L'Africaine, Princess di Trebizonde, Faust, Bohemian Girl. W. A. POND & CO., N. Y. VOCAL. Old Black Joe. Stephen C. Foster. Song and chorus. 40c. Illustrated. Sailing on the Lake. D. Braham. Song and chorus. 40c. Illustrated. The Bootblack. D. Braham. Song ond chorus. 40c. Illustrated. You’re the Idol of My heart. D. Graham. Song and chorus. 40c. Illustrated. It Reminds Me My Loved One of Thee. Geo. W. Morgan. Ballad. 40c. Sweet May. J. Barnby. Trio, three female voices. 40c. On the Shores of that Beautiful River. Blake. Song and chorus. 400. Illustrated. He IXissed THer and She Kissed Him. H. P. Danks. Song. 30c. Make Believe I’m Dreaming. 40c. Illustrated. Join the Dance. mazurka song. 50c. cºration Anthem. Dr. Edward Hodges. $1.25. C. D. Violetta. Song. Mme. A. Murio-Celli. Polka- Consecration Service. Dr. Edward Hodges. $1.50, INSTRUMENTAL. Marie Alexandrowma. Chas. Godfrey. Waltz. 75c. Illustrated. & Danbury News Man. W. O. Fiske. An Illustra- tion. 75c. Illustrated. At Home. E. Strauss. Waltz 75c. “HAPPY Hours.” Maylath. Each 20c. A Collection of Beautiful Melodies, arranged in a simple manner, with American fingering. 1. Spring, Gentle Spring. 2. Mulligain Guard March. I 74 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3. Mulligana Guard Waltz. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Nos. 2 and 4, 4. Clear the Track Galop. Instrumental. 5. Amaryllis. Halcyon Days. Gurney. Instrumental. 6. Aida Galop. Sponholtz Galop Brilliant. Blake, Instrumental. 7. La Fille de Madame Angot. *. solº .. White. Quartette, mixed º ... º: º: Bluts). Violet Waltz. O’Neil. Instrumental. ** a mweh ( *::: K). y Shepherd Girl. Bailey. Instrumental. R. HANDS. Voice of the Birds. O’Neil. Instrumental. Mulligan Guard. D. Angelo. quadrille. 75c. Quickstep, 50c.; * * LOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Loving Eyes. Frank King. Transcription. $1.20. Kiss Me Darling, Tell Me Why. H. P. Danks. Song and chorus. 35c. - Martha. Sid. Smith. Variations. 60c. C. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Marriage of Figaro. Mozart. Overture. 60c. L’Italiana in Algeri. Rossini. Overture. 75c. Tyro Base Ball. Wright. Easy march. 35c. Spring Flowers. Cabot. Simple waltz. I’m the Merriest Girl That’s Out. Comic song, 30c. Longing, Op. 96. Jungmann. Meditation. 60c. 'Tis Funny When You Feci that way. Hunt. Comic song. 30c. Don’t Put Your Foot on a Man When He’s Down. Comic song. 25c. Gentle Breezes. Gardner. Waltz medium. 40c. Premiere Valse Caprice. Mazurette. Concerted piece. 75c. Julia Polka Mazurka. Girardot. 506, Dost Thou Love Me, Sister Ruth. Comic duet. 30c. Don’t Sell My Father Rum. Illustrated. Cran- dall. 40c. Temperance. 25c. Minasi. Parry. GEO, WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. May Song. W. C. Levey. Concert song. 50c. Hymn of the Sacred Heart. Vocal. 20c. O Lord, My God, I Pray to Thee. J. Schomann. Sacred song. 306. O Lord, to Thee My Soul I Bend. J. Schomann. Sacred song. 20c. - Jesus, Saviour of My Soul. J. Schomann. Sacred song. 30c. Wild Hunt. Julius E. Muller. Instrumental. 60c. wºrram's Invocation. F. Liszt. Romance. Stradella. Burgmuller. Instrumental. 40c. Aida Waltz. Fernando. Challenge No. 1. 20c. Fille de Mad. Angot Galop. Fernando. Chal- lenge No. 2, 20c Vienna Bloods Waltz. No. 3, 20c. Esmeraldo. Fernando. Mulligan Galop. Fernando. Challenge No. 5. 20c. Amaryllis. Fernando. Challenge No. 6. 20c. Aida March. Fernando. Challenge No. 7, 20c. spring, Gentle Spring. Fernando. Challenge No. 8. 20c. Fernando. Challenge Challenge No. 4. 20c. Jºy Brothers. Fernando. Challenge No. 9. 20C. Mamadolimata. Argentime. Fernando. Challenge No. 10, 20c. Fernando. Challenge No. 11. 20c. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. Hesitation. C. A. White. Song. Ocean Spray Waltzes. Adams. Market Day. Vivian. Song. While Over the Sea. Milliken. Bass song. Ave Maria. Lambilotte. Vocal. Dreams of Heaven March. Blake. Angels' Greeting. Blake. Piano. When We are Old. Bordman. Solo and quartette. Morning Echoes. Blake. Instrumental. Charming Maz. Kittier. Instrumental. * S. W. W. No. 5. Mendelssohn’s. Instrumen-. 8,i. Save Me, for I Know You Can. Dobson. Song. I’ll Never Get Drunk any more. Braham. Song. Soſtening of the Brain. Weaver. Song. 'Tis Done, I Know that My Redeemer Liveth. ner. Song. Nelcor Piev. Beethoven. Instrumental. Organists' Journal. Thayér. For the organ. Streak of Luck Galop. Blake. Instrumental. Wherefore. Wilson. Instrumental. Forest Fairy. Wilson. Instrumental. Spring, Gentle Spring. Gooch. Instrumental. Mead. S. W. W. No. 6. Instrumental. Gipsy Maiden Waltz. 4 hands. Instrumental. Cuchino. Badis. Song, All in the Starlight. Blake. Instrumental. 4 hands, Race Course Galop. 4 hands, Blake. - Tur- E. D. ZIEGLER, Erie, Pa. Cascarilla. Alois F. Lejeal. Waltz. 606. Monteface. E. Mack. Quickstep. 30c. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Steroscopic Studies of Natural His- - 2d page of cover. tory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Book and News Com- Qarly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ § { H. L. Hinton.—New Books. . . . . . . . . 3d “ * 4. American News Company.—Books and Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th “ * { Book and News Business for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . Page 182 Books Wanted and for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ IS2 Brewer & Tileston.—Worcester’s Diction- airy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 182 Baird's Practical and Scientific Books...... “ 183 Wm. L.Allison.—Popular Books. . . . . . . . . . . . ** 183 Jesse Haney & Co.—Hand-Books and Spe- cialties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 183 A. S. Barnes & Co ...—Slated Books. . . . . . . . . ** 18.4 National Temperance Society.—New Books “ 184 The Wakefield Earth Closet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 185 Thomson, Brown & Co. — The Parents’ Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - - - - - - ** 185 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . ISj Jenny June's American Cookery Book. . . . . . “ 1S6 Albany News Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - 18 6 Homoeopathic Family Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 186 Roberts Brothers.-New and Forthcoming Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 187 H. L. Hinton.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 18S THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 175 THE jStationery MARKET, The unsettled condition of financial affairs, and the bad weather which has prevailed during the month, have com- bined to make trade dull. been light and confined to present wants. Fewer buyers than usual at this season have been in the market, and orders by mail have Prices generally remain unchanged, but there is a constant tendency toward a decline, from the fact that the stock on hand, which would be only sufficiently large, under ordinary circumstances, to meet the wants of the trade, is now too large, and sellers are anxious to convert it into cash. Adjustable Boole Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer's advertisement . . . . . . . . . ... ... 10 00 { . 1,000, {{ \ { e a e º e s tº e e a * * * * I8 00 Writing Papers. Q FIRST CLASS, Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * c e a e e º e s e a s e º 'º' 30 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs to ream, per lb. 31 { { Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7lbs. to ream, per lb. ... 33 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 35 “ SECOND GRADE. - Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 cts. Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ Commercial Note “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers, { { { { { * No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 {{ { { {{ No. 5, “. . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Printing Papers. 11 to 13 cts Book and News, wood and part straw. . . . . . . . . { { { { ........ 13 to 16 “ “ good to first class................... 26 to 30 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN, QUIRE Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 30 Demy, 15 by 20, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Royal, 19 by 24, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 WHATMAN’s. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 55 Demy, 15 by 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medium, 17 by 22 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 Royal, 19 by 24 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Elephant, 23 by 28 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 85 - Tissue Paper. American White. per ream.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 - “ Colored, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aſ a e e s a e a e a 2 50 English, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Medium, “ e e < e < e < e < e e e s e e s a e e s • e s e º 'º e . . . . . . . . I 25 I Bristol Boards. REYNOLDS” AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º º 50 {{ 3 ( & {{ º e tº e e e º te e e º e < * * * 75 {{ 4 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Demy, 2 {{ “. . . . . . tº e º e º e º e º 'º e e * @ - 80 t ( 3 & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e s tº e - 1 20 & & 4 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 60 Medium, 2 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 {{ 3 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 70 {{ 4 & & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 Perforated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Blotting Paper. - Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e e º e º e º 'º e º 75 gºº::::::: e e º ºs e e º ºs e s s e º ºs e < * * * 1 50 Ink. David Stands in 34 gross boxes, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . $999 “ 4 ounce, in I doz. “ per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 “. . 8 “ 1 “ & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 David Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . § 23 “ Quarts, 1 “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0ſ) Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. surprºot To FluctuatioxS OF THE MARKET Stafford's stands, in 34 gross boxes, per gross..... $7 20 Arnold's Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. .......* * * * * * 6 (JO { { {{ Pints {{ * c e º 'º e º e º 'º º ºs 3 50 & & {{ % pints, “ • . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 {{ {{ Stands, per gross............ 7 20 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ............. 12 00 {{ ( [. Pints “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 - 1D. Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 ( & “ Assorted Colors, per doz Carmine, Guyott's 2 ounce, per doz. .... * * * * * * * * e e * e tº 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... I 25 & & {{ “ glass stops, der doz 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ................... 2 25 { { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 {{ { { No. 2, per doz. ................... 3 15 4 & { % No, 3, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. .................... 2 25 Clark's Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Inlº. BLACK WIOLET WRITING INK. INK. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes. . per doz. $4.50.... $6.00.... $4.75 Pints, { { “ . . “ 2.75.... 3.50.... 3.00 Half Pints, “ “. . . “ 1.60. ... 2.00.... 1.75 4 oz., { { “ ... “ 90.... 1.15.... 1.00 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes 45.... 60.... 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing and - Copying Iml, . Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . 8 00 Half pints, per doz. .... 3 00 Pints, “. . . . . . . . . 5 00 4 oz. Flat, Ink stands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross ..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. Mucilage. Peerless Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . tº s & 4 tº e g º ºs º º , 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25 “ Quarts, “. . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º 'º - e i e º e - e. e. e. e. e. 7 00 In listands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, perdoz. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e 1 55 { { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Silliman's No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 & 4 No. 2, ‘‘ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 & 4 No. 1. { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 87 ** Academiec ** “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 ** Mechanics “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Flat glass, 2% inch, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e 1 10 { { 3 {{ ( & { { & e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e tº $ tº e º º 1 25 {{ 3% “ { { “. . . . . . 1 50 “ (“tº “ “ . . . . . .'............. i ; Air-tight Inks, small “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 { { “ large “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air Tight No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10,00; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air-Tight No. 1, $12; No. 3, $11.25. Glass Screw Tops, from 87c, to $1.25 per dozen. Steel Pems. American News Company's No. 170. • * * * 50 (t { { { { School, No. 51...... 30 {{ { { { { Extra Fine, No. 333..... º 50 {{ * { { { { { { { No. * * * * * * * 50 { { { { “. . Quill, No. 76...... 50 { { {{ { { Falcon, No. 48...... 50 { { { { {{ Bank, No. 14..... * 50 { { {{ {{ Commercial, No. 9...... 50 { { {{ {{ Albata, No. 11..... te 50 176 THE AMERICAN B O O KS ELLERS’ G UID E. SUBJECT TO FLUCTTATIONS OF THE MARKET. Gillott's Pens, No. 303. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $1 09 Donnaimoes. . §: #:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per º §: *: º {U- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K ood & 4 “ - - - - - - - O 14 & 4 No. 351. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6t) “ M h: XeS ... ...6 00 to 18 00 Washington Medallion Pens........................ 9U ahogany boxe - P * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * , º - w Spencerian *i. 34 gross boxes........ tº e º 'º º º º º tº tº e ł º Initial Stationery. * Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Empress. . . . . . . . . . 18 |Lead Pencils. Rose Tint { { “ 15c. Newport. . . . . . . . . 22 Faber, Round Gilt, per doz. ........................ 48 Backgammon Boards. “ Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 * Tablet, y {{ 40 | Leather, 2 in nest, per, nest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % i. { % e pºp a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 3 & 4 ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . " : Drawing intº per *::::::::::::::::: ; ; “ 2 in extra nest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 gle, R Gilt, per doz. ........................ Eag e, #. lt, perioz* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is e e º e - e. e. # Checker-WHenn. “ Rubber Head, “ ......................... 63 . Wood, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 75 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tipt.................. 60 Vlaple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Red and Black, polished, per gross, Faber's.......... | SO Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle....................... 1 20 Clness—lylen. - Scholars.......................................... 72 | Bone, German, per *::::::::::::::::::::::: ; º ; ; Wood * * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - O Penn-Holders. Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 to 36 ()0 French Tip “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Y DO8. TCI UI’tlVOIlS. O6. I gTOSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 one, y e per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 1 09 Blackboard Crayºns, º, per gross...... 1 10 Pocket Reversible, .............. 3° to 60 | Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60,80 pieces tolb., per lb 60 Sla 1 Rubber Heads, for pencils, per gross........ . . . . . . 2 00 states. Rubber Bands, 3% inch, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 and 1 99 Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ...... 48 { { % “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 60 and 2 00 : § § . * * * * * * * : Portfolios. $4 00 to 15 00 ... . . . . . . . Letter stºe, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . O *:::: “ ....... ; Cap, “ pºrº.....: 10 00 to 24 00 8 by 12, “. . . . . . . . T 08 Pocket-Boolºs. - 9 by 13, “ ....... * * Sheep. per doz. ............................. 1 50 to 4 00 Soap-Stone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inth, 50c. §ºp. perdoz. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s 00 to 8 00 German Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch, 20c. imitation Morocco, perio. ................. 1 50 to 6 00 German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross...... 90 || Morocco ri-º-º: 5 00 to20 00 Silicate Book Slates. Stereoscopes. FOR SLATE PENCIL. Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., Nº. 38. . . . . . . . ; º Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 3% by 5% in, pr doz 1 50 | Mahogany, { { ( & #4. . . . . . . . Companion, ... ** gilt title, , 3% y 9% prºoz 2 10 Rosewood,' {{ ** : * 39 . . . . . . . 12 00 Quartz, 2 surfaces 5 by 8% “ “ 1 S0 º * -e Silica, interiºd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 8 ; “ “ 3 00 . - Therman omneters. Mineral, “ { { 7 by II “ {{ 6 00 | Tin Case, 8 ingh, pe. doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * s: ; D l d º: I.F.A.I) PENCIL. { { 12 { { {{ g ºn tº e º 'º' .................. 6 00 aily memoranda, intely'd, gilt, 2% by 3% “ “ 1 50 | \ . . .----------------- © Caiemdar, 5 surfaces tº "*"3" § 5” “ . . . Mahºgany, # ... . .------------- • - e Q ; : Every Day, gilt, title, “ 3 by 5 “ “ 2 10 e e º e º 'º - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e > * * * * - { { {{ - * doz 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, 3 00 School and Counting House Rulers. Cºlºr cºlumns, 10pages, 3× by 5% Size. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .12 15 18 21 24 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800 | School per doz. ... . . . . . . $1.25 1.62 1.87 2 12 2.50 J º yº. dollar lines, 10 pages, 3% by a on counting House, periº 3.75 ſº 5.35 3.00 2 3 rºº’” ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . . . . . # N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALogue. Quills. - Wo. 2 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 Envelopes. *** * *:::::::::::::::::::::::: 14: 5 1,000. . . . . . . . . ....... { { 40 { { tº º º e º 'º º e º 'º e º e s tº e º 'º e º 'º tº tº º *) Bañºewy, ºper *::::::::::::::::::::: ; : “ 50. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 & 4 xx5, “ ......'......... ...... 2 öö “ 60, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 35 whi. : i. • * * * * * * * * * e s e e * - e. e. e. e. e ; ; QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. rº- xxâ, “ . . ................ 3 & Italian, per doz Boxes........................ .... 2 75 § { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 | Portable, “ {{ e e s sº e s a e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 3 25 {{ { { {{ { { 3 30 | Larger {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . 4 * ºn tº tº e º & © tº º e º º ſº º tº . 4 50 Orange, XX5, per 1,000...................... 3 00 || Office, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Gold, KX y “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ e 3 00 |Blank Books. Playing Cards. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Steamboat, Per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 2 00 | Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25 Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Full, ... “. . “ º ... . . . . 22c. to 50 Eureka, or Players, { { • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 58 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 40c. to 75 Mogul, fancy “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 33 Demy, “ & 4 ** ... 60c. to 1 25 Moguls, enamelled “. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º - - . . . . 4 50 Henry viii. 3. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Memorandmm Books. Euchre, * Per do? . . . . . . . . ............. 14 50 | 12mo, per doz. ............... . . . . . . . ....... $0 60 to 1 00 Ill Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 7 00 8vo, & C º e º 'º - e º ºs º e e © & © e º 'º tº e - © tº * * * e º e º º º 94 to 1 25 Gold Eagles “ . . . . . . . . . . .......... . .800 | Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 to 2 00 Gold Faced Moguls ( & • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 00 Demy, 6ſ tº e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º 'º e e 2 25 to 5 00 THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. 177 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S I, T S T C F NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of The American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no d.s. appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th. –The Wholesale Prices are net. ...We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.— We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order us not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th. –Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We enclose bill daily to costumers having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. | POSTAGE TO NEWS FDI EA LIERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. PAPER COWERED NOVELS, same rates as Magazines. MAGAZINES, Two Cents for every Four Ounces. BOUND BOOKS, Two Cents for every Two Ounces. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week’s papers) similar to this form: s [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Enclosed find $...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... ..., which pass to m credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this: 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. - 10 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. - Your truly, gay Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing cr decreasing, write said order similar to this form: [Form 2.] - - TRIE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: .* CITICAGO, April 30, 1870; DRAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * e s s sº tº & g g º g º º sº e º º ſº º is sº º $ tº * tº e º 'º º § tº e º is tº ſº tº gº tº e º e º g º ſº & © & & © tº º te & & gº º making in all 22. 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( & & C 6. 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * e e = * * * s ∈ e º 'º e º tº e º e º e º e º º te e º 'º tº e º e e º ºs e º e tº e e e g º e ( & • ‘ 13 2 Old and New.... . . . . gº º ºs e º 'º e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º e s tº gº e º ºs º e º ºs e º e º 'º e º e º e º ºs e e e º e º e º 'º e tº e º £ tº º e º ſº º ſº gº tº ... “ “ 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 8 CUT OFF- 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º e º e s tº e e tº gº & © tº e º { { “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions........... ...................... . . . . “ “ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city, and the last date the change was made. Egy- Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, 178 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. AG- New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices of which have been changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). J D A [ L Y P A P E R S . Trade. “Ret. Trade. Ret, Trade. Rev Price. Price. Price *Commercial Bulletin......... 3% New York Evening Post...... 4 5 | New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 “Graphic (The)..... • * * * * * - - - ... 3% 5 “ * { Telegram... 134 2 { % Presse . . . . . . . . . • * - a 24 - N. Y. Courier des Etats Unis... 334 4 & 4 { { Witness... 94 l { { Staats Zeitung. . . . . 2% 8 New York Evening Commer- { { French Messenger... 3% 4 { { Star............... 1 3-102 cial Advertiser....... . . . . . . . 234 3 { { German Democrat... 2%. 3 { { Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 New York Evening Express... 3% 4 { { Herald .......... ... 3% 4 & 4 Times . . . . . © e e º e º e is 3% 4 ! { ( & Mail . . . . . 134 2 { { Journal (German).. 2%. 3 { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 { % { { News ..... 34 l { { World. . . . . . . . . .... 3% 4 S} E IV ( II - W FE E K L. Y. - Tºl Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 25 | New York Express.......... 5 | New York Times............. 3% 5 YMessager Franco Americain... 4% 7 { { Journal of Com. 5 6 { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 TNew York Evening Post...... 3% 5 || New York Sun......... . . . . . . 1% 2 ( & World . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 W E E R L. Y. -Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 || Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | Irish World... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Advance, The... . . . . . . . - - - - - - 4% 6 | Critic (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Independent . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - 6%. 10 -Albany ſaw Journal ......... 7% 10 || Danbury News............... 3% — | Inventor's Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 After Dinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% – Das Neue Heim........ . . . . . . 7 10 || Jewish Messenger.... . . . . . . . . - -Aimateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . © tº * * * * * * 3% 5 || Jewish Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Amateur (Washington). . . . . . . 7 10 | Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 - e -American .# Gazette. . .35 — Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 6 -American Gael (The)... . . . . . . 4% 6 || Der Bazar.......... . . . . . . . . 12 em- || " " A * - -American Journal... . . . . . . . . . 3% – | Der Bazar (Double) . . . . . . . . . 24 — #####ii. e e º e º 'º e º e º ºs e e º: 1. American Protectionist...... , 7, 10 | Dwight's Journal of Music.... 8 – | Liberal Christian. . . . . . . . . ... 6 8 American Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Episcopalian ................ 6 8 L'Unione dei Popoli (italian). , 9 12 ...Anuerican Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 — | Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 La Republica (Spanish) e 7 10 American Sportsman......... 7 10 | El Espejo. . . . . . . . © e - - - - e º te tº º 18 _ ! ---------~~ v-e------, . . . . . . e -American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 | Elite, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 || Memorial Pulpit. ... . . . . . . . . . 12 15 Appleton's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Engineering and Mining Jour- Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Arcadian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º º 10 | Mercury (N. Y.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Army and Navy Journal.... . .11 15 | Examiner and Chronicle . . . . . 4% 6 Medical Independent......... 4 6 -Atlantische Blaetter. . . . . . . . . . 4 6 || Exchange Market. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - || Methodist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Ave Maria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 10 | Every Saturday.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Banner of Light ... . . . . . . . . . . º 8 Evangelist......... tº - © - - - tº º & : 1. Moniteur de la Mode..... . . . .22 - Baptist Union.... . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 | Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 0 g - Baptist Weekly............... 4 – Farm and Fireside........... 3 — Nº. ::::::::::::::: ; 12 Beekeeper's Journal.......... 6 — | Favorite (The)............... 4 6 | National Car Builder......... 7 – *Belles and Beaux . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Financier ........ . . . . . . . . . . .19 15 |Nature...... .........10 12 Boston Congregationalist. .... 6 10 | Fireside Companion.......... 4% 6 Nautical Gazette ... . . . . . . ; 10 ‘Boston Independent . . . . . . . ... 6 10 | Fireside Journal: . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3| New England weekly Farmer. 5 7 Boston Journal of Chemistry.. 7 10 | Federalist........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 | New Jersey Record ‘Boston Medical and Surgical Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | New Sensation . ... ', 10 Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Freeman's Journal........... 7 19| New York Albion'. ... : 10 *Boston Statesman............ 4 6 | Frank Leslie'sillustrated Paper 7 10 | New Yºrk Courſer ......... 4 6. Boston Traveler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 : ‘‘ ‘‘ Lady's Journal.; , 7 10 | New York Clipper ........... i 10 T}oston Weekly Journal....... 4% 6 “ “ Boys and I Girls’ TNew York bijatch :::::::::: 7%. 10 Boyd’s Shipping Gazette...... 5 7 Weekly.... ... 3% - 5 | New York fºr. :::::::::: ;” “; Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — | “ * Qhimney Corner. 7 10 | New York Family story Paper 4% — Brooklyn Sunday Review..... 3% — { { “ Illustrite Zeitung New York Home circle...... 4; - Cabinet-Makers' Journal . . . . . 4% 6 (German). . . . . 7 10 New York Journal (German) 4%. 6 'ganadian Illustrated News.... § 19 |, “..."...Yºung American% = | New York Lºdger ... 4% Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 § | Forney's Weekly Press....... . 4% -6 | Nº. º. oºjeº.......... - ‘Catholic Mirror.... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Germania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10| N. Y. Reader .......... 3 – Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . #% 6 || Girls and Boys of America.... 4% -- | New Yoº School journal..... 3;4 5 Catholic Standard . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Golden Age. . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * e e # 7 | New York Taºist ... }^* 1. "Christian Advocate and Journal 6 10 | Heart and Hand............. 3, * | New York varieties....... tº º 7 10 Christian at Work ........... 5% 6 || Harness and Carriage-Makers' New York Weekly º: 4%. 6 *Christian Intelligencer...... 7 10 || Journal ................... 19| Nºy weekly flºdget........ i* is Qhristian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . .4% - | Home Sircle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 | News from Germany and Swit. Christian Mother. . . . . . . . . . . .11 20 ! “ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T || 2 ||ana. - 6 16) ‘Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Harper's Weekly............. 7% 10 º; … Christian Union ... . . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 & t Bazar........ ....... 7%. 10 Qſford's Pulpit:::::::::::::: ... 5 — Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% 6 | Hearth and Home..... ..’.... 5° 10|oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. - Church and State ............ 6 10 | Hebrew Leader..... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | People's Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Church Journal.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 “ News................ 7 10 | People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Church Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . 6 J0 | Herald (California)........... 4% 5 || Philadelphia Saturday Eve'ng Church Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 &= “ (European). . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 OSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 4%. 6 Churchman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . 6% – | Here and There ............. 1% — Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 - Coal and Iron Record ........ 7 10 | Industrial Record............ 6 8 { { “ Dispatch. 4 - College Courant... . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 || Industrial Record (with sup- Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4% 6 Commercial ard Financial plement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - { { “ Age . . . . . 3% 5 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 25 | Investigator.......... * - - - - © & 7 — Pilot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 |Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº e - e. e. e. 7 10 | Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Country Gentleman.......... 4 6 Irish American............... 4 5 | Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 “Courier des Etats Unis. . . . . . . . 9 10 ! Irish Democrat............... 3% 5 ! Police News (Illustrated). . . . . , 7 10 THE AMER) C/W ROO KSEV. LERS’ GUIDE. 179 Trade. Ret. Price. Pomeroy's Democrat......... 4%. 6 Prairie Farmer .............. * Price Current................ 7 10 Presbyterian ...... .......... 5 8 Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Publishers' Weekly........... 7 Railroad Gazette. . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Railroad Journal............. 11 *Real Estate Record..... . . . . .19 Rural New Yorker............ 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal.. 7 Railway Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Shipping and Commercial List.10 *San Franciscoweekly Bulletin 6% Skandinavische Post . . . . . . . . . 5 Saturday Morning . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Saturday Night........ tº $ tº e º ſº 4% { { Star Journal . . . . . . . 4% Schmedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Scottish American Journal.... 5 Shoe and Leather Reporter.... 7 5% Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter.14 Stockholder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sunday Citizen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Sunday Courier.............. 4 Sunday Daily Times. . . . . . . . . . 4% Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Agriculturist (English)........ 9 Agriculturist (German)...... . . American Antiquarian American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers’ Guide. .. 5 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . . .23 American Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review. 20 American Grocer (semi-month- * * * e º e º e tº g . e º 'º e º e º 'º º 'º e is e e American Horological Journal. 12 American Illustrated Industrial Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Americanische Gartenlaube (semi-monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . American Journal of Health and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Journal of Pharm- acy 22 American Journal of Philately. 9 gº tº gº tº e ∈ E & © e º 'º & & © e º º 'º $ tº e e American Law Register...... . .4 American Miscellany . . . . . . . . . 5 Américan Miscellany, Back Nos.1 American Naturalist . . . . . . . . . 2 American Odd Fellow. . . . . . . . . 17 American Stock Journal.... . . 7 American Tales.............. 8% American Turfman........... 15 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) 35 Appleton's Railroad Guide....16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Architectural Magazine. . . . . . . 38 *Arthives’ Medical Science. . .35 Arthur's Home Magazine...... 14 Association Monthly ......... 7 Btlantic Monthly....... . . . . . . 28 Ballou's Magâzine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 Bankrupt Register........... 38 Beadle's Publications. Dime books.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% { { ** 100 or over.... 6 & 4 “ 1000 “ “ .... 5% Song books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 { { * 100 or over.... 4% { { “ 1000 ‘‘ “ . . . . 4 Beautiful World..... ......18 W J E J E J K L Y—Conatiºn uned. Trade. Ret. & Price, Sunday Dispatch ......... ... 7% – Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Sunday German News. . . . . . . . 1 l-5 — Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Mercury ... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32%. 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% — Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Sunday World . . . . . . . . . tº º ſº e º º 4% — South (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 * Singers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 The Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 The Scythe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Thompson's Reporter . . . . . . . . 5 7 Thompson’s Reporter, Coin ... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 O 1){\W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 4%. 6 Toledo Weekly Blade....... ... 3 5 Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 6 True Flag. . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - 4% 6 Truth Seeker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - Turſ, Field and Farm......... 7 10 Union Advocate . . . . . . . tº gº tº e º & 2% — Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 |WII O N T | H I [, Y . Best Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Bijou—of Fashion—(semi-mo.) 4% — Blackwood’s Magazine ....... 28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 60 Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 Carriage Journal...... * * * * e º e 22 25 Catholic Record. . . . . . . . ...... 17 25 Catholic Total-Abstinence nion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Catholic World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 50 Cassell's Magazine (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 Central Magazine. . . . . . tº gº tº e g e 16 * Children’s Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . IO 15 Children's New Church Maga- azine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Chronotype... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 * Church Monthly..... . . . . . . . . 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14. , 6% 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 *º Comic Monthly...... º e e º 'º e º te 7 12 Comic News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- son's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 15 Creme de la Creme. . . . . . . . . . .23 &ºmº Crofutt's Western World...... 5% 10 De La Salle Monthly.......... 10 15 Demorest's Magazine. . . . . . . . . 20 * Demorest's Young America... 7 10 De Nordendorf's Monthly..... 4% — Dental Cosmos.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. . . .13 *s De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . % lo De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances, 1 to 105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 DeWitt's Ten Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) .... 5 10 . Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Drug Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 — Druggists’ Circular,. . . . . . . . . . 15 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 Trade. Ret. Iºlce Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . , 8 Waverley Magazine. . . . . . . . .*... 11 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 Weekly Demokrat ........... 4 Weekly Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Express ... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Graphic. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Weekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% Weekly Mail..... * e s tº e º e º º e ... 3% Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly New York Journal. .. 4% Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . 3% Weekly Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Weekly Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Tribune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Weekly Witness ..... * - - - - - - - 2 Weekly World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Woman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 ſankee Blade . . . . . . . . •,• * * * * * 3% Young Men of America. . . . . . . 3% Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . Educational Monthly...... . . . . 17 El Mundo Nuevo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Every Saturday (monthly parts) 9 * tº e º 'º e º 'º e º e & e º 'º º & # * * Family Magazine . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Favorite (monthly parts).... 18 Fireside, Musical. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Folio (musical)...... . . . . . . . . . 10 Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . . 40 Frank Leslie’s Budget of Fun. 10 Frank Leslie's Chimney C or - ner (mo. p’ts)36 & & Lady’s Journal (mo. p’ts). . . .30 {{ Lady’s Maga- zine (mo.p'ts)27 {{ Pleasant H’rs...10 { { Boys and Girls’ W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 Gas-Light Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Gardener’s Monthly.... . . . . . . T6 Godey’s Lady's Book...... . . . .21 Galaxy . . . . . . . . . . sº a s e e s s a • * * * 27 Golden Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Gleason's Monthly Companion 6% Globe (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gynaecological Journal Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harper's Weekly (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 Horticulturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Herald of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hall’s Journal of Health...... 12 Harper's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 28 Historical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 55 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail..... ... 9 Howe's Musical Monthly. . . . . .25 Hub (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Humorist (The). . . . . . . gº tº e º 'º º tº 6 Insbrance Monitor........... 28 Internal Revenue Record...... 9 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Insurance Spectator.... . . . . . .22 { { Gazette... . . . . . . . . .40 15 15 I º: º 20 25 56 10 10 50 15 60 35 15 15 25 35 25 10 5 18O THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade. Ret. Price. Inland Manthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Industrial' Monthly .......... 9 15 Irish National Magazine...... 10 — Jolly Joker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Journal of Applied Chemistry..14 20 * { Franklin Institute...45 60 Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly):... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 La mode Elegante........... .38 50 Literary World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 15 Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I:0 15 Lady's Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 London Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 La America (tri-monthly). . . . . 13 18 Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Lippincott's Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 Lakeside Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 - I and and Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Literary Miscellany. . . . . . . 10 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 Land Owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Mackey’s Freemason ......... 22 30 Mammoth Monthly Reader 5% Metropolitan Magazine. . . . . . . 16 20 Milliner and Dressmaker (Re- Ti Int) • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 *- Merryman’s Monthly......... 7 10 Mother's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 “ Journal... . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Medical Times (Semi-Mo.)..... 10 - “. Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 20 Musical Independent. . . . . . . . . 16 20 Musical World (N. Y.)... . . . . . 16 30 & 4 (Cleveland). ... 9 *- Munro's 10 Cent Nov. 1 to 232. 6% 10 { { Song Book, from 1 to 14. 5 10 *National Agriculturist, and Bee Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Temperance Advocate 9 L0 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 *National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . 10 15 Nature (monthly parts, 4 No8.)40 50 {{ C & 5 & 4 IWI O N T H L Y—Conntinued. Tradc. Ret. Price. New and Old Friends. . . . . . . . . 6% — New Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 New Sensation (mo. p’ts)...... 30 - New York Medical Journal. . .30 - 50 N. Y. Musical Gazette. . . . . . . . 6 - N. Y. Lithograph . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 N. Y. Reader (parts). . . . . . . . . 14 - Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 10 North American Journal of Homoeopathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5 - Nursery (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 Obstetrical Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 37% Oliver Optic Magazine. . . . . . . . 20 25 Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 Overland Monthly...... ... • * * * * * 20 35 Ornum's Indian Novels, l to 35. 6% 10 Ornum's Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 Ornum’s Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 13 6%. 10 { { { { Songs, 1 to 42 5 1() “ 15c. Romances. 1 to 10 8%. 15 ** 2s. Letter Writer. . . . . 15 25 Our Friend (semi-monthly). .. 2 - Paper Trade Reporter........ll - Paper Trade Journal. . . . . . . . . 11 Pet Stock, Pigeon and Poultry Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Phunny Phellow... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 Photographic World. . . . . . . . . . 43 50 Peterson's Counterfeit Detec- tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Peterson’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . T4 20 Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Peter's Musical Monthly...... 18 25 Phrenological Journal. . . . . . . . 21 30 People's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 25 Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 5 Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 Popular Science Monthly..... 35 50 Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 - Pulpit of the Day. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Railway Monitor............. 33 --- Rand & McNally Guide....... 23 - Record and Repository........ 6 - Revue de la Monde...... .... 25 35 50 60 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 Q U A R T E R I, Y R. E. W. H. E. W. S., American Church Review ... .90 4- 4 & Journal Medical Sci- en CeS . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 — & 4 Journal of Obstet- rics . . . . . . . . . . . .1.12 { { Law Review........ 1.05 Baptist Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Bibliotheca Sacra. .". . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Braithewaite's Retrospect ....1.05 s British Quarterly (reprint). ...62 Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Brownson's Review.......... 1.00 Church and World........... 85 Christian Examiner.......... 67 Congregational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Contemporary Review........ 62 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Edinburgh Review (reprint) . .62. Half Yearly Compendium Med- ical Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 International Review (Bi- Monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º º ºs 67 Journal Social Science . . . . . . . 1.25 Journal of Psychological Medi- cine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. I2 London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 10 Trade, Itet. Price. Sailor's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 30 Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Science of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . . . 75 - Scribner's Monthly... . . . . . . . . 28 35 Silliman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 50 Southern Magazine. . . . . . .- . . . 30 35 Spirit of the Press... . . . . . . . . . 4 - Star Spangled Banner. . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Student's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10. Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 St. Nicholas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 — St. Paul's Magazine.... . . . . . . 23 30 Texas New Yorker . . . . . . . . . . . 17 — The Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 - There and Back (Guide). . . . . . 14 - Thompson's Descriptive List. .16 25 Trans-Continental Guide . . . . . 0 50 Traveler’s Official Guide. . . . . . . 21 40 Tribune Pamphlet. . . . . . . . . . . 15 - “ Novels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - University Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Vox Humana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Watchmaker and Jeweller. . . .17 - Watson’s Musical Monthly ...15 - Waverley Magazine (mo. pts.).42 60 Whitney's Musical Guest...... 16 25 Welcome Guest (semi-monthly) 7 10 Wild Oats (semi-monthly) .... 7 10 Wood's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 12 Workshop... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Young Ladies' Journal. . . . . . . 27 - Youth's Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - Zell’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . . .12 E T C . Methodist Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 75 — National Quarterly Review ... 1.12 — New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - New Remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 North American Review...... 1.12%— Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Princeton Review. . . . . . . . . . 80 Rankin's Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1. Smith’s Pattern Bazar... . . . . .20 Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Westminster Review What to Wear (Yearly)....... 10 Wood's Quarterly Retrospect. .i.00 IF O Re E I G N P E R H O LP I C A L S.– W E E R L. Y. : Trade price. Trade pri e ] Trade price, Trade price Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 English Mechanic....... 10 : Lancet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pall Mall Budget........ 23 Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 | Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Land and Water......... 20 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of All the Year Round...... 8 Examiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lloyd’s Newspaper....... 5 six dates). . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Family Herald... . . . . . . . . 5 London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 | Publishers' Circular (fort- Belfast News............ 14 | Field. . . . . . . ............. 23 “. Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bell's Life............... 20 ! Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Liverpool Mercury....... 10 | Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bow Bells....... e 5 Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ! L'Illustration ... . . . . . . . . . 25 | Public Opinion. . . . . . . . . ... 10 #. N. e e s e e e º e e e s e e i: - º Chronicle.... 20 | L’Universe Illustré...... 10 Queen 23 ullCilng NeWS. . . . . . . . . . . uardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 M. N-ºxº- ..., xº~~~… ::::::::------- Cassell’s Magazine....... 5 Gas Light Journal. . . . . . . 20 §." #. TGS8. . . . . . #: Reynolds' Newspaper.... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 || Glasgow Herald ......... 5 Mining journai.......... 20 | Saturday Review....... 20 Chemical News......... • 18 Graphic................. 20|| Musicii world........... 18 || Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Christian World..... . . . . 5 Illustrated News. . . . . . . . . 29 |Manchester times....... 10 || Sporting Gazette: . . . . . . . . 10 Church Review............ 10 || 4 “ Police News... 5 * e - - - - - Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times........... 5 { { Penny........ 5 | Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 || 5c.).................. 10 Court Journal........... 20 { { Sporting and Nºyº of hºld..... -- #9 |Tablet................. ... 20 Dispatch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dramatic News........ 20||Notes and Queries....... 18|Tailor and dutier........ 8 Economist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Irish man ............... 14 Nation (Dublin)......... 14|The Times (last date)..... 14 Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! John Bull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Once a Week. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 || The Mail (3 dates). . . . . . 28 Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 || Judy....................... 6 Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 14 | Weekly Register (Catholic)10 Edin. Scotsman ......... 5 La Monde Illustré....... 14 | Orchestra............... 14 * Times. . . . . . . . . . . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 181 IF O IR E II G N IP E RE El O ID II C A L S – MT ON T HI L Y. Tracie Price. Trade Price. 16 Art Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . . Art, Industrial and Pic- Dublin University Maga- torial. . . . . . . . . . d sº d es B. s º 38 | zine . . . . . . 4 d B 4 & s - sº d s Sº 1 00 All the Year Round (part) 36 | Dublin Review (quar’ly). 230 Ä Ä # Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 Ätfj. Ä. English Wºman's Domes- Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine: -------- Band of Hope Review.... 2 Ämy Äriend - - - - - - - - - - 2% Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Treasury...;--- . Boy's Own Magazine... ... 20 Family Herald (parts).... 20 Boys of England......... 18 Ärner's Magazine. . . . . 76 Bow Bells (monthlypts.). 27 Ä Äne e, sº s sº d a 1 00 British Workman . . . . . . . . 23 ºriendly Visitor: ..........2.. “ Workwoman . . . . . 2. Fortnightly Review. . . . . . 75 “ Juvenile. . . . . . . . . . Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7° Gentleman's Magazine. . . 38 Chambers' Journal . . . . . . 25 | Gardener's Magazine . . . . 36 Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gardener, The... .. . . . . . 20 Children's Friend . . . . . . . . 2% s - s M Child's Companion. . . . . . 2 # º. s s . . . . ::::::::: 30 Christian Work. . . . . . . . . . 2 Inſant’s Magazine. . . . . . . 226 “ Treasury. . . . . . . 20 | Illustrated Travels. . . . . . . 38 Churchman's Companion. 20 Pro"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 Contemporary Review . . . 62 | Journal of Horticulture. . 54 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 | Journal of Science (quar- Cottager and Artisan . . . .2% tery)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Trade Prlce. Trade Pricc. G E R WI A N - A WI E R [ C AN PU THE NA II C A. TT LT ON S. Trude. Ret. Weelkly. Pri(e. Arbeiter-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d O p º s G s 3% Atlantische Blätter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Beobachter am Hudson .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Familien Blatter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . e . € sº d . 7 Freischütz. . . . . . . Ed S & S s. Wº d sº e & G « sº s s d s - a - - s e 3% Germania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e B 4 s O. d 6 Helvetia. -------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. . . . 6 Das Neue Heim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % New Yorker Handels-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pionier. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sd & G . s s es e - 40 4 B - sº s D e 7% Roman Zeitung. - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Schnedderedengg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d W . . . d . 7 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . - sº a p a wº es 3 IMI PO RETIE D GE ERMIAN MIAG AZINES AND First number gratis of those marked †. Back numbers always on hand. Kind Words. . . .. . . . . . . . . 10 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ladies’ Treasury. . . . . . . . . 30 | St. James' Magazing... .. 38 Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 St. Paul's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 London Journal (parts).. 22 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2% “ Society. . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 ** & Paris Fashions. 3S Sunday at Home s . . . « - sº 20 Ladies Gazette of Fashion 38 S"Äy Schººl Ä: La Mode Illustré. . . . . . . 1 00 Teacher. 7 s s ** Teacher's McMillan’s Magazine . . . . 38 Treasur 12 l s & SUNY . . . . . . . . . . d d . º M on th l y Microscopical Spurgeon's Pulpit . . . . . . . 20 »Ä a & º s s Es jÄ' '' S Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . . 20 Ä°sword CTröFeſspürgêöñiz Milliner and Dressmaker. 35 | Temple Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mother's Friend . . . . . . . . . 3 | Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Orice a Week (parts). . . . . 36 | Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . . 20 Veterinarian (Varies) . . . . 57 Picture Gallery. . . . . . . . . . 38 | Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Ä « s e sº a s - sº e . 44 | Villa Gardener . . . . . . . . . . 20 Practitioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 | World of Fashion. . . . . . . . Z5 Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 | Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 26 Popular §cience Review Young Ladies' Journal. . . 27 (quarterly) - - - - - - - - - - - 1 00 “ Gentleman's Maga- Penny Pulpit e s B s s s sº a Gº Gº - e. 20 zine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . . 90 Young Men of Great Bri- Quiver, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 tain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trº Ref.. "! "*. Sonntagsblatt der N: Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung. .... . . . . . . 3 4 Vorwarts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 * - Sennai-WHonn In ly. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations Lexicon. . . 17 25 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung 6 8 Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . 9 15 Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Verbrecherwelt. 8 12 WIonn . In 1y. Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. d O s es d B & sº E s . . 17 25 Amerikanischer Agriculturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Der Freidenker . . . . . . . G & d | e d B - Wº sº d . . ºd Sº º & m es sº s sº - a - so 12 20 PPE RIO DE CAIL S. First and last number gratis of those marked †† Senini-MIounthly. † Illustrirte Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... d, ºd p º B s sº 10 15 †† Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * sº s - a - a - º . an d . B. e s 12 15 MTonntIn Iy. ff lºstrirte Chronik der Zeit. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 9 + Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf †† Daheim . . . . . . . . . . B & O e. G. se 9 d e as a s sº s a a e s - - - - - - - - - 10 15 zeitung * * * * * s - s • * * * e a e es s = s s a e - a - « - es sº se es sº s A 15 f† Leipziger Gartenlaube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 !? | f Gewerbehalle.................. d s sº a e d as a « sº e es e e es sº 40 † Ueber Land und Meer. ... . d | º E s e s sº s ----------- * ?9 Gräf's praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbe- 1S A Year. schler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O - a - d Ed B s sº s & sº a 50 75 † Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung. s 16 25 Kinderlaube . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • & d as a « sº s es sº . . . 10 20 † Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . d G 9 ad & B & B sº ---------- 14 25 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . Sº p º & D - B a s an d . . . d . d e e. G. Sº s a . a. 20 35 IMIPoR TED GERMAN BOOKS PUBLISHIED IN PARTS. - First number gratis to the trade. Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Published in about 70 parts. at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 in 20 Pºrts, ºut - - - - - Sh d . * * * s a s - a - d a sº d d n a e r - sº es sº a ºn 2 40 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. Published in M. G. Saphir’s Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 about 40 parts, at . . . . . . . - es s S & s sº - s Gº B. B. 14 25 Parts, ab. . . . . . . . . . . .ri ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ' G « sº e es s s es s a es sº 1 20 º d «) v» D s « Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in B about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 70 Parts, ab. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 40 Ä. Y Z»«4. . - - ºh O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Karl Gutzkow's Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- - Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . 4 s & s 14 25 lished in about 80 parts, at. .................... 16 ” Stieler's Hand-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at. .40 60 u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 C. J. Weber's Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s a s « - s es sº e es e s e a e e. « d es º B E & 13 25 ab. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W S ® S V & B sº s s G & s sº s B s . . . 10 15 N IE W G E RE MIA N PUBS L II C A TT EI O N S. Iranpon'teel. Schiller's Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. 30 parts.15 25 Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 25 Donnnes lic. J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. 16 parts. 15 - 20 | H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 60 parts, at........ 7 10 Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at..... ........10 (=, 18 | Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts at... 7 1Q 182 The Americ/w booksetters outpe. FOR SALE, in a town of 4,000 inhabitants, in North- western Iowa, a News, Book, Stationery, and Toy Business, established three years. Sales $6,000 to $7,000 per annum. Only News Depot in the place. Stock about $2,400. Sat- isfactory reasons for selling. Climate healthy. Address GEORGE HOLLY, care of Western News Co., Chicago. books wanted. JESSE HANEy. & CO., 119 NAss AU STREET, N. Y. 1 Set (bound or unbound) Lantern (comic paper), edited by John Brougham. 1 Set (or single vol., bound or unbound) of John Donkey (comic paper). Published in Philadelphia about 1845–6. Give quantity and price. OLIVER W. OSBORNE, LENox, MAss. James Nicol's Poems, 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1805. Robert Gilfillan's Poems, Songs, 5th Edition. Edinburgh, 1851. Allan Cunningham's Poetical Works. Alex. Wilson's Poetical Works, Essays, &c. 1844. Alex. Hume's Songs and Poems. London, 1845. T. D. WOODRUFF, QUINCY, ILL. Colenso on the Pentateuch, etc. Strong's Harmony of the Gospels. Thomson's Holy Land. Calaver; or, Knight of the Conquest. Organic Christianity. Sawyer. Boston, 1854. J. F. RUGGLES, BRONson, MICH. The Science of Society. By Stephen Pearl Andrews Any numbers of the Imperialist, N. Y., 1869. PORTER & COATES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The American Turf Register. Any vols. HUNTER & CO., HINSDALE, N. H. New England Primer. Edition of 1777 or later. FRANK A. GRAY, P. O. Box 2523, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. Keith Johnston's Physical Atlas A. Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas. Folio edition. A. Keith Johnston's Dictionary of Geography. 1868 edition. Black’s General Atlas. Late edition. Also any other English Atlases or Geographical Publications. J. A. ELKER, - P. O. Box 240, FAYETTEvil LE, N. Y. Labor and other Capital: The Rights of Each Secured, and the Wrongs of Both Eradicated. New York: G. W. Wood. 1849. JAMES CAMPBELL, 18 TREMonT STREET, Boston. United States Exploring Expedition. Putnam's edition. Royal 8vo, Vol. II. Audubon's Birds, 7 vols, quarto. Original edition. New York Park Commissioners' Reports for 1868, 1869. Brown-Sequard's Nervous Centres. Ford’s Illinois Brown's Illinois Reynolds' Illinois. Cotton and Inerease Mather's Book List, with prices. 2 vols. Bigelow’s Medical Botany, 3 vols., quarto, colored plates. Serpent Symbol. By E. G. Squiers. Weale's Quarterly Papers on Engineering for 1847. D’Aubuisson's Hydraulics. Translated by Bennett Ewbank’s Hydraulics. Woodbury on the Arch. B00KS FOR SALE, A. proproton, 248 & 250 Yongº ST., Toronto, CAN. New York Mirror, 1829 to 1840 inclusive. 13 vols., half calf $9.50. Michaux. Histoire des Arbes Forestiers de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 146 fine colored plates, 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1810. $7.50, Dispatches and Letters of Lord Nelson, Notes, &c. By Nicolas 7 vols., 8vo, London, 1845. $5.00. Hamilton's History of the Republic of America, &c. 6 vols., 8vo. Appleton, 1857. $7.00. Jefferson, Thos, Works of 9 vols., 8vo. (Wanting, vols, 3 and 4.) N. Y., 1859, $3.00. Hogarth's Works. Descriptions, Anecdotes. &c. &c. By Trusler. 108 fine steel plates (few little stained). 2 vols, 4to, London, N. D. $5.00. JAMES CAMPBELL, 18 TREMonT STREET, Boston. Plymouth Colony Records. 10 vols., quarto Massachusetts Colony Records 6 vols., quarto. Aldine Poets (Reprint). Large paper, 52 vols., cloth. Pacific R. R. Survey, 13 vols. Ray Society Publications. Complete to 1872. 46 vols., quarto and 8vo N. A. Review. Complete to 1874. 117 vols., half calf. Littell's Living Age. First Series. 36 vols., half morocco. London Art Journal, 1849 to 1869, and 3 Catalogues. 22 vols., half calf, neat Christian Examiner. Wols. 1 to 71. Bound in half mo- rocco, neat. - “The best authority, Worcester's Large Dictionary.” –Hon. Charles Sumner. WO R C E STER'S DICTION AIRIES. cº 3. § 3. r- 2. - •) § |-> º 3. Q) -- o > E. * “WORCESTER,” THE AUTHORITY OF EVERETT, SUMNER, QUINCY, RTVES, MILES, WINTE-ROP, MARSH, MANN, AGASSIZ. HILLARD, HOLMES, LONG FELLOW, ALEXANDER, BRYANT, IRWING, HENRY, FELTON, HOPKINS, THE U. S. SENATE AND THE U. S. House OF REPRESENTATIVES. For sale by Booksellers generally. BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers, BOSTON, MASS. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 183 : § 3. § a *.* ** * -º sº ºe . . . s ...: º, º FOR My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE OF PRACTICAL and SCIENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who will favor me with his address. IHENRY CAREY BAHRID, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. POPULAR BOOKS AT SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. *=º Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book............. $200 Hans Bri er. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge... 1 75 Little Pettbooks. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Girls of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Robinson Crusoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson................. 1 50 Scottish Chiefs...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Children of the Abbey...... ............ 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine...... . . . . i 50 Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns... 1 50 Romance of the Revolution............. 1 50 Arabian Nights. . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 1 50 Don Quixotte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of one hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song Books, 25 kinds. Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novéls, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. WM. L. ALLISON, 128 NASSA U. S.T., N. Y. A Bookseller Wanted in every town to keep the following list of books in mind, and note what calls he has for them; them, if he judges it desirable, to order of the wholesale house with which he is dealing what supply he feels sure of selling. Watchmaker and Jeweler's Manual. . . . . . . . . $0 50 [New and Enlarged Edition.] Painter's Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sign, Carriage, and Decorative Painting.... 50 Soapmaker's Manual: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 25 Horse-Shoer's Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Slow Horses Made Fast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [System of improving speed, to which Dexter owes his supremacy. Endorsed by Robert BosNER, Esq.] Book of Scrolls and Ornaments.... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Book of Alphabets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 [For Painters, Draughtsmen, &c.] Common Sense Cook Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Detectives' Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 [Large collection of best detective stories.] Rogues and Rogueries of New York......... 25 Tricks on Travelers. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15 Nightside of New York.... . . . . . . . . . © tº º º º ſº g º ºs º g 25 Barkeeper's Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Art of Training Animals...................... 50 Guide to Authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Secrets Worth Knowing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 [Recipes for profitable manufactures, proprietary articles, & C. Phonographic Handbook.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 25 [For self-instruction in practical phonography.] Employment Seeker's Guide.................. 25 Improvement of Memory.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e dº º º 15 Comicalities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 [By ORPHEUS C. KERR, and other funny fellows.] Hunter and Trapper's Guide................... 20 Rapid Reckoning... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 [System of the famous “Lightning Calculator.”) Handbook of Ventriloquism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 [A really practical little guide for learning this amusing art Houdin the Conjuror........ tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e e s tº e g º e º e 50 Taxidermist’s Manual........ * * * * * * * * * * * c e º e º e 50 [Revised and enlarged illustrated edition.] Book of Advertised Wonders.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO [A collection of secrets, &c., advertised in newspapers and circulars, just as sold by speculators, with notes as to real value of each one. Embraces about every wonderful art and secret advertised.] Self-Cure of Stammering...................... 25 Home Recreations.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Impromptu Speaker.............. * * * * * * * * * * * * º 25 Spirit Mysteries Exposed ..................... 15 [Explains. Davenport feats, spirit rapping, and all such marvels.] Handbook of Dominoes........................ 15 Self-Cure of Consumption, &c................. 75 [including Debility, Nervous Disorders, &c.] Hair Ornaments ............................... [For jewelry and souvenirs. Sale of book very small.] Chapters on Dog Training............ tº º & tº tº dº e & Fun Everlasting.. © tº e º º ºs 15 £3. These are mostly specialties; they compete with no other books, and none compete with them. The sale of Amost is fair, and most are steadily advertised. The pub- lishers encourage readers to buy of booksellers, but they are getting mail orders from many large places, in some cases accompanied by a complaint that dealers do not keep or know the books. JESSE HANEY & Co. employ no drummers, don’t pester dealers to lay in stock, and prefer that dealers should order cautiously. But they mean to make books that people will want, make the public acquainted with them, and supply the demand "Of Booksellers or by Mail.” £ºf All JESSE HANEY & Co.'s books are kept in stock by ALL THE NEWS COMPANIES. The publishers do not desire to open accounts. 184 THE AMERICAN Books ELLERS GUIDE. SLATED BOOKS. A Great, Improvement. A WHITE OR BLACK SIT,ICATE SLATE FoR LEAD OR SLATE PENCILS, IN TEIE BACK OF BOOKS PUBLISHED ONLY BY A. S. BAFNES & CO., III dº II 3 William Street, NEW YORK, These three advantages are offered, besides Countless others : 1. To Teachers. —For memoranda, class figur- ing, daily record, etc. 2. To Students.--For spelling, ciphering, map drawing, special notes, etc. 3. To General Readers.-For all the purposes to which the fly-leaves and margins of books are usually applied, such as temporary com- ments, references, etc. Any book on our Catalogue, or mentioned in the BULLETIN, will be sent as sample, with Slate Attachment, on receipt of the usual retail price. ... Usual price of books increased from 5 to 15 cents, according to the size of the slate. To those not specifying which kind they want, lead pencil slates, having a white surface, will be sent. No difference in price. N. B.-Water may be used lightly, as a water- proof material protects the book. RULE FOR ERASING.—Erase lead pencil marks with a damp cloth or paper, only slightly moistened—nearly dry—to absorb the lead. Must not use water or sponge freely. Double-Folding Slates Extra. WOIAN TEMPERIVE INDE, A Concise History of the Woman's War on Aldthol. By REV. W. C. STEEL. With an introduction by Dr. Dio Lewis. JPEIC E 25 CIENTS. * **sº THE NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY HAVE JUST PUBLISHED THIS NEW AND IMPORTANT WoRK, CONTAINING HISTORY, PLANS, METHODS OF OPERATION, PLEDGES, INCIDENTS, HUMORS OF THE CAMPAIGN, &c., &c. IT ALSO GIVES A SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF SUCCESS, WITH PLANS OF PROCEDURE, &c. This book should be in the hands of all engaged in the Temperance work throughout the land. The Society also publish the following new publications: Packet of Crusade Documents. 25 cents. Adapted for general circulation in connection with the present woman’s movement for the suppression of intem- perance. 250 pages. Campaign Temperance Hymns, for Tempe- rance Singers everywhere, comprising the Battle Hymns of Ohio. 30 bymns, 24 pages. Per hundred, $3. The Duty of the Church towards the Present Temperance Movement. By Rev. Isaac J. Lansing. 24 pages. 60 cents per dozen. Gentle Woman Roused. A story of the Wo- man's Temperance Movement. By Rev. E. P. Roe. 24 pages. 60 cents per dozen. The High Fence of Fifteen Bars which the Rumseller Builds between Himself and Heaven. 24 pages. 60 cents per dozen. - The Throne of Iniquity. By the Rev. Albert Barnes, D.D. 24 pages. 60 cents per dozen. Spºrtiºn of the Liquor Traffic. By Rev. H. T. Kitchel. A Prize Essay. 10 cents. Bacchus 19ethroned. 12mo, 268 pages. $1. National Temperance Orator. 12mo, 288 pages. $1. Packet of Prohibition Documents. 25 cents. Comprising tracts on prohibition, etc. 220 pages. Packet of Pictorial Tracts for Children. 25 cents. Seventy-two tracts suitable for distribution in Sunday-Schools, Bands of Hope, etc. $1.25. Humpy Dumpy, 12mo, 316 pages. The Fatal Dower. 18mo, 220 pages. 60 cents. J. N. STEARNS, Publishing Agent, 58 READE STREET, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 185 ºgºsº The Wakefield Earth-Closet, TELE Great Blessing of the 19th Century º IS THE DISCOVERY OF THE DRY-EARTH SYSTEM, AND, IN CONNECTION THERE WITH, A PRACTI- CAL METHOD OF USING THE SAME IN EARTH - CLOSETS AND COMMODES, We ask every decent person to aid us in ban- ishing from the earth every vile country privy, these loathsome, indecent, pestiferous, health and life destroying structures, the bane of every country community. Every person thus en- gaged becomes a public benefactor. By all odds the most complete and perfect closet yet in- vented is the Wakefield Patent. They have been adopted by the Central Park Commissioners, and one hundred ordered for use in the Park. Applications for Agencies from responsible persons will be considered. Send for our Descriptive Pamphlet, or call and see the Commodes, at the Office of the WAKEFIELD EARTH-CLOSET COMPANY., 36 Dey Street, New York. ANNOUNCEMENT. THOMPSON, BROWN & C0. WILL PUBLISH EARLY IN MAY, The Parents’ Manual. BY PROF. HIRAM ORCUTT, Principal of Tilden Ladies' Seminary, author of “The Teachers' Manual,” etc. It treats upon the parents' duties in the relations they sustain to their children, in the family, in the school, and in society, and will be a work of great value to all parents. Price $1.25, 12mo, 300 pages. C H | C A G O. | WEMERM MVS (MP), 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, Respeetfully announce to the Trade of the West that they are ready to supply every- thing in the way of Newsdealers” and Book- sellers’ stock promptly, and at the lowest prices. Lists and full information sent on application. JUST READY Ilić him[ſ]ālit family liſt, FOR THE USE OF TWENTY-EIGHT PRINCIPAL REMEDIES IN THE TRATMENT OF THE MORE SIMPLE FORMS OF DISEASE. By GEORGE E. SHIP MAN, M. D. Together with Directions for the Treatment of DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, By W. H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., New Orleans, La. Eighth Edition, Single Copies, $2.00, sent free by mail on receipt of price by publishers, or may be ordered from any bookseller. For the present edition a chapter has been added on the management of children during the first few days of life- the most important days, in many respects, of their whole existence. Many valuable suggestions are given here, which, if carefully followed out, would save the little ones and their attendants much needless suffering and very ma- terially diminish the rates of infant mortality. The book contains the photograph and autograph of the author. PUBLISHED BY THE WESTERN NEWS COMP'Y, 42 & 44 Randolph St., Chicago. 186 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. JTEGINTINTTSZT JTUTINTIE’s AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEm EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. - IN A N E VV A N D H A N DSO ME E IN DIN Gr. º This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. . ALSO, * A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH BLACK AND GOLD SIDE STAMPS. IE’rice SSL-75. TEIE AIMERICAN NIEWS COMPANY., INT EVV Sºr O E. E. T EI E JWOW READIY. Albany News Company, Presbyterian Digest. º wholesale A COMEXEND OF TELE statin ſitſ 3, łºńsilt 5, Atts all DEWEITEs ſit Gibral Aſſºmly ſtilt PTES]][[Tiål Chūſh AND - - IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Compiled by the order and authority of the General AS- sembly, NEWS DEALERS, By Rev. W.M. E. MOORE, D. D. One Volume. Sheep. $6.50. 5 L 2 JE r c a, clvva, y, Please address orders to - JOHN A. BLACK, AZAAAWY, N. Y. Business Superintendent, - Or to DoDD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; BoARD of CoIPORTAGE, 53 Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa.; SUTTON & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Catalogues of Stationery, Newspapers, and FAIRBANks & Co., 107 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Books, sent on application. who keep all the publications of the Board for Sale. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 187 Messrs. ROBERTS BROTHERS' NEW B00KS FOR SUMMER READING, TO BE READY IN MAY. PHANTASMION. A Fairy Romance. By Sara Coleridge. With an Introduction by Lord Coleridge. Crown 8VO. Price $2.00. “Sara Coleridge's Memoirs,” recently published, has had a very large sale, and awakened an interest in her which will cause an equally large demand for this, her only work of fiction. SOME WOMEN'S HEARTS : Love Stories for Idle Hours. By Louise Chandler Moulton. 16mo. Price $1.50. “Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton, whose Boston letters not only have been an unſailing delight to our readers, but have become a necessity to those who would keep themselves informed with regard to authors and books, is about to test her welcome at the hands of the public With a volume of Original love stories entitled “Some Women's Hearts, which Messrs. Roberts Brothers have now in press. Mrs. Moulton's creative talent is quite as noteworthy as her genius for the suggestive analysis of a current book. No contributor is more popular with the critical readers of magazine tales. Her stories are relieved with shrewd touches of character, are always marked by great delicacy and naturalness, and often by genuine dramatic power. Authors, magazinists, pub- lishers, and the noble army of readers, alike owe this charming writer a debt which it will now be their oppor- tunity and advantage in some measure to repay.”—N. Y. Tribune, April 23, 1874. SEA AND SHORE. A Poetical Selection for the Summer Idler. Square 18mo. Cloth, red edges. Price $1.25. This Selection was made by two ladies Well known in literary circles, and Will be found to be an invaluable companion for the summer tourist. SCROPE ; OR, THE LOST LIBRARY. By F. B. Perkins, 8vo. Cloth. Price $1.50. TO BE READY JUNE [st. ANTONY BRADE. A Story. By Robt. T. S. Lowell. 16mo. Price $1.50. Mr. Lowell is a brother of Prof. Jas. Russell LOWell, and is already known as the author of one of the best American Novels, “The New Priest in Conception Bay.” . His new book is a story of boy school-day life, and yet while dealing principally with the young, is intended also for older people. JUST READY. CHAPTERS ON ANIMALS. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. . With twenty Illustrations by J. Veyrassat and Karl Bodmer. One volume, uniform With “The Intellectual Life” and “Thoughts About Art.” The enviable reputation which Mr. Hamerton has acquired by means of the wide circulation of bis fascinating book, “The Intellectual Life,” now in its sixth edition, Will create a rapid sale for his new book. MIREIO. A Provençal Poem. From the French of Frederic Mistral by Harriet W. Preston. A new and Cheaper edition. 16mo. Price $1.50. THE POETRY OF THE ORIENT. By Wm. Rounseville Alger. Fourth edition, enlarged, 16mo. Price $1.50. LATELY PUBLISHED. SEX AND EDUCATION: A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's “Sex in Education.” Edited, with an Introduction by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 16mo. Cloth. Price $1.25. y IVAN DE BIRON; OR, THE RUSSIAN COURT IN THE MIDDLE OF LAST CENTURY. A Novel. By Sir Aruhur Helps, author of “Realmah,” “Casimir Maremma,” etc. Crown Svo. Price $2.25. A SUMMER WACATION. Four Sermons by Edward E. Hale. Worship in Europe; The Pilgrimages; The Vienna Exhibition; The Open Air. 16mo. Fancy cover. Price 50 cents. THE TRUST AND THE REMITTANCE. Two Love Stories in Metred Prose. By Mary Cowden Clarke, author of “A Concordance to Shakespeare.” 16mo. Cloth. Price $1.25. THE OLD MASTERS AND THEIR PICTURES. By Sarah Tytler. 16mo. Cloth. Price $1.50. MODERN PAINTERS AND THEIR PAINTINGS. By Sarah Tytler. 16mo. Cloth. Price $1.50. THORPE REGIS. A Novel. By the Author of “The Rose Garden.” One volume. 16mo. With pictorial title. Price $2.00. - neº, OF MB. ALCOTT'S SCHOOL. Exemplifying the Principles and Methods of Moral Culture, 16mo. Price $1.50. - LAOCOON. An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry. With Remarks illustrative of various Points in ºr, of Ancient Art. By Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Translated by Ellen Frothingham. 16mo. Price $1.5U. - £gy- The Trade will oblige us with prompt orders. Newsdealers who have the control of Railroad Routes are - invited to correspond With us. - ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, Boston. I88 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. HENRY L. HINTON & CO., 744. BERO AIDWAY, NEW YOR.E. NEw BooBººs. JUST PUBLISHED: SOCIAL SCIENCE. A Review, Historical and Critical, of the Progress of Thought in Social Philosophy. By • . - ROBERT S. HAMILTON. 12mo, cloth, 340 pp., $2.00. PUT TO THE TEST. A Story of Woman's Faith. By CIIAs. CILAMBERLAIN, Jr. 370 pp., extra cloth, $1.50. The Publishers are glad to announce the entire success of this, “the most interesting novel of the season.” - APFRIL, 1874. A N N O U N C E M E N T S I I I NOT IN THEIR SET; Or, In Different Circles of Society. Translated from the German by MS., translator of “By His Own Might,” “Must it Be?” “A Great Lady,” &c. (350 pages, 12mo, cloth, $1.50.) STEADFAST; Or, Love and Fortitude. From the German of Paul Heyse. By A. W. H. 12mo, cloth, 360 pp., $1.50. MY COMRADES. By H. H. An exciting narrative, containing interesting adventures among the Highlands, and giving, by way of episode, a melange of the History and Legendary Lore of the Hudson. Beautifully illustrated. 12mo, cloth, 330 pp., $1.50. THE MAIDEN OF TREPPI; Or, Love's Victory. From the German of Paul Heyse. By A. W. H. 16mo, cloth, 75 cts. Fifth Vol. Puck Series. HELENE MORTEN ; Or, Hidden from the World, From the German of Paul Heyse. By A. W. H. 16mo, cloth, 75 cts. Sixth Vol. Puck Series. THE CHILDREN OF THE world. Paul Heyse's LAST GREAT NOVEL. - - - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS’ G UIDE. Publications of Henry L. Hinton & Co.,744 Broadway, N.Y. F/07/0//. THE PUCK NOVELS. The New 75 Cent series of Bound Novels. This series is limited to stories embracing a single continuous plot, containing the pith of what, in more pretentious works, is usually extended over a wide field. While they are handy for the pocket or Satchel, they are not, either in contents or appearance, unworthy of a place on the library shelves. These books are handsomely printed, tastefully bound in cloth, and published at 75 cents a volume Six vols. in a cloth box, new design, $4.50. - No. 1. THE coming RACE. By Bulwer Lytton. *Together with his usual strength of style and power of arousing interest, ‘THE CoMING RACE' con- tains a vein of philosophy peculiarly interesting to those who study social questions and science."—THE NEW YORK HERALD. No. 2. THE BELLS. A Romantic Story from the French Novel, “LE JUIF PolonAISE.” By MM. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN, authors, also, of the play, “The Bells,” which is founded upon this story. “This is a very excellent translation of a beautiful story, which is told very much after the manner of Dickens, and possesses more than ordinary dramatic interest. It is gotten up in neat style, being one of the Puck Series, and will more than repay a perusal."—NEW ORLEANS HERALD. No. 3. POWDER AND GOLD. A Story of the Franco-Prussian WAR. From the German of LEVIN SHUCKING. & “‘Powder and Gold' is an interesting story of the Franco-German War, and relates the fortunes of a Prussian Sergeant, who, after occupying a French Chateau, accomplishes the capture of a large sum of contraband gold, and achieves promotion and a lovely wife by the incident.”—THE SUNDAY TIMEs. No. 4.” A BROwn-STONE FRONT. A story of New York So- CIETY. By CHANDOS FULTON. “Just the book to put into one's satchel when going off for a railroad trip, or for an airing down the bay.”—THE DAILY GRAPHIC. sº No. 5. THE MAIDEN OF TREPPI; or, Love's Victory. From the German of PAUL Heyse. Translated by A. W. H. Ready in May. No. 6. HELENE MORTEN ; or, Hidden from the World. From the German of PAUL IIEyse. Translated by A. W. H. Ready in May. PUT TO THE TEST. A Story of Woman's Faith. By Chas. CHAMBERLAIN, Jr. Cloth, 370 pages, $1,50. - “The combination of a skilfully elaborated love plot with the stirring incidents of campaign life, ren- ders the book MUCH more than ordinarily readable.”—CINCINNATI GAZETTE. & THE THREE FoELoWING woWELS WILL BE READY IN MAY: NOT IN THEIR SET; or, In Different Circles of Society. Trans- lated from the German by MS., translator of “By His Own Might,” “Must it Be?” A Great Lady,” &c. (350 pages, I2mo, cloth, $1.50.) - STEADFAST ; or, Love and Fortitude. From the German of Paul HEYSE. By A. W. H. 12mo, cloth, 360 pp., $1.50. e g - & s g * {º MY COMRADES. By Hä. H. An exciting narrative, containing interesting adventures among the Highlands, and giving, by way of episode, a melange of the History and Legendary Lore of the Hudson. Beautifully illustrated. 12mo, cloth, 330 PP., $1.5o. - - THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. B00KS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOWEST RATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheap- ness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCEILANEOUS BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G R. E. A. T. V. A. IFR II ET Y. ouR STATIONERY STock Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, E.T.C., ETC. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. - Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Cata- logues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEm YoFK. = gº º: º Č º M. ONTH WE rt |UR eamíl" sa- - |li, lls - 21 SoTMa *SN Ul t. and 121 °ºCº Rºf " Nassau M.M.T BOY; 918, sº-> Š WIMRAM 58, Vol. vi. New York, APRIL 1, 1874. No. 4. C O N T E N T S. PAGE PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, * – io9 INDEX To ADVERTISEMENTS, — 1 2 l THE SITUATION, *E=? - — 1 I 6 | BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR APRIL, 122 CORRESPONDENCE, - - - I 16 || MARCH PUBLICATIONS, tº gº — 1 24 SPECIAL NoTICEs, * ** – I 17 | NEW MUSIC, * * *= – 128 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - . 17 | THE STATIONERY MARKET, - – 130 Fo KEIGN LITERARY NotEs, – 4 19 | THE AMERICAN NEws company's NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, – 120 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MUSIC NOTEs, – * * — i 2 i PERIODICALS, &-º-> – — I 32 NoveLTIES, GAMES, Toys, Etc., - 121 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. - Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. & Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 117, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. scRIBNER's MONTHLY. THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN BEGUN. “ANOTHER GREAT LITERARY SENSATION.” “THE MODERN ROBINSON CRUS OE,” JULES WERNE'S NEW STORY, “THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND.” 150 Magnificent Illustrations. We have secured for serial publication in SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, M. JULES WERNE’s New Serial, entitled, - “THE MIYSTERIOUS ISLAND.” It is begun in the APRIL number—now ready. M. JULES WERNE unites with a wide range of scientific knowledge, an exuber- ance of inventive imagination that has fascinated the world. His works are as unique in structure as they are unexampled in popularity. Not content with “Robinson Crusoe,” and “The Swiss Family Robinson,” he has undertaken, in “THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND,” to show how a body of men, thrown helpless upon a desert, may develop a living from purely scientifie resources, without any convenient wreck to draw upon for the materials of life and comfort. The idea is as attractive as it is ingenious, and affords the author the finest opportuuity for the display of his peculiar gifts and acquirements. The story will be profusely illustrated in the style of his other stories:—“From the Earth to the IMoon,” “Round the World in Eighty Days,” “Twenty Thou- sand Leagues Under the Sea,” etc., etc. The story will have an additional interest for American readers, because the party are all Americans. They start from Richmond, Va., in a balloon, and are wrecked on an unknown island in mid-ocean. SCRIBNER & C0, 654 Broadway, New York, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers’ Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET. NEw YorF, April 1st, 1874. The dilatoriness of Congress in settling the pending financial questions has had its effect on the book trade as well as upon other busi- ness interests of the country, and March has been an exceptionally dull month. Usually more active in miscellaneous books than the two preceding, this year the business of either of those months will make a better showing than that of March. Our school-book houses, however, have done a very good business. These books being among the necessities, a falling off in the aggregate business of any portion of the year is almost certain to be com- pensated for by an extra activity in the follow- ing months, and school-book publishers are now filling the orders they would have received last fall but for the panic. Notwithstanding the light demand for books, and the number of new volumes which are being held back, the issues have been above the average both in number and in quality, includ- ing some excellent new works of fiction and a respectable number of heavier books, which, as the new newspapers in the West are fond of Say- ing of themselves, have “come to stay.” G. P. Putnam's Sons have issued The Edw- cation of American Girls, which is receiving much attention. Although projected before Dr. Clarke's essay on Sea: in Education was pub- lished, or even written, the appearance of the latter work has evidently given it shape, as well as added much to its interest and importance. Dr. Clarke certainly “builded better than he knew" when he penned his book, and the talented women who are interested in the edu- cation of girls have not been slow to improve the opportunity afforded by the interest his book quickened, to present their side of the question. This volume, then, may be con- sidered as a reply to Dr. Clarke, as well as Mrs. Duffey's and Mrs. Howe's books, and it is one of the most interesting of the four. It is a handsome volume of four hundred pages, and consists of a number of essays by Edna D. Cheney, Caroline H. Dall, Lucinda H. Stone, Mary Putnam Jacobi, M. D., and half a dozen other Well known writers on the woman question, These papers have nearly all been printed be- fore in various publications, but are none the less readable now that they are presented to- gether. They are on such subjects as “Mental Action and Physical Health,” “Effects of Men- tal Growth,” “Girls and Women in England and America,” etc. Papers on the female colleges, Oberlin, Vassar, Antioch, and others, are given, and the editor, Anna C. Brackett, contributes a lengthy essay, and devotes twenty-five pages to a review of Dr. Clarke's “Sex in Education.” The Putnams have also issued The Philosophy of English Literature, by Professor John Bascom, and a book on Hampton and its Students, by two of its teachers, Mrs. M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow. Professor Bascom is well-known as the author of “AEsthetics” and other works. The present volume consists of a course of lec- tures delivered in the Lowell Institute. The object of the lectures, the author tells us in bis preface, “is to put the general reader and the student of English Literature into possession of the leading influences operative in it, and thus to enable him to peruse and to study its productions with more insight,” etc., on the principle, as he says elsewhere, that in each de- partment of knowledge there are central facts and germinant principles. If we master these, the labors of acquisition are greatly lightened. These facts the author has presented in so sim- ple and systematical a manner, that we know of no book of its compass so well adapted to the Wants of the student as this. The volume on Hampton and Its Students is a curiously interest- ing book, possessing an historic value, in that it is a very full account of a most successful ex- periment in educating the freedmen. It contains, besides a history of the school, sketches of characters and experiences, and a glimpse of the aspirations and capabilities of the colored race, which are truly surprising. It gives also an account of the “Hampton Singers,” with fifty of their unique songs, music and words, and sixteen illustrations. Robert Carter & Brothers have published Maggie's Mistake, a successful attempt to por- tray a shool-girl's experience and views of life; her likes and dislikes, follies and fancies, in her OWn simple language; Rockbowrmé, a pleasant I 1 O THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. tale, by Marion Eliza Weir; a new book by Joanna H. Mathews, the author of the popular “Bessie Books,” entitled The New Scholars; and JBetween the Cliffs, by Emma Marshall, whose stories have recently received much attention, with which is bound, in the same volume, the story of Wandering May, by the author of The Happy Land, etc. The last two volumes, besides furnishing excellent and interesting reading for the children, are worthy of special praise for their illustrations. The Carters have also issued Bickersteth's The Reef and other Parables, which has been very favorably received in England. They have in press, a book of travels by Henry Day, a New York lawyer, entitled A Lawyer Abroad; What to See and How to See. . It is quite different from the many other books of this class, containing much less of tiresome descrip- tion, and devotes more space to the social and political condition of the peoples of Europe. E. P. Dutton & Co. have published The Silence and Voices of God, a volume of eloquent ser- mons, by Frederick W. Farrar, D. D. The ser- mons, which give the name to the book, “Si- lence and Voices,” “The Voice of Conscience,” and “The Voice of History,” were delivered be- fore the University of Cambridge. Several others have been added, and they are all well worth preserving in their permanent form. Dutton & Co. have also issued a number of books appropriate for the Lenten season, Readings for Lent, and Readings for Confirmation, both by Miss Sewell ; Nursings for Holy Week, by Rev. Dr. Charles H. Hall; and a little vol- ume entitled Some Week. Days in Lent, by Rev. G. H. Wilkinson, consisting of a portion of his sermons delivered in St. Paul’s Cathedral, Lon- don. - G. W. Carleton & Co. have published Our Mutual Friend, in their excellent edition of Dick- ens' works ; The Story of a Summer, by Miss Cecilia Cleveland ; and Woman, Love, and Mar- riage, by Mr. Saunders, the author of Salad for the Solitary. Miss Cleveland is a niece of the late Horace Greeley, and this book is an account of her stay with his family at Chappaqua during the summer after his death. It will, no doubt, be attacked as being in bad taste, but it is, nev- ertheless, a readable book. Although it tells us little about Mr. Greeley that is not generally known, and possesses but little permanent value to any but the personal friends of her family, its charming frankness in its descriptions of persons and incidents makes it entertaining. Woman, Love, and Marriage resembles very much in style the author's previous work. It ‘consists mainly of anecdotes relating to the three subjects of which he treats, and, though posses- sing little of strength or originality of thought, is very pleasant for desultory reading. Sheldon & Co. have issued a cheap edition of Heaven in Song, which, in its rich binding, was so well received during the holidays. The ed- itor, Rev. Dr. Henry C. Fish, has culled from all sources the yearnings for the “better land,” which have found expression in worthy song, and the collection is not only valuable in a religious sense, but also forits literary merits. Those who prize the jewels more than the cas- ket, which they were not able to purchase last winter, will find the book now within their means, and well worth the outlay. Ex-Secre- tary Welles' book on Lincoln and Seward, issued by Sheldon & Co., is interesting and valuable, from the new facts brought to light, relating to a most important period of our history, in the making of which the writer took a distinguished part. As a defence of Mr. Lincoln against what are considered as the derogatory remarks of Mr. Adams, in the Seward Memorial Address, it is vigorous and strong. It was prompted, the author says, by no unkind feeling towards Mr. Seward, “but simply to give a true history of the acts and views of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward, and the measures of administration during Mr. Lincoln's Presidency.” Mr. Welles gives a minute account of what took place in the cabinet meetings during the darkest hours of the Rebellion, and believes that Mr. Lincoln was “the great central figure and controlling mind in his own administration, and that neither Mr. Seward, Mr. Chase, nor any other of his able counsellors, was the ‘power behind the throne.’” As a contribution to history, it will live long after the controversy which called it forth ceases to occupy the minds of men. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. make the impor- tant announcement that Mr. William Cullen Bryant, assisted by Mr. Sydney Howard Gay, has in preparation a Popular History of the United States. “The work is to begin with the earliest authentic history of the Western Con- tinent—though not ignoring the earlier mythical period—and to come down to the close of the first century of American Independence. It will require not less than three volumes, and is to be profusely and largely illustrated from Original designs.” The Scribners also announce for early publication, What is Darwinism 2 by Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D., of Princeton Col- lege. There is a great difference of opinion, even among scientists, as to what Darwin's theory really is, and much has been written which, though valuable to science, is evidently based upon a misconception of Mr. Darwin's works. No one is better qualified to define his theory than the able scholar who has taken the work in hand, and his book will be awaited with interest. Among the other books an- nounced by this house are The Superhuman Origin of the Bible, inferred from Itself, by Henry Rogers, an argument to prove, as the author puts it, “that the Bible is not such a book as man would have made it if he could, or could have made it if he would’’; Dr. Christlieb's Modern Doubt and Christian Belief, which the publishers announce as translated under the Supervision of the author, and published here by Special arrangement with him ; the com- pleting volume of the New Testament portion of Lange's Commentary, which comprises “Rev- elation ;” a new work on the Atonement, by Rev. Dr. Horace Bushnell, under the title of Forgiveness and Law; the fourth volume of Curtius' History of Greece; and Personal Rem- iniscences from Chorley, Planche and Young. This is the initial volume of a unique series, which they design to publish under the name of “The Bric-a-Brac Series.” Although each volume will be complete in itself, they will all be of the THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I I I Same general character, and will all be collec- tions of the most valuable reminiscences of noted writers and artists. The peculiar inter- est which the public have in reminiscences, and the talents of the editor, Mr. R. H. Stoddard, are sufficient to secure success to the under- taking. - Among the books imported by Scribner, Wel- ford and Armstrong, are : W. Carew Hazlitt's collection of Poems, Letters and Remains of Mary and Charles Lamb, with reminiscences and notes; George W. Cox's new History of Greece, two large volumes; the unabridged edition of the summing up of the Lord Chief-Justice on the Tichborne Trial, Celebrated Claimants, “being the history oi impostors and pretenders, ancient and modern,” and M. de Balzac's Droll Stories, collected from the Abbeys of Touraine, with the 425 plates by Doré. Macmillan & Co. have issued here a “school edition” of Clodd's Childhood of the World; Etruscan Researches, by Rev. Isaac Taylor; The Logic of Hegel, by W. Wallace ; and First Les- sons in the Principles of Cooking, by Lady Barker, Superintendent of the “National School of Cookery,” at South Kensington, England. It is not so much a “Cook Book,” as we use the term here, but rather a series of three sensible scientific treatises on the subject of Cooking. Part first treats of “First Lessons in Cooking,” part second of “The best Methods of preparing some sorts of Food for use, with a simple ex- planation of their respective actions,” and part third, of “The Principles of Diet, and a few cheap and easy Recipes.” The book is one of the series of handy 18mo volumes, which now include a number of praiseworthy works. The publishers are about to add to it a “Business Manual,” and R. W. Church, Dean of St. Paul's, is writing for the series a volume on Early Sacred Poetry. Canon Kingsley's presence in this country has made a demand for his books, and Macmillan & Co. have issued a new and cheap edition of his Westminster Sermons. Henry Holt & Co. have published Desperate Remedies, by Thomas Hardy, whose identity has so puzzled the critics of late, the London Spectator attributing his Far from the Madding Crowd to George Eliot, and others accusing him of being a woman. His publishers have found it necessary to proclaim that he is a veritable man, and writes under his own name. It is sufficient to say of this last book that it fully equals those previously issued. Holt & Co. have also issued a handsome volume of Essays in Modern Military Biography, by the English military scholar, Col. Charles C. Chesney, which deals chiefly with the heroes of our late war, of which the author has much to say ; and the Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch, who was for many years engaged at the British Museum, and was renowned for his Oriental learning. At his death, in May, 1873, he left behind him a large number of translations from the Talmud, which he made the subject of laborious study. The paper on the Talmud which was published in the Quarlerly Review, and which then attracted much attention and brought the author into prominence, is repro. duced in this volume, also the letters on the CEcumenical Council, written to the London Times. It contains also learned papers on “Egypt,” “Islam,” “The Semitic Languages,” and others. Holt & Co. are having condensed some of the best old English books whose prolixity has made them objectionable to the general reader, and will publish them in such a form that those to whom time is money can afford to read them, retaining in them every- thing which the general reader will be likely to value. Among the books which are selected for this process are Chorley's Autobiography : Boswell's Johnson; and the old novel, Clarissa Harlowe, which will be new to most of the readers of to-day. This house has nearly ready an important and timely volume by Prof. Wil: liam G. Sumner, of Yale College, a History of American Currency, to which is added a chapter on the Bank of England, one on Austrian paper money, and other matter. This will be the first history of the panic of 1837 ever published. The Orange Judd Co. have published Pretty Mrs. Gaston, a lively love story, by John Esten Cooke, author of Surry of Eagle's Nest, and other well-known novels. Though not so elabor- ate as his other books, it is very pleasant read- ing, and the publishers have put it on fine paper, and furnished it with a dozen good illustra- tions. This house has also issued John Andross, by Rebecca Harding Davis, also finely illus- trated. The National Temperance Society has pub- lished a little story of the Temperance move- ment in the West, entitled A Gentle Woman Abroad, by Rev. E. P. Roe. The author's books have made for him hosts of admirers, and anything from his pen, however trifling, is well received. The Temperance Society is doing good work in furnishing the friends of the cause effective literary weapons. The Na- tional Temperance Orator, recently issued by their publishing house, is an excellent collec- tion of selections from such authors as Tyng, Gough, Hepworth, Cuyler, and Alice Carey. They are in poetry and prose, and are well adapted for reading, recitation and declamation. Thirty good dialogues are also added, making a neat volume of nearly three hundred pages. A. K. Butts & Co. have issued The Safest Creed, by Rev. O. B. Frothingham, consisting of the discourse from which the volume takes its name, and twelve others on “The Gospel of To-day,” “The Gospel of Character,” “The Sci- entific Aspect of Prayer,” “The Naked Truth,” “The Infernal and Celestial Love,” etc. They are all in his well known vigorous style and unique enough toſplease the most exacting of his followers. We have from the same house Win-. wood Reade's Martyrdom of Man; Epidemic De- lusions, a lecture by Frederick R. Marvin, D.D.; Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism Exposed and Evplained, by Thomas Inman, M. D., of London; and in two volumes the large work, by the same author, entitled Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names. This work, as stated on the title-page, is “an attempt to trace the religious belief, social rights, and holy emblems of certain nations, by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and II 2 THE AMERICAN B O O KS E L LERS’ G UIDE. hierarchs.” Both of Dr. Inman's books are lib- erally illustrated. Mr. Reade, the author of The Martyrdom of Man, is well known by his Writings on Africa, which have attained a wide celebrity. This book is an attempt to show the influence exerted by Mahometanism upon Africa, and upon the world, through the slave trade and other media. Although not orthodox in religious matters, it contains much general information, and is evidently the result of much study and research as well as careful observation. D. Appleton & Co. have issued No lntentions, by Florence Marryat, which will take its place among the many clever novels of English social life, so well liked by novel readers in this coun- try, and have added to their excellent series of “Science Primers” a little treatise on Geology, by Professor Archibald Geikie, of the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, and Director of the Geologi- cal Survey of Scotland. This little book, like the others in the series, is well printed, taste- fully bound and well illustrated. E. J. Hale & Son have published Guy Man- nering, in the “Thistle Edition” of Scott's now- els; The Elements of Algebra, by Professor F. A. Shoup, of the University of the South, at Su- wanee, Tenn., in which the arrangement of the subject is somewhat different from that of our Ordinary school algebras; and Down the River; or, Practical Lessons wnder the Code Duello, a series of amusing satirical sketches on duelling. The book is curious as well as funny, in its pictures of Southern life, and is embellished with twelve illustrations by H. L. Stephens. To heighten the effect of the sketches, the dif- ferent “Codes,” American, French, and Irish, are appended in full. H. L. Hinton has issued Social Science, by Robert S. Hamilton. This is an historical and Critical review of the progress in Social Philos- ophy, giving the present status of the science, as indicated by the writings of Mill, Spencer, and others. - Harper & Brothers have published a very at- tractive book of travel and adventure in Farther India, The Land of the White Eephant, by Erank Vincent, Jr. Mr. Vincent had the tact to confine himself to just what his readers are glad to know, and he has a most happy faculty of telling his story in an interesting manner. The volume contains much information con- cerning a land but little known, and is embel- lished with map, plans, and woodcuts. The Harpers have also issued a novel by the author of Caste, entitled Colonel Dacre ; The Blue Ribbon, a novel, by the author of Meta's Faith, which has received Warm praise from the London re- viewers; No Name, in their new edition of Wilkie Collins' works; and Victor Hugo's Ninety-Three, translated by the popular novelist Frank Lee Benedict. The spring list of the Harpers contains a number of good books still unpublished, but to be issued probably during this month. Among them are Dr. Schwein- furth’s Heart of Africa, to be brought out in two volumes, and māgnificently illustrated ; Baird's Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873; The Evangelical Alliance, to contain the proceed- ings of the Conference of 1873; and Motley's Life and Death of John of Barnéveld. Roston, April 1, 1874. Notwithstanding the general deadness and dul- mess of the commlercial world, our wholesale and retail dealers in books did a tolerably good business last month. Roberts Brothers have published Ivan De Biron ; or, the Russian Court in the Middle of Last Century, a novel, by Sir Arthur Helps; Sea, and Education, a Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's Sea, in Elucation, edited, with an introduc- tion, by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe ; and A Summer Vacation, being four sermons describing a tour in Europe, by Edward E. Hale. Ivan de Biron is, on the whole, the ablest work that Sir Ar- thur Helps has yet published. Its pictures of Russian court life are fresh, graphic, and ºp- parently truthful. Many of the scenes in Si- beria are also most excellent. The Duke of Courtland, the Empress Elizabeth, the Princess Marie Andreevna Serbatoff, and one or two other characters, are drawn with a bold, free hand. The description of the Empress Eliza- beth's attempt to promote the marriage of Ivan de Biron and the beautiful Princess Marie An- dréevna, is about as fine and dramatic as any- thing in Scott's novels. All the love scenes are well done. The Princess Marie is one of the most charming heroines in the wide realm of fic- tion. The work deserves and is likely to obtain many readers. Sir Arthur Helps is wrong in stating that there was a popular theory that Addison re-introduced Shakespeare to the Eng- lish reading world, for, as De Quincey some- where says, Addison rarely quoted or made any reference to Shakespeare. But by his criticisms on Paradise Lost, in the Spectator, Addison did make Milton's greatness as a poet known to English readers, The Reply to Dr. Clarke's Sea, in Education contains thoughtful and suggestive papers con- cerning female education by T. W. Higginson, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Prof. Bascom, Mrs. Dall, Mrs. Horace Mann, Abby W. May, Mrs. Ju- lia Ward Howe, and other well-known writers and educators. Dr. Clarke's little book is making as great a commotion among the strong-minded women of both sexes, as Reynard did among Chaucer's poor widow’s barn-yard fowls. Rob- erts Brothers have just ready for publication, The Trust and The Remittance, two little love stories in “metred prose,” by Mary Cowden Clarke, author of A Concordance to Shakespeare; a new and cheaper edition of Hammerton's pleasant and interesting Chapters on Animals, with twenty etchings of animals, by J. Vegras- sat and Karl Bodmer, full of truth and beauty ; The Correspondence of the Rev. Dr. William E. Channing and Lucy Aiken, now first published ; Scrope, or the Lost Library, a bright and original work of fiction, by F. B. Perkins; and two ad- mirable books for Schools and learners in arts and also for the general reader, by Miss Sarah Tytler—The Old Masters and their Pictures, and Modern Painters and their Paintings. They have also in press, for almost immediate publi- cation, Sea and Shore, a poetical selection for the summer idler; Some Women’s Hearts, a col- lection of original love stories, by Louise Chan- dler Moulton ; and Phantastnion, a beautiful and poetical fairy tale, by Sarah Coleridge, the THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. II3 gifted daughter of S. T. Coleridge. This house has likewise in preparation a volume of poems by Mr. F. W. Bourdillon, whose poetical con- tributions to the London Spectator have been so widely copied and so highly admired. James R. Csgood & Co. have issued. Theodore Parker, a biography, by Octavius Brooks Froth- ingham; and Young Brown, a novel, by Gren- ville Murray, author of The Member for Paris. Mr. Frothingham is an artist in biography, and few novels are half as readable as his Life of Theodore Parker, which is a true and genuine piece of work, and is worthy of a permanent and a prominent place in biographical literature. Parker's familiar letters are full of character, and some of them are rich in humor and “in- genious nonsense.” Many eminent personages are gravely or sportively described or mentioned in them. . It is said that Thackeray, on his voy- age to this country, declared that the thing in America, he most desired, was to hear Theodore Parker talk. Here is Parker's brief description of Titmarsh: “Saw Thackeray—a great mons- trous man, six feet and a half high, with a huge Shock of gray hair on his head ; spectacles, a large Stumpy nose, and a long old chin. He seemed a little shy. Sumner was there, and looked short beside Thackeray.” In addition to the personal life of Parker, which is full of beauty and interest, there are many memorable historical events described in the work. In the remarkably interesting chapter devoted to the fight with slavery, the reader will find a graphic account of the great slave cases of Sims and Burns. Young Brown, though;open to criticism in Some respects, is a rather remarkable novel, full of bustle and incident. Osgood & Co. have in preparation, for early publication, “Little Classics,” a series of handy volumes, convenient for fireside or railway reading, small enough to be carried in the pocket, and containing choice stories, sketches, and a few poems, gathered from many sources. The series will number twelve or more volumes. The first, which will appear this month, is en- titled Etile, containing the following stories and sketches: Elhan Brand, by Nathaniel Haw- thorne ; A Night in a Workhouse, by James Greenwood; The Man Without a Country, by Edward E. Hale ; The Outcasts of Poker Fat, by Bret Harte; 'The Flight of a Tartar Tribe, by Thomas De Quincey. Some of the forthcoming | new volumes of Osgood's Library of Novels, are The Son of Vulcan, by the authors of Ready- Money Mortiboy; Cruel Constancy, by Katharine Ring ; and Queen of the Regiment, by Katharine King. Osgood will also publish Idolatry, a new romance, by Julian Hawthorne, who seems to have inherited no inconsiderable portion of his father's genius. Lee and Shepard have published Seven Daugh- ters, an admirable little story for the girls by Miss Amanda M. Douglas, being the initial vol- ume of a new series entitled The Maidenhood Series; The Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove, one of Parson Kellogg's excellent matter-of-fact stories, and The llalian Girl, a cleverish novel of the middling class, by Mrs. Catherine Sedgwick Washburn, author of Ina. Lee & Shepard have in press for speedy publication, A Woman's Vacation, by Mrs. Ella M. Thompson ; Running the Blockade, by W. H. Thomes; Sunny Shores; or, Young America in Italy and Austria, by Oliver Optic ; and Cast, Calalogue of Antique Sculpture, with photographic illustrations, by W. T. Brig- ham. L. & S. have moved into a large, elegant, and convenient store on Franklin street, where they have greater and better facilities for trans- acting their large publishing and jobbing busi- ness than they had at the old stand opposite the old South Meeting-House. Fstes & Lauriat have issued Field Ornithol- ogy : Comprising a Manual of Instruction for Pro- curing, Preparing, and Preserving Birds, and a Check, List of North American Birds, by Dr. El- liott Cones, U. S. A.; The Vienna Exposition and Philadelphia Centennial; a report to the State of Massachusetts, by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. ; and No. 10 of Prof. Estes' Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science, containing Origin of Metallif- erous Deposits, by Prof. T. Sterry Hunt, and The Phenomena of Sleep, by Dr. Richardson. Among the new books in press by E. & L. are Eiena, an Italian story, by L. N. Comyn; Wo- man's Love; or, Lilce and Unlike, by J. H. Smith, Waiting-Hoping, a novel from the French of Andre Leo; Men of the Mayflower, and Other Lec- tures, by W. M. Punshou, and a new and ele- gant edition of Victor Hugo's Tour on the Rhime. Little, Brown & Co. have published Cooley on Constitutional Limitations, third edition ; volume third of De Gex, Jones, and Smith's Reports; and the sixth edition of Wallcers Introduction to American Law. “In no country, perhaps, in the world is the law so general a study,” says Burke in a speech concerning America ; and, judging from the many works on law published and sold by Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., it seems that the Americans are still partial to jurisprudence. The concluding volume of Ban- croft's History of the United States is in press by this firm, who will also publish, at an early day, Mr. Francis Parkman's new historical work, The Old Regime in Canada, containing the story of the stormy career of Louis de Buade. Count of Fountenac. A. K. Loring has brought out Langley Manor, a veritable lady's novel; and Lilian Dalzell, a bright and amusing tale of English domestic life. Patrick Donahoe has published Holy Week in the Vatican, by Thomas Canon Pope ; and a new and revised edition of The Spaewife ; or, the Queen's Secret, a story of the reign of Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrass, to which is added a biographical sketch of the author. Canon Pope's volume treats of the ceremonies in the Vatican, commemorative of the august mysteries of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord. For Catholic readers, it is perhaps the best work on Rome yet published. Protestant readers will find much abstruse and curious matter in the book. The Spaewife is remarkable for copiousness of incident and diversity of story. The historical scenes and characters are well depicted. The best of D. Lothrop Co.'s new books are : Wise and Otherwise, by Pansy ; A Girl's Money, by Ella Farman ; Grandma Crosby's Household, by I I4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. & Ella Farman ; Myths and Heroes; or, The Child- hood of the World, edited by Rev. S. F. Smith, D. D., and Helpful Thoughts for Young Men, by J. D. Woolsey, LL.D., late President of Yale College. “Pansy” is really a clever writer, and her Wise and Otherwise is one of those books Which “give true pleasure and do real good.” Miss Farman's two new books are remarkable for their little affecting incidents, and true in- sight into human nature. Although Myths and Heroes was written for the young, it will afford to older persons interesting information concerning primitive man. The mythological Stories of the ancients are related with brevity and simplicity. President Woolsey’s Helpful Thoughts for Young Men, consists of three dis- courses upon such important and weighty Sub- jects as “Strength to do all Things,” “Serving Our Generation,” and “God’s Guidance in Truth.” Henry Hoyt has published Antoine, the Italian Boy, being the actual life-story of a boy who Was, some years since, stolen from his home in Italy; The King's Servants, City Sparrows, and Who Fed Them, a clever little story of Scottish life, full of feeling and pathos; Ned's Search; and John Dane, a powerful and interesting story, and an excellent work for the Sunday-school and the family. Arthur Gilman, M.A., the popular author of First Steps in English Literature, is about to pub- lish a new educational work, entitled First Steps in General History ; and Professor George Lowell Austin is engaged upon a defence of As- pasia, the wife of Pericles, against the calumnies of all historians. The Rev. Elias Nason, the painful and painstaking compiler of an excel- lent Gazetteer of Massachusetts, is writing the life of Charles Sumner, which will be published by B. B. Russell, about the first of May. . BHILADELPHIA, March 31st, 1874. The book trade of this city is so thoroughly classified that it is not often dull or lively in all its departments at the same time, but this month a general inactivity has prevailed. As the colleges are closing for the year, our medical book houses expect business to be light, and they have not been disappointed. Our school- book houses, though they have done a fair busi- ness through the winter, report a marked fall- ing off in orders for March. The publishers of mechanical books have felt the effect of the econ- omy which has been forced upon their patrons, and our subscription book men have had but poor returns for the past thirty days. Although the demand for miscellaneous books has been light, the publishers have not been idle, and º of the new books issued have had a fair S8.10. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have issued the first volume of the long announced Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848, edited by Charles Francis Adams; a Treatise on Therapeutics, comprising Materia Medica and Toxicology, with especial reference to the application of the physiologi- cal action of drugs to clinical medicine, by Dr. H. C. Wood, Jr.; A Manual of Toaſicology, by Prof. John J. Reese M.D., of the University of Bennsylvania, treating of the properties of pois- ons, and the means of detecting them; Bulwer's Rienzi, in their fine edition of his novels; A Dic- tionary of Sects, Heresies, and Schools of Thought, edited by Rev. John H. Blunt, in one large, handsome, imperial octavo volume ; Alide, by Emma Lazarus, and Hubert Freeth's Prosperity, by Mrs. Newton Crossland. The latter is a well told story, showing how a struggling father met with ultimate success and became rich, and portraying vividly the trials, anxieties, and vex- ations which attend riches. It is a very good Bnglish novel, and can be read with interest and profit. Alide is “a romance of Goethe’s life" written by a New York lady. It is based upon the incidents related of Goethe's youth, so often repeated and so often distorted, when he encouraged a too confiding pastor's daughter to fall in love with him and then deserted her. The incidents are skilfully and artistically wo- ven into a novel, which would be equally as good were it dissociated altogether from Goethe's name. Our readers will remember a book issu- ed about a year ago under the title As She Would Have It, which fairly expressed the radi- cal demand on the woman question. The author has completed, and the Lippincotts will soon publish As It Should Be, a praiseworthy effort to give a satisfactory solution to the question. Still active among our publishers is the enter— prising firm of T. B. Peterson & Brothers. During the month of March they have issued The Hidden Sin, a sequel to the Dethroned Heiress, from the popular pen of Miss Eliza A. Dupuy; a new and uniform edition of all her writings— a timely issue, for the works of this lady are daily growing in popularity ; and a new edition of that entertaining novel Hose Foster, by George W. M. Reynolds. During April the Messrs. Peterson will give to the public Victor's Triumph, a sequel to A Beautiful Fiend, by Mrs. South- worth ; Margaret Hamilton, and Right and Left, two new novels, by Mrs. C. J. Newby ; The Gypsy Chief, by George W. M. Reynolds, embel- lished with numerous engravings. The Peter- sons never sell their books at Trade sale, but during the month of April they will give extra and special discounts on all orders of $100 and over, thus giving the booksellers the advantage of the auctioneer's commission. J. W. Daughaday & Co. have issued a collec- tion of Model Dialogues and Tableauſt, com. piled by Wm. M. Clark, the editor of the School- Day Magazine. They are selected with care, and are well adapted for entertainment and instruction, being of every variety of style, grave and gay, sentimental and humorous. Henry Carey Baird has added to his list of valuable practical scientific books, an important work, by M. L. Gruner. President of the General Council of Mines of France, translated by L. D. B. Gordon, Professor of Civil Engineer- ing in the University of Glasgow. It is entitled Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. The author has adjusted and arranged for practical use the facts established by I. Lothian Bell, President, of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain: He also presents some results of his own ex- periments, and has established analytical formu- lashy which the calculations may be made for producing a ton of pig iron at the minimum cost. Bell's book and this are the most impor— THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE II 5 tant works on the subject ever published. Mr. Baird has recently published The Theory and Practice of the Art of Designing Fancy Cotton and Woollen Cloths from Sample, giving full instruc- tions for the various processes connected with Weaving, with calculations and ingenious tables. He will soon publish a revised edition of the Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Colors for Painting, by Riffault, Vergnand and Toussaint Porter & Coates have issued the first volume of their subscription edition of the Waverley Novels, and new editions of Mrs. E. F. Ellett's Q teens of America. They will have ready early in April The Sportman's Club Afloat, the last vol- ume of that series. By the last of the month they promise a new Schwartz novel, entitled Gerda, which they think is fully equal to its predecessors ; and they will also issue a new novel from the German of Carl Detlef. A little later they will publish The Vicissitudes of Bessie Fuirfax, by Miss Harriet Parr, better known by her mom de plume, “Holme Lee"; and No Alter- native, the latest production of “Annie Thomas.” Miss Parr's works have attained a justly-deserved popularity. In Forster's Life of Dickens appears an extract from a letter which Dickens wrote to Miss Parr, in relation to a MS. she had sent to him for Household Words. He wrote, “I read your tale with the strongest emotion, and with tº very exalted admiration of the great power displayed in it. It moved me more than I can express to you.” Lindsay & Blakiston have published a revised and enlarged edition of the lectures on the Qinical Uses of Eectricity, delivered in the University College Hospital, by J. Russell Rey- nolds, M. D., F. R. S. A large and able work on The Diseases of the Ear, by Joseph Toynbee, F. R. S., with a supplement by Dr. James Hin– ton; the sixth American edition of Tanner's Practice of Medicine, and a new edition of Wythe's handy and valuable little pocket Dose and Symptom Book. This has been carefully revised and compared with the new U. S. Dis- pensatory, so as to embody the recent additions to the Materia, Medica, and is admirably de- signed to save the troublé of referring to more elaborate works. Henry C. Lea has nearly ready for publication a new and thoroughly revised edition of Pro- fessor Edward Parrish's Treatise on Pharmacy, Which has been out of print for some time. The delay in the appearance of the new U. S. Phar- macopoeia, and the sudden death of the author, have postponed the preparation of this new edition beyond the period expected. The notes and memoranda left by Mr Parrish have been placed in the hands of the editor, Mr. Wiegand, who has endeavored to embody in the work all the improvements of pharmaceutical science which have been introduced during the last ten years. T. Elwood Zell has issued the twelfth num- ber of the Illustrated Fumily Bible, and Nos. 19 and 20 of his revised and enlarged edition of Duyckinck's Cyclopædia of American Literature. Each number contains forty large double- column pages, is well printed, and very finely illustrated with steel engravings and chromos. The work will be completed in about fifty-two parts, which will make, when bound together, two quarto volumes of about a thousand pages each. - - John E. Potter & Co. have published a pleas- ing novel, entitled The Futul Secret, by Ida Glenwood, which is the nom de plume of Mrs. Cynthia M. R. Gorton. She is well known as a contributor to Godey's and some of the other magazines, and those who are at all acquainted with her writings will gladly welcome this, her first book. The new Bible Encyclopaedia, be- ing issued by Potter & Co., has reached the 26th part. It is printed on fine paper, and embel- lished with fine engravings. It will be com- pleted in fifty parts. Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger have publish- ed a Mechanics' Geometry, by Robert Tiddell, which “is intended to serve the double purpose of aiding the student—whether man or boy—to understand the theory of Geometry, and of giving the boy who is about to choose a trade a clear idea of the geometric principles upon which much of his future work will be based.” It is a handsome quarto, fully illustrated by diagrams and explanatory cardboard models. In April this house will issue Villeta Linden, the second volume of their new uniform edition of Emerson Bennett's works ; a Hand-Boolc of the Locomotive, by Stephen Roper, which will in- clude directions for the construction, running, and management of locomotive engines and boilers ; and a work of historical interest, es- pecially to the people of Pennsylvania, entitled A History of the Origin of the Appellation Keyston6 State, which will contain extracts from various writers relative to the adoption of the Declara- tion of Independence and the new Constitution of Pennsylvania. J. M. Stoddard & Co. have published No Sex in Education, by Mrs. E. B. Duffey, a reply to Dr. Clarke's book, and which will be considered by conservative thinkers as the strongest and fairest reply that has been written. The author keeps her temper, and argues logically that Dr. Clarke is mistaken. T. S. Arthur has just com- pleted a new book, which he calls Woman to the Rescue, a temperance story ‘‘ of the new cru- sade.” It will soon be published by Stoddard & Co. -. -- wºm- The Life of Edwin Forrest, by James Rees (Col- ley Cibber), published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, has just passed to a second edition, and the third is printing. This book traces care- fully and fondly the whole story of the rise and triumphs of the great actor. The tone is that of enthusiastic friendship, and in nothing does the writer more delight than in portraying Mr. Forrest as he appeared in his own home to those who were the comp unions of his leisure hours. It also embraces a large collection of reminis- cence and anecdote, not alone of Mr. Forrest, but of the drama in this country, and of all the principal artists that have graced the American 8tage. findsay & Blakiston, of Philadelphia, are paying much attention to Dentistry books, and have just issued a new catalogue of such works, comprising some of the best in the language. l I 16 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE Situation. " The question uppermost in the minds of the book trade at this time is one of reform. Dissatisfaction has before been felt, and measures looking to the correction of abuses have often been put forward and discussed, but at no time has the discontent been so universal, and the circumstances so favorable for united action, as , the present. Not that the trade is so thoroughly disorganized as some of the chronic discontents would make us believe ; but it is an undisputed fact that its risks are in many cases wholly dispropor- tionate to the profits, and something should be done to better protect the large amount of capital that is now invested in the busi- I) CSS. The trade has met with so many reverses, that the conviction now forces itself upon nearly every man engaged in it, that a change in the manner of conducting it is essential to future success. The necessity is unquestion- ed; the only matter to be determined is the In 68.I].S. The Cincinnati Convention, though it failed to appreciate the real and most urgent wants of the trade, took a step in the right direc- tion, and its members deserve much praise for their zeal. Whether the Union, as now organized, shall accomplish the work or not, it has opened the way, and if it only brings about a better understanding between pub- lishers and booksellers, it will do much to solve the question as to how the reforms shall be inaugurated. That these two branches of the trade, so mutually dependent, do not un- derstand each other is apparent, on the one side, by the frequent violations of sound business principles, in underselling and like practices, and on the other, by the resolutions of the booksellers at Cincinnati. We have refrained from criticising those resolutions, because we believed that any resolutions were better than none, as they would at least fur- nish a basis for action, and because the dele- gate who is to present them to the publishers, has full power to modify them at his discre- tion, and to get the opinions of the publishers thereon, and we preferred to wait for his report. We do not believe that the publishers will bind themselves to the resolutions as they left the Convention, but Mr. Aston will carry back to the Association many useful hints and suggestions, which will greatly assist them in understanding the real evils of the trade, and the most practical methods of getting rid of them. But this, though a great deal, is not enough. Nothing of importance can be accomplished without the active co- operation of the publishers. As the business of publishing stands quite as much in need of reform as any other branch of the trade, we are convinced that such co-operation will not be withheld, when fair and feasible measures are properly presented. That co-operation, to be possible, must be mutual. No publisher can afford to commit himself to any of the de- sired changes of his established business rules, without knowing the exact position of other houses in relation to the new rules. Each publisher, however anxious he may be to have avowed abuses corrected, is unwilling to pledge himself to conform to any rule which is not generally adopted. This united action of the publishers cannot be secured by individual visits, but can only be obtained by a full discussion in Convention. It is necessary that the publishers should take part in that Convention, for they not only have heavy interests involved, and an anxious desire to make the business safer and more profitable, but it is their knowledge and ex- perience which is needed to secure success to the movement. We therefore repeat the suggestion which we made before the meeting of the Cincin- nati Convention: that the next meeting be held in New York, and that the publishers be personally requested to attend and present their views. Preliminary Conventions can be held throughout the West and South, and delegates elected and fully instructed. As this matter is in the hands of the Executive Committee, we would urge it upon them as one of vital importance. Upon the place of the next meeting, will depend very much the success or failure of the movement. * > -ºs- PHILLIPSBURG, N. J., March, 1874. EDITOR OF THE GUIDE: I see by the March GUIDE that “prices” are to be considered at the April hº of the Publishers' Board of Trade. I object to the “ dozen º’ price, because if anyone goes into a wholesale store in your city, and inquires the price of a book, he is told the “dozen " price, but Says he only wants two, and is sold 1-6 doz., and the thing is considered all right. In this way the trade within one hundred miles of your city is demoralized. If discounts are too great, reduce them, and reduce wholesale prices to correspond. Retail prices will then be reduced, so that more books will be sold. Whatever prices are fixed upon, let them be adhered to strictly, and the retailer protected. I find no fault with publishers for mailing their books at retail prices. It is a great ac- | commodation to many people, and my customers prefer to give me their orders rather than run the risk of sending their money via mail, and º books crushed out of shape in the mail- ags. ; The time for introducing prices should be limited more closely, and theological and Sun- day-school book prices adhered to by the pub- ^ THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 117 lishers, even if trade discounts have to be reduced. Some of the publishers of good theology prac. tice a very bad kind in their business. Publishers have the advantage in arranging prices, as they are mostly wealthy and well- organized, while retailers are in most cases poor and unorganized. - RETAILER. SPECIAL Notices A good opportunity for investment of a small capital in an established book business is offered. (See advertisement of “Partner Wanted.”) Main's new Life of Dr. Johnson, founded chiefly upon Boswell, is imported by Scribner, Welford & Armstrong. Henry Holt & Co. have become the publish- ers of Sir Henry Maine's Ancient Law, which they have purchased from Scribner & Co. Lindsay & Blakiston are the authorized agents in this country for J. & A. Churchill, London, and stock. - Eldredge & Brother have purchased the plates and copyright of Hart's English Grammar, Con- stitution of the United Stales, Class Book of Poetry, and Class Book of Prose. Turnbull Brothers, Baltimore, announce a pamphlet, which is calculated to interest a large class of our women, entitled How to Ruin Your Health with the Sewing Machine, and How to Avoid Injury. It contains many practical hints upon Hygiene. The Orange Judd Company have added Rev. E. P. Roe's Play and Profit in my Garden to their list, having purchased the plates from Dodd & Mead. The book has been very suc- cessful, and is still having a good sale. T. B. Peterson & Brothers announce their Special spring sales for the month of April. They never contribute to the trade sales, but until May 1st special discounts are offered. Their price lists will be sent on application. Howard Challen has issued The Philadelphia Tade Directory, embracing the principal houses in the book and stationery trades and kindred branches. One copy is to be sent to every Book Publisher, Bookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer in the United States. Additional copies are for sale at 25 cents each. John P. Morton & Co., of Louisville, Ky., have published The American Primer, by William J. Davis. The plan is somewhat novel. It pre- sents the best elements of the word, phonetic and alphabet methods of teaching children to read, and in addition lays down analytical prin- ciples of penmanship. It is quite prettily illus- trated. - We inadvertently stated in our last issue that Mr. H. N. Wynkoop had become the partner of H. L. IIinton. We are now requested to state that Mr. Wynkoop's interest in the business is that of an egent. The style of the firm will soon be changed by the addition of a Co., but the partner will be a silent one and his name is not given. keep most of their books in Henry A. Young & Co., Boston, publish a new “Concert Exercise" for Sunday Schools, every month. The exercise for March is a fa- miliar dialogue between superintendent and scholars on “The Tabernacle and its Emblems.” The April number is on “The Resurrection of Christ,” and is especially appropriate for Easter Sunday. Price 5 cents each. The partnership of Shepard & Gill, Boston. having expired by limitation on the first of March, they have divided their plates, and Mr. Shepard has taken a new location at 31 Hawley street. Mr. Gill remains at the old stand, at 151 Washington street, and has associated with himself Mr. Henry B. Cram. The styles of the new firms are Henry L. Shepard & Co., and William F. Gill and Co. Mr. G. H. S. Driver is the partner of Mr. Shepard. Christian Ropp, Jr., of Bloomington, Ill , has written and published a Rapid Reckoner and Com- mercial Calculator. It comprises the common rules of arithmetic, with their application to practical business, and a number of original methods of application, also a series of useful tables for farmers and business men. Although a most complete business arithmetic, it is con- densed into pocket form, bound with a pocket in the cover, and blank pages for memoranda The sixth annual volume of Crofutt's Trans- Continental Towrist, which is announced for the first of May, will be a very handsome volume, containing a vast fund of information about the sections of the country traversed by the Union Pacific Railroad and its branches, not con- tained in any other publication It will be very servicable to business and pleasure travel- lers, and far from uninteresting to those who stay at home. Mr. Crofutt is thoroughly con- versant with the territory which he describes, having travelled many times over every portion of it, and spent many years in gleaning the in- formation here given. He has also employed able scientific aid, and expended large sums on the illustrations and maps. - JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Theodore Tilton's novel Tempest. Tossed, will be published in book form by Sheldon & Co. Tue Scribners will soon publish a new book by Hon. George P. Marsh, based on his Man in Nature. - It is reported that Messrs. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, for several years the private secreta- ries of President Libcoln, are engaged in writing his life. - The first English cyclopaedia was “The Mir- ror of the Worlde,” translated and brought out by Caxton in 1480. Rev. H. R. Haweis is to add a second volume of sermons to his Thoughts for the Times under the like title of Speech in Season. - Mr. Simon Adler Stern has for some time been at work on an independent translation of Auer- bach's Waldfried, for Messrs. Holt & Co. . Mr. Stern's work has been admired by the judicious in the Scintillations from Heine, which he com- pled and translated. , - I 18 THE AMF P WCAN BOOKS E L T, ERS (; Uy 7) p. Mr Fred. B. Perkins' story of Scrope; or, The Lost Library, will soon be concluded in Old and IVew, and will be published in book form this month, by Roberts Bros. Keene, Cook & Co. lost by the recent fire in Chicago about $10,000, and A. S. Barnes & Co. about the same amount, chiefly in school furni- ture. Both losses are fully covered by insur- 8.D.C6. Mr. Mareil, the editor of the Messager Franco- Americain, of this city, has issued the first vol. ume of Victor Hugo's new historical romance, in , the original French. It makes a pamphlet of sixty-two double-column octavo pages. It is reported that Ralph Waldo Emerson has accepted the candidature for the Lord Rector- ship of the University of Glasgow. Roberts Brothers have arranged to publish a collection of the poems of F. W. Bourdillon, whose verses have been widely circulated through the newspaper press. Mr. Eggleston's story of The Circuit Rider has been completed in the Christian Union, and J. B. Ford & Co. have issued it in book form. It is said to be his best story, which is very high praise. The article on “Banks,” in Appleton's Neur American Cyclopaedia was written by the well known publisher of scientific books, Henry Carey Baird, of Philadelphia. Mr. Baird is also en- gaged to write the articles on “Mint,” “Money,” and “Political Economy.” Robert McCoy, Esq., the publisher and wri- ter of Masonic books, is preparing an elaborate Dictiºnary of Heraldry and Heraldic Mottoes, which promises to be a work of interest, not only to the rapidly increasing number of people who fire giving attention to the subject, but to the general reader, as it will be full of historical lore. Moss & Co., of Philadelphia, have issued, and are selling by subscription an Encyclopaedia of Fee Masonry, comprising the whole range of Art, Science, and Literature, as connected with the institution, by Albert G. Mackey, M. D. It is a large octavo volume of nearly one thousand pages, and contains, besides the matter relating to Masonry proper, much information in regard to the history and mysteries of mythology and heathen worship. The Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Rhode Island Institute of In- struction, to examine, a manuscript history of the Institute, written by Rev. Edwin M. Stone, have given it their approval, and the work will soon be published. It includes notices of the work of the successive State School Commis- sioners, and an account of education in Rhode Island from the settlement of the colony to 1800, when the Public School system was estab- lished. - - Wilstach. Baldwin & Co., Cincinnati, have issued a book on The Women's War on Whiskey, under which alliterative title is given, besides an account of the rise and progress of the move- ment, many scenes and incidents attending it. It is written by Mr. J. H. Beadle, the author of Life in Utah, . The Undeveloped West, etc., with an introductory article by Dio Lewis. - D. Van Nostrand. of New York, has pub- lished, in a pocket-book form. A Treatise on Government Surveying, as prescribed by Con- gress and the Commissioner of the General Land Office, with complete mathematical, astronomical, and practical instructions, in- tended for the use of United States sur- veyors in the field, and students who contem- plete engaging in the business of public land surveying. It is written by S. B. Clevenger, United States Deputy Surveyor. The books on the education of the sexes, re- cently published, are likely to confuse one from the similarity of titles. Sea: in Education is Doctor Clarke's book, published by Osgood ; Sea and Education is a collection of essays, edited by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, and is published by Roberts Brothers; No Sea: in Education, is written by Mrs. E. B. Duffey, and published by J. M. Stod- dard & Co., Philadelphia; Education of American Girls is a collection of papers edited by Anna C. Brackett, and published by the Putnams. By arrangement with the English publishers, Messrs. D. Lothrop & Co., of Boston, will pub- lish the two hundred and fifty guinea temper- ance prize essay, entitled The Temperunce Reformation ; Its Claims upon the Christian Church. Lothrop & Co. announce as in press, First Erp'orers of North America, by Rev. Joseph Banvard, D. D., and the second volume of the “Library of Adventure and Adventurers,” edited by Rev. G. T. Day. Lee & Shepard have the late Senator Sumner's Prophetic Voices Concerning America in type, and will soon put it to press. It will make a vol- ume of nearly two hundred pages. They have the ninth volume of “Sumner's Complete Works” nearly ready, and the matter for the tenth volume and part of the eleventh is in the publishers' hands. A portion of I’rophelic Voices appeared some years ago in the Atlantic, and attracted much attention. Since that time much has been added, and it has but recently received the last touches at the hands of the distinguished author. The series of books, planned by the Osgoods, to be called Little Classics, will be very welcome. The first volume will be entitled Ecile, and will comprise Hawthorne's Eihan Brand, Irving's Rip Van Winkle, Brete Harte's Outcasts ºf Poker Fiat, De Quincey's Fight of a Tartar: A Night in a Workhouse, by James Greenwood, and E. E. Hale's Man Wilhout a Country. If these are not classical “exiles " it would be difficult to find them in the language. A number of volumes are already projected. The series is to be edit- ed by Rossiter Johnson. A Voice from the Deep, by Capt. P. Strickland, published by A. Williams & Co., Boston, is an eloquent appeal for the sailor, from an old sea- man of twenty years service in ‘’ nearly every capacity on board of a merchant ship.” It treats in detail of the various phases of a sailor's life at sea and on shore, and of the many evils which contribute to his degradation. It is written temperately but earnestly, bears the imprint of truthfulness and candor, and should be widely read. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 1 I 9 S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago. have published A New Discussion of the Trinily, by Rev. F. H. Burris, in which the author, a Methodist divine, has made an argument from the Bible, which the Chicago Alliance says, “will surprise the old sehool theologians, and will create no small amount of talk in all the orthodox churches. But as the work is calmly and earnestly written. and by a man of deep piety, we shall all wel- come it, for we all desire to hear both sides.” A. L. Bancroft & Co., San Francisco, have published The Teachings of the Ages, by A. C. Traveler, in which the author, as he says in his preface, has endeavored “to trace the Logic of Events, in their sequential order of unfolding, and to show from them the universal principles of God’s Government, etc.” Although, as the author says again, “suggestive rather than argumentative,” it is comprehensive in its treatment of the subject, commencing with the Garden of Eden, and coming down through the Israelitish Dispensation, and the Christian era, to the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, which latter it treats denomina- tionally, to Mormonism, Woman in the Church, and other questions of to-day. It is pre- eminently a book for thinkers. Foreign JLITERARY Notes Spielhagen is to be a regular correspondent of the London Athenaeum from Berlin. Philip Rourke Marston will shortly issue another volume of poems. Mr. Tom Taylor is to succeed Shirley Brooks as the editor of Punch. Mr. Forsyth, the author of a life of Cicero, is about to publish in London a volume of essays. The author of Recommended to Mercy is about to publish a work, in London, entitled Barbara's Warning. F. W. Robinson's new story, Second Cowsin Sarah, is now being published in Cassell's Maga- Z!.)i 6. “Dr. Schweinfurth’s Heart of Africa,” says a London reviewer, “is one of the ablest books on African travel ever written.” Harrison Ainsworth’s new novel, Boscobel ; or, The Royal Oak, is being published by G. Routledge & Sons. Charles Black is preparing a story to be pub- lished in one of the magazines, illustrated by Du Maurier. Jules Werne is said to be joint author of a play called “A Tour of the World,” about to be produced in Paris. - : Holme Lee's Vicissitudes of Bessie Fºtifia, re- cently published in London, is said, to be a spirited story and well worth reading. A complete edition of Bret Harte bas just been published in London, with an introductory essay by J. M. Bellew ; also a complete edition of Artemus Ward. Dr. Burmeister is engaged on a work upon the Argentine States, to be completed in twenty volumes, and the Republic has granted him $20,000 to aid him to meet the heavy outlay in- curred by so colossal a work. - The Mill- Wheel, a recently-published novel, by Miss Helen Dickens, a daughter of the late Charles Dickens, is pronounced by English critics as far from being an ordinary book. B alzac's Droll Stories, now translated into English for the first time, and recently issued in London, is said by a correspondent to be “very suggestive of Boccaccio's Decameron, upon which it very closely borders.” A new biography of Allan Poe, which is being prepared by John H. Ingram, will contain letters hitherto unprinted, completely rebutting all the calumnies of his former biographer, Rufus Griswold. Professor John Nichol, B.A., LL.D., of Glas- gow University, has written for the Encyclopae- diſt Britannica, an elaborate article on Aruerican Literature. Victor Hugo's new novel, Quatre-vingt-treize, was issued by Levy, the Paris Publisher, in three volumes, at eighteen francs, or about $4.50 in currency. It was offered to the publisher for 120,000 francs, but, as under the rules of the Authors’ Society, the first sale is only of a limit- ed edition, after which the author may sell again, M. Levy refused to take it. It was finally print- ed at the author's expense, and the publisher took it for ten per cent. In the new English Parliament the news- paper press is represented by eleven gentlemen who are proprietors of newspapers. General literature has not fared so well, but a goodly number of writers have been returned. There are Mr. Disraeli, novelist; Mr. Gladstone, author of Church Principles ; Mr. Trevelyan, author of Cawnpore; Mr. Edward Jenkins, of Gina's Baby fame ; Sir Stafford Northcote, author of Twenty Years of Financial Policy; and Mr. Plimsoll, the friend of the sailors. Mr. Halliwell has consented to issue at once twenty-five copies of the important documents lately discovered by him relating to Shake- speare's not being a shareholder in the theatre in which he was supposed to have a share. These copies Mr. Halliwell will place in the chief libraries of Great Britain, the United States, and the Continent of Europe, so that Shakespeare students may at once have access to them, without waiting for the issue of the first part of his Illustrations of the Life of Shake- speare, which will not be ready for some five or six months. . . - The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Baltic Gazette gives a very interesting synopsis of the work of the Grand Duke Alexis on his recent voyage around the world, the second and third volumes of which have recently been issued in that city. He gives at considerable length his impression of this country, with which he seems to have been highly pleased. He was dissatisfied with Cuba, its climate, its people, and with Cuban food. He devotes a whole chapter to the beauties of the Bay of Rio Janeiro, and thinks the climate of Brazil de- lightful, but he was not favorably impressed with the women or the soldiers. Of Japan and its people he speaks in high terms of praise. According to the Gazette correspondent, the book must be very pleasant reading. I 2 O THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. At the time of Michelet's death he had just completed a work, to which he had given the title of La Montague. A genuine autograph of Tasso has just been discovered at Genoa, which reads as follows: The undersigned acknowledges having received from Mr. Abraham Levi twenty-five livres, for which he keeps in pawn a sword at the same value, six shirts, four bed sheets, and two towels. (Signed) TORQUATO TASSO. The 2d March, 1570. Meeting the Sun, or a Journey All Round the |Wºrld, recently announced in London, is by Mr. W. Simpson, who made the tour for the Illustrated News. He happened to be in Cali- fornia when the Modoc war broke out, and was the “artist on the spot” who furnished the drawings for the New York papers. His book treats of the war at length, and is illustrated with heliotypes and wood engravings. M. Emile Ollivier’s reception at the French Academy, which was to have taken place on the 5th of March, was indefinitely postponed on account of the objections of the committee to the address which he proposed to deliver on that cocasion, and which he would not change at the request of the Academy. Ollivier has appealed to the public, and the address has been published in full in the Paris papers. The objectionable phrases are understood to be those which speak of Lamartine as a supporter of Napoleon III., and those which present in strong language his own favorable opinion of the late Emperor. NewsPAPERS AND PERIoDicals. . The Mortgage Circular has been merged in The Real Estate Record. Chicago has a new paper entitled Field and Stream. It is patterned after The Turf, Field, and Farm. Scribner's monthly for May will contain the first chapters of a new story by Henry James, Jr., entitled “Adina.” A new journal, Capital and Labor, has been started in London by the new “National Fed- eration of Associated Employers of Labor.” . The Herald of Health for April contains a re- view of Dr. Clarke's Sea, in Educulion, by Susan Everett, M. D. - , Mr. Lewis Wright, the author of the works on poultry, is about to start a Fancier’s Gazelle in London. - The proprietor of Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper, boasts of a circulation of over half a million a week. gº Mr. Horatio C. King has become publisher of the Christian at Work. No change is made in the editorial departments. The Presbyterian has followed the example of most of the other religious papers, and now appears neatly cut and pasted—-an improve- Iment in form that will be appreciated. In the April number of the Atlantic, Mr. David A. Wells, under the title of “A Modern Finan- cial Utopia,” gives a lively account of certain wonderful schemes of finance that were devel- oped in Texas during its short career as an in- dependent republic. The Pictorial World, the new London illus- trated weekly, is to be edited by Mr. Heury Blackburn. The London Graphic published a “Tichborne number" of twenty-eight pages, containing a history of the case, with illustrations, auto- graphs, etc. Blanchard Jerrold is writing a personal and biographical sketch of the late Shirley Brooks, for the May number of the Gentleman's Maga- 20)76. A new monthly is published in this city by Joseph E. Lynn, under the title of Fur, Fin, and Feather. It is devoted to sporting interests, and edited by Charles Suydam. Price $6 per 8. Dillllll). - Lippincolt's for April contains an interesting paper entitled “Some Recollections of Walter Savage Landor,” by T. Adolphus Trollope, who was his intimate friend during his long residence in Italy. Frear's Centennial Budget is a new illustrated weekly, published in Philadelphia by Thomas Frear. Besides articles on the Centennial, it contains stories and a variety of well-prepared miscellaneous matter. Price #200, per annum. The first Russian newspaper dates from 1703. Peter the Great took part personally, not only in its editorial composition, but in correcting the proofs, as appears from sheets still in exist- ence, on which are marks and alterations in His Majesty's own handwriting. Only two copies of the first years edition have been preserved. They are in the Imperial Library of Stock- holm. The new volume of Littell's Living Age is ready in book form. This is the 5th volume of the fifth series, or the 120th volume from the beginning, and makes a handsome octavo of 824 pages. Price $3. The Common School is the name of a new monthly educational journal, edited by W. E. Crosby and published at Davenport, Iowa. It is neatly printed on tinted paper, and contains twenty-four double-column quarto pages. The first numbers contain able articles on interest- ing topics. The journal deserves the support of both teachers and parents. Price $1.50 per year. - The publishers of the Phrenological Journal have issued their tenth Annual of Phrenology and Physiognomy, an octavo pamphlet of sixty- four pages, containing many illustrations and articles on the most recent devolopments in the Sciences to which it is devoted. Price 25 cents. The nine previous volumes, containing over five hundred pages and four hundred illustra- tive engraviugs, are bound in one volume. Price $2.00. The New Unitarian Review is the title of a new monthly magazine, edited by Rev. Charles Lowe, and published by L. C. Bowles, Boston, The first number contains one hundred pages of interesting reading, including a learned paper on Mysticism, by Professor C. C. Everett, of Harvard, and a scientific paper on Symmetry in Space, by Ex-President Hill. While bearing the name of a sect, it is designed to be compre- hensive and liberal in thought. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I 2 I MUsic Notes. At a recent sale of autographs in London, a Prelude for the Lute, by S. Bach, brought £16, and a Song to Hope, by Beethoven, £10. A catalogue of the works of Cherubini has recently been published in Paris, which shows that he was the author of 430 compositions, in- cluding twenty-eight operas, eighteen masses, and a great variety of miscellaneous works. : No opera has ever been more popular than Flotow’s “Martha.” Since 1849, when it first appeared, it has been performed upward of 1,000 times, at all the great theatres of the world; and it still is a perfect gold mine for its composer, who derives from it alone, aside from his other. operas, an income of at least 20,000 florins.a year. The cantata. “Esther ” has been dramatized by Prof. Seager, and published by Ditson & Co. They have also issued a new edition of “Father Kemp's Old Folks Concert Tunes,” enlarged to ninety-six pages, including a number of new anthems and patriotic pieces. Ditson & Co. have also published a translation of “Richter's Manual of Harmony,” and “Guide in the Art of Singing,” by George L. Osgood, an excellent book for students of vocal music. It is based on the traditions of the Italian school, but makes free use of recent developments of science, and is fully illustrated by exercises, solfeggios, and songs. Richter's Manual was prepared ex- pressly for the Leipsic Conscrvatory, and is translated from the eighth German edition, by J. C. D. Parker. Louis Meyer has published in his “Golden Treasury of Vocal Lyrics,” Falling Stars, by C. Hauschild, a very pretty soprano or alto song with German and English words, and The Shep- herd, by Berg, a beautiful Swedish melody, with an expressive and easy accompaniment. Mel- low Eve is Gliding, in the Musica Sacra Series, is an exquisite sacred quartette by Schubert, ar- ranged by C. P. Blandmer. Devotion, is a very meritorious composition for the piano, by F. Lichner, with new fingering by Amsberg, and is an excellent study for the pupil. Evening Bells, for the piano, by Adam Geibel, is very pleasing, and not difficult. It is written in the popular style, and deserves a place on every piano. Lee & Walker have published Charles Sumner's Grand Funeral March, for the piano, by E. Mack; a composition in part familiar but of consider- able merit and well suited to the ability of the average player. This house also publish Vienna Bloods, a fine edition of the famous waltz- es of Johann Strauss ; Robin, Pretty Robin, a sparkling little song, with pretty accompani- ment, and under the title of “Les Fleurs die Operas” a series of Potpourris for violin and pi- ano, including La Dame Blanche, Norma, Martha, and other selections from the best numbers of the various operas, all arranged for performers of moderate ability. Musical Pastime, from the same publishers, is a new bound collection of popular melodies admirably arranged as duets for the violin and piano, and consisting of the Iatest and best music. NoveLTIES, gAMEs, Toys, Etc. S. RIMMILL & Co., of Philadelphia, have patented the Commercial Pen Holder and | Envelope Opener, which consists of an ordi- nary pen holder and a soft metal attachment at the free end to open envelopes. The pen holder can be freely used with the Envelope Opener attached, but the latter can be easily removed and replaced. The idea is a good one, but to be of practical use, the instrument must be con- siderably improved. * * THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY are introduc- ing to the trade The Popular. Microscope, a neatly made instrument, with a lens magnitying one hundred and fifty times, and an adjustable mirror to reflect light upon the object glass Retail price $1.00. - McLough LIN BRos, announce the following new games and toys : - New Game of Old Maid, fancy backs, cloth cases. $.3 per doz. .# - New Game of Authors, fancy backs, cloth Cases. $3 per doz. Game of Nations, fancy backs, cloth cases, $3 per doz - Paper Furniture, 3 kinds, in colors, $1 per du z. - Young America Building Blocks, entirely new, $9 per doz. Courderoy Building Blocks, entirely new, $18 per doz. - -*—2th- -ºr-vºm- INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Scribner's Monthly..................... 2d page of cover. American News Company. . . . . . . . . • * * * > * 3d “ tº “ T. B. Peterson & Brothers.—New Books..4th “ “ “ Wants................. ...... ................ Page 137 Books Wanted and For Sale................ . . . . “ 137 Western News Company.—Bartholomew's Draw- ing B90ks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ‘ 137 Wm. L. Allison.-Popular Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 137 John Lovell.–Gazetteer of British North America “ 139 G. J. Moulton.—Conjugal Sins.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 140 The Wakefield Earth Closet. . . . . . . . . ............ ** 141 Marie Howland's Novel —Papa's Own Girl...... ** 141 James Campbell.—The Passions................ ** 141 Jenny Junc's American Cookory Book.......... “ 143 Presbyterian Board of Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 143 Western News Company.—Bomoeopathic Family Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 143 Pittsburgh Book and News Company............ ** 144 Wilson, Hinkle & Co.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 145 The American Journal of Education............. ** 145 Henry Carey Baird.—Practical and Scientific Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 146 Turf, Field, and Farm......................... “ 147 A. J. Holman & Co.—Bibles, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 147 Forney's Weekly Press... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * ** 148 Crofutt's Trans. Continental Tourist. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * 149 Baltimore News Company.* * * * * * * * * * s • *, * * * * * * * * ‘‘ 150 W. J. Widdleton.—Standard Books.....'........ “ 151 James R. Osgood & Co.—Spring Publicatious.... “ 152' THE A MF P WCAN BOOKS E L J, ERS’ G U77) E. Book Announcements FO R. A PRIL. D. APPLETON & CO., New York, Pickwick Papers. By Chas Dickens. , Household Edition. Illustrated by Phiz. Square 8vo, cloth, $1.75; paper, $l.25. Expanse of Heaven. cloth. Responsibility in Mental Diseases. By Henry Maudesley, M. D. International Scientific Series. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Medicine in Relation to Mind. 1)eshou, M. D. 8vo. cloth. Principles of Mental Physiology. . By Wm. B. Carpenter, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. 12mo, cloth. A Practical Treatise on the Surgical Diseases of the Gemito-Urinary Organas, &c., includ- ing Syphilis. By W. H. Van Bureu, A. M., M. D.,, and E. L. Keyes, A. M., M. D. 8vo, cloth and sheep. Eumergencies and How to Treat The lan. By Joseph W. Home, Mi. D. New Edition. 8vo, cioth, $3. Cavalry Tactics. Assimilated to the Tactics of In- tanury and Artillery for the United States Army. Square 24 mo, leather, $2. * Daughter of Bohemia: . By Christian Reid. illustrated, paper, $1; clouli, $1.50. By R. A. Proctor. 12mo, By Thompson 8vo, BOSWORTH, CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. The Life of Elder Walter Scott, with Sketches of his Fellow Laborers, William Hayden, Adamson Bentley, John Henry, and others. By William Baxter. 12mo, 452 pp., cloth, $2. BAKER, WOORHIS & CO., N. Y. New York Digest of Reports and Statutes. Wol. v. By Abbott Bros. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. From the Plow to the Pulpit. 16mo, 121 pp., cloth, 60c Mabel Hazard Thoroughfare. By the author of “Win and Wear” 16mo, 349 pp., cloth, $1.25. A Lawyer Abroad. By Henry Day. 12mo, 370 pp., clotu, $2. lilustrated. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Tale of Two Cities. Dickens. 13th vol. of Carle- tou’s Illustrated Dickens. $1.50. - Phemie Frost’s Experiences. By Anna S. Stephens, author of “Old Homestead,” “Fashion and Farmine,” &c. $1.75. Doctor Amatonio. New Edition. $1.75. Pole on W Raist. New Edition. $1. DICK & FITZGERALD, N. Y. Ned Turnner’s Circus Joke Book. 72 pp , paper, 1Uc. PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Theologia Moralis Novissimi Ecclesiae Doctoris S. Alphons, in Compendium Redacta, et Usui Wen crabilis Cleri Americani Accornmodata. Auctore A Konings, C.SS.R. Part 1st. $1.50. To be completed in three parts. De Absolutione, parentibus, qui prolem scholis publicis seu prolniscuis instituendam tradunt, neganda necne Specimen, quod judicio venerabilis cleri Americani et earum regionum, in quibus scholarum publicarum seu promiscuarum viget systema, ad promovendam praxis uniforimitatem submittit A. Konings, C. S.S.R. 50 pp., paper, 50c. A J. FISHER, N. Y. Art and Anecdotes of Ventriloquism. By E. J). Davies. 25C. P. GARRETT & CO., Philadelphia. The Speaker’s Garland. Volume second. Com- bining 100 choice Relections, Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. By Phineas Garrett. , 12mo, 720 pp., cloth, $2; full gilt, $2.50. A companion to volume I. FRED. GERHARD, New York. The Dark Side of New York Life and its Criranimal Classes, from Fifth Avenue down to the Five Points. Parts 19–21, 8vo, 10c. Der Geschaeftsmann in America, wie er Rein und was er wissen muss unn in allen Geschaeftszweigen mit Wortheil zu arbeiten. Werluste zu Wermeiden, und Wohlstand zu erwerben. Parts 9–11, 8vo, 25c. Der Arzt als Hausfreund. Ein treuer Rathgeber fuer Familien vaeter und Muetter bei den Krankheiten eines jeden Alters und Geschlechts. Parts 9–11. 8vo, 15c. Magazin der merkwuerdigstem und inter- essantestern Criminaalgeschichten aller La- endea und Zeiten. Parts 3-6. Large 8vo, 18c. HARPER & BROS., New York. A Fast Life on the Modern Highway. Being a Glance into the Railway World from a New Point of View. By Joseph Taylor. Illustrated. The Office and Duty of a Christian Pastor. By Slephen H. 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Roe, au- thor of “What Can,She Do?” “Barriers Burned Away,” etc. 12mo, 24 pp., paper, 5c. - Cººn Temperance Hymns. 18mo, paper, $3 per 1UU. º - ORANGE JUDD CO., New York. JPretty Mrs. Gaston. By J. Esten Cooke. Illustrated. 12mo, 288 pp., cloth, $1.50. - John Andross. By Rebecca Harding Davis, Illustrated. 12mo, 324 pp., cloth, $1.50. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Fables in Song. . . By Owen Meredith (Robert, Lord Lytton). 16mo, Cabinet edition, 332 pp., gilt top, $2. Life of Thomas Jefferson. By James Parton. With fine Heliotype Portrait after Painting by Rembrandt Peale. Crown 8vo, 764 pp. Uniform with Parton’s Lives of Franklin, Jackson, Burr, etc., $3. Young Brown. By Grenville Murray, “author of “The Member for Paris.” Vol. 38 in Osgood's Library of Novels. 8vo, 157 pp., illustrated. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.25. Theodore Parker . A Biography. By Octavius Brooks fºundam. With Heliotype Portrait. 8vo, 588 pp., PERKENPINE & HIGGINS, Phila. Gnomon of the New Testament. By John Albert Bengel, 8vo, 1000 pp., Lauslin, 2 vols., $9. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I 27 Anniversary Germs. By Rev. S. L. Gracey. 18mo, 202 pp., muslin, 60c. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The EIidden Sin. A Sequel to “The Dethroned Heir- ess.” By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, author of “Why Did He Marry Her?” etc. One vol., 12mo, cloth, $1.75; paper cover, $1.50. * Trodden Down. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, au- thor of “Common Sense,” “Married,” etc. New Edition. 50c. Common Sense. A Novel. thor of “Only Temper,” “Married,” etc. 50c. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, au- New Edition. POTT, YOUNG & CO., New York. The Art Teaching of the Primitive Church. With an Index of Subjects, Historical and Emblematic. By the Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, formerly Student and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford, Author of “Lectures on Symbolism.” 12mo, 392 pp., cloth, $3. A. History of the Jewish Nation, from the Barliest Times to the Present IDay. By E. H. 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A History of Greece. By Geo. W. Cox. From the earliest period to the end of the Persian War. 2 large vols. 8vo, 651 and 686 pp., cloth, $18. I) roll Stories collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. By M. de Balzac. 617 pp., with 425 plates. By Gustave Doré. Cloth, S6.25. IRuskin’s Works. Wol. 6. The Crown of Wijd Olives. Full blue calf, gilt edges, 210 pp., $7.50 The Waverley Novels. Vol. 14. The Fortunes of Nigel. 1 vol. 18mo, cloth, 75c. A record of | Thos. Carlyle’s Works. The cheap edition. Vol. 32, being Wol. 1 of his Translations from the German. Cloth, 90c. The Moon, considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. By J. Nasmyth and J. Carpenter. 4to, beautifully illustrated, extra cloth, $15. . Celebrated Claimants. Being the History of Impostors and Pretenders, Ancient and Modern. 12mo, 263 pp., fancy boards, $1.00. Introduction to the Pauline Epistles. By P. J. Gloag, D. D. Large 8vo, 496 pp., cloth, $5.25. Dr. Schweinfurth’s Three Years’ Adventures and Travels in the Heart of Africa. 2 very large vols., 8vo, 1,300 pp., illustrated, $21. Adam and the Adamite; or, The Harmony of Scrip- ture and Ethnology. By Dr. McCausland. 12mo, 334 pp., $2.50. Marks and Mornograms on Pottery and POrce- lain. By W. Chaffers. Third edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo, 1,000 pp., cloth, $22.50. Dogs: their Points, Whims, and Instincts. H. Webb. 12mo, 333 pp., illustrated, fancy cloth, $3. By SHELDON & CO., New York. Lincoln and Seward. By Gideon Welles. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; paper, $1. ELeaven in Song. . By H. C. Fish, D. D. 12mo, cloth, $2.50. J. M. STODDARD & CO, Phila. INo Sex in Education. A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's “Sex in Education.” pp., cloth, $1. The Wonderful Story of Genite Hand. By T. S. Arthur. New edition. 4to, 144 pp., cloth, inlaid cen- tre, $2.00. * The Art of Teaching School. New edition. R. Sypher. 12mo, 328 pp., cloth, $1.50. By Mrs. E. B. Duffey. 16mo, 150 By J TURNBULL BROTHERS, Baltimore. How to Ruin your Health with the Sewing- Machine, and how to Avoid Injury. . With practical hints upon Hygiene. Illustrated. 12mo, 40 pp., paper, 25c. - D. VAN NOSTRAND, New York. A Treatise on the Method of Government Sur- veying, as prescribed by the U. S. Congress and Commissioner of the Generai Land Office. With complete Mathematical and Practical Instructions for the use of United States Surveyors in the Field, and Students who contemplate engaging in the business of Public Land Surveying. By S. V. Clevenger. Pocket-book tuck, 200 pp., morocco, $2.50. Fuel, and the Value of Artificial Fuels as Compared with Coal. By William Siemens and John Wormald. 18mo, 82 pp., boards, 50c. Dictionary of Elevations and Climatic Re- gister of the United States. Containing, in Ad- dition to Elevations, the Latitude, Mean Annual Tempera- ture and the Total Annual Rain Fall of many Localities; with a brief Introduction on the Orographic and other Physical Peculiarities of North America. By J. M. Toner, M. D. 93 pp., 8vo, paper, $3.00; cloth, $3.75. U. D. WARD, New York. Old Grips and Little Ted. By Jos. Banward, D.D. A new and enlarged edition, with 2 new woodcuts. 16mo, 146 pp., cloth, 75c. WILSTACH, BALDWIN & CO., Cincinnati. The Women's War on Whisky: its History, Theory, and Prospects, embracing a Comprehensive Account of the Rise and Progress of the Women's Temperance Move- ment, with Scenes and Incidents of the Campaign, and a Statement of the best mode of Insuring Success." By J. H. Beadle. With an Introductory Article and Statement of the Conditions of Success By Dio Lewis. 3. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Boston. The Seven Gray Pilgrims. A Personal Romance. By a Subaltern of Artillery. 12mo, 292 pp., cloth, $1.75. 128 THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. T Instructions on Modern American Bridge Building. With Practical Applications and Examples, Estimates of Quantities and Valuable Tables. Illustrated with Four Plates and 30 Figures. By G. B. N. Tower. 8vo, 90 pp., cloth, $2. ' Modern Ornamenter and Interior Decorator. With Colored Plates. By A. P. Boyce. 4to, cloth, $3.50. Senatorial Character. A Sermon in West Church, Boston, Sunday, 15th of March, after the decease of Charles Sumner. By C. A. Bartal. 8vo, 23 pp., paper, 25c. The Errors of Prohibition. An Argument delivered in Representatives Hall, Boston, April 3, 1867, before a Joint Special Committee of the General Court of Massa- chusetts. 8vo, 142 pp., paper, 75c. JOHN WILEY & SON, New York. Elements of Chemistry. Chemical Physics. By Wm. Allen Miller, M.D., LL.D. 8vo, 525 pp., cloth, $4. T. E. ZELL, Phila. Illustrated Family Bible, with Brown's Notes. 50 illustrations, consisting of Steel Engravings, and Chromos of Animals, Birds, Plants, &c. New Designs and Engra- vings. To be completed in 41 parts. Imperial 2to, paper cover, No. 12, 50c. - Cyclopedia of American Literature. inck and Siphons. 2to, 40 pp., paper cover, 20, 50c. - By Duyck- Nos. 19 and New Music. AMERICAN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., N. Y. On the Green. Arranged by Hamlet. Polk Ma- Zul'ka, 200. Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Song. 20c. Five o’Clock in the Morming. Claribel. Song. 20C. Knight. La Perichole. Offenbach. Polka. 20c. - Spring, Gentle Spring. Arnaud. WaltZ. 30C. Ave Maria. Gonoud. Arranged by J. S. Bach. BOOSEY & CO., N. Y. Mendelssohn’s 60 Songs and Duets. English and German words. Paper, $1; cloth, gilt, $2. La Fille de Madame Angot. Full vocal score. English and French Words. $3. Don’t be Sorrowful, Darling. One Morning, oh, so Early. Gatty. Bridal Chorùs from Lohengrin. 5c. Pilgrims’ Chorus from Tannhauser. When the Morm Stands on Tiptoe. Molloy. 50c. 50C. 5C. 5C. BALMER. & WEBER, St. Louis. SONGS. Brook is Purling. Hewitt. 30c. 2Tis Thee I Love. FIeWitt. 30c. Working Ahead. Tannenbaum. 40c. She’s Promised to be Minne. Lee Loeb. 30C, Yours Forever. Pretro. 30c. I’m a Newspaper Man. Tannenbaum. 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Chris and Lena, Waltz. WOudell. Juliet Waltzes. Van Berg. 35C. Texas Galop. Drumheller. 35c. Fairies Pastinne. BOhn). 50c. Gen. Tom Tumb’s March. Merz. 20c. Laramie Waltzes. Frick. 60C. Turtle Dove Polka. Behr. 50C. 35C. CORY BROS., Providence. Golden Bells. E. Hoffman. Nocturne. 500. My Old Holne and Friends. C. D. Blake. Negro Song andl chorus. 35C. In the Happy Long Ago. C. D. Blake. Picture Title-Page. 30c. Asweet Dream of Love. 5C. Beautiſul C. D. Blake. Nocturne. OLIVER DITSON & Co., Boston. WOCAL, WITEI PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. It was an April Morning. Varley. 30c. Breathe again those Sweet Words, Darling. Song and chorus. Blake. 40c. - º When Sparrows Build. Gabriel. 50C. Angels, my Loved One Keep. Pratt. 300. List to the Voice of the Waves. Dinsmore. 35cs My White Rose. Gray. 40c. Do not Sing that Song Again. Clark. 40C. Aida. Verdi's Opera. Duetto. Oh I Love immortal. My Golden Ship. Barnby. The Cottage by the Lake : and Chorus. Wellmalı. 30C. Alone Forever. Barri. 406. Ryrie Eleison. Boott. 35C. Doubting. Dinsmore. 40c. Tho' Lost to Sight, to Mem’ry Dear. SOll. 350. Song and chor. (Translated by T. T. Barker.) Amore, Amore. 75C. 35°. or, Aggie Lane. Song Emer- INSTRUMENTAL. The Musical Box. (Die Spiel DOSe.) Liebic n. 40C. Wedding Polka. Wallerstein. 35C. Wielaer Blut. (Vienna Temper.) Waltzes. 4 hands. Sfl'auSS. $1. Cliquot Galop. Alessandro Stradella. Memories. NOC turne. Ella F. LOCke. 60C. The Shepherd Boy. 4 hands. Wilson, 50c. Avant le Danse. Walse Romantique. Mattei. BOOKS. Cantata of Esther, the Beautiful Queen . Dramatised 50c. $4.50 per doz. Father Kemp’s Old Folk’s Concert Tunes. 40C. $4 per d0Z. Guide in the Art of Singing. George L. Osgood. $4. Caprice. Hermann. 30C. 4 hands. Beyer. 75c. 75C. Richter’s Manual of Harmony. Translated from the Eighth German edition, by J. C. D. Parker. $2. D. P. FAULDS, Louisville. On the Beautiful Blue Danube. C. C. kins. Waltz song. 50c. Hope Seminary March. Albrecht. March. 35c. HaS- Five o’Clock in the Morning. Clar bel. Bal- lad. 30C. Flower Song. Lange. Fantaisie. 50c. The Day is Past and Gone. Carl Bergstein. Sacred Solo and quartette. 35c. Weber's Last Thought. M. Matteo. Easy ar- rangement. 200. Argentine Mazurka. M. Mateo. Easy arrange- 111CInt. 200. - Taumhauser March. M. Mateo. Easy arrange- Innellt. 20c. - 1001 Nights Waltz. M. Mateo. Easy arrange- l]]Cl] 5, 200. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UID E. I 29 CARL HEUSER, New York. Op. 35. No. 3. Scherzo. S. Jadassohn. Op. 117. Heimweh. Alb. Jungmann. Op. 24. Nocturne. Dohler. Op. 31. Sounds from Home. Jos Gungl. Qui Vive Galop. 4 hands. Ganz. Twenty-second Regiment Galop. J. H. Herts. Gavotte in D Major, from J. S. Bach. 5th Cello SOnate. Wm. Mason. A Night on the 4Hudson Valse. Carl HeuSer. LFF & WALKER, Philadelphia. Alas ! these Chimes. Transcription. “Maritana.” Hodges. 60c. Aberon. Transcription. Dorn. Pluto Polka. Robelen. 50c. Charles Summer's Funeral March. Lithograph, 40c.; plain title, 30c. Conne Along, do. Song. C. J. Miers. 30c. º's Etudes. Op. 45. Book 1. S. Heller. Op. 39. 65C. Mack. Rosewig. 60c. ROman Za Regina Coeli. In Eb. Quartette. Oh I Azure Heaven. “O Ciêli azZuri. ?? from “Aida.” Tryon, Jr. Up to the Sacred Banks of the Nile. March from ‘‘ Aida. ?? Tryon, Jr. 50c. Heaven have Pity. “Numi pieta.” “Aida.” Tryon, Jr. 50c. Spring, Geratle Spring. Easy. Mack. 20c. Choral Prayer from W.M. E. MILLETT & SON, New York. Bishop’s Glees. $1. Forty-four Part Songs. New Cornet Tutor. $1.50. De Beriot’s Airs for Violin and Piano. Fººties of Robert the Devil Opera. !". Beauties of L’Aºricaine. Beauties of Fidelio. Beethoven. Beauties of Princess of Trebizonde. bà,Ch. Beauties of Crispiano E La Comare. Ricci. Beauties of Le Nozzi Di Figaro. Mozart. Beauties of Wm. Tell. Rossini. Sir Geo. Smart’s 50 vols. for Organ. $1. Hatton’S Organ Book. $3. Oratorio. Walpurgis Night. Dettingen Te Deum. Handel. Beethovera's Mass in C. 50C. Mendlellson’s Hymns of Praise. 50c. Sixteen Sacred Songs. Handel, 50c. Songs and Ballads. Virginia Gabriel and others. $1.25. $2.50. Meyer- Offen- Men'lellson. 50c. 50C. J. L. PETERS, N. Y. Only a Lock of Hair. Soug. Claribel. Jackson’s Manual of Singing. 75e. Bºsure You Say I'm Out. Comic song. Burnet. 30C, Forward March Quick Step. Norvel. 30c. Gay Cavalier March. Pacher, 30c. Gentle Spring Waltz. Kinkel. 30c. Bººk to the Old Home. Guitar song. Stewart. 25C. Nobody’s Darling. Guitar\song. Stewart. 30c. Barney Aleen. Guitar song. Stewart. 30c. Lºnely, oh, so Lonely. Guitar song, Kinkel. 25C. sº Bless Our Home. Guitar song. Stewart. 0C. Do Not Turma Me from Your Door. Guitar Song. Stewart. 30c. O'er the Hill and O'er the Dale. W. A. POND & CO., New York. WOCAL. Farewell ? H. P. Danks. Trio for female VoiceS. Words by Miss J. H. Thayer. 40c. Deserted : Karl Merz. Words by Miss Amelia, B. Edwards. 50C. Longing . H. Millard. meZZO Soprano Voice. 50c. Oft in the Stilly Night. J. R. Thomas. for mixed VOices. 40C. The 'Wreck. J. R. Fairlamb. A descriptive Song. 50C. Cavatina for contralto or English and Italian Words. Quartette Come where my Love Lies Dreaming. Duet. Stephen C. Foster. 40C. Waiting : H. Millard. With English and German WOrdS. 75c. INSTRUMENTAL. 40C. 35C. Garrick Mazurka. Fred. Lyster. Cannille Mazurka. Chas. M. MOTriS. Love Waltzes. Thomas Baker. 50C. Happy Hours. H. Maylath. 20c. each. Salvia. J. Leybach. Op. 124. Valse brilliante. 60c. L’Allegresse. E. Ketterer. Op. 263. Allegro Scher- Zand O. 50C. BRASS BANID. Mulligan Guard Quick Step. D. L. Downing. $1. oRCHESTRA. Mulligan Guard Quadrille. G. Weingarten. $1. GEO. WILLIG & CO , Baltimore. Songs my Darling Sang. Millard. Vocal. 50c. With Love and Joy. El. Lichner. Remembrance No. 3, Op. 123. 40c. In the Cool Shade. NO. 4, Op. 123. 40C. Light Cavalry. Suppe. OVertul'e. 50C. A: Relic. MOZart. limpromptu. 40C. H. Lichller. Remembrance C. J. WEIITNEY & CO., Detroit. Don’t Sell my Father Runn. R. S. Crandall. Song and chorus. Temperance. 30c. Fandango. Sidney Smith. 75c. Midsummer Night’s Dream. Transcription, $1. Nºurne from Above. C. Nightfall at Sea. Virginia, Gabriel. Ballad. 35c. Flying Leaf. F. Spindler. Teaching piece. 30c. Hulating Song. F. Spindler. Teaching piece. 30c. Bouquet des Fleurs. Matteo. Valse de Concert. Nocturne DB. Dohler. Old standard piece. 50c. Spring, Gentle Spring. Rivere. Song. 30c. oº: Old Story. F. H. Pease. Song and chorus. .30C. Sidney Smith. Sidney Smith. Nocturne. S. Glover. Duet. 60C. J. S. WIN.I.T.E & CO., Marshall, Mich. Valse Impromptu. Caprice brilliante. C. N. Col- Well, 75c. E. D. ZEIGLER, Erie, Pa. Buy a Broom Waltz. 10c. Fisher’s Hornpipe, &c. 10c. Canapbells are Coming. 10c. Devil's Dream, &c. 10c. Home, Svve et Home. 10c. Ball and Pin Galop. F. Zikoff, Op. 81. 30c. One Heart, One Soul. J. Strauss. Op. 323. Polka, MaZul'ka. 25c. Lover and the Bird. P. D. Guglielmo. Vocal. 30c. I 30 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. THE jStationery - MARKET, | . Trade was quite brisk in the beginning of the month, but towards its close, contrary to expectations, and to all pre- vious experience, it has fallen off to a lower point than it has reached before during the year. The advance in gold has caused a corresponding advance in all imported goods, and it is probable that there will be a still further advance. With few exceptions, domestic goods are held at the same rates. In the following price list, reductions have been made in Peerless Ink, Mucilage, Washington Medallion Pens, Silicate Book Slates, and in several styles of Inkstands. - Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer's advertisement . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 10 00 * 1,000, { { “. . . . . . . . . e - e º e ºs I8 00 Writing Papers. FIRST OLASS, Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7lbs. to ream, per lb.... 33 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 35 “ SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 cts. Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ Commercial Note “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers, e 4 ( { { “ No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 t{ { { “ No. 5, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw......... 11 to 13 cts { { “ rag .. ... ... 13 to 16 “ 4 & good to first class. ................. 20 to 30 ** IDrawing Papers. GERMAN. QUIRE Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 30 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Royal, 19 by 24, “. . . . . . . . . . & º e º 'º e - - - - © tº tº 80 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Demy, 15 by 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medium, 17 by 22 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 Royal, 19 by 24 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Elephant, 23 by 28 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 85 Tissue Paper. American White, per ream.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 “ Colored, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 English, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • - - - - - - - 75 *ſedium, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Bristol Boards. REYNoLDS' AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 {{ 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 {{ 4 ( & “. .................... 100 Demy, 2 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 { { 3 & & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 & & 4 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 Medium, 2 4 & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T0 {{ 3 & C “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 70 & 4 4 {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - © e - e. 2 20 Perforated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . © - tº e - e. 2 00 - IBlotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º & º º Q 75 Quarto, {{ ( & • * * * * * * e º 'º e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º 'º - e. 1 50 Imals. David Stands in 34 gross boxes, per gross..... tº e - - e. e. e. $9 00 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. “ per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 {& 8 {{ {{ 4 & { { • - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 David Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............... 3 25 “ Quarts, 1 “ ( & ( & 6 00 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David’s.” Stafford's stands, in 34 gross boxes, per gross........ $7 20 Arnold's Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 { { { { Pints “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 & & {{ % pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 {{ {{ Stands, per gross....... ... .. 7 20 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 {{ { { Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { “ Assorted Colors, per doz. . . . . . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . 1 25 { { tº “ glass stops, der doz 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 “ . § { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. . . . . . 3 15 & & { { No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15 t ( { { No, 3, Glass Stopper, per doz. ... . . 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ . . . . . . . . ... * * * * * * * * * * 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Mulr. BLACK WIOLET WRITING JNK. INK, FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes... per doz. $4.25.... $5.50.... $4.50 Pints, { { “ ... “ 2.60. ... 3.25. . . . 2.75 Half Pints, “ “ ... “ 1.50.... 1.75.... 1.62 0Z., t & tº ... “ 80. ... 1.15.... 1.00 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes 45.... 60. . . 50 Discount on Original Packages. . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * - { { { { Larger lots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Black Diamond Combined Writing and Copying Huaix; Quarts, per doz. .......8 00 Half º per doz. .... 3 00 Pints, “. . . . . . . . . 5 00 4 oz. Flat, Ink stands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per groSS . . . . . 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. IVIMucilage. Peerless Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 38 “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 “ Quarts, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 N Iſmlkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, perdoz. . . . . . . . . tº º & e º e º 'º & º 1 55 { { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Silliman's No. 3, School, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 ( & No. 2, ‘‘ “ . . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * e 1 35 « No. 1. “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 S7 ** Academiec “ “ . . . . . . ------------- q 00 “ Mechanics “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Flat glass, 2% inch, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . ., e = * * * * * * 1 10 { { 3 “ ( & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 & 4 3% “ { { “ ------------------- 1 5() (t 4 “ { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Air-tight Inks, small “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 “. . . “ large “ “ . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * g. 9 00 Whitney's Air-Tight No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10.00; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air-Tight No. 1, $12; No. 3, $11.25. Glass Screw Tops, from 87c, to $1.25 per dozen. Steel Penns. American News Company's No. 170. . . . . . 50 & 4 & 4 { { School, No. 51...... 30 & 4 & 4 { { Extra Fine, No. 333...... 50 {{ {{ { { ** ** No. 444. . . . . . 50 { { { { “ Quill, No. 76. . . . . . 50 4 & { { & 4 Falcon, No. 48...... 50 {{ { { 4 & Bank, No. 14...... 50 { { { { ( & Commercial. No. 9...... 50 { { {{ { { Albata, No. 11.... . . 50 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. I 3 r 6 by 9, “ . . . . . . . 75 6%by 10, “ . . . . . . . Gillott; Pens, N9. 808. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - $100 J.Donanimoes. {{ §2. #9;...................'.......... #|Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz.s3 00 to $309 {{ N: § e e º e º e º e º e ºs e º e s is e e s is e º e º e s e º e § { { good, € $ “. . . . . . . . 6 00 to 12 00 *\O. 901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {{ + . Medallion Pens........................ 90 Mahogany boxes ... ...6 00 to 18 00 pencerian Pens.............* - - - - - - - - - - - - - * @ e º e º 'º º º 1 00 &P ... º. g e & 4 “ in 34 gross boxes........ • - - - - - - - - - - 1 10 Hunitial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Empress..... • - - - - 18: Lead Pemcils. Rose Tint {{ “ 15c. Newport....... ... 22. Faber, i. Gili, perdoz. * * * * * * * * * * * * * > e º is is tº e º e º ge 48 Backgammon Boards. ***80m, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { i. j “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º Leather, 2 in nest, per nest.............. . . . . . . . . . . % # “ Drawing, 7 in box tº e º 'º º º “ 3 tº . “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75. { { ( & B. : n bºx, perioz tº $ & © e º 'º º e º º e :::::: ; ; “ 2 in extra nest ............. e e º te e º e º e s tº 4 50 Eagle, Round Gilt, per doz. ........................ 40 . “ Hexagon, “ . . . ...................... . 50 Claecker-IV ſem. .. Rubber Head, “ • *- :... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 | Box Wood, per doz. ......................... tº e º ºs e e $1 75. Red, Blue, and Green, Tipt................... 60 | Maple Wood, plain, per doz. .......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 00: Red and Black, polished, per gross, Faber's......... . 1 80 e Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle....................... 1 20 Clness—Men. Scholars.......................................... 72 | Bone, German, per doz. .................... $7 50 to 36 00 - Wood, ( & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 to 15 00, Penn-LHolders. Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 to 36 00 Accommodation, Fluted, per S- - - - - - - - - - - - * & ****::::::::::::::* , ; Crayons, Rubbers, etc. :* Tip, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... :: *% | Blackboard Crayons, per gross................... ... 15. Pocket Reversibl per doz. . . . . • * - - - - - - - 15 to 1 00 & 4 “ assorted colors, per gross...... 1 10 * 1919, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 60 | Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pièces folb., perib 60 SI Rubber Heads, for pencils, per gross........ . . . . . . . . 00: Sº ſites. Rubber Bands, 3% inch, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 and 1 00 Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ...... 48 6 & % “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 60 and 2 00 5 by 7 “ . . . . . . . 54 Portfolios. Letter stze, per doz. .............. . . . . . . . . . $4 00 to 15 00, ap, & £ { % 7 by 11, “ ....... 87 Uap, “ ” . . . . . . tº sº * * * * * tº º º º & tº e º ſº tº º ſº 10 00 to 24 00 ; ; # . . . . . . . . ; ; Poclvet-Books. 4 00 ; . i. inch, 45c.; 6 inch, 50c, jº perioz * e º e º e º e º 'º e º sº e e º 'º e º 'º is e < * * * tº e º º º : 8 00, erman Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch, 20c. º, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 to 6 00 German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross...... 90 ſº." Morocco, per *:::::::: :::::: . & tº 00 Silicate Book SIates. Stereoscopes. - FOR SLATE PENCIL, g Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., N 9. 88. . . . . . . . ; º Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 324 by 554 i Mahogany { { C & 41. . . . . . . . Companion, ... * gilt title, , 8% by 9% in prºo. ; ; Rosewood,' - {{ {{ “ 39 . . . . . . . 12 00, Quartz, 2 surfaces 5 by 83% “ ( ; 1 80 * Silica, interiºd, 6 surfaces, 5 . 8 : “ “ 3 00 |... e Therannometers. º Mineral, (4 { { T by 11 ( & & 4 6 00 Tin Çase, lº, pe. doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s: ; Dail d jº PENCIL, & & 13 “ “ ........................ 6 00 ally memoran 8, intely ilt 2% b 33 {{ { { s ... ; , , -------------------- & © tº & * §: "º", * * § #x {{ { { ; ; Mahºgany, # . . ................ -------- : # Every Day, gilt, title, {{ 3 : by 5 § { { { 2 10 * tº º e º 'º e º 'º º tº e º 'º & e º º * Minº doz “ “ 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, 3 00 School and Counting House Rulers. Cash, . *...* columns, id pages, 3% by 5% Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 1D.CDeS. PeF CO2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 School, per do $1.25 1.62 1.87 2.12 2.50 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 3% chool, per doz. .....‘. . . .3' 2: ; .** * 5% inches, per dº..... "º a ºn counting House, perdoz.s3.00 3.15 400 3.25. 6.00 N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALogue. Quills. Envelopes. Quillº, No. ; per hundred e tº e º 'º º e º e º 'º º º ºs e e tº º e e º e º º : Buff, heavy, ºper I,000...................... 1 30 || “ 30, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 15. { { * “ ..................... 1 50 “ 50, { { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 65. . XX5, “ ..................... 2 00 “ 60, “ © tº e º & e e º sº tº e º º º 'º e g º e º 'º e º e 2 35 y” ºr ºr 6 * - • whi, º, . ............: ; ; QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. º * ... “ ::::::. ............... 3 60 | Italian, per doz. Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 2 75 X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 | Portable, “ “ ......................... ... 3 25 { { 3. { { { { * { 30 Large, “ “ . . . . . . . . . e - e. e º 'º º te tº e º is e e º 'º e º a s 4 50. Orange, XXà, per 1,000...................... 3 00 Office, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 % Gold, 5, “ -----------......... ... 3 00 - |Blank Books. Playing Cards. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices, - Steamboat, pe, doz. ... . . . . . . . . .......... 2 00 Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire. ...... 12c. to 25 Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 33 Full, . * sº • -- - - - - 22c. to 50 Eureka, or Players { { *) º Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 40c. to 75 9 y } , º e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e s s 2 58 & 4 { { & Mogul, fancy “. ......... * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 33 Demy, ... 60c. to 1 25 Moguls, enamelled, “ * * * * * * * * * e < e < e < a. s. . . . . 4 50 Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Memnoramdum Boolºs. - Euchre, per do? . . . . . . . . ............. 4 50'ſ 12mo, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º ºs º º $0 60 to 1 00 Ill Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 | 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº tº º ºn tº e º e º e º º $ tº º tº º 'º º e 94 to 1 25 Gold Eagles “. . . . . . * * * * * e s tº e s sº a s ... 8 00 | Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 to 2 00 Gold Faced Moguls “ . . . . . . ............... 11 00 Demy, “ es e º e º ºs º g º 'º e º is ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 to 5 00 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. II 32 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S I, I S T O F NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of The American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business and under- ‘stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no dis- appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must häve one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.—The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, whless they order us not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th. –Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.—Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We enclose bill daily to costumers having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.—Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. |POSTAGE TO NEWS DEA LIERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. PAPER COWERED NOVELS, same rates as Magazines. MAGAZINES, Two Cents for every Four Ounces. JBOUND BOOKS, Two Cents for every Two Ounces. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form: [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Enclosed find $........... tº e º 'º gº º e º º ... ..., which pass to m credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this: 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper - 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 10 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Your truly, AG Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing er decreasing, write said order similar to this form: [Forma 2.] ºf:[E AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGO, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD- 2 Ledger...... tº e º e º e e º e º e º e º 'º e º e s ∈ e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º 'º a tº º e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º º ºs e e º e s tº e e º 'º e º is is ſº * * making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € $ { { 6 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ ** 13 2 Old and New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ( & “ 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun........ ... • - - - - - - - - tº e º 'º tº tº e º te e º ºs e º e º e º e º 'º e º ºs e e º 'º e º ºs e e º ºs e e º 'º º º te e º e º ºs e º ſe & 6 tº 8 CUT OFF- 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions........... • * * g º ºs º e º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º e e s tº e º & . . “ “ 4 Send following in first bundle— • 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan, and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city, and the last date the change was made. Jºº Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. I 33 Wholesale and Retail Prices. 13, New Publications are printed in heavy type. changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). D A I L Y P A P E J R S . Trade. Ret. Price. Commercial Bulletin......... 3% Graphic (The)................ 3% N. Y. Courier des Etats Unis... 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser............. 2% New York Evening Express... 3% ( { { { Mail . . . . . 1% {{ { { El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Messager Franco Americain... 4% New York Evening Post..... . 3% Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advance, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7 % After Dinner..... & e º 'º tº e º 'º º ... 7% Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Amateur (Washington)....... 7 Ann. Brewer’s Gazette. 35 American Gael (The)...... . . . 4% *American Journal........... 3% American Protectionist....... 7 American Publisher. . . . . . . . ... 4% Anuerican Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 American Sportsman. . . . . . . . . 7 American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Appleton's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Army and Navy Journal...... 11 ° Atlantische Blaetter....... . . . 4 Ave Maria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 • Banner of Light ... . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Baptist Union... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Baptist Weekly............... 4 Beekeeper's Journal.......... 6 Belles and Beaux ............ 7 Boston Congregationalist. .... 6 Boston Independent . . . . . . . . . 6 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal e tº e º º 'º e º 'º º tº us e º 'º º & tº 3 Boston Statesman...... tº º te e º gº 4 Boston Traveler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Roston Weekly Journal....... 4% Boyd’s Shipping Gazette...... 5 3 Boys' Own Brooklyn Sunday Re- * * * * * * * * * e º & e º 'º e º º view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Cabinet-Makers' Journal . . . . . 4% Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 Capital. . . . . . . . . . . {e & & ſº º 'º & & & ... 4 Catholic Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Advocate and Journal 6 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Christian Intelligencer ....... 5 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother..... • . . . . . .11 Christian Register ....... . . . . 6 Christian Union .... . . . . . . . . . 5% Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% Church and State ............ 6 Church Journal..... © tº e º e º 'º e ... 7 Church Weekly...... ........ 6 Church Union............... 3 Churchman (The)........... . 6% Coal and Iron Record ....... ... 7 College Courant...... .* * * * * * * * 7 % Commercial ard Financial Chronicle ...... . . . . . . . . . . .20 Commonwealth ..... tº tº e º º º tº a Country Gentleman.......... 4 Courier des Etats Unis........ 9 2 5 ; 10 6 6 10 {-mº: TI i i ; 10 10 25 10 : Trade. Ret. Price. Post...... 4 New York Evening { { • & Telegram. * 1}{ 3. { { {{ Witness... *i. & 4 French Messenger... 3% ( & German Democrat... 2% ( & Herald ... . . . . . . . . . 3% { { Journal (German).. 2% S$ E VI [ - W J E J E J K L Y. New York Express........ ... 3% { { Journal of Com. 5 New York Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% W .E. E. KHL Y. Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% *Critic (The)... . . . tº a º e º e º 'º e ... 5% Danbury News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % Das Neue Heim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . & ſº e & tº $ tº 3% Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . . 4 Der Bazar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Der Bazar (Double) . . . . . . . . . 24 Dwight's Journal of Music. ... 8 Episcopalian . . . . . . Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º $ tº $ & 9 El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18 Elite, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Engineering and Mining Jour- mal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examiner and Chronicle . . . . . 4% Exchange Market...... 2 Every Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº º & & © º 6 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 Farm and Fireside . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Favorite (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . gº tº º e º sº e º & 1 % Forest and Stream . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Paper 7 { { “ Lady’s Journal... 7 Boys and I Girls’ Weekly....... 3% {{ “. Chumney Corner... 7 { { “ Illustrite Zeitung (German). . . . . 7 { { “ Happy Homes. ... 4% Forney’s Weekly Press. . . . . . . . 4% Germannia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Girls and Boys of America. ... 4% Golden Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Home Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% “ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Harper's Weekly... . . . . . . . . . • 7% { { Bazar. . . . . . . © e º e º ſº e • 7% Hearth and Home. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hebrew Leader. . . . . * * 6 & © tº g º we 7 ** News. . . . . . . . & © & © tº e º 'º 7 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . . 4% “ (European). . . . . . . . . . . 4% Here and There . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Industrial Record... . . . . . . . . . 6 Industrial Record (with sup- plement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Investigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Irish American..... * * * * e º a s a tº 4 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% : 1 O I 5: i i 1 i Those the prices of which have been Trade. Re . Plice New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 $: { { Presse . . . . . . . . . • . . 42.1 - { { Staats Zeitung..... 2% 3 { { ar............... 1 3-102 { { Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%. 2. { { Times............. 3% 4 & & Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 {{ World............. 3% + New York Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 { { World .... . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Irish World.......... . . . . . . . . 4. 5 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6%. 10 Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette. .. 3 5 Jewish Messenger. . . . . . . . . . . . - Jewish Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 6 Living Age . . . . . . & sº e º 'º e º e º e º 'º 14 l8 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Liberal Christian. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian).. 9 12 La Republica (Spanish). . . . . . . 7 10 Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Medical Independent. . . . . . . . . 4 6 Methodist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . . 22 q-me Nachtseiten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 º Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 National Car Builder. . . . . . . . . 7 * Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º 'º e º 10 12 Nautical Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T0 New York Albion . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Courier . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New York Clipper. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 New York Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 New York Family Story Paper 4% — New York Home Circle. . . . . . . 433 — New York Journal (German).. 4% 6 New York Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . . 7 **** N. Y. Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 * New York School Journal..... 3%. 5 New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Varieties. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 N. Y. Weekly Budget. . . . . . . . 7 10 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . * * * * * * * * tº e º tº º º 10 Offord’s Pulpit. . . . . . . . tº º ºs & # º e 5 Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 6 — People's Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 — { { “ Dispatch. 4 — Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4% 6, { { “ Age ..... 3% 5 Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Police News (Illustrated). ..... 7 10 I34 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade. Ret. Price, Pomeroy's Democrat......... 4% Prairie Farmer ...... . . . . . . . . 6 Price Current................ 7 Presbyterian ................ 5 Professional................. 4% Publishers’ Weekly........... 7 Railroad Gazette............. 7 Real Estate Record........... 14 Rural New Yorker. . . . . tº e º ſº º & © 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal.. 7 Railway Times............... 7 Shipping and Commercial List 10 *San Franciscoweekly Bulletin 6% Skandinavische Post ......... Saturday Morning ........... 3% Saturday Night.............. 4% { { Star Journal ....... 4% Schmedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © tº ſº Scottish American Journal.... 5 Shoe and Leather Reporter.... 7 Scientific American .......... 5% Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Stockholder..... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sunday Citizen.............. 3% Sunday Courier.............. 4 Sunday Daily Times.......... 4% Sunday Democrat..... © 32 • * * * * * * * Z.1 Agriculturist (English)........ 9 Agriculturist (German)........ 9 American Antiquarian . . . . . . . 28 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers’ Guide.. 5 American Builder....... . . . . .23 American Chemist............ 35 American Exchange & Review. 20 American Grocer (semi-month- American Historical Record . . 28 American Horological Journal 12 American Illustrated Industrial Journal . . . . . tº e º ſº e º & tº e s p tº º gº Americanische Gartenlaube (semi-monthly)..... . . . . . . . . American Journal of Health and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Journal of Pharm- acy - 22 American Journal of Philately. 9 0 & “ ſº e º & tº e º e º ſº tº e º & © tº e º e º 'º American Law Register........ 4 American Miscellany ... . . . . . . 5 American Miscellany, Back Nos.12 American Naturalist . . . . . . . . . 4 American Odd Fellow......... 17 American Stock Journal...... 7 American Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% American Turfman.... . . . . . . . 15 Appleton’s Journal (4 weekly numbers) - 28 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) 35 Appleton's Railroad Guide....16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . .,28 Architectural Magazine....... 38 *Archives’ Medical Science. . .35 Arthur's Home Magazine...... 14 Association Monthly ......... 7 tº tº e º 'º º sº tº gº tº e º 'º e º s e 9 & e º s tº gº è is º ºs e < * * * g e & Atlantic Monthly..... . . . . . . . . 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bankrupt Belister. . . . . . . . . . . 38 Beadle's Publications. Dime books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% { { ** 100 or over. ... 6 { { “ 1000 “ “ . . . . 5% Song books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 & © “ 100 or over... , 4% ( & { { 1000 { { { { e e º 'º Beautiful World..... . . . . . .18 6 W J E JE K L Y—Conn timumed. Trade. Ret. Price, Sunday Dispatch ........... • 7% Sunday Era Sunday German News... Sunday Herald ... . . . . . 4% Sunday Mercury ... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% — Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 *-* Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - Sunday Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Sunday World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — South (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 *=º Singers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 The Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 The Scythe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Thompson’s Reporter . . . . . . . . 5 7 Thompson's Reporter, Coin ... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 O Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4% 6 Toledo Weekly Blade. . . . . . . . . 5 Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 True Flag. . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º º $ tº a º 4% 6 Truth Seeker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 --- Turſ, Field and Farm......... 7 10 Union Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Wºl (P N T I I, Y . Best Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Hijou–of Fashion—(semi-mo.) 4% — Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . . 28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 60 Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Carriage Journal............. 22 25 Catholic Record............... 17 25 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Catholic World............... 33 50 Cassell’s Magazine (monthly -parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Central Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 — Children’s Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Children's New Church Maga- azine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Chronotype................ . .20 * Church Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 - Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 Comic News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- son's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Creme de la Creme. . . . . . . . . . . 23 --- Crofutt’s Western World...... 5% 10 De La Salle Monthly.......... 10 15 Demorest's Magazine. . . . . . . . . 20 --- Demorest’s Young America.... 7 10 De Nordendorf's Monthly..... 4% — Dental Cosmos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 --- De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. . . . 13 * De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 DeWitt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . %. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6..... . . . . . . . . .10 De Witt's Ten Cent Romances, 6 DeWitt's Ten CentSong Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) .... 5 10 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Drug Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 — Druggists' Circular,........... 9 15 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 Trade. Ret, Price Watson’s Art Journal ........ 8 10 Waverley Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 15 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . e º e º º º 4 7 Weekly Era . . . . . © tº e º 'º e º 'º º $ tº tº 2 3 Weekly Express . . . . . . . . . . ... 8% 5 Weekly Graphic. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Weekly Herald . . . . . . • e º ºs e e ... 3% 4 Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Weekly Mail................. 3% 4 Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Weekly New York Journal. .. 4% 6 Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 6 Weekly Staats Zeitung....... 3% 5 Weekly Star. . . . . . . . . .* - - - - - - 2 : 3 Weekly Sun . . . . . * * * * * * e º e º 'º º 2% 4 Weekly Times . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º º 3%. 4 Weekly Tribune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 5 Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Weekly World ... . . . . . . . .... 3% 5 Woman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly... 7 10 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º 3% 7 Young Men of America. . . . . . . 3% — Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Educational Monthly.......... 17 20 El Mundo Nuevo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 Every Saturday (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 56 Family Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Fireside, Musica!... . . . . . . . . ... 4% — Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 10 Folio (musical)....... is tº & it tº * * * 10 - Fortnightly Review. . . . . . . . . . 40 50 Frank Leslie’s Budget of Fun.10 15 Fratnk Leslie’s Chimney C or - ner (mo. p’ts)36 50 & & Lady’s Journal (mo. p’ts). . . .30 40 {{ Lady’s Maga- zine (mo.p’ts)27 35 {{ Pleasant H’rs...10 15 { { Boys and Girls' W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 — Gas-Light Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Gardener’s Monthly... . . . . . . . IG 25 4Godey’s Lady’s Book...... . . . .21 * Galaxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 Golden Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 * Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 25 Gleason’s Monthly Companion 6%. 10 Globe (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Good Things. . . . . . . tº dº e º e º $ tº e & 19 25 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 — Gynaecological Journal ....... 33 50 Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Harper's Weekly (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56) Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 40 Horticulturist. . . . . . . tº º ſº tº e º 'º º º T6 25 Herald of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Hall’s Journal of Health......12 — Harper’s Magazine...... . . . . . . 28 35 Historical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 55 75 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail........ 9 12 Howe's Musical Monthly......25 35 Hub (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 - Humorist (The). . . . . . . . . 6 *E* Insurance Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 Internal Revenue Record...... 9 12 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3() Insurance Spectator...... . . . .22 *º • { { Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 — THE AME R J C A N BOOKS ELLER Q’ GUIDE. 135 IF O R. E. I. G. N. P E J R H G LLD IC A. L. S.–W E E R L. Y. Trade price. 18 | Trade º | IVE O N T H L Y—Conatim uned. Trade. Ret. Tradc. Ret, | Trade, ltet. rice. Price. Price. Inland Monthly..............16 25 | New Sensation (mo. p’ts)..... .30 — Science of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Industrial Monthly .......... 15 | New York Medical Journal. . .30 50 | *Scott's Mirror of Fashion..... 75 º Irish National Magazine......10 — | N. Y. Musical Gazette........ 6 — Scribner's Monthly... . . . . . . . . 28 35 Jolly Joker .................. 7 10 | N. Y. Lithograph..... º e - 7 10 | Silliman's Journal............ 43 50 Journal of Applied Chemistry..14 20 | N. Y. Reader (parts). . . . . . . . .14 — | Southern Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 30 35 * { Franklin Institute...45 60 | Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 || Spirit of the Press............ 4 * Journal of the Telegraph (semi- . North American Journal of . Star Spangled Banner........ 4% 6 monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Homoeopathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 - sº Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * c e e º e Nursery (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . IS 25 #: * ......... º: ; Obstetrical Journal........... 37% - || St. Nicholas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 — Little Corporal................ 10% is Qliver Qptic Magazine....... .29 25 | St. Paul's Magazine......... .23 30 Laws of Eife.................10’’ 15 Qld and New...... . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º º 26 35 | Texas New Yorker........... 17 — Lady's Repository............27 35|QYerlººd Mºthly...; ; ; ; ; 26 35 | The Domestic................ 3 — London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Ornum's Indian Novels, l to 35, 6% 10 | The Lens... . . . . . . . . e ºf e º ºs e - e. e. 70 — La America (tri-monthly)..... 13 18 Qrnum's Pop'1'rN &yelº 1 tº 29, 3% 9 There and Back (Guide)...... 14 — Ladies’ Friend.......... . . . . .16 25 ornum sTen Centº'ovels, 1 tol; 9% lº | Thompson's Descriptive List..16 25 Lippincott's Magazine....... .27 35 {{ Songs, 1 to 42 5 10 | Transcontinental Guide.....40 50 Lakeside Monthly.... . . . . . . . .28 — 4 & 15c. Rºº, 1 to 10.8% 3 | Traveler's Official Guide..... ...21 40 Land and Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 25 .2s; Letter Write: . . .1; 26 Tribune Extras, from 1 to 7... 4 – Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 Qur Friend (semi-monthly). ...? – { { “ 8, 9, and 10... 7 – Land Owner........ ......... 734 10 | Paper Trade Reporter........11 – { { “ 11 . . . . . . . . . . . * Mackey’s Freemason ......... 22 30|Paper Trade Journal. . . . . . . .11 - { { “ 12......... . .16 * Metropolitan Magazine.......16 20 | Pet Stock, Pigeon and Poultry { { ‘‘ 13. ....... ... 7 — Milliner and Dressmaker (Re- Bulletin • * * * e g º te e º e º 'º e e - © e g = 6 10 { { “ 14. . . . . . . . . . . 7 * print) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 º- Phunn y 1 hellºw * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7%. 10 | Tribune Pamphlet. . . . . . . . . ... 15 *-* Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 º tº º : ; ** Novels..... . . . . . . . . . 7 - Mother's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 'ſ '10.' . . . . . . . . . Universi * journai............. 12; 20 | Peterson's Counterfeit Detec- Wºº.*ś ##" 20 Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 – tor . . ‘..…..... . . . . . . . . . 11 15 neering Magazine.......... 35 50 Medical Times (Semi-Mo.).....10 – | Peterson. Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Vox Huſſiana............... 6 — “. Record. . . . . . . . . . . ...15 20 | Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 4. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Musical Independent. . . . . . . . . ió 20 Peter's Musical Monthly...... 18 25 | Watchmaker and Jeweller....17 – Musical World (N. Y.). . . . . . . . ié 30 Phrenological Journal........21 30 Watson's Musical Monthly ...15 - { { (Cleveland). . . . 9 | | People's Magazine. . . . . . . . . ...20 25 Waverley Magazine (mo. pts.).42 60 Munro's 10 Cent Nov. 1 to 232. 6%. 10 Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 5 | Whitney's Musical Guest* * - - - - 16 25 { { { { Song Book Patent Right Gazette . . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Welcome Guest (semi-monthly) 7 10 from 1 to ſº. 5 10 | Popular Science Monthly..... 35 50 | Wild Oats (semi-monthly) .... 7 10 National Agriculturist and Bee Practical Magazine..... . . . . . .78 — Wood’s Magazine . . . . . © e - - - - - 7 10 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * — | Pulpit of the Day. . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | Railway Monitor............. 33 — Working Farmer........... ... 9 12 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 || Rand & McNally Guide....... 23 — Workshop... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 50 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Record and Repository........ 6 — Yankee Notions.............. 7% l6 National S. S. Teacher....... 10 — | Revue de la Monde. . . . . . . . . .25 35 | Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 Nature (monthly parts, 4 Nos.)40 50 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6% 10 || Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 { { { { 5 “ 50 60 Sailor's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Young Ladies’ Journal....... 27 — New and Old Friends......... 6% — | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 30 Youth's Progress.......... ... 10 * New Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Schoolday Magazine.......... 7 10 || Zell’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Q U Are T E R L Y R. Ew I E w s, ET C. American Church Review ... .90 — I Christian Examiner..........67 — Methodist Quarterly........ ... 75 - { { Journal Medical Sci- Congregational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — National Quarterly Review ... 1.12 — * en CeS . . . . . . . . . . . - — | Contemporary Review. . . . . . . . 62 75 New Englander..... & Cº - e º - e. 90 e- & Journal of . Obstet- Delineator . . . . . . . . . .* * * * * * * * * 5 10 | New Remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 rics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) . .62 — | North American Review......1.12%— { { Law Review........ 1.05 — | Half Yearly Compendium Med- Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Baptist Quarterly ........ ... .85 . — ical Science ...............1.20 – | Princeton Review.......... 80 — Bibliotheca Sacra ............ 1.00 — International Review (Bi- Rankin’s Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1.50 Braithewaite's Retrospect .... 1.05 — | Monthly). . . . . . . . . . . e - - e s & s 67 — Smith's Pattern Bazar. . . . . . . .20 — British Quarterly (reprint). ...62 — Journal Social Science ....... 1.25 — | Southern Review . . . . . tº e º - e - - 1.25 — Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .67 — Journal of Psychological Medi- Westminster Review . . . . . . . . .62 — Brownson’s Review.......... 1.00 — cine. . . . . . . . * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.12 — What to Wear (Yearly)....... 10 – Church and World...........85 — | London Quarteºly. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 — | Wood's Quarterly Retrospect...l.00 – Trade price 23 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English Mechanic...... . 10 Lancet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pall Mall Budget........ Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 Tö - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 | Land and Water........ . 20 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of All the Year Round...... 8 Examiner • * g º º e * * * * * * * * * 14 Lloyd's Newspaper...... . 5 Six dates)... . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenæum. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 || Family Herald....... .... 5 || London Journal......... 5 |Publishers' Circular (fort- Belºs. News • * * ~ * * - - - e. ... 14 Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23| “ Reader...... . . . . 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 i. *:::::::::::::::::: º tºº. e e º 'º - e e º e º e a tº 1. łº, - e º e º e ; #6iš.......... 10 O e e º 'º e º 'º - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. 'Clem • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * &l, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e £ia.e e º e e e . . . . . . . . . . . 18 § Chronicle.... 20 fºliº. . . . . . 10 * plnlon : Building News........ ... 18 Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 28 Mark Lane Ex ...... 23 • * * * * * e º º - * * * * * * e º e Cassell's Magazine....... 5 || Gas Light Journal....... 20 §.º.º. ... is Reynolds' Newspaper.... 5 3. J ournal . . . . . . 7 || Glasgow Herald . . . . . . . . . à | Mining Journal......... 20 | Saturday Review..... ... 20 emical News. . . . . . . . . . 18 || Graphic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 || Musical World........... Spectator..... * * * * * * * * * * 20 Christian World......... 5 Illustrated News......... Žºlš.º......: #|Šºćiºtis......... i. Church Review.......... 10 { Police News. .. 5 ~....... Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times........... 5 “ Penny........ Nº. ºf . . . . . . 19 || "5c.)............... 10 Court Journal........... 20 { { Sporting and §. of the World....... 19 |Tablet................. 3, Dispatch................ 5 | Dramatic News........ 30|N. tº Queries. . . . . . . $ Taio and cutter........ ". Economist .............. 30 Irishman ...... © tº e º e º º ... 14||Nation (Dublin)......... 14| The Times (last date)..... 1. Engineer................ 20 John Bull......... . . . . . . 20 | Quce a Week. . . . . . . . . . . . .8 The Mail (8 dates);...;. 28 Engineering..... • * * * * * * . 20 Judy ......... •; . . . . . . . . . .6 Qbserver................ 14|Weekly Register (Catholic)10 Edin. Scotsman ......... 5 | La Monde Illustré....... 14 | Orchestra............... 14 “ Times........... 136 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS“ G U/ZD E. IF O RE E I G N P. E RE 1 O LD I C A. L S – M I D N TD LH L Y. Trade Price, Art Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Art, Industrial and Pic- torial Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Athenaeum (part). . . . . . . . 54 Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . 20 Band of Hope Review. ... 2 Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Boy's Own Magazine... ... Boys of England. . . . . . . .. Bow Bells (monthly pts.). 27 O British Workman. . . . . . . . 2% “ Workwoman . . . . . 2% “ Juvenile. . . . . . . . . . Z Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Chambers' Journal . . . . . . 25 Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Children's Friend . . . . . . . . 2% Child's Companion. . . . . . 2% Christian Work. . . . . . . . . . 20 ( Treasury. . . . . . . 20 Churchman's Companion. 20 Contemporary Review ... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Cottager and Artisan. ...2% Trade Price. Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . . . 1 Dublin University Maga- Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 English Woman's Domes- tic Magazine. . . . . . . . - - Z8 Family Friend . . . . . . . . . . 2% Family Treasury. . . . . . . . . 20 Family Herald (parts)... . 20 Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . 76 Fraser's Magazine. . . . . . 1 00 Friendly Visitor. . . . . . . . . 23% Fortnightly Review. . . . . . 75 Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Gentleman's Magazine... 38 Gardener's Magazine . . . . 36 Gardener, The . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Homilist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Infant’s Magazine. . . . . . . 23é Illustrated Travels. . . . . . . 38 TOD • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 75 Journal of Horticulture. . 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Trade Prlce. Kind Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ladies’ Treasury. . . . . . . . . 30 Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 London Journal (parts).. 22 “ Society. . . . . . . . . . 38 ** & Paris Fashions. . 38 Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion 38 La Mode Illustré. . . . . . . 1 00 McMillan's Magazine . . . . 38 Monthly Microscopical Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Medical Times (parts). ... 98 Musical Times. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Milliner and Dressmaker. 35 Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 Once a Week (parts). . . . . Z6 Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . . 20 Picture Gallery. . . . . . . . . . Z8 Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Practitioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 Popular Science Review (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Penny Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . . 90 Quiver, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Trade Price. Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . . 16 St. James' Magazine. . . . . Z8 St. Paul's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2% Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 Sunday School Times... . 10 (. . Teacher. 7 ( . * Teacher's Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . B. d Spurgeon's Pulpit . . . . . . . 20 Spiritual Magazine..... . . 20 Sword & Trowel(Spurgeon) 12 Temple Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . Z8 Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Veterinarian (Varies) . . . . 57 Z8 Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . Villa Gardener . . . . . . . . . . 20 World of Fashion. . . . . . . . 35 Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 26 Young Ladies' Jourmal. . . 27 “ Gentleman's Maga- ZMD9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Young Men of Great Bri- B 18 tain - - - - - - - - & E - S gº º D - G E R MY A N - A MIT E R I C A N PU BE NL II C A. TT II ON S. Weekly. Arbeiter-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlantische Blätter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beobachter am Hudson ... ... Trade. Ret. rice. - B & B & E s - - - - - - - - - - . . 334 5 . 4 sº S - e B es sº a gº º - sº L. Familien Blatter. . . . . * - D - Es s a º | e es e as a -- a e E s e sº s 11 15 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 FreischütZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A w S. d. B. B & B & B º - sº e . B. z ºº e . * 334 5 Germania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 10 Helvetia. . . . . . . . . B & B * º G & W & W & º D - es sº - «w at a sº a g sº º e . 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. . . . 6 10 Das Neue Heim- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % 10 New Yorker Handels-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 25 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Pionier. - - - - - - - - - - - Sº s B ºd S * D e . . . .*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7% 10 Roman Zeitung. - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Schnedderedengg. - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Trade- Ret. Price. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Vorwarts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung. ... ........ 4 . 6 e. Seani-IWHonnthly. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations LeXicon. . . 17 25 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung 6 8 Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . 9 15 Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Verbrecherwelt. 8 12 IWIon 1 haly. Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Amerikanischer Agriculturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO 15 Der Freidenker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . 12 IMI POD RT TIE ID GE RILIAN NIAGAZIN ES AND APIE RIO DE CA LS. Back numbers always on hand. Senni-Monthly. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 10 †† Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 †† Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 †† Daheim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 †† Leipziger Gartenlaube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 † Ueber Land und Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 zu Year. † Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung.........16 † Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . IF IIPO RETTE D GIE REM AN BODO KS First number gratis to the trade. Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. Published in about 40 parts, at . . . . . . . Hd - a d . . . . . s - s a sº s - sº º s. Es 14 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -28 Karl Gutzkow’s Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- lished in about 80 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . H sº z. B. d as sº 16 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts, at. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -18 25 25 40 25 25 † Illustrirte Welt........... ſº d E S II - S & D & & D º D - d D s B s 12 - TWIonnthly. † Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf zeitung. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H. d | º d as a † Gewerbehalle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -30- Gräf’s praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbel- tischer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Einderlaube..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 IPU BE L IS HILE D IN PARETTS. Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - 2 M. G. Saphir's Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 Parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . º Wº es n B s 14 Stieler’s Band-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at. .40 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, ab. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s - º D - B I - SG Hº N E W GTE R WH AN PU BE L IT CAT I ON S. Imported. Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at. . . . . . . . J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - -15 16 parts. 15 . . . 10 25 ” | H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 18 | Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. Schiller's Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. Domestic. 60 parts, at. . . . . . . . 7 40 parts at. . 7 30 parts.15 20 First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked †† 20 40 20 25 60 15 25 10 . 0 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ GUIDE. I37 WANTED–By the advertiser, who has an extensive acquaintance with the book trade, an engagement to travel or to take sole charge of an agency. Has had many years' experience. Address M. A., care BooksellERS’ GUIDE, New York. WANTED–A position in an English or German house by a young man with long experience in the Book Business, especially in the German trade. Would go in almost any part of the country, but prefers a Southern place. Please address M., care CHAS. SMITH, 309 NoRTH SEVENTH ST., below Broad and Marshall, RICHMOND, WA. A PARTNER WANTIEID. A gentleman who has a well-established Book trade in New York city, desires to extend the business of pub- lishing, and would like to make arrangements with the right party as special or general partner. Capital needed, $15,000 or $20,000. Address, care of AMERICAN BooESEL- LERS' GUIDE, N. Y. City, with real name and address, where and when an interview can be had. X. Y. B00KS WANTED. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of Vol. I., American Booksellers’ Guide. Early American Publishers’ Catalogues. Complete Sets of “Publishers' Circuiar” and “Bookseller,” of London. English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish Biblio- graphical Periodicals and Publications. Bibliographical Periodicals and Publications generally. Address with full particulars as to condition, binding, and lowest Trade price, Box 11, Station C, N. Y. City. HENRY MILLER, 82 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. Bonneville's Adventures, National Edition of Irving. Precaution, Darley's Ilustrated Edition of Cooper, Towns- end's Imprint. Heidenmaur, Darley's Illustrated Edition of Cooper, Townsend’s Imprint. Miles Wallingford, Darley's Illustrated Edition of Cooper, Townsend's Imprint. Ways of the Hour, Darley's Illustrated Edition of Cooper, Townsend's Imprint. B00KS FOR SALE. JOHN PYNE, 109 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. Shakspeare. Edition 1623. Folio (reprint), half morocco. Price, $25.00. Edward's Free Town Libraries. Their Formation, Manage- ment, and History. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869. Price, $3.00. Stephens' British Entomology. , 300 colored plates. 12 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1828. Price, $40 00. Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon. 2d edition. 1837. 18mo, sheep. Price, $10.00. Shaw's Naturalist's Miscellany. 1,000 colored plates. 18 vols. 8vo, full calf. London n. d. Very scarce. Price, 40.00 $40,00. Indley's British Fruits, colored plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1841. Price, $30,90. Wiorks of Jeremy Bentham 11 vols. 8vo, full tree calf. Edinburgh, 1843. Price, $50.00. HENRY MILLER, 82 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. An Original Subscription Copy of Audubon's Birds. royal octavo, half calf. Price, $150.00. - 7 vols. BARTHOLOMEw's DRAWING BOOKS. tºmºmºmºsºm- T EI E Western News Company, C H | C A G O, Have on hand a small supply of the old (40c.) edition of Bartholomew’s Drawing IBooks, which will be sold to the Trade at One Half 0ff Retail Prices. Orders from dealers in places where these books are in use are respectfully solicited. POPULAR B00KS AT SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. *=mmº Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book............. $2 00 Hans Brinker. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge... 1 75 Little Pet Books. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. B. Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 2 50 Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible...... ............... 1 50 Girls of the Bible...... ............... 1 50 Robinson Crusoe....................... 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson................. 1 50 Scottish Chiefs...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Children of the Abbey...... ............ 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine...... .... i 50 Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns... 1 50 Romance of the Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50. Arabian Nights......................... 1 50 Don Quixotte. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of one hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song. Books, 25 kinds. - Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novels, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. WM. L. ALLISON, 128 NASSA U ST., N. Y. 138 ºf THE AMER / CAN BOOKS E L LERS’ GUIDE. Popular Household Edition (16mo) OF TEIE ENGLISH POETS. Each Illustrated with Eight Steel Engravings and Biography of the Author, Handsomely Bound in Cloth, in Gold and Colors, Gilt Edges, $1.50; Morocco Antique, $3.00; Morocco Extra, $3.50. COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS, SCOTT's POETICAL WORKs, MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS, CRABBES POETICAL WORKS, CAMPBELL'S AND COLERIDGE'S POETICAL WORKS, KIRKE WHITE'S POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, GOLDSMITH's POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, MONTGOMERY'S POETICAL WORKS, HERBERTS AND HEBER's POETICAL WORKS, BURNS, POETICAL WORKS AND LETTERS, GLEANINGS FROM THE ENGLISH POETS, WORDSWORTH's POETICAL WORKS, BYRON's POETICAL WORKS, MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS, POPE'S POETICAL WORKS. The Usual Discow?vts Given to the Tºadle. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW Y O R K. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. I39 NOW READY, IN ONE VOL., CROWN SIZE, 6OO PAGES. I OvIEI L’s Gazetteer of British North America. CONTAINING Descriptions of over 6000 Cities, Towns, and Villages, and over 1500 Lakes and Rivers, IN THE D OMINION OF CANADA AND NEW FOUNDLAND. Price, in Full Cloth, º tº tºº tº gº $250 - {& 6& Calf, * gº {-p tº e { … * * 3.75 Sent free by mail, on receipt of price, by the Publisher, JOHN TOV FILT, Montreal. STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY, OBJECT TEACHING IN SCHOOLS - AND - P A R L O R E N T E F. T. A. I N M E N T S. We are now prepared to issue the first nmmbers of the first series of Animals and Birds of North America; these we propose to continue, and to add to them a second series of foreign specimens, and a third of various Animals and Birds in grotesque attitudes, never, however, violating their natural instincts. - We offer these views not as pictures only, but as studies from nature. One of the great moving elements in our modern system of education is object teaching. The uDerring fidelity of the stereoscope transfers the Animals and Birds from their natural habitat to the rooms of the student and the fireside of our homes, where they cannot fail to leave a lasting impression of the form, color, habits, and locality of each specimen. An experience of more than twenty-five years as Taxidermist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and in gathering our large collection of native and foreign specimens, enables us to represent the results of our own work, and to combine in every view the locality of the specimen with its appropriate rocks, woods, or water, and coloring from the originals. Back numbers and parts of sets always on hand. TE DE I C E S. * In ſime Paper Boxes of One Dozen......... tº e º e º e º e s a e º e s = e º e s e e º e º ſe & s e e º e s is e º e º e $3.00 per doz. { { tº $ { % { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.4%0 per grs. In elegant Wa'mut Cases, containing Oue Set of Four Dozema. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 per set. * { *6 { { $ (, - {{ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 per grº • The following are a few of the gentlemen from whom we have received testimonials as regards their utility and value: H. W. BEECHLR, Brooklyn. NEWTON DEXTER, Providence. ** D. G. EATON, Packer Collegiate Institute, GEO. W. CLINTON, Buffalo. Brooklyn. EZRA CORNELL, Cornell University, Ithaca. TE:IE AIMIEERICA TNT INTEVVS COMIE’AINTY", * N E W Y O ER. E., I 4 O THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L L E RS’ G UNDE. TWENTIETH THOUSAND. CONJUGAL S INS AGAINST TELE Laws of Life and Health, AND THEIR - EFFECTS UPON THE FATHER, IMOTHER, AND CHILD. By AUGUSTUS K. GARDNER, A.M., M.D., Late Professor of Diseases of Females and Clinical Midwifery in the New York Medical College. TWENTIETH THOUSAND. REVISED EDIT1ON, WITH A NEW PREFACE. on E voluyre, 12mro, CLoTII, $1.50; PAPER, $1.00. END ORSEMENTS AND OFINIONS. “Dr. Gardner claims a right to be heard, as a physician who has spent twenty-five years in the almost exclusive study and practice of that particular branch of his profession known as the Diseases of Females; and as a man who feels deeply his responsibility to breast the tide of error, sin, and misery that is overwhelming the commuuity in consequence of unholy practices. . . . It is a sound, earnest book, written with knowledge, purpose, and feeling. The subject is of immense and urgent interest, and should be taken up by men of social position and professional eminence whose word has authority. There is, perhaps, no class of subjects on which the com- munity at large more needs plain, wise teaching. . . . . . . Let all who know their duty perform it as ably and earnestly as Dr. Gardner has done, and a salutary impression will be made on the public mind and heart, the good results of which will appear in an improved state of private and public morals.”—New York Tribune. From Rev. Dr. JoHN ToDD, author of the “Student's Manual,” etc., etc.: “You have done well, and I hail every attempt to lift up or hold back poor humanity from evil most praiseworthy. Were you to hear all the confessions about “Conjugal Sins' which might be made, your ears would give out under the wail.” - “There is no topic properly within the range of the title that is not treated with competent authority and excellent discretion.”—N. Y. Herald. Q “The author's words are of great import, and deserve serious attention. They are, too, so delicately chosen, that they can give no offence to the most fastidious.”—Evening Post (Chicago). “It is unexceptionable in tone and calculated to be very useful in its advice. We hope it will be sold and read and its counsels heeded.”—Congregationalist (Boston). “It is written in the best spirit, scientific and moral, and it ought to be read by husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers.”—N. Y. Independent. tº “. . . . . It is elevated in tone, thorough and yet delicate in treatment.”—Bome Jour- mal, N. Y. - “No parent will fail of reading every. line in the book with the most absorbing interest. It is a boon to womankind.”—Halle Journal of Health. “No one, young or old, should be without the important information it contains.”—Frank Leslie's Illustrated Paper. - - G. J. MOULTON, Publisher. Supplied by the American News Company, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 14 I ºº Kºº O º s - ºlº J. - - . 2- º º º ºº: … … -- ... . . - Dºğ Mºgºk. ºAMPHLET GRATs.º. The Wakefield Earth-Closet, T H E Great Blessing of the 19th Century IS THE DISCOVERY OF THE DRY-EARTH SYSTEM, AND, IN CONNECTION THERE WITH, A PRACTI- CAL METHOD OF USING THE SAME IN EARTH - CLONETS AND COMMODES, We ask every decent person to aid us in ban- ishing from the earth every vile country privy, these loathsome, indecent, pestiferous, health and life destroying structures, the bane of every country community. Every person thus en- gaged becomes a public benefactor. By all odds the most complete and perfect closet yet in- vented is the Wakefield Patent. They have been adopted by the Central Park Commissioners, and one hundred ordered for use in the Park. Applications for Agencies from responsible persons will be considered. Send for our Descriptive Pamphlet, or call and see the Commodes, at the Office of the WAKEFIELD EARTH-CLOSET COMPANY., 36 Dey Street, New York. In Press, and will be Ready about the 20th of April. MARIE HOWLAND'S Great American Novel, Papa's Own Girl. One of the keenest of American Critics, who has read it in the manuscript, says: “It will be the greatest literary sensation of the time.” It will make a handsome 12mo volume of about 500 pages, bound in cloth. PRICE $1.75. JOHN P. JEWETT, 27 Clinton Place, NEW YO BIC, AND LEE & SHEPARD, Boston, Publishers, 1 Vol., Cloth, pp. 201. THE PASSIONS IN THEIR RELATIONS TO HEALTH AND DISEASE. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH of DR. X. Bourg-EOIS, By HOWARD F, DAMON. A. M., M.D, NOTICES OF THE PRESS. [It is a work which has come none too soon, and can have a circulation equally among the young and middle-aged none too wide—for it treats in a judicious way topics of primal importance, not only to the inexperienced, but to those long in the married state.—The Commonwealth [Its spirit is eminently good, and its statements are worth pondering.—Boston Journal.] [Married women can read it with profit. The subject is one on which there is great need of light—Moore's Rural New Yorker.] [The author sets forth the beauties of true love—not pas- sión. He thinks marriage the only true consummation of love—the only safeguard to society and health.-Rutland Daily Globe.] - [It is free from sensationalism, and is a work to be com- mended.—Lowell Daily Courier ) [A careful examination of the book will satisfy the reflect: ing reader that the author treats this most serious and difficult topic with great professional ability, and with a clearness and propriety of diction, and a cogency of argu- ment that cannot fail to be productive of much good.- Boston Daily Globe.] [A very judicious treatment of a very delicate topic. It is full of information, deals practically with physical and social sins, shows their results upon the system, and is a powerful medical plea for virtue and social morality.— Providence Evening Press.] Published hy JAMES CAMIPBELL, Boston, Mass. $1.25. Postage 25c, extra. - 142 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. English Classics. The Cheapest Books Ever Published. SHAKSPERE, 600, Cloth, $1.25 Containing all the great Poet's Plays, 37 in number, from the Original Text, the whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 Illustra- tions, by Gilbert, Wilson, &c. BYRON. 50C, Cloth, 81.00 A New Edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages, 16 Illustrations by F. Gilbert. SCOTT, 25c. - Cloth, 50c, A New Edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated by F. Gilbert. GOLDSMITH, 50c. Cloth, $1.00 The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete Illustrated Edition. BURNS, 25C. Cloth, 50c. This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is elaborately Illustrated, and contains the whole of the Poems, Life, and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. - ARABIAN NIGHTS, 25c, Cloth, 50c, A New Translation, complete, with numerous Illustrations. IIILTON, 25C, Cloth, 50c, Milton's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. COWPER. 25C, ! Cloth, 50c. Cowper's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. WORDSWORTH, 25c, Cloth, 50c. Wordsworth's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. MOORE, 25C, Cloth, 50c. Moore's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. . gº. The wswal Discow.nts given to the Trade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. I43 JTIENTINTTST JTTUTTNTIE’S AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A NEW AND HANDSOME BIND ING. This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSO, . - A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BOUND IN CLOTH, witH BLACK AND GOLD SIDE STAMPS. IFrice SL-75 TEHE AMEERICAN NIEWS COMPANY., IN E VV" TS: O ER, IP3C- NOW READY. T H E Presbyterian Digest. A COMPEND OF THE Atts all Dºllſtraltº Oſtlº Gibral ASEmily ſtilt PrBSDytëTiål Chlſh IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Compiled by the order ani authority of the General As- sembly, By Rev. W.M. E. MOORE, D. D. Ono Volume. Sheep. $6.50. Please address Orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent, Or to Dopp & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; BoARD of ColPortAGE, 53 Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa.; SUTTON & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; FAIRBANKs & Co., 107 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; . who keep all the publications of the Board ſor sael. & JUST READY | ſh; Humb|alit family liſt, FOR THE USE OF TWENTY-EIGHT PRINCIPAL REMEDIES IN THE TRATMENT OF THE MORE SIMPLE FORMS OF DISEASE. By G. E.O.R. G. E. E. S.H.I.P M A. N., M. D. Together with Directions for the Treatment of DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, By W. H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., New Orleaus, La. Eighth Edition, Single Copies, $2.00, Sent free by mail on receipt of price by publishers, or may be ordered from any bookseller. - For the present edition a chapter has been added on the management of children during the first few days of life— the most important days, in many respects, of their whole existence. Many valuable suggestions are given here, which, if carefully followed out, would save the little ones and their attendants much needless suffering and very ma- terially diminish the rates of infant mortality. The book contains the photograph and autograph of the author. PUBLISHED BY THE WESTERN NEWS COMPſy, 42 & 44 Randolph St., Chicago. 144 THE AMERICAN ROOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The Pittsburgh B00k and News Company, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL ARTICLES WHICH FoRM THE News Dealers’, Booksellers’, and Stationery Stock. WE KEEP ALWAYS ON. HAND FULL LINE OF ||||||||||||WY|| || || ||||||}|| H O U S F. S., As Soon as Issued, and at Publishers' Lowest Rates, We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includ- ing all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles and cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c, &c. Also a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY. Dealers save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY., No. 163 Wood Street, W H O L E S A L E D E A L E ER. S IN āllūmtrſ), 1900liš, all) 4ttlDDItalá, Are now prepared to supply any Foreign or American Publications as soon as published, AT PUBLISHERS PRICES.” Also keep on hand All the Leading Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Publications, WEI ICJH THE Y S UPPLY AT NEW YORK PRICES. we also have a large and well-selected Stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC STATIONERy, WHICH WE OFFER TO THE TRADE AT THE VERY LOWEST - NEW YORK PRICES. 2.9 CATALOGUES of NEw PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONERY SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. tº Address THE NEWARK NEWS COMPANY., 32 COMMERCE STREET, NEwARK, N. J. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS' GUIDE. 145 T EI E ST. I, O U Is BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY. BOOKSELLERS, štationers amb gelus jealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publi- cations, which are received daily by Express. STATIONERY, IN GREAT WAIRIETY, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Albums, Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic Views, Knives, Gold Pens, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES, AT REASONABLE RATES. 307 NORTH FourTH STREET, Sairlt T ICULis- Just Published 1 MANUAL OF TEIE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Designed for the Instruction of American youth in the duties, obligations, and rights of citizenship. By ISRAEL WARD ANDREWS. D. D., President, Marietta College. 408 pp., with Index and Appendices embracing important State Pa- pers. LIBRARY EDITION: 8vo, Full Sheep, $2.00. SCHOOL EDITION : 12mo, Cloth, $1 60. Liberal terms on sample copies to teachers and supplies for first introduction into schools. P R O G. R. E S S T V F, AND FRACTICAL METHOD FOR THE STUDY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. By F. DUFFET. PART I.—192 pp., limp cloth, 12mo. PART II.-192 pp., limp cloth, 12mo. ready.) $1.00. Liberal terms on supplies for first introduction, and Sample Copies to Teſtchers. (Nearly Descriptive Cireulars on Application. WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Publishers, CINCININATI and NEW YORK. T. C. Olx at These Facts 1 I Fº IC V7 IEE E I D I Tº I C C INT ſº OF TEIE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AIE E PUBLISHIE D EACH WIONTRI, ONE A.T St. Louis, Mo.; Chicago, Ill.; Topeka, Ka. ; Austin, Texas, and - Kirksville, Mo. The aggregate circulation of the several editions of THE AMERICAN Journal, of EDUCATION is over 12,000 copies. This, according to the best authority, nosures over 100,000 readers each issue, Advertisements, if aesired, go into all the editi..ns. Address all cominuuicatious to the Editor, Subscription Price, $1.50 per unnanuman, strictly in atly ance. J. B. MERWIN, 917 North Sixth Street, next to Methodist Book Concern, St. PREMMUns.—FOR 2 SUPSCRIBERS–Webster's New Pocket Dictionary. FOR 4 SUBSURIBERS–Sypher’s Art of Teaching School—the newest and most thoroughly prac- tical teachers’ guide yel issued. - * 4t FOR 6 SUBSCRIBERS–A 5-inch Mounted Globe. & 4 FOR 8 SUBSCRIBERS–Webstel's National Pictorial Dictionary—royal octavo size, sheep binding, over 600 engravings. 4 & FOR 18 SUBSCRIBERS–Webster's Uuabridged Quarto Dictionary—illustrated with three thousand engravings. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION will show the people who pay the ta es, not only what our teachers and school officers are doing, but the necessity for this work as well; hence the teachers and school officers should see to it, that copies are taken and circulated in every school district in the United States. S. B.-Remittances must be made in current funds on St. Louis. office orders or registered letters. The best methods of sending money are by post- We are responsible for no losses on money otherwise sent. The full subscription price must be sent for each subscriber, to obtain the se premiums. Premiums are sent at the expense of the party getting up the club. Sen i stamp to prepay postage on two and four subscribers’ premiums, 2, 4, and 12 cents. Six, eight, aud eighteen subscribers' premiums are sent by express at the expense of those who get up the clubs. Address . . J. B. MERWIN, Editor and Publisher, Ult NORTH SLATH STREET, next to Methodtst Book Concern, ST. LOUIS, MO. 146 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. T H E (INCINNATI NEWS COMPANY., No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, *s AND News-Dealers. gº-ºººº sº They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEW YORK, BosTon, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI Houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also always on hand A LARGE STOCK STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-List, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 west FourTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. BAIRD’S : ; ºf ºr ". lºsiº ... Yº tº NS: FOR PRACTICAL MEN. My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE of PRACTICAL and SciENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who will favor me with his address. In ENRY CAREY BAIRID, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 WAINUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Price Reduced ===s=== NOTICE TO DEALERS. We would call the attention of the Trade to our new improved - .-- - Tracing Wheel, with neatly turned rosewood handle, wheel and Shank of steel, and nickel plated ferrule, thus combining strength with lightness and beauty. With it patterns may be taken from the fashion magazines and papers without injury to the original. It is also very useful in cutting patterns of all sorts, either from other pattérns or from the garments themselves. - Indispensable to Every Family, saving its price every time it is used. cHEAP, DURABLE, CONVENIENT. Retail price, 25 cents. Price to the Trade reduced to $10.00 per hundred, $1.50 per dozen. - Address all orders to . . . . The American News Company. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 147 A. J. HolyAN & Co.'s NEW EDITIONS Family, Pulpit, and Reference Bibles, AND Photograph Kieu Ms. T H E LARC. Esºſ AND Most VARIED Ass ORTMENT IN THE COUNTRY. A. J. HOLMAN & CO., American Bible Warehouse, 93O Arch Street, Philadelphia. 㺠S-à * ičº º ñº. º § § . §: - º ºš §: š : ºś §§§ ºr " rº Sºść. §ººl ! P r O g r € S S i W € ! ! Without a Rival l l l l I *– STANDARD PUBLICATIONS ON THE HORSE, ETC, American Stud Book (Bruce), 2 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 00 Forester's Horse of America (revised by Messrs. Bruce), 2 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 The Horse in the Stable and Field (Stonehenge), 1 vol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 American Turf Register and Racing Calendar, for 1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873 (our annual #º publication), each Vol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Simpson's Horse Portraiture (a Treatise on Handling Trotters), 1 vol. ... ............... 3 00 Racing Rules, 50 cents ; Trotting Rules, 25 cents. American Rowing Almanac and Oarsman's Pocket Companion, 1873 and 1874 (our annual publication), price $1, morocco covers, and in cloth 50 cents each. - Magnificent Steel Engravings (18 by 24) of Celebrated Horses. Price 50 cents each. “The TURF, FIELD, AND FARM has by far the largest circulation of any paper of its class pub- lished in the country; is alike influential and a standard authority upon every topic to which it appertains, as its enterprise, acknowledged ability, independent and gentlemanly tone, have made it the leading turf journal of America.” “TUERF, FIELD, AND FA ERM.” soLD BY NEWSDEALERS THROUGHOUT THE world. . . . IEBetter arm.cl strorºger tharn. IEver. Specimen Copies, with Premium Lists, etc., sent upon application. Address all orders : TURF, FIELD, AND FARM, 37 Park Row, New York. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Wholesale Agents. I 48 THE AMERICAN B O O KSE L LERS’ G UID E. Forney's Weekly Press. THE REPRESENTATIVE JOURNAL OF PENNSYLVANIA, Two splern did. Chronºlos AS PREMIUIMS NOW READ’Y. No. 1. T H E V E S T A L V 1 R G | N, AFTER THE CELEBRATED PAINTING BY ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, IN THE ROYAL GALLERY - A T DRESIDEN. No. 2. FROM TEIE PAINTING OF A CELEBRATED GERMAN ARTIST. Each 12 by 14 inches, just finished by DUVAL & HUNTER, of this city, the oldest Chromo and Lithograph Publishers in the United States, expressly for FORNEY'S WEEKLY PRESS. These two exquisite Chromos, widely renowned for their beauty and artistic finish, are exactly suited for any residence, and as produced by DUVAL & HUNTER, are among their most successful works. Their retail price is $2.50 each, but we will furnish (post-paid) a choice of either “THE WESTAL VIRGIN" or the “STRAWBERRY GIRL,” from this date, November 24, 1873, to every subscriber to the WEEKLY PRESS who sends us $2, the price for one year's subscription, and also one of either to the getter-up of every club of five copies or more. Specimens of these splendid works of art can be seen at the BUSINESS OFFICE OF ** THE PRESS,” SEVENTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. _A. N. O. T EC E JER, IF E, IC 2, ED Fornay's Anecdotes of Public Men AL's O OFFERED As A PREMIKUML.A ... -**: Retail price, $2.00 per copy. In anticipation of the Third Edition, we offer (post-paid) a copy of the “Anecdotes of Public Men” to any person who will send us ten subscribers for the WEEKLY PRESS, one of the most varied publications in the country, abounding in literary, agricultural, political, and business matter, printed in quarto form, on strong white paper, and with clear, beautiful type. FORNEY'S WEEKLY PRESS claims to be the Best Family Paper, the Best Literary Journal, the Best Republican Weekly, the Best Agricultural Organ, the Best Weekly Newspaper, the Best Advertising Medium in the Keystone State. It is, in all respects, the exponential journal of Pennsylvania, going every- where, and always striking the leading and representative men in each township. The Agricultural Page of this Paper is a marked specialty. Its management is in the exclusive control of Mr. THOMAS MEEEAN, whose reputation throughout the whole country as a practical and successful agriculturist is well and favorably known. AMOUNT of READING MATTER.—There is, perhaps, no weekly journal which gives so much interesting and instructive reading matter in a single number as FORNEY'S WEEKLY PRESS. Its connection with the Associated Press enables the proprietor of the WEEKLY PRESS to furnish the readers with the very latest Foreign and Domestic News by telegraph, steamships, and Atlantic Cable. Full market reports— money, grain, cattle, and general—of Philadelphia and all the leading cities of the Union, constitute a pro- minent and invaluable feature of the WEEKLY PRESS. The greatest care is exercised in the selection of the varied table of contents, and in the making up of the paper. ºff Specimen Copies sent free. - TERMS OF THE WEEKLY PRESS. - 1 copy 1 year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº e a e º e e g º e º e de e s $200 50 copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55 00 5 copies. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * ~ * w e º e º e < * * * * * * * * * 9 00 10 copies, 1 address. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e º e s e º e < * 14 00 10 copies..... © tº º f is e º ºs e e º e º 'º e º ºs e e tº a tº e s is is sº e º ºr 15 00 | 20 copies, 1 address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 20 copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 00 50 copies, 1 address...... e º & s e is e s is e s m e º e e º e a 50 00 Persons getting up a club of ten or more copies can choose as a premium either one of the Chromos, a copy of “Anecdotes of Public Men,” or a copy of the WEEKLY PRESS. - All orders should be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor, S. W. cor. SEVENTII and CHIEST NUT STs., PIIIL AD E L PHIA, PA. THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L L E RS’ G UI/O E. I49 Ira Prº e s s. IFE e a cly IMI a y 1 st. croFUTT's Trans - Continental Tourist, - ITOR 1874-, • SIXTH ANNUAL VOLUME, CONTAINING: A FULL AND AUTHENTIC DESCRIPTION OF OVER Five Hundred Cities, Towns, Willages, Stations, Government Forts and Camps, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Sulphur, Soda, and Hot Springs, Scenery, Watering Places, Summer Resorts; Where to look for and hunt the Buffalo, Antelope, Deer, and other game; Trout Fishing, etc., etc. In fact, to tell you what is worth Seeing— where to see it—where to go—how to go—and whom to stop with while passing over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad of Cal., THEIR BRANCHES AND CONNECTIONS BY STAGE AND WATEIR, FIROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. The volume for 1874 will be thoroughly revised and re-written, aud will con- tain nearly one hundred beautiful original engravings and maps. Many of the views will occupy a full page, and illustrate some of the most magnificent scenery in Colorado, Wyoming, the Yellowstone Country, the Yo-Semite, Big Trees, California, the Columbia River County, the “Cape Horn" of the Sierra Nevada, and the far-famed Echo and Weber Canons. It will also contain a large, colored map of the world, showing the Railway and Steamship routes around the world, with distance, time, and fare (which alone sells for the price of the book). This tourist book will contain nearly $10,000 worth of engravings, 160 pages, 6}x9 inches, printed on tinted paper, bound in flexible cloth covers; and it is confidently expected the circulation within the ensuing year will exceed 100,000 copies, owing to the extraordinary demand, the value and interest of its contents, and its low retail price—$1.50—for which it will be sold. GEO. A. CROFUTT, Publisher. Send orders to AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, or its Branches, A GIENT's ENOEt, Flü BI, ISIEHIEEE, 150 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. T EI E N BALTIMORE "|NEWS COMPANY. SUN IRON BUILDING, Cor. Baltimore and South Streets, BALTIMORE, M.D., | WELOLESALE AND RETAIL - | Booksellers, News Dealers, Lººſ - º: The Baltimore News Company, AND Cor. Baltimore and South Streets, - BALTIMORE, MD. Stationers. They keep constantly on hand full lines of the Publications of the Leading NEW YORK, BOSTON, and PHILADELPHIA HOUSES, - AND SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. They have on hand a large stock of STATIONERY GOODS, including all the STANDARD ARTICLES, both DOMESTIC and FOREIGN, comprising Writing Papers, Envelopes, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Lead and Slate Pencils, Blank, Memorandum and Pass Books, Playing Cards. Games, Toy Books, Albums, Portfolios, &c. ENITIAL PAPER A. SPECIALTY a BASE BALLS, BATS, AND C F O QUETS, A FULL LINE ALWAYS ON HAND (IN SEASON). Dealers in the South and West will find it greatly to their advantage to receive their supplies from this Company. Anything in the market, new or old, large or small, supplied at lowest rates. Terms, in the absence of satisfactory reference, Cash in advance. Lists of NewsPAPERs, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free on application. Address your communications to THE BALTIMORE NEWS COMPANY., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers, News Dealers, and Stationers, s"UTINT IIB OINT ETUIT_IDI INTG-, Corner Baltimore and South Streets, Baltimore, Md. FOR SALE AT THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSZOA E.S. WT I ID ID T, TE T O INT 2 S CIEHIOICE EDITIOINTS OF ST AND A R D B O O K.S. AIGER. A Critical History of the Doctrine of a :* A.ife. . By WM. R. ALGER. 8th edition, re- V1S6 d. AIB BOTT'S BIBLIOGRAPHY. Being a com- plete Catalogue of all Works relative to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul. By Ezra ABBOTT, Librarian, Harvard University. An appendix of 238  with Index to “Alger's Future Life.” Cloth. .A.YTOU N. Lays of the Scottish Cavalier. -A-YTOUN. , Bon Gaultier’s Book of Ballads. Royal 8vo (700 pp.), extra cloth............. $3. 16mo.. I . 16mo. 1. BURTQ.N. ... Anatomy of Melancholy. 3 vols....... 5 • BYR3)]N. Works, with Life, by Moore. {- 4 vols. . . . . IBIB.D. Nick of the Woods. 12mo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . I • BIRD. Calaver: The Knight of the Conquest. 12mo. 1. JB Alf RINGTON (Sir Jonah). Personal Sketches 1. CONINGTON. AEneid of Virgil. Translation into English Verse. Crown 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHRISTOPEIEE IN OF THI. A Memoir of Prof. Wilson, by his daughter............................. CONIFUſ ings in Chinese Literature. Rev. A. W. Loom is, 12mo. . . . . . . . . ................ CROWE. Night Side of Nature; or, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers. By CATHERINE Crowe. CURRAN, The Life of. By his Son. IXISRA lºſ II. Curiosities of Literature. IXISR. Alºl I. Amenities of Literature. 2 vols..... IXISRAELI. Calamities and Quarrels of Authors... 3 IXISRAELI. The Literary Character. Annals of the Stage. IDOFAIN'S WO RIK Annals of the Stage Table Tra tº, with something on them........ 1 vol. Habits of Men. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 vol. The Queens of the EIouse of Hanover..... ... 2 vols. Knights and their Days...... s e º & © e º e º e * c e º e e I vol. Monarchs Retired from Business............ 2 vols. 2 vols., cr. S. Nine vols., comprising: Sets, extra cloth, in box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5. I DARLEY'S MIA.R.G.A.B.E.T. 3o plates, inp. fol.. 15. FREINEAU’S POEMIS, relating to the American Revolution. Small 8vo, cloth, gilt to IFIRAINCIS, Old New York. * A few large £ager copies of above. FIVE BLACK ARTS. ight, Po, tery, Glass, and # tº * & © tº gº tº e g º e º º Price, $10. History of Printing, Gas Iron. 12mo, cloth 'GOOD ENGLISHI. By EDw ARD S. Gould. 12mo. 1. GAY AltR.E. History of Louisiana. 3 vols., 8vo. I. French Domination (2 vols. in 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Spanish Domination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. American Domination, a new volume to 1860. ... * Each volume complete in itself, and sold separately. GAY AIR.R.E. Philip the Second of Spain, with Intro- duction by George Bancroft. 8vo, extra cloth JBI.A.L.L.A.M. & BALL AllM. Literature of Europe. JHALL AllM. Complete Works. tant, to vols., crown 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IHOUSSAYE. Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols., 12mo, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBIOUSSAYE. Philosophers and Actresses. 2 vols., • * g e º e o e s e º 'º e º e º e s is e < e < * * * * * * Alſost 7"eliable ex- e ſº e º G & © tº $ tº gº tº e º 'º e 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth...... DSBY. Globe Edition. Complete in 1 vol. tions b TIN GO Eightilustrations, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2. ICIP. The Unnoticed Things of Scripture. Right Rev. W.M. 1 N GRAHAM KIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICUSTIELI,'S MIET ALL UERGY. Silver and Gold Extr.: ction. 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . IKILPATRICK and Our Cavalry. An Account of his Raids, Engagements, etc. Twelve illustrations. 12mo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • LAMIB. Essays of Elia. 2. e 2 * IUS and the Chinese Classics ; or, Read- 12mo, cloth. 1. 8vo. . . . 3. Small 8vo, cloth..... 2. º Middle Ages. 3 vols., cr. 8vo, cloth... 5. * & e 4 vols., cr. 8vo. 7. BIALL.A.M. Constitutional History of ESngland. 3 vols 5. • So Crown 8vo. 2.25 IDISRAELI'S Complete Works. 9 vols., crown 8vo. 15. IDORAIN. I7.5o • OO 3.5o • So • 25 Handsome cr. 8vo, cloth. 1.75 L.A.M.B. Eliana. Hitherto Uncollected Writings... L.A. M.B. Complete Works. Life, etc., by Sir THos. Noon TALFourD. Most elegant edition. 5 vols., crown Svo cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . 9 ſº CASAS' INAPOLEOIN. 4 vols., 12mo., . ClOtil . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MACAULAY. Speeches. Complete. 2 vols.... 3. MAY. The Constitutional History of England, 2 vols., crown 8vo. (A continuation of Hallim.). . . . . .. 3 MILMAN. History of the Jews: 3 vols., cr. 8vo. s. MILMAN. History of Christianity. 3 vols., cr. 8vo. 5.25 MIL MAN. Latin Christianity. 8 vols., crown 8vo. 14. oc MILMAIN. Complete Works. 14 vols, crown 8vo. Comprising the three foregoing lines. Cloth extra... 24. MOORE. Life of Sheridan. 2 vols., cr. 8vo, cloth... 3. N AIPIEER'S Peninsular War. 55 maps and plans of Battles, Portraits, and Index, 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. . . . . I2 - NOCTES AMBEROSIANAE. . By Prof. WIL- son. , 6 vols. (including Life of Prof. Wilson by his Daughter). Crown 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l O’MEAERA’S Napoleon in Exile. 2 vols., 12mo, cio.. POJE. Complete Works. Library Edition. 4 vols.. POE. Prose Tales. 2 vols., 16mo, cloth. Per vol.. POE. Poems. 16mo. Uniform with the Prose Tales. POE. Poems. 4to, with 28 original illustrations . . . . IPRAIED. Poems. Memoir by Cole RIDGE. 2 vols. 3. EEDFIELD. Physiognomy. With 33 o illustr. . . . 2. SHARESPEARE}. The Complete Works. 8 vols. 16mo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMITH. The Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith.... 2.25 STANLEY. Sinai and Palestine, 8vo, cloth. . . . . . 2. SEWAIR. D. The Works of the Hon. William H. Seward. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIEW Allºt.I), Liſe of, to 1860. By GEO. E. BAker... 1. SHIEL. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2 v., 12mo, clo... 3. oo SIMMS. Poems. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIMMIS. Wm. Gilmore Simms' Novels. 17 vols. Comprising: . The Partisan : a Romance of the Revolution. . Meilichampe: a Legend of the Santee. . Katharine Walton ; or, The Fair Rebel of Dorchester. The Scout; or, The Black Riders of the Congaree. Woodcraft; or, The Hawks above the Dovecote. . The Forayers; or, The Raid of the Dog Days. Eutaw : a Sequel to the Forayers. . Guy Rivers : a Tale of Georgia. . Richard Hurdis : a Tale of Alabama. . Border Beagles: a Tale of Mississippi. . Charlemont: a Tale of Kentucky. . Beauchampe ; or, The Kentucky Tragedy. 13. Confession; or, The Blind Heart. . The Yemassee : a Romance of South Carolina. 15. Vasconselos: a Romance of the New World. I .75 : I 16. Southward Ho a Spell of Sunshine. 17. The Wigwam and Cabin. Sets-17 vols., cloth, in box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * - - - - - - - - 3o.oo Separate vols., per vol., cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . I •75 TERENCHI. On the Study of Words. 12mo, cloth. . 1.25 —— On the Lessons in Proverbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . OO —— Calderon: his Life, Genius, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I • 25 Poems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 —— On the Synonyms of the New Testament........... 1.25 & 4 $ & * { ‘‘ second part. , 1.25 —— On Bible Revision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - - - 1 - 25 —— Sermons on the Divinity of Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I • CO —— Sermons Preached in Westminster Abbey.......... i.75 -- The Hulsean Lectures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 25 WHITMORE. Elements of Heraldry. 8vo, cloth, uncut. . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e s a e º 'º • OO WHITE. Student's Mythology. A Compendium of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Assyrian, Persian, Hindoo, Chinese, Thibetan, Scandinavian, Celtic, Aztec, and Peruvian Mythologies, in accordance with standard authorities. Arranged for the Use of Schools and Academies. By C. A. WHITE. 12mo, cloth..... *:::: *.25 w. J. WIDDLETON, Publisher, 27 Howard Street, New York. C.4 TALOG UES FREE ON A.PPLICATION. I52 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 1874, SPRING PUBLICATIONS 1874. Messrs. James R. Osgood & Co., 131 FFANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. JUST READ.Y. Problems of Life and Mind. The Foundations of a Creed. By George Henry Lewes, author of “The Story of Goethe's Life,” etc. Vol. I. 8vo. $3.00. “‘Lewes's Problems of Life and Mind,’ a work in which the toughest and abstrusest sci- ence is rendered interesting by a style of great clearness and fluency, has sold like a novel.” —London Correspondent N. Y. Nation. Life of Mrs. Barbauld. Memoir, Letters, and a Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of Anna Laetitia Barbauld. By Grace A. Ellis. 2 vols., 12mo. With Steel Portrait. $5.00. - “The dear little woman, as Crabb Robinson calls her, could hardly desire a more grace- ful and pleasing biographer than Mrs. Ellis, nor a better monument to her memory than these interesting and thoughtful volumes.”—Daily Graphic (New York). Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk Towards the End of Life. By William Mountford, author of “Miracles Past and Present.” New edition. 12mo. $2.00. The object of this striking book is to realize somewhat the conditions, employments, and happiness of the future life, to lighten the burdens and griefs of the present, by attempting vividly, yet reasonably, to anticipate the rest and satisfaction of the life to come. - OSCOO D'S LIBRARY OF NOVELS. Zelda’s Fortune. 8vo. Illustrated. Paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.50. Young Brown. By Grenville Murray, author of “The Member for Paris.” 8vo. Illustrated. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.25. - The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. By James Parton. With Heliotype Portrait, from a painting by Rembrandt Peale. One volume, 8vo, 764 pages. $3.00. e “We have read it from the first to the last page, with both instruction and delight. He reproduces every individual and event he aims to represent.”—Boston Globe. Theodore Parker: A Biography. By Octavius Brooks Frothingham. With Beliotype Portrait. 1 vol., 8vo. $3.00. e Written so candidly, and with so profound an appreciation of Parker's characteristic qualities, that his book is of surpassing interest, and must have a wide circulation. Fables in Song. A New Volume of Poems. By Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton). Third edition. One volume, 16mo, gilt top. Cabinet edition. $2.00. These “Fables in Song” are such as AEsop might have written if he had lived in this century and enjoyed its best culture. * Yesterdays with Authors. By James T. Fields. New and cheaper edition. One volume, 12mo. $2.00. FOR EARLY PUBLICATION. Poems. By Miss H. R. Hudson. One volume, 16mo. $2.00. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing. By Charles Dudley Warner. One vol- ume, 16mo. $1.50. . Brudence Palfrey. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. One volume, 16mo. $1.50. The Middle States. A Hand-Book for Travellers. A Guide to the Chief Cities and Popular Resorts of the Middle States, their Scenery and Historic Attrac- tions; with the Western and Northern Borders, from Washington to Cincinnati and Lake Erie. With Maps and Plans. Uniform with “New England.” One volume, 12mo. $2.00. - Life Under Glass. Containing Suggestions toward the Formation of Artificial Climates. By George A. Shove. One volume, 16mo. NOW READY, with Red and Black Title, and Plates by the Autotype Permanent ProCBSS, HISTORY OF THE INQUISITION. By WILLIAM HARRIS RULE, D.D. —4)— ABOUT five years ago Dr. RULE published his History of the Inquisition in every Country where its Tribunals have been Established, from the Titelfth Century to the Present Time. Encouraged by the favourable acceptance that volume found, its Author has collected the results of further study, recomposed the whole, and with very considerable enlargement now presents a more comprehensive work to the public in two handsome library volumes. The whole field of direct Inquisitorial action is re- viewed. Care is taken not to overstate facts, nor to state anything which is not related on original authority. The Author's design has been not so much to picture the horrors of the Inquisition, which cannot be concealed, as to exhibit the origin, the spirit, and the policy of the Institution ; to mark its relations with the Church to which it has belonged, and the uses it has served; to point out its vital unity with the most despotic forms of government, both civil and ecclesiastical ; and to guide the reader in estimating the influences of the so-called Holy Office, as it appears in the history of Southern European States, with some of their Colonies in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Materials for trustworthy pictorial illustration enable the Author to give a few portraits of Inquisitors and others, with representations of objects of interest. The typography is in the best style, with corresponding paper and binding. Two Volumes, in Handsome Cloth. NEW YORK : SCRIBNER, WELFORD & CO., 654, BROADWAY. IMPORTANT TO STUBSCRIBERS. A MEDIUM for the Sale and Exchange of Old Books and Magazines is a constantly growing want among dealers. Much old stock, which is useless in the hands of one dealer, may be readily disposed of to appreciative buyers in another locality, if those buyers have some inexpensive means of making their wants known. Back numbers of Magazines are often wanted to complete volumes; old and rare Books are always in demand, but as the would be buyer cannot afford to pay regular rates for advertising, their possessor is obliged to see them wear out on his shelves and finally sells them for old paper. To meet the above want, we shall hereafter devote a few pages of each issue of the BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE to BOOKS. WANTED, Under which every Paying Subscriber' will be entitled WITHOUT CEHARGE. to five nonpareil column lines in any number. For any additional lines, twenty cents each will be charged. This offer is made to regular subscribers only. All others will be charged twenty cents per line for each insertion. Ad- dresses and titles should be plainly written, and copy should reach this office, as early as the 20th of each month, to secure insertion in the next number. E.O.O.T.C.S H'OF SAT/E. Under this head we will insert advertisements at twenty cents per nonpareil line. No charge will be made in either list for space occupied by the address of the advertiser, and no title of book or periodical will occupy less than one line. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., PUIBT,ISHE ERS. §3. For terrns of Subscription see first page of the GUIDE. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOWEST FATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheap- ness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G, IR, E A T V A. IFR, I IET Y. oUR stationERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, E.T.C., ETC. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. -> Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Cata- logues, sent free on application. - All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORIX. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. MRS, SOUTHWORTH2S NEW BOOK. Sequel to “A Beautiful Fiend.” WICTOR'S TRIUMPH. A SEQUEL TO “A BEAUTIFUL FIEND." By Mrs. EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. WILL BE PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4th. miRs. souTH worth’s NE w Book. VICTOR'S TRIUMPH. A. Sequel to “A BEAUTIFUL FIEND.” By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Complete in one large duodecimo volume. Price $1.75 in cloth, or .$1.50 in paper cover. MRS. SOUTHWORTH'S COMPLETE WORKS. Complete in thirty-seven volumes, bound in morocco cloth, from entire new designs, with a full gilt back, price $1.75 •each ; or $64.75 a set, each set in a meat box. Victor's Triumph.... . $1 75 The Lost Heiress. . . . $1 75 A Beautiful Fiend. . . . . 1 75 | The Bridal Eve. . . . . . . 1 75 The Artist’s Love. . . . . 1 75 | Lady of the Isle...... 1 75 A Noble Lord. . . . . . . . . 1 75 || Deserted Wife . . . . . . . . 1 75 . Lost Heir Linlithgow... 1 75 | The Two Sisters....... I 75 Tried for Her Life. . . . . 1 75 | The Three Beauties. . . 1 75 Cruel as the Grave. . . . 1 75 | Wivia: Secret Of POWer 1 75 The Maiden Widow. , ... 1 75 The Missing Bride..... 1 75 The Family Doom..... 1 75 | The Christmas Guest... 1 75 Prince of Darkness.... 1 75 | The Fatal Marriage. ... 1 75 The Bride’s Fate. . . . . . 1 75 Love's Labor Won . . . . 1 75 The Changed Brides... 1 75 The Gipsy's Prophecy. 1 75 How He WJn Her. . . . . 1 75 | Haunted Homestead... 1 75 Fair Play.... -- . . . . . . . 1 75 || Wife's Victory........ 1 7 Fallen Pride. . . . . . . . . . 1 75 | The Mother-in-Law ... 1 75 The Widow's Son. . . . . 1 75 | Retribution. . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Bride of Llewellyn. ... 1 75 | India; of Pearl River. 1 75 The Fortune Seeker... 1 75 | Curse of Clifton. . . . . . . 1 75 Allworth Abbey. . . . . . . 1 75 | Discarded Daughter... 1 75 Above are in cloth, or in paper cover at $1.50 each. TWIISS E LIZA. A. DUPUY?S NEW E O OFK. THE HIDDEN SIN. . A Sequel to “THE DETHRONED HELRESS.” By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, author of “Why Did He Marry Her?” etc. One volume, 12mo, price $1.75 in cloth, or $1.50 in paper cover. MISS ELIZA. A. DUPUY'S COMPLETE WORKS. Complete in eleven volumes, bound in morocco cloth, from new designs, with a full gilt back, price $1.75 each ; or $19.25 a set ; each set is put up in a meat box. The Hidden Sin. . . . . . . $1 75 Why Did He Marry Herš1 75 The Dethroned Heiress 1 75 | Who Shall Be Victor... 1 75 The Gipsy's Warning... 1 75 || All For Love.......... 1 75 The Mysterious Guest. 1 75 Was He Guilty . . . . . . . . I 75 ‘The Cancelled Will..... 1 75 | The Planter’s Daughter 1 75 Michael Rudolph; or, the Bravest of the Brave...... 1 75 Above are in cloth, or in paper cover at $1.50 each. IWIRs. C. J. NE WIBY’s NE W B O OKs. TRODDEN DOWN. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Common Sense,” “Married,” etc. Price 50 cts. COMMON SENSE. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Only Temper,” “Married,” etc. Price 50 cts. ONLY TEMPER. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Married,” “Kate Kennedy,” etc. Price 50 cts. MARRIEI). A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Only Tetoper,” “Common Sense,” etc. Price 50 cts. TIHE PL – R BE (9 F EID WIN FOR REST. THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST. Third Edition. With Reminiscences and Personal Recollections. By James Rees (Colley Cibber). With a Portrait, Autograph, the Last Will of Edwin Forrest, and Charter of the Edwin Forrest Home, bound in Morocco Cloth. Price Two Dollars. Jºgº- Ome Bookseller is wanted in every town, village, and county, in the United States, to act as General Agent for “Colley Cibber's Life of Edwin Forrest,” who will be supplied at special rates. Address the Publishers. PETERSON'S NEW NOVELS, EveRY Booksel LER MUST HAVE THEM. NEw Books : JUST READY : Wictor's Triumph. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. .31 75 The Hidden Sin. By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy.... . . . . . . . . I 75 A Beautiful Fiend. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth... 1 75 The Dethroned Heiress. By Miss Eliza A Dupuy.... 1 75 The Life of Edwin Forrest. By Colley Cibber. ... ... 2 00 A Photograph of Edwin Forrest as “Spartacus' in Dr. Bird's Play of “The Gladiator,” 16x20...... Fine Steel Portrait of Edwin Forrest, 10x13, price 50 cents : or on India Proof Paper, price 60 cents. Francatelli’s Modern Cook. With 62 Illustrations. ... 5 00 Count of Monte-Cristo. By Alexander Dumas. A New Illustrated Edition. Paper, $1.50; cloth......... 1 75 Edmond Dantes. Sequel to “Monte-Cristo "......... 75 The Countess of Monte-Cristo. A New and Beautiful Edition. Paper cover, $1.00; cloth... . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Beautiful Snow and Other Poems. A New and Beau- tiful Illustrated Edition. By J. W. Watson...... 2 00 The Outcast and Other Poetus. Ry J. W. Watson . . . 2 00 The Young Magdalen, and Other Poems. By Francis S. Smith. Morocco cloth, gilt top and side...... 3 00 The Memoirs of Vidocq, Chief of the French Police... 1 75 The Initials. A New and Beautiful Edition. Cloth... 1 75 Hans Breitmann's Ballads, complete in one volume. . 4 00 The Dead Secret. By Wilkio Collins. 12mo, cloth... 1 50 Basil. By Wilkie Collins. 12mo, cloth.............. 1 50 Liebig’s Complete Works on Chemistry. Cloth...... 2 00 The Master of Greylands. By Mrs. Henry Wood..... 1 75 Bellehood and Bondage. By Aun S. Stephens........ 1 75 The Heiress in the Family. By Mrs. Daniel... . . . . . . . 1 75 Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Revised and Enlarged... 1 75 Renneth, The Earl of Glengyle. By Reynolds........ 1 00 Widdifield's New Cook Book, bound in cloth ... . . . . . I 75 Cyrilla. By author of “Initials.” Paper, 75; cloth. 1 75 Margaret Maitland. By Mrs. Oliphant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Historical Sketches of Plymouth. By H. B. Wright... 4 00 The Old Countess. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens......... 1 75 The Iron Hand. By Alexander Dumas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Lord Hope’s Choice. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens...... 1 75 Miss Leslie's New Cook Book, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 High Life in New York. By Jonathan Slick, Esq. ... 1 75 Woman's Wrong. By Mrs. Eiloart, cloth, gilt back. 1 75 The Forty-Five Guardsmen. Paper, $1.00; cloth. ... 1 75 The Greatest Plague of Life, Illustratod Cover...... 50 Madame de Chamblay. By Alexander Dumas. . . . . . . . 50 Treason at Home. By Mrs. Greenough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Frank Fairlegh. Illustrated. Paper, 75 cents; cloth. 1 75 The Lawrence Speaker. By Philip Lawrence........ 2 00 Comstock’s Elocution and Model Speaker. drew Comstock. With 263 Illustrations......... 2 00 Within the Maze ; or, Lady Andinnian's Trial. . By Mrs. Henry Wood. Price $1.50 in paper; or cloth 1 75 The Rye House Plot. By G. W. M. Reynolds......... I 00 The Adventures of a Marquis. By Alex. Dumas. . . . . 1 00 Wild Oats Sown Abroad. A Series of Spicy Letters... l 50 My Hero. By Mrs. Forrester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 The Reigning Belle. By Mrs. Ann S Stephens. . . . . . . John Jasper's Secret. A Sequel to Charles Dickens' “Mystery of Edwin Drood,” with 18 Illustrations 2 00 Meister Karl's Sketch Book. By Charles G. Leland... 2 50 Aunt Patty's Scrap Bag By Caroline Lee Hentz. ... 1 50 Ten Thousand a Year. By Samuel Warren. . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Mackenzie's Life of Charles Dickens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Fanchon, the Cricket; or, La Petite Fadette. . . . . . . . . 1 50 Dene Hollow. By Mrs. Henry Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Clyſſards of Clyſſe. By author “Carlyon's Year.” . . . 1 75 Frank Forrestor's Sporting Scenes and Characters, complete in two vols., illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major Jones’s Courtship, full of illustrations......... 75 The Wandering Jew. By Eugene Sue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Planter’s Northern Bride. By Mrs. Leo Hentz. . . . . . . 1 75 The Mystery of Edwin Drood. By Charles Dickens... 1 50 For other best selling books, see own Complete Catalogue. MYSTERY COURT OF LONDON SERIES. Mysteries of the Court of London, By Reynolds.... .31 00 Rose Foster. By George W. M. Reynolds. ... . . . . . . . . 1 50 Caroline of Brunswick. By G. W. M. Reynolds...... 1 0() Venetia Trelawney. By George W. M. Reynolds. . . . . 1 00 Above are in paper cover, or in cloth at $1.75 each. Address all orders, to receive immediate attention, at once, for any or all of the above books, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. §º º Wºº. 34. 9 and 21 ºsº assau? H.W.TR01 - 0ft. --~~~~ WiNRAM - 60s, Yol. vi. New York, MARCH 1, 1874. No. 3. C O N T E N T S. PAGE - PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, - — 73 MUSIC NOTEs, – --- -> – 87 LONDON LETTER, - - – 78 SPECIAL NOTICEs, - - – 88 oBituary, - - - – 8o | NOVELTIES, - - - — 88 FROC EEDINGS OF THE BOOK TRADE INDEX to ADVERTISEMENTS, – 88 CONVENTION, - - – 81 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For MARCH, 89 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PUBLISHERS' FEBRUARY PUBLICATIONS, - – 92 - BoARD OF TRADE, - – 83 | NEW MUSIC, - - – , – 95 A TEMPERANCE PRIZE Essay, - 84 || THE STATIONERY MARKET, - – 97 LITERARY ITEMs, sº- - — 85 | THE AMERICAN NEws company's Foreign LITERARY NOTEs, – 85 List of NewsPAPERS AND NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, – 86 PERIODICALS, - . — – 99 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. l NEW BOOKS FOR MARCH. SHIELDON & COMPANY Wri, L PUBLISH MARCH 12th : - lst. secretary WELLES’ G REAT BOOK, LINCOLN AND SEWARD. AN ACCOUNT OF THESE REMARKABLE MEN, AND THEIR RELATIVE POSITIONS IN THE LINCOLN ADMINISTRATION. Ome Vol., 13mo, Tinated Paper, Cloth.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 4 & { { Paper Covers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 2d. A C HEAP EDITION OF EIED_A_VTEDIN IN SONG-- By HENRY C, FISH, D, D, Author of “History of Pulpit Eloquence.” This book was published just before the Holidays in quarto form, and proved a great success. We therefore feel that an attractive edition, at a reasonable price, of such a book, which presents in a single volume the gems of poetry of all ages on this sacred theme, must find a prominent place in our literature. READY MARCEI 12TH. One Wol., 12mo, Tiunted Paper, Black and Gold... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 3d. A NEW NOVEL BY A FRESH AND WIGOROUS WRITER. fettered for Žife; or, Žard and 3}laster. A Story of To-day, by LILLIE DEVEREUX BLAKE. Mrs. Blake's already established reputation as a writer, and her celebrity as a brilliant speaker, will secure for her book an immediate and careful consideration. i vol., 12mo, Cloth. Price... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... $1.50 {{ * & Paper. “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 |READY MARCH 25TH. Bditors' Copies and Show-Bills sent with advance orders. SHELDON & COMPANY, 677 BROADWAY, NEW York. AMERICAN BOO THE KSELLERS GUIDE. --- -º- The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers’ Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers’, or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY, New York. THE £ook MARKET. NEw York, Feb. 28th, 1874. There has been little during the month to disturb the quiet which has prevailed in the book trade. The demand for standard books has been very light indeed, and few new works have been issued of such importance as to cause a ripple of excitement. Business in paper novels and cheap books remains more uniform, being less subject to fluctuations in demand ; and both publishers and dealers in such books have done a fair business for the season. Our publishers are busy in the preparation of new volumes, and next month's list will contain many important books. Harper & Brothers have added to their ad- mirable edition of Bulwer's works his last novel, The Parisians, with the illustrations of Sydney Hall. This is undoubtedly the best of the many good works of this author, in which ap- pear all the excellencies without the incon- sistencies of his former works. The book will be read with the greater interest from the fact that it was his last. Lord Lytton was a labor- ious student and a prolific writer, and, as if he had a premonition that this would be his last literary work, he seems to have thrown into it all the skill and ability acquired by long years of study. The Harpers have also issued Among our Sailors, by J. Grey Jewell, late U. S. Consul at Singapore; Pet; or, Pastimes and Penalties, a book for children, by H. R. Haweis; a novel en- titled Lottie Darling, by John Cordy Jeaffreson ; and Ship Ahoy! a capital story for boys. Dr Jewell's book is a timely one, “designed to meet a popular demand for a clear, full, and authentic exposition of the relations between American Sailors and their employers and officers.” The author’s official position at a distant port gave him the greatest facilities for observing the evil practices which obtain in our merchant service—-facilities which he zealously improved in gathering materials for his valuable book. It will be widely read, and if it results in ameliorating the condition of our sailors, the author will deserve the thanks of his country- men. It contains an appendix of extracts from the laws and consular regulations governing the Lnited States merchant Service, which adds to sº its value as a library book. Lottie Darling is a very cleverly written love novel, containing an interesting plot, some well-drawn sketches of character, is without that morbid sentimentality which sometimes detracts from such ventures, and contains enough humor to be pleasant reading. Pet, by the author of Music and Morals, is a very pretty book for children, con- taining fifty good illustrations. The Harpers have nearly ready a heavy book of Oriental travel, entitled The Land of the White Elephant, by Frank Vincent, Jr., which will be profusely illustrated; Motley's Life and Death of John of Barneveld, and several other good books. The Evangelical Alliance Conference, 1873, edited by Rev. Doctors Prime and Schaff, may also be ex- pected next month. Robert Carter & Brothers have published a volume of sermons by Rev. Dr. Candlish; Willow Brook, a story by the author of Wide, Wide World; a story entitled Guiseppe's Home, by the author of the little books known as the “Dare to Do Right" series; and Gates of Prayer, by J R. Macduff, D.D. ; President McCosh, of Princeton, has been for some years engaged on a History of Scottish Philosophy, from the ear- liest period to Sir William Hamilton. It is nearly completed, and the earlier portion is now in press by Carter & Brothers, but owing to the extent of the work, and the great care needed in carrying it, through the press, it will not be ready till the autumn. The same house will soon issue in one volume The Period of the Reformation, 1517 to 1648, by the late Prof. Hausser, of Heidelberg, an admirable and in- teresting resumé of the ecclesiastical and civil history of that remarkable period ; also a new book of foreign travel, A Lawyer Abroad; How to See and What to See, by Henry Day, a member of the New York Bar. The Carters have also in press for young people The Reef and other Parables, by the Rev. E. H. Bicker- steth, author of Yesterday, To-day and Forever, with illustrations. G. W. Carleton & Co. have issued Martin Chuzzlewit in their new illustrated edition of Dickens; and Bessie Wilmerton, a novel by Margaret Westcott. This is a very good story and very well told. It is unexceptionable in tone, has an excellent moral, and is a very Safe book 74. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. to put into the hands of young people. Older people will not find it uninteresting. A Somewhat curious book is Genesis Disclosed, by Thomas A. Davies, lately issued by Carleton. The author upholds the theory that Adam re- presents a class rather than an individual, and thinks he has found a great error in the King James translation, which, if corrected, will make the account of the creation harmonize with this theory. The book is worth the atten- tion of Bible students, E. P. Dutton & Co. have published several excellent religious books for the Lenten season. Dear Feast of Lent, a series of devotional read- ings, in poetry and prose, arranged by the author of Rutledge, there being a selection for each day ; a new and cheaper edition of A . Rosary for Lent, a book of the same description, by the same author; Christian Counsels, being Selections from the devotional works of Arch- bishop Fenelon, translated by A. M. James ; and a little volume in paper, by Rev. G. H. Wilkinson, entitled Some Week-Days in Lent, consisting of a portion of his lectures delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Dutton & Co. Will publish next month The Silence and Voices of God, by F. W. Farrar, the Chaplain to the Queen, a work which has been very favorably noticed in England. They will also publish i. author's Life of Christ, just issued in Eng- &ll Cl. G. P. Putnam's Sons have published Woman Before the Law, by John Proffatt, LL.D., and The Life of George Dashiell Bayard, late Captain in the U. S. A. and Brigadier-General of Wol- unteers. The former work is by a New York Lawyer, and gives us, in a\concise and handy form, much information which is useful and interesting. It surveys the history of the sex, and treats of laws of marriage, personal rights and disabilities, rights of property, reciprocal rights and duties of mother and children, and the laws of divorce. Altogether, in these days of agitation of “Woman's Rights,” it is a very convenient book for reference. The Life of Bayard is written by his father, Samuel J. Bayard. The subject of the memoir gradu- ated at West Point in 1856, served on the plains until the breaking out of the war, took part in the campaigns in Virginia, and was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg in De- cember, 1862. The volume gives a genealogical history of the Bayard family in America, but is principally made up of letters giving experi- ences of West Point Cadet life, and on the frontier. From these letters the book derives its interest for the general reader. The Put- nams have added several valuable little books. to their “Elementary Science Series,” and have published The Portable Atlas of Modern Geogra- phy, constructed by John Bartholomew, F. R. G. S. This is a convenient octayo, containing sixteen maps, and like the Atlas of Scripture Geography, and the Student's Atlas of Classical Geography, issued by the same house, is a mar. vel of cheapness, containing, as they do, all the details that are included in the much more expensive works. The Putnams will issue, at an early date, a work on the Normal School for colored students at Hampton, Va.; and the long announced work on The Education of American Girls, which will consist of a series of lectures and papers by various authors, and be edited, with an introduction, by Miss Anna C. Brackett, formerly principal of the St. Louis Normal School. e Henry Holt & Co. have published, in their “Leisure Hour Series,” Jupiter's Daughter, a novel, by Mrs. C. Jenkins, from advance sheets; also three other books from the same author, A Psyche of To-day, Madam De Beaupré, and Skir- mishing. They will issue next month Desperate Remedies and Far from the Madding Crowd, both from the pen of Thomas Hardy, whose books, issued last summer, are remembered with pleas- ure ; and a new novel by Auerbach, entitled Waldfried, to be published from advance sheets, by special arrangement with the author. D. Appleton & Co. have published The Puer- peral Diseases, a series of lectures delivered at Bellevue Medical College, by Fordyce Barker, M. D., who has been connected with that insti- tution for twenty years, and has had unusual opportunities for the study of the diseases of which he treats; a work on Physical Measure- ment, by Dr. F. Kohlrausch, translated by Thomas H. Waller and Henry R. Proctor, F. C. S.; and Conservation of Energy, the latest vol- ume in the “International Science Series,” which is sufficient to recommend it to scientific readers It is written by Balfour Stewart, LL. D., of Owens College, Manchester, who treats of the nature of energy, mechanical energy, and its change into heat, the law of conservation, transmutations of energy, and the position of life. The book also contains Le Conte's essay on the “Correlation of Vital with Physical Forces,” which is revised and re-stated by the author, and Professor Bain’s essay on the Cor- relation of Mental and Nervous Forces. The Ap- pletons will issue, in March, Dr. Pettigrew's work on Animal Locomotion, and Rae's Willces, Sheridan and Fake, a very able book, treating of the most eventful period of English history— the reign of George III. They also have nearly ready for publication Upton's Assimilated Tactics for the United States Army. H. L. Hinton & Co. have issued Put to the Test, a story of peasant life in France, containing all the essentials of a popular novel, by Charles Chamberlain, Jr. ; and Social Science, “a review, historical and critical, of the progress of thought in social philosophy,” by Robert S. Hamilton. This book was printed several years ago, and some press copies sent out, but its issue was then deferred by the author on account of some extreme views contained in it, in regard to social life in the South. It is a work of ability, and a valuable contribution to Sociology. Hinton & Co. are preparing for issue several books from the popular German author, Paul Heyse. The earliest will be The Children of the World, and Three Types of Womanhood. The second volume of The Humorous Chap-Books of Scotland is nearly ready. - Macmillan & Co. have brought out a number of valuable books, among which are Tait's Elementary Treatise on Qualernions; an Inlro- duction to Quaternions, by Holland and Tait ; a scientific work on Steam, by J. Perry; Martin's THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ G UIDE. 75 Stutesman's Year Boolc for 1874, a very useful handbook and probably the best of its kind ; and the first volume of the Constitution'tl History of England, by William Stubbs, Professor of Modern EHistory at Oxford. Dodd & Mead have published another pleas- ing book from Edward Garrett, entitled Goºd and Dross. There is a quiet charm about this author's books which makes them always enjoy- able, and it is sufficient to say of this that it is not inferior to her others. This house will issue within the coming month new editions of several books of Miss Manning's which have been out of print for several years, including the Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell; Cherry and Violet; and the Faire Gospeller. These are historical novels, and are quite popular with English readers. James Miller has issued a volume of poems and poetic dramas, entitled The Cloud of Wit- messes, by Opal, whose reception will depend very much upon the individual taste of the reader. The first in the collection is a drama of the creation, each act of which covers a geologic period, the dramatis personae being angels. It is a very ingenious and novel at- tempt to unite science with poetry. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued vol. ume four of the Speaker’s Commentary; a new edition of Agassiz' Structure of Animal Life; Central Asia, compiled by Bayard Taylor; Max Müller's work On Missions ; the latest volume of Lºnge's Commentary, and Professor John Stuart Blackie's work on Self-Culture. Agassiz's book has been so long out of print that it will be to many a new book, and this edition is a verv good one. It comprises six lectures, delivered by the author in 1862. The public will never tire of books of travel, and Central Asia will find many appreciative readers. It gives, besides a general description of that portion of the world named by the title, short accounts of the early travellers, and a chapter devoted to the Russian campaign against Khiva. The fourth volume of the Speaker's Commentary includes Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Lange's Commentary is edited in this country by Dr. Philip Schaff, and, although based on that of the German editor whose name it bears, is in many respects a new work, as much of it is by American commentators. The present volume is upon the Minor Prophets. On Missions is the scholarly lecture delivered by Max Müller in Westminster Abbey, on the religious systems of the world. The volume has an introductory sermon by Dean Stanley. Self-Culture is a well- written little book by Professor Blackie, of the University of Edinburgh, which, without being too learned and correspondingly dull, gives some very useful hints in regard to the culture of the mind, the morals, and the body. The importations of Scribner, Welford & Armstrong include a new and enlarged edition of Stonehenge's British Rural Sports; a beauti- ful edition of Dyer's History of Pompeii; Man- ners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, by E. O'Curry, in three heavy volumes ; new editions of Dr. Faraday's Works on the Forces of Nature. and The Chemical History of a Candle; Lives of Remarkable Criminals, a book that has had a large sale in England ; and Richard Wagner, and the Music of the Future, by Dr. Franz Hueffer, in which the author argues that “the possibility of music for the sole sake of sonor- ous beauty, has virtually ceased to exist, and any composer with higher aspirations than those of a genre painter, has to consider it his task to express a precºnceived poetical idea by means of sound.” The memoir and criticism of Wagner are interesting. The work also con- tains essays on Schumann, Liszt, Schubert, and other modern German composers. The National Temperance Society have pub- lished the National Temperance Orator, and a very good little story, by Mary J. Hedges, en- titled The While Rose. Warren & Wyman have issued a work on Baptism, by Rev. Samuel Hutchings, and a little devotional book, by George Macdonald, sufficiently explained by the title, Cure for Thoughl-Taking. William Wood & Co. have published a Hand- Book of Medical and Surgical Reference, by Dr. John A. Wyeth ; and Dr. Peugnet's paper read before the Medico-Legal Society on The Nature of Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen, and their Treatment, based on a review of the case of the late James Fisk, Jr. The author strongly ad- vocates a reform in the manner of conducting criminal investigations, and in the rules gov- erning the introduction of the testimony of ex- perts. The Orange Judd Company have published a work of practical value in Hussey's National Col- tage Architecture. It is a handy quarto volume of designs and directions for low priced build- ings... It contains sixty-three plates of buildings and the parts which enter into their construc- tion, and twenty-four pages of text. Full speci- fieations are given for a few designs, and the cost of the others is easily estimated, with the information which Mr. Hussey gives. There is ample variety in the designs, and the suggestions and directions will be very useful to those who Contemplate building. BosTox, March 1, 1874. Perhaps the book trade last month was not 'quite so dull as it usually is in February, though, to be sure, there were not many new books issued during the month, and for most of them the advance orders were almost dis- couragingly small. James R. Osgood & Co. have published The Life and Works of Anna Laelilia Barbauld, by Mrs. Grace A. Ellis, in two volumes; a new edition of #º or Happy Talk Towards the End of Life, by William Mountford, author of Miracles Past and Present ; Life of Thomas Jefferson, by James Parton ; Fubles in Song, by Robert, Lord Lytton, author of Poems by Owen Meredith, etc.; and Zelda's Forlwme by the author of Earl's Deme, etc. The principal attraction of Mrs. Ellis's Me- moir of Mrs. Barbauld is the correspondence, which contains much excellent sense, and con- siderable amusing gossip about many of Mrs. Barbauld's eminent friends and contemporaries. The selection from Mrs. Barbauld's writings is made with taste and discrimination, and in- cludes several things of permanent value and 76 THE AMERICAN B O O KS E L L E RS’ G UID E. interest, such as the famous essay, entitled Against Inconsistency in Our Expectations, which is, according to Hazlitt, one of the most in- genious and sensible essays in the language; The Misses, a charming little Pllegory, full of Smiling Satire ; Summer Evening Meditation, Which is full of noble lines—passages of sheer poetry ; the song beginning “Come here, fond youth, whoe'er thou be,” which Leigh Hunt says has all the devoted energy of the old poets; and the fine poem on “Life,” which beautifully thus concludes: — “Life I we’ve been long together Through pleasant and through cloudy weather ; 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear, - Perhaps "t will cost a sigh, a tear ; - Then steal away, give little warning, Choose thine own time ; Say not Good Night, but in some brighter clime Bid me Good Morning.” g Wordsworth, who was not in the habit of grudging people their good things, wished he had written these lines. Eulhanasy is a series of dialogues on life, death, and immortality—a great and solemn subject seriously and beautifully treated. In discoursing upon their high argument the in- terlocutors branch out into a wide diversity of topics, and talk in a sagacious and suggestive manner, and with rare spiritual and intellectual insight upon - “the common things that round us lie.” Mr. Mountford's style is elegant and emergetic, and has now and then the quaintness and beauty of the old English prose writers. A good reader will read Euthanasy as “a celestial recreation.” Mr. Parton's Life of Jefferson is not only the most thorough and painstaking biography of the great statesman yet published, but it is one of the most entertaining biographical works in the language. It has the fascination of a ro- mance, and every one of its seven hundred and sixty-four pages can be read without skipping and without a yawn. Owen Meredith's new work contains nearly sixty poems of various degrees of merit. The public, if not all lovers of poesy, will gladly welcome the volume, and peruse it with serene satifaction. a' Zelda’s Fortune is one of those novels which are read with “ravishing Satisfaction” by stu- dents of romance, and is, as Lady Peckham would say, one of “the tip-toppest" stories of the day. The work is remarkable for its deep- laid plot and its startling incidents. Osgood & Co. will issue, this month, the new biography of Theodore Parker, by that eloquent preacher and brilliant writer, O. B. Frothingham ; The Queen of the Regiment, a novel; and Poems, by Miss Hudson, a favorite contributor to the Al- lantic Monthly. This house will also publish, during the spring, the Middle States Guide, by the author of the Handbook of New England; JBaddeck, a volume of travel and adventure among “the blue noses,” by Charles D. Warner ; Life Under Glass, being the description of a win- ter garden on a large scale, for the cure of pul- monary and other diseases, by Geo. A. Shore ; and Prudence Palfrey, T. B. Aldrich's delicious little New England story, now publishing by driblets in the Atlantic. - Roberts Brothers have issued Thorpe Regis, by Frances M. Peard, author of Rose Garden, etc.; Lessing's Laocoon, translated by Miss Ellen Frothingham ; and Bronson Alcott's Records of a School. Miss Peard is one of the sweetest and purest female novelists of the day, and Thorpe Regis is perhaps the best of her beautiful domes- tic romances. The story is laid in England. and is rich in lively and genuine pictures of life in a sleepy old country town. The work is of deep in- terest, and will compare favorably with the best of Miss Thackeray's charming productions. Those who, like Emerson, love to be beholden to “the great metropolitan English speech,” can now read the Laocoon—“that incomparable little book ’’ as Lewes rightly calls it—in a good Eng- lish version. Goethe, says his biographer, rose from the perusal of the Laocoon with his mind widened, strengthened, and inspired ; and Lord Macaulay confessed that the reading of this book formed an epoch in his mental history, and that he learned more about wit from it than he had ever learned elsewhere. The conversations in the Records of a School were recorded by Miss Elizabeth P. Peabody, near forty years ago, and the work suggested by Miss Alcott, the Plum- field School, described in Lillie JMen. An admi- ring reader of the Records says, in a letter to Mr. Alcott: “Nowhere have I seen the Gospels so spiritualized, so rationalized, Platonized. The naivete aside, it seems the product of a company of idealists. Is it possible that com- mon human nature in children, thrown upon its own resources, can exhibit such intelligence, or instinct, if you please to call it so?” The Broth- ers Roberts have in press, for almost immediate publication, Sea: in Education, an answer to Dr. Clarke's famous little work, by “several emi- ment hands,” with an introduction by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe ; Dr. Channing's Correspondence with Lucy Aiken, which undoubtedly will be a work of remarkable interest to many readers; and The Trust and The Remittance, two beautiful and unique little love stories, told in colloquial blank verse, by Mary Cowden Clarke. They are quaintly dedicated to her lover husband of eighty-five. Mr. Emerson brought these little poems with him from England, and has read them to many of his friends during the past win- ter with rare pleasure and satisfaction. Roberts Brothers have also nearly ready for publication the long-announced new edition of Margaret Fuller's works, in six volumes. º Ginn Brothers have published Sermons, by the Rev. Henry Norman Hudson. To the general literary public Mr. Hudson is much better known as a Shakespearian commentator, than as a preacher of the gospel. The same qualities and peculiarities that distinguish his criticisms on Shakespeare are to be found, in a greater or less degree, in these remarkable pulpit dis- courses. In shrewdness, sharpness, and plain speaking these sermons remind one of South, though they are written in a more tolerant and a more Christian spirit than the sermons of that famous old English divine. Ginn Brothers bave also published The Conspiracy of Catiline, as Related by Sallust, edited and annotated by THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 77 T. H. and W. F. Allen ; Stewart's Elementary Physics, with questions and exercises by Prof. G. H. Hill ; and The CE lipus Tyrannus of Soph- Ocles, edited, with an introduction, notes, and full explanation of the metres, by Prof. John W. White. This house has likewise in prepara. tion for early publication The Poems of Virgil, Part I, containing the Bucolics and six books of the AEmeid; Selections from Ovid, and other Narrative Latin Poets, including the principal legends of Greek and Roman mythology; and Outlines of the Comparative Grammar of Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin, embracing in small compass the general principles of etymology, with full references to authorities and larger works, by J. B. Greenough. Little, Brown & Co. will issue in March the first three volumes of A History of North Amer- ican Birds, by Spencer F. Baird, Thomas M. Brewer, and Robert Ridgway. The publishers truly say that, in typographical execution, and the accuracy and beauty of its illustrations, this work surpasses anything of the kind ever pub- lished in America. Though intended as a popular account of the habits and character- istics of the birds of North America, the biog- raphies and descriptions are written with scientific accuracy. These initial volumes con- tain the history of the land birds, illustrated by 593 woodcuts, and 64 plates of full life-size illustrations of the head of each species. The volume on the water birds will be published in 1875. A. Williams & Co. have brought out New and Not New, a volume of striking and impressive religious essays upon such subjects as “God s Will,”, “Little Things,” “Great Christian Days,” “Sunday,”. The Christian's Views of Death,” also “The Reward of Heaven,” etc. Williams will also shortly publish The Seven Gray I’ilgrims, A Personal Romance by a Subaltern of Artillery; and Modern American Bridge Builders, by G. Towers, with plates. The publishing house of Shepard & Gill has divided. Mr. Shepard goes to the new store in Franklin street, and Mr. Gill remains at the old stand, and will publish for Wilkie Collins, Ed- mund Yates, Chas. Bradlaugh, Gail Hamilton, Miss Hadermain, Geo. Cupples, author of the Green Hand, Mrs. Cupples, and other authors known and unknown. Among Mr. Gill’s earliest issues will be Chas. Bradlaugh's famous Im- peachment of the House of Brunswick, which will be of peculiar interest to the reformer's ad- mirers in this country. Following this will come a brilliant society story, by Cherbuliez, the popular French writer, entitled The Romance of an Honest Woman. Mr. Gill has also in prep- aration several striking novelties, prominent among which are Dream Woman, a new work by Wilkie Collins; and Lotos Leaves, the much- talked of volume by the lilterateurs of the Lotos Club. Nearly fifty prominent writers contribute Original poems, essays, and sketches to this work, which is to be illustrated by some of the best artists in the country. Of Mr. Shepard's forthcoming publications we shall speak in the next number of the GUIDE. - Carter & Pettee have issued Mental Medicine, a theoretical and practical treatise on medical ‘on the Three Historic Flags and Three psychology, by Rev. W. F. Evans, author of Mental Cure ; and a new edition of One Year; or, a Story of Three Homes, by Frances M. Peard, author of Rose Garden and Thorpe Regis. Mr. Evans says that Mental Medicine contains information every one needs who has anything to do in the management and care of the sick, and will qualify every person of ordinary in- telligence to be his own family physician. Year is a happy combination of the novel of manners and of sentiment, and is fully as good as the author's better known productions. Colby & Rich have published Bible Marvel Workers; or, New Readings of “The Miracles,” by Allen Putnam. The author says that his “desire is to make a distinct presentation of Biblical facts, accompanied by views and thoughts resultant from them, which shall in- dicate some actual agents and processes through which man has been favored with super-mun- dane revelations and manifestations.” The work, Mr. Putnam modestly informs the reader, “is sent forth as but a pioneer to blaze a route along which others may perhaps be pleased to con- struct a smoother, more substantial, and satis- factory pathway to knowledge of some im- mediate fountains of man's inspiration in all ages.” Bible Marvel Workers is a curious, and in some respects a remarkable production. Patrick Donahoe has issued a new edition of Paul Peppergrass's popular and diverting Irish story of Shandy McGwire; or Tricks wipon Travel- lers; and the Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis De Sales, translated from the seventh French edition. St. Francis De Sales is, as Leigh Hunt says in one of his delightful essays, “a true godsend, a man of men, a real quintessence of Christian charity ; ” and this little volume, which has been lovingly and discriminatingly gathered from his writings, is full of wise and beautiful things, admirably suited to times of trial and sadness. N. D. Berry has published Bella; or the Cradle of Liberty, by Eugenia St. John. This is a stim- ulating and highly-wrought story of the iniquities according to the author, attend the , which, treatment of the insane in our public asylums. Henry Hoyt has brought out Waiting Hours, with “the hungry, and weary, and thirsty in the wilderness,” by Anna Shipton ; “Asked of God,” by Anna Shipton ; and Janel Dºrney, a clever- ish and very readable tale of fisher-life in Chale Bay, by Sarah Doudney, Miss Shipton's books are made up of quotations from Scripture, orig- inal verses, and little sketches and stories of the people she comforted and consoled upon her mission of mercy, kindness, and love. - The New England Historic Genealogical Soci- ety has sent out The Swedes on the Delaware, and their Intercourse with New England, an interesting monograph, by Frederic Kidder, with curious heliotype fac-similes of the letters of George Winthrop and the Swedish Governor, relating to the expedition to discover Lake Laconia. The work is reprinted in the January number of The Historical Genealogical Register, which also contains a valuable and interesting article Victories, by Captain George H. Preble, U. S. N. The ſlags commemorated in this paper are the flags of the Bon Homme Richard, U. S. Brig One eptember 78 THE AMERICAN Booksellers GUIDE. Enterprise, and Fort McHenry, and the victories: with which they are associated, - Though Valentine's Day has ceased to be a day of “great stir and emotion” in town or country, the romance and illusion of that “tender anniversary” are not entirely destroyed Locke & Bubier, who deal largely in “love stationery,” have found a pretty fair sale for those charming “little missives yeleped valen- times” this year. s * PHILADELPHIA, February 28, 1874. The book of the month is the third volume of Forster's Life of Dickens, just issued here by J. B. Lippincott & Co. This volume finishes the work, and is of peculiar interest to Ameri- eans from the fact that it includes his second visit to this country, of which he did not hesi- tate to speak freely to his friend and biographer. His happy faculty of concise description, and his genius for detecting the whimsical and the picturesque side of what he saw, makes his ac- ootint of his short stay in New York very arºusing. There were those who felt aggrieved at his one-sided account of his previous visit but that feeling has long since passed away, and if any reader of this volume fails to find in this portion of it an exact description of the man- ners and customs of our people, he must re- nember that the great novelist was not an his- łorian. His letters to Mr. Forster are as in- teresting as his novels, and the reader will regret that the volume does not contain more of them. They are evidently written with great eare, and it is to be hoped that all his letters will be collected and given to the world. This volume also contains the sad story of his domestic trials and the separation from his wife. Mr. Forster deals with his friend loving- ly and gently, and tells the whole story of his life with a charming simplicity. The Lippin- cotts have also published A Strange Story, and The Parisians, in their excellent library edition of Bulwer's works, known as the “Lord Lytton Edition”; Nicholas Nickleby, in two volumes. in their illustrated edition of Dickens' works ; Schiller's Poems, translated by Edgar A. Bow- ring ; Conversations of Goethe, translated by John Oxenford ; and a little poem by Mary Ashley Townsend, entitled The Captain's Story. They have in press for early issue, History of lfrench Literature, from the French of M. Dem- oget; Public Men. and Events, from President Monroe to President Fillmore ; and a new edi- tion of Lieber's Civil Liberty and Self-Government, revised by Dr. Theodore D. Woolsey. The Life of Franklin, edited from original man- ascripts, and from his printed correspondence and other writings, by Hon. John Bigelow, is in press, and will be published by the Lippincotts this month. T. B. Peterson & Brothers still continue to cater to the popular taste for good novels, and are unremitting in their efforts to supply the demand. They have recently issued The De- throned Heiress, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, which completes their fine new edition of this author's works; and two novels by Mrs. C. J. Newby, Married, and Only Temper, and they have in press Miss Dupuy's The Hidden Sin. Both of these writers’ works are appreciated by novel readers, and the Messrs. Peterson name them among their most successful issues. Rees' Life of For- rest has also been a success with the publishers, who also publish a large photograph of the dis- tinguished tragediari, taken from the original picture for which he sat, at the age of forty, in the character of Spartacus. They also publish an excellent steel portrait, taken from the last portrait for which Mr. Forrest sat, and which he regarded as the best portrait of himself ever taken. Porter & Coates have issued a new edition of The Comprehensive Speaker, compiled by Mr. Henry T. Coates. This is an admirable book of selections, adapted to the wants of schools and lyceums. In addition to the fulness and freshness of the selections, it is considered to excel in the superiority of its arrangement, as well as in containing some valuable hints on style, gesture, and expression, with some con- densed rules for elocution. In connection with the subscription depart- ment of this house, they have lately added a new edition of Mrs. Ellet's Queens of American Society, containing thirteen beautiful steel por- traits, printed on fine paper, and equalling in its mechanical excellence, any table book ever issued. Miss Edwards' novel In the Days. of My Youth, lately published by Porter & Coates, is having a large sale, and is likely to add considerably to the author's popularity in this country. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have issued a new revised edition of Mr. Flanders' Exposi- tion of the Constitution of the United States, and Easy Lessons in Natural Science, by Miss R. E. Kremer, the author of Bible Gems. This is an attempt to simplify science, and treats briefly of the most important phenomena of the world. It is illustrated and tastefully bound. Smith, English & Co. have published for the Reformed Church a book of prayers for the use of families. It was first prepared several years ago, by Rev. Dr. Samuel R. Fisher, with the design of furnishing a simple set of forms for those who should desire to use them. The work has been out of print for some time, and the author has revised this edition, and pub- lished it to meet the present demand. The Presbyterian Board of Publication have issued, by order and authority of the General Assembly, The Presbyterian Digest, a compend of the Acts and Deliverances of the General As- sembly of the United States, prepared by Rev. William E. Moore, D.D. Kay & Brother have published The Principles of Equity, a treatise on the system of justice administered in Courts of Chancery, and a new edition of Wharton's Criminal Law. The latter is a well known work. This and Bishop's treatise on the same subject, are considered standard books on criminal jurisprudence. For this edition the author has made a new exami- nation of his authorities, has re-written almost every topic, and added about six hundred pages of new material. Legal critics speak very highly of the work in its revised form. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 79 JLoNDoN J.ETTER. loNDoN, Feb. 9th, 1874. February being with us a month of prepar- ation rather than execution, it is not much in the way of new books that business is done, but rather in new editions. Some new books have been issued during the month, but they are not many, and very few are important. The sudden dissolution of Parliament has made it good for the newspapers, and for them only, as people are always eager for the news, and are so much interested in it that they cannot settle quietly down to read a book. Mr. Gladstone's coup d’etat has furnished abundant work for future historians, for it was, as a foreign writer cleverly observes, very near blowing up the Constitution. A new book of travels by Mrs. Guthrie will soon be published, entitled “Through Russia, from St .Petersburg to Astrakhan and the Crimea,” and as every thing Russian is just now very popular, it is likely to have a large sale. The illustrations, too, are said to possess more than ordinary merit. The publishers are Hurst & Blackett. They also announce “Nathaniel Vaughan, Priest and Man,” by Frederika Macdonald, the talented author of the “Iliad of the East ’’ ‘‘ Xavier and I,” etc. Mrs. Cahel Holy has a new book entitled “Out of Court.” and Mrs. Randolph has one called “Genti- anella.” Captain Butler, author of the ‘‘ Great Lone Land,” has in press another work, entitled “The Wild North Land ; or, the Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North Aumerica,” which will no doubt be eagerly read by every one who remembers his former book. The admirers of “Friends in Council " will gladly welcome another book by the same author. It is an historical novel, entitled “ Ivan de Biron ; or, the Russian Court in the Middle of the Last Century.” It is a well written book, containing much new informa. tion about that most interesting portion of Russian history, for, though a novel, a great many historical facts are introduced. “Phi- neas Redux" is the title of a new book by Anthony Trollope, and “The Fair Haven” that of one by Samuel Butler, author of • ‘Erewhonx.” “The Fair Haven” is a very curious book, and was first published under an alias, the author’s name being known now for the first time. In his preface to this, the second edition of his book, he speaks of himself “in his true colors as the champion of Orthodoxy.” No two critics seem to agree about it—one re- ligious paper welcoming it as a masterly de- fence of the Resurrection ; another, on the other hand, recognizing in it an exquisitely witty attack upon the same. The Macmillans announce a work on “Fifty Years of Greek History,” comprising the end of the History of Herodotus and the beginning of the History of Thucydides. The third volume of Forster’s “Life of Charles Dickens” has just been issued, and met with a very favorable re- ception, being considered by many to be the nuost interesting of the three. Dr. Wm. Smith has just completed the first part of a French Princip a to be complete in three parts, and it is likely to become as popular as his Latin and Greek courses. The Messrs. Longmans have:8 book, by Charles C. Chesney, entitled “Essays in Modern Military Biography,” and some of them are well worth reading. “Behind the Scenes in Russia’’ is the name of a work by George Carrington, B.A. It is evidently the work of a person who had to live there agaix.8% his will, and consequently detested the Russians as heartily as he says he hates the Germans. Poor Mr. Carrington tells how he learnt “twenty words of Russian well chosen,” which he has done his best since to try and forget. Anyone who wishes to see how utterly miserable a mart may make himself cannot do better than lead this book. It is published by Bell & Sons. “Once and for Ever” is the title of a work by the author of “No Appeal,” while Ouida makes her appearance again with a little story called “Two Little Wooden Shoes.” It is a very pleasing tale—far better than her first efforts. A memoir of Mrs. Barbauld will shortly be pub- lished, edited by her great-niece, Anna Letitia Le Breton. The Queen's Chaplain has written a “Life of Christ,” to be illustrated by Holman Hunt and published by Cassell, Petter & Galpin. “Waldfried: a Family History '' is the title of the long-expected novel by Auerbäch. The author of “Puck on Pegasus ” is engaged Gn 2 work which will comprise some of the most attractive vers de société of the day. “The House that Baby Built,” by the author of “The Fight at Dame Europa's School,” is published by Simpkin, Marshall & Co., and contains many excellent parodies—that of Tennyson's idyllic style being unusually clever, while a deal of ridicule is thrown upon the novels of the day. But the author's greatest success is when writ- ing pathetically. Throughout the book there is the stamp of rare talent, and it has been well described as a poem in prose. Under the title of “The Disciples,” Mrs. H. E. H. King has produced a volume, which, she says, she was commanded to write by Mazzini. Jit. contains an account of his followers, Ruffini, Bassi, Milano, and Nicotera, who witnessed the struggle for liberty in 1833 and after years. Miss Annie Carey had a happy idea when she wrote “The Story of a Book,” which is the ex- planation of everything connected with the printing, binding, illustrating, etc., told in the form of an autobiography so simply that a child may understand it. It is published by Cassell, Petter & Galpin. “Fables in Song” is the name of a volume by Owen Meredith which will short- ly be published. The Westminster Sermons, by Rev. Charles Kingsley, is announced by Messes. Macmillan. “On the Road to Khiva,” by Mººr. Ker, is in the press, and is said to be a very charming book of travels. A new satirical paper has just been published in Dublin, called ‘‘Ireland's Eye.” It is very ably conducted, after the style of “Vanity Fair.” Only two numbers have as yet been published, but they are sufficiently “smart, ” to induce one to hope for its prosperity. “Ought we to visit her?” and “The Wandering Heir" have both been dramatized. “Spain and the Spaniards,” by Ayanat Batuk, has just been published ; also the third and fourth vols of Hepworth Dixon's 8O THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L L E RS' G UI/O E. “History of Two Queens,” thus completing this important work. “Broken fonds,” by the author of “Breezie Langton,' has also been published. “Summer Etchings in Colorado,” by Eliza Greatorex, has just been issued here, and is very well received. “The Races of Mankind,” by Dr. Brown, is to be translated into the Magyar and Danish languages. The dramatic works of Thomas Dekker have just been issued, for the first time in a collected form, in four volumes. A new serial called “The way we live now,” by Anthony Trollope, has just been commenced, and is to be com- pieted in twenty monthly parts. “Points or Suggestive Passages in the Writings of Tal- mage" is a very well edited volume, and con- tains striking passages in the writings of that celebrated divine. - W. T. •=--º º- perTUARY. CHARLES SHIRLEY BROOKS. This distinguished journalist, novelist, and dramatic writer died in London on the 23d ult., at the age of fifty-nine. He was educated for the liár and passed his examination with honor, but his tastes were decidedly for litera- ture, in which field he achieved a marked suc- cess. His writings in the London Chronicle, and his lively letters in the Illustraled News under the title of “Nothing in the Papers,” were warmly appreciated by the English public, and his comedies enjoyed a high degree of popularity at the London theatres. Of his novels, which have given him a wider reputa- tion, the best known are probably The Silver ('hord, which first appeared in Once a Weelc, The Gordian Knot, Sooner or Later, and Aspen Count. Four years ago he succeeded Mark Lemon as editor of Punch, a position which he held till the time of his death. Mr. Brooks was very popular among the literary circles of Lon- don, and his death will be deeply mourned by many warm personal friends. MICHELET. A telegram from Paris, on the 10th ult, an- nounced the death of Jules Michelet, the French author and historian. He was born in Paris, in 1798, and in early life experienced many of the bardships of poverty in a great city, his father being a printer in humble circumstances. But little is known of his private life and character, but if we may believe his biographer, Hippolite Castelle, he had a lively sympathy for the lower classes, and a great regard for popular rights. His father managed to send him to a prepara- tory school and to the College Charlemagne, where he made great progress, especially in his- torical studies. In 1821, after a sharp contest with other candidates, he obtained the Chair of History in the College of Rollin, where he re- mained until 1826. While here he constructed and published a Comprehensive Table of Modern Chronology and a Synchronical Table of Mod- ern History, which brought him into prominent notice. In 1838 he succeeded Daunau in the Chair of Morals and History in the College of France, where he remained until 1851, when the Government became annoyed at the ultra dem- ocratic principles contained in his lectures and writings, and he was compelled to resign. From this time until his death he lived in retirement and devoted himself to literary labors. He was a voluminous writer, and has given to the world many valuable works, the most important of which are The History of France, published in sixteen volumes, from 1837 to 1867, and the History of the French Revolution, issued from 1847 to 1853. These are his great works. His L'Oiseau, published in 1856, and L’Insecte, which appeared in 1857, have been very popular in France, and his books have all received much attention. He also contributed frequent arti- cles to the literary periodicals. Probably his book best known in this country is L'Amour, which was first published in France in 1858. STRAUSS . David Frederich Strauss, the eminent Ger- man theologian, whose death was announced by a telegram from Berlin, on the 9th of Feb- ruary, has occupied a very prominent place in the theological controversies which have mark- ed the present century. He was a skilful writer and made himself famous by his Life of Jesus, which appeared in 1835. It has been translated into almost all the languages of Europe, and has been read and combated by the whole Christian world. This volume was followed by others mostly in defence of his position, few of which, however, have been translated. The Old Faith and the New is his last work of this character. It was published here but a short time ago. His other books are chiefly biographies and memoirs, among which are the Life of Schubart, published in Berlin in 1849 ; Life of Nicodemus Frischlein, Frankfort, 1856, and Ulrich Vom Hullen, issued in Leipsic from 1858 to 1860. Strauss was born in Wurtemberg in 1808. Little is known of his parentage, or of his early life. In 1830 he was admitted to the ministry, and in 1831 became professor at Maulbronn, a position which he soon after resigned to resume his theological studies at Berlin. He seems to have been little known outside of his own circle, until the publication of the Life of Jesus, which raised him at once into prominence. HERMAN MERIVALE, C. B. Herman Merivale died in London on the 8th of February. He was born in 1806, and was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Ox- ford. He graduated at Oxford in the year 1827, taking first class honors, and was elected Fellow of Balliol College. He was called to the English Bar in 1832, and was appointed Professor of Political Economy in the Univer- sity of Oxford, which post he held for the usual period. In the year 1848 he became permanent Under-Secretary of State for India, and in 1859 was created a C. B. Mr. Merivale published A Leller on Polilical Economy in 1837; Lectures on Co- lonization and the Colonies in 1860, and Historical Studies in 1865. + THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 8 I THE Book TRADE £onvention. The Convention called by the “Booksellers” Protective Union * met in the Board of Trade. Rooms, at Cincinnati, February 12th. About thirty-five booksellers were present, mostly from Ohio and neighboring States, and the Secretary reported about one hundred and fifty letters endorsing the movement, and suggesting methods for reform. Mr. Abel Low, of Springfield, Ohio, called the Convention to order, and introduced Mr. John H. Thomas, of Dayton, who, on behalf of the Executive Committee, made an address setting forth the objects of the meeting, and urging the necessity of united action. “We are Ilot here,” said Mr. Thomas, “to make a corner in books, and to raise their price at the expense of the public ; nor even to keep up the extravagant prices that some of them have reached. The man who thinks a meeting of booksellers can fix the price of books all over the United States has had little experience in bookselling, and has less knowledge of political economy. Nor are we here as salesmen of the publishers to make useless complaints or un- founded statements to them. We are here to show the public and the publishers that we un- derstand our business, and are awake to its faults and its needs, and to take such steps as will remove the one and satisfy the other.” Mr. Isaac C. Aston, of Columbus, was elected permanent Chairman of the Convention, and Mr. Howard L. Ross, of Hamilton, Recording Secretary. Mr. J. W. Gunn, of Springfield, read letters from A. D. F. Randolph & Co., New York; S. E. Bridgman, of Bridgman & Childs, Northampton, Mass. ; W. F. Draper, Andover, Mass. ; and one from Boughman, Thomas & Co., Wilmington, Del. Mr. Randolph's letter dwelt upon the “per- nicious practice of underselling,” which the writer attributed in a large degree : First. To a fictitious retail price, and the consequent excessive discounts to the trade. Second. To the large number of unsuccessful or unsalable books foréed on the market by means of such rates of dis count, and which aſſect, more or less, the prices of all books. Third. To the common practice of the publishers retail- ing their own publications at less than the retail price. Fourth. To the semi-annual trade sãles. Fifth. To the unwholesome competition between rival jobbers, and, - . Sixth. To the education of the book consumer in the idea that when he wishes to buy a book, or take a news. paper or magazine, he is to receive something in the way of a bonus. The latter publishers offer him a chromo with his subscription, and why should not the booksel er give him a discount on the retail price of the book. This new invention of pretending to give your purchaser or sub- scribcr more than his money's worth also serves to teach him that all klnds of publishing pays an enormous profit. The remedies suggested by the writer were: I. The discontinuance of all trade sales, and in their place a semi-annual book fair, to be held alternately at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Cincinnati. At this fair all publishers to be represented, and to offer, as an inducement to purchasers, an additional discount of five to ten per cent., according to the quantity of each book, or the total amount purchased from the entire list. II. A reduction in what may be termed fictitious retail priccs, so that the discount to an ordinary dealer shall not exceed thirty or thirty-three and one-third per cent., with say ten per cent. additional io the jobber, who shall agree not to sell to dealers at any greater discount than that al- lowed by the publisher when selling directly to the dealer. III. The discontinuance of all discounts to Sunday- schools. IV. That books designed expressly for professional men be also hold at net prices, and a discount of say twenty per cent. only be allowed to the trade, so that the retail price may be proportionately lessened. V. An agreement on the part of the publishers to main- tain the retail prices of their own publications on all sales except those made to the trade. WI. The organization of a Board of Trade, with powers similar to those of the school-book publishers, but composed of dealers as well as publishers, with branches in all the principal cities. The letters of Mr. Draper and Mr. Bridgman dealt mainly with the subject of discounts to the professions, the latter showing, in a very amusing manner, that when he had sold at va- rious discounts, from a third to a quarter, to the clergymen, the physicians, the lawyers, the teachers, and his son's Schoolmates, no demand remained, but for Medical Almanacs, and those are given away. Mr. Draper wrote: I sometimes feel ashamed of my calling when I publish a theological book at a given price, knowing that I shall never sell one within 25 per cent. of that price, and that no one else ever will, chiefly because the bookseller who buys it at 1–3 off will—I might say must—sell it to ministers or libra- ries, the only customers for such books, at “ministers' prices.” There is at present no inducement to a country bookseller to keep a good general stock of books. The evening session was devoted mainly to the discussion of the questions presented by the Executive Committee, and all resolutions relating to those points were referred to a Com- mittee on Revision. A letter was read from Mr. Curtis, of A. S. Barnes & Co., suggesting the appointment of a committee to consult with the publishers, and one from Adams, Wic- tor & Co, endorsing the objects of the Conver- tion. Itesolutions of thanks to the Book- SELLERs' GUIDE and the Publishers' Weekly were passed, and the latter journal was made the official organ of the Union. On the 13th, the Committee on Revision reported the fol- lowing, which was adopted after an animated debate : . The American Book Trade Union, in convention assem- bled, declares its belief that the interests of the public, the publisher, the jobber, and the retailer alike demand re- form from the evils that now cripple the trade. Believing that the office of the bookseller is an important one in the true progress of the country, and that the interests of pub- lishers also demand a thorough, capable and effective dis- tributing system which shall include retailers at every place that can support a bookstore, it sees that this result can be had only by the abandonment of the present un- 82 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. profitable and fictitious trade system, and a return to one based on sound business principles, giving the public their books cheaper and the dealer such fair advantages as he who devotes his capital, ability, and time to any business has a right to expect. It does not desire to stifle by com- bination the competition of enterprise and ability which is the life of trade, but seeks simply to unite the trade under a healthful and rational system of prices and discounts, which shall make it possible for able and useful men to re- main in the trade, and supply to the younger generation some incentlve to educate themselves rightly for a trade which should offer the double opportunity of a high order of usefulness to the community and fair pecuniary return. Looking, therefore, to the adoption of such a policy as shall secure the interests and prosperity of all, it respectfully offers to the publishers—who, being few in number, cen- tralized in position, and in other respects the heads of the trade, are the proper parties to inaugurate the reform—the following suggestions: - 1st. That the present system of professional discounts should be discountenanced and abolished by all book dealers, and no discounts from retail price be made to any persons outside the regular trade. - That the only exception, and that advisable as a matter of present expediency, should be in the first introduction and eXchange of school-books, which should be done through the resident trade or the publisher's travelling agent ; the time for introduction prices being limited to thirty days. That wholesaling live books to newspapers for premiums is especially detrimental to the trade. 2d. That the trade sales are a leading cause of the present demoralization, and detrimental to the interests of the whole trade, an evil which should be remedied by publishers declining to contribute, and by dealers generally abstaining from buying. . 3d. That the publishers' practice of sending books by mail upon receipt of published price is an injustice to local dealers which can be fairly remedied by an additional charge of 10 per cent. for postage. 4th. That to assure permanence in these reforms, the re- tail price of books should be reduced so that the largest discount under any circumstances could not exceed one. third. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Nicholson, of Richmond, Ind., was also adopted : Whereas, We all recognize that underseling is the crying evil of the book trade, and that this evil is the result of the exorbitant retail prices of books, the large discounts made to the trade by publishers, and the book trade sales, and Whereas, We have, by resolution, respectfully but ear- nestly requested publishers to lessen these prices and dis- counts and abolish trade sales, Therefore . Resolved, That, as retailers, jobbers, and publishers, we pledge ourselves to use all reasonable endeavors to maintain and protect publishers' retail prices. The Committee on Constitution presented the following, which was adopted as a CONSTITUTION. The name of this organization shall be The American Book Trade Union. - Its object shall be the promotion of the interests of the book trade in the United States, and the improvement of its methods of business. Its officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treas- urer, a Recording Secretary, and a Corresponding Secre- tary. & Its permanent committees shall be : An Executive Committee of Five. A Committee on Complaints and Arbitration. A Committee on the Prices of Books and Underselling. A Committee on Trade Publications. - Their duties shall be the usual duties of such officers. The Treasurer shall give bond to the President, and shall pay out moneys only on the order of the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to attend to all business not specially given to other committees. The duties of the Committee on Complaints shall be to re- ceive all complaints from members against other members, whether jobbers or retailers, authenticate them, and use their judgment about publishing them, that the trade may recognize and avoid dishonorable dealers. The duties of the Committee on Prices shall be to gather the opinions of dealers about prices, confer with publishers, and recommend and press such action in the matter as they may think best. The duties of the Committee on Trade Publications shall be to devise publications that may be useful to the trade, recommend them at the regular meetings, and the method of issuing them, and to co-operate in any such attempts by others. The officers and committees shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. - Meetings shall not be less frequent than annually, and the place and time shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Any publisher or bookseller may become a member by signing this Constitution and paying annually the sum of one dollar. This constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote. - & º The Committee on Nominations presented its report, nominating officers under the above constitution, who were unanimously elected as follows: OFFICERS. President. Isaac C. Aston, Columbus, O. Vice-President. W. T. Berry, Nashville, Tenn. Recording Secretary. Jno. H. Thomas, Dayton, 0. Corresponding Secretary. J. W. Gunn, Springfield, 0. Treaswº’er. Timothy Nicholson, Richmond, Ind. Eacecutive Committee. A. F. Payne, Dayton, O. Jno. H. Thomas, Dayton, 0. J. H. Reed, Mansfield, O. T. C. O’Kane, Delaware, 0. º, C. Trader, Xenia, 0. Committee on Arbitrations and Complaints. George B. Brown, Toledo, O. Thomas D. Hubbard, Columbus, O. Charles Humphrey, Adrian, Mich. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 83 Committee on Prices and Underselling. Isaac C. Aston, Columbus, O. Howard Challen, Philadelphia, Pa. A. Setliff, Nashville, Tenn. . Aug. Maxwell, Bloomington, Ill. W. F. Draper, Andover, Mass. Committee on Trade Publications. Howard L. Ross, Hamilton, O. W. H. Watson, Aurora, Ill. D. W. Chase, Cincinnati, O. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, the general tendency of the sale of books for introduction into schools at reduced rates is to unsettle prices and to lead to speculations in books among teachers. Resolved, That the trade hails with pleasure the reforms already introduced by the Publishers’ Board of Trade in the sale of school-books for introduction, and hopes the day is not far distant, both for the advantage of the trade and for the maintenance of honesty in our school system, when books will be introduced only at retail prices, and upon the merits of the books themselves. Also the following : Resolved, That the Executive Committee of this body shall have the power to fill all vacancies that may ensue in com- mittees, and that each committee shall have authority to delegate its powers to one or more persons. Resolved, That the Committee on Prices and Underselling be instructed to appoint immediately an authorized dele- gate to request the signature of publishers generally to the main propositions of this platform or their equivalent, seriatim, with discretion to obtain signatures to such modi- fication as may be found more acceptable, and to report the replies of the publishers individually to this Association, the expenses of said delegate to be borne by the Union. * The latter committee withdrew, and soon re- ported the appointment as delegates to visit publishers, Mr. Isaac C. Aston, of Columbus, to be assisted by Mr. Howard Challen, of Phila- dephia. The Convention adjourned, subject to the call of the Executive Committee. —- sº. —. Aº- -R – UBLISHERs' BoARD OF TRADE. F R T The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trade was held Feb. 11th and 12th, at the Grand Central Hotel, New York. The Executive Committee presented a report, with the following two resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, That the house of Messrs. J. P. Morton & Co. are hereby admitted to member- ship in the Publishers’ Board of Trade, with this provision and understanding, that all and any existing contracts and obligations entered into previous to their admission by members of the Board may be kept in good faith, and that Messrs. J. P. Morton & Co. are entitled to a like privilege. Ç Resolved, That the Arbitration Committee take into consideration Article XXV. of the By-Laws, and report whether it has been duly observed in the recent action had in — by —, and whether said article requires any modification in order to assure its observance both in letter and spirit. A report, signed by Messrs. Ivison, Cowper- thwait, and Maynard, was received from the Arbitration Committee, with the explanation that three members of the Arbitration Com- mittee were interested parties, and consequently unable to act, and that Mr. Ivison had been requested to act with the other two. Under By-Law XXI., a settlement not having been ef- fected by the Committee, the matter was brought before the Board. It was referred to a Special Committee, appointed by the Chair, consisting of Messrs. Wilson, Brewer, and Collins, the parties at issue severally stating that the decision of this Committee would be accepted by them as final. Mr. Curtis, from the committee appointed at the last meeting, reported as follows: Resolved, That school-books shall not be sold by any member of this Board, afrer first intro- duction, to any school, school officer, or Board of Education, at a discount greater than 25 per cent., except to cities and towns where bids are publicly asked for , and the Boards supply the school-books to the scholars. The purchaser to pay all expenses of transportation. Mr. Holt, from the same committee, stated that he had signed the report because he believed it an improvement on the present system, but with the understanding that he should move as an amendment, what he believed to be a still further improvement—the substitution, in the resolution, of twenty per cent, for twenty-five per cent. - Mr. Sheldon said that the subject would come up later in another form, and moved the tabling of the resolution. Carried. Mr. Isaac Sheldon offered the following : Resolved, That a Committee of Five be ap- pointed by the President to carefully consider our present by-laws, and suggest any amend- ments or improvements which they may deem desirable, with a view of reorganizing this Board for a period of two years, from July next. Resolved, That all members are invited to sub- mit to this committee in writing, any changes or additions which they may deem desirable. Resolved, That this committee are instructed to make a preliminary report at the meeting to- morrow, and a matured report later, of such a set of by-laws as may appear to them best ready for consideration by this Board. Carried. The Chair appointed Messrs. Wilson, A. S. Barnes, Abner Harper, Armstrong, and R. S. Davis. Permission was given for Mr. Harper to serve by proxy. Mr. Curtis moved that the committee above- 84 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. named consider the question of discounts, and his committee be discharged. Carried. At the session of February 12th, the Com- mittee of Five appointed at the preceding session reported as follows: The committee appointed to suggest amend- ments to the by-laws, with the view of re-organ- izing the Board for a new period, respectfully reports : -> That the subject demands more consideration than it is possible to bestow in the limited time afforded them. They accordingly request more time, and offer the following resolutions: Resolved, 1, That the Board hold a special meeting, April 30th, to act upon a matured re- port which the Committee on Reorganization will then present. Resolved, 2, That every member of the Board who cares to present suggestions for the con- sideration of this committee, is earnestly re- quested to do so in writing before the first of March, addressing his communications to the Secretary of the Board. Resolved, 3, That the Chair add some repre- sentative from Philadelphia to the present com- mittee. - - All of which were adopted. Mr. Cowperthwait was added to the com- mittee. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Secretary be re- quested to address circulars to all houses in the Board, requesting their special attention to the second and third resolutions in the report given above. The Committee of Three, appointed at the preceding session, reported at follows: The Committee to whom was referred the case in issue between —, , and , met and listened to the written evidence submitted to them. Upon consideration of the same it was found that while the facts sworn to justify a complaint, the Committee do not feel warranted in deciding in So grave a matter without further evidence, and ask for power to employ a special agent, as has been done in previous cases of like importance, who shall visit and collect such additional evidence bearing upon the points in doubt as he may be able, and to submit a final report at the next meeting of the Board. The powers requested were granted. Mr. Wilson read some extracts from Western newspapers which led him to offer the following resolutions : Whereas, Gentlemen holding prominent and influential official positions in certain quarters publicly charge that the publishers of the country have entered into a combination, the chief object of which is to keep up the price of school-books, thereby enriching themselves through unjust and extortionate charges, far. above what a fair and reasonable profit justi- fies; and - Whereas, These charges are manifestly. founded upon a misapprehension of facts as to the prime cost of books and the profits they yield, and are calculated, if left uncorrected, to greatly prejudice the people at large against publishers, and possibly seriously injure their business ; therefore, . - Resolved, That a Committee of Three be ap- pointed to consider the nature and foundation of these charges, and to prepare and publish for general circulation by the Board and its mem- bers, a fair and candid reply to the same, clearly setting forth the objects of the Board of Trade organization, and the advantages rather than injury it is calculated to yield to the consumer as well as the producer of school-books. Resolved, That the Committee on Reorgani- zation, appointed to report April 30th, consider what reduction, if any, has taken place in the cost of material and labor involved in manu- facturing books since the present tariff of prices was fixed, and whether or not any reduction upon existing rates be practicable ; also the wisdom and necessity of a revision and reduc- tion of rates of discount to the trade. Mr. Taintor moved as an amendment: Resolved, That the Committee on Reorganiza- tion, appointed to report April 30th, be request- ed further to consider the advisability of adopt- ing the plan of establishing met wholesale or “dozen" prices, as a basis of regulating intro- ductory prices and jobbing discounts, instead of the present rule of fixing the retail prices, and by publishing the extreme of retail and lowest wholesale prices, misleading the public to form exaggerated ideas of the profits of the publish- ing business. Q. Resolutions, as amended, were adopted. The Chair appointed Messrs. Wilson, Ivison, J. Abner Harper, J. A. Appleton, and J. H. Butler, Jr., as the committee. A general expression of opinion was had from several prominent members concerning the ad- vantages and necessities of the Board. The opinion was unanimous that the organization had made the school-book publishing business pleasanter, more profitable to publishers, and more economical to consumers, and that the Board should be reorganized with such features as experience justifies. The Board adjourned to April 30th, 1874. es—-sº A TEMPERANCE PRIze FssAY. At the late National Temperance Convention, the subject of a Standard Temperance Work was discussed, and a committee appointed to secure it. The Committee have decided to divide the work into three parts, and to offer two prizes for each of the three essays, to be open to all writers who choose to compete THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE 85 therefor. 1. The Scientific ; embracing the Chemical, Physiological, and Medical aspects. 2. The Historical, Statistical, Economical, and Political. 3. The Social, Educational and Re- ligious. The fund at present at command en- ables the Committee to announce prizes for the Scientſiic work, viz.: For the best essay, ad- judged satisfactory, the sum of $500; for the second best essay, the sum of $300. Accepted manuscripts to become the property of the Na- tional Temperance Society. - The offers for the Scientific essay will remain open to all competitors till January 1, 1875. Manuscripts (with the names and addresses of the writers by whom they are forwarded for com- petition enclosed in separate, sealed envelopes, lmot to be opened till after the award has been made) may be forwarded to A. M. Powell, 58 Reade street, New York. The essay is to be of such a character that, while adapted in style to interest a non-profes- sional reader, it will meet the demands of schol- arly criticism. The treatise that best covers the ground in the least compass is desirable, It should not extend beyond 300 pages of print. medium size octavo. *—- ITERARY TEMS, RY J Victor Cherbuliez's Romance of an Elonest Woman is being translated for Shepard & Gill. Bradlaugh's Impeachment of the House of Brunswick is to be published by Shepard & Gill. Col. T. W. Higginson has prepared an answer to Dr. Clarke's Sea, in Education, and it will soon be given to the public. Max Adler's forthcoming humorous book is to be called Out of the Hurly Burly; Or, Life in an Odd Corner. Another book of interesting reminiscences is promised in the memoir which Mrs. General Sherman is writing of her father, the late Thom- as Ewing. The Murray Hill Publishing Company have issued The Boy Doctor, by Dr. E. B. Foote, the author of Medical Common Sense. It is an effort to teach anatomy and physiology in a boy's novel, and the author has succeeded in making a much better story than might be expected. The History of the United States, which will shortly be published in “Freeman's Historical Series for Schools,” is written by Mr. J. A. Doyle, Fellow of All Souls, Oxford, who ob- tained the Arnold prize for an essay “On the English Colonies of America before the War of Independence.” J. Munsell, Albany, N. Y., announces a His- tory of the Town of Q teensbury, one of the earli- est settled of the towns between Albany and Montreal, It will contain an account of the Indian tribes which occupied that region; a history of the first settlement ; a minute detail of the events of the French and Indian war so far as they relate to the vicinity, biographical sketches of leading men, and much other mat- ter of interest. The work will be embellished with steel portraits and other engravings, and sold by subscription. J. B. Ford & Co. will publish in book form Dr. Edward Beecher's History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Reiribution, which has appeared in instalments in the Christian Union. Elizabeth P. Peabody writes to the Boston Commonwealh, to contradict the story so freely circulated that the unfortunate Mrs. Badger was the original of “Hilda,” in Hawthorne's Marble Faun. She says: “I know from personal conversation with my brother-in-law on the subject, that neither of the women in the Marble Fawn were portraits, and that Mr. Hawthorne never drew portraits in his novels, not being intent on character-drawing, but only upon il- lustration of great spiritual laws, as both Mr. Edwin Whipple and the Rev. Mr. Mayo have Suggested in reviews of him, of which I heard Mr. Hawthorne speak, saying that they had discovered his secret.” Celia Burleigh writes: “I know the name of the author of the Saxe Holm stories, but I am not at liberty to divulge it. This much, how- ever, I may say without breach of confidence : The author of the Saxe Holm stories is not H. H , is not a man, is not two or three people. Saxe Holm is an unmarried and still young woman, living in an inland town in the State of New York. No heroine whom she describes in her stories is more heroic than she has shown herself in meeting the trials and hardships of real life. She shrinks from publicity, and has hidden her identity under a variety of mommes de plume.” It is a very common thing for book agents to call on the minister of a town first, and offer him their wares at a reduced price, or even gra- tuitously, “just for the sake of your name, you know.” We are glad to see a protest raised against such dealings, and that of a very prac- tical character, joined in by the ministers of Rockford, Ill., who have signed an agreement not to take books on any such terms whatsoever. Now let their brethren in Eastern communities follow suit, and put an end to the trading by false pretences, which, oftener than not, is car- ried on by this system.—Congregationalist. f or EIGN JLITERARY Notes The Duke of Argyll's Reign of /, two b is Jeen translated into Danish. The printed books exported from England in 1873 exceeded in value those of the previous year by £29,620. Mr. Edward Jenkins is publishing in Lon- don, his lecture which he delivered in this country. Rissing; the Origin and Species, by a Disciple, is announced aniong the new books in London, to be published by E. W. Allen. Hans Christian Andersen has written two plays, which are soon to be produced on the Danish stage. - M. Michelet at the time of his death was busily engaged in the completion of the last volume of his Histoire du XIX Siecle, contain- ing the fall of the first Empire, the Invasion of 1815, and the Restoration. 86 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ G UI/O E. Victor Hugo’s new book will appear simul- taneously in ten different languages, but not in German. “Toilers and Spinsters” is the title given to a collection of essays by Miss Thackeray, originally written for the “Pall Mall” and “Cornhill.” In Calcutta there is a curious weekly news- paper, entitled Macbussair, or Glad Tidings. It is printed in Arabic and boasts of ninety sub- scribers. Miss Braddon has made an attempt in the dramatic line, and has produced a play called Griselda, the subject being taken from Boc- CºCCIO. The London Philological Society have pub- lished an able and exhaustive treatise on the Dialects of the South of Scotland, by Mr. James Murray. - Macaulay's “History of England” having been translated into Dutch, is now passing through a second edition in that smallest of kingdoms, the Netherlands, and is sold at six shillings. “The Revolt of the Field” is the title of a new work published in London, containing a reprint of the correspondence furnished to the London * Daily News’ during a tour through Canada with Mr. Arch, by Arthur Clayden. - Captain Dyas, now resident in Milan, has just published in that city a volume of Lettere di wr. Libero Pensatore lnglese, written with a view of directing the attention of Italian liberals to the progress of the Theistic and other similar move- ments in England. - The manuscrips of Peter Pindar (Dr. John Wolcot) are offered for sale at auction in Lon- don. They include ballads, songs, tales, fables, dialogues, proverbs, and fragments of that pro- lific humorist and poet of the days of George the Third. Mr. Furnivall, in a recent letter to the Acad- emy, London, says Shakspere spelled his name thus because he did not know how to spell it . . correctly. All the existing autographs, the gen- uineness of which is undisputed (five in num- ber), are in this form. - A Danish translation of Walt Whitman's little book, Democratic Vistas, has recently been pub- lished in very handsome style at Copenhagen. The translation is by Rudolph Schmidt, who ac- companies it with a short biography of Whitman and a criticism on his writings. The business agent of Miss Braddon and of Mr. Wilkie Collins has recently made arrange- ments for the publication of works by these two writers in Holland, Russia, and Sweden, and in the language of these nations, upon terms which recognize the interests of the authors. For in- stance, Lucius Davoren is to be prlnted in the German language, and £100 has been accepted for the copyright ; in the Russian language for #45, in the Swedish language for £30, in the Dutch language for £25, and in the Italian lan- guage for £10. John Jago's Ghost, a short story. written by Mr. Wilkie Collins in the Home Jour- mal, is to be published in German, and £65 is to be given for the copyright; in Swedish for £10, in Russian for £15, in Italian for £5, and in , Dutch for £5. - The Printing Times, London, is advocating a “twenty-four hours copyright ' law for news- papers. - r John Banvard, the author and traveller, is writing the Private Life of a King (George IV. of England), which will contain much that has never been published, based upon papers of un- doubted authenticity. It is said to be anything but flittering to “the first gentleman in Eu- rope.” An exhaustive work on The Russian Power is announced in England from the pen of Mr. Ashton Wentworth Dilke, who has spent be- tween two and three years in Russian Central Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia, and European Russia. It will be illustrated by maps and plates. Count de Paris will shortly appear before the world as an author. We understand that he has for some time been engaged in Writing an account of the American Civil War. It is ex- pected that the work will be published at an early date, and will be illustrated with suitable maps and diagrams. -*. -ºr *— wºm- NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. Snow's Pathfinder Railway Guide has passed into the hands of Rand, Avery & Co. Jules Verne's new story, “the Myster ous Island, ' will be published here, by special ar- rangement with the author, in Scribner's Monthly. Dr. F. D'Elwart, of Philadelphia, proposes to start an illustrated weekly paper containing steel and wood engravings illustrating local Scenery. The current number of the Galaay contains a well written paper on Gustave Doré, by Justin McCarthy, which will be read with interest. Mr. William C. Harris, late of the Trade Jour- mal, Philadelphia, has bought a one-third inter- est in the Forest and Stream, and will, in a few days, take entire charge of its business depart- ment. * - A new Masonic magazine has been started in Boston, entitled the New England Free Mason. It is a monthly of fifty-six pages octavo, edited and published by Sereno D. Nickerson, A. M., and Rev. Charles H. Titus, A. M. Price, $3 per year. • . Mr. H. W. Reed, of Chicago, has begun the publication of a sixteen page monthly, entitled The Millemarian. The editor believes that the millenium is near at hand, but he disclaims any connection with the Second Adventists. A Quarterly Journal of Science has made its ap- pearance in Cincinnati. The first number, is- sued about February 1st, is a well printed 8vo. of 96 pages. Mr. S. A. Miller is editor and pro- prietor. Price, $3 per year; 75 cents per num- ber. Q The March number of the Atlantic Monthly is full of good things. Among them are a contri- bution by Stephen Powers, on the Aborigines of California, which is full of interest and instruc- tion, and Life in the Back Woods of Canada, by H. D. K., a recital of the author's personal expe- rience in the far North, which should be read by all who intend to settle in those regions. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 87 The Music'd Review) is the name of a new monthly devoted to music, art and literature, pºlished by Sherman & Hyde, San Francisco, 8. - The Monthly Souvenir is the title of a new illus- trated periodical, published by F. L. Kellogg, New York. The contents of the first number, just issued, consist of sketches, tales and poems, original and selected. The College Cowrant, New Haven, Conn., is publisbing Henry Ward Beecher's third course of lectures before the students of the Yale The- ological School, now being delivered. These lectures are reported in full by Mr. T. J. Ellen- wood, who has reported Mr. Beecher's sermons for many years, and are revised by the distin- guished lecturer himself. The columns of The Courant are filled with contributions from our ablest men of science and literature. The St. Chrysostom s Magazine, which was originally started by the clergy of St. Chrysos- tom's Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York, as a parochial publication, has met with so much success that it has been considerably enlarged and given the character of a general church monthly. It is edited by eminent clergymen, and contains much instructive and entertaining matter, both religious and secular. The sub- Scription price was raised, on the first of this month, to $1.25. The publishers of the American Historical Record have secured, through the courtesy of the Secretary of War, the privilege of the use of copies of valuable inedited documents of the Revolutionary period. Among these are the manuscript orderly books of General Washing. ton, from the spring of 1781, when he was pre- paring for the junction of the American and French armies for the memorable campaign which resulted in the capture of Cornwallis, to the close of the struggle. These will be fully annotated by the editor, and published in suc- cessive numbers of the Record. *—º-— -ºr-smº- Music Notes. The list of music books published by Wm. E. Millet & Son, New York, are among the best. Especially worthy of mention are their Twenty- four Operatic Melodies, and Twenty-four Popular Dances, both for violin and piano, also the col- lection of Little Songs for Little Players in their series of “ Household Music.” One of the most successful music books ever published is Richardson's New Method for the Pianoforte. The publishers, Ditson & Co.. claim for it a sale of twenty-five thousand copies annually. They have recently issued a new edition, containing “Schumann's Maxims ” and “Czerny's Letters on the Art of Playing the Piano " Anson D. F. Randolph & Co. will soon pub- lish a new hymn and tune book, for public and social worship, entitled Hymns and Songs of Praise. Edited by the Rev. Drs. Roswell D. Hitchcock, Zachary Eddy, and Philip Schaff. The book will contain over 1,400 hymns, in which all ages and communions are repre- sented. Biglow & Main, of this city, recognizing the den)and for anthems or set pieces for Easter and Christmas, have commenced the publica- tion of an “Anthem Serial.” Number one, just issued, is in convenient pamphlet form, and contains five anthems, written expressly for Lenten and Easter services. They possess much merit, and are well arranged for chorus and quartette choirs. Boosey & Co., London and New York, pub- lish cheap editions of Schuman's works, com- prising Seventy-five Songs, with German and English words; Twenty-two Short Pieces; The First Album for Youth ; The Second Album; and - The Third Album. Boosey & Co. are also the publishers of Hatton's Songs of England; The Songs of Scotland; The Songs of Wales, edited by Brinley Richards, and containing English and Welsh words; and The Songs of Ireland ; the four volumes comprising the most complete collection of the popular airs of Great Britain and Ireland ever made. They contain the most celebrated of the old songs, with the orig- inal words, and many others now for the first time published. . Very few people have an idea of the enor- mous sales of the little singing books which are made for Sunday Schools. Pure Gold, which is only four years old, has sold to the ex- tent of nearly a million copies ; the sales of the Gulden Chaim, Golden Shower, and Golden Censor, have reached in the aggregate upwards of three millions; of Fresh Laurels, first published seven years ago, eleven hundred thousand have been sold, and the Royal Diadem, issued within a year, has already reached a quarter of a mil- lion. Longfellow's Aftermath has been set to music by Mr. F. Boott, and is published by Ditson & Co. The composer seems to have caught the spirit of the poet, and the somewhat mournful memories suggested by the first lines are well rendered. This composer has also set to music the simple and touching story of Guild, the En- gineer, a pleasing composition, and not difficult, published by the same house. White, Smith & Co., of Boston, have pub- lished the Ashes of Roses Waltzes and the En- chantment Walse de Concert, which will com- mend themselves to all lovers of good music ; a pretty little ballad by C. A. White, entitled Mother, Fold Me in Your Arms, and Scherzo, for the Piano, by G. D. Wilson, a fascinating com- position full of surprises. The publishers have enlarged their music journal, the Folio, to forty pages. - The list of new music from Louis Meyer, Philadelphia, includes works from the most talented composers, which are all worthy of notice. This publisher is doing much to popu- larize classical music, and whatever he offers to the public, whether it be for the beginner or the professional player, it is always of the best. Of vocal music we may mention the list of “New Songs” by Julian Monez, comprising “My Darling is Gone,” a touching cradle song; “Thy Name,” a beautiful melody, with an effective but simple accompaniment, and others equally as good. 88. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS GUIDE. SPECIAL Notices W. B. Sheriff, of Paris, Ill., bookseller and newsdealer, has sold his business to Ely & Conner. J. W. Lisben has bought the book and news business of Joseph Locke, Memphis, Tenn., and will continue it as heretofore, The style of the firm of J. R. Osborne, book- seller and stationer, Murfreesboro, Tenn., is changed to Osborne Bros. Andrews & Morgan, booksellers and stationers of Winona, Minn., are succeeded by C. H. Lockwood. - The co-partnership of S. D. & G. L. Davis, of Gibsonburg, Pa., is dissolved, and the business will be continued by S. D. Davis, who has assumed all the liabilities of the firm. Mr. H. M. Wynkoop, for several years with Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, has become the partner of Henry L. Hinton, New York, and the firm is now Henry L. Hinton & Co. D. Wan Nostrand announces as in press, Mille Analysis, a practical treatise on the examination of milk, cream, butter and cheese, by J. Alfred Wanklyn. . Crofuti’s Trans-Continental Tourist, the fifth revision of which will shortly be issued, will con- tain eleven maps, and upwards of one hundred illustrations, engraved expressly for this work. Macmillan & Co. will shortly publish a new edition of Matthew Arnold's Literature and Doq- ma, with the new preface, replying to the criti- cisms made on the work. L. A. Finley & Co., of this city, will issue early this month, a consolidated Business Directory of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Balti- more, for 1874-5. . - Wilson, Hinkle & Co. have published a Manual of the Constitution, by Israel Ward Andrews, President of Marietta College. It is designed principally for school use, and will prove a most useful text-book. A library edition is also printed in octavo, and bound in sheep. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, announce as in press, Ahrens on Natural Law, a treatise on Natural Law, or the Philosophy of Law, Supplemented on the Principal Points by His- torical and Political Considerations. To which is added the Theory of Public Law and the Law of Nations, by Henri Ahrens, formerly Professor of Natural Law at the Universities of Brussels and Gratz; Professor of Philosophy and Political Sciences at the University of Leipsic. First American, from the sixth French edition. Edited by Hon. Stanley Matthews. A reliable Gazetteer of British North America has been an acknowledged necessity both in this country and in Europe. Such a work has recently been issued by John Lovell of Montreal, whose advertisement will be found on another page. It is a handsome volume of six hundred pages, and contains a vast amount of informa- tion concerning the towns, railway and river. routes of the British provinces, compiled with evident care and ability, and conveniently ar- ranged. The information is all that is wanted in detail, and the volume will prove of great utility to our business men and tourists. * NoveLTIES STERESCOPIC VIEws OF NATURAL HISTORY. — The American News Company are the exclu- sive agents for the sale of a series of new Stereoscopic Views of Natural History, which are not only handsome works of art, but are val- uable as studies from nature. The views are taken from stuffed animals and birds, arranged and mounted expressly for this purposéſ by Mr. James A. Hurst, for many years Taxidermist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and they represent, with remarkable fidelity, the habits and surroundings of the subjects. Indeed, it is somewhat difficult to be convinced that they are not taken from living specimens and from natural scenery. They are published in two series, the first representing the birds and animals of North America, the second, those of foreign countries. Each view is accompanied with a full description of the specimens, with references to the works of DeKay and Audubon which treat of them. The student of Natural History will find them of great service. They are also suitable for object teaching and for home entertainment. REPP PAPER.—This is a new and handsome style, just introduced by the American News Company. It is finely ribbed so as to present a rough surface, and is of different tints–Rose, Green, Amber and Violet. It is manufactured in two sizes, octavo note and commercial note, for which there are envelopes to match. Both paper and envelopes are very neat, and wiłł become popular. -º-º- - Aº-º- -ºr *- INDEX TO A DVERTISEMENTS. Sheldon & Co.—Forthcoming Books. . . . . .2d page of cover. American News Company.—Books and Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d tº “ ( : T. B. Peterson & Bros. –Life and Portrait of Forrest. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e 4th ‘‘ ‘‘ “ Old Coins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Page 104 Wants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 104 P. F. Van Everin.—Adjustable Book Covers...... ** 104 James Campbell.—Bourgeois’ “Passions”. ...... “ 104 Western News Company.—Bartholomew's Draw- ing Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 104 William L. Allison.—Popular Books............. ‘‘ 104 American News Co.—English Classics. . . . . . . . . . . “ 105 John Lovell–Gazetteer of British North America “ 106 American News Co. — Stereoscopic Studies of Natural History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ “ 106 Jennie June's Cook Book....................... “ 107 Presbyterian Board of Publication.—New Books... “ 107 Western News Company.—Honoeopathic Family Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 107 Household Edition of the English Poets. . . . . . . . . * 108 - THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 89 Book ANNouncements FO R MARCH. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, N. Y. Alfred Warrimmier. By Rev. O. A. Kingsbury. 18mo, 175 pp., cloth, 75c. From Four to Fourteen. 16mo, 294 pp , cloth, $1.25. Swallow Stories. By Sallie Chester. 12 vols. 32mo, 48 pp., cloth, $3. By Jenny Harrison. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. A Daughter of Bohemia. By Christian Reid. illustrated, cloth and paper. No Interations. A Novel. By Florence Marryatt, 8vo, paper. * Infantry Tactics. Double and Single Rank. Adapted to American Topography and Improved Firearms. An Entirely New and Revised Edition. By Brevet Major- General Emory Upton. 24mo, 445 pp., leather, with clasp, $2. The Great Ice Age. cloth. Science Primer Geology. 24mo, cloth, 50c. Wilkes, Sheridan, amd Fox. 12mo, cloth. Cavalry Tactics. 24mo, leather, $2. The Expanse of Heaven. By R. A. Proctor. Cloth. 8vo, By Archibald Geakie. 8vo, By Archibald Geakie. By W. G. Rae. HENRY C. BAIRD, Philadelphia. Thaory and Praetice of the Art of Designing Faney Cotton and Woolen Cloths from Sample. By Thos. T. Ashton. 4to, cloth, plates. Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. By M. L. Gruner. 8vo, 185 pp., cloth. BENZIGER BROS., New York. The Christian Cemetery. By Mgr. Gaume. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Manual of the Sodality of the Holy Family. 32mo, 480 pp. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., N. Y. Carpenters and Builders’ Assistant, Wood Workers’ Guide. 40 pp. letterpress, cloth, 23 plates, $3. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Rockbourne. A Tale. By Marion E. Weir. Maggie’s Mistake. A School Girl’s Story. The Reef, and other Parables. By Rev. E. H. Bickersteth. From the Plow to the Pulpit. ding. - Between the Cliffs. By Emma Marshall. and By Dr. Spaul- G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Mutual Friend. By Dickens. 12th vol. Carleton's edition Dickens. A Story of a Summer ; or, Journal Leaves from Chappaqua. By Cecilia Cleveland, Niece of Horace Greeley. Woman, Love, and Marriage. By Frederick Saunders, author of “Salad for Social and Solitary.” A new edition. Paper, 75c. - GEO. A. CROFUTT, New York. Crofutt’s Trans-Continental Tourist. By Geo. A. Crofutt. Filth Annual Revision. Will contain over 100 illustrations engraved expressly for this work, together with Eleven Maps. Large octavo, 180 pp., flexible cloth, $1.50. - By L. D. Gould. 8vo, COLLIN & SMALL, New York. The Roarer. By “Bricktop.” Large 12mo, 64 pp., pamphlet, 25c. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. The Doctor amd Student ; or, Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of Eng- land, containing the ground of those laws: together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity thereof. To which are added two pieces concerning Suits in Chancery : by Subpoena. By Christopher Saint Germain. Revised and corrected by William Muchall. 8vo, cloth, $3. Ahrens on Natural Law. A Treatise on Natural Law, or the Philosophy of Law, Supplemented on the Principal Points by Historical and Political Considera- tions. To which is added the Theory of Public Law and the Law of Nations. By Henry Ahrens, formerly Profes- sor of Natural Law at the Universities of Brussels and Gratz ; Professor of Philosophy and Political Sciences at the University of Leipsic. First American, from the Sixth French Edition. Edited by Hon. Stanley Matthews. 2 vols. 8vo. In press. ' Semey’s Ohio Code. The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Ohio, and subsequent Amendments, and Sup- plementary Acts and Statutes regulating the Practice, with Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of Ohio. By Hon. George E. Seney. Second edition, revised and en- larged. 8vo, $7.50. - Peck’s Township Officers’ Guide. A Manual of the Law governing Township and Township Officers in Ohio, setting forth the statutes relating to the same; with numerous Forms, and Annotations of Decisions. By Hiram D. Peck, of the Cincinnati Bar. 12mo, cloth, $1.75; sheep, $2. CALLAHAN & CO., Chicago, Ill. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. W. With Notes by Hon. L. S. Dixon, Chief. Justice Supreme Court. By A. D. Smith. 8vo, 650 pp., law sheep, $4.50. Pimney’s Reports. Vol II. Reports of Cases de- cided by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, from 1848 to 1852. By S. W. Pinney. 8vo, 700 pp., law sheep, $4.50 DODD & MEAD, New York. New Editions, UNIFORM IN STYLE AND SIZE. By Miss Manning. 16mo, $1 each. Mary Powell. Faire Gospeller. Cherry & Violet. Tom More. J. W. DAUGHADY & CO , Phila. Model Dialogues. By Wm. M. Clark. 875 pp., cloth, $1.50. 12mo, about J. B. FORD & CO., New York. The Circuit Rider: A Tale of the Heroic Age. By Edward Eggleston. Profusely illustrated. 12mo, extra cloth, stamped cover, $1.75. - Pleasant Talk about Fruit, Flowers, and Farming. New Edition, with much new matter. By Henry Ward Beecher. Uniform Edition of Beecher's Works, 12mo, extra cloth, $1.75. FRED. GERHARD, New York. The Dark Side of New York Life and its Criminal Classes, from Fifth Avenue down to the Five Points. Parts 16–18. 8vo, 10 cents. Die Nachtseiten von New York und dessena Verbrecherwelt, von der Fuenften Avenue bis zu den Five Points. 8vo, 844 pp., cloth, $3.50. 90 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ G UID E. P. GARRETT & Co., Philadelphia. One Hundred Choice Selections. No. 8. By Phineas Garrett. 12mo, 180 pp., cloth, 75c ; paper, 30c. Uniform with the Series. HENRY HOYT & CO., Boston. Antoine. A Story of an Italian Boy. By Am. Ex.-Consul. 16tmo, 116 pp, gold and black, cloth, $1.50. John Dare. By A. M. D. 16mo, 451 pp., gold and black, cloth, $1.50. - HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. Reports of the Life and Accident Insurance Cases determined in the Courts of Aumerica, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada, down to January, 1874. With Notes and Reſerences. By Melville M. Bigelow: Being vol. 3 of Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Reports. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. First Steps in History. By Arthur Gilman, M. A., author of “First Steps in English Literature.” cloth. The American Law Times Reports for 1873. Edited by Rowland Cox. 8vo, law sheep, $6. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Waldfried. By Berthold Auerbach. Desperate Remedies. By Thomas Hardy. Far From the Madding Crowd. By Thos. Hardy. HARPER & BROS., New York. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advo- cate, of Holland. With a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of “The Thirty Year's War.” With illustrations. By John Lothrop Motley, D. C. S. 8vo, cloth, 2 vols. The Land of the White Elephant : Sights and Scenes in Southeastern Asia. A Personal Narrative of Travel and Adventure in Farther India, embracing the | Countries of Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin-China (1871–2). By Frank Vincent, Jr. Magnificently illustra- ted with Map, Plans, and numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth, $3.50. The Blue Ribbon. A Novel. By the Author of “St. Olave's,” “Jeanie's Quiet Life,” “Meta's Faith,” &c. 8vo, paper, 50 cents. Evangelical Alliamee Conference, 1873. Essays, Orations, and Other Docum.ents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2–12, 1873. Edited by Rev. S. Irenaeus Prime, D.D., and Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D. 8vo, cloth, nearly 800 pp , $6. The Office and Duty of a Christian Pastor. By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. 12mo, cloth. - Baird’s Annual Record of Science and In- dustry for 1873. No Name. By Wilkie Collins. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. E. J. HALE & SON, N. Y. Down the River; or, Practical Lessons Under the Code Duello. By An Amateur. With 12 full-page illus- trations by H. L. Stephens. 12mo, 292 pp., cloth, gilt, $1.50. The Elements of Algebra. By F. A. Shoup, Prof. of Mathematics, University of the South. 8vo, 175 pp., half roan, $1 50. Guy Mammering. “Thistle Edition.” By Walter Scott. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt, $1.50 per vol ; half Turkey, $2.25 per vol. -v . KAY & BRO., Philadelphia. Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Penansylvania. Third and revised edi. tion. By Thomas Sergeant and Wm. Rawle, Jr., 8vo, law sheep, Vol. XIII. - - Smith’s Reports. Vol. XX1I. Being Vol. LXXII. Pennsylvania State Reports. By P. Frazer Smith, 8vo, law sheep. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Willie’s Momey-Box. 16mo. $1.25. . Mattie’s Home and Little Dot. 75c. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Phila. Lectures on the Clinical Uses of Electricity. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. By J. Russell Reynolds, M.D, 12mo, cloth. The Diseases of the Ear : their Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment With a supplement by James Hinton, ; D. By Joseph Toynbee, F. R. S. 8vo, 466 pp., cloth, 5. The Practice of Medicine. The Sixth American edition. By Thomas Hawkes Tanner, M.D. 8vo, cloth and leather, $6 and $7. LITTLE, BROWN & Co., Boston. Walker’s Introduction to Americana Law. 6th edition. , 8vo, sheep, $7.50. De Gex, Jones, and Smith’s Reports. III. and IV. 8vo, sheep, 2 vols., $5 each. Clarke and Finnelly’s Reports. Vol. VIII. 8vo, sheep, $6. Wols. LORING SEIORT & HAMAN, Portland. Maine Civil Officer. By Wm. Wirt Virgin. 640 pp., sheep, $3.50. 12mo, LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. Prophetic Veices Concerning America. Hon. Chas. Sumner. 12mo, cloth. Cast Catalogue of Antique Sculpture. By W. T. Brigham. With Photographic Illustrations. 4to, $10. Sunny Shores ; , or, Young America in Italy, and Austria. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth. $1.50. Seven Daughters. By Miss A. M. Douglas. Illustra- ted. 16mo, cloth $1.50. Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove. logg. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth, $1.15. The Italiam Girl. 16mo, cloth. Rumming the Bloekade. By W. H. Thomes. cloth, $1.50 - By By Elijah Kel- 12mo, HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. Parrish's Practical Pharmacy. By Edw. Par- rish, M.D. 8vo, cloth and leather. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. Ligation of Arteries. An Operative Manual. . By . Dr. L. H. Farabeuf. With Engravings. Translated by John D Jackson. M.D., of Danville, Kentucky. 12mo. Alide. A Romance of Goethe's Life. By Emma Lazarus, author of “Admetus, and other Poems,” etc. 12mo. Hubert Freeth’s Prosperity. A Story. By Mrs. Newton Crosland, author of “ Lydia,” “Hildred, the Daughter,” “The Diamond Wedding,” etc 12mo. Public Men and Events. From the Commence- ment of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent (“Oliver Oldschool’’). 8vo. History of French Literature. Adapted from the French of M. Demogeot. By Christiana Bridge. 12mo. - - Lieber’s Civil Liberty. On Civil Liberty and Self- Government. Entirely New Edition. Revised by Theo- dore D. Woolsey, LL.D Olive Lacey. A Story. ... By Anna Argyle, author of “The General's Daughter,” etc. 12mo, W. H. & O. H. MORRISON, Washington, D. C. Cases Decided in the Court of Claims, at the December Term, 1872 ; and the Decisions of the Supreme Court in the Appealed Cases, from October, 1872, to May, 1873 Reported by Charles C. Nott and Archibald Hopkins. - Vol. VIII. 8vo, 650 pp., law bind- ing, $6. * MCLOUGHLIN BROS, Captive Princess. 50c. Spider and the Fly. 50c. AEsop Fables. 18mo, 216 pp., cloth, $1. Mother Goose. Colored, cloth, 75c.; set to music, $1. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. - 9 I JAMES MILLER, N. Y. Christ the Spirit: being an attempt to state the Prim- itive View of Christianity. 2 vols, 900 pp , cloth, $3. - MACMILLAN & Co., New York. Cave Hunting. By W. Boyd Dawkins. 8vo, cloth. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. By C. Schorlemmer. 8v J. Higher Schools and Universities of Ger- many. By M. Arnold. Crown 8vo. Literature and Dogma. With New Preface.) By M A ruold. Crown 8vo. Etruscan Researches. By Rev. Isaac Taylor. 8vo. ORANGE JUDD CO., New York. Pretty Mrs. Gaston. By John Esten Cooke. Illus. trated. 12mo, c oth, $1.50. John Andross. By Mrs Rebecca Harding Davis. Il- lustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Young Brown. By Grenville Murray. 8vo, cloth, $1.25 ; paper, 75c. Fables in Song. 16mo, cloth, $2. Yesterdays with Authors. 12mo, cloth, $2. Cheaper edition. By Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton). By James T. Fields. G. P. PUTNAM's SONS, New York. England, Political and Social. By Auguste Laügel. Translated by Prof. J. M. Hart. 12mo, cloth. Philosophy of English Literature. By Prof. Jno. Bascoin. 12mo, cloth, $1 75. Hampton and its Students. By Mrs. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow. ... 60 illustrations and 80 Negro Songs. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Sketehes of Illustrious Soldiers. 4 Portraits on Steel. By James Grant Wilson. 12mo, cloth, extra, $2.50. Passages from the Life of Charles Knight. With Portrait. Large 12mo, 450 pp., cloth. The Dominie's Son. A Novel. By Jno. Hilton Jones. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. tº Handbook of the Statistics of the United States. Handy Book Series. 12mo, cloth, $100. Marine Manuals of the Northwestern Coast of America. By Capt. C M. Scammon. Large 4to, cloth, extra, $12. - Sun views of the Earth; or, The Seasons II- Justrated. By Richard A. Proctor. 13 full-page Plates, 48 co:ored views. 4to, cloth extra, $3. Archives of Scientific and Practical Medi- gime. Edited by Dr. Brown-Sequard. Containing first ºber of Periodical and Plates. 8vo, cloth, extra, .50. * ELEMENTARY SCIENCE SERIES. Naval Architecture, Shipbuilding, and Lay- ing off. By S. J. P. Thearle. 16mo, Toc. Applied Mechanics. By Wm. Rossiter. 16mo, 75c. Magnetism and Electrieity. By Jno. Angell. 16ino, 70c. Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology. By J. H. Balfour. 16mo, 75c. ADVANCED SCIENCE SERIES. *tism and Electricity. By F. Guthrie. 12mo, 1.50. T. B. PETERSON & Bros., Philadelphia The Hidden Sin. A Sequel to “The Dethroned Heir. ess.”. By Miss Eliza A Dupuy. Duodecimo, morocco cloth, gilt, $1.75 ; paper, $1.50. Trodden Down. , A Novel. octavo, paper, 50c. Miss Leslie’s New Receipts for Cooking. An Entire New, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Duodecimo, morocco cloth, $1.75. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. PERKENPINE & HIGGINS, Philadelphia. Gnomon of the New Testament. By Jobn Albert Bengel, New edition. 8vo, 1000 pp., muslin, 2 vols. $9. Water Lily Library. Anonymous. 32nno. 62 pp., muslin, 12 vols., $3. - Anniversary Genns. New edition. Gracey. 18lmo, 202 pp., muslin, 60c. New edition. By Rev. S. L. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. The Language, Poetry, and Senatiment of Florvers. With Choice Extracts from the Poets. Square 24mo, cloth, gilt, $1.50. - The Complete Letter Writer. For the Use of Ladies and Gentlemen. 18mo, cloth, 75c. Waverley. By Sir Walter Scott Iliustrated. cloth, black and gold, in new design, $1.50. 16mo, ROBERTS BROS., Boston. An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and With remarks illustrative of various points in the history of ancient art. By Gotthold Ephraim Less- ing. Translated by Ellen Frothingham. 16mo, with pictorial title, representing the Laocoon, $1.50. IRecords of a School. By A. Bronson Alcott. Cloth $1.50. Laocoon. Poetry. MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS. A new edition, in six uniform volunues. Memoirs. 2 vols. At Home and Abroad. Woman in the 19th Century. Art, Literature, and the Drama. Without and Withinn. Sex and Education. A reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's “Sex in Education.” Edited, with an introduction, by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 16mo, cloth, $1. 12mo, $9. A Summer Vacation. Four Sermons. By Edward E. Hale. 16mo, paper, 50c. The Trust and the Remittance. Two Love Storles in Metred Prose. By Mary Cowden Clarke. 16mo, cloth, $1. . - The Old Masters and their Pictures. By Sarah Tytler. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Modern Painters and their Paintings. By Sarah Tytler. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. - SHELDON & CO., New York. Fettered for Life ; or, Lord and Master A Story of To-day, by Lillie Devereux Blake. $1.50 and Lincoln and Sevvard. By Ex-Secretary Welles. 12mo, tinted paper, cloth, $1.50; paper, $1. Heaven in Song. By Henry C. Fish, D.D. Cheap edition, 12mo, tinted paper, cloth, black and gold, $2.50. 12mo, cloth and paper, - WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Meta Wallace. 12mo, cloth, 1 vol., $1.50. Waiting Hours. By Anna Shipton. 18mo, cloth. 75c.; paper, 25c. The Promise and the Promiser. 75c.; paper, 25c. 18mo, cloth, ANNA shipton's DevotionAL LIBRARY. By Anna Shipton. 18mo, 3 vols., $2.25. Tell Jesus. Waiting Hours. The Promise and the Promiser. T. E. ZELL, Phila. Cyclopedia of Amerieam Literature. By Duy- cincks and Simons. Complete in 52 Nos. 2to, 40 pp., and Steel Plate, paper, Nos. 19 and 20, 50c per part. Zell’s Illustrated Bible. Complete in 41 Nos., with 50 illustrations, Royal 2to, 32pp., paper, Nos. 10 and 11, 50c. z 9. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. ~ O fee RU ARY fuelications. * D. APPLETON & CO., New York. The Puerp-ral Diseases. By Fordyce Barker, M.D. 8vo, 526 pp., cloth, $5. Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Stewart, LL.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. IPhysical Measurements. By Dr. Kohlrausch. Translated by Thos. H. Wallir, B.A., B., &c., and Henry R. Proctor, F.C.S. 8vo, 250 pp., cloth, $2.50. Finglish Psychology. By Th. Rehot, 12mo, 328 pp., cloth, $1.50. - Animal Locomotion; or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By J. Bell Pettigrew, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., F.R.C.P.E. 12mo, 264 pp., cloth, $1.75. International Scientific Series. A. K. BUTTS & CO., N. Y. The Martyrdom of Man. By Winwood Reade. Full 12mo, 556 pp., cloth, $2.50. The Masculine Cross and Ancient 'Sex Wor- ship. By Sha Roccy. Richly illustrated. Full 12ino, 70 pp., cloth, $1; paper, 75c. CALLABAN & CO., Chicago. Bissell’s Reports. Vol. 3. Reports of Cases decided in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts of the Seventh Judicial Circuit. By Josiah H. Bissell. 8vo, 600 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 21. and Bryant. By O. M. Conover. sheep, $4.50. With Notes by Vilas 8vo, 675 pp., law ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. sºons. By R. S. Candlish, D. D. 12mo, 335 pp., cloth, Guiseppe's Home. By Julia A. Mathews. pp., cloth, $l. 10. IDare to do Right Series. vols. 16mo, cloth. $5.50. Willow Brook. By author of the “Wide, Wide World.” 16mo, 348 pp., cloth, $1.25. Gates of Prayer. By J. R. Macduff, D. D. Square, 363 pp., cloth, $1. 16mo, 343 By Julia A. Mathews. 5 ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Report of Cases Arising Under Letters Patent for Inventions, determined in the Courts of the Unit 2d States. By Samuel S. Fisher, Counsellor at Law. Vol. 5, 8vo, 708 pp., law sheep, $25. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Martin Chuzzlewit. By Dickens. Carleton's Illus. trated Dickens. $1.50. Bºº Wilmerton. By Margaret Westcott. Cloth, • Stolen Waters. COLBY & RICH, Boston. Theodore Parker in Spirit Life. By Fred. L. H. Willis, M.D. 12mo, 21 pp., pamphlet, 25c. Spiritualism Defined and Defended. Peebles. 12mo, 28 pp., pamphlet, 15c. New edition. $1.50. By J. M. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila, An Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Second Edition Revised. By Henry Flanders. 12mo, 295 pp., cloth, $1.75. Basy Lessons on Natural Sciences; embracing a General Outline of the Physical Constitution and Phe- nomena of the World, and an Account of the most impor- tant and interesting Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. With numerous Illustrations. Designed for Schools and Families. By Miss R. E. Kremer. 12mo, 294 pp., red morocco, buck cloth sides, $1.75. COLLIN & SMALL, New York. Illustrated History of the Mulligan Guard. By G. G. Small. 12mo, 32 pp., pamphlet, 16c. PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Sermons, Lectures, &c., of the late Rev. M. B. Puckley, of SS. Peter and Paul's, Cork. With a Memoir of his Lite. Compiled and Revised by the Rev. C. Davis, Ross, Ireland. Crown 8vo, cloth, and contains as a frontispiece a portrait of Father Buckley. 479 pp , $250. The Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales. Gathered from his writings and arranged in order, by Rev. Pere Huguet. Translated from the seventh French edition. 18mo, cloth, tinted paper, 351 pp., 75c. * -º DoDD & MEAD, New York. Gold and Dross. By Edward Garrett. 12mo, 305 pp., ink and gold, $1.50. - E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Dear Feast of Lent. A Series of Devotional Readings. Arranged by the author of “Rutledge,” “A Rosary for Ilent,” etc. 16mo, beveled boards, red edges, $1.50. A Rosary for Lent; or, Devotional Readings, Original and Compiled. By the author of “Rutledge.” New edition. Price reduced to $1.50. Selected from the Devotional Christian Counsels. a' Translated by A. M. James. Works of Abp. Fénelon. 16mo, 221 pp., $1.25. Some Week-Days in Lent. By the Rev. G. H. Wil- kinson, M. A., author of “Guide to a Devout Life,” “Break up your Fallow Ground,” etc. Paper, 30c.; cloth, 75c. Oxenden on Confirmation. 24mo, paper, 10c. GINN BROS., Boston. Sermons. By Rev. H. N. Henderson, the Shakesperian Scholar. 12mo, 420 pp., cloth. $1.75. HENRY HOYT, Boston. Janet Darney; A Tale of Fisher Liſe in Chale Bay. (English). 16mo, 313 pp., black and gold cloth, $1.25. Asked of God. By Annie Shipton. 16mo, 261 pp., cloth, $1. Waiting Hours. By Annie Shipton. 16mo, 230 pp., cloth, $1. HARPER & BROS., New York. The Parisians. A Novel. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. With illustrations by Sydney Hall. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; 8vo, paper, $1. Among our Sailors. By J. Grey Jewell, M.D., late United States Consul, Singapore. With an Appendix con- taining Extracts from the Laws and Consular Regulations governing the United States Merchant Service. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. - Ship Ahoy! A Yarn in Thirty-six Cable Lengths. Il- lustrated by Wallis Mackay and Frederick Waddy. 8vo, paper, 40c. * Pet; or, Pastimes for Children. By H. R. Haweis. With 50 illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Lottie Darling. A Novel. By John Cordy Jeaffreson, Phineas Dedux. By Anthony Trollope. 8vo, illus- trated, paper, $1.25; cloth, $1.75. - HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. . J.EISURE HOUR SERIES. 16mo, $1.25 each. Jupiter’s Daughters. By Mrs. C. Jenkin. A Psyche of To-day. By Mrs. C. Jenkin. Madame de Beaupre. By Mrs. C. Jenkin. Skirmishing. By Mrs. C. Jenkin. - f THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 93. H. L. HIN TON & CO., New York. Present Status of Social Science. A review, his: torical and critical, of the progress of thought in social philosophy. By Robt. S. Hamilton. 12mo, 340 pp., cloth, $2. IPut to the Test. A story of woman's faith. By Chas. Chamberlain. 16mo, 370 pp., cloth, $1.50. KELLY, PIET & CO., Baltimore. In Six Months; or, The Two Friends. By Mary M. Meline, authoress of the “Montarges Legacy.” 16mo, 300 pp., muslin case, beveled, stamped in black and gold, 1.25. KAY & BRO., Philadelphia. A Treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States. Seventh and Revised Edition. By Francis Wharton, LL.D. 8vo, law sheep, 3 vols, $22. 50. The Principles of Equity. A Treatise on the Sys- tem of Justice Administered in Courts of Chancery. By Geo. Tucker Bispham. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. Beports of Cases. Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Third and Revised Editiou. By Thomas Sergeant and Wm. Rawle, Jr. 8vo, law sheep, Vol. XII., $6. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. Forster’s Life of Dickens. Life of Charles Dickens. By John Forster. Vol. III., completing the work. With Steel Plates. 12mo, cloth, $2. A Strange Story. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. Being Vol. VIII. of the Lord Lytton Edition of Bulwer's Novels. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, and Schools of Thought. By Various Writers. Edited by the Rev. John Henry Blunt, M.A., F.S.A., Editor of the “Diction- ary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology.” Large 8vo, cloth, $10. The Parisians. A Novel. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. With Frontispiece. The Globe Edition, 16mo, fine cloth, $1.50; the Lord Lytton Edition, 12mo, extra cloth, black and gilt ornamentation, $1.50. The Captain's Story. A Poem. By Mary Ashley Townsend, “Xariffa.” 12mo, paper cover, 30c. INicholas Nickleby. By Charles Dickens. Being.Wols V. and VI. of the Standard Illustrated Edition. 8vo, ex- tra cloth, $3 per vol. Mercersburg Theology Inconsistent with Pro- * testant and Reformed Doctrine. By B. S. Schneck, D.D. 12mo, fine cloth, $1.25. Conversations of Goethe with Bckermann and Soret. Translated from the German by John Oxenford. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. The Poems of Schiller. by Edgar A. Bowring, C. B.M. P. Translated from the German 12mo, cloth, $1.50. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Phila. The Physicians’ Pocket Dose and Symptom JBook. The Eleventh Revised and Enlarged Euitiou. By J. H. Wythe, M. D. 24mo, 236 pp., cloth, $1.25; tucks, $1.50. British Journal of Dental Science. Vol. 17, No. 11. For January, 1874; published monthly. 60 pp., 50c. per No.; $4 per annum. Galvanic Therapeutics. to the Illinois State Medical Society. M. D. 8vo, 54 pp., cloth, $1.25. A revised report of a report By David Prince, § A. K. LORING, Boston. Langley Manor. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. paper, 50c. Lilian Dalzell. By Miss Armstrong, author of “Un- claimed.” 8vo, 130 pp., paper, 50c. - 8vo, 149 pp., D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. The Tropics. By “Uncle Ned.” $1.25. - * wealthy’s Hope. By Mrs. C. E. K. Davis, JAunt Mary’s Little Series. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. De Gex Jones & Smith’s Reports. Vol. III. 8vo, sheep, $5. Cooley’s Limitations. United States Digest. sheep, $7.50. Baird’s Birds of North America. Royal 8vo, cloth, 2 vols., $10 per vol. 8vo, sheep, $7 50- Royal 8vo, 3d edition. First Series. Wols. I. and Il- McLOUGHLIN BROS., New York, THE YOUNG AMERICA SERIES PENNY BOOKS. In Colors. New Editions, $1 per groSS. Plain. Aunt Grumble Series. Plain. Tuittle Pleaswell Series. Plain. Little Delights Series. Plain, Little Dot Series. GEO. MUNRO, New York. MUNRo's TEN or NT Novels. Hemlock Sam. IBugler Ben. MACMILLAN & CO., New York. Statesman’s Year Book. By F. Martin. cloth, $3.50. The Principles of Science. By W. S. Jevons, F.R.S. 8vo, cloth, 2 vols., $9. . Constitutional History of England. Vol. 1. Prof. Stubbs. Crown 8vo, cloth, $4.50. Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. Tait. 8vo, cloth, $7. Introduction to Quaternions. Tait. Crown 8vo, cloth, $3. sº By J. Perry. Science Class Books. 18mo, cloth, ... O U. Crown 8vo, By By P. G. By Kelland and Theologica Germanica. By Susana Winkworth. Gol- den Treasury Series. 18mo, cloth, $1.25. Westminster Sermons. By Rev. Charles Kingsley. 8vo, cloth. JAMES MILLER, N. Y. The Cloud of Witnesses. By Opal. cloth, $2.50. 12mo, 521 ppi, NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, New York. The National Temperance Orator. 12mo, 288 pp., cloth, $1. The White Rose. By Mary J. Hedges 12mo, 320 pp., cloth, $1.25. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Life of Mrs. Barbauld. Memoir, Letters, and a Selec- tion from the Poems and Prose Writings of Anna Laetitia Barbauld. By Grace A. Ellis, 2 vols., 366 pp., 472 pp, cloth, 12mo. With steel Portrait. $5. Euthanasy ; or, Happy Talk Towards the End of Life. By William Mountford, author of “Miracles Past and Present.” New edition, xviii., 511 pp., cloth, 12mo, $2. Żºłºń's ºogºn; Vol 37 in “Osgood's-Library of Nov- y K. els.” E. Francillon, author of “Earl's Dene,” º,” 244 pp , oloth. Illustrated. Paper, $1; cloth, , OU), P. O'SHEA, New York. Pilgrimage of Grace. A Tale of the Days of Henry VIII. Translated from the French of M. Emery, 12mo, 402 pp., cloth, $2. - Life of Oliver Plunkett, D. D., Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. By Rt. Rev. Dr. Moran, Bishop of Ossory. 18mo, 396 pp., cloth, $1. G. P. PUTNAM's SONS, New York. Life of Gen. Geo. D. Bayard. By S.m'l J. Bayard. 12mo, cloth, extra, $1.75. 94 THE AMER / CAN ROO KSF I, L E R &’ G [J7 D E. Women before the Law. . By John Proffatt, LL B. Putnam's Popular Manuals. 12mo, cloth, $1; extra cloth, $1.25. Students’ Atlas of Historical and Classical Geography. 30 Maps. ' 8vo, cloth, extra, $2.50. Portable-Atlas of Modern Geography. 16 Maps. imp. 8vo, cloth, extra, $1. PUTNAM'S ADVANCED SCIENCE SERIES. 12mo, cloth, extra, $1.50c. each. In organic Chemistry. By Prof. T. E. Thorpe, Ph.D. Animal Physiology. By Prof. Jno. Cleland, M.D. Physical Geography. By Prof. Jno. Young, M.D. Naval Architecture, Shipbullding, and Laying Off. By S. J. P. Thearle, F.R. S. N.A. FUTNAM's ELEMENTARY SCIENCE SERIES. 16mo, cloth, extra, 75c. each. ist Book of Geology. By W. S. Davis. IElements of Animal Physiology, chiefly Hu- man. By Jno. Angell. TNautical Astronomy. By Henry Evers. Manual of Qualitative Análysis. By F. Beilstein. IBuilding Construction—Stone, Brick, and Slate Work. By R. S. Bum, C. E. 2 vols. - IBuilding Construction — Timber and Iron ork. By R. S. Bum, C. E. 2 vols. Inorganic Chemistry. By Dr. W. B. Kemshead. Zoology. By M. Harbison. PORTER & COATES, Phila. The Comprehensive Speaker. Designed for the use of Schools, Academies, Lyceums, &c., carefully selected from the best Authors; with notes, and an introduction containing remarks on style, expression, and gesture, and condensed rules for elocution. Adopted as a Text- book by the School Boards, and by many Collegies, Aca- demies, and Schools throughout the country. By Henry i ºte: A New Edition. 12m.o, 672 pp., half bound, . . O. The Christian Year. By John Keble, M. A. Red Line Edition. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. *The Pilgrim’s Progress. By John Bunyan. A new §, type edition, with colored plates. 16mo, cloth, 1.25. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Dethroned Heiress. By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy. author of “Why Did He Marry Her?” etc 12mo, $1.75 in cloth, or $1.50 in paper cover. - A New and Uniform Edition of all Miss Eliza A. Dupuy’s Popular Works Complete in 10 vols. Morocco cloth, gilt back, $1.75 each; or $11.50 a set. Each set is put up iu a neat and strong box. Married. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, New Edition. Octavo, paper cover, 50c. Only Temper. A. Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. Octavo, paper. 50c. • PRESBYTERIAN, BOARD OF PUBLICATION, Phila, The Presbyterian Digest: A compend of the Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presby. terian Church in the U. S. of America. By the order and authority of the General Assembly. By Rev. Wm. E. Moore, D. D. 8vo, 718 pp., sheep, $6.50. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SON, New York. The Alton S=rmons. By Augustus W. Hare. 12mo, 584 pp., cloth, $3.50. «Out and All About. With 85 Illustrations. A. Page. 12mo, 260 pp., cloth, gilt edges, $2. Sermons. By J. J. Stewart Perowne, D. D. 12mo, 408 pp., cloth, $3. - *Thoughts through the Year. By J. E. A. Brown. 12mo, 90 pp., cloth, $1. Iliving Voices. By Archbishop of Canterbury. cloth, gilt top, $2. Catholic Thoughts on the Church of Christ and the Church of England. By Rev. Fred. Myers, M.A. 12mo, cloth, $3. By H. 16mo, Heat as a Source of Power. SCHO FNHOFF & MOELLER. Boston, Class-Book of French Pronunciation. vergnat. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. By Al- SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. The Structure of Animal Life. By Louis Agassiz. , Iliustrated. 8vo, 128 pp , cloth, $1.50. Corrected edi- tion. Speaker’s Commentary. Vol. iv. . By Bishops and Clergy of England. Royal 8vo, 702 pp., cloth, $5. C -ntral Asia. Compiled and Arranged by Bayard Tay- lor. Illustrated. In “Library of Travel.” 12mo, 365 pp., cloth, $1.50. On Missions. By Max Muller. 12mo, 78 pp , cloth, $1. Lango’s Commentary. Minor Prophets. Edited by P. Schaff, D. D. 8vo, 672 pp. cloth. $5. º Self-Culture. By John Stuart Blackie. 16mo, 116 pp., cloth, $1. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. History of the Ceramic Art, in all Ages and Nations. By A. Jacquemart. Numerous plates. Royal 8vo, 645 pp., extra cloth, gilt, $18. Supplement to the Arts and Sciences of the Ourth Division of the English Cyclopedia. Completing the work. Many hundred engravings. 4to, 1116 pp., cloth, $15, British Rural Sports. By Stonehenge. New and enlarged edition. cloth, $9. History of Pompeii. Its History, Buildings, and Anti- quities. By Dr. Dyer. New edition. Nearly 300 en- gravings. Small 8vo, 595 pp., cloth, $6. Hardwicke’s Science Gossip for 1874. Royal 8vo, 292 pp., cloth, $2.50. The Works of James Gillray, the world renowned Caricaturist, with his Life and Times. With over 400 en- gravings. 4to, 376 pp., cloth, gilt edges, $15.75. • A Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters, l830 to 1838. Drawn by Daniel Maclise, with Notes by Dr. Maginn and W. Bates. With 83 Portraits. Cloth, gilt edge, $15.75. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. By E. O'Curry. With notes and introduction by Dr. Sul- livan. 3 large vols., 8vo, cloth, $21. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. By James Fergusson. With 332 fine engravings. 8vo, 603 pp., half morocco, $12. Richard Wagner, and the Music of the Future. By F. Hueffer. 8vo, 340 pp., cloth, $3.50. Ta'es from the Fjeld. A Second Series of Popular Tales from the Norse of P. C. Asbjornsen. By Dr. Dasent. 12mo, cloth, $3. Many engravings. 12mo, 892 pp., The Chemical History of a Candle. By Dr. Fara- day. New edition. With all the engravings. 12mo, cloth, $2.25. On the Various Forces of Nature. By Dr. Fara- day. $2.25. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals, with Authentic Memoirs. 2 thick vols. Small 8vo, half mor., $6.25. - Mrs. Gaskell’s Nºvels and Tales. New illustrated edition, now complete in 7 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, $1.75 each. Hogarth’s Complete Works. . With 150 engravings, and all the text. New and very cheap edition. 3 vols. Small 8vo, cloth, $11 25. Townsend's Manual of Dates. edition. 12mo, 1126 pp, cloth, $9. New edition, with all the engravings. 12mo, cloth, New and enlarged JNO. WILEY & SON, New York. Quadrature of the Circle, containing Demonstra- tions of the Errors of Geometry in fincing the approxi- mations in use. By John A. Parker. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. With applications of general principles to the Construction of Steam Genera- tors An introduction to the study of Heat Engines: “By W. P. Trowbridge, Prof. of Engineering in Yale College. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. - - 7'HE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 95 w WM WOOD, New York. Veterinary Medicines: Fourth Edition. By Finlay Dun. $6. The Nature of Gunshot Wounds of the Abdo- men, and their Treatment. Based on a Review of the case of the late James Fisk, Jr.. in its Medico-legal Aspects. By Eugene Peugnet, M.D. 8vo, 96 pp., cloth, $1.25. A Hand-Book of Medical and Surgical Refer- ence. By John A. Wyeth, M. D. 24mo, 279 pp., cloth, $1.25; -tucks, $1.50. - their Actions and Uses. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Cure for Thought Taking. By Geo. Macdonald. Devotional. 18mo, 48 pp., cloth, 50c. Mode of Baptism. 280 pp., cloth, $1.25. Tell Jesus. By Anna Shipton. New edition (corrected price.) 12mo, 154 pp., cloth, 60c.; paper, 25c. By Rev. Saml. Hutchings. 12mo, 8vo, 576 pp., cloth, our Father’s Care. By Anna Shipton. 16mo, paper, C. Mother’s Last Words. By Anna Shipton. 18mo, paper, 5c. - WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Cincinnati, O. Progressive and Practical Method for the Study of the French Language. By F. Duffet. 12mo, 192 pp., $1 Manual of the Constitution. By Israel Ward Ars- drews, President of Marietta College. Library edition, 8vo, 408 pp., sheep, $2. School edition. 12mo, 408 pp., cloth, $1.60. T. E. ZELL, Phila. Cyclopedia of American Literature. By E. A. and G. L. Duycinck and M. Laird Simons. Complete in 52 Nos. 2to, 40 pp., with steel plates in each No., paper, Nos. 17 and 18, 50c. per part. Zell’s Illustrated Bible. , Completed ln 41 numbers, with 50 illustrations. Royal 2to, 32 pp., with one or twº. steel plates, paper, Nos. 8 and 9, 50c. New Music. AMERICAN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., N. Y. IBronze. E. D310 field. POlka. . 20c. Jolly Bros. Budik. Galop. 20c. I Cannot Sing the Old Songs. Claribel. Song 20c Take Back the Heart. Claribel. Song. 20c. BIGLOW & MAIN, N. Y. Biglow & Main’s Anthem Serial. For Easter. Compiled by S. LaSar. 16 pp., quartO. Illuminaled Title. Containing 5 Anthems. 25c. Biglow & Main’s Easter Annual... No. 1, Sunday Schools. B. and M, 8 pp. . . Carols. All new, 5c. each; $4 per 100. NO. 1. For Containing 6 BOOSEY & Co., N. Y. Wreathe Ye Garlands. Schumann. Oh 2 We are Merry Mountaineers. Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. 56. Lºuie de Madame Angot. Full Plano Score. $1. 5C. 5C. 50C. * 50C. 8 Comic Songs. 14 Sacred Songs. BALMER & WEBER, St. LOuis. t Vt)CAL. Yours Forever. Pretro. 306. Dost Thou Love Me, Sister Ruth ºf Parry. .COUmic Cillet. 30C. e Paddy Magill. dialogue. 35C. Two. Forest Nymphs. GloWer. Duet. 60c. Dear Little Fred. Boyd. Song and chorus, 30c. Murphy. Comic Irish song, with INSTRUMENTAL, Dream of Spring. Lichner. Impromptu, 50c. Princess Louise. Godfrey. Waltzes. Complete, 75c.; abridged, 500. Turtle Dove. Behr. Polka. 50G. Pygmalion. Schillinger. Schottisch. 30°. Aida March. Schuman. 30C. Good Old Times. Meininger. Waltz. 40C. CORY BROS, Providence. Lonely, I’m Watching. Frank’. Belmont. Pic- ture title. (Temperauce Song.) 40C. A Sweet Dream of Love. C. D. Blake. Piano. Sweet aul pretty 35c. Golden Bells. E. Hoffman. Nocturne, Piano. Bril- liaut. 500. - Reverie, JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCAL, - Whispers from Home. Nish. Song and chorus- 3UC. There’s Monny a Shlip. Basso. Song and Chorus. 25C. Fawn Footed Nanannie. Song and Cholus. 40C. - Walke Out . Emmett. Illustrated title. Song and chorus. 400. - Last Bugle. Bliss. Bass Song. 25C. ' Will she Conne 3 German Song. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL, * La Serama Polka Mazurka. Fusca. 30C. Friendship Waltz. Fusca. 306. Aida. Sofre. Potpourri. 60C. Celestial March. GOſgi. Picture title. Ranawha Waltz. FuSCa. 30c. Palmer. Illustrated title. 50C. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. VOCAL, WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. A Little Cloud. Fur Contralto or Bass. Pinsutil 4UC. Floating and Dreaming. Dinsmore. 30c. Gates of Paradise. Hopkins. Q 30C. Sing to me Softly, my Sister. Waterman. 30c. Farewell, my Love, I Sail Afar. Redowa Song. MeSSer. 30C. • I Saw Two Maids at Kirk. Lippitt, 30c. Low at Thy Feet. Lindsay. 35c. Nobody Home but Me. Violetta. 30c. The King and his Tambour's Daughter. Wienel 30c. The Skipper's Wife. Song and Chorus. Gray. 40C, Come Again, Bright Days. S0ng and Chorus. Blake. 40C. INSTRUMENTAL. Indispensable Scales and Broken Chords in all Major and Minor Keys. Charles Wels. 75c. 96 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. "Trubel and Jubel Quadrille. Christmas Bells. Wilson. 50C. Skating Rink Polka. Schleiffarth. 35c. Fairy Gondola. Barcarolle. Boscowitz. 75c. New Year’s Galop. Aronson. 30c. Student’s Ball Dances. (Studentenball.) E. FauSt. 40C. StrauSS. 750. - El Fresco. SimmonS. 40C. Far from Thee. Op. 308. No. 3. Jungmann. 40c. Adelphi Waltz. Raymond, 30c. D. P. FAULDS, Louisville. &ui vive Galop. M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 20c. Mandolinata. M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 20c. Poet and Peasant Waltz. M. Mateo. Simplified edll iOn. 20c. “Clear the Track Galop. M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 20c. - - ‘That’s my Seeret. Clan Ce. 3ou. JMignon Waltz. Frank Colburn. Song and M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 20c. *ºne Dame Galop. M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 200. Dublin Bay. R. Barker. Ballad. 30c. Aide Waltz. M. Mateo. Simplified edition. 20c. -Jolly Bººners Galop. M. Mateo. Simplified edi- U1011. 200. Heilmweh. Jungmann. Fantaisie. 30c. B. W. HITCHCUCK, New York. Argentine Fantasie Mazurka. Ketterer. Slrumed Lal. 1Uc. ‘Chorus from Lohengrin. Wagner, 10c. Poet and Peasant. 10c. The Sisters Schottisch. Englemann. 5c. Pure as Snow. 10C. In- LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Wine, Wife, and Song Waltzes. Piano. Stores. 35c. Flute and Piano. Quartette. Stores. 60C. Quintette. Stores. 75c. “Clipper Polka. Cornet and Piano. Bert. 60c. *** Etudes. Opus 45. Book 2. H. Heller. . OU). ViOlin and Stures. 35c. Like a Lily slowly Fading. D. D. Wood. 30c. Crust and Crumb Galop. Murſee. 50c. sºlour When in Dust to Thee. D. D. Wood. C. Celestial Aida. Romanza. Tryon, Jr. 50c. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia, *cºse. Prince Wittgenstein. Piano piece. Class - Tºyking of Thee. J. L. Hardee. 36C A Dream of Spring. Class 3. 50C. ryeº's Bells. Geibel, Nocturne Mazurka. Class - C. e Mºonlight Meditation. Warren. Nocturne, Class C. Song. Class 1. Mack. Air and Variations. pº of Happy Days. Ditmars. Polka. Class º C. *Gentennial. Strauss. Waltzes. Class 4, 75c. . The Shepherd. Swedish. Song. 350 Devotion. Lichner. Romance. 20c. W.M. E. MILLETT & SON, New York. ** Operatic Airs for Flute and Piano. NOS. I and 2. $1 each. 34 Popular Dances for Violin and Piano. $1. ** Operatic Melodies. Violin and Piano. Nos, 1 and 2. $1 each. Andre and Hesse Voluntaries. | 20 ºglish, Irish, and scoteh Airs for, Violin and Piano. $1. Sacred Songs. Claribel. 50c. Hatton’s Small Organ Book. 50°. Sacred Fantasies. Various authors. 50C. Wily's Offertories. For Organ. 50c. 50C. For Organ. J. L. PETERS, N. Y. Angels Guard my Little One. HayS. 40C. Send for Mother. Song and chorus. Hays. 406. Angels Visits. Morceau de Salon. Kinkel. 40c. Tºoling Leaves. Morgeau de Salon. Kinkel. 50C. Where Birds (Sing the Sweetest. Chorus, ſ)ank S. 350. Hear the Sweet Chorus. Night on the Sea. Duet. Woods. Duet. Abt. 25C. Springtime. Duet. Abt, 35c. Swallows. Duet. Abt, 25c. There is Nothing Like 'Your Own Little Holme. Song and Chorus. Fuller. 3Uc. Song and chorus. Song and Duet. Abt. Abt. 30C. 25C. GEO. WILLIG & CO , Baltimore. In Shadowland. Ciro Pinsuti. Vocal. 30c. What Shall I Sing to Thee. Ciro Pinsuti. Vocal. 30C. º A Life that Lives for You. Arthur S. Sullivan. Vocal. 4Uc. Rest. Miss Lindsay. Sacred Song. When the Barmies are Asieep. WOcal. 35C. Coracordia Circle. Waverly. J. Harry Deems. 30C. Lady Baker. J. Rosenfield. Galop. 40c. Galop. 50C. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. FUR THE PIANO. Simplitled. Geo. Fox, 60c. Flower Song. Gustave Lange. 50c. Angel Voices Ever Near. Rev. A. S. Sweet. 65e. Little Soldier’s March. Kohler. 20c. Rondo Capriccioso. Mendelssohn. 60c. Blush Rose. Polka. T. P. Ryder. 40c. Forget me mot Waltz. T. P. Ryder. 40c. Evening Reverie. G. D. Wilson. 60c. Mendelssohn’s Songs without, &c. 30C. NO. 3. 35C. White Rose Waltz. Schubert. 200. White Pink Redowa. T. P. Ryder. Dora Schottisch. Geo. FOX. 350. Ascher’s Alice. NO. 34. 40C. Birds at Twilight. Nocturne. Thos. O'Neil. 60c. Enchantment Waltz. T. P. Ryder. 65c. VOCAL. Please God make room, &c. Song and chorus. White. 40c. Not a Sparrow Falleth. Alto Song. G. L. Gil- bert. 35C. The Wolf is on the Hill. Quartette. Mixed or Male. Whitc. 70C. - Poor Uncle Pete. Song and chorus. Wm. Carter. 35C. Mother JFold Me in Your Arms. Song and chorus. White. 40c. Give Me my own Native Isle. Quartette, mixed Or male. 70C. * I'll Come Back to Erin Again. Song and chor. Dailey, 35C. Flower of Love. Waltz Song. G. Operto. 600. THE AMERJCAN BOOKS EI, L E R S GUIDE. 97 THE jStationery MARKET, The spring trade has opened fairly, but except in Valentines, which have contributed an inportant share to the business of the month, there has been no special activity. - Buyers are laying in their spring stock, and the trade throughout the country is in excellent condition. Prices of ivory goods and of some fancy articles have a tendency to decline, but papers and staple goods are held firm. - Adjustable Book Covers. Stafford's stands, in * gross boxes, per gross.... . . . . $7 20 will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 15 || Arnºld's Writing Fluid, gºts, pe.do?............. 6 00 For 500, with Dealer's advertisement . . . . . . . . . ... ... 10 00 Pints ... . . . . . . . . . 3 50 ** 1,000 {{ {{ e e º ºs e º 'º e º e º a tº e I8 00 & & 4 & % pints, {& - º e º 'º º e º ºs e º 'º º 2 00 . y - > * , º {{ . “ Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 20 Writing Papers. & 4 Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ............. 12 00 FIRST CLASS, {{ H { Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 cº Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, 30 cts { { ya. Assorted Colors, per ... e - e º te e º o 1 25 • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * º e } - Būjī.gifº, ižºmáiſiúðream, perii. 3 |* §. º. per doz. ....... 1 ; Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7lbs. to ream, per lb.... 33 “ { { ...” tº gia's stops, der áoz 2 13 ©ctavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, perlb. 85 “ | David, e gla: p8, y } David s Carmine, Nº. #. §. *ś. e e e e º q e º & e ão....... ; 25 SECOND GRADE. t & 4 No. 1. Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 5 Cap and Letter, per lb................. . . . . . . 27 to 28 °ts. 4 & & & §. 2. ºº::::::: § {: Bill and Legal, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 27 to 28 “ { { “ No. 3, §iass stopper, per doz...... 4 50 Commercial Note “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ............. • * * * * * * * * * 2 25 French Quadrille Papers, No. 6, 10 k 2 25 Clark's Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 & 4 { - No. KO . . . . . . - - - - - - 20 |..., º {{ { { “ No. 5. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 | Peerless School and Counting-House Ink. • & 4 3 00 º Square French Envelopes, per M e & © tº º º tº e º e º º • BLACK WIOLET WRITING Printing Papers. - INK. INK. Fluid. sº 'S g raw . . . . . . . . . 11 to 13 cts | Quarts in doz. boxes... per doz. $6.00.... $7.50.... $6.75 Bookana Nºs. º ºx: ºº lºº. " "::" " "::::::::::::::::::: “ good to first class................... 20 to 30 “ Hºrinº, . l, e e .. #: #: #; Drawiang Papers. . Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes pr. gr. 7.50. ... 3.00.... 9.00 § e *, GERMAN. , QUIRE. Discount on Original Packages... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - * Cap, 14 by 17, per quire e e º e e e e s e s e e º e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. $0 30 - Larger lots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-- Demy, 15 by 20, “. . . . . . ... e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s e 45 º --> - a tº Medium, 17 by 22, { { e e º 'º e e s e e s ∈ e e º e º 'º e s a sº tº 60 | Black Diamond Combined Writing and Royal, 19 by 24, “. . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º e º e º e is 80 Copying Ink. C 14 by 17 whatMAN's. 55 Quarts, per doz. .......8 QQ Half pints, per doz. ... 3 00 º, 15 § 20' per.gure................... 90 §: “. . . . . . . . . 5 00 4 oz. Flat, Ink stands.. ; ; ; : 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *...*. # . #. º e & e º e º e º e º a e º e º e º e º e i ; jet Black School ink, in nosed bottles, per gross ..... 5 50 OW8. e e º 'º e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º e º & e > º §:Royal, is § # , ............. • * * * e e is ; ;| Discount on Pearl Ink. - Elephant, 23 by 28 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 85 MIucilage. * Tissue Paper. Peerless Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . e e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. tº º ; ; American White, per ream.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 { 8 ounces, per doz * * * * * * * * * e e s m e º a • * * * * * * * * * 3) “ Colored, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 º Pints, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 English, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - e. e. e. e. e. e - e. e. e. e º s Quarts, .......................... 10 50 º Tracing Paper. - |ſmaltstands. - 5..." lure...... e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º e º 'º e º e º a tº e º • * > a. s. º º 1 § Cocoa Pocket Inks, § % perioz º e e tº e e tº e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º & © ; . tl , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº e e º º & º { { NO. 4, " ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Bristol Boards. Silliman's No. 3, School," . ................... I 12 REYNoLDS' AND OTHERS. º §: #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; § Cap, **** per doz. - - - - - - e º e º 'º - - - - - e º & ; “ Academiec “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 {{ 4 { { “ ................... 1 00 “ Mechanics “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Dei 4) ( & ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 | Flat glass, 2% inch, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 emy, 3 & t ... -------------------- 1 20 { { 3 “ & & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 it. . . . .................... i & 3% . . . ................ : ; ; e Q { { { { tº e º 'º e º 'º e e e º 'º e º e e e e e i o Meſum, ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... } }}|Air-tightiºs,small: “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 e e < e e s e e º e s e º e º e º e º e ( { & 4 (r { { { { w 66 4 & & & £ 2 20 large “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Perforated so tº º a. • * ~ * e º 'º e § Whitney's º *:::: No. 2, $11.25; No. 0, 18 00 PIO * I'C le. Draper's Air-Tight No. 1, $12; No. 3, $11.25. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. .... ............ 2 00 | Glass Screw Tops, from 87c, to $1.25 per dozen. Blotting Paper. Steel Pens. Octavo packages, per 49%. º e º e º º º º e e º e º 'º e º e º 'º - © e º 'º e * 73 || American News Company's No. 170. . . . . , 50 Quarto, e e º e º 'º e º e º 'º ºr e º e º e º 'º e º e º e º 'º 1 50 º { { ( & School, No. 51 - e º e º º 30 Imals. - { { * Extra Fine, No. 333. . . . . . 50 David Stands in 34 gross boxes, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . $900 {{ & 4 {{ & tº 'No. 444...... 50 Cé 4 Olln Ce in 1 doz. {{ per doz. • * * * * * * * * * * * I 25 { { & & {{ Quill, No. 76 e e º 'º e tº 50 ... a “à" “i "." a “... “............. 2 00 || “... “ “ Falcon, No. 48...... 50 David Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 { { & 4 { { Bank, No. 14...... 50 “ Qua 1 tº { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6 00 & 4 { { “ Commercial, No. 9...... 50 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David’s. { { & 4. {{ Albata, No. 11... . . . 50 SUBJECT To FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. 98 THE AMERICAN Books.ELLERS GUIDE. Gillott's Pens, No. 303. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ No. { % No 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e {{ No. 851. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington Medallion Pens........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spencerian Pens......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ “ in 34 gross boxes..... ge e º e º e º º ºs e e º º ſº . - Lead Pencils. Faber, Round Gilt, per doz. .................. e e º e º e “ Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Tablet, { { te e º 'º e º e º e º º ºs º ºs e º e º 'º e º $ tº “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. .................. & 4 “ 5 { % “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle, Round Gilt, per doz. ........................ “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Rubber Head, “ .... e................... * “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tipt.................. Red and Black, polished, per gross, Faber's.......... Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle....................... Scholars.......... tº º te tº e º º • e s e e o e e s e e s e s e,- - - - - - - - - Pem=LHolders, Accommodation, Fluted, per gross....... . . . . . . .40 to 4 & { { - French Tip, 2 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bone, per doz tº e º & ſº tº º º º tº 75 to Pocket Reversible, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 to Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4. by 6, per doz. ... . . . 5 by 7, “. . . . . . . . 6 by 9, “. . . . . . . . \ 6%by 10, {{ & Cº º 7 by 11, “. . . . . . . . 8 by 12, “ .... * 9 by { { Soap-Stone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inth, 50c. German Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch, 20c. German Patent Slate, in white wood; per gross...... Silicate Book Slates. FOR SLATE PENCIL, Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 3% by 5% in préloz Companion, “.. gilt title, * { { { Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 8% “ “ Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 8% “ “ {{ { { 7 by 11 {{ {{ Mineral, FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily memoranda, intely'd, gilt, 2% by 3% “ “ Calendar, 5 surfaces. “ 3 by 5 tº ºt Every Day, gilt, title, “ 3 by 5 “ “ “ “ 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, Gold Faced Moguls { { e s a e e s s e º e º e < e < e < e < e < ; 0 8 3 60 3 60 3 60 1 30 1 50 2 00 2 40 2 75 3 60 . 2 50 3 30 3 00 3 00 Minute, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 3% by 5% inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 3% by 5% inches, per doz. ........................... N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Emvelopes. Buff, heavy, 5, per 1,000. . . . . . . . . tº tº e º ºs e e e e tº e º 'º & C X5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 6 XX5, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... {{ XXX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e White, X5, “. . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - © e { { XX5, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. & & XX; { { { { - * { Orange, XX5, per 1,000.............. © E & e º 'º º e Gold, XX5, “ tº e º 'º º e s e º e º e º e º e º e º e º e Playing Cards. Steamboat, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Eureka, or Players, “. . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº e º 'º e º e ºs te Mogul, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º $ tº e º 'º gº Moguls “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º gº tº º Euchre, per do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gold Eagles “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * & © e 'Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º ſº tº e º ſº { { { { * |Domnimoes. Bone, ordina uality, ebony back, per doz. $300 to $500 *** * peº; ; ; ; ; * Mahogany boxes .......6 00 to 18 00 Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Empress.......... 29 Rose Tint { { { { 15c. Newport. . . . . . . . ge 24 Backgammon Boards. Leather, 2 in nest, per nest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ‘º e e s tº dº e º & , “ 3 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” ------ ** 2 in extra nest Checker-Men. Box Wood, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e e º 'º e e $1 75 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e º £ tº 1 ()0 - Chess—Mem. A Bone, German, per doz. ...... tº e e g º e º 'º' ... . . . $7 50 to 36 00 Wood, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 to 15 00 Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 to 36 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. . © Itô assorted colors, per gross....... 1 10 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per lb 60 Rubber Heads, for pencils, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Rubber Bands, 34 inch, per gross. . . . . . . . tº e º e e is 80 and 1 00 3% {{ {{ ........... $1 60 and 2 00 Pertfolios. Letter stae, per doz. .......... . $4 00 to Cap, 4 & {{ -------------------- tº º tº $ tº 10 00 to 1 5 Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . $1 50 to 4 { { Calf, Imitation Morocco, per doº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 to 6 Morocco “. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e tº 5 00 to20 00 stereoscopes. Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., Nº. 38. . . . . . . . { { { 41. Mahogany, it. Rosewood, & 4 8 00 ... . . . . 9 00 00 {{ {{ tº º 'º e º tº - Thermometers. Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. ....................... { { 10 { { { { s ( & { { {{ 12 Mahogany, 10 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ 12 {& {{ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * School and Counting House Rulers. Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . .....12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . $1.25 1.62 1.87 2.12 250 Counting House, per doz. $3.00 3.75 4.00 5.25 6.00 t Quills. Quills, No. 20, per hundred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º ºs e º º { % 30 - { { y { { 40, {{ . tº e º 'º e º 'º we & © tº $ tº e º 'º e º 'º e º ºs º ºs “ 50, { % tº º & e º is e e º e º e º e º 'º & R e º & tº tº e 46 60, & 4 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. doz. Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 { { { { © tº i 6 5 Italian, per Portable, Large, ( & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Office, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to Full, {{ § { { { - 22c. to Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 40c. to Demy, & & § { 4 & ... 60C. to Memnorandum Books. 12mo, per doz. . . . . . ... . . . . $0 8vo, & 4 e Crown, “ Demy, , “ e & e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e º º tº e e e º e º ºs e º 'º e º e º e º 'º e º 'º º tº e º ſº $ tº e º e º º SUBJECT To FLUCTTATIONS OF THE MARKET. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 99 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY's NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of The American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no dis- appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risis of parties sending. 4th. –The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th. –Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th. – We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order us not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, whless they order us not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.-Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We enclose bill daily to costumero, having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. POSTAGE TO NEWSEDEALEIRs. . NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. PAPER COWERED NOVELS, same rates as Magazines. MAGAZINES, Two Cents for every Four Ounces. BOUND BOOKS, Two Cents for every Two Ounces. - To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon. , finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to- cover one week’s papers) similar to this form: [Form 1.] . THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Enclosed find $..... & e º 'º e º e º ºs e º e º ºs e º & © & º tº , which pass to m credit, and send the following order, cora- mencing on receipt of this: - 20 Ledger. - 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 10 Old and New. r 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 10 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Your truly, e e s tº e º e º e ºs e e e º sº º ºs e e < e < e e e s ∈ e º ºs e e º 'º e º s sº * * * * Bºy" Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing cr decreasing, write said order similar to this form: - [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º e s e s e e s e e s s e e º e p e º e e s e s e making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s e = e s a e s e e 6 & { { 6. 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 4 s e e s a e e s s e s a e e s s a e s e e e º e º e s e e º e e º e s e s e e s e e º e s tº º & & • ‘ 13. 2 Old and New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ “ 12: 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s e º e & 6 “ 8. CUT OFF- * 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º ºs e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º e º ºs e e º e º s e º e º e º e º 'º e º ºs e e º & e º 'º e º 'º making in all 3. 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ (, “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { “ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos.1 to 200, inclusive. e 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, gº º ºs e º e g º ºs e º e º e º 'º tº º e º e º 'º e s e º e º • - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 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Courier des Etats Unis... 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser............. 2% *New York Evening Express... 3% º {{ Mail . . . . . 1% & 4 News . . . . .9% El Cronista ................. 17 Messager Franco Americain... 4% JNew York Evening Post...... 3% Abend Zeitung.......... . . . . . 6 Advance, The..... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7% After Dinner.......... * * g e º 'º a 7 % Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Amateur (Washington)....... 7 American Gael (The)........ . 4% American Journal............ 5 American Protectionist....... 7 American Publisher.......... 4% American Republic . . . . . . . . . ... 3 American Sportsman......... 7 American Union..... tº dº º e º e tº . 4% Appleton's Journal........... 7 Arcadian.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Army and Navy Journal..... .11 Atlantis&he Blaetter.......... 4 Ave Maria. . . . . . . . . © e º ſº e g º & © e Banner of Light ... . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Baptist Union.... . . . . . . . . . . 8% Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . . Belles and Beaux . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Boston Congregationalist. .... 6 'Boston Independent . . . . . . . . ... 6 3oston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Statesman............ 4 Boston Traveler. . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 JBoston Weekly Journal..... tº e $3oyd's Shipping Gazette...... Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabinet-Makers' Journal .... . : z % Canadian Illustrated News.... Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * Catholic Mirror.............. Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Christian at Work .......... . 5% Christian Intelligencer...... ... 5 ‘Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother.... . . . . . . . .11 Christian Register ........... 6 ‘Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% “Church and State............ 6 'Church Journal.... tº º te e º e º ſe e e 7 'Church Weekly..... • . . . . . . . . 6 Church Union..... • * * * - - - - - - 3 Churchman (The)............ 6% “Coal and Iron Record ........ 7 College Courant.............. 7 ‘Commercial ard Financial Chronicle ........... tº e º e º e 20 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ‘Country Gentleman...... Courier des Etats Unis........ 9 Criminal Zeitung ... . . . . . . . . . : ; |D A [ _L Y P A P E.J. B. S. , Trade. Ret. Prloe. New York Evening Post...... 4 5 { { “ Telegram... 1%. 2 {{ {{ Witness... 94 l {{ French Messenger... 3% 4 & & German Democrat... 2%. 3 & & Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1 4 & 4 Journal (German).. 2%. 3 S; E N II - W E E K L. Y. New York Express. . . . . . . . . . 3 { { Journal of Com. 5 New York Sun.......... . . . . . 1% W E L E KI L. Y. Critic (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Danbury News. . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º g 3% Das Neue Heim. . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º º 7 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . . 4 Der Bazar... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Der Bazar (Double) . . . . . . . . . 24 Dwight's Journal of Music. ... 8 Episcopalian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Elite, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Engineering and Mining Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examiner and Chronicle . . . . . 4% Every Saturday. . . . . . . . tº is e e º e 7 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 Farm and Fireside ... . . . . . . . . 3 Favorite (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Paper 7 “ “ Lady's Journal... 7 “ “ Boys and I Girls' Weekly....... 3% C& “ Chimney Corner... 7 4 & “ Illustrite Zeitung (German). . . . . 7 {{ “ Happy Homes.... 4% Forney's Weekly Press. . . . . . . . 4% Girls and Boys of America.... 4% Golden Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Home Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% “ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Harper's Weekly... . . . . . . . . . . 7% { { Bazar. ... ... . . . . . . . . 7% Hearth and Home. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hebrew Leader..... • . . . . . . . . 7 “ News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . . 4% “ (European)..... we tº e º 'º e 4% *Here and There ..... . . . . . . . 1% Industrial Record..... . . . . . . . 6 Investigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Iron Age. . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º e º e º e 7 Irish American.... . . . tº e º e º e º ºs 4 Irish Democrat.... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : : I : * 1 l :5 10 wholesale and Retail Prices. Those the prices of which have been Trade. Ret Plice New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 ( t Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — { { Staats Zeitung. . . . . 2% { { Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-10 2 {{ Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 & & Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 4 {{ World......... .... 3% 4 New York Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 {{ World ... . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Inventor's Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 Jewish Messenger.... . . . . . . . . 8 * Jewish Times......... tº e º e º e ºs 8 12 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 6 Living Age ..... tº e º e º e e º 'º $ tº e ºs 14 18 L'Eco d’Italia............... 5 6 Liberal Christian............. 6 8 L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian).. 9 12 La Republica (Spanish). . . . . . . 7 10 Memorial Pulpit.............12 15 Mercantile Journal........... 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.) ..... . . . . . . . . 6 8 Medical Independent......... 4 '6 Methodist...... ............. 4% 6 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Moniteur de la Mode......... 22 *=º Nachtseiten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 8 * Nation (The)....... . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 12 Nautical Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I0 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation......... . . . . . 7 T.0 New York Albion ........ . . . . 7 I0 New York Courier ...... . . . . . 4 6 New York Clipper....... . . . . . 7 10 New York Dispatch .......... 7%. 10 New York Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 New York Family Story Paper 4% — New York Home Circle. . . . . . . 4% — New York Journal (German).. 4% 6 New York Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . . º N. Y. Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 * New York School Journal..... 3%. 5 New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New York Varieties.......... 7 10 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 N. Y. Weekly Budget........ 7 I0 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e 10 Offord's Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 6 — People's Ledger... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 People's Literary Companion... 4%. 6. Philadelphia Saturday Eve'ng ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 — { { “ Dispatch. 4 — Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4%. 6. 4 & “ Age ..... 3% 5 Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6%. 10 Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . tº º tº TO Police News (Illustrated)...... 7 I:0 THE AMERICAN Books ELLERS GUIDE IO.I W E E KL Y—Countinued. e . Trade. Ret. Trade. Ret Trade. Ret. rice. Price Price. Pomeroy's Democrat......... 4% 6 || Sunday Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% — Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . . 8 10 'Prairie Farmer .......... . ... 6 — | Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 — Waverley Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 É. Current......... tº tº e º 'º º º 7 10 | Sunday i. News. . . . . . . . 1 1-5 — | Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 15 Presbyterian ...... .......... 5 8 || Sunday Herald .... . . . . . . . . . . 4% — º * tº º e ºs 'Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — | Sunday Mercury ... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 W; º *::::::::: : % Publishers' Weekly........... 7 — Sunday News........... …; 33 4|weekly Éxpress ............. 3% 5 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% — weekly griphi....... ....... 4% – Railroad Gazette............. T 10 |Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — weekſ; fºiá. `........... 3; 4 Railroad Journal........... ... 11 15 | Sunday Presse..... * * * * * * c e e is 2. – weekly journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Real Fstate Record...... . . . . .14 18 || Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — g 3. 'Rural New Yorker............ 4 6|Sunday Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2° | Weekly Mail...... e tº e º 'º º tº º ºs e 9 3% 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal... 7 10 Sunday Times................ 6 7 | Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 5 Railway Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 7%. 10 | Sunday World.... . . . . . . . . . . . 1% | Weekly New York Journal. .. 4% ; South (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 — | Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Shipping and Commercial List.10 15 || Singers' Journal ............. 1 2 | Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 6 *San Franciscoweekly Bulletin 6%. 10 - Weekly Staats Zeitung..... ... 3% (5 Skandinavische Post ......... 5 8 T.º e tº º º º ſº tº º ºs º º : : §§ Star. . . . . . . . . g © tº º ſº e º e 2 3 Saturday Morning ........... 3% - | The scythe...... ........ ... 3% 5|Weekly Sun................. 2% 4 Saturday Night.... . . . . . . . . . . ## 3 ||Thompson's Reporter........ 3" | Weekly Times ............... 3% 4 {{ Star Journal . . . . . . . 4% 6 Thompson's Reporter Čoin 6 10 | Weekly Tribune....... * - - - - - - 2%. 5 Schmedderedengg (Comic Ger- Tobacio Leaf.......... § 13 | Weekly Witness ....... . . . . . . 2 3 man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10| To pay....... ............ 4% 6 Weekly World ...; . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Scottish American Journal.... 5 7 || Toledo weekly Blade 3° 5 || Woman's Journal............ 4% -6 Shoe and Heather Reporter.... . . 19 |Tancript........... A 6 || Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 10 Scientific American .......... 5% 8 true Flag tº º ſº e º ºs e º e º 'º e º ºs e º ... 4 %. 6 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter.14 25 || Tºtº seeker........ 5° Yankee Blade................. 3% 7 Stockholder................ 7 10 | furſ ºld and Farm 7 10 |Young Men of America ...... 3% - Sunday Citizen.......... . . . . 3% — } • * * * * * * * * *. Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Sunday Courier...... & e º 'º e º a g 4 / — | Unioa Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Daily Times.......... 4% — Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Sunday Democrat............ 2% — | Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 M1 O N T H I. Y. - - Agriculturist (English)........ 9 15 ! Best Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Educational Monthly.......... 17 20 Agriculturist (German)........ 9 15 Bijou–of Fashion—(semi-mo.) 4% — El Mundo Nuevo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 American Antiquarian . . . . . . . 28 50 | Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . . 2 35 | Every Saturday (monthly American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 — Bonfort's Wine and Liquor parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 56 American Booksellers’ Guide.. 5 e-º Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 g gº American Builder............ 23 — | Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 60 | Family Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . 6 10 American Chemist............ 35 50 Boys of America............. 10 15 Fireside, Musical..... tº e º tº e e s tº 4% — American Exchange & Review.20 25 Fºl Cabinet s e e º 'º tº º tº ſº * * * * * * 8 10 American Grocer (semi-month- Carriage Journal............. 22 25 i Folio (musical): ..... tº a tº º e º e e 10 * ly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Catholic Record............... 17 25 | Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 50 American Historical Record . .28 35 | Catholic Total Abstinence Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun.10 15 American Horological Journal 12 15 Union. --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — | Frank Leslie's Chimney C or - American Illustrated Industrial Catholic World............... 33 50 ner (mo. p’ts)36 50 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 || Cassell's Magazine (monthly £ 6 Lady's Journal *. Gartenlaube 5 parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 30 (mo. p’ts)... .30 40 (Semi monthly)............. I azine. . . . . . . . . . . . * {{ Lady's Maga- American Journal of ºº:::::::::::: # I. zine (mo.p’ts)27 35. Health, and Medicine 7 - || Children's New Church Maga. {{ Pleasant H’rs...10 15 American Journal of Pharm- 2 25 azine.... - 15 { { Boys and Girls' aCW . . . . . . . . . . ....... ..... .22 25 | ...”“”, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 — American journai of Philately. 9 12 |%ronotype.… . . . . . . . . . . . . . % - | Gas-Light Journal. º ºp. º, 15 American Law Register........40 50 Church Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, , 39 || Gardener's Monthly.......... 16 25 American Miscellany . . . . . . . . . 15, 25 gºlde Puyºl Novels, 1 to 14.3% 10 |&oãey's Lady's Boök..........21 – American Miscellany, Back Nos.12 ~ |9|othie...and Hatter. . . . . . . . . . 19 : Galaxy...................... 27 35 American Naturalist ......... 24 35 | Somic Monthly.............. * 12 | Golden Hours............... 18 — American Odd Fellow......... iſ §§. :*f; tºº." "|GoodWords................. 19 25 American Stock Journal...... 4, #9 || “. . €1 etector (Peter 11 15 Gleason's Monthly Companion 6%. 10 American Tales ........ tº º º 8% 15 | Sou S1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Globe (The) 10 15 American Turfman... . . . . . . . . 15 — | Creme de la Creme........... 23. = |&ood. Things...... tº $ tº $ tº e º $ tº ...ió 25 *::::: Journal (4 wº, 40 Crofutt's Western World...... 5% 10 |&ide to £iº.......... ..ii. Tº Dum DeTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * º g Appleton’s Journal (5 weekly De La Salle Monthly...... .... 10 15 Gynaecological Journal … .33 50 numbers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 | Demorest's Magazine......... 20 - || Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, r: Appleton's Railroad Guide....16 25 | Demorest's Young America... 7 10 semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 — De Nordendorf's Monthly..... 4% — Harper's Weekly (monthly - º Magazine....... 38 — I Dental Cosmos..... . . . . . . . . . . 22 – parts).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Archives' Medical Science. . . .43 — De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 — r? & Arthur's Home Magazine...... 14 20 | De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 flººr. Monthly. º : Association Monthly . . . . . . ... 7 10 | (semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | Herºid of Health............. 10 15 Atlantic Monthly........ . . . . . 28 35 | De Witt's Champion Ten Cent } * & e º sº e º 'º a tº e s tº ‘Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 | Novels, 1 to 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10|Hall's Journal ºf Health......} : Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 50 || DeWitt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15|Harper's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Bankrupt Relister.......... .38 50 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Historicº Magaziº;........."; }; Beadle's Publications. Drama, 1 to 6.............10 15|Holbrook's U. S. Mail........ 9. 12 Dime books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances, Howe's Musical Monthly. . . . . .25 35 { { ** 100 or over. ... 6 1 to 105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 || Hub (The)........ e g tº e º 'º e º te tº e 40 — { { “ 1000 “ “ 5% DeWitt's Ten Cent Song Books, Insurance Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 Song books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) .... 5 10 | Internal Revenue Record...... 9 12 “ “ 100 or over.... 4% Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . . . . .22 30 “ . “ 1000 “ “ . . . . 4 Druggists' Circular,. . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Insurance Spectator.... . . ... .22 º Beautiful World............. 18 — 'Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . tº tº gº e º ſº 35 50 {{ Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 — IO2 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L L E RS’ G U//) E. Trade. Ret. P * National Store Trade Gazette, 35 Nature (monthly parts, 4 Nos.)40 * & & { { 5 { { 50 New and Old Friends......... 6% New Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 New Sensation (mo. p’ts)...... 30 Inland Monthly..............16 25 Industrial Monthly . . . . . . tº e º g 15 Irish National Magazine......10 *-º-º: Jolly Joker.................. , 7 10 Journal of Applied Chemistry..14 20 { { Franklin Institute...45 60 Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly).................. 10 Ia mode Elegante........... .38 50 Iiterary World.... .......... 8 10 Little Corporal................10% 15 Iaws of Life..... tº e º e º e º ºs e e º & T0 15 Lady’s Repository........ . . . .27 35 London Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 La America (semi-monthly)... 13 25 Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . * * * * * * * 16 25 Lippincott's Magazine..... . . .27 35 Lakeside Monthly............ 28 * Land and Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Iive Stock Journal (Buffalo)..10 15 Land Owner......... . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Mackey's Freemason ........ .22 30 Metropolitan Magazine....... 16 20 Milliner and Dressmaker (Re- print) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 sº- Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 { Journal... . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 Manufacturer and Builder. . . . 12 15 Medical Times (Semi-Mo.)..... 10 sºme “. Record.............. 15 20 Musical Independent. . . . . . . . . 16 20 Musical World (N. Y.)........ 16 30 { { (Cleveland). . . . 9 ~~ Munro's 10 Cent Nov. 1 to 232. 63; 10 {{ Song Book, from 1 to 14. 5 10 National Agriculturist and Bee Journal.............. - .. 6 * - National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 — Schoolday Magazine M. I O N T | H L Y—Contina used. Tradc. Ret. - Price. New York Medical Journal. . .30 N. Y. Musical Gazette........ 6 *- N. Y. Lithograph . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 N. Y. Reader (parts). ........14 - Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 North American Journal of Homoeopathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 mº- Nursery (The) . . . . . . tº º te e e º e º & J 0 15 Obstetrical Journal........... 37% — Oliver Optic Magazine........ 20 25 Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 Overland Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 Ornum’s Indian Novels, 1 to 35, 6%. 10 Ornum's Pop'l’r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 Ornum's Ten CentVovels, 1 to 13 6%. 10 { { { { Songs, 1 to 42 5 10 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10.8% 15 ** 2S. I.etter Writer. . . . . 15 25 Our Friend (semi-monthly). .. 2 Paper Trade Reporter... . . . . .11 Paper Trade Journal......... 11 Pet Stock, Pigeon and Poultry Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Phunny Phellow... . . . . . . . . . . 7 Philadelphia Photographer . . .43 Photographic World 43 Peterson’s Counterfeit Detec- tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 e Peterson’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 14 Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Peter's Musical Monthly...... 18 Phrenological Journal. . . . . . . . 21 People’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 Patent Right Gazette. . . . . . . . . 6 Popular Science Monthly..... 35 Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 Pulpit of the Day. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Railway Monitor............. 33 Rand & McNally Guide...... .23 Record and Repository6 5 Revue de la Monde. . . . . . . . . . 2 Richmond Novels, 1 to 25..... 6% Sailor's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. E. V. I E W s, American Church Review . . . .90 { % Journal Medical Sci- CºnCeB . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 § { Journal of Obstet- rics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 {{ Law Review........1.05 Baptist Quarterly.............85 Bibliotheca Sacra . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 Braithewaite's Retrospect .... 1.05 British Quarterly (reprint). ...62 *Brittan's Journal ...........67 Brownson’s Review..........1.00 Church and World...........85 Christian Examiner........ . . 67 Congregational. . . . . . . & e º 'º º º º 50 Contemporary Review........ 62 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edinburgh Review (reprint) ...62 Half Yearly Compendium Med- ical Science ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 International Review (Bi- Monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Journal Social Science . . . . . . . 1.25 Journal of Psychological Medi- cine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. I2 London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 75 10 Trade, Ret. - - Price. Science of Health. . . . . . . . ... .14 25 Scott’s Mirror of Fashion...... 38 50 Scribner's Monthly...... . . . . .28 35 Silliman's Journal...... . . . . . . 43 50 Southern Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 30 35. spirit of the Press..... 4 — Star Spangled Banner..... ... 4% 6 Student’s Journal....... . . . . . 6 10 Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .18 25 St. Nicholas... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 — St. Paul's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 23 30 Texas New Yorker . . . . . . . . . . . 17 *= The Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3 — The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 *º There and Back (Guide). . . . . . 14 — Thompson's Descriptive List. .16 25, Trans-Continental Guide ..... 40 50 Traveler’s Official Guide. . . . . . . 21 40 Tribune Extras, from 1 to 7... 4 — { { “ 8, 9, and 10... 7 wº { { “ 11 ........... 4 – { { “ 12..... ..16 - { { ** 13. . . . . . . . . . . 7 — { { “ 14. . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Tribune Pamphlet........... 15 - “ Novels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * University Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 16 20) Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Vox Humana.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -- Watchmaker and Jeweller. . . .17 *- Watson's Musical Monthly . . .15 - Waverley Magazine (mo pts.).42 60> Whitney’s Musical Guest...... l6 5 Welcome Guest (semi- monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º º 10 Wild Oats (semi-monthly) .... 7 10 Wood’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 12 Workshop... . . . . . * 9 g º ºs & © º ºs e º e 30 50 Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . ... .. 3 5. Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Young Ladies’ Journal. . . . . . . 27 -- Youth's Progress. . . . . . . . . Zell’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . . . |E T C . Methodist Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 75 National Quarterly Review ... 1.12 New Englander...... . . . . . .90 New Remedies. . . . . . . . . 35 North American Review. : ... I .12%— Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Princeton Review. . . . . . . . . . 80 Rankin’s Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1. Smith's Pattern Bazar. . . . . . . . 20 Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Westminster Review . . . . . . . . . 62 What to Wear (Yearly)....... 10 Wood's Quarterly Retrospect...l.00 |F @ R E I G. N. P E J R I, O LP I C A L S.– W E E R L. Y. Trade price. | Architect............... 18 Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 All the Year Round..... . 8 Athenæum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Belfast News............ 14 Bell's Life............... 20 Bow Bells............... 5 Builder....... tº e º tº e º ſe e ... 18 Building News........ ... 18 Cassell's Magazine....... 5 Chambers’ Journal ...... 7 Chemical News.......... 18 Christian World... . . . . . . 5 Church Review......... ... 10 Church Times........... 5 Court Journal........... 20 Dispatch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Economist .............. 30 Engineer............. ... 20 Engineering..... * * * * * e º ºs 20 Edin. Scotsman ......... 5 English Mechanic....... 10 Tú - . . . . . . . . . . . tº e s e e e º 'º 20 Examiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Family Herald... . . . . . . . . 5 Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Gardeners' Chronicle. . . . 20 Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Gas Light Journal....... 20 Glasgow Herald ......... 5 Graphic......... • * * * * * * * * * * 20 Illustrated News. . . . . . . . , 20 { { Police News. .. 5 {{ Penny........ 5 { { Sporting and Dramatic News........ 20 Irishman ...... tº ſº tº e º e e ... 14 John Bull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 y La Monde Illustré....... 14 Trade price. Lancet. . . . . . . . . tº e e º º e º 'º ... 1 Land and Water... . . . . . . 20 Lloyd's Newspaper. . . . . . . 5 London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 “. Reader. . . . . . . . ... 5 I.iverpool Mercury....... 10 L'Illustration...... . . . . . . 25 L’Universe Illustré... ... 10 Mark Lane Express...... Medical Record.......... 18 Manchester Times....... Nature..... . . . . . . . tº gº tº $ tº e News of the World.... . . . Notes and Queries....... 18 Nation (Dublin). . . . . . . . . 14 Once a Week..... . . . . . . . 8 Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Orchestra......... tº ſº tº gº tº e 14 Trade price” 23 Pall Mall Budget. . . . . . . . Pall Mall Gazette (file of six dates). . . . . . . . . . e tº º Publishers' Circular (fort- nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Punch.......... . . . . . . . . 19 Public Opinion.......... 10 Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 23 Reynolds' Newspaper.... 5 Saturday Review. . . . . ... 20 Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sporting Gazette. . . . . . ... 10 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. 5c.)........... . . . . . . . . 10 Tablet................. . . 20 Tailor and Cutter........ 8 The Times (last date)..... The Mail (3 dates). . . . . . . .28 Weekly Register (Catholic)10 ** Times. . . . . ... 5 THE AMERICAN BOOKS E L LERS’ G UID E. I O2 F O R E M G N P E R = 0 lo I C A L s — MI O N T H L Y. G E R M A N - A MI E R H C A N P U B L I CAT I O N S. Weekly. Trade. Ret. •, Price. Arbeiter-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 3%. 5 Atlantische Blätter.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 4 6 Beobachter am Hudson.................... ..... 3 4 Familien Blatter.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 15 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung................. 7 10 Freischütz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 3% 5 Germania ........ * * * * * * * * * * * e º e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e s = e º a • * 6 10 Helvetia.-----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 Das Neue Heim. ................................ 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal.............. 7%. 10 New Yorker Handels-Zeitung.................... 20 25 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung...................... 7 10 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 7%. 10 Roman Zeitung...................... . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Schnedderedengg.'............... © - tº e º e º e º & © e º e º 7 10 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal................. 3 4 Trade Price. Tlade Prit”. - Trade l’rlce. º - Trade l’i ice. Art Journal............. 90 | Dickens (parts)........ 16 || Kind Words...... . . . . . . . 10 Science Gossip..... . . . . . . I6 * * and Pic- Dº University Magº, 00 Ladies' Treasury ........ 30 §: 'º' Magazine. . . . . ; Orla-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z1110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lei H . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 * al • * * * * e º 'º e º e º e s a All the Year Round (part) 36 | Dublin Review (quar’ly).2 30 i. jià (parts).. 22 s º • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 % Architect ............... 75 - { { iety. . . . . . . . . Sll II (1tly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Argosy.................. 20 | Edinburgh Med., Jºurnal 76 {{ tº: ; Sunday at Home ........ 20 Athenaeum (part)........ 54 English Woman's Domes. Ladies, &etº. §§ Sunday School Times... 10 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . 38 i. º: iſ...}. 3 : 1 00 “ . “ Teacher. 7 - , , , , , || -- ~~~~~~~~. . . . . . . {{ {{ } • ? Band of Hope Review.... 2 Family Friend ........ % McMillan's Magazine .... 38. Treasur Teacher’s 12 arravi Family Treasury........ 20 ſiz, rocer, r, whi easury. . . . . ... . . . . . . . * Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 - tºr M on th l y Microscopical Spurgeon’s Pulpit 20 Boy's Own Magazine..... 20 | Family Herald (parts).... 20 | Journal'............... 57 ||3: jºi....... ; Boys of England......... 18 Farmer's Magazine..... |Medical Times (parts).... §§§.º.º.); Bow Bells (monthly pts.). 27 º' Mºgºne.----- *...}}| Musical Times.......... g|sword strowelspurgeon)12 British Workman........ 2% Friendly Visitor; . . . . . . . *% Milliner and Dressmaker. 35 | Temple Bar............. 38 * Workwoman .....2% #. ºw. e e º e % : Mother's Friend......... 3 || Tinsley's Magazine....... 38 & 4 - OCl J Olliſll ºll . . . . . . . . . . & - º pe B ..ºniº e - © tº º © tº e º 'º' i. - Once a Week (parts)..... 36 | Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Ull!C101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Gentleman's Magazine... §§ Öur own Fireside....... 30 veterinarian (varies).... 57 Chambers’ Journal ...... 25 || Gardener’s Magazine .... 36 Picture Gallery... 38 || Victoria Magazine....... 8 Chatterbox ........ . . . . . . 8 || Gardener, The...... . . . . . 20 .. Ulre al ey.......... A | Willa Gardener.......... 20 Shildren's Friend....... .2% | Homilist 30|...”. #|wº 35 : 1, 1 } - *2 u e. e. e. e. e. e. e. & © tº e - © * * * * * | 1. TàCUlúl OIl elſ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zö | WY OTI C1 OI tº 8 SillOO . . . . . . . . * * * 3.º.º. • * tº e & % Infant's Magazine...... 2% | Preacher's Lantern...... 20 | Wedding Bells.... ...... 26 tº Treasury. . . . . . 20 Illustrated Travels....... 38| Popular Science Review Young Ladies’ Journal... 27 Churchman's Companion. 20 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ſº tº e º 'º tº e º 'º e º 'º I % “ Gentleman's Maga- Contemporary Review ... 62 | Journal of Horticulture... 54 §:e tº e º 'º º e e º e º e ; zine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornhill Magazine....... 38 || Journal of Science (quar- ortfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . . 9|Young Men of Great Bri. Cottager and Artisan... .2% terly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 90' Quiver, The.... . . . . . . . . . 20 tain . . . . . . . . e e e º e º e s e e - Trade. Rct. Price. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. .................. 2% 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung........... 3 4 Vorwarts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º e º 'º a 3 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse............. © tº e - e º e 4 6 Wochenblattder N. Y. Journal................... 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung............ 4 6 Semni-Monthly. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations Lexicon... 17 25 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe, u. Industrie-Zeitung 6 8 Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube........ 9 15 Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Werbrecherwelt. 8 12 |WIonth Ry. Alte und Neue Welt..................... . . . . . . . .17 25 Amerikanischer Agriculturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 Der Freidenker . . . . . . . . © º º e º & Cº. º e º e º e º 'º e . . . . . . . . .12 20 IMP or TED GERMAN MAGAZINEs AND PERIODICALs. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratls of those marked ft • Semni-Monthly. f Das Neue Blatt............... • * * * e a e e e e º e º e º 'º - 10 ff Buch für Alle. ............................... 12 ff Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit.................... 6 ff Daheim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 #f Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . © º & © tº e º 'º & tº º e º a tº 9 f Ueber Land und Meer.................. tº e º 'º tº a tº 14 18 a Year. f Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung......... 16 f Der Hausfreund...............................14 f Illustrirte Welt....... © tº º e º 'º e º ºs e º e º 'º e - . . . . . . . . .12 Monthly. f Des Lahrer PIinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Gewerbehalle...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gräf's praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbel- tischler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 f Der Welthandel................. tº e º e - e. . . . . . . . . .20 |[W II PORTE D G E FRY AN B O O Hº S PUBLIs RhED IN IPA. RTS. First number gratis to the trade. Bas Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbeu. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at................. 13 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. Published in about 40 parts, at ............... © tº e º 'º e e º e º & e º 'º 14 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at.... gº tº º e e . .23 Karl Gutzkow's Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- lished in about 80 parts, at.................... I6 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 • ‘º º ºn e º 'º e e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º & e º e N E W G E R NI A N P U B L I C A T I O N S , parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - Imported. Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at............. . . . . . .15 J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. 16 parts. 15 'Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at.............10 25 25 40 25 20 | H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 18 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 M. G. Saphir's Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at................ 14 Stieler's Hand-Atlas sāmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at..40 C. J. Weber's Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, B.U. . . . . - º e º e tº e º e º 'º - tº e - - - tº e º 'o e º e º e e e e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. Schiller's Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. 30 parts.15 |Domestic. 60 parts, at........ 7 40 parts at... 7 * 20 40 75 20 35 40 20 25 25 60 25 10 10 I O4. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. FOR SALE, A SET OF UNITED STATES COPPER COINS, including a “Washington” and “State Cents,” and curions tokens of a Colonial, Political, Commercial, and Mercantile charac- ter, of various dates from 1761 to 1861. Address H. P. H., care Editor AMERICAN BookSELLERS’ GUIDE, New York. WANTED–A position in a Wholesale House, by a young man with over ten years' experience in the Book Business. Has an extensive acquaintance among the trade, and has travelled for two of the largest houses in the country. Can influence some trade. Is desirous of making a change, and connecting himself with a House where his services and knowledge of the business will be appreciated. Address DIS(X)UNT, care BooksellFRs' GUIDE. DEALERs are supplied with the Adjustable Book Covers, (WAN EVEREN'S PATENT,) BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, N. Y. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 75 For Libraries or Schools (plain cover), per 1,000..... T5 00 DEALERs in all kinds of School or Sunday School supplies are using to great profit thousands of these covers, with their advertisements printed thereon, giving them to all pur- chasers of books. See Rates below. For 1,000, with Dealers’ imprint or card...... $18.00 “ 2, 3. { { “ per 1,000.... 17.00 “ 5,000, { { * { per 1,000.... 15.00 Wholesale dealers ordering the Book Covers, Perforated Library Numbers or Letters, address P. F. WAN EVEREN, Care of American News Company, N. Y. 1 Vol., Cloth, pp. 201, $1.25. Postage 25c. extra. THE PASSIONS IN THEIR RELATIONS TO HEALTH AND DISEASE. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCII OF DR. X. Bou Roi EOIs, By HOWARD F, DAMON, A. M., M.D, NOTICES OF THE PRESS. [It is a work which has come none tou soon, and can have a circulation equally among the young and middle-aged none too wide—for it treats in a judicious way topics of primal importance, not only to the inexperienced, but to those löng in the married state.—The Commonwealth ) [Its spirit is eminently good, and its statements are worth pondering.—Boston Jowrmal.] [Married women can read it with profit. The subject is one on which there is great need of light.—Moore's Rural New Yorker.] [The author sets forth the beauties of true love—not pas. sion. He thinks marriage the only true consummation of love—the only safeguard to Society and health.—Rutland Daily Globe.] [It is free from sensationalism, and is a work to be com- mended.—Lowell Daily Courier J [A careful examination of the book will satisfy the reflect- ing reader that the author treats this most serious and difficult topic with great professional ability, and with a clearness and propriety of diction, and a cogency of argu- ment that cannot fail to be productive of much good.— Boston Daily Globe.] [A very judicious treatment of a very delicate topic. It is full of information, deals practically with physical and social sins, shows their results upon the system, and is a powerful medical plea for virtue and social morality.— Providence Evening Press.] - PUBLISHED BY JAMES C.A. W. PB E L L, Boston, Mass. BARTHOLOMEW’S DRA WING! BOOKS. T H E Western News Company, C H | C A G O, Have on hand a small supply of the old (40c.) edition. of Bartholomew’s Drawing Books, which will be sold to the Trade at One Half off Retail Prices. Orders from dealers in places where these books are in use are respectfully solicited. POPULAR BOOKS AT SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. g=mºmºsº Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Hans Brinker. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge... 1 75 Little Pet Books. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge, . . . . tº s tº gº dº º e º 'º e º ºs . . . . . . . . . . 2 50. Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Girls of the Bible. . . . . * tº gº tº º ºs tº º ºs & e º e º 'º º I 50 Robinson Crusoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson...... & e º ºs e º e º e e . 1 50 Scottish Chiefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Children of the Abbey...... ............ 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine..... . . . . . i 50. Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns... 1 50 Romance of the Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Arabian Nights......................... 1 50 Don Quixotte . . . . . . e & e º e e s e º e º s e º e º e < * 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of One hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song Books, 25 kinds. e Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novels, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. , WM. L. ALLISON, 128 NASS.A U. S.T., N. Y. English Classics. The Cheapes Books Ever Published. SHAKSPERE, 606, Cloth, $1,25. Containing all the great Poet's Plays, 37 in number, from the Original Text, the whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 Illustra– tions, by Gilbert, Wilson, &c. BYRON. 50c, Cloth, $1,00. A New Edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages, 16 Illustrations. by F. Gilbert. - SCOTT, 25C. Cloth, 50c. A New Edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Illustrated by F. Gilbert. GOLDSMITH, 50c. Cloth, $1.00. The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete Illustrated Edition. BURNS, 25c. Cloth, 50c, This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is. elaborately Illustrated, and contains the whole of the Poems, Life, and, Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. ARABIAN NIGHTS, 25c, Cloth, 50c. A New Translation, complete, with numerous Illustrations. MILTON, 25C, Cloth, 50c, Milton's Works, New Edition, with Memoia, Portrait, and Frontispiece. COWPER. 25C, Cloth, 50c. Cowper's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. WORDSWORTH, 25C, Cloth, 50c. Wordsworth's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. MOORE, 25C, * Cloth, 50c. Moore's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. was The wsual Discow.nts given to the Trade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORK. goó THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. - NOW READY, IN ONE VOL., CROWN STZE, 600 PAGEs. T , C TV L T , T , ' S Gazetteer of British North America, CONTAINING: Descriptions of over 6000 Cities, Towns, and Villages, and over 1500 Lakes and Rivers, IN TEIE DOMINION OF CANADA AND NEW FOUNDLAND. Price, in Full Cloth, - - se º gº $250 {& 64, Calf, tº º tº º ſº- gº {-} 3.75 Sent free by mail, on receipt of price, by the Publisher, JOHN LÖVELT., Montreal. STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY, oBJECT TEACHING IN schools AND § P A R L OR E N T E R T A 1 N M E N T s. We are now prepared to issue the first nnmbers of the first series of Animals and Birds of North America ; these we propose to continue, and to add to them a second series of foreign specimens, and a third of various Animals and Birds in grotesque attitudes, never, however, violating their natural instincts. We offer these views not as pictures only, but as studies from nature. One of the great moving elements in our modern system of education is object teaching. The uDerring fidelity of the stereoscope transfers the Animals and Birds from their natural habitat to the rooms of the student and the fireside of our homes, where they cannot fail to leave a lasting impression of the form, color, habits, and locality of each specimen. - An experience of more than twenty-five years as Taxidermist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and in gathering our large collection of native and foreign specimens, enables us to represent the results of our own work, and to combine in every view the locality of the specimen with its appropriate rocks, woods, or water, and coloring from the originals. Back numbers and parts of sets always on hand. 2 IF F. T. C. E. S. In fine Paper Boxes of One Dozen. . . . . . . . . . . tº s e º ºs e º e s e º e º e º e e º e s m e º * * * * * * * * * g e s e $3.00 per doz. { { * { { { { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.00 per grs. In elegant Walnut Cases, containing One set of Four Dozem. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:2.00 per set. {{ 6 { { 4 { $6 & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.00 per grs. The following are a few of the gentlemen from whom we have received testimonials as regards their utility and value: H. W. BEECHLR, Brooklyn. - NEWTON DEXTER, Providence. D. G. EATON, Packer Collegiate Institute, GEO. W. CLINTON, Buffalo. - . '. Brooklyn. EZRA CORNELL, Cornell University, Ithaca. "THE AIMIEERICA TNT INTIEW's COMCEPAINTY, - N E W Y O E. E. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Io? " * JENTSTY TUNE's AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLAIRG.E.D. IN A N E VV A N D H A N DSO ME E IN DIN G. This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSO, A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH BLACK AND GOLD SIDE STAMPS. - IFºr ice SIL-75 - THE AMEERICAN NIEWS COME ANY., NT IE VAV Ser O Er, Ext- NOW RIE A DY. JUST READY | T H E D | D Presbyterian Digest The HumEſpáit family liſt, TeS y (*I'læIl Iges *| FOR THE USE of TWENTY-EIGHT PRINCIPAL REMEDIES IN THE TRATMENT OF THE A COMIPIEND MORE SIMPLE FORMS OF DISEASE. - OF THE By G. E.O.R. G. E. E. S.H.I.P M A. N., M. D. Aſíš all DºliVBrăilºš Of ill? G||BTâl ASSÉlly ſf til? Together ºn for the Pršlyſ Tiål Clſ|| DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, By W. H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., New Orleans, La. Compiled by the order and authority of the General As- Eighth Edition, Single Copies, $2,00, sembly, Sent free by mail on receipt of price by publishers, or may be ordered from any bookseller. By Rev. W.M. E. MOORE, D. D. One Volume. Sheep. .50. - For the present edition a chapter has been added on the Sheep. $6.5 management of children during the first few days of life— the most important days, in many respects, of their whole existence. Many valuable suggestions are given here, Please address orders to which, if carefully followed out, would save the little ones JOHN A. BL ACK, " and their attendants much needless suffering and very ma- g tº terially diminish the rates of infant mortality. Business Superintendent, The book contains the photograph and autograph of the Or to DoDD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; author. PUBLISHED BY BoARD OF CoIPORTAGE, 53 Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa.; . * * * * * - 76 E] St. i i. * * * * - . - - - - * :::::::::::::::::::::::: THE WESTERN NEWS COMPy, who keep all the publications of the Board for sale, r 42 & 44 Randolph St., Chicago. IoS THE AMERICAN Books ELLERs: GUIDE. Popular Household Edition (16mo) ENGLISH POETS. Each Illustrated with Eight Steel Engravings and Biography of the Author, - & Handsomely Bound in Cloth, in Gold and Colors, Gilt Edges, $1.50; Morocco Antique, $3.00; Morocco Extra, $3.50. COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS, SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS, - CRABBE'S POETICAL WORKS, CAMPBELL's AND COLERIDGE's POETICAL WORKS, KIRKE WHITE'S POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, GOLDSMITH's POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, - MONTGOMERY'S POETICAL WORKS, HERBERT'S AND HEBER'S POETICAL WORKS, BURNS POETICAL WORKS AND LETTERS, GLEANINGS FROM THE ENGLISH POETS, WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS, BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS, MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS, POPE'S POETICAL WORKS. The Usual Discounts. Given to the Trade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., N E W Y O F. E. . - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply - AT THE LowRST RATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheap- ness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCEILANEOUS BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC, ETC., I N G. R. E. A. T. V. A. ER, I ET Y. ouR STATIONERY STock Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including - Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, ET.c., ETC. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Cata- logues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to, THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, INEW YORIX. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. * N C vur E.IHA D-x, -ss THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST: WZTITIEHC Reminiscences and Personal Recollections. By JAMES REES (COLLEY CIBBER). witH Port RAIT AND AutocraPH. Price Two Dollars a Gopy. WANTED.—We want one Boolºseller, or Agent, in every town, village, and county in the United States, to act as General Agent in selling the work, and in having their section canvassed, and for supplying “Colley Cibber's Lite of Edwin Forrest" to the Canvassers and Sub-Agents they manay appoint. It is the Best selling Book ever pub- lished. Price $2.00 retail. Sucin General Agenat will be suppliesl sat special Rates. Large sales and large wages can be annah ke by all that talke Ihold of it, and engage in its sale. Address all letters and orders, at once, to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Publishers; Plaitadelphia, Pa. THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST, WITH REMINISCENCES AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAGEDIAN, by JAMES REES (Colley Cibber), is just published in book form, by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Plliladelphia. No man in the Country, perhaps, was as well fitted for writing the Life of Mr. Forrest as Mr. Rees. His acquaintance with Mr. Forrest dated from boyhood, and Mr. Rees had enjoyed for a period of nearly fifty years the closest intimacy and friendship with Mr. Forrest, which gave Mr. Rees advantages, not possessed by any others, to write a correct and truthful history of the great actor, from the time of his birth until his death. On aimost every oceasion when Mr. Forrest was called upon for a sketch of bis life to accolmpany any work, play, or book of the drama, he invariably referred to Mr. Rees, “as being,” he said, “better acquainted with his early life, and remembering incidents about him much better than he did himself.” In the latter part of Mr. Forrest's life, Mr. Rees was his constant companion, and no one, perhaps, bad as many advantages to become acquainted with Mr. Forrest's professional career, or with the various pūases of his character in private life, as Mr. Rees. These advantages were the result of the confidence Mr. Forrest placed in Mr. Roes. When Mr. Forrest was absent from the city, he intrusted his house, his library, his picture gallery, and all their valuable convents, to the charge of Mr. Rees, with money to defray all the current househoid and other necessary expenses. Mr. Rees had the sole use of Mr. Forrest’s library during his absence, and the privilege of introducing his friends to view both it and the picture gallery. All can thus understand the personal relationship which existed between the subject of this work and its author, and also the motive he had in its composition—a tribute to the memory of one with whose name a nation is so familiar. It is published in one large duodecimo volume of over Five Hundred pages, and is printed from new type on the finest white paper. Every copy of the work contains a portrait of Edwin Forrest, engraved on Steel, in line and stipple, in the finest style of the engraver's art, from the last plcture for which Mr. Forrest sat, and which he pronounced to be the best likeness ever taken of him- self, as well as a fac-simile of his Autograph, his Last, Will in Full, and Charter of the “Edwin Forrest Home,” which he endowed. The work is bound in morocco cloth, gilt back, and is sold at the low price of Two Dollars a Copy. fºr Any wide-awake Canvasser can malce from $10 to $15 a day selling “Colley Cibber’s Life of Edwin. Forrest.” Ag- A SPECIMEN BOOK, to obtain Subscribers with, showing size of the work, style of binding, with Portrait and Autograph of Edwin Forrest, Title-Page, Preface, List of Contents, First Chapters of the Book, and blank pages in it for entering Subscribers' names, will be furnished General Agents for Canvassers, at seventy-ſive cents each, or single copies will be sent of it, per mail, post-paid, on receipt of One Dollar. Circulars of the work, for General Distribution, and Show-Bills, will be Supplied gratis. Bay- Sample copies of “Colley Cibber's Life of Edwin Forrest,” will be sent to any one, at once, to any place, per return of mail, post-paid, on receipt of Two Dollars, remitted in a letter to the Publishers. “ED WIN FoRREST " As “SPARTA CUs.” A LARGE PHOTOGRAPH OF “ EDWIN FORREST,” at the age of forty, in the character of “SPARTACUS,” in Dr. Bird's Great Play of “THE GLADIATOR.” • T. B. Peterson & Brothers have just published a large photograph of Edwin FortKEST, at the age of Forty, represent- ing him as he appeared on the stage in his great character of “Spartacus,” in Dr. Bird's celebrated play of “The Gladia- tor.” The size of the photograph is 11x14 inches, and the size of the card it is mounted on for framing is 16x20 inches. It is perfectly life-like, Mr. Forrest having sat in character for the original picture; and it is from the original picture this photograph is taken, by one of the most celebrated artists in this country, F. Gutekunst, of Philadelphia. Price Two Dollars. IECERTIER, AIT OF “IED WITNT EC+RERIEST_” T. B. Peterson & Brothers also publish a fine portrait of Edwin FORREST, at the age of Sixty, engraved on steel, in line and stipple, from the last photograph for which Mr. Forrest sat, and which he pronounced to be the best portrait ever taken of bimself. It is on a large card for framing. Size of the card, 10x13 inches, price Fifty cents. India Proof Impressions of the same portrait are also published on the same size card, for framing, price Sixty cents. Booksellers will adddress all orders, and all letters, to receive immediate attention, at once, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. ſ||||W |hº 9 and 21 ºsſ: assau5 E.W.T.RQY, 958. tº Tºrº Ø yol. vi. New York, FEBRUARY 1, 1874. No. 2. C O N T E N T S. t ... PAGE PAG THE Book MARKET, * - 37 || Music Notes, – - --> – 48 SPECIAL Notices, - - - 42 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs, – 48 THE BooksellERs' convention, – 43 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For FEB- THE GREAT AMERICAN NoveL – 43 RUARY, - - - - 49 CORRESPONDENCE—THE CONVEN- JANUARY PUBLICATIONS, - – 5 I TION, - - - – 44 | NEW MUSIC, -> -> - - 54 oBITUARY, - - - - 45 | THE STATIONERY MARKET, - —s 56 LiterAR& ITEMS, * — — 45 | THE AMERICAN NEws company's Foreign LITERARY NOTEs, – 46 LIST OF NEYWSFAFERS AND NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, – 47 PERIODICALs, º mº — 58 Tº: TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERs' GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. - A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages w % - of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per qūarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- Sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 117, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. JTUTST IETJ” ELISIEEEED : J. W. DE FOREST'S GREAT NOVEL, THE WETHEREL AFFAIR. aa.º.º.º.º. One vol., 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cloth, $1.75; Paper Covers, $1.00. “It will be a hardened novel reader who shall not find this story bright and fresh.”—Nation, New York. ſº “A most natural, humorous, and piquant love story.”—N. Y. Tribune. “As a novelist Mr. De Forest seems to grow with each new book, and he is to-day perhaps the ablest American novelist.”— Galazy Magazine, New York. “‘Overland,” by J. W. De Forest, places the author in the front rank of American writers of fiction.”—Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston. - - ISTEARI.Y. READY : - *Ex=Secretary Wellies? &reat Boeira MR. LINCOLN AND MR, SEWARD. One Vol., 12 mo. , EVERY INTELLIGENT MAN SEHOULD READ THIS IMPORTANT WORK. “Mr. Welles has developed qualities as a political historian which place him high in the ranks of those of any time.”—Evening Mail, New York. HEA.Y.EN IN song. CHEAP E DITION, 12mo, TINTED PAPER. “An edition of this charming work, at from $2.50 to $3.00, will find a ready sale among all pupchasers of good books.” RECENT PUBLICATIONs. OVERLAND. By J. W. DE FoREST, author of “The Wetherel Affair,” etc. Price in cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.00. PHILIP EARNSCLIFF. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDS. 1 vol., cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.00. A NEW AND REVISED EDITION OF WORDS AND THEIR USES. By RICHARD GRANT WHITE. $2.00. A FAIR SAXON. By Justis McCARTHz. Price $1.50 and $1.00. A WAGABOND HEROINE. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDs. Price $1.25 and 75 cents. MISS FORRESTER. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDs. Price $1.75 and $1.00. THE ROSE OF DISENTIS. Translated from the German of ZschoKKE. Price $1.50 and $1.00. HEAVEN IN SONG. By H. C. FISH, D. D. 4to, full gilt. Price, cloth, $6.00; morocco, $:0.00. —s Send in your orders early, and you will receive Editors' Copies and Show Bills. * SHELDON & COMPANY, New York. ? & %. & £4,...sº K.4% ze-3/-/.42% THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Zºe American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. NEw Yorº, Feb. 1st, 1874. Business during the month has been light, but steady. A number of good books are stili held back, their publishers waiting for a brisker trade, which they think is sure to come. Wheth- er they are right or not, time alone can prove, but we venture the prediction that the spring months will not bring any great activity to the trade. The trade which used to come at certain seasons is now distributed through the year, and, as their facilities for ordering are increased, there is less and less disposition on the part of the bookseller to stock up. Of course there are many books which have their seasonable times, When they will meet a greater share of success than if they were issued at other times in the year, but as Ohristmas is really the only season for which any great number of books are pre- pared, it will in the future be the only season to be depended on for a lively demand. Some of the most interesting and valuable books of the day are biographies and the Auto- biography of Dr. Guthrie just issued by the Car- ters is entitled to a place among the best. Dr. Guthrie was a true Scotchman, and was inti- mately connected with the history of his coun- try during the first half of the present century. This story of his life is told with 2ll the honesty and straightforwardness which characterized his life and made him so popular. The book is full of anecdotes and reminiscences which not only make delightful reading, but are valuable here as giving an insight into the life of the people for whom he labored. Indeed, he seems to like better to talk of others than of himself. It is probably because he was more interested in the Welfare of others than his own, that he never finished, an account of his life. The present Yolume is autobiographical and brings his life down to 1843. The second volume is now being Written by his sons. The Carters have also reprinted several excellent religious works, in- cluding The Word of Life, a collection of ser- mons and selections by Charles J. Brown, D.D., of Edinburgh ; The Relations of the Kingdom to the World, by J. Oswald Dykes, D.D., author of The Beatiludes; and a devout work on the Christ of God, by Horatius Bonar, D.D. E. P. Dutton & Co. have published another book from the pleasing author of Mrs. Main- waring's Journal, entitled A Lily Among Thorns. Those who like fiction which is wholesome and free from excitement, yet entertaining, will be as pleased with this book as with the Journal. Dutton & Co. have also issued Baptism Tested by Scripture, by Rev. Dr. William Hodges; and A Day with Christ, by Rev. Samuel Cox, in which the author devoutly dwells on the life of Jesus and his daily labors. We should not pass over these books without mentioning their very pretty bindings. The latter book espe- cially, with its red letter title-page, and its unique and handsome yet appropriate devices in gold on side and back, is a model of ele- gance. D. Appleton & Co. have published in a hand- some large folio volume Descriptive Sociology, or Groups of Sociological Facts, classified and ar- ranged by Herbert Spencer; The New Chemistry, by Prof. Josiah P. Cooke, Jr., of Harvard Uni- versity; a revised edition of A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities, with nearly two thousand wood engravings, from ancient orig- inals, illustrative of the industrial arts and Social life of the Greeks find Romans ; and Man and Apes, by St. George Mivart. Cooke's Chemistry forms the sixth volume of the “Inter- national Science Series,” in which also the pub- lishers include Spencer's Sociology. The latter book is a very valuable one to the student, con- taining a vast amount of tabulated matter, and is the most important compilation of the kind ever made. E. B. Tyler, in Nature, says of it: “So much information, encumbered with so little rubbish, has never before been brought to bear on the development of English institu- tions. There is hardly a living student but will gain something by looking through the compilation which relates to his more special subject, whether this be love or morals, educa- tion or theology, the division of labor, or the rise of modern scientific ideas.” Mivart's Man and Apes is profusely illustrated, and will com- mend itself to all who are interested in the Darwinian Theory. It treats of the structural resemblances and differences bearing upon questions of affinity and origin. Harper & Brothers have added The Moonstone to their Illustrated Library Edition of Wilkie Collins' works, and have published in paper 38 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. Wm. Black's A Princess of Thule, and Anthony Trollope's Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. They will issue in February Pet, or Paslimes and Penalties, a capital book for children ; Frank Wincent's Land of the White Elephant; Sights and Scenes in Southeastern Asia, with map and illustrations; and the Evangelical Al- liance, 1873, which will include the addresses delivered at the Conference of the Alliance, last fall, edited by Rev. Dr. William Schaff, and a history of the General Conference, by the Rev. S. Irenaeus Prime. ... From Macmillan & Co. we have Solar Physics, by J. Norman Lockyer, comprising the papers the author has communicated at various times to the Royal Society, and a number of lectures and papers contributed to the magazines. Though the papers are somewhat disconnected, each is a valuable contribution to scientific knowledge, and they have lever before been published together. That portion of the book devoted to the spectroscope and the remarkable discoveries made by its use, is especially inter- esting, as are also the accounts and results of the several eclipse expeditions. The volume is splendidly bound, and illustrated with wood engravings and colored plates. The same house have given us Storm Warriors; Or, Life-Boat Work on the Goodwin Sands; a series of thrilling narratives of shipwrecks, mostly told by the life-boat men to the author, Rev. John Gilmore, of Ramsgate, England. The book will serve a good purpose—and ought to be widely read. Its readers will find that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. From Macmillan we also have Drummond of Hawthornden, by David Masson, H.L. D.; and Sia: Weeks in the Saddle, by S. E. Waller. The subject of Prof. Masson's book is but vaguely known even among literary people, as a Scottish poet, who lived in the latter part of the sixteenth and the beginning of the sev- enteenth centuries; but as he was probably the most prominent Scottish writer of that interest- ing period, in the eyents of which he took a prominent part, Mr. Masson has rendered a service in rescuing his life from oblivion. Mr. Waller, the author of Sia: Weeks in the Saddle, is a young man who is rapidly winning his way into public favor, and with pencil and pen has succeeded in giving a very entertaining book. There is a peculiar charm about a book of travels illustrated by the author and traveller himself, and when the illustrations are accom- panied by lively descriptions of amusing adven- §ures in a country of which we know little or nothing, the book cannot fail to be readable. The “six weeks” were spént in Iceland, where Mr. Waller went to sketch the scenery. Pott, Young & Co. have issued The Communi- eant's Guide, by Rev. R. Whittingham, of St. John's Church, New Haven, which, they an- nounce, is published by request of the Bishop of Connecticut ; The Church Almanac for 1874, containing much useful information ; and The Gospel of the Childhood, by Edward M. Goul- bourn, D. D.. an excellent little work, written for children, in a style more attractive than that usually found in such books, and treating of the events in the childhood of Christ. These publishers have also issued the first volume of Institution, Glasgow. a new and cheaper edition of Robertson's His- tory of the Christian Church. The work is to be issued in eight 12mo volumes, one every three months. T. Whittaker has published The Bishop and Nannette, by Mrs. F. Burge Smith, a story con- sisting principally of a conversation between a bishop and his little granddaughter, upon re- ligious and ecclesiastical subjects, and contain- ing much information about the history of the English prayer-book ; A Manual of Instruction on the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, for Sunday- schools; and a religious book for young men, entitled Life, by Cunningham Geikie, D. D., with an introduction by Dr. S. H. Tyng, Jr. This latter book is a reprint of the fourth edi- tion, but we believe it is new in this country. At all events, it is an excellent book to put into the hands of any young man, treating of such practical subjects, as “Companions,” “Helps,” “Reading,” etc. G. P. Putnam's Sons have published a book which will interest yachtsmen, entitled, The America Cup. It is written by Mr. Hamilton Morton, and recounts in verse the history of the races between the yachts Livonia and the Columbia and the Sappho. It is illustrated and handsomely bound. The Putnams have in preparation an important work on the Iron Ores of Missouri and Michigan, by gentlemen connected with the State surveys. It will be a large octavo, with illustrations, and accompa- nied by a topographical atlas. J. W. Schermerhorn & Co. have published The Oriental: A Collection of Eastern Melodies, Ancient and Traditional, now first arranged for Christian Service, by Dr. Wm. J. Wetmore ; and How to Teach, a manual of methods for a graded course of instruction, by Henry Kiddle, A. M., Thomas F. Harrison and N. A. Calkins, Superintendents of Public Instruction in this city. This is a book for the use of teachers, who will find in it many valuable suggestions. Although prepared for a graded course, it will be found useful in any school. Henry Holt & Co. have brought out in their “Leisure Bour Series.” Mrs. Alexander's Which Shall it Be 2 also a cheap edition in paper. The Wooing O't, by the same author, which was published last summer, was one of the most successful novels of the series, and this is, with- out doubt, equally as good a story. D. Wan Nostrand has published two very ex- cellent treatises of their class, Surcharged and Different Forms of Retaining Walls, by James S. Tate, a practical engineer ; and, The Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs, by Mr. Arthur Jacob, a man of large practical experi- ence and late Executive Engineer for Irrigation in the Bombay service of the British Govern- ment. John Wiley & Son have issued the Elementary Course of Permanent Fortification for the use of the cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, re- vised and edited by Col. I. B. Wheeler of West . Point, and containing large folding plates; and, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, with wood en- gravings and complete index, by T. E. Thorpe, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the Anderson THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 39 —-4– Sheldon & Co. have published The Wetherel Affair, by J. W. De Forest, a novel of much merit, full of plot and incident, as well as pathos and humor. Mr. De Forest is entitled ...to a place in the foremost rank of our American novelists. His books are written with con- scientious care, and are pervaded by a whole- some morality. His former novels, Kate Beau- mont, Overland, and Miss Ravenel, have been widely read, and will, no doubt, insure a favor- able reception for his last book. Sheldon will soon bring out a cheap edition of Heaven in Song, which formed one of their holiday pub- lications, which will put it within the means of those who cannot afford to pay for the costly binding. Ex-Secretary Welles' book on Lincoln and Seward, so long looked for, is in the hands of the printer and will soon be given to the public. Although it embraces the papers pub- lished in The Galaay, they occupy but a small portion of the book. These publishers will issue a number of good books during the spring, among which are General Custer's Life on the Plains, which the author has not yet completed; and a woman's rights novel by Lillie IDeverewa: Blake. Scribner, Welford & Armstrong have brought out Sir Walter Scott's The Pirate, in the “Pocket Edition of the Waverley Novels;” Schiller's Poems, translated by E. A. Bowring, and Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann, translated by John Oxenford ; Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture, by John Henry Parker, a handsome book containing nearly two hundred illustrations ; Mrs. Gaskell's Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales, in the new Illustrated Edition, comprising seven volumes, of this author's works; and The Swiss Family Robin- son, in the series known as the “Chandos Classics.” . - BosTon, February 1, 1874. The book trade of Boston for the new year opened quite promisingly. There was a con- siderably better demand for miscellaneous books last month than is usual in January, which is generally a dull month in the best of times. Lee & Shepard have published The Ancient City, a study on the religion, laws, and institu- tions of Greece and Rome, translated from the French of Fustel de Coulanges, by Willard Small ; and Mrs. Armington’s Ward, or the In- ferior Sea, by D. Thew Wright. De Coulanges is undoubtedly the best read man in France in the history and literature of Greece and Rome His Ancient City is what the poet Gray would have called “a dish of very choice erudition.” Like Gibbon's Decline and Fall, it is “one of the conveniences of civilization.” Perhaps one might say that Coulanges has discovered an- sient Greece and Rome. His account of Greek and Roman society is almost a revela- tion. Scholars and students will appreciate , this matter-full work, which Mr. Small has so admirably translated. The author or translator should have given an index to the Ancient City. Mrs. Armington's Ward is a tolerably clever and amusing American novel, in which the woman question is agitated. Lee & Shepard have in press, for early publication, Running the Block- ade, by W. H. Thomes, the American Mun- chausen ; Prophetic Voices Concerning America, by Charles Sumner ; and a new novel by Kath- arine Sedgwick Washburn. The Cast Catalogue of Antique Scw'pture, which was to have been issued in January, was destroyed at the burn- ing of Fleming's bookbindery. The other pub- lications of Lee & Shepard consumed at this fire were Sumner's works, Underwood's Band- Books of English and American Literature, Part- inglonian Patchwork, Optic's books, and some of Miss Sophie May's charming little “Juveniles.” There was an insurance on these works and Lee & Shepard's loss is small. • Roberts. Brothers have published Personal Recollections of Mary Somerville, edited by her daughter; and Satan, a Libretto, by Christopher Pearse Cranch. After reading Mrs. Somer- ville's autobiography, one cordially agrees with Mr. Howells, that autobiography is the most delightful kind of writing there is. Few novels are half so charming as this learned woman's simple and truthful account of her long and beautiful life. Particularly good is her picture of the manners and customs in Scotland in the last century, and almost as good is what she says of her residence in Hanover square, Lon- don. The brief but discriminating notices of her eminent friends and contemporaries are excellent, and add much to the interest and value of the book. The first edition of this work was sold in three days, and the public still continue to cry for “more.” Mr. Cranch is a man of fine poetical taste, and in Satan he attempts a lofty flight, but does not reach the stars. Mr. Bronson Alcott's long-an- . nounced Records of a School will be issued in a few days by Roberts Brothers, who will also publish in February Miss Frothingham's trans- lation of Lessing's Laocoon and Thorpe Regis, a new novel by Miss Frances M. Peard, author of those fresh and beautiful little stories, Rose Garden and Unawares. In 1873, Roberts Bro- thers published twenty-nine books. Nearly all of them were excellent in their kind, and met with a ready sale. . . * James R. Osgood & Co. have brought out vol- ume one of Problems of Life and Mind, The Foundations of a Creed, by George Henry Lewes, author of Biographical History of Philosophy, etc. Mr. Lewes is a brilliant writer and a subtle rea- soner, with stores of speculative knowledge; but he generally attempts too much. In this volume, however, he is quite modest. His aim is only to revolutionize metaphysics—only to solve some of the greatest and most difficult problems in philosophy and in morals. He truly says that “the great desire of this age is for a doctrine which may serve to condense our knowledge, guide our researches, and shape our lives, so that conduct may really be the conse- quence of belief.” To those who admire his reasoning and agree with his conclusions, the Problems of Life and Mind, volume one, will be a mighty big book. Even readers who do not like Lewes' theory or philosophy must, one would think, admire the strength and beauty of his style, and the many thoughtful and suggestive passages scattered up and down his pages. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Among the new books and new editions in press by Osgood & Co., for early publication, are Parton's Life of Jefferson, with a new chap- ter on Jefferson’s childhood, and considerable other new matter; Life and Works of Mrs. Bar- bauld, edited and compiled by Mrs. Grace Ellis; a new edition of Euthanasy; or, Happy Talks Toward the End of Life, by William Mountford, a wise and beautiful book that has been too long out of print ; a new, revised, and enlarged edi- tion of Drake's Dictionary of American Biogra- phy, which will, no doubt, be as complete and Satisfactory as it is possible for a work of the kind; Zelda's Fortune, a novel, by the author of Earl's Deane; Young Brown, by Granville Mur- ray, author of The Member for Paris; Captain Plateras, by Jules Werne ; and Gunnar, a Norse Romance, by H. H. Boyesen. Osgood & Co. also announce Jules Werne's new work, The Myste- rious Island, a Robinson Crusoe story; and Far from the Madding Crowd, the delightful new novel now publishing in the Cornhill Magazine, and evidently by some new genius, “breaking out at once like the Irish Rebellion, a hundred thousand strong " This house will likewise pub- lish The Life of Professor Agassiz, by Mrs. Agas- siz. The work has been in hand for years, and is nearly ready for the press. They published, during the year 1873, nearly eighty volumes, including new works by such eminent American authors as Longfellow, Whittier, Howells, Hig- ginson, Trowbridge, Mrs. Stowe, Bayard Taylor, Mrs. Whitney, and T. B. Aldrich ; and works by such eminent English writers as Thomas Hughes, W. R. Grey, George H. Lewes, Charles Reade, Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold, Henry Blackburn, and Walter Savage Landor. Estes & Lauriat have published Memories of Westminster Hall, with an historical introduc- tion by Edward Foss, F. R. S., in two vol- umes, with illustrations; Adventures of an At- torney in Search of Practice, by Sir George Ste- phen ; and part two of Packard's Half Hours with Insects. Readers of English history will gladly welcome this collection of incidents, an- ecdotes, and historical sketches, relating to “the great hall of William Rufus,” which Mac- aulay described so eloquently in his famous essay on Warren Hastings. The Adventures ºf an Attorney was originally published in 1839, and was a popular work in its day. It was re- printed in Chicago a year or two since, and had quite a large sale. all attorneys who want a client,” and the pub- lishers might confidently recommend it to all readers who care to learn something about the professional life of a second or third rate lawyer. In the new number of Balf Hours with Insects, Prof. Packard writes of the “Saw Fly,” native and imported, and of many other “intelligent and industrious” pests of the garden. Estes & Lauriat have nearly ready for publication Dis- crepancies of the Bible, by J. A. Hadley, of An- dover, with an introduction by Dr. Alvah Ho- vey, of Newton Theological Seminary ; What ... Young People Should. Know, a popular exposition of the anatomy, physiology, and hygiene of the human sexual organs, by Prof. Burt G. Wilder, of Cornell University; and a Hand-Book of My- thology for Students and General Readers. The book is dedicated “to Little, Brown & Co. are to be the American publishers of the new English edition of Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest to the death of Lord Tenterden, in four volumes. The first and . second volumes are to be issued immediately. L. B. & Co. are also the American publishers of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. . An entirely new edition of this invaluable work is in course of preparation. They likewise have for sale the best English edition of Dickens's works, which they “import in quantities.” This impression of Dickens contains several short sketches and stories not included in any American edition of his writings. The Universalist Publishing House has brought out Our New Departure, or the Methods and Work of the Universalist Church of America, as it Enters on its Second Century, by Elbridge George Brooks. For nearly forty years Dr. Brooks has been not only an observer, but a student of Universalist.denominational life—its condition, hinderances, needs, prospects. He has watched events, and traced effects to causes. These pages record his conclusions. They are, he thinks, in the main, impregnable. As such, it is the author's profound conviction, they are what Universalists need solemnly to ponder. They indicate, he is satisfied, alike the expla- nations to be considered, so far as the Univer- salists have failed to witness the practical reli- gious results they had a right to expect, and the conditions upon which alone any vitalizing and saving influence is possible for them. The work is written with considerable vigor, and will not only interest Universalists, but most lovers of liberal theological speculations. Loring has published Which Shall it Be, a capital new novel which “ends as it ought,” by Mrs. Alexander, author of The Wooing O't, and Shepard & Gill have sent out The Dead Alive, a brief sensational story by Wilkie Collins, hav- ing some of the vividness and power of the au- thor's best works. The plot is, as Pepys would say, “mighty ingenious.” Hazlitt says that on happening to suggest a new translation of Don Quixote to an enterpris- ing bookseller, he answered, “we want new I}on Quiacotes.” We have one at last—The New Don Quizole, or the Wonderful Adventures of Tar- tarian of Tarascon, translated from the French by C. Roland, and published by Horace B. Fuller. This is one of those charming trifles in which the French excel. “He had wit in him that pen'd it.” In Tartarian of Tarascon were in- carnated the two heroes of Cervantes—Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Patrick Donahoe has brought out Charity to the Souls in Purgatory, containing an assortment of prayers, devotions and litanies for the relief of the suffering souls in Purgatory, etc.; and an entirely new edition of the Wearing of the Green Song Book, containing J. Sheridan Lefanu's Shamus O'Brien, and other favorite Irish songs and ballads. Mr. Donahoe has in press for speedy publication The Spaewife, or the Queen's Secret, a tale of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrass ; and a new edition of Shandy Maguire, or Thic'cs Upon Travellers. John Allyn has issued Macleane's Juvenal, . THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 4 I. abridged, with additions by Professor Samuel Hart; and a revised impression of Holmes's edition of the De Corona of Demosthemes. The notes to these classics are full of “fine erudi- tion,” and will be appreciated by students. The English editor's introduction to Demosthenes's oration contains a concise statement of the his- tory of the De Corona; and the Life of Juvenal by Macleane is as good as it is brief. The American Tract Society of Boston has published The Work of the Spirit, or Doctrinal and Practical Meditations on the Nature and Work of the Holy Ghost, by Samuel Cutler; and The Child's Christmas Sheaf from the Bible Field, by Rev Edwin A. Abbott. Parson Cutler is evi dently an old-fashioned Christian, and his Work of the Spirit is a timely contribution to the re- ligious literature of the day. Rev. Mr. Abbott's Sheaf is worthy of a large commendation, as being one of the best books for children ever made or taken from the Bible. D. Lothrop & Co. have published The King's Daughter, by “Pansy,” a pious, but really excel- lent story of a pretty little Yankee Saint named Dell ; The Babes in the Basket, or Daph and Her Cradle, another readable little tale of an ebon angel ; Fisher Boy, by W. H. G. Kingston ; and Helen's Victory. The most notable of Lothrop's immediately forthcoming books are Myths and Heroes, by Dr. S. F. Smith; Helpful ghts for Young Men, by T. D. Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., etc. ; and Historicals, being sketches of Ameri- can history for young people. º - Henry Hoyt will issue during this month.janet- ...te Darney, Asked of God, by Annie Shipton; Waiting Hour, from the same pen ; and Antonie. The proprietors of Old and New have put out a thin pamphlet entitled, Taa’-Bºremption, No Eccuse for Spoliation, being considerations in opposition to the petition, now before the Massachusetts Legislature, to permit the sale of the old South Church. Written by J. B. Quincy. PHILADELPHIA, February 1, 1874. January is not apt to bring us abundant har- vests, but the business of this month has been very fair, probably equalling, if not exceeding, that of the corresponding period of last year. Porter & Coates have issued a new story, en- titled, The Days of My Youth, by Amelia B, Ed- wards, authoress of Barbara's History, Half a Million of Money, and other well known novels. Miss Edwards has gained for herself the repu tation of being one of the successful novelists of the day; her name is a safe guarantee for a novel of engrossing interest. Those who read Barbara's History will be prepared to welcome this book. The publishers state that the first edition, consisting of two thousand copies, was exhausted on the day following its publication. They have also ready, Lord Derby's translation of Homer's Iliad, in two vols., illustrated with a biographical sketch by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. By many authorities, this edition is ... considered to be the best rendering of Homers masterpiece in the language. T. B. Peterson and Bros. have published The Life of Edwin Forrest, with Reminiscences of the "Great American Tragedian, by James Rees, bet- the author on steel. ter known in theatrical circles as “Colley Cibber.” The volume is a large duodecimo, appropriately embellished with a life-like por- trait of Mr. Forrest. Mr. Rees was an intimate personal friend of the deceased actor, and learned much concerning his inner life and modes of thought. . . The same firm have issued a mag- nificent photograph of Edwin Forrest in the character of “Spartacus,” in Dr. Bird's play of the “Gladiator”; also, a steel portrait in line and stipple on India proof-paper, at a cheaper price. . In February, the Messrs. Peterson will publish Victor's Triumph, a sequel to The Beau- tiful Fiend, from the prolific pen of Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth; Margaret Hamilton, by Mrs. New- by, a lady favorably known to novel readers by her spirited story of Kate Kennedy; Married, a domestic novel from the same writer; and Com- mon Sense, from the same source. American readers will certainly be placed in a position to pass a deliberate judgment on the merits of Mrs. Newby. Among the January books of the Pe- tersons must not be forgotten their new edition of The Memoirs of Vidocq, an autobiography, penned by the famous Chief of the French Police, which, though an old book, will delight the many who have never read it, and will bear a re-perusal by those who knew it years ago; also, The Young Mugdalen, by Francis T. Smith, of the New York Weekly, a finely bound volume, in green and gold, with an excellent portrait of .* It is a collection of the author's simple, touching verses. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have in preparation a Life of Edwin Forrest, by the Rev. William Alger, of Boston, based upon facts and ma- terials placed in the hands of Mr. Alger by Mr. Forrest previous to his death, and other papers which have been furnished by the executors ; also a new Life of Franklin, by the Hon. John Biglow The Life of Forrest will be an octavo book of some five hundred pages, and will be embellished with engravings of the actor in his different characters and steel portraits of him- Self and his mother. The Lippincotts have published during the month, My Novel and What Will He Do With It? each in two volumes, in their new edition of Lord Lytton's works ; Nicholas Nickleby, in two volumes, in their oc- tavo edition of Dickens; Queen Krinaleen's Plagues, or How a Simple People were Destroyed, a tale of the twenty-second century, by the author of Was She Engaged; Proctor's Border- land of Science, in a fine crown, octavo volume ; and Bébée, or Two Little Wooden Shoes, by Ouida. Henry C. Lea has brought out. The Student's Guide to Surgical Anatomy, by E. Bellamy, F. R. C. S.; Dr. Robert Barnes' Clinical Expo- sition of the Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women ; and a very fine edition of Dunglison's Dictionary of Medical Science, enlarged and thoroughly revised by Richard J. Dunglison. The first edition of this work has been before the profession for more than thirty years. During that time, however, so many changes and advances have been made in the science of medicine, that an amended dictionary became necessary. This the present editor has su plied, and the volume is almost indispensable to 42 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. the physician, and all who have to do with the dispensation of medicines or the treatment of disease. - Lindsay & Blackiston have issued a number of important medical works. Among them are Diseases of the Chest, by A. T. H. Waters, with colored illustrations, a revised edition ; a new revised edition of A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children, by J. Forsyth Meigs, M. D., and William Pepper, M. D.; A Manual of Psychological Medicine, containing the Lunacy laws, Diagnosis, Pathology and Treatment of In. sanity, third edition enlarged and improved; and the Sphygmograph, an essay by Edgar Holden, A. M., M. D., to which was awarded the Stevens Triennial Prize by the new College of Physicians and Surgeons, containing nearly three hundre illustrations. - T. Elwood Zell has issued an enlarged edition of Elderhorst's Manual of Blow. Pipe Analysis ; and a new edition of his subscription book, The Household Cyclopaedia, with several hundred added illustrations. Greene's Analysis has been one of our most successful school-books for the past quarter of century. The publishers, Cowperthwait & Co., have issued a new Analysis by the same author, on a new and somewhat novel plan. The work is not large, but carefully and elaborately pre- pared, and is especially intended for higher schools. Teachers will find it well worth their attention. -ºr -sm- -SPECIAL Notices The spring trade sale of books will be com. menced on Thursday morning, March 24th. W. S. Duckworth & Co., Nashville, Tenn., have bought the news business of C. M. Thorn- berg. - #. & Shepard, Boston, will remove this month to their new building, corner of Frank- lim and Hawley streets. Itobert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, have pub- lished a useful little pamphlet by Rowland Cox, on The Legal Effect of the Registration of Trade Marles, with the Act of July 8th, 1870. Jas. Sabin & Son will issue, in" a few days, their Catalogue of Books for the Library, which they will send to any address on receipt of a two-cent stamp. A new General Compilation of the Statutes of Illinois is in preparation by William L. Gross, of Springfield, Ill., and will be issued promptly on the adjournment of the present Legislature. N. Tibbals & Sons have isued a new edition of their Theologian's Catalogue, including books to January, 1874. It contains titles and prices of more than 11,000 books. James R. Osgood & Co., of Boston, have re- moved from 124 Tremont street to their new and commodious quarters in the Franklin Building, No. 131 Franklin street, corner of Federal street. By arrangement with the Paris publisher, from whom they have received advance sheets, Benziger Bros., of this city, will issue a trans- lation of Mgr. Gaume's new book, Le Cimetiere au XIX Siecle, ou le dernier mot des Solidaires. West, Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., have ready the third edition of the Code of Virginia, including legislation to January 1st, 1874, pre- pared by Geo. W. Mumford and published by authority of the State. Price $6.00 net. The New York branch of Cassell, Petter & Galpin are the agents in this country for Joseph Hunt's fine playing cards, which for beauty and excellence cannot be surpassed. They are also agents for the papers of Fourdrinier, Hunt & Co., the finest of which are the “Fourdrinier,” “Sherbourne,” and “Early English " brands, and for the Chromo Crosses of W. A. Mannsell & Co., which are beautifully executed from a variety of unique designs; each design is also furnished in outline for coloring. Mr. A. Douai, the author of The Kinder- garlem, a manual of songs for the introduction of Froebel's system of primary education, has prepared, and E. Steiger cf New York has pub- lished, a series of Rational Readers, combining the principles of Floebel's and Pestalozzi's sys- tems. The series consist of a Phonetic Primer, three Readers, and a convenient manual for teachers. Kindergarten instruction is begin- ning to receive the attention it deserves in this. country, and these books should be well re- ceived by all who are interested in the education of the young. The Secretary of the Publishers' Board of Trade announces the following appointments of agents: By Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Mr. Samuel M. Perkins, New York city; by Ginn Bros., Mr. Wm. Haskins; Mr. M. Ladd, Louisville, Ky; by Mason, Baker & Pratt, Mr. W. I. Pooley, New York city; and by Wilson, Hinkle & Co., Mr. J. C. Hartzler, Bloomington, Ill. The following have been withdrawn : By Ginn Bros., Mr. M. Harrington, Worcester, Mass.; by Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Mr. John C. Ellis, St. Louis, Mo.; and by Wilson, Binkle & Co., Mr. Wm. Irenberg. Bloomington, Ill.; and Mr. Z. C. Patten, Chattanooga, Tenn. [From the Pittsburgh United Presbyterian.] We notice that many of the publishers are this year offering as holiday books those of Solid usefulness. It is often the practice to trick up some trashy volume with tinted paper, wood-cuts and striking binding, all of which make it a “splendid book for the holidays.” But people who buy such stuff deserve to be cheated, as they always are. There is much folly often in book buying. Many families ex- pend as much on one or two books as would supply them with reading for a year. They are showy volumes, written and printed and bound to sell; an agent sets forth their attractions, and they are bought to be laid on the parlor table. Nobody reads them, but visitors will see them and be astonished at the literary taste of the people of the household. But there are no library shelves full of good books of travel, history, poetry and essays. Let the costly books go, and buy those of real value at ordi- nary prices, buying some every year till you have a library which shall be a fountain of bless- ing to all the family. - - - 7'HE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. 43 *– THE Rooksellers' £onvention. We print, in another column, a communi- cation from Mr. Gunn to the trade, setting forth the purposes of the Booksellers' Conven- tion, which has been postponed to the 12th of this month. As the questions which will come before the Convention are those in which the entire trade have an interest, we hope the trade will be fully represented there, if not by elected delegates, at least by individual attendance. That the retail booksellers have reason to complain of the manner in which business is conducted, no one acquainted with the book trade can deny; but they can do little in the way of reform without the aid of the publishers and jobbers, and as reform is quite as necessary to the latter as to the re- tailers, that aid should be freely given. Of competition on the part of the publishers, dealers cannot justly, and will not generally, complain, providing that they sell at retail prices. Underselling is quite another matter, and one of great importance to the publish- €I’S. No manufacturer or jobber can afford to compete in prices with his own buyers, as such competition will ruin any business. It is even more injurious to the book trade than to other branches of business, for the retail price of books is fixed by the manufacturer, and if he compels the retailer to reduce that price, he depreciates the value of his own goods in the estimation of the consumer. And this is just what is being done. No regular book-buyer now expects to pay the retail price for books, and if one dealer will not divide the discount with him, he finds another who will. Having been accommodated so often, he has gradually come to the conclusion that the re- tail price fixed by the publisher is a fraud, and he invariably underestimates the cost of manufacturing. There should be a uniform rate of discounts, and we would suggest that this is an oppor- tune time for an organization of publishers and jobbers, and the adoption of such rates. If we are to have reform, let it go through the entire trade, from retailer to publisher. Uniform discounts will satisfy the public, who will get their books cheaper; it will sat- isfy the retailer, for he will not be so con- stantly importuned for a reduction in prices; and the publisher will find a better market for his books. It is worthy of note that the publications of those houses whose discounts are invariable and conservative are most pop- ular with the public and with the trade. When the bookseller can tell his customer that his books are marked at their lowest price, which gives him only an honest profit, he will not only be able to get the price, but his customer will be far better satisfied. THE great AMERICAN Novel. The entertaining book-critic of Old and New, in the last number of that excellent mag- azine, takes occasion to laugh at the preten- sions that were made for “The Fair God,” in styling it “The Great American Novel.” It will be remembered that the same distinction was claimed by somebody for Dr. Holland's last book. Although we found “The Fair God” far pleasanter reading than did the “two hardy and rapid readers” to whom it was assigned by the writer in Old and New, and the story of “Arthur Bonnicastle” shows many evidences of a master hand, neither meets the popular demand for a great novel. Both are good books, and have served a good purpose, the one in awakening an interest in a peculiar people, all knowledge of whom is almost totally lost in the oblivion of the past, the other in its nobler work of uplifting to a higher life, but both are read to be forgotten, and will live only in the silent influences to which they may have given birth. We are forced to confess that “The Great American Novel” is not yet written. When it appears, it will not be a romance of the past or of the future. However pleasant the mem- ories the novelist may revive, however fantas- tic the future he may forecast, the elements of a great novel are only to be found in the present. It will not be theological nor scien- tific, in the usual sense of those terms, nor will it have to do with any of the popular isms of the day. It will not be a fashionable novel for Fifth Avenue, nor an intellectual novel for the select of our “modern Athens,” but a story of the people, of the toiling, strug- gling masses of our great cities. Its incidents will not be mere phantasies of an artist’s brain, but the startling facts of that hidden undercurrent of life of which we get a glimpse only now and then in our daily papers. It has been said that there is more of romance to be found in these journals than in the pages of our novels, and this feature accounts, in some degree, for their popularity. It is notable that not a single romance of transcendent merit has yet been made of the incidents of our late war, and yet one need not search far for the reason. In times of great political excitement our minds are too much occupied with events as they transpire to entertain sentiment, and it is not until long after such revulsions that the fiction based upon them is valued for its historic interest. It is but very seldom that the hearts as well as the heads of Christendom are engrossed with a great social and political question, such as that which gave its wonderful popular- ity to “Uncle Tom's Cabin,” and happily the present furnishes to our novelists no such pro- pitious occasion. 44 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The interest and vitality of a novel depend upon its truthfulness, and it may be that our life presents no phases sufficiently remarkable or curious for a great work of fiction. We may not have a Dotheboy’s Hall, or a Mar- shalsea, or even an ancient dust heap to be explored by our avaricious Weggs, but surely we have our Micawbers and Uriah Heeps, our Scrooges and Mrs. Gamps; and there is, in our by-ways, within a stone's throw of our great thoroughfares, a life as strange and as little known as that of the Tzins. He or she who has the patience and hardihood to study, and the ability to portray that life, and to contrast it with that other life which goes thronging past its very portals, all uncon- scious of its existence; he or she who can pen- etrate its mysteries and reveal the heart his- tories, the motives, the struggles, the hopes, the despair of this humanity, which is utterly dead and buried to the people who make what we call society, who can reproduce that life in all its nobility as well as its degrada- tion and misery; he or she will write “The Great American Novel.” _*- : *- --- £oRRESPONDENCE. BosTon, Jan. 19th, 1874. Editor Booksellers’ Guide: DEAR SIR,-The articles in the GUIDE in rela- tion to the evils connected with bookselling have greatly interested me. To my mind, there is a great need of an organization of Publishers and Booksellers, with some central place of meeting where they can come together, and talk these things over. I do not see why some remedy cannot be devised so that both jobbers and re- tailers can be benefited. If the school-book publishers can make it for their advantage to have an organization, why can not miscellane- ous and Juvenile publishers? In almost every other business they have the advantages of united action, and why can not we have them in the book trade? Why is it that we are always expected to make a discount from the price of books? It is not so in any other business, but in ours every- body looks for a discount, so that now there is very little chance of making a fair profit. I am aware that in every large city, there are some large houses strong enough to be independent and do as they please ; they therefore are unwil- ling to enter into an agreement which will com- mit them to any fixed policy. Would they not, however, if they found a strong pressure brought to bear upon them from the trade throughout the country 2 These views have all been advanced in your GUIDE, but I hope they will continue to be agitated till something is done. I trust the meeting to be held in Cincinnati may result in important advantages to the whole trade, and I pledge them my earnest support in any steps they may take to rid us of the practices which threaten our destruction. This evil of underselling, both in the jobbing and retailing branches of the trade, should be remedied at once, and the public given to under- stand that a book is worth a fair price, as well as anything else. It may be objected that if any arrangement is entered into, it will not be kept. I think it will be, by those who agree to it. Let me give you an instance. Some three or four years ago, the Sabbath- School book dealers of this city came together, and organized themselves into a body with con- stitution, by-laws, etc. They pledged them- selves not to sell below a certain discount to Sabbath-schools, to make no presents to induce trade, etc. I believe this has generally been faithfully kept, and buyers are just as well, yes, better satisfied to buy at a fixed price, than they were to buy at any price. PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLEB. ... THE CONVENTION. SPRINGFIELD, O., January 8th, 1874. To the Book: Trude. DEAR SIRS,--The next meeting of Book- sellers' Protective Union, as already noticed, has been postponed to Thursday, February 12th, 1874. From the various publishers, jobbers and booksellers, the responses to the sentiments of the association have been so hearty, that we confidently expect speedy success—for no op- position whatever has manifested itself to this movement thus far. The conviction is general, that a reform must be brought about that will give dealers of each class a reasonable profit and do away with the irregularities and griev- ances in the trade, which are a constant source of loss to every man in the book business. Our meeting in February is for a full discus- Sion of all the interests of the trade; not to array one branch. of the trade against another. Our interests are mutual, as publishers, jobbers and booksellers; and several leading publishers Thave most emphatically sanctioned the action of the association. We believe this convention will be a general convention of the trade; and we here give again an urgent invitation to publishers, jobbers and booksellers to be present at the Burnett House, in Cincinnati, Thursday, February 12th, 1874; and we make the request for letters, giving the views and suggestions of members of each branch of the trade who may be unable to at- tend the meeting. J. W. GUNN, Sec. and Chairman of Ececutive Committee. - SPRINGFIELD, O., January 27th, 1874. Editors of Booksellers’ Guide : At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Booksellers' Protective Union to-day, the committee found so many letters from book- sellers, announcing full sympathy with the action of the association, and a determination to support the movement, yet excusing them- selves from being present at the coming con- vention (February 12th), that they at once de- termined to send out an additional circular, THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. 45 urging booksellers to be at the convention in || person, and not to quietly look on while so great interests of the trade are at stake. In the opinion of the committee, the success of this enterprise will put more money into the pockets of the trade (to whom legitimately belong the profits of the business) than any movement yet projected, and we want dealers to feel that their interests are such that neither their letters of approval nor subscriptions of money to the cause Gan amount to as much as their presence with hand and voice in the convention. Though it cost something to attend, it is less expensive than staying at home and enduring a trade with such small profits that their very existence as booksellers seems only a question of time. Yet we invite all who can not be present, to Write to us and express their views freely, that their letters may come before the association, giving whatever of valuable suggestions they can, that the results of the convention may be of general benefit to the trade. The committee will meet at 10 o'clock at the Burnett House—the convention will assemble at 2 o'clock. A suitable hall will be provided. The convention will occupy Thursday, P. M., and Friday, 12th and 13th of February. We are trying to make half-fare arrangements with the railroads, but can not now announce the result. . Very truly, J. W. GUNN, Cor. Sec. and Chairman of Evec. Com. —asº. -ºr *- wº- perTUARY g CHARLES ASTOR BRISTED. The death of this accomplished litterateur, whose writings under the nom de plume of “Carl Benson " are so familiar, occurred at Washing- ton on the 15th of January. He was through his his mother a grandson of John Jacob Astor, and was born in New York in 1820. Educated at Yale, and Cambridge, England, where he took his degree in 1845, he was a man of rare ac- quirements and an enthusiastic student through- out his life. He contributed able articles to the North American Review and Fraser's Magazine in England, and was well known to the readers of the Galaay and our daily and weekly papers. In 1852 he published his Five Years in an Eng- lish University, which attracted much attention both here and in England from its graphic de- scriptions of University life. A new edition was published as late as 1872. His contribu- tions to Fraser's were collected and published in book form under the title of Sketches of Am- erican Life Among the Upper Ten Thousand. A number of smaller books from his pen have been published, among which are several philo- logical works, The Interference Theory of Gov- ernment, and an elegant little volume in hu- morous praise of the vine, entitled Anacreonites. Though not a profound writer, he was always a pleasant one, and his death will be regretted by all who knew him by his writings, as well as those who enjoyed his genial friendship. ADAM BILACK. Adam Black, the well known publisher of Edinburgh, died in that city, January 25th, at the advanced age of eighty-nine. He was born and educated in Edinburgh, and there com- menced the business of bookselling and after- ward of publishing. He issued the new edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, to which he con- tributed several articles, and many other im- portant works. On the failure of the house of Constable & Co., he became the publisher of the Edinburgh Review, and owned by purchase the copyright of the works of Sir Walter Scott. He took an active part in politics, early identiſy- ing himself with the Liberals, and represented his city in Parliament from 1856 to 1865. AUGUSTUS EIEINRICH HOFFMANN. A telegram from Berlin, dated Jan. 21st, an- nounced the death of Augustus Heinrich Hoff. man, the German poet, at the age of seventy- five. He published a volume of poems as early as 1820. He was at one time Librarian, and af- terwards Professor at the University of Breslau, from which he was removed, by order of the King, in 1842, on account of his Unpolitische Lieder. He was the author of several valuable works on lit- erature and philology, but he won his great popularity by his poems, which are simple and homely, and well fitted to touch the hearts of the common people, for whom they were writ- ten. Although he has written comparatively little during the last twenty years, his simple songs are still popular with the Germans, and his death will be sincerely mourned by them. sº-º- LITERARY JTEMs. A large number of the works of Petrarch are still buried in Italian and other libraries. Loring announces that two hundred and fifty copies of Mrs. Alexander's Which Shall it Be? are in circulation in his library. - - The next book from Alger, which Loring will publish this spring, will be entitled Julius ; Or, The Boy Out West. The son, daughter and widow of J. P. R. James, the novelist, are residents of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. M. Lauget's L'Anglelerre Politique et Scoiale has been translated by Prof. J. M. Hart, and will be published here by the Putnams. Parton's Life of Thomas Jefferson, which J. R. Osgood & Co. will issue this month, will be a crown octavo of about eight hundred pages. The secret is out that “Robertson Gray,” the author of Brave Hearts, is no other than Prof. R. W. Raymond. Now, who is “Saxe Holm ?” It is stated that Mr. Hiram Barney, the law partner of William Allen Butler, the author of Nothing to Wear, is writing a life of Chief Jus- tice Chase. The sheets of the books of Prof. James Cur- rie's Principles and Practice of Early and Infant Education, and Principles and Practice of Common School Education, which were ready ſor binding by Lee & Shepard, were entirely destroyed by the late fire, and the books will not be issued until the fall. - - 46 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. The Rev. Charles Kingsley, whose Prose Idylls and other books are so warmly appreciated by cultured Americans, is expected here this month, on a lecturing tour. . . Warren & Wyman will publish, early in Feb- ruary, a devotional book by George McDonald, Cure for Thought-Talcing, a choice little volume, bearing consolation and encouragement to those who are burdened with care. The readers of Unclaimed will be glad to learn that Loring will soon issue another novel from the same author. Miss Armstrong, contrary to the usual custom, sends her manuscript to this country, and pnblishes afterward in England. Henry Holt & Co. will soon issue another novel by Hardy, whose Pair of Blue Eyes was so favorably received last summer. The new volume will be published in the “Leisure Hour Series,” and will bear the title, Desperate Reme- dies. Mr. J. T. Scharff has completed a history of the city of Baltimore, the only one, we believe, ever written, from its settlement to the present time. It will be published by Turnbull Bros., with the title, Annals of Baltimore, and sold by subscription. - Estes & Lauriat will soon publish What Young People Should Know, a book dealing with the sexual relations, by Prof. Burt J. Wilder, of Cornell University, a pupil and friend of Agas- siz, by whom most of the manuscript was read and approved. The new edition of Margaret Fuller's works, delayed from October on account of the panic, will be brought out at once by Roberts Bros., in six volumes. They also announce a two- dollar edition of Hamerton's Chapters on Ani- mals, and a second edition of Dr. Bartol’s The Rising Faith. Bishop Oxenden, of Montreal, has written a volume, entitled Thoughts for Lent, which Messrs. Randolph & Co. will issue early in Feb- ruary. An American edition of The State of the Blessed Dead, by the late Dean Alford, is also on the eve of publication by the same firm. Dr. McCosh is writing a History of Scottish Philosophy, which the Carters will publish, probably in the autumn. It will necessarily be, to a great extent, biographical, embracing the lives of a hundred or more eminent thinkers of Scotland; and coming from so able and careful a writer, will be an important addition to the books of the year. Among the publications announced for Feb- ruary, is a book by Charles W. Jay, to be issued by W. S. & E. W. Sharp, Trenton, N. J. Its title will be, My Home in Northern Michigan; and Other Tales. The author is a gifted writer, and his wit and humor have given him a wide repu- tation. This book is written in his character- istic style, and will be brought out in good shape by the publishers. - Henry Hoyt, Boston, will soon publish two Juveniles of more than ordinary merit. The first, which is to bear the title Antoine, is a story of an Italian boy, stolen from his home; written by a distinguished divine, whose name, however, will not appear on the title-page. The other is a reprint of Jenetle Darney, which has enjoyed considerable popularity in England. Little, Brown & Co. have received from Ber- lin the first two instalments of MS. of Ban- croft's new History of the United States, and they are in the hands of the printer. The Universalist Publishing House, of Bos- ton, have issued Our New Departure, a book treating of the methods and work of the Uni- versalist Church of this country as it enters on its second century; written by Eldridge Gerry Brooks, pastor of the Church of the Messiah, Philadelphia. • * * Helpful Thoughts for Young Men, by Ex;Presid: ent Woolsey, and Historicals, by “Ordhoque,' which were prematurely announced for Decem- ber last by D. Lothrop & Co.. Boston, will ap- pear early this month. Helpful. Thoughts is an excellent book, consisting mainly of parting ad- dresses to the graduating classes of Yale. His- toricals is a compilation of Indian stories and of the early history of our country, some of which are new, and all of which are interesting. This house will shortly issue a collection of sketches of Mythology and of the early ages, by Dr. S. F. Smith, entitled, Myths and Heroes; or, The Childhood of the World. The book will be printed on tinted paper, with fourteen illustrations, and will be a handsome and instructive hand-book of Mythology and Primitive History. - f oreign JLITERARY Notes A literary society has been formed at Lima, and is busy investigating Peruvian antiquities. Ring & Co., of London, who have recently become the publishers of Tennyson, will soon issue a six-shilling edition of his works. Dr. F. C. Webb, editor of the London Medical Times, recently died in London at the age of forty-seven. The publication of L'Univers, the celebrated organ of the Legitimists and the extreme ultra- montane party of France, has been suspended. M. Victor Palmé has issued the first two vol- umes of a new edition of the Galliſt Christiana, thoroughly revised by M. Leopold Delisle. Mr. Matthew Arnold is preparing a new edi- tion of his Literalure and Dogma, to which he will add a Preface, containing a review of the objections brought against the book. A paragraph in our last number referring to the late King John of Saxony, by an oversight was made to read as though he were still liv- ing. It is needless to say that the gifted king is dead. The Paris correspondent of . The Nation, in a recent letter, says: “One of the happiest signs of the reorganization and reconstruction of France is the increasing interest which is felt in literary matters.” Notice of action of libel has been sent to the publisher of Once a Week by the solicitors of one of the Liverpool shipowners, on account of cer- tain statements made by Mr. Plimsoll, in his appendix to Ship Ahoy! . Miss Braddon's new story, Tulcen at the Flood, has been published simultaneously in eight of the English provincial journals with so much Success, that they have made arrangements for | another novel from the same author. THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ G UIDE. 47 The American Mail is the title of a new news- paper, published in English, at Rio Janeiro, and devoted to American commercial interests in Brazil. Most of the Vienna daily papers have raised their prices, on account of the rise in the cost of paper and wages. The Hungarian papers have followed suit, also the newspapers of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Victor Hugo had, before the death of his son, completed the manuscript of his romance, en- titled Quttre-Vingt Treize, and its first chapters will probably appear in the London Graphic this month. Murray has in press the first two volumes of John Lord Campbell's Chief Justices of England The work will comprise four volumes, and will be brought out here, by special arrangement yº. the London publishers, by Little, Brown Co. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Baltic Gazette says he has seen advance sheets of the first volume of the Grand Duke Alexis' ac- count of his voyage around the world. This first volume is exclusively devoted to a descrip- tion of his adventures in the United States. Edmond About writes to The Athenaeum, from Paris, that Taine's chances for an election to the Academy were good until the republican liberals learned “that he is engaged on a book, in which he shows little sympathy with the French Revolution,” and this work, still unpub- lished, is likely to cost him dear. - In Alsace, the German scholastic authorities have issued a first reading book, the express purpose of which is to reconcile the people of that province to German rule, by weaning the minds of the youthful Alsatians from French as: sociations, and imbuing them with a respect for everything German. The Printers' Register, London, says: “A work of great importance in the interests of literature is about to be undertaken by a gen- tleman well qualified for it, Mr. Faber, who highly distinguished himself in connection with the Early English-Text Society. The work for which he has accepted a commission from the Trustees of the British Museum, and which is expected to occupy at least two years in com- pletion, consists in the reproduction of the title-page of every book entered at Stationers' Hall since its incorporation in the reign of Henry the Eighth. Such a work, it is almost su- perfluous to add, will be of incalculable value.” The series of articles which have been appear- ing in London Society, under the title of “The Chesterfield Letters of 1873,” and reprinted here in The Home Journal, with the title “The New Chesterfield,” have excited much attention in London, not only for their cynical character, but because many of the characters mentioned are supposed to be drawn from life, and have given occasion for unpleasant gossip. The gentleman who was supposed to be the original of “Harry Browne,” considering himself scan- dalized in the “Letters,” set himself to find the author, and succeeded so well as to bring forth a disclaimer in a note to the Times from Lord Desart, who acknowledges that he is “re- sponsible” for the articles. Wife. NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. The Lakeside Monthly is publishing a novel by Rev. Robert Collyer, entitled Jºhn Watkinson's The first chapters appeared in the Janu- ary number. “Malcolm,” Mr. George Macdonald's new story, is commenced in the February number of Lippincolt's Magazine, and promises to be full of interest. A posthumous paper by Ralph Keeler will appear in the Atlantic Monthly for March. It is a biographical sketch of Owen Brown, and is said to be curiously interesting. In Harper's Mag tzine for February, there is an interesting paper from Mr. Frank Vincent's book, Land ºf the While Elephant, which the Harper's will soon publish. Mr. Theodore Lyman’s “Recollections of Agassiz,” in the February Allantic, is alone worth more than the price of the number, which is an excellent one. Belles and Beaua is the title of a new weekly journal published in this city. It contains serials, sketches, music, and a variety of mis- cellaneous reading. Price 10 cts. per copy; $4.00 per year. Hall's Journal of Health has been re-christened The American Journal of Health, and is issued ſrom a new office, at $1.00 per annum. A new issue of Hall's Journal of Health is also published at $2.00 per annum. Saward's Coal Trade Journal, established in 1869, but heretofore known only as a subscrip- tion paper, has lately been introduced to the trade. It is a weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the coal trade. Price six cents. A new illustrated comic and dramatic month- ly, entitled The Humorist, has made its appear- ance in New York. The first number is dated February, is well printed, and contains sixteen pages. Price one dollar per year, or ten cents per number. The Truth Seeker is a sixteen page monthly journal, started last fall in Paris, Ill., and re- cently moved to this city, and introduced to the trade. It is devoted to free thought, liberalism, labor reform, and kindred subjects. Price one dollar per year, eight cents per copy. A telegram from Paris dated Dec. 31st, an- nounced the death of M. John Anthony Galig- nani, the senior editor and proprietor of Galig- nami's Messenger, at the age of seventy-seven years... The Messenger was started in 1814 by his father, and is still conducted by his surviv. ing brother, William. * * - - : * The January number of The People's Monthly has the following: “The extensive and widely. known Pittsburgh Book House of S. A. Clarke & Co., and Mr. Joseph P. Reed, have each purchased an interest in the People's Monthly; the new partnership to date from January 1st, 1874. The style of the firm will hereafter be “People's Monthly Publishing Co.” Mr. Charles McKnight will, as heretofore, have sole charge of the Editorial, and Mr. C. McF. Reed of the Business Department. All letters intended for these respective departments should be so ad- dressed.” 48. THE AMERICAAW ROOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. The Messrs. Sharp have commenced the pub- lication of a new evening paper at Trenton, N. J., entitled Public Opinion. They also issue a haridsome eight page weekly edition, con- taining biographical sketches and portraits of distinguished people, a continued story and much other matter of interest. Thompson's Drawing Teacher is an eight page monthly paper, published at St. Louis, Mo. It is filled with instructions and engraved copies for drawing. It is the only publication of the kind in the world, and will prove a most useful one in the family or the school. It is printed on heavy paper suitable for drawing, for which blank spaces are left. Price fifteen cents per Copy. -- Milliken & Gould, Boston, have commenced the publication of The Cottage Hearth, a neatly printed “journal of home arts and home leis- ure,” of convenient quarto size, each number Stitched and trimmed, and containing thirty pages of interesting matter, including sketches, poetry, fashions, receipts, puzzles, etc., etc. Price per year, one dollar and a quarter; per single copy, twelve cents. Philadelphia has a new magazine, the Great Western Monthly. The first number, issued in January, contains several illustrations, and articles by Prof. Jerome Allen, E. M. Bartlett, E. L. Townsend, and others, and the able ad- dress on the “Necessity for Scientific Educa- tion,” delivered by Prof. Raymond at the dedi- cation of Pardee Hall, Lafayette College. The price of the magazine is thirty cents per copy or three dollars per year. Mr. Charles Hart, a practical lithographer of this city, has commenced the publication of a monthly paper devoted to Lithography and Literature. The first number, dated January, J874, is handsomely printed on tinted paper, and contains a well executed lithograph portrait of Senefelder, the inventor of the art, and much information relating to it. Accompanying this number is a handsome supplement illustration. Price 10 cents per number ; 1.50 per year. A singular account of Thomas Muir, a victim of the English sedition laws, in the time of the first French Revolution, will be published in the March number of Old and New, which will also contain a paper on “The Rights of Convicts,” beginning with the paradoxical assertion that Tweed is going to be unjustly treated. The reason is, that no effort (as it is assumed) will be made to reform him. The article is by Mr. F. B. Perkins. * > zºº. wº- Music NotEs. Julius Eichberg's new opera, The Village Doctor, has been well received by the English citics. The Metrical Tune Book, compiled by Philip Phillips, and published by A. S. Barnes & Co., is a neat volume of 156 pages, containing nearly four hundred tunes, both old and new, arranged according to metre. It is of convenient size, and is well adapted for use with any hymn book. 7 While we are looking to Europe for our musical stars, a number of American singers are winning enviable reputations abroad. White, Smith & Co. will soon issue a new Violin Method, by Julius Eichberg, the noted violinist and composer ; also the Boston Con- servatory Method for the Piano, by the same author. Of their sheet music, the Bass songs of Mr. C. A. White, l've Guthe, ed. Them, In, and The Sea King, are enjoying a high degree of popularity; Come Rise with the Lark is a well arranged quartette for mixed or male voices ; Queen of the Night is a waltz song of much merit, by Mrs. H. E. H. Carter; and Hope Beyond is a very pretty duett for tenor and bass, or soprano and alto, by Mr. White. The death of Mme. Eöphrosyne Parepa- Rosa, in London, on the night of Jan. 22d, was an event of mournful interest to the people of this country, where she had not only won ad- miration for her talents, but respect and love for her many womanly virtues. She was born in Edinburgh, in 1839. Her father was a Wallachian nobleman, Baron Georgiades de Boyesku ; her mother, a sister of Edward Sequin, the once famous basso Her early life was uneventful, and possesses little of interest to the public. She early exhibited a remark- able precocity in music, made rapid progress in her studies, and made her debut in the City of Malta, at the age of sixteen. She sang for the first time in London, in 1857, where she soon became a favorite. It remained for Amer- ica, however, to witness her greatest success, and to accord to her her full meed of fame. She arrived in this country in the autumn of 1866, as a concert singer, and although almost unknown and unheralded here, she rapidly grew in public favor. In 1867 she married Carl Rosa, with whom she organized an English Opera Company, in , which she achieved a popularity which has been attained by but few singers in this or any other country. On her return to England, she was received very cor- dially, and her death will be as sincerely regret- ted there as here. asº. Afºn- =sººr--º- INDEX TO A DVERTISEMENTS. Sheldon & Co.—Recent and Forthcoming Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d page of cover. American News Company. — Household Edition of the English Poets . . . . . . . . . . . 3d tº tº tº Porter & Coates.—New Books... . . . . . . . . .4th “ “ “ Wants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 63 P. F. Wan Everen.—Adjustable Book Covers...... “ 63 James Campbell —Bourgeois’ “Passions”....... “ 63 Western News Company.—Bartholomew's Draw- ing Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 63 William L. Allison.—Popular Books... . . . . . . . . . . “ 63 American News Co.—Peerless Ink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 64 A. K. Butt's Recent Publications.... . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 65 Claxton, Remsen & Haſfelfinger—New Books. . . . . ** 65 Presbyterian Board of Publication.—New Books... “ 65 The Independent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 67 American News Co.—Books and Stationery. . . . . “ 68 Berendsohn Bros. – Anatomical Models and Chromos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 69 New York Tribune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , “ 70 Roberts Brothers. — Recent and Forthcoming Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 72 John Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America. “ 7 THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS' GUIDE. 49 Book Announcements FOR FeeRu ARY. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Hymns of Church. New edition, with easy tunes. vo, half roan, $2.75. Hymns of Prayer and Praise. 12mo, cloth, 75c. G. W. CARLETON & Co., New York Martin Chuzzlewit. The eleventh volume of “Carleton's New Illustrated Edition ” of Charles Dick- ens's Works. - Bessie Wilmerton. A new novel, by Margaret West. cott. - Genesis Disclosed. A revelation of grave errors in the present translation of the Book of Genesis. & ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. The Gates of Praise. J. R. Macduff, D. D. Memo- rial volume of the late Dr. Candlish. willow Brook. By the author of “ Wide, Wide World.” The New Scholars. Giuseppe’s Home. Mable Hazard Thoroughfare. ** Win and Wear 22 Doors Outward. By the author of “Win and Wear.” Rockbourne. By M. E. Weir. . Maggie's Mistake. A School Girl’s Story. Little Trix. By Johanna H. Mathews, By Julia A. Mathews. By the author of CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila, An Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Second edition revised. By Henry Flanders, 12mo. COLLIN & SMALL, New York. Wild Oats Songster. By George G. Small. 144 pp., pamphlet, illuminated covers. 25c. The Long and Short of it. By “Bricktop.” Largo 12mo, 65 pp., pamphlet, illuminated covers, 25c. 12mo, CALLAGEAN & CO., Chicago, Ill. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 21. B7 O. M. Conover. With notes by Vilas & Bryant. 8vo, 800 pp., law sheep, $4.50. º Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 5. By A. D. Smith. With notes by the Hon. L. S. Dixon. 8vo, 650 pp., law sheep, $4.50. - Adams? and Durham’s Real Estate Statutes amd Dccisions of Illinois. By the Hon. J. B. Adams and W. J. Durham. 8vo, 1,600 pp., law sheep, $15. ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati, Ohie. The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Ohio, and subsequent Amendments and Supple- mentary Acts and Statutes regulating the Practice, with notes of the decisions of the Courts of Ohio. Second edi. tion, revised and enlarged. By George E. Seney. 8vo. - DODD & MEAD, New York. Gold and Dross. By Edward Garrett. , 12mo, 805 pp., uniform with other works of this author, $1.50. Comparative. History of Religions. , Vol II. By J. C. Moffatt, D. D. Professor of Church. History in Princeton Seminary. 12mo, uniform with previous. volume, $1.75. - Casey. By Hesba Stratton, author of “Bede's Chari- ty.” 16mo, black and gold. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Dear Feast of Lent. By author of “Rosary for Lent” and “Rutledge.” 16mo, 268 pp., cloth, $1.50. A Rosary for Lent. By the author of “Rutledge.” 16mo, 275 pp., $1.50. New edition. Loving Kindness. A story for children. 18mo, 150 pp., cloth, 50c. chrºian Counsels. Fenelon. 16mo,200 pp, cloth, 1.25. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Half Hours with Inscots, No. 2. Insects of the garden, by Dr. A. S. Packard. 12mo. 32 pp., paper, 25c. Half Hour Recreations. No. 10. Origin of Metal- liferous Deposits. By Prof. T. Sterry Hunt. 12mo, 48 pp., 25c. Memories of Westminster Hall. A Collection of Anecdotes and Sketches relating to its Judges, Lawyers, Great Trials, etc., with an introduction, by Edward Foss, F. R. S. 8vo, cloth, $7.00. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. Samuel Warren, D. C. 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Leather, 2 in nest, per nest...... e e is g g g º e º 'º º e º e & tº * * 2 75 { { {{ ſt tº º 'º e º e º º tº e º e º e º ſº e º dº e º 'º tº º 2 75 $$. 2 in extra DeSt. tº e e º ºs e º e º 'º e e e e & e º sº º ſº e tº ſº tº 4 50 - Checker-Men. Box Wood, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 75 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e º e º E 1 00 Chess-Men. . - Bone, German, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $7 50 to 36 00 Wood, ( & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 06 to 15 00 Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º º te e g º 'º º º 18 00 to 36 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross........ tº º º ºs e º 'º º te tº & º 'º º 15 {{ {{ assorted colors, per gross......: l 10 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per I 60 Rubber Heads, for pencils, per gross................ 2 00 Rubber Bands, 3% inch, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 and 1 00 $6 % “ § { ... . . . . . . . . $1 60 and 2 00 Portfolios. Letter stºe, per doz. .............. . . . . . . . . . $400 to 15 00 Cap, “ “. . . . . . . * * * * * e º e e º e ........ 10 00 to 24 00 Pocket-Boolºs. Sheep, per doz. ....................... . . . . . . $1 50 to 409 Calf “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e is e e º ºs e º & & e tº e º e ºs 3 00 to 8 00 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco “. .................. 5 00 to20 00 Stereoscopes. - Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., No. 38. . . . . . . . 8 00 Mahogany, t{ ( & “ 41........ 9 00 Rosewood, & & & & “ 39 ....... 12 00 Thermometers. Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425 4 & 0 { { {{ gº tº ſº tº e º 'º dº tº e º º ſº tº º ſº tº º e & tº tº º º 5 00 é & 12 ( & {{ ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 { { 12 & & {{ tº º e º sº º º ºs e º e º e º e < e < a ſº º º º 7 25 School and Counting House Rulers. Size. . . . . . . . . . . ... ....12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . $1.25 1.62 1.87 2.12 250 Counting House, per doz. $3.00 3.75 4.00 5.25 6.00 Quills. - Quills, No. 20, per hundred... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 { { 30 “ . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e e g º e º e º e º e 75 € $ y {{ ................ . . . . . . . . 1. 15 “ 50. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 “ 60, é & • - - - - - - - - e tº e º 'º & Cº º e e e e º º e 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOxES OF 25. Italian, per doz. Boxes.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Portable, ( { $6 • e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º gº tº º 3 25 Large, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 30 Office, 66. $6 e tº e º 'º gº e º 'º e º e º g º 'º dº e º ſº tº e º ſº e º $ tº 5 75 |Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25 Full, 4 & 6 º' “. . . . . . ... 22c. to 50 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 40c. to 75 46 $4 & 4 Demy, ... 60c. to 1 25 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 to 1 00 WO, { { tº e is e º ºs e º & e o e º ºs e s e e º e º ºs e º e . . 94 to 1 25 Crown, “ tº e º e º º º e e º e e º e ºs e e e º e s tº e º e º 'º e . . . 1 00 to 2 00 Demy, “ • e s e. e. e. e. e. e s e e s e e e s e s e ... . . . . . . . 2 25 to 5 00 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. 58 - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY's NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of The American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no d.s. appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th. –The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.-Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th. – We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order us not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, unless they order ws not to do so, . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th. –We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We enclose bill daily to costumers having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. |POSTAGE TO NEWS DEA LERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. PAPER COWERED NOVELS, same rates as Magazines. MAGAZINES, Two Cents for every Four Ounces. BOUND BOOKS, Two Cents for every Two Ounces. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form: & [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: - CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Enclosed find $.........................., which pass to m credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this: 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. . 10. Fireside Companion. . 5 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. sº Your truly, g- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing cr decreasing, write said order similar to this form: - [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGO, April 30, 1870. DRAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º ºs e & ... . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...................making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . gº º te e º 'º e e e is e e s e º e e º e º e s m e º e º e º 'º e º e º & © & e º 'º e . “ “ 6 3 New York Weekly........ . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º e º e º is e º e º e º 'º e º e º º e º e º 'º e º 'º & e º ºs e º e is e º e e º is $ tº e . . . . . . “ ** 13 2 Old and New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e s s e e w is a s e e s tº e º ºs e e s e e º e e º e s e º e s e e s tº e º e º s & e º º e & ſº e g tº tº . “ tº 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun.................................................---------------.... “ tº 8 Cy:T OFF- 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * g e º e º dº e º e º gº tº e º 'º º tº e º 'º ... making in all 3 8 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº e º te e º ſº tº gº tº tº e . “ tº 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. . . . . . tº tº e º te º 'º º º tº e º e º e º & e º 'º º & © & & tº . . . . . “ tº 4 Send following in first bundle— - 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. g 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. -- w 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. - Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the qriginal order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city, and the last date the change was made. - Jº- Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 59 wholesale and Retail Prices. * New Publications are printed in heavy type. changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). Trade. Ret. Price. Commercial Bulletin......... 3% Graphic (The)................ 3%. 5 N. Y. Courier des Etats Unis... 333 4 New York Evening Commer- T. cial Advertiser........... ... 2%. 3 New York Evening Express... 3% 4 (t { { ail . . . . . 1% }| 6 4. { { News ..... 34 l * Cronista ................. 17 25 Messager Franco Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Advance, The..... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 After Dinner... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% — Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I0 Almateur (Washington)....... 7 10 American Gael (The)......... 4%. 6 American Journal............ 5 * American Protectionist. ...... 7 10 American Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 American Republic .......... 3 * American Sportsman......... 7 10 American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Appleton's Journal........ - - - 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal...... 11 15 Atlantische Blaetter....... ... 4 6 Ave Maria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Banner of Light..... . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Baptist Union.... . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 Baptist Weekly........... . . . . 4 Gºmº Belles and Beaux....... 7 I0 Boston Congregationalist. .... 6 10 Boston Independent......... 6 10 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Boston Statesman...... . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Traveler.............. 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal....... 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette...... 5 7 Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% – Cabinet-Makers’ Journal . . . . . 4%. 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror. ... .......... 5 8 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4; 6 Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% b Christian Intelligencer . . . . . . . 5 *== Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother..... • . . . . . .11 20 Christian Register ........... 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5%. 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% 6 Church and State ............ 6 I0 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Weekly..... • . . . . . . . . 6 J0 Church Union............... *-* *Churchman (The)......... tº e 6% *-* Coal and Iron Record ........ 7 10 College Courant... . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Commercial ard Financial Chronicle ....... tº e º º ºs e º e º s 25 Commonwealth ..... • . . . . . . . 4 6 Country Gentleman.......... 4 6 Courier des Etats Unis........ 9 10 Criminal Zeitung .......... .. 7% 10 ID A H L Y PA P E R s. Trade. Ret. Prlee. New York Evening Post...... 4 5 { { * elegram.. 1%. 2 {{ & 4 Witness... 34 l {{ French Messenger... 3% 4 sk ( ; German Democrat... 234 3 { { Herald ... . . . . . . . . . 3%. 4 {{ Journal (German).. 2%. 3 s E 11 - w E E R L. Y. New York Express. . . . . . . . . . 3 { { Journal of Com, 5 tº e 1 New York Sun. . . . . . . . . . W E E KL Y. Critic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Danbury News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Das Neue Heim. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 *Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . 4 Der Bazar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Der Bazar (Double) . . . . . . . . . 24 Dwight's Journal of Music.... 8 Episcopalian . . . . . . . . . . * tº ſº e º e 6 Economist. . . . . . tº e º e º ºs º ºs tº . . . . 9 El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18 Elite, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Engineering and Mining Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Examiner and Chronicle . . . . . 4% Every Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Educational Gazette......'.... 7 Farm and Fireside ... . . . . . . . . 3 Favorite (The)... . . . . . . . . . 4 Financier . . . . . . . . . . © º g º tº g º $ tº I0 Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . .* * Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Paper 7 { { “ Lady’s Journal... 7 { { “ Boys and I Girls' Weekly....... 3% {{ “ Chimney Corner... 7 $6 “ Illustrite Zeitung (German). . . . . 7 { { “ Happy Homes 4% Forney’s Weekly Press. . . . . . . . 4% 2 Girls and Boys of America. ... 4% Golden Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% “ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 Harper's Weekly... . . . . . . . . ... 7% { Bazar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 7% Hearth and Home. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hebrew Leader.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 “ News.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Herald (California).... . . . . . . . 4% “ (European).... . . . . . . . 4% Here and There . . . . . . & Cº e º gº º e Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Iron Age. . . . . . g º e º e º e tº * † tº ſº tº gº 7 Irish American... . . . . & © tº e º 'º º ... 4 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish World.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : 1 Trade. Re- Price New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 { { Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 *sº { { Staats Zeitung. . . . . 2%. 3 & & F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3-10 2 { { Sun. . . . . . . 1%. 2 “ Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 4 & 4 Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 4 {{ World. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 4 New York Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 C ( Tribune . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 “ World . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Inventor's Internat'l Gazette... 3 5 Jewish Messenger............ 8 -- Jewish Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 6 Living Age ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 18 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Liberal Christian. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian).. 9 12 La Republica (Spanish)....... 7 10 Memorial Pulpit.... . . . . . . . . .12 15 Mercantile Journal........... 6% 10 Mercury (N. Y.) ......... tº º tº 8 Medical Independent........ ... 4 6 Methodist.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 I? Moniteur de la Mode........ .22 * Nachtseiten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 *- Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . § tº tº $ tº º 9 12 Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 12 Nautical Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Albion ... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Courier ...... . . . . . 4 6 New York Clipper. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Dispatch ...... . . . . 7%. 10 New York Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 New York Family Story Paper 4% — New York Home Circle. . . . . . . 4% — New York Journal (German).. 4% 6 New York Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . . . 7 gº N. Y. Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g=º New York School Journal..... 3%. 5 New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Varieties. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Weekly ......... . . 4% 6 N. Y. Weekly Budget........ 7 10 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Offord’s Pulpit...... . . . . 5 *º Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 6 &= --> People's Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng OSU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4%. 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 — { { “ Dispatch. 4 tº- Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4% 6 { { “ Age ..... 3% 5 Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . ... 6%. 10 Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Police News (Illustrated)...... 7 10 Those the prices of which have been 6o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade. Ret. Price. Pomeroy’s Democrat......... Prairie Farmer .............. Price Current................ 7 Presbyterian ...... .......... 5 Professional................. 4% Publishers' Weekly........... 7 4% 6 Railroad Gazette. . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Railroad Journal.......... . . .11 Real Estate Record........... 14 Rural New Yorker............ 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal... 7 Railway Times............... 7% Shipping and Commercial List 10 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin 7 Skandinavische Post ......... 5 Saturday Morning . . . . . . . . . . . .3% Saturday Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 4% t & Star Journal ....... 4% Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- man) Scottish American Journal.... Shoe and Leather Reporter.... 7 Scientific American . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter.14 Stockholder............ . . . . 7 Sunday Citizen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Sunday Courier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday Daily Times. ........ . 4% *Sunday Democrat........... 2% { Agriculturist (English)........ 9 Agriculturist (German).... American Antiquarian . . . . . . e e º " .28 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Amorican Booksellers’ Guide... 3 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 American Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review. 20 American Grocer (semi-month- ly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alº Historical Record . .28 American Horological Journal 12 American Illustrated Industrial Journal Almericanische (semi monthly) American Journal of Pharm- e e s e e º e º e º e º e e º 'º e - American Journal of Philately. 9 American Law Register... . . . . .4 American Miscellamy 5 American Miscellany, Back Nos.12 American Naturalist . . . . . . . . . American Odd Fellow. . . . . . ...17 American Stock Journal...... American Tales American Turfman. . . . . . . . . . . Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly, numbers). . . . . . . . . . . . Appleton's Railroad Guide....16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Architectural Magazine... . . . .38 Archives' Medical Science... .43 Arthur's Home Magazine......14 Association Monthly . . . . . . ... 7 tº º º e º e º & © e ‘º e º 'º - Atlantic Monthly........ . . . . .28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . .35 Bankrupt Relister. . . . . . . . . . .38 Beadle's Publications. Dime books. . . . . e - e. e. e. e. e. . . . . 6% { { ** 100 or over. ... 6 ( ; “ 1000 “ “ .... 5% . . . . . 6 Song books. . . . . . . . . . . - § { “ 100 or over.... 4% { { tº 1000 “ “ . . . . 4 Beautiful World. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7 e e e º º e º . . . . . . . .8% 6 W .E E R L Y-Comatiºn used. Trade. Ret. Price. Sunday Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% – Sunday Era . . . . . . . . • e º e º e º e e * Sunday German News....... . 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% – Sunday Mercury ... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 234 — Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2% – Sunday Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 – Sunday Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Sunday World... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — South (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 — Singers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 2 Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 The Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 The Scythe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Thompson's Reporter . . . . . . . . 5 7 Thompson’s Reporter, Coin ... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 To Day.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Toledo Weekly Blade...... . .. 3 5 Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 True Flag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Turſ, Field and Farm......... 7 10 Union Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Mu o N T H I. Y. Best Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Bijou–of Fashion—(semi-mo.) 4% — Blackwood's Magazine ....... 28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 60 Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Carriage Journal............. 22 25 Catholic Record............... i.7 25 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Catholic World............... 33 50 Cassell's Magazine (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Central Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 — Children's Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I5 Children's New Church Maga- azine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chronotype.................. 20 — Church Monthly............. 0 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 - Comic Monthly.............. 7 12 Comic News.......... © & © & © tº £ tº 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Bon's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Creme de la Creme........... 23 — Crofutt's Western World...... 5% lo De La Salle Monthly.......... 10 15 Demorest's Magazine......... 20 - Demorest's Young America... 7 10 | De Nordendorf's Monthly..... 4% — Dental Cosmos........... . . . .22 - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 – De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21............. 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6........ ... ... 10 15 DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances, ...to 105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 DeWitt's Ten CentSong Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) .... 5 10 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Druggists’ Circular,..... o g º e s e 9 15 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Trade. Ret. t Prºoe. Watson's Art Journal ........ 8 10 Waverley Magazine........... 11 15 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 *Weekly Demokrat .......... 4 Weekly Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Weekly Express ... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Graphic ....... 4% Weekly Herald ...... * @ & © 2 e º e 3% Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Weekly News................ 3% Weekly-New York Journal. .. 4% Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Staats Zeitung....... 3% Weekly Star.... - 2 e e s e s e s e e e e º a Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Weekly Times ........ º e º e º e ſº 3% Weekly Tribune........ • * * * * * * * * 2% Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly World ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Woman's Journal... . . . . . . . . . 4% Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Young Men of America ...... 3% Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3 Educational Monthly.......... 17 El Mundo Nuevo............. 18 Every Saturday (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family Magazine ......... ... 6 Fireside, Musical........ . . . . . 4% Floral Cabinet................ 8 Folio (musical)............... 7 Fortnightly Review........... 40 Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun.10 Frank Leslie's Chimney C or - ner (mo. p’ts)36 {{ Lady's Journal (mo. p’ts)... .30 { { Lady’s Maga- zine (mo.p’ts)27 {{ Pleasant Hºrs...10 Gas-Light Journal....... ... ... 10 Gardener’s Monthly........ º tº Godey’s Lady's Book.......... 21 Galaxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . .27 Golden Hours...... .... 18 Good Words.................. 19 Gleason's Monthly Companion 6% *Globe (The).................10 Good Things....... tº e º e º e - e. e. e. 19 Guide to Holiness............11 Gynaecological Journal Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, semi-monthly) 10 Harper's Weekly (monthly parts).... º, º 'º 4 º' ºr gº tº Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 Horticulturist...... tº e º e º - e. e. e. e. I Herald of Health............. F0 *Hall's Journal of Health.....12 Harper's Magazine....... .28 Historical Magazine.......... 55 Holbrook's U. S. Mail........ 9 Howe's Musical Monthly......25 Hub (The) . . . . . . .40 Insurance Monitor. . . . . . . . . . .28 Internal Revenue Record...... 9 Insurance Times..... . . . . . . . .22 Insurance Spectator.... . . . . . .22 & Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . .40 1 ; -: 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. sº 61 MI O N T | H LL Y-Continued, Trade. Ret. Tradc. Ret. Trade, Ret. - rice. - Price, Price Inland Monthly..............l 25 | New and Old Friends......... 6% – | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6% 10 *Industrial Monthly ......... 9. 15 New Era ....................12 20 | Sailor's Magazine. . . . . tº e º 'º & e e 10 15. Irish National Magazine. .....10 — | New Sensation (mo. p’ts). . . . . .30 — | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 * New York Medical Journal... 30 50 Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Jolly Joker . . . . . . . . . . ....; . . . 19| N. Y. Musical Gazette..... ... 6 — Science of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Journal of Applie Cheºyº #2 N. Y. Lithograph. .... 7 10|Scott's Mirror of Fashion......38 59 Franklin Institute;45 69| N. Y. Readier (parts)...... 14 – | *Scribner's Monthly.......... 28 35. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | Silliman's Journal........ . . . . 43 50 monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | North American journal of Southern Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 30 35' La mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 | Homoeopathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Star Spangled Banner........ 4% 6 #. World. . . . . . . & e < e < e e 8 10 || Nursery (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 | Student's Journal............ : little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 15 * gº Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .18 5 i.º..............:” #|Qbstetrical Journal........... §4 ... sº. º::::::::::: 19 — Lady’s Repository....... ... .27 35|Qiyer Qptic Magazine........?? : St. Paul's Magazine..........23 30 London Livncet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 30 | Old and New..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 -- ºp La America (semi-monthly)... 13 25 Overland Monthly e ‘º tº e º 'º e º tº tº e e 26 35 | Texas New Yorker & e º ºs e º e e º 'º º 17 tº-º Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 | Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35. 6% 10 |The Domestic................ 3 — Lippincott's Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 | Ornum's Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 29, 6% 10 | The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 emºs Lakeside. Monthly............ 28 Ornum's Ten CentNovels, I to 13 6%. 10 | There and Back (Guide). . . . . . 14 — Land and Meer.............. 15 25 { { { { Songs, 1 to 42 5 10 | Thompson's Descriptive List. .16 25. I.ive Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 * 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8%. 15 Trans-Continental Guide ..... 40 50 Land Owner........ ſº tº e º e º 'º º tº 7%. 10 “ 2s. Letter Writer..... 15 25 | Traveler's Official Guide.......21 49. sº Our Friend (semi-monthly). .. 2 — Tribune Extras, 1 to 6........ 2 &ºmº Mackey's Freemason ......... 22 30 { { { { to 7... . 4 — Metropolitan Magazine.......16 20 | Paper Trade Reporter. . . . . . . .] – { { “ 1 to 8. . . . . . . . 7 — Milliner and Dressmaker (Re- ºpe. Trade Journal......... 11 - | Tribune Novels..... tº e º ºs e º º º ve 7 — print) ....................37 – | Peć, Šºš, Pigeon and Poultry University Journal 16 20 Merryman’s Monthly......... 7 I0 Bulletin. . . . . . . . * * g e º 'º e º ºs e & 6 10 y J Ournal . . . . . . . . . . . Mother's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Phunny Phellow... . . . . . . . . . {% 19 || Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- “ Journal... . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 Philadelphia Photºgrapher. . .4; 39 . neering Magazine.......... 35 50 Manufacturer and Builder. ... 12 15 Fº Y. it dete. .43 50 | Vox Humans............... 6 — Medical . seniº e tº tº e # 20 º S UOUlO Ueſ Iell, Uele C I 15 Watchmaker and Jeweller....17 - g is e º 'º gº º & © & e º ſº tº º ...'....... . . . . . . . . . Watson's Musical Monthly ...15 — Musical Independent,........ 16 20 º * * * * * * * * * * 1; ; Waverley Magazine (mo pts.). 42 60. Musical World (N. Y.)........ 16 30 outry, World; :::::::. . . . . . . Whitney's Musical Guest 16 25 { - ! Monthly...... 18 25 itney's Musical Guest. . . . . . { (Cleveland). ... 9 – | Peter's Musica y Wild Oats (semi-monthly) 7 10 Munro's 10 Cent Nov. I to 232. 6%. 10 Phrenºlogical Journal........ 21 30 Wood's Magazine ... 7 10. & 4 Song Book, People's Magazine......; . . . . . 20 25 work and Wealth....... ... 3 5 from 1 to 14. 5 10 Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 5 in Farmer............. Q 12 Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 || Working Farmer............. º, fº. Yational Agriculturist and Bee Popular Science Monthly..... 35 50 Workshop........ ... • - - - - - - - - - - 30 50 Journal. . . . . . . . . e s a s e “ - e. — Practical Magazine....... ... .78 — Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10. National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | *Pulpit of the Day. .......... 6 10 | Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5. National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 19 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 Railway Monitor......... ... .33 — Young Ladies’ Journal. . . . . . . 27 -*. Nature (monthly parts, 4 Nos.)40 50 Rand & McNally Guide....... 23 — Youth's Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 — { { { { 5 “ 50 60 l Revue de la Monde...... . . . .25 35 | Zell's Magazine ... . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. E. W H E W S , E. T. C. American Church Review . . . .90 — 1 Christian Examiner.... . . . . . . 67 — I Methodist Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 75 *º- { { Journal Medical Sci- Congregational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — National Quarterly Review ...1.12 — €h CeS . . . . . . . . . . . º — Contemporary Review. . . . . . . . 62 75 | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 =- {{ Journal of Obstet- Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | New Remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50. rics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) ...62 — | North American Review......I.12%— { { Law Review........ 1.05 — Half Yearly Compendium Med- Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Baptist Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 *ms ical Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 — Princeton Review. . . . . . . . . . 80 ººm-º: Bibliotheca Sacra . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 — International Review (Bi- Rankin's Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1.50. Braithewaite's Retrospect.... 1.05 — Monthly).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Smith's Pattern Bazar. . . . . . . . 20 tº-º-º-º- British Quarterly (reprint). ...62 — | Journal Social Science ....... 1.25 — | Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 — Brittan's Journal ......... ...63 — Journal of Psychological Medi- Westminster Review . . . . . . . . . 62 — Brownson's Review.......... 1.00 — cine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 — | What to Wear (Yearly)....... 10 * Church and World........... 85 — London Quarterly. . . . . . . .....62 — Wood's Quarterly Retrospect...l.00 — F o R E M G N P E R N o L I C A L s—w E E R L. Y. Trade price, rade price Trade price, Trade price- Architect. . . . . - - - - - - - - - . 18 English Mechanic....... 10 : Lancet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pall Mall Budget........ 23 * Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! I, and and Water...... ... 20 Pall Mall Gazette (file of All the Year Round...... 8|Examiner............. .... 14 || Lloyd’s Newspaper....... 5 six dates)... . . . . . .'; ...,' 60 Athenaeum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Family Herald........... 5 | London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 Publishers' Circular (fort- Belºst News. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ... “ Reader.......... 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . tº º 14 #.::::::::::: * §. © tº e º º ſº dº ſº tº $ tº tº e º 1. #º e e º e º & e : §6ää in.......... i. s e º ºs e º e © e o e º is e e tº º & © tº & ſº tº e º 'º e º ſº e º º e e s ∈ e e e a e e º e & 4 Ul 1010 e e º 'º e e º e º 'º g É. News........... 18 㺠Chronicle.... 20 fºliº. . . . . . 10 *. º ... . . . . . . . . . . . 23. uilding News. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . 23 Cassell’s Magazine....... 5 || Gas Light Journal....... 20 *...*º ... . . 18 Reynolds' Newspaper.... 5 3.Journal ...... 7 || Glasgow Herald ......... 3|Mining journai. 20 Saturday Review.... . . . . 3. emical News. . . . . . . . . . 18 Graphic................. 20 | . . .” ‘’’’ ‘’’ ‘’’ Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian World......... 5 || Illustrated News......... 20 Musical World........... 18 Sporting Gazette. . . . . . ... 10' g g Manchester Times....... 10 & & {º Ghurch Review.......... 10 { { Police News. .. 5 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times........... 5 {& Penny. . . . . . . . 5||Nature..... . . . . .* * * * g e is e º e 49 || 5c.)................... 10 Court Journal........... 20 { { Sporting and News of the World..... . . 19 |Tablet................... 20. Dispatch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 || Dramatic News....... 20 | Notes anº.9 ſeries. . . . . . . 18|Tailor and Cutter........ 8 Economist.............. 30 Irishman ...... ë tº e º 'º º 'º º ºs 14||Nation (Dublin).... . . . . . 14 the Times (last date)..... 14. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 John Bull........ ... . . . . 20 Once a Week. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Mail (3 dates). . . . . . . 4) Engineering........ . . . . . 20 ! Judy ..... \s • * * * * * . . . . . . . . 6 Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Weekly Register (Catholic)10. Edin. Scotsman ......... 5 | La Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 “ Times. . . . . . . . . . . 5. 62 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. IF O RIE I G N P E R O D I C A L S – IWI O N T | H L Y, º Trade Price. - Thade Price. Trade Prlee. Trade Price. Art Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 | Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . . . 16 || Kind Words............. 10 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . ... 16 Art, jºin and Pic- as Pºiº University Magº, 00 Ladies' Treasury ........ 30 §: ſº Magazine. . . . . : tº * * * * * * @ e º e º e º e º º * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leis H • * * * * * * * * * * * 20 g g * c e º & º 'º e e º ºs e º 'º º *::: . . Round (part) ; Dublin Review (quar’ly).2 30 i. jºid (parts). 22 sº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 % * * @ º º ſº tº e º ſº e º 'º tº e g e l. 6 {{ Society e tº e g tº a tº e º 'º 38 Ul Il Cl8 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * #º. : ;|É.º.º. "...º.º. §§. . A º º . . . . . . . . tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 |Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 Sunday Schººl Times.... 10 unt Judy's Magazine... 20 e La Mode Illustré....... 1 00 { { { { Teacher; 7 Band of Hope Review.... 2 | Family Friend . . . . . . . . . .2% | McMillan's Magazine . . . . 38 Teacher’s Belgravia............... 38 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . . 32| Monthly Microscopical Treasury'; :. . . . . tº dº e Boy's Own Magazine..... 20 Family Herald (parts).... 20 | Journal............... 57 ||3:... . Boys of England......... 18 Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . ſº Mºrimes paris).... is jºg; Bow Bells (monthly pts.). 27 | Fraser's Magazine. . . . . . 1-00 || Musical times....... 3 Sword & Trowel(Spurgeon) 12 British Workman........ 2% Friendly Visitor; . . . . . . . .2% Milliner and Dressmaker. 35 | Temple Bar............. 38 . Yº...” tº dº & º º 2% i. *: tº ſº tº º º % Mother's Friend....... ... 3 || Tinsley's Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Baiae.......... i. . . . . . once a week (parts)..... 36 Union Review (bi-mºthly) 76 3... . .';...": ;|ºowººde..…. *|Yº: ; Chatterbox....... ...... 8 || Gardener. The ......... 20 ! Picture Gallery. . . . . . . . . . 38 Wi. d àgaZl De . . . . . ... 30 Children's Friend........2% ---, Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . . 44 || Villa Gardener . . . . . . tº e º 'º' Child’s Companion...... 2% Homilist...... .......... 30|Practitioner............. 28 || World of Fashion..... ... 35 Christian Work.......... 26 || Infant's Magazine. . . . . . .2% | Preacher's Lantern. . . . . . 20 | Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . ... 26 Treasury....... 20 Illustrated Travels....... 38 || Popular Science Review Young Ladies’ Journal... 27 Churchman’s Companion. 20 Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 75 (quarterly) tº tº º e º e º 'º º te e 1 00 * Gentleman's Maga- Contemporary Review ... 62 | Journal of Horticulture... 54 | Penny, Pulpit: . . . . . tº $ tº e º 'º 29 zine.................. 14 “Cornhill Magazine....... 38 Journal of Science (quar- Portfolio (Art)..... ë e º 'º e a 99 |Young Men of Great Bri. Cottager and Artisan....2% terly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o Quiver, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. E. R W H A N - A NI E R I C A N P U R L C A T I O N S , Weekly Tº: Ret - Trº, Ret. e rice. riſ:0. Arbeiter-Zeitung................... * & © tº º tº ....... 3% 5 || Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse............... . . . . 2% 4 #. :*::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 jºint der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung...... . . . . . 3 4 eobachter aim Hudson.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Vorwärts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Familien Blatter..... * e s e e s tº e º ºs e g º º º tº & C tº º º $ tº wº 11 15 || Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . tº º te º 'º e º ſº 5 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung................. 7 10 || Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 §reischütz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 3% - 5 || Wochenblattder N. Y. Journal................... 4 6 sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * & © tº e º 'º e º 'º º º tº ſº tº $ ſº e º ºs º ſº º tº 6 10 || Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung............ 4. 6 ºelvetia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Semi-WIon 1 Inly. Nº. Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... ; }} Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations Lexicon...17 25 New Yorker Belietristisches' journal.............. 7%. 10 peutsch-Amerik Gºwerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung 6 s TNew Yorker Handel %. Our Dal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 a 25 Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . 9 15 §§§. .....................” #|Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen verbrecherwelt. 8 12 T’ionier * * * * * * * * tº e º º tº e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º º tº º º gº e º e º e º is e tº tº e º e 7% 10 - Monthly. Roman Zeitung...................... . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Alte und Neue Welt..................... . . . . . . . .17 25 $chnedderedengg........................ . . . . . . . 7 10 || Amerikanischer Agriculturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal................. 3 4 Der Freidenker . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º e sº e e º e º ºs e º is is tº ſº e º e º e 12 20 IIW II PORTIE I D GERNIAN NIAGAZINES ANI D PERIOI DIC AI L S. Back numbers always on hand. Semni-Monthly. * Das Neue Blatt................ tº e g c te e g º e º tº . . . . .10 15 *ff Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 15 ft Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit..... ............... 6 10 ff Daheim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 I5 *ft Leipziger Gartenlaube............. e & © e º ſº tº e º e 9 15 f Ueber Land und Meer............. e tº ſº e º gº tº º ... .14 20 - 1S a Year. # Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung......... 16 25 * Der Hausfreund....................... . . . . . . . .14 25 IMIPORTED GERMAN Books PUB LisHED First number gratis to the trade. Bas Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at.... . . . . . . . . . . ... 13 25 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. Published in about 40 parts, at ........ e gº tº gº tº e de © gº e e º e º 'º e º 'º e º º 14 25 HDeutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º gº tº gº º sº e º $ tº e º e º 'º tº e º e º & 23 40 JKarl Gutzkow's Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- lished in about 80 parts, at........... • - - - - - - - - 16 25 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 First number gratis of those marked to First and last number gratls of those marked it N E w G E R ºn A N P U B L I C A T I o N s. Imported", Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at............. . . . . . .15 25 J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. 16 parts. 15 20 fºllustririe Wolkszeitung. 20 parts, at....... ... ... 10 18 f Illustrirte Welt..... tº e º 'º e º gº tº e º 'º e tº e º º ſº e º e º e º e º º is 12 20 Monthly. * t Des Lahrer Binkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 f Gewerbehalle..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 40 Gräf's praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbel- tischler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 75 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 20 f Der Welthandel.............. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20 35 IN PA. RTS, Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 *M. G.Saphir's Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . , e º e º gº º ºs e º e º 'º º & © tº e e tº $ tº e º 'º e 11 20 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º a s a e º e º e º e s e 13 25 . Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at..... * * * * * * * * * * * 14 25 Stieler's Hand-Atlas sāmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...40 60 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 15 Schiller's Werke, Illustrirte Ausgabe. 80-parts.15 25 Domestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 60 parts, at, ........ 7 10 10 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts at... 7 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 63 WANTED–By a young man, with five years' expe- rience, a position in a bookstore. The best of reference given from former employers. Address X, care $f Booksellens' GUIDE, New York. A Business Agency. Publishers and others who may desire a representative at New York City, can be accommodated on very reasonable terms, by addressing Box 11, Station C, N. Y. per day I Agents wanted . All classes $5 to $2 of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare mo- ments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & Co, Portland, Maine. DEALERs are supplied with the Adjustable Book Covers, (VAN EVEREN'S PATENT,) BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, N. Y. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.... $1 75 For Libraries or Schools (plain cover), per 1,000..... 15 00 DEALERs in all kinds of School or Sunday School supplies are using to great profit thousands of these covers, with their advertisements printed thereon, giving them to all pur- chasers of books. See Rates below. For 1,000, with Dealers’ imprint or card...... $18.00 “ 2,000, { { “ per 1,000.... 17.00 “ 5,000, { { “ per 1,000.... 15.00 Wholesale dealers ordering the Bookºovers, Perforated Library Numbers or Letters, address º g *śrs. . . P. F. WAN Evº; Care of American News Company, N. Y. 1 Vol., Cloth, pp. 201. $1.25. Postage 25c, extra, THE PASSIONS IN THEIR RELATIONS TO HEALTH AND DISEASE. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH of DR. x. Bourgeois, By HOWARD F, DAMON, A. M., M.D, NOTICES OF THE PRESS. ilt is a work which has come none too soon, and can have a circulation equally among the young and middle-aged none too wide—for it treats in a judicious way topics of || primal importance, not only to the inexperienced, but to those long in the married state.—The Commonwealth.) [Its spirit is eminently good, and its statements are worth pondering.—Boston Journal.] [Married women can read it with profit. The subject is one on which there is great need of light—Moore's Rural New Yorker.] [The author sets forth the beauties of true love—not pas- sion. He thinks marriage the only true consummation of love—the only safeguard to society and health.—Rutland Daily Globe.] [It is free from sensationalism, and is a work to be com- mended.—Lowell Daily Cowrier J [A careful examination of the book will satisfy the reflect- ing reader that the author treats this most serious and difficult topic with great professional ability, and with a clearness and propriety of diction, and a cogency of argu- ment that cannot fail to be productive of much good.— Boston Daily Globe.] [A very judicious treatment of a very delicate topic. It is full of information, deals practically with physical and social sins, shows their results upon the system, and is a powerful medical plea for virtue and social morality.— Providence Evening Press.] PUBLISHED BY JAMIES CAMIPBELL, Bostom, MIass. BARTHOLOIMEW’S D R A WING! BOOKS. T H E Western News Company, C H | C A C O, Have on hand a suma II supply of 1he old (40c.) edition of Bartholomew’s Drawinng Books, which will be sold to the Trade at One Half Off Retail Prices. Orders from dealers in places where these books are in use are respectfully solicited. POPULAR BOOKS AT SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. * Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Hans Brinker. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . 1 75 Little Pet Books. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Girls of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . gº tº º e º e s is e º e • 1 50 Robinson Crusoe. . . . . . . . . . . . º e e s is a e . . . . 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson..... & © e s is a tº e º e º is 1 50 Scottish Chiefs. . . . . . e e º 'º e º ºs e º te e º e s e º e ... 1 50 Children of the Abbey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine. . . . . . . . . . H 50 Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. . . 1 50 Romance of the Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Arabian Nights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Don Quixotte. . . . . . . . tº ſº e º º & tº tº e º e º 'º e º 'º e 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of one hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song Books, 25 kinds. Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novels, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. WM. L. ALLISON, . 128 NASSA U. S.T., N. Y. 64 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Of What Use is a Pen Without G006 nk? - C: O M I B; I IN E- O. Writing and Copying Inks. As the arts of life gradually come to perfection, and the profitable employment of time renders it more and more valuable, we have in every direction preparations and inventions for the saving of time, thought, and labor. Our fathers were not so hurried but that they could take time to dip the pen into one inkstand for Copying Ink, and when their letters were written, wipe the pen before dipping it into the Writing Fluid. We solve the problem by a combined Writing and Copying Ink. p º also, that this Ink shall flow freely and dry rapidly. It must not have sugar or gum in it, as the old-fash- ioned copying inks had, because if it had it would “set off.” The chemist and his resources are taxed to produce an ink to meet these various requirements, and we have the result in the Peerless School and COunting-House Ink, THE PEERLESS BLACK INK is blacker at first writing than most inks, while it flows more freely and dries more rapidly and yields a copy with equal certainty. THE PEERLEss WRITING AND Copyisg FLUID is a strong Copying Ink, yielding two (2) perſect copies at one impression, and one excellent copy twenty-four hours after writing, and yet possesses the remarkable i. qualities which enable it to successfully compete with the best brands of writing fluid. The Peerless Violet Ink, perfumed, flowing from the pen as water, with a tint stolen from the violet, yields a portion of its color for eight consecutive times, although it will yield only one copy at a time. This Ink coats a steel pen with a golden scale, thus preserving the pen from rusting or wearing out. We have two distinctly legible copies, taken January, 1872, from one writing done in 1869, three years ago, with the Peerless Violet Writing and Copying Ink, Copies from these inks are perſectly legible when first taken. About March 1st, these Inks, viz.: º ºr Peerless Writing and Copying Black Muk; * Peerless Writing and Copying Fluid, warranted equa Peerless Writing and Copying. Violet Imlr ; will be ready for delivery, and at prices which will make it to the interest of the trade to purchase. We have been experimuenting for the past than ce years, and, a ſter ea reful tests, sure satisfied that we are offering in lºs which justly deserve the manne, PEERLEss. IE ER II C IE T I IL S T O ET SCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE INIK. Writing Black Ink, Violet Ink. Fluid. Quarts, in doz. boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 6 tº º º is tº per dozen. . . . . . $6 00 . . . . . . $7 50 . . . . . . $6 75 In US ( * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . 4 50 . . . . . . 4 00 Halfpints, “ “ ............................................ “. . . . . . . 2 00 . . . . . . 2 50 ...... 2 25 4 oz., “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 1 25 . . . . . . 1 75 . . . . . . 1 50. Stands, 2% oz., in 3 doz. boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9eſ groS8. . . . . . 7 50 . . . . . . 9 00 . . . . . . 9 00 school and Counting-House Mucilage. Quarts, in doz. boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * g e e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º per dozen. . . . . . $10 50 Pints, { { ** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 6 00 Cones, 3 oz. “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º s ºf s as e e tº e º tº º tº e º 'º a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s is a e e “ . . . . . . 1 25 DISCO UNTS FROM ABOVE By the Box of any or either of above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 per cent. off On an order of $20, or over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ tº { { { { $100, “ . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * , s tº e º e s tº e º e s w e º 'º a tº e º # * * * * * .25 “ { { Address THE AMERICAN NEws compan't, - NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 65 * Now READY, MIATIERIALISMI. Its Ancient History, Its Recent Development, Its Influence on Society. By Dr. L. BüCHNER, - Author of “Force and Matter,” &c., &c. Translated from the Author's MS. by Prof. A. LOOS. In paper, 25c. - The Essence of Religion; OR, GOD THE REFLECTION OF MAN. MAN'S DEPENDENCE UPON NATURE, THE FIRST, LAST, AND ONLY SOURCE OF RELIGION. Translated by ALEXANDER LOOS, A.M., from the Ger- man of LUID WIG | FIE UUIELR) BACIB [. 12mo, Paper, 60c.; Cloth, $1.00. sºmsºmº The Childhood of the World. A Sill]lt A[[[Illi Of Māl ill BāTly Till{S, . By E D w A R D G Lo D D, F. R. A. s. 12mo, paper, 50c.; cloth, 75c. Extract from a letter from Prof. Max Muller to the au- thor:—“I read your book with great pleasure. I have no doubt it will do good, and hope you will continue your work. . Nothing spoils our temper so much as having to un- learn in youth, manhood, and even old age, so many things which we were taught as children. A book like yours will prepare a far better soil in the child’s mind, and I was delighted to have it to read to my children.” E. B. Tylor, F.R.S., in “Nature,” says:—“This genial little volume is a child's book as to shortness, cheapness, and simplicity of style, though the author reasonably hopes that older people will use it as a source of information not popularly accessible elsewhere, as to the life of Primitive Man and its relation to our own. Recent Publications. Christianity and Materialism Contrasted. By B. F. UNDERwood. 15c. The Influence of Christianity on Civiliza- tion. By B. F. UNDERwood, 26c. Frothingham’s “Religion of Humanity.’ With fine Steel Portrait. 12mo, Cloth. New Edition. $1.50. Address 1. KBTR sº, In, N.Y. Any Book seat post-paid on receipt of Publishers' price. NOVV READY, Notes on the Book of Exodus: FOR THE PULPIT, FAMILY, AND SABBATH-SCHOOL. By ALFRED NEWIN, D. D., LL.D., Author of “Popular Expositor of the Gospels and Acts,” “Guide to the Oracles,” “The Voice of God,” etc. SECOND EDITION. One volume, 381 pages, with Map, Tables, and Illustra- tions. Prepared with special reference to the International Series of Sabbath-school Lessons. 12mo, cloth, price $1.50. Pronounced by the Religious press generally the best commentary on Exodus for Sunday-schools and general use. It is an entirely new work, embodying the latest results of modern Biblical research. EMERSON BENNETT'S NEW NOVEL. The Outlaw’s Daughter ; or, Adventures in the South. By EMERSON BENNETT, author of “The Prairie Flower,” “The Border Rover,” “Clara Moreland,” “The Forged Will,” etc., etc., etc. With Portrait on steel, by John Sartain. 12mo, cloth extra, black and gold. $1.50. The World to Blumnae. A Novel. By WALDORF H. PHILLIPs. (Reprinted from the New York Weekly Herald.) 12mo, cloth extra, black and gold. $1.50. (LAYTON, REMSN & HAFFElſ|NG|R, Publishers, and Wholesale Jobbers in everything required by the Trade, Nos. 624, 626, and 628 Market Street, Philadelphia, TEACHERS’ AIDS IN THE STUDY OF THE International Lessons of 1874. ACROSS THE DESERT. A L | FE OF NM OS E S. By the Rev. S. M. CAMPBELL, D. D. Price $1.50. T H E H E B R E W L A W C | V E R . By the Rev. JOHN M. LOWRIE, D. D. In Two Volumes. 12mo. $2.50. COLEMAN'S Historical Text-Book and Atlas, Price $2.00. Price $1 00 Price $2 25 Jacobus on Exodus, to Chap. xix, Murphy on Exodus. With all other Columentaries. & Sent by mail on receipt of price. Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. JOHN A. BLACK, BUSINESS SUPERINTENDRNT. 66 THE AMERICAN Booksellers GUI/) E. English Classics. The Cheapest Books Ever Published SHAKSPERE, 600, Cloth, $1.25 Containing all the great Poet's Plays, 37 in number, from the Original Text, the whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 Illustra- tions, by Gilbert, Wilson, &c. BYRON. 50C, Cloth, s100 A New Edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages, 16 Illustrations by F. Gilbert. SCOTT, 25C. Cloth, 50c, A New Edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Illustrated by F. Gilbert. GOLDSMITH, 50c. - Cloth, $1.00 The Works of Oliver Goldsnaith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete Illustrated Edition. BURNS, 25c. - Cloth, 50c, This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is elaborately Illustrated, and contains the whole of the Poems, Life, and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. ARABIAN NIGHTS. 25C, Cloth, 50c. A New Translation, complete, with numerous Illustrations. MILTON, 25c, * Cloth, 50c, - Milton's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. COWPER. 25C, Cloth, 50c. Cowper's Works, New Edition, with Memoir, Portrait, and Frontispiece. WORDSWORTH, 25c. Cloth, 50c. Wordsworth's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. MOORE, 25c, Cloth, 50c. Moore's Works, New Edition, with numerous Illustrations. was. The usual Discounts given to the Trade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE., 67 The ſubty eithent, L. 8 '7' 24-. During the coming year THE INDEPENDENT will endeavor to maintain the high position which it has held for the past three years. In its literary columns it will depend upon its well-known corps of American and foreign contributors —a body of eminent authors, larger, probably, than that connected with any weekly newspaper in the world ; its departments, devoted to Art, Science, Mis- sions, Education, and Biblical Research, will be conducted, as before, by special- ists in various departments of study; its full and catholic register of clerical changes will be continued; its juvenile columns will be filled by writers whom the children regard with favor; additional efforts will be made to furnish prompt and able literary reviews; and in its editorial pages affairs of religious and gen- eral interest will be discussed by competent writers. Among the contributors to THE INDEPENDENT during 1873 may be men- tioned : Louisa M. Alcott, Jacob Abbott, - Mary Clemmer Ames, H. W. Bellows, D. D., Horace Bushnell, D. D., Leonard Bacon, D. D., C. P. Cranch, T. L. Cuyler, D. D., Lydia Maria Child, James Freeman Clark, D. D., Rose Terry Cooke, F. C. Ewer, D. D., George P. Fisher, D. D., William Lloyd Garrison, Mrs. Greenough, H. H., Gail Hamilton, T. W. Higginson, Father Hyacinthe, Gilbert Haven, New subscribers can choose from a large list of premiums. Terms, $3 per annum. copies sent free upon application. Edward E. Hale, J. J. Jarves, Charles Kingsley, James McCosh, LL.D., W. E. H. Lecky, * Ray Palmer, D. D., J. G. Piatt, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Hiram Rich, A. P. Stanley, D. D., R. H. Stoddard, Harriet Prescott Spofford, J. P. Thompson, D. D., Celia Thaxter, W. M. Taylor, D. D., J. T. Trowbridge, Henry Wilson, usan Warner, John G. Whittier. Specimen Experienced Agents wanted, to whom liberal commissions will be given. HENRY C. BOWEN, Publisher, Address P. O. BOX 2787. 3 Park Place, New York. 68 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. B00KS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOWEST RATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheap. aess, embracing - STANDARD AND MISCEILANEOUS BOOKS Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G | R. I. E. A. T. V. A R. I ET Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including - Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Erc., ETC. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. 'Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Cata- logues, sent free on application. . All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORK. 7"HE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. TL. H. º sº º - ANATOMICAL MODELS of the EYE, EAR, HEART, TRUNK, &c., &c., A.T. V.E.E. ºr Lovºv Prº-ICEs- Endorsed by all prominent College authorities. SEND FOR PRICE LIST, to BERENDSOHN Bros., 23 John Street, N. Y. Price Reduced T BIE - AMERI[AN NEWS (OMPANY., NOTICE TO DEALERS. NEW YORK. We would call the attention of the Trade to - our new improved | Would call the attention of the Trade to their Tracing Wheel, GREAT FACILITIES FOR THE with neatly turned rosewood handle, wheel and shank of steel, and nickel plated ferrule, thus ſº - combining strength with lightness and beauty. Tº Dr.V. Tº ſº º ºſºs With it patterns may be taken from the SUPPLY OF B00E lº fashion magazines and papers without injury to the original. - - - In EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. It is also very useful in cutting patterns of all sorts, either from other patterns or from the garments themselves. Indispensable to Every Family, They have constantly on hand saving its price every time it is used. A. Large Supply of all the Leading - - CHEAP, DURABLE, CONVENIENT. Publications, Retail price, 25 cents. Price to the Trade IN 411, TYLEs or BINDING reduced to $10.00 per hundred, $1.50 per L. S. NG, dozen. - - l th Address all orders to which they supply at the The American News Company. PUBLISHERS' LOWEST RATES. 70 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. T H E N E W. Tribune Building - The largest newspaper office in the world. The highest building on Manhattan Island. Front on Nassau Street, 91 feet; on Spruce Street, 100 feet; and on Frankfort Street, 29 feet. Depth of main building, 168 feet. Height of main building, nine stories—150 feet. Height of tower above foundations, 285 feet. Materials, stone, brick, and iron—the entire structure thoroughly fire-proof. To be completed, front in 1874, main building in 1875. Cost, exclusive of site, one million dollars. The New York Tribune. THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER. * Never so good as it is to-day.” The unanimous and unsolicited verdict of the hundreds of thousands of readers of THE TRIBUNE is, that the paper was never so good as at the present time. During the past year it has enlarged its field and improved its facilities in every direction, and enters upon the year 1874, which is to be one of the most important in public and political affairs, with most encourag- ing prospects. THE TRIBUNE, however, believes in deeds rather than in words, in results rather than in promises. It points to its record and its columns for the past twelve months as the best evidence of what it has done, and the most satisfactory pledge of what it will do. All the dis- tinctive features of the paper will be preserved and strengthened; the “Extras,” whose sale has reached hundreds of thousands, will be continued; the front of its new building completed; and the present admitted pre-eminence of the paper, not only maintained, but still further advanced. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. PAILY (by mail), one year, $10. SEMI-WEEKLY, one year, $3; five copies, one year, $12.50; ten copies (and one extra), one year, $25. WEEKLY, one year, $2; five copies, $7.50; ten copies, $12.50; twenty copies, $22; and thirty copies, $30. Each person procuring a club of ten or more subscribers is entitled to one extra WEEKLY, and of fifty or more to a SEMI-WEEKLY. Papers addressed separately to each member of clubs will be charged ten cents additional to the above rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH IN ADVANCE, Remittances at senders’ risk, unless in registered letter, by draft on New York, or postal money order. Address, THE TRIBUNE, New York. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 71 THE TRIBUNE EXTRAS. A LIBRARY FOR ONE DOLL AR. No. 1.-23 Illustrations—Tyndall on Light. Price 5 cents. No. 2. — Beecher's Compulsory Education : Phillips's Lost Arts; Bellows's Is there a God? Mark Twain's Sandwich Island Letters. Price 5 cents. No. 3.−40 Illustrations—Prof. Wilder’s Brain and Mind; Prof. Barker on the Spectroscope; Prof. Young on Astronomy, &c. Price 5 cents. No. 4.—Six Shakesperean Studies, by John Weiss ; Seven Art Studies ; Parton's Pilgrim Fathers ; Bret Harte's Argonauts of '49. Price 5 cents. No. 5.-12 Illustrations—Three Lectures by Prof. Louis Elsburg on Sound and Hearing, Voice aud Speech; Prof. Benj. Silliman's Deep Placer Mining in Californit; Parke Godwin on True and False Science, &c. Price 5 cents. No. 6.-Beecher's Seven Lectures for Minis- ters. Price 5 cents. - No. 7. – Beecher's concluding Lectures, &c. “Creed Statements,” by Thomas Starr King, &c. Price 5 cents. - No. 8–62 Illustrations—The Method of Crea- tion. Twelve Lectures, by Prof. Agassiz; Fos- sils found by the Yale College Expedition. Price 10 cents. No. 9.-Proctor on the Sun (illustrated), and . Lectures by Prof. Agassiz, at the Anderson School of Natural History, on Penikese Island (never before published). Price 10 cents, No. 10–10 Illustrations — Science for the Year. Proceedings and Discussions of the An- nual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Portland. Price 10 cents. - No. 11. —21 Illustrations—The Vienna Exhi- bition. Bayard Taylor's Letters. The List of American Awards. Price 5 cents. No 12.-The Evangelical Alliance. Meeting in New York. Papers, Discussions, and Pro- ceedings, complete. Thirty-two pages. Price 25 cents. No. 13. –The Farmers' War. Letters from the Western States. The Rise, Progress, and Purpose of the Farmers' Granges. Price 10cts. No. 14.—American Exploration: Prof. Agas- siz’ Six Lectures on the Amazon (delivered in New York in 1867, and now for the first time published in connected form), and Prof. F. W. Hayden's Discoveries and Adventures in Colo. rado during the season of 1873. Price 10 cents. Tribune Extras Nos. 8, 10, and 14, will be sent by mail to any address in the U. S. for 25 cents; Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive, or Nos. 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12, for 50 cents, and the entire series now published for One Dollar. - ſº Additional extra sheets containing the popular novels, “May,” by Mrs. Oliphant, “A Pair of Blue Eyes,” and “Lords and Ladies.” Each by mail, 10 cents, - Address, - THE TRIBUNE, New York, T. Bºlin all Nºian Ǻmºmºmº The attention of the trade gen- erally is called to The New York Tribune Entras, of which a full list to date is herewith given. The demand for the standard literature which the Ectras contain is steadily growing, as shown by the regular and constant increase of sales. The unrivalled cheapness of these Entras places them within reach of all classes of the reading commu- nity. Nearly all have a perma- nent character and value, which assures dealers of a constant and well-sustained sale. We offer to the trade a liberal discount on the Ehºtras in quanti- ties, whether taken in full sets or $n selected numbers. Circulars, giving full details of the contents of each eactra sheet, and bearing the dealer's imprint, will be supplied free of charge. For further information concerning these most profitable and popular pub- lications, address THE TRIBUNE, INEW YORK, NoTE.—The Proctor-Agassiz Eactra takes the number and place ºn The Tribune Fatra Series of the “Crédit Mobilier.” Eatra, and will here- after be substituted for that in the “Library for One Dollar, 'wnless otherwise ordered. 72 THE AMERICAN Booksellers GUIDE. Messrs. Roe ERT's ER or HERs wil-L PUBLISH IN FEBRUARY : 1.—THORPE REGIS. A Novel. By the author of “The Rose Gardēn” and “Unawares.” One volume, 400 pages. Price $2.00. Every reader of those very charming stories, “The Rose Garden” and “Unawares,” will want to buy “Thorpe Regis,” which is a story of English country life, and destined to have a great sale. - - 2.—RECORDS OF A SCHOOL. By A. BRONsoN ALcorr, author of “Concord Days.” One volume. Price $1.50. - Readers of Miss Alcotts “Little Men,” will remember the system of education taught by “Aunt Jo” and the “Professor” in their school. It is owing to the interest awakened by “Lit- tle Men,” which has led to the republication of Mr. Alcott's book, which has long been out of print. 8.—MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS: A New Edition, in Six Volumes, 12mo, price $9.00, or, separately, $1 50 each. - The six volumes comprise : MEMOIRS, 2 vols.; LIFE WITHOUT AND LIFE WITHIN ; ART, LITERATURE, AND THE DRAMA; WOMAN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ; AT HOME AND ABROAD - 4.—IWAN DE BIRON ; or, The Russian Court in the Middle of Last Century. A Novel. By Sir ARTHUR HELPs. One volume, 16mo, uniform with “Realmah” and “Casimir Maremma.” Price $2.00. • Mr. Helps, who is Queen Victoria's Private Secretary, has undoubtedly taken advantage of the occasion of the marriage of an English Prince to a Russian Princess, to give us a little in- sight into Russian life. - I L A T E L Y P U E L I S. H E D : PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF MARY SOMERWILLE. Second Edition. Price $2.50, - “Mary Somerville was one of the glories of her sex in every respect. . . . . . It is a privilege to praise such an ad- mirable woman—admirable in every relation of life—admirable in heart, admirable in mind.—Mr. Whipple in The Globe. SATAN. A Libretto. By CHRISTOPHER PEARSE CRANCH. Square 18mo, cloth, red edges. Price 75 cents. - - “C. T. B.” in the Daily Advertiser: “That extraordinary production, Mr. Cranch's superb poem on Satan, ... should go far to place him in the front rank of the poets of the future.” - sold by all Booksellers. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. NOW READY, IN ONE VOL., CROWN STZE, 600 PAGEs. LovräI.L.'s Gazetteer of British North America, CONTAINING Descriptions of over 6000 Cities, Towns, and Villages, and over 1500 Lakes and Rivers, IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA AND NEW FOUNDLAND. Price, in Full Cloth, - tº- - - - $2.50 {{ * Calf, º - . - tº ſ tº º 3.75 Sent free by mail, on receipt of price, by the Publisher, JOHN LOVELT., Montreal. THE AMERICAN Booksellers' GUIDE. Popular Household Edition (16mo) OF THE ENGLISH POETS. Each Illustrated with Eight Steel Engravings and Biography of the Author, Handsomely Bound in Cloth, in Gold and Colors, Gilt Edges, $1.50; Morocco Antique, $3.00; Morocco Extra, $3.50. COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS, SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS, CRABBES POETICAL WORKs, CAMPBELL'S AND COLERIDGE'S POETICAL WORKS, KIRKE WHITES POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, GOLDSMITHS POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, MONTGOMERY'S POETICAL WORKS, HERBERT'S AND HEBER'S POETICAL WORKS, BURNS, POETICAL WORKS AND LETTERS, GLEANINGS FROM THE ENGLISH POETs, WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS, BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS, MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS, POPE'S POETICAL WORKS, The Usual Discounts Given to the Thrade. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, N E W Y O F. E. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. IMIISS EDWARDSPS INEW NOVEL. SECON D EDITION NO W RIEAD Y OF IN THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH. A N O V E L. By AMELIA B. EDWARDS, Authoress of “ BARBARA'S HISTORY,” “IDEBENHAM'S VOW,” &c., &c. • 12mo. Cloth, Black and Gold, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. Mr. E. P. WHIPPLE, probably the best literary critic in America, says of this book, in the Boston Globe :- “A singularly brilliant novel. * * * * We acknowledge, somewhat guiltily, that we have wasted some valuable hours which should have been consecrated to more important books, tr. reading it from beginning to end.” The Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston, says: * * * * “Like all her previous stories, it abounds in refinement, spirit and thoughtful- ness. Miss Edwards is, in our estimation, the most sparkling and pleasing of the lady writers of light fiction. Her style is animated, fresh, and graceful, and her characters are always con- ceived and drawn with remarkable skill and firmness. * * * * A strong dramatic interest pervades the book (IN THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH), which is by no means unworthy her deservedly high reputation.” The first edition (of 2,000 copies) of this Novel was sold out THE DAY AFTER PUBLICATION, and the demand is so great that a third edition is now in course of preparation. DEALERS WILL PLEASE SEND IN THEIR ORDERS EARLY. T_1_A_TTE INTOTV7 IEET IS. THE SON OF THE ORGAN GRINDER. A Novel. By the famous Mme. SchwARTZ. Fourth thousand. 12mo. Cloth Extra, Black and Gold, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. “The very first page fascinates the reader at once. * * * * It is a compactly written, intensely interesting story, spiced with ‘legitimate' adventure, and pointing a wholesome moral that every one may digest. * * * * It is very dramatic, and highly colored, and is never dull or draggy.”—The Arcadian, New York. THE CROSS OF BERN.Y. A Novel. By Mme. DE GIRARDIN, MM. GAUTIER, SANDEAU, and MERY. An intense Novel. Cloth Extra, Black and Gold, $1.50. Paper, $1.00. “It is a successful, and even a brilliant work, and will reward perusal as well as awaken curiosity.”—The Tribune, New York. “As a story it is no less notable than it is as a collaboration, distinguished as it is by a plot of deep interest, characters drawn with masterly power, and a style of dazzling brilliancy."— Saturday Evening Gazetle, Boston. PORTER & COATES, Publishers, IEPIEHTITL-A-IDIETIE’IHI.A.-- For sale by the AMERICAN NIEWS COMPANY. º º º Sºº º $º gº ſº º:eº º G g §§ º &º C ºtºg º; º º| e. \º) *gº - - Q) Sº-2 SS Ilh Z2- d O *A lls and 12! Gº 㺠Nissau5 Rw.rsor, oes. –’ & WiNRAM, SC, Yol. vi. NEw York, AUGUST 1, 1874. No. 8. C O N T E N T S. - PAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, - - 253 || LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 266 LonDON LETTER, - - - 257 | NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 267 SPECIAL NOTICES, - - - 258 || Foreign LITERARY Notes, - 26: oBITUARY, º - - - 258 Music NoTEs, - - - - 268 school-Book PRICES AND Discounts, 259 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs, - 268 THE convenTION, - - - 259 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For AUGUST, 269 SOME NEW SCHOOL-BOOKS, - 26o JULY PUBLICATIONS, - - 27 I THE coPYRIGHT LAw, - * 262 | NEW MUSIC, - - - * 274 PROCEEDINGs of THE convention THE STATIONERY MARKET, - 276 AT PUT-IN-BAY, - - 263 | THE AMERICAN NEws company's " THE NEW PoSTAL LAW, - 266 LIST OF NEW, SRAFERS AND BUSINESS CHANGEs - - 266 PERIODICALs, - - - 278 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. . Sample copy sent on application. . The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. - A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages | of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. º Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books... . . . * * * * * THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY, 115, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY, FOR OBJECT TEACHING IN SCHOOLS AND PARLOR ENTERTAINMENTs. We are now prepared to issue the first numbers of the first series of Animals and Birds of North America; these we propose to continue, and to add to them a second Series of foreign specimens, and a third of various Animals and Birds in grotesque attitudes, never, however, violating their natural instincts. We offer these views not as pictures only, but as studies from nature. One of the great moving elements in our modern system of education is object teaching. The unerring fidelity of the stereoscope transfers the Auimals and Birds from their natural habitat to the rooms of the student and the fireside of our homes, where they cannot fail to leave a lasting impression of the form, color, habits, and locality of each specimen. An experience of more than twenty-five years as Taxidermist of the New York State Cabinet of Natural History, and in gathering our large collection of native and foreign specimens, enables us to represent the results of our own work, and to combine in every view the locality of the specimen with its appropriate rocks, woods, or water, and coloring from the originals. Back numbers and parts of sets always on hand. IEP IEe, T C TEB, S - In fine Paper Boaces of One Dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 per doz. . & & £ 6 “. . . . . --------------------------------- 33.00 per go's. In elegant Walnut cases, containing One Set of Fontrºl)ozen. . . . . . . 12.00 per set. & 4 & 4 & 6 & 4 4 & - - - - - - 36.00 per gr8. The following are a few of the gentlemen from whom we have received testimonials as regards their utility and value: H. W. BEECHER, Brooklyn. NFWTON DEXTER, Providence. D. G. EATON, Packer Collegiate Institute, GEO. W. CLINTON, Buffalo. Brooklyn. EZRA CORNELL, Cornell University, Ithaca. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., INT THE TWT TY O TE, IEC . THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY, Wholesale Dealers in all Articles which form the News Dealers', Booksellers', and Stationery Stock. WE KEEP ALWAYS ON BIAND FULL LINE OF Plliſ Hill; if NEW YORK, BSI), Hill Philălțllifl E=E O U s II: s , AS SOON AS ISSUED, AND AT PUBLISHERS LOWEST RATES. We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includin all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles .# cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, Alphabet Blºcks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c., &c. Also, a full line of School Books and School Stationery. Dealers save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to THE PITTSBURGH Book AND NEws company, No. 163 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Gwide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET. NEW YORK, August 1, 1874. The Booksellers’ Convention at Put-in-Bay has been a common topic for conversation among our booksellers during the month, and various have been the opinions and hopes respecting, its results. So many diverse in- terests are represented in the book trade, that it would be folly to expect the interested parties to wholly agree as to the work which such a convention should accomplish. But, as certain abuses in the trade affect all, more or less, the interest in the meeting was uni- versal, and those who did not attend were in full sympathy with those who did. With what was done we have as yet heard no dis- satisfaction, though there are not a few who think the convention did not go far enough. Our booksellers are all complaining of the present dullness, but ali anticipate a lively fall. School-book publishers have begun to fill their fall orders, and trade in that line promises to be excellent. Of miscellaneous books, the fall lists are not yet announced, and though the number issued during the month is comparatively small, fully as many have been issued as the state of the market will warrant, the constant mistake of the publishers being to supply more books than the trade can carry. G. W. Carleton & Co. have added Hard Tºmes to their illustrated edition of Dickens, and have published two good summer novels, So Fair yet False and The Forgiving Kiss. The first is a lively French novel, by Eugene Charette, translated by Vibeur. It has had a good run in Paris, where it bears the title Pourquoi? and is as full of plot and intrigue as can well be desired. The story is presented to the reader mostly in conversations, which are always polite and sometimes witty. The Forgiving Kiss is unique, being written to illustrate American society, by Mr. Moritz Łoth, whom, by his dedication, we take to be an Hungarian or a Moravian. The scene is laid in Cincinnati, and besides the author's opinions on all sorts of subjects, from religion and morals to politics and finance, the book seems to be devoted to the task of showing how ridiculous and troublesome a woman may make herself in her scheming to marry off her daughters to good catches. Carleton & Co. announce for this month a new English novel with the somewhat startling title, A Charming Widow) ; or, Wild as a Hawk. J. B. Ford & Co. have issued a new edition of Beecher’s Lecture Room Talks ; a second edition of Rev. T. A. Goodwin’s The Mode of Man’s Immortality ; and the report of Pro- fessor R. W. Raymond, U. S. Commissioner of Mining Statistics, on the Mining Industry of the United States. This is a large octavo volume, full of interesting information, em- bracing descriptions of the various modes of mining and of the several operations con- nected with that industry, and valuable sta- tistics carefully ascertained and compiled. The subject is exhaustively treated, and the book will be valued by all who are interested in the subject. It contains one hundred il- lustrations and maps, among the latter a handsomely colored geological map of the United States. Professor Goodwin’s book evoked much discussion when first published. It develops an interesting theory that man has always existed as a spirit, and that the story of his creation, as told in Genesis, re- lates only to the body. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued Jules Verne's two remarkable books, Meridiana and Journey to the Centre of the Earth, in one volume, under the title of Stories of Adventure. The design of the binding is new and hand- some, and it makes a volume of seven hundred pages, with sixty-eight illustrations. This house has nearly ready the new volume of the Bric-a-Brac series, which bears the title of Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. They announce a new series of brief historical works, to be called “Epochs of History,” and to be edited by Edward E. Morris. The first volume will be Frederich 254 . THE AMER}CAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Seebohm’s Era of the Protestant Revolution. It will be issued in the early fall. D. Appleton & Co. have issued, under the title of Health and Education, a volume of lectures and essays by Canon Kingsley, and a Physiology for Practical Use, edited by Dr. James Hinton. Canon Kingley’s papers are upon a variety of subjects, some relating to health, and others of a purely literary charac- ter. Of the latter, those on George Buchan- an and Vesalius, the Anatomist, are particu- larly interesting. Mr. Kingsley has a way of entertaining while he instructs; and his dic- tion, always elegant, while treating of the pro"oundest subjects, is never beyond the grasp of the ordinary reader. Dr. Hinton’s Physiology is a compilation of most valuable papers from distinguished authors, on the brain, digestion, corpulence, and kindred sub- jects. It is “practical” in that it presents the important facts of physiology in a manner that is acceptable to the general reader and without the use of technical terms. In it are embraced the most recent theories, and much good advice as to the methods of securing and retaining health. The volume is intro- duced by Professor Youmans, and appended is an abstract of Professor Ferrier’s experiments with electricity on the brains of animals. Henry Holt & Co. have published in their Leisure Hour Series, Alcestis, an anonymous romance, which richly deserves to be called an art novel. The author is evidently not only a musician of no mean talents, but an artist in a broader sense, displaying in the pages of Alcestis a knowledge of the world and of character which few novel writers possess. It is a gracefully-told story of the struggles of a musical professor, who ex- periences all sorts of trouble, and finally dies, a victim of disappointed love and ambition. The characters are well drawn, and the pictures of continental society are strong and fresh. The next volume of the Leisure Hour Series will be Edmund About’s The Wose of a Wotary. From Harper & Brothers we have some good novels; Stanley’s Coomassie and Mag- dala, and Capt. Tyson’s Arctic Adventures. The Living Link, by James De Mille, is a good story, with an admirable plot well worked up, and is calculated to sustain the interest of the reader to the end. Though not so carefully nor so conscientiously written as some of his previous works, it deserves a place among the best of the summer novels. My Mother and I, by Mrs. Craik, and The Best of Husbands, by James Payne, need no recom- mendation but the authors' names, when we say that they are in every way equal in in- rtrest to their other books. Mr. Stanley’s book gives us a most interesting account of the two campaigns against Coomassie and Abyssinia, which he accompanied as corre- spondent of the New York Herald. The author is a close observer, and his graphic descrip- tions of the strange countries and their strange. inhabitants are entertaining and valuable. Mr. Stanley is winning a reputation as a writer second only to that which he gained by finding Livingstone. The work is illustrated and furnished with maps. The name of Capt. Tyson is forever connected with the ill-fated Polaris and her unfortunate trip. and his book, though a record of facts, is so full of startling adventure that it is more exciting than the most sensational work of fiction. Another book of adventure will shortly follow, entitled The Nimrod of the Sea, by W. M. Davis. The Harpers will also issue within the next month, For Dove and Life, by Mrs. Oliphant; Sylvia's Choice, by Mrs. Craik ; Prairie and Forest, by Parker Gillmore; and Professor Cairnes' new work on Political Economy, of which the Lon- don Athenæum says : “It not only throws new light on some of the most important problems of the science, but it entirely re- casts the theory of the cost of production, and thereby clears away to a great exter:t the mists and fogs by which the doctrines of in- termational trade and international value are surrounded.” G. P. Putnam’s Sons have issued a pamphlet on Alcohol. Its Combinations, Adulterations, and Physical Effects, by Col. J. G. Dudley; and a very commonplace, but well-meant, temperance story, by Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton. Col. Dudley’s brochuré is a rehash of all the oft-repeated ar- guments in favor of teetotalism, including many which are valid and others which have been refuted by recent scientific discoveries. The most useful part of the work is that de- voted to exposing the methods employed in adulterating and manufacturing liquors. Thomas Whittaker has published three ex- cellent books for the little people: Rose, the Lavender Girl, by the writer of Cameron’s Bells; Helen May; or, Unto her Life's End, by Louisa Dorsey; and Christmas at Cedar Hill, a fresh, bright story, by Miss Lucy Helen Guernsey, who possesses the rare faculty of pleasing children. From Macmillan & Co. we have a new edition, with a new preface, of Canon Kingsley's Alton Locke, and a new revised edition of Mr. Archi- bald Maclaren’s Training in Theory and Prac. tice. This is one of the most elaborate and valuable books on the subject of muscular training ever written. * * BOSTON, August 1, 1874. Whether our publishers bave become dis- couraged, or whether they have simply de- cided to give the book reviewers a summer vacation, it is certainly a fact that the latter have had very little to do during the past four weeks, and such a condition of things being so exceptional, periods of relaxation to the reviewer, being as seldom and as uncertain as cometic visitations, the fact deserves to be recorded. As mercy to the reviewers is not at all a common attribute of the publishers, we are obliged to confess a belief that the scarcity THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 255 of new books is not attributable to any such humane feeling, but rather to the fact that publishing just now is attended with more risk than profit. As dealers throughout the country are pretty well supplied with their summer stock, the little demand for new books does not warrant any great expenditure in their production. J. R. Osgood & Co. have published a trans- lation, by George M. Towle, of five of Jules Werne's short stories in one volume, with the title of Dr. Oa, and Other Stories. They all bear unmistakable evidence of the author’s genius, and are as absurdly impossible, yet absorbingly interesting, as the other works from his pen. This is an 18mo, in the Saun- terer's Series. A cheap illustrated edition is announced for immediate publication, and also of the Tour of the World in Jºighty Days. The only other novel from Osgood is Emile Gaboreau’s La Corde au Cou, with the freely translated title Within an Inch of His Life. Although French, it is not Parisian, the scenes being mostly in rural parts, and the work hav- ing a much wider Scope than most French novels. It is a story of crinue, with a most ingenious plot and startling situations. As an illustration of the criminal laws and their execution in France, it leaves a lasting im- pression on the mind of the serious reader. This house have also issued the third volume of their 12mo edition of Robert Buchanan’s works; the second volume of Vice-President Wilson's Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in América, and a guide to The Middle States. The latter is a valuable traveler's hand-book, similar in arrangement and form to New England, published last year. It contains descriptions of cities, towns, routes, scenery and points of interest, and includes in its Scope New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and a portion of Canada and the country around the lakes. It is abundantly illustrated with maps and plans. The second volume of Mr. Wilson's work on the Slave Power is an octavo of over seven hundred pages, beginning with, the admission of Florida in 1845, and bringing the work down to the election of Mr. Lincoln in 1860. Though voluminous, the work is lucidly written, seldom dry in detail, and one of great value and importance. Though the Writer is regarded as a partisan in politics, as a historian he is impartial, treating both ac- tors and actions very fairly, and probably there is no living person better qualified for º task of writing such a history than him- Self. From Estes & Lauriat we have the second volume of Lord Campbell’s Lord Chancellors ; the first volume of Joseph Arnould's Life of Ilord Denman; the fifth volume of the same author's Lives of the Chief Justices of England; and Memories of Westminster Hall, containing reminiscences of its great trials and the noted personages who figured in them, and much other interesting matter, with an introduction . by Edward Foss. Also from the same house, a capital guide-book for those who are fortu- nate enough to be able to profit by it, by Frank E. Clark; another charming little book on 'insects, by Professor Packard; and a good English novel of domestic life, Atherstone Priory, by L. M. Comyn. Mr. Clark's guide- book is entitled Our Vacations ; Where to Go, How to Go, and How to Enjoy Them. He at- tempts to show, and succeeds, how extensive pleasure trips may be taken with very little expenditure of money—for instance, to the White Mountains for fifteen dollars, to Mon- treal and Quebec for forty-nine and one-half dollars (no odd change to be spent on whisk- boys and boot-blacks), and other trips at pro- portionate expense. The little work is charm- ingly written, and the next best thing to tak- ing one of these delightful money-saving trips *n propria persona, is to read how it can be done. * Roberts Brothers have brought out, in a handsome little 18mo, Edward E. Hall’s Story of the Waldenses Eighteen Hundred Years Ago ; and Mr. Fred. B. Perkins' Ameri- can story of Scrope, or, the Lost Liorary, which will be long remembered with pleasure by the readers of Old and New, where it appeared as a serial. It is the story of a young man's ex- perience in New York and Hartford, while in search of some lost books of his family, and additional interest is lent to the book by its numerous faithful pen-pictures of persons and localities. Among the former is Mr. Gowan's old book-store, and of the latter are several subscription-book publishers. There are also pictures of gambling rooms, drinking resorts, etc., and a great variety of contrast in charac- ters. These are all strung together by a clever plot and the necessary accompani- ments of the approved novel, which make it interesting as a work of fiction. Henry L. Shepard & Co. have published in an octavo volume a number of the papers which have been published in the “Tribune Extras,” with the title of Tribune Popular Science, The volume contains ten lectures by Proctor, seven of Agassiz's lectures at Peni- kese, Whittier's “Prayer of Agassiz,” Bayard Taylor's letter on the Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Troy, six of Brown-Sequard's lec- tures, “The Wheeler Explorations,” “The Meeting of the Academy of Science,” and others. These are all important paper, and worthy of preservation and a place in any library. D. Lothrop & Co. have issued, in the style of Myths and Heroes, a volume with the title Rnights and Sea Kings, giving an account of the famous, romantic Knights of Malta, and treating generally of chivalry, its rise, his- tory and decline. The volume is edited by S. F. Smith, D.D. Colby & Rich have pub- lished Immortelles of Love, by F. O. Barrett, and Défence of Spiritualism, a pamphlet by Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.S., of London. 256 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. PEIII ADELPHIA, August 1, 1874. Our bookmakers and booksel'ers have had very little to do during the month but to talk of the convention and lay plans for the fall. The trade is better classified here than in any other of our large cities, and, as a rule, each publisher confines himself to his own particu- lar branch to the exclusion of the others. Hence, the trade look upon the late action of the convention from different standpoints and with different degrees of interest. Our publishers of medical works, who do not care to retail at all, consider that they have always been conservative in prices and dis- counts, and, having taken no part in demoraliz- ing the trade, do not feel called upon to reform. The publishers of law-books hold nearly the same views. Our large school-book houses, do not retail and have taken little or no interest in the movement. The makers of bibles and albums sell at list prices, or at a conservative scale of discounts therefrom, and leave the re- tail prices to the retailer. Most of our sub- scription-book men claim that they make a class of books which cannot be sold profitably through the trade, and they are obliged to employ canvassers. When we come to those who deal in miscellaneous books, we find them anxious for reform, and willing to aid any movement which will enable them to get re- tail prices over their counters. The most they can now do is to boast that they never knock off more than twenty-five per cent. to a retail CuSt Omel'. The publishers have not yet made their an- nouncements for the fall, and have ventured to issue but few new books during the month. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have issued the fourth volume of the Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, edited by James Tyson, and containing the proceedings from 1871 to 1873 inclusive ; and What I did with my Fifty Millions, by Moses Adams, a humorous satire on financial theories and society in general, written in a quaint and trenchant style. The papers first appeared a few years ago in the JRichmond Whig, and attracted much notice. The frequent allusions to localities and names well-known in Virginia will make the volume more interesting to the people of that state than to outsiders. Indeed, it is marked, “For Virginians Only.” . The only novel from the Lippincotts during the month is The Honey- moon : Remembrance of a Bridal Tour through Scotland, in two volumes, by the Count de Medina Pomar, who dedicates it to his mother, the Countess of Caithness, on his nineteenth birthday. The book is certainly a remarkable one, for so young an author, but one which the ordinary novel reader will find little to his liking. It is the story of an English nobleman and his Spanish wife, who pass their blissful honeymoon in Scotland. Their occupations, which are largely literary, are followed in de- tail, and the book is not without interest. It will prove especially entertaining to those who have a taste for literary as well as loving honeymoons. In August, the Lippincotts will publish The Greek Anthology, by Lord Neaves; Prescott's History of the JReign of Philip II.; The Speeches and Addresses of Lord Lytton, which will contain a memoir of his political career and opinions; novels by Mary M. Meline and Henry Hooper; and a story of African mission life, by R. H. Nassau, entitled, Crown- ed in Palm Land. Porter & Coates have just ready a new edi- tion of Hiram Woodruff's popular manual on the Trotting Horse of America. The work has undergone a complete revision by a gentleman who is thoroughly posted in all matters per- taining to the subject, and contains nearly one hundred pages of additional information, with seven new engravings of favorite trotters. An important feature in the new matter is a register of the performances of noted horses, carefully compiled from reliable sources. They have lately added to D'Aubigne’s History of the IRéformation about one hundred and seventy-five pages of new matter relating to the time of Calvin, by the editor, M. Laird Simons. Pennsylvaniſt Illustrated is nearly ready. It is a general sketch of the state, its scenery, history, and industries; liberally illustrated by engravings from photographs and drawings by prominent artists. They will shortly add to their International series two English novels: Chaste as Ice, by Mrs. M C. Despard, and Gentianella, by Mrs. Ran- dolph. They are both highly spoken of by the English press—the first as a story of con- siderable power with striking delineations of character; the second as a capital summer book, with much yachting and English out- door life to make it fresh. This series of novels now includes some of the best in the language. They are in very pretty bindings of lead-colored muslin, with neat side and back stamps in black. The publishers have recently added to the series by putting in the new bindings, Valentine the Countess, issued several weeks ago. This is one of the very best of the works of Carl Detlef (Miss Clara Bauer), who, though still, as we are informed, a young lady, ranks among the best German novelists. This translation by M. S. is a particularly good one, not an in- accuracy of expression appearing to mar its pages. A little later in the season this house will issue The Wild Worth Land, a record of a journey through British North America, by Captain W. F. Butler, F.R.G.S., which will be liberally illustrated, and a volume on Ora- tors and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times, containing sketches of their lives and selec- tions from their speeches, by David A. Har- sha. They have also in preparation for early issue a new volume in the Sportsman's Club Series, entitled The Sportsman’s Club Among the Trappen's, by Harry Castleman. The midsummer dullness in general trade is generally accompanied by a greater or less demand for light reading, and the Messrs. Peterson always exert themselves to meet THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 257 f : 7 this demand. 'I'heir efforts this summer have met with a fair measure of success. Their latest novel is Sunshine and Shitdown, a work of much merit, by Mrs. C. J. Newby, who is rapidly gaining in popularity with American readers. During the month of August, the Petersons will publish Married Beneath Him, by James Payne, which is spoken of in the highest terms of praise by competent critics who have perused the advance sheets; and Love at First Sight, by Captain Curling, a novel of unusual power, artistically con- structed, written by a master of English, and sparkling with a freshness of plot and inci- dent that cannot fail to prove a welcome and grateful relief to readers of prose fiction. The Petersons evinced excellent judgment in securing these two novels for their list. A new edition of The Tower of London, by W. H. Ainsworth, will also be printed this month. That this is the best of Ainsworth’s many romances is now very generally acknowl- edged. - John E. Potter & Co. have lately added to their Comprehensive Family Bible “The Il- lustrated Christian Denominations of the World,” by Rev. Dr. Clement M. Butler, giving an interesting account of the Doctrines, Government and History of the principal De- nominations throughout the World, with a sketch of all important sects of ancient and modern times; and “Christ and His Kingdom in Shadows,” a series of engravings and papers by Rev. Dr. Charles P. Krauth, illustrating the events, ceremonies, etc., as set forth in the Old Testament. Potter & Co. have pur- chased the plates of Ingersoll's Life of Horace Greeley, which was brought out by the Union Publishing Company of Chicago. It has had but a limited circulation, as the publishers failed soon after its issue. It is being care- fully revised, and will be offered to the trade about September 1st. Henry C. Lea has published a series of essays, by Austin Flint, on Conservative Medi- cine and Kindred Topics. Most of them have been printed in the medical journals, but they are all well worth preserving in this permanent form. They treat of Conservative Medicine as applied to Therapeutics and to Hygiene, Medicine in the Past, Present and Future, Alimentation and Tolerance in Dis- ease, the Agency of the Mind, and the last, which is peculiarly interesting, on the Divine Design as exemplified in the Natural History of Disease. LoNDON, July 12, 1874. This is the dullest period of the whole year for books, and but very few have been an- nounced during the past four weeks. Edward Gray, the author of the “Queen’s Sailors,” etc., has written a novel giving a graphic description of New York life and manners, and his thorough knowledge of the life he depicts makes the work singularly interesting here. It is called the “Van Bock Estate.” A nota- ble new book is “The Political History of Recent Times,” by Jules Van Pract, a concise history in one volume, of the great events of the political world from the time of the Treaty of Utrecht. It has already achieved a well-merited success. “Some Time in Ireland,” a recollection, is a most entertaining work, although the auth- oress invites criticism, by occasionally giving vent to some pronounced opinions. The Messrs. Longman have issued one of the most entertaining guide-books ever published, under the title of “The Englishman’s Illus- trated Guide-Book to the United States and Canadas,” containing admirable illustrations and maps. A most lively book of travel is “A Trip to Norway in 1873,” by “Sixty-One,” in which the author rattles along in a most amusing manner, for he knew nothing what- ever of the Norwegian language. Indeed, he says that he had “little intercourse ’’ with the people, yet it is not by any means the worst work that has been written on that country. “Early Russian History,” by W. R. S. Ral- ston, consists of the text of four lectures de- livered at Oxford last year, and it is scarcely necessary to add that they are very well written, seeing that they bear Mr. Ralston's Ilal, D162. It seems as though there were to be no end to the books on Ashanti, for following the ex- amples of the other specials who went to the Gold Coast, Mr. Boyle, the Telegraph corre- spondent, has produced a work on the late cam- paign ; and although well written, in a lively manner, it has come too late, for most of its. contents are stale. A noteworthy new book is Miss Wordsworth's (the poet's sister) Jour- pal of a Tour in Scotland with her mother and Coleridge, edited by Principal Shairp. The correspondence of the poet Schiller with his sister Christophine and her husband Reinwald will, it is said, be published in the course of the present year. The first volume of a new edition of Tennyson’s works is just out. The edition will comprise ten volumes, at two shillings and sixpence each, which will be the nearest approach to a cheap edition of his works yet made. “A Few Pages from Real Life,” by C. J. Osborne, is a loose, disjointed journal of travel, dedicated by the authoress to her friends (who are the only people likely to read it). She has evidently been a great traveler, but, before she issues another book, it should be more carefully revised, unless she wishes to be thought a second Mrs. Nickleby. “Men of Faith,” by Luke H. Wiseman, M.A., is an un- pretending volume, yet it possesses the rare merit of being eminently eloquent, and con- tains the fullest biographies of “the men of faith ” (taken principally from the Book of Judges). Books on folk-lore are on the increase, the latest work of the kind being “Tales and Legends of the Tyrol,” edited by La Comtesse A. Von Gunther, and containing nearly one 258 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. hundred stories collected by her during her travels in the Tyrol. Some are humorous, while others are ghostly, but all possess a good moral and are exceedingly well edited, and taken altogether the book affords delight- ful reading. “Queen Jane,” the title of an historical tragedy by C. Warren Adams, is a subject not often chosen by the poet, dram- atist, or novelist; yet the story of her life, poetically told, cannot fail to rouse the emo- tions. Mr. Adams has received much praise for the manner in which he tells the fate of the hapless Lady Jane, and the parting be- tween the Queen and her husband Guilford cannot be read with dry eyes. Captain Brack- enburg’s “Ashanti War” is not essentially different from the other volumes on the Gold Coast, containing nearly the same matter in nearly the same style. “Prairie and Forest,” by “Ubiqué " (Mr. Parker Gillmore), is a work by a true sportsman, and one possessing a rich vein of humor. It will be found inter- esting by the general reader as well as the Sportsman. E. W. T. ——- —se-à--—- SPECIAL Notices George E. Stevens & Co., of Cincinnati, re- tain their old stand, No. 39 West Fourth st., for their offices and retail business, while their large wholesale trade is done at their commo- dious branch quarters, No. 134 Walnut st. The Trial of Rev. David Swing was first an- nounced by Jansen, McClurg & Co., at $1.00 in paper, and $1.40 in cloth, but it was found necessary to expand it considerably beyond the limits first intended, and the price was raised to $1.40 in paper, and $1.75 in cloth. The price of the Riverside edition of Ma- cauley’s works, in sixteen volumes, has been reduced from $2.25 to $2 per volume ; and the Student’s edition, in eight volumes, has been advanced from $1.75 to $2, thus making both editions uniform. - Mr. Albert Mason, New York, has in press for immediate publication, The Autobiography of Rev. Francis Mason, D.D., who died in India, March 3, 1874, at the age of seventy- four years, forty-four years of which he was a missionary of The American Baptist Mission- ary Union. It was written by himself in 1870, and will be edited and brought down to the day of his death, by Prof. W. C. Wilkinson. The volume will contain a portrait of the author, and woodcuts illustrative of life in India. In a paragraph relating to the dissolution of the firm of Mason, Baker & Pratt, in our last number, by the stupidity of the printer, we were made to refer to Mr. Alburn H. Krussa as a new partner. As the gentleman we had in mind will fail to recognize himself under such a cognomen, we hasten to say that we wrote Mr. Alburn H. Krum, and intended to say simply that he was a member of the old firm, and remained with Baker, Pratt & Co. OBITUARY. AGNES STRICKI,AND. • , Miss Agnes Strickland, the English histori- cal authoress, died in London on the 13th ul- timo, at the age of sixty-eight. She was the daughter of Thomas Strickland, of Suffolk, a man of considerable culture, and an enthusi- astic lover of historical study. He carefully superintended the education of his children, and succeeded in developing in them tastes similar to his own. They all afterwards be- came known to the world as writers. The subject of our sketch early developed a genius for poetry, and before she was twenty, pro- duced a lengthy poem under the title of Wor- cester Field; or, The Cavalier, and a story of modern Greece, entitled Demetrius, both of which were highly praised. She contributed to the periodicals, and with her sisters, Eliza- beth and Jane Margaret, by one or both of whom she was always assisted in her literary labors, wrote Illustrious British Children, The Rival Crusoes, and other historical books for children. Her first large work, produced in 1835, was The Pilgrims of Walsingham,which at- tracted much attention from the fact that the “pilgrims” were all noted historical person- ages. The first volume of Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest ap- peared in 1840, and the work was completed in 1849. From 1850 to '59 appeared Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses Connected with the Regal Succession of Great Britain, the most interesting volume of the work being that devoted to Mary Stuart, whose innocence Miss Strickland attempted to prove by evidence lately discovered in the State Paper Office. In 1862 The Bachelor Kings of England appeared. Her latest works are FIow Will it End? a novel, published in 1865; Lives of the Seven Bishops, 1866; and Lives of the Tudor Princesses, published in 1868. FRITZ IREUTER. A telegram from Berlin, on the 14th of July, announced the death of the celebrated German writer, Fritz Reuter. He was the author of a large number of poems, comedies, and nov- els, all written in the low German dialect, and very popular among the Germans, but little known among English readers. A dozen or more volumes of his works have been pub- lished here by Mr. Steiger, in the original Plattdeutsch; but we can recall to mind but one, In the Year '13, published here in English. He was born in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in 18 0; studied law at Rostock, and at the age of twenty-two went to Jena, where he joined the Burschenschaft, an association of students who made themselves very obnoxious to the government by their excesses. . Within a year he was arrested and condemned to death, but the sentence was commuted to thirty years' imprisonment. He was released, however, in 1840, and since that time has won a reputation as a writer of popular stories, second to that of no other German writer. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 259 School-Book }*Rices AND Discounts. It is a very common opinion and One frequently expressed, that school-books are too high. This opinion is often based upon a knowledge of the enormous edi- tions which some of the older books have | reached, and an entire ignorance of the means by which they have attained their popularity and of the cost and risks of publishing. Years are frequently con- sumed and thousands of dollars expended in the preparation of a book, and the publisher can by no means be certain, after he has invested his capital, that it will be a paying investment. Indeed, after the book is completed and printed, the expenses have just begun, for the best of school-books will fail to get the rec- ognition and support of the public, un- less constantly advertised and vigorously pushed. Even then the best judgment of the publisher, however familiar he may be with the demands of the public, may be at fault, and failures and their conse- quent heavy losses are not uncommon. Under the most auspicious circumstances, large sums are expended in revising and re-revising to suit the most particular and perhaps the most, capricious critics in the world, school teachers and school boards, before the book can start on a successful career, and then it is a long time before the first cost is returned to the publisher. Of course, after the book has passed this point, it pays; but this point is only reached by a course of expenditure and hard work which would discourage most men, but which, if persistently followed, would bring success to any business, even to that of the Western bookseller. The public are encouraged to believe that prices are excessive, by the frequency and readiness with which they are cut. A teacher can always get a discount from the retailer, and pupils through their teachers Publishers are not always to blame for this, for it is often done when the publishers' discounts afford to the dealer no more than a safe margin of profit. But, on the other hand, the prac- tice of the publishers of giving one-third off in exchange, is well calculated to make people believe that the retail prices are a myth, as indeed in too many cases they are, except as a basis for calculating dis- COuntS. * - Now, as so small a proportion of the consumers ever pay the retail price, and as the retail prices often serve to mislead those well-meaning persons who complain of the cost of school-books, would it not be well for the publishers to fix no retail price at all, but to leave that entirely to the retailer? The present introduction prices—which are generally one-third off, with an optional ten per cent. for handling might be adopted for wholesale prices, from which discounts to the trade might be scaled according to the size of orders. Before the organization of the Board of Trade this plan was followed and gave very general satisfaction. The retail prices were adopted as a basis for reg- ulating Introductory and Exchange rates, but those rates can just as easily be ad- justed upon trade prices. g - The making of school-books is to a large extent simply manufacturing, and a manufacturer cannot and ought not to fix the retail price at which his goods shall be sold, especially if the articles be staple and in general use. Wherever it is at- tempted, the attempt fails. It has failed in school-books, which are retailed very generally at prices below those fixed by the publishers. The adoption of such a plan as we propose will reduce the apparently excessive prices, relieve the publisher of much useless trouble and annoyance, and allow the dealer in Ala- bama and Oregon to add the extra cost of transportation, and make as large a percentage of profit as the dealer in New Jersey or Ohio, as he has a perfect right to do. We shall recur to this subject again in a future number, and in the mean time we shall be glad to have the opinion of the trade in this matter. —--—— - —--ºº-ºº------------- THE Convention. *-* The recent Convention of Book Pub- lishers, Jobbers, and Retail Dealers, held at Put-in-Bay, the proceedings of which we print elsewhere, was, in many respects the most important gathering of book men ever held in this country. Among those present were representative men in the several branches of the trade, most of whom had no definite idea of what was to be done. There was a feeling among the retailers, especially from the West, that the Eastern publishers were derelict to their best customers, the retailers, in vari- ous ways; while the publishers, on their part, thought that dictation was not like- ly to produce good results. In the pre- liminary comparison of views, it was feared that a want of harmony would render the convocation powerless for any 26o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. practical purpose. But, as the delegates met and interchanged opinions, a feeling of harmony gradually obtained, so that When the Convention assembled, a spirit promising the best results prevailed. This promise was confirmed as the ses- sions progressed; a reading of the pro- ceedings will show that good feeling was dominant throughout, and the results reached were highly encouraging of reform and a more prosperous condition, here- after, of the book business. Of course, all now depends on the active co-operation of the Trade in the new movement, and time only can determine what that co-operation will be. - ºn- SoME New School-Books, During the last decade great improvements have been made in School-books. The close competition among the publishers incited by the immense demand which our public school system sustains, compels each publisher to utilize as soon as verified, the results of all scientific and literary research, and to make their books not only as reliable, but as attract. ive as possible. Much better talent is employ- ed and much more time and money is expended than formerly in their production, and he who will carefully compare the books now made with those of a few years ago, will be surprised at the changes for the better, not only in the matter, but in their embellishment and mechan- ical execution. The business during the year has been a profitable one, not because of any increased demand for school-books, but because, under the wise rules of the Board of Trade, it has been conducted on a safe basis, and the legitimate profits have not been squandered in competitive struggles. e Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. published early in the summer a revised edition of Pro- fessor Dana’s Manual of Geology. The large contributions to palaeontology and the many geological discoveries which have been made, especially in our own country, made it neces- sary to wholly re-write the work and to con- siderably enlarge it, and it is now one of the most reliable books on the science we have. The last number of their new series of read- ers, the New Graded Series, was also completed early in the season The series consists of five numbers, carefully grº ded, all most hand- somely illustrated. They are rapidly winning a place in the schools. The Literary Reader, compiled by Mr. George Cathcart, is just pub- lished. It is suitable for advanced classes, and is intended to be used with any series. It contains about 400 pages of the best selections, and is very attractive in appearance. Professor William Swinton’s Outlines of the World’s History is nearly ready. Though designed for the use of schools and academies, it is in many respects very different from the ordinary greatly enlarged. School history, it having “special relation to the history of civilization and the progress of mankind.” Interspersed with the dry politi- cal facts and dates, are the far more interest- ing facts relating to food, dress, social cus- toms, education, and other subjects, which serve to make the pupil better acquainted with the people he is studying, and to illustrate the world’s real progress. It will be a valu- able addition to our text-books. This house will have ready for the fall a new illustrated Combination Speller, by James Shearer, in which the subject will be elaborately treated; and a volume of Military Lessons, designed for schools, colleges, and militia, by General Welcker, a graduate of West Point, and pro- fessor in the University of California. D. Appleton & Co. have just ready the third part (Perspective Series) of Krusi's Drawing Series. It consists of four books, and like the preceding parts—the Analytical Series, four books, and the Synthetical Series, six books— it is very systematic and thorough, and accom- panied by a text-book with explanatory figures. This is to be followed shortly by a Geometrical Series of four books, which will complete the work, and make it the most elaborate series of drawing-books published in the country. A. S. Barnes & Co. have recently published the first of a new series of arithmetics, by Professor William G. Peck, of Columbia Col- lege. This number or volume, which is the highest in the series, bears the name of Peck’s Complete Arithmetic, and is to be followed by First Lessons in Arithmetic and a Manual of Practical Arithmetic. Barnes & Co. have also published Monteith's Comprehensive Geogra- phy, to be followed by an elementary book, the two to form a two-book course, and Cole’s Self-Reporting Class Register, which is head- ed with tables on the scales of five and ten, by which averages can be determined without resort to the usual methods. As a means of saving time and labor, these registers will commend themselves to all teachers Barnes & Co. have nearly ready an introduction to the study of Grammar, with the title of Easy Lessons in Language, by Professor Clark, the author of the books on the diagram plan, and an Independent Youth's Speller in Script. Sheldon & Co will have ready in a few weeks Professor Olney’s Introduction to Alge- bra, designed to precede the Complete School Algebra, by the same author. The principles are presented in the simplest manner and il- lustrated by simple inductions. They have also nearly ready in text-book form Shaw’s New History of English and American Litera- ture, which has been prepared, using Shaw’s Manual as a basis, by Professor Backus, of Vassar College, and Shaw’s Specimens of American Literature and Literary Reader, In its improved form this will be an excellent reader for higher classes. Hooker's Physiology has also been revised by Professor Lewall, of the State Normal School THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 26r | of Illinois, and an edition will soon be printed from the new plates. Mr. Patterson has pre- pared two new spellers, the Common School Speller beginning with the simplest lessons in bold type for printing on the slate, and the Speller and Analyzer, for advanced classes, both of which will be published this summer. They are carefully arranged by a practical teacher, and will supply a want which most teachers have felt, of a method which reduces written lessons to a system. Each book is accompanied by an exercise book, which is ruled and numbered so as to correspond to the text book. Clark & Maynard will issue in time for the fall terms a little 16mo Junior Class History of the United States, by Professor Anderson. It includes all the important facts, in a style suitable for elementary classes. It is well illustrated by maps and engravings, and anec- dotal foot-notes are added to make the text intelligible and interesting to the pupil. Albert Mason, late a member of the firm of Mason, Baker & Pratt, has taken all the plates of that house and set up in business for him- self. He has become the publisher, by pur- chase from Kiggins, Tooker & Co., of Pier- son's Questions in Geography and of Jamie- son’s Logic and Rhetoric, and lately added to his list All the French Verbs at a Glance, and an Idiomatic Key to the French Language, both by Etienne Lambert and Alfred Sardou, two successful French teachers. In the former book the directions for the conjugations are presented in twelve simple rules, with a table of irregular verbs and a series of exercises, to illustrate their use and the sounds which are most difficult. In the Idiomatic Key, over two thousand familiar phrases are given which cannot be literally translated. It is a good school-book and also a valuble reference book in or out of the class-room. Taintor Brothers bave just published First Steps in English Grammar, a little book for beginners, by A. N. Fellows. The matter is well arranged to lead the pupil by easy steps to a knowledge of the first principles of grammar, and to make the study pleasing as well as profitable. We have also from this house a Teachers' Hand-Book of Arithmetic, by Dr. MacVicar, principal of the State Nor- mal School at Potsdam, designed to accom- pany his Apparatus for Teaching Arithmetic, which Taintor Brothers are introducing. This Apparatus consists of a number of “Example Frames,” which exhibit a great number and variety of combinations for drill in the fund- amental processes of arithmetic. It is not possible to give any description of the appa- ratus which will convey an idea of its great usefulness. The Hand-Book is intended as a Key to the Apparatus, but it contains, besides the ten thousand answers to examples pre- sented by the Apparatus, many valuable sug. gestions in regard to the method of teaching arithmetic, and about one thousand graded test examples. Both Apparatus and Hand. Book will commend themselves at a glance to every practical teacher, and a closer exam- imation will heighten the appreciation of their value. Cowperthwait & Co. have added a number of important books to their list during the year. Among them is a Key to Hagar’s Elementary Algebra, embracing answers and solutions, and intended for teachers only. This Algebra, prepared by Professor Hagar, principal of the State Normal School at Salem, Mass, was first issued last winter. The subjects are presented by means of suggestive questions, leading the pupil gradually to an understanding of the principles. The most important features of tue work are the mental exercises and the number of problems of a practical character. The publishers have in preparation an Elementary Geometry, by Professor Hagar, which will complete this series of mathematical works. They are also preparing a full University Course in Mathematics. Early in the year they added a First and Second Reader to Mon- roe's Series, which now numbers six books, carefully graded, richly illustrated, and strongly bound. They will issue early in the fall two new Spelling Books, by Professor Monroe– First Steps in Spelling, to contain about eighty pages, with cuts on each page to illustrate Sentences at the end of each lesson, and an Advanced Spelling-Book. In the spring they added to their list of Geographies Warren's Brief Course, a well arranged and handsomely made book, designed as a one-book course, and they are publishing new Map Drawing sheets, with diagrams, to accompany Apgar's Draw- ing-Book. Greene's New Analysis, lately added to their list, is Greene's Analysis with the definitions revised, the arrangement somewhat altered, and much important new matter added, to carry the pupil forward in the study of language. These changes adapt the book to the wants of higher classes. The copyright of the Old Analysis is nearly expired, but it is still largely in demand, and the copyright will be renewed. ----—------sº Mr. R. Davey, the pleasing magazine writer, is engaged upon a Memoir of Madame Thassaud, who is known in London as the founder of a celebrated exhibition of wax works. In her earlier life she was lady in waiting to the Princess Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI., and knew all the court, notables of the time, and the leading men and women of France. Mr. Davey has been supplied by her family with abundant material for his work, which will not only contain much interesting gossip con- cerning Voltaire, Miurat, and other distin- guished people, but will throw much light on the social aspects of the revolution of ’93. The new postal card will be nearly white, printed with black ink, have a narrower border, and be generally much meater in appearance than the card now in use. v 262 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. THE £oPYRIGHT J.Aw º The following is an abstract of the law of copyright, as amended at the last session of Congress, and which goes into effect at this date, August 1st : The Librarian of Congress shall have con- trol of all records, and, under the supervision of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, shall perform all the duties required by law touching copyrights. He shall give bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, and shall make an annual report to Congress, of the number and description of publications for which entries have been made during the €3.I. y Any citizen or resident of the United States, who shall be the author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book, map, chart, dram- atic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph or negative thereof; or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, and of models or designs intended to be per- fected as works of fine arts, and the executors or assigns of such persons shall, upon com- plying with these provisions, have the sole right to print, reprint, publish, complete, copy, execute, finish, and vend the same; and, in the case of a dramatic composition, to publicly perform it or cause it to be performed. Au- thors may reserve the right to dramatize or translate their own works. Copyrights shall be granted for twenty- eight years from the time of recording the title, and for a further term of fourteen years upon recording the title or description within six months before the expiration of the first term. The person securing the copyright shall, within two months from the date of re- newal, cause a copy of the record thereof to be published in one or more newspapers of the United States for four weeks. Assign- ment of a copyright may be made in writing, but such assignment shall be recorded in the office of the Librarian of Congress within sixty days, or it shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser. To secure a copyright, a person must send by mail or deliver to the Librarian of Con- gress at Washington, a printed copy of the title of the book or other article; or description of painting, statue, etc., which he desires to copy- right. Within ten days from the publication thereof, he must send by mail, or deliver to the Librarian at his office, two copies of the book or other article, or, in case of a painting, statue, model, etc., a photograph of the same. A copy of every subsequent edition, wherein any substantial changes are made, must also be sent to the Librarian. The proprietor is liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for every neglect to send by mail or deliver such copies to the Librarian. When sent by mail, the postmaster shall give a receipt therefor, when requested. The Librarian shall give a copy of the title or description under his seal, to the proprietor whenever he shall require it, and shall receive the following fees, to be paid into the treas- ury of the United States: 1. For recording the title or description, fifty cents. 2. For every copy under seal of such record actually given to the person claiming the copyright, fifty cents. 3. For recording and certifying an assignment, one dollar. 4. For every copy of an assignment, one dollar. No person shall maintain an action for in- fringement, unless he inserts upon the title- page, or the page immediately following, if it be a book ; or, if a map, engraving, statue, etc., upon some visible portion thereof, or of the substance on which it is mounted, the words: “Entered according to Act of Con- gress, in the year —, by A B, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington ; ” or, at his option, the following: “Copyright, 18—, by A. B.” Any person who shall insert such words upon any article for which he has not obtained a copyright, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Every person who, after the recording of the title of any book, shall, within the term limited, without the consent of the proprietor of the copyright in writing, signed in presence of at least two witnesses, print, publish, or import or, knowing the same to be so printed, published, or imported, shall sell or expose for sale any copy of such book, shall forfeit every copy to the proprietor, and shall pay such damages as may be recovered in a civil action. If any person shall engrave, copy, print, publish, or import said book or other article, in whole or in part, or by varying the main design with intent to evade the law, or knowing the same to be so printed, etc., shall sell or expose for sale any copy, he shall for- feit to the proprietor the plates, and every sheet copied or printed, and one dollar for every sheet found in his possession. In case of a painting or statuary, he shall forfeit ten dollars for every copy in his possession, or by him sold. Any person publicly performing a copy- righted dramatic composition without the con- sent of the proprietor, shall be liable for such damages, not less than one hundred dollars for the first, and fifty dollars for every subse- quent performance, as the court shall decide. No action shall be maintained in any case of forfeiture or penalty, unless commenced within two years after the cause has arisen. The circuit courts, and district courts hav- ing the jurisdiction of circuit courts, have power to grant injunctions to prevent the vio- lation of any rights secured by the copyright laws. No prints or labels to be used for other manufactured articles shall be entered under the copyright law; but they may be registered in the patent office upon the payment of six dollars, which shall cover the expense of furnishing a copy of the record. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 263 f'Roceedings OF THE Rook TRADE CoNVENTION, AT PUT-IN-BAY, OHIO. First Session, 3 P.M., July 21. Called to order by Mr. Isaac C. Aston, of Columbus, O. Prayer by Rev. J. W. Gunn, of Springfield, O. Opening remarks by Mr. Aston, explaining object and result of his “mission ” to the East. Read signatures obtained to an agreement to meet the book trade in convention at Put-in-Bay, July 21, 22, and 23. Chairman on motion appointed Committee on Per- manent Organization, viz.: Robert Clarke... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati. Wm. Lee.-----------------------------. Boston. T. Nicholson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, Ind. Martin Taylor. - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buffalo. Jas. C. Sturges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICnoxville. A. F. Payne.--------------------------- Dayton. Geo E. Stevens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati. Gen'l A. C. McClurg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago. On report of the Committee the following officers were elected : PRESIDENT : A. D. F. Randolph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. - WICE-LPRESIDENTS : H. H. West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin, Geo. A. earcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alabama. Geo. EI. Gibbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arkansas. A. Roman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California. W. H. Gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . Connecticut. Mr. Boughman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware. J. W. Burke. . . . . . . . . ----------. . . . . . . . Georgia. A. C. McClurg. -----------------------. Illinois. Silas Bowen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana. G. B. Grosvenor... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa. Wm. Purnell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kentucky. H. F. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kansas. Albert Eyrich. ------------------------. Louisiana. Wm. Lee. . . . . -------------------- * - - - - - Massachusetts. S. Huntington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vermont. Geo. Loring.--------------------. . . . . . . Maine. Ch. Humphrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michigan. D. D. Merrill.-----------------. . . . . . . . . Minnesota. H. C. Clark. --------------------------. Mississippi. W. D. Baker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . Missouri. W. S. Appleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. R. Wilbur -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nebraska. E. C. Eastuman ------------------- - - - - - N. Hampshire. T. C. Aston ---------------------------- io. J. H. Gill -------------------------. . . . . Oregon. - A. J. Holman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania. Jas. C. Sturges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tennessee. J. R. Randolph. -----------. . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia. W. W. Gamble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas. J. D. Stanton ... -----------. . . . . . . . . . . . West Virginia. Geo. W. McGinness ............ . . . . . . . New Jersey. Mr. Cushing. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maryland. Mr. Ballantine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dist. of Col’bia. Mr. Williams - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . North Carolina. R. L. Bryan. --------------------------. South Carolina. Mr. Tibbetts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhode Island. J. W. Dwyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utah. Mr. Richards... ----------------------.. Colorado. SECRETARIES: Jno. H. Thomas; D. Lothrop; M. Monachesi; H. Challen; Jas. B. Weaver; Geo. E. Ste- WellS. TREASURER: Timothy Nicholson. Address by the President, A. D. F. Randolph, advert. ing at Some length to the importance of the Convention. He showed to what a condition the book trade had been reduced, that, to eke out a living, everything had been introduced to the book store. He enjoined a change and urged a harmony of co-operation to sell books only at a profit, thus to redeem the trade from its depression. | Approving the objects of the convention, he prophesied ultimate good from its work. Mr. Geo. B. Brown, of Toledo, followed in an address of welcome to the delegates to Put-in-Bay, giving some historic memories of the spot and congratulating all upon the happy auspices under which they assembled. This address was in excellent taste, and was responded to by the President on behalf of the delegates present. Moved by Mr. William Lee, of Boston, that a com- mittee of thirty members be appointed by the Chair to consider upon the affairs of the trade and to report to this Convention. Moved that a Committee of three members be ap- pointed by chair to act as a Committee of Finance. Moved by Mr. Clarke, of Cincinnati, that a Committee on Enrollment, of four members, be appointed by Chair. All adopted, and the several committees were an- nounced as follows: - COMMITTEE ON AFFAIRS. Wm. Lee ------------------------------ Boston. Robert Clarke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati. A. F. Payne --------------------------. Dayton. Geo. E. Stevens. ----------------------- Cincinnati. Geo. B. Brown. ----------...-----------. Toledo. B. H. Ticknor. ---------------------- . . . Iłoston. - Geo. Remsen.-------------------------- Philadelphia. A. C. Barnes.------------------------- New York. W. S. Appleton. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York. Jno. H. Thomas. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dayton. | A. J. Holman. -----------------. . . . . . . . IPhiladelphia. | Timothy Nicholson.........-----------. Richmond, Ind. H. N. Thissele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. Thos. W. Deland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. Chas. Humphrey----------------------. Adrian. Mich. W. D. Baker. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Louis. A. C. McClurg-----------------. . . . . . . . Chicago. Geo. H. Smith.------------------------. Detrot. J. C. Sturges.-------------------------. Knoxville. Thos. Andrews, jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland. W. H. Watson. . . . . . . . . . . " - - - - - - - * * * * * - Aurora, Ill. D. Lothrop----------------------------- Boston. J. H. Reed. . . . . . . . . . . -----------------. Mansfield. Martin Taylor. ------------------------ Buffalo. C. S. Bragg. . . . . . . . . . . . . --------------- Cincinnati. A. Eyrich. ---------------------------- New Orleans. Isaac E. Sheldon. . . . . . . ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - New York. Hiram Hadley. ------------------------ Chicago. A. Setleiff. ----------------. . . . . . . . . . . . Nashville. Jos. G. Knight... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troy, N. Y. A. D. F. Randolph. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - as “s - - - New York. Isaac C. Aston being afterwards added. FINANCE COMMITTEE : - Stephen Brooks, B. H. Tickuor. ENRO LLMENT COMMITTEE : L. C. Duff. Chas. Anthony, J. P. Martin, Thos. D. EIubbard. Adjourned to meet at 10 A.M., 22d. Second Session, July 22. Met at 10 A.M. and adjourned to 3 P.M., to assist report of Committee on Affairs, whose deliberations were pro- longed and earnest, but in good spirit. T. Nicholson, Third Session. Met at 3 P.M. Report of Finance Committee read by Mr. Ticknor. Voluntary subscriptions obtained to about $400. More asked for, that a fund be created for future llSC. Report of committee of thirty, through a sub-committee of five, was then read by Mr. Sheldon, after some remarks regarding the difficulties of obtaining uniformity of views and opinions. The report, as such, was adopted unanimously, and is as follows: - .264 G UIDE. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ Whereas, The retail booksellers of this country are a most important element of civilization, second only to the church and school-house, and no village or town can be thoroughly prosperous which does not contain at least one good book-store, where the best literature of this country is attractively displayed; and, Whereas, The late controversies and distractions ex- isting in the book trade, and the custom, which has grown ºp on the part of the publishers and larger city dealers, of selling books to private customers at very nearly the same rate at which the local booksellers can purchase them, has rendered it impossible for the local dealer to successfully invest his capital in a stock of books to meet the wants of his own section; and if this evil is not checked, at no distant day the whole business of selling books must fall into the hands of large city dealers or péddlers, greatly to the detriment of local communities; therefore, w Ičesolved, That the discounts which have heretofore been allowed to ministers, teachers, and libraries, on the ground that they are common workers with us in the distribution of knowledge, be as follows, namely: that discount not exceeding twenty per cent. in miscel- ers the largest possible discount. laneous and school-books may be allowed by publishers, jobbers, and retails to professional men and teachers, and on goods sold in quantities to libraries and large buyers outside the trade. Resolved further, That we deem it right, and for the best interests of book-buyers, to make the purchase of and to sustain the local booksellers that the business of the local dealers may be developed for the common good. Jºesolved, That publishers be requested to send, as far 8,8 Pº. editorial copies through a local bookseller, and the bookseller exercise due care in the prompt de- livery of the books and in the transmission of notices to the publishers. The business of selling books, at best, is not among the profitable kind of literary enterprises, and yields but a fair living, and requires unusual intelligence to suc- cessfully prosecute it. Resolved, That in view of the insufficiency of the pre- sent system of trade, and also of commercial travelers, to meet the wants of the trade in lieu thereof, this Con- vention apppoint a committee with power to establish and conduct a semi-annual book trade, sale or fair, at which publishers shall offer their books during the period of the sale at special terms to the trade. The next resolution recommended the project of Mr. IE. Steiger to catalogue and classify books. The next makes the Publisher's Weekly the official organ of the association and the medium of first an- nouncement of books. The last resolution provides for the appointment of a new committee on permanent organization, to report Thursday morning. The resolutions were considered seriation. The first elicited much discussion. Mr. Thomas D. Eſubbard, of Columbus, objected to the rate of discount indicated, and submitted to the Convention a substitute, but pre- mised by remarks criticising the make-up of the com- mittee, composed as it is of one-third book retailers and two-thirds jobbers and publishers. The substitute pro- posed that discounts to libraries, etc., shall not exceed 10 per cent., and on law and medical books, and 5 per cent. to any not in the trade—this to take effect when all booksellers doing a business of $10,000 per year should bave signed an agreement to this; and to enforce the oontract, publishers were to agree not to sell their books to dealers violating the agreement. All bills to be con- sidered retail bills which are not sold to legitimate booksellers. The contract not to affect purely subscrip- tion books. * The president of the Committee of Five, Mr. Sheldon, explained the reasons why the twenty per cent. was adopted. Mr. Nicholson, of Richmond, Ind., responded, in- dorsing, as a retailer, the action of the committee, and called upon Mr. Hubbard to withdraw his propositions, He did so, but not until Mr. Watson, of Illinois, had called for the previous question, but gave way to re- quests to keep questions open for debate. - Mr. Challen, of Philadelphia, dissented from the com mittee's action as eitherwise or just, and offered as a sub- stitute a resolution denying the discount altogether to parties outside of the trade. Mr. Deyo, of Ohio, thought it well to accept some such resolve. Mr. Aston, while defending the action of the commit- tee, said that the retailers would now claim from publish- If the present price of books was to be maintained, then the retailers must in- sist upon outside margins. Mr. Sheldon adverted to the reason why books could not be reduced, and assumed that they were not too high, and that the retailers did wrong in encouraging the idea that books were too high. Mr. Taylor, of Buffalo, thought that prices were not too high. He assented heartily to the action of the committee. Mr. Bowker, of New York, believed the action taken to be wise and practical, The platform adopted at Cincinnati was theoretical instead of practical. The work now achieved was a success as far as what is practicable seemed possible. Mr. Gunn, of Ohio, also regarded the committee's action as wise and well calculated to benefit the trade. Mr. Hubbard questioned the policy of publishing the proceedings, and asked that the convention request the reporters not to report the clause concerning discounts to outsiders. Mr. Sheldon expressed pleasure at the general tone of remarks, and suggested that the vote on the resolution be unanimous. As to publishing the resolution, he thought publication the only proper course to assure the public and dealers that there now is a definite margin to certain outside parties. He hoped the reporters would keep back nothing. The question being demanded, a vote was taken by count, with the result: 112 ayes; 2 nays. [These two nays voted nay, being opposed to any dis- count whatever, outside of the trade.] The resolution was announced by the president as “passed” and “the millenium is approaching.” The second resolve was adopted unanimously. The third resolve was adopted by a unanimous vote. The fourth resolution was also adopted unanimously. The fifth, sixth and seventh were likewise adopted. Mr. Grosvenor, of Iowa, offered the following: Resolved. That the publishers of subscription books É requested to give the agency for their books to some regular dealer in the section to be canvassed. - A resolution offered by Mr. Gill, of Boston, in re- gard to the price of books not being too high, was re- ferred to the Committee on Affairs. The resolution by Mr. Grosvenor was also referred to the same committee. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 265 Ey Mr. West, of Milwaukee : Itesolved, That it is the sense of this Convention that it is desirable that all pub- lishers should make a retail price to their publications, and make their discount to the trade from such price. It was proposed to refer it to the Committee of Af. fairs, but this reference was opposed by Messrs. Taylor, Hadley, and West ; and the resolution being put to the vote, elicited pro and con remarks. Mr. Stevens, of Cincinnati, opposed the resolve as unjust to a house which had already reduced its rates and put out its catalogue. - Mr. Bragg, of Cincinnati, representing Messrs. Wil- son, Hinkle & Co.—the house referred to—thought it would place the house in a very awkward position by compelling it to restore its old rates, and hoped the re- solution would not be pressed to a vote. Mr. West insisted on the propriety of the resolution as a simple and safe mode of computing the discounts. Messrs. Sheldon, Holman, Taylor, Aston, Barnes, and Brown canvassed matters, and Mr. West, seeing that it was regarded as a reflection on the Cincinnati house, withdrew the resolution amid hearty cheers. The chairman then announced the COMMITTEE ON PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. A. C. McClurg.-----------------------. Illinois. Isaac C. Aston ------------...----------- Ohio. John H. Thomas . . . . . -----. -- - - - - - - - - - Ohio. Thomas W. De Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mississippi. George E. Stevens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio. George H. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michigan. Joseph Knight -----------------------. Troy, N. Y. J. J. Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . •- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York. W. N. Thissell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania. Timothy Nicholson . . . . . . . . . . . • * = E * * * * * * Indiana. W. P. Baker ... ----------------- - - - - - - Missouri. A. C. Barnes -------------------------- New York. Adjourned. I'owrth Session, July 23. Met at half-past 9 A.M. Letters from leading publishers and dealers were read, covering matters pertaining to the trade, suggesting remedies for existing evils, and proposing modes of action. Mr. Christern, of New York, was especially pointed in indicating abuses, and asked earnestly for action looking to reform. Mr. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington), of Boston, gave Some characteristic views of the situation, and sug- gested that the Convention should have a good time. Mr. Cazeneau, of London, contributed a valuable ex- postion of the English-American book business, giving its modus operamdi, its rates of discounts, etc., etc. He also exposed the sad state of disorganization of the book trade in Great Britain. The secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Publica- tion asserted the necessity for reform, and hoped for it through the Convention. A. H. Butler & Co., Henry Holt & Co.; Berry, of Nashville; Scribner, Armstrong & Co., Harper Bros., Appleton & Co., American Tract Society, Carleton & Co., Mason, Phillips & Crew, of Atlanta, Ga., all ln- dorsed the movement, and expressed hearty wishes for its success. cordial. Two letters were offered by Mr. Gunn, exposing teachers who, obtaining books for examination, went and sold them. These letters were referred to Mr. That from Harper Bros. was especially Sheldon, to be laid before the Publishers' Board of Trade. •. The Committee on Organization reported a Constitu- tion for the AMERICAN BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION, the objects of which shall be the promotion of the interests of the Book Trade in the United States, and the im- provement of its methods of doing business.” It was proposed by Mr. Sheldon to strike out the Word Trade in the name of the Association, and a vote being had on his motion, resulted in: Ayes, 23 ; nays, 48. Mr. Sheldon also objected to the clause relating to Committee on Assemblies, and moved its excision, as somewhat conflicting with a previous resolution naming a committee to organize the Trade Fairs. The agent of the New York Methodist Book concern, Rev. Dr. Nelson, gave in his hearty adhesion to the work, and he adverted with some severity to the Ishmaelites of the trade, who went around the country selling Sunday-school libraries at one-half off. His re- marks were well received. Mr. Sheldon renewed his motion for a change in the clause constituting the Committee on Assemblies, so as to make it conform to the action of yesterday, appoint- ing a special committee on the Fair. His motion pre- vailed by a large vote. Mr. Sheldon then moved the adoption of the Report of the Committee on Organization as a whole, and the motion was almost unanimously adopted. There was some discrepancy of views regarding the duties of the Committee on Fairs, and, on the motion of Mr. Baker, of New York, it was resolved that the re- solve of yesterday, making that committee be made a part of the by-laws of the Permanent Organization. This prevailed by a unanimous vote. The President then named the Committee on Trade Sales or Fairs, as follows: W. H. Appleton, Isaac Sheldon, A. C. Barnes, J. B. Lippincott, William Lee, A. C. McClurg, Martin Taylor. The appointment of officers of the Permanent Organiza- tion for the ensuing year was then announced from the committee, amid cheers; but it was found to be in- formal, as the constitution required a formal vote for these officers. To obviate this, it was moved and seconded, that the officers named from the committee be . adopted viva voce, and the Convention gave a unani- mous vote amid great cheers. The officers are as follows: For President—A. D. F. Randolph, New York; Wice- Presidents—Isaac C. Aston, Columbus, Ohio; Martin Taylor, Buffalo, New York; H. H. West, Milwaukie, Wis.; Treasurer–Timothy Nicholson ; Cor. Secretary— James G. Baker; Ibec. Secretary—John H. Thomas. Letter was read from proprietors of Put-in-Bay House, extending hospitalities for next Convention. Referred to Committee on Assemblies. A resolve offered by Mr. Smith, that the Executive Committee be empowered to obtain signatures to the constitution. * This constitution, as amended, we will give in our next issue. 266 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Mr. Brown offered a resolve, that Sept. 1st be the day on which to enforce the 20 per cent clause of the con- stitution. have engagements out which would make it im- possible to comply. The discussion which followed re- sulted in the Convention understanding that its action was not to override or set aside the action of the This called out the school-book men, who American Book Trade Association in the conduct of its affairs—Mr. Barnes assuming that this latter associa- tion would harmonize its action with that of the present e º | have sold their book and news business to J. H. Middleton. - Mr. Brown offered a resolve, that the members of the organization. Mr. Brown's resolve was adopted. American Book Trade Union be admitted to member- ship in this organization, for the present year, upon payment of one dollar. Adopted. Various minor resolves were adopted. Vote of thanks was given Mr. Aston for his good work in call- ing the convention, which elicited some pleasant re- marks. Votes of thanks were also given to Mr. Ran- dolph, to the reporters, to the proprietors of Put-in-Bay House, etc., etc. Mr. Randolph addressed the Convention, congratulat- ing its members on its work. On motion of Mr. Sheldon, all unfinished business was referred to the appropriate committees. Adjourned. --—- - - -º º- - THE New Postal }_Aw. The following are the provisions of the Appropriation Act passed at the last session of Congress, which affect the rates and pay- ment of postage: . On and after the 1st day of January, 1875, 2 cents per pound and fraction thereof; on those issued less frequently, 3 cents per pound and fraction thereof. Rusiness £HANGEs. Mr. E. Faxon, news dealer at Hudson, N.Y is succeeded by Mr. T. H. Sargent. - At Bridgeport, Conn., William Finnemore, news dealer, is succeeded by Charles Rawlings. Lon McWilliams is the successor of Roselle McWilliams in the news business, at Corinth, Miss. L D. Middleton & Co., of Ligonier, Ind., • 3 Mr Paul M. Green has succeeded Hamilton & Green in the stationery and news business at Milton, Wisconsin. Mr. J. R. Smith has purchased the book, news, and stationery business of Mr. J. B. Fer- guson, South Adams, Mass. - The firm of Cook & Roth, wholesale station- ers, Philadelphia, is dissolved. Mr. John B. Roth continues the business. Mr. Steeley has retired from the firm of Crane & Steeley, Covington, In , and the business is continued in the name of W. Crane. g * The firm of Fullam, Safford & Chadwick, dealers in stationery and notions at Burling- ton, Vt., has been dissolved, and the business is continued by Safford, Chadwick & Co. Walker, Evans & Coggswell, stationers, of Charleston, S. C., have dissolved partnership, and the business is continued under the old style by Messrs. Coggswell & Walker. The partnership of S. Silliman & Co., of Chester, Conn., manufacturers of wood ink- stands, sand-boxes, etc., was recently dissolved by the death of Mr. Samuel Silliman, the se- , nior partner. The business is continued under the postage on newspapers and periodicals sent to subscribers or news-agents shall be as follows: On those issued weekly or oftener, Publications so mailed on and after the 1st day of January, 1875, shall be weighed in bulk, at the office of mailing, and the postage prepaid thereon by a special stamp affixed to such matter, or to the sack containing it, or upon a memorandum, or otherwise, as the Postmaster-General may provide. Newspapers, one copy to each actual sub- scriber within the county where the paper is printed in whole or in part, and published, shall go free; but they shall not be delivered at letter-carrier offices, or distributed by car- riers, unless postage is paid thereon, as be- fore. This section went into effect July 1, 1874. <> All mailable matter of the third class (which includes books, pamphlets, manuscripts, sheet music, proof-sheets, etc.), is limited in weight to four pounds for each package, and the postage is one cent for each two ounces and fraction thereof. This section, also, went in- to effect July 1, 1874. the same firm-name by the surviving partners. – sº - sº- -ºr - sº- JLiteFARY AND TRADE JTEMs. The Nose of a Wotary is just published in Holt's Leisure Hour Series. Mill’s posthumous essays will be published by Henry Holt & Co., in the fall. Alexander Dumas has dramatized the Wal- worth tragedy, and calls the play Um Parrī- cºde. - Mr. George Henry Felt's work on the Kabal- lah of the Egyptians and the Greek Canon of Proportion will be published by Mr. Bouton. The third volume of the Bric-a-Brac Series will be made up from George Sand’s Impres- Sioms and Recollection 8, Merimee's Letters to an Incognita, and Lamartine’s Twenty-five Years of my Life. - The stationers are still complaining of the underselling by large jobbing houses, and are agitating the question of a Stationers’ Board of Trade. Mr. Charles Blanc has written a letter of thanks to Mrs. Doggett for her excellent trans- lation from his Grammar of the Art of Design, and expresses the hope that she will complete the work. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 267 Baker, Voorhies & Co. have published The United States Bankrupt Law, with all the amendments, including the Act of June 22d last. - - Edward King's book on The Great South is to be published by the American Publishing Company of Hartford. It will also be pub- lished in England by subscription. Madame Schwartz's new book, Elvira, Lady Castleton, is being translated, and will soon be published here. It is a novel, illustrating the peculiar Swedish laws of divorce. The last annual report of the Mercantile Library Association shows that the library contains, exclusive of pamphlets, 147,578 vol- umes, an increase during the year of 4,304. Macmillan & Co. announce a cheaper edi- tion of Charlotte M. Yonge's Life of John Coleridge Pattersom, and The Letters and Recol- lections of Mendelssohn, by Ferdinand Miller. In the bookbinderies of Lo,...don, a first-class finisher can earn eleven dollars per week, a forwarder nine dollars and eighly cents, and a good folder three dollars and eighty cents. Rev. J. G. Wood, the author of those pleas- ing books, Insects at Home and Homes Without Blands, has written a new book entitled In- sects Abroad, which will deal with their habits and uses in the economy of nature. A writer in the London Spectator, on Ameri- can humor in general and Josh Billings in particular, concludes that he “is a keen, Clever reporter or minister, who has taken, for unintelligible reasons, to tumbling before the world.” Mr. Shaw will think this quite as funny as his best jokes. Osgood & Co. have in preparation for early issue a book on The Indian Question, by Mr Francis A. Walker, late United States Com- missioner of Indian Affairs. The book is awaited with considerable interest, as, it is expected to throw much light on the transac. tions of the government and the present state of our Indian affairs. Bosworth, Chase & Hall, of Cincinnati, announce for early publication, Analysis of the New Testament, with questions and illus- trations, designed for the use of bible classes. It is written by Professor Milligan, of the Kentucky University. The same firm also announce the first volume of a New Testament Commentary. The work will be completed in eleven volumes. The first covers Matthew and Mark, and is written by Professor J. W. McGarvey. NewsPAPE RS AND PERIODICALs St. Louis has a new illustrated weekly, The Sunday Dispatch, similar in size and style to the New York Graphic. The Champion of Humanity is a new weekly paper of eight pages, devoted to “spiritual unity, equal rights for man and woman, self- sovereignty, and the principles of human life.” Price $2.00 per year, 6 cents per copy, With a view of increasing the already fair circulation of the Dublin Wation in this coun- try, the publishers have reduced the price to Seven centS The China News is a four-page paper pub- lished in San Francisco, in the Chinese lan- guage. It is said to be well edited and to have a respectable subscription list. Professor J. E. Cairnes has written for Mac- millan’s Magazine a reply to Mr. Goldwin Smith's article on “Woman Suffrage,” which recently appeared in that periodical. The publication of the temperance paper, The Progress, which has been suspended for two years, is resumed by Mr. Latour, one of the former publishers. Price $1.00 per year, or 5 cents per single copy. El Ateno is the title of a new Spanish- American monthly magazine, published by Juan J. De Armas, of this city. It is a quarto in size, of 43 pages, printed on heavy tinted paper and very handsomely and profusely illustrated. Price 59 cents per number. The Educationist, published at Indianapolis, is now in its second volume, and is one of the liveliest and most interesting of the school monthlies. It is quarto in form, contains six- teen pages, cut and stitched, and is inclosed in a meat cover. Price $1 per year, 10 cents per copy. -- Foreign JLITERARY JTEMs. Mr. William Black is writing a new novel to appear in the Cornhill Magazine. Lady Barker has another little shilling book in press, entitled A Fortnight's Cooking. A series of articles are being written for the IRevue des Dewa, Mondes, by the Comte de Paris. It is reported that Mr. Froude is about to leave England on a tour of inspection to the colonies. - M. M. Nijhoff, of the Hague, has published a translation of Motley's Life and Death of John of Barneveld. - Mr. Beavington Atkinson bas in preparation another volume of art criticism, to be called Among the Painters. An ffort is being made in Paris to establish a newspaper devoted to international arbitra- tion and free trade. Rochefort's Narrative is being published, in weekly installments, by Weldon & Co., Lon- dom. Mr. Philip Rourke Marston's new volume of poems will shortly be issued in London ; also a separate poem, entitled A Pilgrimage. Tramps in the Tyrol, by Mr. H. Boden Pritch- ard, is among the latest announcements in London. - A writer in the John Bull claims that the original of the Pilgrim’s Progress was a Catholic work of the fifteenth century, called the Holy War, the author of which was Guil- laume de Guileville. 268 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The Countess of Caithness has given £1,000 to assist the production of an English transla- tion of the works of Allen-Kardec. Mr. Burnam’s amusing serial, My Time, and What I have Dome with It, which has appeared in Macmillan's, is to be published in book form. M. Delprat, the author of Comédies de Bow- doir, published under the mom de plume of Maurice de Podestat, has recently died in Paris. Mr. Bernard Quaritch, London, is publishing a new edition of Layard’s Birds of South Africa, revised, with additions, by Mr. Bowdler Sharpe. Mr. J. Dick, of London, has published an unabridged edition of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Pro- gress, at twopence, crown 64mo, with portrait and three illustrations. Dr. Birch is writing a popular History of Egypt, for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. It will be followed by a volume on Syria. It is a significant fact that one of the most popular books just now in Paris is the His- toire Populaire Illustrée de Napoléon III., from the pen of MM. Cassagnac père et fils. Miss Thackeray writes to the Pall Mall Gazette to warn the public against the forgeries which are being offered for sale as autographs of her father. She says: “In one case, a letter attributed to bim had been manufactured by copying a fragment from a magazine article not written by him, and appending his signa- ture; and I should much regret that corre- spondence so compiled should be attributed to him.” For the Mysteries of Udolpho Mrs. Radcliffe received five hundred guineas, the largest sum that had at that time ever been paid for a novel; and Peter Pindar (Dr. Wolcott) made a still better bargain for his poems. They had already acquired a prodigious popu- larity, and in selling the copyright a question arose as to whether they should be purchased for a lump sum or an annuity. While the treaty was pending, Wolcott was seized with a violent and rather ostentatious attack of asthma, which sadly interrupted him in dis- cussing the arrangements, and he was eagerly offered an annuity of £250. The arrangement was made by Walker, a partner with Robin- son in this transaction. Walker soon called to inquire after his friend’s illness. “Thank you, much better,” said Wolcott. “I have taken measure of my asthma, ; the fellow is troublesome, but I know his strength and his master.” Walker's face grew longer; and when he rejoined his wife in the next room the doctor heard a shrill feminine expostula- tion : “There ! you’ve done it; I told you he wouldn’t die.” He outlived all the parties concerned, and was in his own case, perhaps, scarcely justified in originating the famous saying that “publishers quaff champagne out of the skulls of authors.”—Curwen’s History of Bookseller3. Music NotEs. J. L. Peters, New York, has issued, in a book of 124 pages, a collection of temperance songs, under the title of Temperance Echoes. Songs of Grace and Glory is the title of a new Sunday-school song book, just issued by Horace Waters & Son, New York. It is edited by W. F. Sherwin and S. J. Vail. Walter C. Strickler, Peoria, Ill., has sent us the Camelia Waltz, by John Todhunter, Jr., arranged for the piano by F. M. Reinhart. It is a very simple composition, adapted to the wants of beginners. º B. W. Hitchcock publishes a JPiano Primer, containing the rudiments of music and adapt- ed to private tuition, or teaching in classes. It is prepared by J. F. Burrowes, and sells for the low price of twenty cents. Louis Venillot, the French music publisher, has recently died. He was the publisher of more than ten thousand songs, and left a theatrical and musical library of six thousand volumes, including many that are very rare and costly. Ditson & Co. announce a new church music book, entitled The Leader, by H. R. Palmer and L. O. Emerson; and The Song Monarch, design- ed especially for singing classes, containing eighty-six pages of elementary instruction, and one hundred pages of selections for practice. A writer in a London paper asserts that several of the melodies sung by the Jubilee Singers were popular in Dorsetshire and Somersetshire many years ago. He accounts for their revival in Virginia by the fact that the state was settled by people from the south of England. The list of Wm. A. Pond & Co., this month, includes a number of arias, romances, duets, etc., from Balfe's three-act opera, The Talis- man, which Pond & Co. have secured the right to publish and perform in America. The opera has been warmly praised by the English critics, and these selections are worthy of attention. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Stereoscopic Studies of Natural History. .2d page of cover. Pittsburgh Book and News Company..... 3d { { & & A. S. Barnes & Co.—The New National Series of School-Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d t & {{ American News Company.—Books and Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th (* { { Geo. E. Stevens & Co.—Books and Stationery:. . . . . Page 283 Western News Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 283 Books Wanted and For Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 283 Cincinnati News Company ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 283 Baird’s Practical and Scientific Books... . . . . . . . . . . ** 284 Brewer & Tileston.—Worcester's Dictionary. .... “ 284 Presbyterian Board of Publication.... . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 284 F. Ley poldt.—The Stationers’ Annual . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 285 Peerless Ink and Mucilage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . st 286 Mathematical Instruments... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 287 Brooklyn lºubber Works... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 288 P. F. Wan Everen —Adjustable Book-Cover... . . . . . tº 288 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 269 fook ANNouncements F O F. August. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Krusi’s Drawing. Perspective Series and Geometric Series. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nerve- ous System. Iłelivered at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, by W. A. Hammond. The Life of Samuel F. B. Morse (Inventor of the Recording Telegraph). By Samuel Irenaeus Prime. Illustrated with steel plates and wood engravings. Swo. (Subscription.) Flint’s Physiology. Vol. W. The Special Senses and Generation. (Wols. 7: II., III., and IV., already issued.) A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Manual of Arithmetic. By Wm. G. Peck, LL.D. 16mo, 200 pp., half bound. Elementary Geography. By Jas. Monteith. Small 4to, 70 pp., half bound. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. Large or Small Families. By A. Holyoake. 12mo, paper, 5c. Specimen of the Bible. paper, 10G. By A. Holyoake. 12mo, The Acts. A Farce. By A. Holyoake. 12mo, paper, 10C. Ludicrous Aspects of Christianity. By A. Holyoake. 12mo, paper, 10c. The Twelve Apostles. By Chas. Bradlaugh. 12mo, paper, 50. Defense of Secularism. By Chas. Watts. 12mo, paper, 5c. Is the Bible Reliable : By Chas. Watts, 12mo, paper, 5c - The Christian Deity. By Chas. Watts. 12mo, paper, 5c. - Moral Value of the Bible. By Chas. Watts. 12mo, paper, 5c. BIBLE AND PUB. SOCIETY, Philadelphia. Boys and Birds. By Sidney Dyer, A.M. 16mo, 416 Profusely illustrated, colored engravings. By Rev. H. Petty. 16mo, 288 pp., pp., cloth, $2. Lena Landora. cloth, Sl. 25. Wealth : Its Acquisition, Investment, and Uses. By F. Wilson. D.D. 16mo, 272 pp., cloth, $1.25. Ponape. By Mrs. H. S. Thompson. 16mo, 240 pp., cloth, $1. - State of Merm. After Dealth. 18mo, 88 pp., paper, 10c. By A. Hovey, D.D. BOSWORTH, CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. Analysis of the New Testament. By R. Mil- ligan. 8vo, 300 pp. The New Testament Commentary. Vol. I., covering Matthew and Mark. By Prof. J. W. McGarvey. Subscription. - A. J. BICKNELL & CO., New York. Village Builder, and Supplement. By A. J. Bicknell. New edition. 4to, cloub, $12. * CLARK & MAYNARD, Now York. A Junior Class United States History. John J. Anderson, A.M. 16mo, 275 pp., cloth, $1. By 3000 Practice Words. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. New Elements from Old Subjects : Presented as the Basis for a Science of Mind. To which are added : I.—The l’hilosophy of Numeration ; , II —The Philosophy of Government ; III.-The Philosophy of Definitions as Applications of the aforesaid Elements. By John Gaskell. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. G W. CARLETON & Co., New York. A Charming Widow ; or, Wild as a Hawk. A new English novel. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. A New Book of Nornsense. Full of comic verses and illustrations. 4to, cloth, $2. Pictures from Italy, and American Notes. The seventeenth volume of “Carleton's New Illustrated Edition of Charles Dickens' Works.” Cloth, $1.50. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Adams and Durham’s Real Estate Statutes and Decisions of Illinois. By Hon. J. B. Adams and W. J. Durham. Svo, 2000 pp., law sheep, 2 vols., $15. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. XIX. With Notes by Vilas and Bryant. By O. M. Conover. 8vo, 825 pp., aw sheep, $4.50. COEBY & RICH, Boston. Book on Mediums. By Allan Kardec. 12mo, 456 pp., cloth. ELDREDGE & BROTHER, Philadelphia. By Prof. J. Willis Westlake. 16mo, 80 pp., flexiblo cloth, 50c. English Grammar and Analysis. Jno. S. Hart. 12mo, 224 pp., cloth, 90c. By l’rof. FSTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Memories of Westminster Hall. by E. Fos . Vol. II. Svo, cloth, $3.50. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. By Lord Camp. Introduction bell. Vol. III. Svo, cloth, $3.50. GINN BROTHERS, Boston. Caesar. By J. H. Allen. Gallic War. Latin Lessons. By W. F. Allen. By J. B. Greenough. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. The Nimrod of the sea. By W. M. Davis, 12mo, cloth, $2. For Love and Life. 75C. Sylvia’s Choice. By Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo, puper, By Miss Craik. 8vo, paper, 50c. Political Economy. By Professor Cairnes. Crown 8ve, cloth, $3. Prairie and Forest. By Parker Gillmore 12mo, Clotl), HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. LEISURE HOUR SERIES. The Nose of a Notary. By E. About. 16mo, $1.25. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. The Complete Algebra. by Jos. Ficklin, Th.D., Prof. Math. Univ. of Mo. 8vo, 402 pp., sheep. 27,o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. KAY & BROTHER, Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Act of 1853, for the Sale of Real Estate. By Eli K. Price. Crown 8vo, 210 pp., Citytli. Smith’s Reports. Pennsylvania State Reports. law sheep, $4.50. Vol. XXIII. Being Vol. LXXIII. By P. Frazer Smith. LINDSAY & BLAKISION, Philadelphia. Questions of Aural Surgery. By James Hinton, M. I.). Surgical Emergencies. By William Paul Swain. Witu in unnerous illustrations. 12mo, cloth. A Complete Hand-Book of Obstetric Surg- ery. By Charles Clay, M. D. With illustrations, 12mo, Clujuh. * D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Those Boys. By Faye Huntington, $1.50. Stella and the Priest. By Laura Loring. $1.50. J. B. LIPPINCUTT & Co., Philadelphia. Chartius. A Romance. By Mary M. Melinc. 12mo, The Lost Model. A Romance. By Henry Hooper. 12:110. Crowned in Palma-Lanad. By R. H. Nassau. 12mo. The Greek Anthology. By Lºrd Neaves. 12mo. History of the Reign of Philip II. By W. H. Prescott. 12tuo. - Lord Lytton’s Speeches and Addresses. By E. I. 15ui Wer. 12t110. - HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. A Treatise on Diseases of Women. By T. G. Thom is, M.D. 4th e. ition, thorough y revised. With 187 illust, at lous. 8vo, S00 pp., cloth and leather. Essentials of the Principles and Practice of Miedicine. By H. Hartshorlie, M. 1'. 4th edition, revi-e I and eularg d. With 100 illustrations. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth and half bound. Essays on Clinical Medicine. By N. S. Davis, M. J. ScCond Cuition, revised. 12mo, cloth. MACMILLAN & Co., New York. The Life of John Coleridge Patterson. With 2 ºn trunts. By Chariottu M. Young. A third and cheaper euition. 12mo, cloth, 2 vols. The Letters and Recollections of Merndels- scian. With portrait from Carl Mul er. By Ferdinand Hi ,er. 12mo, Giotb. Dedicated, by special permission, to the Queen. The Birds of Aristophanes. With Introduction, N. tes, and Appendices. Translated by B. H. Kennedy, I). I'. 12mo, c.oth. Wordsworth, Shelley, Reats, and others’ Essays. By Proſ. Aſ assol. 12ino, cloth. Thoughts on Revelation. By J. McLeod Camp. bell, L). I), 2d edition, revised. 12mo, cioth. First Forms of Vegetation. By H. Macmilian, F. lv. S. E. New edition, uniforin green cloth. 12mo. Birds : their Cages and Reep. By Luſty Dickey. 12mo, cloth. JAMES MILLER, New York. Poets and Poetry of England. By Griswold. Revised and brought down to the present time by R. H. Stoddard. Royal 8vo, cloth. - Poems of P. B. Shelley. clotl). Red line edition. .Galaxy of Wit and Wisdom. Being Humorous Say lings of Tºm Hood, Douglas Jerrold, Coleman, and others. 16mo, cloth. - Illustrated, small 4to, ! i 8vo, * P. O'SHEA, New York, | Notes on the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore. By Rev. C. Smith, D. D. 12mo, 482 pp., cloth, $2. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. The Indian Question. By Francis A. Walker, late U. S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 16mo, $1.50. The Clique of Gold. By Emile Gaboriau. 8vo. In “Osgood’s Library of Novels.” PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, Illustrated : A Sketch cf the State, its Scenery, History, aud Industries. With numerous engravings from photographs from nature, and drawings by prominent artists. 8vo. Chaste as Ice and Pure as Snow. By M. C. Despard. International Series of Novels. 12mo, light flºxible cloth, $1.25. Ivanhoe. By Sir Walter Scott. Vol. VIII. New Illus- trated Fireside Edition. I2mo, cloth, $1.50. Monastery. New Ilius- trated FireSide Edition. By Sir Walter Scott. Vol. IX. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia. Married Beneath Him. By James Payn. Paper, 50c. Love at First Sight. By Captain Curling. Paper, 50C. The Pictorial Tower of London. A new illus- trated edition. By William Harrison Ainsworth. Illus. trated with 93 large illustrative engravings, from designs by George Cruikshank, of London. 8vo, cloth, $2; paper, $1.50. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. ELEM1.NTARY SCIENCE SERIES. * An Introduction to thie Study of General Biology. By Thomas C. MacGinley. 16tuo, cloth, 75c. ADVANCEſ) SCI.N.C.R SERIES. A Manual of Metallurgy. Part I.-Fuel, Iron, Steel, Tin, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, aud I’latinum. By William Henry Greenwood, F.C.S., Associate of the Royal School of Mines. With illustrations. 16mo, cloth, $1.50 J. E. POTTER & CO., Philadelphia. Liſe of Horace Greeley. By I. I.). Ingersoll. 12mo, about 500 pp., cloth. E. STEIGER, New York. Ahn’s Practical and Easy Method of Learn- ing the French Language. By Dr. P. Henn. First and Second Course, bound together. 12mo, half roan, $1. SHELLON & CO., New York. Shaw’s Specimens of American Literature and Literary Reader. Greatly eularged. By Prof. Beij. N. Martin, I). D.L., M.D., Professor in the Uni- versity of the City of New York. 12mo, $1.50. Olney’s Introduction to Algebra. By Prof. Ed. ward Oiney, of Michigan University, 12mo, cloth, $1. Shaw’s New History of English and Ameri- can Literature. Patterson’s Common-School Speller. By Prof. Calvin Putterson. - Hooker’s New Physiology. Revisei and corrected by Prof. J. A. Sewall. 12mo, Illustrated, $1.60. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. Philosophy of History in France and Ger- many. Fliut, 8vo, cloth, $7.50. - - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 27 I -------...-- ~ *-* : -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Valleys of Tirol. By R. H. Busk. 8vo, cloth, $6.25. The Correlation of Physical Forces. By W. R. Grove. Svo, cloth. The Thirty Years' War. By S. R. Gardiner. 12mo, $1.25. Forming a volume of “Epochs of History.” The Developinent of Creation on the Earth. By T. L. Strange. 8vo, cloth, $1.25. The Legends of the Old Testament. L. Strange. Cloth, $2.50. By T. N. TIBBALLS & SON, New York. The Words of the Lord Jesus, the Risen Saviour, and the Angels. By Rudoiſ Stier, I). Þ. Translaled by Rev. Wm. B. l'ope. Revised by James Strong, S.T. l'., and Henry B. Smith, D.D. 5th American. edition, revised. 8vo, 695 pp., cloth, 3 vols., $13. UNIVERSITY PUB. CO., New York. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Plane Geometry. By C. S. Venable. about 180 pp., $1.25. Crown 8vo, WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Cincinnati. Rey to Schuyler’s Complete Algebra. H. Warner, 12mo, $1.25. By E. T. E. ZELI., Philadelphia. Cyclopedia of American Literature. By E. A. and G. I. Duyckinck, and M. L. Simons. 1 steel plate. 4to, 40 pp., paper covers, parts 29 and 30, 50c. Brown’s Self-Explanatory Family Bible. 4to, 32 pp., paper covers, p:urt 15, 50c. July Publication S. D. APPLETON & Co., New York. Health and Education. By Rev. Chas. Kingsley. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. . Thysiology for Practical Use. Edited by James Hinton. 12ino, cloth. $2.25. Mysteries and Miseries of the Great Me- tropolis. With some Adventures in the Country, being the [Jisguises and Surprises of a New York Jour- malist. By A. P., the Amateur Vagabond, 8vo (sub- scription), clºth, $3.50; sheep, $4.50. Body and Mind. An Inquiry into their Connection and Mutual Influence, especially in reference to Mental Disorders. By Henry Maudsley, M.D., Londou. A new edition. 12:no, $1.50. - The Life and Public Services Of Salmon Portland Chase. By J. W. Shuckers, l’rivate Secre tary to time late Chief Justice. With portrait on steel and numerous Wood engravings. 8vo (s.1bscription) Christopher Columbus. A History of the Charac ter and Achievements of the so-called, with numerous illustrations, and an appendix. 8vo. Descriptive Sociology ; or Groups of Sociological Facts, classified and arranged by Herbert Spencer. Compiled and abstracted by I avid Duncan, M.A., Pro- fessor of Logic, etc., in the Presidency College, Madras, Richard Scheppig, Ph. D., and James Collier. AMERICAN S. S. UNION, New York. The Book of Books. The Story of the English Bible, 18 mo, 68 pp , muslin, 35C. Christian Elliot ; or, Mrs. Danver's Prize. By L. N Conly ti. 1 Smo, 175 pp., muslin, 60c. The Minister's Daughter; or, Life in a Country Parish. By Mrs. A. K. Dunning. 16mo, 245 pp., muslin, $1. HENRY C. BAIRſ), Philadelphia. A Practical Treatise On the Manufacture Of Colors for Painting. By M\l. Riſlault, Vergnaud, ant! Toussa in 1. ltevised and edited by M. F. Malepey re. Translated from the French by A. A. Fesquet, Chemist and Engineer. 8vo, 659 pp., cloth, $7.50. BAKFR, VOORHIS & CO., New York. A Treatise on the Law of Negligence, and the Remedies for Private Wrongs and the Negligent Performance of Contracts. ... By Thomas G. Shearman and Amasa A. Redfield, Counsellors at Law. Third edition Iarge 8vo, $7.50. The U. S. Bankrupt Law. With all the Amend- men, s. “Lawyer's Edition ” with Full Index. 8vo, 66 pp , paper, 75c. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Complete Arithmetic. By Wm. G. Peck, LL.D. 121m0, 318 pp., half bound, 90c. A. K. BUTTS & Co., New York. Philosophy of Spiritualism and Treatment of Mediomania. By F. R. M.urs in, M.D. 12mo, 68 pp., paper, 50c.; cloth, $1. TWO Hundred Questions without Answers. Alſou. 12110, paper, 5c. - Dialogue between Christian Missionary and a Chinese Mandarin. 12tuo, paper, 10c. Doubts of Infidels. By a Weak but Zealous Chris- tian. 12mº, paper, 10c. Search after Heaven and Hell. By Austin Hol- youke. 12in, , , p.11 el', 5c. New Life of Jacob. By C. Bradlaugh. 12mo, paper, 9.C. - Daniel The Dreamer. By A. Holyoake. 19. per, 10c. Essay on Miracles. By David Hume. 12mo, puper, 10c. - 12mo, BOSWORTH, CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. The Christian System in Reference to the |Union of Christians and a Restoration of Primitive Christianity, as plead in the Current Reformation. Hy A. Curupbell. People’s editiou. 12mo, 358 pp., c.otb, $1.50. & Evidences of Christianity. A Debate between Robert Owen and A. Campue.I. People's edition, 12mo, 465 pp., cloth, $1.75. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAIFELFINGER, Philadelphia] Paine. New School Remedies and their Application to tle Cure of Diseases, including those ºf Women, Children, and Surgery. designed for Physicians, Surgeons, Students of Medicine, .nd Families. By W. Paiue, A.M., M.D. 12mo, 633 pp. $3. Justin Harley; A romance of Old Virginia. Iºstell Cooke. 12mo, cloth extra, $1.75. By John G. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. So Fair yet False. A Novel. By E. Charette. Cioth, $1,75. The Forgiving Kiss. A Novel. By M. Loth. Cloth, $ i. 75. Hard Times. The sixteenth volume of “Carleton's new ill strated edition of Charles Dickens' WorkS.” Cloth, $1.50. • 272 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 18. With notes by Vilas & Bryant. By O. M. Conover. 8vo, 820 pp., law sheep, $4.50. - - High on Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Embracing Mandamus, Quo Warranto and Prohibition. By James L. Higb. 8vo, 775 pp., law sheep, $7.50. G. E. CURRIE, New York. Dnited States Insurance Almanac and Sta- tistical Register. By G. E. Currie. An Annual. 8vo, 200 pp., cloth, $2.50. COLBY & RICH, Boston. Defence of Spiritualism. By A. R. Wallace, F.R.S. 12mo, 72 pp., paper, 25c. - Immortelles of Love. By J. O. Barrett. 12mo, 120 pp., cloth, $1 and $1.50. ELDREDGE & BRO., Philadelphia. Language Lessons for Beginners. By Prof. John S. Hart. 16mo, 80 pp. , boards, 30c. COrnstitution of the United States. By Prof. John S. Hart, 12030, 100 pp., boards, 60c. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Our Vacations. By Frank E. Clark. buff cloth, $1.00. Natural History—Insects. By Asa Packard, Jr., 12mo, 32 pp., pape. , 25c. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. By Lord Camp- bell 8vo, cloth, 2d vol. $3.50. Life of Lord Denman. By Joseph Arnould. cloth, 1st vol. $3.50. Lives of the Chief Justices. By Joseph Arnould. 8vo, cloth, 5th vol. $3.50. Atherstone Priory. By L. M. Comyn, 16mo, buſſ cloth, $1.25. Memories of Westminster Hall. by E. Foss. 8vo, cloth, 1st vol. $3.50. 18mo, 208 pp., 8vo, Introduction J. B. FORD & CO., New York. Mining Indust of the States and Terri- tories West of the Rocky Mountains. By R. W. Raymond, Ph.D. 8vo, 540 pp., cloth, $4.50. The Mode of Man's Immortality ; or, The When, Wliere and How of the Future Life. By Rev. T. A. Goodwin, A.M. 12mo, 238 pp., cloth, $1.25. Lecture Room Talks. Henry Ward Beecher. 378 pp., cloth, $1.75. New uniform cdition. 12mo, A. J. FISHER, New York. Tony Pastor Song of the Flags, &c. 32mo, 128 pp., 10c. - Ain't You Awful Songster. 64mo, 64 pp., 10c. GINN BROS., Boston. The Poems of Virgil. By J. H. Allen, W. F. Allen, J. B. Greenough. 12mo, 372 pp., half morocco, $1.75. Elements of English Language. By Bernard Bigsby. 18mo, 60 pp., half cloth, 50c. HENRY HOLT & Co., New York. 16mo, I.eisure Hour Series, $1.25. By Henry W. Siglar, A.M. Alcestis. Finglish Exercises. 12mo. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Coomassie and Magdala. By H. M. Stanley. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. Barnaby Rudge. paper, $1. The Living Link. By James DeMille. $1.50; paper, $1. Capt. Tyson’s Arctic Adventures. 8vo, cloth, $4. C. Dickens. 8vo, cloth, $1.50; 8vo, cloth, My Mother and I. By Mrs. Craik. The Best Of Husbands. By Jumes Payn. paper, 50c. Antonina. By Wilkie Collins, 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Svo, paper, 50c. 8vo, IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. The Literary Reader. By G. R. Cathcart. 12mo, 430 pp., cloth, $1. JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., Chicago. Trial of the Rev. David Swing, by the Presby- tery of Chicago, for Heresy. Svo, 286 pp., paper, cor- rected, $1.40. ; cloth, corrected, $1.75 HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. Electro-Therapeutics. A Concise Manual of Medi- cal Electricity, with illustrations. By D. F. Lincoln, M.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Essays on Conservative Medicine and Kin- dred Topics. By Austin Flint, M.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.38. - J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. The Honey-Moon. By Count De Medina Pomar. 12mo, fine cloth, 2 vols. Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Vol. IV. Edited by James Tyson, M.D. 8vo, cloth. . What I Did with My Fifty Millions. By Moses Adams. 12mo, paper. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Knights and Sea Kings; or, the Middle Ages, . A companion volume to “Myths and Heroes.” Edited by S. F. Smith, D.D., $1.75 - J. R. McDIVITT, New York. National Bankruptcy Register. 1 & 2. Vol. 10. 8vo, 52 pp., paper. National Bankruptcy Register. Vol. 4. revised edition. 8vo, 725 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Reports Nos. Second MACMILLAN & CO., New York. Alton Locke. By the Rev. Canon Kingsley. A new edition with new preface, uniform with “Hypatia,” “Two Years Ago,” etc. 12mo, 310 pp., cloth, $1.50. Training in Theory and Practice. Contents: Fxercise. Iliet, etc. By Archibald Maclaren, of the Gym- nasium, Oxford. A new and revised edition, with numer- ous illustrations, tables, appendices, etc. 12mo, 270 pp., cloth extra, $2.25. Cowper, the Task; with Triconium and Selections from the Minor Poems. with Life and Notes. By H. T Griſfith, B.A. 12mo, 300 pp , cloth, $1.50. N. L. MUNRO & CO., New York. Harkaway in a Fix. Popular Novel. 10c. Joe Thompson's Leedle Braying Band Song- Ster. 10C. Mac Evoy's New Hibernicon Songster. Red Enife. Indian Novel. 10C. 10C. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 273. G. MUNRO, New York. The Mohawk Queen. By W. H. Manning. 18mo, 100 pp., paper, 10c. The Tuscarawas’ Vo W. By Sandy G. W. Griswold. 18mo, 100 pp., paper, 10. The Mad Avenger. By W. H. Manring. 100 pp., paper, 10c. 18mo, ALBERT MASON, New York. All the French Verbs at a Glance. Etienne Lambert and Alfred Sardou. 12mo, 59 pp. and 2 charts, cloth flexible, 50c. NELSON & PHILLIPS, New York. Home as it should be ; with Counsel for all. L. D. Barrows. 18mo, 102 pp, flexible cloth, 35c. By J R. OSGOOD & Co., Boston. The Middle States. A Guide to the Chief Cities and Popular Resorts of the Middle States, their Scenery and Historic Attractions. With the Northern Border, from Niagara to Montreal. 7 Maps and 15 Plans. Uniform with Osgood's “New England.” 12mo, flexible cover, 469 pp., $2. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave POWer in the United States. By Henry Wil- son. In 3 volumes. Vol. I. already issued. Vol. II. now ready. 8vo, 720 pp., cloth, $5. Robert Buchanan’s Poetical Works. Vol. 3. 12mo. Beveled boards, gilt top, 330 pp., cloth, $2.50. Dr. Ox and other Stories. By Jules Werne. A collection of short stories, including:Dr. Ox’s Experiment, Master Zacharius, A Winter in the Ice, A Drama in the Air, The Fortieth French Ascent of Mount Blanc, Saun- º Series. Author’s Edition. 18mo, 292 pp., cloth, 1. - Within an Inch of His Life. (La Corde au Cou.) U. By lºmilo Gaboreau. Vol. 41 in “Osgood's Library of Novels.” . 8vo, 212 pp., paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.25. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. The Trotting Horse of America. How to train and drive him, with reminiscences of the trotting turf. A new edition, with nearly 100 pages of additional infor- mation, and a register of the performances of noted horses. Illustrated with fine steel engravings of favorite trotters. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.50. The History of the Great Reformation. By I. Merle D'Aubigne. A new edition, edited by M. Laird Simons, with steel engravings. 8vo, 1017 pp., cloth, $5. half calf, $6.50. Heart of Midlothian. By Sir Walter Scott. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Vol. 6. New Illustrated Fireside edition. Bride . Of Lammermoor, and , a Legend of Montrose. By Sir Walter Scott. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Vol. 7. New Illustrated Fireside odition. - T. P. PETERSON & BRO., Philadelphia The Orphan’s Trials; or, Alone in a Great City. By Emerso: Bennett, author of “Clara Moreland,” “The Bride of the Wilderness,” etc. Large duodecimo, morocco cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.50. Sunshine and Shadow. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of “Kate Kennedy,” “Married,” etc. 8vo, 50c. The Autobiography of Edward Wortley Montagu. ith a preface by R. Shelton Mackenzie, I.L.D., Literary Editor of the Philadelphia Press. Large duodecimo, about 600 pages, morocco cloth, full gilt back, $1.75. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. The Present Problem. By Sarah K. Bolton, 167 pp., cloth, $1. Poems. By Charles Alansen Munger. cloth, 1.25. 12mo, 16mo, 144 pp., Alcohol : Its Combination, Adulteration, and Physical Eſſects. By Col. J. G. Dudley. 16mo, 67 pp. paper, 25c. The Marine Mammals of the Northwestern. Coast of North America. By Charles M. Scam- mop. 4to, 325 pp., cloth, $10. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. Scrope; or, The Lost Library. By F. B. Perkins. Price, $1.50. In His Nanne. A Christmas Story. By Edward E. Hale. Square 18mo, cloth, red edges, $1.25. 8vo, SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. Lenten Sermons. By E. B. Pusey. 8vo, cloth, $3. The Works of J. H. Frere. New edition. 8vo, cloth, $12. Translations, Musaeus, Tieck, etc. ... Vol. 2. By T. Carlyle. People’s edition. 12mo, cloth, 90c. The Betrothed. By W. Scott. People’s edition. 12mo, cloth. 75c. The Handbook of Dyeing and Calico Print- ing. By W. Crookes. 8vo, cloth, $21. Narrative of the Ashanti War. By H. Bracken- bury. 8vo, cloth, $12.50. Apparitions. By Rev. B. W. Saville. 12mo, cloth, $2.25. Sensation and Intuition. By Jas. Sully. 8vo,. cloth, $5.25. Eclipses Past and Future. By Rev. S. J. John- son. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. Six Speeches on Financial Reform. By Wum. Trant. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. F. STEIGER, New York. Ahn’s Practical and Easy Method of Learn- ing the French Language. By Dr. P. Henn. Second course. 12mo, viii and 203 pp., boards, 60c. Key to same. 12mo, 52 pp., boards, 25c. Rev to Ahn’s German Method. Revised by Gustavus Fischer. First course. 12mo, 66 pp., boards, 30C. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. R. H. Stoddard, editor. In the “ Bric-à- Brac * series. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. Jules Verne's Stories of Adventure. By Jules Werne. 68 full-page illustrations. 12mo, 537 pp., cloth, $1.50. - - H. L. SHEPARD & Co., Boston. Tribune Popular Science. By Agassiz, Proctor, Chandler, Hammond, Brown-Séquard, Bayard Taylor; and others, and containing “The Wheeler Explorations” and “The Meeting of the Academy of Sciences.” 8vo, fine paper, extra cloth. Fully illustrated, $1.50. TURNBULL BROS., Baltimore. Day Dreams. 12mo, cloth. $1.50. Pastor's Story. By M. A. H. Gay. 9th th9usand. 12mo, 269 pp., cloth, $1.50. N. TIBBALLS & SON, New York. Lady of Province. By A. L. O. E. Illustrated. 18mo, 360 pp., cloth, 90c. Cyril Ashley. By A. L. O. E. pp , cloth, 90c. Rescued from E t. By A. L. O. E. 18mo, 360 pp., cloth, 90c. Autobiography and Journal of Rev. Heman. Bangs. Edited by his Daughters. With steel portrait. New edition sold in the trade. 420 pp., cloth extra, $1.50. Illustrated. 18mo, 360' Illustrated.- 274 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. WOOLWORTH, AINSWORTH & CO., New York. Bartholomew’s Industrial Drawing. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Paper, 20c. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. A Common Sense View of the Mode of Baptism. By Rev. Samuel Hutchings. 12mo, 344 pp., clotlı, $1.50. - J. WHITTAKER, New York. Annie and Pierre; or, Our Heavenly Father's Letter. By K. M. 12mo, cloth, $1. Christmas at Cedar Hill. By Miss L. E. Guernaly. 12mo, cloth, $1. IHelen May; or, Unto Her Life's End. By Louisa Dorsy. 12mo, cloth, $1. - J. WILEY & SON, New York. Wiley's American Iron Trade Manual of the leading Iron Industries of the United States. Includes a description of each Blast Furnace, Rolling-Mill, Bessemer Steel, Crucible Steel, Car and Car-Wheel, Locomotive, Stove, Iron Bridge, Iron Pipe, and Iron Ship Works in the country, with location, character of product, and capacity of each; the whole arranged by States. Also, a complete Directory of the Steam Engine and Machinery Works, Tºol and Hardware Works, and Iron Foundries, and a Treatise on the Iron Ore Regions of the Country, giving Locality, Extent of Deposit, Character of Ore by Chemical Analysis, aud Commercial Value of same. 4to, 760 pp., illustrated, cloth, $7.50. - WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Cincinnati. Manual of Mediaeval and Modern History. By M. E. Thalhelmer. 8vo, 480 pp., cloth, $2. New Music. BOOSEY & CO., New York. La Jolie Parfume use. Offenbach. Operetta. Piano. Handy Book for Organ. Dr. Spark. $3. Handy Book for Harmonium. J. W. Elliot. Vert-Vert Quadrille. Arban. 50C. Alfred and Maria, March. Benedict. 50C. "The Boatman’s Song. Blumenthal. 50C. One Long Thought of Thee. Santley. Sleep, My Love, Sleep. Sullivan. 50c. Fair is My Love. Hatton. 50c. $2. 50c. F. BLUME, New York. Love, Love, Oh, What is Love # 30c. It’s Funny when you Feel That Way. 30c. Silvery Stars are Softly Gleaming. Danks. 30c. Come Sing to Me Again. 30c. Belle of the Ball. 30c. Perhaps She’s on the Railway. 30c. Blume’s Album, No. 25. The latest and most popu- lar songs and iustrumental music for piano, by Strauss, Zikoff, Faust, Peifke Ivöler éla, Arthur Lloyd, Engle- brecht, Miss Lindsay, &c. 50c. INSTRUMENTAL, Lucia di Lammermoor. Simplified. Muller. 20c. Ernani. Simpified. Muller. 20c. - JFille du Regiment. Simplified. Muller. 20c. Aida, Waltz. May lath. 30c. Aida Galop. May lath. 30c. Fille de MIme. Angot Waltz. Blume, 30c. Fille de MIme. Angot Galop. Blume. 30c. Armoretten Polka. Op. 31, Nº. 1. Lichner. 20c. Blue Ribbon Waltz. Op. 31, No. 2. Lichner. 20c. Pastime Polka. Op. 31, No. 3. Lichner. 20c. Little Drummer March. Maylath. 20c. Little Mayflower Waltz. Maylath. 20c. Waiting for my Playmate. Maylath. 20c. BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. The Tear-Drop. Hertel. Song, 35C. For You, Love, and for Me. Nussbaum. 40c. You've seen Me Before ; or, Tom Collins on a Lark. Nussbaum. SUug. 35". & Song. I Sing Beneath your Lattice, Love. Nuss- baum. Comic Sorenade. 30c. The Dawn. I)omberg. Song. 30c. Captive Galop. Cardello. 40c. Snow White. Böhm. Fantasie. 35c. Red Cap. Böhm. Fantasie, 30c. It is Thus Ordained. Schuman. Fantasie. 20c. Home Circle Galop. Schuman. 20c. Belle Tillie Schottische. McCoy. 30c. Grand Duchess. T. Meyer. 30c. Fille de MIme. Angot Waltz. Van Berg. 30c. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCAL. Speak, Only Speak. Persley. 35C Among the Angels. Persley. Song and chorus. 30c. - Song and chorus. The Violet. Bishoff. Canzo etta. 50c. Burlesque Band Organized. Unterhoſ. Octelle. 60C. - Gently Close Thy Eyelids, Darling. Martin. Song and chorus. 30c. Eulogy of Music. F. W. Root. Quartette. 40c. Just Over the Mountain. Geo. F. Root. Song and chorus, 30c. INSTRUMENTAL. Sliding Down Hill. Root. Easy piece. 20c. Gently Dip the Oar. Root. Easy piece. 20c. Valliance Polka. Ascher. 4 hands. 40c. Honor Bright. Soſge. Mazurka. 30c. Ryan’s True Instructor for Banjo. “True In- Structor’’ Series. 75C. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. v OCAL, with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT, Singing All the Way. Cook. 30c. Our Home Beyond the Stars. Song and chorus. 13|ake. 4UC. - - Baby Mine. Johnston. 30c. pºsius, Terader and True. For guitar. Haydn. UC. Sweet Angelina. Song and chorus. Danks. 30c. |Under the Sod and the Dew. Hutchinson. 35c. Oh, Sing that Song Again. (Blumenbrief.) Schu- bert. 35C. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 275 CARL HEUSER, New York. Valse in D’b. F. Chopin. Revised by F. Boekelman. Mathilde. Redowa. I. Stoddard. For piano and flute or violin. Capriccioso. J. F. Petri. Piano solo. Lohengrin. H. Maylath. Fantasie. 90c. Spring Song. Mendelssohn. New edition, revised by K. PlauSer. I, TRIPP, Louisville. Autumn Leaves. Lest. Wesé. Song. 35C. IBeautiful Snow. King. Song. 40c. Binding Sheaves. Lest. Wesé. Sºng. 35c. Bird at Sea. Hemans. Song. 25C. Bird of Night. Meininger. Valse. Blue-Eyed Bonnie Belle. Hays, Byron's Farewell. Price. Quartette. Canary Bird. Hays. Song, 35c. Charming Woman. Blackwood. Cupid’s Bank. Smith. Song. 40c. Wannie Vane. Hays. Song. 30c. Alfritta, Dance. Grau. , 10c. Cadets? March. McQuown. Broadway Galop. 20c. 75C. Song. 30c. 40c. . Song, 30c. 50c. . Sweet Pruella, Kail. i Dreams of Heaven. The Health of Her I Love. Baker. 30c. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. The Hand that Rocks the World. Thomas. Marion Schottische. J. R. Swency. 50c. 40C. Our Mother in Heaven. Song. Millard. *Tis Not the Tear of Grief. Reichardt. 30c. Dear Ones Far Away. Ballad. Tryon, Jr., 35c. - INSTRU AIENTAL. Nellie Grant’s Wedding March. E. Mack. 40c. Little Wanderer. Lange. 40c. Cadet Galop. (Cornet ad lib.) F. R. Pleasanton. Songsters of the Grove. Lange. 40c. 50c. - Ecossalise. Caprice brilliante. Leybach. | Pºlº, o!. Forever Waltz. Cornet and piano. Life at west Point Polka. Rehm, 300. Soldiers’ Polka. Cornet and piano. Winner, 30c. For Thee (Für Dich). Polka mazurka. Faust. 30c. Come into the Garden, Maud. Cornet and piano. Belles of Madison. Smith. 30c. | Winner. 30c. Far Away. Galop. F. Strauss. 35c. You and I. Ballad and polka. Cornet and piano. Win- First Love Schottische. Weingarten. 30c. ner, 30c. Spring. Easy pieces by Maylath. No. 4.—Heimweh ; | Eclipse Pollra. Cornet and piano. Winner. 50c. No. 6—Argentine Mazurka. No. 8–Tannhäuser March ; ; Juliet Waltzes. Cornet and piano. Winner. 50c. and No. 12—Wedding March. Storm Step (Sturmschritt). Galop. Strauss. 35c. WM. A. POND & CO., New York. May Queen Waltz. Guiou, 30c. FROM “THE TALISMAN.” M. W. BALFE. March of the Men of Harlech. 4 hands. Rich- Edith’s Prayer. Aria. 40c. ards. 40c. gy The Rose Sons. Aria. 40c. Home, Sweet Home. Fantasie. Länge. 60c. The War Sonsºr. 60c. Tººls sºlates Aimmables. 4 hands. Book 3. Dia- On Balmy Wing. Aria. 40c. Fanfare des Dragons. Esquisse militaire. Bosco. Beneath a Portal. Romance. 90°. witz, 2 hands, 50c.; 4 hands, $1. The Laldie Eveline. Romance. 50C. WM. HALL & SON, New York. Radia Int splendors. Rondeau. 50c. Rapid Transit. Alex. Silberberg, Galop, 50c. slow'ret, I kiss Thee. Duet loc, ge ses Tº M M A ; , , , • fºr r * * Who shall Sing the Rapture : Aria. 50c. Evening Zephyrs. J. C. Meininger. Caprice ma- EC inn or - zurka. 75c. i eep the Ring. Duet. SOc. | Weary Hours. Duet. 40c. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. ; Crusaders? March. March, 40c. 159. Father says I May. Gus Williams. Song, 10c 160. After Me. Gus Williams. Song. T0c. G. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. 161. Little Mischief Galop. F. Budik. 10c. A Sigh. Virginia Gabriel. Song. 30c. 162. Apple Blossom Time. Campana. Song. 106. One Morning, Oh, so Early. Gatty. Song. 35c. 163. With Steam Pollra. Ed. Strauss. 10C. ! Sleep, my Love, Sleep. Sullivan. Song. 35c. 164. Let’s be Gay Waltzes. J. Strauss. 10c. Magic Spell. Levey. Song. 35c. 165. Far Away. Mrs. J. W. Bliss. Song. 10c. Fairy’s Fancy Fair. Levey. 166. Regatta Veneziana. Fr. Liszt, 10c. * Dove and the Maiden. Oſſenbach. Song. 30c. Hitchcock's Piano Primer. J. F. Burrowes. 20c. Napoleon. Parlow. March. 30c. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. Fairy Bells. Parsons. Instrumental. Minnie Ray. Soules. Song. Soules, Song. Outward Bound. Streal; of Luck. 4 hands. Blake. March of Braves. 4 hands. Blake. Tripping Through the Park Polka. Fox. Fairy May. Soules. Song. Under the Dark Blue Sea. Soules. Song. 4 hands. March. Blake. Sacred. Song. Instrumental. Time of Prayer. Bailey. Topaiz. O’Neil. March. Diamond Waltz. O’Neil. Zephyr Mazurka. Hobart. Ocean Waltzes. Puchard. Conne where the Wild Flowers. On the River Baraks. Song. White. Think Then of Me. Song. Furnal. Heaven-Born Freedom. Song. Keller Trio. White. E. D. ZIEGLER, Erie, Pa. Coquette. Fr. Zikoff. Waltz, Op. 73, 75c. 276 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. THE Stationery MARKET Business is very quiet, but prices are generally kept up. A few Western buyers are in the market, but they are placing their orders cautiously, and although the larger houses are preparing for a brisk fall trade, the indications of such a trade are, as yet, very few. But few new goods, either foreign or domestic, have yet appeared. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful ſor everybody. Per 100. . $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ... . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 “ 1,000, “ * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . * * * * * s • * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º e º e º e º e < e < e e 30 ctS. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 33 “ {}ctavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 35 “ SECOND GRADE. ‘Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 ctS. Bill and Legal, ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 25 tº { { $: No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and News, Wood aud part Straw... . . . . . . 11 to 13 ctS. { { ‘‘ rag.. . . . . . * * * * * * * * e º ºs e e º e s e e 13 to 16 “ & £ “ good to first-class............ 20 to 30 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUtR! Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 30 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Medium, 17 by 22, “ e i s is e º s sº e e s = e º is e º ºs e º e s º 60 Royal, 19 by 24, “ e e is sº e º e º e º e º e º e < * * * * 80 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 30 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ---- I 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17, “ • , , , , , , , , 's • * * * * * * * * 2 00 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 85 Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 { { Colored, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 English, per ream . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Medium, “ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Bristol Boards. REYNOLDS AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 & & 3 { { gº { { e is º & F * is is º gº e º e º ºs © e º 'º 75 & C 4 { { “ . . . . . . . . • * * * g e º e º e º e 1 00 Demy, 2 { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e. s e e s e 80 § { 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 { { 4 { { “ ----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 60 Medium, 2 & a “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 10 { { 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 70 4 * 4 & t “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 Perforated Boarde Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ... ............. 2 00 Blotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 QuartO { % “ . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 e Hnk. David's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 9 00 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ... ...... 1 25 & 8 . 1 “ & £ “. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 David’s Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. . . . . . . tº gº º º tº e. 3 25 & C Quarts, l { % { { C & * 6 00 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. '" David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz - * { { { Stafford’s Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ $7 20 Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ........... 6 00 & & & t “ Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 { { & C ‘‘ # Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 & £ & : “ Stands, per gross........... 7 20 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 { { - { { Pi tS * { 6 25 Ints, * * * * * * * * * e s 6 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. .. ( & & £ ASSOrted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . { { & “ ( ; 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz, 2 13 © * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 { { ( * No. 2, per doz. .............. . 3 15 {{ “. . . No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz .... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Clark’s ludelible l’encils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House. Ink. BLACK VIOLET WRITING INK, INK. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 S6 00 $4 (5 Pints, { { { { “. . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { { { . . . l 60 2 00 1 75 4 oz., {{ { { “ . . . 90 1 15 I 00 Stands, 2% oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Black HDiamond Combined Writing and Copying Ink. Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . $8 00 Half Pints, per doz. . . . $3 00 Pints, “ . . . . . . . 5 00 || 4 oz. Flat Inkstands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. - Mucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . ......... 1 00 & 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 50 “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § º is g º º 4 25 & & Quarts, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 55 & 4 ! { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 65 Silliman’s No. 3, School, “ .................. 1 12 { % No. 2, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 35 { { No. 1, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . -------. 1 S7 & C Academic, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 { { Mechanics', “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Flat Glass, 2% inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 & & 3. “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 { { 3# { { * & 1 50 { { * { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Air-tight Inks, Small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 { { ‘‘ large “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, S12; No. 3, §10; No. 0, 15 50 Draper’s Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3........... . . . . 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from.............. 87c. to $1.25 per doz. . Steel Pensa American News Company’s No. 170. . . $0 50 { { & & & C School, No. 51 .... { { & £ {{ Extra Fine, No 333 ... 50 { { { { { { {{ { % No. 444... 50 { { { { { { Quill, No. 76. . . . 50 “ “ { % Falcon, No. 48. . . . 50 { { & & * { Bank, No. 14.... 50 . . º Commercial, No. 9.... 50 { { Albata, No. 11.... 50 SUBJEOT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARRIET. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 277 Gillott's Pens, No. 303................ tº º º is a s is tº s a e º is ( * t w $1 00 * No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 C & “ No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . '• • * * * * * * * * * * * 75 { { “ No. 35l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - Washington Medallion Fens sº e s s a • a e s e e s e º 'º e < * * * 90 Spenceriau Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 & 4 “ in 3 gross boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 “. . Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 € $ Tablet, { { • * * * * tº e º º & º e e e e s - * * * * 40 ** Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 5 50 & & $ 8 5 { { . . . . . . . . . ... 5 00 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. ..... & e s p → • e º 'º 4 e º e s is a s e 40 “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº gº e & 50 “ Rubber Head, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tip’d....... . . . . . . . . . 60 Red and Black, Polished, per gross, Faber’s ....... 1 80 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 Scholars'. . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * g e is $ $ tº º 72 Pen- Hiolders. Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... 40c. to 50 - { { Swell, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 00 French Tip, per gross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Bone, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e ºs & e º e º se e º ſº e s is 75c. to 1 00 Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35C. to 60 Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... 48 { { {{ { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 54 { { { { t ( 6 by 9, “ . . . . . . 75 & & { { { { 64 by 10, “ • * * * : * * 80 ( & & C t 7 by 11, “ ...... 87. { { { { { { 8 by 12, “ . . . . . . I 08 . . . { { { { 9 by 13, “ ..... . 1 30 Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch............. 50 German Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch. . . . . . . . . . 20 German Patent Slate, in while wood, per gross...... 90 Silicate Book Slates. - - FOR SLATE PENCIL, Pocket, interiv'd, with Calendar, 34 by 55 in., per doz. I 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 34 by 5% in., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 80 Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 3 00 Mineral, “ 6 { { 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00 FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interlw’d, gilt, 24 by 33 in., per doz. Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 1 50 1 S0 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in... “ 2 10 Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 00 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 34, by 53 inches, per doz ................ . . . . . ." ... . . 3 00 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by 5% inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . . . . . . . 3 00 N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes. Buff, Heavy, 5, per 1,000------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 { { & C X5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 & C { { XX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ( & “ XXX5, “ .... ------..... * e º ºr e º e 2 40 White, X5, “ . . . . . . . . . -----------. 2 75 & & XX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 { { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 “ * & C ( & & C & t . 3 30 Orange, XX5, per 1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0) º KX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 - Playing Cards. Steamboat, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Eureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 58 Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."... 3 33 Moguls, Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Euchre, “ . . . . .-----. . . . . * * * * * * a s a 4 50 Ill. Moguls, “. . . . . . . tº º º te º ºs & e º º & © & e º e º º 7 00 Gold Eagles, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 JBOminoes, Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 “ good ( & { { “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 “ Mahogamy boxes, - { { . 6 00 to 18 00 Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Empress ... . . . . . 18 ROSe Tint { { { { 15C. Newport.... . . . . . 22 Backgammon Boards. Leather, 2 in nest, per nest.... . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 75 { { { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 & C 2 in extra nest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Checker-Mºlen." BOX Wood, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 75 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Chess-Men. - Bone, German, per doz. ... . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * $7 50 to 36 00 Wood, {{ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 to 15 00 Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 to 36 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - { { (t asSorted colors, per groSS...... 1 10 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to Ib., per Ib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per groSS... . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 00 “ Bands, # inch, per gross.... . . . . . . . .80C. and 1 00 { { “ , “ “. . . . . . . . . . $1 00 and 2 00 Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 00 to 15 00 Cap { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 to 24 00 Pocket-Books. e Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 to 4 00 Calſ, “ . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . . ---- 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. .......... ‘s e < * * * 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 to 20 00 Stereoscopes. Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., No. 38... 8 00 Mahogany, t & { { { { No. 41. . . . . . . 9 00: Rosewood, {{ { { t { No. 39. . . . . . . . 12 00 Thermometers, Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25 { % 10 * * “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 { { 12 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 { % 12 * * * * * . . . . . . . .* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 25 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . ! . . . S1 25 1 (32 1. 87 2 12 2 50 Counting-House, per doz. . . . $3 00 3 75 400 5 25 6 00 Quills. Quills, No. 20, per 100. & º º 60 “ No. 80, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 “ No. 40, “ 1 15 “ No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 “ No. 60, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOXES of 25. Italian, per doz. boxes ............ ............... 2 75 Portable, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 3 25 Large, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Oſfice, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire. . . . . . . 12c. to 25 Full { { { { & 4 . . . . . . .22C. to 50 . Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire...40c. to 75 Demy, * { {{ ... 60C. to 1 25 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 to 1 00 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº e º ºs e e e 94 to 1 25 Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 to 2 00 Demy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 to 5 00 SUBJEOT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. te 278 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S I, IST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reſer- ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remiſtances, always procure a Draft or Post Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d, Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th —The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only he cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly fºrwarded 6th.-We do not gend New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, unless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as sºon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary, 8th.--! n velopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-News- dealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rate of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. - | POSTAGE TO NIEWSD]EALLERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, One Cent for every Four Ounces. PAPER COVERED NOVEIS, do. do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR i. find $... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this ; 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. . | 3 Harper’s Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leshe's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gay- of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the Way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGO, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e º ºs e º sº e º e a tº a s a e e º se e s is tº a s is e º 'º e º 'º e º e º e º 'º e º º & e º º º ſº * * * * * * * * * > * making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ { { 6 3 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { ‘‘ 13 2 Old and New.ſ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s e e e º ºs e º 'º e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e s e e s = e e s e tº tº 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * gº • = e º 'º is a . “ $t 3 CUT OFF- - 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • - - - - - - - - making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is s º e s = * * g e e * * * * * * * * * * * {{ 7 1 Domorest’s Illustrated Mo: thiy and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g & e s tº e s tº . . . . . “ { { 4 Send following in first bundle- 2 Each Beadle’s Dime Novels. Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Fvery Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1. Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, \ When any alterations are made in tho above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said altorations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was made. Communications should be addressed to THE AMER/CAM NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 279 Wholesale and Retail Prices. ſº New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices of which have been changed since our last issue are marked With a star (), - Trade * Rot. Price. Commercial Bulletin.... . . . . . 3% — Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 New York Courier des Etats Unis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . 2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 El Cronista ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 tº ºr *Abend Zeitung.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 * -º Advance (The).... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 After Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% — Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Amateur (Washington) . . . . . 10 American Brewer’s Gazette . .35 *- American Gael (The)... . . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer. . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist . . . . . . 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4%. 6 American Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 e-º American Sportsman......... 7 10 American Union..... . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian . . . . . . . . g as sº e s e º e e s e 7 10 Army and Navy Journal .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 6 Ave Maria ......... tº gº e e º ºs e e e 7 10 Banner of Light... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . tº e g º is s is a s 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 *-mº Beekeeper's Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 * Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Traveler .......... 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4%. 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review ... . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Catholic Standard ...... '4% — Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.0 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer . . . . . . . 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother ... . . . . . . . . . 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian Union ............. 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 3% 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union • 4 tº e s tº e s e º e º s a s 3 issºms Church Weekly...... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 6% — - Coal and Iron Record. . . . . . . . . 7 I 0 College Courant.............. 7%. 10 Commercial and Financial Chronicle ..... • * g º e a e e tº e º 'º 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman... . . . . . . 4 .6 I D A LI L Y IP A P E J R S . Trade Rot. Price. New York Evening News..... %. 1 New York Evening Post...... 4 5 New York Evening Telegram. 1% 2 New York Evening Witness .. 34 1 New York French Mes-enger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 234 3 New York Herald..... . . . . . . . 3%. 4 Now York Journal Commerce. 5 6 S E MI I = W E E K. L. Y. New York Express....... . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 New York Sun .............. 1%. 2 WW IE E K. L. Y. Courier des Etats Unis....... 9 10 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Critic (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% — Crusader.......... sº e º 'º e º ºs e e 1% * Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 8% — Das Neue Heim.............. 7 10 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . .. 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit............. 7 sº Dwight’s Journal of Music.... 8 sº- Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette.......... 7 10 El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 -º-º: Elite (The).............. . . . . 8 6 Engineering and Mining Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T0 Episcopalian................. 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Every Saturday...... ....... 7 10 Examiner and Chronicle...... 4%. 6 Exchange Market............ 2 tº-º Favorite (The).... .......... 4 6 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1% 2 *Financier................... 7 * Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 { { “ Lady's Journal. 7 10 { { “ Boys and Girls' Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 & 4 “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German). . . 7 L0 { { “ Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 I0 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . ... --- 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Harper’s Weekly . . . . . . . . . .. 7%. 10 Harper’s Bazar ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Heart aud Hund......... ... 8% 5 Hearth and Home............ 6 10 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News............... 7 10 Herald (California).......... 4% 5 Herald ; ... . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Here and There ............. 1% — Home Circle................. 3% 5 Home Journal ............... 5 7 Independent ................ 6% 10 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Industrial Record (with šup. plement). . . . . . . . .37 Trade. Pri New York Journal (German). 2% New York Presse . . . . . 2% New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% New York Star.............. 1 3 New York Sun .............. 1% New York Times ............ 3% New York Tribune........... 3% New York World............ 3% | New York Times ............ 3% New York Tribune........... 3 New York World ............ Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette... 3 Investigator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish World .......... . . . . . . 4 Jewish Messenger...... ... . . . 8 Jewish Times tº e º 'º e & .e. e. e. e. e. tº e º º 8 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian ...... . . . . . 6 Living Age.... . . . . . . . . ...... 14 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . 5 Lönione dei Fopoli (ttalian). § Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Independent... . . . . . . 4. Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% Mercury (N. Y.)....... . ... 6 Methodist ................... 4% Moniteur de la Mode........ .22 Nachtseiten ......... . . . . . . . . 8 Nation (The) . . . . . • * g º e º & © e º 'º 9 National Car Builder. . . . . . . . . 7 Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Nautical Gazette..... e º e º e º e e 7. New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Jersey Record .......... 7 New Sensation .............. 7 New York Albion........ . . . . 7 New York Clipper . . . . . . . ... 7 New York Courier . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New York Dispatch..... . . . . . 7% New York Era......... . . . . 3 New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . . . 7 New York School Journal .... 3% New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Varieties. . . . . . . . . . 7 New York Weekly..... . . . . . . 4% News from Germany and Swit. Zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oſſord's Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ()il, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 Our Times. . . . . . . . e s e e g s = e º 'º a 2% People's Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 People's Literary Companion. . 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng e & ſº tº dº & & e º e º & e º 'º e e g º ºs e e 2 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press ... 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Plymouth Pulpit............. 6% Police Gazette. . . . . tº e º e º 'º e º a º 7 -10 Ret. C6, 3. i : I1 1I 0i *s ; i 28o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. - Trade Ret. e Price. Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 Pomeroy’s Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Prairie Farmer. . . . . e e e e º 'º e º e -*. Price Current ... . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . tº s a e º 'º a 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 * Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .11 15 Railway Times ... . . . . . . . . . . , 7% 10 Real Estate Record . . . . . . . . . 19 -- Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10 Rural New Yorker........... 4 6 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 Saturday Night......... . . . . . 4% 6 Saturday Portfolio.......... • 2 - Saturday Star Journal........ 4% 6 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Scientific American.......... 5% 8 Scotsman (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Scottish America Journal . . . 5 7 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 Shoe and Leather Repurter... 7 10 Singers’ Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Skandinavische Post ... . . . ... 5 8 South (The)............ . . . . 9 – Spectre (The).... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Spiritualist at Work. 5 — Agriculturist (English)..... . 9 15 Agriculturist (German)...... 9. 15 American Antiquarian . . . . . . .28 50 American Artisan............ 13 - American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 - American Builder. .... "....23 — American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 American Exchange & Review.20 25 American Historical Record. 28 35 American Illustrated Industrial Journal . . . . . . . . * e s e e s e s a e e 6 American Journal of Health and Medicine.............. 7 * American Journal of Philately. 9 12 American Law Register... . . . . 40 60 American Miscellany .... .... 15 25 American Miscellany, Back Nos. ... . . . . . . . © e º e º te e º 'º e e 12 - American Naturalist......... 24 35 American Odd Fellow. . . . . . . .17 25 American Stock Journal...... 7 : 10 American Tales.............. 8% 15 American Turfman........... 15 * Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . © e e s e º e º e º e 40 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e º 0. 35 50 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 Aquatic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . .28 — Architectural Magazine ...... 38 <--> Archives Medioal Science ... .35 -, Arthur’s Home Magazine..... 14 20 ASSociation Monthly . . . . . . . 7 10 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 35 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . .11 15 Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 50 Bankrupt Register . . . . . . . . . 3S 50 Beadle's Publications : Dime Bºoks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% & & ** 100 or over.... 6 tº € g ‘‘ 1000 { { 5% Song Books... . . . . . . . . • - - - - 5 & 4 ‘‘ 100 or over . . . . . 4% tº 1000 “ ... - 4 Beautiful World ... ------.18 4- Best Words ................. 7 1() Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly)... 8 12 W E E K. L. Y. — Continued, Trade Ret. Price. Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Sunday Citizen ... . . . . . . . .... 3% Sunday Courier...... . . . . . . . . 4 Sunday Daily Times . . . . . . . . 4% Sunday Democrat.... . . . . 2% Sunday Dispatch ...... ...... 7% Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday Mercury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Sunday News...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2 Sunday Bresse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Times ...... * * * * * * * * * Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Telegraph Journal ........... 5 The Index... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 The People . . . . . . . * c e º e < * * * ~ * 3 Thompson's Reporter ........ 5 Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 Tobacco Leaf.... . . . . . . e - © e º e Toiler (The)... ... e e º e º ºr e º 'º º - Toledo Weekly Blade. . . . . . . . 3 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4% Truth Seeker ........... . ... 5 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 M O N THILY. Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Boys of America.... . . . . . . . . . 10 Carriage Journal ...... ..... .22 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . - 17 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union.... . . . . tº e º 'º - 4% Catholic World . . . . . • * * * * 33 Cassell's Magazine (monthly . parts ... e. e. 20 Children's New Church Maga- Zine ..... ... 10 Chronotype ..................20 Church Monthly... . . . . . . . . . .20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% Clothier and Hatter.... . . . . . . 10 Comic Monthly . Comic News . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * ry Counterfeit Detector (Peter. son's) tº 11 Creme de la Creme .......... 3 Crofutt's Western World ..... 5% De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . Demorest's Magazine..... . . . . 20 Demorest's Young America... 7 De Nordendorf’s Monthly.. Dental Cosmos ..... e e s - - - - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs.... 13 DeWitt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ..... º De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... .... . . . . 6% De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 |]e Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . ... ----- ... 6% De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, l to 147 (semi-monthly)... 5 - - - - - e. e. e. * * * * * * * * * * * * & Cº. s & e º & e º e º - - - - * - - - e º s e e º 0 e º 'º e º 'º - - e º 100xter Smith’s Paper . . . . . . . . 11 Drug Bulletin.......... . . . . . . 5 Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . . . 9 Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . 35. Educational Monthly ... . . . . . 17 El Ateno (Spanish). . . . . .38 Every Saturday (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 Fireside (Musical)........... 4% Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trade Ret, Price. Union Advocate ... . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Uuiverse.......... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Wall Street Review... 1% – Watchman and Reflect, Jr. . . . . 5% Watson's Art Journal ....... 8 10 Waverley Magazine..........ll 15 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 7 Weekly Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Weekly Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Weekly Herald .............. 3%. 4 We kly Journal of Commerce. 4%. 6 Weekly Mail. ........ .... .... 3% 4 Weekly News. . . . . • * * * * * * . . . . 3% 5 Weekly New York Journal... 434 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3% 5 Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3%. 5 Weekly Star........... . . . . . 2 - Weekly Sun ..... e - © tº e º a s e s e e 2% 4 Weekly Times..... e - e - © e e s is e 3% 4 Weekly Tribune............. 3% 5 Weekly Witness. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Weekly World..... e e s tº e º e º º . 3% 5 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times... 11 15 Woman’s Journal............ 4%. 6 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 10 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 Young Men of America....... 3% — Youth's Companion.... ...... 3 5 Folio (Musical).............. 10 — Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 50 Frank Leslie's Boys and Gir s” W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 – & 4 “ Budget of Fun...10 15 {{ “ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 50 ( & “ Lady’s Journal (mo. parts)... 30 40 { { “ Lady’s Magazine (mo. parts)...27 35 { { “ Pleasant Hours.10 15 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 Gas Light Journal . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 Gardener’s Monthly......... . 16 25 Gartenlaube (Leipsic Edition, Semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man Semi-monthly) ... . . . . . 5 - Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6%. 10 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Godey's Lady’s Book.... . . . . .21 - Golden Hours.... . . . . . . . . . . .18 - Good Things. ... . . . . . . . ... ... 19 25 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 25 Grand Army Gazette . . . . . ... 7 10 Guide to Holiness............11 - Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . .33 50 Hall's Journal of Health. . . . . . 12 - Harper's Magazine ... . . . . . . . 8 35 Harper's Weekly (monthly arts) . . . . . . . . . • e s e e s a • *-** 50 Herald of Health..... . . . . . . . . 10 15 Historical Magazine.......... 55 75 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 Holloway’s Musical Monthly... 3 40 Horticulturist ........... 16 25 Howe’s Musical Monthly. . . . . . 25 35 Hub (The)....... • * * * * * * * * * 40 - Industrial Monthly... . . . . . . . 9 15 Inland Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 30 Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . .22 - lusurance Gazette ... . . . . . . 40 - Internal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 12 Jolly Joker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 281 IW I O N T H L Y – Continued. Trade Ret. Trado Ikot. Trade Ret- Price. Price. Price, Journal of the Telegraph (semi- New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 | Richmoud Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 tº-e - y e - ) Nuw Yorkor §§ Zeitung. .. 6 gºmº- sºme * * * * * * e & g º ºr ; - ; La America. semi-monthly) ... 13 18 New York Medical Journal © tº .30 50 Saturda journal ( arts). * * * * 18 Lady’s Own Magazine . . . . . . . 14 — | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 *E- §. Ma 㺠*~/ • * * * * 10 ſay's Repository"... ......?i 35 | New York Lithograph........ i. 10 | jº..........1: . Ladies' Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 | Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% 19 | Scottis Mirror of Fashion.....75 La Mode Elegante........... ... 38 50 | North American Journal of scribner's Monthly....". 28 35 Land and Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Homoeopathy .......... . . .85 * silimº's jºy tº º & © tº º .4% 50 Land Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% 10 || Nursory (The)......... ... ... 10 * | Southern Ma azine'... 30 35 Laws of Life ... . . . . . ... . . . . . 10 15 - sº: … 4 Le Chariwaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — | Obstetrical Journal ... . . . . . . . 37% — §§ angled 'Banner "... 4% 6 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . ... 10% 15 | Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 §j • * * * º 10 Literary Miscellany......' ... 10 — | Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, , §§ Sunday Migazine. ... 18 25 Literary World..... © tº tº º $ tº e º º 11 — Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35. 6% 10 St. §. e º 'º º & a s tº g º º & 19 *=e Lippincott's Magazine. . . . . . . 27 35 * Popº'r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 S. Paul’s Magazine. * tº s º º e º º º 23 30 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 “ 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 13. 6%. 10 gº SS 171&lºcłal L1b . . . . . . . . . London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to '42. 5 10 | Texas New Yorker . . . . . . . . . . 17 sº “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8% 15 | The Domestic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 *E=- Mackey's Freemason. . . . . . . . .22 30 ** 2s. Letter Writer . . . . 15 25 ! The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 ºmº Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 — Our Friend (semi-monthly)... 2 — | There and Back (Guide). . . . . . 14 * Manufacturer and Builder . . . . 12 15 Overland Monthly.... . . . . . . . 26 35 | Thompson’s Descriptive List. 16 25 Mark Twain's Sketches . . . . . . . ] 6 * Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . 40 50 Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — l'aper Trade Reporter. . . . . . . . 11 — | Travoler's Official Guido. . . . 20 40 Medical Record.... . . . . . . . . . . 15 20 | Paper Trade Jou: nai . . . . . . . . . . 1 *- g g Medical Times (semi-mo.) ... 10 — | Patent Right Gazette......... G I0 §§ ºtº e º 'º we tº ºs e s gº tº ; 20 Medical Union . . . . . . . . .18 — l'ension Record . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 * y JOu TDal . . . . . . . . . . Merryman's Monthly. . . . . . . . 7 10 | Peters’ Musical Mouth ty. . . . . . 1S 25 | Wan Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- Metropolitan Magazine . . . . . . . 16 - Peterson’s Counterf't Det 2ctor. 11 15 neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 Mother’s Magazine........... 10 15 | PeterSou’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Mother's Journal . . . . . * e e s is e .12% 20 | Pet St. cK, Pigeon, and Poultry Wººl 17 Munrosiº Sovels, tº 6% io || Bulleti.........,’ 10 || "...” %2 to Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 - 5. jºiás issºiſ mºthiº &= --> from 1 to 14.... ....... 10 || Photographic World . . . . . . . . . . . W.º.º.º.º. 1, Musical World (N. § s & © tº $ tº 16 30 || Phrenological Journal........ -1 30 wild oats (semi-monºny). .** 10 Musical World (Cleveland). . . 9 — Phunny Phe low............. 7%. 10 | \,...; ...’ “ l’hysician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 \\ oº:: tºº. Advocate. º * National Agriculturist and Bee Popular Science Monthly.... . 35 50 W. .."; s & & P & & & s is & © ºf 3 1. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * | working Farmer.......... ... g 12 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | Practical Magazine..... tº tº 8 s tº e 78 wº W. ; :::::::::::::: 30 50 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Pulpit of the Day . . . . . . . . . . . 6 J0 9. - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . & National S. S. Teacher... . . . . 10 15 - Yankee Noti ns....... . . . . . . . 7%. 10 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 || Railway Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . .33 — | Young Catholic.............. 3 5 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 || Rand & McNally Guide ... . . . .23 – | Young-Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I0 Nature (mo. parts, 5 Nos.)...50 60 | Record and Repository. . . . . . 6 — Young Ladies’ Journal . . . . . .27 * New and Old Friends ........ 6% – l Revue de la Monde ......... 25 35 ! Youth’s ProgreSS... . . . . . . . . . . 10 — Q U A R T E R L Y REVIEW s, ET C. American Church Review, $0.90 – Church and World........ $0 85 — National Quarterly Review.51 12. — American Journal Medical Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — New Englander . . . . . . . . . . . 90 *- Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — | Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 | New Remedies . . . . . § . 35 50 American Journal of Obstet- Delineator 5 10 | North American Review...I 124 – TICS. *ms: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • & an is a Raº, nº Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | Presbyterian Quarterly and tºº. e s e º & l ; – Half - Yearly §§ Princeton Review. . . . . . . . 80 * Bibliotheca sacra. . . . . . .1 00 ‘E---> Medical Science . . . . . . ... 1 20 º: §ºn's ºly Abstract 60 1 50 Braithewaite's Retrospect... 1 05 — International Review (bi- sº S º B t2dſ . . . . ... 1 ; sº British Quarterly (reprint). 62 Rºmº monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 _ | Southern Review.......... 3) º Brittan’s Journal...... . . . . 6 — | Journal Social Science. . . . . . 1 25 — | Westminster Revi w . . . . . . 62 Kºmº Brownson’s Review . . . . . . . 1 00 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... , 10 *- Christian Examiner........ 67 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 — | Wood's Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 *msº FO RE I Gº N P E R F O DIC A. L S – W. E. E. K. L. Y. Trade Price. Trade Price Trude Price. Trade Price. Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 | English Mechanic . . . . . 10 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 23 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 || Era . . . . . e e s e º ºs . . . . . . . 20 | Land and Water . . . . . . . . 20 Pall Mall Gaz ºute (file of Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lloyd’s Newspape . . . . . . 5 Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenæum ... . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Family Herald......... . 5 L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . 25 | Pictoria.I World ... 10 Belfast News. . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Liverpool Mercury 0 | Public Opinion . . . . . . ... 10 Bell’s Cife . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Fun . . . . . . . . . e i s = * g e e º 'º º 5 | LOn-tou Journal. . . . . . . . . à | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Beils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 : London Reilder . . . . º tlightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder . . . . . . 18 || Gardener’s Chronicle. ... 20 | London World ... 20 | Punch.................. 10 Building New . . . . . . . . . . . 18 || Gas-Light Journal . . . . . . ‘.0 | L’Univers Illustré. . . . . . . 10 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ‘Cassell's Magazine ...... 5 || Glasgow Herald . . . . . . . 5 Manchester Times....... 10 | Reynolds’ Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 || Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Mark Lane Express ..... 23 Saturday Review . . . . . . 20 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 18 Guardian ... - - - - - - 23 Medical Record . . . . . . . . . 18 || Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Christian World......... 5 Illustrated News... . . . . . 20 | Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 || Sporting Gazette. ... . . . . 10 Church Review ......... 10 || Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World .......... 18 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times ... ....... à Illustrated Pºlice News ; 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 5c.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º Court Journal .... ... ... 20 Illustrated Sporting and Nature ...... e = * * * * 10 | Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dispatch ............... 5 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . 8 Economist . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Irishman..... e e º 'º e º e º a tº 14 | Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 18 The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer............... 20 | John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Observer . . . . . . . . o 14 || The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . *28 Eugineering ............ 20 ! Judy......... . . . . . . . . . . 6 Once a Week ..., ....... 8 Weekly Register (Cath.). 10 Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 | Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 || Orchestra .............. 14 || Weekly Times ... . . . . . . . 5 282 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Fort EIGN PER I on 10 A L s—Mon THLY. Trade Price. All the Year Round (part) 36 Architect. ... . . . . . ... -- 75 Argosy Art Journal... . . . . . . . . . . Art, Industrial and Pic- torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athenaeum (part)....... Aunt Judy's Magazine... Band of Hope Review... 2 Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Boys of England. . . . . . . . . 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Boy’s Own Magazine .... 20 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 British Workman . . . . . . . 2% British Workwcman.....2% British Juvenile...... ... 3 Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 75 Chambers’ Journal. . . . . . 25 Chatterbox. . . . . . º e º e º e is 8 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% Christian Treasury...... 20 Christian Work . . . . . . 20 Churchman's Companion. 20 Contemp rary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Cottager and Artisan....2% Trade Price. Day of Rest....... . 18 Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . 16 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Dublin University Maga- zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 Euglish Woman's Domes- tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Friend. . . . . . . . . .2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 Farmer’s Magazine. . . . . . 76 Food Journal. . . . . . . . ... 20 Fortnightly Review . . . . . 75 Fraser’s Magazine. . . . . . I 00 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Gardener's Magazine. ... 36 Gardener (The)......... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Illustrated Travels. . . . . . 38 Infant's Magazine.... ... 2% Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 90 Kind Words . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 [adics' Gazette of Fashion 38 Trade Price. La Mode Illustrée . . . . . . 1 00 Ladies’ Treasury........ 30 Leisure Hour........... 20 Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 London Journal (parts). 22 London Society . . . . . . . . . 38 London & Paris Fashions. 38 McMillan's Magazine .... 38 Medical Times (parts)... 98 Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Monthly Microscopical Journal... ........... 57 Mother’s Friend......... 3 Musical Times . . . . . . . . . . 8 Now-a-days........ 38 Once a Week (parts).... 36 Trade Price, Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. . . . . . . 20. St. James’ Magazine..... 38 Stralian’s Satur- day Journal . . . . . 18 Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8. Sunday at Home. . . . . . . . 20 Sunday School Teacher. .. 7 Sunday School Teacher's Treasury . . . . . . . . • * * * * I2 Suuday School Times .... 10 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2% Sword and Trowel (Spur. geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Temple Bar............. 38 Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Union Review (bim'thly) 76 G E R IN I A N - A NIIE R LI C A N P U B L I O AT I O N Trade Ret. Weekly. Price. Arbeiter-Zeitung........................... tº gº tº e º & 3%. 5 Atlantische Blätter................. & tº e º º ºs tº £ tº tº º º . 4 6 Beobachter am Hudson............ e e º e s is e s is e º e º sº. 3 4 Familien Blatter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 15 Frank Leslie's illustriºte zeitung................. 7 * @ e º e º e e º e < * * * * * * * * * * 3% 5 6 Freischütz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germania ... . . . . . . . . tº * * * * e º e º e º e º 'º e º e º e º ºs e º e º 'º e 10 Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Nachrichten aut Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 New Yorker Handels-Zeitung ........ tº gº e º 'º º e º 'º e º e ... O 25 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung...................... 7 10 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Roman Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 11 15 Schnedderedengg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º e º e s tº 7 10 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 º Fireside. . . . . . . . . vºjºa;iºn (Varies)... 57 y Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . % victoria Magazin 38 Picture Gallery . . . . . . . . - 88 via G i. gºne....... 20 Popular Science Review 1118. Gºlf Cleme!' . . . . . . . . . . (quarterly).......... 1 00 | Wedding Bells.......... 23 Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . 90 || World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35 Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Young Gentleman’s Mag- Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . :0 azine . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Punch (parts) .......... 44 || Young Ladies’ Journal... 27 Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Science Gossip.... . . . . . . 16 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trade Ret, Price. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 Sountagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung........... 3 4 Vorwärts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . 4 6 Semi-Monthly. Deu! Sch-Amerikanisches Conversations-Ilexicon. ... 17 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung.... 6 Frank Leslie’s Amerikanische Gartenlaube . . . . . . . 9 Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Verbrechcrwelt. 8 Mlonthly. Alte und Neuc Welt. . . . . . . . . . Amerikanischer Agriculturist Der Freideuker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8 15 12 is e º e º & e º e º 'º & & © tº & º & 17 25 © e º ſº tº e º 'º tº e º tº e º s a º s 10 15 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s ∈ .12 IIM II PORTE D GERIN IAN NIAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked #. - Semi-MIonthly. f Illustrirte Wolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 -0 Das Neue Blatt... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 Monthly. Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 10 # Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Zeitung........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . f Gewerbehalle ............. • * * * * tº e s tº e º e e º e º e º º º 30 40 Ueber Land und Meer... . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º e º ºs .14 20 Gråſ's praktisches Journal ſtir Bau. u. Möbel- 18 a Year. tischler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * tº e º 'º e 59 75 Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 16 25 | Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 20 Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 | f Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 IIM II PORTED GERIWIAN BOOKS PUBLISHIELD IN PARTS. First number gratis to the trade. Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Published in about 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . s tº e e 25 in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 Conversations-ſlexikon des Witzes. Published in M. G. Saphir's Schriſten. I. Serie. Published in 40 about 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 14 25 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about Fr. Chr. Schlosser’s Weltgeschichte. Published in 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº . . .23 40 about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Karl Gutzkow's GesammelteWerke. I. Serie. Pub- Published in about 180 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 # lished in about 80 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Stieler's Hand-Atlas såmmtlicher Länder der Erde, Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at... 40 60 u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Publishgd in about 100 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º de e g g º e s tº 10 15 N E W G E R NII A N P U BE L I C A TI O N S = Imported. Schiller’s Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. 20 parts. -15 25 Buch-der Bücher. 32 parts, at............... . . .15 25 |Domestic. J. Samarow's Um Scepter un Kronen. 16 parts...15 20 | H. Heine's Samtliche werke. 60 parts, at........ 7 10 Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at............ 10 18 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at -- 7 - 10 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 283 Mass. Reports and Digest. GEO. E. STEVENS & CO., Jobbers and Retailers of Books and Stationery in all departments, at the old stand, 39 West Fourth St., Cincinnati (Wholesale House, No. 134 Walnut St). Special attention given to School Books and Supplies. Correspond- ence solicited. CHICAGO. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY, 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CIHICAGO, Respecſully announce to the Trade of e West that they are ready to supply everything in the way of News dealers? and Booksellers’ Stock promptly, and at the lowest prices. mation sent on application. B00KS WANTED. CLARK WIER, LANSING, Iowa. Book of Mormon. . J. K. P. SAYLER, Romeo, TENN. Guide to Knowledge, and other Works. By Robert Sears. Silver Cup of Sparkling Drops. Catalogues and Price Lists of Publishers. Clearance Catalogues of Booksellers. Samples and Terms of Leading Periodicals, A. B., CARs of BooKSELLERS’ GUIDE, NEW YorF. Tait's Factorial Analysis. Church's Laboratory Guide. Whewell’s Mechanics of Engineering. Bowen’s Works on Political Economy. Any volumes. J. F. RUGGLES, BRosson, MICH. Memoirs of Seargent S. Prentiss, of Mississippi. The Evangelical Rambler. Cheap set. s===sº JOHN S. ADAIR, McCoNNELSVILLE, OHIO. John Donkey. A comic paper published about 1849. A year’s issue, or any copies. l D. W. CHASE, CINCINNAT1, OHIO. Copies of Debate between A. Campbell and U. N. Rice, at Lexington, Ky., in 1843. Quote price. Lists and full infor-, CINCINNATI News Company, No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles, which form the Stocks of - - Booksellers, Stationers, AND News-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEw York, BosTon, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also on hand A LARGE STOC PSG STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-Lists, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO 284 THE AMERICAN Booksº LLERS GUIDE. TI-IE .J. UST ISSUED. ALBANY NEWS COMPANY. BY THE WHOLESALE STATIONERS, B00KSELLERS Pºlitial |aſſ ſi Pllitällſ, AND N EWS D EALERS, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 51* Broadway, Albany, N. Y. PARADIs E. The place and state of saved - f Stati ºv. Ne - oks, se Souls between Death and the Resurrection. By Rev. R. º Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent M. PATTERson. 16mo, beveled, red edge. Price, $1.25. CHRISTIAN LOVE, as Manifested in 9 the Heart and Lile. By Jox Athax Edwards, some time Pastor of the Church at Northampton, Mass., and Presi- dent of the College of New Jersey. Edited from the Original Manuscript by the Rev. Tyron Edwards, D.D. 16mn, cloth. Price, $1.25. LITTLE LIGHTS, AND HOW they shoue. 18mo, clou. Three illustrations. Price, 70 cents. Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent. FOR PRACTICAL MEN. - Or to Dopp & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; Board of CoIPortage, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE OF Sutton & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; PRACTICAL and SCIENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, FAIRBANKs & Co., 54 & 56 Madison St., Chicago, Ill.; 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who Rev. F. F. SHEARER, 757 Market Street, San Francis- will favor me with his address. co, California, HENRY CAREY BAIRD, who keep all the publications of the Board for sale. INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. THE “The best authority, Worcester's Large Dictionary.” –Hon. Charles Sumner. S T - L O U I S WORCESTER’S DICTIONARTES.H.]]| ||N||M|| ||PANY. - 3º 3. B00KSELLERS, c º, go ºf a 4: - - - # Stationers and News Dealers, --> 3. Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the g Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- - # tions, which are received daily by Express. “WORCESTER,” STATIONERY, EVERETT "..." "oursey In Great Variety, both Foreign Kiwis.’ ” MILEST WiNTH RoP, and Donnestic. #ºp *śs fºLow ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC - ºS, - - ALEXANDER, BRY ANT, IRWING, r - HENRY, FELTON, HOPKINS, VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, THE U. S.SENATE.A.N.D.T.H.E.I.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. For sale by Booksellers generally. BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers, BOSTON, MASS. 307 North Fourth Street, SAINT LOUIS. THE STATIONERS ANNUAL Referring to our notice in last Number of the Publishers' Weekly, we have ** the pleasure of informing the trade that, encouraged by the expressions of approval and promises of support, We have decided to prepare a special ANNUAL for the Stationery and Fancy Goods Trade, with the purpose of making it as useful and indispensable a work of reference to the Stationer as the Publishers' Annual has become to the Bookseller. The title thus far suggested will probably be | \|\|\ \|| || ||\| BUSINESS GUIDE FOR /874-75. TH E VOLU MSE IS TO CONTAIN : 1.—A general Guide to the Stationery Trade, which is to take the place of the long-promised STATIONERS’ HANDBOOK–giving to beginners or dealers all the necessary information on the details and technicalities of the Sta- tionery Trade, together with valuable miscellaneous hints and notes. º 2.—A comprehensive Price Current of Staple Goods, arranged systematic- ally for ready reference, and provided with a margin for price changes which, after the publication of the Annual, will be regularly reported in the Publishers' Weekly. 3.—Illustrated Catalogues, Trade Lists, Business Cards, etc., of Manufac- turing Stationers, and Importers, and Wholesale Dealers of Miscellaneous Goods (generally sold at the Book, Stationery, and Fancy Goods Stores). 4.—Alphabetical and Classified Indexes that will enable dealers to turn readily to anything they wish to be informed upon. The work will form a large 8vo, uniform with the Publishers' Annual, bound in cloth. Price of subscription, per copy, 50c., payable on motification of publica- tion day (probably in September), after which the price will be raised. ſº Suggestions and indorsements of this enterprise are respectfully so- licited, and will be thankfully appreciated. F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, P. O. Box 4293, N. Y. 286 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The large and steadily increasing sale for our PEERLESS INK and MUCILAGE has enabled us to extend our facilities for furnishing the same, in Quality Unrivaled, and at the following REDUCED Net. VV H O L E S A. L E PRI C E S Net. FOR TEITE CELEB ErATIF>ID IFIEEERT HESS INTIE, FOF SCHOOL A/VD COU/WT//WG-HOUSE USE. PEERLEss-tel, A.C.R. PEERLEss BLAck: writes deep black instantaneously. PER DOz. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 50 Pints, -- - - - - - - 2 75 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 60 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - - 90 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 45 PEERLEss-CoMIBINED. WRITING AND Copying FLUID, combined. PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 75 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 3 00 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 75 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - 1 00 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 50 IPIEERLIESS-VIol, F.T. The color of this Ink is so intensely strong that the addition of the same quantity of water will not materially affect its brilliancy. Violet Color:ED. PER DOz. Quarts, 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $6 00 Pints, -- -- - - . - - 3 50 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 2 00 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - 1 15 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, . - - - - 60 THE CELEBRATED PEERLESS MUCILAGE, FORSCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE USE. PER DOz. One gallon jugs, . - - - - - $30 00 Half “ -- - - - - 16 50 Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - 7 00 Pints, - -- - - - - - 4 25 Half pints, “ - - - - - 3 50 Stands, flint glass, 3 oz., 1 dozen boxes, - 1 25 “ light glass, “ -- -- 1 00 THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY keep in stock, or furnish, Ink of all the principal manu- facturers, at the lowest prices. ARNOLD’s GENUINE IN Ex. TriAD. DAVIDs & Co. CARTER’s COMBINED. ID. T. LEAE-º's Violet. S. S. STAFFORD. Wor-DEN & HYATT's Violet. MLAYNARD & NOYES. MooRE’s SCHOOL INEC, 2 ounce bottles. THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPA/WY, WEW YORK, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY Make it a specialty of their Stationery Department to keep on hand a full assortment of MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, from the cheapest to the very finest. The best makers' goods only kept in stock, and furnished at the lowest import prices. PER SET. NO. - 1, Brass, Mahogany Case, containing 6 pieces, g - e e $0 50 2 “ & 4 {{ {{ 8 {{ e º - g 's 60 3. {{ “ * { ( * 9 {{ e e - e. s 70 A. {{ “ § { { { 10 : 4 e e e tº e 80 i. * { - “ { { * { 10 “ . º & & e 1 00 10, “ Rosewood Case, “ 10 4 º tº . . . 1 35 13, {{ {{ {{ {{ 12 “ * º & e 1 88 15, German Silver, Rosewood Case, containing 12 pieces, . e . 3 35 17, Brass, { { {{ { % 16 “ . . . e 2 50 18, German Silver, & 4 “ extra fine, containing 6 pieces. . 3 25 19, {{ {{ {{ { % {{ 19 {{ e 4 85 20, {{ {{ § { “ extra fine, {{ 9 4 . 5 50 21, {{ {{ - {{ {{ . {{ 12 {{ ſº 5 75 22, {{ {{ {{ “ extra fine, “ 12 “ 6 75 23, “ 4. & 4 {{ 4. 12 4 . 8 00 Sets Nos. 1 to 4 are intended for Elementary use. “ “ 7 to 15 “ {{ Advanced Scholars and College use. {{ {{ 17 to 23 {{ “ Architects, Civil Engineers, and Scientific purposes. Sets composed to suit special purposes, can be furnished at short notice. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF } Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, *.. Steel Pens, School Slates, Mucilage, Ink, Penholders, Writing Books, Drawing Materials, etc., etc. ZUF/ E A MEA2 ZOA. W. AVEWS COMPA WIY, - N Ew Y O R K. 288 THE AMERICAN Booksº LLERS GUIDE. R U BBER WORKS. C. B. DICKINSON, Proprietor. £ow-grºss ºf Aºzºwºs cºwº ºr wrºs. CONGRESS STATIONER'S GUM. Dickinson's Patent Arm Rest, Paper - Cutter, and Ruler combined. Nos. 4, 8, 12, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 to the box. --→ Per box. - - - 7c. º º: --- PLAIN STATIONERS’ GUM. Dickinson's Patent Slate Cushion. White, No. B-60c. Nos. 4, 8, 12, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80. Per box, 65c. * CONGRESS ’’ INTEX EIR.A.S.E.R. This Cut shows the full size of Cushion attached to state. Attention is called to the IMproved Rubber BEST QUALITY. CUSHION For SLATEs. It is pronounced by teachers to be the neatest and cheapest article for - - - - applying to slates ever introduced. It effectually 50 pieces in a box- Price per box, $1 50 prevents noise of slates in the school-room. It Our Stationers' Gum is all put up, 10 boxes in CAN BE APPLIED TO ANY KIND of SLATE by a a cartoon, which is a great convenience to the mere child. Price per box, containing 400 pieces trade. - (all complete for 100 slates), $4.00. the VAN Everen, a - Fºrce. Adjustable Book-Cover, * Postage Stamps. PATENTED May 3Rd. 1870. - IF I ºr 5. A. N. × E. O. C. Jº tº Just the thing for School and Library Books. SELF-SEALING. Large Letters, Put up 100 in a. box, per 100, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2 50. - Alphabet,10 cts. -***- sº : Small Letters, B00ksellers and Dealers in School GDOtis, * | "1" lºº Have used thousands of these covers, with their business - * Runs to 1,000, - card printed on the outside, as an advertisement. Net Prices for Covers, with Business Card. For 500....#10,00. For 2000 per 1,000,... $17,00. * 1000.... 18,00. | * 5000 “ “. .... 15,00. tº School, or Sunday School Libraries ordering, can have Name, Izules etc. printed on the covers at same rates as above. - --- Perforated Number Labels, (See Samples and Prices annewed.) may be ordered in Tinted paper, Per 100, 20 cre. | Tinted paper, Per 100, 10 cte. Runs to 10,000, any quantity of even hundreds. Odd lots to order. White Paper Address P. F. v. An EveREN, care of U. D. WARD, per. - 150 Nassau Sr., (up stairs.) New York. | Per 100 10 cig. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE NEW NATIONAL SERIES. M M ESSRS. A. S. BARNES & CO. have the satisfaction to announce the near approach to completion of their new or supplementary series of text-books, embracing the choicest recent works on every subject pursued in our schools. They are the only publishers in this country, and, it is believed, in the world, who can offer to their patrons for selection Two Complete Series of text-books, each independent of the other, and each possessing incontest: able merits peculiar to itself. The elder or “Standard Course” is composed of such works as Davies' Mathematics; McNally's Geography; Parker & Watson's Readers; Willard's History; Peck, Porter, Jarvis, Wood, and others in the sciences; etc., All of these have been recently revised or re-written, so as to be fully up to the most exacting modern demand, and are sold to the extent of many hundreds of thousands of volumes annua ly, with the undiminished approbation of the public. The NEW SERIES finds its raison d'etre largely in the demand for “brief” text-books, forced upon us by the crowded courses of instruction which now prevail. We believe, however, that there is a limit of concession here, in the interest of schools, and our books have not accordingly been reduced to the minimum, but arº sufficiently full to afford a Thorough and Practical Education to those who depend upon thein for all they acquire. The difficult attempt to reconcile the popular clamor with a really adequate course has been brought to a most successful issue in the several series enumerated below, of which the publishers are as justly proud as of their Standard Course, and predict for them an equal degree of popularity. : *- - - -------- - INDEPENDENT ă ă INDEPENDENT # = READING SERIES. ###|COURSE IN GEOGRAPHY|###|g d. By Prof. J. M. WATSON. *ś By Prof. JAMES MONTEITH. .”33 22 . - P- * * pi 20 2 (Completed 1874.) (Completed 1874.) - ; ul - |< *|Independent First Reader 80 pp. . . . . . . . . . . *!!!|Monteith's Elementary Geography............. $335| {...}. ãº, §§ º: :::::::: § ; Monteith's Comprehensive tº; * * * * * * * * * () 5 #. §§ ºr, ; ip........... § #. ------ 1 * II (10)@ll (10 iſ' ender. 336 bp . . . . . . . . . $) #. §, iº, 474 } • * * * * * * * * * * () (;() ENGLISH GRAMMAR d THROUGH DIAGRAMS. O 2|Independent Spelling Book.... . . . . . . . . () 10 JBV. Prof S. wº CLAF K g & *- I’OI. S. * * + SCRIPT SPELLERS. y Prº # ſul *=- All Independent Child's Speller........ . . . . . . . . . 9 19 - (Completed 1874.) > *|Independent Youth's Speller". . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., | 0 20 3. Clark’s Easy Lessons in Language” . . . . . . . . . . . . . () 15 PECK'S |BRIEF COURSE Clark’s Brief (; ranmar. º s & s *::::::::::::::: () §§ G IN ARITHMETIC cure. Nonº'. ......... () 50 F o lul -E By Prof. W. G. PECK. FOURTEEN WEEKS - C - - 2 H (Published 1874.) IN EACH NATURAL SCIENCE. : : & sº- - G- First Lessons in Arithmetic * . . . . . . . . . . . . . is By Prof. J. D OF MAN STEELE. g Manual of Practical Arithmetic * . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 25 r- Complete Arithmetic... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * - - - - 0 40 (Completed 1873.) (ſ) O | Us, HISTORY. §:::::::####$!!...; "........... | # --- |SUe - € Il S0 l) ll Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 to BARNES2 BRIEF HISTORY... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75|Steele's 14 Weeks in ... ... . . . . . . . || 0 75||7 º Steele's 14 Weeks in Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . () 75 (Published 1871.) Steele's 14 Weeks in Physiology.......... . . . . () : These works are now ready for the inspection of teachers, with the exception of those marked (*) which are well advanced, and will all be published before the close of the current year. It will be observed that although several of the writers named have heretofore obtained some reputation as authors, the works now advertised are not revisions, or new editions, but are entirely new works, with fresh matter and novel arrangement. Any of these works will be sent for examination (to teachers only) on receipt of the advertised examination prices. tº Send for catalogue with further details. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY., 111 & 113 William St., New York. 822 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply A T THE LOVVEST TEATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G. R. E. A. T. V. A. R. I. ET Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. NEW YOR.E. | [...W.T.W.0Y s Dºº. º º New York, July 4, 1874. No. 7. C O N T E N T S. t PAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, *= – 225 MUSIC NOTEs, – E: tºº — 234 THE BOOK TRADE UNION, — 230 INDEX To ADVERTISEMENTs, — 234 DISCOUNTS ON SCHOOL Books, – 23 Book ANNOUNCEMENTS FoR JULY, 235 oBITUARY, &=º tº- * — 23 I JUNE PUBLICATIONS, - — 237 special NOTICES, * =sº * — 232 | NEW MUSIC, gº &= --> &= - – 242 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, - 232 | THE AMERICAN NEws company's Foreign LITERARY NOTEs, — 233 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND NewsPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, - 234 PERIODICALs, * º – 24 4 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERs’ GUIDE at 50 gents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third, and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces. sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY, 115, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, New York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. TO THE BOOK TRADE. Educational Catalogue I FCI E. 1aza e - WILL BE READY ON AUGUST 1st It will contain a complete list, alphabetically arranged, of ALL SCHOOL BOOKS Published in the United States, With an Index to Publishers, and convenient references, so that the publisher of each book may be seen at a glance. It will be supplied to the trade at $5.00 PER 100 COPIEs. THE SOLE IMPRINT OF DEALERS secºnº More THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, INTe VV TY crlz, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music- Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publish- ers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET. NEw Yorº, July 1, 1874. The month has been one of general inactivity with both booksellers and publishers. The list of new books embraces a few religious volumes, fewer semi-scientific and biographical works, and a much less number than usual at this season of summer novels. The branches of the English houses have imported about the usual number of heavy books, but there has been but little demand for them. The new novel which has attracted the great- est share of attention is Theodore Tilton's Tem- pest Tossed, issued early in the month by Shel- don & Co. It is a long but peculiarly interest- ing narrative of the life of a family on board a ship which has been burned to the deck, and which drifts about the southern Atlantic for years. The only child, a daughter, is born on the ship on the night she is struck by lightning, and her masts and rigging burned, being de- serted by all the crew and passengers but this family. This child is educated and grows to womanhood, without ever having seen the land, or any human being save her father and mother, and an old colored servant. The plot is a simple one, but is strikingly original, and the romance running through the whole is worked out by a master hand. Across America, lately published by Sheldon & Co., is a highly readable account of the frontier and the Pacific Coast, by General James G. Rusling, whose duties as Army In- spector called him to those parts of the country. in 1866 and '67. The most important points of the extreme West are graphically described, and the manners and customs of the people at that date faithfully represented. The author's views on the Indian question, and his reasons for them. are not the least interesting portions of the volume. Harper & Brothers have published Under the Trees, a breezy book, by Rev. Samuel Prime, in which the author appeals to the sympathies of all lovers of nature and of open air life, in a series of pleasant talks on birds, dogs, insects, fishing, gardens, and other topics of a kindred nature. . . Those who... remember Dr. ... Prime's. book of last year, I Go a-Fishing, will read this book, with avidity, and they will not be disap- pointed. We have also from the Harpers a new series of sermons from T. De Witt Talmage, under the title Old Wells Dug Out, which are vigorous and earnest, and possess considerable literary excellence ; a new novel from Miss Braddon, entitled Talcen at the Flood; F. W. Robinson's Segoul Cousin Sarah, which has al- ready appeared in the columns of Harper's Weekly; My Miscellanies, by Wilkie Collins, in their new uniform edition of his works; and Miss Mºore, an excellent story for gir s, by Mrs. Craik (Miss Muloch). Mr. Robinson's novel is a fair picture of English life, somewhat overdrawn and sensational, but calculated to hold the interest of the average novel reader. My M.scellanies is a series of short stories, sketches and essays, now collected for the first time. They are written in an easy, captivating manner, and will be read with pleasure by the author's many admirers. The Harpers announce for the ooming month, The Arctic Adventures of Captain Tyson; Stanley's book on (oomassie and Magdala; and novels by Mrs. Oliphant James De Mille and James Payn. G. W. Carleton & Co. have issued True fo Him Ever, a readable love story, portraying Ameri- can Society; Northern Ballads, by Edward L. Anderson, a dainty little volume, containing nine of the best ballads of the Norseland, includ. ing Lohengrin, all fresh and pretty, if not pro- found; Sketches by Boz, being the fifteenth volume of Carleton's illustrated edition of Dickens; and The Log of Commodore Rollingpin, an illustrated volume, giving a laughable account of droll adventures, afloat and ashore, by James H. Car- ter. Carleton & Co. will publish shortly, Swin- burne's new work, Bothwell. They have also re- ceived a new novel from Mrs. Holmes, which will soon be given to the public. D. Appleton & Co. have published Wilkes, Sheridium, Fox: The Opposition Under Ge wrºe III by W. F. Rae: The Greit Ice Age, by James Geikie. a new revised edition of Maudsley's Body and Mind, to which has been added lectures on con- science and organization, and essays on Hamlet and Swedenborg; and a novel of considerable dramatic power and interest, entitled Brockley 226 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. M, or, by J. W. L. In The Great Ice Age, Prof. Geikie endeavors to give a comprehensive ac- count of the Glacial Epoch, and to demonstrate the antiquity of man, who, the author holds, inhabited Britain before the time of the great glaciers. It is a scholarly work, and though eminently scientific, is prepared for popular reading, in a style at once interesting and plain, and free from scientific technicalities. It is fully illustrated by maps, charts and engravings. The essays on Wilkes, She idan, and Pot are particu- larly interesting, and in thus presenting to- gether the lives and deeds of the three most able opponents of the policy of George the Third, Mir. Rae has performed a work for which he deserves the warmest thanks, not only from the historical student, ut from the general reader, who will gather from this work, in a few hours of entertaining reading, information for which he would have to search elsewhere through many volumes. Wilkes with his pen, Sheridan by his brilliant oratory, and Fox by his strength in debate, exerted an influence for which Americans should delight to honor them, and the volume will be widely read here. The Messrs. Appleton have issued the 13th volume of their Annual (yclopædia (1873), a comprehensive his- tory of the events of the year, classified under their proper headings. Special prominence is given in this volume to subjects of biography and necrology, and there are extended memoirs of Napoleon III., Agassiz, Mill, Chase and Dr. Liv- ingstone. Among the books nearly ready for issue by Appleton & Co. are Health and Elwca- tion, by Henry C. Kingsley, and the fifth and last volume of Dr. Flint's Physiolºgy of Man. This volume will treat particularly of special senses and generation. Henry Holt & Co. have published a condensed edition of Richardson's Cla' ºssa Harlºvo’, that old romance of Lovelace and Clarissa, written more than a hundred years ago, and praised by Pope and Dr. Johnson, and Sir Waiter Scott, Diderot and Rosseau, in short, by everybody who read novels at that day.. And everybody read it then, but now when we have scores of good novel writers, under the lash of the publishers turning out more new novels every week than they had then in a year, who can afford to wade through “twenty-four hundred closely printed pages" to find out whether Lovelace was a profili- gate or Clarissa, virtuous P No one, although it has been the fashion at any time these hun- dred years for every one to pretend that he knew all about it, so Mr. C. A. Jones has come to the rescue and condensed the formidable old novel into five hundred pages of the airy “Leis- ure Hour Series” for which he has our warmest 'thanks. Every one can now read it without a sensation of back-ache, and every one should do so, if only for the purpose of being able to say in the future that he has read it. Mr. Jones has done his work in an admirable manner, eliminat- ing nothing which is essential to the story, and preserving the language and punctuation of what remains, as in the original work. One of the strongest novels we ever read, and one which leaves a lasting impression on the mind is Mose Evans, recently published by Hurd & Houghton. The scene is laid in the South, in an out-of-the-way section, full of odd charac- ters, which the author possesses the happy faculty of painting to the life. The aristocracy of the South, with its haughty pretensions, is also rep- resented in strong contrast with the less showy and more contented life of the sparsely settled new country. The hero of the story is one of nature's nobleman, without culture, save that from within, whose nobility and strength of character are brought to the surface by his fall- ing in love with a daughter of a Charleston aristocrat. It is a novel which will doubly repay perusal, for its healthy tone, and for its pictures of southern life. The author is Rev. William M. Baker, born in Washington, educated at Princeton, N. J., and through the war pastor of a church in Texas, now officiating in South Boston, Mass. Though in strong sympathy with the North during the war, he writes most low- ingly of southern life and character, and his book will do much toward clearing away the last remnants of sectional prejudice. He has been known to readers as the author of the striking sketches of life in the southwest, under the title of The New Timothy, and of Inside: A Chronicle of Secessiºn. Mose Evans will entitle him to a high place among writers of novels of this class J. W. Schermerhorn & Co. have published a Catalºgus Plantarum, a catalogue of the wild plants, or those growing without cultivation, in the State of New Jersey, by Oliver R. Willis, Ph. D. The Flora of New Jersey is somewhat remarkable in character, and this catalogue will delight the hearts of botanists. It shows evi- dence of much pains-taking and contains de- scriptions of localities; full directions to learn- ers for collecting, pressing, labeling and preserv. ing botanical specimens, and descriptions of suitable apparatus therefor; a directory of the living botanists of the country; suggestions to persons commencing the study of botany; and a full, specific description of all the species of vio- lets found growing in New Jersey. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued Sun- day-school editions of Lange's Cºmmentary on Mark ; Alexander's Commentary on Mark; and Owen’s Commentary on the same book; also cheap editions in cloth and paper of that queer book of Verne's, A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, giving the adventures of a party who entered the crater of Sneffels, a volcano in Iceland, and, after exploring the subterranean regions, were thrown out of Stromboli, in Sicily. H. L. Hinton has published the second vol- ume of that interesting work, The humorous Chap-Books of Scotland, by John Fraser; a capital story of life at a military school, and of rambles in the highlands of the Hudson, by Hä. H., with the title My Comrades’ Adventures 17, the Highlands; and The Maiden of Treppi, a novel of Spanish life, from the pen of Paul Heyse. A. S. Barnes & Co. have published a descrip- tion of Richfield Springs and vicinity, prepared by W. T. Bailey, for the double purpose, as he says in the preface, of preserving an account of the settlement and growth of the locality for THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 227 those who are interested in it, and to supply a guide to invalids and others who wish to avail themselves of its mineral waters, or of the facili- ties for pleasuring which the region affords. Woolworth, Ainsworth & Co. have issued a complete report of The Broolchyn Council of 1874, comprising in full the proceedings, the state- ments, documents, etc., of the council which met to consider the standing of Plymouth Church. Much interest was manifested in the proceedings at the time, and there are many who will gladly become the possessor of the re- port in this complete and handy form. The National Temperance Society have added to their list another handsome little volume, by Mrs. M. A. Holt, entitled The Model Landlord. The books for the young, issued by this house, are always commendable for their attractive ap- pearance. Type, paper, binding and illustra- tions combine to tempt the little folks to become better acquainted with their wholesome con- tentS. Boston, July 1st, 1874. There is very little to be said of the publica- tions of the Boston houses for the month. They consist mostly of new editions, and reprints The summer novels and guide books, have as yet been but little in demand, but the trade have looked forward hopefully to the present month, when the summer travel will fully begin. Estes & Lauriat have reprinted four good old novels, which will be new to a large num- ber of readers, and will be welcomed by those who read and admired them ten years or more ago. They are, Rumor, a story artistically conceived and gracefully told by the author of the old time novels, Charles Anchester and Counter- pºrts; Slaves ºf the Ring, by Fred. W. Robinson, whose books always find appreciative readers ; A Tangled Skein by Albany Fonblanque, Jr., a capital story, with an engrossing and ingenious plot; and Deep Waters, by Anna H. Drury, a well written story, which cannot fail to interest and please lovers of fiction. Estes & Lauriat will soon issue the first volume of the new edi- tion, which is to comprise ten volumes, of Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Knights of the Great Seal, edited by Allen Mal- lory of the New York Bar. The initial volume contains an introduction devoted to the ori- gin, functions and jurisdiction of the office of Lord Chancellor. The body of the volume co sists of sketches of the lives of the Chan- cellors made under the Anglo Saxon Kings, and from the conquest to and including Cardinal Wolsey. This is a handsome edition on fine, heavy paper, and well bound. The publishers also have nearly ready Victor Hugo's Tour on the Rhine F on Paris to Mayence, which con- tains much information concerning the legends, historical events, and antiquities of an interest, ing portion of Europe ; and Memories of West- minister Hall, a collection of sketches and anec- dotes relating to Westminster Hall, its great judges and famous trials. The work has an historical introduction by Edward Foss. From J. R. Osgood & Co., we have Mr. T. B. Aldrich's charming story, Prudence Palfrey; and a volume of poems from Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, with the title A Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, and olher Poems. Prudence Palfrey is alto- gether a very agreeable book. The pictures of the old New England sea-port town linger pleasantly in the mind, and the reader gets to look upon the characters as old acquaintances, and is surprised to find himself, after the book is read and thrown aside, anxiously thinking of their welfare. It is not a great novel, but it is decidedly a good one. Mrs. Piatt's verses are not of a common order. They display a vivid imagination, purity of thought and expression, and the rythm is smooth and unlabored. Os- good & Co., have nearly ready The Middle States, a volume for tourists, similar in plan and style to their New England, and the second volume of Henry Wilson's Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in the United States. This work will be completed in the third volume. Lee & Shepard have published Lord of Himself, a story of Kentucky life thirty or forty years ago, by F. H. Underwood. Novels of this character, where the scenes are faithfully drawn as they are in this book, have an historical character and can be read with profit, as well as pleasure. Mr. Un- derwood is favorably known in literature by his connection with the Atlantic Monthly in its earlier days, and as the author of Cloud Pic- tures, and those excellent Hand Books of En- glish and American Literature. His romance Lord of Himself, every chapter of which is full of interest, will make his name as a writer still better known. His graphic description of a social life so little known, his clear descriptions, and scholarly diction, and the care and com- pleteness which mark the story from begin- ning to end, make it altogether one of the most satisfactory novels of the year. Lee & Shep- ard have also just ready The Columbian Speaker, a collection of pieces for recitation and decla- mation, by L. J. Campbell and O. Root, Jr. ; Senator Schurz's Bºulogy on Charles Sumner, printed and bound uniform with Sumner's Works; a collection of readings in prose and poetry, entitled The Readin-1 (lub, by George W. Baker; and a volume of poems by J. E. O. entitled Thurid and other Poems. The writer is a rising Boston lawyer, who modestly with- holds more than his initials from the title page. “Thurid” is a love poem of the Vikings, strong and full of poetic inspiration, and versifying talent. The other poems, “ Charity" and “Goodman John ” are mostly descriptive and have the touch of the true artist. This house are holding over a very full list for the Fall including a Young Fºlk's History of the United States, by Col. T. W. Higginson. They will also issue at that time, Miss Trapton's Katharine Earle, now running through Scribner's 3 a. new edition of Wose's Manual on Railroad En- gincering, which will be brought out in one volume, at a greatly reduced price; and Jenny June's novel, “for all men and some women,” with the suggestive title, For Better or Worse. Loring has issued new editions, in his handy 50 cent series of novels, of The King's Cope, a popu- 228 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. lar old English novel of society life; Pique, a tale of the English Aristocracy; Linnet's Trial, by the author of Twice Lost; and Sia in All; by Virginia F. Townsend. He has also issued Lulu's Novel, a very clever story from the Ger- man of Elise Polko, reprinted from Old and New, where it appeared with the title, She Writes. Noyes, Holmes & Co., have republished that curious little book on The Stars and The Earth, printed anonymously many years ago in En- gland, and reprinted in 1856 by their prede- cessors, Crosby & Nichols. Rev. Dr. Hill, then of Harvard, now of Portland, did it the honor then to write an introduction for it, and does the same for it now. A. Williams & Co., have published John M. Way's Guide to Moosehead Lake and Norther), Maine; the annual discourse before the Massa- chussets Medical Society, June 3d, 1874, by Dr. Nathan Allen, on the Medical Problems of The 1 ay; A Memorial of Charles Summer from the City ºf Bostom, in a handsome royal octavo volume; and The Modern Ornamenter and Interior I/ecora- tor, an oblong quarto containing illustrations of the art of scroll, arabesque and ornamental paint. ing, by A. B. Boyce. The author is a practical ar- tist, and believes that he has presented in this volume “just what is wanted at the present day by all persons requiring the use of ornaments for any purpose whatever” although “the chief object has been to assist the beginner.” Wil- liams& Co., will soon issue Professor Riiding- er's, work on The Human Ear, translated by Dr. C. J. Blake. The subject will be illustrated by plates made expressly for this edition, which will be a limited one. D. Irothrop & Co. have published a new edi- tion of Dr. Banvard's Plymouth and the Pilgrims, and will issue new editions of Gethsemane, from the German of Charlotte Elizabeth Mackenzie; 'lad Tidings; and Seed Time and Hurvest, by Rev. Dr. Tweedie. The last three books were formerly on the list of Gould & Lincoln. William F. Gill & Co. give us one of the best of the new summer novels. It is A Dangerous Game, from the pen of Edmund Yates, his first atory since his visit to this country, and, of course, giving many of the impressions, our cus- toms and society made upon him. Aside from the merits of the ingenious plot, which makes it one of the best of this author's works, it deserves and will receive attention from the fact that, although written by an Englishman, the char- a "ters are Americans, many of them drawn from 111e, ald easily recognized, and the scenes are aid mostly in New York. Mr. Lester Wallack, appears as Mr. Van Buren, Dion Boucicault as Bryan Duval, and Mr. Theodore Moss as Morris Jacobs. The book will have an additional inter- est to many for its glimpses of life among actors and actresses. Henry L. Shepard & Co.'s book for the month is Verne's lowrney to the Centre of the Earth, a cheap edition, in competition with the New York publishers of Verne's books Mr. Shepard's editions of this book and of Meridiana are very handsome and very cheap. The public care very little as to who has the right to publish them, as long as they get the best. James Campbell has published a very fine edi- tion of Burnett's translation of Siebold's Amal- omy of the Invertebrata. The work is well known by anatomists, and is probably the most com- plete treatise on the science ever printed. It has been highly recommended by Prof. Agassiz, Sillman, and noted zootomists everywhere. The work is printed on heavy toned paper, and substantially bound. PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1874. In no branch of business does the demand regulate the supply more certainly and effec- tually than in the book trade. There may be no end to the making of books, but the present season has demonstrated to the satisfaction of all concerned, that there is a limit beyond which their production ceases to be profitable. If, however, the light demand for books has made publishers careful as to the number they issue, it has had the best effect in causing them to exercise greater care in the selection of those to be printed, and the very best only of the mate- rial in hand is given to the public. Porter & Coates have lately added three new volumes to their series of novels. Of the nu- merous editions and cheap reprints of works of fiction, there is none that better merits the patronage of the public than the series now in course of issue under the title of the “Inter- national Series of Novels.” In addition to the literary merits of each volume, they are strong- ly bound and printed on good paper, in excel- lent type ; making handsome library volumes. In the latter part of May this house issued Valentine the Countess, by Carl Detlif (Miss Clara Bauer), a clever and fascinating novel, display- ing all the charms of a graceful diction, eleva- ted thought, brilliant repartee, and power of character portraiture. It is a novel that may be introduced with advantage to any house- hold, as, while affording a few hours of pleas- ant reading, it also gives a tendency to certain womanly graces, by giving to the Heroine “Wal- entine’’ not only the enchanting figure of a fair Countess, but also the beauty of a noble Souled woman. No Alternative, by Annie Thomas, is a very pleasant novel of modern life in an Euglish provincial town, excellent in tone and entertaining throughout, one of the best novels for summer reading of the season. The Vicis- situdes of Bessie Fairfax, by Holme Lee, will recommend itself to all who love homest but cheerful and lively pictures of real life. Beti- sie's “vicissitudes" at a French boarding school, where she is sent to be educated, are calculated to entertain and they are not with- out their healthful lesson. Porter & Coates have in preparation a volume of travel in the Arctic Regions, which promises to be full of interest. It is written by Major Butler, the author of a book of travels in Canada, and will bear the title of The Wild Ninth Band. T. B. Peterson & Brothers are busy with books specially adapted to the wants of sum- Iner readers. They have lately issued The | Orphan's Trial, or Alone in a Great City, by THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 229 Emerson Bennett, a romance written in the author's liveliest style, all aglow with startling incidents; a new and handsome edition of Eugene Sue's Martin the Foundling; or, the Ad- ventures of a Valet de Chambre; The Autobiogra- phy of Edward Wortley Montagu, that inveter- até scandal monger, who made it his business to know all about everybody's private life ; Victor. Hugo's The Brigand; or, The Demon of the North, containing an excellent portrait of the author at the age of 72; and a complete, literal and unabridged translation of Dumas' Camille. Montagu's Autobiography is certain- ly a remarkable book. The author's mother, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, was a most ex- traordinary woman, and the son evidently in- herited many of her peculiarities. She is not spared in the volume, and her love adventure. with Pope is described at length. The book also has to deal with scores of noted people from George the Second to Lady Bolingbroke and Fanny Shirley. Kings and princes, lords and ladies, bishops and laymen, are all most ummercifully handled. The volume is prefaced by Dr. MacKenzie of the Philadelph a Press. The Petersons will soon issue a new novel from Mrs. C. J. Newby, entitled Sunshine and Shadow, printed from an advanced copy : and another Cook Book, prepared by Hannah M. Bouvier, which will be called The National Coolc Boolc. The publishers claim that the re- ceipts are simple, concise, and practical, three most excellent qualifications, and that great attention has been paid to the department of cooking exclusively adapted to the sick, and convalescent, most of the dishes having been prepared according to the directions of the most eminent physicians of Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have issued three good summer novels, Hulda a pleasant romance, after the German of Fanny Lewald, by Mrs. A. L. Wister; The Second Wife, from the German of E. Marlitt, also by Mrs. Wister; and Olive Lacey, by Anna Argyle, author of The General's Daughter. They have also issued the second volume of the Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, and the second and concluding volume of Prescott's Peru, being the third work in their new edition of Prescott. This volume gives the history from the time of the crowning of Inca Manco, in 1534, to the settlement of the country in 1550, and includes an appendix of original and translated documents. The other new books from this house are A History of New Sweden, or the Settlement on the River Dela- ware, by the Provost of the Swedish churches in America, Israel Acrelius, translated with an introduction and notes, by Rev. Dr. William M. Reynolds, and published under the joint auspices of the Historical Societies of Pennsyl- vania and Delaware; two new volumes in the handsome edition of Bulwer's novels, Godolphin and Paul Clifford; The Mambi Land or Adven- tures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba, by James J. O'Kelly; and Morford's Short Trip Guide to America, for 1874. Mr. O'Kelly's book is an ex- ceedingly well written and interesting account of his adventures in the Island of Cuba, which he visited as a correspondent of the New York Herald This edition, the fourth, of Morford's Short Trip Guide, contains all the important features of the previous editions, and some valu- able additions, including a new Virginian Tour, and an Off Route and Minor Index, valuable for finding places not on the regular routes. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger's handsome edition of Emerson Bennett's stirring novels of American life are meeting with excellent success. The initial volumes, The Outlaw's Daughter, and Völleta Linden, are both works of great merit, and the white paper, clear type, and rich covers, in green, blue or buff cloth, with black and gold ornamentation, place them among the prettiest books of the season. This house have added to their list An Essay Contributing to a Philosºphy ºf Literature, by B. A. M., and a new edition, revised, of that useful little book Kahn's Ad- ministrators' Account Book, which gives all the necessary instruction how to settle an estate. Henry Carey Baird announces for early pub- lication A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Colors for Painting from the French of Ver- gand, Riffault and Toussaint, comprising the origin, definition, and classification of colors, the treatment of raw materials, the newest pro- cesses for the preparation of all kinds of paint and the necessary apparatus, and directions for its use. It will be a large and handsome volume containing upwards of eighty engravings. Lindsay & Blakiston have issued the sixth edition of Biddle's Materia Medica. Although the fifth edition was issued but little more than a year ago, it is now exhausted, but the demand for the work stills continues. In the present edition many of the therapeutical articles have been re-written, the chemical descriptions re- modelled, the new chemical notation adopted, and entirely new matter introduced. It contains as in the former editions, illustrations of im- portant plants and diagrams of instruments. We have received a copy of “The World's Edition” of The Great Presbyterian Conflict, pub- lished by George McDonald & Co., Chicago. It contains a full account of the trial of Prof. Swing, an outline of the circumstances preced- ing the trial, pulpit sketches of Profs. Swing and Patton, by Chas. L. Thompson, and the fourteen sermons upon which the prosecution based its charges. It contains portraits of both belligerents. - Thomas W. Dunton & Co., of Syracuse, New York, have published another reply to Dr. Clarke under the title of Woman's Education and Wo- man's Health. It is written by Professor George F. Comfort, of the Syracuse University, and Mrs. Anna Manning Comfort, M. D. The authors ac- cuse Dr. Clarke of too hasty generalization, and of incorrectness and lack of scientific precision in making his physiological arguments, and ably but briefly, present what they consider the real causes of the ill health of American women, which is attributed by Dr. Clarke to their being treated in the schools in “the boys' way.” The book is in many respects an interesting and valuable addition to what has previously been written on the co-education of the sexes. . 23O THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ GUIDE. THE Book TRADE [JNion. The agent of the Union has canvassed the Eastern trade very thoroughly, and informs us that he has been everywhere well received and encouraged to hope for success. He confidently expects a large attendance at the meeting of the Union at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, on the 21st, 22d, and 23d inst. The selec- tion of a place for that meeting, so far away from our publishing centres, was injudicious, but it is no less the duty of our publishers ...to attend. The reforms which the Union are seeking to effect are directly in the in- terests of the publishers. Nearly every one of our publishers is willing to acknowledge the demoralizing influence of professional discounts, yet many of them are forced, or | think they are forced, by the custom of their competitors, not only to give discounts to the profession but to discount to everybody. A. does it because B. does it, and B. con- tinues it because A. will not give it up. It is so also with the large retail prices and the excessive discounts of which the mem- bers of the Trade Union complain. Periodi- cal attempts at reform have been made among the publishers themselves; but they have always failed, and the evils have in- creased and exerted a more harmful influence on the trade year by year. The failures have generally been attributed to the unwilling- ness of each publisher to commit himself to any stated policy without a full knowledge of the opinions of the others. Now, what the publishers have been unable to accomplish for themselves, the retailers have undertaken, and they ask the co-operation of the publish- ers that what is done, may be done wisely and well. The present movement has assumed such proportions and awakened so general an in- terest, that its success is only a question of time, and it rests with the publishers how long that success shall be deferred. There has been a very general belief among the re- tail dealers that the publishers have a pecu- niary interest in underselling and generally breaking down prices, that they annually rob the retail dealer of large sales by their practice of advertising, and sending books by mail, and this belief has been strengthened by the inactivity of the publishers whenever reform measures have been proposed, whereas no one knows better than the pub- lishers themselves, that from underselling and excessive discounts, they are the parties who receive the greatest injury, and that the profits on the books sent by mail do not pay for the advertising. It will pay every pub- lishing house in the East to have a represen- tative at the coming meeting at Put-in-Bay, if only for the purpose of correcting these false impressions, and establishing a better feeling than now exists between the two branches of the trade. If the publishers who have expressed themselves as in favor of reform, and anxious to give the retailer the support and assis- tance he is fairly entitled to, are in earnest, they will each have a representative at that convention. Matters will be discussed there which will directly affect the relations be- tween publishers and retailers, and the in- terests of both. It is highly important, then, that the publishers should be present to take part in the discussions, and to direct them to a proper issue. It will pay all who are inter- ested in reform to be present. —º. - 4am- ºr -º- DAYTON, OHIO, June 20, 1874. EDITOR OF AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE: Dear Sir :-We send you report of Committee on Railroad and Entertainment for publication in next Guide. Our cause is progressing finely ; the Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis trade are all with us; the larger Eastern cities have re- sponded, and we think, from present indications, that we shall have a large gathering at Put-in- Bay. - Yours very truly, A 'F. PAYNE. REPORT OF £oMMITTEE ON RailRoAD f ARE AND £NTERTAINMENT. At this season of the year, railroad ticket of- fices in all parts of the country, that sell cou- pon tickets, have on sale round trip tickets to Put-in-Bay at excursion rates, a little more than half price. Delegates, by exchange of tickets at Put-in-Bay, can return by a different route. Besides these rates to the general public, some roads have agreed to special rates for this convention. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad agrees to carry passengers to and from the convention at two cents per mile each way, if round trip tick- ets are taken, also will carry Western and Southern delegates from the convention to the Eastern cities, and return them at as low, or lower rates, than the above mentioned, giving them any desired time to remain in the Eastern cities to do their trading. The New York Central & Hudson River Railroads will, at that time, have very low com- peting through and return rates, which will perhaps afford as cheap a line of travel as any. The Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad will sell round tickets at a small fraction over half rates. This is the line to be used in com- ing from southern Illinois, St. Louis and further West. The Cincinnati, Sandusky & Cleveland Rail- road is convenient for the Cincinnati and South- ern trade, and will carry the passengers on round trip tickets at a little over half rates. It is understood that Southern roads will bring the trade from New Orleans, Memphis, Nash- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 231 y ville, Louisville and other southern cities at the . rates, running in connection with this TO8,Ol. - The Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Douis Rail- road and its branches, will send certificates through the chairman of this committee to all dealers along its lines, which will enable them to buy round trip tickets at two cents per mile each way. The Pennsylvania Railroad will at that time have round trip excursion rates. The railroads centering in Chicago, being compelled by law to carry passengers at low rates, will not make special terms. Some deal- ers on lines far west of Chicago may avail them- selves of round trip rates, and save money. The Michigan Southern and the Michigan Central will have low through rates, extending to the eastern cities and return. Booksellers desiring to attend the convention are requested to make an effort to secure for themselves low rates on round trip tickets, and in most cases they will have no difficulty. Railroad men inform the Chairman of the Committee that if there is a large attendance there will be railroad agents at the meeting from the leading roads carrying passengers East, who will offer exceedingly low figures from Put-in-Bay to the East and return. It may prove to be best not to buy tickets further East than the convention, then take the chances of railway competition from there East. Booksellers able to aid in securing low rates are hereby solieited to communicate with the Chairman of this Committee. For the good of the cause, efforts should be made to induce a large attendance, by securing the lowest possi- ble rates of travel from all points. - The Committee have secured the reduced rate of $2.50 per day for delegates at the Put-in-Bay House. Parties wishing to secure rooms, should write soon to Sweeney, West & Co., proprietors. ? Yours truly, THOS. D. HUBBARD, Chairman. CoLUMBUs, O., June 15, 1874. Discounts on School Books At the meeting of the Publishers’ Board of Trade, held June 10th and 11th in this city, a resolution was adopted providing that the maximum rates of discount be on regular sales, 33% per cent.; on introduction, 25 per cent.; on exchanges, 50 per cent., and on Sales from branch houses 25 per cent.” The res- olution was afterward, however, rescinded on the plea that it would bring unjustifiable hardships on houses holding certain con- tracts. Since the meeting, one of the largest houses represented in the Board have adopted the rejected rates, and will send out their re- vised price list to the trade immediately. The reduction from old retail prices is about 10 per cent, and the new “dozen price’ is made 20 per cent. from the new retail price. Their discounts, from the “dozen price” vary from 5 per cent to 163 per cent, according to the amount cf the bill. This independent action of a leading house, is a step in the right direction, which will win the hearty approba- tion of The Book Trade Union, as it is in di- rect compliance with Article 4, adopted at their meeting in Cincinnati. The example will probably be followed, with or without a rule of the Board, by other publishers of school books. JBIt UARY. JEAN FRANCOIS ANNE THOMAS LANDROIT. A gable despatch dated June 9th, announces the death of the Most Rev. Jean Francois Land- roit, Archbishop of Rheims. He was born at Couches-les-Mines, in the department of the Saone et Loire, in 1816. He was acting as Vicar- General of Autun, when in 1856 he was appointed Bishop of La Rochelle, which position he filled. until 1866, when he was appointed Archbishop; of Rheims. M. Landroit was well known by his writings, and Sermons. ... Among his works, are Pastoral Discourses and Instructions; The Strong Woman; The Pious Woman ; several books on paganism in education ; and a well- known work entitled The Christ of Tradition, JOHN C. M. BELLEW. Mr. John C. M. Bellew, the elocutionist and Shakspearian reader, whose illness and destitute circumstances were announced some weeks ago, died in London on the 19th of June. He was, born in 1828, and was the only child of Captain Robert Higgin of Lancaster, England, his. mother, whose name he afterward assumed, be- ing a member of the family of Lord Bellew of Ireland. He was educated at Oxford, took or-. ders in 1848, was ordained, and served as cu- rate in several parishes until 1851, when he went to India as a chaplain. . . Returning to England in 1855, he established himself in Lon- don, and became very popular as a pulpit ora- tor. He afterward became a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, and soon after began to read in public, and attained a wide reputa- tion as an elocutionist. His last visit to this country was not a success financially, and he did not appear in England after his return. He has some reputation as a writer, his princi- pal works being Christ in Life and Life in Christ, Shalcespeare's Hºme in New Place, and a novel with the title Blount Tempest. - JULES JANIN. This celebrated French critic, author and journalist, died in Paris on the 19th ult. He was born at St. Etienne, in 1804; received a classical education at the local college, studied law, and for a time supported himself by teach- ing. He commenced his career as a journalist, by writing for many of the smaller theatrical papers, where his brilliant articles attracted the attention of the Figaro and he was soon added to its corps of writers, He was for a time editor of Quotidienne, he tournded in conjunction with others the Revue de Paris and the Journal des Enfants, and his articles appeared in nearly every 232 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. paper in Paris. In 1836, he became dram- atic critic of the Journal des Debuts, where he wielded, unscrupulously, an immense influ- ence until his death. He also published several romances and works on art, and Wrote a great number of treatises, essays, and introductions, but he was best known as a critic, and his feuille- tons under the high sounding title of . Histoire de la Litterature will be considered his chief work, by which he will be known in the future. . A month before his death a relative died, leaving him a fortune of two million francs, but he was too ill to be informed of the event. JULES DE SAINT-FELIX. This distinguished French novelist died at Paris on the first of June, at the age of sixty- eight. His first book was a volume of verses issued in 1830, since which time he has written a score or more of novels, all of the sensational school, and of considerable merit. He also pub- lished Les Tribun's, a series of sketches of the orators of the Legislative Assembly in 1849, and a Life of Napoleon II., King of Rome, in 1853. He has been credited with having assisted the elder Dumas in the preparation of his novels. SPECIAL Notices The firms Taintor Brothers and Taintor & Co., New York, have removed to 758 Broadway. Louis Dreka, Stationer and Engraver, Phila- delphia, has removed to 1121 Chestnut, Street. Rimball & Day succeed C. Moore in the book and news business at Walla-Walla, Washington Territory. - P. B. Dickerson, the well-known bookseller and newsdealer of Pomeroy, Ohio, has sold his business to Mr. Wm. P. Osborn. - M. S. Heaton, the old established newsdealer at Georgetown, Colorado, has retired from the business, having sold to Mr. E. M. Eggleston. At the recent meeting of the Publishers' Board of Trade, all restrictions in regard to the num- ber of agents which any house shall employ were removed. F. Weed, Bookseller, Stationer and News- dealer, etc., Ticonderoga, N.Y., has associated with himself a partner, and the style of the firm is changed to Weed & Fleming. ſº May, Metcalf & Dixon is a new firm dealing in books and stationery in St. Paul, Minn. . Mr. Dixon has been for a number of years with D. D. Merrill & Co. . . P. O'Shea, the well-known publisher and dealer in Catholic books, has moved into his new building, extending through the block from 37 Barclay Street to 42 Park Place. - Perry, Mason & Co., 41 Temple Place, Boston, have published a second edition of their little work on The Art of Making Waa, Flowers, to which they have added a few new flowers and lessons in making the cross. The. work is an excellent guide for beginners. Price, 25.9ents. On the first of June, the partnership of Mason, Baker & Pratt, New York, was dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Albert Mason, having £ bought the plates of the late firm, continues the publishing business at 129 Grand Street, and the other partners, with Mr. Alburn H. Krussa, continue the wholesale book and stationery busi- ness under the firm name of Baker, Pratt & Co. Through some inadvertence, an edition of Chorley's Recent Art and Society, was published without an index. This index has since been published in such a form that it can be easily. pasted in the book, and will be sent to any per- son having a copy without it, on application to the publishers, Henry Holt & Co., New York. G. E. Currie, the publisher of the United States Jnsurance Gazette and Magazine, announces for early publication the United States Insurance Almanac and Staftstical Register. Its publication has been deferred till this time in the year, that it may embrace full official returns, and the legislative enactments of the past winter. The compilation will be valuable for reference. Among the new houses lately established, the New York Blank Book Company is claiming the attention of the trade as a competitor in this line. Mr. Wm. Tierney, who is the manager of the company, has had twenty-five years' experi- ence in the blank book trade, and previous to the establishment of this concern has acted as fore- man in one of our leading blank book manufac- tories for many years. The advance copies of their first catalogue shown us, promise a fine line of goods. We refer the interested reader to their advertisement on another page of this number. J_iTERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. The works of the Polish poet, Krasinski, are being translated into English by Mrs. Martha Walker Cook. Roberts Brothers will publish in the fall Philip Gilbert Hamerton's The Sylvan Year, now running as a serial in The Portfolio. Messrs. Ernauder & Bollman, of Chicago, have just issued a history of the United States in the Swedish language. Sir Samuel Baker's account of the Expedition into Africa, for the suppression of the slave trade, is completed. Harper & Brothers will publish it here. G. W. Carleton & Co. have just received from Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, who is now in Paris, the MS. of her new novel, Doctor West. Mrs. Holmes will return from her European trip in the fall. Mr. H. H. Bancroft of San Francisco, has col- lected a large number of volumes relating to the Pacific coast, from which he intends to compile a cyclopaedia. The poet Pope is to be honored with a com- plete concordance to his poems. The only English writers to whose works a complete ver- bal index has yet been prepared are Shakspeare, Milton and Tennyson. The second volume of the “Bric-a-Brac” series, promises to be even more interesting than the first. It will consist chiefly of remin- iscences of Thackeray, and will be ready this month. ſº THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G U JD E. 233, * Trow's New York City directory, for 1874, is issued. It is a volume of 1,636, pages and con- tains 229,603 names, an increase of 1,342 over the number last year, mostly due to the an- nexed portion of Westchester County. It con- . a new map of the city, including the new W8 rCiB. In view of the study of the International Lessons, from July to December, 1874, Messrs. RANDOLPH & Co. purpose issuing that portion of The Biblical Museum on Mark in a neat and inexpensive form. ComPER GRAY's ingenious plan of bringing into small space, the essence of criticism upon the New Testament, will no doubt commend this book to many. Mr. T. Whittaker has a new book, by Lucy Ellen Guernsey, in press, entitled Lady Rosa- mond's Book, being a second volume of the Cor- bet Chronicles, and a continuation of Lady Betty's Governess. Miss Guernsey's writings have be- come quite popular among those readers who are not given over to sensationalism. The book will be ready in the early fall. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, have pub- lished the Township Officer's Guide, giving in a compact form the laws of Ohio, relating to town- ships. . As the volume is intended for non-pro- fessional readers, the statutes are not given en- tire, but only their substance, with abundant references. The book is a very useful one to those who are interested in the administration of township affairs. Colby & Rich, Boston, will soon issue a work entitled Mediums, and Mediumship, from the French of Allan Kardec, translated expressly for this house by Mrs. Emma A. Wood, of Washington. They have also in press, and will soon issue a pamphlet entitled A Défence of Modern Spiritualism, by Alfred R. Wallace, F. R. S. of London, also a pamphlet entitled Re- vivals—Their Cause and Cure, by Hudson Tuttle. The twelve lectures on the History of Peda- gogy delivered last summer in Cincinnati by Prof. W. N. Hailman, are published in a neat little volume with flexible covers, by Wilson, Binkle & Co. The author does not claim for the lectures that they present a complete history of pedagogy, but they sketch concisely the growth of the leading principles in education. Notwithstanding the modest claims of the au- thor, the book contains much to interest teach- ers and all who are giving any attention to edu- cational matters. The volume of sermons of David Swing, under the title of Thoughts for To-day, re- cently published by Jansen, McClurg & Co., of Chicago, has directed general attention to- ward the eloquent preacher, and created a gen- eral interest in what was before scarcely more than a local sensation, his trial for heresy be- fore the Presbytery of Chicago. A full account of that trial, just issued by Jansen, McClurg & Co. is therefore very welcome. It is edited by a committee appointed by the Presbytery, and contains the charges, the reply, the testimony, and all the proceedings bearing upon the ques- tion, all taken from the full notes of the steno- graphers. For EIGN J_ITERARY Notes A new edition of Chambers's Encyclopaedia is printing. The new Irish Magazine, Now-a-Days, is an- nounced for this month. Mr. Browning's new poem will not be pub- lished till October. - The History of Advertising, by Henry Samp- son, is announced in London. - A complete edition of the poems of Hoffmann will soon be published at Berlin. • * George Sand's new novel, Ma Soeur Jeanne is having a large sale in Paris. The first volume of Dr. Schmidt's Shake- eare's Lezicon will soon be published in Lon- OIOl. • ‘ A Life of David Frederick Strauss, by his intimate friend, Professor Teller, will soon be published. * * x M. Henry Houssaye has been awarded the Thiers prize by the French Academy for his “Histoire d' Alcibiade.” - The treatises on Theism and Nature, left in manuscript by John Stuart Mill, are about to be issued in London by the Messrs. Longman. Several members of the Societe des gems de Lettres, of Paris, were lately expelled from that society on account of their politics. Hezekiel, the Prussian noyelist, whose death was recently reported, left behind him a history of the kings of Prussia, with the title, The Book of the Seven Kings. - George Eliot has been engaged for several months on a new novel, with the scene laid in England. It will probably not be completed till next year. - . The Printer’s Register, London, says that Wic- tor Hugo's paper, #. Rappel, has a larger circula- tion than any other in France. Its regular issue is eighty thousand copies. Victor Hugo has a volume of poems ready for the press. Its translation into English has already been provided for, and it will appear in London shortly after its publication in Paris. . The exportation of books to America from Leipsic during the first three months of the present year, amounted to 119,212 thalers, an increase over the same months of last year of about two thousand thalers. . Dr. Röhricht, the author of an interesting treatise on the Crusade of 1828–29, is prepar- ing a larger work on Crusades generally. His knowledge of Arabic literature enables him to consult Mohammedan as well as Christian sources for information, and his work promises to be the most comprehensive on the subject yet written. gº In Berlin there is talk of the establishment of a new revue, of the highest pretensions, modelled on the “Revue des deux mondes.” The prin- cipal authors of Germany have promised their support in making the review the very focus of German intellect. A partnership of friends of literature has been formed, with a subscribed capital of £15,000. The firm of Paetel Broth- ers, Berlin, are spoken of as the selected pub- lishers. 234 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Mr. Murray, of London, will soon publish The Last Journal of Dr. Livingstone, edited by his son Mr. T. Steele Livingstone. It will in- clude all the journals sent to England by Mr. Stanley, and those which have been trans- mitted since, as well as the papers which have been received by the Foreign Office. It will embrace his travels, and researches from 1865 to within a few days of his death. Jacob Wain- wright's journal giving an account of Dr. Liv- ingstone's death, and the journey home with his remains will be issued about the same time. ... Mr. Swinburne's new tragedy, Bothwell, makes a volume of 532 pages. It is more carefully written than Chastelard, and is free from the most objectionable features which characterize that work, but the author has evidently not changed his opinion of Queen Mary's character, which he paints in the most unenviable colors. The English newspapers are calling attention to the fact that the valuable contents of the Bodleian Library, at Oxford, are not protected by fire-proof buildings. The library contains more than, three hundred thousand volumes, including many rare books and manuscripts, and is receiving additions of about five thousand volumes per year. - NewsPAPERs AND f'ERIODIcALs. Mr. Albert Webster, Jr., has been engaged to “do” the watering places for. Appleton's Journal. The July number of the American Law Times and Reports, contains the new bankrupt law in full, with notes. The Nautical Gazette is enlarged to twice its former size, and the publication day is changed from Saturday to Wadnesday. The copies of the New York Herald containing Rochefort's letter, which reached Paris, were seized by the government. Mr. J. C. Rodriques has purchased the Span- ish illustrated paper El Mundo Nuevo, from Mr. Frank Leslie, and has merged it into the America Ilustrada. - - .. . A project for a new Republican daily news- paper is on foot, said to be headed by Mr. #Henry Sedley, well known as the editor of the Round. Table, and Mr. Norvell, financial editor of the New York Times. The Graphic Company have purchased Hearth and Home and consolidated it with the Weekly Graphic. The two are now issued as one paper, sixteen pages, with an art supplement of four ages each week, under the title Hearth and ome. Retail price 10 cents. The Saint Chrysostom's Magazine, which was started but little more than a year ago as a church monthly, has met with such flattering success that it is again to be enlarged to seven- ty-two pages, and the subscription, price in- creased to two dollars. A change has been made in the management of the magazine, and articles on science and general literature will be intro- duced. The office of publication will soon be removed to 808 Broadway. The proprietors disclaim any connection with Trinity Parish. The American Traveler is the name of a new monthly paper conducted by Henry Mc rſold, the author of the Short Trip Guides, and de- voted to the interests of travel and the travel- ing public. The first number contains, beside much useful advice and information to travel- ers, the first chapters of a novel of French life and travel in 1867, by Mr. Morford.. The Monthly Mirror will hereafter be pub- lished as a medical journal, under the title of The Medical Min ror, by A. K. Butts & Co., New York. It will be devoted to the interests of “liberal medicine,” and edited by Drs. Gunn and Stow. The first volume begins with the July number. Price $2,00 per year, or 20 cents per number. The Spiritualist at Work is the title of a new weekly journal “devoted to the best interests of humanity, progression here and hereafter.” It is issued by the publishers of The Truth Seek- er and edited by D. M. Bennett, New York, and E. W. Wilson, Lombard, Ill. It comprises sixteen pages, has a very neat appearance and is in handy form, being cut and pasted. Price $3 per year, or 8 cents per copy. * NMUSIC Notes A correspondent of the English Mechanic suggests a musical short-hand, to consist prin- cipally of twelve characters corresponding to the black and white keys of the piano-forte. Balfe's Posthumous Opera of Il Talismano was lately sung in London, and the critics speak very highly of it. It is said to be among the best works of the prolific composer. Verdi's, New Mass, composed as a requiem, for the first anniversary of the death of the com poser's friend Manzoni, and lately performed amid enthusiastic applause at Milan, will be produced here next winter. In Ditson's new list will be found some ex- cellent pieces suitable for the summer hops. The Storm Step Galop and Carnival Lancers, both by Strauss, and the Regatta Galop, by Reed Aronson are among the best. This house has also published Whate'er Betide, a vely pretty ballad for soprano voices, by Millard. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, American News Company.—Educa- tional Catalogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d page of cover. The Family Mlcroscope............ 3d { { { { T. B. Peterson & Bros.-New Books 4th “ { { Jenny June's Cook Book.................... Page 248 Wants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 249 Books Wanted and For Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 249 Brewer & Tileston.—Worcester's Diction- B.I.Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 249 Wonders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 249 Baird's Practical and Scientific Books. . . . . . “ 250 Wm. L. Allison.—Popular Books............ ** 250 Cincinnati News Company.................. “ 250 F. Leypoldt.—Educational Catalogue..... “ 251 The New York Blank Book Co.............. “ 252 Presbyterian Board of Publication......... “ 252 Homoeopathic Family Guide.......... . . . . . “ 522 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G UIDE. 235, Book ANNouncements FO R JULY. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Physiology of Man: , Vol. 5. By Austin Flint, Jr., M.D. 8vo, cloth, $4.50, sheep, $5.00 Perspective Drawing in Four parts. man Kruse. 4to, oblong. Paper. . Health and Education. By Henry C. Kingsley. 12mo, cloth. Physiology for Practical Use. ton, M.D. 12mo, cloth. By Her. By James Hor- A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Youth’s Speller im Script. By J. M. Watson. 12mo, half bound. Easy Lessons in Language. By S. M. Clark. 12mo, half bound. H. C. BAIRD, Philadelphia. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Colors for painting. From the French of M. M. Rifflult, Vergnuud, Toussaint & Malepeyre, by A. A. Fresquet. 8vo, 650 pp., cloth, 80 engravings, $7.50. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. The Philosophy of Spiritualism, and the Patholo and Treatment of Medicomrannin. By Dr. rederic R. Marvin. 12mo, about 100. pp. Cloth, $1.00. A Dialogue between a Christian Missionary and a Chinese Mamdarin. 22 pp., paper. 10c. Queries Submitted to the Bench of Bish- ops by a Weak, but Zealous Christian. 12mo, 24 pp., paper, 10c. - A Search. After Heaven and Hell. By Austin Holyoake. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 5c. A Plea for Atheism. By Charles Bradlaugh. 12mo, 18 pp., paper, 10c. The New Life of Jacob, 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 10c. Daniel the . Dreamer. 12mo, 18 pp., paper, 10c. The Logic of Life. By George J. Holyoake. 12mo, 22 pp., paper, 10c. Defense of Secular Principles. paper, 10C. By Charles Bradlaugh. By Austin Holyoake. 12mo, 8 pp., C. C. CHATFIELD & CO., New Haven. No. XI. University Series. 12mo, 48 pp., paper, 25C. Misconceptions in regard to the Physical Forces. By Prof. W. A. Nºrton, of Yale College, au. thor of Norton's Astronomy, etc. R. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Eunomus, or, Dialogues Concerning the Law and Constitution of England; with an Essay on Dialogue. (First American from the fifth London edition.) By Edward Wynne. 2 vols., 8vo. G. E. CURRIE, New York. United States Insurance Almanac and Statis- tical Register. By G. E. Currie. 8vo., 250 pp., cloth, $2.00. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. so Fair yet False. . A Novel. Cloth, $1.75. Hard Times. The 16th volume of Carleton's new “illus- trated edition of Charles Dickens' Works,” $1.50. The Forgiving Kiss. A Novel. $1.75. Bothwell. By A. C. Swinburne. CALLAGBAN & CO., Chicago. w Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 18, with Notes, by Vila. & Bryant. By O. M. Conover. 8vo., 825 pp., Law sheep. $4.50. . Adams and Durham’s Real Estate Statutes, and Decisions of Illinois. Hon. J. B. Adams and is § Durham. 8vo., 1900 pp., Law sheep, 2 vols. .00. - CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Phila. Hartman & Mechener's Conchology.—Con- chologia Cestrica. The Molluscous Animals and their Shells of Chester County, Pa. With numerous illus- trations. By William D. Hartman, M. D., and Ezra Mechener, M. D. 12mo, cloth. New School Remedies, and their ... Appli- cation to the Cure of Diseases, including those of Women, Children, and Surgery, designed for Physicians, Surgeons, Students of Medicine, and Families. By W. Paine, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia University of medicine and Surgery ; Editor of the Uni- versity Medical and Surgical pendent, etc. 12mo, 633 pp., $3.00. ELDREDGE & BRO., Philadelphia. Language Lessons for Beginners. By Prof. S. Hart. 16mo, 80 pp., boards. Jno. S J. B. FORD & CO., New York. Norwood ; or Village Life in New England. By Henry Ward Beecher. New Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, 562 pp., cloth $2.00. Lecture Room Talks. By New Edition, 12mo, 37.8 pp., cloth, $1.75. With Portrait. Yale Lectures on Preaching. Third Series. By Henry Ward Beecher. 12mo, 330 pp., $ 1.50. The mode of Man’s Immortality. Goodwin, A. M. 12mo, 240 pp., $1.25. Mining Industry of the States' and Terri- tories of the Rocky Mountains. By R. W. Raymond, Pll. D. 8vo, 540 pp., $5.00. W. GOULD & SON, Albany, N. Y. English Reports, Moak's Notes. Vol. VI. N. C. Moak. 900 pp., Law Sheep, $6.00. Ohio Code as it Is. By Chas. F. Morgan. 300 pp., flexible cloth, $2.50. A. F. GRAVES, Boston. Lake Side Series. Broken Pitcher, Luke Darrell. The Chicago News Boy, Mabel Ross, The Sewing Girls, Sloppy Dingle. Four vols., 16mo, cloth, $575. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Coomassie & Magdala. By H. M. Stanley. Cloth. Arctic Adventures of Capt. Tyson. Edited by E. Vale Blake. Political Economy • 8vo, cloth. 1 vol. - J. E. Cairnes. Nimrod of the Sea. W. M. Davis, 12mo, cloth. Prairie and Forest. Parker Gilmore. 12mo, cloth. For Love and Life. Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo, paper. The Living Link. Jas. DeMille. 8vo, cloth, $1.50, paper, $1.50 and $1.00. Journal, Medical Inde-, Henry Ward Beecher- By T. A. 8vo, 8vo, cloth. Barnaby Rudge. C. Dickens. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. paper, $1.00. Best of Husbands. James Payn. 8vo, paper, Boo. l 236 THE AMERICAN BOOKS ELLERS’ G U1/DE. HOYT & FOGG, Portland, Me. Noted Maine Horses. By J. W. Thompson. 8vo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. H. L. HINTON & CO, New York. Not in Their Set ; or, in Different Circles of Society. Translated from MS. 12mo, 400 pp., Cloth, $1.50. KAY & BROTHERS, Philadelphia. Sergent & Rawle’s Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Third and Revised Edition, vol. XIV. By Thos. Sergent and Wm. Rawle, Jr. 8vo, law sheep, $6.00. 1ſhe Peransylvania Real Estate Act of 1853. By Eli K. Price. Crown 8vo, cloth. Smith' Reports, vol. XIII. Being the 73d vol. *ennsylvania Reports. By P. Frazer Smith 8vo. law sheep, $4.50. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Knights & Sea-Kings 3 or the Middle Ages. Edited by S. F. Smith, D. D. $1.75. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Lord Lytton’s Speeches and Addresses. The Political Speeches and Literary Addresses of the late Lord Lytton º: L. Bulwer). With Prefa- tory Memoir of his Political Career and Opinions. Outlines of the Science and Practice of Medi- cine. By William Aiken, M. D. (Edin.), F. R. S. Professor of Pathology in the Army Medieal School; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Society of Physicians of Vienna ; of the Society of Medicine and Natural History of Dresden ; and of the Imperial Society of Medicine of Constantino- ple. 1 vol., 8vo. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. Comprisin portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. #. by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. 8vo. Vol. 3. Legge’s Mencius. The Life and Works of Men- ClliS. lº, Essays and Notes. By James Legge, • ? LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. ‘The Complete Hand-book of Obstetric Sur- gery; or Short Rules of Practice in every Emergency. By Charles Clay, M.D., Fellow of the London Obstetrical Society. 12mo, cloth. (Third edition with Illustrations.) - Surgical Emergencies for the Use of General Practitioners. By William Paul Swain, F. R.C. S. Surgeon to the Royal Albert Hospital. (With Illustrations.) 12mo, cloth, H. C. LEA, Philadelphia. . Essays on Conservative Medicine and Kin dred Topics. Austin Flint, M. D. 12 mo, cloth Electro Thaerapeutics. A Comcise Manual of Medical Electricity. D. F. Lincoln, M. D. 12mo, cloth. LITTELL & GAY, Boston. ALittell’s Living Age. Fifth Series. Vol. VI. April to June 1874, Vol. 121 from beginning. 8vo, 824 pp., cloth, $3,00. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. Commentaries on the Law of Agency, as a branch of Commercial and Maritime Juris- prudence, with occasional illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. By Joseph Story, LL.D. Eighth Edition, Revised with addi- . By N. St. John Green. 8vo, 748 pp., sheep, $7.50. - N. L. MUNRO, New York. Black Hoof. In Tian Novel. 10c. Harkaway among the Savages. Popular Nove'. MACMILLAN & CO., New York. The Works of Horace; with Introductions, Notes etc. Vol. I. By E. C. Wickham, M. A. 8vo. Telegraph and Travel. A Narrative of the Inven- tion and Development of Telegraphic Communication between England and India. By Colonel Sir F Gold- smid, C. B. K. C. S. I. 8vo First Forms of Vegetation. By LL.D. (With Numerous Illustrations.) CLARENDON PREss SERIEs of EDUCATIONAL Works. NEW WOLUMES. A Treatise ou the use of Tenses in Hebrew. By S. R. Driver, M. A. Extra foolscap, cloth. Burke's Select Works. Edited by E. J. Payne, B.A. Extra foolscap, cloth. Cowper. The Task, The Tirocinium, and Selections. Edited by H. T. Griffith, M. A. Extra foolscap, cloth. H. Macmillan, J. R. McDIVITT, New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vols. 1 & 2. No. 10, 8vo. 52 pp., paper. National Rankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. 4. Second Revised Edition. 8vo, 775 pp., law sheep, $7.50 MCLOUGHLIN BROS. New York. Aunt Louisa's Dissected Pictures. 12 kinds in colors. Wood box, 75c. each. Aunt Louisa's Alphabet Blocks. in colors.) Wood box, $2.00. New Aunt Louisa Series. Little Red Riding ~ Royal Quarto Illus- (12 kinds Cinderella. trated in Colors, Henry Penny. 25c. each. - Bridal Party Paper Dolls. In Envelopes. 3 kinds. 15c. each. J. R. OSGOOD & Co., Boston. The Middle States. A Handbook for Travelers. A Guide to the Chief Cities and Popular Resorts of the Middle Statss. their Scenery and Historical Attractions ; with the Northern Borders from Niagara to Montreal. With , maps and Plans. TJniform with New England. 1 vol. 12mo, $.2.00. Rgº Buchanan’s Poems. Vol. 3. 12mo, cloth. 2.50. Within an Inch of His Life. 8vo, cloth, $1.25; paper, 75c. By E. Gaboriau. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. Sunshine and Shadow. By M. S. C. J. Newby, an entire new book. Printed from an advance copy. Octavo, paper, 500. Bouvier's National Cook Book. By Hannah M. Buuvler. Morocco cloth, $ 1.75. The Prince ; or, George St. George Julian. By Harry Cockton, author of “Valentine Vox, the Wen- triloquist.” Octavo, 75c. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. The Trotting Horse of America. How to train. and drive him. With reminisences of the Trotting Turf. By Hiram Woodruff. Edited by J. Foster. A new and revised edition. Svo, cloth, $2.25. Half Calf, $4.50. The E[eart of Midlothiam. By Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 6, New Fireside edition. 12mo, 1 vol., cloth, The Bride of Lammermoor. Vol 7, New Fireside edition, and A Legend of Montrose. By Sir Walter Scott, 12mo, cloth, 1 vol., $1.50. J. E. POTTER & CO., Philadelphia, The Secret Service in the Late War. L. C. Baker. 12mo, 398 pp., cloth. $2.00. THE AMERICAN B O O KS ELLERS’ GUIDE. 237 G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. The Present Problem. By Mrs. C. E. Bolton. 12mo. Poems. C. A. Munger, 12mo. Alcohol." Col. J. G. Dudley. POTT, YOUNG & CO., New York. Natural History of the Bible. By Rev. H. B. Gristram. 8vo, cloth. History of the Jewish Nation. By E. H. Palm- er. $1.50. Cheaper edition, with numerous illustra- : and colored Maps of Palestine, 12mo, 328 pp. CIOt;Il. - ROBERTS BROS., Boston. Serope ; or, the Lost Library. By F. B. Perkins. 1 vol. 8vo, $1.50. In His Name. A Christmas Story. By Edward E. Hale. Square 18mo, cloth, red edges, $1.25. HENRY L. SHEPARD & Co., Boston. Tribune Popular Science. Including , the Wheeler Explorations, the Meeting of the Academy of Science, &c., &c. Illustrated. Agassiz, Proctor, Brown-Sequard, Chandler, Fields, Ham! § & Bayard Taylor. Royal 8vo., cloth extra, E. STEIGER, New York. Bºey to Ahm’s German Method. By Gustavus Fischer. Part First. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Anecdotes, -Bººghiº Of Thackeray, Dickens and others. Vol. 2 of Bric-a-Brac series. R. H. Stoddard, editor. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. , Cedar Hill Library. | SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG., N. Y. Essays Contributed to “Quarterly Review.” By Sam’l Wilberforce, D. D. 8vo., 719 pp., cloth, $10.50, Delivery and Development of Christian Doc- gº. By Robt. Rainy, D. D. 8vo, 409 pp., cloth, 5.25. The Church and the Empire. By Henry Wil- § Wilberforce, D. D. 8vo, 320 pp., cloth. More Worlds than One. M. A.,, New Edition Illustrated. cloth. $2.25. Bothwell ; A Tragedy. By *śo Charles Swinburne. 12mo, 532 pp., cloth. Slavonic Fairy Tales, Collected from the Russian, Polish, Serviana and Bohemian, By john Naake. 12mo, 2.2 pp., cloth., $2.50. By Sir David Brewster, 12mo. 294 pp., TURNBULL BROS., Baltimore. sº tºº. By Elsie Earnest. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth. . OU. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. A Common Semse View of the Mode of Ba tism. By Rev. Samuel Hutchings, 12mo, cloth $1.50. Wayside Service. By Anna Shipton. 16mo, cloth, 85C, paper, 25c. T. WHITTAKER, New York. Recompense. By Mary H. Seymour. 12mo, 235 pp., cloth, $1.25. Life, A Book for Young Men. By Rev. J. Cun- ingham Gaike. 12mo, 298 pp. cloth, $1.50. Comprising Christmas at Cedar Hill; boso the Lavender Girl, Annie and Pierre, and Helen May. 12mo, 4 vols, cloth $4.00. JUNE Publications D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Brockley Moor. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Body and Mind. By Henry Maudesley. New and =Revised Edition. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. º great Ice Age. By James Geikie. 12mo, cloth Wilkes, Sheridan and Fox. By Wm. F. Rae, 12mo, cloth, $2.00. Perspective Manual. By Herman Krusi 8vo, 75c. APPLEGATE, POUNSFORD & CO., Cincinnati. Memoirs of Eminent Preachers in the Free Will Baptist Denomination. By Sarah Hib- bard Barrett. 12mo, 304 pp., cloth, $1.50, AMERICAN BIBLE UNION, New York. The Mighty Worker. Notes by G. W. Clark, D. D. 8vo., 162 pp., $1.00. BAKER, VOOREIIS & CO., New York. Sedgwick on the Measure of Damages. Notes b enry D. Sedgwick. 6th edition. Royal 8vo, 9 pp., law sheep, $8.50. The Law of Design Patents. With Illustrations. By Wm. E. Simonds. 8vo., 225 pp., sheep, $4.50 A_Tre tise on the Law of Negligence. By Sherman & Redfield. 3d edition. 8vo, 780 pp., sheep, $7.50. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. Ludicrous Aspects of Christianity. By A. Holyoake. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 10c. Essay on Miracles. By David Hume. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 10c. The Land Question. By Charles Bradlaugh. 16 pp., paper, 10c. Fruits of Philosophy; or, the Private Compan- ion of Young Married People. By Charles Knowlton, M. D. Is the Bible Reliable. 8 pp., paper, 5c. Moral Value of the Bible. 12mo, 8 pp., paper, 5c. A. §ºn of the Bible.—Esther. Holyoake. 12mo, 16 pp., paper, 10c. Facetiae, for Free l'hinkers. Collected by Austin Holyoake. 12mo, 12 pp., paper, 10c. A Few Words about the Devil. Bradlaugh. 12mo, 10 pp., paper, 5c. New Life of David. By Chas. Bradlaugh. 12 pp., paper, 5c. The Acts of the Agºles; A Farce. By Austin Holyoake. 12mo., 22 pp., paper, 10c. - The Nature and Treatment of Venereal Dis- gº. Dr. Robert A. Gunn. 8vo, 190 pp., cloth, 40 pp., paper, 25c. By Charles] Watts. 12mo, By Chas. Watts. By Austin By Chas. 12mo, A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Complete Arithmetic. By Wm. G. Peck, L.L. D., 12mo, 208 pp., half bound. Richfield Springs Vicinity. By W. T. Bailey 12mo, 227 pp., cloth, $1.50. G. E. CURRIE, New York. U. S. 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WARREN & WYMAN, New York. The Human Race. By Rev. John Lehman. 18mo, 42 pp. Paper, 10c. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Boston. Guide to . Moosehead Lake; and Northern Maine, with Map. By John M. Way, Jr. 32mo, 66 pp., cloth, $1.00. - L’Adoption. Drama in French. M'lle Guisshard. 12mo, 26 pp., paper, 30c. Medical Problems of the Day. The Annual Dis- course before the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 3, 1874. By Nathan Allen, M. D., LL.D. 8vo. 92 pp., paper, 50c. A Memorial of Charles Sumner; from the City of Boston. Royal 8vo, 162 pp., cloth, $2.00. The Memorial ; a Discourse Delivered in Kings Chapel on Easter Tuesday, 1874 ; it being the one hundred and fiftieth Anniversary of the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society. P. Thomas M. Clark, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of hode Island. 28 pp., paper, 25c. Boyce’s Modern Ornamenter and, Interior Decorator. A ºple: and practical Illustration of the Art of Scroll, Arabesque and Ornamental Painting. By A. P. Boyce. Oblong quarto, 22 pp., cloth, $3.50. The Metric System of Weights and Meas- ures. By J. P. Putnam, 8vo, 65 pp., boards. , 50c. Biblical Standpoint. Views of the Sonship of Christ, the Comforter, and Trinity. By Asa Wil bur. 12mo, 184 pp., cloth, 50c. - T. E. ZELL, Philadelphia. Erown’s Bible. Parts 13 and 14. Cyc. of American Literature. Parts 27 and 28. 24.2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. N EYN BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. - Love on a Bridge. Nussbaum. Comic Song and Dance. , 30c. Tom Collins. Nussbaum. Comic Song and Dance. Eleonora. Gatty. Comic Song and Dance. 30c. Voices of the Past. Gatty. Comic Song and Dance. 30c . . - - For Old. Love’s Sake. Abt. Comic Song and Dance 30c. Sweet Summer Flowers, Dance. 30c. - Parting Song. Gilsinn. Solo Duett and Chorus, 75c. On Lofty Mountains. Lichner. Fantasie. 40c. Lovely Rose in the Valley. Lichner. Fantasie. 35c. . Granger’s March. Schuman. March. 20c. Vagabondſ Schottisch. Schuman. Schottisch. 20c. Floating Along. Hertel. Fantasie. 60c. Creswich Waltz. McCoy. Waltz. 35c. J. CHURCH & Co., Cincinnati. WOOAL. One Step More. Geo. F. Root. Song and Chorus, 25c. Eyes that are Waiting. Geo. F. Root. Song and Uhorus. 30c. when the Mail Comes Im. Geo. F. Root. Ballad. 35c. North. Comic Song and C. Songs We Love So Well. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus. So Long as Love is Left. Song and Chorus. 30c. Hººk how the Birds Sing. A. B. Chase. Song. C. INSTRUMENTAL. Aida. Verdi. Transcription. $1.00. Aida March. Verdi. March. 30c. Celestial Aids. Marks. Melody. 30c. Home Scenes. Geo. F. Root. Set of 6 easy pieces for Piano. 20c. each. Overland Waltz. Harens. 20c. Chatterbox Galop. 20c. CARL HEUSER, New York. Mathilde Redowa. Stoddart. 50c. Mathilde Waltz. Chopin. Revised by Boekleman 50c. sººnline in C. Clementini. Of. op. 36, six sonatines. C. “ The Pupil’s Instruction. C. L. Doll. $1.25. Original Theme and Variation. T. Padorani, Soug with piano. 50c. March. (Longing). J. R. Muth. Op. 11. 40c. Lustig in Kraise Pollra. E. Strauss. 40c. La Filease. J. Raff Revised by Wm. Mason. 75c. . . . D. P. FAULDS, Louisville, Ky. semiraniae. C. Czerny. Introduction and Chorus, 35c. Ah Doo e il Cimenti. mide. 40c. Sermiramide de Grand March. March. 40c.. Barber of seville. C. Czerny. 20. TDam ube River. Aide. Ballad. 30. C. Czerny. From Semira- C. Czerny. Tºrºnt Soon I’ll Break thy Chains. Rossini; 50c. Song of Spring. Fred. Albrecht. Ballad with Ger- tnan and English cover. 25c. Lullaby. Fred. Albrecht. Slumber Song. German and English. 25c. Good Luck March, Music. The boilet. Fred. Albrecht. Ballad with German and English cover. 25c. Rock of Ages. Fred. Albrecht. Sacred. My Soul What Means this Sadness. brecht. Sacred. 25c. 25c. Fl ed. Al- B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. For Old Love's Sake. Abt. Song. 10c. From Houme Polka Mazurka. Strauß8. The Dear Little Shamrock. Cherry. Song. Words, Vain Words. Gabriel. Ammie Dear. Abt. Umspoken. Gatty. A Happy Circle Galop. Strauss. Could I Live my Time Over. Coates. Humming Like a Bee. Blamphire. La Fille de Madame Angot. Waltz. Fandango. Sidney Smith. 5c. WM. HALL & SON, New York. INSTRUMENTAL. Nautilus Waltzes. Lithograph. Myron A. Cooney. 75c. Haunting Smile. F. A. Brown. Transcription. 60c LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. *Nellie Grant’s Wedding March. E Mack. 40c. Let Freedom’s Soms Attend. Rev. Ed. H. Nevin. “Centennial Anthem.” 35c. Mocking Bird. Sep. Winner. Cornet and Piano. 30c. Seng Medley. Sep. Winner. Cornet and Piano. 30c. Sep. Winner. Cornet and Piano. 30c. Sedmie Waltz. Sep. Winner. Cornet and Piano. 30c. Amma Polka. Sep. Winner. Cornet and Piano. 50c. True to You. Karl Merz. Piano. 30c. Come Back to Me. Karl Merz. Piano. 30c. *Chas. Summer's Funeral March. Four httnds. Mack. 50c * Chas Summer’s Funeral March. Mack. Violin and Piano. 50c. Long Ago. Hewitt. Ballad, 30c. First Dip Schottische. Rosewig. 40c. J. L. PETERS, New York. Don’t Wed a Mam who Drinks. Song and Chorus. Green. 25C. Where is Papa To-Night. Song and Chorus. Danks. 30c. MJemories of Home. Song. ... Chase. 30c. Twilight Shadows. Song. Chase. 30c. My Mother is Growing Old. Song and Chorus. Percy. 35c. Fanfare Galop Militaire. Maylath. 50c. Gay Cavalier Mazurka. Prout. 30c. Proposal. Temperance Song. Parry. 30c. Three O’clock in the Morning. Temperance Song. Claribel. 30c. Tom Collins. Comic Song and Chorus. 30C. The child's Appeal. Song and Chorus. Leighton. 30C. Brockaway. Do not Ferget Your Promise, Jamie. Song and Chorus. Hays. 30c. Give me Darling One Sweet Kiss. Song and Chorus. Dauks. 30C. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. ‘249 W. A. POND & CO., New York. Bride of Wind March. C. D. Blake. Four hands. * WOCAL. Puss in the Corner Waltz. C. D. Blake. when the sum has sunk to Rest. J. R. Fair- || Sadly Sweet- G. E. Brown. Song. * lamb. Song. 40c. Rain Drops. Carrie O'Neal. Song. Our Wandering Ships. J. R. Thomas. 400. March of Braves. C. D. Blake. Streamlet and the River. B. Towers. 40C, Come Quaff the Bowl. C. A. White. Quartette, Old mana’s Darling. B. TowerS. 40%. When the Thorn is White with Blossoms. Submission. H. P. Danks. Sacred. 400. Song. • ort in the stilly Night. J. R. Thomas. Quartette, Hide Seek. Blake. Rondo. male voices, 0C. - Robins Gome Home. White. Song and Chorus. Ould Hats of “98.” A. Hoffman. Song and Chorus. | Silvery Echoes. Blake. Four hands. ... 35C. Tom Collinas. D. Braham. Song and Chorus. 30C. Look thro’ Mine Eyes with Thine. E. P. Chase. 35c. salve Maria. E. Marze. Quartette. English, Latin, and Italian Text. 60c. Too Late to go to Church. Song. Illustrated. 40c. ILLUSTRATED. Summer Corps. F. H. Hinton. March. 50c. Lohengrin. W. Kruger. Transcription. Illustrated. 60C. J. R. Fairlamb. Lohenngrin. 75C. Hope., F. J. Eustis. Mazurka Eligante. Illustrated. 50c. - F. Spindler. Transcription. Illustrated. spirit Love. E. H. Sherwood. Cradle song 50c. La Marchesa. E. H. Sherwood. Morceau Characteris- que. 60c. Southern Life. J. Cassidy. Galop. 40c. Alpine Echoes. W. Smallwood. 6 petite teaching pieces. Illustrated. Each 50c. 1. Reminiscence. Morceau. 3. Hawthorn Blossoms. Morceau. 3. Lena, Valse. 4. Ivy Leaves. . Polka. 5. Mont Blanc. Morceau. 6. Moonlit Stream. Morceau. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. New York Waltz. Wm. Gooch. Simplified. Marie Alexandrina. Wm. Gooch. Inst. JETNTSTS- Mother's Gone Crusading. Rush. Song and Chorus. Come Unto Me. Lindsay. Song. L. TRIPP, Louisville, Ky. From thee Parted. A. La Mar. Wocal. 35c. Flonie Darling. Eddie O. Bayley. Ballad. 35c. Come In. Minninger. Ballad. 40c. Homeless. Minninger. Ballad. 40c. Oh, Pity. Minninger. Ballad. 40c. Say You Love Me, Little Nell. lad. 35c. Amabel. B. M. S. Waltz. 35c. Serenade. Goimod. Meditation. 80c. Loving Eyes. King. Transcription. $1.20. Birds in Spring. Steubling. Polk. 50c. Knickerbocker Schottisch. Doerr. 40c. Minninger. Bal- G. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. There sits a Bird on Yonder Tree. A. Sulli. van. Sung. 30c. - Beside the Old Corn Mill. Smart. Song. 35c. Forsake me Not. Glover. Sacred Song. 30c. Nailed to the Cross. Borclese. Sacred Duett. 50c. Beautiful Dreams. Levey. Song. 35c. - 'Tis Not the Tear or Grier Buckardt. Song. 30ci Absence and Return. Abt. Song 30c. vºlase Church. Taylor. Short Sketch for Piano. to C. Mergeltin. Mattie. Burarotle. Original Voluntaries. 40c. Forbes. For Organ. JTTUTTNTIE’S 75c. AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A NEW AND HAN DSO ME BIND IN G. This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSCs A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERs. Bound IN CLOTH, WITH BLACK AND GOLD SIDE STAMPs. IFrice Sl-75. t THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., INT E VAV Y O ER, IP3C- 244 THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY's I, I S T O IF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of The American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no dis- appointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reference; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. ...We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.- We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, wriless they order us not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published,to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Let- ters, with full signature and address, should be enclosed with all remittances 10th.—We enclose bill daily to costumers having parcels by Express, to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-Newsdealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rates of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. POSTAGE TO NEWS DEALIEIRS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. | PAPER COWERED NOVELS, same rates as Magazines. MAGAZINES, Two Cents for every Four Ounces. BOUND BOOKS, Two Cents for every Two Ounces. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscrip- tions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of you make out a list or order (enclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form: - : * * - [Form 1.] - * - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGO, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Enclosed find $... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..., which pass to m credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this: 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper - 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions, 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 10 Fireside Companion. - 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Your truly, Eg- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form: - [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– . 2 Led ©r. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--------making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º a e º e e º e e - e. e. e. e. e. g. a e º e º 'º e º e . . . . . . “ ** 6 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º º º e º º e tº e º 'º e º e º 'o e º tº tº e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e s tº º . . . . . . . . . . “ ** 13 2 Old and New.... . . . . • e º e e s e e s e e e º e º e º e e º e s tº e º 'º e º 'º e e • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '• - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 ( & I2 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .---------------------------.... “ “ 8 CUT OFF– ' ' '2 Waverley...... .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 8 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º e º ºs e º e e º º e e º 'º e º e º 'º º { { “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions........... • * * ~ e º º º © tº e º 'º e º 'º e e e s e e e . . . . “ 4° 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos.1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32,33, 34. - 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, * When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city, and the last date the change was made, Ag- Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEws company, New vohr. THE AMERICAN Books ELLERS GUIDE. 245 Wholesale and Retail Prices. & New Publications are printed in heavy type. changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). & rade. Ret. Price. Commercial Bulletin....... : 3% * Graphic (The)............... 3% N. Y. Courier des Etats Unis... 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser........... ... 2% New York Evening Express... 3% { { • { { ail . . . . . 1% & 4 { { News ..... % El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Messager Franco Americain... 4% New York Evening Post...... 3% Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advance, The..... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7% After Dinner.......... . . . . . . . 7% Amateur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Amateur (Washington). . . . . . . 7 American Brewer’s Gazette. . .35 American Gael (The)....... ... 4% Almerican Journal....... . . . . . 3% American Protectionist....... 7 American Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4% Anuerican Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 American Sportsman......... 7 American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Appleton's Journal........... 7 Arcadian. -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Army and Navy Journal...... 11 Atlantische Blaetter.......... 4 Ave Maria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Banner of Light ... . . . . . . . . ... 6 Baptist Union.... . . . . . . . ... 3% Baptist Weekly............... 4 Beekeeper's Journal.......... 6 Boston Congregationalist-..... 6 Boston Independent..... .... 6 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Boston Statesman............ 4 Boston Traveler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . JBoston Weekly Journal....... 4% Boyd's Shipping Gazette...... 5 Boys' Own....... tº º ſº e º 'º º . . . . . 3% Brooklyn Sunday Review..... 3% Cabinet-Makers’ Journal ..... 4% Canadian Illustrated News.... 8 Capital • e º & © tº e e Catholic Mirror.............. 5 Catholic Review ........ . . . . . 4% Catholic Standard........... 4% Christian Advocate and Journal 6 Christian at Work ........... 5% *Christian Intelligencer...... 7 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother...... ......11 Christian Register........... 6 Christian Union ............. 5% Christian Weekly (Illustrated). 3% Church and State ............ 6 Church Journal.............. 7 Church Weekly.... . . . . . . . ... 6 Church Union. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 Churchman (The)............ 6% Coal and Iron Record ........ 7 e e e º e s e e º e º 'º e e College Courant............ © º Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 Country Gentleman.......... 4 Courier des Etats Unis..... ... 9 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 2 i s: : 1 ºi 10 :: Critic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID A LI IL Y PA IP E J R S . Trade. Price. New York Evening Post...... 4 { { * { Telegram... 1% { { & 4 Witness... 34 { { French Messenger... 3% { { German Democrat... 2% Herald ... . . . . . . . . . 3% Journal (German).. 2% s E M K - w E E R L. Y. New York Express.......... 3% { { Journal of Com. 5 Néw York Sun..... • * - - - - . . . . 1% Crusader... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danbury News. ... . . . . . . . . . . Das Neue Heim............ tº tº Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Day's Doings...... ......... • Demokrat (German)........ © - Der Bazar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Der Bazar (Double) ......... Dwight's Journal of Music.... Disciples Pulplt........... Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette.......... El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elite, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering and Mining Jour- nal . . . . e tº se e º e º e - Episcopalian . . . . . . .......... 6 : º e 1 } Ret. : : : Evangelist.......... © e e º e º 'º - Every Saturday........ © e - tº dº tº 7 Examiner and Chronicle ..... 4% Exchange Market............ 2 Favorite (The)............... 4 Federalist................... 1% Financier ..... tº e e º ſº e º e º 'º . . . .10 Fireside Companion....... . . . 4% Fireside Journal............. 2 Forney's Weekly Press..... . . . 4% Forest and Stream........... 7 10 Frank Leslie'sſllustrated Paper 7 10 “ “ Lady's Journal... 7 10 6 & “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly....... 3%. 5 & “ Chimney Corner... 7 10 46 “ Illustrite Zeitung - (German)..... 7 10 {{ “ Young American... 4% — Freeman's Journal..... . . . . . . 4% 6 Germania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 *Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age.................. 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Harper's Weekly............. 7%. 10 Harper's Bazar............... 7% lo Heart and Hand............. 3% 5 *Hearth and Home..... . . . . . . 6 10 Hebrew Leader...... ........ 7 10 Hebrew News........ • . . . . . . . 7 10 Herald (California)........... 4% 5 Herald (European)........... 4% 6 Here and There . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% * Home Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 Home Journal....... • . . . . . . . . 6 7 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Industrial Record...... • - - - - - 6 8 Industrial Record (with sup- plement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 – Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator.............. ... 7 º- Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Trade. Pric * * * * * * * * e º e e * * * * * * * * * e e s e 3% Tribune . . . . . . . . . . . 3% World........ . . . . . 3% New York Times........ . . . . . 3% :k ( ! Tribune ........... 3% 4 & World ... . . . . . . 3% Irish American............... 4 Irish Democrat............... : Irish World.................. Jewish Messenger............ Jewish Times................ : Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 La Republica (Spanish)....... 7 Liberal Christian............. 6 Living A e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 L'Eco d’Italia............... 5 L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Independent......... 4 Memorial Pulpit.............12 Mercantile Journal........... 6% Mercury (N. Y.) ............. 6 Methodist...... .......... . . . 4% Moniteur de la Mode.........22 Nachtseiten................. 8 Nation (The). • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 9 National Car Builder. Nature ... . . . . . . ............1 Nautical Gazette ...... ...... New England Weekly Farmer. New Jersey Record.......... New Sensation..... ......... New York Albion ............ New York Courier ...........: New York Clipper......... * G g New York Dispatch.......... New York Era............. tº e New York Family Story Paper New York Home Circle..... New York Journal (German).. New York Ledger ........... New York Observer.......... 7 New York Reader........ • . . . 4 New York School Journal..... 3% New York Tablet ...... • - - - - - 4% New York Varieties.......... New York Weekly ......... New York Weekly Budget.. News from Germany and Swit- zerland..... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Offord’s Pulpit........ & e º e º e e Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. People's Ledger.............. 4 People's Literary Companion... 494 Philadelphia Saturday Eve'ng Post • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press.... 4% ºpiº Weekly Age ..... 3% O * * * * * * c e s e e º e e º e º e º e º e º e Plymouth Pulpit............. 6% Police Gazette.......... e e o e e Police News (Illustrated)...... 7 . . 4% ... 7 e e º 'º e º e e Those the prices of which have been Re e 6 i 246 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Trade. Ret. - Price. Pomeroy's Democrat......... 4% 6 Prairie Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 * Price Curreht................ 7 10 Presbyterian ...... ....'...... 5 8 Professional..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - Publishers’ Weekly........... 7 º Railroad Gazette............. 7 10 Railroad Journal. . . . . . . . . . ... 11 I5 Railway Times............ ... 7%. 10 #Real Estate Record. . . . . tº e º e º e 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal.. 7 - Rural New Yorker............ San Franciscoweekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Morning . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Saturday Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Saturday Portfolio. . . . . . . . . . . #. Star Journal ..... . . 4% chnedderedengg (Comic Ger- In 8AD. - e Scientific American . . . . . . . . . Scotsman (The)........ Scottish American Journal.... 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter.... 7 Singers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 5% tº e º e º ve 5 - Skandinavische Post ......... 5 South (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Spectte (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Agriculturat (English)........ • Agriculturist (...}. . . . . . - 9 American Antiquarian . . . . . . .28 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers' Guide.. 5 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . . .23 American Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review.26 American Grocer (semi-month- American Illustrated Industrial Journal . . . . . . Americanische (semi-monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . American Journal of Health and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 American Journal of Pharm- 8C American Journal of Philately. 9 American Law Register........40 American Miscellan 5 American Miscellany, Back Nos.12 American Naturalist ..... e e s tº e e º e º e º ſº tº * * * * * * * * * * American Odd Fellow. . . . . . . . . 17 American Stock Journal...... 7 American Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% American Turfman... . . . . . . . . 15 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers). , 2 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers). 35 e e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e º e º e º a Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . Architectural Magazine. . . . . . . Archives' Medical Science... .35 Arthur's Home Magazine......14 Association Monthly ......... 7 Btlantic Monthly......... . . . .28 . Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bankers' Magazine. . . . . . . . . . .35 Bankrupt Register. . . . . . . . . . . Beadle's Publications. Dime books..... ‘e º 'º tº º . . . . . . 6% {{ ** 100 or over. ... 6 { { {{ 1000 { { { { tº e º e Song books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - { { “ 100 or over.... 4% , " { { “ 1000 “. {{ tº e º e 4. - Reautiful World..... . . . . . .18 Best Words............... ... 7 W .E. E. Hº L Y-Centinued. De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21............. 6% De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6........ * * * * * * 10 DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances, 1 to 105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% DeWitt's Ten Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly) .... 5 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 Drug Bulletin................ 5 Druggists' Circular,........... 9 Eclectic Magazine...... . . . . . .35 Educational Monthly.......... 17 El Mundo Nuevo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trade. Ret. Price. Stockholder......... • - - - - - - 10 Sunday Citizen...... tº º tº ſº º ſº tº º 8% — Sunday Courier.... . . . . . . . . . . 4 — Sunday Daily Times.......... 4% — Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Supday Dispatch . . . . . . , . . . . . 7% – "Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday German News....... . 1 l-5 — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Mércury ............. 7% 10 Sunday News.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 × 4 Sunday Něw Yorker. Democrat 2% — Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Sunday Presse. .............. 2 — Sunday Staštá. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star................. 2 – Sunday Times................ 6 7 Sunday World... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Telegraph Journal ......... ... 5 8 *The Index.................. 6 *E* The People................ 3 — The Scythe.................. 3%. 5 Thompson's Reporter..... . .. 5 7 Thompson's Reporter, Coin ... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf................ 9 12 To Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Toiler (The)............... 2 ss=s Toledo Weekly Blade......... 3 5 Transcript........... * * * g g º º º 4 6 True Flag.......... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 I, O N T H [ I, Y . Blackwood's Magazine ....... 28 35 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly).... 8 12 Bon Ton ............ * * * * * * g e 45 60 Boys of America.............10 15 Carriage Journal............ .22 25 Catholic Record............... 17 25 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union e e º 'º º ºs e g º tº e º e º e º e tº e º º 4% sºmº Catholic World........... . . . .33 50 Cassell's Magazine (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 Central Magazine............ 16 — Children's New Church Maga- azine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Chronotype.................. 20 sºmº Church Monthly....... tº º e º tº tº 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 636 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 * Comic Monthly..... & © e º e º e º e 7 12 Comic News.................. 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- son's). . . . . . . . . . . tº e º tº e º e º 'º a 15 Creme de la Creme........... 23 — Crofutt's Western World...... 5%. 10 De La Salle Monthly.......... 10 15 Demorest's Magazine......... 20 &=º Demorest's Young America... 7 10 De Nordendorf's Monthly..... 4% — Dental Cosmos............... 22 Eº De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....lä *E*E* De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (semi-monthly) ............ 10 15 10 Trade. Ret. Price Truth Seeker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Turſ, Field and Farm......... 7 Union Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º 5 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . . 8 Waverley Magazine........... 11 Weekly Demokrat ..... tº gº e º º e 4 Weekly Era ....... . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Express ... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Graphic.... . . . . . . . . . 4% Weekly Herald .............. 3% Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly News.............. ... 3% Weekly New York Journal. .. 4% Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Staats Zeitung....... 3% Weekly Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Weekly Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% *Weekly Tribune............. 3% Weekly Witness .......... ... 2 Weekly World .......... § ... 3% Wilkes' Spirit of the Times....11 Woman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 Yankee Blade ... . . . . . . • * * * * * * Z.A. Young Men of America ...... 3% Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . Every Saturday (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . Family Magazine ........ . . . . 6 Favorite (monthly parts).... 18 Fireside, Musical..... . . . . . . . . 4% Floral Cabinet........... . ... 8 Folio (musical)......... . . . . . .10 Fortnightly Review.... . . . . . . 40 Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun.10 Frank Leslie's Chimney C or - ner (mo. p’ts)36 66 Lady's Journal (mo. p’ts). . . .30 “ . . Lady's Maga- zine (mo.p’ts)27 & & Pleasant Hºrs...10 6 & Boys and Girls' W’kly(mo. p"ts)18 Galaxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Gas-Light Journal............ I0 Gardener’s Monthly......... .16 Gartenlaube (Leipsic edition, semi-monthly) 1 Gleason's Monthly Companion 6% Globe (The)....... & º e º 'º e º 'º e º ſº. Godey's Lady's Book.......... Golden Hours........ . . . . . . .18 Good Things...... * * * * * * * * tº e & 19 Good Words.............. . . . .19 Grand Army Gazette..... 7 Guide to Holiness............11 Gynaecological Journal ....... 33 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger. man Semi-monthly)........ Harper's Weekly (monthly parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 Horticulturist................ Herald of Health............. 10 Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 Harper's Magazine........... .28 Historical Magazine.......... 55 Holbrook's U. S. Mail........ 9 Howe's Musical Monthly......25 Hub (The)........ & © tº e º e ſº . . . .40 Humorist (The)........... ... 6 Insurance Monitor...... . . . . .28 Internal Revenue Record...... 9 Insurance Times............. 22 Insurance Spectator....... . . .22 I, i<-ºgº i 1ſ 1. -: THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 247 MI O N T II L Y—Countinued. Trade. Rot. Trado. Ret. Trade. Ret. - Price. Price. Price Inland Monthly.............. 16 25 | Nature (monthly parts, 5 Nos.)50 60 | Sailor's Magazine. . . . .. . . . . . .10 Industrial Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 | New and Old Friends......... 6% — | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Irish National Magazine......10 — New Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 | Saturday Journal (Parts)..... 18 smºs Jolly Joker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | New Sensation (mo. p’ts)...... 30 — | Schoolday Magazine, . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Journal of Applied Chemistry..14 20 | New Yorker Musick Science of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 { { Franklin Institute...45 60 Zeitung: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — 'I Scott's Mirror of Fashion.......75 —s . Journal of the Telegraph (semi- New York Medical Journal. . .30 50 Scribner’s Monthly........... 28 35 monthly).................. 10 | N. Y. Musical Gazette. . . . . . . . 6 — | Silliman's Journal...... . . . . . . 43 50 La mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 | N. Y. Lithograph.... . . . . . . . 7 10 | Southern Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 30 35 Le Charivaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% N. Y. Reader (parts). . . . . . . . . 14 — | Spirit of the Press..... . . . . . . . 4 — *Literary World. ............11 -- I Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | Star Spangled Banner........ 4% 6 Little Corporal............. ...10% 15 | North American Journal of Student's Journal..... . . . . . . . 6 10 Laws of Life...... • . . . . . . . . . .10 15| Homoeopathy.... . . . . . . . . . . 85 — Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 Lady's Repository...... . . . . . . 27 35 | Nursery (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 St. Nicholas.......... . . . . . . . 19 — Ladies' Own Magazine . . . . . . . l4 — Obstetrical Journal........... 37% — | St. Paul's Magazine.... . . . . . . 23 30 London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Oliver Optic Magazine....... .20 25 T y- La America (tri-monthly)..... 13 18 l Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 | Texas New Yorker ........... 17 — Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Overland Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 | The Domestic. . . . . . . . tº º e < e º 'º e 3 — Lippincott's Magazine....... .27 35 | Ornum's Indian Novels, l to 35, 6% 10 †: Lens. . . . . . . . . . ; : •,• . . . . . . {} tº-º-º- Lakeside Monthly....... .....23 - || Ornum's Popººr Novels. Ito 29, 6% io ||here and Bººk (Guide).:::... *E. Land and Meer......... .....15 25 | Ornum's Ten CentMovels, 1 tol3 6%. 10 Thompson's Descriptive List. .16 25 Literary. Miscellamy.......... I0 { { { { Songs, i to 42 5” 10 ||9-Day (Pºrts)::::::: : : - - - - - - 21 — Live Stock Journal (Buffalo)..10 15 “ 15c, Romances. I to 10.8%. 15|ºnºide..... 40 59 Land Owner....... tº e º e º & tº º ... 7%. 10 “ 2s. Letter writer.....15° 25 | Traveler's Official Guide... . . . .20 40 Mackey's Freemason ......... 22° 30 our Friend (semi-monthly). ... 2 – Tribune Pamphlet. . . . . . . . . . .15 — Marrk Twain's Sketches...... 16 — Paper Trade Reporter. . . . . . . . 11 <=* tº & Mammoth Monthly Reader.... 6 Paper Trade Journal. . . . . . . . . 11 — | University Journal..... ... . . .16 20 Metropolitan Magazine.......16 20 ! Pension Record.............. 6 _ | Union Era (ºrt, * * tº dº ſº tº . . . . . .25 — Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 | Pet Stock, Pigeon and Poultry Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 | Bulletin........... • - - - - - - - 6 10 | neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . .35 50 “ Journal............. 12% 20 | Phunny Phellow... . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Vox Humana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 cº- Manufacturer and Builder. ... 12 15 Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 4-ºmº Mechanic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — Photographic World.......... 43 50 Watchmakº and Jeweller....}} g g & gº Watson's Musical Monthly ...15 60 Medical Times (Semi-Mo.)..... 10 — | Peterson's Counterfeit Detector.Il 15 & {{ 2 ** Waverley Magazine (mo pts.).42 25 . ...Record. . . . . . . . . . . ...15 20 | Peterson’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Whitney's Musical Guest...... 16 10 Medical Union............. 18 * *Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Welcome Guest (semi-monthly) 7 &== Musical Independent......... 16 20 | Peter's Musical Monthly...... 18 25 | wild oats (semi-monthly) 7 10 Musical World (N. Y.)........ 16 30 || Phrenological Journal........ 21 39 wood's Household Advocat.12 ~ & & (Cleveland). . . . 9 — | People's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 25 tº e Munro's 10 Cent Nov. 1 to 232. 6%. 10 || Physician & Pharmaceutist... 3 5 || Wood's Magazine ............ 7 10 {{ Song Book, Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 || Work and Wealth....... ... ... 3 1:5 from 1 to 14. 5 10 | Popular Science Monthly.... .35 50 || Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 12 National Agriculturist and Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . .78 —| Workshop........ tº e º 'º º tº e º is tº tº e 30 50 Bee Journal......... tº º e tº gº e 10 | Pulpit of the Day. . . . . . . . . ... 6 10i Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . ... 7%. 19 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 || Railway Monitor............. 33 — Young Catholic...... . . . . . . . . 8 5 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 || Rand & McNally Guide....... 23 — Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Record and Repository........ 6 —| Young Ladies' Journal... . . . . 27 tº-º-º-º- National S. S. Teacher....... 10 15 Revue de la Monde...... . . . . 25 35 | Youth's Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . T() * Nature (monthly parts, 4 Nos.)40 50 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6% 10 || Zell’s Magazine .............. 12 Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. E. W. I E W s, E.T. C. American Church Review ... .90 — I Christian Examiner..... . . . . .67 — |Methodist Quarterly........ ... 75 * --> { { Journal Medical Sci- Congregational. . . . . . tº e º e º e º e 50 — National Quarterly Review ... 1.12 — ©D CeS . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 — Contemporary Review........ 62 75 |New Englander..... tº º e º 'º tº gº 90 e-º-º: $6 Journal of Obstet- Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 |New Remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 rics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. — | Edinburgh Review (reprint) . .62 — |North American Review...... 1.12%— “. . Law Review........l.05 — Half Yearly Compendium Med- |Presbyterian Quarterly a n d Baptist Quarterly ............ 85 — ical Science ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 — | Princeton Review.......... 80 — Bibliotheca Sacra ............ 1.00 — | International Review (Bi- Rankin’s Half Yearly Abstract. 60 1.50 Braithewaite's Retrospect .... 1.05 — | Monthly). . . . . . . . . tº e º ſº tº e º e g 67 — Smith's Pattern Bazar........ 20 — British Quarterly (reprint). ...62 — | Journal Social Science ....... 1.25 — Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . ... 1.25 — Brittan's Journal . . . . . . * & e º & — | Journal of Psychological Medi- Westminster Review . . . . . . . . .62 *=sº Brownson's Review.......... 1.00 – cine. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e s tº e º e º º 1.12 — What to Wear (Yearly)....... 10 <-º Church and World........... 85 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 — Wood's Quarterly Retrospect... 1.00 — IF O RIE I Gº N P E J R [ {O EP II C A L s—W E E K L. Y. - Trade price. | & ... Trade priſe Trade price, I Trade price Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 English Mechanic....... 10 : Lancet. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * e º e 18 Pall Mall Budget........ 23 Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 || Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Land and Water......... 20 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of All the Year Round..... • 8 Examiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Lloyd's Newspaper....... 5 six dates). . . . . . . . . ... . 60 Athenæum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Family Herald... . . . . . . . . 5 | London Journal....... ... 5 | Publishers' Circular (fort- Belfast News. . . . . . . . . ... 14 Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. 23 “. Reader.......... 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bell's Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 20 ! Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 5 || Liverpool Mercury..... ... 10 | Punch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bow Bells.............. • 5 | Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | L'Iblustration............ 25 | Public Opinion.......... 10 §: News........... 18 Gardeners' Chronicle.... 39 L’Universe Illustré...... 19| Queen 23 Building News. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23| M. s as ºv-º-º:-------- tº º gº tº Cassell's Magazine. . . . . . . 5 || Gas Light Journal....... %|..º.º.: #|Reynolds' Newspaper.... 5 Chambers’ Journal ...... 7 Glasgow Herald ......... #|Mining journal........ 20 | Saturday Review........ 20 Chemical News......... • 18 Graphic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20|| Musical world......... 18 || Spectator... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Christian World. . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated News......... 29 | Manchester Times....... ſo | Sporting Gazette: ........ 10 Church Review.......... 10 { Police News. .. 5 & © tº º ſº tº Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Penny. . . . . . . . 5||Nº'º. . . . . . 10 || 5c.).................. 10 Court Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sporting and News of the World....... 10 | Tablet...............I. 20 Dispatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Dramatic News........ 20||Notes and Queries....... Tailor and Cutter........ 8 Economist . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Irishman............... 14 | Nation (Dublin).... . . . . . 14| The Times (last date)..... 14 Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 || John Bull...... & ſº e º 'º e º e º 20 || Once a Week............ 8 || The Mail (3 dates)....... 28 Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . • 20 Judy ........ tº º 'º e º e ... ... 6 Observer................ 14 | Weekly Register (Catholic)10 Edin. Scotsman ......... 5 I La Monde Illustré....... 14 | Orchestra............... 14 “ Times. . . . . . . . . . . 248 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE. YF CD HR E II GN IP DE R - CD UD II C A L S – MI O N T HI L Y. « Trade Price. Art Journal. .... . . . . . . . . 90 Art, Industrial and Pic- torial. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 All the Year Round (part) 36 Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Argosy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Athenaeum (part). . . . . . . . 54 Trade Price. Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . . . 1 Dublin University Maga- s B - Sº º | d S B G. . . . . 1 0 zine Dublin Review (quar’ly). 2 30 Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 English Woman's Domes- Aunt Judy’s Magazine... 20 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . - - Z8 Band of Hope Review.... 2 Family Friend ...........2# Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Treasury...; . . . . 20 Boy's Own Magazine. . . . . 20 Family Herald (parts).... 2. Boys of England. . . . . . . .. 18 Farmer's Magazine.....: . Bow Bells (monthlypts). 27 Äraseº Mºgºne. . . . . . 1 00 British Workman..... . . .2% Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . .2% * Workwoman . . . . . 234 Fortnightly Review...... 75 “ Juvenile. ......... § | Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Chambers' Journal . . . . . . 25 Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Children's Friend. .......234 Child's Companion. . . . . . 2% Christian Work.......... 20 Treasury. . . . . . . Churchman's Companion. 20 Contemporary Review . . . 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Gentleman's Magazine. . . 38 Gardener's Magazine .... 36 Gardener, The... ... ... .. 20 Homilist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Infant’s Magazine. . . . . . . 2% Illustrated Travels. ...... 38 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Journal of Horticulture. . 54 Trade Prlce. Trade Price. Kind Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ladies' Treasury. . . . . . . . . 30 St. James' Magazine. . . . . 38 Leisure Hour............ 20 St. Paul's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 Little Dressmaker. 18 Sunshine - - - - - - - - - - . . . . .2% London Journal (parts). 22 Sunday. - :: - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 “ Society. . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 ** & Paris FashionS. 38 Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 La Mode Illustré. . . . . . . 1 00 McMillan's Magazine . . . . 38 Monthly Microscopical Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medical Times (parts). ... 98 Musical Times. . . . . . . . . . . *Milliner and Dressmaker 50 Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 Once a Week (parts). . . . . Z6 Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . . 20 Picture Gallery. . . . . . . . . . 38 Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Practitioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 Popular Science Review (quarterly). . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Penny Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sunday School Times... . 6 : 4 Teacher. 7 6 ſº Teacher'R Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Spurgeons Pulpit ..... . . 20 7 Spiritual Magazine..... . . 20 Sword & Trowel(Spurgeon) 12 Temple Bar... . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tinsley’s Magazine..... ... 38 Union Review (bi-m’thly) 76 Veterinarian (Varies) . . . . 57 3 Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . Villa Gardener . . . . . . . . . . 20 World of Fashion. . . . . . . . *Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . 25 Young Ladies' Journal. . . 27 “ Gentleman's Maga- « zine . . . • • • • « Journal of Science (quar- 1 9 Cottager and Artisan. ...2} " terly). ................ Quiver, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 G E RE MI A N = A MI E R I C A N EP U BE BL II C A, D II CD N S . Weekly. Trººst Arbeiter-Zeitung. ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33% 5 Atlantische Blätter. . . . . . . . G B B e d A D S. d º - B - B sº D - sº p 6 Beobachter am Hudson...... .............. ..... 3 4 Familien Blatter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed B - B - G . º e D º . 11 15 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung..... ...... . . . . . . 7 10 Freischütz- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 5 Germania .... .... S B & B & W G & S - s a nº e - sº e º G B º HD - S Bº ä S d B. B. 6 10 Helvetia. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. . . . 6 10 Das Neue Heim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal.............. 734 10 New Yorker Handels-Zeitung. .............. . . . . . 20 25 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung.... ................ . . 7 IO Pionier- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . H B. B - B & B 5 R . D s 7% 10 Roman Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Schnedderedengg.... ............. id F. S B Ed B D - - - - - - 7 10 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal.......... sº E s sº a sº . 3 4 Young Men j" Great Bri- tain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 8 Trº Ret. Y" "º. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . Z 4 Vorwarts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • Z 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zeitung.... ........ 4 6 Rennpi-Monn hly. «. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Conversations Lexicon. . . 17 25 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung 6 8 Frank Leslie's Amerikanische Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . 9 15 Nachtseiten von N. Y. und dessen Verbrecherwelt. 8 12 WIon Inly. Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Amerikanischer Agriculturist. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 Der Freidenker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B sº P. Wº sº a B B. B - 12 20 « IMIEPORTEID GE ERMIAN MIAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked †† Senni-Monthly. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 f† Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - D - - - - G O d . 12 15 †† Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit.................. ... 6 10 †† Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S - S & 10 15 †† Leipziger Gartenlaube.... .................... 9 15 † Ueber Land und Meer.... .............. . . . . . . . 14 20 18 a Yerar. † Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung......... 16 25 † Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 † Illustrirte Welt. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 - Monthly. † Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Illustrirte Dorf Zeitung. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ſ † Gewerbehalle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº d B B O . 30 Gräf’s praktisches Journal für Bau- u. Möbel- tischler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 † Der Welthandel.............. A - B a d S B - B ºd B . . . . . .20 IMIPO RTED GERMIAN BOOKS PUBLISHIED IN PARTS. First number gratis to the trade. - - w Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. Published in about 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - - - - - 14 25 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 Parts, ab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - -28 40 Karl Gutzkow’s Gesammelte Werke. I. Serie. Pub- lished in about 80 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts, °---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . - 13 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H sº s M. G. Saphir's Schriften I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º B ºd º D - B D & B, C & D º B B. 11 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 pärts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 part8, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stieler's Hand-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at. .40 C. J. Weber's Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, BV. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N IE W G E RE FIA N PU HE L II C A TT I ON S. Importeel« Buch der Bücher. 32 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 25 J. Samarow's Um Scepter und Kronen. 16 parts. 15 20 Illustrirte Volkszeitung. 20 parts, at....... ......10 18 Schiller's Werke. Illustrirte Ausgabe. 30 parts.15 Domestic. BI. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 60 parts, at... ...... Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts at... 7 20 40 75 20 35 40 20 25 25 60 15 25 10 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 249 WANTED. —A graduate of the University of Bonn, Germany, and a resident teacher in the United States for 20 years, desires to obtain a position on a literary or political journal. He is fully conversant with English, French and German. Please address W. G., care of Booksellers' Guide, N. Y. B00KS WANTED. J. B. SMITH, STRAFFord, VT. Fitzgerald Hall’s “Modern English” (new or second hand copy). Scribner, Armstrong & Co., New York, 1873. *D. HUMPHREY, LAwrence, MAss. Vols. 1 and 2 of N. Y. Nation, bound or unbound Nos. preferred. HENRY MILLER, 82 NAssau St., New York. Newall's History of Texas Revolution. Holme on Walking. Wylde on Walking. Hammerton's Etching and Etchers. Townsend Memorial. Published by Stringer & Townsend. Milburn's Ten Years of Preacher's Life. Books FOR SALE, A. PIDDINGTON, 248 & 250 Yonge St., Toronto, Can. Heroditus Wesselingii. Amst., 1763. Fol., vellum. Gr. et Lat. Editio Optima. $7.50. Brunet. Manuel du Librarie, &c. Dictionaire ºve 5 vols., half bound, $7.50. Brux- elles, 1838. Cudworht’s Intellectual System of the Universe, &c. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, $4. London, 1820. “The best authority, worcester's Large Dictionary.” –Eion Caarles Sumner. w of cest ER's DICTION AIRIES. º 3. § 3. rº- 2. º O 5 .3 à P- 3. Fºr “WORCESTER,” THE AUTHORITY OF EVERETT, SUMNER, QUINCY, RIVES, M11. FS, WINTHROP, MARSH, MANN, AGASSIZ. HILLARD, HOLMES, LONG FFLLOW. ALEXANDER, BRYANT, IRWING, HENRY, FELTON, HOPKINS, THE U. S. SENATE AND THE U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. For sale by Booksellers generally. BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers, BOSTON, MASS. gº. As this book is of novel char- acter, we give below a lengthy de- scription, from which booksellers can get the best understanding of its plan and contents. $%|º]]|}|S. By means of circulars and newspaper advertisements a thriv- ing business is done in selling recipes, rights to make or use won- derful discoveries, and various secrets, etc. Some of them are good, some worthless, some fraudulent. Many persons invest a few shillings or dollars out of mere curiosity or in hopes of money making or gaining knowledge, we have collected at a cost of over $250 all the prominent of these advertised things. Their sellers we find have no exclusive right to them, so we pre- pose to give our exe50worth to the public, in a neat little book which we call the Book of * ADVERTISED WONDERS. This gives the good, bad, and indirerent, but with comments expiaining the real character of each. The following list will give an idea of the contents: It tells you how to make vinegar in ten hours from molasses, sorghum cider, etc., without drugs or chemicals; American gin without any distillation at 16 cents per pint; Premium mead; Ale without mait or hops; Cure for asthma; Imitation Cognac brandy equal to finest French genuine; Glycerine cement; Chinese art of dwarfing trees; How to raise the vinegar plant; Bee-keeper's secret for securing fertilization of young queens by any drones desired; How to secure nearly double the usual pro- duct in artificial fish raising; Chemical paint, durable and odor- less, of any color, without oil; Great water-proof varnish for boots and shoes; Kapnophyte, the new departure in fertilizers; Great art of chemicalizing manure; Great vegetable remedy for burns, sealds, etc.; Food for mocking-birds; Death to the cotton- worm; India-rubber cement. Nickel plating without a battery; Art of saw-filing; Remedy for love of strong drink; Hunters' secrets and private guide to trappers; “Mad-stones," how to find, how to prepare, and how to use the great, natural remedy for bites of poisouous or rabid animals; Seltzer aperient; Excelsioraxle greuse; Art of sha ening saws; Magical British washing powder; Printer's in pensable, for improving and drying inks of all kinds and colors— greatest help to good printing everinvented; Imperial fly-paper, or “catch 'em alive obt" Soluble blues, or liquid bluing; Eng- lish harness blacking; Preserving grapes in their natural condi- tion all winter; How to make brandy from shavings; Apple butter without apples; old orchards made new; Kainite, or tree medicine; Safety gunpowder; 100 pounds of soap for one dollar; How to keep apples fresh and sound all winter; º erunca- ting powder; How to restore vitality of seeds; Hunters' secret; How to make honey from tomatoes; Chinese art of catchingfish; Infallible remedy for potatorot; Liquid black lead polish; “All farmers and horse owners; ” Barrel of soft soap for 75 cents Dead shot for rose slugs; Scrofula ointment; Ratkilling with: out traps or poison; Baking powder; Maple sugar without maple trees. Fifty methods of making money; Fire-proof paint; Premium black writing ink; Magic copier; vegetable sºlve; Counterfeit detector; Art of painting on glass; Celebrated chemical com- pound; hºmers: secret; Soft soap; Sturch polish; Cider better than from apples and not intoxicating: Rheumatic liniment; Magnetic ointment; Indian pills; Red ink; Blue ink; Indelible ink, without preparation; Luminous ink; Red ruling ink; Yel- lowink; Invisible ink; Water-proof composition; Gunpowder; Shaving soap; Hard solder: Soft solder; Silver plating fluid : Great pain extractor; Matches; Horsetaming; oil-paste black- ing; Metals preserved from rust; Sealing wax; Cologne water; Hair restorative; Curling liquid for the hair; Excelsior hair-oil; Celebrated tooth powder; Cough syrup; Universal liniment; Brick paint; wood Paint; Best varnish; Leather varnish; Al- mond soap; Fancy soap; Non explosive burning fluid : Florida water ; Macassar oil; £º perfumed water; Buffalo oil. Sun-light oil; Corassa compound; inman's cure for nervous weakness, etc.; Clover vinegar; Curing pork without brine; Sure and safe remedy for warts: £iegº blacking; How to add 50 percent to yield of grain attrifling labor and expense, Har- dening gloss for printers' inks: Whiskers in six weeks; Beau- tiful art of transferring any kind of pictures to glass; Great American washing fluid, Liebig's great fertilizer; Gilding without a battery; Water witching, or the artoſ finding hidden water, oil or other valuable fluids ueneath the ground, with the forked switch; Yeast from grape leaves; How to soften hard water; Butter without milk or cream—artificial butter which cannot be told from genuine; Chinese cure for neuralgia; Pain paint; Artificial fruit syrups for soda water, and a secret for adding largely to profits; Meat preserving in hot weather; 3ordeaux wine imitation; Art of waterproofing cloth; Phyco- metic fascination, or art of soul charming ; Colored fire for the atrical and other purposes; Boiler incrustation preventive; Vegetable cure for hydrophobia, Egg preserving secret, Laun- dry secrets; Art of pickling meat in one day. fºr In meat 12mo, volume of 100 pages. Price Fifty Cents. For sale by all booksellers and newººlerº, or mailed, post-paid on receipt of price, by JESSE HANEY & Co., 119 Nassau Street, New York. 25o THE AMERICAN ROO KS EI. L. E R S GUIDE. BAIRD’S $: FRACTICAL MEN, My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE OF PRACTICAL FOR and SCIENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who will favor me with his address. HIENRY CAREY BAIRID, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 WAINUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. POPULAR BOOKS SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES. ſºmsºmº Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book............. Hans Brinker. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge... 1 Little Pet Books. 3 vols. By Mrs. M. E. Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Life in Death and Death in Life. By Matthew Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Boys of the Bible..... dº º ſº e º e º & e º e º e º e ºs 1 50 Girls of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Robinson Crusoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Swiss Family Robinson...... © e s e º e is e e o e 1 50 Scottish Chiefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Children of the Abbey...... ............ 1 50 Life of the Empress Josephine. . . . . . . . . . i 50 Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns... 1 50 Romance of the Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5ſ; Arabian Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Don Quixotte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Any of the above books, if ordered in lots of one hundred, one-half off. Also a full line of Books and Stationery at lowest trade prices. We have in stock, Hilton's Ten Cent Song Books, 25 kinds. Hilton's Ten Cent Novels, 12 kinds. Hilton's Twenty-five Cent Novels, 15 kinds. The Trade supplied at current prices. WM. L. ALLISON, 128 NASSA U. S.T., N. Y. T H E CINCINNATI News COMPANY, No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of |Booksellers, Stationers, ANI) News-Dealers. ſº-º-º: They keep on hand full lines of the Publica tions of all the NEW YORK, BosTon, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI Houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also always on hand A LARG-E STJCPC STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-List, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OB II O. T() DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS. S C H () () I., MATERIA LS, The School Edition of the EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE, for the FALL TERM year, will be issued during the latter part of July, and will contain an entirely new, complete classified Reference List of School-Books, with retail prices for 1874–1875. The list will be arranged as in the number of last summer, according to special branches ; such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Composition, Dictionaries, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Philosophy–Natural and Mental, Primers, Readers, etc., etc., with nuumerous cross-references. Thus information on any branch can be obtained at a glance. The names of the Publishers will be indicated by initials, to which a separale key will be suppl.ed for special use of Dealers e The Educational Catalogue, published last summer, was circulated by most of the leadng firms, and long after it was out of print inquiries for it were received from all quarters. The experience gained from that result will make the forthcoming one superior to any guide to edu- cational literature ever published for the use of American Booksellers and Teachers. In making up special orders for the Educational Catalogue Booksellers should bear in mind that it possesses more than telnporary value, and will be called for during the Whole year. TERMS FOR EDITIONS. \;<> Cash remillance must invariably accompany each order. WITH SOLE IMPRINT OF BOOKSELLER, AND STITCHED. lOO copies, Eº gº gº * } $5.00 | 1,000 Copies, * --> tº gº tº $40.00 The last page will be left blank, unless a stereotyped or electrotyped page, uniform in size with the PUBLISHER's WEEKLY, shall be sent before going to press. If we are to make the plate, it will be charged extra at the mere cost of composition and electrotyping, viz., $3.25. These rates are charged uniformly for any page that does not contain more matter than can be set up in nonpareil. Copy should be sent with the order. Mode of shipping must be stated, when ordering the CATALOGUE. N O T | C E . As numerous orders for editions were received, last summer, after the issue of the Educa- tional Catalogue, we again call attention to the necessity of being in possession of all orders on or before July 10th. We must be able to determine on the quantity of the paper that may be required for printing several weeks before going to press T , , In order to avoid wnnecessary correspondence, we beg to say that, in justice to our advertisers, we must decline print- wng any editions “w-thout advertisements,” before September It is mainly owing to the support of advertisements that the “Catalogue " can be compuled and printed at the low rates at which it is offered to the trade. As, however, no wholesale price advertisements are accepted, the additional lists of publishers and manufacturers cannot possibly depre- ciate the value of the paper, but, on the contrary, will secure to the dealer additional chances for Sales. All communications concerning the EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE Slſould be addressed to F. LEYPoLDT, Publisher, P. O. Box 4295, New York. All orders will be filled in succession, according to their dates. THE AMER) CAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The New York Blank B00k Company, 24 - TEBeels India,Iran. Street, NEW YORK, Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, Writing Books, Letter Books, Memorandum Books, etc. etc. Half Bound Blanks, Full Bound Blanks, Invoice Books, * - Scrap Books, etc. etc. And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application, Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEERMAN STREET, NEw York, JUST ISSUED. BY THE Prºhibian hſi i Pillaim 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. PARADISE. The Place and State of Saved souls between Death and the Resurrection. By Rev. R. M. PATTERson. 16mo) bevelled, red edge, Price, $1.25. CHRISTIAN LOVE, as Manifested in the Heart and Life. By JonATHAN EDWARDS, Some _time Pastor of the Church at Northampton, Mass., and Preši- t dent of the College of New Jersey. Edited from the Original Manuscript by the ReV. TYRON Edwards, D, D, § 16mo, Cloth, Price, $1.25. LITTLE LIGHT3, AND HOW THEY SHONE. 18mo. Cloth. Three Illustrations. Price, 70 Cent8. Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, . Business Superintendert ‘. Or to DoDD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; BoARD OF ColpoRTAGE, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; SUTTON & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; FAIRBANks & Co., 54 and 56 Madison St., Chicago, Ill, ; Rev. F. E. S.HEARER, 757 Market Street, San Fran- cisco, California. who keep all the publications of the Board for sale, JUST READY | Ilê HImE)äliit family liſt, IPOR THE USE OF TWENTY-EIGHT PRINCIPAL REMEDIES IN THE TREATMENT OF THE MORE SIMPLE FORMS OF DISEASE. By G. E.O.R. G. E. E. SHIP M A. N., M. D Together with Directions for the Treatment of DENGUE AND YELLOW FEVER, By W. H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., New Orleana, La. Eighth Edition, Single Copies, $2,00, Sent free by mail on receipt of price by publishers, or may be ordered from any bookseller. For the present edition a chapter has been added on the management of children during the first few days of life— the most important days; in many respects, of their whole existence. Many valuable suggestions are given here, which, if carefully followed out, would save the litle ones and their attendants much needless suffering and very ma- terially diminish the rates of infant mortality. The book oontains the photograph and autograph of the author. PUBLISHED BY THE WESTERN NEWS COMPy, 42 & 44 Randolph St., Chicago. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. “THE FAIMILY” - - - - Micro s C ope (PATENT APPLIED FOR) Is the ºnly Microscope answering all the requirements for Family, School and Scientific Purposes. Its simplicity of construction enables children even, to use it readily for amusement or instruction. It can be used with any light and therefore its usefulness is not restricted to any locality or sunlight only. Objects need not be prepared for examination, but may be placed under it, as found ; small insects may be examined while alive. Its size admits of being carried about with facility, adding pleasure to Excursions into the country, &c. Its magnifying power is – X 500. Retail Price, - - - $1.00 each. Trade -- - - - 7.50 Dozen. - The American News Company, NEW YORIx. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. NEWB00KSFOR SUMMER READING. JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY T, B, PETER SON & B R OTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Charming Summer Book, THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY IWINVIII, MMII. WITH A PREFACE BY R_SHELTON MACKENZIE, LL. D., Literary Editor of the “Philadelphia Press.” The Lyndon Evening Post in a review of it, says: “The Autobiography of Edward Wortley Montagu is the most remarkable book that has been given to the public for many years. The author was the only son, of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, whose career was, perhaps, one of the most extraordinary of any woman in the annals of England during the last two hundred years. The most cele: brated men and women of England, during the reign of George the First, are introduced into this work. Mr. Mon- tagu met them frequently, knew them well, and has de- scribed them as he tound them. There is no flatter of the great in his narrative ; for he tears the mask from the face of vice. The autobiography introduces Kings and Princes, Politicians and Poets, Men of Law and Men of Letters. In fact, it gives life like portraits of dead men and women, among whom will be found George the Second–Frederick, Prince of Wales—Lady Mary Wortley Montagu–Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough—The Earl of Chesterfield—Wał- pole—Fielding—Colley Cibber—bºope, whose absurd love adventure with Lady Mary is described at length—Howard, Earl of Suffolk—Savage—Lord Lyttelton—Bully Rooke— Lord Scarborough—Mully Seagrave—The Duchess of Mun- chester–Dr. Young—Lady Vane–Lord Patmore and his wife, The Duchess of Leeds—Kitty Hyde, afterward, the Duchess of Queensberry—Lady Betty Molyneux—Lady Fanny Shirley–Windhaun-Pulteny—Lady Bolingbroke— Dodington—Lady Archibald Hamilton—Sir Willian Yonge —Toul Warrington —Hogarth— Congreve— Gay-–Prior— Fox, afterward the celebrated Lord Holland–Lord Hervey —The Duke of Kingston—Bishop Burnett—Sir Richard Steele–Lady Bella Bentiuck–The profligate , Duke of Wharton, etc., etc.” It is published in one large duodecimo volume of near six hundred pages, bound in morocco cloth, full gilt back, price $1.75. VICTOR, HUGO'S GREAT BOOK. THE BRIGAND ; OR, . THE DEMON OF THE NORTH. (Han's D Islande.) By Victor Hugo, author of “Les Miserables,” “Ninety-Three,” etc. With a Portrait of Victor Hugo at the age of 72. Complete in one large octavo volume, paper cover, price 75 cents CAMILLE ; oft, FATE OF A COQUETTE. CAMILLE: OR, THE FATE OF A COQUETTE. % Dane Auz Camelias.) By Alexander Dumas, This is the only complete, Ifteral and unabridged aranslation of this celebrated work ever published, and it is from this translation that the drama of Camille,” and the opera of “La Traviata,” has been adapted to the stage. Complete in one large duo- jmo volume, price $1.75 in cloth, or $1.50 in paper COWelſ. EMERSON BENNETT'S GREAT BOOK. || |||||WN TRIMIN. ALONE IN A GREAT CITY, BY EMERSON BENNETT. Author of “Clara Moreland,” “Viola,” etc., etc. THE ORPHAN's TRIALS ; OR ALONE IN A GREAT CITY, by Emerson Bennett, has been running through the columns of the Philadelphia Saturday Nignt, for the last three months, in which paper it has cre- ated a great sensation, and has proved itself to be one of the most popular novels that has ever been run through that paper. It is published this day in book form by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. The Editors of the Suturday Night, in speaking of it editorially, said : “If Emerson Bennett had never written his many delightful and thrilling stories of hor- der life, of prairie scenes, and Indian warfare, this story of “THE ORPHAN's TRIALS ; or, ALoNE IN A GREAT CITY,” would place his name on the record as One of the best Of American novelists. The scenes of this most captivating novel are laid in the city of New York, and gives a true picture of life as it exists in the crowded city. We do cordially recommend this book for its excellent moral. t is one that should be circulated, for it must do good.” EYMERSON BENNETT'S GREAT BOOK. THE ORPHAN'S TRIALS ; OR, ALONE IN A GREAT CID.Y. By Emerson Bennett, author of ** Clara, M ) reland,” “The Bride of the Wilderness,” etc. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, mo- rocco cloth, price $1.75, or in paper cover for $1.50. EMERSON BENNETT'S BEST WORKS. Complete vn seven volumes, bound in cloth, gilt buck, price $1.75 each, or $12 25 a set, each set in a meat boz. The Orphan’s Trials $1.75 Bride of Wilderness $1.7: The Border Rover.. $1.75 | Ellen Norbury....... $1.75 Clara Moreland. . . . . 1.75 Viola : or, Adventures IXate Clarendon..... $1.75 | in Far South West...S$1.75. Above are in cloth, or in paper cover at $1.50 each. Heiress of Bellefonte, Pioneer's Daughter, and and Walde Warren... 75 | Unknown Countess..... 75 MARTIN, THE FOUNDLING. MARTIN, THE FOUNDLING'; or, THE ADVEN- TUBES OF A VALET-DE-CBIAMBRE. A m. Entire New Edition, full of Illustrations. . . . By Eugene Sue, author of “Wandering Jew,” “The Mysteries of Paris,” etc. Complete in one large octavo volume, price $1.50 in paper, or $2.00 in cloth. MR.S. C. J. NEWBY'S NEW BOOKS. In Large Octavo Volumes. Price Fifty Cents each. Kate Kennedy. | Trodden Down. Wondrous Strange. Married. Margaret Hamilton. Common Sense, Right and Left. Only Temper. Booksellers are solicited to order at once what they may want of any of the above books, which will . be filled at low rates of discuunt. filled with the Our Illustrated Catalogue will be sent to any address. same promptness and care, as large ones. e Small orders are Canvassers wanted. We will, upon application, fºnish any Bookseller or News Agent with our addressed Envelopes, Posters, Wholesale Rates, and Cir. culars, free. Address all orders to T. B. PETERSON & BR01'HERS, Publishers & Booksellers, Philadelphia, Pa. | { A-f \-. f j Y1-1. f º ! . : V 3É § º: E: ºrººººººººººººº. º:5° º $ sº & asº º sº º: sº &º tºº º º gº & º SS º & º & &º-ºº: º ºe $$…, º º: |Un |lin º º # : º § # : tº à É Yol. vi. New York, October 1, 1874. No. 1 o O O N T E N T S. PAGE PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, - º 325 | NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 337 BooksellERS CLAIMS TO SUPFORT INDEX To ADVERTISEMENTs, º 338 FROM THE PUBLISHERS, - 332 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTs For octo- O BITUARY - º - -> 2, 22 - - - 4- } - 33 BER, 339 SPECIAL NOTICES, - - º- 33% | SEPTEMBER PUBLICATIONs, - 343 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 333 - NEW MUSIC, - --> - - 349 For EIGN LITERARY NotEs, - 3.34. - MEETINGS OF THE TRADE, tº- 33; the stationery MARKET, * 351 REVIEW OF THE FROCEEDINGS AT THE AMERICAN NEws company's PUT-IN-BAY, º - - 336 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND BUSINESS CHANGES, - e- 337 PERIODICALS, - - * 353 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per | quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- Sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, I 15, I 17, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. TEIEEE NEW B O OPXS To be published during October by sHELDon & co., NEw York. :O: - 1st. GEN’I. G. A. CUSTER'S GREAT BOOP:C, Mº Eſſº (O)N ( Fºſſilſºſ N’S. One vol. 8vo. Printed on laid tinted paper, and elegantly illustrated and bound with fancy black and gold stamping. Price, $2.00. g This book, by our greatest Indian fighter, containing facts stranger than fiction, will be eagerly welcomed by thousands of readers. :O: 2d. JUSTIN McCARTHY'S Brilliant Story, LINILEY TER O CELETOTERID. By JUSTIN McCARTHY, author of “A Fair Saxon,” “Lady Judith,” &c., &c. One vol. 8vo, cloth, fancy black stamping, $1.75; paper, $1.00. ——:O: 3d. †- O ş J. N. C. ºr (O Wr jº N I A Novel by THEODORE DAVIES, one of the brightest of the sketch writers on the New York dailies. One vol. 12mo, fancy cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00. It is seldom that a person who has moved in the highest circles of metropolitan society, as the author of “Losing to Win” evidently has, develops that indefatigable artistic tendency and that capability of continued laborious effort necessary to the construction of a book. To these prerequisites nature has added, in the case of Mr. DAVIIES, an unmistakable genius for plots and dramatic situations. Mr. DAVIES's reputation among the litera- teurs of New York was made by a series of brilliant articles which contributed largely to enhance the reputation of the New York World in its brightest days. As one might expect, his book is bright, fresh, and original. These Books will be ready from October 10th to 15th. ADVANCE ORDERS SOLICITED. EDIToRs' coPIES AND SHow-BILLS SENT witH FIRST ORDERS. :O: Irecently Published, THEODOIRE TILTON'S New Novel, One vol., large 12mo, tinted paper. Price, $1.75. * sº The story is one of marked power and poetic beauty. Mr. Tilton wields a very graceful pen, and possesses a & vivid imagination. :O THE WETHEREL AFFAIR. BY COL. J. W. DEFOREST. Price, $1.00. FETTERED FOR LIFE, OR, LORD AND MASTER. IBy LILLIE DEVEREUX BLAJK.E. Price, $1.00. :O: Ey. MF.S. AN NIE EDWARDS. “Mrs. Edwards is one of the brightest and freshest of the novel writers of the day.”—Jowrmal, Boston. $1.00 IMiss Forrester, *g gº gºs sº $1.00 Arcliie Lovell, , - Ought We to Visit Her 2 gº * - 1.00 || Philip Earnscliffe,. tº-º º s - 1.00 The Ordeal for Wives, – sº sº 1.00 A Vagabond Heroine, - tº- {-> .75 By JUSTIN McCARTHY. tº s s $1.25 $1.00 | Lady Judith, - A Fair Saxon, - - Any of the above sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Address, s]HIELD ON & CO., New York. TEIE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy sent on *...* All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET, NEW YORK, October 1, 1874. The long-awaited busy season is upon us, and bookmakers and booksellers are made happy and the reviewers sad. True, the pre- dictions of those who prophesied a season of unexampled activity have not yet been ful- filled ; but business has been steady and fair, and the books, by Christmas, will make a favorable showing. The rules adopted at Put- in-Bay have been in force very generally dur- ing the month, with no marked effect as yet, except the annoyance which the change has occasioned to some of the greatest sinners, who, we are happy to say, show a true repent- ance by their determination to enforce the new rules at whatever cost. New books to suit every variety of taste have flowed in a steady stream from the presses of the pub- lishers, science, religion, and fiction each re- ceiving its share of attention,-and a large number of important volumes, including some from our most popular American authors, are nearly ready. The children will receive their share of juveniles for the holidays, but new art books of the costly style will be scarce. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. issued, early in the month, a new Verne book, in attractive binding, with forty-two illustrations, contain- ing his two, stories, A Floating City, and The Blockade Runners. The first is a drama of a trip on the Great Easterm across the ocean, including also New York and Niagara Falls. The second is also a “sea yarn,” relating the incidents of a trip from Glasgow to Charles- ton, the rescue of a prisoner, and the return. Both stories are stamped with the writer's genius, full of vivid details, quite as interest- ing as his other stories, but unlike them in that they both come within the bounds of possibility. Since our last letter the Scrib- ners have also issued The Earth as Modified by EIuman Action, by our Minister to Italy, George P. Marsh, which is a recast and exten- Sion of the author’s well-known Man in Na- ture, an important addition to their library of Theology and Philosophy, in Dr. J. J. Van Oosterzee's Christian Dogmatics, a work which displays much learning and ability ; the com- pleting volume (the fifth) of Dr. Curtius’ His- tory of Greece; in the epochs of History, The Thirty Years' War, covering the years from 1618 to 1648, by Samuel R. Gardiner; to be followed shortly by The Beginning of the Mid- dle Ages, by Dean Church of St. Paul’s ; and a volume of lectures on Art, by Professor Tor- rey, of the University of Vermont, under the title of A Theory of Fine Art. A new edition of Jowett’s Dialogues of Plato has also been issued at two-thirds the former price, and a cheaper edition of Craik's English Literature is promised. Of the announcements by this house, the most important is a new story in verse, by Dr. Holland, entitled The Mistress of the Manse,which is said by those who have been favored with a look at the MS. to be as full of homely beauties as Kathrina and Bitter Sweet, but more philosophical, dealing with many of the perplexing social questions of the day. Mr. George Smith's account of his Eaplora- tions in Nineveh, Assyria, and Babylonia, will be published at an early day under a special ar- rangement with the author; and an interest- ing book of travel is also promised in Notes of a Journey in the Russian Provinces in 1873, by Eugene Schuyler, Secretary of the American Legation at St. Petersburg. The new volume of the Bric-a-Brac series will contain Méri- mée's Letters and Twenty-Five Years of My Life, by Lamartine. The children are to have a volume of Rhymes and Jingles from Mrs. Dodge; and the older folks, Myths of the Rhine, by Saintine, now first translated by Professor Schele De Vere, to be embellished with 150 illustrations by Doré, and brought out in superb style. Stanley's How I Found Living- stone, with the addition of a new chapter, bringing down the record of the explorer to the time of his death, as far as the data now accessible will permit, will be given to the trade this month. A. Denham & Co. have brought out in three handsome volumes, a new edition of 326 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. the works of John Hookham Frere, with a memoir, which fills the first volume, by his nephew, Sir Bartle Frere. The second volume contains his Original Works and Minor Trans- lations, the third, his Translations from Aris- tophanes. There are no works so deserving that are so little known as those of this au. thor. His original productions in both prose and verse are of no common merit; but his scholarship and literary talent are better dis- played in his translations of the plays of Aristophanes, which are unquestionably the best ever made. Lovers of comedy will find the plays delightful reading, all the fanciful humor of the Athenian genius being carefully preserved, if not heightened, in the render- IIlg. #. P. Putnam's Sons have published a time- ly book of general interest on the German Universities, by Professor Hart, of Cornell. | The author says that while much has been written in a fugitive way upon university life in Germany, no one has heretofore told in a plain, straightforward narrative, how he him- self passed his time at such a university, what he studied, and what he accomplished. This Professor Hart has done, the book being mainly a narrative of his personal experience, which he considers a sample of German student life. The work also contains valu- able statistical information, and a comparison of the German, English, and American sys- tems of higher education. The writer's quali. fications for making such a comparison, will secure for the work much attention. The other books just issued by this house are Dr. Jacobi's Infant Diet, revised and enlarged by Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D.; and a fanciful fairy book, by Mrs. Jane G. Austin, entitled Moonfolk, “a true account of the home of the fairy tales,” daintily illustrated by W. J. Lin- ton. Among the Trees, a poem by William Cullen Bryant, which appeared in The Maga many years ago, but has never been publish- ed in book form, will be reprinted for the holidays, with illustrations by Jervis McEntee. A book from Bayard Taylor on Egypt and Ice- land, made up from the Tribune letters, is nearly ready, and in the “Handy Book” series there will be a volume on the subject of in- terest to everybody, viz., How to make Momey, by George Cary Eggleston, late editor of the Plearth, amd Home. An illustrated edition of Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, ‘will be issued, and a reprint of Bastiat's Sophisms of Protection. The Putnams have again become the publishers of Irving's works. It will be remembered that previous to 1869, the works of the genial author appeared with the imprint of this house for twenty years. At the date mentioned the plates were leased to the Lippincott's for five years. That term having expired, they have returned to the old publishers. Dodd & Mead have issued Captain Kidd, in Abbott’s “Pioneer and Patriot ” series, to be followed shortly by Paul Jones; another pleas- ing English story by Edward Garrett, with the title By the Still Waters; and a new novel, just ready, from the pen of Rev. E. P. Roe. The latter, entitled The Opening of the Chest- mut Burr, has been running as a serial in the Weekly Graphic, and has been warmly praised by all who have read it. Abbott's Captain Kidd is a fair history of the life of that “ bold buccaneer,” and of his most noted con- temporaries, of abundant interest to those who like sea stories, but divested of much of the romance which clings to his name. The St. Nicholas story, What might have been Evpected, by Frank R. Stockton, is promised at an early day; also a volume of addresses to young men, by Dr. Mark Hopkins, of Williams Col- lege, of whom the students are fond of call- ing Mark, the perfect man ; and a new edition of Dana’s Corals and Coral Islands. The most important volume from the Har- pers is a work of nearly five hundred pages, on The Gemesis of the New England Churches, by Dr. Leonard Bacon. The author begins with the primitive church, traces its growth and history through the Reformation to 1628, the time of the founding of the Puritan colony in Massachusetts. He carefully points out the difference between the Puritans and the Pil- grims, and the work is an important addition to church history, being thorough, and showing abundant evidence of careful study and pa- tient research. The most interesting portion of the volume to the general reader is prob- ably the account of the adventures of the Pil- grims in their repeatedly foiled attempts to leave England. An account of their voyage across the ocean is also given, and of the first few years in their new home. In fiction, we have from the Harpers, Salem, a tale of New England and her delusions in the seventeenth century, by D. R. Castleton, announced as “strictly authentic in historical detail; ” and a bright and pretty story, Sylvia's Choice, by Mrs. Craik, full of charming pictures of home life. As a writer of fiction Mrs. Craik has graces which are peculiarly her own, and her novels always find a large circle of admirers. We have also a new edition of Mill's System of Logic, reprinted from the last London edi- tion (the eighth); a new edition of Barnes' Motes on TheSSalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, and Prairie and Forest, a fascinat- ing book of sporting adventures, by Parker Gilmore, giving descriptions of the game in North America, and the personal experiences of a hunter in pursuit of it. The illustrations are in keeping with the text, and add very much to the attractiveness of the volume. Early in the month are promised Mr. Mac- Gahan's Campaigning on the Oaw8, and the long announced Popular History of Germany, by Charlton E. Lewis. J. B. Ford & Co. have published a new series of Beecher's Yale Lectures on Preach- &ng ; Beecher's novel of New England life, Norwood, formerly published by Scribner, and for some months out of print; a novel of THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 327 Southern life by Henry Churton, entitled Toinette; and two books for sportsmen, Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting, and American Wild Fowl Shooting, the former by Captain A. H. Bcgardus, the latter by Joseph W. Long. Zoinette is a story of slave life and emancipa- tion, in which the hero, after being stricken several times with blindness and being nursed by his slave, rises above the pride of race and marries her. American Wild Fowl Shoot- 2ng is announced by the publishers as the only book of the kind in the English lan- guage. It is of practical value to sports- men, treating of the habits of wild game- fowl, and the various methods of decoying and shooting them, the training of dogs, etc. Captain Bogardus is good authority on Field, Cover, and Thap Shooting, and his name is sufficient to recommend his book. It has been very ably edited by Charles J. Foster, for many years sporting editor of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. Among the announce- ments of J. B. Ford & Co. are a collection of the sketches and tales of Mrs. Amelia E. Barr, under the title of Romances and Realities; a volume of Educational Reminiscences and Sug- gestions, from Miss Catharine E. Beecher; The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney, by Mrs. S. M. Davis; and Halliday’s story for the children, of The Little Street-Sweeper. Profes- sor Raymond’s fairy book, Hoity Toity, The Poetry of Pets, by Sarah Bridget Stebbins; and a number of other handsome juveniles will be ready in November. G. W. Carleton & Co.'s illustrated edition of Dickens' works is now completed by the issue of the Child’s History of England, the twentieth volume of the edition. The new novels from this house are A Fatal Passion, translated from the French, a work of the extreme French school, full of horrible situa- tions and terrible catastrophes; and Tested, by Celia Gardner, a gushing, sentimental love story, with the scene laid mainly in Rhode Island. Josh Billing's Almamaa, for 1875 is also announced as ready. The books pro- mised for October are the story of Tom Old Maids, by Julia P. Smith, the author of The Widow Goldsmith's Daughter; a work of a more serious character on the Identity of Primitive Christianity and Modern Spiritualism, by Dr. Eugene Crowell; and what is good news to the novel readers, if advance orders are an Indication, a new story from Mrs. Mary Jane Holmes, with the title West Lawm. Robert Carter & Brothers have published a number of pretty and appropriate books for children, including Rosalie's Pets, by Johanna H. Mathews; Scepters and Crowns, by the au- thor of The Witle, Wide World ; and Doors Outward, by the author of Win and Wear. These authors never fail to please the chil- dren, who are always made better as well as happier by their books. The Carters have also issued the second volume of Donald Frazer's Lectures on the Bible, and Christian Theology for the People, by Rev. Dr. Willis Lord, a large octavo of 600 pages, in which the various Christian doctrines and beliefs are treated in plain and simple language for the popular reader. The topics are most ad- mirably arranged and classified, and while the scholarly ability of the writer is apparent on every page, “all matter suitable only for scholars,” he says, “has been excluded.” When technical terms are used, and words or sentences from foreign tongues, they are at once explained. The most important an- nouncement from the Carters is Dr. McCosh’s Scottish Philosophy, which will be ready early this month. The full title is The Scottish Philosophy, Biographical, Eaſpository, Critical, from Hutcheson to Hamilton. Prominent in the list of biographical sketches are those of Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, Adam Smith, Henry Home (Lord Karnes), Thomas Reid, James Beattie, Adam Ferguson, Dugald Stewart, Archibald Alison, Thomas Brown, Francis Jeffrey, Sir James Mackintosh, Lord Brougham, Thomas Chalmers, Prof. Wilson, and Sir William Hamilton. Dr. McCosh, in his preface, says, “This work has been to me a labor of love. The gathering of materials for it and the writing of it have afforded me great pleasure. I publish it as the last and only remaining means of testifying my re- gard for my country—loved all the more be- cause I am now so far from it—and my coun- try’s philosophy, which has been the means of stimulating thought in so many of Scot- land’s sons. The English-speaking public, British and American, has been listening to divers forms of philosophy, to Coleridge, to Kant, to Hegel, to Comte, and to Berke- ley, and is now inclined to a materialistic psychology. Not finding permanent satisfac- tion in any of these, it is surely possible that it may grant a hearing to the sober philosophy of Scotland. I have tried to make my work a contribution to what may be regarded as a new department of science, the History of Thought, which is quite as important as the history of wars, of commerce, of literature, or of civilization.” E. P. Dutton & Co. have published a capi- tal story for girls, Working to Win, by Maggie Symington ; Lloyd Delam, by the author of the “Goldy Books,” Mary Densel, both of which are illustrated ; Pussy Tip-Toes' Family, one of the handsomest juvenile books of the season, with thirty large illustrations; and Bolden with the Cords, a novel by W. M. L. Jay, the author of Shiloh, which is remembered with pleasure by all who read it. This work, like Shiloh, is religious in tone, but as full of interest as the most sensational work. The author believes that to be religious it is not necessary to be dull, and certainly in her books she proves her theory. The plot of Holden with the Cords is a good one and well worked up, while the glimpses of farm life are charming. s An important law work has been publish- ed by Hurd and Houghton in Green's Crim- 328 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Znal Law Reports. It is asserted that the number of volumes of American Reports ex- ceeds 2,000, and that they are increasing at the rate of a hundred per year. The decisions in criminal cases heretofore scattered through these volumes are now collected for the first time, with those in the courts of Great Britain, and notes by N. St. John Green, making a vol- ume of great value to the profession. Under a contract with the Postmaster-General, Hurd & Houghton will publish the U. S. Official Postal Guide, announced for this date, and to be revised quarterly. - Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. have pub- lished a new school Algebra, prepared by Professor Joseph Ticklin, of the University of Missouri, in which the arrangement is somewhat different from that usually em- ployed, and a number of the rules and de- monstrations are new ; and Outlines of the World's History, a manual of 500 pages, with maps and illustrations, by William Swinton. The author is well known as an historical scholar, and has shown rare talent in giving so much of connected narrative in so small a compass. - J. W. Schermerhorn & Co. have issued a little manual on The Art of Reading Music, by Laura B. Humphreys; a new Elements of Ge- ometry, by W. H. H. Phillips; and Master- pieces in English Literature, a most valuable aid to the study of the English language and literature, by Homer Sprague, principal of the Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn. The “mas- terpieces” are representative selections from English authors with explanatory notes, and the portrait of each author and sketch of his life and works. Prefixed is a statement of the development of the language, and there is an index to some 2,000 words and topics. This method of presenting the language to the student is an excellent one, and well cal- culated to stimulate interest in the subject. Sheldon & Co. have published an introduc- tory Algebra, by Professor Olney; Hooker's Physiology, revised and re-written by Profes- sor Sewall; and a History of English and American Literature, prepared by Professor Backus, of Vassar College, and based mainly upon Shaw's Manuul. The present arrange- ment is much better adapted to the require- ments of a text-book than the old one. Gen- eral Custer's account of his Life on the Plaims, to be published this month, needs only to be announced to meet with a ready sale. We shall also have at an early day from Sheldon & Co., Justin McCarthy’s novel Linley Roch- jord, which has been entertaining the readers of The Galaay, and a new novel of modern society, by Theodore Davis. The publishers have received a new novel from Mrs. Annie Edwards, the first chapters of which will ap- pear in the next number of The Galaay. Henry Holt & Co. will soon have ready John Stuart Mill’s posthumous Essays on Re- ligion, the subjects of which are Unity of Re- ligion, Nature and Theism ; an able work, by \ Mr. C. K. Adams, on Monarchy and Democracy in France, being an extension of his papers published in The Worth American and The JVation; a translation of Wagner's Autobiog- raphy and Essays, and a dainty volume of Wers de Société, edited by C. H. Jones, who so admirably condensed Clarissa Harlowe, and is now endeavoring to reduce Boswell's Johnson in the same way. We shall have also from this house Sir Henry Maine's Early History of Institutions, handsomely illustrated ; in Freeman’s Historical Series, works on America and France, and new novels from Mrs. Alex- ander, Thomas Hardy, and the author of My Little Lady. E. J. Hale & Son have added to the list of recent books on the English tongue, a History of the English Language, by Professor Henry E. Shepherd, of the Baltimore City College. It treats concisely yet clearly of the formation and development of the language, discarding all purely literary criticism or anything that will divert the mind of the pupil. The in- creased attention which has been given to the study of our own language has created an ur. gent demand for just such a book as this, and the author deserves the thanks of all interest- ed in the subject. He has presented in his modest 12mo, volume, information for which the student has been obliged to search through whole libraries. BosTON, Oct. 1, 1874. Our publishers are rather late with their fall issues, but readers are well repaid for waiting. During the past week we have been almost bewildered by the number of new volumes which have claimed our atten- tion. J. R. Osgood & Co. lead the list with the new novel from Julian Hawthorne, just ready; and, issued earlier in the month, Bayard Taylor's tragedy, The Prophet; the first volume of the long announced “Little Classics"; Gardner's Homes, and How to Make Them ; of novels, Mrs. Oliphant’s A Rose in June, and Boyesen’s Gunnar. Idolatry, like Bres- Samt, bears unmistakable evidence that the genius of the elder Hawthorne has been in- herited by the son, though the latter work is less open to criticism on that account than the former, as it shows that the author has genius peculiarly his own to commend his work. The romance is far more like a work of art than the ordinary novel of the day, dealing with abstract ideas rather than with individuals or events, while the author’s vivid imagination attracts and absorbs the attention of the reader. The Prophet, a blank verse tragedy in five acts, to which the name “Mormon” has been attached, does not have to deal with the Mormons, but with their faith. There are a variety of characters, the principle of which is a religious enthusiast, groping for truth and light. The plot is in- teresting, the diction elegant, and frequently eloquent, and the work will live as an import- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 329 ant addition to the literature of the century. A Rose in June is a tender love story, with pretty characters delicately drawn. Like the real rose in June, it is fresh and pretty, and altogether pleasing. The bad characters are only conservatively so, and the worldly con- ventionalisms are prettily contrasted with native honesty and simplicity. Boyesen’s story of Norse life, which has been running in the Atlantic, and is now printed in the 18mo. “Saunterer's Series,” has a peculiar interest as a picture of the simple life of the people of the north of Europe. The quaint characters are irresistably attractive, and the romance is interwoven with rare poetic touches of fancy. The first of the “Little Classics" bears the title Evile, and contains Ethan Brand, by Na- thaniel Hawthorne ; The Swams of Lir, by Gerald Griffin ; A Night in a Workhouse, by James Greenwood; The Outcasts of Poker Flat, by Bret Harte; The Man without a Country, by E. E. Hale; and De Quincey’s Flight of a Tar- tar Tribe. The series is edited by Rossiter Johnson, who says, in his preface to this first volume: “Going \freely through English literature to gather little classics, I have been surprised at finding so few that antedate the present century. Hawthorne, De Quincey, Poe, and Dr. Brown have put within the com- pass of a few pages as much plot and charac- ter, as much pathos, humor, human nature, metaphysical speculation, and dramatic effect as commonly suffice for a full-length romance. The ponderous novel cannot be said to have had its day, but the indications are that it must soon cease to have more than its day.” William F. Gill & Co.'s list of books, issued since my last, include a clever satire, full of bome thrusts, by Canon Pullen, the author of the Fight at Dame Jºhºropa’s School. It is in the form of a dialogue between an infidel and a clergyman of the Established Church, and is published under the title, Stones Through Glass Houses; or, Modern Christianity a Civilized JHeathenism. No doubt many American read- ers will think the English divine had too little to say, and they will long for an oppor- tunity to demolish the reasoning of Mr In- fidel; but the book is ingenious for all that, and may be profitably read, if read in proper spirit, edition of Verne’s stories, From the Clouds to the Mountains, on thick paper and in new binding, with added illustrations by Bush; an illustrated edition of Mr. Gill’s Home IRé- creations, a handsome manual (the only illus- trated one in existence) of tableaux and ama- teur theatricals, which will prove very ser- viceable to those who engage in such amuse- ments; and two books of the “Rollo’’ style, Child Life in Italy and Child Life in Europe. The former is a narrative of real life in the family of Crawford, the sculptor, while the latter is a sequel to the first, and is made ad- ditionally interesting by the legends narrated and the stories of the gods. For the holidays this house will have a goodly number of juve- Gill & Co. have also issued a holiday niles, prominent among which will be the “Little Folk Life Series,” the first two volumes by Gail Hamilton, and the third, to be ready shortly, the story of Lolly Dink's Doings, by Mrs. R. H. Stoddard. The latter, as told by Lolly Dinks, is full of humor, which will be appreciated by mothers as well as children, and it has an abundance of sug- gestiveness for the former, We shall have also Miss Amanda M. Douglas's The Old Wo- man who Lived in a Shoe, a bright story of how six children grew up in poverty under the care of their grandmother, how they suffered and bore their privations, how they helped each other, a pretty series of pictures of child life, with all its aspirations and disappoint- ments, which the children will hugely enjoy in the long winter evenings. Wilkie Collins’ novel, The Frozen Deep, which, in its original dramatic form, is sadly associated with the name of Charles Dickens, will be ready early this month. Lee & Shepard have issued James De Mille's tale of Acadia, The Lily and the Cross, noticed in my last ; a new volume in the Yacht Club series, The Coming Wave ; or the Hidden Treasure of High Rock, by Oliver Op- tic; Mr. George M. Baker's first novel, Rum- ming to Waste ; and Katherine Earle, which has been delighting the readers of Scribner’s, by Adeline Trafton, who made her mark in An American Girl Abroad. It has been said that Miss Trafton's writing resembles Miss Thackeray's, only that the former is essential- ly American, dealing with American people and American scenes, while Miss Thackeray is essentially English, Katherine Earle is a de- lightful story, and will add to the author's well deserved fame as an entertaining writer. Mr. Baker’s Running to Waste is the story of a sadly neglected little girl, who brightens up like a diamond as soon as she is taken in hand. There are some capital deli- neations of queer characters, and graphic de- scriptions of scenes, which add much to the interest of the narrative. The recent interest in Iceland and its people will secure a hearty welcome for the forthcoming volume of Rev. P. C. Headley on that island, entitled, The 18- land of Fire, or, a Thousand Years of the Old Morthmen’s Home. To a description of the is- land and the customs of the people is added specimens of their best poems to show their literary culture, and an interesting account of the proceedings at their millenial anniversary. Little & Brown have issued The Old Régime £n Canada, the fourth volume of Francis Park- man’s series of historical works relating to the settlement of North America. While the main purpose of the writer has been to write a faithful history of the French in Canada from the time of their first settlement there until they were conquered by the English a century later, so rich is the field and so skillfully has he used his material, that the volume is as full of exciting interest as the most sensa- tional fiction. The fights with the Indians, 33o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. the adventures of the missionaries, who la- bored so zealously among them, are vividly depicted. Even the characters who figured in those strange scenes are drawn to the life, and this is probably the most important, as it is the most interesting volume of the series. The tenth volume of Bancroft's History of the United States is also just issued, com- pleting a work begun forty years ago. This volume has been noticed at length in a for- mer letter. Roberts Brothers have issued. The Corre- spondence of Dr. William Chamming and Lucy Aiken, and Robert T. S. Lowell's story of school-boy life, Antony Brade. The former has never been published, though the corre- spondence was held many years ago. It is interesting and important now from the light which it throws upon the tendencies of thought in those days in England and Amer- ica, as expressed by two representative ob- servers in their respective countries. Antony Brade has been so long heralded that its merits are widely known. Like the books of Hughes it is full of vigorous life and enthu- siasm. The author says in his dedication : “For you who recall the fluttering of school- book leaves at desks now gone to dust, and the waving of sunny hair in the air long ago; for you who have been boys, or are boys, or like boys, this book is lovingly written.” We are promised this month from Roberts Bro- thers, The French Humorists, by Walter Be- sant ; the Life of Thomas Brassey, the self- made English millionaire; George Sand's novel, My Sister Jeannie, which has been translated by Mr. Crocker of The Literary World; The Maturalist on the River Amazons, a lively book of adventures in Brazil, by H. W. Bates, to be profusely illustrated ; and a collection of poems under the title of Quiet Hours, by Mrs. J. B. Tileston. Mrs. Moulton is to give us through the same house, More Bed Time Stories, and Susan Coolidge a new volume of stories, both books to be illustrated by Addie Ledyard. Hamerton’s treatise on Etching and Etchers is delayed, that the illustrations, which are being done in Paris, may be com- pleted, but it will be ready at the latest by , the middle of November. . Henry L. Shepard & Co. have published a new and cheaper edition of Rand's Window Gardemer, and a number of new juveniles, the principle of which is a volume of fairy stories, with the title Friendly Fairies. A number of volumes of note will be issued later in the season, among which are a work from Dr. Loring, on the Management and Breeding of Cattle; The History of the United States Marine Corps, by M. Almy Aldrich, the only one ever written ; a book from Mr. Bailey, of Danbury JVew8 fame, on England; a new volume on the Adirondacks, by Rev. Mr. Murray; and Little People and their Friends, edited by Mrs. George L. Austin, and to consist of poetry and prose from the best authors, including a new poem written expressly for it by Whittier. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1, 1874. A very fair business in books has been done during the month, but as compared with pre- vious years the new books of note are very few. Most of those issued have been so long in the publishers’ hands, and so often an- nounced that there is but little to be said of them at the present writing. - J. B. Lippincott & Co., have published a valuable little manual on The Steam, Engine, by John Houpt, with diagrams; Barnaby Budge and Hard Times in their had somely printed and illustrated edition of Dickens’ novels; and a romance entitled Charteris, by Mary M. Meline. They will issue within a few days, the third volume of Charles Francis Adams' Memoirs of John Quincy Adams; Vol- ume second of the new edition of Prescotts’ History of Philip II., A Modern Ch'essida, “a story of the day,” by Francis Asherton, which will contain also a short sketch by Sarah C. Hallowell, entitled “On the Church Steps”; and a book of short stories, by Sarah Winter Kellogg, under the title of The Livelies. Later in the month they will issue a new novel by Virginia F. Townsend, entitled Jacqueline ; and a volume which will be highly appre- ciated by students of mineralogy, Tables for the Determination of Minerals by their Physical Characteristics, translated from the German of Albin Weisbach, Professor of Mineralogy in the Mining Academy of Freiberg, Saxony, by Professor Frazer, of the University of Penn- sylvania. Early in the month this house will issue the new Postal Railway Directory, at the request, and under the supervision of the General Superintendent of Railway Mail Ser- vice. In addition to the list of post offices, it will contain the latest official instructions to Clerks, Agents, Messengers, etc., and an ar- rangement for adding new Post Offices with- out increasing the book to an inconvenient size. A limited edition only will be printed. Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelfinger, have is- sued a most admirable and useful Historical Chart, prepared by Professor Labberton, the distinguished lecturer on historical subjects, and author of Outlines of History, etc. This plan of teaching history by the eye is probably the best ever devised. The arrangement is a very ingenious one, color being introduced in a most effective manner, yet the whole is so simple that the young student can, almost at a glance fix upon his memory the time of the birth of a nation, and can easily trace its growth, and its mutual relations with other nations. An examination of the chart cannot fail to convince all who are interested of its great simplicity and usefulness. It is issued in Atlas form for the pupil, in Sectional form, in Portfolio for the class room, and mounted on rollers like a wall map. Claxton, Remsen, and Haffilfinger have also issued, a new edition of Flander's Treatise on the Law of Fire Insur- ance, thoroughly revised, with the latest cases embodied; and New Elements from Old Subjects, a treatise of Mental Science, by John Gaskell. THE AMERICAN BOOKSE1LLERS’ GUIDE. 33I This is an able work which deserves the attention of thinkers. Mr. Gaskell is remem- bered by the readers of the papers a quarter of a century ago as the writer of the articles which were published, and autracted much at notice at the ‘time, under the mom de plume of “A Retired Thinker.” At his death, twenty years ago, the MS. of the book just published was left in the hands of his friend, Mr. John W. Huff, who now presents it to the public, with an apology for keeping it from them so long. It is devoted to the elucidation of a new philosophy of mind, based upon the law which the author thought he discovered, that all thought is correlative. The pub- lishers will have ready shortly, The Mollus- cous Animals and their Shells, of Chester County, , , Pa., by William D. Hartman, M.D., and Ezra Michener, M.D. It will be fully illustrated by cuts furnished by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and others prepared expressly for the work. Chester County is particularly rich in materials for a cabinet of natural science, and such a cabinet was founded there nearly fifty years ago, and valu- able collections have been made. The pres- ent volume is the result of the investigations that have been thus encouraged. Porter & Coates have issued a highly read- able book of adventure in The Wild Northland, by Captain W. F. Butler, the story of a winter journey with dogs across Northern North America. It is accompanied by a map, and illustrated liberally by engravings. The other new books from this house are Harry Castle- mon's The Sportsman's Club Among the Thrap- pers, being the third volume of this hand- somely illustrated series; and The Abbot and Renmilworth in their fireside edition of Sir Walter Scott’s novels. During the past month T. B. Peterson & Brothers issued a new novel by the popular author of East Lynne, entitled The Diamond Pracelet. The Noblemſºn’s Wife, a novel from the same author, was also given to the read- ing public in a pleasing and durable form. A seasonable work from the same firm is the National Cook Book, by Hannah M. Bouvier. Those desiring a reliable culinary guide for the fall and winter should secure this volume from the pen of a lady well known and highly esteemed in the first social circles of Philadelphia. In the month of Oc- tober the indefatigable Petersons will publish Martyn Ware's Temptation, by Mrs. Henry Wood; The Lost Bank Note ; , The Runaway Match, and A Light and a Dark Christmas, all from the same pen. The four last-mentioned stories and the Diamond Bracelet, are presented in single volumes, each novel complete in one book, at a very low price. They are printed on stout paper from clear type, and inclosed in sightly covers. For relief from the oppres- sive monotony of traveling, there are no novels to be compared to those pictures of Mrs. Wood; and the new dress in which the . Petersons now introduce them, is one that is most convenient for car, steamboat, and hotel reading. Eldredge & Brother have issued an intro- duction to the study of grammar, under the title of Language Lé880ms for Beginners, by John S. Hart, LL.D., of Princeton College; the same author's Grammar and Analysis, rewritten and printed from new plates; 3). little volume of 3,000 Practice Words, by Pro- fessor Westlake, of the State Normal School, at Millersville, Pa., which teachers will find of great service in the class-room ; and Ter- ence's Andria and Adelpha, edited by Profes- sor E. P. Crowell, of Amherst College, of which it is sufficient to say that it deserves the place they have given it in Chase and Stuart's Classical Series. From Lindsay & Blakiston we have two books, which will be highly appreciated by the profession. The first is Clay’s Handbook of Obstetric Surgery, from the third London edition. The work has been carefully revised, and new matter and illustrations added. The other volume is a manual on Surgical Emer- gencies, together with the emergencies attend- ant on parturition and the treatment.of poison- ing, by William Paul Swain, F.R.C.S. AJ- though, as the author says, it is little more than a compilation, it is just such, a compila- tion as is needed, condensing into a brief volume and stating concisely and clearly the treatment in the common emergencies which any practitioner may be called upon to attend. The book has eighty-two illustrations, and a chapter on Antiseptic Treatment by Dr. Bishop, containing the most recent directions. . —se - Jules Janin bequeathed his library to his native town, Saint-Etienne, his wife retaining the use of it during her life. The Academy says of the collection: “The formation of the library was the work of half a century, com- prising, as it does, from six to seven thousand volumes. Besides admirable editions, Al-. dines, Elzevirs, Robert Estiennes, and some fine copies of the poets of the fifteenth, six- teenth, and seventeenth centuries, it contains copies, on Dutch or Chinese paper, of all the works of importance which have appeared for the last forty years. Authors, knowing the fondness of the celebrated critic for books, had complimentary copies printed for him, with dedications in prose or in verse. Jules Janin made it his duty and a pleasure to have them richly bound by the most celebrated binders, such as Trautz-Bauzonnot, Durn, Cape, Gayler-Hiron, Petit, etc. Some of these dedications are real manuscript prefaces. Under the cover of most of the volumes is to. be found a letter from the author. A copy of Jocelyn contains, besides the dedication, four pages of manuscript written by Lamartine. There are some unique copies. The publisher Curmer had printed, solely for Janin, a single copy of a splendid book ornamented with original designs.” . 332 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. ARE THE Booksellers' CLAIMs to SUP- - … and held the position until he was elected Bishop in 1836. He was the author of several Port FROM THE publishERs PARA- MoUNt to ALL others 2 The review of the Proceedings of the Convention at Put-in Bay, which we print on another page, reaches us too late to permit our discussion of the points which our correspondent raises, and we shall take occasion to notice them in a future issue. The communication reads as though it was written in the interest of the class of buyers outside of the trade, who have been accustomed to discounts. We think the writer is mistaken in supposing that the preamble, which asserts that retail booksellers are second to churches and schools as promoters of civilization, was adopted by the publishers as a recogni- tion of the claims of clergymen and teachers to greater consideration from them than the retailers. If our correspon- dent is correct in such a supposition, we are not alone in error, for the retail trade have not so understood the intent and purport of the preamble in question. Our own views have been repeatedly express- ed. Selling books is a matter of business, not a missionary nor a philanthropic work, and none but those who buy to sell again are entitled to any discount whatever, ex- cept perhaps now and then a customer who buys in large quantities. - “Observer's '' letter contains much food for thought, and ought not to pass un- noticed. The question whether trade conventions can increase demand, is one which admits of much discussion, and also that as to whether the publisher should endeavor to control prices on his books after they leave his hands, the latter in- völving all the nice distinctions between the business of the ordinary manufacturer and the book publisher. Our columns are 'always open to correspondents, and we will cheerfully print any replies or criticisms in our next number. - sº , ºr OBITUARY. BISEIOP MORRIS. The Rev. Thomas A. Morris, D.D., for many years senior Bishop of the Methodist Episco- pal Church in this country, died at his resi- dence in Springfield, Ohio, September 2d., at the age of eighty years. He was born in Western Virginia, became connected with the Church in 1814, and shortly afterward was licensed to preach. In 1834 he became first editor of The Western Christian Advocate, which was started in Cincinnati in that year, books, the most important of which are a vol- ume of essays and sketches published in 1851, and a volume of sermons. - GUIZOT. The eminent statesman and historian, Fran- cis Pierre Guillaume Guizot died in Paris on the 9th ult. He was born in 1787 at Nimes, educated at Geneva, to which place his mother had fled to avoid persecution by the Bourbons. At the age of eighteen, when Napoleon had been crowned emperor, he returned to Paris, where he soon distinguished himself as a jour- nalist and author. . In 1809 he published a Dictionary of French Synonyms, and in 1813 his “Lives of the French Poets.” He founded the Revue Française in 1828, and was the au- thor of a large number of political pamphlets which always received much attention. He occupied the chair of Modern History at the Sorbonne for many years, and acquired great celebrity as a lecturer. lectures were published in 1845, under the title of “A History of Civilization.” Of his many works, may be mentioned as perhaps the most important, a “History of the Revo- lution in England from the accession of Charles I. to that of Charles II.,” published in six volumes, from 1827 to 1856, and “Memoirs to Illustrate the History of My Time,” of which four volumes have been translated into English. For many years he took an active part in politics, and was considered the lead- ing statesman of France. He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, and on the accession of Louis Philippe, was appointed Minister of the Interior. He was Minister of Public In- struction in 1832, Ambassador to London in 1840, and in the same year became Minister of Foreign Affairs, a place which he held until the revolution of 1848, when he retired into private life. ————se º-----— SPECIAL Notices. Umstot & Co., of Washington, Ohio, want Publishers’ Catalogues and Price Lists, especially of Bibles and Testaments. The plates of Elements of Agriculture, by George E. Waring, Jr., formerly published by the Tribune Association, have passed into the hands of the Orange Judd Publishing Company, who will soon issue a new edition. Mr. Kernot, the accomplished bibliopole with Messrs. Scribner, Armstrong & Co., has issued his Bibliotheca Diabolica, which all stu- dents of religious history will find of inesti- mable value. Dunlap & Blickensderfer, of Erie, Pa., an- nounce as ready “Abridgement of Element- ary Law,” containing the principles of Black- stone, Evidence and Pleading, in a pocket edition, for the use of students and young practitioners. Five volumes of his . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 333 The Friends' Book Association of Philadel- phia have opened their new store at 706 Arch street, in that city, under the manage- ment of Walton & Co. The association was incorporated last year. They make a spe- cialty of Friends' books, and do a general business in books and stationery. The Van Everen Adjustable Book Covers have been in use for a number of years, and their usefulness is very generally acknow- ledged. They are not only cheap, handy, and durable book-covers, but they afford the deal- er an economical medium for advertising, his card being neatly printed on each cover. Dealers in school-books will find them espe- cially desirable, as their cheapness permits their being put upon every book sold. Mr. Whittaker has in press a work by the Rev. William Stevens Perry, D.D., entitled A Handbook of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, from the year 1785 to 1874. It will contain sketches of the Pre- liminary Conventions, and a concise account of every session of General Convention from the first, noting the principal matters from time to time engrossing the attention of this im- portant body, and giving in detail the mea- sures of permanent interest adopted. Mr. Howard Challen announces the issue of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, in ten cent parts. Each part will be complete in itself, illustrated, and neatly printed and bound. The venture deserves success, and there is no reason why these charming tales should not be as widely read as the Dime Novels. Everything indelicate has been care- fully stricken from the original translation. As will be seen by Mr. Challen's advertise- ment on another page, those ordering in quantities can have their imprint on the cover. —----- —sº- ºr---- JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Peace Commissioner Meacham has written a book about the Modocs. Mr. Nadal, literary editor of the Evening Post, is writing a book on England. S. W. Tilton & Co. promise us for the holi- days Mrs. Partington’s interpretation of the Mother Goose Melodies. Bayard Taylor has completed his School History of Germany, and it will be published by the Appletons this fall. - Mr. Kittell, a California journalist, has Written a History of Culture, which is said to possess much merit. The Appletons will publish it. Bayard Taylor is at home, and busy in the preparation of his book on Egypt and Iceland. While in Germany he collected many ma-. terials for his contemplated Life of Goethe. If Philip Gilbert Hamilton writes as inter. estingly for boys as for men, the former may 199k for a treat in his story of English school life, Harry, Blount, which Roberts Brothers will soon publish, The Philadelphia Bulletin's Hans Christian Andersen Fund has amounted to a little more than $400, and has been forwarded through |United States Minister Cramer. - Mrs. Stowe’s novel, We and our Neighbors, will not be issued until spring. Educational , Reminiscences and Suggestions, by Miss Cath- erine E. Beecher, will be ready this month. T. Whittaker of New York has just received a large invoice of the publications of Henry S. King & Co., of London, which includes a full line of their theological works, and a good assortment of their miscellaneous publica- tions. General Custer’s long promised book, My Life on the Plains, will be published in Oc- tober by Sheldon & Co. It will be elegantly illustrated. General Custer's great reputa- tion as an Indian fighter will give a charm to the book. Many of the wonderful incidents he relates, although strictly true, are stranger than fiction. Mrs. E. Prentiss, author of Stepping Heaven- ward, has recently completed a new work, en- titled Urbané and his Fh'iends ºn Cowmcil, which will be published by A. D. F. Randolph & Co., who also have in press a new volume of poems, selected and edited by the compiler of The Changed Cross and The Shadow of the Rock. Both books to be ready this fall. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, have just completed their republication of the Ohio and Ohio State Reports, consisting of forty-three volumes, being the published decisions of the Supreme Court of Ohio, complete. This is a valuable series of reports, containing as they do, the judgments of some of the ablest jurists of our country, and the best ef- forts of learned counsel, many of whom have high national reputation in their profession. Mr. Edmund Yates writes to the Tribune to deny the charges, that by his personal de- scriptions in his Dangerous Game, he treated his friends in New York unkindly. After stating that the story was written piece-meal, in London, Paris, Vienna, Munich, Frankfort, Madrid, and St. Petersburg, he goes on to say that “whatever faint reminiscences of ac- quaintance made by me in New York may be found reflected in the characters of the Dan- gerous Game, I had not the remotest idea of giving the slightest offence to one or any of them. Had I received the least ill-treatment, had my public appearances been unpleasantly commented upon, and my social career been a failure in America, I should, had I taken the suggested mode of venting my spleen, have been sufficiently base ; but, had I not ocular proof before me, it would be impossible for me to understand how such charges could be brought against me, when it is known, as it must be, in the circle in which these charges seem to be spread, that publicly and privately everything possible was done to render my visit a prosperous and a happy one, and that publicly and privately I lost no opportunity in expressing my gratitude.” 334 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ (, UIDE. We are happy to state that the proceedings against a lot of books belonging to Mr. Rich- ard Worthington, seized by the United States - authorities at Port Huron, Michigan, 22d De- cember, 1869, terminated in favor of Mr. Worthington; the government, after full op- portunity for investigation, consenting that judgment should be so rendered. As we re- ferred to this matter in our issue of February 1, 1870, when we supposed the evidence tend- ed to justify the seizure, we consider it a duty to Mr. Worthington, as well as a pleasure, to state the result. Mills & Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, have pub. lished a class book which should be used by all the schools of that state, and imitated for the use of the schools of other states. It is designed to furnish instruction in the geo- graphy and government of Iowa, The geo- graphy of the ninety-nine counties is given, and the rivers and railroads described, with the towns located upon them. Fifty-four les- sons are devoted to the minerals of the state, and the county, state, and federal govern- ments are fully presented in a series of short, easy lessons. < *--—-–- NOVEL READING. Superintendent Justice Wimer, of the Bos- ton Public Library, in his annual report says: “I do not share the opinion held by many, who indulge in a wholesale denunciation of the reading of novels. After several years' observation, I am fully cognizant of the fact that the censure of fiction is a good deal a matter of class feeling—educationally speak- ing. Books of one literary grade are held to be valueless by critics on a higher one, who do not appreciate the fact that lower grades of readers should be supplied with mental pabulum suited to their powers of assimila- tion. The failure to allow for this difference in readers is, I think, at the bottom of many unconsidered assertions regarding the char- acter of certain writers, and the literary ne- cessities of corresponding classes of readers Nevertheless, there can be nothing more de- serving of official recognition, or of the en- couragement of those who are fortunate in literary culture, than endeavors to improve the standard of that reading which free lib- raries supply. The question is only one of method, and it seems to me that persuasion and kindly assistance to the unskilled in books is a more gracious procedure than to deprive them of the only books that allure them to partake of the library'stores. First of all, the mass of ordinary readers must be made to frequent the library. They are then within its influence, and endeavors to benefit their tastes will, as I think our experiment has shown, accomplish a good result, if the efforts are unremitting. I trust another year will show that the work thus inaugurated will gather strength as it goes on.” | ! for EIGN LITERARY JTEMs. Emile de Gerardin will take editorial direc- tion of La France in November. Sampson, Low & Co. have nearly ready a History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Com- merce, by Mr. W. S. Lindsay. Mr. Swinburne is writing a critical essay of the life and works of George Chapman, to be prefixed to the new edition of his writings. A work on The Second Worth German Polar Evpedition, in the years 1863-70, of the ships Germania and Hansa, under command of Cap- tain Koldeway, will shortly be published in England. A French edition of Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge's Hans Brinker is to be brought out in Paris, with new illustrations by a French artist. These illustrations will be reproduced in the new American edition. The famous reading-rooms of Peele's Coffee House, Fleet street, London, have been closed. Another reading-room has been opened in the street, but writers and others in the habit of consulting the papers will sadly miss the cosy rooms at Peele's. The Messrs. Routledge announce a new edi- tion of Hogarth to be issued in monthly parts. The text will be based on that of Nichols and Ireland, but much new matter will be added concerning the real characters. This edition will also contain many more plates than any former one. The Book of the Bunyam Festival, by Rev. W. H. Wylie, disproves the statement which have gained credence, that the Bunyans were gipsies. The hamlet of Harrowden, in the parish of Cardington, is put forward in the place of Elstow as being, perhaps, the place of John Bunyan’s birth ; and reasons are ad- vanced for believing that, as a soldier, Bunyan fought in the ranks of the parliamentary, and not of the royalist army. M. Vayssard, a librarian in the National Library of Paris, recently died at the age of eighty. He was remarkable for his wonder- ful memory of books and his knowledge of the contents of the library, which included more than two million volumes. It is related that a visitor once asked for a novel, of which he did not know the title nor the author’s name. He repeated a line or two of the first, chapter, and Vayssard brought the book, though it was by an obscure author of the eighteenth century. The death of Guizot recalls to mind a late incident in his life, which is said to have so annoyed him as to affect his health. It was recently discovered by him that his son some years ago received a present of some 80,000 francs from Napoleon III. He at once offered for sale a splendid Murillo painting, presented to him by Queen Isabella, to raise a sufficient sum to pay the debt. His friends bought in the painting at a very high sum, but the Em- press Eugenie refused to receive it, and a law- suit is pending to compel her to take it. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 3.35 MEETINGs OF THE TRADE. NEW YORK. . A meeting of the publishers and dealers in New York and vicinity was held in New York, Sept. 11th, and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, l. That the signers of these resolutions do organize themselves as an association, under the name of the “Central Booksellers’ Association.” 2. That the Chair appoint a committee of eight to erfect said organization, by a constitution and code of y-laws, and report the same at an adjourned meeting to to be called by said committee. 3. That the maximum scale of discounts already pre- sented and ratified by a large majority of the book trade, be recommended to said committee as the maximum rate by all jobbers in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Balti- ImOre, etc. 4. That it be referred to said committee for considera- tion that each publisher should agree to protect said scale so far as it applies to his own publications, by requiring from the dealers to whom he gives jobbers' rates an agree- ment not to undersell such maximum rates. A committee of eight were appointed, consisting of leading publishers and jobbers, to whom the resolutions were referred. At a meeting held in New York, Sept. 23d and 24th, the committee reported the following Constitution and By- Laws, which were adopted." CONSTITUTION. l. The Book Publishers and Dealers in Books. of New York and neighboring cities, being desirous of promot- ing a better acquaintance and understanding between their respective branches of the trade, and to establish sound and, as far as possible, uniform methods of con- ducting business, do hereby associate themselves under the name of the CENTRAL BOOKSELLERs' Association. 2. Any respectable firm of Booksellers, as hereinafter described, may become a member of this Association by signing its Constitution and By-Laws, and by con- forming to the same. NOTE —By 13ooksellers are meant Dealers in Books principally, Books and Stationery only, Drugs, Books and Štationery only, and Newsdealers 3. The officers shall be a President and Secretary, discharging the usual duties of those offices, and the Secretary shall also act as Treasurer. They shall be elected at the first regular meeting in each year, by ballot, and serve until the regular election in the follow- ing year. - 4. 4. There shall be an Executive and Arbitration Com- mittee to be elected by ballot at the first regular meet- ing, to serve for one year. 5. The Executive Committee shall consist of three members, and shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association, attending to all business not otherwise assigned. 6. The Arbitration Committee shall consist of three members, and shall hear and determine all complaints, and recommend to the Association any action that may seem necessary in consequence thereof. 7. The regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Tuesdays cf February, June, and October. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Pres- ident and Executive Committee. The Secretary shall notify members of all meetings. tº 8. One quarter of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of ordinary business, but alterations in the Constitution and By-Laws, or Resolu- tions of Discipline, can only be adopted at regular meet ings, attended by a majority of the whole Association. and after notice of such proposed. Alterations or Resolu- tions shall have been given to all members through the Secretary. - - BY-LAWS. 1. The Executive Committee, after consultation with each Publisher, shall recommend to the Association a scale of maximum discounts to be given to Booksellers by Book Jobbers; and also a scale of maximum dis- counts to be given to Ilibraries, Schools. Teachers, Min- isters, Professional men generally, and other large buyers outside of the trade; .. when adopted shall cause the sume to be printed for distribution among the members of this Association only. * 2. Each Publisher, upon authorizing the rates at which his publications shall 5. fixed, shall protect such rates through those to whom he gives wholesale terms. 3. No “extra copies” without charge, allowance for boxes, cartage, freight, or other methods of offering indi- rect advantages to customers, shall be permitted. 4. Stock which has been on hand six months and is ºldered unsalable, shall not be included in the limits X60. 5. Publishers, in sales of their own publications made as jobbers or retailers, shall conform to the rates estab- lisbed through this Association, and will not use their publications to influence trade for general merchandise, or to evade any of these By-Laws. 6. Publishers will give at least two and one-half per cent. better discount to Members of the Association than they would to non-members under the same circum- stances, in the same locality. 7. Dealers who are members of the Association shal not exchange stock or otherwise share the advantages they enjoy with non-members, but shall hold them strictly in all transactions to the scale and terms adopted for the general trade. 8. Any dealer who offers or º more favorable prices Ol' terms than those established by this Association, may be reported by a member to the Association Committee and upon satisfactory proof of the act alleged, if the party is a member of the Association, the Committee may report the case to the Publisher or Publishers of the books improperly sold, whose duty it shall be to with- draw jobbers or retailers' terms from the offender for the space of one month for each offense; or the Committee may impose a fine or such other penalty as they may deem equita' le. - If the party be not a member, the Committee shall re- ort the case to the Publisher or Publishers of the books improperly sold, whose duty it shall be to withdraw job- bers or retailers' terms from the offender for the space of three months for each offense. 9. Any member feeling aggrieved by a decision of the Arbitration Committee, may appeal to the Association by giving notice to the Committee within thirty days after service of such decision. The appeal shall then §. heard at the next meeting, and the decision of a majority of those present and voting shall be final. 10. Failure to comply with the decision of the Com- mittee, or if appeal is taken, that of the Association within thirty-five days after service of the same, shall cause the suspension of the delinquent from all privileges of the Association, and a notice of the fact shall be sent to each member by the Secretary. - ll. The annual dues of each member shall be three dollars, and further funds requisite to meet the expenses of the Association may be obtained by an assessment to be levied by the Executive Committee through the Treasurer. The following gentlemen were elected as officers of the Assocation for the coming year. A. C. Barnes. President; P. M. Hale, Secretary and, Treasurer; Walter S. Appleton. J. S. Baker. Charles T. Dillingham, Executive Committee; William Lee, Bos- ton, Isaac E. Sheldon, New York, Edmund Claxton, Philadelphia, Arbitration Committee. The Executive Committee was instructed to report a schedule of Discounts at the next meeting of the Asso- ciation. TSA LTIMORE. The following call was issued to the trude in Baltimore : BALTIMORE. Sept. 14, 1874. We, the undersigned, with a view to bring about a batter state of feeling in our trade in this city, and to adopt a series of rules by which we may all be governed, respectfully solicit your presence at a meeting to be held at Turnbull Brothers. No. 8 N. Charles street, at 6 P.M., prompt, on Tuesday, September 15th, 1871. CUSHINGs & BAILEY, KELLY, PIFT & Co., * TURNBULI, BroTBER8. 336 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Pursuant to the above, a meeting was held at which there was a very full attendance, and the plans for a local organization, discussed. A Committee, consisting of Messrs. J. B. PIET, of KELLY, PIET & Co., E. BAILEY, of CUSBINGS & BAILEY, and W. J. C. DULANEY, of W. J. C. DULANEY & Co., was appointed to report a Constitution and By-Laws at the next meeting. Another meeting was held on the 29th, which resulted in the organization of the “Booksellers’ Association of Baltimore.” JAMES CUSHING, Jr., was elected Presi- dent, and H. TURNBULL, Secretary, and the rules of the Central Association were acceded to. THE LAW BOOK Pluſ BLISHERS. The publishers of Law Books held a meeting at New London, Conn., on the 9th ult., which was attended by representatives from all the principal houses. A cir- cular was drawn up for signatures, but as its adoption depends upon its receiving such signatures, its con- tents have not yet been made public. It is understood, however, that the changes it proposes are in the direc- tion of the general movement of the trade, and it is probable that at the next meeting some plan will be adopted by which the fictitious prices now put upon law books may be dropped, and the discounts to buyers out- side of the trade shortened and made uniform. THE Book TRADE Convention at PUT: .. IN-RAY. w To the Editor of THE AMERICAN BookSELLERs' GUIDE; SIR-Ry your leave, I propose to review the proceed- ings of the above-named Convention. n their preambles are these words: “The retail booksellers of this country are a most im- portant element ºf civilization, second only to the church and school-house, and no village or town can be thor- oughly prosperous which does not contain at least one good bookstore, where the best literature of this coun- º the world is attractively displayed.” he modesty of this whereas, in making the retail book trade secondary to the church and school-house as an element of civilization, is º only by the su- reme autocracy of their first resolution cutting down the iscounts heretofore allowed to (according to the where. as) the two first and primal elements of civilization, the church and the school-house. Now, it seems to me, Mr. Editor, that if the two latter elements of civilization are so much greater than the retail booksellers, the proper thing for the trade to do would be to encourage, said elements by an increased discount, more especially as there are at least an hundred pulpits and a thousand school-houses to one retail bookseller, throughout the en- tire country. I am led to this particular idea by reading, among other doings of that body, the address of the President of the Convention, who said that it was “not one in the interests of a mere trade.” That it was “some- thing higher than that in its influence, in its grasp and hold upon the public mind.” It had, said the President. “a relation and a significance greater than it would seem to have in the eye of the casual observer.” No doubt the President was right in this last sentence, and that excites my curiosity. From what he said and what the above preamble declared about the elements of etc., and the general desire of the Convention to advance these elements, I was led to believe such advancement was of paramount consideration; but when I learned that the two primal elements are to be hampered in the work of civilization, by a reduction of their incentives to labor, and when the President declares that the Convention had a greater significance than casuals might see, I admit that I am somewhat at a loss to know what the highly respectable gathering of elementary civilization promo- : ters intend to do, or what they desire. Evidently not the advancement of civilization, for the mainspring of action by the two great promoters of that cause is remov- ed, viz. a reasonable compensation for services rendered. The last few lines of that preamble excite my admira- tion by the boldness of the sentiments they express, especially that in regard to having literature attractively displayed as an evidence of village or town prosperity, If the Convention had never gone beyond this first pre- amble, its glory would have lasted till, º I say it was forgotten. Unthrifty places all over the land can now make thrift displace stagnation — all that is needed is a retail bookstore that shall attractively display the world's literature. Preamble second is as follows: “The late controversies and distractions existing in the book trade, and the custom which has grown up on the part of the publishers and large city dealers of selling books to private consumers at very nearly the same rate at which the local bookseller can 3. them, has rendered it impossible for the local dealer to successfully invest his capital in a stock of books to meet and develop the wants of his own section; and if this evil is not check- ed at no distant day the whole business off selling books must fall into the hands of large city dealers or peddlers, greatly to the detriment of local communities.” Let us see what number two amounts to. It declares that publishers and large city dealers have been selling books to consumers at VERY NEARLY the same rate at which local booksellers can buy them. Before giving this as a reason for curtailing discounts in certain cases, it should have been conclusively shown that the prac- tice was against the public interest, that fewer books were sold, that the demand had been lessened thereby ; otherwise the excuse for curtailment is weak. No data, were shown to prove either one of these results. Again, the preamble is weak in behalf of local booksellers, by its aid- mission that they, the locals, cannot'sell as cheap as the large city dealers. That was unkind to the locals. Their consumers ought not to have been told officially that dealers in cities can and do sell books cheaper than the local dealers on whose counters the world's literature is to be attractively displayed. If certain dealers can’t sell as cheap as others, the consumer will find the cheaper one and buy his books of him. Village pride is not strong enough to open pockets against self-interest. Buyers go to the cheapest market. I am of the opinion that more books have been sold un- der the old system than will be under the new, and any attempt by conventions or organizations to increase trade will result in failure, for the reason that no con- vention can increase demands. Excuse this digression. Preamble No. 2 also declares in substance, that un- less discount in certain cases is curtailed, the local deal- er must quit trade, and the whole business of selling books must fall into the hands of large city dealers or peddlers, and that will work to the detriment of local communities. Here again we find no data submitted to verify these statements. To make it a valid cause for the proposed curtailment of discounts, it show.ld have been 8hown that the large city dealers and peddlers could not supply the demands of the local communities referred to. Assertion is no argument. I might assert that the two agencies referred to—city dealers and peddlers, aided by *.*.* libraries, and teachers, will meet all the de- imands of the local communities. A resolution of the Convention is in these words: “We deem it right and for the best interests of book-buyers to make their purchase of, and to sustain the local bookseller, that the business of the locality may be developed for the common good. The ousiness of selling books, at best, is not among the profitable lºind of commercial enterprises, and yields but a fair living, and requires unusual intelligence to successfully prosecute it. I admire this resolution. It is quite original. After telling local communities that their dealers can't and don't Supply them as cheap as they can be supplied through other sources, the Convention plainly says it is right and best for them to sustain the local dealer, so that the business of the locality may be developed. This new theory in political or business economy is quite in keeping with the entire proceedings of the con- Vention. It needed a bookseller's convention to dis- gover that trade was increased by consumers buying in the dearest markets. . But the cream of this resolution is the last sentence (which needs to be read in conne - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 337 tion with the first preamble, declaring that churches and schools are superior to booksellers as elements of culti- vation), which announces that the business of booksell- ing is not, at the best, among profitable kinds of enter; prise, and requires unusual intelligence for successful prosecution. In preamble number one, booksellers are secondary to churches and schools as civilizers. In this resolution unusual intelligence is required to sell books. Plain in- ference—churches and schools are the possessors of the sort of universal intelligenºce demanded by this resolution; that is,'if retail booksellers have the simplest rudiments of this unusual intelligence, and they. churches and schools, are the parties that ought to be encouraged in the prosecution of a business which at jº best is not among the profitable callings of the day, in- | stead of having their already too small commissions re- duced, as this convention has reduced them. I must ask your indulgence, Mr. Editor, for taking up } so much of your limited space. I desire to say a few words on the general subject em. braced by the doings of that body. In my opinion. it has undertaken a task that no organization can accom- plish in this country at this duy. It attempted to nullify the laws of trade, to bolster up class interests as against the general public, to interfere with the irresistible laws of demand and supply, to leaving the hands of the manufacturer—an attempt that never can succeed, and never ought to, as it is contrary to business principles and against common sense. true policy of book-makers, as of all other manufacturers, and can afford to buy. Rix the prices at which he, the maker, will sell, and then make no further attempt to regulate prices. Demand and º desire for profits, and the ability of dealers to sell at higher or lower rates, will do the rest. Conventions, organizations, trade guilds, and all other combination founded on other principles, are sure to fail, sooner or later, no matter how much the world's literature, or other merchandise, may be attractively displayed by the local dealer. No dealer will sell goods too cheap to please the consumer, and the cheaper the goods, the more numerous the con- SUITQ 8PS. Respectfully yours, CASUAL OBSERVER. <º- Pusiness pHANGEs. * In sending us notices for this column, deal- ers are requested to be more explicit. W. A. Clark, newsdealer of Van Wert, Ohio, is succeeded by Wenger & Pennypacker. The firm of E. Goodenough & Co., New York, is dissolved, and the business is continued by E. Goodenough. ' The Waterbury (Conn.) Bookbinding Com- pany have sold their business to Potter & Deacon. Mr. E. Berwald, of Davenport, Iowa, has sold his book and stationery business to John Berwald. L. A. Alderson, dealer in books, stationery, and newspapers, at Atchison, Kansas, is suc- ceeded by J. C. Alderson. Mr. S. W. Palmer, book, stationery and newsdealer at South Bend, Ind., has taken a partner, and the firm is now Palmer & Van Winkle. On the first of September, Julius Berends, of San Antonio, Texas, sold his business in books, stationery, and newspapers to Mr. Nic. Tengg, for a number of years his chief clerk. Mr. Tengg thoroughly understands the busi- ness and will no doubt succeed as he de- Serve S. & In our last we stated, from the information then at hand, that Mr. John R. Murray, of Waverly, N. Y., had taken a partner, and the style of the firm was changed to Murray & Lent. We are now requested to state that Mr. John R. Murray has no connection with the new firm, which is composed of Messrs. G. S. Murray and W. S. Lent. —--sºº - NEwsPAPERs AND PERIODICALs. The Spectre has finished it career and gone the way of all ghosts. Mr. Parke Godwin has returned from Europe, and has resumed the editorial chair of the New York Evening Post. - MM. Erckmann-Chatrian are members of the committee of management of the new . Paris Weekly, Les Echos de l’Alsace-Lorraine. establish and maintain prices for merchandise after The wards, with the title, Leah ; A new bound volume of Littell’s Living Age is just ready, being the seventh volume of the fifth series, and the 122d volume from the * g beginni is to produce such merchandise as the consumer wants beginning. The November Galaay will contain the first chapters of a new novel by Mrs. Annie Ed- a Woman of Fashion. Mr. Moses Coit Tyler has resigned his po- sition as literary editor of the Christian Union, and resumes his old chair as Profes- sor of English Literature in the Michigan University. . p The Spiritual Scientist is a new weekly pa- per published in Boston, and devoted to “Spiritualism in its Practical, Scientific, Philosophical, and Religious Aspects.” Price $2.50 per year. The demand for the number of Every Satur- day, containing the Belfast address of Pro- fessor Tyndall, so far exceeded, the supply that the publishers were obliged to print an extra, which is furnished at the same price as the paper. - The October number of the sprightly St. Micholas closes the first volume. Miss Al- cott's new serial will be commenced in the January number. J t is the story of a little girl, upon whom her aunts all tried their fa- vorite theories of training. & The Springfield (Mass.) Republican has just passed its semi-centennial anniversary, and avails itself of the opportunity to set forth some details of the good fortune which has befallen it almost uninterruptedly during the fifty years. It was founded by Samuel Bowles, Sr., and has been under the control of father and son during the entire half century. Some time during the autumn, a new magazine, to be called The National, will be started in Washington, D. C. It will be de- voted to the arts and sciences, and especially to the interests of American musicians, pro- fessional and amateur. Monthly letters from France, Germany, and Italy will be published in the respective languages of those countries 338 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. American Homes, which has been exclusive- ly a subscription magazine, will soon be in- troduced to the trade. . In November, Mr. George Cary Eggleston, late editor of Hearth and Home, will take editoral charge, and his excellent judgment and ready pen cannot fail to win for it new friends and increase its circulation. . La Circular del Joyero y Revista Horologio- grafica is a new magazine, published by D. Hopkinson, New York. It is intended to further the interests of our business men in Brazil, and to aid trade between that country and the United States, and commends itself, by its appearance, to the persons concerned. The Call is a new Sunday paper, published in New York, by Franklin, File, who is also editor and proprietor. It is of the size of the M. Y. Sun, which it also resembles in appear- ance. The first numbers display evidence of journalistic ability, and it has probably come to stay. Price. $1.50 per year; 3 cents per copy. Kay & Brothers, Philadelphia, have com- menced the publication of Weekly Notes of Cases, to be issued weekly, each number to comprise from eight to sixteen octavo-pages It is intended to give the rulings of the local courts and other information of value to the profession. Price $5.00 per annum; single numbers 12 cents. The new daily. The Republic, which, it is understood, will be the organ of the adminis- tration, will appear Oct. 5th. It will be edited by Mr. C. C. Norvel, assisted by Mr. George F. Williams and Messrs. Sedley and Wight, all from the Times. It will be of eight pages of the size of the Herald, and will retail for 3 cents. - The next number of the Internſttüonal Re- foiew, to be issued October 25th, will be an im- portant one. Among its principal papers will be one on International Communication by Language, by Philip Gilbert Hamerton; a re- view of Tyndall, by Dr. McCosh; and an article on the Domestic Commerce of the United States, by Hon. S. Shellabarger, of Ohio. - The Wellspring is the title of a new monthly magazine, edited by Dr. J. Winslow Ayer, and published by the Central Publishing As- sociation, Cincinnati. Its design is the promo- tion of temperance and morality. Its first number, dated November, contains Several illustrations, the first chapter of a continued story, a number of shorter stories, and other interesting matter. Price $2.50 per annum; single copies, 25 cents. NEWSPAPER POSTAGE. . A system has been devised for the prepay- ment of newspaper postage in accordance with the new law, by which any sum, from two cents to forty dollars, can be paid by the use of one or more of six stamps. Receipt books will be given to each publisher of a news- made to the General Department. paper or periodical, which books will be re- tained at the Post-office where the newspapers are weighed. The stubs of the receipt book will serve as a memoranda to the Post-office of the sums paid, from which returns will be This plan, which is recommended by General Barber, Third Assistant Postmaster-General, is favor- ed by the department, and will probably be adopted. O - ºr -- ---------------- A correspondent of the Albany Evening Tºmé8 writes from Montreal that “many cheap reprints of American works can be obtained for a trifle. This is noticeable in that class of books sold by subscription, such as Twain & Warner's Gilded Age, Max Adler's Out of the Hurly Burly, Twain’s Roughing It, and The Innocents Abroad, any one of which can be bought in very readable form for sixty cents. Bret Harte's poems, Eggles- ton’s novels and other dollar and a half and two dollar books, can be obtained in their English dress for thirty cents, while Miss Phelp's Gates Ajar, is for sale for five cents. The old English authors are also to be had at extremely low prices. * >- º- George Routledge & Son will issue this month Bulwer-Lytton’s England and the Hºng- lish, which has been out of print for many years. This work is selected as the first volume of their new edition of Bulwer’s works, which will comprise not only his novels but his miscellaneous writings, col lected and edited by Charles Kent. -------— — — ——sº ºn--- INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheldon & Co.—New Publications. . . . .2d page oſ cover. American News Co.—Books & Station- bry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 l { { William F. (Hill & Co.—New Fall Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th “ { { Situations Wanted. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - Page 358 Books Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 358 Jesse Haney & Co.—Hunters' and Trappers' Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .------------. . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 358 Roberts Bros.-Fall Announcements . . . . . . . . . . “ 359 The Arcadian-----------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 360 Little Folks—New Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ‘‘ 36]. Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 362 Webster's Dictionary. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 362 P. F. Wän Everen.—Adjustable Book-Cover... “ , 362 Peerless Ink and Mucilage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 363 Howard Challen–Dime Arabian Nights' En- tertainments. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . “ 364 Mothers' Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 364 Mathemathical Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 365 Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger—Games. . . . . . “ 366 Our Home Magazine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . “ 356 S. R. Wells–Phrenological Journal and New Books. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 367 Thomos & Talbot—The American Union . . . . “ 368 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 339 Pook ANNouncements F O R. p C T O B E F , D. APPLETON & CO., New York, BANKS BROS., New York, The Science of Law. By Professor Sheldon Amos, N. Y. Court of Appeals Reports. Vol. LV. of the Loudon University. - Sickels’ Report. Wul. X, Animal MIechanism. By Professor C. J. Marey (College Of France). Fully illustrated. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. History of the Conflict, Between Religion, west Lawn. A Novel. By Mary J. Holmes, $1.50. and Science. - By Dr. John Wm. Draper, author of “ The ſutelluctual ſ)evelopment of Europe.” The Chemical Effects of Light and Photo- graphy in their Application tº Art, Science, and Industry. By 1). Hermauin Vogel (Polytechnic Academy of Berlu). Fully illustrated. A Brief History of Culture. By John S. Hittell, Life of Columbus. By A. Goodrich. U. S. Army Artillery Tactics. - - The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. By H. H. B incroit. I u Ö VO.S. 8vo, Vol. I., Wild 1 ribes, The Principles of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. To be issued in uumbers until coulpleted, Descriptive Sociology. Part III. By Herbert Speucet. - Chapters in Political Economy. By Albert S. boiles. My Story. By Mrs. Macquoid, author of “ Patty.” The Theology of the English Poets. By Rev. Stopford A. B. UUkc. - -Samuel Lover : Life, and Unpublished Works. By Boyle Bernard. . ..Heredity a Psychological Study on its Phenomena, its Laws, its Causes, aud its Consequences. By Th. Ribot, . Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the Pei rod of the Renaissauce. By Paul I. Luroix. The Amazon and Madeira, Rivers. Sketches aud Descripuious irou, the Note-Book Uf au Explorer. By Franz Keller, Whispers from Fairy-Land. bull Flugesseu. Ernest Griset's Funny Picture-Books. By E. H. Knatch- J. H. BUTLER & CO., Philadelphia. A Wall Map of Connecticut. About 50 by 60, $5. A. K. BUTTS & Co., New York. . Issues of the Age ; or, Consequences Involved in Modern Thougut. Ly Henry C. Bedder. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth. A Few Words About the Devil, and Other Bio- graphical Sketches aud ESSuys. By Cuarles Braulaugb. 12mo, 260 pp., cioth. - Nathaniel Vaughan : Priest and Man. A. Novel. By Freuerika Macdonald. 12mo, 400 pp., cloth. BAKER, WOORHIS & Co., New York. Sedgwick on the Construction of Statutes. A Treatise on the Rules which goveru the Interpretation and Application of Ştatutory and Constitutional Law. By Theodore Sedgwick. The new edition will contain Notes tºf Decision3 to lutest date. By John Norton Pomeroy, Abbott’s New York Digest. Vol. VI. The last vol. of this Mouel Digest of New York Reports and Statutes Will be completeu in Octºber, - Bump's Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. The Law with all the Amenduments. With Treatise and Notes of 11ecisious. By Orlunuo F. Bump. 7th edition, Ten Old Maids. A Novel. By Julie P. Smith, $1.75. Eborn and Gold. A Novel. By C. L. McIlvaine. $ 1.75, ; The Identity of Primitive Christianity and Modern Spiritualism. By Eugene Crowell, M.D. 8vo, $2.75. e * - CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Adams and Durham’s Real Estate Statutes and Decisions of Illinois. By Hon. J. B. Adams tund W. J. Durham. 8vo, 2000 pp., law sheep, 2 vols., $15, -- - - Wisconsin Reports. Vol. XX. With Nºtes by Vilas & Bryant. By O. M. Conover. 8vo, 850 pp., law sheep, $4.50. Lacy’s Digest of the Law of Railways in the United States. By Juo. I'. Lucey, lumperial 8vo, 990 pp., law sheep, $10. ROBT, CARTER & BROS., New York. The Scottish Philosophy, Biographical, Exposi- tory, and Critical. By Jas. Mic, osh, 1}.D., 1.L. D., Presi- dent of Priuceton College, 8vo, 470 pp., cloth, $4. The Flag of Truce. By the author of the “Wide, Wide World. 16mo, 360 pp., c.oth, $l.25. ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. De Laudibus Legum Anglice. A Treatise in commendation of the Laws of Engiand. Translated by Francis Gregor, with notes by Andrew Ames. The Orig- inal Latin Text, and a Life of the Author. By Thomas (Fortescue) Lord Clermont 8vo, cloth. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Helen and Her Cousins; or, Two Months at Ash- field Rectory. 18mo, 50c. - Jessie's Work; or, Faithfulness in Little Things, . A Story for Giris. By Mary E. Shipley. It lustrated, $1.25. Loving Kindness; or, The Ashdown Flower Show. By Sopnia Russell. 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Adapted to Colleges and purposes of liberal education, as well as Technical Schoois and Technical Education. By Prof. S. Edward Warren, of Mass. Institute of Technology. 8vo, 24 ſolding plates and woodcuts, cloth, $4. T. WHITTAKER, New York. Recompense. By Mary H. Seymour. 12mo, 226 pp., cioth, $1.25. - What is the Meaning of the Oblation ? By Rev R. B. Fairbairu, 1). D. 8vo, 32 pp., paper, 20c. Atala; or, Love in a Desert. A Metrical Indian Legend, and o her Poems. By Wm. Watson Waldron. 18mo, 71 pp., cloth, 75c. . Shadows of a Sick Room, 12mo, 47 pp., cloth, $1. Forget. Thine Own People: An Appeal to the Home Church for Foreign Missions. By C. J. Waughan, D.D. 12mo, 102 pp., cloth, $1.50. . How. Shall we Employ and Amuse our In- ‘valids. By Harriet Power. 12mo, paper, $1.25. Home Songs for Quiet Hours. By Rev. R. H. Baynes. 12mo, 198 pp., cloth, $1.75. Q WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Ollie and the Boys. By Sallie Chester. New edition. 16mo, 320 pp., cloth, $1.25. Bashie's Service. 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Das Inselfraeulein, Oder die Tochter des Schmugglers. By Alfr. Steſfous. 8vo, 272 pp., paper, 50c. Ein Geldfuerst, Roman aus der Gegenwart. Hammer. 8vo, 264 pp., paper, 50c. S. Zickel's Illustrirter Deutsch-amerikani- scher Familien-Kalender 1875. Paper, 25c. By Rud. Illustrirter Katholischer Volkskalender 1875. Paper, 25c. Deutsch-Amerikanische Familien-Blaetter, Wol. IIL., No. 1, 15c. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 349 New Music. BOOSEY & CO., New York. 10 New Pieces. Stephen Heller, 50c. 12 Songs for Drawing-Room. Offenbach. 12 Ballads. A Scott Gatty. 50c. 100 New Dances. For concertina. Speedvyell. A. S. Gatty. Song. 50c. * First Music Book for Piano-forte. 50c. 50C. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. VOCAL. Eyes that are Watching. Geo. F. Root. Song and chorus. 30c. When the Flowers Come Again. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus, 30c. Ye Needma,” Leave the Auld. Folks. W. A. Christie. Ballad. 30c. If on the Meads. New edition, 35c. Angel-Guarded. T. F. Allen. Song and chorus, 30c. Way is Long, my Darling. Geo. F. Root. Song and chorus. 30c, INSTRUMENTAL- Merriment Mazurka. F. L. Bristow. 35c. Mignon. Jas. Stoebe. Capricioso. 35c. Cacique Murch. F. L. Bristow. 30c. Pit-a-Pat Polka. F. L. Bristow. 30c. BOOKS, Social Song. Various. Collection of new Vocal Music. Boards, $1.75; cloth, $2. ..Social Circle. Various. Boards, $1.75; cloth, $2. Golden Gate. Rev. K. Shaw. For Sunday Schools. 35c.; $3.60 per doz. Collection of new Piano Music. OLIVER DITSON & Co., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. vocal, witH PIANO AccoxſpaxiMENT. Base Ball Song. Bullock, 30c. The Carrier Dove. Cowen. 50c. Conspirators’ Chorus. “Madame Angot.” Lecocq. 30c. One Happy Year Ago. Gatty. 30c. Now I Go (Good-bye). Warren. 30c. What shall I Sing to Thee? Pinsuti, 30c. Birdie, Rest a Little Longer. Johnston. 30c. The Ride. Molloy. 30c. Don’t Forget Me. Pinsuti. 40c. Beyond. Johnston. 30c, The Broken Flower. Evans. 30c. MIy Heart’s Best Love. way. 35C. Spring. For guitar. Hittie McCree, Song and chorus. Brock- Song and chorus. Riviere, 30c. Song and chorus. Ludwig. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL, Dauntless Waltz. Evans. 30c. Introduction, Bridal March and Chorus from “Lohengrin.” Pratt. 30c. With Us at Home (Bei uns zu Haus). Waltz. Strauss. 60C. - *: 2d Banjo. Gottschalk. $1.50. Caprice Polka. Gottschalk. $1. - Le Papillon. Duet. Voice and piano. Gottschalk. $1.25. Gºod Save the Queen. Hesse. 60C. - May Blossom. Mazurka brillante. Boscowitz, 50c. Pic-Nic Waltz. Fisher. 30C. Blue Beard Waltz, 25c. 1001 Nights Waltz. 25c. Jolly Brothers Galop. Orpheus Galop. 25c. La Fille de Madame Angot Waltz, 25c. . Five numbers of Maylath's set of pieces called “Spring,” and are very acceptable easy arrangements of celebrated pieces. Liszt’s Concert March. Op. 67. For organ. 25c. 30c. Chopin's Most Popular Waltz. 30c. Chopin's Most Popular Mazurka, 30c. Three of “Six Classical Pieces?” by Maylath, arranged as to bring these celebrated pieces within the reach of players. a' CARL FIEUSER, New York. Improvisata. Stephen Heller. Revised by K. Klauser. 35C. FIower Fruits and Thorns. Stephen Heller. Revised by K. Klauser. 35C. • B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. Love’s Greeting. Maylath. Quickstep. 10c. La Timballe d’Argent. Violin accompaniment, Polonaise. From the opera of Mignon. Violin accom- paniment. Galop Chromatique. By Liszt. Violin accompani- IIlêll L. Gaiete de Coeur. Waltz, with violin accompaniment. Il Talismano. New opera by Balfo. On the popular “Edith's Prayer.” LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia, Devil’s Call Galop. Piano, Schact, 40c.; Duets 4 hands, A'Beckett, 60c.; Piano and violin, A'Beckett, 50c.; Piano" and flute, A'Béckett, 50c. ; , Piano and Gornet, A'Beckett, 50c.; Orchestra, $1; for full reed band, 60% : for full brass band, 50c.; Quartette, 40c.; quiutette, 50c. Mina May. Song and chorus. Barry Carter. 850. Chesney Wold Quadrille. Piano and violin, 60c.; violin, 30c. - That Lassie Sweet Across the Street• Mack. 35C. MILLS & CO., Des Moines, Iowa. The River of Time. Words by B. F. Taylor. By yirs. Sue Ingersoll McWilliams, author of “Pass Under the Rod,” &c. 40c. The Last Rose of Summer, as ſirst published. 400. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. Fairmount Park March. A. Loumey. Illustrated with a view of Fairtuount Park. 400. virtuoso March. A Loumey. Illustrated with the celebrated cartoons of the Virtuoso, by Bush. 40c. 35o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Springtime of Love (Tyrolienne). A. Loumey. Il- lustrated with a beautiful lake scene in Tyrol. 50c. Echoes. Song and chorus. A. Loumey. Fine illustrated title. 40c. Orpheus Club Collection of Four-Part Songs, for Male Voices. Selected and arranged by M. H. Cross. 4 vols., 50c. each. GEMS OF EASY MUSIC. 20c. each. No. 13. Sharpshooters’ March. Faust. Arranged by Loumey. t No. 14. Fairy Tales Waltz. Faust. Loumcy. No. 15. Feather Ball Galop. Faust. I.oumey. - No. 16. Fire and Flame Galop. Faust. Arranged by Ioumey. No. 17. March Violets. Polka mazurka. ranged by Loumey. No. 18. Golden Pollra. Faust. Arranged by Loumey. No. 19. Helter-Skelter Galop. Faust. Arranged by Loumey. Arranged by Arranged by Faust. Ar- No. 20. Hundred and One March. Faust. Ar- ranged by Loumey. - No. 21. Green Mountains Waltz. Faust. Ar- ranged by Loumey. - No. 22. In Confusion Galop. Faust. Arranged by loumey. No. 23.” Harmless One Polka. Loumey. Faust. Arranged by No. 24. Up and Away Galop. Faust. Arranged by Loumey. No. 25. On Wings of Night Waltz. Faust. ranged by Loumey. No. 26. Whirlpool Galop. Faust. Arranged by Lou- mey. - No. 27. Theresen Waltz. Faust. Arranged by Lou- mey. - No. 28. With Pleasure and Love Galop. Faust. Arranged by Lourney. No. 29. Birthday Waltz. No. 30. Alpine Roses. ranged by Loumey. Ar- Lichner. Polka mazurka. Faust. Ar- J. L. PETERS, New York. sºme Forever, Little Darling. Song. Levey, 5C. I inew by the Smoke. Song and chorus. Percy. - C, - Dream of Love. Ballad. Levey. 30c. Promise You’ll be True to Me. Song and cho rus. Danks. 30c. sºng 'round the Grate. Song and chorus. Hays. tº C. Maudlie Moore. Song and chorus. Hays. 35c. Twilight. Nocturne. Maylath. 50c. Neptune Mazurka. Davis. 40c. Proud Beauty. Caprice. Maylath. 35c. Musical Echoes. Polka. Victor 30c. Jolly Fiddlers’ Galop. Maylath. 50c. I’m a Gwine Down South. Song and chorus. Hays. 35c. wºrking on the Lawn. Song and chorus. Hays, C. IOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Baby in the Morning. Price. Beats There a Heart. Auber. Song. 40c. Song. 25C. Beautiful One. Buckley. So:g. 30r. Beautiful Snow. King. S \ng. 40,’. Canary Bird. Hays. Song. £50. Carina. Munoz. Song. 35c. Come In. Meininger. Song. 40c. Come O'er the Sea. Colliere. Song. 30c. Dear Ones at Home. Hays, 30c. Dying Child. Cook. Song. 35c. Don't You See. Price. Vocal duet. 75c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. One Morning, O: so Early. Kuhe. Transcrip- tion. 50C. Lohengrin. Spindler. Transcription. Op. 251. 75c. Transcription. Op. 247. 75c. 4 hands. Youthful Dreams, Tannhauser. Spindler. Early Life. . Lichner. No. 3. 50c. Pleasant Message. Dreams, No. 4. 40c. Exercise Scales and Arpeggios. J. A. Ide. $1.50. Lichner. 4 hands. Youthful Air Alsaciennes. J. Leybuch. Fantaisie, Op. 255. 75c. WHITE, SMITH & Co., Boston. Concone. 25 vocal exercises. Garnet Waltz. O'Neil. Opal Barcarolle. O'Neil. * Onyx Quickstep. O’Neil. Marchesi. 20 vocal exercises. Madame Angot. 4 hands. Fear Not, Thy God is Near. Blake. Song. Gilbert, A Song. M. Keller. Come where the Wild Flowers Bloom. C. A. Whito. Sapphire Galop. O'Nei'. Knight of Altenahe. Song. Packard. Love is Like a Star. Song. IEmerald Polka. O'Neil. Trot of Cavaliers. For piano. Boscovitz. Angel Voices Ever Near. Lith. title. Piano piece. Where the Rippling Waters Flow. White. The Sailor. Song. Marie Benchley. There’s Nothing Like a Freshing Breeze. Song. Carina. Prayer to the Virgina. White Thorn Mazurka. White Thorn Mazurka. Blake. Ruby March. O'Neil. Brunswick Waltz and Java March. Perfect in Christ. White. I am Waiting, my Love, for Thee. (; ooclu. Ride for Life Galop. 4 hands. Blake. Marshall’s Anthem Book. L. Marshall. Wild Rose Mazurka. Geo. Fox. Hermit’s Dream. Blake, Waltz-song. Mrs. Torry. For piano, Lange. For 4 lands. Blake. For 4 hands. Solo. Page. Wm. E. D. ZIEGLER, Erie, Pa \ Evening Star. Lanner. 1 page. 10c. Morning Star. Lanner. 1 page. 10c. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 35 I The Stationery MARKET The demand for staple goods has been quite active, but by no means so heavy as was anticipated. There are no noteworthy changes in prices, but the tendency is slightly downward. There is a general lack of new goods in the market, and fancy goods have, as yet, received but little attention. - Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. . Useful for everybody. Per 100. . $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 00 4 • 1,000, { { ! & { * Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 1}, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb...... © tº * * * * tº º º 30 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. 31 “ Countmercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 33 “ Uctavo and Bilet. Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per (b. 85 “ SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . e & e º e º & G & ........ 27 to 28 cts. Bul and Legal, { { . . . . .27 to 28 “ Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . ... $2 25 ( * 4 & { * No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, “ ............. 3 00 e e º e a e º e s e e s = º ºs e e Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw... . . . . ... 11 to 13 cts. { % ! {{{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 to 16 { { t{ “ good to first-class : ... . . .20 to 30 “ Drawing Papers. - GERMAN, QUfRE." Cap, 14 by 17, per quire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SU 30 Delny, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . e & & & e º e º 'º e s is e e º e e 45 Medium, 17 by 22, “ gº a º ºs e e s e º e is & g º ºs e º º $ £ tº gº tº 60 Royal, ld by 24, { { • & © & e s e º e º e º e s a e º ºs & ºt 80 - WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire..... tº e º e e º 'º $ tº º e º ſº 55 1)einy, 15 by 20, “ • e e s e e o e s e e º e º e º e º 90 Mediurn, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . * * * * * g º e s e s tº e . 1 30 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . e e º 'º º e º e º e º e º ºs 1 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17, “ ........ e & º 'º e s is e º e º 2 U() Elephant, 23 by 28, “ . . . . . . . . & e º sº e º ºs e e 2 85 Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 * { Colored, “ . . . . . . e ‘s e e º ſº . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 English, per realm ...... ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e s a e g º º is e Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 M.e. lulu, $. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 25 Bristol Boards. REYNCLDS' AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick; per duz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 t & 3 { * { * e tº tº e e e º e º ºs e º e º e º º is • 75 & 4 { { { { e $ ſº tº e º º ſº * & © tº tº e º 'º e º e 1 UO Demy, 2 $ & * { e e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e e º ºs e º & tº 80 - { * 3 { { § { * * * B & e º e º e º 'º e º 'º tº * * 1 20 { { 4 { { - { { tº tº , º, º is a tº e g º sº e º e e e º e º 'º 1. €0 Medium, 2 4 a { { tº e º 'º e º 'º e º & 8 & 9 º' gº tº e 1 10 4 * 3 - { { & 4 e e º ºs e s e e s e e is e & © e tº & I 70 { & 4 $ g { { tº e s e º e º 'º e e & e º tº • 2 20 Perforated Boards Cºarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ................ 2 00 Blotting Paper. § 01:tavo packages, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Quarto * & • * .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Ink. º David’s Stands, in 4 gross boxes, per gross........ 9 00 “ . 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 8 . 1 * * * * “ . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 David's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 3 20 { * Quurts, l { * * * { { e 6 00 Maynaru & Noyes' Ink, same price as David’s. 18 00. Stafford's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross....... . $7 20 Aruold’s, Writing Fluid, Quai ts, per doz . . . . . ..... . 6 OO & 4 { { *: Piuts, “. . . . . . . tº º 3 50 { { {{ ‘‘ # Pints, “ . . . . . . . .... z 00 “’ “ “ Stands, per gross........... 7 20 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . ........ 12 u0 & & * { Punts, * { 6 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bott.es, per dez... 1 00 “. . . . AS$orted Colors, per doz. . . . . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . .i.a.s.l. 20 t & { * ( * 2 “ Glass Stop., per dozº 2 13 David’s Carmine, No. 1, per doz 2 2 • { * { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e s tº e 3 15 ( & ( * No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 8 15 {{ 4t No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz .... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ..................... 2 25 Clark’s Iudelible Pencils, “ . . . . . . . .............. 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Ink, - BLACK WJOLET WRITING - INK, I.N. K. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 | illts, “ . . . ** . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { “. . . . l 80 2 00 1 75 4 UZ. , { { { { “. . . . 90 1 15 1 00 Sta_ids, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing and Copying Iank. Quai ts, per doz. . . . . . . $8 U0 || Half Piuts, per doz. ... $3 00 Pil,ts, “ . . . . . . . 5 00 || 4 oz. Flat lukstands... 2 25 Stauds, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * ... 9 00 Jet Plack School Ink, in noscu bottles, per gross..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Iuk. Mucilage. Peerless, Stands, 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. ... . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * g e 3. 50 “ Pints, “ ................ . . . . . . . . 4. 25 “ Quarts, { { tº gº º º ºs * * * * * * c e s e s a s ... 7 U0 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per ucz.................. 1 { { § & “ No. 2, “ ........... . . . . . . . 1 Sillimau's No. 8, Schoo!, “ .A................ 1 $ tº No. 2, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 { { No. l, { { { { * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. ti Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 4 { { Mechanics”, § { . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Flat Glass, 24 inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ tº - 3 $4 { { * * * * * * * tº e º l { { 3 * “ u & tº e º ſe e * * * 1 50 { { 4 * * “ . tº e º & © tº e º 'º e º e 1 75 Air-tight Inks, small, . “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 4 & “, large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney’s Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air-tigliº, No. 1, $12; No. 3...'...'... 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from....... * g g g g g g 87c. to $1.25 per dyz. Steel Pense American News Company’s No. 170. . . $0 50 4 & § { 4 & School, No. 51 .... 30 & 4 { { {{ Extra Fine, No 338.... - 50 {{ . { { { { § { & t No. 444... 50 { { { { { { Quill, No. 76. ... 50 { { { { tº 6 Falcon, No. 48.... 60 § { * { { 4 & Bank, No. 14.... 50 { { {{ tº Commercial, No. 9.... 50 { { * * { { {{ A. bata, No. 11.... 50 subject To FLvovva Trows of THE MARKET. 352 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Gillott's Pens, No. 808. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 “ “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * g e ... . . . . . . 65 { { s & No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e tº e º s > 75. $ & § { No. 851. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº g tº e º e º º & & © º $. tº e & 60 Washington Medallion Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 & 6 “ in 4 gross boxes e tº e º e º e e º 'º & © tº e º dº º º 1 10 - Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 “ Hexagon, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 § { Tablet, t{ tº e e tº e º 'º e º e º e g º e º is a 40 * Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 { { $t 5 t & {& - • - e º 'º & e º 'º a s e º gº 5 00 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . 4 tº e º e s a gº tº e e g . 50 { { Rubber Head, { { e º 'º e º ºs e is sº º tº * * * * * > * > tº dº tº º 63 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tipºd. . . . . . e e s e º e s e e 60 Red and Black, Polished, per gross, Faber’s ....... I 80 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. ... . . . . . . . tº e º e a g º gº ... . 1 20 - Scholars' e = * * * e e s e º e º e * * * * * * c e g º sº a º º ſº e º e º e º 'º e º º & 72 Pen- Holders, . Accommodation, Fluted, per gross...........40c. to 50. & & Swell, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © & tº I 00 French Tip, per gross ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 00 * Bone, per doz. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c, to 1 00 Pocket Reversible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c, to 60 Slates, Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, por doz. ..... 48 6 * $: { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 54 & ! { { { { 6 by 9, { { e e º ºs e -º 75 & £ & & ( & 64 by 10, “ . . . . . . 80 & £ & & 4t 7 by 11, “ . . . . . . 87 ( & & & { { 8 by 12, “ ...... I 08 - 4 & { % { { 9 by 13, ( & tº e º 'º º º l 30 Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch........... tº e 50 German Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch.......... 20 German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross...... 90 Silicate Book Slates, For sLATE PENCIL. Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 34 by 54 in., per doz. 1 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 33 by 53 in., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 80 Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 8 00 Mineral, “ 6 “ 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00 w FOR LEAD PENCIL. - « Daily Memoranda, interlw’d, gilt, $4 by 3% in., per doz. 1 50 Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 1 80 Every Day, gilt title, “ 5 in., “ 2 10 Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 3 00 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 p." ges, 33 by 5} inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * . 3 00 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 33 by 5* inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE, JEnvelopes. Buff, Heavy, 5, per 1,000.----- tº e º ºs e º 'º e º ºs e s = e º e I 30 4 & { { X5 { { tº a tº e s tº e e º e º 'º e º e s e e s a e e 1 50 { { 4 & xx5. “ . . . . . e e s e s e º e e º 'º e o e e s e 2 00 “ “ xxxâ, “ ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 White, X5, © a ſº tº a $ º 'º º * * * * * * * sº e º e & º º 2 75 { % XX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 { { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 { { s { { { { $ tº { % 3 30 Orange, XX5, per 1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Gold, XX5, ( & tº e º is e e º 'º e º e º e s e º e º 'º e º & 3 00 # º Playing Cards. Steamboat, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Highlander, * { tº e º e º te º ſº tº * * * * * * is * e º e º º e tº 2 33 . Eureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 58 Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº * * * * * g e sº 3 33 Moguls. Enameled, { % tº e º 'º • . e e s e e º e º 'º º e º e < * * * e 4 50 Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Euchre, “. . . . . .----- . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Ill. Mcguls, $$. tº e º e & * * * * e º * * tº e º 'º e g 7 00 Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '800 Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. { { { —w Dominoese - Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 { { (KO'd t & § { “. . . 6 OO to 12 00 “ Mahogany boxes, - “ . . 6 00 to 1800 Initial Stationery. Empress......... Newport......... 18 Rose Tint { 15c. Backgammon Boards. - Leather, 2 in nest, per nest.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 75 {{ 8 • 4 4. s e e s e º ſº e º e º 'º e º sº º º is { % 2 in extra nest... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checker-IV lemn, Box Wood, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 1 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1 Chess-Men. Bone, German, per doz. ....................#1 50 to 36 Wood, {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 to 15 Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 00 to 36 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. (R0 00 00 Blackboard Crayous, per gross..... e º e e s tº e º e e º e º 'º º º 15 • * { a83orted colors, per gross...... 1 10 Stationers’ Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to b., per lb . . . . . e e s e e s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e g º e º e º e º e e tº g is 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross.... . . . . . . . . . ... 2 00 “ Bands, 4 inch, per groSS........... .80c. and 1 00 { { { { $ $ { { . . .31 00 and 2 00 tº º e º e º 'º º Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. ................... ... $4 00 to 15 00 * { & C Cap tº e º 'º e º ºr e º e º is e º a g º g º a . . . . 10 00 to 24 00 Pocket-Books. Sheep, per doz. . . . . * * * * e º e s as a s e º e º º • * * * * * * $1 50 to 4 00 Culſ, “ . . . . . . . . ---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. ................ 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 00 to 20 00 Stereoseopes. - Black Walnut, Imit., Hood, per doz., No. 38........ 8 00 Mahogany, $ (, { % “ No. 41... . . . . . 9 00 Rosewood, $. { * • { No. 39.... . . . . 12 00 Thermor meterse Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. ............. . . . . . . ... 4 25 { % 10 § { { { o gº º tº e gº tº § & 5 00 4 ( 12 § { { % tº º tº gº º º & ſº * g e º 'º us # tº e tº 6 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “. ........................ 6 60 { * 12 { { { { ſº & Cº tº gº e s tº e e s = e s tº e º 'º & § 7 25 School and Counting-House Rulerse Size tº g tº £ tº tº a ſº º 'º e u e º 'º e º a a 12 15 18 * 21 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . S1 2.5 1 ($2 1 87 2 12 Counting-House, per doz. ...S3 00 3 75 400 5 25 Quills, Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * { N { { • e º e º e e º e º e º e e º e s tº sº e º 'º e e { { No. 40, { { tº e º e º 'º e º 'º e tº gº e º ºs e º º e e º e º e º e º 'º & § { No. 50, C & e e e º e º e i e º e º e e s e e s e ( * No. 60, { { e e e s s is a e s e s = e º e o e s e e s e e s e e s a s 2 QUILL PENS IN BoxES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . * , a tº e º sº a sº e º e º e s tº te Portable, “ “ . . - Large, & 6 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office, & & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blank Books, The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Halſ Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to - Full { { & & & e ... . . . .22c. to Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire...40c. to Demy, ( & * { & 4 gº º 60C. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 to 1 8vo, { { º, e º is e e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 94 to 1 Crowd, “ . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... 1 00 to - 2 Demy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 25 to 5 SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARKET, THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 353 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers. We feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.-In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order us not to do 80, but do send all new publications to owr dealers, unless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as sºon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-News- dealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rate of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. PostAGE To NEwsor:ALERs. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, One Cent for every Four Ounces. PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - [Form 1.] T.E.E AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my credit, and Send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. - 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. - & 10 New York Weekly, 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. º - 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gº. Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : - - - [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º 'º e e º e º e º e s a s e e º e º & e e s e e º e º ºs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ $ tº 6 8 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº t e º e º 'º e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ** 13 2 Old and New.... ... te e º ºs e º sº tº º sº se s & tº º e e e º e e º e s e º e º s is e º e º 'º e s e º e s e º e º e o e s s & ſº tº * tº e º e g º sº º ſº º º € & { { 12 8 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € $ $. 3 CUT OFF- 2 Waverley.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 8 Chimney Corner.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ “ 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Moºthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ ..... “ $ & 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels. Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city ind the last date the change was made. Communications Should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, 354 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. gº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). - Trado Ret. Price Commercial Bulletin...... ... 3% -- Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . $% 5 New York Courier des Etats Unis. . . . . . e - e º z → * * * * * * * * * 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . .2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 . New York Evening Mail. . . . . . 13%. 2 El Cronista.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post.... . . 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 'Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 After Dinner . . . . . . e & © e º e º 'º º 7% — Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 American Hrewer’s Gazette .. 35 *- American Gael (The)..... . . . 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist ... .. 7 I0 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4% 6 American Republic .......... 3 <- American Sportsman. . . . . . . . . I () American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Appleton's Journal ...... .... 7 10 Arcadia). . . . . . . . 2--> -- . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal . . . . .11 15 Atlantische Blael ter.... . . . . . 6 Ave Maria"... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Banner of Light............. 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . 4 º- Beekeeper's Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 — Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independeut..... . . . . . 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical, - Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 R. ston Statesman.... ...... 4 6 Boston Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal . . . . . . 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% – Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Catholic Standard . . . . . . 4% - Christian Advocate and Jour- mal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 0 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% 6 Christian.Intelligencer....... 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . .4% — Christian Mother ... . . . . . . . . . 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . 6 1() Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 3% 6 Church and State. . . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 Church Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Church Union ............... 3 – Church Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . 6 I0 Churchman (The).... . . . . . . . . 6% — Coal and Iron Record.... ..., 7 10 College Courant.............. 7% 10 Commercial and Financial Chronicle ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 25 Commonwealth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Country Gentlemán.......... 4 6 Courier desſtats Unis . . . . . . . 9 10 D AI L Y P A P B Its. Trade Ret. Price New York Evening News..... % l New York Evening Post...... 4 5 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York Evening Wituess ... }{ 1 New York French Mes enger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2 4 3 New York Herald. . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Journal Commerce. h 6 S EMI I- W E E K L Y. New York FXpress....... . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com.... 5 6 W E E R I, Ye Criminal Zoitung ... . . • * * * * * * 7%. 10 Critic (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Crusader.... . . . . . . e e º e º ºs e e º 'º 1% , nºw Danbury News ... . . . . . * e s tº a tº 3% — Das Neue Helm........ . . . . . 7 10 Day Book........ . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German). . . . . .. 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 *- Drug Bullet in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – Dwight's Journal of Music.... 8 *- Econºmist................... 9. 12 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . , 7 10 El Espejo (semi-mo.) . . . . . . .18 – Elite (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 5 Engineering aud Mining Jour- ual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 T0 Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Every Saturday..... . . . . . . . . 7 10 Examiner and Chronicle. . . . . . 4% 6 Favorite (The).... . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Financier . . . . . . $. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 *- Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . 4%. 6 Forest and Stream........... 10 Frank leslie’s Illustrat’d Piper 7 10 { { “ lady's Journal. 7 10 & & “ Boys and Girls’ - Weekly...... 3% 5 4 & “ Chimney Corner 7 10 “ “ Iliustrirte Z9itung. (German) . . . 7 10 “ “ Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal........... 4% 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Girls aud Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Harper’s Weekly . . . . . . . . . .. 7%. 10 Harper's Buzar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% lo Heart aud Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Hearth and Home............ 6 10 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . ... . . . . . . 7 10 Herald (California).......... 4% 5 Herald (European).......... 4% 6 Here and There ... . . . . . . . . . . 1% — Hotmc Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 7 Honne Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * Independent • . . . . . . . * * • - . . . . 6% - Those the prices of which have W . Trade Ret. - - i"rice. New York Journal (German). 2%. 3 New York Prosse . . . . . . . . . $4 - New York Statats Zeitung..... 2% 8 New York Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-102 New York Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 New York Times ............ 3% 4 New York Tribune....... . . . . 3.} & 4 New York World. . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 4 New York Times ............ 3 (4 5 New York Tribune........... 3}e 5 New York World º e º e º 'º º e º e tº e 8% iº Inventor's Internatºl Gazette... 3 5 Investigator... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * Iron Ago... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Irish Democrat. ............ 3% # Irish World ..., ... . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Jewish McSSengor....... . . . . . 8 * Jewish Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 t; La Republica (Spatrish)..... . 7 10 Latest News from Germany...— * Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Living Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 I.'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 L'Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 12 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Medical Independent,... . . . . . 4 6 Metlical Times. . . . . . . . . . ... 10 * Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 Mercautile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.). . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Methodist ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 4% 6 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . .22 ºs- Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Nuture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 12 Nautical Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . © e 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation . . . . . . . * - e º 'º - 7 I () New York Albion............ 7 }{} New York Clipper . . . ....... 7 10 New York Courier . . . . . . . . . .. 4 •6 New York 1)ispatch.......... 7% 10 New York Era . . . . . * * * * * * * * 3 6 New York Family Story Paper. 4% — New York Journal (German). 4% 6 New York Ledger...... . . . . . . 4% 6 | New York Observer . . . . . . . . . 7 i- New York School Journal .... 4% — New Yoi k Tablet ............ 4% -— New York Varieties.......... 7 10 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 News from Germany and Swit. zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 — Our Times. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 2% - People’s Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 People's Literary Companion. . 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ug Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 l'hiladelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 wº- Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 - Plliladelphia Weekly l’ress .. 4%. 6 Philadelphia Weekly Age. . . . . 3% 5 Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit............. (.34 10 Police Gazette............... 7 iO THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 355 Beekeepers’ Journal . . . . . . . . 6 Best Words ... . . . . . . . . e is e s & e 7 10 Blackwootl’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 35 \ parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 Exchange Market ........... 2 <-mº Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 — W .E. E. K. L. Y. — Co an Linued, Trade Ret. . . Trade Ret. Trade. Ret. - rice. Price. Price. Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Union Advocate .... . . . . . . . . . 2% -. Pomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4% 6 || Sunday Citizen ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Universe.......... . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 — | Sunday Courier. . . . . . . . . • . . . . 4 ºmº ...t * smsº Price Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 4% — Włºś tº e º 'º e #: 8 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . 2% - || Wºjo.”...... 3" 10 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 — Sunday Dispatch ............ 7% – waverie Magazine & Gº º º 15 Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 – W.”.”. T Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — W. Era. &\l & V e s e < * * * * 2 3 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — W.; Express........... ... 3% 5 Railway Times .............. 7%. 10 | Sunday Mercury..... g s e s e º º s ſ: 10 || W. #. e s is a e s s sº e º 'º ºf e §§ { Real Estate Record . . . . . . . . . — Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 4 wo .# journal of commerce. Aft 6 Religio-philosophical Journal. 7 10 || Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2% — w; Mail g & 3% 4 Rural New Yorker . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 || Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — W.; Nºs as a s e s = e e s sº * * * * * te 3% 5 Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 sº- * R. ... r........', º San Franciscowocky Bulletin. 8, 10|sº sº............... 3% – W. N. Y.,'... ?" . Saturday Night . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Sunday star................. 2 - || Wºjº. }. ..... 3% 5 Saturday Portfolio. . . . . . . . . . . 2 – | Sunday Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 W.; § i. Zeitung....... 3% 5 Saturday Star Journal.... . . . . 4% 6 | Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — W.º. §. S Zeitung ....... 2 ºmº Schmedderedengg (Comic Ger- - & W. s uſ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2% 4 man)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 w º i. * tº e º e º • * * * * e º e º is e 3% Sºnºmerican.......... 3% |ºº..... ...... ... ; – || W:##!............ ; ; Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 || The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – W.º.º.º.....'..... 3° 3 Scottish America Journal... 5 7 | Thompson’s Reporter . . . . . . . . 6 — W.; W. º • * * * * is s a e º e 3%. 5 §heldon's Dry Goods Repºrter.l., 25 | Thompson's Reporter, Coin... § 10 | \; jºhº Times...tº 1. Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . --- - - 9 12 W. nal e Tl ... 4 6 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 10 || Toiler (The)... ..... © e º 'º e s & # 2 T. Woodhull º § #. ..., weekly. 7 10 Singers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . *... 1 2 || Toledo Weekly Blade. . . . . . . . 3 5 & Ul 8.D. 11) 'S y . . Skandinavische Post . . . . . ... 5 8 | Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 || Yankee Blade ..... . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 — | True Flag .... . . . . . . . . • e º e g º º 4% 6 Young Men of America. . . . . . . 3% —- Spiritualist at Work . . . . . . . . . 5 — | Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10 | Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3 5 IV O N T | H II L. Y. - Agriculturist (English)..... . 9 15 | Bonſort's Wine and Liquor Fireside (Musical).......... . 4% — Agriculturist (German)...... 15 Circular (semi-monthly)... 8 12 | Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Amateur.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 Folio (Musical)....... & ſº e º e º º 10 — American Antiquarian ...... .28 50 | Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 || Fortnightly Review.... . . . . . . 40 O American Artisan...... . . . . . . 13 — Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | Frank Leslie's Boys and Girs' American Booksellers’ Guide. — | Carriage Journal ...... ..... .22 25 Wºkly (mo. pºts) 18 *E=- ''. American Brewers' Gazette. 35 — | Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . - 17 26 { { “ Budget of Fun...10 15 American Buildér. ... . . . . . . . 23 30 | Catholic Total-Abstinence {{ “ Chimney Corner American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Union.......... ... . . . . . . . 4% — (mº, parts)...36 50 American Exchange & Review.20 25 | Catholic World . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 { { “ I,ādy’s Journal American Historicalº Record. 28 35 | Cassell’s Magazine (monthly (mo. parts). . .30 40 American Homes. . . . . . . . . . 14 * Parts)------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 { { “ Lady’s Magazine American Illustrated Industrial Children’s New Church Maga- (mo. parts)... 27 35 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Žine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 {{* “ Pleasant Hours.10 I 5’ American Journal of Health Chronotype ....... . . . . . . . . . .20 - || Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 — Church Monthly.............20 30 | Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 American Journal of Philately. 9 l? | Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 || Gardener’s Monthly.... . . . . . . 16 25. American Law Register. . . . . 40 50 | Clothier and Hatter... . . . . . . . 10 — G artenlaube (Leipsic Edition. - American Miscellany .... .... 15 25 | Com. Chart Manual.......... 23 — semi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . 8 15 American Miscellany, Back 3. Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- - Nos. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 *= mic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5 *º-sº American Naturalist......... 24 35 | Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Gleason’s Monthly º 6%. 10, American Old Fellow . . . . . . . .17 25 Son's)......... * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 15 Globe (The)........ . . . . . . . . . 10 15. American Stock Journal...... 7 10 | Creme de la Creme ... . . . . . . . 23 — Gotley's Lady’s Book........ .21 * * American Tales.............. 8%. 15 Crofutt’s Western World . . . . . 5%. 10 Golden Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 — American Turfman..... tº a e < * * 15 — | De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . .10 15 | Good Things..... tº a º ... .19 25 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly Demorest's Magazine... . . . . . . 20 — | Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.) numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . g tº e º º 40 Demorest's Young America. .. 7 10 || Grand Army G zette . . . . . . . . 7 10 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly De Nordendorf’s Monthly.. 4% — Guide to Holiness ... . . . . . . . . 11 * numbers) . . . . . . . & s & e g a 6 tº e º 35 50 | Dental Cosmos ........ . . . .22 — Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . .33 50 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 || De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 — | Hal.'s Journal of Health. . . . . . 12 {-º-º: Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . . .2 — De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 Harper's Magazine ... . . . . . . . 8 35 Architectural Magazine . . . . . . 38 sº- (Semi-monthly) .... . . . . . . . 10 15 Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 50 Archives Medical Science . . . .35 — De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Herald of Hellth.... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Arthur’s Bome Magazine..... 14 20 Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 || Historical Magazine.......... 55 75. ASSociation Monthly . . . . . . . 7 10 || De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 | Holbrook's U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 35 | De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Hollow ty’s Musical Monthly .. 30 40 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Horticulturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Bankers’ Magaziue..... . . . . . .35 50 | De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, Howe's Musical Mºnthly...... 25 35 Bankrupt Register......... . .38 50 | 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 10 || Hub (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 - Beadle’s Publications : De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, Industrial Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Dime Books ........... . . . . 6% 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 | Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 / t & ** 100 or over.... 6 Dexter Smith's Paper . . . . . . . . 11 15 { { “ (with Supplt).37 — { { tº 1000 “ . . . . 5% Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Inlaud Monthly... . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Song Books.... . . . . . . . •- - - - 5 Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . . 35' 50 | Insurance Monitor ........... 30 { { “ 100 or over . . . . . 4% Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 Insurance Times . . . . . . . ... . .22 30 { { tº 1000 “ . . . . 4. . El Ateno (Spanigh)..... . . . . . 38 — Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . .22- - Beautiful World . . . . . . . . . . . .18 — Every Saturday (monthly Insurance Gazette ... . . . . . . . 40 * --> Internal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 1. Jolly Joker.... ... g T Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 356 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade Ret. Price. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly)...... ... • • • - - - - - { La Americ l (semi-monthly). 13 Lady’s Own Magazine . . . . . . . 4 La ly's Repository ... ....... 27 Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 La Mode Elegante............ 38 Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 Land Owner... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1% Laws of Life.... ............ I0 Le Charivaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Little Corporal............... 10% Literary Miscellany...... ... 10 Literary World.............. 11 Lippincott’s Magazine... . . . . . 27 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Mackey's Freemason......... 22 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 Manufacturer and Builder. . . . 12 Mark Twain's Sketches. . . . . . . 16 Mechanic ................... Medical News & Library..... 10 *MedicalNewsSupplement (Suc- CeSSOr to Rankin's Abstract. 10 Medical Record...... . . . . . . . . 15 Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8 Merryman's Monthly......... 7 Metropolitan Magazine . . . . . . .16 Mother's Magazine... . . . . . . . . 10 Mother’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . % Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 3 to 232. 694 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . ..... 5 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 National Agriculturist and Bee Journal ............. te e s e º 'º 7 National Car Builder........ 7 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 National Temperance Advocate 9 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 Nature (mo, parts, 5 Nos.)...50 New and Old Friends ........ 6% 10 18 35 25 50 25 I () 15 I5 — Revue de la Monde MI O N T | H L Y – COIn tinued. Trade g ltet. Price. New Era. . . . . . . . . . * * New J "rsey Record . . . . . . . . New Sensation (mo, parts). . .30 New Y rker Musick Zeitung. 6 New York Medical Journal . . C0 New York Musical Gazette ... 6 New York Lithograph........ 7 Nick Nax . . . . . . * * * = & © & & & 7% Nort'. Amorican Journal of Homoeopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Nursery (The)..... . . . . . . . . . . 1() Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . .37% Offord’s Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Oliver Optic’s Magazine . . . . . 20 Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35. 6% “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% “ 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 13. 6% “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 42. 5 ‘‘ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8% ‘‘ 2s. Letter Writor . . . . 15 Our Friend (semi-monthly)... 2 Overland Monthly... . . . . . . . . 26 Paper Trade Reporter........ ll Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo)ll Patent Right Gazette......... 6 | Pension Record.... . . . . . . ... 6 Peters’ Musical Monthly. . . . . . 18 Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector.11 Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poultry Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 Photographic World . . . . . . . . . 43 Phrenological Journal........ 21 Phunny Phe low....... ...... 73 Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 + Popular Science Monthly . .37 Poultry World..... . . . . . . . . . . 8 Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 Psychological Journal . . . . . . .37% Pulpit of the Day. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 R lilway Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 * Rand & McNally Guide ... . . 28 Record and Repository . . . . . . 6 : I0 Q U A R T E R L Y HE E VI E.W. S., American Church Review. $0 90 American Journal Medical Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 American Journal of Obstet- rics. . . . . . tº s et sº e º e g e º ºs e e º e 1 12 American law Review..... 1 05 Baptist Quarterly.......... 85, Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . I 00 Braithewaite's Retrospect... 1 05 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 67 Brownson’s Review. . . . . . . . 1 00 Christian Examiner.... . . . . 67 s Clıurch and World . . . . . . . . $0 85 Congregational ... . . . . . . . . . 5 Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Çdinburgh Review (reprint) 62 Half - Yearly Compendium 1 Medical Science ......... 2. International Review (bi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Jou ‘nal Social Science . . . . . . 1 25 I.0ndon Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . 62 Metho list. Qil irterly . . . . . . 0 75 75 10 Sailors' Mug 1zine . . . . . . ... 10 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Saturday Journal (parts)..... T8 Schooltlay Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 7 Science of Health........ . ... 14 * Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . .38 Scribner's Monthly . . . . . . . 28 Sillim in 's Journal . . . . . . . . . .43 Southern Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 30 N Spirit of the Press . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Star-Spangled Banner . . . . . . Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 St. Chrystostom’s Magazine... 12 St. Nicholas.... & © & ſº * * * * ſº e º 'º e St. Paul’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 23 Texas New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . 17 The Domestic ............... 8 The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....70 There and Back (Guide)...... 14 Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 Travoler's Official Guide. 20 Truth-Seeker . . . . . "... • - - - - - - - - - 5 Union Era (parts)....... . . . . . 25 University Journal . . . . . . . . ... 16 Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 Waverley Magazine (monthly parts tº 2 Welcome Guest(semi-m'thly). T Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 Wild Oats (semi-monthly) ... 7 Wood’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Work and Wealth............ 3 Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Workshop........... * * * * * c e & 30 Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Young Catholic...e. . . . . . . . . . ; Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Young Ladies’ Journal..... . .27 Youth’s ProgreSS... . . . . . . . ... 10 IET C. National Quarterly Review.51 12 New Englander. . . . . . . . . . ... 90 New Remedies . . . . . . ... 35 North American Review ...1 12% * Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. ... 75 Rankin’s Halſ-Y’rly Abstract 60 Smith's Pattern Bazar..... . 20 Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Westminster Review . . . . . . 62 What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 | Wood's Quar’iy Retrospect. 1 00 Fo R E H G N P E R i o D H C A L s—w E E R L. Y. Trade Ret. Pri Cô, Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 15 30 s50 Trade Price. Trude Price Trade Price. Academy....... • * ~ * - - - 16 | English Mechanic . . 10 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 || Era . . . . . . . . . * g e . 20 | Land an I Water . . . . . . . . 20 Architect ... . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Lloyd’s Newspape . . . . . . 5 Athenaeum ... . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Family Herald . . . . . . . . . . 5 L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . 25 Belfast News........... 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Liverpool Mercury 10 Bell’s Cife.... - 20 | Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 Bow Bells .... . . . . . . . . . . 5 || Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | London Reader. . . . . . 5 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 || Gardener’s Chrouicle . . . 20 | London World . . . . . . . . . 20 Building News. . . . . . . . . . 18 Gas-Light Journal . . . . . .0 | L’Univers Illustré. . . . . . . 10 Cassell's Magazine ...... 5 || Glasgow Herald..... .. 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 || Graphic ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mark Lane Express . . . . . 23 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 18 Guardian . . . . . . . . . 23 Medical Record . . . . . . . . . T8 Christian World. . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated News. . . . . . . 20 Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 Church Review . . . . . . . . . 10 Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World . . . . . . . . . I8 Church Times ... ....... à | Illustrated Pºlice News 5 || Nation (Dublin)......... 7 Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Sporting and Nature ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dispatch ......... tº e º e º & 5 * Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 Economist .... ..., ... 30 Irishman... . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 18 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | John Bull ...... * 20 ! Observer . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Engineering ............ 20 udy. . . . . . . . g = s. s. s a t + e e 6 : Once a Week ... . . . ... 8 Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 | Le Monde Illust é....... 14 | Orchestra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Trade Price. Pall Mall Budget ... . . . . . Pall Mall Gazette (file of six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Pictorial World . . . . . . . . . 10 Public Opinion...... * @ Publishers’ Circular (fort- nightly)... . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 23 Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Saturday Review . . . . . ... 20 Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . '. 20 Sporting Gazette... . . . . . 10 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. 5c.) I Tablet. . . . . . . . . . e e º ºs e s e Tailor and Cutter ....... 8 The Times (last date).... The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . Weekly Register (Cath.). Weekly Times . . . . . . . . . . THE AMERICA V COO KSELLERS’ G UIDE. 357 IIM II PORTED GERM IAN IN IA GAZINES ANI D PERIO DIC AI L.S. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked #. Semi-Monthly. Das Neue Blatt........ . 12 t Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ft Daheim ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . ........ , is s & s = e s 8 Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 t Ueber Land und Meer......................... 14 18 a Year. t Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 16 25 f Der Hausfreund............................... 14 Bunte Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 f Illustrirte Welt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Monthly. º f Gewerbehalle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Gräf's praktisches Journal ſtir Bau. u. Möbel- tischler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 f Der Weſthande!... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 IIM II PORTED GERMAN BOOKS PUBLISHIELD IN PARTS. First number gratis to the trade. Buch der Bücher. Published in 32 parts. . . . . . . . . Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at.......... Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes. about 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe; Illustrirt von Doré. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriſten. Volks- u. Familien-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 H. Heine's sāmmtliche Werke. Published in 54 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at 23 * * * * e º s = e º 'º e º e s s a s a º e º e s e e s g º a e e 25 25 25 40 65 25 25 40 N E W G E R M A N Imported. Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts................. 12 Rinaldo Rinaldili, 30 parts.... ................ 8 # Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts............ ........... 9’ M. G. Sapbir’s Schriften. I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Schiller's simmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtatisgabe. Published in 48 parts .... ... O. Spamer’s Illustrintes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at............... 14 Stieler’s Hand-Atlas sāmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...40 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, at 10 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e PU B L I CAT I O N.S. f Galeerensclave, 30 parts..................... ... 8 Domestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 n IF O R. E. I. G. N P E R O DIC A. L S – NIO N T H. L. Y. * Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. tº º - ade Price All the Year Round (part) 36 Day of Rest............. 18 || La Mode Illustrée . . . . . . 1 00 || Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . 6 Ladies' Treasury........ 30 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ...... 20 Argosy . . . . . . tº gº tº ſº e º ºs e º e 20 | Dublin Review(Quar’ly).2 30 | Leisure Hour........... 20 St. James’ Magazine..... 88 Art Journal....... . . . . . . 90 | Dublin University Maga- Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 Strahan’s 8aturday Jour- Art, Industrial and Pic- Zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 | London Journal (parts). 22 nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 || Edinburgh Mc I. Journal. 76 || London Society ... . . . . . . 88 | Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Athenæum (part). . . . . . . 54 English Woman’s Domes- London & Paris Fashions. 38 Sunday at Home. . . . . . . . 20 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 | McMillan’s Magazine .... 38 Sunday School Teacher .. 7 Band of Hope Review... 2 | Family Friend.......... 2% Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Sunday School Teacher's Belgravia..... .......... 38 Family Herald (parts)... 18 || Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Boys of England......... 18 || Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 | Monthly Microscopica Sunday School Times .... 10 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Farmer's Magazine. ..... 76 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 | Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boy’s Own Magazine .... 20 | Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 Sword and Trowel (Spur. . . Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 Fortnightly Review ..... 75 Musical Times . . . . . . . . . . 8 geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 IBritish Workman . . . . . . . 2% | Fraser's Magazine...... 1 00 | Now-a-days . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Temple Bar............. 38 British WorkWoman. . . . . 2% Friendly Visitor ........ 2% O Week ) 36 Tinsley's Magazine . . . . . . 38 British Juvenile...... .. 3 || Gardener's Magazine. .. 36 nce a Week (parts).... & & i. in 2 Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Gardener (The)......... :) Our Own Fireside....... 20 Wºw §§ ) § Chambers’ Journal . . . . . . 25 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 || Penny Pulpit ... . . . . . . . . 20 * * * tº e & & Yº $. º Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Chatterbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 || Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 || Picture Gallery ... . . . . . . * | via gardener 20 Children's Friend. . . . . . . 2% Illustrated Travels...... 38 | Popular Science Review - s ſº tº e º 'º $ tº e < Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% Infant's Magazine.... ... 2% (quarterly)......... 1 00 | Wedding Bells,... . . . . . . 23 Christian Treasury...... 20 Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . 90 || World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35 Christian Work . . . . . 20 | Journal of Horticulture... 54 | Practitioner ... . . . . . . . . . 28 Young Gentleman's Mag- Churchman's Companion. 20 | Journal of Science (quar- Preacher’s Lantern . . . . . . 20 azine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Contemp rary Review... 62 terly)............... 1 90 | Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . 44 Young Ladies' Journal... 27 Cornhill Magazine....... 38 || Kind Words ............ 10 | Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Cottager and Artisan....2% Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . 16 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 GE R NI A N - A NIIER IC A.N PUBLIC AT I O N S. Trade Ret. Trºst Arbeiter-Zeitung Weekly. º 5 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4. jºr........................... .” 3 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung..... . . . . . 3 4 Beobachter am Hudson. . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s ∈ e s e < * * * * 3 4 Yºsi Shek’................. * * g e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º : 13 Bibliothek Populärer Erzählungen. . . . . . . . . . . . : ; ; tº::::::::::::::::::::: 34, 6 #ax * e i s is sº ee ºf " ſº | * * * * * ***** * * * * * = e s s e º e s is a e s e s = < e < e < e < e < * * * * * * * * * * * º: Fº 8 Illustrirte Zeitung... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1. - W. ::::::::: : §: & º w e º is a s s a s e º is e & : % $ . Nº,..., ki. * º* * * g e is tº s º º ºs e º 0 < e s is e = * * OC GI) at, €I N. g TeSS6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gºº Nach ichten aus Deutschland 10 || Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal.::... . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6 Helvetia........ ... ... . . . . . :::::::::::: 4 * | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung .......... 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 Semi-Monthly. Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e s tº e e s & 7 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung. ... 6 S New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 || Magazin der merkwürdigsten u. interessantesten x New Yorker Handels-Zeitung ........ tº gº tº tº * * * * * * * * 20 25 Criminalgeschichten............... * gº a s º e º 'º & 12 18 New Yorker Musik-Zeitung...................... 7 10 | fi Novellen-Schatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 Pionier: ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Mlonthly 4. Roman Zeitung ............ e e º e º sº e º e º 'º e º e º e º º e s e 11 15 Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Schuedderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || Amerikanischer Agriculturist.......... . . . . . .... 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal..... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Der Freidenker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 25 25 20 40 75 20 35 20 25 25 25 60 15 I0 I0 THE AMERICAN B00 KSELLERY GUIDE. WANTED–November 1st, a situation in an estab: lished house, by a gentleman of fifteen years' experience in the Book and Stationery Trade in Chicago; also has two years' experience in traveling. Address H. A., Room 1, Lakeside Building, Chicago, Ill. B00KS WANTED. Book Buyer, No. 9, Vol. I., Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, Vol. IL; No. 12, Vol. IV. American Booksellers’ Guide, No. 1, Vol. I. Address Box 11, Station C, N. Y. City. EVANS & DAWSON, Tibiouſrº, PA. Booksellers' Guide, Vol. I., No. 13; Vol II., Nos. 3 and 11; Vol. IIL, Nos. 2, 4, and 5; Vol. IV., No. 8. THE ALBANY NEWS COMPANY., WHOLESALE STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS AND NEws DEALERs. 512 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Catalogue of Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent on application. Only Cheap Book of the kind in the Market. - HUNTER’S and TrººpFR'S PER ACTICAL G-U IDE. Notwithstanding its low price - this book has become a stand- - - ard, and sales increase each = year. It must be seen to be roperly appreciated. It sells to those who see it. early every boy wants one. It gives just the informa- tion wanted about ... ºr care and use of arms, making and º, … using traps, snare- and nets, baits and Nº. baiting, poisons bird-lime, preser- . ving, stretching, dressing, tanning and dyeing skins and furs, and much on fishing. with FIFTY ILLustRATIVE ENGRAVINGS, ºr Every dealer would do well to have at least one copy on hand to let customers see. ºr Now is the season 1 The book is wanted, and we are advertising it. ºr Dealers should order through the agent of whom they get their usual supplies, or of any of the News Companies ºr PRICE, ONLY → C. CENTS. Tº tº Nearly all of Jºse HANEY & Co's books are specialties—nothing like them; and being carefully prepared, at ractive in subjects and execution, and stead- ily advertised, they are of mermanent interest and con- stant demand. tº No discount to teachers or others outside the trade, ºr Renders are encouraged to buy of dealers, in preference to ordering by mail. tº We don't urge dealers to get stock unless sure of sale, but we suggest that they bear HANEy's books in mind, and if called for by their customers, take the hunt. ºr order of your wholesale agent or any of the News Companies which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of -------------------------------------------, -- S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC STEEL PENS.] The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of more than 5, O C Co, CoOO. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, differing in flexibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows: No. 1. College Pen. great favorite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the Schools and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lic Per gross, *i-40 No. 2. Counting-House Pen. Poist Fisk Asr FLExºnus, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants Per gross ºl.25. No. 3. commercial Pen. Poist Mºtorunt. Business Pen. Per gross, $1.25. No. 4 Ladies” Extra Pen. Poist Extra Fix-axin Fºxtail- For Delicate Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross, ºl. 40. 5. sº Pen. Poisºr Fixº Mºnium ºx Fºxtailºry. For a durable School Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, $1.40. No. 5. Flourishing Pen. Ponsºr Long, Furºxiºus AND Mºtorum is FINºwºss For oft-hand Flourishing. Per gross, $1.25. Ponsºr Fisk; Acrios Prºct. This is a An Easy writing No. 7. Quill Pen. Poisºr Mºonunſ, quiul Actros. A Smooth. Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, sº ºn No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºnium Fºxmir Point. A very superior Pen for all styles of writing This Pen undergoes a pro- cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9 Bank Peru. Ponsºr Loxº axio Fºxtº. with Accountants. Tellers. &c. Per gross, $1.40. No. 10. Custom-House Pen. Poist Mºunt. Well adapted to all styles of Bold Free-hand writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 11. University Pen. Poist Mºniux, very S.Moorn AND Fºx in Lº The action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per A great favorite gross $1.50. No. 2. Epistolaire Pen. Porst very Fisk Awn vºx Filºxiaº. This is the Finest Pointed Pen made and, for very Delicate writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, $2.5- Nº. º. Engrossing Pen. Ponsº BLust Asº Smoºth. Particu- larly adºpted to Gºar-hand writing and Eurrossing. Pergross, -1.25. No. 14. Artistic Pen. Fºx nºur, wºrn Exºriº Fºr Poºr. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross. 41.50. No. 15. The Queen. Ponsºr Extra Fisk. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing per gross, 41.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Nºmbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 133 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 359 BOSTON, No. 143 Washington Street. MESSR.S. ROBERTS BROTHERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS ETOER THE A UTTUIMIN Of 1874. INT O VVT Eve, IET; , AL ID TY - The Correspondence of the Rev. Dr. William E. Channing and Lucy Aikin. Now for the first time published. 12mo. $2.00. - - Antony Brade. A Story of a School. By ROBT. T. S. LOWELL. One volume. 16mo. $1.75. *. IN OCTOBER. . My Sister Jeannie. A Novel. By GEORGE SAND. Translated from the French by S. R. CROCKER, Editor of “The Literary World.” Uniform with our edition of GEORGE SANDS' NOVELS. 16mo. $1.50. Q Quiet Hours. A Collection of Poems. Square 18mo. Cloth, red edges, $1.25. The French Humorists, from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century. By WALTER BESANT One volume, 8vo. $2.50. "Life of Thomas Brassey. By Sir ARTHUR HELPs. With an Introduction to the American Edition by the author. One volume. 8vo. $2.50. The Naturalist on the River Amazons. A record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, with Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during elevon years of travels. By H. W. BATES, F.L.S. With 22 Illustrations. Post 8vo. $2.50. Mischief’s Thanksgiving, and other Stories. By SUSAN Coolid GE. With illustrations by ADDIE LEDYARD. One volume, uniform with “THE NEW YEAR’s BARGAIN " and “WHAT KATY DID.” $1.50. - - - More Bed-time Stories. By Mrs. LOUISE CHANDLER MoULTON. With illustrations by ADDIE LEDYARD. One volume, uniform with “BED-TIME STORIES.” $1.50. - Maetzner's English Grammar. Translated from the German by CLAIR J. GRECE. 3 vols. 8vo. $15.00. (In November). Etching and Etchers. A Treatise, Critical and Practical. By PHILIP GILBERT HAMBRtoN 5 author of “THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE.” With numerous orignal etchings. One volume. 8vo. Harry Blount. A Story for Boys. By PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON. 16mo. Annus Domini. A Prayer for Each Day of the Year, founded on a text of Holy Scripture. By CHRISTINA G. RossETTI. Square 18mo. - William Blake's Poetical Works. Edited by WILLIAM MICHAEL RossETTI. With a fine portrait. 16mo. ...; - - Songs and Singers of the Liberal Faith. By Rev. A. P. PUTNAM. One volume. Crown 8vo. $2.50. º tº Q g - & • * - A New Christmas Story. By CHRISTINA G. RossETTI. With numerous illustrations by ARTHUR HUGHES. One wolume. Our Sketching Club. By R. ST. John TYRw HITT. One volume. Crown 8vo. Madame Recamier’s Correspondence. A companion volume to the “MEMOIRs or MADAM), RECAMIER.” One volume. 16mo. - Send for Our New Catalogue. Your Orders Solicited. 360 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. ------ ---- - - - - -----------------º-º-º-º- RCADIAN. An /mpartia/ Review of Literature, Art, and the Drama, Pub/ished Every Thursday, at 83 Wassau Street, Wew York, THE ARCADIAN was established in September, 1872, in order to supply the public with a * REFINED AND ENTERPRISING MEDIUM for the expression of timely news on aesthetic and social topics, and enlightened opinions on Musical, Literary, and Dramatic Art. After an experience of nearly three years, the paper has established the reputation of being the Foremſst Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Artistic Periodical in America, Its pages are a weekly brochure of sparkling thought, refined fancy, mature, caustic, yet not unkindly criticism, and its ideal being perfect impartiality, it has filled an honorable nook, the very existence of which has hitherto been denied by all whose view of criticism has been limited by professional advertisements. The success it bas met with has exceeded the expectations of its warmest friends. The praise and support that have been given to the enterprise are uni- wersol and spontatºeous. - - Terms of Subscription, postage prepaid: Three Months, $1; Six Months, $2 Nine Months, $3; One Year, $4. Single copies, 10 cents. - 25 per Cent. Commission will be allowed the Trade on all Subscriptions. Copies of the paper can be obtained through THE AMERICAN NEWS COM- PANY, and their Agents. - - - opinions of THE PREss on THE ARCADIAN. “It triumphs and goes on its way rejoicing at the successes it has obtained in the litera , dramati - and artistic #º";. Y. Herald. - ry, C, musical, “We are satisfied that the ARCADIAN is conducted by honorable men, and that its object is to el standard of musical and dramatic criticism.”—N. Y. Times. j elevate the “Its columns give evidence of clever and industrious editing, and its leading articles are at once bright and strong.”—N. Y. Tribune. “Is a delightful little journal, and has been brighter and cheerier than ever of late.”—N. Y. Post. “Is edited with much spirit and ability.”—Phila. Ledger. “ Unexceptionably able and spirited.”—Phila. Press. “The ARGADLAN is proving one of the most interesting journals in the country. Its book reviews and theatrical criticisms are marked by rare independence as well as good taste. Nothing in its columns is dull or flat.”—Bostom Traveler. - • * - “If it improves, like wine, with age, we may expect to sip even more mental enjoyment from its s º columns in the frolicsome future than we have in the past, though that seems hardly j at jº; Cowrier. “The ARCADIAN is steadily gaining in favor and prosperity. All its various department - - - - and flavor of freshness.”—Boston Advertiser. prosperity p S exhibit the bloom “Is an excellent paper, touching music, the drama, art, and literature, and demands encoura . . sterling worth.”—Chicago Inter-Oceam. } uragement by its “The ARCADIAN is now acknowledged to be the leading paper of its class in this country. It i papers that are very satisfying to read, and the peruser will soon discover that it is †ati...". Scientious. It is chaste and elegant in expression and tone, and will elevate the student of the misical and iº. matic art.”—Ohicago Daily Gowrier. - “Is an established success, and contains more sensible, just, and faithful criticisms on art - & and literary matters, than any other paper published in this country.”—Danbury News. rt, musical, dramatic “The ARCADIAN is the best, if not the only really unbiased critical paper in America.”—London Figaro. “There is unmistakable evidence of fairness, ability, and discrimination in almost every li - in}. gº's columns. It presents what America has long wanted—an art journal §º:º: — L/0700,070, Uſ!.077". FRóM T. Iſ T. T. J. E. IF O tº Jº S - N tº nº nºt in joltºn tº. At colºr PAN row To CHATTER BOX. Quarto, 460 pp. Boards, Colored Cover, $1.50. In Cloth, Sides and Back in Black and Gilt Title in Bright:Colors, Red, Blue and Gilt, $2.00. Containing funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from Natural History, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make thildren happy—Beautiful Illustrations on every Page. THE AME/?/OAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, 362 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JUST ISSUED BY THE Pºlſlål Half Pitālim FOR THE USE OF THE 4:::::==-SS #########8% IET tº awa, Lecture and Sabbath-School Rooms, WBNiğ's Ullàirillſ|| Diſilāl). - ; - 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. - |HE |||| § PRAYER * 3000 Engravings; 1840 Pages Quarto. Price $12. Webster now is glorious. [Pres. Raymond, Vassar Ool. & Every scholar knows its value. [W. H. Prescott. • ANI) IBest defining Dictionary. [Horace Mann. Standard in this office. A. H. Clapp, Gov't Printer. . . * g ſ TEN COMMAND MENTS. #º. ºf Mounted on Cloth, Warnished, and on Rollers, Remarkable compendium of knowledge. [Pres. Olark. Printed from lange, plain type, which, upon the walls of tº J - of the room, can be easily read. The sales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 were 20 times as large as the sale of any LORD's PRAYER—size, 30 by 46 inches. Price $1.25. other Dictionaries. In prºof ºf this We Will send to - * * any person, on application, the statements of more than TEN COMMAND MENTS.–Size, 47 by 78 inches. PU ice $2 7 5. ºjºs }. every section of the country. t ** f : gº tº G. & C. MIERRIAM, Springfield, Mass., Please address Orders to Publishers webster's Unabridged. JOIEIN A. BLACP.C., Business Superintendent, Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Engravings. { { { { ( ; 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., Cºmmºn School . 274 § { Or to DoDD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; { { High School { { 297 { { BoakD of CoIPORTAGE, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; Academic 344 SUTTON & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; { { ounti OUIS { { ith nu illustra- FAIRBANKS & Co., 54 & 56 Mädison St., Chicago. Ill. : g C ng H W! f numerous illustra Rev. F. H. Snº, 757 Market street, sailºs. tions and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere, co, California, Published by IVISON, BLAIKEMAN, TAYLOR & who keep all the publications of the Board for sale. CO., New York. THE LITTLE FOLKS PICTURE GALLERY. THE FINEST ILLUSTRATED JUVENILE GIFT BOOK PUBLISHED THIS YEAR, - It has illustrations on every page, and is printed on heavy laid paper in the best possible manner. Quarto, Full Gilt Sides and Edges. Retail, $2.50. • ‘ THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YorFr. Send orders to m=-– THE VAN EVEREN, t PIRIGI.I. © - Perforated Adjustable Book-Cover, º - Pºp Mºº ſº". * ºr º: .." IF I. Tº 5 A. N. Y. E. O. Q & II, . -------------> Just the thing for School and Library Books. Large Letters, Put up 100 in a box, per 100, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 50. . . . Alphabet,100ts. - *% ºf . Small Letters, —t-e-e— . . *-* B00ksellers and Dealers in Schóðl G00ds, Have used thousands of these covers, with their business card printed on the outside, as an advertisement. Per 100, 10 cts. Runs to 1,000, Net Prices for Covers, with Business Card. Tinted paper, I'OR 500.... $10,00. I'OR 2000 per 1,000, ... $17,00. Per 100, 20 0ts. “ 1009.... 18,00. “ 5000 “ “. .... 15,00. - - - - $29- School, or Sunday School Libraries ordering, can have Namc, | f Runs to 1 ,000, Rules etc. printed on the Covers at same rates as above. ! | e --------- - - -- – sº- © Cº- - - | | Tinted paper, { | ºr 100, º Perforated Number Labels, : **** | | Per 100, 10 cts ºf:::::::::::"ºº" = one: ; Runs to 10,000, y quantity of even hundreds. so 5 82 5 | | White Paper, | l Address P. F. VAN EVEREN, care of U, D. WARD, 150 NAssau Sr., (wp stairs.) New York. ---------------- * Per 100 10 cts. -----------------------º-º-º-º: *s THE AMERICAN LOOKSELLERS’ (, UIDE. 363 The large and steadily increasing sale for our PEERLESS INK and MUCILAGE has enabled us to extend our facilities for furnishing the same, in Quality Unrivaled, and at the following REDUCED Net. W H O L E S A LE PRI C E s Net. FOR TIEITE CJELIEEERATED FEEER.T.ESS INTE, Fof SoHoo Awo cov/W7) wa House USE, PEERLIESS-LE LA Cº. PEERLEss BLAck: writes deep black instantaneously. PER DOz. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 50 Pints, -- - - - - - - - . 2 75 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 60 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - - 90 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 45 PEER LESS-COMIBINED- WRITING AND CopyLNG FLUID, combined. PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $475 Pints, -- -- - - - - - . 3 00 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 75 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - . 1 00 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, - - - - - 50 PEERLIESS-VHo LET. The color of this Ink is so intensely strong that the addition of the same quantity of water will not materially affect its brilliancy. WIOLET Color:ED. PER DOZ. Quarts, 1 dozen boxes, - - - - $6 00 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 3 50 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - 2 00 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - 1 15 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, . - - - - 60 THE CELEBRATED PEERLESS MUCILAGE, FOR SCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE USE. PER DOZ. One gallon jugs, . - - - - - $30 00 Half “ -- - - - - 16 50 Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - 7 00 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 4 25 Half pints, “ -- - - - - 3 50 Stands, flint glass, 3 oz., 1 dozen boxes, - - - 1 25 * light glass, “ -- -- - 1 00 THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY keep in stock, or furnish, Ink of all the principal manu- facturers, at the lowest prices. AIRINTOLD’s G-ENTUTINE IN Ex. THAD. DAVIDS & Co. CARTER’s COMBINED. D. T. LEAR’s Violet. STAFFORD. world EN & HYATT's violet. MLAYNARD & No YES. MOORE’S SCHOOL, INK, 2 ounce bottles. THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, 364 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. CHALLEN’s Dime Arabian Nights Entertainments. In press, an illustrated edition of the above popular work, electrotyped from bold-faced type, to be issued in parts of 96 pp. each, same size º style as Beadle's and Munro's Dime Novels, to retail for TEN CENTS each part, and the same discount, according to quantity, as allowed by the above firms on their books. Large or small orders can be filled through any wholesale Jobber, except when Houses ordering 250 or more direct from me desire their imprint on the cover Title- page of the copies they order. They will be issued in regular order as follows: - I. Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp, and other Stories, Illustrated . . . . . . 1 O Cents. II. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and other Stories, Illustrated........ I () Cents. III. Sinbad the Sailor, and other Störies, I Ilustrated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cents, Followed by the balance of the collection. The advantages of this edition will be— I. A marvel of cheapness, placing a most charming collection of Tales within the reach of the very humblest reader, at the lowest possible price. II. It is adapted for the use of schools, families, and the use of both sexes, as the original translation has been carefully amended and corrected, to the exclusion of everything offensive or indelicate, without the slightest detriment to the interest of the incidents of the work or the plot of the several stories. III. It is calculated still further to popularize one of the most wonderfully enchanting books the world ever saw, and to provide rich and poor with the enjoyment of a delightful, innocent, and instructive course of reading. IV. The tedious division into Nights, followed by many editions, is abandoned, and the thread of the Stories maintained, and each part made so interesting that, while complete in itself, every one buying one Part will be sure to want the others. e.", No deviation in discount will be made except according to quantity, and the Booksellers can buy as cheap of the house he deals with as of me. The only advantage being on orders of 250, or more, having their imprint. HOWARD CHALLEN, Publisher, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Mothers’ Magazine. The January number of 1875 commences the 43d year and volume of this old and popular monthly. Wàin the last three years the number of its patrons has been doubled. Following are a few of the many appreciative notices accorded to its increasing excellence. THE MOTHERS’ MAGAZINE is one of the oldest and best monthlies for the family circle within our knowledge. It is ably conducted, and its pages well filled by talented and experienced writers. Not the least attractive feature is the department for the youth, which gives evidence of peculiar tact, both in its selections and contributions.—Christian Observer, Richmond, Va., and Louisville, Ky. MoTHERs' MAGAGINE.—This is a very useful and instructive magazine, and should be in the hands of every mother.—Haverhill Gazette, Mass. - - - THE MOTHERS’ MAGAZINE is the name of a monthly devoted especially to the interest of mothers and children, and filled with excellent reading for the family circle. It furnishes a Christian literature that will purify and elevate wherever it goes,—Waterville Mail, Me. . MoTHERs' MAGAZINE.—Its pages are filled with contributions from the ablest and most experienced writers in the country. Its tone is religious, and no young mother especially should be without its beneficial influence.—Minn. S. West. . . THE MOTHERS’ MAGAZINE is a very pleasant, agreeable companion for the household and the fireside. It is what it professes to be, a Mothers' Mazazine, full of beautiful, instructive, and loving things, and pervaded by a fine spirit of religion and charity. —Commonwealth, N. Y. TERNIS–$ 1.60 a year in advance, postage paid ; with an engraving of RAPH- AEL’s MADoNN a, one of MURILLO’s IMINIACULATE CONCEPTION, or the FINDING OF OUR SAVIOUR IN THE TENIPLE, $2.00; with the three engrav- ings, $2.80. Liberal terms to Agents. Specimen eopy, 10 cents. Address MOTHERS’ MAGAZINE, - Box 3157, NEW YORK. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS THE AMERICAN WEWS CowPANY Make it a specialty of their Stationery Department to keep on hand a full assortment of MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, from the cheapest. to the very finest. , - The best makers' goods only kept in stock, and furnished at the lowest import prices. - * NG). - tº e ſº - r PIER SET. . 1, Brass, Mahogany Case, containing 6 pieces, tº ge tº gº $0 50 2 4% { % 44 { { 8 {{ e © tº tº * * 60 3. 44 & 4 & 4 {< 9. 44 © © e º 70 A. {{ 44 {{ 4. 10 4. e e © e 80 i. {{ 4% • {{ {{ 1() {{ & © o & 1. 00 10, “ Rosewood Case, 4 - 10 (£ . . . . . . 1 35 13, “ {{ {{ {{ 12 4 - . tº e 1 88 15, German Silver, Rosewood Case, containing 12 pieces, . . . 3 35' 17, Brass, {{ “ {{ . 16 “ . . tº 2 50 18, German Silver, {{ “ extra fine, containing 6 pieces, .. 3 25 19, “ 4. & 4 {{ {{ 19 “. . 4 85 20, “ {{ * { “ extra fine, “ 9 4 . 5 50. 21, {{ {{ 44 & 4 - {{ 12 << . 5 75 22, “ ({ {{ “ extra fine! “ 19 “ 6 75 23, {{ {{ {{ {{ - {{ 12 {{ 8 00 Sets Nos. 1 to 4 are intended for Elementary use. {{ % 7 to 15 {{ {{ Advanced Scholars and College use. {{ {{ 17 to 23 4. “ Architects, Civil Engineers, and Scientific purposes. Sets composed to suit special purposes, can be furnished at short notice. ! WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Steel Pens, School Slates, Mucilage, Ink, Penholders, - Writing Books, Drawing Materials, etc., etc. ZZZ E AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY., - N E W Y O E. E. 366 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. GAMEs. We have now ready for the Fall Trade, A Nºw ill Blüt Çıſ Still FOR TWO PLAYERS, ENTITLED || |N| ||RNMENT ISSUED ON A FOLDING BOARD, about 18 inches square, bound in book muslin, embossed and stamped in gold. The inside being a handsome lithograph of AN ENTIRELY ORIGINAL DESIGN, ACCOMPANIED BY A DURABLE Box, containing twenty embossed men, each piece enameled in two colors. Price, $2. *...* In Fº the Game of ‘‘Tilt and Tourna. ment,” the publishers do not hesitate to assert its de- cided superiority over many other games that are offered the public. Easily comprehended. it is suffi- ciently difficult to stimulate thought in youthful players, and thus profitable mental exercise is added to innocent recreation. It is played by two persons. each being furnished with ten men—two knights and eight attendants. The com- binations are such as to afford in a remarkable degree an opportunity for the full exercise of thought, while the interest in, the game increases, at every step. Old and young alike are attracted by it, thus rendering it a valuable addition to every household where home affections are cultivated. - AFN MAMREMENTITYING mill, The Bee-Hive of Fun. A highly Amusing Game of Forfeits and Char- acters for Evening Parties and Social Gatherings. The game may be played by three, four. five, or a dozen players,-‘‘ the more the merrier,”—and has proved immensely popular wherever introduced. For downright fun there is nothing like it. Issued ON A. FOLDING BoARD, 18 inches square, bound in fine cloth; on the inside is an elegant lithograph in brilliant colors, ACCOMPANIED BY A NEAT BOX, contain- ing properties of the game: A Fool's Cap; Card-board Spectacles; Old Lady's Cap: Labels to be worn on the head—"In Prison,” “In Bed,” “The Pump;” Pair of dice and dice cup; all handsomely gotten up. Price, $2. CRISPINO, board and implements. Price,........ $2 STELLA, § { § { “ -------- $2 CHANCERY, { { { { “ -------- $2 ſº Send for our new Illustrated Catalogue of Games, just issued. CLAYTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Publishers and Wholesale Jobbers, 624, 626 and 628 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA. |HHIMEMMM|| AND Mothers' Journal Is the very best Household Magazine in the country. CANVASSING AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Large Cash Premiums Paid for Work. No better work for good women. Send stamp without delay for sample copies and terms. Define your field. Address, 150 NASSAU STREET, N. Y. “Our Eſome Magazine.” THE ST. LOUIS H|| |N|NEWS (MPANY, B00KSELLERS, Stationers and News Dealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the & Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- tions, which are received daily by Express. STATIONERY, In Great Variety, both Foreign and Dornestic. ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, - And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. 307 North Fourth Street, SAINT LOUIS. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 367 BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSMEN You can make it pay to receive subscriptions for THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH, and forward the same to the Publisher, retaining either the cash commission, or taking advantage of the most liberal PREMIUMS offered for clubs, either large or small. These offers are the best ever made ; for instance, a $60 Sewing-Machine is offered for $45 worth of Subscriptions, and a great variety of other Premiums. Wo one is in a better posi- tion than you to make up large clubs readily and Secure the liberal Premiums. Premium Lists, Specimen Wumbers, Posters, Circulars, etc., sent free. Address, at oncé, : s. ER. WELLs, Publisher, 389 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In Hill hillº, Mat ºf twº For the Normal Development and Training of g & Women and Children, and the Treatment of Healthful and Palatable Food without their Diseases with Hygienic Agencies. By R. Condiments. T. TRALL, M.D. 12mo, cloth, price $1. S. R. BY R. T. TRALL, M.D. Wells, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. The great experience and ability of the author enables him to give just that practical advice which mothers | A BOOK OF RECIPES THE BEST CHEAP BOOK need so often all through their lives, and this will be IN THE MARKET. found by far the best work on the subject yet published. It covers the whole ground, and, if it be carefully read, will go far towards giving us an “ENLIGHTENED MOTH- ERHooD.” The work should be read by every wife and IN PRESS : avery woman who contemplates marriage. Mothers may place it in the hands of their daughters with words tº of commendation, and feel assured that they will be the better Pº. for the responsibilities and duties of. married life and motherhood. It is a fact that, other 12mo, paper. Price, - - 25 cents. #: being #. the º º: Yº." * /ts AnatomJ/1 Physio/og.TV, Pathoſog.TV, iufants are in direct ratio to the unhygienic habits of the g tº º g mothers; and, this being the case, how important is it Therapeutics and Training, With that the knowledge contained in this book should be Au/es of Order for Lyceums, widespread. Physicians, and nurses, and all who have the care of women and children, whether in health or disease, should read the Mother’s Hygienic Hand- IMI O R. E. T. EIA N 5 o IL L'U S T R ATION S. Book. Booksellers will find a ready sale for this, as the mòst of these works are sold only by subscription, By R. T. TRAL.L., M.D. # are high in price. Fine edition, $l.25; plain, $1. Ad- lish 0SS [. S. R. WELLS, Publisher, S.R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. 389 Broadway, N. Y. 368 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN UNION I FCr- I LSE"75. \ O THE OLDEST, THE LARGEST, AND TEIE MOST CAREFULLY EDITED LITERARY PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. O CHROMICS IFOR sue SGRIBER.S. O THE AMERICAN UNION is the oldest literary journal now published in the country, the first number having been issued in 1848. During these twenty-six years it has loeen circulated in every State in the Union, and has been commended by journals and people of literary tastes for the excellent stories which have been found in its columns, and the large amount of miscellaneous matter which each number of the UNION has contained. It has prospered and found friends in every household where it has entered, and it is something to boast of, that there are names on our subscription books which Have been there ever since the first number of the UNION was issued. These we call out GOLDEN SUBSCRIBERs. May they live to take rank with those who will be rated as diamond subscribers when the UNION completes its first half-century ! For the year 1875 our terms for THE AMERICAN UNION and BALLOU's MAGAZINE Will be: For THE AMERICAN UNION, one copy for a year's subscription, by carrier, with chromo premium, $3.00. - For a year's subscription to any part of the country, with a chromo as a prem- ium, $2.65, we prepaying the postage, according to the new law of Congress, which requires all mail matter to be prepaid by publishers. - One copy by mail, six months, $1.35, we paying the postage. For $9.70 we will send four copies of “The American Union ” one year; and also a copy of “Ballou's Magazine” and either of the chromos, “The Betrothed,” “The Power of Music,” or both chromos “Sunrise” and “Sunset,” or both chromos “Lilies of the Valley” and “Morning Glories,” We prepaying postage. For $4.25 we will send a copy of “The American Union ” and “Ballou's Maga- zine” for one year, prepaying the postage, and either of the chromos “The Betrothed,” or “The Power of Music.” Also either the chromos “Sunrise" or “Sunset,” as the subscriber may determine. Or we will send both Union and Ballou's Magazine for $3.75, without the chromos. Ballou's Magazine, it should be remembered, is only $1.50 per year, and each subscriber who sends that sum, and ten cents for postage, will receive a beautiful chromo, either “Morning Glories” or “Lillies of the Valley,” or the new beauties called “SUNRISE " and “SUNSET.” Or, if subscribers prefer, we will, for the sum of $3.15, payable in advance in all cases, send THE AMERICAN UNION for one year, and either of the follewing named loooks (post-paid), the retail price of which is one dollar and a half each: “The Gold- Hunters' Adventures;” “The Bushrangers; ” “The Gold-Hunters in Europe; ” “A Whaleman's Adventures; ” “A Slaver's Adventures on Land and Sea; ”, “Life in the East Indies.” Ičemember, to receive a copy of either of the above books, post-paid, and THE AMERICAN UNION for one year, it is necessary to send us $3.15, but $2.65 for “The Union ” and a chromo. Be careful and make no mistake. tº Postmasters can receive one copy of the UNION for two dollars a year. They are requested to act as agents and get up clubs. THOMES & TALBOT, Publishers, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. -*. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOVVEST EATES. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC, I N G F. E. A. T V A. F. I E T Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, t Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. (WT Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to - - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YOREX. wº- | THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. WM. F. GILL & CO’S NEW FALL BOOKS. JReady Oct. 12. THE FROZEN DEEP. A new novel. By WILRIE ColliX5, author of “The Woman in White,” “Arm- adale,” “The New Magdalen,” &c. Cloth, 12mo, illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. $1.25. - From the association of Charles Dickens and his family with this story in its original dramatic form, it has a more than ordinary interest. The full cast of the play in which Dickens and Collins appeared together some years since, is printed in the introduction to the story. “One of Mr. Collins's best efforts. The story affords better opportunities for pen portraitures of stirring events than, perhaps, any of the many plots concocted by the author of the “Woman in ite.”—Bostom IDaily Adver- tiser. - - - THE OLD WONIAN WHO LIVED IN A SHOE. A new Family Story. By AMANDA. M. Doug- LAs, author of “In Trust,” “Home Nook,” ‘’Santa Claus Land,” &c. Cloth, 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. “If merit and interest be the gauges of success, this story will not want for readers. As in Miss Alcott's ‘Little Women,” the characters are drawn from life, and the pictures are the homely fireside etchings which come home to readers of all ages.”—Boston Globe. “It is a bewitching story—bright and witty and tender, and full of interest.—L. C. M. in N. Y. Tribune. THE LITTLE FOLK LIFE SERIES. - By GAIL HAMILTON and Mrs. R. H. STODDARD. I. LITTLE FOLK LIFE. Part first. Illustrated. By Gail Hamilton. II. LATTLE FOLK LIFE. Part second. Illustrated. By Gail Hamilton. III. H.OLLY DINK2S DOINGS. Illustrated. By Mrs. R. H. Stoddard. Each volume in cloth. Elegan ‘Bric-a-Brac style, per vol., $1.25. Per set in box, $3.75. “Nothing better has been offered in English to children in years. Gail Hamilton can put more witty wisdom into an epigram than half a dozen other women writers spare to a three-volume novel. One of the most fasci- nating juveniles of the season is “Lolly Dink's Doings,” by Mrs. R. H. Stoddard.—N. Y. Tribune. IHOMIE RECREATHONS. By WILLIAM F. GILL. A complete manual of Tableaux and Theatricals for Biome, School, and Stage. Fully illustrated. $1.50. cº º IN ITALY; or Six Years Abroad. By EMILY H. WATSON. Cloth, 16mo, illus- trated. $1.50. “It is a volume—good, instructive, and vastly entertaining—written from the most interesting points of Italy. Society and life in Rome are specially treated in a vein to suit little folks and to charm their elders.”—New York JEvening Ezpress. - CHILD. LHIFE IN EUROPE ; or, Stories of Gods and Heroes. A Sequel to “Child Life in Italy.” By EMILY H. WATSON. . Cloth, 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. - “A work of much interest for all American families who have children to educate while living in Europe. The authoress had excellent opportunities of learning much in Italian life that travelers do not see nor compre- hend.”—Godey's Ladies' Book. Beady Oct. 19. THE BABES IN THE WOOD. A Tragic Comedy by Prof. JAMES DE MILLE, author of the “Dodge Club,” “The American Baron,” etc. Cloth, 8vo, illustrated. . $1.50. Paper. $1.00. FRONI THE CLOUDS TO THE MOUNTAINs. Comprising Strange Adventures by Air, Land, and Water, including "Doctor Ox and Other Stories.” By JüLEs WERNE. Holiday Edition. Fully illus- ted. New Designs. Cloth, square 16mo. $1.50. “The work shows the author's powers, in their most varied and brilliant vein, and will be more likely to please a versatile taste than any other of his books. It is infinitely superior to “Meridiana,” and we shall be sur- prised if “From the Clouds to the Mountains” is not as eagerly sought as were “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea” and “A Tour Round the World in Eighty Days.”—Philadelphia City Item. THE IMIPEACHMENT OF THE Hous E OF BRUNs wick. By CHARLEs BRADLAUGH, the English Reformer. The first book ever published by Mr. Bradlaugh in America. Cloth, 12mo. $1.25. Paper, 75c. pe Feady Oct. 31. T I C T O S T , TE AL TV THE S - . The most remarkable and unique Gift Book ever published in America, and one of the most elegant. Com- rising Original Poems, Stories and Essays by WHITELAW REID, P. W. NASBY, NOAH BRooks, John BRough AM, ILRIE COLLINS, MARK TWAIN, JOHN HAY, and thirty other writers, written especially and exclusively for thé * book. The superb illustrations, embracing many full-page designs by ALFRED FREDERICKS, ALFRED, LUMLEY, JOHN LAFAltGE, GILBERT BURLING, and other artists. This superb collection has excited a more general advancé interest than has been bestowed upon any similar enterprise in many years. Mechanically, the book will be ºperbly gotten up, nothing being spared to render it the most elegant gift book of the season. One volume. Cloth, richly stamped. Crown 4to, 0. JEBO Olxs that are Selling. STONES THROUGH GE, ASS HOUSES; or, WIodern Christianity and Civilized Heathenism. Cloth, $1.25. Paper, 75c. A DANGEROUS GAME. By EDMUND YATEs. Cloth, $1.25. Paper, 75c. IDOCTOR OX AND OTHER STORMEs. By JULEs VERNE. Popular edition. Cloth, $1.00. Paper, 75. For Sale by the AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Nassau St., New York, or by WILLIAM F. GILL & C0, Publishers, 151 Washington St., Boston. ºN º º : # : ºš & gºes lls and 21 • Cº ſº Nassauş" º H.M.T ROY ~ 928. sº-> S-> WiMRAM s &G, Yol. vi. NEw York, SEPTEMBER 1, 1874. No. 9 C O N T E N T S . PA (; E PAGE THE Book MARKET, & º 289 SPECIAL Notices, - - tº- 3ol LoN DON LETTER, - º wº 295 | NoveLTIES, GAMES, toys, Etc., 3O2 CONSTITUTION OF THE AMERICAN IN DEx To A DVERTISEMENTs, - 3O2 Book TRADE Association, 296 || Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For SEP- THE convention AND its RESULTs, 297 TEMBER - -- - - 3O3 PHILADELPHIA Discou NTs, tº- 298 || AUGUST PUBLICATIONS sº º 308 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 298 | NEw Music, º 4- - * 3 l I For EIGN LITERARY Not Es, - 299 || THE STATIONERY MARKET, *- 3 13 MUSIC NOTES, - 4- = , = 3oo | THE AMERICAN NEws com. PANY's NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 3ol LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND BUSINESS CHANGES, - &= 3ol PERIODICALs, - * * 315 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. - Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-mame, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., - I 15, I 17, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. MESSRS, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO.S. utumn fºublications, 1874–- POETRY. Hazel-Blossoms. A new volume of Poems. By John Greenleaf Whittier. 1 vol. 16mo. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 Songs of Many Seasons. A new volume of Poems. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1 vol. 16mo beveled boards ---------------------------------------. . . . . . ----------------------------------------- CIoth of Gold, and Other Poems. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 16mo, beveled boards.......... 1 50 After the Ball, and Other Poems. By Nora Perry. Small 4to, beveled boards, red edges...... I 50 A New Volume of Poems. By J. T. Trowbridge. 16mo------------.......... ------------------ 1 50 rhe ºphet: A Tragedy. A new Dramatic Poem. By Bayard Taylor. 1 vol. 16mo, beveled Odºſ'ClS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Child in ood Songs. By Lucy Larcom. Small 4to. Illustrated. . . . . . . . -------------...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'The Circassiau Boy A Poem. Translated through the German, from the Russian of Michael Ler- montoff, by S. S. Conant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ART AND ARCHITECTURE. Art in the House. Translated from German of Jacob Falke, by Harriet W. Preston. Edited by C. C. Perkins. Copiously illustrated by the Heliotype process. 1 vol. Royal 8vo. Elegant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CO Famous Painters and Paintings. By Mrs. J. H. Shedd. Illustrated. 1 vol. Quarto. . . . . . . . Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. By S. Spooner. New and Enlarged Edition. Fully illustrated. 2 Vols. 4to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. . The Story of a House. Prom the French of Viollet-le-Duc. Illustrated by the Author. Translated - by Geo. M. Towle. 1 Vol. 8vo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 00 Discourses on Architecture. From the French of Viollet-le-Duc. Translated by Henry Van Brunt. Fully illustrated.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Homes, and how to Make Them. By E. C. Gardner. Illustrated by the Author. 1. vol. Square 12mo------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 50 FICTION. Idolatry. A Romance. By Julian Hawthorne. 1 vol. 12mo, beveled boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Gunnar. A Norse Romance. By H. H. Boyesen. Saunterer's Series. 18mo: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 1 50 The Adventures of Captain Hatteras. Comprising “The English at fne North Pole,” and “The Desert of Ice.” By Jules Verne. With 260 illustrations by Riou. 1 vol. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Survivors of the Chancellor, and Dr. Ox and Other Stories. Iły Jules Werne. Beautifully illustrated. Holiday Edition. 8vo A Foregone Conclusion. By W. D. EIowell ESSAYS. Poetry and Criticism. A new volume of Essays. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. 12mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 A New Volume of Essays. By James Russell Lowell. 12mo, Uniform with “My Study Win- dows," &0-------------------------------------------------------..................................... 2 00 A Volume of U in collected Papers. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 16mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Chemical and Geological Essays. By Prof. T. Sterry Bunt. 1 vol. Crown 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A New Volume upon the Education of Girls. By E. H. Clarke, M.D. 16mo. ---...------ 1 50 . A Companion Volume to “Woods and Byways of New England.” By Wilson Flagg. 1 Vol. Crown 8vo. Beautifully illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Based on the Doctrines of Evolution, with Criticisms on the º Philosophy. By John Fiske. M.A., LL.B., author of “Myths and Myth-Makers,” &c. 2 vols. WO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ten Days in Spain. By Kate Ficld. With illustrations. 18mo: Saunterer's Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 The Schoºlmaster’s Trunk : Containing Papers on Home Life in Tween it. By Mrs. A. M. Diaz, author of the “William Henry '' Books. Illustrated. 16mo, paper, 50 cents; cloth........ . . . . . '•' - - - - - - 1 00 TEIE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET. NEw York, September 1, 1874. Although few books have been published in the past month, and the fall announcements come late, there is a very hopeful feeling among the trade, and during the busy season about the usual number of new volumes will be issued. The dullness in trade has made publishers cautious in their ventures, and for the most part, the books to be offered will merit the attention of the reading world. It is not the custom of most of our publishers to make their announcements until a short time before publication, so that little can yet be said concerning the holiday volumes, and the books which are to be reserved for the latter part of the fall. They will receive due notice In Ollr next. D. Appleton & Co. have published the fifth and concluding volume of Dr. Flint's Physiol- ogy; a new volume, Barnaby Rudge, in their quarto edition of Dickens; and William M. Evarts' Eulogy on the late Chief Justice Chase, in pamphlet. The second installment of Her- bert Spencer's Descriptive Sociology tables is nearly ready; also Uncle John, a novel by Whyte Melville. The other books promised at 8, Il early day are, a new manual of Artillery Tactics; an important work on Railway Earth- 400"º, to be accompanied by an atlas, by A. M. Wellington, an American civil engineer; a Volume of Clinical Lectures from Dr. William A. Hammond ; and a Life of Columbus by Aaron Goodrich, who will attempt to prove by means of old documents which he has unearthed in France and Spain, that Christopher Columbus Was Somebody else, and that he did not discover America. Dr. J.W. Howe, the author of Emerg- ºnciè8, and how to treat them, has written a treatise on Felid Breath and its Cure, which will soon be published. The Appletons are about issuing several important subscription books, and it is to be deplored that they can- not find it advisable to put them in the trade. The numbers of Picturesque America will soon be completed, and the work will be bound in two large, handsome volumes. The first num- bers of Picturesque Europe, are in preparation. Mr. Schucker's Life of Chase, and Dr. Prime's Life of Professor Morse, are both announced for this month, as is also Chaplain J.W. Jones’ Personal Reminiscences of Gen. Robert E. Lee, a work that has been indorsed by Gen. Lee's family, and by the faculty of the college with which he was connected. - From Harper and Bros. we have a book of whaling adventures in the Pacific, with the title Nimrod of the Sea, written by Captain William M. Davis, who gives it as a record of actual experience. It is breezy and spirited, and in a graphic manner presents the dangers and excitements attending the capture of . whales. The other August books from the Harpers are a pamphlet on Hydrophobia, translated from the French of H. Bonley, mem- ber of the Institute of France, by Dr. A Liau- tard, of the N. Y. College of Veterinary Sur- geons; a novel from Mrs. Oliphant, For Love and Life, which is one of her best; and Pro- fessor Cairne's Political Economy, or, as the au- thor styles it, Some Leading Principles of Polit- Żcal Economy Newly Evpounded. Of course there will always be a difference of opinion in regard to the merits of works of this character, but this is certainly a valuable work, and will be accorded a place among the ablest on this subject that have yet been written. The chap- ters on International Trade and Values are of peculiar interest to Americans. During Sep- tember we are promised from this house Parker Gilmore's Prairie and Forest, a capital book of hunting life and adventures; a some- what elaborate work by Dr. Leonard Bacon, on the early church history of New England, with the title Genesis of the New England Churchas, to be embellished with portraits of noted pil- grims, and pictures of their homes ; a History of Germany, by Charles T. Lewis; the book of the Khivan correspondent of The Herald, Mr. J. A. MacGahan, Campaigning on the Oayus, to be reprinted from the English edition ; a Life of Admiral Foote, by Professor J. M. Hoppin, of Yale ; and a goodly number of novels, in- 290 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. cluding another new one from Mrs. Oliphant, one from Miss Craik, and one from Miss W. W. Johnson. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. published early in the month a second volume of Mr. Stoddard's Bric-a-Brac series, and have just is- sued the first two volumes in their new “Epochs of History.” The new Bric-à-Brac is a delightful, chatty volume of reminiscence and anecdote of Thackeray and Dickens. Nothing but a perusal of the volume will give the read- er any idea of the richness of its contents. No life of Thackeray has yet been written, and Mr. Forster's Life of Dickens is far from being. complete. More than half of this volume is devoted to the Iormer, giving in collected form the most interesting things that have been written of him. The portion of the volume relating to Dickens, gives us views of his life which we fail to get from Forster. The next volume of this admirable series of “Infin- ite riches in a little room '' will be made up from the letters of Mérimée, George Sand’s JRecollections and Impressions, and Lamartine's Twenty-five Years of My Life. The two vol- umes in the Historical Epoch Series are the Era of the Protestant Revolution, by F. Seebohm, and The Crusaders, by G. W. Cox. The value of these volumes, and of those to follow, to the historical student, can hardly be over-estimated, while they will be highly useful as reference books. The aim is to present the incidents and features of a period or epoch, and to give the social, as well as the political history of the time. We shall have immediately from Scrib- ner's a new Werne book with the title, A Float- £ng City—and The Blockade Runners ; George P. Marsh's heavy work on The Earth, as Modified by Human Action, and, a little later, the second volume of Froude's The English in Ireland in the 18th Century; the last volume of Dr. Cur- tius' History of Greece; a work in two volumes on Christian Dogmatics, translated from the I)utch of Rev. Dr. J. J. Van Osterzee; a Manual of Mythology, by Alexander S. Murray; and a new edition of Stanley's How I Found Living- stone, with additional matter. The next vol- ume of the “Epochs of History” series will be The Thirty Years' War, by S. R. Gardiner, the author of a recently published History of Eng- land under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles the First. G. P. Putnam's Sons have just published Dorothy Wordsworth's Recollections of a Tour made with William Wordsworth and Coleridge, through Scotland in 1803, edited by Principal Shairp, and now first issued in connection with the English publishers, Though written so long ago, it has been overlooked until now, but is said to be unique and interesting. The Putnams have also issued in their “Elementary Science” series, a Manual of Biology, by Thomas C. MacGinley; and in their “Advanced Science” series, a work on Metallurgy, by W. H. Green- wood, Associate of the Royal School of Mines. Both scientific books are illustrated. Within the month this house will issue Professor James M. Hart’s work on The German Unº- versities, in which the author speaks from personal observation and experience, and makes a critical comparison of the universities of Germany with those of England and the United States; a juvenile by Helen K. Johnson, entitled Roddy's Romance, and a children’s illustrated fairy story bearing the title Moon- folk, by Mrs. Jane G. Austin. In time for the holidays they will have ready Bryant's poem Among the Threes, which was published in Putnam’s Magazine, but now to be reprinted for the first time, with illustrations by Jervis MacIntee ; and a new illustrated edition of Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy. Robert Carter & Brothers have nearly ready for issue a volume of general interest, by Dr. Willis Lord, for many years a professor in the Theological Seminary at Chicago, and subse- quently president of the University of Wooster, Ohio, entitled Christian Theology for the People which, while it will be of important service to clergymen and students of Theology, has been prepared with more special reference to the great body of Christian people. While popular instruction is the object, it is not on that account less elevated in character, or orderly in form. All muatter suitable only for scholars has been excluded. When technical terms are used, or sentences from foreign tongues, they are at once explained. The whole is compacted into a single octavo volume, so as to be put at a price within the reach of all. Carter & Brothers also announce Sceptres and Crowns, by the author of The Wide, Wide World, a book for the young, entitled Golden Apples, by Rev. Edgar Wood; and juveniles by Dr. Newton and others. President McCosh’s work on Scottish Philoso- phy will be ready later in the fall, as will also the second volume of the Life of Dr. Guthrie. J. B. Ford & Co. announce for issue, about the middle of the month, Henry Ward Beecher's novel of New England village Life, Norwood ; the third series of Beecher’s Yale Lectures on Preaching ; Totnette, a romance of southern life during the emancipation era, by Henry Churton ; and two books for sports- men, Field, Cover and Trap Shooting, by Cap- tain A. H. Bogardus, and American Wild Fowl Shooting, by Joseph W. Long. Rev. Edward Beecher's serial, the History of Opinions of the Scriptural Doctrines of Retribution, and Mrs. Stowe's We and Our Neighbors, both running in the Christian Union, will be issued in book form during the fall. Of the juveniles in preparation, we may mention the story of A. Little Street-Sweeper, by Rev. Mr. Halliday, the assistant pastor of Plymouth Church, and a volume of tales to be called Boyty-Toyty, by Dr. R. W. Raymond, the staid author of the books on mines and mining. Carleton has published a new novel, A Charming Widow, by Miss Macquoid ; and Dickens' Pictures of Italy, in their new edition of that author's works. For September they announce three more volumes of Dickens ; THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 291 West Lawn, a new novel from Mrs. Mary J. Holmes; Tested, a novel by the author of Stolen Waters ; and A Fatal Passion, which they announce will be “reprinted from the forty-first European edition.” Dodd & Mead announce “ an October Story " by that pleasing writer of country life, Rev. E. P. Roe, which he calls Opening of a Chest- mut Burr ; a volume by Edward Garrett, en- titled Still Waters, which is to be illustrated ; and a new and cheaper edition of Professor Dana’s Corals, and Coral Islands. The new volume in Abbott’s series of Pioneers and Pat- riots, which will be ready early in the month, is The Buccaneers of Captain Kidd. James Miller has nearly ready a new edi- tion of Griswold's Poets and Poetry of Eng- land in the Nineteenth Century which they will offer as a companion volume to the Poets and Poetry of America. The former was first published by Carey & Hart, twenty years ago, but was long since out of print. The bio- graphies in the work have been carefully re- vised and nearly two hundred pages of new matter added, including notices of some forty poets not before included. The old selections have in a few instances been changed for bet- ter ones, and many new selections have been added. The work of editing has been care- fully done by Mr. R. H. Stoddard. It is curious to compare the old edition with the present. The old volume included neither Robert Browning, Lord Lytton, Alford, Trench, Doyle, Aytoun, Matthew Arnold, Gerald Massey, Christina Rosetta, Sidney Dobell, who has just died, Adelaide Proc- tor, nor Jean Ingelow. Even Tennyson, at the time of its preparation, was hardly known. He had in the old book two and a half pages; now he has twenty-four. Eliza- beth Barrett, now Mrs. Browning, had four pages; now she fills fourteen. The volume will contain nearly six hundred pages, with steel portraits of Campbell, Keets, Hood, Sir Walter Scott, Tennyson, Tom Moore, and others. Mr. Miller is reprinting some of their most popular books, and putting them in libraries, with new bindings. Among them is the little illustrated 16mo known as the Galaay of Wºt and Wisdom, which has been revised and received additions. Among the earliest holiday volumes that will be ready is a red line edition” of Shelley, in a small quarto, to match Osgood’s Tennyson and Longfellow. It will have a binding of moroc- co, be illustrated, and prefaced with Lowell’s memoirs of the poet. Henry Holt & Co. have published Sime's History of Germany, edited by Edward A. Freeman. I like the previous volumes of this series, it is handy and valuable, giving a concise but distinct and clear history of the Germans from the earliest times to the treaty of Frankfort in 1871. The volume is to be followed by histories of America, France, and Greece. Holt & Co. have nearly ready a book which will claim "much at- } f l t i France, by Prof. C. K. Adams, being an ex- tension of his papers on the subject con- tributed to the reviews. Our acquaintance with French politics is none too intimate, and the book will be all the more welcome from the fact that so few are written upon the subject. Mr. C. H. Jones, who is condens- ing Boswell’s Johnson, after the manner of Clarissa Harlowe, will edit a volume of modern “Vers de Société,” for the holidays, which will comprise the best poems of Frederick Locker, Austin Dobson, C. C. Calverly, Lan- dor, Swinburne, Leigh Hunt, Praed, Thack- eray, and other gay and witty writers. Mr. E. Steiger, who is indefatigable in his efforts to supply convenièmt manuals for the study of languages, has recently published a Second Course of Ahn's French Method, con- taining French and English exercises for those who have gone through the First Course, the Elements of French Grammar, and a vocabulary of all the words occurring in the exercises. The two courses are now bound in one volume, making a most complete manual for the acquisition of the French language. A key to the exercises is printed for the use of teachers and those who are studying without a master. Mr. Steiger has also recently published Dr. P. Henn’s Ahm’s Rudiments of the German Lam- guage, an elementary work based upon Ahn's system, but in other respects original, and designed to meet the requirements of our public schools. The use of the German script is taught from the commencement, and the words used in the exercises are most judi- ciously selected to enable the public to make use of them in conversation. A key is pub- lished as an aid to the teacher and private learner. Dr. Henn has also prepared a series of useful German Reading Charts; and a series of French Reading Charts, each accompanied by a hand-book for the teacher, and a French Primer, which is designed to enable the pupil to acquire a correct pronounciation, and to accustom his ear to the unfamiliar French sounds. The charts have been prepared with great care and the assistance which they will afford to both teacher and pupil, in the class- room, can hardly be dispensed with. BosTon, August 29, 1874. This month has been principally employed by our publishers in preparing their fall lists. Trade has been very dull, and few books have as yet been issued ; but on the first of Septem- ber it is expected that business will begin again in earnest, and our publishers will be fully prepared to satisfy the demands of the trade. The announcements are quite full and include many books which cannot fail to se- cure a favorable reception. There are trans- lations from French and German writers, re- prints of some of the best English books, and a fair proportion from American authors. Lee & Shepard announce for September first tention, on the Democracy and Monarchy of Katherine Earle, an illustrated novel by Ade- 292 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. l line Trafton, author of the bright and racy letters of An American Girl Abroad ; Not in their Set, from the German of Marie Leuzen ; Sacred Dramas, by James Boxer ; and two new juveniles from Oliver Optic, The Coming Wave; or, The Hidden Treasure of High Rock, a capital sea story for boys, and Sunny Shores; or, Young America in Italy and Austria. The former will go into the Yacht Club Series, the latter into the Young America Abroad Series. The latter series has been most deservedly popular, and it is sufficient to say that this volume fully equals the others in merit. Mr. Adams has traveled extensively among the scenes he de- picts, and the book will instruct while it amuses. Miss Trafton’s novel has been pub- lished as a serial in Scribner's, and has received nothing but praise from its readers. To the the readers of An American Görl Abroad, the author's name is sufficient recommendation. Marie Leuzen is rapidly coming into favor as a novelist in her own country, and, no doubt, this excellent translation of Not in their Set, by M. L. will find many appreciative readers here. It is a German society story of the trials of a young girl left dependent on her own exertions, and who has to struggle against the prejudices of class which still prevail in Germany. Mr. Boxer's book of Sacred Dramas is an attempt to portray ancient. Hebrew life and character. The dramas are three in num- ber, all readable and not without animation and interest. The subjects selected are “Naa- man the Syrian,” “The Finding of Moses,” and “Jephtha's Daughter.” Later in September we shall have from Lee & Shepard The Lily and the Cross, a story of Nova Scotia, the Acadia of the early French settlers, during the French and English wars in the early part of the eighteenth century; Our Helen, a story by Sophie May ; a volume of able sermons on Fternal Punishment, by the author of Credo, Rev. Dr. L. T. Townsend ; two volumes from Rev. Robert Collyer, Simple Truth, a book of good counsels, which the publishers announce as designed for a wedding gift, and Dectures to Young Mem, and Women ; and a devotional volume from Rev. Dr. Manning, of the Old South Church in this city, entitled Helps to a Life of Prayer. Jennie June's book is in the hands of the printer and will probably appear before the first of October. It is a series of papers on marriage, under the title For Better or Worse. Petroleum V. Nasby’s book, which is also going through the press, is a clever, satire on politics and society, under the title Abou Ben Adhem : Eastern Fruits on Western Dishes. An eastern sage listens to the com- plaints of modern society, and gives advice thereon. The volume is funnily dedicated to the author’s mother-in-law, whose virtues are set forth in an extravagant manner. Mr. J. E. Babson, who delights in rummaging in odd corners for fugitive literature, and to whom we are indebted for the Wishing Cap Papers and Douglas Jerrold's Fºreside Saints, has pre- pared a volume of hitherto uncollected papers of Sir Richard Steele, familiarly known as Dick Steele, which will be issued early in the fall. The story for girls, by Mr. George M. Baker, the author of a large number of ama- teur plays, entitled Running to Waste : a Story of a Tom-Boy, which has been running in Oliver Optic's Magazine, will soon be issued in book form. It abounds in incidents, pathos, and humor, and will entertain not only the children, but those who refuse longer to be classed among the juveniles. During the month this house will issue a new cdition of Voss's Manual for Railroad Engineers, the two volumes in one, at a greatly reduced rice ; also a new edition of Alford's Greek Testament, which has been out of print for Some months. This edition will be printed from stereotype plates, the first that have been made for it. Colonel T. W. Higginson's Elistory of the United States will be ready be- fore winter. Though announced as a “Young Folks' History,” it is by no means a juvenile work. If the portions which have been made public are fair samples of the work, the author deserves much credit for the manner in which he has put dry historical facts into interesting narrative. William F. Gill & Co. have just published Charles L. Flint's Milch Cows and Dairy Farm- £ng, with an additional chapter on Associated Dairies, which makes it one of the most com- plete and useful works on this subject in existence. For the fall they announce a goodly list, including a book of humor from the Dan- bury News Man, no part of which has ever been printed ; two stories from Wilkie Col- lins; one from James De Mille, the character of which is indicated by the title, The Babes in the Wood: A Tragic Comedy, a satire on Mo- dern Christianity, by the author of The Fight at Dame Europa’s School, presented in a dis- cussion between an avowed infidel and a pastor of the church of England; Charles Bradlaugh’s book entitled The Impeachment of the House of Brunswick, and the long announced Lotos Leaves, which will be ready about the first of October, and will be one of the finest art books of the season. It will contain poems, sketches, and essays, contributed by the members of the Lotus Club, among the more prominent of whom are Wilkie Collins, Mark Twain, John Hay, Edmund Yates, Whitelaw Reid, John Elderkin, and John Brougham, the last two of whom are the editors. The illustrations are also by members of the club, Fredericks, Lumley, Gilbert Burling, and John Lafarge, having contributed original designs. Wilkie Collins' The Frozem Deep will be issued in Oc- tober, and a little later The Dream, Woman. will be published. In the former, in its original dramatic form, it will be remembered, Charles Dickens appeared with the author. The full cast of the play as presented on that occasion, will be printed as an introduction to the book. The story of The Dream Woman is somewhat familiar to those who have heard the author's readings; but the complete version, which THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 293 will now be printed for the first time, is much longer than the version read, and contains more characters. A number of new juveniles will be issued early in the season by Gill & Co., including several works from Gail Hamil- to II, a volume from R. H. Stoddard , and Miss Amanda M. Douglas' The Old Woman that Lives in a Shoe. Little, Brown & Co. have published only ław books during the month, the principal of which are volume ten of Clark and Finnelly's Beports, and the fourth volume of the new series of the United States Digest. This series dates from 1870. The old series came down to that date, when it reached thirty-one vol- umes, containing twenty-six alphabets, so that a reference to any particular subject neces- sitated an examination of twenty-six volumes. The publishers have undertakón the task of rearranging and republishing the matter in these thirty-one volumes of about eight hun- dred pages each, in about twelve, with a single alphabetical index, for which work of love the lawyers should be truly thankful. It will certainly be a long time before the publish- ers will reap the pecuniary profits of such an undertaking. Nothing has been omitted, but some of it has been rewritten for the sake of conciseness. Two volumes in the revised form have been issued, and the third will be forthcoming in September. The new series, of which volume four (for the present year) is just issued, will be continued as before, The most important book announced by this house for September, and perhaps the most important book of the season, is the tenth and concluding volume of Bancroft’s History of the United States, the first volume of which was issued just forty years ago. For this work the author bas received the highest commendations, and it has been frequently pronounced one of the ablest in the language. Some of the earlier volumes have passed through almost innumer- able editions; the first three, comprising the History of the Colonization of the United States, being in the fifteenth edition as early as 1853. Another important book on the list of Little, Brown & Co. for September is The Old Regime in Canada, by Francis Parkman, being the fourth volume of Parkman’s Series of Histories of the early Settlement of America. The other volumes in the series are The Dis- covery of the Great West, Pioneers of France in the New World, and The Jesuits in North America in the 17th Century. Mr. Parkman is an able historical writer, and his new volume will command attention. Roberts Brothers have shown the greatest wisdom in the selection of their books for the fall. Their list is not a long one, but it com- prises some of the best books of the season. Among the first to be issued will be the Cor- Tespondence of William Ellery Chamming, D.D., and Lucy Aiken, edited by Anna Letitia Bre- fon. the Atlantic for a period of sixteen years, from 1826 to 1842, and embraces almost every variety This correspondence was kept up across. of topic which engaged the minds of thinking men and women in this country and in Eng- land during those years. Politics, religion, the social questions of those days, even the relative merits of the English and American women, are freely discussed by two of the most careful observers of the times, who differ just enough to sharpen argument. “Topic enough,” says Miss Aiken in one of her letters, “since the interests of all mankind are ours.” The volume will be found very interesting and profitable reading. George Sand’s novel, My Sister Jeannie, will also be issued in September. It is translated from the French by Mr. Crocker, of The Literary World, a guarantee that none of its excellencies will be marred. Later in the season, we shall have Hamerton’s critical and practical treatise on Etching and Etchers, the etchings for which are now near comple- tion in Paris, and, in time for Christmas, the same author's Sylvan Year, in a quarto, with beautiful etchings. Walter Besant's volume on The French Humorists, from the twelfth to the nineteenth century, will be ready in Octo- ber, also Arthur Help's Life of Thomas Brassey, the self-made English millionaire ; a hand- some edition of that scientific and entertain- ing work of H. W. Bates, The Naturalist on the River Amazon, and the long announced story of Boy School-day Life, by Robert T. S. Lowell, brother to the poet. Roberts Brothers have a number of notable volumes in prepara- tion for the holidays, which we shall notice in Our next. Henry L. Shepard & Co. announce a new series of children’s books to be called “Juve- nile Classics.” The first two volumes, which are nearly ready, are The Cellar Door Club, and Other Stories, by Rev. Edward Eggleston; and The Young Moose-Hunters, by C. A. Stephens, the author of the popular “Camping Out" series. The volumes which are to follow will be Verne's The Mysterious Island; Sons of the Saddle, translated from the the Spanish by W. E. Endicott, and a number of others equally popular and appropriate. They will be printed and bound in good style, and liberally illus- trated, . Their other books for the month will be Rand's book on Bulbs, which has been re- vised and abridged; the same author's The Window Gardemen", and new editions of several of their most popular series of juveniles. Bayard Taylor's Iceland Letters are among their announcements, and Rev. Peter Pennott's . New England story Achsah, now running in their magazine, American Homes, will be pub- lished in book form. J. R. Osgood & Co. have published the late Commissioner Walker's interesting paper on The Indian Question, which appeared last year in The North American Review, with a colored map, showing the location of the various tribes; and The Clique of Gold, a novel by Emile Gaboriau, translated by M. Schele de Vere. Osgood's list for the fall is a very full one and a very good one. It includes several other volumes by Gaboriau; A Rose in June, 294 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. a novel by Mrs. Oliphant, to be published im- mediately ; and during the month, a dramatic poem by Bayard Taylor, entitled The Prophet; a new volume of poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes; Cloth of Gold and other Poems, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich ; Boyesen’s Norse Ro- mance, Gwinnar ; JHomes, amd How to Make Them, illustrated by the author, Mr. E. C. Gardner, and showing what has been and what may be done by the co-operative plans; and The Schoolmaster's Thºunk, by the author of the “William Henry’’ books, Mrs. A. M. Diaz. A little later they will issue a new volume on The Education of Girls, by Dr. E. H. Clarke; Famous Paintings and Painters, by Mrs. J. H. Shedd; a new volume of poems from Trow: bridge, and Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, by John Fiske, M.A., LL.B. A new edition of the works of Mrs. Jameson will soon be issued in ten volumes. Cheap editions in paper of Verne's Dr. Oa, and Other Stories, and of The Tour of the World in Eighty Days, are also soon to be issued in opposition to the cheap editions of the Philadelphia Telegraph. Estes & Lauriat have published in their “Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science,” The Circulation of the Waters on the Face of the Barth, which makes the twelfth number or part of the first series, which are all now pub- lished in one volume. They have also publish- ed the second and concluding volumes of the Memories of Westminster Hall, and of the Me- 7moir of Thomas, First Lord Denman, and the third volume of Campbell’s Lord Chancellors. In September they will issue in their Popular Science Half-Hour series, Tyndall’s paper on “The Transmission of Sound by the Atmos- phere,” “Brain and Mind,” by Professor Wil- der of Cornell, “The Glacial Epoch on Oul Globe,” by Alex. Braun, Geikie’s “Ice Age in Greaf Britain,” and “The Sun and the Earth,” by Professor Balfour Stewart. Among their other books for early issue are a new revised edition of Packard’s Gwide to the Study of In- 8écts, an important work on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene of the Human Repro- ductive Organs, by Professor Burt G. Wilder, bearing the title, What Young People Should JKnow) ; Lights and Shadows of Ministerial Life, in which the author, who we are given to un- derstand is a prominent clergyman himself, graphically treats of the successes and failures of ministers.; and a work that cannot but be well received, on The Discrepancies of the Bible, by Professor John W. Haley, of Andover, with an introduction by Rev. Dr. Alvah Hovey. The author has been employed on this work for many years, during which time he has made quite an extensive collection of books bearing upon the subject from all languages. D. 1 othrop & Co. have become the owners of the plates of Bungener's Historical Ro- mances. Boundaloue and Louis XIV. , Louis JY V. avid his Times; Rºtbaut and Bridaine, and The Tower of Comstancy, ail of which they will bring out in September, in fine bindings, on tinted paper. These works received high praise, when first published years ago, but they are new to most of the readers of to-day. They are written with much ability and the charms of romance are most happily combined. with historical fact. Stella and the Priest, by Laurie Loring, is also announced for Septem- ber, and a new book by Pansy. Mrs. Henry Steele Clarke, who is most pleasantly remem- bered as the author of The Marble Preacher, has. a new book in the press entitled Their Children, in which the characters of her former book are introduced. Lothrop & Co., in putting up their juveniles in series for the fall trade, have: reduced the price of many of them and im- proved the style of others. For instance, the books of the “Boy's Holiday Library,” which formerly sold for 75c. each, are now offered at. 50c. “The Little Folks' Series” are now put up at just one-half the former price, with a pretty chromo on the cover of each. Henry Hoyt has recently published a live- ly book for boys, giving Charley Bartlett’s Ad- wentures in New York; and a volume which the girls will find entertaining and profitable,. with the title Miriam Brandom, by Mrs. J. F. Moore ; also a smaller volume called Rose, Bobim, and Little May, Mr. Hoyt will add to his list a number of good books within the month, including two by Pansy, and one en- titled William, Prince of Orange, an historical narrative by T. M. Merriman, which “sets forth the great and terrible struggle, putting down of the inquisitorial power in Nether- lands, and setting free of religious thought ; in fact, showing him to be the real founder of religious freedom in the New World.” Loring will issue in a few days Camilla: A Tale of the Violin, by Charles Barnard, which has appeared in the columns of Voa, Humana, and purports to portray the artist life of Ca- milla Urso ; also, in the Luck and Pluck series, Risen from the Ranks, by Horatio Alger, and Bold and Brave, by the same author, to be the initial volume of a new series. The new firm of Young & Bartlett. will issue some excellent new books for boys and girls, and Mrs. Hamilton Thomas' Drifted Snow' Flakes, which has lately been out of print. The two series will be reprinted in one hand- some quarto volume, on tinted paper. They will also reprint in September, Leaves Gathered, and Thoughts that Cluster. PHILADELPHIA, September 1, 1874. Our school-book publishers have been quite. active during the month, in filling orders for the fall terms and in the preparation of new books. Their business bids fair to be heavier than in any previous year. The medical book houses have also been busy, preparing for the return of the students, and the publishers of law books have added some important books. to their lists. In miscellaneous books, little has yet been done. Our publishers, however, are returning from their vacations and getting to work 10r the fall campaign. They are not yet ready to make their announcements in THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 295 full, but they anticipate a good season’s trade, and will not be caught napping. The Petersons still continue to cater to the popular demand for fiction, and the taste must be capricious indeed that cannot be suited from their long list of American and foreign authors. They are constantly printing new editions of the standard novels of Eugene Sue, Alexander Dumas, James, Reynolds, Mrs. Southworth, Mrs. Stephens, and a score of other popular authors. They have lately added to their fifty cent paper novels, Love at First Sight, or The Belle of the Season, by Cap- tain Henry Curling; and announce for this month A New Way to Win a Fortune, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy; and three novels by Mrs. Henry Wood : Clara Lake's Dream, The Diamond Bracelet; and The Nobleman’s Wife. The Messrs. Peterson do not contribute to the semi-annual trade sales; but, preferring to deal with the trade direct, they offer them special inducements in prices this month. Porter & Coates have just added to their “International Series” of novels, Mrs. M. C. Despard’s Chaste as Ice and Pure as Snow, and have issued in their illustrated edition of Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, and Monastery. Of the more important works which they have in preparation for the coming season, they will first issue The Wild North Land, by Captain N. F. Butler; being the story of a winter journey with dogs through Northern North America. Some three years ago this author made a very favorable impression in book circles by publishing an account of a tour which he made through Canada, and there are doubtless many who, having read that work, will look with some eagerness for the forth- coming volume. Captain Butler writes in a brisk and spirited style, with a ready pen and pleasant humor, and this later volume may be commended as a fair and often very picturesque account of a portion of our continent with which we are by no means familiar. It will be embellished with sixteen handsome full- page engravings and maps. Pennsylvania Il- lustrated, announced for August, will not be ready before the middle of September. It is to be very liberally illustrated, and will present a decidedly attractive appearance. The Sports- man's Club among the Trappers, by Harry Castlemon, making the third and concluding volume of this popular series, is also just ready. They have in preparation some other important publications, which will be an- nounced as the season advances. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have issued The Lost Model, a romance by Henry Hooper ; a story of African mission life, with the title Crowned $n Palm Land, by R. H. Nassau; an illustrated History of the German Emperors and their Con- temporaries, translated from the German and compiled from authentic sources by Elizabeth Peake; Bigelow’s long announced Life of Benjamin Franklin, in three crown octavo volumes; Lord Neaves' Greek Anthology; and new editions of Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon Bo- naparte; Heinrich Stephens’ German Univer- sity Life; and the first volume of Prescott's History of Philip II. The Life of Franklin is edited from his manuscripts, correspondence and other writings, by Hon. John Bigelow. German University Life is a sort of autobiogra- phy, giving an account of the author's career as a student and professor in the universities, and containing interesting reminiscences of Goethe, Schiller, Schlegel, Fichte, and many other Germans who are noted in the world of learning and letters. The Greek Anthology makes the last volume of the series of Ancient Classics, which have been given to American readers by the Lippincotts. Lord Neaves, in this volume, in an interesting and scholarly manner, classifies and describes the epigrams and poems, Selecting as examples the best English translations, which in some cases are his own. The forthcoming books from this house are, a story of A Modern Ch'esswda, by Francis Asheton ; Charteris, a romance by Mary M. Meline. The second volume of J. Foster Kirk's new edition of Prescott's Philip II.; a work on The Recent Origin of Man, by James C. Southall, another on the Antiquity of Man, by A. Hoyle Lester, with the title The Pre-Adamite ; or, Who Tempted Eve 2 and a book on boys, by Julia A. Willis, entitled What a Boy / in which the author will attempt to solve the difficult problems, “What shall we do with him 2 What will he do with himself? and Who is to blame for the consequences?” John E. Potter & Co. have published Mr. L. D. Ingersoll's Life of Horace Greeley, which was mentioned in my last, and will issue in a few days a work on the farmers’ movement, by Stephen Smith, entitled Grains for the Grangers ; The Secret Service in the Late War, by L. C. Baker; and a new book on Living- stone and the Stanley-Herald expedition. Cowperthwait & Co. are about to add to their list of school-books a new speller, First Steps, by Professor Lewis B. Monroe ; a new Analytical Geometry, by Professor H. T. Eddy; and two volumes to Professor Hagar's Mathe- matical Series, a book of Dictation. Evercises and Reviews, and a Key to the Common School Arithmetic. This firm will issue by subscrip- tion Rev. T. De Witt Talmage's book, Around the Tea-Table. Wm. B. Evans & Co. will issue this month a “Centennial Edition ” of Lossing's Lives of the Sigmers of the Declaration of Independence, in new and handsome binding. –-º-º- ºr -ºr=s= LONDON, August 12, 1874. This has proved another dull month for books, and the publication of a number of volumes ready for issue has been postponed till the autumn. Authors are off for their holidays, collecting material for their winter's work, the indefatigable novelists included, if we are to judge from Messrs. Tinsley's list, for even that firm has not a single novel “ in preparation.” Mr. Trübner is about to pub- 296 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. lish a reduced fac-simile of the celebrated 1623 folio of Shakespeare's plays by the Dal- lastype method. The work will be produced under the care of Mr. Dallas, and as the plays will be published separately, at two shillings each, the general public will at last be enabled to compare more modern edition with the original publication. The first part will ap- pear in December, Lord Russel’s volume of reminiscences of his political life is now in the hands of the printer, and will be pub- lished in about three months. A magnificent edition of the late Sheridan Knowles’ works has been printed for private circulation only, at the expense of Mr. James McHenry. Messrs. Longman & Co. have just issued a story with a strange title, “Centulle,” by Denys Shyne Lawlor ; also, “ The Life of Christ, for the Use of Young Persons,” by Mr. R. B. Gardiner, M.A.; and the seventh and concluding volume of James Spedding's edition of the Life and Letters of Francis Bacon. Messrs. Chapman and Hall have ready a couple of new novels, both by well-known writers, “Uncle John,” by Whyte Melville, and “Ruling the Roost,” by Lady Wood. Mr. J. L. Geiger has a very interesting work called “A Peep at Mexico,” to be published by Messrs. Trübner. “George Goring,” by Cecil Rushton, displays far more cleverness and ob- servation than is to be found in most of the novels of the day, and yet it is undeniably “fast.” So many books have been written upon dogs that Captain Gordon Stables, M.D., deserves great credit for his work upon the favorite yet little noticed cat, “Cats: Their Points and Characteristics,” is the title of his volume, and it will be long before we get again such a series of faithful cat-portraits, and so Inuch information as is here presented. “The King’s Stratagem; or, the Pearl of Poland” is the title of a new five-act tragedy, by Stella, the popular authoress of the “Rec- ords of the Heart.” Mr. Henry Siebe has written a capital new book for boys, one which combines the useful and the entertain- ing in the most pleasing way. It is called “The Conquest of the Sea,” and will be found not only suited to children, but instructive to grown-up people as well. Messrs. Warren & Co. have added to their Chandos classics two delightful volumes, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and also those of Hans Christian Andersen. Both are new translations by Mrs. H. H. B. Paull, who has specially arranged them for young people, and with this view a few of the stories have been omitted and obscure passages have been explained. - E. W. T. £oNSTITUTION OF THE AMERICAN Book TRADE Association, ADOPTED AT PUT-IN-BAY, o., JULY 23, 1874. 1. The name of this organization shall be THE AMER- ICAN BOOKITRADE Association, 2. Its object shall be the promotion of the interests of the Book Trade in the United States, and the improve- ment of its methods of doing business. 3. Its officers shall be a President, three Vice-Presi-. dents, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary, and a Cor- responding Secretary; to be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association, by a majority of the members present. Their duties shall be the usual duties of such officers. - 4. Its permanent committees shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the officers, and shall consist of An Executive Committee of ten ; A Committee on Assemblies of the Trade, of five ; A Committee on Arbitration, of five; ‘A Committee on Finance, of five. 5. The Treasurer shall give bond to the President, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, and shall pay out moneys only on the order of the Chairman of the Fi. nance Committee. - 6. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be the general oversight of the affairs of the Association, and to attend to all business not specially given to any other committees. 7. The Committee on Assemblies of the Trade shall select the places and make all necessary preparation for holding the regular and other meetings of the Associa- tion, and shall notify all members of the same in due season, by their Secretary. 8. The Committee on Arbitration shall take cogniz- ance of all complaints made against members for alleged infractions of the by-laws. They shall endeavor, if possible, to reconcile the parties, and if not successful, shall publish in the official organ of the trade a complete statement of the case, with their conclusions, and pre- sent the same to the Association at next meeting. 9. The Committee on Finance shall devise ways and means for paying the necessary expenses of the Asso- ciation; shall be empowered to levy assessments in addition to the annual dues, if necessary, not to exceed Three Dollars on each member in any one year, and shall audit the Treasurer's accounts. 10. The officers and committees shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. ll. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held commencing on the second Tuesday in July of each year; and Special Meetings may be called by the Presi- dent, on the unanimous request of the Executive Com- mittee. 12. Any publishing or bookselling firm, or author, may become a member by signing this Constitution, and paying annually the sum of Two Dollars. 13. The Executive Committee of this body shall have the power to fill all vacancies that may occur in com- mittees, and each committee shall have authority to delegate its powers to one or more persons. 14. This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 297 ---------- - - - - - THE Convention AND its RESULTs That the convention was a success, even beyond the most sanguine hopes of its what was actually accomplished, as in the projectors, is, thanks to the judicious and untiring efforts of those who had it in charge, beyond dispute; but its Success is not so much in possibilities for which it opened the way. As an organization of the book trade, it was all that could be desired, but the task of reforming the trade is but just begun. One result so far is that there is a better feeling established between the publishers and the retailers, a sort of fellowship of common interests, and if the meeting at Put-in-Bay had accomplished no more than to secure this bond of union, based upon a better understanding of each others' wants and wishes, and of the rela- tions which each class sustains to the other, it would have been an important work. - But it has done much more. It has in- spired confidence and demonstrated what may be accomplished by persevering ef- fort to redeem the trade from what many considered its permanent evils. Those who were discouraged are taking heart. Those who have seen error, but have been deterred from combating it by their own timidity and the seeming disinterested- ness of others, are becoming practical re- formers. The American book trade has a head. Somebody is authorized to listen to grievances and ventilate abuses. Cus- toms which have been established by in- dividual greed or caprice, are to be moulded into general laws, based upon safe principles of trade. This fact of an organization cannot but have an invigor. ating influence. If the many noble words spoken in the convention, in behalf of the trade as a profession, have the effect for which they are calculated, to stimulate a wholesome pride in the business, and in- creased effort on the part of those en- gaged in it to make themselves better qualified for its demands, it will not be among the least important of its results. With the resolutions adopted, we have heard no dissatisfaction, except that they do not go far enough. The only one mak- ing any important innovation into the customs of the trade, is that limiting dis- counts to those outside of the trade to twenty per cent. On miscellaneous and school books, and ten per cent. on medi- cal books. who argue that there are no better reasons why discounts on medical books should be given to physicians, or on theological books to ministers, than on novels to novel readers. Each class of books is made for a particular class of readers, and it is only that class, in the main, who buy them. There is one large house, at least, that more than a year ago adopted the rule of giving no discounts at all except to those who buy to sell again; and, except for the first few weeks of the new system, they have had but little difficulty in carrying it out. But it seems to have been the al- most unanimous opinion of the members of the convention, that such a rule could not at this time be adopted by the entire trade. If such discounts could not be dis- continued, the action of the convention in limiting them was a wise one. This is the testing point of the platform, and it is yet to be seen whether it will be generally adopted. The publishers of Sunday-school books, who some time ago limited them- selves to twenty-five per cent., shrink from again reducing the discount, at least during the present year; but, as they sub- scribe to the principle, it is not improb- able that in the near future they will sub- scribe to the figures. With medical books there will be more difficulty, and in this direction there is much work for the re- formers. It will be well for the dissatisfied to remember, that to accomplish all that needed to be done, to restore order out of chaos, is not the work of a single conven- tion, or of a single year. The reforms that have been attempted in England and else- where, and have failed, by passing the bounds of practicability, should teach us to make haste slowly. It is better to err on the safe side and leave the way open for future action, than to jeopardize the whole movement by an impracticable ex- of the local trade for this purpose. action. One of the notable results of the conven- tion, is apparent in the movements that are being made, to unite sections or classes for the protection of local or special inter- ests. We hear of a number of projected meetings in different parts of the country The law book publishers, who were almost wholly ignored by the convention, are ar- ranging for a meeting at an early day. The Western jobbers led the way in adopt- ing for themselves a list of uniform dis- counts, and promptly called upon the i | Eastern publishers to support them ; and There are not a few who so far as we have heard, the support asked persist in the belief that no discounts at for will be freely given The Eastern job- all should be given, except to the trade; bers are also discussing plans for securing 298 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. uniformity. All of these new regulations are only experiments, and may, in the future, be abandoned for something better. It is still a question whether it would not be better to scale discounts according to the amount of the bill, and leave the rest to the trade. The existence of the Associ- ation has made possible a full and free discussion of all these questions, Out of which, it is hoped, will be evolved the wisest measures. We would add a word of cau- tion in regard to these unions of special interests. No agreement should be made without a most careful consideration of its fairness and results. Any compact that is not based upon identical interests and mutual advantage, will as certainly be broken. Any combination which does not consult the interests of the entire trade, will not only fail, but will endanger future measures, however wise. -sy- ºr- FHILADELPHIA Discounts. RICHMOND, WA., August 20, 1874. EDITOR BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE: Dear Sir—Allow me to correct a statement made by your Philadelphia correspondent, in his letter of August lst, in which he says: “Our publishers of medical books do not care to retail at all, &c., and do not feel called upon to reform.” The fact is, the discount to the trade on medical books is 25 per cent. On $100 worth, and yet the publishers sell to students at 20 per cent. on small quantities. I think this does need reform. The law-book publishers are still worse. Their dis- count is 30 per cent., and sometimes one-third, and they retail a single book to consumers over the counter at 25 per cent., and in small lots at one-third. IRecently one of them sent a drummer through Mary- land and Virginia, who sold a single book at 25 per cent., and in one instance that I know of, offered a law. yer books at less than he offered to the trade. If this don't need reform, I don't know what does. Some of the Philadelphia booksellers have done more to demor- alize the trade than those in any other part of the coun- try. It has not been such a long time since the adver- tisement of one of the large publishers of Philadelphia could be seen, of “Books retailed at wholesale prices.” In no other branch of business does the manufacturer come in contact with the retailer of his own goods. And here let me ask why the minister, teacher, student, or the outside public, should be entitled to any discount whatever? The publisher has no right, in justice to the bookseller, to retail a book at less than the full price. Why not make the price lower, discount to the trade less, and stick to it? The public think books too high, and they may be; but if the publisher wishes to retail a 75-cent book at 60 cents, why don’t he advertise it at 60 cents, and sell it for that ? A BOOKSELLER. JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. The new Reformed Episcopal Prayer Book is nearly ready. The statement that Dr. Holland is working on a new novel is denied by his publishers. Roberts Brothers will issue a translation of George Sand’s last novel. The second and concluding volume of the Life of Dr. Guthrie is expected in October. Porter & Coates announce as in press the Count de Paris’ History of the Civil War in America. Mrs. Elizabeth Stoddard, the poet and movelist, has a new book nearly ready for the press. Merry England ; or, Nobles and Serfs, is the title of a new historical romance by WiMiam Harrison Ainsworth. Taintor Brothers have nearly ready for issue a new atlas, to be called The American Bousehold and Commercial Atlas of the World. Mary Clemmer Ames’ story, His Two Wives, now running in Every Saturday, will be re- issued in book form by Hurd & Houghton. A biography of Captain Joseph Fry, the Cuban martyr, by Jeannie Mort Walker, is to be published for the benefit of his widow and children. Paul Cobden, a nom de plume familiar to the readers of the Independent, has in press a volume of stories for children, with the title Take a Peep. * D. Appleton & Co. will publish this fall Personal Reminiscences, Amecdotes and Letters of General Robert E. Lee, by the Rev. J. Wil- liam Jones. A holiday edition of Jules Verne’s From the Clouds to the Mountains, will be issued, with illustrations by Mr. C. G. Bush, being twice the number that appeared in the first edition. Nichols & Hall will have ready this month the new volume of The Nursery. It will be strongly bound in illuminated covers, and will make a handsome holiday juvenile. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, will fur- nish, during the month, their reprint of the Ohio State Reports. They will be published at $2.50 per volume—one-half the original price. An illustrated edition of Mr. Gill’s Home Recreations will be issued early in the season. It will make the most complete manual of tableaux and amateur theatricals ever pub- lished. It is anticipated that Modern Christianity, which will be forthcoming early this month, will create as great a sensation in theological circles as the author’s former work, The Fight at Dame Europa’s School occasioned in political circles. Loring will publish this month Charles Barnard’s story of the artist life of Camilla Urso, entitled Camilla : a Tale of a Violin. It has been published as a serial in Voa, Humana, and its reception by the readers of that jour- mal will justify its republication. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 299 “Historical Sketches of the Anti-Slavery Movement in the United States; comprising the papers read before the National Anti- Slavery Reunion held in Chicago, June 9–12, 1874,” will be published as a subscription book by Keen, Cooke & Co., of Chicago. Among the fall announcements is a new book by Mrs. E. D. Cheney, the author of Sally Williams, the Mountain Girl. It will be entitled The Child of the Tide. The author is admired by a large class of readers as a writer of New England rural life. Lee & Shepard will soon issue new editions of the two series of books known respectively as the “Library of Eminent Statesmen º’ and the “Library of Famous Generals.” They will be put into handsome bindings, with new stamps, and called “The Centennial Series.” The publishers of Theodore Tilton’s Tem- pest-Tossed report that it is selling so rapidly that they have been unable to keep it in print, although they have had three presses run- ning on it of late. Mrs. Rodney Vail, one of the characters, is supposed to be the author's portrait of his wife. Colonel Higginson's History of the United States will be published early in the fall. It is written in narrative style, and though veritable history, much pains has been taken to avoid prolixity or dullness, and to make it interesting. It will be amply illustrated by engravings and maps. Mills & Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, have pub- lished a new edition of The Iowa. Justice, re- vised and adapted to the code of ’73. The same firm are publishing a new edition of the Iowa Reports of Clarke & Witherow, with en- tirely new head notes, by C. C. Cole, Judge of the Supreme Court of Iowa. It is asserted that a surviving relative of Edgar Allen Poe is attempting to prove that at the death of Poe some of his unedited MSS. fell into the hands of Longfellow, and were published as the song of Hiawatha. As the statement is going the rounds of the papers we mention it simply to say that no authority can be found for it. New editions of those two interesting books for young folks, Child Life in Italy, a narra tive of the years spent abroad in the family of Mr. Crawford, the sculptor, and Child Life $n Europe, a sequel to the former, containing entertaining and instructive stories of gods and heroes, will be published by Wm., F. Gill & Co. Mr. Whittaker's Reference Catalogue of Cur- Tent Literature, on the plan of the Uniform Thrade List Annual of Mr. Leypoldt, is a vol- ume of 3,000 pages. It embraces one hundred and eleven catalogues, and is prefaced by a valuable alphabetical index of 14,000 items. It was issued on the other side at the price of 2s. 6d., but the cost of bringing it to this country raises its price here to $2.50. Mr. F. Leypoldt, and Scribner, Welford & Arm- strong are the American agents, The new postal treaty with France, now in operation, fixes the rate on a half-ounce letter from the United States to France at nine cents. From France to the United States the rate is ten cents for seven grammes, about one third of an ounce. Mrs. B. F. Baer received the first prize offered by the Authors' Publishing Company, for the best fiction. Her book, Ireme ; or, 'Beach Broken Billows, will be issued in a few days. The prize for the best essay was awarded to Rev. William I. Gill, for a work on Evolution and Progress, which will be is- sued about the first of October. S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, have become the publishers of all of the Rev. Dr. J. B. Walker's works, and announce the 67th thou- sand of his Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. They also announce America not Discovered by Columbus, a historical sketch of the discover- ies of the Norsemen, by Prof. R. B. Andrews, of the University of Wisconsin. Jennie June’s book, For Better or Worse, is being printed, and will probably be given to the public before the first of October. The following are some of the subjects treated by the author: “Boy and Girl Love,” “Qu lifi- cations for Marrying,” “Marrying for Money,” “Marrying Without Money.” “Mar- riage a Mistake,” “True Marriage,” “The Sin of Ignorance,” “Modern Bridals.” The first volume of the new edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica is nearly ready. The rapid progress of science has made it neces- sary to re-write nearly the whole work, and more than half the matter will be entirely new. The work has been distributed among the most noted scientists and writers of the day, and no pains will be spared to sustain the reputation acquired by the previous editions. Little, Brown & Co. will republish it here from the British plates. Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. have in press a volume of modern Vers de Société, which will comprise the best poems of Frederick Locker, Austin Dobson, C. S. Calverly, Landor, Swin- burne, Leigh Hunt, Praed, Thackeray, and other poets and wits who have given to “so- ciety verses” a distinct place in the literature of our time. The volume will be issued in a style appropriate to its contents, and to the conspicuous position it is intended to occupy on our library tables. *— Foreign JLITERARY JTEMs. The title of Rochefort’s book is Three Years of Our History. Mr. John Morley’s essays Om Compromise are to be published in book form. Mr. James Clark is in London, translating Shakespeare's plays into Spanish. Earl Russell’s Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life, which is awaited with consid- erable interest in England, will be published by Messrs. Longmans in November. 3oo THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. A new history of Protestantism is soon to be issued by Cassell, Petter & Galpin. Another fac-simile of the first folio of Shakespeare has been printed in England. A book descriptive of the tour of the Japan- ese Embassy around the world is about to be printed in Japan. Mr. Salim Eyoub Tabet, a young Syrian literateur, has in the London press a collection, of epigrams and satires in Arabic verse. The late Dr. Beke's work, Jesus the Messiah, has just been reissued, with a new preface written just before the author’s death. In a review of Vivien de Saint-Martin’s, re- cently published, Histoire de la Géographie, The Athenæum speaks of the author as the Carl Ritter of France. The Petrarch literature has received an addition in Paris by the publication of M. Albert Maurius's work, Les Aºmontº's de Pétrar- que et de Laure. The Athemantºm calls for a new edition of The Letters of Horace Walpole, saying that cºpies are very hard to get, the American de- mand having absorbed the supply. The Illustrated Report of the Tichborne Trial, edited by Dr. Kenealy, is not likely to appear, as, from an announcement in the Eng- lishman, subscribers are few and far between. Ernest Reman’s new book, La Mission en Phémecie, embodies the results of researches in Syria during the sojourn of the French army in 1860-61. Much interesting matter is given º ancient monuments. g n a sale of books recently held by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, of Leicester Square, Lon- don, a copy of “Vyrgyle's Boke of Eneydos,” translated and printed by William Caxton in 1490, with two pages missing, sold for $9. 5. Messrs. Routledge & Sons will shortly pub- lish The Book of Table Talk, a volume of speci- mens of the conversations of distinguished men, selected by Mr. W. Clark Russell from numerous biographies, and from the collec- tions of Spence, Drummond of Hawthornden, Lady Blessington, and others. The three essays on religion left by John Stuart Mill, of which he expressed an opinion shortly before his death, that when they came to be published, they would evoke criticism which would go far to destroy what reputa- tion he had in England, will be issued in Oc- tober. The concluding volume of Spedding's Life and Letters of Francis Bacon is just published in London. This is the completest edition of his life or works yet published, containing many of bis writings which have never before been printed. One of the most recent announcements in London is the History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles the First, 1624-28, by S. R. Gardner. The author has devoted much time and labor to the work, which will fill two large volumes and bring to light many new facts relating to this inter- esting portion of English history. Tonsberg, of Christiana, Norway, has pub- lished an elaborate traveler’s handbook for that country. It has been prepared by an association of Norwegian authors, and is said to be the most complete work on the country, its inhabitants, history, industries, etc., ever published. Mr. J. R. Planche, the dramatist and poet, has just published in London a book entitled The Conqueroh and his Companions, in which he gives all the information, biographical or genealogical, that he has been able to scrape together relating to the one hundred and eighteem followers of William of Normandy. A company has been formed in London for the purpose of protecting artists from having their works engraved without permission. The company is composed of artists and others, and they propose to form a central registry in London, where lists of all copy- right photographs and drawings available for engraving will be kept, and a written au- thority given to the publisher on payment of a small fee. Reports from Russia speak of the exceed- ingly dull state of the printing and booksell- ing trades generally in the dominions of the Czar. The St. Petersburgh booksellers have not had such a bad time within their memory, and speak of a crisis being imminent. Coun- try dealers are beginning to be unable to fulfill their engagements with the publishers in the large towns, and some of the publishers intend to change their business. —-mº - ºr- Music NoTEs. A society has been established in France for the purpose of producing the works of unknown or little known composers. It has a concert-room, an orchestra, and singers. Mr. Harrison Millard has Pºlished his opera, Deborah, in book form in very tasteful style. The story is the same as that in Dr. Mosenthal’s drama. Mr. Millard is well- known as the author of a number of ballads which have been very popular, and his opera is said, by those who have seen it, to possess much mérit. A collection of letters and manuscript musić left by Mr. Christy, of minstrel fame, reveals the fact that many of the popular songs which bore his name, such as “Old Folks at Home,” and “Oh, Boys, Carry me 'Long,” were composed by Mr. Stephen G. Foster, and sold to Mr. Christy for $10 each, with an additional $5 for allowing Mr. Chris- ty to have the credit of authorship. The London Orchestra acknowledges the fact that the growth of the daily press has “narrowed the necessity for an artistic news- paper,” and it will hereafter be issued month- ly instead of weekly. Notwithstanding our daily press, our music journals seem to be in a flourishing condition, and new ones are con- stantly being added to the list THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3OI NewsPAPERs AND PERIODICALs. Mr. E. L. Sloan, editor of the Salt Lake FIerald, is dead. Froude, the historian, has retired from the editorship of Frazer’s Magazine. Mrs. Oliphant's new novel, White Ladies, will be given as a serial in The Churchman. The semi-weekly edition of the New York Sun was discontinued on the first of August. Farjeon’s new serial, At the Sigm of the Silver Flagom, is to appear in Frank Jeslie's Illustrat- ed Newspaper. • Miss Louisa M. Alcott is engaged upon a new story for the little folks, which will be published in St. Nicholas. The Churchman will publish a daily edition in New York during the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. John Cooley, the oldest printer in New York State, died in New Hartford, Oneida county, on the 2d inst., aged 74. He worked in the office of the Utica Observer during the later years of his life. "The Toiler is a new four-page weekly jour- nal, published in this city in the interests of labor. It is edited by Mr. L. Sanial, and is the organ of trade unions and workingmen's associations throughout the country. . Price, $2.50 per year, 5 cents per copy. The Treasurer of the company recently or- ganized for the purpose of publishing the Aldine announces that the new company brought to the enterprise an additional paid- up capital of two hundred thousand dollars, and that it is now more prosperous than ever before. Messrs. William L. Stern and Amos M. Kellogg have purchased the New York School Journal, and united with it the Illustrated Educational News and the College Review. The form has been changed to a sixteen-page quarto, and it is now issued weekly under the title of the New York School Journal and Educational News. Price $2.50 per annum, or six cents per copy. The Flower Garden, heretofore published quarterly by Beach, Son. & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., will, after this date, be issued monthly under the name of The American Garden, edited and conducted by the well-known gar- den artist, Mr. James Hogg. The first num- ber is a handy quarto of twenty-four pages, cut and stitched, and contains much matter of interest to gardeners and horticulturists. Subscription price $2.00 per year. Stechert & Wolff, New York, are agents for the long announced monthly Deutsche Revue, which is to occupy in Germany the same place as the Revue des JDeua Mondes in France. It will be edited by Julius Rodenburg, support- ed by the élite of German literati. The first number, which may be expected here in Octo ber, will contain contributions by Auerbach, Lasker, Sybel, Virchow, and Helmholtz. Sub- scription price, $8.80 in gold. Pusiness CHANGES. The style of the firm of J. E. Tilton & Co., of Boston, is changed to S. W. Tilton & Co. Mr. H. G. Arnold, bookseller, stationer, and news dealer, at New Britain, Conn., is suc- ceeded by Mr. G. W. Scott. On account of the death of Mr. J. Emmons, bookselier and canvasser, at 80 Nassau street, N. Y., the business has been discontinued. The partnership of Benoit & Wood, dealers in artists’ and drawing materials, New York, has been dissolved. The business is con- tinued by A. V. Benoit. Van Wagener & Munson, booksellers, sta- tioners, and news dealers, at Ellenville, N. Y., have dissolved partnership by mutual con- sent, and the business will hereafter be con- ducted in the name of E. H. Munson. The firm of A. B. Deming & Co., Middle- town, N. Y., dealers in books and stationery, was dissolved on the 1st of August, Mr. Dem- ing retiring from the business, which will be continued by L. S. Cutler & Co. Mr John R. Murry, bookseller, stationer, and news dealer, at Waverly, N. Y., has taken a partner, and the style of the firm is now Murry & Lent. Mr. George A. Leavitt has succeeded Lea- vitt & Allen Bros., and continues the business at the old stand, No. 8 Howard street, New York. Mr. C. M. Cushman, of Minneapolis, Minn., has sold his book and stationery business to Messrs. Charles G. Mooers and Charles S. Plummer. The style of the new firm is Mooers & Plummer. º, -º- SPECIAL Notices. A good book and stationery business, in a flourishing town in the Northwest, is offered for sale in our advertising columns. Robert Carter & Bros. announce Follow the Lamb, by Horatius Bonar. T. B. Peterson & Bros. do not contribute to the trade sale, but, as will be seen by their advertisement, they make special offers to the trade during the early fall. They will sell at these special rates from September 1st to October 15th. Mr. J. E. Mason, of Galveston, Texas, who discontinued his wholesale school-book busi- ness three years ago, for want of room, has, by the completion of a new and elegant store, been enabled to resume that trade, and pro- poses to make school-books a specialty. Butler's Practical and Critical Grammar of the English Language, and E. M. Murch’s Child's Grammar, announced by John P. Mor- ton & Co., of Louisville, for July, have just been published. They are both worthy the attention of teachers. A parcel sale, with invoices directly from leading publishers, is announced by Bangs, Merwin & Co., for November. 302 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Hurd & Houghton announce that they will publish, on the first of October, by authority of the Post-office Department at Washington, Number 1 of the United States Official Postal Guide, containing an alphabetical list of all the post-offices in the United States; with county, state, and salary of postmaster, money- order offices, domestic and international, chief regulations of the post-office department, in- structions to the public, foreign and domestic postage tables, and other useful information. The work is to be revised and published quarterly. With the September number of Rand & McNally's Railway Guide, the price to the trade is advanced to 28 cents. This change is made necessary on account of its being printed on a much finer quality of paper than before, thus increasing the cost of publishing. GEO. E. STEVENS & CO., Jobbers and Retailers of Books and Stationery in all departments, at the old stand, 39 West Fourth St., Cincinnati (Wholesale House, No. 134 Walnut St). Special attention given to School Books and supplies. Correspond. ence solicited. (CHICAGO. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY. 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CIHICAGO, Respecifully announce to the Trade of the west that they are ready to supply everything in the way of News dealers? and Booksellers’ Stock promptly, and at Huists and full infor- Imation sent on application. the lowest prices. NOVELTIES, GAMES, TOYS, ETC, McLOUGHLIN BROS., New York. Picture ABC Cubic Blocks. 3 sizes, in colors, $1, $1.50, $2. New Home Games with Dice and Cup, 50c. New Game—Authors. In case, 50c. New Game—Old Maid. In case, 50c. New Game—Nations. In case, 50c. New Game—Spider and Fly. In case, C. A. J. FISBER, New York. FIFTY CENT QUINTETTE GAMES. Beauties of Mythology. Heroines of History. Studies from Shakespeare. Facts and Fables about Birds. This Series of Games will be issued Sept. 1st, and as a combination of instruction and amusement will be highly appreciated by young and old. FIFTY CENT FUNNY GAMES. Game of a Fashionable Boarding- Bouse. Game of an Intelligence Office. Game of a Matrimonial Bureau. Entirely new, colored lithographic illustra- tions, novel methods of playing, and showy C3 SeS. The Game Casket. Containing 7 Games complete, for playing Chess, Checkers, Back- gammon, Mill Morris, Dominoes, Lotto, Wheel of Fortune. In case, $1.00. The Combination Game Board. Con- tains the Game of Competition, Checkers, and Backgammon, with box containing Dice, Dice- Box, and Men. -º-O-D--— INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. James R. Osgood & Co.—Autumn Pub- lications.------------------...----. 2 l page of cover. Roberts Bros.-September Books. -- - - - -3d “ (: American News Co.—Chatterbox . . . . . . 3d tº {{ T. B. Peterson & Bros.-Special Fall Sale.----------------------------... 4th ( ' tº Geo. E. Stevens & Co.—Books and Station- Clºy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 302. Western News Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 302. Wants. ---------------------------------------- “ 320 Books Wanted and for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 320, Baird's Practical and Scientific Books. . . . . . . . . “ 320. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.—Spencerian Pen “ 320. Children's Prize—New Volume. . . . . . . . . . ...... “ 321 Peerless Ink and Mucilage... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 322. Little Rolks—New Volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 323. Brewer & Tileston—Worcester's Dictionary ... “ 324 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . ** 324. P. F. Van Everen.—Adjustable Book-Cover... “ 324, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 3O3 pook ANNouncements F OR SEPTEMBER, D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Railway Earthworks—12mo, cloth—and Atlas —4to, cloth. By A. M. Wellington. Liſe of Columbus. By Aaron Goodrich. sheep, and haiſ inorocco. Artillery Tactics. Square 16mo, leather, $2. Science of Law. By Amos Sheldo.). “Interuational Scientific Series.” Clinical Lectures. By Wm. A. Hammond, M.D. 8vo, cloth. 8vo, cloth, A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Service of Song. By A. G. Stacy. Self-Reporting Class-Book. By J. R. Cole. 40 pp., paper, 40c. Monteith’s Gram. School Maps of U. S., S. A., Hemispheres, Europe, Asia, Africa, the World, &c. By Jas Monteith. $4 each. AyſſCRICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. The Children’s Prize. New volume for 1874 Small 4to, boards, colored cover, 75c. /The Peep Show. A new Juvenile Gift with illustra- tions on almost every page—many of them full-page. Boards, cover printed in colors, $1.50. Sunday Reading for the Young. New volume for 1874. 4to, uniform with Chatterbox. Boards, hand- some colored cover, $1.50; cloud full gilt sides and back, $2.50. The Little Folks’ Picture Gallery. The finest illustrated Juvenile Gift Book published this year. It has illustrations on every page, and is printed on heavy laid paper in the best possible manner. 4to, full gilt sides and edges, $2.50. COLLIN & SMALL, New York. Trip of the Porgie. By “Bricktop.” 12mo, 150 pp. , pamphlet, 50c. - CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Adams and Durham’s Real Estate Statutes and Decisions of Illinois. Vol. II. By Hon. Jno. H. Adams and W. J. Durham. Svo, 97.5 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. XX. With Notes by Vilas and Bryant. By O. M. Conover. Svo, 815 pp., law sheep, $7.50. ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Manual of Universal Church. History. By Rev. D. John Aiz g, of the University of Freiburg. Translated and edited, from the ninth edition, by Rev. Dr. J. G. Pabisch, President of Mt. St. Mary’s-of-the West. 3 vols. Vol. I.-The Early Church—ready in Sep- tember. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. TUncommercial Traveller. The XVIIIth vol. of “ Carleton’s lºdition Dickens' Works.’’ $1.50. A Fatal Passion. A novel, reprinted from the 41st European gaition. $1.75. Edwin Drood. The XIXth vol. of “Carleton's Edition Dickens' Works.” $1.50. Tested. A new novel, by the author of “Stolen Waters.” $1.75. A Child’s History of England. The XXth vol. of “ Carleton’s Edition Dickens' Works.” $1.50. . Josh Billings' Farmer's Alminax for 1875. With comic illustrations. 25C. West Lawn. A new novel, by Mary J. Holmes. $1.50. 12mo, cloth. . COLBY & RICH, Boston. Experimental Spiritism : Book on Mediums; or, Guide for Mediums and Invocators. By Allan Kardec. A translation from the French. 12mo, 460 pp., muslin, $1.50. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Christian Theology for the People. Lord, D.D. 8vo, 624 pp., c.oth, $4. Sceptres and Crowns. By the author of the “Wide, Wide World.” 16m.), 400 pp., cloth, $1.25. Doors Outward. By the author of “Win and Wear.” 16mo, 370 pp., cloth, $1.25. The Wooden Case. By Dr. Newton. 16mo, 1900 pp., cloth, 6 vols., $7.50. Golden Apples; or, Fit Words for the Young. By Rev. Edgar Woods. 16mo, 350 pp., cloth, $1.25. By Willis COWPERTHWAIT & Co., Philadelphia. Monroe’s First Steps in Spelling. Lewis B. Monroe. 16mo. 80 pp., boards, 25c. Hagar’s Dictation Problems and Reviews in Arithmetic. By Prof. D. B. Hagar. 12mo, 108 pp., boards, 50c. Rey to Hagar’s Common School Arithmetic. By Prof. D. B. Higar. 12mo, 132 pp., cloth, $1. Eddy’s Analytic Geometry. By Prof. H. T. Eddy. 8vo, 294 pp., cloth, $1.75. Around the Tea -Table. By T. De Witt Talmage. 8vo, 504 pp., cloth, gilt, $3. Sold only by subscription. By Prof. W. F. DRAPER, Andover, Mass. An Examination of the Alleged Discrepan- cies of the Bible. By John W. Haley, M.A. With an Inti oduction by Alvah Hovey, D.D. 12mo, 485 pp., cloth. A. DENHAM & CO., New York. The Works in Prose armcl. Verse of the Rt. Hon. John Hookham Frere. With Memoir by W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere. 2d edition, with additions. 3 vols., crown 8vo, $7 50. DICK & FITZGERALD, New York. McBride’s All Kinds of Dialogues. liott McBride. 30c. Beecher’s Recitations and Readings. vah C. Beecher. 30c. By H. El- 16mo, 180 pp., half bound, 50c.; p.per, By Al- l6mo, 180 pp., half bound, 50c.; paper, *===º PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Theologia Moralis Novissimi Ecclesiae Doctoris S. Alphonsl., in Compendium Redacti, et usui Venerabilis Ceri Americana. Accommodata, Auctore A. Konings, C.SS.R. Part II. 236 pp., $1.50. F. P. DUTTON & Co., New York. Lloyd Dalan. By Mary Densel. 16mo, illustrated, $1.25. Pussy Tip-Toes” Family. A story for “Our Lit- tle Boys and Girls.” By Mrs. D. P. Sanford. Square 12mo, 30 large illustrations, $1.75. - Holden with the Cords. A story, by W. M. L. Jay. 12mo, $2. The Three Homes. A Tale for Fathers and Sons. Rev. F. W. Farrar. 12mo, 390 pp., illustrated, $1.75. Working to Win. A Story for Girls. By Maggie Symington. 12mo, 445 pp., 4 illustrations, 75c. By 3O4. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. DODD & MEAD, New York. Opening of a Chestnut Burr. An October story. By Rev. E. P. Roe. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. The Buccaneers and Capt. Kidd. A new vol. of Abbott’s “ l’ioneers and Patriots.” By J. S. C. Abbott. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. t By Still Waters. By Elward Garrett. 12 illustra- tions. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. Coral and Coral Islands. New and cheaper edition, profusely illustrated. By Prof. Jas. D. Dana. $2. FSTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Packard’s Guide to the Study of Insects. 6th edition. 8vo, cloth, price reuuced to $5. What Young People should Know. Being the Anatomy, physiology, and Hygiene of the Humuu Reproductive Organs. By Prof. Burt. G. Wilder, of Cor. neil University. 12mo, $1.50. The Discrepancies of the Bible. By John W. Haley, A.M., of Autover Theological Seminary. With an Introunction by Alvah Hovey, D. D. A Commentary on the Diſficult Passages of the Scripuures. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.25. Lights and Shadows of Ministerial Life. A graphic account of tue failures and successes of one luuu- dred representative ministers, taken from real life, by one of them. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. • Epochs of HISTORY. Edited by Edward E. Morris, M.A., of Lincoln College, Ox- ford. 16mo, cloth, $1 each. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. By F. Seebohm, author of “The Oxford Reformers—Colet, Erasmus, More.” The Crusades. By the Rev. G. W. Cox, A.M., late Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, author of the “History of Greece,” “Mythology of the Aryan Natious,” &c. The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. By Samuel Rawson Gardiner. ELDREDGE & BROTHER, Philadelphia. Terence. With Text and Notes. By Prof. E. P. Crowell. 16mo, 230 pp., cloth sides, h : If roan, $1.25. WM. B. EVANS & CO., Philadelphia. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. By B. J. Lossing. Centennial edi- tion. 12mo, 384 pp., cloth, with black and gold side Stamps, $2. J. B. FORD & CO., New York. Norwood ; or, Willage Life iu. New England. By Henry Ward Beecher. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. New edition. 12mo, 550 pp., cloth, $2. Toinette. A Tale of Southern [,ife. 12mo, 525 pp., cloth, $1.50. Yale Lectures on Preaching. Henry Ward Beecher. cloth, $1.50. Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting. H. Bogardus. With steel pun trait. $2. - American Wild-Fowl Shooting. Long. It!ustrated. By Henry Churton. Third Series. By Unfortu edition. 12mo, 340 pp., By Capt. A. 12mo, 250 pp., cloth, - By Joseph W. 12mo, 250 pp., clotu, $2. FRED. GERHARD, New York. The Dark Side of New York Life. 10c. each. C mplete, 848 pp., paper, $2.60. Der Arztalt Hausfreund. By Dr. S. Ruppricht. 7th edition. 8vo, 560 pp., cloth, $2. Magazin der Interessanterten Criminal- gesch ichten. Nos. 11–l4. 8vo. 180. each. JDer Gerschaueſtshmann ºr der Amerika. 14. 8vo, 25c. each. Nos. 21–20. NOS. 12– S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. America. Not Discovered by Columbus. 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New Edition, with new illustrations. 16mo, 400 pp., cloth, $2.50. - GINN BROS., Boston. Elements of the English Language. nard Bigsby. 18mo, 155 pp., half clotu, 50c. Caesar's Gallic War. Four books. By Allen and Greenough. - 4° By Ber- HENRY L. HINTON & CO., New York. Not in Their Set; or, In Different Circles of Society. By Marie Leuzen. Translated from the German by M. S. Illustrated. 12mo, 380 pp., cloth, $1.50. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Progressive English Exercises. By Prof. H. W. Siglar. 12mo, $1. History of Germany. By James Sime, A.M. Edited by Edward A. Freeman. 16mo, $1. HENRY HOYT, Boston. Rose, Robin and Little May. English. 185 pp., cloth, $1. Life's Struggles. English. 16mo, 279 pp., cloth, $1. Loving Words. English. 16mo, 299 pp., cloth, $1. 16mo, HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Nimrod of the Sea; or, The American Whaleman. By William M. Davis. With many illustrations. 12mo, cloth, $2. ' For Love and Life. 8vo, paper, 75c. Some Leading Principles of Political Econ- Onny Newly Expounded. By J. E. Cairnes, M.A., Emeritus Professor of Political Economy in University College, London. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.50. * A Novel. By Mrs. Oliphant. , Bible Stories for Children. Dr. Thorne. A Novel. paper, 75c. Hydrophobia: Means of Avoiding its Perils and Pre- venting its Spread, as Discussed at one of the Scientific Soirees of the Sorbonne. By H. Bouley, Member of the Institute of France, General Inspector of the Veterinary- Schools of France, &c., &c. Translated by A. Liautard,. M.D., W.S., Principal Surgeon and Professor of Compara- tive Anatomy and Surgery in the New York College of Veterinary Surgeons, 8vo, paper, 35c. By Anthony Trollope. 8vo,. KAY & BROTHERS, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania State Reports. Wo'. LXXIII. Com- prising Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania. By P. Frazer Smith, St.tte Reporter. Vol. XXIII. containing Cases Argued at January Term, 1873. 8vo, . 576 pp.; law sheep, $4.50. Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme ourt of Pennsylvania. By Thomas Sergeal.t, and William Rawles, Jr. Vol. XIV. 3d edition, reviseu. and corrected. 8vo, 468 pp., law sheep, $6. The Pennsylvania Act of 1853, for the Sale, of Real Estate; with References to Authorities. By Eli K. Price. Crown 8vo, 09 pp., cloth, $2.25. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. The German Frnperors. History of the German Emperors and their Co., temporaries. Translated from the German, and Compiled from Authentic Sources. By Elizabeth Peake, author of “ Pen Pictures of Europe.” 8vo, extra cloth, with numerous illustrations. & Life of Franklin. The Life of Benjamin Franklin Written by himself. Now first edited from original manu- scripts, and from his printed correspondence and other writings. By Hon. John Bigelow. 3 vols. Crown 8vo, extra cloth, $2.50 per vol. The Greek Anthology. By Lord Neaves. Com-- pleting J. B. Lippiucott & Co.'s Series of “Ancient Classics for English Readers.” 12mo, cloth, $1. German University Life: The Story of my Career as a Student and Professor. With Personal Reminiscences of Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, and others. By Heinrich Steſſens. Translated by William L. Gage. New edition. 12mo, fine cloth, $1 25. History of Philip II. Vol. I. History of the Reign of Philip II. By W. H. Prescott. Entirely new edition, with the author’s latest corrections and additions. Edited by J. Foster Kirk. Vol. I. , 12mo, extra cloth, $2.25;. sheep, $2.75; half calf, gilt, $4.50 per volume. Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. A new edition, with steel plates. 3 vols. Cloth, $1.50 per vol. The Lost Model. A Romance. By Henry Hooper, author of “Wasulugton Botor,” etc., 12mo, extra cloth,- $1.75. Crowned in Palm-Land. sion Life. By R. H. Nassau. extra cloth. A Story of African Mis-- With illustrations. 12mo, LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. The Student's Guide to Materia Medica, in accordance w, th the talest issue of the British Pharma- copeia. By John C. 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History of India, from the Earliest Time to the Present Day. By L. J. Trotter. Fully illustrated, and with map. 12mo, cloth, $3. Drusie's Own Story. By Agues Giberne. cloth, $1.50. Natural History of the Bible. By H. B. Tristram. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. 12mo, SHELDON & CO., New York. Common School Speller (for Writing Spelling.) 16mo, 160 pp., half bound, 30c. Exercise Book to accompany the above. Patterson. 4to, 40 pp., Stiff paper, 25c. By Colvin E. STEIGER, New York. Ahn’s Practical and Easy Method of Learn- ing the English Language. By Dr. P. Henn, First and second course bound together. 12mo, xvi. and 94 pp., viii. and 203 pp., half roan, $1. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 3II SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. R. H. Stoddard, Editor. Square 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. In the “Bric-à-Brac" Series. - FPCCFIS OF History SERIES. 12mo, cloth, $1 each. Era of the Protestant Revolution. By F. See- bohm. 2 pp. The Crusades. By G. W. Cox, M.A. 228 pp. SCRIBNER, weLFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. The Book of Cats: A Chit-Chat Chronicle of Feline Facts and Fancies. By C. H. Ross, 12mo, With 20 en- gravings, $2.50. - Heraldry, Ancient and Modern, including Bou- tell's Heraldry. Revised, with additions, by S. T. Aveling. 12mo, with 487 engravings. Extra cloth, gilt edges, $3.75. A Practical Handbook of Dyeing and Cali- co Printing. By W. Crookes. 8vo, With dyed Speci mens, cloth, $21. The Shakspeare Argosy. Comprising much of Shakspeare's Wisdom and Wit. By A. Harcourt. 12mo, gilt edges, $3. Shakspeare's Complete Works. New edition. Small 8vo, extra cloth, gilt edges, $3.75. Loss and Gain : The Story of a Convert. Henry Newman, D.D. 12mo, cloth, $2.75. Grimm's Fairy Tales. A new translation, by Mrs. Paul. 12mo, paper, 75c.; cloth, $1. Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales. A new transla- tion, by Mrs. Paul. 12mo, paper, 75c.; cloth, $1. True and False Riches. . A Tale of the Hartz Moun- tains. By A. S. 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TIBBALS & SONS, New York. Lady of Provence. By A. L. O. E. Fully illustrated. 488 pp., cloth, 90c. Cyril Ashley. By A. L. O. E. Fully illustrated 18mo, 486 pp., cloth, 90c. Rescued from Egypt. By A. L. O. E. Fully illus- trated, 18umo, 486 pp., cioth, 90c. The A. L. O. E. Library, comprising the above. Ry A. L. O. E. Fully illustrated. 1439 pp., cloth, 3 vols., $2.70. T. WHITTAKER, New York. OLIVE SERIES. Rose Smith; or, How a Child May Do Good. Illustrated. 32mo, 92 pp., cloth, 30c. U. D. WARD, New York. Evangel Wiseman; or. The Mother's Question. By “Sally Rochester Ford,” author of “Grace Truman.” 12mo, 507 pp., cloth, $1.75. WOOLWORTH, AINSWORTH & CO., Ncw York. The National Primary Series of Copy-Books, introductory to Payson, Dunton & Scribner’s Natiouai System of Penmanship. 24 pp., paper, 4 vols., 10c. - SOLOMON ZICKEL, New York. Die Mutter als Erzieherin ihrer Kinder. Dr. K. A. Klein. 8vo, 415 pp., Paper, 75c. Der geheimnissvolle Pedlar, Roman aus dem deutsch-Amerik. Leben. By R. Leouhart. 8vo, 583 pp., paper, 75c. TJnschuldig verurtheilt, entschleierte Geheimnisse: aus den Hallon der Justiz alier Länder. By Dr. K. Loeff- ler. Large 8vo, 480 pp., paper, $1. sºmeºs Volkskalender, 1875. pel', 200. By 8vo, 198 pp., pa- New Music. BALMER & WEBER, St. Iouis. Grand Crash Polka. H. Werner. 40c. Gesellschaft Waltz. Von Sturmeck. 40c. Trovatore. Osborne. 40C. Sonata, in F. Mozart. 85C. La Fontaine. Reynald. 35c. Comet March. , Van Berg. 20c. Cheerfulness. Gumbert. Duet, Soprano and alto. 75c. A Place Within my Heart. Meininger. 30c. I ICiss Thee in my Dreams. Adison. 30c. BOOSEY & CO., New York. Mary Morison. Sullivan. Song. 50c. Dick Turpin’s Ride to York. Hatton. 50C. Song. 20 Household Songs. 12 New Ballads. Claribel. 50C. Gernevieve de Brabant. Offenbach. forte. 50C. w Perichole. Offenbach. For piano-forte. 50c. For piano, Princess of Trebizonde. Offenbach. For piano- ſorte. 50C. - 50 Voluntaries for Harmonium. 50C. 40c. 24 Scotch Songs. 40c. BIGLOW & MAIN, New York. The Vineyard of Song. Chester G. Allen and Theo- dore F. Seward. For Singing Schoois, Institutes, Con- ventious, Schools, and Academies. 75c. The Revellers. A Juvenile Temperance Cantata, in. two parts. John H. Hewitt. 30c. 3I 2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The Tidal Wave. Rev. Robt. Lowry and W. Howard I)oane. A collection of Temperance Songs, Quartettes, Choruses, &c., &c. 20c. Tidal Wave and Revellers, bound together. COREY BROTHERS, Providence. On the Summer Shore. C. D. Blake. 40C. Cling to Me, Little One. C. D. Blake. 40c. Twilight by the Gate. C. D. Blake. 40c. Oh, Whisper that you Love me, Kathleen. C. D. Blake. 40c. Come while the Doors are Open. C. D. Blake' 40c. Fairy Footsteps Gently Falling. C. D. Blake. Variations. 50c. - Murmuring Rivulet. Dorn. Caprice. 75c. Sweet Hope. Dorn. Reverie, 50c. Little Fairy Mazurka. Streabog. Easy. 30c. Little Fairy March. Streabog. Easy. 30c. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCAL- - Speak, only Speak. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus. 30c. Summer Land of the Soul. Geo. F. Root. Song . and chorus, 30c. & The Merry Old Maid. F. L. Bristow. Comic bal- lad. 30c. IDavid and Goliath. P. P. Bliss. Duet. 40C. Waiting on the Shore. C. Gabriel. Song and duet. 30c. I’m Looking Out for You. A. Shaw. Song and chorus. 30c. e Let Not thy Heart be sighing. T. M. Towne. Song. 35c. Burlesque Band. C. Netermohlen. Octette. 50c. INSTRUMENTAL, Work is Done. G. F. Root. Rondo. 25c. Overland Waltz. Havens. 30c. IDecoration IMarch. RGOt. 20c. Pit-a-Pat Pollra. Bristow. 30c. Tree-tops Waltz. Joſge. 30c. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. ldas Alpenhorn. Proch. Instrumental. 5c. La Belle Louise Quickstep. Rublee. 10c. New Soup-House Waltz. 10c. Where the Citrons Blossom. Strauss. Waltz. 10C. CARL FIEUSER, New York. Deux Rondinos. J. F. Petri. La Légèreté et L’Élé- gance. 75c. Idylle—Echo des Montagnes. J. F. Petri. Chant sans Paroles. No. 1 in A. J. F. Petri. Le Desir. J. F. Petri. 25c. Capriccioso. J. F. Petri. IBerceuse. J. F. Petri. 25c. Chant sans Paroles. No. 2 in E. J. F. Petri. 25c. La Cascade. E. Pauer. New edition, revised by K. Klauser. 65C. Love Song. Klauser. 35C. 65C. 25C. 40c. A. Henselt. New edition, revised by K. IEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Summer Sweets, Good-bye. Song. J. G. Schaidt. 33c. 50c. Erwenna. Piano. Clara E. Saylor. 50c. Bella Galop. J. L. F. Cocoa. 50c. Gaite de Coeur Valse Brillante. Smith, 75c. - Diamond. Song and chorus. C. S. Harrington. 50c. Railroad Galop. Simon Hassler. 50c. La Estrella Solitaria (Solitary Star). Grand valse. Op. 24. S. Cocoa. 50C. - Beautiful Evening Star. Vocal duet. Jesse Wil- liams, 50c. Our Little Jennie. Song. Miss M. Gill. 30c. - Ecole Primaire. Elementary Lessons for beginners in playing the piano-ſorte. Books 1 and 2. Duvernoy. 75c. each. º Love Dreams. Song. Stones. Air Par. Roi Louis XIII. 30c. Easy. Mack. 20c. HENRY McCAFFREY, Baltimore. Man of Many Names. James E. Magruder. Song and chorus. 30c. J. L. PETERS, New York. Westward Ho ; Galop. Wilson. 75c. Had we Met in Brighter Hours. Song. Levey. 30C. Prairie Flowers. Take it Easy. 35C. Belle Coquette. Polka mazurka. Maylath. 40c. Poor Old Grandpa. Song and chorus. Hays. 40c. Close, the Shutters Gently. Song and chorus. Polka mazurka. Maylath. 40c. Comic Song and chorus. Stewart. HayS. 35C. nºt Drink Any More. Song and chorus. Hays. 35C. Two O’Clock in the Morning. Song and chorus. Percy. 40c. - Jewel Box Schottische. Kinkel. 35C. Santa Claus Galop. Kinkel. 35c. Walking on the Lawn. Song and chorus. Hays. 35C. - Drifting. Song and chorus. Percy. 35c. Jolly Fiddler’s Galop. Song and chorus. Maylath. 500. LOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Norma. Hunton. War. 40c. Ah, che la Morte 3 Osborne. War. 40c. Juliette. Coote. Violin and piano. 30c. Military March. Horn. Violin and piano. 30c. Riss Me, Darling, Tell Me Why. Danks. Song. 2d editiou. g J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Dare I Tell. Cbas. Grobe. Variations. 60c. Gently Down the Stream of Time. Chas. Grobe. March. 40c. Waiting for Papa ; or, Faithful Through the Storm. Miunie W. Patterson. Song and chorus, 40c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Boatman’s Song. Blumenthal. Vocal. 35c. Two Hearts that Beat as One. Levey. Vocal. 30C. lºsing: Lichner. Youthful Dream, No. 1. 4 hands. 0C. At the Brook. Lichner. Youthful Dream, No. 2, 4 hands. 50c. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3I.3 y THE Stationery MARKET Business for the month has been fair, but in general has fallen short of the expectations of many. The feeling is still hopeful, and the indications are that the season's trade will be good, but will be distributed pretty evenly through the season. Fewer fancy goods than usual are in the market, and importations have not been heavy. No material changes in prices have been made, except in a few lines where competition has slightly broken them. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ............. 0 00 “ 1,000, “ { { “ e e s s e e º 'º 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. - Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . g º e º e º 'º e º is e º ºs e e º e º º ge e º ºs e e s º e º s e s tº s 30 ctS. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs, to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 33 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 35 “ - SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb...... gº e s m e º e º e º ſº º e º e = * 27 to 28 cts. Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e s e º 'º e º 'º 27 to 28 “ Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 28 “ French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 25 £ tº { { ( : No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, “ ............. 3 00 - Printing Papers. book and News, wood and part straw... . . . . . . T1 to 13 ctS. § { ‘‘ rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e s e e s e e s 13 to 16 “ { { “ good to first-class............ 20 to 30 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUfRE. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire....... * * > * > * tº e º s s ſº . . . . $0 30 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . & ſº º º e e a e º e º e s e e s e 45 Medium, 17 by 22, “ gº a dº e s = e º 'º e a e s a s is e º e º e < * 60 Royal, 19 by 24, “ e e is e º sº e º e º 'º e º & e º 8 & 9 º' 80 WHATMAN’S. º Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 55 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º e & I 30 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . © tº e º e g º ºs e º is s is 1 65 Super Royal, 19 by 17, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ tº e º gº tº e º e º e º & º & º & © 2 85 Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 & C Colored, “ . ..... tº e º is a tº tº & e º e º e . . . . . 2 50 English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e º sº e º e º 'º e º Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 75 Melium, ‘ . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * g e º e is a º º is sº e º e e º ºn tº . 1 25 Bristol Boards. REYNOLDS” AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 { { 3 { { { { º & e g e e º e º 'º & © tº tº dº º 75 & & 4 { { { { © tº $ tº e g e e tº s tº º e º 'º º º º 1. 00 Demy, 2 { { { { * @ º e º 'º º º * * * g º gº tº e º e 80 & S 3 { { ( & * & ſº tº tº º is tº e º e º tº 1. 20 { { 4 { { & & tº e º e º 'º e º e º ºs e º ºs e º º tº e e 1 60 Medium, 2 { * { { tº e º e º 'º e tº º o tº tº º 1 10 & & 3 i & t & tº e º e s a e º 'º e s s º * & g 1 70 & 4 4 tº º “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 - Perforated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Blotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 QuartO { % “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Ink. * David’s Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 9 00 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... 1 25 tº 8 tº 1 tº { { “. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 David's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 3 25 { { Quarts, 1 ‘‘ { { “ . . .... 6 00 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. SUBJECT To FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. Staſſord's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross....... . $7 20 Aruold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ........... 6 00 { { & t “ Pints, “ ........... , 3 50 { { { { “ ( Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 { { { { ‘‘ Stands, per gross........ . . . 7 20 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ............. 12 00 { { { { Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { & 4 ASSorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. ......... ...... 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . 1 25 { { ( * ( & 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 David’s Carmine, No. 1, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 { { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 { { , t → No. 2, per doz. . . ............. 3 15 { { { { No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz .... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s s s a s e 2 25 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ © tº e º 'º º e tº . 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Inlº. BLACK WIOLET WRITING INK. INIK. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 Pints, * { { { “ . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { “. . . . 1 60 2 00 1 75 OZ. , { { { { “. . . . 90 1 15 1 00 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing Copying Ink. Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . $8 00 | Half Pints, per doz. ... $3 00 Pints, { { 5 00 || 4 Oz. Flat Inkstands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. - and Mucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. ............ ... 1 “ 8 ounces, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 3 50 “ Pints, £ a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 25 “ Quarts, { { tº e º e > * * * * e s c s s e º e s a , , e. e. e. 7 00 Inlistands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. ................ . I 55 { { § { “ No. 2 “. ........ ... $ tº e º e º º 1 65 Silliman's No. 3, School, “ ....... • . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 { % No. 2, * { “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 { { No. 1, { { & C wº ... ------.. 1 87 { { Academic, “ . . . . . . . . . * * * * g º e . 4 00 { { Mechanics', & © • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Flat Glass, 24 inch, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 { { ( & “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 { { 3+ “ t & * * * * * * ... I 50 { { 4 * : “. ................ . 1 75 Air-tight Inks, small, “. . . . . . . ... . . . 7 75 { { “ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper’s Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3.............. . Glass Screw Tops, from..............87c. to $1.25 per doz, Steel Pense American News Company’s No. 170. ... $0 50 * { { { { { School, No. 51.... 30 { { { % { { Extra Fine, No 333.... 50 { { { { { { { { & & No. 444... 50 { { { { { { Quill, No. 76. . . . 50 { { { { { { Falcon, No. 48.... 50 ( & { { & 8 Bank, No. 14.... 50 { { { { { { Commercial, No. & e º 'º 50 { { { { $º A'bata, No. 11.... 50 \. 3I4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. {* SUBJEOT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET, Gillott's Pens, No. 303 e tº e º 'º e º e º ºs * * * * g e º 'º e tº gº e º e tº tº e º 'º $1 00 lºominoes. { { “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . $ tº e º 'º a tº 55 * g { { “ No. 170..................... . tº tº 75 Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 § { {{ N. § tº e º tº e º te e º $ tº tº º 60 ... g.º. { { { { “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 e ºr ºf a s is e º 'º * @ º e º is e e º e & tº gº tº e º ºs e º e g º º ſe { Washington Medallion Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Mahogany boxes, * .. 600 to 1800 encerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Sp { { “ in 3 gross boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 e ſº Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 13c. Fmpress......... 18 Lead Pencils. Rose Tint, ‘‘ “ 15c. Newport.... . . . . . 22 Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Backgammon Boards. ... ſºon, “ . ......... ..... ... . . . . . . . Leather, 2 in nest, per nest............ ........... 2 75 { Tab et, - tº gº & & © tº e º sº º ºs e e < * * * * 40 { { - { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 º Drawing, : lD. box, per doz. e e º e º e º 'º e º e s tº dº ſº e ºs : ; ( & 2 II) extra nest * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e & * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 50 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. e e º e is e º ºs e º 'º g e ; Checker-MHen. “ Hexagon, * e e º ºs e s e º e º ºs e e º e º 3 e o e º a Box Wood. per doz l 75 { { ad, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 º : per (10Z. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e & & Fº and Green, Tipid. '........ . . . . . ..., |Maple Wood, plain, per doz..... • * * * * * * * e º & e º e s e º gº 1.00 Red and Black, Polished, per gross, Faber’s ... . . . . 1 80 Chess-MIen. e * * 4 e e e º sº tº G & © 9 & 2 e s s e e º e º ºs e e 2 gº gross, Fagle l ; Bone, German, per doz. ...... .............. $7 50 to 36 00 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * ſº e º & ºn tº e g . . . . e e º s = e e e º e º º º Wood, {{ { { * * * * * g e º e g g g g g g º e º gº º 9 00 to 15 00 Pen-Holders Stauton, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 to 36 00 Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... 40c. to 50 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. º Swell, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 99 | Blackboard Crayons, per gross............ . . . . . . . . . . 15 French Tip, per gross • * * * '• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 00 & 4 ſ t aSSOrted colors, per grOSS. tº $ tº e o 1 IO Bone, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . gº º º e º e ºs e º 'º e º 'º e º sº e sº :5c. to 1 00 | Stationers’ Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to Ib., Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * e º is e e s e e s a s 35C. to 60 per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º e & © tº t e º 'º e º º 60. , Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Slates. “ Bands, # inch, per gross.......... . .80c. and 1 00 Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... 48 “ “ , “ { { ... . . . . . . .31 00 and 2 00 { { {{ { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 54 é & { { { { 6 by 9, “ ...... 75 Portfolios. . & £ { { { { 64 by 19, . . . . . . . 80 | Letter size, per doz....................... $4 00 to 15 00 º º % § #. e is e e e º 1; Cap { { y ( { tº e º 'º e º e s a e s • e a e e s e e s e s e e I0 00 to 24 00 ( & i (, { { § by 13, “ ...... I 30 Pocket-Books. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch. . . . . . . ...... 50 | S e German Slate Pencils, 5 inch, 15c.; 6 inch. . . . .- ... 2ſ) iºp, perſº: :::::::::::::::::::::: s ; º : § German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross...... * | imitation Morocco, per doz................. i 50 to 6 oo * Morocco, “ . . . . . . .....'. . . . . . 5 00 to 20 00 Silicate Book Slates. FOR SLATE PENCIL, Stereoscopes. Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 34 by 55 in., per doz. 1 #0 | *...*, *, Hººd, per doz., Nº. 33........ 8 00 Companion, “ gilt title, 33 by 55 in., “ 2 10 | Mahogany, {{ { % { { No 41. . . . . . . 9 00 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 50 | Rosewood, No. 39........ 12 00, Silica, interlw’d, 6 surfaces 5 by 84 in., “ 3 00 ...”: “ , ” by li’in. “ & Go Thermometers, Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. ........... . . . . . . . . 4. 25 For LEAD PENCIL. { % { { “. . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . 5 00: Daily Memoranda, interlw’d, gilt, ſº by 34 in., per doz. 1 50 { { 12 tº “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e s tº e s e . 6 00 {...". & “3 º';...”. I SO Mahogany, 9 . . . . . . . .----..... . . . . . . . . § 32 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in... “ 2 10 |* 12 * * * * * * * * * * * * g e g s e g g g g tº ... 7 25 Mºº title, 10 sº y º oo School and Counting-House Rulers. Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 34 by 5} Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 21 24 inches, per d0Z . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e s e º e e º s = e º s • * * * 00 | School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 25 1 62 1 87 2 12 2 50 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 33 by Counting-House, per doz. . . . $3 00 3 75 4 00 5 :5 6 00 54 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº £ e º ºs 00 º - N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Quills. - Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 60 - Envelopes. No. 39, • * * * * * g º ºs e º e = e e º e º e . . . . . . . . . . 75 { Buſſ, Heavy 5, per 1,000...................... 1 30 | . §§ {}, ... “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs e º & © e 1 I5 :* “...” x; “...' ......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 50 * No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s gº 1 65. { { t ( xx5. { { tº gº tº tº g is tº e º e e º ºs e s & e º 'º s & ºn 2 ()() £ 4 No. 60, { { • * * * * * * * * * * * * * s e e s s e e s e e s e e º º 2 35 white { { xxx; º * e º e s = * * * * * * * g e * e e º ºs e e # # QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. hite, xx. " ...................... 3 80 | Italian, per doz. boxes..................... . . . . . . . 2 75 { { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 50 | Portable, “ {{ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s = a, e = s. s 3 25 & 4 XX, { { { { * { { { % 3 30 Large, t ( “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Orange, XX5, per 1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 3 00 || Office, { { { { sº tº e º 'º e s tº e e tº e e º e e . . . . . . 5 75 XX5 { { e e º G & º e s a tº º e 4 © tº º 3 00 Gold, y Blank Books. Playing Cards. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. mboat, er doz. ....................... 2 00 | Say, Halſ Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25. #. p “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 'Fuji { { “, j { { ... . . . .22C. to 50 Eureka, or Players, { { e e < º e s e e º s & we º º 2 5S Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire...40c. to 75 Mogul, Fancy, “ . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e s s is sº e s a e e 3 33 Demy, { { & & & & ... 60C. to 1 25 & “ . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º ſº e g º e º is tº º 4 50 # sºmeº, e e º e º 'º e s e e º 'º º e º e º º 6 00 MIemorandum Books. Euchre, y “. . . . . -------. * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 50 12mo, per doz. ... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 to I 00 Ill. Mcguls, {{ • - - - - - e e º ºs e º gº tº º & B & e º 'º e © tº 7 00 8vo, { { ge º 'º dº ſº e s tº tº e tº dº e º sº s e º e º e º e º & e º º 94 to 1 25 Gold Eagles, { { © e º 'º e & g & g tº gº tº * 8 00 Crown, t & e e º e º e º e º is e s e e s e º e º e s e e e s e s a 1 00 to 2 00 Gold. Faced Moguls, { { s e º e g º e e s tº * * * * tº gº tº . e. * * * T] 00 Demy, {{ * * * * * * * * * * * * is e e º e e s e e s tº e º a 1 25 to 5 00 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 3í5 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d,—Money sept by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.--The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazimes on sale to those who specially order w8 mot to do so, but do send all mew publications to owr dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.—News- dealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers und Periodicals as received, at the same rate of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. POSTAGE TO NEWSEDEALIERS. - NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, One Cent for every Four Ounces. PAPER COVERED NOVELS, do. dO. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily. judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGO, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $..... tº e º e º 'º º 'º e º ºs . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this ; * 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. * 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. | 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. Yours truly, Bgy Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] - TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ge tº º e º ºs e º & © tº gº tº e º º tº $ ſº e s e º sº sº tº º a $ s e º e º e & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ { { 6. 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º ſº e º e º e º º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e s e s = e s e s a e { { & t 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . e s is e g º & & ſº e º is a s gº e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s a e = * * * * * { { { { 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . tº tº º ſº tº e º & e º e º & tº e º e º 'º e º 'º & ſº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e = * * * tº e º e º e = e º e º ºs & . “ $1. 3 CUT OFF– . 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ë e s e º e º is tº gº tº e... making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * e º e {{ « 7 1 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ {{ 4 Send following in first bundle— Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1. Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jam. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said, alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city 2nd the last date the change was made. - + Communications should be addressed to THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, 316 TH • * * AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. ſº New Publications are printed in beavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a Star (*). Trade Ret, - Price. Commercial Bulletin, ... . . . . . 3% — Graphic (The)............... 3%. 5 New York Courier des Etats Unis. . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º 'º e º º º º 4 New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . %. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 El Cronista. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Messager Franco-Americain. . 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 After Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% — Albany Law Journal.....'.... 7% lo Amateur ... . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * 10 Amateur (Washington) . . . . . . 10 American Brewer’s Gazette .. 35 - American Gael (The)......... 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist . . . . . 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4% 6 American Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 *- American SportSman. . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Union............. 4% 6 Appleton's Journal ... . . . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria ........ & º e º 'º e º e º e 7 10 Banner of Light... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - Beekeeper's Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 - Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . .... 6 10 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Boston Statesman..... . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Traveler ............. 6 Boston Weekly Journal . . . . . . 4% 6 Boyd’s Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — | Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5. 8 Catholic Review ... . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Catholic Standard . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 Christian at Work ........... 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer ....... 7 10 Christian Leader ............ 4% — Christian Mother .... . . . . . . . . 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . 6 1() Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 3% 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - Church Weekly........ ...- ... 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 6% — Coal and Iron Record... . . . . . . 7 10 College Courant.............. 7%. 10 Commercial and Financial Chronicle .......... . . . . . . . 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman........ . . 4 6 I D A T L Y IP A P Jº R. S. Trade Ret. Price. New York Evening News..... %. 1 New York Evening Post...... 4 5 New York Evening Telegram. 1% 2 New York Evening Witness .. 34 1 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2%. 3 New York Herald..... . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 S E VII - W E L E K. L. Y. New York Express. . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E K. L. Y. Courier des Etats UniS . . . . . . . 9 10 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Critic (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% — Crusader.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% - Danbury News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Day Book... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I0 Demokrat (German). . . . . .. 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Dwight’s Journaſ of Music.... 8 - Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 El Espejo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 - Elite (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Engineering and Miuing Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " T0 Episcopalian......... . . . . . . . . 6 S Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 S Every Saturday..... . . . . . . . . 7 10 Examinér and Chronicle....., 4% 6 Exchange Market............ 2 – Favorite (The).... . . . . . . . . .. 4 6 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Financier . . . . . . $... . . . . . . . .. 7 - Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Strealm........... 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 {{ “ Lady’s Journal. 7 10 { { “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 { { “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { “ Young American 4% — Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Girls and Boys of America. .. 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Harper's Weekly . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Heart aud Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Hearth and Home............ 6 10 Hebrew Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . 4% 5 Herald §...} * * * * * * e e º ſº 4% 6 Here and There ... . . . . . . . . . . 1% — Home Circle............ 3%. 5 Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Independent ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 10 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . 6 8 industrial Record (with sup. plement).... . . .37 e e º e º e º 'º - e. Those the prices of which have Trade Ret. Price. New York Journal (German). 2% 3 New York Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — New York Staats Zeitung..... 2%. 3 New York Star.............. 1 3-102 New York Sun .............. 1% 2 New York Times ............ 3% 4 New York Tribune...... . . . . . 3%. 4 New York World....... 3% 4 New York Times . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 New York Tribune........... 3%. 5 New York World ............ 3% 5 Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator....... ......... 7 -- Iron Age... . . . . .----........ 7 T0 Irish American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Irish Democrat. ............ 3% 5 Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Jewish Messenger............ 8 --- Jewish Times ........ ... . . . . 8 12 Knights of Pythias Journal ... 4 6 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 10 Latest News from Germany..— -* Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Living Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 L'Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 12 Medical and Surgical Reporter, 9 12 Medical Independent... . . . . . . 4 6 Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% TO Mercury (N. Y.)... . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Methodist ................... 4% 6 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . . 22 wº- Nation ſº • e g º e s - - - e º 'º e & s e 9 12 National Car Builder. . . . . . . . . 7 - Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 12 Nautical Gazette............. 7 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Jersey Record .......... 7 --- New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New York Albion............ 7 10 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Courier . . . . . . . . . .. 4 6 New York Dispatch.......... 7%. 10 New York Era............. . 3 5 New York Family Story Paper. 4% — New York Journal (German). 4% 6 New York Ledger............ 4% 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . * * New York School Journal .. 4% — New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% – New York Varietics. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Weekly........... 4%. 6 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Offord's Pulpit............... 5 — Oil, Paiut, and Drug Reporter. 6 — Our Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — People's Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 People's Literary Companion... 4%. 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng * 2 º’ - e º 'º a tº e s e º sº e º e º e tº º e º & tº 4 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 * Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 --> Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% 6 Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3%. 5 Pilot.... . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6%. 10 Police Gazette..... • * > * > → e s e e 7 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 3I 7 W .E. E. K. L. Y. — CO In Linuedle - Trº, lºt. Traºst. Traft Ret - - rice. - Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 | Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Union Advocate ... . . . . . . . . . . *_ |...}. *:::: . . . . . :* 6 §. º • * * * * * * * * * * * * º 3% — | Universe.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 rairie Far II)0ſ . . . . . • e º e º 'º e º e — | Sunday Courler. . . . . . . & © e º e º - e- Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday Daily Times . . . . . . . . . 4% — | Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . 1% — Presbyteriang:::::. . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Sunday Democrat........ . . . . .2% — | Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Publishers’ Weekly . . . . . . . . . . 7 — | Sunday Dispatch ...... ... ... 7% — | Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . 8 10 Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Waverley Magazine....... ...11 15 Railroad Gazette... . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4% — | Weekly Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 #.ºrd e - - - - - - e º 'º 1. %. 10 §. Nºry * * * - © e e º e s - e. e. º: 1. W. jº * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3%. 5 * * * : . . . . . . . - Sunday NeWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 x 1 a Cekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10 | Sunday New Yorker Democrat 2 % — | Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Rural New Yorker........... 4 6 § New Yorker Journal... 2% — Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 - - unday PreSSC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% 10 | Sunday Staats, ... . . . . . - - - - - - 2% — | Weekly New York Journal . . . § 6 § $º • e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. #4 6 §§ i. - - - - - - - e. e. e. • * * * * * * : T W. New Yorkor Presse. . . 4. .. 5 e e e º e º a • * * • - Sunday TimeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Saturday Star Journal.... ... : 4% 6 Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Weolcly Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . § 5 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Weekly Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 * man).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Weekly Sun . . . . . • * * * * * e s e ºs e e 2% 4 Scientific American. . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 || The Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6 — | Weekly Times 3 4 Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 7 || The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – w; i............. §: 5 Scottish America: Journal... 5 7 | * Thompson’s Reporter ...... 6 — | Weekly witness ............. 2 2 3 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter . 14 25 Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 | Weekly World..... . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 || Tobaccº Leaf.............. . . 9 12 || Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 15 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 10 || Toiler (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Woman’s Journal... . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 ś. post * * * * * * * * ; : ſº Yºkly Blade. . . . . . . . : : Woodhull & Claflin's Wockly... 7 10 - • e - - - - g º ranSCT1pt. . . . . . . e Q sº e o & e < * * * * South (The)....... . . . . . . . . . 9 — | True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4% 6 || Yankee Blade ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 Spectre (The e e e º 'º : . . . . . . . . 4% 6 | Truth Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 — | Young Men of America. . . . . . . 3 ſ: * Spiritualist at Work ...'...... 5 — | Turf, Field, and Farm ... . . ... 7 10 | Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3 5 IV O N T | H II L. Y. Agriculturist (English)...... 9. 15 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 69 || Folio (Musical).............. 10 — º: ...) - - - - - º ; Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . .40 50 A. * e - e = e = * 13 * | Carriage Journal ...... . . . . . .22 25 Frank Leslie’s § and Gil's American Bookseiðrs; Guide. 5 - Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 { { { { W’kly (mo. p ts) 18 - American Builder 2 º: Total-Abstinence {{ t { §§º 15 º . . . . . . . . . . . . - nion.... . . * * * * g e º e º 'º e º º º 4% — º *1) 01" A. º & Review % ; Catholic World . . . . . . . . . . 33° 50 { { , , (nº phºtº):36 50 American Historical Record. 28 35 Cassell’s Magazine (monthly º º 40 - ini parts)------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 - - ... • A. Illustrated industrial, 6 Children's New Church Maga- ( & { { º: º, 35 u" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zino ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 fº 2O. I' . . . . Aº of Health 7 Chronotype . . . . . ............ . 15 & C ** Pleasant Hours.10 15 American journal of Philately. 9 12 㺠`i to i4. *::: ; Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 ºº:::::: # , |gºnia and Hatter........" . . . .''.......... 10 15 American i. W. Back * | Com. Chart Manual.......... 23 - Gardener s Monthly............. 16 25 NOS y; C 12 Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 |*Gartenlaube (Leipsic Edition, American Naturalist......... 24 35 Comic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 10 sºnºmonthly) ::::::::::::: 8 15 American oad Follow. ...i. 25 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Gº º (Ger- 5 - : ;.... . . . . . * Son’s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 7 ) . . . . . . . - †ºi, ſº gº........ # * glºomily companion. 4 ſo American Turman tº e º e º e s e º s 15 2 Croſutt’s Western World . . . . . 5% 10 Globe (The ...} tº e º 'º e -. . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Appleton’s Journal & (4 weeki; T | De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . . 10 15 Goſley's Lady's Book......... 21 - numbers t V, 40 | Pºmorºs's Magazine...:--. 20 — | º e e º 'º - 4 - e. e. e. e. g º e a ; 25 is 'rº. 75 Aiºi." Demorest’s Young America.... 7 l() .* * * * * *-***** a s a º e º e º e s & e e s e e *d Aºurº (5 weekly 35 so | Qe Norºendorf's Monthly.. .4% – good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 25 Appleton's Railroad guide...f6 35 Dental Cosmos ........ ... 23° Grand Army. Gazette • * * * * * * * 7 10 Aquatic Monthly - * * .25 * | De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. ... 13 _ Guide º Holiness. . . . . . . . . . .11 - A. Magazine. * @ tº .33 – De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . . 33 50 Archives Medical Science . . . .35 - (ºthly. ... ºn... 2. .10 15 Hall's Journal of Health 12 - Arthur’s Home Magazine 14 20 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Harper’s M : ~~~~~. . . . . . ASSociation Monthl • * * * * 7 10 Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 arper's 8gflzlū0 . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Atlantic Monthly y . . . . . . . . . 2, #| Be Will's Elºitionary Sºric5.10 15 Harper's Weekly (monthly • e º e º 'º - e º e º e 1)e Witt's Ethiopian Comic Hºrāś . . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 Ballou's Magazine ...11 15 || Pº ſo.5: …:10 15 | #. ; * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 15 Bankers’ Magazino e . * * * * * * * * 35 50 Do Witt'S 10 Cont Romances, . agazine ... • - . . . . . . 55 75 Bankrupt Register • * * * * e º e º e e 38 50 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * 10 #: rook º Ú. S. Mail. . . . . . . .9 12 ---e----e.-----. . . . . e e º e e De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 40 Beadlo’s Publications : 1 to 147 i. hl º Horticulturist • e e s - e. e. e. e. e. e s s e e 16 .25 e - O (semi-monthly)... 5 10 Howe's Musical Monthl Dime Books ..... • & e a tº e e º e . 6% Dexter Smith's Paper........ 1. 5 ; uS1Cal M10n Unly . . . . . . 25 | 35 100 or ºver.... 6 Drug Bulletin • * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . 5 * | Hub (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 -- 1000 . . . . 5% Druggists' Circular ..... . . . . . 9 15 Industrial Monthly. . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Song Boºks. * s & tº e º e º 'º o • . . . . 5 Eglectiº Magazinº;:. . . . . . . . §§ 30 | Inland Monthly... . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Č * 100 or over, .... 4% Educational Monthly ........l7 20 | Insurance Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 { { ‘‘ 1000 “ . . . . . 4 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 — Insurance Times............ .22 30 Beautiful World ... . . . . . . . . . .18 _| Every Saturday (monthly Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . .22 -- Best words ................. 7 10 parts). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 | Insurance Gazette ...... . . . . .40 - Blackwood's Magazine .......28 35 | Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 — Internal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 12 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Fireside (Musical)........... 4% — Jolly Joker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Circular (semi-monthly), , . 8 12 | Floral Cabinet........ . . . . . . . 10 | Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 3.18 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade Ret, Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . ge tº * La America (semi-monthly) .. Lady’s Own Magaziue. . . . . . . . Laly's Repository . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 Ladies' Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 La Mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 * Land and Moer. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 ſand Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Laws of Life... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Le Charivaria. . . . . . * = e s e s e e s • 4% — Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 15 Literary Miscellany...... ... 10 * Literary World.............. ll - Lippincott’s Magazine.... . . . . 27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 London Lancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Mackey's Freemason......... 22 30 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 -- Manufacturer and Builder. . . . 12 15 Mark Twain's Sketches....... 16 - Mcchanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 sºm- Medical News Supplement(suc. cossor to Rankin's Abstract. 55 Medical Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 Medical Times (semi-mo.).... 10 – Medical Union . . . . . . . . .18 *> Morryman's Monthly......... 7 10 Metropolitan Magazine . . . . . . .16 20 Mother’s Magazine..... ë e º e º p 10 15 Mother’s Journal . . . . . tº e e s e s e 12%. 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 232. 6%. 10 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . * @ e º is e 5 10 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 – National Agriculturist and Bee Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Store Trade Gazotte. 35 50 National. S. S. Teachor. . . . . . . 10 15 National Temporance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 Nature (mo. parts, 5 Nos.). . .50 60 New and Old Friends . . . . . . . . American Church Roview. $0 90 Medical American Journal Sciences Prico. 10 18 6% Trade Ret. Price. New Era. . . . . . . . * * * * * * tº e ... 12 20 New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 *E*- New Yorker Musick Zeitung... 6 tº- New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 New York Musical Gazette ... 6 — New York Lithograph........ 7 10 Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 North American Journal of Homoeopathy ... . . . . . . . . . . . 85 *-*. Nursery (The)............... 10 15 Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 37% — Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 Old and New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35. 6 10 “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 “ 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 13. 6%. 10 ‘‘ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 42. 5 10 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8%. 15 “ 2s. Letter Writor .... 15 25 Our Friend (semi-monthly)... 2 – Overland Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . 26 35 Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 sº- Paper Trade Journai ... . . . . . . 11 mº Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 Pension Record.... . . . . . . . . . 6 e-º Petors’ Musical Monthly.... ... 18 25 Peterson’s Countorſ’t Detc.ctor.11 15 Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poultry Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5t) Photographic World . . . . . . . . .43 50 Phrenological Journal....... .21 30 Phunny Phe low. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 Popular Science Monthly..... 35 50 Poultry World............... 8 2 Practical Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 78 --> Psychological Journal 37% 50 Pulpit of the Day..... . . . . . . . 6 10 Railway Monitor. . . . . . . * * * * g e 33 *g + Rand & McNally Guido.... .28 40 Record and Repository. . . . . . 6 * Revue de la Monde . . . . . . . . .25 35 a U A R T E R L. Y. R. E. v H E ws, Church and World ... .... $0 85 Congregational ... . . . . . . . . . 50 Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 10 North American Review ...1 12% Trade Ret. Price. Richmond Novels, 1 to 25. . . . 6% 10 Sailors' Mug 1zine . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 *sº Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Science of Health............ 14 25 * Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . .38 50 Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Sillimºn's Journal . . . . . . . . . . 43 50 Southern Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 30 35 Spirit of the Press . . . . . . . . . . . * Star-Spangled Banner" ... 4%. 6 Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 St. Chrytostom’s Mag- azine------. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 * St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . tº e º s is gº & 19 * St. Paul’s Magaziuo. . . . . . . . . . 23 30 Texas New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . 17 3- The Domestic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 * Tho Lons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 *º There and Back (Guide). . . . . . 14 <--> Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 25 Trans-Continental Guido. . . . . . 40 50 Traveler's Official Guido. 20 40 Union Era (parts)....... . . . . . 25 — University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Wan Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Watchmaker and Jeweler . . . . . 17 *g Waverley Magazine (monthly parts). . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 60 Welcome Guest(semi-m'thly). 7 — Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 10 Wild Oats (semi-monthly) ... 7 10 Wood’s Household Advocate... 12 *º Wood’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Workshop......... . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Yankee Notiºns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 Young Crusader . . . . . . • * * * * * * 8 10 Young Ladies’ Journal..... . . 2'ſ *=s Youth’s Progress. . . . . . . . . . . .10 *Eº | E T O & National Quarterly Review.51 12 — New Englander. . . . . . . . . ... 90 assº New Remedies . . . . . . 35 50 - • intº T | Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 Presbyterian Quarterly and tºº. * e º gº s I º I | Half-Yearly §§ Princeton Review. . y . . . . ' - Billiothè. Sacra. . . . . . . .1 00 - Medical Science . . . . . . . . . 20 - º 's Halºxºly AbStract º 50 Braithewaite's Retrospect...I 05 — | International Review (bi- sº sº ". Bazar. . . . . . 1 ; *-* British Quarterly (reprint). 62 smº monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 * Ull LI101 Il ReV 10W . . . . . . . . o sº Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 67 — | Journal Social Science...... 1 25 — | Westminster Review ...... 62 *-*. Brownson's Review........ 1 00 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — What to Wear (yearly) . . . . . 10 — Christian Examiner. . . . . . . . 07 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 — | Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 {-º-º-º: | F O R. E. I. G. N. P. E. R. P. O LD I C A L S — W E E J K L Y. Trade Price. Trade Prico. Trado Price. Trade Prico. Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 | English Mechanic . . . . . . . 10 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18 || Pall Mall Budget ....... All the Year Round ..... 8 || Era ..... e tº º 'º e wº * * : * * * * * 20 | Land and Water . . . . . . . . 20 | Pall Mall Gazetto (filo of Architect .............. 18 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . .... 14 || Lloyd’s Newspape'....... 5 Six dates). . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum ............. 14 | Family Herald. . . . . . . . . . 5 || L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . 25 | Pictorial World . . . . . . . . 10 Belfast News. . . . . . . . . . ‘. 14 Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 || Liverpool Mercury 10 | Public Opinion. . . . . . 10 Bell's Life.... . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Fun... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 || London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 | Publishers’ Circular (for Bow Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Gardon.... . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . fi nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 20 | London World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Punch... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I () Building News. . . . . . . . . . 18 || Gas-Light Journal ...... 20 | L'Univers Illustré....... I0 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cassoll's Magazine ...... 5 || Glasgow Horald. . . . . . . . . 5 Manchester Times....... 10 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal. . . . . . 7 || Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 || Mark Lane Express .... . 23 Saturday Review . . . . . . . . 20 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 18 || Guardian ... ------ . . . . . . 23 || Modical Record . . . . . . . . . 18 || Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Christian World. . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated News........ 20 Mining Journal......'.... 20 | Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . 10 Church Review . . . . . . . ... 10 || Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World . . . . . . . . . 18 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times ... ....... 5 Illustratod Police News. ; 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 50.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Court Journal . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Illustrated Sporting and Nature ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutler . . . . . . 8 Economist ... . . . . . . . . . 30 Irishman... . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Notes and Queries....... 18 The Times (last date). ... 14 Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 John Bull ... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Observer . . . . . . . . . .... 14 | The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . 28 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 udy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 || Once a Week ..., , ...... 8 Weekly Register (Cath.). 10 Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 | Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 | Orchestra .............. 14 || Weekly Times .......... 5 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 3 IQ IF O ſº E I G. N. : P E R L O HD I C A L S – IV I O N T | H L Ye - Trade Price. * Trudo Price. Trade Price. Trade Price, All the Year Round (part) 36 Day of Rest........ . . . . . La Mode Illustrée ...... 1 00 Spiritual Magazine...... 20. Architect......... ... .. 75 | Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . 16 || Ladies’ Treasury........ 30 || Spurgeon’s Pulpit...... . 20 Argosy . . . . . . . . e e s is is e ... 20 | I]ublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 leisure Hour........... 20 | St. James’ Magazine. .... 88 Art Journal.......... . . . . 90 | Dublin University Maga- Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 || Strahan's 8aturday Jour- Art, Industrial and l’ic- zine... . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 00 || London Journal (parts).. 22 inal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Edinburgh Me 1. Journal. 76 London Society ......... 38 Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Athenaeum (part)..... ... 54 English Woman’s Domes- London & Paris Fashions. 38 Sunday at Home........ 20, Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine.......... 38 McMillan's Magazine .... 38 Sunday School Teacher .. Band of Hope Review... 2 Family Friend.......... % Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Sunday School Teacher's Belgravia.... .......... 38 Family Herald (parts)... 18 || Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys of England. . . . . . . . . 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 | Monthly Microscopical Sunday School Times .... 10. Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Farmer's Magazine. ..... 76 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 | Sunshine . . . . . . . . tº tº e º 'º - e. 2} Boy's Own Magazine .... 20 | Food Journal... . . . . . . . . 20 | Mother's Friend......... 3 | Sword and Trowel (Spur. Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Fortnightly Review ...., 75 || Musical Times .......... 8 geol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 British Workman . . . . . . . % Fraser's Magazine..... .# 00 | Now-a-days . . . . . . . . .... 38 | Temple Bar............. 38. British Workw, man..... 2% Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% - Tinsley's Magazine...... 38. British Juvenile...... .. 3 || Gardenel's Magazine. .. 36 Once a Week (parts).... 36 - - * ~~~ 3 iii...... [i] újºr.... . . . own fººd....... . . ."º ſº Chambers’ Journal . . . . . . 25 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Penny Pulpit ... . . . . . ... 20 victor. M. º ). . . 38 Chatterbox. . . . . . . . . .... 8 || Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . ... 30 Picture Galler v . . . . . . . . . 38 Willa ga d ga e tº º & © tº º 30. Children's Friend...... .2% Illustrated Travels...... 38 | Popular Science Review tlſ (16Dièſ . . . . . . . . . . Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% | Infaut's Magazine.... . . .2% (quarterly)... ....... 1 00 | Wedding Bells...... . . . . 28. Christian Treasury...... 20 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Portfolio (Art).......... 90 || World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35. Christian Work. . . . 20 | Journal Of Horticulture... 54 | Practitioner . . . . . . . ... . . 28 Young Gentleman’s Mag- Churchman's Companion. 20 | Journal of Science (quar- Preacher's Lantern...... 20 azine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Coutemp rary Review... 62 terly)..... .......... 1 90 | Punch (parts) .......... 44 | Young Ladies' Journal... 27 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 || Kind Words ............ 10 | Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Cottager and Artisan.... 2% | Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 3S | Science Gossip.... . . . . . . 16 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G E R IV A N - A TW I E R I C A N P U B L I C A TI O N S. Trado Rot. Trº ºt. Arbeiter-Zeitung weekly. º * - © .# Age. 5 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse ................... 2% 4. A. : ............................ ." § | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung...... .... 3 4 Beobuchter am Hudson . . . . . . . . e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. * * * * * * 3 4 Yº. ºùù k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e º e º e º 4 tº º & 8 : 1; Bibliothek Popu á er Erzählungen. ... . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 W. 1 Oll OLT1CK . . . . . . . tº e º 0. e e e s e 34. 6 * i ra? : ri is t a 7 . . r p- in * * * *-* tº *-*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e s e e a e e s - e. • * g e is e e º e s y: #;" S Illustri te Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § i. Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . • e º e a 5* 7 Germania : Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse .......... ....... 4 6. & Schweiz 6 10 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6. Helvetia. . . º e e g is & :::::: ...…: ... . ... 4 6 Wocheubatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung ....... ... 4 6. Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz ... 6 10 Semi-Monthly. Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewer be u. Industrie-Z:itung.... 6 8 New Yorker Belietristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 || Magazin der merkwürdigsteu u. interessantesten New Yorker Haudels-Zeitung..................... 0 25 Criminalgeschichten........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 18. New Yorker Musik-Zeitung......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 fi Novellen-Schatz... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20- Pionier.......... . * * * * * * * * * * e o e s e e s e a e s > * * * * * * * 7%. 10 Mlonthly. Roman Zeitung......................... e e e o 'º e º a 11 15 || Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 25 Schnedderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 7 10 || Amerikanischer Agriculturist.................... 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal..... ... 3 4 Der Freudeuker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... I2 20. IIWIPORTELO Glº RNIAN NIAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number grutis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked fif. Semi-Monthly. *f Das Neue Blatt....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 *++ Buch ſtir Alle.......... * * * * * e º 'º e º e s sº . 9 15 Illustrirle Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Daheim .......... e e º e e º - e - - - e º 'º & © e tº ... 10 15 *ff Leipziger Gartenlaube. ........... .... 8 15 Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 J 5 f Ucher Land und Meer.............. . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 20 I 8 a Year. f Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilieu-Zeitung......... 16 25 t Der Hausfreund................ tº e º 'º e º e º is e . . . . .14 Bunto Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 f Illustrirte Welt ............... • * * * e e º 'º e º e . . . . . 12 Monthly. *t Gewerbehalle................................ 28 * GI it’s praktisches Journal ſtir Bau. u. Möbel- tischler ...... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 * Kinderlaube........................ . . . . . . . . . . 12 t Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 IMHIPORTED GERMIAN BOOKS PUBLISHIELD IN PARTS. - First number gratis to the trade. Buch der Bücher. Published in 32 parts. . . . . . . . . 15 25 Das Buch der Erſindungen, Gewerbe u. Industrien. Published in about 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . • - e. 25 Conversations-Lexikon des W11zes. Published in about 40 pºurts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - 25 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at & º & tº e º e º e tº © tº º e º & e º tº E tº - a g º - - - - 40 Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe; Illustrirt von Doi é. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 65 Friedr. Gersticker’s Gesammeſte Schriften. Volks- u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts; tıt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 H. Heine's simmtliche Werke. Published in 54 arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 25 Museum der mo kernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 Piurts, it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 , N E W G E FR IV A N Imported. t Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts................. 12 20 Rinaldo Rinaldii,i, 30 parts.................... 8 12 Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts............ ....... .... 9. 15 M. G. Saphir's Schriften. I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * - e º s e e s tº e s e e 11 Schiller’s sāmmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts.......................... 15 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at....... . . . . . . tº e º 'º & e º 'º e º e g g e Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtatisgabe. Published in 48 parts ..... e e º e e O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at........... . . . . 14 Stieler’s Hand-Atlas simmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at . .40 C. J. Weber’s Demokritos. Published in 35 parts, *... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & e º e s a s is e e s e 10 IP U B L I C A T || O N S. t Galeerensclave, 30 parts................ tº a º e º & 4 8 |Dormestic. * H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at...... 6 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, ut... 7 7 25. 25. 20, 40, 25. 25. 60, 15. 10. 10, 32 o THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS" (, UIDE. - Fort sa LE-A FINE BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS, one of the best in the Northwest. the Editor of the Booksellºrs' Guide, or of “DR.,” P. O. Box 740, Red Wing, Minn. B00KS WANTED. American Booksellers' Guide, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of Vol. I. Book Buyer, No. 9 of Vol I., Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6, Vol. II., and No. 12, Vol. IV. Bibliographical Periodicals and works generally. Address, with lowest trade price, Box 11, Station C, New York. Inquire of J. B. SMITH, STRAFFORD, WT. Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, with Wickliſte's and Tyn- dale's Versious. Published by J. Smith, Soho square, London. Thorpe's Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Published by Arch, Cornhill. LON McWILLIAMS, Corixth, Miss. Alderbrooke. A novel, in two volumes, cloth, by Fannie Forrester. CLARK WIER, LANsing, Iowa. The Family and Householders' Guide. Cloth, published by E. G. Storke, Auburn, N. Y. E. B. KINDY, Elkhart, Ixn. Greeley's American Conflict. Catalogues an Price Lists of Publishers. Samples and terms of leading Periodicals. HIBBARD & SOMMER, Chico, CA. Beadle's Dime Pocket Song Books, Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive. Books FOR SALE A complete set of Chambers' Edinburgh Journal from its commencement in 1833 to 1873. The first 12 vols. (folio) bound in 6 vols., half calf; the 14 first vols, of the new series (royal 8vo), half calf; the balance in numbers. Price ST5.00. BAIRD’s FOR PRACTICAL MEN. My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE or PRACTICAL and SciENTIFIC Books, 95 pages, 8vo, will be sent free of postage to any one who will favor me with his address. HENRY CAREY BAIRD, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. MANur actory or this spºxcºtlax stºl, Pºns, but MuNortant, End. S P E N C E R I A N DOJBLE ELASTIC TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than 5, O C Co, OC O. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, diſtering in fl xibility º fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows: No. 1. College Pen. Poisºr Fisk; Action Pºnºr. This is a grent favorite with our lending penmen, is laruely used in the School- and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lic Per gross, *i-40 No. 2. Counting-House Pen. Poist Fixº Aso Fºxuniº, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross, ºl.25 No. º. Commercial Pen. Poist Mºnium. Busine-l'en. Per gro-slºº. No. 4 Ladies" ºr tra pen. Poist Extna Fine and Fiºnnie. For Delicate Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross slº. No. 5 school Pen. Ponsºr Fºxe, Mºnium is Fºxtail-ºry. For a durable Schoºl Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, ºl. 40. No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Point Loso, Fºxxºniº Ann Mºonux is Fisºsºss For oft-hand Flourishing. I'er gross, $1 ºf No. 7. Quill Pen. Poºr Mºntuº, Quilt. Acrios. A Smooth, Easy Writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, $ 50 No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºntuº Fºxtºur Point. A very superior Ten for all styles of writing. This Pen undergoes a pro- cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gros-, +1-40. No. 9 Bank Pen, Pouxºr Loxa and Fºxulº. with Accountants. Tellers &c. Per gross, +1-40. No. 10. Custom-House Pen. Ponsºr Mºunum. Well adapted to all styles of Bold Free-hand writing. Per gross, $150. º º º-º-º § An Easy Writing A great favorite No. 11. University Pen. Poist Mºuntº, vºn Smooth Asn Fºxlºw. The action of this celebrated L'on is very fine. Per gross +1.50. No. 2. Epistolaire Pen. Porst vºwy Fixº and vºny Fºxmir. This is the Fine-t Pointed Pen made, and, for very Delicate writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, --5. . No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Ponsºr Bºust Asn. Smooth. Particu- larly adºpted to Coarse-hand Writing and Engrossing. Pergross, 1.25. No. 14. Artistic Pen. Fºx inde, with Exºrna Fixº Ponsºr. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 15. The Queen. Point Extra a Fisk. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine Writing Per gross $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 133 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. - THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERY GUID. 3" | | | | - | | sº sº º º - º º º, * º 1|| Rºº. | ºft||| ºilº -- - ſº º º ºiliº |} º º: º | º | º All º º º sſ º º * º | Tºº º $ N. |º]}/~\A. N) | |ºl. | | º º º %º * \ N Nº. * H- º º | º º - Wº ºn V \\ | - | | - º | | º { º º | -- ~~ º/ ſº º - º º | | º | lº * -- º -- º º º | º . - Šilji. º \ º | | º * sº | º . º % - º % º W. --- - - ºulºu. º - mº º ºº: v. º FROM THE CHILDREN'S PRIZE. NEW WOLUME FOR 1874. Small Quarto, Boards, Colored Cover, 75c. Full of rich engravings, stories, sketches, poetry, music, etc., suitable for the edification and instruction of children. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., INT EVVT TY OTE, IEC. 322 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The large and steadily increasing sale for our PEERLESS INK and MUCILAGE has enabled us to extend our facilities for furnishing the same, in Quality Unrivaled, and at the following REDUCED Net. VV H O L E S A. L. E. P. R. I C E S Net. FOR TEIE CELEBERATIF>ID IFIEEERT HESS INTIE, FOF SCHOOL AAWD COU/WT/WG-HOUSE USE. PEERLIESS-BLACK. PEERLess BLAck: writes deep black instantaneously. PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 50 Pints, -- -- - - - - - . 2 75 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 60 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - - 90 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 45 PEER LESS-COMBINED- WRITING AND CopyLNG FLUID, combined. PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 75 Pints, -- -- - - - - - . 3 00 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 75 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - . 1 00 - Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, - - - 50 PEERLEss-VIIol, F.T. The color of this Ink is so intensely strong that the addition of the same quantity of water will not materially affect its brilliancy. Violet Colored. PER DOZ. Quarts, 1 dozen boxes, - - - - $6 00 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 3 50 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - 2 00 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - 1 15 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, . - - - - 60 THE CELEBRATED PEERLESS MUCILAGE, FOR SCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE USE. PER DOz. One gallon jugs, . - - - - - $30 00 Half “ -- - - - - - 16 50 Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - 7 00 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 4 25 Half pints, “ -- - - - - 3 50 Stands, flint glass, 3 oz., 1 dozen boxes, - - - 1 25 “ light glass, “ -- -- - 1 00 THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY keep in stock, or furnish, Ink of all the principal manu- facturers, at the lowest prices. AIRNOLD’s G-ENTUTINE INEx. THAD. DAVIDs & Co. CARTER’s CoMBINED. D. T. LEAR’s Violet. S. S. St AFFORD. world EN & HYATT's violet. MLAYNA ºr D & NOYES. MOORE’s SCHOOL INEC, 2 ounce bottles. THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, FROM NE ºr rººt LL rºom, UME.-1 Colºr P_1 N. IoM To C11.1 TTE repox. Quarto, 460 pp. Boards, Colored Cover, $1.50. In Cloth, Sides and Back in Black and Gilt, Title in Bright Colors, Red, Blue and Gilt, $2.00. Containing funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from Natural History, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make children happy.—Beautiful Illustrations on every Page. THE AMER/CAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, 324 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JUST ISSUED "The best authority, Worcester's Large Dictionary.” –Hon. Charles Suaixiºn. BY THE 1, WORCESTER'S Hºſtill º ſlim |DICTIONARIES. Church, Lecture and Sabbath-School Rooms, cº, 3. ſ tº: c 30 C. | - 2. - O AND : --> - * C 3. TEN COMMAND MENTS. g Mounted on Cloth, Warnished, and on Rollers, > 5: Printed from large, plain type, which, upon the walls of of the room, can be easily read. LORD's PRAYER—Size, 30 by 46 inches. Price $1.25. TEN COMMANDMENTS.–Size, 47 by 78 inches. Price $2.75. EVERETT SUMNER QUINCY - º - --- - - - Please address orders to §§ Riº X§§§º JOHN A. BLACK, Hiii.A.R.D. fºs, Lºllow, Business Superintendent. #º DER, #}º - #ºs 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., THE U.S. sex ATE KND THE U. S. House Or to Dopp & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; OF REPRESENTATIVES. Board of Colportage, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; Sutton & Scott, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; For sale by Booksellers generally. FAmºb asks & Co., 54 & 56 Madison St., Chicago, Il". : - Rev. F. F. S.HEARER, 757 Market Street, San Francis- BREWER & T. LESTON, Publishers, - co, California, who keep all the publications ºf the Board for sale. BOSTON, MASS. THE LITTLE FOLKS PICTURE GALLERY. THE FINEST ILLUSTRATED JUVENILE GIFT BOOK PUBLISHED THIS YEAR. It has illustrations on every page, and is printed on heavy laid paper in the best possible manner. Quarto, Full Gitt Sides and Edges. Retail, 82.50. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK. Send orders to tº van Everen, PRICE. Adjustable Book-Cover, **** - Postage Stamps. PATENTEn May 3Rb. 1870. SELF-SEALING. IE * * 5 A ºf ºx º Cº. Cº. º. f* Just the thing for School and Library Books. Put up 100 in a box, per 100, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250. --- B00ksgllers and Dealers in School G000s, Have used thousands of these covers, with their business card printed on the outside, as an advertisement. Net Prices for Covers, with Business Card. For: 500....s 10.00. Lºor 2000 per 1,000,... $17,00. * 1000.... 18,00. ** 5000 “ “. .... 15,00. ºf School, or Sunday School Libraries ordering, can have Name, Rules etc. printed on the Covers at same rates as above. --- - Perforated Number Labels, (See Samples and Prices annerved.) may be ordered in any quantity of even hundreds. Odd lots to order. Address P. F. VAN EVEREN, care of U. D. WARD, 150 Nassau St., (wn stairs.) New York. Large Letters, Alphabet, 10cts. Small Letters, Per 100, 10 cts. Runs to 1,000, Tinted paper, Per 100, 20 cts. Tinted paper, Per 100, 10 cts. Runs to 10,000, White Paper, Per 100 10 cig. - Runs to 1,000, - -º --- - .-- |- -- J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.S MONTHLY BULLETIN NEW PUBLICATIONS. VOL. VIII. PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER, 1874. No. 7. This MonTHLY BULLETIN contains a List of NEW PUBLICATIONS and IMPORTA- TIONs, with brief notices of their contents, etc., together with announcements of works in Press. i - It is published on the 1st of each month, and will be mailed, without charge, to all book-buyers and librarians who may furnish us with their address. All orders from the Trade or Public Institutions, either for our own publications or for the issues of other houses, American or Foreign, will be executed with care and promptness. The attention of the Trade is particularly invited to the valuable and standard works announced in this month's Bulletin. - Our Publications are for Sale by Booksellers generally. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. THE October number of this popular monthly, profusely illustrated, will be well sustained in all its departments, and will. present a remarkably varied and attractive contents. - -* TWO SUCCESSFUL NOVELS. THE publishers desire to call the atten- tion of the public and the trade to Mrs. Wister's two last translations, “The Second Wife,” by E. Marlitt, and “Hulda,” by F. Lewald, undoubtedly the most attractive works of fiction published this season. The fact that within a few weeks after their issue the former has reached its sixth edition, and the latter its fifth edition, is ample evi- dence of their popularity. LIFE, OF NAPOLEON. THE trade have long felt the want of a good and cheap library edition of the life of Napoleon the First. Messrs. J. B. Lip- pincott & Co., of Philadelphia, have met this demand in the republication, in three neat 12mo volumes, of Hazlitt's Life of this great French general. It is published at the low price of $1.50 per volume, and is attractively bound. This work, which has long been out of print in this country, will be appreciated by the American public in its new dress. ANCIENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH - READERS. THE issue of the twentieth volume, “The Greek Anthology,” by Lord Neaves, com- pletes this really very valuable series. The aim of the editor has been to explain in brief who the great writers of Greece and Rome were, what they wrote, and what are the distinguishing characteristics of each ; also to present a short sketch of the life of each. The high praise which has been bestowed by the press on the volumes as they appeared is an ample assurance of the success of his undertaking. The series will be found of great value to the general reader who may desire to familiarize himself with these classic wri- ters and their works; also to the scholar, to refreshen his recollection of past studies. The volumes are published by Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., in neat 12mo form, bound in cloth, at $1.00 per volume. 2 J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co.'s MonTHLY BULLETIN of NEw PUBLICATIONs. JUST ISSUED. CROWNED IN PALM-L.A.N.D. A Story of African Mission Life. By R. H. NASSAU. With Illustrations. I2me. Extra cloth. This volume contains an exceedingly interesting memoir of the wife of one of our African mission- aries, presenting a vivid picture of mission life on the African coast, with all its dangers, vicissitudes, and adventures. GERMAN UNIVERSITY LIFE. The Story of My Career as a Student and Professor. With Personal Reminiscences of Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, and others. By HEINRICH STEFFENS. Translated by WILLIAM L. GAGE. New Edition. Fine cloth. $1.25. This charmingly-written volume possesses a rare attraction in depicting a life which is always pe- culiarly interesting, that of a student and professor in the German Universities, and at a time when the I 2nn O. historical and literary associations of the German University are of especial interest. Furthermore, the subject of the work, Heinrich Steffens, came in contact with many of the great literary and his- torical celebrities of the age, and his personal rem- iniscences of these persons are highly interesting. THE GERMAN EMPERORS, History of the German Emperors and their Contemporaries. Translated from the Ger- man, and Compiled from Authentic Sources. By ELIZABETH PEAKE, author of “Pen Pictures of Europe.” With numerous Illus- trations. 8vo. Extra cloth. In this able work the author presents a con- nected history of the German Emperors from the earliest times to the present day, with brief men- tion of their contemporaries, and the important events of their reigns. The volume is especially valuable as presenting in a compact form the his- tory of many centuries, and will be found alike in- teresting and useful to the reader and student who may not have the time to peruse the many elab- orate works of which the volume under considera- tion is a digest. HISTORY OF PHILIP II. Vol. I. History of the Reign of Philip the Second. By W. H. PREscott. Entirely New Edi- tion, with the Author's Latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by J. FOSTER KTRK. 12mo. Vol. I. Extra cloth, $2.25; sheep, $2.75; half calf, gilt, $4.50. “Perfect in all that pertains to the making of a book.”—New York Christian Union. LIFE OF FFANEK LIN. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Written by himself. Now first edited from original manuscripts, and from his printed corre- spondence and other writings. By Hon. John BIGELow. 3 volumes. Crown 8vo. $2.50 per volume. Sold by subscription. THE LOST MODEL. - A Romance. By HENRY Hooper, author of “Washington Botor,” etc. 12mo. Extra cloth. $1.75. A delightful romance; the attractions of a very interesting story being enhanced by many amusing situations in which the characters are placed. HAZLITT'S LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. A New Edition. With Steel Plates. 3 vols. Extra cloth. $1.50 per volume. TRANSACTIONS OF TEIE PATHO- LOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Vol. IV. Containing the Report of the Pro- ceedings for the Years 1871, 1872, 1873. Edited by JAMES Tyson, M.D., Recorder of the Society. 8vo. Cloth. THE STEAM-ENGINE. Improvements in the Steam-Engine. By John Houpt. With numerous Diagrams. 16mo. Tucks. $2.00. STERNE'S SENTIMENTAL JOUR- NEY. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By LAURENCE STERNE, author of “Tristram Shandy,” etc. New Edition. I2mo. Extra cloth. §I.O.O. BARNABY RUDGE, and HARD TIMEs. By CHARLES DICKENs. Profusely Illustrated. Two volumes. 8vo. Extra cloth. $3.00 per vol. Being the seventh work now ready of The Standard J//ustrated Editionz. -º-º-º- RECENTLY ISSUED. THE EIONEY-MOON. Remembrance of a Bridal Tour through Scot- land. By the COUNT DE MEDINA POMAR, author of “Speculations on the Philosophy of Existence,” Translated from the original Spanish by the author. 2 vols. I2mo. Fine cloth. $3.00. “The style is very attractive, the manner of de- scription quite entertaining."—St. Louis Times. “This work possesses many original traits that will well repay its perusal.”—New Orleans Times. WHAT I DID WITH MY FIFTY MILLIONS. By Moses ADAMs. Edited from the Posthumous Manuscript by CAESAR MAURICE, Esq. I2mo. Paper. 50 cents. TEIE MERCAINTILE DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Being a comprehensive and carefully-selected list of names of mercan- tile houses throughout the civilized globe. Cloth. $31.50. etc., etc. Large quarto. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co.'s Monthly BULLETIN OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. 3 THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. By LORD NEAVES. Completing, in 20 vol- umes, J. B. Lippincott & Co.'s series of Ancient Classics for I2mo. Cloth. ŠI.O.O. “Lord Neaves's volume on Greek Anthology, which forms the last of the series of “Ancient Classics for English Readers,' is pleasant reading, and gives a good idea of a branch of Greek litera- ture of which many even who aspire to the title of scholars know but little. To the general reader the work can hardly fail to prove attractive. One thing that the book makes plain, is the incompe- tence of the English versifiers who have laid hands on the Anthology."—London Athenæum. Anglish Readers. - Cº-O- NEARLY READY. THE LIVELIES, and other Short Stories. TER KELLOGG. Paper. MEMOIRS OF J. Q. ADAMS. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Hon. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. 8vo. Vol. III. LEGGE'S MIENCIUS. The Life and Works of Mencius. With Essays and Notes. By JAMES LEGGE, D.D., LL.D., Editor of “The Life and Worlds of Confucius,” etc. Cloth. HISTORY OF PEIILIP II. Vol. II. History of the Reign of Philip the Second. By W. H. PRESCOTT. Entirely New Edi- tion, with the Author’s Latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by J. Foster KIRK. By SARAH WIN- With Frontispiece. 8vo. I 2nn O. I2mo. Vol. II. Extra cloth. CEI ARTERIS. A Romance. By MARY M. MELINE. 12mo. Cloth. A MODERN CRESSIDA. A Story of the Day, by FRANCIS ASHETON; and “On the Church Steps,” by SARAH C. HALLowell. With Frontispiece. Paper. TABLES OF MINERALS. Tables for the Determination of Minerals by their Physical Characteristics. Translated from the German of Albin Weisbach, Pro- ſessor of Mineralogy in the Mining Acad- enty of Freiberg, Saxony. By PERSIFOR FRAzER, JR., Professor of General and Theoretical Chemistry in the University I 21]] O. 8vo. of Pennsylvania. IN PRESS. THE PRE-ADAMITE; Or, Who Tempted Eve 2 Scripture and Sci- ence in Union respecting the Antiquity of Man. By A. HoyLE LESTER, author of “Anecdotes of Great Men.” I2mo. THE RECENT ORIGIN. O.E. MAN. By JAMES C. SOUTHALL. With Illustrations. 8vo. WHAT A BOY! Problems Concerning Him. I. What shall we do with him 2 II. What will he do with himself? III. Who is to blame for the consequences? By JULIA A. WILLIs. PULMIONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Its Pathology, Nature, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Causes, Hygiene, and Medical Treatment. By ADDISON P. DUTCHER, M.D. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. OUTLINES OF THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. By WILLIAM AITKEN, M.D. (Edin.), F.R.S., Professor of Pathology in the Army Medical School; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Society of Physicians of Vienna; of the Society of Medicine and Natural History of Dresden; and of the Imperial Society of Medicine of Constantinople. ll TY) 62. One vol- 8vo. POLITICAL ETHICS. By FRANCIS LIEBER, LL.D. New and Re- vised Edition. Edited by THEODoRE D. WOOLSEY, LL.D. 8vo. REYNOLDS'S MEDICINE. Vol. IV. A System of Medicine. Edited by J. RUS- SELL REYNOLDs, M.D. 8vo. Vol. IV. PUBLIC MEN AND EVENTS From the Commencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore’s Administration, in 1853. By NATHAN SARGENT (“Oliver Old- school”). 8vo. LORD LYTTON'S SPEECHES AND ADDRESSEs. The Political Speeches and Literary Addresses of the late Lord Lyt- ton (E. L. Bulwer). With a Prefatory Me- moir of his Political Career and Opinions. LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST. Authorized by the Executors. By Rev. WIL- LIAM R. ALGER. Illustrated with numer- ous Steel Plates and Portraits. 8vo. 4 J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co.'s MonTHLY BULLETIN of NEw PUBLICATIONS. st ATIONERY DEPARTMENT. we would call the attention of the Trade to our large stock of “School Stationery." Having such arrangements with the different manufacturers we are prepared to sell in any quantity at the same rates as they would in larger, giving dealers the advantage of our large purchases. VVe rºm ention the following specialties: “ D” SCHOOL SLATES. WALTHAM CHALK CRAYONS. ACCOMMODATION PENHOLDERS. BLACKBOARD RUBBERS. GERMAN SLATE PENCILS, FEYNOLDS'S BRISTOL BOARD, WHATMAN'S DBAWING PAPERS. GERMAN DRAWING PAPERS, DRAWING PENCILS, BLANK B00KS. JTUTST IER, H3CIETV'IEID- GE//U///E SOAPS T0//E SLATE PE//0/LS. 4 inch, plain . per M $3.50 || 6 inch, plain . e & per M #5.oo 5 “ “ . e • • g { { 4.5o 6 “ painted and pointed . * tº ſº 5.5O - * Special prices by the Case of Io M. - POPU L.A. R. SC HOOL ARTICLES. School Caskets, tin, furnished . º e & * * e & per dozen, $1.75 net. { { * † wood, furnished { { 2.5o “ Lunch Boxes, tin * º tº e g tº e e e & & p & 2.75 “ Student's Companion, morocco, cloth, steel lock, furnished . tº g te § { 4.75 “ Secretary Desk, morocco, cloth, full gilt, Spring top, furnished e g ſº f : 6.5o “ Tin Penholders, Japanned, white and colored, thin . & per gross, 3.oo { . t iſ * { $ 4 & 4 thick § { 4.75 Necessity Slate Pencil Sharpener ge e e per dozen, I.OO Eureka Lead Pencil Sharpener { { .75 German Slate Pencils, papered ( 5 to box) COMPO's ITION BOOKs. . per dozen boxes, .3O Press board covers, muslin backs, red edges, fine paper, side title on each book. No. 1. Cap 4to, 5 sheets, 20 leaves, per doz., $1.20 | No. 5. Crown 4to, 12 sheets, 48 leaves, perdoz., $2.50 § { tº º ** 2. 6 24 I.3O “ 3. Crown 4to, 6 sheets, 24 “. { { 1.50 { { 4. tº ſº { { 8 & 32 § { * { { I.75 * { 6. Demy § { 6 i č 24 t & - 2.25 { { 7. { { { { 8 { { 32 t t tº º 2.75 { { 8. 4 & - t 4 I2 { { 48 4 & { { 3.75 subject to TRADE DIsco UNT. NEw PUBLICATIONs. *— -, * v- Arctic Experiences, including the Polaris Ex- pedition, the Cruise of the Tigress, and the Ice Floe Driſt of Captain Tyson. 8vo. Illus- trated. Cloth. $4.O.O. A Charming Widow. KATHER INE S. MACQUOID. $1.75. Best of Husbands (The). JAMES PAYN. 8vo. Paper. A Novel. By 12mo, Cloth. A Novel. 50 cents. By Bric-a-Brac Series. Vol. II. Anecdote Biog- raphies of Thackeray and Dickens. I2mo. Cloth. $1.50. . . . . . clique of Gold (The). From the French of EMILE GABORIAN. 8vo. Paper, $1.OO ; cloth, $1.50. - - - Doctor Thorne. A. Novel. By ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Popular, Edition. Paper. 75 CentS. - . . . . . . For ,Love and Life. A Novel. By Mrs. OLIPHANT. Paper. 75 cents. - Hydrophobia: Means of Avoiding its Perils and Preventing its Spread, etc. By H. Bouley. 8vo. Paper. 35 cents. Memories of Westminster Hall. By ED- wARD Foss, F.R.S. Vol. II. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. - My Mother and I. A Love Story. By the author of “John Halifax, Gentleman.” 8vo. Illustrated. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.5o. Nimrod of the Sea; or, The American Whaleman. By WILLIAM M. DAVI. 12mo. Cloth. $2.O.O. Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland, A.D. 1803. By DoRothy WoRDsworth. I2mo. Cloth. $2.50. . Rhymes of Nonsense, Truth, and Fiction. By Prof. CHAUCER JONES. I2mo. Illus- trated. $2.O.O. Some Leading Principles of Political Economy Newly . Expounded. By J. E. CAIRNES, M.A. 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. The Crusades. By GEORGE W. Cox, M.A. 16mo. Cloth. $1.oo. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. By FREDERIC SEEBOHM. I.6mo. Cloth. $1.oo. The Indian Question. By FRANCIS A. WALKER. I2mo. Cloth. $1.50. * THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Messrs. ROBERTS BROTHERS New Books in September. -ºr-º- Correspondence of William Ellery Channing, D.D., and Lucy Aiken. 12mo, cloth. Price, $2.00. * - These letters of Dr. Channing's have never before been printed, and it is a book which every admirer of the great divine will wish to own. Antony Brade. A Story of a School. By Rob'T Low ELL, author of “The New Priest in Con- ception Bay.” 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.75. - “For you who have been boys, or are boys, or like boys, this book is lovingly written,” says the author in his dedication. - My Sister Jeannie. A Novel. By GEORGE SAND. 16mo, uniform with Roberts Brothers’ Edition of George Sand’s Novels. Price, $1.50. I, A TEST NEW BOOKS. Scrope. By F. B. PERKINs. 18mo, cloth. Price, $1.50. In His Name. By E. E. Hale. Sq. 18mo, cloth. Price, $1.25. Sea and Shore. Second Edition. Sq. 18mo, cloth. Price, $1.25. Some Women's Hearts. By Mrs. MoULTON. Second Edition. Price, $1.50. SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, - IEOST ON ... IE& E A D Y T O - I D A Y Y C H A T T E ER, E O X. NEW VOLUM E FOR 1874. Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50; Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. No other juvenile has ever attained so wide and so well deserved a popularity as this. It is profusely and handsomely illustrated, and its stories, sketches, &c., are carefully selected to afford instruction as well . as amusement to children. The publishers have spared no pains to make this volume fully equal to its pre- decessors. LIT T L E FOLKs. NEW FALL VOLUM E. A COMPANION TO CHATTER BOX. Quarto, 460 pp., boards, colored cover, $1.50; in cloth, sides and back in black and gilt, title in bright colors, red, blue and gilt, $2.00. Containing funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from natural history, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make children happy. BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS ON EVERY PAGE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., IN E W Y O FRIK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. TO THE BOOHC TRADE. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS' SPECIAL FALL SALE. T. B. Peterson & Brothers beg to announce to the Book Trade that they never contribute to any Trade Sale, but will ‘give to all Booksellers and News Agents the benefit of the Auctioneer’s Commission, and all other charges, during their Semi-Annual Fall Sale, by selling their Books from September 1st to October 15th, 1874, at the following special rates of -discount from their No. ONE Wholesale Price List, after which time their prices will positively be as heretofore. On this list, the wholesale price of our Cloth Books is 40 per cent. off from the Retail Price ; Half Calf Books, 30 off; Sheep Books, 33% off; and our Paper Cover Books, generally, will be found to be at half price. Now is the time to lay in a stock of Petersons' Popular and Fast-Selling Books, at extra low discounts for your Fall Trade. All Orders of $50 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, Net Cash. *.. All Orders of $100 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additioual 5 per cent. off for Cash. All Orders of $300 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 7 per cent off for Cash. - All Orders of $500 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 10 per cent. Off for Cash. - All Orders of $1000 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 12% per cent. off for Cash, * All Orders of $2000 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 15 per cent. off for Cash. - gº" The above extra and special rates of discount will only be allowed and given on all special orders received from September 1st to October 15th, 1874, after which time our pric is will positively be as heretofore. So all persons wishing to purchase a special bill of “Peterson's Fast-Selling Books,” at these large and extra rates of discount, must make up ...their orders at once, and forward them to us to fill per early mail. tº There will be no alteration in the retail price of any of our books this year. T. B. Peterson & Brothers would call the attention of their Customers and all other Book Buyers to the fact, that sthey are now publishing a number of cloth and paper-covered Books in attractive style, including a series of 25 cent, 50 and 75 cent Novels, in new style covers, making them large books for the money, and bringing them before the Reading Public by liberal alvertising. They are new and cheap extitions of the works of the most popular English and American authors, and are presented in an attractive style, printed with legible type, on good paper, especially adapted for General Reading, Hotel Stands, and Railroad Sales, and are furnished at such a low price that they meet with a ready sale - wherever properly introduced. They are in fact the most popular series of works of fiction ever published, retailing at 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1, $1.50, $1.75, and $2 each, and comprising the writings of w * * MRS. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH, SAMUEL WARREN, CHARLES G. LELAND, MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS, MISS BREVIER, GEORGE LIPPARD, MRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTZ, ELLEN PICKERING, EMERSON BENNETT, MISS E1.17A A. DUPUY, MRS, GREY, EUGENE SUE, MRS, HENRY WOOD, MRS. C. J. NEwBY, MISS PARDOE, WILKIE COLLINS, CHARLES DICKENS, W. H. AINSWORTH, GEORGE SAND, T. A TROLLOPE, T. S. ARTHUR ALEXANDER DUMAS, FRANK FAIRLEGH, w. H. HERBERT. G. W. M. REYNOLDS, HENRY COCKTON, THE BEST COOK BOOKS, and SIR WALTER SCOTT, CAPTAIN MARRYATT, * others, by the best and most CHARLES LEVER, GUSTAVE AIMARD, popular writers of the day. Small orders are filled by us with the same promptness and care as large ones, and all orders will be filled at once, and sent by any route ordered. - We will, upon application, furnish all Booksellers and News Agents dealing with us, our addressed Envelopes, Posters, and Circulars, free. Have the Posters hung up and well displayed about your store. Our New Illustrated Catalogue and Wholesale Price Lists will be sent to any Bookseller, if written for. Our Catalogue is furnished to all our customers in quantities, with their imprint, free of cost. Address all orders to T, B, PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. º Gº §§ *Y =\ & - 2. º & Š 2-S PUBLISHED/MONTHLY cigatiº *iºcłuż ill - L- 9 and tº ºnassau.5° WOL VI, New York, DECEMBER 1, 1874. - No. 12 C O N T E N T S. /~ → - - & PAGIE PAGE HE-Book MARKET, ...--~~ - 413 MUSIC NOTES, - - - º 428 f; the Book TRADE pull 2 - 42 i NOVELTIES, GAMES, TOYS, ETC. 429 feituary, - tº- * - 421 IN DEx To ADVERTISEMENTs, - 429 MEETINGs of THE TRADE, - 422 | Book ANNOUNCEMENTs For DEc'R, 430 Business cHANGEs - - 424 Nov EMBER PUBLICATIONS, - 43.3 SPECIAL Notices, - - - * 424 | NEW MUSIC, - - - sº 437 | ITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, - 424 | THE STATIONERY MARKET, - 439 Foreigs LiterARY Notes, - 426 THE AMERICAN NEws co's List of NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 427 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, 441 | TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their ºddresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 tents per year, payable in advance. s y Sample copy sent on application. * f The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. º,” A few pages. only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - * L | Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- ºf sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., 1 15, 1 17, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. | *. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. MESSRS. JAMES R. OSG00D & ( NEw Books. THE HINTEST G-IIHT - ECOE, Longfellow’s New Foern, GING OF THE CRANE THE HAN Superbly illustrated from designs by Miss Hallock and Thomas Moran. Anthony and W. J. Linton. to the golden wedding. Childhood Songs. illustrated. $2.25. This volume is entirely original, and many of the By Lucy Larcom. Fully oems appear now in print for the first time. Mis onents of the happiest and best minds }. large sympathy with children and love fo º be in demand as an inexpensive and choice them lend an unusual charm to these “songs,” making them very attractive to little people, and no less to arents. Many pretty pictures, added to the healthful ascination of the “ songs,” make this a Speautiful holi- day gift book. The Flower People. By Mrs Horace Mann. New edition. With illustrations by Mrs. Rose Hawthorne Lathrop. Square 12mo, $1.50. A handsome edition of an ingenious book, in which the anemones, violets, crocuses, i'oses, and other flowers tell many an engaging story to Mary, who loves them, and thus wins their confidence and interest. Mrs. Lathrop's illustrations add fresh beauty to the volume, and commend it as a choice gift-book for children. Tennyson’s Poetical Works. Crown edition, from new plates, incorporating all the latest revisions and emendations made by the author, with some poems that have not been included in any previous American edition. A hand- some, every way desirable library edition of the Laureate’s works. 2 vols. 8vo, with por- trait. $6. - Holmes’s Songs of Many Seasons. $2. “There seldom comes to our desk a book upon which we are more tempted to dwell; but we will simply com- Imend its divers merits to our readers, for many of whom it has bright hours in store.”—The Independent. Howells's A Foregone Conclusion. with “A Chance Acquaintance.” $2. “The stories that he has published in the Atlantic Inark him indisputably as the most artistic and delight- ful writer of fiction in the country.”—BIartford Cowrant. Bºt Harte's Echoes of the Foot - Hills. $1.50. - Uniform O This volume includes the poems he has written since his “East and West Poems’” appeared. It is rich in those unique qualities which have given Bret Harte his world-wide fame. *o° For sale by Booksellers. JAMES R. Tastefully bound in cloth, $5; morocco antique, $9. This charming poem celebrates the life of the household, from the hanging of the crane (“house-warmi Its many picturesque scenes have been illustrated with the utmost care and skill. every respect—in theme, poetic beauty, artistic cycellence, and mechanical execution, “The Hanging C Crane" is a volume of rare superiority; and as a gift-book for weddings, birthdays, golden wedding Christmas holidays, nothing could be more appropriate or more beautiful. Engraved by A. W Whittier’s Hazel-Blossoms. $1.50. “This vºlume is a delightful illustration of She remark, that poetry, is the record of the best and * Öok the coming holiday season.” Stedman’s Poetical Works. With portrait. $2.50. “Contains a wealth of charming poetry, distingl alike by viyid imagination, delicate fancy, ºr thought, brilliancy of style, strong dramatic powe a thorough mastery of the art of versification.”— Gazette. New edi * e / " . • * ' Fiske’s Outlines of Cósmic Philosopi vols. Crown 8vo-$6. ſ “It is hardly extravagant to say that this work m an era in the higher intellectual culture of the U States.”—N. Y. Graphic. . Aldrich’s Cloth of Gold. $1.50. “The qualities which make Mr. Aldrich's pro charming are the jery ones which insure success t poetical writings." Full of vivid pictures, delicat aginings, and dainty conceits, they cannot fail to d the lover of poetry.”— Worcester Palladium. Clarke's Building of a Brain. $1.25. Clarke’s Sex in Education. $1.25. “No two books have been written this many tº Which, to our way of thinking, have a more imp, relation to the physical and mental welfare of thq than these.”—The Independent. Nora Perry's After the Ball. #1.50xand “This little volume contains forty-seven poem mention the number because it seldom happens many good poems (and these are nearly all goo published at once by anybody. . She is a poetë Worth being warmly welcomed by poets whom the word has called great these many years."—The Arcadian. Kate Field’s Ten Days in Spain. Saunterer Series. Illustrated. $1.50. A A brilliant Volume of experiences and observations : Spain, with an account of a visit to Castelar, pungen, comments on Spanish republicans, notes on the peopl and their customs. A very fresh, readable book. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, OSGOOD & CO., Boston, TELE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers. News-Dealel Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Gwide will be supplied to the trade at t publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET. NEW YORK, December 1, 1874. Our publishers have been very busy prepar- ing for the holiday trade, which has been very fair to date, and promises to hold good for the month to come. One feature of the trade this season is its unusual lateness. Another is that high-priced books are in little demand, dealers generally selecting books of a standard character, or those which are generally held to be useful as well as pretty. The publishers, with their usual acuteness, have fully recog- nized both features, and while their issues are later than in former years, they include very few of the books which are regarded as lux- uries. It seems to be generally understood that the days of extravagance are over, in books as in everything else; hence, retail prices of new issues are put at the lowest possible figures, and books are cheaper than they have been for many years. D. Appleton & Co. have lately added to their International Scientific Series a valuable treatise on Terrestrial and Aërial Locomotion, Animal Mechanism, by Professor E. J. Marey, of the College of France. The book is profuse- ly illustrated and one of the most interesting in the series, which now numbers eleven Vol- umes. Mr. Goodrich's Life of Columbus, of which so much has been said, is a volume of some four hundred pages. The character of the book can be briefly indicated by the au- thor's statement of its object, to “Sink the so- called Christopher Columbus to his just level in the estimation of posterity, and to raise to theirs those of his contemporaries whose fame was sacrificed to create the fictitious glory with which he has been endowed,” and “to enter a protest against the spirit of the age, which would incorporate in modern times all the greatness of past ages, and arrogates to itself the honor of inventions and discoveries in arts and sciences which had been carried to as great perfection as human intelligence will permit before the so-called history of the world began.” Whatever may be thought the value of the author’s arguments and th justice of his criticisms, they are very ing njous. The work is evidently the result much study, and contains much informatic and food for thought. Rev. Dr. Henry Cowles Elebrew History, from the death of Moses to th close of the Scripture narrative, is well calc lated to serve the purpose intended by its a thor, to stimulate and aid the reading of scri tural history, by setting forth the beauty its narratives and the interest and importan of its events. For the holidays, D. Appleton & Co. offer, a unique and sumptuous volume, a profuse illustrated History of the Military and H ligious Life in the Middle Ages, by Paul L croix. It is a companion volume to Manne, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Age and The Arts of the Middle Ages. There is vast fund of information of historical intere in the book, and it is adorned with fourtee beautiful chromo-lithographic prints by Ke lerhoven, Régamey, and Allard, and mo than four hundred woodcuts. These pu lishers have also issued two pretty illustrate books for children, The Happy Howr, ar Whispers from Fairy Land. The former is beautifully printed and richly bound quar volume of tales, sketches, and poetry, wit nearly two hundred engravings. The oth is a volume of fairy tales from the pen of th Right Hon. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. The are delightful reading for children, differir somewhat from the ordinary fairy story, in b ing nearer to every-day life. The book is ve. prettily illustrated. - Dr. John W. Draper's History of the Confli between Religion and Science, which will shortly published by the Appletons, is rather study of the controversy than a mere histor explaining its character and tracing its issue A complete account of the contest has nev before been written, and no one is better fitt for the task than Mr. Draper. Mr. J. Hittell's History of Culture, is also announc for this month; also Part Three of Herbe 4. I4. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Spencer’s Descriptive Sociology, and the first part of Spencer's Principles of Sociology, in a pamph- Het of about eighty pages; the other parts will be issued quarterly in the same shape. The exhaustive work on the Western Section of North America, by Mr. Bancroft, the well- known San Francisco publisher, will comprise five volumes, the first of which will be pub- lished by Appleton & Co., early in the coming year. The author has devoted years to the selection of materials for the work, and has accumulated a large library of books in many languages, bearing upon the subject, and notes of reference to these volumes are to be given in the body of the work. The first volume will contain an account of the wild tribes, their manners and customs; the second is de- voted to the civilized nations of Mexico and Central America; the third to the mythology and languages of both savage and civilized nations; the fourth to antiquities and archi- tectural remains; the fifth to aboriginal his- tory and migrations. Harper & Brothers published early in the month. The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, a book for schools and colleges, edited by Dr. F. A. March, with an introduction by Profes- sor Ballard, of Lafayette College, and notes by Professor W. B. Owen ; a volume on Duvid, King of Israel, by Rev. Dr. William M. Taylor, of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York; Farjeon's King of No-Land ; a paper novel from George Manville Fenn, entitled The Treasure-Hunters ; and one by Miss Dora Hav- ers, with the title Jack's Sister ; or, True to Her Trust. In Dr. Taylor's book on King David, the author has added fresh interest to the bib- lical narrative of his life and to the songs of the sweet singer of Israel. It is well written and affords pleasant and suggestive reading. The latest novels from these publishers are Aileen Ferrers, by Susan Morley, a very clever and artistic story, simply and gracefully told ; and The Love that Lived, by Mrs. Eiloart, one of the most popular of English novelists. Mr. Charles Nordhoff's Politics for Young Americans, just issued, is a work that has long been needed, and one that can be read with great benefit, not only by Young America, but by many older people as well, as it con- tains much that all American citizens should know, but that very few do know. It is a treatise in simple and lucid language, on the elementary principles of government, free from partizanship and abstract discussion, and admirably suited to the wants of young read- ers. Gail Hamilton's Nursery Noomings is a collection of racy papers on “The Baby in Breeches,” “Bringing up Parents,” “The Wards of the Nation,” “Disciplining Chil- dren,” etc. It is written in this author's peculiar style, tells some plain truth, and is full of pleasant surprises. Early in the month we are promised Mr. Nordhoff's work on The Communistic Societies of the United States—the result of his personal observations, taken, as the illustrated papers say, on the spot. The book will be illustrated, and prom- ises to be very interesting. Of books specially adapted to the season, the Harpers have issued Wolf's Wild Animals, a quarto volume of twenty magnificent plates of wild animals, from designs by Joseph Wolf, engraved by J. W. and Elward Whymper, and descriptive letterpress by Daniel Giraud El- liot. Mr. Wolf's drawings are among the very best of the kind in existence, and the en- graver's art has reproduced them with won- derful fidelity. The Little Lame Prince, by Miss Mulock, just issued, is a charmiug little fairy tale for children, embellished with pretty illustrations and tastefully bound. Henry Holt & Co. have recently published a number of valuable books. Among the lat- est are Democracy and Monarchy in France, by Charles Kendall Adams, a thorough and com- prehensive political history of France, from the inception of the great revolution, to the overthrow of the second empire; A Winter in Bussia, translated from the French of Theo- phile Gautier, full of vivid pictures of Russian life that are not to be found in any other book of travel in Russia ; Thomas Hardy's Far From The Madding Chowd; and John Stuart Mill's Posthumous Essays on Religion. Hardy’s novel is the one, it will be remembered, that was attributed to George Eliot. It has re- ceived the highest praise from those who have read it, as one of the most remarkable of re- cent works of fiction. Mill's Essays on Relig- ion are three in number—on Nature, the Util- ity of Religion, and Theism ; and the publish- ers, “acting upon the hope of making their uniform edition of Mr. Mill's writings ulti- mately include them all,” have inserted his Essay on Berkeley's Life and Writings, which appeared in the Westminster Review, but has not before been reprinted. Different opinions will exist in regard to these essays, and they will be sharply criticised by those whose re- ligious beliefs differ from those of the author; but they are written with a clearness and strength which will command attontion. A careful perusal of them will probably con- vince the critics that, like Tyndall, he has been by many misunderstood, and his relig- ious unbelief greatly exaggerated. Henry Holt & Co. offer for the holiday trade a new edition of Taine's Pyrenees, with Doré's illustrations, and have nearly ready the dainty volume of Vers de Société, compiled by Mr. C. H. Jones. The contents have been selected with great taste, and the resources of the artist, printer, and binder have been freely drawn upon to make it one of the most elegant specimens of book - making ever produced. The paper is tinted, and a darker tint is print- ed upon the body of the page, which is red- lined, to receive the letter-press. The illustra- tions, which are exceedingly quaint and artis- tic, are drawn by John A. Mitchell and en- graved by Henry Marsh. - - G. P. Putnam's Sons have published a revised edition of the late Mr. Frederick Bastiat's THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 415 essays on political economy, under the title of Sophisms of Protection, which are ably, written and should be read by all who take an inter- est in the question of protection; and Rev. Dr. Thomas Hill’s essay on Geometry and Paith. ‘ On the holiday list of this house are Bryant’s Among the Trees, one of the prettiest gift-books ever published; Mrs. Jane G. Aus- tin’s Moonfolk, most charmingly written, and illustrated by the beautiful engravings of Linton ; and a new illustrated edition of Mrs. Hawthorne's Wotes on England and Italy. This is one of the sprightliest volumes of the kind we have ever read, full of charming inci- dent and reminiscence, and lively descriptions which invest old scenes with a new interest. The illustrations are very fine and the bind- ing rich. Among the volumes announced for early issue are Chomet's Music : Its Influence on Health and Disease ; and a work on Winter Homes for Invalids, by Dr. Jos. W. Howe. The Messrs. Putnam have been planning for some time a series of biographical works, to be edited by Colonel T. W. Higginson, and designed to give information in regard to the political status of various countries. The first volumes, which will be published early in the new year, will include sketches of Dis- raeli, Gladstone, Bright, and other prominent statesmen of England. The list of new books from Scribner, Arm- strong & Co. is an important one. Early in the month they issued Life and Literature in the Fatherland, by Rev. Dr. John F. Hurst; Frank R. Stockton’s Roundabout Rambles ; The Paraclete ; and Professor W. D. Whitney’s second series of Oriental and Linguistic Studies. : Of the latest issues are a new volume of Mr. Stoddard’s Bric-à-Brac Series, and Lange's Com- memtary on Job. Among all the many books which have been recently published on Ger- many, Dr. Hurst's volume will take a place as one of the very best, which the student of German life in any of its phases should not fail to read. Dr. Hurst, who will be remem- bered as the author of the able. History of Rationalism, has recently spent nuuch time in Germany, and his work is the result of careful observation. The school system, with its kin- dergarten, is thoroughly described and ana- lyzed, also the great universities, with much interesting gossip concerning their noted pro- fessors. German authors and the secrets of book-making come in for a large share of at- tention, and vivid sketches are given of the home-life, customs, and peculiarities of the people. The Paraclete is an essay on the per- sonality and workings of the Holy Ghost. It is bold and frequently startling in its logic, but is ably written, evidently by a master- hand. It is published anonymously, and much discussion has arisen as to its authorship. In this second series of Professor Whitney’s Ori- ental and Linguistic Studies are three papers on the relation of the East and the West, two on the science of Religion, five on the English Language, its Orthography, phonetics, and general phraseology, and an exhaustive dis- cussion of the Astronomy of the Ancients, which is illustrated by a chart. For Christmas, the Scribners have prepared a new and cheaper edition of Stanley's How I found Livingstone, enlarged by the addition of a chapter giving a biographical sketch of the great explorer and describing his journeyings from the time Mr. Stanley left him until his death ; Rhymes and Jingles, by Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, a very pretty little quarto with one hundred and fifty illustrations; and a magnificent work of travel entitled Across South America, by Paul Marcoy. The author journeyed from the Pacific across the Andes, to the navigable waters of the Amazon, and thence by rafts and boats to the Atlantic. He possesses not only the requisites for the traveler, but those which enable him to write an account of his travels in most entertaining style; and what particularly recommends him to his readers and adds an additional interest to his account, is the fact that he makes his own sketches. There are in these two Sump- tuous volumes upwards of five hundred il- lustrations, engraved from Mr. Marcoy’s drawings, by Riou. The publishers will have ready in a few days, in a royal octavo, X. B. Saintine’s Myths of the Rhône, translated from the French by Professor Schele de Vere, with one hundred and fifty illustrations by Gustave Doré. G. W. Carleton & Co. have published two good novels—Through Thick and Thim, and A Terrible Secret. The former is in the series of translations from the French which is being published by this house, written by Joseph Méry and translated by O. Vibeur. It is full of French vivacity, is crowded with exciting incident, and will be enjoyed by the average novel-reader. The other novel is by Mrs. May Agnes Fleming, has run through one of our most popular weeklies, and has been highly praised. Carleton announces as nearly ready a new story from Marion Har- land, with the title From My Youth. Up , and Progressive Petticoats, by Robert B. Roosevelt, a humorous hit at the various “isms” of the day that are championed by women. The general reader will find it immensely enjoyable, and even the reformers cannot fail to appreciate the funny side of their theories. A Christmas gift-book is also announced, to bear the title of The Birth and Triumph of Love, to contain. twenty-four antique illustrations after the engravings of Bartolozzi. Robert Carter & Brothers have issued Dr. A. P. Peabody’s lectures on Christianity and Science, which were recently delivered at the Union. Theological Seminary of this city. The author holds that there is no antagonism be- tween science and the Christian religion. The papers are clear and earnest and vigor- ous, and should be widely read. The other late issues from this house are Rev. Howard Crosby’s Evpository Notes on the Book of Joshua, written, the author says, to put in Succinct 416 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. form such explanations of the text as may help the reader to its clearer understanding, without annoying him with the details of criticism; Clefts in the Rock, a volume setting forth the believer's grounds of confidence in Christ; and a prettily printed and illustrated story for children, entitled The Flag of Truce, by the author of The Wide, Wide World. i The National Temperance Society have lately issued two neat story-books—The Life- Cruise of Captain Bess Adams, by Mrs. J. McNair Wright, whose temperance tales are much appreciated ; and a little volume con- taining the addresses delivered in this city, by invitation, by Dr. James Edmunds, a dis- tinguished English physician. The subjects of the addresses, three in number, are “The Medical Use of Alcohol,” “ Stimulants for Women,” and “The Dietetic Use of Alcohol.” They were much commented on at the time of their delivery, and are well worth a thoughtful re-reading in their present shape. W. J. Widdleton has published Mr. R. H. Stoddard’s edition of the poems of Edgar Allan Poe, with an original memoir, in which he denies much that is contained in Gris- wold's memoir, and includes some new facts. He says the life of Poe “ has been related many times, but always incorrectly.” The memoir is based upon the author’s paper in Harper's Migazine for September, 1872, and though it is frank as to the poet’s eccentri- cities and faults, it places his character in a very different light from that thrown upon it by the biographies which have been generally accepted as truthful. This edition of the poems is the first complete one ever made, containing all that Poe published in verse. BOSTON, Dec. 1, 1874. If the visitor to Boston just now should by any means have forgotten the season, it would need but a glance at the display in the win- dows and on the counters of our book-stores, and the hum of activity which would greet Rim in most of them, to convince him that the holidays are approaching. And if, being acquainted with the business in former times, he should have spent the last few years in the moon, or in some other place sufficiently remote to be out of hearing of the panic, and should be suddenly transported to our book emporiums, he would hardly believe from the evidence before him that this is an “off year” for books, and that the trade is dull. The fact is that the business is in much bet- ter condition than many other branches of trade; and although up to this date it may have fallen behind the prosperous years of the past, Christmas promises to bring the usual demand for books. That demand will not be for extravagant volumes, and the pub- lishers have been wise in anticipating this fact, and have provided a greater proportion of books which are to be commended for their utility as well as their beauty. Fancy prices which prevailed during the busy Christmas seasons of the war have been discarded al- together, and the fine volumes which are made expressly for the holiday trade are offered at exceedingly low prices. Indeed, there has been a marked tendency for a year past to reduce the retail prices of all books, and many volumes are now put at a dollar and a half, which five years ago would not have been offered for less than two dollars. The house of J. R. Osgood & Co. is noted for its fine editions of the poets, which are sure to be in large demand at this season. They have recently added to the list a new volume from J. T. Trowbridge, containing The Emi- grant's Story and other Poems, and one from Bret Harte, bearing the title Echoes of the Foot-Hills. Both authors are too well known to the American public to require any de- scription of their work. The homely narra- tives in verse of Trowbridge, in which pa- thos and humor are so strangely mingled, are widely popular, and the selections in this vol- unne are already familiar to hundreds of readers who will no less gladly welcome them in the pretty form which Osgood & Co. have given them. The poem named in the title is the longest as well as the most recent. It is a vivid description of the journey of an emigrant family to the far west. “At my Enemy’s Gate ’’ is also recently written, and many will think it the best in the volume. Among the other selections are “Farmer John,” “ Dorothy in the Garret,” “Old Simon Dale,” and “The Song of the Flail.” Bret Harte's volume, just ready, comprises his poems of the past two years. Osgood & Co. have also issued a new library edition of Tennyson in two volumes, printed from new plates with the latest revisions of the author, and some poems that have not been included in any previous edition ; a new edition of Mrs. Horace Mann’s Fāower People, with seven pretty illustrations by Mrs. G. P. Lathrop; a small quarto volume of Childhood Songs, by Lucy Larcom ; and Chemical and Geological Essays, by T. Sterry Hunt. The Childhood Songs are, as the author says, the blossoms that grew in her working field, and include many that are familiar to the readers of Our Young Folks, and others that are new. The illustrations are very attractive. Pro- fessor Hunt's volume of essays is a valuable addition to science, containing not only much that is known, and is here made impressive and interesting to the general student, but much that is new either in fact or suggestion. This house have just ready for issue Kate Field's Ten Days in Spain, to be included in the “Saunterer's Series ; ” Howell’s Ifore- gome Conclusion ; and Broken Chains, by E. Werner. We should not forget among the new books the charming “little Classics.” The fourth volume under the title of Life, contains “Rab and his Friends,” by John Brown: “A Romancé of Real Life,” by W. D. Howells; “The Luck of Roaring Camp,” . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 417 by Bret Harte; “Jerry Jarvis's Wig,” by R. Harris Barham ; “Beauty and the Beast,” by N. P. Willis; “David Swan,” by N. Haw- thorne; “Dreamthorp,” by Alexander Smith; “A Bachelor's Reverie,” by Donald G. Mitch- ell; “The Grammar of Life,” by B. F. Tay- lor; “My Chateaux,” by G.W. Curtis; “Dream Children,” by Charles Lamb; “The Man in the Reservoir,” by C. Fenno Hoffman; “West- minster Abbey,” by Addison; “The Puri- tans,” by Macaulay, and “Gettysburg,” by Abraham Lincoln. The next volume, to be issued this month, will be somewhat different in character from the previous issues—suffi- ciently indicated by its general title, Laughter. For the holidays, Osgood & Co. have issued besides the above, Longfellow’s new poem, The Hanging of the Crane, exquisitely illus- trated with drawings by Miss Hallock and Thomas Moran, engraved by Linton and An- thony. It has been out some weeks, and promises to be the most popular gift-book of the season. It is a beautiful poem, and both designers and engravers have well improved the abundant opportunities which it affords for illustration. A holiday edition of Dr. On and other Stories will be ready this week. A little later we shall have a folio volume of illus- trations, forty-five in number, of On the Nile, by Augustus Hoppin, uniform with Ups and Lowms ; and three quarto volumes of helio- type reproductions from the old masters. The first will be twenty-four of Toschi’s En- gravings of Frescoes after Parmegiano and Cor- reggio, reproduced from the Gray Collection in Harvard. There are four of the frescos of Parmegiano in the Church of San Giovanni,two wall pictures of Correggio, Virgin and Child, originally painted on the wall of a friend's house, and Diana in a chariot, painted in a con- vent at Parma; seven groups of children called “The Lunettes of the Arbor,” and eleven of Correggio's frescoes in the Church San Gio- vanni Evangelista. The second volume is a series of studies designed and engraved after Raphael, reproduced from the Tosti Collec- tion of the Boston Public Library. The other collection embraces twenty-one Illustrations of the Book of Job, “invented and engraved by William Blake in 1825.” The text of the lat- ter volume will consist of a biography of the eccentric artist, and explanatory notes by Charles Elliott Norton, of Cambridge. It is difficult to convey an idea of the quaintness of these illustrations, or indeed of the merits of all these reproductions. The process by which it has been possible to place them within reach of the people is one of recent development, and the people will not be slow to appreciate its advantages. The other books coming from Osgood's be- fore Christmas are Verne's The Adventures of Captain. Hatteras, with over 250 illustra- tions by Riou; a volume of Parlor Plays, Pantomimes and Tableaux, by George B. Bartlett; William Henry, dramatized by Mrs. Geo. L. Charley; the poem of The Circassian Boy, by the Russian poet Michael Lermontoff, translated through the German by Mr. S. S. Conant; and Parnassus, a volume of poetry, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, to be brought out in the style of the Amesbury Whittier. Lee & Shepard have just issued their cata- logue of fall and winter books, which in- cludes some good novels and a goodly num- ber of juveniles and illustrated holiday books. The new volumes of the latter class have been held back, but they are now in the hands of the binder and will be ready within a week. Of the books issued in November, the most Inotable are Jennie June's book on marriage; Mr. H. H. Riley's humorous Puddleford Pa- pers ; The Child of the Tide, by Mrs. E. D. Cheney; and Our Helen, by Sophie May. Mrs. Croly’s (Jennie June) book, entitled For Bet- ter or Worse, is bright and pungent, and abounds in sensible argument and practical suggestion. It treats of courtship and mar- riage, points out the duties of husband, wife, and parents, and dwells earnestly on the mis- takes of the marriage relation and the results involved. The Pudaleford Papers, though. founded on a previous edition, is really made a new book by the many additions and the excellent illustrations. There are some ex- cellent pictures of pioneer life, and though bright with humor, it is pervaded by a vein . of seriousness. Readers of wholesome Amer- ican fiction, who remember Sophie May's story of The Doctor's Daughter, will like the author's last book, Our Helen. Like the former story, the scenes are laid mostly in New England, and contains pleasant pictures of rural life. Mrs. Cheney's book is for younger readers. The story is founded on actual events, and, like all of the author's works, is full of interest and can be safely put into the hands of chil- dren. / Lee & Shepard have just ready a new book of a devotional character, by Rev. Dr. J. M. Manning, entitled Helps to a Life of Prayer, “intended for service in the living world; ” The Dorcas Club ; or, Our Girls Afloat, a hand- somely illustrated volume by Oliver Optic ; and The Evhöbition. Drama, the fifth volume of Mr. Baker’s Amateur Drama Series. This series of books have been received with marked favor, as they supply a very general want for short plays, for the family and . school. Early this month we shall have The . Reading Club and Handy Speaker, No. 2, edited by Mr. Baker, and containing selections for readings in prose and verse ; and Rev. P. C. Headley's The Island of Fire; or, a Thousand Years of the Old North men's Home, an illustra- ted volume on Iceland, containing a history of the island, an account of the manners and customs of the people, their language, litera- ture and mythology, selections from their eddas and sagas, etc., a volume full of interest and of valuable information. After the holi- days will be issued a novel from Mrs. Kathe- rine Sedgwick Washburn, with the title Per- fect Love Casteth Out Fear ; Mr. Higginson's. 4.18 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS Guide. Young Folks' History of the United States; a Beries of essays on Nature and Culture, by Harvey Rice; Nasby's humorous book, The Morals of Abou Ben Adhem ; a volume of ser- mons on eternal punishment, by the author of Arena and the Throne ; and a book from Rob- ert Collyer, under the title of The Simple Th'uth. Of illustrated gift-books this house have just ready an entirely new and enlarged edi- tion of Mrs. Eliza Lee Follen's Little Songs, Splendidly illustrated. No collection of chil- dren’s rhymes, if we except Mother Goose, has ever been so popular, and in its new form it makes a most acceptable little Christmas book. Early in the month they will issue Ballads of Beavity, a small quarto volume of Selections from the poets, illustrated by forty full-page engravings, and edited with excei- lent taste by Mr. George M. Baker; and a more pretentious quarto of One Hundred Gems from the London Art Journal, printed from the orig- inal plates. If anything more than the origin of these illustrations is needed in praise of the Volume, it is found in the care with which the engravings are printed on the fine, heavy paper, and the pretty binding which the pub- lishers have given it. - Roberts Brothers are about to issue an im- portant work on English Grammar, by Pro- fessor Maetzner, of Berlin, the author of a large number of works on language, an hon- orary member of the Philological Society of London, and at present at the head of an in- stitution for the higher education of girls. The work is comprised in three octavo volumes of five hundred pages each, and is probably the most important work "on English Gram- Inar ever written. It was written in German and is translated by Clair J. Grece, who in a preface of some length, pays a high compli- ment to the philological acquirements of the German scholars, and explains why they are better fitted to write of the English language than those who have always used it. He says, “the instruments of thought which had been invented and perfected in subjecting the class- ical tongues stood ready to be applied to the English.” While Englishmen have been con- tent to neglect the usage of their own tongue, ... so far as its more delicate grammatical fea- tures are concerned, “the nation in which erudition and scientific philology are, as it . were, indigenous, having already subjected the classical tongues to an exhaustive treat- ment as well lexicographically as gramma- tically, has undertaken the scientific treatment of the grammar of the English tongue. That it should have been approached by Germans from a purely scientific point of view, from which natives have not hitherto regarded it, will not surprise us when we consider the relations of German to the classical tongues of antiquity and to our own vernacular.” The work is able, thorough, and comprehensive. The other books just issued by Roberts Broth- ers are Dress Réform, containing the lectures on the subjects lately delivered in Boston, edited with an introduction by Mrs. Abba Goold Woolson, who also contributes a paper; “The Fletcher Prize Essay,” The Christian in the World, by Rev. D. W. Faunce; and the Vº works of William Blake, edited by 'illiam Michael Rossetti. Before Christmas they will publish a Life of Ezra Styles Gan- nett, written by his son, W. C. Gannett; Annus Domini, a prayer for each day in the year, founded on a scriptural text, by Christina G. Rossetti; and Songs and Singers of the Liberal Faith, by Rev. A. P. Putnam, to consist of selections from the poetical works of Christian ministers, with sketches of their lives. This house has made arrangements to issue here Mary Cowden Clarke's A Ramb- lºng Story, now being published in the Gen- tleman’s Magazine, London. Of children’s books, Roberts Brothers have issued Mischief's Thanksgiving, and other Sto- Ties, by Susan Coolidge, and More Bed-Time Stories, by Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton, both illustrated by Addie Ledyard. Early in the month, the publishers will have ready a Christmas story by Christina Rossetti, en- titled Speaking Likenesses, with illustrations by Arthur Hughes; a temperance story by E. E. Hale, bearing the title of Our Wew Chºu- Sade, Children’s Stories, eleven in number, written by as many students of Harvard; and a capital story for boys, by Rev. George L. Chaney, of Boston, entitled F. Grant dº Co.; or, Partnerships. It is a story of boy-life in New England, showing the successes and mishaps of youthful business ventures. The first new volume from William F. Gill & Co. which claims our attention, is Lotos Leaves; to be issued this week, a heavy quarto—prepared, both text and illustrations, by the members of the Lotos Club. There are nineteen illustrations, besides the title designs, thirty-one in number. They were all drawn especially for this volume, and in design and execution are rare specimens of art. The literary contributions are equally entitled to praise. Each possesses a special excellence, and would give character to any collection. It is sufficient to mention White- Jaw Reid’s “Southern Reminiscences,” John Brougham’s “The Hymn of Princes,” Mark Twain’s “Encounter with an Interviewer,” and John Elderkin’s paper on “The Theatre.” Among the other prominent col.tributors are Wilkie Collins, John Hay, Edmund Yates, Noah Brooks, and Israel H. Bromley. Among the artists are Arthur Lumley, Alfred Fred- ericks, Gilbert Burling, and John Lafarge. Home Recreations, an illustrated edition of which has just been issued, contains a num- ber of tableaux and a list of the plays best adapted to the wants of amateur represen- tation. There are but few who are better qualified to make such selections than Mr. Gill, and the list, with the information ap- pended to each title, will prove very service- able. There are more than one hundred tab- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 4 IQ leaux, the best of which are illustrated, and all of which have stood the test of actual performances. Early in November was issued Mr. Charles Bradlaugh’s Impeachment of the Blouse of Brunswick. Though it has run through five editions in England, this is the first time it has been issued here, and for this edition the author has written a special preface. With all the vigorous abuse of the reigning house of England, it contains much real informa- tion. The Babes ºn the Wood, by James De Mille, is an extended burlesque full of humor, and with just enough of a story to string to- gether the ludicrous situations. It was evi- dently written only to amuse, and it fulfills its intent from beginuing to end. The illus- trations are excellent. Wilkie Collins's Alicia |Warlock, mentioned in my last, will not be published until after the holidays, when it will be issued with another story from the same author. - Estes & Lauriat have prepared for the holi- days new editions, in new and neat cloth bindings, of Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family JRobinson, and The Pilgrim’s Progress ; also new editions of the excellent little book, The Words and Mind of Jesus ; and the selections in verse known as Chimes for Childhood. They have also issued in one volume the first twelve numbers of the Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science, and have nearly ready a book which will suit the scandal-mongers, if it is what is suggested by the title, One Hundred Ministers ; or, How They Switched Off. During the month they will issue new editions of Mrs. Riddell’s Too Much Alone, and J. S. Le Fanu's Checkmate, both of which have been long out of print; and What Young Peo- ple Should Know, an essay on the anatomy, physiology, and hygiene of the human repro- ductive organs, by Professor Burt G. Wilder, of Cornell University. The next volume in the Epochs of History Series will be The Plouses of Lancaster and York, by James Gaird- Ile I’. Noyes, Holmes & Co. have published Ser- moms and Songs of Christian Life, by Dr. Ed- mund H. Sears, consisting of a number of vig- orous sermons, written, the author says, “not for the press, but for the pulpit,” but none the less readable, interspersed with devo- tional hymns, some of which readers will find familiar, and others appear to be new, The house have just ready a new red-line edi- tion of Thoughts to Help and to Cheer, a collec- tion of devotional texts and poetry, which has been out of print for some years. It is hand- somely printed, and is to be issued in a variety of bindings, from plain cloth to full morocco. Colby & Rich have recently published The Gadarene ; or, Spirits in Prison, by J. O. Bar- rett and J. M. Peebles, treating of a little of everything relating to the doctrines of spirit- ualism, such as moral good and evil, demons gad gods, mundane and celestial spheres, ob- sessions ancient and modern, witchcraft, psy- chology, etc.; also a volume of poems entitled Home, by Jesse H. Butler, of San Francisco ; and a little Child’s Guide to Spiritualism, by Mrs. Lucy M. Burgess, consisting of questions and answers. Colby & Rich will soon issue in book form Epes Sargent's papers, which have been published serially in the Banner of Light, under the title of Proof Palpable of the Immortality of the Soul, to be illustrated with a picture of Katie King, taken in London : and a volume of Travels Round the World, by J. M. Peebles. PHILADELPHIA, December 1, 1874. The holiday trade has fairly set in, and our jobbers are doing a fair trade in miscellane- ous books. The school-book trade, which has been excellent, is falling off, and medical and law books—to use a market phrase—are flat. Our publishers are preparing but very few new books, but there is no lack of gift- books on their lists which are suitable for the Christmas trade, and they are sure to be in demand. Of the finely illustrated volumes may be mentioned the new edition of Alliboné's D, c- tionary of Quotations, elegantly illustrated and bound, just issued by J. B. Lippincott & Co.; and, by the same publishers, under the title of Many Lands and Many Poaces, a series of sketches of travel, reprinted from Lippincott's Magazine. These papers have formed a most interesting portion of the magazine, and in this neat octavo volume, embellished with nearly 150 engravings, are very acceptable. Edward Strahan’s The New Hyperion, which has been running in the magazine, will be issued immediately in a handsome octavo, illustrated with sketches from Doré and others. Of standard books, the Lippin- cotts have issued the third volume of Charles Francis Adams's Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, a work of historical importance to the student that can bardly be overestimated ; and the third volume, which finishes the work, of Mr. Kirk’s new edition of Prescott's Philip II. This volume begins with the re- conquest of Spain in 1562, and takes the nar- rative down to the death of Anne in 1580. The volume covers the most important events in King Philip's reign. It is embellished with portraits of Don John and Anne of Aus- tria. The first volume of Dr. William Robert- son’s edition of Prescott's Charles V. will be ready this month. The other books just issued from this house are Outlines of the Science and Practice of Medicine, by Professor William Aitken, of Edinburgh, a work that will be highly appreciated by the profession; Science of Sensibility, by John Nelson. Smith, in which the author treats of intelligence as the simple element of soul, the spirit of life, the natu- ral cause of the constancy of each species to its type, etc.; and The Drift of Medical Phil- osophy, a revised essay, first read two years ago by Dr. D. A. Gorton, of Brooklyn, in which sº 42O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLER3' GUIDE. he treats very honestly and forcibly of the bearing of disease on society, and man’s status in the world. Virginia F. Townsend’s new novel, One Woman’s Two Lovers, will be issued in a few days; also The Voice in Speak- ing, by Emma Seiler, translated by W. H. Furners. The writer will be remembered as the author of The Voice in Singing, and these two are probably the most elaborate works on the human voice ever written. A book of short stories is announced under the title of The Golden Fence, and Other Tales ; and Pa- tricia Kemball, a novel by E. Lynn Linton, the author of Joshua Davudson and some other good works of fiction. Lippincott & Co. an- nounce that they will reissue here the edition of Thackeray's "works in twenty-two octavo volumes, as published in England by Smith, Elder & Co. They will be issued monthly in the same order as originally published. Porter & Coates have recently brought out in handsome style The Most Emiment Orators and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times, which will be a new book to many. It con- tains historical and critical sketches of the most famous of the world’s orators, with se- lections from their best efforts. The ancients are represented by Demosthenes and Cicero; the English, by Chatham, Burke, Grattan, Fox, Erskine, Curran, Sheridan, Pitt, Can- ning and Brougham ; and Americans, by Henry, Ames, Clay, Calhoun, Webster and Everett. The volume is a large octavo, in fine binding, and is illustrated by portraits of Webster, Clay, Pitt, and others. The Encyclopædia of Rural Sports, by “Stone- henge,” is another old book, which has passed through eight editions in England, and has been very popular there, but this is the first American edition. New illustrations have been added, and much new matter, in- cluding a chapter on the American Trotting Horse, one on Base-Ball, the rules of the Har- ward Foot-Ball Club, and copious extracts from the Game Laws of this country and Canada. Malcolm Maceuen’s volume of es- says and sketches, mostly adapted from Sainte- Beuve, was issued early in November, under the title of Celebrities of the Past and Present. It is a delightful book, including among its contents sketches of Cardinal Richelieu, Cardinal Mazarin, Cardinal De Retz, Father Lacordaire, Montesquieu and Lord Chester. field; also André Chénier's charming poem, La Jewne Captive, in the original French, with the English translation. South Mead- ow8, a story of the days of witchcraft in New England, by Mrs. Disosway, was also issued early in the month. It has a double interest, being a good story, and most of the facts, the author says in her preface, are historical, as are the expressions attributed to Cotton Mather. It is a vivid picture of the delusion which entered into the life of the Puritan colonists. - For the holidays, Porter & Coates have re- issued The Cotten's Saturday Aight, which is now a standard Christmas gift-book ; and The Stately Homes of England, with its 210 elegant wood engravings. Lady Green. Satin is also reissued at a reduced price. Some of the best books in their list have been put into “libra- ries,” prominent among which is the Library of Home and Foreign Authors, containing Longfellow's The Poets and Poetry of Europe, Hedge's The Prose. Writers of Germany, and Griswold's The Prose. Writers of America. The Count de Paris’s work on our late war is being translated. It is not yet finished by the author, but he is busily engaged on the last volume. The first two volumes have been published in Paris. The elaborate maps and plans in the accompanying atlas contrib- ute to make it a most valuable work. Porter & Coates have made arrangements with the English publishers to bring out here Augus- tus Hare's Days Neath Itome, to be illustrated with upwards of 150 cuts, mostly by the author. It will be published here early in the coming year. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have issued the first volume of a new and well-made library edition of the works of our most popular Amer- ican novelist, Mrs. Southworth. The novel selected to head the list is Miriam, the Avenger, and is one of her best. It is embellished with the portrait and autograph of the author and a cut of her residence. The Petersons have also published two more of Mrs. Wood’s shorter novels, The Smuggler's Ghost and The Mystery, the Jatter recently printed, from the author's manuscript. Their new, cheap edi- tion of Sir Walter Scott's novels, of which Ivanhoe is already issued, is to be in new cov- ers, with portrait. They are also issuing a new, cheap edition of Dickens's works in bright illustrated covers. For the current month they announce Mrs. Southworth’s Fair Play; a love-story from Temple Bar, entitled For Better, For Worse ; a new cook- book of “Old Maryland” receipts; and a one dollar edition of Rees's JLife of Edwin Forrest. This house have on their holiday list a num- ber of beautiful gift-books which will not be overlooked, but no changes have been made in any of them except T. S. Arthur's illus- trated temperance tales known as Sia, Nights with the Washingtonians, which has been put in full Turkey morocco binding. “The Penn Letter-Book,” advertised on another page, will be found very convenient for those who wish to copy without the use of water or press. By it copies are quickly and easily taken, and are as permanent as those made from the best copying fluids. - E. J. Hale & Son have published the Life, Sermoms, and Speeches of Rev. Numa F. Reid, D. D., late of the North Carolina Conference, edited by his sons. Dr. Reid was well known through a wide section of the country, and the volume will be of special interest to the many who hold for him the highest esteem. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 42 I Js T H E Rook TRADE DULL 2 It may be thought a useless, if not a silly question to ask, in the face of the univer- sal testimony; but there is an answer to the inquiry that will not fully accord with that testimony. For more than a year past we have heard from all quarters the cry of hard times, until it has become Quite the fashion in business to be dull. Such a condition has become so chronic, that, when a real improvement comes, there is danger that the business men will be so “dull" that they will fail to see it in time, and thus further improvement will be retarded. Compared with the business of former years, the book, trade is dull, but there are other standards by which the real condition of the trade may be more rea- sonably and justly measured, with results that are far more encouraging. During the years of inflation in prices and conse- quent extravagance, the trade reaped its share of the harvest, and it was to be expect- ed that it would suffer its fair proportion of the losses occasioned by the reaction now affecting all kinds of business. But an impartial observer will conclude that it has suffered less in proportion to the ex- tent of the interests involved than almost every other industry. At the same time, such an impartial investigator will prob- ably find that publishers have been less careful to promote the interests of the trade than other manufacturers. In a falling market they have continued the suicidal policy of “bearing” their own goods, and when the retailers have com- plained the loudest, they have, after secur- ing the retailers' orders, thrown their newest and best books into the auction room. It is not surprising, then, that the book trade should languish evenin the best of times, and that the dealer should fill his windows with Crandall's Acrobats and sim- ilar goods. He knows that the manufac- turer will not compete with him in the sale of these goods, and if they are not sold at once, they are as good as the money; while with books—new ones at least—if, through the competition of the publishers, or for other reasons, they are not sold while fresh from the press, they are dead stock. If the same course were pursued by the maker of Crandall's Acro- bats as that followed by many of the pub- lishers, those goods would in a short time not be worth their weight in kindling- wood. And such a course would ruin any other business, especially in goods which are so little a necessity as books. The publishers have promised to correct all this, and it is time. We only mention these mistakes here to show that influ- ences have been operating in the book trade to make it peculiarly susceptible to the effects of the hard times, and that we should expect to find it this year less ac- tive than other branches of trade. But, notwithstanding the general depres- sion, and the “extra hazardous ” circum- stances under which the book business has been conducted, it has held its own bravely and will present a very favorable balance- sheet-at the close of the year. While in former years the business has been as much overdone, and the market as much overstocked as in other classes of goods, there has been less curtailment of produc- tion than in other directions, and there has been but a slight reduction in prices. While others have been pushed to the wall, and losses and failures have not been uncom- mon in other trades, but very few book publishers or booksellers have failed to meet their engagements. These are most encouraging facts, not to be overlooked either in estimating profits or prospects. The holiday trade will probably not fall behind that of last year. The more econom- ical people are in buying Christmas gifts, the more books they will purchase, for they are less costly than other gifts, and are always suitable and appropriate. No dealer should be deterred, by the conven- tional cry of dullness, from preparing for the demand which is sure to come. A judicious selection of stock, with the pro- per advertising and display, will in most localities secure a good Christmas trade. pertuary, WILLIAM A. WHEELER. Mr. William A. Wheeler, well known as the compiler of the “Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction,” and from his connection with the Boston Public Library, of which he has been Assistant Superintendent for a num- ber of years, died in Roxbury, Mass, October 28th, at the age of thirty-nine. He was born in Leicester, and graduated at Bowdoin Col- lege in 1853. He assisted Dr. Worcester in the compilation of his Dictionary, and after- wards, with Mr. Richard Soule, prepared “Worcester's Spelling-Book.” In 1860 he was employed in the revision of Webster's Dictionary, and about this time compiled his Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction. He left unfinished a “Cyclopaedia of Shakespe- rian Literature,” and an Index to the prin- cipal works of ancient and modern writers gº 422 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. to which he gave the title, “Who Wrote It?” He was also engaged at the time of his death on the revision of the catalogue of Mr. Tick- nor’s Library. EDWARD CAREY BAIRD. Edward Carey Baird, of Pottsville, Pa., died suddenly on the 14th ult., while on a visit to Ashland, Va. He was a grandson of the late Mathew Carey, and brother of Henry Carey Baird, the Philadelphia publisher, with whom he was in business until within a year or two of the commencement of the war. In April, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Sixth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, on its reorganization for three years, became second lieutenant, and in the same year was appointed an assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain, and assigned to the staff of General Meade, where he served with dis- tinction. He afterwards served with other generals, and was frequently commended in their dispatches for meritorious conduct. JOHN GOULD. Colonel John Gould, of Albany, N. Y., died in that city on the 20th ult., at the age of thirty-nine years. He was the only son of Anthony Gould, the law book publisher, in whose store in Albany he remained until his father’s death in 1858. He afterwards stud- ied law and practiced in Newark, N.J., in New York city, and since 1868, in Albany. He was a colonel in the National Guard, and was highly esteemed among its members. He was a diligent student in his profession, and had collected an extensive and very val- uable law library. TOM HöOD. A cable telegram from London, on the 20th ult., announced the death of Tom Hood, the comic writer, and for nearly ten years editor of Fun. He was the son of Thomas Hood, the poet and author, was born in 1835, and entered Pembroke College, Oxford, in 1853. While there he wrote Pen and Pencil Pictures, which was followed by Quips and Ch'anks, and in 1861, The Daughters of King Daker, and other Poems. He was also the author of many books for children, and a number of novels, and wrote for many of the magazines and periodicals. Among his novels are Gold- en Heart ; Money’8 Worth ; A Disputed Heri- tance ; and Love and Valor. Though not so great a humorist as his father, he very much resembled him, and has long held a foremost place among the comic writers of England, He was also an artist, and illustrated the elder Hood's Up the Rhºne and Precocious Peggy. –sº-Q-U- MEETINGs of THE TRADE. TFIE CENTRAL BOOKSELLERS' ASSOCIATION. At an adjourned meeting of the association, held at the St. Nicholas Hotel, November 10th, a resolution was adopted fixing 20 per cent. as the maximum discount * that Iſlay be allowed to large buyers outside the book trade. Messrs. A. D. F. Randolph, W. S. Appleton, M. W. Dodd, Jos. M. Cushing, Jr., W.III. Lee, and Edward Claxton were appointed a committee to obtain signa- tures to the Constitution and By-Laws. THE ST. LOUIS BOOKSELLERS. A meeting of the retail booksellers of St. Louis was held in that city early in the month, and an organization effected with the following officers: W. S. Bell, presi- dent; George Wintle, vice-president; George Scherer, treasurer; William Keymer, secretary. THE Rook TRADE of New ENGLAND. A meeting of the publishers and booksellers of New England was held at the Parker House, Boston, Novem- ber 19th. The meeting was called to order by Mr. C. A. B. Shepard. Mr. H. O. Houghton was elected Chairman, and Mr. William Lee, Secretary. Mr. A. D. F. Ran- dolph, of New York, who was present, was invited to Imake some remarks, and in his happiest style gave some reminiscences of the old booksellers, and traced the growth of the trade in this country to its present propor- tions. He said Boston and New England had done more than any other section to demoralize the trade; but if they will come into line now, the dealers of Philadelphia can be brought to te. Ins, and the whole movement is secured. The following agreement, which had received the sig- natures of nearly every bookseller in New York, was read, and all present urged to sign it . . The Central Booksellers' Association adopts twenty (20) per cent. as the maximum ulscount to be given to libraries, Schools, leucuers, professional unen generally, and large buyers outside tue trade, with the exception of supplies of school-books for hyst introduction; specimen copies of School-books for exulmination; School books for Scuool Boards, und State Normal Schools created by law, and authorized to purchase supplies from public Iunus; School-books for Scuools other Luun Sunday-schools, sup- ported by religious and benevolent societies, and pur- chasing their own supplies of school-books; and to such Inerchunts as deal in Dooks and school supplies. The undersigned publishers and booksellers hereby accept the above py-law of the Central Booksellers' Association, to take effect on the 20th day of November, and agree that the terms herein named shall be the rates of discount thereafter allowed on all sales at our estab- lishments. Letters were read from the American News Company, H. E. Simmons, of the American Tract Society, and others, giving their support to the movement. A generul discussion followed. Mr. Houghton thought the work of selling books to the public should be left to the retailers. Mr. Dodd, of New York, being called on, said that all the publishers and booksellers of New York had signed the twenty per cent. rule but one. There is a general anxiety to have something done to eradicate the evils now existing in the trado. He referred to the want of faith in the movement in New York, and to the fact that the American News Company thought that the rule did not go far enough—that no discount at all should be given to persons outside the trade. ...-- ~~ * ~ -ss- es-sºº THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 423 Mr. Walter Appleton, of D. Appleton & Co., said that his house hoped the movement would succeed. Mr. Bowker, of The Publishers' Weekly, said that some opposition must be expected. The public are backing the retail dealers. Mr. Leavitt was willing to give up the trade sales, and inaugurate the book fairs. The pres- ent is an auspicious time for the reform. Mr. William Tomlinson, of Boston, spoke of the fact that teachers were enabled to undersell the regular deal- ers; that teachers sold books to pupils in Boston schools at one-third off, that he could not buy at better than twenty and ten. Mr. Randolph commezded the action of the Board of Trade. Although the agreement which they were called upon to sign was not all he could wish, he was thankful to get anything in the way of reform. Mr. James Campbell. of Boston, referred to the injus- tice to the retail booksellers by the practice of publishers in supplying school committees and boards. booksellers should be sustained, and publishers should allow no discounts at all to those not in the trade. Mr. Draper, of Andover, referred to his twenty-five years' experience in the trade. He was unable to suc- cessfully prosecute his business now by reason of the competition of publishers. He has given notice to the trade that his books are not to be sold to consumers at better than twenty per cent., and he refuses to supply any who undersell that price. Laige's Commentary is sold to students in Andover at $3. A student is selling books to his fellows at thirty per cent. off, and better. The publishers should so sell to towns and schools as to give the rotailers a chance to supply them. He now offers his classical books at fifteen to twenty per cent., and cannot sell them. He pointed out the benefits which publishers would secure by encouraging retailers to keep their books. Ml. Randolph said, in reply to the remarks of Mr. Campbell, that the old ways had been so long pursued that they could not be entirely corrected at once; that those who insisted upon no discounts should have gone to Put-in-Bay and advocated their plans there. The twenty per cent. Tule was a gain, and as such he advo- cated it. Boston has been retailing books at from twenty to forty per cent. off, and Philadelphia don't pretend to ask the retail price. The action of the Board of Trade was the most important step yet gained, and he appealed to the trade not to block the way. * At this point Mr. Houghton was excused from the Imeeting, and Mr. Randolph was called to the chair. Mr. Sargent, of the Congregational Publication Soci- ety, thought retail prices too high. Mr. Draper supported Mr. Sargent's views, and said that large discounts were frequently made because re- tail prices were too high. Mr. Randolph replied that the trade demand large discounts. When he undertook to sell his books to Sun- day-schools at retail prices they fell dead. Mr. Tomlinson wanted to know what would be done with dead stock, and Mr. Randolph replied, sell it at your own price, but do not parade the original retail price. Tho retail. Mr. Campbell said many houses in Boston bought in | large quantities at extra discounts, for the sole purpose of underselling their neighbors. Mr. I.ee appealed to the Boston booksellers, saying that the publishers had already agreed to the rule and the retailers should not hesitate to give it their support. Mr. Hammett spoke of the ruinous practice of the pub- lishers of supplying small schools direct at best discounts, entirely ignoring the booksellers, not only for first intro- duction, but for a continued supply. A strong desire was expressed by a number present to form a New England Association, and a committee of five was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for such an association. and were instructed to wait upon the trade and solicit their signatures, and to call another meeting at an early day. The committee consists of Messrs. M. H. Sargent, Wm. Lee, Samuel F. Nichols, A. Williams, and James Campbell. It was explained that the twenty per cent. rule was not to be binding on any who signed it, until proper notifica- tion shall be given of the time when it is to go into effect. The meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the com- mittee. - *==== The following were among the letters which were read at the meeting: BANGoR, November 17, 1874. GENTs—We shall not be represented in person at your meeting of the 19th instant, yet we desire to express our satisfaction that it is to be held, and for the purpose mentioned in your circular. We have long considered it unfair and unjust that those not in the trade should have opportunity to purchase on same terms, or even less, than those who belong to the craft. We trust that some plan may be agreed upon which shall give to the latter the protection which it seems right they should have against such irregularities. We believe such a result might be reached not only with: out detriment to the legitimate business of Boston aill other large centres of trade, but to their increased bene- fit in the end. *...] Respectfully yours, E. F. & W. G. DUSEN, D. BUGBEE & Co., CHARLES HIGHT. RUTLAND, WT. November 17, 1874. Messrs. LEE & SEEPARD, NICHOLS & HALL, and others: Yours of the 13th is at hand, extending to us an invita- tion to be present November 19th at the meeting of book- sellers of New England. We wish we could be there, but we shall have to deny ourselves that pleasure. We early sent our $1 to become a member of the American IBook Trade Association, and we believe that unless the booksellers of the country are protected in their sales of books against underselling firms, there will be more “peanut and news stands,” and less booksellers. We do not job better than twenty-five per cent. off, and teachers get their ten per cent. off, which is all right enough. We can remember the time when the country mor- chant was perfectly satisfied with twenty per cent. off; but he has been finding out of late years that if he only goes to market as a teacher or minister, or anything else than a bookseller, that he can get better prices. The principal fault we have to find is the discount that is allowed owtside parties. Cut it down to ten per cent. Speed the good work. Yours, etc., TUTTLE & CO. 424. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. £usiness £HANGES. At Lynn, Mass., J. W. Caverly, music dealer, bas sold to Tucker & Davidson. At Columbus, Ohio, Hubbard & Jones, book- sellers, are succeeded by Elliott, Jones & Co. At Minneapolis, Minn., G. A. Dustin succeeds S. L. Johnson in the book and news business. At Crawfordsville, Ind., L. A. Foote, book- seller and newsdealer, is succeeded by Robin son & Wallace. D. Appleton & Co. have opened an agency at 22 Hawley street, Boston, in charge of Mr. Thomas Bazin. - At Columbia, Mo., Spring & Kirtley, book- sellers and newsdealers, have been succeeded by S. B. Kirtley & Co. At Castleton, Vt., the firm of Kellogg & Rice is succeeded by Rice & Co., Mr. Kellogg having sold his interest in the business. At Murfreesboro, Tenn., R. F. Osborn having bought the interest of J. R. Osborn, succeeds Osborn Bros.,booksellers, stationers, and print- eI’S. - At Lake City, Minn., F. W. Seeley has sold lis book, stationery and news business to H. A. C. McPhail, who continues the business at the P. O. Building. At Athens, Ga., Mr. Burke, of the firm of Burke & Hodgson, having purchased his part- ner's interest, the business is continued under the name of T. A. Burke. At Akron, Ohio, Mr. W. C. By rider has with- drawn from the firm of W. C. By rider & Co., booksellers, stationers, and newsdealers, and the business is continued by J. M. Laffer. Messrs R. Worthington & Co., wholesale booksellers, Boston, have taken the store, 750 Broadway, New York, where they will in future conduct their business in the United States. At Horseheads, N. Y., the firm of McNish & Updike has been dissolved, and a new co- partnership formed under the same firm-name, consisting of Messrs. Chas. W. McNish and Edward L. Updike. Mr. E. J. Gibson, of Oswego, N. Y., has sold his business in wall paper, etc., to Mr. George H. Hees. At his other store, in the Jones Block, Mr. Gibson has largely increased his stock of books and stationery, and to this business he now gives his undivided atten- tion. - Mr. J. R. McDivitt, law-bookseller and pub- 'isher, 111 Nassau street, New York, has formed a copartnership with Howard Camp- bell and Franklin G. Campbell, under the firm- name of McDivitt, Campbell & Co., and will continue the business of buying, selling, and publishing law-books at the same place. At Rochester, N. Y., Clark Johnston is suc- ceeded by Merriam & Co., who continue the business as wholesale aad retail booksellers and stationers. The new firm consists of Messrs. Homer Merriam, of Springfield, Mass., Henry H. Merriam, and Charles E. Morris, who has been clerk in the store for many years. SPECIAL Notices Our thanks are due to those who have so kindly responded to our call for copies of the Guide of March and April last. Mr. Angus Rankin, who continues the busi- ness of the late John Emmons, at 80 Nassau street, New York, wants publishers' cata- logues. Qn and after January 1st, 1875, the postage on the American Booksellers’ Guide will be prepaid by the publishers, without extra charge to subscribers, The price of Gone Before has been reduced to $1.50. Dr. Coleman’s Ancient Christianity has been reduced to $2.00, and his Manual of Prelacy and Ritualism to $1.00. We are reminded by Peterson & Bros. that Dumas' Mohicans of Paris, which we inad- vertently stated was being translated for the first time for the London Penny Illustrated Paper, was translated by them from the first French edition in 1859, and they have pub- lished it ever since. LiteFARY AN ID TRADE JTEMs. Bret Harte's new volume of poems has for its title Echoes from the Foot-Hills. Roberts Bros.. announce a £ife of the Rev. Dr. Gammett, of Boston, by his son. It is said that 40,000 copies of Will Carle- ton's Farm Ballads have been sold. The Harpers will publish Du Chaillu’s new book, The Land of the Midnight Sun, in the Spring. During October, 1781 volumes and 2665 pamphlets were added to the Boston Public Library. Warren & Wyman have a new edition of Geo. MacDonald’s Cure for Thought-Taking in press. - A set of plates of Lotos Leaves has been purchased by Chatto & Windus for an English edition. Prof. Derry, of Richmond, has written a School History of the United States, which will soon be published. t Miss Anna Blackwell has been translating the works of Allan Kardec, and two volumes will soon be published. The last work done by the late Hammatt Billings was on the beautiful vignette title illustrations of Jotos Leaves. My Evperience as a Detective, by B. F. Maron, is the second of “The Handy Pamphlets” of the Authors’ Publishing Company. Little, Brown & Co. will publish the fourth and last volume of Prof. Baird’s History of Morth American Birds, early in 1875. ... / The next novels from Loring will be In the Carmarque, an exquisite picture of home-life in the south of France, by Emily Bowles; and Mildred's Wedding, by the author of Olive Varcoe, one of the best novels of English society life ever written. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 425 Rev. E. P. Roe's Burriers Burned Away and The Opening of a Chestnut-Burr have been illustrated and published in London. A new edition of Lady Green Satin and Her Maid Itosette is announced by Porter & Coates, at the reduced price of $1.50. The Messrs. Scribner will publish an edi- tion of Guizot's History of France, uniform with their Mommsen, Curtius, and Froude, Mr. James L. Whitney has been elected assistant superintendent of the Boston Pub- lic Library, in place of the late Mr. Wheeler. Maria Jourdan Westmoreland, author of JHeart-Hungry, and literary editor of the new story paper The Sunny South, is writing a new novel. The Authors' Publishing Company an- nounce as their holiday volume, a book of poems by Charles W. Hubner, entitled Wild Jſloºpers. - The Atlantic Publishing Company announ- ces The Lives of the Clergy of New York and Brooklyn, to contain two hundred biographies, by J. A. Patton. Sir Arthur Helps's new book, Social Pressures, will be published here early in the new year by Roberts Brothers. . It is a new volume of the Friends in Council. J. B. Lippincott & Co. will issue here in twenty-two volumes, the illustrated library edition of Thackeray's works, published in England by Smith, Elder & Co. tº G. P. Putnam's Sons will publish a series of “German Classics for American Students,” edited by Prof. J. M. Hart. They will in- clude selections from the best German au- thors. A telegram from London denies that the Princess Alice is the author of Paths of Life, announced here as written by her. It denies that she wrote any book, or is engaged in writing any. “Julian Hawthorne once said to me,” says a correspondent of the Springfield. Repub- licºn, “that his father had advised him to try to earn an honest living in any way, rather than be an author. º The manuscript of the Life of Captain Fry, written by Mrs. Jennie Mort Walker, the wife of Dr. Walker, of New Orleans, is in the hands of a Hartford publishing house, and will soon be published as a subscription book. The Universalist Publishing House, Boston, have just published six 1.ttle books for children, to be known as the The Happy Heart Series. They are written by Mrs. E. M. Bruce, the author of the series of Life Stories, and are very prettily illustrated. W. B. Keen, Cooke & Co., of Chicago, have published The Evpressman and The Detect, ve, by Allan Pinkerton, the detective. It is the first of a series, by the same author, and is one of the hits of the season. The events narrated, Mr. Pinkerton says, are true stories, taken from his office records, and they certainly go far to confirm the old adage that “truth is stranger than fiction.” Lord Houghton is preparing a new edition of his Life of Keats. - The nephew of Barry Cornwall, Bryan C. Waller, has in press a volume of verses called The Twilight Land. • * Robert Carter & Brothers announce from the English, Pieces of Silver; Riversdale, by C. E. Bowen ; Floss Silverthorne, by A. Giberne; Fairy Frisket, by A. L. O. E.; An Eden in Jìngland, by A. L. O. E.; The Rent Veil, by Bonar. - & Henry Hoyt has published Select Notes on the International Stbbath-School Lesssoms for 1875, containing maps, chronological chart, and a table of the meaning and pronunciatory of proper names. Such a work is indispen- sable to the Sabbath-school teacher. Robert Clarke & Co. make a useful and con- venient blank book for recording the names, address, business, &c., of correspondents. It is in octavo form, of 120 pages, with an alphabetical marginal index, made of good paper, and substantially bound in cloth. Mr. Thomas Whittaker announces an il- lustrated volume for the holidays, entitled Myndeful of Him, or our Heſto my Father ind Elis Children, to contain twenty-six full-page steel-plate engravings on scriptural subjects, chiefly by Gustave Doré, and descriptive text by the Rev. Dr. Kramer. The second edition of Mr. Walter Thorn- bury's Life of Turner, which has been pre- paring for the press, will contain many hith- erto unpublished letters and a large number of fresh facts about the painter. Mr. Thorn- bury will bring out at Christmas a volume, containing a selection from the poems he has from time to time written, under the title of Twenty-five Years on the Slopes of Parnassus, to be profusely illustrated. William Parsons Lunt, of Boston, has pub- lished the Medical Register for the State of Massachusetts, prepared by Francis H. Brown, M.D. It contains a complete list of medical associations and societies in the state, with their objects, conditions of membership, names of officers, etc.; a list of medical schools and kindred institutions, bospitals and dispensaries benevolent and charitable associations and asylums, with information, as to their uses, requisites for admission, officers, and much other matter of value. Jansen, McClurg & Co., Chicago, have in press, and will issue early in December, Memories : A Story of German Love, translated from the German by George P. Upton. It will be issued in beautiful holiday form, and will be one of the choicest moderate-priced gift-books of the season. They will also publish Poems of the Farm and Fºreside, by Eugene J. Hall, author of Stories of a Winter lyight. etc. These poems are truthful delinea- tions of human nature, in the style of Carle- ton’s Farm Ballads. and their popularity has been shown by their being copied into hun- dreds of the western journals during the past year. 426 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ C UIDE. A few years ago, Jonas Lie, a lawyer living in a little country town of Norway, published a novel in Copenhagen, which attracted much attention in that part of the world. Several other stories from his pen have since appeared, all noted for their vivid pictures of simple Norwegian life, and possessing much artistic and literary merit. Roberts Brothers are having three of them translated for the first time, and will issue them during the winter. The titles are The Man with the Second Sight , or, Pictures from Nordland; The Three-master “Future ; ” or, Life in High Latitudes ; and The Pilot and his W.fe. - - Pussy Tip-Toes' Family, published by E. P. Dut- ton & Co., is one of the handsomest as well as one of the cheapest gift-books of the season. The delightful stories are printed in large, clear type, and the clever illustrations and rich binding are very attractive. The Hieroglyphic Geography, announced last month in these columns, has been published by E. P. Dutton & Co. It is of atlas size and con- tains seven pages of meat cuts, one for each of the New England States and one for New York. On alternate pages are full translations of the re- buses. It is a unique volume and will afford great pleasure to the children, and while it will please will impress upon their minds important geographical facts. Mr. Wilkinson’s Free Lance in the Field of Life and Letters, just issued by Albert Mason, contains eight essays, one on George Eliot's now- els, three on Mr. Lowell's writings, and two on Mr. Bryant. The others are on the History of the Christian Commission, and the Character and Literary Influence of Erasmus. The title, the author says, is a declaration of independence, and is selected because he has written the essays in a spirit of freedom from prescription and con- Wentlöll. Messrs. McDivitt, Campbell & Co., successors to J. R. McDivitt, N. Y., have published the very valuable Papers read before the Medico-Le- gal Society of New York since its organization. Many of them have been published in various magazines or papers, but they have never before been collected, and some of them have never before been printed. The medico-legal questions here discussed are those of great interest and importance, and the papers were prepared by the ablest men of both professions. Among the writers are Doctors Wm. A. Hammond, john C. Peters, and James J. O'Dea, Judge Campbell, and a score of other names noted in law or med- icine. The best of what has been written on these questions is to be found in this volume. Foreign LiteFARY Notº. Mrs. Arthur Arnold is translating Castelar's Life of Byron. - Professor Blackie's Self-Culture has reached the sixth edition. - Miss Cusack, of Kenmare, has written a history of the county of Cork. A volume of Critical Studies from Swinburne will soon be published. - Justin McCarthy is writing a new story for the Gentleman's Magazine. - Lost for Love, Miss Braddon's latest, is said by the London critics to be her best. The library of the late “Barry Cornwall ” is to be sold at auction early this month. Jean Ingelow's serial for Good Words in 1875 will have for its title “Fated to be Free.” Chatto & Windus, London, announce A Hig- tory of Advertising, from the earliest times. Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd is again attracting much attention in London. One of the latest English novels, published by Blackwood & Sons, bas for its title Mr. Smith. Blanchard Jervold is editing for early publica- tion the posthumous manuscripts of the Rev. Francis Mahoney. The new natural history book of Rev. J. S. Wood, recently published by Longmans & Co., is entitled Out of Doors. - Cassell, Petter & Galpin announce a new his- tory of the United States as a companion to their illustrated history of England. - Mr. Francis Galton is collecting statistics for a more extensive work on “Hereditary Genius.” Macmillan & Co. will publish it. An English clergyman, Rev. Dr. Lee, has in press a work on omens, apparitions, etc., under the title of Glimpses of the Supernatural. Macmillan & Co. will publish Mr. Gladstone's papers, recently contributed to the Contemporary Review, on Homer's place in chronology. The Ayes and Noes of 1874 is the title of what its editor styles a “Parliamentary Test-Book,” published in London. It is a record of the votes of members of Parliament for the year, and must be useful to constituencies. The first critical articles by Sainte-Beuve have just appeared, under the title Premiers Lundis. The volume contains the first article that Sainte- Beuve ever wrote on Victor Hugo. It is a re- view of Odes et Ballades, and declares Hugo's weak point to be a lack of proportion. The Greville journal has created so much feeling in London, that the editor, Mr. Reeves, has felt himself bound to state that the family were not consulted concerning its publication. Mr. Greville gave the work to him to be pub- lished at his own discretion, and he alone is responsible for its appearance. Mr. Reeve adds that the rest of the journal will not be published for a long time. The rumor that the memoirs of Prince Tal- leyrand are about to be published is denied. It is said that the terms fixed by the author expired in 1866; but when the Prince's executors showed the MS. to Napoleon III., the latter found that Thiers, Guizot, and others were so badly treated that he asked to have its publication delayed for thirty years, and the heirs of Prince Talleyrand have resolved to keep their contract. The Athenaeum says that the Hunterian Club will follow the reprints of Samuel Rowland with the works of Thomas Lodge, the Elizabethan writer, of whom Phillips, the nephew of Milton, speaks as “one of the writers of those pretty old pastoral songs which were very much the strain of those times.” - THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 427 The Publishers’ Circular says that England exports six times as many books as she receives, and that the United States takes thirty-five per cent. of those exported. Mr. Gardner will add to his series of reissues of old Scottish poetry the works of Allan Ram- say. The edition will be founded on that of Chalmers, published in 1800. The library of the British Museum pur- chased no less than 3,415 manuscripts last year. Among thern was a curious treatise in French on the Holy Sacrament, composed by King Edward VI., of England, in 1549, and written in his own hand. Mr. John H. Ingram’s edition of the works of Elgar Allan Poe, with the new memoir, has been issued by the Messrs, Black, of Ed- inburgh. In his preface, Mr. Ingram says: “To the ‘memoir’ prefixed to this edition the reader's attention is particularly solicited, not so much from the fact that it contains a great deal that is new, as that it omits a great deal that is old and misleading. The Soi-disant “Memoir of Edgar Poe,’ by Rufus W. Gris- wold, has acquired a world-wide notoriety, and his misrepresentations have been copied or quoted by every subsequent biographer, so that the attempt at this late period to re- fute them will appear to many an almost hopeless task ; but although in Europe this ‘ fancy sketch of a perverted jaundiced vision’ has been accepted, almost without exception, as a record of facts, in America its truthful- ness has been frequently and authoritatively impugned, and a perusal of the following pages will, it is confidently believed, alter the prevalen, idea of Poe's character.” NewsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. The Revue des Deva: Mondes, Paris, has been published forty-four years, and forms 216 volumes. St. Chrysostom's Magazine having been en- larged, the retail price per copy has been in- creased to 15 cents. Beginning with the January number, the price of Brainard's Musical World to the trade will be raised to 12 cents, The Philadelphia, Illustrated is the name of a new weekly illustrated journal which has made its appearance in Philadelphia. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com- 'mercial points out the shortest road to the millennium. He says: “If a million people will subscribe for Ovd and New, and read Mr. Hale's stories and follow their good hints, the country will within a twelvemonth enter on its golden age.” The Clarion is a new music and art monthly, edited by E. S. Metcalf, and published by A. A. Smith & Co., Salem, Mass. It is a neatly printed quarto of twenty pages, con- taining several pieces of new music, and in- teresting reading matter. Price, $1.00 per year; 10 cents per copy. The Young Folks' Gem is a neat little il- lustrated monthly for children, published by John A. Clark, at Wardsworth, Ohio, at 30 cents per year. - The newspaper rumor that Appleton’s Jour- mal is to be discontinued at the close of the year, is without foundation. On the contrary, the publishers promise that it shall be even more interesting than in previous years. The Quebec Gazette, the oldest paper re- taining its name and published without in- terruption on the continent, has just been sold to the proprietor of the Morning Chroni- cle, Quebec. It was established in 1764. It is noticeable that two of our leading magazines for December contain papers by spiritualists, in defense of the recent mani- festations. The article in the Atlantic is by Robert Dale Owen, and the Galaay paper by General Francis J. Lippitt, of Boston. Both are important to those who are interested in the subject. D. Appleton & Co. will assume the pub- lication in America of the London Art Journal, with the beginning of the new year, under the editorial charge of Mr. O. B. Bunce, the editor of Appleton’s Journal. Engravings of American subjects will be introduced, and other features to make it more interesting to American readers. The Reviewer is the name of a new weekly journal of twelve quarto pages, published in Philadelphia, and devoted to literature, art, music, and the drama. The first numbers contain lively book reviews, chatty letters, interesting editorials, and other matter of interest and merit. Price $400 per year, 10 cents per number. With the January number, The American Elistorical Record will be enlarged and im- proved, and its name will be changed to Pot- ter's American Monthly. The department of American History will be retained as an es- sential feature, but other subjects will be embraced in its scope, and it will more nearly resemble our other illustrated maga- zines. The price will remain unchanged. The publishers of the Atlitntic Monthly promise a feast of good things for the com- ing year. Dr. Brown-Séquard will contribute popular papers on medical science. Charles Dudley Warner and Bayard Taylor will fur- nish sketches of travel and foreign life, and David A. Wells and Edward Atkinson will discuss currency and finance. Mr. Lothrop will give us some studies of American fiction, and Mr. T. S. Perry will contribute a series of papers on French and German authors. The editor of the Evangelist, Rev. Dr. Field in a recent number of that journal, thus speaks of his twenty years' connection with it : “Looking back over this eventful period, he sees many changes. The partner with whom he was first associated has long been sleeping in the grave. The Independent has chsnged editors three or four times. Dr. Leavitt, who was for some years editor of the 428 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. Foangelist, and afterwards aided to establish the Independent, has but lately passed away. The Morses, who founded the Observer, and Mr. A. P. Cumings, who was long associated with them—all are gone. So many and rapid have been these changes that at the end of these twenty years the present writer finds himself the oldest editor connected with the religious press in this city, with the single exception of Dr. S. Irenaeus Prime. Dr. Bright, of the Evaminer, though an older man, came to this city aad entered upon his editorial life here a year later. In the daily press the changes have been equally great. The men who were the founders of the leading journals have almost all disappeared from the scene—David Hale, Gerard Hallock, James Gordon Bennett, Horace Greeley, Hen- ry J. Raymond, James R. Spaulding, and James Brooks. One alone—William Cullen Bryant—clarum et venerabile momen—remains. Thurlow Weed, it is true, is still living, but not in active service. He lingers on the stage as a type of a race of remarkable men that have almost all passed away.” —s C. Music Not Es. The death of the Norwegian composer and pianist is announced in Paris, where he had long resided. Waiting for Papa, published by J. S. White & Co. Marshall, Mich., is a pleasing little ballad, founded upon a touching story of a little girl who braved the cold and rain to save an intenperate father. The musical event of the month has been the production of Verdi's Requiem Mass, written in honor of the memory of Manzoni. Though very warmly appreciated, it has not awakened the enthusiasm which it produced in Milan and Paris. Biglow & Main have issued No. 2 of their Anthem Serial, containing five new anthems written for Thanksgiving and Christmas Services, and No. 5 of the little Christmas Annual, containing five new pieces suitable for Sunday-School Christmas festivals. G. D. Russell & Co. have just ready a volume of 110 select pieces for the church or cabinet organ, compiled by Junius W. Hill and J. E. Trowbridge. The pieces are arranged from the best masters, and are designed for those who desire to study first-class com- positions. Oliver Ditson & Co. have just published IDanks’s Anthem. Services, containing about seventy anthems, especially adapted to the wants of Episcopal quartets and choirs. It comprises a variety of anthem settings for regular and special services by the best Ameri- can and foreign composers, and will be of great value to organists and choirs. The same publishers have issued a collection of four- hand pieces, containing 250 pages of duets, from the simplest to the most difficult. The English version of La Fille de Madame Angot has been received with much favor. Signor Guidi, of Florence, has discovered a magnificent and complete copy of the learn- ed old work written by Mersenne, and entitled “Harmonie Universelle, contenant la Théorie et la Pratique de la Musique, où il est traité des Consonnances, des Dissonnances, des Genres, des Modes, de la Composition, de la Voix, du Chant, et de tous les Instruments Harmoniques” (Paris, Ballard, 1666). It is divided into seven books, and consists of 1,506 pages in folio, exclusive of the numerous pre- faces, dedications, etc. Lichtal thus speaks of it in his Dictionary : “A most rare work, which may in a certain manner be considered as the magazine of all musical knowledge existing at the commencement of the seven- teenth century, particularly in France; thus it is useful to the writer on music desirous of becoming acquainted with the history of the art and of its theory at that period.” Bayard Taylor says of Lars: I wrote “ Lars ” just two years ago, at this time, in the Autumn, and all the scenes rose distinctly to my mind’s eye—Tinicum Island, the shores of the Delaware, Wilmington, the old church —as l sat in my room in Germany. I also re- membered Hockessin, for the name had always lingered in my mind in a peculiar manner, and recalled to me the charms of its scenery —something picturesque, and with a diversi- fied beauty. Now, it is a strange fact that when in your book you have once created a character, and given him a distinct form in your own mind, he acquires a separate exist- ence, and begins to do as he will. So, when Lars had arrived at Philadelphia and come to Tinicum, and, failing to find his ancestors, had reached Wilmington, he went on to Hockessin himself. I could not binder it. CHICAGO. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY. 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CIHICAGO, Respeefully announ Ce to the Trade of the West that , they are ready to supply everything in the way of Newsdealers' and Booksellers’ Stock promptly, and at the lowest prices. . . Lists’ and ſuli infor- mation sent on application. * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 429 Novelties. NEWARK PORTABLE BOOK-REST CO., Newark, N. J. Portable and Adjusting Book-Rest. This is a decided improvement on all previous inventions of the kind. It is simple in con- struction, easily attached to the chair, and can be adjusted to any position. It is made of black walnut, with nickel mounting, and is neat in appearance. Retail price, $6.00. SURDAM & WHITE, New York, The Graphoscope. An instrument designed to give a natural or life-like appearance to any object viewed through it. It will also serve all the purposes of a stereoscope, having a set of lenses arranged for stereoscopic views. Prices from $24 to $50. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., New York, The Monitor Binder. A handsome and strong cover, with simple and convenient at- tachments, by which newspapers, magazines, music, or loose sheets of any size and kind, may be bound and unbound at pleasure. Twelve regular sizes are made, from Sł by 5 inches to 24 by 16 inches. Any other sizes are made to order. Trade prices per dozen : Cloth sides and back, from $9 to $33; Cloth sides, leather back and corners, $12 to $40. “Always Ready " Letter File and Folio. The most convenient Letter File ever made. It is light and compact, supplied with a marginal index for the alphabetical arrange- ment of papers, which can be inserted and re- moved with ease. They can be fitted with lock and key. Trade price: Note size, $1.75; §: size, $2.25; Packet size, $2.50; Cap size, $3.00, games, Toys, Etc. J. T. CAMMEYER, - New York. Erika.K. A new parlor game, affording amuse- ment and the exercise of much skill. It some- what resembles billiards, but is played with a knob which acts on a lever, instead of a cue. The largest size is about one-fourth as large as a billiard table, while the smaller sizes are por- table and can be placed on an ordinary table, Prices from $5 to $50. THE CHILDREN's JOLLY GAME CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Punch and Judy. A new game, consisting of sixty-four cards, lithographed in colors. The game can be played by any number, is simple and easily learned, and calculated to afford much amusement. Retail price, $1.00. E. G. SELCHow & Co., New York. Vignette Authors. A new edition of the popular Game of Authors, consisting of seventy- two cards, each of which has on its face a por- trait of the author, and on the back a colored lithographed bouquet of flowers. Retail price 50 cents, 7 Bosco. A new game, played with balls and a cue, on a board two feet in length and one foot six.inches in width, which can be set on an ordinary table. A ball is started down a curved inclined plane, while the player endeavors to strike it with another ball, and to send it to one of a row of balls placed around the board. There is no limit to the skill which may be acquired, and it is very cheap for a ball game. • Price, $3.00. - Sliced Animals; or, SPELLING MADE EAsy. A large box containing pictures of animals cut up. Each slice of the animal contains a letter or part of the name, so that as fast as the pic- ture is put together, the name of the animal is spelled. Retail price, 50 cents. * Dice Croquet. Croquet played with dice th– stead of mallets. It has all the moves of the field game, gnd can be placed on a parlor table. POPULAR EDITION: Bound in paper, imitation cloth, containing one dice-cup, eight dice, and eight colored pieces called balls. Price $1.00. MEDIUM EDITION: Bound in book muslin, embossed and stamped in gold, containing four dice-cups, eight dice, eight metal rimmed coun- ters called balls. Price $2.00. FINE EDITION: Bound in extra cloth, imitation leather, con- taining eight dice-cups, eight dice, eight ivory counters. Price $3.50. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Jas. R. Osgood—New Books.......... 2d page of cover. Lee & Shepard–New Books. . . . . . . . . . 3d “ . . P. Garrett & Co.—Choice Selections, °tº. ------------------------------. 4th “ { { Wants. ----------------------.... '- - - - - - - - - - - - - Page wº Books Wanted and For Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 446 Spencerian Pens.............................. “ 446 Sheldon & Co., New York............ . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 447 S. R. Wells–Phrenological Journal and Science of Health---------------------............. “ 450 Presbyterian Board of Publication............ “ 448 Webster's Dictionary ......................... ‘‘ 448 New York Blank Book Co..................... ‘‘ 448 Little Foliºs–New Volume ................. ... “ 449 Children's Prize----------..................... '' 451 Peerless Ink and Mucilage.................... { { 42 R. Worthington & Co.—Stand'd English Books. “ 453 Baltimore News Company-------------........ ‘‘ 454 Roberts Bros.-December Books.............. ** 455 American News Company..................... ''' 456 43O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Rook ANNouncements FOR December. AUTHORS PUB, CO., New York. ‘WIId Flowers. Poems. By Charles W. Hubner. 12tno, 240 pp., imitation morocco, $l.25. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By Jobn Wm. Draper International Scientific Series. 12mo, cloth. Heredity. By Th. Ribot, 12mo, cloth. Cryptograph. By J. G. Bloomer. 8vo, cloth. Railway Earthworks. By A. M. Wellington. 2 vols. 12mo and 4to, cloth. - . Descriptive Sociology. cer. Folio, boards, $4. - Principles of Sociology. Part I. By Herbert Spen- cer. To be published quarterly in parts of 80 pp. each. 12mo, paper, 75c. History of Culture. Part III. By Herbert Spen- By J. S. Hittell. 12mo, cloth. AMERICAN BIBLE UNION, New York. Heroes and Judges, from the Lawgiver to the King. . International Sunday-school Commentary, Vol. W. . Janu- ary to July, 1875. Sacred Text of the Lessons Revised by Rev. H. B. Hackett, D.D., and Rev. Geo W. Bliss, D. D., with Notes. By Rev. Franklin Johnson, D.D. 8vo, 200 pp., cloth, $1. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Reasonable Elocution. By Mrs. J. Travenier Graham. Scientific Agriculturist. By Pendleton. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. On the Cultivation of Art, and its Relations to Religion, Puritanism, and Money-get- ting. By A. R. Cooper. 12mo, 48 pp., paper, 25c.; limp cloth, 50c. Antiquity of Christianity 70 pp., paper. - --sº By John Alberger. A. L. BANCROFT & CO, San Francisco. Desty’s Digest of VoIs. XXXIV. to XLVI. of California Supreme Court Reports. Being first supplement to Parker’s Digest. By Robert Desty. 8vo, 500 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Sawyer’s U. S. Reports of the Ninth Circuit. Vol. II. By L. S. B. Savºyer, Reporter. 8vo, 650 pp.. law sheep, $7.50. ROBERT CARTER & BROS., New York. Expository Notes on Joshua. By Dr. Crosby. 12mo, 240 pp., cloth, $1. The Select Works of James Hamilton, D.D. 4 vols. 16mo, 2600 pp., cloth, $5. Tiny Little Mother. 18mo, 250 pp., cloth, $1.25. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago Wisconsin Reports. Wol. XXXIII. By O. M. Cono- ver, Reporter. 8vo, 750 pp., law sheep, $4.50. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. I. With notes by Vilas and Bryant. . By A. D. Smith, Reporter, 8vo, 700 pp., law sheep, $4.50. Adams & Durham’s Real Estate Statutes and Decisions of IIlinois. Vol. II. By John B. Adams and W. J. Durham, 8vo, 959 pp., law sheep, $7.50. | G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. From my Youth Up. A Story. By Marion Harland, $1.50. Progressive Petticoats 3 or, Dressed to Death. An autobiography of a married man. By Robert B. Roose- Yelt. $1.50. - The Birth and Triumph of Love. A Christmas gift-book, with 24 beautiful autique illustrations, after the Steel engravings of Bartolczzi. $2. CLAXTON, RBMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. “Danish Day.” By G. W. Griffin. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. DIOSSY & CO., New York. New York Court of Appeaks Decisions. Wol. 1W. By Austin Abbott, 8vo, 704 pp., law sheep. Abbott’s National Digest. Vol. VI. A Digest of the U. S. Reports and Statutes to September 1, 1874. By B. V Abbott, 8vo, 650 pp., law sheep. Abbott’s Practice Reports. N S. Vol. XVI., No. 1. By Austin Abbout. Svo, 95 pp., paper. J. W. DAUGHADAY & Co., Philadelphia. Elocutionists’ Annual. No. 3. By J. W. Shoe- maker, Professor of Elocution. Uniform in size and style of binding with Nos. 1 and 2. 12mo, 194 pp., cloth, 75c.; paper, 35c. W. F. DRAPER, Andover, Mass. Index to the Bibliotheca Sacra. Wo's. I. to XXX. Containing a Topical Index, an Index of Scripture Texts, and Lists of Hebrew and G. eek Words. By W. F. Draper. Subscription book. 8vo, -95 pp., p.iper, $2.75; ekoth, $3; half goat, $4.25. - E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Words alad their Possibilities. A Game. J. Golder. 32mo, 50 pp., cloth, 50c. By J. DECK & FITZGERALD, New York. McBride’s All Kinds of Dialogues. By H. Elli- ott McBride. 180 pp., half bound, 50c.; paper, 30c. J. B. FORD & CO., New York. Heads a mad Tails : Studies and Storjeg of Pets. Grace Gree. Wood. Illustrated. gilt, $2. The Man in the Moon, and Other People. ter W. Ray inoud. Illustrated. giſt. $2. Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. By Mrs. S. M. Davis. With plates. 12ino, 286 pp., cloth, $1.50. By Square 12mo, cloth, full By Rossi- Square 12mo, cloth, full S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. The Mishaps of Mr. Ezekiel Pelter. full-page illustratious. 12tuo, cloth, $1.75. With 12 GINN BROS, , Boston. Latin Lessons. By Allen and Greenough, HENRY HOYT, Boston. Select Notes on the Insternational Lessorts for 1875. By F. N. Peloubet, 4to, 159 pp., cloth, $1.25. Old Man of the Cliff. By F. J. Dyer. 16mo, 187 pp., cloth, 85c. Old Sailor's Story. By Sargent, 16mo, cloth, $1.25. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 431 HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Communistic Societies of the United States. From Personal Visit and Observation; including Detailed Accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Ama- na, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian, and Other Existing Societies, their Religious Creeds, Social Practices, Num- bers, Industries, and Present Condition. By Charles Nordhoff. With illustrations. 8vo, cloth. The Life and Habits of Wild Anaimals. Illus- trated from Designs by Joseph Wolf. Engraved by J. W. and Edward Whymper. With Descriptive Letter-press by Daniel Giraud Elliott, F.L.S., F.7.S. 4to, cloth. Nursery Noonings. By Gall Hamilton. 16mo, cloth. Politics for Young Americans. By Charles Nord- hoſſ. 12mo, cloth. The Love that Lived. By Mrs. Eiloart. 50C. Jessie Trim. 8vo, paper, By B. L. Farjeon. 8vo, paper. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Vers (le Societe. Conspiled by C. H. Jones. Africa. Compiled by C. H. Jones. E. J. HALE & SON, New York. The Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend. By Mrs. Mary Mason. 12mo, 380 pp., water- proof. $1.75. JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., Chicago. Memories. A Story of German Love. From the Ger- man, by Gen. P. Upton. Small 4to, 180 pp., cloth, gilt extra, $2.50. Poems of the Farm and Fireside. J. Hall. 4to, 110 pp., cloth, gilt, $2. By Eugene J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Patricia Kennball. A Novel. By E. Lynn Linton. 12mo, cloth. Political Ethics. By Francis Lieber, LL.D. New and Revised Edition. Edited by The JGore D. Woolsey, LL.D. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Its Pathology, Nature, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Causes, Hygiene, and Medical Treatment. By Addison P. Dutcher, M.D. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo, cloth. Public Men and Events. From the Commence- ment of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore’s Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent (“Oliver Oldschool”). 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Southern Explorers and Colonists; or, An AC- count of the Early Settlement of North Carolina and Vir- ginia; embracing Incidents connected with the Spanish Settlements, the French Colonies, and the English Planta- tion, etc. By Joseph Banvard, D. D. Illustrated. Large 16mo, $1.25. Their Children. 16tno, $1.50. By Mrs. H. S. Clarke. Illustrated. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. Leading Cases on Wills. By I. F. Redſield, LL.D. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. U. S. Digest. First Series, Vol. IV. By Benj. Vaughan Abbott, Editor. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. w Tax Titles. Fourth Edition. By R. S. Blackwell. 8vo, $7.50. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. No. 1, Vol. II. 8vo, 56 pp., paper. Subscription, $5 per vol. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. No. 2, Vol. II. 8vo, 56 pp., paper. Subscription, $5 per vol. MACMILLAN & CO., New York. Lady Duff Gordon's Last Letters from Egypt. To which are added Letters from the Cape, with a Memoir by her Daughter, and a Portrait by Jeens after Phillips. Large 12mo, cloth extra. Christ and Other Masters. New edition in One volume. By Wen. Archdeacon Hardwick. 12mo, cloth. For the King’s Dues. By Agnes Macdonell, 12mo, cloth. The Harbour Bar. 12mo. A Tale of Scottish Life. 2 vols. W. H. & O. H. MORRISON, Washington, D. C. Supreme Court Reports. By Wallace. Vol. XIX. $6. H. B. NIMS & CO., Troy, N. Y. The Lady of Lawford, and other Christmas Stories. By the author of “The Holidays.” With 15 original designs by F. O. C. Darley, expressly prepared for this book. 12mo, 350 pp., cloth extra, black and gilt side die, $3, and same in gilt edge, $3.50. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, New York. History of Two Lives. By Mrs. I.ucy E. Sandford. With introduction by S. I. Prinue. 12mo, cloth. NICHOLS & HALL, Boston. Hymns and Rhymes for Home and School. By the editor of “Hymns of the Ages.” Square 24mo, 160 pp., cloth, 75c. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. The Circassian Boy. A Poem. By S. S. Conant. Translated through the German, from the Russian of Michael Lermontoſſ. Square 18mo. Dr. Ox and other Stories. By Jules Werne. tifully illust' ated. Holiday edition. 8vo, $3 On the Nile. By Augustus Hoppín. Uniform with “Ups and Downs.” Folio, $10. Parnassus: A Volume of Poetry. Selected and edited, with an Introduction, by R. W. Emerson. 8vo. The Frescoes of Correggio and Parmegiano. Engraved by Paolo Toschi. Very finely reproduced by the Heliotype process. From the Gray Collection of En- gravings. Bound in a handsome volume. 4to, 24 plates, $10. Beau- A Series of Studies after Five Paintings by Raphael, in the Madrid Gallery. Reproduced by the Heliotype process. From the Tosti Collection of Engravings in the Boston Public Library. With letter-press. A handsome volume. 4to, 24 plates, $10. The Book of Job. From the designs drawn and en- graved by William Blake. Reproduced by the Heliotype process. From the Gray Collection of Engravings. With Biographical Sketch of William Blake, and Notes on the Illustrations, by Charles Eliot Norton. Bound in a hand- Some volume. 4to, 22 plates, $10. & T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia. Fair Play; or, The Test of the Lone Isle. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Being the second volume of the new edition of Mrs. Southworth's works. Duodecimo, nearly 700 pp., morocco cloth, full gilt back, $1.75. The Queen of the Kitchell. A collection of “Old Maryland '' Family Receipts for Cooking. Containing 1007 Practical and Useful Receipts, all of which have been tried and approved, and been in use for many years. By Miss Tyson, 12mo, morocco cloth, $1.75. For Better, for Worse. A Pure Love Story. From “Temple Bar.” 8vo, paper cover, 75c. The Life of Edwin Forrest. (Cheap edition for the million.) With Reminiscences and Personal Recollec- tions. By James Rees (Colley Cibber). With a steel por- trait and autograph of Edwin Forrest. 12mo, paper cover, $1. 4.32 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. “ Orthopaedia ; It's Treatment.” By James Knight, M. I.). Fully illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Music : Its Influence on Health and Disease. By Chomet. Tral slated by Mrs. L. A. Flint. 12mo, cloth. The Bewildered Querist. By Francis Blake Croſ. ton. 12mo, cloth. Winter Homes for Invalids. By Jos. W. Howe, M.D. 12mo, cloth. JOHN E POTTER & CO., Philadelphia. Potter’s Complete Bible Encyclopedia. Parts XXXIX. and 1.x. By Rev. Wm. Blackwood, D.D., LL.D. Royal 4to, 40 pp. each, 50c. per part. TORTER & COATES, Philadolphia. The Cotter’s Saturday Night. A New Edition. Beautifully illustrated by 47 exquisite engravings, drawn by Chapman and engraved by Filmer. Printed on tho finest toned and laid plate paper by Ashmead. Small 4to, cloth, black and gold, gilt edges, $4; Turkey morocco. gilt edges, $8. St. Ronan’s Well and Rett Gauntlet. Wols. XV, and XV I. By Sir Walter Scott. New Illustrated Fireside Edition. 12mo, cloth extra, $1.50 per vol. RICHMOND & PATTEN, New Haven, Conn. School and College Education. By Noah Por. ter, D.D. 12mo, cloth, $2. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. F. Grant & Co.; or, Partnerships. Boys who “ Mean Business.” “With illustrations. $1.50. The Mirror of Truth, and other Marvelous Histories. By Eugene Halmerton. With illustrations. $2. A Story for the By George L. Chaney. Children's Stories. , Square 16mo, $1.50. Our New Crusade. A Temperance Story. By E. E Hale. Mr. Hale's New Christmas Story, uniform with “In His Name.” $1.25. Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith. By Rev. A. P. Putnam. 8vo, $3. Life of Ezra Styles Gannett. W. C. Gannett. With illustrations. 8vo, $3. Aunus Domini. A Prayer for each Day of the Year, founded on a Text of Holy Scripture. By Christina G. By Eleveu Harvard Sophomores. By his son, Rev. R issetti. Square 18mo, $1.50. IDress-Reform. Edited with an Introduction and an Appendix. By Abba Goold Woolson. With illustrations. $1 50. The Story of Boom. A Poem. By H. H. Fancy covers. Square 16mo, 50c. SHELDON & CO., New York. Estelle. By Mrs. Annie Edwards. 12mo, 450 pp., cloth, $1 50; paper, $1. Lossing’s Outline History of the United States. By Benson J. Lossing. 12mo, 3,0 pp., cloth, $l.25. Shaw’s Specimens of American Literature and Literary Reader. By Proſ. Benj. N. Martin. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth, $1.50. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Myths of the Rhine. By X. B. Saintine. 150 illus- ...trations. 8vo, 460 pp., cloth, $10; morocco extra, S18. The Book-Buyer. Issue 1 monthly. 8vo, 32 pp., 25c. per year. - The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a I) scourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing. By Izuak Walton and Charles Cotton. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 320 pp., cloth, $3. History of Advertising. From the Earliest Times, Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Bio- graphical Notes. By H. Sampson. Illust."uted. Crown 8vo, 616 pp., cloth, $3. The Wilds of London. By James Greenwood. Illus- trated. Crown Svo, 364 pp., cioth. $3. The Fantastic History of the Celebrated Pierrot. Written by the Magician Alcofribias. Ren- dered into English by A. G. Munro. Illustrated. Crown Svo, 262 pp., cloth, $3. Nursery Rhymes of England. Collected by J. O. Halliwell. Crown 8vo, 351 pp., cloth, $1.75. Lives of Erminent Novelists and Drammatists. By Sir Walter Scott. Chandos Library. 16mo, 617 pp., cloth, $1.75. - Poetical Works. By Thomas Hood. Chandos Poets. Cruwu 8vo, 414 pp., cloth gilt, $3.75. Byron’s Life and Letters. By Thomas Moore. Por- traits. Crown 8vo, 1080 pp., cloth, $3. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. By A. Pope. dos Library. 16:no, 801 pp., cioth, $1.75. Chan- *-- K. TOMPKINS, New York. “Righteousness.” Small 4to, 80 pp., paper, 50c. UNIVERSALIST PUB. HOUSE, Boston. - THE EIAPPY HEART SERIES. By Mrs. E. M. Bruce. 6 vols. 18mo, cloth, $4.50 per set. A Little Light. 130 pp. - Open Doors. 125 pp. Merry Madge. 119 pp. Borrowing. J33 pp. Patient Johnny. The May Party. 119 pp. 133 pp. D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis. For the Identification, Sep uration, and Qualitative Deter- mination of the m ,re Commonly Occurring Organic Com- pounds. By 1°rof. A. B. Prescott, University of Michigan. 120mo, cloth. Chemical Examination of Alcoholic Liquors. A Manual ºf the Constituents of the Distilled Spirits and Fermented I.iquors of Conamerce and their Qualitative and Quantitative Determinations. By Prof. A. B. Pres- cott. 12mo, cloth. Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses. Extended to Cºntinuous Gyrtlers and Dr. W. Spans. Illustrated by three folding plates. By Prof. Charles E. 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Frobisher. 12mo, 168 pp., paper, 30c.; cloth, 75c.; cloth extra, $1. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. Law and God. By W. Page Roberts. 12mo, 149 pp., cloth, $2.50. Deep Sea Fishing and Fishing Boats. By Edward W. H. Holdsworth. Illustrateu. 8vo, 413 pp., cloth, $10.50. - Sir Robert Peel. An Historical Sketch. By Dalling and Lord Bulwer, 8vo, 147 pp., cloth, $3.75. Supernatural Religion. Third edition. 8vo, 997 pp., cloth, S.2. Tales of the Zenana. Translated by W. B. Hockley. 2 vols. 12mo, 662 pp., cloth, $10.50. Insects Abroad. A Popular Account of Foreign Insects, their Structure, Habits, etc. By Rev. J. G. Wood. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth, $10.50. - Half-Hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts. By W. B. Scott. Illustrated. 16ino, 370 pp., cloth. $3. On Compromise. By John Morley, 8vo, 214 pp., cloth, $2.75. Nature: the Utility of Religion and Theism. By J. S. Mill. 8vo, 255 pp., cloth, $5.25. 2 Vols. J. M. STODDARD & CO., Philadelphia. History of England. By Macaulav. New edition. 5 vols. in one, 8vo, 1100 pp., cloth, $3.50; sheep, $4.50. Gentle Hand and other Stories. By T. S. Arthur. New edition. Profusely illustrated. 4to, 144 pp., cloth illuminated, $2. - K. TOMPKINS, New York. Selected Poems. Nos. 14, 15, and 16. 12 pp. each, paper, 10C. “Worth Reading.” each, paper, 10C. Small 4to, Nos. 3, 4, and 5. 4to, 12 pp. D. VAN NOSTRAND, New York. The Blow-Pipe : A Guide to its use in the Determination of Salts and Minerals, compiled from various sources. By George W. Plympton, C.E., A.M., Professor of Physical Science in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12mo, 167 pp., ſlexible cloth, $1.50. A Practical Theory of Voussoir Arches. By William Cuin, C.1. 18mo, 118 pp., boards, 50c. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Chauncey Judd; or, The Stolen Boy. By Israel P. Warren. Historical. 12mo, 320 pp., cloth, $1.50. Secret Of the Lord. By Anna Shipton. Devotional. 16ino, 212 pp., cloth, 85c.; paper, 25c. W. J. WIDDLETON, New York. Edgar A. Poe's Poems. New edition, with Poems not in former editions. A portrait, fac-Simile page, and other illustrations; also a “New Life of Poe.” By R. H. Stoddard. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.25 Lord Byron's Works. 4 vols., crown' 8vo, $9. (Loug out of market.) YOUNG & BARTLETT, Boston. Smith’s Bible Dictionary. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. P. H. YOUNG & Co., New York. The Religion of the Christ: I's Historic and Liter- ary Development cousidered as an Evidence of its Origin. Bampton Lectures for 1874. By Rev. Stanley Leathes, M.A. 8vo, 352 pp., cloth, $4. The Lives of the Saints. By Rev. S. Baring-Gould. 2 vols., 408 and 788 pp., cloth, $2.50 per vol. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 437 New Music. G. ANDRE & Co., Philadelphia. I am Almost There. K. L. Doubt. Song 30c. I Thinlk of T VOCAL- d Ebglish With Ruove alrad Pleasure. Lichner. 50¢. - { *:Thee: * * * * *| Jouy Brother, waltz. T. Meyer age. Say Again thy Blushing “Yes.” Lotti. Aria Fanny Polka. Chas. Mischka. 40c. for Sop: ano. Italian and Euglish. 40C. By the Reautiful River. Meininger. Song. 30c. w * Not for Joseph ; Merry Times. Schuman. Musi- INSTRUMENTAL, cal tit-bits. 20c, eacb. - Flick and Flock Galop. Ketterer. CO . Schuman’s Violin Folio. A series of operatic and Roses Zephyr. Kuhe. Opus 165. Funtaisie. 50c. other favorite pieces, arranged and carefully ſingered for Hans Peter March. I.erbold. 35c. the violin. Paper cover, 75c. Le Polona is Hardi. Thiemer. Op. 32. Mazurka. 403. Le Ruisseau. Thiemer. Opus 30. Etude de Salon. Plain, 60c.; illustrated, 75c. Souvenir d'Enghien. Zithoſſ. Opus 79. Waltz. 75c. BOOSEY & CO., New York. 12 Piano Pieces. Schumann. 50C. 9 Ball Scenes. Schumann. 50c. 9 Pieces Dance Music. 50c. 12 Short Masses for Small Choirs. Benedict. 25c. each. Looking Back. Sullivan. Song, 50c. She Wandered Down the Mountain Side. Coweu. 50c. A Visit to Wales. Sir Jules Brinley Richards. Fantasia. 50c. Forget Me Not. A. S. Gatty. Ballad. 50c. Forgiven. Miss Philp. Song. 50c. Marguerite. Cowen. Song. 50c. BIGLOW & MAIN, New York. Anthem Serial No. 2. Compiled by S. Lasar. 16 pp. Containing flve new anthems—two for Thanksgiving, by Samuel P. Warren and Joseph Mosenthal, and three for Christmas, by J. H. Cornell, Henry Wilson, and Caryl Florio. 25c. “Biglow & Main’s Christmas Annual No. 5.”, 8 pp. Containing flve tiew songs for Christmas fes tivals. 5c.; $4 per 100. Q BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis, Musa Schottische. Chas. A. Noel. 35C. Valley Flower Schottische. Chas. A. Noel. 35c. A Voice ans True as Thinne. John S. Holmes. Soprano Song. 35c. Laborer’s Evening Song. J. W. Hertel. German and English words. 40c. * Kitty and I. Ch. Blamphip. Song. 35c. Robert Le Diable. Arranged by T. Meyer. (Sun rays.) 300. - Melody in F. (Rubinstein.) Arranged by T. Meyer. (Sun Rays.) 30c. Mandolinata. 30c. Dreams of the Forest. T. Meyer. (Sun Rays.) 30c. Picnic Polka. La Hache. 40c. - The Grand Crash Polka . H. Wernor. 40c. Les Roses. Oliver Métra. Complete, 60c.; abridged, 40c. Selma Hall Waltz. Henry Werner. 30c. My Brother That’s Over the Sea. J. M. North. Song. 40C, Arranged by T. Meyer. (Sun Rays.) (S. Smith.) Arranged by The Lonely Rose. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCAI, , S. Glover. Sacred song. 30g. Wm. H. Clarke. For closing school Forsalze Me Not, Farewell Song. exercises, 200. E. Spoth. Ballad. 35c. One Morning so Early. A. S. Gatty. 35C. Dying of Hunger and Cold. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus. 35c. Oh, Where Art Thou Dreaming $ Ballad. 35c. Folly of Wooing at 5 o'clock in the RIorn- ing. Song. 35c. Karl Merz. INSTRUMENTAT . Tannhauser. O. Mayo. Pilgrim Chorus.” 60c. Hours of Cheerfulness. E. Spoth. Schottische. 30c. AEtna, Waltz. R. Gehre. 30c. Friederika, Waltz. Ph. Roth'e ler. 35C. Dream Waltz. J. Moore. 300. Christmas Evre Polka. A. Baker. 35C. Moonlight Waltz. A. Foel. 40c. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. voc.AL, witH piaso Accoxſp.ANIMENT. Polly. Molloy. Ballad. 30°. Why Did We Meet; Emerson. 35c. The Dear Little Shamrock. Cherry. 30c. After Long Years. Elson 30c. An Evening Service. Iloyd. Bonum est Conſteri, 60c.; Benedic Anima Mea, 60c.; Service complete, $1. Far from Thee, Favro. 35C. I Am Never Sighing. Christie. Her I Love. Morgan. 30c. When the Daisies Cover me. The Brook. Dolores. 40c. * Belles—That’s the Way the Bell goes. Vernon. (*. 40c. Christie. 30c. Stolen ICisses. Engel. 35c. Sweet Lena Lane. Blake. Song and chorus. 40C. Secret Hope. (Espoir Secret.) Patti. 40c. & INSTRUMENTAL, Old Folks at Honne. Chaloner. de Concert. 75C. Victory March. Kuhe. Opus 92. 50c. Fantaisie Diabolique. Warren. 75c. Buds of the Opera. 4 hands. 40c. each. No. 11– Linda; No. 23—Faust; No. 24—Rigoletti; No. 31—Wil- Grando Paraphrase liam Toll. 438 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 4 hands, 50c. Gottschalk. Flower Song. (Blumenlied.) Iange. Celebre Taural Intelle de Bravura. $1.50. Where the Citron Bloometh. (Wo die Citronen Bluth'n.) Strauss. Waltz. 75c. March of the Black Watch. Watson. 40c. Course Hong roise. Voss. Osikos-Galop. 75c. Silver Spray Redowa. Eaton. 25c. Pure as Snow. Lange. Idylle. 4 hands. 35c. Under the Oilks. Veazie. Picnic dance. 30c. March de Rakoczy. Liszt. 50c. In the Greenwood. Iange. Reverie. 35c. Pretty Subjects for Young Players. Rimbault. 303. euch. No. 1–Marche Rom inc; No. 2—Vorwart's Galop; No. 3—Highland Schottische; No. 4–Lowland Schottische; No. 5–Prière d'une Vierge; No. 6—Cherry Ripe; Nº. 7–Little Nell Waltz. T. P. FAULDS, Louisville. Looking Back. A. Sullivan. Ballad. Fete Hongroisc. Sidney Smith. Little Maid of Arcadee. A. Sullivan. Rallad. Austrial ºn Song. J. A. Pacher. Rondo. 40c. Dear Little Shamrock. Cherry. Ballad. 30c. Normandy Song. J. A. Pacher. Rondo. 40c. Consider the Lilies. Topliſſ. Sacred song. 40c. Swiss Song. J. A. Pacher. Rondo. 40c. Nightfall at Sea. W. G. briel. Ballad, 35c. Princess Rondo. W. Owen. 4 hands. 20c. We’d Better Bide a Wee. Clariuel. Ballad. Imperial Minuet. W. Owen. 4 hands. 20c. Humming-Bird Polka. W. Owen. 4 hands. 40C. Mazurka. 65c. 40c. 30c. 20C. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. “The Talisman.” Waltz. Arranged for violin and pian O. 10c. The Shoemaker. Henrico. Norm ſu's Sons. Bellini. 20c. Song. Quartette. 10c. Juanita. Hon. Mrs. Norton. Spanish Song. 10c. Talke Back the Heart. Claribel. Song. 10c. I Cannot Sing the Old Songs. Clarbel. 10c When the Svyallows Homeward Fly. Abt. 10c. The Harp of Tara’s Halls. Tom Moore. IOc. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Though Lost to Sight, to Memory Dear. Orr. Fiuniº. 35c. Les Roses Valses. O. Mátra. 60c. I Want to See Mama. Once More. Words of Charlie Ross. Music by Mack. 40c. I Wish Mama Was Here. Bagnall. Song. 20c. Nellie Grant’s Wedding March. Mack. 4 hands. 50C. * Revvard ” Book for Sabbath-Schools. Kui ze:}- knabe. 35¢. Zion’s Choral Book for Singing Classes, etc. R. Tilghman. 75c. Switchback Schottische. Bride of Messiana. Witz. S5. Bartholody March. Schubert. 50c. When I’ve Climbed the Ladder to Heaven. Mack. 35C. Where the Waltzes, 75c. J. H. Mack. 35c. Completc vocal score. J. H. Bona- Lemons Bloom. Johann Strauss. Spring, Gentle Spring. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. Wild Bells. F. A. Kulling. Song. 35c. My Little Sweetheart. A. Loumey. Song. 40c. Child's Evening Prayer. Ch. Blundner. Song and quartet. 40c. Certainty. Abt. Soprano or tenor. Song. 50c. Certainty. Abt. Alto or Baritone. Song. 50c. No Matter. Finnish song. 35c. Finland. Finuish song. 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Grandma’s Pet. A. Loumey. Polka. Illustrated. 40c. Sunbeam Flashes. E. Van Laer. Impromptu, 75c. Flowers’ Greeting. F. A. Kulling. Polka elegante. 50U. In Harvest Time. Faas. March. Illustrated. 40c. A Morning on the Alps. A. Loumey. Tyrolienne. 35c. - IOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. - Marche des Tambours. Smith. March. 40C. March of the Drums. Smith. March. 40. Maria in Jay. Gungle. March. 30c. Norma Grand. Bellini. March, 30c. Oriole. Wagner. Galop. 30c. Parade MIilitaire. Edleman. March. 30c. When the Swallows Homeward Fly. Trauscription. 30c. Spray of the Sea. Wiſhayt. Drumm March. Smith. 60c. Hebel. Galop. 40c. WHITE, SMITH & Co., Boston. Hast Thou E”er Seen the Land. Thomas. From op. era of Mignou. 40c. Puzzled Dutchman. Harry Birch. 1)utch Song. 35C. Bonnie Sweet Bessie. popular song. 65c. What Would Papa Say ? Engel. 20c. Musical Gem. Book of vocal and instrumental music, 270 pp., in boards. $2.50. Fame Quickstep. Muck. Easy piano piece. 30c. Always Happy. Mack. Redowa. Easy piano piccC. 30C. Ambroise Serio-comic Ryder. Variations on the Hunt. Sung by Jennie Moon light Redovva. Mack. Easy piano piece? 30c. Sing, Sweet Bird. Ganz. Beautiful song. 50c. Silver Streamlet. Trowbridge. Reverie for piano. 35c. Delightful Schottische. Mack. Easy piano piece. 30C. Eumpire Galop. Mack. Easy piano piece. 30c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Amºorettern. H. Lichner. Opus 31. Polonais?. 20c. A moretten. H. lichner. Opus 31. Waltz. 20c. Armoretten. H. Lichner. Opus 31. Polka. 20c. Anmoretterl. H. Lichner. Opus 31. Mazurka. 20c. Amoretten. H. Lichner. Opus 31. Galop. 20c. Amoretten. H. Liceuer. Op. 31. Polka Mazurka. 20c. Lal Perle. Turner. Vocal. 0c. All this Night Bright Angels Sing. I. Nevett Stecle, Jr. Cllristmas carol. 10c. E. D. ZIEGLER, Erie, Pa The Children’s Sweet Good-Night. Thomas. Song and chorus. 35c. J. Riviere. J. R. Ballad. 30c. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 439 The StationERY MARKET, Business is very dull for the season, though jobbers have been kept busy with small orders. & The usual numbesr of buyers are in the market, but there is a general disposition to delay stocking up for the holidays, as long as possible, There are no changes to note in prices, except on papers, which have been constantly tending downward. This is causod by the over-supply, and manufacturers are endeavoring to eſſect an agreement among themselves to run on half-time. Adjustable Book Covers. Will flt any book. Useful for every body. Per 100. . $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ............. 10 00 4 • 1,000, { { $ $ 4 * • * e e º e º e º 0 - - - 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per Ib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & & & © e º e º & G = w - tº e 30 ctS Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb.. 32 “ Octavo and Biſlet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per 1b. 35 “ 8ECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25 Bill and Legal,' { { e e o e & º • e º e º º & 4 & 4 © & 25 Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . s & 6 e º 'º e º e o 'o e g º e tº e º e º c 25 French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko........... ... 2 25 { * { { $. NO. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, ............ & e º e - e. 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and News, wood auu part straw....... ... 9 to 12 cts. { { '' rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 15 “ , 4 & { { good to first-class. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 20 ** Drawing Papers. Gl:RMAN, QUfRE. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 24 Demy, 15 by 20, “ ...... * * * * * * e e a e s e e º e º 'º 35 Medium, 17 by 22, “ e a * * * * * * * * g e e º e e * * * * * * 48 Royal, 19 by 24, “. . . . . . e e º e º 'º º tº • * * * * 60 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Demy, 15 by 20, “ • s is e s e s ∈ & & © e > * * * * * 80 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . if e º e s tº e ºs . . . . . 1 15 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ e - e a s e e º e tº e º 'º - - - - - - 1 80 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -5 Tissue Paper. American, White, per realm... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 60 { { Colorcd, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 English, per realm ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * g º is © º e º 'º e ºs Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Melium, " e e s is e º e º e º 'º e < * * * * * e s e s e e . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Bristol Boards, REYNOLDS" AND OTHEI:6. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 3 { { & C * * * * * * * * * e e e e º e º e º e { { 4 { { - { { * * * * * * * * * * * g g c e s s e e Domy, . 2 & & { { • * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º e º e { * 3 { { - { { • * * * * * * is e º e s p tº e * - e. e. { { 4 4 & & 4 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is e e Medium, 2 { * 4 & • * ~ e s is s e º ºs e º s 6 a 6 e g a g { * 3 { { { { © e º e & * * ~ e º e º e º º { { 4 tº ſº { { tº gº º 0 & © Perſorated Boards Cr arse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per duz. Blotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QuartO * { & 4 tº e º 'º e - a tº º & e º e º e e º e s 6 e º e 6 6 e Ink, David's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ * { 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... { { 8 { { 1 * * { { { { David's Pints, in 1 doz, boxes, per doz. ............ 4 & Quarts, 1 “ $ 0. “. . . . . to @ 9 e - e º 'º - © tº e º 64 & 6 - e. e. i 0 0 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. Stafford's Stunds, in 3 gross buxes, per groS8........ $7 20 Aruolu’s Writ:ug 1'lulu, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 { * * * “ Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 tº . . . & 4 Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 ( & & & ‘‘ Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . ... 5 40 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 & 4 $ 6 *in 18, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bott es, per doz. ... 1 00 4 & • * ASSorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . . tº e is e º 'º e 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . 1 25 ( & { * { * 2 “ Glass Stop, , per doz. 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ..... * * * * * * * * • * * * * * 2 25 • * { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. .... . 3 15 4 ( & No. 2, per doz. . . . ............. 3 15 ${ “. No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz . . . . 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. .... * * * * e e º 'º e < * * * s • e 2 00 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Ink. BLACK WIOLET WRITTNG INK, I.N. K. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 Piuts, { % * { * { . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { & 4 ... 1 00 2 00 I '75 4 oz., & t { { ( ( ... 90 l 15 I U0 Sta.lds, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes .... 45 60 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing and Copying Hills. Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . $8 00 || Half Pints, per doz. ... $3 00 Pluts, “. . . . . . . . 5 00 || 4 Oz Flat lukslauds... 2 #5 Stands, per groS8. . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Juk. MIucillage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. ................ 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 50 4 ( Pints, { * * * * * * * * g e 9 * * * * * * º e º 'º © º 4 25 “ Quarts, & C e - © tº e º e º ºs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 U0 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz ................. 1 38 { { . § { “ No. 2, “ * * * * * * * * * e º e & . I 50 Silliman's No. 3, Schooſ, “ .................. 87 tº º No. 2, A & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 { { No. 1, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . .----... 1 25 { { Academic, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 ( & Mechanics', “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 00 Flat Glass, 24 inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 { { 3 te { { • & - & e º º l 25 ( & 3+ “ { { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { 4 4t { { e e º e • * * * * * * * * * * * 1 75 Air-tight Inks, Small, “ ........... ...... 7 75 { { “ large, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U() Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $123 No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper’s Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from.............. 75c. to $1.12 per doz. Steel Pens, American News Company’s No. 1170. . . . $0 50 * { 4 * { { School, No. ... . 80 { { & {{ Extra Fine, No 333.... 50 & 4 ( & { { { { { * No. 444. . . 50 {{ ( ( , 4 ( Quill, No. 76. . . . 50 { { { { {{ Falcon, No. 48.... 50 { { { { 4 & Bank No. 14. ... 50 4 & & 4 { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 4 & {{ {{ Albata, No. 11.... 50 SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARIET. 44O THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS cuſpE Gillott's Pens, No. 303 - - - - - © e sº e º e - e e º e º e º e s tº e º sº e º e $1 { { - “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( & º No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº . . . . . { { { No. 351 • * * * * * e ſº e º e º e º 'º e º ºs e e * * * * * * * tº e Washington Medallion Pens . . • * - - - - - - - - - - - Speucerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 & “ in 3 gross boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. ............ . . . . . . . . . * { Hexagon, & & { { e e - e º 'º e º e g º e e º 'º e º e º & © tº t 4 Tab.et, { { . . . .” e e º 'º e º e º e º ſe tº º 'º º “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 { { * * 5 4 ( ( & tº t e º • * * * * * * * 5 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per dog......... . . . . . . . . . . . & tº e - “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * g º e g a “ Rubber Head, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “. Red, Blue, aud Green, Tipºd.......... . . . . . . . . Red, Polished, per gross, Faber’s........ . . . . . . . . . Pluiu Cedar, per gross, Eagle. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº & & Pekh-Holders. Accommodation, Fluted, per gross... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - { { Swell, { { - e º e s e e e - e e s tº e º O 6 French Tip, per gross ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 Bone, per dog...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º 'º e o 'º e.75c. to 1 Pocket Revel Sible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150. to Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. . . . . . { { {{ { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . tº ( & { { { { 6 by 9, { * e e º e º 'º 4 & { { { { 64 by 10, { { { { $: 7 by 11, {{ e tº e s tº º ( { { { { { 8 by 12, “ ...... 1 “ i (, { { 9 by 13. { tº e º e º e l Slate Pencils, Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch...... • . . . . . . German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 15c. to German Pateut. Slate, in White Wood, per gross...... 1 Silicate Book Slates, FOR SLATE l’ENCIL, i Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1] Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 34 by 5% in., per doz. 1 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 3: by 5 § Ill., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 S0 Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 8 & 11), , “ 3 00 Alineral, “ 6 { % 7 by 11 in , “ 6 00 FOR LEAD PENCIL, - Daily Memoranda, interlw’d, gilt, by £4 in., per dog. I 65 Caleudar, 5 Sui faces, ‘’ 3 by 5 m., “ . 1 93 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 2 31 Miuute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per duž. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º º e º e º º º 3 30 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 prºges, 33 by 5% - inches, per dog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • a e º e s e < * * ... • * * * * * 3 30 Journal, ruled, without dollar liues, 10 pages, 33 by 5} inches, per doz. . . . . . e e s ∈ e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 30 N. B.-l'or otlucr styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE, - Envelopes. - Buſſ, Heavy, 5, per 1,000.-----...- . . . . . . . . . ... 1 16 ! { * { Kö, “ . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 & 5 { { { { XXö, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 ( & “ XXX5, “ • tº e º . ~ * * * * * e - e º e º ºs e e º e e 2 00 White, " X5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 { % e XX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 88 { { X, Commercial Note size, per 1,000. 2 25 { { XX, tº a * * • * , t , 2 50 Orange, XX5, per 1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Golu, XX5, § { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ö0 Playing Cards. Steamboat, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Highlaluder, “ . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * ... . . . . . 2 33 Eureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5S Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 33 Moguls, Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Henry VIII., ſ & e e s tº e º e tº e s e a tº e º & e s = e º º 6 00 Euchre, “ . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Ill. Ma guls, - “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 00 JOORminoes, Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 ‘‘ good * { { { “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 “ Mahogany boxes, - “ .. 600 to 1800 Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 12c. Empress ... . . . . . . 16 Rose Tint ( & {{ 14c. Duchesse. . . . . . . . . 18 Backgammo an Boards. Paper, 2 in nest, per nest... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Cloth, “ { { 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Half Sheep, 2 in nest, per nest......... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Full Sheep, “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Clnecker-Wºlens BOX Wood, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . ... tº e º 'º e º e - © e 1 05 - Chess-MHe in. Bone, German, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 25 to 24 00 Wood, ſt “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s = e s 6 62 to 60 00 Stauton, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. - Blackboard Crayous, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - - - - - 15 i i { * asSorted colors, per gross...... 1 00 Stationers’ Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, S0 picces to b., per lb . . . . . . tº e a < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e º e º e tº e 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 “ Bands, 3 inch, assorted, per groSS........... 1 50 { { “ 3. “ { { { { . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 { { “ 4 tº { { i 4 ... . . . . . . . . 8 60 Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. ................... ... $6 00 to 18 00 Cap { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 00 to 24 00 |Pocket-lºº O Oks. Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 to 4 00 Calf, “ . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 to 20 00 Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame. Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 50 “ 6, Cedar frame, Rosewood • { ( * 6 50 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mallogany ( & {{ 21 00 “ 2, Rosewoou frame, Rosewood { { { { 22 50 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip { { { { 25 50 TInermometerse Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 { % 10 * * ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * 3 75 . ( & 12 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 79 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 89 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . S1 00 1 2 5 1 50 2 00 2 50 Uounting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 3 60 4 50 5 50 - Quills. Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 * { No. 30, { { - - - - - - - - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * e - e. e. 75 “ No. 40, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 16 “ No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 ( * No. 60, & 4 e e s e e º 'º - e s = * ... • * * * * * * * * * * • * ~ * 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 2 75 Portable, { * {: a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 25 Large, ( { ( & © e º e - © e º 'º e & e e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. 4 50 Oſſice, t{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - e º e a e s e .... 5 75 Blank Books, The variety is so great we can hardly give prices, Say, Halſ Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25 Full { { * { ( * . . . . . . .30C. to 70 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 7-c, to 1 50 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .... $0.50 to 1 35 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . ................... 60 to 2 00 Crown, ( & s e º e º e º e g º sº e º e º e s e e s tº e º e º e º a 90 to 3 50 Demy, { { • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 U0 to 3 00 subjecT To FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 44. I THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY’s LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments : 1st.—It is contrary to all rulcs of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved reſer- ence;...therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 24.-In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d.-Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or carting in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to own dealers, whless they order ws not to do go. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as šuou as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the Couvrary. 8th.-Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.—Letters, With full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-News- dealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rate of postage as if paid quarterly in advauce. - POSTAGE TO NEWSI DIEALERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every TWO Ounces, MAGAZINES, One Cent for every Four Ounces, - PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do, dO. To Start, a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by Studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - - - [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Which pass to my credit, and Bend the following order, Com- mencing Un receipt of this ; - 20 Ledger. - 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. \ 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. - | 3 Harper’s Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gº- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the Way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : - [Forum 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - Chicago, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e e º e º 'º $ tº tº e º e & tº $ tº e º e º gº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . . . . . . . . . . “ { { 6 3 New York Weekly.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * & © e e is e e s & © tº e º e º 'º e º tº e º 'º e º e º e º e º 'º º * * * * g e º 'º º tº e < * * * * * * & 4 & & { { { % 13 2 Old and Now tº g tº e s tº e º ºs º º & s e s tº a tº 6 s & e º ºs 4 * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 e s a t < * * { { { { 12 - 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 4. 3 CUT OFF- & 2 Waverley.... v e s e e º e º e º e º e º e º e º s e e º e º e º 'º e i s e º 'º e e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e º 'º e s a tº a t e s e e s tº $ & . . . . making in all 3 8 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7 1 Demcrest's Illustrated Mouthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... “ {{ 4. Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. I to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Fvery Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. - 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. - Yours truly, When any alterations are mado in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said , alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city ind the last date the change was made, - - - Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK 442 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. tº New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices of which have been changed since our last issue are marked with a star (*). Trude Ret, Price Commercial Bulletin ... . . . ... 394 — Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9% 5 N York Courier des Etats Unis 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . .2%. 3 New York Evening Fxpress .. 394 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain, , 4% 7 New York Evening Post..."... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 gºs Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 After Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% – Albany Law Journal......... 7%. 10 American Gael (The)... . . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer......... ... 7 10 Americun Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4%. 6 American Republic .......... 3 sºmeº American Sportsman....... ... 7 American Union............. 4% 6 Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . .--- . . . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal ..... ll 15 Atlautische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Banner of Light............. 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... ........ 4 — Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgica Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Boston Statesman. . . . . . tº e tº e º 'º 4 6 Boston Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal . . . . . . 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own ..... . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News.... 8 10 Capital........ e e º e º e < e < e <> * * * 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review ... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Catholic Standard . . . . . . . . . . . * Chaullenn’s 10c. Novels... 7 seasºn- Christian Advocate and Jour- Dal . . . . . . * @ s e s e e tº e º 'º º e º a º 6 J.0 Christian at Work ........... 5%. 6 Christian Intelligeucer ....... 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - Christian Mother ... . . . . . . . . . ll 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 3% 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union • * g e º º e º e º ºs e e s a 3 * Church Weekly..... . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Churchman (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 6% — Coal and Iron Record......... 7 10 College Courant...... . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Cominercial and Financial Chronicle ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .20 25 Coininonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman.......... 4 6 Courier desBtats Ubis . . . . . . . 9 10 Criminal Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . .. 7%. 10 ID A M L Y IP A P :E R S. Tyndo • Ret. l?rice. New York Evening Post..... ... 4 5 New York Evening Telegram. 1% 2 New York Evening Wituess .. 34 1 New York French Messenger. 394 4 New York German Democrat. 2 4 3 New York Herald..... . . . . . . 3%. 4 New York Journal Commerce. o 6 New York Journal (German). 2% 3 SIE IV ( I = W E ME FR FL. Y. New York Express....... . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E JE K II, Ye Critic (The)................. 5% — Crusader.... . . . . . . e e º e e e º e º 'º 1% º Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Das Neue Helm ... . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Day Book... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 6 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German). . . . . .. 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 * Dwight’s Journal of Music.... 8 * Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 EduCational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 El Espejo (semi-mo.) .. . 18 sºme Elite (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Engineering aud Miuing Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TO Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 S Every Saturday..... . . . . . ... 7 I () Examiner and Chronicle. . . . . 4%. 6 Farmer's Home Journal...... 4 ſº- Favorite (The).... .......... 4 6 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%. 2 Financier . . . . . . $... . . . . . . ... 7 *me Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Tireside Journal. ........... 2 3 Foruey’s Weekly Press . . . . 4%. 6 Forest and Stream........... 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 { { ** Lady's Journal. 7 10 & 4 “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly ...... 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 { { “ Iliustririe Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { ** Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 Girls and Boys of Americit... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Harper's Weekly.. . . . . . . ... 7%. 10 Harper’s Buza!' ... . . . . . . . . . . . 734 10 Heart and Hand . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 * Heartb alld Home. ... . . . . . . 5 10 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Herald (California).......... 4% 5 Herald (European).......... 4% 6 Here and There ... . . . . . . . . . . 1% — Home Circlo................. 3% 5 Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 10 Trade Ret. !"rico, New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . . 234 — New York Staats Zeitu:g..... 2% 8 New York Star.............. 1 3-102 New York Sun .............. 1% 2 New York Times ... . . . . . . ... 3% 4 Nuw York Tribune..... . . . ... 3% 4 New York World. . . . ........ 3% 4 TThe Republic. . . ......... 2 3 New York Times ............ 3%. 5 New York Tribut:0........... 3}a 5 O New York World ............ 3% Inventor’s Internat'l Gazette... 3 Investigator... . . . . . . . . . .... 7 º Iron Ago... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . ... 4 Irish Democrat. ............ 3 Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 } 4 5 Jewish McsSengor..... . . . . . . . 8 * Jewish Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Knights of Pythias Journal... 4 6 La Republica (Spanish)....... 7 Latest News from Germany...— esºsºme Liberal Curistian . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Living Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 L'Unioue uei Popoll (Italian). 9 12 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Medical Indepeludent. . . . . . . . . 4 6 Medical Times . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 sº- Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I 5 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.). . . . . . . . ... 6 8 Methodist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . .22 sas- Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nautical Gazette........ . . . . . 7 New England Weekly Farm »r. 5 New Sensation ..... • * e e s e º 'º 7 New York Albion............ 7. New York Clipper . . . . . . . ... 7 New York Courier . . . . . . . . . .. 4 New York Dispatch.......... 7% New York Era............. 3 New York Faunily Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (Germau). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer ........ . 7 New York School Journal .... 4% New York Tablet ............ 4% New York Warietyes.......... 7 New York Weekly........... 4% News from Germany and Sw it. zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 Our Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% People's Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ug Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6% Police Gazette............... 7 | ; : THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 443 . W E E K L. Y. — Continued, Trude Rot. - Trade Rot. Trade. Ret. Price. Prico. * Price. Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 | Sunday Citizen ...... . . . . .... 3% — | Union Advocate ... . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Tomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4% 6 | Sunday Courier...... . . . . . . . . 4 — | Universe.......... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Prairie Farmer.............. 6 — | Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 4% - Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 | Sunday Democrat.... . . . . . . . . 2% — Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . 1% —- Presbyterian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 || Sunday Dispatch............ 7% – Watchman and Reflector..... 5% -8 Publishers’ Weekly. . . . . . . . . . 7 — | Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . • ...- ... 2 — Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . T0 lroad Gazett 7 10 Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 — Waverley Magazine.... . . . . . .11 15 Railroad Gaze . s & © e º e º t e º e º 11 15 Sunday Herald ... . . . . g = e e º a º 4% — Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Railroad journal ... . . . . . . . . . #14 ió | Sunday Mercury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | Weekly Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Railway Times ord ......... º Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 || Weekly Express ........ ..... 3% 5 Real Estate . i’j. s e s s l 10 *Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3.34 4 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — | Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Rural New Yorker.: . . . . . . . . . # 6 Šºla, Presse 2 — | Weekly Mail. . 2% 4 Rambler (Fortnightly)..... ... 5 — ay PreSSo... . . . . . . . . . . . ;, y \all.--..... . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Staats. . . . . . ... . . . . . . .2% — | Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 | Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — | Weekly New York Journal... 4%. 6 Saturday Night....... ... . . . . 4% 6 || Sunday Sun . . . . . . . e e º ºs e º e º 'º º 3% — Weekly New Yorker Presse.... 4 5 Saturday Portfolio... . . . . . . . ... 2 — Sunday Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 | Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Saturday Star Journal........ 4% 6 Sunday World. ........ . . . . . 434 — Weekly Staats Zeitung ... . . . . 3%. 5 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Sunny South........... . . . . . . 4% 6 | Weckly Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 s== man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 || Weekly Sun ................. 2% 4. Scientific American.......... 5% 8 || The Index ... . . . . . . • * g a e s e e 6 — | Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 | The People ...... ............ 3 – | Week'y Tribune ............. 3% 5 Scottish America” Journal... 5 7 || Thompson’s Reporter ........ .6 — Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 | Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 | Weekly World............... 3% 5 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 Tobacco Leaf................ 9 12 || Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 15 Shoe and Leather Repot ter... 7 10 || Toiler (The)... .... e e s tº e e º e <> 2 — Woman's Journal.... . . . . . . . 4% 6 Singers’ Journal . . . . . . * * g e º 'º ... 1 2 || Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 Woodhull & Claſſin’s Weekly... 7 10 Skandinavische Post..... ... 5 8 | Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 — | True Flag ... . . . . . . ......... 4% 6 Yankee Blade ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 Spiritualist at Work ......... 5 — | Turf, Field, and Farm ... . . ... 7 10 | Young Men of America. . . . . . . 3% — Stockholder ................. 7 10 | The Model... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1% – l Youth's Companion. . . . . . . . ... 3 5 MI O N T H L Y. Advance 10c, Novels. ...... 6% — Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 35 | Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 *ms { { “ So:ig Books... 5 — | Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Fireside (Musical)........... 4% — t & “ Hand “ . . 5 — Circular (semi-monthly) ... 8 12 | Floral Cabinet........ . . . . . . . 8 10 Agriculturist (English)...... 9 - 15 | Bon Ton ............ . . . . . . . .45 60 | Folio (Musical)............ ... 10 — Agriculturist (German)...... 9 15 | Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 - 10 || Fortnightly Review. . . . . . . . . 40 50 Amateur.... . • e º e s = e s e º e º e s a 7 10 | Boys of America..... ... . .... 10 15 Frank Leslie's Boys and Gir's' American Antiquarian . . . . . . .28 50 | Carriage Journal ... . . . . . . . . .22 25 Wºkly (mo. p’ts)18 e-º American Artisan . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 — | Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 { { “ Budget of Fun...10 15 American Booksellers' Guide. 5 — Catholic Total-Abstinenco {{ “ Chimney Corner American Brewers' Gazette. 35 - Union.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - (mo. parts)...36 50 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . .23 30 | Catholic World . . . . . & e s a tº 50 {{ “ Lädy’s Journal American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Cassell's Magazine (monthly -(mo. parts)... .30 40 American Exchange & Review.20 25 parts).-----... * º ºs e º p * * * * 20 30 {{ “ Lady’s Magazine American Historical Record. 28 35 | Children’s New Church Maga- (m.o. parts)... 27 35 Anherican Holmes. . . . . . . . . . 14 - zine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I5 { { “ Pleasant Hours.10 T 5 Amer. Illus. Industrial Jeurnal 4 6 | Chronotype ................. 20 - Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 American Journal of Health Church Monthly............. 20 30 Gas Ilight Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 and Medicine..... © e º $ tº º ... 7 — | Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% 10 || Gardener's Monthly. . . . . . . . . . 16 25 American Journal of Philate y. 9 12 Clothier and Hatter.... ...... 10 — | Gartenlaube (Leipsic Edition, American Law Register...... 40 50 | Com. Chart Manual..........23 — Somi-monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . 15 American Miscellany . . . . . . . 5 25 | Comic Monthly ...... ...... 7 12 || Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 — | Comic News .............. ... 7 10 man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . * American Naturalist......... 24 35 | Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Gleason’s Monthly Companion. 6% 10 American Odd Fellow . . . . . ... 17 25 Son's)..... e tº e º e e s e e e º e º e º 'º 1. 15 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 American Stock Journal...... 7 10 | Creme de la Creme ..... . . . . .23 — | Godey's Lady’s Book........ .21 – American Sketch Book...... 35 — | Crofutt’s Western World . . . . . 5%. 10 | Golden Hours... . . . . . . . . . . . .18 *msº American Tales.............. 8% 15 || De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . .10 15 | Good Things..... . . . . . ......19 25 American Turfman........... 15 — Demorest’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . 20 — | Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly Demorest's Young America... 7 10 || Grand Army Gazette . . . . . ... 7 10 numbers)...... e e º e º e s is e e e 40 | ſle Nordendorf's Monthly.. 4% — Guide to Holiness..... . . . . . . .11 *> Appleton's Journal (5 weekly Dental Cosmos ... . . . . . . . . .22 — Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . . 33 50 numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 50 | De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs.... 13 — Hall's Journal of Health...... T2 - Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 | De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 Harper’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . .28 35 Aquatic Monthly.... . . . . . . . .28 - (Semi-monthly) .... . . . . . . . 10 15 || Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 50 Architectural Magazine . . . . . . 38 — De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Herald of Health............ ... 10 15 Archives Medical Science ... .35 -> Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 || Historical Magazine.......... 55 75 Arthur’s Home Magazine. .... 14 20 | De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 ASSOciation Monthly . . . . . . . 7 10 || |)e Witt's Ethiopian Comic Holloway’s Musical Monthly... 30 40 Atlantic Monthly ... . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Drama, 1 tº 6.... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Ballou's Magazine ........... 11 15 || De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, Howe’s Musical Monthly...... 25 35 Bankers’ Magaziue........... 35 50 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . ------. ... 6 10 | Hub (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 * > Bankrupt Register...... ... . .38 50 | De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, Industrial Monthly.... . . . . . . 9 15 Beadle’s Publications : 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 ! Industrial Record..... . . . . . . . 6 8 Dime Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 { { “ (with Supplt).37 – 4 & ** 100 or over. ... 6 Druggists' Circular .......... 9 15 Inland Monthly. . . . . . . . • * * * * * 16 25 & 4 tº 1000 “ ... 5% Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . 35 50 ! Insuranco Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 Song Books.... . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 ! Insurance Times......... . . . .22 30 “ “ 100 or over . . . . . 4% El Ateno (Spanish).......... 38 — | Insurance Spectator ... . . . . . .22 *= & ſº ** 1000 “ . . . . . 4 Every Saturday (mo. parts).33 50, lnsurance Gazette ........... 40 - Beautiful World ........----.18 — Exchange Market ........... — | Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 12 Beekeepers’ Journal ... . . . ... 6 — El Sur Americano (semi Jolly Joker........ ... . . . . . . . 7 10. Best Words ............ .... 7 10 monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 444 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trado Ret, Price. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly)................. 10 In America (semi-monthly)... 13 18 Lady's Own Magazine ....... 14 -*- Lady’s Repository.... ...... .27 35 Ladies' Friend... ........... 16 25 La Mode Elegante............ 38 Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 Land Owner............... ... 7% 10 Laws ef Life.... ...... . . . . . . 10 15 Le Charivaria ............... 4% — Little Corporal............... 10% 15 Literary Miscellany.......... 6 10 Literary World.... . • . . . . . . . . 11 ** Lippincott's Magazine........ 27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buſſalo).. 10 15 Locke’s Mo....... tº e s e º - a e s tº 8 -*. London Family Herald....... 18 * London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . .35 50 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 - Mackey's Freemason......... 22 30 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 *- Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Mark Twain’s Sketches.......J.6 -* Mechanic ................... *-*- Medical News & Library.... . 10 * Medical News Supplement(Suc. CeSSOr to Rankin’s Abstract, . 10 -º- Medical Record.............. 15 20 Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18 — Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 Metropolitan Magazine ...... .16 20 Mother’s Magazine........... 10 15 Mother’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12%. 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 232. 69%. 10 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14.... . ....... 5 10 Musical World (N. Y.).......16 30 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 -* National Agriculturist and Bee t Journal ......... 10 • * * * * * * * * * National Car Builder........ 7 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 National S. S. Teacher... . . . . 10 15 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 Q U A American Church Review SO 90 American Journal Medical Sciences ..... I Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 American law Review . . . . . 1 05 Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 Braithewaite's Retrospect...I 05 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 Brittan’s Journal...... . ... 67 Brownson’s Review........ 1 00 Christian Examiner........ 67 Christian Quarterly........ 85 IWI O N T H L Y — Continued. º Trade Ret. Price. Nature (mo. parts, 5 Nos.)... 50 60 New and Old Friends ... . . . . . . 6% — New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Now Jersey Record. . . . . . . . . -** New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 New York Medical Journal . . .30 New York Musical Gazette ... 6 50 New York Lithograph........ 7 I0 Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 N. Amer. Journ. of Homoeopathy85 -*s Nursery (The)..... . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Obstetrical Journal .... . . . . . . 37% — Oſford’s Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 Old and New ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 35 Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35 6%. 10 “ Pop'1"r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% “ 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 13. 6% “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 42. 5 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8% “ 2s. Letter Writer .... 15 25 Our Friend (semi-monthly) ... 2 Overland Monthly....... . . . . 26 35 Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 -> Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo) | 1 - Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 Pension Record . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 -ms Peters’ Musical Monthly...... 18 25 Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector. 11 15 Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . lº! 20 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poultry Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5.) Photographic World ........ .43 50 Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 Phunny Phe low............. 7%. 10 Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 Popular Literature... 20 Popular Science Monthly. . . .37 50 Poultry World............... 8 12 Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 - Psychological Journal..... . .37% 50 Pulpit of the Day............ 6 J 0 Railway Monitor...... . . . . . . .33 - Rand & McNally Guido. . . . . . .28 Record and Repository. . . . . . 6 R T E R L. Y. R. E VIE ws, Church and World. . . . . . . . $0 S5 Congregational ... . . . . . . . . . 50 - Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 º 5 Edinburgh R view (reprint) 62 Half - Year ly Compendium Medical Science ..... .... 1 20 - International Review (bi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . ..... 67 — Journal Social Science. . . . . . 1 25 - London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 - Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 - Trade Ret. Price. 35 10 15 30 Revue de la Monde . . . . . . . . . Richmond Novels, 1 to 25 . . Sailors’ Mag (2ino ... . . . Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Journal (parts).....18 Schoolday Magazine.... . ... .. 7 Science of Health............ 14 Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . .3 Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . .23 Sillim un’s Journal .... . . . . . . .43 Southern Magazine .......... 30 Spirit of the Press ........... 4 Star-Spangled Banner ... .... 4% Student’s Journal.... . . . . . ... 6 Sunday Magazine...... tº e s - - - 18 *St. Chrystostom’s Magazine 15 St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . 19 St. Paul's Magazinc.. . . . . . . . .23 Texas New Yorker. .... . . . . . 17 The Domestic ............... 3 The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 The Nutional...... . . . . . . ... .33 There and Back (Guide)...... 14 Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 Traveler’s Official Guido. . . . 20 Truth Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 5 Union Era (parts)....... . . . . . 25 University Journal . . . . . . . . 16 Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine . . . . . . . . . 5 : 50 Watchmaker and Jewoler . . . . . 17 - Waverley Mag. (monthly purts)42 60 Welcome Guest (semi-m'thly). 7 - Wellspring ... t . . . . . . . . . * - - *Whitney’s Musical Guest.... 16 25 Wild Oats (semi-monthly) ... 7 10 Wood’s Magazino . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Work &nd Wealth . . . . . . . . - - - - 3 5 Work and Play....... 6% — Working Farmer............. 9 12 Workshop.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Yankee Notiºns.............. 7% 10 Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 10 Young Ladies’ Journal . . . . . . .27 - Youth’s Progress... . . . . . . . . .10 -> IET C. - National Quarterly Review.S1 12 - New Englander . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - New Remedies . . . . . . . . . 35 50 North American Review ...1 124 – Presbyterian Quarterly and - Princeton Review . . . . . . . 75 - Rankin’s Half-Y’rly Abstract 60 1 50 Smith's Pattern B. zar...... 20 - Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 - Westminster, Revi w ... . . . . 62 What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 Wood's Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 IF O R. E. H. G. N. P. E. R. M. O HD I C A PL S — W E E R L. Y. Trado Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Prico Academy.......... . .... 16 | English Mechanic. ...... 10 | Lancet ................. .18 || Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 2. All the Year Round ..... 8 || Dril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Laud an Water . . . . . . . . 20 | Pall Mall Gaz ºtte (ſile of Architect ........ ... . . . kö Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Iloyd's Newspape ....... 5 six datos). . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum ............. 14 | Family Herald..... ..... 5 L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . . 25 || Pictorial World. ....... 10 Belfast News. . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Liverpool Mercury ... 10 | Public Opinion . . . . . . . . 10 Bell’s Life.... .......... 20 | Fun......... e s tº e º e º ºs e e . 5 | Lon lon Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells.............. 5 | Garden................. 10 | London Reader...... .... 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Builder............ . .... 18 || Gardener’s Chronicle ... 20 ! I.ondon World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Punch....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Building News.......... 18 Gus-Light Journal ... . . . .0 | L'Univers Illustró....... 10 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cassell’s Magazine ...... 5 || Glasgow Herald..... . . . . . 5 l Rºynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 Graphic ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 | Manchester Times..... ... 10 | Saturday Review . . . . . . 20 Chemical News. ... ..... 18 Guardian............... 23 | Mark Lane Express ..... 23 || Spectator.... ....... . . . 20 Christian World......... 5 Illustrated News........ 20 Medical Record ......... 18 || Sporting Gazette . . . . . . . . I0 Church Review . . . . . . ... 10 || Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea. Church Times ... ....... t. Illustrated Police News... 5 || Musical World ......... 18 5c.) . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e º º Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Sporting and Nation (Dublin)......... 7 || Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dispatch ............... 5 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . 8 Economist .... ..., .... 30 Irishman............... 14 | News of the World...... 10 | The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | John Bull .............. 20 | Notes and Queries....... 18 || The Mail (3 dates) . . . . 28 Engineering ............ 20 ! Judy............. . . . . . . 6 || Observer . . . . . . . . . .... 14 || Woekly Regist ºr (Cath.). 10 Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 | Le Monde Illustré....... 14 || Once a Week ...,....... 8 ' Weekly Times .......... 4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 445 Fort E I GN P E R B op H C A L s–Mo NTH LY. Trado Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. * & . Trade Price, All the Year Round (part) 36 | Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . 16 || La Mode Illustré9 . . . . . . 1 99 || Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 At chitect. . . . . . . . . . . . -- 75 | Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Ladies' Treasury........ 30 Spurgeon's Pulpit. ..... ... 20 Argosy . . . . . . .......... 20 | Dublin University Maga- Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . ... 20 | St. James’ Magazine. . . . . 88 Art Journal...... . . . . . . . . 90 Zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 | Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 *Strahan’s Saturday Jour Art, Industrial and Pic- Edinburgh Mct. Journal. 76 London Journal (parts). 22 mal. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 18 torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 | English Woman's Domes- London Society . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday & e º e º º e s & © tº e 9 .... 8 Athenaeum (part). . . . . . . 54 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 |*London & Paris Fashions 25 | Sunday at Home. . . . . . . . 20 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 | Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 | *McMillan's Magazine --. 25 Sunday School Teacher ." 7 Band of Hope Review... 2 Family Friend.......... 2% Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Sunday School Teacher's Belgravia. . . . . . ........ 38 Family Herald (parts)... 18 Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Treasury::::::::. . . . . 12 Boys of England......... 18 Family Treasury.... .... 20 || Monthly Microscopical Sauday School Times.... 10 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Farmer's Magazine...... 76 JQurnal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Sunday School World.... 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . 20 Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 Sunshine a s tº 8 & 3 º' tº • . . . . . 2% British Workuman . . . . . . . 2% Fortnightly Review . . . . . 75 | Musical Times . . . . . . . . ... 8 || Sword and Trowel (Spur- British Workwoman.....2% | Fraser's Magazine......1 00 - geo.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 British Juvenile...... ... 3 || Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Qnce a Week (parts).... 36 | Temple,B}.......... ... 38 Builder . . . . . . . . . . ...... 75 || Gardenel's Magazine. .. 36 | Qrch&stra::... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Chambers’ Journal... . . . 25 || Gardener (The)......... 20 | Qur Own Fireside....... 20 T ~ : - 3 vs. ? gº Chatterbox. . . . . . ....... 8 || Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Penny Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Union Review (bi m'thly) 76 Children’s Friend....... 2% | Homilist . . . . . . . . . . tº ſe tº ſº 30 jcture Gallery “::::::: * I veterinarian (Varies)... 57 Child's Companion.... . .2% Illustrated Travels...... 38 | Popular Science Review Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Christian Treasury...... 20 | Infant's Magazine . . . . . . . 2% (quartºry):. . . . . . . . 1 99 via garºº........ 20 Christian Work . . . . . . 20 ! Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Portfolio (Art)..... & e º 'º º 90 e Churchman's Companion. 20 | Journal of Horticulture... 54 | Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 | Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 23 Contemp rary Review... 62 Journal of Science (quar- Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 || World ºf Fashion....... 35 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 terly)..... • a e e º e < e < * 1 90 | Punch (parts) .......... 44 Young Ladies' Journal; ... 27 Cottager and Artisan....2% | Kind Words............ 10 | Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Day of Rest. . . . . . . . ... ... 13 | Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 Scienco Gossip. . . . . . . . . 16 tulu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l G E HE TI A N - A TWII E R H C A N P U B L R C A T R O N S. Trade ſtet. Trade. Ret. rº ... • * & Weekly. price. 5 | Sonntagsblatt Her N. Y. Presse, … . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4. Arbeiter-Zeitung........... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .3% Sonntagsball der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . ... 3 4 Atlantische B iitter. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * © & g º º e & 4 6 t Volksbibliothek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Wespen............ ‘.. : . : ... ... ... ... 3} 6 iBibliºthek Popu ärer Erzählungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . S 12 wochenblaii des N. Y. Demºkrai .............. 5 7 Frank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 l 10 Wochenbla",t der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 F reischütz 'Nº,...,x \i...i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Wuchenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Germania ; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland Wochenb.att der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 - Der HeirathSanzeiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 Semi-lºſonthly. Helvetia ........ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 | fi Deutsch-Amerikanische Familieub.ätter, ...... 10 15 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz ... 6 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Z *itung. ... 6 8 I}as Neue Heim...... . . . . . . . . . . . . * * g e º e º e o e º e º 7 10 | Magazin der merkwürdigstein u. interesSantesten New Yorker Belleti istisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 744 10 Criminalgeschichten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | fi Novellen-Schatz..... tº e º e º s tº e º ºs e º sº, sº e s tº e º 'º ... 13 *Roman Zeitung .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Schmedderedengg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e º e s e e s e s e s s 7 10 Monthly. * Der Social-Domokrat. . . . . ....................... 3% 5 Amorikauischer Ag"icu ºurist.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . * * 3 4 HNHIPORTEND GERNMAN ARA GAZINES ANAP PERIOR}}{C AFLS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gravis of those marked f. I’irst and last number gravis of those marked tt. Semi-Montlhly. # Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 t Das Neue Blatt......... ... ......... ........ 12 20 fi Bunte Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 + Buch ſtir Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 | f | cutscher Hausscha Z... . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º s ... 13 20 Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . tº gº ... 6 10 | f Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 tt Daheim ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 i Illustrirte Wolt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 tf Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 15 Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 + Gowerbehalle MI onthly. 2S 40 * 4 M - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - ge º 'º º º 4 20 o r g e e e e º ºs e º ºs e º ſº e º e º e º ſº e º e º e º 'º & e & & G & a f Uober Land und Moe l Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . * * * e g { * * * e s = e e s s a e º ºs . . . . . . 12 20 18 a Year. Deutsche Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 S5 *f Allgemei::e Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung........ 14 25 | f Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 IIMHIPORTTED GER WN AN B&O O KS PUBLISHE [EID NN PARTS. - F 11 SU number gratis tu the Urade. - f Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon........ . . . . . . 12 20 | M. G. Saphir's Schriſten. I. Serie. Published in 40 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c. 11 20 70 parts, at . . . . . tº e º tº 8 & 9 tº e º 'º ſº e s is tº e º $ tº & e º e º e º s 23 40 Schiller's såmmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. 5 $ * * * g * * Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 C * • * * * s ºr gº tº sº a tº e Pº sº º Israeliten; Prachtausgabe 15 gs | Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Pub.ished in * Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriſten. Vo'ks- about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * 13 25 u. Familioli-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 Prachtat:sgabc. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . 13 25 g g * e - O. Spamer's Illustrirtés Conversations-Lexikon. y * I gº w º * * Wºº. Published in *, *, *pś. ... 14 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Stieler's Hund-Atlas sāmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 40 in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at... 40 60 N E W G E FR M.I A N P U B L II C A TI O N S. Imported. f Der Freischütz, 30 parts....................... 8 12 Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Wildclieb, 30 parts ... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Rinaldo Rinaldili, 30 parts... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 12 | f Don Carlos, 30 parts ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... 8 12 * Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 MDOlmestic. Galeereusclave, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 10 Hexe von Olmütz, &0 parts ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke, 40 parts, at... 7 10 p 446 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN WITH SEVEN years' experience in the Book and Stationery Trade, wishes a new engagement, January 1st, 1875. Best of references. Address “Bookseller,” Box 99 Allston, Mass. WANTED.—A LADY DESIRESEMPLOYMENT to address envelopes or wrappers. Can take entire charge of the subscription books of a weekly or monthly journal. Address Miss A. P., care of Booksellers' Guide wastED. To PURCHAs E stEREotype Plates. Address, giving titles and lowest cash prices. P. O. Box 1612, Boston, Mass. WANTED.—A GOOD NEWS ROUTE IN NEW York or Brooklyn. Address Scip, care of Booksellers Guide, New York. B00KS FOR SALE. A. PIDDINGTON, Toronto, Can. The Intellectual Observer: Natural History. Micro- scopic Research, Recreative Science, beautifully col- ored plates and numerous engravings. Complete set, 12 vols., handsomely bound, good as new, $24 ºpublished at 126s, ster.). - - Theological Repository. Monthly Repository. Christian Reformer and Théological Review, 1773 to 1870. 73 vols... half calf clean, sound copy, $50. An un- broken set of this valuable exponent of free religious discussion, commenced by Priestly in 1773. Morton's Crania Americana, &c., 78 plates and colored map. Folio, strongly bound, $5.75. (Phila., 1839.) Murchison's Siberia. History of the oldest known rocks, &c. &c.; thick 8vo, $2 (published at 45s.). Murray, 1854. BEST HOT.IDAY GIFT, FOR PARENT, HILD, TEACHER, PASTOR, FRIEND. Willi's Ulliºl Diſill). Éxcelsiorº Your Own Printing table $9 Press for cards, labels, envelopes for etc. Larger sizes for large work. - Business Mendo their printing and advertising, save money and increase trade. Amateur Printing, delight ºſ- ful pastime for spare hours. BOYS - * have great fun and make money fast Printing atprinting. Send two stampsfor full s catalogue presses type etc, to the Mfrs ressº” KELSEY & co. Meriden, conn. tº THE ALBANY NEWS COMPANY., Who Lºs ALI. STATIONERS, B00RSELLERS AND NEWS DEALERS, 512 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Catalogue of Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent on application. STEEL PENS. N - Maxur-acrony or THE SPENCERLAN steel. PEN's, Lutºnºtaxi, ENG. S P E N C E R I A N DOUELE EIASTIC The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than 5, CoO C, C C Co. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness ºf point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, differing in Il xibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows: No. 1. College Pen. Porst Fºxx; Acºrros Prºct. This is a great favorite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the Schools and Commercial colleges throughout the country, and gives netter satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lic Per Errass, sº-40 No. 2. Counting-ilouse Pen. Point Fisk Asu Furºxºle, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross $1.5 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Poist Mºdium. An Easy writing Business Pen. Per gross, $1.25. No. 4 Ladies’ F-tra Pen. Ponsºr Extra Fise and Fºx intº. For Lelicate Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen, Per gross. 81.40. 5. §hool Pen. Ponºr Fixº Mºnium is Prºximility. For a durable Schoºl Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, slau. No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Poist Loso, Flºxinue Ann Mºorust is Fixºxºss For oft-hand Flourishing. Per gross, $125 No. 7. Quill Pen. Poist Mºorum, Quilt. Actres. A Smooth, Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross. 41 to No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºnium Fºxtºlº Point. A very superior Pen for all styles of writing This Pen undergoes a pro- cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $140. No. 9 Bank Pen. Point Loxa and Flºxinus. A great favorite with Accountants. Tellers &c. Per gross, $1.40 No. to "customiiouse pen." Foſsº Mºnº" wen adapted to all styles of Bold Free-hand Writing. Per gross, $1.50 No. 11. University Pen. Poist Mºnium, vºy Smooth ann Fºxtºll. The action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross st-60. 12. Epistolaire Pen. Porst vºy. Fixº ann vºny Flexºnus. This is the Finest Pointed Pen made and, for very Delicate writ- ing, Map and Fino Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, $2.5- No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Poist Bºust Aso Smooth. Particu- larly adºpted to Coarse-hand writing and Engrossing. Pergross, 31.25. No. 14. Artistic Pen. Filºxºntº, with Extua Fixº Ponsºr. This exquisite and truly celebrated ºn is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.60. 15. The Queen. Poisºr Extea Fisk. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN -- Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IWISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 447 . VIII & IPW NEW HIS NEARLY Alli: Finaliss Pºſſil Silly, EST E L L E. 1 vol. 12mo. Price, $1; cloth, $1.50. Mrs. Edwards considers this one of the best of her stories. Will be published December 10th. READY. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDS. Mrs. Edwards is one of the brightest, the fresh- est, of the novel-writers of the day.”—Journal, Bostom. Miss Forrester, sº sº *- ſº $1.00 Ought We to Wisit Her 2 - 1.00 The Ordeal for Wives, - - - 1.00 Archie Lowell, - - - - 1.00 Philip Earnscliffe, - - - 1.00- A Wagabond Heroine, - - - 75 Susan Fielding, - - 1.00 Steven Lawrence –Yeoman, - 1.00 Justin McCarthy’s New Story, L IN LEY R O C H F O R D. Price, $1, or $1.75 cloth. Five editions sold in two weeks. General Custer’s Great Book, MY LIFE ON THE PLAINS. Elegantly illustrated. Price, $2. Two editions in two weeks. LOS IN G T O WIN. By Theodore Davies. Price, $1; cloth, $1.50. Two editions in two weeks. Theodore Tilton's Great Novel, T E M P E S T - T0 S S E D. * Price, $1.75. Thirteen editions sold. WALUABLE BOOKS }*O1& THE HOLIDAYS. lst. * HEAVEN IN SONG. | Comprising the Gems of Poetry of all ages on the Better Land By Henry C. Fish, D.D. Holiday Edition, 1 vol. quarto, with ornamen: tal red line borders. Printed on toned paper and elegantly bound. # In cloth, full gilt, * * $5.00 Full Turkey Morocco, - 10.00 Small quarto edition, on tinted paper, $2.50. 2 cl - OUR POETICAL FAWORITES. By A. C. Kendrick, D.D. The best selection published of the minor English Poems. One vol. 12mo, tinted paper, beveled bind'g, $2.00 * { “ full gilt, - 2.75 full Turkey, - e- 5.00 4 & ( & “ Its present popularity is the result of pure merit.”—Commercial, Pittsburgh, Pa. “There is not a dull page between its cover’s.”—N. Y. Times. “In fact, the Galaacy is a ‘Stan” mag- agine.”—Commercial Butletin, Boston. Why not Subscribe ROR THE GALAXY For 1875 p IT IS THE BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. No family can afford to do without it. IT GIVES MORE GOOD AND A TTRACTIVE READING MATTER FOR THE MONEY TELAN ANY OTHER PERIOD ICAL OR BOOK Pl) BLISHED IN THE COUNTRY. PR/CE, $4 PEF YEAR, WE PRE-PAY THE POSTAGE. SEND FOR PROspectus. SHELDON & COMPANY., Publishers, 677 Broadway, N.Y. City. 448 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. JUST ISSUED BY THE Pºlſlål Halifºlitiſh FOR THE USE OF THE Church, Lecture and Sabbath-School Rooms, III, HM TEN COMMANDMENTS Mounted on Cloth, Warnished, and on Rollers, Printed from large, plain type, which, upon the walls of of the room, can be easily read. LORD'S PRAYER—Size, 30 by 46 inches. Price $1.25, TEN COMMANDMENTS.–Size, 47 by 78 inches, Price $2 75, Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACP.3, JBw8iness Superintendent, * 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., Or to Dodd & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New York; BoARD of ColpoRTAGE, 198 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.; SUTTON & SCOTT, 176 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio; FAIRBANKs & Co., 54 & 56 Madison St., Chicago. Ill. ; Rev. F. F. SiteAREk, 757 Market Street, San Francis- co, California, who keep all the publications ſ the Board for sale. yż %. £: Wºlff's Ullriiſi Diſilāl). 10,000 Words and Meämings not in other Dictionaries. 8000 Eigravings ; 1840 Pages Quarto. Price $12. Webster now is glorious. [Pres. Raymond, Vassar Col. Every scholar knows its value. . | W. H. Prescott. Best defining Dictionary. [Eſorace Mann. Standard in this office. [A. H. Clapp, Gov't Printer. The etymology without a rival. |John G. Saare. Excels in defining scientific terms. [Pres. Hitchcock. Remarkable compendium of knowledge. [Pres. Olariº. *T*6C Iſle The sales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 were 20 times as large as the sale of any other Dictionaries. In proof of this we will send to any person, on application, the statements of more than 100 1300ksellers from every section of the country. G. & C. MIERRIAMI, Springfield, Mass., Publishers Webster's Unabridged. Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Engravings, “ Common School “ 274 t “ High School { { 297 ! { “ Academic {{ 344 ! { Counting House “ with numerous illustra- tions and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere, Published by IWISON, BLAIKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. {{ The New York Blank Book tompany, 24- Ese elixirmarn street, * NEW YORK, Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, Writing Books, Letter Books, Memorandum Books, Half-Bound Blanks, Full-IBound Blanks, Invoice Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application, Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., . 84 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. FROM = L § ox. CŞ. T. A wrow to charte T. "T" "Tº C. E L Pro LUME. Iſ N MC- 1-12 -1 COMP 11, In 17 F. Sides and Back in Black and Gilt Blue and Gilt, $2.00. ---- ---- ∞ |- O 8 ") rc ſë $'); ! 8 $3 $ ! 6 : Ō ōſ § § 3. pº 8 E |- o ºd O £ tae E- rc: # ∞ ſn á. ! O Go <ſ § :: Cº atural History, and other reading calculated to —Beautiful Illustrations on every Page. Cºntaining funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from N amuse, instruct, and make children happy THE AMER/CAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK | NEW We present below our List of Premium Articles offered for Clubs to the Phrenological Journal and the Science of Health, with rates for the present season, and would call special attention to the very liberal offers and conditions given. The articles are all new and useful; the very best of their kind. \ & .# Names of Articles Offered as Premiums for : ; º ; § phrenological Journal & Scienée of Health. # P. J. P.T.J. s. m.s. ii. 3 z: ; An Illustrated and Descriptive Circular of either of these Prem- ; : at at at at # £4 ium's 2gill be sent on receipt of stamp. § $3,00. ś2.00.|$2.00.|$1.50. º. I | Weed Sewing Machine. No. 1, Plain Table, * $60 | I 5 || 3O 22 || 4O | Io 2 | Weed Sewing Machine. No. 2, Half Case, . . . . [65 od 16 || 32 25 || 43 || 1 | 3 | Weed Sewing Machine. No. 3, “ “ and Drawers 70 oo 17 | 34 27 || 45 12 4 Elgin Watch : J. T. Ryerson, Silver Huning Case, 30 oo 14 | 40 | 20 | 6o Io 5 | Elgin Watch : H. H. Taylor, Silver Hunting Case, 50 oo 25 || 75 37 |IOO 17 6 Elgin Watch: B. W. Raymond, Silver Case, best, . 75 od 45 135 | 67 |200|30 7 | Elgin Lady's Watch: Lady Elgin, Gold Hunting Case. 80 oo 50 | I 50 75 200 || 33 B | Cabinet Organ: Five Octave; Mason and Hamlin, . 155 84 || 25o | II 2 | 325 56 9 || Cabinet Organ : Four Octave ; Mason and Hamlin, . |55 od 33 IOO || 44 I4O 22 1o Electro Magnetic Machine, No. 4; Dr. Kidder's, . 2O oo IO || 3O | I 5 || 4O 7 II | Electro Magnetic Machine, with Tip Cup, No. 5, . 27 ool I4 40 || 2 I | 56 | Io | 12 Children's Carriage, Reversible, No. 8, . . . . 25 Oo. 8 I 5 . I2 || 3O | 6 13 | Children's Carriage, Reversible, No. 9, 18 oo 6 IO || 9 || 20 5 I4 | Remington Shot Gun, . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 oo 6 I 5 9 || 29 5 I5 || Bradly's Patent Croquet: with improvement. No. 1. 17 ool 5 Io || 7 | I 5 || 3 16 || Bradly's Petent Croquet: with improvement. No. 8, 6 oo 2 4 || 3 || 6 || 2 17 | Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Illustrated, . . 12 oo 8 || 24 | 12 32 || 6 18 || Student's Set of Phrenological Works, with Bust, . Io oo 6 | 18 IO 24 || 5 || 19 Library for Invalids. A Set of Works on Hygiene, . Io oo 6 18 Io 24 5 2O | New Physiognomy; or, Signs of Character, . . . . 5 od 3 9 || 5 | I 2 2 2 I | The Hydropathic Encyclopedia, by R. T, Trall, M.D. 4 5o 3 9 || 4 | I 2 2 22 Emphatic Diaglott; or, New Test’t in Greek & Eng’h. 4 ool 3 9 || 4 | I 2 2 23 The Globe Microscope, . . . . . . . . . . 2 75| 2 6|| 3 || 8 || 2 24 || Stereoscope and 12 Fine Views, . . . . . . . 5 OO 3 9 || || 5 | I 2 | 2 25 || 5 Years' Phren jº., b'nd., n ser. : 70, '71, ’72, '73, '74. 20 oo 7 | 20 | 12 25 5 26 Two Volumes, either of the above, . . . . . . . . 8 oo, 3 9 5 I 2 || 2 27 | A Set Five Vols., Science of Health, bound in muslin. 7 50 4 || 12 || 6 | 12 2 28 Palmer's Sewing Machine, attachment, . . . 4 OO 2 4. 3 8 2 29 || Maynard Sporting Rifle, one of the best, . 35 Oo. 23 69 || 33 IOO | 1.6 30 || One Dozen Silver Plated Tea Spoons, . . . 5 OO 3 9 || 5 | I 5 2 31 One-half Dozen Silver Plated Table Spoons, 5 OO 3 9 || 5 | I 5 2 | 32 || One Dozen Silver Plated Dessert Spoons, 9 OO 5 I 5 || 7 || 2 I 4 33 || One Dozen Silver Plated Table Spoons, . Io ool 6 18 || 8 || 24 4 34 One Dozen Silver Plated Table Forks, º Io 50, 6 18 || 8 || 24 || 4 35 | One Dozen Silver Plated, Solid Steel, Knives, . I I oo 7 || 2 I | Io 30 || 6 36 || One-half Dozen, Silver Plated, Solid Steel, Knives, . 5 50 4 || 12 || 6 | 18 3 37 One-half Dozen, Silver Plated Napkin Rings, 5 OO 3 || 9 || 5 | I 5 2 38 | Either a Silver Plated Castor or Butter Dish, 7 Oo 4 | I 2 G | 18 3 39 An Elegant Silver Plated Fruit or Cake Basket, 9 Oo 6 18 || 8 || 24 || 4 40 Gold Plated Paragon Pencil, . . . . . . . . 4 OO 2 6 3 9 2 41 Gold Plated Telescopic Pen and Pencil, 6 OO 3 9 || 5 | I 5 2 42 Improved Universal Clothes Wringer, 8 ool 4 || 12 || 6 | 16 || 3 Send in names as fast as received, stating they are on premium account, and all will be placed to your credit, and premium sent at any time. Specimens, Prospectuses and Posters scnt free to all who want to canvass. Remit P. O. Orders, or in Registered Letters. Address SAMUEL R. WELLS, 389 Broadway, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. - 45 I | Hººij || |*|| sº |||}| º tº ſºlº |##| || §ºniº, | ||| --- | º º | º Nº-ºº: * | | º - #|| % | º | *. | | - º . | == Sºğ. |º - ºffl | - º | Lºi. ºffl - º º'E== --- -º- | | |--|-- }. Nº | - -- º | º º º: | º º º - º * : º º ------ º I W. º -- ºil. º # º | - º º º -- º Şilliº (% al- --> º: - 2 º - - - - - Hºº ºv- - - ºº:: *:: 23° >sº - º º º #3% % --- Ç - sº - W º - º - Fº - ------ - - % I § º : 34. - ºuri º Z/? & º º w - º Zºº. º: º ſº º R. º ºx) º º Wºź º ºw ºr … º ~ - W sº Nº. º ! - - º Fºllº/|| 7 ||3: > Zºº º º |- #: * E-º - º FROM THE CHILDREN'S PRIZE, NEW WOLUME FOR 1874. Small Quarto, Boards, Colored Cover, 75c. Full of rich engravings, stories, sketches, poetry, music, etc., suitable for the edification and instruction of children. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., INT EVV YOTER, E-C- 452 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The large and steadily increasing sale for our PEERLESS INK and MUCILAGE has enabled us to extend our facilities for furnishing the same, in Quality Unrivaled, and at the following REDUCED Net. VV H O L E S A. L. E. P. R. I C E S Net. FOR THE CERLEBRATED P.E.E.R.T,Ess INTE, FOF SOHOOL A/VD COU/WT//WG-HOUSE USE. IPEERLIESS-LE LA Cº. PEERLºss BLAck: writes deep black instantaneously. PER doz. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 50 Pints, - -- - - - - - . 2 75 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 60 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - - 90 Stands, 24 oz., in 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 45 - PºE tº LEss-CoMIBINEED. WRITING AND Copying FLUID, combined. Per Doz. Quants, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - $4 75 Pints, -- -- - - - - - . 3 00 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - - 1 75 4 ounce, “ “ - - - - - . 1 00 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, - - - - 50 PEERLIESS-VIOLET. The color of this Ink is so intensely strong that the addition of the same quantity of water will not materially affect its brilliancy. Violet Colored. PER DOz. Quarts, 1 dozen boxes, - - . - $6 00 Pints, -- -- - - - - - 3 50 Half-pints, “ -- - - - - 00 4 ounce, “ -- - - - - - 1 15 Stands, 24 oz., 3 dozen boxes, . - - - - 60 THE CELEBRATED FOR SCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE USE. PER DOz. One gallon jugs, . - - - - - $30 00 Half “ -- - - - - - . 16 50 Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, - - - - - 7 00 Pints, -- -- - - . - - 4 25 Half pints, “ -- - - - - 3 50 Stands, flint glass, 3 oz., 1 dozen boxes, - - - 1 25 * light glass, “ “ -- - 1 00 THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY keep in stock, or furnish, Ink of all the principal manu- facturers, at the lowest prices. AIRINTOLD'S GIENTUTINE INIX. THAD. DAVIDS & Co. cArtTer's Comien NED. D. T. LEA1**s violet. TAFE"O.R.D. world EN & HYATT's violet. MLAYNAIRD & NOYES. MODRE'S SCHOOL INEC, 2 ounce bottles. THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, * SETS OF STANDARD ENGLISH B O OFIS FOR SALE BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO., IJI POI&TERS OF ENGLISFI AND FOREIGN BOOKS. 187 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 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OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. º All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. NEW PUBLICATIONS. . ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS. One Hundred Gems from the London Art Journal. Large 4to. With full-page illustra- tions, on heavy toned paper. Gilt edge. Em- blematic designs. Cloth, $10. Ballads of Beauty. Edited by Geo. M. Baker. Forty full-page illustrations. Small 4to. Gilt edge, with sides in black and gold. Cloth, $3.50. Among the Trees. By William Cullen Bryant. Small 4to. Illustrated. Cloth, $3.50. Turkey morocco, $7. t Little Songs. By Mrs. Eliza Lee Follen. New enlarged edition. Square 16mo, with many illustrations. Price, $1. MISCELLANEOUS. The Island of Fire ; or, a Thousand Years of the Old Northmen's Home, 874-1874. By Rev. P. C. Headley, author of the “Life of Em- press Josephine.” New book on Iceland. 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. Our, Helen. By Sophie May. Companion volume to “The Doctor's Daughter. 12mo, illustrated. $1.75. For Better or Worse. A book for some Men and all Women. By Mrs. J. Cunningham Croly (Jennie June). 12mo. $1.50. In her papers on Marriage, Mrs. Croly gives some practical and sensible ideas and suggestions regarding the subject. Puddleford Papers ; or, Humors of the West. - º, *H. H. Riley. 12mo, illustrated. New edition. $1.50. . This book contains a series of humorous sketches of life at the West at the time of its settlement, and shows Some strong points of human nature in the rough, as well as setting forth the ludicrous Šide of life's experi- ØIIGO. The Lily and the Cross. A Tale of Acadia. By Prof. James De Mille. 12mo, illustrated. $1.50. “Professor De Mille's latest novel will be eagerly sought for by the large circle of admirers which his earlier works have won for him.”—Inter-Ocean, Chicago. Katherine Earle. A novel. By Adeline Traf. ton. 12mo, illustrated. $1.75. “The sprightliness characteristic of Miss Trafton's style in her history of foreign travels of “An American Girl” is retained in the lighter portions of this interest- ing and graceful story.”—Bearth and Home, N. Y. Helps to a Life of Prayer. By Rev. J. M. Manning, D.D., author of “Half-Traths and the Truth.” $1.25. As the title indicates, this is a devotional work, “intended for service in the living world, where men and women deal with the highest thoughts and things that relate to their Welfare.” FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. The Dorcas Club ; or, Our Girls Afloat. Oliver Optic. 16mo, illustrated, $1.50. Sunny Shores; or, Young America in Italy and Austria. By Oliver Optic. 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. The Coming Wave ; or, The Hidden Treasure of High Rock. By Oliver Optic. 16mo, illus- trated. $1.50. Sowed by the Wind ; or, the Poor Boy's For- tune. By Elijah Kellogg. 16mo, illustrated. $1.25. This is the initial volume of a new series by this popu- lar writer for the young. Mr. Kellogg has been a roving son of the sea, and much that he writes has been drawn from his own rough experience. - That Queer Girl. By Virginia F. Townsend, author of “Only Girls,” &c. 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. The Child of the Tide. By Mrs. E. D. Cheney, author of “The Mountain Girl,” 16mo, illus- trated. $1.50. “Mrs. Cheney's books are everywhere received with great favor. There is so much wholesomeness, combined with a romantic story, in this of “The Mountain Girl,” that it cannot fail to give pleasure to the young, and satisfaction to those who have them in charge.”—Press. Running to Waste. The Story of a Tomboy. By George M. Baker, author of “Amateur Dramas.” 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. “This, the author's first venture in the field of fiction, is a decided success. It is dramatic in its spirit and movement, so that the reader almost feels that he is see- ing, instead of seeing that he reads."—Golden Age. The Exhibition Drama. A new series of Plays. By George M. Baker, author of “Amateur Drama,” &c. 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. Patience. A series of games for the fireside. By Mrs. E. D. Cheney. Small 4to, cloth, 75c. A new edition with additions. “These games are mostly from the French, with which nation, ié others in Europe, they are very popular: The games are similar to our well-known. Solitaire,' and may be played by a single person.”—Commonwealth, IRostom. Seven Daughters. By Amanda M. Douglas, author of “Home Nook,” &c. 16mo, illustra- ted. $1.50. . . . “A natural, vivacious, pure story—one of Miss Douglas's best efforts.”—Methodist, N. Y. How Marjory Helped. By M. Carroll. 16mo, illustrated. $1.50. . . . “Among the better sort of stories for girls this helpful book must take first rank." . .—Sunday- School Times, Philadelphia. - Take a Peep. By Paul Cobden. trated. $1.25. By 16mo, illus- LEE & SHEPARD, Publishers, Boston. LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, New York. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. º. is iſ "Iſ HDIF SHIFTIſ: Each Wumber contains /80 pp, Price, in C/oth, 75cts, / Paper, 34: § P. GARRETT & CO., 708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, hereby calli attention of Booksellers and others to this very popular Series, which has # been received with a degree of favor wmegwalled by any similar works of tº Jcind published ; and, were it necessary, hathdreds of testimonials mi. thiº i.º given from leading Magazines, Instructors, Students, and Literary iMé § throwghout the country. - . . . zºº.º.º.º. ... tº º 3. wº These books contain the latest and best good things for Recitation, Declamatio nº School-Reading, &c., in Poetry and Prose, being a happy commingling of º BRILLIANT ORATORY, THRILLING SENTIMENT, º PATHETIC GEMS, and SPARKLING HUMOR. In the preparation of this series great care has been observed to present selections of acknowlº edged excellence as literary productions, and of unquestionable merit as exercises for declamation; recitation, and reading—selections which, generally, must stir the very depths of the soul, GAdû ForTH EveRY EMOTION OF THE HEART, and, from the very nature of their quality and constru tion, invite and demand A PROPER AND NATURAL DELIVERY. *:::::: * , , ºf **** º: ; * : ºr. º . . . & : T H E SPEAKER'S G A R L AND (IN TWO VOLUMES,) - # Combines the first Eight Numbers of “100 Choice Selections,”, arranged under § general heading, with an alphabetical index, and printed on beautifully tinted paper. Price, peºff volume, extra cloth, green and gold, $2.00; full-gilt, $2.50. */ Excelsior Dialogues, for advanced speakers. Price, $1.25. ºf.... Just published, Model Dialogues. Price, $1.50. © Additional numbers of the "100 Choice Selections" Series will be duly announced through the American Booksellers' Guide. SOLD BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE. KEEP COP/ES OF ALL YOUR LETTERS //W THE PEN.N.I.E.I.T.E.R.E.OOK. The “Penn Letter Book” has now been before the public several years, during which time it. has been subjected to thorough scientific tests, which have established the stability of the copy and permanency of the ink-and its value is attested by thousands now using it. It has been adopted by leading business men throughout the United States; also in Canada, West Indies, Bermudas, and parts of Europe; and the many flattering testimonials we have received, in addition to our own ex- perience, enable us to quarantee the book to do all we claim for it, if the directions which accompany every copy are properly followed. - Price, for Book and Ink complete, $2.25, and upwards. For sale by leading Stationers and Booksellers. For further particulars concerning any of the above, send for our full descriptive Circulars to P. GAIRRETT & CO., Publishers, 708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or • - - 116 E. Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill., ºf Orders from the Trade so/jcited, (WHICHEVER Is NEAREST You). º G a ** º º, Gyºusushº, ſº Nº. e?A. S-S--~~~~ "sanº Gºgºſº Nassau -ºff - - - it º | *fir㺠ºflintº | º * { tº w 9 * * . tu º A .* - º, N HAft , ºt.. -------- * * * * *** ------------ ------------ ------ - ------------ - - - - - - - --------- f you. VII , - NEw YoFK, WANUARY 1, 1875 No. 1 | {} O N T E N T S . PA (;}. PAGE T EI E BOOK M A R K ET, --- - i M US IC NOTES, - - - - 1 1 THE GUIDE FOR 1875, - - 8 : A RARE Book, - - - - 1 2 - 3 INDEX TO A DVE RTISEMENTs, - . 1 2 BUSINESS CHANGES, - - 8 Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For JAN, ! 3 coRRESPONDENCE, - - - 8 - DECEMBER PUBLucATIONs, * 15 Lite RARY AND TRADE IT EMs, . 9 | NEw MUSIC, - - - • 1 9 For EIGN LITERARY Not Es, - 9 || THE AMERICAN News co's List of NewsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. I O NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 2 o TERMS.—Booksellers. Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others. sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSET.I.ERs’ Gui (); at 56 cel, is per year, payable in advance. - | Sample copy sent on application. The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages |- of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - - Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces- sary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, I 15, 1 17, I Ig & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUID, .Now Is THE TIME to subscº fº 1821 5 4- th V O L U NT E. SATURDA The Oldest Literar amily Paper in America. FOUNDF UGUST 4, A.D. 1821. A fine white paper, and beautifully illustrated. Contains 48 columns of the choicest r ſing. Powerful and popular Original Serial Stories from well-known writers of abilºfy in each number, with from ten to fifteen Com- pleted Tales, Sketches and Essays, covering a wide range of literature, and each the best of its kind. e i . Our SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS will continue to be a brilliant feature of the paper—The Boudoir, containing the very latest fashion news, presented in most attractive form ; Fairies’ Column and Our Own Sphinx, never-failing sources of instruction and amuse- ment for the LITTLE FOLKS. News of Interest, The Reviewer, New Publi- cations, Facetiae, and the Correspondents’ Bureau, containing solid and valuable instruction given in Answers to all Inquirers, upon almost every question which can be presented or discussed. Since THE POST passed into the hands of the present editor and proprietor, neither labor nor expense have been spared to make it the WERY BEST literary and family paper published. New life and vigor have been infused into the old favorite; the best writers now contribute to its columns, and the reading matter, illustrations and typographical appearance are equal to the very best. THE POST during the year 1875 will contain a larger 'fund of instruction, amusement and entertainment than can be procured for the same terms | in any other paper published. T E F M S F O F 1 S 7, 5. ſ Postage to any part of the United States, hitherto paid by subscribers, will, after the first of January, 1875, be paid by us, without additional charge to our subscribers. - - THE POST will be sent to any address, either single or in clubs, as follows: Single subscribers, one copy, four months, $1.00; six months, $1.50; one year, $3.00. Clubs— Four copies, one year, post-paid, for $10.00, which is $2.50 per copy. Eight copies, one year, for $20.00, and an additional copy FREE to any one remitting that amount at one time. Additions may be made to clubs at same rates, viz.: $2.50 each. Send stamp for specimen R. J. C. WALKER, Editor and Proprietor, 727 Walnu P LAD A large eight-page journal, printe! £i .* - §ºf Z. : ), A/ f }. - Á. Cºcº £Cé; 3 - 31 – #24 * { 45 AMERICAN BO THE OKSELLERS GUIDE. —he ~. T The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade tiewspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers. News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription pric of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent. on application. - *, * All goods advertised or announced in the Amer” | publishers', manufacturers’, or importers' best discount. | THE AMERICAN NEws CoMPANY, New York. º º: Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the truſt at the THE Rook MARKET o NEW YORK, Jan. 1, 1875. The busiest month of the year has passed, nd our booksellers have done far better than many of them expected to do. After the months of stagnation, the days and nights of hard work demanded of them during the past few weeks will go far to confirm the • fact that a Christmas season is never dull in the book trade, and that the more careful people are of their money, the more certain they are to flock to the book-stores for their presents. The beautifully illustrated juve- niles which have been displayed in great va- riety, have of course, received the greatest share of attention, but the handsome editions of the poets and other standard volumes have been, perhaps, in greater demand than in for- mer seasons. Books which have combined the useful with the beautiful, have sold as rapidly as they were shown. The fine art books have not been neglected, and paying editions have generally been disposed of, but buyers as a rule, have sought less costly vol- umes. In the pressure of the holiday trade many of the solid books of the month, which were not made especially for the season, have been neglected by both publishers and the public. The former have not pressed them upon the attention of the latter, and the lat- ter have had no time to look for them. As trade Settles down into its ordinary channels, it is to these books that the bookseller must now give his attention. Of the new books in preparation but little can be said, as the bustle of the past few weeks has in most cases prevented publishers from making definite plans, Of the latest books published by D. Apple- ton & Co. which have been crowded out of proper notice by holiday stock, but which now in turn must displace the latter on the book- seller's shelves, are Dr. Draper’s History of the Comflict between Religion and Science ; the first volume of Mr. H. H. Bancroft’s large and com- ;S---------------. 3. .. * - l - * - - }. work on the Native Races of the Écific States of North America, Theology in ºnglish Poets, by Rev. Stopford A. Brooke; U John S. Hittell’s Brief History of Culture ; and The Evangel, a poem by Dr. Abraham Cowles. Dr. Draper's book is in the Interna- tional Scientific Series, and is worthy of a prominent place in this list of valuable works. It has been noticed at length by the press all over the country and its merits are now widely known. Mr Bancroft’s work, of which the first volume is now offered, when completed, will be one of the most important in the lan- guage. Indeed, this volume alone has a value which can hardly be overestimated. Fifty pages are given to a list of twelve hundred works which have been consulted by the author in its preparation. The character of the work can be best given in the words of the author himself. At the beginning of the second chapter, he says: I shall attempt to describe the physical and mental characteris- tics of the native races of the Pacific States under seven distinct groups, namely : I. Hy- perboreans, being those natives whose terri- tory iies north of the fifty-fifth parallel ; II. Columbians, who dwell between the fifty-fifth and forty-second parallels, and whose lands to some extent are drained by the Columbia River ; III. Californians, and the inhabitants of the Great Basin; IV. New Mexicans, in- cluding the natives of the Colorado River and Northern Mexico; W. Wild tribes of Mexico; VII. Civilized nations of Mexico and Central America. It is my purpose, without any at- tempt at ethnological classification, or further comment concerning races or stocks, plainly to portray such customs and characteristics as were peculiar to each people at the time of its first intercourse with European strangers; leaving scientists to make their own deduc- tions, and draw specific lines between linguis- tic and physiological families, as they may deem proper. I shall endeavor to picture these nations in their aboriginal condition, as seen by the first invaders, as described by those who beheld them in their savage gran- - w * z. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. *—- deur, and before they were startled from their lair by the treacherous voice of givilized friend- ship. Now they are gone—those dusky deni- zens of a thousand forests—melted like hoar' frost before the rising sun of a superior intel- ligence ; and it is only from the earliest records, from the narratives of eye-witnesses, many of them rude, unlettered men, trappers, sailors and soldiers, that we are able to know them as they were. - Rev. Stopford A. Brooke is Chaplain in ordi- aary to the Queen, and Theology in the Jºnglish Poets, is a series of lectures delivered in St. James Chapel, London. They tre: t particu- larly poets from Pope to Tennyson and Browning. The author treats of theology in its broadest sense. “The poets of England ever since Cowper,” he says, “ have been more and more theological, till we reach such men as Tenny? son or Browning, whose poetry is tº crowded with theology. But the theolo the poets is different from that of churches sects, in this, especially, that it is not formu- hated into propositions, but it is the natural growth of their own hearts. They are, by their very nature, strongly individual; they grow more by their own special genius than by the influence of the life of the world around them, and they are, therefore. Sure to have a theology—that is, a doctrine of God in his rela- tion to man, nature and their own soul—which will be independent of conventional religious thought.” The volume, so far from being dry and dull as its title might indicate, glows with brightness and warmth, and affords delightful reading. Mr. Hittell's A Brief History of Culture, de- serves a much more extended notice than my brief limits will permit. In a volume of but little more than three hundred pages, the au- thor has condensed the main facts connected with the history of human progress. He di- vides this history into five periods, which he names the ages of Stone, Bronze, Iron, Print- ing and Steam, and treats of each in a style that is at once commendable for its concise- ness and its fullness. The book is valuable as a compendium of facts, and is very whole- some reading for the cynical spirits who are , fond of lauding the past at the expense of the present, and who believe the world to be retro- grading. Says the author, “I have done: my best to compress within a few hours' reading the chief lessons of historical philosophy, to show that man is a progressive animal; that his advancement has been constant ; that, though his speed has somtimes been checked for a brief period relatively, his career has 'never turned backwards; that the useful arts have made the chief epochs in history, and are the main bases of civilization ; and that pro- gress increases in geometrical ratio with the course of time, and tends, since the begining of the iron age, to greater liberty and the emancipation of human nature from the re- Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns, but incidentally of the other English strictions imposed upon it by barbarism.” Those who are fortunate enough to read the book will agree that he has succeeded admira- bly. The Evangel is a life of Christ in verse which possesses literary merit of a high order. Though evidently prepared for a holiday book, being elegantly illustrated by reproduc- tions of ancient and modern pictures of the Messiah, the poem is of more than ephemeral value and a new and cheaper edition will probably be published. Among the books announced for early issue by the Appletons are Herbert Spencer's l’rinciples of Sociology; a novel by Mrs. McQuoid, entitled My Story, and one from Miss Fisher (Christian Reid) yntitled Hearts and Hands, just finished in *Appleton’s Journal. A book on Spiritualism by Francis G. Fairfield, in which the author will endeavor to explain the phenomena class- ed under that name, will soon be published. The most important of the late issues of Hafper & Brothers are Sir Samuel Baker's Ismalia, a narrative of the expedition to Cen- tral Africa for the suppression of the slave trade, which expedition was organized by Ismail, the Khedive of Egypt; Nordhoff’ Communistic Societies of the United States ; and Remains of ſlost Empires, by P. V. N. Myres Books on Africa which deal with the manners and customs of the strange people, and de- scriptions of the stranger scenery and animals of that great unknown land have a peculiar fascination, and Sir Samuel Baker’s is one of the most interesting of this numerous class of books ever written. The author tells his story of marveious adventures, privations, hardships, defeat, and successes in a simple straightforward style, which captivates and holds the attention of the reader to the end. Not a few will value the work for what it adds to our knowledge of a comparatively un- known continent, and as a book of adventure it will recommend itself to all. It is a large octavo, beautifully illustrated, and well sup- plied with maps. Mr. Charles Nordhoff, who, by the way, has recently been added by the N. Y. Herald, to its corps of correspondents at Washington, is well known as the writer of the books on California, which have been high- ly praised here and in Europe, but if he had never before written a line, his book on the Communistic Societies of the United States would have made his reputation. It is a clear and detailed account of the condition. beliefs, so- cial life, numbers, industries, etc., of our com- munistic societies, which embrace a greater variety of belief, and a greater number of indi-, viduals than most people suppose. Living as they do, so isolated from the rest of the world, but little has been known of them outside of their own circles, and Mr. Nordhoff has done the world a service, in collecting these facts “from personal visit and observation,” and presenting them in a dispassionate, unpreju- diced style. The volume is illustrated with engravings of places, people, customs, etc. In 1867 two brothers from Williams College, THE iMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3. P. V. M. Myers and Henry M. Myers, joined the first college expedition to South America, and they together wrote its history under the title of Life and Nature under the Thopics. Afterwards Mr. H. M. Myers headed an ex- ploring expedition to Central America, and after graduating, the two took an Asiatic trip, for the purpose of exploration. The volume just published contains the results of thºir- last journey, written by Mr. P. V. N. Myers, his brother having died before its completion. Aside from its scientific importance, it is, fl. very interesting book of travel tº ruins of Ninewah, Babylon, and other ancieſ cities, of which admirable sketches are givetº. with notes on India and other portions & Asia. * **: º: The other recent books from the Harpers" are Gladstone's The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiſtnce, to which the pub- lishers have added a history of the Vatican Council, the Syllabus of Errors, and the Vati- can Decrees, from Dr. Schaff's forthcoming work on The Creeds of Christianity; Charles Beade's A Hero wind a Martyr', a powerful and affecting story of heroism in humble life; Lost for Love, by Miss Braddon; Jessie Trim, by Farjeon : In Honor Bowmd, by Charles Gib- bon; and The Ugly Girl Papers, a number of papers on the toilet which have been pleasing the readers of Harper’s Bagºt?'. Mr. Gibbon’s novel, like his Robin Gray, is a Scotch story in which is the delicate touch of the artist, charming from its very simplicity. Farjeon’s Jessie Trim is also noticeable for its simplicity and its truth to nature. One of the most en- couraging signs of the times is a growing taste amoug novel readers for such works of fiction as have been given us by Gibbon and Farjeon. The Harpers will soon publish Wilkie Collins' After Dark, und Other Tales, which will complete their library edition of this author’s stories, containing all except The Law and the Lady, now running in Hur- per’s Weekly. - - Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have published Myths of the Rhône, translated from the French of X. B. Saintine by Professor Schele De Vere, and embellished with 150 illustrations by Doré. Though one of the handsomest hoſi- day books of the year and a very appropriate gift book, it has a permanent value, and will continue to be in demand when other holiday books are put by till the next gift season.' The numerous weird and curious German legends which have been preserved for gener- ations by the people along the Rhine are here collected, making a volume of legendary lore that is not only unique and pleasant to read, but to thoughtful readers is full of sug- gestion. The publishers have also issued in their “Epochs of History,” The Houses of Lan- caster and York, by James Gairdner, covering one of the most interesting periods of English history. Like the three preceding volumes, this little book is invaluable to the student, leaving clear and vivid impressions of the : historical events of the period, freed from a mass of unimportant facts which only serve. to efface from the mind of the reader of ordi- nary histories that which he wishes to retain. The next volume in the Bric-a-Brac series. will be the famous Gréville Memoirs, carefully. condensed by Mr. Stoddard. Mr. George. Smith's account of his Assyrian Evplorations gºd-ſ)i&Cyßeries will soon be ready. A timely and really valuable work to all. who are interested in finding healthful homes, for invalids has been published by G. P. Put- ..nam's Sons. It is entitled Winter Homes for. Iºalids, and, is written by Dr. Joseph W. #: th; author of the little, work on the b éâû, recently published by Appleton. He. ** ºf describes the principal resorts both in Europe: ºngºmerica, the latter including many that. tºget lºt little known, giving abundant statis. tics *nd professional advice, pointing out the . *g Yºhtages and disadvantages of certain. blaºs at certain seasons, and showing the pºiliarities of constitution and disease that. micºc the patient susceptible to benefit or in- jury, by climatic influences. The Putnam's have also reissued Rev. Thomas: Hill’s Geo- metry and Faith, in a preface to which the . author says he has rewritten the greater part of the work, and altered it so much that he might, with propriety, have given it a new : title; but his affection for the old one has in- duced him to retain it. Twenty-five years have made so many changes in the question : discussed, that the book is really a new Óme. Announced for early issue are Chomet's In- fluence of Music on Health and Disease ; Re- ligion as Affected by Modern Matterialism,' by Jas. Martineau, L.L. D.; and Dr. Frederick Fieber's Threatment of Nervous Diseuses with Blectricity, translated by Dr. G. M. Schweig. . Henry Holt & Co.'s book of the season is Vers De Société, compiled by Mr. C. H. Jones, from Praed, Landor, Thackeray, Moore, Holmes, Calverly, Saxe, Locker, Dobson, and others. The volume is a dainty specimen of book-making. Upon the centre of a page of light cream tint is a block tint of delicate gray upon which the text is printed. The title page and the half titles are pretty bits of art, and the binding is ingenious and rich. The contents are as notable as the mechan- ical execution of the volume, and show the excellent taste of the compiler. J. B. Ford & Co. have in no small degree contributed to the pleasures of the children who read, by the publication of two of the very best books of the season They are Professor Raymond's The Man in the Moom, and Other People ; and a volume of Studies, and Stories of Pets, from Grace Greenwood,” with the title Heads and Tails. The first con- tains twenty fairy stories, captivating but wholesome, and written in simple child’s lan- guage. Grace Greenwood’s book contains stories of pet animals, suitable for older children, and sure to afford thern both plea- sure and profit. Both books are rich in illus- | 4. d THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. tration and binding, and handsomer or more appropriate books for children. are difficult to find. The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney, of which a new edition has just been issued by Ford & Co., was first issued by Tichnor & Fields in 1858, and attracted much attention at the time, because it filled å vacant niche in the library of distinguished men. It is as valuable now, for it is probably the only account of Sidney's life in º, The author, Mrs. S. M. Davis, says in her preface, and hayé done a larger trade than in any previous “I have here endeavored to collect the scat- tered souvenirs of Sidney's life; to verify every recorded fact, and to excludeţevery fic- - e. - - e • * re-ºſ. - a .4 - tion, however plausible, which, . gilding martine, J the story with false attractions, would nº higher beauty that belongs to truth.” No in- portant changes have been made in the bººk; isut it has been carefully revised, is supplied with an index, and illustrated with a steel por. trait and steel plate of Penshurst Castle.º.º. We have from Hurd & Houghton an § portant law book, Benjamin on Sales, edit}i from the second London edition by Hon J. C. Perkins; George Cary Eggleston's A Rebel's Recollections ; and Iſis Too Wives, a lengthy novel, by Mary Cemmer Ames. Mr. Eggle- ston's Atlantic Papers, which are now put in book form, have attracted much attention from the vivid pictures which they give of life in the Confederate Army, until now an unsealed book to Northerners. The author's , biomest, open style also invests the book with a charm that it would not have from another pen, and he speaks from personal experience and observation. Mrs. Ames’ novel is vigorous in style, ingenious in plot, and the characters are so admirably drawn, that the reader ac- knowledges an acquaintance, if not a Syºm- pathy with them in an early stage of the story. T. Whittaker published early in the month Myndeful of Hyme, or, Our Heavenly Father and His Children, a beautiful quarto volume of full page engravings, accompanied by short essays by Rev. John W. Kramer; and a A History of the General Conventions of the P. E. Church, by Rev. Wm. Stevens Perry. Mr. Whittaker has also re-printed Bishop Sea- bring's Communion Office, with historical sketch and notes by Rev. Samuel Hart. Stories on the Festivals ºnwd Fasts of the Christian Year, just published, is a very laudable endeavor to increase the interest of the children of the church in her services. - --> --- - - - BOSTON, Jan. 1, 1875. , After the days of confusion and hurry, such as only the Christmas season brings to the bookstores, during which the powers of endurance of every one in the establishment, from the proprietor to the poor little errand- boy, have been tried to the utmost, from early morn till late at night, and the retail stores have been so many Babels, we are /úaratively few. book, y other compositions of like character. glad to have a breathing spell. The over. "worked reviewers, too, whose eyes have been dazzled and heads made dizzy by the flashes of blue and gold, and gorgeous pictures, and illuminated title-pages, are no less glad to settle down, to ordinary work, and to be able to open a book deliberately and get at some- thing more than its title and illustrations. So far as we are able to judge, the holidays ...; as much profit to bookmakers Yooksellers as ever. Many of our houses season. There seems to be a general feeling, however, that now that holiday wants are S}pplied, book-buyers will be more economi- °ºl than ever, and the plans for the next few onths indicate that new issues will be com- In mentioning the new books "I shall not include those especially prepared for gift-books, as most of them have been extensively advertised and reviewed, but shall very briefly call attention to those that are seasonable at all times, and as far as possible those which may be issued during the winter. e - James R. Osgood & Co.'s beautiful volume of heliotype reproductions have been highly appreciated by the public, and their Hangºng of the Crane was probably the most popular book of the season. The Circassian Boy, by Michael Lermontoff, who has been called the Byron of Russia, has been admirably trans- lated by S. S. Conant, who also prefaces the volume by a brief and highly interesting ac- count of the three great Russian poets—Pusch- kin, Lermontoff, and Kolzoff. The poem is a pathetic and spirited story of a Circassian boy, who was ſºaptured as a slave and confined in a convent, made his escape to the forest, and after three days was recaptured and brought back to die The story is of his three days of liberty. The poem in the ori- ginal must be a brilliant compostion to have retained so much beauty as is preserved in the translation. Emerson's collection of poems to which the distinctive title Parmas- sus has been given, is noteworthy as an antho- logy worth preserving, embracing recollections from a number of poets who are little known. Indeed, the writer of one of the most re- markable poems in the volume is wholly un- known in the world outside his circle of friends. To many, the most interesting por- tion of the volume will be Mr. Emerson’s preface, in which he charmingly discusses poetry and poets. - The fifth volume of “ I little Classics” is near- ly ready. It is entitled J/aughter, and contains Dickens's “Christmas Carol,” Charles Lamb's “Dissertation on Roast Pig,” E. E. Hale's “Skeleton in the Closet,” Holmes’s “A Visit to the Asylum for the Aged and Decayed Punsters,” Carleton’s “ Neal Malone,” Gerald Griffin’s “Tibbot O'Leary, the Curious,” and Osgood & Co. have in hand a new volume . of Essays on Poetry and Criticism, by Emerson," and will issue soon a volume of parlor plays, THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. pantomimes and tableaux, by George B. Bart- lett, and a Life of Christ, for Children, by Dr. Thompson, late of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York. They will also issue early in the ear a new volume of those pleasant essays, nown as Spare Hours, by Dr. John Brown, and a translation of Frithiof's Saga, by the Swedish poet, Elias Tegner, a poem which became, soon after it was written, the most- Viollet, le;’ Duc's Discow):Ses on Architecture, and Jacob | Falke's Art in the House, will probably be popular poetical work of Sweden. ready in February, and a little later will be published a work on The Antiquity of Engrav- ing and the Utili'y and Pleasure of Prints, by W. S. Baker. - Lee & Shepard have published Helps to a Life of Prayer, by Rev. J. M. Manning, an earnest devotional work, full of encourage- ment and helpful suggestions ; The Logic of IReſt&om, Universal and Eternal, by Lawrence P. Hickock, D.D., an able endeavor to point out a new and better logic than that in present use, which the author says falls short of ab- solute knowledge and ends in confirmed scep- ticism ; and Caleb Crinkle, a story of American life, by Mr. C. C. Coffin, better known as “Car- leton,” correspondent during the war of the Boston Journal and other papers, and author of My Days and Wights on the Battle-Field and other readable books. It is mainly a story of coun- try life in New England, with the characters boldly drawn, and enough of plot to interest the average novel-reader. The author excels in descriptive power, and although this is his first novel, we may predict for it abundant success. That Queer Girl, by the popular writer, Virginia F. Townsend, is added to the Maidenhood Series, and The Dorcas Club Afloat, by Oliver Optic, to the Yacht Club books. During the coming month this house will print a volume of papers from Sir Richard Steele, compiled with excellent literary taste, by Mr. J. E. Babson; under the title of Forever L08t, a volume of sermons on eternal punish- ment, by the brilliant author of the Arena and the Throne, Professor Townsend; a series of | . essays on Nature and Culture, by Harvey Rice; a new volume of Mr. Baker's The Read- &ng Club; and the Rev. P. C. Headley’s long announced book on Iceland, The Island of Fire, which will have to do not only with the natural features of the island, but with the the life and customs of the people, their early voyages of discovery, their religion and liter- ature. Nasby’s satire on society, The Morals of Abou Ben Adhem—“Eastern Fruits on West- ern Dishes,” will also probably be published during the month - One of the most handsomely printed vol- umes lately issued from the press is Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith, from Roberts Brothers. It is a collection of sacred poetry, edited with notes and sketches of the authors, by Rev. Alfred P. Putnam. lections are familiar in the church hymn- books, and others have been floating about Many of the se- || anonymously for years. Now their writers are sketched and many interesting facts in rela- tion to their writings are given. One is sur- priesd at many of the names found, among the writers of Sacred song. Among them are Jóhm:Quincy Adams, John Pierpont, Charles Sprague, Caroline Gilman, Henry Ware, Jr., W.B. Q. Peabody, Wm. H. Furness, F. H. t ;: armes Freeman Clarke, Theodore Pºri º, H. Sears, W. H. Burleigh, Thomas §ºmes T. Fields, Caroline A. Mason, W. Wºlger, Robert Collyer, and Thomas W. ºf ºr ºl. 3 The other recent books from ºf{étèrts Brothers are Dress-Reform, noticed in myºast letter; The Story of Boon, by H. H.; and it wo books for young readers, each of of Which in excellence is above the average of §hildren’s story-books. The best of . twº is F. Grant dº Co.; or, Partnerships, a story for boys, by Rev. George L. Chaney, which miist be read to be appreciated. I will only say that it is just the book to give a buy cour- age and to spur him on to success. The other of the books is for younger readers, and con- sists of eleven stories, written by eleven Harvard students, as a class exercise, and although they do not possess a striking originality, they are fresh and good. Rev. E. E. Hale's Own' New Ch'usade, is a temperance story, not of extreme impossible people, who live only in books, but of everyday people and places. Readers of the Atlantic will remember a story told in its pages some time ago by Mrs. Lenowens, of an incident in the royal household of Siam ; how a young wife of the king fell in love with a courtier, how the king found it out, and the two, together with a confidant, were put to death. This is The Story of Boon, put into verse by “H. H.,” the author of Bits of Talk. During January Roberts Bros. will publish a pleasing love novel, by Mary Cow- den Clarke, entitled A Rambling Story, the first novel, from this author since The Iron Cousin, published ten years ago. William F. Gill & Co. have been busy all the month with their beautiful Lofos Leaves, and it is still in demand. This month they will publish The Woman of Fire, by A. Belot. This is one of the most sensational of Belot's novels, and has been very popular in France, but has never before been published here. The translation is made by Mr. James Furbish, who translated Article 47, by which the author . is best known to American readers. Among the other books which these publishers will offer during the Winter and Spring are Wilkie Collin's Alicia Warlock, the Dream Woman, ; and two novels by Edmund Yates, The Silent Witness, and One of Eve's Family. The Romance of an Honest Woman, by Victor Cherbuliez, is also announced, and Mr. Bailey’s humorous book will be published during the year. . Henry L. Shepard & Co. have published a book by Theresa Oakey Hall, entitled Her , Mother’s Fancy, “a story for juveniles and THE AMERICAN B00K SELLERS’ GUIDE. young old people.” wide awake little girl, and the story of her play, her lessons, her trials and adventures is told in charming style. It is very prettily illustrated, and put into the handsome covers of the American Home Series. In the same series is published The Moose-Hunters, by Q. A. Stephens, the author of the popularlbooks of out-door life, known as The Camping.Qut Series. The Moose-Hunters is the stºy of a party of boys who spent their vääijºn hunting and trapping in the backwoo Maine, and made money to continue t college course. A single glance at the bºok will make a boy unhappy till he has £ead every line of it. Rev. W. H. H. Murray’s lec- ture on Deacons, which was first given in Boston in 1871, and has since been repeated all over the country, has been published in a neat volume, with twenty-one illustrations. The lecture was written, Mr. Murray says in his preface, to call the attention of the Church to the perversion of the office of Deacon, which, in congregational churches, was in- tended to assist the pastor, but which fulfills no such purpose; and to inculcate the sweet lesson of charity and forgiveness, both as re- gards alms-giving and differences in matters of belief. There are some capital sketches of character in the book. The History of the United States Marine Corps, by M. Almy Ald- rich and Captain R. S. Collum, is announced for this month. Loring's book on Cattle ; and Rand’s Window Gardener, and Bulbs, and How to Grott. Them, will be issued early in the year. Estes & Lauriat have published a book on Ministerial Life, giving the successes and failures of . A Bundred Ministers, James Gairdner's Houses of Lancaster and York, in the Epochs of History; and Too Much Alone, and Checkmate, by Mrs. Riddell. Early in the year Estes and Lauriat will publish several other novels from Mrs. Riddell, and Florence Maryatt's Open Sesame. D. Lothrop & Co. have issued, in attractive form, Kitty Kent’s Troubles, by Julia A.Eastman the authoress of those pleasing stories, Beulah Rommey, and Striking for the ſºight : A White Hand, a pure and wholesome story, by Ella Farman ; Lyrét, a poem, by Josephine Tyler; and The Name Above Every Wame, containing daily texts and devotional meditations on the Namie and Work of our Savior, by the Rev. Samuel Cutter. The texts are selected with great care and excellent judgment, and the poetry is from the best in the language. Dyret is an allegory of a discontented maiden who wanders from home in search of pleas- ure, yields to the allurements of fancy, seeks contentment in the many ways in which it is too often sought, becomes disheartened and weary, and finally finds consolation and peace in religion. There is much that is meritori- ous in the poem, and it is pervaded through- out with a remarkable purity of thought and expression. The illustrations are very fine, } Fancy is a charming, | Henry Hoyt is constantly adding to his list children's books, which are appropriate for all seasons. 'The latest are An Old Sailor’s Story, by Geo. E. Sargent, a book of adventure on the sea, which is sure to please youthful readers; and A Ride on Horseback through Palestine, by L. L. A., a lively account of what may be seen in the Holy Land, both interest- ing and instructive. Another recent publica- tion is Select Notes on the International Les- sons for 1875, the only work of the kind that covers the entire year. It is prepared by Rev. F. N. Peloubet, and contains a chrono- logical chart and a table of signification and pronunciation of proper names. - - - - -, --- . . ---sºº º- - - - ------ - - - PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1, 1875. Our booksellers have had an excellent holi- day trade, which will go far toward making up for the dullness of the fall and early win- ter. Of the books that have been published, there is little to be said that has not already been said, and the plans for the new year are as yet very indefinite. * , One of the most valuable as well as the most elegant of the holiday books, was the illus- trated edition of Alibone's Quotations, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co. Their new edition of the Cyclopedia of Female Poets, with fine steel engravings, Many Lands (tnd Many Peo- ple, and The New Hyperion, the last two taken from Lippencott’s Magazine, all have a value beyond that of the profuse illustrations and, rich bindings. Many Lands contains the sketches of travel that have been worthy of a place in the magazine, and in their collected form they are worthy of a place in any library, even without the 150 illustrations which adorn the volume. The New Hyperion, “From Paris to Marley by Way of the Rhine,” by Edward Straham, with its 300 engravings by Doré and others, is also valuable as well as delightful. Patricia Kemball, just issued by Lippincott, was spoken of by the London Athenaeum, as “perhaps the ablest novel published in Lon- don this year.” It is certainly an exception- ally good romance ; the characters are life-like and well drawn, the style lively and pointed, and the ingeniously developed plot give it ad- ditional interest with every chapter. What a Boy / by Julia A. Willis, is a bright and sug- gestive story of the career of Philip Frost, whose life the author traces through the pranks of boyhood and the mistakes and misfortunes of manhood. Mrs. Emma Seiler's work on The Voice in Singing, is perhaps the best on the subject ever writ- tem, and now we have from the same author a treatise on The Voice in Speaking, to which is added a paper by her son Dr. Carl Seiler on the “Clergyman's Sore Throat.” The author treats her subject with much vigor and inde- pendence, asserting her objections to much that is laid down in the books as delusive and ridiculous. “While no one has ever dreamed,” she says, “ of laying down fixed rules for the THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 7 expression of the emotions by looks and ges- tures, or invented, for the understanding of such rules, written characters, all works on elecution undertake, what is just as impossi- ble, to give numerous rules for the modulation of the voice, often enough contradictory, and to teach in what intervals the vojce is to be modulated for this or that effect.” The new books to be issued at an early day by J. B. Lippincott & Co., are The Romance of the English Stage, by Percy Fitzgerald ; Feam's jor Democracy, an able treatise, written for titoughtful readers by Charles Ingersoll; and a new novel from “Ouida,” whose last, Pascarel, was issued a year ago. The coming work is a love story entitled Signa. During the month, we shall also have a new edition of Dr. Lieber's Political Ethics, which has been out of print for some time; a story of the Ohio bills en- titled Starting Out, by Alexander Clark, the author of the Schoolday Dialogues ; and a memo- rial volume of the Virginia Military Institute, to contain sketches of the cadets from that school who lost their lives in the late war. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have lately issued Enterson Bennett's The Phantom of the . Forest, it being the third of this author's works which they have issued in neat cloth binding and in paper covers. This house have recently issued in connection with John Lovell of Montreal, a review of Macauley’s Teaching on the Relationship of Theology to the Science of Government, as set forth in Lord Macau- ley’s Essays, by Mr. John Harris, who writes under the nom de plume of “ Kuklos;” and, by the same author, a Lecture on Centrifugal Force and Gravitation, with seven supplemen- tary volumes, in which he sets forth in an elaborate manner, the Newtonian Theory, Kelper's Third Law, The Law of Equable Areas, and the Theory of the Tides, and dis- putes their correctness as at present taught, with the purpose of ascertaining whether the rules of the inductive system as laid down and taught by Francis Bacon are still recognized. The system of Bacon bases science upon facts, and Mr. Harris contends that the above fun- damental laws are not so based. The volumes are elaborately illustrated by diagrams, and deserve the attention of scholars, whether the author be right or wrong. Mr. Harris also claims, in another volume, to have solved the problem, popularly known as squaring the cir- cle. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger will soon publish Annette, a novel by Charlotte Wal- singham ; and a book on Denmark, by G. W. Griffin, U. S. Consul at Copenhagen, with the title My Danish Days. - The holiday books of Porter & Coates have been in large demand. Their new edition of The Stately Homes of England has been ex- hausted, and the call for Stonehenge's Rural Sports has far exceeded their expectations. South Meadows has been selling well, and is still a good book, which will claim attention now that people are through with holiday. books. Early in the year these publishers .ārē three months. Selections for reading or recitations. . . . will add several new novels to their popular , series, and will publish a technical work on Mechanics and a book for the general reader-on Meteorology. - - - T. Elwood Zell will issue during the month, The United States Business Directory ; and The Untitéâ"States Register, or Blue Book for 1875. The fºrmer is being compiled under the super- visiºaf. Dr. Colange, the editor of Zell’s En- - §: and is to contain in a single volume, ! etically arranged, the names and ad- Féliès of the business men of every import- º and town in the United States, who *likely to have transactions with other cities.’ It will also contain information of use in regard to those towns. The Record, or Blue Book, will contain the names of the civil officers of the government ; the army and navy list; political and statistical information relating to the states and territories; and a business manual of New York and Philadel- phia. Both books will be sold only by sub- scription. - John E. Potter & Co. have just added to their bibles, one hundred engravings of the cities, scenery, scenes and incidents of Bible History, with descriptive text by Rev. John H. Norris. Numbers 41 and 42 to the pro- fusely illustrated Bible Encyclopedia are just out. The work will be completed in about Potter & Co. have bound the last volume of the American Historical Record, making three volumes in all of valuable his- torical information. A department of general literature has been added to the magazine, and it will bereafter be published under the name of The American Monthly. , • Notwithstanding the general depression in business during the past year, medical books have been fairly successful and about the us- ual number have been issued by our Philadel- phia houses. Mr. Henry C. Lea will soon.’ publish a volume on Regimen and Diet, by Dr. T. K. Chambers of London, author of a work on Indigestion and another on The Renewal of Life, both of which have passed through several editions. - - Lindsay & Blakiston have issued here the third edition of Dr. McCall Anderson’s Trea- tise on Eczema, a valuable guide to the treat- ment of that disease. The work has been re- vised and important additions have been made,’ including a chapter with illustrations on the Anatomical Lesions. - - – sº-º-te- Gebbie & Barrie commence with the new - year the publication of The Art Treasures of . England, to be issued in thirty-four parts, each to contain three steel engravings, with descriptive text, by Mr. J. Vernon Whitaker. P. Garrett & Co. have bound eight numbers of their Choice Selections in Poetry and Prose into two finé volumes under the name of The Speaker's Garland, Vols. I and II. They are just the thing for those who are looking for " - 8 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE GUIDE FoR 1875. IN making our New Year bow to our subscribers, we wish to thank them for the many kind words of approval and en- couragement we have received from them during the past year. We have eihieav- ored to give them a journal at a tºiling cost which should afford them assistance in conducting their business. Our lists of new publications and forthcoming books have been very complete, and they have been supplemented, in our letters from the publishing centres, by information in re- gard to the character of the books, which no other publication has furnished, but which every bookseller should have, to make his business successful. To pub- lishers we have afforded every facility to reach the trade, and it is a pleasure to know that our services have been appre- ciated. For the future we have only to say that we shall spare no effort to make the GUIDE a valuable medium for publish- ers' announcements, a faithful friend to the bookseller, and an earnest promoter of the interests of the American Book Trade. *—-- £usiness £HANGEs. At Covington, Ind., W. Crane has discon- tinued the news business. - At Putnam, Comm., W. B. Stone, newsdealer, is succeeded by Warren & Robbins. At Syracuse, N. Y., Mr. R. M. Beecher has bought the business of W. S. Herrick. * At Decatur, Ill., Mr. D. Coffeen, bookseller and stationer, is succeeded by A. M. Lapham. At Minneapolis, Minn., George A. Dustin has sold his new business to Mr. W. E. Ger- rish. At Sherman, Texas, Donaldson & Wright, booksellers and stationers are succeeded by S. Wright. At Titusville, Pa., the news and stationery business of L. Hubbard, has been purchased by R. B. McDonnell. - At Nunda, N. Y., the firm of Russell & Greig, newsdealers, is dissolved. The busi- ness is continued by T. W. Russell. The publishing business of A. K. Butts & Co., New York, has passed into the hands of Mr. Charles P. Somerby, who has for some time been a partner of the old firm. At Union City, Pa., Canfield & Main, news- dealers, have dissolved partnership, and the business is continued by M. B. Canfield. Mr. Albert Mason, New York, has, owing to his ill health, made arrangements with Hurd & Houghton to publish his entire list of books. ‘. At Galveston, Texas, Lawson & Co. have established an Advertising and Publishing Agency, with a department for the supply of paper and printing material. For the present their address is P. O. Lock Box 13. At New Orleans, La., Mr. R. G. Eyrich has purchased the book and stationery business of Kain & Co., at 130 Canal st. Mr. Eyrich as- Sumes all liabilities of the late firm and is au- thorized to collect all accounts due it. Mr. John S. Clark has retired from the firm of J. R. Osgood & Co., and has become a mem- ber of the firm of L. Prang & Co. He has taken with him Walter Smith’s drawing- books, cards, etc., and they will hereafter be published by Prang & Co. e Mr. Albert Cogswell, manager of the book department of the Orange Judd Publishing Co. for the past eight years, has severed his connection with that firm and has associated himself with the firm of A. J. Bicknell & Co., New York, the well-known publishers of ar- chitectural books, Mr. Cogswell’s extensive business knowledge will render him a valu- able acquisition to the latter firm. ---------—--- sº º---—---—— CoR RESPONDENCE. RIVERSIDE. PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS., 16th December, 1874. EDITOR OF AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE: Lear sir—A paragraph has appeared in the Literary World of Boston, and been copied or commented upon in other papers, which contains a statement false as regards facts, and of an injurious character. It con- tains these words: “IEarnest negotiations were had some months ago between its proprietors (i.e., of Old and New) and Hurd & Houghton, who had just acquired the Atlantic, and were rather eager to get rid of it, looking to the mergence of that magazine in Old and New ; but the friends of the latter opposed the project, and it was abandoned.” Permit me to say that Messrs. Hurd & Houghton were never anxious to get rid of the Atlantic, and never made any advances or had any de- sire to sell it to Old and New. On the contrary, the only suggestion for a union came from the friends of Old and New, but no negotiations, earnest or otherwise, were ever had on the subject, and no interview ever took place in relation to it. We are entirely satisfied with the condition and prospects of the Atlantic, and have no reason to seek union with any other. Bespectfully yours, £ H. O. HOUGHTON & CO., v Publishers of the Atlantic Monthly. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 9 J_ITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Hesba Stretton has written a brief life of Christ, under the title of The Wonderful Life. Crofutts’ handsomely illustrated Trans-Con- tinental Tourist will hereafter be published by G. W. Carleton & Co. Major Butler, the author of The Great Lone Land and The Wild North Iland, is engaged on an account of his adventures in Akim. The Greville Journal which has created such a stir among the “best families” in Eng- land, is to be condensed for the Bric-a-Brac Series. - Mrs. Annie Edwards’ novel Estelle, just pub- lished by Sheldon & Co. will be pronounced § the author's many admirers as among her eSt. Miss Amanda M. Douglass is writing a novel which is to bear the title of The Midnight Man'riage, and to be published by William F. Gill & Co. - In consequence of the continued ill-health of Mr. Albert Mason, his entire list of books has been transferred to and will be published by Messrs. Hurd & Houghton. S. B. Kirtley & Co., Columbia, Mo., want to exchange Mrs. Southworth’s novels and other Standard books for School books. See their advertisement in column of Books Wanted. Jansen, McClurg & Co. Chicago, have pub- lished Memories, a story of German love, translated by Geo. P. Upton, in a beautiful red line edition. It is the prettiest, story of ideal love we have ever read, and a cheaper edition should be provided for those who can- not afford to purchase it in its present shape. Encouraged by the great success of his other Dime Standard Books, Mr. Howard Challen, the Philadelphia publisher, is about to issue The Pilgrim’s Progress, in two parts, at ten cents each. Next to the Bible, this work has had the largest sale of any book in our lan- guage, and this surprisingly low price places it within the reach of everybody. George Willig, Sr., founder of the house of George Willig & Co., music dealers of Baltimore, died in that city December 10th, at the age of 81. Mr. Willig went from Philadelphia to Baltimore when a young man, and established himself as a music publisher. He retired from the firm about ten years ago, transferring the business, which he had conducted for more than half a century, to his son. A. Williams & Co. are the American pub- lishers of a volume of poems, entitled Legends and Memories of Scotland, written by Cora Kennedy Aitkin, an American lady, during a few weeks' stay in Scotland. The quaint legends have an interest in themselves, and they are very gracefully told by the authoress, who has the true poetic sympathy with na-. ture. The picturesque Scotch dialect used in the simpler poems adds much to their effectiveness and beauty. The volume is em- bellished with photographic illustrations of castles and scenery. ſº J. W. Schemerhorn & Co. have published Good Selections No. 2, containing an admirable collection of pieces for readings and recitations in prose and poetry, edited and supplied with an Appendix on Elocution by Prof. J. E. Fro- bisher. & Johnson, Wilson & Co., New York, announce a new History of the United States, to be written by Benson J. Lossing. It is to com- prise about 1600 pages, with,500 illustrations by F. O. C. Darley, and will be issued in forty- eight semi-monthly parts at 25 cents each. Its publication will commence early in the year. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, have just issued the 6th and concluding volume of Fisher's Patent Cases. A portion of this volume was printed, and the material for the remainder collected and partially prepared for the press by Colonel Fisher before his death. It has been completed by Messrs. Hatch & Parkinson, who had previously assisted him in the work. It reports the cases down to the beginning of 1874, and is illustrated with en- gravings from drawings in the Patent Office, more fully than the preceding volume. Under the title of Book-Keeping Simplified Messrs. D. B. Waggener & Co., of Philadel- phia, have issued a little 16mo, containing the whole science of the double-entry system. Every point is made clear in the fewest pos- sible words, and but just enough forms are introduced to illustrate the subject, which is presented in a practical, business-like man- ner. The whole is so compact and intelligible that the most uninitiated in accounts can, with a little study, acquire a knowledge of book-keeping. Valuable rules and tables are appended. - gº-- Foreign JLITERARY Notes, It is reported that Mr. Ashton Dilke has bought the London Fortnightly Review. The increased cost of composition in Ger- many has had the tendency to raise, the price of books. - •Macmillan & Co. will publish Lieutenant Payer's book on the recent Arctic expeditions in which he has taken part. e Dr. F. Rieber, is issuing a complete History of Modern German Art, which is brought down to the Vienna, exhibition of 1873. Another posthumous essay by John Stuart Mill, which he left unfinished, is soon to be published. Its subject is “Socialism.” tº A number of the views in Mr. Theodore Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, have been supplied from the portfolio of the Queen. The latest attempt to sugar-coat science is Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett’s Tales in Po- litical Economy, recently published in London. The authoress states that her purpose was to hide “the powder political economy in the raspberry jam of a story.” The book is very cleverly written. IO THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. E. Chastel’s Christianity in the Wineteenth Century, which completes his history of the Christian church, is to be translated into English. A History of Political Economy in Germany, by Professor Roscher, of Leipzig, has recent- ly been published at Munich, and is receiv- ing much attention. Victor Hugo has completed the second part of his “ Quatre-vingt-treise,” and the first volume is to be issued this month. It is en- titled La Guerre Etrangere. A manuscript work, written by order of Charles the XII of Sweden, has lately been discovered in the war office at Stockholm, giving an account of the Swedish military operations. - The Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, offers three prizes respectively of $4,000, $2,400, and $1,600, for the best works “concerning the history of military operations on horseback, the functions, attributes, growth, develop- ment, and pnutations of the cavalry in all ages and countries, and the general and par- ticular theories and practices of cavalry op- erations.” Foreigners are invited to com- pete, and January 1, 1877, is the last day for receiving the manuscripts. The first volume of the new edition (the ninth) of the Encyclopædia Britannica is to be issued by Messrs. A. & C. Black, Edinburgh, this month, and the second and third volumes will follow during the year. The work will comprise twenty-one volumes, based, of course, on the former edition, but the work is to be largely re-written, and more than half of it will be new matter. The London Standard says: “Dr. Living- stone’s last journals have just made their ap- pearance after a delay which, considering their extent and the difficulty of deciphering them, has been singularly short. Thanks to his faithful attendants, there is reason to be- lieve that not one line of the great traveler’s writing has been lost, from the time of his leaving Zanzibar, in the beginning of 1866, to the day when his note-book dropped from his dying" hand, in April of last year.” The work includes the papers sent home after the explorer's death, and those brought by Mr. Stanley. The scientific observations are re- served for another book. The high value of certain book rarities is shown by the following anecdote. Signor Dura, a booksellér at Naples, put forth a catalogue, in which was the following high- ly tempting entry, under the head Vespucci: “Lettera di Amerigo Vespucci delle isole nuouamente troute in quattro Suoi viaggi,” sixteen leaves, with woodcuts, supposed to have been printed in the year 1516. The price of this little work was put at 2,000 lire, equal to 80l sterling—not too dear, say the booksellers, considering that the only other copy known is in the Granville Library, Brit- ish Museum. Copies of this catalogue reach- ed Paris on Sunday, the 29th ult, and on the same day Signor Eura received asm any a four telegrams from different persons in Paris, signifying their desire to purchase the work. On the next day, Monday, the cat- alogues reached London, and then three dif- ferent persons telegraphed their desire to purchase, but, alas, too late. A Paris books seller was the first in the field, and had se- cured the prize–London Athenæum. NewsPAPERs AND PERIODICALs. The office of The Arcadian is removed to 169 and 170 Fulton street. Mr. J. W. Bouton, New York, has become the American publisher of Mr. Hamerton’s monthly, The Portfolio. The Household Treasure, Cleveland, Ohio begins the new year in a new dress and a new form. Its motto is, “the best of everything,” and in its sixteen pages of matter there is much that is interesting. - Messrs. McDivitt, Campbell & Co., of New York, have become the proprietors of the Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal, edit- ed by Wm. A. Hammond, M. D., and it will in future be issued by them. We print in another column a communica- tion from H. O. Houghton & Co., in relation to the rumor that the staid old Atlantic has been flirting with some of the younger maga- zines. - George A. Crofutt's Western World has been purchased by the South Publishing Company and merged into their own paper The South, the form of which is changed to sixteen pages of the size of Harper’s Weekly. With the first week of the new year, The Metropolitan, heretofore issued as a monthly by E. Butterick & Co., New York, will appear as an illustrated weekly paper, of sixteen folio pages, devoted to news, literature, art and fashion. * The Americam. Historical Record will here- after be known as The American Monthly. The page is somewhat enlarged and each number will contain about thirty pages of general literature, the historical features being retained. The December number of Van NoStrand’s Eclectic Engineering Magazine closes its sixth year. Bound volumes can be supplied from the beginning at $3.00 per volume, except the first, which is double size, and is furnished at five dollars. The publishers of the Boston Globe deserve the thanks of its readers for their enterprise in pasting and cutting their handsome paper. With their machines now in use they are able to cut and paste but one-half their edition, but they promise in a short time to give the paper to every reader in its improved shape. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 11 The only office of The Illustrated Household Magazine is at 41 Park Row, New York, the Newburgh office having been closed. Under the new postal law most of the peri- odical publishers have determined to prepay the postage, without extra cost, to subscribers. Thus, the cost to the latter is reduced just the amount of the postage which they formerly had to pay. The Figaro is the name of a new weekly Society paper published in Washington by Wilcox & Jones. It is full of society gossip and Spicy paragraphs about everything and everybody who is at all prominent in business or society at the capital. Price, 10 cents. Mr. Thomas Cottrell Clark, a veteran jour- nalist, died at Camden, N. J., December 22d. He was the first editor of the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post, and was also for a time editor of the Saturday Cowrier, of which Edgar A. Poe was literary and art critic. In 1843 Messrs. Clark & Poe published a monthly magazine entitled The Stylus. H. Peterson & Co., Philadelphia, publish a new monthly magazine of light reading, with the title of Peterson’s Journal. The stories are completed in a single number, and, with well-selected sketches, make very interesting reading. It is well printed, contains eighty pages, and is bound in a meat cover. Price, $3.00 per year, 25 cents per number. Our Eastern magazines have a formidable rival in the West, in The American Home Monthly, published in Cincinnati by the Cen- tral Publishing Association. It is very neatly printed and the stories and papers are notable for their variety and excellence. novel of more than ordinary merit by Bell Gray Harwood is begun in the current num- ber, with the title “Good Security; or, Weighed in the Balance.” The publication of Old and New has been transferred from Roberts Brothers, who have been its publishers for five years, to the house of Lee & Shepard. The change is made solely in the interest of the magazine, as the book publications of Roberts Brothers claim their exclusive attention, and they cannot furnish to the magazine the facilities which the new publishers can afford. In announcing the change, the statement is made to the public for the first time, that Old and Weno is the property of a company chartered for the sole purpose of publishing the magazine. All the New England journals of education have been consolidated into one, the Nevo England Journal of Education, the first num- ber of which will be published at Boston, January 2, 1875, under the auspices of the American Institute of Instruction and the Teachers' Associations of the several New England States. T. W. Bicknell resigns his position as Commissioner of Public Schools of Rhode Island to assume its editorial manage- ment, and C. C. Chatfield of New Haven re- moves to Boston to become its publisher. lt is to be issued weekly. Price, $3.00 per year. A new serial |: Music NoTEs. Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, have published a new and improved edition of the excellent collection of Church Music known as Zion’s Choral, to which forty-seven new pages have been added. A new book for Sabbath Schools, entitled The Gospel Singer. by Philip Phillips, has recently been issued by Lee & Walker. They will have ready about the first of February. Clarke's Improved Method for the Parlor Organ, which they intend to make the most complete book of the kind ever published. The same publishers will soon issue Cantus Divinw8, a new collection of Masses, Requiems, Vespers, Canticles, etc., for the use of Catholic Churches, by A. H. Rosewig. A new and corrected edition of Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words, containing forty-nine se- lections, has been published by Lee & Walker. Of sheet music just issued from this house, we may mention as likely to become popular, The Marion Schottische, by John R. Sweeney, the author of The Cadet Galop, and I Want to See Mamma Once More, a song and chorus, with a portrait of Charlie Ross on the title page. Among the latest issues of White, Smith & Co., Boston, are Golden Harvest, by Ryder, a Rondo caprice, brilliant, but not difficult; Flower of the Alps, a bright and showy soprano song of medium difficulty, by Wekelin ; and new editions of eight of Chopin's most popular waltzes, with lithograph portrait of the com- poser on the title page. White, Smith & Co. have published the Musical Gem, a collection of 270 pages of popu- lar music, both vocal and instrumental, includ- ing Strauss' waltzes and Mr. White's favorite Songs. Jousses' Chatechism, a valuable hand book, or reference book, for piano students, is in press by White, Smith & Co., and they have nearly ready a new piano instruction book, entitled First Lessons for Little Hºngers, compiled by the Sisters of Notre Dame, Cincinnati. It will contain from thirty to forty pages, and will retail for one dollar. G. D. Russell & Co. have in press a new Orato- rio, entitled Ruth and Waomi, by Leopold Dam- rosch, leader of the Philharmonic Society, New York, and of the Handel and Haydn Society, Brooklyn. The vocal score, with organ or piano accompaniment will be published, also the full orchestra score. Of books just published by G. D. Russell & Co., are a revised edition of Plaidy's Technical Studies, and part first of One Hundred and Ten Select Pieces for the Orgam. These pieces have been carefully collected by Messrs. Hill and Trowbridge, with a view of meeting the wants of organists who require variety. There will be six parts in all. Plaidy's Technical Studies are printed from the third German edition. There has been added an improved arrange- I 2 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS Guide. ment of chord passages, exercises in the minor Scales in thirds and sixths, new finger exer- cises, and other luatter. This edition is a great improvement on the previous one, and is almost indispensable to every advanced student. Of noteworthy sheet music, Russell & Co. have issued. The Bridal Procession and March from “Lohengrin,” arranged by Carl Ritter; a translation of Taubert's Bird Song, in their Series of German songs; and The Storm, a capital baritone song with an effective accom- paniment, by Vincenzo Cirillo. Boosey & Co., New York, publish a volume of 176 pages of Humorous Songs, edited by J. L. Hattºn, with new Symphonies and Accom- paniments, It is an excellent collection of the best Social songs, both new and old, suitable for the drawing-room. . Many of them, as the editor says, excited the laughter of our grand- fathers, while others are selected from the most recent works of Offenbach and Lecocq. Among the earlier composers are Blewitt and Hunne- mann, and the tragedian Edmund Kean, who has a place in the collection as the composer of “Sweet Kitty Clover.” A. Rºse Book Mr. J. W. Thornton of Winthrop, Mass., has in his possession a very quaint and curious book, written by William Wood, and pub- lished in 1634, entitled: “New England's Prospects, A true, lively and experimental description of that part of America commonly called New England; discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new come English Planters; and to the old native Inha- bitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling Reader, or benefit the future Voyager.” In Speaking of the climate, the writer remarks “that it is observed by the Indians that every tenth year there is little or no Winter, which hath beene twice observed of the Eng- lish ; the year of New Plimouth mens arrivall was no Winter in comparison and in the tenth years after likewise when the 'great company settled themselves in Massachusetts Bay.” After speaking of the healthfulness of the climate, the nature of the soil and the products, animals, birds, fishes, etc., he goes on to speak of the “severall plantations in particuler.” “Boston is two miles North-east from Roa- berry; His situation is very pleasant, being a peninsula hem’d in on the South-side with the Bay of Rowberry, on the North-side with Charly- river, the Marshes on the backe-side, being not half a quarter of a mile over. Among other scraps of information is the fact that to the north-west is “a high mountaine with three little rising Hils on the top of it, wherefore it is called the Tramount.” “This Towne,” we are told, “although it is neither the greatest nor the richest is the most noted and fre- quented, being the centre of the Plantations where the monthly courts are kept.” THE ALBANY NEws COMPANY, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS AND NEWS DEALERS, 512 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Catalogue of Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent on application. THE ST. LOUIS |[NNEWSIMW B00KSELLERS, Stationers and News Dealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- tions, which are received daily by Express. STATIONERY, In Great Variety, both Foreign - and Dormestic. ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. 307 North. Fourth Street, SAINT I IOUIS. INDEX, TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Saturday Evening Post.--------------- 2d page of cover, The Tribune Extras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d { { { { J. B. Lippincott & Co., Standard Books, 4th {{ {& Wants. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'IPage 25 Books Wanted and For Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - “ 25 Excelsior Printing Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - * “ 25 Parkeepers' Manual.-------------------------- “ 25 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . “ 25 Gillott's Pens--------------------------------- “ 25 Spencerian Pens ------------------------------ “ 26 Cincinnati News Company-------------------- “ 26 R. Worthington & Co.—Stand'd English Books. “ 27 William F. Gill & Co.. . . . . . ------------------- “ 28 American News Company--------------------- “ 28 New York Blank Book Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 28 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I3 D. APPLETON & CO., New York. My Story. By Mrs. MacQuoid. 8vo, cloth and paper. Diseases of Children. By Steiner. 8vo, cloth and sheep. Principles of Sociology. 12mo, 80 pp., paper, 60c. - Hearts and Hands. By Christian Reid, 8vo, cloth and paper. By Herbert Spencer. BAKER, VOORHIS & CO., New York, Waterman on Trespass. To be completed in two || vols. De Colyar on the Law of Guaranties and of Principal and Surety. With Extensive Annota- tions and References to American Cases. By James Ap- pleton Morgan. * A Digest of the Law of Railways. By R. Bach McMasters. © A Treatise on the Doctrine of Ultra, Vires. By Seward Brice. M.A., LL.D. American. Edition, with full Notes and References to American Cases, by Ashbel Green. Benedict’s U. S. District Court Reports. Wol. VI. 4 º' BENZIGER BROS., New York. Catholic National Series—Second Reader. By Rt. Rev. Richard Gilmour, I). D. Illustrated. 12mo, 166 pp., half bound, 40c. A. K. BUTTS & CO., New York. The Cultivation of Art, and its Relations to Religious Puritanism and Money-get- ting. By A. R. Cooper. 12mo, 48 pp., paper, 25c.; flexible cloth, 50c. Antiquity of Christianity. 12mo, 60 pp., paper 35c. - By John Alberger. sº-sº-sº-sº HENRY C. BAIRD, Philadelphia. A New Monetary System. By Făward Kellogg. Edited with a memoir of the author, by his daughter, Mary Kellogg Putnam. 12mo, cloth and paper. CASSELL, PETTER & GALPIN, New York. Studies on Design. Parts I. and II. By Prof. Chris. Dresser. Large colored designs. Follo, 20 parts, $1.25. ROBERT CARTER & BROS., New York. The Rent Veil. By Horatius Bonar, D.D. 12mo, 240 pp., cloth, $l.25. Floss Silverthorn; or, The Master's Little Handmaid. By Agnes Giberne. 16mo, 350 pp., Cloth, $1.25. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. Annette ; or, The Chronicles of Bellevue. By Charlotte Walsingham. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. IMy Danish Days. By G. W. Griffin. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. G. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. “Crofutt’s Transcontinental Tourist for the Traveler. From New York to San Francisco, via the Pacific Railroads. Beautifully illustrated. New edition. $1.50. Led Astray and The Sphinx. Two novels. tave Feuillet. TranSlated from the French. By Oc- { Rook ANNouncements FOR }ANUARY, DIOSSY & Co., New York. Abbott’s N. Y. Practice Reports. 2. By Austin Abbott. 8vo, 96 pp., paper. Wol XVI. No. W. F. DRAPER, Andover, Mass. - Index to the Bibliotheca, Sacra. Wols. I. to XXX. Embracing a Topical Index, an Index of Scripture Texts and Lists of Greek and Hebrew Words. By W. F. Draper. Subscription book. 8vo, xiv., 280 pp., cloth, $3. PATRICK DONAHOE, BOSton. Theologia Morales. Part III. (Concluding part.) By Rev. A. Konings, C.SS.R. 8vo, paper, $1.50. Willy Reilly and his Dear Colleen Bavvm. By Wm. Carleton. 12mo, 518 pp., paper, 50c. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. Patmos : or, The Kingdom and the Patience. By Rev. J. A. Smith, D.D., editor of the “Standard,” Chicago. 250 pp.; $1.50. WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. The Womarl of Fire. By A. Belot. 50,000 copies of this mºst sensational of novels, by the author of * Article 47,” have been sold in Paris. 8vo, 175 pp., cloth, $1.25; paper, 75c. FIRNRY HOIT & CO., New York. Mr. Smith’s Family Records. By S. B. Walford. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Has arene. By Guy Livingston. Svo, paper, 75c. After Dark, and Other Tales. By Wilkie Collins Illustrated. 12mo, 536 pp., cloth, $1.50. A Tale of Two Cities. . By Charles Dickens. Forty- one illustratious. 8vo, 160 pp., cloth, $1; paper, 50c. Mr. Vaughan's Heir. By Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, 200 pp., cloth, $1.50; paper, $1. H. O. HOUGHTON & CO., Boston. Massachusetts Reports. 115 Reports of Cases Ar- gued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By John Lathrop. 8vo, law sheep, $5.50. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Southern Explorers and Colonists. vard, D. D. $l.25. Pioneers of Maryland. Harvest and Reapers. $1. By J. Ban- By J. Banward, D.D. $1.25. By Rev. Harvey Newcomb. LITTELL & GAY, Boston. Littell's Living Age. Fifth Series. Vol. VIII. ; or, 123d volume from the beginuing. 8vo, 824 pp., cloth, $3. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia, Dental Pathology and Surgery. With 133 illus- trations. By Sulter. 8vo, cloth. On Diseases of the Skin, Including the Ex- anthemata. By Prof. Hebra. Translated and edited by Dr. Hilton Fugge, 8vo, cloth. Clinical Studies. Illustrated by cases in Hospital and Private Practice. By Sir John Rose Cormack, M.D. 8vo, 500 pp., cloth. I4. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. Romance of the English Stage. By Percy Fitz- gerald. Crown Svo. The Old Fountain Inn, and Other Poems. By A. T. M. 16mo. Memorial Velume of the Virginia Military Institute. 8vo. Memoirs of J. Q. Adams. Vol. IV. Portions of his Tiary ſrom 1795 to 1848. Charles Francis Adams. 8vo. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. By William Robertson, D.D. With an Account of the Life of the Emperor after his Abdication. By W. H. Prescott. New edition. 3 vols., cloth, half calf, gilt extra. - Wildmoor. A Novel. By Florence Burckett. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Its Pathology, Nature, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Causes, Hygiene, and Medical Treatment. By Addison P. Dutcher, M.D. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Public Mera and Events. From the Commence- ment of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent (“Oliver Oldschool’’). 8vo. Derry’s History of the United States. History of the United States for Intermediate Schools. By Joseph T. Derry, Professor of Ancient Languages in Academy of Richmoud College, Augusta, Georgia. With numerous illustrations. 12tno. Political Ethics. and revised edition. LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Schiller’s HEsthetical Essays. Containing, also, bis Philosophicai I.etters and the Essay on the Connection between the Animal and Spiritual Nature in Man. 12mo, cloth. The Recent Origin of MIan. With illustrations, 8vo Comprising Edited by Hon. By Francis Lieber, LL.D. New Euited by Theodore D. Woolsey, By James C. Southall. LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. The Island of Fire ; or, A Thousand Years in the Old Northmen's Home, 874–1874. By Rev. P. C. Headley, author of “Life of Empress Josephine.” 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Forever Lost. Sermons on Eternal Punishment. Prof. L. T. Townsend, author of Credo. 16mo, cloth. Young Folks' History of the United States. By F. W. Higginson. 16mo, cloth. Reading Club. No. 2. By Geo. M. Baker. cloth, 50c. Morals of Abou Ben Adhem—Eastern Fruit in Western Dishes. By D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). 12mo, cloth. The Lover, and Other Miscellanies. By Sir Richard Steele. Compiled by J. E. Babson. Uniform with “Wishing Cap Papers,” etc. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. By 16mo, MILLS & CO., Des Moines, Iowa. Field’s County and Township Officers of Iowa. By G. W. Field. Large 8vo, 500 pp., law sheep, $5. GEORGE MUNRO, New York. Bloodthirsty Ben. Munro's Ten Cent Novels. No. 207. 10C. Old Scalpler. Munro’s Ten Cent Novels. No. 298. 10c. Old Quickshot. Munro's Ten Cent Nowels. No. 299. 10C. ALBERT MASON, New York. Historical Collections of Louisianna, and Florida. . By Col. B. F. French. Tinted paper. 8vo, 308 pp., cloſh, $4. " - McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. X1. No. 1. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, $5 per vol. - National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. XI. No. 2, 8vo, 56 pp., paper, $5 per vol. Living Authors at the New York Bar. edition. 8vo, 50 pp., paper, $1; cloth, $1.50. Municipal Law, and its Relations to the Constitution of Man. By R. S. Guernsey. 8vo, 12 pp., paper, 25c. The Psychological and Medico-Legal Jour- In all. By W. A. Hammond, M. I.). 8vo, 64 pp., paper, 50c. The Psychological and Medico-Legal Jour- Rial. Vol. I. By W. A. Hammoud, M. D. Now Series. 8vo, 404 pp., sheep, $3.50; cloth, $3.25. Extra JOHN P. MORTON & CO., Louisville, Ky. Home and School. Vol. III. By Wm. J. Davis, edi- tor. 3 vols., large 8vo, 576 pp., cloth, $2.50. MACMILIAN & CO., New York. Catholic Reform, by Father Hyacinthe—Letters, Fragments, Discourses. Translated by Madame Hya- cinthe-Loyson. With a Preface by Dean Stanley. 12mo, cloth. - The Methods of Ethics. By Henry Sidgwick, M.A. 8vo. Social Life in Greece. From Homer to Menander. By J. P. Mahaſſy, M.A. Two Dramatic Poems. By M. B. Smedley, author of “ Lady Grace.” Practical Hints on the Quantitative Pro- nunciation of Latin. By A. J. Ellis, M.A., F.R.S. Short Exercises in Latin Prose—Composition and Examination Papers in Latin Grammar. By H. Bel- cher, M.A. 18mo. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Laughter. Vol. V. of Little Classics, $1. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. The Influence of Music om Health and Dis- ease. By H. Chomet. Translated by Laura A. Flint. 12mo, cloth. Teaching : Its Ends and Means. Calderwood, LL.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. Religion as Affected by Modern Material- is aka. By Jas. Martineau, LL.D. With Introduction by Rev. H. W. Bellows. Treatment of Nervous Diseases with Elec- tricity. By Friedrich Fieber, M.D. Translated by G. M. Schweig, M.D. By Rev. Hy. PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, Philadelphia. Preparing to Teach. For Study by Sabbath School Teachers and Training Classes. By John Hall, D.D., E. P. Humphrey, D.D., LL.D., Wm. H. Green, D.D., LL.D., Francis L. Patton, D.D., and J. Bennett Tyler. Large 12mo, 408 pp., muslin. &ºmº ºmsºmºn T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia. The Clandestine Marriage. By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy. New edition. 12mo, morocco cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.50. How He Won Her. A Sequel to “Fair Play; or, The Test of the Lone Isle.” By Mrs Emina D. E. N. South- worth. Being the third volume of the new edition of Mrs. Southworth’s works. 12mo, morocco cloth, $1.75. The Mohicans of Paris. By Alexander Dumas. Translated from the French for this edition. 8vo, paper, 75C. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. . I 5. The Horrors of Paris. A Sequel to “The Mohicans of Paris.” Translated from the French ſor this edition. 8vo, paper, 75c. A Light and a Dark Christmas. By Mrs. Henry Wood. New edition. 8vo, 25c. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. A Rambling Story. By Mary Cowden Clarke, author of “The Iron Cousin,” “Girlhood of Shakspeare's Hero- ines,” etc. 16mo, $1.50. Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life, 1813–1873. By John, Earl Russelſ. 8vo. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & Co., New York. The Greville Memoirs of the Reigns of George IV. and William V. In the Bric-à-Brac Series. Square 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. Assyrian Explorations and Discoveries. By George Smith. Numerous cuts, plates, plans, etc. 8vo, 400 pp., cloth. Hours in a Library. By Leslie Stephens. 12mo, cloth. Wedding Garments. By Mrs. McLean, author of “Lifting the Weil.” 12mo, cloth. E. STEIGER, New York. Ahn's Third German Book. 12mo, boards. IRelief Map of New York and Environs. By JOS. Schedler. Relief Map of Boston and Environs. By Jos. Schedler. By Dr. P. Hebn. HENRY L. SHEPARD & Co., Boston. The History of the United States Marine Corps. By M. Almy Aldrich and Capt. R. S. Collum. 8vo, cloth extra, $5. K. TOMPKINS, New York. Righteousness. A Compilation of Scripture. 4to, 78 pp., paper, 50c. Small UNIVERSITY PUB. CO., New York. Geometry in Space. By C. S. Venable, LL.D. ...This completes the Plane Geometry, by same author, published in September last. The two combined will constitute one volume. Crowu 8vo, 150 pp., cloth, $1. Elements of Geometry. Crown 8vo, 350 pp., cloth, - T. WHITTAKER, New York. The Social Law of God. Sermons on the Ten Com- mandments. By E. A. Washburn, D.D. 12mo, cloth, $2. Report of the First American Church Con- gress. 8vo, paper. U. D. WARD, New York. The Prayer-Meeting Hymn Book. Compiled by Jobn Dowling. 32mo, cloth, 30c.; boards, 25C. International Expositor for 1875. First quarter. By Rev. W. Newland. To be published each quarter for 1875. Paper, 25c. + YOUNG & BARTLETT, Boston. Congregational Worship. By Rev. A. J. Gordon, author of “In Christ.” 12mo, cloth. T. E. ZELL, Philadelphia. The United States Business Directory for 1875. By Colange. 8vo, 1700 pp., half bound, $10. The U. S. Register and Blue Book for 1875. By Disturnell. 8vo, 180 pp., cloth, $2. Pecember PUBLIcations. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By John W. Draper. International Scientific Series. 12mo, 374 pp., cloth, Š1.75. e Theology in the English Poets. By Rev. Stopford A. Brooke, M.A. 12mo, 340 pp., cloth, $2. The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. I. By Hubert Howe Bancroſt. To be completed in five vols., 8vo, 798 pp., cloth, $6; sheep, $7.50; half calf, $9; half R., $9; Russia, $12. A Brief Eſistory of Culture. By John S. Huttell, 12mo, 330 pp., cloth, $1.50. - Commercial Cryptograph. , A Telegraph Code. By J. G. 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Gatty. 30c. Angel Adored. (Ange Adoré.) Benedict. 40c. Salve Regina. Buck. For baritone or contralto. 50C. I am so Versatile. Knight. 30c. In Her Garden. Hatton. 40c. Jessie May. Mrs. Whitney. Song and chorus, 80c. Oh, Touch not the Wine Cup, Dear Brother; Tucker. 30C. what Johnny said to Me. Daniello. 20c. Nobody Knows as I Know. Clay. 30c. Oh, How Delightful: Molloy. Waltz song, 30c. INSTRUMENTAL- IRutsche Polka. Stasny. 30c. City of Peking Galop. Pratt. 30c. On the Banks of the Hudson Polka • 40c. Buds from the Opera. For 4 hands. No. 12–Mar- riage of Figaro. - Old Folks at Home. Arranged by Richards. 40c. success Polka. (Ketterer's.) Rummel. 4 hands. $1. Beauties of the Princess of Trebizonde. Offen- bach. Galop, arranged by Knight, 30c.; Waltz, arranged by Knight, 30c. Fallmann. TROS. J. HALL, New York. Bonnie Bessie Lyle. Henry Tucker. Ballad. Oh, Linger by my Side : H. P. Danks. chorus. 40c. Rapid Transit. A. Silberberg. Galop. Evening Zephyrs. J. C. Meininger. Caprice Mazurka. 35C. Song and J. L. PETERS, New York. Friendly Eyes Waltz. Berger 50c. Dreamland. Maylath. Morceau. 40c. Cujus Ammano. Wagner. Transcription. Forest Hymn. Wilson. Meditation. 30c. Life’s Morning Star. Glover. Ballad. 30c. Homeward Bound. Wagner. Morceau. 50c. Nellie’s Wedding Waltz. Heilbron. 50c. 40c. IEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Mrs. Jones and Her Baggage. Howard Paul. Comic Song. 35C. Ostrolenka. G. W. Tryon, Jr. Libretto. 15c. Ruy Blas. G. W. Tryon, Jr. Libretto. 15c. Write Me a Letter, Mother. Davidson. Song. 30c. Won’t You Kiss Me Good-Night, Little Dar- ling : Raymond. 30c. We Will Walk in the Streets of the City. Winner. 30t;. Beauties of Il Talisman. Tryon, Jr. 75C. Devil’s Call Galop. A. Beckett, Jr. Quartette. 40c Devil’s Call Galop. A. Beckett, Jr. Quintette, 50. Les Roses Valses. Métra. 60c. Though Lost to Sight, to Memory Dear. Orr. Finnie. 35C. - I Want to See Mamma. Once More. Charlie Ross. E. Mack. 40c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. And So Will I. Pensuti. Song. 30c. O, That We Two Were Maying. duet. 35C. Captivating Beau. Gatty. Wocal Mellais. Comic song. 30c. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. You Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry. Song, with chorus. 30c. A11 for this Chilly, Driving Rain. Patterson. Song, with chorus. 4UC. The Heart Song. A. E. Wimmerstedt. Song. 30c. Minnie W. 2O THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. * THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS LIs T of NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. Iſ the following fules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to Supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear, in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d,—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.—The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needod, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.-Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.—We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to sur dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. 11th.-News- dealers pay the Postage on their Packages of Newspapers and Periodicals as received, at the same rate of postage as if paid quarterly in advance. - PoSTAGE To NEWSDEALERs. * NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Forty Cents per 104. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, One Cent for every Four Ounces. PAPER COVERED NOVELS, do. do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : . CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $......... ................, which pass to my credit, and Send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this ; 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. - 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. 5 Waverley. - 3 Harper's Magazine. - 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leshe's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, - e tº e º e * * * * * * * * * * e º e º 'º e º º e º sº tº e s e e º e º e º e º e º e º 'º e & Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : g [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– - 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e g º e º 'º & e º a tº $ e º 'º e º 'º is e º e ºs ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated NeWSpaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ { { 6 3 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * & e º & e º e º ºs º e º 'º e º ºs e º º is & 8 & e < e < e < e < * g º ºs º ſº e s is tº e º ºs e e e & 4 ( & 13 2 Old and NeW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º 'º. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * & C & & 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ & 4 3 CUT OFF- . 2 Waverley.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3. 3 Chimney Corner... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * e --------..... “ • 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Moºthly and Mirror of Fashions. ............ . ...................... cc $6 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Fvery Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1. Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said, alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city And the last date the change Was made. Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 2 I Wholesale and Retail Prices. ºf New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since Our last issue are marked With a $. Trade Ret. Price. Commercial Bulletin......... 3% Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 N York Couriep des Etats Unis 3% 4 New York Evêning Commer- cial Advertiser. .......... 2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 134 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista . . . . . . tº e e º ºs e < * * * * 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 &= - Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal. . . . . . . . . 73% 10 American Gael (The)... . . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 American Republic . . . . . . . . . . 3 * American Sportsman. . . . . . . . . 7 I 0 American Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Appleton’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . & as tº * g e s c e s e e 7 10 Army and Navy Journal . . . . .11 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria . . . . . . . -- - - - . . . . . . 7 10 Banner of Light...... . . . . . . . 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 3% 5 Baptist Weekly..... ...... -- 4 — Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independeut. . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 : Boston Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated NeWS. ... 8 10 Capital... . . . . . . . . . . e gº e s is e º 'º e 4 6 Catholic Mirror. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5' 8 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . ... . . 4%. 6 Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Challen’s 10c. Novels. . . . . . . . 7 * Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer....... 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 3% 6 Church and State. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Church Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 *sº Church Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 ©Churchman (The) . . . . . . . . . . T – Coal and Iron Record... . . . . . . 7 10 College Courant.... . . . . . . . . tº gº I0 Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . . . • e º ºs e e s is a e e s ºf 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman. . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Courier desRtats Unis ....... 9 10 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . ... ... 7% 10 I D A I L. Y P A P J E J R S. Trade Ret. * Price. New York Evening Post...... 4 5 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York Evening Witness ... 34 1 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2%. 3 New York Herald. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 New York Journal (German). 2%. 3 SIE IV ( II = W E E K L'Ye New York Express..... . . . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E R I, Ye Critic (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Crusader... . . . . . . . . . . . .----- 1% Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 8% — Das Neue Heim........ . . . . . . 7 10 Day Book... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . .. 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit...... . . . . . . . 7 *-* Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 * Dwight's Journal of Music. ... 8 tº- Economist........... . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 10 El Espejo (semi-mo.) . . . . . . . .18 – Elite (The)...... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 5 Engineering and Mining Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I0 Episcopalian................. 6 S Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Every Saturday..... . . . . . . . . 7 10 . Examiner and Chronicle...... 4% 6 Farmer’s Home Journal...... 4 rººm-º: Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * Fireside Companion.......... 4% 6 Fireside Journal. . . . . . . . . . ... 2 3 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream........... 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 { { “ Lady’s Journal. 7 10 { { “ Boys and Girls’ - Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 { { “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { “ Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . ... --- 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers' Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Harper’s Weekly.. . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Hearth and Home. . . . . . . . . . .. 5 10 Hebrew Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . º e º e s ∈ a tº e 7 10 Herald (California).......... 4% 5 Herald §. . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 ©Fſome Circle... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 5 Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 10 New York Sun .. Those the prices of which have Trade Ret. Price. New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . . 2% New York Staats Zeitung..... New York Star . . . . . . * * * tº e º 'º º * ë e º e e s & e º 'º e e New York Times ... . . . . . . . . . New York Tribune....... . . . . New York World. . . . . . . . . . . . New York Times ............. New York Tribune........... 3}. New York World ............ Inventor’s Internat'l Gazette.. Investigator.... . . . . . . . . © º 'º e Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irish American Irish Democrat. ............ Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jewish Messenger..... te e º 'º e º 'º Jewish Times La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . Living Age. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Independent... . . . . . . 4. Medical Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . Mercury (N. Y.)....... .... 6 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methodist ... . . . . . . . . . . MetroSolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . .22 My Cigar.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% New Sensation . . . . . . . . º e º e º e New York Albion............ 7 New York Clipper . . . New York Courier . . . . . . . . . . . New York Dispatch.......... New York Era . . . . . * * * * * * * * New York Family Story Paper. New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger..... . . . . . . . 4 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . New York School Journal . . . . New York Tablet . . . . . tº e s ∈ E is e New York Varieties.......... 7 New York Weekly........... News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 Our Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Peopie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 People’s Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eye’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6% Polico Gazette..... ------.... 7 i i i i I ; i l 0 ; ; i 22 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. * Trade. Ret. rice. police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 Pomeroy's Democrat........ . . 4% 6 Trairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Price Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Presbyterian . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 -> 3&ailroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . 15 Railway Times .............. 7% lo Real Estate Record ... . . . . . . . 19 - Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10 Rural New Yorker...... ..... 4 6 Rambler (Fortnightly). . . . . . . 5 - San Francisco China, New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 $aturday Night... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Saturday Portfolio........... 2 — Saturday Star Journal........ 4% 6 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Inad ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ... . . 7... 10 Scientific American.......... 5% 8 Scotsman (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Scottish American Journal... 5 7 :Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 T5 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 10 Singers’ Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Skandinavische Post...... ... 5 8 South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 – Spiritualist at Work ........ - 5 — Advance 10c. Novels. . . . . ... 6% — ( & “ Song Books... 5 - t ( “ . Hand “ . . 5 - Agriculturist (English)..... . 9 15 Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9. 15 Amateur... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Antiquarian ... . . . .28 50 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 - American Brewers' Gazette. 35 - American Builder. . . . . . . . . . .23 30 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 American Exchange & Review.20 25 American Historical Record. 28 35 American Homes. . . . . . . . . . . 14 - Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 - Amer. Illus. Industrial Journal 4 6 American Journal of Health and Medicine...... . . . . . . . ... 7 - American Journal of Philately. 9 12 American Law Register...... 40 50 American Miscellany. . . . . . . . 15 25 Amer. Miscellany; Back Nos. 12 — American Naturalist......... 24 35 American Odd Fellow . . . . . . . .17 25 American Stock Journal. . . . . . 7 10 American Sketch Book...... 35 - American Tales.............. 8% 15 American Turfman... . . . . . . . . 15 - Appleton’s Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . tº º 'º - e º 'º & ſº e º 40 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . . .28 - Architectural Magazine . . . . . . 38 - Archives Medical Science . . . .35 - Arthur's Home Magazine..... 14 20 Association Monthly . . . . . . . . 7 10 Atlantic Monthly.........'... 28 35 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Bankers’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Ibankrupt Register..... ... . . .38 50 Beadle's Publications : . . . . Dime Books ..... . . . . . . . . . . 6% & & ** 100 or OVer . . . . 6 : & 4 « 1000 “ ... 5% Song Books... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 { { “ 100 or over . . . . . 4% { { ** 1000 “ . . . . . 4 lºcekeepers' Journal ..... . . . . ... 6 - Best Words ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Catholic World .. W. E. E. K. L. Y. — Continued. - Trado e Ret. The Echo................ The Index ... . . . . . . The People ..... * e s e e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. 6 3 Thompson's Reporter ........ 6 Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . ------ 9 Toiler (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 e a • * * % NT O N T | H [L. Ye Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly)... 8 Bon Ton .......... . . . . . . . . . .45 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Carriage Journal ...... . . . . . .22 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union.... . . . . . . 4% . . . . . . . . . . 83 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts).20 Children's New Church Maga- zine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chronotype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Church Monthly............. 20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% . Clothier and Hatter...... .... 10 Coin Chart Manual........... 23 Comic Monthly ....... ... .. 7 Comic News ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Son’s) . . . . . ºn tº e > * * e º 'o e - e. e < * * 11 Creme de la Creme . . . . . ... . .33 Crofutt's Western World ..... 5% ©De La Salle Monthly..... .17 Delineator Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 8 Domestic.......... ...... 10 Demorest's Magazine..... . . . . 20 Demorest’s Young America... 7 I}e Nordendorf’s Monthly... 4% Dental Cosmos ...... . . . . . .22 De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly)....... 0 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21:... . . . . . . . . 6% De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . .10 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . -----. . 6% De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly)... 5 - - - - - Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 ©Druggists’ Circular. ..... ... 12 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 Educational Monthly ........ 17 El Ateno (Spanish)....... . . . . 38 Every Saturday (mo, parts).33 El Sur Americano (semi mo.).10 Exchange Market ........... TiO3. Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Sunday Citizen ... . . . . . . . . ... 3%. — Sunday Courior.............. 4 - Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Democrat... . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Dispatch ... . . . . . . . . . 7% – Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 *- Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Mercury........ . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -- Sunday Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% - Sunday Times ............... 6 7 Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunny South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 10 12 5 6 6 I 5 20 Horticulturist lnsurance Gazette Trade Ret. Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 Fireside (Musical) Floral Cabinet. . . . . . * * * * Folio (Musical)....... * a s e s e e 10 Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls' W’kly (mo. pºts)18 Budget of Fun...10 Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 Lady’s Journal (mo. parts)...30 Lady's Magazine (mo. parts)...27 Pleasant Hours.10 27 { { { { {{ { % Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6% Globe (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Godey's Lady’s Book........ .21 Golden Hours..... * * * * Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Grand Army Gazette . . . . . Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . . Hall’s Journal of Health...... 12 Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 Herald of Health 19 Historical Magazine.... Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . Holloway’s Musical Monthly.. Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . 9 30 e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e e s tº e - Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 Hub (The).... ... * * * * * * * * * * * Industrial Monthly.... ...... 9 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 { { * { (with Supplt).3 t 7 Inland Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Insurance Monitor ...... Insurance Times........... Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . . Internal Revenue Record 7 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 \ - Price. Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10. The Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1% - Union Advocate ... . . . . . . . . . . 2%. -- Universe..... e - © e º a c & 8 ... .... 5 8. Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . .1% – Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal ..... ... 8 10 Waverley Magazine. ... . . . . . .11 15 Weekly Demokrat .......... 4 7 Weekly Era ....... . . . . . . . . . . 2, , 3' Weekly Express ...... ... . . . . 3% 5 Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . % 4 Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4%. 6. ©Weekly Mail......... . . . . . . 4% 4. Weekly News......... - - - - - - . 3%. 5 Weekly New York Journal... 4% 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Weekly Post.......... e e º e º 'º - 3% 5’ Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3% 5. Weekly Star........... . . . . . 2 * Weekly Sun ................. '2% 4 Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Weekly Tribune ............. 3% 5 Weekly Witness. .......... ... 2 3 Weekly World..... e e s a e s e e ... 3% 5 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 15 Woman's Journal... . . . . . ... 4% 6 Woodhull & Claſlin's Weekly... 7 10 Yankee Blade ..... .. • * * * * * * * 3% 7 Young Men of America...... , 3% — Youth’s Companion......... . 3 5 s 50 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. MI O N T H [L. Y. – Continued. FO R. E. I. G.N P Ełł I O D H C A L S – W E E K L Y. Trade Ret. Trade Ret, Trade Ret. - - Price. - Price. Price, Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Nature (mo. parts, 4 NUS.). . . 40 50 | Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . ... 25 35 monthly)....... ..........., 7 10 | New and Old Friends ........ , 6% – | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25 . . . .9% iſ In America (ºnly) ... 13 18 | New Era.... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 20 | Sailors'. Mug zine . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Lady’s Own Magazine ... .... 14 — , New Jersey Record . . . . . . . -- | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 30 Lady's Repository ... . . . . . . .27 35 | New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 == Ladies' Friend... ........... 16 25 | New Yorker Musick Zeitung... 6 — | Schoolday Magazine... . . . . . . .: 7 10 La Mode Elegårite........ ... 38 50 | New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 Science of Health............ 14 25 Laud and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 — Scott's Mirror of Fashion... . .38 Land Owner................ .. 7% 10 | New York Lithograph........ 7 10 | Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 LaWS-ef Life.... ....... . . . 10 15 || Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 7% 10 | Silliman's Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 Ile Charivaria .............. . 4% — | N. Amer. Journ. of Homeopathy85 — Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 Little Corporal............... 10% 15 Nursery (The)............ ... 10 | 5 || Spirit of the Press ......... ... 4 *º- Literary Miscellany... . . . . . . . 6 0 ! Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 37% — Star-Spangled Banner ... .... 4% 6 Literary World..............ll — Offord's Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Lippincott’s Magazine.... . . . . 27 35 | Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 Sunday Magazine............ 18 25 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 ()ld and New ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 35 | St. Chrystostom’s Magazine...15 — Locke's Mo....... tº e º e º 'º - * * * 8 — Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 35. 6% 10 | St. Nicholas................. 1 - London Family Herald....... 18 -- “ Pop’l"r Novels, 1 to 29. 6% 10 | St. Paul's Magazine.......... 23 30 London Lancet ... .......... 35 50 ( & 10. Ct. Novels, 1 to 13. 6% 10 | Texas New Yorker........ ... 17 10 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 - “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 42. 5 10 ! The Domestic ............... 3 * Mackey's Freemason...... ... 22 30 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 10 8%. 15 The Illus. Household Mag. .... 7 * Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 - ‘‘ 2S. I.etter Writor . . . . 15 25 | The Lens....................70 * Manufacturer and Buiſder.... 12 15 Our Friend (semi-monthly)... 2 – The Nutional. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 33 — Mark Twain's Sketches....... 16 — Overland Monthly... . . . . . . . . 26 35 | There and Back (Guide)...... 14 - echanic .......... -e e º e = < * * * — Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 — | Thompson’s Descriptive List. 16 25 Medical News and Library... 10 — Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo). I — Trans-Continental Guide...... 40 50 Medical News Supplement(Suc- Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 || @Traveler's Official Guido ... 25 50 Mcessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 — | Pension kecord.... . . . . . .... 6 — | Truth Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - Medical Record.............. 15 20 | Peters’ Household Molodies... 30 — Union Era (parts)...... • * * * * * 25 - Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . .18 - “ Parlor Music......... 30 — | University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 | Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector.11 15 v.,,, N • , rn r. 2 c. I?". ' iſ lº'n Cri- Metropolitan sº . . . . . . . 16 20 | Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Vº º º lºngi 35 50 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 | Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poultry 2I'll]}} . \laga Zlly 6. . . . . . . . . . t º Mother's Journal ............ 12% 20 Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Watchmaker aud Jeweler. ... 17 . — Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 232. 6%. 10 | Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5. Waverley M. g. (monthly parts)42 60 Munro’s 10 Cent Song Books, Phrenological Journal . . . . . . . . 21 30 | Welcome Guest(semi-m'thly). 7 -*. from 1 to 14.... . . . ....... 5 10 Phunny Phe low. ... . . . . . . . . . 734 10 | Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 25 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 || Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 || Wild Oats (semi-monthly) ... 7 10 Musical World (Cleveland). . . 9 — l’opular Literature . . . . . . . . . . 20 — I Work and Wealth........... ... 3 5 National Agriculturist and Bee Popular Science Monthly . . . .37 50 Work and Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% — Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 || Poultry World...... ë e º e º e º a s 8 12 || Working Farmer'. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 National Car Builder........ 7 — | Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 — | Workshop.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 National Live Stock Journal., 16 25 | Psychological Journal...... .37% 50 Yankee Noti ns.......... . . . . 7%. 10 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 Pulpit of the Day........ . ... 6 10 | Young Catholic.............. 3 5 National S. S. Teacher... . . . . . 10 15 || Railway Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . .33 — | Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I () Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 I Rand & McNally Guide. . . . . . .28 40 | Young Ladies’ Journal . . . . . . . 27 — National Temperance Advocate 9 10 | Record and Repository....... 6 — Youth’s Progress........... . 10 — Q U A R T E R L Y HE E VIEW s, ET C. American Church Reviow $0 90 — I Church and World . . . . . . . . $0 85 — National Quarterly Review.S1 12 -* American Journal Medical Congregational ..... . . . . . . . 50 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . ... 90 * Sciences ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 — | Coutemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 | New Remedies ...... . . . . .35 50 Amer Journal of Obstetrics | 12 – Delineator 5 10 | North American Review:::1 123 – American law Review . . . . . .[ 05 - º h Review 're rint s: No. Am. Jour of Homoepathy 85 * Baptist Quarterly....... . . . . 85 -*. fi If § •] wº ( !. ) 62 T | Presbyterian Quarterly and Bibliotbeca Sacra... . . . . . . . 1 00 – || “....”"I go Princeton Review . . . . . . . . 75 — Braithewaite's Reirospect...I 05 — | * * . . . . . . . . . e- T | Rankin’s Half-Y’rly Abstract 60 1 50 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 — International Review (bi- Smith’s Pattern B.uzar...... 20 — Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 67 — monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 -* Browdson's Review........ 1 00 — Journal Social Science...... 1 25 — | Westminster Review ...... 62 * Christian Examiner........ 67 — London Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . 62 — What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 •º- Christian Quarterly. . . . . . . . 85 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 — | Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 *=- - Trude Price. Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l6 All the Year Round ©Architect Athenaeum ......... ... Belfast News. . . . . . . . . . . Bell's Life.............. Bow Bells ...... . . . . . . . . 5 & Builder......... . . . . . . 12 ©Building News........ Cassell’s Magazine ...... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 ©Chemical News....... Christian World......... 5 Church Reviow . . . . . . . * * Church Times ... ....... 6 Court Journal .......... Dispatch ............... Economist .... ... . . . . . Engineer......... ...... Engineering ............ Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 Trade Price. ©English Mechanic . . . . . Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Family Herald..... . . . . . 5 ©Field.... . . . . . * * * * * a e e 20 Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Runny Folks............ 5 Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Gardener’s Chronicle . . . 20 Gas-Light Journal . . . . . . . Glasgow Herald..... . . . . Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ©Guardian.------. . . . . Illustrated News. . . . . . . . Illustrated Penny . . . . . . Illustrated P. lice News. . Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. . . . . . . Irishman... . . . . . . . . . . . . John Bull ... . . . . . Judy........ • * e º a Trade Price. Lé Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Land and Water . . . . . . . . . 0 Lloyd’s Newspape: . . . . . . 5 L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . 25 Liverpool Mercury i() London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 London Reader...... ... 3 London World . . . . . . . . 20 L’Univers Illustré. . . . . . . 10 Manchester Times....... 10 Mark Lane Express ..... 23 Medical Record . . . . . . . . . IS Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 Musical World . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nation (Dublin)..... .... 7 Nature ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 News of the World. . . . . . 1() ©Notes and Queries. . . . . 12 Obsorver . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trade Price. ©i’all Mall Budget . . . . . . 20 Pall Mall Gazette (file of six dates)... . . . . . . . . 60 1'ictorial World . . . . . . . . . 10 Public Opinion . . . . . . . . 10 l'ublishers’ Circular (fort- nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 &Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 ©Saturday Review . . . . . 16 & Spectator. . . . . . . . . ... 16 Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . I0 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea 5c.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 &Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tailor and Cutter ....... 8 The Titnes (last date).... 14 The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . . 2S. Woekly Register (Cath.) 10 Weekly Times. . . . . . . . . . . 4. 24 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Traclo Price. All the Year Round (part) 36 & \rchitect. . . . . . . . ... 54 A l'g')SV . . . . . . . e e s • * * g e 20 Art, Industrial aud ‘l’ic- torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Athenæuma (part)....... 54 Aunt Judy's Magazine... Band of Hope Review... 2 Belgravia.... ...... tº º tº e Boys of England. . . . . . . . . Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Bow Bells (tuonunly pts.) 27 British Workman . . . . . . . % British Workwoman. . . . . 2% British Juvenile..... . . . 3 ©Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Chambers’ Journal . . . . . 25 Chatterbox. . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Child’s Companion.... . .2% 2 Christian Treasury...... Christian Work . * Churchman’s Companion. 20 Contemp rary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Cottager and Artisan....2% Day of Rºst . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trade Price. Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . . Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 Dublin University Maga- Zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Edinburgh Mc I. Journal. 76 English Woman's Domes- tic Magazine......... , 38 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Family Friend...... ‘. . . .2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury.... .... 20 Farmer's, Magazine. ..... 76 Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fortnightly Review . . . . . 75 Fraser's Magazine..... .1 00 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . .2% Gardener's Magazine. .. 36 Gardener (The)......... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Homilist . . . . . . . . . ..... 30 Illustrated Travels...... 38 Infaut's Magazine....... 2% Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 90 Kind Words . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Iadies' Gazºtto of Fashion 38 30 Fort E I GN P E ºr 1 on I C A L s—MI9 NTHLY. Trade Price. } Trade Price. 16%|, La Mode Illustró3 ...... 1 00 || Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20. Ladies’ Treasury........ 30 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ...... 20. Leisure Hour........... 20 | St. James’ Magazine. . . . , 38 Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 Strahan’s Saturday Jour. London Journal (parts)... 22 nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. London Society . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 ©London&Faris Fashions 38 | Sunday at Home. . . . . . ... 20' McMillan's Magazine . . . . 25 Sunday School Teacher .. 7 Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Sunday School Teacher's Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Treasury ... . . . . . . . . . . 12 ©Monthly Microscopical Sunday School Times. ... 10. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sunday School World.... 1 Mother’s Friend......... 3 | Sunshine ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2% Musical Times . . . . . ..... 8 Sword and Trowel (Spur- geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Once a Week (parts).... 36 Temple Bar............. 38. Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Tinsley's Magazine ...... 38. Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . . Penny Pulpit ... . . . . . . . . 20 | Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 GE H MI A N - A MIER I C A N P U B L IO AT I O N S. Trade l'et. Weekly. Price. Arbeiter-Zeitung.................................3% 5 Atlantische Blätter....................... tº e s - - - s 6 Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º 'º - e. e. e. e. e º 'º - 3 4 † Bibliothek Populärer Erzählungen.... . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Frank Li'slie’s Illustrirte Zeitung................. 7 T0 Freischütz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Germania ; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... {} 10 !)er lºcirathsanzeiger .. * * * * * * * e e s e e - e. e. 3 5 Helvetia. . . . . - 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz ... 6 10 Das Neue Heim.......... . . . . . . ..... • * * * * * * * * * 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1, 10 Płonier. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............ 73: 10 Roman Zeitung ................................. 10 15 Schnedderedengg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 7 10 Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .4 Picture. Gallery ........ - 38 in ºr " : . e Popular Science Review W. iºn (Varies)... : - * **** ictoria Magazine....... 38 (qual tel ly) tº e º º - * * * * I 00 Villa. Gardener e 20 ©Portfolio (Art)........ 60 e e º sº e < e < * * Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . 28 || Weddfug Bells...... . . . . 23. Preacher’s Lautern . . . . . . 20 || World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35 Punch (parts).......... 44 || Young Ladies' Journal... 27 Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Science GOSS in . . . . . . . . . . 16 tilin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trade l'et. Pride. Sonnlagst, latt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. ..... ... 3 '4 f Volksbibliothek . . . . . . .... tº e a º e e s - e. e. e. * * * * . ... 6 10 Wespeu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3} 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. 1)emokrat .............. 5 7 Wocheubla',t der N. Y. Presse ... . . . . . . ºr e > * * * * * 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 4 6. Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung .......... 4 6 Semi-Monthly. fi Deutsch-Amerikanische Familienblitter....... 10 15 l)eutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung. ... 6 3 * Magazin der merkwürdigstein u. interessantesten Criminalgeschichten ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 T 8 ft Novellen-Schatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . 20 Mlonthly. Almerikanischer \g icu,turist ......... . . . . . . . . . 1() 15 IMIPORTED GERIVMAN NIAGAZINES AND PERIODIO ALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those market f. First and last number gratis of those marked fi. * Semi-Monthly. t Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 f Pºs Neue Blatt....................... ........ 12 20 # Bante Weſt. .......... ...... . 14 25 ff Buch für Alle.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 15 ' tº eutscher Hausscha z ... ............... ..... 13 20 # Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit. ... .. 6 10 ; t per Hausfreund.................... . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Daleim * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . 10 15 f Illustrirte Welt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 tt Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 iš Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , 9 15 MR onthly. f Ueber Laud und Meer.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 30 | f Gºwerbehalle....................... ... . . 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * e e < * * * * e e 12 20 1 s a Year. Deutsche Rundschau.......... ................. 64 85 f Allgemei e Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 14 25 # for waitinići. • * : - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . 20 85 IMPORTED GERMAN BO orºs PUBLISHED IN PARTs. l'irst number.g'a tis to the trade. - † Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon.............. 2 20 | M. G. Saphir’s Schriſten. J. Sorie. Published in 40 - Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about Pºrts at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .11 20 70 parts, at ..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * 23 40 Schiller's så m titliche Werke. Illustrițe Ausgabe. - Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe: Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .25 Illustrirt von Doré...........' ... . . . º '45 65 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in Friedr. Gerstäcker's Gesammelte Schriſten. Volks. “bout 90 parts, at..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 13 25 u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 parts, at * * > - . . . . . . . 13 25 H. Heine's sāmmtliche Worke. Published in 54 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - , . . . P*::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 14 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at .............. ... ........ & © e º 'º 40 - N E W G E R NII A N Inmported. t \{y}itis, Weisse Frau, 24 pºrts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 i Rinaldo Rinaldini, 30 parts.... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 8 12 i Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Güleeredsclave, 30 parts...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Hexe won Olmütz, 30 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtal:sgabe. Published in 48 parts .... ... 25 O. Spatner’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at...... . . . . . . . . .14 25 Stieler’s Hund-Atlas sámmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...A0 60 PU B L I C A TI O'N S. f Der Freischütz, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . © tº s e º 'º e º 'º a . 8 12 Wildlieb, 30 parts ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 f Don Carlos, 30 parts • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 . 12 DOmestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 I () Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke, 40 parts, at... 7 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 25 WANTED. — TO PURCECASE STEREOTYPE Plates. Address, giving titles and lowest cash prices. P. O. Box 1612, Boston; Mass. wANTED.—A GOOD NEws ROUTE IN NEw * York or Brooklyn. Address Scip, oare of Booksehers Guide, New York. BOOKS WANTED. T. D. WOODRUFF, Quincy, Ill. Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Litera- ture. London, 1859. wº War for the Union. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1863. - State price and condition. W. W. BLOSSOM, Rock Bottom, Mass. Regular Extra and Clearance Catalogues of all Pub. lishers in the United States. * J. F.RANCIS RUGGTIES, Bronson, Mich. Hº “Horoscope,” an astrological work. Philadel. phla. L. B. GREENSLADE. Toronto, Çanada. 3artoll's Life of Judas (with Traditions), 1732. Alexander's History of Women. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. 1719. . American Publishers' and Booksellers' Catalogues. t" . S. B. KIRT LEY & CO., Columbia, Mo. Want to Exchange.— Mrs. Southworth's Novels, good library style, for Geometries. (Davies' £eganäre). Also, ºther standard miscellaneous works to exchange for schºol-books. - YCe! sier Dº Your 0wn Printing Portable $ Press for cards, labels, envelopes C OT ... I t etc. Larger sizes for large work. Nº Business Men do their printing and advertising, save money and increase trade. Almateur Printing, delight ºf a ful pastime for spare hours. BOYS have great fun and make money fast at printing. Send two stamps for full P S catalogue presses type etc, to the Mfrs Tessº” KELSEY & Co.Meriden, Conn. A BOOK WHIC EI E VIERY BARKEEPER WILL FINTO INVALUABLE. 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No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OETIO, * & *AN4; raccorty or 'rti is spr:Nokki.AN STREL PENS, BIRMINGHAM, swa. {\ - º - - º - S P E N C E R I A N Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Double ELASTIC s STEEL PENS Booksellers, - , O The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated St. ati O Il €I’ S 5 Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of N D l more than 5, O C C, OO C. € W S- 633, €Iſ S. The Spencerian Pens are nºt mutactured of the very best material, by tu', most experſ wo: k me! in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity. In rability, and evenuess ºf point. 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In 12 vols. 12mo........ 22.50 | Tirub's Romances of Londo it. 2 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Hallam's Complete Works. In 10 vols. 12mo. Cloth, 18.00 | Tytler's IIistory of Scotland, 2 vols.................. 4.50 Hayes' Ballads of Ireland. 2 vols. 12mo. Cloth. ... 3.75 | Ure's Dict. 3 vols. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 Hazlitt's Works. 5 vols. 12mo. Cloth. Anu. Fol.... 6.25 | Warren’s Works. 5 vols. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.50 Hemans' Works. 6 vols. Cloth. gilt.......... • * * - - - e. 10.00 Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry. 6 vols. Cloth...... , 62.00 Hogarth's Works. In 3 vols. J2nio. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . 9.00 Waverley Novels. Lib Ed. 25 vols. Half calf. ...... 112.00 Hood'8 (Thos.) Works. In 10 vols. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . 18.75 do. do. Centenary Ed. 25 vols. . Cloth.... 30.00 Horne's Introd'n to the Holy Scriptures. 4 vols. Cloth 15.00 lo. do. 25 vols in 12 vols. Half calf....... 24.00 Household Words. 19 vols. Half bound. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.50 do. do. 4 Vols. Half calf. . . . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * 13.50 Hume's History of England. Ann. Ed. 6 vols. Cloth, 7,50 do. do. Dick's Edition iu Paper. Each. 12. Imperial Dictionary of Bible. 2 vols. Ill. 8vo. Half do. (lo. do. do. 2 vols. in 1. In Cloth . .50 Rus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00. Wilson's Noctes Ambrosianaº. 4 vols. Cloth..... . . . . .'' 6.75 Jameson's Works. In 6 vols. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.00 do. (Prof.) Works. 12 vols. Cloth . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 20.25 errold's (D.) Works, 5 yols. 12mo, Cloth.......... 10.50 do. Tales of the Borders. 12 vols. Cloth...... 15.00 Rtto's Bible. 4 Wols. Full inorocco, gilt............ 30.00 do. Pre-Historic Annals of Scotland. 2 vols. . . . . 7.50 Please serid your orders for sonne of the above. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. E TRIBUNE EXTRAS. A LIBRARY FOR ONE DOLLAR. Z'o BOO Atsel/e7°S a 7-d Mew Soledº.2e.7°S : The attention of the trade generally is called to THE NEw York TRIBUNE ExTRAs, of which a full list to date is here with given. The demand for the standard literature which the EXTRAS contain is steadily growing, as shown by the regular and constant increase of sales. The unrivaled cheapness of these EXTRAS places them within reach of all classes of the reading community. Nearly all have a permanent character and value, which assures dealers of a constant and well-sustained sale. - We offer to the trade a liberal discount from the prices named below on the Expr: As in quantities, whether taken in full sets or in selected inumbers. f Circulars, or “miniature " 'Tribunes, giving full details of the contents of each extra sheet, and bearing the dealer's imprint, will be supplied free of charge. For further infor. |mation concerning these most profitable and popular publications, address THE TRIBUNE, New York. ll of the following Eletras (tre issued in Tribºne sheet form, price 19 cents each. Those oria, Keat : thus (*) (tre ºtlso issued in pamphlet form, price 20 cents earch. 1.—Illustrated.—Tyndall on Light. 2.--Beecher's Compulsory Education ; Fields’ Masters of the Situation ; Phillips’ Lost Arts; Bellows’ Is there a God 7 Mark Twain's Sandwich Island Letters. 3.—Illustrated.—Wilder’s Brain and Mind ; Barker's Discoveries of the Spectroscope; Young on the Sun. s - - R” – 3 4.—Shaksperian Studies, Weiss ; Parton’s Pilgrim Fathers; Bret Harte's Argonauts of" . '49. 5.—Illustrated.—Elsberg on Sound and Speech ; Raymond on the Seven Senses ; Godwin on True and False Science. - . 6 and 7.-Beecher’s Yale Theological Lectures. 8.—Method of Creation.—Twelve Lectures by Prof. Agassiz, concerning Animal Life *No. 9.-Illustrated.—A stronomy (Proctor) and Lectures by Agassiz at Penikese. * No. 10.—Illustrated.—Science for 1873–Proceedings of the Meeting of the American Associa. tion for the Advancement of Science, at Portland. f No. 14.—Exploring Expeditions.—Agassiz on the Amazon ; Whitney and Hayden in Colorado No. 15.-Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Troy (Letter by Bayard Taylor); Brown-Séquard on the Nerves; Proctor's Farewell Lectures on Astronomy. *Nos. 17 and 20.—Sermons by the Principal Preachers of all Denominations in New York and vicinity. - *No. 19.-Brown-Séquard on the Nerves; Hammond on Alcohol: Wheeler's Western Surveys; National Academy of Science Papers. - p #3: THE ENTIRE EXTRA SERIES ABOVE DESCRIBED SENT BY MAIL FOR 31. . No. 12–The Evangelical Alliance Meeting in New York (32 pp.), 25 cents. *No. 21.--Coggia's and Biela’s Comets; Meetings at Hartford (1874) of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science and the Philological Convention, etc., etc. No. 22.—Bayard Taylor in Egypt and Iceland. *No. 23.--Tyndall on Science and Religion; Huxley on the Origin of Life (Belfast addresses) Prof. Owen on Man's Earliest History; President McCosh's Reply to Prof. Tyndali. *No. 25.-Gladstone on the Vatican Decrees; Replies by Archbishop Manning and Lord Acton *No. 26.--The Bible and Science.—Six Lectures by Principal J. W. Dawson of Montréal, and Lecture by the Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby, y A'he Daily Tribune, by mail, $10 per year; Semi-Weekly, $3; Weekly, $2. - , POSTAGE FREE TO THE SUBSCRIBER. Rºmit by money order or draft. Address THE TRIBUNE, New York. THE AMERICAN no okSELLERS GUIDE. s - J. B. LIPPIN corr & co’s W VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS surtable For ALL LIBRARIES. #1GELoir's LIFE OF PR.1NKLIN. * * * - '. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Written by himself. Nów first edited from original; manuscripts, and from his printed correspondence and other writings. By Hon. JOHN BIGELów. . Three vols. Crown 8vo. Per vol.:—Extra cloth, $2.50; Library, $3.00; half calf, gilt, $4.50, . . . . . . . . . Młężyor Rs of JOHN QUINCY A.D.A.M.S. - . . . . . . . . . . Comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Hon. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMs. With Portrait. 8vo. Extra cloth. Per vol., $5.00. Three volumes now ready. HAZLITT's LIFE OF NAPOLEON. - - - . . . . The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. By WILLIAM HAZLITT. Illustrated Three vols. Large 12mo, Extra cloth; $4.50; sheep, $6.00. - JPORSTER'S LIFE OF DICICENS. - - - r The Life of Charles Dickens. By John Forst ER, author of the “Life of Lºndor'eal - Illustrated with Steel Plates and Woodcuts. Three vols. 12mo. Extra cloth, $6.00 - | half calf, gilt, $12.00. - . . . . xrric's firstory of 0.11.11: Lºs THE HOLD. . . . . . - The History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. By J. Foster KIRK. With ~. Three vols. 8vo. Fine cloth, $9.00; half calf, gilt, $1500. - * * CFL'ſ MBERS’S 10 word Lo PA. Dr. 1. - * - - -- A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. New and Revised Edition. º with numerous 'Maps and about 4,000 Engravings. Ten vols. Royal 8vo. Bound various styles. • * , • 4 LL.II:ONE'S DTCTION A R.E OF .4. UTHors." . . A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. V Forty Indéxes of Subjects. By S. AUSTIN ALLIBONE, LL.D., etc. Three vols. Royal & Price per vol. :—Cloth, $7.50; sheep, $8.50; half morocco, $9.50. TELE WOR AS OF JP. H. PIR.ESCOTT'. NEW AND REVISED EDITION. Edited by J. F. KTRK. Fifteen vols. 12mo. With E traits from steel, and Maps. Per vol. —Extra cloth, $2.25; half calf, gilt extra, $4.50. C EIAJIBERS"S BOOR OF I)-1} S. * * . A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities connected with the Calendar. Including Anecdote, ; Biography, and History. Hºdited by ROBERT CHAMBERs. Profusely illustrated. Two vols. Royal 8vo. Per set:—Cloth, $8.00; sheep, $9.50; half calf, gilt, $12.00. LIPPINCOTT'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONAIt Y. - Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, containing Memoirs of the Eminent Persons of all Ages and Countries, with the Pronunciation of their names in the different Languages in which they occur. By J. THOMAS, A.M., M.D. Imperial 8vo. Complete in one vol. :-Sheep, $15.00; half Turkey, $17.00; half calf, gilt, $18.00. Also in two vols., in various bindings. . ... LIPPINGoTT's GAZETTEEIt of THE ProRLD. A Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, or Geographical Dictionary, giving a Description of nearly One Hundred Thousand Places. Edited by J. THOMAs, A.M., M.D., and T. BALL- win. One vol. Royal 8vo. Library sheep, $10.00; half Turkey, $12.50. 4LLIBONE'S DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. w - * - - A New Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, covering the Entire Field of British and American Poetry, from the Time of Chaucer to the Present Day. With Indices. By S. AUSTIN ALLIBONE, LL.D. 8vo. Extra cloth, $5.00; extra cloth, gilt, $5.50; full Turkey, $10.00 BULWER's Norºus. - ſº LORD LYTTON EDITION. 24 vols. 12mo. With Frontispiece, GLOBE EDITION. 24 vols. 16mo. LIBRARY EDITION. 46 vols, 12mo. Bound in various styles, at a variety of prices. . with Steel Plates. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. 7. § غ: ºº : - p - º º º ºxº º º º: $3:33:3:33:28:33: º º§º º §ºsº * É # f % º º eſ. k º º É º Ž º - * * ** *Sºseº Žºgº: §: Bºº - º E º @^2-w &O)3 rt wºn 7 ºut . tº $ --~~~ W . Niuafé. SC. •, ) - jºnassau5 -r- WoL VII. NEw York, FEBRUARY 1, 1875 No. 2 C O N T E N T S . PAGE - - - PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, - - 29 MUSIC NOTES, - - - - 38 O BITUARY, - - - - 33 INDEX to ADVERTISEMENTs. - 38 Book ANNounceMENTs For FEE., 39 THE NEws TRADE & subscriptions, 34 JANUARY PUBLICATIONs, - 42 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 35 | NEW MUSIC, - - - - 45 For EIGN LITERARY Notes - 3° | THE stationERY MARKET, *- 4 J BUSINESS CHANGES, - - 37 THE AMERICAN NEws co's List of NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 37 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 49 w TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advanqe. Sample copy sent on application. - - The postage, when paid quarterly in advance, is one cent on each number. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please to notify us, so that the neces. | sary alterations may be made on our books. - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., 1 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, Löndon. _º- THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. NEW ENGLISH BOOKs IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO. 750 Broadway, New York. The Transit of Wenus. Prof. PROCTOR'S Popular Account of the Past and Coming Transits of Venus, from 1639 to 2112, illustrated with 20 plates (12 colored) and numerous woodczts. Crown, 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. - Chambers’ Encyclopedia. New and , revised edition. An entirely new (English) edition, revised and brought down to date, with full series of maps and illustrations. 10 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, $36.00. • Greville Memoirs : A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV, By the late C. C. F. G. REVILLE, Clerk of the Council to those Sovereigns. Edited by HENRY REEVE. 3 vols., 8vo. Cloth, $15.00. - Boccacio’s Becameron. Engravings by STOTHARD. Crown 8vo. $3.00. Burton’s History of Scotland. 9 vols... crown Svo. Cloth, $26.00. History of England, from 1830 to the Resignation of the Gladstone Ministry. By the Rev. W. N. MöLEsworth. Carefully revised and carried up to March, 1874, 3 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $6. History of Booksellers. By HARRY CURWEN. Portraits and illustrations. Over 500 pp. Crown Svo. Cloth extra, $3.75. - Macaulay's Complete Works. New Edition. History of England, 2 vols.; Critical and Histori- cal Essays, 1 vol. ; Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, 1 vol. Together 4 vols., crown 8vo. Half calf, gilt (Longman's), $18.00. Taine's History of English Literature. Library Edition. Beautifully printed in large, clear type, on fine paper. 4 vols. 8vo. Red cloth, white labels, $10.00. LIBRARY EI)|TIONS OF STANI)ARD AUTHORS. Ben Johnson’s Complete Works. With Notes and Memoir. By W. GIFFORD. Introduction, etc., by CUNNINGHAM. 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $33,75. Sterne's Complete Works, with Life. Written by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $15.00. - Sheridan's Works. With selections from Moore's Life, and edited by J. P. BROWNE, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $7.50. - Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Edited by PERCY FITZGlºBALD, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, 00. - t Milton's Poetical Works. Mitford's edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $7.50. Fiegº Complete Works. With Life by MURPHY. 11 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, 40.00. Smollett's Complete Works. With Life by MooRE. 8 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $30 Rousseau's Confessions. With 32 illustrations (early impressions). Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Ramsay’s Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. With Memoir. Latest edition. Post 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. - Histºr Advertising. By HENRY SAMPSON. Illustrations, colored and plain. Crown 8vo. 3.00. Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by Gustave Doré. 700 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.00 “Contes Drolatiques.” Balzac's Droll Stories. 8vo. Cloth, $4.50. - Sidney Smith's Works. Wit and Wisdom, Life, Letters and Essays. 3 vols., post 8vo. Paper. $3.00; cloth, $4.50. - INEW CATALOGTJES NOW READY. iè - R. worTHINGTON & co., 750 BIROADWAY, N. Y. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers. News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy sent on. *...* All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by § THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET, NEw York, February 1, 1875. The prospects of the book trade for 1875, as indicated by the business of the first month, are very fair. There is a very general feeling that more books were published in 1874 than the market could afford to carry, and a general wish that fewer volumes should be printed this year, but the January issues do not indi- cate any falling off in numbers Although it is always safe as a rule to publish a good book, until human judgment becomes infallible, there will always be issued works which fail to bring profit to the publisher, because they fail to satisfy the public's tastes and demands. Judgment and foresight can never be so perfect as to preclude the possibility of mistakes, but there is abundant room for improvement in those qualities, and a little more care in the selection of books to be printed will remove many of the risks of publishing, and relieve the retail trade of a portion, at least, of their burden of dead stock. The vitality of our book trade is shown by the fact that, although last year was one of general depression here, there were more books published than in 1873, while in Great Britain there was a marked de- crease in the number of publications. With no foreign market, we published during the year ending Dec. 1, 1874, according to the report of the Librarian of Congress, 3,424 new books, while the number issued in Great Britan during 1874 was but 3,351. With this home production and our large importation, it is not strange that our market is overloaded, and it is worthy of serious consideration by our publishers whether they should not curtail the produc- tion of books, especially at this time, when there is a general falling off in the production of all manufactures for our domestic market. It may be that the number of books issued during the past month is no indication of their rate of issue during the year, for the late publi- cations include some works which have been held in hand for some time, and also a number of important reprints from English works, for which there was a special demand here. D. Appleton & Co, have published a complete edition of The Greville Memoirs ; a revised edi- tion of Tyndall's Belfast Address, with an ap- pended article on Scientific Materialism, and a Second preface replying to his critics; the first volume of Martin's Life of His Royal Highness, The Prince Concert ; part first of Herbert, Spencer's Principles of Sociology; and a novel from Mrs. Catharine Macquoid, with the title My Story. The sensation created in England by the Greville Memoirs created quite a de. mand for them here, and the imported copies of the English three-volume edition sold at eighteen dollars, The Scribners have con- densed and issued it in the Bric-a-Brac seſſies at a dollar and a half, but the demand for the complete work has warranted its issue here, and the Appletons have given us a good edi- tion in two volumes, at a comparatively low priſe. The character of the work is now well known. It is not without an historical inter- est, but it deals mainly with the Court scaudal and gossip in the times of George IV. and William IV., and will be generally read for the glimpses it gives of the private life of royalty, Mr. Reeves, the editor, tells us that the Un- printed portion of the memoirs is still more interesting, but it is withheld for the present, as it relates to so, many persons now living. The life of Prince Albert, says the Athenaeum : “May be regarded as almost an autobiography of the Queen herself; and when it is complete it will probably present a more minute history of the domestic life of a Queen and her “mas. ter' (the term is Her Majesty’s) than has ever before appeared.” The work has been received with great favor in England, and will be widely read here. My Story is a novel of much merit, full of life and animation, yet with the delicate delinea. tions of character which are so pleasing in the author's former book, Patty. Appleton & Co. have also published A Compendium of Chil- dren’s Diseases, by Dr. Johann Steiner, of the University of Prague, translated from the 3O THE Zi MERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ (2 TVIDE. second German edition; and a new edition of Uhlmann’s Syriac Grammar, with eighty pages of additions, and corrections. Of the books announced for immediate publication the most important are the third part of 'Herbert Spencer's Descriptive Sociology, and a volume from Professor Oscar Schmidt on the Descent of Man, and Darwinism, which will be the first German work in the International Scientific Series. . From Harper & Brothers we have had two important books: Dr. Livingstone's Last Journ- als and Rev. Lyman Abbott’s Dictionary of Religious Knowledge. The former is one of the most remarkable records of travel in existence. The story of the preservation of the Journals is one to excite wonder. It will be remembered that when Mr. Stanley returned from his ex- pedition, he brought with him a sealed journal containing entries up to March 14, 1872, the day Mr. Stanley parted with the famous ex- plorer. This journal was not opened until the fact of his death was established beyond a doubt. The present volume includes not only the matter of this journal, but is supplemented by his papers, which were carefully preserved by his faithful servants Chuma and Susi, and brought with his body to Zanzibar. So that we have a complete record of his travels during the entire seven years of his stay in Africa. As a book of travel it is more interesting than the most imaginative romance, but it has a much higher value as a record of scientific re- search. The Dictionary of Religious Knowledge is a bulky volume, with many maps and illus- tratföns, and containing a mass of information on the Bible and religious subjects, which has never before been collected in a single volume. The author, Rev. Lyman Abbott, assisted by the venerable Dr. Conant, has been engaged on it for years, and the result is a most valuable compendium of ecclesiastical knowledge. The Harpers have also published Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities in their Household edi- tion ; a new volume in their Library edition of Wilkie Collins, containing After Dark, and Other Stories ; the Bazar Book of the Household, a little 16mo. uniform with the other Bazar Books; and a story of the Australian mines, from Farjeon, entitled, At the Sign of the Silver Flagon. This author's previous works have been much appreciated here, and this will pro- bably be ranked as one of his best. Australia is a new field for the novelist, and At the Sign of the Silver Flagon is all the more pleasing. During this month the Harpers promise two more notable books of travel—the one, Ten Years of Travel and Residence in Indo-China and China, by J. Thompson, the other on Our Weat Door Neighbor, being recent sketches of Mexico by Dr. Gilbert Haven. Both are to be illustrated, the former by the author's own sketches and photographs. This house will also publish immediately a religious volume, Discowºrses on Christ and Humanity, by Henry M. Goodwin; The Maid of Killeena, and other Stories, by William Black; and other novels __- - - - - - - ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - from Frank Lee Benedict, Miss Braddon, George A. Lawrence, Eliza Tabor, and Wilkie Collins. G. P. Putnam's Sons have issued a little work, translated from F. Feiber, on The Treat- ment of Nervous Diseases with Flectricity; Cho- met’s Influence of Music on Health and Life, translated by Mus, Laura A. Flint ; Religion as Affected by Modern Materialism, by the profound thinker and able writer, James Martineau; and a work on Teaching, Its Ends and Means, by Professor Calderwood of the University of Edingburgh. Chomet presents his views with all the earnestness and vigor of the enthusiast, and although there are many things in his book with which the ordinary reader will dis- agree, there is much in it that is peculiarly in- teresting and suggestive. His views on the theory of sound are original and novel, and the volume is altogether an enjoyable one. The little volume by the venerable scholar Dr. James Martineau, comprises his annual ad- dress, delivered last autumn at Manchester New College, London. It is remarkably clear and vigorous, and one of the strongest replies to the materialists that have been made. It has an eloquent introduction by Dr. Bel- lows, who says no writer in this generation has done such service to religion as Mr. Mar- tineau. Professor Calderwood is a teacher of mnay years experience, and his views on the instruction of children at school and at home, as given in this work on Teaching, are worthy of thoughtful perusal by teachers and parents. The chapter on the Formation of Character is able and explicit, and full of wise suggestions. The first volume of the series of Brief Biographies projected by the Putnams will soon be issued. It will probably be English Statesmen, by Colonel Higginson, and will in clude Sketches of a dozen or more leading statesmen of England. Another volume, to be written bye Colonel R. J. Hinton, will be de- voted to English Radicals, and another to the Revolutionists of Italy. The latter is to be written by W. J. Linton, who was an inti- mate friend of Mazzini, and is well qualified for the work. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have published, beside the Greville Memoirs, as condensed by Mr. Stoddard for the dainty Bric-a-Brac series, Mr. George Smith’s Assyriam Discoveries, being an account of the author’s exploration and re- searches during the past two years on the site of Nineveh. This is a record of most important discoveries, in which all Christendom have had an interest. This house has also published Wedding Garments, by Miss Mary W. McLain, the story of the trials of a young girl in her struggles for a better life. Mr. Stoddard has used excellent judgment in condensing the somewhat voluminous Gréville Memoirs, elimi- nating nothing that is likely to interest the general reader on this side of the Atlantic, ‘and the little Bric-a-Brac volume will be gene- rally preferred to the complete edition, both on account of its cheapness and because the dull passages are stricken out. THE AMERICA/V BOOKSELLERG’ GUIDE. 3 I From Macmillan & Co. we have a new edi- tion of Baron Hubner’s Ramble Round the World; another collection of delightful essays from Professor David Masson, having for its title The Three Devils, Luther's, Milton’s and Goethe's , a new edition of Milton, with a scholarly introduction by the editor, Professor Masson; a new volume in the series of Mac- millan's popular novels, entitled, For the King's Dues, by Agnes Macdonald ; and an able volume on Social Life in Greece, by J. P. Mahaffy, M. A. –sº-Q-U- - BosTON, Feb. 1, 1875. “But few books, and those only of the best,” seems to be the motto of our publishers, and while there may be a difference of opinion as to what constitutes a good book, there can be none regarding the desirability of limiting the number. Roberts Brothers have published, in con- junction with Longmans & Co., London, the fifth edition of the anonymous work on Supernatural Religion, which has attracted so much attention in England. It is one of the ablest arguments that have been put forth on the side of science as against religion, and its authorship has been ascribed successively to half a dozen leading scholars, but as yet it re- mains a profound secret, . Some of the ablest Scholars upon the other side have taken the work in hand, and we may expect numerous and extended replies to it. The only other - book issued by this house during the month is A Rambling Story, by Mary Cowden Clarke, a gracefully written love romance, with artistic sketches of character. Announced for early publication, by Roberts Brothers, are Earl Russell’s Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life from 1813 to 1873; a Life of Rev. Ezra Styles Gannett, by his son, Rev. W. C. Gannett; and Our Sketching Club, by R. St. John Tyr- whitt. The latter has run through the pages of Old and New, and is a conversational story, illustrating the principles of sketching. Mr. Tyrwhitt is best known here as the author of Christian Art and Symbolism, and his new work will find many appreciative readers. It is to be liberally illustrated by plates from Ruskin. Philip Gilbert Hamerton's long-delayed story of boy life and adventure, with the title Harry Blount, will probably be ready this month ; also Sir Arthur Helps's Social Pressure. This last work is a continuation of the “Friends in Council "Series. The friends are staying at the house of one of their number. Each one writes an essay on a prominent social question, and the others criticise, while the author de- fends it. By this conversational method all sides of the question are presented to the reader, and, although he is often left in inde- cision, so far as these arguments go, they serve as a guide to thought, and are not so tiresome as though they were all on one side. The book is ably written, containing much thought that is new to most American readers, and giving the oft-discussed theories of social re- form a new interest. Lee & Shepard’s list of new books includes a new volume of Mr. Baker's Reading Club; a volume of Sermons on Eternal Punishment, by Rev. L. T. Townsend; a collection of Essays, by Harvey Rice; The Island of Fire, or a Thousand Years of the Old Northmen’s Home, a work on Iceland, by Rev. P. C. Headley ; and a little work on Fret-Sawing and Wood-Cºtro- Žng—written, very appropriately, by George A. Sawyer. Mr. Townsend's book bears the title Iost Forever. It includes nine essays, all able and vigorous, and at times eloquent and brilliant. The author acknowledges that the doctrine of eternal punishment is not a popu- lar one, but holds that it is no less his duty to preach it. The character of Mr. Rice's essays are indicated by the title of the volume, Nature and Culture. Among the subjects treated are Woman and Her Sphere, America and Her Future, and Life and its Aspirations. They are well written, and give evidence of careful thought and study. Frêt-Sawang and Wood-Carving is a work suggested by the popularity won by the author's papers on the subject last year in St. Nicholas. It is written with all the enthusiasm of an amateur and all the ability of a professional workman. It treats of the necessary tools, how to keep them, use them, and sharpen them ; the kinds of woods to be used, and other details, and is illustrated with cuts of tools, work, etc. Lee & Shepard have nearly ready for issue Colonel T. W. Higginson's Young Folks' His- tory of the United States ; Songs of Joy, a col- lection of devotional songs, made by J. H. Tenney; a novel by Mrs. Katherine Sedgwick Washburn, entitled Perfect Love Casteth out Fear ; and a story of secret service adventures, entitled Running the Blockade, by W. H. Thomes. Mr. Higginson's Young Folk's His- tory is an excellent work of the kind. It is a 12mo volume of nearly four hundred pages, very attractive in appearance, and profusely illustrated with neat woodcuts. Only such names and dates are given as are necessary to the narrative, and the ineidents and details dwelt upon are those which are not only cal- culated to engage the attention of the youth- ful reader, but to leave lasting impressions on his mind which will form a permanent basis for future reading. Songs of Joy is a collection of tunes, new and old, suitable for the prayer- meeting and for social worship. It is in handy 12mo form, and will meet a general want. Of Lee & Shepard’s other forthcoming books but little can at present be said. Mr. W. S. Rob- inson, better known, perhaps, as “Warring- ton,” is preparing a Manual on Parliamentary Law, which they will publish, and they have also in preparation a Cook-Book, by Mrs. Mil- ler, a daughter of Gerrit Smith. The Lover, and Other Miscellamäes is still delayed on ac- count of the continued illness of the editor, Mr. Babson. J. R. Osgood & Co. have published the fifth 32 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. volume of Little Classics, which is entitled Laughter. The principal papers are Dickens's “Christmas Carol,” Lamb’s “Dissertation on Roast Pig,” E. E. Hale's “The Skeleton in the Closet,” Holmes’s “A Visit to the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Punsters,” Carleton’s “Neal Malone,” and Gerald Griffin’s “Mr. Tibbot O'Leary the Curious.” The next volume will be Love, and will contain Bulwer’s “The Maid of Malines,” “Love and Skates,” by Theodore Winthrop, “The Rise of Iskander,” by Disraeli, and the Biblical “Story of Ruth.” The other works forthcoming from Osgood & Co. are Other People's Money, a new novel in their octavo series, by Emile Gaboriau; The Passionate Pilgrim, and other Stories, by Henry James, Jr.; and a little volume of plays, cha- rades, social games, etc., prepared by G. B. Bartlett, and entitled Parlor Amusements. A new and cheaper edition of The Hanging of the Cramé is just ready, and a second volume of Lewes's Problems of Life and Mind is in prep- aration. - Wm. F. Gill & Co. will have ready in a few days The IRainbow Creed, a novel by a mem- ber of the Boston Radical Club, aimed against the orthodox theological theories. It is very cleverly written, and is a good story, even if the reader should miss the obvious design of the writer. Among the characters are Mr. Beech- er, Mr. Murray, and other divines, with other names, of course, but easily to be recognized Belót's Woman of Fire, to be issued here short- ly, has been very popular in France. It is ex- cessively French, written in a lively style, which has been excellently preserved by the translator, Mr. Furbish. Wilkie Collins's Alicia Warlock, announced for publication this month, is based on The Dream- Woman pub- lished years ago in Household Words. The present version, Mr. Collins says in his preface, has been rewritten, has a new beginning and a new ending, and so many new incidents that the character of the story is entirely changed, and it is altogether a new novel. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1875. The business of the new year opens very slowly, and there is but little encouragement to make new books. It is the dull season for our School-book houses, and also for the law book and medical book-makers. The subscription book business, which is getting to be quite an important interest here, is showing a little more activity, but very few miscellaneous books are being made for the trade. From J. B. Lippincott & Co. we have, in the illustrated standard edition of Dickens' work, American Notes and Pictures from Italy in one volume ; the fourth volume of the Memoirs of John Quincy Adams , a new revised edition of Dr. Francis Lieber’s Political Ethics, a new cook book, which is funnily announced as the Presbyterian Cook-Book, which is as good a title, perhaps, as any other; a novel by Florence Burckett. entitled Wildmoor ; and The Apoca- -8 lypse Revealed, from the Ilatin of Emanuel Swedenborg. The translation is made by the Rev. T. B. Hayward, revised by the Rev. John Worcester, and the work is the first of a new edition of Swedenborg's works to be issued by the direction of the Swedenborgian Board of Publication, for which is appropriated a portion of the fund left them by the late Mrs. L.S. Rotch. Hence, this will be known as “The Rotch Edi- tion ” “Ouida’s ” new novel Signa is pro- mised this month ; also Charles Ingersoll's Fears for Democracy, which is likely to attract Some attention ; and two German romances, The Green Gate, from Ernst Wichert; and Lichtenstein, from Wilhelm Hauff. Porter & Coates have been giving their at- tention to the solid literature of science, and their only work for the month is A New Treatise on Elements of Mechanics, establishing strict precision in the meaning of dynamical terms, accompanied with an appendix on Duodecimal Arithmetic and Metrology, by John W. Nystrom, C. E. They also announce Social Science and National Economy, by Robt. Ellis Thompson, Professor in the University of Pennsylvania, designed as a hand-book for the general reader and a text-book for colleges and the higher schools; and an Elementary Philosophy, “being the science of reasoning, and the art of correct reasoning according to Science; or, logic critically treated and ap- plied,” by James M. Wilcox, Ph.D. A work on Storms and Changes of the Weather is also in preparation. It is written by Professor Blasius, who has for many years made the weather a subject of study, making investiga- tions and gathering material, and the work promises to be an important addition to Me- teorology. - Of works of greater interest to the general reader, we are to have from Porter & Coates, Days Near Rome, by Augustus J. C. Hare. It is to be a companion volume to the same author’s Walks in Rome, and to contain de- scriptive sketches of interesting places in the vicinity of Rome, illustrated by the drawings . of the author. This will be followed by The Better Self, by J. H. Friswell. It is written in the author's most pleasing vein, and may have a popularity as great as that of the author's former work, The Gentle Life, which has reached its eighteenth edition. w Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have com- menced the new year with all their old time activity. During January they have published The Clandestime Marriage, a readable novel, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy; How He Wom Her, a fascinating romance from the prolific pen of Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, making the third volume of Peterson’s new and complete edition of the writings of this favorite authoress; an illustrated edition of The Mohicans of Paris, by Alexander Dumas; and The Bride of Lammer moor, by Sir Walter Scott, which forms the third volume of Peterson’s new and cheap edi- tion of the Waverly novels. During the com- ing month Peterson & Brothers will issue The THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 33 Discarded Wife, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, which is said to be a story of rare power, written in the best style of the authoress, who is fast winning a foremost place among the lady nov- elists of the day; The Fortune Seeker; or, The JBridal Day, by Mrs. Southworth, being the fourth volume of the new edition ; and Isabella Vincent ; or; The Two Orphans, by George W. M. Reynolds. The last is a story of English life, replete with the dark mysteries, shrewd plotting, and unexpected denouements in which the author of The Mysteries of The Court of Iondon delights to deal. Vivian Bertram ; or, A Wife's Honor, which is also announced for early publication, is a sequel to The Two Orphans, and of equal interest. The next volume of the Waverly Novels will be Guy Mannering. These volumes are so surprising- ly cheap that no one need be deprived of the pleasure of reading them on account- of their cost. Each is a complete story, and retails for twenty-five cents. pertUARY, CELARI, ES SPRAGUE. Mr. Charles Sprague, who years ago used to be referred to as the banker, poet, recently died in his native city, Boston, at the -age of eighty-three. He received a common-school education in Boston, and entered a mercantile house at an early life. In 1820 he became teller in the State Bank, and five years later was appointed cashier of the Globe, which po- sition he held until 1865. Several editions of his collected poems have been published, and a complete edition of his works, in prose and verse, was issued in 1850. His poems are many of them familiar to American readers, being found in almost every collection of American poetry. His “Ode to Shakespeare,” delivered at the opening of the Boston Theatre in 1823, is probably one of his ablest efforts; but his less pretentious poems of home life and love are more widely known and justly appreciated. Mr. Edwin Whipple said, in The Worth American Review, that his prologues were the best which had been written since the time of Pope. The same reviewer pronounced “The Brothers,” “The Family Meeting,” and “I See Thee Still,” the finest consecration of natural affection in our literature, MA UN SELL BIRADHUIRST FIELD. Mr. Maunsell B. Field died in this city on the 24th ult. He was born in New York in 1822, graduated at Yale in 1841, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1847. He practiced his profession for a time in connection with Mr. John Jay, was secretary of the American Le- gation in France under Minister Mason, and was attached to the Spanish Legation under Mr. Soulé. He was also President of the American Commission at the Paris Exposition. In 1861 he was appointed Deputy Sub-Treas- urer of the United States, and some years after - -º-º-º-º-º-º- was appointed a collector of internal revenue. Two years ago he was, by Governor Dix, ap- pointed Judge of the Second District Court of this city, and he held the position at the time of his death. Although he has filled so many important offices, he was in general a man of leisure. Wealthy, accomplished, and well- read, with a creditable taste for literature, he achieved quite a reputation as a writer. In connection with G. P. R. James, the prolific novelist, he wrote Adrian ; or, The Clouds of the Mind, which was published in 1852. His magazine papers have been much admired, and his book published last year with the title Memories of Many Men and of Some Women, is still fresh in the minds of our readers as a re- markably entertaining volume. It gave him more prominence as a writer than anything he had previously done. - CEIA RI, ES KINGSLEY. The many ardent admirers of the writings of Canon Kingsley will regret to learn of his death, which occurred in London, January 25th. His life and works require a much more extended notice than we can give them here, and abler hands will do full justice to them. He was borne at Holne, Devonshire, England, and at the time of his death was nearly fifty-six years of age. His early educa- tion was received at home, and he afterwards disting dished himself at Magdalen College, Cambridge, by taking a scholarship and sev- eral prizes. He studied law, but, before com- pleting his reading, changed his mind and took orders. He was an industrious writer, and his works include, besides his sermons and lectures, which fill several volumes, poems, tales for children, and novels. His first poetic work was a story entitled “The Saint’s Tragedy,” published in 1848, and al- though it displayed great talent, and was warmly received, his novel Alton Locke, issued two years later, eclipsed it, and made his repu- tation on both sides of the Atlantic. It was followed by Yeast: A Problem, in 1851 ; and by Hypatia, in 1853. These three works would have have brought him fame as a novelist, but the pen seemed to afford him pleasure, and his literary productions fill many volumes. It is useless to say a word of praise for his works. They are universally known and admired. His essays are scarcely less enjoyable than his novels, and his “Charm of Birds '' is perhaps the finest prose composition in the language. Robert Carter & Brothers announce Alice Neville, by Bowen. Strickland & Co, Milwaukee, Wis., are about to start a circulating library. See their ad- vertisement in column of “Books Wanted.” Miss Eliza A. Dupuy’s novel, The Clandestine Marriage, published by T. B. Peterson & Bros., was by mistake announced in the last number of the GUIDE as a new edition. It is an en- tirely new book, never having been published before. 34 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE News TRADE AND SUBscRIPTIONs. ONE of the abuses in the book trade, of which we have recently heard much com- plaint from retailers, is the publishers' practice of sending their books to retail buyers by mail, prepaying postage. It is claimed, and very properly, that the retail bookseller is not only a promoter of intel- ligence, but that he is a most efficient worker for the publisher, constantly dis- playing and advertising his books, and Soliciting new readers. Therefore, on the broad grounds of public welfare, and as a safe principle of trade directly affect- ing the individual publisher, the retailer should be supported and encouraged, and the publisher should not enter into com- petition with him. | This argument has been presented again and again, and the justice of the claims of the bookseller is very generally con- ceded. The only reply which has been made by the publishers is that, as they ask the full retail price, they do nºt tempt the buyer to risk his money in the mails. Therefore, it is to be presumed that if a bookstore is accessible, and the bookseller has the particular book wanted, he will get the order; and finally, that their mail business is so small that its effects on the trade are not perceptible. Now, we are constantly receiving com- plaints from the news and periodical trade, of a competition that is still more unfair, and is fraught with greater danger to the interests alike of the publisher and the retailer. As a disseminator of intel- ligence, the newsdealer is closely allied to the bookseller, and is perhaps entitled to greater consideration, for he reaches a larger class, and generally the class that are in greatest need of educational influ- ences. As the active and successful agent of the publisher, he is certainly deserving of support and encouragement. He has made and Sustains the immense circula- tions of which some of our periodicals boast, and, as a rule, no periodical can hope to obtain a general circulation with- out his co-operation. For a trifling profit, he relieves the publisher from all the care and risks of delivering, he displays the periodicals and the show-bills, and searches the highways and the by ways for new subscribers. There is nothing else of general consumption that is advertised with so little cost to the maker as news- papers and periodicals—all through the energy and enterprise of the newsdealer. And what is asked in return for this im- portant service 3 Only that the publisher shall not undersell him. He is not afraid of competition on even terms. He only complains when the publisher uses his advantage as publisher, and, after induc- ing the dealer to advertise his wares and solicit trade, steps in and offers the goods at prices with which he cannot compete. The newsdealer induces the buyer to take a copy of a newspaper or periodical, not for the profit on that single number, but with the expectation of making him a constant buyer. But the very first num- ber contains an offer to the buyer from the publisher to supply him direct by mail at a large discount, frequently at a lower price than the newsdealer is compelled to pay. Sometimes even greater induce- ments are offered in the shape of prem- iums. This is not only an unsafe principle of trade, it is downright injustice to the retailer, often taking from him the legiti- mate profits of a trade which he himself has created. Much might be said against the policy of receiving subscriptions at less than re- tail prices, on the ground of the injury which it does to the publication itself; but for the present we simply protest against it on behalf of the trade. It is useless for publishers to say that subscriptions ale continued for the accommodation of those whom the dealer cannot reach, for then the discount would not be necessary. Nei- ther is it a fair answer that, a periodical being established, the newsdealer has but to supply a demand already created. We insist that the thousands of newsdealers scattered all over the country have largely created that demand, and created it not only to the benefit of the publishers, but at their solicitation. Yet the newsdealer finds himself everywhere, even in our largest cities, in competition with the pub- lisher, who offers his publication to the reader at a better discount than he will give to the dealer, supplements it with a premium provided out of the profits the dealer has helped him to accumulate, and, not content with this, often enters into mutual arrangements with other publish- ers, and offers their publications with dis- counts, or premiums, or both. With most periodicals, subscriptions have ceased to be a source of profit. They entail care and expense, and they discour- age the newsdealer, who cau, now reach every nook and corner of the country. The system of supplying the reader direct from the office is one of the past, and the growth of the news business has long since THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 35 done away with the necessity for it. The recent changes in the postal laws has in- creased the injustice of the practice, for, while the newsdealer must still pay his postage, on most periodicals it is prepaid by the publishers, and the subscriber gets his paper or magazine so much the cheaper. The time has come when the interests of the publisher and the trade require that the system should be discontinued alto- gether, or at least so modified that where- ever there is a local population large enough to support a newsdealer, the work of distribution should be left entirely to him. This can only be done by making the subscription prices as high as the re- tail prices which the dealer is expected to ask. -----> <- - --—- LiteFARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Peabody’s Christianity and Science is in the second edition. The second volume of Dr. Guthrie's Life will be published in the Spring. Mr. Thieblin’s book on Spain, published in England some time ago, is to be republished here by Lee & Shepard. Lotos Leaves has been so successful that the publishers contemplate issuing an octavo edi- tion for the subscription trade. The next issue of the beautiful Thistle Edition of the Waverly Novels, Rob Roy, will probably appear this month. Rev. Dr. John Hall will deliver the Yale Course of Lectures on Preaching, this Spring, and Dodd & Mead will publish them. A new edition of Dickens's Best Thoughts is just being printed by E. J. Hale & Son. The last edition was printed more than a year 3.S. O. °p. Appleton & Co. will shortly publish Alice Brand, a novel of social life in Wash- ington during the war, by the Hon. A. G. Riddell. The National Temperance Society have in preparation a Cyclopaedia of Temperance An- ecdote, Illustration, and History, edited by Rev. J. B. Wakely. And now we have a Presbyterian Cook-Book, published by Lippincott & Co. It was com- piled by the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church of Dayton, Ohio. Robert Carter & Brothers will soon publish Dr. Dawson’s Lectures on Nature and the ‘Bible, delivered here in December, at the Union Theological Seminary. Thackeray looked upon Charles Bernard as the most thoroughly representative French writer of fiction, ranking him above Dumas, Soulié or Balzac. Nearly the whole of a chap- ter in the Paris Sketch-Book is devoted to him. His best novel, A Fattal Passion, was lately published by G. W. Carleton & Co. Henry L. Shepard & Co., Boston, have print- ed, in an octavo volume of upwards of three hundred pages, a History of the United States Marine Corps, by M. Almy Aldrich and Cap- tain R. S. Collum. Col. Hiram Fuller, who was for a time edi- tor of the old Wew York Mirror. has published through G. W. Carleton & Co. a book on America, entitled Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States. S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, have issued an il- lustrated and handsomely gotten up book of hu- mor, entitled The Mishaps of Mr. Ezekiel Pelter. The story is very amusing and there is just enough of satire in it, to give it relish. The American Unitarian Association have published a new complete edition of Dr. Wil- liam Ellery Channing's works in a neat octavo volume of nearly one thousand pages, which they offer as the extremely low price of one dollar. McDivitt, Campbell & Co. New York, have issued the first part of the official verbatim Report of the Beecher-Tilton Trial in an oc- tavo of 160 pages, containing a portrait of Mr. Moulton. Other parts will follow as the trial progresses. Charles E. Hammett, Jr., Newport, R. I. has published, as number three of the “Medical Series" of pamphlets, Curious Facts Comcern- 'ng Man and Nature, by Samuel W. Francis, which is mainly a compilation of analogies, instructive as well as curious. We have received a circular offering a thou- sand pounds “for a certain book, printed in London by T. Jackson, Newgate Street, in 1830, with the name of M. Lindsell, Pater Noster Row, on the title page as publisher.” The circular informs us that the Lord Chan- cellor issued an injunction against its publica- tion, it containing certain statements regard- ing a member of the royal family, and adds that but one copy is known to be in the United States. Who is the fortunate possessor 7 Not long ago, the world was informed that a Free Public Library at Leamington, England had returned a gift of thirty-six volumes of Swedenborg’s writings, for the reason that that they were dangerous to the public. The incident is called to mind by finding upon our table a lecture by Rev. Dr. G. B. Porteous on Emanuel Swedenborg as a Philosopher, Meta- physician and Theologian, published as one of the “New Church Tracts” by E. Hazzard Swinney. The publisher says in a preface :- “The following lecture was delivered more than twelve years ago, and the present issue is a third edition. It has been carefully revised by the author, who, although a clergyman of the Church of England, and Rector of All Souls' Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, New York, is an ardent admirer of Emanuel Sweden- borg's writings. It ought to be added, that a very large number of the clergy of the Broad Church School in the English Church are in earnest sympathy with the views and theolo- gy of the great Swede ’’ 36 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. ºf Mr. F. B. Patterson, New York, proposes to publish a pictorial history of Old New York, which will consist of a series of maps arranged in chronological order. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. are to publish Dean Alford's Fºreside Homilies, which a friend of his said were more like autobiography than anything else he had left in prose. We regret to hear of the death of William S. Scovell, the bookseller and newsdealer, of Lockport, N. Y. He was well known and much respected by the citizens of Niagara County, and his loss is keenly felt by a large circle of personal friends. That humorous Scottish novel Generalship, or How I Mamaged my Husband, by George Roy, has been reprinted from the twenty-fifth Scotch edition, by Robert Clarke & Co. It has won the highest praises in Scotland, and will be heartily appreciated by American read- © TS. D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, have published Trophies of Song; a collection of articles on sacred music and incidents connected with popular hymns. The volume is edited by Rev. W. F. Crafts, and has an introduction by D. E. Tourjée, of the Boston Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth has just finished writing an entire new story, to which she has given the name of The Spectre Lover, and has placed it in the hands of her publish- ers T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. They will issue it at once in uniform style with all of the previous works of this author issued by them. Prof. Adams's Democracy and Monarchy in France, has had a thorough revision and a second edition is published. It is seldom that an author’s first work is received with such great and general approval among those whose approval is conclusive, and the call for a second edition is an encouraging indication re- garding the popular taste. The New York Book Concern publish a lit- tle pamphlet on The Art of Book Canvassing, which of course is intended for canvassers, but contains many good hints for booksellers generally. The author, who is an old pub- lisher of subscription books, says “they are sold principally among that class who seldom or never enter a book-store, and who if not sought out and urged to subscribe” would not buy books at all, At the date of the Librarian's last report, Dec. 1, 1874, the National Library at Wash- ington contained 274,157 volumes and 53,000 pamphlets. The receipts under the Copy- right Law, which requires that two copies of every American publication shall be deposited in the library, were 6,840 copies of books and 6,436 periodicals. The total number of single copies of books received was 3,424, which is the number of American books published during the year. Mr. Spofford predicts that in twenty years the library will comprise half a million volumes. An exceptionally good and very prettily il- lustrated little book, by A. L. O. E., is pub- lished by the Carters, entitled Fairy Frisket, or Peeps at Insect Life. Two little boys, the one selfish, the other generous, by the aid of fairies are enabled to explore the homes of the ants and the butterflies, and in a most capti- vating way the author excites curiosity and conveys that information most likely to please children. The late Judge Walker, of Ohio, had before his death completed his work on the New Di- gest of Ohio Decisions, and it will be published at once in two octavo volumes, by Robert Clarke & Co. This is an important and valua- ble work, as it embraces the cases contained in more than one hundred volumes. The work is going through the press under the supervision of Mr. Bates, who was associated with Judge Walker in its preparation. A New York daily recently called attention to the fact of the large number of authors practicing law in New York City. The com- ments then made induced Mr. J. R. McDivitt to prepare, and McDivitt, Campbell & Co. have published a list of the Living Authors at the New York Bar, and a catalogue of the books they have written and edited. The list in- cludes the names of sixty-five authors, includ- ing seven judges and nine ex-judges. R. Worthington & Co. have just completed the fitting-up of their new store in this city, which they opened with part of their Boston stock, just before the holidays. Since then, theworkmen have been busy, and the result is most satisfactory, the store being now ready for the reception of their entire stock. The brilliant array of elegantly-bound books pre- sents a very attractive appearance, and as Worthington & Co. import the most popular and best editions of modern English books, the contents are worthy of their dress. “º----------------- for EIGN J.ITERARY Notes. Macmillan & Co. announce the Reminis- cences and Diary of Macready the actor. Archbishop Manning has issued a pam- phlet of 200 pages in reply to Mr. Gladstone. Mr. John R. Green's History of the English People is to be revised and enlarged, and issued in four octavo volumes. Mr. Guy Lushington Prendergast has com- pleted his Concordance to Homer's Iliad, on which he has been engaged for eighteen years. A noteworthy book of travels in India, by M. Louis Rousselet, is announced by Hachette & Co., Paris, said to be the most important work on India ever issued from the French press. It deals in a most thorough manner with the institutions of British India, its arts and architecture, the manners and customs of the people, etc., and is to be illustrated by maps and over three hundred wood engrav- lings. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 37. Michel Levy, Paris, has just published a series of able essays on the religion, history, and philosophy of Egypt, India, China, and other Eastern countries, by M. Léon Carré. It is entitled L’Amcien Orient. - A new work by Darwin will be published this season in London. It is on Insectivorous and Climbing Plants, and will consist of two parts, the first of which will be devoted to a discussion of the sensitiveness of the leaves of Drosera, Dionaba, Pinguicula, etc., to certain stimulants, and of their power of digesting and absorbing animal matter ; the second to the habits and movements of climbing plants. The London Publishers' Circular states that in the year 1874 there were published in Great Britain 3,351 new books, 961 new editions of older books, and 291 importations from Amer- iča, making a total of 4,603, or 388 less than in the preceding year. This falling off may be accounted for by the increase in the cost of production. There is a decline of nearly 150 in theological books, but an increase in the number of scientific works and in the books classed under the title “ Essays, Belles Let- tres, &c.” The publications of the year are divided into fourteen classes. There are 664 theological works, 478 of them being new books, and not new editions nor American importations. Of educational, classical, and philological works the numbers are 365 in all, 301 being new books; of juvenile works the two numbers are 229 and 207; novels, 825 and 516; law, 124 and 71; on politics and trade, 138 and 101; arts, science, and illustrated works, 623 and 421; travels and geographical research, 244 and 178; history, biography, &c., 393 and 265; poetry and the drama, 305 and 223; year-books and serials in volumes, 249 and 243; medicine, 135 and 95; belles lettres, essays, monographs, &c., 211 and 159; miscellaneous, including pamphlets, but not Sermons, 103 and 93. Of the 3,351 new books, 133 were published in January, 225 in Febru- ary, 310 in March,204 in April, 370 in May, 238 in June, 234 in July,207 in August, 185 in Sep- tember, 284 in October, 369 in November, 591 in December. ------------sº ºn------------------- £usiness CHANGES. At Atlanta, Ga., Smith & Lester are succeed- ed by M. W. Smith. -> At Cleveland, O., W. S. Pennell, general railroad news agent, has retired. At Dodge City, Kansas, M. Collar has sold his news business to Mrs. Jennie Collar. At Buffalo, N. Y., Henry Rupert, railway news agent, has retired from the business. At Petersburg, Va., C. C. De Nornendorf, bookseller, has sold out to William Crossman, & Co. At St. Louis, Mo., Scharr Bros., stationers, have admitted Mr. M. H. Saxton, and the firm is now Scharr Bros. & Saxton. At Oswego, New York, J. F. Thornton, newsdealer, is succeeded by Fanell & Thornton. The firms of Woolworth, Ainsworth & Co., and Woolworth & Graham, New York, have been dissolved. - - The business of Woolworth, Ainsworth & Co., publishers and sellers of school books, is continued by Potter, Ainsworth & Co. Messrs. Woolworth & Graham have formed a new copartnership and will continue the pa- per business as heretofore. Mr. Charles S. Hobson has taken charge of the wholesale department of the Orange Judd Company, in place of Mr. Cogswell. Mr. W. I. Pooley has succeeded the late Mr. Amasa May, as the New York agent of J. H. Butler & Co. . His office is at 142 Grand st At San Francisco, Cal., the firm of Eaton & Edwards, stationers, has dissolved. Mr. Ed- wards has retired and the business is contin- ued by F. W. Eaton. At Titusville, Pa., Mr. R. B. McDonnell, for a number of years a clerk in the book-store of B. N. Hurd, has recently purchased the post- office news room. The three firms, Scribner, Armstrong & Co., Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, and Scribner & Co., will soon move in to more roomy quar- ters at 743 and 745 Broadway. At Nashville, Tenn., the firm of Collier & Dunaway, dealers in books, stationery, etc., is dissolved, Mr. Dunaway retiring. The busi- ness is continued by W. C. Collier. NEw SPAPERs AND PERIODICALs. Chicago is to have a temperance monthly. “Warrington ’’ is a regular writer for the Boston Daily Newcs. A new story from Justin McCarthy is com- menced in The Gulaay. The Boston Globe has a column of literary reviews in the French language. Mr. William A. Hovey has accepted the edi- torial management of the Boston Transcript. Whittemore's furniture paper, The Trade Puréau, is about to be enlarged to thirty-two pages. . The Metropolitan has been withdrawn from the trade, and is to be obtained only by sub- scripticºn. - The National Temperance Advocate gives the names of five temperance journals which have just suspended publication for want of sup- port. - The trustees of the fund for a memorial monument to Horace Greeley have published a card announcing that they are prepared to receive contributions. r The American Newspaper Directory is re- garded as a correct register of circulations, and the efforts of the publishers to secure trust- worthy reports deserve the appreciation of the |\ress, by whose co-operation the Directory can be kept correct and reliable. 38 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. The New York School Journal begins the new year increased in size, and for the first time illustrated. The School-day Magazine, published by J.W. Daughaday & Co., Philadelphia, enters upon its nineteenth volume, enlarged and consider- ably improved in appearance. The National Sunday-school Teacher com- menced its tenth volume with 1875. Mr. M. C. Hazzard has full editorial charge, and also prepares the notes and comments on the Inter- national Lessons. It is rumored that a one-cent morning paper is soon to be started in this city, to be called The Daily. Telegraph, and to be edited by Mr. O'Grady, formerly managing editor of the New York Evpress. ... The publication of The American Journal of Phonography, which has been suspended for the past year, is resumed by Burns & Co., 33 Park Row, New York, and it will hereafter appear monthly at the old price, $1.50 per €3.T. y The Illustrated Weekly is a new eight-page paper, handsomely printed, and published by T. E. Moore, New York. One half the pa- per is devoted to illustrations, and an engrav- ing supplement is given with every copy. Subscription price $2.50 per year. The American Historical Record, which closed its third volume with December, 1874, is suc- ceeded in volume 4 by Potter’s American Monthly, “an illustrated magazine of history, literature, science, and art.” The monthly retains the historical as its prominent feature. The Michigan Christian Advocate, which has been published for a year past as a monthly, has passed into the hands of the Methodist Publishing Company of Detroit, and will here- after be issued weekly, under the editorship of Rev. O. Whitmore and Rev. L. R. Fiske, D.D. Subscription price $1.50 per annum. The Critic is the name of a new eight-page illustrated monthly paper published at Gal- latin, Tenn., and “devoted to choice literature and the criticism of men and things.” The first number is a very creditable one, and con- tains the first chapters of a continued story by L. Virginia French. Price 75 cts. per year. -O--— Music Notes, Praise Meeting Circular No. 9 has just been issued by D. Lothrop & Co., Boston. Ditson & Co. publish Willie Pape’s “Irish Diamonds,” a series of six arrangements for the piano, based upon the popular Irish melo- dies, with brilliant variations of greater or less degree of difficulty. Lee & Walker have lately published The Jeeward, a new Sunday-school music-book, containing a collection of new devotional songs for children. They are all bright and cheerful, and adapted to the tastes and abili- ties of Sunday-school scholars. Lee & Walker's Opera Librettos are very complete and accurate. They are printed in large, clear type, and a good sketch of the plot accompanies each text. The prices to the trade have been considerably reduced. The Piano at Home is a volume of pieces for four hands, comprising the best duets that have been published. Some of them are so simple as to afford excellent practice for beginners, while others are calculated to give pleasure to advanced players. - Ritter's History of Music, the second volume of which has lately been published by Ditson & Co., is a complete pocket cyclopaedia of the growth of musical culture. This second vol- ume bas to do with the past two centuries, and contains the titles of nearly five hundred musical treatises, in a number of languages, the oldest dating as far back as 1615. Al- though concise, the work is very thorough and complete. The Musical Pastime, published by Lee & Walker, is a collection of duets for violin and piano, arranged for amateurs of ordinary ability, byeSep. Winner. The selections are of great variety, consisting of waltzes, galops, and other dances, marches, opera airs, and popular melodies, and the collection is alto- gether one of the most valuable ever published in one volume. The violin part is also printed in a separate volume. Mr. Challen’s dime stories from the Arabian Nights are becoming quite popular. The se- ries has reached five parts, each complete in it- self, and other parts will soon follow. Mr. Challen has also in press the Pilgrim's Pro- eress in two ten cent parts, and proposes to is- Sue Shakespeare's plays in the same form. INDIEX TO ADVIERTISEMENTS. R. Worthington & Co.'s New English Books ---------------------------. 2d page of cover, Dick's English Novels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3(l i & # * T. B. Peterson & Bros. New Books . . . 4th { { * { Wants. --------------------------------------- Page 54 s 4 Books Wanted and For Sale. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * Excelsior Printing Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' 54 The Art of Canvassing. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '' 54 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . “ 55 Gillott's Peus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- “ 55 Happy Hours Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 55 McDivitt, Campbell & Co., “Trial of Feecher.” “ 56 The Peep Show - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 56 New York Blank Book Co. . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . ** 56 Roberts Bros., New Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 57 Mathematical Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 58 J. B. Lippincott & Co., Magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 59 Spencerian Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' 60 Potter, Ainsworth & Co., Drawing and Writing , Books. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------- ** 60 Wilson, Hinkle & Co., New lbooks. . . . . . . . . . . . '' 61 Challen's Dime Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 61 Watchman and Reflector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 6] THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 39 fook ANNouncements FOR FEBRUARY, D. APPLETON & Co., New York. Heredity. By Th. Ribot. 12mo, cloth. Alice Brand. A novel. By A. G. Riddle. 12mo, cloth. Diseases of Children. By Steiner. 8vo, cloth. Aerial world. By Hartwig. 8vo, cloth. jº Descriptive Sociology. Part 3. By Herbert Spen- cer. I. Ullo, boards, $4. The Theory of Descent and Darwinism. By Professor Oscar Sclimid'. Interuational Scientiſlc Series. 12tuo, cloth. BANKS & BROS., New York. Supreme Court Reports of New York. JX. By Marcus T. Hun, Ufficial reporter. Sheep, $2.50. Barbour's Chancery Practice. Wol. II. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, with notes and references to statutes and decisions. By Oliver L. Barbour, LL.D. Sheep, $7.50. Vol. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., New York. Interior Arclaitecture. By Guillaume. Folio, cloth, $1. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Bissell’s Reports. Vol. IV. Reports of Cases argued in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Seventh Judicial I)istrict. By Josiah N. Bissell. 8vo, 650 pp.. law slueep, $7.50. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. III. With Notes by Ex- ( liteſ Justice I), Nou. By A. D. Smith. 8vo, 675 pp., luw sheep, $4.00. JAMES CAMPBELL, Boston. Course of Lectures on Physiology. As deliveréd by Professor Küss, at the Meucal School of the Univer- sity of Strasbourg. Edited by Mathias Duval, M. i., F.X- Prosecteur de la Faculté de Medecine de Strasbou, g : Prol. Agi égé de la Faculté de Alédecine de Paris, etc., cuc. Translateu troin the Second and revised Freuch edition, by Robert Amory, M.D. 150 illustruticns. 12mo, 520 pp., cloth, $2.50. CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY, New York. A Letter to the Duke of Norfolk on the Occa- sion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostula- tionn. By John Henry Newman, D.D.. I'l on) advance blueets. The Vatican Decrees and Civil Allegiance. By HIS Grace, Ai ch'u islıop Maulniug. Froiu advauce sheets. The Office of Holy Weels, according to the Holy MISsal aud Brevlary, lu Lallu and English. A new, inn- proved and enlarged edition, printed from large type. Cloth, arabesque, 75c. - The Mistress of Novices Enlight ened upon Hier, Duties. Translated by a Sisler of Mercy. Uloth, $1.50. Deharbe’s Complete Catechism. Translated by Fulder. 75c. The Life of Father Bernard, C.SS.R. lated from the Freuch. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. The Veil Withdrawn. By Mrs. Craven. 8vo, $1.50. Life of St. John the Evaingelist. fi on the French. 12mo, cloth, $2. TranS. Translated Be Not Hasty in Judging. Translated from the Freuch by P. S. 16tuo, $1. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Ecce Femina. By a well known writer. Tales from the Operas. New edition. $1.50. ROBERT CARTER & BROS., New York. - Nature and the Bible. A Series of Lectures. By J. W. Dawson, 1.L.D. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.75. ' An Eden in England. By A. L. O. E. 16mo, 360 pp., cloth, $1.25. - Froggy's Little Brother. By Brescda. 16mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.25. DIOSSY & CO., New York. Hofſmann on the Law tunnel Practice of Ref- erees. With a large collection of formus. By Murray Hoſſman. 8vo, 600 pp., law sheep. N. Y. Superior Court Reports. Vol. XXXVIII., No. 3. By Samuel Jones and J. C. Speucer. 8vo, paper. Abbott’s N. Y. Practice Reports. Vol. XVI., No. 2. By Austin Abbott. 8vo, 96 pp., paper. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Nowadays. By Emma Ma shall. 16mo, 340 pp., clotn, $1.50. Sunday Echoes in Week-day Hours. Vol. W. Epistles and Gospes. By Mrs. Carey Brock. 16mo, 375 pp., cloth, $1.50. Farrar's Life of Christ. Cheap edition. Elim. A Collection of Devotional Hymns, Rev. J. 1). Huulington. Small 4to, $1.50. 8vo, $3. By the Rt. J. B. FORD & CO., Now York. The Abbe Tigrane, Candidate for the Pa- pacy. By 1 eru inaud Fubb, e. Trauslated by Rev. leonard Woolsey Bacon. 12mo, cloth. Romances and Realities. Tales, Sketches, and Papers. By Mrs. A. E. Burr. lzmo, 300 pp. WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. The Woman of Fire. By Adolphe Belot, author of “Article 47.” 8vo, 92 pp., paper, 50c. The Rainbow Crectl. A Story of the Times. A Lovel, holulug up in their true light the theological Shams of the age. 12mo, 250 pp., c oth, $1.50. Aliciu, Warlock, and Other Stories. Comprising Wilkie (, ollins's latest stories. By Wilkie Collins, 12mo, cloulu, $1.50. GINN BROTHERS, Boston. Ovid. By J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. Patmos; or, the Kingdom and the Patience. By Rev. J. A. Smith. I). D., editor of the “Standard.” 250 pp., Silk cloth, $1.50. - W. GOUI.D & SON, Albany, N. Y. Wait's Supreme Court Pructice. Vol. W. By William Wait: 900 pp., law sheep, $7.50. - McClellan’s Probate Practice. By R. H. Mc- Clellan. 6.0 pp., law sheep, $6.50. H. O. HOUGHTON & CO., Boston. Massachusetts Reports. 115 Reports of Cases Ar- gueu and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By John Lathrop, reporter, 8vo, law sheep, $5.50. * * * 4O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, New York. The Acting Drama. Price 15c. each. No. 13– Antony and Cleopatra, Married and Settled ; No. 14— My Friend in the Straps; No. 15—The School for Scheming. <> HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China ; or, Ten Years' Travels, Al ventures, aud Resi- dence Abroad. By J. Thomson, F.R.G. S. With over 60 illustrations from the author’s own photographs aud sketches. 8vo, cloth, $4. Our Next-Door Neighbor. Recent sketches of Mexico. By the Rev. Giſbel t Haven, D.ſ). Crown, 8vo, cloth. Discourses on Christ and Humanity. With a review, histo ical and critical, of the doctrines of Chi ist's person. By Henry M. Goodwin. 12mo, cloth, $2. Mr. Vaughan's Heir. A Novel. By Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, paper, $1; cloth, $1.50. A Strange World. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Braddon. 8vo, paper, 75c. - Hagarene. A Novel. By George A. Lawrence, author of “ Guy Livingstone,” &c. 8vo, paper, 75c. The Maid of IXilleena, and Ouber Stories. liam Black. 8vo, paper, 50c. Hope Meredith. A Novel. By Eliza Tabor. 8vo, paper, 50c. The Law and The Lady. By Wilkic Collins. 8vo, paper, and 12mo, c.0th. - LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. Perfect Love Cast eth out Fear. A Novel. By Mrs. Katherine Sedgwick Washburn, author of “The Italian Girl,” etc. 1zino, cloth. Young Folks’ History of England. By T. W. Higginson. \\ 1th Inany illustratious. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Songs of Joy. A new Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Prayer and Camp Meetings, etc. By J. H. Tenney, 16mo, boards, 30c.; flexible cloth, 35c. Running the Blockade ; or, United States Secret Service Auventures. By W. H. Thomas, author of “Gold Hunters’ Adventures.” With 12 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. The Microscope and its Revelations. By William B. Carpenter, M.D., LL.D., etc., etc. Fifth edition). Il- lustrated by 25 plates and 449 illustralions on woud. Demy octavo, 848 pp., cloth, $5.50. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Legge's Mencius. The Life and Works of Mencius. W lulu Essays aud Notes. 1 y James Legge, D.D., LL.D., 12mo, cloth. Sigma. A Story. By “Oujda.” Lichtenstein. A Romance from the German of Wilhelm Haufſ. The Green Gate, Ernst Wichert. Fears for Democracy. Regarded from the Amori- can Point of View. By Charles Ingersoll, 8vo. Landor’s Works. The Works of Walter Savage Lan- dor. New editiou. Edited by John Forster, 7 vols. 12nuo. A Romance from the German of LITTLE, BROWN & Co., Boston. Blackwell on Tax-Titles. By M. D. Ewell, edi- tor. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. • , - Illustrated. By Wil-. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Dr. Dean’s Way. $1.50. Harvest and Reapers. By Rev. Harvey New. colub. $1. g MACMILLAN & CO., New York. Macaulay’s Iteminiscences, and Selections from His Diary and Letters. By Sir Frederick e Pollock, Bart., one of his executors. A special American edition With 4 portraits engraved by Jeens. 12mo, cloth extra. Lauocoon. Translated from the text of Lossing, with Notes. By Sir R. J. Phillimore, 1). C. L. With photo- graphs. 8vo, C oth extra. NEW WOLUMES OF MACMILLAN's POPULAR NOVELS. Govinda Samanta ; or, The History of a Bengal Raujat. By Sal Benare Day. 12mo, 380 pp., paper, $1. The Harbor Bar. A Tale of Scottish Liſe. 12mo, $1. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & Co., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. XI. No. 5. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, $5 per vol. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. Xſ. No. 6. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, $5 per vol. The Pyschological and Medico-Legal Jour- Imal. Vol. II. By W. A. Hammoud, M.D. New Series, No 2, 8vo, 404 pp., sheep, $5 per annum. JAMES MILLER, New York. Thinks I to Myself. New edition. cloull, $1.25. g Romance of A Poor Young MIan. New edition. 12mo, 240 pp., cloth, $1.50. Macaulay’s Lays of Ancient Rome. edition, 16mo, clotlı, $l.25. Ten Acres Enough. New edition. cloth, $1.25. 16mo, 232 pp., New 12mo, 255 pp., GEORGE MUNRO, New York. Two Boys and a Dog. No. 300, 10c. Slashaway, the Fearless. Novels. No. 301. 10C. Munro's Ten Cent Novels. Munro’s Ten Cent JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Itocks Ahead. of Lºſe.” 12, no. By W. R. Greg, author of “ Enigmas T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Discarded Wife. A sequel to “The Clandestine Marriage.” By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy. 120mo, morocco cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.50. The Fortune-Seeker ; or, the Bridal Day. Eulima D. E. N. Southworth. New edition. rocco cloth, $1.75. Isabella Vincent ; or, The Two Orphans. W. M. Reynolds. New editiou. 8vo, 75c. - Vivian Bertram ; or, A Wife's Honor. “ Isabella Vincent.” cd tion. 8vo, 75c. Guy Mannering. By Sir Walter Scott. eultiou of the Waverley Novels. 25C. By Mrs. 12mo, mo- |By George A seq’lel to By George W. M. Reynolds. New In the cheap JOHN F. POTTER & CO., Philadelphia. Potter’s Complete Bible Encyclopedia. Parts LXIII. and LXIV. A treasury of universal religious knowledge. William Blackwood, D.D., LL.D., editor. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 4 I G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. On Hip-Joint Disease. By T. A. Sayre, M.D. No. 1 of “Clinical Lectures.” 8vo, 25 pp., paper, 35c. - Protection and Free Trade. By Isaac Butts. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. The Sexes Throughout Nature. By Antoinette Brown Blackwell. 12mo, 250 pp., cloth, $1. Herrman and Dorothea. By Goethe. J. M. Hart. Vol. I. Uſ “ Gerulan Classics.” pp., cloth, $1.25. Edited by 16mo, 100 PORTER & COATES, Philadolphia. Days Near Rome. A series of sketches descriptive of the numerous places of interest within the vicinity of Rome. A companion volume to “Walks in Rome.” By Augustus J. C. Hare. Illustrated by numerous woodcuts atter original drawings by the author. Two volumes in one. 12mo, cloth, $3.00. The Better Selſ. By J. H. Friswell, author of “The Gentle Life.” 12mo, cloth. Elementary Philosophy. Part I. Being the Science of Reasoning, and the Art of Correct Reasouiug According to Science; or, Logic Critically Treated and . Applied. By James M. Wilcox, Ph. D. 12mo, cloth. Social Science and National Economy. By Robt. Elis Thompson, Prof.ssor of the University of Penn- sylvania. A hand-book for the general reader and a text- book for colleges and the ligher Schools. 12lmo, cloth. POTT, YOUNG & CO., New York. Watches by the Cross. By Rev. J. S. D. Monsell. 18tuo, 66 pp., paper. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond, Va. Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of . Appeals, in and in the General Court of Virginia. Vol. I. From April 1, 1842, to April 1, 1843. By Conway Robinson. Second edition. 8vo, 908 pp., calf, s 5 nett. ROBERTS BROS., Bºston. Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life, 1813-1873. By Jolin, Earl Russell, K.G. 8vo, cloth, $3. Social Pressure. $2.25. Our Sketching Club. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Life of Ezra Stiles Garlunett. W. C. Gilunett. 8vo, cloth, $3. Harry Blount. A story ſor boys. Hamertou. 16tuo, cloth. By Sir Arthur Helps. 12mo, cloth, By R. St. John Tyrwhitt. By his son, Rev. By Philip Gilbert SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG. New York. A History of Advertising, from the Earliest Times. By Henry SainSou. 12mo, cloth, $3. History of Architecture. By James Fergusson. New euition. 2 vols. 8vo, clotu, $-4. Complete Works of Charles Lamb. Clutu, 33. - - Diary of His Majesty the Shah of Persia. Verbatim translation, with portrait. By J. W. Redhouse. 12tuo, cloth, $6. 12mo, SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. Hours in a Library. By Leslie Stepheu. cloth, $1.75. The French Revolution, By William O'Connor Morris. ln the “ Epochs of History '' Series. 12mo, cloth, $1. Personal Reminiscences by Thomas Moore and William Jerdam. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. In the “Bric-a-Brac " Series. Square 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. 12mo, CHARLES P. SOMERBY, New York. Essence of Christianity. By Ludwig Feurbach. Translated by Marian Evans. 12mo, 340 pp., cloth, $3. tºms ºmº SCHOENHOFF & MOELLER, Boston. The Guide ; or, Leitfaden für die Deutsche sprache ohne Grammatik, und Woerterbuch. By T. Heness, A.M. (Yale). 12mo, 250 pp., cloth, $1.50. K. TOMPKINS, New York. The Cotter’s Saturday Night. By Robert Burns. Sinall-4to, 12 pp., paper, 10C. d UNIVERSITY PUB. CO., New York. Elements of Geometry. By Chas. S. Venable, LL.D. Crown 8vo, 366 pp., cloth, Š2. - D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. - Chemical Examination of Alcoholic Li- quors. A Manual of the coustitucnts of the distii led spirits and fermented liquors of comunerce, and their qualitative and quantitative determinations. By A. B Prescott, Professor of Organic and Applied Chemistry in the University of Michigan. 12mo, 112 pp., cloth, $1.50. A Practical Treatise on the Gases MIet with in Coal Mimes. Beiug No. 13 of Van Nostrand’s Science Series. By J. J. Atkinsou. 181m0, 54 pp., boards, 50c. * - WILSON, HINKLE & CO., Cincinnati, Pestalozzi: His Life, Work, and Influence. mauu Krusi, A. M. 8vo, 248 pp., cloth. By Her- JOHN WILEY & SON, New York. An Appendix (The Second) to Dana’s De- scriptive Mineralogy. Bringing the work down to date. By E. S. Daua, unuer the Supervision of J. D. Dana, LL.D. 8vo. Text-Book of Mineralogy. S. Daua. 8vo. Fresenius’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis. A ueW revised edition, compared with the last German and Euglish editious, and with the new notation aud nomeuclature. By Professor S. W. Johnson, $4.50. The Resista ºnce of Materiauls. A new and thor- oughly revised euition. By Professor De Volsou Wood. 8vo, cloth, $3. Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. By Commander A. P. Cooke, U. S. Navy. Illustrated by about 400 fine wood engraviugs. 8vo, cloth, $12.50. By. J. D. Dana and E. T. WFIITTAKER, New York. Christ and the Controversies of Christen- dom. By R. W. Dale, A.M. 12mo, 68 pp., cloth. Lent; or, Why do we Fast : By Rev. J. H. Ry- lauce, D. D. 18tuo, paper. Report of the First American Church Con- gress. 8vo, paper. Theo. Gray’s First Years Out of School. By K. M. New editiou. 12uio, cloth, $1.50. WILLIAM WOOD, New York. Encyclopedia of the Practice or Medicine. Vol. II. By Themssen. 8vo, cloth, $5; sheep, $6. Diseases of the Heart, Lungs and Kidneys. By Loomis. 8vo, cloth. American Journal or obstetrics. 8vo, paper. 42 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JANUARY Publications. • AMERICAN BAPTIST PUB, SOC., Philadelphia. American Baptist Year-Book for 1875- 12mo, 156 pp., paper, 50c. Minnie Weston ; or, * -- ~ * Castle. By Mrs. Mary L. G. Smith. cloth, 90c. the Ins and Outs of Doubting 16mo, 188 pp., In APPLETON & CO., New York. Diseases of Children. By Dr. Johann Steiner. 8vo, cloth. - Tyndall's Address. New, enlarged edition. 12mo, paper, 50c. Principles of Sociology. Part 1. • Speucer. 12mo, paper, 600. My story. By Mrs. K. S. Macquoid. 8vo, paper, $1. The Greville Memoirs. Edited by Henry Reeves. 2 vols. 12mo, cloin, $4. * ife of His Royal Highness the Prince Tº...? Vol. 1. º: Martin. W illn put trails and views. 12mo, cloth, $2. * By Herbert BANKS BROS., New York. eneral Rules of Practice of the Sourºs of Gºa of the State of New York. 120 pp., paper, $1. Cowen on Warrants and Attachments. By Siuluey J. Uoweu. 733 pp., Sheep, $7.50. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. ey's Digest of Railway Decisions. Lº: º imp. 8vo, luut) pp., law sheep, $10. consin Reports. Vol. J. With notes by Vilas Wiś By ºp J. Smith. 8vo, 700 pp., law sheep, $4.50. By ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Fairy Frisket; or, A Peep at Insect Liſo. By A. L. O.E. 1810, 250 pp., c.otu, 750. The Rent Veil. By Horatius Bonar, D.D. pp., cloun, $1.25. Floss Silverthorn. By Agnes Giberne. 16mo, 370 pp., clotu, $1.25. 12mo, 220 G. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. d Astray, and The Sphinx. Two translations tºº. the º if Octave Feuillet, author of “Romance of a Poor Young Man.” $1.75. 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Comic Song. 35c. Libretto—Ostrol enlisa • Singing-Book.) 15c. Fundamental Rules for the Study of Har- mony. Rondiuella. 40c. Libretto—Ruy Blas. 15c. Killarney. Chas. Grobe. 60c. - Frederick's Parade March. Helmsmüllor. 35c. Lincoln Boys’ March. Whitney. 35c. J. L. PETERS, New York. Emily Schottische. J. Wiegand. COc. Happy New Year. J. Jay Watson. March. 30c. Carrie’s Favorite Waltz. J. Mueller, 25c. Angel Gabriel. J. F. Stewart. Song and chorus. 30c. Wanderer’s Evening Song. Reverie. J Wie- gand. 6UC. - Rocking Waves. Reverie. H. Maylath. 40c. Venetian Regatta (Lizt). H. Maylath. 40c. Gertie's with the Angels Now. E. Christie. Song and chorus. 30c. • ? Come and Meet Me, Nettie, Dear. J. E. Stewart. Song and chorus. 30c. - I Will be Home To-night, Love. W. S. Hays. Song und chorus. 35c. Morning Carls waltz. Adia Ray. C. Wagner. beams). 20c. Be Still, Poor Heart I Waltz. C. Wagner. Sunbeams.) 20c. - J. Jay Watson. 30c. Transcription (Bright Sun- (Bright I.OUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Die Fahnenwacht. March. Horn, violin and piano. 30(". . 8. Loving Letters. Galop. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Laura. Schottische. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Morming. Polka Mazurka. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Preciosa. Waltz. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Freischutz. Fantaisie. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Terzetto. From Freischutz. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Chorus. From Freischutz. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. National. Galop. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Venice. Fantaise Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Juliette. Waltz. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Military. March. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. Serenade. Polka. Horn, violin and piano. 30c. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. Happy Little Maiden. J. S. Gilbert. Song. Shower of Diamonds. Bailey. Fading Leaves. O'Neil. Song. The Morning Sunbeams. Fuller. Song. Golden Clouds. Blake. 4 hands. - Golden Harvest. T. P. Ryder. Heavenward Bound. March. Blake. Why Does Mother Stay so Long : C. A. White. Lola engrin. Bluke. Spring Leaf Waltz. Hamblin. Grand Duke. Studley. 4 hands. Though Lost to Sight, to Memory Dear. Gilbert. - He Kissed Me and He Knew it was Wrong. Jephtha’s Daughter. Pease. Song. Old Oaken Bucket. T. P. Ryder. Friendless and Sad. Eastburn. Song. I”se Gwinning Back to Dixie. White. Song. Morris Dance. Wilson. Ellis Park Waultz, Carr. June Song. Ordway. Olden Time. Wilson. •, Fisherman and His Child. White. Quartette for mixed male voices: Fisherman and ‘His Child. White. Song. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Clara. Stuebger. Schottische. 30c. Fest. Overture. Leutner. I’iano Duet. $1.00. Lights Far Out at Sea. Gatty. Song. 30c. Blissful Dreams Come Stealing O'er Me. | Abt. Song. 30c. . - Un Reve d’Exile. Ralph Meriman. Piano Romance. 35c. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 47. The Stationery MARKET, Business has been light during the month, and conflned mostly to local trade. The inclement weather throughout . the West has undoubtedly injuriously affected business. Dealers are hopeful, and busy making preparations for a good spring trade. The demand for valentines has been excellent, and business in these goods has received an impetus by the introduc- tion of a number of new styles, which surpass in uniqueness and elegance anything heretofore in the market. Adjustable Book Covers. Will ſit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ... . . . . . . . . . . 1 t * tº “ 1,000, “ { . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb...... • * * * * * > . . . . . . . . . * * * * tº dº e º g tº º e º e e s e e 30 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs, to ream, per lb. 31 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb.. 32 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 35 “ - SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb...... ...................... $ 25 Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . . e e s e º is e < * * * * * * * * * 25 Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 ( * § { $: 0. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, .................. 3 00 - Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw..... . . . . 9 to 12 cts. { { “ rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 12 to 15 “ 4 ( ** good to first-class...... . . . . . . 15 to 20 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUIRE. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 24 Demy, 15 by 20, “ ...... {e tº e º 'º e . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Medium, 17 by 22, “ e e º 'º e º a s e e s e e e s e s e e º e s e 48 Royal, 19 by 24, tº e tº e º º e e s a e e e e s s e º & © e 60 WHATMAN’S. & Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e e 50 Demy, 15 by 20, “ e e s e e s e e s e e º e s tº a e 80 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . tº $ ſº tº º ºs e º gº tº . 1 15 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . ............... 1 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ ge º e º e s e º & & © tº e & E & g º . 1 80 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 - Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream......... * * * * * * * * * * * ... 1 60 { { Colored, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e & e º 'º Tracing Paper. º Domy, per quire... . . . . . . . ...................... 75 Melium, “ e e a tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". 1 25 Bristol Boards. gº REYNOLDS' AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. ..... tº e º e º 'º º e º ſº e º e is 45 t 4 3 { % { { tº $ tº tº ſº e e tº e º 70 { { 4 { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Demy, 2 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 * * 3 { { { { © tº gº tº ge e e º e º 'º e tº e I 15 { { 4 { { { { tº tº e º gº © tº sº tº e º ſº e ge e e º 'º º 1 50 Medium, 2 { * ( & tº e º 'º ... . . . . 1 00 “ 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . © º ºn tº I 50 { { 4 { g “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Perſorated Boardie C arse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per doz. 7 00 Blotting Paper. Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David’s.’ Stafford's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross... . . . . . $7 20 Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ..... . . . . . . . 5 25 { % ( : “ Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 { { “ ‘‘ 3 Pints, “ ....... ..... I 65 { { ( & { { tands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . 5 40 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 35 { { { { Pints “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottes, per doz. ... 100 { { t $ Assorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... 1 25 ( & ( . ( & 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 David’s Carmine, No. 1, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 25 * { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... - “. { * No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15 { i { { No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz . . . . 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Ink, - - BLACE VIOLET WRITING - INK. INK: FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 l’ints, { { { { ' ' ' ... 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ “ “ . . . I 60 2 00 1 75 4 oz., t tº ( 4 “ . . . 90 1 15 1 00 Stands, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Black Diamond Combined Writing and Copying Mink. & Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . $8 00 || Half Pints, per doz. ... $3 00 Pints, “. . . . . . . . 5 00 || 4 oz. Flat Inkstands... 2 25 Stands, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 9 00 Jet Black School Ink, in nosed bottles, per gross..... 5 50 Discount on Pearl Ink. & .IWIucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00' “ 8 ounces, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50 “ Pints, { * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20 “ Quarts, { { e e e e s = e a e s e º a s e º e º e” e º e ... 7 00 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. ..... tº e º 'º e º 'º º e º ºs . 1 38 { { à & “ ( No. 2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 1 50 Silliman's No. 3, School, “ t \ * { 4 & No. 2, tº e º e º e º e º e º is e ..... 1, 13 { { No. 1, { { { { e & e = * * * * * * * l 25. { { Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 59. { { Mechanics', " .................. 2 00 Flat Glass, 24 inch, “. .......... . . . . . . . . 1 19 & C 3 * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 { { 3+ “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 39 { { 4 * * { { * e s e º e º e º e s e s tº 1 75 Air-tight Inks, Small, “. . . . . . . ... ... 7 75 { { ‘‘ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper’s Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from......... .....75c. to $1.12 per d02. Steel Perase ()etavo packages, per doz . . . . .............. * * * * * * 75 || American News Company’s No. 1170. ... $0 50 Quarto “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { * 6. { { School, No. 51.... 30 |H { { { { { { Extra Fine, No 333. ... 50 nk. * c : { { { { { { { { No. 444... 50 David's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 9 00 & C t { * { { Quill, No. 76. ... 50 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ........ . 1 25 { { § { { { Falcon, No. 48.... 50 tº 8 tº & 6 - { { “. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 { { { { 4 & Bank, No. 14.... 50 Pavid's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz............. 3 25 { { { { { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 “ Quarts, 1 “ “ “. . . . . . . . . 6 00 { { ( & ${ Albata, No. 11.... 50 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. 48 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Gillott's Pens, No. 303........ { { “ No. 404..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 35l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington Medallion Pens - Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( & “ in 3 gross boxes { { & 4 { { {{ s e º e º e º 0 ° • * * * * * * e e º e º & © 2 e e e º e º 'º tº º & © Lead Pencils, Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. .... “ Hexagon, “ { { “ Tablet, “ . . “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. { { 4t 5 4 & { { • e e s e e e Q = e s e º e º e º 'º e e º e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. * * * * * * * e e º sº e s e e s e e < * * * * * c e s e e º 0 e º e º 0 & 0 & Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. ........ . . . . . . . . . “ Rexagon, * { “ Rubber Head, “ ................ ‘‘ Red, Blue, and Green, Tipºd.......... . . . . . . . Red, Polished, per gross, Faber’s...... • . . . . . . . . . . Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle • * * * * * e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e ∈ • * ~ * Pen-Holders. Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... ...... { { Swell, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Q @ French Tip, per gross ......................... $2 to Bone, per doz. ... ..., tº e º e e e e º 'º - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. * * 9 º' 75c. to POcket Reversible. .................. ... . . . . .15C. to Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... C & 4t . 4 & 5 by 7, $ a e e g º º º & 4 4 & & 4 6 by 9, & ( º e e º 'º & 6& & & “ 64 by 10, “ . . . . . . { { ( & 4: 7 by 11 {{ tº ~ 0. • e & 4 t & & 4 § by 12, “ ...... { { { % { { § by 13, ' ...... Slate Pencils. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch......... tº o º tº German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . ... . . . . . . from 15c. to German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross...... Silicate Book Slates, FOR SLATE PENCIL, Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 33 by 54 in., per doz. Companion, “ gilt title, Quartz, 2 surfaces, Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces; Mineral, “ 6 “ 33 by 55 in., “ 5 by 84 in., “ 5 by 8+ in., “ 7 by 11 in., “ FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interly'd, gilt, 24 by 33 in., per doz. Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per duz... & e º e º 'º e º e e Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 33 by 5} inches, per doz ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 33 by 54 inches, per doz . . . . . • * ~ * * * * * * g e s is © e e s - e o e º s e e s s s N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes. Buſſ, Heavy, 5, per 1,000... --. e s e e º e e s e e e c e e s a ( & 4 & X5 { { y • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * & 4 { { XX5 ( & { { ( & xxxâ. { { * * * * * * * * * = e º e e s & e e º e º & White, X5, “ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * gº º e º 'º º { % XX5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { X, Commercial Noto size, per 1,000. 4 & XX, { { t { { { ( * . Orange, XX5, per 1,000.... . . . . . . ............ Gold, XX5, { { • * * * * * tº e s e º e a • e e e º e º 'º e Playing Cards. Steamboat, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highlander, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - © e Eureka, or Players, “ ...... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s e e < e < e < e e Moguls. Enameled, “ ........................ Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º - Euchre, “ . . . . ------ * * * * * * * * * * * Ill., Moguls, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º 'º - © Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º - Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . ..... e ſº tº º º i ; 9 S 3 3 0 3 30 3 30 8 8 ... 6 00 to 12 00 Bominoes. Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $600 { { good { { { { { { “ Mahogany boxes, “ Initial Stationery. Plain White Paper, per box, 12c. Empress......... 16 Rose Tint. & & {{ 14c. Duchess0. . . . . . . . . 18 Backgammon Boards. Paper, 2-in nest, per nest... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Cloth, “ { { {e • * * * * * * * * * e º e e s & e - © . . . . . 2 50 Half Sheep, 2 in nest, per nest........... e e < * * * * ... 3 00 Full Sheep, “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Checker-IV len. Box Wood, per doz. ... .......... * ... • * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 Chess-IV ſerm. Bone, German, per doz. ...... ........ .....S6 25 to 2400 Wood, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 62 to 60 00 Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross........ ... • * * * * ~ * © e º 'º e 15 { { ( * assorted colors, per groSS..... . I 00 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e s e s e e s a e s - e - e. e. e. 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross............... 1 20 “ Bands, # inch, assorted, per gross........... 1 50 tº { { { { ( { 4 ( • * * * * * * e • * * 2 60 & 4 “ 3 “ & 4 & & ... . . . . . . . . 3 60 Portfolios. - Ietter size, per doz.................... ... $6 00 to 18 00 Cap { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 00 to 24 00 Pocket-Books. Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............S1 50 to 4 00 Calf, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * e º e º e s s * * * * * * * 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. ................ 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “. . . . . . . ........... 5 00 to 20 00 Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame. Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 50 “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood { { { { 16 50 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mahogany ( & 4 : 21 00 “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood ( & ( & 22 50 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip e ( { & C 25 50 Thermometerse Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 t $ 10 * * ( { • * e • * ~ * * * * * * * * 3 75 { { 12 tº & 4 • e º ºs e e e = e s e e º 'º - * * * * * * * * 4 75 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . S1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Counting-House, per doz. ...S2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 Quills. Quills, No. 20, per 100. • * e e s e e s • e e e is e e º 'º - e e º e s e e 60 * { No. 30, { { • a e º e s e e e º e e s e s e e s e º e º e º e º e º a 75 { { No. 40, t? • * * * * * * e e º e º e º e - - - - - - - - - I 15 “ No. 50, “ ....... • e º sº * e e s e s e e s - a © tº º e º 'º e 1 65 ( * No. 60, { { tº e º 'º - © " a e º e s a tº tº e º º tº º e & e e º e 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 2 75 Portable, “ “. . . . . . . e e º s e º e º E e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. m. m. e. as 3 25 Large, ( 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . e e e e º e e e ... . . . . . . . 4 50 Office, 4 & {{ e - e. e. e. e. e. e s • e e tº e º 0 - - e G o 5 75 Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire... . . . . 12c. to 25 Full { { * { ( * ... . . . .30c. to 70 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 50 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e G e º e e e . . . . . $0 50 to 1 35 8vo, & t º e º e s tº s - - - • * * * * * * * e º e e s e º e º 'º' 60 to 2 () Crown, 4 * e ‘p e º 'º - e º e º e º e º 'º e º º e º s tº e º 'º e e e 90 to §§ Demy, “ • * * * * e º 'º - e º 'º e e º e º e º e º º e 2 00 to 3 00 SUBJEOT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. ... 600 to 1800 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 49 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S LIs T of NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the ſollowing rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th —The Wholesale Prices are not. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.-Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.—We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order w8 not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, atmless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.-Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers freo upon application. 9th.-Letters, with ſull signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. - PostAGE TO NIEWS DEALIERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, * * § { Threo “ { { PAPER COVERED NOVELS, do. do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASEI capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in . advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Inclosed find $......... ................, which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing ou receipt of this : -- “I 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper’s Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gº- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing , or decreasing, write said order similar to this form: - . [Form 2.] TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - - * * CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger * * * * * g e º g s & tº e º e º e º... • * e tº tº gº tº e e º 'º º te & e º ſº tº e º & © tº e s tº gº º ... º t ... ............................making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper................... © s p e º 'º º e º 'º e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ & & 6 3 New York Weekly tº º & © tº * * * * * * * * e s is e is e e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º e s e º e s e e s e e s e e s e a e s e º e e º e { { ( & 13 2 Old and New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s s e º e g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---. ... “ tº 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . & Cº º º º ſº tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 6t * 3 CUT OFF- 2 Waverley.... * * * * e º e º º is tº º e º ºs º ºs e e º e º ºs e < c, e. e. e. e. e. & & © tº e s is m = s. sº tº tº $ tº gº & & e º e º ºs e e º 'º g º e º ſº e ... . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. “ “ ” 1 Demcrest’s Illustrated Mocthly and Mirror of Fashions. ................................... “ “ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. - 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. - Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with Said , alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city ind the last date the change was made. Communications should be addressed to * THE AMER/CAM NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, 5o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. tº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked With a $2. rice, Commercial Bulletin......... 3% — Graphic (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 N York Courier des Etats Unis 3% 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. .......... 2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista ........ ......... 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung........ . . . . . . . 4 tº- Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal......... 7%. 10 American Gael (The)......... 4% 6 American Grocer............ 7 I0 Anāorican Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publish.cr.......... 4% 6 American Republic .......... 3 *- American Sportsman....... ... 7 10 American Union............. 4% 6 Appleton’s Journal ...... . . . . 7 10 Arcadian........ • * ~ * e º e º 'º e º e 7 10 Army and Navy Journai ..... 11 15 Atlantische Blaetter ......... 4 6 Ave Maria .......... . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Banner of Light............. 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º 'º e e 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... ....... - 4 — Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 I0 Boston Independent... . . . . . . . 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical - Journal . . . . . . . . . . ......... 7 10 Boston Statesman............ 4 6 Boston Traveler ............. 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review..... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News.... 8 10 Capital............ º & Q e e - © e º e 4 6 Catholic Mirror.... ......... 5 8 Catholic Review ............. 4% 6 Catholic Standard...... ..... 4% — Challen's 19c. Novels........ 7 - Christian Advocate and Jour- na! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian at Work ........... 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer ....... 7 10 Christian Leader ............: 4% — Christian Mother ............ 11 20 Christian Register ........... 10 Christian Union ........... ... 5% 8 42Christian Weekly (Illustrated)4 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union ............... 3 - Church Weekly........ ... ... 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Coal and Iron Record......... 7 10 Commercial and I’inancial Chronicle............. . . . .20 25 Commonwealth..... * * * * * * * g e 4 6 Country Gentleman.......... 4 6 Courier desEtats Unis ....... 9 10 Criminal Zeitung...... tº t e º s 10 ID A I L. Y. P. A P J E J R S . Trado Ret. r!CO, New York Evening Post...... 4 6 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York Evening Witness .. 34 1 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2% 3 New York Herald............ 3% 4 New York Journal CommercC. 5 6 New York Journal (German). 2%. 3 SE MII - W E E K L.Y. New York Fxpress........... 3% 5 New York Journal of Com.... 5 6 W E E R I, Ye Danburian.............. 3 tº- Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Das Neue Heim........ . . . .. 7 10 Jay Book... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German)......... 4 7 Disciples' Pulpit............. 7 * Drug Bulletin.... ............ 5 — Dwight's Journaſ of Music.... 8 *- Emmett's (Robert) Songs.... 13 25 Economist........... . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette.......... 7 10 El Espejo (semi-mo.) ........ 18 — Engineering aud. Mining Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T0 Episcopalian................. 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Examiner and Chronicle....., 4% 6 Farmer’s Home Journal...... 4 - Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Fireside Companion.......... 4% 6 Forney’s Weekly Press ... . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream........... 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat'd Paper 7 10 {{ “ Lady's Journal. 7 10 { { “ Boys and Girls’ . Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 & 4 “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { “ Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . ... 7%. 10 Harper’s Bazar ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Heart aud Hand. . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 ©Hearth and Home.......... 4% 6 Hebrew Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hebrew News............... 7 10 Herald (California)........ ... 4% 5 Hergld §: . . . . . . . 4% 6 Płome Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 5 'Home Journal ..... . . . . . . . . . . 7 Independent ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% 10 Those the prices of which have Trade Ret. Price. New York PreSS0 . . . . . . . . . . . .2% — New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% 3 NeW York Star......'........ 1 3-102 New York Sun .............. 1% 2 New York Times ............ 3% 4. New York Tribuno....... . . ... 3% 4. New York World... .......... 3% .4 New York Times ............ 3%. 5 New York Tribune........... 3%. 5 New York World ............ 8% 6 Index (The)............. º e º e - Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator....... ...... ... 7 - Iron Age...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Irish American .............. 4 6 Irish Democrat. ............ 8% 5 Irish World ........... ..... 4 5 Jewish Messenger...... ------ 8 e- Jewish Times ............... 8 12 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 10 Liberal Curistian ..... • . . . . . 6 8 Living Ago.................. 14 18 L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 5 L'Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 12 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 I2 Medical Independent........ º 6 Medical Record....... • . . . . . . 8 10 Medical Times............... 10 - Memorial Pulpit............. 12 15 Mercantile Journal........... 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.)....... . . . . , 6 8 Metal Worker...... * * * * * * * e e 2% — Methodist ........ * * * * * * * * * * * 4%. 6 Moniteur de la Mode........ .22 -* 2 Nation (...) * * * * * * g e e º e º e e s a 9 10 Nautical Gazette............. 7 17 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 0 New Sensation .............. 7 10 New York Albion............ 7 I New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . 10 New York Family Story Paper. 494 — New York Journal (Germati). 4; 6 New York Ledger............ 4%. 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . . 7 - @New York School Journal... 5% 7 New York Tablet ............ 4% — New York Varieties.......... 7 10 New York Weekly..... . . . . . . 6 News from Germany and Swit. zerland . . . . . .............. 6 10 Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter...G People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 - People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4% 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 - Philadelphia Suuday Dispatch. 4 - Philadelphia Weekly Press 4%. 6 Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3%. 5 Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6%. 10 Police Gazette............. .. 7 10 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. . r r W .E. E. K. L. Y. — Continuede + Traº, Rot. Traº i Ret. Traft, IRet. C6, *rico. *rice. police News (Illustrated)..... 7 . , 10 | Stockholder...... ........... T., 10 | Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7, , 10 l'omeroy's Democrat......... 4% 6 Sunday Citizen .............. 3% - || The Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% - Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — Sunday Courier.............. 4 — | Union Advocate ... . . . . . . . . . . 2% - Price º: e e º e º 'º º ºs º is a ; 1. § {. º • sº e e s e e tº º # — Universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8. Presbyterian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday Pºm991: ". . . . . . . . . . . . .2% - || Wall Street Review.......... 1% — Publishers' Weekly... . . . . . . . 7 * §. pºpº e e º º ºs º ſº e º e º 'º !” T | Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 - Sinºy ºil.’’;. * * g e is e e ‘º * T | Watson's Art Journal ....... 8 1() Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 — y a ur Al ºn rr in ryi * ** I fºr 8 Waverley Magazine. ... . . . . . .11 15 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . *:: # sº i. sº e º 'º e e º 'º e º e º 6 e # 10 Weekly Demokrat 7 Railway Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Sunday Mercury..... e e s e e s e e * y e g º ºs e º e º º º & Real Estate Record .......... 19 — | Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 4 Wº: #ā............. #4 : Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10 | Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — * ºf . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 gº. Y §: 6 | Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2 Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Rural New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . . §. Presso OTKOT JOUl TIlºll. . 3% T | Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 San F isco China News 10 *º §. stats e s e º $ e º is tº e º e º ſº tº 2% = ©Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 an ºranc, * • X e º e e J -- ~~~~~ * ~ * * * * * * & e º 'º º e e º º a —s Weekly News.... tº e º 'º sº e º & & e º º 3% 5 . San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 | Sunday Star................. 2 {--> * * Saturday Night.... .......... 4% 6 Sunday Sun (New York)..... 3% — W. Rºy § º: * & #. : Saturday Star Journal........ 4% 6 || Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... 3% — W.; i. e º º º: 3%. 5 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Sºy Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12 7 Weekly Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . 3%. 5 man). . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * g e º e 10 | Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - wej. Sº, 2 4. Scientific American 5% 8 || Sunny South 436 6 y Sull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % sº........... ." iſ relegraph journaſ........... 5 § W.' ............ : : §ottish America jºurnal...; ... | Thº................. 4% - || W. W............: 3% Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 | The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - weekſy world.............. tº 3% 5 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 | Thompson’s Reporter . . . . . . . . 6 I | Wild Oats $ tº e º 'º - © tº * * * * * ... 1 2 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 10 | Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 rºog sº.; Ari., in... • - - - - - Singers’ Journal 2 || Tobacco Leaf * 9 12 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times... 11 15 º o & e º e s e e e e º is ºe & & © & © g º e g g º º ge e º se e y * ©Skandinavische Post..... . 4 8 || Toiler (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 *|W.iº, wā;...?" ſº South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 — Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 & gº Spiritualist at Work . . . . . . . . . 5 — †º:::::::::::::::::: 4 6 X. H. * * * * * * * tº ſº e s = e tº e 3% 7 True lag • gº e e º dº e º 'º g tº tº º e º & e º gº 4% 6 OU S Ompanion e g º ºs & * * * gº tº 3 NT O N T H L Y. e 5 Advance 10c. Novels. ...... 6% — Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 35 | Floral Cabinet........ , ...... 8 10 { { “ Song Books... 5 — | Bonfort's Wino and Liquor Folio (Musical)......... ... ... 10 - ( & “ Hand “ .. 5 — Circular (semi-monthly) ... 8 12 || Fortnightly Review . . . . . . . . . 40 50 Agriculturist (English)...... 9 15 | Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 | Frank Leslie’s Boys and Giris’ Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9 15 | Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 – Amatour . . . . . . . tº e º e & © e tº E tº e º & 7 10 | Boys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 {{ { { jº of Fun... 10 15 American Antiquarian ... . . . .28 50 Carria O g {{ ** Chimney Corner • * * c. ge Journal ...... . . . . . .22 25 g American #. §ºi. is G. : ić º: T | Catholic Record ............ - 17 25 ( & { { 1%,"." 50 American i. se º . ‘’s; T Catholic Total-Abstinence ğ. arts)... 30 40 *:::::::: #. * ...; 30 Union...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e 4% * {{ { { Lºgº American Chemist ..... ...g. ś|{. § (mo parts)30 #| | a tºº...?! #3 º; ;|Children's New Chūrāść dº...". ºº is Amºs...iſ cº.º.º. §§ºomimoji; ; Amer. Illus. Home Monthly. . 18 Tº Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 gardene S Monthly. ; , . . . . . . 16 25 Amer. Illus. Industrial Journal 4 6 * r *s - Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 15 ican J l of Health Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 T Gewerbo und Industrie (Ger- alº e 7 Coin Chart Muuual........... 23 — man Scni monthly) .*-------- - - - - - * : ". e e º e g tº - Comic Monthly © tº $ tº G & º e e 7 12 & gº . . . . . . . ** American Journal of Philately. 9 12 * y ry Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6%. 10 American Law Register...... 40 50 3. Detector (Peter. º 10 º ...}; is Book........ : 2 15 American Miscellauy . . . . . . . . 15 25 son's) 11 15 goſley's Lady's Book.........: * *...*.*.*.*... . . Gºrem......... ; : :".....'...........# 2. ºw.......ii ś|*.*.*:::::.."; *|Gººdwººd........... is 3. American Stock Journal...... 7 10 & * * * * * e º e e is T || Grand Army Gazette ..... ... 7 10 * - I - ---. Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 10 * • in tº *::::::::::.....", is ſºi.........?' - ||3:...";.......; so merican #. º * * > * * g º e º ſº tº & ſº Demorest's Young America... 7, , 10 | H. #if: Advisers ſo Aºki T | Qe Norºendorf’s Monthly... .4% — tº Jo...Tº iš App . * ournal (4 weekly 40 Dental Cosmos ...... . . . . . . .22 T | Harper's Magazine is e º 'º º 33 35 Aśī; Rºwºhliºis – #; º;"º. arts).33 30 Pºle º urnal (5 Y y 5 50 De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 #. of Health ... part 'io I5 Aºûâûâûâ....; ;|...º::::::::: * | Historical Magazine.......... ; ; *...*.*...; "|DeWitt's Champion Ten Cent #.”:''''.i.’...... § {} A..."...ing......; T | Nº.:g:::::,3% 9 || Hºloniii;..a5 is jº.... ; T | Be Witt's Eggutionary Series;10" 15 | #. y; Aº. . . tº e º i. 25 | De Witt's, Ethiopian Comic #. ..............is 25 +. A. ur . º: * e is º tº 7 10 Drama, 1 to 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Howe's Musical Monthſ tº ſº ...25 § - i. . . y . . . . . . . . 2: 3: DeWitt's 10 Cent Romances, Hub (The) Y. . . . . . *4 #.’...........: 15 1 to 1% . ... . . . . . . - - - - - - tº º 10 º Hóusehold 'Mag.... : 6 To bankers' Magazine ; ; DeWitt's 19Cent Song, Books lndustrial Monthly ... 9. 15 Bank tº; ..........38 50 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 Industrial Record tº gº e º 'º e º 'º º e 8 B ; P §. *:::::... . . . . Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 { ºf with Sup ji).37 eagle's ºut iCat iODS : Druggists' Circular .......... *E- ( pplb). *=sº Dime Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Inland Monthly. ... ... ë is e e º 'º a 16 25 4 & ** 100 or over. . . . 6 Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . . .35 50 ! Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 “ “ 300 “ .... 5% Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 | Insurance Times............ .22 30 Song Books................ 5 Al Ateno (Spanish).......... .38 — | Insurance Spectator ...... . . .22 *sº “ “ 100 or over..... 4% El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 — lnsurance Gazette ........... 40 — & 4 “ 1000 “ . . . . . Exchange Market... . . . . . . . . . 2 — | Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 I0 Beekeepers’ Journal .... ..... 6 — | Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 – Jolly Joker.................. 7 12 Best Words ............ .... 7 10 | Fireside (Musical)........... 4% — I Journal of Applied Chemistry-14 29 52 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Trade Ret, Trade l'et. Trado Ret. Price. CC. Price, Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40 50 | Revue de la Mode. ......... 25 35 monthly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | New and Old Friends ........ .6% – | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 La America (Semi-monthly)20 25 | New Era.... ............... 12 20 lady’s Own Magazine........ 14 — | New Jersey Record - - - ..... © — Sailors' Magazine.... .... ... 10 15 Lady's Repository.... . . . . . . .27 35 | New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — | Sanitarian .................. 20 30 La Mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . ... 38 50 | New Yorker Musick Zeitung.. .6 — Saturday Journal (parts).....18 – Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 | New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 || @Schoolday Magazine........ 12 - Land Owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% lo | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 — Science of Health............ 14 25 Laws et Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | New York Lithograph........ 7 10 | Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . .38 50 Le Charivaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - || Nick Nax.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Scribner's Monthly ... . . . . . . . 28 35 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . ... 10% 15 | N. Amer. Journ. of Homeeupathy85 - || Sillim in 's Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 Literary Rºy: e e º e s º & © t 10 || Nursery (The)............... 15 | Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 literary World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - irº º Spirit of the Press ........... 4 -* Lippincott's Magazine........ 27 35 º e e º e º e e º 'º - *::: T5 Star-Spangled Banner ... .... 4% 6 Live Stock Jourual (Buſſalo).. 10 15 * ord's p; . . . . . . . . . . . . .2% Student’s Journal............ 6 10 * ~...~l -r, 3 liver Optic’s Magazine. . . . . . 20 25 . - Locke's Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 T | Old and New 26 35 | Suliday Magazine............ 18 25 #. Family He gºld. e e º 'º º .18 ºn | Oruum's Iuuian Novels, 1 to 73. 6% 10 St. Chrystostom's Magazine...15 --> ndon Lancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 • ‘ Pop'1"I' ...” & 1/ St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . ........ * op'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6% 10 St. Paul's Magi * B = $ l l r ** } • ? “ ióði.songs, i'to 105. 5° 10 | St. Paul's Magazuo...... ... .23 30 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 - “ ific. Romićes, I to 24 8% 15 - Mammoth Monthly. Reader . . . . . . . Our Frie. º... }* * | Texas New Yorker........ ... 17 10 Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 OVC iand iš. y) . . 26 30 Tuo Lens................ . . . .70 -* Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — Ovel y . . . . . . . . . . . - There and Back (Guide)...... 14 — Medical Nows and Library... 10 — | Painters’ Magazine...10 — | Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 25 Medical News Supplement (Suc- Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 – | Trans-Coutinental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 cessor to Raukiu's Abstract. 10 — Paper Trade Journai (Semi-mo)ll — Traveler's Official Guido. . . . . 25 50 Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 — | Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 ! Truth Seeker................ 5 - Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 | Pensiou Record.... . . . . . . . . 6 - Milliner aud Dressmaker. (Mo. Peters' Household Melodies. 30 — Union Era (parts)....... . . . . . 25 — American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ‘‘ Parlor Music . . . . . . . . 30 – | University Journal .......... lo 20 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 Peterson’s Countert’t Detector. 11 l 5 Mother’s Jourual . . . . . * - e. e. e. e. e. 12% 20 | PeterSou’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 | Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. .6%. 10 || @Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul neeriug Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Munro's 10 Ceut. Song Books, try Bulletin........ & © e º e º 10 from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 10 || Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 | Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 --> Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 || Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 Wayerley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 — Phunny Phe low............. 7%. 10 | Welcome Guest(semi-m'thly). 7 — Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 | Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 25 National Agriculturist and Bee Peterson's Popular Literature 20 – | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . * c e º e º e 10 | Popular Science Monthly. . . . .37 50 || Work and Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% — National Car Bulder........ 7 — | Poultry W Urld..... . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || Working Farmer............. 9 12 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78. – | Workshop.................. .30 50 National Magazine........ ... 28 — | Psychological Journal. . . . . . .37% 50 | Yankee Notions.............. 794 10 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Pulpit of the Day . . . . . • . . . . . . 6 10 ! Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 National S. S. Teacher........ 10 15 || Railway Monitor...... . . . . . . .33 – | Young Crusader ............. 8 10 Nut’ſ Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 1 | Rand & McNally Guide...... .28 40 | Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 - National Temperance Advocate 9 10 | Record and Repository....... 6 – | Youth's ProgreSS... . . . . . . . . . 10 -*s QUA R T E R L. Y. R. E VI Ews, ET C. - American Church Review. $0 90 — Church and World........ $0 S5 — New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 -* American Journal Medical Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Remedies ... . . . . . . . . 35 50 Sciences . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * I Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 | North American Review ...1 12% — Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 | No. Am. Jour. of Homoepathy 85 -: American law Review..... I 05 Edinburgh Review (repriut) 62 — Postal Guide (U.S. Offi'l) 35 50 Baptist Quarterly..... 85 Bibliotheca sacra. . .';...I do Hraithewaite's Retrospect...l 05 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 Brittan’s Journal..... ... ... 67 Brownson’s Review........ I 00 Christian Examiner........ 67 Christian Quarterly........ 85 MIo N i H L Y-Continued. Halſ - Yearly Compeudiu in Medical Science ... . . . . . . 1 20 International Review (bi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Journal Social Science. . . . . . 1 25 London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 National Quarterly Review.5l l? What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 Presbyterian Quarterly aud Princeton Review . . . . . . tº e Rankin's Half-Y’rly Abstract 60 1 Smith's Pattern Bazar...... 20 Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 : Fort E I GN P E R H on I C A L s—w E E R L. Y. Trado Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. , 1’all Trade Price. Academy.......... ..... 16 || English Mechanic ...... . 7 | Le Monde Illustré... . . . . 14 | c.1, Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 20 All the Year Round ..... 8 Eril. . . . . . . . . . . • e s e - e. e. e. ... 20 ! Lancet . . . . . . . . . ........ 18 || Pall Mali Gazette (ſile of Architect... ........ 12 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Land and Water ........ 20 Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum ............. 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 || Pictorial World......... 10 Belfast News........... 14 | Field.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . ... ... 25 | Public Opinion...... ... 10 Bell’s Life.............. 20 | Fun.................... 5 | Liverpool Mercury...... 10 | Publishers' Circular (ſort- Bow Bells .............. 5 | Funny Folks............ à | London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Garden • e º e º - - © e º a º e - © e ºp 10 London Reader.......... 5 Punch............. G s º e e 10 Building News... . . . . ‘... 12 Gardener’s Chronicle.... 20 | London World ..... . . . . . 20 | Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cassell's Magazine ...... 6 || Gas-Light Journal ...... '.0 | L’Univers Illustré....... 10 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chiumbers’ Journal..... . 7 || Glasgow Herald......... 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 | Saturday Review. . . . . . . . 16 Chemical News.....'.... 12 Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 | Mark Lane Express ..... 23 || Spectator.... . . . . . . . . . ... 16 Christian World......... 5 || Guardian - - - - - - - - ...... 20 || Medical Record ......... 18 || Sporting Gazette....... . 10 Church Review......... 10 || Illustrated News........ 20 Mining Journal.......... 20 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times ... ....... tº Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World .......... 18 5c.)..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Police News... 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 | Tablet...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Dispatch ............... 5 || Illustrated Sporting and Nature ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 | Tailor and Cutter ....... 8 Economist .... ... ..... 30 Dramatic News...... . 20 | News of the World...... 10 || The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer............... 20 | Irishman............... 14 | Notes and Queries....... 12 | The Mail (3 dates):::::: 28 Engineering............ 20 | John Bull ... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Weekly Register (Cath.) 10 Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 || Judy............ . . . . . . . 6 Ouce a Week . . . . . . ..... 8 || Weekly Times........... 4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE. 53 ve- IFO RE E II G N PE IR E O ID II CA ILS – MT ONT HI IL Y. G Trade Price. Trude Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. All the Year Round (part)36 | Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . . 16 | La Mode Illustré3 . . . . . . 1 00 | Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . U) S> Architect. ........ ... 54 | Dublin Review(Quar’ly).230 | Ladies’ Treasury. . . . . . . . 30 | Spurgeon’s Pulpit. . . . . . . 20 A TgOSY . . . . . s e es s • • • • • • Dublin University Maga- Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . 20 | St. James' Magazine. . . . . 38 Art, Industrial and Pic- Zine. . . . . . . . . . d wº e s - es 1 00 Little DreSSmaker. . . . . . . 18 Strahan’S Saturday Jour- torial . . . . . . . . . . . sº s 6 s o Edinburgh Me 1. Journal. 76 | London Journal (parts).. 22 Dºl: . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 18 Athenaeum (part). . . . . . . 54 | English Woman's Domes- LOndOn Society . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Aunt Judy’s Magazine... 20 tic Mlagazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 | SLondon&Paris Fashions 38 | Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 McMillan's Magazine - . . . 25 Sunday School Teacher . 7 Band of Hope Review. . . 2 Family Friend. . . . . . . . . . 2% | Medical Times (parts). ... 98 | Sunday School leacher's Belgravia. . . . . . ......... 38 | Family Herald (parts)... 18 Milliner and Dressmaker 50 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Boys Of England. . . . . . . . . 18 Family Treasury . . . . . . . . 20 | SMonthly Microscopical Sunday School Times . . . . 10 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . 76 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 | Suuday School World. ... 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 | Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% British Workman . . . . . . . 234 | Fortnightly FOview . . . . . 75 | Musical TimCS . . . . . . . . . . 8 | Sword and Trowel (Spur- British Workwoman. . . . . 2% | Fraser's Magazine. . . . . . 1 0 ge0t) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 12 British Juvenile. . . . . . . . . 3 | Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% | Once a Week (parts). ... 36 | Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 S»Builder ..: . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | Gardener's Magazine. ... 36 Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tinsley's Magazine . . . . . . 38 Chambers' Journal . . . . . . 25 | Gardener (The). .... . . . . 20 | Our Own Fircside. . . . . . . 20 Chatterbox . - - - - . . . . . . . . 8 | Gentleman's Magazine . . 38 Penny Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Union Review (bi m'thly) 76 Children's Friend . . . . . . . 2% | Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 | Picture Gallery . . . . . . . . - 38 at a "ir ra - ? – – Child's Companion. . . . . . 2% | Illustrated Travels. . . . . . 38 Popnlar Science Review Ä (V aries) ... 57 * 4 - d - a Maga ZinC. . . . . . . 38 Christian Treasury . . . . . . 20 | Infant’s Magazine.... .2% (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Villa Gardener 20 Christian Work . . . . . . . 20 | Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | S>Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . 60 L - Ed S & Churclman's Companion. 20 Journal of Horticulture. . 54 | Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 | Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . 23 Contempºrary Review... 62 | Journal of Science (quar- Preacher's Lantern . . . . . . 20 | World of Fashion . . . . . . . 35 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 ery) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Punch (parts) .... . . . . . . 44 | Young ladies Jogrnal... 27 Cottager and Artisan .... 2% | Kind Words . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Men of GFeat Bri- Day Of Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 | I adies’ Gaz2tte of Fashion 3S Science GOSSip. . . . . . . . . . 16 tiu- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GE R NI A N - A NI E R I CAN IP U BE L II CAT II ON S. - Tradc Ret. Trºe- Arbeiter-Zeitung Week Iy. # 5 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 « s 9 ) º e e sº m sº O. sº * s es sº e * * « e sº o s es e e sº º G. d sº e 2 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung sº s a s S s « - » , 3 4 Atlantische B.ätter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s - sº d - D s sº e es » . 4 . 6 Volksbibliothek 6 IO Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . . - sº es sº s er s es e a º Gº es sº 3 4 Ä Olek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 6 Bibliothek op. aº Et zählungen. a e es sº e s - a - sº . 8 12 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 5 7 Frank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 7 1 U 7 er r IX. - 5 –– - - > “Ä Wochenbla',t der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 ÄFäeigääääääääää ° Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journa ........ & da e sº e . 4 6 & §Äéiz * sº a e s - sº *-- • • • • - - - - - - - - - C . . . . 6 10“ Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Der Heirathsanzeiger... ...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 5 Semi-MontIn Iy. Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 | †† Deutsch-Amerikanische Familienbätter. .... ..10 15 Nachr1chten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz.... 6 10 | Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung. ... 6 8 Das Neue Heim... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ... - 7 10 | Magazin der merkwürdigsten u. interessantesten New Yorker Belletristisches Journal .... ..... . . 7 % 10 Criminalgeschichten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - ] 8 Pionicr. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * se s a s a e e s • we see « e 8 a s sº s 8 a 7% 10 | †† Novellen-Schatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - -18 29 Roman Zeitung ... ........... 6 & O & S S ® E s * * * a 10 15 Schºdderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 7 10 MontHaIy. Der Social-Demokrat... .. * * *G . d . « a es s e n um sº e sº s es sº º * * «d 8% 5 | Amerikanischer Agricu.turist .... ...... .......... 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . 3 4 IMIPORTED GRERMIAN MIAGAZINES AND PERIO KDIC ALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of thosenärked †. First und last number gratis of those mark0d ††. Semi-MIontIn ly. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . †† Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . Daheim . . . . . Leipziger Gartenlaube. E. NEUZe1t. . . . . . † Uober Land und Meer 1 8 a Year. † Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung...... - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 20 * * * * D - O Ed s O - sº s B & . . . . . 9 15 & º d | º | p . 6 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 10 15 G 8 e « - es sº e sº s s . . . . . . 9 15 e s . . a. d - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 20 . . . 14 25 IMPORTED GERMAN BOOKS PUBLISHED IN PARTS. 1 11 SL uumberg † Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Deutschlands Kunstsclätze. Published in about 70 Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº e sº d - sº e - - - - . . . . . . . . 23 40 Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe; Illustrirt von Doré. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriften. Volks- u. Fulmilieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 P°"S: ab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . - . . . . . . . 13 25 H. Heine's sämmtliche Werke. Published in 54 PºrtS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d 8 d O dº * * * * * so s • • • • • • • • • 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • e e s es « e. 40 NEW G E RM A N Imported. Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts.... ............. 12 20 Rºnaldo Rinaldiii, 30 parts.... ................ 8 12 Rózsa Séudor, 20 parts.... .................... 9 15 † Gutleereusclave, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Hexe vou Olmütz, 80 parts ............... .... 8 12 † Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 † Bunte Welt- . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Deutscher Hausscha Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2) † Der Hausfreund... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a p s & s 0 g . s es sº a * l4 25 † Illustrirte Welt . . . . . . & sº - s e. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 MI o EntInIy. † Gewerbehalle...... ............ sº s s e s a e s . . . . . . . 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Deutsche Rundschau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sº s e e s • s s . . . . . . 64 85 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 35 etlis to the trade. M. G Saphir’s Schriften. I. Serie. Published in 40 PartS, ab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 a d sº e sº * s e a e s es e e. 11 20 Schiller's sämmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 99 Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Shakespeare's sämmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachta:sgabe. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . e 25 O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Cotiversations-Lexikon. Publishod in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Stieler’s Hund-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at..40 60 PU B L II CA TI ON S. Der Freischütz, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 † Wilddieb. 30 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Don Carlos, 30 Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 -- EDOImestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at. . . . . . . . 6 10 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 10 54 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. TO PUBLISHERS. — A SUCCESSFUL MAN. ager of branch subscription book houses offers his servi- ces to any firm or publisher desiring to open an office at Chicago. Eight years' experience, six with late firm. Good reasons given for changing. Address, with par- ticulars, Box 297, Chicago, Ill. B00KS WANTED. S. B. KIRT LEY & CO., Columbia, Mo., Will exchange standard miscellaneous books for Mc- Guthrie's Readers, Quackenbos & Hart's Rhetoric, Chase & Son's Virgil's ABneid, Wood's Botany, etc. W., P. O. Box, 5227, Boston. Audubon's Birds, parts wanted, Nos. 4, 18, 27, 49, 75, 88. Also, Parts Nos. 22 and 29 of the Quadrupeds. . A high price pand for any of these numbers. Address as above. * Box 261, Yarmouth, Mo. Myrick's History of Haverhill, Mass. U. S. Army Registers, previous to 1862. Address as above. FRANK A. GRAY, P. O. Box 2,523, Philadelphia. Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Litera- ture. London. 1859. State condition and price. CHARLES S. OWENS, 179 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. American Booksellers' Guide, Vol. I., Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Book-Buyer, first six volumes. T. R. HAZZARD & SON, Monongahela City, Pa., Will insert electrotype advertisements in home papers free of any cost to Book and Music Publishers. Inqui- ries solicited. They also want catalogues with their imprint. STRICKLAND & CO., Milwaukee, Wis., Want to purchase in lots, 12mo books in muslin bind- II gs, suitable for a circulating library, or will pur- chase libraries already formed, if in good order and properly assorted. JESSE HANEY & CO., New York. Any pamphlet publications on the manufacture of American whiskeys. Any pamphlet on the Inaking or repairing of fire-arms. W. T. KELNER, 94 Washington St., Chicago. Reynolds's History of Illinois. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. Smith s History of Virginia, 2 vols. McKenney's lndians. 3 vols. 8vo. 1819. Richmond. Colored plates. Box 11, Station C, New York City. Directory of New England. Directories, Gazetteers, Books of Reference, etc., etc. Second-hand copies of recent editions preferred. Address, with full particulars as to date, condition, price, etc., as above. W. S. NEWELL, 140 Wayne St., Jersey City, N. J. Bocrhaave's Chemistry, translated by Shaw. 2 vols' Hours of Devotion, by Tschokke. - CELARLES W. GRAY, Worcester, Mass. Any back numbers of Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- neering Magazine. State condition and price. ROBERT CLARIXE & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. l copy, Vol. II. of Benton's Thirty Years' View ; or, a History of the Working of the American Government “ for Thirty Years. B00KS FOR SALE. P. H. DAVIS, Coldwater, Mich. OFFER FOR SALE CEIEAP : 18 copies Guyot's Commercial School Geographies, Edi- tion of 1866. * 10 copies Guyot's Primary Geographies, Edition of 1866. 3 copies Andrews & Stoddard's Latin Grammar. Re- vised Edition. C. C. MORSE & SON, Haverhill, Mass., Want to sell or exchange a lot of second-hand Mitchell's Ancient Geographies; also a lot of Šargent's Read- ers in good condition. {{ A RT OF CANVASSING, OR AGENTS’ GUIDE.” This little work will enable any one to make a iving. By mail, 25 cents, NEW YORK BOOK CON - CERN, 7 Warren St., New York. º Éxcelsiorº Your 0wn Printing Portable $ 9 Press for cards, labels, envelopes Aºs º- etc. Larger sizes for large work. \º Business Men do their printing and º - N § Wº advertising, Save money and increase trade. Amateur Printing, dclight § a ful pastime for spare hours. #3; tº have great fun and make money fast Printing at printing. Send two stamps for full S catalogue presscs type cte, to the Mfrs - Bre SS8°KELSEY & Co. Meriden, Conn. THE ALBANY NEWS COMPANY., WHOLESALE STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS AND g NEWS DEALERS, £512 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Catalogue of Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent on application. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY, 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CIHICAGO, Respecſ ul Iy announce to the Trade of the West that they are ready to supply everything in the way of News dealers” and Booksellers' stock promptly, and at the lowest prices. Lists and full infor- mation sent on application. * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 55 == * ====< *==s. CEI, EIBERATED STEEL PENS. Soſa by al/ Deaſers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the facsimile of his signature, MasuracrumEºs WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. TWO B00ks for the Times. PREPARING TO TEACH. A /WOR/MA/ OLASS-BOOK, . IT TREAT'S OF Bible Evidences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by JoBN HALL, D.D. The Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . by E. P. HuMPHREY, D.D. Manners and Customs . . . . . . by W. H. GREEN, D.D. Summary of Doctrine . . . . . . . by F. L. PATTON, D.D. EIow to Teach the Hible - - - - - - by J. BENNET TYLER. It is designed to be a HANT) BOOK for Teachers, and for the especial use of TIRAINING CLASSES. Large 12mo. Illustrated. Price, $1.75. Faſmºſ Tūmpkins and His BillBS, By ProF. WILLIS J. BEECEIER, of Auburn Seminary. Under the garb of a pleasing narrative, it discusses questions of vital importance with regard to the Bible, and meets preyailing forms of doubt and skepticism as to the inspiration, credibility, and authenticity of the Scriptures. Farmer Tompkins, with his “Biblearium,” is a character that impresses itself upon the reader vividly. 16mo, Illustrated. Price, $1.25. Address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Iłusiness Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. THE ACTING DRAMA. Price, 15 cents each. . Single Life. The Boarding-School. . The Spitfire. The Irish Dragoon. The School for Tigers. . Gabrielle de Belle Isle. . The Tipperary Legacy. . Deeds of Dreadful Note . A Peculiar Position. 10. A Private Inquiry. ll. I'll Tell your Wife. 12. The Fast Family. 13. Antony and Cleopatra, Married and Settled. 14. My Friend in the Straps 15. The School for Schem- ing. THE ETHIOPIAN DRAMA. Price, 15 cents each. RECENTLY 63. Juba. 64. A Night wid Brudder Bones. 65. Dixie. 66. King Cuffee. 67. Old Zip Coon. 68. Cooney in de Hollow. 69. Porgy Joe. 70. Gallus Jake. 71. I)e Coon Hunt. 72. Don Cato. 73. Sambo's Return. 74. Under de Kerosene. 75. Mysterious Stranger. 76. De Debbil and Doctor Paustum. 77. De Old Gum Game. 78. Hunk's Wedding Day. 79. De Octoroon. - 80. De Old Kentucky Home 8l. Lucinda's Wedding. 82. Mumbo Jum. 83. De Creole Ball. PUBLISHED- 84. Mishaps of Caesar Crum 85. Pete's Luck. 86. Pete and Ephraim. 87. Jube Hawkins. 88. De Darky's Dream. 89. Chris. Johnson. 90. Scipio Africanus. 91. De Ghost of Squash. 92. Ile Darky Tragedian. 93. Possum Fat. Q4. Dat Same Old Coon. 95. Popsy Dean. 96. De Rival Mokes. 97. Uncle Tom. 98. Desdemonum. 99. Up Head, . Ije Maid ob de Hunk- Bone puncas. 101. De Trail ob Blood. 102. De Debbil and de Maiden. 103. De Cream ob Tenors. Amateur's Guide to Home Theatricals, Containing complete and full instructions in every branch of the Dramatic Art. We have given special attention to the selection of pieces for private represen- tation; also, giving practical advice as to dressing, making-up, properties, stage, illusions and effects, deportment, speaking and effective acting, selected scenes for amateurs, stage directions, rehearsals, scenery and scene painting, rules for amateur clubs, theatrical publications, a full list of American theatri- cal tradesmen in every branch. The most complete book, in its variety of details, ever published. New American edition, corrected to October 1st, 1874. Price, 25 cents. P A R L. O. R., T A B L E A U X ; Or, ANIMATED PICTURES. For the use of families, schools, and public exhibitions. Containing about eighty popular subjects, with plain and explicit directions for arranging the stage, dressing- rooms, lights, full descriptions of costumes, duties of stage-manager, properties and scenery required, and all the necessary directions for getting them up, so that any one can act in them. Everything is stated in a plain, simple manner, so that it will be easily understood; everything like style or unnecessary show has been avoided, in order that all may readily grasp at the author's meaning. lºor public or private entertainment there is nothing which is so interesting and instructive as the tableaux. Price, 25 cents. SHADOW PANTOMIMES ; Or, HARLEQUIN IN THE SHADE. How to get them up and how to act in them, with full and concise instructions, and numerous illustrations : also, full and complete descriptions of properties and costumes. It has been the aim of the author to provide harmless home amusement for old and young, excludin everything objectionable to sound morality and ºã home-training. By Tony Denier, Pantomimist. Price, 25 cents. + The Trade supplied by the American News Company, or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price by HAPPY HOURS COMPANY., No. 1 Chambers St., New York. 56 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. - 7TO 7A/A2 7TA’A/OA. e We shall ss. On Weinssia), January 27, Part I, (150 Royal Oblaſt Pages), OF THE OFFICIAL VERBATIM REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF HENRY WARD BEECHER With Portrait of Francis D. Moulton. RETAIL FRICE, - - 5(D Cents. Orders will be filled in order of receipt. Other parts will follow rapidly during the progress of the trial. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & Co., 111. Nassau St., N.Y. THE PEEP SHOVV. A new Juvenile Gift-Book, with illustrations on almost every page—many of them full-page—much the same style as Chatterboa, Little Folks, and Sunday Reading for the Young, and published at the same price. In Boards, Cover printed in Colors, Price, $1.50. - Cloth Extra, $2.00. The American News Company, AG ENTS FOR TH E TRAD HE. The New York Blank Book Company, 24- Ee els-Irrla,Irm. Sitreet, NEW YORK, Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, . Half-Bound Blanks, Writing Books, tº Full-Bound Blanks, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Memorandum Books, - Scrap Books, etc., etC., etc., etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application. Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEEKMAN STREET, NEw York. THE AMERIC, 1 N BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 57. * CAMPAIGN." OF 1875. (“An Iliad rising out of one Campaign.”—ADDISON.) º IN PRESS, FoR 1 M M EDIATE PublicATion, BY ROBERTs BROTHERs, Boston. Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life, 1813—1873. By John, Earl Russell, K.G. 8vo. $3. - Social Pressure. By Sir Arthur Helps, K.C.B. Being a new series of the “Friends in Council.” 12mo. $2.25. Supernatural Religion. A new English Edition, the fifth of this remarkable work. 2 vols. 8vo. $8. Ready. - Our Sketch Club. By R. St. John Tyrwhitt. 8vo. $2.50. Ezra Stiles Gannett. His life by his son, Rev. W. C. Gannett. 8vo. $3. Harry Blount. Passages in a Boy's Life on Land and Sea. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton, Author of “Chapters on Animals.” 16mo. A Rambling Story. By Mary Cowden Clarke, Author of “The Iron Cousin,” “Concordance to Shakespeare,” etc. 16mo. $1.50. Ready. SEECIALT, TNTOTICE. All the above are to be published by us under arrangements made with the authors and the English publishers. OUR LATEST NEW BOOKS. Mr. Hale’s Our New Crusade. Price, $1.25. ºff First edition exhausted on the day of publication. The second edition is now ready. Mrs. Abba GOOld WOOlson’s Dress Reform. Price, $1.50. Tº First edition exhausted. Second edition now ready. Mr. Chaney’s Boys' Book, F. Grant & Co. Price, $1.50. tº Fourth thousand printing. Since “Little Women,” nothing so cheery has been written in juvenile literature. H. H.’s Story of Boon. Price, 35 cts. tº First edition exhausted. Second edition ready. - - Quiet Hours. A collection of poems. Price, $1.25. wº tº First edition exhausted. Second edition now ready. Prof. Robert Lowell’s Antony Brade. Price, $1.75. {3}* First edition exhausted. Second edition ready. Rev. Mr. Faunce’s Prize Essay, The Christian in the World. Price, $1.50. £; The second edition is now ready. Dr. Putnam’s Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith. Price, $3. º' Only a few copies of the first edition unsold. Bates’ Naturalist. On the River Amazons. Price, $2.50. Wm. Blake’s Poetical Works. Price, $2.25. The second editions of both the above are now selling. Orders solicited. - ROBERTS BROTHERS, Públishers, Nºw YEAR, 1875. No. 143 Washington Street, Boston. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE AMER/CAN WEWS COMPANY Make it a specialty of their Stationery Department to keep on hand a full assortment of MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, from the cheapest to the very finest. • The best makers’ goods only kept in stock, and furnished at the lowest import prices. IRO. - PER SET. 1, Brass, Mahogany Case, containing 6 pieces, e • e e $0 50 2, {{ {{ {{ { { S - { { tº º tº & e 60 {{ { - - P-7 3, { { % (4 9 (4 © e * º 70 4, {{ {{ {{ {{ 1() {{ º o e Q º - S() 7, {{ {{ {{ {{ 1() {{. I ()0 10, “ Rosewood Case, “ 10 “ e - 1 35 13, “ {{ {{ {{ 12 “ - & 1, 88 15, German Silver, Rosewood Case, containing 12 pieces, 3 35 17, Brass, { { {{ {{ | 6 “ º e 2 50 18, German Silver, {{ “ extra fine, containing 6 pieces, . 3 25 19, {{ { { {{ {{ {{ 19 & 4 e 4 85 20, {{ {{ * { “ extra fine, { { 9 “ 5 50 21, {{ {{ { % { { { { 12 & 4 5, 75 22, “ {{ {{ “ extra fine, “ 19 “ 6 75 23, {{ {{ & 4 {{ {{ 12 {{ 8 00 Sets Nos. 1 to 4 are intended for Elementary use. “ “ 7 to 15 {{ {{ Advanced Scholars and College use. “ “ 17 to 23 ( { “ Architects, Civil Engineers, and Scientific purposes. Sets composed to suit special purposes, can be furnished at short notice. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Q. Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Steel Pens, School Slates, Mucilage, Ink, Penholders, º Writing Books, Drawing Materials, etc., etc. 7A/7. A M.A. Ze ZCAN NZ WS COA/Z-A NY, & N E W Y O F. F. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. - 59. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., 715 & 717 Market Street, I’hiladelphia, INVITE THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO THE FOLLOWING BBălțiſill, Wallallº, ällſ Emíðſtaining MāgāZillBS, Which they are prepared to furnish during the present year, o N T H E M os T F A v or A B LE T E R M s. —sº dº nº- - ºur gº- LIPPINGoTT's MAGAZINE. An Illustrated Monthly of Popular Literature and Science. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE has secured for itself the highest reputation, and since its commence- ment has steadily gained in public favor. The great object and constant aim of the conductors of this periodical is to supply their patrons with literary entertainment of a refined and varied character, as well as to present in a graphic and striking manner the most recent information and soundest views concerning subjects of general interest. Illustrations designed by distinguished artists and engraved in a high style of art, accompany each number. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. A Monthly Journal of Science and Literature. The CoNTEMPORARY REVIEW is unequaled in its peculiar department of literature by any similar periodical. It embraces among its contributors the most able writers and deepest thinkers of England, and the sterling value of the REVIEW is evinced by its extended reputation and influence. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. A Profusely Illustrated Monthly. EDITED BY G. W. BLAIKIE, D.D. The SUNDAY MAGAZINE aims to be instructive on religious subjects, stimulating the public mind by its stories of the lives of the wise and good, and presenting in a style at once elevated and engaging a rich and varied fund of information and entertainment. Its contributors are men of exalted character and great intelligence. Its illustrations are profuse in number and finished in execution. G O OD WORD S Q A Profusely Illustrated Monthly. GOOD WORDS seeks to provide the wisest instruction in the pleasantest manner, without neglecting to supply wholesome entertainment for every variety of taste. Its contents embrace novels, tales, sketches of travels, papers on science and art, essays on popular subjects, poems, etc., by well-known authors. It is genial, lucid, and attractive, and is profusely illustrated in a choice style of art. yle of art G O O D T H IN G. S. º A Profusely Illustrated Magazine for Young People. This is a beautifully illustrated Magazine for young people, containing stories, sketches, poems, and a variety of instructive papers adapted to the comprehension of juvenile readers. It is con- sidered by competent judges to be almost unrivaled in its special field. THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL TIMES. The Standard Weekly Medical Journal of the United States—always fresh, original, reliable. The best medical scientists in the country are regular contributors to its pages. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers. 6o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. | - -and-crony or the spexcertian strel. PENs, Birmingham, Exo- S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC TEEL PENS.] The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which on E NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than 5, C C Co, C C Cº. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured ºf the very best materiai, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability. and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. we make riteen Numbers of Pens, differing in ti xibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows: No. 1. college Pen. Porst Fise: Acrios. Pºrrºr. This ºn great favºrite with our leading penmºn, is largely used in the School, and commercial collegos throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lic per gross, *1-40 - No. 2 counting-House Pen. Pºst Fiskº Flexible, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross. *lº. No. 3 commercial Pen... Poist Mºnium- business pen. Pergross, $1.25. - No. 1 Ladies' Extra Pen. Poist Extra Fisk Asº Fºxº For ºne Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 5 School Pen. Poist Fise, Mºnium is Fºxmºunty. For duº, Sºhº Fen it has never been equaled. Per gross-sl-40. No. 6. Fiourishing Pen. Forst Losº, Fºxtºur asp. Mºnº is ſº F.7 on-hand Flourishing. Per grºss, slº An Easy Writing --- uni pen. Ponsºr Mºnium, Quini. Acres. A smooth. No #.9%. Iºen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, sº to No. 3 congress Pen (New) Mºnºtºriº º Aºy superior Ten for all styles of writing . This Pen undergos a pro- ce's that renders it non-corrosive and three times moredurable th n any ordinary steel Pen. Per grºss. st-10, No. 9 bank Pen. Post Long ºn Fºxtº: with Mºuntants. Tellers, &c. Per grºss $1-40. No. 10, custom-house Pen. Poisº, Mºnitº. mit styles ºf bold. ree-band writing. A great favorite well adapted to Per gross, $150. No. ii. Universit en. Ponsºr Mºnium, vºy Smooth asp - Fixxinue. The º of this celebrated Pen is very time And gross +1-50. No. 73. Epistolatre Pen: , Ponsºr ºx Fºº vºy. Fºxº * Thisºfºrointed Pen made and, for very Deliºte Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, *- 2.5- - º Engrossing Pen. Pºst Bºust. Asn. Sºoriº, Pºrtº no larly º: --- ºn: writing and Engrossing. Per gross, 1.25. - - - - º Artistic Pen. Fºxtrº, with Extº Fine Porst. This No. º and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, slº. No. 5" The queen. Poisºr Extra Fisº Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, $1.50. SPECIAL RATES To THE TRADE. === Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN wº. º inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 133 & 140 Grand Street, N.Y. Potter, Ainsworth & Co. Respectfully invite the attention of Teachers and School Officers to the following announcement of their recent publications: BARTHOLOMEW’S NATIONAL SYSTEM OF INDUSTRIAL DEAWING. This is an entirely new series of Drawing-Books, by W. N. Bartholomew, author of the system now in general use throughout the country. The system comprises B.ARTHOLOMEW'S Free Hand Series, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. Now ready. Geometric Series, Nos. 7 & 8. Now ready. Model and Objective Series, Nos. 9 & 10. In prepara- tion. Prospective Series, Nos. 11 & 12. In preparation. BARTHolloMEw's PRIMARY school DRAWING-CARDS, IN 3 SETS. PRIMARY WIRITING-CARDS. This is a set of five cards (3 x 5 inches), containing copies in Writing, Printing, and Figures, designed for slate practice for young beginners. PATTERSON'S NEW METELOD OF MAP-DRAWING. This book contains two pages of Instructions, two pages of Model Maps and twenty pages of the first quality of Drawing-Paper. A combined Map-Drawing Scale and Rule is furnished with each book. PAYSON, DUNTON & SCRIBNER TRAC- ING-BOOKS, IN 4 NUMBERS. This is a new and important adjunct to our well- known series of “P., D. & S." Writing-Books, the purpose of which is to supply a need long felt, of suit- able initiatory practice in writing, both in the Primary and Grammar Departments. The Tracing-Books are especially adapted for intro- duction into grades lower than those where writing has hitherto been taught. PAYSON, DUNTON & SCRIBNER WRITING-BOOKS. For Advanced Classes, in three distinct Series. Common School Series, in 6 books, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. Business Series, in 3 books, Nos. 7, 11, & 12. Ladies' Series, in 3 books, Nos. 8, 9, & 10. McVICAR’s NATIONAL SPELLING- BLANKS. In three numbers. - No. 1, Words. No. 2. Words and Definitions. Words, Definitions, and Sentences. A Blotter is furnished with each book. Correspondence is solicited with reference to the uso of our publications. - Catalogues and circulars sent free on application. POTTER, A/WSWORTH & Co., PUBLISHERS, 51 John Street, New York. No. 3, THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 61 WISN, HNKIE & || PUBLISHERS, Cúzczyznań and AVew NEW BOOKS. ECLECTIC HISTORICAL ATLAS.–Full 8vo, cloth, 18 double-page Maps, accurately drawn and engraved. A hand-book for general leaders and stu- #: in Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern History. 1.50. DRAMAS AND DRAMATIC SCENES.–Edited by W. H. VENABLE, Author of School Stage, Amateur Actor, U. S. History. 20 plays selected from the writ- ings of standard authors. Illustrations by FARNY. 12mo, cloth, 336 pages. $1.50. ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS.–For Academies and Common Schools. By S. A. NORTON, A. M., Professor in Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College and Author of Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12 mo, 286 pp. $1.15. Supplies for first introduction into schools, and single sample copies for examination with a view to introduction, 84 cents per copy. PESTALOZZI: HIS LIFE, WORK, AND INFLU- ENCE.--By HERMAN KRUSI, A. M., Instructor in Phil- osophy of Education at the Oswego Normal and Train. Yo?/8. ing Sohool. Cloth, 8vo, 248 pp. Portraits and Illus- trations. $2.25. WILSON, HINKLE & CO., PUBLISHERS, Cincinnati and JWew York. || || || NOW ERIE AIDY. Aladdin; Or, the WOilderful Lamp, and Other stories, tº e * * |00, Ali Bahá and the Forty Robbers, and Other St0rićS, tº ſº - |00, Sinbad, the Sailor, and Other stories, 100, NOlſſºddin and the Fair Persian, and Other St0ries, gº º 100, Gallºm, the Slayt. Of LOVE, and Other stories, in Press, - tºº ge |06, T0 he followed by the balance of the Arabian Nights, —O Also in Press. Pilgrim's Progress, in two parts, 100, Bach, Shakspeare's Plays, - - 100, Bach, All Oil'ſ Sūlīāſū WOTKS, IlliſDI’m ill Siſ all Stylº, TRADE SUPPLIED BY THE American News Co. and its branches. # Wàithmāl All Rºfiºſiſ'ſ FO r 1875. —sº sº º- ºr -– THE OLDEST BAPTIST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. ——ss sº ſº---— First issued in 1819, the Watchman and Reflector entered on its 56th volume with the opening of the new year. An eight-page journal of the largest size, being in its typography, in the paper on which it is printed, in its proof-sheet— more than this, being in its intellectual and moral character, its comprehensive and general MAKE- UP, a religious family newspaper of the very first class. As in former years, its editorial corps is amply organized, intended to embrace such variety of talent and experience as shall realize a high ideal of completeness. Our arrangements are such as to insure more in this department for the coming year than in the past. For the Watchman and Reflector’s General Contributors, its Foreign and Home correspondence, we never before could claim so large a number of experts, embracing so wide scope and variety, and such elements of general readableness and excellence. The aim of the Watchman is to be a health- ful educator in the families which it enters, in- forming the mind and improving the heart. The WATCHMAN and REFLECTOR is one of the best mediums for advertising to be found in the country. Terms for the Paper’, ¥3.00. -——º-º-º- ADVERTIs EMENTs. 25 cents a line, first insertion. 20 € $ “ each subsequent insertion. 35 “ “ in Business Notices, first in- Sertion. 30 < * “ in Business Notices, for each continuance. $1.00 per line for Editorial Notices. Ten per cent. additional for every other Weeit insertions. Liberal Discounts to those who advertise to the amount of $50 a year and upwards. JOHN W. OIMSTEAD & Co., 15 State Street, Boston. 62 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY ARE AGENTS FOR DICKS ENGLISH CLASSICS. *— This edition is the cheapest and best. It has numerous illustrations, and is printed on good paper from new, clear type, and is, in all respects the finest edition in the market for the price. DICK'S SHAKESPEARE. Containing all the great Poet's Plays, thirty-seven in number, from the Original Text. The whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 illustrations by Gilbert, Wilson, etc. Paper--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .6O Cloth -------------------------------------------------------------- tº º ºs º ºs º º ------ 1.25 DICK’S BYEON. A new edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages. 16 illustrations by F. Gilbert. Paper--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.OO DICK'S SCOTT. - A new edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated by F. Gilbert. Paper.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- .25 Cloth.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- .5O DICE’S GOLDSMITH. The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete illustrated edition. Paper-------------------------------------------------------------- - . .4O Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .36 IDICK'S BTURNS. This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is elaborately illustrated, and contains the whole of the Poems, Life and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. Paper--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDICEC’S ARABIAN NIGHTS. A new translation, complete, with numerous illustrations. Paper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .5O DICEC’S MILTON. Milton's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper - - - - - - - - - .25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50 DICK'S COWBER. Cowper's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper. - - - - - - - .25 Cloth. ------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .5O DICEC'S WORDSWORTH. Wordsworth's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 IDICEC'S MOORE. Moore's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Cloth - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, JAgents for the United States. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 63 --> 'L' E. E. BALTIMO RE NEWS COMPANY SUN IRON BUILDING, Corner Baltimore and South Streets, - BALTIMORE, M.D., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL º sº º sº * # #: | - º Bookse/ers, WeWS Dea/e/rs, AND Cor. Baltimore and South Streets. BALTIMORE, MD. Sta iſoners, They keep constantly on hand full lines of the Publications of the Leading NEW YORK, BOSTON, and PHILADELPHIA HOUSES, A ND SEL L. A T LOWEST PRICES. They have on hand a large stock of STATION E R Y GOODS, including all the STANDARD ARTICLES, both DOMESTIC and FOREIGN, comprising Writing Papers, Envelopes, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Lead and Slate Pencils, Blank, Memorandum and Pass Books, Playing Cards, Games, Toy Books, Albums, Portfolios, &c. INITIAT, PAPER A. S.PECIAll Tº. BASE BALLS, BATS and CEROQUIETS. A FULL LINE ALWAYS ON HAND (IN SEASON). Dealers in the South and West will find it greatly to their advantage to receive their supplies from this Company. Anything in the market, new or old, large or small, supplied at lowest rates. Terms, in the absence of satisfactory reference, Cash in advance. Lists of NEwsPAPERs, MAGAZINEs, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free on application. Address your communications to - THE BALTHARORE NEWS CCM PAM Y, Wholesale and Retail Eooksellers. News HDealers & stationers. SUN IRON BUILDING, Corner Baltimore and South Streets, Baltimore, Md. 64 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The large and steadily increasing sale for our PEERLESS INK and MUCILAGE hus enabled us to extend our facilities for furnishing the same, in Quality Unrivaled, and at the following REDUCED - Net. w H O LEs A LE PRI C E S Net. * FOR, THE CELEBRATF2HD EPEERI Ess INTE, FOF SCHOOL AND COUNT/WG-HOUSE USE. - PIE EIR LIESS-LE LA CR . PEERLESS BLACK : writes deep black instantaneously. PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, g - º e - $4 50 Pints, & ( & A - - e - e . 2 75 Half-pints, “ ( & e - º e .. 1 60 4 ounce, “ 4 & - º e - tº º 90 Stands, 2+ oz., in 3 dozen boxes, - * º - 45 PºER LESS-COMIBINED- WRITING AND COPYING FLUID, combined. - PER DOZ. Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, “. . e * * * $4 75 Pints, { { & & t º e - e . 3 00 Half-pints, “ & ( e - s - - - 1 75 4 ounce, “ & & - -> e - º . 1 00 Stands, 23 oz., 3 dozen boxes, - - e • . 50 IPEERNLESS-VIOIL F.T. The color of this Ink is so intensely strong that the addition of the same quantity of water will not materially affect its brilliancy. VIOLET COLORED. PER DOZ. Quarts, 1 dozen boxes, e • - - $600 Pints, ( & “. - º . * • " 3 50 Half-pints, “ ( & e - e 00 4 ounce, ‘‘ & 4 - - º - - 1 15 Stands, 23 oz., 3 dozen boxes, . • - e - 60 THE CELEE FATED PEERLEss MUCILAGE, - - - - - *- FOR SCHOOL AND COUNTING-HOUSE USE, - PER DOZ. One gallon jugs, . - e - - - $30 00 Half “ • * º - - e - . 16 50 Quarts, in 1 dozen boxes, e º * º 7 00 Pints, { { { { - - - - tº 4 25 Half pints, “ & ( • - e e 3 50 jº Stands, flint glass, 3 oz., 1 dozen boxes, e - e 1 25 tº º ; “ light glass, 4 & ( * 1 00 Hillº THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY keep in stock, or furnish, Ink of all the principal manu- facturers, at the lowest prices. AIRNOI.D’S GIENTJINIE IN PRI. THAD. DAVIDS & CO. CAFTER2S COMIBINED. D. T. LEAK’S Violet. TAFFORD. WORLDIEN & HYATT'S Violet. MAYN ARD & NOYES. RIOORE’S SCHOOL, INK, 2 ounce bottles. THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK, ſº - Fº fºº º gºes à : ºŞ ºº : §3: § ; º º Cºsº ºg º º iº | @ YºYº, Nisº ºscº NDS `āt. §º tiw.wrwr. oes. WiNRAM s Yol. vii. ... • NEw York, MARCH 1, 1875. No. 3 C O N T E N T S. PAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, * tº- 65 For EIGN LITERARY Not Es, - 75 © . - coPYRIGHT IN CANADA, - - a oBituary, - sº *- * 76 * INDEX To ADVERTISEMENTs, - 76 CENTRAL BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION, 71 BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS For MARCH, 77 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, - 72 - FEBRUARY PUBLICATIONs, - T 9 BUSINESS CHANGES sº g-s - wº 73 | New Music, . º * gº 83 MUSIC NOTES, - * tº- - 74 || THE AMERICAN NEws co's List of NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 75 NEWSPAPERS AND FERIODICALs, 86 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. - Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. & THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 1 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. & THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. FOR SALE AT PRINCIPAL BOOP:CSTORES- WIDDLETON'S EDITIONS OF e WALUABLE STANDARD WORKS. A w HOLE LIBRARY IN NIN E VOLUM Es. “A set of books comprising the cream of English Literature, from the times of Dr. Johnson to our own.” THE EI, DIE R DISERAIELI’S WORISCS. Edited by his Son, RIGHT HoN. B. DisrAELI, Premier of England. 9 Vols. Svo, Large Type, on Toned Paper, comprising: "THE CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. 4 vols. $7.00. "THE AM ENITIES OF LITERATURE. 2 vols. $3.50. "THE CALAMITIES OF AUTHORS. 2 vols. $3.50. "THE LITERARY CHARACTER, 12tc. l yol. $2.25. A. Any work sold separately, or the entile set, 9 vols., in box, cloth, $15; half calf, $30. HALLAM'S COMPLETE WOIRIXS, Ičevised and Corrected. Handsonest editions ertamt. 10 Pols. Crown Svo, comprising: "THE MIDI) LE AGES. A View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. $5.25. INTRODUCTION TO THE LIT 1. RATURE OF EUROPE. 4 vols. $7.00. .CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 3 vols. $5.25. Or complete set, 10 vols., cloth, $17.50; half calf, $35.00. • IMAY'S Constitution AL HISTORY OF TENGLAND. 2 vols. Cloth. $3.50. (May is a continuation of Hallam.) * EEROEESSOR: WILSON'S WORPQS. 'THE NOCTES AMIBROSIANAE. By Professors Wilsox, Lockhant, Hogg, and Dr. MAGINN. Edited, with Notes, by Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENzi E. With Portraits. A handsome library edition. 6 vols. (including Life ºf Wilson, by his daughter). Crown 8vo. $10.50. Half calf. $20.00. CHARLES LAME'S WORKS. A very choice edition. Edited by Sir THOMAS NOON TALFOURD. With Memoir and Stecl Portrait. 5 vols. Crown 8vo. $9.00. Half calf, $15.00. B URTON'S ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. What it is: with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prog- nostics, and several Cures of it. In three Partitions: with their several Sections, Members, and Subsections, Philosophically, Medically, Historically opened and cut up. By DEMOCRITUS, Junior. With a Satirical Pre- face, conducing to the following Discourse. A new edition, corrected and enriched by translations of the numerous classical extracts. By DEMOCRITUS, Minor. “A very choice edition of quaint old Burton.” 3 vols. ** * Crown Svo. $5.25. Half calf, $10.00. IDEAN MILMAN’S W.O.R.P.S. 14 Vols. Svo, Large Type, opt Toned Paper’, comprisinſ, : HISTORY OF THE JEWS, from the Earliest Period down to Modern Times. By EIENRY HART MILMAN. 3 vols. $5.25. HISTöRy"of CHRISTIANITY, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. $5.25. - rº- HISTORY OF LATIN CHIRISTIANITY, including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate of Nicholas W. 8 vols. $14.00. Or Complete Works, Uniform Sets, 14 vols. Cloth, in case, $24.50; half calf, $49.00. STANLEY'S SINAI AND PALESTINE, in connection with their History. By ARTHUR PENRHYN STAN- LEY, D.D. With Colored Maps and Plates. 8vo. $2.50. Half calf, $4.00. WIT AND WISDOM OF SYi)NEY SMITH. Being Selections of his Writings, and Passages of his Letters and Table-Talk. With Steel Portrait, a Memoir, and Notes by E. A. DUYCKINCK. Crown 8vo. $2.25. Half calf. $4.110. BON GAULTIER'S BOOK OF BALLADS. By W. E. AYToUN and THEopone MARTIN. A new edition, including Firmilian. $1.50. Calf, $3.00. LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVAL, ERS. By WILLIAM E AYToux. $1.50. Half calf. $3.00. PRAED’S POEMS. (Winthrop Mackworth Praed.) With Memoir by Rev. DEnwest Coll:RiDGE, and Steel IPortrait. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, $3.50. Half calf. $7.00. CONINGTON., AEneid of Virgil. Translation, rendered into English Octosyllabic Verse, by the Rev. Jon N CoNINGTON, late Professor of Latin in the University of Dublin, Crown 8 vo. Cloth extra, S.25; half calf, $4. DOIRAN'S ANNALS OF THE STAGE. Annals of the English Stage. from Thomas ſet terton to Edmund Rean; Actors, Authors, and Audiences. By Dr. DOI:AN, I'.S.A. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth $3.50; half calf, $7. ING OLDS13 Y LEGENDS O i* MIRTH AND MARVEL. Library Edition. By THOMAS INGOLDSBY, Esq; (the Rev. Richard Harris Barbam). With a Memoir of the Author. 16 full-page illustrations by Cruikshank and Leech. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra. $3.50; half calf, $7. Isºi; W. Globe Edition. Complete in 1 vol. Thick 16mo. 8 illustrations. Cloth extra, bevel edge, $2.25; alf calf, $4.00. [ºf For sale at the principal Bookstores. Sent by Mail on Earpa'ess on receipt of price, by W. J. WIDDLETON, Publisher, 27 Howard St., New York. Many other choice Works, suitable for Libraries, will be found on our Catalogue, sent frce to any address upon application. * - THE AMERICAN BOOK SELEERS’ GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy Bent on *... All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publisbers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET, NEw York, March 1, 1875, The inclement weather of the month just closed has doubtless had its influence on the book trade, and, combined with other depress- ing influences, has caused an almost unprece- dented inactivity. Although more than a year has passed since the panic, its effects are still very apparent in the trade all over the country, and we must wait a still longer time for confi- dence to be fully restored. Like a household with a reduced income, the trade are seeking to economize profits and stop leakages, and to compensate for lack of business by extra care- fulness and precaution. Hence the cry for re. form, which is universally acknowledged to be a necessity. So far as the outward evidences of the movement are concerned, but little can be said of its benefits, thuſs far, to the trade, but beneath the current and outside of the meet- ings of the various reforum associations, al- though probably an outgrowth of the general agitation, a revolution has begun which is full of promise. Individual publishers are recog- nizing the fact that books must be read before they are printed, t:nd cannot be taken on the author's word alone; that paying editions can. not be disposed of in a single day or a single week; that the books must seek the purchasers as the purchasers cannot be depended on to seek the books; hence, judicious advertisements and careful reviews are daily becoming of more importance. In short, publishers are learling that material must be selected with greater care and better judgment, and having been se- lected and its publication determined upon, no less care is necessary to place it before the pub- lic. Smaller editions, lower retail prices, shorter discounts, and better protection to the retailer are the necessities to which the pub- lishers are gradually but surely yielding. The booksellers, on their part, are begining to see that selling dollars at one hundred cents apiece will not pay their rent, and, whatever their neighbors do, they must sell at a profit or go to the wall. Thus the refortu is working, but it will never be fully consummated, until re- mainders to be sacrificed are smaller, and re." tailers are relieved from the temptation to di- vide discounts, by making them less excessive. D. Appleton & Co. have published the tenth volume of the Bevised American Cyclopaedia, which is one of the most valuable and praise- worthy volumes yet issued. It begins with “Kinglet' and ends with “Magnet,” The biographical portions are very important, in- cluding Knight, Knox, Kossuth, Lamartine, Lamb, Lafayette, Luther, Longfellow, and many other names equally noted. The pa- pers on Language, Literature, and Libraries are also very able and valuable. The other late issues of the Appletons are Hearts and Hands, a novel by Miss F. C. Fisher, better known as Christian Reid; a book on Scientific J.ondom, by Bernard H. Becker; Theodore Martin's Life of the Prince Consort; and Ten Years with Spiritual Mediums, by Francis Gerry. Fairfield, Christian Reid’s book is a story of society in the South and at White Sulphur Springs. It is entertaining and full of the freshness which appealed most strongly to the reader in her former works. As a novel of American society it is entitled to praise, while as a story it will interest the average novel-reader, and please the most par- ticular by its graceful diction and general re- finement. Scientific London is a book of pleasing gossip and information, concerning the learned societies of the English metropolis, with which the author seems to be thoroughly acquainted. The world’s science, art and lit- erature owe much to these societies, and a place should be found in every reader's library for this agreeable and chatty account of them. Mr. Fairchild's book is an addition to the lit- erature of the “Phenomena called Spiritual,” giving the results of the author’s observation and experience. It is not so able and learned as Mr. Owen's books, but the “manifesta- 9.3 tions ° described are quite as wonderful as any that have been recorded, and the volume will please the believers and interest, if it does not convince the skeptical. Mr. Martin's 66 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Life of the Prince Consort, as is very gener- ally known, was prepared under the direction of the Queen, of the material furnished by her, and, as the London Athemſeum says, may be regarded as almost her autobiography. It has been highly complimented in England, where it has a special interest, but it is delightful reading anywhere, and is not without its value to American students of English institutions. D. Appleton & Co. have also just issued Hein- rich Frey’s Histology and Histo-Chemistry of Mam, a learned treatise on the composition and structure of the human body, which has passed through four editions in Germany. It has been carefully revised by the author, and ispublished in handsome style, with some six hundred wood engravings. This house have also published, in the International Series, Professor Oscar Schmidt’s valuable work on The Doctrine of Đescent and Darwinism, which is illustrated with woodcuts; a volume on Spain : Art Remains and Art Realities, in two volumes, by Dr. H. Willis Baxley, being the result of his three years’ stay in that country; and have reprinted from the Weekly Register and Catholic Standard, the Right Rev. Mon- signor Capel's Reply to W. E. Gladstone's Po- litical Evpostulation. - The recent issues of Harper & Brothers are Sports That Kill, by T. DeWitt Talmage; a heavy volume on Malacca, Indo-China, and China, the result of ten years of travel and adventure, by J. Thomson, F.R.G.S.; and of novels, A Strange World, by Miss Braddon ; The Maid of Killeena and Other Stories, by Wil- Jiam Black; The Law and the Lady, by Wilkie Collins; and Hope Meredith, by Eliza Tabor. Mr. Collins's novel is one of his strongest and best. It is founded on the weak point of law in Scotland which allows a jury to find a ver- dict of “not proven,” and send the accused forth on much the same footing as a “Ticket- of-Leave Man.” Sports that Kill is a collection of Mr. Talmage's discourses in the Brooklyn Tabernacle, on gambling, drinking, theatre- going, and other amusements and vices. They attracted much attention at the time of their delivery, especially those on theatres, which called forth numerous and heated replies. They are eloquent and able, and well worth preserving. Mr. Thomson's Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China, is a delightfully enter- taining volume of travel, probably the best on the countries visited that has yet been printed. It is written by a careful observer, who had the leisure to become familiar with the man- ners and customs of the people, and he travel- ed in sections seldom visited by foreigners, and of which little or nothing has before been written. The volume is very handsomely il- lustrated from the author’s own photographs and sketches. - Henry Holt & Co. have published a work on Africo, prepared by C. H. Jones, being an ac- count condensed in a single volume of African exploration and discovery from all the leading writers from Herodotus to Livingstone. The idea of embracing in one volume a whole library of knowledge, much of it gleaned from works almost inaccessible to the general reader, was an excellent one, and Mr. Jones has most admirably carried it out. It has evidently involved a vast amount of labor and research, but the favor with which it is re- ceived should amply repay both author and publisher. The book contains a good map and a copious index. Holt & Co. have also published in the Leisure Hour series, which contains some of the brightest and best of late novels, Mistress Judith, by C. C. Fraser- Tytler. It is a good story, full of feeling, graceful, and natural. G. P. Putnam’s Sons published early in the month a short treatise on Diseases of the Hip- Joint, by Dr. Lewis A. Sayre ; and James Mar- tineau's Religion as Affected by Moderm Spirit- walism. They have in preparation and will soon issue the first volume of the series of German classics for American students, for which the editor has selected Goethe’s “Herrman and Dorothea ’’; and a volume on Protection and Free Trade, by the late Isaac Butts, editor of the Rochester Democrat. It will consist of his newspaper writings and an address delivered before the Cobden Club. Hon. David A. Wells’ recent letters on specie payments will be printed in pamphlet foum under the title of Pesumption through Cremnation. The Catholic Publication Society has pub- lished Archbishop Manning’s reply to Mr. Gladstone on The Vatican Decrees and Civil Al- legiance, and Dr. Newman’s Letter to the Duke of Norfolk, on the same subject. They have in press the third edition of The True and the False Infallibility, by the late Bishop Fessler, of Austria, which, though written before the Gladstone controversy, is directly applicable to it. A. J. Bicknell & Co. have published Guil- laume’s Interior Architecture, a very valuable book of its kind, giving plans for doors, win- dows, etc., with sections and a working scale so large that any ordinary workman can use it. These practical publishers have also an- nounced for issue at this date a work in two volumes, on Wooden and Brick Buildings, with Details, to contain 160 plates of plans, eleva- tions, views, etc., and a variety of exterior and interior designs. Among its contributors are many of the leading architects of the country, including Messrs. Potter, Harney, Holley, Hathorne, and J. Wrey Mould. The contents range through almost every variety of building, from simple country cottages to elaborate residences, churches, school-houses, and store fronts of iron, stone, and brick lt is the only work that treats at all extensively of building in brick. It contains full sets of specifications, and is in all respects a most valuable work. Bicknell & Co. will publish here during the season a reprint of Villa and Cottage Architecture, just published by Blackie & Son, of Glasgow and London, a work well worthy of a place on their list. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. . 67 BoSTON, March 1, 1875. There is little change to note in the condi- tion of our Book Trade, except that it is dull- er than ever Publishers are learning to be cautious and careful in the making of new plates, and are gradually becoming accustom- ed to smaller editions, and to the fact that they must wait longer for returns than in the flush years of the trade. The houses that have the largest list of standard books are the most fortunate, as those books are always salable, and even at this time the demand for them, though light, is constant. , Roberts Brothers, whose imprint is sure to secure for any volume in which it appears the careful attention of the literary world, have added to their issues Sir Arthur Helps's Social Pressure, Earl Russell’s Recollections and Suggestions; a Life of Ezra Stiles Gannett; and an essay on The Morality of the Prohibi- tory Liquor Law, by William B. Weeden, a Providence merchant. Social Pressure is a continuation of the discussions of the Friends in Council. The range of topics includes those that are of most importance and are uppermost in men’s minds, and the author has very wisely selected this conversational method of presenting his views. It allows the full presentation of antagonistic opinions, and relieves the book of the dullness which is so often a barrier between the essayist and the reader. The volume is always interesting, and contains a fund...of instruction and sugges- tive thought which will secure for it a place among the most valuable writings of the day. Lord Russell's Recollections &nd Sugges- tions cover a period of more than half a century, from 1813 to 1873. Its distin- guished authorship will secure for it wide attention, and no student of history can afford to lose the inside view of English politics which its pages afford. The history of the important legislation with which Earl Rus- sell was so prominently connected, and the many reminiscences which enliven the book, , combine to make it exceedingly interesting as well as valuable to the reader. The vener- able author writes with charming candor and simplicity, admitting his error in not detain- ing the Alabama, but defending his position of neutrality, for which purpose he quotes Mr. Grote, who, he says, “was not unduly partial to the English Government.” The volume begins with his election to Parlia- ment,in 1813, and the first pages are copied from the introduction to the author's Speeches and Dispatches, but in a preface he gives a short account of his earlier life, in which it appears' that his father did not hold a high opinion of English universities, and sent him to finish his studies to the house of Professor Playfair, of Edinburgh. The Life of Dr. Gan- nett is written by his son, William C. Gan- Inett, and is published in a meat and tasteful volume of six hundred pages. Dr. Gannett, as is very generally known, was a Unitarian minister in Boston from 1824 to 1871, in which year he was killed in the Revere accident on the Eastern Railroad. He was much beloved and revered by the people of Boston, and the record of his life, which was in all respects a lovely one, is full of ennobling usefulness. The Essay of Mr. Weeden on the much- talked of Prohibitory Law, contains much to recommend it. It is hostile to Prohibition, and will find many appreciative readers among those who oppose the legislation in that direc- tion. Roberts Brothers have just ready an American edition of the little book which has had a large sale in England, How to Wºlé Clearly, containing rules and exercises for English composition, by Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, Head Master of the City of London School. The book has never been in this market, but has been imported for use in Har- ward College. Of the books in preparation by this house, I may mention a volume of Essays on Christian Belief and Life, by Professor A. P. Peabody, of Harvard ; and a novel by “A Broad Churchman,” with the title Victor Jºſt Tourette, in which the author deals severely with false pretenses and hypocrisy in religion. Harry Blount is in hand, and the first fair trade-wind will give our boys their best book of the season. James R. Osgood & Co. have lately issued a cheap popular 16mo. edition of The Hangtrºg of The Crane, containing twelve illustrations; also a new octavo edition; A Passionate Pºl- grim, and Other Tales, by Henry James, Jr.; a volume of Parlor Amusements, by G. B. Bart- lett; Other People's Money, a novel, by Emile Gaboriau; the sixth volume of the Litule Classics; and a revised edition of Boedeker's Guide Book to Central Italy and Rome, which contains maps and plans, and is indispensable to those who visit that part of Europe. 4 Passionate Pilgrim contains six of the best of Mr. James's shorter stories, all or nearly all of which have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. Besides the story that gives the book its title, there are, The Last of the Valerii; Eugene Pickering; The Madonna of the Future; The Romance of Certain Old Clothes, and Madame de Maves. Mr. Bartlett’s Parlo). A musements contains a variety of entertainments suitable for the home, with the directions so simple, and the necessary paraphernalia. So easily ob- tained, that it will be of great service to the young folks. The new volume of Little Class- ics is entitled “Love,” and contains the “Story of Ruth,” from the Bible; “Love and Skates.” by Theodore Winthrop; Bulwer’s “The Maid of Malinés;” and Disraeli's “The Rise of IS- kander.” These little volumes, containing the very best of English literature under their appropriate heads, are constantly growing in popular favor, and several editions of the first volumes have been printed. The next volume will contain, under the title of Romance, “Iris,” from Dr. Holmes’ “Professor at the Breakfast Table ; ” “The Rosicrucian,” by Miss Mulock; “The South Breaker,” by Harriet Prescott Spofford; ” “The Snow-Storm,” by Chris- 68 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. topher North (Mr. John Wilson), and Allan Cunningham’s “The King of the Peak.” At an early day Osgood & Co. will issue Rocks Ahead; or, The Warnings of Cassandra, by W. B. Greg, a critical and somewhat gloomy view of the political, commercial, and social prospects of England, printed from the second English edition, and containing replies to crit- ics; and a second volume of Problems of Life and Mind, from G. H. Lewes. They have also in preparation another book on architec- ture, by Violet-Le-Duc, which differs from The Story of a House, in being more formal and sci- entific. It is a very thorough work, and will be profusely illustrated by heliotypes. Wm. F. Gill & Co. have published Adolphe Belot's La Femme de Feu (The Woman of Fire), a very sensational work, which has enjoyed great popularity in France; and have just ready The Rainbow Creed, a novel, by a mem- ber of the Boston Radical Club, who satirizes, in the form of a story, the dogmas of Christi- anity and the accepted evangelical doctrines. Prominent preachers are introduced under names suggested by their best known charac- teristics, and are easily recognized, as well as the places in which the actors are located, as, for instance, Hubbardton for Boston, and Hub- bardton University for Harvard. The work displays scholarship, and though a little care- less at times, is without vindictiveness. Gill & Co. have also ready a reprint of Dr. Gard- ner's Longevity ; or, the Means of Prolonging Life after Middle Age, which has passed through several editions in London, and at- tracted much notice. Early in March they will issue Alicia Warlock, by Wilkie Collins, who tells us in his preface that, though based on The Dream Woman, it is really a new story. This will be followed by The Romance of an Honest Woman, by Cherbuliez, probably the most successful of the works of the refined French novelist ; and Dead to the World ; or, Sim and Atonement, a novel, from the German of Carl Detlef, now first translated into Eng- lish by M. S. Lee & Shepard published early in February Mr. Higginson’s Child's History of the United States, and Songs of Joy, both of which were noticed at length in my last letter. The bis- tory is an exceptionally good one. It is made very attractive in appearance by fine paper, c.ear print, and numerous woodcuts, and dif- fers from most histories written for children in being less dry and more like a story-book. It is free from the discouraging array of figures generally found in the smaller histo- ries, the exact dates of only the most important events being given, and more attention is paid to the progress of the country during its years of peace than to its wars. These are two very commendable features, and it has many others to make it the most popular book of its kind. Songs of Joy is an admirable collection of de- votional tunes for the use of Sunday-Schools and praise meetings, edited by J. H. Tenney. Lee & Shepard have nearly ready a new novel, by Mrs. Katharine Sedgwick Wash- burne, entitled Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear, and a new Manual of Parliamentary Practice, by Mr. W. L. Robinson, known in the news- paper world as Warrington. The author is well fitted for making such a manual, having been, for ten or more years, clerk in the Mas- sachusetts House of Assembly. During the present month this house will also issue, un- der the title of In the Kitchen, a new cook- book, by Mrs. Miller, a daughter of the late Gerritt Smith; and they have in preparation a new French Instruction Book, by Francis S. Williams, the author of the Manual of French and English, published by Sheldon. The book will have for its title, A Trip to Paris, and will seek to impart a knowledge of the lan- guage by a series of conversations connected by a narrative. The most important forth- coming book from this house is Spain and the Spaniards, by N. L. Thieblin, who belongs to that class of whiters, the newspaper cor- respondents, who have given us lately our best books of travel. Mr. Thieblin was for- eign correspondent and writer for the Pall Mall Gazette, for which he wrote those laugh- able sketches of English life and manners, signed by Azamat-Batuk. During the Franco- German war his letters from the French army in the same journal attracted much attention. At the conclusion of the war he was sent to Spain by the N. Y. Herald, and the present work is the result of his stay in that country. He has prepared this edition from that pub- lished in England last spring, and it is an- nounced for publication at an early day. Estes and Lauriat have been paying more attention of late to bookselling than to book- making, and since the holidays have issued no new books. They will soon issue a number of novels, of which I may mention Above Sus- picion, which will be printed from advance sheets, by arrangements with the author, Mrs. J. H. Riddell ; Open Sesame, by Florence Mar- ryatt, now running in London Society ; A Woman’s Ramsom, by J. H. Robinson; Cut Adrift, by Albany Fonblanque, and two French novels, Miss Rovel, from Cherluliez, and Le Mot D’Enigme, from Madame Craven. Henry L. Shepard & Co. have published a History of the U. S. Marine Corps, by Mr. Almy Aldrich and Captain R. S. Collum. Mr. Aldrich is a well-known journalist of Bos- ton, and Captain Collum is an officer of the Marine Corps. With praiseworthy care and much labor in the collection of data, they have accomplished a work which ought to have been done long ago, but has never befºre been undertaken. Little is known by the public of this branch of the service, and his- torical students and all interested in the mat- ter will accord to this volume a hearty wel- come. During March these publisbers will issue in book form, Achsah, by Rev. Peter Pennot, the mom de plume of a well-known Boston journalist. The story has been delight- ing the readers of American Homes, and is well º THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 69 worth putting into more permanent form. Later in the spring they will issue a new book on the Adirondacks, by Rev. W. H. H. Murray, which will consist of a guide-book, and of anecdotes, legendary and humorous ; and a Story and Guide-Book of the Maine Lakes, by Mr. C. A. Stephens. They have also in preparation a volume of poems, by a new writer, Frank N. Lautz. Little, Brown & Co. have in press a Treatise on the Law of Copyright, by E. S. Drone, whose able articles on the subject appeared in The Jano Review. The work is elaborate and ex- haustive, extending to about five hundred pages. This house have ready the first vol- ume of the new Encyclopaedia Brittanica. It is a handsome quarto of 908 pages of text, completing the subject of Anatomy, and there are 21 additional pages of finely executed plates. A. Williams & Co. have issued a book on The Dairy Cow, consisting of a monograph on the Ayrshire breed of cattle, by Messrs. E. Lewis and Joseph N. Sturtevant, and an ap- pendix on Ayrshire, Jersey, and Dutch milks, their formation and peculiarities. The authors are well known in Massachusetts from their connection with the agricultural interests of the State, and the book will find favor with a large class of readers. It is liberally embel- lished with heliotype illustrations. Loring has published a charming story by Emily Bowles, entitled In the Camargue. He has applied liis usual test before reprinting it from the English edition, and the single copy in his library was one of the most popular of his books. The Camargue is in the South of France. The picturesqueness of the country, and the people, with which the author seems to be intimately acquainted, have afforded her the subjects for a series of wivid word-pictures which are seldom approached in a work of fiction. It is pure and vigorous in tone, and whether sunny with laughter or sad with pathos, it enlists the reader’s keenest interest. Loring has in press a new volume from the pen of Horatio Alger, entitled The Young Out- law; and is about to publish a little book on Bee-Keeping, by J. W. Pagden, of Sussex, England. . The full title is $350 a Year: FIow I make it by my Bees, which is sufficient to awaken an interest and make ready buyers. PIIILADELPHIA, March 1, 1875. Our publishers are still holding back many of their new books, and patiently waiting for the spring trade to open. There are no signs of it yet, however; jobbers report that orders are few and light, and the retail trade is lighter than it has been before for many years. While this is true of the aggregate trade, the few novels that have been issued have met with a very fair sale, and have relieved the trade from utter stagnation. . Porter & Coates have published the first part of a work on Elementary Philosophy, by James M. Wilcox, Ph. D., this part being de- voted to Logic; and a delightful volume, en- titled Days near Rome, by Augustus J. C. Hare, who gives us charming pictures of the beautiful country in the vicinity of the an- cient city. The ordinary reader who thinks he knows all about Rome will find this vol- ume entirely new. Even the tourist, who has zealously followed the guide-books, will be astonished at the newness of the places, the scenery, and the people with which Mr. Hare here makes him acquainted. He has departed from the ordinary routes, and writes of locali- ties difficult of access and seldom visited by the traveler; hence, his book has all the charm of an account of travel in an unexplored country. - Porter & Coates have just ready a new and stirring novel by G. J. Whyte Melville, enti. tled Katerfelto, printed from advance sheets. The author is already well known by his former writings, Holmby House, The Gladia- ters, and others of more recent date. The pres- ent volume is a genuine sporting tale, giving a fascinating glimpse of Gipsy life, and, in the words of the London Athenayum, “Is one of the best specimens to be met with of what a sporting anecdote should be.” It will be in . cluded in the International Series of novels, and will be followed by Oldbury, an English novel by Annie Carey. Among the books in preparation by Porter & Coates is a work on Social and National Economy, by Professor Robert Ellis Thompson, of the University of Pennsylvania, and editor of the Penn Monthly. Though prepared for popular readers, it is also admirably adapted for a text-book, and will be the only text-book on Political Econo- my which elaborates the principles of Protec. tion. They have also in press a work on the Origin and Laws of Storms, and the Methods of Prognosticating them, by William Blasius, formerly professor of Natural Sciences in the Lyceum of Hanover, and a brother of the noted German zoölogist. The Better Self an- nounced for early issue, is a series of essays by Haine Friswell, author of The Gentle Life. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have printed a new edition of The Court of London, by G. W. M. Reynolds, containing an account of the Life and Times of the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV., and relating, the publishers state, the same facts contained in the volume that the £1,000 reward was said to be offered for. The Fortune Seeker; or, the Bridal Eve, is vol- ume four of the new edition of Mrs. South- worth's books. Isabella Vincent; or, the Two Orphans, and Vivian Bertram; or, the Wife's Honor, are two new novels from the pen of G. W. M. Reynolds. Guy Mammering, by Sir Walter Scott, is the fourth volume of the new cheap edition of the Waverley Novels. Dur- ing March, T. B. Peterson & Brothers will hold their Special Spring Sale by offering their popular and fast selling books at special rates of discount. As this house do not contribute to the New York Trade Sale, this is the only 7o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. way buyers can get them below the regular rate . - During the coming month the Petersons will publish several new books which will be ap- preciated by a large class of readers. First on the list is Mrs. Southworth’s new novelette, which has never been published before in any form,entitled The Spectre Lover, uniform with the new edition of Mrs. Southworth’s books now being issued by this house in 38 volumes. The Discarded Wife; or, Will She Succeed, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, whose books have met with a flattering reception from the reading public, will follow. A Foggy Night at Offord is Mrs. Ellen Wood’s addition to the list of twenty-five cent novels. The fifth volume of the Waverley Novels, twenty-five cent edi- tion, now being issued semi-monthly by this firm, will be The Pirate, one of Sir Walter Scott’s most fascinating stories. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have been giving their attention to a number of important works, to the exclusion of the lighter literature they have in hand. They have lately become sole proprietors of the American revised edition of Chambers's Encyclopaedia, which has been ed- ited especially for American readers, and con- tains many engravings not in the other ed- itions. The Hon. John Bigelow's new edition of the Life of Franklºw, in three volumes, and The Diary of John Quincy Adams, in four vol- umes, edited by Charles Francis Adams, are works of great interest and importance. In the former, Mr. Bigelow gives the autobiog- raphy, which comes down to 1775, or Frank- lin’s fiftieth year, and continues the life from letters and other writings, and in this portion of the work the editor has displayed rare skill and excellent judgment. The last volume of the Adams Diaries covers the interval between the summer of 1817 and the spring of 1820, when Mr. Adams was Secretary of State in the first administration of President Monroe, and this volume is the most interesting of the four. The second volume of Prescott's new edition of Robertson’s Charles the Fifth is nearly ready. This work, in its improved form, is attracting much attention. The third vol- ume, which will complete the work, will be issued later in the spring. The other books just ready at this house are, The Fair Puritan, a story of New Elgland in the days of witch- craft, by Henry W. Herbert, better known as “ Frank Forrester; ” and a school history of the United States, from a southern standpoint, by Prof. Joseph T. Derry, of the Academy of Richmond College, Augusta, Ga. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have pub- lished in a handsome quarto volume, for the Library Committee of the Grand Lodge of the F. A. M. of Pa., a Dedication Memorial of the New Masonic Temple of Philadelphia. It contains a history of the temple, with a full description of it, the dedication addresses, correspondence, etc. It is illustrated with twenty photographic views and beautiful woodcut chapter head- ings and initial devices, and is a unique and handsome specimen of book-making. Among its curious features is a lithographic fac-simile of the subscription list of the first Masonic Hall of Philadelphia, containing the names of Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Mifflin, and other noted men. Annette; or, the Chron- icles of Bellevue, by Charlotte Walsingham, is an American story of the last century, not of the School which is known as sensational, but interesting throughout and well written. These publishers have nearly ready, Secrets of the Sanctum, by A. F. Hill, formerly editor of the New Hampshire Patriot. It gives, accord- ing to the author, “a spicy account of the in- terior workings of newspapers, and explains many things that are strange mysteries to the general public.” Later in the month will be issued an interesting book on Denmark, by G. W. Griffin, late U. S. Consul at Copenha- gen. It will bear the title of My Danish Days. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have a num- ber of publications, which will be indispensa- ble to visitors at the Centennial. Among them are new editions of Syckelmoore's Illustrated Hand-Book of Philadelphia; and the Guide to Fairmount Park, containing illustrations and descriptions of the exhibition grounds and buildings. Kay & Brother, the enterprising law book publishers, will shortly issue volume sixteen of Sergeants & Rawle's Reports. This is the third edition of the work, which has been much improved by additional notes. This is- sue will be followed by the twenty-fifth vol- ume of Smith’s Reports, making the seventy- fifth volume of the Pennsylvania State Re- ports. During the spring they will publish a second editions of Wharton on the Law of Homicide, with Selections of Leading Cases. This work, by the leading authority on crim- inal law, was first published in 1855, and the new edition will be much enlarged and im- proved. Kay & Brother have also in prepara- tion an American edition of Leake's Law of Contracts, with notes by Francis Rawle and Henry Reed, of the Philadelphia bar; a Treat- ise on the Law of Notice, by George Tucker Bispham, author of Principles of Equity and other works ; the sixth American edition of Williams on Executors, by J. C. Perkins, I.L.D., which will be greatly improved and issued in three volumes; the third edition of Penrose & Watts' Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, covering from 1829 to 1839; and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports, third edition, in ten volumes, including cases from 1832 to 1840. Among the works announced for early issue by this house is the fifth Amer- ican edition of Fearne on Remainders, a work that has gone through ten editions in England, and is probably the best of the few important books on the subject. - Lindsay & Blakiston have issued The Micros- cope and its Icewelations, by W. B. Carpenter, from the fifth London edition, revised and en- larged, and containing upwards of five hundred illustrations ; a new and enlarged edition of THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 71. ºr Jones, Sieveking & Payne's Manual of Patho- logical Anatomy, a new edition of their Mem- oranda of Poisons, to which many additions have been made ; a new edition of Dobell’s lectures on Winter Cough, and a new work on The Cell Doctrine, by Dr. James Tyson, of the University of Pennsylvania. It is a very thorough and comprehensive work, giving a full history of the subject, and a valuable biog- raphy, and, is well illustrated. Dobell’s work has been revised and considerably enlarged, containing two new lectures and new matter on all the subjects. ———º-ºº----------- popyRIGHT IN 2ANADA. The Canadian government has introduced into the Senate a bill amending the Copy- right Act of 1868. That act only granted copyrights to British subjects; but the new act is designed to throw open the privilege to all persons whose works are published or produced in Canada. It provides that, pend- ‘ing the publication or republication in Canada. of a literary, scientific, or artistical work, the author may obtain an interim copyright, which shall secure his rights for three months. This is to be followed by the full copyright on pub- lication or republication. If the author fails to obtain his copyright according to the pro- visions of the act, or fails to bring out his work within three months after obtaining the tnterim copyright, and any other person has undertaken the republication of such work, or has imported foreign reprints of them, such other person shall have the privilege of dis- posing, by sale or otherwise, of the number of copies thus actually reproduced or being pro- duced or imported. - *º-—----> CENTRAL Rooksellers' Association. A regular meeting of the Central Booksellers' Asso- ciation was held February 10th, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y. The attendance was small. The President and resident Vice-President being absent, Mr. Peter Carter was called to the chair. - The Committee appointed in November last to pro- cure signatures to the twenty per cent. rule reported: That the paper was duly presented to every leading house in this city, and the signature of each obtained, excepting only that of the American Ndws Company. This was not withheld from any want of sympathy or indisposition to co-operate with the movement, but for the simple reason that the necessary official action could not be taken at that time. The application was not re- newed for the reasons heroin after stated. Your committee made arrangements, at the Novem- ber meeting, for a public meeting to be held in Boston. On the 21st of that month they met a large gathering of the Now England trade, and, after a full discussion of the whole subject, obtained the signatures of many of those present at the meeting, A Committee was then f appointed to solicit the signatures of all others; and within forty-eight hours after, every leading house in Boston had signed the paper, as prepared and presented by your committee. - Greatly encouraged, they may say elated, by their success in New York and Boston, your committee ar- . ranged for a public meeting at Philadelphia, to be held on the 3d of December. That meeting was well attended, but your committee learned that a misapprehension pre- vailed as to the precise meaning of the resolution of the CentralAssociation, and by a resolution of the meeting, . in order that there might not be any possible misunder- Standing, it was amended to read as follows: The Central Booksellers' Association adopts twenty (20). pel cent, as the maximum discount to be given to libra- ries, schools, teachers, professional men generally, and other large buyers outside the trade, with the exception of supplies of school-books for first introduction ; speci- men copies of school-books for examination; school-books for school-boards and State Normal schools created by law and authorized to purchase supplies from public funds; school books for schools other than Sunday-schools, sup- ported by religious and benevolent societies, and purchas- ing their own supplies of school-books; and to such mer- chants that deal in books and school supplies. The undersigned publishers, and booksellers hereby ac- cept the above by-law of the Central Booksellers' Associa- ...tion, to take effect on the first of January next, and agree that the terms herein uamed shall be the rates of discount thereafter allowed on all sales at our establishment. [Note: This agreement, as signed by those following, is understood to restrict discounts to the classes named, all other retail buyers to be charged catalogue retail prices.] This was signed by a number of those present, and the meeting appointed a committee to sulicit the signa- tures of the other houses in the trade. These were all obtained, with the except on of that of Messrs. J. B. A lippincott & Co. - As your committee were fully impressed with the im- portance of an united movement, the members resident in New York on the 13th of January addressed a letter to Messrs. Lippincott & Co., in the hope that, on further leflection, the house might have been led to reconsider its decision. Tue correspondence is hereunto annexed, and will show that that hope has not been realized. Your committee from the beginning acted upon the assumption that while the 20th of November was named as the day on which the resolution was to go into opera- tion, it was in operative until their paper had been sub- mitted to and signed by all the principal houses of the three cities: They intended, in all cases, to have this understood, and regret that in some instances they un-. intentionally failed to do so, and that this failure of theirs led to a misapprehension on the part of some of the signers, lºor the failure they can only plead the fact that they themuselves were ń. persuaded that a . general movement along the whole line was indispen- Sable to success. New York could not carry out the reform alone. Neither could Philadelphia or 13oston. Your committee therefore sought to unite the trade of the three cities; and the names of all the signers, here transmitted, will show how near they came to a complete, success. They came within one of it! Your committee desire to state that in the prosecution of this work they found much to encourage thein. The reception by the trude generally was cordial, in some instances enthusiastic. They had abundant evidence that the reform movement commands the hearty ap-' royal of the trade at large; that its consummation is indispensable to the interests alike of the publisher, the jobb r, and the dealer. They knew that what has al-` ready been done has encouraged some of the timid and strengthened some of the weaker. During the last Christmas season the trade of New York city suffered. less from underselling than in any similar season for 72 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. many years past. Had your committee been completely successful at Philadelphia, it was their intention to have notified the trade that the resolution would go into effect on the 1st of January, 1875. This time was agreed upon, owing to the delay in holding the meeting at Philadel- phia, and in procuring signatures there. As the move- ment was not successful, the proposed action was not taken; and now nothing remains for them to do but to submit this report and ask to be discharged. They cannot but express the hope, however, that the resent is only a temporary delay. Their conviction is hat this reform must and will succeed. It is based on a sound principle. It demands only what is right and just. For two years there has been a progressive move- ment. The past six months have shown a wonderful ac- celeration. The hand cannot now be set back on the dial. So the final result is only a question of time, and for this let all patiently work and wait, “With malice toward none, with charity for all." A. D. F. RANDOLPH, W. S. AppleTON, * F. BI. DODD. The lötter of the committee to J. B. Lippincott & Co., and their reply declining to sign the rule as it stands, but advocating a gradual return to retail prices, were read, with the report, which was adopted and ordered to be printed. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President.—A. C. Barnes. Vice-Presidents.-Edmund Claxton, J. R. Osgood, A. C. Armstrong. - Recording Secretary.--F. H. Dodd. Corresponding Secretary.—G. W. Carleton. Treasurer.-H. E. Simmons. Executive Committee.—Walter S. Appleton, James S. Baker, J. A. Bancroft, Joseph M. Cushing, Jr., Charles T. Dillingham, P. M. Hale, S. F. Nichols. Arbitration Oommittee.—George S. Appleton, T. W. Deland, C. C. Haffelfinger, A. J. Holman, William Lee, Thomas Niles, Jr., James Miller, A. D. F. Randolph, Isaac E. Sheldon. The Association then adjourned to March 2d. }_ITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Bishop Haven's book on Mexico will prob- ably not be issued before April. ' ' Mr. Gladstone is said to have received $7,- 500 as copyright from his pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees. The publishers of Allan Pinkerton's Ep. pressman and Detective, announce that 18,000 have been sold. Rev. J. S. C. Abbott is preparing a volume on Christopher Columbus, for the Patriot and Pioneer Series. The London Ecaminer says Livingstone's East Journals is the most absorbing of all books of African travel. - Professor Whitney of Yale is writing a work on the study of language, for the Inter- national Scientific Series. Dr. McCosh's Ideas of Nature Overlooked by Mr. Tyndall will be published in book form by Robert Carter & Brothers, Douglas Jerrold used to say of feminine writers, “if you once dip a woman's finger in the inkpot, she will go on writing forever.” Lindsay & Blakiston, the medical book publishers of Philadelphia, have issued a new forty-page catalogue of their publications. Robert Carter & Brothers announce The Spanish Cavalier, a story of Seville; The Little ſº and An Eden in England, all by A. L. O. E. - The autograph manuscript of Don Quiacote.s signed by Miguel Cervantes, is at present in gº the libraries of the Duque de Medina- Coeli. There are but two copies of the original edition of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in ex- istence, one in England, and one in the Lenox Library of New York. The Chicago Advance says that in the French translation of The Hoosier Schoolmaster, the “ Church of the Best Licks” is rendered the “Kissing Church.” - Challen's Dime Arabian Nights are selling well. The next issue will be Ganem, The Slave of Love. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in two ten cent parts, is announced for March first. Mr. Edward King's papers on “The Great South,” which appeared in Scribner's, are pub- lished in a revised form, with additions, by the American Publishing Company, as a sub- scription book. McDivitt, Campbell & Co. have issued the fifth part of the Beecher-Tilton trial, and will publish the whole of the plaintiff’s case, com- prising the first four parts and part of the fifth, in one volume. Robert Carter & Brothers have issued, in a finely-printed little volume, Froggy's Little Brother, by Brenda. It is a story of child-life in the streets of London, well told, and cal- culated to interest and benefit youthful readers. In Jeaffreson's recent “Book about the Table" we find a pleasant anecdote, which will interest literary aspirants. Eliza Acton of Ipswich, England, was esteemed aſ very bright young lady, and in 1826 she published a volume of poems, which, however, brought her no fame. Ten years later she called at Longman's pub- lishing house and sought an interview with that great man. She said, “I wish to write a book that is really wanted. Give me the sub- ject for a book for which the world has need, and I will write it for you.” The publisher asked her if she was an author, to which she answered, “I am a poet; but I shall write no more poems. The world does not want poems.” Mr. Longman remarked with cheer- ful irony, “Well, Miss Acton, we want a good cookerybook, and if you will write a really good one, I shall be happy to publish it for you."— “Then you advise me to write a good cookery- book 2 * “I should advise you to do so,” was the answer, “if I were confident of your ability to write a good one.” The lady with- drew and set to work. Nineteen years passed; in 1845 Miis Acton’s “Modern Cookery in All Its Branches” was published, and has ever since maintained its place among standard books of its kind,—Literary World. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 73 smººs-e & sº-º-º-º-º- *** **, ** D. Lothrop & Co. have in preparation a Gos- pel Life of Christ, consisting of a re-arrange- ment of the gospel narratives, so as to give in the words of the Bible a complete life of the Saviour. George Roy's story of Generalship; or, How I Managed My Husband, is published by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. It is written in the quaint Scottish dialect, and contains much good sense, some affecting pathos, and a rich fund of quiet, but genuine humor. The £1,000 reward is having its effect. Mr. Banvard’s book, The Private Life of a Kºng, is out and selling rapidly. Reynolds's The Court of London is also in demand, and Adams, Vic- tor & Co. announce a reprint of Huish's Mem- noirs of George the Fourth, for the 4th inst. The Masonic Publishing Company, New York, is about to issue a volume entitled Grand Constitutions and History of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry. This is the first volume on the subject ever published, and it will possess great interest for the fra- ternity. - Mrs. Southworth’s new book, The Spectre Lover, will be published on Saturday, March 6th, and Miss Eliza A. Dupuy’s new book, The Discarded Wife, will appear a week later, in uniform style with all their previous works. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, are the publishers. - Dodd & Mead will have ready this month Dr. Hall’s Yale Lectures on Preaching; a vol- ume on the great revival in Scotland and Ire- land, under the preaching of Moody and Sankey ; and a new story, entitled Conquering and to Conquer, by the author of the Schön- leg-Cotta Family. - * A. J. Bicknell & Co. have added to their valuable list of architectural books a folio volume of designs for interior architecture. There are twelve folio plates of designs for - * doors, stairs, windows, mantels, and wairiscot- ing, to which are added two elevations for dwellings in French and Italian style. T. B. Peterson & Brothers never contribute to any trade sale, but, as will be seen by their advertisement, they make special offers to the trade during this spring. They will fill all orders at these special prices and special dis- counts from now until April 17th, which will make it an excellent time for all booksellers and news agents to lay in a stock of their books. The Presbyterian Board of Publication have issued a volume, under the title of Preparing to Teach, which will be of great service to Sun- day-school teachers. The first section, by Dr. John Hall, is on the Evidences of Christianity; the second, by Dr. E. P. Humphrey, is an expo- sition of Ceremonial Institutes; the third, by Dr. W. H. Green, relates to Bible History, Geography, and Archaeology ; the fourth, by Prof. F. L. Patton, treats of Christian Doc- trine and Old School Theology; the last, by Mr. J. B. Tyler, contains practical answers to the question, How to teach the Bible. The Illustrated Annual of Phrenology and Physiognomy for 1875, is published by S. R. Wells. It contains portraits of noted men, illustrated sketches of character, biographies, and much other interesting matter. The annuals of nine years from 1865 to 1874 are also published in one volume of over 500 pages, with about 400 illustrative cuts. Robert Clarke & Co. have published a pamphlet on Our Barren Lands, in which the author, General W. B. Hazen, supports his statement made in his letter to the New York Th’ibune, a year ago, that the lands along the Northern Pacific Railroad are barren and worth less. It will be remembered that Gene- ral Custer and others disputed the correctness of that statement. . . . The Housekeeper, which by the way does not believe in chromos, says: “We are prepared to issue certificates of recommendation to all young ladies who regularly read The House- Æeeper, guaranteeing their qualifications to make good practical wives, without extra charge.” It is certainly a recommendation for any lady, that she reads so sensible and useful a journal as The Housekeeper. Zell’s new United States Business Directory is a very useful volume of nearly 1,900 pages, containing classified lists of all business houses in the country that are likely to be in business communication with parties outside of their own towns. The lists are very com- plete, and show evidence of much labor and care in their compilation. Its thoroughness is very creditable to Dr. Colange, under whose supervision it was prepared, and also to the publishers. Pusiness CHANGES. Dodd & Mead, New York, will remove, on May 1st, to 751 Broadway. At Erie, Pa., H. Y. Steiner & Co., newsdeal- ers, are succeeded by Steiner & Straus. At Albert Lea, Minn., A. H. Cole & Co., newsdealers, are succeeded by W. D. Cole. At Illiopolis, Ill., W. H. Vaugn, bookseller and newsdealer, is succeeded by Downey & Young. . At Haydenville, Mass., the business of C. Rice, lately deceased, is continued by Mrs. H. H. Rice. - At Sturges, Mich., Mrs. L. S. Townsen continues the business of George Townsend, deceased. At Lexington, Va., Lewis & Paine, booksell- ers and stationers, are succeeded by W. W. Lewis. - - - At Winona, Minn., C. H. Lockwood, book- seller and stationer, is succeeded by Lockwood & Todd. - The Esterbrook Steel Pen Company have removed from 49 Maiden Lane, N. Y., to 26 John street. - C. M. Fisher & Co., gold pen manufacturers, have removed from 102 Fulton st., N. Y., to 139 Fulton St. r 74 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERY GUIDE. At Fort Scott, Kans., Patterson & Brown have purchased the news business of E. L. . Penniman. At Hagerstown, Md., Walter A. Mobley has succeeded Cleery & McLaughlin, booksellers and stationers. The Scribners will move into their new quarters at 743 and 745 Broadway, New York, about the 20th of March. - - - At Nashville, Tenn., Mr. Wm. C. Collier, bookseller, stationer, and newsdealer, has re- tired from the business. Mr. John G. Broughton, 39 Bible House, has , become the New York agent for the publica- tions of Henry Hoyt, Boston. At Grasshopper Falls, Kans, Mr. George | Kuran has purchased the boºk, stationery, and news business of Louis A. Myers. At Wamego, Kan., F. C. Bowen & Co., book- sellers and stationers, are succeeded by W. G. Bowen, junior partner of the former firm. At Chicago, Ill., Emerson & Slott, 239 W. Ma- dison street, booksellers, stationers, and music dealers, are sueceeded by Emerson & Kennedy. At Atlanta, Ga., the stationery and news business formerly conducted by Smith & Lester has been purchased and is continued by Goodman & Trimble. v, At St. Paul, Minn., F. A. Taylor, bookseller and stationer, has discontinued business, and has made an assignment in favor of his credi- tors to Mr. W. D. Cornish. - The copartnership of Taintor & Co., New York, expired by limitation, Jan. 1st., and the business is continued by the new firm, Taintor Brothers & Co., formed at the same: date. At Memphis, Tenn., the Catholic bookstore and news depot of John B. Bruner & Wife, for- merly W. J. Mansford, has been purchased by Mr. R. M. Mansford, who will continue the business at the old stand. At New Haven, Conn... the copartnership of Richmond & Patten, publishers, booksellers, and stationers, is dissolved, and the affairs of the firm are being settled by the senior part- ner, Mr. George H. Richmond. At Harrisburg, Pa., the book, stationery, and periodical business of S. H. Sieg, has been purchased by Mr. W. H. H. Sieg, who will continue it at 32 North Third street, in con- nection with his printing business. At St. Paul, Minn., the partnership of D. D. Merrill & Co. has been enlarged by the admis- sion as partners, of Mr. Alanson Allen of St. Cloud, and Mr. H. E. Wedelstaedt, who has been with the house for some years. The style of the firm is changed to D. D. Merrill, Allen & Co. In Boston, the copartnership heretofore ex- isting under the style of Young & Bartlett, is dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts will be settled by Henry A. Young, who alone is authorized to use the film name in liquida- tion, and will continue the business under the sty:e of Henry A. Young & Co. - ..] Estella. Lyric Gems, by George W. Tryon, Jr. Music NotEs. The publication of the New York Musical Gazette was discontinued with the December number. William Vincent Wallace left among his manuscripts a sketch of an opera, to be called The work is being completed by Mr. Baseford. The Musical Echo and Benham’s Musical Review have both extended their scope, and began the new year as literary as well as musical journals. The Southern Musical Journal, published by Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., comes to us filled with interesting reading matter, with eight or ten pages of music in each number. It is edited with excellent judgment. Messrs. Toy and Morrison, the surviving partners of the firm of Lee & Walker, an- nounce that the recent death of the senior partner, Mr. Lee, will not affect the conduct of the business, which will be continued under the same firm name. The choice selections from the opera, pub- lished under the name of “Opera at Home,” by White, Smith & Co., Boston, will commend themselves to players of moderate ability. They are arranged with much taste by Chas. D. Blake, and comprise all of the most popular operas. Messrs. Horace Waters & Son have pub- lished, under the title of Echoes from Zion, a a volume of emotional hymns for the use of religious gatherings, containing many selec- tions that are copyrighted by them, and are not found in any other collection. The vol- ume is edited by Mr. William F. Sherwin, is neatly printed in convenient form, and exactly meets a popular demand. Lee & Walker are printing a new corrected American edition of Schuman’s Album. It is being printed from new plates on handsome paper, and will be substantially bound in the best style. They have also in press a vol- ume of operatic selections, under the title of Of the late issues in book form of this enterprising firm, Zion's Choral, for choirs and singing classés, and The Gospel Singer, a new collec- tion for Sunday-schools, by Philip Phillips, are worthy of walm praise. Oliver Ditson & Co. publish Savior, Breathe an Evening J3!essing, a new solo and quartet by L. H. Southard, who excels in compositions for quartet choirs; also a bright and spirited little song and chorus, by H. P. Danks, entitled Little Bright Eyes, Will You Miss Me; also Bring Our Darling LIome Again, and Mamma, I’ll Ičetw?'m to You, two songs by the same author, full of feeling and grace, with simple and ap- propriate accompaniment. Mr. Danks is the author of Silver Threads Among the Gold, of which 25,000 copies have been sold. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 75. New SPAPERS AND PERIODICALs Our Own Fºreside has moved from Dayton, O., to New York. A new monthly magazine is talked of, to be called All the World Over. The Western Farmer, of Madison, Wis., has been merged into the Chicago Western ſºural. Rev. E. P. Roe's new religious novel, From Jest to Earnest, will first appear in the Chicago Advance. g The name of the Irish National Magazine, Cleveland, Ohio, is changed to the Irish National Monthly. • The meat little one cent daily, The Telegraph, recently started in New York, is winning its way very slowly. - The fourteenth volume of Lippincott's Matſ/- azine is published. It makes a handsome book of nearly eight hundred pages. The name of the North oestern Review, Chi- cago, is changed to the United States Review, and, it is now issued semi-monthly. The Pictorial World is a new literary monthly of sixteen pages, published at 31 Park Row, New York. Subscription price, $1.25 per year. Danbury has a new paper, The Dºwnhurian, a four-page weekly, edited and published by C. E. A. McGeachy, formerly of the News. Price, five cents. Americitm Homes for April will contain the first chapters of a story of Manion and his fol- lowers, during the revolution, by the editor, Mr. George C. Eggleston. The Temperance Month'y, Chicago, is a new paper of fifty-six octavo pages, edited and published by Mrs. C. Augustus Haviland. Subscription price, $2 per year. Union in Christ is the name of a new relig- ious monthly, unsectarian, sixteen pages, ed- | ited and published by H. A. King, New York. Subscr'ption price, $1 per annum. Mrs. Stowe's story, We and Our Neighbors, nearly completed in the Christian Union, is to be followed by a new novel by George Mac- donald, which the publishers have purchased the exclusive right to publish in the United States. Home and School, published by John P. Morton & Co., Louisville, Ky., is one of the handsomest and most useful of our educational magazines. Its papers on history, the arts and sciences, etc., in the new volume, are to be illustrated. The Dental Science and Quarterly Art Jour- ºnal is a neatly printed new quarterly, octavo size, published by Edward Richards & Co., N. Y. It is devoted to science and art, and general professional knowledge. Price, $1 per year; twenty-five cents per copy. The Philadelphia Age has been purchased by a company of gentlemen, who will take possession of it about the middle of March, and will issue a new two cent daily, to be called the Times. It will be under the editor- ial management of Col. A. K. McClure. The Grocery and Provision Review is a new weekly published at 42 Cedar street, New York. Subscription price, $3 per year. - Philadelphia has a Confectioners’ Journal, an eight-page monthlv, published at 113 South Fourth street. Subscription price, $2 per year. The first number of The Brooklyn Journal of Education, a new monthly periodic ul, de- voted to educational interests, science, litera- ture, and art, will be issued this month. It will be under the editorial management of John Y. Culyer. Price, $2.50 per year; twen- ty-five cents per number. Mr. Benjamin G. Bruce, formerly editor of the Turf, Field and Fºurm, proposes to start at Lexington, Ky., a journal to be called The Live Stock Record. Although devoted largely to the interests of stock-raising, it will have a well conducted literary department, and is in- tended to be a first-class family paper. - . –-º-º-º- Foreign LiteFARY Notes. A new art journal has appeared in Paris, entitled L’Art. Four editions of The Gre ville Memoirs have been printed in England. - Mr. Kegan Paul’s book on William Godwin, his Friends and Contemporaries, is soon to be published. Smith, Elder & Co., new poem by Robert London, announce a Browning, entitled Aristophanes' Apology. * Sir Robert Phillimore has made a new trans- Jation of Lessing's Laocoon which contains the fragments of the unfinished parts, not before translated. The third volume of the Count de Paris' History of the Civil War in America is printed in Paris, and the author has nearly completed the fourth volume. * - Thomas Cook & Son, the excursionists, an- nounce for March the first number of a new sixpenny illustrated magazine of travel, edited by Mr. Edwin Hodder. Thomas Hughes is ºwriting a new work, Parson Lot, which is founded on conversations held with Charles Kingsley when he first came into notice as a Radical. A German lady, Countess Prokesch (Frede- rike Gossman), has attempted to collect in one volume dºll the poems from the works of Ger- man poets in honor of the rose. f The London Athenaum says that Mr. Charles G. Leland has in press a work entitled Fu- Sanff, giving an account of the discovery of America in the fifth century by Chinese Bud- dhist priests. M. Fustel de Coulanges is writing a philo- sophical history of the Political Institutions of Old France, commencing with the Conquest of Gaul by the Romans. It is to trace feudalism through its modifications down to modern times. - - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. peituary, ROBERT S, DAVIS. Mr. Robert S, Davis, of the firm of Robert S. Davis & Co., school-book publishers of Bos- ton, died at his home in that city on Tuesday, February 23d. . +. At a meeting of the booksellers and publish- ers held in Boston, February 24th, the follow- ing resolutions were adopted : •TWhereas, It has pleased the Great Disposer of human events to take from among us another of our respected associates and º Robert S. Davis, for so many years well known and appreciated in this community as an enterprising and successful publisher of educational works, and has at His own good time, re- caled him in the ripeness of his years, and in the full ma- turity of his work, from eqrthly responsibilities to other and we trust higher duties; therefore, Resolved, That we, the heard with deep regret of the departure from among us of our former companion and friend, and that, while we may miss the intercourse that has so long and so pleas- antly subsisted between the departed and ourselves, and while his death has created in our ranks a marked and important void, we recognize in this event a Father's hand; and, remembering that our departed friend has been permitted a long and prosperous life, and has been garnered like a ripened sheaf, we bow in submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well. Resolved, That we tender to the family of the deceased the sincere expression of our sympathy in their bereave- ment, knowing that He who has been pleased to take from them a beloved husband and father will be very migh to them in their loneliness and will sustain them with a Father's arm. - t Itesolved, That we will close our several places of busi- ness during the hours devoted to the f.neral services of our departed brother, and will consult the wishes of his family in regard to our attendance at the same. MICHELET’S COPYRIGHTS. The copyrights of the works of Michelet were sold at auction on Monday last, and finally purchased by Michel Lévy et frères, the well-known publishers. At the time of Michelet’s death I spoke of his domestic troubles, and of the dissensions introduced into his once happy family by the introduc- tion of a second wife. The author himself paid a great many fine tributes to this lady, who had given him much help in his literary labors, and he clung to her even when he saw his children leaving the paternal roof on her account. The son-in-law and the children say that Mme. Michelet has an unendurable tem- per, and that it is impossible to get on with her. In fine, they characterize her as a typi- cal belle-mêre, or mother-in-law. When they quarreled about Michelet's dead body, it is only natural that they should do so over his property. The widow claimed more than the children were willing to grant, and wanted to keep the copyrights of the books to which she had given so much personal labor. The fam- ily agreed to this on condition that some con- cessions were made on her part ; but Mme. Michelet was not one of the compromising kind. The others replied that if she wanted to be ugly about the settlements they would be ugly too, and hence forced the sale of these copyrights. The upset price for all the ublishers of Boston, have. copyrights was fixed at 196,000 francs; but, as no bid was made, though all the large publish- ers of Paris were present, it was reduced to 50,000 francs, and knocked down to the levys for 56,000 francs.-Paris Letter to N. Y. Times. SPECIAL Notices. If our Kingston correspondent will give us the name of his State, which was omitted in his letter, we will give him the information he asks for. The Central Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo., have become the publishers of Holze's Physics and Vickroy's Grammar, formerly published by Hendricks, Chittenden & Co. The Spring trade sale will open on the 30th instant and continue through the week. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. W. J. Widdleton—Standard Bcoks. . .2d page of cover, New York Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d { { 4 $ T. B. Peterson & Bros. New Books. . . 4th § { $6 Wants. . . . . . . . . . . . - * s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * s = * * * * * * * * * Page 91 Books Wanted and For Sale................... “ 9 | Excelsior Printing Press. . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 91 French's Standard Plays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 02 Banner of Light. . . . . . . . .---------------------- “ 92 Lee & Walker—New Music Books. . . . . . `------ “ 92 A. Williams & Co.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ Q2 Jesse Haney & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 92 Peck & Spyder—Base-Ball Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ $3 Webster's Dictionary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 94 Presbyterian Board of Publications. . . . . . . . . . . “ 94 Gillott's Pens. -------------------------------- “ 94 E. & H. T. Anthony & Co.—Stereoscopes, etc. “ 94 J. R. Osgood & Co.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 95 A. J. Bicknell & Co.—Architectural Books. . . . “ 96 A. M. Purdy-Fruit Recorder and Cottage Gardener --------------------------------. “ 06 Carter's Suspension Ring. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . “ 96 McDivitt, Campbell & Co., “Trial of Teecher.” “ 97 Ray & Brother—Law Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 97 Howard Challen–Dime Arabian Nights . . . . . . * 97 T. Ellwood Zell—U. S. Business Directory .... “ . 98 Wm. F. Gill & Co.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 99 Spencerian Pens . . . . ... ---------. . . . . . . . '• - - - - - “ 100 Happy Hours Company—Plays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 100 R. Worthington & Co.—New English Books ... “ 101 Stafford Manf. Co.— Stencil Combinations. . . . . “ 102 Van Everen's Book Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 102 New York Blank Book Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 102 Beadle's Dimo Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 103 Roberts Brothers—New Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 104 Wilson, Hinkle & Co.—New Books . . . . . . . . . . . ** 104 Borace Waters & Son—Piauos, Organs, and Music Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ) ()4 American Journal of Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 105 T. B. Peterson & Bros.' Special Spring Sale. ... “ 10: Lick's English Novels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 106 J. B. Lippincott & Co.— Magazines. . . . . . . . . . . . “ 107 New York Weekly........... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ 1(.8 g THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 77 Rook ANNouncements FOR MARCH. AUTHORS' PUB. CO., New York. Gold and Free Banks. By M. R. Pilon. pp., paper, $1. 8vo, 186 D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Heredity. By Th. Ribot. 12mo, cloth. Alice Brand. By A. G. Riddle. 12mo, cloth. What is Music : By J. L. Rice. 12mo, 94 pp., puper, 50c.; cloth. $1. Natural History of Man. cloth. Health. By Dr. Edward Smith. 12mo, cloth. AErial World. Hoolwig. 12mo, cloth. Science of Music. Taylor. 12mo, cloth. Evolution. By Cassella. 12mo, cloth. Reply to Gladstone. By Mons. Capel. 8vo, paper, 25c. Nature and Liſe. By Ferd. Papillon. Translated from the French by A. R. Macdonough. 12mo, cloth. Chemistry of Light. By Prof. Vogel. Internation- al Scientific Series. 12mo, cloth. BAKFR, VOORHIS & CO., New York. Waternna, rm on Trespass. Vol. I. McMaster’s Digest of Railroad Law. A Digest of the Law of l{ailways. By R. Bach McMaster, Esq. This will embrace a digest of all the American cases in all the courts, with a full S lection of English cases. A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Easy Lessons in Map-Drawing. Monteith. 12mo, 20 pp. , heavy paper, 15c. Psalms and Hymns, with Turnes. Charles S. Robiſ,8ou. 8vo. By James By Rev. H. D. BROWN & CO., Boston. Boys' Own. Containing “Thirty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.” By Jules Verne. Complete, besides lmore than one hundred other stories. 4to, 416 pp., flexible boards, $1. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Nature and the Bible. By Dr. Dawson. 12mo, 270 pp., cloth, $1.75. Ideas inn Niuture Overlooked by Tyndall. By IJr. McCosh. 12mo, 48 pp., cloth, 50c. Earth’s Morning. By Horatius Bonar. pp., cloth, $2. Footprints of Sorrow. pp., cloth, $2. * All About Jesus. By Rev. Alex. Dickens. pp , cloth, $2. The Shadowved Home. 12mo, 300 pp., c. oth, $1.50. An Eden in Engiantſ. By A. L. O. E. 16mo, 367 pp., cloth, $1.25, allu 18tno, 75c. Eleanor’s Visit. By Johanna H. Mathews. 360 c,0th, $1.25. The Little Maid. cioth, 70c. The Spanish Cavalier. By A. L. O. E. Alice Neville sand Itiverdale. By Bonar. 320 pp., cloth, $1.25. 12mo, 390 By John Reid. 12mo, 390 12mo, 400 By Rev. F. H. Bickersteth. 16mo, By A. I. O. E. 18mo, 320 pp., 16.no, By Quatreſages. 12mo, A. J. BICKNELL & Co., New York. Wooden and Brick Buildings, with Details. Published under direction of A. J. Bicknell. 2 vols. 4to, half leather, $18. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. My Danish Days. By G. W. Griſſin. 12mo, 300 pp., cloulu, $1.50. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Johnny Ludlow. A Novel. Reprinted from the Lon- dou edition. Rich Medway’s Two Wives. A Novel. By the author of “ Stolen Waters,” “Tested,” etc. The Bible inn India. A new edition. Ernest Ren an’s Lives of Jesus, the Apostles, in and Saint Paul. New uniform editious. DODD & MEAD, New York. The Yale Lectures on Preaching for 1875. By Rev. John Hall, D.D. 12tuo, $1.50. Conditions of Success in Preaching without Notes. By Rev. R. S. Storrs, D.D. 12mo, $1.25. Ann Account of the Great Revival in Ireland and Scot laund under the Labors of Messrs. Moody and Samkey. By Rev. John Hall, D.D., und Mr. Geo. H. Stuart. 12mo. The Jewish Tabernacle : Its History and Signiti- cºnce. By Rev. E. Alwater, of New Havel). Profusely illustrated. 8vo, $4. A New Work on Metaphysics. By Rev. Juhn Mil- Ier, author of “ Felicu in Tueology.” 8vo E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. The Hymnal, with Music. By Goodrich & Gilbert. Revised aud corrected. 8vo, $1.65. - PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Theologia Moralis Novissima Ecclesiae. Doc- tor is S. Alphousi in Compendium Redacta, et Usul Veue- rabilis Cleri Americani, Accommodata. By A. Konings, C.SS.R. 3 Parts in one vol., 8vo, half morocco, $5. The Child. By Mgr. Ilupanloup, Bishop of Orleans. Translated with the author's permission, by Kule All- derson. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Miss Rovel. From the French of Victor Cherbuliez. Translated by Francis A. Shaw. Above Suspicion. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell. City and Suburb. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Open Sesame. By Florence Marryatt. woman's Ransom. By J. H. Robinson. Hector Mainwaring. By Albany Fonblanque. Cut Adrift. By Albany Fonblanque. J. B. FORD & CO., New York, I The Abbe Tigrane, Candidate for the Pa- pacy. By Ferdinand Fabbre. Trauelated by Rev. Leona d Woolsey Bacon. 12mo, cloth. Romances and Realities. Tales, Sketches, and Pupe, S. By Mts. A. E. Burr. 12mo, 300 pp. 78 * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. g HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Early History of Institutions. By Sir Henry S. Maine. * Ancient Law. By Sir Henry S Maine. uniform with “ Early History,” etc. Autobiography and Essays. By R. Wagner. Notes on Paris. By H. Taine. New edition, HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. The Blossoming of an Aloe. A Novel. By Mrs. Frances Cashel Hoey, author of “A Golden Sorrow,” etc. 8vo, paper, 50c. Safely Married. A Novel. By the author of “Caste.” 8vo, paper. 50c. - Songs of our Youth. By the author of “John Hali. ſax, Geutlem in.” Set to music. Square 4to, cloth. Discourses on Christ and Hum in mity. With a Review, Historical ind Critical, of the 1), ºctrines ºf • Christ's Person. By Henry M. Goodwin. 12mo, cloth, $2. - e - g The Invasion of the Crimea . Its Origin, and an . . Accouilt of its Progress down to the Death of l.ord Raglan. . By Alexander William Kinglake. Vol. III —Battle of In kerman. With Maps and Plans. 12mo, cloth, $2. JESSE HANEY & CO., Now York. Carpenter’s Manual. By John D. Edwards. 95 pp., paper, 50c. 12mo, HENRY L. HINTON & CO., New York. The Inexpediency of an Irredeemable Paper Currency. By John Stuart Mill. 12mo, 53 pp., p.per, 200. - Out Currency. By John G. Drow. 8vo. 48 pp., paper' 20C. - HENRY HOYT, Boston. Poor Clerk. By G. E. Sargent. Large 16 no, 300 pp., cloth. ‘Froggy's Little Brother. Little Christie. Mowgrie’s Christmas Box. HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, New York. How Shall I Woo Thee : 12mo, 144 pp., paper. Speechiana - 12mo, 144 pp., papor. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. A Nameless History. From the German of E Mar- litt. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. History of the United States for Interme- cliate Schools. By Joseph T. Derry, Professor of Ancient Lauguages in Academy of Richmond Co lege, Augusta, Georgia. With numerous illustrations. 12.no. Was She Engaged A Novel. By “Jonquil,” author of “Queeu Krinaleon's Plagues,” cto. New edi. tion. 12mo, tinted cloth, printed ornamentation, $1.25. Memoirs of J. Q. Adams. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. comprising porti, 'ns of his ſliary from 1795 to 1848. Vol. W. Edited by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. 8vo. D. LOTHROP & Co., Boston. Bremen Lectures. Picture Series. 6 vols., viz.: Christmas Morning, The Sailor Brother, The Concert, Little May’s Picture. Eſſie's Friends. Translated by Rev D. Hoagle. New and large edition. 12mo, $1.50. HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. Treatise on Diet and Regimen. By T. K. Cham- bers, M.D. 8vo, cloth. - McDIVITT, CAMPBELI, & CO., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. No. 7, Vol. XI. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, subscription, $5 per yo!. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. No. 8, Vol. XI. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, subscription, $5 per vol. Theodore Tilton vs. Henry Ward Beecher. Official verbatim report, in parts of 160 rºyal octavo pages each, of the trial now in progress. 50c. cach part. ALBERT MASON, New York. Historical Collections of Louisiana in md. Florida. Second series. By Col. B. F. Freuch. 8vo, cioth, $4. MOLOUGHILIN BROTHERS, New York. NEW A U NT LOUISA SºFIES. A Frog Who Would a-Wooing Go. 4to, in Colors, 25C. Henry Penny. 4to, in colors, 25c. Little Red Riding Hood. 4to, in colors, 25c. GEORGE MUNRO, New York. Lion Heart. Munro's Ten Cont Novels. Secret Cauvern of the Sierra Nevada • Ten Uent Nuvois. No. 303. 10c. No. 302. 10c. Munro's NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, New York. Norman Brill’s Life World. By Abby Eldridge. 12mo, cloth, $1. . Paul Brewster and Son. By Helen E. Chapman. 12m , c.oth, $1. ^ American Temperance Cyclopedia of An ec- dote, Illustration, History, and Biogra- play. JBy Rev. J. B. Wakeley, D.D. 12mo, clotl), s2. P. O'SHEA, New York. The Criterion; or, How to Detect Error, and Arrive at Truth. By J. Bulnes. 12mo, 321 pp.. cloth, $1.50. Neptune Afloat. Being the second book of “The Steps Turough the World '' Series. By Winnie Rover, author of “Neptune Outward Bound.” 12mo, 260 pp., cloth, $1.50. The Story of a Convert, etc., etc. By the author ol the “Widow Bedott Papers.” l-mo, cloth, $1. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Rocles Ahead ; or, The Warnings of Cassandra. By W. R. Gregg, author of “ Enigmas of Life,” etc. 12mo, •) * * Problems of Life and MIind. Vol. II. Lewes, 8vo, $3. Little Classics. Vol. VII. Containing—The Story of Iris, by tyr. O. W. Holmes; The Rosicrucian, by Mrs. Mulock. Craik; The South Breaker, by Harriet Prescott Spofford; The Snow storm. by John Wilson (Christºpher N ºrth); The King of the Peak, by Allan Cunuingham. 12mo, $1. Castle Nowhere. l2mo. By G. H. By Constance Fenimore Woolson. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Spectre Lover. An entire new story. By Mrs. Emma I). F. N. So thworth. In uniform style with a l of Mrs Southworth's previous works. 12mo, morovco cloth. $ 1.75: puper, $1.50. A Foggy Night at Offord. New edition. By Mrs. Henry wood. 8vo, paper, 25c. The Pirate. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the Fifth volume of our new edition of the Wavericy Novels. 8vo, 25C. The Discarded Wife; or, Will Sho Succeed 2 By Miss Eliz A. Dupuy. 12mo, morocco cloth, $1.70; paper, $1.50. - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS cuſbB. 79 PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia Katerfelto. A Novel. By G. J. Whyte Melville, author of “ Holmby House,” “ Tho Gladiators.” etc, Vol. IX, International Series. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; iuternational, $1.25; paper, $1. Oldbury. By Annie Carey. Vol. X. International Se. res. 12tuo, cloth, $1.50; international, $1.25; paper, $1. Social Science and National Economy. By Robert Ellis Thompson, Professor in the University of Pennsylvania. Storms : Their Laws and Prognostics. A New System of Aé,'ial Currents and the General Circula Li ºn of the JAtmºsphere, and a Classification of its Local |-isturbances. By William Blasius, formerly Professor of Natural Sciences in the Lyceum of Hanover. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. Rheumatism in Children. By A. Jacobi, M.D. 8vo, 3) pp., paper, 40c. brotection and Free Trade. By Isaac Butts. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $1.50. . The Improvement of Health. M.I). 12110, 400 pp., cloth, $1.50. Herrman u and Dorothea. for American Readers. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth, $1.25. The Sexes Throughout Nature. By A. B. Black- weil. 12mo, 250 pp., clotli, $1.5. English Statesmen. Vol. I. of “Brief Biographics.” By J. W. Higgiusou. 12ino, 350 pp., cloth, $1 50. By Jas. Knight, Vol I., German Classics JOHN F. POTTER & Co., Philadelphia. Potter's Complete Bible Encyclopedia. William Blackwoºu, I. D., LI. D., editor. Parts 45 and 46, 4to, 40 pp. each, 50c. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. Victor La Tourette. A Novel. By a Broad Church. man. 16tuo, 406 pp , $1.75. Harry Blount; or, Passages in a Boy’s Life on Land aud Sea. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 16mo, $1.50. Christian Belief and Life. By Andrew P. Pea- body, T). D. 16mo, $1.50. Freedom and Fellowship in Religion. 16mo, $2. J. W. SCHERMERHORN & Co., New York. Fischer’s Latin. Part 2. By Professor Gustavus Fischer. 12umo, cloth, $2. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG. Now York. Lectures on the Early History of Institu- tions. By Sir S. H. Maine. 8vo, 412 pp., cloth, $6. Treasury of David. By C. H. Spurgeon. 4 vols., 8vo, 47.6 pp., cloth, $4. Edited by Pruſ. J. M. Iſart. E. STEIGER, New York. Ahn’s Third German Book. By Dr. P. Hend. 12mo, butards. - K. TOMPKINS, New York. The Red Fisherman. By W. M. Praed. Small 4to, 12 pp., paper, 10C. - The Miller's Daughter. By A. Tennyson. Small 4to, 12, pp., paper, 10c. - How they Brought the Good News from Aix to Gherat. By R. Browning. Small 4to, 12 pp., paper, 10C. & & N. TIBBAIS & SONS, New York. 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WILLIAMS & CO., Boston. The Dairy Cow. A monograph on the Ayrshire breet of cattle, with an appendix on the Ayrshire. Jersey, and ſlutch milks, their formation and pecuiarities, Py F. I.ewis Sturtevant, M.ſ)., and Joseph N. Sturtevant. I, itis- trated. 12mo, 252 pp., cloth, $2. T. WHITTAKER, New York. Christ; or, the Controversies of Christern- dom. By W. R. Dale, A.M. 12ino, 60 pp., cloth, 75c. Lent; or, Why do we Fast? Ry Rev. J. H. Ry- lauce, I). . 24mo. 18 pp , paper, 60. Theo. Gray's First Years Out of School. By K M. New edition. 12.11ao, clotlı, $1.50. YOUNG & BARTLETT, Boston. Congregational Worship. By A. J. Gordon. 16mo, 120 p.., cloth, $1. New Music. G. ANDRE & CO., Philadelphia. VOCAL. The Chaplet. Beethoven. Song, with Gorman and Eng- lish words. 35c. Mother's Lullaby. gºs Norwegiau ineiody. 25c Sleep, Deurling, Sleep. Hartley. Auber Forestier. Song, after a łumber Song. 25c. Poor, but Happy. Hamilton. Song. 35c. You Never Miss the Water. Howard. Song. 3.0C. INSTRUMENTAL- Chimes of Bells. B. A. Fantaisie. 35c. Question and Answer. Jungmann. Rondo. 40c. Retreat by Torchlight. Poussard. Murch. 50c. Recollections of Saratoga. A. Parlow. Waltzes. 750. - BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. Glyde Galop. J. Stucck, Jr. 30c. High Liſe Vaise. (Feshe Geister.) E. Strauss. 75c. Lucia di Lammermoor. S. Smith. A brilliant fantasia. 75c. Gentle Eyes of Blue. C. H. Irving. A very fine song and dauce. 35C. - Valse La racers. A Mahler. 60c. Charason. It usse. S. Smith, 75c. Rancer's Galop. Lichner. 60c. On the Barge. Bendel. 50c. On the Blue Danube, Wekerlin. Comp'ote. Vocal Valse. Italian, Freuch and English Text. 75c. Comme unto Me. ('oenen. in D, for Alto or Baritone. Latin aud Eug,ish Text. Delight Schottischke. A. C. Eimer. 35c. You Never Miss the Walter. M. E. Church. Scuolts clue. 30c. BOOSEY & CO., New York. Farewell to Erin. Claribel. Song. 50c. Somebody Waiting for Somebody. Philp. SJug. 500. The Hay Is I’ time Mow. Gatty. Song. 50c. Spinning. Cowen. Song. 50c. Under the Linnes. Cowen. Song. 50c. Key of F, Soprano or Tenor; Eily Mavourneen. Love Laid His Sleepless Heald. Sullivan, Soug. 50c. - * The Old Sweet Story. Gatty. Song. 50c. Dresden China. Molloy. Song. 50c. The Moorn Daisy. I.emmens. Song. 50c. Chacun a Son Gout. Eisoldt. Capricietto. 50c. F. Bſ,UME, New York. Girofle-Girofla. Chas. Lºcocq. Potpourri. Cramer. $1.50. Girofie-Girofla. Cramer. Bouquet de Melodies, No. 1. 75c. - Girofle-Girofia. Cramer. Bouquet de Melodies, No. 2. 75c. Girofle-Girofla • Strauss. Waltzes. 75c. Girofle-Girofla • Godfrey. Galop. 40c. Girofle-Girofia. Godfrey. Lancers. 50c. Buttercups and Divisies. Maccabe. Song. 30c. Fighting Dog a radi the Wrong Tom Cat. . Mlaccabe. 30c. Every Beau. Should Have a Belle. Paul. 30c. & Timid Awkward Squad. Hurrigan. 30c. Blow. Your Own Trumpet. Nash. 30c. Howard Across the Sea. Gabriel. 35c. Unter der Enzas. Strauss. Galop. 35c. Tik-Tak Galop. Strauss. 50c. Dodworth Waltz Lancers. Dodworth. With ſig- t; res, etc. 75c. Old Hat. Hart. Comic Song. 30c. Muldoona the Solidl Marl. Hart. Dona’t Stop. Strauss. Galop. 30c. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. VOC.A.L. Benedict. Ballad. 30c. Fº O'er the Blue Rolling Sea. Reeves. Ballad. 30c. Speak, Only Speak. Persley. Song and chorus. 30c. Tim Flaherty. Farºon. Guitar song. 30c. Lane that Led to School. Dunks. Guitar song. 35c. 84 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. Agnus Dei. Reden. Trio. 50c. Silver Locks Were Golden Then. Baker. Song uud chorus. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL- Louve. Heinze. From solo by Bach. 35c. Highland Girl. Marks. Mazurka. Gems from Lohengrin. Wagner, dore Thounas. $1.50 Oberon. Dorn. Fantaisie. 65c. Village Organist. Weber. book. $2.50. Iſlatydid March. Picture title. 50C. Edited by Theo- New organ instruction Giſºl. 30c. CHAS. H. LITSON & CO., New York. OLIVER I)ITSON & CO., Boston. WOCAL, WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. Golden Locks are Silver Now. Pratt. chorus. Companio song to “Silver Threads.” When Will my Boy Come Back to Me 3 Song and chorus. 30c. º Hears the Chime of Distant Bells. C. Lost Dreams. Gabriel. 40c. My Heart’s Best Love. Song and 300. Pratt. Clay. Brockway. Song and chorus. 40c. O, Were I in Bird. F. J. L. 80c. You Needn’t Say a Word. Madame Dolby. 40c. There’s Millions in It. Thomas. 30c. Recordare. Verdi. Duet for Soprano and Mezzo- Supraud. From Requiem Mass. 40c. Come to Me. Smith. Sacred quartet. A beautiful ar rangement by Spubr. 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Greeting to King Kalakaua. Downing. Grand 11, arch. 30c. Spring. Easy pieces by Maylath. No. 8–Tanubauser Marcly; No. 9—A'uaryllis Galop; No. 10—Poionaise from Mignon; No. 11—Clear the Track Galop; No. 14—Chorus from loheng in. 35C. each. Clara Schottische. l,” Hirondelle. hauds. 50c. Six Classical Pieces. Easily arranged. No. 5–Hay un, Rondo; No. 6—Mºzart, Andante. Angel’s Grand March. Watson. 35c. Willie Pape's Highland Gems. No. 1–Bonnio Doull and Buuuie Dunuee. 75c. each. Une Etoile. Nocturne. 40ilbron. L0c. Le Pas des Archers. Iysberg. 4 lauds. My Darling Polka. Krakauer. 30c. On the Wing. Knight. Wałtzes. 60c. Le Trot de l’Amauzone. Boscowitz Avant le Combat. Boscowitz. Sous les Palmmiers. Boscow iſ z. Lin Bohemnien me • Boscow Itz. { 0 °. Helene Galop. Piefke. Mazurka Melodique. 30c. Wollenbaupt. 4 Krakauer. Polka de Salon. Maylath. 300. ea. 75C. 600. Scene militaire. 50C. Reverie. 50c. Chanson pour piano. 300. AronSen. 600. S. T. GORDON & SON, New York. Silver Threads of Song. H. Millard. Singing-Book tor Schools. Bound. 60c. J. Schmidt.1.”s Piano School. ry Instruction Book for Piano. Part. I. Elementa- Bound in cloth. $2. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. Set Quadrilles. From “Die Fledermaus.” Set Quadrilles. From ‘‘ Girofle Girl, fl.1.” 15c. 15c. Celebrated Polonaise. Be This Our Plea. (Hymn for Lent.) 10c. Speak to Me. Campana. Song. 10c. Old Simon the Cellarer. Song. 10c. March of the Silver Trumpets. 10c. The Lukes of Išillarney. Song. 10c. Six Easy Pieces for Beginners. No. 25. 10c. From “Mignon.” 10c. WM HALL & SON, New York. Christine. D. S. Babcock. Song. I.iuliograph title. 50c. 35C. SO:.g. aud Bonnie Bessie Lyle. Henry Tucker. Ballad. Oh, Linger by my Side. H. P. Danks. churus. 40c. Daisy Darling. H. P. Danks. Song and chorus. 35c. IEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. We Shall Meet Never More. Wm. Hamilton. Soug. 35c. I’m Lonely All the Day. Wm. Hamilton. Song. 30C. Hinshillwood’s New Polka Quadrilles. With entire new figures. May. Porter. 50C. Barnby. Vocal trio. 50c. g Diamond. Harrington. Song and chorus. 50c. Councordia Lancers. Engelmann. 50c. Ah, Fleeting Visions: From “Ruy Blas.” Tryon, Jr. 50c. Voice of Honor Calls Me. From “ Ruy Blas.” Try on, Jr. 35c. Ave Verum. F. X. Reuss. Q lar let from Won Weber. 35c. Over Her Knee. Howard Paul. Comic song, 30c. The Man That I Adore. E. Mack. Song. 35c. I Much Prefer Land to the Sea. Howard Paul. 35C. Pavilion Model Polka. Winner. 35c. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphin. Ave Maria (Hear us, O Father 1). Let. 40C. The Star. K. Collan. Lays of Sweden and Finland. 35c. Absent One. Old Finnish Song. Lays of Sweden and Fiu land. 36c. First Love. R. Zeck wer. Quar- Von Schaulz. Lays of Sweden and Fin- land. 5UC. Thin Iring of Thee. Sjogren. Lays of Sweden and Flulund. 35c. At Seventeen. Von Schautz. Lays of Sweden and Finland. 35U. Three Popular Swedish Songs. Wermland. Jag Ser up, a dilua Ugeu. Finlaud. 50¢. My Little Nook. Wadman. Lays of Sweden and Fib- Neekens Polska, Lays of SWedell aud lund. 350. Drinking Song. Pacius. Lays of Sweden and Fin land. 35c. e You'd Better Try It. A. Loumey. Humorous soºng. 35C. 35U. Humorous song. Popping Corm. A. Loumey. All Through a Song. 35C. My Darling Little Sweetheart. Popular soug. 35c. Before I Close my Eyes in Sleep. Sacred soug and quartet. 35C. Blooming Spring title. soug. &öc. Comic song. A Loumey. A Loumey. C. Bland ner. J. L. Hardeo. Brilliant THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 85 Hark! The Echoes. Fenimore. Pathetic song. 35c. Sleep, Dearest, Sleep. F. A. Kulling. Quartet. 40c. From the Heights (Von der Höhe). F. A. Kulling. Tenor or Sopranº song. 40c. You'll Never Miss the Winter, lar Song. 303. Hanover March. Welzo'. 35c. Fairest Flower Mauzurka. Fenimore. 50c. R. Howard. Popu. WM. A. POND & CO., New York. VOCAI. The Skidmore Guard. D, Braham. 40C. Billiards on the Brain. A. Carom. 40c. Golden Wedding Ring. Mrs. J. S. Torrey. 40c. All the Year Round. J. R. Thomas. Words by Geo. Cooper. 35c. Spirit Love. E. H. Sherwood. Cradle song. Through the valley. B. Tours. 40c. My Mary of the Curling Hair. Chas. Ball. 30c. 40c. Come in the Twilight. A. H. Porter. 30c. Maid of Athens. H. R. Allen. 45c. O : Fair Dove, O Fond Dove. A. S. Gatty. 30c. A Welcorne Home. B. Tours. 40.3. - Come : Salid Jesus' Sacred Voice. Arranged by A. J. Holden. 50c. Easter Carol. “Hail, Bright Easter Morn.” Pond, J.'. 10c. Easter Carol. “Now He is Risen.” F. W. Tomkins. 5c. Wm. A. INSTRUMENTAL. Du und Du (You and You) Waltzes. 367. 75C. Amicitia (Friendship). in A. $1. March a Zaragoza. A. Ortega, 35c. Valse Brillia rate. A. Ortega. 40c. Nocturne. F. Chopin. Op. 9, No. 2. 40c. Morton Commandery Quickstep. G. Wiegand. 40c. g Strauss. Op. H. N. Bartlett. Concert waltz Theorien Waltz. E. Strauss. 75C. Dream on the Ocean Waltz. J. Gungl. 4 hands. Forty Daily Studies. G. Czerney. In 2 books. Op. 337. New edition, revised by K. Klauser. $1.25 each. I.OUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Everming Breeze. Glover. Vocal duet. 40c. Gently Sighs the Breeze. Vocal duet. 40c. Home of my Heart. Harvey. Horn of Parting. Bellini. Du. In 1ia • Dittman. Mazurka. Glover. Vocal duet. 30c. Vocal duet. 35c. 30c. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Be True to Me While I’m Away. Arthur Baker. Song anu chorus. 40c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Ruin Drops Patter. Getty. Vocal. 80c. Magnificat. Peters. Catholic service. 40c. Light of Loving Eyes. Levey. Vocal. 30c. Mill Lad’s Love. Gatty. Vocal. 30c. Enchantment. Strauss. Waltzes. 50c. There is a Song. Levey. Vocal. 35c. E. D. ZIEGLER, Erie, Pa Robin Adair. P. K. Moran. Ballad. 30c. TEI E UINUINNATI News Company, No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O.H.IO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the +. Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, AND N ews-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCLNNATI houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' LOWest Prices, and have also on hand * A LA FRG E STOC PC STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-Lists, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 86 THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY’s LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers. We feel satisfied there will be no disappointments : 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless ſor cash or upon approved reſer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d,—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.—The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges fºr packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th. – We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to owr dealers, zemless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to eustomers freo upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We inclose bill daily to customers baving parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. |POSTAGE TO NEWS DEAL ERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, & C { { Three * * & C - PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my oredit, and Send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : - 20 Ledger. * 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. e 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, Bay- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express, We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the Wray of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : ...} + [Form 2.] - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADP- 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 23 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • . . . . . . . . . “ & 6 6 3 New York Weekly.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ { % 13 2 Old and New .. gº tº * * * tº ſº tº º e º is $ sº sº sº sº e º & tº e º e º a & º e º s º • * * e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * { { { { 12 3 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 4 &s 3. CUT off— - 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all & 3 Chimney Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is º gº . . . . . . . * * * * e g º s 2 s a e e º 'º e º 'º a º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** i i 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Morthly and Mirror of Fashions . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ {{ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle’s Dime Novels, Nos, 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations; and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was made. - * Communications should be addressed to - - - THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 87 Wholesale and Retail Prices. • EF New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since Our last issue are marked with a $2. Criminal Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . O Trade Ret. Prico. Commercial Bullotin...... ... 3% — Graphic (The)............. ... 3%. 5 N York Courier des Etats Unis 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . 2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 Fl Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17 25 Messager Frauco-Americain. , 4% 7 New York. Evening Post..... . 3% 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 *E* Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal.... . . . . . 7%. 10 American Gael (The)... . . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer. . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 American Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4%. 6 American Republic .......... 3 ºsmºs American Sportsman..... . . . . 7 10 American Union . . . . . . . . . . ... 4% 6 Appleton's Journal .......... 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . .- -- . . . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal ..... 11 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Bannor of Light............. 6 S Baptist Union ...... tº e º ºs e = e tº e 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 e-mº-º: Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 B: Ston Statesman. . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Boston Traveler . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal . . . . . . 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own ... . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3% – Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% 6 Calladian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital............ e tº e º sº e s e tº e 4 6 Catholic Mirror.... . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review .... ... . . . . . . 4% 6 Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Challon's 19C. Novels. . . . . . ... 7 cºms Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Christian at Work ........... 5% 6 Christian Intelligencer ....... 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother ............ 11 20 Christian Rogister . . . . . . . ... 6 10 Christian Union ........... ... 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 6 Chul ob and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 * Church Weekly.......... . . . . 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Coal and Iron Record . . . . . . . . 10 Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman........ . . 4 6 Courier deslºtats Unis . . . . . . . 9 10 7%. 10 I O A. I. M. Y. P. A. P. B. R. S. Trude IRot. New York Evening Post...... 4 New York Evening Telegram. 1% New York Evening Witness .. New York French Messenger. 3 New York German Democrat. 2 New York Herald. . . . . . . . . . . 3 New York Journal Commerce. 5 New York Journal (German). S E WH H = W E E K L Y New York Fxpress. . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Journal of Com. ... 5 W .E. E K. L. Y., Danburian.......... • * * * * e s e e 3 Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . Das Neue Heim........ ... .. 7 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . Disciples' Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Dwight’s Journal of Music.... Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . 7 El Espejo (semi-mo.) . . . . . . . .18 Engineering and Miuing Jour- nal. . . . . . {- Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examiner and Chronicle...... Emmett's (Robert) Songs.... 13 . 9 : % Farmer’s Home Journal . . . . . . 4 Federalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Financier . . . . . . . . & e º & º tº g g g º º 7 Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . .4% Forest and Stream . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 { { “ Iady's Journal. 7 & & “ Boys and Girls’ •Weekly ...... 3% & 4 “ Chimney Corner 7 { { “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 6 & { { - Young American 4% Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Girls and Boys of America... 3% Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . 7% Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3% Heart aud Hand. . . . . . . . . ... 3 Heartb and Home............ 4% Hebrew Leader.............. 7 7 Hebrew News. . . . . . e e º gº e º e º e Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . 4% Herald (European). . . . . . . . . . 4% Homo Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Independent ... 6% e e º e º e º e º e º ºs e = . T i Price. i 2 i. : 10 Those the prices of which have Trado Ret. Price. New York Presso . . . . . . . . . . . New York Staats Zeitung..... New York Star. . . . . . . . . . º e º ſº . 1% 3% .... 3% Now York World . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% The Telegraph........ }, 2% 2% New York Times . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Tribune........... Now York World ... . . . . . . . . . 3% 3}. 3% Index (The)............. e e º º In ventor’s Internat’l Gazatto.. Investigator. . . . . . . . . . . e s e s p Iron Age..... . Irish American Irish Democrat Irish World ..., e e º 'º e º e º g º e º 'º º i "............ 3% 4 Jewish Messenger Jewish Times La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 [,iberal Christian Living Age...... tº tº I, Eco d’Italia .. L'Unioue dei Popoli (Italian). 9 • & © e g º e g tº º & Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Independent ... . . . . . . 4. Medical Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Medical Times . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . Mercury (N. Y.). . . . . . . . . . . , 6 Metal Worker........ . . . . . . . 2% * * e º sº e º 'º º e º e º 6 tº $ tº tº Nation (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nautical Gazette............. New England Weekly Farmer. New Sonsation ... . . . . • & e º e º 'º º New York Albion... . . . . . . . . . New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . New York Family Story Paper. 4% Now York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . . ... 7 New York School Journal. . . . 5% New York Tablet ........... . 4% New York Varieties..... . . . . . 7 New York Wookly..... . . . . . . 4% News ſtom Germany and Swit. zerland ... : Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 Peopie..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 People’s Literary Companion.. Philadolphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º tº e º 'º Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadolphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3% Pilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Plymouth Pulpit. ... . . . . . . . . . 6% Policc Gazette . . . . . & e º e º 'º e º 'º e 7 1 3-10 * i : Il; ; *mº10: i i 88 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Advance 10c. Nowels. ...... { { “ Song Books.. ( & ‘‘ Hand “ . . Agriculturist (English)..... e Agriculturist (German)...... Amateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e - - - Attlerican Antiquarian ...... 2 American Artisan.... . . . . . . . . ] American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 American Browers’ Gazette. 35 American Builder. .......... American Chemist American Exchange & Review.20 American Historical Record. 28 American Holmes. . . . . . . . . . 1 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 1S Amor. Illus. Industrial Journal 4 American Journal of Health and Medicino. . . . . • * * * * * * * e 7 American Journal of Philate...y. 9 American Law Register...... 4 American Miscellally . . . . . . . . I Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. American Naturalist. . . . . . 24 American Odd Fellow . . . . . . . . 17 American Stock Journal...... 7 American Sketch Book...... 35 American Tales............. . 8} American Turfman........... 15 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers) º 8 'Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly... . . ...... Architectural Magazine . . . . . . Archives Medical Science ... .35 Arthur’s Home Magazine..... 14 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 38 ABSOciation Monthly . . . . . . . . . 7 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 Ballou's Magazine ........... 11 Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 Bankrupt Register........... 38 Beadle’s Publications : Dime Books ........... 4 & ** 100 Or over.... 6 “ “ 300 “ ..... 5% Song Books..... e e s > * > * * * * * 5 ( { ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% { { {{ 1000 & 4 4 Boekeepers' Journal ......... 6 Best Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ... 6% Trade Rot. Price. Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 l'omeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Pruirie Farmor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Presbyterian . . . . . . • e º e e º e º e 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly... . . . . . . . 7 - Railroad Gazetto . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 IO Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .11 15 Railway Times .............. 7% lo Real Estate Record . . . . . . . . . 19 - Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 I0 Rural New Yorker..... ... e. e. e. a a e 4 6 San Francisco China Nows.... 10 - San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 Saturday Night.............. 6 Saturday Star Journal........ 4 6 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Scientific American.......... 5% 8 Sootsman (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Scottish America Journal... 5 7 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 T0 Singers’ Journal...... e tº - e - - - 1 2 Skandinavische Post...... . . 4 8 South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - Spiritualist at Work . . . . . . . . . 5 - Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 10 W E E R L. Y. — Col. Lin ured, Trade Rot. rico. Sunday Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3% Sunday Couricr...... . . . . . . . . 4 Sunday Daily Times .... .... . 4% Sunday Democrat...... e e s tº e e Sunday Dispatch ...... ...... 7 % Sunday Era ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Sunday Mercury............. 7% Sunday News........ * * * * * * * g. 3% Sunday New Yorker Democrat Sunday New Yorker Journal.. Sunday Presse....... • e º dº e is tº e Sunday Staats....... © tº dº tº e s 6 tº Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday Sun (New York)..... Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)..... º Sunday Times ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday World. ............. Sunny South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telegraph Journal ........... 5 The Echo.......... .......... 4 The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Thompson's Reporter ........ 6 Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 Tobacco Leaſ................ 9 Toiler (The)... . . . . . • * * * * * * * Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 True Flag - - © º ºs 4 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 RT O N T E [ H. Y. Blackwood's Magazine .......28 Bonfort's Wine and Liquor Circular (semi-monthly)... 8 Bon Ton ............ 45 3% 2% 2 2% 2 3% 6 4 *% 4% /* % % BOSton Journal of Čhemistry. 7. I0 Boys of America............. Carriage Journal ...... . . . . . .22 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Catholic World .......... . 33 Cassell's Magazine (mo. parts).20 Children's New Church Maga- Zine ... . . . . I0 Church Monthly............. 20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 Coin Chart Mauual........... 23 Comic Monthly ............ 7 Comic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Counterfeit Detector (Peter. son's) tº º 11 39Cremo de la Creme ... . . . . .30 De La Salie Monthiy. . . . . . . . 15 Delineator Monthly . . . . . . . ... 8 Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Demorest's Magazine..... . . . . 20 Demorest's Young America... 7 I)e Nordendorf’s Monthly.. 4% Dental Cosmos ... . . . . . . . . .22 De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. . . .13 De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ...... . . . . . 10 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . ... 6% De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6........'..... 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 .............. e º De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 Druggists' Circular .......... 12 Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . 35 Educational Monthly ........ 17 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . 38 El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 Exchange Market . . . . . ... . . . 2 Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 Fireside (Musical)... . . * c e º 'º º 4% 1 : Trado Ret. l’rice. The Model... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 %" - Union Advocate ..... . . . . . . . . 2% — Universe..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . • * - Washington Chronicle (Illustrated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal ....... 8 10 Waverley Magazine..........11 15 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 Weekly Era ....... . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weekly Express ... . . . . . . . . . . 8% Weekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 3% Weekly Journal of Commorce. 4% Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly News.............. ... 3% Weekly New York Journal... 434 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e & 3% Weekly Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Sun................. 2% Weekly Times............... 3% Weekly Tribune ............. 3% Weekly Witness. ............ 2 Weekly World............. ... 3% Wild Oats... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 Woman's Journal... . . . . . . . ... 4% Woodhull & Claſlin's, Weekly... 7 Yankee Blade .....'......... 3% Youth's Companion..... . . . . . 8 Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Folio (Musical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 Frank Leslic's Bºys and Girls’ W’kly (mo. pºts) 18 & C “ Budget of Fun...10 {{ ‘‘ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)... 36 ( & “ Lady’s Journal (mo. parts)... 30 ( & “ Lady's Magazine (n.o. parts)... 27 & C ** Pleasant Hours.10 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . g = e s - e º e 27 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 ©Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man Semi-monthly) . . . . . . Globo (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Godey's Lady’s Book........ .21 Golden Hours.... . . . . . . . . . . .18 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Grand Army Gazetto . . . . . ... 7 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . . 33 Hall's Medical Adviser. . . . . . 6 Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 Harper's Magazine 2 Harper’s Weekly Herald of Health............. O Historical Magazine...... Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 Holloway’s Musical Monthly... 30 e e s tº 4 e º 'º & tº Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 Hub (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Illus. Household Mag...... ... 6 Industrial Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 9 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 { { “ (with Supplt).37 Inland Monthly.... ... tº a c e º 'º 16 Insuranco Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . ... .22 Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . .22 lnsurance Gazette ... . . . . . . . . 40 Internal Revonue Record ..... 9 Jolly Joker . . . . . . . e. . . . . . O e e º e 7 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 - . 5% Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6% - 0 - I 12 20 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 89 Trado Ret. Prico. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . tº e e º is e e s ∈ e º e 7 ICentucky Live Stock Itecord. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6 La America (semi-mouthly). .20 Lady’s Own Magazine . . . . . . . 14 la:ly's Repository . . . . . . . . . . .27 10 IWI O N T H [L. Y. – Continued. Trade Ret. Price. Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40 50 New and Old Friends . . . . . . . . 6% New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 New Jersey Record . . . . . . . . . 7. New Sensation. (mo. parts). . .30 New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 New York Medical Journal ... .30 : Trnde Re8. Price. Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . . 25 35 Richmond Noyels, 1 to 25 ... 6% 10 Sailors’ Mugazine . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 30 Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 *º Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 12 - La Mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 Science of Health . . . . . ..., ... 14 25 laud and Meer (semi-mo.) .. 14 25 | New York Lithograph...... .. 7 10 Scott's Mirror of Fashion ... -- 38 50 Ladd Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% lo Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 | Scribner's Monthly . . . . . . . ... 23 35 Laws ef Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | N. Amer. Journ.of Homee opathy 85 — Sillim an’s Journal .... . . . . . .43 50) Le lº...... & sº e º e º º & º: 15 Nursery (The)............ ... 10 15 | Southern Magazine ........ .. 30 35 Little Corportal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0% 15 & 12 Spirit of the Press . . . . . . . . . . . 4 e-º-> Literary Miscellany ... . . . . . . . (5 I0 º e º e º s is e º is º *::: 5 Star-Spangled Banner ... .... 4% 6 1.iterary World..... . . . . . . . . . 11 - Oli º o ti } Magazine...I. 20° 25 | Student’s Journal.... -- . . . . --, * * lippincott's Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 § id *. S M18 gaZll) 0 . . . . . . 26 35 | Sunday Magazine. ... . . . . . . . . 18 25 Live Stock Journal (Buſſa.o).. 10 15 Or {AD. y Y. S..... . . ; ; ; *. A St. Chrystostom’s Magazine. . kā * * , , , slra) ruum’s Iudian Novels, 1 to 73. 6% lo * * - tº Locke's Mo... . . . tº e s & e º 'º & ſº tº tº S *ms 4 & Pop'1"r N il 'i to 75 6% 10 St. Nicholas... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 mºmº London Family Herald....... 18 *º { ºpºrºovels, $9. O >3 St. Paul’s Magazino. . . . . . . . . . 23 30 London Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 50 ; *... º §: : / i. Macmilliºn's Mag, Reprint. . . .2% — our Fri º; ...i O %. ;4 t" | Texas New Yorker........ ... 17 10 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 * 3. j tºº y). . 26 3 The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....T.) * -º Manufacturer aud. Builder . . . . 12 15 97°ºº "9"P*Y. -- . . . . . . . . * * | There and Back (Guide)...... 14 — Micchillic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — $Paiuters’ Magazine . . . . . . . .11 15 Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 25 Medical News and library. ... 10 — | Paper Trade Reporter........ ll — Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 Medical News Supplement (Suc- Paper Trade Journai (Semi-mo)l 1 — Traveler's Oſſicial Guido. . . . . 25 50 cessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 — | Patent Right Gazette. . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Truth Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -- Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 — l'ension Record. . . . . . . . . ... 6 * Merryman's Monthly. . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Peters' Household Melodies. 30 – Union Era (parts)....... ----.25 * Milliner and Dressmaker. (Mo. “ Parlor Music ........ 30 — University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 10 | Peterson’s Counterſ’t Detector. 11 I 5 - Mother's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 | Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 || Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- Mother’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 | Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . .35 50 Munro's 10 Ct. Novols, 1 to 300. 6% 10 try Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Munro's 10 Cent, Soug Books, - Philadelphia Photographer... .43 5.) | Watchmaker and Jeweler --... 17 smº from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 || Phrenological Journal.... . . . . 21 30 Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Musical World (N. Y.).... ... 16 30 Phunny Phe low............. 7%. 10 | Welcome Guest(semi-m'thly). 7 * Musical World (Cleveland). . . 9 — Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 | Whitncy’s Musical Guest. . . . . | 6 25 National Agriculturist and Bee Peterson's l’opular literature 20 — | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 l’opular Science Monthly . . . .37 50 || Work and Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% — National Car Bulldor . . . . . . . . 7 — | Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 12 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 | Practical Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 78 — | Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . e tº tº tº e º sº º 30 5U) N. Lional Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 28 — | Psychological Journal . . . . . . .37% 50 Yankee Noti ps....... . . . . . . . 7.3%. 10 National Store Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Pulpit of the Day . . . . . . . . . ... 6 10 ! Young Catholic.............. 3 § National S.S. Teacher... . . . . . 10 15 || Railway Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nat’l Teacher’s Mouthly..... 7 1 . . . Raud & McNally Guido. . . . . . . 28 40 | Young ladies’ Journal . . . . . . . 27 * National Temperance Advocate 9 10 | Record and Repository....... 6 — | Youth's Progress.... . . . . . . . . MO * - Q. U A R T E HE L Y R E VIEWS, ET G. American Church Review $0 90 —. Cliurch aud World. . . . . . . . S0 S5 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 smº American Journal Medical Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Remedies ...... . . . 35 50 Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . ---. 1 15 — | Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 | North American Review ... 1 12; – Amor Journal oſ Obstetrics 1 12 — 1 Delineator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 | No. Am. Jour. of Homoepathy 85 * American Law Review . . . . . I 05 — | Ediuburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | Postal Guide (U.S. Officitl). 35 50 Buptist Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . S5 — | Half - Year y Compe.1.jium Presbyterian Quarterly and Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 U0 - Medical Science . . . . . . . . . 1 20 *E* Princeton Review . . . . . . . . 75 sº 13raitine waite's Retrospect ... 1 05 — | International Review (bi- Rankin’s Half-Y’rly Abstract 60 l 50 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 *- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Smith's Pattern Bazar... . . . 20 smsº Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Journal Sucial Science. . . . . . 1 25 — | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 *- Brownson’s Rey C.W. . . . . . . . 1 00 — London Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . 62 — | Wostminster Rovi W ...... 62 smm.sº Christian F.Xaminer. . . . . . . . 67 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 — What to Wear (yearly) . . . . . 19 E- Ohristlun Quarterly. . . . . . . . 85 — National Quarterly Rovie W.S1 12 — Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 *=º FO R. E. H. G. N. PIE R J O HD I C A L S – W E ME LEN L. Y. Trade I’rico. Trade Price. - Trudo Prico. Trade Price Academy. . . . . . . ... . . ... 16 | English Mechanic . . . . . . . 7 | Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 | Pall Mall Budget ... . . . . . 20 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 || Era . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 20 | Launcet . . . . . . . . . ........ 18 || Palſ Maſſ Gazette (ſile of A chitect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Examinor . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Land and Wutul ....... ... 2 Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum ... . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Family Herald. . . . . . . ... 5 lloyd’s Newspaper..... . 5 || Pictorial World . . . . . . . . ... 10 Belfast News... . . . . . . . . 14 Field. . . . . . . . . . . e e g º e º 'º e 20 l'Illustration . . . . . . . 25 | Public Opinion . . . . . . ... lo Bell's Clife... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Fun. . . . . . . * e º e = * * * * . ... à | Liverpool Mercury ... 10 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells .... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Funny Tolks... . . . . . . . . . 5 || Londou Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 uightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Garden. . . . . . . . ë is e º e & ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 | Punch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Building News.......... 12 || Gardener's Chrouicle. ... 20 | London World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cassell's Magazine ...... à | Gas-Light Journal ...... ‘.0 L'Univers Illustró....... 10 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambels’ Journal. . . . . . 7 || Glasgow Herald......... 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 | Saturday Review . . . . . . . . 16 Chemical Nows......... 12 Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Mark Lane Express ..... 23 || Spectator... . . . . . . . . . . . ld Christian World..... . . . . 5 Guardian - - - - - - - - . . . . . . 20 Medical Record . . . . . . ... 18 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . I0 Church Review . . . . . . . ... 10 lllustrated News........ 20 Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times ... ....... à | Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World . . . . . . . . . . 18 50.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Police News... à | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 || Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Dispatch ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated Sporting and Nature ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutter ....... + Luonumist . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Times (last date).... 1 lºngineer............... 20 | Irishman............... 14 | Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 12 | The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . 28 Hangineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Weekly Register (Cath.) 10 Ediuburgh Scotsmall.... à || Judy................... 6 || Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Weekly Times........... 4 9o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. Fort E I G N P E R o D M C A L’s — Mo NTH H. Y. Trado Price. All the Year Round (part) 36 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Argosy ...... tº e - e º 'º º a . 20 Art, Industrial and Pic- torial Athenaeum (part)....... 54 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Band of Hope Review... 2 Belgravia. . . . . . ... . . . . . 38 Roys of England......... 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 British Workman . . . . . . .2% Rritish Workwoman.....2% British Juvenile...... .. 3 Ruilder ... . . . . . . . . .... 64 Chambers’ Journal . . . . . . 25 Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Children's Friend... . . . .2% Child’s Companion.... . .2% Christian Treasury...... 20. Christian Work . . . . . . . 20 Churchman’s Companion. 20 Contempºrary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Cnttager and Artisan .... 234 Day of Rest....... . . . . . . 18 G. E. R. Wiſ A N - A NM E R M C A Trudo l’rico. Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Dublin University Maga- - 1 ſº English Woman’s Donncs- tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Family Friend... . . . . . . .2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 Farmor's Magazine. ..... 76 Food Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fortnightly Review ..... 75 Fraser's Magazine... . . . 1 00 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Gardener’s Magazine. .. 36 Gardener (The)......... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Homilist . . . . . . . . . . © e º e Illustrated T'avels. . . . . . Infaut's Magazine.... .2% Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) . . . . . sº e < e < e < * * * $ 90 Kind Words ... . . . . . . . . 10 Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 3S Trade l’rice. Tradic Price. La Mode Illustré . . . . . . 00 || Spiritual Magazine . . . . . . * Ladies' Treasury........ 30 || Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ...... 2) l.eisure Hour........... 20 | St. James' Magazine..... 38 I.ittle Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 Strahan's Saturday Jour London Journal (parts). 22 mal. . . . . . . . . . . . . * - tº e º 'º London Society ......... 38 Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 [AOndon & Paris Fashions. 38 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 McMillan’s Magazine -- . . 25 Sunday School Teacher . 7 Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Sunday School leacher's Millino;' and Uressmaker. 50 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Monthly Microscopical Suuday School Times .... 10 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suudity School World. ... 18 Mother's Friend......... 3 | Sunshine . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * 2% Musical Times . . . . . ..... 8 Sword and Trowel (Spur. goO1)) . . . . . . * * * * * * * * 2 Once a Week (parts).... 36 Tomple Bar............. 38 Orchestra........... --.. 20 Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Our Own Fireside....... 20 4. Penny Pulpit ........... 20 | Union Review (bi m'thly) 76 Pictur ſerv . . . . . . . . . - * - #. “... Roview 38 Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 Victoria Magazine....... 38 (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Villa Gardener 20 Portfolio (Art)........... 60 tlſ (1GI10 ! . . . . . . . . . Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . 28 || Wedding Bells ......... 23 Preacher's Lantern...... -0 || World of Fashion . . . . . . . 35 bunch (parts) .......... 44 | Young Ladies' Journals... 27 Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Youtig Men of Great B. i- . Scietice Gossip.... . . . . . . 16 tain.... . tº dº e º 'º e º 'º º º ſº e 9 18 N P U B3 H, I O A T M O N S. Trude l’et. | º Trado Ret, 'ri :e - e Weekly. ºice. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . .......... 2% 4 Arbeiter-Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------3% sountagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . 4 Atlantische B'ºitter . . . . . . . . tº a tº e º - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 # Volksbibliothek ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 J () Roobachter ann Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º º sº º * * * * * * 3 * | Wespon............'...'. … ... § 6 ºf Bibliothek Popu'àrer Erzählungen........ . . . . ... 8 }} | woeheublait des N.Y. famºkrat .............. 5 7 Frank Loslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 19 || Wochenbigºt der N. Y. Press..........' ... ... 4 6 Freischütz 'Nº,..., • ?: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 9 woebenblatt der N. Y. journai ............... ... 4 6 Germania; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland Wochenb.att der N. Y. Staats Zeitung ......... . 4 6 & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 i0 Ter Heirathsanzeiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 Semi-NMonthly. Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 if Deutsch-Amerikanische I am lenb :itter....... 10 15 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz ... 6 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewer be u. Industric-Z itung. ... 6 8 Pas Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e ºs e e is a e º 'º e º º 7 10 || Magazin der merkwürdigsteu u. interessantesten TNew Yorker Belletristisches Journal gº dº e º e º 'o . 7 (4 10 Criminalgeschichten ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 18 *ionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 7%. 10 | fi Novellen-Schatz..... tº e s ∈ e < * - - - e. e. e., sº s e tº e º e º - - 13 20 Roman Zeitung ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I5 fichnedderedengg............................... 7 10 Mºlonthly. Der Social-Donyokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 || Amerikanischer Ag icu turist.................... 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . MIWHIPORTED GERNIAN NIAGAZINES AND PERIODIC.A.L.S. - Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those ularked t. First and last nuin Uer grauls of those marked ft. Semi-WIonthly. f Alte und Neue Welt............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .0 f Das Neue Blatt....................... ........ 12 20 f Bunto Weſt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 ++ Buch ſúr Allo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . 9 13 Deutscher Hausscha Z ... ............ * & e º e º 'º - 13 2.) ff Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . ...... 6 10 | f Der Hausfreund... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 4 2.5 f f Daheim . . . . . . . e tº e º 'º e © tº dº º º e º & tº tº dº º º e . . . . . . . . .19 15 f Illustririe Wolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 ft Leipziger Gartenlaube................ ....... 8 15 e - Souzeit *... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 J5 | 1. - MHornthly. 4th f Ucler Land und Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - 14 20 i Gewerbehalle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e o e º 'º - S 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ..() I 8 a. Year. Deutsche Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e s e s - e º e º e e º e a 64 85 f Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 14 25 | f Der Welthande!...................... * 6 e º º a 4 - . 20 35 IWIPORTED GERMHAN BO OFKS PUBLISIE [EO HN PATRTS. 1 11 St uumber gratis to the trade. † Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon...... e e s e e o e - 12 20 | M. G. Saphir’s Schriſten. I. Serie. Published in 40 Deutschlands Kuustschätze. Published in about Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - e. e. e. g. . . . . 11 20 70 parts, at . . . . . tº e º e º e s s e tº dº e º 'º - e º 'º e e tº e g º e º 'º - 23 40 Schiller's Simmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. - - - * * - ! {{ an (2 - . ºn e. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Pºlº sº ºneº: * **, 65 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichto. Pub. Ished in sº Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriſten. Volks- about 90 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * 25 u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Purls, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 l’rachtat:sgabo. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . 13 25 in a ‘c c 3 - t J. Y. In " : * * * O. Spamer’s lllustrirtes Couversatious-Lexikon. tºº. wº *...*.*.*.*, *, *pśamºśpi;...", 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Stieler’s Hund-Atlas simmtlicher Láſider der Erde, in 20 parts, ut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... © a tº a º 40 in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 p.arts, at . .40 60 N E W G PER ME! A N P U E L M C A T H O N S. Imported. Der Freischütz, 30 parts...................... . 8 12 t Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts............. . . . . 12 20 Wildclicly, 30 parts ... ....... • * * * * * * s is a e s - e. e. e. S I 2 t Rinaldo Riualdivi, 30 parts................ 8 12 Don Carlos, 30 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12 # Rózsa Séudor, 20 parts. . . . ........ ........... 9. 15 Domestic. f Galeerensclave, 30 parts........ • e º e º e & © tº a tº a º ... 8 12 H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 10 Hexe von Olmütz, &0 parts ................... 8 12 | Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 10 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 9I WANTED.—COPYING, TO BE DONE EVEN. ings. Also, publishers' and authors' proofs carefully read. Also, indexing. Address E. H. P., caro Editor of the Guide, New York. WANTED.—BY A YOUNG LADY WITH SEV. oral years' experience, a position as cashier in a Book or Stationery store in New York City. Address, S. B., office of Booksellers' Guide, New York. WANTED. — A TRAVELER OF SIX YEARS' experience, well acquainted with the stationery trade, wishes to make an engagement with a New York house. A ddress, Mars, in care of the Booksellers' Gwide. N. Y., WANTE D.—TO PURCEIASE. AN IN TEREST in a well established Book and Stationery business, by one who has had ten years' experience in the trade. Would prefer a place of from 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants. Satisfactory references given. Address, B., Lock Box 43, Oberlin, Ohio. WWANT Z. D.—AN ACT LVE PA RTNER IN A. good retail Book, Stationery and News store in Brook- lyn, N. Y. Must have $3,000 cash. The present OW D Cl’ has other business, which requires part of his time. Ad- dress, Bookseller, care of Booksellers' Guide, New York. & “O BA DIA H 0 LD BUCK.” FOR SALE.-Perfect copy, and interest taken in its re-issue. Send proposition to J. M. Tower, 254 Broad- way, N. Y. B00KS WANTED. CHARLES L. WICDDING, Rockport, Ind. Rollin's Bible Letters. Browne's Roman Literature. 2d American cdition. Cleveland's Classical Literature. State condition and price. W. P. K., P.O. Box 343, Brattleboro, Vt. WANTIED–Barnum's Humbugs of the World ; also any and all books in any way relating to humbugs, Swindles, impostors, and swindling advertisers. Also a good"old style hall-corner clock, 8 feet high or about that. Address as above. EDITOR, BOX 5450, New York. Any satires, stories, or fancy sketches of terrestrial future life, such as Life in 1901, &c. W. F. GOLDTW HAITE, New Orleans. Burke's Works. 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1839, Wols. 5 & 6. lº's England. Half bound, Philadelphia, 1827. Ol. 1. Blºº Works. Bohn's edition, cloth. London, 1864. Vol. 2. - F. A. GRAY, P.O. Box 2523. Philadelphia. Journals of the lè yul Geographical Society of London. 3ulletins de la Société de Géographie de Paris. R. CLARIKE & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Life of S. S. Prentiss. State condition and price. AL. G. EBERFIART, Omaha, Neb. Flowers for Children. JBy Lydia Maria Child. Pub- lished by Nichols & Hall. R. B. HULL, Wolfeboro, N. H. Congregational Review, No. 58, March, 1871. Biblical Repository for 1842, 1845, 1846, and 1850, also October, 1844. Christian Spectator, 1829, Nos. 1, 2, and 4; 1831 and 1832, No. 1; 1833, Nos. 2 and 3. Liberal price paid for any of these. Write, stating condition, price, &c., to the above address. B00KS FOR SALE. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., Ill Nassau St., N. Y. A complete file of the New York Daily Herald, from January 1, 1855, to April 30, 1866. Handsomely bound , in twenty-three volumes. Address as above. - * : A RT OF CANV ASSING, OR AGENTS’ GUIDE.” This little work will enable any one to make a iving. By mail, 25 cents, NEW YORK IBOOK CON- CERN, 7 Warren St., New York. £xcelsiorº Your Own Printing Press for cards, labels, envelopcs Pºrtable $9 etc. Larger sizes for large work. Business Men do their printing and advertising, save money and increase | trade. Amateur Printing, delight §§§ſ a ful pastime for spare hours. BOYS ºf . great fun and make money fast Printing at printing. Send two stamps for full P catalogue presses type etc, to the Mfrs Tess** KELSEY & Co. Meriden, Conn. TA XHIDERMIIST's Manual. . A complete practical guide to collecting, preparing, preserving and mounting animals, birds. Teptiles, insects, &c. New, and revised American edition, with many fine engray- ings, only 50 cts. I'or sale by all booksellers. TJH E ALBANY NEWS COMPANY., WHOLESALE STATIONERS, B00RSELLERS NEWS DEALERS, £512 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Cataloguo of Stationery, Newspapers, and Books, sent on application. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY, 42 and 44 Randolph Street, CEHICAGO, Respecſ willy announce to the Trade of the West that they are ready to supply everything in the way of News dealers? and Booksellers' Stock promptly, and at - H,ists and ſull infor- mation sent on application. the lowest prices. 92 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. *s- EERIEN CHI’S STANDARD AND MINUR DRAMA, THE A CTING EDITION". TECENTLY PLIBLISHED. LED ASTRAY. By Dion Boucicault, - - 25 Cents. LILY OF FlèANC:... By John Brougham, - 15 “ PYGMALION & GAI, ATEA. By W. S. Gilbert, 15 “ SARAT,) (; A. By Bronson EIoward, - - - 15 “ We have also issued an attractive assortment of PARCES, COMEDIES, &c. The Trade supplied with the above, or with any of our Standard Plays, on sat stactory terms. by the American News Company or any of its branches, or by s_1_M UE L ERIEN C H & CO., 122 Nassant St , N. Y. Jºãº SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE. BANNER OF LIGHT: * A POPULAR FAMILY PAPER, and an exponent Of the SPIRITUAL PEIILOSOPHY O is THIº NINET is, ENTH CENTURY. A large eight-page Weekly. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE. Per Year --------------------------------. $3.00 Six Months Three Months Postage, I 5 cents per year. Address COLBY & RICH, No. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass. • COLBY & RICH, Publishers, keep for sale a full assortment of SPIRITUAL, REFORMATORY, and MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. f Specimen copies of the BANNER OF LIGEIT, and Catalogue of Books, sent free on application. T H E ST. LOUIS H|| |N|NEWS (IMPANY. B00KSELLERS, Stationers and News Dealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- tions, which are received daily by Express. º STATIONERY, In Great Variety, both Foreign * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * and Dornestic. ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. 307 North Fourth Street, SAINT LOUIS, Gospel. Singer. The Singing Book for all Sabbath Schools. J UST ISS U E D. $30 per 100 copies, Sample copy, by mail, 85 cts, 922 Chest partt Stºreet Lee & Walker, Philadelphia. y C/a/7&e's New Method is $ Piano-Forte. Endorsed by the Musical, Educational and general Press, and by Good Teachers, to be Beyond all Comparison the Best to be had at Book and Music stores. Sent by Mail, Price, $3.75. LBE & WALKER!”; ºst. PHILADELPHIA. NEW B00RS RECENTLY PHIBLISHEI), THE D \{RY COW : A monograph of the Ayrshire breed of cattle. Containing a general and descriptive account of the Ayrshire Cow, as a milk, butter, cheese, and meat producer, Pedigrees, list, of prize cattle of that breed, and a full appendix on Milk; its Formation and Peculiarities in other Breeds of Milch (.ows. Fully illustrated. l vol. 12mo, 252 pp., $2.00. MAIN E B1:ED Il () RSES. Sketches, Historical and De- scriptive, of noted Maine Horses, Past and Present. Their Ancestors and Descendants. Iły J. W. Thomp- son. Illustrated. l vol. 12mo, 327 pp., $1.50. LEGE \ DS AN 1) Al EM 01:IES OF St O'T'ſ, ANI). By Ann Rennedy Aitkin. Elegantly illustrated with carbon ictures. A se.ies of Legends and Stories of Scotland, y an Aunerican lady, written on a recent visit to the land of her parents. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, gilt, $2.00. Printed in London. It l'I)I.N (; 1, 18°S AT LAS OF THE II UMAN EA R. With large #.” made in Munich, and explanatory text. l vol. folio, $500. AI () I) is, EN A \l is, IRICAN BIRIDG [...WUILDING. With Prac- tical Ap lications and Examples, Estimates and Quan- tities, and Valuable Tables. ... I lustrated by four plates and thirty figures, by G. B. R. Tower, U. S. Navy. I vol. 12mo, $2.00. TH E TIN ºn AN “S MANU AI, AND IRUILDER'S AND ME- chanic's Handbook. With these Directions and Dia- grams, the Tinman will be enabled to cut a Right- Angled or Circular Elbow of any size; also, Patterns for Flaring Vessels of any size or flare, Envelopes for Cones, Pyramid Cakes, Covers for Oval Dishes and Boilers, Funnel-shaped Covers for Pails, Breasts for Cans, Lips for Measures. It also contains Useful Re- ceipts, Rules and Tables for Tinmen, Engineers, Oper- ators, Smiths, Builders, etc. . $1.20. Tíl E BUSIN ESS Al A N "S ASSISTANT AND READ Y Ireckoner. A collection of Business Legal Forms, and Laws relating to Contracts—with a large number of P. actical Tables, READY RECKONERS, the Patent Laws, Book-keeping, etc. 50c. - A. WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, 135 Washington St., Boston. H3 A RIKEE PER2S Manual gives best formulas for all plain and fancy mixed drinks, recipes for bitters, cordials, syrups, liqueurs, wines, acidulated beverages, &c., &c., including Artificial Cider, cheaply made and of excellent quality. A marvel of reliability, completeness, and cheapness. “With this work before him, every man can be his own barkeeper.”—N. Y. Clip- per. Only 50 cts. Of any bookseller or newsdealer, and all the News Colmpanies. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 93 TO THE TER A DEC. News-dealers, Druggists, Booksellers, and Toy-dealers throughout the country can add materially to their business by embracing in their stock a line of sporting goods, such as we are now prepared to offer to the trade The high reputation our goods sustain, both among dealers and clubs throughout the country, is a sufficient guaranty that the quality and workmanship are equaled by none. for the trade. We append a list of a few desirable articles We will mail a complete list, with special trade prices on all goods, on application, accompanied with business card. On receipt of order, we send a beautiful colored show-card, with your firm and name printed thereon, as agent for us. |BASE-BALAL F3 ATS. ...--Tº...” “- No. 106. Ash, Bass, Spruce, Pine & White Wo Men's Ash Bats—selected, 36, 38, and 40 in Bass Wood Bats, selected, 36, 38, and 40 in { { i & Spruce * { * { { { * { 4 t “ ------------------------------ { % Boy's Ash “ “ 26 to 34 in.--------------------------------- { { IBASE-BALLS. Per doz net. ð 4. Peck & Snyder's Professional Red Dead. . . . . . . . . $11 00 { { * * tº & White Dead. . . . . . . 10 00 NOTE.—The above are the only dead ball in market that are used exclusively in all match games. Second Quality—Red or White Dead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8 00 Peck & Snyder's Atlantic or Bounding Rock . . . . . 9 00 4 * { * Star, or N. Y. Regulation. . . . . . . . 6 ()0 1 * * { Practice, or Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 4 • 4 i Half Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 * { & Young America. ---------------- 1 80 PROFESSI)A. SCORE BOOKS. Per doz. No. 1 Pocket, 7 games. --------------------------. § 60 “ 2 ° 21 “ ---------------------------- 1 80 “ 3 “ 42 “ ---------------------------. 3 60 “ 4 “ 60 " ---------------------------- 5 40 ASSOCIATION FIELD SCORE BOOKS- Fach. &SSSSS 30 Games, Cloth Bound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 88 º 60 “ t i “ -------------------------- 2 44 §§§ 90 “ “ ” -------------------------- 3 19 sº 120 “ ” “ -------------------------- 3 75 º § PRACTICE. B. B. SCORE BOOKS- -'ºs-tº-º: Od Bats. - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * per doz. $250. Per gross, $24 00 2 25 t ( 21 00 2 25. & C 21 00 1 50. { { 15 00 - DEAD BALL ‘...tº .3 º R •º ... ----- -::: ...t ſº ..º. º Each. *:: * *** . . . . ºtiuſ º º º : No. 1, 30 Games, bound, cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75 - # PECK& SNYUEFºčğ. “ 2, 60 “ * { “ -------------------- 1 25 tº ºr...": ... — āşşºiâniº º We are publishers of the Base. Ball Player's Book of Reference Also Kehoe's Book on the Exercise with Indian Clubs * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, * * * * * - - - - - - - - - Send orders to PECRC & SNY DEFR, - - - - - - - * * * * * .......... $ 78 per doz. 9 00 * * Marufacturers and Publishers, 126 N assau Street, N. Y. 94 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. %) % rº-> ***** & º - sº % § Wºlsiºr' “THE BEST PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY EXTANT,”—London Quarterly Review, Oct. 1873. A NEW FEATURE. To the 3,000 ILLUSTRATIONs heretofore in Webster's Unabridged we have recently added four pages of COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, engraved and printed expressly for the work, at large expense, viz.: ARMS OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES. ARMS OF WARIOUS N ATIONS. l; L AGS OF WAR LOUS NATIONS. T; NITED STATES NAVAL FLAGS, &c. Thus adding another to the many useful and attractive features of Websters Unabridged. PRO OF.—: C, "I’C 1. The sales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 were 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries. In proof, will be sent to any person, on application, the statements of more than 100 Booksellers, from every section of the country. Published by - G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. TWO Books for the Times. PREPARING TO TEACH. A /VOR/MAL CLASS-BOOK, IT TREATS OF Tłible Evidences. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - by JoHN EIALI, D.D. The Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . by E. P. HUMPHREY, D.D. Manners and Custo in S . . . . . . by W. H. GREEN, D.D. Summary of Doctrine . . . . . . . by F. L. PAT roN, D.D. IHow to Teach the R3ible by J. BENNIT TYLElt. It is designed to be a HANDBOOK for Teachers, and for the especial use of TRAINING CLASSES. Large 12mo. Illustrated. Price, $1.75. Farmer Tompkins and His Biblºs, By PROF. WILLIS, J. BEECHER, of Auburn Seminary. TJnder the garb of a pleasing narrative, it discusses questions of vital importance with regard to the Bible, and meets prevailing forms of doubt and skepticism as to the inspiration, credibility, and authenticity of the Scriptures. Farmer Tompkins, with his “ Biblearium,” is a character that impresses itself upon the reader vividly. 1Umo. Illustrated. Price, $1.25. Address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, J3.wsiness Supérintendent, PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. JOSEPH G|LLOTT'S C.F. [,]E 13 IRA'I' F. ID STEEL PENS. So/d hy aſ Deaſers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, ~. MANUFACTUREIRS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH G|LLOTT & SONS. FIENRY HOE, Sole Agent. Awarded the Highest Meda/ at Vienna, H. & HT MNHNW & [ſ], 591 Broadway, New York (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel). Manufacturers, Importers, and Dealers in CHROMOS and FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and VIEWS, ALBUMS, GRAPHOSCOPES, and Sl JITA, E L E VIE VVS. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, - Magit LālūS alſ. Piſtſ-Lālū Slilº à SJºſially, The Trade are invited to examine our stock, which will always be found satisfactory in price. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 95 MESSRS. J. R. OSGOOD & CO'S NEW BOOKs. DARNASSUS. A volume of choice Poems, selected from the whole range of English Literature. Edited by RALPH WALDo EMERSON. With a Prefatory Essay. Crown 8vo. Nearly 600 pages. Beveled boards, gilt top. New edi- tion, revised. $4.00. “Perhaps it would not be exact to say that Mr. Emer- son’s ‘Parnassus' has been the greatest literary success of the season, for other books have sold more copićs, but none has given more genuine plensure, or been examined with more interest.”—Springfield Repuh'ican. “Mr. Emerson's ‘Parnassus' is one of the most delight- ful household books of poetry, if not the most enjoyable of all compilations that have ever been published.”— JHartford Cowrant. A Passionate Pilgrim, and other Tales. . Bºx JAMES, Jr. 1 vol. 12mo. Beveled boards. $2.(30. - This is no ordinary collections of short stories. While these tales possess many elements of popular interest, their philos phic thou ht, insight into Čharacter, pictur- esqueness of description, and charm of style give them great positive value and a high rank in literature. MRS. WHITNEY'S STORIES. Leslie Goldthwaite -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 We Girls. ---------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FO Real Folks. . . . . . . . . . ...----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 O “Sugh books as hers should be in every household, to be read, loaned, re-read and re-loaned, so long as the .# and cover will hold together.”—Bostom Conn mon- 'wealth. - W. D. HowLLIS's WRITINGs. Suburban Sketches. ----------. . . . . . . . . . . . $2 OO Venetian Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO Their Wedding Journey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO Italian Journeys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO A Chance Acquaintance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO A Chance Acquaintance, 18mo. . . . . . . . . . 1 50 A FOREGONE CONCLUSION, $2.00. ‘‘It has all the fascinations of his other books, and new fascinations, added. . A deli htful style, keen ob- servation, clever insight into character, were apparent in ‘The Wedding Journey' and ' A Chance Acquaint- ance; ' but ‘A Foregone C nelusion' has more than all these—a great deal of dramatic power" and a decided plot.”—Poston Advertiser. “Mr. Howells deservº's a place in the first rank of Amorican travelers.”—Pall Mall Gazette. T. B. ALDRICH2S STORIES. Marjorie Daw and other People. Cloth, $1 50: Paper, $1.00. “These un: pproachable sºories.”—Boston Courier. The Story of a Bad Boy. Illustrated. $1 50. “An admirable specim n of what a boy's story should be.”—Bostom Advertiser. Prudence Palfrey. With picture of “Prudence,” by Miss HALLOCK. Cloth, $1 50; Paper, $1.00. “He is master of the art of arresting the a tention of the reader at the beginning, and of keeping it to the end. He is undoubtedly one of the most attrac i e and agree- able of story-tellers.”—D. P. Whipple. C. D. WARNER2S WRITINGS. My Summer in a Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 My Summer in a Garden. Illus. by Darley. 300 Saunterings. A book of Travel Sketches in Europe. -----------------------. . . . . . -- : - - - - - - 1 50 Backlog Studies. Illustrated by Floppin . . . Bad deck, and That Sort of Thing. Travel Sketches in British Provinces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 00 “Those who have read one of Mr. Warner's books will not probably need any persuasion to induce them to take up another. His wit and humor are always de ight- ful.”—The Morning Star. The Hanging of the Crane. A FHome Poem. by H. W. Loxa FELLow. Beautifull illustrated. Especially suitable for Birthday. Wed- ding, and Golden Wedding Gifts. Cloth, $5.00; mo- rocco, $9.00. ;:#"POPULAR FIDITION. 16mo. With twelve illus- trations. A beautiful v. lume. $1.50. - CHILDH00D SONGS.. By TUCY LARCOM. A very handsome book of original ..songs for and about children—pure, tender, healthful, and finely illustrated. $2.25. “Many a thoughtful child and appreciative mother will thank Lucy Larcom for this beautiful volume.”— Christian Register. Homes and How to make Them. By E. C. G. ARDNER, Illustrated. $2.00. A book that should be read by everybody who intends to build a house and wishes to make it a convenient, com- fortable, cozy, attractive home. A very entertaining book, too. “So much good sense and good taste on this all impor- tant subject (house-building) are not often to our think- ing, embraced within an equal compass.”—Congreg stion- alist, Boston, LITTLE CLASSICS. Vol. I, Exile; II. Intellect ; III. Tragedy; IV. Life; W. Laughter; VI. Love. These dainty little books of stories and sketches by FIAWTHORNIE. How ELLS. FIALE, FIARTE. I.)ICKENS. BUL- wºn, PoE, DE QUINCEY, T) r. Joh N BrowN, and other popular ruthors, are rapidly gaining a large circula- tion. $1.00 each. (e - [ºf Send for circular giving list of contents. “A series of exquisitely printed little volumes in flexible binding and red edges, which gather up the very choicest things in our literature in the way of short tales and sketches.”—Buffalo Cow, ier. • Parlor Amusements for the Young Folks. Py G. B. BARTI.F.T.T. Paper, 50 cents cloth, $1.50. A little book full of Tableaux, Charades, Scenes for Pantomime, Miss Jarley's Wax Works, Games of Th .ught, and oth r Amusement for Winter evenings. Mr. Bart'ett's large experienc and genius for the work make this little book peculiarly adapted to its genial ID lSSIOI). - For sale by Booksellers. Sent postpaid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., IBOSTON THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. PATENT SUSPENSION RING, for Show Cards, Photo- graphs, etc. Self-gauging, self-perforating, and self- locking. They require no tool to punch the cards. The STRONGEST, BEST, and cheapest suspension rings ever invented. Put up in boxes of 1,000 each. PERICE LIST. Per 1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 On 10,000 or over. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 10 per ct. On 25,000 or over.-- - - - - - - - - - 2.00 20 per ct. On 50,000 or over------------ 2.00 25 per ct. For sale by all stationers and by The American Wews Company, NEW York. Discount. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., ARCHITECTURAL ||||K P||}|ISHERS 27 Warren Street, NEW YOREx. ///ustrated Cata/ogues forwarded free to any address, PURDY'S FRUIT CHROMO. News Agents, Booksellers, IRIEAD THIS. The Fruit Irecorder and Cottage Gardener is strictly devoted to Fruit Growing and Home's adornment, a monthly at only one dollar per year, or with above beautiful chromo, for $1.25. A very liberal discount to our agents, on both paper and chromo. free, and a sample of the chromo, for 20 cents by" mail, postage paid. Sample copies of paper sent Address A. M. PURDY, Rochester, N. Y. | Wºll||||||||||}|{ 0N THE INTERNATIONAL LESSDNS, A Convenient Manua/ for Teachers and O/der C/asses. By J. BENNET TYLER w. M. ºcw. D.D. Price $15 per Hundred, net. It contains HELPs on each Lesson, REviews, SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS, VALUABLE MAPs, and 50 choice HYMNs. Please order from JOHN A, BLACK, Business Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 97 THEOID ORE TILTON A GAINST IE+[ENTEY VVALIRID EDEECHIETR. Verbatim Report of the Trial by the Official Stenographer. Volume 1. Containing 800 Royal Octavo Pages. (From the opening of the trial, with a full statement of the preliuminary paners and proceedings. to the clo e of the case by the prosecution, with portraits of Chief Justice Neilson. Messrs. Moulton, Tilt ºn. Morris, Pryor, and Mrs. Tilton.) Now Ready. Price in Cloth, $3.00; in Sheep $3.50. The Report is issued in palts during the progress of the trial. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 now ready. Price, post-paid, 50 cen s each. - McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., LAw PUBLISHERs, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. O CHAMBERs, THE CITY COURT OF BROOKLYN. "TILTON V S. BEECEII. It.” BRooklyx, February 22, 1875. The numbers of your report have been of great use to me. The testimony is given as in the New York Tri- bune, with substantial correctness. In thanking you for your courtesy, I beg to express my respect for your enterprise. - Very truly yours, To McDivitt, CAMPBELL & Co., Nassau St., N. Y. J. NEI LSON, Ch. J. J. ALFREI) KAY. A N G US C.A.M.E.RON. PS A Y & IBER OTHEIR. Taw Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, 17 & 19 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Publish, amongst others, the following valuable works: Wharton's Criminal Law. 3 vols. $22.50. Brightly's Leading Cases on Elections. $7.50. Wharton's Precedents. 2 vols. $15.00. Stephen on Pleading. $4.50. Wharton's Conflict of Laws. $7.50. Hilliard on Injunctions. $750. Wharton & Stillé's Med. Juris. 3 vols. $19.50. Billiard on New Trials. $7.50. Wharton's Law of Negligence. $7.50. E[illiard on Contracts. 2 vols. $15.00. Wharton's Law Dictionary. $7.50. Sugden on Wendors. 2 vols. $15.00. Bispham's Equity. $7.50. JKerr on Receivers. $4.50. Brightly's Digest Law's U. S. 2 vols. $16.50. Pennsylvania State Reports. Wols. 13 to 75. 63 vols. Brightly's Federal Digest. 2 vols. $16.50. $283.50. CHALLEN's DIME ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS TNTOW IEvº,TE_A_IDTY - ALADDIN, Or THE WONDERFUL LAMP, and Other stories—Illustrated, 10 Cents, All BABA and THE FORTY THIEVES, and Other stories—Illustrated, - 10 Cents, SIMBAD THE SAILOR, and Other stories—Illustrated, . . . 10 Cºnts, NOUREDDIN AND THE FAIR PERSIAN, and Other stories—Illustrated, - 10 Cents, GANEM, THE SLAVE OF LOWE, and Other stories—Illustrated, - 10 Cents, - To be followed by the balance of the collection, from a new translation. BUNYAN’s PILGRIM's PROGRESS, 2 Parts, lo Cts. ea. BARCLAY'S CITY OF THE GREAT KING, $5. BELL’S CARPENTRY MADE EASY, $5. HOWARD CHALLEN, Philadelphia. Trade supplied at ny rates by the Annerican Nevvs Conn pany. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNG. QUARTO, UNIFORM witH CHATTERBox. Boards, Handsome Colored Cover, º •. º * $1.50 Same in Cloth, Full Gilt Sides and Back, - º * * - 2.50 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade, 98 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. |N||E|| || BI|SINESS|H|RY FOR 1875, COMPZZ ZZO Z3 Y Z. CO L.A. ZVG Z, ZAZ. D., TNT O W ER, H, ATY: Y. Containing Classified Lists of the Business Houses of the UNITED STATES, CANADA, HAVANA, Eté. E*RICE. - š 1 O.O.O. 7. E//W000 ZE//, Publisher, Philade/phia, THE PEEP SHOVV. A new Juvenile Gift-Book, with illustrations on almost every page—many of them full-page—much the same style as Chatterboa, Little Folks, and Sunday Reading for the Young, and published at the same price. & In Boards, Cover printed in Colors, Price, $1.50. Cloth Extra, $2.O.O. The American News Company, AGF. NTS FOR THE TRADF. THE PITTSBURGHBOOK AND NEWS COMPANY. Wholesale Dealers in all Articles which form the News Dealers', Booksellers', and Stationery Stock, º WE KEEP ALW.A.YS ON BIAND FULL LINE OF ** ğa Plliºſiſ] [f NEW Y|\, B|I|| All Philālāl) iſ !!!!!? 3 ºf ſiſſing ar- : * * EE O U s = s, AS SOON AS ISSUED, AND AT PUBLISHERS. LOWEST RATES. We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, including all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles and cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books. Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c., &c. Also, a full line of School Books and School Stationery. Dealers save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. & - Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealefs, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to THE PITTSBURGH B O OK AND NEWS COMPANY, - No. 163 Wood Street, - g PITTS 13 UIRG. H., P.A. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 99 WILLIAM F, GILL & Co’s ANNOUNCEMENTS, ZOZ’OS /, /A TV /CS. The Great Hit of the Fall Season is still in continued demand. A new edition is in press and will be issued on or about March läth. THE STORIES by Wilkie Collins, John Brougham, Noah Brooks, and others. THE HUMOR by Mark Twain and P. V. Nasby. THE POETRY by Tennyson, John Hay, and others. THE ESSAYS by Whitelaw Reid, Thomas W. Knox, and others. THE ILLUSTRATIONS by Alfred Fredericks, Authur Lumley, John La Farge, and others. THE EN- GRAVINGS by Linton, Bobbett, and others. t Pronounced by THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE, and THE TRADE the most elegant specimen of American book-mak. ing that has been offered. 1 vol. 4to, cloth, elegant ornamented suamps, et ; halt morocco, $10; full Turkey antique, $12. - - - JUST PUBI, ISHEID. THE RAINBOW (REE). A STORY OF THE TIMES 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Rev. Henry Ward Beccher, Rev. W. EI. H. Murray, and other prominent preachers figure among the charac- ters in this unique book. - * - “A remarkable book will be published on Saturday next, by W. M. F. GILL & Co. It is entitled “THE RAINBow Criºlel) : A Sºrorty or 'ril 1, TIMEs.” It is written by a member of the Radical Club, and competent critics who have read the advance sheets predict a currency ior it not second to that which was attained by Gates Ajar,’ a few yeurs since.”—Bostom Traveller. THE WOMAN OF FIRE. The great sensational novel by A. BELOT. 50,000 copies sold in Paris within the past few months. Paper, 8vo, 50c. L||Wily. The Mâl [f Pºllſilſ Liſ. Allº! Mill: AIB. By John Gardner, M.D.. Like Bantney's celebrated book on Corpulency, this volume by Dr. Gardner fulfills an important purpose, and will be largely sought. Lºuio, cloth, $1.50. READY MARCH 15. THE FOMAWCE OF AM HO/WEST WOMAW, By the eminent and refined French novelist, Victor CHERBULIEz. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. “A novel of remarkable power and interest.”—Boston Cowrier. IREAD Y APRIL 3. - A T, IC I-A VV -A-I-R, Tu C C IRC. By Wilkie Colliss. The most thrilling sensational story ever written by the great English novelist. & N. B.-This story will not be published by any other house, nor in any other form, having been completed in . America and duly copyrighted during Mr. Collins's sojourn in America. 8vo, cloth, illustrated, $1.25; paper, 75c. In Preparation, J. M. Bailey's Long-promised ORIGINAL B00K of Humor and Travel, T. B. T. G. G., AND THE VADE MECUIM Series of Sketches, Stories, and Poems for leisure summer hours. Each volume complete in itself beautifully illustrated and printed on tinted paper, and issued at POPUL-418 PIRICES in cloth and paper. This series will full a want long felt by those who crave light reading of a high class, tastefully yet cheaply produced. I N P R L. P. A. R. A '1' I O N . - ISEAID TO THE WORLD ; Or, Sin and Atonement. - Translated from the German of Carl Detlef, by M. S., the most powerful and interesting German story sinc Aue bach's “On the Heights.” All our books may be ordered from the leading jobbers throughout the country, or may be had direct from WILLIAM F. GILL & CO., Publishers, 151 Washington Street, Boston. IOO THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. - -axuracºtonºr or The srºxcrºtax strel rºws, nºmingham, ºxo. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC - STEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than ES, CPC Co, Coco Co. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, diſſering in fixibility and ſneness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College Pen. Ponsºr Fºxe; Action Prºrºcºr. This is a grent favorite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the School- and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per Erns-, *-4- No. 2. Counting-House Pen. Point Fisk axu Fixxmle, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross-sl-º's wo. 3. Commercial Pen. Porst Mkorum. An Easy Writing Business Pen. I'er gross. $1.25. No. 4 Ladies' 1-xtra Pen. Point Fºxtra Fixx and Flºrinir. For Leicate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross-sl-4- No. 5 school Pen. Point Fixx, Mºnium is Fixxtanitºr. For a durable Schoºl Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, *1.40 No. 5. Flourishing Pen. Point Lono. Furºximiz axi, Mºnium in Fisksºss For oft-hand Flourishing. Per grºss, $1.25 No. 7. Quill Pen. Ponsºr Mºunust, Quill. Acres. A smooth, Easy Writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gro- +1 to No. 8. Congress Pen (New) superior Pen for all styles of writing. This Pen undergoes a pro- * cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Porst Lona and Fixximir. with Accountants. Tellers, &c. Per gross, st-40. No. 10. Custom-house Pen. Point Mºunum. well adapted to all styles ºf Bold tree-hand Writing. Per gross, *1.50. No. 11. University Pen. Ponsºr Mknium, vººr Smooth ann Flºxia.º. The action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per Mºnium Fºxtrºlº Point. A very A great favorite ro-----fº. No. 12. Epistolatre pen. Porst vººr Fixx and venºr Fºxxºnºr. This is the Finest pointed Pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, -5 82. No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Poist Bluxºr Ann Smoorm. Particu- larly adºpted to Coarse-hand Writing and Engrossing. Per gross, -1.25. Ne, 14. Artistic pen. Fixximur with Extna Fink Point. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.60. No. 15. The Queen. Point Extra Fink. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing l'er-gross, $1.50. special RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. THE ACTING DRAMA. Price, 15 cents each. . Single Life. 10. A Private Inquiry. . The Boarding-School. 11. I'll Tell your Wife. The Spitfire. * 12. . The Irish lyragoon. 13. The School for Tigers. Gabrielle de Belle Isle. The Tipperary Legacy. . Deeds of Dreadful Note A Peculiar Position. THE ETHIOPIAN DRAMA. Price, 15 cents each. The Fast Family. Antony and Cleopatra, Married and Settled. 14. My Friend in the Straps 15. The School for Schem- ing. - RECENTLY Puel-ished. 63. Juba. 84. Mishaps of Caesar Crum 64. A Night wid Brudder | 85. Pete's Luck. Bones. 86. Pete and Ephraim. 65. Dixie. 87. Jube Hawkins. 66. King Cuffee. 88. De Darky's Dream. 67. Old Zip Coon. 89. Chris. Johnson. 68. Cooney in de Hollow. |90. Scipio Africanus. 69. Porgy Joe. 91. De Ghost of Bone 70. Gallus Jake. Squash. 71. De Coon Hunt. 92. De Darky Tragedian. 72. Don Cato. 93. Possum Fat. 73. Sambo's Return. 94. Dat Same Old Coon. 74. Under de Kerosene. 95. Popsy Dean. 75. Mysterious Stranger. 96. De Rival Mokes. 76. De Debbil and Doctor 97. Uncle Tom. Faustum. 98. Desdemonum. 77. De Old Gum Game. 99. Up Head, Hunk's wedding Day. ſoo. 15c Maid ob de Hunk- . De Octoroon. puncus. 101. De Trail ob Blood. 80. De Old Kentucky Home 81. Luciuda's Wedding. 102. De Debbil and de 82, Mumbo Jum. Maiden. 83. De Creole Ball. 103. De Cream ob Tenors. Amateur's Guide to Home Theatricals, Containing complete and full instructions in every branch of the Dramatic Art. We have given special attention to the selection of pieces for private represen- tation; also, giving practical advice as to dressing, making-up, properties, stage, illusions and effects, deportment, speaking and effective acting, selected scenes for amateurs, stage directions, rehearsals, scenery and scene painting, rules for amateur clubs, theatrical publications, a full list of American theatri- cal tradesmen in every branch. The most complete book, in its variety of details, ever published. New American edition, corrected to October 1st, 1874. Price, 25 cents. P A R L Q R., T.A. B.L.E.A U. × 5 Or, ANIMATED PICTURES. For the use of families, schools, and public exhibitions. Containing about eighty popular subjects, with plain and explicit directions for arranging the stage, dressing- rooms, lights, full descriptions of costumes, duties of stage-manager, properties and scenery required, and all the necessary directions for getting them up, so that any one can act in them. Everything is stated in a plain, simple manner, so that it will be easily understood; everything like, style or unnecessary show has been avoided, in order that all may readily grasp at the author's meaning. For public or private entertainment there is nothing which is so interesting and instructive as the tableaux. Price, 25 cents. SHADOW. PANTOMIMES; Or, HARLEQUIN IN THE SHADE. How to get them up and how to act in them, with full and concise instructions, and numerous illustrations: also, full and complete descriptions of properties and costumes. It has been the aim of the author to provide harmless home amusement for old and young, excludin everything objectionable to sound morality and go home-training. By Tony Denier, Pantomimist. Price, 25 cents. The Trade supplied by the American News Company, or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price by HAPPY HOURS COMPANY., No. 1 Chambers St., New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I O I NEVV ENGLISH . BOOPS IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO. 750 Broadway, New York. The Transit of Venus. Prof. Proctor's Popular Account of the Past and Coming Transits of Venus, from 1639 to 2112, illustrated with 20 plates (12 colored) and numerous woodcºts. Crown, 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. - 'Chambers' Encyclopedia. New and revised edition. An entirely new º edition, revised and brought down to date, with full series of maps and illustrations. 10 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, $36,00. - - • * * * - - Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. By the late C. C. F. GreviLLE, Clerk of the Council to those Sovereigns. Edited by HENRY REEVE. 3 vols., 8vo, Cloth, $15.00. - Boccacio’s Decameron. Engravings by STOTHARD. Crown 8vo. $3.00. Burton's History of Scotland. 9 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $26.00. History of England, from 1830 to the Resignation of the Gladstone Ministry. By the Rev. W. N. Molliswol{TH, Carefully revised and carried up to March, 1874, 3 vols., crown 8vo, Cloth, $6. History of Booksellers. By HARRY CURWEN. Portraits and illustrations. Over 500 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.75. * Macaulay’s Complete Works. New Edition. History of England, 2 vols.; Critical and Histori cal Essays, 1 vol. ; Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, 1 vol. Together 4 vols., crown 8vo. Half calf, gilt (Longman's), $18.00. Taine's History of English Literature. Library Edition. Beautifully printed in large, clear type, on fine paper, 4 vols., 8vo. Red cloth, white labels, $10.00. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF STANDARD AUTHORS. Ben Johnson’s Complete Works. With Notes and Memoir. By W. GIFFORD. Introduction, etc., by CUNNINGHAM. 9 vols, 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $33,75. Sterne's Complete Works, with Life. Written by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $15.00. - Sheridan’s Works. With selections from Moore's Life, and edited by J. P. BROWNE, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $7.50. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Edited by PERCY FITZGERALD, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $11.00. * * - Milton's Poetical Works. Mitford's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $7.50. Fielding's Complete Works. With Life by MURPHY. 11 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $40,00. Smollett's Complete Works. With Life by MooRE. 8 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $30 Rousseau's Confessions. With 32 illustrations (early impressions). Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Ramsay’s Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. With Memoir. Latest edition. Post 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. History of Advertising. By HENRY SAMPSON. Illustrations, colored and plain. Crown 8vo. $3.00. - - - Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by Gustave Doré, 700 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.00 “Contes Drolatiques.” Balzac's Droll Stories, 8vo, Cloth, $4.50. Sidney Smith's Works. Wit and Wisdom, Life, Letters and Essays. 3 vols., post 8vo. Paper, $3.00; cloth, $4.50. NEw cATALogu Es Now READY. R. WORTHINGTON & CO., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. Io 2 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS CVIDE. STAFFORD MANUFACTURING CO'S a sºcii, coyºſions. Contaiting—Stencil Alphabet, Figures, Can Stencil Ink, and Brush, For marking boxes, barrels, bags, and packages for shipment. Printing all manner of show cards, notices, signs, numbers, prices, etc., and other purposes too uunuerous to niention. Instructive and amusing for Boys. VV FI () I., E SAI, F. PIR T C E S. Size, 36 in. pcr dozen . . . . . . $6.00 | Size, 1% in. per dozen. . . . . $10.00 “ 3: “ “ ------ 6.50 “ 2 “ “ . . . . . 12.00 . . . . . “ ------ 7.()() “ 216 “ “ . . . . . 18.00 “ I 14 “ '' - - - - - - 9.00 “ 1 % ‘‘ with lower case 15.00 AN II, LUSTRATION OF SIZES SENT ON APPLICATION. 66 FULTON STREET, NEW York. Fits any School Book “cept Jogſys!” PERF orated - THE VAN EveREN, Library Numbers, Adjustable Book-Cover, nº. Fits equally well all the usual sizes of School even hundreds, as per sizes and prices below. –w and Library Books. Self-sealing; handy as an envelope Letters or Numbers, made to or— and as useful. Size A, fits 18mo, 16mo, or 12mo, books. dor, in any style or quantity. Put up 100 in a box, per 100, . . . . . . $200. Send for Full Circular. Runs to 1.000, Tinted paper, Black ink, Per 100, 20 ctſ, Runs to l,000, Tinted paper, BOD (SEllers and Dealers in School GDOds, Have used thousands of these covers, with their busi- ness card printed on the outside, as an advertisement. Net Prices for Size A. Covers, with Business Card. I'OIR 500.... $10,00. |* 2000 per 1,000,.. $17,00. “ 1000.... 18,00 “ 5000 “ “ ...; 15,00. —Q-C-Q- - The Blotting-paper Writing-book Cover, rºa. is the neatest device ever made. per 100, $3.75. Banstolo,000 Send for FREE samples and TRADE Circular. | i * 0 l'U,000, ſ 825 ! . White Paper, Address P. F. VAN EVEREN, care of U. D. WARD, | 5 Blue ink, " 150 NAssau ST., (up stairs.) New York. !------------------. Per 100, 10cts. The New York Bank Book tompany, 24- Eseeisraara street, NEW YORK, Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, o Half-Bound Blanks, Writing Books, Full-Bound Blanks, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Memorandum Books, - Scrap Books, etc., Ctc., etc., etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application, Orders respectfully 'solicited by - The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I Og *} BEADLES DIME PUBLICATIONS. The Best selling Eool * * * tC) FOR LEAD PENCIL. *...;2. Mr...a......' ...... ix. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Daily Memoranda, interlw’d, gilt; 24 by 33 in., per doz. I 65 º Morocco, per doz s s a gº tº e º 'º e º te e º e º 'º e ; § § 2. ; Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ . 3 by 5 in., “ I 98 , - ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 2 31 Stereos COloes Minute. gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inch e pes. per .# e tº e º 'º e ; : …... º, gº º q: g tº e º º 3 30 | No. 27, Walnut frame, Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 00 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 33 by 5} “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood { { ... };}} inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mahogany “ ( 19 00 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood “ “ 20 00 5i inches, për doz. ...........'..........”. 3 30 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip { { { { 22 00 N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL catalogue. Thermometerse Envelopes per Thousand. Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . ge e º e º e º ºs e º e & 2 75 Sizes 2 3 5 6 & 6 10 & & “ . . . . . . . . . e e s e º e º ºs e e is e e s e 3 25 Buff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . $0 95 $1 10 { { 12 tº “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Buff, heavy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 1 25 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . .------------. . . . , 4 75 *ºff::::::::::::: ... ::::: ; ; ; ; school and Counting-House Rulers. Fine Canary...... XX . . . . . • e • * * * * I 50 1 85 Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 Amber......×X . . . . . . . . . & . 1 50 1 85 || School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 1 25; 1 50 2 00 2 50 Gold Suff... § e e s m e º e e s e ... ... 1 50 I 85 Counting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 Buff. . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 00 2 50 * Ex. Fine Qanāry...? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Quills. & Amber ...YX ..... e e º 'º e s e e 2 00 2 50 | Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . .................. 60 Gold... XX ... . . . . . . . tº º s º 2 00 2 50 “ No. 80, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Buff...XXX . . . . . . . . . . $2 65 2 80 3 35 “ No. 40, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Ex. Fine Canary XXX . . . . . sºs 2 65 2 80 3 35 “ No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 65 Amber. XXX ..... tº º ſº tº 2 65 2 80 3 35 “ No. 60, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35 \Gold...xxx ... ... 2 65 2 80 3 35 º white * * * g g tº e º & & © º e: s: ; $1 65 I 80 2 00 2 45 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 tº g “. . . . . . . . . . XXX 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 70 3 20 Hºº. bºxes • * * * * * * * * * * * ... e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º 'º e º e s e : # “. Baronial..... XX 3 65 3 35 ..... * g e º e s e tº Large y & 4 ... . . . . . . e p tº dº $ tº º ſº e º 'º e º e º e s as as 4 50 Manilla. tº tº e º ºs º º tº e ‘º e º 'º tº e g º e e is e º e º e s s a I 05 1 20 office, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Playing Cards - Propeller per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº $ tº º º e º 'º e º 'º I 60 . Blank Books, Steamboat, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. #.pl e tº tº e º º ºs e º e º ºs e g º e ....... 2 10 | Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12C. to 25 ureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Full “ { { & 4 ... . . . . .30c. to 70 §: *. led y & © tº G tº 6 tº e º e e e º e º 'º e º e s e e s e 3 00 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 50 Oguls, Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . e ‘º e º e º e e. e. e. e. e º e 4 05 Henry VIII., “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 40 Memorandum Books. Euchre, ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 05 | 12mo, per doz ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º ºs e º & © tº e $0 50 to 1 35 Ill. Moguls, *** - - - - - - tº gº tº º e g º te e º & e . . . . . . 6 30 || 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 60 to 2 00 Gold Eagles, .. * & © tº tº ſº e s is a , e. e. * * * e e e º sº e : 7 10 | Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º & e º ºs e º e º sº e º 90 to 3 50 Gold-Faced Moguls, tº e s a s e e s is e º e º e º e tº º 1000 | Demy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 to 3 00 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. THE AMERICAN ROOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I 33 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS I, IST O IF p NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. Iſ the ſollowing rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all mew publications to ovr dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.-Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—Wo inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. PostAGE To NEwsor ALERs. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent for every Two Ounces. MAGAZINES, wº { { Three “ { { PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility... You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale priee per this list, to cover one week’s papers) similar to this form : A [Form 1.] - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY: CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Inclosed find $.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : * ge . 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. - 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. | 5 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. Yours truly, 20 Ledger. &= 0ſ this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Lodger . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº º ſº a tº º te tº tº e º & © tº º ºs & B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper... . . . . . . . . . . * e e º e s is a se e < * * * * * e e s e e s s e e s e e s e s e º e s - e. e. e. { { { { 6 3 New York Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s a s e e º e s is e º e º e s e e º e º e e º e º e s * * * * * * * * * tº tº tº e º º a tº e º e s tº e { { ( & 13 2 Old and New.... ... * @ & 0 & 0 & © as º as sº º * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º e º is sº e º 'º º $ tº e * * * * * * * * * g e º tº e tº ſº e º 'º e º 'º e = * * * * * { { { { 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ {{ 3 CUT OFF- 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------. . . . . tº e º £ tº e g º ºs e º º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 8 Chimney Corner.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * & e º 'º e s tº º a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ “ 7 1 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions. ............ . . . ............... .. . . . “ § { 4 Send following in first bundle— - 2 Each Beadle’s Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1. Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city 2nd the last date the change was made. Communications should be addressed to THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, I34 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Wholesale and ºletail Prices. ºf New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices Of Which have been Changed since Our last issue are marked with a $). e Trade Ret Price. Commercial Bulletin ... . . . . . . 3% — Graphic (The)............. ... 3%. 5 N York Courier des'Etats Unis 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . 2%. 3 New York Evening Express .. 3% 4 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 * Advance (The).... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 American Gael (The)........ 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist . . . . . 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4%. 6 American Republic .......... * American Sportsman..... . . . . 7 I 0 American Union............. 4%. 6 Appleton’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journal .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria ........ e tº gº º e s is a e . 7 10 Banner of Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S Baptist Union . . . . . . tº g º e s is e s a 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 * Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . ... 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Traveler ... . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal . . . . . . 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 7 Boys' OWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. .... 3% — Cabinet-Maker’s Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated NeWS. ... 8 10 Capital... . . . . . . . . . e is e º e s e º sº e 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review .... ... . . . . . . 4% 6 Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Challen’s 10c. Novels. . . . . . . . * Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 s tº º J.0 Christian at Work ... . . . . s • * ~ * 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer . . . . . . . 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother ............ 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . ... 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 6 Church and State........ .... 6 10 Church Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - Church Weekly . . . . . . . . ----.. 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Coal and Iron Record. . . . . .... 7 10 Commercial and Financial Chronicle ....... tº tº e e º & tº e e º ºs 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman.... . . . . . . 4 6 Courier desBtats Unis . . . . . . . 9 10 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 D A H L Y P A P E R S. Trade Ret. Price. New York Evening Post..... tº New York Evening Telegram. New York Evening Witness .. New York French Messenger. New York German Democrat. New York Herald. . . . . tº º $ s e e & New York Journal Commerce. New York Journal (German). 4. s EMI I- w E E K L Y. New York Express....... . . . . New York Journal of Com.... W .E.E. K. L. Y. Danburian..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * e Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . Das Neue Heim... . . . . . . . . . . Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Demokrat (German). . . . . . . . . Drug Bulletin. . . . . Dwight’s Journal of Music.... Emmett's (Robert) Songs.... Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . El Espejo (semi-mo.) .. Engineering and Mining Jour- mal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examiner and Chronicle. . . . . . . Farmer’s Home Journal..... Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . . Forest, and Stream . . . . . . . Frankieslie's illustrată Paper i {{ “ Lady's Journal. ( & { { Boys and Girls’ 3% 5 3 13 i 1 : 7 Weekly . . . . . . 3% { { “ Chimney Corner 7 t “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 { { { Independent ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Young American 4% Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . % Germania ................... 6 Girls and Boys of America... 3% Golden Age . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * 5 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . 7% Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Heart aud. Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . .3% Hearth and Home... . . . . . . . . . 4% Hebrew Leader...... . . . . . . . . 7 Hebrew News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . 4% Herald (European). . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Circle... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated Weekly.. ... 6 6% : New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . . .2% Now York Staats Zeitung. .... 2% NCW York Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% New York Times . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Tribune. . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York World. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% The Telegraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 New York Times . . . . . . . . New York Tribune........... 3}, New York World............ 3% Index (The)... . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 6 Inventor’s Internat?l Gazette... 3 InVestigator.... . . . . . . . . .... 7 Iron Age..... tº º gº tº ºp 8 º' & © º 'º e º 'º 7 Irish American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Irish Democrat, ...?........ 3% Irish World .......... . . . . . . 4 Jewish Messenger...... . . . . . . 8 Jewish Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . Living Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . tº e < * * * 5 L’Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Independent. . . . . . . . . . 4 Medical Regord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Medical Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Memorial l’ulpit. . . . . . . tº º ºs e e º I2 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% Morcury (N. Y.)... . . . . . . . . 6 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Methodist . . . . . . . . . © & © º ºs & e º & % Monitour de la Mode. . . . . . . . . 22 Nation (The)..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Nautical Gazette............. 7 New England Weekly Farmer. “5 New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Albion........... ... 7 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . ... 7 New York School Journal. . . . 5% New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Warieties.. . . . . . . . . 7 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4% News ſrom Germany and Swit- zerland Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ug Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia, Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphin Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age. . . . . 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Police Gazette . . . . 7 • * * * * * * * * * * * * 3% :: 1 i : | i THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 135 , “ 44 1000 tº §eekeepers’ Journal ....'..... 6 Trade IRot. Price. People (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 l'omeroy's Democrat......... 4%. 6 Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 tº- Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Presbyterian ...... . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 - Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Railway Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% lo Real listate Record . . . . . . . . . 19 wº- Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10 Richardson’s Weekly 3%. 5 Rural New Yorker. . . . . . ... .. 4 6 San Francisco China News.... 10 - San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 Saturday Night...... . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Saturday Star Journal........ 4%. 6 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- hall) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • *º e 10 Scientific American.......... 5% 8 Scotsman (The)...... e e º e º e º 'º 7 Scottish America Journal... 5, 7 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 T 5 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 I0 Singers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Skandinavische Post....... .. 4 8 South (The)............ . . . . 9 – Spiritualist at Work ......... 5 - Advance 10c. Novels. ...... 6% — { { “ Song Books... 5 - 4 & ‘‘ Hand “ . . 5 - Agriculturist (English)...... 9. 15 Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9. 15 Amateur... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Ameridan Antiquarian . . . . . . .28 50 American Artisau. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - American BookSellers' Guide. 5 - American Brewers' Gazette. 35 - Almerican l8uilder. ........... 23 30 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 5 50 American Exchange & Review.20 25 Potter's Am. Monthly........ 28 35 Anherican Homes. . . . . . . . . . 14 - Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 25 American Journal of Health and Medicine.............. 7. - American Journal of Philately. 9 12 American Journal of l'hono- graphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 American Law Register...... 40 50 American Miscellany - - - - - - - 5 25 Amer. Miscollany, Back Nos. 12 - American Naturalist......... 24 35 American Old Fellow . . . . . . . .17 25 American Stock Journal...... 7 10 American Sketch Book. . . . . . 35 *- American Tales.............. 8%. 15 American Turfman........... 15 - Apple'on's Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 40 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Appleton’s Railroad Guide.... 16 25 Aquatic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . .28 — Architectural Magazine ...... 38 *- Archives Medical Science ... .35 - Arthur's Home Magazine..... 14 20 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 35 Ballou's Magazine ........... 11 15 Bankers’ Magazine....... ... .35 50 Bankrupt Register.... . . . . . . .38 50 Beadle’s Publications : Dime Books ...... * c s e e s e º e 6% { { ** 100 or over. ... 6 ( { . tº 300 { { . 5% Song Books........ * * * * * * * * 5 4 & “ 100 or over..... 4% w E E R L Y-continued. Trade Ret. Price. Stockholder. . . . . . ........... 10 Sunday Citizen ............... 3% — Sunday Courier....... ... . . . . 4 - Sunday Daily Times ......... 4% — Sunday Democrat............ 2% — Sunday Dispatch ............ 7% – Sunday Pra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 - Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Mercury..... e e s sº e º a s 7%. 10 Sunday News................ 3% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — Sunday Presse.......... . .... 2 -* Sunday Staats............... 2% — Sunday Star................. 2 -> Sunday Sun (New York)..... 3% — Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... 3% -- Sunday Times ....... . . . . . . . . 6 7 Sunday World. ............. 434 — Suupy South........... . . . . . . 4% 6 Telegraph Journal ........... 8 The Echo.............. ... . . . 4% - Thompson's Reporter . . . . . . . . 6 4-º'- Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf........... ... . . 9 12 Toledo Weekly Blado. ....... 3 5 Transcript ...... . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 6 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 4% 6 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10 Rºſ (O N T H III, Ye Blackwood’s Magazine .......28 35 Bon Ton .......... . . . . . . . . . .45 60 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 Boys of America. . . . . ... . . . . . 10 15 º Carriage Journal ...... ... . . .22 25 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - Catholic World . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 Cassell's Magazine (mo. parts).20 30 Church Monthly............. 2 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 Clothier and Hatter....... ... 10 * Coin Chart Manual........... 23 Comic Monthly ............ 7 I 2 Comic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Soli's)..... • * * * * * * g e º is s e = * * 1 15 Creme de la Crenne ......... .30 50 De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 | Omestic...'. . . . . . . . ........ 10 tº- Demorest’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . 20 - Demorest's Young America... 7 I0 Dental Cosmos . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 sº- De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ..... . . . . . .10 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... ........ 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 I)e Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6............. 10 15 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 I0 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 I5 Druggists' Circular .......... 12 * Eclectic Magazine........ ... 35 60 Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 -e El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 — Exchange Market ..... e e º 'º - e. -> Favorite (monthly parts),.... 18 * Floral Cabinet........ . . . . . . . 8 10 Folio (MuSicul).............. 10 Trade Ret. Price. The Model... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% - Union Advocate ....... . . . . . . . 2% — Universe.......... . . . . . . --.. 6 8 Wall Street Review... . . . . . . . 1% — Washington Chronicle. Illus- trated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Watchman and Reflector. . . . . 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . }} Waverley Magazine.... . . . . . º Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . * Weekly Express ............. 3% Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% Weekly Mail....... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Weekly News.............. ... 3% Weekly New York Journal... Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Post. . . . . . . . • e o e s • * * * 3% Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3% Weekly Sun................. 2% Weekly Times............... 3% Weckly Tribune ............. 3% Weekly Witness............. 2 Weekly World....... . . . . . . ... 3% Wild Oats... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 Woman's Journal........ . ... 4% Woodhull & Claſlin's Weekly... 7 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Youth's Companion... . . . . . . . 3 Fortnightly Review... ...... 40 Frank Leslie’s Boys and Girls’ W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 & C “ Budget of Fun...10 ( & ‘‘ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 {{ “ Lady’s Journal (mo. parts)... 30 {{ “ Lady’s Magazine (mo. parts)... 27 {{ tº Pleasant Hours.10 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 16 Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man Semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5%. Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6% Giobe (The)... . . . . . . . . º .10 Godey's Lady's Book........ .21 ©Golden Hours.... . . . . . . . . .14 Good Things. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Good Words. ........... . . . . 19 Grand Army Gazette 7 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . .33 • * * * * * g a Hall's Medical Adviser...... 6 Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 Harper's Magazine ... . . . . . . . 8 Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 Herald of Health..... . . . . . . . . 10 Historical Magazine.......... 55 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . , 9 Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 Housokeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Howo’s Musical Monthly...... 25 & Hub (The)...... • e º e º e s - e. e. 23 Illus. Household Mag........ 6 lndustrial Xionthly.... ...... 9 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ( & “ (with Supplt),37 Insuranco Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Insurance Times. . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . . lusurance Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Internal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 Jolly Joker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 ; 1 5 0 I36 . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. IWFI O N T H L Y — Continued. Trade Ret, I’ Trade Ret. Trade Ret. . Price. Price. Price. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 | Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . . monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Now and Old Frienus ........ 6% — | Richardson's Weekly, e New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 monthly parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Kentucky I.ive Stock Record, 6 — | New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 * La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 | New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 | Sailors’ Mag i zine . . . . . . . ... 10 15 Lady's Own Magazine . . . . . . . 14 — | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 — | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Iady's Repository ... ...... .27 35 | Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . ....... 7% 10 | Saturday Journal (parts).....18 – La Mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 | N. Amer. Journ.of Ełomeeopathy'85 — Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . 12 * Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 | Nursery (The)............ ... 10 15 Science of Health ........... 14 25 Land Owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7% lo Obstetrical Journal .... . . . . . . 37% — Scott's Mirror of Fashion.... .38 50 Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Offord’s Pulpit. . . . . ... ...... 2% 5 || Scribner's Monthly . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 15 Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Sillim in's Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 ©Literary Miscellany........ 3 5 | Old and New ... . . . . . . . . ... . .26 35 | Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 literary World..... . . . . . . . . .11 — Ornum's Indian Novels, I to 73, 6% 10 || Sportsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Lippincott’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 “ Pop'1"r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | Star-Spangled Banner ....... 4% 6 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 1 15 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 | Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Locke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 24 8%. 15 | Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . !. 18 25 London Family Herald....... 18 — Oar Friend (semi-monthly)... 2 – St. Chrystostom's Magazine. . 15 — London Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 || Overland Monthly....... . . . . 26 35 | St. Nicholas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 *º-> Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 — l’ainters’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . .11 15 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 — Paper Trade Reporter..... ... 11 — | Texas New Yorker. .... . . . . . 17 10 Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 | Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo)ll — | The Lens. . . . . . . . . ....... . . . .70 * Mechanic ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — Paris Messenger....... 14 — | Thompson’s Descriptive List... 16 25 Medical News and Library... 10 – | Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 Medical News Supplement(Suc- Pension kecord . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 — | Traveler's Official Guido. . . . . 25 50 CeSSOr to Raukin’s Abstract. 10 — | Peters’ Household Melodies... 30 — | Truth Secker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * . Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 tº- “ . Parlor Music . . . . . . . . 30 * Merryman's Monthly.. . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector. 11 15 | Union Era (parts)............ 25 cº- ©Milliner and Dressmaker(Mo. Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 | University Journal . . . . . . . . ... 16 20 American)................ 6 10 | Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Mother’s Magazine........... 10 15 try Bulletin.... . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 | Wan Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- Mother’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 | Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5 ) neeriug Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, I to 300. 6%. 10 || Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, Phunny Phe low....... ...... 734 10 || Watchmaker and Jeweler... . , 17 sº from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 10 || Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 | Peterson's popular Literature 20 — Whitney’s Musical Guest..... 16 25 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 — | Popular Science Monthly.. . .37 50 | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 National Agriculturist and Bee Poultry World...... e........ 8 12 || Work and Play. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% — Journal ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Practical Magazine........... 78 — | Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 National Car Builder........ 7 — | Psychological Journal. . . . . . .37% 50 | Workshop.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 Psychological and Me- National Magazine........... 28 — dico-Legal Journal 40 50 Ya!.kee Noti ns.............. 7%. 10 National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Pulpit of the Day..... . . . . . . . 6 10 | Yºung Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 5 National S. S. Teacher........ 10 15 Railway Monitor. ..... . . . . . . .33 — | Young Crusader . . . . . . . e = e s e e 8 10 Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 10 || Rand & McNally Guide...... .28 40 ! Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 *º-ºp National Temperance Advocate 9 10 | Record and Repository. . . . . . . 6 — | Youth’s Progress.... . . . . . . . .10 - - on U A R T E R L. Y. R. E V H E w s, ET C. American Church Review $0 90 — Church and World.... . . . . $0 85 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 *- American Journal Medical Cougregational . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Remedies ..... e - e º s = 35 50 Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . ---. 1 15 — Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 | North American Review ...1 12} — Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 * No. Am. Jour of Homoepathy 85 - American Law Review . . . . . 1 05 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | Postal Guide (U.S. Official). 35 50 Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 — Half - Yearly Compeudium Presbyterian Quarterly and - Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 tºmº Medical Science . . . . . . . . . 1 20 * Princeton Review . . . . . . . . gº Braithe waite's Retrospect...I 05 — | International Review (bi- * British Quarterly (reprint). 62 — monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Smith's Pattern Buzar..... : 20 — Brittan’s Journal...... . . . . 67 — | Journal Social Science...... 1 25 — | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 * Brownson’s Review. . . . . ... I 00 — | London Qilarterly.......... 62 — | Westminster Revi w ...... 62 ** Christian FXaminer........ 67 — | Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... , 10 *E- Christian Quarterly........ 85 — National Quarterly Review.S1 12 — | Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 tº a IF O R. E. H. G. N. P. E R & O IO I C A L S — W E E K L Y. Trado Price. Trade Price. Trude Prico. Trade Price Academy....... ........ 16 | English Mechanic . . . . . . . Le Monde Illustré....... 14 | Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 20 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 | Era ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 20 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 18 || Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Land aud Water ........ 20 Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenaeum ............. 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 | Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 || Pictorial World . . . . . . . . . 10 Belſast News... . . . . . . . . 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . * e º e s e º ſº tº . 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . . . 25 | Public Opinion. . . . . . ... 10 Bell’s life.... . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 || Liverpool Mercury ... 10 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells.............. 5 | Funny Folks... . . . . . .... 5 || London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 uightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . tº gº tº e º ºs e g º º 12 || Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 | Punch.................. 10 Building News..... . . . . . 12 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 20 | London World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cassell's Magazine ...... à || Gas-Light Journal ...... '.0 | L'Univers Illustró....... 10 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal..... . 7 || Glasgow Herald......... 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 | Saturday Review . . . . . . . . 16 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 12 || Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 | Mark Lano Express ... . . 23 || Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Christian World..... ... : 5 || Guardian - - - - - - - - . . . . . 20 Medical Record . . . . . . ... 18 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . ... 10 Church Review . . . . . . ... 10 ! Illustrated News........ 20 | Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 Sporting Life (2 dates, e 5C.) . . Church Times ... ....... à Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World ......... 18 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Court Journal .......... 20 Illustrated Pºlice News... 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 | Tablet. . . . . . . .......... 16 ‘Dispatch ............... 5 Illustrated Sporting and Nature ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutter ....... 4 +conomist . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Times (last date).... 10 Engineer........ *...... 20 Irishman............... 14 | Notes and Queries....... 12 || The Mail (3 dates)... . . . 38 Engineering ............ 20 | John Bull Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 || Judy..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Observer . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 6 | Ouce a Week … * * * . 14 | Weekly Register (Cath.) 10 8 || Woukly Times .......... 4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 137 R O ſº E I GN P E #& B O IO PIC A. L S – IVſ O N T H L Y. g Trndo Pruſ' e. Trade Price. Trade Price. * * . Trade Price, All the Year Round (part) 36 | Dickens (parts) . . . . . . 16 Ladies' Gaz2tte of Fashion 38 || Spiritual Magazine...... 20 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 La Mode Illustrée...... 1 00 || Spurgeon’s Pulpit. . . . . . . 20 ArgosV . . . . . . . ge is & e s a º 20 | Dublin University Maga- Iadies’ Treasury........ 30 | St. James’ Magazine. .... 38 Art, Industrial and Pic- Zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 | Leisure Hour.... . . . . . . . 20 | Strahan’s Saturday Jour. torial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Folinburgh Mc ". Jöurnal. 76 | Little Dressmaker....... 18 nul. . . . . . . . . . . e & e º º º is º Athenaeum (part)....... 54 English Woman’s Domes- London Journal (parts)... 22 Sunday • * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 || London Society . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 * Fvery Boy’s Magazine... 18 [ondon & Paris Fashions. 38 || Sunday School Teacher ." 7 Rand of Hope Réview... 2 | Ex"ositor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 || McMillan's Magazine . . . . 25 Sunday School Teacher's Relgravia.... .......... 38 Family Friend.......... 294 | Medical Times (parts)... 93 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 Roys of England. . . . . . . . . is Family Herald (parts)... iś Milliner and Dressmaker, 50 | Sºuday School Times .... 19 Roys of England (re-issue) 18 Family Treasury........ 20 | Monthly Microscopical Sunday School World.... 18 Row Rolls (monthly pts.) 27 | Farmer’s Magazine. ... . . 76 Journºul .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% British Workman ....... 214 Food Jºurnal. . . . . . 20 | Mother's Friend. ........ 3 | Sword and Trowel (Spur- Pritish Workwoman..... 2); Fortnightly Review ..... 75 | Musical Times . . . . . . . ... 8 a gºº) g.: . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rritish Juvenile. . . . . . . . . 3 Fraser's Magazine......1 00 Temple,Bºº......... . . . . . . 38 Bulilder . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Once a Week (parts).... 36 || Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Chambers’ Journal . . . . . . 25 | Gardene's Magazine. .. 36 | Qrchestra::... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 e . * -- ? pºs Chatterbox . . . . . . . . tº a £ tº e Gardener (The)......... 20 Our Own Fireside. ... ... 20 | Union Review (bi m’thly) 76 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Gontleman’s Magazine .. 38 ºnly Pulpit ... . . . . . . . * | Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% | Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . ... 30 . Gºlº * . . Review 38 victori. Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Christian Treasury...... 20 | Illustratod Travels...... 38 || POP” lar Sºlence OW 10 W 00 Villa Gardener.... . . . . . 20 Christian Work . . . . . 20 | Infant's Magazine . . . . .2% (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 * O Churchman's Comnanion. 20 ! Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ià | *Pºrſºlio (Art)........ ſº | Wºng ºli;... ... . .3 contempºrary Review... 62 Journal of Horticulture... 54 .º.º.º.º. . . . . . . . . . . 38 || World ºf Fashiºn: ū. § Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 || Journal of Science (quar- Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . 44 Young Hadies' jou na. 27 Crittager and Artisan . . . . 244 terly). . . . . . . . . . . ... I 90 | Quiver (The). * * * * : º gº e º & sº º 20 | Young Men of Great Bri- Day of Rest............. 13 | Kind words . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . 16 tain. --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - G E R NI A N - A Twº E R H C A N P U B L I C A THON S. Trade Ret, * ſt (16 Trn do Ret. Prize. * Week ly. ºce. Sonnlagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 Arbeiter-Zeitung .......... ... . . e s a e s > * * * * * * -----3% º | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staatszeitung...... .... 3 4 Atlantische B atter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 f Volksbibliothek...... tº gº º e g º e º 'º & e º 'º º º tº s º & e º 'º & . 6 10 Rønbachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e < * * * * * * * 3 4 Wespen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6 i Bibliºthº, ºr Erzählungen............ 8 || || Wochenblatt des N.Y. Demokrat ............. . 5 7 Frank Jºslie's Illustrirte Zeitung................. º 19 || Wochenbloºt der N. Y. Presse.................. 4 6 Freischütz Sº,...... º.º. . . . . . . * * * * = e s e s = e e º 'º - * 3% º | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal .................. 4 6 Gº : Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland 6 10 Wocheub.att der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 & SCIl WCWZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Der Heirathsanzeiger.. e e º 'º e g = • * * * * * * g e ... 3 5 Semi-Monthly. Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * e s is e s e º ºs e e º sº º 4 6 fi Deutsch-Amerikanische Familieub.átter.......10 15 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industric-Zºitung. ... 6 8 Tas Neue FIeinn ... . . . . . . . . . • * e º ſº gº º 7 10 Magazin tler merkwürdigsten u. interessantestCl) New Yorker Belietristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 744 10 Criminalgeschichten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº , t t t e < * * * * 12 18 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | fi Novellen-Schatz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------13 20 Roman Zeitung . . . . . . . tº e e e s is s e s s = e g º e º ºs e º e º e < * * * 10 15 Schneddered engg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * g º e º e º e º ºs e e º s e 7 10 & & Monthly. I}er Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s = e = * * * * * * * 3}4 5 || Amerikanischer Agricu.turist........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal..... 3 4 IMIPORTED GERMAN MIA GAZINES ANRO PERIOMPIC AILS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of vuoso Iuarked f. First and last number gravis of those marked it. Semi-Monthly. + Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 ++ Buch ſtir Alle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 ++ Illustrirte Chronik der Z it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 ++ Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 15 ++ Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 8 15 NCuzcit. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * g e º 'º & © tº º s & ſº e º e & tº gº tº e º & a $. 9 J 5 f Ueber Land und Meer....... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .14 20 * - I 8 a Year. f Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 14 25 f Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 ff Bunte Weſt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]+ 25 f Deutscher Hausscha Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 13 20 t Der Hausfreund.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 25 f Illustrirte Wolt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 20 IWI onthly. - f Gºwerbehahe.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º a 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * 12 20 Deutscho Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 S5 f Der Welthandel................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 IMPORTED GERMAN Books PUBLISHED HN PARTs. l, irst number gratis to the trade. + Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon...... * @ 8 e e º e e 12 20 Deutschlands Runstschätze. Published in about 70 parts, at . . . . . tº º ſe e s a tº º e tº tº s & © tº e º ſº º º . . . . . . . . .23 40 Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe; Illustrirt von Doré . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesam melte Schriſten. Volks- u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 65 M. G. Saphir’s Schriften. I. Serie. Published in 40 11 Parts. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © e º is e t is tº e 20 Schiller's sāmmtliche. Werke. Illustrile Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at..... . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * e º e º e g 13 25 Shakespeare's såmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtat:sgabe. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . 13 25 O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 25 Sticler’s Hund-Atlas simmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at... 40 60 N E W G E R NII A N P U B L H C A TI O N S. purts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 H. Heine's simmtliche Werke. Published in 54 arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Museum der molernen Kuristindustric. Published in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º 40 Hran ported. f Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts................. 12 20 + Rinaldo Rinaldiii, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 t Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 f Galeerensclave. 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Hexe won Olmütz, to parts. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 | Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. I2 12 f Der Freischütz, 30 parts...... * & © tº e º & © tº . . . . . . . . 8 S . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 6 7 Wildclieb, 30 plurts f Don Carlos, 30 parts * * * * * * * * * * HPOrmestic. H. Heine’s Samtliche Werke. 10 10 59 purts, at . . . . . . . . 40 parts, at.. 138 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. IFOR SALE–THREE-FIFTHS INTEREST IN A. Book and Music Store in one of the most flourishing cities of the West. Doing a retail trade of $40,000 per year. A splendid chance for any one wishing to en gage in the business. For particulars call at Room 118, In- ternational Hotel, New York. - WANTED–A YOUNG LADY WANTS WRIT- ing at home. Is an experienced copyist and wrapper- writer. Address Copyist, care of Booksellers' Guide. A PRACTICAL PRINTER. WITH TWENTY- four years' experience—ten of which have been spent in proof-reading—desires a position in some publishing house, or other large establishment, to take charge of the printing department. References given. Address E. H. P., care Booksellers' Gwide. B00KS WANTED. F. A. GRAY, P. O. Box 2523, Philadelphia, Pa. Nos. 2 and 3 of Colton's Journal of Geography, New York, 1868. Wanted to complete a set. W. F. GOLDTHWAITE, New Orleans, La. Pothier on Obligations. Vol. 1. 3d American edition. Philadelphia, 1853. London Lancet, October, 1857. L. W. O., care of American Booksellers' Guide, N. Y. Back volumes, complete or not complete, of the Ber- liner Bazaar—not the working numbers. State year # publication, condition, and price. Address as 8,00W0. CHARLES L. WEDDING, Rockport, Ind. Rollin's Belles Lettres. Browne's Roman Literature. 2d American edition. Cleveland's Classical Literature. E. B. HALL, Wellsville, N. Y. Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity. 3 vols. Vols. 1 and 3 will do. State condition and price. * H. W., P. O. Box 5227, Boston, Mass. Audubon's Birds. Parts 49 and 75. A high price will be paid for these numbers. e - Nuttall's Water-Birds. J. FRANCIS RUGGLES, Bronson, Mich. Life of Hildebrand. Life of Peter Cartwight. New edition. Bradbury's Musical Instructor (vocal). Life of Nathaniel Foster. Vatringe's De Synagogue. Theo. Parker's Theism, Atheism, and Christian Reli- gion. Good copy. Hildreth's Pioneer Letters of Ohio. TUTTLE & Co., Rutland, Vt., Will exchange the Young Man's Best Companion, or Mathématical Compendium, a new book for business men, clerks, students, bookkeepers, mechanics, or laborers, 18mo, cloth, 184 pp., for miscellaneous or school-book stock, the latter new, or second-hand, if in good condition. , . E. M. A.I.DEN, Chicopee, Mass. Stormcliff, by Walworth. Carleton & Co. True to the Last, by A. S. Roe. Carleton & Co. S. C. GOULD, Manchester, N. H. Vol. 1. T. Leyburn's Reprint of Questions in Lady's Diary. Wols. l and 2 of The Mathematician. Vol. 2, The Mathematical Correspondent. W. A. LEARY, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. The Clubs of London. Vol. II. Philadelphia. Carey, Lee & Carey. 1828. - Carey's Atlas. Published about 1789. The Other Side. A History of the Mexican War. Art Gallery—Sanitary Fair of Philadelphia. I) add on the EIorse. . Vols. I. and IV., American Odd-Fellow. BOOKS FOR SALE. $386, 33 worth of Books for $96, 59, T5 per cent. off on the entire lot. 10 copies Wilson's Fifth Reader, in good condition, $1.80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- $18 00 1 copy Robinson's Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry, good as new, recent edition... ----- . 2 25 2 copies Bullions's Latin Grammar, good as new, recent edition, $1.50 -------------------------- 3 00 1 copy Xenophon's Memorabilia, good as new, recent edition -------------------------------- 2 00 I copy Magnall's Historical Questions, good as new, recent edition. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50 1 copy Anthon's Virgil, good as new, recent * edition.--------------------------------------- I 75 1 copy Anthon's Horace, good as new, recent edition --------------------------------------- 1 75 1 copy Anthon's Tacitus, good as new, recent edition ---------------- .- - - - - * * * * * * * * * * = ~ * ~ * ~ * * 1 50 1 copy Anthon's Caesar, good as new, recent edi- tion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50 1 Miller's Elements of Chemistry, Chemical Phy- sics, good as new, recent edition.------------- 4 00 1 copy Fasquil's French Course, good as new, recent edition -------------------------------- l 88 2 copies Greenleaf's Common School Arithmetic, good as new, recent edition, 94C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 88 2 copies Greenleaf's New Intelectual Arithmetic, good as new, recent edition, 42c --- - - - - - - - - - - - - S4 5 copies Brooks's Normal Mental Arithmetic, good as new, recent edition, 3Sc. . . . . . . . . ----- 1 90 2 copies St. John's Elements of Geology, recent . edition, $1.50--------------------------------- 3 00 5 copies Boyd's Rhetoric, 75c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 l copy Cornell's Grammar School Geography, old edition -------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 50 per cent.--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $52 00 2 copies Quackenbos's First Book in Grammar, 66th edition, 50c.----------------------------. $1 00 1 copy Alder's Citizen's Manual.......-- - - - - - - - - - 50 1 copy Appleton's Elementary Arithmetic.----- 50 1 copy Stoddard's Rudiments of Arithmetic. . . . 50 1 copy Gray's Manual of Botany, old edition. ... 2 25 1 copy Arnold's Second Greek Prose Composi- tion, old edition.--------------------------- , l 5 0 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I 39 1 copy Sargent's Fifth Reader, old edition...... 1 38 8 copies Webster's Elementary Speller, old edi- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 copy Mitchell's School Geography and Atlas, jº edition. -- - - - -------------------- - - - - - - - - - 2 º 65 per cent------------------------ $10 83 MISCI, LLANEOUS BOOKS. - 1 copy Beecher's Life of Christ, new.----------. $3 00 1 copy Stanley's How I found Livingstone, new. 500 1 set Waverly Novels, 5 vols. Swo, $3.00. -- - - - - - 15 00 5 copies The War between the States, by A. H. Stephens, Vol. I., new, $3.75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 75 1 copy Gazetteer United States, old edition. -- - - - 5 00 1 copy Sunshine and Shadow in New York (sub.) 300 2 copies A. Manual of Draſting Instrume .ts, good condition, $1.25. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 50 10 copies Proverbs of All Nations, shelf-worn, but good, $1.50 6 copies General Sherman's Campaigns, $2.00. . . . 12 00 6 copies Four Years a Scout and Spy, $2.00. . . . . . 12 00 5 copies Mystic Circle (masonicſ, $1.75. . . . . . . . . . S 75 6 copies Life of William Plumber, large Svo, good - condition, $3.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------- 15 00 10 copies Speeches and Addresses by Sprague, good condition, $2.50. -------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 30 copies Harriet Beecher Stowe's Dred, a Tale of the Dismal Swamp, 1 vol., $2.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 00 5 copies Harriet Beecher Stowe's Dred, a Tale of the Dismal Swaiup. 2 vols., $2.75. . . . . - - - - - - - - - 13 7.5 30 copies Domestic Medicine, sheep, $3.00. ------. 90 00 1 copy Temperance Volume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50 1 copy The Better Covenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 copy Spanish and English Testament, sheep, good condition . . . . . . . . ------------------ - - - - - , 1 copy Elements of Logic. . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - - - - - - - 1 25 1 copy McKerod's EIistory of Secession Church, large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 5 1 copy The Farm and Fireside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 copy The Western Fruit-Book.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50 . 1 copy Practièal Distiller, new. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 copy Newman's Sermons, new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 copy. History of Christianity in China and Thibet, new ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - 75 per cent.----------------------. $323 50 243 62 Sent C.O.D. to parties unknown to us. TUTEIILL & CO., Lancaster, Ohio. º & G º ſº- rººt ... y = º * > * -- º A neat, easy, and reliable method of marking clothing Without a preparation. None genuine without the TRADE. M A RIC and, signature of the IN 1) ELIBLE PAPER CO. on Cach package. ... I'or sale by all Druggists and 8tationers. Address INI, ELIBLE PAPER CO., S7 Natssaac St., New Samples by mail, 35c. gross, $12. Toºk. Price per dozen, $1.25; per * A RT OF CANVASSING. OR AGENTS’ GUIDE.” This little work will enable any one to make a iving 13y mail, 25 cents, NEW YORK BOOK CON- CERN '." Warren st., New York. DEºyº CLUB, most interesting book of detective life and adventure ever published. Curious. am using, and thrilling by turns. trated volume, only 25 cts. newsdealer for it. PANTºs MHanual.—House and sign paint- ing, graining, Warnishing, polishing, kalsomining, papering, lettering, staining, gilding, glazing, silver. ing, glass staining, adialysis of colors, harmony, con- trast, &c., 50 cts. Book of Alphabets, 50c. Book of Scrolls and Ornaments, $l. Watt;hmaker and Jeweler's Manual, 50c. Soap-Maker's Manual, 25c. Guide to Authorship, 50c. Horse-shoer's Manual, 25c. Hunter and Trupper's Guide, 30c. Of Booksellers, or by mail. JESSE HANEY & CO., 119 Nassau St., N. Y. BANNER OF LIGHT: A POPULAR FAMILY PAPER, and an exponent Large illus- Ask your bookseller or of the SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY OF Triº, NINJET1:...ENTH CENTURY. A large eight-page weekly. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE. Por Yeur -----------------------------.... $3.00 Six Months --------------------------.... l.50 Three Mouths ----------------------...... 75 Postage, 15 cents per year. 'Address COLBY & RICH, No. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass. COL BY & RICH, Publishers, keep for sale a full assortment of SPIRITUAL, REFORMATORY, and MišC15. LLANEOUS WORKS. iº Specimen copies of the BANNER of LIGHT, and Catalogue of Books, sent free on application. Gospel Singer. The Singing Book for ail Sabbath Schools. J U S T I SS U E D. $30 per 100 copies, Sample copy, by mail, 35 cts, 922 Chestnut Street, lee & Walker, Philadelphia. e tº o £ºtel sior Do Your Own Printing h (ſh Press for cards, labels, envelopes fºr able $9 etc. Larger sizes for large tº: \\ tº Business Men do their printing and º § tº advertising, Savc money and increase 3&\}. trade. Amateur Printing, delight §§ſis ful pastime for spare hours. BOYS ºf have great fun and make money fast Printing at printing. Scud two stamps for full P S cataloguc presses type etc, to the MIſrs Fe SS8°KELSEY & Co.Meriden, conn. ÉRºž [Self-inking] and KS GSTON PRESSES. For Job Printers & Amateurs. Pri- ces of presses and outfits from $4. upwards. Send stamp for our * pleadid. Rhew Catalogue ºf Presses, Cuts, &c., just out. =}; with complete illustrated instructions "or beginners. Gon' Razama & Co. I40 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Manufactoºr of rite srºscººtax strºl PENs, Britainsonant, Exq. S P E N C E R I A N DOUELE ELASTIC STEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G. C C C, C C Co. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very bes material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and ar. famous for their elasticity, durability. and evenness point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make ºuteen Numbers of Pens, diſtºrin, in ſix bility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. - No. 1. College Pen. Poisºr Fisk: Actros Pºnºr. This is n grent favorite with our lending penmen, is largely used in the School- and commercial colleges throughout the country, and gives netter satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lic Per ºr---, *-4- No. 2. Counting-ilouse Pen. Pont Fisk Asn Flexible, wel adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants Pei gross, + 5 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Poist Mºniuxt. An Easy Writing Busine-----. "erº-- $1.25. No. 4 indies” ºtra Pen, Ponsºr Extra Fºxe and FLExinº For Deivate, Fine Hundwriting this is a very superior Pen Per gross-sl-tº- No. 5 school Pen. Ponsºr lºwº, Mºnium is Fºxtainity. For a durables-nº 1 º'en it has never been equaled. Per gross, $140 No. 5. Flourishing Pen. Point Long. Fºxhºle asn Mºnium is lºrsºsºss For oft-hand Flourishing. No. 7. Quill Pen. Easy Writing ºn. gross, + 50 No. 5. Congress Pen (New) Mºnrº Fºx intº Post. A ver: superior 'en for all styles of writing. This Pen undergoes n pro * cºs that residers it nºn-corrºsive mºna three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Poisºr Losa asid pilºxine. with Accountants. Tellers, &c. Per gross. & 40. No. 10. Custom-House Pen. Poisºr Mºnium. Well adapted to all styles ºf ºld ree hand writing. Per gross, ºl-50. L'er grºss $1 25 Poisºr Mºrust. Quint Actres. A smooth Its name well represents its qualities Pe. A grent favorite No. 11. University Pen. Ponsºr Mºnium, vºy Smooth ann Furºximº. The action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross-sl-ºn. No. 2. Epistolatre Pen. Porst writy Fºr asp very Furºxºmºx. This is the Fine-tºointed Pen mndo, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross. --5 No. 13. Engrossing Fen. Post Bluxºr Asn Sºtoorn. Particu larly nd ºpted to course-hand writing and Engrossing. Per gross *1.25. No. 14. Artistic ren. Fºx intº wºrn Exºrna tºrsº I’orst. Thi- exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 15. The Queen. Ponsºr Extra Fusº Admirably adapted all kinds of Fine writing l'er gross, $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. JOSEPH G|LLUTT'S CEI, EL3 IRATED STEEL PENS. So/d by 3// Dea/ers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, —º- MAXUFACTUREIS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH G|LLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. WOW FEAD}^: A New Ereview. or PROF. TYNDALL'S BELFAST LECTURE, RELIGION AND SCIENCE; “LETTERS OF ALPHA. " On the Influence of Spirit ºrpon. Imponderable Actienic Molecular substances and the Life Forces of Mind and Matter. Illustrated by five Chromo-Lithographs. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth................................ $1.50. J U-sº FUBLISHED - A NEW MANUAL GF Pily S101,00) : being a Course of Lectures delivered by Prof. Kuss, at the Medical School of the University of Strasbourg. Edit d by MATHIAs DuvAL, M.D. Translated by Robertº AMonty, M.D. 150 illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, $2 50. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN 0T01,0ſ, ICAI, i." !!!). Seventh Annual Meeting. 8vo, pamph. et, $1.25. JAMES CAMPBELL, Publisher, BOSTON, MLASS. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS (, UIDE. I4 I INT Cº ºvºv - F- E -a-. ID ºr . --- The Great French Novel, THE ROMANCE OF A P00R YOUNG MAN, Translated from the French of Octave Feuiller, 12mo, cloth, $1.50. LIVES OF ALL THE GEORGES, THE HISTORY OF THE FOUR GEORGES, KINGS OF ENGLAN tº. By SAMUEL SMUckers, LL.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. THINKs.I.T.Myself: A Serio-Ludicro-Tragico-Comico Tale. By THINRs-I- To-MYSELF W Ho / 16mo, cloth, 51.25. THE EPICUREAN: A Romance. By Thomas Moore. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. THE DRAWING-300K FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, Small 4to, cloth, $1.25. JAMES MILLER, Publisher, 647 Broadway, New York. TWO Books for the Times, - - PREPARING TO TEACH. A WORMAL CLASS-BOOK, it TREATs of Bible Evidences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by JoBN HALL, D.D. The Tabernacle ---------. by E. P. Humphrey, D.D. Manners and Customs ... . . . by W. H. GREEN, D.D. Summary of doctrine ....... by F. L. Patrox, D.D. How to Teach the IBible ...... by J. BENNET TYLER It is designed to be a HANDBOOK for Teachers, and for the º use of TRAINING ULASSES. Large 12mo, Illustrated. Price, $1.75. –º- Faſmºſ Tompkins and His Biblºs, By Prof. WILLIS J. BEECHER, of Auburn Seminary. Under the garb of a pleasing narrative, it discusses questions of vital importance with regard to the Bible, and meets prevailing forms of doubt and skepticism as to the inspiration, credibility, and authenticity of the Scriptures. Farmer Tompkins, with his “Biblearium,” is a character that impresses itself upon the reader vividly. 16mo, Illustrated. Price, $1.25. Address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNG. QUARTO, UNIFORM WITH CHATTERBOX. Boards, Handsome Colored Cover, Same in Cloth, Full Gilt Sides and Back, - - - - $1.50 2.50 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade. sº º fiſſiº º TIME AND MONEY SAVED A THOUSAND STENCILS IN ONE! (PATENTED Aug. 11, 1868, and May 30, 1871.) TAIRIE Ox’s COMIEINATION STENCIL ALPHABET AND FIGURES - For marking Show Cards, Boxes, Barrels, Bags, Trunks, &c. - The rapidity and ease with which one can mark with the Combination, Alphabet, and Figures, the simplicity of its arrangement, and the durable manner in which it is manufactured, has made its introduction rapid and universal wherever it has been seen. Wii () idiºs \LE prior, List—ALPHABETS AND FIGUItes C0MBINET). One-eighth inch, per doz. ... $1200 || Five-eighths inch (ºne-fourth - -- ... 12 00 | Three-fourths “ Three-eighths inch “ 13 50 | Seven-eighths “ One-half inch -- 13 50 One per doz. $15 00 || One and 4 inch, per doz... 322 50. * - 15 00 || One and 32 " -- - - - 27 00 * - 18 00 Two - -- 35 00 * - 18 00 Each Alphabet is in a neat box, with Ink and Brush, and full instructions. CAUTION.—The many and bet yet invented is recognized now by business men generally. Wherever we have been able to detect them, they have been pro- instances, to infringe upon our patented rights. eat advantages which this invention has over every other Stencil Alpha- This popularity has induced parties, in a few ceeded against to the full extent of the law. But to protect the public and ourselves, we stamp each alphabet with the date of the two patents and our trade mark, which is a star, with the monogram N. Y. S. W. in the centre. ºA liberal reward will be paid to any one who will furnish us proof of any infringement of the above patent. NEW YORK STENCIL WOI:RS, 87 Nassaw Street, New York. I42 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply . AT THE LOW Esº" RATEs. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G. R. E. A. T V A. R. I. E. T.Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also. Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, |NIEW YORIX. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I43 NEW ENGLISH BOOKS IMPORTED BY R. wORTHINGTON & Co. 750 Broadway, New York. The Transit of Wenus. Prof. PROCTOR’s Popular Account of the Past and Coming Transits of Venus, from 1639 to 2112, illustrated with 20 plates (12 colored) and numerous woodcuts. Crown, 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Chambers’ Encyclopedia. New and revised edition. An entirely new (English) edition, revised and brought down to date, with full series of maps and illustrations. 10 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, $36.00. - - Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. . By the late C. C. F. GREVILLE, Clerk of the Council to those Sovereigns. Edited by HENRY REEVE. 3 vols., 8vo. Cloth, $15.00. - Boccacio’s Decameron. Engravings by STOTHARD. Crown 8vo. $3.00. Burton’s History of Scotland. 9 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $26.00. History of England, from 1830 to the Resignation of the Gladstone Ministry. By the Rev. W. N. Molesworth. Carefully revised and carried up to March, 1874. 3 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $6. History of Booksellers. By HARRY CURWEN. Portraits and illustrations. Over 500 pp. Crown Svo. Cloth extra, $3.75. Macaulay’s Complete Works. New Edition. History of England, 2 vols.; Critical and Histori cal Essays, 1 vol. ; Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, 1 vol. Together 4 vols., crown 8vo. Half calf, gilt (Longman's), $18.00. Taine’s History of English Literature. Library Edition. Beautifully printed in large, clear type, on fine paper. 4 vols. 8vo. Red cloth, white labels, $10.00. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF STANI)ARD AUTHORS, Ben Johnson’s Complete Works. With Notes and Memoir. By W. GIFFORD. Introduction, etc., by CUNNINGHAM. 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $33.75. Sterne's Complete Works, with Life. Written by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $15.00. - Sheridan’s Works. With selections from Moore's Life, and edited by J. P. BROWNE, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $7.50. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Edited by PERCY FITZGERALD, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $11.00. Milton’s Poetical Works. Mitford's edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $7.50. Fielding’s Complete Works. With Life by MURPHY. 11 vols. Syo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $40,00. & Smollett’s Complete Works. With Life by MooRE. 8 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $30 Rousseau’s Confessions. With 32 illustrations (early impressions). Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Ramsay’s Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. With Memoir. Latest edition. Post 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. intº of Advertising. By HENRY SAMPSON. Illustrations, colored and plain. Crown 8vo. $3.00. Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by Gustave Doré. 700 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.00 “Contes Drolatiques.” Balzac's Droll Stories. 8vo, Cloth, $4.50. Sidney Smith’s Works. Wit and Wisdom, Life, Letters and Essays. 3 vols., post 8vo. Paper, $3.00; cloth, $4.50. - NEW CATALOGUES Now READY. R. WORTHINGTON & CO., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. I44 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. DIC EQ 'S O ENGLISH NOVELS. An illustrated series of Original Novels, by the most popular authors. The largest, handsomest, aud best paper novels published for the price. 007AVO, FULLY /LLUSTRATED, W/TH /LLUM/WATED COVERS, No. 1 For a Woman’s Sake. By Watts Phil- lips. . 17 illustrations. -----------. 300 2 Against Tide. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations---------------------- 300 3 Hush Money. By Charles H. Ross. 16 illustrations---------------------- 300 4 Talbot Harland. W. Harrison Ains- worth. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 5 Will She Have Him? Austyn Graham. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 6 Heiress of the Mount. By Sara Dunn. 9 illustrations-------------------- 300 7 Counterfeit Coin. Miriam Ross. 10 illustrations------ ---------------- 300 8 Entrances and Exits. By E. Winstan- ley. 27 illustrations-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 306 Double size. Price. ... - - - - - - - - - - 600 9 Ingaretha. By M. E. O. Malem. 13 illustrations --------------------- 300 10 Tower Hill. By W. Harrison Ains- worth. 12 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - 300 11 The Rose and Shamrock. By Mrs. Crow. 11 illustrations------------ 300 12 The South Sea Bubble. By W. Har- rison Ainsworth. 19 illustrations. .30C 13 Nobody’s Fortune. By Edward Yates. 24 illustrations. Double size. Price. -60C 14 Twenty Straws. By E. Winstanley. 13 illustrations. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 15 Lord Lisle’s Daughter. By C. M. Braeme. 8 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 16 After Many Years. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations------------------- 300 17 Rachel, the Miser's Daughter. By M. E. O. Malen. 8 illustrations. . .30C 18 What is to be, will be... By E. Win- Stanley. 17. illustrations - - - - - - - - - - 300 19 John Trevlyn's Revenge. By E. Phil- lips. 13 illustrations--- - - - - - - - - - - 300 20 Bound by a Spell. By H. Reback. 10 illustrations---------------------- 300 21 The Yellow Diamond. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustrations---------------. ---. 300 22 The Younger Son. By H. W. Palmer. 14 illustrations------------------. 300 28 Driven from Home. By Erskine Boyd. 14 illustrations.------------------ 30C 24 Naomi, the Gipsey Girl. By M. E. O. Malen. 11 illustrations. . . . ----- 300 25 Swept and Garnished. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. . . . - - - 300 26 Jennie Gray; or, A Woman's Wen- geance. 8 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 27 Lestelle. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustra- tions.-----. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 28 Tracked. By H. Rebak. 12 illustra- tions --------------------------- 300 29 Carynthia. A Legend of Black Rock. By Eliza Winstanley. 10 illustrations, 30c 30 The Violet and the Rose. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations -- - - - - - 30C 31 The Cost of a Secret. By Mrs. Crow. 9 illustrations-------------------. 300 32 Terrible Tales. By George Augustus Sala. 10 illustrations -- - - - - - - - - - - 306 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Special Inlicements to the Trade. --- - News-dealers, Druggists, Booksellers, and Toy-dealers throughout the country can add materially to their business by embracing in their stock a line of sporting goods, such as we are now prepared to offer to the trade. The high reputation our goods sustain, both among dealers and clubs throughout the country, is a sufficient guaranty that the quality and workmanship are equaled by none. We append a list of a few desirable articles for the trade. We will mail a complete list, with º trade prices on all goods, on application, accompanied with business card. On receipt of order, we send a beautiful colored show-card, with your firm and name printed thereon, as agent for us. Hº ATS. - - - C- – MUTUAL E.E.C. nobºt. No. 106. Ash, Bass, Spruce, Pine, and White Wood Bats. WE RECOMMEND. Thºst, BATS AS THE FINEST STO K EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADE. Men's Ash Bats—selected, 36, 38, and 40 in--------------------------------- per doz, $250. Per gross, $24 00 Bass Wood Bats, selected, 36, 38, and 40 in -- - 25. -- 21 00 * Spruce, oiled, “ -- * * * * . . . . . . . ------- -- 2 25. -- 21 00 Boy's Ash - -- 25 to 34 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 50. -- 15 00 Dealers ordering Bats by the Half-Gross are Entitled to Gross Prices. All our Bats are put up in Half-Gross Crates, Assorted Sizes, BASE-BALLS. Per doz 11et. Peck & Snyder's Professional Red Dead------ $11 00 -- -- -- White Dead. . . . . . 10 00 Note. The above are the only dead balls in market that are used exclusively in all match games. Second Quality—Red or White Dead . . . . . . . . . $800 Jºeck & Snyder's Atlantic or Bounding Rock . . . 7 50 -- - Star, or N. Y. Regulation........ 5 00 -- -- Practice, or Junior . . . . - 3 00 -- Half Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 * * }º º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } § - -- -- ively or O. K. ----------------- = -- -- No. 25, White Cover------------. 75 - É. º PFF;|A|..}}}.}}| SCORE BOOKS. \ A ,jº. º: - 9% ! NCH Per doz No. 1 Pocket, 7 games--------------------------- 2 * 21 '' --------------------------- - -- 3. -- 42 * ............................ - * 4 ** 60 * --------------------. . . . . . . Association Field Scotte Books— 30 ºames, Cloth Bound 60 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- 120 -- -- -- Practice B. B. Score Books— No. 1, 30 Games, bound in flexible boards * 2, 60 * cloth bound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We also manufacture, import, and deal extensively in Archery Goºds, Cricket, English Foot Balls, Base-Ball, Cricket, and Boating Uniforms cºmplete...Gymnasium and Calisthenic Goods, Indian clubs, Ten-Pin Balls and Pins, Air-Guns and Air-Rifles. Fishing Tackle and Gunning Goods, Skates, etc., etc. Send orders to PEC K & SNY DER. Manufacturers and Publishers, 126 Nassau Street, N. Y. - THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Will be Published Saturday, April 17th, 1875. - fºr AN ENTRE NEW SUCIETY NOVEL BY MRS, ANN S, STEPHENS, a BERTHA'S ENGAGEMENT. By virts. ANN. S. STEPHENS, Author of “Fashion and Famine,” “The Rejected Wife,” “The EIeiress,” “Mary Derwent,” etc. Cºmplete in One Large DIOleCimo Volume, Uniform With "Mrs. All 3, Stéphens' ºtherWorks, P ... ICE $ 1.75 IN CLOT H ; or $ 1,50 IN PAP & R COVER. T. B. Peterson and Brothers have also just issued a new, uniform, and complete edition of all the popular works written by Mrs. ANN S. STEPHENs, in twenty-two volumes. This edition is in duodecimo form, and is printed in the best style, on the finest of white paper, and each volume is bound in the very best manner in moroº cloth, with a fuligiit back, and is sold at the low price of $1.75 a yolume, or $3850 for a complete set, each set being put up in a neat box. Their names are as follows, and are sold singly or in sets: Bertha’s Engagement. Fashion ſtººd Fot ºnline. The Soldier's Orphans. Bellehood and Bondage. The Old Hornestead. * Sileºnt St, *tſ/gles. The Old Countess. Wives (and Widows. - The Wife's Secret. Lord Hope's Choice. Dowbly False. - Mct bel’s Mistake. The Reigning Belle. The Gold Brick. The IRejected Wife. A Noble Womatºv. Ruby Garay’s Strategy. I}Ian'y Derwent. Palaces and Prisons. May”"ied in, Haste. Curse of Gold. The Hein'ess. Will be Published Saturday, April 24th, 1875, THE MYSTERY OF DARK HOLLOW AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, ICDITED BY MRs EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH, Author of “How he Won Eſer,” “The Bride's Fate,” “Fair Play,” “The Changed Brides,” etc. Complete in One Large DIOleCimo Volume, Uniform with all of "Mrs. Southworth's" Works, PRICE $ 1.75 N CLOTH; or $ 1.5 O N PAPER COVE R. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have also just issued a new, uniform, and complete edition of all the popular Works written by Mrs. EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHWoRTH, in thirty-eight volumes. This edition is in duodccimo form, and is printed in the best style, on the finest of white paper, and each volume is bound in the very best manner in morocco cloth, with a full gilt back, and is sold at the low price of $1.75 a volume, or $66.50 for a complete set, each set being put up in a neat box. Their names are as follows, and are sold singly or in sets: The Spectre Lover. The Fortwave Seeker". India ; or, Pearl of I’earl River. A Beautiful Fiend. The Fatal Man” iage. Pivia; or, The Secret of Power. T'ictor's Triwmph. The Bºidal Eve. The Ha wººted Hornestead. Tried for EIer Life. The Wife's Victory. The Lost Hein'ess. Cruel as the Grave. The Gipsy's Prophecy. The TJº’ee JBeartties. The Family Doom. The Mothen'-in-Law. T'J C Aq'tist’s Love. The Maiden, Widow. The Deserted Wife. TIve Owºse of Clifton. IHow EIe Wom. Her. The Widotty’s Soºn. The Lost IIeir of Linlithſſort. JFaia' Play. The Lady of the Isle. The Bride of Llewellyn. The Bride’s Fate. A Noble Loº'd. The Prince of Dato'lºness. The Chamged Brides. Allworth. Abbey. - T'Jºe CJuq'istºva's Gatest. Love's Labor Wom. Fallen, Priſle. The Discow’ded Daughter. The Two Sisten's. Retribattion. Miriam, the -1 ver, gem'; or, the Missing Hride. Address all orders at once, for whatever you may want of “Bertha's Engagement " or of “The Mystery of Dark Hollow,” so as to have them sent to you in advance of the day of publication, and we will inclose you editors' copies for you to deliver to the newspapers in your town, so that you may get the editors to notice the works, and also state that they are for sale by you. Also send on your orders at same time for whatever you may want of any of the works of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, or of Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, advertised above, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. There will be no change in the Retail Price of any of our books during 1875. Send for a copy of our com- plete Illustrated Catalogue, and for our Wholesale Price List to dealers for our popular and fast-selling books. º º º C ſº º º º Cº a swº º º Mºº º º º C $ :s§ }C. H.W.TR0'ſ , DES. **323 : | # yol. vii. NEw York, MAY 1, 1875. No. 5 O O N T E N T S. PAGE PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, - - I45 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, I55 oBITUARY, * tºº - - 151 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs, I 56 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, I 52 BOOK ANNOUNCE MENTS For MAY, I 57 º LITERARY NotEs, - 153 APRIL PUBLICATIONs, - I6o Auction PRICEs of RARE NEW MUSIC, - . - - - I65 AUTOG RAF HS - - 153 | THE STATIONERY MARKET, . 167 BUSINESS CHANGES, - - 154 || THE AMERICAN NEws CO's LIST OF MUSIC . NOTES, e - - I 54 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, I69 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERs’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, I [5, I 17, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. EER.Tj SI’S POPULAR SYSTEM OF DRAWING. EXAMINE IT. ADAPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL SCHOOLS, It is the only complete graded course published. It is the only system so plain and practical that it can be successfully taught in public schools without the aid of experts. An inspection of these books will convince the most skeptical of the feasibility of this study in all schools. THE GRADED COU FS E. SYNTHETIC SERIES. (Prionowº-y.) Foºtr books, each. 20 cents. Mantal, 75 cents. - This series is designed for the primary departments of schools, and for those commencing the subject of draw- ing. It deals with outlines only, and is specially calculated to stimulate the observing powers, give freedom to movement, and cultivate taste. The exercises are such as to interest the young pupil at the outset. ANALYTIC SERIES. (Inter-medictte.) Siac books, each .25 cents. Manual, 75 cents. This series is specially adapted to the wants of the intermediate schools, and to those who have acquired some skill in inventin and imitating forms. It deals with outlines, but in a more finished state than Part I... and it develops ideas of proportion and accurate division. It contains a great variety of studies from natural history. PERSPECTIVE SERIES. - $(Grammam' School.) I'our books, each. 30 cents. Manual, 75 cents. * This series introduces the laws of perspec ive, and is hence adapted to the more advanced classes. It deals with perfected outlines, and develops the principles upon which advanced art is founded. It introduces a great variety of architectural work, and thus gains an additional value from the information which it contains. ADVANCED PERSPECTIVE AND SHADING SERIES. (High School.) Four_Books and Manual. (Nearly ready.) This series deals with the principles of advanced perspective and geometric drawing and shading. It devel- ops the laws of light and shade, and applies them to a great variety of finished work. This series is adapted to the wants of the senior and high schools, and to those who have made considerable proficiency in drawing. . iºpies of either series mailed, post-paid, to teachers and school officers, for examination, on receipt of one-half price. - Our new Educational Catalogue, embracing all our reliable and popular text-books, will be mailed, postage prepaid, on application to us. APPLETON'S JOURNAL IEN OTR, 1875. APPLETON's JOURNAL is a magazine issued once a week. Its purpose is to furnish, in addition to an abun- dance of entertaining popular literature, a thorough survey of the progress of thought, the advancé of the arts, and the doings in all branches of intellectual effort. New and interesting features will be added during the ensuing year, and strenuous efforts will be made to give the American public a periodical of a high and, at the same time, popular class—combining instructive material With º statement, superior fiction with critical and descriptive essays. TRAVEL. ADVENTURE, EXPLORATION, NATURAL HISTORY, SOCIAL THEMES, TBIE ARTS, FICTION, LITERARY REVIEWS, CURRENT TOPICS, will each have large place in the plan of the JourNAL. Price, 10 cents per mºwmber; $4 per annum, with postage prepaid. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. (Established May, 1872. CONDUCTED BY PROF. E. L. YOUMANs. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MonTELY was started to promote the diffusion of valuable scientific knowledge in a readable and attractive form; among all classes of the community, and has thus far met a want supplied by no other periodical in the United States. - The great feature of the magazine is, that its contents are not what science was ten or more years since, but what it is to-day, fresh from the study, the laboratory, and the experiment; clothed in the language of the authors, inventors, and scientists themselves, which comprise the leading minds of England, France, Germany, and the TJnited States. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MonTHLY is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on clear type, and, when the subject admits, fully illustrated. Each number contains 128 pages. TERMS: $5 per anowm, or 50 cents per number. Appleton’s Jowrmal and The Popwlan’ Science Monthly, together, for $8 per anovatºm. D, APPLETON & CO., Pub//shers, - 549 & 551 Broadway, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy.sent ºn *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or ‘importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET NEW YORK, May 1, 1875. The good feeling that prevailed among pub- lishers and booksellers early in the month is succeeded by disappointment, not that business is lighter or prospects gloomier now than then, but an impression largely prevailed that only the opening of spring was wanted to bring a rush of business; and now that spring has not brought activity, there is a reaction in business circles, and a less hopeful feeling prevails. But there is no occasion to be dis- couraged. Prospects are really brighter than they were a year ago, and an early spring would undoubtedly have brought a fair trade; but the lateness of the season has thrown what should be a spring trade so far into the summer, that no increased activity in the book trade need be expected till fall. The spring trade sale was held early in the month. There was a good attendance, and books brought better prices than are usual at a spring sale. Both the good attendance and the good prices may probably be accounted for by the fact that is generally understood, that no sale will be held in the fall, this being announced as the last. To be sure the trade fair is to be held in July, but bargains will not be so easily secured there as at an auction sale. The month has brought a goodly number of new books, but many of them have been so long on the way that their praises have been sounded again and again. Harper & Brothers have published Moham- med amd Mohammedism, being lectures deliver- ed a year ago at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, by R. Bosworth Smith, late Fellow at Trinity College, Oxford; the third volume of Ringlake’s Invasion of the Crimea; the Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1874; and two paper novels, Mr. Vaughn’s Heir, by Frank Lee Benedict, and Safely Married, by the author of Caste. Mr. Benedict’s novel is de- cidedly a good one, of great dramatic power, and crowded with incidents. The plot is in- genious and absorbing, but well worked out, and the characters present enough of the good and enough of the bad to make half a dozen sensational stories. The many admirers of Mr. Benedict’s novels will probably pronounce this his best. Safely Man"ried is a story of married life made unhappy by mistakes and jealousies. The characters are more naughty than wicked, and more weak than sinful. It is quite original in conception, and well writ- ten. The Annual Record of Science and In- dustry for 1874 is, like the previous volumes, prepared by Prof. Baird, of the Smithsonian Institution, assisted by some of our ablest scientists. It is a very useful record of indus- trial and scientific progress. of King lake's Invasion of the Crimea is devoted to the battle of Inkerman, and is the most in- teresting of the three volumes. The London Athenæum says, under the hand of the author, “the most confused battle in history becomes comparatively easy to understand.” Mr. Smith's lectures on Mohammed and Mohammedism, are clear and vigorous, and all the more valuable for their justness and impartiality. While eminently christian in spirit, the author is almost enthusiastic in his appreciation of the character of the great teacher, and of the good work that has been done by the religion which sways so large a portion of the human race. It is probably not only the fairest, but the ablest exposition of Mohammedan belief yet printed. The Harpers will issue at an early day Bishop Haven’s book on Mexico; a novel by Katharine King, entitled, Our Detachment; and Rape of Gamp, by C. Welsh Mason. D. Appleton & Co. have published a scien- tific work on Fungi : Their Nature and Uses, by M. C. Cooke, with more than a hundred illus- trations; and a profusely illustrated volume of The Chemistry of Light and Photography, by Dr. Hermann Vogel, of Berlin. Both of these are published in the heavy International Scientific Series. A number of other scien- tific books have been issued by this house, no less important, but written for the unprofes- sional reader. Among them are a science primer on Astronomy, by J. Norman Lockyer, The last volume 146 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. - - - -.e. in which he illustrates, by simple experiments, the motions of the heavenly bodies, and other facts. Boys and Girls in Biology is the title of a book based upon the latest lectures of Prof. Huxley, written by Sarah Hackett Stevenson, in an attempt to interest young people in the study of the lower forms of life. The attempt is well carried out, and not only young peo- ple, but many older people will get from the book a very good idea of the first principles of this comparatively new science, and have their appetites whetted for more knowledge on the subject. Nature and Life is translated from the French of Edward Papillon. It is a volume of essays in untechnical language, embodying the latest discoveries in physics and chemistry. In the Popular Science Li- brary we have an Outline of the Evolution Philosophy, translated from the French of Dr. M. E. Cazelles, by Rev. O. B. Frothingham. General Sherman’s work is nearly ready, and will appear in a few days, in two volumes. It is not a complete autobiography, having to deal less with the author than with the public events with which he was connected. It begins with his appointment as second lieuten- ant in the army in 1840, and about one-fifth of the work only relates to events prior to the beginning of the war. It is thought that the work will disclose some things not before made public and that it will provoke much criticism. However that may be, it will no doubt be an important contribution to the history of the war. Henry Holt & Co. have published, under the title of English Portraits, a translation of a number of Sainte-Beuve's critical sketches of noted people. The author has an almost won- derful genius for delineating character, and his pen-pictures are as nearly perfect as pos- sible. Another novel from Mrs. Alexander, entitled Ralph Wilton's Weird, is published in the Leisure Hour Series. It is one of the prettiest love stories we have ever read. There is but little plot and but few characters, but the prominent ones are very pleasant acquaint- ances, and the story is full of those little artistic touches which are more easily admired than described, and which characterize all of Mrs. Alexander’s works. Another volume in this series is just ready, with the laconic title Mr. Smith, by L. B. Walford. It was published in London some time ago, and met with great favor. Taine's Notes on Paris, elegantly printed and bound, is just ready. This is a delicately humorous book of observations on French society, presenting very amusingly, but with much good sense, its follies and foibles. The penetration of the critic, the elegance, which the author displays in his other writings, and a keen sense of the humor. ous, have been freely drawn upon to make a most enjoyable book. It purports to be the ‘‘ Life and Opinions of Frederic Thomas Graindorge,” special partner of Graindorge & Co., oils and salt pork, collected by Mr. Taine, as his executor. • --- G. P. Putnam’s Sons have become the pub- lishers of the Rev. O. B. Frothingham’s ser- mons and writings, and have issued a new revised edition of his Religion of Humanity. New editions of his other works will also be issued, and his sermons are to be printed semi-monthly. The first volume of the series of Brief Biographies has been issued in a handsome large square 16mo of 360 pages, prepared by Mr. T. W. Higginson. This series, condensing the important parts of many vol- umes into one, promises to be very handy and . useful. This initial volume is devoted to English Statesmen, and contains extended sketches of Gladstone and Disraeli, and of sixteen of their associates. Many prominent statesmen are omitted from this volume, but will be sketched in the next, to embrace the English Radical Leaders. Seves Throughout Na- ture, by Antoinette Brown Blackwell, com- prises papers on “Sex and Evolution,” “The Trial by Science,” “The Alleged Antagonism between Growth and Reproduction,” “Sex and Work,” and the “Building of a Brain.” The last three have been printed before, the others are new. They are all prepared with much care, and should command attention. How to Make a Living, by George Cary Eggles- ton, is an eminently practical book, and the reader will find in it many wise suggestions and much sound advice on The Value of Money, The Duty and Danger of Making Money, The Choice of a Business, Marriage and Business, How to Live on Your Income, What to do with Savings, Life Insurance, etc. That useful volume to book-buyers, The Best Reading, has been revised and brought down to a later date. Though not perfect even in “best reading,” the care with which it is compiled makes it more useful to the librarian or collector than a complete cata- logue. - From A. D. F. Randolph & Co. we have the fifth volume of The Biblical Museum, contain- ing the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Seven General Epistles, and Revelation. Sunday- school teachers and Bible students will find these volumes of great service. The other new books from Randolph & Co. are a second edition of Katharine S. Macquoid's Through Normandy, and an Oxford prize essay on The Philosophy of Natural Theology. The former, though an excellent guide-book to the picturesque towns and interesting points of Normandy, is also something more, contain- ing much interesting historical fact and le- gendary lore. It is finely illustrated and fur. nished with a map and an “Index for Travel- ers,” giving railroad fares and hotel prices, The prize essay is by the Rev. William Jack- son, and is written to confute the skepticism of the present day. It is elaborate, Strong, and scholarly, and will commend itself to thoughtful readers. Sheldon & Co. have published a new volume of Spurgeon's Sunday and Tuesday evening sermons, under the title of Types and Em THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I47 blems ; and have just ready Justin McCarthy’s romance, Paul Massie, first published in Eng- land anonymously; and the announced story of the American navy, entitled Love Afloat, by J. H. Sheppard. Paul Massie is a work of much merit, crowded with romantic incidents and artistic sketches of character. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have published a new and cheaper edition of Headley’s Sacred Mountains ; and a collection of hymns, chants and lessons for church worship, compiled by the Rev. W. T. Eustis, and entitled The Ser- vice of Praise. Among the books soon to be issued by the Scribners is a cook-book for every-day use, by Marion Harland, to be called Breakfast, Lwmcheon and Tea. The next Bric-à-Brac volume will be The Personal Remi- miscences of Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes. The former was the companion of the Princess Charlotte, the latter the friend of Greville, and both had the best of opportu- nities for gathering gossip. - --º ºr - BosTon, May 1, 1875. There is but little of interest to chronicle of news in the book world. Trade is slow, new books are scarce, and the preparations for the summer are on a small scale. Estes & Lauriat have published, in a hand- some octavo volume, William Forsyth's His- tory of Lawyers, Ancient and Moderm. The work is full of instruction and of much more inter- est to the general reader than the unthinking would suppose. Probably no one is better qualified for the task of writing such a his- tory than the learned and accomplished author of the Life of Cicero, and the History of Trial by Jury. Among the subjects treated are Theory and Nobility of Advocacy; the Bar in the Middle Ages; and Roman Law, Lawyers and Courts. The nature and working of the Athenian courts are dwelt upon at Some length, and a long chapter is devoted to the noblesse de la robe of France, of whom the author writes in high praise. Of the profes- sion in France in former times, he says, “No- where has it achieved a prouder position.” But the history of the laws and the modes of dispensing justice from those “former times" to the present is full of curious interest. We are told how Alphonso, in 1038, appointed two champions to determine by the sword whether the Roman law should be introduced in place of the civil code, and how the civil law cham- pion was beaten, and the old custom cf apply- ing through an advocate to the court for a rule mist, to enable one to settle an “unpleasant- ness” wiih his adversary, is explained with much am using detail. To Advocacy in England is also devoted a long chapter, but that on France is more interesting, as it is more novel. Noted trials are alluded to by way of illustra- tion, and there is a fund of entertainment in the volume, aside from its undoubted legal and historical value. - What Young People Should Know, just pub- lished, is a work for unprofessional readers; on Sexual Physiology, by Professor Burt G. Wilder, of Cornell University. It does not pretend to be at all complete or exhaustive, lºut presents in small compass the principal facts on the subject, which the author thinks should be in the possession of all. His reasons are fully set forth in an appendix, and a second appendix contains a lecture by Prof. Claude Bernard on the Resemblance between Embry- onic Evolution and the Evolution of Redinte- gration. The illustrations and much of the text of the book are derived from standard works on the subject. Estes & Lauriat have put An- thony Trollope's Sir Harry Hotspur and Mrs. Morton's Old Sir Douglass in the new style of pearl cloth binding with black stamps. Above Suspicion, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell, is promised this month; also Jettatrice, a novel from the French of Madame Augustus Craven. William F. Gill & Co. have projected two new series of books, which bid fair to become popular. The first is a cheap series of octavo volumes, to be known as the Vadé-Mecum Series, and to contain short stories, sketches, etc., each volume being complete in itself. They will be just the thing with which to while away the odd half-hours on the cars and at the summer resorts. Mr. Gill's, excellent literary tastes may be depended upon in the selection of the best material. The first two volumes are promised in May. The other series will be called the Treasure-Trove Series, and its volumes are to contain selections from the cream of English literature. The publish- ers announce them as the arabesques of mod- ern English literature, and the announcement is fully justified by the selections already made. The first volume, entitled Essay, will contain Lamb's “Poor Relations,” Howells’s “Mrs. Johnson,” Bret Harte’s “Boonder,” Thacke- ray’s “De Finibus,” Dickens’s “Birthday Celebrations,” Hawthorne’s “Custom-house Officers,” Aldrich’s “A Young Desperado,” and a dozen others of equal merit. The sec- ond volume, Story, will contain the best speci- mens from Dickens, Mark Twain, Lover, Lever, Hawthorne, Hood, Artemus Ward, Barham, Jerrold and Goldsmith. Arsene Houssaye's letters on French society, under the title of Life in Paris, are nearly ready. They have been much praised, are bright and lively, and thoroughly reflect so- ciety in the French capital. This firm have in preparation a Souvenir of Bumker Hill, to contain an historical account of the battle of June 17, 1775, with portraits of the promi- ment actors and illustrations of the scenes of the battle. - J. R. Osgood & Co. have issued Sea, in Indus. try, by Azel Ames, Jr.; Whip and Spur, in the Saunterer's Series, by George E. Waring, Jr.; a second volume of Problems of Life and Mind, from G. H. Lewes ; a household edition of Owen Meredith’s poetical works; two volumes of Little Classics, Comedy and Childhood ; and two fine quarto art volumes. The first is the 148 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Warrative of Le Moyne, who accompanied the French expedition to Florida in 1564. It is translated from the Latin, and iliustrated with heliotypes of the engravings taken from origi- nal drawings. The second book of illustrations is Evamples of English Media’val Foliage and Colored Decoration, taken from buildings of the period from the twelfth to the fifteenth centu- ries, with descriptive letter-press, by James Kellaway Collind. Mr. Ames, the author of Sea, in Industry, is a Commissioner of the Massa- chusetts Bureau of Labor. His book is a plea for working-girls, and gives many interesting facts, the results of careful and extended in- vestigations. Mr. Waring was colonel of a Missouri cavalry regiment during the war, and in Whip and Spun" he gives us some readable stories of life in the army. Mr. Lewes writes of “Problems” which deeply concern every one, and should engage the attention of every thinking mind. He writes clearly, and it is a pleasure for those who are at all interested in the controversies of the day to read his books. Osgood & Co. have just issued Thansatlantic Sketches, by Henry James, Jr., a book of travel in France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hol- land and Belgium, differing from most books of travel in being more reflective ; and The Wreck of the Chancellor and Martin Paz, two stories by Jules Werne, now translated into English for the first time. For early issue are announced Saxe's Leisure Day Ithymes ; a vol- ume of poems by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; Greg's Rocks Ahead, or The Warnings of Cas- sandra, printed from the second London edi- tion, and containing a reply to his critics; and a summer tourist's book, by Wilson Flagg, en- titled Birds and Seasons, a companion volume to Woods and Waysides of New England. Two more of the Little Classics are also on the stocks, to be called Heroism and Fortune. Browning's new volume, Aristophames' Apolo- gy, is nearly ready. Henry L. Shepard & Co. will publish in May, Spring Flowers, by Edward S. Rand, Jr., a cheap and useful manual for the culture of flowers, uniform with Window Gardening; Songs after Sunset, a volume of poems by Frank W. Lantz; and Achsah, a really charm- ing story of New England life, by Rev. Peter Pennot, whose identity has been a subject of much inquiry among the readers of American FIomes. The owner of the mom de plume is Mr. Wm. F. F. Rounds, Paris correspondent of the JBoston Globe. w D. Lothrop & Co. have printed a new edition of David Masson’s British Novelists, formerly published by Gould & Lincoln, and but little known by the readers of to-day. It comprises four lectures, somewhat expanded, delivered in 1850 before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh. The subjects are The Novel as a |Form of Literature and Early British Prose Fiction, British Novels of the Eighteenth Cen- tury, Scott and his Influence, and British Novelists since Scott. The author is regarded as one of the most entertaining critics of the fect picture of the Spain of to-day. time, and though much has been written on these subjects since this volume was first pub- lished, it is still not only valuable but pleasant reading. Lothrop is printing new editions of Dr. Francis Wayland's Salvation by Christ, and of the Diary and Correspondence of Amos Law- 7'670C6. Ilee & Shepard have published a noteworthy book on Spain and the Spanian'ds, by N. L. Thieblin ; a volume of Essays AEsthetical, by George H. Calvert; Warrington’s Manual; and a novel by Katharine Sedgwick Washburn, entitled Perfect Love Casteth out Fear. The latter is a story of a society flirt and her trials. There are some strongly marked characters, and the book will please ninety-nine in a hun- dred of the army of novel readers. Mr. Cal- vert’s Essays are written for cultivated minds, being thoughtful in tone and elegant in style. Among the subjects are Dante, Carlisle, Sainte- Beuve, The Usefulness of Art, The Beautiful, Poetry, and Style. Mr. Thieblin visited Spain for the N. Y. Herald, and his book on that country is certainly one of the best ever writ- ten. It is full of graphic descriptions, amus- ing adventures, and solid information. To the untiring perseverance of the journalist, Mr. Thieblin united the judgment and observation of the scholar, and he has given us a very per- The work was first printed in England in April last, and all the English journals have been enthusias- tic in praise of it. Nasby’s Abou Ben Adhem has been delayed, but will soon be issued. Two new juveniles are also announced for this month—the first by Oliver Optic, entitled Ocean Born ; or, The Cruise of the Yachts, to be published in the Yacht Club Series; the other by Elijah Kellogg, entitled Wolf Run , or, The Boys of the Wildermess. A book on Childhood, by Rev. W. F. Crafts, the well- known Sunday-school laborer, is in active pre- paration. Mrs. Miller's cook-book, In the Kit- chem, will be published in quarto form and interleaved. The advantage of this shape is that it permits the book to lie open, a point which every housewife will appreciate. The new books from Roberts Brothers are Musical Composers and Their Works, by Sarah Tytler; Our Sketching Club, by R. St. John Tyrwhitt; and Philip Gilbert Hamerton's book for boys, Harry Blount. The first is full of entertaining, gossipy sketches of music and composers, which will be enjoyed by all who have any taste for musical literature. Owl' Sketching Club is the series of papers under that name which have been printed in Old and Ne?0. It is a narrative of the sayings and doings of a supposed sketching club, and conveys much practical instruction and many useful hints. The lessons and woodcuts in Ruskin's Elements of Drawing are reproduced in the volume. Harry Blount is just such a book as the average boy delights in, full of stirring out-of-door scenes, hunting and boat- ing adventures, and field sports. Though sen- sational and absorbing, it is healthful and en- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. nobling. Edward Abbott's Paragraph History of the United States will be issued in a few days, also A. Sheaf of Papers, by Thomas G. Appleton; Madame Récamier and her Friends, and William Morris's Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems. Mr. Appleton's volume com- prises papers on a variety of subjects, such as “Art Chat,” “The Future of America,” “The New England Conscience,” etc. Some of them are essays, others are short tales. A few have appeared in Old and New, but most of them are printed now for the first time. Madame Récamier is from the French of Madame Le- normant, and supplements her previous work. The Defence of Guenevere is new here, though it was printed in London in 1858. There were many objections made to it then by the Eng- lish critics, but since the production of The Earthly Paradise, Morris is better understood, and his earlier poems will now no doubt be appreciated on both sides of the Atlantic. James Campbell has prepared a new edition of The History and Philosophy of Marriage; or, Polygamy and Monogamy Compared. It was first published anonymously several years ago, and gave rise to much comment. The author has somewhat amended the book, and also taken occasion to reply to several of the re- views which he thinks merit his attention. The publisher has been induced to reprint the book from the fact that recent inquiries have been made for it here, and several large orders have been received from abroad. --~m- PHILADELPHIA, May 1, 1875. There has been but a slight improvement in trade during the month, and the new books are few. The movement to secure retail prices is watched with much interest by our booksellers, who in these dull times keenly feel the loss of any portion of their legitimate, profits. The suicidal policy of giving dis- counts to everybody was inaugurated in the days of brisk trade, and though the competi- tion has been kept up with much spirit, the experience of the past eighteen months has made them almost unanimous in their desire to return to retail prices. The Messrs. Lippin- cott would not sign the agreement known as the twenty per cent. rule, because they be- lieved the many exceptions it contained would afford too much opportunity for its evasion. They declare, however, that they are in favor of the principle, and they propose a more stringent rule, namely, that all books should be sold at the published retail price, the only exceptions being a maximum discount of twenty per cent. to be allowed to libraries and School teachers on any amount, and to other buyers outside the trade purchasing not less than $100 net at one time. The most of the miscellaneous booksellers here will agree to this plan, but school-book publishers object to it on the ground that they are obliged to give greater discounts to school boards. The reli- gious book houses argue that clergymen should be excepted, not only because they are large buyers, but because of their influence in creat- ing a demand for books—an argument that does not apply to doctors and lawyers. Mean- while, all except medical books are being re- tailed at from twenty to forty per cent. dis- count. The medical book publishers agreed last September to limit discounts to those out- side the trade to ten per cent., and the agree- ment has been faithfully adhered to. They complain, however, that the medical book publishers of New York are retailing at twenty per cent., and sometimes even better rates. The longest list of new books comes from Lippincott & Co., who have issued, since my last, the third volume of the new edition of Prescott's Charles V. ; a volume by Charles Ingersoll, entitled Fears for Democracy, an extended and able work on The Recent Origin of Man, by James C. Southall; a new and con- siderably enlarged edition of Philadelphia and its Environs ; a novel by Mrs. Forrester, en- titled Dolores; and one by Helen King Spang- ler, entitled The Physician's Wife. The latter is a bright and pleasant story, rather better than the average society novel, of the day. Mrs. Forrester's Dolores is a romance of Eng- Iand and Normandy, with pretty characters and an interesting plot. Readers of Fair Women and From Olympus to IIades will find Dolores quite as entertaining as either. Mr. Ingersoll's Fears for Democracy is a critical discussion of the -principles of governing by the people, regarded from an American stand- point. The author commences with democ- racy at the time of the Revolution, shows how it was regarded in the Federal Conven- tion, and how it finally became established ; the advantages and disadvantages of the sys- tem are pointed out, and the dangerous apathy of the people and other sources of weakness commented on at length. Though severe on the mistakes of the system, Mr. Ingersoll, on the whole, takes a hopeful view of it, conclud- ing that we have more prosperity than the men of ’87 hoped, more democracy than they feared, and more of both than we can account for on any other principle than that the people are meant to take care of themselves. At this period of our history the book should have a wide circulation, and it is well calculated to have a wholesome effect. The Lippincotts have nearly ready a sensational novel by Mrs. J. H. Twells, entitled The Mills of the Gods ; The Green Gate, a romance from the German of Ernst Wichert, by Mrs. A. L. Wister; and The Mystery; or, Platonic Love, by Mortimer Lightfoot. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have pub. lished a Practical Guide to the Determination of Minerals by the Blowpipe, by Dr. C. W. C. Fuchs, Professor in the University of Heidel- berg, translated and edited by T. W. Danby, M.A., F.G.S., Fellow of Downing College, Cam- bridge, Associate of the Royal School of Mines, etc. The work is valuable as a guide for those who are not skilled chemists, but who have a I 50 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. fair knowledge of the science. There are many more elaborate works for skilled experiment- ers, but this is one of the few practical books for students and amateurs. During the month of April the energetic firm of T. B. Peterson & Brothers issued a new editions of The Mysteries of the Court of the Stuarts, a fascinating historical romance from the pen of William Harrison Ainsworth; The Haunted. Tower, an absorbing novel by that deft weaver of entrancing stories, Mrs. Henry Wood; The Bride of an Evening, or the Gipsy's Prophecy, a thrilling romance, and The Island Princess, or the Lady of the Isle, a strange, weird story, both from the pen of Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth ; The Mysteries of the Court of Queen Amme, another historical story of court secrets by Ainsworth ; and The Betrothed, by Sir Walter Scott, being the sixth volume of Petersons' twenty-five cent edition of the Waverley Novels. Petersons will publish The Mystery of Dark Hollow, edited by Mrs. Southworth, and will reprint Dumas' Annette ; or, The Lady of Pearls. Annette is the companion picture to his Camille. Their other announcements are Bertha's Engagement, a new society novel by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; and Popery Eaposed, by F. P. De La Gattiner. The latter volume treats at length of the people and government of Rome, and of the life of the present Pope. The Discarded Daughter, and Virginia Magda- leme ; or, The Thoo Sisters, both by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, are Volumes Seven and Eight of Petersons' new and uniform edition of the complete writings of Mrs. Southworth. Anne of Geierstein will be the seventh volume of the cheap edition of the Waverleys. The Presbyterian Board of Publication have lately published God's Rule for Christian Gie- ing, by Rev. Dr. William Speer, Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Education; and a story with a moral, entitled Farmer Tompkins | and his Bibles, by Professor Willis J. Beecher, of the Auburn Theological Seminary. . Dr. Speer is a very pleasing writer and the author of a work on the Chinese Empire, which Sec- retary Seward pronounced the best ever writ- ten. In his last book on giving, the rewards and penalties connected with money, the duty and blessings of giving, the Divine will con- cerning the use of riches, the necessity to civ- ilization of supporting christian observances, are treated at considerable length, and much interesting matter is introduced by way of illustration. The volume is a very useful one for preachers, and may be very profitably read by laymen. Professor Beecher's book tells how a young man gave up his ideas of free thinking, under the shrewd, common sense arguments of Farmer Tompkins and his home- ly, but forcible illustrations. It is a capital book for young people whose self-conceit leads them to skepticism. Porter & Coates' new books have all been noticed in previous letters. They are Days ... Near Rome, by Augustus J. C. Hare, in which | In the month of May the we have charming descriptions of localities in the suburbs of the ancient city, many of which are overlooked by the majority of tourists; Social Science and National Economy, by Profes- sor Thompson, editor of the Penn Monthly, and the work on the Origin, and Laws of Storms, by Professor William Blasius. Though emi- nently scientific, it is written for the popular reader, and is by no means dry reading. An- other cook-book is promised by this firm, pre- pared by Mrs. S. T. Paul, and to be called Cookery from Eaperience. As the last cook- book is always the best, this of course will not be an exception. The promised new series of essays by J. Hain Freswell, to bear the title The Better Self, is also promised in May. The readers of the author's The Gentle Life will. gladly welcome the new volume. The author says in his preface, that the book “ by no means concerns the best self or the highest ideal, but simply that move upward towards. Something a little higher than that dead flat upon which we have of late settled.” Porter & Coates have in preparation a History of the Progress of the United States during the First One Hundred Years, by Benson J. Lossing. - Q Lindsay & Blakiston have lately issued the fourth edition of Mayne's Medical Vocabulary, an excellent reference book for students, giv- ing an explanation of technical terms and phrases used in medical science, their deriva- tion, meaning, application, and pronunciation. This edition is so much changed from the former one as to be almost a new book. Re- dundancies have been omitted and new terms added, and the work has been considerably enlarged. The fifth edition of Carpenter's work on The Microscope and its Revelations has also been issued. It is a heavy volume of 850 pages, with 25 plates and 450 woodcuts. The work goes over the whole field, and is designed quite as much for amateurs as for profession. als. Where scientific terms are used, they are explained, subjects are suggested, and sugges- tions made as to the selection and use of the instrument. Walton’s Treatise on Diseases of the Eye has been re-written and enlarged, and a third edition is issued, with several colored plates and 300 woodcuts. A smaller work is Bradley's Manual of Comparative Anatomy, third edition, revised by Mr. G. Legge Pearse. This is a work for the profes- sion, embracing the whole range of subjects, and giving, concisely, the important facts. Henry C. Lea has published a Manual of Diet in Health and Disease, by Dr. Thos. King Chambers, of London. A good idea of the nature of the work is given by the author in his preface. He says: “The aims of this hand- book are purely practical, and therefore it has not been thought right to increase its size by the addition of the chemical, botanical, and industrial learning which rapidly collects around the nucleus of every article interesting as an eatable. Space has thus been gained for a full discussion of many matters connecting food and drink with the daily current of Social THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 1 5 I life which the position of the author, as a prac- ticing physician, has led him to believe highly important to the present and future of our race.” The author has given us a very inter- esting book on a very important subject. The business of the late Wim. B. Evans, which has been conducted for the estate by his brother, Robert M. Evans, has been pur- chased by S. T. Souder & Co., who intend in connection with the subscription business to publish books for the trade. For next month they announce Did She do Right? by the author of Wanted—4 Pedigree, and other novels which have been very popular; and a new edition of T. DeWitt Talmage's Crumbs Swept Up, a racy, vigorous, and highly enjoyable book. –––––––––––º º- pertuary. SAMUEL R. WIELLS. .* The well-known phrenologist and pub- lisher, Samuel R. Wells, died in this city, April 13th, of typhoid fever. in West Hartford, Conn., in 1820, was edu- cated as a physician and received his diplo- ma, but never practiced. Early in life he became interested in the subject of phren- ology, then in its infancy, and applied him- self to its study. He became a partner in the firm of O. S. & L. N. Fowler in 1854, and in 1860 accompanied Mr. L. N. Fowler to Europe on a lecturing tour. Shortly after his return he took entire charge of the business, which has since been in his name. He was an active worker as a writer and in the lecture field, a conscientious stu- dent, widely read and of many and varied attainments. His kindness of heart won him many warm personal friends, and his fearless advocacy of temperance and of other social reforms secured him the re- spect and esteem of the public. JOHN HARPER. Mr. John Harper, the senior partner of the firm of Harper & Brothers, died at his residence in this city, April 22d, at the age of seventy-eight years. He was the second of four brothers and with his elder brother James was at an early age appren- ticed to printers in this city. After serv- ing their apprenticeship, they set up for themselves under the firm-name of J. & J. Harper, and soon after began to publish for themselves. Joseph Wesley Harper was admitted to the firm in 1823, and soon after the youngest, and now the only surviving brother, Fletcher, became a partner. In 1833 the name was changed to Harper & Brothers. The life of John Harper has been a very active and useful He was born. One, and to his energy and shrewd busi- neSS Sagacity is. largely due the success of the house. In the early days of the old firm he worked at the case, while his brother attended to the press-work. When the new firm was formed he became finan- cial manager. He was firm and decided in his character, quick to form an opinion and slow to change it, kind in his manner, and conscientious in the performance of duty. The brothers were always in har- mony and strongly attached to each other. The stibject of our sketch was much affect- ed by the death of James a few years ago, and since that time has not taken an active part in the business. A few years ago he suffered a paralytic stroke, from i which he never entirely recovered. Sev- eral months ago another stroke completely prostrated him, and he gradually sank until his long, active and bonorable life was closed. - JOSEPH E. BABSON. + Mr. Joseph E. Babson, better known in the literary world as “Tom Folio,” died at his home in Wyoming, Mass., on the 19th inst. He was born in Gloucester, where he resided for many years, but was little known outside of his immediate cir- cle of friends. At one time he kept a bookstore, but does not seem to have been successful in business, and for some years he has lived in the vicinity of Boston in the retirement of a literary recluse. His love for literature amounted to a passion, and though he was constantly studying the old English writers, nothing new es- caped his attention. He wrote much for the Boston Transcript, and the quaint and entertaining contributions of “Tom Folio” were always appreciated by its readers. He contributed occasionally to the Atlantic and Old and New, and was for several years Boston correspondent of the BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE. He was most successful in bring- ing to light unrecognized papers of the old authors, a work for which he was peculiar- ly fitted by accurate taste- and unerring judgment. He collected such a volume of Charles Lamb's writings, known as Eliana; two volumes of Leigh Hunt's wri- tings, entitled respectively A Day by the Fire and other Papers, and The Wishing Cap Papers; and Fireside Saints, by Doug- lass Jerrold. He has also compiled a vol- ume by Steele, which is soon to be pub- lished under the title of The Lover, and other Miscellanies. At the time of his death he was busily searching for other writings of Leigh Hunt and Lamb. I 52 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Tom Folio." In “A Day's Pleasure,” in Mr. W. D. How- ells' Suburban Sketches, the author thus felici- tously describes the late Mr. J. E. Babson : “Our friend there—he's everybody’s friend, if you mean nobody’s enemy by that, not even his own—is really what I say—the most literary man I ever knew. He loves all epochs and phases of literature, but his pas- sion is the Charles Lamb period and all Lamb's friends. He loves them as if they were living men; and Lamb would have loved him if he could have known him. He speaks rapidly and rather indistinctly, and when you meet him and say good day, and you sup- pose he answers with something about the weather, ten to one he's asking you what you think of Hazlitt's essays on Shakespeare, or Leigh Hunt’s Italian Poets, or Lamb's roast pig, or Barry Cornwall’s songs. He couldn’t get by a bookstall without stopping—for half an hour, at any rate. He knows just when all the new books in town are to be published, and when each bookseller is to get his in- voice of old English books. He has no par- ticular address, but if you leave your card for him at any bookstore in Boston, he's sure to get it within two days; and in the summer time you’re apt to meet him on these excur- sions. Of course he writes about books, and very tastefully and modestly ; there's hardly any of the brand-new immortal English poets, who die off so rapidly, but has had a good word from him ; but his heart is with the older fellows, from Chaucer down ; and after the Charles Lamb epoch, I don’t know whether he loves better the Elizabethan age or that of Queen Anne. Think of him making me stop the other day at a bookstall and read through an essay out of the Spectator I did it all for love of him, though money couldn’t have per- suaded me that I had time ; and I’m always telling him lies, and pretending to be as well acquainted as he is with authors I hardly know by name, he seems so fondly to expect it. He’s really almost a disembodied spirit as concerns most mundane interests; his soul is in literature, as a lover's in his mistress's beauty.” - ----------------- - ---nº e º ºs-----------—- J_iTERARY AN ID TRADE JTEMs. & A volume of Swinburne’s “Early Poems ” is soon to be published. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued a new edition of Headley's Sacred Mountains. May Agnes Fleming’s new novel, A Mad Marriage, will soon be published by G. W. ('arleton & Co. T. Elwood Zell is actively engaged in the preparation of his U. S. Business Directory for 1876, which will embrace all cities and towns : of a population of 3,000 and upwards. It will also contain the U. S. Customs Tariff, arrang- cd for handy reference. Peck & Snyder's new illustrated price list of games and sporting goods is the most com- plete catalogue of the kind ever printed. Noyes, Holmes & Co. have in preparation a new book by Rev. Dr. Burr, a sort of summing up of his views as set forth in his previous works. The Presbyterian Hymnal, the first edition of which was issued by the Presbyterian Board of Publication in September last, has reached the enormous sale of 900,000 copies. Johnson, Wilson & Co. have sent us speci- men pages of their new history of the United States, to be issued in semi-monthly parts. It is written by Benson J. Lossing, and is to con- tain over five hundred illustrations by Darley. Wilson, Hinkle & Co. announce Harvey's Primary Speller and Graded School Readers. The latter, five in number, are prepared on the most approved plan, by Professor Thomas W. Harvey, and the publishers have done full justice to their worth in illustrations and general appearance. A new edition of Sanderson's Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence is to be issued next winter. All the plates of the original edition will be retained, but much documentary and detail matter will be omitted, reducing the work to about 800 pages, without impairing its value. - A. D. F. Randolph & Co. publish Philip's Scripture Atlas, a handy little 32mo, contain- ing twelve colored maps, illustrating the geography of the Old and New Testaments. They are very complete, and the little volume is not only compact and convenient, but re- markably cheap, retailing for twenty-five CentS. - The “Nothing to Wear” controversy bids fair to be revived in the publication by G. W. Carleton & Co., of another book by the young lady who claimed the authorship of that clever poem. The new work, which is entitled The Woman Zoe, carries the same stinging, sa- tirical rebuke as did the poem “Nothing to Wear.” The Congregationalist, speaking of Sunday- School books, says : “The pious “memoirs' of a former generation were most of them good for nothing, aud we do not blame the Sabbath-school children, then or now, for let- ting them alone. They were artificial, con- strained, and often morbid. They were neither true to life, nature, nor godliness. If biographies must be of that sort, it is better to have none.” The Fret-Saw has become quite popular, both as a source of pleasure and of profit, and a cheap book of designs has been in great demand. Such a book has been published by Henry T. Williams, 46 Beekman St., New York, containing plates of over 125 designs for picture-frames, brackets, work-boxes card- receivers, and fancy articles of every descrip- tion. Many of the designs are original, while others are from the prettiest Swiss and Ger- n] an models. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I 53 Paul H. Hayne's volume of poems is nearly ready by E. J. Hale & Son. It will bear the title of The Mountains of the Lovers, with Poems of Nature and Tradition. The novel of the month is Mrs. Stowe’s new novel, We and Our Neighbors, published by J. B. Ford & Co. It is a sequel to her previous story, My Wife and I, the principal characters of which are again introduced to the reader. It is liberally and very prettily illustrated by Fredericks. - t The National Temperance Society have issued a Temperance Cyclopædia of Anecdote and Illustration, prepared by Rev. Dr. J. B. Wakeley; and two very pretty books for chil- dren—Norman Brill's Life-Work, by Abby Eldridge, and Paul Brewster and Son, by Helen E. Chapman, both designed to illustrate the evils of intemperance. Lee & Shepard have published the third re- vised edition of Prof. Schem’s Statistics of the World, containing, in addition to the con- tents of the former editions, a table of the principal creeds of the world. These statistics of government, religion, commerce, money, weights and measures, railroads, telegraphs— in short, of everything at all likely to be of interest, are most ingeniously tabulated for convenience, and in no other form can so much valuable information be secured so cheaply. The Catholic Publication Society, New York, announces a new series of school books, to be known as “The Young Catholic’s Illustrated School Series,” and to include all the books needed in a graded school. A Primer, a Speller, and six Graded Readers are already issued. They have been com- piled with much care, are prettily illustrated, and are probably in matter and make-up the best books of the kind in the country. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, announce on last page that Mrs. Ann S. Ste. phens' new society novel, Bertha's Engage- 'ment, will not be published until Saturday, May 8th, and the Mystery of Dark Hollow, edited by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, until Saturday, May 22d, on account of the large orders pouring in for them from all sec- tions of the country. Both of these books will no doubt command large sales, as they are both entirely new, and are printed from the authors’ manuscripts. & for EIGN JLITERARY NOTES. A society has been formed in Oporto, for the purpose of reproducing the best ancient and modern Portuguese works ; the first issue is a very fine edition of Camoëns, illustrated by Doré. The French Academy has elected Edward Sabine, the English author, Corresponding Member for the Class of Geography and Navi- gation, in place of Antoine Marie Remi Cha- Zallon, deceased. - M. Thiers is occupied in writing a “History of Art,” from notes collected during his re- cent tour in Italy. Victor Hugo's new book, La Légende des Siècles, is nearly ready. The author is correct- ing the proofs. They say it will be a very re- markable work and contain three new dramas of great power. w The illustrious Danish writer, Hans Chris- tian Andersen, entered his seventieth year on April 2d last. He is not at all in good health, but hopes are entertained that he will pickup strength during the summer months. The King and Queen of Denmark sent him pres- ents, and the Crown Prince paid him a visit. The Princess of Wales, with her usual grace and thoughtfulness, sent him flowers from England and a pretty letter of congratulations. A lady, in a private letter addressed to a friend in New York, thus describes George Eliot, the great novelist: “I lunched with the T s the other day, and amongst their guests was George Eliot, or rather Mrs. Lewes. . She is by no means handsome or agreeable. She looks like the picture of Lorenzo de Medici, with very large, thin features and possessing penetrating eyes. She dresses plainly but well, neither in nor out of fashion. Her manner is not at all pleasing; it is abrupt and harsh, and indeed I was altogether so little agreeably impressed by her, that, admir- ing her works as I do, I took quite a dislike to her and was sorry I ever met her. The dis- illusion was too great.” - -———---sº Auction PRICEs of RARE AUToGRAPHS Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hedge held a sale of autographs, in London, on the 17th of March. The most valuable brought the following prices :——Addison, £24 ; Duke of Buckingham, £11 10s.; Lord Byron, £11; Robert Burns, £60; Catherine of Arragon, £43; Charles II. of England, £6: Lord Chesterfield, £5; W. Cowper, the poet, £5 12s. 6d.; Thomas Cromweli, £88s.; George Cruikshank, £2 10s.; Earl of Leicester, £15 15s.; Queen Elizabeth, £82; another, £15 15s.; Earl of Essex, £10; Sir John Falstolf, £5.7s.6d.; Henry Fielding, £3 6s.; J. Flaxman, £4; Garrick, one É52s. 6d.; the other, £9; Charlotte de Grammont, £4; Lady Hamilton, £4; Henry VII., £7; Henry, Prince of Wales, £34; T. Hobbes, £10; D. Hume, £7 15s.; James II., of Scotland, £22; James Stuart, £15 10s.; another, £13 5s.; Dr. Johnson, £5 15s.; Lord G. Keith, £2 16s.; Mary Tudor, £8.1 ; Mary Stuart, #265; another, £57; John Moore, £8 15s. ; Lord Nelson, £13 10s.; Thomas Payne, £5.7s.6d.; A. Pope, £8.2s. 6d.; Sir Walter Raleigh, £33; Sterne, £20 ; Earl of Strafford, £25; Charles Stuart, 970; J. Thom- son, £20 10s.; Lord Tytler, 4210 5s.; Earl of . Warwick, £10; Wellington, £11 10s.; John Wesley, £5 5s.; Cardinal Wolsey, £12 10s.; Sir C. Wren, £10 5s. I 54 THE AMERICAN Books;LLERS GUIDE. RUSINEss CHANGEs. At Suffolk, Va., A. Graff, newsdealer, is suc- ceeded by George T. Parker. - At Nunda, N.Y., T. W. Russell, newsdealer, is succeeded by J. R. Bowen. - At Memphis, Tenn., R. W. Woodford, news- dealer, has sold to W. Hunter. At Herkimer, N. Y., H. R. Davis, newsdeal- er, is succeeded by Wm. Hollor. Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, have removed to 678 Broadway. Mr. Ernst Leucke has become a member of the firm of B. Westermann & Co., N. Y. • At Union Springs, Ala., I. J. Prim, news- dealer, is succeeded by G. A. Carmichael. At New Rochelle, N. Y., J. L. Eckhard, newsdealer, has gone out of the business. J. M. Keep, stationers’ hardware, has re- moved from 8 Dey st., N. Y., to 110 Liberty st. Charles D. Pratt, stationer, has removed from 41 Maiden Lane, N. Y., to 451 Broadway. At Florence, Iowa, Reeves Bros., booksell- ers, stationers, and newsdealers, are succeeded by A. C. Reeves. At Grand Ledge, Mich., Schumaker & Sink- bam, newsdealers, have been succeeded by A. B. Schumaker. - - At South Bend, Ind., Smith & Holloway, booksellers and stationers, have made an as- signment to Marshall P. Chapin. At Evansville, Ind., Brandis & Meadows, booksellers and newsdealers, are succeeded by A. S. Patrick, formerly of Rome, Ga. Jordan Bros. is a new firm of dealers in old and new books at 327 Walnut st., Philadel- phia. They also intend to publish handbooks. At Columbia City, Ind., R. W. Dodge has purchased an interest in the news business of Warren Mason, and the firm is now Mason & Dodge. At Worcester, Mass, Hammond & Wads- New York, worth, manufacturers of stationery, have dis- solved, and the business is continued by E. Hammond. . At Mansfield, Pa., Ridgway & Cole, station- ers and newsdealers, have dissolved partner- ship. The business will be continued by Mr. L. A. Ridgway. - Henry Carey Baird, of Philadelphia, has ad- mitted as a partner Mr. J. Franklin Garde, and the style of the firm is changed to Henry Carey Baird & Co. . Messrs. G. H. S. Driver and Chas. I. Shepard have retired from the firm of Henry L. Shep- ard & Co., publishers, Boston, and the business is continued by Henry L. Shepard. s At Harrisburg, Pa., C. H. Bergner has as- sumed control of the book and stationery business of , the late George Bergner, and hereafter it will be conducted in his name. The firm of Wm. B. Evans & Co., publishers and booksellers, Philadelphia, has been dis- solved by the death of the senior partner. The business has been purchased by S. T. Souder & Co., by whom it will be continued at the old stand. At Jacksonville, Fla., Chas. L. Mather & Co., booksellers, stationers and newsdealers, have disposed of their newspaper business to E. B. Kellogg, who has been in their employ many years. - At Rome, Ga., Patrick & Omberg book- sellers and newsdealers, have dissolved part- nership. The business will be continued by Mr. A. Omberg, who assumes all liabilities of the late firm. At Auburn, N. Y., Elliot & Allardice, book- sellers, stationers and newsdealers, have made an assignment to Chas. O’Brien. Their news- paper business will be carried on temporarily by Frank E. Forbes. Mr. N. J. Bartlett, who has been for a year in company with Henry A. Young & Co., Bos- ton, has withdrawn from that firm and estab- lished himself in his old line, second-hand and rare books, at 28 Cornhill, near his old º The style of the firm is N. J. Bartlett Co. • At Cleveland, O., Mr. Stephen E. Brooks, has retired from the firm of Brooks, Schinkel & Co., booksellers and stationers, and George H. Rose has been admitted as a partner. The firm-name remains as before. Mr. Brooks will continue the stationery business at the old stand of Brooks & Co., 137 Superior Street. —sº ºn------ ---------- Music Not Es. A new opera-house, covering twenty-five acres, is talked of in London. The National Hymn and Tume Book is a new collection of music suitable for the opening and closing of schools and other assemblies. Published by Ditson. The Cincinnati Musical Festival commences May 11th, and is to continue four days. The programme is a good one, and the performers include some of the best talent in the country. The Orpheus, published by G. D. Russeil & Co. and Wm. A. Pond & Co., contains much entertaining music and art gossip, and excel- lent selections of new vocal and instrumental music. Henry K. Oliver, the author of the familiar hymn “Federal Street,” has made a collec- tion of the best of his hymns, chants, sen- tences and motets, and it is published by O. Ditson & Co., under the title of Original Hymn Tunes. Mme. Pleyel, the pianist, has bequeathed by her will 10,000f. to the Association of Art- istes-Musiciens, and has ordered that her jewels shall be sold and the proceeds convert- ed into an annual income for the benefit of necessitous artists. It is rumored again that we are to have an American College of Music, founded and lib- erally endowed by a wealthy gentleman of New York. Although national in character, it is to be located in this city, in a magnifi- cent building to be erected on the site of Bar- num's Hipparome. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. I 55 Ditson & Co. have published a volume of German four-part songs for mixed voices, with English words, edited by N. H. Allen. ...There has been a demand for just such a collection for choruses of mixed voices. The compiler has used excellent judgment, selecting largely from the modern German composers. Though not difficult, the pieces are full of character. Louis Meyer, Philadelphia, sends us Our Darling's Last'Good Night, a simple but affect- ing little song and chorus, by Adam Geibel; Ilove's Farewell, a very pretty ballad with an easy accompaniment, by Adam Geibel ; and The Echo, or Songs of Many Years Ago, a bright and airy song for soprano or tenor, by F. A. Kulling. Both the melody and the accom- paniment are quite charming, and the words are as pretty as the music. The first number of their new Violin and Piano Quarterly Journal has been issued by White, Smith & Co., Boston. It contains twenty pages of choice duets admirably ar- ranged from “Girofle-Girofla,” “Madame L’Archiduc,” Blake’s “Waves of the Ocean,” White's “O Restless Sea, l’’ and other composi- tions. One year's subscription, $2.00, will pur- chase eighty pages of the best violin and piano music. - Lee & Walker's list of new sheet music is rich in good things. Among them are Pearls of Dew, a very bright and showy composition by Gustav Lange, of Berlin; the prayer, How Shall I be Free ? and the Polonaise from the opera Ostrolenka ; also a waltz and a mazurka from the masked ball scene in the same opera ; and a number of pretty ballads, of which Dawn, a plaintive melody with simple accom- paniment, and Love Like Mine, by Victor Ker- atry, are especially noteworthy. Biglow & Main have issued another little Sunday-school Song Book, with the title Bright- est and Best. Of the three former books issued by this house, they announce that they have sold more than 1,700,000 copies, and this new book, if not what its name claims for it, is certainly as bright and as good as either of the others, and will probably have as large a sale. It is compiled by Rev. Robert Lowry and W. Howard Doane. The selections, though affording great variety, are all adapted to the wants of Sunday-schools, and are mostly new. -ºr sº- NEw SPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. The Beautiful World, published by C. E. Keith & Co., Boston, is the only magazine in the world devoted exclusively to poetry. It is issued monthly, and retails for 10 cents. The June number of Harper’s will contain the first chapters of Julian Hawthorne's new story, Garth. The People's Monthly, of Pittsburg, has been merged into the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. w The New York. Th’ibwºme celebrated its 35th anniversary on the 10th ult., by moving into its new building. The Plumbers and Gasfitters' Journal is a new monthly newspaper, published by Costi- gan & Nolan, at 34 Park Row, N. Y. Sub- scription price, $2 per year. The Free Lance is a new eight-page illus- trated weekly paper, published by A. M. So- teldo, Jr., New York. Price $2.50 per year, 5 cents per copy. Professor Donaldson, the enthusiastic bal- loonist, has started a four-page monthly paper devoted to Aéronautics, and appropriately called the Aërial. Price 5 cents. & One more instance of the poverty of authors is furnished by Canon Kingsley, whose person- al estate is sworn under $20,000. He leaves all to his wife, subject to an annuity to his chil- dren's nurse of $100 a year. This provision seems so slender that it almost seems a pity that the memorial to him should not in some degree at least take the form of a pecuniary benefit to his family. The subscriptions are, however, to be devoted to an object very dear to his heart—the completion of a chapel in a hamlet of Eversley (where he was rector over , thirty years), called Bramshill. Bramshill House is one of the finest mansions in Eng- land. It was built for Prince Henry of Wales, elder brother of Charles I., of whom the elder Disraeli writes with such enthusiasm, but whose early death prevented his living there. Dr. Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633 (the immediate predecessor of Laud), had the misfortune to kill a keeper in this park, a circumstance which created a prodig- ious ado at the time, though Clarendon does not allude to it in his bitter sketch of this prelate. Ever after the Archbishop kept the anniversary of this calamity with the strictest prayer and fasting. For many years this grand old mansion has belonged to the Cope family, whose circumstances have not enabled them to maintain it as it should be maintain- ed. When a large grant of money was made to buy the Duke of Wellington a seat, it was proposed to purchase Bramshill, which would have been worthy of that world-famed warrior and might have held its own with Blenheim even ; but ultimately a very poor purchase was made in Strathfieldsaye, not far distant, which has no grandeur of any shape about it.—N. Y. World, —- sº.-- *- -ºr-- was Dreka's Dictionary Blotter is a very handy and useful article, which will commend itself to writers at sight. Besides the pocket, and blotting pads which can easily be removed and replaced by clean sheets, it contains an alphabetical list of all the English words in common use that are likely to be misspelled, a table of participles, one of synonyms, and lists of Christian and of geographical names. 156 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The earliest dictionary of which any record remains is one in the Chinese language, com- piled by Pa-out-she, about B. C. 1100. Marcus Terentius Varro—who flourished B. C. 116– 28, was one of the first classic authors who turned his attention to lexicography; but the most celebrated dictionary of antiquity is the Onomasticon of Julius Pollux, which was completed early in the third century. The earliest Latin dictionary of modern times was published by John Balbi, of Genoa, in 1460; but that of Calepio, published 1502, is much superior. Sebastian Munster's Chaldee Diction- ary appeared in 1537; Pagninus' Lexicon of the Hebrew language in 1529; Robert Stephens' Thesaurus in 1535; Erpenius' Arabic Diction- ary in 1613; Shindler's Lexicon Pantagiottum in 1612; Edmund Castell’s Lexicon Heptaglot- ton in 1669; and Phillips' New World of Words in 1658. Moreri published his Bio- graphical, Historical, and Geographical Dic- tionary in 1673. Elisha Cole's English Dic- tionary appeared 1677, and Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary, and the Dictionary of the French Academy in 1694. Dr. Johnson's English Dictionary was completed in May '1755. Walker's Dictionary appeared in 1791 and Francis Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue in 1785. —sº-e Oe—º- & Robert Carter & Brothers announce, “Three Little Brothers,” by Emma Marshall; “Twelve Months in Madagascar,” by Dr. Mullens; “Missionary Life in Ashantee,” by Ramseyer and Kulme ; “Nurses for the Needy,” by L. N. R!; and “The Golden Chain,” by the author of “Memorials of Capt. Vicars.” Aft INDEx To ADVERTISEMENTS. D. Appleton & Co., Krusi's Drawing Books, etc. ----------------------- 2d page of cover, Sheldon & Co.—New Books - - - - - - - - - - 3d “ { { T. B. Peterson & Bros.-New Books.-4th “ { { Books Wanted and For Sale ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 174 Tandolph & English, Catalogue -------------. “ 174 Art of Canvassing---------------------------- “ 174 IBenjamin O. Woods & Co.—Novelty Printing Press. ------------------------------------ “ 174 E. & B.T. Anthony & Co., Perforated Mottoes, “ 174 Indelible Marking Paper. --...--------------. “ 174 Presbyterian Board of Publication. --...--... “ 174 Spencerian Pens------------------------------ “ 175 Gillott's Pens -------------------------------- “ 175 S. T. Souder & Co.—New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 175 Stencil Alphabet and Figures. ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 176 Sunday Reading for the Young - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. “ 176 Pittsburgh Book and News Company. . . . . . ... “ 176 R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books. . . . . . “ 177 American News Co.—Books and Stationery. ... “ 178 ‘The Literary News.-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 179 Dick's English Novels - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- “ 180 SELECT LIST OF TRADE MANUALS, USEFUL HANDBOOKS, AND Pllàr Miſſºllāīl; Wils —e-O-º- The following are being steadily advertised, and sell steadily and surely, though not largely. They are mainly specialties, and compete with no other stock. The publishers prefer to sup- ply demand through regular trade, but have to mail to some large towns. Dealers having inquiries for any of these books can order through the News. Companies, who are gene- ral agents: - - Watchmaker and Jeweler's Manual.-----...------ $0 50 Carpenter’s Manual (ready April 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . • 50 Painter’s Manual -------------------------------- 50 Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painting........... 50 Soapmaker’s Manual.---------------------------- 25 Horseshoer's Manual. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Slow Horses made East (system of improving speed, to which Dexter owes his supremacy. Endorsed by ROBERT BONNER, Esq.). --- - - - 50 Book of Scrolls and Ornaments.................. 1 ()0 Book of Alphabets (for Painters, &c.). - . . . . . . . . . . . 5() Common Sense Cook Book. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Detectives’ Club. --------------------------------- 25 Rogues and Rogueries of New York.............. 25 Tricks on Travelers..... ------------------------. 15 Night Side of New York. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Barkeeper's Manual (only professional work of the kind—standard authority of New York profession). -------------------------------- 50 Art of Training Animals. ---------------.... . . . . . 50 Guide to Authorship. ----------------------------. 50 Secrets Worth Knowing (1,000 recipes for profit- able manufactures, &c.). ------------------- 25 Phonographic Handbook......................... 2.5 Employment Seeker's Guide.--------------------- 25 Improvement of Memory. . . . ... --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Comicalities ------------------------------------- 25 Hunter and Trapper’s Guide. ------------...----- 20 Rapid Reckoning (system of the famous “Light- ning Calculator”) ------------------------- 25 Handbook of Wentriloquism (a really practical little guide, with examples for practice). -- . 15 Houdin the Conjuror----------------------------. 50 Taxidermist’s Manual. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Self-Cure of Stammering. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Home Recreations-------------------------------- 25 Spirit Mysteries lºxposed. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Handbook of Dominoes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Hair Ornaments (for jewelry and souvenirs. Sale of book very small). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Fun Everlasting:--------------------------------- 15 ſº. These books will give satisfaction to customers, and afford the usual profit. Order of your Wholesale House, Jºž"All the News Companies keep full stock. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERY GUIDE. Rook ANNouncements For MAY, D. APPLETON & CO., New York. * "The Nature of Light. By Dr. Eugene Lommel. 12mo, cloth. Illustrated. International Series. IEnglish Men of Science. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. 12mo, cloth. Life of General Sherman. By himself. With Map. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, $5.50; sheep, $7; half mo- rocco, $8.50; morocco, $12. Aerial World. By G. Hartwig. and engravings. 8vo, cloth. John Darrien. A Novel. cloth. Illustrated with maps By Julia Kavanagh. 12mo, A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. *Commentary on the New Testament. Lyuman Abbott. 8vo, 40.3 pp., half road. By Rev. H. D. BROWN & Co., Boston. "The Baptist Denomination. Centennial Edition. By Rev. D. C. 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Song and chorus. 30c. - How do I Feel? So, So. L. A. Nussbaum. Song and dance. 40c. Alone, I am Watching for Thee, Love. M. E. Church. Song and chorus. Lithograph title. 40c. Little Shining Silver Thread. Harry Bauks. Song and chorus. 40c. St. Louis Dip. N. Mahler. New dance. 35c. Thine is My Heart. H. Liebner. Op. 102. Mazur- ka. 50c. Tancredi Overture. Rossini. Only correct edition. 50C. ' Damascus Triumphal March. . Oratorio of “Naaman.” 60c. Jolly Brothers Galop. Arranged for 4 hands by J. W. Hertel. 35c. - Jolly Sisters Galop. W. Herte). 35C. St. Patrick’s Day. liant variations. 35c. M. Costa. From Arranged for 4 hands by J. Arranged by J. W. Hertel. Bril- BIGLOW & MAIN, New York. Brightest and Best. Rev. Robert Lowry and W. H. Doune. New Sunday-school Song Book. 160 pp., 35c. BOOSEY & CO., New York. Jenny in the Orchard. Hamilton Aide. 50c. Polly Waltz. Coote. 50c. Grand March of the Rajahs. De Nilbac. 50c. Round the World Waltz. 60c. Round the World Galop. 60c. Round the World March. 60c. Elliot’s Handy-Book for the Harmonium. $2. Dr. Spark’s Handy-Book for the Organ. Webbe's Mass in C. 25c. Wesley’s Gregorian Mass. 25c. $3. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. VOCAL. We're Going Home To-Morrow. P. P. Bliss. Gospel Song anu chorus. 30c. Boys Wanted. P. P. Bliss. Song and chorus. 30c. Poor Jilted Jonathan. P. P. Bliss. Song and chorus. 30c. Kiss Me Good-Night, Little Darling. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus. 35c. * Grand Columbia. R. Challoner. National Hymn. 30c. Reunion. C. C. Case. Song and chorus. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL. Bijou Polka. H. R. Hudson. 25c. Albani Schottische. H. R. Hudson. 30c. Brida 1 March. Wagner. . From “Lohengrin.” 50c. March of the Guards. Wagner. From “Lohen- grin.” 60c. La, Pensee, Blumenthal. 15c. Leaves in the Wind, Faust. 65C. Gaetana, Mazurka. Ketterer. 60. - D. P. FAULDS, Louisville, Ky. Fra Diavolo. Sydney Smith. Grand Fantaisie. $1. Looking Backward. Sullivan. Ballad. 40c. * Dreaming O'er the Past. Bonner. Ballad. Ele- gaut lithograph title. 50c. ſº Who’s at My Window ºf Osborne. Song. 50c. Silent Rose. F. Abt. Song. German and English words. 35c. Fete Hongroise. Sydney Smith. Mazurka Elegante- 65C. - Dublin Bay. Barker. Ballad. 30c. Fäirest Flower. Cox. Song and chorus. 35c. Wandering Jew. Burgmuller Valse Brilliante. 60c- I'll write You a song of My Father. Ward. Song. 30c. H. N. HEMPSTEAD, Milwaukee, Wis. Clinton Waltz. G. W. Lovejoy. Waltz, 30c. Oh, Think of Me: T. M. Towne. Quartet for mixed voices. 40c. - What Should Malce Thee Sad, My Darling # D. C. Addison. Song and chorus. 40C. e B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. The Lay of the Ferryman. Bouquet Series. 10c. Eternal Father, Protect Them : Monroe. Oh, Chase That Anger from thy Brow ; Bark- cr. 10C. Rankine. Song. Oh, Take Me to Thy Heart Again : Balſe. Hungarian March. As played by the Gipsy Band. 15c. - IEE & WALKER, Philadelphia, Vale or the Canisteo Waltz. G. Schroeder. Piano. 30C. - Emerald Grand March. E. Mack. Piano. 30c. 166 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE "There’s Millions in It. E. Mack. Piano. 35c. Come Forth, My Love. C. H. S. Dolby. Song. 40c. By the Stream. F. Campana. Song. 40c. Dawn. W. Gabriel. Song. 35c. Pearls of Dew. Op. 77. G. Lange. Piano. 65c. A Stream of Golden Moonshine. C. H. S. Dolby, Song. 35c. After a Short Rest. E. Strauss. Polka for Piano. 30c. “Crystal March. S. E. Norcross. Piano. 30c. -Jealousy is Want of Sense. C. Lecocq: Song. 30c. Girofle-Girofla Waltz. E. Strauss. Piano. 75c. La Jolie Parfumeuse Waltz. C. Coote. Piano. 75c. You Never Miss the Walter Till the well Runs Dry. R. Howard. 35c. ..ſillarney. Balfe. Song. 30c. -General Hancock’s March, New edition. Win- . Der. 40C, Blue Bird Echo Pollra. Now edition. Mrs. Morri- Son. 30c. - “Girofle-Girofla. Potpourri. Cramer. $1.25. Hazelwood Waltz. Miss Nettie Askine. Piano. 30c. Neophogen Chimes. Mrs. Addie A. Walton. Piano. 40c. Too Late Too Late : Miss M. Lindsay. Song, 30c. Kathleen Mavourneen. F. N. Crovet. Song, 30c. Wait Till the Moonlight Falls on the Water. Baguall. Song. 30c. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. The Echo. (Near a Placid Lake). Kulling. Song, 50c. First Loss. (Erster Veriust). Kulling. 35c. The Floweret. (I)as Blümlein). Kulling. 40c. ICathleen. Kulling. Humorous song. 35c. Little Marguerite. . Kulling. Humorous song. 35c. Sway the Cot Gently. Besford. Song and chorus. 35c. - - Love’s Farewell. A. Geibol. Ballad. 35c. “Our Darling’s Last Good Night. A. Geibel. Song and chorus. 35c. The Lerd is My Shepherd. A. Geibel. Anthem. $1.50. . Pilgrim Chorus. (Tannbäuser). A. Loumey. 20c. Serenade. Schubert. A. Loumey. 20c. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Tncrease of Crime. Arranged by Sep. Winner. 30c. Starry Night for a Ramble. Song and chorus. 30c. Waiting at the Well. Samuel Bagnal. A. Nish. 30c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Te Deum in A. J. Nevitt Steele, Jr. 60c. JDream of Love. R. Wilmers. Song without words. 400. - Adieu, My Love: R. Wilmers. Song without words. 40c. E. Liebich. Caprice. JBubble. Magruder. Waltz, 50c. Toilet. Magruder. March. 40c. Tteſlection. J. Harry Deems. Organ. Mazurka Graziosa • Dr. Keuser. 50C. Don Juan. Burgmuller. Easy arrangement. 40c. 3Heart : Say, why Dost Thou Languish : Gumbert. Song. 60c. Musical Box, 35C. 35c. Instrumental. TH E |CINCINNATI News Company, No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, AND - News-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEw York, Boston, PHILA. DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI houses, as soon as issued, at - Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also on hand A LAF G E STOC PC STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Forcign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-Lists, containing list of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE Stationery MARKET, Trade is improving, and, compared with other branches of business, is very fair. Our advices indicate a etter feeling East and West, and trade prospects are much brighter than a month ago. Prices are firmer, and no further decline is looked for. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer's Advertisement ............. 10 00 “ 1,000, “ t ( { % . 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, Qnd 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º te e * * * * * * g e º 'º tº e s e e º & 28 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. 28 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 30 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 30 “ 8EC0ND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24 Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . & sº e º ſº tº is is e e s º is 㺠º ſº e de 24 Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko... . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 { % § { $g No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, ............. . . . . . 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw....... . . 9 to 12 ctS. { { & ſº rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 16 { { {{ “ good to first-class...... ... . . .15 to 20 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. * - QUIRE. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.24 Demy, 15 by 20, “ * & e º e º e º e tº e º 'º e º gº e º e º a tº º 36 Medium, 17 by 22, “ e e º 'º a º tº dº e e s is e º e s sº e º e ºs e & 48 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º 'º e º 'º' 60 - WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Demy, 15 by 20, “ e = < e < e < e < e < e < * * * * * 80 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº e s tº $ 1 15 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº sº tº e s is tº 1 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ . . . . . . . . tº e º e º s e e g º e I 80 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ . . . . . . . . ... tº e º e º º 2 25 Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 60 { { Colored, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * e º ºs º gº dº ſº Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e e º e s a tº gº e e º e º e º ſº º ſº 75 Medium, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 26 Bristol Boards. REYNOLDS” AND OTHERS. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 { % 3 {{ { { © tº e º o © º º e tº º e º e 70 { { 4 { { { { e e s 6 tº e º e * * * * e º 'º a ge tº e 90 Demy, 2 . “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº € $ tº 75 { { 3 { { { { º & * * © tº tº e * º tº º ſº º I 15 { { 4 { { { { tº e º 'º º tº dº tº e º is º gº tº e & Cº º I 50 Medium, 2 & a - { { * g gº º is tº & :- • * * * & 1 00 4 & 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { 4 § 6 { { e & © tº sº tº e º & tº g º e º 'º e is e s & 2 00 Perſorated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per doz. 7 00 Blotting Paper. - Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Quarto ‘‘ “. . . . . . . . * * * * tº º . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Ink. David's Stands, in 4 gross boxes, per gross........ 7 20 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... 1 00 { { 8 tº 1 ‘‘. . “. . . . “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 David’s Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. .... . . . . . . . . 2 80 4 & Quarts, 1 “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 80 Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. Stafford's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per groS3........ $7 20 5 Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 $ 8 { { “ Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 4 & & 4 { { Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65. ( & { { “ Stands, per groSS... . . . . . ... 5 40. “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 35. { { “. . Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 25, Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { & 4 ASSorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. ..... tº e º 'º a s e g º º 90: “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... 1 25 { { { { { % 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ..... & º 'º e º e º 'º e º e s tº e 2 25- { { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 { { . ( : No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15. ${ { { No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz. .... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ............ . . . . . . . . 2 00 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00: Peerless School and Counting-House: Ink. BLACK WIOLET WRITING. INK. IN K. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. .. 50 $6 00 $4 75, Pints, “ { { “ . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { “ . . . l 60 2 00 1 75. 4 oz., {{ { { “ . . . 90 1 13 I 00, Stands, 24 oz., in 3 doz. boxes . . . . 45 60 60. MIucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00, “ 8 ounces, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 50° “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 “ Quarts, { { e g º ºs º ºs e º is º • * * * * * * * e s e ... 7 00: Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 38, { { § { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 50: Silliman's No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87. $ $ No. 2, tº . “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12. { { No. 1, { { “. . . . . . tº 6 tº e º e s is as as s º ... l 25. {{ Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 { { Mechanics', “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 00, Flat Glass, 2+ inch, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10. { { 3 {{ 4 & • . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25, { { 3+ “ - “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { 4 { { ( & e tº º tº it tº gº º e tº tº tº I 75. Air-tight Inks, Small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . T 75 { { “ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00: Whitncy's Air-tight, No. 1, $123 No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50. Draper's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3............ ... 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from..............75c. to $1.12 per doz. Steel Pensa American News Company’s No. 1170. ... $0 50. { { { % { { School, No. 51 .... 30. { { { % { { Extra Fine, No. 333. ... 50 { { { % { { “ § { No. 444. . . 50. { { { { { { Quill, No. 76. ... 50 { { { { 4 § Falcon, No. 48.... 50 t iſ § { i ( Bank, No. 14.... 50, § { t{ { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50. { { & 4 ${ Albata, No. 11.... 50 Gillott's Pens, No. 303...... * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 { { “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4 & . “ No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 72 { { ** No. 351 ... . . . gº & s e º e º e º s = e s = e º e s is a s is ... 65. Washington Medallion Pens ........ tº ſº º & e º $ tº ſº º e e 90 Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “. . . “ in 3 groSS boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10^ subjeca To FLvoTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. I68 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Lead Pencils. Fºrº. Glº, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Bone, ordinary qual *::: CXà OD { { - © - © & * * * - e. uali b & r . ; º ( & 6 º' - a • e º s . e. e. e º e º 'º - º e º 'º - ; º } #. Q { { y, e onyºkºrºs; ; ; ; § { - e e o e o 'º e º e e e - e º e e tl|] Ogºl Il R © e : Drawing fºx, Pºz.:::::::::::: ; ; Mahogany boxes, “ . . . 6 O() to 18 00 Eage, ºººººº.... * : *.*.*.*.*.*.*. {{ #ead, “ ................... .... 50 | Rose Tint ºper, Pºº. #:::::::: I6 ºut, and Green riºd................. : . Duchesse. ... . . . . . 18 Red, pººr gross. Fabeºs.......... ....... I ºf Backgammon Boards Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... i 15 §. 2 in nest, per nest º s = e e º e º º ( & • e º e º e º e e s e º e º . e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. tº º Pen-Holders. º 3. DG . e - e. e º e & C & tº e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 º Accommºdation, Flººd, per groSS... . . 45 Full sheep, tº ºst, per nest........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 - Swell { % - e ºr e º e º 'º e º ºs e & * e tº e e & e e < * * * * e º º 5 00 French Tip, per gross....... e © º & e ‘. . . . . . .';; 75 - - £one, per doz • * * * B & is tº e º e º & ............: ::::: ; ; BOX WOOd Checker-Wºlen. Pocket Reversible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... iś . . Ma l W , per doz tº e º e - © e e s e e s e º a s e o e º e º s º 1 50 Slat ... ........15c. to 60 | Maple Wood, plain, per doz. . . . . . . . . . ... I jã - al ©Se & e º 'º e º 'º - e. e. e. e. g. e Round C C. Chess-MHen. ind corners and, Frames,; § 3. per doz...... ; {..., German, perdoz. ..... ... $6 25 to 24 00 . . º 6 by 3, “ ...... : stanton, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .# 33 to 59 gº & & - & 4 $: #y #. º e e º e º º 72 Crayo º, is* * * * * g e º e º e º e e e 30 00 (O 48 00 y ‘. . . . SO tº INS ubbers { { { { { { } • * 3. et C. & & 4 & { { § $ #. - - - - - - 1 00 Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . º 15 y ... . . . 1 20 - Ç assorted colors, per gross...... Slate Pencils Stationers’ Rubber, 20, 30, 4 º .*.*. gross...... 1 00 Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 i e per lb .. , 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., º * C. : - - • e s e e s e e s e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e e o e º e º e º e º e German Slate Pencils, e tº .. • * * * !. e "...#; ific. to º Rubbe i.º. Pencils, per groSS,............ e e I ; German Patent Slate, in white Wood, per groSS.. ... 1 50 {{ { { *; inch, assorted, per gross......... . . 1 50 - Silicate Boolk Slates. & 4 “ 3 “ & & . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 Pocket, interly’d º SLATE l’ENCIL, Portfol ... . . . . . . . . 3 60 r , Interly with Calendar. 3+ by 5% i - - Olios. Companion, { { y gilt title, º # º peºdoz. ; 50 Letter Size, per doz s & © - - - - - - - Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by si in. “ 10 | Cap “ “ . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . .... S6 00 to 18 00 Silica, interly'd, surfaces, 5 by § in... “ : ; rocket-soo........ 8 00 to 2400 Mineral, “ 6 “ 7 byli in. “ 6 00 Sheep, per doz cket-Books. Daily Memora d º tº. LEAD PENCIL. - Calſ, y … . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - * * e e :*: ; to 4 00 all) al, ld QI' W’d ilt 2 r Q 3 ± ass In it: - roccº º ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- LO 8 00 Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 8 .# § : ºpe. Oz. 1 65 º Morocco, per doz. ... tº º e º º e º e e ... . . 1 50 to 6 00 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in. “ ; 98 ---, ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 to 20 00 * title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches 31 Stereoscopes • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * ~ * º No. 27 W. l tſ - e Cash, ruled and dollar col º sº . . . . . 3 30 7, Walnu rame. Imit. Rosewood Hoo J inches, per doz . . . . . º* , 10 pages, 3% by 5} 3 30 . º º: º: * { d, per loz, ; § olºrida, without àojīarines, ió pages,~ *. º rame, Mahogan {{ & & *d § inches, pèrdoz. ... .ºº pºsº, 33 by #º º & & ( & : ; N.B.-For other styles and sizes see sui &rAiogue 3 30 , Tulip frame, Tulip { { { { 23 00 NEnvelopes per Thousand. - e Tin C & The rºm our eterss an...sizes. 2. 3. .4 5 6 in ºse, ºh, Perº: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 #º. . . . ; ; ; ; ...; ; ; ; ; l. ... . . . . . . . . . . ...Y e - e º 'º .... ... - * cuu.) ) & C .................. - - - - - cº rº' ºr uſ! . . . . . . . . XX . . . . . ::::: ::::: ; : I 60 School and C - ... . . . . 4 75 Fine . - - - - - .xx ..... ..... ..... i #0 i ; Size ounting-House Htuiers. *::::::::: e e e s - e º sº a s i ; ; ; school, per doz. ... ...sº 13. 13, 2, 24 - : . . . y vºy" e • tº e tº e º 'º e * c e s e 1 50 1 85 Counting-El * - e º º* • * * * * 0 1. 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Buſſ.....×× . . . . . g-House, per doz. ... $250 tº Can xx I. * & © e º & 2 00 2 50 - tº 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 |EX. Fine ...: e & tº º r e = * * 2 00 2 50 Quills §j. xx . . . . . . . : ; ; ; Quilº, N.; period. e Buſt ... XXX s º - e - : $2 65 •) 80 2 50 * { No. } { { * - • * * * * * * e º s c e º e º ºr e • - e º e º º 60 Ex. Fine Cº . . . . . : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . 75 - ...: ... ... ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; }; º Gold...×XX . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 § 3; “ No. 60, “ ..................... • * * * * * * I 65 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. Sl 45 3 35 * * * * * * * * * * * * e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35 $ tº : Sl 4; $ 65 89 2 00 2 45 * - - ,, . . . . . . © ...: i § J. 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 Ital QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. . . . . . . . . . 4* ... 2 10 2 35 Py alian, per doz. box “... Baronial..... XX 3 65 3 35 .... 2 70 320 | Portabic, “ ises ........... * * * * * e s a • . . . . . . . . 2 75 Manilia ... . . . . . . . . . . X & e e º e ... . ... 1 05 'i'30 Large, & 4 C & * * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 25 Playing Cards. 49 || Office, ( & « ..................'......... ; : Propeller per doz. ... * e º e º e 75 #. { { ... e & © e e º & • * ~ * * * * * * * * * } ; T ty Blakalº Books. ighlander, { { e e s e e s a tº e º 'º e = * * * * * * he variety is so great we can hardly give pri #jor players, “ ............ ............ 2 10 | Say, Halſ Bound Cap Blan' argy give prices. Mogul, #.” , , ........................ : ; 'Fuji { { ! Hanks, per Aure:::::::: º 25 Moguls. Ent * * * * * * * e º ºs tº e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e a e O Imitatio i: * ... . . . .30c. to . To #. * º • * * * * * * * * * e º e º e º e º e º 'º - º e : % º and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 5 Teuchre, { { • * * * * * * * * * • - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 iſe RRA Oran Ill. Moguls, “ ............... * * * * * * * * * 4 05 12mo, per doz. ..... duna Books. 'Gold Eagles, 4 & te • * ~ e º e º te & g e e º e º & tº ~ * - e - 6 30 8vo, º: & e - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 to I 35 Goldfaced Moguls, “ ................. ....' 1, #|}. ::::::::::::::::: & © e. e. e º ſº e 9 : ; ; ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . emy, {{ © e - © tº e º e º tº dº s e e e º e < e º e to 3 50 SUBJECT T • * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * e e º º 2 00 to 3 00 w O FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 169 *----- ~ * * * * * lº THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experiente in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, We feel satisſled there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ‘ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 24.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties senqing. 4th–The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. 6th. – We do not send New Papers and .Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to owr dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.-EBvelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. |POSTAGE TO NEWSMD]EA LERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, “ . . . Three “ { { PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preſerable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : - - [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DKAR SIRS,-Inclosed find $.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : 20 Ledger. - 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 5 Leslig’s Budge' of Fun. 19 Fireside Companion. - Yours truly, ºf 0f this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : - [Form 2.] -- THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - tº CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e s e s e e o e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º ºs e º 'º e e º e s sº & ... . . . making in all 22 I Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper...... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ { % 6 3 New York Weekly........................ e e e º e º e e º 'º e º a tº º º * * * * * * * * * * * g e is e e is • . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ‘‘ 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . . . e e is e º e s = * * * * * * * * e º e o e º e s e º ºs º ºs = * * * * * * tº s e s e e s e º e s e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * s ( & { { 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 3 CUT OFF– . 2 Waverley. ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner............... e * * * e º e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e e e tº * * * * * * -- . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 7 1 Demorest’s Illustrated Moºthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ {{ 4 Send following in ſirst bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. - - w 1 Fach Fvery Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Euch Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. - Yours truly, - When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city And the last date the change was made. Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, 17o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Wholesale and Retail Prices. [F New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a $2. Trade Ret Price. Commercial Bulletin. . . . . . . . . 8% Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% N. York Courier des Etats Unis 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. .......... 2% New York Evening Express .. 3% New York Evening Mail...... 134 New York Evening News..... % El Cronista..... Messager Franco-Americain... 4% New York Evening Post..... . 3% ë e º & ----------1 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . Advance (The) Albany Law Journal.... American Gael (The)... . . . . . . American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . American Protectionist ..... 7 American Publisher... . . . . . . . 4% American Republic .......... 3 American Sportsman..... . . . . 7 American Union............. 4% Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . . . . Arcadian. . . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . 7 Army and Navy Journal . . . . .11 4 º e º e º Atlantische Blaetter ... . . . . . . Ave Maria e e s a e e e s e e º e º e º e º e 7 Banner of Light......... .... 6 Baptist Union . . . . . . . tº e e º e º e & 3% Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4. Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 ©Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . s e e s e o e s a s 8 Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Boston Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 Boys' Own ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Brooklyn Sunday Review..... Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% Canadian Illustrated News.... 8 Capital... . . . . . . . . . ge e º e º e º e º & 4 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Catholic Standard............ 4% Challen's 19c. Novels........ 7 Christian Advocate and Jour- nal Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Christian Intelligencer . . . . . . . 7 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother ... . . . . . . . . .11 Christian Register ... . . . . . . . . 6 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 Church and State. . . . . . . . 6 Church Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Church Weekly.... . . . . tº º sº as º e 6 Churchman (The)... . . . . . . . . . . T Coal and Iron Record. . . . . . . . . 7 Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .20 Commonwealth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Country Gentleman. . . . . . . . . . 4. Courier desetats Unis . . . . . . . 9 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . :; # . 10 A I L Y PA P E J R S - • Trade Ret. Price. New York Evening Post...... 4 New York Evening Telegram. 1% New York Evening Witness .. 34 New York French Messenger. 3% New York German Democrat. 2% New York Herald...... * * * g e ge 3% New York Journal Commerce. 5 ©New York Journal (German) 1 S E VII = W E E K L Ye New York Express. . . . . . . . . . . 3 New York Journal of Com.... 5 WW I E E K L. Ye Danburian..... tº e g º 'º e º ſº tº & © tº ... 3 Danbury News Das Neue Heim........ . . . . . . Day Book.... . . . . e ‘º e º e e tº $ tº º e º 'º º tº tº º ºs e º e º ſº e tº 7 3 Day's Doings................ 7 Demokrat (German)......... 4 Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . ........ 5 Dwight’s Journal of Music.... 8 Emmett's (Robert) Songs.... 13 Economist........... . . . . . . . . 9 Educational Gazette.......... 7 El Espejo (semi-mo.) ........ 18 Engineering and Mining. Jour- mal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Examiner and Chronicle...... 4% Farmer’s Home Journal..... 4 Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . . 4% Forest and Stream. . . . . . 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 & 4 “ Lady’s Journal. 7 § { ** Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3% § { “ Chimney Corner 7 & 6 “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) ... .. 7 { { “ Young American 4% Freeman’s Journal........... 4% Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Girls and Boys of America... 3% Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . ... 7 Harper's Bazar ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Heart aud Hand.... 3 4 Hearth and Home..........'... 4% Hebrew Leader...... . . . . . . . . 7 : Hebrew News. . . . . . . . ge e s sº e º e 7 Herald (California).......... 4% Herald (European).......... 4% Home Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illustrated Weekly .......... 6 Indepeudent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6% : ; Those the prices of which have Trade Ret, Price. New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% 3 New York Star........... ... 1 3-102 New York Sun.............. 1% 2 New York Times ............ 3% 4. New York Tribune...... . . . . . 3% 4 New York World... .......... 3% 4 The Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 l New York Times ............ 3%. 5 New York Tribune........... 3%. 5, New York World ............ 3% 5. Index (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Inventor's Internat'l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator... . . . . . . . . . •... 7 g=º Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 18. Irish American . . . . . . . . . . .... 4 5 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Jewish Messenger............. 8 * == Jewish Times ...... e e g º e º 'º e e 12 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 10. Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Living Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 18 L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 *º. L'Unione dei Popoli (Italian). 9 12 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 12 Medical Independent......... 4 6 Medical Record.... . . . . . . . . . . 8 IO Medical Times............... 10 *=== Memorial Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . I2 15 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.)....... . . . . , 6 8 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Methodist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Moniteur de la Mode . . . . . . . . .22 tºº-ºº: ©Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I2. Nautical Gazette............. 7 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation . . . . . . ........ 7 10 New York Albion............ 7 10 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . 7 I0 New York Family Story Paper. 434 – New York Journal (German). 4% 6 New York Ledger............ 4% 6 New York Observer ......... 7 tºº New York School Journal. . . . 5% I New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — New York Varietics.......... 7 10 New York Weekly........... 4 6 News ſrom Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16) Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 — People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº e º 'º e º 6. Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 tº- Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 •=- Philadelphia Weekly Press ... 4% 6 Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3%. 5 Pilot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 6 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6%. 10 Police Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T0. .THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 171 Trade Rot. Price. “ People (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 — Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 Pomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 © Prairie Farmer... . . . . . . ... 4 * Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . tº e g º e º e 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 gºs Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 15 Railway Times • e • e s - e. e. e. e. * * * * 7% Real Estate Record .... . . . . . . 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 Richardson's Weekly ........ 3% Rural New Yorker. . . . . . * e º a tº San Francisco China News.... 10 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Night....... . . . . . . . 4% Saturday Star Journal........ 4 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- . Iſla D J . . . . . . .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Scientific American.......... 5% Scotsman (The)........ ... - - - 5 Scottish America Journal... 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 Singers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Skandinavische Post....... . 4. South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Spiritualist at Work ...... 5 Am. Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 Advance 10c. Novels . . . . . . 6% { { “ Song Books... 5 { { ** Hand “ . . 5 Agriculturist (English)...... 9 Agriculturist (German)...... 9 Amateur... . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 7 American Antiquarian . . . . . . . 28 American Artisan...... . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers' Guide. 5 American Brewers' Gazette. 35 American Builder. ... . . . . . . .23 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review.20 Potter’s Am. Monthly........ 28 American Home8. . . . . . . . . 14 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 American Journal of Health and Medicine...... e tº e º e º s & 7 American Journal of Philately. 9 American Journal of Phono- graphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 American Law Register...... 40 American Miscellany ... . . . . . . 15 Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 American Naturalist......... 24 American Odd Fellow . . . . . . . .17 American Stock Journal . . . . . . 7 American Sketch Book...... 35 American Tales.............. 8% American Turfman........... 15 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . .28 Architectural Magazine . . . . . . 38 Archives Medical Science . . . .35 Arthur's Home Magazine..... 14 Atlantic Monthly............ 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers' Magazine........... 35. Bankrupt Register...... . . . . .38 Beadle's Publications : Dime Books ............... 6% t ( ** 100 or over. ... 6 & & “ 300 “ .... 5% Song Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 & 4 ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% “ “ 1000 “ . . . . . 4 10 10 W .E. E. K. L. Y. — Con Linued, Trade Ret. Prico. Stockholder...... ... * * * * * * * = 7 10 Sunday Citizen .............. 3% — Sunday Courier....... & © tº gº e s a 4 wº- Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 434 — Sunday Democrat.... . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Pispatch ...... ... . . . 7% – Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * 2 * Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 434 — Sunday Mercury............. 7%. 10 Sunday News............ . . . . 3% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — Sunday Presse.......... . . . . . 2 e-º-º-º: Sunday Staats............... 2% — Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 sº-º Sunday Sun (New York)..... 3% — Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... 3% — Sunday Times .......... . . . . . 6 7 Sunday World. ........ . . . . . 4% — Sunny South............ . . . . . 4% 6 Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 The Echo.......... .... ... . . . 4% — Thompson's Reporter ........ 6 tº- Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf............ -- - - 9 I2 Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10 RT O N T H II, Ye Beekeepers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 g-mº. Blackwood's Magazine ...... .28 35 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 Boys of America.... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Carriage Journal ... . . . . . . . . .22 25 Catholic Record ... . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 ©Catholic Total-Abstinence .# Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% * --> Catholic World . . . . . . . . . . . .33 50 Cassell's Magazine (mo. parts).20 30 Church Monthly............. 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 *E*- Coin Chart Manual........... 23 * Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 Comic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Bon's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 I}omestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 10 g- Demorest's Magazine. . . . . . . . .20 - Demorest's Young America... 7 - 10 Dental Cosmos ........ ... .22 * --> De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 dº De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ... . . . . . . . . 10 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . • - - - - - - - - 6%. 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 10 15 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 * > Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . . 35 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 El Sur Americano (semi mo.).10 Exchange Market . . . . . . . . . . . Favorite (monthly parts)..... 18 -º-º: Floral Cabinet...... . . . . . . ... 8 10 Folio (Musical)... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 * 50 Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 Trade Ret. Price. Tho Model.... is e º e º e s tº º e º & tº dº & 1% smsº Union Advocate tº e º º º º . . . . . . . 2% tº- Universe. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 {} Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . 1% — Washington Chronicle. Illus- trated) . . . . . . . . • e º ſº tº e º e & e 7 10 Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal . . . . . ... 8 10 Waverley Magazine..........11 15 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 ſ Weekly Express ............. 3%. 5 Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4. Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Weekly Mail. --.... . . . . . . . . . . 3% # Weekly News.............. ... 3% 5 Weekly New York Journal... 4 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 6 Weekly Post................. 3%. 5 Weekly Staats Zeitung ..... ... 3% 5 Weekly Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4. Weekly Times............... 8% 4. Week'y Tribune ............. 3% 5 Weekly Witness............. 2 3 Weekly World............. ... 3% 5 Wild Oats...... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 15 Woman's Journal.......... • • 6 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 I0 Yankee Blade ....... tº º e º sº e º e 3% ºf Youth's Companion...... . . . . 3 5. Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 10 50 Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls' W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 — & & “ Budget of Fun...10 15 {{ “ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 50 46 “ Lady’s Journal (mo. parts)... 30 40 { { “ Lady's Magazine - (mo. parts)...27 35 ( & “ Pleasant Hours.10 15 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Gardener's Monthly.......... 16 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed.,8-mo) 8 15 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5% iO, Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6%. 10 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Godey's Lady's Book........ .21 s== Golden Hours......... ...... 14 15 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Good Words. ............... 19 25 Grand Army Gazette . . . . . ... 7 10. Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 * Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . .33 50 Hall'8 Medical Adviser . . . . . . 6 10. Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 º Harper's Magazine ... . . . . . . . 28 35 Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 50 Herald of Health............. 16 15 Historical Magazine..........55 75. Holbrook's U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 Holloway's Musical Monthly. .30 40 . Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25. Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25, 35 Hub (The)............. . . . . .23 85. Illus. Household Mag........ 6 10 lndustrial Monthly.... ...... 9 : 15 Industrial Record. . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 8. { { “ (with Supplt).37 tº Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 Insurance Times . . . . . . . . . . . .22 30, Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . . .22 sº lnsurance Gazette ..... . . . . . .40 + Intornal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 10 Jolly Joker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 172 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. MIo N T H L Y— Continued. r Trade Ret, Trade Ret. Trade Ret. . - C0. Price. gº rice. Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40 50 | Revue de la Mode. ......... monthly)...... ........... 7 - 10 | New and Old Friends ........ 6% — Richardson’s Weekly monthly * . New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 20 Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6 — New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 * La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 | New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 | Sailors' Magazine . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 Lady’s Own Magazine ....... 14 — | New York Musical Gazette ... 6 — | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Lady’s Repository.... . . . . . . .27 35 | Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . tº gº ºs e º º ... 7%. 10 | Saturday Journal (parts)... . .18 – La Mode Elegante............ 38 50 | N. Amer. Journ. of Homeopathy85 — | Schoolday Magazine. . . . . . . . . cº- Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 | Nursery (The)........... . ... 10 15 Science of Health....: . . . . . . . .14 25 #.º. tº gº e º e º “.3% º obstetrical Journal .......... 37% — Sºº's Mirrºr of Fashion.....38 50 e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Oli Optic’s Magazine 20 25 Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Little Corporal...............10% 15 §. º: gaZl D6 . . . . . . 26 3. Sillim an’s Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 Hiterary isºelany...........?" * | *.si.ºsitº, i. |Sºuthern Magazine ..........?? § Literary World..............l.1 -º-, rnum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73, 6% Sportsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 & “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | {..., Lippincott’s Magazine........ 27 35 tº ioct. Songs, i' to 108. 5* 10 Star-Spangled Banner . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 “ ific Rom . lesi to 24 S}4 15 Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Locke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 T | Our Friend §: ..” “ Suuday Magazine............ 18 25 London Family Herald.......18 º, 0 r j § thl y). . 26 35 St. Nicholas................. 19 * London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 50 Overland Montaly.... . . . . . . . * Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 — | Painters’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . .11 15 2.'r Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 — | Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 * sº ew Yorker. . . . . . . . # – Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Paper Trade Jouinaſ(semi-mo)]] T | Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 Mechanic ................... 6 — Paris Messenger . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 J. Trans-Continental Guide 40 50 Medical News and Library... -10 — | Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 Traveler's official Guide. ... 25 50 Medical News Supplement (Suc- Pension Record.... ... ...... 6 ~ | Truth seeker.............. 5 - CeSSOr to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 — | Peters’ Household Melodies. 30 * * @ º º tº º ºs e e º e º dº ſº we & Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . tº º *-3 ‘‘ Parlor Music . . . . . . . . 30 * Merryman’s Monthly......... t 10 | Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector.11 15 Union Era (parts)....... . . . . .25 º, Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 - 20 | University Journal ... . . . . . . .16 20 American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 10 | Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- ‘Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 try Bulletin.... . . . . . . . . . . 10 || Wan Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- Mother’s Journal ............ 12% 20 | Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5') neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6%. 10 || Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, Phunny Phe low............. 7%. 10 Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 &=º from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 || Physician and Pharmaceutist. 3 5 Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Musical World (N.Y.)....... 16 30 | Peterson's l’opular I,iterature 20 — | Whitney’s Musical Guest..... 16 25 Musical World (Cleveland). . . 9 — | Popular Science Monthly . . . . .37 50 || Work and Wealth.... . . . . . ... 3 5 National Agriculturist and Bee Poultry World..... . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || Work and Play. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% — Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Practical Magazine........... 7S — Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 National Car Builder........ 7 — | Psychological Journal . . . . . . . 37% 50 | Workshop......... . . . . . . . . . .30 50 National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 Psychological and Medico- National Magazine ... . . . . . . . .., 28 * Legal Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . .40 50 Yankee Notiºns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 National Stove 'Trade Gazette. 35 50 | Pulpit of the Day............ 6 10 | Young Catholic. . . . . . § º ºs ºº e º e & 5 National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 15 Railway Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 — | Young Crusader . . . . . . . e e º e s e 8 10 Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 10 || Rand & McNally Guide. . . . . . .28 40 ! Young Ladies’ Journal.... . . .27 &º National Temperance Advocate 9 10 | Record and Repository. . . . . . . 6 — | Youth’s Progress. . . . . . . . . . . .10 -*. Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. EV II EW s, ET C. American Church Review, $0 90 — Church and World . . . . . . . . $0 85 — | New Englander . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - American Journal Medical Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . 59 — New Remedies . . . . . . • * * g e e 35 50 Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 — Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 North American Review ...1 12% — Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 * No. Am. Jour of Homoepathy 85 - American law Review..... 1 05 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — $ 'ostal Guide (U.S. Oſſicial) 40 50 Baptist Quarterly.... . . . . . . 85 — Halſ - Yearly Compeudium Presbyterian Quarterly and Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 - Medical Science . . . . . . . . . 1 20 - Princeton Review........ 75 *º Braithewaite's Retrospect...I 05 — International Review (bi- - British Quarterly (reprint). 62 * monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 — Smith’s Pattern Bazar...... 20 * - Brittan’s Journal....... . . . 67 — Journal Social Science..... . 1 25 — | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 **- Brownson’s Review........ 1 00 — | London Quarterly..... . . . . . 62 — | Westminster Review . . . . . . 62 --- Christian Examiner........ 67 — | Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... , 10 - Christian Quarterly. . . . . . . . 85 — | National Quarterly Review.S1 12 — Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 . — FO R. E. I. G. N. P E R iſ O IO I C A L S – W E E R L. Y. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trado Price Aðademy....... ........ 16 | English Mechanic ....... Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 || Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . All the Year Round . . . . . 8 Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 18 || Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect... ........... 12 | Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Land and Water ........ 20 six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Athenaeum ... . . . . . . . . . . 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd's Newspaper...... 5 || Pictorial World. ........ 10 Belſast News........... 14 | Field. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . . 25 | Public Opinion. . . . . . . . Bell’s Life.... . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Fun... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Liverpool Mercury ... 10 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 || Funny Folks... . . . . . .... 5 || London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . à | Punch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Building News. . . . . . . . . . 12 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 20 | London World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ca3Sell’s Magazine ...... 5 || Gas-Light Journal ...... 20 || L’Univers Illustré. ...... 10 | Reynolds’ Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 Glasgow Herald.... . . . . . 5 || Manchester Times. ...... 10 | Saturday Review. . . . . ... 16 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 12 Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mark Lane Express . . . . . 23 Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Christian World..... . . . . 5 ; Guardian - - - - - - - - . . . . . 20 | Medical Record . . . . . . . . 18 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . 10 Church Review . . . . . . . . . 10 || Illustrated News........ 20 | Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 | Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times ... ....... tº Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World . . . . . . . . . 18 5c.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Pºlice News... 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 || Tablet. . . . . . . .......... 16 Bispatch ............... 5 || Illustrated Sporting and Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Tailor and Cutter . . . . ... 4 Economist .... .... .... 30 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Times (last date).... 10 Engineer............... 20 Irishman............... 14 | Notes and Queries....... 12 || The Mail (3 dates)... . . . . 38 Engineering............ 20 | John Bull .............. 20 Observer . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Weekly Register (Cath.) 10 iºdinburgh Scotsman.... 5 Judy................... 6 Once a Week ... . . . . . . . . 8 || Weekly Times .......... 4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. IF O ſº E I G. N. P E R I, O DIC A. L S – IV [ O N T | H II L. Y. IIWIP40RTED GTER WIAN NIAGAZINES AND PERIODIO ALS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked ++. + Das Neue Blatt. . . . . + Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . # Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit º . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ++ Daheim ++ Leipziger Gartenlaube.. NCuZeit. . . + Uober Land und Meer............ 18 a Year. f Allgemei::e Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... IMIPORTED GERMAN Books † Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon Deutschlands Kunstschätze. 70 partS, at, , - - - - tº dº e º & e e s - - Die Heilige Schrift der Israeliten; Prachtausgabe; - 45 Illustrirt von Doré . . . £ried I'. Gers! #cker’s Gesam melté schriften. voiks. u. Familieu-Ausgabe. parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {{ Heine's Sāmmtliche Werko. parts. . . . . . . . Semi-MIonthly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e s - • * * . . . . . . . . 12 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 10 e - e º e º ºs & e - 4 - e. .10 15 • * * * e º e e º a tº e e . ... 8 15 • * * * * * * e s - - - - e s & a s 9 15 - - - . . . . . . . . . . .14 20 14 25 f Alte und Neue Welt, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 13 fi Bunte Wolt. . ........ tº e o - tº º º . . . . . . . . . 14 + Deutscher Hausschatz. . . . . . . • e º 'º e º e s e º . . . . . . . . 13 + Der Hausfreund................ º e º e s = e º e º ºs e ºs ... 14 † Illustrirte Welt ... . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Monthly. f Gewerbehałle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º 'º e º e 12 Deutsche Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . - * * 'w e s e e º 'º e º e a e º e ºs 64 f Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 UIBILISE (EFD J [N PAIHTS. First number grillis to the trade. Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published in 20 parts, at N E W G E R NII A N P U B L I C A TI O N S. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 12 20 Published in about • * * * * g e s tº e . . . . . . . .23 40 65 Publishëd in about 100 * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . 13 25 Published in 54 • * * * * * * 25 * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . .23 4ſ) Imported. f Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts................. 12 20 + Rinaldo Rinaldiii, 30 parts.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 * Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 f GaleeronSclave. 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Hexe von Olmütz, 30 parts ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 M. G. Saphir's Schriften. I. Serie. Published in 40 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schiller's sāmmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Pubiished in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in about 90 parts, at.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Shakespeare's sāmmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtaí:sgabe. Published in 48 parts ........ O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at................14 Stieler’s Hand-Atlas sámmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...40 • e e s e e e s e e s e e º ºs e 8 f Der Freischütz, 30 parts....... Wilddieb, 30 parts ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 f Don Carlos, 30 parts ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 - DOrmestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke, 40 parts, at... 7 Trado Price. Trado Price. Trade Price. • * . Trade Price All the Year Round (part) 36 | Dickens (parts) . . . . . . . 16 || Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 || Spiritual Magazine..... . 20 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 La Mode Illustrée......100 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ..... . 20 Argosy . . . . . . . © - - - e º e e 20 | Dublin University Maga- Ladies’ Treasury........ 30 | St. James’ Magazine. .... 38 Art, Industrial and Pic- zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 | Leisure Hour....... ... . 20 | Strahan’s Saturday Jour- torial . . . . . . . . . . '• - - - Edinburgh Me t. Journal. 76 Little Dressmaker..... ... 18 nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. Athenaeum (part)..... ... 54 English Woman’s Domes- London'Journal (parts)... 22 || Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 8 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . London Society ......... 38 Sunday at Home...... ... 20 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 || London & Paris Fashions. 38 Sunday School Teacher .. 7 Rand of Hope Review... 2 | Expositor............... 38 McMillan’s Magazine . . . . 25 Sunday School Teacher’s Belgravia. . . . . . . ........ 38 || Family Friend.......... 2% Medical Times (parts)... 98 | . Treasury. ........... © Boys of England......... 18 Family Herald (parts)... 18 Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 | Suuday School Times .... 10. Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 | Monthly Microscopical Sunday School World.... 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Farmer's Magazine. ..... 76 Journal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 | Sunshine ........ e e º ſº e e © British Workman . . . . . . . 2% | Food Journal. . . ..... 20 || Mother's Friend......... 3 | Sword and Trowel (Spur- Rritish WorkWoman. . . . . 2% Fortnightly Review ..... 75 || Musical Times . . . . . . . . . . 8 geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 British Juvenile...... .. 3 | Fraser's Magazine...... 1 00 - Temple Bar............. 88 Builder ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 54 | Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . 2% | Once a Week (parts).... 36 | Tinsley's Magazine..... . 38 Chambers’ Journal . . . . . 25 | Gardener's Magazine. .. 36 Qrchestra::... ::.... --.. 20 o º e Chatterbox. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 || Gardener (The)......... 20 3. º º: • * * * * > ; Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Gentleman's Magazine .. 38 | Penny Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . * - o Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% Homilist . . . . . *"... ; ºf........ § W.º.º.: ; Christian Treasury...... 20 | Illustrated Travels. . . . . . 38 Popular Science Review Willa Gardener ::::::: 20 Christian Work . ... 20 | Infant’s Magazine . . . . .2% (quarterly).... --.... 1 00 e e e º e Churchman's Companion. 20 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Portfolio (Art).......... 75 | Wedding Bells...... . . . . 23 Contempºrary Review... 62 | Journal of Horticulture... 54 | Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . 28 || World of Fashion....... . 35. Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . 38 || Journal of Science (quar- Punch (parts).......... 44 Young Ladies' Journal., 27 Cottager and Artisan .... 2% terly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ſ Quiver (The)............ 20 | Young Men of Great Bri. Day of Rest....... . . . . . . 1$ | Kind Words ... . . . . . . . . . 10 | Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . 16 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8 - G. E. R. WI A N - A NIIER I C A N P U B L ICATION S. d * Trade Ret. Trº - Weekly. ºice. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4. Arbeiter-Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }% 3 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y.staatszeitung...... ... 3 4 Atlantische Blätter ............................ 4 6 f Volksbibliothek * • * * * 6 16 Beobachter alm Hudson . . . . . . . . . . s e = e < * * * * * * * * * 3 4 Wespen. . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::::::: º: e : e 3} 6 # Bibliothek Popu'árer Erzählungen. ... . . . . . . . . ... 8 !? | woohenblatt des N.Y. demokrat ...... ........ 5 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung ................ I. : 19 woohenblaſt der N. Y. presse ............. ... 4 .. 6 Freischütz S.,....... º.º.º. ... : : - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . 3 * | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal .......... tº Q ... 4 6 Gºiºsº Nachrichton aus Deutschland a to Wochenblatt dor N. Y. Staats Zeitung .......... 4 6 Der Feirathsanzeiger . . . . . - - - - e - © tº e º e º 'º 3 5 Semi-Monthly. - Helvetia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 ft Deutsch-Amerikanische Familienblitter.......10 I5 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz ... 6 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u, Industrie-Zeitung.... 6 8 Das Neue FHeim.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || Magazin der merkwürdigsteu u. interessanteston New Yorker Belletristisches Jºurnal . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14 10 Criminalgeschichten................ . . . tº e < e e s s 12 18 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7%. 10 | ti Novellen-Schatz...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 20 Roman Zeitung................................. 10 15 - - Schneddered engg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e s tº e º e & 7 10 Mlonthly. - Ter Social-Domokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 || Amerikanischer Agriculturist.................... 10 15. Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal..... . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 l' I74 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. B00KS WANTED. MANAGING EDITOR, Box 5450, New York City. Right yearly volumes British Workman, from 1862 to 1871. State condition and price. R. B. HALL, Wolfeboro’, N. H. Congregational Quarterly, unbound, for 1859, 60, 70, '72, '73; April, '61; January, '62. * OLIVIER & W HEAT, Staunton, Va. The Inebriate's Hut, by Mrs. S. A. Southworth. Pub- lished by Phillips, Sampson & Co., New York. 1854. JOHN SPINGER, Iowa City, Iowa. Schoolcraft's History of the Indian Tribes. 3 vols. J. J. WOOD, Hudson, Mich. Bush's Notes on Genesis. - G. LIV. RYDER, Masillon, Ohio. Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Wols. III. and X. ALONZO McWILLIAMS, Corinth, Miss. 1 copy. of Life and Labors of Mary Lyon. Originally published by the American Tract Society, N. Y. State price. L. F. MAPLES, Chariton, Iowa. JR'rank Leslie's Ladies' Journal, No. 1, Vol. I. Wanted to complete a set. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond, Va. Croker's Boswell's Johnson, Vol. 8, 10 vol. ed., 18mo, cloth, London. Burr's Trial, Vol. 2. *me CLARK WIER, Lansing, Iowa. 1 copy Hymns of Veda, translated by Mrs. Lydia Childs. State edition and price. Supposed to be published in Boston. . E. H. PAYFER, 113 Fulton st., N. Y. Dr. Willie's Exposé of Odd-Fellowship, published by W. S. Damrell, 11 Cornhill, Boston, 1846. No. 36 of Beeton's Dictionary of Useful Information. London. Also any Exposés of Secret Societies, Books on Coins, Medals, &c. State condition and lowest price. BOOKS FOR SALE. A. H. HUBER, Westminster, Md. Will sell unbound numbers of Atlantic Monthly, Vols. 17.to 30, inclusive. • S. ZICKEL, 19 Dey st., N. Y. P. O. Box 5611. One copy of Rig-Veda-Sanhita, the sacred hymns of the Brahmins, together with the Commentary of Sayan- acharya. cdited by Dr. Max Müller. 6 vols. 4to, cloth. Published under the #. of Her Majes- ty's Secretary of State for India in Council. London, ;4 Please send your offers to the above Q01011'088. CATALOG U E OF () VER, l,000 VOLUMES OF Confederate publications and works on Virginia history, politics, biography, etc., with prices, will be mailed to any address. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond. - * : A RT OF CANV ASSING OR AG ENTS’ GUIDE.” This little work will enable any one to make a iving. By mail, 25 cents, NEW YORK BOOK CON- CERN, 7 Warren St., New York. Do Your own Printinct Tº Y PRINTING PRESS. For Professional and Amateur Printers, Schools, Societies, Man- ufacturers, Merchants, and others it is the BIEST ever invented. . OOO in use. | Ten styles, Prices from $5.00 to $150.00 |É B tº "sº ºn ODS & CO. Manuf'rs and -- º dealers in all kinds of Printing, Material, Send stampfor Catalogue.) 49 Federāl St. Boston. PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, sº The largest and best assortments are manufactured by , E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Broadway, New York. A neat, easy, and reliable method of marking clothing Without a preparation. None genuine without the TRADE. MARK and signature of the INDELIBLE PAPER CO. on each package. For sale by all Pºlº and Stationers. Address INDELIBLE PAPER Co., * * * 87 Nassant St., New York. Samples by mail, 35°. Price per dozen, $1.25; per gross. $12. REV. DR.SPEER's NEW Boor JUST ISSUEI) BY THE Presbyterian Board of Publication, Gil's fill iſ thisian ſing A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON THE Science of Christian Economy. 16mo. Cloth. Price, 75 cents. JOEIN A. B.I.ACIS, Business Superintendent, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I75 -axufacton r or THE stºrwºrkian strel. PENs, BIRMINGHAM, Exq. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G.C. C C,C> O C. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very bes material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and ar. famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness tº point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fiteen Numbers of Pens, diſtering in fi xibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College Pen. Poist Fise; Action. PERFººt. This ºn ent favºrite with our lending penmen, is largely used in the school- and commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per cross, +1-4- No. 2 counting-House Pen. Poist Fisk Asn Flexible, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants Per gross $1. 5 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Poist Mºdium. Business Pen. Per grºo-- $125. No. 4 Ladies’ I xtra Pen. Point Extra Fine and FLExinue. For uticate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross. * * No. 5. School Pen. Ponsºr fist: Mºnium is Fºxtaility. For a duranies ho l tºen it has never been equaled. Pergross, $1.40 No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Poist Loss. Fixxible asp. Medium In Fix-wess or oft-hand Flourishing. An Easy Writing L'er grºss $125 No. 7. Quill Pen Poist MºoruM. Quill. Actres. A. Smooth, Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, $ 50 No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºdium Fºxºnik Pºint. A very superiorſen for all styles of writing . This Pen undergoes a prº N cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Poist Long and Filºxintº with Accountai ts. Tellers. &c. Per gross. 41-40. No. 10, custom-house pen. Point Mºnium. Well adapted to all styles of Bold ree hand Writing. Per gross. st.80. A great favorite No. 11. University Pen. Point Medium, writy Smooth ºn Fºxlºº, the action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross $1.60 No. 12. Epistolatre pen. Pont writy Fink and very Furºxºlº This ºne fºr pointed pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross. $2.5 No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Pºst BLust, AND SMoorh., Particu larly adºpted to Cºarse hand writing and Engrossing. Per fross $1.25. No. 14. Artistic pen. Fºxmile with Extra Fisr Poist. Thº exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant fo Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.69. No. 15. The Queen. Poist Extra Fisk. Admirably adapted all kinds of Fine writing Per gross $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEE Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on "e ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. Joseph GILLUTs CEI,E BERATED STEEL PENS. So/d by al/ Deaſers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, —º- MANUFACTURERS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH G|LLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. ..] Us-T Issuſ ED. A NEW EDITION OF RIMESSWPIUP By Rev. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, Pastor of Brook- lyn Tabernacle. 12mo, cloth, 446 pp., - - DID SHE DO RIGHT7 A Novel by the Author of “Old-Fashioned Boy,” “Elise Dinsmore,” etc. Illustrated. 8vo, paper covers. Price 50c. For sale by Booksellers generally. S. T. SOUDER & CO., 719 Sansom St., Phila. 176 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. --- TIME AND MONEY SAVED ! A THOUSAND STENCILS IN ONE! E- (PATENTED Aug. 11, 1868, and May 30, 1871.) glº-He TAIREOX’s COMIEINATION ºsºs = º STENcil. ALPHABET AND FigúRES --- Kºº. - º ºpMTENTSTENTIALPHARET The rapidity and ease with which one can mark with the Combination, Alphabet, and Figures, the simplicity of its arrangement, and the durable manner in which it is manufactured, has made its introduction rapid and universal wherever it has been seen. - WHOLESALE PRICE LIST-ALPHABETS AND FIGURES COMBINEI). For marking Show Cards, Boxes, Barrels, Bags, Trunks, &c. One-eighth inch, per doz. . . $1200 | Five-eighths inch, per doz. $15 00 || One and 4 inch, per doz. ... $22 50 One-fourth “ “ . . . 12 00 Three-fourths “ * - 15 00 || One and 33 “ * ... 27 00 Three-eighths inch “ --- 13 50 | Seven-eighths “ * - 18 00 Two -- * ... 36 00 One-halfinch -- ... 13 50 || One -- * - 18 00 - Each Alphabet is in a neat box, with Ink and Brush, and full instructions. CAUTION.—The many and É. advantages which this invention has over every other Stencil Alpha- bet yet invented is recognized now º usiness men §º This Pº has induced parties, in a few instances, to º: upon our patented rights. Wherever we have been able to detect them, they have been pro- ceeded against to the full extent of the law. But to protect the public and ourselves, we Fº alphabet with the date of the two patents and our trade-mark, which is a star, with the monogram N. Y. S. W. in the centre. 35°A liberal reward will be paid to any one who will furnish us proof of any infringement of the above patent. NEW YORK STENCIL WORKS, 87 Nassau Street, New York. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNG. QUARTO, UNIFORM WITH CHATTERBOX. Boards, Handsome Colored Cover, - - - - $1.50 Same in Cloth, Full Gilt Sides and Back, - - - - 2.50 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade, THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY. Wholesale Dealers in all Articles which form the News Dealers', Booksellers', and Stationery Stock, We KEEP ALWAYS ON BAND FULL LINE OF º; - - - - - 360kg Nºwº, ºn Pilliºl|| || NEV III, Bºll, all Pillºlliſ ####### E=E O U S IES, Hiſºfº AS SOON AS ISSUED, AND AT PUBLISHERS. LOWEST RATES - Hi- We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includin Bºoks&siºlor=#| all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles .# #ºk &NEWsº º †† cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- F||F|F HE Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, | º H H = Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- Hºt E sº LET ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph fº º Albums, Writing Desks, &c., &c. Also, a full line of T |- - lſº | , School Books and School Stationery. - - º = Dealers save '''''''': by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when - in the city. - Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. º | All communications to be addressed to F. * THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY., -- No. 163 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 177 NEw ENGLISH Books IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO. 750 Broadway, New York. The Transit of Wenus. Prof. PROCTOR's Popular Account of the Past and Coming Transits of Venus, from 1639 to 2112, illustrated with 20 plates (12 colored) and numerous woodcuts. Crown, 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Chambers’ Encyclopedia. New and revised edition. An entirely new (English), edition. revised and brought down to date, with full series of maps and illustrations. 10 vols., reyal 8vo. Cloth, $36.00. Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. By the late C. C. F. GREVILLE, Clerk of the Council to those Sovereigns. Edited by HENRY REEVE. 3 vols., 8vo. Cloth, $15.00. Boccacio’s Decameron. Engravings by STOTHARD. Crown 8vo. $3.00. Burton’s History of Scotland. 9 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $26.00. History of England, from 1830 to the Resignation of the Gladstone Ministry. By the Rev. W. N. Molesworth. Carefully revised and carried up to March, 1874. 3 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth, $6. History of Booksellers. By HARRY CURWEN. Portraits and illustrations. Over 500 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.75. Macaulay’s Complete Works. New Edition. History of England, 2 vols.; Critical and Histori cal Essays, 1 vol. ; Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, 1 vol. Together 4 vols., crown 8vo, Half calf, gilt (Longman's), $18.00. . Taine’s History of English Literature. Library Edition. Beautifully printed in large, clear type, on fine paper. 4 vols. 8vo. Red cloth, white labels, $10.00. LiBRARY EDITIONS OF STANDARD AUTHORS, Ben Johnson’s Complete Works. With Notes and Memoir. By W. GIFFORD. Introduction, etc., by CUNNINGHAM. 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $33,75. sterºplete Works, with Life. Written by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $15.00. Sheridan’s Works. With selections from Moore's Life, and edited by J. P. BROWNE, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt top, $7.50. Bºgº Life of Johnson. Edited by PERCY FITZGERALD, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 11.00. ***-*-** * *- Milton's Poetical Works. Mitford's edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut, $7.50. Fielº Complete Works. With Life by MURPHY. 11 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, 40.00. Smollett's Complete Works. With Life by MooRE. 8 vols. 8vo. Half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $30 Rousseau's Confessions. With 32 illustrations (early impressions). Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Ramsay’s Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. With Memoir. Latest edition, Post 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. Histºr Advertising. By HENRY SAMPSON. Illustrations, colored and plain. Crown 8vo, Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by Gustave Doré. 700 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, $3.00 “Contes Drolatiques.” Balzac's Droll Stories. 8vo. Cloth, $4.50. Sidney Smith’s Works. Wit and Wisdom, Life, Letters and Essays. 3 vols., post 8vo. Paper, $3.00; cloth, $4.50. NEw cATALogu Es Now READx. R. WORTHINGTON & CO., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOvv Esq. RATEs. Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, - Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC, I N G R E A T V A. R. I. ET Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. - Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. NEW YORPQ. W. Yiterary Q/ [. A Monthly Journal of Current Literature. Q. A UAE Z/SA/A2/O AP V JUNE, 1875. TO THE RETAIL BOOK TRADE. w Referring to the announcement in the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, April 3, 1875, and in accordance with the wishes of a majority of the subscribers, the MONTHLY BOOK CIRCULAR will hereafter be called THE LITERARY NEws, the style of heading as above, We desire to draw the attention of Booksellers, News Agents, and Dealers generally to this ſhandy, cheap, and proſtable advertising medium for the latest books in the market. THE LITERARY NEws, like the Book Circular, will be published with not less than eight pages, and will be issued at the beginning of every mgnth, embracing Editorial Notes, Literary Intelli- gence, a full list, compiled éxpressly for its columns from the records of the PUBLISHERS’ WEEKLY, containing the titles and prices of the PRINCIPAL BOOKS PUBLISHED DURING THE PREVIOUS MONTH and announcements of Forthcoming Works for the Cata”ent Month, so classified as to show at a glance all the new publications in the various departments of literature, and one page of general advertisements, which will not conflict with the interest of the trade. It will be printed on tinted paper like previous editions, but of Superior quality, and altogether more attractive in appearance. The paper being of light texture, it can be sent with any book, magazine, paper, letter circular, with a small increase of postage. It is certain that dealers who will adopt this cheap and effective mode for advertising their establishments, will find themselves amply repaid in a short time, and we have the testimony of many dealers who have not only increased the sales from their counters, but have found the orders for books not in stock highly remunerative. Terms for Editions with Imprint, invariably payable in advance. 100 Copies for three months, sent postpaid, $6 50 500 Copies for three months, sent post-paid, $19 00 250 & 8 & 6 • 6 G 12 00 || 1000 * * 66 6 6 € $ 36 00 Special terms for large quantities. Extra front headings, (instead of the adopted style of imprint,) with special name of paper and display, for which there is space above the rules inclosing date, are charged $1 extra per edition. [3 At the top of this page will be found the space allotted for dealer's imprint. Any quantity from IOO to IOOO copies will be sent post-paid, but for larger quantities, at the reduced rates, postage or expressage will be charged. Subscribers desiring an extra number of copies for particular months will be charged pro rata. Dealers who desire an edition for trial before subscribing, can be supplied at the following TateS, 100 Copies for any month, - tº- gº tº- $2 50 500 Copies for any month, gº s s - $8 00 250 $ 6 & 4 66 sº tº- tº 5 00 || 1000 66 6 G 6 & e gº º - 15 00 Orders must be received by the 25th of the month previous to which the subscription begins. AVo orders filled without payment in advance, as the numerous small amounts will neither bear the trouble nor the expense of sending bills or of repeated statements, and collecting. Remittances should be made either by Post-Office Order, Draft on New-York, or Registered Letter. All Orders should be addressed, RICHARD BRINCKERHOFF, Manager, I8o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. ENG , DIC ES ’S LISH NOVELS. An illustrated series of Original Novels, by the most popular authors. The largest, handsomest, aud best paper novels published for the price. OCTAVO, FULLY /LLUSTRATED, WTH /LLUM/WATED COVERS. No.1 For a Woman’s Sake. By Watts Phil- lips. 17 illustrations. -- - - - - - - - - - - 300 2 Against Tide. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations---------------------- 300 3 Hush Money. By Charles H. Ross. 16 illustrations. -- - - - ---------------- 300 4 Talbot Harland. W. Harrison Ains- worth. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 30C 5 Will She Have Him 7 Austyn Graham. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 6 Heiress of the Mount. By Sara Dunn. 9 illustrations--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 7 Counterfeit Coin. Miriam Ross. 10 illustrations---------------------- 306 8 Entrances and Exits. By E. Winstan- ley. 27 illustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 Double size. Price- - - - - - - - - - - - - 600 9 Ingaretha. By M. E. O. Malen. 13 illustrations --------------------- 300 10 Tower Hill. By W. Harrison Ains- worth. 12 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - 300 11 The Rose and Shamrock. By Mrs. Crow. 11 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 12 The South Sea Bubble. By W. Har- rison Ainsworth. 19 illustrations. .30C 13 Nobody’s Fortune. By Edward Yates. 24 illustrations. Double size. Price. .600 14 Twenty Straws. By E. Winstanley. 13 illustrations------------------- 300 15 Lord Lisle’s Daughter. By C. M. Braeme. 8 illustrations. --...-- - - - - - 300 16 After Many Years. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations------------------- 300 17 Rachel, the Miser's Daughter. By M. E. O. Malen. 8 illustrations - - -300 18 What is to be, will be. By E. Win- stanley. 17 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - 30C 19 John Trevlyn’s Revenge. By E. Phil- lips. 13 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 20 Bound by a Spell. By H. Reback. 10 illustrations---------------------- 30c 21 The Yellow Diamond. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustrations---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 22 The Younger Son. By H. W. Palmer. 14 illustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -300 23 Driven from Home. By Erskine Boyd. 14 illustrations.------------------ 300 24 Naomi, the Gipsey Girl. By M. E. O. Malen. 11 illustrations. - - - - - - - - 300 25 Swept and Garnished. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. --- - - - 300 26 Jennie Gray; or, A Woman's Wen- geance. 8 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 27 Lestelle. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustra- tions------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 306 28 Tracked. By H. Rebak. 12 illustra- tions --------------------------- 300 29 Carynthia. A Legend of Black Rock. By Eliza Winstanley. 10 illustrations, 30c 30 The Wiolet and the Rose. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. . . . . . . 300 31 The Cost of a Secret. By Mrs. Crow. 9 illustrations-------------------- 300 32 Terrible Tales. By George Augustus Sala. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 THE AMERICAN NEWs company, Agents for the Trade. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. * NHIW BooBººs For the Spring and Summer of 1875. Zºeceſzz/y Z’azô/es/eed. PAUL MASSIE. *- . By JUSTIN McCARTHY, SPURGEON'S NEW BOOK, Author of “Linley Rochford,” “A Fair Saxon,” etc. T d E bl * * * *. '*'Iypes and Emblems Price, Cloth, Black Stamp, $1.50. (From the Pall Mall Gazette.) “This book has the very unusual merit of uniting, Being a Co//ection of Sermons Preached on Sunday and Thursday Evenings, by without incongruity, the interest of romantic i. A'ev, C. H. Spurgeon, the Greatest with the interest of striking sketches of natural charac- - - 63 º ter. . . . We may say that altogether w have not Living Preacher } } } read many books so full of promise as ‘Paul Massie. WILL BE READY MAY 4th. 1 Vol. 12mo. Price, Cloth, Fancy Black Stamping, $1.25. Mrs. Annie Edwards' Powerful Story, LOVE AFLOAT. A Story of the American Wavy. | 3: S " ſº I & I [A | In IE- . By J. H. SHEPPARD, U.S.N. - + 1 vol. 12mo, ! JUSTIN McGARTHY'S NEW STORY, Price, Cloth, Black Stamp, $1.50; Paper, $1. | It is dedicated, by permission, to Admiral Rogers L I N LEY R 0 C H FORD The scene is laid in the West Indies, in the days when - I our navy was engaged in driving out the pirates. Be- sides being a most charming story, it gives a real and vivid picture of life on board an American man-of-war. JWILL BE READ Y MIA Y 4th. Price, Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1. Price, $1, or $1.75 Cloth. | GENERAL CUSTER'S GREAT BOOK, 1 MESEMſ; PISHMEE. MyLife on the Plains - Elegantly Illustrated. Price, $2. By Prof. H. H. BOYESEN, of Cornell University, ; i Author of “Gunnar.” l vol. 12mo. - THEODORE TILTON'S GREAT NOVEL, Price, Cloth, Black Stamp, $1.50. It is a story of unusual beauty and power, and gives a T t-T d most charming picture of Norse life. elºn. e S OSSG JR.E.M.JOY MIA P 1 St/v. Price, $1.75. Thirteen editions sold. Send your orders in early. ' SF/EZ DON & COMPANY., NEVV YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. TWill be Pwblished Satwrday, May 29th, 1875. THE MYSTERY OF DARK HQLLOW AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, EDITED BY MIR.S. EMMA D, E, N, SOUTHWORTH, Complete in One Large DIOdeſimo Volume, Uniform with all of "Mrs. Southworth's "Works, PRICE $1.75 IN Morocco CLOTH; or, $1.50 IN PAPER COVER. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have also just issued a new, uniform, and complete edition of all the popular works written by Mrs. EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHWorth, in thirty-eight volumes. This edition is in duodecimo form, and is printed in the best style, on the finest of white paper, and each volume is bound in the very best manner, in morocco sloth, with a full gilt back, and is sold at the low price of $1.75 a volume, or $66.50 for a complete set, each set being put up in a neat and strong box. Their names are as follows, and are sold singly or in sets : M151AM, THE AWENGER or, THE MISSING BRIDE. FAIR PLAY : or, BRITOMARTE, THF MAN-HATER, HOW HE WON HER, A Sequel to “Fair Play,” THE DISCARDED DAUGHTER, A BEAUTIFUL FIEND ; or, THROUGH THE FIRE, VICTOR'S TRIUMPH, Sequel to "A Beautiful Fiend,” THE SPECTRE LOVER, THE FAMILY DOOM ; or, THE SIN OF A COUNTESS, THE MAIDEN WIDOW, Sequel to “Family Doom,” THE DESERTED WIFE. THE CHANGED BRIDFS or, WINNING HER WAY, THE BRIDE'S FATE, Sequel to “Changed Brides,” THE LOST HEIRESS, THE GIPSY'S PROPHECY; or, Bride of an Evening, THE CURSE OF CLIFTON, CRUEL AS THE GRAVE; or, Hallow Eve Mystery, TRIED FOR HER LIFE, Sequel to “Cruel as the Grave," THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD, - LOST HEIR OF LINLITHGOW; or, THE BROTHERS, A NOBLE LORD, Sequel to "Lost Heir of Linlithgow,” LADY OF THE ISLE or, THE ISLAND PRINCESS, THE BRIDAL EVE or, ROSE ELMER, . THE FATAL MARRIAGE or, ORVILLE DEVILLE, VIVIA or, THE SECRET OF POWER, THE MOTHER-IN-LAW or, MARRIED IN HASTE, ALLWORTH ABBEY or, EUDORA, THE THREE BEAUTIES; or, SHANNONDALE, INDIA ; or, THE PEARL OF PEARL RIVER, THE FORTUNE-SEEKER; or, Astrea, the Bridal Day, THE WIFE'S VICTORY, THE WIDOW'S SON; or, LEFT ALONE, BRIDE OF LLEWELLYN, Sequel to "Widow's Son,” LOVE'S LABOR WON, THE TWO SISTERS ; or, Virginia and Magdalene, THE CHRISTMAS GUEST, FALLEN PRIDE; or, THE MOUNTAIN GIRL'S LOVE, THE ARTIST'S LOVE, THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS; or, HICKORY HALL, RETRIBUTION, THE MYSTERY OF DARK HOLLOW, will be Published Saturday, May 8th, 1875. BERTHA'S ENGAGEMENT. AN ENTIRE NEW SOCIETY NOWEL BY MRS, ANN S, STEPHENS, Complete in One Largº DIOleCimo Volume, Uniform with "Mrs. Ann S, Stephens'" OtherWorks, PRICE $ 1.75 IN CLOT H ; or $ 1.5o IN PAPER COVER. º T. B. Peterson & Brothers have also just issued a new, uniform, and complete edition of all the popular works written by Mrs. ANN S. STEPHENs, in twenty-two volumes. This edition is in duodecimo form, and is printed in the best style, on the finest of white paper, and each volume is bound in the very best manner, in morocco cloth, with a full 5. back, and is sold at the low price of $1.75 a volume, or $38.50 for a complete set, each set being put up in a neat Pertha's Engagement. Bellehood and Bondage. The Old Cowmtess. Lord Hope's Choice. The IReigning Belle. A Noble Woman. Pozlouces and Prisons. IMoºried in Haste. Dowbly False. The Gold, Brick. Rwby Gray’s Strategy. ox. Their names are as follows, and are sold singly or in sets: Iſashion, and J'anvime. The Old Homestead. Wives and Widows. The Soldier's Orphans. Silent Struggles. The Wife's Secret. Mabel’s Mistake. The Rejected Wife. - Mary Derwent. Curse of Gold. The Heiress. booksellers and News Agents will please address all orders at once, for whatever they may want of “Bertha's Engagement " or of “The Mystery of Dark Hollow,” so as to have them sent in advance of the day of publication, and we will enclose editors' copies for you to deliver to the newspapers in your town, so that you may get the editors to notice the works, and also state that they are for sale by you. Also send on your orders at same time for what- ever you may want of any of our other works, or of those of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, or of Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, advertised above, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. £5° We want every Bookseller to send at once for our Wholesale Price List and for a copy of our Catalogue. which contains a list of all books published by us, all or any of which will be sold to Booksellers or News Agents at the low prices named on our Wholesale Price, List. There are no books published you can sell as many of, or make as much money on, as ours. Send us on a trial order. All orders, large or small, will be filled and sent the day the order is received, and small orders receive the same promptness and care as large orders. Er Yºº sº- ºseº ºº:-.2: ºšº:33; #3:3: º 333 rºº $º º: *: º º É º 33 Kºź sº 2:…ºz. ::ft; º B3 E. 5:35 º - K9 O §§ @ſº Nassau5' - º/ WS H.W TROY . Of S --~~ (S W thrºud Sū. Yol. VII. NEw York, JUNE 4, 1875. - No. 6 C O N T E N T S. PAGE - e PAGE THE BOOK MARKET, - - 181 | INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs, . I92 RARE COINS AND MEDALS, - - 187 BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS For JUNE, 193 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, 188 || MAY PUBLICATIONS - - 196 For EIGN LITERARY NOTES - 190 | NEw MUSIC, - - - - 2O I NewsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 190 THE STATIONERY MARKET, . 2O4. BUSINESS CHANGES, - - I 91 THE AMERICAN NEVS co’s LIST OF MUSIC NOTEs, - - - I9 I NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 206 - - 4. TERMS.-Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN Books ELLERS GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $30 per quarter-page. e Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEws COMPANY, II 5, I I7, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. “The excellent /nternational Series.”—LITERARY WORLD, Boston. CHEAP, SUBSTANTIAL, AND ELEGANT. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES INTIEW APIPIROVIED INTOVELS. Each large 12mo, printed on first quality paper, in large clear type (easily readable where the Ordinary double column unleaded 8vo. is too great a strain on the eyes), and bound in a handsome, light lead-colored, smooth English cloth, flexible, With Or- namental black stampings. Suitable for the library shelves or for rebinding. PRICE, each vol., º- º- a- 4-7 $1.25. NEW WOLU M ES. Mo. 11. E.A.THIER, FIHL.To. A story of Exmoor. By J. WHYTE-MELVILLE, author of “Digby Grand,” “Holmby House,” etc., etc. This novel is commended by the London Athenaeum, Globe, and other papers, as the author's best. It ran through three editions in England in a few weeks. - “The best of Whyte-Melville's novels that we have read. . . . . treats of events in the eighteenth century, and is remarkable for vigor of narrative and dramatic situations. . . . is characterized throughout by vigor and skill.”— (LITERARY WORLD, Boston.) No. 12 [ready June 1]. O L ID TE [J. E. Y. A novel. By ANNIE KEARY, author of “James Home,” etc. A charming story of English life, with a strong plot of great interest. No. 13 [ready June 1]. _A_T C_A_TE’IER, T. A story of artist life in Italy. By CAR, DETLEF, author of “Valentine, the Countess,” etc. “Valentine, the Countess " was received with great favor, and “At Capri” is fully equal to it in merit and interest, although quite different. No. 14 [in press]. CASTLE DALY. A story of Ireland thirty years ago. By ANNIE REARY, author of “Oldbury,” &c. In the handling of the plot, incisiveness of expression, subtlety of characterization, and vividness of coloring, the book is masterly. It has been running through Macmillan's Magazine in England, and has materially en- hanced Miss Keary's reputation. A large sale is confidently expected. {} No. 15 [in press]. A IF ER. A. J. A. : - -- sº \ º Or, Life and Love in Norway. From the German of THEoDoRE MUGGE, by Edward Joy MoRRIs. A fascinating novel. The above Volunes are also bound in cloth, black and gold, $1.5O ; paper, $1.O.O. PORTER & Co.ATES, Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. *--- 2, -) --> ... " 22. * . . ." A - Office of the “AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE" (Dear Sir: We send you with this circular a sample copy of THE AMERICAN Books.ELLERs' GUIDE, to which we £nvite your attention. We Sãare no expense nor labor, to make it of value not only to the BOOK TRADE, but also to its kindred branches, the NEWS and STATIONERY trades. It is issued the first of each month, and con- tains a complete list of the publications of the previous month; announcements of all books to be published during the current month; reviews of all the issues at our publishing centres, giving all the information in regard to them necessary to enable the book-buyer to order intelligently; and copious notes of what is transpiring in the literary world, both at home aud abroad. - Each issue contºs a complete list of the NEWSPAPERS and PERIODICALs in the trade, with retail and trade prices; timely notice of all new periodicals and of all changes in price or char- acter; a review of the STATIONERY market, with a price list of Staple articles; and a list of NEW MUSIC 7SSwed by the leading music publishers in the United States. The EDITORIAL department is devoted to sub- jects of practical importance, and our columns are always open to correspondents for the discus- Sion of questions of interest to the trade. We wish every dealer in (Books, JWewspapers, Stationery or JMusic to receive the Books.ELLERs' GUIDE regularly. The subscription price is but FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR, an amount only sufficien fly large to enable us to keep our Subscription list free from error, so that the publication may be sent only to those to whom it will be of service. We respectfully solicit your subscription for which we Send the following blank. g (&espectfully yours, THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. – sº- -— WHAT THE PRESS SAY OF THE “GUIDE.” “Apart from its peculiar value to the trade, its various information con- cerning current events in the publishing world recommends it to all readers to whom the progress of literature is an object of interest.”—N. Y. Tribune. “One of the most useful and carefully prepared guides to book-buying is the AMERICAN Books.ELLERs' GUIDE, brought out under the auspices of the American News Company. Its articles are well prepared, and its sum- º invaluable. Every nnmber presents new improvements.-N.Y. O7°lCl. - “THE AMERICAN Books ELLERs' GUIDE is a monthly record of contem- poraneous bibliography, made up with remarkable industry. If one desires a birds-eye view of the literature of the day; if he would have a glimpse of all the new books at their birth—as they drop from the press like a nail from a nail machine—the Books ELLERs' GUIDE will satisfy his curiosity.”—N. Y. Evening Post. - To THE AMERICAN News £oMPANY. NEYY YORK • Enclosed find fifty cents. Please send the AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE, to my address as below, for one year. Name. iº Post Office. County, State. IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS. * A MEDIUM for the Sale and Exchange of Old Books and Magazines is a constant and growing want among dealers. Much old stock, which is useless in the hands of one dealer, may be readily disposed of to appreciative buyers in another locality, if those buyers have some inexpensive means of making their wants known. Back numbers of Magazines are often wanted to complete volumes, old and rare Books are always in demand; but as the would-be buyer cannot afford to pay regular rates for advertising, their possessor is obliged to see them wear out on his shelves, and finally sells them for old paper. To meet the above want, we shall hereafter devote the required space in each number of the BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE to - BOOKs w ANTED, Under which every Subscriber will be entitled, WITHOUT CHIAF GE, to five nonpareil column lines in any number. For any additional lines, twenty cents each will be charged. This offer is made to regular subscribers only. All others will be charged twenty cents per line for each insertion. Addresses . and titles should be plainly written, and copy should reach this office as early as the 20th of each month, to secure insertion in the next number. L3 OOPSGS H'OTER, S_A_LE. Under this head we will insert advertisements at twenty cents per nonpareil line. . No charge will be made in either list for space occupied by the address of the advertiser, and no title of book or periodical will occupy less than one line. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, N. Y., PUBI, ISHERS. E35° For terms of Subscription, see first page of the GUIDE. TEIE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The 40mérican Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. ... All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by - - TEIE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET *g NEW YORK, June 1, 1875. Although we hear much on all sides of an unusual depression in the book trade, and the gloomy prospects for the summer, we are in- clined to think that the business is safer, if not greater, than last year at this time. It has been so “overdone * in former years, that busy presses and large sales have not always been healthful indications. The falling off in the demand for books has taught the publish- ers that success does not so much depend on the number of books issued as their quality, and dealers are no longer tempted by “bar- gains” to overload themselves with dead stock; hence, though business is light, publishers can, as a rule, dispose of paying editions of what they make, and dealers are able to pay for what they take. A few of the books of the month have sold remarkably well, and the low-spirited in the trade may be assured that books are not going out of fashion, that the public are still ready to purchase, if the publishers will furnish what they want. Harper & Brothers have published since 'our last, Macready's Reminiscences ; a book on the revivalists Moody and Sankey and their work, entitled The Work of God in Great Britain, by Rev. Dr. Rufus W. Clark; Bishop Haven’s book on Mexico ; Mr. J. R. Green’s Short History of the English People; a cheap edition of Livingstone's Last Journals, Man, and Beast Here and Hereafter, by Rev. J. G. Wood; The Satires of Persius, edited by Professor Basil L. Gildersleeve, of the University of Vir- ginia; and a new edition of the Hand-Book for Travelers in Europe and the East. The “Reminiscences” of the great English trage- dian are already somewhat familiar to Ameri- can readers, Macmillan having brought out the English edition several months ago. Those who have failed to read it have now an op- portunity to get it in as good a form, at a much lower price. Macready was not only a con- scientious actor, but a Christian gentleman and an earnest worker in his chosen field. The story of his early life is full of instruc- tive lessons, and the many lively anecdotes of contemporaneous actors and others make the book very attractive. The autobiography ends with the year 1826, but the story is continued by his diaries up to 1851, and beyond that year to the time of his death in 1873, by the editor, Sir Frederick Pollock, and by letters to himself and Lady Pollock. Dr. Clark's book on Moody and Sankey gives a very clear and complete account of their work, drawn from the most trustworthy sources. Mr. Wood’s book on animals is a collection of anecdotes, illustrating their in- telligence and supporting the theory of the author that they share with man the facul- ties of reason, memory, love, and other quali- ties, which man expects to retain in the next world, and “ there is every reason to presume that the lower animals may share his immor- tality hereafter.” Some of the anecdotes are very curious, and there are few readers with so little sympathy with the lower animals that they cannot enjoy the volume. Green’s Short History of the English People, though designed especially for the student, is full of interest to the general reader, containing much not found in other histories of En- gland. In fact, it is, as the title indicates, more a history of the people than of the country, treating as fully of the poets, the merchants, the thinkers of England, who have influenced her destiny, as of her soldiers and statesmen. The author is clear and forci- ble, even brilliant at times, and the reader can follow him as delightfully as through a novel. Gildersleeve's Salères of Persius is a text-book for colleges, which will commend itself to those for whom it has been prepared. The value of the book to the student may be inferred from the fact that while the text of the Satires fills but twenty-six pages, more than two hundred are devoted to notes, a biography of Persius, and an index. Harper's Handbook for travelers in Europe and the East is now in its fourteenth year. Since the previ- ous issue many of the countries have been en- 182 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. tirely rewritten, and important additions have been made in the descriptions of all of them, with corrections brought down to the begin- ning of the present year. A new map of Swit- zerland has been added, and a new one of Europe substituted for the old one; three large maps of England, Scotland and Ireland have also been added. Of new novels, the Harpers have issued Alice Lorraine, by R. D. Blackmore, a passable story, with some charming descriptions of English and Spanish scenery; Our Detach- 7nent, a vivacious story of the loves and flirta- tions of the members of an English regiment with the pretty girls of the Irish town where they were quartered, by Katherine King ; William Black's Three Feathers; and The Rape of the Gamp, by C. Welsh Mason. Mr. Black's story is one of his best. Though not sensational nor dramatic, it engages and holds the atten- tion of the reader from the beginning to the end. The Rape of the Gamp is a story of a very eccentric young lady who fell in love with another woman’s husband. The ordinary novel reader will like it. Other novels com- ing immediately from the Harpers are Miss Angel, by Miss Thackeray; a volume of short stories from the same author; Walter's Word, by James Payn ; and a novel by Eliza A. Pol- lard, entitled The Lady Superior. We are al- so promised a timely summer book on The Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast, by Samuel A. Drake. - D. Appleton & Co. have made the hit of the Season in General Sherman’s Memoirs, the most important book on the late war yet written by a leader on either side. It has been so extensively noticed by the press, that little need be said here concerning it. The un- reserved, outspoken manner in which the author gives his views has already provoked much criticism, and more is coming; but, how- ever much individuals here and there are displeased, the public will not fail to read and , enjoy the work. The other books from the . Appleton's are The Aërial World, by G. Hart- wig; a volume on The Life and Growth of Language, by Prof. William Dwight Whitney, of Yale, and English Men of Science, by Fran- cis Galton, the author of Hereditary Genius, who says the book was suggested by M. de Candolle’s work, in which he analyzes the salient events in the history of two hundred scientific men. He thinks the facts collected in this latest volume will go far to strengthen his claims for the recognition of the import- ance of hereditary influence, and the book seems to have been written for this purpose. He pursues his investigation under the heads of Antecedents, Qualities, Origin of Taste for Science, and Education, using notable instan- ces, as Darwin, Bentham, and Carpenter as illustrations. The volume is as important for what it suggests as for what it proves. Prof. Whitney’s book on Language is a schol- arly work written for scholars, though the ordinary reader will not find it above his comprehension. The Aërial World is a hand- some octavo, illustrated by chromo-lithograph plates, woodcuts and a climatological map. The purpose of the author, as given in the preface, was not to write a learned disquisi- tion, but “to give a general view of the phe- nomena of the atmosphere ; to point out the relations between the aërial ocean and man, and to describe the life of which it is the scene.” This he has done most admirably, and the volume, though brimful of scien- tific fact, is to the general reader far more readable than scientific books usually are. Henry Holt has issued Walford's Mr. Smith, in the Leisure Hour Series, and Taine's laugh- able Notes on Paris, both early in the month, and noticed in my last letter; and Art Life and Theories of Richard Wagner, selected from his writings and translated by Edward L. Burlingame. There is probably no one talked of so much, who is so little known, as the composer Wagner, and Mr. Burlingame has done great service to the English-reading public by translating these selections from his works and giving us an insight into his busy life. It is not generally known that he is a voluminous author, his collected works filling nine large volumes, only a few of which have been translated into English. His autobiography, given in Mr. Burlingame's book, ends with his twenty-ninth year, but to many it will be the most interesting portion of the volume, portraying as it does the trials and difficulties of the young composer. The rest of the volume is taken up by his shorter papers. A catalogue of his published works is added, and the book is illustrated by draw- ings of the Bayreuth Opera House. From G. P. Putnam’s Sons we have two notable books: The Keys of the Creeds, pub- lished anonymously; and Home Sketches in France, and other Papers, by Mrs. H. M. Field. The first is in the form of a series of letters on the various religious doctrines and beliefs. They are taken up in turn and analyzed as coolly and skillfully as the surgeon dissects his passive subject. The author takes the ground that the accepted religious beliefs have become so through a sort of intellectual evolution— a natural course of reasoning. He writes carefully and incisively, and the volume will command attention, and of course call out much criticism. Home Sketches in France is a sort of memorial volume, in which Mr. Henry M. Field has collected a number of notices of his late wife, and many of her letters from Paris. In these letters are some clever pictures of life in France and charm- ing sketches of noted people—Père Hyacinthe, George Eliot, Mrs. Charles, the author of the Schönberg-Cotta books, and others. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. have issued a new edition of Headley’s The Adirondack, illus- trated with steel engravings, and containing the results of the recent State Topographical Survey, and the first correct map of the re- gion. The additions will be very acceptable Sº THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS 60/LE. 183 r– to summer tourists. Scribners a contribution to the religious con- troversy of the day, entitled, Religion and Science in their Relations to Philosophy, by Dr. .Charles W. Shields, Ån essay read before the Philosophieal Society in Washington; a new cook-book from Marion Harland; and the seventh Bric-à-Brac, Pérsonal Reminiscences of Connelia /(night and Thomas Rºkes. Cornelia Knight, when a girl, more than a hundred years ago, was accustomed to meet many noted people at the house of her father, who was an English admiral. some time companion to the Primeess Char- lotte, afterwards the wife of Prince Leepold. She died in 1837, and left an autobiography, from which Mr. Stoddard has culled much interesting gossip. Thomas Raikes was a man of leisure, a frequenter of the clubs, a friend of Greville, and acquainted with many of the English notabilities of his day. His reminiscences are very entertaining. G. W. Carleton & Co. have published two novels which are noticeable: A Mad Marriage, by May Agnes Fleming; and Ecce Fémina, or The Woman Zoe, by a writer who styles her- self Cuyler Pine, and who is really Miss Peck, who claimed to be the author of Noth- 'ng to Wear, over which there was a contro- versy several years ago. The poem was a satire on dress, the novel is a satire on “fash- ionable religion.” It is written in a lively style and wili suit the tastes of many. Mrs. Fleming has obtained an enviable reputation as a novelist during the past few years, and her books sell almost as well as those of Mrs. Southworth. Her last is sensational and ex- citing from beginning to end. The characters are varied and cleverly drawn, and lively incidents follow each other so rapidly that the interest of the reader never flags. From Hurd & Houghton we have a new edition of Judge Holmes's work on The Au- , thorship of Shakespeare, to which he has added nearly a hundred pages of new matter, in- cluding the correspondence between him and Mr. Spedding, the English editor of Bacon’s works, who vigorously disputes the claims put forward in behalf of Bacon. The same house have issued a volume of peculiar inter- est, entitled A Group of Poets and their Haunts, in which the author, Prof. James A. Harrison, of Randolph-Macon College, Vir- ginia, writes charmingly of the literary peo- ple he has met abroad. “The Sorrows of Heine’’ is a very pathetic account of the lingering decline of that brilliant author, and “The Italian Haunts of Lord Byron ’’ is pic- turesque and lively. The other papers are equally as interesting — all written with an enthusiasm that irresistibly affects the reader. Sheldon & Co. have issued a profusely illus- trated History of the United States, by Ben- son J. Lossing, designed for schools, but an attraetive book for children anywhere ; Jus- tin McCarthy’s story, Paul Massie ; and Love Afloat, a romance of the American navy fifty We have also from the She was also for • years ago, by Mr. F. H. Sheppard. Justin McCarthy is always a pleasing author. In this novel are some fine character drawings and curious plots, ingeniously developed. It is probably one of the author's best. Mr. Sheppard’s novel is a good love story, but a better sea story. There is a capture by pirates and subsequent rescue, and the pic- tures of life in the steerage and cabin of a war-ship are quite attractive. —sº º- - BOSTON, June 1, 1875. Our publishers are holding over a number of good books which were intended for this spring, and they will be kept until a brisker trade will justify their issue. We have scarce- ly ceased finding fault with the lateness of the spring, when we find ourselves complain. ing of the too early summer. As we have had no spring, perhaps it is not surprising that we have had no spring trade. If we may call the trade of the past month a summer trade, it has been very fair. Roberts Brothers have published, under the title of Freedom, and Fellowship in Religion, a collection of essays and addresses, edited by a-committee of the Free Religious Associa- tion. They include “Freedom in Religion,” by Samuel Johnson ; “Religion and Science,” by John Weiss ; “The Unity and Universality of the Religious Ideas,” by Samuel Longfel- low ; “The Soul of Protestantism,” by Rev. O. B. Frothingham ; “The Word Philanthro- py,” by T. W. Higginson, and other papers by Edna D. Cheney, John W. Chadwick, F. E. Abbott, William J. Potter, and David A. Wasson. Whatever may be thought of the doctrines they inculcate, the papers are all scholarly and able, Mr. Higginson's and Mr. Frothingham's being probably the best. In an introductory paper Mr. Frothingham sets forth the religious outlook, arguing that re- ligious questions now “occupy the thoughts of men more than ever before, entering into nearly all human affairs; but there is a chaotic state of opinion, resulting from the general breaking up of the Christian system, while Intelligence is diligently seeking for an is- sue out from the falling city.” He goes on to say that the destructive period has nearly passed by, and the constructive period has already begun. The reader is informed that “this volume of essays, printed under the aus- pices of .the Free lºeligious Association, writ- ten by different minds in different moods, for different occasions, working without the least reference to one another, and associated here by no other bond than that of a common feel- ing of intellectual need º is thrown out as their contribution towards the relig- ion of the future.” I have given the scope of the book at this length, because it really con- tains the best arguments of the free thinkers, and the array of names contributing to its pages will secure for it wide attention. A volume of an entirely different character, 184 THE AMERICAN booksellERs cuſpſ. also from Roberts Brothers, is Through the Year, written by Rev. Horatio N. Powers, of St. John's Church, Chicago. It consists of short devotional essays adapted to the seasons of nature and of the church. They are on a great variety of subjects, full of pure, elevating thought and christian devotion. Under the general head of Nature, Humanity, and Relig- ion, are readable papers on Agassiz, Sumner, and Kingsley. A cheap edition of Our New Crusade is issued under the title of The Good Time Coming. Jean Ingelow's novel, ſºtted to be Free, will not appear until late in the summer or early in the fall. One of the latest books from Estes & JLauriat is Professor Burt G. Wilder's What Young People Should Know, over which there has been quite a controversy as to whether its contents are really what young people should know or not, or whether these facts of sexual anatomy and physiology should be given to them in this form, or should be left to parents to impart. When it is once settled that the subject should be studied, this vol. ume is an excellent aid. The other new books are William Forsyth's History of Dawyers, noticed last month ; Miss Rovel, by Victor herbuliez ; Part VII. of “ Half-Hours with In- sects,” being Insects of the Field, by A. S. Pack- ard ; and No. 15 of “ Half-Hour Recreations,” The Sun and the Earth, by Professor Balfour Stewart. Cherbuliez’s novel has been admir- ably translated by Frances A. Shaw, and readers will find it as absorbing in plot, as bright and sparkling with life, as The Ro- mance of an IIonest Woman. Early in the month Estes & Lauriat will publish Jettatrice, or the Veil Withdrawn, a movel by Madame Augustus Craven; cheap editions, in paper, of L. N. Comyn's two novels, Elena, and Atherstone Priory; and will reprint Henry Kingsley's Stretton. Elena is an Italian love story, with a sensible, but highly inter- esting plot, pleasing characters, lively adven- tures, and pretty scenery. Atherstone Priory is an entertaining story of English home-life, presenting the heart-histories of a bevy of young folks, very much like those we meet in real life. The author writes very grace- fully, and with an insight of motives and a pleasing method of unfolding them which gives a peculiar interest to his books. They are no less interesting as works of fiction for bearing the impress of reality. Part VIII. of “Half-Hours with Insects,” in which Prof. Packard treats learnedly and entertainingly of the Insects of the Forest, will be issued shortly. Since my last letter, J. R. Osgood & Co. have published a volume of Transatlantic Sketches, by Henry James, Jr.; a new volume of poems from John G. Saxe, entitled Leisure Day IRhymes ; a book on Prohibition, by Dio Lewis; Browning’s poem, Aristophanes’Apolo- gy; Poetic Studies, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; and The Birds and Seasons of New England, by Wilson Flagg, author of Woods and By- dozen illustrations. series will be fittingly completed. ways of New England. The latest volume, Birds and Seasons, is illustrated by heliotypes from photographs, and is a charming sum. mer book. Mr. James's book possesses more than ordinary merit, not only for its ele- gant style, but for the vividness with which picturesque scenes are presented to the reader. lt is the result of the author's three years' stay abroad, chiefly in England and Italy, and few tourists succeed in seeing so much, and very few indeed have the power to portray what they he that Mr. James displays in this volume. They are certainly the finest sketch- es of travel we have ever read. Saxe's new volume contains his most recent productions. Some of them have been printed so generally in the newspapers, that they are more or less familiar, while others seem entirely new. The public will appreciate them all. Of Aq's- tophanes' Apology there will be a great diver. sity of opinion, as there is of everything Browning writes. Many assert that he is ob. scure, while others admire his style. Swin- burne, in his preface to the new edition of Chapman's works, says: “To tax Mr. Brown- ing with obscurity is about as accurate as to call Lynceus purblind, or complain of the slug- gish action of the electric telegraph.” Aris- tophanes' Apology is probably the strongest of his works, displaying great learning and eru- dition. Mrs. Phe.ps's volume of verses, under the title of Poetic Studies, contains much to commend it. The author does better in prose; but many of her poems display a genuine poetic talent. Dr. Dio Lewis regards Prohibi- tion as a failure, and argues that intemperance can only be subdued by social and religious influences. He makes many good points, and his book is worth attention. Jules Verne's Wreck of the Chancellor, pub- lished early in the month, is a harrowing tale of fire at sea and shipwreck, and starvation in an open boat, and weary watching through long days and nights for the sail that never, comes. Like his other books, it is vivid -in description, and abounds in ingenious devi- ces. Howells's Their Wedding Journey has been put in the Saunterer's Series, and Ten- nyson's Idylls of the Iſing have been pub- lished in a fine Household Edition, with a To the Little Classics have been added Childhood ; Heroism ; and For- tume. The series, as it approaches comple- tion, seems to grow better and better. The last volume contains Poe's “The Gold-Bug,” Lover’s “The Fairy-Finder,” María Edge- worth’s “Murad the Unlucky,” Hawthorne's “The Threefold Destiny,” John Banim’s “The Rival Dreamers,” and Hale's “The Children of the Public,” each a gem of English literature. The next volume will comprise biographical sketches of the authors from whom selec- tions have been made, and thus the prose Three vol- umes of poems will follow. This month will be published a unique volume of poems, from French, German, I alian and Persian THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 185 writers, translated by James Freeman Clark and his daughter ſaillian, and published under the title of Exotics, also a story of some Lowell factory girls, told in verse by Lucy Larcom, entitled An Idyl of Work: ; and a traveler's handbook of The Maritime Prov- inces of British America, on the plan of Baedeker's (Huide Books. This will be the most complete book of the kind on Canada and the provinces, giving descriptions of all the points the tourist may be likely to visit, and the information most wanted by the traveler. William F. Gill & Co. will issue some of the most attractive novelties of the season this month, The first volume of the Treasure- Trove Series will head the list. This series will be edited by Mr. R. H. Stoddard, and will comprise the choicest gems of the lighter humorous writings of the prominent English and American writers. A tempting array of the “bright things” of modern authors is offered in the table of contents of the initial volume of the series, which is entitled “ Bur- lesque,” “The Noble Savage,” by Charles Dickens; “Our New Livery and Other Things,” by Geo. Wm. Curtis; “The Insanity of Cain,” by Mrs. M. M. Dodge; “The Painter's Bar- gain,” by Thackeray; “A Visit to the Royal Exhibition,” by F. C. Burnand ; “An Encoun- ter with an Interviewer,” by Mark Twain; “Fireside Saints.” by Douglas Jerrold; “The Golden Age of New York,” by Washington Irving ; “Mrs. Brown at the Ray,” by Arthur Sketchley; “A Virtuoso's Will,” by Addi- son ; “Directions to Footmen,” by Swift; and “Simm's Dog,” by Adeler, are the selections made. - - - The volumes of the Threasure-Trave. Series will be of a convenient size, between that of the ‘‘Bric-à-Brac ’’ and “Little Classic” vol- umes, will be sold at the popular price of $1.25 per volume, and will have unique and characteristic cloth covers. Another series, to be called “The Satchel Series,” will, as its name implies, be especially adapted to the wants of summer travelers. Each volume will contain complete stories, poems and es- says, and will be finely illustrated, That the public will appreciate this endeavor of the publishers to present popular literature in a highly artistic form, there can be no doubt. These volumes will be offered at 50 cents per part, and each will be complete in itself. The initial number will contain a new story, by Miss M. E. Braddon, a poem by Owen Meredith, and other attractive summer read- ing. The advance interest in this traveler's Wade-Mecum, as the series may be termed, has caused a postponement of the first num- ber, which is, however, promised by the 12th instant. - Arsene Houssaye's “Life in Paris” needs no introduction. His letters, like those of John Paul, have been among the most entertaining features of the New York Tribune and many persistent requests for their publication in book form have been made. These demands. will now be answered, and the book will be . sought, not only by all tourists going to Paris, but by the large army of stay-at-homes who would like to go, but are not likely to get any nearer to that Mecca than this book; which, in fact, will carry one very near indeed to Paris as it is at the present time. Last, but not least, Messrs. Gill & Co. announce the latest novel of Mr. Edmund Yates, who is always sure of a large audience in America. The book bears the suggestive title of The Silent Witness,” and, like his Dangerous Game, which had a very successful run last year, is a clever and strongly wrought story of dark conspiracy and crime which this author is so apt in delineating. The character of the hero- ine is one of the most interesting of Mr. Yates's creations. The Silent Witness, will be published towards the last of the month. Lee & Shepard have published the long-an. nounced Morals of Abow Ben Adhem, by D. R. Locke, better known as Petroleum V. Nasby ; Ocean Born, a new book by “Oliver Optic,”. in the Yacht Club Series; Wolf Run, or the Boys of the Wilderness, by Elijah Kellogg; and a woulme of sharp, pungent, fragmentary essays and letters by Wm. B. Greene, under the title of Socialistic, Communistic, Mutualistic and F. avancial Fragments. Col. Greene is well known as a newspaper writer on all manner of social questions, and this volume is mostly a collee- tion of such writings, embracing cutting criti- cisms of Free Love, Communism, Dr. Clark’s book—Set in Education, Popular Sovereign- ty, and Financial Matters. There is a read able paper on the History of Marriage, and a suggestive and somewhat amusing criticism of a sermon preached by the Rev. H. W. Foote, on Personal Responsibility for Public Honesty. Though everybody will not agree with Colonel Greene's theories, there is much in the little volume well worth reading. Of the two new books for boys, it is not necessary to say a word to secure for them a welcome. Oliver Optic's books instruct as well as amuse, and as a story-teller for the youth, Elijah Kellogg is not surpassed. He never fails to get down to the level of the boys for whom he writes, with whose tastes he seems perfectly familiar. Mrs. Miller's cook-book, In, the Ritchen, is nearly ready. It has several merits to com mend it to practical housekeepers. It is in convenient shape, the type is large, and the receipts are reliable and for daily use. An illustrated book on Childhood, by the Rev. W. F. Crafts, will be published early in the month. It is to be a compilation of bright things about children, their characteristics and influence, and promises to be very entertaining. Bunker Hill and Lexington literature is in demand, and new pamphlets are displayed in . all the bookstores. Little, Brown & Co. have just issued a little volume giving an account of the Battle of Bunker Hill, by Richard Froth- ingham, taken from his Siege of Boston, pub- lished some years ago, and said by Mr. Ban- 186 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. croft to be a most valuable contribution to Massachusetts history. Among the illustra- tions is a view of Charlestown in 1775, taken from a cut made soon after the battle; also Page’s Plan of Action, Roman's Exact View of the JBattle, and others reproduced in fac- simile from early engravings. A. Williams & Co. have issued a new edi- tion of Mr. David Pulsifer's Account of the Bat- tle of Bunker Hill, containing Burgoyne's ac- count, and a map of Boston and Charlestown at the time, showing the position of the Eng- lish and American forces. They have also reprinted from the Unitarian Review, The Con- cord Fight, by Rev. Grindall Reynolds. Two other pamphlets worthy of notice have been printed by Williams & Co.: Letters from Ber- 'muda, written by Mrs. Jane A. Eames, to the Concord (N.H.) Monitor, and An Open Letter to the Members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, on the Nature of Disease, by Edward E. Denniston, M.D. Henry L. Shepard & Co. announce Good JHumor, being a collection of the best humor, by James M. Bailey (the Danbury News Man), W. H. H. Murray, J. M. Merrick, Dickens, Thackeray and others; and Spring Flowers, or April, May and June in the Garden, by Edward S. Rand, Jr. Rev. W. H. H. Murray's Perfect Horse, formerly published by Osgood, is now on Shepard’s list. The book, it will be remem. bered, was first issued two years ago, and con- tains an introduction by Henry Ward Beecher, and a treatise by George B. Loring. It is a capital book on the horse, showing how to detect his good points, how to breed, train, drive, and take care of him. There has been an important change in the firm of Noyes, Holmes & Co., formerly known as Crosby & Nichols, then as Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co., and Nichols & Noyes, and latterly composed of Messrs. Henry B. Noyes, Jno. B. Holmes, John S. Lockwood, and Walter D. Brooks. Messrs. Noyes and Holmes have now retired, the latter to start a new stationery |business in Franklin street, under the firm- name of J. B. Holmes & Co. The remaining partners have admitted Mr. P. S. Tobey, and will continue the business at the old stand, under the firm-name of Lockwood, Brooks & Co. It is the intention of the new firm to pay more attention to the publishing of books, and also to extend their stationery business. They have become the publishers of the novels known as the Old and New Series, including Hale's In his Name ; Ten Times One is Tem, and others that were originally published as serials in Old and Neºp. New editions of these will be printed, and also a new volume of Cen- tennial Stories. They have just issued in pamph- let form Mr. Dana’s able Oration at Leaving- . tom on the 19th of April last, and a History of the Battle of Bunker’s Hill, from authentic sources in print and manuscript, by George E. Ellis. It is a very accurate account, and is accompanied by a map of the battle-ground. The first book in cloth from the new firm is editions. a translation by Mary P. Nichols, of Fried- rich Wieck's Piano and Song, a little book which every one who is at all interested in music will take pleasure in reading. The author was a distinguished teacher of music, and his book contains many valuable sugges- tions in regard to teaching and learning to play and to sing. gº------ PHILADELPHIA, June 1, 1875. Trade is nearly at a stand-still, and, with the exception of one or two of our largest houses, publishers talk discouragingly both of present trade and future prospects. The new books issued and in hand are very few. The Lippincotts have issued a large illus- trated octavo volume of six hundred pages, on The Recent Origin of Man, by James C. Southall, of Richmond, Va. The author holds that the established facts of science go to prove that primeval man appeared six or eight thousand years ago in the East, in a civilized condition, and there are no human traces behind these ; that the palaeolithic man of western Europe was at least an intelligent savage like our Indian, and neither archaeology nor geology has detected any earlier human form. He argues with much force and produces much evidence against the doctrine of Evolution, and in favor of the Scriptural record of the creation. He treats at length of the Megalithic Monuments, the Lake Dwellings, the Bone Caves, and other supposed evidences of the antiquity of man, and altogether the work is an able one, and likely to attract much attention. The other books from this house are Morford's American Guide, which has been revised and enlarged for the present season ; the new edition of Prescott's Miscellaneous Essays, completing the set of fifteen volumes; David Copperfield, in the new Standard Dick- ens; a novel by Mrs. J. H. Twells, bearing the title The Mills of the Gods ; and a new volume in Professor Browning’s Historica) Handbooks, a History of the Roman Empire, by Arthur M. Curteis. The latter volume deals concisely, but very clearly with Roman his- tory from the death of Theodosius the Great, A.D. 375, to the coronation of Charles the Great in the year 800. It is meant, the author says in his preface, to be a help towards bridging over the gulf between the two sec- tions of history which are popularly supposed to divide a little after the Christian era into Ancient and Modern. The volume is supplied with maps, a synopsis of events, and a copious index, and, as a handbook, will be very serviceable. The Mills of the Gods is written by a well-known Philadelphia lady. It is a pleasing story of society life, well told. Lippincott & Co. have issued a new edition of Knight's Half-Hours with Best Authors, with sixteen steel plates not in the other Ouida’s new novel, Sigma, is an- nounced for next week. An ably written, THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERY GUIDE. 187 outspoken book, by Mrs. E. E. Evans, on The Abuse of Maternity, is nearly ready. Porter & Coates have published Th2 Better Self, a volume of essays on homely everyday subjects, by J. Hain Friswell, author of The Gentle Life, which has passed through twenty- one editions, and has deserved all its success. In The Better Self, the essays are pure but full of pith and vigor, and none the less heroic for dealing with subjects usually discarded by the poet and philosopher; for, as the author says, the fashion is to simulate the passion of the poet and to strut where we should walk. Among the subjects treated are, Young Children, The Girls at Hohne, Sneers and Ill-nature, Pretension and Sentiment, etc. Diseases of the Horse, and How to Treat Them, by Robert Chawner, is an attempt to supply a concise handbook on the subject, on which, the author says, no new work has appeared in twelve or fifteen years. He thinks that the new diseases, or new forms of old ones, have never before been properly treated in any manual. The causes, symptoms, and treat- ment of the various diseases which horse- flesh is heir to are briefly but quite thor- oughly presented, and the work appears to be a very useful one. - Two novels have been added to the excellent International Series : Oldbury, a -story of English rural life, by Annie Keary, and At Capri, translated by MS. from the German of Carl Detlef. Professor Blasius' book on Storms is promised before the end of the month, and Castle Daly, a story of Ireland thirty years ago, by Annie Keary, is also announced for this month. The readers of Macmillam's Magazine, where it has appeared as a serial, pronounce it bright and full of interest. Porter & Coates have arranged for the English copyright of the Count de Paris' work on the American Civil War, and it will be issued here and in England at the same date. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have pub- lished a convenient, interleaved edition of Dr. Fuch's Practical Guide to the Determination of Minerals by the Blowpipe, translated and edited by Prof. T. W. Danby, of Cambridge, and are printing a Handbook on Land and Marine Engines, by 'Stephen Roper, the author of the Handbook of the Locomotive, and other books. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have published Popery Evposed, translated from F. Petruccelli de la Gallina. It contains some highly- wrought stories, a sketch of the present pope, and much interesting gossip concerning the men and government of Rome. The Petersons have also issued new novels from two of our most popular writers of fiction, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens and Mrs. Southworth. The first is Bertha’s Engagement, and Mrs. Southworth’s is entitled The Mystery of Dark IIollow. If success be the measure of merit, these two authors are the best novel-writers of the day, for no novels are read so universally in this country as theirs. A inere announcement of a new story from either of them is sufficient to the thousands of readers who are familiar with their previous writings. Kay & Bro. have just issued Wharton's Treatise on Homicide, and a little work of local interest to lawyers, entitled the Pennsylvania Legal Time-Table. It is prepared by Wm. H. Browne, and gives the legal requirements for advertising actions, the time for filing notices and reports, making returns, etc., and much other information in handy form. The matter of the volume is also condensed and published in the form of a wall chart. RARE Coins AND MEDALs The Messrs. Leavitt recently sold by auc- tion, a collection of rare coins. An English pound sterling of the time of Charles I., bear- ing date 1642, with a small figure of the King on horseback, and numerous other illustra- tions, sold for $47.50; another similar piece, same date, more richly decorated, $62.50; two more similar pieces, one bearing date 1643 and the other 1644, brought $62.50 and $70 respectively; a Commonwealth twenty-shill- ing piece or pound, very rare, $15.25; a fine guinea piece of the time of George IV., $36; an American silver dollar, dated 1803, $19 ; a silver quarter of a dollar, of a very rare pat- tern, coined in 1804, $150 ; a silver half-dime, uncirculated, dated 1796, $18; a copper cent, coined in 1794, $15.75, and another, 1799, $25; a half-cent piece, dated 1795, $6.50; a pine- tree shilling, coined in 1652, $11; a silver medal, size of a half-dollar, to commemorate the armed neutrality of Russia, Denmark, Sweden, and Holland, $11.50; a West Virginia war medal, made of bronze, “Liberty Crowning Valor,” $12; two Jackson medals, tin, silver- plated, one bearing the inscription, “Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, 1829,” and reversed, “Hero of New Orleans,” and the other, “Gen. Jackson, the gallant and success- ful defender of New Orleans and candidate for the Presidency of the United States of Amer- ica, 1828,” brought $35 and $33 respectively; an Austrian double crown of the time of Max- imilian I., coined in 1509, $12; a triple dollar, time of Rudolph II., 1604, $42; an Austrian double crown, dated 1662, $7; another similar piece, evidently executed by the same hand, $6.25; a dollar medal of the time of John Huss, 1415, $8.75; a Reformation medal, 1607, $12; a Martin Luther medal, dollar size, bearing the bust of Luther on one side, and the martyr Huss on the other, $23: a medal of the city of Eisenach, Germany, where Luther was confined, in commemoration of events in Luther's life, $29; and another of the city of Eisleben, Germany, the birthplace of Luther, with a full-face bust of the great reformer, dated 1661, $20; and another of Esslingen, a Luther medal in commemoration of the jubilee, 1717, $10. I'88 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. *mºnº- Harper & Bros. will publish here Carlyle's The Early Kings of Norway. The second volume of Dr. Guthrie's Life may be expected from the Carters this month. Sheldon & Co. have in press a story of Norse life, by H. H. Boyesen, entitled A Worseman’s Pilgrimage. - A second volume of Monographs Personal and Social, from Lord Houghton, will soon be published. - A new edition from new plates, of Crofutt's Transcontinental Tourist, has been printed by Carleton & Co. The private library of Daniel Webster is to be sold at auction, in Boston. The sale com- mences June 8th. - Mr. F. B. Patterson announces a work on Journalism, to embrace the views of the lead- ing journalists of the country. A new and enlarged edition of The Ameri. can Fruit Culturist, with much new and valu- º: matter, is nearly ready, by Wm. Wood Co. - T. Ellwood Zell is binding his Cyclopedia of American Literature in two volumes. The first is now ready, and the second will be ready in a few weeks. In a little biography which Charles Reade has written of his nephew, Winwood Reade, he says The Outcast was written with the hand of death upon the author. The first, volumes of the Memoirs of John Quincy Adams are nearly out of print. As no plates have been made, they will not be re- printed. The sixth volume is the last issued, and there are to be several more. S. J. McCormick, of Portland, Oregon, has sent us a copy of The Oregon Iſand-Book and Emigrant’s Guide, an illustrated pamphlet of 136 pages, containing a very full description of the State, its early history, climate, miner- als, industries and productions, and much other matter of interest. Sheldon & Co. have purchased all the re- maining plates of Gould & Lincoln, with the right of publication. The list includes among other important books, Agassiz's Zoëlogy, Dr. Haven's Intellectual and Moral Philosophy : Dr. Wayland's Moral Science and Political Economy; and the Baptist Hymn Book, Service of Song. Wilson, Hinkle & Co. have completed their new series of Graded School Readers, which have been in preparation for several years by Prof. T. W. Harvey. There are five readers in the series, all finely illustrated and printed, and in the selection and arrangement of mat- ter it would be difficult to suggest an improve- ment. The lessons in the first book are adapt- ed to either of the new methods of teaching, and the selections of the higher books are mostly new, of sufficient variety, and wholly unexceptional. The skillful hand of the ex- perienced teacher is everywhere apparent in the series, and it will stand the test of the school-room. Dr. Buchanan, of Louisville, Ky., has written a critical work on Philosophy and Philosophers, reviewing the systems from Plato to Huxley. It it said to be a very able work. Robert Carter & Bros. have purchased the plates of Hugh Miller's works, and will issue new editions. Of the Testimony of the Rocks Over 30,000 have been sold, and it is still in demand. - - E. J. Hale & Son have ready The Odd Trump, curiously enough announced last month as The Odd Trunk. It is full of charming charac- ter and incident, introducing some lively pic- tures of student life at the German universi- ties and at Baden. Henry L. Shepard & Co., will soon issue the first part of an illustrated History. of the Southern Confederacy, by Mr. Eggleston, the author of A Rebel's Itecollections. It is to be issued in twelve monthly parts of 64 pages each, and sold by subscription. The Enterprise and Mountaineer, of Green- ville, S. C., thinks that Ex-Governor Perry's Reminiscences and Sketches, recently publish- ed in that paper and in The Nineteenth Century, of Charleston, should be collected and printed in a volune. There is certainly much in them that is worth preserving. A. S. Barnes & Co. have nearly ready a new Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by Rev. Lyman Abbott. Other volumes will rapidly follow, the New Testament to be contained in four volumes. It is designed to make the work equal, in adaptation and usefulness to the lay reader, to Barnes’s Notes. The losses of Tuttle & Co., by the late fire in Rutland, Vt., were fully covered by insur- ance. Their printing and binding departments were but slightly obstructed, and have been kept running, while the firm have been selling off their damaged stock in another store. The old quarters are being bandsomely refitted, and will be occupied in a few days with a full line of new goods. From S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, we have another volume from the graceful pen of Benj. F.Taylor, entitled Pictures of Life in Camp and Field, a series of army letters to the Chicago Evening Journal. Of all the fine de- Scriptions of battle-scenes inspired by the ex- citements of the field, these are probably the most vivid and artistic ; none the less charm- ing are they, for the vein of manly pathos which intersperse the descriptions of the scenes in camp and field. Professor Edelb. Jeanrenaud has prepared a French instruction book entitled Practical French, which we can recommend to pupils a little advanced in the study of that language. It is divided into four parts: the first contains an alphabetical list of ordinary phrases; the second treats of the chief difficulties of conversation ; the third comprises a list of French Proverbs with the English equivalents; and the fourth gives an alphabetical list of English verbs which depend for their meaning upon prepositions. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 189 R. Worthington & Co. have imported Rough Notes on the Large Game and Natural History of South and Southcast Africa, with colored il- lustrations. If these are rough notes, we doubt very much if any amount of polish could better them. The book is written in a succinct and masterly style, and should com- mand considerable attention. J. Sabin & Sons announce that they are about to reproduce George Cruikshank's My Sketch Book, which has become very rare. The reproduction is to be an exact fac-simile, to be printed by hand on fine plate paper. It will be also the same in sizé as the original, oblong folio. A few copies will be printed on India paper, for special admirers of the humor- ous artist, whose genius has achieved a world- wide fame. From E. J. Hale & Son we have, in a neatly »rinted pamphlet, the Address of the Hon. Wm. A. Graham, on the Mecklenburg Dec- laration of Independence, delivered in Char- lotte, N. C., last February. In an appendix of sixty pages are containel all the important documents cited in support of the claim of the Mecklenburg patriots, with fac-similes of the signatures of the twenty three delegates who signed the Declaration. Loring has published Mildred's JWedding, by Mrs. Notley. It is very strong and in- genious in plot, somewhat weird and fantas- tic, but withal fascinating. Having become involved in its mysteries, the reader will be unwilling to drop the volume until those mysteries are all solved. Mr. D. Van Nostrand cautions the trade against introducing into this country an Eng- lish edition of “Plattner’s Manual of Quali- tive and Quantitive Analysis with the Blow- Pipe,” bearing the name of T. Hugo Cookesley as editor, and published in London by Chatto & Windus. Mr. Van Nostrand claims that it is a verbatim reprint of his edition, with the ex- ception of the omission of a few tables and of Some other matter of slight importance. The awards for supplying stationery to the Interior Department for the coming year were made on the 22d ult. The following firms outside of Washington received awards: P.W. Durham, New York, for supplyings tracing- cloth, cloth-lined wrappers, folio post, and yellow wrapping paper; the Morgan Envelope Company, for mucilage, writing paper, enve- lopes, and bond-paper; the Owen Paper Com- pany, Housatonic, Mass., for note paper, linen note paper, and fourteen-pound quarto post paper. The other awards were divided among the stationers of Washington. Fusang, or the Discovery of America by Chi- mese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century, is the title of a curious volume by Mr. Charles G. Leland, published by J. W. Boutón. It sets forth the evidences which exist that Hoei-shin, a Chinese priest, visited the west- ern coast of America in A.D. 499. His report was entered on the annals of the Chinese Empire, and all sorts of stories have been told concerning it. In 1841 Prof. Neumann, of the University of Munich, published with comments a translation of Hoei-shin's account, and Mr. Leland has now translated Dr. Neu- mann's paper into English. He has included in the volume other evidence that the account is a true One. James Campbell, Boston, has published a second edition of The History and Philosophy of Marriage, revised arid enlarged by the addi- tion of new matter, including a reply to one of his critics. The author's arguments in favor of polygamy have been severely assail- ed; but whatever may be said of their hetero- doxy, they are evidently honest, and the book suggests some awkward social problems. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. have published in a neat volume a vivid account of the wreck of the Ville-du-Havre, translated from the French of the Rev. N. Weiss, who was a passenger on his return from the Evangelical Alliance to France. There is a mournful interest in this volume to those who lost friends on the ill-fated steamer, and the graphic sketches of a passenger’s life at sea, as well as the story C f the wreck, are well worth reading. We have received from the Industrial Pub- lishing Company, Practical Hints on the Selec- tion of the Microscope, by John Phin, editor of The Technologist. It is a manual intended for beginners, to whom it will be of great service. It describes the various kinds of the micro. scope, shows how to select an instrument for practical and special purposes, what ac- cessory apparatus to use, how to collect ob- jects and prepare them for czamination — in short, everything that the amateur needs to know. . John Murphy & Co., Baltimore, have pub- lish a new edition—the third—of Lingard’s History of England, abridged, with a continua- tion from 1688 to 1854, by James Burke, also an appendix bringing the work down to 1873. The volume also contains a memoir of Dr. Lingard, and marginal notes by M. J. Kerney. The History was first issued nearly fifty years ago, and is well known. Mrs Burke's Abridgement of the work, which first appeared in 1855, has been highly praised, and the work as now issued is a very complete and convenient Catholic History. The sensation caused by the Greville Me- moirs has scarcely died away, when we are called upon to notice the Life and Letters of Lord Minto, a book of much the same charac. ter, but coverfng an epoch of English History of far more importance to Americans. The Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen Caro- line), seems to have consulted Lord Minto on several occasions, relative to her future con- duct towards the Prince; and the Irish Rebel- lion, including Lord Minto's celebrated speech on the Union, and the Fitzherbert Scan- dal, are both treated at length. Altogether, this book is of far greater promise than any- thing that has yet appeared relative to that eventful period. 1 90 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. For EIGN JLITERARY Notes. It is reported that an unpublished novel by Balzac has been found. A biography of Prince Bismarck is to ap- pear in the Tauchnitz series, in English. A new and greatly enlarged edition of Dr. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, has been issued in London. Blanchard Jerrold's Jife of Napoleon III., derived from state records and unpublished family correspondence, will be published in the autumn. The publication of a large quarterly Histor- ical Review will be commenced next year in Paris, by M. Gabriel Monod. It is to contain original papers and correspondence from all parts of the world. An English clergyman has published a book on “Abraham, his Life, Times, and Travels, as told by a Contemporary 3,800 years ago,” in which is condensed the results of re- cent researches and discoveries in the East. The popularity of the handy and valuable Epochs of Modern History, has induced the publishers to prepare a series of Epochs of Ancient History. Indian History and English Literature are also to be presented in the same style. º, Ilondon Athenæum, says: “Every his- torical student will be glad to hear that the English Government, through the Public Record Office, now employs an agent in Rome to collect materials for English history from the secret archives of the Vatican.” Dr. Robert Brown of England is translating Dr. Rink’s “Legends and Traditions of the Eskimo,” collected by him partly from verbal narration and partly from native MSS. found in Labrador and Greenland. It will be illus- trated from blocks drawn and engraved by Greenlanders. 4. - Madame Michelet has written and pub- lished a pamphlet entitled the Tomb of Miche. let, vindicating her action in the controversy with M. Dumesuil as to where her husband should bea buried. The main interest of the work is in the light which it throws upon Michelet's views of death and immortality. Longmans & Co. have planned a serise of half-crown volumes, to be called the London Series of English Classics. It is to be edited by Messrs. G. W. Forrest and J. W. Hales, and will include works from all periods of Eng- lish literature, with explanatory notes, and each volume will have an intröduction deal- ing with the life and times and writings of the author. Distinguished German and Amer- ican, as well as English Scholars, will con- tribute to make the series a valuable aid to the study of English literature. *º-º- No author of his time, except the late Alexander Dumas, has made as much money as Victor Hugo. He has been famous as a writer for nearly fifty years, during thirty of which his reputation has been world-wide. In that time everything that bore his name was certain to have great sale, and nobody has been more conscious of the fact than himself. Generous as he is said to be, he drives close bargains with his publishers, getting for his work every franc that they will pay. It is estimated that Hugo has realized by his" pen 3,000,000 francs ($600,000). His dramas alone have netted him 700,000 francs. For “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” printed before he was thirty, he got but 40,000 francs, and for “Les Miserables,” issued thirty years later, he received 500,000 francs. © INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT.—A deputation of English authors recently waited on Mr. Disraeli to make representations and obtain his views in regard to international copyright, The deputation consisted of Messrs. Blanchard Jerrold, Tom Taylor, Charles Reade, Charles Dickens, G. A. Sala, and Charles Mackay, and Miss Braddon and Mrs. Wood, and many other well-known literary persons. Mr. Edward Jenkins, Member of Parliament for Dundee, and author of Gina's Baby, ad- dressed Mr. Disraeli on the part of the deputa. tion. He pointed to the appropriation and mutilation of the works of British authors by the book publishers of the United States, and asked if some remedy could not be found for the grievances. Mr. Disraeli replied that the subject had al- ready come before the government on the ques- tion whether a revision of the copyright law in regard to dramas was desirable. The govern- ment would give the matter full attention, and strive to remove the annoyances and vex- ations now existing, but it must have time to consider what method to adopt. He was of opinion that a royal commission would be better than a committee of the House of Com- mons, because it would be more likely to be well acquainted with the subject. NEw SPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. The Damburian has suspended publication. Mr. Rel)avey has become dramatic editor of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. A three-quarters interest in the Boston Post has been purchased by Mr. E. D. Winslow for $300,000. Mr. William Black will have a paper in the July Harper's on Lewis Island, in the Hebrides, the scene of some of his most charming works. The New York Daily Witness is changed from an evening to a morning paper, and en- larged to the size of the Sun. The price is in- creased to two cents. ‘The New York Sportsman is a new eight- page weekly, devoted to sports and pastimes, edited by Chas. J. Foster, H. D. McIntyre, and J. Edwards Whitehead. Price, $3 per year, 6 cents per copy. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. I 91 The name of the American Sportsman, pub- lished at West Meriden, Conn., has been changed to The ſtod and Gun, a name more appropriate to its purpose and scope. - Old and New has been merged in Scribner’s Monthly. The editor of the former, E. E. Hale, is retained as a contributor, and will write one of the serial stories for next year. The greedy St. Nicholas has absorbed no less than five juvenile magazines: Our Young Folks, The Riverside, Jittle Corporal, Schoolday Magazine, and The Children's Hour. Peterson's Journal has given up the plan of having all its stories complete in one number; and the number for June, the first of the sec- ond volume, contains the first chapters of a serial by Mrs. May Agnes Fleming. It may be a consolation for those whose lit- erary efforts have been “respectfully de- clined ” by our serial story-papers, to know that the New York, Weekly has on hand un- used MMS. for which they have paid nearly $200,000. Boston is to have a new juvenile magazine, to be published by D. Lothrop & Co., and to be called The Wide Awake. It is to be edited by Miss Ella Farman, and among its contribu- tors will be R. H. Stoddard, Col. Higginson, Miss Amanda M. Douglass, Sophie May, and a dozen other well-known writers. Miss Mary A. Hallock and Sol. Eytinge are among the ar- tists engaged. The first number is expected this month. Four new serials will be commenced in the July number of Oliver Optic's Magazine, one by Oliver Optic ; one by Elijah Kellogg; a story for girls, by Elizabeth A. Dudley ; and a story of adventure, by Captain Chas W. Hall, entitled The Great Bonanza. We are also to have during the year a series of Rem- iniscences of African Life, by Edward Dus- sault, Jr., who has just returned from a nine- teen years’ stay in Africa. The Arcadian has passed into the hands of Col. George H. Butler, formerly dramatic critic of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. In a very sensible inaugural he says: “Thackeray, in preparing the prospectus of his imaginary Pall Mail Gazette, made it an emphatic point that it would be a paper for gentlenien, writ- ten by gentlemen... I can think of no better way to express the feeling with which I assume control of this journal. There is no feature of our journalism more distressing than the tendency of editors to defame each other. It was one of the severest features in the censure visited by Mr. Dickens upon America and American institutions more than thirty years ago, I do not think we can have improved very much, and the consequence is that public opinion, in its estimate of the press, is too often disposed to regard it as a huge, brutal, monstrous influence—to be fear ed and not respected, whose liberty has be- come license—and the mere existence of which may in time be incompatible with the free- dom and self-respect of the citizen.” £usiness CHANGES. Henry L. Shepard & Co., Boston, have moved to 101 Milk St. e - At Groton, N. Y., Morton & Niver, book- sellers and newsdealers, are suceeded by S. A. . Niver. e The business of the late S. R. Wells, New York, is continued under the style of S. R. Wells & Co. - At Eugene City, Oregon, the book and new business of J. W. Skaggs has been purchased by O. A. Tibbetts. - - At Goshen, N. Y., B. S. & A. Purdy, book. sellers and newsdealers, are succeeded by Purdy & Murray. Mr. Geo. H. Beigel, formerly of Poncha- toula, La., has opened a book, stationery, and news store at 157 Magnolia Street, New Orleans. Strickland & Co., formerly of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, have closed their business there, and have resumed the bookselling, stationery, and fancy goods business in Oakland, Cali- fornia. - The firm of Lindenmeyr & Bro., paper dealers, 15 & 17 Beekman Street, New York, is dissolved, Mr. John Lindenmeyr retiring from the business, which will be continued by Henry Lindenmeyr. ... ' tº At Bloomington, lll., the firm of Maxwell, Batchelder & Co., is dissolved and a new copartnership is formed, for the purpose of carrying on the stationery business, under the name of Maxwell & Co., Noyes, Holmes & Co., Boston, are succeeded by Lockwood, Brooks & Co., Mr. Noyes and Mr. Holmes having retired. Messrs. Lockwood and Brooks of the old firm remain, and have associated with themselves Mr. P. S. Tobey. Armstrong & Co., lithographers, formerly at 166 Congress Street, Boston, have transfered their business to the Riverside Press, Cam- bridge. It will, as heretofore, be under the personal superintendence of Mr. Armstrong. -——º. Music NotEs. Ditson & Co. publish a galop entitled Ice- brook, by Samuel H. Speck, who we are told is but 15 years of age. It is a simple compo. sition, but very creditabhe to one so young. . Eſtma in Hand, from the same publishers, is an easy song and chorus in C, by George W. Persley, words by Owen M. Wilson, Jr. It is charmingly simple, but full of tender expres- S101). From H. N. Hempsted, Milwaukee, Wis., we have Fall/mſ, Waters, a pretty piece for the piano, by J. L. Truax, not difficult, and con- taining some charming passages ; the Laura, Waltz, by Charles Bach, bright and pretty ; a very creditable transcription of the popular song long, Long Ago, . by H. O. R. Sieffert ; and a lively military quickstep, by Charles Matyek, entitled Follow the Dºum. I92 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Dwight's Journal of Music has published a synopsis of the one hundred programmes per- formed at the Harvard Symphony Concerts during the ten years’ existence of the Asso- ciation. - - Mr. Reuben A. Springer has proposed to give $125,000 for the erection of a music hall in Cincinnati, on condition that the city shall donate the site, and another $125,000 shall be raised by subscription. Among the recent publications of Wm. A. Pond & Co. are two pieces by Homer A. Bart- lett, especially noteworthy. They are a fan- tasia on Pleyel’s Hymn—a composition of much merit, and a graceful song entitled Twilight, A Paris correspondent writes of Johann Strauss's new opera, La Reine Indigo, as a great success, and says that it will have a run like La Fille de Mme. Angot and Girofle-Girofla. It contains many sparkling waltzes that are likely to become popular. Lee & Walker have just issued Operatic Gems, a collection of one hundred melodies from the popular operas arranged with easy but effective accompaniments, by Geo. W. Tryon, Jr. Among the selections are a num- ber from new operas, which have not appear- ed in any other collection G. Andre & Co., Philadelphia, are publish- ing forty-five easy Solfeggios, for soprano voices, as taught at the Conservatory of Music in Leipsig. They are arranged from Minoja by G. W. Teschner, with very tasteful piano ac- companiments, and are valuable for practice. The first part, containing fifteen lessons, is issued. From this house we have also The Chaplet, from Beethoven, and Meyerbeer's Age and Youth, for soprano and alto. They are noteworthy compositions, and we believe have never before been printed in this country. —sº - O-º- PARIS JOURNALISM.-- In one of Arsene Houssaye's sprightly letters from Paris, he says: There is one thing we are trying to borrow from America, and that is the art of making a newspaper. In Paris we are mere school-boys, and idlers as well. When we nave, read the papers, we know no more than before. We must go into society, on 'Change, or on the boulevard to learn the news, while the reporters of the daily papers are playing dominoes in the cafés. Do you want to know how a paper is made here ? It is very simple: the journals make themselves out of one another. The scissors do far more than the pen. Paragraphs out of the evening papers become articles in the morning papers, and the reverse. You discuss with your oppo- ment a political question already discussed a thousand times, and a thousand times more muddled at the end than the beginning. Darkness instead of light is thrown upon it. A prefect of the fourth cf September, who was as good a prefect as he had been jour- nalist, 1 ecounted while dining with me at the Château de Breuil---for it was the Prefect º of Laon—how, one morning, seeing that all his associates had gone off to a civil funeral, he decided to make the paper by himself. He scissored away at other papers so much and so well, that he needed only a line of inven- tion here and there to reduce the harmony these heterogeneous ideas gathered from every side. The paper came out at four o’clock, and at five, his editor-in-chief, who had been to make a speech at the Givil funeral, came to congratulate him, saying the paper had never been so complete or so interesting. Since that time the editor-in-chief has followed no other system. Perhaps you imagine in read- ing our papers that all those fine things leap alive from the brain of Minerva. They have usually existed at least a hundred times the life of the rose, and are taken up and turned inside out for the occasion. For instance, M. Emile de Girardin has always a highly in- terrogative article ready for any posible event. We call this reserved wit. ---sº HYPPOLYTE ADOLPHE TAINE, the acute philosopher and brilliant writer, was born at Vanziers, in the Ardennes, in 1828. His fa- ther was a solicitor. From an uncle who had lived in America he early learned to read and speak English. At the age of sixteen he went to Paris and became a student at the Bourbon College, where he obtained the first prize in rhetoric and the two second prizes in philosophy. At the age of twenty-one he entered the Normal School, having Edmund About for a classmate. It is said of him at this time that he was accustomed to do the work of five or six weeks in one, devoting the leisure time gained to reading. It was in this way he went over the course of philosophy from Thales down to Schilling, and of theology frcrºm Patras to St. Augustine. INDEx to Advert ISEMENTs. Porter & Coates—New Books. . . . . . . . 2d page of cover, Our Book Circular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3d ( & { { Gill's New Summer Books. . . . . . . . . . . 4th ** { { Wants -------------------------------------- Pege 211 Books Wanted.-----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ “ 211 G. Stin on & Co. ----. -- . . . . . . . . . . -----------. ** 211 Presbyterian Board of Publication . . . . . . . . . . . “ 211 Gillott's Pens. -------------------------------- , “ 212 S. R. Wells & Co -------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------- “ 212 Johnson, Wilson & Co.—Ballad Bistory of the American Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 212 Benjamin O. Woods & Co.—Novelty Printing Press. ----------------------------------- “ 213 E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.—Perforated Mottoes, “ 213 Indelible Marking Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 213 S. T. Souder & Co.—New Books. - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 213 Stencil Alphabet and Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 213 Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .---------- “ 2] 4 Estes & Lauriat—New Novels .... ----....... “ 214 IPeck & Snyder—Base-Ball Goods . . . . . . . . . . . “ 215 R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books . . . . . ** 216 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. I93 flook Announcements FOR June. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. A Pastor's Recollections. By T. G. Dashiel. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. English Grammar. By Dr. R. Morris. l’rliner. 24mo, cloth, 50c. History of Greece. By C. A. Tyſſe. 24mo, cloth, ē03. History of Rome. er. 24 mo, C+0tlı. John Darrien, $1.50. Descent of Man, Literature History Primor. By M. Creighton. History Prim- By Julia Kavanagh. 12mo, clotl, By Charles Darwin. New edition. BENZIGER BROS., New York. The Better Part. Translated from the French. 192 pp., imitation cloth, full gilt, 50c. The Adventures of a Casket. Translated from the French. 8vo, 192 pp., imitatiun cloth, full giit, 500. Episodes of the Commune. Translated from the Freuch. 8vo, 192 pp., imitation cloth, full gilt, 50c. 8vo, J. H. BUTLER & CO., Philadelphia. A Pictorial History of the United States. For 1 he use of Schools. 12:no, 320 pp., half Inorocco, cloth sides, $1.50. BOERICKE & TAFEL, New York. Materia. Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remmedies. Vol. II.-Special Therit- peutics. By Edwin M. Hale, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, 672 pp., haſ moroCuo, $5. e CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Wisconsin Reports. With Notes by Vilas and Bry- ant. Vol. II. By A. D. Smith. 8vo, 7 JU pp., law sheep, $4.50. - Overton’s Code of Practice in Iowa and Wisconsin. By D. Y. Overton. 8vo, S50 pp., law Sheep, $7.50. G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Manfred. A Nove'." Translated by Luigi Monti (of Harvard College), from the Italian of Guerrazzi, author of “ Beatrice Cetici,” $1.75. r Artemus Ward’s Counplete Worlºs. In one large volume, with 24 illustratious and a portrait, $2. CInarles Dickens's Child’s History of Enng- land. A new lilustrated School edition. Beatrice Cenci. A Novel. By Guerrazzi. tion, $1.75. New edi- ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. American St inte Universities : Their Origin and Progress ; a liisu ºry of Congressional University Laud Grants; a Particular Ac ount of the Rise and Develop- ment of the Uuiversity of Michigan ; and Hints towards the Future of the American University System. By An- drew Ten Brook. 8vo, cloth, 33.50. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. Jonah, the Selſ-Willed Prophet. A Practical Exposition of two 1300k of Jonah. Together with a Translation and Exegetical Notes. By Stuart Mitcho!]. 12mo, 247 pp., Collı, $1.50. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Dr. Guthrie's Autobiography and Memoir. By his sons. Vol. II. 12mo, 520 pp., cloth, $2. Little Brothers and Sisters. By Emma Marshall. 16Ino, 350 pp., cloth, $1.25. PETER F. CUNNINGHAM & SON, Philadelphia. Madame Lavalle’s Bequest; or, Counsels to Young Ladies who have finished their Education. 18mo, cloth, extra beveled and gilt centre, $1.50. DODD & MEAD, New York. The French at Home. By Albert Rhodes, with nearly 40 illustrations. 18mo, $1.50. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Portable Commentary. By Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown. 2 vols. 12mo, 1421 pp., cloth, $6. Stretton. By FIenry Kingsley. 8vo, paper, 75c. Jettatrice. By Madamo Augustus Craven. 8vo, paper, 75C. Elena. By L. N. pp., paper, 75c. Atherstone Priory. By L. N. Comyn. 12mo, 37.1 pp., paper, 75c. Insects of the Forest. By A. S. Packard, Jr. 12mo, 32 pp., paper, 25C. - Ice Age in Great Britain. By A. Geikie. 12mo, 32 pp., paper, 25C. - Comyn. New edition. 12mo, 369 New edition. J. B. FORD & CO., New York. A Sunn mner Parish : Sabbath Discourses and Morn- ing Servi e of Prayer at the Twin Mountain House, White Mountains, New Hampshire, during the summer of 1874. Py Henry Ward Beecher, phonographically reported by T. J. Ellinwood, 12mo, 240 pp., cloth. The Abbe Tigrane, Candidate for the Pa- pacy. By Ferdinand Fabre. , Translated by Rev. Leonard Woolsey Bacon. 12mo, cloth. * Romances and Realities. Tales, Sketches, and Papers. . By Mrs. A. E. Barr. 12mo, 300 pp. WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. Treasure-Trove Series. Vol. I —Burlesque By Washington Irving, George W. Curtis, Mark Twain, Charles I, amb, etc. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. Square 12mo, 240 pp., cloth, $1.25. - The Satchel Series. Vol. I. By Miss M. E. Braddon, Owen Meredith, and others. Fully illustrated. 8vo, 75 pp., 50c. Life in Paris. By Arseno Houssaye. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth. The Silent Witness. By Edmund Yates. 8vo, 160 pp., paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.50. GINN BROS., Boston. Representative Authors. By H. H. Morgan. The Fifth, or High School Music Reader, for Mixed Voices. By Ju:ius Eichberg, General Super- visor of Musical Instruction of Boston Public Schools. 8vo, half boards. - S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago, Demost in enes’ De Corona. With Notes by Prof. M. I. I.)odgo. Edited with special reference to the Oration of AEschines. 300 pp., cloth. gº w 194 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. HAPPY HOURS PUBLISHING CO., New York. Speechiana. 16mo, 144 pp., paper, 30c. Language of Flowers. 16mo, 62 pp., paper, 25c. Miinstrel Gis gs and End Men’s Handbook. 16mo, 144 pp., paper, 30c. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coulst. By Samuel Adams Drake. With numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. º Bluebeard’s ICeys, and Other Stories. By Miss Thackeray, author of “Miss Angel,” “Old Kensington,” etc. 8vo, paper, 75c. The Lady Superior. “Hope Deſerred.” Miss Angel. lage on the Cliſt,” etc. Illustrated. Ward or Wife : Illustrated. 8vo, paper, 25c. Walter’s Word. By James Payne, author of “A Woman's Wengeance,” “ At Her Mercy,” “Cecil's Tryst,” “Found Dead,” etc. 8vo, paper, 50c. 8vo, paper, 50c. 8vo, paper. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Wyncote. By Mrs. Thomas Erskine. 16mo. Hour Ser10 S. Constantinople. By Theophile Gautier. 12mo. Leisure HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. Reports of Liſe and Accident Insurance Cases. Vol. IV. Embracing the Reported Cases in Great Britain and America during 1874. By Melville M. Bigelow. 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. - 'H. O. HOUGHTON & CO., Boston. Massachusetts Reports. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts. Vol. CXſ. By Albert G. Browne, Jr., and John C. Gray, Jr., Reporters. 8vo, law sheep, $5.50. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., New York. Progressive Art Studies. Elementary Series, A, B, C, 5. By George G. Whitc. 4to, cards. JOHNSON, WILSON & CO., New York. Ballad IHistory of the American Revolution. By Cotemporary Poets and Proso-Writers. 1765–1783. “ Bunker Hill Number.” Collected and arranged by Frank Mooro. 4to, 64 pp., Serial pamphlet, 50c. each. Living Thoughts of Leading Thinkers. A Thesaurus. By Rev. S. P. Llun. 12mo, 466 pp., cloth, $2. KELLY, PIET & CO., Baltimore. Reparation. A Story of the Reign of Louis XIV., and other Tales. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 18mo, Eng- lish mushu, stamped in black and gold, 60C.; the Samue, full gilt, $1. Trouvaille ; or, The Soldier's Adopted Child. A True Story. By 1.ady Georgiana Fullerton. 18mo, English muslin, stamped in black und gold, 60c.; the same, full gilt, $1. The Fire of London ; or, Rosemary. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 16mo, English muslim, stamped in black and gold, $1; the same, full gilt, $1.50. Emmore. A Tale of Home Liſe ; to which is added • Lotty's Christmas Eve,” and “The Men of Wycombe.” By Cyril Austin. 18:no, English muslin, stamped in black and gold, 50c.; the same, full gilt, 75c. LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. - In the Kitchen. By Mrs. Elizabeth S. Miller. 4to, 568 pp., cloth. Childhood; the Text-Book of the Age. By Rev. W. F. Crafts. Illustrated 12mo, cloth. By Elizu F. Pollard, author of By Miss Thackeray, author of “The Vil. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. The Undivine Comedy, and other Poems. By Count Sigismund Krasinski (the anonymous poet of Poland). 12m O. Mennoirs of J. Q. Adams. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, compris ng portions of his Diary from 1745 to 1848. Edited by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. Vol. W. 8vo, extra cloth, $5. The Mystery; or, Platonic Love. By George S. Crosby With illustrations, 12mo. The Romance of Natural History. By Phi'ip Henry Gosse, F.R.S. With 12 full-page illustrations. New edition. 12m O. Morford’s American Guide. Short Trip Guide to America. By Henry Morſord. Edition of 1875. Revised and enlarged. 16mo, cloth, blue and gold, $1. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. Familiar Quotations. Being an Attempt to Trace to their Source Passages and Phrases in Common Use. By John Bartlett. Seventh edition. 12mo, cloth, $3; half calf, $5. United States Digest. Benj. Waughan Abbott. United States Digest. New Series. Vol. V. Annual g ſor 1874. By Benj. Vaughan Abbott. First Series. Vol. VI. By I.INDSAY & BLAKISTON, l’hiladelphia. The Functions and Disorders of the Repro- ductive Organs. Third American ſrom the last London editiou. By William Aclou, M.R.C.S., & 3. 8vo, cloth, $3. º Clinical Lectures and Essays. By Sir James Paget, Bart., F. R. S. Edited by l'. Howard Marsh, M. D. 8vo, cloth. Medlicinal Plants. and Trimens. With illustrations. To be published in parts. Lectures on Bright's Disease. Black, M.D. 8vo, croll). - Introduction to Experimental Theoretical and Practical. and 404 Woodcuts. By Bentley By D. Campbell Physics, 3 colored plates, By A. F. Weiuliold. 8vo, cloth. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. The Gospel Life of Jesus. 16mo, cloth, $1 Alice Southerland. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Lame Bessie. 16mo, cloth, $1. MACMILLAN & CO, , New York. Life of St. Teresa. By the author of “Devotions Before and After Holy Communion, '' Crown 8 o. Australia, and What We Saw There. florence Hill. Crown S v O. The Epistles of St. Paul to the Colossians and Philenhorn. A Revised Text. With Inti oduc- tion, Notes, etc. By Rev. J. B. Lightfoot, I). I. 8vo. The Duke and the Scholar, an other Essays. By T. L. Kingston-O.ipbaut. Svo. . Dr. Bonney’s Sermons. Second Series. by Rev. Henry Alton, D.D. 8vo. TBuilding in Silence, and Other Sermons. By Rev. J. A. Jacob, M.A. 12mo. On Paralysis from Brain Diseases in its Common Forms. By II. Charltou Bastiau, M. 1). Crown 8vo. - º Lessons on Prescriptions, and the Art of Prescribing. By W. Handsel Gr.ſliths, 1 h. I). A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. By Robert B. Carter, F.R.C.S. Deutsche Lyrik. The Golden Treasury of the best German Lyrical Poems. 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Barbiere. Arranged for the guitar. 20c. g Le Reve (The Dream). Winkler. Arranged ſor the guitar. 20c. La Violet ta. Schelling. Arranged for the guitar. 30c. - S., T. GORDON & SON, New York. What’s time World to il Man When His Wiſe is a Widdy ? A. W. Sedgwick. Vocal. 30c. Celeste Aiclau. G. Morosinj. 50c. Chaunson Oreole. Piano Solo. Girofle-Girofla . Wm. Tallman. Potpourri. Secret Love. Gustav Lange. Pi no solo. 50c. Approach of Spring. Zikoff. Waltz. 60c. Fairy Tales. Faust. Waltz. 75c. Fantastics. Complete. Zikoſ. Waltz. Fantastics. Abridged. Zikoſf, Waltz. Fille de Nime. Angot. Muller. Waltz. 60c. Jolie Parfumeuse. . Maylath. Waltz, 40c. Theorien. Complete. Strauss. Waltz. 60c. Theorien. A bridged. Strauss. Waltz. 40 You and You. Complete. Strauss. Waltz. You and You. Abridged. Strauss. Waltz. You and You . Mack. Waltz. 30c. Piano Solo. Eugenſe Ketterer. 50c. 85C. 75c. 35c. 60C. 40c. ! You Never Miss the Water. Howard. Waltz. 30c. Fete Hongroise. S. Smith. Mazurka. 60c. Good-Night and Good-Bye. Stockton. Galop. 50C. Tik Talk. Strauss. Galop. 40c. Czerny’s 100 Exercises. Op. 39. Book J. $1. Songs Without Words. Complete. Mendelsshon. $1.50. B. W. HITCFICOCK, New York. Indigo ; or, the Forty Thieves. From operetta by Strauss. 15C. Girofle-Girofla Potpourri. Introducing all the airs of the opera. 15c. La Jolie Parfumeuse Potpourri. Hail Columbia | Song. 15c. 'Tis Hard to Give the Hand. Glover. Song. 10c. Iºaty's Letter. Lady Dufferin. Song. 10c. 15c. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 2O3 LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. General Hancock's March. Winner (Sep.). New editiou, stereotyped. Piano. 40c. Blue Bird Echo Polka. Mrs. Morrison. New edi. tion, Stereotyped. Pianº. 30c. Girofle-G irofla. Cramer. Potpourri. Piano, $l.25. IIazlewood VV altz. Miss Mattie Askine. Piano, 30c. Neophogen Chimes. Mrs. Addie A. Walton. Piano. 0c. Wait Till the Moonlight Falls on the Water. Baguail. Song. 30c. Yes, Feline, Thee I Love. From Mignon. . By Thomas. Roudo Gavolle. 40c. ‘The Orphan. Bonawitz. Song. 50c. Spelling Bee. Winner. Song and chorus. 30c. Browning Schottische. Gerdy. Piano. 30c. Ascher’s Minnuet. Ascher. La Jolie Parfume use Piano. 75c. Piano. 40c. Q, undrille. Arbon. Pretty as a Picture. Bishop. Song and dance. New edition. 35c.. Le Sourire (The Smile.) F. D'Aaria. Piano. 60c. Grains of Gold. Carl Meyer. Morceau de Salon. l’luno. 60c. General Pennyfather’s MI 50c. arch. Latour. Piano. HENRY McCAFFREY, Baltimore. St. Joseph's Distribution March. Henry Diel. nau. Showy march, moderately d.ſſicult. Beauliſul Colored viguette. 75c. WM. A. POND & Co. veCAL. , New York. Mother, is the old Home Lonel y C. D. Blake. 40C. g Evening Shadows. Vesper Hymn. Rev. B. E. Backus. 35C. Heavenward. Berthold Tours. Song. 40c. Little Mo i lie Brown. Chas. D. Blake. Song and churus. 403. Satiness. Harvey C. Camp. Song. 40c. My Native, Sunny Land. I’m Waiting for a Letter, Song a ud chorus. 40c. Julius E. Miller. 35C. Love. Chas. D Blake. Thy Will be Dome. J. Haydn Waud. Sacred Quar- tet, With solos. 20c. INSTRUMENTAL. Firelight Fancies. James H. Wilson. Caprice. 50c. Subscribers’ Waltz. Strauss. Op. 116. 75c. Fresh Liſe. Spindler, Op. 33. 40c. So ºvernir de Mobile Schrot 50c. tische. J. Schlesinger. Liu Timbale d’Argent Valse. Thos. Baker, 50c. V is lse Brillia Inte. Ch. Lysberg. Op. 4S. $1. Far O’er the Sè il Waltz. F. E. Englander. 50c. Skidnaore Guard Quickstep. For brass bands. Arrauged by A. M. Schact, $1. Morton Comma indery Quickstep. For brass bauds. Arranged by G. Wiegard. $1. LOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Valse Brilliia Inte. No. 1. S claulhoff, 75c. Valse Brilliante. No. 2. Schulhoſt 60c. Wedding Crown. Dolſuss, Spray of the Sea. Wilhoyt. Soldiers' Chorus. Richards. Sontag. Voss. Polka. 40c. Mazurka. 30c. Galop. 40c. March, 50c. Tuba Rose. Bay'ey. Waltz. 50c. Longfellows. Meininger. Galop. 60c. Puritania. Her z Grand Miu ch. $1. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Poston. The Brave, Noble and True. C. A. White. Qual t- et for mixed or tua e voices. Meitorial lly mi). 40c. Oh, Do not Sing to Me that Song. J. P. Ryder. Ballad. 40c. An Offering or Flowers to Thee We Bring. Roseliuda. Quartet for mixed voices. Meinoriºl hymn. 35C. Honor to the Brnve. J. A. Norris. Quartet for mixed voices. Memorial hymn. 35c. Dºugle Horn. C. A. White. Hunting chorus for mixel VoiceS. 63C, I”se Gwine Bacle to Dixie. C. A. White. Pl, unta- taticin Song for guitar, by W. L. Hayden. 35C. Te under and True. H. S. Perkins. Solig in memory of Jule Perkins, 50c. Vesper Bells. Eben H. Bailey. Schottische. 35c. La Jolie Piurſummeuse. C. D. Blake. 4 band pºrt pourri, Sl. 25. Somebody Came to the Garden Gate. H. V. Pritchard. Song. 35c. - Pauer’s Galop de Concert. Arranged by C. D. Blake. Instrumeutal transc, iption. 61)C. J. S. WHITE & Co., Marshall, Mich. Gently Down the Stream of Time. By Charles Grobe. March. 60c. C. J. WHITNEY & Co., Detroit, Mich. • VOCAL. The Whistle of the Train. Pease. Words by Levi B.shop. 30c. - My Last Farewell. Lavarmie. For soprano or tenor. 35C. - Ave Maria. Mazurette. 50c. Sleep, My Love, Sleep : Sullivan. 35c. “Come Unto Me.” Liudsay. 35c. * - INSTRUMENTAL. . Fidelio. Beethoven. Overture. Piano solo. 75c. Strade11a. Fotow. Overture. Piano solo. 75c. Zarm pa. Herold. Overture. . Piano solo. 60c. Le Barbier De Seville. Rossini. Overture. Piano SO.O. 50c. II Turco in Italia. Rossini. Overture. Piano solo. 50C. Tairu credi. Rossini. Overture. Piano solo. 40c. L’Italiana in Algeri. Rossini. Overture. Piano Solo. 73c. Marriage of Figaro. Mozart. Overture. Piano solo. 65c. - Parting Waltzes. Weissenborn. 60c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Martha. Sydney Smith. Second Fantasia. $1. Huguenots. Burgmuller. Easy arrangement. 40c. Ou Voulez-vous. Aller Sy duey Smith. Gounod’s 13arCarulle. 60C. - Tell Me, Gentle Maiden : Sydney Smith. Tran- scription. 60c. - On the Green Meadowy, Gustav Merkel. Mus' cal Blossoms No. 1. 30c. Thini le of MIe. Gustav Merkel. Musical Blossoms No $9 30c. 204 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE Stationery MARKer. Trade is light, the most stap'e goods are only in fair demand, and orders are very small. Travelers report business very dull all over the country, and many of them have been withdrawn. But ſew new goods aro in the market, and there are no changes of prices to note. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for every body. Per 100... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 t “ 1,000, “ { 4 * tº º & tº º e º 'º e º º & & 18 00 Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb..... tº e º 'º e s - * * * * * * * * * * * * to tº e º e º 'º e & e º 'º e e . 28 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs, to ream. per lb. 28 “ Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, pe; b. 30 “ 30 { { Octavo and Bilet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. SECU)ND GRADE. w Cap and Letter, per lb........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24 Bill and Legal, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Commercial Note, “ . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 24 French quadrille Papers No. 6, 10 ko............. 2 25 & “ { % $. No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, .............. .... 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and News, wood and part straw......... 9 to 12 cts. 4 4 ‘‘ rag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 15 “ 4 & “ good to first-class............ 15 to 20 “ Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUIRE. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $U 24 Demy, 15 by 20, “ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 36 Medium, 17 by 22, “ • * * * * * c e e s = e e º e º e e s e e º a 48 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e & 50 I)emy, 15 by 20, “ • a e e s e e s e e s e e e s e º º 80 Mediurn, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . 1 15 Royal, 19 by 24, “ • * * * * * * * * * e e º e º e º sº as 1 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ ..... e e e º e º e - ... • * * * * * 1 80 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º ſº e º 'º 2 - 5 Tissue Paper. American, White, per ream . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * ... 1 60 { { Colored, “ • * * ~ e g º º e º 'º - e º te e º 'º . . . . . 2 25 English, per realm ... . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Mielium, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Bristol Boards. REYNGLDS” AND OTHER8. Cap, 2 shoets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 & $ 3 t{ { { tº e º 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 & 4 4 { { & 4 * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e º e º º 90 Demy, 2 & 4 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 75 $ $ 3 { { { { * e º 'º e - e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. tº e º , º 1 15 { { 4 & 4 { { © e º e < e < * * * e º e º 'º e º e º 'º I 50 Medium, 2 * { a “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 { { 3. * { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 4 & 4 tº º “. . . . . . • e s e e e s e s a e e e 2 00 Perſorated Board, Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ..... Gold or Silver Muslim back, for Embroidery, per doz. Blotting Paper. () (;tavo packages, per doz. . . . • * e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. 75 Quarto 4 4 ( { * • * * * * * * * * * * ; () 0 Ink. Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 7 20 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... 1 00 & 4 S { { 1 : “ . . . { { David's Pinºs, in 1 doz. boxCS, per doz. ...... { { Quarts, l { * * { {{ David’s ( & 4 80 - * e s - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e 1 50 . Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. Stuſſord's Stanus, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ $7 20 Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. .... . . . . . . . 6 25 { { { { “ Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 & 4 { { “ , Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 { { & 4 “ Stands, per gross........ ... 64 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per-doz. ............. 9 35 - t & * { Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottºes, per doz. ... 1 00 ( { * * Assorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 “ Conger & Field's, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . 25 ( { { * { { 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 a $ { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 & 4 ( * No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15 {{ ( & No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz .... 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Clark’s Iudelible Pencils, “ . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Ink. BLACK Wl OLET WRITING INK, IN [.. FI.U.I.D. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 S1 75 }: i: Its, { { { { { % ... 2 75 3 50 3 00 Half Pints, “ { { & & ... l 60 2 00 I 75 4 oz., {{ { { “ . . . 90 1 13 1 00 Sta-Jūs, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes . . . . 45 60 50 Mucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25 “ Quarts, { { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . * c e º 'º e º 'º a º º . 1 38 { { ! { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... l 50 Silliman’s No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 { % No. 2, $ 4 { { e - © e. e. g. e • * - © T 32 * { No. 1, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . ------ ... 1 25 { { Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 ( & Mechanics', ( & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Flat Glass, 24 inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 { { 3 tº t “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º G l 25 . { { 24 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { 4 * 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Air-tight Inks, small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 7.75 { { “ large, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from.............. 75c. to $1.12 per doz. Steel Pense American News Company’s No. 1170. ... $0 50 { { { { i ( School, No. 5 l.... 30 { { & { { Ixtra Fine, No 333. ... 50 ( & { { & 4 { { 4 4 No. 444... 50 { { { { { { Quill, No. 76. ... 50 { { { { & 4 Falcon, No. 48.... 50 { { & 4 4 4 Bank No. 14.... 50 ( & {{ { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 4 & { { {{ Albata, No. 11.... 50 Gillott’s Pens, No. 303. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 tº “. . No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e e s - e. e. 50 & 4 “ No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 { { § { No. 35l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º e is e e º 'º e 65 , Washington Medallion Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Spencerial) • * * * * * * * * * * * { { “ in 3 gross boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . º e e s e e l 10 SUBJEOT TO FILUOTUATIONS OF TEIE MARKET'. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 2 O5 Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { % Tablet, { { © w - - • e e º e º e º e s e - e. e. e. e. “, Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. ........... ..... 5 & & * * 5 * * {{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. ........ . . . . . . . ... “ Hexagon, * { • * tº e e e s = e º 'º e º e º s e e s e e “ Rubber Head, “ ...... e e s e º e º e º e s - e. e. e. e. e. “. Red, Blue, and Green, Tipºd........... ...... Reti, Polished, per gross, Faber’s.......... ....... 1 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pen- Holders, Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... ...... { { Swell, 4 & * * * * * * * e s a e e e s e tº e French Tip, per gross ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 Bone, per doz. . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * B e. e. e º 'º - * * * * * * 75c. to 1 Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. to - Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... & C {{ { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . ( & • { { t & 6 by 9, “ tº g º 'º - e. 4 & & 4 ( 4 64 by 10, “ ...... ( & { { 4; 7 by 11, tº tº tº e º e & { { ! { ( t . 8 by 12, “ ...... I & C { % { { 9 by 13, & tº e º e - e. l Slaute Pencils. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch............ © German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 15c. to German Pateut Slate, in white wood, per gross..... ... 1 Silicate Book Slates, FOR SLA TE l'FNC1ſ,. Pocket, interly'd, with Caleudar, 33 by 54 in., per doz. I Companion, “ gilt title, 3: by 54 in., “ 2 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ I Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 3 Mineral, “ 6 * * 7 by 11 in., “ 6 - F; )R LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interly'd, gilt, ; ; by 33 in., per doz. 1 Calendar, 5 su" faces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 1 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 2 Miuute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * 3 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 p ges, 23 by 5; inches, per doz . Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by 54 inches, per doz N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes per Thousand. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sizes 2 3 4. Buff. . . . . * * * * * * * * * * e e • e e < * * * * * * . . . . . . $0 95 $l Huſſ, heavy ... . . . . . . . . º * @ e - e. e. e. e. 1 00 I !.11, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 1 Buſſ ........ XX . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º 1 50 - 1 - Cauary. . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I fiO I Fine { ... xx ..... ... . . . . . 1 50 1 Gold ... ... XX . . . . . • * * * * * * * * 1 50 1 ſº;: tº º 'º 6 tº • * * * * * * * * * 2 00 2 • In 3 Camitry. XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 IX. Fine sº. XX . . . . . tº c e s - © e º 'º 2 00 2 º XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 ſº • a e º e e s e s e $2 65 2 80 3 ~. Canary XXX . . . . . tº $ tº e 2 65 2 SO 3 Ex, Fine { ... xxx . . . . . . . . ; ; 2 j : Gold... XXX . . . . . . . . . . 2 t.5 2 80 3 Whito... . . . . . . . . . . . X Sl 45 $l 65 I S0 2 00 2 “. . . . . . . . . . . . XX 1 70 J 90 2 1 0 2 40 2 “. . . . . . . . . . XXX I 85 2 10 2 35 2 70 3 ** Baronial. .... XX 3 65 3 35 . . . . . * * * * * * Manilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 1 Playing Cards. Propeller pel u0%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Steamboat, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Highlander, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Eureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ? Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . • e º e º 'º e º sº e s • e - 3 Moguls. Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ... Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * tº e º e º e s 5 Fuchre, “. . . . . .------. . . * * * * * * * * * * 4 Ill. Mogills, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz • e e º 'º e s = e = * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 50 to I vº, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 60 to 2 Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º e s e º - e º e 90 tº 3 Deniy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e e º tº e gº º º ºs 2 00 to 3 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF T'LIE MARKET. - Domínoes, Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $600 { { nod { { * { { “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 “ Mahogamy boxes, “. . . 6 00 to 18 00 Backgammon Boards. No. 4 & 5, 2 in nest, paper, red and black gilt.... 2 00 • 6 7, 2 “ muslin, black and red . . . . . . 2 25 “ 8 “ 9, 2 “ black and buſſ sheep........ 3 00 “ 10 11, 2 * * black and red, ha!ſ len ther... 3 75 “ 12 “ 13, 2 “ black and red, Tull leather... 4 50 “ 14 “ 15, 2 “ extra red and black . . . . . . . . 5 0.) Checker-IV len. Embossed, enameled, per doz, $1 75 Maple star, pr doz. 1 00 { * crown § { l 25 Chess-MIen. Bone, German, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . © º º º º º º $6 25 to 24 00 Wood, {{ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 62 to 60 00 Stauton, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 * { { { assorted Colors, per gross..... . 1 03 Stationers’ Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to b., per lb . . . . . . - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €0 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross. . . . . . . . . . .... 1 20 “ Bands, 3 inch, assorted, per groSS... . . . . . . . . 69 { { { { { % { { * * • * * * g e º 1 50 ( & € $ # { % { { { { - tº e º 'º e º e º e º º l 93 |Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 00 to 18 00 Cap { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 00 to 24 00 Pocket-Pºooks. Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * $l 50 to 4 00 Calf, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (10 I O 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “. . . . . . . . . © º e º 'º e - © tº 5 00 to 20 U0 Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame. Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 00 “ 5, Codar frame, Rosewood • 4 i. e. 15 25 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mallogany { { $. J 9 00 “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood 4 : { { 20 00 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip . . . { { 22 00 Therran Ornet erºss Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . e e º & © e e - e. e. e. e. e. .... 2 75 { % I0 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 23 { { 12 tº “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 75 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . ... .... ..... 12 15 18 21 24 Schooi, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . Sl 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Counting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 Quills. Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 “ No. 30, “ ..... © e º 'º e º e s e e e º e º e e e e º e e 75 “ No. 40, “ . . . . . . . . . . . e q e º e º 'º - * e - e º 'º e º tº º 1 15 “ No. 59, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . e & © e - - - - - - - e º ºs º dº -> 1 65 ** No. 60, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BJXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . e e s = e - e. e. * * * * * * * * 2 75 Portable, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 3 25 Large, { % “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Oſlice, ( & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 RBIank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cup Blanks, per quire. . . . . . . 12:... to 25 Full “ * { { * . . . . . . .300. 10 70 limitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72C. to 1 50 2O6 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANYS LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no Jisappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mud that we must have one or the other. 21.--In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Oſfice Money Older on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly fºrwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to own dealers, unless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7tu.—We Seud New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the Coutrary. 8th.-LBVelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free updn application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers haviug parcels by Express; to others we mail bills once a week. . - PostAGE To NEwspeal ERs. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, { { { { Tiaroe “ { { PAPER COVERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publicatious are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had pºlid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (iuclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form : I [Form 1.] - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIks,—II:closed fiud $........ . . . . ............., which pass to my credit, and Send the following order, Com- mencing on receipt of this : - 20 I.edger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Olºf and New. 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waver'cy. 3 I ſarper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. t | 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, e e s e e º & © tº e º & a e e º e e g e º ºs e e e º c e s ſº e º e º e s is e º a tº & © tº *} 635- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasińg or decreasing, write said order similar to this form: - [Form 2.] - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - - Chicago, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention-is called to the following order. ADn— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Ill'Istrated Newspapor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ § { 6 3 New York Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº & 8 e º 'º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ‘‘ 13 2 O:d and Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * tº e º e s p * tº e º 'º e º e º sº. is e e s is e s tº e º 'º e ºs • * * * * g e º e º e = * * * * { { { { 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 3 CUT OFF- - 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº dº e º sº as a s as as a tº $ tº es e º & * & e º e º 'º e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chinney Corner... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . “ 7 l Demcrest's Illustrated Mouthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . :::::: ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “.. “ 4. Send following in ſirst bundle— e - 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. I Fach Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. s 1 Euch Young Fo.ks, Jau. aud Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alteratious, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city 2nd the last date the change was made. - - - Communications should be addressed to - tº - - THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 207 Wholesale and Retail Prices. tº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a $. Tradlo Ret Price. Commercial Bulletin. . . . . . . . . Graphic (The) • * * * * * * * * s a s s a e N. York Courier des Etats Unis New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . 2% New York Evening Express ... 3% New York Evening Mail...... 134 New York Evening News .... }{ 3% 3% 2. 3% El Cronista ... . . . Messager Franco-Americain... 4% New York Evening Post...... 3% Abond Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Advanco (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal......... 7% Albion (The)... . . . . . . . . ...... 7 American Gael (The)... . . . . . . 4% American Grocer............ 7 wºmerican Protectionist ... .. 7 American Publisher.......... 4% American Republic .......... 3 American Union............. 4% Appleton's Journal .......... 7 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army and Navy Journal ..... 11 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 Ave Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Baptist Union . . . . . . & e º 'º e s e e s 3% Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 Boston Medical and Surg'cal Journal . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s e e º s Boston Statesman..... ...... 4 Boston Traveler ... . . . . . . . ... 4 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% Boyd’s Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 Boys' OWn ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Brooklyn Sunday Review. .... 3 Cabinet-Makor's Journal... Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 apital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Catholic Review ... . . . . . . . . . . 4% Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% Challen's 10c. Novels........ 7 Christian Advocate aud Jour- Dal - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian at Work ........... 5% Christian Intelligeucor . . . . . . º Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother ............ 11 Christian Register ........... 6 Christian Union ............. 5% Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 Church and State............ 6 Church Journal.............. 7 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 Church Weekly.............. 6 Churchman (The)............ 7 Commercial and Financia Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Commonwealth.............. 4 Country Gentleman.......... 4 Courier desºtats Unis ....... 9 Criminal Zeitung ... . . . . . . . . . 7% Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Das Neue Hoim........ . . . . . Jay Book... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (Germau). . . . . .. 4 :T ‘l L’ECQ d’Italia . . . ID A H II, Y PA ſº HE R. S. e Trude Rot. Price. New York Fvening Post...... 4 New York Evening Telegram. 1 #4 New York French Messenger. 3% New York German Demccrat. 2% New York Herald............ 3% New York Journal Commacroe. 5 & New York Journal (Germau) 19: New York Witness........... l S E M H = W E E K H. Y. New York Express......... ... 3% New York Journal of Com.... 5 W E E RES I L. Y. Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . ........ Dwight’s Journal of Music.... Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette.......... El Espejo (Semi-mo.) . . . . . ... 1 Engineering aud Miuing Jour- mal. . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 i Fxaminer and Chronicle. . . . . . 4% - Farmer’s Homo Journal..... 4 Final)cior Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . Forney’s Weekly Press ..., Forest and Stream......... ... 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 {{ “ Iady's Journal. 7 { { “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly...... 3% Chimney Corner 7 Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 Young American 4% Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% ©Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3% Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Girls and Boys of America... 3% Golden Age . . . . . . . . 5 ©Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal (semi mo.).... .... 1 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . Harper's Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heart aud Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . Hearth and Home... Hebrew Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hebrew News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herald (California)... Herald ( É...} Homo Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Illustrated Weekly .......... 6 Independent ... . . . . . . . . . . . ..6% Index (The)....... e e. e. e. e. * * * * * 6 Inventor’s Internat’l Gazetto... 3 Investigator.... . . . . . . . . Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . ... 4 Irish Democrat . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Irish World ..., Jewish McsSengor............ 8 Jewish Times .... { { & 4 & 4 & 4 { { & & - - - - - 0 º tº e º 'º ; g º O p e º 'º a º : e e e s e e º e s e e 8 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Living Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ... 5 Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Record.............. 8 Medical Times............... 10 tº º e º ºs e º 'º Those the prices of which have Trade Rot- Price. Now York Pressø . . . . . . 2% New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% New York Star........ 3-1 New York Sun . . . . . . . . . New York Times ... . . . . . . New York Tribune........... 3% New York Times ............ 3% New York Tribune........... 33a New York World ............ 3% Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . MGrcury (N. Y.). . . . . . . 6 Metal Worker............... 2 Methodist ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 4 Metropolitan.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Moniteur do la Mode. . . . . . . . .22 Nation (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nautical Gazette. . . . . © º 'º e º e º ſº 7 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . New York Clipper . . . . . . . . ... 7 New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer • * * * * * * * * New York School Journal. . . . 5% New York Tablet ..... . . . . . . . à New York Varieties.......... 7 New York Weekly........... 4% News from Germany and SWit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º N. Y. Sportsman. . . . . . . . . . ... 4% ()il, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Evo'ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * Za Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Ago..... 3% Pilot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 Plymouth Pulpit.... . . . . . . . . . 6% Police Gazette..... ------. . . . " Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 Pomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4% Prairie Farmer.............. 4 Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Presbyterian . . . . . . • e º e e º e s e 5 Publishers’ Weekly. . . . . . . . . . 7 Railroad Gazetto . . . . . . . . . . . . T Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Railway Times .... . . . . . . . . . . 7% Real Estate Record .......... 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal. T Richardson’s Weekly . . . . . . . • 3% R d and Gūl) . . . . Rural New Yorker... . . . . . . . . San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Night.............. 4% Saturday Star Journal........ 4% Schmedderedongg (Comic Ger- Initi) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * g s e tº Scientific American.......... 5% Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Scottish American Journal, .. 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... Skandinavische Post. . . . . . . . . South (The).... . . . . . . . . e & © e Spiritualist at Work . . . . . . . . : - 0 ;: i i.-:ºi-g1. ; -: 2O8 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade Rot. Price. Stockholder...... ſº tº ſº º ſº º 'º º ſº tº e. 7 American Checker Player. ...10 American Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 Advance 10c. Novels ...... 6 t & “ Song Books... 5 “. ‘º Hand “ . . 5 Agriculturist (English)...... 9 Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9 Amateur.... . e s tº American Antiquarian ... . . . .28 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 American Builder. Q e s e º e º e e e s º American Chemist . . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review.20 Potter's Am. Monthly... . . . . . 28 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 American Journal of Health and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 American Journal of Philately. 9 American Journal of Phono- graphy American Law Register...... American Miscellany . . . . . . . . Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 American Naturalist......... 24 American Sketch Book...... 35 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly thumbers tº tº º & © & tº Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers 5 Appleton’s Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . .28 Architectural Magazine Archives Medical Science . . . .35 Arthur’s Home Magazine. .... 14 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bankers’ Magazine..... * * * * * * 35 Bankrupt Register... . . . . . . . .38 Beadle’s Publications : tº e º 'º g º $ tº º º Dime Books ............... 6% { { “ 100 or over. ... 6 & 4 “ 300 “ .... 5% Soug Books...... • . . . . . . --- 5 & 4 ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% tº 1000 . “ - 4 freekeepers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 Blackwood's Magazine . . . . . . .28 Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boys of America. . . . . ... . . . . . 10 Carriage Journal ... . . . . . . . . . 22 Catholic Record ............ . 17 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Catholic World ... . . . . . . . . .3 Cassell's Magazine (mo. parts)20 Church Monthly............. 20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% Clothier and Hatter. . . . ...... 10 Coin Chart Manual..... tº 8 g c e & 23 Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Comic News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7 Sunday Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Sunday Courier...... & º º tº º e º 'º - ‘Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 434 Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Sunday Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Sunday Mercury.... . . . . . . . . . 7% Sunday News. . . . . . . . tº º º t e º º . 8% Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% Sunday PreSSo............... 2 Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º & 2% Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... 3% Sunday Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sunday World. ........ . . . . . 4% Watson's Art Journal W. ET E K L. Y. — Continued. Trado Rot. Sunny South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Telegraph Journal ........... 5 The Echo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Thompson's Reporter ........ Thompson's Reporter, Coin... Tobacco Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toledo Weekly Blade. .. Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . True Fla e e o 'º e º º Turf, Field, and Farm. . . . . . . . Universe. ... . . e º e º ºs e º e g º ºs e º e Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . Watchman and Reflector..... s & e º e s - e º e º e i 5 e & e º e º 'º Waverley Magazine..........11 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 Weekly Express ........ ... .. 3% Weekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% ſºſ O N T H L Ye Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Son's) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . . 30 Delineator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Do La Salie Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 I}omestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Demorest's Magazine. . . . . . . . . 20 Demorest's Young America... 7 Dental Cosmos . . . . . . . . . . . . dº sºd De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. . . .13 DeWitt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ...... O DeWitt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21 ... . . . . . . . . 6% Do Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 10 Do Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . ------. ... 6 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 Druggists' Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .35 Educational Monthly ........ 17 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Folio (Musical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . Frank Lestie's Boys and Girls' W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 e is g º º {{ “ Budget of Fun...10 {{ “ Chimney Corner (mo, parts)...36 § { “ Lady’s Mugazine (mo. parts)... 27 { { “ Pleasant Hours.10 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 Gardener’s Monthly. . . . . . . . . . 16 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man Semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5% Gleason’s Monthly Companion. 6% 10 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Godey's Lady's Book........ . 21 Golden Hours...... . . . . . . . . . 14 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . 19 Grand Army Gazette . . . . . ... 7 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gynaecological Journal . . . . . . .33 Hall’s Medical Adviser. . . . . . 6 Hall's Journal of Hoalth. . . . . . 12 Harper’s Magazine.... . . . . . . . 28 Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 Herald of Health..... . . . . . ... 10 Historical Magazine.......... 55 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 Housekeeper. . . . . . . 0 Horticulturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º e ºs 16. Price. 6 : l 5 tºº Ret "rice. Woºkly Journal of Commerce. 494 6 Weekly Mail. .......... . . . . . . 8% 4 Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 Weekly New York Journal... 4% 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse, .. 4 5 Weekly Post................ . 3% 5 Weekly Staats Zeitung ..... ... 3% 5 Weekly Sun................. 2% 4 Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Weekly Tribune ............. 3%. 5 ©Weekly Witness ........... 194 2 Weekly World............... 3% 5 Wild Oats................... 10 Wiikes' Spirit of the Times... 11 15 Woman's Journal........ .... 4% u Woodhull & Claſſin's Weekly... 7 I Yankee Blade .............. . 3% Youth's Companion...... . . . . 3 7 5 Howe's Musical Monthly.... . .25 35 Hub (The)..................? 35 Illus. Household Mag........ 6 10 Industrial Xionthly.... ...... 9 15 Industrial Record............ 6 8 { { “ (with Supplt).37 — Insurance Monitor ... . . . . . . . . 28 30 Insurance Times........ . . . . .22 30 Insurance Spectator ........ .22 – Insurance Gazette ........... 40 – Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 10 Jolly Joker............. . . . . . T 12. Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 2 Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rentucky I.ive Stock Record, 6 *E* La America (semi-monthly) . .20 25 Lady's Own Magazine . . . . . . . . 4 * Iady's Repository ... . . . . . . . .27 5 Lakeside library . . . . . . . . . . . 7% — La Mode Elegante. . . . . . & e e º & e 38 50 I,and and Meer (Gemi-mo.) .. 14 25 Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%. 15 Literary World....... . . . . . . .11 * Lippincott's Magazino. . . . . . . . 27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buſſalo).. 10 15 l,00ke's Mo... . . . . tº e s e e º a tº º is q=Rºmº London Family Herald.......18 — London Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 ** Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 *- Manufacturer and Builder . . . . 12 15 Mechanic . . . . . . & e s e s e º e < * * * * 6 **-* Medical News and Library. . .10 * - Medical News Supplement (Suc- cessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 ** Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . tº º ºs * Merryman's Monthly. . . . . . . . . 7 10 Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Mother’s Magazine........... 10 15 Mother's Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12%. 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6% lo Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . * * * * * tº e J 0 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 sºmº National Agriculturist and Bee Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 National Car Builder....... - 7 - National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 : 15 Nat’l Teacher's Monthly..... 7 I 0 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40. 50 New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 New Sensation (mo, parts)... .30 — New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 Eºmº New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 Nick Nax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº 10 . 7% N. Amer. Journ. of Eſomeopathy 85 . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 209 f MI O N T H L. Y. – Continued. Trade Ret. Trade Rot. Trade Ret. Price. Price. Price. Nursery (The)............. ... 10 15 Pictorial World... . . . . . . . . . . — — | Sunday Magazino............ Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 37% — | Popular Science Monthly. . . . .37 50 | St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 *º Oliver Optic's Magazine ...... 20 25 | Poultry World.... . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 Texas New Yorkor. . . . . . . . . . . 17 tºº Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73. 6% 10 | Psychological Journal.... . . . .37% 50 | The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 $º- “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | Psychological and Medico- Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 Legal Journal........... . .40 50 | Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 “ 15c. Romances, 1 to 24 8%. 15 || Railway Monitor..... . . . . . . . .33 — ; Traveler's Official Guido. . . . .25 50 Overland Monthly... . . . . . . . . 26 35 | Rand & McNally Guido. . . . . . .28 40 l Truth-Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 5 * Painters’ Magazine. . . . . . ... .11 15 Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . . 35 Paper Trado Reporter........ 11 — | Richardson’s Weekly monthly Hº (ºr: . . . . . . . . .25 20 Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo)l 1 * parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 20 Wan §. Eclectic Engi. Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... .9% 9 || "...i. *ss so Pension Record. . . . . . . . . ... 6 — Sailors’ Magazine... . . . . . ... 10 15 g Magazitle. . . . . . . . . . Peters’ Household Melodies, .30 — Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Watchmaker and Jeweler --. ... 17 - ** Parlor Music . . . . . . . . 30 — | Saturday Journal (parts).....18 — Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 PeterSOn’s Countert’t Detector. 11 15 Science of Health ... . . . . . . . . . 14 25 | Whitney's Musical Guest..... 16 25 Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 20 | Scott’s Mirror of Fashion... --38 50 l Work and Wealth............ 3 5 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . .28 35 || Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 try Bullotin.......... ... º 10 || Sillim ın's Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 Workshop................... 30 50 Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 50 | Singers’ Journal............. 1 2 || Yankee Notions.............. 7%. 10 Phrenological Journal.... . ... 21 30 | Southern Magazine . . . . . . . . . .3 35 | Young Catholic.............. 3 5 Phunny Phellow. . . . . . . ...... 7%. 10 || Star-Spangled Banner.... .... 4% 6 Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Peterson's Popular Literaturo 20 — | Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 * Q U A R T E R L Y HE E VIEW s, ETC. American Church Royiew $0 90 Church and World..... ... $0 85 — | New Englander... . . . . . . . . . 90 - American Journal Medical Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 — | Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 || North American Review ...1 12} - Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | No. Am. Jour, of Homoepathy 85 * American law Review . . . . . 1 05 — Half - Yearly Compendium Postal Guide (U.S. Official). 40 50 Baptist Quarterly...... --.. S5 --- Medical Science . . . . . .... 1 20 — | Presbyterian Quarterly and Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 — International Review (bi- Princeton Review........ 75 - Braithewaite's Retrospect... 1 05 *E* monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 67 Gºmºmº British Quarterly (reprint). 62 — | Journal Social Science . . . . . . 1 25 — Smith's Pattern Bazar. . . . . . 20 sº- Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . • * * * — I, dies’Quarterly Review... 10 — | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . .1 25 — Brownson’s Review . . . . . ... 1 00 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — Westminster Review ...... 62 tºmº ( hristian Examiner........ 67 — | Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 * Christian Quarterly. . . . . . . . 85 — | National Quarterly Review.S1 12 — Wood's Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 sº FO R MEI G N P E R F O HP M C A L S – W E E K L Y. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trado Price. Trado Price. Academy............... 16 || Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 || Judy.......... . . . . . . . . . . Pall Mall, Budget ..... ... 20 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 | English Mechanic . . . . . . . 7 | Le Monde Illustré..... ... 14 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Era .......... . . . . . . . . . 20 | Lancet ......... . . . . . . . . 18 six dates) . . . . . . a s e º 'º º Athenæum ... . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Examiner ... . . . . . . . . ... 14 Land and Water ........ 20 ! Pictorial World. . . . . . . . . 10 Belfast News........... 14 Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 Public Opinion . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bell's Life... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Field.... . . . . . * & e º e º e º e . 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . ... ... 25 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fun............. ** * * * * * . 5 || Liverpool Mercury.... ... 10 nightly)... . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Funny Folks............ 5 || London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 | Punch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Building News. . . . . . . . . . 12 Garden.............. ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 | Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CaSSell’s Magazine ..... . 5 || @Gardener’s Chronicle ... 16 || London World.......... 20 ! Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal..... . 7 || Gas-Light Journal ...... .0 L’Univers Illustré. . . . . ... 10 | Saturday Płeview. . . . . . . . 16 Chemical News. . . . . . . . . 12 || Glasgow Herald......... 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Christian World......... 5 || Graphic ................ 20 | Mark Lane Express ..... 23 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . 10 Church Review . . . . . . ... 10 Guardian ------.... . . . . 20 | Medical Record ......... 18 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times ... ....... à | Illustrated News........ 20 | Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 5c.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Court Journal ...... .... 20 | Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 || Musical World .......... 18 Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Dispatch ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated Police News. , 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... , 7 || @Tailor and Catter . . . . . . 8 Economist . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Illustrated Sporting and Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Times (last date)... 14 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dramatio News. . . . . . . 20 | News of tho World...... 10 The Mail (3 dates)..., 28 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ilustrated Loudon Clipper 5 | Notes and Queries....... 12 & Weekly Register(Cath.) 16 Engineering & Building Irishman.... . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Observor . . . . . . . ... ... 14 | Weekly Times ....... --. 4 Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 || $0nce a Week . . . . . . . ... 5 F O R. E. H. G. N. P E R H O Ko I C A L S – NI O N T HI Trado Prico. Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% All the Year Round (part) 36 All the World over . . . . . . 18 Annals of Natural History 95 Architect..... Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athenaeum (part)....... Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Band of Hope Review... 2 Baptist Messenger...... 3 Belgravia. . . . . . . . ... . . . . 88 Bookseller, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 J}oys Of England. . . . . . . . . 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Bow Bells (montnly pts.) 27 British Workman . . . . . . .2% British Workwoman.....2% British Juvenilo......... 3 Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Trade Price. Cassell's Shakespeare.... 25 Cassell's Bible Educator... 25 ** Horse . . . . . . . . . . 25 “ AEsop's Fables... 25 Chambers’ Journal . . . . . . 25 Chatterbox. . . . . e e º e º e º ºs Chess Player's Chronicle 38 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Children’s Prize. . . . . . . .2% Child's Companion. . . . . .2% Christian Evidence, Jo’l. .. 6 Christian Treasury. . . . . . 20 Churchman's Companion. 20 Contemporary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . ... 38 Cottager and Artisan....2% Covent Garden (May).... 38 Day of Rest. . . . . . . . . . . Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . Trado Price. Draper and Milliner. .... 38 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Dublin University Maga- zine. . . . . . . ... • -- tº e º ſº Edinburgh Med. Journai. 76 Euglish Woman’s Doroos- tic Magazine.......... 38 Evangelical Christendom 20 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Expositor............... 38 Family Friend... . . . . . . . 2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . Farmer's Magazine...... Floral World............ 20 & Fortnightly Review ... 45 Fraser’s Magazine......100 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . .2% H, Y a Trade Price Gardenor's Magazine. ... 36. Gardener (The)......... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Graphic (part). . . . . . . . .1 00 Homilist . . . . . . . . . Horological. . . . . . . . . . . . , 29 Human Nature . . . . . . . . . Hunt's Yachting........ 38 Infant's Magazine.... .2% Pron. . . . . . . . . . & e s e e e ... , 75 Journal dos Modes.... . . . 50 Journal of Horticulture. .. 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) e e º gº e º 'º e º gº tº e º ſº º Kind Words ............ 10 2 IO THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Fo It EIGN e ER 1 on 10 A L s–MonTH LY—Cotinued. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Prico. . Trade Price, Ladies' Gazºtte of Fashion 38 || Monthly Microscopical Portfolio (Art).......... 75 Sunday School Times .... 10 La Mode Illustré2 ...... 1 00 Journal. . . . . . . . . . . ... 50 | Practical Magazine. .... 38 || Sunday School World.... 18 lanp............ ...... 20 | Monthly Packet......... 38 | Practitioner ............ 28 Sunshino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2% Ladies' Gazetto of Mother's Friend......... 3 | Punch (parts) .......... 44 Sword and Trowel (Spur- Fashion......... ..... 38 || Musical Times . . . . . ..... 8 || Quiver (The)..... © tº e º 'º º . 20. geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Ladies' Troasury........ 80 | Nautical Magazine ...... 38 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . 16 Temple Bar 33 Leisure Hour........... 20 | Naval Science (qtly)...1 00 Scientific Review....... 20 Tinsley's Magazine.... ... §§ Little Dressmaker....... 18 | Notes and Queries (pts). 60 | Shorthand. Magazine.... 29 || Tºgeek. ... ſo Little Folks ... . . . . . . . . . 20 Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 Union Review (bimºthly) 76 Local Preacher.......... 10 | Old and New London.... 25 || Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ...... 20 Veterinarian (Varies) 57 London Journal (parts). 22 || Once a Week (parts).... 86 St. James' Magazine..... 88 Victoria Magazine ... 38 20 e = * * * * * London Society ......... 38 Orchestra....... tº tº e # * * > * Strahan’s Saturday Jour- 7; * * * London & Paris Fashions. 38 Our Own Fireside....... 20 nal. . . . . . * * * > t e º º e º 'º ... J.8 W.". e e º ºs e e º º : Sugar Cane Magazine. ... 38 world & Fashion. ... 35 McMillan's Magazine . . . . 25 | Penny Pulpit ... . . . . . . . . 20 | Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . gº º e e g º º Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Picture Gallery......... 38 Sunday at Home. . . . . . ... 20 | Young Folks’ Budget.... 20 Methodist Temperance Popular Science Review Sunday School Teacher .. 7 || Young Ladies’ Journal... 27 Magazine.... . . . . . ... 3 (quarterly).... --.... 1 00 | Sunday School Teacher's Young Men of Great Brk- Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 Pharmaceutical Journal. 75 Treasury............. 12 tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 GER NI A N - A NIER ICAN PUB L ICATION S. Trado Ret. Plºi 20. Arbeiter-Zeitun Weekly. ...” 5 | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presses;….............. 2% 4 º::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - 9/2 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . ... 3 4 Atlantische 'Bºtter * * * * * * g e tº e º 'º º e º 'º e º 'º º – tº º ſº $ tº e º tº e 4 6 f Volksbibliothek 6 } () Beobachtcram Hudson. . . . . . . . . . . . e a e e s • e < * * * * * * 3 4 Wespen ........................... 3, 6 Bibliothek Popu'àrer Erzählungen........... . . 8 12 wººijää des N.Y. demokrat. ... ... . . . . . . . ; 7 Frank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung................ . 7 10 wochonbiaºt der N. Y. fº “....: ::::: ... 4 6 . Neuesto Nachrichton aus'feutschland 3% . * | woºhenöſatt der N. Y. journai .......... . . . . . . . . 4 6 º tº e s º e º * * º 6 10 |. Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung ........... 4 6 Der Floirathsanzeiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Semi-NHonthly. Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 fif Deutsch-Amerikanische Familienblitter....... 10 15 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 || Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industric-Zeitung.... 6 8 Das Neue Heim...... ... “e e > * * * * * * * ~ * e ſº e º e s e e e º is e 7 10 || Magazin der merkwürdigston u. interessantesten New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Criminalgeschichten..... e e e º 'º gº º e e g g g º $ tº * * * * * . 12 18 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * c e º e < * * * * * * * * * * 7%. 10 fi Novellen-Schatz..... tº e º g º e º * * * * g ºn e = < e º 'º . . . . 13 20 Roman Zeitung.................... º e s e º is e. . . . . . . Iſ) 15 r Schucdderedepgg................. tº e º £ tº e º 'º . . . . . . 7 10 Mlonthly. Der Social-Demokrat.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 || Amerikanischer Agricu.turist........ e - e º e º ſº tº 9 º' ... 10 15 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal.................. 3 4 g y HIVºIP3}}RTLEHD GERMIAN N IA GAZINES ANFO p 5: RIO DIC AILS. . Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked fi. Serani-VIonth Iy. t Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 26) + Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . * & a 9 tº e º e tº º º & s a tº . . . . . . . . . 12 20 | fi Bunte Welt. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 ft Buch ſtir Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & e º e º is s = & © e . . . . . 9 15 Deutscher Hausschatz... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 ++ Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit. ... . . . . . . ........ 6 10 | f Der Hausfreund................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 #. s e s sº e s tº º e . . . . . .......................10 15 i Illustrirto Wolt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 tt Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . ................ 8 15 tºº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 WI on thiy. &O f Ueber Land und Mecr.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 20 | f Gewerbehallo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 18 a Year. Deutsche Rundschau.......... • & e º gº º e g º 'º e º 'º ... .. 64 85 t Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 14 - 25 | f Der Welthandel......... * * e s is e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 HMHIP:ORTED GERRIAN EBOOKS PUBLISHIELD IN PARTS. First number gratis to the trade. - # Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon.............. 12 20 | M. G. Saphir's Schriften. I. Seric. Published in 40 Deutschlands IKunstschälze. Published in about parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 40 Schiller’s Sāmmtliche Werko. Illustrite Ausgabe. º Sr. ln ri •r, a " i Han e gº Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 Pºłº, º isiºn; **i. es | Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte. Published in * Friedr. Gerstäcker’s Gesammelte Schriſten. Volks- about 90 parts, at... !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 u. Familiou-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 Shakespeare's stimmtliche Werke; Hallberger's parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 25 Prachtai:sgabe. Published in 48 parts ......... 13 25 $ww an ºr r-2 & * I wº e e O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversatious-Loxikon. hº s *. wº sº Published º *i. 25 Published in about 180 parts, at............... 14 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Stieler's Hand-Atlas såmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 20 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 40 in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at... 40 60 N E W G E R NH A N P U B L II C A TI O N S. Imported. Der Freischütz, 30 parts....................... 8 12 Mylius, Weisse Bºan, 24 parts..... ::::::::::::: £0 Wildºeb, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 Rinaldo Rinaldini, 30 parts.... ......... . . . . . . . . . 12 | f Don Carlos, 30 parts ... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 lò # Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts............ ........... 9 15 - - Domestic. f Galeerensclave, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 8 12 || H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 j () Hexe von Olmütz, & 0 parts ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 | Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, af... 7 10 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 2 I I STRICKLAND & CO., FORMERLY OF MIL- waukee, Wis., now of Oakland, Cal., want publishers', stationers', and manufacturers' catalogues. For sALE-A LONG-ESTABLISHED BOOK, News, and Variety Store, in a good location in New York city. Small capital required. Address Business, care of Booksellers' Guide. FOR SALE.-A BOOK, STATIONERY, AND Periodical Business, with Circulating Library, in a New England town of 30,000 inhabitants. Stock all new and salable; will be sold at a bargain. Address J. F. W., Box 378, Pawtucket, R. T. BOOKSTORE FOR §ALE. — WELL ESTAB- lished, in a thriving town of 3,500 inhabitants, location of a large Normal School. Capital required, about $4,500. Business paying well. Reason for selling, poor health. Address G. C. Eſendy, Platteville, Wis. BOOKS WANTED. S. B. KIRT LEY & CO., Columbia, Mo., Want to exchange good, standard, miscellaneous books for Sharwood's and Coolie's Blackstone, and Wood and Bache's U. S. Dispensatory. Also want to purchase Lectures to Young Men of the U. S., by Rev. John Todd. A. YERINGTON, Alma, Gratiot Co., Mich. Old Volumes of Harper's Magazine. Ballou's Magazine, July 1873. º CHARLES I, WEDDING, Rockport, Ind. Parker's Reminiscences of Choate and Golden. Ag0 of American Eloquence. Marsh's Rominiscences of Webster. Magoon's Orators of the Revolution, and Living Ora- tors. State condition and price. T. A. BURRE, Athens, Ga. London Society, Dec., 1873. The Quiver, Sept. and Dec., 1872, Jº E. S. THRALL, New Harmony, Indiana. Bound volumes or complete sets of magazinies or illus- trated newspapers. State condition and lowest price. - L. B. GREENSLADE, Toronto, Can. J. D. Harding's English Parks. e “ Lessons on Art—last edition. { } & t º Lessons on Tree8. Works of the Earl of Rochester. C. A. WHITE, Templeton, Mass. Williams Quarterly, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1849, 1850, 1852, Biblical Repository, 2d Series, Vols. 7, 8, and 12. $ $ . “ 3d $ $ “ 1, 2, and 5. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Boston, Mass. Schoolcraft's Indians. Wol. 5, uncut. Government Edi, * 11Oll. ORMSTON & EIOSEY, Oil City, Pa. Woman's Condition from tin Historical Standpoint by Mrs. D. S. Childs. Doston, 1843. Milk and Watha Trayostie on Hiawatha. Stato con- dition and price. . E. H. PAYFER, 113 Fulton St., N. Y. Complete calalogues of books, as well of publishers as of libraries; also catalogues of coin collections, pictures; also almanacs of any kind. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bromficlá St., Boston, Mass. N. P. Beers' Writing-Books. , 5 Nos. Published by Kiggins & Kellogg; New York, 1857. Wanted, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. N. P. Beers' Writing-Books. , 10 Nos. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., New York, 1862. Wanted, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. D. D. Babbitt's The Science and Art of Penmanship. 2 Nos. Published by Nowman & Ivison, New York, 1852. Wanted, No. 1. Alcock & Rand's Patent Cupero-Graphic Copy-Dooks, 5 Nos. Published by the authors, Philadelphia, 1822. Wanted, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5. A System of Pen and Writing-Book Combined, by Chan- cey Bascom. 4, Nos. Published by Holbrook & Fes- senden, Brattleboro’, Vt., 1826. Wanted, Nos. 3 and 4. E. Baker's Plain, Easy, etc., System of Pen. A Writ- ing-Book. Published by the author, in Massachusetts, 1856. Wanted, one copy. Also any other old works on Penmanship or Copy- Pooks. State condition and price. 146 OF CANVASSING, OR AGENTS’ ART AID.” This little work will enable any one to make a living. By mail, 25 cents. Send s - tº stamp for circular. NîW YORK BOOK CONCERN, 7 Warren st., New York. per day. , Agents wanted. Al' $5 to $20 elasses of working people of both sexes, young and old, make more money at work for usin their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. We offer employ- ment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere until you have, . what we offer. G. STINSON & Co., Portland, I ºll (10. RFV. DR, SPEER’S NEW B00FC JUST ISSUED BY THIE Presbyterian Board of Publication, Gil's fill iſ ſistill ſig, A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON THE Science of Christian Economy, 16mo. Cloth. Price, 75 cents. JOEIN A. Bl, A.C.E.C., Business Superintentlent, 1334 Ches: nut Street, Plviladelphia. 2 I 2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE, JOSEPH G|LLOTTS CELEBRATES) STEEL PENS. So/d by eſ/ Deaſers throughout the World. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, —ºve sº MANUFACTURERS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. Fränk Múſſº's NEW WOſk! BALL AD HISTORY U F THF AMERICAN REVOLUTION, sºmºrºmºsºs ILLUSTRATED WITEI FA C-SIMILE ENGRAW. INGS ISSUED AT THE TIME. $ sºº-ºº-ººs The Bunker Hill Number will be ready on or before the 10th of June, * =mºssº. The work contains the Pocms, Songs, 13allads, Epi- grams, and Pasquinades illustrating the Principles and Acts of the Revolution of 1776, and is made up entirely of writings by the most distinguished authors, poets and caricaturists of that time, all forming a complete co- temporary history. Canvassers wanted,—The Trade Supplied, JOHNSON, WILSON & CO., Publishers, 27 Beckman Street, New York, TO THE TRADE. The Publishing Business by the late S, R, WELLs, at 389 Broadway, will be continued by his widow, CHARLOTTE FOWIER WELLs, under the firm style of S. R. W.E.L.I.S & CO., Jºžá 7'3? CA37°oadway (NEAR ASTOR PLACE), in a new, commodious, and well appointed store. The publication of the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH, and his whole list of POPULAR AND STAN DAR D BOOKS will be continued, The interest of the trade is solicited as in the past. Catalogues for distribution, and every facility will be furnished the trade, Address all orders to S. R. WELLS & CO., 737 Broadway, New York. THE ST. LOUIS }|{AND NEWS (OMPANY. B00KSELLERS, Stationers and News Dealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- tions, which are received daily by Express, STATIONERY, In Great Variety, both. Foreign and Dorralestic. ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC| VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. 307 North Fowrth Street, SAINT LOUIS, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 213 ; PERFORATED MOTTOES AXE DERMIIST's Manual. A complete practical guide to collecting, preparing, preserving and º * birds, º º *"...'. A - trated. 50 cts. Hunter and Trapper's Guide, 20 cts. T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE Dog Training, 25 cts. Of º or by mail. JESSE HANEY & CO., 119 Nassau Street, N. Y. The largest and best assortments are manufactured by AINTER’s Manual.-House and sign paint- E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., ing, graining, varnishing, polishing, kalsomining. p - apering, lettering, staining, gilding, &c., 50 cfs. 591 Broadway, New York. ook of Alphabets, 50cts. Scrolls and Ornaments, $1. Watchmaker and Jeweler, 50 cts. Soapmaker, 25 cts. Of booksellers, or by mail. JESSIE HANEY & Co. DO YOUR OWN PRINTHNc. iio Nassau St., N.Y. NºHº -JUs"I" Issº UIE D. PRINTING PRESS. | _For Professional and Amateur | Printers, Schools, societies, Mian- | *factºrers, Merchants, and others it is the BEST ever invented. 3.000 in use. -Tem $3.3: Prices from Šć. to $150.00 #BEN.J. Q. Woods & Co. Manºrs and dealers in all kinds of Printing Material, for Catalogue.) 49 Federal St. Boston. lyn Tabernacle. 12mo, cloth, 446 pp., - - $2.00. A neat, easy, and reliable DID SHE * *,\º - method of º: clothing . *: .**irº A Novel by the Author of “Old-Fashioned Boy,” ARK, and signature of the “Elise Dinsmore,” etc. Illustrated. ..svg, º: º º | lºº.º. Price, 50c. For sale by Book- ach package. For sale ºl -------- - º ists and Stationers. y sellers generally, Address - INDELIBLE PAPER Co., 87 Nassau St., New York. S. T. S 0 U D ER & C 0 * 3 Samples by mail, 35c. Price per dozen, $1.25: per - - - "...r.º.º. - 5 p. 719 Sansom St., Phila. TIME AND MONEY SAVED : A THOUSAND STENCILS IN ONE! (PATENTED Aug. 11, 1868, and May 30, 1871.) - T.A.R.EOx’s CoMIBINATION STENūī ATPHABET AND FigúRES For marking Show Cards, Boxes, Barrels, Bags, Trunks, &c. -- The rapidity and ease with which one can mark with the Combination Alphabet and Figures, the simplicity of its arrangement, and the durable manner in which it is manufactured, has made its introduction rapid and universal wherever it has been seen. Wholes. LE PRICE LIST-ALPHAdETS AND FIGURES COMBINEI). One-eighth inch, per doz... $1200 | Five-eighths inch, per doz. $1500 || One and 4 inch, per doz... 322 to (ºne-fourth “ -- ... 12 00 || Three-fourths '' * - 15 00 || One and 32 “ * ... 27 00 Three-eighths inch “ ... 13 50 | Seven-eighths “ * - 18 00 || Two -- * ... 5 00 One-halfinch -- ... 13 50 | One -- ** - 18 00 Each Alphabet is in a neat box, with Ink and Brush, and full instructions. CAUTION.—The many and great advantages which this invention has over every other Stencil Alpha. bet yet invented is recognized now by business men generally. This popularity has induced parties, in a few instances, to infringe upon our patented rights. Wherever we have been able to detect them, they have been pro. ceeded against to the full extent of the law. But to protect the public and ourselves, we stamp each alphabet with the date of the two patents and our trade-mark, which is a star, with the monogram N. Y. S. W. in the centre. tº A liberal reward will be paid to any one who will furnish us proof of any infringement of the above patent: NE JP YORIx STENCIL JPOIRRS, S7 Nassa at Street, New York. - 214 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS" (, UIDE. 5 USZ" PJAZZSZZZZ) A Y ESTES & LAURIAT, 3O1. Washington Street, to PP. OLD SOUTH, reosTON. Above suspicion. I vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL, author of “Too Much Alone,” “A Life's Assize,” “Phenie Keller,” * Geo. Geith,” etc. Miss ROWEL. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 50c. From the French of Victor Cherbuliez. lated by FRANCEs A. SHAw. T00 MUCH ALONE. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL, author of “Above Suspicion,” “A Life's Assize,” “Phemie Keller,” * Geo. Geith,” etc. SLAVES OF THE RING. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By F. W. Robinson, author of “Second Cousin Sarah,” “Little Kate Kirby,” “For Her Sake,” “Poor Humanity,” “Her Face Was Her Fortune,” “True to Herself,” etc. CHECKMATE. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By J. S. LE FANU, author of “A Lost Name,” “Tenants of Mallory,” etc. DEEP WATERS. 1 völ. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By ANNA. H. DRURY, author of “Misrepre- sentation,” etc. RUMOR. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. Author of “Counterparts,” “Chas. Auchester.” “Rumor” is no common story; it has scenes and sentiments of singular force, individuality, and beauty. A TANGLED SKEIN. 1 vol. 8vo. Paper, 75c. By ALBANY Fox BLANGUE, J.R. This novel captivates the reader when he first opens it, and holds him in strong and agreeable chains to its closing page.—Boston Traveller. Trans- .* Special Inducements Offered to the Trade, - Manufactorar of rurº strºscºntax snºru PEN's, prºsanaw, ---. S P E N C E R I A N DOJELE ELASTIC TEET, PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G.C. C Cº, C. C. C. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness ºf point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fite ºn Numbers of Pens, differing in flexibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College l'en. Point Fºxe; Action Pºrrºr. This tº a great favºrite with our lending penmon, is largely used in the Schools and Commercial colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per gross, *-4- No. 2. Counting-11ouse Pen. adapted to the use of correspondents and Accountants. gross $1.75 No. 5. Cemmercial Pen. Poist Mºorust. Business item. ºer gºo-- $1.25. No. 4 Ladies’ I xtra Pen, Pont Extra Fise and Fºxmir. For delicate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per pºrnas. * * 5. Sºoi Pen. Ponsºr risk. Mºdium is Flºrani.rry. For a durable sº-ha 1 1-on it has never been equaled. Per gross-ºl-40 No. 6. Flourishinz Pem. I'oist Loxo, Flºxiºus Asu Mºnium is lºsºss For off-hand Flourishing. Per grºss $125 No. 7. Qulil Pen. Poist Mºoncºſ. Quill. Actres. A Smooth, Easy writing l'en. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, $ 50. No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºnium Fºxunur Point. A very superior T'en for all styles of writing. This pen undergoes n ºrº- Y cºls that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Ponsºr Long and Fixximiz. with Accountants. Tellers, &c. Per gross, $1.40. No. 10. Custom-inouse pen. Point Mºnium. Well adapted to all styles of Bold Free hand Writing. Per gross, $1.60. No. 11. University Pen. Poist Mºnium, vºx Smooth and Flexing, the action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross $1.60. No. i2. Epistolatre pen. PoſNT writy Fink and vºwy Firº. This is the Finest pointed Pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fino Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per Eross, $2.5- º: C- I’onsºr Fixx and FLExmle, well Per An Easy Writing A grent favorite No. 13. Frgrossing Fen. Point Bºunt Ann Swooth. Particu- larly adºpted to cºarse-hand writing and Engrossing. For gross, *1.25. No. 14. Artistic pen. Flexintº with Extra Fisk Point. This exquisite and trul, celebrated Pen is the Best reu extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gro-, $1.50. 15, he Queen. Poist Extra Fisk. Admirably adapted tº all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, $1.50. special RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIETEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 133 & 140 Grend Street, N. Y. N. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. als Base-Ball Players” supplies. - special Prices To THE TRADE on LY. News-dealers, Druggists, Booksellers, and Toy-dealers throughout the country can add materially, to their business by embracing in their stock a line of sporting goods, such as we are now prepared to offer to the trade, The high reputation our goods sustain, both among dealers and clubs throughout the country, is a sufficient guaranty that the quality and workmanship are equaled by none. . We append a list of a few desirable articles for the trade. We will mail a complete list, with special trade prices on all goods, on application, accompanied with business card. On receipt of order, we send a beautiful colored ... with your firm and name printed thereon, as agent for us. * ‘FOR STYLES, SEE OUR NEw color ED CATALOGUE. Base-Ball Caps, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50, and $7.50 per dozen. iſ . TS - r --→-------. 'S --- '--- 2” Belts of Leathrer, $1.50 and $2.00 per dozen. | Webbing, $2.50 and $5.50 per dozen. e’ ,-- &ESSONAL º wº º y 2& & Hose, $4.50 per doz. { % . r * { “. “ .50 “ g & per doz... net. p Peck & Snyder's Professional Dead Red Ball, for ; Peck & Snyder's Star, or N. Y. Regulation. -- - - - $5.00 Match Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 “ { { Practice, or Junior. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Peck & Snyder's Professional Dead White Ball, : “ § { Half Dollar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- 2.00 for Match Games. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10.00 : “ * { Young Almerica.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.50 Peck & Snyder's Amateur Dead Red or White : “ { { Lively or O.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Ball, for Practice Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.00 : “ “. . No. 25, White Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Peck & Snyder's Atlantic or Bounding Rock. . . . 7.50; “ { { No. 14, Fancy Morocco. . . . . . . . . 50 Peck & Snyder's Model Base-Ball Bats. No. 106. Ash, Bass, Spruce, Pine and White Wood Bats. WE RECOMMEND THESE BATS AS THE FINEST STOCK FVER OFFERED TO THE TRADE. Men's Ash Bats—selected, 36, 38, and 40 in. ----------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per doz. $2.25 Per gross, $21.00 “ Bass Wood Bats, selected, 36, 38, and 40 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ! { 2.00 { * 20.00 “ Spruce, oiled, “ { { 36, 38, and 40 in . . . . . . . . . . ---------..... ------ * { 2.25 { * 21.00 Boys' Ash { { { { 26 to 34 in. ----------------------------------. { { 1.50 t & 15.00 Dealers ordering 6 doz. Bats of any one style will be charged at gross prices. No charge for boxing. Any less than 6 doz. the dozen price will be charged. The Amateur Rules, published by authority of the N. A. A. B. B. P., held in Boston, March 10, 1875. Per 100, $6.00. Per doz., 78cts. PECK & SNYDER, Manufacturers. ºA SPI, E N DID ASSORTMENT OF FIRE WO R.E.S. Send for our special price list to the trade, just issued. All orders received by the 20th of June will be shipped within two days. PECK & SNY DER, ſ 26 Nassau St., N. Y. 216 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. PO PU LA R B O O Ks R. WORTHINGTON & Co. 750 Broadway, New York. Cope’s Natural History. 425 Engravings. 8vo. Cloth, $2,00. Shakespeare’s Complete Works. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Walker's Dictionary. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. Cloth, $2.00. Josephus (Flavius), Works of. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth extra, gilt edge, $1.00. Portrait. Cloth, $2.00. 8vo. 8vo. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo. Joyce’s Scientific Dialogues. Crown Svo. Cloth, 75cts. Scottish Chiefs. Cloth, $1.00. Swiss Family Robinson. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Fox’s Book of Martyrs. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Seven Champions of Christendom. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Basket of Flowers, and Other Tales. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. Cloth, $1.00. Crown 8vo. Beautiful Thoughts. 1,000 Choice Extracts. Post 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 no. Cloth, $1.00. Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Ferguson’s Roman Republic. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. Fleetwood’s Life of Christ. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, $1.00. Ülater's Every Man his own Cattle Doctor. Illustrated. Crown Svo. Cloth, 75cts. Clater’s Every Man his own Farrier. 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Iºsop's Fables. 100 Woodcuts. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Maria Monk. 32mo. Ovid’s Art of Love. Crown Cloth, gilt, 50cts. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Wesley’s Primitive Physic. 16mo. Cloth, 50cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Plates. 12mo. Cloth, 60cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Colored Plates. Cloth extra, 75cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Colored Plates. Roan, $1.00. Cooke's Complete Letter-Writer, Royal Dream Book, Imperial Dream Book, Royal Fortune-Teller, Imperial Fortune-Teller, Maria Monk. 32mo, Embossed paper cover, 25cts, each. R. WORTHINGTON & Co., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR. PURLISHED MONTHLY BY (This space is filled by the Dealer’s Imprint, or leſt blank, as the Dealer may order.) --------------- - ----- wº- -- - - - - - - . prior 1875. - łośt. We would call the attention of Booksellers to OUR BOOK CIRCULAR, Which we offer to the Zrade, with or without the dealer's exclusive imprint, at the following rates: - For 3OO copies, or more, with Innprint, $1.OO per hundred. For 400 copies, with Inn print, - - - 4.5 O For 3OO copies, with Inn print, - --- - - 3.3O For 23O copies, vvith Inn print, - - - 3. OO For less than 25 O Gopies, VVithout Imprint, 1.OO per hundred. No Inn print is put on less than 23O copies. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR is issued on the first of each month. It contains descriptive titles and #e prices of all books published in the United States during the previous month, and of al/ to be published during ſhe current month , also items of ſinterest to book-buyers. It comprises eight pages, printed on light paper, so as to be conveniently mailed, and is the BEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK CIRCULAR PUBLISHED. As an advertising medium, the Circulars are unsurpassed, and all who have used them speak very highly of the benefits to be derived from their judicious circulation. Order in time for the next issue, and state whether you want them for a single month or until further orders. Address - - . - - THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, Wew York. THE AMERICAN Booksellers cuſps. GILL’S NEW SUMMER BOOKS, ALICIA WARLOCK. . A MYSTERY. By WILRIE Collins. Illustrated 8vo, paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.50. “One of the author's most wonderful conceptions.”—Literary. World. - THE ROMANCE OF AN HONEST WOMAN. By V. CHERBULIEZ, author of “Joseph Noirel's Revenge,” etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. “The purest, yet most powerful, of the French novels.”—Boston Cowrier. DEAD TO THE WORLD: - Or, SIN AND ATONEMENT. By CARL DETLEF, author of “Valentine the Countess,” etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. “A really good; novel and intensely interesting.”—New York Tribune. THE woMAN OF FIRE. By A. BELOT, author of “Article 47.” 50,000 copies of this fascinating story have been sold in Paris. 8vo, paper, 50c. READY JUNE 5th. TREASURE-TRove SERIES. Edited by R. H. Srodd'Altd. Vol. I.-BTJRLESQUE. Comprising choice humorous papers by Dickens, Hood, Thackeray, Lamb, Mark Twain, G. W. Curtis, Max Adeler, F. C. Burnand, and others. Square 16mo, ornamental stamps, $1.25. READ Y J U NE 12th. THE SATCHEL SERIES. THE TRAVELERS’ VADE MECUM." Stories, Poems, and Essays for Summer reading. Each mumber complete in itself and superbly illustrated. Vol. I. will contain a new story by Miss M. E. BRADDON. 8vo, paper, 50c. - READY JUNE 19th. LIFE IN PARIS. By ARSENE HOUSSAYE. Comprising the brightest pictures of life in the gay capital that have been written, and including this author's popular letters to the New York Tribune. The latest novel by EDMUND YATEs. Another exciting story fully equal to “A Dangerous Game,” which had Such a great success last season. 8vo, paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.50. Send orders or advance orders for the above early to THE AMERICAN NEWS CO., NEW YORFC, or to - WM. F. GILL & CO., Publishers, 309 Washington Street (opp. Old South Church), Boston. sº § º Tº § : º § g #: º§;º Nº.§ Es & ſº º D H.W.T.Roy . of s. --~~~~ S * MRAM $º. - t yol. vii. NEw York, July 1, 1875. º No. 7 J O N T E N T S. PAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, - - 217 MUSIC NOTES, - - •= 228 oRITUARY, e- * sº - 222 || INDEx To ADVERTISEMENTs, - . 228 THE convent ION, - - - 223 Book ANNOUNCEMENTS For JULY, 229 THE CHEAP PUBLICATIONS OF PARIS, 224 - ~ w JUNE PUBLICATIONs, *- * 232 PUBLISHERS BOARD OF TRADE, 225 ! | NEW MUSIC, - - * º 236 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, 225 Foreign LITERARY NOTEs, - 227 | THE st ATIONERY MARKET, . . 24O } NewsPAPERS AND PERiopicals. 227 | THE AMERICAN NEws co's List of BUSINESS CHANGES, º - 228 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 242 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - t - Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. U TJ S T TE TU E T , T S THE HE T) . W H L L A R D'S PRACTICAL BUTTER BOOK, By X- A - VVII, L.A.R.D., M.A., Author of “Practical Dairy Husbandry,” “Essays on Agriculture,” “Milk Condensing Factories;” Editor of Dairy Department of Moore's Rural New Yorker; President N. Y. State Dairy Association, &c., &c. Every Farmer and every Family where Butter is made should have this Book for constant refer- ence, It is Profusely and Elegantly Illustrated AND IS REPLETE WITH E*RACTICAL HINTs. SU G-G-ESTIONs. a.IO CL INFORMATION of value to every one who makes Butter. It con- tains 171 pages, in which the subject is treated both scientifically and popularly, - Among the new topics of interest, and which heretofore have not been presented to the public, are : Prof. Wilkinson's plan for controlling tem- perature in dairy-rooms; the Swedish system of setting milk for cream in ice water ; the new practice adopted at the Ridge Mills Creamery, and the recent method for improving skimmed milk in skimmed-cheese manufacture, These are very fully discussed, Price $1,00. RURAL PUBLISHING CO., 78 Dilālīb Si, NEW YOſk, - TEIE - AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Gwide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers. Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *...* All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by * TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET NEW YORK, July 1, 1875. We are in the dull season of a dull year, and though sales are steady, they are very small. The trade are ordering only to meet the actual demands of the present, and while the stocks of the retailers in the smaller towns are very low, jobbers and large dealers in the book centres are carrying larger stocks than usual at this season. Prospects for a fair fall trade are very good, but the book trade is so dependent on the general prosperity or de- pression that it is impossible to forecast its future without taking into account the con- dition of all other business interests. When business in general is good, books will sell ; when other trades are doing but little and working people are idle, booksellers are among the first to feel the hard times. In business circles there is a hopeful feeling that the fall will bring something like the old activity. The large stocks of goods in the hands of manufacturers are becoming exhausted, and a slight increase in demand will set the mills running on full time. We have learned the lessons of economy in business and in private life, and there is a wider feeling of security than existed a year ago. But few books have been published during the month, and there will be fewer still for the month to come, which will be a somewhat eventful one to the trade. The convention which meets at Niagara on the 13th will claim general attention, and the Book Fair or Ex change, which will be held in this city July 19th, will be watched with much interest, as an experiment. There are many who do not hesitate to avow their disbelief of its success, or benefits to the trade if it does succeed. There are some who prefer the old trade-sales, and others who think that, with our facilities for ordering and filling orders in this country, neither a Trade Sale nor an Exchange can be of any use to the trade. The best selling book of the month has been Sherman's Memoirs. Since its issue the Appletons have published in their series of History Primers, C. A. Fyffe's History of Greece; an excellent guide to recent English literature by G. A. F. Van Rhyn, entitled What and How to Read : A Paston's Recollections, by Rev. T. G. Dashiel ; and John Dorrien, a novel by Julia Kavanagh. What and How to Rea.’. contains the titles of nearly seven thousand books published within the past five years in England and the United States, handily ar- ranged and indexed. The characteristic of each book, so far as it is adapted for reference, for the professional or the general reader, is indicated by numbers. The author of A Pag. tor’s Recollections is rector of St. Mark's church, Richmond, Va. His book is a series of remi- miscences of events which might happen in the life of any pastor. They are well written and some of them are interesting. Harper & Brothers have published Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast, by Samuel Adams Drake, who has recently died. It is very entertaining; descriptions of some of the most interesting localities of New England, freely interspersed with anecdotes, reminiscences, and historical facts. The Early Rºngs of Norway, by Thomas Carlyle, is a series of papers collected from Fraser’s Magazine, which have received unstinted praise. Un- der the genius of the author the old Norse kings, whose lives and deeds are veiled in the obscurity of the past, are made to pass as living men before the reader. The volume also includes an essay on the Portraits of John Knox, Prof. Cairnes's volume on Political Economy, lately issued here by the Harpers, is a very .able work, the result of many years of investigation and study. The British Quarterly Review) says it is second in importance only to the treatises of Adam Smith and Mill. It will be received here with different degrees of favor, as men may believe or disbelieve his theories; but there are many original views in it, and from the author's standpoint it is the best exposition of the theories of trade and values yet made. Whether we coincide with the author's views 218 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. or not, his work will command attention as a very able and a conscientious one. Harpers' June list contains four new novels, all merit- orious. Bluebeard's Keys and Other Stories, by Miss Thackeray, whose fanciful imagery and graceful style always secure a welcome for her stories; Walter’s Word, by James Payn; The Lady Superior, by Eliza F. Pollard; and Iseulte, a story delicately and artistically told, by the author of Vera. Mr. Payn’s novel is as interesting at least as his former works. Unlike many voluminous novel-writ- ers, his last is always fresh and new. A book by Miss Mulock, entitled Sermons Out of Church, is announced for early issue. From Robert Carter & Bros. we have two illustrated books of life in Africa, and Mada. gascar, Four Years ºn Ashantee, by the two missionaries Ramseyer and Kuhne, and Thoelve Months in Madagascar, by the Rev. Dr. Mullens, also a missionary; Nurses for the AWeedy, by L. N. R., a London lady who has taken a great interest in hospital work; Dr. Jacobus's Notes on the Gospel of John ; Little Brothers and Sisters, by Emma Marshall, con- taining two pretty stories for children, of more than average merit; and the second volume of Dr. Guthrie's Autobiography and Memoir. The Autobiography, in the first volume, it will be remembered, was discontinued at a most interesting portion of the great Scottish divine's life. The story is continued by his Sons in the second volume. The Memoir, closes with his death in 1873. It throws much light on the disruption of the Scottish church, the Ragged Schools, and the estab- lishment of National Education. G. W. Carleton & Co. have issued a new edition of the works of Artemus Ward, in one Volume, with a portrait of the humorist and a new sketch of his life. It includes “His Book,” “Travels,” “London,” and “Lec- tures.” Carleton has also issued Manfred, a novel, by F. D. Guerrazzi, the Italian author of Beatrice Cenci, which was widely read. The new work, like the former one, is trans- lated by Luigi Monti, late United States Con- sul at Palermo. From E. P. Dutton & Co. we have The Bible Educator, a large work in two octavo volumes, edited by the Rev. E. H. Plumptre. It is something more than a manual, and if less in scope than a complete cyclopaedia, it is more thorough and satisfactory as far as it goes. The profoundest scholars, both in and Out of the church have contributed their wis- dom to its pages, among them the Bishop of Derry, Dr. Vaughan, Dr. Payne Smith; Mr. Stai- ner, organist of St. Paul’s Cathedral, treats of the music of the Bible ; Mr. Carruthers, of the British Museum, of the plants; Professor Rawlinson, of Oxford, of coins, medals, and inscriptions; and biblical psychology is treat- ed in five learned essays, by Rev. J. B. Heard, of Caius College, Cambridge. Dodd & Mead have issued Doing and Dream- $ng, by Edward Garrett; a volume of poetry, Ensemore and Other Poems, by P. Hamilton Myers, whom the readers of the leading weekly story-papers of a dozen years ago will remember as the author of some of the most charming stories of old New York ever writ- ten ; and The French at Home, by Albert Rhodes, a chatty book, illustrated by lively little cuts. Mr. Rhodes has had abundant op- portunity to study the French and to contrast them with other peoples, and the result of his observations makes a very entertaining volume. . J. B. Ford & Co. have published a new vol- ume of Sermons and Discourses, by Henry Ward Beecher; and The Abbé Tºgrame, a novel from the French of Ferdinand Fabre, translated by Rev. Leonard W. Bacon, son of Dr. Bacon, of New Haven. ” It is a bright, racy story, without immorality; very much French, graphic, vivacious, and with consid- erable dramatic power. It is extremely anti- Catholic, and some of its characters are sup posed to represent real personages. The volume of Beecher’s sermons is entitled A Summer Parish, and includes five sermons and twelve morning service discourses, de- livered last summer at the White Mountains, New Hampshire. The Orange Judd Co., from whom we get Some of the best of our farming and indus- trial books, have recently issued a very hand- Some illustrated catalogue, which every book- seller ought to have, as it contains many books that are often inquired for, and which country booksellers, at least, should keep on hand. The latest books from this house are Geyelin’s Poultry Breeding in a commercial point of view, showing how it is conducted by the National Poultry Company in Kent, England; a volume on the Soiling of Cattle, with an address, containing many suggestions of use to farmers, by Josiah Quincy; Chemistry of the Farm and the Sea, by Dr. James R. Nichols; and an elaborate quarto Volume on American Architecture, by G. B. Croft. The work contains a large number of plans of re- .sidences, churches, schools, store fronts, with details and plans for interior and exterior finish and decorations. Most of the plans are original, and the work is invaluable to the builder, or those who design to build, either in eity or country. The plates are beautifully executed, and some of them are colored. - Henry Holt has brought out Auerbach's novel, On the Eleights, in a two-dollar volume of over six hundred pages, and also in two volumes of the Leisure Hour Series. It is probably the strongest of this able novelist’s works, and he should not be missed by any lover of fiction. G. P. Putnam’s Sons have issued the first part of Old New York, by Mrs. Eliza Greato- rex, consisting of thirty-five pages of text and seven illustrations, etchings of old land- marks. The text is very pleasant gossip about old residents, and the whole is prefac- ed by William Cullen Bryant. Among the THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 2 I 9 announcements of the Putnams is a work entitled The Ab des of Snow, being the records of a journey through Tartary, Upper Thibet, and the Himalayas, which have been appear- ing serially in Blackwood's Magazine. —sº- ºne- BosTON, July 1, 1875. The Bunker Hill celebration has engaged so much of the attention of our booksellers, as of all other classes of our citizens, during a considerable portion of the past month, that but little thought has been given to books, if we except the little pamphlets and brochures pertaining to the events commemorated. Some of these have been in large demand, notably Osgood’s Memorial, of which nearly 40,000 copies have been sold. Most of our publish- ers and booksellers will be represented at the coming Convention at Niagara, but there is a great diversity of opinion as to what will be done and what ought to be done there Of new books to bring to the attention of the trade there are very few, and it is yet too early to speak of the plans for the fall with any certainty of fullness. Little, Brown & Co, have revised and con- siderably enlarged Bartlett’s Familiar Quota- tions, and a seventh edition will be issued in a few days. Later in the summer, they will reissue Mr. George B. Emerson’s report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. In 1836 Mr. Emer- son was appointed by Edward Everett, who was then Governor of Massachusetts, a com- missioner to collect this information. The report was first issued in 1846. It is an im- portant work of its kind and will be issued in two volumes, containing several hundred plates, colored and plain. Estes & Lauriat published early in the month Jettatrict, , and new editions of Stretton, Elena, and 4therstone Priory, all of which we have noticed in former letters. They an- nounce for this date a new edition of Charles Auchester', by the author of Rumor ; also two new novels, Open Sesame, by Florence Marry- at, just finished in the London Society maga- zine, and spoken very highly of in England; and A Woman’s Ransom, by F. W. Robinson. Front Roberts Brothers we have not had a single book for a month. The public may not look to these publishers for a large num- ber of books, but they have become accus- tomed to look for good ones, and they are seldom or never disappointed. To thousands of readers the imprint of Roberts Brothers on a volume is sufficient commendation. The only book announced by them is Jean Inge- low’s new novel, Futed to be Free, which is issued to-day. Though some of the characters of Off the Skelligs appear in the new story, it is by no means dependent on the former novel for its interest. Frtted to be Hºh'ée is now run- ning as a serial in Good Words, and will not be published in England. until next fall. Roberts Brothers bring it out here under a special arrangement with the author, who has written a preface especially for the American edition. Jean Ingelow’s novels are the oppo- site of sensational, but are full of quiet pic- tures of life, so real that it is difficult for the reader to rid himself of the impression that | the author has figured in them herself. William F. Gill & Co. have just ready The Silent Witness, a lively novel by Edmund Yates; the first volume of the Treasure Trove Series; and Number One of the Satchel Series. The first of the Treasure Trove Series is a pretty, square 16mo, entitled Burlesque. It contains “The Noble Savage,” by Dickens; “Our New Livery,” by G. W. Curtis; “An Encounter with an Interviewer,” by Twain ; “In an Art Gallery,” by Burnand; “Mrs. Battles' Opinion on Cards and Whist,” by Charles Lamb; “The Parish Revolution,” by Hood ; “A Virtuoso's Will,” by Addison; “The Insanity of Cain,” by Mary Mapes Dodge ; “Mrs. Brown at the Play,” by Arthur Sketchley; and “The Golden Age of New York,” by Washington Irving.’ . The caitor of the series, Mr. R. H. Stoddard, introduces it with a very neat preface. The second volume, which is to follow in a week or two, will be Travesty, and will comprise selections equally as bright. The first Satchel volume contains “Old Rudderford Hall,” a story by Miss Braddon ; a sketch by Wilkie Collins; one by M. Quad, the Detroit humor- ist, and other good things. The volume of Arsene Houssaye's piquant letters, under the title of Life in Paris, is nearly ready, and two new novels of home life are in preparation— Oa ing for No Mºtiv, by Linn B. Porter, and Winning Ller Kingdom, by Miss Amanda M. Douglass. - One of the best accounts of The Batle of Bunker IIill is that by George E. Ellis, issued by Lockwood, Brooks & Co., they have also issued a pamphlet of forty pages entitled One Hundred Year's Affo , or, How the Wa). Began, in which Rev. Edward E. Hale, in a running account of the events in the early part of 1775, introduces such original narra- . tives, ballads, and reports as show what the people thought of those events at the time. It is the design of the publishers to enlarge the pamphlet from time to time, by similar papers, extending through the period of the War of the Revolution. They have just re- printed several of the Old and ... evo stories by Mr. Hale, in fifty cent volumes. The series includes In His Name, Ten Times One is Ten; Stand and Wait, The Lost Palace, and others. A volume of Alicient History, by Dr. John Lord, is in preparation ; also a book entitled Toward the Straight Gate, by Dr. E. F. Burr, the author of Ecce Caºluºn. Dr. Lord’s book corresponds in style with his work on Modern History, which has enjoyed a popularity of many years. They are preparing for the fall a volume of German Fairy Tales tranſslated by Mrs. Lander, to be published under the title of Fairy Bºlls, and What They Toled. 22O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Lee & Shepard have issued a somewhat unique volume, entitled Childhood: The Teat- Book of the Age, by W. F. Crafts The author dwells lovingly on the characteristics of children, the study. and appreciation of childhood and the pleasure to be derived therefrom, the significance of play, and kin- dred subjects. A large portion of the book is devoted to excerpts, anecdotes, and Smart say- ings of children, and altogether, to those who take an interest in the little ones (and who does not ?), the volume affords enjoyable read- ing. One of the best new accounts of the battle of Bunker Hill was published on the 17th of June last by the Boston Herald. It was written by Mr. W. W. Wheildon, for many years editor of the Bunker Hill Aurora, and differs from other accounts, in giving mot only the details of the battle, but the events 3) receding, the opinions of leading men, and the causes which remotely and directly led to £he battle. Lee & Shepard have just reprinted it in pamphlet form. They have in prepara- ſtion for the early fall the first volumes of a new series of juveniles, by the Rev. Damiel Wise, who writes for the little folks under ;the name of “ Francés Forrester.” J. R. Osgood & Co. have issued their usual xnumber of new books every week during the .xmouth. First we had the beautiful little ... Bunker Hil, Memorial, containing the poem, . Grandmother's Story, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, which has been copied by the news. ...papers all over the country. On the same ...day was issued Lucy Larcom’s story in verse of mill life in New England, under the title of An Idyl of Work, a new novel, One Sum- 3mer. in the Saunterer's series; The Maritime JProvinces, a guide to the cities, islands, and places of resort along the coasts of Canada - and Newfoundland, and the St. Lawrence River and Gulf ; and a little book suitable for these economical times, by M. F. Sweetser, , Europe for Two Dollars a Day, in which the Furopean tourist who is blessed with but a limited amount of the needful, will find many Auseful suggestions, given from the experience ...of the author. Miss Larcom’s book embodies her own recollections of life in a Lowell fac- ...tory thirty years ago, when the girls wrote poetry for the Lowell papers, and loved and sighed and gossiped just like the girls who don’t work in a mill. Some of the author's Adescriptions of scenery are very beautiful. Łater in the month Osgood published a very entertaining volume, by E. C. Gardner, entitled Illustrated Homes, a volume of short poems translated from German, French, Per- sian, and Latin, under the title of Evotics; a new edition of Boston Illustrated, containing much new matter ; a new volume of the Lit- fle Classics; and a book on The Origin and Antiquity of Engraving, by W. S. Baker, with Jheliotype illustrations. Tennyson’s new drantatic poem, Queen Mary, was issued last week, and a new novel by Mrs. J. K. Spender, entitled Jocelyn's Mistake. Mrs. Spender is & the author of Parted Dives and a number of other novels, which have met with fair suc- cess in England, but this is the first of her books that have been published here. Mr. Tennyson's drama is in five acts, beginning with the accession of Queen Mary and closing with her death. The tragic events of her reign are depicted with great power, and this, his first drama, will be held as the greatest of the efforts of the poet laureate. Its production has been the literary event of the year in Eng- land, and it will be as warmly received here. Illustrated Homes is even a more delightful vol. ume than Mr.Gardner's previous book, Ilome8 and How to Make Them. It shows how a house may represent the tastes and needs of the owner, and how those tastes and needs may be met. The volume is a very practical one and may be read with profit as well as pleas- ure. The translations in the little volume of Evotics, which, by the way, seem to flourish very well in English soil, are of exceptional merit. Not only is the meaning preserved, but also the poetic spirit and effect of the rhythm. The thirteenth volume of the Little Classics is devoted to narrative poetry, and contains Goldsmith’s “Deserted Village,” Coleridge's “Ancient Mariner,” Byron’s “Prisoner of Chillon,” Keats's “Eve of St. Agnes,” Poe's “ Raven,” Burns’ “Tam O’Shanter,” Ma- caulay’s “Horatius,” and selections from Longfellow, Tennyson, Campbell, Shelley, Moore, Hood, and others. From the start, the little books of this series have been very popular, and deservedly so. Many of the selections here preserved in durable form have never before been printed in books, and there are many others, real gems, that it would be difficult for the average reader to find elsewhere. Early in the present month Osgood & Co. will publish the papers of Mrs. A. M. Diaz, the author of the William Henry Books, which recently appeared in the New York weekly Tribune, and which have been revised and extended and will bear the title, A Domestic Problem , Work and Culture ºn the Blousehold. A new novel by IIamilton Aïdé, entitled A Nine Days' Wonder, will be issued in a few days. There are many readers who remember this author's Penºuddocke with pleasure, and who will be glad to have another novel from him. D. Lothrop & Co. will publish two new books by “Pansy " this summer, Cunning Work- men and Grandpa's Darlings. Dr. F. Chaplin is at work on a Life of Franklin, in the style of the author’s Life of Sumner. It will be published in the fall. Dr. Banyard is writing a book on the Soldiers and Patriots of the Revolution, which will also be published by Lothrop in the early fall. A new edition of Smith's Bible Dictionary is in rapid prepara- tion, which is to include, beside the matter of the old edition, Palmer’s Illustrated History of the Jews, also an appendix by Dr. Heman Lincoln, containing results of recent explora- tions, and much interesting matter not found . THE AMERICA IV BOOKSELLERG’ GUIDE. 22 I in the body of the work. Lothrop has ready a new edition of the Life of Amos Lawrence, and a new edition of Dr. Banvard’s Life of Daniel Webster is being printed. Both books have been out of print for some time. The second number of the new juvenile magazine, Wide Awake, is even better than the first. It contains sixty-four pages of read- ing matter, including a story by Rossiter Johnson about “Two Fortune Seekers,” a paper on Ben Franklin by Dr. Chaplin; one on “How to Amuse Babies,” and others, all finely illustrated, and well calculated to please the little folks. PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1875. Very few new books have appeared here during the month, but the demand for them has been far less than the supply. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have completed their new edition of Prescott's Works by the issue of his Miscellaneous Essays, and have published the sixth volume of the Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, while the first volume is al- ready out of print. This is unfortunate for those who may wish to secure the whole work, for it has been printed from the type, and is limited to one edition. The first volumes will soon be scarce in the trade. The new edition of Prescott is in fourteen volumes, and a hand- somer set of books, so far as their mechanical execution goes, cannot be easily found. Their historical value is beyond question. A new and cheaper edition of Dr. Forwood’s book on The Mammoth Cave has been printed with map and illustrations, and a new edition of The Romance of Natural History, by Philip Henry Gosse, F.R.S., has just been issued. It was formerly published by Gould & Lincoln. Of Lippincott's latest novels, Sigma, by | “Ouida,” is already in its fifth edition, and Mrs. Wistar's translation of Wichert’s Ger- man romance, The Green Gate, is receiving the attention it deserves. Though the style is refined and smooth, it is by no means tame, and all novel-readers, except those who can follow the most sensational school of writers, will enjoy it. Even the lovers of the sensa- tional will like Sigma, as well as the more re- fined and fastidious reader. It is lively and brilliant, plotty and fanciful. Ouida’s now- els come nearer to pleasing all, perhaps, than any other living writer of English fiction. Other books from this house are a volume of poems from “The Anonymous Poet of Poland,” Count Sigismund ; a volume of English Gipsy Songs, with English translations in verse, by Charles G. Leland, E. H. Palmer, and Janet Tuckey; and a volume on Social Science, by R. J. Wright, under the title of Principia; or, Basis of Sacial Science, announced as a “sur- vey of the subject, from the moral and theo- logical, yet liberal and progressive stand- point.” Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have issued Roper’s Bland-book of Land and Marine En- gîmes, containing instructions for designing, modeling, making and running engines and boilers. Particular fittention is given to the latest improvements, and the book is valuable to practical engineers for reference. - Early in the present month, Claxton, Rem- sen & Haffelfinger will issue in a volume en- titled Jonah, the Self. Willed Prophet, an expo- sition of the Scriptural Book of Jonah, by Stuart Mitchell. The writer says that while German and British books on Jonah are abundant, very little has been written by Americans, and as he has seen no book on the subject which suits him, he has written one himself. With a view of enabling the reader to use his own judgment with as little bias as may be from the translator, he has given us a literal translation of the book from the He- brew. This house will have ready in a few days a novel from the French of Fortuné Du Boisgotey, entitled The Golden Tress. It is filled with the most sensational incidents, duels, murders, suicides—terrible accidents and miraculous escapes following each other So rapidly as almost to take one’s breath away. It has a good plot, however, worked up with rare ingenuity. The author, though unknown in this country, is making a reputation in Paris as a writer of sensational fiction, and this book has met with marked success there. A new book from the author of Odd Hours of a Phy- 8ècian, is in the press, and will be issued short- ly. It is somewhat speculative in character, and bears the odd title Two Thousand Years After ; or, Man and Soul Different Things. The author disguises his identity under the 7\om de plume of John Darby. T. Ellwood Zell has ready his Cyclopedia of American Literature, bound in two handsome quarto volumes of a thousand pages each. The first edition of this work, written by Evert A. and the late George L. Duyckinck, was published in 1855, by Charles Scribner, . and contained 1458 pages. It has been care. fully revised by M. Laird Simons, and en- larged to its present size, bringing the history of Amerićan literature down to the beginning of 1874. It is the fullest and most reliable record of its growth and the lives of American writers that we have. Mr. Zell has in prep- paration a work on Anatomy, on which he has beeh at work for a number of years. It is de- signed to surpass any work of the kind ever made. The plates are being made from natu- ral subjects, by a new photographic process, and colored to represent nature. There will be about fifty colored plates and a large num- ber of woodcuts. The text is being written by an eminent anatomist. The work will be issued in the fall, in a large royal octavo volume. From the house of T. B. Peterson & Bros. we have had a steady flow of summer novels, embracing new books and new editions of the best old books, which have afforded delight to two generations, and still hold their own in the trade beside the best new novels. Of 222 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. * the newest announcements of books of this character are The Countess of Monte Christo, and the captivating books of Reynolds, Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, and The Mysteries of the Court of Naples. Of cheap novels we have Sir Walter Scott's The Highland Widow, to be followed shortly by The Monastery ; and a new novel from Mrs. Henry Wood, printed from advance sheets, and entitled Frances Hildyard. • The readers of Mrs. C. A. Warfield’s The Household of Bouverie will be pleased to learn that the Messrs. Peterson have made an ar- rangement with the author, by which they become her future publishers, and they will issue at once a new edition of all her books, revised by the author. They have also in press a new novel by Mrs. Warfield, entitled A Double Wedding ; or, How She Was Wom. The new cook-book, The Queen of the Kitchen, is having a very good sale. Miss Tyson, the writer, is a well known lady of Baltimore, which city she says has been called, by a witty Bostonian, the Gastronomic Centre of the Uni- verse. Whether it holds that distinguished position or not, the excellent receipts in Miss Tyson’s book show that with its citizens cook- ing is not among the neglected arts. Porter & Coates have issued the long an- nounced book by Professor William Blasius, on Storms. It is impossible to do justice to the merits of the work within the limits of my letter. The author has made a study of the subject for many years, and has arrived at important results, which, though at variance with generally accepted theories, have re- ceived the approval of many enuinent meteor- ologists. The volume is. well illustrated by maps, plans, woodcuts, and colored lithograph plates. It opens with an elaborate descrip- tion of the West Cambridge Tornado of the summer of 1850, which the author investigated while staying with Professor Agassiz. An in- teresting chapter is devoted to Weather Prog- nostics from the Clouds, with special hints for navigators. Professor Blasius writes with all the confidence of conviction, and while it will command the attention of scientific men, his book is perfectly intelligible to the ordinary reader. - Two new novels have been added to the In- ternational Series: Oldbury, by Annie Jºy; and At Capri, by Clara Bauer (Carl Detlef). "The fornier is a pleasing novel of English village life, with a diverting old maid and a lovable heroine. At Capri is a charming story of the life of artists and summer tourists on the beautiful Italian island, Capri. The heroine is as vivacious and as pretty as a humming-bird, and about as useless, though she has some noble qualities, and we cannot help admiring her as did the staid German professor whom she loved but would not marry. There are delightful contrasts of character, and artistic glimpses, rather than pictures, of a picturesque life and scenery, and the book has the same enjoyable qualities as a dreamy waltz from Strauss or a painting from one of the old mas- ters. At an early date Porter & Coates will re- print Afraja; or, Life and Love in Norway, a translation from the German of a unique story containing graphic descriptions of a little- known country. Bayard Taylor says, “it is one of the most remarkable romances of this generation.” Castle Daly, a novel by Annie Keary, will be issued in a few weeks. Count de Paris’ work on our civil war is to comprise eight volumes as brought out in France, two only of which have been issued. Porter & Coãtes will publish it here by arrangement with the author and the Paris publisher, M. Levy. The American edition will be in four volumes, the first of which will probably be ready in August. It is translated by L. F. Tasistro, formerly translator for the State De- partment at Washington. Our school-book publishers are very busy making their supplies for the fall trade, which begins with our largest houses in July, and is really a summer trade in fall supplics. They anticipate a fair demand for school-books. Mention of the newest issues, and changes in dol books, I will defer till my next letter. -—sº- ºr------- • * pBituary. SAMUEL G. DRAKE. Mr. Samuel G. Drake, the well-known writer on early American History, died in Boston, June 14th, in his 77th year. He was born and received his early education at Pittsfield, N. H., became a school-teacher for a number of years, and in 1828 established the first anti- quarian bookstore in the United States, in Boston. As early as 1824 he edited a reprint of Church’s History of King Philip's War. In 1825 he published a History of Indian Wars ; in 1832 an Indian Biography, and in 1833, The Book of the Indians, a work which is the best authority on the Indians of North Amer- ica ever printed, and which has passed through many editions. In 1836, a collection of nar- ratives of the early colonial wars, under the title of The Old Indian Chronicle, appeared, followed in 1839 by a collection of narratives of Indian Captivities. In 1847 he started the New England Historical and Genealogical Reg- ºster, and in 1855 published his IIistory and Antiquities of Boston ; Mr. Drake was also a frequent contributor to the magazines, where his papers always attracted much attention. He was the founder of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, and at one time its president. MoRTIMER THOMSON (DOESTICKs). The widely known humorous writer, Morti- mer Thomson, better known by his nom de plume, Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.B., died in this city June 26th, at the age of forty-four years. He was born in Rochester, N. Y., was educated at the University of Michigan, and at the age of twenty-four came to this city THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE 223 and engaged as a clerk in a jewelry house. During a vacation he wrote some letters to the Detroit Advertiser, which attracted the at. tention of Mr. Charles A. Dana, then manag- ing editor of the New York Tribune, and he was offered and accepted a place on that jour- nal. His amusing sketches in the Tribune are well remembered, but he also did work of a more serious character, at one time hold- ing the position of dramatic editor, at an- other time visiting the South in disguise as a correspondent. His best known books are The Witches of Wew York ; What IIe Says ; Mothing to Say, a burlesque on Nothing to Wear ; Pluribustah, containing a burlesque on “Hiawatha ; ” and the History and Records of the Elephant Club. Personally, Mr. Thom- son was genial and generous almost to a fault. He was twice married, his first wife being the daughter of General Clive, of Minnesota, his second the daughter of “Fanny Fern.” *— – ºr sº- THE CoNVENTION. The AMERICAN BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION has issued a circular urging all members of the trade to attend the Convention which is to meet at Niagara Falls on the 13th inst. We copy the following from the SCH EDULE OF A RRANGEMENTS. The Convention will be opened Tuesday afternoon, July 13th, at 3 o'clock, with an address by President JRaudolph. Arrangements have been made to hold the general meetings in the Pavilion, Pr spect Park, near the Falls, at a single entrance fee of 25 cents for each member for the whole time. Places and time for the Imeetings of the special interests, law, medical, Catholic, and Sunday-school publishers, the representatives of the religious publication societies, jobbers, etc., respectively, will be designated at the Convention. IBIOTELS. Headquarters at Niagara will be at the International Hotel, where the rates will be reduced to $2.50 per day. The Cat ract House will offer reduced terms at $3.50, and the Spencer House at $2.50 per day. Those passin through Buffalo may obtain, at the Tifft House, reduce Tates of $3.00 per day. At New York, the Grand Cen- tral Hotel will be headquarters during the Fair, at $3.00 per day; the Metropolitan Hotel will accommodate the trade at $3.50 per day. RAILROADS. NEW YORK.—A special train will leave New York, via Erie Railroad, Monday evening. July 12th, by the ferry foot of Twenty-third Street, at 6:30, os' foot of Chambers Street, at 7 P.M., Tickets for the round trip, $10, to be obtained at the ticket office, on presentation of the Committee's Certificate. No reduction by the other routes have so far been ob- tained, except that the . lbany boats issue round-trip tickets between New York and Albany at $3 (regular rate after July 1st, $2 each way), good on either day or night line. NEW ENGLANI).-Excursion tickets to and from New York can be had of the Narragansett Steamboat Com- pany at $6, from Fall River or Newport; $7 from Boston or Taunton. Unless further arrangements are made, local fares must be paid to those points. TOLEDO AND DETROIT.—The Canada Southern Rail- road will sell round-trip tickets to Niagara at the ordi- nary prices for one way. From Toledo, $8.25 on appli- cation to Geo. B. Brown. - - RICHMOND. CLEVELAND.—The Lake Shore Railroad will sell round. trip tickets to Niagara at 2 cents per mile, good from July 12th to August 1st. , ºr, INDIANAPOLIS.—Excursion tickets via C. C. and C. R. W. at 2 cents per mile. TXUBUQUE.—Round trip to . Chicago, via Chicago, Clinton, and Dubuque Railroad, $12.30, time unlimited. Rates from Chicago to be announced in PUBLISHERs' WEEKLY , ST, LOUIs.-Excursion tickets to Niagara, to be pro- cured only through W. D. Baker, via T. W. and W. R.R., with choice of routes from Toledo (C. S. or L. S.), $20, good until September 1st. CINCINNATI.-Excursion tickets via A. and G.W.R.R. to Jamestown, thence by Lake Chautaugua or Corey (all rail) to Niagara, thence to New York direct, and back, $25. Consult also rates via C C. and C. R.R. . WASEINGTON.—Excursio’ tickets to Niagara, via Pa. R.R. and Northern Central, $19.25, good till November 1st. This, however, does not allow for attendance at IBook Fair, except by breaking the route. RichMOND, VA.—Round-trip tickets, via Richmond, York River, and Chesapeake Railroad (including de- lightful steamboat trip on Chesapeake B ly), to Balti- more, $5. Rates from Baltimore to be announced. ' NEW ORLEANs.—Excursion tickets to Niagara, via Chicago, St. Louis, and N. O. R. R., $60, good until October 1st. Members may possibly do better by buying only to St. Louis. GALVESTON.—Round-trip tickets, through J. E. Mason, $67.50. º LOCAL AG ENTS. The following gentlemen will act as Local Agents of the “Committee on Assemblies,” and from then infor- mation can be procured as soon as it is obtained, re- specting special rates of fares from their vicinity, and other matters within the province of the Committee : BOSTON. WILLIAM LEE, - Messrs. Lee dº Shepard. A. C. BARNES, NEW-YORK. - Messrs. A. S. Barnes dº Co. JOSEPH KNIGHT, Messrs. H. B. Nims dº Co. (Troy). A L15ANY sº TIROY. ROCHESTR. R. MESSRS. STEELE & AVER Y. BUIHALO. M ARTIN TAYLOR. PHILADELPHIA. GEO. REMSEN, . Messrs. Claa:ton, Remsem d. EIaffelfinger. BALTIMORE. JOHN B. PIET, - - Messrs. Kelly, Piet dº Co. WASHINGTON. WM. BALLANTYNE, PITTSBU Irg. S. A. CLARFCE & CO. CINCINNAT1. C S. BIRA GG, - Messrs. Wilson, Hinkle dº Co. COLUMBUS. ISAAC C. ASTON. CLEVELAND. INGEIA M, CLARECE & CO. CHICAGO. E. L. JANSEN, Messrs. Jamsen, McClurg d. Co. DETROIT. GEO. H. SMITH, Messrs. E. B. Smith dº Co. MILWAUK.I.E. H. EI. WEST, lſessrs. West dº Co. WESLEY JONES. S. T. BOWEN, Messrs. Bowen, Stewart dº O'o. G. B. GROSVENOR, Messrs. Grosvenor dº Harger. IR. CRA METON, BURLINGTON, } IOWA. INDIANAPOLIS. DUBUQUE. ROCK ISLAND. ST. LOUIS. G-RAY, BA KER & CO. NASHVILLE. A. SETLIFF. DAYTON. A. F. PAYNE, e Messrs. Payne, Holden d: Co. TO LEDO. GEO. BROWN, Messrs. Brown dº Fawn ce. NEw ORLEANs. JAMES A GrêsfiXM. GALY ESTON. J. E. MASON. ATLANTA. F. G. HANCOCK, Messrs Bwrke, Hamcock dº Co. J. T. E L LYSON. S. H. BONESTEEL SAN FRANCISCó. y Messrs. J. G. Hodge dº Co. . 224 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. THE £HEAP FUBLICATIONS OF PARIs. There are certain coins in all countries which are popular, and it is almost impossible to conquer the prejudices against prices which do not accord with them. They are in Paris and London, for the lowest sums, the penny (ten centimes) and the half-penny,(sou, or five centimes); and in America, the ‘‘ penny ” (misnomer, being the cent, or equivalent of a half-penny British), the three-cent piece, ante- bellum half-dime, and so on. The removal of the stamp duty on publica- tions in Europe permitted the residuum being appealed to, and all that the Penny Magazine did for Great Britain, the Magasin Pittores. que accomplished for France. Since then, however, the latter country has had its pub- lishers far wiser, we think, than their Eng- lish compeers. Instructors inveigh fiercely against the abominable and hurtful trash which holds its own against Good Things, Cas- sell’s publications, the British Workman, and their like ; but depend upon it, some of the volumes so costly that the circulating libra. ries order but sparingly of them would be widely disseminated if printed in cheap de- tachments for popular sale. The success of Dickens in this form ought to have opened eyes, but they remain sealed—authors’ as well publishers'—from ignorance, timidity, or pride. But the houses in Paris, which for wealth and position are its Murrays and Longmans, and Chapmans and Halls, have no such pride or fears, and publish Victor Hugo at a penny a week, at the same time as an édition de lua.e. The leading illustrated weekly papers of Paris are the Illustration, the Illustrated World, and the Illustrated Universe, ranging in price from five to ten cents. The penny illustrated papers are the Illustrated Press and the Illus- trated Journal. The former is a tender to the Illustrated World, and uses old woodcuts ; but the latter, an offshoot of the original half- penny daily (prototype of the London Echo), the Little Journal, is replete with original de- signs—sensational, but goºd of their kind. It gives also the illustrations of the story ap- pearing en feuilleton in the daily mentioned, thus linking the two ingeniously together. There are several pictorial papers princi- pally for the family, such as the Journal for Youth, the Mosaic, the Universal Museum, and a religious sheet or two---nice, well printed on thin but fine-surfaced paper, and harmless. The engravings are of a higher type in idea than English ones for the masses, or those with the same intention in Germany, or here. Among the special organs are Sportive Life, and the Jockey, and the Illustrated Audience, their police gazette. gº The next category comprises pseudo-histori- cal works in penny weekly numbers, such as encyclopedias, histories, memoirs of great men, or records of wars, for the most part a lodge-podge of old, if high-class engravings. They fare pretty well with the public, and are pushed in the provinces. The comic papers are naturally more num- erous among the classes frequenting cafés and other public resorts. While the 7'intamaa’re, Charīvarā, and Paris Life are too dear and are seen by the populace only in the shop-win- dows and in the newsdealers’ booths on the boulevards, those at a lesser price, such as the Eclipse (it was the Moon under the Empire, when the censure darkened its beams), Aſmus- Žng Journal (in which appear very happy designs by eminent artists), the Grelot, Sling, and others of smaller circulation, Comic Finance (sold on 'change), and the Little Jour- mal for Laughter, composed of old blocks sup- porting one new picture, always by the costume inventor, Grevin, are met with every- where, and their aggregate sale is sometimes immense, when a stirring event moves the Ill a SSGS. * -- The issue of romances with illustrations, new or old, occurs in a number of sheets, known as Good Romances, Sunday Journal, Weekly Journal, Thursday Journal, Everybody’s Journal (dead during the siege, but now re- suscitated), and Illustrated Romances, in which the great house of the Brothers Michel-Levy published Verne’s “Round the World,” and propose works by Sandeary, Merimée, Dau- det, Musset, Nodier Gauthier, and Hugo. What singular names, a foreigner would think, to conjure with among the rabble who set the “finances aflame "—but these high- class writers none the less contend success- fully with the clap-trap scribblers. - Victor Bunel publishes many salable sto ries in weekly penny numbers, such as Mire- court’s “Marion de l'Orme ’’ and “ Ninon de l'Enclos;” and Roy, of the Beaumarchais Boulevards, reprints Leval's “Duke's Motto,” with those same cuts which failed to work wonders in the English edition ; and the novel most in vogue is also his—Montepin’s “Dramas and Tragedies of Paris.” The art- ist of this latter is Meyer, a roving man, while Férat, who executed those weird and telling engravings to Jules Verne’s “Wonderful Voyages,” and who is to make the pictures, in lieu of Vierge (strong as this latter was), to Poe’s “Tales of Terror,” draws for Berthol’s “Catacombs of Paris.” The most popular weekly story paper is the Pastime (with a satellite called the Sojy-Tellen) of which the engravings are reproduced, by arrangement, in London and New York, and its principal writer is that curious jumble of Captain Mayne Reid and “Ned Buntline,” Louis Noir, brother of the Victor Noir who was killed by Prince Bonaparte. This journal sells five to any other's one. The theatrical world is overrun by contest- ants for the loaves and fishes. Besides the official organs, the Entr'acte and Orchestre, mere pages of flattering notices and bills of the play, there are the Illustrated IRevue and Theatrical Album, which portray the actors, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 225 scenes, and characters more or less badly; the Paris Theatre, that original employer of the Woodbury type to present imitation photo- graphs of performers, and its cheap copyist, the Paris Programme. The success of “The Daughter of Madame Angot” (being the words and music, with colored sketches of the char- acters in costume, and other illustrations), has led to the similar publication of “La Vie Parisienne,” the Offenbach opera. The absurdly rough and cheap prints of Epinal give scenes and songs from the popu- lar opera-bouffes at a cent or two the sheet. Cheap music, principally the songs of the music hails, was for a long while five cents the sheet, but the last series is the piece illus- trated, words and music, in a wrapper, not badly printed, for two cents. The cheapest songs, gotten up after the primitive style of cheap books, have a very good sale, though one does not find so much vocalistic display in street, coffee-houses and wine-shops, in town, or up the river, as before the war. To sum up, the writers for the Paris cheap press are considerably above the rank of their rivals in London or New York, and the works of Louis Noir, Henry de Kock, Bouvier, Ro- quette, Montegrin, Boulabert, Borys (who prom- ised to be a second Sue), Beauvallet, etc., spite of a pandering to the horribly strong, are artistic when set against the vapid, in- sufferably stupid and ignoble things which ornament the news venders’ windows in Lon- don and transatlantic towns. Here and there in the former may be met, not unseldom, a piece of true pathos—a poetical thought, a natural description, a novel incident or situa- tion, which accounts for these new works pleasing, even against the reprints of Hugo and Dumas, Sand and Soulie, and Collins. FUBLISHERS RoARD OF TRADE. A regular meeting of the Publishers’ Board of Trade was held in New York. June 9th. The following officers were elested for the coming year: President—A. S. Barnes. Wice-President—C. S. Bragg. Secretary—George R. Lockwood. Treasurer–C. C. Collins. Arbitration Committee—B. Blakeman, A. C. Arm- strong, and J. H. Butler. - Eacecutive Committee— A. H. English, W. H. Apple- ton, and J. B. Cowperthwaite. By-law No. 15 was amended to read as follows: “No firm shall employ more than twenty-five agents in all, and a duplicate notice of the appointment of any agent shall be sent by different mails to the Secretary of this Association at least ten days before such agent shall enter upon its work. No agent shall be allowed to em. ploy deputy or sub-agents, but all agents and all their clerical assistants shall be employed by, and be directly responsible to, their respective houses.” J_ITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. We are to have a new volume this summer. . from Walt Whitman. - Tuttle & Co., Rutland, Vt., who were burned. out April 25, have started anew, and want . publishers’ and stationers’ lists. Boyesen’s A Norseman's Pilgrimage, whicIiz. was so well liked by the readers of the Gal- aay, has been issued in book form by Sheldore, & Co. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. have in press The Ring in His Beauty, by the author of The Changed Cross ; and The Poets of Methodism, by S. W. Christophers. & . |Robert Carter & Bros. have printed in a little. pamphlet the Baccalaureate Sermon preached: before the College of New Jersey on June 27th. by President McCosh. John E. Potter & Co. have issued a cheap. edition of the Complete Bible Encyclopedia in one- volume, omitting the Appendix and Index, ač, little more than half the price of the other edition. In the current number of The International: Review, President Porter, of Yale, has a very interesting paper on “John Stuart Mill as at Religious Philosopher”—a review of his Three Essays on Religion. Mr. Francis Gerry Fairfield has revised his work on the Clubs of New York, and a new” edition will soon be issued under the title of Club Life in New York. Some corrections and: many additions have been made. Wilson, Hinkle & Co publish a Manual of English Rhetoric, by A. D. Hepburn, of David- son College, N. C. It presents the subject very concisely, but thoroughly and plainly, and is excellently adapted for a text-book. Mr. Charles F. Wingate's book, Views and Interviews on Journalism, is nearly ready for issue by F. B. Patterson. It will contain. much gossip about editors and newspapers, and promises to be very entertaining. The only engraved portrait of Artemus Wardº ever made appears in a new edition of Arte— mus Ward’s Complete Works, just published. by G. W. Carleton & Co. The volume also embraces a new Life, from authentic sources. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. have published the address lately delivered before the New- York Historical Society, on The Early Ameri– can Spirit and the Genesis of it. The charac— ter and spirit of the colonists are very ably: illustrated. T. B. Peterson & Bros., Philadelphia, have made arrangements with Mrs. C. A. Warfield,- author of the much-praised work The Hoºse- hold of Bouverie, by which they will publish: her new work entitled A Double Wedding ; or, IIow) She was Won, which is said to be a very pleasing novel, containing all the elements of popularity. They will also publish at the same time the author’s new revised edition of The LIousehold of Bouverie, the two volumes is one. We refer our readers to the publishers; advertisement of them on our last page. 226 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. A student stepped into the bookstore of a well-known firm in Richmond, the other day, and inquired of Mr. West whether he could find anywhere a biography of Pollock. “Yes, I dare say you will find it in the Course of Tºme,” was the reply. - Dr. Jeremiah Chaplin, has for some years been at work upon a Life of Benjamin Frank- lin, and it will soon be published in one vol- Rume by D. Lothrop & Co., Boston. It is said, by those who have seen the MSS. to be well written and very complete. The Temperance Reformation and its Claims *Upon the Christian Church, by Rev. James Smith, of Scotland, is to be issued here by arrangement with the English publishers, by D. Lothrop & Co. It is a prize essay, for which 250 guineas were awarded. Professor Thompson's work on Social Science and National Economy, lately issued by Porter & Coates, has received the indorsement of Gov- ernor Hartranft, Senator Dawes, and many other prominent men, and has already been adopted as a text-book by a number of colleges. The National Temperance Society have pub- lished in a little pamphlet, Hints and Helps, by Frances E. Willard, Corresponding Secre- tury of the Woman's National Temperance Union. It is a convenient handbook, giving plans in detail for the organization of local and state unions, and many useful directions and suggestions. A. S. Barnes & Co. have lately published Reasonable Elocution, by F. Taverner Graham. The author holds that the art of reading will not come naturally, that elocution is a science as well as an art, and rests upon posi- tive laws which must be mastered by study. These laws he sets forth, and illustrates by abundant exercises. The National Temperance Society have pub- lished the Proceedings of the Eighth National Temperance Convention, held in Chicago early in June. It is a pamphlet of about 200 pages, Côntaining, besides the reports and resolutions, the essays prepared for the occasion and the addresses delivered by Dr. Cuyler, Vice-Pres- ident Wilson, Wm. E Dodge, and others. ... Mr. Lºypoldt's Finding List, or Complete Catalogue, is being rapidly pushed, but the first volume will not be ready before next spring. This volume will contain all the titles arranged by titles and also by author. A second volume will contain the classified lists, and the government or state publications. We learn that another Complete Catalogue is in contemplation by another party. - The April mumber of the Westminster Re- view says of Professor Wilkinson's A Free Lºunce in the Field of Letters: “It is not a fre- quent pleasure to meet with English essay- writing so fresh, forceful and terse as Mr. Wilkinson’s ; and especially rare is it to re- ceive from the other side of the Atlantic, writing so good, and a valuation of English authors so sympathetic and appreciative as George Eliot finds in this volume. Johnson, Wilson & Co., New York, have published a second edition, much enlarged, of the Rev. S. Pollock Linn's Living Thoughts, a collection of extracts from prominent writers. There is a full index of subjects, and the vol- ume is useful for quotations, as well as very entertaining. - A complete manual on Butter-making, the Practical Butter-Book, by X. A. Willard, has just been issued by the Rural Publishing Company, New York. The subject is most thoroughly treated in all its details, from the selection and treatment of the cows to the packing of the butter for the market. It has soune fifty illustrations, and is the most complete and reliable book on the subject ever written. - From the Fifty-Fourth Annual Report of the Mercantile Library in this city, it appears that it numbers 155,120 volumes—9,062 having been added during the year. The new volumes in- clude 4,568 novels, 496 books of biography, and 456 theological works. The membership has decreased by 533 names, most of whom are mercantile clerks, who the directors assume have been compelled to withdraw by the stag- nation in business and loss of position. - Mr. & Mrs. Faulconbridge, by Hamilton Aidé, published by Loring, is one of the most satisfactory novels we have read for a long time. It is conversational and quiet in tone, and the characters are so natural that after the first introduction the reader cannot fail to recognize them as soon as they speak. There is enough in the elegant and witty conversa- tions alone to repay the reader, while the un- folding of the plot will not allow his interest to flag. Johnson, Wilson & Co. are publishing in parts a Ballad History of the Revolution, con- taining the songs and newspaper poetry of the “times that tried men’s souls,” with por- traits, maps and plans, and explanatory text. The work is splendidly printed, and promises to be the most unique as well as the most in- teresting of our centennial publications. The Bunker Hill number, just issued, contains a full-length steel portrait of Warren, fac-similes of the old maps and plans of Charlestown and the battle, and the old ballads throw much light on the spirit which animated the people a hundred years ago. The late Chief Justice of Illinois, Hon. J. D. Caton, has written, under the title of A Sum- ne, in Norway, a volume which is to be issued early this month by Jansen, McClurg & Co., of Chicago, and is likely to add much to our meagre knowledge of that country. The Chi- cago Evening Post says: “It describes with the accuracy of a practical observer the in- teresting features of this high northern coun- try, interspersed with sketches of the people and their romantic bistory ; tells of their sim- plicity of life, their integrity of character, the unending summer sunshine, and of their faithful domestic the reindeer, and the eider duck.” THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 227 Music Not Es. lee & Walker have in preparation a One Dollar Violin Book by E. Mack. The Little Gospel-Singer has been out but about three months, and nearly 40,000 have been sold. Ditson & Co. have published Mendelssohn’s unfinished opera Loreley, the only edition printed in this country. A new Sunday-school book is being printed by O. Ditson & Co., the Shining River, by H. S. & W. O. Perkins. § The Spelling Bee is a humorous song and chorus, published by Lee & Walker—just the the thing for young voices. Ditson & Co. have published Curtis & Behr's JWew Method for the Zither, an instrument now quite extensively used in this country. Pure Light is the title of a collection of Tem- perance Melodies by S. K. Whiting. It con- tains the best of the popular songs and some very bright things heretofore uncollected. O. Ditson & Co. have published a volume of choruses of a high order, for church choirs. It is entitled the Chorus Choir, and is prepared by Dr. Eben Tourjée. The selections are all made from eminent composers. The Board of Music Trade have their regu- lar annual meeting this year at Lake George, on the 21st instant. Siuce the last meeting the Board has lost two of its oldest members, Mr. Geo. Willig of Baltimore and Mr. Julius Lee of Philadelphia. The bill empowering the Department of Parks of New York city to set aside a portion of public land as a site for the new American College of Music, has been signed by Gover- nor Tilden. The College will be opened next fall, in a temporary building. R. Kohaus, Dubuque, Iowa, has composed and published a song and chorus entitled Lit- tle Eyelids Wet with Weeping, in which he has very appropriately and with excellent taste set to music a little poem by O. R. Beers, which appeared in the Waverly, Magazine. Bipples of Song is a collection of ninety pop- ular temperance songs, words and music, designed for Sunday-schools and juvenile societies. The music is spirited, and well adapted to children's voices and tastes. Pub- lished by the National Temperance Society. Geo. Willig & Co., Baltimore, have issued a new improved edition of Peters’s celebrated Mass in D, written many years ago by W. C. Peters. As originally written, it was for three voices. A fourth voice has been added in this edition, and the price is reduced from $2.00 to $1.25. G. D. Russell & Co will soon publish a col- lection of church music by W. O. Perkins, entitled Zion. It will contain over 300 pages of new music. This will be followed by The Singing-School, by the same author, a book for classes, in which the elements of music are ably presented, with lively exercises and a collection of simple glees and choruses. is contributed by Dr. Eben The oldest known copy of the “Gloria in Ex- celsis,” or, as the early Christians called it, the “Morning Hymn,” is preserved in the Greek original, in the Alexandrine Manuscript in the British Museum. According to the best light we have, it dates back to the middle of the fifth century. G. D. Russell & Co., Boston, have issued Last Farewell Waltzes, and a polka from the extravaganza “Evangeline,” also two new songs by Millard— The Whispering Tide, and The Two Pictures, the first in F, the other in E flat. Both are in the popular author's best style, and will please. Mr. Hugh A. Clarke, the author of the Piano Method, has been elected to the chair of Professor of Music, recently established in the University of Pennsylvania. It is the only chair of the kind in the United States. The new professor is engaged on a work on Har, mony and Thorough Bass for Lee & Walker. Lee & Walker have published, under the title of Operatic Gems, a handsome volume of melodies for soprano and tenor voices, selected from popular operas and arranged by George W. Tryon, Jr. There are 224 pages of music selected with excellent judgment and taste from thirty-three of our best operas, including some of the newest, selections from which have never before been published in this form. The volume should have a place on every piano. —sº NEwsPA PERS AND PERiodica LS. The Gulſtay commences its twentieth yolume with the July number, which is printed with new type, on tinted paper. The New York Welcome is the name of a new weekly illustrated story and sketch paper, pub, lished by C. Mathews. It is four pages in size and retails for 3 cents. The first number pre. sents a very fair appearance. The Celtic Naţional is the name of a new weekly journal devoted “to general news and to the promotion of Irish literature and Irish national independence.” It is edited and pub. lished by the Rev. J. V. McNamara. Price $2.50 per annum. 5 cents per copy. - One of the handsomest and most readable. of our educational magazines is Home and School, published by John P. Morton & Co., Louisville, Ky. Besides the educational news, it always contains well written papers upon subjects of popular interest, and each number is finely illustrated. The first number of the new magazine for children, Wide Awake. is out. It is quarto in form, contains sixty-four pages, is printed on beautiful tinted paper, and finely illustrated, There are the first chapters of three serial stories, and shorter sketches for children of . all ages. Among the contributors are Louise Chandler Moulton, Julia A. Eastman, Patty . . Kingman, Mrs. Sol Eytinge, and, Mrs. Alden, The “Music Page” Tourjee. The better known as Pansy. 228 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Wide Awake is edited by Miss Ella Farman, and promises to be a formidable rival to St. Nicholas. Price 20 cents per copy. § . In these times of ingenious counterfeiting" mo business man should be without Peterson’s Counterfeit Detector. Besides its reliable mon- etary and business news, it contains lists of | all the banks in the country, with the names of their officers and the amount of their capi- tal, and full descriptions of all counterfeit and bogus bills. There is a monthly and a Semi-monthly issue, the former at $1.50, the latter at $3.00 per year. t sº- for EIGN JLITERARY NoTEs. Mr. Puilen, the author of Dame Europa’s School, is one of the chaplains with the British Arctic Expedition. Au important work on Egyptian Grammar and Lexicology, by Dr. C. Abel, is about to be published in Berlin. A new novel by Mrs. Lynn Linton, entitled The Atonement of Leam Dundas, is announced by The Cornhill Magazine. The JLife and Letters of Lord M. tcaulay, long in preparation by his nephew, Mr. G. O. Tre- velyan, is being printed in London. - Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton, London, an- nounce a new publication called The Clergy- man’s Magazine, to which the leading divines will contribute. An old testament printed by Guttenburg has been found in the sacristy of an old church at Kleinbautzen, and sold to an Eng- Mishman for 8,850 marks. . . H. S. King & Co., London, announce a series of “Introductory Hand-books” to give the out- lines and elementary principles of art, music, philosophy, literature, etc. The St. Petersburg Society for the Diffusion of lntelligence is preparing a catalogue of all works in Russ suitable for popular libraries and schools. It will be issued next January. L'Opinion Nationale says that the minister of public instruction has given orders that the French municipal libraries be subjected to careful revision, with a view to the expul- sion of certain works. Two important books of travel, both by ladies, are announced for the autumn by Long- mans & Co. The first is an account of a Two Months' Tour in the Eastern Himalayas, to be profusely illustrated from drawings made by the author; the other a volume of travel in Egypt, by Miss Amelia B. Edwards. A romance of American life, entitled L’Amé- ricaine, has recently been pilblished in Paris, and is receiving much attention there. The author, who adopts the mom de plume of * Fortunio,” is understood to be M. Paulin Niboyet, who has held a diplomatic position in this country. The novel has a preface from the pen of M. Athanase Coquerel, a French clergyman who visited this country some years ago. £USIN ESS £HANGEs. At Waterville, Me., M. C. Percival is suc- ceeded by J. F. Percival & Co. º At Oldtown, Me., Miss E. M. Bartlett, book seller, is succeeded by S. Bradbury. At Cincinnati, Ohio, M. T. Lane & Co., pub- lishers, have retired from the business. H. D. Brown & Co., Boston, have removed from 33 Bromfield St. to 20 Cornhill. Brown was for a long time with the late firm of Gould & Lincoln. The book and music business of W. C. Strick- Mr. ler, Peoria. Ill., has been purchased by Adair & Utley. Mr. Utley has been a member of the firm since last summer, though the firm-name was not changed. Mr. A. A. Adair was for some years connected with the house of George E. Stevens & Co., Cincinnati. The firm-name of Applegate, Pounsford & Co., Cincinnati, has been changed to A. H. Pounsford & Co., and the business is removed to a more convenient location at 9 & 11 West Fourth street; the firm is composed of the same members as before, the change being only in name. Mr. Applegate has not taken any part in the business since 1859. The four largest libraries in the United States are: the Library of Congress, containing 274,000 volumes; the Boston Pub.ic Library, 274,000; Harvard University Library, 198,000; and the N. Y. Mercantile Library of 155,120 volumes. INDEX TO A.DWIERTISEMENTS. Rural Publishing Co.—Practical Butter- Book.---------------------------- 2d page of cover New School-Book Catalogue. . . . . . . . . . 3d * { { * T. B. Peterson & Bros.—New Books. .4th “ { % Wants I’age 247 Books Wanted.------------...---------------- ** 247 J. W. Bouton—Books for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ º!7 G. Stinson & Co. -------...----------- ---------- ‘: 247 New York Book Concern..................... ‘‘ 247 E. & B.T. Anthony & Co.—Perforated Mottoes, “ 247 Benjamin O. Woods & Co.—Novelty Printing Press. ------------------------------------ “ 247 Payne, Holden & Co.—Holden's Book Cover... “ 247 Gill's New Summer Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 24S Spencerian Pens ----------------------------- “ 248 Foberts Bros.-Fated To Be Free - - - - - - - - - - - - ** 240 A. H. Pounsford & Co.—Removal and change of name. ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - ‘‘ 249 . Gillott's Pens--------------------------------- “. . 249 Presbyterian Board of Publication . . . . . . . . . . . ** 249 American News Comply—Books & Stationery “ 250 Our Book Circular. -----------...------------- “ 251 2 52 R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books . . . . . { { THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 229. Rook Announcements FoR. July. - D. APPLETON & CO., New York. The Childhood of Religions. By Edward Clodd, F.R.A.S. 12mo, 288 pp., cloth. Principles of Sociology. Part XXXVII. bert Spencer. 12mo, 80 pp. ; paper, 60C. The Italians. By Francis Elliott. 12mo,402 pp., cloth. Climate and Time. By James Croll. 12mo, cloth. Clinical Lectures a mad Essays. By Sir James Paget. 8vo, cloth. w By Her- AUTHORS, PUB Co., New York. RIanuscript. Manual. Third edition. paper, 10c. Egy and Eun is ; or, Prisons Without Walls. By Kelsie Etheridge. 8vo, 100 pp., paper, 30c. .. Her Waiting Heart. By Lou Capsadell. pp., cloth &Xtra, $1.25. 8vo, 30 pp., A. J. BICKNELL & Co., New York. Designs for Monuments. Containing Designs for Headstones, Monuments, Sa: cophagi, Military Monuments, Obelsks. Mortuary Chapels. Vaults, Copings, Posts, Gates, etc. By W. B. Franke. Folio, 40 pp., halſ russia, $12. E. H. BUTLER & CO., Philadelphia. B sutler’s Pictorial History of the United States. By J. A. Stewart, Principal of Reading, Pa., High School. With maps and illustratio.s. 12ino, 360 pp., inorocco back, cloth sides, $1.50. Copper-plate lıkups. - - A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. . Teacher’s Hand-book. By Phelps. 12mo,330 pp., full cloth, inked cover. MIannual of Algebra. By Prof. W. G. Peck. 12mo, 330 pp., half road. * CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. MIississippi Reports. Vol. L. By Harris and Simrall. Svo, 9.0 pp., law sheep, $6. • Overton's Code of Practice in Iowa and Wisconsin. By D. Y. Over lon. 8vo, 900 pp., law sheep, $7.50. - - Wisconsin Reports. Vol. II. With Notes by Vilas and Bryant. By A. D. Smith. 8vo, 550 pp., law sheep, $4.50. . . CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. Twenty Years Among the Mexicans. Melinda Rankin. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth, $1. The Christian Hymnal. A choice collection of Hymns and Tunes for Congregational and Social Worship. Arranged by a Committee, under direction of Trustees of the Christian Hymn Book. Newly revised and enlarged. 12mo, 360 pp., cloth, $1. The Gospel Plan of Salvation. By T. W. Brents. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 12mo, 672 pp., cloth; $2.50. - - Apostolic Hymns and Soings. By D. R. Lucas. 12mo, 96 pp., b Jards, 25c. Early History of the Disciples on the West- ern Reserve. By A. S. Hayden, New Testament Commentary. Vol. IX.—He- brews. By R. Milligan. By 12mo, 192 CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. Jonah, the Self-willed Prophet. A Practica- Exposition of the Book of Jonah. Together with a Trails! lation and Exegetical Notes. By Suuart Mitchell. 12mo, 247 pp., cloth, $1.50. The Golden Tress. Translated from the French of Fortupé Du Boisgotez, author of “Les Collets Noir,” etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. . . • * ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. Manual for Executors, Administrators, and Guardians in Kentucky. Second edition. By R. H. Stanton, 12mo. - A Treatise on the Law Relating to the Powers an ºl Duties of Justices of the Peace in Ohio. Tenth edition. He wised and eru- larged. By Joseph R. Swan. 8vo. - - Historic and Literary Miscellany. By G. M. D. Bloss. Svo. - G. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. Beatrice Ceraci. $1.75. A new revised cdition. CASSELL, PETTER & GALPIN, New York. Life Eternal. By Rev. H. Allon, D.D. 32mo, 160 pp., cloth gilt, 50c: - - Sepia Painting. 4to, cloth, $2.50. Landscape Painting in Water Colors. Aaron Penley. Chromo plates. 4to, cloth, $7.50. By R P. Leitch. Chromo plates. By COLLIN & SMALL, New York. Them Thar Grasshoppers. By Bricktop. 12mo, 64 pp., paluphlet, 25C. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. Sermons for the Christian Year. By the Rev. Wm. El. Lewis, D.D. Sixth edition. Changed from 3 vols. to 2, and price reduced from $5 to $3.50. Frislº and His Flock. By Mrs. D. P. Sandford. Uniform with Pussy Tiptoe's Family.” 32 full-page illustrations, beautifully printed and bound, $2.25. - Stumps. A Story ſor Children. By Stella Austin. Il- lustrated. $1. - Somebody. A Story for Children. By Stella Austin. Illustrated. $1. Cicely’s Choice. “Doll World,” etc. By Mrs. Robert O'Reilly. Author of Seven to. Seventeen ; or, Veronica Gordon. By M. M. Bell. $1.75. - DICK & FITZGERALD, New York. Horseman's Guide. By Geo. P. Delisser, 16mo, buards, 75c. The Amateur Trapper and Trap-makers’ Guide. 161110, p. per; 50C. - Very Little Dialogues for Very Little Folks. By Alice Holmes. 1 omo, 130 pp., paper, 30c.; boards, 50C. - - The Etiquette of pp., paper, 50c. IDuncan's 33 ſtuaſc Utr jFreimaurerri ; ober, 5iiſ, rer burd; bie brei ſum(\pſiſdelt (§rate ted atten Qjorf Ritug, bed £ebrfingø-, (jeleſſen- unbºeiſter-ºaurer-Grabeg, won Malcom C. Dun- can. Seutide Sluggabe. ºit Sabſteiden in ten Żert cin- Making Love. 16mo), 176 getruſtem ºcſyſdymitten. 16mo, tucks, $2. 23C THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Chas. Auchester. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. New edition. By the author of “Rumor.” 8vo, 194 pp., puper, 75c. A Woman's Ransom. By F. W. Robinson. 412 pp., paper, 75c. - - . Open, Sesame : By Florence Marryat. 8vo, paper, 75c. 8vo, J. B. FORD & CO., New York. Eli Perkins (at Large). H.S Sayings and Doings. With multiforni illustrations by Uncle Consider, after models by those designing young men, Na t, Darley, Fredericks, Eytinge, White, Stephens, and others. By Melville D. Landon. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. The Little Street-Sweeper. By Rev. S. P. Halli. day. Ilustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. Life in Paris. By Arsene Houssaye. Society, Literature, Politics, and Art. 192 pp., cloth, $1.25. The Silent Witness. By Edmund Yates. A new sensatioual novel. 8vo, 180 pp., paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.50. The Satchel Series. Vol. I. By Miss M. F. Braddon, Wilkie Collius, Owen Meredith, etc. Finely illustrated. 8vo, 102 pp., paper, 50c. Caring for No Mun. poweriul new novel. $1.50. * Winning Her Kingdom. By A. M. Douglas. A Family St ry. 12mo, 300 p., paper, $1; clºth, $1.50. Treasure-Trove Series. Vol. II. —Travesty. Fait- ed by R. H Stºddard. Choice Humo. by the Great Writers, 16mo, 224 pp , cloth, $1.25. Letters on Square 16mo, By Linn Boyd Porter. A 8vo, 175 pp., paper, 75c.; cloth. - GINN BROTHERS, Boston. First Lessons in Greek. Prepared to accompany Goodwin's Greek Grammar, and designed us an Introduc- tion to his Greek Reader. By John Williams White, A.M., Tutor in Greek in Harvard Co. lege. $1.25. gliddell and Scott's Abridged Greek Lexicon. New edition. With an Ap: 'endix containing Proper and Geographical Names, carefully prepared by J. M. Whiton. $3. Select Orations of Lysias. '$1. Hudson’s Text-Book of Poetry. For use in schools and cl isses. Cousisting of selections from W or is- worth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Goldsmith, and Thom. Son. $2.50. Carpenter’s Introduction to Anglo-Saxon. An Introduction to the Study of the Auglo-Saxon Lan- guage, Comprising an Elementary Grummar, Selections for Reading with Notes, and a Vocabulary. By Stephen li. Carpenter, Professor of Logic and English Literature in the University of Wisconsin. 212 pp. $1.25. Full Preparatory Course of Latin Prose (without Vocabulary), containing four books of Caesar's Gallic War, Sallust, Catiline, eight Orations of Cicero, and the Cato Major. $2.50. Second Preparatory Course of Latin Prose (with Vocabulary), containing four books of Caesar’s Gal- lic War, and eight Orations of Cicero. $2.50. Representative Authors. By D. H. Morgan. $1. The Fifth, or High School Music-Reader for Mixed Voices. By Julius Eichberg, General Supervisor of Musical Instruction of Boston Public Schools. $l.25. HENRY HOYT, Boston. The Viking Heir. By S. F. Kune. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. * - HOYT & FOGG, Portland, Me. Maine State Year-Bools. By E. S. Hoyt. 16mo, 536 pp., clotl), $l.25. - - F. J. HALE & SON, New York. Harwood. A Novel. By the author of “ The 01 d Trump.” 8vo, paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.25. The Odd Trump. A Novel. New edition. 326 pp., paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.25. 8vo, HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, New York. THE ACTING DRAMA-15C. each, Advice Grantis. A Furce in l act. Grace Darling. A Drama in 2 acts. A Gray Mare. A Comedietta in l act. Ilow to Settle Accounts with Your Laum- dress. A Farce in l act. - A Hasty Conclusion. A Burletta in 1 act. The Middle Temple. A Farce in 1 act. Our Mary Annae. A Farce in 1 act. Weak Points. A Comedy in 2 acts. Tiſe ErdioPIAN DRAMA—15C each. An Elephant on Ice. An Ethiopian Interlude. Aunt Chloe. An Ethiopian Sketch. Bones at a Raffle. An Ethiopian Eccentricity. Dancing Maad. An Ethiopian Eccentricity. A Manager in a Fix. Change Act. Old Uncle Billy. An Ethiopian Sketch. 'I'HE VARIETY STAGE-15C. each. The Big Banana. A Dutch Musical Sketch. Dot Mad Tog. Dutch Sketch. A Gay Old Man amn I. Musical Monologue. The Law Allows it. Musical Monologue. A Leedle Misdake. Dutch Sketch. The Spelling Match. Musical Sketch. There’s Millions in it. Musical Sketch. Tootle, Tootle, Too. Musical Sketch. THE AMATEUR stage—15c, each. Cousin Florence. Comedietta. Lucy’s Love Lesson. Comedietta. A Woman will be a Woman. A Duologue. Minstrel Gags and End Men's Handbook. l6mo, 144 pp., 30c. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Nooks and Corners or the New England Coast. . By Samuel Adams Drake. With numerous illustrations. Svo, cloth, $5. out of Church. Halfax.” 12tno, cloth, Playing the Mischief. paper, 75c. Ward or Wife : Illustrated. 8vo, paper, 25c. Eglantine. Py Eliza Tabor. 8vo, paper, 50c. Miss Angel. By Miss Thackeray. Illustrated. Svo, paper, 75c. , Sermons By the author of “John By J. W. De Forest. Svo, HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. How to Live Long ; or, Health Maxims, Physical, Mental, and Moral. By W. W. Hall, A.M., M.D., author of “ Health by Good Living,” etc. 12mo, 310 pp., cloth. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Within an Ace. By Mis. Jenkin. I.eisure Hour Series. 16tno, $1.25. . white Ladies. By Mrs. Oliphant. 16ino. JOHNSON, WILSON & Co., New York. Our Country. By Lossing. 4to, 32 pp. arts 3 and 4, 25c. each. Subscription. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 23 I JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., Chicago. A Summer in Norway. With Notes on the Indus- tries, Habits, Customs, and Peculiarities of the People. The History and Institutions of the Country; its Climate, Topography, and Produ 'tions; also an Al:count of the Red Deer, Reindeer, and Elk By John Dean Caton, LI.D., ex Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois. 8vo, cloth. The Primer of Political Economy. N. Mason and John F. Lalor. 12mo, cloth. By Alfred T. & J. W. JOHNSON & CO., Philadelphia. Separate Use in Pennsylvania, considered with respect to the Restraint on Aliena- tion. An address delivered before the Law Academy of Philadelphia, by E. Coppée Mitchell, on May 13, 1875, Royal 8vo, 45 pp., paper, 50c. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. Cunning Workmem. By Pansy. 16mo, cloth. Charley Lilure 1. . By W. H. G. Kingston. 16mo, C otb. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston. United States Digest. First Series. Vol. VI. By Benj. Vaughan Abbºtt. Royal 8vo, law sheep. United States Digest. New Series. Vol. V. By Benj. Vaughan Abbott. Royal 8vo, law sheep. LINTSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. How to Teach Chemistry. Hints to Science Teachers and Students. By Edward Frankland, D.C. L., F.R.S. Edited by Geo. Chaloner, F.C.S. 47 illustrations. 12mo, 83 pp., cloth, $1.25. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. TU Inder the Stork's Nest. A Romance ſrom the Ger- man of E. A. Katsch. By Emily R. SteineStel. Works and Life of Walter Savage Landor. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. By Frank Buckland. Illustrated. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. By T. Wright. Notes on Building Construction. Illustrated. 8 W. O. - ...ſolo UGHILIN BROTHERS, New York. Aunt Louisa Series. Untearable. 75c. New Game of Pilgrim’s Progress. Folding, $2. New Game of Solitaire Improved. Folding, $1. New Game of Spelling Loth. Földing. $1. New Alphabet of Country Scenes. A B C blocks, with book. $2. NELSON & PHILLIPS, New York. Flavia ; or, Loyal unto the End. A Tale of the Church in the Seeond Century. By Emma les ie. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. Quadratus. A Tale of the World in the Church. By Emma Lesſie. I lustrated. 12mo, $1.50. Arctic Heroes. Facts and Incidents of Arctic Explor- atious. From the Ear iest Voyages to the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin, embracing Sketches of Commercial and Religious Results. By Rev. Z. A. Mudge. Four illustrations. 12mo, $1.25. Home Story Series, No. 2. Consisting of Vacation Stories, Stories for Little People, Stories for the Fireside. By Augusta Larned. Ilustrated. Three volumes in a box. 12mo, $4. - Outline History of the Christian Church. By R v J. F. Hurst. D.I). Illustrated with maps. 12mo, flexible cloth, 80c. - All for Christ. . those who have made this C. ºnsecration. I). D. 16:no, 192 pp , cloth, 75c. * * The Lesser Hymnal. A Collection of Hymns selected chiefly from the Standard Hymn book of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 18mo, flexible cloth, 45c.; stifl' cloth, 50c. - With illustrations from the Lives of By T. Carter, ORANGE JUDI) CO., New York. Downing’s Landscape Gardening. By the late A. J. Towning. New edition. With a Supplement by Henry Winthrop Sergeant, Esq., bringing down to the present time some brief account of the various trees and shrubs which have been introduced since the former supplement tº this work was published in 1859. 8vo, 592 pp., extra cloth, beveled boards, $6.50. P. O'SHEA, New York. Lives of the Saints. Arranged for every day in the year. Part III–March. By the Very Rev. F. X. Wenin- ger, D D, 8vo, 144 pp., cloth, $1. Life and Letters of Paul Seigneret, Shot by the Communists. Translated from the French, 12mo, 372 pp., cloth, $1.50. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Work in ind Culture in the Household. By Mrs. A. M. 1)inz, 16mt). The Annals of a Fortress. Illustrated. 8vo. * By Viollet-le Duc. G. P. PUTNAM's SONS, New York. Old New York. By E. Greatorex and M. Despard. Part II. Follo, 40 pp., paper, $3 and $5. Complete in 10 parts. Otitis. By Prof. C. R. Agnew. Six Clinical Lectures. 8vo, 36 pp., paper, 40c. The Picolomini. By Goethe. Edited by Prof. J. M. Hait. Vol. II. 16tno, 250 pp., cloth, $1.25. German ClassicS for Students. JOHN E POTTER & CO., Philadelphia. Potter’s Complete Bible Encyclopaedia. Em- bracing in one consecutive alphabetical order a Bible Dictionary, an Ecclesiastical Dictionary, a Bingraphical Dictionary, and a Geographical Dictionary, the whole drawn from the latest and best sources. Edited by Rev. William Blackwood, L). D., LL.D., with valuable contribu- tions by other eminent divines. Nearly 3.000 illustra- tions. People's edition in one volume, paneled sides, comb edges, $20; paneled sides, full gilt, $25. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. A Double Wedding ; ºr, How She Was Wou. An en- tire new novel. Hy Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Morocco cloth, gilt back, $1.75. A Light and Dark Christmas. By Mrs. Henry Woud. New edition. 8vo, paper, 25c. The Discarded Daughter; or, The Children of the Isle. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Being Wol- ume VII. of a new edition of Mrs. Southworth’s works, to be completed in thirty-eight volumes. Morocco cloth, $1.75 each, or $66.50 a set. The Household of Bouverie ; or, the Elixir of Gold. By Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Author’s new edition, revised and corrected. Two volumes, complete in one. 18mo, morocco cloth, gilt back, $1.75. . The Monastery. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the tenth volume of a new edition of the Waverley Novels, to be completed in twenty six volunes. Octavo, 25c. each, or $5 for a counglete set. - The Countess and the Page. By Geo. W. M. Reynolds. New edition. cover, 50c. Isabel of Bavaria, the Queen of France ; or, The Mysteries of the Reign of Charles the Sixth. By Alexander Dumas. New cdition. Octavo, illustrated cover, 75c. A Tale of Florence, 8vo, illustrated 232 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. Afraja ; or, Life and Love in Norway. From the German of Otto Muegge. By E. Joy Morris, 12mo, paper, $1 ; International, $1.25 ; cloth, $1.50. Castle Daly. Vol. XIV. International Series of Novels. By Annie Keary. 12mo, paper, $1; International, $1.25 ; cloth, $1.50. The Horse in the Stable and the Field. His Management in Health and Disease, . By J. H. Walsh, .F.R.C.S. (Stonehenge). From the last London, edition, with copious Notes and Additions. By Robert McClure, M.D., W.S. And an Essay on the Trotting Horse, by Ell- wood Harvey, M.D. Illustrated with eighty engravings. A new edition. 12mo, cloth gilt, $2.50. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. Fated to be Free. A Novel. By Jean Ingelow. With a Preface to the American edition by the author. Uui- form with “Off the Skelligs,” to which it is a sequel. 16mo, $1.75. E. STEIGER, New York. J. Schedler's Relief Map of California. J. Schedler’s Relief Map of the United States. - J. Schedler's Manual ſor the Use of Globes. Das Funfte Buch fuer Schule und IIaus. By Hermann Reſſ; it. SHELDON & CO., New York. 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Three illustra. tions., 18tno, 155 pp., tmuslin, 60C. x - 236 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. *-- *-*. -- T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. Aunt Margaret's Trouble. By Miss Dickens, daughter of Charles Dickens. 8vo; puper, 25c. The Mysteries of the Court of Naples. Ry George W. M. Reynolds With full page illustrations. 8vo, puper cow ºr, $1; cloth, $1.75. - Frances Hildyard. An entire now edition. Henry Wood. Priuted from advanco sheets, 8vo, paper, 25C. ... • The Countess of Monte-Cristo. New edition. Uniſo m with the “Count of Moute-Cristo.” Paper, $1; cloth, $1 75. “ Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. New edition. An Histºrical Romance of the Sixteenth Century. By George W. M. Reynolds. 8vo, paper, 75c. The Highland Widow. By Sir Waſter Scott. Being the minuh volume of our new edition of the Waverley A Novels, to be completed in twenty six volumes. 8vo, 25c.; complete set, $5. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond, Va. Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. Vol. XXIV. . From November i, 1873, to April 8, 1874. By Peachy R. Grattan. 8vo, 720 pp , calf. $6. F. STEIGER, New York. AuS Liebe. Dramolet in cinem Act. Von Max Goldstein. Paper 25, . . Key to Ahn's Third German Book. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, 34 pp., boards. 25c. Ahn’s First, French Reader. With Notes and Vocabulary. Py Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, 96 pp., boards, 60c. Ahn’s First, French Reader. With Fºot. Notes and W. cubulary. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, 96 pp.. boards, 60c. Key to Ahn's First French Reader. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, 56 pp., boards 30... J. Schedler's Relief Map of Pennsylvania. In black Walnut ſraine. $1.50. SHFLT ON & CO., New York. A Norseman’s Pilgrimage. By Prof. H. H. Boyo- Sen, of Cornell University. Sm || 12mo, laid paper, $1.50 K. TOMPKINS, New York. The Eve of St. Agnes. By John Keats. 16 pp., paper, 10c. The Bishop of Rumtifoo and Other Poems. By W. S. Gilb ºrt. Simall 410, 12 pp., paper, 10c. ... • Small 4to, N. TIBBAIS & SON, New York. Sermons on the Spiritual Life. By John Wesley. New (fourth) edition. 1zino, 384 pp., cloth, $1.50. The Genn Cluster. Fully illustrated, I. Indon imprint. 12 vos. 16mo, 100 pp., cloth extra. $4.50. - Minutes of the New York East Conference. 8vo, 64 pp.. paper, 20c. Facts and Fancies. Poems. By John Kaye. 121110, 240 pp., cloth ext: it, $1. B:ayshaw By Mrs. TAINTOR BROS., New York. Saratoga Illustrated. 16mo, paper, 25c. Hudson River Route. Taintor's Guides. 16mo, paper, 25c. ' ' ' ' Erie Railway Route. Taintor’s Guides. 16m), 'paper, 25t:. City of New York. Taintor’s Guides. 16tuo, paper, 25c. Connecticut River and White Mountains. Taiuto, 's Guides. 16mo, paper, 25c. - Newport Route. Taintor's Guides. 16mo, paper, 25c. Northern Route. Taintor's Guides. 16mo, paper, 25C. . . Pennsylvania Coal Regions. Taintor's Guides. l6mo, paper, 25c. * - Shore Line Route. Taiutor's Guides, 16tmo, paper : 25c. - Guide. Long Island Resorts. Taititor's 16m () paper, 25c. “, UNIVERSITY PUB, CO., Now York. Latin Reader. By B. L. Gildersle::ve. 12mo, 192 pp., C.Oth, leather back, $l. D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. European Light-House Systems: Being a Re- lºort of a Tour ºf Insnection made in 1873. By Major Geo. H. Elliott, Corps of Fngineers, U.S.A., Member and Engi- neer Secretary of the Light house Board. Illustrated by ſlfty-one engravings and thirty-one woodcuts, in the text. 8vo, 284 pp., cloth, $5. S. R. WFM.I.S & CO., New York. Self-Made Woman. By E. M. Buckingham. edition. 12mo, 350 pp., cloth, $1.50. Heart Echoes. Poems. By Helen 12mo, 175 pp., cloth, $1. Fourth A. Mammville. sºm- WOOD & HOLBROOK, New York. The Better Way. A Plea for Culture Through a Wiser Parentage. By A. E. Newton. 12mo, 60 pp., C oth, 50c. wistACH, BALDWIN & Co., Cincinnati. Spalding's Treatise. The Practice and Forms at jarge in Justices' Courts for the State ºf Ohio, and an Analysis of the Law and Practice concerning Personal Property, containing over Thirty-three Thousand Cita- tions. By Hugh M. Spalding. Second edition. 8vo, 828 pp., law sheep, $7.50. WEST, JOHNSON & CO., Richmond. Va. Grattan's Virginia Reports. Vol. XXIV. $6. Acts of Virginia Legislature. Session of 1874-75. $2.50. º The Question of Interest During the War. Opinion of Judge R. W. Huglies, of U. S. U out v, Eastern District of Virginia. 30c. New Music. - - RAI,\l ER & WEBER. St. Louis. - INSTRUMENTAL. . Girofile-Girofita Galop. Ch. Godfrey. 30c. Freymhutz. T. Meyer. “Sun Rays” collection. 30c. Dinorah Waitz. H. Werner. 30c. - Celestial Messengers Schottische. T. G il. Il- lustrated title-pige 40c. 4. º V t CAL. Old Black Joe is Dead and Gorre. H Banks. 40c. There is a Green Hill ſar Away. Gounod. 40c. The “Why" of a Blush. J. W. He tel. , 35c. The Bird That Came in Spring. Benedict. With ſinte and piano. 80c. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 237 BOOSEY & CO., New York. Ambade. Cowen. Song. 50c. Almost. Cowen. Song. 50c. It is so Like the Men. Clay. Song. 50c. Schuman an’s 86 Short Pieces for Pia unofort e. $1. - Strauss’s 18 Waltzes for Pianoforte. $1. 36 Ballads. Molloy, Claribel, &c. $1. Exercises for Violin. Hubert, Ries, 50c. Exercises and Studies for Clariomet. Kappey. This Magic-wove scarf. Barnett. 50c. Farewell to the Mountain. Barnett. 50C. Deep in the Forest Dell. Barnett. 50c. Lohengrin. Kuhe. Selection. 75c. It was a Dream. Cowen. 50c. BROMBERG BROS., Mobile, Ala. Our Babe up in Glory. Words by Rev. J. H. Curry. Music by Chas. Mischka. Song and chorus. 35c. - Smile Once Again. Words by C. Harkins. by F. Widmeyer. Ballad. 30c. Julia Schottische. Henry Ricke, 30c. Music OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. voCAL, witH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. Old Folks at Home. Arranged by Fairbank. , tet. 25C. The Flower Girl. (La Fioraja), Bevignani. 75c. The Clang of the Wooden Shoon. Molloy. 40c. Staccato Polka. Mulder. Bravoura piece. 75c. Otto Lob's Sacred Trios. No. 1.-Lord thy Glory. Weber. Soprano, alto, and tenor. No 2. —Praise Thou the Lord. Mehul. Mezzo-soprano, tenor, and bass. No. 3 —Loud Proclaim. Spohr. Soprano, tenor, and bass. No. 4.—Bow ſhown Thine Ear. Wagner. Alto, tenor, and Quar- bass. Each 35c. I Fear Those Beaming Eyes. Glover. 30c. I Will Love Thee. (lo tºamero.) Campana. 30c. Good Night. Glover. 35c. Bonum Est. (It is a good thing.) Campiglio. Quar- tet or Chorus. 50C. : & Sing Not of the Past. Trekell. 40c. She Never Flirts. (Fairy Queen.) Hendle. 30c. The Cragsman. Molloy. 35c. Frogtown Spellers. Beg. Kommick song and koruss 30c. Longing. Barker. Cal zonetta. 35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Happy Play-Days. (Frohe Spiele.) Lauge. 50c. Fille de Madame Angot. Lange. Fantaisie. 75c. ** Petit Carnaval.” Streabbog. No. 2. — Polka. 4 hands. 35c. “Home Treasures.” Smallwood. No. 6. –Gypsy Counte SS. 4Uc. “Highland Gems.” Pape. No. 7. —Annie Laurie, and Who'll be King but Charlie 2 75c. ‘Chalcon ºne. Durand. 40c. Subscriber's Waltz. Strauss. Harpe HEolienne. Lange. Flight of the Nightingales. mêucement mal ch. 35c. Reverie. Lange. 60c. Famdango. S. Smith. Capt. Folson’s March. Alittle Beauty Waltz. Turner. 60C. Tone picture. 35c. Whitney. Com- Morceau caractèristique. 75c. Reeves. 40c. 30c. W. H. EWALD & BRO., Jersey City. WOCAI, Break the Sad News Gently. Dwyer, Song and chorus. 33.C. When the Rosy Morn. White. Waltz Song. You Never Miss the Water Till the Well 50c. Runs Dry. Howard. 30c. Golden Stars are Waiting, Love. Pratt. Sere- made. 35C. Something of Paradise. Millard. Ballad. 50c. Ave Maria. Millard. For soprano or tenor, with violin oblig uto. 50c Bright-Eyed Little Allie. Wagner. Song and cluorus. 40c. Isstituxesta!. Entre Nous Galop. Ewald. 35c. Request Galop. Revius. 35c. Argonaut a Galop. Schilling. 40c. High Life schottische. Bearse. 40c. On the Hudson Waltzes. Krouse. 50". Oneida Lancers. Wagner. 50c. Spring, Gentle Spring Waltz. White. 4 hands. 40c. THOS. J. HALL, New York. With in the Gates of Gold. Chas. F. Pratt. Song and chorus; 35c. . Bessie, the Star of the Vale. J. R. Thomas. Ballad. With picture. 4Uc. Iceland Hymn. S. Sveinbjrnsson. Vocal. With picture of 1)r. Hays, 50c. Felicitas. M. E. Audubon. Galop. 35c. Ripples of the Alabama. Henry H. Andrews. Polka de Coucert. 60c. . - B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. America. Arranged by Millard. Song. Quartet. 10c. I Think of Thee. Franz Abt. Song. 15c. Happier Days. Tom Brown. Instrumental. 15c. Can I Not Forego, Forget + Caribel. Song. 10c. The Men of '76. Millard. Song and chorus. 10c, LEE & WALKER, Philadelphin. Spelling Bee. Winner. Song and chorus. Browning Schottische. W. F. Gordy. Spelling Bee March. E. Mack. Piano. Asher’s Minuet. Piano. 40C, La Jolie Parfumeuse Quadrille. Arban. Piano. 75C. - Le Sourire. (The Smile.) F. d’Auria. 60". Grains of Gold. Carl Meyer. Morceau de salon. 60c. Operatic Gems. Tryon, Jr. Book, c'oth binding. $3. Snow Flake. Carl Le Duc. Piano. 60c. Happy Thought Waitz. Miss F.K. ſ. Piano. 60c. Catching the But terfly. Latour. Song. 30c. °Cause Birdie Told Me So. Latour. Song. 30c. Where with a 1 Shall a Young Man Cleanse His Way. Clarke. Anthem. 75c. 30c. Piano. 30c. 35C, Operatic Gems. Tryon, Jr. Boards. $2.50. Operatic Gems. Tiyon, Jr. Gilt. $4. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. WOCAT. Good Night (Gute Nacht). F Wink. Duet from Opera. Zephyr... Soprano and tenor. 50c. Little Marguerite. F. A. Kulling. Humorous song. 35c. - 238 I’HE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ G UIDE. IKathleen. F. A. Kulling. Humorous song. 35C. - Gentle Rosebud (Un Rosajo). Tito Mattei. 50c. The Echo ; or, Songs of Many Years Ago. F. A. Kulling. Concert soug. Soprano or tenor in F; alto or baritone in I). 50C First Loss (Erster Verlust). F. A. Kulling. tenor in Ab; alto or baritone in F. 35c. Soprano or The Floweret (Das Blümlein). F. A. Kulling. Mezzo- S )prano or tenor. 40C. The Lord is my Shepherd. Ad. Geibel. Anthem for quartet, with alto solo. $1.50. Good Night, my Love, Good Night. Ad. Geibel. lºuet. Soprano and alto. Will be sung at dedication of Machinery Hall, Centennial Grounds, July 4, 50c. Sweet Love, Good Night (Süsses Liebchen, Gute Nacht). Ad. Geibel. Serallade for alto or baritone. 40c. Kittie Dean. Ad. Geibel. Song and chorus. 35c. Our Darling’s Last Good Night. Ad. Geibel. . Song and chorus. 35c. - Love’s Farevvell. Ad. Geibel. Ballad. 35c. Hark! I Hear the Angels Calling. Ad. Geibel. Sunday-School soug. 2C. The Little Gift (Den ringa gafwan). K. Collan. Lays of Sweden and Finland. 35c. - Frithiof's Happiness (Frithiof's Saga). B. Crussell. Lays of Sweden and Finland. 35c. Mother Will Ask Me (Die Mutter Wird mich Fragen). Pacius. Lays of Sweden and Finland. 35C. A Love Dream (M gisterns Flamma). G. Wennerberg. Luys of Sweden and Finland. 35c. A Maiden's Wish (Flickan Vid Kallan). Lays of Swedeu and Finland. Duet. 35c. A Moonlight Night (En Mankensnatt). berg. Lays of Sweden and Finland. Duet. Sway the Cot Gently. Wm. Besford. chorus. 35c. The Blue Eye (Das Blaue Auge). Thirsch. Golden S. Treasury of Vocal lyrics. 35c. Ehrstrom. G. Wenner- 35C. Song and INSTRUMENTA I. Seremade. Schubert. Celebrated pieces arranged for amateurs by Aug. Loumey. Class 2. 20c. . Pilgrims’ Chorus. Tannhauser. arranged for aluateurs by Aug. Loumey. 20c.” Marche du Sacre. Prophete. Celebrated pieces arrauged for amateurs by Aug. Loumey. 30c. J. L. PETERS, New York. La Jolie Parfurmeuse Waltz. La Jolie Parfumeuse Galop. H. Maylath. 35c. Some One Kissed Me in my Sleep. E. Christie. Song and chorus. 30c. Fairy Festival. G. D. Wilson. Instrumental. 75c. See the Angels Coming. H. Leighton. Song and chorus. 30c. Ciara Polka. Hampel. 35c. Rippling Brook. H May lath. Morceau. 35c. Arise, Sweet heart : H. Glover. Serenade. 30c. Gone Above where Angels Dwell. Leighton. Song and chorus. 30c. Over the Beautiful Stars. leighton. Song and chorus, 30c. Bessie, Will You Love Me 3 aud chorus. 35c. Gondolien’s Serenade. 35c. - - Harpe Angelique. C. Kinkel. Reverie. 35c. W. S. Hays. Song W. Morgan. Instrumental. WM. A. POND & CO , New York. VOCAL- Far O'er the Sparkling River. Berthold Tours. 403. i Celebrated pieces º H. May lath. 40c. . Waiting. 75c. The Gallant Sixty-Ninth. David Braham. Benedic Anima Mea. W. H. Squires, 75c. Quien Sabe? (Who Knows?) Homer N. Bartlett. 50c The Lord my Shepherd Is. D. F. Stillman Motet. 75c. Jubilate Deo. Miron A. Ward. 75c. The Capricious One (La Capricciosa). L. Ricca. 60. She Will Return (Tornera). T. Mattei. 60c. If Doughty Deeds. A. S. Sullivan. 40c. When the Roses Blooma. Jas. M. Sayles. 30c. Sleep Sweet, Beloved One. H. M. Teasdale. 40c. I’ve a Letter from my Darling. Will. C. Hast ings. 40C. Sweet Idleness (Dolce far niente). Tito Mattei. 50c. Rosanna ; or, Down beside O.d Tampa Bay. A. T. Lee U.S.A. 30c. - Fly Forth, O Gentle Dove: C. Pinsuti. 40c. H. Millard. English and German words 40c. Call Me Thine Own. Halewy. 35c. Yeoman’s Wedding Song. Poniatowski. 50c. Sing, Sweet Bird. W. Ganz. 50c. Before the Looking-glass. C. Palloni. 50c. Shelter Isle. A. T. Lee, U.S. A. 30c. Paradise no Joy can give Greater, &c. F Campani. 50C. Arise, Sweetheart: (Deh te desta () F. P. Tosti 50c. Upside Down. Howard Paul. 30c. INSTRUM ENTAI, . La Timbale d’Argent Waltz. Thomas Baker 50C. * - Fire Away Galop. J. K Sealey. 35c. Rnights of Pythias Grund March. E. Zeller 35c. - Skidmore Lancers. D. Wiegand. 40c. Sanns Souci Waltz. J. S. Smith. 50c. Sailor’s Dreann, Wm. A. Fallman. 50c. Girofle-Girofla . Albert W. Berg. Reminiscence. 5%r. Far O'er the Sea Waltz. F. E. Englander, 50c. Valse Brilliante. Chas. B. J.ysberg. $1. All New. Karl Melz 1.-My First Rondo. 2. —Savan luah Waltz. 3 —Suu flower Rondo. 4.—The Pet Rond c 5.—Grandpapa’s Waltz. 6.-Cuckoo Rondo. 7.—Sta Galop, 8.-College P. lka. 9.-Seaside Rondo. 10 – Irish Bridal Dance. 11. –German Unity March. 12. – Sweet I)reams. Andante. Each 30c. The Rivulet (Caprice). J. C. Meininger. 60c. Le Zephyr (Morceau). Florena Kinkel. 35c. La Chatelaine Maazurkau. Geo. F. Morris. 50c. Impromptu. Walter R. Johnson. 50c. Rondo Can priccio. J. Leybach. 60c. Gra and Dedication March. A. J. I.)avis. 40c. Song of the Spinning-Wheel. Chas. B. Lysberg 50c. Eva Valse Brillante. L. Gobbaerts. 50c. STUDIES. 24 Studies of Expression and Rhythm. Heller Op. 12.5, No. 2. $1.50. Studies in Bravura. Singing for the Sopranº Voice. In 3 books. F. Lamperti. Book 1, 75c.; Bool 2, 75c.; Book 3, $1. - H(YOKS. Carmina Concordize. Edited by Truman Weed class of ’75. A collectiou of the songs of Union College $1.75. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 239 The Temple Emanuel Hymn-Book. For Schools. Purt 1. Words selected by Dr. G. Gottheil, the Rabbi of the Congregation. Music composed and arranged by the O.'ganist, Mr. A. J. Davis. Boards, 25c. Plaidy's Technical Studies. Fither American or Foreign Fingering. Boards, $1.50. Cloth, beveled edges, $2. Mann’s Piano Method. $2.50. The Church Welcome. Over 400 pages, for Choirs, Conventions, etc. $1.50 per copy. $12 per dozen. LOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. I Only Feel Farewell. Price. Quartet. Joyous Heart. Price. Comic Duet. 35c. My Home Bemieuth the Sea. Price. Comic Duet. 35C. 40c. Messenger Bird. Hemans. Comic Duet. Soldier’s Return. Glyvor. Comic Duet. School Queen. Gunter. Female Chorus. Sweet as Some Delusive Dream. Trio. 35C. Rose of May. Holterhoff Duet. 20c. Ye Mariners of Spain. Duet, 30c. In His Hands are all the Corners of the Earth. Mendelssohn. Duet. 50C. 35C. 40c. 30c. Fenton. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Viola. F. S. Chaudier. Song and chorus. , 40c. Evening Calls us Home. J. B. Sykes. Song. 403. Come, Brightest Vision. Geo. W. Persley. So,ig. 300. Those Happy Days. G. E. Quinlan. Song. 40c. Never Push in Mann Because He’s Going Dow in Hill. H. Liuu. Soug aud chorus. 3Uc. C. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Herdsmann’s Mountain Home. Abt. So:g. 40c. Happy Home. G. F. De Wine. Ballad. 35c. Killarney. M. A. Balfe. Ballad. 3(c. Coming O'er time Sea. F. H. Pease. Song and chorus. 35c. When These Old Clothes Were N evv. Comic Song. 3.J.C. - - My Dear Old Wife and I. Clifton. Comic song, 30c. Old, Old Song. Farnie. Ballad. 30c. Oh, Returni. Giese. Song without words. Op. 187. 30C. . - - Tarantella. F. Scotson Clark. Instrumental 65c. Salterlle. F. Scotson Ciark. Instrumental. 70c. Life is but a Drearm. Z.koſſ. Waltz S. O.J. 56, 75c. Etudes de la Velocite. Op. 61. Bock 1. $1.50. Fifty Studies. BereuS. Czerny. Op. 740. No. 1. $1.25. GE0. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Love Laid His Sleepless Head. Sullivan. Song. 35c. The Hay is i” the Mow. Gatty. Song. 35c. A Weary Lot is Thine, Fair Maid. Galty. Song. 30c. - Bonum Est. J. Nevitt Steel, Jr. The Old Sweet Story. Gatty. Song. 35c. Memories of Home. Campana. Song. 30c. Only to see Thee. Campana, Song. 30c. Swedish Wedding. Soderman. March. 30c. Mass in D. W. C. Peters. $1.25. Sacred song. 35c. TEI E CINCINNATI News Company, No. 154 West Fourth Street, ciscINNati' CIHIO, Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEW YORK, BosTox, Phila- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' Lowest Prices, and have also on hand A LARGE STock - OF - - STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. - Trade-Lists, containing list of NEWSPAPERs, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 west FourTH STREET, CHN (CINNATI, OHIO. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS CVIDE. • * THE Stationery - MARK ET, Rusiness has not improved during the month, and has been lighter than usual even in the dull season. Very few new goods are in the market, and importations are not likely to be heavy. There is very little change in prices to note. Papers are held a little more stiflly, and a slight advance is probable. Imported goods have been affected slightly by the advance in gold. subj BCT To FLUCTUATIONS OF THE Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. Adjustable Book Covers. Stafford’s S * b Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100.. $1 75 laſºr s tºns, II] à grºss e oxes, per gross & © tº & e g . . $7 20 for 500, with pealer’s Advertisement ............. i0 00 | Arnºld's Writing Flººd, Ş.is, perioz. ... .... gºld : # “ 1,000, “ $ 4 ( * e s ∈ tº º e º e g º e º e 18 00 ( ( , tº { { . ; Pints, . . ........ W. 1 #6 Writing Papers. { % “ . . “ Stands, per gross....... “ 480 FIRST CLASS. ‘‘ Copying Iuk, Quarts, per doz. . . . . . . ... “ 8 50 - - { { { { Pints “. . . . . . . . . . “ ( 4 75 cº Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, 2sets, Worden & Hyatt's Violet, I ounce bottºes, per doz... i öö , º f *** * * * * * * * * e e º ºs e g = * * * e * e º ºs e º ºs e º 'º e º e º ſº de é º e º a tº e ** a { { - & & ve * * * * g f Biltºniºsičiūjīsītārāmūsīš, ; ;"|canino.o.w.....”........ * : Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb 30 tº armine, Guyotº's, 4 ounge, per doz. ...;;........ & . . .2.2 is º . . ." { { “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. . . . . . . . 1 25 Octavo and Bilet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 30 & “ . . ; 2. “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 SECOND GRADE. David's Carmine, No. 1, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . © tº e º 'º º * & e º & & & © tº ... . . $ 24 . º §: º º Stopper, per doz:..... 3 15 Bill and Legal, { { e e s e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s is s e e • * * * * * * 24 $ { { §§§§oñº. ; : t ia) N “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 & No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz ... º ºš 6, 10 ko. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 : | Payson's Indelible ink, per doz. .................. , 2 00 & { * . 4, No. 5. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * e e s s & s) 00 Square French Envelopes, per M, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 tº Peerless School and Counting-House Printing Papers. Hink ... • . Book and News, wood and part straw....... ... 9 LO 12 cts. BLACK Wl OI.ET WRITING { % ‘' rag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 15 “ INK. I.N. K. FLUID. { { “ good to first-class. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 20 “ Quarts, in doz boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $ 1 75 * Pill tS { { * * “ . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Drawing Papers. Hºus, * : * : * : . 1 (50 3 . 1 75 G}}|{M.A.N. QUIRE. 4 OZ. , { { { { “. . . . 90 1 13 I ()0 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire..................... . . . $U 24 Stands, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes . . . . 45 60 50 Demy, 15 by 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - - Mººn, 17 by ; º e e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e s = * ; Mucilage. 80 ya 19 by 2 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * º Royal, Uy 24, WHATMAN's Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per d0%. . . . . . . . tº tº ſº $ & & & © º | 00 g 17, wºuire. 50 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... g 8) ‘‘ l’intS “ . . . . . . . . . & e º 'º - e º 'º º e . . . . . 4 25 I)emy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ( & Quarts “ tº e º te e º e º 'º º $ tº e * g º º 7 U() Mediurn, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 15 : sº e s we we e s e a s s w w = w w w = e s e s a s Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . tº gº is tº º gº e g º ºs s = ºr 1 50 Super Royal, lº by 3. tº g tº t e º tº e e e º 'º e º ºs e e s tº ; 80 Hinkstands. - Elephant, a-v) by 28, tº e º & 8 tº tº ſº e tº $ tº e º & © e ... O Cocoa I’Ot:ket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * & I 38 Tissue Paper. { { it tº No. 2, ‘‘ . . . . .‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 American, White, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 Silliman's §. }. school, º • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I i. * e { * - 4) OF te & - tº e e º ºs e º e s e e e s e º e º sº 2 Busin º - * * * * * e º 'º $ tº * = e e º 'º e º 'º & e º º 24, 20 .( & N. i. { { { { . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * § l 25 2 tº $ tº º º s = * * * * * * * tº tº e º 'º e º e s = e º e s tº e { { Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Tracing Paper. { { Mechanics', “. . . . . . tº £ tº dº º ºs º e º gº tº º . 2 00 Demy, per quire................................ 75 | Flat Glass, 24 inch, { { & º e º ºs e tº e g tº e º is t e º e º 1 10 Medium. “ . . . . . . e ‘º e º ſe e º e º & º º e s e º ºs e e º a º ge e < e º e 1 25 { { 3 * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 e * } -- ( & 3} { { 4 & is e e s e e º e º e º 'º e º 'º & e is 1 50 RBristol Boards. { { 4 * * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 REYNOLDS' AND OTHERS. Air-tight Inks, Small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 75 Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 “ “ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 { * 3 { % { { * * * * * g g g e tº e º e & © tº tº º 70 | Whitncy's Air-tight, No. 1, $123 No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 “ 4 { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 || Draper's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3............... . 11 25 Demy, , : * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. # Glass Screw Tops, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c. to $1.12 per doz. ... . . . .................... i tº Medium. 2 ( & { { e tº gº tº e º º º ge t e I 00 Steel Pens, { { 3 * { 4 & tº g e. g. * * * * * * * * e e º 'º º e º 'º I 50 . y { { 4 * { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 || American News Company’s No. 1170. . . $0 50 e e º e s g { { { { { { School, No. 51 .... 30 - Perſorated Board. { { { % { { Extra Fine, No 333. ... 50 * * * * * * - g * > do. o ( ( ' ' '. { { {{ & $ No. 444... 50 C arso, Medium, and Fine, per doz. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 & { { { { Quill . No. 76 50 Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per doz. 7 50 { { { { { { Falcon, No. 48.... 50 Blotting Paper. “ “ . . . Bank, , , No. 14.... 30 ():tavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . e e s e º e º e = * * e s e a 75 { { { { ( : Commercial, No. 9.... , 50 º pºsts, pºº . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { . { { $. Aibata, "No. 11.... 50 Ink Gillott’s Pens, No. 303. • • 2 s a e s e º e º s e e º e º s º ºs e g º e & * & © & I º e { { “ No. 404. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 David's Stands, in 4 gross boxes, per gross........ , 7 20 { { “ No. 170. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. . . . . . . . . . 1 00 { { “ No. 351. . . . . . . . . . . . . . s e s e s s s tº $ tº e º is is e . 65 { { 8 “ 1 * : { { “. . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 | Washington Medallion Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 David's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 2 80 || Spencerian Pens.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “ Quarts, 1 '' { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 80 { { “ in 3 gross boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 MA REET". THE AMERICA V BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Lead Pencils. l'aber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , gold 40 “ Hexagou, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 55 “ Tablet, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 31 “ Drawing, 7 in box; per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 5 40 & 4 * * 5 * * { { . . . . . . . . “ 4 50 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ Rubber Head, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tipºd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Red, Polished, per gross, Faber’s.......... . . . . . . . 1 40 Pluiu Cedar, per gross, Eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I 15 Penn-Holders. Accommodation, Fluted, per gross............ . . . . . 45 “. Swell, { { • * * * * * * s • e s e s tº e o e 75 French Tip, per gross ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 00 Bone, per d02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c. 10 1 00 Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15C. to . 60 Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. . . . . . 42 ( : * . t . 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 48 & 4 * * { { 6 by 9, “ g & e º e º 68 * : • { { { 64 by 10, “ . . . . . . 72 { { { . 4. 7 by 11, “ g = e s is e 80 { { { { { { 8 by 12, “ 1 00 { . * { { 9 by 13, . . . . . . 1 20 Slate Pencils. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 German Slato Pencils, ........... ..... from 15c. to 5() German Pateut. Slate, in white wood, per gross...... 1 50 Silicate Book Slates. - FOR SL.ATE PENCIL, Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 3} by 5% in., per doz. 1 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 33 by 53 ill., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 Surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 S0 Silica, interlw'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 3 00 Mineral, “ 6 { { 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00 FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interly'd, gilt, by 33 in., per doz 1 65 Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ . .1 98 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 2 31 Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . e - e s e e s • * * * * * * * * * * * * e e e º 'º e s e e 3 30 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 p"ges, 34 by 5} inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * ... • * * * * * 3 30 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by 54 inches, per doz . . . . . tº e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * g e s e e s a e 3 30 N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes per Thousand. Sizes .. 2 3 4. 5 Buſſ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... . . $0 95 $1 10 Huſſ, heavy ... . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * s e e 1 00 1 25 ºff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 35 1 60 buſ! . . . . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 85 - Canary . . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 fi() l 8:5 Fine Ambor...... XX . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . 1 50 1 S5 Gold . . . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 85 Buſ!..... XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O0 2 50 », win a Canary. XX . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Ex. Fine { ... XX ... e - e. e. e. a s & 2 00 2 50 Gold... XX ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 ſéº: • * e º º e º 'º º e $2 65 2 80 3 35 * Q. Tº anary XXX . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 Ps. Finº ºf ºxx ... ..... ; ; ; ; ; ; Gold...XXX . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 White.... . . . . . . . . . . X $l 45 $1 65 1 S0 2 00 2 45 “ . . . . . . . . . ... XX 1 70 l 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 “ . . . . . . . . . XXX 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 70 3 20 ** Baronial. .... XX 3 65 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Manila . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 l 20 Playing Cards. Propeller 1201 u0Z. . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º ºs e e ... l 60 Steamboat, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 Highlander, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 Eureka, or Players, “ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Mogul, Fancy, “ . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 00 Moguls. Enamelcd, “ .................... 4 05 Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Fuchre, “ . . . . ------. . . . . * * * * * * * * * 4 05 Ill. Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . 6 30 Gold Eagles, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Gold-Faced Moguls, “ tº e s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Dominoes. Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, por doz. . $ tº not] * { { { { { “ Mahogany boxes, { { No. 4 & 5, 2 • & 6 • ‘ 7, 2 * { { { 8 * * 9, 2 * { “ 10 11, 2 “ { { 12 13, 2 * { { { 14 “ lö 2 { { Embossed,enamelcd, p { * Cl’OW Ul Bone, German, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º º º Wood, “ . { { Staliton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . muslin, black and red. . . . . . black and buſt. Sheep........ black and red, half leather... black and rod, full leather... , extra rod and black ... Checker-Nieln. Chess-Mºſen. Bſackboard Crayons, per gross...... * { ( - ber 1b . . . . . . tº e º te Rubber Heads, for { { * * * * * * * * * * is { { { { 3. { { * { { { tº e - e. e. e. Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 00 to Cai) * { & G. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 00 LO Pocket-Boolºs. Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e e e s e º 'º - “ $1 50 to alf, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 3 00 l.O Imitation Morocco, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 to Morocco, * { . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 to Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame, Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz. “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood • { & t “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mallogany ( & { . “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood { { ( : “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip { { { { Therm ORRnet Crss Tin Case, 8 inch { * 10 { { t & 2 & $ Mahogany, 10 “ assorted colors, per gros Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 picces to lb., , per doz. . . . . . . . . . tº. • * & © tº º e º e º 'º º º { { { { tº 0 º º s S. . . . . . “ Bands, # inch, assorted, per gross.......... e { { * { ( * { % * * * * * tº & 6 & © tº e º & º e º e g º & • e º & e 3 00 to $6 00 ... 6 00 to 12 00 ... 600 to 18 00 Backgammo in Boards. 2 00 2 25 3 00 3 75. 4 50 5 04) er doz, $1 75 Maple star, pr doz, 1 00 { % 1 25 to 24 00 .......g6 00 to ſº do Crayons, Rubbers, etc. 18 1 20 69 1 5() 1 98 18 00 24 Oſ) $7 00 15 25 19 ()() 20 ()() 22 00 2 75 3 25 4 00 4 7.5 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . School, per doz. .. Counting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 Quills, No. 20, per * { No. 3 { { { { No. 40, { { tº No. 50, ( & “ No. 60, “ . The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Halſ Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to * { ( * ... 30c. to Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c, to Tull { { Memorandum Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.50 to 60 to 90 to 2 00 to 12mo, per d0Z . . . . . . . 8vo, ( { Crown, “ Demy, “ . . . . . . . . 12 15 * * * * * * * * * $1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 3 50 4 50 Quills. ...........................” QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxcs . Portable, “ $. Large, & 1 { { Oſlice, { { & 4 • * * * * * * * * e s e . * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e * - e - © tº e e º e s tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e = * = = as - - - - - - - - tº * & © tº e º 'º - 4 - - - - - e º 'º e e e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º s tº º tº g Blank Books. e Q & © e tº e º e º 'º º SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. 24 2 50 5 50 60 75 1 15 1 65 2 35 75 25 50 75 : 70 35 50 : 24.2 THE AMERICA.”, 13 OOKSELLERS’ (, UIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S LIs T of * NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The-Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our-customers, we feel satisfied there will be no Jisappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- . ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 24.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly fºrwarded. 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order w8 mot to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, unless they order ws not to do so. . We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.-We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. |POSTAGE TO NEWS DEA LERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, $ $ * { 'Til ree ** i º PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publicatious are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had pºlid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you m ike out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover oue week's papers) similar to this form $. [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed ſind $.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. - 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashiong 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. | 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gay- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. - We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] & THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. e a CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADI)— 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Il)"istrated NeWSpaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... “ { { 6 3 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * tº e º & © e º ſº e º 'º tº º º e º 'º e º it is e e s w w e s s is a º e s is . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ & 4 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº & © tº a e º ºs e º º & * * * * ~ e º e e º e º 'º e s • * * * * * * g e s s = < * * * * * * * e e e * * * * * * * * * * * { { { { 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... “ ‘. . 3 CUT OFE 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . & G tº e º 'º e º º º e º ºs e º e º ºs s e e Q & e º ſº º ºs s = e º 'º, º & # 8 º' tº e º e e * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner.... . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e < * * * * * * * * * * e º e s e s a e e s tº e g º e * * * * * * c s sº as * * * 7 1 Demorest's Illustrated Mocthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . tº . , s is º ºs e º e s = e s s e e s = ºr e º e { % ** * 4 . Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Fach Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Forks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º ºs e e s e e < e e e º ºs e s a e s s e e º e When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was inade. g - Communications should be addressed to THE AMER/CAM NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 243 Wholesale and Retail Prices. tº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a $. f & Trade. Ret Commercial Bulletin, ... . . . . . 3% Graphic (The)............... 3% N. Yonk Courier des Etats Unis 334 New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . 2% New York Evening Express .. 3% New York Evening Mail...... 134 New York Evening News .... 34 El Cronista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Messager Frauco-Americain... 4% New York Evening Post . . . . . . 3% Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% Albany Law Journal ... . . . . . . 7% Albion (Th ) . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º ſº e American Gael (The)........ 4% American Grocer. . . . . . * @ e º e & 7 American Protectionist . . . . . 7 : American Publisher.... . . . . . . 4% American Republic .......... 3 American Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . . ... 7 Arcadian. . . . . . . . .--> e e s e º e º º 7 Army and Navy Journal . . . . . ll Atlantische Bluetter . . . . . . . . . 4 Ave Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Banner of Light. . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Baptist Union . . . . . . tº gº e º & e º 8 e 3% Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . . 4 Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Statesman.... . . . . . . . 4 Boston Traveler ............. 4 Boston Weekly Journal ... . . . 4% Boyd's Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 Boys' Owu ..... tº e º e e º ºf g º & e ... 3% Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% Cabinet-Maker's Journal...... 4% Canadian Illustrated News. ... S Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Catholic Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Catholic Standard . . . . . . . . . ... 4% Challen’s lºc. Nowols. . . . . . . . Celtic National... . . . . . . 3% Christian Advocate and Jour- nal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian at Work ......... ... 5% Christian Intelligencer . . . . . . . 7 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Christian Mother ..... tº e g º º te & 11 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 Church and State............ 6 Church Journal.............. 7 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Church Weekly.............. 6 Churchman (The)....... . . . . . 7 Commercial and Financial Chronicle ....... * * * * * * * * * * 20 Commonwealth.............. 4 Country Gentleman.... . . . . . . 4 Courier desſ.tats Unis ....... 9 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Das Neue Holm ........ ..... 7 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Demokrat (Germau). . . . . . .. 4 :º 2 5 ID A I L Y P A P E R S. Trade - Ret. | & . Price. New York Evening Post...... 4 New York Evening Telegram. 134 New York French Mes enger. 3% New York German Democrat. 2% New York Herald. . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Journal Commerce. 5 New York Journal (German). 1 % New York Witness ... . . . . . . . l S RE WH L = W E E Iſº H, Y. New York Express. . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Journal of Coun.... 5 \\! E E R N. Y. Detroit Free Press . . 3 Drug Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dwight’s Journal of Music.... Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . . . El Espejo (Semi-ino.) . . . . . . ] Engineering aud Miuing Jour- Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº Fxaminer and Chronicle...... Farmer’s Home Journal..... Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4% Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . 4% Forest and Stream . . . . . . . 7 Frank Leslie's Illustrat'd Paper 7 { { “ Ilady's Journal. 7" , 4 & “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3% Chimney Corner 7 Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 Young American 4% Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . .4% Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Girls and Boys of America... 3% Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * 5 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ { { & t { % { { { { { { Journal (semi mo.) . . . . . ... 10 Flarper's Weekly.. . . . . . . . . . 7% Harper's Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % Heart aud Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Hearth alld Home... . . . . . . . . . 4% Hebrew Leader.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 Piebrew News. . . . . . gº º sº e e s tº * * 7 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . 4% Herald §...} . . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Circle......... ... . . . . . 4% Holme Journal ..... . . . . . . . . . . Illustrated Weekly . . . . . . . . .. 6 Independent ... . . . . * * * * * * * * * 6% Index (The)... . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs Inventor’s Internat'l Gazette... 3 Investigator... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . . . . Irish Democrat - sº e º ſº º ſº e º 'º e º 'º 3% Irish World ..., 4 Jewish Messenger........ ... 8 Jewish Times ....... . . . . . . . . 8 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . living Age..... & © tº * * * * * * * * * * 14 L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Medical and Su gical Reporter. 9 Medical Record..... . . . . . . . . . 8 Meilical Times........ ...... 10 } i iT l i i ; § 1lº º5 Iº i 12 10 Those the prices of which have Trade Ret- - • Price, New York Presse . . . . . . 2% - New York Staats Zeitung..... 2%. 3 New York Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-10 2 New York Sun .............. 1% 2 New York Times ........ .... 3% 4 New York Tribune. . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Worid. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Times ............. 3% New York Tribune........... 3}. 22 New York World ............ 3% \!ercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% Mercury (N. Y.). . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2% Methodist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Metropolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . .22 Nation (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nautical Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . 7 New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger... . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . . ... 7 New York School Journal... .. 5% New York Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Warieties...... . . . . New York Weekly..... . . . . . . 4% News from Germany and Swit. zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. Y. Sportsman. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% ()il, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ug Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatcli. 4 Philadelphil Weekly Press .. 4% |Philadelphia Weekly Age. . . . . 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . ... 6% Police Gazette. . . . . .--- . . . . 7 Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 ! omeroy's Democrat . . . . . . . . . 4% Pruirie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . & e º e s s º 5 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Railway Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Real Estate Record . . . . . . . . . Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 Richardson’s Weekly . . . . . . . . 3% R d and Gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rural New Yorker... . . . . . . . . 4 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Night... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Saturday Star Journal........ 4% Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- DDall) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Scientific American... . . . . . . . 5% Scotsman (The)...... . . . . . . . . 6 Scottish America Journal... 5’ Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter.14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and L'ather Reporter... 7 Skandinavisclue Post....... South (The) : : I 0 244. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. W E E K L Y — Continued. . Trade Ret. Trade IRet. Trade Rot. Price. - Price. Price. Stockholder. . . . . . is º º tº dº º is e º & as 7 10 | Sunday World..... ......... 4% — | Weekly Journal of Commerce. 494 6 Sunday Citizen ... . . . . . . . . ... 3% – Sunny South........... . . . . . . 4% 6 Weekly Mail. ................ 3% 4 Sunday Courier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. — Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 || Weekly News. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 4% — | The Echo............. ....... 4% — | Weekly New York Journal... 4% 6 Sunday Democrat............ 2% — | Thompson’s Reporter........ 6 — Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Sunday Dispatch ...... ...... 7% – | Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 | Weekly Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% 5 Sunday Era. . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * ... 2 — | Tobacco Leaf... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 | Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3%. 5 Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 | Weekly Sun................. 4 4 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% – | Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 | Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Sunday Mercury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 | True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 4% 6 Week'y Tribune ............. 3% 5 Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Turf, Field, and Farm. . . . . ... 7 10 | Weekly Welcome. . . . . 2 3 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Universe..................... 5 8 Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%. 2 Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Wall Street Review.......... 1% – | Weekly World........... . ... 3% 5 Sunday PreSSo... . . . . . . . . .... 2 — | Watchman and Reflector. . . . . 5% 8 || Wild Oats................ ... 7 10 Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Watson's Art Journal ....... 8 10 || Wilkes' Spirit of the Times... 11 15 Sunday Star. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Waverley Magazine..........11 15 Woman's Journal........ .... 4% 6 Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... 3% — Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 || Woodhull & Claſſin's Woekly... 7 10 Sunday Times . . . . . a s , s e s • * * * 6 7 | Weekly Express ... . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 || Yankee Blade ............... 3% 7 Sunday Telegraph.... 2 3 | Weekly Herald ... . . . . . . . .... 3% 4 || Youth's Companion.......... 3 5 - NT O N T | H [L. Y. American Checker Player. ... 10 — | Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Hub (The)..................23 35 American Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 50 son's)..... e = e º e º e º e s a e º 'º e s 11 15 Illus. Household Mag.. . . . . . . 6 10 Advance 10c. Nowels . . . . . . 6% — | Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . .30 50 | In Doors and Out...... 7 10 { { “ Song Books... 5 – | Delineator............ ...... 8 – | Industrial Monthly.......... 9. 15 { { “ Hand “ . . 5 — | De La Salie Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 | Industrial Record............ 6 8 Agriculturist (English)...... 9. 15 Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . ........ 10 – ( & “ (with Supplt).37 – Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9 15 || Demorest’s Magazine..... . . . . 20 — | Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 Amateur.... . • - - - - - - - - - . . . . . 7 10 || Demorest's Young America... 7 10 || Insurance Times........ . . . . .22 30 American Antiquarian . . . . . . . 2S 50 Dental Cosmos . . . . . . . . . . . .22 — | Insurance Spectator ...... . . .22 * American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 — | De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 — | Insurance Gazette ........... 40 – American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 — | De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 10 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . .23 30 (semi-monthly)........... 10 15 Jolly Joker.................. 7 12 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 American Exchange & Review.20 25 Novels, 1 to 21. . . . . . . • • • - 10 || Journal of the Telegraph (semi- Potter’s Am. Monthly. . . . . . . . 28 35 | De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 25 | De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6 *º American Journal of Health Drama. 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 and Medicine... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 — | De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, Lady's Own Magazine . . . . . . . . 14 *E* American Journal of Philately. 9 12 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . ----.. 6%. 10 || Lady's Repository.... . . . . . . .27 35 American Journal Of Phono- De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, Lakeside Library. . . . . . . . . . . 7 % — graphy . . . . . . . . .“. . . . . . . . . . 10 15 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 | La Mode Elegante..... . . . . . . . 38 50 American Law Register...... 40 50 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Land and Meer (semi-mo.).. 14 25 American Miscellany .... .... 15 25 | Druggists' Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 - Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15. Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 — | Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Little Corporal............... 10% 15, American Naturalist......... 24 35 | Educational Monthly ... . . . . . .17 20 | Literary World.......... . . . . 11 e-º-º: American Sketch Book. . . . . . 35 — El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 3S — Lippincott’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly , El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 — | Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 numbers)....... ... . . . . . . .28 40 | Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 | Locke's Mo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 *-ºm Appleton's Journal (5 weekly Folio (Musical).............. 10 — | London Family Herald.......18 sºmº numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 | Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 50 | London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 50 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 | Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls’ Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 sº Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . . . .28 4-º W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 — Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 sº Architectural Magazine . . . . . . 38 * & & “ Budget of Fun...10 15 Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Archives Medical Science . . . .35 * {{ ‘‘ Chimney Corner Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 e- Arthur’s Home Magazine. .... 14 20 (mo. parts)... 36 50 | Medical News and Library... 10 *=º Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 35 {{ “ Lady’s Magazine Medical News Supplement (Suc- Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . .11 15 (mo. parts). . .27 35 cessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 * Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 50 ( & ** Pleasant, Hours.10 15 Medical Union ............ ... 18 tºmº- Bankrupt Register..... . . . . . .38 50 | Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 | Merryman's Monthly......... 7 10 Beadle’s Publications : Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Millimer and Dressmaker (Mo. Dime Books ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 25 American)........ . . . . . . . . 6 10 { % ** 100 or Over. ... 6 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 15 || Mother’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 “ “ 300 “ .... 5% Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- Mother’s Journal . . . . . * e e º e s e 12% 20 Song Books... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5% 10 || Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6% 10 & 4 ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% Gleason’s Monthly Companion. 6% 10 || Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, { { ** 1000 “ . . . . . Globe (The)........ ... e tº e º e s 10 5 from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10. Beekeepers’ Journal ... . . . . . . 6 — | Godey's Lady’s Book. . . . . . . . .21 — Musical World (N. Y.) ... . . . .16 80 Blackwood’s Magazine ...... .28 35 | Golden Hours......... ...... 14 15 || Musical World (Cleveland). . . 9 *=º Bon Ton ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 | Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 | National Agriculturist and Bee Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 | Good Words. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 19 25 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e e º 'º e 10 Boys of America........ • .... 10 15 Grand Army Gazette ..... ... 7 10 | National Car Builder........ 7 ** Carriage Journal ... . . . . . . . . .22 25 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 — National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 | Ball’s Medical Adviser . . . . . . 6 10 | National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 Catholic Total-Abstinence Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 — | National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 15 Union.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% – | Harper's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . * 35 | Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly. . . . . 7 IO Catholic World ... . . . . . . . . .33 50 | Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 50 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts).20 30 | Herald of Health.... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 Church Monthly............. 20 30 | Historical Magazine.......... 55 75 | New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 | Holbrook's U. S. Mail. ...... 9 12 || New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 *sº Clothier and Hatter. . . . . . . ... 10 — Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 40 | New Yorker Musick Zeitung. .. 6 * Coin Chart Manual........... 23 — Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 — | New York Medical Journal . . .3 50 Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 | Horticulturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 | Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Comic News ... . . . . . . . * e º e s & 7 10 Howe’s Musical Monthly...... 25 35 | N. Amer. Journ. of Homeeopathy 85 * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 245 MI O N T H L Y — Continued. Trade Ret, Trade Ret. Trade Ret. Price. Price. Price. Nursery (The)............... 10 15 || Pictorial World......: . . .... — — | Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . ... 18 25 Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . .37% — | Popular Science Monthly..... 37 50 | St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Poultry World............... 8 12 | Texas New Yorker..... . . . . . 17 - Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73. 6% 10 | Psychological Journal.... . . .37% 50 | The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...70 — “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6% 10 | Psychological and Medico- Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 “. .10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 Legal Journal............. 40 50 | Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 { { 15c. Romances, 1 to 24.8%. 15 Railway Monitor............ .33 — | Traveler's Official Guide. . . . . 25 50 Overland Monthly.... . . . . . . . 26 35 | Rand & McNally Guide...... .28 40 | Truth Secker. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 5 - Painters’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . .11 15 | Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . . 25 35 | Union Era (parts)..... . . . . . . .25 - Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 — | Richardson’s Weekly monthly University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Paper Trade Jou: nai(semi-mo)ll — parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 | Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 neering Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Pension Record. . . . . . . . . ... 6 – | Sailors’ Magazine.... .... ... 10 15 || Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 - Peters’ Household Molodies. 30 – Sanitarian .................. 20 30 Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 ‘‘ Parlor Music. . . . . . . . . 30 — Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 — | Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 25 Peterson’s Counterſ’t Detector.11 15 Science of Health... . . . . . . . . . 14 25 | Wide Awake . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Peterson's Magazine . . . . . . . . . l{ 20 | Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . .38 50 Work and Wealth........ . . . . 3 5 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Scribner’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 | Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 try Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 | Silliman's Journal . . . . . . . . . . .43 50 | Workshop.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Philadelphia Photographer... .43 50 | Singers' Journal............. 2 | Yankee Notiºns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Phrenological Journal...... ... ::1 30 | Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 | Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Phunny Phellow............. 10 | Star-Spangled Banner.... . . . . 4 6 | Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Peterson's Popular Literature 20 — | Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 - Q U A R T E R L Y R E v. I Ews, IET C. American Church Review $0 90 Church and World . . . . . . . . $0 85 — National Quarterly Review.51 12 - American Journal Medical Congregational ............ 5) — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 — Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 New Remedies .... . . . . . . . 35 50 Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | North American Review ...1 12} - American law Review . . . . . I 05 — | Half - Yearly Compendium No. Am. Jour. of Homoepathy 85 - Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 — | Medical Science ......... 1 CO – | Postal Guide (U.S. Official). 40 60 Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 — | International Review (bimo) 67 — | Presbyterian Quarterly and Braithewaite's Retrospect... 1 ().5 — | Journal Social Science...... 1 25 --> Princeton Review . . . . . . . & - British Quarterly (reprint). 62 — | Journal of Speculalive Philos. Smith's Pattern Bizar.... . . 20 * Brittan’s Journal....... . . . 67 - ophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 75 | Southern Review . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 -4 tº Brownson’s Review. . . . . . . . 1 00 — Ladies'Quarterly Review.... 10 — | Westminster Reviºw ...... 62 - Christian FXaminer........ 67 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 - Christian Quarterly........ 85 — i Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 — | Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 – F OR E I G. N P E R H O DIC A. L S — W E E R L. Y. Trade Prico. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. Academy....... tº e º e º sº tº º 16 || Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 Judy............ . . . . . . . 6 || Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 20 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 English Mechanic ....... 7 | Le Monde Illustré... . . . . 14 | Pull Mall Gazette (flle of Architect... ........... 12 Era .......... . . . . . . . . . 20 | Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . Athenaeum ... . . . tº tº Q 14 | Examiner ... . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Land and Water ........ 20 ! I’ictorial World . . . . . . ... 10 Belfast News........... 14 | Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 | Public Opinion . . . . . . . . . 10 Bell's Life.............. 20 | Field.......... e - * * * * * * * 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . . ... . . 25 | l'ublishers’ Circular (ſort- Bow Bells .............. 5 | Fun................... . 5 | Liverpool Mercury. . . . . 10 uightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder........ * * * * * * * * * 12 | Funny Folks............ 5 || London Journal. ........ 5 | Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Building News.......... 12 | Garden................. 10 | London Reader.......... 5 | Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cassell’s Magazine ...... 5 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 16 || London World ......... 20 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Chambers’ Journal...... 7 || Gas-Light Journal ...... 20 | L'Univers Illustré....... 10 | Saturday Review. . . . . . . . 16 Chemical News......... 12 || Glasgow Herald......... 5 || Manchester Times....... 10 || Spectator.... . . . . . . . . . . 16 Christian World......... 5 || Graphic ................ 20 Mark Lane Express ..... 23 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . 10 Church Review ...... ... 10 | Guardian ------.... . . . . 20 | Medical Record . . . . . . . . ... 18 || Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times ... ....... 5 Illustrated News........ 20 | Mining Journal.......... 20 5c.) . . . . . . . . . * e º 'º e º 'º' ... 10 Court Journal .......... 20 Illustrated Penny. ..... 5 || Musical World ......... 18 || Tablet...... . . . . ... . . . . 16 Dispatch ............... 5 Illustrated Police News... 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 | Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . 8 Economist .... .... ..... 30 Illustrated Sporting and Nature ...... e - e. e. e = s a e e 10 | The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer......... * * * * * * 20 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Mail (3 dates). . . . . . 28 Engineering ............ 20 Ilustrated London Clipper 5 | Notes and Queries....... 12 Weekly Register (Cath.)... 16 Engineering & Building Irishman............... 14 || Observer . . . . . . ....... 14 Weekly Times . . . . . . . . . . 4. Times..... * * * * * * * * * * * - John Bull . . . . . . . . ... ... 20 | Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IF O R E I G. N. P E R I O D I C A L S – IV [ O N T | H [ L. Ye Trade Price. Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% All the Year Round (part) 36 All the World over . . . . . . T8 Annals of Natural History 95 Architect..... ......... 54 Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Athenaeum (part)....... 54 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Band of Hope Review... 2 Baptist Messenger...... 3 Belgravia. . . . . . . ... . . . . . 88 Bookseller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Boys of England...... ... 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 British Workman . . . . . . . 2% British Workwoman.....2% British Juvenile......... . Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 Trade Price. Cassell's Shakespeare.... 25 Cassell’s Bible Educator. 25 ** Horse .......... 25 “ AEsop's Fables... 25 Chambers’ Journal...... 25 Chatterbox. - - - .. . . . . . . . 8 Chess Player’s Chronicle 38 Children's Friend...... .2% Children's Prize.... . . . .2% Child’s Companion.... . .2% ©Christian Evidence Jo'l 8 Christian Treasury...... 20 Churchman’s Companion. 20 Contemporary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine....... 3 Cottager and Artisan....2% Covent Garden (May).... 38 8 Day of Rest....... • * ~ e º 'º Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . 16 Trade Price. Draper and Milliner..... 38 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Dublin University Maga- 00 Zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º º Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 English Woman’s Domes- tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 Evangelical Christendom 20 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Expositor. . . . ........... 38 Family Friend.......... 2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury........ 20 Farmer's Magazine. ... . . 76 Floral World . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fortnightly Review ..... 45 Fraser's Magazine...... 1 00 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Trade Price- Gardener's Magazine. .. 36 Gardener (The)..... .... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Graphic (part)...... • ... 1 00 Homilist .......... ... 30 Horological . . . . . . . . ... .. 20 Human Nature . . . . . . . . 20 Hunt's Yachting........ 38 Infant's Magazine.... .2% Iron..... e e e º e º & tº e º 'º e o 'o . 75. Journal des Modes....... 50 Journal Of FIOrticulture... 54. Journal of Science (quar- terly)............... 1 90 Kind Words ............ 10 246 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. IF O ſº E I G N P E R L. O ID H C A Trade Price. Trado Price. ladies' Gazºtte of Fashion 38 || Monthly Microscopical la Mode Illustré: . . . . . . 1 00 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Jºmº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Monthly Packet. . . . . . ... 38 Lºldies' Gazette of Mother's Friend......... 3 Fashion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Musical Times . . . . . . . . . . 8 Iadies’ Treasury........ 30 Nautical Ming 12ine . . . . . 3S Leisure Hour........... 20 | Naval Science (qtly) ...1 00 Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 | Notes and Queries (pts). 60 Little Folks . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Local Preacher. . . . . . . . . . 10 | Ol and New London . . . . 25 Iondon Journal (parts). 22 Once a Week (parts).... 36. london Snciety . . . . . . . . . 38 Orchestra. . . . . * * * * * * * * * * 20 London & Paris Fashions. 38 Our Own Fireside..... ... 20 McMillan's Magazine . . . . 25 | Penny Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Medical Timos (parts)... 9S Picture Galler . . . . . . . . . . 38 Methodist Temperance Popular Science Review Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Milliner and Dressmarlier. 50 | Phill maceutical Journal. 75 G E R NI A N - A MI E ſº I CA Trade Ret. Pri Weekly. Iºl Co. Arbeiter-Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .3% 5 Atlantische Blätter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & © e º 'º dº e g º e º º 4 6 Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 4 Bibliothek Popu'à ‘er Erzählungen. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 "rank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Freischütz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Germania; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Der HeirathSanzeiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 & Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz . . . . 6 - 10 Das Neue Heim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 TNew Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14 10 Pionier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Roman Zeitung ............. . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Schredderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . * & & © e º º e s a sº s = * * * * * * * 3%. 5 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y.' Journal. . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * tº e 3 4 I L S – IV I O N T | H L Y—Cotinued. Trude Priod. Trade l’rice, Port ſolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . 75 | Sunday School Times .... 10 Practical Magazine. .... 3S | Sunday School World.... 18 Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Punch (parts) .......... 44 Sword and Trowel (Spur. Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . 20 geoil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Science Gossip. . . . . . . . . . 16 T I * Ro i , in f ifi, , - emple Bur . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Sel ntific Review....... 20 Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Short hand Magaz me .... 20 * * * * * * * * * | * S irit l Mit & 20 Truthseeker...... * * * * * * 10 spiritual, ºgºne... . . . ... Union Review (bi m'thly) 76 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. ...... 2) Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 St. James’ Magazine. . . . . 3S Victoria Magazine 38 Strahan's Saturday Jour via Girij ..... 30 sºciº Mº'. ; | Wedding Bºis......... ; ugar gaue Magiz ne: . World of Fashion . . . . . . . 35 Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 | Young l'olks’ Budget.... 20 Sunday School Teacher . 7 || Young ſadies' Journal... 27 Sunday School Teacher's Young Men of Great Bri- Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 tain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 N P U B L || C A T LI O N S. Trade l'et. Prize. Sonntagsblatt, der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 f Volksbibliothek . . . . . . . . . . . . . w e s e e s is e s = * * e s e s 6 10 Wespon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenbla’,t-der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . tº e º $ & & © & 4 6 Wochenb.att der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 - Semi-Monthly. ff Deutsch-Amerikanische Familienbätter.......10 15 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung. ... 6 Magazin der merkwürdigsten u. interessantesten Criminalgeschichten ... . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . * * * * * * 12 18 it Novellen-Schatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 M1onthly. Amerikanischer Agricu Lurist ..... e e s tº e s e a e s is is e º 'º 10 15 IMIPORTED GERMIAN NIAGAZINEs AND PERHop ICALs. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked fif. Semi-MIonthly. . . | f Alte und Neue Welt. ... . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e = e º 'º e e 13 20 t Das Neue Blatt... . . . . . . . , as a e < * * * * * * * * * * * tº gº s e º & 12 20 t Bunte Weſt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 + Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 + 1)cutscher Hausscha, Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - - - - - - 13 2ſ) # Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit. ... . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 | t De" Hansfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º ºn tº tº tº ſº tº . . . . . .10 15 i Ilustrirte Welt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º º 'º e & © 12 20 tf Leipziger Gartenlaubc.. . . . . . ...... . .... 8 15 Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I 5 . MI onthly. f Uober Land und Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 i.G"Werbºhalle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 40 | Kinderlaube. ............... & e s is s e a e s is e º 'º e º 'º e º s I 2 20 18 a Year. - Deutsche Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 85 f Aſgemei:e Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung......... 14 23 f Der Welthande!... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº g e º 'º e º e & 20 35 IMI PORTED GERMN AN BOOKS P UBLISHED IN PARTS. l'irst number gratis to the trade. † Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 M. G. Saphir's Schrifton. I. Serie. Published in 40 Deutschiands Kunstschätze. V’ublished in about Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20 70 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e º 'º e s º º 23 40 Schiller’s så mmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. g * - sº - • Tc, 1- ºr a " i t own - D - e Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 2ilige Schriſt der Israeliten: Prachtausgabe 3U | tº s º is e º e º 'º e s e Diºgº sºlºr Israeliten; Prachtausgabe. Fr. Chr. Schlosser's Weltgeschichto. Published in - Illustrirt von Doré . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 65 sº Friedt. Gerstäcker’s Gesamme.t.c Schriſten. Volks- about 9) parts, at..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . º e º e º 'º gº º & 25 u. Familieu-Ausgabe. Published in about 100 Shºukespeare’s så mmtliche Werke; Hallberger's parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s = e º e . . . . . . . . 13 25 Prachtas:sgabe. Published in 48 arts .... ... 25 :Ieine's Sii.nlmtliche Werke. 'isl - O. Spamer's Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Hºº wº.º. ºº, , "ºº": 14 25 Museum der modernen Kunstindustrie. Published Stieler’s Hand-Atlas Sāmmtlicher Lä ider der Erde, in 20 pilrts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 40 in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...40 60 N E W G E R NII A N P U B L I C A TI O N s. - Mmported. Der Freischütz, 30 parts................... ... .. 8 12 Mylius, Weisse Frail, 24 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Wildclieb, 30 parts . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e 8 12 Rinaldo Rinaldi, i, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Don Carlos, 30 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 12 * Rózsa Sá dor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 ... a FDomestic. # Galeerensclave, 30 pºrts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 || H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 10 Hexe wou Olmütz, 0 parts ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 | Shakespeare's Dramatische Worke. 40 parts, at... 7 10 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 247 STRICRLAND & CO.. ‘OF OAKLANI), CALI- fornia, want to purchase, at low rates, new or second- hand bound books suitable for a circulating library. SITUATION WANTED. . TO TAKE CELARGE of a stationery department, or as salesman or traveler in that business, by a young man of 12 years' experience in the trade, who can give good references in New York City. Has traveled through the Eastern, Middle, and Western States. For full particulars, address, W. C. Herrick, Station M., New York City. * 6 OF CANV ASSING OR, AG ENTS’ - ART A ID.” This little work will enable any one to make a living. By mail, 25 cents. 12; Send stämp for circular. NEW YORK BOOK CONCERN, 7 Warren St., New York. Re - Ye º - per day. A gents wanted. All $5 to $20 classes of working people of both sexes, young and old, make more money at work for us in their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. We offer employ- ment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address at once. • Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere until you have learned what we offer. G. STINSON & Co., Portland, BOOKS WANTED. J. FRANCIS RUGG LES, Bronson, Mich. Theo. Parker's Theism, Atheism, etc. 2 copies. Peter Parley's Every-Day Book. - Stiles's History of Regicides. * Grecian Mythology and Worship of Priapus. Moore's Ritual of Ohio Work. Masonic. Life of Rob Roy. Morley's Critical Miscellanies. BRIDGMAN & CHILDS, Northampton, Mass. Vol. II. Massachusetts State Report of the Board of Eſealth. State condition and price. - L. L. FAIRCEIILD, Rolling Prairie, Dodge Co., Wis. Vol. IV. American Phrenological Journal. Publishers' and Stationers' Catalogues. Catalogue of American Publications and Reprints since 1852. Give price. DR. A. H. JONES, Redwing, Minn. Cleveland's Classical Literature. State condition and price. Post-paid. - A. S. MANSON, 32 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. E. D. Babbit's The Science and Art of Penumanship. 2 Nos. Published by Newman & Ivison, New York, 1856. Wanted No. 1. Alcock & Rand's Patent Cupero-Graphic Copy-Books, 5 Nos. Published by the authors, Philadelphia, 1822. Wanted, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5. A System of Pen and Writing-Book Combined, by Chancey Bascom. A Nos. Published by Holbrook & Fessenden, Brattleboro’, Vt., 1826. Wanted, Nos. 3 and 4. - - H. Baker's Plain, Easy, etc., System of Pen. A Writ- ing-Book. Published by the author, in Massachusetts, 1856. Wanted, one copy. - Also certain other old books on Writing. A full list of those wanted will be sent to any one having such books to dispose of. Address as above. & B00KS FOR SALE. J. W. BotſTON, Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer, 7O6 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 62 vols. cloth, $55 00 Monthly Review. 204 vols. half calf. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 00 Dodsley's Annual Register. 103 vols. half calf... 100 00 Edinburgh Review. 144 vols. half calf. . . . . . . . . . 110 00 Quarterly Review. 137 vols. h; 1ſ calf. . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 Illustrated London News. 43 vols. cloth. . . . . . . . 75 00 |Universal History. 60 vols. half calf. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 Blackwood's Magazine. 100 vols. half calf. . . . . . 150 00 Athenæum. 56 vols. half calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 00 Gentleman's Magazine. 288 vols. half calf. . . . . . 250 00 Microscopical Journal. 16 vols. half morocco... 150 CO London Art Journal. 22 vols. half morocco..... 250 CO United Service Journal. 86 vols. half calf. . . . . . . 45 00 Penny Magazine. 14 vols. half calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 00 Household Words and Narratives. 20 vols. half calf. --------. . . . . . . All the Year Round. 24 vols. half calf........ - - 42 50 Dublin University Magazine. 76 vols. half calf, 175 00 Paxton's Magazine of Botany. 16 vols half mor., 125 00 Notes and Queries. 46 vols. half morocco. . . . . . . 200 00 The Portfolio. 5 vols. folio, cloth gilt PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, The largest and best assortments are manufactured by E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 391 Broadway, New York. _9\WN PRINTING! ºf QWE:L. T.Y º PRINTING PRESS. For Professional and Amateur Printers, Schools, Societies, Man- ufacturers, Merchants, and others it is * Iºns. - the BBST cver invented. I 3. O in use. §§§ g Ten styles, Prices from $5.00 to $150.00 #& # B E N J. O. WOODS & CO. Manuf'rs and dealers in all kinds of Printing Material, send stamp for Catalogue.) 49 Federal St. Boston. ** * , sº ºff tº * * H0 JLINV) DCOVERIV FOR COVERING SCHOOL BOOKS & Every Dealer Should Have Them, NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. Applied in one second. Stronger tha" cloth. The ECOnomic Advertisers ' Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. HOLDEN’ LIAN 1) Y LETTER FILE., Cheapest in the market. Agents wanted. Samples sent by mail, on receipt of price, 75 cents, PAYNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. 248 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. WILLIAM F, G|LL & CO'S NEW SUMMER BOOKS NOW READ.Y. THE TREASURE-TROWE SERIES. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. Comprising a combination of choice morceaux of wit and humor by the great authors, not included in any similar series now before the reading public. WOL, I-BURLESQUE, will comprise: THE Noble SAVAGE, Dickens ; OUR New Livery, G. W. Curtis; AN ENcouxTER witH AN INTERVIEWER, Twain; IN AN ART GALLERY, Burnand; MRs. BATTLES’s OPINION on CARDS AND WHIST, Lamb; THE PARISH Revolution. Tom Hood: A Wintuoso's WILL, Joseph Addison; THE INSANITY of CAIN, M. M. Dodge; MRs. Brows AT THE PLAY, Sketchley: THE GoLDEN AGE of New York, Washington Irving. Cloth, square 15mo, $1.25. THE SILENT WITNESS, A new and powerfully exciting novel by EDMUND YATEs, author of “Broken to Harness,” “Black Sheep,” “A Dangerous Game,” etc. 8vo, cloth, $1.50; paper, 75 cents. THE SATCHEL SERIES-No. 1. The Traveler's Wade-Mecum. This Series will comprise Stories, Essays, Sketches, and PoEMs, for leisure summer hours. Each volume will be complete in itself, beautifully illustrated, printed on tinted paper, and issued at Popt- LAR PRices, in cloth and paper. The Series will fill a want long felt by those who crave light reading of a high class, tastefully yet cheaply º The first number will contain a new story by Miss M. E. BRAD- box. Price, each number, 8vo, paper, 50 cents. ALICIA WARLOCK. By WILRIE Colliss. The most thrilling sensational story ever written by the great English novelist. “One of the author's most wonderful conceptions.”— Literary World. 8vo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50; paper, 75 cents. DEAD TO THE WORLD : Or, SIN AND ATONEMENT. “All who have read the Old Mamselle's Secret, from the German of E. Marlitt, by Mrs. Wister, or the mas- terly romances of Turgeneiff will welcome this novel by Detlef as a worthy companion to those books.- Boston Post. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. THE WOMAN OF FIRE, By A. Belor. 50,000 copies sold in Paris within the past few months. * A sensational novel of the first water. But the sen- sational is well done, it is artistic. The Womax of FIRE” is a bewitching, maddening specimen of strength, grace, beauty, and passion.”—Phila. City Item. 8vo, paper, 50c. READY JULY I 5. LIFE IN PARIS. By ARseNE Houssay E, including the brilliant pictures of French society comprised in this writer's letters to * New York Tribune. Square 16mo, cloth, red edges, 1.25. For SALE by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, and other prom- inent Jobbing Houses, and by the Publishers, WILLIAM. F. CILL & Co., 309 Washington Street, (Opp. Old South Church), B0STON, MASS. -Nur Actour or THE SPRNGERAN strºl. PENS, BIRMINGHAM, Exq. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC §TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G. C. C Co, C C Co. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, differing in flexibility and ſineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College Pen. Poist Fisk; Action Pºnrººt. This is a great favºrite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the School- and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per gross, 41-40. No. 2 counting-House Pen. Ponsºr Fisk Asu FLExtale, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross, $1.25 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Poist Mºnrust. Business Pen. Per gross. 81.25. No. 4 i.adies’ Fºxtra Pen. Point Extra Fine and Flexuºus. For Delicate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross-sl-4- - 5. Šćhool Pen. Poisºr risk, Mºdium is Flºxianitºry. For a durable School Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, $1.40. No. 5. Flourishing Pen. Poist Loss, Fºxtºur and Mºdius: is Fixºss For oft-hand Flourishing. Per grºss $1.25 No. 7, Quill Pen. Point MºoruM, Quill. Actres. A Smooth, An Easy Writing Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, si to No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Medium Fºxſnik Point. A very superior T'en for all styles of writing. This Pen undergoes a pro- * ce's that remiers it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Poist Losa asid Fºxtrºtº- with Accountants. Tellers. &c. Per gross, +1-40. No. 10. Custom-house pen. Point Mºntext. Well adapted to all styles of Bold Free-hand writing. Per gross, $1.60. A great favorite No. 11. University Pen. Point Mxolux, writy Smooth AND Flexing, the action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross, sl.º. No. 2. Epistolatre Pen. Ponsºrykºw Fisk Asp vºy. Fºliº This is the finest pointed Pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, *2.5 No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Poist Blust. Ann Smooth. Particu- larly adºpted to cºarse-hand writing and Engrossing. Per gross, 1.25- No. *} Artistic Pen. Flexible with Extra Fist Poist. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental Writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 15. The Queen. Ponsºr Extra Fisk. Admirably a^apted to all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 249 FATED TO BE FREE. By JEAN INGELOW. ** FATED TO BE FREE” is a Sequel to Miss Ingelow’s very popular movel, ‘‘ OFF THE SICELLIGS,” and will be publish- ed in one volume, 16mo, wrviform with that book. Price $1.75. TTE_A_IDY JTUTLY 1st. JWill the trade please send in their orders at once to ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, BOSTON. NOTICE OF REMOVAL AND CHANGE OF FIRIM-NAIME. A. H. P. O U N S F O R D & C O., SUCCESSORS TO APPLEGATE, POUNSFORD & CO., PUBLISHERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERs, Have Removed to Wos, 9 & // West 4th Street, Cincinnati, JOSEPH G|LLOTT'S REV. DR, SPEER'S NEW BOOK JUST ISSUEL) BY THE }IEI, EIBRATED n § a ſº C Presbyterian Board of Publication, STEEL PENS. Eli's fill; if [hisian Big A JPRACTICAL ESSAY ON TELE So/d by º Science of Christian Economy, Č/76 VVO//C/. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, 16mo. Cloth. Price, 75 cents. f 242. JOEIN A. B.I.A.C.P.C., wº Business Superintendent, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURERS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street, N. Y. Gospel Singer. PHILHP Pli HELLHPS. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. The singing ºth schoºls. $30 per 100 copies, Sample copy, by mail, 35 cts, - - - 922 Chestnut Street, HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. lée & Walker, Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. B00KS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply AT THE LOVVEST EATES- Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC., ETC., I N G. R. E. A. T. V. A FR I E T Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, * Portfolios, Writing-Desks, Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YORPQ. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 25I. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY (This space is filled by the Dealer’s Zmprint, or left blank, as the Dealer may order.) JULY, 1875. łośt. ſº H : We would call the attention of Booksellers to OUR BOOK CIRCULAR. Which we offer to the Zrade, with or without the dealer's exclusive imprin/, at the following rates : For 3OO copies, or more, with Inn print, $1.OO per hundred. For 400 copies, with Inn print, - - - 4.5 O For 3OO copies, with Inprint, - - - - 3.5C) For 23O copies, with Inn print, - sº * 3.OO For less than 25O copies, without Innprint, 1.OO per hundred. No Imprint is put on less than 25O copies. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR is issued on the first of each month. It contains descriptive titles and the prices of all books published in the United States during the previous month, and of all to be published during the current month , also items of Žnterest to book-buyers. . It comprises eight pages, printed on light paper, so as to be conveniently ſnailed, and is the BEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK CIRCULAR PUBLISHED. As an advertising medium, the Circulars are unsurpassed, and all who have used them speak very highly of the benefits to be derived from their judicious circulation. Order in time for the next issue, and state 70/ie/ler you want them for a single month or until further orders: Address - - . THE AMER/CAM WEWS COMPANY, Wew York, 252 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. FO PU LA R E O O P. S IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & Co. 750 Broadway, New York. Cope’s Natural History. 8vo. Cloth, $2,00. Shakespeare's Complete Works. Portrait. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Walker's Dictionary. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Josephus (Flavius), Works of. Frontispiece. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth extra, gilt edge, $1.00. Joyce’s Scientific Dialogues. Cloth, 75cts. Scottish Chiefs. Cloth, $1.00. Swiss Family Robinson. 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Fox’s Book of Martyrs. 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Seven Champions of Christendom. trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Basket of Flowers, and Other Tales. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. Cloth, $1.00. Crown 8vo. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, Illustrated. Crown Illustrated. Crown Illus- Crown 8vo. 425 Engravings. Beautiful Thoughts. 1,000 Choice Extracts. ' Post 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. T2mo. Cloth, $1.00. Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Ferguson’s Roman Republic. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. g Fleetwood’s Life of Christ. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, $1.00. Clater's Every Man his own Cattle Doctor. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Clater’s Every Man his own Farrier. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Esop’s Fables. 100 Woodcuts. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Maria Monk. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Ovid’s Art of Love. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Wesley’s Primitive Physic. Cloth, 50cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Cloth, 60cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Cloth extra, 75cts. Aristotle's Masterpiece. Roan, $1.00. 16mo. Plates. 12mo. Colored Plates' Colored Plates. Cooke's Complete Letter-Writer, Royal Dream Book, Imperial Dream Book, Royal Fortune-Teller, Imperial Fortune-Teller, Maria Monk. 32mo. Embossed paper cover, 25cts...each. R. WORTHINGTON & Co., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. º º t C sº [… ºsº-# º:-- % É ſº º & ſº 3 ºr º: 3. yol. vii. NEw York, AUGUST 1, 1875. THE Book MARKET, sº- LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, For EIGN LITERARY NotEs, NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. EDUCATIONAL NOTES, NEvy School-BOOKS, gº SPECIAL NOTICES, * MUSIC NOTES, - - BUSINESS CHANGES, - * PAGE 25.3 258 259 259 26o 26 I 261 26 I 262 THE convention AT NIAGAFA FALLs, 263 C O N T E N T S. THE BOOK TRADE FAIR, THE TRADE DINNER, A NEW FLAN For AN ASSOCIATION, 274 INDEx To ADVERTISEMENTs, Book ANNOUNCEMENTs For AUG, 276 JULY PUBLICATIONs, *- NEw MUSIC, - º e- THE STATIONERY MARKET, THE AMERICAN NEws co's LIST of NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 286 PAGE * 272 * 274 - 275 sº 278 tº- 281 * 284 | | l | TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., 1 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEw York. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. Terms for second, third and last pages please notify us, so that the necessary | sending their } i | 7A/AE AMER/CAAV AOOA SAEZ/AACS’ G U//DE. EPUIELICATIONS OF GEORGE SHERWOOD & C0, 130 Adams Street, Lakeside Building, Chicago, MODEL FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD READER5, By J. RUSSELL WEBE. The Cheapest, most Beautiful, Interesting, and Instructive Primary Readers ºver Published, 624 Pages of Reading Matter in large, clear type, 111 Chromos, and 91 other Appropriate and Artistic Illustrations of the Teact, for only $1.70 at Itetail, and a Liberal Discount for Introduction. We would call attention to our List of Publications. We could furnish thousands of testimonials from teachers and school officers who have examined our works. But after all of these positive evidences of the excellence of these books, we think that you would not care to introduce them on the opinion of others, however reliable, but would prefer to examine for yourself. In order that you may do so without expense, we will send for examination any of our works, paying express both ways. The only condition will be that they shall be adopted or paid for at forty per cent. off, if not returned within sixty days. We do not care to send books unless a change is seriously contemplated. WESTERN PUBLISHERS OF THE ANALYTICAL READERS. M OIDIEL IR, E_A_IDIEIR, CIH [A ||R.T.S. RETAIL. 8 CHARTS,123x30;INCHES, ON FOUR TABLETS OF CARD BOARD------................................... $4 50 THE SAME, MOUNTED SINGLY, WITH CLOTH BACK AND RINGS .......................................... 6 00 ! { {{ " . ROLLERS AND CLOTH BACKS...................................... 7 50 RETAIL. INTRODUCTION. EXCHANGE. WEBB'S MODEL FIRST READER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 40 $0 30 $0 25 {ſ SEC0ND READER. -----------------------------------------. 50 38 30 , iſ THIRD " ------------------------------------------- 75 57 40 SHERWOOD'S SIX COLUMN WRITING SPELLER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 BOLTW00D'S GRAMMAR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 40 30 SEWALL'S B0TANY----------------------------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 00 67 COLBERT'S FIXED STARS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 40 DREW'S PRACTICAL B00KKEEPING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50 1 00 DREW'S BOOKKEEPING BLANKS (consisting of Ledger, Journals Nos. 1 and 2, Cash Book, Invoice Sales Book, First Trial Balance, Balance Sheets, and Bill Books, all made of good paper, neatly ruled, put up in meat boxes), 2 25 1 50 MODEL ARITH METIC -------------------------------------------------------- 1 00 GRADED EXAMPLES--------------------------------------------------------- 20 | | WITH KEY ---------------------------------------------- 45 SHERW00D'S WRITING SPELLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 09 § { SPELLER AND PRONOUNCER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 10 ſ ſ SPELLER AND DEFINER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ** = - - - - e = * * * * * * * * 15 10 BABBITTONIAN COPY-BOOKS, PRIMARY, FOR TRACING ...................... 15 10 { { (ſ Nos, 1 to 8, each ------------------------------ 15 10 ! { CHART PENMANSHIP AND DRAWING (2x9 feet). - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 25 1 50 SHERWOOD'S SCH00L REGISTER, 75 Scholars, 60 Weeks.................... 1 30 1 20 MRS, LIZZIE M, WALK-R'S REGISTER No. 1, 120 Scholars, 12 Months.......... 1 10 1 00 { { | | ( ; | | No, 2, 184 { { 12 " ---------- 1 50 1 30 { | {{ ſ SCHEDULES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------- 03 03 S HERW00D'S CLASS REGISTER NO, 1... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 { { | | No. 2.---------. ---------------------------- 40 | | | | No. 3.-------------------------------------- 50 PAYNE'S CLASS B00K ------------------------------------------------------ 1 00 SHERWOOD's PRIMARY SPEAKER ------------------------------------------- 50 HIBBARD'S DECLAMATION FOR THE MILLION (Poetry)....................... 50 {{ { { - ( ſ. ! { (Dialogue).-------------------- 50 BABBITTONIAN, PENS, Extra Fine, per gross, net. .......... --...-----------...-- 75 ſt " Elastic, per gross, net------------------------ 75 { { Business, ſ ( "------------------------ 75 LONG'S SCHOOL CURRICULUM AND DAILY PROGRAMME ................... 3 00 Our Publications can always be procured of THE AMER/CAM NEWS COMPANY., - NTFW YO RR . TELE * * AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Gwide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *...* All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET NEw York, August 1, 1875. This has been a very busy month for the book trade and one of important events. The Convention interested everybody, and nearly every publisher and jobber of books sent a representative. Then came the Book Fair, which called to this city more booksellers probably than were ever here before at the same time. Of the workings and results of the Fair we speak elsewhere, but the presence of the booksellers from all sections of the country, many of whom but seldom visit the city, gave a lively appearance to the stores, and an outsider, looking on, might have sup- posed that the millennium promised by the president of the Book Trade Association had indeed arrived. Although many books were sold outside the rooms of the Fair, the amount of business done was not large. Large bills of school books were sold, but not at the stores, and it is too early to buy for the fall. Indeed, if buyers were ready, the books are not. The booksellers improved their oppor- tunity to acquaint themselves with the com- ing fall publications, and they will be able in a few weeks to place their orders intelli- gently. In the condition of the trade throughout the country there is no change to be noted. A few new books that are pushed, have large sales, but the old standard books on which the trade used to depend, sell slowly. The trade is still hoping for better times, and there is a fair prospect that the hopes may be realized this fall. It is argued that the good crops and the good prices they are likely to command, will bring us a season of general prosperity, and that alone can make the book trade profitable. In attempting to forecast the future we can not do better than quote from Dun, Barlow & Co.'s latest circular, in which they say, “Compared with this time twelve months ago there is but little if any improvement perceptible either in the volume or profitableness of trade. The effect of the panic, or rather of the excesses in business which caused it, have lasted longer than was anticipated immediately after the climax had been reached, and the enduring evil results are becoming more and more apparent. These results, however, assume the character more of depression than of disaster, and though, in the end, the evil may be as fatal in the one case as in the other, the process is slow enough to allow constant hopes of recovery, and to permit the operation of all circum- stances that favor it. We have marketed two good crops of agricultural products since the panic, and the promise is now so certain of, another abundant yield, that, in ordinary times, it would largely stimulate the purchase of goods in anticipation of the trade sure to follow its realization. Again, we have had nearly two years of efforts in the direction of economy, and how far this has been practiced is best indicated by the restricted sales of merchandise in all quarters. Of course, this reduced business in merchandise is to be largely attributed to the limited purchasing power of operatives and others dependent upon interests that have languished during these hard times; but aside from these, and in sections of country where these specific influences have not prevailed, a similar reduc- tion in business indicates less expenditure for the luxuries of life.” And among those lux- uries, we have learned by the experience of the past two years, if never before, to class books. What effect the late failures will have on business in general we have yet to See. Of new books there is little to be said. Harper & Brothers published Drake's Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast, early in the month, and it has been extensively and favorably noticed. It is finely illustrated and enlivened with many odd bits of history and romantic incident. Of novels, we have had from the Harpers a goodly number; An- thony Trollope's The Way we I've Now; Egl lantine, by Eliza Tabor; Miss Thackeray's Miss Angel, an anonymous story, Ward or 254. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. Wife, and Playing the Mischief, by J. W. de Forest. It is very seldom that we meet in a novel so many lovable characters as Miss Thackeray has introduced into hers. the bad people have their attractive sides, and the book is altogether bright and enjoy- able. On the other hand it is quite as seldom that we find so many repulsive characters and disagreeable. incidents in a novel as are in Playing the Mischief. It is a story of a pretty widow lobbyist at Washington, and although without doubt “founded on facts,” those facts must be greatly exaggerated, or we have much more of evil than good at our capital. The mission of the book is evidently one of reform, and the terrible consequences of misdoing are vividly portrayed. Like bad medicine it may benefit, but it is not pleasant to swallow. Ward or Wife is a bright little love story, told with a delightful dash and vigor. The novels in press at the Harpers, are Jean, by Mrs. Newman ; The Calverwood Secret, by Virginia W. Johnson, the pleasing author of Joseph the Jett and a new novel by Frank Lee Benedict, entitled St. Simon’s JNiece. D. Appleton & Co., have published The Childhood of Religions, by Edward Clodd ; The Italians, a novel by Frances Elliott; and have nearly ready Christian Reid’s A Question of Honor. In no department of research has there been greater activity during the past decade than in that of religious history. The results of study and investigation in that di- rection is of great interest to all Scholars and to two classes of general readers—those who are speculative in religious questions, and those who find pleasure in investigating the condition of mankind in prehistoric times, for the earliest written history is religious, and when that is exhausted, we are guided still further back by the symbols and emblems of religious worship. Hence Mr. Clodd's book will find a large circle of appreciative read- ers. There is much in it that is merely specu- lative, but the author has availed himself of the researches of our best scholars, and his book is an epitome of results in fact and opinion. The Italians is by the clever author of Old Court Life in France. In it she has succeeded admirably in making a good novel, and in picturing the social life of Italy at the pres: ent time. The characters, good, bad, and indifferent are boldly drawn; the impover- ished Marchesa, the pretty niece, the wealthy Count, and the dissolute young nobles, all claiming a share of the reader's interest. Scribner Armstrong, & Co. have published a most entertaining volume in the Bric-a- Brac series, made up of the autobiographies of O'Keefe, the dramatist, Michael Kelly, the musical composer, and John Taylor, the jour- malist, who were well acquainted with the notables of their time during the latter part of the last century and the beginning of the present. We have also from this house two Even . little cheap unassuming volumes, but which the London Graphic says, “ contain more solid information than half-a-dozen ordinary histories.” They belong to a series termed “Ancient History from the Monuments.” The first volume treats of Egypt, from the Earliest Times to B. C. 300, by Dr. S. Birch; the second, of Assyria, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh, by George Smith. They are both fully illustrated, and present in a concise, handy form the all important, but only re- cently interpreted stories of the monuments and their inscriptions. The third volume of the series will be Persia, from the Earliest Period to the Arab Conquest, by W. S. W. Vaux. Hurd & Houghton have published, How to Live Long, by Dr. W. W. Hall, in which the author gives his opinion on the conditions of health and disease. Sleep, diet, bathing, and the various customs of life are treated in a straightforward, sensible manner, and al- though there are many who will dissent from the doctor's opinions the book contains much good advice and should be widely read. E. J. Hale & Son have published another novel, entitled Harwood, by the author of The Odd Thump. Although these are the author's first books, he is not unknown to readers of the magazines and literary journals, although he never permits his name to appear. His last novel is even better than the first ; sen- sational but wholesome, and pervaded by a vein of genuine humor. It must not be sup- posed that the author can write a novel as good as Harwood in a fortnight, for although it followed so closely upon the other, they have both been in the hands of the publishers for a long time. They have still another from the same pen, entitled The Lacy Dia- monds, which will be issued early in the fall. Hale & Son have in press a collection of sto- ries of life among the Hoosiers, by the well- known litterateur, Maurice Thompson, who has a volume of poems in press at Osgoods. The Hoosier stories are full of fun and sen- timent and sense. The first in the collection, Was She a Boy, will give the book its title. BosTON, August 1, 1875. With the exception of the few houses who handle school books, the trade here has been very inactive. Preparations for the fall have hardly commenced, and the announcements of new books are very few. Roberts Brothers published Jean Ingelow's second novel, Fated to be Free, early in the month, and it is having, for the times, an im- mense sale. There are undoubtedly many admirers of the author's poetry who are greatly disappointed in her prose, but we ven- ture to say that there are not a few, those who enjoy plain matter of fact studies of human nature, who like her novels quite as well as her poems. Her characters may not be artistic in the common meaning of the word, but they are natural, and are drawn with charming THE AMERICAN BOOKSE L LERS’ GUIDE. 255 simplicity. The book possesses little interest as a story, but as a study of character it is enjoyable. - Roberts Brothers will publish in a few weeks Joaquin Miller's poem, The Ship in the Desert, and a new book by Miss Louise M. Al- cott, giving the experiences of a little girl among her relatives. It will be entitled Eight Cousins ; or, the Awnthill, and is to be illustra- ted by Sol Eytinge and Addie Ledyard. A little later will be published Nine Little Gos- lings, a volume of Mother Goose stories in prose, by Susan Coolidge, to be profusely il- lustrated by J. A. Mitchell; a new book by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, entitled 'Round My IIouse, being sketches of the author's neigh- borhood; Mice at Play, by Neil Forrest, illus- trated by Sol Eytinge; and Jolly Good Times, a story of child life on a farm, by P. Thorne. A book for girls is in preparation by Juliana Horatio Ewing, author of The Browises. The new volume will have for its title Sæ to Sia:- teen. Sometime during the autumn we shall have from Roberts Brothers Madame Récamier and Eſer Friends, translated from the French of Madame Lenormant, by the translator of the Memoirs and Correspondence. The new volume gives much more of her private cor- respondence than the previous one. James R. Osgood & Co. have given us some of the best books of the month. The anony- mous story of Ome Summer has already reached the third edition, and of Tennyson’s drama, Queen Mary, nearly 10,000 have been sold. Mrs. Diaz' book, A Domestic Problem, issued early in the month, is a very sensible one. The author’s theme is “Work and Culture in the House- hold.” Every woman who has to submit to the former, and craves the delights of the latter, should read this little book. It is full of shrewd and wise suggestions, and the tired housewife will receive not a little sup- port and encouragement from its pages. A Mine Days' Wonder, by Hamilton Aidé, is a novel of exceptional merit. The author ex- cels in characterization, in conversation, and the work of portraying the various charac- ters of a circle of village gossips, after giv- ing them something to talk about, is one just suited to his pen. There are other interest- ing characters that are vividly portrayed, and other good points about the book; but the gossips are noteworthy specimens. The story in its dramatized form has met with marked success on the London stage. The fourteenth volume of “Little Classics” is devoted to Dyl ical Poems, and the editor has again shown a most excellent taste in his se- lections. Among them are Tennyson’s “Locks- ley Hall,” Hood's “Bridge of Sighs,” Owen Meredith’s “Good Night in the Porch,” Jean Ingelow’s “ Divided,” Wordsworth’s “Imita- tions of Immortality,” Emerson’s “Problem,” and many others equally as notable. The next volume which is nearly ready will have for its title Minor Poems, and will include a large number of short poems by celebrated authors, and not a few of genuine merit from writers but little known. File No. 113, a novel by Emile Gaboriau, is also nearly leady. Lee & Shepard have a large number of books in different stages of preparation for the fall, but a notice of the later ones must be reserved for future letters. Of those to be issued this month are A Quaker Among the Indians, by Thomas Battey ; The Great Bo- namza, and The Winged Lion, stories of Ve- nice, by James De Mille. Mr. Battey, the author of the first mentioned book, was en- gaged by an Indian agent to teach among the Caddoes and Kiowas, and he remained among them three years. His book gives the results of his observation and experience, and pro- mises to be interesting. It will be illustrated by portraits of famous Indians. The Great Bonanza will be a collection of narratives of adventure on land and Sea, among hunters, raftsmen, miners, whalemen, and other ad- venturers. Among the writers are Oliver Optic, R. M. Ballantyne, T. W. Higginson, C. E. Bishop, and Captain Charles W. Hall, and it is to be embellished with two hundred illustrations. De Mille's book will be put in the Young Dodge Club series, which now numbers three volumes. The Blue Jacket series comprises new editious of six standard books of adventure for children : Swiss Family Robinson, Gullicer’s Travels, Willis the Pilot, The Prairie Crusoe, The Arctic Crusoe, and The Young Crusoe, put up in new bindings. William F. Gill & Co. have published the initial volumes of their two new series, that in the Treasure Trove series being entitled J310'lesque, and containing some of the bright- est things in the English language. The series is edited by Mr. R. H. Stoddard, and judging by the reception which the public has given to the first volume, is likely to. prove even more successful than the several series of the kind which have preceded it, The second volume to be issued shortly will have for its title Travesty, and will contain selections from Hawthorne, Thackeray, Bur- mand, Hood, Beresford, Carlyle, Addison, Ma- caulay, Holmes, and Mark Twain. The first volume of the Satchel series contains a new story by Miss M. E. Braddon, and other stories, sketches, and poems. It is very neatly printed and is very appropriately named, as it is just the thing for the traveler. Gill & Co. have also issued Arsene Houssaye's graphic letters on Life in Paris, which give us charming pictures of French society, and Edmund * Yates' new novel The Silent Witness, a thril- ling, sensational story, containing plot enough for a dozen novels. It is never tiresome in its development, however, as many plotty novels are, and is stronger in characterization than the author's other recent works. Caring for No Man, by Linn B. Porter, just issued, is a novel of American life among people of ad- Vanced opinions, which are freely expressed. The author is evidently somewhat liberal in his views on Social matters, but he avoids 256 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ (, UIDE. extremes, and his book may be read with interest, - The new firm of Lockwood, Brooks & Co. have been issuing a series of fifty cent paper- cover books under the very appropriate title of Tales for Travelers. They include the old and new stories by E. E. Hale and other writers, including In His Name, The JLost Palace, A Tale of the Simplon, Stand and Wait, and others. In a few weeks they will issue Town ºrd the Strait Gate, or Parish Christianity, by the Rev. Dr. E. F. Burr, author of the well- known books Ecce Caylum and Pater Mundº. They have also in press new editions of Every JDay; Dr. John Lord’s Ancient History; and The Knightly Soldier, a biography of Major Henry W. Camp, of the Tenth Connecticut Volunteers, the price of which is to be re- ‘duced. Our juvenile-book publishers of Cornhill are quite busy with new books and new edi- tions for new sets. D. Lothrop & Co. have in preparation a sumptuous little volume of nearly four hundred pages of prose and poetry for the little folks, with over a hun- dred full-page illustrations and many smaller On 62.S. . New editions of the IIoliday Album for Girls, and the IIoliday Album for Boys are be- ing printed. Only one edition of each was printed last year, and the copies were all sold within three weeks. Additions are being made to many of the series of books in boxes offered last year, and several entirely new series are nearly ready. W. R. Lawrence's J.ife of Amos Lawrence and Banvard's Life of JDaniel Webster, are added to Chaplin's two books—the Lives of Franklin and Sumner, making a series of “Famous Americans; ” Grandpa's Darling, a true story by Pansy, and a number of other new books will be put up in a “Cunning Workman Series: ” and a “Golden Hour Series” of elegant little books, by Laurie Loring, will be ready this month. Among the large books announced by D. Lothrop & Co., is a new edition of the JItstory of the Jewish Nation, by F. H. Palmer, revised, with a preface by Rev. S. F. Smith. The work is well known in England but has never before been printed here. This edition is somewhat condensed from the original, but all the illustrations are preserved, and a steel plate and three maps are added. Henry Hoyt is adding to his long list of books for children of all ages. For little boys he has just printed Froggy's ſittle Bro- ther; or, the Homest Street Sweeper; and fore older boys, a story of temptation and victory over it, by S. F. Keene, entitled The Viking JHeir. The girls are not forgotten, and among the new books provided for them we may notice the pretty little story of Margery's Christmas Boſc, and the more ambitious one of Jittle Christie and Her Friends. Mr. Hoyt has in press a volume on the Evangelists in the Churches, containing biographical sketches by P. C. Headley of leading evangelists, from Mattie's Library '' and other sets. Philip of Samaria, to Moody and Sankey, with the results of their labors. The volume will be illustrated by portraits. Other books to be issued by this house, are Select Notes on the International Topics for 1876; and the International Question Book for 1876. The former is prepared by the Rev. F. N. Peloubet. It will contain quotations from nearly two hundred writers, besides the editor’s notes, also references from Bagster's bible, maps, pronunciation of proper names and other matter. The question book will be in three grades, that for the youngest pupils illus- trated. The question book for 1875 has sold to the extent of 25,000 copies. Andrew F. Graves is putting some of his favorite juveniles into pretty new covers, and making up new sets. The “Choice Library * of one dollar volumes is increased by the ad- dition of How to Be a Dady and How to Be a Mam, and new volumes are added to “Aunt These books do not make much noise in the literary world, and their coming is seldom heralded in the newspapers, but somehow they find their way to the children, who would sadly miss the pretty publications of Cornhill. < *- PHILADELPHIA, August 1, 1875. But little has been done here in books during the month. The Niagara Convention and the Book Fair in New York have received a proper share of attention, and those who have not attended one or both of those meet- ings of the trade have taken advantage of the quiet condition of things to visit the sea- side or country. Toward the close of the month business was, perhaps, a little brisker, but it has been generally limited to school- books and a few of the newest novels. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have been Quite busy in their jobbing department, but the issue of the new books announced in my last has been postponed. They have lately issued a handsome Centennial Railroad Guide Map to Philadelphia, containing the city rail- road routes, and much also that will be very useful to the thousands who will visit the city next year. Mr. Stuart Mitchell’s Exposi- tion on the Book of Jonah, under the title of Jonah the Self-willed Prophet, which contains a new translation from the Hebrew, and differs in many respects from other works of this kind, is nearly ready ; also a new edition, beautifully illustrated, of Webber's Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters; and The Golden Tress, from the French of Fortuné Du Bois- gotey. The last is a very sensational novel, from a writer not known here, but who has had wonderful success in pleasing the people of Paris. Readers of The Golden Thre3s in the original French say that it is crowded with exciting incidentsingeniously woven together, and that the work displays much artistic skill. Two Thousand Year's After, by the ex- centric but shrewd writer who signs himself THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 257 John Darby, is also in press. The character of the work may be inferred from the au- thor's previous book, Odd Howl's of a Physician. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger also announce new cditions of a number of books formerly on the list of Alfred Martien, among them, two of Harriet B. McKeever's novels, Edith’s Ministry and Woodcliff; and The Young Marooners on the Florida Coast. Two novels lately published by J. B. Lip- pincott & Co. have had marked success for a dull summer, both having reached the fifth thousand, although they have been out but a. few weeks. They are The Green, Gate, from the German of Ernst Wichert, and Sigma, by “Ouida.” They are very dissimilar, yet each suits the tastes of a large circle of read- ers. Ouida’s novel is incisive and keen, laying bare motives and exhibiting without mercy the hidden springs of human actions, not roughly, but no less thoroughly. Wich- ert is thoughtful and refined and elegant. The pictures of life in The Green Gate are quiet but natural and always pleasing to the cultivated reader. The latest new books from the Lippincotts are a memorial volume on the Virginia Military Institute, containing biographical sketches of the graduates who fell during the late war, by Charles D. Walker; a new edition of Our Children in Heaven, by Dr. William H. Holcombe, the author of In Both Worlds, The Other Life, and other books of like character; Wotes on Building Construc- tion, treating of masonry, carpentry, arches, roofing, and other branches of the builder's art, and fully illustrated by woodcuts; and have imported an entertaining volume of: papers on animals, by Frank Buckland, en- titled the Dog-Book of a Fisherman and Zoolo- gist. The author is an Inspector of Salmon Fisheries for England and Wales, an evident lover of the brute creation, and a close as well as an intelligent observer of the habits of animals. Some of the papers have ap- peared in Land and Water, and one is reprinted from Temple Ban', but they are all new here, and the book is not only entertaining but in- structive Announced for early publication by the Lippincotts are a book on Chinamania, under the title of The Bric-a-Brac IIunter, by Major H. Byng Hall; a History of Co-operation in England, giving sketches of its leaders and promoters, by George Jacob Holyoake; an elaborately illustrated hand-book for tourists, entitled Pennsylvania Scenery, a volume of lectures on The Nervous System, by Jerome K. Bauduy, M. D.; Allibone's Prose Quotations ; Inder the Stork's Nest, a novel from the Ger- man of A. E. Katsch, translated by Emily R. Steinestel; and a new edition of The Amazon and Madeira Rivers, by Franz Keller. The last is a large octavo volume of sketches and descriptions of the great South American rivers, illustrated by sixty-eight wood-cuts. T. B. Peterson & Bros. have published one of the best novels of the season in A Double Wedding ; or, IIow, She was Won, by the pop- ular Southern writer, Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Like the author's former book, The Household of Bouverie, it is a charming story from beginning to end. The scenes are strongly depicted, the incidents invested with an ap- pearance of reality, and the curiosity of the reader is kept on the alert without being over- strained. The publishers have only yielded to the popular demand in issuing a new edition of the previous story The Household of Bouverie. It created quite a sensation when first issued, but there are many who have not read it, and many more who will be glad to read it a second time. We know of no books more certain to please the average novel reader than these two. The Petersons have also issued in their fine new edition of Mrs. Southworth’s novels, The Discarded Daughter, to be followed in a few days by The Two Sisters. Mrs. South- worth’s books have become standards in fic- tion, and new editions always find buyers. This is also true of the works of Reynolds and Dumas, which are on the Petersons' cata- logue. Of the latter’s books, Isabel of Bavaria has been reprinted, and also The Countess and the Page, by Reynolds, and The Opera Dancer; or, The Mysteries of London Life is announced for this month. Among the other announce- ments of this house are The Dife of Davy Crockett, illustrated by Henry L. Stephens; and The Woman of Honor ; or, False Friend Ships in Society, a translation of a French book. Peterson & Brothers have lately printed new editions of two well-known books on elocution, Comstock’s Elocution ſund Model Speaker, and The Lawrence Speaker. The former is a somewhat elaborate volume, con- taining abundant exercises, very full instruc- tions, and nearly three hundred illustrations of postures, etc. The latter contains care- fully selected exercises from best authors, and much practical instruction. Porter & Coates have issued Afraja, a story of Norway, by the German author, Theodore Mugge, a writer almost wholly unknown to American readers, but who has been highly appreciated in Germany, and is praised by Bayard Taylor and others who have had an Opportunity to become acquainted with his works. It is a good story, and the fact that it opens a new field in fiction adds much to its interest. The description of the scenery and the unique pictures of the life of the Norwe- gians invest the book with a fascination it is impossible to resist. The characters are not so refined as those depicted by Boyesen’s pen, but they are probably nearer to the truth as regards, the lower classes of the people. Porter & Coates have in preparation a 32mo, series of “Handy Volume Poets,” to comprise, as far as projected, ten volumes. They are also bringing out fine new editions of Shake- Speare and Josephus. 258 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. McLoughlin Bros. have a new descriptive ‘catalogue ready. Sheldon & Co. have in press Lectures on My Students, by Spurgeon. A. S. Barnes & Co. will publish early in the fall a Brief History of France, on the plan of their United States History. H. B. Nims & Co., Troy, N. Y., are enlarg- ing their store and refitting it, to accommodate their increasing wholesale trade. At the Book Fair the Messrs. Merriam re- fused an offer from D. Appleton & Co. for 20,000 Webster's Unabridged at $7.75. The first volume of the American transla- tion of the Count of Paris's history of our late war is now in press and will be issued early in the month. - In a collection of writings on the Franco- Prussian war, made by the Royal Library at -Berlin, a traveler recently found a copy of The Battle of Dorking. A son of Robert Dale Owen, in a letter to a friend, ascribes his father's insanity to too close application, while recovering from an attack of nervous fever, to a new book—a treatise on theology. Warren & Wyman will issue early this month a sixth volume in the “Anna Shipton Series,” entitled The Last Blessing, also a new iseries of six fifty-cent 18mo volumes, to be known as the “Annie Marloe Series.” We have received from Robert Clarke & Co., 'Cincinnati, a new eighty-page Catalogue of Theological and Religious Books, arranged alphabetically by subject and author. It is very full, including both American and foreign books. D. M. Dewey, Rochester, N. Y., has printed a new edition of the pretty and useful little Hand-book of Church'Terms, containing, besides the definitions, much matter in relation to church symbolism and art, and illustrated with woodcuts. Bachelor Ben, the novel by Ella A. Giles, published by Jansen, McClurg & Co., is receiv- ing much praise, and it deserves it. It is not only good as a story, but it is full of philos- ophy and sage thought, and has more of origin- ality than most of the novels of the day. Benson J. Lossing’s Centennial work, “The American Centenary,” is to be published next year. It will contain a review of the civil and military events of the past century, and a history of the several states. It will also illustrate the progress, social and commercial, made by the Great Republic during this period. The July number of Hurd & Houghton’s United States Official Postal Guide closes its first year. The publication has come to be indispensable to all wilo use the mails exten- sively. Being published quarterly, it gives the latest information and rulings of the De- partment, and the list of offices is revised down to date. - We clip the following from the Daily Morning Democrat, Grand Rapids, Mich.: “The renovation of Eaton & Lyon's addition to their old store (formerly the boot and shoe store of the Cole Bros.) is about completed, and the two rooms have been thrown together, making one of the finest double stores in the state. The entire establishment has been repaired and improved, and is filled with a large new stock of goods in the book and stationery line. Its young and enterprising proprietors are receiv- ing great praise for their energy and go-ahead- edness” . Mr. Webster and Mr. S. N. Clark, of the Bureau of Education, are editing a volume on libraries, under the supervision of Commis- sioner Eaton. It is intended to promote the formation of public libraries as a part of the educational system, and will combine a descrip- tive and statistical account of existing libraries, and a practical treatise on library economy. It will be illustrated by interior and exterior views of the best libraries, and plans for library buildings. Many prominent librarians will contribute the text, including A. R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress, Justin Winsor, of the Boston Public Library, and Wm. H. Pool, of the Chicago Public Library. The work will be published early next year. Two notable books have recently been printed by J.W. Bouton, New York: The Eleu- sinian and Bacchic Mysteries, by Thomas Taylor; and Ancient Symbol: Worship, which includes a paper on the subject read before the Anthropological Society of London in 1870, by Hodder M. Westropp, and one read at the same time by C. Staniland Wake, on the “Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Reli- gions of Antiquity.” Both volumes are ably edited, with Introductions, Notes, and Corro- borative Appendices, by Dr. Alexander Wild- er, and the latter volume is illustrated. In no department of investigation has more sur- prising results been obtained than in that which has lately been directed towards the religous rites and beliefs of the ancients, and these results selve a far higher purpose than merely to gratify idle curiosity. Much of ancient history has been for centuries lock- ed up in the symbols that are now being brought to the light, and the Old Testament of the Bible, if not the New, depends in a great degree for its interpretation upon these emblems of ancient religions. Not a little documentary evidence has also lately reward- ed the diligence of our scholars, and has thrown much light on the obscurity of the past. The authors and editor of the above books possess undoubted acquirements for scholarly investigation, and in presenting the subjects treated of have availed themselves of all the aids to be had. However much their work and opinions may be ridiculed by the unthinking, or deprecated by the zealous churchman, the world can be no worse off for their labors, which will be appreciated by honest searchers for the truth. p-v 259 A 111, - * v- AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. An amusing instance of the practice of reviewing books from their titles was lately afforded by a Wisconsin newspaper which shall be nameless. It gave a very flatter- ing notice of The Odd Trump as a novel giving graphic pictures of life among the gamblers at Baden Baden. Mr. W. A. Bell, editor of the Indiana School Journal, announces an “Official School Reg- ister of Indiana,” to contain a complete and accurate list of the names and P. O. address of the County Superintendents, City Superin- tendents, School Trustees of Cities, Towns, and Townships, and of prominent Teachers of the state. Mr. Leypoldt's forthcoming Stationers’ Hand-book will be worth much more than the modest price asked for it, to anybody dealing in stationery. It will contain, besides the price lists, articles by our leading stationers on the various specialties in the trade, con- veying much practical information and useful suggestions. Those who have not subscribed should do so at once, as the price will be raised after publication. S. C. Griggs & Co. have nearly ready for press The Select Orations of Lysias, with notes by Prof. W. A. Stevens, of Denison Univer- sity. The work has been a long time in prep- aration by a most critical scholar thoroughly in love with his subject, and the publishers believe this edition will possess merits that will add a new charm to the reading of the famous old orator. It would have appeared several months ago but for the loss by fire of a portion of the work. *- - - - Foreign J.ITERARY Notes George Henry Lewes has in press a new work on Actors and Acting Miss Yonge has in press Recollections of Colonel de Gommeville, edited from the French. The author of Jonas Fisher : A Poem in Brown and White, just out in London, is said to be a person of high rank. It is rumored in London that Mr. Delane will soon resign his position as editor of the Times, on account of ill-health. - The paper on “The Latest Stuarts,” which lately appeared in the Revue des Deua Mondes, is attributed to the Queen of Holland. Poe’s “Raven” has been recently published in Paris, with fantastic illustrations by Ed- ouard Manet. The English and French ver sions appear side by side. Publication of The Present Orºsis ºn the Irish Church, the work on which Dr. Pusey has been engaged, is postponed for the present, the author having been ordered absolute rest for a few weeks. The Earl of Dunraven’s collection of Notes on Irish Architecture has been edited by Miss Stokes, and is soon to be published in a vol- ume containing photographic illustrations of the old churches and towers of Ireland. Messrs. Cassell, Petter & Galpin have sold the fondon Echo to Mr. Albert Grant. Re- port has it that the sum paid was £30,000. A work on The Violim : its Famous Makers and their Imitators, is published in Lond Dn. The author illustrates his subject by wood engravings from photographs, giving the ex- act outlines of the instruments of the famous old makers, Stradivarius, Amati, Bergonzi, in- cluding the Guanerius used by Paganini and now in the museum at Genoa. * >-º- NewsPAPERS A ND PERIODICALs. The Co-operative News is the name of a new paper published in New Orleans. The price of the Evening Eaſpress, New York, is reduced from four to three cents. * Professor Robertson is to edit the new English psychological journal—Mind. The Grangers' paper, The Farmers’ Journal, Carthage, N. Y., is to be enlarged to sixteen pages. On the first of July the price of the New York Evening Post was reduced from five to three cents. w It is rumored that a new democratic daily will soon appearin Chicago, with a capital of half a million. - The order of the Knights of Carthage hav an organ published in Milwaukee, and en- titled The Citadel. - The Sunday Times, N. Y., has passed into the hands of Major J. J. Noah, son of the founder of the paper. The Orlenian is the name of a new weekly literary paper edited and published by B. C. Wharton, New Orleans, $2.50 per year. The Insurance Indea, has added a new de- partment, called “The Medical Examiner's Department,” which promises to be interesting. A new monthly magazine, The London, is to appear in London this month, under the editor- ship of Mr. Williams of the Pictorial World. A number of American authors will be con- tributors. Somebody has ascertained from “reliable sources” that eight millions of dollars have been lost in newspaper enterprises in this country during the past year. It is so easy to run a newspaper! - The Heart and Hºnd, the publication of which has been suspended for some time, is again issued as a fortnightly, instead of a weekly as before. Thé price is raised to seven cents per copy. - One of the most enterprising of the new southern educational publications is The Tennessee Journal of Education, published at Nashville, by the well-known bookseller, Mr. A. Setliff, and edited by D. H. Rains. It has united with itself The American Journal of Education, thus securing a wide circulation at the start, and it has all the elements of success. Price $1.50 per year, and ten cents for postage. 26 o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. -> FDUCATIONAL Notes, P Kindergarten schools are being established in various parts of Michigan. Harvard has conferred upon Thomas Car- lyle the honorary degree of LL.D. A special teacher of elocution is employed in Boston for the Normal and High schools. A-School for American children of both sexes has recently been established in Stuttgart, Germany. Professor T. J. Backus, of Vassar College, has been elected Superintendent of the Tennes- See State Normal School. Several of our leading journals have been urging the necessity of better instruction in elocution in our schools. The brightest of our educational exchanges is Home and School, published by John P. Morton & Co., Louisville, Ky. At the last meeting of the Boston School Committee it was resolved to establish four kindergarten schools in, that city. Professor L. Clarke Seelye, of Amherst, has been installed as president of the new college for women, at Northampton, Mass., Smith Col- lege. In noticing the demise of the Minnesota Teacher, the Milwaukee Public School Record proposes a combination of all the educational journals in the Northwest into one. The Wellesley College for Women, at Wel- lesley, Mass., will be opened September 8th. Mr. Henry F. Durant, of Boston, has erected a fine large building for the college. His gift includes also 300%acres of land. The Rev. C. B. Hurlbert has been installed as president of Middlebury College, Vt., in place of the Rev. Dr. Kitchel, resigned. The new president opposes the union of the col- lege with the University of Vermont. The Springfield Republican says: “The pub- lic schools are not to encourage genius, but to root out stupidity. The true test of the suc- cess of a common school is not how many bright scholars, but how few dullards does it turn out.” At the University Convocation in Albany, early in July, the Hon. John Eaton, Commis- sioner of Education, gave an interesting re- view of the plan and work of the National Bureau of Education since its establishment in 1867. The New England Journal of Education lately issued a double number, devoted largely to the proposed exposition of educational pro- gress at the coming Centennial. Papers on the subject were contributed by General Eaton, John D. Philbrick, Walter Smith, J. B. Wick- ersham, and other prominent educators. The long controversy over the admission of homoeopathy into the Michigan State Univer- sity at Ann Arbor is ended by the establish- ment of two homoeopathic professorships, and the appointment of Dr. J. C. Morgan of Phil- adelphia, and Dr. S. A. Jones of Englewood, N. J. A class of children in one of the Philadel- phia Orphan asylums is to be trained by an experienced Kintergartener, for the purpose of exhibiting the system at the Centennial Exposition next year. The expenses are to le met by subscriptions. Professor Albert Harkness, of Brown Uni- Versity, whose name is familiar to every Latin student in the country, was elected president of the American Philological Association at their last meeting. The Association will meet next summer in New York City. The American Institute of Instruction, at its meeting in Providence, July 9th, adopted the following: Resolved, that we recognize in the proposed International Exposition of Educa- tion at Philadelphia an instrumentality of the greatest value for the promotion of educational progress in all parts of the country; and that we would earnestly urge upon teachers and upon educational authorities the importance of making early and ample preparations for sending contributions thereto, in order that it may in the highest degree serve the purposes intended.” ——º. *— * On the Education of Women the Church and State has the following: We can excuse absent-mindedness in Sir Isaac Newton ; but let the reader picture to himself a class of absent-minded, wrinkle-browed young ladies, all thinking it to be the first duty of their lives to calculate an eclipse, and all profoundly ab- sorbed in the study of logarithms. Why should they not come to go about the louse in a state of vacancy, and to feel that the cry of an infant is the most hideous of noises? And then, as to grace and manners, what is that compared to being skilled in Hesiod 2 Grant that Jerusha Jane is more or less angular, and careless of her personal appearance; yet if she is able to take the salutatory or other high honor, is not that ample compensation ? If it be said this picture is imaginary, we grant it. We are not reflecting for a moment on what they are doing at Vassar, or what they pro- pose to do at Northampton. Indeed, we are glad to learn that at the latter institution an accomplished lady will make it her special work “to organize the social life of the institu- tion, and to preserve and increase those graces of manners and of social life which we esteem so highly.” We are only saying that the sweet, attractive grace of woman must not be sacrificed to a knowledge of roots and trian- gles. * * * Any kind of education fails in the sex which fails to make it womanly and sensible. There must be sweetness and refine- ment, of course. And back of these there must be simplicity, modesty, and good sense. And back of these there ought to be an educa- tion as thorough as woman is capable of re- ceiving, and not be neglectful of the others. But we submit again that the world needs true- hearted women more than it needs female philosophers or professors of ladies learned in ten languages. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 261 NEw ScHool-Books Clark & Maynard, New York, will soon issue a History of France, by Professor J. J. Anderson, on the plan of his histories of the United States and England. J. H. Butler & Co., Philadelphia, have ready a new Pictorial History of the United States, prepared by John A. Stewart, Princi- pal of the Reading High School. It is very meat and attractive in appearance, contains about forty portraits and many other illustra- tions, and eight full-page copperplate maps and plans of battles. It is conveniently divid- ed into chapters, with a series of questions and a pronouncing vocabulary at the end of each, a great improvement over the old plan of running the questions into the body of the text. e Cowperthwaite & Co., Philadelphia, have made some improvements in their Warren's Geographies. For the primary they have made new plates and new lithographic maps. To the new Brief Course, brought out last year, has been added complete reference maps, besides the maps in the body of the work, which are designed only for study in connec- tion with the lessons. An edition of Monroe's First Reader has been published in Leigh's phonetic type, and two spellers have been added to Monroe’s series. Clark & Maynard have lately published an Illustrated Child’s First Book in French, by Professor Jean Gustave Keetels, the author of a number of other French instruction books. It is intended for children who can read, but have not yet studied English grammar. The lessons are progressive, beginning with simple combinations, and preparing the pupil for the study of grammar. In the first half of the book the lessons relate to accompanying cuts, which help to impress the subject on the mind and make the exercises interesting. The English words are printed under the French. Clark & Maynard have become the publish- ers of Keetels's Elementary French Grammar, and also of the same author's Practical French Grammar. These, with the Child’s First Rook, recently issued, make a valuable series of instruction books. - SPECIAL Notices. T. B. Peterson & Brothers announce in their advertisement on another page, that during their special fall sale, they will give to the trade special rates of discount from their Number One Wholesale Price List. On that list discounts are as follows:—On cloth books, 40 per cent. ; sheep, 33% per cent. ; half calf, 30 per cent. ; Dickens's works in paper, and on most other paper cover books, 50 per cent. From these prices they make a further dis- count on large bills. It is an excellent time to lay in a stock of their popular books. The Automatic Book Clamp, advertised on another page, by A. J. Fisher, New York, is well worth the attention of buyers of school material. The handle is a metal tube securely fastened to the wooden clamp, and inclosing a steel spring, which winds up the cord, mak- ing the clamp self-closing. An easily managed slide-catch in the handle fastens the spring and securely holds the books in the clamp, and a handy case for pencils is cut into the wooden plate without adding to size or weight. The clamp is very meat in appearance, and the most convenient article of the kind we have seen. Holden's Book Covers, manufactured by Payne, Holden & Co., Dayton, Ohio, are de- signed especially for school-books, and are made to order in different sizes to fit any standard school-book in the trade. The title of the book is printed on the first page, and the booksellers' card on the back. They are made of strong paper, and admirably serve the purposes for which they are intended. Music NotEs. Gounod’s “Faust” was recently sung in Salt Lake City for the “first time west of the Rocky Mountains.” Mr. Simeon E. Marsh, the composer of sa- cred music, died in Albany on the 14th ult., at an advanced age. He was the author of the tune “Martyr,” usually sung with the words “Jesus, Lover of my Soul.” Mr. Samuel Priestly Taylor, whose death at an advanced age was recently noticed, was the founder of the New York Handel and Haydn Society. The introduction of chanting into the Episcopal service in this city was also due to him. Biglow & Main publish the Book of Praise, a new Sunday-school hymn and tune book, edited by George A. Bell and Hubert P. Main. Most of the selections have become popular. in our Sunday-schools, and there are a num- ber of new compositions. The hymns are classified and arranged under appropriate topics, as Praise, Heaven, Death, etc. S. T. Gordon & Son publish The New Song, a compilation of old and new music, especial- ly adapted for revivals, prayer and camp-meet- ings, classified and arranged by the Rev. Aaron Coons. It contains all the old favorites and some new tunes of merit. Two editions are published, one complete of 256 pages, the other containing only 128 pages of the very best. Silver Threads of Song is a new collection of music for home and school use, by H. Millard, published by S. T. Gordon & Son, New York. The selections are made with excellent taste and judgment, and comprise songs, duets, and trios, also a musical charade, and the operetta “Little Red Riding Hood.” The vol- ume is prefaced by a course of instruction in the elements, and exercises for practice. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. RUSINESS GHANGEs. At Honesdale, Pa., A. G. Forbes has re- sumed business at his old stand. The book and periodical business of J. C. Young, Harrisburg, Pa., has been purchased by Mr. S. W. Fleming. At Cameron, Mo., James R. Brockman, bookseller and stationer, has sold his busi- ness to his brother, W. Brockman. Mr. R. H. Hyde, bookseller and newsdealer, Tekonsha, Mich., died on the 23d of June last. The business is continued by his widow. The copartnership of Thomas & Slavin, printers at 58 John street, New York, is dis- solved, Mr. James A. Slavin retiring. The bus- iness is continued by Mr. William H. Thomas. Mr. Henry L. Shepard, Boston, has admitted as a partner Mr. Wm. H. Hart, late treasurer of the Fort Wayne, Muncie and Cincinnati Railroad. The style of the firm is Henry L. Shepard & Co. tº The book and stationery business of Ed- ward H. Shelley, Rome, N. Y., has been pur- chased by Jones & Armstrong. Mr. Jones has been connected with the old firm for the last ten years. - Turner Hamilton, bookseller, stationer, and binder, bas removed from the premises which he has occupied for ten years at 106 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, to No. 129 of the same street. Messrs. A. B. Osgood and A. H. Rogers, of Galesburg, Mich., have formed a copartner- ship and will continue their book, stationery and printing business under the firm-name of Osgood & Rogers - The publishing business of T. Ellwood Zell has been purchased by Messrs. Baker, Davis & Co., who will continue the business at the old stand in Philadelphia, with branch offices in New York and Chicago. e -º-º: In our notice of Mr. Drake's new book, just issued by the Harpers, we spoke of the author as having recently died. The oversight brought out the following note from the gen- tleman, to whom we tender our apology : BosTON, July 3, 1875. Editor of the Booksellers' G wide : Dear Sir–Having read in your issue of July 1st the notice of the death of Samuel Adams Drake, author of “Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast,” the writer hopes you will not consider him troublesome when he pronounces the statement premature. It was my father, Samuel Gardner Drake, whose death, which you elsewhere so kindly notice, recently occurred. Very truly yours, SAML. ADAMS DRAKE. FROM Mr. Lowell we have the following definition of a classic : “A classic is properly a book which maintains itself by virtue of that happy coalescence of matter and style, that inmate and exquisite sympathy between the thought that gives life and the form which consents to every mood of grace and dignity— which can be simple without vulgar, elevated without being distant, and which is something neither ancient nor modern, always new, and incapable of growing old.” J. R Ford 3 Pos suspension The following circular letter, sent to their creditors by J. B. Ford & Co., will explain itself: . New York, July 26, 1875. MESSRS.— : DFAlt SIR-Weregret to inform you that circumstan- ces have rendered it necessary for us to ask the advice and assistance of our creditors. These are not to be confounded with those of The Christian Union Publish- ing Company, which is a separate organization, and perfectly good for all it owes. We therefore invite you to attend a meeting of our creditors, at room No. 7 in this building (No. 27 Park Place), on Thursday morn- ing, July 29th, at 11 o'clock. Very respectfully, J. B. FORD & CO. The next day the following card was pub- lished : The publication in an evening paper of statements concerning the affairs of J. B. Ford & Co., together with a private notice to their creditors. being, as guess statements usually are, partly true and partly false, . Messrs. Ford & Co. prefer to give the facts, rather than to leave the matter to conjecture. The depression of their book business, in common with that of the trade at large, has continued from the panic of 1873 to the present time. And this has been accompanied by yarious special aggravations, among which was a fire in their bindery last February, which destroyed the result of many months' work, and para- lyzed their spring sales. It has finally resulted in the present condition of affairs. The assets of the concern, at bare cost, exceed their liabilities by more than $80,000; but, as it is impossible, in the present state of the market, to realize on these fast enough to meet obligations as they mature, the firm decided upon a tem- porary suspension of payment, in order to protect all their creditors, while taking advice of them as to the best course to pursue. It is to be regretted that in the present condition of this affair, any one of the creditors should have made public the invitation to a private and informal consultation. As to The Christian Union, of which the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is editor, it has always been, and still is, the property of The Christian Union Publishing Com- pany. It is sustained by ample capital and a large pat- , ronage. Its condition is sound, and its prospects 5right. The Statement that it has lost ground since the trial is not true. Messrs. Ford & Co's connection with it is simply that, besides being stockholders in the company, they have been employed as publishers of the paper. The culmination of their own difficulties made it ex- pººl. that they should resign that charge, which they have done, and after the 15th of August the business of the paper will be transacted by their successors. * This change will enable Ford & Co. to devote their entire time and energies to their book trade, which is a large and Valuable one, especially in the publication and sale of works by subscription. If they can make with their creditors such reasonable arrangement as their cir- cumstances require, they have no fear but that they will recover the ground temporarily lost. J. B. FORD & Co. At a meeting of the creditors held on the 29th it was estimated that the assets of the firm were in excess of the liabilities about $80,000. A committee was appointed to pre- pare a statement for the creditors. Ford & Co. claim that, if they are given a slight ex- tension, they will be able to resume. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 263 THE AMERICAN Book TRADE Association. OO/WVE/W7/O/W A T /V/AGAAPA FALLS, FIRST SESSION, JULY 13, 1875. The Convention met at 3 P. M., about one hundred and fifty of the trade being present. The President of the Association, Mr. A. D. F. Randolph, of New York, called the meeting to order, and after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Arnold, made an eloquent and appropriate address. After alluding in a complimentary manner to the little band of booksellers that started the movement for reform in Cincin- nati, he said: It is a matter for congratulation, that the book trade of the country is beginning to realize through this na. tional institution, the fact that it is not a body of isolated traders—mere hucksters in merchandise, without an organization, without definite purpose—but a company of men organized in an honorable calling, and holding intimate and enduring relations with the best interests of the country. The realization of this simple truth has already been of great service, and is the harbinger of the ultimate triumph of the reform. We are beginning to learn that with us there may be a republic of trade as well as a republic of letters; that the publishers and the bookseller hold a position of permanent importance to the author as well as to the reader. If our civilization in its progress produces the author and the reader, it like- wise demands a method of production and distribution through the publisher and the dealer. Every college, school, and intelligent household becomes a consumer of books. The bookseller is an indispensable agent, as well as a creative force, in increasing the demand by the exposure in the open market of the author's and pub- lisher's product. Yet, notwithstanding this, how sel- dom does it occur to those who take the deepest interest in the education of the people that the book store in the town and village is an educational institution, and that, in a certain sense, it is as important to the community as the school-house or the college; that it is an institu- tion that also needs encouragement, and should be strengthened in every way ! Now it is a significant fact, and worthy of all praise, that during the last twenty years men of sagacious be- nevolence have contributed vast sums of money for the creation of new colleges and seminaries of learning, and for the better endowment of the old. Other schools and educational institutions, normal schools, high schools, schools and colleges for women, have shared in sundry benefactions. All over the country a new life has been infused, and professors and teachers have reaped a large return for their labors while the student has had facili- ties and advantages without any increased mental tax. During the same period, the common schools'everywhere have been placed on, a more generous basis, and in some of our cities are conducted on a plan of lavish expendi- ture. In the meantime, however, the book trade of the country, for reasons which I need not detail, has gradu- ally, With some exceptions, become less profitable as a business pursuit: the local bookseller in manifold dis- tricts has found himself with a lessening trade, a decreas- ing Stock and failing resources. And towns and villa- ges that boast an opera house, and a railway station, and churches, and schools, and sometimes seminaries of learning, with banks and warehouses, and shops glitter- ing with dress goods of “our own importation,” have Suffered the local book store to droop, if not to die, all unconscious that by such an act a most important edu- cational institution has been lost. . I know of a town in one of the oldest States in the Union that has a college with Thundreds of students, and this college, during the last decade, has been the recipient of more than half a million of money; and this town, with a college so richly endowed, and with a high school famous in its reputation, has allowed its local book store, established nearly half a century ago, to dwindle into insignificant proportions. "And why? Simply because the cºmpetitions of trade have sent the college and the school, the professor and teacher, to purchase their supplies where they could be had as cheaply as the bookseller himself could procure them. A good proportion of that town is engaged in the busi- ness of bookselling, if buying books at “trade prices” constitute a bookseller; for there is a College book Store—you know what that is—bound to furnish the indigent student with his books at cost—and Oh, what a large number of indigent students there are –and the student's friend buys at the same rate as the student himself, and then there is the college library Supplied at the trade rates, and the librarian is allowed by the liber. ality of the city bookseller to include in his orders any books he may want for himself, or his friends, or the friends of the faculty, or the faculty itself. When all these have been supplied what is there left, in the way of trade or traffic, for the local bookseller His book Stock disappears behind the long partitioned lines of Wall paper, and the shelves on which the works of the great masters of English literature and their successors should be found, are empty, and the vacant places are covered by illuminated scripture texts, or chromos of “The Old Oaken Bucket that Hung in the Well.” And SO, gentlemen, it has come to pass that a bookseller in a college town, instead of having one of the best markets, has one of the poorest. And a saving of fifteen per cent. to the student on his text books and a similar Saving on the purchases for the library of the institution has left the rest of the community without the refined and ele. Vating influence of a well-assorted book store. Now, this is but one of the evils that afflict us. Yet let us be just, and not forget that all our evils are large- ly of our own creating; that it is our own fault that they 264 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. were not long ago corrected, and that now they seem to threaten us with disaster. It may be well for us to consider now and here what our real position as publishers and dealersis; what rela- tion does our trade hold to the trade and commerce of the whole country . How far has the author, the pub- lisher, the seller of books stimulated the colonization of States, the development of hidden resources, the building of ships and steamers, the erection of mills and factor- ies, the construction of railways? Thirty odd years ago Mr. Fremont crossed the Rocky Mountains, and planted his flag on the Pacific shore. Some of the rude nuen of the bordér followed swiftly on his trail, but it was the publication of his official report, issued in pamphlet form by the Tribune and scattered over the country, that fired the enterprise of a host of daring, intelligent men, who in time became the explorers and colonists of that wonderful country on the Pacific coast, and put the mark of their power upon it. This is but a suggestion in this direction. But there is a still higher plane on which we stand, even as the intellectual and the moral is higher than the mere material. Consider the position of the author in his relation to the publisher, and of these and the dealer to the educational interests at large. Of what avail would the labors of the author be if all his great thoughts were to be forever shut up within the folds of his manuscript. And so what intelligence, what - sagacity, what enterprise is required on the part of the publisher to comprehend the public want, to create the public taste, and step by step lift it to a higher level ! Why, gentlemen, it demands more skill than to bore the Hoosac tunnel or to construct the Victoria bridge Who is it that stands between the well-formed opin- ions of the author and the unformed opinions of the pub- lic but the publisher and the dealer? Who has devel- oped a better or more comprehensive system of text- books of all kinds and grades for seminary, college, and school, while taking all the risk and venture, than the American publisher ? Who has done more for American literature than he whom we laid in Greenwood a few weeks ago—the great pioneer of the American publish- ing trade, John Harper ? And the humblest man of the trade, at the cross roads or in the village, holds no mean relation to the great agencies for good in the world. His neighbor may outstrip him in the race for pecuniary reward, for that which men eat and wear is a better paying business. But the intelligent book dealer has a place of ministry, not to the artificial or bodily wants of his fellows, but to their higher and better natures. He, in his small way, is an educator, and can not perhaps follow to their many conclusions all his teachings ; and yet some day he may put into the hands of a buyer a book that shall start trains of thought and mold a char- acter that hereafter may command senates or assemblies to shake the destinies of nations, or rescue imperiled souls. Gentlemen, these are but indications of some of the relations which you hold to all the great factors in our civilization. I do not flatter you, nor would I unduly exalt your calling and mine. Yet it is an honorable one, it is susceptible of producing its own great reward in the consciousness that the world Ought to be better because of you, and such as you, having lived and worked in it. And yet you ask for no endowments out of the public or the private purse; no gift from any man's treasury, but only this: a moderate return for your labor and invest- ment, that you may have the bread which you have earned by the sweat of your brow. - Now, it is to correct some of the evils to which I have alluded that we have organized and assembled here. But this is not a trade union, as it has been called; it does not seek to array one class against another; it is not money as against brains ; we are not striking for eight hours or ten hours, but only demand a fair day's wages for a full day's work. Nor is it a movement to increase the price of books, but simply to retain the price which the publisher has fixed, and which price affords no larger proportionate profits either to publisher or dealer than that afforded upon all articles of common merchandise. And, gentlemen, no one is more deeply interested in the principles and results which underlie this reform which we contemplate than the book buyers of the country. If the owner of mines in Pennsylvania, if the cotton planter of the South, or the grain producer of the West has an interest in the furnaces of the Alle- ghanies, in the mills of Massachusetts, and in the pros- perity of labor in all the towns and cities, then, certain- ly, all nations, all educators, all the learned professors, all philanthropists, have a vital, permanent interest in the prosperity of the American Book Trade. It is to all these that we may frankly and rightly appeal to help on this work of reform. We are co-workers with them in the elevation of the people. It is a condition of mutual dependence and support, and the time is coming when they will realize that for them to ask or to insist upon a reduction of our legitimate and necessary profits would be as unjust as for us to claim because of our position and calling a certain percentage of their income. After referring to the progress that had been made, and congratulating the trade that so much had already been accomplished, he proceeded: - It would not be strange, if, among this company—re- presenting, as I said, a diversity of opinion, although there is a unity of interests—there should be some com- plaints as to the prop"inty of proposed modifications or changes in the mo: ºut. That will not be strange; but let us remember this one thing : that we are here as brethren ; that we are here as men engaged in an exalt- ed calling ; that we have a business and duty to per- form—to lift our calling out of the slums into which we have suffered it to fall. And so do not let us look at this question from our own limited point of view ; do not let us look at the book trade of the country through the narrow focus of Chicago, or Detroit, or St. Louis, or New York, or Boston, but let us look at it as a whole. It is not a publisher's movement; it is not a jobber's movement; nor is it a dealer's movement; but it is owr movement. And because it is ours let us continue to maintain this spirit of magnanimity, this spirit of manly foresight, which will enable each one of us to bring into our deliberations not an element of discord but an element of harmony, so that we shall forward the whole movement, and go from this place to carry it THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 265 to a swift conclusion. One word more and I am done. You will remember when Commodore Perry fought the battle of Lake Erie—a hotly contested battle—that he was obliged to shift his flag from the sinking Lawrence to the Niagara. And it was on the Niagara that he won the battle. During the delivery of his address Mr. Randolph was frequently interrupted by ap- plause. At its close, the secretary, Mr. John H. Thomas, read the platform and resolutions adopted at Put-in-Bay. The Chairman of the Committee on Assem- blies, Mr. Isaac E. Sheldon, made a report, in which he stated that twenty-seven States were represented in the Convention. Mr. R. R. Bowker, the secretary of the Committee, re- ported the arrangements which had been made for the accommodation of the Conven- tion. The President, in introducing Mr. Bowker, paid him a very high compliment for his zeal in the work of reform, saying that to him more than to any other man in the convention, the trade owed the practical realization of their hopes. In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee on the Book Fair, Mr. Sheldon reported that the Fair would be held in New York immediately after the close of the Convention, and he urged those present to attend. - Mr. A. C. Barnes, of New York, Chairman of the Central Booksellers' Association, gave a report of what that body had accomplished during the past year. In the course of his remarks he spoke of a new plan proposed by a Philadelphia house, as like the stratagem of the wooden horse, by which the Greeks gained possession of Troy: The Association, he said, could very well manage the horse, if this firm would help the Association manage its pony. Being called on for the name of the house referred to, he declined to give it, but stated that it had now joined the Asso- ciation, which left not a single large firm outside. - Mr. E. L. Jansen, of Chicago, reported that- the reform measures had worked to the satis- faction of the trade in his city. Similar re- ports were made by Mr. Cushings, of Balti- more, Mr. H. H. West, of Milwaukee, Mr. W. D. Baker, of St. Louis, Mr. Stevens, of Cin- cinnati, and others. The Executive Committee reported a series of resolutions, which were referred to a com- mittee of thirty appointed by the chair, to which committee the officers of the Associa- tion were afterward added. e The following gentlemen were appointed a.S TEIE (:OMMITTEE OF THIRTY. Wm. Lee, Boston. W, EI. Watson, Aurora, Ill. C. S. Bragg, Cincinnati. W. H. Gross, Hartford, Ct. W. D. Baker, St. Louis. Jno. H. Thomas, Dayton, O. J. M. Cushings, Baltimore. B. H. Ticknor, Boston. Martin Taylor, Buffalo. T. W. Deland, Boston, Jos. Knight, Troy. J. E. Baker, New York. A. C. Barnes, New York. S. T. Bowen, Indianapolis. Geo. Wood, Philadelphia. A. Palmer, Dubuque, Iowa. . Isaac E. Sheldon, N.York. E. C. Eastman, Concord. W. S. Appleton, N. York. Geo. E. Stevens, Cincinnati. A. F. Payne, Dayton, W. Jones, Burlingtºn, Iowa. Geo. H. Smith, Detroit. Chas. A. Clapp, New York. B. L. Jansen, Chicago. Geo. B. Brown, Toledo, O. W. A. Ingham, Cleveland. F. W. Christern, New York. SEconD DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Convention met at 10:30 A. M. July 14th, the attendance being much larger than on the previous day. The President reported in behalf of the Committee of Thirty, that they were now in session and would present their report later in the day. - The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. President Randolph said, while waiting for the Committee’s report, the time could not be IO Ol’6” profitably spent than in listening to the experience of booksellers from different sec- tions of the country. - Mr. George H. McGinness, of Princeton, N. J., being called upon, said that he had been in the business about thirty years, and had been obliged to have a dozen prices for as many different classes of buyers. EIe related how one after another of the booksellers around him had failed, involving losses to the publishers as well as to themselves. He had kept up prices when he could, but he would not allow himself to be undersold, and had added nearly everything to his stogk rather than give up the book business. Mr. Arnold, of Detroit, said that he had retired from a good position in the ministry to engage in the book. business, without any capital but the goodwill of friends. Eſe had come slowly up to the platform of the Associa- tion, but he believed now that it is better to have but one price and stick to it. In Michigan they had been sticking to the 20 per cent. rule, and their profits were I0 per cent. more this year than ever before. They had supposed that all the trade were going to keep the 20 per cent. Tule, but a short time ago they learned that in 266 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Cincinnati and the East the trade were selling to libra- ries and even at retail at 25 per cent. Tibballs, of New York, was as well known in Michigan as he was, and if he could not be prevented from selling at any price, as he does, the reform is a failure. - Mr. D. H. Davis, of Coldwater, Michigan, said he had béen in the business fifteen years, and had seen more demoralization in the trade during the past five years than ever before. During that time he has been obliged to sell books at any price. The practice of publishers in selling to anybody outside of the trade at less than the retail prices which they fix is an outrage. As long as they do it they must not find fault if retailers do not buy their books. Every retailer feels that to do busi- ness he must undersell the publisher. Professional dis- counts should be discontinued entirely. The minister and doctor and lawyer should pay as much for their books as the common laborer. The real cost of a book is not its cost in New York or Boston, but the expenses of the business must be added. Had some doubts as to whether the retail prices of miscellaneous books were too high, but thought they were on school books. At any rate, discounts should be reduced and the margin of profit should be something certain. President Randolph here feelingly referred to the late Mr. George P. Putnam, as one who always had a kind and generous word for his friends, and a helping hand for those in need, saying that he had done much to de- velop American literature by taking the American author by the hand. . He called upon his son, Mr. G. H. Putnam, of New York, to address the convention. Mr. Putnam returned thanks for the kind reference to his father, who, he wished, could be here to-day. He was proud to belong to the book trade. Books occupy a pe- culiar position in trade, but still they were merchandise. His house was fully committed to the reform, but they had a great deal of difficulty in explaining to buyers for libraries. We should do here only what could be held to, and no restrictions should be attempted which will interfere with the independence of individual firms. Mr. D. Lothrop, of Boston, said that the trade of his city had all subscribed to the twenty per cent. rule, but as it was to be enforced only when the trade of New York and Philadelphia had agreed to it, and as they in Boston had not been notified of such agreement, they had continued selling at their own prices. He ad- vised the Convention to take no step from which they would have to recede. The publishers need the retailers and should support them. The Committee of Thirty here entered, and the Chairman reported the following resolu- tions : & 1st. Jºesolved: That none but members of the Associa- tion shall be allowed to participate in the Book Fair, either as sellers or buyers. 2d. [This resolution was to request publish- ers and jobbers to protect the trade by refus- ing to sell at better than twenty per cent. to those who should violate the agreements of this Association.] 3d. Resolved: That booksellers may have the privilege of selling remainders and old stock at *::::: prices, under the following conditions, viz.:-lst. That the books so sold shall be at least six months old. 2d. That the selling price shall be fixed. 3d. That the original price shall not be named. 4th. Resolved : That the Executive Committee be in- structed to prepare a petition to Congress, praying that body to restore to the former rates of postage all books and 'printed matter of the “third class,”—and present the same to the members of this Association for sigma. tures. The first resolution was adopted without discussion. - * The second resolution excited much de- bate. Mr. George B. Brown, of Toledo, appealed to the convention to pass it. Mr. W. A. Ingham, of Cleveland, explained that it did not impose a penalty on those out- side of the Association, whom the Arbitration Committee could not reach. President Randolph said it was only a re- quest. If members of the trade complied with the request, it would be all right. If they refused to comply we could not compel them. - - Mr. Hammett, of Boston, thought tué reso- lution not clear enough. Large buyers should get better discounts than small buyers. Mr. Isaac E. Sheldon, New York, said that too much attention was being given to de- tails. He had no doubt that publishers would extend the fullest protection possible to re- tailers. The business of this association is to make a sentiment, not laws. A sentiment without a law is more powerful for good than a law without the will to uphold it. Such a sentiment will control the publishers who can not be driven, and it will soon be disgraceful to sell books at under prices. Mr. Sheldon moved that the resolution be referred back to the Committee of Thirty for simplification. Mr. Barnes in seconding the motion said there should be no mistake in the meaning of the resolution. It contained the most import- ant work of the Convention. Mr. Knight, of Troy, thought it should not be changed. Mr. Sheldon said no change in the meaning was wanted, but in the expression of it. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 267 Mr. Barnes said that we wanted to make the issue as simple as possible. One point $ecured is worth a dozen failures. This reso- lution expresses the common ground on which all can agree. It meets the wants of the radi- cals; it includes the ideal of the conserva- tives; it can not be objected to by the hostile or the indifferent. The publishers have the power and can do a great deal to protect the retailers. This resolution asks them to do it. Mr. W. F. Draper, of Andover, Mass., said if the resolution is not adopted the Conven- tion is a failure. But if there is anything in the resolution likely to be misunderstood, we should correct it. The co-operation of the publishers we must have. Publishers are the head, booksellers the hands and feet of the trade. Mr. George B. Brown opposed sending it back to the committee. Mr. Timothy Nicholson, Richmond, Ind., moved as a substitute to refer it to a commit- tee of five, Mr. Brown to be chairman. The motion was amended, that the special com- mittee be selected from the Committee of Thirty, and adopted. - President Randolph appointed the follow- ing as - TEIE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF FIVE : G. B. Brown, Toledo, O.; A. C. Barnes, New York; Joseph Cushing, Baltimore, Md. ; Timothy Nicholson, Richmond, Ind., S. T. Bowen, Indianapolis, Ind. The following resolutions were offered by Mr. R. R. Bowker, and adopted: Resolved, That a committee of five on local organiza- tions, be appointed by the chair. Resolved, That a committee of five on religious so- cieties be appointed, to ascertain what are their rules and whether they are in accord with the rules of this association. Mr. Martin Taylor offered the following, which was adopted : JResolved, That this convention respectfully requests the dealers in denominational publications to conform their discounts to the agreements of this association. . Convention adjourned to 4 P. M. SECOND DAY, SECOND SESSION. The Convention met at 4 P. M. - The President read a letter from Thomas Nelson & Sons, New York, endorsing the movement, and offering a gift of 500 Guides to Mºagara to the members of the Conven- tion. For the gift, a vote of thanks was passed. A letter was read from George R. Lock- wood, New York, excusing his absence and promising co-operation. A letter was read from S. A. Clark & Co. Pittsburgh, Pa., accompanied by a present of a box of Crandall’s Acrobats, which caused much merriment. f. A letter was also read from Ivison, Blake- man, Taylor & Co., N.Y., and from the Ameri- can Sunday School Union, both declaring sympathy with the objects of the convention. The president read a communication from the booksellers of the Lehigh Valley, recom- mending the reduction of discounts, and stat- ing that they were in accord with any honest movement to correct the abuses in the trade. i The letter was signed by William Maxwell, and W. C. Riegel, of Easton, Pa.; Henry T. Clauder, G. W. Perkin, and Charles H. Swartz & Co., of Bethlehem, Pa.; Lessing, Trexler & Co , S. K. Probst & Co., and John W. Achs, of Allentown, Pa. - A letter was read from Mr. Frederick Vick- er, Librarian of the Public Library of Cincin- nati, complaining of the injustice of the 20 per cent. Tule, in not discriminating between the large buyer and the small one. He said the library expended annually about $18,000, buying of a single firm in one year more than $7,000 worth of books, yet under the rules of the Association they were not allowed a greater discount than the buyer of a single book. . Mr R. R. Bowker moved the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That a select Committee of five be appoint- ed by the Chair, of which the President of the Associa- tion shall be chairman, to prepare a circular letter, ad- dressed to the libraries of the country; and another circular letter addressed to the book-buyers of the coun- try, stating the position of the Association and its rea- sons for taking the course it pursues. At this point President Randolph said the store of the American News Company in New York was the only bookstore that he knew of in the country in which were posted notices that no discounts would be allowed from re- tail prices, except to the trade, and he called upon Mr. Patrick Farrelly, manager of the Company, to address the convention. Mr. Far- relly took the platform amid much applause, and briefly said: - 268 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The booksellers who know us understand fully our position in reference to this movement. We have al- Ways thought it unfair to the retailers for publishers to fix their retail prices and then undersell those prices at retail. We could not as jobbers, in justice to our trade, or in justice to ourselves, compete with retail booksel- lers in any particular, and it has always been our rule to charge full retail prices to buyers not in the trade. The American News Company will do everything in their power to promote the interests of the book trade. Mr. George Wood, of the firm of J. B Lip- pencott & Co., being invited to the platform, addressed the convention as follows: Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Oonvention : To properly respond to the brilliant and masterly ora- tion delivered here last evening, would be an assumption of ability on my part to which I can not pretend. And I will, therefore, simply endeavor to present to you a statement of our relations with the Central Booksellers' Association of New York as it may appear, viewed from our standpoint. In the first place, we failed to per- ceive the great importance and liberality of the conces- sions made to this Association by the Publishers' Board. of Trade, and in our opinion they were not sufficient to base even a reasonably successful effort at reform. Our entire objections to the resolution presented to us by the Association were contained in one clause ; they Wel'e : - First, that the clause itself was so indefinte that we were unable to accede to it; Second, our firm claimed that the school-book pub- lishers had the right to make their own discounts to their trade; Third, our firm was unable to see the justice of the numerous exceptions allowed by the Associaiion to their own established rule. & In regard to furnishing supplies to school boards, we can only say that after the work of introduction shall have been completed, and the books necessary for a first supply shall have been furnished to the board interested, we can not but feel, that from that time forth the local bookseller, small though he may be, should have some right to expect at least a slight profit on future supplies. By the adoption of the resolution mentioned, however, he was entirely ignored and set aside ; and the board in question continuing to procure their supplies direct from the publisher (in many cases at best trade rates), he finds, to a certain extent, his occupation gone, and his influence among his patrons correspondingly decreased. Remember, gentlemen, I am no apologist for selling at retail at less than retail rates; but I hold that this is a practice beside which that of underselling, as gener- ally understood, is of secondary consideration ; and which, if not remedied sooner or later, will become a dangerous element in our organization. In behalf of the retail dealer, we therefore claimed that this was an abuse which in all justice and right should have bee remedied, and as school-book publishers we feel that fhere was good reason why this claim should not have been granted. Our main objection to the remaining portion of their resolution was our failure to perceive the justice of preferring one class of the community over those of another. It is our firm conviction that just in proportion as exceptions are made, opportunities for evasion and misunderstanding are multiplied. Our experience teaches us that these will not fail to be taken advantage of by certain dealers, and universal dissatisfaction and endless complaint will certainly he the result. We had always intended laying these rea- sons before you at this time and without insisting upon - any action thereon, and to have hoped to obtain for them a consideration which we felt their importance fully merited. And in conclusion, did I not feel that you would receive this explanation in the spirit in which it is tendered, and that our actions were the result of our honest convictions, and that our presence here to-day is due to some higher motive than a lack of a proper sense of self-respect and the influence of the lash, we would certainly be compelled to decline taking further part in your deliberations. - - Mr. George B. Brown, Chairman of the Special Committee on the second resolution of the Committee of Thirty, reported the fol- lowing, which was unanimously adopted : Whereas, It is the unanimous and settled conviction of this Association that unless its principles and reso- lutions are rigorously carried into effect it will be im- possible for honest booksellers longer to maintain them- selves, that the best and most enterprising booksellers will rapidly withdraw their capital from this business, and that serious loss must come to publishers, as well as to the trade at large ; and, Whereas, We believe that the time has come when, by the hearty co-operation of all branches of our trade, a final blow may be struck at the evils of under- selling, and pledging ourselves faithfully to stand by }. another in measures necessary to that end; there- ore, Resolved, That we, as an organization, do most re. spectfully and yet earnestly ask publishers so to control the sales of their publications to jobbers and other deal- ers, as to protect us in securing for the public the prices which they themselves have fixed on their own publica- tions, and to prevent undersellers from purchasing at rates that will enable them to sell in violation of the rules of this Association. The third resolution relating to the sale of old stock, was then taken up, and it created a lengthy and animated discussion. - Mr. Knight, of Troy, thought that old or slow stock could not be sold without mentioning the large discount or the retail price. Mr. Coates, of Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, said he hoped no bookseller would disgrace their books by put- ting them on a cheap counter, but would send them back to the publishers instead. - Mr. Taylor, of Buffalo, said the dealers in that city had lived up to the twenty per cent. Tule, and he thought it flexible enough to get rid of old stock. If it is not, let us give such books away to some public insti- tution. TMr. Lockwood, of Lockwood, Brooks & Co., Boston, said as the twenty per cent. rule only applied to the pro- fessions, he did not see how it could help the trade in disposing of old stock. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS' GUIDE. 269 Mr. Arnold, of Detroit, said the bane of the trade was old stock, and there should be some way allowed of get- ting rid of it at reduced prices. He objected to extend- in g the privilege through the year; thought three months would be enough. Mr. Avery, of Rochester, said the resolution, if adopt: ed, would open the door for the abuses we have been complaining of. Mr. Stevens, of Cincinnati, thought the Convention should not legislate on the matter at all. Mr. Knight, of EI. B. Nims & Co., Troy, N. Y., said that, wishing to please the public, his house was obliged to take some copies of nearly every book published in this country, besides a large number of English books. The result was the accumulation of too much dead stock. We want the privilege of putting books on a cheap counter at our own discretion. It is for the in- terest of the publisher, the dealer, and the public. It can be done honestly, without opening the door for underselling. Mr. Putnam, of New York, thought we should not adopt any rule which could not be honestly kept with- out any mental reservation. - Mr. Bowen, of Indianapolis, said he thought it better that the privilege of selling old stock at underprices should be defined and exercised under the auspices of the Association, than be left to individual booksellers. Mr. J. B. Parker, of Hanover, N. H., stated that he got rid of his old stock by an auction sale, two evenings in the year. * Mr. Taylor, of Buffalo, thought it a good ided to send Čead stock to the auction room. The debate was closed by Mr. Cushing, who offered the following as a substitute, which was adopted: Resolved, That the mode of disposing of unsalable ; be left, as at present, to the discretion of the €0.10ſ. The fourth resolution reported by the Com- mittee of Thirty was adopted without dis- cussion. Mr. R. R. Bowker offered the following, which were adopted : Whereas, The first centennial of our nation's anni- versary is about approaching, Resolved, That it is necessary that the American Book Traders' Association should be appropriately re- resented at the International celebration to be held at É. at that time; and to that end, Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed by the Chair from among members residing near or at Philadelphia, whose duty it shall be te determ.ne the plans to be pursued by the Association and the means of successfully carrying them out. The following was also moved by Mr. Bowker and adopted : Whereas, The prominence of the words “twenty per cent,” in the resolution in the Put-in-Bay Platform, and in the agreement of the Central City Booksellers' Asso- ciation, has given rise to some misunderstanding; Resolved, That a sub-committee from the Committee of Thirty, be requested to draft a re-statement of this important resolution, without altering its present tenor, that retail prices shall be definitely set forth as the basis of the rule; and discounts, within the limits of twenty per cent., as an exception thereto; and that they be also requested to suggest and further modify the definitions as to the “ large buyers,” or other phrases, so that this resolution may be a clear, definite, and explicit statement of the position as to discounts º: forth for the guidance of those engaged in the re- OTDul. Upon motion the chair appointed the fol- lowing - COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS. William Lee, Boston; W. S. Appleton, New York; A. C. Barnes, New York; George Wood, Philadelphia, Pa.; George E. Stevens, Cincinnati, O. : G. H. Smith, Detroit, Mich. ; Charles Bumphrey, Adrian, Mich. ; J. B. Piet, Baltimore, Md. ; J. C. Sturges, IKnoxville, Tenn.; J. H. Thomas, Dayton, O.; George Remsen, Philadelphia, Pa.; E. L. Jansen, Chicago, Ill., W. *D. Baker, St. Louis, Mo.; S. T. Bowen, Indianapolis, Ind. ; R. Crampton, Rock Island, Ill. The Convention adjourned. THIRD DAY, JULY 15TH, FIRST SESSION. The convention met at 10.30 A. M. While waiting for the Committee of Thirty, the presi- dent called on a number of those present to give their experience, and several short ad dresses were made. Mr. Erastus Darrow, of Rochester, N. Y., said the University of Rochester was established twenty-five years ago, and he had experienced the same trouble as other dealers had in college towns, that of being under- sold by the publishers. Bookselling should be more of a profession than it is. He came into this movement late, but was in hearty accord with it now, and was helping to form an association for Western New York, to include Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo, Elmira, Owe- go and other towns. Mr. J. C. Sterling, of Watertown, N. Y., said he had maintained regular prices. He could see no consistency in giving clergymen a discount, or anybody else out- side of the trade. His only trouble had been a “ninety- nine cent store,” but as the proprietor knew but little about books, and did not keep what the people wanted, he had been but little patronized. Mr. Clauder, of Bethlehem, Pa., said he had been in the business but six years, but he had had the same ex- perience as the rest. Five years ago he tried to get the order for the school supplies in his town, and was astonished to find that they changed their books every year and got them for little or nothing. This they did till the legislature passed a law requiring them to use the same books three years. Mr. Samuel Sackett, of Monroe, Mich., said he had had no trouble about prices. He did not understand the twenty per cent. rule to apply to everybody, as some dealers in our large cities seemed to believe. He had no complaint to make of the publishers, who had treated 27,o THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS Guide. him fairly, and in Monroe, even Vinegar Bitters sold at full retail prices, and no discounts to clergymen or schoolmasters. There should be no discount to any- body but the trade, and that is what the reform must come to. Mr. W. H. Watkins, of Waco, Texas, said that in his section, until within a few years, their distance from other markets had saved them from many of the troubles complained of by others, but lately the increased facili- ties afforded by the railroads and telegraph have thrown them into competition with the distant publishers Mr. Shepard, of the firm of Mat. Foster & Co., Kansas City, Mo., said that before the Put-in-Bay meeting he had come to the conclusion that he had missed his call- ing—that bookselling was not profitable. Since that meeting things had worked better. The greatest ob- jection to selling to clergymen at a discount was that they would frequently send their friends to purchase at the same prices. Publishers, when sending books by mail, should add the postage to the price. Mr. Putnam, of New York, said his house had pub- lished a book designed for teachers only, and on sending out 1,200 circulars, they received only twelve orders by mail. He did not think the mail business of the pub- lishers had any perceptible influence on the trade. The President announced the appointment of the following coxſwitTEE ON CIRCULAR LETTERs. A. D. F. Randolph, New York; Wm. Lee, Boston; A. C. McClurg, Chicago; George Wood, Philadelphia; J. H. Cushing, Baltimore, Md. A meeting of the retailer booksellers had been called for 8 A.M., but the early hour had prevented anybody from attending but Mr. W. H. Watson, of Aurora, Ill., who now presented the following report, causing much laughter: At a very enthusiastic meeting of the retail dealers, held this morning at 8 o'clock, it was unanimously resolved to retail books at thirty per cent. discount, in order to compete with publishers. When, this resolution was carried, the applause was loud and enthusiastic. . Being the only retailer present, I elected myself chairman of the meeting, and was likewise compelled to elect myself secretary. * (Signed) W. H. WATSON. Mr. Lee, from the Committee of Thirty, submitted the following report : * The Committee of Thirty recommend to the Con- vention the following resolutions: 1st, Resolved, That Article VIII. of the Constitution be amended to read as follows: VIII. The Committee on Arbitration shall take cog- mizance of all complaints made by members for al- leged infraction of the By-Laws and agreements of this Association. They shall endeavor, if possible, to recon- cile all parties, and if not successful, may publish in the official organ of the Trade a complete statement of the case, with their conclusions, and present the same to the Association at its next meeting. 2. Resolved, That the following be adopted as a By-Law: An underseller, in the meaning of this Association, is defined to be a dealer, whether a member of this organ- ization or not, who, in practice violates its By-Laws and agreements as to the sale of books; this fact having first been proven to the satisfaction of the Arbitration Committee of this Association. * 3d. Resolved, ...That this Association delegate to the Central Booksellers' Association the duty of presenting and urging the assent of all Pºlº to the resolutions protecting the trade adopted by this Convention. 4th. Whereas, The increasing importation of English books at merely nominal rates. is enabling foreigners to Supply the American market at prices so low that nei- ther the honest importer nor the American publisher can possibly compete with them, thus injuring the rev- enue of the United States and rendering the publica- tions of American authors unprofitable ; therefore, Resolved, That a standing committee of five be ap- pointed to suggest measures for the proper enforcement of the present revenue laws, and to prepare a memorial to Congress to secure such legislation as may be neces- sary for the future. The first three resolutions were adopted without debate. * The fourth resolution provoked a lengthy and animated discussion. Mr. Randolph left the chair and earnestly opposed the resolution as going beyond the province of this As- sociation. He was tired of the red flag of protection. The passage of the resolution would introduce a fire. brand which could not be put out. Mr. William Lee, of Boston, said these foreign books fill our booksellers' shelves, and injure American pub. lications. They are made cheaply, and pay duties on Only nominal prices, and it must be remembered that the foreign publishers with branches in this country do not join our Association. Mr. Sheldon, of New York, complimented Mr. Ran- dolph on his zeal for the welfare of the trade, and said the difference between him and others on this matter was not a real one. The question was not one of tariff, but one of simple justice. An honest importer now has no chance, and the suppression of fraudulent competi- tion was necessary to build up American letters. - Mr. Coates, of Philadelphia, said that all we ask is that dishonest importations be checked. Mr. H. O. Houghton, of Cambridge, Mass., being called upon said, that this is an association of American booksellers, and what is in the interest of one is in the interest of all. A bookseller is something more than a tradesman. We are all free traders or protectionists as it suits us. Mr. Randolph is a free trader in everything except religion. He spoke of the late English move- ment to protect their literature, and said we should do something to protect ours. To be sure we had revenue laws, but we all knew that they were not strictly en- forced. A paper maker recently offered to take for paper stock a large lot of imported books at their ap- praised value, on which the duty was collected. Seven- eighths of the cost of our stereotype plates is for manual labor, while the price of English books, for this market, is based on the cost of paper and printing only. He read statistics from the last census to show that impor- tations were constantly increasing to the great injury of American authors and bookmakers. Our Sunday schools are filled with namby-pamby books from England, teach- ing children to be respectful to their masters, because in THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 271 England they believed that one set of men were born to serve another set. We should protect and foster a home literature for ourselves and for our children, to prepare them for American citizenship. Professor Agassiz told the speaker that if American literature could be fostered this would be the greatest country in the world for in- vestigation. Mr. Putnam, of New York, thought the question too impo, tant to be discussed here in the brief time that can be given to it. Mr. Arnold, of Detroit, objected to the statement that there was dishonesty in all the custom houses. Mr. Stevens, of Cincinnati, favored the resolution in the interest of honesty. At this point Mr. S. T. Bowen, of Indiana- polis, Ind., moved the following as a substi- tute for the resolution under discussion : Resolved, That a standing committee of fiye, consist- ing of H. O. Houghton, J. W. Harper, Jos. M. Cushing, Robert Clarke, and George Wood, be appointed, whose duty it shall be to investigate the º irregularities in the importation of books, especially in reference to our revenue laws, to take such action in the premises as they may find necessary, and report the result of their labors to this Association at its next meeting, re- commending such action as the facts may demand. Mr. Randolph said our exportations were not incon- siderable. He sold both plates and editions to England. He thought the passage of the resolution would prevent the respectable English houses in New York from co- operating with us on the twenty per cent. rule. Mr. Houghton read further statistics to show that our books exported bore no proper ratio to the impor- tations. In 1872 our exports were $710,330, imports $2,610,000. In 1873, exports $713,984, imports $2,916,354. In 1874, exports $589,928, imports $2,663,487. It is im- possible to enforce our present revenue laws. This is not a publisher's matter alone. It is legitimately here, as a question which effects the vital interests of the trade. The resolution was finally laid on the table, and the Convention adjourned to 4 P.M. THIRD DAY. SECOND SESSION. The Convention met at 4.30 P.M. The treasurer reported his receipts up to June 23, 1875, $884. Expenditures, $600. Balance on hand, $284. The report was adopted. Mr. R. R. Bowker, of the committee of five to revise the 20 per cent. rule, reported the following: e Resolved, That the American Book Trade Association pledges itself to maintain, and urges upon the entire trade the absolute necessity of maintaining, the Pub- lishers' advertised retail prices in all sales to buyers out- side the trade, excepting that a reduction, not to exceed ten per cent. on medical books, and twenty per cent. on all other classes of books, including educational, may be allowed to the following classes only: , Public libra- ries, including circulating and Sunday-school; clergy- men and professional teachers; professional books to professional buyers; large buyers, said purchasers buy. ing wholly for their own use, and in the case of the ex- ceptions made by the Publishers' Board of Trade. In case the rules of this Association should, under excep- tional circumstances, work injustice to any dealer in competition with other parties, said dealer may state his case to the Arbitration Committee, and this com- mittee shall have power to authorizo him to take such measures as will meet the emergency, after notice has been given and the like liberty granted to the other dealers directly concerned. Mr. James Campbell, of Boston, was opposed to the Whole of this twenty per cent. business. The manufac- turer should not fix a price and then provide for breaking it. Bookselling is a business, and should be conducted on business principles. No publisher is honest who makes a price and uniformly breaks it. Two-thirds of the prices as fixed by the publishers are fancy prices, Which we cannot get. Since the publishers must make the retail prices, let them give us honest prices which We can get, then let us combine and hold to those prices. Publishers have no business to make a discount to any- body outside of the trade, and as long as they do it the trade will be demoralized. He remembered the time when a publisher who did it would be hooted. The manufacturer should look after his goods and protect the retailer. I have tried for years to correct the practice of underselling, and now I come here and am asked to Sign an agreement to allow publishers to do just what I have been trying to prevent them from doing. He could not see what reform there is in officially sanction- ing as a legitimate privilege what everybody has decried as unfair. - Mr. Nicholson, of Richmond, Ind., thought that we could not go beyond this resolution for the present. Mr. Randolph said that it would take many resolutions to crush out the evils which have been the slow growth of years. This was a great step in advance. We are in a better situation now than we have been for fifteen years, and the prospects for the future are bright. The resolution was adopted. Mr. A. C. Barnes, in a very humorous speech, formally presented to Mr. Martin Tay- łor Mr. Clarke's gift of Crandall’s acrobats. Mr. Taylor made a witty reply, and the whole affair was very amusing. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved: That the twenty per cent. rule shall go into operation on the 1st of August next ; Ičesolved: That the Committee on Assemblies be re- quested to tender to the Messrs. Gale & Fuller, the pro- prietors of the International Hotel, the thanks of this Convention for the courteous and generous manner in which the delegates have been entertained. and the liberal deductions made from the regular terms. Resolved : That the thanks of the Convention be tendered to the following persons for courtesies and facilities extended: W. C. Gould, of the Erie Railway: Mr. McChan, of the Canada Southern Railway; Messrs. Nielson & Townsend, of the Prospect Park; J. B. Rhodes, of the New Suspension Bridge, and also to the proprietors of the Prospect Park for the use of their commodious pavilion for the sessions of the Convention; to the railway companies who have transported dele- gates at reduced fares; to the hospitable proprietors of the hotels generally, and of the various places of interest 272 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. at Niagara, and to all who have contributed to the comfort and pleasure of those interested. Resolved : That the thanks of the Association be tendered to the Publishers' Weekly, the American Book- sellers’ Guide, and the daily press of Buffalo and Niagara Falls. - Mr. Lee, from the Committee on Nomina- tions, reported the following names of officers for the coming year, all of whom were unanimously elected : President—A. D. F. Randolph, of New York. First Vice-President—Martin Taylor, of Buffalo. Second Vice-President–Wesley Jones, of Burlington, Iowa. - * Third Vice-President—John B. Piet, of Baltimore, Md. . Treasurer–Timothy Nicholson, of Richmond, Ind. Recording Secretary—Joseph Knight, of Troy, N. Y. Eacecutive Committee—William Lee of Boston; Alfred C. Barnes, of New York; J. Abner Harper, of New York; J. B. Lippincott, of Philadelphia; E. L. Jansen, of Chicago; C. S. Bragg, of Cincinnati; W. D. Baker, of St. Louis; Isaac C. Aston, of Columbus, O.; H. H. West, of Milwaukee, Wis.; A. F. Payne, of Dayton, O. Committee on Assemblies—R. R. Bowker, of New York; B. H. Ticknor, of Boston; C. A. Clapp, of New York; George E. Stevens, of Cincinnati; B. B. Crew, of Atlanta, Ga. Committee on Arbitration—Isaac E. Sheldon, of New York; Walter S. Appleton, of New York; Hiram Hadley, of Chicago; J. M. Cushing, Jr., of Baltimore ; J. R. Osgood, of Boston. €onvuºittee on Finance—S. T. Bowen, of Indianapolis, Ind. ; W. H. Watson, of Aurora, Ill. ; R. D. Barney, of Cincinnati; George Remsen, of Philadelphia; Charles Humphrey, of Adrian, Mich. Mr. Lee moved that the Executive Commit- tee be authorized to employ a clerk for the Executive and Arbitration Committees. Car- Died. Mr. Lee moved to amend the Constitution by adding “the President shall be ex-officio a member of all the committees.” Carried. Mr. Lee moved that The Publishers' Weekly report the proceedings of the convention. Carried. Mr. Graves moved that the booksellers of Boston be notified that the twenty per cent. rule will go into effect August 1st. Carried. Mr. Stevens moved a vote of thanks to Mr. J. W. Gunn, of Springfield, Ohio, who was foremost among the early leaders of the move- ment for reform. Carried. President Randolph addressed the conven- - tion as follows: Perhaps some other business or profession might have made me better known to the world than the one which I selected in early youth; but in no profession could I find a nobler work than to lift this cause, which lies so near my heart, to a higher place. Gentlemen, I want to congratulate you here, as I had the honor of doing at Put-in-Bay last year, on the unanimity manifested in these meetings. The spirit that has animated you is confined to no narrow locality; it is far-reaching and of incalculable importance in molding the character of our people. You know that it is an easy and a pleasant thing to come together to discuss plans, to pass resolu- tions; but be they never so good or numerous, they will be of little avail unless we make up our minds that there is work to be done, and plenty of it. And when you go home, you should be active in founding local orgaiza- tions, so that a public sentiment in the right direction may be aroused. I beseech you not to be suspicious of each other, not to lend too willing an ear to the voice of detraction, for you will invariably find that one-half of these rumors amount to nothing Let us have faith in this movement and in each other. It may be said—in fact, I know it will be said—that thi movement will fail. It rests with you, gentlemen, to say whether you will allow it to fail. If I know you, you will not, and I think I do know you. And now, above all, let no one for any private grievance or imagined injury, say, “I will with- draw from this association.” You all know that in the Gospel it is related that Paul at one time took ship and put out to sea, that a great storm arose, and the crew besought him to let them seek the shore. You remem- ber his words: “Except ye abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.” They abode in the ship and they were saved. Abide in the Association, and your safety will be assured, and the cause of reform honored by your presence: I count it a huppy omen that, although when in memo- ry I turn back for a score of years, I find the apostles of the book trade at that time passing away, yet they are not absent in spirit. Their places are occupied by their sons, who are fully as eager to preserve the trade in its integ- rity as were their fathers before them. While we live, let each one seek not only to make the world better, but to lift up and maintain this grand movement of ours. In a few days we shall go our separate ways, many to part forever. I pray that you may all be blessed abundantly with the gifts that come from above. At the close of the address the Convention adjourned. —sº-Q-º- THE Rook TRADE FAIR. The first Booksellers' Exchange or Fair, substitute for the trade auction sales, was beld at the salesrooms of Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., New York, commencing Monday morning, July 19th, and closing Saturday noon, July 24th. There was a fuller display of books than was ever before made in this country, and the display of stationery was also very fine. About one hundred publishers were represented, some offering their full stock, others only specialties. The greatest display was probably made by Harper & Bros., whose tables and racks contained over 4,000 Sample copies. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 273 The amount of sales for the week has not yet been reported, but it is probably in the neighborhood of $200,000. The largest sales were of school-books, they being in season, and the extra time offered operating as a strong inducement to buyers. In miscellane- ous books the largest bills were sold by those houses whose books are held stiffly, and who offered special discounts during the week. The Harpers, for instance, gave 40 per cent. on their books. The school-book publishers, as a rule, refused to give better than their usual rates. Comparatively little stationery was sold, some houses not selling a single bill. But little dissatisfaction is expressed, however, many of those who were disappointed in their Sales arguing that the opportunity of display- ing their goods will bring them orders in the fall. As a display of books and stationery, the fair was a success, whatever may be thought of it as an exchange and clearing- house. Many objections were made by sellers to the five per cent. commission, and by buyers to the rule in regard to indorsements, but with some modifications of the plan the fair may be made a permanent success. Buyers and sellers alike are unanimous in their opinion that this one was held too early in the season, and another to be held in October is talked of but the Committee are as yet undecided. The following is a list of the houses whose goods were offered : BOOK PUBLISHERS AND JOBBERS. Adams, Victor & Co. -- - - - . . . . . . ----...----- INew York. American News Co - - - - - - !----------------- { % American S. S. Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. American Tract Society. . . . . . . . . . . .----------- Boston. Appleton, D. & Co. ------------------------ New York. Authors' Pub. Co. ------------------------- f : Baird, Henry Car y & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Philadelphia. Barnes, A. S. & Co ------------------------ New York. Bliss, F. C. & Co. ----------------------- Yewark, N. J. Bliss, R. W. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hartford, Ct. Brewer & Tileston - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boston. Burlock, S. D. & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Philadelphia. Carleton, G. W. & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Cassell. Petter & Galpin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { * Clark & Milyuard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- { * Claremont Manufg. Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Claremont, N. Eſ. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. Collins & Bro - - - -------------------------- New York. Cummiskey, E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e º ºs º ºs e a s = s. Philadelphia. Davis, Robert S. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- Boston. Denham, A. & Co. -------------------. ----- New York. Desilver, Charles. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Philadelphia. Dick & Fitzgerald ... -- -----------...----- New York. Ditson, Oliver & Co. . . . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Boston. Dodd & Mead. -----------------. . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Dutton, E. P. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * = * * { { Ford, J. B. & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • * * * * ( & Gill, William F. & Co. - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Boston. Graves, A. F. ------------------. . . . . . . . . . . ----- * { Hale. E. J. & Son. ------------------- - - - - - INew York. Happy Hours Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Harding, William W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- Philadelphia. Haverty, P. M. ----------------------...--- . New York. Hinton, Henry L. . . . . . --------------------. § { Holman, A. J. & Co - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * Tºhiladelphia. Holt, Henry & Co -----. . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - New York. Hurd & Houghton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { { Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Kehoe, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------- § { Relly, T - . . . .----------------------------- § { Relly, Piet & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Baltimore Rennedy, P. J.---------------------------. New York. Lee, Shepard & Dillingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Lee & Shepard. --...---------------------------. Boston. Lippincott, J. B. & Co... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. Little, Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . . ------------...--- Boston. Locke & Bubier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-----...----- { { Lockwood, Brooks & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § { Lothrop D. & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( * Macmillan & Co. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INew York. McKinney, H. N. & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. McLoughlin Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Merriam, G. & C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield, Mass. Miller, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Murray Hill Pub. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ & Nelson & Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • { Nelson, Thomas & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - { { - Nichols & Hall.--------------------------...--- Boston- Nims, H. B. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troy, N. Y. O'Shea, P. -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - INew York- Osgood, James R. ---------------------. . . . . . . . . Boston- Patterson, F. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Peterson, T. B. & Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. Porter & Coates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Potter. John E. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Pott, Young & Co. . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York- Potter, Ainsworth & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { % Prang, L. & Co ------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- Boston- Putnam's Sons. G. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Randolph. A. D. F. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ! { - Roberts Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------------- Boston- Routledge, Geo. & Sons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York. Sabin, J. & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '- - - - - - - - - - - - New York- Sadlier. D. &. J. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § { Schaefer & Koradi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. Schmidt, L. W. ---------------------------- New York- Scribner, Armstrong & Co. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - § { Scribner. Welford & Armstrong. . . . . . . . . . . . { { Sheldon & Co.. -----------------. . . . . . . . . . . . ! ſ Somerby, Charles P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Souder, S. T. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - Philadelphia- Strong. T. W. . . . . . ------------------------- New York. Taylor, Martin . ------------------------------. Buffalo. Thompson. Brown & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. |University Publishing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. United States Publishing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § { Virtue & Yorston. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. § { Van Nostrand, 1). --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { { Warren & Wyman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Widdleton, W. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Wiley, John & Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----. { { Wood, William & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { World Publishing House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Worthington, R. & Co... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {{ MANU FACTURERS AND JOBBFRS OF - - STATION ERY. Aiken, Lambert & Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York- American NeWS Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { { American Lead Pencil Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Anderson & Cameron ---------------------. § { Anthony, E. & H. T. & Co. -----. . . . . . ----- { { Artemus & Co --------------------------- I’hiladelphia Baker, Pratt & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Berlin & Jones Envelope Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - .- - - * { Bradley, Milton & Co. . . . . . --- - - - - - - - Springfield, Mass. Brown, Edward E. . . . . . . . . . . . - * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * New York. Calm & Zinn. ------------------------------ º Carter, Dinsmore & Co. -------------------- º Chamberlin, Whitmore & Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - { * Dowell's. R. B. Son ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { { Dubernet, L. ------. ------------------------ ! { Dunkinson, F. H. & Co . ------------------- $ t Eagle Pencil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------- º Emack, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--------. ... ". . . Gladding, John & Son . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - .. Philadelphia. Holyoke Paper Co ... -----. . . . . . . ------- Holyoke, Mass. Horsman, E. I.----------------------------- New York. Ives & Alfred. . . . . . . . . --------------------- { { Kaufmann & Jonas. ------------------------ { { Koch, Sons & Co. . . . . ---------------------- { { e Lewison & Blythe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ St. Louis. Levys, Henry & Son. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York. Liebenroth, Von Auw & Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - § { Manhattan Book Co. . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - § { Massasoit Paper Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Holyoke, Mass. Morgan Envelope Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Springfield, Mass. 274 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Pattbérg, Lewis & Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... New York. Plummer, C. S - - - - ---------------------. Newark, N. J. Porter & Bainbridge. . . . . ------------------- New York. Powers Paper Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield, Mass. Pratt, Charles D. --...---------...--...-...----- New York. Preble, J. Q. & Co. ------------...- . . . . . . . . . { { Raynor, Samuel & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • { Rubens & Co. ---------------. . . . . ---------- • { St. John, Joseph L. P. & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ Selchow & Co . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i č Sneider, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Springfield Envelope Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield, Mass. Steiger, E.--------------------------------. New York. Taber, Charles & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Bedford. Mass. Todd, Edward & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. |Union Ink & Paper Co. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield, Mass. Union Paper Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holyoke, Mass. United States Soapstone Manuf'g Co. . . . . Cincinnati, O. Van Everen, P. F. - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York. Wallach, Willy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { Whiting Paper Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holyoke, Mass. Worthy Paper Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mittineaque, Mass. THE TRADE DINNER. "On the evening of July 23d, at the St James Hotel, about two hundred members of the book trade, with a few invited guests, partici- pated in the first, dinner ever given to the trade in the United States. It was quite an informal affair, but a very pleasant one, hurriedly arranged by a committee consisting of Charles A. Clapp, Walter Appleton, B. H. Ticknor, Robert Porter, and Joseph Knight. After full justice had been done to the several courses, Mr. Randolph, who presided, made a happy little speech, and gave as a toast “The American Book Trade.” Responses were made by Col. Jansen of Chicago, and Wesley Jones of Burlington, Iowa, J. W. Harper of New York, and Mr. Kimball of Philadelphia. Mr. Bainbridge spoke for the Printing and Sta- tionery trades, Mr. Henry Holt for New , England, and Mr. A. C. Barnes for the early Reform Movement. Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman and Colonel Waring responded to a toast to American Authors, and Mr. Brown of the Post and Mr. Bowker of the Trilºurie spoke for the Press. Mr. Plummer, of Newark, New Jersey, read some clever rhymes on the stationers who exhibited at the Fair. At an early hour Mr. Randolph suggested that the trade set a good example and not stay late, and the diners retired in the best of humor with themselves and each other, and convinced that there are many worse callings than that of a bookseller or stationer. - - - ---sº º- A. New PLAN FO R AN Association. The following reaches us now for the first time. As we did not hear of it at the Conven- tion, we suppose it was not adopted by the book- sellers of Chicago, where it seems to have originated. As it contains some novel feat- ures, we give it a place in our columns. Tor the purpose of uniting the Publishers and Book- sellers of the United States into a more permanent organ- f ization, and endowing such organization with greater executive. power, the Associated BookSELLERs of z CHICAGO are united in proposing to the AMERICAN BOOKSELLElts' ASSOCIATION the following outline of a plan: ASSOCIATION FOIRMEL). Form a corporation, or joint-stock association, com- posed of Publishers and Booksellers. The capital stock of this association to be one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), divided into ten thousand (10,000) shares of ten (10) dollars each. None but publishers and book. sellers to be allowed to subscribe to the stock, and the certificate of stock to constitute evidence of membership. The stock to be issued as new members are admitted. 13OO KSELLER DEFIN ED. A Bookseller is a person, firm, or corporation keeping for sale publicly a stock of books and stationery amount- ing to at least one thousa.d. dollars at cost price, and Apaying taa!es on the same. Country merchants dealing in general merchandise, who are otherwise qualified as before specified, and who keep books of tie cost value of two hundred dollars or more, may be regarded as booksellers. I’arties who occupy, for the sale of books, rooms in colleges or other school-buildings, teachers, and school-boards, are not booksellers. PUBLISHER DEFINIED. A Publisher is one who has the qualification of a book- seller, and who also publishes books. GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION. The Association to be governed by a Board of Direc- tors, consisting of twenty-five members, who shall select from their number five members, residents of New York City, as an executive committee. This committee, be- tween the sessions of the Board, to have entire charge of all the affairs of the Asseciation, and to decide all questions that may come before it, its decision to be final, unless reversed at a meeting of the full Board. Meetings of the full Board to be held at least as often as once a year, immediately after the annual election. NEW Al EMBEl{S. New members may be admitted by a vote of the Exec- utive Committee, who are to meet weekly to consider all applications for membership; these applications to be accompanied by such proofs as shall be prescribed by the Association. New members not to be entitled to the benefits of the Association until they have been inem- bers for at least fifteen days. GENERAL OFFICIE. The Association to have its office in the city of New York, in charge of the Secretary, who shall receive a salary for his services. A weekly circular to be issued and sent to all members, which circular shall contain official notice of changes in discount, names of new members, etc. A revised list of members to be published once a year. The expenses of this office, printing, &c., would be defrayed by the interest on the capital and a nominal charge for subscription to the official journal of the Association. RIGHTS OF MEMBERS. Rights of members to cease whenever they cease to THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 275 have the necessary qualifications. Members may be ex- pelled for cause, but in all cases the Association to buy at cost the stock certificate of all parties ceasing to be members. TRANSFER OF SHARES. Shares of stock may be transferred between members of the Association, under such regulations as may be prescribed, but in no case without the consent of the board or the Executive Committee. The certificates could provide for the possible forfeit of rights for any cause that might work a forfeit. PUBLISHERS' DISCOUNTS. Publishers to give to members of the Association, and to no one else, certain discounts from retail prices, to be hereafter fixed, but in all cases uniform to members of the Association. It is intended that each publisher shall fix this discount on his own publications, subject only to the restrictions that it shall be regulated by the quantity purchased; shall be uniform on his entire list, and shall not be changed without thirty days' previous notice to be given to the Secretary of the Association. JOB13ERS' DISCOUNTS TO THEIR CUSTOMERS. No member of the Association to be permitted to sell the publications of another member at a price that is not at least twelve and one-half (12%) per cent. advance on the lowest price at which the publisher supplies the same to Imembers of the Association. WEIO GET I) ISCO UNTS. * Members of the Association are to give discounts to no one outside the organization. BOOKS FOR INTRODUCTION. The giving of discounts to schools for first introduction to be abolished entirely; also the custom of giving new books in exchange for those already in use. It is be- lieved that the giving of any discount in these cases, to- gether with the vicious custom of granting discounts to clergymen, professional men, and students, is at the bottom of most of the evils under which the trade is laboring. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. George Sherwood & Co.— School-books.2d page of cover, Book Circular. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3d “ § { T. B. Peterson & Bros.-New Books... 4th “ { { Books Wanted.------------...----------------- Page 291 Books for Sale-------------------------------. “ 291 G. Stinson & Co.--------...------------------. ** 291 New York Book Concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 29 | E. & B.T. Anthony & Co.—Perforated Mottoes, 291 Payne, Holden & Co.—Holden's Book Cover... “ 29] Banner of Light.----------------------------- “ 291 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . “ 291 Gillott's Pens. -------------------------------- “ 292 George Munro–Comic Speaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 292 Hurd & Houghton—School-books. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 292 , Spencerian Pens . . . . . . ------------------------ “ 293 A. J. Fisher—Automatic Book Clamp. . . . . . . . “ 394 P. F. Van Everen – Perforated Numbers . . . . . . “ 204 American News Company—Juvenile Books... “ 295 P. F. Van Everen—Adjustable Book Cover... “ 296 New York Blank Book Company ( * , sº as * * * * * * * * * * * * R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books. . . . . . “ 297 S. T. Gordon & Son—Silver Threads of Song... “ 298 The Crimson Star. ------...--...... ... --------. “ 298 Dick's English Classics . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ 299 American News Comp'y—Books & Stationery “ 300 SELECT LIST OF * USEFUL HANDBOOKS, P||lláſ MisſºllāIB|IS WITS, —e O-6– The following are being steadily advertised, and sell steadily and surely, though not largely. They are mainly specialties, and compete with no other stock. The publishers prefer to sup- ply demand through regular trade, but have to mail to some large towns. Dealers having inquiries for any of these books can order through the News Companies, who are gene- ral agents: - Watchmaker and Jeweler's Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 Carpenter’s Manual (ready April 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Painter’s Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painting. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Soapmaker’s Manual.----------------. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Horseshoer’s Manual. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Slow Horses made Fast (system of improving speed, to which Dexter owes his supremacy. Endorsed by ROBERT BONNER, Esq.). . . . . . . 50 Book of Scrolls and Ornaments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Book of Alphabets (for Painters, &c.). . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Common Sense Cook Book. . . . . . . . . . . . .----------- 25 Detectives’ Club. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Rogues and Rogueries of New York... . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Tricks on Travelers. . . . . . . . .--------------------- 15 Night Side of New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Barkeeper's Manual (only professional work of the kind—standard authority of New York profession).-------------------------------- 50 Art of Training Animals. ---------------. . . . . . . . . 50 Guide to Authorship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Secrets Worth Knowing (1,000 recipes for profit- able manufactures, &c.). -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Phonographic Handbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Employment Soeker's Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Improvement of Memory. - ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Comicalities ------------------------------------- 25 Hunter and Trapper's Guide. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 Rapid Reckoning (system of the famous “Light- ning Calenlator”).-----...----------------- 25 Handbook of Wentriloquism (a really practical little guide, with examples for practice). . . . 15 Houdin the Conjuror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------- 50 Taxidermist’s Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Self-Cure of Stammering. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Home Recreations. ------------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Spirit Mysteries Exposed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Handbook of Dominoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- 15 Hair Ornaments (for jewelry and souvenirs. Sale of book very small). - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Fun Everlasting---------------------------------- 15 [3° These books will give satisfaction to customers, and afford the usual profit. Order of your Wholesale House, pº"All the News Companies keep full stock. 276 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Rook ANNouncements FOR August. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Paralysis from Brain Disease in its Common Forms. By H. Charlton Bastian, M.D., F.R.S. 12mo, cloth. Climate and Tissue. By Sir Jas. Croll. and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Household Book of Poetry. C. A. Dana. 8vo, cloth. With maps New edition. By Liſe of the Greeks and Romans. By E. Guhl and W. Konen. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, $6. Concordance to Pope’s Works. By Edwin Ab- bott. 8vo, cloth, $4. Clinical Lectures on Surgery. By Sir Jas. Paget. 8vo, cloth. Insectivorous Plants. By Chas. Darwin. 12mo, cloth - A. S. BARNES & Co., New York. Test Speller. By Pooler. 16mo, half bound. Practical Ethics. By Mrs. Fletcher. 12mo, full cloth. CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. Early History of the Disciples in the West- ern Reserve–Ohio. By A. S. Hayden. 12tuo, 480 pp., cloth, $2.10. Scriptural Sanctification. By J. C. Tully. 24 pp , paper, 10c. 12mo, G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Inſelice. A Novel. By August:l J. Evans, - Glimpses of the Supernatural. By Rev. Frede- rick G. Lee. Reprinted from last London edition. Janet Doncaster. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Fawcett. Ye Vampyres. A Legend of the Betting Ring. Recollections of a Detective. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters; or, the Ro mance of Sporting. New edition. By C. W. Webber. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, $2. Edith’s Ministry. New edition. McKeever, 12tno, cloth extra, $2 Woodcliff. New edition. By Harriet B. McKeever. 12mo, cloth extra, $2. - - The Young Marooners on the Florida. Coast; or, Robert and Harold. New and enlarged edi- tion. By F. R. Goulding. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Two Thousand Years After ; or, A Talk in a Cemetery. By John Darby. 12mo, cloth, $1. By Harriet B. CALLAGHAN & Co., Chicago. Wisconsin Hºeports. Vol. XXXV. By O. M. Como. wer. 8vo, 750 pp., law sheep, $4.50. Moore’s Civil Justice. A Treatise on the Jurisdic- tion and Practice before Justices of the Peace in Civil Ac tions in the State of Illinois. By J. M. Moore. 8vo, 1000 pp., law sheep, $7.50. PATRICK DONAHOE, Boston. Theologia Moralis. Part III. tion, substantially bound, $6. ESTES & LAURLAT, Boston. A Woman’s Ransom. By F. W. Robinson. 8vo, . . .412 pp., paper, 75c. $1.50. Second edi- ELDREDGE & BRO., Philadelphia, Elements of Physical Geography. By E. J. Houston, A.M. 4to, 160 pp., half arabesque, cloth sides, & Germania, Agricola, and Dialogue on Ora- tors of Tacitus. By George Stuart, A.M. 16mo, 236 pp., half arabesque, cloth sides, $1.25. P. GARRETT & CO., Philadelphia. Ome Hundred Choice Selections. No. 11. By Phineas Garrett. 12mo, 200 pp., paper, 30c.; cloth, 75c. Uniform with the Series. GARRIGUES BROS., Philadelphia. Choice Dialogues. First Series. 196 pp., 60c. Choice Dialogues. Second Series. 196 pp., 60c. GINN BROS., Boston. Latin Composition, being a Sequel to the Method. To consist of two parts: the first containing Exercises on the Constructions of Syntax, with Vocabulary (transla- tion into Latin for practice in Syntax, introductory to Composition proper) ; the second, Practice in Writing Latin, adapted to the use of advanced or college classes (free Composition, i.e., translation of continuous passages from Euglish into Latin). Full Preparatory Course of Latin Prose without Vocabulary), containing four books of Caesar’s Gallic War, Sallust's Catiline, eight Orations of Cicero, and the Cato Major. Second Preparatory Course of Latin Prose. (with Vocabulary), containing four books of Caesar’s Gallic War, and eight Orations of Cicero. . First Lessons in Greek. Prepared to accompany Goodwin's Greek Grammar, and designed as an Introduc- tion to his Greek, Reader. By John Williams White, A.M., Tutor in Greek in Harvard College. The Firth, or High School Music Reader for Mixed Voices. By Julius Eichberg, General Super- Visor of Musical Instruction of Boston Public Schools. Select Orations of Lysia.s. Hudson’s Text-book of Poetry. For use in Schools and classes. Consisting of selections from Words- worth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Goldsmith, and Thomson. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. Norse Mythology; or, The Religion of our Forefathers. Containing all the Myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted. With vocabulary and index. By R. B. Anderson, Professor of Scandinavian Langu”ges in the University of Wisconsin. Royal 12mo, 473 pp., $2.50. Three Months in the Orient; also, Life in Rome, and the Vienna Exposition. By Orville Justus Bliss. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth, $1.25. JESSE HANEY & CO., New York. Painters’ Mannual. Revised and considerably en- larged edition, 100 pp., paper, 50c. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Jean. A Novel. By Mrs. Newman. 8vo, paper, 50c. The Calderwood Secret. A Novel. By Virginia W. Johnson. 8vo, paper, 50c. St. Simon's Niece. A Novel. By Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, paper. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 277 E. J. HALE & SON, New York. Was She n Boy #. A book of Hoosier Mosaics. By Maurice Thompson. Cloth, $1.25. * HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. White Ladies. By Mrs. Oliphant. The Habermeister. By Hermann Schmidt, INDUSTRIAL PUB. CO., New York. The Pistol as a Weapon of Defense in the House and on the Road. 12mo, cloth, 50c. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. Swinton’s Elementary Course in Geogra- phy. Designed as a class-book for primary and inter- mediate grides ; and as a complete Shorter Course for ungraded Schools. 8vo, 128 pp., $1. Swinton’s Complete Course in Geography, Physical, Industrial, and Political ; with a special Geo. graphy for each State in the Union. Designed as a class- book for intermediate and grammar grades. 4to, 136 pp., $1.80 Progressive Art Studies. Elementary Series. By George G. White. The Series is comprised in 48 Cards, neatly inclosed in envelopes of 12 each, with duplicate sheets of Drawing Paper, and an accompanying Manual of Instructions for each set. Each set is designated as follows ; A. Lincs and their Combinations, 50c.; B. Cubic Diagrams, 50c.; C. Light and Shade, 75c.; D. Prac tical Studies, 75c. JOHNSON, WILSON & CO., New York. Our Country: A Household History for all Readers. By B. J. Lossing. Parts 5 and 6, 4to, 32 pp., serial, 25c, each. Subscription. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. Vision : Its Optical Defects and the Adaptation of Spec- tacles. With numerous engravings on wood, and selec- tions from Jaeger & Snelleu's test types. By C. S. Fenner, M. D. 8vo, 300 pp., cloth. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia, Allibone’s Prose Quotations. Prose Quotntions from Socrates to Macaulay. With Indexes. Authors, 544; Subjects, 571 ; Quotations, 8810. By S. Austin Allibone. Svo. The History of Co-operation in England : Its Literature and its Advocates. By George Jacob Holyoake. The Bric-a-Brac Hunter; or, Chapters China- mouin. By Major H. Byng Hall. 12mo. Pennsylvania. Scenery. The Railroad Scenery of Pennsylvania. A Handbook for Tourists. With 79 illustrations, Large 8vo. The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. Sketches and Descriptions from the Note-book of an Explorer. By Franz Keller, Engineer. With 68 illustrations on Wood. Royal 8vo. Under the Storks’ Nest. A Romance. From the German of A. E. Katsch. By Emily R. Steinestel. The Nervous System. Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. By Jerome K. Bauduy, M.D. 8vo. LITTI.E, BROWN & CO., Boston. United States Digest. New Series. g Vol. V. By Benj. Vaughan Abbott. 8vo, law sheep, $6. - D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. The Temperance Reformation, and its Claims upon the Christian Church. By Rev. James Smith, of Scotland. Prize Essay, for which 250 guineas were awarded. 8vo, cloth, $2. JOHN P. MORTON & CO., Louisville. New Fifth School Reader. By Noble Butler, LL.D. Large 12mo, 360 pp., cloth. - MILLS & CO., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Supreme Court Reports. Vol. XXIX. By E. H. Stiles, Reporter. Large 8vo, 656 pp., law sheep, $5. Reprint. Iowa Supreme Court Reports. Vol. XXVII. By E. H. Stiles, Reporter. Large 8vo, 656 pp., law sheep, $5. Reprint. Miller's Pleading and Practice. A Treatise on Pleading and Practice in Actions and Special Proceedings in the Courts of the State of Iowa, under the Revision of 1860, as Revised and Conformed to the Code of 1873. Now and revised edition. By Hon. W. E. Miller, Chief Justice Supreme Court of Iowa, Large 8vo, 850 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Annals of the Grand Lodge of Iowa A. F. & A. M. for 1875. By T. S. Parvin, Grand Secretary. 8vo, 400 pp., cloth. Iowa Probate Manual. Second edition, revised. By A N. Porter. 8vo, 250 pp., law sheep, $3. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. File No. 113. By Emile Gaboriau. 8vo. Little Classics—Minor Poems. Vol. XV. 18mo. P. O'SHEA, New York. Lives of the Saints. For every day in the year. Part IV.-May. By Very Rev. F. X. Weninger. 8vo, 144 pp , cloth, $1. - T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Woman of Honor; or, False Friendships in Society. A book for women. Translated from the French of Louis Enault. 8vo, paper, 75c. The Two Sisters; or, Virginia and Magdalene. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Being Volume VIII. of a new edition of Mrs. Southworth's works, to be Com- pleted in thirty-nine volumes. Morocco cloth, $1.75 each, or $68.25 a set. The Abbot. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the eleventh volume of a new edition of the Waverley Novels, to be completed in twenty-six volumes. 8vo, 25c. each, or $5 for a complete set. The Life of Davy Crockett. engravings, from designs by Henry L. Stephens. edit,on. 8vo, paper, 50c. - The Opera Dancer; or, the Mysteries of London Life. By George W. M. Reynolds. Full of illustrative engravings. New edition. 8vo, paper, 75c. Full of illustrative New G. P. PUTNAM's SONS, New York. The Library Atlas. By Schmitz and Collier. . In Putnam's Series of Atlases. One hundred maps. 8vo, 350 pp., half morocco, $14. The Academic Atlas. Putnam’s Series of Atlases. $2.50. Hand-book of Scripture Geography. drew Thomson. In Putnam’s Series of Atlases. maps. 16mo, 100 pp., cloth, $1. By Schmitz and Cºllier. In T:iirty-two maps. 4to, cloth, By An- Sixteen A D. F. RANDOLPH & CO., New York. Ministering Women; or, Loving Counsels for Chris- tian Workers. By Maria A. West. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG., New York. Science and Revelation. A Series of Lectures in reply to Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin, etc. . By J. L. Porter, D. D., Prof. Watts, and others, 8vo, cloth, $2. 278 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GOIDE. Cyclopaedia of Costume 5 or, a Dictionary of Dress Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military—from the earli. est period in England to the reign of George the Third. Iucluding Notices ºf Contemporaneous Fashions on the Contine:1t, and preceded by a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe. By J. R. Planché, Somerset Herald. To be completed in twenty. four parts, quarto. Profusely illustrated by colored and plain plates and wood engravings. Now ready, Parts l, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, to be followed by one each month until Complete. Price per part, $2. Last Leaves from the Journal of Juliam Charles Young. Crown 8vo, cloth, $3. Dyce’s Shakespeare. Third edition. pleted in 9 vols. demy 8vo, issued monthly. Vols. I. II., III., IV., V., and WI. now ready. Per vol. $3. Italian Alps—Sketches in the Mountains of Ticino. Lombardy, the Trentino, and Venetia. With five maps and ten wood engravings. By Douglas W. Freshfield. London, 1875. Small 8vo, cloth, 380 pp., $7.50. Health in the House ; Twenty-five Lectures on Ele- mentary Physiology in its Application to the Daily Wants of Man and Animals, delivered to the Wives and Children of Workingmen in Leeds and Saltaire. With forty-one illustrations. By C. M. Buckton. London. 1875. Small Svo, cloth, $2.50. Pilgrim-Mermories; or, Travel and Discussion in the Birth-Countries of Christianity, with the late Henry Thomas Buckle. By John S. Stuart Glennie. 8vo, cloth. Xviii., 514 pp., $7. Wolf-Hunting and Wild Sport in Lower Brittany. With illustrations. By Col. H. Hope Crea locke. London, 1875. Post 8vo, cloth extra, $3. To be com- CHARLES P. SOMERBY, New York. Soul Problems. By Joseph Peck. Paper, 50c.; cloth, 75C, The Christ of Paul ; or, The Enigmas of Christianity : St. John never in Asia Minor. Irenaeus the Author of the Fourth Gospel. The Frauds of the Churchmen of the Second Century Exposed. By George Reber. 12mo, 400 pp., cloth, $2. HENRY L. SHEPARD & CO., Boston. Goaks and Tears. With a Centennial Calendar. By M. Quad, “The Detroit Free Press Man.” Fully illus. trated. Paper, 50c. Good Humor. By W. H. H. Murray, J. W. Merrick. The Dai: bury Man, M. Quad, Thackeray, and others, Fully illustrated. Paper, 25c. UNIVERSITY PUB. CO., New York. Latin Primer. By B. L. Gildersleeve. 12mo, 168 pp. cloth, leather back, 90c. D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. Elementary Treatise on Strength of Beams under Transverse Loads. By Prof. W. Allan. 18mo: Van Nostrand's Science Series. Water and Water Supply. By Prof. W. H. Cor- field. 18mo. Wan NoStrand’s Science Series. Severage and Sewage. By Prof. W. H. Corfield. 18mo. Van Nostrand’s Science Series. JOHN WILEY & SON, New York. Elements of Graphical Statics, and their Appli- cation to Framed Structures, etc.; Crapes : Bridge, Roof, and Suspension Trusses ; Braced and Stone Arches ; Pivot and Draw Spans; Continuous Girders, etc. . By A. Jay Du Bois, C. E., l'h.D. 2 vols. 1 vol. text, and 1 vol. plates. 8vo, $5. 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A book for boys. By Geo. Bruce. 16mo, 224 pp., $l. School-Girls of Elverly. Louise's Mistake. By Faye Huntingdon. pp., 50c. Hildred's Great Work, and Harry Huntley's Self- Denial. 1Smo, 136 pp., 60c. Fred. Roberts” Start in Life. don. 18mo, 144 pp., 60c. Lost Gip. 18mo, 160 pp., 60c. Archie’s Old Desk. By Sarah Dodney. 18mo, 102 pp., 50c. - Binney the Beaver. 18mo, 108 pp., 50c. Monthly Sunday-School Concerts. Containing 12 new Concert Exercises, viz.:-Tabernacle and its Em- blems; Resurrection of Christ ; Prophetic Christ ; New Life ; Joshua and Jesus ; , Bringing His Sheaves with Him ; Christ the Hope of Glory; Word and the Song ; Temperance Concert; Figurative Characters of Christ ; Solomon in all His Glory ; Missionary Concert. Sold separately at 5c. each. 16mo, 240 pp., $l.25. 18mo, 108 By Faye Bunting By Lucy Ellen Guernsey. July Publications. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. The Italians. By Francis Elliott. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Childhood of Religions. By Edward Clodd, F.R.A.S. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. A Question of Honor. By Christian Reid. 12mo, cloth. EIudson River Guide. Illustrated from drawings by Woodward. 8vo, paper, 50c. AMERICAN BAPTIST PUB, SOC., Philadelphia. Charlotte's Friend. By Mrs. Bradley. 16mo, 255 pp., cloth, $1. J. H. BUTLER & CO., Philadelphia. Butler's Pictorial History of the United States. By John A. Stu Wart. Seventy engravingS, eight copperplate maps. 12mo, 338 pp., cloth sides, morocco back, $1.50. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 279 & A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Teachers' Hand-book. By Wm. F. Phelps. 12mo, full cloth, $1.50. Manual of Algebra. TO&ll). School Hymn and Tune Book. By J. W. Bartley. 12mo, full cloth. By W. G. Peck. CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. Twenty Years Among the Mexicans. Melinda Rankin. 12ino, 200 pp., cloth, $1.5. Apostolic Hymns and Songs. By D. R. Lucas. 12mo, 96 pp., boards, 25c. - Gospel Plan of Salvation. By Dr. T. W. Brentz. Third edition. revised and enlarged. Crown 12mo, 672 pp., sheep, $3.50; roan, $3.50; cloth, $2.50. The Christian Hymnal: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Congr, gational and Social Worship. Arranged by a Cºmmittee under direction of Trustees of the Christian Hymn-Book. Newly revised and enlarged. 12mo, 360 pp., cloth, $1; cloth gilt, $1.25; Turkey an- tique, $3.25; Turkey, full gilt, $3.75. By G W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Michelet's Love (L'Amour). Translated by Dr. Pal- mer. A new paper cover illuminated edition. $1. Charles Dickens's Child’s History of Eng- land. A uew edition for Schools. With illustrations. $1.25. COLLIN & SMALL, New York. Them Thar Grasshoppers. By Bricktop. 64 pp., pumphlet, -5c. 12mo, CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Wisconsin Reports. Vol. II. By A. D. Smith. With * Notes by Vilas and Bryaut. 8vo, 500 pp., 11 w sheep, $4.50. Mississippi Reports. Vol. L. 1 all. 8vo, 912 pp., law sheep, $6. By Harris and Sim- DODD & MEAD, New York. Ensenore, and Other Poems. 12mo, cloth beveled, $1.75. By P. 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By Florence Marryat. 8vo, 186 pp., 12mo, half A. J. FISHER, New York. Harrigan & Hart’s “The Day We Cele- brate ” Songster. 10c. Dr. J. L. Thayer’s “Laugh and Grow Fait,” Songster. 10C. GARRIGUES BROS., Philadelphia, A Floral Service. 12 pp., 36c. per doz. Redeeming the]Time. 18 pp., 48c. per di Z. Whosoever. 6 pp. , 24c. per dcz. *. GINN BROTHERS, Boston. Liddell and Scott's Abridged Greek Leži- Con. With an Appendix containing Proper and Geo- graphical Names carefully prepared. By J. M. Whiton. Now edition. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Within an Ace. By Mrs. Jenkin. Leisure Bºur Series l6mo . ] . 25 E. J H A LE & SON, New York Harwood. By the author of “The Odd Trump.” 206 pp., cloth, $1.25; paper, 75c. The Odd Trump. New edition. $l.25; paper, 75c. 8vo, 8vo, 326 pp., cloth, HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. How to Live Long ; or, Health Muxims, Physical Mental, and Moral. By W. W. Hall, M.D. 12mo, 316 pp., cloth, $1.50. U. S. Official Postal Guide. 4to, 246 pp., paper, 50c. *sº July number. Small HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. By Samuel Adams 1)rake. With numerous il- lustrations. Svo, cloth, $3.50. Sermons out of Church. By the author of “John Halifax.” 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Eglantine. A Novel. By Eliza Tabor. 8vo, paper, 50c. The Way we Live Now. By Anthony Trollope. Il- lustrated. 8vo, paper. $1.50; C oth, $2. Blaying the Mischief. A Novel. By J. W. Te Forest. Swo. paper, 75c. Ward or Wife? A Romance, Illustrated. 8vo, papor, 25C. Miss Angel. A Novel. By Miss Thackeray. With Il- lustratious. 8vo, paper, 75c. JOHNSON, WILSON & CO., New York. Our Country: A Household History for ail Readers. By B. J. Lossing. Parts 3 and 4. 4to, 32 pp., serial, 25C. each. Subscription. JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., Chicago. A Summer in Norway. With Notes on the Indus- tries, Habits, Customs, and Peculiarities of the People, the History and Institutions of the Country, its Climate, Topography and Productions; also, an Account of the Red Deer, Reindeer. and Elk. By John Dean Caton, LL.D., ex- Chief Justice of Illiuois. Illustrated. 8vo,401 pp., $2.50. The Primer of Political Economy. By Alfred B. Mason and John J. Lalor. 12mo, 67 pp., cloth, 75c. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. How to Teach Chemistry: Hints to Science Teachers and Students. By Euward Franklin, D.C.L., F.R.S. Edited by Geo. Chaloner, F.C.S. Forty-seven illustrations. 12mo, 83 pp., cloth, $1.25. te 28o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. D. LOTHROP & CO., Bostou. Alice Southerland. By Mrs. M. C. Bristol. 16mo, cloth, $1.25. - J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. By Frank Buckland, M.A., Iuspector of Salmon Fisheries for England and Wales, etc. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth, $3. Memorial Virginia Military Institute. Bio- graphical Sketches of the Graduates and Elèves of the Virginia Military Institute who fell during the War be. tween the States. By Charles D. Walker. 8vo, cloth, $4. Notes on Building Construction. Arranged to Incet the requirements of the Syll abus of the Science and ‘Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education, South Kensington, Loudon. Part I. With 325 woodcuts, 8vo, cloth, $3.50 Our Children in Heaven. By William H. Holcombe, M. D. New edition. 16mo, fine cloth, $1.25. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston: United States Digest. First Series. Benj. Waughau Abbott. $6. - Familiar Quotations. Seventh Elition. Being an Attempt to trace to their Sources Passages and Phrases in Vol. VI. By Royal 8vo, 913 pp., law sheep, Common Use. Vol XVI. By John Bartlett. 16mo, xvi., 861 pp , cloth, $3. MILLS & CO., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Supreme Court Reports. Vol. XXXVIII. John S. Runnells, reporter. First volume by present re- porter. Large 8vo, 756 pp., law sheep, $5. New Post-Office and Sectional Map of Iowa. By Mills & Co. 28x40, pocket, $1.50; mounted, $2.50 McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & Co., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. XII. No. 4. By (). F. Bump. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, sub scription, $5 per vol. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Wol. XII. No. 5. By O. F. Bump. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, sub. scription, $5 per vol. An Act to Provide for the Organization and Regulation of Certain Business Cor- porations, Approved June 21, 1875. With a complete Index. 8vo, 28 pp., paper, .5c. Theodore Tilton vs. Henry Ward Beecher. Paris XVII. and XVIII. Verbatim Report. Royal 8vo, 284 pp., paper, $1. Theodore Tilton vs. Henry Ward Beecher. Vol. III. Verbatim Report. Royal 8vo, 1064 pp., cloth, $4; sheep, $4.50. NICHOLS & HALL, Boston. The Nursery. Holiday volume for 1876. Small 8vo, 376 pp., cloth back, illuminated title, $1.25. ORANGE JUDD CO., New York. Downing’s Landscape Gardening. By the late A. J. Downing, Esq. With supplement by Henry Win- throp Sargent, bringing down to the time of the issue of this edition (1875) a brief account of the various trees and shrubs which have been introduced since the former sup plement to this work was published (in 1859). New edi. tion, , 8vo, 592 pp., cloth extra, gilt dies on side and back, $6.50. P. O'SHEA, New York. Lives of the Saints. For every day in the year. Part III.-April. By Very Rev. F. X. Weninger. 8vo, 144 pp., cloth, $1. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. * A Dolmestic Problem : World and Cu'ture in the Household. By Mrs. A. M. Diaz. 16mo, 120 pp., paper, 50c.; cloth, $1. A Nine Days' Wonder. By Hamilton AI & Vol. XLIX, in Osgood's library of Novels. 8vo, 92 pp., paper, 50c.; cloth. §1. Little Classics—Poetical. Vol. XIV.-Ivrical Poems. Coutaining: Tennyson's Locksley Hall, Words- worth's Im-mortality, Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, Gray’s Elegy Cºllins's Passions, Lowell’s Commemoration 0 le, and other notable poems by Lo gſellow, Campbell, Whittier, Poe, Dryden, Emerson, Pope, Thackeray, and other famous autho S. 18mo, 229 pp., $1. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. A Double Wedding; or, How She Was Won. An entire new work. By Mrs. C. A. Warfield. 12mo, moroc- co cloth, gilt back and sides, $1.75. The Household of Bouverie; or, The Elixir of Gold. Vol. I. of the author's new editiou of Mrs. Warfi 'ld’s works. 12mo, 800 pp., morocco cloth, gilt back and sides, $1.75. Isabel of Bavaria, the Queen. Of France; or, The Mysteries of th . Reign of Charles the Sixth. By Alexander Dumas. 8vo, illustrated cover, 75c. The Countess and the Page. A Society Tale of Fiorence in 1849. By George W. M. Rºynolds. 8vo, illus- trated covers, 75c. - The Monastery. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the teuth volume of a new edition of the Waverley Novels, to be completed in twenty-six volumes. 3 wo, 25c. each, or $5 for a complete set. The Discarded Daughter; or. The Children of the Isle. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Being Volume V.I. of a new edition of Mrs. Southworth’s works, to be completed in thirty-eight volumes. Morocco cloth, $1.75 each, or $66 50 a set. A Light and Dark Christmas. Wood. New edition. 8vo, paper, 25c By Mrs. Henry G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. Die Piccolornini. Vol II. Of German Classics. Schiller. Edited by J. M. Hart. $1.25. Old New York. Part II. Elizu Greatorex, Artist. To be completed in ten parts. Folio, 25 pp., paper, $3 and $5. - The Anatomy of the Cat. By Henry S. Williams. Charts by Strauss. Durckheim. 2 vols. 8vo, 100 pp., cloth; 4to, 18 pp., half bound, $6. By 16mo, 260 pp., cloth, ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. Fated to be Free. A Novel. By Jean Ingelow. 16mo, $1.75. Uuiform with “Off the Skelligs.” SCRIBNFR, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. O'Keefe, Kelly, and Taylor. ... R. H. Stoddard, edi- tor. Brit: a Brac Series. 12mo, 352 pp., cloth, $1.50. Assyria. From the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nine- veh. (Ancient History from the Monuments, No. 2) By Geo. Sinith. Thiſ teen illustrations. 12mo, cloth, $1. Four illustrations. Square SHELDON & CO., New York. Norseman's Pilgrimage. By H. H. Boyesen. 12mo, cloth. $1.50. Olney’s Elements of Arithmetic. Edw. Olney, 12m , 85c. Olney's Primary Arithmetic. By Prof. Edw. Olney. 16mo, 30c. By Prof. THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. 281 E. STE]GER, New York. J. Schedler's Manual for the Use of Globes. Illustrated. 12mo, 36 pp., boards, 25c. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, New York. The Dramatic Works of J. B. Poquelin Moliere. Rendered into English by Henri Van Lauu. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth extra, uniform in size with the Library editions of the English Classic Authors, per vol. $7.50; large paper, royal 8vo, printed on superfine paper, witli India proof impressions of the etchings, only 150 copics printed, $15.75. The Holy Bible, According to the Authorized Version (A. D. 1611), with an Explanatory and Critical Commen. tary, and a Revision of the Translation. By Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F. A. Cook, M.A. Vol. W.—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations. London, 1875. Medium 8vo, 606 pp., cloth, $6. The New Testament. Translated from the Critical Text of Vou Tischendorf. With an Introduction on the Cr,ticism, Translation, and Interpretation of the book. By Samuel Davidson, D.D., of Haile. London, 1875. 8vo. cloth, $5.25. Essays and Studies. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. Loudon, 1875. Crowu 8vo, cloth, $6. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher, with Let- ters, and other Family Memorials. Edited by the survivor ol her family. Two portraits. Edinburgh, 1875. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. $3.75. The Works of Percy Bysshe, Shelley. Now first printed from the author’s original euillons. Edited with Notes, by R. H. Shepherd. Loudon, 1875. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth (xtra, $4. The Early Kings of Norway. Also, an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. By Thomas Carlyle. Illus trated with a series of wood engravings of rare portraits of Knox. London, 1875. Small 8vo, cloth, $2. The Fern Paradise : A Plea for the Culture of Ferns. By Francis George Heath. Colored frontispiece. 12mo, cloth gift, $3. Poems. By William Bell Scott. Ballads, Studies from Nature, Sonnets, etc. Illustrated by seventeen beautiful etchings by the author and L. Alma Tadema. Loudou, 1875. 8vo, cloth extra, richly gilt, $7.50. Metallurgy: The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores. By John l’ercy, M. D., F.R.S. lntroduction, Refrac- to y Materials, and Fuel. Revised and greatly enlargeu edition. With illustratious, drawn to scale, 112 on wood and 9 on stone. London, 1875. 8vo, cloth, $15. New BOOSEY & CO., New York, Dame Blanche. Piano solo. 50c. La Figlia. Piano solo. 50c. JErmani. Piano Solo. 50c. Magic Flute. Piano solo. Semiramide. Piano solo. Favorita. Piano Solo. 50c. Satanella. Piano solo. 50c. Dimorah. . Piano Solo. $1. Tannhauser. Pialo solo. $1. Huguenots. Piano solo. $1. Sicilian Vespers. Piano solo. Lohemgrim. Piano solo. $1. 50C. 500. $1. Froude's Agrestes: Readings in “Modern Pailters,” Chosen at her Pleasure. By the author’s friend, the Younger Lady of the Thwaite, Coniston. 1875. 12mo, French morocco, flexible, gilt edges, $2.50. Snioland; or, Iceland, its Jokulls and Fjalls. With colored map and photographic plates. Crown 8vo, cloth, $3.75. The Secret Societies of all Ages and Coun- tries. By Clarles Willian Heckethorn. London, 1875. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth extra, $10.50. The Poems of Goethe. Translated in the Original Metres. By Edgar Alfred Bowring, C. B. Second edition, revised and enlarged. (Including Hermann and Doro- thea, now first auded.) Loudon, 1874. Post 8vo, cloth, $1.40. The Natural History of Germs, or Semi-Pre- cious Stones. By C. W. Kiug, M.A. With illustra- tious. London. Post 8vo, cloth, $2.40. Schiller's AEsthetic Essays and Letters. 8vo, clouh, $1.40. e Planche's History of British Costume. With numerous illustratious. Post 8vo, $2. DonaldSOrn’s Theatre of the Greeks. A Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama. By John William Donaldsºn, I). D. Eighth edition. With numerous illustrations from the best aucient authoritics. London, 1875. Post 8vo, cloth, $2. London, 1875. PC St. D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. European Light-house Systems. port Uſ a Tour on Inspection made lu 1873. By Major Geo. H. Elliott. Illustrated with 51 eigravings aud 31 wood- cuts in the text. 8vo, 384 pp., cloth, $5. A Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indicator, and the Developroent and Ap- plication of Force to the Steam Engine. i.y Charles T. Poruer. Third edition, reviseu and enlarged. Illustrated by 21 plates. 8vo, 260 pp., c.0th, $3.50. The Young Seaman’s Manual. Compiled from various autliurities, and illustrated with numerous origi- Lal aud se ect desigus for the use of the U. S. Training Ships and the Marine Schools. 8vo, 246 pp., half roan, 3. Being a Re. WEST, JOHNSON & CO., Richmond, Va. Institutes of Common and Statute Law. Vol. I. By Jollu B. Minor, l,l. D., P. Uſessor Ul Conuluon ald Statute law in University of Wii giula. 8vo, 668 pp., law sheep, $9. Music. BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. WCCAL. Little Shining Silver Thread. tar Sol g. 40c. - Wait Till the Moonlight Falls on the Water. S. Bagnal. Sung and chol us. 30c. Here’s Girofle. Lecocq. Waltz song from opera Giro- flé Girlfla. 40c. Quarreling Duet. fla. 400. H. Banks. Gui- Lecocq. From opera Giroſlé-Giro- IXSTRUMENTAL. Lucia di Lammermoor. S. Smith, Op. 92. taisie brilliante. 75c. Girofle. Lecco. Waltzes, arranged by Strauss. 75c. Fan- 282 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Girofle. I.ecocq. Potpourri, arranged by Beyer. 75t. INSTRUMENTAL. Girofle. Lecocq. Galop, arranged b., God(rey. 30c. First Kiss Waltz (Le Premier Bai-er) Lamothe. song of Love (Chanson d'Amour). Eimer. Op. 169. 75c. Paraphrase de coucert. 75c. Massa’s in the Cold, Cold Ground. Pape. Fan- Rolling Billows. Meininger. Fantasia. 75c. thisie de Coucert. Sl. * Celestial Caprice. Blanchy. Lithograph title-page. 50c. Celestial Schottische. Geil. Lithograph title-page. 50c. Celestial Valse. Pearls of Devv. 50c. 60C. Noel. G. Lange. Lithograph title-page. Op. 77. Fantasia. BIGI.OW & MAIN, New York. Book of Praise for the Sunday-School. By George A. Bell and Hubert P. Main. Compilation from many sources, especially books on our Catalogue; for use in large Sunday schools. 224 pp., heavy paper, 50c.; per 100 copies, $40. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCA I. Under the Wavelets. Persley. Song and chorus. 30c. Thou art Near. Plumpton. Sacred Solig. 30c. Stay not My Anguish. Handel. New English ver- Sion. 30c. Wee Bird in the Branches. Gill. Ballad. Go to sleep. Bischoff. Slumber song, 25c. I Dearly Love to Ramble in the Dell. Persley Song and chorus. 30c. Angels Hold Her in Safe Keeping. Song and chorus, 30c. Adieu. Addison. Song. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL. Love and the Bird. Richards. Longing for Home. Beck. Cabinet organ. First Riss Waltz. 75C. Traviata. Marks. Violin and Piano. 50C. Bohemian Girl. Marks. Violin and Piano. Harry Polka. Whittemore. 30c. B()OKS. The Choice. For Conventions and Singing Classes. McGrauahan & Case. 75c. 30C. Patterson. Transcription. 60c. 25c. 50c. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. WOCAI. JDown the Shadowed Lane She Goes. 40C. Waiting ſor the Swallows. Pinsuti. Five O’clock 'Bus. Young. 35c. Which is the Properest Day to Drink. Arne. Glee. 30c. A River thro" each Winding Glade. Wrighton. 3ſic. Dreams of the Past. Felton. Song and chorus. 30c. Upon a Stormy Sunday. Carpenter. 30c. The Family Bruscannbile. Offenbach. 35c. Osgood. 40c. Dr. There Sits a Bird on Yonder Tree. Skeffing- ton. 35C. My Father's Bible. Richards. 30c. That’s What’s the Matter. Straight. 30c. Danks. Song and Mem"ry's Golden Crown. chorus. 35C. Take Me Back to Home and Mother. Huntly. Song and chorus. 35C. Darkness Turned to Light. Danks. Song and chorus. Illuminated title. 40c. Sabbath Evening Chimes. Pape. Fantaisie on “The Bells of Aberdovy,” $1. The Red Cross March. G. D. Wilson, 75c. Ocean Spray Polka. Spinning, 30c. Promena de Militaire. Neustedt. Marche Carac- téristiqni’. 50c. Hºme Treasures.—No. 7. The Bridge. Smallwood. C. - On the Train. Fernald. Galop. 30c. Moonlight. Richards. Serenade. 40c. Petit Carnival. Streabbog. 6 easy dances for 4 hands. No. 3, Schottische, 35c.; No. 5, Galop, 35c. Old Folks at Honne. Grobe. Varied. 75c. Danse Napolitaine. S. Smith. 4 hands. $1. Cheer Up Galop. Lowell, 30c. Clear Blue Sky. Lichner. Op. 104. La Fille du Regiment. S. Smith. 30c. Fantaisie. $1. D. P. FAULDS, Louisville, Ky. Beating of My Own Heart. Macfarran. Ballad. 40c. Pure as Snow. Lange. Idyl. 40c. What Shall I Sing to Thee? Pinsuti. Ballad. 30c. Thalia Waltz. Bangs. 40c. Our Ky Clare. S. V. Morris, Song with chorus, 30c. Restless Love. C. Kinkel. With vignette title. 50c. Reveries upon the Water. Munoz. French and English words. 30c. Sounds from the Prairies. Merz. Instrumental. 50c. º Farewell, Lovely Maiden : Beethoven. German and English words. 35c. Home, Sweet Home : Eckel. With variations. 60c. They are Calling Me, Mother. Hine. Ballad. oC. Oberonn. Barnett. Barcarollo. 35C. Years have passed since last we met. Danks. Ballad. 35C. S. T. GORDON & SON, New York. WOCAL. Bow Down. Thine Ear. French. Sacred Quartette. 40c. Break 2 Break : Break : Contral to or Baritone, 30c. Bride Bells. Roeckel. English Ballad. La Fille de Madame Angot. spirators’ Chorus. 30c. Deep in My Heart. Centomeri. Flow Down, Cold Rivulet. Soprano and Tenor. 30c. Oh, for the Wings of a Dove : Sacred Song, 40c. J. D. Kerrison. Song for 35C. Lecocq. Song. Con- English Ballad. 50c Kerrison. Song for Mendelssohn. Gloria in Excelsis. French. Sacred Quartette. 60C. - Et Incarnatus. French. 40c. 'Twas in the Sunny Rhineland. Smart. English Ballad. 30c. Jesus, Refuge of my Soul. Turner. Quartette. 35C. Mother's Watching for You, Darling : Sweet. Song and chorus. 30c. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 283 The Reapers. Clappison. For 3 female voices. 40c. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Knight. Far O'er the Waves. H. Maylath. Song and English Ballad. 35c. Silently Blending, Night's Shadow Falls. Mozart. Song. 35C. Staccato Polka. Mulder. Soprano solo. 50c. Te Deum. French. Sacred Quartette. $l. There’s a Letter in the Candle. Coote. Comic Song. 30c. When we are Old and Gray. Dolby. English Ballad. 35C. INSTRUMENTAL. Alpen Heimweh. Jungmann. Piano solo. 50c. An Alexis. Krug. Piano solo. 35c. The Brook. Pape. Piano solo. 75c. Charming Night. Gobbaerts. Piano solo. 40c. Clorinda. Bohrer. Piano Solo. 60c. Deep in My Heart. Kapka. Piano solo. 60c. Far From Thee, Jungmann. Piano solo. 40c. Hºnony in the Dorm e. Viviani. Piano solo. C. Heart’s Wishes. Lichner. Piano Solo. 40c. Hungarian Dances. Brahms. Piano solo. 30c. La Jollie Parrumeuse. Fallman. Potpourri. Piano Solo. The Little Tattler. Egghard. Potpourri. Piano solo 30c. - Lustspiel Overture. Bela. Piano solo. 60c. Mandolimata. Lºybach. Fantaisie. Piano solo. 75c. Martha Potpourri. Cramer. Piano solo. $l. Marthal. Dorn. Piano Solo. 60c. - Phantom Dance. Jungmann. Piano solo. 60c. Rhapsodie Hong roise No. 2. Liszt. Piano solo. $l.25. º La Suppliante. Cowen. Piano solo. 60c. Il Trovatore, Op. 39, No. 3. Dorn. Piano solo. 60C. Children’s Carnival. Streabbog. Polka Mazu, ka. 25C. Children’s Carnival. Streabbog. Polka. 25c. Silver Trumpets. Viviani. Grand Processional March Comp. 3UC. Silver Trumpets. Viviani. Grand Processional March Comp. 40c. cºllaren's Carnival. Streabbog. Lanciers Quadrille C. Children's Carnival. Streabbog. Waltz. 25c. Cleopatra Abridged. Strauss. Waltz. 40c. Cleopatra Complete. Strauss. Waltz. 60c. Girofle-Giroflin. Lecocq: Waltz. 60c. - The Little Brownies. Spencer. Waltz. 30c. Children's Carnival. Streabbog Schottische. 25c. Don’t Stop. Strauss. Galop. 30c. Girofle-Girofla. (Lecocq) Godfrey. Galop. 30c. The Merry Postilion. Bohrer. Galop. $1. Reitter. Carl. Galop. 30c. Hungarian Dances. Brahms. 4 hands. 40c. Jolie Parfumeuse. Fallman. Overture 4 hands. Priere De Moise. Rossini, Gordon. Organist's Repertoire. 35c. New Songs for Revivals, Prayer and Camp Meetings. By A. Coon. Complete edition, containing 256 pages and 350 songs. Paper, 45c.; $40 per 100. Boards, 50c.; $45 per loo Flexible boards, 55c.; $50 per 100. Miniature edition, containing 128 pages and 175 songs. Paper, 25c.; $20 per 100. Boards, 30c.; $25 per 100. Flexible boards, 35c.; $30 per 100. For Organ— chorus. 10c. High Life Waltz. Yankee Doodle. Strauss, 10... Dr. Shack ourg. Song and varia- LionS. 15c. Sweetheart. M. W. Balſo, Song. 10c. Eily Mavourneen. Benedict. Song. 10c. Star Spangled Banner. Francis S. Key, Song. 10C. Shells of the Ocean. You and I. Claribel. Cherry. Song. 10c. Song. 10c. THOS. J. HALL, New York. Brightest Roses Fade and Die. Song and chorus. 35c. The Songs that Mother Sang. Song and chorus. 35c. Do the Little Ones ask for Me now ; H. P. Danks. Soug and chorus. 35c. Flowers will bloom in May. Song. 35c. H. P. Danks. H. P. Danks. Henry Tucker. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. My Sister's Got a Beau., Pierre Latour. Song. 30c. Musical Cabinet. E. Mack. A collection of pieces for piano. Du and Du Waltz, Love, Love, oh! what is Lovel Beautiful Girls, Swiss Herdsman, Grand Masonic March, It's funny when you feel that way, I wish I was, Hohlistock Polka, Blow your ow: Trumpet, First she would and then she wouldn’t, You never miss the Water, It men do so, why shouldn't I? Tal Sman Galop, American Drinks, You and ſ March, Talisman Waltz, each 20c. Ostrolenka Overture. Bonawitz. 4 hands. Piano. $1.25. Ostrolenka Valse. Bonawitz. For piano. 50c. Allegretto and Adagio. From “Ostrolenka.” Bonawitz. For piano 60c. Mazurka and Finale, from “Ostrolenka.” 50c. I didn’t know she was a Flirt. Latour, 30c. March of the Memn of Columbia. H. A. Clarke. Quartette. 5c. March of the Men of Columbia. School Song. 5c. Clark’s Organ Method. The only book in which the use of the stops is cxplained. $2.50. Memorial March. Mack. Lithographic title-page of the Centennial Buildings. 50c. Centennial March. Mack. of the Centennial Buildings. 50c. Music as performed by the Grammar Schools, 1875 (July 5). 15c. Chasseurs Grand March. Mack. 75c. Angels Whisper Sweet Good Night. Danks. C. Lithographic title-page Meet me, Darling, in the Dell. Strickland. 35c. Cecelia Schottische. Robellen. For piano. 30c. Lee & Walker’s Complete Catalogue. GEO, WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Yes. Blumenthal Song. 60c. Swedish Wedding March. Sodermann, 40c. En Route March. Sydney Smith. $1. Christmas Tree Waltz. Streabbog. 300. When in the Stilly Hour of Night. Abt. Song. 35C. 4 hands. 284 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. THE The business of the month has been light. Stationery MARKET, The sales at the Book Fair and Exchange were not important, but the exhibition of goods was of great advantage to the trade, and orders are promised later in the s ‘ason. Importations so far are not large; but, in anticipation of a good fall trade, importers have made provision for duplicating their orders, and proba }. the usual amount, at least, will be imported. market, except some new styles of al No new goods are yet in the . ums and glass goods, which are very pretty and very cheap. Prices of staple goods, both foreign and domestic, hold their own, but fancy goods have a constant tendency to decline. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ... . . . . . . . . . . & C 1,000, { { { { { { Writing Papers. FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e º e s e º e o 'º e º e º e A- Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs, to ream, per lb. 28 “ • Q - e. e. e. e. e. e º 'º - - Maynard & Noyes' Ink, Same price as David's. Stafford's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross...... Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ... .... gold 4 75 ( & “ . “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . ** 2 75 { { & 4 ‘‘ # Pints, “ ........ “ 1 50 { { { { “ Stands, per gross....... “ 4 80 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ......... “ 8 50 & & { { Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . “. . 4 75 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { { % ASSOrted Colors, per doz. ... . .... 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. ............... 90 Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb.. 30 “ { { & Field’s C0, D6 Q5 octavo and Bilet Notes, and sibs to reań, perib. 30 “ : ***, ºº, , ; SECOND GRADE. David’s Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ................... 2 25 • { ( & ~ Cap and Letter, per lb........... • * * * e º e s e e s e ..... s 3, . . Nº. 3 # Bill and Legal, “ . . . . . . . . . . . e e e e s e e s s e o e s e tº e 24 {{ { { No.3 Giass stopper per doz. 4 50 §º idº......... 2 #| Payson's Indelible inkjerºoz.:::::::.......... ? & t t t {. $$ No. 5. t ( ::::::::::::: 2 50 Clark's Indelible Pencils, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Square French Envelopes, per M, ................ ... 3 00 w Peerless School and Counting-House Printing Papers. Ink. Book and News, Wood and part straw....... ... 9 to 12 ctS. BLACK V 101.ET WRITING Q tº ‘‘ rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 to 15 “ INK. INK. FLUID. { { { { good to first-class...... © e º 'º º & 15 to 20 “ Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 S6 00 $4 75 l'ints, ( & { { “ . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Drawing Papers. Half Pints, “ ( & { { ... l 60 2 00 1 75 GERMAN. QUIRE. 4 OZ., “. { { { { • * * 90 l 15 1 00 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . - - - - - e. e. e º a ... . . $0 24 | Stands, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes . . . . 45 60 50 Demy, 15 by 20, “ ...... tº tº º tº a e e e º ºs tº * @ e º - e. 36 º Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . º e e º 'º e º s tº e > * e º 'º' 48 Mucilage. Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 r rr a rºws a w-7 - Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 00 - whatMAN's. “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 50 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4 ( PintS & t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 t & Quarts { { .......... ...... ... 7 U0 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 3. e e º e º e º e s - e º e º e º 'º - e. e. e. e. e. e. Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- 1 50 - Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SU Inkstands. - 4) © { { 2 2.5 - JElephant, 23 by 28, “ . . . . . . . . ... e & & © tº e * | Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . © e º e º - * * e º e e 1 38 Tissue Paper. ( & ! { “ No. 2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 American, White, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 60 | Silliman's No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 “. . Colored, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 ... Nº. 2, . “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 12 (English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e º e º 'º • * * “ No. 1, “ “. . . . . . . © tº e º 'º - ~ * * * ... 1 25 { { Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Tracing Paper. { { Mechanics’, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 (Demy, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Flat Glass, 24 inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 ‘Medium, “ . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . 1 25 ( & 3 * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 t { Bristol Boards. # . ‘. ....….: ; ; - REYNoLos AND OTHERs. Air-tight Inks, Small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T 75 "Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 { { “ large, “. . . . . . . * e s - e º e º e º e e 9 00 { { 3 {{ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 | Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $123 No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 { { 4 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 | Draper's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3.............. . 11 25 JDemy, 2 & 4 ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 || Glass Screw Tops, from..............75c. tº $1.12 per do { { 3 {{ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 { { 4 { { ( & e e º e º 'º e º 'º e e e e & e º e e º e I 50 Medium, 2 ( * { { tº e º & © tº e ... .... 1 00 Steel Pense ( & 3 4 & & & e º e º 'º º e º 'º e s e gº tº tº º * @ e 1 50 ( & 4 £ g “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º - 2 00 || American News Company’s No. 1170. ... $0 50 * * * * { { {{ { { School, No. 51.... 30 Perforated Board. º º Extra º ne, Nº 333.... 50 Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 { { { { { { Quill §: *::::: ; Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per dºz. 7 50 { { { { { { Falcon, No. 48. . . . 50 Biotting Paper. - ( & { { { { Bank, No. 14.... , 50 ‘Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 5 { { {{ { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 gººse pºº.º.º. ............ . . . . . . . . . . .” N. ii.... . ; e Gillott's Pens, No. 303......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Ink. ( & “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. HDavid's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 7 20 ( & “ No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... 1 00 ( & “ No. 35l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 65 { { 8 tº 1 : « C & “. . . . . . . . . . . I 60 | Washington Medallion Pens ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 .David's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 2 80 || Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 { { Quarts, 1 “ ( & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 80 “ . “ in 3 groSS boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. * THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 285 Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . gold 40 { { Hexagon, { { { { e º * * * * * * a 2 e º is º $ $ tº { { 55. “ Tablet, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 31 “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 5 40 { { ( ; 5 { { { { e e º 0 e { { 4 50 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 “ Hexagon, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ Rubber Head, “ ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 “. . Red, Blue, and Green, Tip’d....... . . . . . . . . . 46 Red, Polished, per gross, Faber’s....... ... . . . . . . . 1 40 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Pen-Holders. º Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... ...... 45 ( Swell, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº 75 French Tip, per groSS ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 00 Bone, per doz. . . . . . tº tº e º e º º ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .750, to 100 Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * g º º º 15C. to 60 Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... 42 & C {{ { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 48 { { { { { { 6 by 9, “ . . . . . . 68 & & { { & C 64 by 10, “ ...... 72 { { & & “ 7 by 11, “ . . . . . . 80 & [ { { { { 8 by 12, “ . . . . . . 1 00 {{ { ( & 9 by 13, ... . . . 1 20 Slate Pencils. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch............. 50 German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 15c. to 5() German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross..... . 1 50 Silicate Book Slates. FOR SLATſ. PFNCIL, Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 34 by 55 in., per doz. 1 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 33 by 5% in., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 8+ in., “ 1 S0 Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 8+ in., “ 3 00 Mineral, “ 6 “ 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00 FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interiv'd, gilt, 24 by 3% in., per doz. I 65 Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 1 98 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * s is e º e º e s = e Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 34 by 53 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by 53 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes per Thousand. 2 31 Sizes 2 3 4. 5 Buff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 95 Šl 10 Buſſ, heavy ... . . . . . . . . . . . tº .... 1 00 1 25 tºll; . . . . ----. . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 L 60 Buſſ ... . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . te 1 50 1 85 Fine Qanāry. . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 S5 Almber...... XX . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 T 85 lè. tº º $ 2 tº º e XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 S5 Buff..... XX . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * 2 00 2 50 - Canary.. XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Ex. Fine { ...e. xx . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Gold... XX . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 ſº tº e º s tº s tº e º ge $2 65 2 80 3 35 * : Canary XXX . . . . . 2 65 2 SO 3 35 Ex, Fine { ...e. xxx . . . . & 2 65 2 SO 3 35 Gold...×XX . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 White . . . . . . . e s ∈ e s e e X $l 45 $1 65 1 80 2 00 2 45 “ . . . . . . . . . . . XX 1 70 l 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 “ . . . . . . . . . XXX 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 70 3 20 “ Baronial..... XX 3 65 3 35 . . . . . e $ gº e º & & & Gº Manilia ....... ... . . . X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 1 20 Playing Cards. Propeller per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * I 60 Steamboat, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 Highlander, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº sº gº e º & 2 10 Eureka, or Players, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * is e e is 2 33 Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Moguls. Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 05 Henry VIII., “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 40 Euchre, “ . . . . ------. . . . . * * * * * * * * * 4 05 Ill. Moguls, “. . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e s e e s º . . . . . . 6 30 Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Dominoes. Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 { { QOd 4 & • { { “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 “ Mahogamy boxes, { { . 600 to 1800 Backgammon Boards. No. 4 & 5, 2 in nest, paper, red and black gilt.... 2 00 “ 6 “ 7, 2 “ muslin, black and red. . . . . . . 2 25 “ 8 “ 9, 2 “ black and buſſ, sheep........ 3 00 “ 10 “ 11, 2 “ black and red, half leather... 3 75 “ 12 “ 13, 2 “ black and red, full leather... 4 50 “ 14 “ 15, 2 “ extra red and black . . . . . . . . 5 00 Checker-Men. Embossed,enameled, per doz, $1.75 Maple star, pr doz. 1 00 { { CrOWI) { { I 25 Olness-M [em.' Bone, German, per doz. ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . $6 25 to 24 00 Wood, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º 'º & 6 62 to 60 00 Stanton, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º 18 . . . . C & asSorted colors, per gross...... I 00 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per lb . . . . . . tº e º e º e < * * * * * * * * * * * c e s e e º e g g g g g º e tº gº tº 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross, .......... . . . . 1 20 “ Bands, # inch, assorted, per gross...... e e e º 'º 69 “ ( : , “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 2 { { & t # { { { { & 4 gº º tº e º 'º e s tº e © I 98 * |Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 00 to 18 00 Cap { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 to 24 00 |POcket-Books. Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 to 4 00 Calf, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per d0Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, “ . . . . . . . . . . . & e º dº º ºs 5 00 to 20 00 Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame, Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 00 “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood { { { { 15 25 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mahogany { { {{ 19 00 “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood { { { { 20 00 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip & C { { 22 00 Thermornaeterse Tin Case, 8 inch, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ‘s e º e & ... . 2 75 { % 10 * * “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 { { 12 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 75 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 15 1S 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Counting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 Quills. - Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 “ No. 30, “ • * * * * * * * * * * ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 “ No. 40, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • - - - - - - - - - - - 1 15 “ No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 “ No. 60, { { e e º & sº e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº tº e º ºs 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Portable, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 3 25 Large, { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º tº tº gº e º ºs º $ tº e e 4 50 Office, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12C. to 25 Full { { ( & ( & ... . . . .30C. to 70 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 50 IV ſermorandum Books. 12mo, per doz . . . . . . . . . . ... . $0 50 to 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 to 2 00 Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 to 3 50 Demy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 to 3 00 1 35 e sº e º 'º e º 'º e º a g subjeoT To FLvorvaſions of THE MARKET. 286 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S I, IST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no Jisappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.-Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. , 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to own dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Eavelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. I POSTAGE TO NIEWS DEALIERS. © NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, t & ( & Three ** { { PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If, they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form [Form 1.] TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Inclosed find $... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : - 20 Ledger. • 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly, - s 5 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. | 5 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. Yours truly, & Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY . - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e e is e e s tº e s º e º e º ſe e e g is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper..... e e º e º ºs e tº • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ { { 6 3 New York Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e e º º ſº e º 'º e º tº * * * * * * tº is e e º º º * @ 9 tº $ & e e e is e º a s e º ſº e s is e a { { ( & 13 2 Old and New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- . . . . . . . . . & e º e º e º 'º e e º $ tº º tº e e e s is e º e º ºs e e º is e • * * * * g e º sº e º ºs e e { { “t 12 3 Leslie's Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - “ $t 3 CUT OFF– e - - 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g tº gº tº e º 'º s = * * * * * * * * * * * g e * * * * * * * * * e = ë g tº e º ſº tº $ 8 & 6 ſº tº tº making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e < * * * * * * * * s * * e º e º 'º e s tº e g ° e g º e º is e < * * ... . . . . . . . . ... “ « 7 1 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . e - - a e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * { { {{ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle’s Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. - Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond, with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was made. Communications Should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 287 Wholesale and Retail Prices. |35° New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices of which have been changed since Our last issue are marked with a $2. Trado Ret Price. Commercial Bulletin, ........ 3% — Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 N. York Courier des Etats Unis 334 4 New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . 2%. 3 ©New York Evening Express 234 3 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista.................. 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 * Advance (The).... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Albion (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Gael (The)..... . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist . . . . . 7 10 American Publisher..... . . . . . 4% 6 American Republic .......... 3 * American Union.... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . • sº e * * * * * * * * * 7 10 Army and Navy Journal .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Ave Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Banner of Light... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 e---> Boston Congregationalist . . . . . 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 10. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 15 Boston Statesman.... . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Traveler ... . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 7 Boys' OWn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. . . . . 3% — Cabinet-Maker’s Journal...... 4%. 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº e º ºs e & # * & 4 6 Catholic Mirror.... . . . . . . ... 5 8 Catholic Review ............. 4% 6 Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . ... 4% — Catholic Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Challen’s 10c. Novels ........ 7 * Celtic National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }% — Christian Advocate and Jour- Ilal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.0 Christian at Work ........... 5%. 6 Christian Intelligencer ....... 7 I0 Christian Leader ............ 4% — Christian Mother ............ 11 20 Christian Register . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 smºs Church Weekly........ * * * * * e 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Commercial and Financial Chronicle ............. . . . .20 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman.... . . . . . . 4 6 Courier des|Stats Unis ....... 9 10 Criminal Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 8%, - Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Day Book................... 3% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . & e º e s e º is a e e 7 , 10 I D A LI IL Y P A PIE R. S. Trade Ret. Price. ©New York Evening Post.... 2 3 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2% 3 New York Herald. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 New York Journal (German). 1%. 2 New York Witness. . . . . . . . . . . I 2 SIE NII = W E I E K. L. Y. New York Express........... 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E J K L Ye Demokrat (German). . . . . . .. 4 7 Detroit Free Press . . . . . . . . . . 3 *=} Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 5 sms Dwight’s Journal of Music.... 8 * Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette.......... 7 10 El Espejo (Semi-mo.) . . . . . . .18 — Engineering and Mining Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Examiner and Chronicle...... 4%. 6 Farmer’s Home Journal..... 4 * Field (The).............. 7 e-me Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream........... 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 {{ “ Lady’s Journal. 7 10 « . “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5. { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 { { “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German). . . 7 10 & 4 “ Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal (semi mo.).... .... 10 15 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Harper's Bazar ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 ©EHeart and Hand...... . . . . 4% 7 Heartb and Home. ... . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Herald (California). . . . . . . . . . 4% 5 EHerald $.3 • * * g º ºs º is tº dº 4%. 6 Home Circle......... ... . . . . . 4% 5 Home Journal ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 ©Illustrated Weekly ........ 5 ems Independent ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .6%. 10 Index (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 gººse Inventor’s Internat’l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Irish American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Jewish Messenger . . . . . . . . . ... 8 ſº- Jewish Times . . . . . . . ge e º 'º e º 'º & 12 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 10 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Living Age.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 $º Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 E2 Medical Record....... tº tº e 8 10 Medical Times..............10 South (The) Spiritualist at Work ........ Trade. Rot. I IC0. New York Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — New York Staats Zeitung..... 2%. 3 New York Star............ ... 1 3-10 2 New York Sun .............. 1% 2 New York Times ... . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Tribune....... . . . . 3% 4 New York World. . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Times ... . . . . . . . . . 3% à New York Tribune........... 3%. 5 New York World............ 3% 5 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.). . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Methodist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Metropolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -- Moniteur de la Mode... . . . . . .22 * Nation (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Nautical Gazette.......... ... 7 10 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 7 New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 10 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New York Family Story Paper. 4% — New York Journal (German). 4% 6 New York Ledger............ 4% 6 New York Observer . . . . . . . . ... 7 <--> New York School Journal. . . . 5% 7 New York Tablet ...... . . . . . . 4% — New York Warieties.......... 7 10 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 News from Germany and Switz Zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 N. Y. Sportsman. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 * People's Literary Companion... 4% 6 Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 - Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 - Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% 6 Philadelphia Weekly Age. . . . . 3%. 5 Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (§ Plymouth Pulpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 16 Police Gazette. . . . . .-----. . . . 7 T 1: Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 10 Fomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 * Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Presbyterian . . . . . . . © tº g º º $ tº 8 5 8 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 * Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Railway Times ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Real Estate Record ... . . . . . . 19 e-º, Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 10. Richardson's Weekly . . . . . . . . 3% 5 . Rod and Gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Rural New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6%. 10 Saturday Night... . . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Saturday Star Journal.... . . . . 4% 6 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Ina Dl) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Scientific American. . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Scottish American Journal... 5 7 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 25 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 15 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 I0 Skandinavische Post. . . . . . . . 4. S 288 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. Trade Ret. +. Price. Stuckholder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 10 Sunday Citizen .............. 3% — Sunday Courier. . . . . . . * * * * * * * — Sunday Daily Times . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunday Democrat.... . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Dispatch ... ... ... . . . 7% – Sunday Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 — Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 — Sunday Mercury.... . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Sunday News................ 3% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Sunday New Yorker Journal... 2% — Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 &= - Sunday Staats......... & © tº º te g 2% — Sunday Star................. 2 *== Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)..... . S34 — Sunday Times .......... . . . . . 6 7 Sunday Telegraph..... . . . . . . . 2 3 American Checker Player. ... 10' American Law Times........ 38 Advance 10c, Novels . . . . . . 6% 6& & 4 Song Books... 5 6 & ** Hand “ . . 5 Agriculturist (English)...... 9 Agriculturist (German)...... 9 Amateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º & tº 7 American Artisan. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 23 American Builder. .......... American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review.20 Potter's Am. Monthly..... . . .28 Amer. Illus, Home Monthly... 18 American Industries. ........ American Journal of Health and Medicine.............. 7 American Journal of Philately. 9 American Journal of Phono- graphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 American Law Register. . . . . . 40 American Miscellany.... .... 15 Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 American Naturalist......... 24 American Sketch Book. . . . . . 35 Appleton’s Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Appleton’s Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . ... 28. Architectural Magazine ...... 38 Archives Medical Science ... .35 Arthur’s Home Magazine..... 14 Atlantic Monthly ......... . . . 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bankers’ Magazine........... 35 Hankrupt Register........... 38 Beadle’s Publications : Dime Books ........ . . . . . . . 6% º ** 100 or over. ... 6 { { { 300 ( & 5% Song Books................ 5 2 & C ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% { { “ 1000 “ . . . . . Beekeepers’ Journal ......... 6. Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . .28 Pod Ton ....................45 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boys of America.... - ........ 10 Carriage Journal ...... ..... .22 Catholic Record ... . . . . . . . . . . 17 Catholic Total-Abstinence Union..................... 3% Catholic World .......... . 33 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts) 20 ‘Church Monthl Coin Chart Manual........... 23 Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Comic News........... . . . . . . ; ;l ;2 3. W E E K. L. Y. — CO in Linux ed., Trade Ret. Price. Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Sunny South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Echo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - Thompson’s Reporter ........ 6 *-*. Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf........... ... . . 9 12 Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... 4% 6 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10 Universe...... s ſº e g º e º $ $ 8 ... .. 5 8 Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . 1% – Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal . . . . ... 8 10 Waverley Magazine..........11 15 Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Weekly Express ..... . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Weekly Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 NT O N T H L Y. Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Son's)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 Delineator... . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * 8 &ºm De La Salle Monthly . . . . . . . . 15 25 Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 * Demorest’s Magazine... . . . . . . 20 * Demorest's Young America... 7 10 Dental Cosmos . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 * De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 *== De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ... . . . . . . . .10 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21 ... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . -----.. 6%. 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly)... 5 10 Dexter Smith's Paper. . . . . . . . 11 15 Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 * Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . 35 50 Educational Monthly ... . . . . . l". 20 El Ateno (Spanish)......... . . .38 — El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 * Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . * * * * * * * e 8 10 Folio (Musical)....... * * * * * e º 10 ºms Fortnightly Review. . . . . . . . . 40 50 Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls’ W’kly(mo. p’ts)18 — { { “ Budget of Fun...10 15 , 6& “ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 50 {{ “ Lady’s Magazine (mo. parts). . .27 35 { { “ Pleasant Hours.10 15 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 35 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Gardener’s Monthly. . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 15 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5% 10 Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6% 10 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 ..] Godey’s Lady's Book........ .21 sºme Golden Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 15 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 25 Grand Army Gazette . . . . . ... 7 10 Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 *= Hall’s Medical Adviser. . . . . . 6 10 Hall's Journal of Health. . . . . . 12 * Harper’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . 8 35 Harper's Weekly (mo, parts).33 50 Herald of Health... . . . . . . .... 10 15 Historical Magazine.......... 55 75 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 Holloway’s Musical Monthly... 30 40 Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 &= - Horticulturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 . Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 35 e ſº tº 7% N. Amer. Journ. of Homebopathy85 Traft, Ret. - Price. Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Weekly Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 Weekly News ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Weekly New York Journal... 4%. 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Weekly Post... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3%. 5 Weekly Sun.... . . . . . § º ºs e e º e e 2% 4 Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Weekly Tribune ............. 3%. 5 Weekly Welcome............ 2 3 Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . . 1%. 2 Weekly World............... 3%. 5 Wild Oats... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Wilkos' Spirit of the Times...I1 15 Woman's Journal............ 4% 6 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 . 10 Yankee Blade .............. . 8% 7 Youth's Companion.......... 3 5 Hub (The)..................23 35 Illus. Household Mag........ 6 T0 In Doors and Out....... . . . . . . 7 10 Industrial Monthly.......... 9 15 Industrial Record............ 6 8 ( & “ (with Supplt),37 * Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 Insurance Times..... . . . . . . . .22 30 Insurance Spectator ... . . . . . .22 * Insurance Gazette ........... 40 *s Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 10 Jolly Joker.... ....... tº dº tº e º º ºs 7 12 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6. — La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 Lady's Own Magazine ....... 14 e- Lady’s Repository. . . . . . . . . . .27 5 Lakeside Library. . . . . . . . . . 7% — La Mode Elegante. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 50 Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Little Corporal... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 15 Literary World......... . . . . .ll – Lippincott’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).10 15 Locke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 * London Family Herald. . . . . . . 18 sº- London Lancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 *=º Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 *=e Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 *º- Medical News and Library... 10 *=e Medical News Supplement (Suc- cessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 tº- Medical Union * * g g s e º & © # e. *º- Merryman's Monthly...... ... 7 10 Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 Mother’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6%. 10 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 10 Musical World (N. ¥) ....... 16 30 Musical World (Cleveland)... 9 *º- National Agriculturist and Bee Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e s e º º 7 10 National Car Builder........ 7 *º- National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 15 Nat’l Teacher's Monthly..... 7 10 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 50 New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 20 New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 tºº-º-º: New Yorker Musick Zeitung... 6 cº-º-º: New York Medical Journal ...30 50 Nick Nax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 10 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 289 IWI O N T H L Y — Continued. Trade Ret. Trade Rot. Trade. Ret. Prico. Prico, TICO. Nursery (The)............... 10 15 || Pictorial World... . . . . . . .... — — | Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 37% — | Popular Science Monthly..... 37 50 | St. Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 — Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Poultry World............... 8 12 | Texas New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . 17 * Oruum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73, 6% 10 | Psychological Journal.... . . .37% 50 | The Lens.................... 70 gº-º-º: “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | Psychological and Medico- Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 Legal Journal............. 50 | Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 “, 15c. Romances, 1 to 24 8%. 15 || Railway Monitor......... . . . .33 — | Traveler’s Official Guide. . . . . 25 50 Overland Monthly.... . . . . . . . 26 35 | Rand & McNally Guide...... .28 40 | Truth-Seeker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * Painters’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . .11 15 l Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . .25 35 | Union Era (parts)... . . . . . . . . .25 *º Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 — | Richardson's Weekly monthly University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Paper Trade Journal (semi-mo)ll *=== art.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 | Wan Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- - Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Pension Record... . . . . . . ... 6 — | Sailors’ Magazine . . . . . . . . . s. 10 I5 | Watchmaker and Jeweler - .... 17 * Peters’ Household Melodies. , 30 — Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 ** Parlor Music. . . . . . . . . 30 — | Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 — | Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 25 Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector. 11 15 Science of Health............ 14 . 25 | Wide Awake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Peterson’s Magazine ......... 20 | Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . .38 50 | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Scribner's Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 | Working Farmér... . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 try Bulletin.... . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Silliman’s Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 | Workshop......... . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Philadelphia Photographer...43 5t) || Singers’ Journal...... . . . . . . . 1 2 || Yankee Notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 | Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 | Young Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .5 Phunny Phellow............. 7%. 10 | Star-Spangled Banner.... .... 4% 6 || Young Crusader ...... tº e º e & © & 10 Peterson’s Popular Literature 20 — | Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6, 10 | Young Ladies’ Journal...... .27 g== Q U. A R T E R L. Y. R. E VI Ews, ETC. e American Church Review $0 90 Church and World........ $0 85 – 1 National Quarterly Review.51 12 – American Journal Medical Congregational ............ 50 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 — Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 — | Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 | New Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 — | Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | North Américan Review ...I 124 – American law Review . . . . . 1 05 — Half - Yearly Compendium No. Am. Jour, of Homoepathy 85 tº- Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 — Medical Science ......... 1 20 — Postal Guide (U.S. Official). . 40 50 Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 — | International Review (bimo) 67 – | Presbyterian Quarterly and Braithewaite's Retrospect...I 05 — | Journal Social Science. . . . . . 1 25 *== Princeton Review........ 75 sº British Quarterly (reprint). 62 – Journal of Speculalive Philos- Smith’s Pattern Bazar....... 20 — Brittan’s Journal....... . . . 67 — Ophy. . . . . . . . . . . tº s tº e º e e e º º º 50 75 | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 * Brownson's Review........ 1 00 — Ladies'Quarterly Review... 10 — | Westminster Review ...... 62 g- Christian Examiner........ 67 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 e- Christian Quarterly. . . . . . . . 85 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . . .0 75 – Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 — F O R E I G. N. PIE R I O DI C A L S – W E E K L. Y. Trade Prico. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. ©Academy. . . . . . . . . ... 10 | Edinburgh Scotsman.... Judy....... tº e º 'º e º 'º e º º º sº 6 || Pall Mall Budget ..... ... 2 All the Year Round ..... 8 || English Mechanic ....... 7 | Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Era .......... . . . . . . . . . 20 | Lancet .......... . . . . ... 18 six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ©Athenæum ... . . . . . . . . 10 | Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Land and Water ........ 20 || Pictorial World. . . . . . ... 10 |Belfast News. . . . . & e º e e e 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 || Iloyd’s Newspaper..... . 5 | Public Opinion. . . . . . . . . TO Bell's Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Field.... . . . . . . . tº e s is e º $ tº 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . 25 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells ... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Fun................... . 5 || Liverpool Mercury 10 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Funny Folks... . . . . . . . . . 5 || London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 | Puuch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Building News.......... 12 | Garden.... . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . . . 5 §º iás Newspaper e tº e * g •rs 3 Gardener’s Chronicle.... I6 || London World . . . . . . . . . . 20 cyno NewSpaper . . . º sºlº : 1. Gas-Light Journal . . . . . . 20 | L'Univers Illustré....... 10 | Saturday Review . . . . . . . . 16 Christian World. . . . . . . . . 5 3. Herº". . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester Times....... 10 ść. zette....... 16 Church Review . . . . . . 10 || Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }} | Markiane Express 3. Sporting Gºzeße:::::::: 10 Yl-, ** ** *: e & © Guardian --------... . . . 20 l Nº: * --- . . . . . ; Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Church Times . . . ...... 5 * y Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 Court Journal 20 Illustrated NeWS. . . . . . . . 20 Musical World 18 50.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 © tº tº e º te & tº e Illustrated Penuy . . . . . . 5 || Musical worlu . . . . . tº e º 'º e Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16 Dispatch ...... tº tº e e º 'º e º is 5 Illustrated Police News. , 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 | Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . 8. Economist ... . . . . . . 30 Illustrated Sporting and Nature....... ::... ; ; . . . . . 19 | The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Mail (3 dates) . . . . . . 28. Fingineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ilustrated London Clipper 5 | Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 12 | Weekly Register(Cath.)... 16 Engineering & Building Irishman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Observer . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Weekly Times .......... 4 Times..... & º $ 8 tº $ e º 'º $ tº John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IF O R. E. I. G. N. P. E. R. I O D H C A L S – IVI O N T | H L Y - Trade Price. - Trade Price. Trade Price. 3. Trade Price. Alviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% | Cassell’s Shakespeare.... 25 | Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . 16 || Gardener’s Magazine. .. 36 All the Year Round (part) 36 || Cassell's Bible Educator... 25 || Draper and Milliner..... 38 || Gardener (The)......... 20 All the World over . . . . . . 18 “ Horse .......... 25 | Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Gentleman’s Magazine... 38 Annals of Natural History 95 “ AEsop’s Fables... 25 | Dublin University Maga- Good Things. . . . . . tº g º Gº & © 18 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 || Castles and Abbeys..... 18 zine. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 1 00 || Graphic (part)..... . . . . 1 00 Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Chambers’ Journal. . . . . . 25 | Ed; * - Athenæum (part)....... 54 | Chatterbox. - - - .... . . . . . 8 #. §º: "| Homilist ........... ... 30 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 | Chess Player's Chronicle 38 #. Magazine -- 38 Horological... . . . . . . . . . . 20. Hankers’ Magazine . . . . . 57 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Evan * Christendom 20 Human Nature . . . . . . . . . 20 Band of Płope Review. . . 2 | Children’s Prize. . . . . . . .2% E º Boy’s Magazine 18 Hunt’s Yachting. . . . . . . . 38 Baptist Messenger. . . . . . 3 || Child’s Companion. . . . . . 2% É. jº 31ag * * * 38 * * Belgravia. . . . . . . . ... .... 38 Christian Evidence jour”, “3 | *P* ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Infant's Magazine.... .2% 'Bookseller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Christian Treasury. . . . . . 20 | Family Friend.......... 2% Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ gº 75 ſ30ys of England. . . . . . . . . 18 Churchman's Companion. 20 | Family Herald (parts)... 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 City Chess Magazine..... 20 | Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 | Journal des Modes....... 50 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Contemporary Review... 62 Farmer's Magazine...... 76 || Journal of Horticulture... 54. British Workman . . . . . . .2% British Workwoman.....2% British Juvenile...... ... 3 Builder ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Cornhill Magazine. . . . . ... 38 Cottager and Artisan....2% Covent Garden (May).... 38 Day of Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . Fortnightly Review ..... Floral World . . . . . . . . Fraser's Magazine. . . . . . 1 00 Friendly Visitor Journal of Science (quar- terly)............... 1 90 Kind Words ............ 10. 2 9O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS? GUIDE. IF O FE E II G N P ER 1 O ID II C A, L S – MION TI HI L Y–C OtiIn Ued. Trade Price. Trade Price. « Trade Price. Trade TPrice, Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 | Medical Times (parts). ... 98 | Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . 75 | Sunday School Times . . . . 10 La Mode Illustrée . . . . . . 1 00 | Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 | Practical Magazine. . . . . 38 | Sunday School World.... 18 LamP- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 | Monthly Microscopical Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 l Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Ladies' Gazette of Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Punch (parts) .......... 44 | Sword and Trowel (Spur- Fashion. . . . . . . . - - - - - - 38 Monthly Packet. .... .... 38 | Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 geon) . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 2 Ladies' Treasury. . . . . . . . 30 | Mother's Friend. . . . . . . . . 3 | Science GOSSip. . . . . . . . . . 16 | Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Leisure Hour...... . . . . . 20 | Musical Times . . . . . . . . . . 8 | Scientific Review. . . . . . . 20 | Tinsley's Magazine. . . . . . 38 Linguist. . . . . . . . . . . - - - – | Nautical Magazine . . . . . . 38 | Shorthand Magazine. . . . 20 | Truthseeker. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 18 | Naval Science (qtly) .. : 1 00 Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 | Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Little FolkS . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Notes and Queries (pts). 60 Spurgeon's Pulpit. ...... 20 | Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 Local Preacher. . . . . . . . . . 10 Old and New London. . . . 25 | St. James' Magazine. . . . . 38 | Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . 38 L o c a I Preachers? SOnce a Week (parts).. 20 Strahan's Saturday Jour- Villa Gardener. . . . . . . . . 20 Magazine. . . . . . . . . 7 | Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . .-- .. 20 mal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 | Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 28 London Journal (parts).. 22 Our Own Fireside..... .. 20 | Sugar Cane Magazine. . . . 38 | World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35 London Society . . . . . . . . . 38 Penny Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 | Young Folks’ Budget. . . . 20 London & Paris Fashions. 38 | Picture Gallery . . . . . ... - 38 | Sunday at Home. . . . . . . . 20 | Young Ladies' Journal... 27 McMillan’s Magazine -- a 25 Popular Science Review Sunday School Teacher ... 7 | Young Men of Great Bri- Methodist Tjancéº (quarterly).... -- . . . . 100 | Sunday School Teacher's bain- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 | Pharmaceutical Journal. 75 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Zoologist. . . . . . . • • • • 38 G DE R NI A N - A MI E R EIC A N PU BE L II C A. TT I ON S. Trade Ret. Trade Ret, sº. Price. Weekly. Price. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . S 4 Atlantische Blätter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 | Steuerzahler. . . . . . . D d = - - > s sº es sº D & es - sº a sº G e. 5% 8 Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº gº º G B sº s S. s B º Gº O Gº 3 4 l Uns' Modersprak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 † Bibliothek Populärer Erzählungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 | Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Frank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Freischütz . . . . . . . . . . . . - O Gº S sº G a gº - sº a sº a B - - - - - - - - * * * Z 5 Wochenblatt der N, Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Germania; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sº s sº e sº s sº º & S * - sº s sº o E & Cº 6 10 Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . chland und der Schweiz 1 Nachrichten aus DeutSChland und der Schweiz. . . . " «s Das Neue Heim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Semi-Monthly. New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 | Familien-Schatz .... . . . . . . . . . cº e r | s | s e s - º Gº « s & º s 10 15 Pionier. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7% 10 | Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung. . . . 6 8 De Plattdütsche Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Schnedderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 S Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 3 % MontInIy. Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z IV - r . . . - • Ä der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 4 Amerikanischer Agriculturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 IIMFIPOFETTEID GERETAIAN MIA GAZIN ES AND PIERRIO DIC ALLS. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked ††. Semi-MIonth Iy. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 †† Buch für Alle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 † Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 † Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº º B B D D - º B & D - - z ºº a s - s . 10 †f Leipziger Gartenlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Neuzeib- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 † Ueber Land und Meer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 8 a Year. † Allgemeine Illustrirte Faunilien-Zeitung... . . . . . . 14 IMIEPORTEID GERMIAN BOOKS PUBLISHIED IN PARTS. † Brockhaus Conversations-LexicoB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 PartS, ab - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 Bock, Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen, published in about 10 partS, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Don Quixote von la Mancha, Illustrationen von G. Doré, published in about 50 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . 23 Italien’s Kunstschätze, von Eckstein, published in about 75 parts, at . . . . . . Sº G B º - B & C H & M e . Es s s s . . s sº s sº 28 Italien. Eine Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum AEtna, published in about 24 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . 60 H. Heine’s sämmtliche Werke. Published in 54 Parts- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Schiller’s sämmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 partS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 40 35 NEW G E R MIA N PU HE EL I CAT I ON S. Imported- † Mylius Weisse Frau, 24 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO † Rózsa Sándor, 20 partS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 † Hexe von OlmütZ, 30 parts .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Born, Stumme von Portici, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brühl, Suleika, die Perle des Harem, 30 parts . . . . . 8 Lippert. Fra Dia-VolO, 30 partS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 † Alte und Neue Welt, . . . . . . . . . . . . sº sº º D S. * * - sº d as a s 13 20 † Bunte Welt- . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Deutscher HausSchatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 † Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 † Illustrirte Welt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sº s . . . . s . . . d 12 20 MI onthly. † Gewerbehalle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Deutsche Rundschau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 85 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 Köppen, Otto von Bismarck, published in about 16 P°°°°° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 35 Die Rheinfahrt, von den Quellen bis zum Meere. Reich illustrirtes Prachtwerk, published in about 24 Parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 65 Shakespeare’s sämmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtal:sgabe. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . . . 18 25 O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . ... - - - 14 25 Spindler’s ausgewählte Romane, published in about 8° Pºrts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 20 Stielers Hand-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at..40 66) LudWig, Feuerhannes, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Schmeling. Ein falscher Fürst und Jesuiten Zögling, 29 Pºrs. - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -.-.. ... 8 12 † Der Freischütz, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 8 12 Domestic, H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at . . . . . . . . 6 10 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 29 I 46 OF CANVASSING. OR AGENTS’ ART AID.” This little Work Will enable any one to make a living. By mail, 25 cents, ſº Send stamp for circular. NEW YORK BOOK CONCERN, 7 Warren st., New York. lº er day. A gents wanted. All $5 to $20 § of §n. people of both sexes, young and old, make more money at work for usin their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. We offer º: ment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere until you have learned what we offer. G. STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. | ESSRS. JESSE HANEY & CO. have issued a Book of Scrolls and Ornaments which will add to the very favorable reputation their Trade Manuals and Handbooks have given them. While the price, one dollar, is insignificant compared with the usual cost of books of ornamentation, this book for all practical pur- poses seems to be actually their superior.—American Bookseller's Guide. Bºº TWIanual gives best formulas for all plain and fancy mixed drinks, recipes for bitters, cordials, syrups, liqueurs, wines, acidulated beverages, &c., &c., including Artificial Cider, cheaply made and of excellent quality. A marvel of reliability, completeness, and cheapness. “With this work before him, every man can be his own barkeeper.”—N. Y. Clips per. Only 50 cts. Of any bookseller or newsdealer, and all the News Companies. B00KS WANTED. W. F. GOLDTEIWAITE, New Orleans, La. Medico-Chirurgical Review. October, 1846, July, 1849, and July, 1853. La. Annual Reports. Vol. XV., 1860. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. E. D. Babbit's The Science and Art of Penmanship. 2 Nos. Published by Newman & Ivison, New York, 1856. Wanted No. 1. & Alcock & Rand's Patent Cupero-Graphic Copy-Books, 5 Nos. Published by the authors, Philadelphia, 1822. Wanted, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5. A System of Pen and Writing-Book Combined., by Chancey Bascom., 4 Nos. fºublished by Holbrook & ºnden, Brattleboro’, Vt., 1826. Wanted, Nos. 3 and 4. E. Baker's Plain, Easy, etc., System of Pen. A Writ- ing-Book. Published by the author, in Massachusetts, 1856. Wanted, one copy. Also certain other old books on Writing, for which a Premium will be paid. A full list of those wanted will be sent to any one having such books to dispose of. Address as above. Books for SALE E. R. GILLESPIE, 54 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Congressional Globe. 72 vols. Price, 30 cents per vol., net cash. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., 79 Nassau St., N. Y. Perfect files of the New York Herald, from May 1, 1854, to April 30, 1866, in 25 volumes, and for 1853 in 2 vol. umes, all handsomely bound. These files give a com- plete history of the war, and of the excitement of the immediate preceding years. PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, The largest and best assortments are manufactured by E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Broadway, New Yoº-Jº. FOR COVERING SCHOOL BOOKS&g Every Dealer Should Have Them, * NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. Applied in one second. Stronger than cloth. The ECOn Omic Advertisers I Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. HOLDEN’ HANIDY LETTER, FILE. Cheapest in the market. Agents wanted. Samples sent by mail, on receipt of price, 75 cents. PAYNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. REW, DR, SPEER'S NEW BOOK ISSUED BY THE º Presbyterian Board of Publication, iſ's filt iſ thisian Big * A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON TELE Science of Christian Economy, *==m. 16mo. Cloth. Price, 75 cents. JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. BANNER of light: A POPULAR FAMILY PAPER, and an exponent of the SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE NINETEENTEI CENTURY. A large eight-page weekly. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE. Per Year-----------------------------... .33.00 Six Months.-----------------------------. 1.50 Three Months ---------------------------- 75 Postage, ſ 5 cents per year. Address COLBY & RICH, No. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass. COLBY & RICH, Publishers, keep for sale a full assortment of SPIRITUAL, REFORMATORY, and MDISCELLANEOUS WORKS. ºff Specimen copies of the BANNER or LIGHT, and Catalogue of Books, sent free on application. 292 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERs cuide. JOSEPH G|LLOTT's CELEBRATED So/d by 3// Deaſers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, —º- 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. MUNRO'S SPEAKER, No. 1. * T H E "Wſt IKIDW'Blli G|||}|S|HiRS" SPEAPS ER. IFIRICE 1 O CIENTS. There has always been room for a book of speeches or recitations that are really witty, humorous, and laugh- provoking. We all like to have a good, hearty laugh, especially when it comes without an effort on our part, and almost against our will. By reading or listening to the spegghes in the ‘‘VOT I ICNOW 'IBOUT GRUEL SOCIE- TIES” SPEAKER, the staidest old judge could not help giving went to his merriment. & & These speeches are just what is wanted to give spice, and fun, and merriment to social parties, home entertain- ments, school recitations, debating Societies, etc. Below we give the names of some of the speeches: Billy Schroeder's Speech. Storm in Plumpstock. Jane Jerusha Jipp's Speech Vot I Know 'Bout Gruel on Women's Rights. Societies for the Breven- Josiah Bildad's Courtship. tion of Animiles. Hatrick Penry's Speech. An Awful Blunderbuss. Teddy McGlaherty's Sell. Fritz Vanderdyck's Speech. Negro Speech. Jacob Doolittle's Courtship Lord Ullin's Daughter. of Jemima Whipplegrass. EHard-Shell Sermon. Tabitha Tood's Stu m p Jimmie O'Brien's Speech Speech. On Cheers. A Fourth of July Oration. A Few Remarks. Dr. Walker and Easter Reconstruction. Monday. An Address to Boys. Newsdealers will please send in their orders for the book to the Companies from whom they receive their Sup- plies. The book will be for sale by all newsdealers. rice ten cents. GEORGE MUNR0, Publisher, P. O. Box 5657. S4 Beekman Street, New York. SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL-BOOKS, First Steps in English Literature, By ARTHUR GILMAN, M.A. 16mm O. Cloth. $1. “Valuable alike for reference by the scholar and as a guide for the student.”—Christian Union. “Remarkable for fairness and precision.”—New York Evening Post. - “Clear, compact, and complete.”—Bostom Journal. First Steps in General History, By ARTHUR GILMAN, M.A. 16mo. Cloth. $1.25. “It invites comparison with Mr. Freeman's “Outlines of Universal History.' For a text-book in our common schools, Mr. Gilman's book is the better adapted of the two.”—Ohristian Register. “Accurate and impartial.”—Literary World. “It has many excellences.”—New York Nation. Elements of Physical Manipulation, By EDWARD C. PICKERING, THAYER PROFESSOR OF PEIYSICS IN THE MASSA CHUSETTS - INSTITUTE OF TECENOLOGY. 8vo. Illustrated. Cloth. $3. “Much better for educational purposes than any text- book of physics yet in print.”—New York Tribune. Colburn's Arithmetic, INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC UPON TEIE INDUCTIVE METHOD OF INSTRUCTION. - By WARREN COLBURN, A.M. 16mmo. 40 cents. “Everything I have seen confirms me in the opinion which I early formed, that ‘Colburn's Arithmetic "is the most original and by far the most valuable work upon the subject which has yet appeared. Where it has been used, and properly used, in a school, I find an intelligence and readiness in the process of mental arithmetic which I look for in vain in cases where the instruction has been conducted upon principles foreign to those which Mr. Colburn introduces.”—George B. Emerson. *** Special terms for imtroduction. Oorrespondence with Teachers solicited by the Publishers, HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, -—C–C–C– “EDUCATION” IN THE ATLANTIC, To the able departments on Recent Literature, Art, and Music, the publishers of the ATLANTIC MONTHLY have recently added one on Edwdation, which contains, each month, a discussiou of educational topics, and care- ful reviews of new text-books. . There is a special reason, therefore, Why teachers should subscribe to the ATLAN- TIC, because it contains the expression of the ripest thought and most delightful literary art in America; the best poems, the best novels, the most entertaining and elevating literature, and the most thoughtful discussion of educational topics. Terms, $4.00 a year, postage free. Published by II. O. Houghton & Company, Bostom, EIwººd & Howghton, New York. I HE 293 AMERICAN B00KSELLERG’ GUIDE. Manuyacroºr of The srºncºnian strºl. PENs, Butmingham, rna. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC §TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBEIt alone has an annual sale of more than G. C. C C, C C Cº. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured ºf the very, best materiai, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenuess of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fiteen Numbers of Pens, diſtering in fixibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College tºen. Post Fisk: Acrios. Pººr. This º.º. reat fºrite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the chºols and commercial colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- in Per gross, +1-40. No. 2 counting-House Pen. adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. gross $1-5. 3. commercial Pen. Poist Medium. Business Pen. Per grº-- $l.25. No. 1 Ladies' xtra Pen. Point Extra Fiseaso Fºxºntº For iriºne, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. per gross. * * No. 5. School Pen. Post Fisk, Mºnium is Fºxtºurry...For a durable school lºen it has never been equaled. Per gross-sl-40. 5. Flourishing Pen. Forst Loso, Fºxºle asº Mºnius: is Rºss For on-hand Flourishing. Per grºss $125 No. 7. Quill Pen. Poist Mºnitº, Quini Avries. A Smooth, Easy writing ren. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, sl tºo. s. Congress Pen (New) Mºnium Fºxºntº Pºst. A very superior Ten for all styles of writing . This Pen undergoes n pro- * cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times inore durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9, bank pen. Poisºr Losa aso Fºx intº with accountants. Tellers &c. Per gross $1.40. No. 10, custom-house pen. Poisºr Mºntext. Well adapted to an styles of Bold Free band writing. Per gross. $1.50. poist Fixº and Flexible, well Per An Easy Writing A great favorite No. ii. University Pen. Poist Mºniux, writy Sºtº ºn Fºxºº. The netion of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per ross-sl-ºn. No. 73. Epistolaire Pen. Poist writy Fisk asnºvº. Fº This "ºne tº pºinºi pen made and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, --- No. 13. Engrossing Pen. Pºst BLust, sº SMºrº Particu- larly adºpted to Cºarse-hand writing and Engrossing. Per gross, - $1.25. No. 14. Artistic Fen. Furºxiºus with Extº Fisk Poºr Th" exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 5. The Queen. Pºist Extra Fisk Admirably adapted to all kinds ºf Fine writing per gross, $1.50. SPEclal RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Nºmbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 13s & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. THE INCINNAT News Company, No. 154 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, - Wholesale Dealers in all articles which form the Stocks of Booksellers, Stationers, AND News-Dealers. They keep on hand full lines of the Publica- tions of all the NEW York, Boston, PHILA- DELPHIA, and CINCINNATI houses, as soon as issued, at Publishers' LOWest Prices, and have also on hand A LARGE STOCP.3 STATIONERY GOODS, including all the standard articles, both Domes- tic and Foreign, and all the new styles and cheap varieties. Trade-Lists, containing list of NEwsPAPERs, MAGAZINEs, &c., &c., and other information of value to Dealers, are sent free on application. All communications should be addressed to The Cincinnati News Company, No. 154 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 294 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. ...?//7/2.W.:/7/( /š/20A (Z.Z.)/2. | Rºº-º- | º- ºl. Wººyºº. nº The advantages of this Clamp over any others in the market are: 1st.—It is Self-Closing. 2d.—It Secures and Releases the Books instantaneously. 3d.—It Contains Pencil Case for Penholder, Slate Pencil, and Lead Pencil. 4th.-It is highly Ormamental. No. 1.-Length, 10 in ches, $4 per dozen. Lacquered. No. 2.-13 inches, $6 per dozen. Nickel-plated. A. J. FISHER, Manufacturer, 98 Nassau Street, New York. EPIEEREYO ERA TEID LIBRARY NUMBERS. The NuMBERs size “25" are printed in black, on tinted paper, for post-office boxes, school-desks, hat-hooks, library- shelves, and books. Furnished face-gummed for glass. Size “252,” for books, shelves, reports, paper patterns, and especially for the use of Auctioneers. Size “5825" are printed in blue ink on white paper; are used for numbering Natural History specimens, Checks, Books, paging files of Letters, Newspapers, or any other papers, also Blank-books, Scrap-books, and Stamp col- lections. Any style or quantity to order. The Letters size “A” are printed in black, on tinted paper, and are used for Lecture-Room Chairs, etc. The size “B” are printed in black, on white paper, and are used for indexing books and for pigeon-holes, statements, etc. i Parcis. Perforated, Like Postage Stamps. SELF-SEALING. ;Large Letters, |-11phabet, 10cts. Small Letters, | Per 100, 10 cºt. Runs to 1,000, | Tinted paper, Per 100, 20 cts. Runs to 1,000, Tinted paper | Per 100, 10 ºt. - Bunsto 10,000, White Paper, | Per 100 10cts. These COVERS and NUMBERS are kept in Stock by the prominent Jobbing Booksellers, from whom Retail Dealers can order, if they prefer. Send Postal Card for package of samples. Discount to the trade. Address P. F. WAN EVEREN, 191 Fulton St., N. Y. THE AMERICAN BOOKS/CIL LERS’ G UIDE. 295 Elegant Juvenile Gift B00ks —- sº — a 4- THE LITTLE FOLKS PICTURE GALLERY. The Finest Illustrated Juvenile Gift-Book Published this Year. Quarto, full gilt sides and edges. Retail, $2.50. It has illustrations upon every page, and is printed on heavy laid paper in the best pos- sible manner. CHATTERBOX. NTE VV VOILU ME FOR LS75. Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. No other juvenile has ever attained so wide and so well-deserved a popularity as this. It is profusely and handsomely illustrated, and its stories, sketches, etc., are carefully selected to afford instruction as well as amusement to children. The pub- lishers have spared no pains to make this volume fully equal to its predecessors. LIT T L HD THT O L ESC S. NEW FALL VOLUME. A. COMPANION TO CHATTER.BOX Quarto, 460 pp., boards, colored cover, $1.50; in cloth, sides and back in black and gilt, title in bright colors, red, blue, and gilt, $2.50. Containing funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from natural history, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make children happy. Beautiful illustrations on every page. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNG. - NEW VOLUME FOR, 1875. Quarto, Uniform with Chatterbox. Boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same * in cloth, full gilt sides and back, $2.50. All who are interested in making the Sabbath a bright and happy day, as well as a sacred one, to children, will be pleased with this new publication. Sunday-school Teachers and others who wish to secure wholesome Sunday literature for the young, will find this book exactly suited to their purpose. It contains first-class engravings, original stories, poetry, and readings suitable for use in Sunday-school or home. THE CHILDREN’S PRIZE. NEW TV OILTU MEC tº OER. LS75. Small quarto, boards, colored cover, 75 cents. Full of rich engravings, stories, sketches, poetry, music. etc., suitable for the edification and instruction of children. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., NEW YOR.EX 296 THE American booksellers GUIDE. Fits any School-Book, “cept Jogfys!” Th E VAN Ever EN ADJUSTABLE BOOK-COVER, FA TENTED INTA-ºr 3, 1870, For Colleges, Societies, Schools, Public and Pivate libraries. This COVER is made of strong Manilla paper, and in four parts, fitting the four corners of a bound volume—said parts being self-sealing, and adjustable in relation to each other, as they are put on the book, so as to fit many different sizes of books. Size A ſits an 1smo, 16mo, or A2umo book. Put up, 1 OO in a Box, Price, $2. DEALERS in SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Have used thousands of the Covers as a valuable medium for advertising. Their business cards are neatly printed outside the cover, and whenever the book is used are where they catch the eye, As long as the cover lasts. Dealers supply a copy of the cover, gratis, with every book purchased. Samples of Covers thus printed sent on application. NET PRICES FOR SIZE A COVERS, WITH BUSINESS CARD. For 500; $ 1 O; 1 OOO, $ 18; 2000, per 1000, $17; 5000, per 1000, § 15. ---e -º- - - -aº- THESE COVERS ARE REPT IN STOCK BY JOBBING BOOT&SELLERS. P. F. WAN EVEREN, 191 Fulton St., N.Y The New York Blank Book Company, 24- Eeels rholarl Street, NEW YORK, Or address Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, Half-Bound Blanks, Writing Bodks, Full-Bound Blanks, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Memorandum Books, - Scrap Books, etC., etc., etc., etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application. Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEERMAN STREET, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 297 POPULAR BOOK s IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO. 75O Broadway, New York. Cope’s Natural History. 8vo. Cloth, $2,00. Shakespeare's Complete Works. Portrait. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Walker’s Dictionary. Cloth, $2.00. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. Cloth, $2.00. Josephus (Flavius), Works of. Frontispiece. Q r. e 425 Engravings. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Crown 8vo Cloth extra, gilt edge, $1.00. Joyce’s Scientific Dialogues. Cloth, 75cts. Scottish Chiefs. Cloth, $1.00. Swiss Family Robinson. 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Fox’s Book of Martyrs. 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Crown Illustrated. Crown Seven Champions of Christendom. Illus- trated. Crown Svo. Cloth, 75cts. Basket of Flowers, and Other Tales. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. Cloth, $1.00. Crown 8vo. Beautiful Thoughts. 1,000 Choice Extracts. Post 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12mo, Cloth, $1.00. Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery. Svo. Cloth, 75cts. Ferguson's Roman Republic. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. Fleetwood’s Life of Christ. gilt, $1.00. - Clater's Every Man his own Cattle Doctor. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Clofb, 75cts. Clater's Every Man his own Farrier. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Esop's Fables. 100 Woodcuts. 12mo, Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Maria Monk. Crown 12mo. Cloth, 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Ovid’s Art of Love. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Wesley’s Primitive Physic. 16mo. Cloth, 50cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Plates. 12mo. Cloth, 60cts. . Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Cloth extra, 75cts. Aristotle's Masterpiece. Roan, $1.00. Colored Plates. Colored Plates. Cooke's Complete Letter-Writer, Royal Dream Book, Imperial Dream Book, Royal Fortune-Teller, Imperial Fortune-Teller, Maria Monk. 32mo, Embossed paper cover, 25cts. each. R. WORTHINGTON & Co., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. 298 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The Latest and Best Schoo/ Singing-Book: SILVER THREADS OF SONG. A BOOK FOR Q Schools, Seminaries, and the Home Circle, By H. M ILL A. R. D. Contains 208 pages and 150 songs, of which “Silver Threads Among the Gold,” “Under the Daisies,” “Whip- poor will's Song,” are a fair sample. The course of instruction is plain and thorough. Mr. Millard, the compiler, is well known as the popular song-writer. Each of these pieces is full of Imelody. Sample copy mailed on receipt of 60 cents. S. T. GORDON & SON, 13 EAST 14th STREET, NEW YORK. JOHN WILEY & SON, 15 Astor Place, New York, HAVE IN PREPARATION: 1. ELEMENTS OF GRAPHICAL STATICS, and their Application to Framed Structures, etc. Cranes; Bridge, Roof, and Suspension Trusses; Braced and Stone Arches; Pivot and Draw Spans; Continuous Girders, etc. By A. JAY Du Bois, C.E., Ph.D. 2 vols. Swo. 1 vol. text and 1 vol. plates. $5. 2. A HANDBOOK FOR BRIDGE ENGINEERS. By C. HERSCHEL. In 3 vols. Each volume complete in itself. Vol. I.-Straight and Beam Bridges. Vol. II.-Suspension and Arched Bridges. Vol. III.— Stone Bridges; Bridge Piers and their Foundations. 3. DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. By C. CALVERT. Edited by Dr. STENHOUSE and C. E. GROVES. Illustrated with wood engravings, and specimens of printed and dyed fabrics. 1 vol. 8vo. $7.50. A LSO NIHD AIRLY Fºlº AIDY: 1. FRESENIUS’ QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Translated into the New System, and newly edited by Prof. S. W. JoEINSON. With additional cuts. 1 vol. 8vo. $4.50. (Ready by July 20.) - 2. WARREN, PROF. S. EDWARD. STEREOTOMY, OR STONE-CUTTING. 1 vol. 8vo. Plates. $2.50. 3. MILLER'S ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1 Vol. 8vo. $10.00. *...* Copies of our Publications for examination, with reference to introduction, will be supplied to professors and teachers at one-third discount, and will be mailed and prepaid on the receipt of the maoney. TNT COTVVT ER_TEH_A_ID TY. THE CRIMSON STAR r, THE MIDNIGHT VISION. A Zºo MANCE FOONZ) EZ) ON FAC 77. BY MIRs. SAERA III A. W. ER. H. GEIT, . Author of “The Golden Ladder; or, The Stolen Jewel,” “Gem of the Lake,” “The Secret Duel,” “Slander and - its Victims,” etc., etc. For sale by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 299 DICKS ENGLISH CLASSICs This edition is the cheapest and best. It has numerous illustrations, and is printed on good paper from new, clear type, and is in all respects the finest edition in the market for the price. - of DIC EQ'S SHAECE SPEARE. Containing all the great Poet's Plays, thirty-seven in number, from the Original Text. The whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 illustrations by Gilbert, Wilson, etc. Paper------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .6O Cloth --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.25 DICE’S BY RON. A new edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages, 16 illustrations by F. Gilbert. Paper---------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DICK’S GOLDSMITH. e The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete illustrated edition. Paper---------------------------------------------------------------- & * Cloth------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .8O DICK'S BURNS. . This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burus is elaborately illustrated, and contains the whole o the Poems, Life and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. Paper--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .25 Cloth-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- .5O DICK'S ARABIAN NIGHTS. A new translation, complete, with numerous illustrations. Paper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .5O DICEC’S MILTON. Milton's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper -- - - - - - - - .25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50 DICK'S COWBER. Cowper's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper. . . . . . . . .25 Cloth. ------- e º sº a sº as * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = a, s = - e = * = .5O DICK'S WORDSWORTH. Wordsworth's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Cloth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 DICK'S MOORE. Moore's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Cloth.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, JAgents for the United States. 3oo THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We have always on hand the books of American publishers as soon as they are issued, which we supply A T THE LOVVTEST TRATES- ‘e - Our stock of imported English Books is unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, embracing STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS B00KS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, . . " ANNUALS, ALBUMS, JUVENILES, ETC, ETC, I N G. R. E. A. T V A R. I E T Y. OUR STATIONERY STOCK Includes all the standard articles, both Domestic and Foreign, sold in the Trade, including Papers, Pens, Inks, Pen-Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-Books, Bristol Board, Games, Toy-Books, Playing-Cards, Copying-Books and Presses, Portfolios, Writing-Desks, - Etc., Etc. Dealers can buy from us as cheaply as from manufacturers or publishers. Orders, large or small, for anything in the market, filled promptly. - Trade Lists of Newspapers and Magazines, also Stationery and Book Catalogues, sent free on application. . . All orders should be addressed to THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK. . * A A-dºſ - wd º º: ºàÉ º§ º § § º Wºr [] :*::::::::$ C §§ * * Raº- º § : C # -: * º w º Yol. vii. New York, SEPTEMBER 1, 1875. No. 9 C O N T E N T S. - - PAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, - - 301 || FoREIGN LITERARY NotEs, - 3II AMERICAN Book TRADE Association, 306 | NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. 312 N. Y. state Books.ELLERS' Assoc'N, 306 || MUSIC NOTES, - - - 3I3 THE souTHERN TRADE Moving, 306 || BUSINESS CHANGES, - º 3I.3 THE PHILADELPHIA AGREEMENT, 307 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTs, - 3I.3 | THE NEW ENGLAND BOOKSELLERS' Book ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SEPT., 31.4 ASSOCIATION, - - * 307 || AUGUST PUBLICATIONS, - 3.18 on LY A BEGINNING, - -- 308 | NEw MUSIC, - - * - 32 I suspension of LEE & SHEPARD, 308 || THE STATIONERY MARKET, . 323 comMENTS ON THE BOOK TRADE, 309 | THE AMERICAN NEws co's List of LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, 3IO NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 325 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending their addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. - Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. - Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 117, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. - -n D. LOTHROP & Co’s NEW BOOKS AND SETS, J OZSZ" O Zºe ZVZ A. AP 7, Yº H2 EA ZO Y. CHOICE BOOKS IN SETS. FAMOUS AMERICANS. - 4 vols. $6.00. . Lift of Benjamin Franklin. Chap- 2,70. Life of Charles Sumner. Chaplin. Life of Amos Lawrence. W. R. Lawrence. Life of Daniel Webster. Banward. CUNNING WORKMAN SERIES. 4 vols. $5.00. Cunning Workman. Pamsy. Grandpa's Darling. Pansy. Mrs. Deane's Way. Fay Hunting. tom. Dr. Deane's Way. Pansy and Fay Buntington. - BIBLE LESSON SERIES. 3 vols. $3.00. Bible Lessons. Help for S. S. Concerts. The Harvest and the Reapers. STANDARD BOOKS, 3 vols. $4.50. Progress of Baptist Principles. Plurality of Worlds. Christianity and Statesmanship. LAUREL SERIES, 4 vols. $5.00. Charley Laurel. Alice Sutherland. (Other volumes in preparation.) GOLDEN HOUR SERIES. 4 vols. $3.00. Very elegant. Sq. Large print, and numer. 16mo. ous full-page illustrations. The Christmas Visit. A Queer Carriage. Somebody’s Uarlings. Our Bertie. PICTURES AND SONGS. 12 vols. LILIAN GRAY LIBRARY. 4 vols. $5.00. Lilian Gray. Ivy Fenhaven. Signet Ring. Lame Bessie. CHILDREN'S HOUR LIBRARY. 5 vols. $3,75. Songs for Little Folks. Bible Stories. Stories of Birds. Stories of Animals. Picture Lessons. LARGE PRINT STORIES. 6 vols. $2.40. Very fully illust. Illustrated Primer. Easy Reading. Birds and Fishes. |Book of Animals. Book of Birds. Book of Natural History. In a box. Assorted. $3. 4 vols. Mabel's Faith. Three Little Brothers. Lost Purse. Davy's Jacket. PICTURE SERIES. 6 vols. $3.00. 16mo. Black and goid on side and back ; chromo on side ; and 30 full-page illustra- tions in each volume. Christmas Morning. Bert's Confession. Sailor Brother. The Concert. Little May's Picture. Effie's Friends. FIRESIDE STORIES. Wols. $1.50. My Pets. The Plot. Falsely Accused. Robie Grey. A Brave Boy. Little Gretchen. LIBRARY FOR STUDENTS, 3 vols. $4.50. Bremen Lectures. Salvation by Christ. Flashes of Thought. IITTLE MABEL SERIES. $3.00. TO BE PU BLISHED EARLY IN THE AUTU MN. SUNSHINE FOR BABYL AND. 4to. ti - Very attractive cover. More than 100 full-page illustra- OTIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1 25 Extra cloth binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 7.5 BON NIE A ERIE. By the author of “IEvening Rest” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 RALPH AND DICK. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... - - - - - 1 00 RUTH, A Song in the Desert ------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------------------------- 75 * STORIES.29 Elegantly illustrated. By Mrs. Louis A CHANDLER MoULTON, E. STUART PHELPs, , ROSSITER JOINSON, and others. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------- 2 0 O YOUNG Hº ICE. Elegantly illustrated. By JULIA A. EASTMAN, author of the $1000 Prize Story, “Striking for the Right”------------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------. THE COOKING CLUB O F “TU-VV HIT HOL LOW.29 By ELLA FARMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWI2S OPIN 10 N. A Story of School Life in England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ORD PICTURES; or, Thoughts and Descriptions from. Popular Authors. A very elegant volume. By GERT RUDE STROIIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OO SOLDIERS AND PATRIOTS OF THE REVOLUTION. By Joseph BANvARD, D.D.. 1 25 STORIES OF SUCCESS. Edited by S. F. SMITH, D.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 NOBLE WO R KERS. Edited by S. F. SMITH, D.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. By CHARLEs KNIGHT. New edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %2 00 BIBLE PICTURES. By Rev. Dr. IDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO Large edition. Illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------- 4 00 'THE EXCELLENT WOMAN. With an Introduction. Iły WILLIAM B. SPRAGUE, D.D. Extra plate paper. Illustrated. Large l6mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Extra. Illustrated, 8vo. --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 BRITISH NOVELIS'E'S. By M Assox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5 THE STI LL HO UR. New edition. By A USTIN PHELPs, 1). D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 THE IN E W B i It'THI. New edition. By AUSTIN PHELPs, D. 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.5 PAPA’s 8+ O.Y. By Mrs. C. E. K. DAvis. THE LI ITT ALIE VIOTHI ER AN EDS HER (; H R STIVIAS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eleven original illustrations by ADDIE LEDYARD . . . . ----- By PHEBF, F. McKEEN. Eleven MESSRS. D. LOTHROP & CO. will issue entirely new sets of 25 cent, 50 cent, 75 cent, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50 books, more fully illustrated than heretofore, colored frontispiece, etc., for the early holiday trade. Also many choice holiday books, not in sets. All books and sets heretofore advertised by us are now and constantly in print. Direct orders will be promptly and completely filled, with fresh stock in latest styles. The first number of “ WIDE A WARE,” the New Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, is now ready. Price, 20 cents a number; $2.00 a year. editor. B O S T O N : Many famous authors and artists are engaged upon it. ELLA FARMAN, D. LOTHROP & CO., PUBLISHERS. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. The 4 mérican Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by • THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET - NEw York, Sept. 1, 1875. During the month our booksellers have done a fair business, but it has fallen short of general expectation. Advices from the West are very encouraging, business having decidedly improved during the past few weeks, and a good fall and holiday trade is confidently expected by dealers in most of the western towns. The school-book trade will probably exceed that of last year. Buyers of miscellaneous books are still cautious, pre- ferring rather to buy only for immediate ants than to stock up. This leaves them free to purchase the new books as they will be issued and to prepare liberally for the holiday trade, and their present caution is probably not unwise. Harper & Brothers have published an Indea. to Harper's Magazine, covering the twenty-five years since its commencement, or the first fifty volumes. When we consider that IIa) - per's was the pioneer of periodical literature in this country, and introduced to the public many English and American writers who have since become famous, the importance of the index is apparent. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that the magazine is a valuable cyclopaedia of discovery and the im- portant events of a quarter of a century. It is admirably compiled for convenience, and the alternate pages are left blank, that it may be continued for future volumes. Two good novels have also been published by the Harpers: St. Simon’s Niece, by Frank Lee Benedict; and Jean, by Mrs. Newman. The former is a skillful dramatic story, strong in plot and exciting in incident, and striking in its delineations of the intensest passions of the heart. Mrs. Newman is a new author here, and is but little known in England. Her novel Jean is bright and pleasant, with characters well drawn, and the reader's interest is well sustained. This house have just issued Glad- stone's pamphlet, Speeches of Pope Pius IX., which it will be remembered appeared anony- mously in the Quarterly Review for January last, and is only just published under the distinguished author's name. In a few days the three pamphlets, Vatican Decrees, Vati. canism, and the new one, will be issued in one volume. The coming books from Harper & Brothers are a volume of sermons by Talmage, under the title of Every-Day Religion ; Theis- two Conception of the World, an essay in oppo- sition to certain tendencies of modern thought, by Dr. B. F. Cocker, of the University of Michigan; Goldsmith’s Select Poems, edited with notes by W. J. Rolfe, who so ably anno- tated the plays of Shakespeare ; and a trans- lation of Plato's Dialogues, by Prof. Henry Cary, of Oxford. Of new novels we shall have Hugh Melton, by Katharine King ; and The Calderwood Secret, from the pen of the gifted author of A Sack of Gold, Miss Virginia W. Johnson. E. J. Hale & Son have just issued a little volume somewhat in the style of Little Clas- sics, prettily printed, red edged, and with a unique cover stamp. It is entitled Hoosier Mosaics, and contains a series of sketches of Indiana life, by Maurice Thompson. If in size and style it resembles the volumes of Little Classics, it is only appropriate, for the sketches richly deserve a place beside those Mr. Johnson has collected with such admirable taste. They are pathetic and laughable by turns, marked by elegant de- scription and unique characterization. Hale & Son have in press another novel, The Lacy Diamonds, by the author of Harwood and The Odd Th'ump. Seldom has an author so rapidly gained the public favor as a writer of fiction. Although in a dull season, the publishers have been obliged to print a number of editions of the first two novels, and the forthcoming story is said to be better than either. The next of the Waverley novels in Hale's beautiful Thistle Edition will be Ivanhoe, in two volumes, the thirteenth and fourteenth of the series. It is unfortu- nate that this edition is not in the trade, as it is the best ever made here, combining the 302 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. text of the “Author's Edition ” published in 1829 under Sir Walter Scott's supervision, and the illustrations of the “Abbotsford Edi- tion,” many of which received the author's indorsement. A. J. Bicknell & Co. have published The American Stairbwilders' Guide, by Lucius D. Gould, and a useful little pocket volume enti- tled Instrumental Anºthmetic, prepared to show the utility of the slide rule, and containing a large number of arithmetical problems and the rules for their solution. The author of the Stairbuilders’ Guide claims that his system is superior to any heretofore published. The book contains thirty-two original plates, with simple but clear explanations, designed for workmen not skilled in the science of building. Any practical carpenter, whether skilled or inexperienced, will find the work of service. Two other books lately published by this house deserve especial notice. The first is an elegant folio volume of Designs for Monuments, containing 40 plates and 76 de- signs, giving front and side elevations, sec- tions, and details. They are drawn to scale, and may be strictly followed, or modified. The plates are good specimens of lithography. The other volume is a Manual of Architecture, for churches, parsonages, and school-houses. It is an excellent work for church committees, as it not only gives designs, plans, and speci- fications for building, but contains many valuable suggestions on painting, heating, lighting, ventilation, and acoustics. The author is a clergyman of Tennessee, and seems to be well acquainted with the bad qualities of a building, and to know how they may be cheaply corrected. The work is espe- cially adapted to the wants of small towns in the West and South The latest books of interest from D. Apple- ton & Co. are Darwin’s Insectivorous Plants ; Life Among the Greeks and Romans, by E. Guhl and W. Koner; and a new novel from Christian Reid, entitled A Question of Homor. Probably no other naturalist has done so much to incite and encourage patient scien- tific investigation as Mr. Darwin, who is him- self a hard-working, conscientious student of nature. A new book from him is therefore likely to attract general attention, especially upon so interesting a subject, and of which so little is known, namely, insect-devouring plants. The fact of the existence of such plants attracted Mr. Darwin's attention fifteen years ago, and since that time he has been studying them. He describes ten genera, comprising many species, some of which are very curious. Though eminently a scientific book, the popular reader can understand and enjoy it. Life Among the Greeks and Romans is translated by F. Heuffer from the third Ger- man edition. It is a large octavo volume, with over five hundred woodcuts, illustrating the life and customs of the people of ancient Greece and Rome. A Question of Honor is a pleasing story of the South since the war. It is not so good as the Daughter of Bohemia, but has some well-drawn characters, and the incidents are not without interest. . Apple- ton’s announcements for the next few weeks are confined to school-books and new editions. Early in August we had from Scribner, Arm- strong & Co. the personal reminiscences of O’Keefe, Kelly, and Taylor, in the Bric-à-Brac series. The reminiscences relate to the latter part of the last century and the first quarter of the present, and are mostly of theatrical people. John O'Keefe was a popular writer of light comedies, and was probably able to tell us more interesting stories than he does, for his is the least valuable portion of the book. Michael Kelly was a music composer as well as an actor, and his sketches are genial and clever. The majority of readers will best like the anecdotes and stories told by John Taylor, who was a surgeon, a journalist, and withal a great lover of the theatre, and was acquainted with many of the celebrities of that day. His remininiscences of Mrs. Clive, Garrick, Lord Chesterfield, Dr. Parr, and others, are charming. The second volume of the concise and valuable series of Amcient History from the Momuments, also published early in the month, is devoted to Assyria, and gives the results of Dr. George Smith’s late researches. One of the most striking things about these deciphered inscriptions is their corroboration of scripture narrative, though there are some discrepancies yet to be recon- ciled. Robert Carter & Brothers have a number of noteworthy books in press. The most im- portant, perhaps, is the sixth volume of D’Au- bigné's History of the Reformation. The work was first published in three volumes, af- terwards supplemented by two more. In 1863 the author began a new series, calling it A History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin, of which five volumes were published before his death. He left another volume complete in MS., and it is the one now announced ; it deals with the Reformation in Scotland. Another book of interest now nearly ready is the Memoirs of the late Rev. Dr. William Goodell, Missionary at Constantinople, prepared by his son-in-law, Dr. E. D. G. Prime. Dr. Goodell’s life was an active and an eventful one—in boyhood, one of struggles and hard work, in manhood, one of noble self-sacrifice and christian devotion to his Master. The Carters will bring out a new edition of Hugh Miller’s works, in ten volumes, with his life by Peter Bayne in two volumes. The first announced is the Testimony of the Rocks. A new volume by Miss Warner, in her series of stories on the Lord’s Prayer, is also announced under the title of Bread and Oranges, and new Sunday-school books by Miss Joanna H. Ma- thews and others. Henry Holt & Co. have issued in the Leisure Hour Series, Whiteladies, by Mrs. Oliphant. The strange title is the name of an old manor- house, the scene of most of the story. To THE AMERICA IV BOOKSELLERG’ GUIDE. 3O3 save the old house from going into the hands of a hated relative of the owner, with whose expected death the story opens, a series of deceptions are resorted to, leading to remark- able complications and much trouble. It is ingenious, and as a story will be liked. Hurd & Houghton have in press a volume by A. P. Russell, entitled Library Wotes, in which the author has gathered many curious and bright things from his favorite authors. The book promises to be a most enjoyable one. T. Whittaker has published a volume of Discourses by the Rev. Dr. Abner Jackson, late President of Trinity College, Hartford. Most of them have been prepared for special occasions, and all are straightforward and earnest. In the volume is also an essay on “Proofs of the Existence of a God.” BosTON, September 1, 1875. There is a continued dearth of news in our literary world. There is perhaps a slight im- provement in trade generally. School-books have began to move, and the few Boston houses that deal largely in them have been quite busy for a week or two. Our publishers have been quite idle, and the fall announcements will be made later than usual. Some new edi- tions have been printed—some new juveniles and a few new novels, but not in many years has there been a month when so few new vol- umes of general interest were issued as in the month just closed. The effects of the movement for reform in the trade are already being felt in a general stiffening up in prices on new and standard books, which are not being quite so badly slaughtered as formerly. There are a few houses trying to keep the retail price rule; but with most of the retail trade, buyers have but little difficulty in getting a discount, to the extent of twenty per cent. under the rule allowing it to large buyers, clergymen, and teachers. But this is a decided improvement on the old custom of giving from a fourth to a half off, and even if the reform does nothing more for us, we have reason to be thankful and take courage. J. R. Osgood & Co. have published the fif- teenth volume of Little Classics—Minor Poems, containing gems, the larger portion unfamil- iar to the general reader, from Longfellow, Holmes, Lowell, Browning, Wordsworth, Sted- man, Bryant, and others. The concluding volume of this successful series, which is now in press, is entitled Authors, and contains brief biographies, by the Editor, of the authors rep- resented in the fifteen preceding volumes. Emile Gaboriau's novel, File No. 113, recently issued, is one of the most skillful stories of its kind ever written. It deals with a mysterious crime, and the wonderful ingenuity of a detec- tive in disentangling the complications in which its detection is involved. Early in the present month we shall have from the Osgoods Jules Werne's Adventures of Captain Hatteras; and two works from the French of M. Viollet- le-Duc, The Ammals of a Fortress and Discourses on Architecture. The latter is now translated into English for the first time, by Mr. Van Brunt, a well-known architect of Boston. It is unlike The Story of a House, being more technical and more for the scientific builder than the popular reader. The Ammals of a Fortress is really a history of the art of build- ing fortifications, put into the form of a nar- rative of a single fortress, which of course is an imaginative one. The London Saturday Review, in speaking of the book, says: “The name of Viollet-le-Duc is a guaranty for the excellence of any work which comes from his pen, but this delightful book has the special charm due to complete originality in concep- tion.” In details true to history, the characters are so vividly drawn, that it requires an effort to divest them of reality; hence, the book has all the interest of a romance, besides being learned and instructive. Osgood & Co. will also issue this month a new edition of Bryant's Odyssey in one 12mo volume. It has been heretofore in two octavo volumes, and the Rollyn edition in two 16mos, It will now be put into one volume, uniform with the one volume Iliad. During the fall,new editions of the following standard works will be issued: The Waverley Novels in thirteen volumes, uniform with the Kensington Thacke- ray, to be called the “Melrose Edition; ” a library edition of Dickens in the same form, in fifteen volumes, to be known as the “Gads- hill Edition;” and Charles Reade's novels in six 12mo volumes. Each volume is to be illus- trated. The “Illustrated Library Edition ” of Thackeray will be completed by the addition of five volumes of his Miscellanies. The ini- tial volumes in each of the above new editions will be issued this month. Lee & Shepard have nearly ready a new book of Practice in French Conversation, by Francis S. Williams, entitled Getting to Paris. The author believes that only the constant translation of familiar English phrases into French will make a student able to speak as well as translate French. Some years ago he published an instruction book called English Into French, in which there is a good selection of familiar phrases. The book has been large- ly in use, and its success has encouraged him to prepare the present volume, which more fully carries out his plan. The first part is a series of sixty conversations in English, by the members of a family while visiting Paris. The second part contains the same conversa- tions in French. They comprise the common every-day phrases, and their usefulness will be apparent to every practical teacher. This will be followed by A Quaker Among the Indi- ans, an account of the author's life among several tribes for a period of three years. The book is more of a plea for the red man than a book of adventure—written, the author says, not because the incidents he relates are exciting, but to Iemove some deeply-seated 3O4. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. prejudices against the Indians. It is not ele- gantly written, but is honest and straightfor- ward, and will serve a good purpose in help- ing us to a better acquaintance with our wild wards of the prairie and forest. The Great Bonanza, announced last month, is nearly ready. It is to be a quarto volume, containing exciting stories of *. in all quarters of the world, and is contain two hundred illustrations. Lee & Shepard have also in the press a narrative of sporting ad- venture in the waters of British America, en- titled Adrift Among the Ice-Fields, by Captain Charles W. Hall. It gives the adventures of a party of English sportsmen, and very faith- fully describes life on board a sealing vessel, the habits of the seals and other northern animals, and the people who inhabit the inhos- pitable coasts of British North America. The volume will be illustrated and will be quite attractive. Other books in preparation for the fall by this house are a new novel by Amanda M. Douglass, entitled Nellie Kinnard's King- dom, a story somewhat after the style of her In Trust ; a new volume of poems by the au- thor of Thurid and other Poems, published a year ago; and The Lover and other Classics, compiled from Steele, by the late Mr. J. E. Babson, the indefatigable searcher after quaint and forgotten lore. This last volume of Steele's papers and the two previous volumes, .The Washing Cap Papers, from Leigh Hunt, and Fireside Saints, from Douglass Jerrold, will be issued in neat volumes similar to those of the Little Classics. Lee & Shepard have in preparation sev- eral handsome gift books, of which I may mention Ballads of Home, edited by Mr. George M. Baker, and to have forty full-page illustra- tions. It it will be similar in character and style to the Ballads of Beauty of last year. Miss L. B. Humphrey has very finely illus- trated the beautiful hymn Wearer my God to Thee, and the verses and illustrations will be published in an elegant little quarto. Of juve- miles there are in press, The Winged Lion, stories of Venice, by Prof. James De Mille, destined for “The Young Dodge Club” Series; The Fowl'-Footed Lovers, a volume of stories of animals, by Frank Albertson, illustrated by Miss L. B. Humphrey; and Winwood Cliff, by “Frank Forester.” Kellogg, entitled Brought to the Front, is in preparation, also a little quarto volume of Baby Ballads, with full-page illustrations, which will come later. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. have in press Correspondences of the Bible, by the Rev. John Worcester. animals mentioned in the Bible, is the first of an intended series. The author dwells on the qualities of character illustrated by animals, and the strength and appropriateness of such illustrations. Other books in preparation are Towards the Straight Gate, a work on practical christianity, by the author of Pater Mundi, a manual of Ancient History by Dr. John Lord, A new book by Elijah. This volume, which treats of the. w a companion volume to his Modern History; and Fairy Bells and What They Tolled Us, a collection of fairy tales from different German authors, translated by Mrs. Lander. Roberts Brothers will soon publish Louisa M. Alcott's Eight Cousins, now delighting the readers of St. Nicholas; Madame Récamier and Eler Friends, from the French of Madame Lenormant ; and Joaquin Miller's poem, The Ship in the Desert, brought out a short time ago in England. Miller's verses are as full of beauty as of defects, and however severely he may be criticised as a poet, there is a uni- versal desire to read his works, and the book will be welcome. Madame Récamie, and Her Friends is announced as the complement to the previous volume, which contained the memoirs of Madame Récamier and the corre- spondence of her friends, while the new vol- ume contains her friendships and her private correspondence. For the children, Roberts Brothers are preparing Nine Little Goslings, by Susan Coolidge, with illustrations by J. A. Mitchell ; Mice at Play, by Neil Forest, illus- trated by Sol Eytinge ; and Jolly Good Times, by B. Thorne, a story of child-life on a farm. Henry L. Shepard & Co. have just pub- lished Goaks and Team's, by Mr. C. B. Lewis, the humorist of the Detroit Free Press, and better known to the public as M. Quad. Most of the matter has been prepared especially for this book and is liberally illustrated by comic cuts. The calendar and the weather reports are exceedingly funny, and we have rarely seen so much genuine humor in so little space. The public are well acquainted with the author’s witty paragraphs, which find their way into every newspaper in the country, and will gladly welcome his first book. º Shepard & Co. have also published Good Humor, a paper volume of humorous papers, by Bailey, of the Dambury New8, “M. Quad,” W. H. H. Murray, Thackeray, Dickens, and others. This month Shepard & Co. will issue Ye Vampires, the satire on the stock ex- change which was published in England Some months ago, and is said to have reached a sale there of a hundred thousand copies; Achsah, the story of New England life by “Rev. Peter Pennott,” which has been run- ning in American Homes ; Songs After Sunset, a volume of poems by Frank N. Lantz; and Woman amd the Law, by Colonel Russell H. Conwell, the author of Why and How, and a well-known lecturer on Woman’s Rights. In this volume he manfully takes the field in their behalf, showing how unjustly they are now treated, and what their status should be. A little later this house will issue Thackerayama, giving the fanciful sketches which the novelist made in his readings; and new editions of Clodd's Childhood of the World, considered by many the simplest and best account of primitive man ever written; and Driven to Sea, a story of adventure, by Mrs. George Cupples. Henry A. Young & Co. are printing new edi- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 305 tions of a number of religious books formerly published by Gould & Lincoln. Among them are The Portable Commentary, in two volumes, the most convenient work of the kind extant ; Dr. Hackett's books: the Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, Illustrations of Scripture, and Christian Memorials; Bayne's Christian Life and Essays ; and Mansel's Limits of Re- ligious Thought—all standard books, having a steady sale. Young & Co. have added to their list a number of good Sunday-school books, and have made up a number of new series which will commend themselves to buyers. William F. Gill & Co. have issued a num- ber of good books. Their library edition of Queen Mary, issued early in the month, is very meat and very cheap. All who have read The Princess of Thule, will welcome William Black's latest story, The Marriage of Maira Fergus, in which several of the characters in former stories reappear. A leading critic justly speaks of it “as one of the most charm- ing pieces of Scotch fiction in many a day.” Two new books and two new authors are presented by this house. The first bears the suggestive title, The New Don Quivote, and is by Alphonse Daudet. His works are new to American readers, but if we may believe what is said of him, they are not likely to re- main so. Charles Dickens heartily praised bis writings, and Edmond About thus writes of him in the London Athenaeum : “He is the pupil of Dickens His work consists for the most part of new and charming stories that resemble bottles of Murano filled with precious essences Like your illustrious novelist, his great gift is command of tears and laughter. He is not only ingenious, Spirituel, vivacious—he is humane, he feels for you, and makes you laugh and cry in company with him. The other new writer is a novelist of no less prominence, Hans Wackenhusen, cele- brated in Germany as the Wilkie Collins of that country. His works have a sale there at the present time, excelling, it is said, those of any other German writer. The story which is to introduce the writer to American readers is exciting and dramatic, and is en- titled For a Woman’s Sake; or, the Mysteries of the Castle. It is a story sparkling with all the vivacity of the modern novel, yet as full of mystery and adventure as any of the novels of Mrs. Radcliffe. The Satchel Series, volume second, completes Messrs. Gill & Co’s list for August. The stories are by Miss Braddon and Mary Fonblanque, the humor by the Danbury man and the Detroit Free Press man, and the poetry by Swinburne and others. —sº---a- PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1, 1875. Trade is improving slowly, and our book- sellers confidently expect their share of the fall business. The summer has added but few books to the lists of our publishers, and the announcements of forthcoming volumes are comparatively light. The movement to check underselling is be- ginning to be felt, most of the trade having signed an agreement to put the retail price rule into force at this date, with an allowance, however, for large buyers outside of the trade, which is likely to prove impracticable and create dissatisfaction. If the agreement is strictly held to, one of the results is likely to be an immediate increase of retail booksellers. There are a number of old booksellers in the city who were long ago driven out of the busiriess, but who now hope to add books to their present stock of periodicals, stationery, and notions. Lippin cott & Co., who have here- tofore believed the movement impracticable, are now in hearty co-operation with the others, and are anxious to give it a fair trial. Porter & Coates have nearly ready their last summer novel in the International Series, and it is probably the best in the series, which is high praise, for in it are to be found some of the very best of our latest works of fiction. This last volume is by Annie Keary, the author of Oldbury, and is entitled Castle Daly. It is an Irish novel, with the scene laid on the shores of Lake Corrib, in the west of Ireland, where the people are least open to the influence of strangers on their life and character. The peculiar characteristics of the people are strongly portrayed and brought into sharp contrast with those of the Eng- lish characters which figure in the book. The story covers the time of the famine and the rebellion, and is of sufficient tragic interest to hold the attention of the ordi- nary lover of sensation novels ; but it is of far greater worth as a study of Irish character and habits of life. The first two French volumes of the Count de Paris’ work on our late war are being translated by General Tasistro, and will be published short- ly in one volume. Some of the maps and plans have been imported, while others are made here. Porter & Coates are making a number of pretty juveniles, with attractive illustrations and chromo covers, which will be announced in due season. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have published a book on Chinamania, by Major H. Byng Hall, entitled The Bric-a-Brac Hunter ; a handsome large octavo volume for tourists, entitled Pennsylvania Scenery, containing nearly eighty illustrations; and a new German Grammar, by Professor J. Adolph Schmitz, of the Uni- versity of Wooster, Ohio, and Mr. Hermann J. Schmitz, of Stamford, Conn. The authors are practical teachers of the German language, and have made a practical book. The rules are very much simplified, and the student is led on by easy and progressive steps. Lippincott ..] & Co. have made special arrangements with Hachette & Co., of Paris, to issue here their admirable French text-books, which comprise a series of eight Grammars and Exercise 306 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. IBooks, four French Readers, four books of Dialogues and Correspondence, the Library of modern French authors, each volume of which is edited and explained, and the series of French Classics, comprising the plays of Ra- cine, Molière, Corneille, and others, all care- fully annotated, with critical and biographical introductions. Among other works in prep- a ration by this house are another novel from the German of Ernst Wichert, entitled Being and Seeming; Allibone’s Prose Quotations; and a Hand-book of Florida. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have added to their lists Munday’s Paper Tables, giving the cost of paper computed and tabulated for the printer and publisher, which has never before been introduced to the trade; a new edition of The Young Marooners on the Florida Coast, by F. R. Goulding, formerly on the list of Alfred Martien ; and two of Mrs. McKeever's books, Woodcliff and Edith’s Minis- try, also from the list of Martien. The two volumes are now put with the four others by the same author published by this house, and offered in a set. John Darby’s Two Thousand Years After, with the cheerful second title “Talks in a Cemetery,” is nearly ready, also Stuart Mitchell’s Exposition of the Book of Jonah. The character of these books has been indicated in previous letters. A new edition of White's Blements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy is just ready. The previous edition was published about two years ago. Webber's stories of Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters has been reprinted in good style, and is offered again to the lovers of adventure narrative. T. B. Peterson & Bros. have issued. The Woman of Honor, from the French of Louis Enault; The Abbot, in their new twenty-five cent edition of the Waverley novels; The New Sisters, being the eighth volume in the hand- some new edition of Mrs. Southworth's works; The Life of Davy Crockett, with illustrations by Henry L. Stephens; and have reprinted an- other of Reynolds's books, The Opera Dancer ; or, the Mysteries of Female Life in London. The public never tire of the graphic descriptions of this author, and his books have a host of appreciative readers. The book of the coming month from the Petersons will be Hester Howard’s Temptation, by Mrs. C. A. Warfield, who is one of our strongest writers of fiction. Her Household of Bouverie is really a wonderful novel, far surpassing most of the novels of the day in skillful plot, delineations of character, and originality. The few critics who have seen the forthcoming work declare it to be the most powerful she has yet written. If it possesses half the excellence claimed for it, it will deserve immense success. Messrs. Dickinson & Higham, of London, will exhibit next year, at the Centennial, a facsimile copy of the famous Hexaglot Bible, dow in possession of the Emperor of Russia. AMERICAN Book TRADE Association. The following circular was issued to the trade on the 1st of August: NEW YORK, August 1, 1875. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by this Association at its Niagara Falls Convention, July 15th : - “The American Book Trade Association pledges itself to maintain, and urges upon the entire trade the abso- lute necessity of maintaining the publishers' advertised retail prices, in all sales to buyers outside the trade, ex- cepting that a reduction not to exceed ten per cent. on medical books, and twenty per cont. on all other classes of books (including educational), may be allowed to the following classes only : Public libraries (including circu- lating and Sunday-school libraries), clergymen and pro- fessional teachers, professional books to professional buyers, large buyers—said purchasers buying solely for their own use, and in the case of exceptions made by the Publishers' Board of Trade, for publishers only. “In case the rules of this Association should, under exceptional circumstances, work injustice to any dealer in competition with other parties, said dealer may state his case to the Arbitration Committee, and this commit- tee shall have power to authorize him to take such measures as will meet the emergency, after notice has been given, and the like liberty granted, to other dealers directly concerned.” The trade will please take notice that by an additional resolution the foregoing covenant and provisions are in force and binding from this date. By order of A. D. F. RANDOLPH, President. J. S. BAKER, Corresponding Secretary. NEw York STATE BooksellERS AND STATIONERS’ Association. A meeting of booksellers and stationers was held in Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12th, and an organization effected with the above name. A constitution and by- laws were adopted conforming to those of the American Book Trade Association. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President—Erastus Darrow, Rochester. Vice-President—S. S. Avery, Rochester. Secretary—Peter Paul, Buffalo. The meeting adjourned to meet in Syracuse next year. At the close of the meeting the Rochester booksellers entertained their visitors at supper. Want of space alone forbids our printing the humorous bill of fare prepared by Mr. Dewey. —º-—–- THE SouthERN TRADE Movinc. The following circular speaks for itself: NASBVILLE, TENN., August 12, 1875. To the Book Trade of Tennessee : GENTI.EMEN-At the recent convention of the Ameri- can Book Trade Association, I was appointed one of the Committee on Local Organization, the object of which being to promote the welfare of the trade, by acting in concert with and observing the rules and regulations of that Association, The principal object in view in the organization of that Association was and is to prevent underselling, and also to legislate upon all questions like- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 307 § to prove profitable to all dealers in books. In order that the trade in Tennessee may reap the benefit accru- ing from the actions of the American Book Trade Asso- ciation, it is desirable that immediate and concerted action be taken by the Tennessee trade. You are there- fore invited to attend a meeting to be held at Blunter & Warren's bookstore, in Nashville, August 24, 1875. Those of the trade who cannot attend themselves are requested to send a fully authorized representative. Parties at a distance who may be unable to attend or be represented, are earnestly requested to communicate by letter their views on matters of interest to the trade. It is proposed that in organizing the Tennessee Book Trade Association that it be upon the basis of the Ameri- can Association — that is, of regulating the retail trade and making it profitable. All suggestious and discus- sions, therefore, should look to this end. - A. SETLIFF, of the Committee. º- THE PHILADELPHIA AGREEMENT. The following paper has been circulated in Philadelphia, and signed by nearly the entire trade: The American Book Trade Association P. itself to maintain the publishers' advertised retail prices in all sales to buyers outside the trade, excepting that a reduc- tion not to exceed ten (10) per cent. on medical books and twenty (20) per cent. on all other classes of books (includ- ing educational) may be allowed to the following classes only : - EXCEPTIONS. Public ibraries (including circulating and Sunday- School libraries). Clergymen and professional teachers. Professional books to professional buyers. Large buyers—said purchasers buying solely for their OWIl U180. Exceptions made by the Publishers’ Board of Trade for publishers, only, said exceptions being school-books for first introduction : Specimen copies of school-books for examination ; School-books for school-boards and State Normal schools created by law and authorized to purchase sup- plies from public funds; School-books for schools other than Sunday-schools, supported by religious and benevolent societies and pur- chasing their own supplies of school-books; and to such merchants as deal i. and school supplies. The undersigned publishers and booksellers hereby accept the above resolution of the American Book Trade Association, to take effect on the 1st of September next, and "agree that the terms therein named shall be the , rates of discount hereafter allowed on all sales at our establishments. It is further mutually agreed and understood that “large buyers” shall be subdivided and defined as fol- lows: All cash purchasers to the amount of ten dollars and less than twenty dollars to be entitled to a discount not exceeding five per cent. All cash purchasers to the amount of twenty dollars and less than fifty dollars to be entitled to a discount not exceeding ten per cent. - All cash purchasers to the amount of fifty dollars or over to be entitled to a discount not exceeding twenty per cent. All accounts to be settled monthly on the above basis. It is further mutually agreed and understood that school-books may be furnished in cases of exceptions made by the Publishers' Board of Trade without limit as to discount, and that medical books shall be subject only to a maximum discount of ten per cent. THE NEw ENGLAND Booksell ERs' Asso- CIATION. About one hundred booksellers of New England cities and towns met at the Parker House, in Boston, August 19th. Mr. Randolph, of New York, being present, was chosen Chairman, and Mr. W. H. Dennet, of Boston, acted as Secretary. It was resolved to form an associa- tion with the above name, auxiliary to the American Book Trade Association. A constitution was adopted essentially like that of the Central Association of New York, and it was resolved to put the retail price rule into operation August 25th. The following list of officers was elected for the coming year: - IPresident—A. Williams, of B ston. Vice-Presidents—G. B. Loring, of Portland; J. H. . JFoster, of Portsmouth ; S. Huntington, of Burlington; W. F. Draper, of Andover; Daniel Perrin, of Provi- dence; W. J. Hamersley, of Hartford. - - Treasurer—J. E. Merrill. Corresponding Secretary—William Tomlinson, of Bos- ton. Pecording Secretary—Charles L. Damrell, of Boston. Eacecutive Committee—William Lee, of Boston, Chair- man; S. F. Nichols, T. W. Deland, J. R. Osgood, James Campbell, of Boston; David Bugbée, of Bangor; W. B. Gross, of IHartford. º Arbitration Committee—J. L. Hammett, Dana Estes, H. O. Houghton, D. F. Knight, M. H. Sargent, of Bos- ton; James Noyes, of Portland; S. S. Rider, of Provi- dence. Committee on Finance—Andrew Graves of Boston; B. H. Ticknor, of Boston; C. E. Hammett, of Newport; G. T. Tibbets, of Providence; A. L. Dresser, of Port- land. - Committee on Assemblies—C. A. B. Shepard, of Bos- ton; John S. Lockwood, of Boston; C. W. Sever, of Cambridge; Putnam, of Worcester; E. C. Eastman, of Concord. Many of the gentlemen elected were not present, but it is not expected that they will decline to serve. Mr. John B. Alden, lately business manager of Hearth and Home, has established at 52 John street, New York, The American Book: Eachange, for the purpose of exchanging books and magazines, taking what people do not want and giving them what they do want. Mr. Joseph H. Coates has withdrawn from the firm of Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, and will hereafter conduct a strictly publishing business under the firm-name of Joseph H. Coates & Co. The business will be located in the building of Porter & Coates, by whom their publications will be supplied to the trade. 308 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. QNLY A BEGINNING. We would not under-estimate the im- portance of what has been accomplished by the meetings of the trade during the past two years, but we are forced to confess that, considering their cost in effort, time and money, the results are far from satisfactory. The incidental bene- fits of those meetings, in promoting ac- quaintance and good-fellowship, are not to be lightly valued. Something far more definite, however, was sought by organiz- ation. It was hoped by the retailers that the obstacles to their success, of which the principal was the competition for their trade by the publishers, could be re- moved. With this view the co-operation of the publishers was solicited. Now, after innumerable local meetings and , three national conventions, what has been secured 3 Only a rule that discounts to parties outside of the trade shall not ex- ceed twenty per cent. To be sure, the rule has a further limitation, namely, that this discount shall be given only to certain classes; but those classes embrace all the buyers worth having. When the booksell- er has sold to the ministers, the teachers, the libraries, and the “large buyers,” he has no one left to whom he can look for his profits but the occasional buyer, who, in nine bases out of ten, is least able to pay the full retail price, and is in greatest need of encouragement. Keeping a book-store, then, for the benefit of the clergyman and the large buyer, not being profitable, the bookseller must still add to his stock, paper-hangings, pictures, toys, and fancy goods—articles in which he fears no com- petition from the manufacturer; and he is fortunate if he can make enough profit on these goods to compensate him for that which he has given away on books. If it be said that this state of things belongs to the past, and is now being cor- rected as the result of the trade meetings, we reply that, except in a few localities, the retail trade are but little, if at all, bet- ter off than they were two years ago. Neither the competition of the publishers, nor underselling in the trade, is stopped. It is only limited by the retail price rule, which is so liberal in its provisions, that when its limits are reached, the profits of the retailer will hardly balance the shrink- age in the value of the stock left on his shelves. This is especially true of the trade in the West, where freights are an important item. - We would not forget the difficulties which have attended the adoption of the 20 per cent. rule. Those difficulties show how deeply seated were and are the evils which have been undermining the trade —not only discouraging the establishment of book-stores in new towns, but making it difficult for those in the older towns to live. Even in the localities where the trade is improved by the adoption of this rule, our pleasure in contemplating its benefits is marred by the fact that it contains a for- mal recognition of the rights of retail buy- ers to a discount. Nor would we dis- courage the work of reform. We wish only to point out that the work has but just begun. Those who have settled down in fancied security, thinking that this retail price rule will put the trade in a flourish- ing condition, are mistaken. The trade will never prosper as it should until it is conducted upon those safe principles of business which are recognized in other trades. Those trades are now laughing at our lack of shrewdness in putting a price on our wares, and then making a provision for breaking it. While we are making the most of the retail price rule, let us prepare for another step, and let it be taken as soon as possible. The platform we adopted some time ago, No discounts ea:cept to the trade, is, for publishers and jobbers, the Only just and fair one. SUSPENsion OF LEE & SHEPARD. As we go to press the unwelcome news reaches us of the suspension of Lee & Shep- ard, Boston, and of Lee, Shepard & Dilling- llam, New York. Mr. Dillingham of the latter house thinks it will be able to pay its credi- tors in full and will soon resume business. On hearing of the suspension of the Boston house, however, he thought it best, for his own protection and the benefit of all con- cerned, to make an assignment, which was accordingly done, Mr. James Miller being appointed Assignee. The troubles of the Bos- ton firm are stated to be owing to their heavy losses in the fire and the continued depression in business. H. De Silver & Co., Philadelphia, are intro- ducing a “Centennial Medal Charm,” which is very neatly designed, and will serve the pur- pose of a charm, a bouquet-holder, or a brooch. It is well made, being plated with gold or sil- ver, and is worth the attention of the trade. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 399 RREss pom MENTs on the Book TRADE. gº - gº - - - - ------- * * sº-º- wººs (From the Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 21st.) In our account of the recent convention of booksellers at Niagara Falls, we endeavored to state plainly that, while the discussions in that body touched upon the causes of the present backward condition of the book trade, the action taken only covered half of the evil. A line was to be drawn more sharply between the trade and privileged buyers on the one hand, and the general pub- lic, consisting of cousins and neighbors of the privileged buyers, on the other. But when a resolution was introduced which sought to probe the matter more deeply, it was violently attacked, and the convention asked to take its cue from certain outside persons not members—not even, we may say, on the anxi- ous seat, but to whom the chairman of the convention was beckoning to come inside and enjoy the meeting. There is something in- expressibly funny in the picture of these innocent booksellers bewailing the condition of the American book trade, and asking the English importing houses to come in and weep with them. We see no way to state the matter impressively but to go back to an- tiquity, and, if we cannot find a fable in AEsop, to manufacture one after this fashion: The hens in a certain barn-yard once came together to consider the reason why there were so few chickens; they themselves were growing old, and though they did their best to lay eggs, that seemed to be the end of it. It was known that some of the hens were wont to peck at the eggs they found, for the sake of getting the shell, and it was proposed to put a stop to this proceeding, when one of the hens asked whether eggs were not some- times lost in other ways; but the question was objected to, lest it might give offense to certain weasels that were greatly interested in having chickens raised, and were, in fact, in the barn-yard at this moment, and think- ing of joining the convention. Now, the resolution of the booksellers’ con- vention was distinctly aimed at fraudulent importations, and the complaint which it cov- ered was that, in the competition between American books and English books, the former were placed at a disadvantage by well- known practices of great extent which al- lowed English books to be put upon the market at scarcely more than their value as waste-paper. There are respectable and im- portant importing houses in our cities that do not rest their business on this foundation, and they join heartily the movement which found expression in the resolution. It is ab- surd to shelve a resolution aimed at dishonest importing for fear that honest importers will take offense; the inference follows that the sensitive importers are pretty well acquainted with the probable effect should the resolution have been thoroughly operative. As a matter of fact, the American book pub- lishing trade to-day is engaged in an uneven contest with the English trade. In the de- partment of books for children it has been beaten ; in cheap religious publications it has really been beaten, but the subsidies given to religious publication societies conceal the de- feat. In school-books it holds its own, as also in professional books, since the special needs of the country in this direction make it diffi- cult for English book-makers to hit the mark as regards books for this country, and the network of influences in favor of home school- books is too extensive to be broken through. In magazines, for a somewhat similar reason, there is no great competition between the Eng- lish and American, except in the case of one or two half-English, half-American works. But the recent growth of magazine literature and the concentration of publishing enter- prise in this form point to the fact that gen- eral publication in book form is not profita- ble. The growth of the subscription busi- ness, we think, indicates the same fact, and the fact is plain enough to the publisher, and for that matter to the author who finds the publisher slow to entertain his book, but ready to consider the publication of chapters from it in his magazine. s It never can be said too emphatically that author, publisher, book manufacturer, and bookseller in this country have one common interest. Together they agree to promote the literature of the country; but let one party to this agreement be led astray by an apparent short cut to personal success, and it Soon comes out that he has injured the others and lost his own advantage. In this case the bookselling class has been captivated by the brilliant opportunity of getting their books dog-cheap from England direct, or by the way of Canada, invoiced by special arrange- ment; as a result, the book publisher finds his own stock go off slowly, he discontinues giving orders to the printer and binder, and the author finds him sitting amongst his heavy-looking stereotype plates with a rueful countenance, like Marius amidst the ruins of Carthage. (From the Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky.) The retail book-store is a great means of education and refinement. By a book-store we do not mean a shop were story papers and paper-covered novels, with a few school- books, form the stock in trade. A teacher in an inland town was referring to such a store when he said that he did not want a book-store there ; that he would much rather that his students should be subjected to the annoyance and delay of sending away for their books than have a book- store in the place. Such a place is a centre of demoralization. By a book-store we mean the store where the best of all the new pub- lications are received from time to time and kept for sale in the sight of the people. The 3 Io THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UNDE. OBSERVER publishes the titles and descrip- tions of the sizes of the new books that appear, with our estimates of their value; yet how many of our readers gather any definite idea of the nature of the volumes 2 But the well supplied book-store brings the community at once into contact with the last works of genius, the latest discoveries of science, and investigations of history. The sight and the handling of the books is itself an education. Yet the book-store is the last to be established in any community. The grocery, the saloon, the drygoods store, the tin-shop, the drug store, the harness-maker’s, the wagon-maker's, and many others, precede it. This is not because ours is not a reading people, for the general circulation of news- papers forbids the idea; nor because they do not buy books, for the vast host of book agents and canvassers condemns the supposi- tion. The reason why our towns and villages are deprived of the advantages of the book- store is the customs which have hitherto pre- vailed in the book trade. The discount allow ed by the publishers to the retail bookseller has generally been from thirty to forty per cent; and the discount allowed to teachers, professional men, libraries, and large buyers, has varied from fifteen to more than thirty per cent. The retail bookseller is thus robbed of all the better classes of his customers. Measures are in progress to reform this cus- tom so injurious to the intelligence of the people. The largest discount to those out- side of the trade was fixed by a convention of publishers and booksellers, held last month, at fifteen per cent. With the reduction of discount, except to retailers, we trust the prices of books to the general public will be reduced, and that well filled book-stores will be established in all the towns and larger villages throughout the country: J-iterary AND TRADE JTEMs. The New York Post-Office moved into its new building Aug. 28th. Robert Carter & Bros. announce Imogen, a tale by Emily Sarah Holt. - Macmillam & Co. have issued a new cata- logue of seventy-two pages, with a convenient alphabetical index. Mr. N. R. Monachesi, of the Publishers’ Weakly; has been appointed Secretary to the Executive Committee of the American Book Trade Association. John P. Hunt, Philadelphia, has published a new illustrated Pocket Guide and Street Directory of that city, which will be of great service to visitors during the coming year. It contains descriptions and illustrations of Fair- mount Park, the Centennial buildings, and other objects of interest, and also a fine map of the city, worth much more than the price of the guide. The map is also mounted on rollers and sold separately. W. F. Draper, Andover, Mass., has reduced the prices of Winer's Grammar of the Idiom of the We?0 Testament, and Buttman’s Gramma” of the New Testament Greek—the former from $5.00 to $4.00, the latter form $3.00 to $2.75. Eli Perkins says of his new book : “The lit- erary part may not be very nice, but the cover is pretty and the pictures are lifelike.” There is a good deal of dry humor in the book, and the public, who are well acquainted with Eli's witty sayings, will enjoy it. J. Henry Symonds, Boston, has published a very useful little work in its way, namely, The Lady's Book of Knitting and Ch'ochet, con- taining explicit directions for making a hun- dred or more new designs. None of them are difficult, and they have all been tested by an expert. Baker, Davis & Co., the successors of T. Ell- wood Zell, Philadelphia, are pushing forward the U. S. Business Directory for 1875. It will take in towns of 3,000 population, and to econo- mise space, will be printed in three columns per page, instead of two, like the Directory for this year. Loring, of Boston, has in press a new juve- nile by Virginia Townsend, entitled Margery Reith, also two new books by Alger, Jack's Ward, and Herbert Carter's Legacy. The for- mer will be the second volume of the Brave and Bold Series, the latter the eighth of the Luck and Pluck books. A petition in bankruptcy has been filled by J. G. Shaw & Co., blank-book manufacturers, of No. 598 Pearl street, New York. Their liabilities are placed at about $420,344,01, while their assets are $92,652.41, exclusive of some real estate in Tarrytown, the value of which is not stated. We have received from A. Williams & Co., Boston, a little pamphlet on Colonel William Prescott, by Francis J. Parker. It is written to prove that Colonel Prescott was in com- mand at the battle of Bunker Hill. The au- thor brings forward some good contemporane- ous evidence in support of his views. T. B. Peterson & Brothers announce, in their advertisement on last page of this number, that they have now in press, and will publish on September 18th, a new novel by the popu- lar southern authoress, Mrs. C. A. Warfield, en- titled Hester IIoward's Temptation. The writer has been engaged upon the work for the past eighteen months, and all critics who have read it pronounce it superior to The Household of Bouverie. About eighteen months ago, the Hon. E. J. M. Hale proposed to give to Haverhill, Mass., a plot of land and $30,000 for the purpose of establishing a public library, provided the citizens would subscribe a like sum. The re- quired amount has been raised, the building erected, and the library will soon be opened with about 20,000 volumes. Mr. Edward Capen, for many years connected with the Boston Public Library, has been appointed librarian. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3 II Minzer & Hunter, Cincinnati, have published Merchants' Shipping and Postal Guide for Ohio, containing an alphabetical list of all the cities and towns in the state, with the means of reaching them by rail or steamboat, or of com- municating with them by express and tele- graph. A folding Township, County, and Railway Map of the State is added, and the work is very complete and reliable. e Wilson, Hinkle & Co. have published a School History of England, by M. E. Thalhei- mer, which is deserving of notice. It is very full without being prolix, explicit and clear without being dry, and the whole is admirably arranged for school use. Each chapter is re- capitulated, and each part is supplied with questions for review. It is well illustrated, and there are a number of excellent maps. A most useful book for young teachers is The Teacher’s Hand-book, just published by A. S. Barnes & Co. It is written by William F, Phelps, Principal of the State Normal School of Minnesota, at Winona, a practical teacher of large and varied experience, and well qual- ified for the task of preparing such a work. The general principles of the science of teach- ing are fully discussed, and detailed instruc- tions for carrying them out in the school-room are given. The first volume of the Rev. Lyman Abbott's Commentary on the New Testament, published by A. S. Barnes & Co., is receiving much de- served praise. While it is scholarly to an eminent degree, it avoids all learned techni- calities, and wherever the original Greek is referred to, or quotations are introduced from other languages, they are translated. It is comprehensive and fair, giving the views of authors that disagree, so impartially, that no Protestant sect can find fault. Jansen, McClurg & Co., Chicago, have pub- lished a work which deserves the notice of those interested in our schools. It is very appropriately entitled A Primer of Political Economy, for it is excellently adapted for be- ginners, and is written and arranged in such a manner that it may be conveniently used as a text-book in our common schools. The funda- mental principles are laid down in concise propositions and definitions, which are ex- plained at length, and especial prominence is given to the more practical applications of the science. A very curious book is The Mysteries of the Head and the Heart Eaglained, including, as the title-page tells us, an improved system of Phrenology, a new theory of the emotions, and an explanation of the mysteries of Mes- merism, Trance, Mind-Reading, and the Spirit Delusion. It is written by Mr. J. S. Grimes, for many years a lecturer on Phrenology, and evidently an enthusiastic investigator of the mysteries of the mind. Although there are but few who will accept all the theories of the writer, there is much information to be derived from the book It is published by W. B. Keen, Cooke & Co., Chicago. Jansen, McClurg & Co., Chicago, have pub- lished, under the title of A Summer in Worway, a handsome octavo volume, by John Dean Caton, ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. The writer traveled through Norway with his eyes open, and has shown bis ability to describe the many interesting things to be seen there. The habits and in- dustries of the people, their prominent char- acteristics, the nature and resources of the country, its animals, and many things that are apt to escape the ordinary tourist, are treated in a pleasing style. S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, have published a volume on Norse Mythology, by Professor R. B. Anderson, of the University of Wiscon- sin, the author of America not Discovered by Columbus. Though an important subject for investigation and study—for in this Mythology of the Northmen lies concealed much of the his:ory and religion of our ancestors—compar- atively few books have been written on the subject. The author claims for this work that it is the first complete and systematic presentation of the Norse Mythology in the English language. It is supplied with a con- venient index and a very full vocabulary. E. J. Hale & Son have issued ſºob Roy and Ivanhoe, each in two volumes, in their beauti- ful edition known as the “Thistle Edition” of Sir Walter Scott’s novels. This is the finest American edition of the Waverley novels ever made, combining the excellence of the old “Abbotsford Edition” and the “Author's Edition ” of 1829, conforming to the text of the latter, which was published under the over- sight of the distinguished author, and con- taining the numerous illustrations of the for- mer. Many of the illustrations were made under the direction of the author, and have been carefully reproduced by the present pub- lishers. The novels are printed each in two volumes, in clear bold type, on fine tinted paper, and the binding is neat and tasteful, as well as rich. To a lover of elegant books it is a pleasure to handle these volumes. This edition is not in the trade, as it ought to be. It will be completed in forty-eight volumes, of which two will be published each month dur- ing the fall and winter. •–——ºº - Foreign LiteFARY Notes. Forster's Life of Dean Swift is to be publish- ed in November. Mrs. Oliphant’s new serial in Macmillan’s Magazine is entitled A. Curate in Charge. Victor Hugo's new volume, to be published in the fall, will be entitled L’Art d’étre Grand-pêre. Mr. Mortimer Collins threatens to sue the London Hornet for its defense of Mr. Charles Reade. The Austrian newspapers are discussing the necessity of more public libraries, there being but twelve in Austria, six of which belong to universities. - f 3I 2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The Paris hairdressers have a new weekly illustrated paper devoted to their interests. The Countess von Bothmer is the author of the entertaining papers in Fraser’s on “Ger- man Home life.” Dublin and Belfast are the only cities in the British Isles, outside of London, that support seven daily papers. A new evening paper is talked of in London, to be edited by Arthur Arnold, assisted by Mr. Sala and Miss Cobbe. Macmillan will soon publish a translation of Dr. Julius Meyer's Life of Correggio, edited by Mrs. Charles Heation. It is reported that Mr. Edmund Yates is to succeed Mr. George Sauer as London Agent of the New York Herald. The rumor that Mr. Delane will soon retire from the London Times is said upon good au- thority to be unfounded. - - The London Times recently printed three and a half columns of names of those who attend- ed the Prince of Wales's garden party. M. D'Haussonville is writing a work on Michelet, similar in character to his volume on Sainte-Beuve, which has received a prize. The London Athenæum denies that Gustave Doré has been engaged by Cassell, Petter & Galpin to illustrate a new edition of Shake- speare. A new illustrated weekly paper, entitled The Wasp, has appeared in Liverpool, England. It is all lithographed, the literary matter in run- ning-hand. The heirs of Plon, the publisher of Napo- leon's Life of Casar, recently brought suit against the imperial family to compel them to pay 167,000 francs for 22,000 unsold copies of the book. - Mr. W. Frazer Rae, the author of Wilkes, . Sheridan, and Foa, the Opposition under George the Third, is engaged upon a work to be enti- tled George Washington, the American Opposi- tion to George the Third. It is said that it will bring to light some facts not touched by other writers on the war of the Revolution. A Paris correspondent of the London Daily Naws says: “M. Thiers has several literary irons in the fire. He is still engaged on his philosophical treatise, in which he vindicates spiritualism (which nobody must confound with spirit-rapping), and he is writing me. moirs which will probably appear only when this generation is in its grave. A history of modern French art is also said to be in course of progress.” Among others who have been requested to send their autographs to the Fºgaro was Alder- man Cotton, one of the members for the city. But the Alderman (who will soon be Lord Mayor of London) presented “his compliments to the editor of the Figaro, and as he does not consider himself sufficiently eminent, he must decline to furnish his autograph for publica- tion.” The editor did not agree with this mod- est opinion, and cruelly, printed the letter in full.—The Printers' Register. NEwsPAPERS A N ID PERIopicals. The Boston News is reduced in price to one Cent. The Evcelsior Magazine, Chicago, has sus- pended publication. The Medical Journal and the Medical Evaº- ºmer, Chicago, have consolidated. Carl Pretzel’s Weekly, Chicago, commences its second year enlarged to sixteen pages. Prof. George F. Barker has resigned the editorship of the Journal of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia. The Boston Globe has largely increased its circulation by its illustrated papers on the New England towns. Mr. McGeachy, formerly of the Danbury Mews, is the Saratoga correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser. e Mr. J. C. Rodrigues has sold O Novo Mundo (Portuguese) and La America Ilustrada (Span- ish) to the Novo Mundo Association. The Kentucky Grange", a new eight-page weekly paper in the interest of the Patrons of Industry, is to be published in Louisville, Ky. Lippincott's Magazine for September con- tains the first chapters of a new story by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, entitled The Atonement of Leam Dumdas. Mr. Ballard Smith, for several years manag- ing editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, has become editor of the Louisville Ledger, in which he has secured an interest. The Way of Holiness is a new religious monthly of twenty-four octavo pages, pub- lished by the Southern Tract Society at Spar- tanburg, S. C. Price, $1 per annum. An independent religious weekly paper is to appear in Boston early in October. It is to be under the editorial charge of the Rev. W. H. H. Murray, and to be called the Golden Rule. The Boys of America is the name of a new eight-page illustrated story-paper for boys, published by Norman L. Monro & Co., New York. Price, $2.50 per year; 5 cents per copy. McDivitt, Campbell & Co. have started the New York Weekly Digest, to be issued every Monday, and to contain a digest of the deci- sions in the state and city courts of New York, and other courts. Price, $5 per annum; 12 cents per number. The Home Journal of Health is a new month- ly magazine published by the Home Publish- ing Company, New York. The papers in the three numbers already issued have attracted attention, and the journal bids fair to attain a wide circulation. per number. Isaac Van Anden, founder and publisher of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, died in Poughkeep- sie, August 4th, at the age of sixty-two years. He established the Edgle nearly forty years ago, and continued its proprietor until 1871, when he sold it to an association formed for the purpose of publishing it. He retained an interest, however, and was president of the association at the time of his death. Price, $1 per year; 10 cents THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 3I.3 Husiness CHANGEs. Locke & Bubier, publishers and stationers, Boston, have removed from 34 Cornhill to 28 Franklin St. At Manchester, N.H., Mr. W. H. Fisk, book- seller, printer, and binder, has sold his business to Temple & Farrington. Jordan Bros., publishers and booksellers, Philadelphia, have removed from 327 Walnut street to 341 Walnut Street. At 71 John street, New York, the firm of H. Dunkinson & Co., stationers, has been suc- ceeded by Belcher & Houghton. At Mobile, Ala., T. S. Bidgood, stationer, has admitted Mr. J. T. Bidgood, and the style of the firm is changed to T. S. Bidgood & Co. At Virden, Ill., the copartnership of Barker & Wilcox is dissolved. Mr. J. P. Wilcox as- sumes all the liabilities and continues the business. The firm of H. D. Brown & Co., publishers, Boston, has been changed by the retiring of Mr. George O. Waitt, and the admission of Mr. H. H. W. Edwards. At New York, 95 William street, Messrs. E. P. Coby and J. J. Mountain have formed a co: partnership as stationery manufacturers and jobbers, under the firm-name of E. P. Coby & Co. At Burlington, Kans., D. E. Scott, bookseller, stationer, and newsdealer, has admitted as a partner Mr. George G. Hall, and the business is continued under the firm-name of Scott & Hall. The firm of James W. Queen & Co., dealers in optical and mathematical instruments, New York and Philadelphia, is dissolved. Two of the former partners, Mr. Samuel L. Fox and Mr. William H. Walmsley, have formed a new partnership and will continue the business under the old firm-name. Music Notes Marchetti, the author of Ruby Blas, is wri: ting a new opera to be called Don Giovanni d’Austria. º Lee & Walker have published The Memorial March and the Centennial March, both by E. Mack, the former an essay composition of some merit, the latter a simple but effective arrange- ment of patriotic airs. From this house we have also the Chasseur's Grand March, by Mack, a spirited composition for more advan- ced players. • A. S. Barnes & Co. have published a School Hymn and Tune Book, for devotional exercises, prepared by J. D. Bartley. It is in handy form and contains a great variety of hymns with appropriate tunes, conveniently, classified: Much of the music is new, though many old favorites are retained. Care has been taken to make such selections as are unsectarian in character, and the book is admirably adapted for the purpose intended. It is announced that Von Bulow will arrive in this country in October, and will make his first public appearance in Boston. Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, have ready their new Catholic Choir-Book, prepared by A H. Rosewig. It is entitled Cantus Divinus, and contains nearly three hundred pages of music adapted to all the church seasons. Much of the music is new and is contributed by some of the best composers of church music, Michael H. Cross, H. G. Thunder, F. T. S. Darly, Hugh A. Clarke, and others. -* REForM IN THE GERMAN PAPER TRADE. The German paper trade journal, the Cem- tralblatt für die Deutsche Papierfabrikation, proposes the following : 1. Paper-makers to give up supplying private customers, and deal only with whole- sale men on monthly settlements, exceptions being allowed for publishers, the govern- ment, newspapers, envelope makers, and col- ored paper and paper-bag makers, i. e., for consumers who take up to not less than £5,000 a year. 2. Dealers in paper to conduct business in a less slipshod manner, and observe the fol- lowing principles of trade: Dealers must en- deavor to acquire a special trade, since the paper trade has branches which are perfectly distinct. Dealers who confine themselves to paper must further limit themselves to the supply of particular classes of paper, i. e., to the supply of printers, bookbinders, litho- graphers, &c., separately. Houses already occupied wholesale and retail, must decide to give up one or the other. All dealers should join a union similar to that of Switzerland, in order to treat in corporate fashion with the associated paper-makers. Dealers should be unanimous in abstaining to purchase from mill-owners who supply private customers. INDEX TO AIDVERTISEMENTS. D.Lothrop & Co.—New Books & Sets... .2d Amer. News Comp’y—Books & Stat'y.3d T. B. Peterson & Bros.-New Books. . .4th American Book Exchange. ------ ------------- Page 330 Books Wanted “ 3 page of cover, {{ { { 4 tº { { • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s is as - e. e. 30 G. Stinson & Co... -------. . . . . ----------------. * 330 New York Book Concern......... -----...--... ** 330 E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.—Perforated Mottoes, “ 330 Payne, Holden & Co.—Holden's Book Cover... “ 330 Presbyterian Board of Publication... . . . . . . . . . - “... 330 Gillott's Pens. --------------------------------- “ 33] Webster's Dictionary-------------------------- “ 331 Newspaper Advertising:--------------. ------. ** 331 Wilson, #. & Co.—Thalheimer's History of England. ----------------------------------- “ 332 Home Journal of Health..... --...-------...- ... “ 332 The Crimson Star. ---------------------------. “ 332 R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books. . . . . . ‘‘ 333 P. F. Wan Everen—Adjustable Book Cover... “ 334 Jennie June's Cook-Book. . . . . . . --------------- ** 334 Spencerian Pens. ----------------------------- ** 335 Jesse Haney & Co.—Trade Manuals. ... . . . . . . . “ 335 Norman L. Munro & Co.—Boys of New York and Family Story Paper... ------------------- ** 336 3I4 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Rook Announcements FOR SEPTEMBER, D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Poems and Songs of Robert Burns, 4to, cloth, $6; morocco, $15. Climate and Tissue. By James Croll. 8vo, cloth. First Book in Zoology. By Edward S. Morse. 12mo, half bound, $1. New Chemistry. By E. L. Youmans. 12mo, half bound, $1.75. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., New York. A Treatise on Instrumental Arithmetic ; or, Utility of the Slide Rule. Designed as a Pocket Compan- ion for the Mechanic, Manager, and Operative, with Full and Complete Instructions for every Mechanic and Opera- tive to make his own Calculations. 4Smo, cloth, $1. emºmº BAKER, PRATT & Co., New York. Four Thousand Miles of African Travel. By A. S. Southworth. Illustrated. 8vo, 380 pp., cloth, $3.50. 6 }H. D. BROWN & CO., Boston. Boy’s Own. Vol. III. Containing “Mysterious Island,” Part I., and one hundred other stories complete, 4to, 416 pp., paper sides, cloth back, $1. BAKER, WOORHIS & CO., New York Law and Practice of Bankruptcy. By O. P. Bump. Eighth edition. 8vo, 1,024 pp., law sheep, $7.50. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Forty Years in the Turkish Empire. Memoirs of Rev. Wm. Goodell, late Missionary at Constantinople. By E. D. G. Prime, D.D. 12mo, 450 pp., cloth, $2.50. Autobiography and Memoirs of . Thomas Guthrie, D.D. By his Sons. Now complete. 2 vols. 12mo, 800 pp., cloth, $4. D’Aubigne's History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin. Vol. WL $2. The set in 6 vols., $12. Hugh Miller's Works. 10 vols. 12mo, $15. Elsie's Santa Claus. By Miss Joanna H. Mathews. $1.25. Miss Ashton’s Girls. Six vols. in a box, $7.50. Brentford Parsonage. Wear.” 16mo, $1.25. The odd one. By Mrs. A. M. Mitchell Payne. 16mo, $1.25. By Miss Joanna H. Mathews. By the author of “Win and Fred and Jeannie : How They Learned About God. By Jennie M. Drinkwater. 16mo, $1.25. Coulying Castle ; or, A Knight in the Olden Days. By Agnes Giberne. 16mo, $1.50. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Moore’s Civil Justice. A Treatise on the Practice and Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in Civil Cases in the State of Illinois. By Ira M. Moore. 8vo, 1,020 pp., law sheep, $7.50. Overton's Code of Practice in the States of Iowa and Wisconsin. By D. Y. Overton, 8vo, 900 pp., law sheep, $7.50. COLLIN & SMALL, New York. I Told You So. By Bricktop. 12mo, 100 pp., pam- phlet, 25c. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia. Golden Tress. Translated from the French of Fortuné du Boisgobey. 12mo, cloth extra, $1.50. Two Thousand Years After ; or, A Talk in a Cem- etery. By John Darby, 12mo, cloth extra, $1. Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters; or, The Romance of Sporting. By C. W. Webber. New edition. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, $2. The Young Marooners on the Florida Coast; or, Robert and Harold. By F. R. Goulding. New and enlarged edition. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Jonah, the Self-Willed Prophet. A Practical Exposition of the Book of Jonah, together with a Transla- tion and Exegetical Notes. By Stuart Mitchell. 12mo, cloth extra, $1.50. The Elements for Theoretical and Descrip- tive Astronomy, for the Use of Colleges and Academies. By Chas. J. White, A.M. Third cdition and revised. Numerous illustrations. Demy 8vo, $2. ROBT. CLAREE & CO., Cincinnati. A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana, Comprising a Digest of the Cases Reported in the Eight Volumes of Indi- ana Reports, together with the Revised Statutes of the State, as embodied in the edition of Gavin & Hord, and all the subsequent General Laws passed by the I.egislature of Indiana to 1875. With a Table of Cases, a complete Index to the entire work, etc. By Edwin A. Davis, LL.B. vols. 8vo. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Horses, Embracing the Law of Bargain, Sale, and Warranty of Horses and other Live Stock ; the Rule as to Unsoundness and Vice, and the Respousibility of the Proprietors of Livery, Auction, and Sale Stables, Innkeepers, Veterinary Surgeons, and Farriers. By M. D. Hanover. Second edi- tion, revised and greatly enlarged. 1875. 8vo, $4. Treatise on Political Science. By Charles Reeme- lin. 8vo. DODD & MEAD, New York. From Jest to Earnest. By Rev. E. P. Roe. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth, $1.75. Elsie’s Womanhood. By the author of Elsie's Books. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Daily Thoughts. 12mo, cloth. Every-Day Facts for Every-Day Liſe. cloth, $1.50. Christopher Columbus. By J. S. C. Abbott. In the Pioneer and Political Series, 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Civil Law in its Relations to Church Prop- erty, Polity, and Discipline. By William Strong, LL.D., Judge Supreme Court United States. By Rev. T. De Witt Talmage. 12mo, J. B. FORD & CO., New York. The American Kennel and Sporting Field. A History of the Origin of Dogs, especially of the Sporting Varieties. Also, Practical Instructions on Breeding, Break- ing, and Kennel Management ; with a Stud List of Jm- ported Dogs in the United States, giving Correct Pedigrees, after the manner of the English and American Turf Calen- dars. By Arnold Burges. Illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth, $4. GARRIGUES BROS., Philadelphia. Toward the Mark; or, Grace Allen's Aim. By Em- ma F. R. Campbell, 16mo, 448 pp., cloth, $1.50. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 3 15 WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. Treasure-Trove Series. Vol. II.-Travesty. By W. M. Thackeray, F. C. Burnand, and others. Square 16mo, 238 pp., cloth, $1. The Wages of Sin. By Edmund Yates. paper, 50c. The Handy Home Book of Medical Recipes and Family Receipts. By Wm. Cornell, M.D. Square 16mo, 150 pp , cloth, 75c. A Hero of the Pen. By E. Werner: paper, 75c.; cloth, $1.50. 8vo, 112 pp., 8vo, 175 pp., GINN BROS., Boston. The Fifth, or High School Music Reader for MIixed Voices. By Julius Eichberg, General Super- visor of Musical Instruction of Boston Public Schools. Liddell and Scott's Abridged Greek Lexicon. New edition. With an Appendix containing Proper and Geographical Names, carefully prepared by J. M. Whiton. Select Orations of Lysias. By J. M. Whiton. Hudson’s Text-Book of Poetry. For use in Schools and Classes. Consisting of selections from Words- worth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Goldsmith, and Thomson. Carpenter’s Introduction to Anglo-Saxon. An Introduction to the Study of the Anglo-Saxon Lan- guage, Comprising an Elementary Grammar, Selections for Reading with Notes, and a Vocabulary. By Stephen H. Carpenter, Professor of Logic and English Literature in the University of Wisconsin. 212 pp., $1. JESSE HANEY & CO., New York. Hunter’s and Trapper’s Guide. Edition for 1875–6, 180mo, 72 pp., paper, 20c. P. M. HAWERTY, New York. The Angel of the Altar. By the author of the “ Door of the Tabernacle.” 18mo, 260 pp., cloth, 75c. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. The Life of the Rev. John Todd, D.D. By Rev. John E. Todd. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. - Goldsmith. Select Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited, with Notes, by William J. Rolfe. A. M.. formerly Head Master of the Cambridge High School. Illustrated, Uni- form with Rolfe’s Shakespeare. Square 16mo, cloth, 90c. Plato's Dialogues. Translated. A New and Literal Wersion, chiefly from the Text of Stallbaum. Wol. L–Con- taining the Apology of Socrates Crito, Phaedo, Gorgias, Protagoras. Phaedrus, Theaetetus, Euthyphron, Lysis. By Henry Cºry, M.A., Worcester College, Oxford. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. * The Calderwood Secret. A Novel. By Virginia W. Johnson. 8vo, paper, 50c. Hugh Melton. A Novel. trated. 8vo, paper, 25c. By Katharine King. Illus- HENRY HOYT, Boston. Mecca. By the author of “Mask Liſted.” and gold, $1.25. The New Picture Library. other page. $2.50. Sunshine Cottage. By the author of “Opposite the Jail.” Vol. I. of Sunshine Cottage Series. 16mo, $1. International Question Book. Graded for Whole Year 1876. By Rev. F. N. Peloubet. No. 1– Adults; No. 2–Children and Youth; No. 3—Youngest Classes. Illustrated by pictures and verse. 15c. each, Select Notes on the International Topics for 1876. A New Commentary. Selections from over 200 Different Authors, three Maps, Meaning and Correct Pro- nunciation of Proper Names. References and Parallel Passages from Bagster’s Bible. Common edition in cloth, $1.25; Interleaved edition, $2 per vol. r x 16mo, black Picture on every 5 vols. 16mo, black and gold, chromo cover, HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. Library Notes. By A. P. Russell. Crown 8vo, 401 pp., cloth. $2. Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country. By the author of “Dream Children.” Illus- trated. Small 4to, 198 pp., cloth, $2.25. HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, New York. THE ACTING DRAMA—15c. each. The Original. Interlude in one act. The Sentinel. Musical Burletta in one act. The Tiger at Large. Comic Burletta in one act. Why Did You Die : Petite Comedy in one act. Sayings and Doings. Farce in one act. Twin Brothers. Farce in One act. Ask no Questions. Burletta in one act. Cure for Coquettes. Comedy in three acts. The Cabin Boy. Drama, in two acts. who stole the Spoons : Farce in one act. Mrs. Sarah Gamp’s Tea and Turn-Out. Farce in One act. The Village Doctor. Drama in two acts. Family Pride. Comedy in five acts. - The AMATEUR STAGE–15 c. each. A Game of Billiards. Temperance Skotch. The Wrong Bottle. Temperance Sketch. A Lyrical Lover. Comedietta. THE WARIRTY STAGE. Dot Madrimonial Adverdisement. Sketch. - - Mulcahy’s Cat. Irish Sketch. Dot Quied Lotging. Dutch Sketch. All in Der Family. Dutch Sketch. Who Got the Pig 3 Irish Sketch. THE ETELIOPIAN DRAM.A. Julianna, Johnson. Ethiopian Exºravaganza. Dutch HOME PUBLISHING CO., New York. The Family Physician and Household Friend, 25c. INDUSTRIAL PUB. CO., New York. The Pistol as a Weapon of Defense in the House and on the Road. How to Choose it, and How to Use it. 12tno, 60 pp., cloth, 50c. KAY & BROTHER, Philadelphia. Smith’s Reports. Vol. XXVI. Comprising Cases Ad- judged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at January, May. October, and November Terms, 1874. Being Vol. LXXVI. Pennsylvania State Reports. By P. Frazer Smith, State Reporter, 8vo, law sheep, $4.50. LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. A Quaker Among the Indians. Battey. Illustrated. 12mo, 336 pp., cloth. The Yacht Club Series. By Oliver Optic. Six voi- umes in a handsome box. L–Litt'e Bobtail; II.-The Yacht Club; III.—Money-Maker; IV.-The Coming Wave; V.—The Dorcas Club; VL—Ocean-Boru. Illustrated. 6 vols. 16mo, cloth, $1.50 per vol. - The Great Bonanza. Edited by Geo. M. Baker. Two hundred illustrations. Largo 4to, 264 pp., cloth. Four-Footed Dovers. By Franz Albertson. Illus- . trated. 4to, 128 pp., cloth. Getting to Paris. By Francis S. 12mo, X. , 448 pp., cloth. - The River of Dreams, and Other Poems. By S. E. O. 16mo, cloth. - - By Thomas C. Williams, A.M. 316 • THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Florida. A Hand-book for Tourists. By Sidney Lanier. Illustrated. A Treatise on Punctuation. Der. Principles and Practice of Surgery. By D. H. Agnew, M.D. American Boyhood. A Poem. By Horace P. Biddle. The Nervous System. Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. By Jerome K. Bauduy, M.D. 8vo. Under the Stork’s Nest. A Romance from the Ger- man of A. E. Katsch. By Emily R. Steinestel. The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. Sketches and Descriptions from the Note-Book of an Explorer. By Franz Keller, Engineer. New edition. With sixty eight illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo. Allibone’s Prose Quotations. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. With Indexes. By Prof. J. A. Tur * LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. Diseases of the Heart and of the Aorta. By Thomas Hayden, F.C. P. L. With eighty-one illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, 1,232 pp., cloth, $8. . Vision : Its Optical Defects and the Adapta- tion of Spectacles. By C. S. Fenner, M.D. TWith seventy-five illustrations on wood, and selections from the Test Types of Jaeger & Snellen. 8vo, 300 pp., cloth, $3.50. - D. LOTHROP & Co., Boston. Bonnie Aerie. By the author of “ Evening Rest.” $1.50. g Barbara. By the author of “Silent Tom.” $1.50. Grandpa's Darlings. By Pansy, $1.25. Mrs. Deane's Way. By Faye Huntington. $1.25. FROM THE ENGLISH. Henry’s Outlines of Church. History. Stick to the Raft. History of the Jewish Nation. By E. H. Palmer. Revised edition. HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. Lectures on Syphilis, and Some Forms of Local Disease Affecting Principally the Organs of Generation. By Henry Lee, M.D. 8vo, cloth. Human Physiology. By J. C. Dalton, M.D. Sixth and revised edition. 8vo, about 850 pp., cloth and leather. On Poisons in Relation to Medical Jurispru- dence and Medicine. By Alfred S. Taylor, M.D. 8vo, tubout 850 pp., cloth and leather. . J. S. LOCKE & CO., Boston. Mother Goose's Pocket. 12mo, 396 pp., black and gilt cloth, $1.50. Robinsom Crusoe. . By Daniel Defoe. 12mo, 636 pp , black and gilt, cloth, $1.50. The Bouquet. Illustrated. 16mo, 196 pp., ſull gilt cloth, $l.25. - Flora’s Dial. cloth, $1.25. Flora’s Cup. cloth, $1.25. New edition. Illustrated. 16mo, 196 pp., full gilt Illustrated. 16mo, 196 pp., full gilt MACMILLAN & CO., New York. The Age of Pericles. A History of the Arts and Poli- tics of Greece, from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War. By W. Watkyes Lloyd. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. MASONIC PUB. SOC., New York. Masonic Odes and Poems. By Rob. Morris, 8vo, 100 pp , cloth extra, $2. McDIVITT, CAMPBELL & CO., New York. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vol. XII. Nos. 8 and 9. Svo, 104 pp., paper, subscrip- tion, $5 per vol. National Bankruptcy Register Wol. XII. per vol. Reports. No. 10. 8vo, 56 pp., paper, subscription, $5 NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, New York. Our Wasted Resources; or, The Missing Link in the Temperance Reform. By Wm. Hargreaves, M.E. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. Barford Mills. By M. E. Winslow, 12mo, cloth, $1. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. The Annals of a Fortress. By Viollet-le-Duc. 8vo, cloth. - - Little Classics. Vol. XVI. and the last—Authors. By Rossiter Johnson. 18mo, cloth, $1. IIlustrated Melrose Waverley. By Sir Walter Scott. Uniform with Kensingtou Thackeray. To be com- pleted in thirteen volumes. Crown 8wo, $2 each. Illustrated Gadshill Dickerms. By Charles Dick- ens. Uniform with Kensington Tbackeray. To be com- pleted in fifeeen volumes, Crown 8vo, $2 each. Illustrated Library Reade. By Charles Reade. Uniform with Library lickens. To be comprised in six volumes. 12mo, $1.50 each. Illustrated Library Thackeray. Thackeray. Miscellanies, in 5 volumes. By W. M. 12mo, P. O'SHEA, New York. Young Ladies’, Illustrated Progressive Reader. 12mo, 432 pp., $1.25. Life of Paul Seigneret. By a Priest of St. Sulpice. 12mo, 384 pp., $1.50. * G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. Travels in Portugal. By John Latouche. Illus- trated with photos. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. The Abode of Snow. By Andrew Wilson. 8vo, cloth, $2.25. Old New York. paper, $3 and $5. The Border Lands of Insanity. Part IV. By Eliza Greatorex. 4to, By Andrew Wynter. 8vo, cloth, $2. Peritonitis. By Prof. A. L. Loomis. No. 9 in Clini-, cal Lectures. 8vo, paper, 40c. Metallurgy. By John Mayer. In Elementary Science Series. 16mo, cloth. 75c. - Principles of Mining. By J. H. Collins. In Elemen- tary Science Series. 16trio, cloth, 75c. - Building Construction. . By R. Scott Burn. In Advanced Science Series. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, $3. Meta11uirgy. By W. H. Greenwood. In Advanced Sci- ence Serids, 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Hand-Book of Scripture Geography. Sixteen maps. In Putnam's Series of Atlases. 16tuo, cloth, 75c. The Academic Atlas of Modern and Classi- cal Geography. With thirty-two maps. In Put- nam's Series of Atlases. 4to, cloth. $2.50. The Library Atlas of Modern, Historical, and Classical Geography. With one hundred maps. In l’utnam's Series of Atlases, 8vo, balf moroc- co, $14. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. . 3I 7 T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. Hester Howard’s Temptation. A Soul’s Story. By Mrs. C. A. Warfield. An entire new work, 12mo, morocco cloth, gilt back and side, $1.75. Comstock’s Elocution and Model Speaker. By Andrew Comstock and Philip Lawrence. A new re- vised edition. with 236 illustrations. 12mo, morocco back, cloth sides, $2. - The Count of Monte Cristo. A new cdition, full of illustrations. By Alexander Dumas. 8vo, paper cover, $1. Told in the Twilight. By Mrs. Henry Wood. 8vo, paper cover, 25c. Beautiful Snow, and other Poems. A new illustrated edition for the holidays. 8vo, tinted paper, green morocco cloth, gilt top, side, and back, $2; maroon morocco cloth, full gilt edges, full gilt back, full gilt sides, etc., $3. The Outcast, and other Poems. By the author of ‘‘ Boautiful Snow.” A new illustrated edition for the holidays. 8vo, green morocco cloth, gilt top, side, and back, $2; maroon morocco cloth, full gilt edges, full gilt back, full gilt sides, $3. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. Castle Daly. By Annie Keary. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; international, $1.25; paper, $1. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. Eight Cousins. By L. M. Alcott. 16mo,301 pp., cloth, 1.50. The Ship in the Desert. cloth, $1.50. By Joaquin Miller, 16mo, J. W. SCHERMERHORN & Co., New York. Elements of English Grammar. By Prof. S. W. Whitney. 24mo, 160 pp., limp cloth, 45c. sºmsºmºsº F. STEIGER, New York. Ahm’s First German Reader. With Notes ar.d Vocabulary. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, boards, 60c. Ahn’s First German Reader. With Foot Notes and Vocabulary. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, boards, 60c. Key to Ahn's First German Reader. By Dr. P. Henn. 12mo, boards, 30c. CHARLES P. SOMERBY, New York. Soul Problems. By Joseph Peck. Paper, 50c.; cloth 75C. 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Oh, Let Me Dream : Ham lton Aide. Song. 50c. If Every Lute on Earth Were Mute. Cowen. Song. 50c. - Moonlight on the Danube. Muller. Song. 50c. Whispering Leaves. Muller. Song. 50c. * Ten New Ballads. Sung by Chas. Santley. 50c. Ten Songs. By Virginia Gabriel. 50c., Ten Songs. By Arthur Sullivan. 50c. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCA L. Adieu ! Zwenski. Italian and English text. 30c. Jamie's Return. Hóward. Song and chorus. 30c. The Fishermen. Song. 50c. The Flower Girl. English and Italian. 50c. Changes of the Moon. Christy. Comic song. 30c. I Dearly Love to Ramble in the Dell. Persley. Song and chorus. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL. Lover and the Bird. Richards. Transcription. 50c. William Tell. Leybacb. Fantasia. $1. Rondo in D. Mozart. 40c. Reception Waltz. Baker. Organ, 30c. Greeting from Afar. Michelles. March. 30c. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. vocal, WITH PIANO AccompaNIMENT. Choral Echoes. No. 1.-Oh, Rest in the Lord. M. F. H. Smith, 40c. No. 2. —Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Abt. Hymn. Solo, duet. and quartet for the choir or home. 35C. No. 4.—Father of Mercios. Abt. Quartet and solo. 40c. No. 5.-Come. Said Jesus' Sacred Voice. Batiste. Solo and quartet. 30c. No. 6.-Fear Not. Kucken. Solo and quartet. 30c. Don Carlos. Verdi. Translated by T. T. Barker. No. 11. –A Secret Terror (Terror arcano invado). Duetto. Soprano and tenor. Memories of Home. Campana. Mamia’s Wish. Daniel. 35C. • Oh, Thou Art Like a Flower (Du Biste wie eine 30C. Blume). Kucken. 30c. Blushette. Molloy. 30c. Yes. Blumenthal. 40c. Brown Eyes has that Little Maiden. Osgood, 85C. Because I Do. Molloy. 30c. - The Dance of Love (La Danza d'Amore). 75c. Mattiozzi. Jennie in the Orchard. Aid c. 35C. There is Sorrow in Parting. Shattuck. Song and chorus. 30c. - Love Laid His Sleepless Head. Sullivan. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL. - Kinderscenen. (Scenes of Childhood). mann. No. 1.-About Strange Countries. Curous Story. 20c. No. 3.-Playing Tag. Beseeching. 20c. No. 4.—Happiness Enough. 20c. No. 5.—Important Occurrence. 20c.; Traumerei. 20c., No. 6. By the Fireside. 20c ; Knight of the Hobbyhorse. Robert Schu- 15c. No. 2.-- 20c.; Child 20c. No. 7...—Almost Too Serious. 20c. No. 8.-Fright- ening. 20c. No. 9.—Child Falling Asleep. 20c. No 10. – The Poet Speaks. 15c. Scenes Complete, $1. Fragrant Roses. (Duſtende Rose). Dorn. 30c. On wings of Love. (Auf Schwingen der Liebe) Waltz. Bohn. 50c. Nocturne Romantique. W. G. Smith. 35C. willie Pape's Highland Gems. No. 4.—Auld Lang Syne, and Charlie is my Darling. 75c. each. Grand March of Liberty, 1776–1876. Smith. 35C. Indigo ; or, the 40 Thieves. Operetta by Strauss Arranged by Maylath. No. 3.-Galop. 35C. RIeadow Pink. Cloy. No. 5.—Galop. 30c. Maid of Orleans. W. S. Bennett. Sonata. B{}OKS. National Hymn and Tune Book. For Copgrº gations, Schools (for opening and closing) and the Home. 40c., $35 per 100. German Four-part Songs. Allen. For mixed voices. $1.50. Chorus Choir. A collection of Anthems, Motets, Chants, etc. For Choirs, Choral Societies, and Conyen- tions. ' Selected from eminent composers by Eben Tour jée. $18 per doz. $2.50 Compiled by N. H. W. H. EWALD & BRO., Jersey City. WOCAL. Sweet and Low. White. Lullaby, 30c. Take Me to My Dear Old Home. Percy. and chorus. 35c. Janet’s Choice. Claribel. 300. Faith ſul. Intropidi. Ballad. 35C. Little Maid of Arcadee. Sullivan. 40C. Say You Won't Forget Me, Darling. Pratt, Song and chorus. 35c. O Fair Dove : O Formal Dove : Birds in the Night. Sullivan. Song Gatty. 40c. 40c. INSTRUMENTAL. Gayety of Heart. Sealey. Polka Mazurka. 35c. Spring, Gentle Spring Waltz. Wagner, 30c. 322 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. Keep One Little Kiss for Me. Jack. Easy Waltz. 20C. Where the Citrons Bloom. Strauss. Waltz, 75c. Ida May. . Browne. Galop. 50c. Fourth Regiment March. Wagner. 35c. Polka Pathetic. Grass. 50c. Belles of the City. Wagner. Galop. 35c. CARL FIEUSER, New York. Torpedo. Albert H. Wood. Galop brilliant. Romance. Chas, Le Darf. Piano. 35c. Don Quixotte. Albert H. Wood. 50c. Baby Mine. Arch. Johnston. Song. Prayer. Francis Korbay. 50c. 60C. 35C, THOS. J. HALL, New York. Brightest Roses Fade and Die. Song and chorus. 35c. # We’ll Hunt the Buffalo. C. S. Graffula. chorus. 40c. Come Like a Beautiful Dream. Quartet. 40c. Do the Little Ones Miss Me at Home. Danks. Song and chorus. 35c. H. P. Danks. Song and H. P. Danks. H. P. H. N. HEMPSTEAD, Milwaukee, Wis. The Old Printer. Towne. Bass or contralto. The Open Window. Zabel. Ballad. 40c. The Old Settler's Song. Bielfeld. Ballad. 50c. Th: Way the Story Goes. Hall. Song and chorus. C. - 400. Elet’s be Friends Again. Addison. Song and chorus. 35c. B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. The Power of Love. Wade. Instrumental. 10c. Oh, Would I were a Bird. Blamphin. Song. 10c. Drifting. Claribel. Song. 10c. Of What is the Old Man Thinking : Knight. Song. 10c. Beautiful Leaves. Cherry. Song. 10c. O, Ye Tears : Franz Abt. Song. 10c. Only a Lock of Hair. Clarıbel. Song. 10c. Calmly the Day is Dying. Linley. Song. 10c. Down. Where the Violets Grow. Harry West. 10C. Strauss. ern. Song and dance. New World Galop. 4 hand piece. 10c. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Angels Whisper Soft Good Night. Danks. Song. 40c. Rippling Waves. G. Milward. Boat song. Piano. 40c. - Warrior’s Farewell March. Helter Skelter Galop. Faust. Piauo. 30c. The Brook. Pape. Piano. 80c. The Bridge. Lady Carew. Song. 50c. Alpine Bells. Oester. Piano. 35c. Janette’s Tresses. W. W. Curtis. Song 35c. Emma Mazurka. Myers. Piano. 35c. * Going Avvay to Leave Me. Myers. Song. C. Burg muller's 25 Studies. Book I. Op. 100 $1. Burgmuller’s 25 Studies. Book II. Op. 100. $1. Burgmuller’s 25 Studies. Complete. Op. 100. $2. Picfke. Piano. 35c. HENRY McCAFFREY, Baltimore. Sweetheart’s March. James E. Magruder. 30c. Lover’s Waltz. Easy. James E. Magruder. Easy, 30c. Pleasing Schottische. Hunter. Easy. 30c. Sen enude Polka. Hunter. Easy. 30c. Pleasant Hour Waltzes. Charles Van Leer. Showy and brilliant. 50C. . J. L. PETERS, New York. Flirting on the Streets. J. E. Stewart. Song and chorus, 30c. ' Won’t We Cut a Swell. J. E. Stewart. Song and chorus. 30c. - Centennial. J. J. Watson. Grand Waltz. 75c. Mazurka Brilliamte. S. Livingston. 35C. Cujus Animam. Liszt. Instrumental. 60c. Sing Me a Song of My Norah. J. E. Stewart. Song and chorus. 30c. Angel Voices Sweetly Singing. Shattuck. Song and chorus. 30c. When I Say My Little Prayers. I.eighton. Song and chorus. 30c. Tie Crape on the Door, Willie’s Dead. Hays. Song and chorus. 35C. I’ll Sing the Songs of Early Days. Glover. Waltz Song. 40c. Masonic Grand March. G. D. Wilson. March. 60C. Is Mother There 3 W. S. Hays Song and chorus. 35c. Little Hands We Clasp No More. Christie. Song and chorus. 30c. GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Brown Eyes or Blue Eyes. Hamilton Aide. Song. 30c. Because I Do. I. L. Molloy. Song. 30c. Wait Till the Mooniight. Bagnall. Song. 302. There’s a Letter in the Candle. Coote. Song. 30c. Heart Whispers. La Sainte Vierge. Franz Abt. Lange. Song. 30c. Meditation. 50C. C. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Meet Me in the Gloaming. Geo. W. Persley. Song and chorus. Illustrated. 40c. Letter in the Candle. Coote. 30c. Wine of the Woods Waltzes, Song and chorus. O. F. Berdan. 50c, wº are Waiting. Song and chorus. O. F. Berdan. 3UC. . Blue Bells of Scotland Variations. O. F. Ber- dau. 40c. Woman’s Prayer. M. S. McChesney. Ballad. 40c. Minute Gun at Sea. Duet. Salterelle. S. Clark. Instrumental. 70c. Tarentella. S. Clark. Instrumental. 65c. Berens's Velocity. H. Berens. 2 vols. $1.50 each. Czerny’s Studies. Op. 40. Books 1 and 5. $1.25 each. Czerny's Studies. Op. 409. Book 1. $1.25. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Gold, Gold, Gold. G. W. Hunt. Song and chorus, 30c. Draw. Near the Fire. H. Ball. Song and chorus. 30c. Gognac Quickstep. H. Barnes, 30c. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 323 - THE jStationery MARKET, Business is fair, though transactions are marked by caution, both on the part of buyers and sellers, the former not to overstock, the latter in regard to credits. Hence, what business is done is on a safe basis, and attended with: as little risk as possible. Prices hold steadily, and, with the exception of a few lines of holiday goods, in which little or nothing has yet been done, the market is not over full. SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE Adjustable Book Covers. § § Noyes' lº, .. price as David's. $7 20 Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100. . $1 75 allº's jºids, lºgºs bºxes, per gross.... ... For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ............. ió Sò | Arnºld's Writing Fluid, Quarts, per loz. ... .... gºld # 75 * I,000, ‘‘ ‘‘ & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 { { Pints, ‘. . . . . . . . . 2 75 y y & { { { { { { # Pints, § { tº e º e º e s e t & I 50 Writing Papers. { { { { ‘‘ Stands, per groSS....... ‘‘ 4 80 FIRST CLASS. ‘‘ Copying Ink, Quarts, per doz. ......... “ 8 50 . { { ‘‘ Pints “ . . . . . . . . . “ 4 75 º Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, 26 cts Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bott.es, per doz. ... 1 00 s e º e º 'º e sº e º e º e º e º 'º e e s e s e º e º e s e e s = < e e s 6 s is e tº ( & & 4 Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. 26 “ Carmine cºws: º er doz. ... . º: l ; Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 28 “ º'--> Conger & Field's 'jounce per doz. ...... 1 35 Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to rearm, per lb. 28 “ { { “ :* * : *. Glass stop per doz. 2 13 SECOND GRADE. David’s Carmine, No. 1, É. º * : * tº ſº tº tº e º e < * * * * * * * * * 2 25 * { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 º, rºº * : “ No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . & & & & g g tº dº ... 3 15 Commercial Note, “ . e tº e º ºs e º e º e e tº e e º tº 24 P {{ 'S I dº b| *...*. º: Stopper, per doz. . . . . ; ; - & * * **, * * * * : A i. e e g º e º e º & © tº º ayson's Indelible Ink, per doz. ..... ge e is e e is e e e º e º is tº e * French Quºrule Pºrs—sº lºgº ##| biºsitiºi,” “.................... 3 & * 5 * g º g º 'º e º e º B & * Square French Envelopes, per M, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 - |Primati IP Peerless School and Counting-House rinting Papers. - Ink. Book and News, wood and part straw......... 9 to 12 cts. BLACK WHOLET WRITING . “ rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 15 “ INK. INIV. FLUID. { { { { good to first-class........ . . . . 15 to 20 “ Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. . . $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 PintS { { { { “ . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Drawing Papers. Half Pints, { { { { “. . . . l 60 2 00 1 75 . GERMAN. QUIRE. 4 oz. . “ { { & C ... 90 1 15 1 00 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 24 || Stands, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Demy, 15 by 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº tº e º ſº e º ſº tº e 36 Medium, it by 22, “ ....................... 48 Mucilage. Royal, 19 by 24, “ • e s a e s s a e e s e e = e º 8 e º s 60 WHATMAN'S Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . e e º ºs e e º e 1 00 Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 * { * per dozº: tº e s e º e ...: : ; Demy, 15 by 20, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 “ Quarts { { ........................ 7 oo Mediurn 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 2 e e º 'º e º s & e º e º is e º is º º a s e e º e . Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ---- 1 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 Inkstands. { { ë Elephant, 23 by 28, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. ..... * * * * * * * * * = a, e. 1 38 - Tissue Paper { { ! { “ No. 2 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 American, White, per ream. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 1 60 | Silliman’s No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 { { Colored, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 { {, No. 2, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * e s is a s e e a e • * No. 1, “ º ... ------.. 1 25 Tracing Paper º : ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; Il e lecnanics', • e s e a e & e s e e s e o e a e e Demy, per quire.............................. 75 Flat Glass, 23 inch, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Medium, “ . . . . . . . gº tº e º ºs º ºs º & º q e º gº tº e * * . . . . . 1 25 { { 3 * “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 { { { Bristol Boards. : ; ; ". ....”............ ; ; * * * REYNOLDS' AND OTHERS. Air-tight Inks, small, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 { { “ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 { % 3 { { “ . . . . . . . . . s e e e s = e e s e 79 | Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 { { 4 { { “ ........ ........... 99 || Draper's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3....... tº e º 'º e º 'º tº II 25 Demy, ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 # Glass Screw Tops, from............. .75C. to $1.12 per doz. “ 4 “ “ .................... i 50 - Mººm, : . º * & e º 'º e º 'º º tº º t e º 'º es e º ſº tº ; º Steel Pense ‘‘ 4 ( & . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 2 oo | American News Company’s No. 1170. . . . $0 50 e e s e º ºs e º e e e s e º e * e º ſº e { { {{ { { School No. 51.... 30 Perforated Board. { { £ 4 {{ Extra Fine, No 333. ... 50 { { { { { Qoarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ... .............. 2 00 . { { Quill { §: *::::: ; Gold or Silver Muslim back, for Embroidery, per doz. 7 50 { { { { { { Falcon, No. 48.... 50 Blotting Paper. { { { { { { Bank, No. 14. ... 50 ()(;tavo er doz. . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº g º e º e º ſº e e s e ( & {{ { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 § packages, p ". OZ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º 'º . e. e. e. e. l #. { { { { {{ Albata, 'No. 11. . . . 50 Gillott's Pens, No. 303........ • * * * * * * ~ * e o 'º e s e º e e .... 1 00 . \ Ink. { { “ No. 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º it e º e = * * * 50 David’s Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 7 20 { { “ No. 170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ‘‘ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... 1 00 { { ** No. 35l...... e e º 'º e º e º e º 'º º & © e º e º e º e e ... 65 * 8 tº 1 tº { { “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 |. Washington Medallion Pens ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 David’s Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 2 80 || Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 1 00 § { Quarts, 1 '' § { “ . . . .... 4 80 “ “ in 3 groSS boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 MARKET: 324 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Lead Pencils. Dominoes. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gold 40 | Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 “ Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 55 “ good { { { { { { 6 00 to 12 00 “ Tablet, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 31 “ Mahogany boxes, { { . 6 00 to 18 00 “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . ... “ 5 40 - * { { * : g ; :- | { { • e < * “ 4 50 - Backgammo in Boards. - Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . e e º e s - * * * * * * * * * 40 | No. 4 & 5, 2 in nest, paper, red and black gilt.... 2 00 “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ 6 7, 2 “ muslin, black and red. . . . . . 2 25 “ Rubber Head, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 58 || “ 8 “ 9, 2 “ black and buſt, sheep......... 3 00 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tip’d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e is 46 “ 10 “ 11, 2 . black and, red, half leather... 3 75 Red, Polished, per gross, Faber’s......... . . . . . . . . 1 40 “ 12 “ 13, 2 “ black and red, full leather... 4 50 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 15 “ 14 “ 15, 2 “ eXtra rel and black . . . . . . . 5 00 Pen- Holders. Accommodation. Fluted º: º S & 45 Checker-Wºlen. * * Sweli,” ... 8 ".... ............. 75 | Embossed,enameled, per doz, $1 15 Maple star, pr doz. 1 00 French Tip, per gross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 00 ‘‘ CrOWn $ 8 1 2 - Bone, per doz. . . . . . . & g g g g & º e º we gº e g tº $ tº * * * * * * * * 75C. to 1 00 vº o "ci * - Chess-MIen. Pocket Reversible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15C. to 60 Bone, German, per doz. . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - $6 25 to 24 00 Slates. Wood, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 62 to 60 00 Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. . . . . . 42 | Stanton, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 { { & 4 { { 5 by 7, “ . . . . . . 48 { { { { { { 6 by 9, “ . . . . . . 68 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. & S { { { { 64 by 10, “ e tº e & T2 | Blackboard Crayons, per gross.................... 18 { { ( : 4: 7 by 11, “ tº tº e 80 { { { assorted colors, per gross..... 1 00 { { { { { { 8 by 12, “ . . . . . . 1 00 | Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to Ib., { { . { { { 9 by 13, { * * * * * * l 20 per lb • * e º e s e e s = * * * * * * * * * * * * e e g g º e º e © & 8 tº $ tº tº 60 Slate Pencils. & Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross............... 1 20 * • gº & “ Bands, 4 inch, assorted, per gross........... 69 Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45C.; 6 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 { { “ 3 “ { { “. . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 15c. to 50 { { “ 3 “ C & « 1 98 German Patent Slate, in while Woºd, per groSS...... 1 50 tº e º te e º ºs e º e Silicate Book Slates. & |Portfolios. - FOR SLATE PENCIL, Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $6 00 to 18 00 Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 34 by 55 in., per doz. 1 50 | Cap “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 00 to 24 00 Companion, “ gilt title 33 by 55 in., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, y 5 by 84 in. { { I 80 Pocket-Books. Silica, interly'd, 6 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 3 00 | Sheep, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 to 4 00 Mineral, “ 6 { { 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00. Calf, “ . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . . . . . ---- 3 00 to 8 00 FUR LEAD PENCIL. ſº Morocco, per doz • * * * * * * * * * * * e e . . . ] 50 to 6 00 Daily Memoranda, interlwºd, gilt, 24 by 34 in., per doz I 65 | * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 to 20 00 Calendar, 5 surfaces, ‘‘ 3 by 5 in. { { 1 98 Every Day, gilt title. “ 3 by 5 in. “ 2 3i Stereoscopes. Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, No. 27, Walnut frame, Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $700 per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . e e s = e s e s e e s s e e s a • * * e ... . . . . . . 3 30 || “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood { { ( & 15 25 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 33 by 5} “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mahogany { { {{ 19 00 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * - s a e s a e 3 30 “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood { { { { 20 00 Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 33 by “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip { { C & 22 00 54 inches, per doz . . . . . e e º ºs • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s s 3 30 N. B.-For other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Thermometers. Envelopes per Thousand. Tin Case, 1. ingh, per doz * * * * * * * * * e º ºs e e tº $ $ e º e º e º 'º e : # an......sizes. 2. 3. ... sº sº, # , , ....................... }; Ulli . . . . . . . . . . . . e is e e s e e e e s e º e s e e • * * * * . Buff, heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..”... ..... *, *, *, 35 | Mahogany, 10 “ “ ........................ 4 75 Buff, . . . . . ...: tº e º e º E tº e º º © º e º e # ; ; ; School and Counting-House Rulers. $ Canary. . . . . . xx ..... ..... ..... 1 50 1 85 Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 Fine $ Amber......xx . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 185 | School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . S1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Gold ....... XX . . . . . ... . . . . ... 1 50 l 85 Counting-House, per doz. ...S2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 Buff..... XX ... . . . . . . e tº e º e 2 00 2 50 - Ex. Fine ºf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Quills. X. Amber . . XX . . . . . e e e º s e a s e 2 00 2 50 | Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . 60 Gold... XX . . . . . . . . . . tº tº a º 2 00 2 50 “ No. 30, “ . . . . . * * * * * > * > e º e º e g º ºs e º e e º e 75 Buff...XXX . . . . . . . . . . $2 65 2 80 3 35 “ No. 40, “ ............... * * * e º e º e º e e I 15 Ex. Fi Canary XXX . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 “ No. 50, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº º º gº e 1 65 . *** Amber.XXX ..... ..... 2 65 2 80 335 | “ No. 60, “ ......' ... ... © tº tº ſº $ tº ſº e º º ... . . 2 85 Gold...XXX . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 ***** 2 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X $1 45 $1 65 I 80 2 00 2 45 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. “. . . . . . . . . . . . XX 1 70 1 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 Italian, per doz. boxes ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 75 “ . . . . . . . . . XXX 185 2 10 235 2 70 320 | Portable, “ “ . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = as a 3 25 “ Baronial..... XX 3 65 3 35 . . . . . * e º 'º e is a s Large, & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . e & e o 'º e s a e º e s e e 4 50 Manilia . . . . . . . ... ... x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 1 20 || Office, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Playing Cards. . Propeller per ſº...... * * * * * * * g e º 'º . 1 60 * * f : Blank Books. '. e Steamboat, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº € $ tº I 80 The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Highlander, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 2 10 | Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire.......12c. to 25 Eureka, Or 'Players, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Full ... “ “ “ ... . . . .30C. to 70 Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º ºr e º sº º e s e a 3 00 Imitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 50 Moguls, Enameled, “ . . . . . • e e s e e s e º e º e s e s = * * * 4 05 f Henry VIII., “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 40 Memorandum Books. Euchre, ( & is ºn as sº e º e s tº º º & e g º ºs 4 05 12mo, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 to 1 35 Ill. Moguls, “ . . . . . . • - - - , . . . . . . . ... ... 6 30 | 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º sº e . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 to 2 00 Gold Eagles, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Crown, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e < * * * * * * g e º º 90 to 3 50 Gold-Faced Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 || Demy, “ . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * 2 00 to 3 00 SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 32.5 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years’ experience in the News Business, and under- Stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no Jisappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer. ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making. remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.--Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded 6th.-We do not send New Papers and Magazines on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all new publications to our dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.-We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, with full signature and address, should be inclosed with all remittances. 10th.—Wo inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. |POSTAGE TO NIEWS) DEALLERS. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per lb. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, { { { { Three “ { { PAPER COVERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form [Form 1.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGO, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Inclosed find $.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Which pass to my credit, and Send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : - . 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. - 10 New York Weekly. • 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. | 5 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. Yours truly, ggy- Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s tº e º e º & e º e e º 'º e & # * # tº e º 'º & º e ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated NeWSpaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ & C 6 3 New York Weekly.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º & © tº e tº gº e º e e e º e º is e º ºs $ $ & º º e $ sº º º e º e º º ºs e e • * * * * * * * * * * * * . “ { { 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . tº e º & e º 'º e º ºs e = * * * * * * & © & & e º e º e e s e e s is e s e º e º e s & e s = e º e e s a tº dº º e g º e º ºs e º 'º e e { { & C 12 3 Leslie’s Budget of Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs e e e e º e e º ºs e e s p s e º e º e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e º e º e = * * * * * ... “ $. 3 . CUT OFF– 2 Waverley. ... ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - e tº * * tº e º 'º e º ºs e e tº e e º ſº sº ſº e º e e s º e e making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner..... e s & e º e g º we ge e s º e º e < e s e e s = e º 'º e < e < e < * * * * * * * * * * * e e is e e . . . . . .---------.... “ ( & 7 1 Demerest’s Illustrated Morthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( & {{ 4 Send following in first bundle— Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1. Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1. Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was made. - Communications should be addressed to - 1 THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK 326 GUIDE. THE AMERICAN BOOKSEE. LERS’ Wholesale and Retail Prices. tº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been changed since our last issue are marked with a $2. Trade Ret Price. Commercial Bulletin . . . . . . . Graphic (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% N. York Courier des Etats Unis 3% New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. . . . . . . . . . . 2% New York Evening Express... 2% New York Evening Mail...... 1 New York Evening News..... ;º El Cronista... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 *- Advauce (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 Albion (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Gael (The)........ 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publisher. . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 American Republic ... . . . . . . . 3 * American Union............. 4% 6 Appleton's Journal . . . . . . . ... 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . .----- . . . . . . 7 10 Army and Navy Journai .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria . . . . . . . e e º ºs º ºs e e s e # 7 10 Banner of Light... . . . . . . . ... 6 8 Baptist Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... . . . . . . . . 4 *-*. Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . .... 6 10 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 15 Boston Statesman. . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Boston Traveler ............. 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4% 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 7 Boys' Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Boys of New York....... 3%. 5 Brooklyn Sunday Review. .... 3% — Cabinet-Maker’s Journal...... 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 S Catholic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Catholic Standard. . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Catholic Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Challen’s 19C. Novels . . . . . . . . 7 &=ºm Celtic National .............. 3% — Christian Advocate and Jour- na! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 J.0 Christian at Work ........... 5% 6 Christian Intelligeucer . . . . . . . 7 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother............ 11 20 Christian Register ........... 6 10 Christian Union ... . . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated) 4 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union e & e º e º dº e º 'º e < e < * 3 sº Church Weekly...... . . . . . . . . 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Commercial and Financial Chronicle .................20 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman.... . . . . . . 4 6 Courier desBtats Unis . . . . . . . 9 10 Criminal Zeitung...... ...... 7% 10 Danbury News ... . . . . . . . . . . . 8% — Das Neue Heim.... . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Day Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 5 D AI L Y PA P E R. S. Trade Ret. Price. New York Evening Post.... .. 2 3 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2%. 3 New York Herald. . . . . * * * * * * g. 3% 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 New York Journal (German). 1%. 2 New York Witness. . . . . . . . . . . l 2 SIE [W II = W E E R L. Y., New York Express...... . . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E R L. Y. Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Demokrat (German). . . . . . . .. 4 7 Detroit Free Press . . . . . . . . . ... 3 * Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 — Dwight's Journal of Music.... 8 * Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Educational Gazette. . . . . . . . .. 7 10 El Espejo (semi-mo.) . . . . . . .18 * Engineering and Miuing Jour- nal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " I0 Episcopalian................. 6 S Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 S Fxaminer and Chronicle..... 4% 6 Farmer’s Home Journal..... 4 º Field (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 sºmº Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ºmº- Fireside Companion.... . . . . . . 4% 6 Forney’s Weekly Press 4% 6 Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 { { ‘‘ Lady's Journal. 7 10 ( & “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 { { “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { “, Young American 4% — Freeman's Journal........... 4%. 6 Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3% — Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal (Semi mo.) . . . . . ... 10 15 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . . ... 7% 10 Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73%. 10 Heart aud Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 7 Heartb and Home. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . tº gº e º 'º º e º e 7 10 Herald (California).......... 4% Herald (European). . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Illustrated Weekly . . . . . . . . .. 5 Independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6% Index (The).... . . . . . . . * * * * * * Inventor's Internat’l Gazette... 3 Investigator....... Iron Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . ... 4 Irish Democrat. ............ 3% Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jewish Messenger...... •----- 8 Jewish Times ... . . . . . . . . . . . . La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . .14 5 e e g º º º g º º 6 Living Age.... . . . . . . L'Eco d’Italia . . . . . ..... Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 Medical Record.............. 8 #II 12 Those the prices of which have Trade Re Price, New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . 2% — New York Staats Zeitung..... 2%. 3 New York Star............ ... 1 3-10 2 New York Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 New York Times ... . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Tribune....... .... 3% 4 New York World. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 New York Times . . . . . . * * * * * * 3%. 5 New York Tribuue........... 3%. 5 New York World ............ 3% 5 Medical Times... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mercantile Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 6% Mercury (N. Y.)... . . . . . . . . 6 Metal Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Methodist ... . . . . . . . . . . * * e e º 'º 4% Metropolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moniteur de la Mode . . . . . . . .22 Nation (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nautical Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Sensation . . . . . * - e º 'º e e * New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . 7 New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . ... 7 New York School Journal. . . . 5% New York Tablet ...... . . . . . . 4% New York Varieties..... . . . . . 7 New York Weekly..... . . . . . . 4 News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. Y. Sportsman . . . . . . . . ... . 4% ()il, Paiut, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age. . . . . 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit.... . . . . . . . . . 6% 7 Police Gazette..... ------. . . . Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 Pomeroy's Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4% Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Railway Times ... . . . . . . . ..., 7% Real Estate Record .......... 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 Rod and Gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rural New Yorker........... San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. Saturday Night...... . . . . . . . . 4 Saturday Star Journal........ 4 Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Scientific American......... . 5% Scotsman (The)..... . . . . . . . . . 6 Scottish America” Journal... 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 Skandinavische Post......... 4 South (The)............ . . . . 9 Spiritualist at Work ........ - 5 ; i : ;l i I 0 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 327 w W .E. E. K. L. Y — Continued, Trade Ret. Trade Rot. Trade Ret. * Price. Price. rice. Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Sunday World..... ......... 434 — Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% 6 Sunday Citizen ... . . . . . . . . ... 3% - | Suuny South..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3% 6 | Weekly Mail.......... ... . . . . 8% 4 Sunday Courier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 — | Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 Weekly News.............. ... 8% 5 Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 4% — The Echo.................... 4% — Weekly New York Journal... 4%. 6 Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — | Thompson's Reporter ........ 6 — | Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Sunday Dispatch ............ 7% – Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 | Weekly Post............... ... 3% 5 Sunday Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 – || Tobacco Leaf... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 | Weekly Staats Zeitung ....... 3%. 5 Sunday German News ....... 1 1-5 — | Toledo Weekly Blade. ....... 3 5 Weekly Sun................. 2% 4 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% – l Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 | Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Sunday Mercury..... . . . . . . . .. 734 10 | True Flag ...... • * * * * * ... .... 4% 6 Week y Tribune ..... ........ 3% 5 Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3}á 4 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7: 10 | Weekly Welcome............ 2 3 Sunday New Yorker Democrat 3% — Universe.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 || Weekly Witness ... . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% — Wall Street Review.......... 1% – | Weekly World............... 3% 5 Sunday Presse........ . . . . . . . 2 — | Watchman and Reflector. . . . . 5% 8 || Wild Oats............ e - e º e º 'º 7 10 Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . © tº e º º tº 2% — Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . º 10 || Wiikes' Spirit of the Times... 11 15 Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — Waverley Magazine......... .11 15 || Woman's Journal. . . . . . . . . . . % 6 Sunday Sun (Brooklyn). . . . . . $34 — Weekly Demokrat . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 10 Sunday Times . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 7 | Weekly Express ............. 8% 5 || Yankee Blade ..... . . . . . . . . . . 3% 7 Sunday Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 | Weekly Herald ............. . 3% 4 || Youth's Companion.......... 3 5 NT O N T | H [L. Ye American Checker Player. ...10 — | Counterfeit Detector (Peter- Hub (The) .............. . .23 35 Americau Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 50 Son's) . . . . . . . . . . . . . e º 'º e º & © . 11 15 Illus. Household Mag........ 6 10 Advance 10c. Novels . . . . . . 6% — | Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . .30 50 | ID ſloo S and Out. . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 4 & “ Song Books... 5 - || Delineator... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 — lndustrial Xſonthly.......... 9 15 & 4 ** Haud “ . . 5 — De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 | Industrial Record............ 6 8 Agriculturist (English)..... . 9 15 I omestic. . . . . . . . . . . ........ 10 -> ( & “ (with Supplt).37 - Agriculturist (German)...... 9 15 || Demorest's Magazine......... 20 — Insurance Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 Amateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 || Demorest's Young America... 7 10 | Insurance Times . . . . . . . . . . . .22 30 American Artisan...... . . . . . . 13 — Dental Cosmos ........ ... 22 — | Insurance Spectator . . . . . . . .22 - American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 — De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs.... 13 — lusurance Gazette ..... © e º - e. " 40 - American Builder. ... . . . . . . .23 30 | De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 Internal Revenue Record . . . . . 9 10 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 50 (Semi-monthly) ... . . . . . . . . 1 15 Jolly Joker........ ... e - © e. e. e. . 7 12 American Exchange & Review.20 25 || De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 Potter's Am. Monthly... . . . . . 28 35 Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 ſournal of the Telegraph (semi- Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 25 | De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 American Industries......... 10 || De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6 - American Journal of Health Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . 10 15 La America (semi-mouthly). .20 25 and Medicine... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 — De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, Lady's Own Magazine ... . . . . 14 - American Journal of Philate'y. 9 12 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 || Lady's Repository ... . . . . . . .27 35 American Journal of Phono- De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, Lakeside Library. . . . . . . . . . . 7% — graphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 La Mode Elegante..... e e < e s tº e 38 50 American Law Register...... 40 50 | Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 American Miscellaby . . . . . . . . 15 25 | Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 — | Laws of Ilife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 — | Eclectic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Le Beau Monde......... 3% — American Naturalist. . . . . . . . . 24 35 | Educational Monthly ........ 17 20 | Little Corporal............... 10% 15 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . 38 – | Literary World.............. li - numbers)....... • * * * * * * e º 'º 40 El Sur Americano (semi mo.). 10 — Lippincott’s Magazine . . . . . . . . 27 35 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly | Floral Cabinet. . . . . . . . F e º 'º º e 8 10 | Live Stock Journal (Buſſaio).10 15 numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Folio (Musical).............. 10 — i.ocke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 | Fortnightly Review... ... : . .40 50 | London Family Herald....... 18 - Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . . .28 — | Frank Leslie’s Boys and Girls' London Lancet. . . . . . . . . . . . .35 50 Architectural Sketch Book. . .38 - W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 — Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 - Archives Medical Science . . . .35 - { { “ Budget of Fun...10 15 Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 - Arthur's Home Magazine..... 14. 20 {{ ‘‘ Chimney Corner Manufacturer and Builder... , 12 15 Atlantic Monthly ........ 3... 28 35 (mo. 1 arts)... 36 50 | Mechanic .......... : - - - - - - - - 6 — Ballou's Magazine .......... . II 15 {{ “ Lady’s Magazine Medical News and Library... 10 - Bankers’ Magazine..... e e e º e a 35 50 (mo. parts)... 27 35 | Medical News Supplement (Suc- Bankrupt Register........... 38 50 é & ** Pleasant Hours.10 } 5 cessor to Rankin's Abstract. 10 - Beadle’s Publications : Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 | Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . 8 - Dime Books ........... . . . . 6% Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Merryman's Monthly. . . . . . . . . .7 10 4 & ** 100 or over . . . . 6 Gardener's Monthly.......... 16 25 | Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. & 4 “ 300 “ . . . ſº Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 15 American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Song Books...... • * * * * * * * * * 5 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- Mother’s Magazine........... 10 15 & 4 ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% man semi-mouthly) . . . . . . . 5% lo Mother’s Journal ..... * e e e e s e 12%. 20 { { “ 1000 “ . . . . . Gleason's Monthly Companion. 6% 10 || Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6% 10 Beekeepers’ Journal ... . . . . . . 6 – Globe (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 || Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, Blackwood’s Magazine .......28 35 | Godey's Lady’s Book........ .21 **= from 1 to 14.... . . . . . ... .. 5 10 Bon Ton ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 | Golden Hours......... ...... 14 15 || Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10 | Good Things..... . . . . . º e - - - - 19 25 & Musical World (Cleveland). 12 - Boys of America............. 10 15 | Good Words. . . . . . . . . . tº 9 & 4 - e. 19 25 National Agriculturist and Bee Carriage Journal ...... . . . . . .22 25 | Grand Army G. Zette . . . . . . . . 7 10 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Catholic Record ... . . . . . . . . . . 17 25 Guide to Holincss. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 — iMational Car Builder........ 7 - Catholic Total-Abstinence Hall’s Modical Adviser . . . . . . 6 10 | National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 Union.... . . . . . . . .......... 3% – | Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 — | National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 Catholic World .......... . .33 50 || Harper's Magazine ... . . . . . . . 28 35 | National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 15 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts).20 30 | Harper's Weekly (mo. parts).33 50 Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 10 Church Monthly............. 0 30 | Herald of Health............. 10 15 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 || Historical Magazine.......... 55 75 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)... 40 Clothier and Hatter.......... | 0 — | Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 | New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 20 Coin Chart Manual.......... .23 — Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 40 | New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 - Comic Monthly . . . . . . . ... .. 7 12 Housekeeper... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 — | New Yorker Musick Zeitung. 6 — Comic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 | Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 | New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 Cottage Hearth........ 10 15 Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 35 | Nick Nax..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 328 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. NI O N T H L Y – Continued. Fort E I G N P E R I o D Trade Price. 16 Argonaut....... e e s tº e º sº e Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% All the Year Round (part) 36 All the World over . . . . . . 18 Annals of Natural History 95 Architect..... . e e s e e e s e 54 Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Athenaeum (part)....... 54 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Bankers’ Magazine . . . . . 57 Band of Hope Review... 2 Baptist Messenger...... 3 Belgravia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Bookseller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Boys of England......... 18 Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 British Workman ....... 2% British Workwoman.. British Juvenile......... 3 - Trade Price. Builder . 54 Cassell’s Shakespeare.... 25 Cassell’s Gul iver. . . . . . . 25 Castles and Abbeys..... 18 Chainbers’ Journal . . . . . . 5 Chatterbox. . . . . • e e º s tº e s Chess Player's Chronicle 38 Children’s Friend. . . . . . . 2% Children’s Prize . . . . . . . . 2% Child's Compauion. . . . . .2% Christian Evidence Jour’l 8 Christian Treasury. . . . . . 20 Churchman's Companion 20 City Chess Magazine..... 20 Contemp rary Review... 62 Cornhill Magazine. . . . ... 38 Cottager and Artisan....2% Covent Garden Mag...... 38 | Day of Rest............. 18 I C A L S – NE O N T HI Trade Price. Dickens (parts). . . . . . . . 6 Draper and Milliner..... Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 Dublin University Maga- * * * tº e º 'º , Füinburgh Me t. Journal. English Woman’s Domes- tic Magazine - Evange ical Christendom 2 30 • e - - - e º e º a Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Expositor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Friend. . . . . . . . . . 2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury........ 20 Farmer's Magazine. . . . . . 76 Floral World ... . . . . . . . . . . 20 ©Fortnightly Review ... 62 I'raser’s Maguzune. . . . . . 1 00 Fricndly Visitor . . . . . . . . 2% Trade Ret. Trade Ret. Trade Ret. Price rice. - Price. N. Amer. Journ.of Homeopathy 85 — | Peterson's Popular Literature 20 — Sunday Magazine............ 18 25 Nursery (The)............... 10 15 Pictorial World... . . . . . . .... — — | St. Nicholas ... ............. 19 — Obstetrical Journal ....... . . .37% — | Popular Science Monthly. . . . .37 50 | Texas New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . 17 &= Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Poultry World............... 12 The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...70 º Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73 6%. 10 | Psychological Journal.... . . .37% 50 | Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 “ Pop'1'r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | Psychological and Medico- Trans-Continental Guide. . . . . . 40 50 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 Legal Journal............. 40 50 | Traveler's Oſſicial Guide. . . . . 25 50 “. 15c. Romances, 1 to 24 8%. 15 || Railway Monitor............. 33 — Truth Seeker................ 5 — Overland Montbly... . . . . . . . . 26 35 | Rand & McNally Guide. . . . . . .28 40 | Union Era (parts)....... . . . . .25 e- Painters’ Magazine.......... 11 15 Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . .25 35 | University Journal . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Paper Trade Reporter. . . . . . . . 11 — | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25 ... 6%. 10 | Wan Nostrand's Eclectic Engi- Paper Trade Jouſ na;(semi-mo).11 — | Sailors’ Mag 'zine . . . . . . ... 10 15 neering Magazine . . . . . . . . . 85 50 Patent Right Gazette....... ... 6 10 | Sanitarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 30 || Watchmaker and Jeweler. . . . . 17 sº- Pension Becord.... . . . . . ... 6 — | Saturday Journal (parts)..... 18 — Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Peters' Household Melodies.. 3 — Science of Healuh . . . . . . . . ... 14 25 | Whitney’s Musical Guest. . . . . 16 25 ‘‘ Parlor Music . . . . . . . . 3 — | Scott's Mirror of Fashion. . . . . 38 50 | Wide A Wake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector. 11 15 Scribner's Monthly .... . 28 35 | Work and Wealth. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Peterson's Magazine ......... 14 20 | Sillim in 's Journal . . . . .43 50 || Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Pet Stuck, Pigeon, and Poul- Singers’ Journal . . . . . . • * e º e s ſº l 2 || Workshop ........... . . . . . . . .30 50 try Bulletin.......... . . . ... 7 10 | Southern Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 30 35 | Yankee Notins.............. 7%. 10 Philadelphia Photographer. . .43 5 | Star-Spangled Banner.... . . . 4% 6 || Yºung Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Phrenological Journal........ 21 30 | Student’s Journal.... . . . . . . . . 6 10 | Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Phunny Phellow............. 734 10 | Sunbeam.................... 3% — | Young Ladies' Journal..... . .27 *> * Q U A R T E R L. Y. R. E VI Ews, ET C. American Church Review $0 90 Church and World. . . . . . . . $0 85 — National Quarterly Review.51 12 *- Annerican Journal Medical Congregational ... . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Englander . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 *- Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 — | Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 | New Remedies ... . . . . . . . 35 50 Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 — | Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 — | North American Review ... 1 12} — American law Review . . . . . ! 05 — Half - Yearly Compendium No. Am. Jour of Homoepathy 85 — Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 — Medical Science ......... 1 20 — Postal Guide (U.S. Oſficial). . 40 50 Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 — International Review (bimo) 67 – | Presbyterian Quarterly and Braitbewaite's Retrospect...I G5 — | Journal Social Science. . . . . . 25 - Princeton Review . . . . . . . 75 •- British Quarterly (reprint). 62 – || Journal of Speculalive Philos Smith's Pattern B. Zar...... 20 — Brittan's Journal....... . . . 67 — ophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 75, Southern Review. . . . . . . . . . 1 25 - Brownson’s Review . . . . . . . . 1 00 — | IAdies'Quarterly Rewi w ... 10 — | Westminster Rewi W ...... 62 -- Christian Examiner........ 67 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — | What to Wear (yearly) . . . . . 10 *- Uhristian Quarterly........ 85 — i Metholist Quarterly . . . . . . 0 75 – || Wood's Quar’ly Retrospect.1 00 — | F O R E I G. N P E R Iſ O J D H C A L S — W E E R L. Y. - Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. Trade Price. Academy. . . . . . . . . . .... 10 || Edinburgh Scotsmall.... 5 || Judy............. . . . . . . 6 || Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . All the Year Round . . . . . 8 English Mechanic . . . . . . . 7 | Le Monde Illustré. . . . . . . 14 | Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Era .......... . . . . . . . . 20 Lancet ................. 18 Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Athenæum ... . . . . . . . ... 10 ! Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | I and and Water ........ 20 | Pictorial World . . . . . . ... 10 Belfast News........... 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd's Newspaper...... 5 | Public Opinion . . . . . . . . . 10 Bell's Clife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Field........... * * * * * * * * 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . 25 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bow Bells ..... . . . . . . . . . 5 | Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Liverpool Mercury 10 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Funny Folks.... . . . . . . . . 5 | London Journal. . . . . . . . . 5 | Punch..... © e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º e º e 10 Building News.......... 12 Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | London Reader...... ... à | Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 y Gardener’s Chrouicle.... 16 || London World . . . . . . . . . 20 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 $ººl. : 1. Gas-Light Journal ....... 20 | L'Univers Illustré....... 10 | Saturday Review. . . . . . . . 16 Čnristian world......... 5 |9|asgºw Herald. . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester Times....... 10 || Spectator... . . . . . . . . . . I6 Church Review ... . . . . . . 10 Graphic e º 'º º e e • * * * * * e e º gº 20 Mark Lane Express ... . . 23 Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . ... 10 - ** r * r > * Guardian - - - - - - - - ... . . . 20 | Nº.: tº & gº Sporting Life (2 dates, ea AE - y Church Times ... ....... 5 Illustrated NeWS 2. Mining Jºurnal.... . . . . . . 20 5C Court Journal .......... 20 Illustrated Penuy . . . . . . 5 Musical World ......... 18 Tºjº.......' .. e e º e º e ... 16 Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrated Police News... 5 || Nation (Dublin)......... 7 || Tailor and Cutter ....... 8 Economist .... .... .... 30 | Illustrated Sporting and Nature ... . . . . - - - - - - e. e. e. 10 || The Times (last date).... 14 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dramatic News... . . . . . 20 | News of the World... . . . 10 | The Mail (3 dates)...... 28 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ilustrated London Clipper 5 Notes and Queries....... 12 Weekly Register (Cath.)... 16 Engineering & Building Irisbman... . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Observer . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Weekly Times .......... 4 Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 | John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 5 L. Y a Trade Prico Gardener's Magazine. .. 36 Gardener (The) 20 Gentleman’s Magazine .. 38 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Graphic (part). . . . . . . . . 1 00 Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . ... 30 Horological . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Human Nature . . . . . . . . . 20 Hunt's Yachting........ 38 Infant's Magazine... .2% TO!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 75 Journal des Modes..... ... 50 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Journal of Mental Science (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . . 1 33 e e o 'º e e s c s s 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 329 F o Me E I GN P ER 1 o DIC AL s–MoN TH LY–Cotinued. s Trade Price. I adies? Gazette of Fashiou 38 La Mode Illustrée . . . . . . 1 00 LamP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ladies' Gazette Of Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Ladies’ TrCasury. . . . . . . . 30 Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . 20 S>Linguist . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) S»Little Dressmaker. . . . . 21) Little Folks . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Local Preacher . . . . . . . . . . 10 LOCal Preachers" Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 London Journal (parts). . 22 London Society . . . . . . . . . 3S LOndon & Paris FashionS. 38 McMillan's Magazine - - . . 25 Method ist Temperance Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . -- G EE ERE NI A N - A PI E RE I CA N RP U BE L II CA TT I ON S. Trade Price. Medical Times (parts). . . 98 Milliner and UreSSmaker. 50 Monh, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Monthly Microscopical Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monthly Packet . . . . . . . . . MOther's Friend . . . . . . . . . MusiCal TimeS . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nautical Magazine . . . . . . 3S Naval Science (qtly) ... 1 00 Notes an Queries (pts). 60 Oli and New London . . . . 25 Once a Week (parts) .... 2) Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . - - . . 20 20 20 38 3 Penny Pulpit Picture Galler v . . . . . . . . - Popnlar Science Review (quarterly) . . . - - . . . . 1 00 Trade Ret, - Weekly. Price. Atlantische Bätter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Beobachter am Hudson . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº - º s e sº s . . º S & * Z 4 Bibliothek Popu ä er Erzählungen . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 rank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T 0 Freischütz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 % 5 Germania ; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 10 Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz . . . . 6 10 Das Neue Heim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal . . - - - - - - - . . 74 10 Pionier. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • 7 % 10 De Plattdütsche Post. . . . . . . . . . a s s | © D s 5 Schnedderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hº d B d e e . - - - - - 10 Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - 8% 5 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 4 Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 % 4 -- Trade Price. Pharmaceutical Jourual. 75 Trade Price, Smuday School Times . . . . 10 Portfolio (Art) . . . . . . . . . . 75 | Sunday School World. ... 18 Practica Magazine. . . . . 3S | Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 | Sword and Trowel (Spur- Punch (parts) .... . . . . . . 44 geOn) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - - TemDe Bur . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tinsley's Magazine . . . . . . 38 ScienCG GOSSip . . . . . . . . . . 16 | Truthseeker . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Scientiſ; Review . . . . . . . 20 | Union Review (bi m'thly) 76 Shortband Mag zºne . . . 20 | Veterinarian (Varies) ... 57 Spiritual Magaziue . . . . . . 20 | Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . 38 Spurgeon’s Pupit. . . . . . . 2) | Villa Gardener. . . . . . . . . 20 St. James' Magazine - . . . . 38 | Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sugar Cane Mag zºne. . . 38 | World of Fashion . . . . . . . 35 Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 | Young Folks’ Budget. . . . 20 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 | Young Ladies' Journal. . . 27 Sunday School Teacher . 7 | Young Men of Great Bri- Sunday School Teacher's tain . . . . . Es s s sº s . Sº s sº s . . 49 18 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Zoologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Trade Ret, * Price. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . G. 3 4 Steue Z hier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5% 8 Uns' M. derSprak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( D B sº 3 5 Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Wochenbla',t der N. Y. Presse . . . . . . . . . S : « s - e a s sº 4 6 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journ:ul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Woche balt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Semi-MIonth Iy. Familien-Schatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung.... 6 . 8 M1onlInly. Amerikanischer AgiCuturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 IMIPoRTED GERMAN MIA GAzINEs AND PERIODICALs. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked f†. Semi-MIonthly. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . as a s s e s es s es sº s s . . 12 20 † Buch für Alle . . . . . . . . . . * * * sº d B º E s s» - . 9 15 Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . sº º B. . 7 I 0 Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------- - - - - - - - . 10 15 Leipziger Gartenlaube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 15 NeuZeit. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J 5 † Ueber Land und Meer.... . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -14 20 1 8 a Year. † Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung. ... ... ... 14 25 IM PORYTED GERMAN BROOKS PUBE FL SIE EID EIN PARTS. Brockhams Conversations-Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 eutschlands Kunstschätze. Published in about 70 PartS, ab - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . 23 40 Bock, Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen, pub ished in about 10 Parts, ht. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Don Quixote von la Mancha, Illustrationen von G. Doré, published in about 50 Parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . 23 35 Italien's Kunstschätze, von Eckstein, published in about 75 PartS, ab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H & º . . s sº s 28 45 Italien. Eine Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum AEtna, published in about 24 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . 60 85 H. Heine's Sämmtliche Werke. Pub.ished in 54 Pºrts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Schiller's sämmtliche Werke. Ilustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 N E W G E R MIA N PU HE FL II CAT I ON S. Imported. S»f Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 fRózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 BIexe voil Olmütz, 30 parts .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Orn, Stumm - von Portici, 30 per S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 } 2 Brübl, Suleika, die Perle des H. em. 30 parts . . . . . 8 2 Lippert, Fra Diavolo, 30 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . sº s & S & * * - sº e s - Ed I3 20 †† Bunte Welt- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 † 1)eutscher Hausscha Z . . . . . . . . - sº s = sº sº Sº d d | º º O. B 13 20 † Der Hausfreund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d | s s . . . . . . . . " 14 25 † Ilustrirte Welt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H B & B V & B S & S '. 12 20 MI ornthly. † Gewerbehalle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 DeutSchG Rundschau . . . . . . . . . . - s es * gº a sº Hd º & & d 64 85 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H s º B G d . . . . . . . . . 20 35 Köppen, Otto von Bismarck, published in about 16 PartS, ab . . . . . . . . . . . . a s. Sº e W. º E - 20 35 Die Rheinfahrt, von den Quellen bis zum Meere. Reich illustrirtes Prachtwerk, published in about 24 Parts, ut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 65 Shakespeare's sämmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachta:sgabe. Published in 48 parts . . . . . . . 3 25 O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Spindler's ausgewählte Romane, published in about 85 Paºts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Stieler’s Hund-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at..40 60 Ludwig, Feuerhannes, 30 partS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Schmeing. Ein falscher Fürst und Jesuiten Zöging, 20 Pars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 † Der Freischütz, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 8 12 IDOmestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at. . . . . . . . 6 10 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 10 33O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, 52 JOBIN ST., New York, receive “dead stock” and good second- hand books, magazines; and reviews, and supply other or any new books or periodicals wanted. Call, or write. OOKSELLERS AND NEWSD EALERS should bear in mind that with the opening of the Hunting and Trapping Season this month, there is a demand for HANEY's HUNTER'S AND TRAPerk's ILLUS- TRATED PRACTICAL GUIDE, as it is the only low-priced book of its kind in the market, and is just what is wanted. Trade supplied by all News Companies. B00KS WANTED. S. C. GOULD, Manchester, N. H. Ryan's Mathematical Diary, Vol. I., No. 3. Vol. II., Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Masonic Grand Chapter, N. H., Proceedings, 1823, 1827, 1830, 1841, and 1842. American Association of Geologists and Naturalists.- Proceedings 4th, 7th, and Sth Sessions. Tºons American Social Science Association, O!. J. V. # Also Mrs. S. P. LEGGETT, Red Bank, N. J. The Widow Spriggins. Mrs. Howarth's Poems. Poems by Estelle or Miss Bogert. JORDAN BROS, 341 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Littell's Living Age, Wols. II., IV., and XIII. State condition and price. Mrs. I. M. P. HENRY, Greenville, Ala. Wols. X., XIV., and XV., Encyclopædia Americana. Vol. VI. of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, from “ the edition of Isaac Reed, Esq.,” 12 vols. 12mo, “Printed for J. Walker & Co.” London, 1820. J. FRANCIS RUGGLES, Bronson, Mich. Dadd's Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse. Tooke's History of Prices. Fellow's Ancient Egyptians and Modern Freemasonry. Teste's Diseases of Children. Blount's Translation of Philostratus' Life of Apollo- nius of Tyranus. Folio, London, 1680. Publishers’ Catalogues. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bloomfield St., Boston, Mass. N. P. Beers's Writing-Books. 5 numbers. IGiggins & ECellogg, N. Y., 1857. N. P. Beers's Writing-Books. 10 numbers. A. S. *...* Co., New York, 1862. Wanted Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. Bates & Strachans's Writing-Books. 3 numbers. Camp- bell & Son, Toronto, Ont. Wanted Nos. 2 and 3. Boileau's Etienne. New System of Rapid Penmanship. 6 numbers. Leopold Gast, St. Louis, 1858. Wanted Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Boileau's Etienne. New System of Rapid Penmanship. 6 numbers. Leopold Gust, St. Louis, 1860. Wanted No. 2. Also certain other old books on Writing, for which a Premium will be paid. A full list of those wanted will be sent to any one having such books to dispose of. Address as above. *6 A RT OF CANVASSING, OR AG ENTS’ AID.” This little work will enable any one to make a living. By mail, 25 cents. º Send stamp for circular. NEW YORK BOOK CONCERN, 7 Warron st., New York. UTHORS WANTED.—Story Fº literary and juvenile magazines, etc., want fresh writers. See Guide to Authorship. , 50 cts., of booksellers or by mail. JESSE HANEY & CO., 119 Nassau St., N. Y. per day. Agents wanted. All $5 to $2 O classes of working people of both sexes, young and old, make more money at work for us in their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. We offer º: ment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere until you have lº. what we offer. G. STINson & Co., Portland, &l D, 6. & PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, The largest and best assortments are manufactured by E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York. ... . . . . . . , , , . . . . a ºf & ºu a . | sº º Žºr.”- FOR COVERING SCH06: Every Dealer Should Have Them, NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. Applied in one second. Stronger than cloth. * nº º 3. The Economic Advertisers I Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. HOLDEN’ EIAN IDY LETTER FILE. Cheapest in the market. Agents wanted. Samples sent by mail. on receipt of price, 75 cents. PAYNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. REW, DR, SPEER'S NEW BOOK ISSUED BY THE Presbyterian Board of Publication, Gil's fill iſ Chisiſ iſ A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON TECE Science of Christian Economy, 16mo. Cloth. Price, 75 cents. JOIEIN A. BLACES, Business Superintendent, 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 33 I JOSEPH G|LLOTT'S CEI, EL3RATE ID STEEL PENS. So/d by 3// Dea/ers throughout the Wor/d, Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, wrºteins wºnors, 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. NEWSPAPER AVERISING, NINETY-EIGHTEI EDITION, Containing a complete list of all the towns in the Uni ted States, the Territories, and the Dominion of Canada, having a population greater than 5,000 according to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local eirculation in each of the places ºš Also, a catalogue of newspapers which are re- commended to advertisers as giving greatest value in roportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in he United States and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural, Scien- tific, and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Edu- cational, Commercial, Insurance, Réal Estate, Law, Sporting. Musical, Fashion, and other special class jour- nals; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 300 German papers printed in the United States. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various news- papers, and everything which a beginner in advertising would like to know. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., - 41 Park Row, New York. AN INDISPENSABLE REQUISITE FOR EVERY Teacher, Advanced Student, Intellſ. gent Famſ/y, Library, and Pro- fessiona/Person, is ºff Dealers, in laying e supply, will not forget that staple and steady selling Work, Wºlff's Ullriſſºl Diſilly, in various styles of binding. 2O TO 1. The sales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 were 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries. Proof sent on application. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. THE ST. LOUIS B||||K AND NEWS (OMPANY, B00KSELLERS, Stationers and News Dealers, Have unsurpassed facilities for supplying the Trade with Periodicals and all the latest Publica- tions, which are received daily by Express. STATIONERY, In Great Variety, both Foreign and Dornestic. ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, KNIVES, GOLD PENS, And many other Articles, at Reasonable Rates. 307 North Fourth Street, SAINT LOUIS. 332 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. NO W R E A D Y: THALHEIMER'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. A History of England, for the Use of Schools, by M. E. Thalheimer, A.M., author of Ancient and Mediaeval and Modern History. 12mo, z cloth, 288 pp. Illustrated. $1.50. An admirable work, written in the entertaining style of the author's Ancient History and Mediaeval and Mod- ern History, which have been pronounced unrivaled by the press and leading educators. Spirited illustrations by FARNy. Double-page maps and numerous sketch-maps, skillfully drawn and engraved. Published by WZZSON, ZZZYAT, E. g. CO., CINCINNATI AND NEW YORK. TO ADVERTIs ERs. We call the attention of the business public to the - HOME JOURNAL OF HEALTH, As the best advertising medium they can have to directly reach families and English readers in every community. Every person is interested in their own health or the health of some friend, and each number of the Journal will contain valuable matter regarding that subject, as well as articles of great interest to the general publig. The information contained in a journal of this kind causes it to be preserved by every one for present and future refer- ence, and an advertisement inserted now is liable to be read for years to come. Subscriptions are being received daily from all parts of the world. Even as far distant as Japan, the Home .JOURNAL OF HEALTH is being read. This rapidly increasing circulation is the result of our extensive º; in leading newspapers and periodicals, and the establishing of agencies in the towns and cities of the Unite States and Canada, and a main agency in London, for Europe, to obtain subscribers to the BIOME JOURNAL OF º We find that when it is presented to a community, its value and cheapness brings it into popular favor 8.5 OIlC6. Our advertising rates are very low for so valuable a medium. Subscription only $1 a Year. Sample Copies Free. HOME PUBL/SH//WG CO., Broadway and Union Square, W, Y, NOW READY, THE GREAT STORY OF THE HUDSON, THE CRIMSON STAR; Or, THE MIDNIGHT VISION. IB Y M R. S. S A. R. A. H. A. W. F. I G. H. T., Author of the “Golden Ladder,” of which thousands of copies have been sold; “Gem of the Lake,” “The Secret Duel,” etc., etc., which have had a large sale. D, S/CKLES & CO., 2 B/eecker Street, Pub//shers, Price, $1.50, beautifully bound in cloth. For sale by TEIE AMERICAN NEWS CO. and all dealers. Just the book for the season. Also, GEM OF THE LAKE, Sixth Edition, Paper, 50c.; and THE SECRET DUEL, Sixth - Edition, Paper, 50c, CHA TTIEERIE OX. NIE W VOILU ME ENO E, LS75. Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.5 O. No other juvenile has ever attained so wide and so well-deserved a popularity as this. It is profusely and handsomely illustrated, and its stories, sketches, etc., are carefully selected to afford instruction as well as amusement to children. The pub- lishers have spared no pains to make this volume fully equal to its predecessors. t THE AMER/CAM NEWS COMPANY, New York, THE AMERICAN BOOKSE LLERS’ GUIDE. 333 FO F U LA F BOOK s IMPORTED BY R. WORTHINGTON & CO. 750 Broadway, New York. 425 Engravings. Cope's Natural History. 8vo., Cloth, $2,00. Shakespeare's Complete Works. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Walker’s Dictionary. Portrait. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Josephus (Flavius), Works of. Frontispiece. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth extra, gilt edge, $1.00. Joyce’s Scientific Dialogues. Cloth, 75cts. - Scottish Chiefs. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.00. - Swiss Family Robinson. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Fox’s Book of Martyrs. Crown 8vo Crown 8vo. Crown 8vo, Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. - Seven Champions of Christendom. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Basket of Flowers, and Other Tales. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. . Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1,00. Beautiful Thoughts. 1,000 Choice Extracts. Post 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Ferguson’s Roman Republic. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. º Fleetwood’s Life of Christ. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, $1.00. Clater's Every Man his own Cattle Doctor. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 75cts. Clater's Every Man his own Farrier. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. MEsop's Fables. 100 Woodcuts. 12mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Maria Monk. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Ovid's Art of Love. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 50cts. Wesley's Primitive Physic. 16mo. Cloth, 50cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Cloth, 60cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Cloth extra, 75cts. Aristotle’s Masterpiece. Roan, $1.00. Plates. 12mo. Colored Plates. Colored Plates. Cooke's Complete Letter-Writer, Royal Dream Book, Imperial Dream Book, Royal Fortune-Teller, Imperial Fortune-Teller, Maria Monk. 32mo. Embossed paper cover, 25cts. each. R. WORTHINGTON & Co., 750 BROADWAY, N. Y. 334 the American booksellers cups. Fits any School-Book, “cept Jogfys!” THE VAN EVEREN ADJUSTABLE BOOK-COVER, PA-TENTED INACA TY 3, 187C, For Colleges, Societies, Schools, Public and Private libraries. This COVER is made of strong Manilla paper, and in four parts, fitting the four corners of a bound volume—said parts being self-sealing, and adjustable in relation to each other, as they are put on the book, so as to fit many different sizes of books. Size A fits an 18mo, 16mo, or 12mo book. Put up, 1 OO in a Box, Price, $2. DEALERS in SCH00L B00KS and SCH00L SUPPLIES Have used thousands of the Covers as a valuable medium for advertising. Their business cards are neatly printed outside the cover, and whenever the book is used are where they catch the eye, As long as the cover lasts. Dealers supply a copy of the cover, gratis, with every book purchased. Samples of Covers thus printed sent on application. NET PRICES FOR SIZE A COVERS, WITH BUSINESS CARD. For 5oo, s ſo; ſooo, $18; 2000, per 1000, $17; 5ooo, per 1000, $15. * – dº a v-u- ~ ORDER THESE COVERS OF YOUR NEAREST JOBBING BOOKSELLERS. P. F. VAN EVEREN, 191 Fulton St., N.Y. JENNY JUNE'S AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A NEW AND HAND SOME BIND IN G. Or address This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSO, A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Bound in Cloth, with Black and Gold Side Stamps. PERICE, $ 1.5 O. .. THE AMERICAN NIEWS COME ANY., ISF E VVT TY O ER, Eºc - THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS’ GUIDE. 335 - º ------ -xur-croºr or Triº ----------------Ex-, m-tº-Na-Mt. -- S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC §TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G. C. C. Cº., C C Co. The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fifteen Numbers of Pens, differing in flexibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. College Peu. Ponsºr Fuse: Action Pºrrºr. This is a eat favorite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the §. and Commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per gross, +1-40. - No. 2. Counting-House Pen. Poist Fisk and FLExible, well adapted to the use of Correspondents and Accountants. Per gross $1.25 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Point Mºnium. An Easy Writing Business Pen. Per gross. *1.25. No. 4 Ladies” ºxtra Pen. Poist Extra Fixº axu FLExºniº. For Delicate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross, ºl-4- 5. §ºol Pen. Ponsºr Fisk, Mºnium is FLExuitary. For a durable schoºl -en it has never been equaled. Per gross, $1.40. No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Point Long, Fºxxible and Mrotum in Frºss For oft-hand Flourishing. Per grºss $1.25 No. 7. Quill Pen. Poist Medium, Quill. Actres. A Smooth, Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross, $150 No. 8. Congress Pen (New) Mºnium Fºxuruk Point. A very superior Pen for all styles of writing. This Pen undergoes a pro- * cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Ponsºr LoNg and Furºxºntº. A great favorite with Accountants. Tellers. &c. Per gross, $1.40. No. 10. Custom-house Pen. Point Mºonent. Well adapted to all styles of Bold tree-hand writing. Per gross, $1.60. No. 11. University Pen. Point Mºorºº, vºy Smooth and Flexible, the action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross $1.60. - No. 2. Epistolatre Pen. Point very Fisk and vºy. Furºxºliº This is the Finest pointed Pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per grows, *2.5) No. 13, Engrossing Pen. Point BLust. Ann Smooth. Particu- larly adºpted to cºarse-hand writing and Engrossing Per gross. l .25. No. 4. Artistic pen. Flexible with Extra Fisk Poist. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for . Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.60. 15. The Queen. Point Extra Fisk. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine Writing Per gross, $1. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Niºmbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. N --- SELECT LIST OF TRADE MANUALS, USEFUL HANDBOOKS, AND P|| Misſºllāl{|| Wilſº –--- The following are being steadily advertised, and sell steadily and surely, though not largely. They are mainly specialties, and compete with no other stock. The publishers prefer to sup- ply demand through regular trade, but have to mail to some large towns. Dealers having inquiries for any of these books can order through the News Companies, who are gene- ral agents: - Watchmaker and Jeweler's Manual- - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 50 Carpenter's Manual (ready April 20)............. 50 Painter’s Manual ------------- ------------------ 50 Sign, Carriage and, Decorative Painting----------- 50 Soapmaker’s Manual.---------------------------. 25 Horseshoer's Manual............................. 25 Slow Horses made Fast (system of improving speed, to which Dexter owes his supremacy. ndorsed by Robert BoxNER, Esq.):------- 50 Book of Scrolls and Ornaments.----------------. 1 00 Book of Alphabets (for Painters, &c.).------------ 50 Common Sense Cook Book. ---------.... .......... 25 Detectives’ Club. --------------------------------- 25 Rogues and Rogueries of New York-------------- 25 Tricks on Travelers.............................. 15 Night Side of New York---------- --------------- 25 Barkeeper's Manual (only professional work of the kind—standard authority of New York profession). -------------------------------- 50 Art of Training Animals----------------...----- 50 Guide to Authorship------------------------------ 50 Secrets Worth Knowing (1,000 recipes for profit- able manufactures, &c.)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Phonographic Handbook. -----------------------. 25 Employment Soeker's Guide---------------------. 25 Improvement of Memory------------------------ 15 Comicalities ------............................... 25 Hunter and Trapper's Guide.-------------------- 20 Rapid Reckoning (system of the famous “Light- ning Calculator”).------------------------ 25 Handbook of Ventriloquism (a really practical little guide, with examples for practice).--- 15 Houdin the Conjuror..... -----------------------. 50 Taxidermist’s Manual............. .............. 50 Self-Cure of Stammering------------------------- 25 Home Recreations....... ---------..... . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Spirit Mysteries Exposed.-----------------------. 15 Handbook of Dominoes..............…...... 15 Hair Ornaments (for jewelry and souvenirs. Sale of book very small). ------------------ 50 Fun Everlasting---------------------------------- 15 tº These books will give satisfaction to customers, and afford the usual profit. Order of your Wholesale House, JºAll the News Companies keep full stock. 336 THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. TIEEITH} “BOYS OF NEW YORK.” A/V /////E/VSE SUCCESS / THE Boys of NEW YORK is the title of a paper recently started, and which has already become the leading “ Boy's "Journal in many parts of the Union. The contents of the BOYS OF NEW YORK are of a highly diversified and interesting character, comprising extremely lively Stories and Sketches, Articles and Illustrations on Gymnastics, Sports, and Pastimes of all descrip- tions, New Songs, Puzzles, Conundrums, Wit and Humor, Answers to Correspondents, &c., &c. - The BOYS OF NEW YORK is issued every Saturday at 9 o'clock, and we specially request the trade to keep a good supply on hand, and also back numbers. THE BOYS OF NEW YORK Sells at 5 cents per copy. TIETIET; “NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER.” This Favorite Paper for families is so well known throughout the American continent, that it would be superfluous for us to say more than that the general contents, including Serials, Editorials, IPoetry, Sensational Iterms, Jokes, Answers to Correspondents, are of the highest class, just suitable for the humblest as well as the most refined household in the land. As the NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER is returnable, dealers will risk nothing by keeping a good stock on hand for their customers. THE NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER Retails at 6 cents per copy. NORMAN L MUNRD & CD, Pºlishes, 28 and 30 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. É ; : º : sºº : s i #3 § § - º: ;3. : º º : ; - - - ATs ( *T* | | || Aſſ" . If ſº / ~s ſº gºtº irº, jºin 1|| *|†, i § ~ \sº º *...; jºjº and 2: Gººſº Nassauj” and *lººse issa Yol. VII. NEw York, October 1, 1875 No. 10 | C O N T E N T S. HAGE PAGE THE Book MARKET, - - 337 MUSIC NOTES, - is - 348 MICHIGAN BOOKSELLERS' ASSOCIA- BUSINESS CHANGES, º - 349 TIon, - * > - ** 343 INDEx To ADVERTISEMENTs, - 349 } - e A. Booksºs º ºsº, tº 344 sook announcements for oct. 350 MEETING AT WASHINGTON, D. C. 344 - SEPTEMBER PUBLICATIONS, - 354 AFFAIRs of LEE & SHEPARP, 345 NEw MUSIC, - - º º 359 LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, 346 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMS, 346 the stationERY MARKET, . 362 FoREIGN LITERARY NotEs, - 348 THE AMERICAN NEVS co’s LIST OF - NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 348 NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 364 TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending the addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE at 50 cents per year, payable in advance. - Sample copy sent on application. The postage is prepaid by the publishers. A few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and last pages of cover $100 for each insertion; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page; $20 per quarter-page. Dealers changing their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the necessary alterations may be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 1 17, I 19 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. B. F. STEVENS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. DICKS ENGLISH CLASSICS This edition is the cheapest and best. It has numerous illustrations, and is printed on good paper from new, clear type, and is in all respects the finest edition in the market for the price. DICEC’S SHAEKESPEARE. Containing all the great Poet's Plays, thirty-seven in number, from the Original Text. The whole of his Poems, with Memoir and Portrait, and 37 illustrations by Gilbert, Wilson, etc. Paper-----------------------------------------------------------------------. . . . .6O Cloth ------------------------------------------------- • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * = • - - - 1.25 DICK’S BYRON. A new edition of the Works of Lord Byron. 480 pages. 16 illustrations by F. Gilbert. IDICK'S SCOTT. A new edition of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated by F. Gilbert. Paper------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .25 Cloth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .5O DICEC’S GOLDSMITH. The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with Memoir and Portrait. New and complete illustrated edition. Paper---------------------------------------------------------------- º Cloth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .8O DICRC’S BTUERNS. This new and complete edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns is elaborately illustrated, and contains the whole o the Poems, Life and Correspondence of the great Scottish Bard. Paper--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .25 Cloth -----------------------------------------------------------------------. - - - .50 DICK’S ARABIAN NIGHTS. A new translation, complete, with numerous illustrations. Paper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .25 Clota --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50 DICE’S MILTON. Milton's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper. . . . . .- - - .25 Cloth--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .50 DICK'S COWEPER. Cowper's Works, new edition, with Memoirs, Portrait, and Frontispiece. Paper. . . . . . . . .25 Cloth. ------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = e s = = - .5O DICK'S WORDSWORTH. Wordsworth's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 DICRC’S MOORE. - Moore's Works, new edition, with numerous illustrations. Paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Cloth-------------------------- . . . . --------------------------------------------- 5O THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., .1g27, is for the United States. TELE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The 4 merican, Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers. News-Dealers Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. Sample copy sent on application. . All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by º TEIE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Rook MARKET NEW YORK, October 1, 1875. There has been a decided improvement in business during the month, especially with our jobbing houses. Orders have not been large, but have come in steadily, and the prospects are fair for a much heavier trade than that of last fall. Dealers continue to buy with much caution, and any increase in their orders indicates a corresponding in- crease in the demand made by the public. Reports from the West are very encouraging, and, despite the depression in manufactur- ing interests in the Eastern States, the book trade of that section is more hopeful than for a long time past. The recent failures have only tended to make the trade more careful, and if they in any measure serve to correct the recklessness of the past, they will lave a wholesome influence. A second book fair is announced to commence October 21st. The wisdom of holding another fair this fall is a matter for reasonable doubt; but as the Committee on Fairs of the American Book Trade Association have decided to hold one, the trade will no doubt be well represented. But little preparation for the holidays has yet been made. The fine books made especi- ally for the season will be few, but there will be no lack of fine editions of the poets and Standard books, and in a holiday season, When money is scarce, they are sure to re- ceive attention and to be purchased largely for gifts. G. P. Putnam's Sons have just published two noteworthy books of travel: The Abode of Snow, being observations on a tour from Chi- nese Thibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the upper valleys of the Himalaya, by An- drew Wilson; and Travels in Portugal. The papers making up The Abode of Snow origin- ally appeared in Blackwood's Magazine, but they have been entirely recast, and some ad- ditions have been made. The author made the journey he describes almost entirely alone, and the volume is a most interesting one. In his preface he says he has sought to enable those who have never visited the grand mountains of Central Asia, to realize what they are—“what scenes of beauty and grandeur they present—what is the charac- ter of the simple people who live among them—and what are the incidents a traveler meets with, his means of conveyance, and his mode of life. In attempting this I have to struggle with what a kindly critic has called the “utterly unknown,” and have been com- pelled as a necessary part of the enterprise to make my pages bristle with names and other words which are quite unfamiliar, if, indeed, for the most part not entirely new to the ordinary English reader—the very individual whose interest I want to engage. It has been also necessary to introduce some details of physical science, ethnology, archaeology, and history; but these have been subordinated to the general aim of producing an intelligible idea of the region described.” The volume on Portugal is by John Latouche, and was first published in the New Quarterly Magazine, as Notes of Travel in Portugal. The author has much to say, in an entertaining, off-hand manner, concerning the country and the peo- ple ; and as he followed the by-ways rather than the beaten paths of the tourist, there is much in his volume not to be found in other books on Portugal. It is embellished with photographic illustrations. The other recent books from the Putnams are : The Border-Lands of Insanity, by Andrew Winter, M.D.; A Manual of Metallurgy, by Prof. W. H. Greenwood, in the Advanced Science Series ; the second volume of Hart’s German Classics, being Schiller's Die Piccolo- mini, with a very full historical introduction, a commentary and notes; and a new edition of Mrs. Field’s Home Sketches in France, which has passed through two editions and will still find many buyers. The title of The Border- Lands of Insanity is given to a volume contain- ing a paper with that title, and other papers of like character, on “Non-Restraint in the Treatment of the Insane,” “The Training of 338 G UIDE. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ Imbecile Children,” “ Eccentricities of the Mentally Afflicted,” “Brain Enigmas,” “Hal- lucinations and Dreams,” and “ Suicide.” The author says he has endeavored to show how fine is the line that separates sanity from insanity, and how large is the group dwelling in the neutral ground. He cautions watch- fulness, and points out the treatment for those who have a tendency to insanity. He does not believe in putting the slightly affected and the convalescent into an asylum, but says they should be surrounded by same persons. Among forthcoming books from this house are Notes of Travel in Africa, by the late Mr. C. J. Andersson, prepared from his journal and notes since his death. The material was very full, and the preparation of the volume was but a work of selection and arrangement. Mr. Anderson was the author of Lºke Ngami, and the larger work, Okavango River, both of which volumes were received with great favor. Other books announced for the near future are The Tºta;idermist's Manual, by T. Brown; Pure Mathematics, by Prof. Edward Atkins; and Building Construction, by R. Scott Burn, in the Advanced Science Series; several volumes of the Elementary Science Series, and new editions of Frothingham’s Stories from the Lips of the Teacher and Stories of the Patri- archs, both of which have been out of print for some years. The Library Atlas, just issued, is a handy Octavo containing a hundred maps, ancient and modern, astronomical, etc., with descriptive letterpress of modern, historical, and classical geography, by able scholars, forming a useful encyclopaedia of geograph- ical knowledge. The publishers will issue portions of the Atlas separately, for those stu- dents who do not wish the complete work. Two little books are in press for the holidays, The Realm of the Ice-King ; and The History of My Friends, Stories of Animals, by Emile Achard. Both will be prettily illustrated. Harper & Brothers have added but few new books to their list, and their announcements for the next few weeks are very light. Their latest books are the three pamphlets of Glad- stone, in one volume, under the title of Rome and the Wewest Fashions in Religion ; Profes- sor Cocker's essay on The Theistic Conception of the World, an able work written to oppose what the author considers the dangerous ten- dencies of modern thought ; and The Calder- wood Secret, a new novel from the pen of Vir- ginia W. Johnson, author of The Sack of Gold and Joseph the Jew. The reputation of the last-named novels is sufficient to recommend the new one. The author arranges her inci- dents with admirable skill, and her charac- ters are strikingly drawn. Another of her novels, The Catskill Fairies, is in press, and will be issued immediately. Two novels from Katharine King are also in press, and several anonymous novels. The Harpers also an- nounce as nearly ready a volume of sermons delivered in the Brooklyn Tabernacle, to be issued under the title of Every-Day Religion ; the Life of the Reverend John Todd, compiled by John E. Todd ; and a unique work on Figura- tive Language, with the title of Might and Mirth of Literature, by John Walker Vilant Macbeth. An idea of the scope and nature of the work may be had from the descriptive title which appears in our Announcements on anothel; page. - Hurd & Houghton have given us a charm- ing volume for bookish people, under the title of Library Notes, by A. P. Russell, who in an easy, rambling sort of way discourses upon all sorts of subjects grouped around a central idea which is used for a chapter heading. The author has been a wide and thoughtful reader, and the pages of his book are full of apt illustrations and entertaining anecdotes from his favorite writers He glides from one topic to another as easily and uncon- sciously as an after-dinner conversation, and the book is enjoyable from beginning to end, but so novel in its character that it is almost indescribable. Hurd & Houghton announce a reissue of The Fºrmilia?: Letters of John Adums to his Wife, During the IRevolution, with a memoir of Mrs. Adams, prepared by Charles Francis Adams. The book has been publish- ed before, but it has sufficient value to war- rant its being reprinted at this time, and will no doubt be favorably received. This edition will contain letters not before published, and is enriched with notes. From Scribner, Armstrong & Co. we have a new volume of “Ancient History from the Monuments,” Vol. III., on Persia, by W. S. W. Vaux ; the fifth volume of the Speaker's Commentary, comprising Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations; a new and cheaper edition of Mary Mapes Dodge's Rhymes and Jingles; and an entertaining volunfe. by Mr. E. S. Nadal, on London Social Life. The author was for some time counected with our embassy in England, and his official position gave him an entrée to society which all Americans do not enjoy. Being a journalist, and of course an observing critic, he improved his opportuni- ties to make a comparison between the customs and manners of English Social life and our own, and the dissimilarities are striking enough to be entertaining. The new Bric-à-Brac volume, which is nearly ready, is devoted to Lamb, Hazlitt, and others, and is to contain portraits of Elia, Lady Blessington, and others mentioned in the volume, which is one of the most interesting of the series. It will be followed by the Reminiscences of Constable and Gillies, the former Sir Walter Scott's publisher, who was able to tell some interesting stories. Dr. Holland's Sevenoaks is announced for this month; and later in the season Babylonia, a new volume of explora- tions by George Smith. There will also be issued new editions of Headley's Washington. and his Generals, Frank R. Stockton's Round- about Rambles, and other books. - One of the most valuable and interesting books of the season is issued by Baker, Pratt THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 339 & Co., who for a long time have not been known to the trade as publishers. The new volume is entitled Four Thousand Miles of African Trav, l, and is written by Mr. Alvan S. Southworth, Secretary of the American Geographical Society. Although the terri- tory traversed by Mr. Southworth, his course being up the Nile, through Egypt and Sou- dan, has been described before, his descrip- tions are full of interest, even to those fami- liar with other books of African travei. A new interest is given to the volume by the discussions on the sources of the Nile, the social condition of Egypt, the resources of the country, and the slave trade. What he has to say upon the latter subject will attract much attention. He shows that it has so de- populated the country as to greatly interfere with travel, and is an important impediment to the civilization of the people. As an il- lustration of the evils of the trade, he gives the history of a kidnapped girl, whom he purchased and liberazed, and whose freedom he asks the authorities of the United States to guarantee. Among the new issues of Dodd & Mead are Columbus, being Vol. X. in J. S. C. Abbott’s Pioneer and Patriot Series; a new edition, at a reduced price, or Ch'uden’s Com- densed Concordance, formerly on the list of Gould & Lincoln ; and the Rev. E. P. Roe's new novel, From Jest to Éarnest, which is a story of a frivolous city girl, who marries a divine and becomes a serious, christian woman. To many, the preface will be the most interesting portion of the book. In it the author replies to some of those who have severely criticised his novel-writing. He argues that, as young people will read fiction, somebody should give them that which is wholesome and free from corrupting influ- €In CeS. From E. P. Dutton & Co. we have some of the prettiest gift books for children we have yet seen. Frisk and His Flock is a charming story, by Mrs. D. P. Sanford, the author of the elegant Pussy Tip-Toes Family. It is published in a sumptuous little quarto, su- perbly printed and illustrated, and in a hand- Some binding. No present to a boy or girl who can read can be more appropriate or ac- ceptable. The Haven Children, by Emilie Foster, is also a good story, printed very fine- ly in a large square 16mo, with a number of pretty illustrations. Robert Carter & Bros. have pºinted a new edition of Hugh Miller's Testimony of the Rocks, which is considered by many the best of his works, and to which is attached a sad interest, from its connection with his untime- ly death. Carter and Bros. have also issued Vol. VI. of D'Aubigné’s History of the Refor- mation, comprising Scotland, Switzerland; and Geneva. The author had planned twelve volumes, but died in 1872, when but ten had been published, comprised in the five pre- vious volumes of this edition. The present * volume is made from a portion of the manu- scripts which he left, and which he designed for Vol. XI. Two additional volumes will follow this. BosToN, Sept. 29, 1875. Business opened early in the month very promisingly ; then came the failure of Lee & Shepard, which absorbed general attention, and the active preparations of the publishers were for a time almost entirely suspended. The Committee of Investigation appointed by the creditors have not yet reported, but the excitement has subsided and little is said about the failure, except now and then a word of sympathy for the unfortunate house. The school-book trade has been very good, but in miscellaneous books the jobbing business has been light, and the local retail trade still lighter, being almost entirely monopolized by the cheap booksellers. Our publishers are not so busy as they generally are at this season, and announcements continue to be light. But few books will be made especially for Christmas, and the trade will mainly rely upon the fine editions of the standard authors. The juvenile book publishers will not be behind previous years in their offerings of pretty new books for the children. A. F. Graves is putting into sets some attractive little volumes. With How to be a Lady and Ilow to be a Man, formerly published by Gould & Lincoln, he has put Choice Stormes for Boys, Choice Stories for Girls, and Choice Stories for Young Folks, making a very pretty set of books which are sure to please youth- ful readers. Mr. Graves has reprinted from the English editions four larger volumes for the “Eddie Ellerslie Series,” which afford pleasant reading for older children. “The Life Story Series” is also worthy of mention, consisting of three books by the Rev. Harvey Newcomb, and a volume of Bible Stories. Other volumes are in preparation. D. Lothrop & Co. offer a very pretty and very cheap little quarto volume under the title of Sunshºne for Bahy-Land, printed on fine paper and handsomely bound. It con- tains about four hundred pages and more than a hundred appropriate illustrations, the reading matter consisting of sketches, stories of animals, and selections well calculated to please the little folks. Lothrop & Co.'s list of new books comprises almost every variety of style, size, and price, and they are rapidly printing new books by Pansy, Faye Hunting- don, Laurie Loring, and other popular writers for the young. The current number of the new magazine, Wide Awake, is the best yet issued. Henry A. Young & Co. and Henry Hoyt are also busy with their issues of new juveniles. The latter publisher has just ready the Select Notes on the International Lessons for 1876, with an interleaved edition for teachers; and the International Question-Book for 1876, prepared 34O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ (2 UIDE. by the same author, the Rev. F. N. Peloubet. It is in three grades: Number One for adults, Number Two for the older children, Number Three for the younger. Mr. Hoyt has nearly ready a larger volume, which will interest a large number of readers. It is prepared by the Rev. P. C. Headley, and entitled Evangel- 28ts ºn the Church. It contains an account of the lives of leading Evangelists, including some now printed for the first time. The sub- jects the sketches are not confined to any denomination, but are taken from all the Prot- estant churches. Among the names we find those of Moody and Sankey, the revivalists; Mr. Wright, the converted London thief; the Rev. J. Summerfield, the boy Evangelist; the Rev. Daniel Baker, who has been called the Whitfield of the South ; and the late Prof. C. G. Finney, of Oberlin College. The volume is illustrated with sixteen portraits on steel and wood, engraved mainly from photographs. Of books of more general interest, Osgood & Co's announcements are perhaps the most important. Early in the month they issued Viollet-le-Duc's Ammals of a Fortress, which was fully noticed in our last. It is an entertaining work, illustrating the progress made in the art of defensive warfare, as ap- plied to fortifications from ancient times to the present. It is in the style of a story of a single fortification; which, for convenience, is located in France; but the incidents, and man- ner of construction and use, are taken from all countries. The supposed fortification pass- ed through seven sieges, the first in the time of the Druids, and the last in 1814, by an army of Bohemians. Though written to instruct the reader in the history of this particular art, it has all the interest of a romance to the general reader, who will find no difficulty in following the author, as technical terms are all explained and the subject is illustrated by cuts. The other late issues from Osgood & Co. are mostly new editions, but are of inter- est to the trade. They include a one volume edition of Bryant’s Homer’s Odyssey, known as the Roslyn Edition, and an excellent one for the library; two volumes of the new Mel- rose Waverley, two volumes in the new Gads- hill Dickens, Pickwick and David Coppérfield; and two volumes in the new Library Edition of Charles Reade’s works. Within the next few weeks we shall have from Osgood & Co. additional volumes in these editions, and several volumes of Haw- thorne's works, issued in the style and at the price of the Little Classics. The initial vol- ume will be The Scarlet Letter, which will be rapidly followed by the others. A new vol. ume from Viollet-le-Duc, with the title of Discourses upon Architecture, is in press, also a new volume from Bret Harte; one from Bayard Taylor; one from Whittier; and a volume on the Victoriam Poets, by E. C. Sted- man. Bret Harte's book will be entitled Tales of the Argonauts, and Other Stories, and will include the “Episode of Fiddletown” and other sketches not before collected. No collection of Bayard Taylor's poems has been made since 1862, and there is abundant ma- terial for a new volume. Whittier's volume is a collection of poems, under the title of Songs of Three Centuries, and is somewhat similar in style to Emerson’s Parmassus. The two volumes will afford an excellent oppor- tunity to compare the tastes of our two pop- ular poets. The Victorian Poets, by Mr. Stedman, is a work that has been much needed by every student of English litera- ture. Most of the essays have appeared in Scribner's and the Atlantic Monthly, and have been much praised. They embrace critical notices of the minor as well as the leading poets of the present century, and the volume is supplied with a very full index and notes. W. R. Greg's volume, Rocks Ahead, or, The Warmings of Cassandra, which we have before noticed, is printing ; also Buffets, a novel by Charles H. Doe, editor of the Worcester Ga- 2ette, a contributor to the old Northern Lights magazine, and an occasional writer for the later monthlies. One of the new ventures of the season is the “Vest Pocket Series,” sug- gested by the popularity of the Little Classics. They are intended to comprise our most pop- ular poems and essays, printed in little pocket volumes with flexible covers, in neat style, but at a low price. The first volume, already issued, is Whittier’s Snow-Bound. This is to be followed immediately by Longfellow’s Evangelène, and two volumes of essays by Emerson. 3. Roberts Bros.” list of new and forthcoming books is especially worthy of notice. The two last published are Louisa M. Alcott's Eight Cousins, and Madame Récamier and Her Friends, from the French of Madame Lenormant. The volume is chiefly made up of letters of Ma- dame Récamier and the members of the bril- liant circle of which she was the centre, in- cluding De Tocqueville, Camille Jordan, Bal- lanche, and others. The author is a niece of Madame Récamier, and published her Mem- oirs some years ago. This last volume is the complement of the first, illustrating her life and qualities by means of her familiar corre- spondence more fully than did the Memoirs. The author adds to the letters some interest- ing reminiscences of her aunt, which also il- lustrate her home-life. The author of Little Women needs no introduction to the public. Her books have been translated into many languages. And have had an enormous sale in this country. Eight Cousins is, in the same happy vein as the previous books, and will no doubt attain the same popularity. It is illustrated by Addie Ledyard and Sol Eytinge. During the coming month Roberts Bros. will issue Joaquin Miller's Ship in the Desert, and three attractive juveniles Nîme Little Goslings, by Susan Coolidge, with illustrations by J. A. Mitchell; Mice at Play, by Neil For. rest; and a story of child-life on a farm, by P. Thorne, entitled Jolly Good Times. Miller’s THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 34. I poem has been thoroughly revised, portions of it re written, and the best portions of this edition do not appear at all in that printed in England. Nºne Little Goslings is made up of prose stories, based on the Mother Goose rhymes. The publishers have also in press a new volume of poems by Mrs. Margaret J. Preston, the popular southern writer, for whom Lippincott published a volume of verses two years ago. The new volume will be entitled Cartoons, and will contain .stories in verse of some of the old painters, and other poems. A little later in the season will be is- sued a book for girls, entitled Sia, to Sæteen, by the author of The Brownies. The latest publications of William F. Gill & Co. are The New Don Quixote, translated from the French of Alphonse Daudet by Mr. Crocker of the Literary World, a very amus- ing satire, in the form of a story of the ad- ventures of Tartarin of Tarascom, who is fired by reading books of adventure to go to Afri- ca, and hunt lions; Number Two of the Satchel Series, containing sketches by Miss Braddon, Albany Fomblanque, Swinburne, and others, some of which have never before been printed here; and Vol. II. of the Treasure-Trove Series, which is entitled Tra resty, and contains “A Treble Temptation,” by F. C. Burnand, which has not before been printed here; “St. Twel’mo,” by John Paul (W. H. Webb), and others as good. On the same date was issued a neat little red-edged 16mo, entitled The H. ndy Home-Book, containing five hundred recipes and receipts for all sorts of things, prepared by Dr. William M. Cornell, a well- known Boston physician. Gill & Co. have nearly ready two good novels: Cast up by the Sett, by Mrs. Henry Wood, and A Hero of the Pen, by E. Werner—a love-story in finished style and much power, of the time of the Franco-German war. - Lockwood, Brooks & Co. have issued Cor- Tespondences of the Bible, by the Rev. John Worcester, a Swedenborgian clergyman of Newton, Mass. This volume is intended as the first of a series, and is devoted to refer- ences to animals, pointing out the correspond- ences between the natural and the spiritual worlds, showing how all our surroundings in this life are used to prepare us for the next. Early in the coming month this house will issue Towards the Straight Gate, by the Rev. E. F. Burr, author of Pater Mundi. The new Volume is somewhat after the style of the former work, but more practical, being ap- plied to the wants every-day life. This will be followed by ä new edition of The Fºrmer- Boy, by William Thayer, published long ago by Walker, Wise & Co. It is a series of stories of George Washington’s early life, Supposed to be told by Uncle Juvinell to a group of children. For the children will be published, under the title of Fairy Bells, and What They Tolled Us, a collection of German fairy tales, translated by Mrs. Lander. A little later they will publish a series of lec- tures delivered before the Lowell Institute last fall, by Dr. Samuel Kneeland, Professor of Zoëlogy and Physiology in the Massachu- sett Institute of Technology, on Iceland, the Orkney, Shetland, and Faro Islands. They include an account of the scenery, people, and history of the islands, with a description of the celebration of 1874. The volume will contain engravings and a map. Henry L. Shepard & Co. published early in the month, under the title of Goaks and ſears, a collection of the funny paragraphs and sketches of Mr. C. B. Lewis, the humor- ist of the Detroit Free Press, and better known to the public as “M. Quad " Many of the sketches have not been printed before, and there is many a hearty laugh in the little volume. Achsah, by the Rev. Peter Pennot, is nearly ready. It is a thoroughly good story, as the many readers of American Biomes, in the columns of which it has appeared, can testify. Frank N. Lantz's volume of poems, Songs After Sunset, will be published early in the month ; also Col. Russell H. Conwell’s book on woman’s status and what it should be, under the title of Woman amd the Law). _*—º- - PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1, 1875. There has been a slow-but steady improve- ment in business during the month, and the trade expect a better season than last year. Hopes for a speedy return of the old-time rush have been long since abandoned, and book-makers and book-dealers are disposed to be satisfied with a steady and safe trade. Our subscription houses still complain of dull times, and our publishers are yet cautious ; but the indications are that, in all except Strictly industrial or mechanical books, at least a fair business will be done during the fall and winter. The retirement of Mr. Joseph H. Coates from the firm of Porter & Coates has not made any change whatever in the business of the latter firm. They will continue to publish and to sell as before, and J. H. Coates & Co. have an office in the building, and conduct a strictly publishing business. The first issue of the new firm will be the first volume of the English translation of L’Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Amérique, by M. le Comte de Paris, published by authority of the author. The volume will be an octavo, with maps and battle-plans, and includes the first two volumes of the French edition. The Count of Paris, grandson of the late King Louis Philippe, it will be remembered, came to this country in 1861, and served without . pay upon Gen. McClellan's staff. He has re- ceived valuable contributions to this work from private letters and journals of Generals Grant, McClellan, Johnston, and other officers both of the Federal and Confederate armies. Through President Grant's lively interest in the forthcoming history the author has en- joyed access to important and interesting gov- 342 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. ernment documents and records, including those of the late Southern Confederacy. Pro- fessor Henry Coppée, LL.D., President of Lehigh University, has undertaken the edit- ing and the annotating of the American edi- tion of the work. Dr. Coppée has had large experience in military matters, being a gradu- ate of, and subsequently a professor at West Point, having served in the Mexican war, and being author of several well-known military and historical works, which renders him pe- culiarly fitted for this task. Mr. L. F. Tasis- tro, for many years translator for the State Department at Washington, has the transla- tion in charge. The history, so far as issued in the French, has received the highest praise from the important critical journals of Am- erica and of England, and its translation will unquestionably for many years be a valuable history of the war. Porter & Coates have published Castle Daly, a novel, by Annie Keary, whose Oldbury was So well received. The last story will be liked probably even better than the other. It is constructed with much skill, is unobjection- able in tone, and is written with much care. Some new editions lately printed are worthy of notice, of which mention may be made of . The Kangaroo-Hunters, by Anne Bowman, which has been long out of print; and a dozen of the little books for children, by Mrs. Hoff- land, including The Son of a Genius, The Blind Ifather and His Children, and The Affectionate Brothers, etc. They are all of merit, and are now printed with new illustrations and in new bindings. A new volume, entitled The Com- quests of the Seven Hills, has been added to the “Seven Hills Library,” by Mrs. C. H. B. Laing, making three commendable little books. Por- ter & Coates have in preparation a somewhat elaborate Guide Book for Philadelphia and Vicinity, which is to contain maps and fine illustrations. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have just issued some excellent books, the most important of which is perhaps Alliboné's Prose Quotations, a large Octavo, giving nearly nine thousand quotations from more than five hundred authors, from Socrates to Macaulay. The subjects noticed number 571, and the work is admirably in- dexed. It is issued in a style uniform with the Poetical Quotations. The History of Co- operation in England, by George Jacob Hol- yoake, is an English book, but upon a subject of much greater interest here than many sup- pose. It treats quite thoroughly and candidly of the literature and plans of co-operation in what the author calls its pioneer period—from 1812 to 1844, and he designs another volume if this shall be well received. The most in- teresting portions of the volume are the sketches of the reformers and the many ec- centric characters who have attempted from time to time to revolutionize the customs of society. Of the early reformers are Harring- ton, Bellers, Morelly, and Babeuf; and among the names of a later period are the Skene brothers, Detrosier, and many others. The Amazon and Madeira Rivers, by Franz Kel- ler, is a very handsome and valuable book of travel in South America, embellished with sixty-eight wood engravings; and Under the Stork's Nest, a good German romance, by A. E. Katsch, translated by Emily R. Steinestel. The October books promised by Lippincott & Co. include a poem on American Boyhood, by Horace P. Biddle ; Wild Hyacinthe, a novel by Mrs. Randolph, author of Gentianella, and the prose works and miscellanies of Heinrich Heine, translated by S. L. Fleishman. They have in preparation a curious work on Kiss- ing, collating all that is to be found on the subject in history, fiction, poetry, and anec- dote, and the material is not inconsiderable. The volume is prepared by the author of Gleanings for the Curious, and will be issued in an attractive duodecimo. The Lippincotts have purchased the plates of the Artist’s Edi- tion of Irving's Sketch-Book, and will bring out a handsome edition for the holidays. Besides the new editions of many of their most popular books, T. B. Peterson & Bros. have published a new novel by Mrs. C. A. Warfield, entitled Hester Howard’s Temptation. The reputation of the author's previous books is sure to secure for this a warm welcome. Her Household of Bouverie, which was first published at $3.50, and afterwards reduced to $2, has always been a good selling book. Reynolds's books, which have so long been be- fore the public, have lately been in increased demand—whether from the advertising they receive, or the late revival of interest in the old court scandals, the publishers do not undertake to say; but the fact remains that they are constantly filling large orders. New volumes are announced in the fine library edition of Mrs. Southworth’s works, and Waverley in the cheap edition of Scott; also Parkwater, a new novel by Mrs. Henry Wood, printed from advance sheets. Lindsay & Blakiston are constantly adding valuable books to their already long list. Blayden on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta, just published in two large octavo volumes, is the most elaborate work on the subject yet pub- lished. The author is a professor in a Dub- lin medical school, and has made the heart a subject of special study for years. Vision : Its Optical Defects, and the Adaptation of Spectacles, by C. S. Fenner, is also a valuable book, not only to the profession, but to any one who has an interest in the subject and understands the primary principles of Optics. Part First is a brief treatise of Physical Optics; Part Second is devoted to Physiological Optics, and Part Third to errors of refraction and de- fects of accommodation. An appendix is also added, containing instructions for the adapta- tion of spectacles. Sanderson’s Hand-Book for the Physiological Laboratory, a popular work for students, formerly published text and plates in separate volumes, is now issued in one vol- ume at a reduced price. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 343 THE Michigan RooksellERs Associa- tion. Pursuant to a call from Rev. J. M. Arnold, of Detroit, to the booksellers of the State of Michigan, a meeting was held at the Michigan Exchange, Detroit, August 25th, for the purpose of forming an association similar to the National Book Trade Association, and for the furtherance of friendly intercourse. The meeting was called to order by Rev. J. M. Arnold, who read the call for the convention. Wesley Emery, of Lansing, was unanimously chosen President of the Association. A committee of three (3), consisting of W. IE. Tunis of Detroit, S. M. Sackett of Monroe, and Geo. D. Brown of Jackson, were chosen to nominate a Sec-. retary and Treasurer; after a consultation they nomi- nated the following persons, who were duly elected: for Secretary, Wilber Parker, of Detroit; for Treasurer, John Moore, of Ann Arbor. The following committee were appointed to arrange business for the Convention: Duane Doty, Chairman; C. W. Eaton, F. L. Reynolds, S. M. Sackett, John Moore, Geo. D. Brown, J. A. Roys, H. H. Whittles- hofer, E. C. Newell, and Rev. J. M. Arnold. Thorndike Nourse, Chas. N. Ayers, and Prof. S. H. Douglass were appointed a committee to draft a Con- stitution and By-laws. Convention adjourned to 2 o'clock. The Convention re-assembled in the afternoon, and was called to order by the President. Prof. S. H. Douglass, Chairman of the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, reported the following Con- stitution, which was adopted article by article : CONSTITUTION. I. The book publishers and dealers in books of Michi- gan, being desirous of promoting a better acquaintance and understanding between their respective branches of the trade, and to establish sound, and, as far as Fº uniform methods of conducting business, do ereby associate themselves under the name of the “ Michigan Booksellers' Association.” II. Any respectable firm of booksellers, as hereinafter described, may become a member of this Association by signing its Constitution and By-Laws, and by conform- ing to the same. - III. The officers shall be a President, three Vice- Presidents, Secretary, and a Treasurer, discharging the usual duties of those officers. They shall be elected at the first regular meeting in each year, by ballot, and serve until the regular election in the following year. IV. There shall be an Executive Committee and an Arbitration Committee, to be elected by ballot at the first regular meeting, to serve until the regular election in the following year. V. The Executive Committee shall consist of five members, of which the President shall be Chairman, and shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association, attending to all business not otherwise assigned. VI. The Arbitration Committee shall consist of five members, and shall hear and determine all complaints, and recommend to the Association any action that may seem necessary in consequence thereof. VII. The regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the third Wednesday of August of each year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Pres- ident and Executive Committee. The Secretary shall notify members of all meetings. Note—By booksellors are understood deal.ors in books principally, books and station.ory principally, drugs, books and stationery principally, and news dealers koeping stock of books. VIII. One-quarter of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of ordinary business; but alterations in the Constitution and By-Laws, or Resolu- tions of Discipline, can only be adopted at regular meetings attended by a majority of the whole Associa- tion, and after notice of such proposed alterations or resolutions shall have been given to all the members by the Secretary. IX. The annual dues of each member shall be One Dollar, and further funds requisite to meet the expenses of the Association may be obtained by an assessment to be levied by the Executive Committee. X. The members of this Association pledge them. selves to abide by the Platform and Constitution of the American Book Trade Association, as adopted at the recent meeting at Niagara Falls. Duane Doty, in behalf of the Committee on Business, offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Ičesolved, That the Secretary be and he is hereby in- structed to notify the Secretary of the National Book Trade Association of our organization. Ičesolved, That the rule known as the Twenty Per Cent. Rule of the National Book Trade Association be adopted by this Association. Resolved, That this Association disapprove of the sale of school-books by teachers of public schools. Ičesolved, That this Association fix upon the sum of $12.00 as the retail price at which Webster's Unabridged l)ictionary shall be sold. - Messrs. T. Nourse, G. D. Brown, C. Humphry, W. E. Tunis, and Jas. Moore, were appointed by the Chair as a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Convention adjourned to half-past eight. w Upon assembling in the evening, the Counſmittee on Officers for the ensuing year nominated the following gentlemen, who were unanimously elected: President–Wesley Emery, Lansing. Vice-Presidents—J. R. Fiske, Ann Arbor; L. R. Pen- field, Hillsdale; W. F. King, Adrian. Secretary—Wilber Parker, Detroit. Treasurer—John Moore, Ann Arbor. Eacecutive Committee—Wesley Emery, Lansing; J. M. Arnold, Detroit; Chas. Eaton, Grand Rapids; F. L. Reynolds, Muskegon; A. Richmond, Detroit. Arbitration Committee—Geo. D. Brown, Jackson ; S. H. Douglass, Ann Arbor; E. C. Newell, Saginaw ; W. E. Tunis, Detroit; Geo. H. Smith, Detroit. The following resolution was adopted: Ičesolved, That the Secretary be requested to have a circular prepared, setting forth the objects of this Asso- ciation, and to send one to each known bookseller in. Michigan, with a request to such bookseller to send in his signature with his subscription ; and to have a . suitably printed copy of the Constitution prepared and sent with that circular to each booksellev, whether a member of the Association or not ; and also that the Sec- retary be requested to notify the Cleveland, Toledo, Chi- cago and Milwaukee trade of the formation of our As- sociation, and mail to them a copy of our Constitution, and also a copy to the Secretary of the American. Book Trade Association. On motion, the vote by which the price of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary was placed at $12.00 was re- considered and the price changed to the minimum sum. of $10.00, the members being bound to sell no copy to any person under that figure. . On motion, a vote of thanks was extended to Messrs. Richmond, Backus & Co., for the gift of a blank book to . the Association, suitable for the Secretary's use. On motion, Kalamazoo was designated as the place for holding the next regular meeting of the Association, and the Secretary was given power to call a special meeting 344 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. at the end of six months from date, to be held at Ann Arbor. No further business appearing, the Convention ad- journed at half-past nine o'clock, peace and harmony prevailing. The following is a list of those who signed the Con- stitution and were present at the Convention : C. L. Thatcher, Lapeer; W. F. King, Adrian; H. H. Whittleshofer, Alpena; S. M. Sackett, Monroe; John Moore, Ann Arbor; J. M. Arnold & Co., Detroit; Bolza & Reynolds, Muskegon; Eaton & Lyon, Grand Rapids; Wesley Emery, Lansing; Chas. Humphrey, Adrian ; Fiske & Douglass, Ann Arbor; E. B. Smith & Co., Detroit; E. C. Newell & Co., Saginaw City; I. A. Roys, Detroit; Tunis & Parker, Detroit; W. E. Tunis, Detroit; Geo. D. Brown, Jackson; Richmond, Backus & Co., Detroit; Frank Smith, Ypsilanti; U. D Bristol, Lapeer. - The Secretary immediately issued the following: ‘TO THE BOOKSELLERS OF MICHIGAN. DETROIT, MICH., August 25, 1875. THE MICHIGAN BOOKSELLERS' ASSOCIATION has been ānaugurated in order to harmonize the book trade in Michigan; also for the furtherance of friendly inter- ecourse, in the end that better prices may be obtained for books. Your attention is called to the Constitution and By- Laws of the Michigan Booksellers' Association, and it is urged upon you the neeessity of immediately joining this Association, addressing the Secretary and author. .izing him to sign your name to the Constitution. By a unanimous membership in each State, publishers will see the necessity of themselves º to their published prices, and will feel compelled to pay : Inore respect to the retailer, thus confining the trade more exclusively to its, pârticular locality. The broadcast sowing of discounts by publishers and large dealers in books has made sad havoc with the retailers' profits, and has educated the public into the belief that the publishers' prices are myths, and that the retailer must give them at least one-half their profits. We cannot expect to cure this great evil at once; but we already have the palpable proof of the great good ...that has been accomplished, in the short existence of the American Book Trade Association. A maximum dis- vcount of 20 per cent. has been secured, and the day is , not far distant when the full retail price will be gained. The leading publishers have joined hands with us, and : are working as hard as we to bring about the cure. The Michigan Booksellers' Association will endeavor ...to accomplish the following: 1st.—Uniformity of prices. - 2d.—As speedily as possible a return to full retail prices. 3d.—Kindly feeling towards one another. 4th.—A strict adherence to the Twenty Per Cent. - Article of the American Book Trade Association. The following is a copy of the Twenty Per Cent. Ar- | ticle: - Resolved, That the American Book Trade Association pledges itself to maintain, and urges upon the entire trade ; the absolute necessity of maintaining the publishers' . advertised retail prices in all sales to buyers outside the trade, excepting that a reduction, not to exceed ten per , cent. in medical books, and twenty per cent. in all other , classes of books, including educational, may be allowed to the following classes only ; Public libraries, including cir- , culating and Sunday-school; clergymen and professional 1 teachers; professional books to professional buyers; large ..buyers, said purchasers buying wholly for their own use, : and in case of the exceptions made by the Publishers' Board of Trade. In case the rules of this Association . . should, under exceptional circumstances, work injustice to any dealer in competition with other parties, said dealer may state his case to the Arbitration Committee ..and this committee shall have power to authorize him to 7take such measures as will meet the energency, after notice has been given and the like liberty granted to the •other dealers directly concerned, The term “large buyers” in this resolution seems to be a vexed one, and one that has already called out a great deal of argument with no definite results. It would seem unfair to bind all sections of a country to one particular locality; for what would be considered a large buyer in one place might not be so considered in 0. º place. We, therefore, think that this rule should be acted upon by each town separately. Let them each take their own º of the term, and the smaller place will always have the advantage over the larger. |Unity makes strength. Then let us unite in this war of discounts, and bracing shotilder to shoulder, buckle on the armor of confidence in one another and in the trade, and we will present such a front that the enem will not dare approach us unless they are armed wit the full price of #. book. By order of the Convention. WILBER PARKER, Secretary, £ooks.ELLERs OF JLANCASTER, FA. The booksellers of Lancaster, Pa., met on the evening of Sept. 3d and entered into the following agreement: We, the booksellers of the city of Lancaster, pledge ourselves to maintain the prices and discounts recom- mended by the American Book Trade Association, as agreed to by the trade of New York, Philadelphia, &c., with the definition of “Large Buyers ” as signed by the book houses of Philadelphia. J. M. WESTELAEFFER, JOHN BAER'S SONS, L. M. FIYNN, FRANK P. GRIFFITTS, EDWARDS & BISHOP, CHAS. H. BARR. --—sº MEETING AT WASHINGTON, D. C. A meeting of the booksellers of Washington, D.C., was held Sept. 6th, and an organization formed to be known as the “Booksellers' Association of Washington.” The following gentlemen were elected as officers: President—R. B. Mohun. Vice-President—Germond Crandell. Secretary—O. H. Morrison. Treasurer—William Ballantyne. Arbitration Committee—Joseph Shillington, G. Cran. dell, W. H. Morrison. The Twenty Per Cent. Rule, as adopted at Niagara, was agreed to, with a defining clause providing that cash purchasers to the amount of $50 or more may receive a maximum discount of 20 per cent. The agreement was signed by the following houses: Hopkins & Sons, A. McConnell, F. A. Fell & Co., J. C. Parker, C. C. Pursell, James Bellew, J. Shillington, Richard Roberts, Germond Crandell, William Ballantyne, Warren Choate & Co., E. K. Lundy, Solomons & Chapman, W. H. Hazzard, J. Bradley Adams, Mrs. A. H. Whiting, . J. L. Tomlinson, Robert Beall, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, Franklin Philp, Mohun Brothers. The German publications of Fred. Gerhard are sold by S. Zickel, 19 Dey street, New York, who will offer new editions of them during the fall. - THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 345 AFFAIRs of LEE & SHEPARD, The creditors of Lee & Shepard met by in- witation of the insolvent firm, at their store in Boston, September 16th. Mr. Fairchild, of the firm of S. D. Warren & Co., paper dealers, called the meeting to order, Mr. H. Q. Houghton was chosen chair- man, and Mr. H. C. Armstrong, of Scribner, Armstrong & Co., acted as secretary, When the object of the meeting had been briefly stated, Mr. Charles A. B. Shepard said : We regret exceedingly the unpleasant nature of the business which calls you together at this time. We are pleased to see so many present, for we desire that all who can should learn direct from us our position. It would be useless for us to recount the cause of this mis- fortune. One calamity after another has overtaken us, and, notwithstanding we have worked days and studied nights to avoid this unpleasant occurrence, our efforts have been unavailing. Every honorable means has been resorted to to avoid suspension of payment, but at the last we found that, as honest men, we had no alternative— come it must ; and no one of you, no matter how severe the loss may be, feels it more keenly than do we. We have, however, the gratifying consolation of knowing that wo have your sympathy, as well as that of the press and the public, and we trust that we will not be blamed when we say that we are proud in feeling, though de- linquent, that we have conducted our business in such a manner as to be entitled to such kind expressions as have come from every source. We know full well that it does not pay you one additional cent on your just claims; but we also know that you must feel the more fully justified in haying placed the confidence you have in us. Our personal friends are sufferers, and yet we are assured by them that they regret the calamity more on account of Lee & Shepard than on their own. For three long, weary years we have struggled in every way to avoid this unpleasant occasion, and had it not been for the encouraging words of approval and the sub- stantial aid all of you have given, the present meeting would long since, have taken place. We can only say, gentlemen, for all of these kindnesses we thank you; they are not, and never can be forgotten ; and if we can- not in the future convince you of the fact, there may be an opportunity when we can some of those who are dear to you. At present we are powerless and moneyless, but are sustained by the feeling that we know we have done our duty to the best of our knowledge and ability, and that we have the approval of those of you who best know through what we have passed, Gentlemen, we place ourselves entirely and unreservedly in your hands, and will use our utmost endeavors to further your wishes in every, respect. The property is yours, un- diminished in value in any way since you permitted us to act as your trustees, and it will be guarded until you relieve us of the responsibility by deciding as to what disposition shall be made of it. If my services or those of my partners are needed, you are assured that they will be given to the utmost of our ability, convinced that our duty now is to secure to you the largest possible percentage on your respective claims. You all know how much I personally have bored you, and you all also know now how imperative it was for the time being. I must say that from no one of you have I ever experienced anything but kind words, and many and many a time have I left your places of business with choking throat and suffused eyes, almost crushed by your kindness; and I hope to live long enough to convince you that that kindness was not a bad investment. We have been re- peatedly told : “You ought to have stopped right after the first fire.” In answer to that we would say that, after carefully considering the matter, we felt that we had no right to do so; and had we experienced for the past three years the same prosperity which attended the three years preceding the fire, we should not have stopped now. Mr. Shepard in conclusion presented the following statement of their financial con- dition : LIABILITIES. Notes I’ayable. . . . . . . . .,- - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - $372,057 27 Open. Accounts, including borrowed money and copyright accounts. . . . . . . . . . ... -----. 113,992 82 Discounted notes, bearing the firm’s name, which will not probably be paid by the in- & dorser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------ 52,987 19 Discounted notes, doubtful. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,772 22 Total......... ------ * * * * * * * * * * * * $558,809 50 ASSETS, Cash -------------------------------------- , $619 61 Notes Receivable. . . . . . . . . - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4,325 32 Qpen Accounts, considered good.----. . . . . . . 23,053 97 Open Accounts, suspended. ------------. . . . . 10,554 68 Stock, in Store. . . . . . . .------------------- ... 12),014 07 Stook in Bindery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 14,308 41 Stock in Printing Office..................... 5,557 61 Total.----...----- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $179,433 67 In further explanation of the above, it should be added that of the discounted paper, $28,477.09 is considered good. The stereotype plates do not appear in this list. They cost $250,000. Their value will be left for future appraisement. This statement is of the affairs of Messrs. Lee & Shepard, not of Messrs. Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, of New York, a meeting of whose creditors will be held in New York to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Fairchild, the following committee was appointed to investigate the affairs of the house : Charles Fairchild, of S, D. Warren & Co., Boston ; Jas, R. Osgood, of Jas, R. Osgood & Co., Boston ; A, Avery, of Rand, Avery & Co., Boston; Edwin Fleming, of E. Fleming & Co., Boston; Isaac E. Sheldon, of Sheldon & Co., New York. Addresses of sympathy were made by Messrs. Houghton, Sheldon, and Mr. Curtis Guild, of the Commercial Bulletin, Boston, - The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the above-named committee, THE SECOND MEETING, Boston, September 30, 1875. At the meeting of the creditors of Lee & Shepard, held to-day, the committee proposed a settlement on the basis of 20 per cent. in notes for six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty- four months, te Mr. Lee stated that up to within the time of the meeting the firm had no idea of what the committee's report was to be, and therefore they had no opportunity to look about them and see what could be done, They had had no ground to act upon. He asked an adjourn- ment of the meeting for, say a fortnight, sub- ject to the call of Lee & Shepard, in order that the firm might have time to see what they could do in regard to making a new proposition. - A motion to that effect was adopted, tº 346 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JLEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM. About thirty of the creditors of the above- named house met in New York, on Friday, Sept. 17th. - - Mr. Smith Sheldon, of Sheldon & Co., New York, acted as chairman, and Mr. Charles A. Clapp, of E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, as secretary. Mr. James Miller, the assignee, presented the following statement of the condition of the firm : ASSETS. Merchandise in store------------. . . . . . . .----. 58,429 80 Cash on hand -------------------------------- 1,270 09 Fixtures, etc.-------------------------------- 2,264 24 Accounts due, Supposed good -- . . . . ... ------. 24,092 91 Accounts due, suspense---------------------- 6,440 61 Bills receivable, good. ---------. • - - - - - - - - - - - - 514 J.7 Tota]---------------------------. $93,0ll 82 LIABILITIES. Bills payable.-------------------------------. $30,875 40 A ccounts due. ------------------------------- 26,328 28 Notes discounted by the Tradesmen's National Bank, indorsed by Lee, Shepard & Dilling- han, which they think will not be paid at maturity----------------------------------- Notes discounted by the Tradesmen's National Bank, indorsed by Lee, Shepard & Dilling- ham, which it is thought will be paid at 10,764 46 Inaturity. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J6,963 41 Taxes---------------------------------------- 328 00 Total.---------------------------- $85,259 55 The fifth item in the assets and the third item of liabilities refer to accounts with the Boston house. The following committee was appointed to examine the accounts of the firm : Edward McLoughlin, of McLoughlin Bros., New York; J. W. Harper, of Harper & Bros., New York ; W. S. Appleton, of D. Appleton & Co., New York. The meeting adjourned to Saturday, Sept. 18th. At the meeting of Sept. 18th the committee reported as follows: GENTLEMEN–Your committee report the following conclusions, after a careful examination of the books and stock of the firm of Lee, Shepard & Dillingham : First, the stock, estimated by the assignee as valued at $58,429.80, we are satisfied, if closed out under the present state of the market, would bring. . . .830,000 00 Cash on hand - 1,270 00 Accounts undoubtedly good, estimated by the assignee to be $24,092,91, we have placed at. 20,000 00 Suspense account, reported by the assignee * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * at $6,440, we have estimated at . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 00 Bills redeemable (good).--------------------- 514 17 Making total assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,084 17 To pay debts amounting to - - - - - - $61,303 68 After earnest consideration, we have come to the con- clusion that the concern can pay seventy cents on a dollar, at six, twelve, and eighteen months, Without interest. E. MCPAOUGE LIN, WALTER S. APPLETON, John W. HARPER. After some debate, in which it was stated that the affairs of the two firms must be settled separately, on account of the differ- ence in the laws of the two statºs, the report was adopted, and an agreemerit drawn up and signed by those present, representing the fol- lowing houses: McLoughlin Brothers, Shel- don & Co., George W. Carleton & Co., Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Thomas Nelson & Sons, Dick & Fitzgerald, Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, George A. Leavitt & Co., E. P. Dutton & Co., James Miller, D. Appleton & Co., and George Routledge & Sons. - JLITERARY AIKID TRADE JTEMs. A new novel by May Agnes Fleming, Wo. ºne's Revenge, is announced by Carleton & Co. Baker & Voorhis will soon publish in pamphlet form the valuable series of papers, by Dr. S. T. Spears, which have appeared in The Independent. Spurgeon’s new book, which has so greatly attracted the attention of the religious press, Lectures to My Students, will be published by Sheldon & Co., Oct, 6th. - Sheldon & Co. will soon publish Mrs. Annie Edwards' story, Leah : A Woman of Fashion. This is one of Mrs. Edwards' most charming stories, is drawn to the life, and is sure to have a good sale. & Prohibition Does Prohibit is the title of a little pamphlet by J. N. Stearns, published by The National Temperance Society. It con- tains arguments and statistics from many sources, to prove that only prohibition can check the evils of intemperance. Wych Hazel, by Miss Warner, author of The Wide, Wide World, is in preparation by G. P. Putnam's Sons, and will be published by the first of January. The same house will issue early in the new year, A Survey of Americah Literature, by the Rev. Moses.Coit Tyler. The National Temperance Society have published Balford Mills; or, God’s Answer to Woman’s Prayer, a meat little story for chil- dren, of which the main incidents are true ; and Our Wasted Resources, by Dr William Hargreaves, giving statistics of the liquor traffic and the evils which it causes, E. J. Hale & Son have published The Lacy Diamonds, a new novel by the author of The Odd Trump, and Harwood, which have been two of the most popular novels of the season. The Lacy Diamonds will probably be liked, by Imost novel readers, better than either of the previous two, as excelling them in curious plot and dramatic incident. Charles P. Somerby bas published a volume which should find readers in every family. It is entitled Health Fragments, and is the work of Dr. George H. Everett and Dr. Susan Everett. The former treats of the most common diseases, the injurious habits of life, the various kinds of food, the sexual re- lations, etc. The lady takes up a much smaller portion of the volume ; but what she has to say of dress, care, and education of children, and other matters of every-day Iife, is quite as important. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 347 A “Supplementary Book Fair,” under the management of George A. Leavitt & Co., is to be held in this city, commencing October 21st. It will be conducted under the auspices of the Committee on Fairs of the American Book Trade Association, and upon the same plan as the Fair in July. S. R. Wells & Co. have published a useful little work by Dr. R. T. Trall, on The Human Woice, giving directions for strengthening and improving it by gymnastic exercises. “It does not claim to be an elaborate and comprehen- sive treatise, but a safe guide, based upon physiological principles, for the use of those who aim to become good readers and harmo- nious, intelligible speakers.” It is illustrated with appropriate cuts. S. W. Burley, Philadelphia, is preparing a United States Centennial Gazetteer and Guide, which promises to take the lead of the many works of this kind announced. It will be a volume of about a thousand pages, containing matters of interest in relation to the coming and previous exhibitions of this kind, statis- tics of our industries, and classified lists of principal business houses. It is proposed to have the volume ready by the first of the year. We would call the attention of all book- sellers and news agents to the advertisement of T. B. Peterson & Brothers, on the last page of this number, where they offer special discounts to all who wish to lay in a stock of their popular works at the present time. This old established house publish over one thousand of the most popular and best sell- ing books issued in this country, and now is an excellent time for dealers to lay in a stock at the low special prices offered. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. have issued a neat edition of The Epworth Singers, and Other Poets of Methodism, by Rev. S. W. Christoph- ers. In a volume of some five hundred pages the author treats of the writers of sacred song who have belonged to the Methodist Church, of their families, their labors, their homes, the incidents of their lives that are worth re- cording. The author's style is pleasing, and there is much in the book that is entertaining, even to those that are not particularly inter- ested in the subject. - - The New York Book Concern, 7 Warren street, New York, are issuing Lossing's Field- Book of the Revolution, to which is added a Pictorial History of the War of 1812. The work is something more than a history, as the author has gathered together many ro- mantic incidents relating to the two wars, with anecdotes and local traditions that are not found in ordinary history The maps and plans, as well as the illustrations, are admir- ably designed to assist the reader, being ac- curate and full. Twelve parts of the work are now ready. There are to be fifty-six parts in all, with nearly two thousand illus- trations. When completed the work will make three handsome volumes. It is sold only by Subscription. g Kenny’s Illustrated Cincinnati is one of the handsomest and most thorough books of the kind ever made. It is a complete guide to the city, containing over three hundred engrav- ings of noteworthy buildings, scenes, and lo- calities, and an excellent map. The attractive suburbs and beautiful drives are fully de- scribed, and the varied industrial and com- mercial interests are noticed at length. The book is published in good style by Robert Clarke & Co. In issuing The Best Authors in Prose and Poetry, Porter & Coates have inserted the fol- lowing: “This work was originally published as the “Comprehensive Speaker,” and as such met with considerable favor. It having been suggested, however, that the book merited a more general circulation than under this title it would be likely to secure, the publishers have been induced to issue this edition in library form.” It would be well for all pub- lishers to be as conscientious when they change the title of a book. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, have pub- lished a treatise on Politics as a Science, by Charles Reemelin. The word “ Politics '' is not used in its narrow sense, which the author regards as a vicious use of the word, but in the sense given it by Aristotle, in his Politeia. The treatise is really on the science of government. Though not by any means thorough, nor the papers so closely connected as the nature of a treatise on the subject would seem to demand, it contains much sug- gestive thought, and as books of the kind are scarce, this will be welcomed by thoughtful readers to whom it is addressed. We have received from E. Steiger, of this city, a series of twenty-seven catalogues, with one complete index of subjects for the whole, bound together in a neat and strong cover. Mr. Steiger is probably the most enterprising and persevering bibliographer in the trade. Though including books in other languages, the lists are mostly German, and comprise the principal works in the various departments of literature in that language, including Juve- niles, Fiction, Theology, Kindergarten works, etc. He keeps his catalogues revised up to date, and to dealers in German books they must be of great assistance. It is a pity that we have not some dealer in English books who would show as much zeal in cataloguing. The Rutland (Vt.) Weekly Herald says: Messrs. Tuttle & Co., book and job printers, have just put into their office one of the most perfect and finest printing presses in any of- fice in the State of Vermont. It is a Cottrell & Babcock first-class, two roller, air spring, drum cylinder press, and occupies a space on the floor of 7 by 12, is 6 feet high, and weighs over 9,000 pounds, and will print a sheet 29 by 42 inches. It has all the latest patents and improvements, including a patent governor for the air springs. It is the second press built by these celebrated makers with the latest improvements. #: 348 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS Guide. f OF EIGN JLITERARY Notes. An elegantly illustrated volume on Wind- Sor Castle will be published in London in time for the holidays. A book of sketches and anecdotes of Charles Lever and his contemporaries will Soon be published in Dublin, under the title of Leverana. A new edition of Bain’s The Emotions and the Will, which has been revised and in great part re-written, will be published this fall by Longmans & Co. Macmillan & Co. have in press a narrative poem by the Marquis of Lorne, entitled Guºdo and Lºla: a Tale of the Riviera, founded on an incident of Saracen warfare in the tenth century, Ward, Lock & Tyler announce for this month, in the list of E. Moxon, Son & Co., a complete collection of the Prose Works of William Wordsworth, edited by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. A third edition of Macleod’s Theory and Practice of Banking, in which many altera- tions have been made, is in press and will soon be issued. Mr. Macleod has in prepara- tion an elementary work on Banking. The new edition of Cates’ ºctionary of General Biography, which was first published eight years ago, contains five hundred me- moirs and notices of persons recently de- ceased. The added matter comprises 162 pages, and is also published separately. NewsPAPERS AND PERIoDicALs. Charleston, S. C., has a new morning daily, the Eapress, issued by the Express Publishing Company. Mr. Horatio C. King has become publisher of The Christium Union, and Mr. B. R. Corwin has succeeded him as publisher of The Chris- tian. At Work, The price of The New York Weekly Digest, published by McDivitt, Campbell & Co., is $5 per volume, not $5 per year, as announced in our last issue. There will be two volumes per year. - In our notices in this column last month, the Boys of New York was by mistake printed “Boys of America.” The new paper is rapid- ly increasing in circulation, and has evident- ly come to stay, The Board of Trade Gazette is a new weekly journal published at 17 & 19 Broadway, New York. It is devoted to business interests in general, and especially to the commercial ne- cessities of New York. Price, $3 per annum; 5 cents per copy, The Neo York Drama is the title of a pub- lication to be issued in semi-monthly parts, by Wheat & Cornett, New York. Each num- ber is to contain three complete plays. It is a large octavo in form, in strong and neat paper cover. Price, 15 cents, Scribner’s Monthly for October will contain the first chapters of Bret Harte’s new story, “Gabriel Conroy.” The new juvenile magazine, Wide Awake, improves with each issue. The current number is enlarged to seventy-two pages, and the stories and pictures are all praise- worthy. e Music NotEs. Hans Von Bülow sailed from Liverpool for Boston, Sept. 28th. O. Ditson & Co. have published a new edition of Haydn’s Oratorio of The Seasons. A new Method for the Violin is published by Ditson, to which is added twenty-five studies by B. Bruni. - - The last addition to the admirable list of selections from Chopin, published by G. D. Russell & Co., is the Third Ballade, Op. 47. W. W. Whitney, Toledo, O., has published Silver Carols, a collection of new music for schools and seminaries, prepared by J. H. Leslie and W. A. Ogden. Biglow & Main’s new Book of. Praise, for Sunday-schools, contains several of Mr. San- key’s songs—among them “The Ninety and Nine” and “Hold the Fort.” G. D. Russell & Co. have recently publish- ed The Singing School, by W. O. Perkins, a book for classes in vocal music, containing the usual lessons in musical notation, some new exercises, and good selections for practice. Trial By Jury is an amusing dramatic cantata, by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gil- bert. It is quite novel in plan, the solos being given to the judge and counsel, the choruses to the jury. Some of the music is very good. It is published by Ditson & Co. O. Ditson & Co. publish a series of Italian songs under the general title of “Wayside Flowers.” Unlike the Italian songs of a few years ago, which could only be attempted by trained opera-singers, these selections, while retaining the characteristics of Italian music, are quite easy. A few French songs are also in the series, J. M. Stoddart & Co., Philadelphia, are is- suing a series of “choice music * by sub- scription. It consists of twenty-four parts, twenty two of which have been issued, the music being selected from foreign and Amer- ican authors, by Sep. Winner. Each part contains twenty-four pages of music, and two portraits of composers. Among , Lee & Walker's latest announce- ments are Loved and Lost, a pleasing ballad by Rosewig, with pretty words by Florence; Angels Whisper Sweet Good-Night, a charming composition by Danks, one of his best; The Great Centennial, a good comic song by Howard Paul ; and ’Twas Freedom’s Call, and Alone, vocal selections from the Grand Opera of Amy Cassonet, the last-named being a good con- tralto solo, and both likely to become favorites. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 349 We have received from Lee & Walker a very pretty little song and chorus, entitled What the Candle Said Was True, an answer to There’s a Letter ºn the Candle ; also a nocturne for piano, by Clara E. Saylor, arranged by H. A. Clark, and entitled Chicago Fºre-Bells. The latter is published as a solo and also as a duet, and has become quite popular as an effective descriptive composition. Russell & Co. have shown a commendable zeal in publishing the first movement of Rubinstein's Ocean Symphony in C. The composition is not wholly unfamiliar to Americans, Rubinstein having played it here at his concerts, but it has never before been published in this country. Although sim- plified in many passages, it is still beyond the reach of any but the most advanced players. -º- - -aº- -ºr -sm- £3USINESS CHANGEs. At Washington, D. C., C. C. Pursell, book- seller and stationer, has removed to 422 Ninth street, N. W. At Muskegon, Mich., Bolza & Reynolds, booksellers and stationers, are succeeded by Fred. L. Reynolds. At Philadelphia, the well-known publish- ers of Industrial books, Henry Carey Baird & Co., have moved from 406 Walnut street to 810 Walnut Street. Mr. John A. Porcher has purchased the in- terest of A. S. Jones, in the firm of Tarbox & Co., stationery and blank book manufac- turers, 36 & 38 Beekman street, New York. The new firm will be known as Tarbox & Porcher. At St. Paul, Minnesota, J. T. Dudley, book- seller and stationer, has admitted his brother, George T. Dudley, and the business is con- tinued under the firm-name of Dudley Bro- thers. The senior member of the firm was for- merly in the business at Elmira, N. Y., and bought out W. S. Combs, of St. Paul, a year ago. Mr. George T, Dudley, has for some years conducted a book and stationery busi- ness in Trenton, N. J. The plucky undertaking of J. M. Stoddart & Co., in reprinting here the ninth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, promises to be successful. The first volume of the reprint has been out nearly two months. The type and page are a little smaller than the English, making the volumes of about the same num- ber of pages, but more convenient to handle: and the paper is lighter, but good. This ini- tial volume is an exact reprint, the cuts being all reproduced here—though the publishers intimate, in their Introductory Notice, that some slight changes or additions will be made to supply what may be deemed deficiencies in the original text, by American readers; and they propose to make an additional volume, to contain new treatises upon subjects in which there is a special interest here. The price is a little more than half that of the English edition. The hazardous nature of the under- taking may be inferred, when it is stated that the work is to be in twenty-one volumes, of about eight hundred pages each, and is to be liberally illustrated with cuts, maps, and plates. • –-—sº We venture to say that there are very few people under forty years of age in this city, to whom the name of B. Bloomfield, stationer and law book publisher, is not as familiar as a household word. How many have bought from him their first copy-books and steel pens ? How many associate with their school-days the recollection of trips to that store for slates, pencils, etc., etc. And we know that among older and graver people his stationery, in all its great variety, is among the things consid- ered as necessary as life itself. To-day as of yore, the house is still in the front rank of the business ; it still keeps an incomparable stock, and under the title of B. Bloomfield & Co. is just as popular, just as able to supply all demands for everything in their line. They still print law books, law briefs, sher- iffs', recorders', notaries public, coroners’, and in fact all other kind of legal blanks at re- duced prices. And we know that our people will not fail to patronize them.–New Orleans Tºmes. e -ºr – wº Our thanks are due to Mr. Wilber Parker, the Secretary of the Michigan Booksellers’ Association, for the full report of their late meeting, which appears in another column. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Dick's. English Classics. ----------..... 2d page of cover, Our Book Circular--------------------- 3d “ { { T. B. Peterson & Bros.-New Books. - .4th “ { % Jesse Haney & Co.—Trade Manuals . . . . . . . . . . Page 361 Books Wanted.------------...----------------- “ 369 E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.—Perforated Mottoes, “ 369 Payne, Holden & Co.—Holden's Book Cover.-- “ 369 Carter's Suspension Ring........ ------...----- “ 369 Gillott's Pens. --------------------------------- “ 369 R. Worthington & Co.—Imported Books. . . . . . “ 370 Spencerian Pens . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 37] Presbyterian Board of Publication.----...--...- “ 371 Newspaper Advertising. -------------- ------. “ 371 Estes & Lauriat.—New Popular Novels. -----. “ 372 American .# Co. -------------------- “ 373 Centennial Medal Charm. --------------------- “ 373 Manual for Rifle Practice. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 373 Chas. W. Bolbrook. —School Apparatus. . . . . . . “ 373 Norman L. Munro & Co.—Boys of New York and Family Story Paper. -------...---------- “ 374 Foye's Invoice File and Binder. ----------. . . . . • ‘ 375 BIoward Lockwood – Specialties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 376 Jennie June's Cook-Book. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 377 New York Blank Book Co....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 377 Juveniles for the Fall Trade. ----...------...... ** 378 Dick's English Novels. -----------------...----. “ 379 Roberts Bros.-NeW Books.................... ** 380 350 . THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Rook Announcements FOR pctober. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. ROBERT CARTER & BROS., New York. Poems. Edina Edition. By Robert Burns. Illustrated. | Testimony of the Rocks. By Hugh Miller, 12mo, 4to, cloth, $6; morocco, $12. 500 pp., cloth, $1.50. Climate and Times in their Geological Re- || Forty Years in the Turkish Empire. By Rev. lations. By James ('roll. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Dr. Goodell. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth, S2.50. Brigadier Frederick. By James Croll. A Novel. The Odd One. By Mrs. Payne. 16mo, 360 pp., cloth, Translation. 8vo, paper. - ſe Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. By Prof. W. Stanley Jerons. International Scientific Series. 12mo, cloth. • , Diseases of the Nervous System. By Dr. W. A. Hammond. New edition re-written. 8vo, cloth. AUTHORS' PUB. CO., New York. Ecclesiology. By Rev. E. J. Fish, D.D. 12mo, 400 pp., cloth extra, $2. - Her Waiting Heart. By Lou Capsadell. 12mo, 200 pp., cloth extra, $1.25. Egypt Enuis. By Kelsic Etheridge. 8vo, 190 pp., paper, 50c. Travelers’ Grab-Bag. 110 pp., paper, 50c. By an Old Traveler, 8vo, BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Philadelphia. Friends' Almanac for 1876. By Jos. 12mo, 84 pp., paper, 10c. Foulke. BEADLE & ADAMS, New York. tº Rainbolt, the Ranger. By Oil Coomes. Dime Pocket Novel No. 35. 12mo, 100 pp. The Scalp-King. By Lieut. Ned Hunter. Dime Pocket Novel No. 33. 12mo, 100 pp. Old Lute, the Indian-Fighter. By Edw. W. Archer. Dime Pocket Novel No. 34. 12mo, 100 pp. The White Avenger. By Major Lewis W. Carson. Dime Novel No. 343. 12mo, 100 pp. The Indian King. By N. Wm. Busteed. Dime Novel No. 344. 12mo, 100 pp. The Long Trail. By Edward S. Ellis. Dime Novel No. 345. 12mo, 100 pp. Overland Kit. By Albert W. Aiken. Cent Novel No. 4. 12mo, 200 pp. Victoria ; or, The Heiress of Castle Cliſſ. By Mrs. May Agnes Fleming. Twenty-five Cent Novel No. 6. 8vo, 120 pp. Twenty-five A. S. BARNES & CO., New York. Poetical Worles of Ray Palmer. BANKS & BROS., New York. Brightley’s Digest of the State of New York. By. F. C. Brightley. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, sheep, $20. New York Supreme Court Reports. Vol. XII., Part I. Marcus T. Hun, Reporter. CHASE & HALL, Cincinnati. Early History of the Disciples in the West- ern Reserve, Ohio. By A. S. Hayden, 12mo, 480 - pp., cloth, $2. New Testament Commentary. Vol. IX. — Hebrews. By R. Milligan. Crown 8vo, 400 pp., cloth, $2.50; sheep, $3.25; half calf, $3.75. CALLAGHAN & CO., Chicago. Sanders's Justinian. First American from fifth Eug- lish edition 8vo, about 800 pp., sheep, $7.50. $1.25. Brentford Parsonage. 410 pp., cloth, $1.25. Elsie’s Santa Claus. pp., cloth, $1.25. Bread and Oranges. pp., cloth, $1.25. Coulyng Castle. By Miss Giberne. cloth, $1.50. Fred and Jeanie. pp., cloth, $1.25. Mind and Words of Jesus, and Morning and Night Watches. By Dr. Macduff. Red line edition. 570 pp., cloth, $1.50. • - History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin. Vol. VI. By Dr. D'Aubigné. 12mo, 500 pp , cloth, $2. . The Suffering Saviour. By Dr. Krummacher. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth, $1.50. Miss Ashton’s Girls. Six volumes in a box. $7.50. By Mrs. Robbins. 16mo, By Miss Mathews. 16mo, 370 By Miss Warner. 16mo, 400 16mo, 450 pp., By Miss Drinkwater. 16mo, 360 By Joanna H. Mathews G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. Norine’s Revenge. A Novel. By May Agnes Flem- ing. $1.75. e Charette. A Novel. $1.50. Glimpses of the Supernatural. * Lee. $2. Marguerite’s Journal. A Book for Girls. Introduction by the author of “Rutledge,” etc. Verdant Green. A new edition. $1.50. CInarles Dickens’s Works. “Carleton's New Fiſteen Volume Edition.” Per vol., $1.50. Mayne Reid’s Select Works. $1.50 each. A. S. Roe’s Select Works. each. By Frederick With $1.50. In ten volumes. In six volumes, $1.50 J. H. COATES & CO., Philadelphia. History of the Civil War in America. Vol. I., comprising the first two volumes of tho French edi- tion. Translated from the French of the Count de Paris, by L. F. Tasistro, Edited and annotated by Henry Coppée, LL.D. With maps and battle plans. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. DODD & MEAD, New York. Note-Book of the Bertram Family. By the author of the “Schönberg-Cotta Family.” 12mo, cloth. Ecclesiastical Law in its Relation to Civil Law and Church Property. . By Hon. Thos. Strong, LL.D., of Supreme Court, Washington. 12mo. W. F. DRAPER, Andover, Mass. A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek, According to the Text of Tischendorf. With a Collation of the Textus Receptus and of Griesbach, Iarhman, and Tregelles. By Frederic Gardiner, D.D. Revised edition. With an Appendix on the Principles.of Textual Criticism, 8vo, 384 pp., cloth, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 35 I DICK & FITZGERALD, New York. Hugh Melton. A Novel. By Katharine King. Illus- The Art and Etiquette of Making Love. trated. 8vo, paper, 25c. 16mo, 176 pp., paper cover, 30c.; boards, 50c. Off-the Roll. A Novel. By Katharine King. 8vo, The Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker’s Guide. 16mo, paper cover, 50c.; boards, 75c. J B. FORD & CO., New York. St. George and St. Michael : A Tale of the Civil Wars in England. By George Macdonald. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago. Songs of Yesterday. By Benjamin F. Taylor. Illus- trated. 6%x9 in., 171 pp., $4 W. GOULD & SON, Albany, N. Y. Wait’s Supreme Court Practice. Vol. VI. Con- taining a General Index to Entire Work. By William Wait. 1,100 pp., law sheep, $7.50. WM. F. GILL & CO., Boston. The Wages of Sin. By Edmund Yates. 8vo, 125 pp., paper. 50C. - - The Horn of Plenty. A Holiday Book for Boys and Girls. By Horatio Alger, Miss L. M. Alcott. Miss A. M. Douglas, and many others. Small 4to, 250 pp., cloth gilt, $2.25. - - The Dickens-Collins Christmas Stories. By Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. The first permanent issue of the stories written conjointly by these authors. 16mo, 200 pp., cloth, $1.25. Treasure-Trove Series. Wol. III.-Story. Hood, A. Ward, Chas. Lever, and others. 224 pp., cloth, $1. By T. Square 16mo, GINN BROS., Boston. White’s First Lessons in Greek. Propared to Accompany Goodwin’s Greek Grammar, and Designed as an introduction to his Greek Reader. By John Williams White, A.M., Tutor in Greek in Harvard College. $1.25. Whiton’s Select Orations of Lysias. Compris- ing the Defense of Mantitheus, the Oration against Eratos- thenes, the Reply to “The Overthrow of the Democracy,” and the Oration on Account of the Olive-Trunk. With Introductions, Notes, and References to Goodwin’s and Hadley's Greek Grammars, and Goodwin’s Greek Moods and Tenses; Adapted for use in Colleges and in the High- est Classes of Academies. By James Morris Whiton, Ph.D. $1.25. A. J. GRAHAM, New York. First Standard Phonographic Reader. Long out of print. New issue in superior style. By A. J. Gra- ham. 12mo, 84 pp., cloth, $1.50. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Life of Rev. Dr. John Todd. Told mainly by him- self. Compiled and edited by John E. Todd, Pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, New Haven, Conn. With Illus- trations. Crown 8vo, cloth. Every-day Religion : Sermons delivered in Brook- lyn Tabernacle, by T. De Witt Talmage. Phonographical- ly reported. 12mo, cloth, $2. The Might and Mirth of Literature. . A Treatise on Figurative Language. In which upwards of Six Hundred Writers are referred to, and Two Hundred and Twenty Figures Illustrated. Embracing a Complete Sur- vey, on all entirely New Plan, of English and American Literature, interspersed with Historical Notices of the Progress of the Language, with Anecdotes of many of the Authors, and with Discussions of the Fundamental Princi- ples of Criticism and of the Weapons of Oratory. By John Walker Vilant Macbeth. Crown 8vo, cloth. Healey. A Romance. 8vo, paper, 50c. The Catskill Fairies. By Virginia W. Johnson. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. paper, 75c. The Queen of Connaught. A Novel, 8vo, paper, 50c. HENRY HOYT, Boston. Evangelists in the Church, from Philip of Samaria, A.D. 35, to Moody and Sankey, A.D. 1875. By Rev. P. C. Headley. Sixteen portraits, wood and steel. Large 12mo, 472 pp., Eng. cloth, $1.75; holiday edition, $2.50. Select Notes on International Lessons for Year 1876. Containing Maps, References from Bag- ster's Bible, and Correct Pronunciation of Proper Names. § Rev. F. N. Peloubet. Large 8vo, 216 pp., Eng. cloth, 1.25. International Question Book for 1876. Three grades : 1—Adults; 2–0hildren and Youth; 3—Youngest Scholars. By Rev. F. N. Peloubet. With forty illustra- tions and poetry to illustrate the topics. 18tno, 15c. each. The New Picture Library. Picture on every other page. 5 vols. 16mo, black and gilt, with chromo covers, $2.50. The Old House on the Corner of Broad Street, 16mo, Eng, cloth, 75c. Mecca. By the author of “Mask Lifted.” cloth, $1.25. Sunshine Cottage. By the author of “Opposite the Jail.” 18mo, Eng. cloth, 75c. Opposite the Jail. New plates and new edition. l6mo, $1.25. The Hope Library. 4 vols. $3. The Hazelwood Library. 6 vols. 50c. each, $3. The Melville Library. 6 vols. 50c. each, $3. The Happy Library. 5 vols. 55c. each, $2.75. The Minturn Library. 5 vols. 55c. cach, $2.75. The Do Good Library. By Mrs. Leslie. 5 vols. 55c. each, $2.75. The Langdon Library. 5 vols. 55c. each, $2 75. The Gift Library. 5 vols. $2. The Kitty Library. 6 vols. $2.40. The Little Conqueror Series. 4 vols. in case, $2. The Choice Little Library. Nearly one hundred illustrations. 6 vols. chromo covers, $2. The Sunbeam Library. Nearly one hundred illus- trations. 6 vols. chromo covers, $2. My Pet Library. 10 vols. chromo covers, $2.50. The Little Home Library. 10 vols, chromo covers, $2.50. The Little Folks’ Library. covers, $2.50. The Little Ones” Library. 10 vols. chromo covers, $2.50. - The Welcome Library. $2.50. 16mo, Eng. 10 vols. chromo 10 vols. chromo covers, HURD & HOUGHTON, New York. Familiar Letters of John Adams and his Wiſe, Abigail Adams, During the Revolu- tion. With a Memoir of her by Charles Francis Adams. Criminal Law Reports. Vol. II. Being Reports of Cases.Determined in the Federal and State Courts of the United States, and in the Courts of England, Ireland, Canada, etc. With Notes by N. St. John Green. HENRY C. LEA, Philadelphia. Human Physiology. By, C. Dalton, M.D. about 800 pp., cloth and leather. Lectures on Syphilis. By Henry Lee, M.D. 8vo, cloth. 8vo, 352 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Lem priere’s Classical Dictionary. Containing a Full Account of all the Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Authors, with Table of Coins, Weights, and Measures in use among the Greeks and Romans; to which is Preſixed a Chronological Table. A new and complete edition. 12mo. On Punctuation. A Brieſ Treatise on Punctuation, Containing the more Important Rules and an Exposition of Principles upon which they Depend. By Prof. Joseph A. Turner, M.A. 16mo. Agnew's Surgery. The Principles and Practice of Surgery. By D. Hayes Agnew, M.D. With numerous illustrations. Prose Miscellanies of Heinrich Heine. lated by S. L. Fleishman. 12mo. Wild Hyacinth. A Novel. By Mrs. Randolph. Trans- The Roll Call, and other Poems. By George Johnson. 12mo. The Kiss : In History, Fiction, Poetry, and Anecdote. By C. C. Bombaugh. American Boyhood. A Poem. By Horace P. Biddle. 2mo. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. Physician’s Visiting List for 1876. Sizes and prices: For 25 patients weekly, tucks, pockets, aud pen- cil, $1; 50, $1.25; 75, $1 50; 100, $2; 50, 2 vols., Janu- ary to June, July to December, $2.50; 100, $3. Inter- leaved edition : 25 patients weekly, interleaved, tucks, pockets, etc., $1 50; 50, $1.75; 50, 2 vols., January to June, July to 1jecomber, $3. Medicinal Plants. Part I. Being Figures with Ac- companying Potanical Descriptions and an Account of the Properties and Uses of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine. By Robert Bentley, F.L.S., and Henry Tre- mens, M.B., F.L.S. Tilbury Fox’s Atlas of Skin Diseases. In monthly parts. With chromo-lithographic plates. Outlines of Practical Histology. By Prof. Ruth- erford, of Edinburgh. With illustrations. A Manual of Minor Surgery and Bandag- ing, for the Use of House Surgeons, Dress- ers, and Junior Practitioners. By Christopher Heath, F.R.C.S. Fifth edition. 12mo, 296 pp., cloth. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. - Barbara. By the author of “Silent Tom.” Illustrated. 16mo, $1.50. Bonnie AErie. By the author of “Evening Rest.” Illustrated. Large 16mo, $1.50. Book of Birds. 16mo, 40C. Book of Natural History. Fully illustrated. Large print. 16mo, 40c. Book of Animals. Illustrated. Large print. 16mo, 40c. * Birds and Fishes. Fully illustrated. 16mo, 40c. A Brave Boy. Illustrated. 18mo, 25c. Dick’s Strength. Illustrated. 16mo, 60c. Easy Reading for Little Folks. Fully illustrated. Large print. 16mo, 40c. Grandpa.”s Darlings. 16mo, $1.25. My Pets, and other Stories. beautiful pictures for the little ones. 18mo, 25c. Hill Farm. By Crona Temple. Illustrated. 16mo, 60c. Illustrated Primer. Fully illustrated. Large print. 16mo, 40c. Life of Daniel Webster. By J. Bamvard, D.D. New edition. Illustrated. Large 18mo, $1.50. Stick to the Raft. By Mrs. G. Gladstone. Illustrated. 16mo, 60c. - - & Word Pictures; or, Thoughts and Descriptions from Popular Authors By Gertrude Strohm. 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Pºyn’s Darming-Needle. Strauss. Polka Mazurka. 9C. - - Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 2. Liszt. Arranged by Bendel for 4 hanus. $1.50. o LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Chicago Fire Bells. Arranged by H. A. Clarke. 4 hands. Piano. 60c. ‘Oh, Help Me, Dear Saviour: P. Rondinella. Quar- tet. 40C. Cantus Divinus. A. H. Rosewig. A new collection of Catholic church music. Boards. $2.75. what the Candle Told was True. Answer to “Letter in the Candle.” Harry Merton. Song and chorus. 35c. - Amy Cassonet. G. W. Tryron, Jr. Complete Opera. $5. I Wait Thy Coming. A. H. Rosewig. Song and chorus... 35c. Somebody's Darling Slumbers Here. J. Max Müller. Song. 35C. Fairies’ Carol. A. H. Rosewig. Pia 35c. My Grief (Il Mio Dolor). LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. Hark : I Hear Sweet Voices Calling. Adam Geibel. Song and chorus. 30c. Gentle Clare. Katie Smith. Ballad. 35c. Dream of Me. R. Fairlamb. Song. 40c. By Alderbrook (Am Bach). Dürnner. Golden Treasury of Vocal Lyrics. 35c. - To the Moon (Der Mond). A. Geibel. Golden Treasury of Vocal Lyrics. 50c. Absence (Der Trourige Bua). E. S. Swiss song, with Cadenzas. 35c. Softly now the Light of Day. A. Geibel. Eve- ning opening pieces. Quartet. 50c. Sweet Nannie. A. Geibel. Humorous song. 35C. Old King Gorm (Gorm der alte). F. Wink. Male chorus, with piano accompaniment. 50C. Of Thee I always Think. Romantique for Piano. 50c. Score, $1 ; parts, A. Geibel. Reverie WM. A. POND & CO., New York. * WOCAL. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. A. H. Pease. 50c. Upside Down. Howard Paul. 40c. Goose with Sage and Inguns. Where to Go. M. Keller. 40c. Single Blessedness a Fib. Sleighing with My Girl. M. Keller. 40c. Break, Break, Break. A. H. Pease. 50c. The Pansy (La Viola Tricolor). H. P. Danks. 40c. Tantum Ergo. Rev. A. Aſfranchino. 75c. The Blue and the Gray. D. Braham. 40c. GEMS OF ITALY. Guglielmo. 50c. The Heart is Sad (Sventurato il Cor). Bellini. 35c. Here, in this Calm Retreat (Nel seggio placido). Mercadante. 50C. Shepherd’s Song (from “Saffo”). Gounod. Make me Happy (“Fammi Beato ''). 60C. Advice to Nizzia (Consiglio a Nice). Anon. 40C. M. Keller. 40C. 50C. Campana. Guglielmo. 50c. Ah 'tis Vain (Il Consiglio). Alary. 50c. Sorrow (Il Dolor). Carafa. 60c. - INSTRUMENTAL. American Rifle Team Polka. G. Operti. 40c. Dancing Life Galop. Geo. F. Morris. 50c. Under the Elms. E. C. Phelps. 50c. Rutschke Pollra. L. Stasny. Op. 155. 30c. Vesuvio Schottisch. A. Alberti. 50c. Chaconne in F. G F. Handel. 60c. Gavotte. I. P. Gotthard. 50C. The Fountain. J. A. Pacher. Op. 82. 40c. AEolian Harp. J. A. Pacher. Op. 21. 40c. Caprice Heroique. Chas. Kölling Op. 97. 40c. Victoria, Grande Valse. Th. Giese. Op. 144. 40c. Postal Card Galop. Wm. A. Pond, Jr. 40c. In press. Gallant Sixty-Ninth Quickstep. D. Wiegand. $1. Skidmore Lancers. D. Wiegand, $1. B()OKS. Mass in G. By Rev. A. Aſfranchino, S.J. Boards, $1.25. St. Cecilia. A collection of Anthems, Motets, Hymns, etc., for Choirs, Choruses, Societies, etc. Selected from the best Masters. By Dr. Leopold Damrosch. In press. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 361 IOUIS TRIPP, Louisville. Kiss Me, Darling, Tell Me Why. Danks. Song and chorus. 4th edition. 35c. - Buritani. Herz, March and variations. Corrected edition. $1. Beautiful Snow. King. Song. 40c. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Draw Near the Fire. H. Ball. Comic song. 30c. The Naughty Young Men. Frank W. Green. Comic song. 30c. C. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Polonaise. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Ball Scenen. 30c. Polka. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Ball Scenen. 30c. Waltzes. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Ball Scenen. 30c. Galop. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Ball Scenen. 35c. Tyrolienne. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Bail Scenen. 35c. Mazurka. H. Lichner. Op. 135. Ball Scenen. 35c. Sonatine, No. 1. H. Lichner. Op. 4, 50c. Sonatine, No. 2. H. Lichner. ‘ Op. 4, 50c. Sonatime, No. 3. H. Lichner. Op. 4, 50c. Sonatine, No. 1. H. Lichner. Op. 49. 65c. Sonatine, No. 2. H. Lichner. Op. 49, 65c. Sonatine, No. 3. H. Lichner. Op. 49. 65c. We are Waiting. O. F. Berdan. 30c. Meet Me in the Gloaming. Song and chorus. 40c. Song and chorus. Geo. W. Persley. WHITE, SMITH & CO., Boston. Sunset Shadows. T. P. Ryder. Romance. 65c. Silver Star. Blake. March. 50c. Girofle-Girofla . Blake. Potpourri for 4 hands. $1. O’er the River She will Greet Us. Wilson. Song. 35c. . Kennebago. Snow. March. 50c. Speak a Word in Kindness. St. John. Song. 35C. Scale Practia. Kalkbrenner. Edited by Geo. Fox. Study. 50c. Cabinet Organ Instructor. By C. A. White and C. D. Blake. $2.50. Beach Bluff. Adams. Waltzes, 80c. Les Dames de Seville. Schubert. Waltzes. 75c. Harp of Praise. Leonard Marshall. Church Music Book. $1.25. - Mardi Gras. Schubert. Quadrille. 40c. There's a Balm in the Morning Breeze. will Ryder. Song, 35c. Robin Adair. Geo. Fox. Transcription. 50c. Little Old Cabin in the Dell. C. A. White. Song. 40c. - GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Abendstanchen. Gustave Lange. Instrumental. 40c. Unter Bluthenbaumen. G. Lange. Instrumental. 50C. Evening Serenade. G. Lange. 40c. Under the Blooming Trees. Strumental. 50c. Brunhilda. C. A. Scheidler. Polonaise. 35c. ** Scheidewege. Gustav Lange. Instrumental. C. In Trauter Hutte. G. Lange. Parting Companion. 60C. Gustav Lange. In- Instrumental. 40c. Gustav Lange. Instrumental SELECT LIST OF TRADE MANUALS, USEFUL HANDBOOKS, AND P|| Miſſºllāl}|| Wilſº The following are being steadily advertised, and sell steadily and surely, though not largely. They are mainly specialties, and compete with no other stock. The publishers préfè7 to Sup- ply demand through regular trade, but have to mail to some large towns. Dealers having inquiries for any of these books can order through the News Companies, who are gene- ral agents: Watchmaker and Jeweler’s Manual. . .------------ $0 50 Carpenter’s Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Painter’s Manual -------------------------------- 50 Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painting----------. 50 Soapmaker’s Manual -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . 25 Horseshoer’s Manual. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Slow Horses made Fast (system of improving speed, to which Dexter owes his supremacy. Endorsed by ROBERT BONNER, Esq.). ------ 50 Book of Scrolls and Ornaments.----------------- 1 00 Book of Alphabets (for Painters, &c.) -- - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Common Sense Cook Book. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Detectives’ Club. --------------------------------- 25 Rogues and Rogueries of New York...... -- - - - - - - 25 Tricks on Travelers. ----------------------------- 15 Night Side of New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - 25 Barkeeper’s Manual (only professional work of the kind—standard authority of New York profession). -------------------------------- 50 Art of Training Animals. ---------------. ... ----. 50 Guide to Authorship. ----------------------------. 50 Secrets Worth Knowing (1,000 recipes for profit- able manufactures, &c.) -------------------- 25 Phonographic Handbook. --...-------------------. 25 Employment Soeker's Guide. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Improvement of Memory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Comicalities ------------------------------------- 25 Hunter and Trapper's Guide. ---........... -----. 20 Rapid Reckoning (system of the famous “Light- ning Calculator”).------------------------ 25 Handbook of Wentriloquism (a really practical little guide, with examples for practice). -- . 15 Houdin the Conjuror----------------------------. 50 Taxidermist’s Manual. ------------, -------------- 50 Self-Cure of Stammering. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...... - - - 25 Home Recreations. ------------------------------- 25 Spirit Mysteries Exposed.------------------------ 15 Handbook of Dominoes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Hair Ornaments (for jewelry and souvenirs. Sale of book very small). . . . . . . . . . . ... ----- 50 Fun Everlasting. --------------------------------- 15 [3. These books will give satisfaction to customers, and afford the usual profit. Order of your Wholesale House, jº’All the News Companies keep full stock. 362 Q THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. THE Stationery MARKET. Business in staple goods is very fair, and prices steady. Imported goods of fine quality are in but little demand, and the quantity of such goods in the market is much smaller than is usual at this season. The orders indicate that the retail trade have little or no disposition to stock up, and are buying only for present needs. Adjustable Book Covers. Will fit any book. Useful for everybody. Per 100... $1 75 For 500, with Dealer’s Advertisement ... . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 { { 1,000, { { { & t tº g º & © tº e s e º ºs 18 00 Writing Papers. - FIRST CLASS. Cap and Letter Papers, 10, 12, and 14 lbs. to ream, per lb. . . . . . . . . º & tº * * * * * * * e e º gº & tº º ſº º º e º e g º & e º e º ºs 26 cts. Bill and Legal Papers, 12 and 14 lbs, to ream, per 1b. 26 “. Commercial Note, 5, 6, and 7 lbs. to ream, per lb. 28 “ Octavo and Billet Notes, 4 and 5 lbs. to ream, per lb. 28 “ SECOND GRADE. Cap and Letter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24 ( Bill and Legal, { e e º e º 'º e º e º e º e e s m º º is e º e º e sº © & 24 Commercial Note, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s = e e º e s e e s e e 24 French Quadrille Papers—No. 6, 10 ko..... & © tº gº tº e º ſº 2 25 { { { { {{ No. 5, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Square French Envelopes, per M, ................. . 3 00 Printing Papers. Book and NCWS, Wood and part straw....... ... 9 to 12 ctS. { { “ rag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 15 “ { { “ good to first-class...... . . . . . .15 to 20 ** Drawing Papers. GERMAN. QUIRE Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.24 Demy, 15 by 20, “ ...... tº gº & © & © tº e º 'º tº e º e e º 'º 36 Medium, 17 by 22, “ • * * * * e e e e s s a e s e s a e s a e s e 48 Royal, 19 by 24, “ • a s a e e s e e º e s s • * * * * * * 60 WHATMAN’S. Cap, 14 by 17, per quire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & 50 Demy, 15 by 20, “ e e º e º e º is a e s e e * 80 Medium, 17 by 22, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e g º 'º º 1 15 Royal, 19 by 24, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 Super Royal, 19 by 27, “ .......... tº $ tº e g º g e g 1 80 Elephant, 23 by 28, “ .......... • * e e º e e 2 25 Tissue Paper. Anherican, White, per ream.............. * * * * * * * ... I 60 { { Colored, “ & tº € $ e º & © tº tº e © tº º tº gº & © . . . . . 2 25 English, per ream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e g º º e tº tº e º º Tracing Paper. Demy, per quire. . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 75 Modium, { { tº º ſº e s tº e º 'º we e tº e º s º e º e º 'º e º e e tº e º e º e º 'º e l 25 Bristol Boards. REYNOLDS' AND OTHER8. Cap, 2 sheets thick, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 { { 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 § { 4 { { { { * * * * g e º e s e e º 'º e º e e º 'º 90 Demy, 2 6 & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 { { 3 { { { % * * * * > * tº e º e e tº ſº e tº e tº º 1 15 { { 4 { { ( & tº e & © º º tº gº e º tº e º 'º e I 50 Medium, 2 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 00 { { 3 { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 ic 4 ( & { { e e .2 00 Perforated Board. Coarse, Medium, and Fine, per doz. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Gold or Silver Muslin back, for Embroidery, per dºz. 7 50 Blotting Paper. Octavo packages, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ e º e 75 Quarto { % “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Ink. David’s Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ 7 20 “ 4 ounce, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ......... I 00 { { 8 “ 1 : “ * { “ . . . . . . . . . . T 60 David's Pints, in 1 doz. boxes, per doz. ............ 2 80 { { Quarts, 1 “ § { “ . tº e s g & SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE Maynard & Noyes' Ink, same price as David's. Stafford's Stands, in 3 gross boxes, per gross........ $7 20 Arnold’s Writing Fluid, Quarts, per doz. ... .... gold 4 75 { { { { “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . ** 2 75 { { { { { { Pints, “ . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 1 50 ( & { { “ Stands, per gross....... “ 4 80 “ Copying Ink, Quarts, por doz. . . . . . . . . . “ 8 50 { { { { Pints, “. . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 4 75 Worden & Hyatt's Violet, 1 ounce bottles, per doz. ... 1 00 { { { % ASSorted Colors, per doz. ... . . . . . 1 25 Carmine, Guyott's, 2 ounce, per doz. ......... ...... 90 “ Conger & Field’s, 2 ounce, per doz. ....... 1 25 ( & { { . { { 2 “ Glass Stop., per doz. 2 13 David’s Carmine, No. 1, per doz. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 * { { { No. 1, Glass Stopper, per doz. ..... 3 15 { { ( * No. 2, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15 $6 { { No. 3, Glass Stopper, per doz. ... . 4 50 Payson's Indelible Ink, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Clark’s Indelible Pencils, “ ..................... 2 00 Peerless School and Counting-House Ink. BLACK WIOLET WRITING INK. IN. K. FLUID. Quarts, in doz. boxes, per doz. ... $4 50 $6 00 $4 75 Pints { { { { ** . . . 2 75 3 50 3 00 Haifflints, “ “ “ . . . 1 60 2 00 l 75 4 Oz., {{ { { “. . . . 90 1 15 1 00 Stands, 23 oz., in 3 doz. boxes ... . 45 60 50 Mucilage. Peerless, Stands, 3 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 “ 8 ounces, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 50 “ Pints, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 25 & C Quarts, { { e e º e º e e s e e s e e s e º e º e s e s e e 7 00 Inkstands. Cocoa Pocket Inks, No. 3, per doz. . . . . . . . . . ... 1 38 { { ! { “ No. 2, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Silliman's No. 3, School, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 $ 8 O. 2, {{ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 { { No. 1, { % {{ g ... ------.. 1 25 {{ Academic, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 ( & Mechanics', “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Flat Glass, 2% inch, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 { { 3 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 { { 3& 4 ( { { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { 4 { { * { e tº º e e e º te e º e e tº º 1 75 Air-tight Inks, Small, , 4 & tº e º º tº º * * g º e º º 7 75 { { “ large, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0() Whitney's Air-tight, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 0, 16 50 Draper's Air tight, No. 1, $12; No. 3...'...'...... 11 25 Glass Screw Tops, from.............. 75c. to $1.12 per doz. Steel Pens. American News Company’s No. 1170. . . . $0 50 { { { { { { School, No. 51 .... 30 { { & 8 { { Extra Fine, No 333. ... 50 { { { { { { { { { { No. 444... 50 { { { { ( & Quill, No. 76. . . . 50 & t { { { { Falcon, No. 48.... 50 { { { { 4 & Bank, No. 14. ... 50 ( & ( & { { Commercial, No. 9.... 50 { { { { {{ Albata, No. 11.... 50 Gillott's Pens, No. 303. . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º e º is e º is .... 1 00 { { ‘‘ No. 404. . . . . • e º e º e º 'º º a e s is a s e e e e g º e º 'º e 50 { { “ No. 170. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 { { “ No. 351. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs e e s e e º e s e e s s ... 65 Washington Medallion Pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Spencerian Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 * { “ in 3 groSS boxcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 MARKET: THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. - 363 Lead Pencils. Faber, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gold 40 “ Hexagon, “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 55 “ Tablet, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 31 “ Drawing, 7 in box, per doz. ............. ** 5 40 ( & { { 5 : « ( ( . . . . . . . . . “ 4 50 Eagle, Round, Gilt, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 “ Hexagon, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ Rubber Head, “ ........... * @ e º e e º e tº º ſº tº 58 “ Red, Blue, and Green, Tip’d.......... . . . . . . 46 Red, Polished, per groSS, Faber’s.......... ....... 1 40 Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Pen-Holders. Accommodation, Fluted, per gross........... ...... 45 { { Swell, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e Q e 75 French Tip, per gross ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 to 5 00 Bone, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e º 'º - w tº e º 'º e 75c., to 1 00 Pocket Reversible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * 15C. to 60 Slates. Round Corners and Frames, 4 by 6, per doz. ..... 42 & C $4 { { 5 7, “ . . . . . . 48 ( & ( { ( & 6 by 9, & ( tº it we & º o 68 4 : { { ( & 64 by 10, “ . . . . . . 72 { { { { § { 7 by 11, “ . . . . . . 80 { { { { { { 8 by 12, “ . . . . . . 1 00 ( & { { { 9 by 13, ... . . . 1 20 Slate Pencils. Soapstone Pencils, 5 inch, 45c.; 6 inch............. 50 German Slate Pencils, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 15c. to 5 () German Patent Slate, in white wood, per gross..... . 1 50 Silicate Book Slates. FOR SLATE PENCIL, Pocket, interly'd, with Calendar, 33 by 54 in., per doz. 1 50 Companion, “ gilt title, 33 by 54 in., “ 2 10 Quartz, 2 surfaces, 5 by 84 in., “ 1 S0 Silica, interlw’d, 6 surfaces, 5 by 83 in., “ 3 00 Mineral, “ 6 { { 7 by 11 in., “ 6 00 FOR LEAD PENCIL. Daily Memoranda, interly'd, gilt, 24 by 3% in., per doz 1 65 Calendar, 5 surfaces, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 1 98 Every Day, gilt title, “ 3 by 5 in., “ 2 31 Minute, gilt title, 10 surfaces, extra, 3 by 5 inches, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 Cash, ruled and dollar columns, 10 pages, 33 by 53 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 . Journal, ruled, without dollar lines, 10 pages, 34 by 54 inches, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 30 N. B.-l'or other styles and sizes see FULL CATALOGUE. Envelopes per Thousand. Sizes 2 3 4. 5 Buſſ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.95 $1 10 Buſſ, heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 1 25 Buff, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. . . . . . . . . . . © e º 1 35 1 60 Buff ... . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . * * * 1 50 1 85 Fine Canary. . . . . . XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 85 Amber... . . .xx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 l 85 Gold . . . . . ... XX . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 50 l 85 *:::::::: e e º e & s e º 'º • e • * * * 2 00 2 50 - Canary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 Ex. Fine { ...xx ..... e - © tº G → * * * * 2 00 2.50 Gold... XX ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 2 50 ſº e ‘º e º 'º e e º a 9 $2 65 2 80 3 35 - Canary . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 Ex. Fine { ...e. xxx ... . ... . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 Gold...XXX . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 2 80 3 35 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X 45 $1 65 1 80 2 00 2 45 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . XX 1 70 l 90 2 10 2 40 2 75 “ . . . . . . . . . XXX 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 70 3 20 ** Baronial. .... XX 3 65 3 35 ... . . . . . . - - - Manilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 1 20 Playing Cards. - Propeller per d0Z. . . . . . . . . . . . ----- . . . . . . . 1 60 Steamboat, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 Highlander “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 Eureka, or Players, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Mogul, Fancy, “. . . . . . . . . . . • * > * > * * * * * * * * * 3 00 Moguls. Enameled, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 05 Henry VIII., “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 40 Euchre, “ . . . .-------. . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Ill. Moguls, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 30 Gold Eagles “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Gold-faced Moguls, “ ...'................... 10 00 SUBJECT TO FLUOTUATIONS OF THE MARKET. BOImin Oes, Bone, ordinary quality, ebony back, per doz. . $300 to $6 00 { { Ood { { & C “ . . 6 00 to 12 00 “ Mahogany boxes, “ . . 6 00 to 18 00 Backgammo in Boards. No. 4 & 5, 2 in nest, paper, red and black gilt.... 2 00 “ - 6 “ 7, 2 “ muslin, black and red. . . . . . . 2 25 “ 8 “ 9, 2 “ black and buſſ. Sheep ........ 3 00 “ 10 “ 11, 2 tº black and red, half leather... 3 75 “ 12 “ 13, 2 “ black and red, full leather... 4 50 “ 14 “ 15, 2 “ eXtra red and black . . . . . . . . 5 00 Checker-Mlen. Embossed, enameled, per doz, $1 75 Maple star, pr doz. 1 00 { * Cl’OWI) & 4 1 25 Chess-Men. Bone, German, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 25 to 24 00 Wood, º “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 62 to 60 00 Stauton, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 to 48 00 Crayons, Rubbers, etc. Blackboard Crayons, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 18 t ( { { assorted colors, per gross..... . I 00 Stationers' Rubber, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb., per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e e a 60 Rubber Heads, for Pencils, per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... l 20 “ Bands, # inch, assorted, per groSS.......... e 69 { { “ 4 “ ( ( “. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 { { “ 3. “ & 4 { { • * * * * * * * * * * 1 98 Portfolios. Letter size, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $6 00 to 18 00 Cap { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 00 to 24 00 |Pocket-Books. Sheep, per doz. . . . ......... --... tº e e º e º sº tº e - $1 50 to 4 00 Calf, “. . . . . . . . . ---- - e º e º e s e e e º 'º e º 'º - 3 00 to 8 00 Imitation Morocco, per doz. ................ 1 50 to 6 00 Morocco, - “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 to 20 00 Stereoscopes. No. 27, Walnut frame, Imit. Rosewood Hood, per doz, $7 00 “ 5, Cedar frame, Rosewood { { ( & 15 25 “ 4, Mahogany frame, Mahogany ( & 4. 19 00 “ 2, Rosewood frame, Rosewood & 4 { { 20 00 “ 1, Tulip frame, Tulip { { { { 22 00 Thermometers, Tin Case, 8 inch, per (loz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 ( { 10 { { { { tº e º 'º & © e * * * * * * - - - - e e s tº 3 25 { { 12 “ “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Mahogany, 10 “ “. . . . . . . .----------- . . . . . . 4 75 School and Counting-House Rulers. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 18 21 24 School, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 Counting-House, per doz. ... $2 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 50 - Quills. Quills, No. 20, per 100. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * - e. e. e. 60 4 & No. 30, { { * * * * * > → e º 'º e º e s s e e º o & © e º 'º e º e º & 75 tº No. 40, { { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ e º e º e e s e I 15 “ No. 50, “ ......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I 65 { { No. 60, { { e e º 'º - e º 'º e º a e e s tº e º e º e º 'º e º e º e e s 2 35 QUILL PENS IN BOXES OF 25. Italian, per doz. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Portable, “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -------- 3 25 Large, & 4 “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Office, { { “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Blank Books. The variety is so great we can hardly give prices. Say, Half Bound Cap Blanks, per quire....... 12c. to 25 Full { { { { & A ... . . . .30C. to 70 lmitation Russia, and Russia, per quire... 72c. to 1 50 Memorandum Books. 12mo, per doz ... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.50 to 1 35 8vo, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 to 2 00 Crown, “ . . . . . ....................... 90 to 3 50 Demy, “ . . . . ........................ 2 00 to 3 00 364 , THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY’s I, IST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the ſollowing rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there Will be n0 disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence ; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d,—Money sent by * mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.—The Wholesale Prices are net. We do not make any additional charges for packing or cartng in this city, except when packing boxes are needed, and then only the cost of the boxes. 5th.—Small orders receive the same attention as large, and are as promptly forwarded. , 6th.—We do not send New Papers and Magazimes on sale to those who specially order ws not to do so, but do send all mew publications to own dealers, whless they order ws not to do so. We believe their interests are promoted thereby. 7th.—We send New Books as soon as published to booksellers, unless specially ordered to the contrary. 8th.—Envelopes, bearing our address, furnished to customers free upon application. 9th.-Letters, With full signature and address, should be inclosed with aii' remittances 10th.—We inclose bill daily to customers having parcels by Express ; to others we mail bills once a week. g PostAGE To NEwsoºALERs. NEWSPAPERS, at the rate of Two Cents per Ib. BOUND BOOKS, One Cent per Ounce. MAGAZINES, * { { { Three “ { { PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or order (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week’s papers) similar to this form [Form 1.] TELE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRS,--Inclosed find S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..., Which pass to my credit, and send the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : y 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. 10 Old and New. - 10 New York Weekly. 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Léslie’s Budget of Fun. Yours truly, gay Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - CHICAGO, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. ADD– y j 2 Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e º 'º e e º ºs e º e º e º e º & © e º ſº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making in all 22 1 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º & © & 8 e º & # 8 & © g tº e º ſº e º 'º º e º e º tº e º e º º ºs e º ºs & 4 g º 6 3 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º 'º º e e º 'º e º 'º e < * * * * * * * * * e s e s e e & e º s e e s e e tº e º & © s & ſº & tº e º º . . . “ 13 2 Old and New . . . . . . . . tº e º s e e s = e = * * * * * * * * * * & a e s ∈ e º is tº e º º º º e º e º e º e s e º e º e º 'º gº tº e º 'º e º g g = * * * * * & C & & l2 3 Leslie’s Budget Of Fun.... & © e. e. g. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e e e s tº tº tº e º gº tº º e º e º e º 'º e & 4 $4 3 CUT OFF– - - 2 Waverley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº º sº, º sº e º ºs e º & © g g g g tº tº • e º e s e e º 'º tº e s is e ºs e º e e s e e s is making in all 3 3 Chimney Corner... . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e = e g º e s e º & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e g º ºs e º e g -------..... “ g in a 7 1 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ {{ 4 Send following in first bundle— 2 Each Beadle's Dime Novels, Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive. 1 Each Every Saturday, Nos. 32, 33, 34. 1 Each Young Folks, Jan. and Feb., 1869. Yours truly, * * * * * * * c = e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e - When any alterations are made in the above order, turn to the original order and make that correspond with said alterations, marking down the date of said alterations, and then you will know precisely what your order is in this city and the last date the change was made. Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 365 Wholesale and Retail Prices. ſº New Publications are printed in heavy type. been Changed since Our last issue are marked with a $). Trade Ret. Prico. Commercial Bulletin......... 3% — Graphic (The)............... 3% 5 N. York Courier des Etats Unis 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- Cial Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . 234 3 New York Evening Express... 294 3 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 ... New York Evening News..... %. 1 | El Cronista........ ......... 17 25 Messager Franco-Americain. . 4% 7 New York Evening Post...... 3%. 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 GEEº Advance (The)... . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Law Journal......... 7% 10 Albion (The)........ . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Gael (The)......... 4% 6 American Grocer...... * tº e º 'º º 7 10 American Protectionist ... .. 7 10 American Publisher.......... 4%. 6 American Republic .......... 3 - American Union.... . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Appleton’s Journal ..... . . . . . 7 10 Arcadian. . . . . . . . . . tº * g º e º a dº º º 7 10 Army and Navy Journal .....ll 15 Atlantische Blaetter . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Ave Maria ........ tº º 'º º tº e º sº º & 7 10 Banner of Light......... .... 6 S Baptist Union ...... tº e º ſº dº º ſº e sº 3%. 5 Baptist Weekly..... ... ... -- 4 tºº-ºº: Boston Congregationalist ..... 6 10 Boston Independent. . . . . . . . . . 6 . 10 Boston Medical and Surg. Jour. 8 15 Boston Statesman... . . . $ tº e º ºs tº 4 6 Boston Traveler ..... . . . . . . . . 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4%. 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette . . . . . 5 7 Boys' OWn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Boys of New York.... . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Brooklyn Sunday Review..... 3% — Cabinet-Maker's Journal..... . 4% 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror.... . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review ............. 4% 6 Catholic Standard...... ...... 4% — Catbolic Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Challen’s 10c. Novels . . . . . . . . 7 cºme Celtic National .............. 3% — Christian Advocate and Jour. 6 10 Christian at Work . . . . . . . . . . . 5% 6 Christian Intelligenoer . . . . . . . 10 Christian Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — Christian Mother ............ 11 20 Christian Register ........... 6 10 Christian Union . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5% 8 Christian Weekly (Illustrated).4 6 Church and State............ 6 10 Church Journal.............. 7 10 Church Union . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 - Church Weekly...... . . . . --.. 6 10 Churchman (The)............ 7 — Commercial and Financial Chronicle ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 25 Commonwealth.............. 4 6 Country Gentleman.......... 4 6 Courier desEtats Unis . . . . . . . 9 10 Criminal Zeitung..... . . . . . . . 7% 10 Danbury News ...... . . . . . . . . 8% - ©Das Neue Heim............ 6 10 Day Book........ . . . . . . . . . . . 8% 5 Day's Doings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 10 Demokrat (German)......... 4 7 D AI L Y P A P E R. S. Metal Worker............... 2% Trade Ret. Price. New York Evening Post...... 2 3 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2%. 3 New York Herald..... . . . . . . . 3%. 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 New York Journal (German)... 1%. 2 New York Witness. . . . . . . . . . . l 2 S E VII = W E E R H. Y. New York Fixpress....... . . . . 3%. 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E R L. Y. Detroit Free Press . . . . . . . . . . 3 gº Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 * Dwight’s Journalſ of Music.... 8 * Economist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 El Espejo (semi-mo.) . . . . . . . .18 * Fngineering and Mining Jour. 7 I0 Episcopalian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 S Examiner and Chronicle...... 4% 6 Farmer’s Home Journal..... 4 - Field (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Financier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 * Fireside Companion. . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat’d Paper 7 10 {{ “ Lady's Journal. 7 10 { { “ Boys and Girls’ Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 & 4 “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { “ Young American 4% — Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4%. 6 Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 3% — Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Girls and Boys of America... 3% – Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 7 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal (semi mo.).... .... 10 15 Harper’s Weekly. . . . . . . .".... 7% lo Harper’s Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7% 10 Heart and Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 7 Heartb and Home.... . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Hebrew Leader.............. 7 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . ge e º e º e º e e 7 10 Herald (California)...... . . . . 4% 5 Herald §...} . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Home Circle......... ... . . . . . 4% 6 Home Journal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Illustrated Weekly ... ........ 5 - Independent - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 Index (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 gººms Inventor’s Internat'l Gazette... 3 5 Investigator... . . . . . . . . . .... 6 7 Iron Age ...... --------. . . . . . 7 10 Irish American ... . . . . . . . . ... 4 5 Irish Democrat, ............ 3% 5 Irish World ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Jewish Messenger...... -----. § º Jewish Times ....... -----... 8 12 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 10 Liberal Christian . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Living Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 18 L'Eco d’Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 *-* Medical and Surgical Reporter. 9 H2 Medical Record.............. 8 I0 Medical Times............... 10 * . Mercantile Journal........... 6%. 10 Mercury (N. Y.)...... . . . . . , 6 8 Those the prices of which have Trade Ret- Price. New York Presse . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% New York Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-1 New York Sun . . 1% 3% 34 New York TimeS New York Tribune...... . . . . . 3 New York World. . . . . . . . . . . . 3% New York Times ............ 3% New York Tribune........... 3% New York World ............ 3% Methodist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Metroſolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Moniteur de la Mode. . . . . . . . .22 Nation (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nautical Gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Orleans Weekly Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . . . 7 New York School Journal... .. 5% New York Tablet . . 4% New York Varieties.......... 7 New York Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . New York Dramatic News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . News from Germany and Swit- zerland . . . . . . . . . tº e e s s e º & ºn tº N. Y. Sportsman....... ..... 4% Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng POSt. 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plymouth Pulpit............. 6% Police Gazette..... -----. . . . . 7 Police News (Illustrated)..... 7 Pomeroy’s Democrat. . . . . . . . . 4% Prairie Farmer. . . . . . Price Current . . . . Presbyterian . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . Railway Times ... . . . . . . . . . . , 7% Real Estate Record . . . . . . . . . . 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 Rod and Gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rural New Yorker. . . . . . . . . . . 4 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Night....... . . . . . . . 4% Saturday Star Journal........ Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- Dhan ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 7 Scientific American.......... 5% Scotsman (The). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scottish American Journal... 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... Skandinavische Post. . . . South (The)............ e is tº e Spiritualist at Work ........'. 7 * * * * * * * * * * *s a e g º ºs e º 'º e º g : 0 ;i i 5. ł º i 366 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Trade Rot, Price. Stockholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sunday Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3% Sunday Courier...... * * * * * * * * 4 Sunday Daily Times ... . . . . . . 494 ©Sunday Democrat. . . . . . . . . . .3% Sunday Dispatch ...... . . . . . . 7% Sunday Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Sunday German News ... . . . . 1 1-5 Sunday Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Sunday Mercury..... e & © º e º e e 7% Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% $Sunday New Yorker Democ’t 2% Sunday New Yorker Journal. 2% Sunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Staats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Sunday Star.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sunday Sun (Brooklyn)...... S}{ Sunday Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sunday Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 &American Checker Player. .18 American Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 Advance 10c. Novels ...... 6% { { “ Song Books... 5 & C ‘‘ Halld “ . . 5 Agriculturist (English)..... . 9 Agriculturist (Geruman)...... 9 Amateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # * * * * American Artisan . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Booksellers’ Guide. 5 American Builder. . . . . . . . . . . 23 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 35 American Exchange & Review.20 Potter's Am. Monthly... . . . . . 8 2 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 American ludustries. . . . . . . . . American Journal of Health and Medicine..... * * e e s e º º e 7 American Journal of Philately. 9 Amer. Journal of Phonography 10 American Law Register...... 40 American Miscellany . . . . . . . . 15 Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 American Naturalist. . . . . . . . . 2 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers * 28 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) 35 Appletou's Railroad Guide.... 16 Aquatic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Architectural Sketch Book. . .38 Archives Medical Science . . . .35 Arthur’s Home Magazine..... 14 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 Ballou's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bankers’ Magazine........ ... 35 Bankrupt Register.......... .38 Beadle’s Publications : Dime Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% { { ** 100 or Over . . . . 6 300 “ .... 5% tº e º 'º s e º 'º º & © º e º & © tº * @ e º & e g º e º e º ſº gº tº e & & 4 { { Song Books... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 & & £ 4 { { ** 1000 “ . . . . . 4 Beekeepers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 Blackwood’s Magazine ..... . .28 Bon TOn -- . . . . . . . . . .45 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 Boys of America.... . . . . . . . . . 10 Carriage Journal . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Catholic Total-Abstin'ce Union 3% Catholic World ... . . . . . . . . . .33 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts).20 Church Monthly... . . . . . . . . . .20 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6% Clothier and Hatter. . . . . . . ... 10 Coin Chart Manual........... Comic Monthly ............ 7 Comic News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cottage Hcarth ............. 10 Counterſeit Detector (Peter- son's). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 W E E K L Y — Continued, Trade. Ret. rtC6. Sunday World ..... . . . . . . . . . 4% - Sunny South...... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Telegraph Journal . . . . . . . . ... 6 8 The Echo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% - Thompson’s Reporter ........ 6 - Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 Tobacco Leaf.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 Toledo Weekly Blade. . . . . . . , 3 5 Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 True Flag . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 4% 6 Turf, Field, and Farm. . . . . . . . 7 10 Universe...... - - - - - - - - - - -- .. 5 8 Wall Street Review. . . . . . . . . . 1% — Watchman and Reflector. . . . . 5% 8 Watson's Art Journal ....... 8 10 Waverley Magazine.... . . . . . .11 15 Weekly Demokrat ... . . . . . . . T Weekly Express ........... ... 8% 5 Weekly Herald ... . . . . . ... . . . 3% 4 MIT O N T H L Ye Creme de la Creme . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Delineator... . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 8 - De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gºmº. Demorest’s Magazine..... - - - - 20 * Demorest's Young America... 7 10 Dental COSmos . . . . . . . . . . . .22 - De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs. . . .13 e-º De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly).... . . . . . . .10 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 15 De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . ------. 6 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi monthly)... 5 10 Dexter Smith’s Paper... . . . . . 11 15 Druggists' Circular . . . . . . . . . . 12 * Eclectic Magazine... . . . . . . . . 35 50 Educational Monthly ... . . . . . 17 20 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 — El Sur Aunericano (semi mo.). 10 - Floral Cabinet. ....... . . . . . . . 8 10 Folio (Musical)......... . . . . . 10 *º- Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 50 Frank Leslie’s Boys and Girls' W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 * {{ “ Budget of Fun...10 I5 $& “ Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 50 “ “ Lady’s Magazine (mo. parts). . .27 35 & & “ Pleasant Hours.10 15 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Gardener’s Monthly.......... 16 25 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed. S-mo) 8 15 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man Semi-monthly) . . . . . . . 5% lo Gleason’s Monthly Companion. 6%. 10 Globe (The).......... • * * * * > . 15 Godey's Lady's Book........ .21 *E* Golden Hours.... . . . . . . . . . . .14 15 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Good Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Grand Army Gazette ..... ... 7 I0. Guide to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . .11 <--> Hall’s Medical Adviser. . . . . . 6 10 Hall's Journal of Health...... 12 $º-º-º: Harper’s Magazine ... . . . . . . . 8 35 Harper's Weekly (mo, parts).33 60 Herald of Health............. 10 15 Historical Magazine..........55 75 Holbrook’s U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 9 12 Holloway’s Musical Monthly... 30 40 Home Journal of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Housekeeper...... . . . . . . . . . 10 *E=- Horticulturist ............... 16 25 Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 35 Trade Ret. e T} Cô, Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4% Weekly Mail.......... . . . . . . . 8% Weekly News............... . 3% Weekly New York Journal... 4% Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 Weekly Post............... ... 3% Weekly Staats Zeitung ..... ... 3% Weekly Sun................. 2% Weekly Times............... 3% Weekly Tribune ............. 3% Weekly Welcome. ........... 2 Weekly Witness ............ . 1% ‘Weekly World........... . ... 3% Wild Oats................... 7 I Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 l Woman’s Journal.... . . . . . ... 4% Woodhull & Claſſin's Weekly... 7 l Yankee Blade ............... 3% Youth's Companion.......... 3 Hub (The)..................23 35 Illus. Household Mag........ 6 10 In Doors and Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Industrial Monthly.......... 9 15 Industrial Record............ 6 8 & & “ (with Supplt),37 º Insurance Monitor ........... 28 30 Insurance Times.......... . . .22 30 Insurance Spectator ...... . . .22 *E=º Insurance Gazette ..... * g e a tº $ 40 sº Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 10 Jewelers' Circular ...... gº tº e º * Jolly Joker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 12 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20 Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6 ſº- La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 Lady’s Own Magazine . . . . . . . . 14 tºº Lady's Repository.... . . . . . . .27 35 Lakeside Library........... 7% — La Mode Elegante............ 38 50 Land and Meer (semi-mo.) .. 14 25 Laws of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 15 Le Beau Moude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Little Corporal............... 10% 15 Literary World..............ll ºmº- Lippincott’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 Locke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 º- London Family Herald.......18 tº-e London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 tº- Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 sº Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 * Medical News and Library... 10 *º Medical News Supplement(Suc- Cessor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 º Medical Union . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18 * Merryman's Monthly......... 7 I0 Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 Mother's Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 12%. 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6% 10 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14.... . . . . . . ... .. 5 10 Musical World (N Y.)....... 16 30 Musical World (Cleveland). . . 12 * National Agriculturist and Bee Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 10 National Car Builder........ 7 = National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 National S. S. Teacher. . . . . . . . 10 15 Nat’l Teacher’s Monthly..... 7 10 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40 50 New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 20 New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — New Yorker Musick Zeitung... 6 *se New York Medical Journal . . .30 50 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 367 British Juvenile......... Covent Garden Mag...... 38 Friendly Visitor . . . . . . . .2% MI O N T H L Y — Continued. Trade Ret. Trado Rot. Trado Ret. Price. -- Price. & Price. Nick Nax . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 || Phunny Phellow............. 7%. 10 | Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .18 Nursery (The)............. ... 10 15 | Peterson's Popular Literature 20 — | St. Nicholas................. 19 - Obstetrical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 37% – | Popular Science Monthly..... 37 50 | Texas New Yorker..... . . . . . 17 $º- Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Poultry World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 The Lens. . . . . . . . . . & e º e º e º º º .70 tºm Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73. 6%. 10 | Psychological Journal. . . . . . .37% 50 | Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 “ Pop’l’r Novels, 1 to 75. 6%. 10 | Psychological and Medico- Trans-Continental Guide...... 40 50 “ 10 Ct. Songs, 1 to 108. 5 10 Legal Journal... . . . . . . . . . .40 50 | Traveler's Official Guido. . . . . 25 50 “, 15c. Romances, 1 to 24 8%. 15 Railway Monitor....... . . . . . .88 — Truth. Seeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 *- Overland Monthly... . . . . . . . . 26 35 | @Rand & McNally Guido.... .23 40 | Union Era (parts)..... . . . . . . .25 4.--> Painters’ Magazine.......... 11 15 | Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . .25 35 | University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 20 Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 — | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6%. 10 || Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engi- Paper Trade Journai (semi-mo)11 — | Sailors’ Magazine . . . . . . . . ... 10 15 neering Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 50 Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Sanitarian ........... . . . . . . .20 30 | Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 tº- Penn Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 — Saturday Journal (parts).....18 — Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Pension Record ... . . . . . . ... 6 — | Science of Health..... . . . . . . .14 25 | Whitney’s Musical Guest..... 16 25 Peters’ Household Melodies... 30. — | Scott's Mirror of Fashion... . .38 50 | Wide Awake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 ‘‘ Parlor Music . . . . . . . . O — Scribner’s Monthly ... . . . . . . .28 35 | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 PeterSon’s Counterſ’t Detector.11 15 Silliman's Journal . . . . . . . . . . .43 50 Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I2 Peterson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Singers’ Journal...... . . . . . . . 1 2 || Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 50 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Southern Magazine . . . . . . . . . .30 35 | Yankee Notions..... . . . . . . . . . 7%. 10 try Bulletin.......... ... ... 7 10 | Star-Spangled Banner.... .... 4% 6 | Young Catholic.............. 3 5 Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 | Student's Journal.... -- . . . . . . 6 10 || Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I0 Phrenological Journal...... ... 21 30 | Sunbeam . . . . . . . . . * - e º ºs e º e s ∈ e 3% — | Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 — - QUART E R L. Y. R. E VIEW s, ETC. American Church Review $0 90 Church and World.... ... . $0 85 — | National Quarterly Review.51 12 tºmº American Journal Medical Congregational ............ 50 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 — | Contemporary Review . . . . . 62 75 | New Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 — Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 – | North American Review ...1 12} - American law Review. . . . . 1 05 — | Half - Yearly Compendium No. Am. Jour. of Homoepathy 85 º Baptist Quarterly.......... 85 — Medical Science . . . . . . . . . — Postal Guide (U.S. Oſſicial). 40 50 Bibliotheca Sacra. . . . . . . . . 1 00 — International Review (bimo) 67 — Presbyterian Quarterly and Braithewaite's Retrospect...I 05 — | Journal Social Science. . . . . . 1 25 tº- Princeton Review........ 75 tº e British Quarterly (reprint). 62 – Journal of Speculalive Philos. | Smith's Pattern Bazar. . . . . . 20 - Brittan’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . 67 tºmº- ophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 75 | Southern Review.......... 1 25 up- Brownson's Review........ 1 00 — Ladies’Quarterly Review... 10 — | Westminster Review ...... 62 – Christian Fxaminer........ 67 — | London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — | What to Wear (yearly) .... 10 *gº Christian Quarterly........ 85 — Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 – || Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 – FO R. E. I.G N P E R F O ID I C A L S – W E E R L. Y. Trado Prico Trade Prico. Trado Prico. Trado Price. Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10' | Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! Irishman............... 14 Once a Week . . . . . . . . . . . 5 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 Engineering & Bldg.Times 7 || John Bull ..... * e º e º a e º e 20 | Pall Mall Budget . . . . . . . . 20 American Register..... . 14 || Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 Judy................... 6 || Pall Mall Gazette (file of Architect. . . . . . . ... . . . 12 | English Mechanic . . . . . . . 7 | Le Monde Illustré....... 14 six dates). . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Army and Navy Gazette 20 Era .................... 20 | Lancet .......... & º & © e º gº 18 Pictorial World. . . . . . . ... 10 Athenaeum ... . . . . . . . ... 10 | Examiner . . . . . . . ... .... 14 | Land and Water ....... . 20 | Public Opinion... . . . . . ... 10 Belfast News. . . . . tº s º e s e 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 || Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 | Publishers’ Circular (fort- Bell's Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Field.... . . . . . * e º e º e º e º & 20 | L'Illustration . . . . . 25 nightly). . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 Bow Bells ... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | Fun.... . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 5 || Liverpool Mercury .... 10 | Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 British Medical Journal. 20 Funny Folks.... ........ 5 || London Journal. ........ 5 | Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Bullionist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Garden. . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º ... 10 | London Reader. . . . . . . . ... 5 | Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 16 || London World . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Saturday Review. . . . . . . . 16 Building News.......... 12 || Gas-Light Journal ...... 20 | L'Univers Illustró....... 10 || Spectator. . . . . . . . . . . . .- 16 Chambers’ Journal. . . . . . 7 || @Glasgow Herald... . . . . . 6 || Manchester Times....... 10 || Sporting Gazette. . . . . . . . 10 Chemical News. . . . . . . . • 12 || Graphic ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mark Lano Express ... . . 23 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea Christian World........., 5 || Guardian .............. 20 | Mining Journal.... . . . . . . 20 C.) . . . . . . . . . . . # * e º e º º Church Review . . . . . . . ... 10 ! Illustrated NeWS. . . . . . . . 20 || Musical World .......... 18 Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Church Times . . . . . . ... 5 Illustrated Penny . . . . . . 5 | Nation (Dublin)......... 7 || Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . .8 Court Journal .......... 20 ! Illustrated Police News... 5 | Nature ...... tº a º e º & B e. e. . 10 The Times (last date).... 14 Dispatch ............... 5 Illustrated Sporting and News of the World. . . . . . 10 | The Mail (3 dates)...... 28 Economist . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 | Notes and Queries....... 12 || Weekly Register(Cath.)... 16 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Ilustrated London Clipper 5 Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 | Weekly Times . . . . . . . . . . 4 F O RE I Gº N P E R I O D I C A L S – INI O N T H L Y. Trade Price. Trade Price. . Trade Price. Trade Price. Argonaut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . Builder........ . . . . . . . . 54 Day of Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Gardener's Magazine. ... 36 Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Cassell's Shakespeare.... 25 | Dickens (...) • * * * * * * e 16 || Gardener (The)..... . . . . 20 All the Year Round (part) 36 Cassell's Gulliver....... 25 | Draper and Milliner...... 38 Gentleman’s Magazine... 38 All the World over . . . . . . 18 Castles and Abbeys..... 18 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 | Good Things...... tº º e º 'º e Annals of Natural Histºry 95 || Chambers’ Journal...... 25 | Dublin University Maga- Graphic (part)...... ... 1 00 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | Chatterbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Zino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 | Homoeopathic Review... 38 Argosy ................ 20 | Chess Player’s Chronicle 38 || Edinburgh Med. Journal. 76 || Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . ... 30 Athenaeum (part)....... 54 Children's Friend....... 2% English Woman’s Domes- Horological..... tº e º e e º tº . 20 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Children’s Prize. . . . . . . . 2% tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 || Human Nature . . . . . . . . . 20 Bankers’ Magazine . . . . . 57 | Child’s Companion......2% | Evangelical Christendom 20 Hunt's Yachting........ 38 Band of Hope Review... 2 | Christian Evidence Jour’l 8 || Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 || Infant's Magazine... .2% Baptist Messenger...... 3 || Christian Treasury...... 20 | Expositor......... * * * g e & 38 Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . 75 Belgravia. . . . . . . ........ 38 || Churchman's Companion 20 || Family Friend.......... 2% | Journal dos Modes. . . . . . . 50 Bookseller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | City Chess Magazine..... 20 Family Herald (parts)... 18 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Boys of England......... 18 || Clergyman’s Magazine... 38 Family Treasury........ 20 | Journal of Science (quar- Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Congregationalist....... 20 || Farmer's Magazine...... 76 terly) . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ tº Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Contemporary Review... 62 | Floral World............ 20 | Journal of Mental Science British Workman . . . . . . .2% | Cornhill Magazine..... ... 88 ÓFortnightly Review ... 45 (quarterly). . . . . . . . . . 1 33 British Workwoman.....2% | Cottager and Artisan....2% Fraser's Magazine...... 1 00 Kind Words ... .......' 10 * 368 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS? GUIDE. EF O FE E I G N PE RE 1 O D II C A. L S – MION TI HI L Y–CotiIAUed. Trade Price. Trade Price. " Medical Times (parts). . . 98 Ladies” Gazette Of Fashion 38 La Mode Illustré0 . . . . . . 1 00 | Milliner and.Dressmaker. 50 Lamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 20 | Month. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Ladies' Gazette Of MOn thy Microscopical Fashion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Ladies’ Treasury. . . . . . . . 30 Monthly Packet. .... .... 38 Leisure Hour. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mother's Friend......... 3 Linguist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Musical TimeS . . . . . A - G D B. Little Dressmaker. . . . . . . 20 | Nautical Magazine . . . . . . 38 Little Folks . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Naval Science (qtly) ... .1 00 L0Cal Preacher. . . . . . . . . . 10 | Notes and Queries (pts). 60 LOCal Preachers? Old and New LOndon . . . . 25 Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 | Once a Week (parts).... 20 London Journal (parts).. 22 Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 LOndOn Society . . . . . . . . . 38 | Our Own Fireside. . . . . . . 20 London & Paris Fashions. 38 McMillan’s Magazine - - . . 25 Penny Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Picture Gallery . . . . . . . Sunday Trade Price. Pharmaceutical Journal. 75 Portfolio (Art). . . . . . . . . . 75 Practical Magazine. . . . . 38 Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Punch (parts) . . . . . . . . . . 44 Quiver (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Science GOSsip. . . . . . . . . . 16 Scientific Review . . . . . . . 20 Shorthand Magazine ... ... 20 Spiritual Magazine. . . . . . 20 Spurgeon’s Pulpit. . . . . . . 20 St. James' Magazine. . . . . 38 Sugar Cane Magazine. . . . 38 es e a sº a G. s - sº es e es s sº a s .. 8 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . . 20 Sunday School Teacher . . 7 Trade Price, Sunday School Times . . . . 10 Sunday School World.... 18 2 geon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Temple Bar . . . . . . . . - - - - 38 Tinsley's Magazine. . . . . . 38 Truthseekor . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Union Review (bim'thly) 76 Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 38 Victoria Magazine...... . Villa Gardener. . . . . . . . . 20 Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . 23 World of Fashion. . . . . . . 35 Young Folks’ Budget.... 20 Young Ladies' Journal... 27 Young Men of Great Bri- Methodist Temperance Popular Science Review Sunday School Teacher's tain. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . (quarterly) ..- - - - - - - - 1 00 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Zoologist. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 88 G DE R MI A N - A MI E RE I CAN PU HE L IO A TI LION S. Trº Ret, K de Ret. FCB. Weekly. Trĺ Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . 8 4 Atlantische Blätter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W H S. B. d | H & S P . . . 4 6 Ä - - - - - - A B & S S - a - e . . . * * * * * - B B B * B º 5% 8 Beobachter am Hudson 3 4 Uns' ModerSprak. . . . . . . . . sº e . . . ed a & º Es Q B & B B & S & I e | s .. 3 5 sººº ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ G º E . s a s a ss es s e. Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Ä Populärer Erzählungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse 4 6 nk Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 19 | wj Ä der N Y. Jó Ä 4 6 FreischütZ s - S * * * * B d - sº es ſº º - sº s sº e sº º e E B ºd O P s - & S B 3% 5 Ä der § Y St. Äz it iſ B - s E s . . Wº e a & º B 4 6 Germania ; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland N. X . SLClaUS ZBlLULg . . . . . . . . . . . & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Helvetia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. . . . 6 10 Semi-MIonthly. Das Neue Heim . . . . . . . Sº d s s - A & B sº Hº Hº Hº B & B & O . 7 10 H F sº H - - - - - - - - - - sº s & - sº Familien-Schatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 New Yorker Belletristisches Journal .... ....... # # | deutschjGewerbéu industrie Zeitung. 6 8 Pionier. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . H & M & G s S G. 7 % 10 -- Schnedderedengg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hº Hº Hº Hº H & S B s H. 7 I0 Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . . . 3% 5 Sonntagsblatt des N. Y. Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. 4 «- Monthly. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 4 | Amerikanischer Agriculturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 IM IRPORTED GERRIA IAN MIA GAZZLINES AND PERIODICA PLS. " Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked †. First and last number gratis of those marked ††. Semi-Monthly. † Das Neue Blatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Alte und Neue Welt. . . . . . . Deutscher Häusschätz sº S Der Hausfreund. . . . . . B - Ed & B B Sf Illustrirte Welt . . . . . . . . . Bunte Welt. . - . . . . . . . . sº º W. - - - - - - - - - * s . . . o s d 13 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * 25 H F G - D & B & D d | d E & Ed O s & B 13 20 s e sº º B - ºb s • S * * * * O - a - * 14 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20 Monthly. † Gewerbehalle.... . . . . Kinderlaube. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1? 20 † Buch für Alle. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 15 † Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 † Daheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B & M & G D - s . . . D as º º B - e 10 15 Leipziger Gartenlaube.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 15 Neuzeit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - S . º G B B - sº - S . E D S. B. 9 15 † Ueber Land und Meer.... . . . . . . . . ... - - - - - - - - - -14 20 18 B. Year. - † Allgemeine Illustrirte Familien-Zeitung.... ..... 14 25 IMIDPORT DIE D GERRMIAN HBOOKS Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 eutschlands Kunstschätze. Published - in about 70 parts, at . . . . . . . & d B s - sº º S - - - - - - - - d H. º I - - sº d W G B 40 Bock, Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen, published in about 10 parts, ab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 35 Don Quixote von la Mancha, Illustrationen von G. Doré, published in about 50 partS, at. . . . . . . . . . . 23 35 Italien’s Kunstschätze, von Eckstein, published in abOut 75 parts, at . . . . . . . . Gº Gº a B - B & º s e s sº s G 8 s e s sº - es 28 45 Italien. Eine Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum AEtna, published in about 24 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . 60 85 H. Heine's sämmtliche Werke. Published in 54 arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - G D e sº * D s D wº es es e - a - e . 14 25 Schiller’s sämmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 25 Deutsche Rundschau 1 g - e n s s a s rº e | s - sº 64 85 † Der Welthandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . s - so es s s a d - s • • • es 20 JPUEBEL ISE IIED IN PARTNS. Köppen, Otto von Bismarck, published in about 16 PartS, ab . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - S O - O & H B W E d d S & D B. d. 20 Die Rheinfahrt, von den Quellen bis zum Meere. Reich illustrirtes Prachtwerk, published in about 24 Parts, ab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Shakespeare's sämmtliche Werke; Hallberger's Prachtausgabe. Published in 48 parts 13 O. Spamer’s Illustrirtes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Spindler's ausgewählte Romane, published in about 85 Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Stieler’s Hand-Atlas sämmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. NEW GE R NI AN PU H LICATION S. Imported- † Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 † Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 9 Hexe Von Olmütz, 30 part8 .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Orn, Stumme von Portici, 30 part8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brühl, Suleika die Perle des Harem, 30 parts..... 8 Lippert, Fra Diavolo, 30 parts. . . . . . H D d Ludwig, Feuerhannes, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Schmeling, Ein falscher Fürst und Jesuiten Zögling, 20 Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . 8 † Der Freischütz, 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 8 IDOmestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at. . . . . . . . . 6 Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. 40 parts, at... 7 Published in about 30 parts, at..40 35 20 60 . 12 . 12 10 10 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 369 $5 to $20 § day at home. Samples worth $1 free. TINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. $12 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. AMERICAN BOOK EXCEIANGE, 52 JOHN ST., New York, receive “dead stock” and good second- hand books, magazines, and reviews, and supply other or any new books or periodicals wanted. Call, or write. I,D BOOKS.—A. H. CLARK, Peekskill, N. Y., buys, sells, and exchanges new, second-hand, and shelf-worn school-books. books wanted and for sale, solicited. OOKSELLERS AND NEWSI) EALERS should bear in mind that with the opening of the Hunting and Trappin Season this month, there is a demand for HANEY's #º. AND TRAPPER'S ILLUS- TRATED PRACTICAL GUIDE, as it is the only low-priced book of its kind in the market, and is just what is wanted. Trade supplied by all News Companies. AIR PENTER2S Manual.—A practical guide to use of all tools and all operations of the trade, also drawing for carpenters, forms of contracts, specifi- cations, plans, &c., with plain instructions for beginners, and full glossary of terms used in trade. Illustrated, 50 ots., of booksellors, or by mail. JESSE HANEY & CO., 119 Nassau St., N. Y. PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, . The largest and best assortments are manufactured by E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 391 Broadway, New York. d * * . . . A w , . § - i. a * . - º . C . . . . Pº V: º Wºº - º 4. * . . . . . . . . º O.W.E. º º, ºsº * 5. w º * * * * * : * g º ºr . . - * : * > . * * - - -- * : * ºr sº FOR covering school. Bjöks&c. Every Dealer Should Have Them, NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. ! Applied in one second. Stronger than cloth. gº tº.” & -Ns C.C.W. The ECOnomic Advertisers | Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. HOLDEN'S Hº.º.º.º.º. Cheapest in the market. Agents wanted. . Samples sent by mail, on receipt of price, 75 cents. YNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. B00KS WANTED. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Saphia Brigham's Copy Slips. Published by Caleb Brigham, Boston, 1802. Clark's Copy Slips. Published in New York about 1820, Nath. T. Case's Complete System of Ornamental and Practical Penmanship. ublished by the author, :Delaware, O., 1857. Duff & Duncan's System of Rapid Business Penman- ship. , 8 Nos. Published by Wm. G. Johnston & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1858. Wanted, Nos. 1, 3, 7, and 8. Also oertain other old books on Writing, for which a Premium will be paid. A full list of those wanted will be sent to any one having such books to dispose of. Address as above. Correspondence, with lists of . vlü N EVERLASTING..—A mammoth collection of the best comic stories, jokes, witticisms, funny poetry, burlesques, &c., with over 100 humorous pic- tures. Only 15 cts. CAFTER’S PATENT SUSPENSION RING, for Show Cards, Photo- graphs, etc. Self-gauging, self-perforating, and self- locking. They require no tool to punch the cards. The STRONGEST, BEST, and CHEAPEST suspension rings ever invented. Put up in boxes of 1,000 each. PERICE LIST. IXiscount. Per 1,000-------------------- $2.00 On 10,000 or over - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00 10 per ct. On 25,000 or over. - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00 20 per ct. On 50,000 or over - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00 25 per ct. For sale by all stationers and by The American Wews Company, NEW YORK. JOSEPH G|LLOTT'S CEI, EJBRATED STEEL PENS. So/d by al/ Deaſers throughout the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, —º- 91 John Street, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. 37 o THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. R. WORTHINGTON & CO., 7O6 Broadway, New York, IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH BOOKS BOOK FAIR. NOTICE.-Messrs. R. WoRTHINGTON & Co. beg to notify their customers and the trade in general that they will be represented at the coming Book Fair by a full line of Stock in every NIEW E3 OOES, &c. style of binding. Retail price. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, 2d Sup- plement --------------------------- $15 00 Drummond's Large Game of Africa. -- - - 7 50 Life and Letters of Lord Minto. 3 vols. 12 00 Greville Memoirs. 3 vols------------- 12 00 Proctor's Transits of Venus - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Chambers' Encyclopedia. 10 vols------ 33 00 Ben Jonson’s Works. 9 vols. -- - - - - - - - 36 00 Taine's English Literature. 4 vols- - - - - 10 00 Cox's Persian War. Post 8vo. ... - - - - - - 1 50 Dickens' Works. Dickens' Edition (in- cluding Edwin Drood). 15 vols - - - - - 22 50 Dyce's Shakespeare. 9 vols., per vol - - - 3 00 Knight's History of England. 8 vols. -- 22 50 Lubke's History of Art. 2 vols-- - - - - - - 17 00 Lubke's History of Sculpture. 2 vols... 17 00 Lacroix. Military Life. -------------. 12 00 Lacroix. Manners and Customs. -----. 12 00 Lacroix. Arts of the Middle Ages. . . . . . 12 00 Blackie on Self-Culture. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 00 Schiller's Works. 6 vols. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 75 Goethe's Works. 7 vols. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 00 Wey’s Rome. Folio -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 00 Molesworth's History of England. 3 Vols------------------------------- 600 Sydney Smith's Works. 3 vols. - - - - - - - 4 50 Hood's Own. 2 vols. in 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 25 Byron's Life and Works. 2 vols. -----. 7 50 Balzac's Droll Stories------...--------- 4 50 History of Advertising----...----..... 3 00 Retail price. AEsop's Fables. 24 colored plates.----- $2 50 All About Hard Words - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 00 Beeton's Dictionary of Biography ... ---. 3 00 Boccaccio's Decameron - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. -- - - - - - - - - 1 40 Business: A Practical Essay - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Carleton's Traits and Stories- - - - - - - - - - - 2 50 College Atlas. 36 colored maps - - - - - - - - 2 50 Cope's Natural History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 Eastjake's Household Hints - - - - - - - - - - - 5 00 Freemasonry. Ritual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 25 Freemasonry. Fellowe's Mysteries - - - - 1 25 Freemasonry. Carlile's Manual - - - - - - 1 25 Gay's Fables. Crown 8vo - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 Greenwood's Wilds of London. - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Gulliver's Travels. 8vo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 Hall's Irish Sketches. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Josephus. Excelsior Edition - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 Keble's Christian Year. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 25 Lamb's Complete Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Lamb’s Elia and Eliana- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 00 Lemprière's Classical Dictionary - - - - - - - 2 00 Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lex- icon------------------------------ 3 00 Liddell and Scott. Unabridged 4to - - - - 13 50 Curwen's History of Booksellers- - - - 3 00 Rabelais' Works. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Walton and Cotton's Angler - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Thackeray's Works. 12 vols., gilt top. 24 00 History of Palestine (Tillotson). 8vo. 3 00 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 371 -axtraoroar or rite sººncºnian strºl. Pºst, BiºMinGuam, amº. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Poms are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which ONE NUMBER along has an annual sale of more than G. C. C. Cº., C C Co. - The Spencerian Pens are manufactured of the very best material, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fiteen Numbers of Pens, differing in flºxibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No. 1. college Pen, Poist Fiss Action Pºrrºr. This º a eat fººte with our leading penmen, is largely used in the §. and commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- lio Per cross, $1.4 No. 3 counting-House Pen. Poist Fisk aso Flexinus, well adapted to the use of correspondents and Accountants. Per gross slº. No. 3 commercial Pen. Poist Mºdium. Business Pen. Per gross. 81.25. - No. 4 Ladies' ºr tra Pen, Point Extra Fine and Fºxtºur. For Leicate, Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. Per gross. *1-4) No. 5. School Pen. Poist Fisk, Mºbium is Fºxtuitity. For a durable school Pen it has never been equaled. Per gross, ºl-40. No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Poist Long, Fukximir axº Mºnium is Frºss. For off-hand Flourishing. An Easy Writing Per gross, $1.25 No. 7 guiil Pen. Poist Mºorºº, Qūtº Acties. Alºmooth, Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per gross $150. No. 3 congress Pen (New) Mºdium Furºxºnix Point. A very superior º for all styles of writing This Pen undergoes a prº- * cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, sl.40. no. g. bank Pen, Poist Long and Pixxiºur. with accountants. Tellers, &c. Per gross. 51-40. | No. 10, custom-house pen. Point Mºntext. Well adapted to all styles of Bold, Free-hand writing. Per gross, ºlºbo. No. ii. University Pen: , Poisºr Mrogº, vººr Sºtº ºt Fºxmº. The ºction of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per A great favorite des-ºl-50, No. 73, Epistolatre Pen. Porst writy Fisk Ast vºy. Fº This ºne finest pointed pen made, and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Pergross, -5- No. 13 fingrossing pen. Post Blunt and smooth. Particu- larly *** -- º writing and Engrossing. Per gross, 1-5. o, 14. Artistic Fen, Flexner with Extra Fisk Poist. This n º º truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. 15. The Queen. Poºr Extra Fisk. Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, 81.50. SPECIAL RATES To THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- 66ipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 188 & 140 Grand street, N. Y. JUST ISSUED BY THE Presbyterian Board ºf Publication, 1334 Chestnut sº Philadelphia. THE REWISED EDITION or THE isiſ fit Pºlſlåſſiſtſ IN THE UNITED STATES. By the Rev. E. H. G/LLETT, D.D., Author of “Life and Times of John Huss,” “God in Human Thought,” “Ancient Cities and Em- pires,” “Life Lessons,” &c., &c. Two Vols. Each 600 pages. Price, $5.00. On its first appearance this History was recognized by all branches of the Presbyterian family as a work of eminent truthfulness and merit, and received the warm commendation of their scholars and periodicals. So far as the statements of facts are concerned, very little change was required in the Revised Edition; but what before was asserted without qualification, as to the relation and action of the two parties in times of controversy and division, has been so modified that the party by whom such assertion was regarded as histori- cally true or just, is alone made responsible for it. other words, the historian has allowed each party to speak for itself, representing its own views, while the . reader is left at liberty to draw his own conclusions. Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent. PRICE, Twº NTY-FIPE CENTs. NEWSPAPER ADWERTISING, NINETY.EIGHTE EDITION, Containing a complete list of all the towns in the Uni ted States, the Territories, and the Dominion of Canada, having a population greater than 5,000 according to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers º the largest local sirculation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue of newspapers which are re- commended to advertisers as giving greatest value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in the United States and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural, Scien- tific, and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Edu- cational, Commercial, Insurance, Real Estate, Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other special class jour- mals; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 300 German papers printed in the United States. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various news- º and everything which a beginner in advertising would like to know, Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., - 41 Park Row, New York. 372 THE AMERICAN BooksellERS cuſbE. NEW POPULAR NOVELS BY THE BEST AUTHORS. MAUD OR NINA–Like Cures Like. By G. J. WHYTE-MELVILLE, author of “Katerfelto,” “Holmby House,” “Digby Grand,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. A WOMAN'S RANSOM. By F. W. RoBINson, author of “Slaves of the Ring,” “Little Kate Kirby,” “For Her Sake,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. COUNTERPARTS. By the author of “Charles Auchester” and “Rumor.” 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c, WOMAN'S LOVE; or, Like and Unlike. By J. F. SMITH, author of “Lady Ashleigh,” “Marion Burnard,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. * sº ) , pap CHARLES AUCHESTER. By the author of “Rumor" and “Counter- parts.” 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. STRETTON. By HENRY KINGSLEy, author of “Ravenshoe,” “Geoffrey Hamlyn,” “Hetty,” etc. With illustrations. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. JETTATRICE. From the French of Madame AUGUSTUS CRAVEN, author of “Fleurange,” “A Sister's Story,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. OPEN SESAME. By FLORENCE MARRYAT, author of “Love's Conflict,” “Prey of the Gods,” “Her Lord and Master.” With illustrations. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. MISS ROVEL. From the French of Victor CHERBULIEZ, author of the “Ro- mance of an Honest Woman,” etc. Translated by FRANCES A. SHAW. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 50c. TOO MUCH ALONE. By Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL, author of “A Life's Assize,” - “Phemie Keller,” “George Geith,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c, RUMOR. By the author of “Counterparts,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. DEEP WATERS. By ANNA. H. DRURY, author of “Misrepresentation,” etc. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. A TANGLED SKEIN. By ALBANY FONBLANQUE, JR. 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 7; c. e CHECKMATE. By J. S. LE FANU, author of “A Lost Name,” “Tenants of Malory,” etc. 8vo, paper, 75c. SLAVES OF THE RING. By F. W. Robinson, author of “Second Cousin Sarah,” “Little Kate Kirby,” “For Her Sake,” “Poor Humanity,” “Her Face was Her Fortune,” “True to Herself,” etc, 1 vol. 8vo, paper, 75c. ELENA: An Italian Tale. 1 Vol. 16mo, paper, 75c. “A thorough love-story.”—Advertiser. “A very pleasing and touching story. It is sure to be read.”—London Daily News, ATHERSTONE PRIORY. By L. N. COMYN, author of “Elena.” 1 vol. 16mo, paper, 75c. The above Published in cloth at $ 1.25. FOR SALE AT ALL THE BOOKSTORES AND NEWS DE POTS, HSTES & LAURIAT, Publishers, 301 WASHINGTON STREET (opp. Old South), B0STON, MASS, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 373 NEWSDEALERs and B00KSELLERs Can increase their profits very materially by adding to their stock, at a SMALL COST, a line of Photographs GELEBRATED MEN and WOMEN, Send for CATALOGUE with WHOLESALE PRICEs, which will be sent FREE to any address by AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH CO., BROOKLYN, N. Y. “GENTENNIAL MEDAL CHARM." BOUQUET HOLDER AND LADY’s BROOCH. Gold Plated Sample by Mail, 25c. supplied on liberal terms. Address H. DE SILVER & CO., 1229 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dealers — O— ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAIR FREE. Jſ UST IPTIBILISI H IIED. == - 1-, - Including Suggestions for Practice at Long Range, with Special Directions for the Forma- tion and Management of Rifle Associations and for Team Shooting. BY COLONEL GEORGE W. WINGATE, General Inspector of Rifle Practice, N. G. S. N. Y. - Fifth Edition, entirely Rewritten, and Printed from New Stereotype Plates. Illustrated with thirty-five woodcuts. This work is the standard authority on Rifle Practice, and has been adopted by the State of New York and the National Rifle Association as the authorized text-book on this subject. Price, $1.50. Sent by mail, postage aid, on receipt of the rice. Order through your bookseller, or address the publishers direct. W. C. & F. P. CHURCH, Publishers, ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL, 23 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. CHARLES W. HOLBR00K'S G-T ICEES, AWD A// K/WDS OF SCHOOL APPARATUS, LARGE DISCOUNTS TO WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN THE BOOK AND STATIONEERY TERADE. Especial biscounts to school Turnishers. Orders promptly filled at my factory, Windsor Locks, Ct. All goods warranted. Send for Circular. CHAS. W. HOLBROOK. 374 THE AMERICAN Booksellers Guide. - THE “Boys of NEW YORK.” AW IMMENSE SUCCESS/ - THE BOYS OF NEw Yoré is the title of a paper recently started, and which has already become the leading “ Boy's" Journal in many parts of the Union. The contents of the BOYS OF NEw York are of a highly diversified and interesting character, comprising extremely lively Stories and Sketches, Articles and Illustrations on Gymnastics, Sports, and Pastimes of all descrip- tions, New Songs, Puzzles, Conundrums, Wit and Humor, Answers to Correspondents, &c., &c. The Boys of NEw York is issued every Saturday at 9 o'clock, and we specially request the trade to keep a good supply on hand, and also back numbers. THE BOYS OF NEW YORK - Sells at 5 cents per copy. * TIEEITHE “NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER." This Favorite Paper for families is so well known throughout the American continent, that it would be superfluous for us to say more than that the general contents, including - Serials, Editorials, Poetry, Sensational Iterms, Jokes, Answers to Correspondents, are of the highest class, just suitable for the humblest as well as the most refined household in the land. As the NEw York FAMILY STORY PAPER is returnable, dealers will risk nothing by keeping a good stock on hand for their customers, THE NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER Retails at 6 cents per copy. NORMAN L MNR) & t), Misius, 28 and 30 BEERMAN STREET, NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 375 # , , . ºf EF - ; : 3 * 43. - * ~ * = : cººt: - - *: ; ::::::: : G + ' ' ' - - - --> Hº - - - ~ - : g # 7. ; : £ 3, = # 's 3 * : * ~ * - É 4 : * 2 # 5 - - º: % ºf . , c - º : 2 : 3 º , - Ž - - # --, 3- > --> *::::: ----- --- -> --> FOYE'S INVOICE FILE AND BINDER Is the most elegant, compact, convenient and useful folio or file for permanent keeping of Letters, Invoices, Bills, Music, Illustrate Papers, &c., &c. It action is sº simple that papers inserted are instantly bound in perfect order, and can be withdrawn and replaced by simply pressin fightly on the cover as shown º cut. They are best adapted fºr Government Offices, Banking, Insurance, Rail Road and Mºſs Corporations and Mercantile Hºuses: for Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen, Editors and private correspondence. Each File is furnished with one Index, awl and cºvers for binding. Sample sent by Expresson receipt of price. - THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., sole Agents. THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY, Wholesale Dealers in all Articles which form the News Dealers', Booksellers', and Stationery Stock, we REEP ALWAYS ON HAND FULL LINE OF Plliºſiſ] [f NEW Y|| BI|| || Philliºl||lid E-L C U S E S, AS STUN AS ISSUED, AND AT PUBLISHERS. LOWEST RATES We have always on hand a large stock of Stationery Goods, includin NE all the Standard Articles, both Foreign and Domestic, and all styles an FºE cheap varieties sold in the trade, including Paper, Pens, Ink, Pen- º-Hº- Holders, Pencils, Diaries, Blank Books, Pass Books, Memorandums, º || || ||E Alphabet Blocks, Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Copy Books, Play- Rºsº ing Cards, Games, Building Blocks, Toy Books, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, &c., &c. Also, a full line of t - =|| - - |- School Books and School Stationery. º | Dealers save nothing by ordering or buying in the East. Country Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call when in the city. - Trade List, containing List of Newspapers, Magazines, &c., and other information of value to dealers, sent free by mail on application. All communications to be addressed to THE PITTSBURGH BOOK AND NEWS COMPANY., No. 163 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ſiſ | | || || ||AL LEA PITTSBUR 376 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERG’ GUIDE. SFECIALTIES 'Pºp / Is HZD As Yº ZZOWA. Ze D / OCATWO OD. THE AMERICAN STATIONER ESTAIBILISHED 1873. This Journal is a mediurn of information for and a representative of the interests of every one connected with the Stationery and Fancy Goods trades. - SEMI-JMOWTHLY, $2.00 PER AWWU.M. POSTAGE PREPAID. THE PAPER TRADE JOURNAL IESTAIBT,ISIEEED 1872. “The best paper (devoted to the trade) in the English language.”—LONDON BOOKSELLER. THE JOURNAL is the organ of the American Paper Trade, and contains the latest information about this industry in all parts of the United States and Foreign countries. - SEMI-JMO.WTHLY, $2.50 PER AWW’U.M. POSTAGE PREPAID. THE STATIONER'S PRICE-BOOK. TEIE ONLY WORK OF THE KIND PUBLISHEi). THE STATIONER's PRICE-BOOK contains a full price-list of all goods in the Stationery line, arranged alphabetically, and running through the book, occupying the left-hand pages; the right- hand pages being left blank, with proper rules and spaces opposite each item for memoranda. The Price-Book is printed on fine writing paper, and bound in morocco, with flap. When closed it measures 3% by 7+ inches, being a convenient size for carrying in the pocket. - A very complete index, in which every item is carefully classified, enables one to turn to any article kept by Stationers at once. The Price-Book is compiled by one of the most thorough station- ers in the country, and the trade, wholesale and retail, and commercial travelers, will find it an invaluable assistant in their business. PRICE, $2.50. LOCKWOODS DIRECTORY Contains a full list of paper-mills in the United States and Canada, and a business directory of dealers, publishers, and wholesale stationers in the leading cities. PRICE, $5.00 I.W. CLOTH. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE STATIONERY AND BOOK TRADES. HOWARD LOCKWOOD, Publisher, No. 74 DJANE ST., NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 377 JENNY JUNE's AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A NEW AND HANDSOME BINDING. r! This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. - It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. ALSO A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, { Bound in Cloth, with Black and Gold Side Stannps. PERICE, s 1.5C). THE AMERICAN NIEWS COME ANY., INT IED TVVT TY O TER, IP3 - The New York Bank Bººk (Ompany, 24. Eeels rºmarn street, NEW YORK, . Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, Half-Bound Blanks, Writing Books, Full-Bound Blanks, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Memorandum Books, - Scrap Books, etc., etC., etc., - etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application. Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. 378 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. JUVENILES FOR THE FALL TRADE. Chatterbox. 4to, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover. 1875. -----------...----. $1 50 Chatterbox, 4to, cloth, full gilt side and back...-----------------------------------. 2 50 Little Folks. 4to, 416 pp. boards, handsome colored cover---------------------------1 50 Little Folks. 4to, 416 pp., cloth, full gilt side and back -----------------------------. 2 50 Sunday Reading. 4to, boards, handsome colored cover----------------------------- 1 50 Sunday Reading. 4to, cloth, full gilt side and back................................2 50 The Children’s Prize. (New volume.) Handsome board cover - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---. O 75 The Little Folks' Picture Gallery. 8vo, full gilt sides and edges............... 2 50 The Pilgrim’s Progress, with Notes. Illustrated. -------------------------------- 1 OO The Pilgrim’s Progress and Holy War. Illustrated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. 1 75 Three Hundred Bible Stories. 12mo. Over 300 illustrations. --...----. - - - - - - - - -. 1 75 Songs and Hymns for the Little Ones. Handsome illustrated cover, filled with pictures-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 00 The Boy Joiner and Model Maker. 4to ---. . . . . ---...----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 50 The Little Wide-Awake. (New volume). Boards. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 25 The Nursery. (New volume). Boards --------------------------------------------- 1 25 Sunshine and Baby-Land. Some size as “Nursery" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº sº º - - 1 25 Pussy Tip-Toes Family. 4to, gilt edge and sides. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 25 Frisk and His Flock, 4to, gilt edge and sides------------------------------------2 25 Beeton’s Pictorial Speller. 430 illustrations... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O 50 The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe. By Amanda M. Douglas. 12mo, cloth..1 50 Sowed by the Wind. By Kellogg. 16mo, cloth---------------------------------. 1 25 We keep constant/y on hand, and se// at ſo West rates, fu////nes of the pub//cations of AENRY A. YOUNG & CO., * GEO. ROUTZEDGAE & SOAVS, - Aoston. AVezy York. CONGREGA TYOMAZ AUB. SOC., AOAAERT CAATER & BRO., Aoston. AVezy York. Z). ZOTHROP & CO., CASSEZZ PAETTER & GAZA/AW, Aoston. AVezy York. A. F. GRA VAES, POZ)Z) & MEAD, Boston. AVezy York. AENRY A/O V7, THOMAS NEZSOAV & SONS, Boston. AVew York. A.A.A. & SHAEPARA), AORTER & COATES, Aoston. A hiladelphia, Pa. ŞAMES MILLER, 5. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., AVezy York. Ahiladelphia, Pa. McLOUGHZZN BROTHERS, AVew York. And, in fact, 3////nes of Juven//es, 06// and see our Stock and Prices, © THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NIEW YORIEC. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 379 IDIC EQ "S ENGLISH NOVELS. An illustrated series of Original Novels, by the most popular authors. The largest, handsomest, and best paper novels published for the price. OCTAVO, FULLY /LLUSTRATED, W/TH /LLUM/WATED COVERS, No. 1 For a Woman’s Sake. By Watts Phil- lips. 17 illustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 2 Against Tide. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations---------------------- 300 3 Hush Money. By Charles H. Ross. 16 illustrations---------------------- 300 4 Talbot Harland. W. Harrison Ains- worth. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 5 Will She Have Him 7 Austyn Graham. 10 illustrations ------------------- 300 6 Heiress of the Mount. By Sara Dunn. 9 illustrations-------------------- 300 7 Counterfeit Coin. Miriam Ross. 10 illustrations---------------------- 300 8 Entrances and Exits. By E. Winstan- ley. 27 illustrations-------------. 300 Double size. Price- - - - - - - - - - - - - 600 9 Ingaretha. By M. E. O. Malen. 13 illustrations --------------------- 300 10 Tower Hill. By W. Harrison Ains- worth. 12 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - 300 11 The Rose and Shamrock. By Mrs. Crow. 11 illustrations------------ 300 12 The South Sea Bubble. By W. Har- rison Ainsworth. 19 illustrations... 300 13 Nobody’s Fortune. By Edward Yates. 24 illustrations. Double size. Price. - 600 14 Twenty Straws. By E. Winstanley. 13 illustrations.------------------ 300 15 Lord Lisle’s Daughter. By C. M. Braeme. 8 illustrations. -- - - - - - - - - 306 16 After Many Years. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations-------------------80C 17 Rachel, the Miser's Daughter. By M. E. O. Malen. 8 illustrations. . .30C 18 What is to be, will be. By E. Win- stanley. 17 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - 300 19 John Trewlyn's Revenge. By E. Phil- lips. 13 illustrations------------- 300 20 Bound by a Spell. By H. Reback. 10 illustrations---------------------- 300 21 The Yellow Diamond. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustrations-------------------- 30C 22 The Younger Son. By H. W. Palmer. 14 illustrations------------------- 300 23 Driven from Home. By Erskine Boyd. 14 illustrations------------------- 30C 24 Naomi, the Gipsey Girl. By M. E O. Malen. 11 illustrations-- - - - - - - - 300 25 Swept and Garnished. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. -----. 300 26 Jennie Gray; or, A Woman's Wen- geance. 8 illustrations ----------- 30C 27 Lestelle. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustra- tions---------------------------- 30C 28 Tracked. By H. Rebak. 12 illustra- tions --------------------------- 30C 29 Carynthia. A Legend of Black Rock. By Eliza Winstanley. 10 illustrations, 30c 30 The Wiolet and the Rose. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations... - - - - -30c. 31 The Cost of a Secret. By Mrs. Crow. 9 illustrations-------------------- 30C 32 Terrible Tales. By George Augustus Sala. 10 illustrations -----------. 300 33 Doomed. By H. Rebak. 11 illustra- tions---------------------------- 300 34 The White Lady. A Romance. By M. E. O. Malen. 10 illustrations - - - - -30c 35 Link Your Chain. A Novel. By A. W. Thompson. 12 illustrations - - - - 30c 36 Two Pearls. A Novel. By Mrs. Crow. 10 illustrations--------------- - - - -300 37 The Young Cavalier; or, The Days of Cromwell. An Historical Romance. By H. Rebak. 15 illustrations - - - - - - - - 306 3S The Shadow Hand. A Novel. By M. E. O. Malen. 11 illustrations. ---. 30C THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade. 38o - THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS GUIDE. • READY october 1st. TE/W THOUSA/WD GOP/ES ORDERED //W ADVA/VOE OF PUBL/CAT/OW, The New Book by the Author of “Little Women.” EIGHT COUSINS; OR, THE AUNTHILL. IEBy T = OTUTSA TV L- ALIC a CO'Tºº". With Numerous Illustrations by Addie Ledyard and Sol Eytinge. Price, $1.50. . The eyer popular author of “LITTLE WOMEN” comes again before the public with a new book, one of those felicitous family histories for which she is so famous, and in which girls, boys, and their parents take equal delight. Her previous books, of a similar character, are: LITTLE WOMEN, LITTLE MEN, - AN OT, D-FASHIO NED G-IRI 1. More than 200,000 of these have been sold in the United States, and their readers may be counted by MILLIONs. “EIGHT COUSINS” matches these books in style and size. Also, SAME DAY, MADAME RECAMIER AND HER FRIENDS From the French Of Madame Lenormant, by the Translator of “Memoirs and Correspond- ence of Madame Recamier.” 16mo, $1.50. Madame Lenormant's previous volume, of which many thousand copies have been sold, contained the Memoirs of Madame Récamier, and the correspondence of her friends. The present volume is the complement of the first, and contains her Friendships and her Private Correspondence. * MESSRs. ROBERTS BROTHERS invite the attention of the trade to the following new books to be issued by them during October : THE SHIP IN THE DESERT. CARTOONS: A Poem. By Joaquin Miller. Uniform with “Songs of the Sierras.” One volume, 16mo, cloth. A Volume of Poems. By Margaret J. Preston. Price, $1.50. 16mo. Price, $1.50. NINE LITTLE GOSLINGS. SIX TO SIXTEEN. By Susan Coolidge. With ten illustrations by J. A Girl's Book. By Juliana, Horatia . Ewing, A. Mitchell. One volume, square 16mo. Uniform author of “The Brownies.” With ten illustrations. with “The New Year's Bargain,” “What Katy One volume, 16mo. Price, $1.50. Did,” “What Katy Did at School,” “Mischief's Thanksgiving.” Price $1.50. MICE AT PL AY . “When the Cat's A Way, the Mice Will Play.” J O LLY GO O D TIM ES ; O R * CH I LD sº i. º jºi. ºeil º wiń LIFE ON A FARM. By P. Thorne. With illustra- eighteen illustrations by Sol Eytinge. Square 12mo. tions by Addie Ledyard. Price, $1.50. Price, $2. - These four Juveniles may be ordered with great confidence. They are destined to be very popular. ON NOVEM BER 1st, {} OUR HOL/DAY PRESEWTATION BOOK, THE SHEPHERD LADY, AND OTHER POEMS, E y J. E. A. INT IINT G-E: I - C VV - Superbly Illustrated with Designs by Arthur Hughes, Mary A. Hallock, F.O. C. Darley, Sol Eytinge, J. A. Mitchell, and others. One Elegant Royal 8VO Vol- unne, Uniform with º Songs of Seven.” Price, $4.50. tº The Poems in this volwome are not included in any collection of Miss Ingelow's poems. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, BOSTON. THE AMER/CAAW BOOKSZZZZA'S GUIDAE. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY (7%is space is filled by the Dealer’s Imprint, or left blank, as the Dealer may order.) NOVEMBER, 1875. ośr. We would call the attention of Booksellers to OUR BOOK CIRCULAR, Which we offer to the 77ade, with or without the dealer’s exclusive imprint, at the following rates : For 3OO copies, or n ore, with Innprint, $1.OO per hundred. For 400 copies, with Inn print, - - sº 4.5 O For 3OO copies, with Inprint, - - - - 3.5 O For 23O copies, with Inn print, - * - 3.OO For less than 25O copies, vvithout Innprint, 1.OO per laundred. No Irn print is put on less than 25O copies. OUR BOOK CIRCULAR is issued on the first of each month. It contains descriptive titles and the prices of all books published in the United States during the previous month, and of all to be published during the current month , also items of Žnterest to book-buyers. - At comprises eight pages, printed on light paper, so as to be conveniently mailed 4. ared is the BEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK CIRCULAR PUBLISHED. As an advertising medium, the Circulars are unsurpassed, and all who have used them speak very highly of the benefits to be derived from their judicious circulation. Order in time for the next issue, and state whether you want them for a single month or 2/7//i/ further orders. Address THE AMERICAN WEWS compaw), Wew York. 7TH/A2 AMEA2/CAAV A OOA SAE ZZAZACS” G UZZXA2. * (HEMPEST 800X HOUSE IN THE WORLD, T. B. PETERson & BRos. Publishers, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. TO EVERY BOOKSELLER AND NEWS AGENT EVERYWHERE. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., would call the attention of their Customers and every Bookseller, News Agent, and Book Buyer, as well as of the entire Book Trade everywhere, to the fact that they are now publish- ing a large number of cloth and paper covered Books in very attractive style, including a series of 25 cent, 50 cent, 75 cent, and $1 Novels, in new style covers, making them large books for the money, and bringing them before the Read- ing Public by liberal advertising. They are new books, and are cheap editions of the most pºpular and most salable books Fº are written by the best English and American authors, and are presented in an attractive style, printed from legible type, on good paper, especially adapted for all who love to read good books, and for all Gene- ral Reading, Hotel Stands, and Railroad, Sales, and are furnished by us to all Booksellers and News Agents at such a low price that they pay the seller a large profit, and will meet with a ready sale wherever they are properly introduced. They are, in fact, the most popular series of works of fiction ever published, retailing at 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1, $1.50, $1.75, and $2 each, and comprising the writings of the §. and most popular authors in the world, all of which will be sold by us to the trade at very low prices. New books are issued by us every week, gomprising the best and most entertaining works published, suitable for the Parlor, Library, Sitting-Room, Railroad or Steamboat reading, by the most popular writers in the World. Any bookseller wanting any books at all, from a single book to a dozen, a hundred, thousand, or larger quantity of books, had better send for a copy of our Illustrated Catalogue at once, look carefully over it, marking what they want, and then send on the order at once to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia, Pa., to fill, who publish over One Thousand Books, and have the largest and most salable list of books to select from in the country, Enclose a draft for ten, twenty, fifty, or one hundred dollars, or more, to us in a letter, and write for What books you wish, and on receipt of the money, or a satisfactory reference, they will be packed and sent to you at once, in any way you may direct, with circulars, show-bills, etc., to post up. - ſº We want every Bookseller, and every News Agent, everywhere, to sell our books, and to keep, an assortment of them on hand, and we want them also to examine our Wholesale Price List below, and to send at once for a copy of our Catalogue, which contains a list of all books published by us, all or any of which Will be sold to everybody in the Book Trade, to Booksellers, or to News Agents, at the low prices named on Our Whole- sale Price List below. There are no books published you can sell as many of, or make as much money on, as Peter- sons'. Send us on a trial order. All orders, large or small, will be filled and sent the day the order is received, and small orders will always receive the same promptness and care as large orders. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS' SPECIAL BOOK SALE PRICE LIST. T. B. Peterson & Brothers beg to announce to the Book Trade that they never contribute to any Trade Sale, but will give to all Booksellers and News Agents, every: where, the benefit of the Auctioneer's Commission, and all other charges, by selling Special Bills of their Books at the following special rates of discount from their No. ONE Wholesale Price List, in next column. On our No. ONE Wholesale Price List, the wholesale price of our Cloth Books will be found to be 40 per cent. off from the Retail Price; Sheep Books, 33% off; Half Calf Books, 30 off; Charles Dickens's Works, in paper cover, 50 per cent. off; and our Paper Cover Books, generally, will be found to be at Half Price. Now is the time to lay in a stock of Peterson's Popular and Fast-Selling Books, at these large and extra discounts. EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS, All Orders of $50 at wholesale prices, at one time, will º º at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, Wet Cash. All Orders of $100 at wholesale prices, at One time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 5 per cent. off for Cash. All Orders of $300 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 7 per cent. off for Cash. All Orders of $500 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 10 per cent. off for Cash. All Orders of $1000 at wholesale prices, at one time, will be charged at prices on our No. 1 Wholesale Price List, and an additional 12% per cent. off for Cash. No. 1 WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. 75 Cent Books, in Brown and Buff Covers, 37% Cents each, met. 50 Cent Books, in Brown and Buff Covers, 25 Cents each, net. 25 Cent Books, in Brown and Buff Covers, 12 Cents each, net. 25 Cent Books, Sir Walter Scott's “Wavelley Noyels,” a New Cheap Edition for the Million in Buff Paper Covers, 12 Cents each, net. 38 Cent Books, in Brown or Buff Covers, - 20 Cents each, net. 75 Cent Books, “Military Novels,” such as Lever's, Dumas's, etc., in Illuminated Covers, in Colors. 42 Cents each, met. 75 Cent Books, “ Humorous American Library,” in Illuminated Covers, in Colors, with illustrations, 42 ('ents each, net. Charles Dickens's Works, a New Cheap Edition for the Million, in Buff Paper Covers, e * 50 per cent. off from Retail Price. $1.50 Books, Brown and Buff Covers, octavo, 90 Cents each, met. $1.00 Books, Buff and Brown Covers, octavo, 60 Cents each, net. Books bound in Cloth, and 12mo, Paper JBooks, ge 40 per cent. off from Retail Price. Books bound in Sheep, Law Library Style, # 4- 33% per cent. off from Retail Price. Books bound in Half Calf, e * 30 per cent. off from Retail Price. Tº The above extra and special rates of discount will be allowed and given on all special orders received from all Booksellers and News Agents everywhere. So all persons wishing to purchase a special bill of our books at these large and extra rates of diséount, had better make up an order at once, and send it per first mail to be filled, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. ſº We want every Bookseller, and every News Agent, everywhere, to send at once to us for one of our New IIIustrated Catalogues and Wholesale Price Lists. - . \ \ K & & i * ; § º 5 TELE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. The American Booksellers' Guide, a monthly trade newspaper; will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy sent on *...* All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Book MARKET NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 1875. The past month has not been a hopeful one for the book trade. Orders have been light, and there has been almost an entire absence of the evidences of stocking up which are usually seen at this season. The absence of large orders in the early part of the month was ac- counted for by many by the coming Book Fair; but the Fair has been held, and the sales were far from satisfactory. Very few buyers took the trouble to attend, and they bought no heavy bills. The lack of business at the Fair is held by some to be an indication of a dull holiday season, but we do not so regard it. The busy season will come late, and will prob- ably be a short one, but it is sure to come. It came last year and the year before, in spite of the gloomy forebodings, and those who are prepared for it will do a good business this year. But there is no disposition on the part of the trade to stock up in anticipation of the demand, and they will delay buying as long as possible. This course may be a wise one, pro- viding the delay is not too long. To secure a share of the trade, it is necessary to have the goods and to display them. Hurd & Houghton announce for immediate publication two important additions to our historical lore: The German Element in the War of American Independence, by George Wash- ington Greene, in which the part taken by the Germans employed by the British is fully set forth ; and The Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife, with a memoir of the latter, by Charles Francis Adams. Mrs. Adams's letters possess an historical value, and several editions have been published before, but not with the Corresponding letters of her husband, which add much to their interest. Besides these we are to have from Hurd & Houghton A Glimpse at the Art of Japan, by James Jackson Jarves, to be illustrated with fac-similes from Japan- ese designs; and Winter Sunshine, by John Burroughs, who writes charmingly of out-of- door life. Harper & Brothers have published Healey, an English novel; a treatise on The Might and Mirth of Literature, by John Walker Vilant Mac- beth ; a literal translation of Plato's Dialogues; and the poems of Oliver Goldsmith, “The Traveler,” “The Deserted Village,” and “The Retaliation,” edited with rare ability with original and selected notes, by William Rolfe, who has edited some of Shakspeare's plays so admirably. The volume is finely illustrated and contains biographical sketches of Thackeray, Irving, Macaulay, George Coleman, Campbell, and John Foster. Healey is published anony- mously, but it is above the average novel in interest, and pure and wholesome in tone. The Might and Mirth of Literature is an extraordi- nary book—so extraordinary that there is not another book in existence with which we can compare it. The theme is Figurative . Lan- guage, but the author goes over the whole field of literature, culling here and there the choicest bits for the delectation of his readers. There is an abundance of Sound instruction for the student, interesting facts for the curious, and pleasant reading for everybody. The coming books from the press of Harper Broth- ers are Castelar's Life of Lord Byron ; a Life of the Rev. Dr. Todd ; Babylon and Nineveh, by the Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman ; and Farm Legends, by Will Carleton. • w G. P. Putman’s Sons have issued The Taali- dermist’s Manual, uniform with their series of popular manuals; The Big Brother, a story by George Carey Eggleston; the fifth part of their Old New York; and several atlases, which were announced in our last. In press are Notes of Travel in South Africa, by C. J. An- dersson, author of Lake Ngam?; English Radical Jeaders, by R. J. Hunter; and several volumes in the Advanced Science Series. They have also in press a series of books comprising the best selections from the British essayists, Ad- dison, Steele, Abercrombie, Johnson, Chester- field, and others, whose contributions enriched the pages of the Spectator, the Rambler, the Tattler, and similar papers. . No attempt will be made to adapt or revise the original text, 382 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. but the essays will be reproduced as they ori- ginally appeared. The series is to be edited by Mr. John Habberton. The first volume will be taken from The Spectator, the second from The Tattler and The Guardian. Then will follow a volume from The Ramblem", The Idler, and The Adventurer, and one from The World, The Mirror and The Lounger, and one or two more volumes—the last to contain a general index to the series. The new issues from Scribner, Armstrong & Co. are few, but important. Sevenoaks, Dr. Holland's novel, has been published seri- ally in Scribner's Monthly, and its merits have been heralded by nearly every newspaper in the country. It is purely an American novel, the characters are sharply delineated, and the incidents are pleasing. It reads better as a whole than it did in the magazine. Some of the papers which go to make up Mr. Nadal's Impressions of Londom Social Life have also appeared in Scribner’s, and their merits have been widely discussed. Mr. Nadal was for a time secretary of legation in London, and had abundant opportunity to study society in its highest phases; but very few, even with equal advantages, are able to give us the results of their observations so cleverly as he has in this volume. The reader must be very dull indeed, who cannot be amused with and interested in the contrasts drawn between English and American society and customs. The latest volume of the Bric- à-Brac Series is devoted to the personal recol- lections of Lamb, Hazlitt, Thomas Camp- bell, and Lady Blessington. By many, this will be regarded as the very best volume of the series. Lamb's humor and eccentricities make very pleasant reading ; anything relat- ing to Hazlitt and Campbell cannot but be interesting, and Lady Blessington's intimate acquaintance with the notables of her time makes that portion of the book devoted to her of peculiar interest. The only other book during the month from this house is The New Day, “a poem in songs and sonnets,” by Richard Watson Gilder. It is printed and bound, as it deserves, in a dainty little volume, with illustrations. Though this is the first book of poetry from Mr. Gilder, the readers of Scribner’s are not unacquainted with his writ- ings, he being the assistant editor of the mag. azine and author of the delightful “Old Cabinet’’ papers. Of the poem much can be said in praise. It is finished and artistic, fanciful, and full of delicate beauties. It is made up of a series of poems, written at dif. ferent times, all devoted to love, and describ- ing the night, the dawn, and the growth of the heavenly passion into perfect day. In a few days, Scribner, Armstrong & Co. will issue in a royal quarto volume, India and Its Native Primces, containing over three hundred illustrations; and Frank R. Stockton’s Tales Out of School. The next Bric-à-Brac volume will contain reminiscences of Constable and Gillies. D. Appleton & Co. have reprinted from the Eſome Journal, Erckmann-Chatrian's novel, Brigadier Frederick. It is an affecting story of an Alsatian family during the Franco-German war, depicting all the horrors of the strife, and the keen suffering which must always attend war. The other late issues of D. Ap- pleton & Co. are, a History of Rome from the foundation of the city to the fall of Augustu- lus, A.D. 476, by Charles Merivale, which is published in a single 12mo volume, with maps; A Comcordance to the Works of Alea’am- der Pope, by Edwin A. Abbott, D.D.; a volume on Climate and Time in their Geological Rela- tions ; one on Money and the Mechanism of Ea:- change, by W. Stanley Jevons, Professor of Political Economy in the Owens College, Man- chester ; and Weights, Measures, and Money of all Nations, compiled by Prof. F. W. Clarke, of the University of Cincinnati. This is de- signed as a book for reference, and contains a classification by countries, and a set of com- parative tables. Dr. Abbott's Concordance to Pope is a scholarly work, and will afford much aid to the student. The book on Cli- mate and Time is written by James Croll, of the British Geological Survey, and is pro- nounced by the English reviews as a most im- portant contribution to geological science. One of its most striking features is its bold originality. Momey and the Mechanism of Ea:- change is a timely volume. It has met with great favor in England, and as the subject possesses a still greater interest here, it will no doubt be widely read. Professor Bonamy Price's work on Currency will be published at an early day; also Darwin's Climbing Plants and their Habits, and a volume of Essays by R. A. Proctor. - Sheldon & Co. have published Lectures to My Students, by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, being selections from his addresses to the students of the Pastor's College, London ; and Leah : A Woman of Fashion, Mrs. Annie Ed- wards's latest novel, which has appeared in the Galavy. The heroine is an interesting study, and there are a number of well-drawn charac- ters in the story, which is spirited and full of surprises. Sheldon & Co. have nearly ready a second series of Our Poetical Favorites, by Professor A. C. Kendrick, of Rochester Uni- versity, containing selections from the longer English poems. The success of the first series abundantly warrants a new volume, in the preparation of which Professor Kendrick has displayed excellent taste and judgment. J. W. Bouton has added to his list of curious books a second edition of Dr. Thomas Inman’s Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism. The work was first published six years ago, and provoked much criticism. It has now been revised and made more complete. It is an attempt to explain concisely the origin and meaning of the symbols used in the Christian Church. The author's views are peculiar and will not be indorsed by the great body of believers in the Christian THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 383 religion, but the book is scholarly as well as curious. Among the books in prepara- tion by Mr. Bouton are the third and conclud- ing volume of Ancient Faith embodied in Am- cient Names, by Dr. Inman, an ingenious attempt to trace the religious rites, emblems, and beliefs of certain mations, to the names assumed by noted ancients, or given to the children by the priests; The Story of the Stick, translated from the French by Fernand Michel; and two fine illustrated volumes—a folio of Evamples of Modern Etching, containing twenty plates by celebrated artists, with notes by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, and a demy quarto volume on Monumental Christianity, or the Art of Symbolism in the Primitive Church, with Some two hundred illustrations and folding plates. G. W. Carleton & Co. have issued Norime’s Revenge, a sensational but well written story of woman’s love and hate, by Mrs. Mary Agnes Fleming ; Charette, styled in the announcement ‘‘ an American novel,” a new illustrated edition of The Culprit Fuy, and Josh Billings's Alminaa. for 1876. Announced for early publication are Bessie Turner's novel, entitled A Woman in the Case ; and new novels by Julie P. Smith and Augusta Evans. From Robert Carter & Bros. we have a num- ber of attractive little books for the children, including the Rapids of Niagara, by the author of The Wide, Wide World; the story of Fred and Jeanie, and How They Learned about God, by Jennie M. Drinkwater ; Elsie's Samta Claus, a story in which Miss Ashton's Girls appear, by Joanna H. Mathews, who always interests and pleases the children, and The Odd One, a story with a moral, of a sullen, sour-tempered girl. Cowlyng Castle is a semi-historical ac- count of the religious persecutions in Eng- land in the fifteenth century, in which the author, Agnes Giberne, has drawn some faith- ful pictures of life at that time. A new red- line edition of J. R. Macduff's Morning and Might Watches is issued, and a new edition of Hugh Miller's Footprints of the Creator is being printed. Dodd & Mead have published a new book from the author of The Schönberg-Cotta Family, entitled The Note-Book of the Bertram Family, in which the characters found in Winifred Bertram, one of Mrs. Charles's earliest books, reappear. Dodd & Mead have projected a “Half-Hour Series” of little books whose province will be to illustrate and describe wonderful places and things. They are to be carefully prepared and profusely il- lustrated. Their character is indicated by the titles of the volumes which are nearly ready, namely: The Far North ; The Far East : The Great Deep , and The Tºny World. W. J. Widdleton has nearly ready for pub- lication—awaiting only the late monumental proceedings at Baltimore—a new “Memorial Edition ” of Edgar Allen Poe's Poems, to in clude the Ingram Vindication and other new matter. BOSTON, Nov. 1, 1875. Business has been far from satisfactory dur- ing the month past, but a number of the most recent books are at the present writing in good demand, and many of the books now going through the press must receive a large share of attention between now and the close of the year. The affairs of Lee & Shepard are now in a fair way of being settled, they having offered the creditors twenty-five per cent. in secured notes. The majority of the creditors have signed an agreement to accept these terms, and have petitioned to allow the firm to continue the business as the agents of the assignee. - The Gift Book Sale here has been the source of much comment among the trade, and the New England Booksellers' Association, at their regular meeting on the 20th ultimo, adopted a resolution condemning the plan of giving gifts as inducements to purchasers, and also the practice of advertising books at retail at wholesale prices. The resolution is gen- eral in its application, and was passed not on account of the Boston Gift Enterprise alone, but because it is feared that such schemes may be adopted in other cities, to the injury of the regular trade. There is a difference of opinion in regard to the effect on the trade of the course pursued by the Boston Gift House. Some contend that it attracts buyers from the regular stores, and injures the trade. Others assert that it only serves to work off old stock; that the advertisement, so far as it relates to new books, is a sham, and that the buyers are for the most part of a class that only buy the books for the sake of the gifts, and were it not for the latter would never visit a book- store. Whatever may be thought of this par- ticular scheme in Boston, it is certain that if it be imitated in smaller cities it will do much harm, and it was in this light that our Asso- ciation viewed the matter. - Since Miss Alcott's Eight Cousins, which has passed rapidly through several editions, appeared, Roberts Brothers have published Nºne Little Goslings, by Susan Coolidge; Jolly Good Times, by P. Thorne; Joaquin Miller's The Shºp in the Desert ; and a new edition of Hedge's Reason ºn Religion. Miss Coolidge's book is filled with stories for children, based on the Mother Goose Rhymes. They are charmingly conceived and told, and free from the objectionable features which are too often found in such stories. Jolly Good Times is also a child’s book, being a story, and a good one, of child-life on a farm. Miller's poem, The Ship Żm the Desert, has been much admired and also much criticised. There are touches of genius in it, and unmistakable defects. It is more carefully written than his former poems, and certainly will not detract from the fame he has fairly won as a poet. Announced for im- mediate issue are Cartoons, by Mrs. Preston; the Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher; and The Shepherd Lady, a volume of poems, from the first of which the volume has its title, by Jean 384 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. Ingelow. This will be a fine holiday volume, a companion to Songs of Seven. It is elegantly illustrated by Darley, Mary Halleck, Perkins, Arthur Hughes, J. A. Mitchel, and W. S. Shepherd. Mrs. Fletcher was a most lovely character, and her Autobiography affords most pleasant reading, not only on account of the glimpses which it gives of her own life, which was a beautiful example of unselfish- ness and devotion to the happiness of others, but also for her opinions of the men and incidents of her time. Crabbe, Walter Scott, Francis Jeffrey, James Grahame, Allan Cun- ningham, Mrs. Barbauld, and many others famous in literature or politics, were her intimate acquaintances, and she speaks of them with charming candor. Those who were pleased with Mrs. Somerville’s Memoirs will find this volume equally enjoyable. William F. Gill & Co. have published Out of the Deep, or Cast up by the Sea, by Mrs. Henry Wood; the third volume of Treasure- Trove, entitled Story; and A Hero of the Pen, a novel by Ernest Werner. Mrs. Wood’s novel was published many years ago under another title, but it is a better story than most of the new novels, and is in fact new to most novel-readers of to-day. It has a strange plot and is artistically written. The scene of Werner's Story is laid during the Franco- Prussian war, and the thrilling incidents of that exciting period are worked up with rare skill and originalizy. The new volume of the Treasure-Trove Series is not inferior to the others in excellence. It contains Dickens's “Doctor Marigold,” “The O’Connors of O’Con- nor’s Castle,” by Charles Lever, “The Truth- ful Resolver,” by Nasby, and stories by Fitz Hugh Ludlow, N. P. Willis, and others. Like the contents of the previous volumes, the stories are selected for their humorous charac- ter, it being the design of the series to present humor in its different modes of expression. The next volume will be entitled Ea travagance, and will contain “Grey Dolphin,” by Bar- ham, “The Fate of Young Chubb,” by Max Adeler, “ Moses the Sassy, ” by Artemus Ward, “Boots at the Holly Tree Inn,” by Dickens, and other sketches. During the coming month, Gill & Co. will issue Gail Hamilton's Sermons to the Clergy, containing her recent essays, which have at- tracted much notice ; a new novel from Amanda M. Douglas entitled Drifted Asunder, or The Tide of Fate ; and for the first time in this form, the Dickens-Collins Christmas stories, Wo Thoroughfare and The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices. A new edition of Tenny- son will also be issued, to include “Queen Mary’” and other late poems. This house have three books in preparation for the holi- days, the principal of which is Laurel Leaves, a companion volume to the Lotus Leaves of last year. It is to contain stories, songs, and poems, mostly written for this book, by Long- fellow, Lowell, Whittier, Bryant, Trowbridge, Higginson, Chas. Dudley Warner, John Paul, types of celebrated paintings. Miss Alcott, Wilkie Collins, and others. The volume will be dedicated to Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose autograph letter of acceptance will appear. The illustrations are by Freder- icks, Sol Eytinge, Birket Foster, and other noted artists. Another pretty gift-book will be Golden Threasures, to contain selections in prose and poetry from our best authors, and to be liberally illustrated. For the children, Gill & Co. are printing a small quarto volume of selected poems, to be embellished with fifty full-page illustrations, and put into fine bind- ings. It will bear the title of The Horm of Plenty of Home Poems and Home Pictures. James R. Osgood & Co. have just issued the new volume of Bayard Taylor's Poems, includ- ing Home Pastorals, the Goethe Ode, and other poems, written since the last collection was made in 1862; a handsome quarto entitled Poetic Localities of Cambridge, containing views of the scenes made famous by Longfellow, Holmes, and others of our poets ; two books for youthful readers: The Young Surveyor, by J. T. Trowbridge, being the concluding vol- ume of the Jack Hazard Series, and A Story- Book for the Young Folks, by Mrs. A. M. Diaz ; and the Holiday Edition of Mabel Mar- tin, by Whittier. The last is beautifully il- lustrated by the artists who embellished The EIanging of the Ch'ame last year, and the vol- ume, in printing, illustration, and binding, is elegant. A number of novels are announced for early issue, also Anna E. Dickinson’s book, A Paying Investment ; a volume of poems by George P. Lathrop ; one of the same character, by C. P. Cranch, and a vol- ume of sermons by the Rev. Frederick Brooks, of Cleveland, Ohio. A second series of those pleasant papers by James Russell Lowell, under the title of Among my Books, will also be ready in a week or two, and an octavo volume by Mrs. J. H. Shedd, on Famous Paint- ers and Paintings, to be illustrated with helio- The first vol- umes of the little West-Pocket Series will be issued in a few days. The finest work in process of publication by Estes & Lauriat is their Picturesque World, or Scenes in Many Lands, which is being issued in parts, by subscription. The illustrations are from designs and paintings of noted Amer- ican and foreign artists, and the descriptive text is edited by Dr. L. De Colange. The en- tire work, which will run to from forty to forty- eight parts, will contain upwards of a hundred steel engravings and seven or eight hundred woodcuts. Estes & Lauriat are also reissuing by subscription, in twenty-eight parts, Owen Jones's Grammar of Ormament, the plates of which have all been retouched since its last issue five years ago. They have nearly ready Count Rumford's Life and Works, in five vol- unles. Count Rumford was a royalist dur- ing the Revolution, and was compelled by public sentiment to leave the country. He went to England, and was knighted as Sir Benjamin Thompson. He afterwards went to THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 385 Bavaria, and engaged in the employ of the government in applying his many inventions to the every-day wants of life. He was noted for his scientific attainments, his favorite studies being Light and Heat. His works, which are but little known to the readers of the present generation, have never before been all collected. Estes & Lauriat have in pre- paration The Family Tree, a novel by Albany Fonblanque; and a work on government, by W. G. Dix. From Lockwood, Brooks & Co. we have a new volume from the pen of the Rev. Dr. E. F. Burr, entitled, Toward the Straight Gate, It is the natural successor, as the author says of his Ad Fidem. It is not an argument in favor of the Bible addressed to unbelievers, but appeals to the indifference of those who believe languidly, but do not show that ap- preciation of divine truths which the au- thor endeavors to impress. The papers are thoughtful and earnest, and worthy of the au- thor of Pater Mumdi. Two volumes for the children are also issued by this house, both of which are worthy of notice : a new edition of The Farmer-Boy, and How He Became Com- mander-in-Chief, a child’s life of Washington, and a collection of fairy tales, translated from the German, by S. W. Lander, and published under the title of Fairy Bells, and What They Tolled Us. There are eighteen stories in the book, all fanciful and pleasing, and the col- lection is one of the best we have ever seen. A. Williams & Co. have just published an account of the Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, with an Appendix containing a survey of the Litera- ture of the Battle, its antecedents and results. It is a volume of two hundred pages, contain- ing a very full account of the celebration, with the speeches, and is illustrated with heliotypes of the scenes of the day. A. Williams & Co. have in press Ballads of American History, an illustrated volume of poems, by Miss Caroline F. Orne, who will be remembered by many as the author of the poem “Labor,” which has been widely copied and published in several languages. The new volume will have an introduction by Lossing. Henry L. Shepard & Co. have brought out new editions.of a number of story-books for boys and girls, under the name of the Amer- ican Home Series. They comprise The School- onaster's Stories, by Edward Eggleston, author of The Hoosig, Schoolmaster ; The Young Moose-Humters, by C. A. Stephens, author of the Camping Out Series; and Her Mother’s Fancy, by Theresa Oakey Hall. Although new editions, they were brought out so late last fall that they were not fully brought to the notice of the trade, and the publishers concluded to hold them over till this fall. Mr. Eggleston's stories are full of interest for old or young. The Young Moose-Hunters is written in Mr. Stephens's best style, and without being ex- travagant, is of a character to please the boys. It gives the adventures of a number of school- boys who go on a hunting excursion in the wilds of Maine, to get the means for paying their school expenses. Miss Hall’s book is for younger children, giving the sayings and doings of a pert little miss. It is unique in its way, and deserves a place among the best books of its kind. The three volumes are printed on tinted paper, and prettily illustrated and qound. D. Lothrop & Co. have published some reli- gious books of more than ordinary interest. Among them I may mention Bible Pictures, a large 12mo volume by the Rev. Dr. George B. Ide, containing a series of talks suggested by Bible texts, with eighteen illustrations from Doré and other eminent artists; and the The Ea:- cellent Woman, as described in the Book of Pro- verbs, with an introduction by the Rev. Dr. Wm. B. Sprague, and containing numerous quaint illustrations. In a few days they will have ready Word Pictures, a volume of ex- cerpts from popular authors, compiled by Gertrude Strohm. The volume is the result of wide reading and patient research, for hardly a single noteworthy English author is omitted. It will be supplied with a full index of subjects and one of authors. Of juveniles, Lothrop & Co. offer for the holidays a fine variety. The handsomest is the first six numbers of the juvenile maga- zine, Wide Awake, bound in one volume, to which they have given the name of The Wide Awake Pleasure Book. It makes a charming book for the children, filled with delightful reading and pretty pictures. Young Rick, just issued, is a good story by Julia Eastman, with six full-page illustrations. Of the little illustrated books that are being printed, two should not pass unnoticed; they are Little Mother and Her Christmas ; and Papa's Boy, both well told stories—the former by Phebe McKeene, the latter by Mrs. C. E. K. Davis. Of all the pretty Sunday-school books which Cornhill has produced in the past or the pres- ent, there are none finer than those to be found at the store of Henry Hoyt, and as Christmas approaches they are sure to be sought for gifts. Of the newest issues I may mention: Froggy's Little Brother, a reprint from the English of an affecting story of a little boy whose father had a Punch and Judy show ; Mecca, a sprightly story of a summer in the country, by F. H. North ; The Viking Heir, an exceptionally good story, by the author of Orient Boys, Sunshine Cottage ; and The House at the Corner of Broad Street. They are all in tasteful, ornamented bindings, and the pretty illustrations add much to their attractions. —-mº- - - -º- -ºr-º- PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1, 1875. Trade has greatly improved here during the past few weeks, and our booksellers and publishers are anticipating a good holiday season. There will be but few books, however, made especially for the holidays. Of fine books in preparation, the first de- 386 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. serving mention is Comtemporary Art, which will be issued in a few weeks by J. B. Lippincott & Co. It will be a richly-bound quarto, containing thirty etchings and chro- mo-lithographs of works of eminent artists of the present time, with explanatory text. For the holidays, also, Lippincott will pub. lish a cabinet edition of Irving’s Sketch Book, to contain all the illustrations of the Artist’s Edition, to be published in one volume. Portions of it will also be issued in three separate volumes, the first to contain Rip Van Winkle, the second the Christmas Stories, and the third The Ilegend of Sleepy Hollow and The Spectre Bridegroom. Holiday editions of The New Hyperion and Scrambles Among the Alps will also be issued. They were in good demand last year, and will now be put up in new and attractive bindings. The success last year of the quarto holiday edition of Allibone’s Poetical Quotations has induced the publishers to bring out an edition this year. The edition of last year was all sold before the 1st of January. Two other works, to be ready in a few weeks, are also deserving of notice. They are a new edition, in three volumes, of Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Chiswick Press Edition, in ten volumes, of Shakespeare's Works. The former will con- tain one hundred steel-plate engravings, including many recently purchased in Europe, being originally copied from historical paint- ings in the galleries of Paris and other European cities. The Shakespeare will also be illustrated with steel engravings by Smirk and others. It will be a cheap and hand- some portable edition, with reliable text and explanatory notes. The latest books from J. B. Lippincott & Co. are: the Prose Miscellanies of Heim?'ich Plečne, collected and translated here by S. L. Fleishman; Wild Hyacinth, a new novel by Mrs. Randolph, the author of Gentiamella ; a volume of poetry entitled American Boy- hood, by Judge Horace P. Biddle, of Indiana, and a handy and valuable little treatise for students on Punctuation, by Professor Joseph A. Turner, of the Hollins Institute, Va. The treatise is concise but complete, and has been tested in the class-room by the author. The most important book of the month will be the English translation of the Comte de Paris’ History of the Civil Wan in America, the first volume of which is now nearly ready by Jos. H. Coates & Co. The work is edited by Prof. Henry Coppée, of the Lehigh University. The translation has been done by Mr. L. F. Tasistro, formerly of the State Department at Washington. Its publication here has been delayed so long that its char- acter and importance are now well under- stood. General Sherman speaks of it in the most commendatory terms, and all who have seen it in the French, praise it for its ability and fairness. The author writes to the pub- lishers as follows: “The necessities of an early publication of the translation of my History of the Civil War in America having prevented me from revising that translation before the present issue, I must leave upon Mr. Tasistro the responsibility of his work ; but his ability is a sufficient guaranty that this work has been accomplished with care and accuracy. It has therefore been agreed between my publishers, Messrs. Lévy, and myself to grant to the translation, since it is to be published by yourselves, the exclu- sive copyright in England, according to the forms prescribed by international treaties, and, in America, the right of giving out your edition as the only one authorized by myself. “My history has been written rather for the instruction of the European public than for transatlantic readers, to whom every in- cident of the war is already familiar. I trust that my account of these great events will, at least, not provoke a too bitter controversy ; for if I have been obliged to judge and to censure, I have done so without any personal or partial feeling against any one, with a sincere respect for truth, and a keen sense of the responsibility which I assumed. I hope, moreover, that your readers will acknowledge that I have tried to make Europe under- stand the magnitude of the strife which divided the New World, the extent of the sac- rifices borne the American people, and the beroism displayed by both sides on the bloody fields of battle. I should be proud to have my share in raising the monument which is to perpetuate the memory of that heroism and the glory of the American soldier, with- out distinction between the blue and the gray coats.” J. H. Coates & Co. announce Canon Kings- ley’s Lectures, delivered while in this country in 1874. They are five in number, the sub- jects being Westminster Abbey, The Stage as it Was Once, The First Discovery of America, The Servant of the Lord, and Ancient Civili- zation. The lectures have not before been collected, and the volume will be welcome to a large number of readers. The latest issues of Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger are The Golden Tress, from the French of Fortuné du Boisgobey, a highly sensational novel, which runs to over four hundred pages; and two smaller volumes, of peculiar interest to a limited circle of readers. The first is Thoo Thousand Years After, by the author of Odd Hours of a Physician. It is a continuation of Plato's Dialogue on the Immortality of the Soul, introducing many of the other mysteries of life, and discussing all in the light of modern philosophy. The argu- ment is that Immortality is not a necessary at- tribute of the soul, but depends upon Godli- ness. It is ingenious, if not able, and suggests some puzzling thoughts. The other volume is on Opium-Eating, written by a victim of the habit. It is a simple, but straightforward nar- rative, and evidently a truthful one. Not only the effects of the drug, but the painful results THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 387 of trying to break the habit, are depicted with harrowing distinctness. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have just ready four new novels from Mrs. Henry Wood, which they issue in their twenty-five cent list of books. They are : Marrying Beneath You?' Station ; My Cousin Caroline's Wedding; Cyrilla Maude's First Love ; and The Self-Com- victed. As long as Mrs. Wood continues to write novels, she will have readers by the thousand. She is always fertile in plot, vivid in description, and exciting in incident. For the holidays, the Petersons will issue new editions of our old acquaintances, Beautiful Snow ; The Outcast : Francis S. Smith's The Young Magdalen, and other Poems ; and T. S. Arthur's Sia, Nights with the Washingtonians, and other Tales. Though not new, these books are always salable during the Christmas sea- son, and make appropriate gift-books. THE New ENGLAND Booksellers' f Association. The first regular meeting of this Associa- tion, since its organization, was held at the Parker House, Boston, Oct. 20th, the President, Mr. A. Williams, of Boston, in the chair. Mr. Williams addressed the Association in a few encouraging remarks, showing the good results already brought about by their rules, not only in securing better prices in Boston, but in protecting the local dealers of the smaller towns throughout New England. Mr. Merrill, of the Finance Committee, re- ported that sixty-four names were on the roll of members. Mr. S. F. Nichols, of a sub-committee to ob- tain signatures, reported that they had met with great success. Nearly every bookseller in Boston had joined the Association. The entire trade of New England had been notified and were expected to join. Mr. J. L. Hammett, of the Arbitration Com- mittee, submitted the following report, which was adopted : GENTLEMEN–So far as the observation of your Arbi- tration Committee has extended, the object of this Association has been in a great measure secured, and although much remains to be done before bookselling can be entirely rid of all the objectionable features which bave for years attended it, still what has been gained gives us reason to hope that the time is not far distant when, realizing the justice of our cause, every member of the trade will be a member of this Association. Complaints of underselling have been numerous, espe- cially during the first month of our existence; but on writing a friendly note to the parties accused, in every instance save one gentlemanly replies have been re- ceived, and the parties have assured your committee that they would hereafter be governed by regulation prices. - In the circular issued Aug. 20th, by the Executive Committee of this Association, occurs the following: “It is understood that the larger publishing and jobbiñg houses will protect booksellers in their laudable efforts to obtain fair and regular prices, and thus to realize a reasonable profit on their sales.” This statement seems so fair and just in all its bear- ings, that your Committee can hardly realize how any jobber, whether a member of this Association or not, could wish to evade it, even though for the time being he might sell a few more goods; and it is to be hoped that what has been gained in the last few weeks in securing uniformity will inspire the whole trade with such confidence in each other, and in the success of the right, that from this time forth all jobbers and all retail- ers will adhere strictly to the legulation prices of this Association. * It is true that thus far the benefits of this Association have been almost wholly to the retailer. It has taken from Boston thousands of dollars of college, seminary, academy, and public school trade, and turned it into the hands of retailers all through New England; but in the prosperity of these retailers is our future hope, and the good done to them will, we trust, be like seed sown on good ground, which will yet yield to us an abundant harvest. * In closing this report we would urge every jobber in New England to adhere strictly to the rules of this Asso- ciation without any mental reservation whatever, and to sell goods to no man who persists in underselling. after being once requested to desist; and we would urge all retailers to stand by each other and see that under no circumstances a greater reduction than 20 per cent. is made from the publishers' retail prices, and in most miscellaneous books full retail prices should be secured. Then and not till then will bookselling be a business in which bonest men will care to continue. J. L. HAMMETT, & Arbitration DANA ESTES, Committee. Roston, Oct. 20, 1875. Mr. Dana Estes, of Boston, offered the fol. lowing, which, after some discussion, was adopted : Itesolved, That the advertising or retailing of books at wholesale prices, or the giving of prizes to purchasers of books, is an evasion of the spirit and letter of our Constitution and By-Laws, and we call upon each and every member of this and all auxiliary organizations, whether jobbers, retailers, or publishers, to refuse to sell to any person who thus violates this rule. -----sº- THE CENTRAL BooksellERS' Association. At the meeting of the above Association, Oc. tober 12th, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Barnes, and adopted : & Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to ascertain the facts with regard to the cases of alleged underselling, and if such underselling is found to be prac ticed, to request the parties in the name of this Associa- tion to desist; and in case they refuse, to notify the pub- lishers and jobbers of the books undersold, and request them to withold further supplies from the offending deal- ers, either directly or through jobbers, until they conform to the resolutions of the Association; and this committee are instructed to act in harmony with the Arbitration Committee of the A. B. T. A. - Messrs. Simmons, Lockwood, and Pratt were appointed as such committee. On"motion of Mr. Putnam, a committee, con- sisting of Messrs. Putnam, Appleton, Lee, and Ticknor, was appointed to co-operate with the Centennial Committee of the A. B. T. A. The following was offered by Mr. Putnam, and adopted : Resolved, That the attention of Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. be called to the regulation of the A. B. T. A. (un- der whose auspices the book fairs are held), that none but members of the A. B. T. A. can be permitted to contrib- ute to, or to purchase at, the October and subsequent fairs; and that the Secretary of the C. B. A. be instructed to convey the resolution to Messrs. Leavitt. . Mr. Clapp offered the following, which were adopted: IResolved, That the Secretary be instructed to reply to the communications of Messrs. Bammett and Paul, to the effect that the Association does not at present con- sider it advisable to deal with the question of jobbing I’ateS. 388 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE Book FAIR. - The “Supplementary'' Book Fair opened on Thursday, Oct. 21st, and continued for one week. The display of goods was much smaller than at the July Fair, some of our largest book houses not being represented. The Stationery trade also were absent. There was a very slim attendance of buyers, and the Fair was not what may be termed a success. The fact that it was not a success cannot be used as, an argument in favor of the trade sales of former years, nor do we think book fairs cannot be made successful. There may be special reasons why this particular fair failed. The old notes of the July Fair have not yet been paid. In the present condition of trade booksellers hesitate to stock up, and it is too early to buy for the holidays. These and other reasons may be cited to account for the lack of success of this particular fair. But the present system is but an experiment, and it is the duty of the committee, now that it has been tried, to take into serious consid- eration whether the plan of conducting the fairs cannot be so modified as to give better satisfaction to the trade. There are many ob- jections to be made to the indorsement sys- tem, and also to the commissions. If some system can be devised by which the actual expenses can be shared by those who sell, let- ting each house make its own terms with its buyers, would not both parties be better satis- fied ? We hope the committee will lose no time in getting the opinion of the trade on a mat- ter so important, and will, if possible, fix upon Some plan for the next fair that shali over- come the present objectionable features. ------ --—-sº º------———— * THE ſ'ENTENNIAL. A meeting of the Joint Committee on the Centennial Exhibition appointed by the Niag- ara Convention and the Central Booksellers' Association, was held on Thursday, October 28th, at the store of Porter & Coates, Phila- delphia. There were present Messrs. Lippin- cott, Blakiston, Black, Coates, and Remsen, of Philadelphia; Messrs. W. S. Appleton and Geo. H. Putnam, of New York; Mr. B. F. Ticknor, of Boston, and Mr. N. R. Monachesi, representing the American Book Trade Asso- ciation. The most important business trans- acted was the appointment of a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Blakiston, Remsen, and Monachesi, to confer with the Centennial Com- missioners as to the amount of space at the disposal of the committee. The report of the sub-committee was re- ceived at a meeting held next day (Friday), when it was decided that no applications for space would be received later than November 10, 1875, and it will then be determined what amount of space shall be asked for. Applications for space should be sent in at once to Iſenry T. Coates, Philadelphia, or to N. R. Monachesi, New York. JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Dr. Patton, of The Advance, has nearly ready for the press a volume on Prayer and its Re- markable Answers. Mr. N. R., Monacbesi, formerly of The Pub- lishers’ Weekly, has taken charge of our adver- tising department, and we commend him to the courtesies of the trade. C. P. Somerby will publish in a few weeks a very original and suggestive work upon a new subject—the Ultimate Generalization— an effort in the philosophy of science. J. B. Lippincott & Co. have established an agency in London, at 16. Southampton street, where they will keep a full line of their pub- lications and be generally represented. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have in press a humorous burlesque on the Centennial Exhibition, entitled One Hundred Years a Republic—Our Show. It is illustrated by A. B. Frost. S. W. Tilton & Co., Boston, announce a series of illustrated books for children, to contain simple directions for wood-carving, applied to the figures in the illustrations, which are also adapted for painting. The Rev. Rufus Wendell, of Albany, pub- lishes by subscription an American edition of Farrar's Life of Christ, with an appendix con- taining translations of 491 passages cited by Dr. Farrar from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, German, and other foreign authors. & Lockwood, Brooks & Co., Boston, will have ready in a few days the bound volume of “ Apples of Gold * for 1875. They have taken great pains to make it a handsome and sub- stantial juvenile, and it will no doubt be fav- orably received. It will comprise about two hundred pages, with numerous illustrations. T. B. Peterson & Brothers bave in press several new novels by Mrs. Henry Wood, printed from advance sheets. Marrying Be- meath You?' Station, Cyrilla Maude's First Love, and My Cousin Caroline's Wedding, will be issued immediately. Being at the low price of 25 cents, they will no doubt have a large sale. Perkinpine & Higgins, Philadelphia, have been compelled by the constant demand, to issue new editions of Illustrative Gatherings for Preachers and Teachers, both series of which were out of print. The near approach of the Sunday-school anniversaries has also prompted a reissue of their Sunday-School Cel. ebration Book, and The Anniversary Speaker. The Presbyterian Board have published a convenient little manual in cheap form, on EIow) to Teach the Little Folks in Sabbath-school. It coatains suggestions on the organization and management of the Primary Department, by J. Bennet Tyler; a paper on Methods in the Class, by Mrs. G. R. Alden (Pansy); one on Mission Schools, by Mrs. George Partridge; and How to Teach an Infant Class, by Faith Latimer. The papers are all practical, and will do much good service in helping to fit inexperienced teachers for their,work. THE AMERICAN BooksBLLERS GUIDE 389 Henry A. Young & Co., Boston, have issued new editions of Bayne's Christian Life; and also Bayne's Essays in Biography and Criticism, the latter in two volumes. Both works were formerly in the list of Gould & Lincoln. Boericke & Taffel have issued the first volume of Analytical Therapeutics, by C. Her- ing. The work is an attempt to collect and arrange the facts established by the provings of the Homoeopathic practice. It will be ex tended to several volumes. Boericke & Tafel have published the fourth edition of Hale's Weto Remédies, a work of stand- ard authority in Homoeopathy. In this edition, the botanical, chemical, and pharmacological notes appear in a condensed form ; other por- tions have been rewritten, and new symptoms and new remedies have been added. A new volume is also added to the work, giving the Therapeutics of each medicine. . From Garrigues Bros., Philadelphia, we have received Toward the Mark ; or, Grace Allen's Aim, by Emma F. R. Campbell, a story which follows the fortunes of the girls who appear in Better than Rubies, after they leave school, showing how they took up their several crosses. It is an excellent little book to put into the hands of a girl, when the carelessness of girlhood is giving place to serious thought. J. H. Coates & Co., Philadelphia, have in press, by arrangement, the late Canon Kings. ley’s Lectures Delivered in America in 1874. They are edited by Mrs. Kingsley, and dedica- ted to “Cyrus W. Field, J. A. C. Gray, and all those valued American friends who wel- comed my husband to their great country, and through whose generous kindness he was en- abled in the last year of his life to realize the dreams of his youth by the sight, not only of the Eastern States and cities, but of the far west, the Rocky Mountains, and the Yo Semite Valley.” - Several years ago Mr. George W. Carleton was seized with the belief that a burlesque of the popular almanac, such as the Old Farmers’ Almanac to which New England pinned its meteorological faith, would be remunerative. He suggested the idea first to “Artemus Ward,” afterwards to “Orpheus C. Kerr,” and next to “ Doesticks,” but none of them thought favorably of it. An arrangement was at last made with “Josh Billings,” and so the Almānaa, came 'about. Nearly 150,000 copies were sold the first year, and almost as many since. Mr. Shaw is said to have re- ceived $7,000 the first year, and over $30,000 in all. General Sherman’s Memoin's have called out many severe criticisms, but none that will attract more attention in military circles than the book by General H. V. Boynton, just issued by Wilsfach, Baldwin & Co., Cincinnati. The author served with distinction during the war and was with Sherman’s army in its famous march to the sea. In his preface, he says: “The object of the present compilation chiefly from the official records, is to show wherein the Memoirs of General Sherman fall far short of presenting the correct history of many great events of which they treat ; how much they lack of giving a correct ac- count of incidents which they relate; how far the author's recollection, even when corrected by his own memoranda, is at fault ; and, to furnish the future historian with facts which will guard bim against perpetuating the error and the injustice which prevade both volumes of the work.” . . At the time of his death Archbishop Spald- ing was occupied in revising his works, with the design of issuing them in a new and uni- form edition. Those announced on another page by John Murphy & Co., Baltimore, were completed, the corrections and additions being from his own hand. To the Evidences of Catholicity he has added his “Pastoral Letter on the Infallibility of the Pope,” and to the History of the Reformation he has appended an Article entitled, “Rome and Geneva.” for EIGN J_iTERARY Notes. - The title of Farjeon's new Christmas story is to be An Island Pearl. A journal devoted to the interests of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition is pub- lished in Paris. Several letters of Galileo never before pub- lished are said to have been discovered in the Milanese State archives. Chatto & Windus, London, announce a volume of Finger Ring Lore, by William Jones, F. S. A. It is to be historical and anecdotal. ' , Of the new series of Early English Poets Chatto & Windus have in press the works of Giles Fletcher, Sir John Davies, and Sir Philip Sidney. - A society for promoting the study of the Japanese language and institutions is to be founded in Paris. The society will establish a Japanese library, and publish a Japanese newspaper. The posthumous writings of Hans Christian Andersen, soon to be published, will contain some hitherto unpublished verses sent to him by Wordsworth, Mrs. Browning, Leigh Hunt, and others. J. L. Beijers, Amsterdam, has issued a vol- ume containing a list of all the printers and publishers of North Holland, from the inven- tion of printing to the beginning of the pres- ent century. =--------------sº • BUSINEss CHANGEs. At Oswego, N. Y., Mr. G. H. Hees has pur- chased the book and stationery business of E. J. Gibson. Mr. Hees is well known to the trade, having sold the business to Mr. Gibson two years ago. He has now bought back the old store, and starts anew with a very com- plete stock. 390 G UIDE. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ At Ionia, Mich., C. E. Baldwin, bookseller, stationer, and newsdealer, is succeeded by H. & C. S. Low. The senior member of the new firm was formerly of the firm of Smith & Low. At Enterprise, Kans., E. W. Benedix has sold his book, news and stationery business to Prof. A. Schindlemeisser. Mr. Benedix has opened a book, news and variety store at Abilene, Kans. - Mr. William R. Jenkins, for several years past dramatic critic of the N. Y. Evening Tel- egram, has gone into the book and stationery business, in the store formerly occupied by Alexander Fleming, 839 Sixth Ave., New York. Mr. Albert Cogswell has retired from the $irm of A. J. Bicknell & Co., architectural book publishers, New York, and has associated him- self with Henry T. Williams. The remaining partners of the former house continue the bus: iness without change of firm-name. At Boston the firm of H. D. Brown & Co., * Subscription book agents, consisting of Messrs. JH. D. Brown and H. H. W. Edmonds, was dis- ... solved by limitation, October 1st. A new part- nership, under the name of H. D. Brown & Co., has been formed between Mr. Brown and Mr. • Geo. E. Littlefield, for the purpose of continu- ing the business. -------sº º- ... ---—- NewsPAPERS A N D PE FIODICALS. The Metropolitan has suspended publication. The subscription price of The Methodist has been reduced from $3.00 to $2.50 per year. The Galaay for December will contain the first chapters of Mr. Howells's new serial story. Scººbner's for November contains the first +hapters of Bret Harte's new novel, entitled Gábriel Conroy. Whe publishers of St. Nicholas announce that they have made arrangements to issue an edition in London. º Edward Everett Hale's new story, “Philip Nolan's Friends,” will be commenced in the January number of Scribner’s. - The Sanitarian has incorporated the Medico- Degal Journal. menced with the January number. The Richmond Enquirer has changed hands, and is now under the editorial charge of Mr. Moses P. Handy, formerly of the N. Y. Tribune. A new monthly magazine, entitled The Semi-Tropical, has been started at Jacksonville, Fla. It is edited by Harrison Reed and pub- lished by Chas. W. Blew. Fortschritt is a new German weekly paper edited and published by Anna Metz Byland, New York. It is devoted to general literature and news. Price, $3 per year; 6 cents per copy. The Educational Voice is the name of a new monthly published in Pittsburg, Pa., under the auspices of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Teachers’ Institutes. It is a neatly printed quarto, cut and stitched. Price, $1 per year. ..West. A new volume will be com Chicago has a new literary paper, the Satºtº- day Evening Herald. The first number of the religious weekly, The Golden Rule, was issued October 6th. It is edited by the Rev. W. H. H. Murray, and published by The Golden Rule Company, Bos- ton. Price, $2 per year, and 20 cents for post- age; 6 cents per copy. The Western Paper Thade is the name of a new monthly journal published by the Union Bag and Paper Co. of Chicago, in the interests, as its name implies, of the paper trade of the The first number is well filled with interesting matter. Price, $1.00 per annum. The Boys of the World is a new story-paper, published by Street & Smith, New York. It consists of eight pages, is neatly printed, and in appearance resembles the other story-papers. The contents embrace an abundant variety of stories and sketches designed especially to please the youth. The Plymouth Pulpit has been discontinued and Mr. Beecher's sermons are printed in full in The Chi’istian Uniom. Subscribers to the Pulpit will receive The Christian Union in- stead. Subscribers to both periodicals will be served the paper to the full extent of both subscriptions. The German-American is a new eight-page monthly paper, published at Syracuse, N. Y., by H. R. Perry & Co., for the purpose of assist- ing English readers to learn German and German readers to learn English. The matter is printed in German and English in alternate columns. It is the only paper of the kind in the country, and there are many students of both languages who will find it very useful. Price, $1 per year. The Patent Right Gazette, published monthly by the U. S. Patent Right Association, New York, closes its ninth volume with a handsome and valuable number, of which free sample copies have been distributed, announcing a grand Christmas Gift Scheme as an induce: ment to subscribers. The journal is well worth its subscription price, and deserves suc- cess without resorting to any such extra in- ducement. Price, $1.50 per year; 15 cents per Copy. |Brownson's Review ceased publication with the October number, which completed the third volume of the last series. In his Vale- dictory the editor explains that precarious health and the failure of his eyes prevent him from conducting it longer, and he has been so intimately connected with it, that without him it would cease to be Brownson's Review, and it has been thought better to dis- continue it altogether, than to put it into other hands. <º--- Music NoTEs. O. Ditson & Co., Boston, have published spe- cially for the Christmas season, Gems of Eng- lish Song, containing seventy-five capital selec- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 391 tions. The volume is issued in uniform style with Ditson’s Home Musical Library, and is not only handsome in appearance, but is one of the finest collections of songs ever put into one volume. - We have received from H. N. Hempsted, Milwaukee, a very prettily printed copy of the Song lately grown so popular, The Letter in the Candle; also a light, pretty song entitled Oh, Come with Me, I’ll Row Thee O'er, by Karl Merz. A. S. Barnes & Co. have issued a little 35 cent music book for day schools and juvenile singing classes, under the title of the National School Singer. It contains a full course of les- Sons and exercises, and a great variety of songs for children’s voices. J/iving Waters, the little book for praise meetings, is now furnished in very tasteful new covers. The compiler, Mr. Hodges, had the advantage of access to O. Ditson & Co’s copyright tunes, from which he selected enough to fill nearly one-half the book, the rest being new tunes. John F. Perry & Co., Boston, have issued the first number of a new music journal called The Cho?” Journal and Review. It is edited by Eugene Thayer, and is to be devoted to music for church service, with occasional pieces for social and public performance. Besides several pages of interesting reading matter, there are seven pieces of music, several of which are by Mr. Thayer. - The songs of Adam Geibel have won a well- deserved popularity, and no lover of good vocal music should fail to secure them as they are published. Among the latest issued by Louis Meyer, Philadelphia, are Sweet Love, Good Might, a charming serenade, with German and English words; Hark / I Hear Sweet Voices Calling, a beautiful song and chorus ; and Sweet Nannie, a sparkling, lively, humorous composition. Good-Night, My Love, Good- Night, is a duet of exceptional merit. STATIONERS' BoARD of TRADE. The directors of the Stationers’ Board of Trade held a meeting in this city October 18th, and adopted the following IBY-LAWS. I. COMMITTEES. The Board of Directors at their first annual meeting shall choose the members of the Arbitration and Fi- nance Committees. The Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee shall be the Vice-President. The members of these committees shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. Vacancies may be filled at any regular meeting. II. DUTIES Ol' OFFICERS. 1. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings, and it shall be their duty to exercise a general supervision over the interests and welfare of the Board of Trade, and for this purpose the President shall be ea officio a member of all committees. 2. The Secretary shall notify each member of the IBoard of Directors of all its meetings, and each momber of the Board of Trade of every meeting of the Board; issue all other authorized notices to members; make and 4 º a true record of all meetings of the Directors and of the Board of Trade; have custody of the Constitution, By-Laws, and conduct its correspondence. 3. The Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and custody of the funds of the Board of Trade and their disbursement, under direction of the Finance Committee, and keep a book of record of all receipts and disburse- ments, make quarterly reports to Board of Directors,f and an annual report to the Board of Trade at their annual meeting. * * III. THE ARBITRATION COMMITTEE. 1. This committee shall consider and decide all mer- cantile disputes which may arise between members, or between parties claiming by through, or under them, which may be referred to it by a mutual agreement, in writing, that the decision of such committee shall be binding and final. 2. They shall have power to call for books and ; ers, to hear testimony, and all expenses incurred shall be borne by the disputing parties. IV. TEIE FINANCE COMMITTEE. - 1. This committee shall thoroughly investigate and file all particulars of information as to the mercantile ºling of those dealing or desiring to deal with the trade. 2. The names of all communicants of information shall, be kept inviolably secret. - • 3. The bureau of credits and collections shall be under their special supervision. . V. Mſ.M. 13 ERS AND THEIR ELECTION. 1. All nominations for membership of the Board of Trade must be made in writing and submitted to the Board, which shall make all such elections by ballot. The election shall take place at the regular meeting following the one in which nominations have been måde, and notice. thereof shall be given with the notice of such meeting, and it shall be necessary for election to receive the votes. of two-thirds of the members present. 2. Each member on being elected shall pay the sum of ten dollars as his initiation fee, and the sum of twenty-five dollars as his dues from the time of his election to the next annual meeting, and for each year thereafter the sum of twenty-five dollars in advance. & VI. THE BUIRE AU OF CREDITS. 1. All parties dealing or desiring to deal with any member of the Board of Trade, shall be requested to make a statement in regard to their responsibility and standing to the secretury, who shall file the same and obtain such other information as may be desired, which, on applica- tion of any member of the Board of Trade, shall be communicated. 2. Information shall be obtained through correspon- . and through the confidential statements of business OUISQS. - 3. All information shall be recorded. 4. Such information must in no case be communicated by any member to one outside of this organization. VII. 'THIC . BUlk I:AU Ol' COLLECTIONS. 1. This Bureau shall offer facilities for the collection of accounts coming due and accounts past due. 2. It shall be ã. duty of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trade, as soon as an account past due shall be sent in for collection, to notify all the members of this organization that such an account has been sent in for collection, in order that other firms may send in their accounts as well. & 3. Neither the name of the firm to whom the account is due, nor the amount, shall be disclosed. 4. That in all such collections, all firms sending in their accounts on such notification shall'share and share alike in all expenses, a, d in all that may be recovered from the debtor, pro ratg, according to the amount of his indebted- ness to them. * - VIII. O [&DER OF BUSINISS. . Calling of the roll. Reading of minutes of previous meeting. Reports of Standing Committee. * { of Special * { Elections. . Unfinished business. New business. . Reading of minutes. 392 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. IX. AMENDMENTS. 1. These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors, by a vote of two-thirds of the mombers present. Notice of proposed amendments must be given in writing, at the meeting previous to that upon Which they are acted upon. The following committees were elected: Finance Com- mittee—Benj: Lawrence, J. G. Bainbridge, and G. L. Pease. Arbitration Committee—Charles T. Bainbridge, Melvin Hard, W. T. Pratt, T. W. Smith, and J. F. Anderson, Jr. #onors to LoRD Houghton. On Oct. 16th the Century Club of this city gave a breakfast to Lord Houghton. Among those present were Bayard Taylor, Whitelaw Reid, R. H. Stoddard, E. C. Stedman, Parke Godwin, Albert Bierstadt, J. Q. A. Ward, S. S. Conant, Henry Holt, J. M. Harper, and Rev. Dr. Bellows. William Cullen Bryant, the Pres- ident of the Club, proposed the health of Lord Houghton in a meat speech, and Lord Houghton responded, closing his speech as follows: “And this brings me to say to you one pro- fessional word respecting that art and nature of poetry that you have been kind enough to connect with my name. The greater portion of the verses I have written were that product of the lyrical period of youth which is by no means uncommon among modern civilization. It exhibits itself sometimes in the strangest manner, without connection with other culture, or even the most common intellectual opportunities. Of this I happen to have given to the world a single instance in the volume I published of the poems of ‘David Gray, a Scotch weaver-boy, who, without one advantage beyond the common education of his class, described all the nature within his ken in the highest poetic perfection, and passed away leaving a most pathetic record of a short life of imaginative sensibility. You can contrast this simple and wayside flower of a faculty with such rich and complete cultivation as it can assume in the efflores- cence of Tennyson or Swinburne; but, in whatever form you find it, do not the less value the faculty itself. Permit me to Say that in no condition of society can it be en- couraged and fertilized more usefully than among ourselves. For not only will it bring with it calm and comfort amid all the Super- abundant activities, ambitions, and confusions of daily life, but it has also the regulative power, teaching men to divide the sphere of the imagination from that of practical life, and thus obviating the dangers that so often arise from the want of this distinctioh. There is no better preservative than the exercise of the poetic faculty from religious hallucina- tions, from political delusions, and I would say even from financial extravagances. Therefore, through the whole vast range of this new world, be on the watch to look out for and to encourage this great gift to man. Do not be too hard with any imperfections or absence of refinement which may accompany its exhibi- tion. Do not treat it too critically or with too much scholastic censure. Recognize also its value on another ground—the extension and perpetuation of our great common language —an interest not less dear to every one of us here present than to the future welfare of mankind : “‘Beyond the vague Atlantic deep, Far as the farthest prairies sweep, Where mountain wastes the sense appal, Where burns the radiant Western fal Qne duty lies on old and young — With filial piety to guard, As on its greenest native sward. The glory of the English tongue! , “‘That ample speech, that subtle speech, Apt for the needs of all and each, Strong to endure, yet prompt to bend, Wherever human feelings tend— Preserve its force, expand its powers, And through the maze of civil life, In letters, commerce—e'en in strife, Remember, it is yours and ours '''' Three unsuccessful attempts having been made to rob the book-store of Richard Burnton, of Fourth Avenue, he wishes us to say that if the burglars succeed in getting into his store, he is fully prepared for them. If any of our readers have any designs in that direction, we warn them to desist. Perhaps the burglars, being professionals, are incensed at having their discounts cut down to twenty per cent., and are determined in future to get their books for nothing. INDEX TO AL) VERTISEMENTS. J. H. Coates & Co.—History of the Civil War ----------------- * * * * * * * * * * * = - .2d page of cover. A. S. Barnes & Co.—New Books - - - - - - 3d “ { { T. B. Peterson & Bros.--New Books - - - 4th “ { { Scribner, Welford & Armstrong ---. . . . . . . . . . Page 409 A. S. Barnes & Co.—Centennial History ...... ‘‘ 410 Payne, Holden & Co.—Holden's Book Cover... “ 410 PIappy Hours Co.—I’lays. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘‘ 410 Baker, Davis & Co.—Zell's Encyclopædia . . . . . ‘‘ 410 Books Wanted.--------...--...---------...----- “ 410 Gillott's Pens. --------------------------------- ‘‘ 411 Lockwood, Brooks & Co. -- - - - - - - - - . . . . * * * * * * * * * ‘‘ 411 Presbyterian Board of Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 41] Wm. F. Gill & Co.—New Books - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘‘ 412 EI. T. Williams.-Household Elegancies. - - - - - - “ 413 Norman L. Munro & Co.—Boys of New York “ 414 Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger.—Recent Books “ 415 New York Blank Book Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 415 Geo. Routledge & Sons —Holiday Books. . . . . . . “ 416 Lee, Shepard & Dillingham.—Standard Books “ 417 Jennie June's Cook-Book. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 417 Dick's English Novels. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ** 418 Sheldon & Co.—New Books.----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 419 American News Co.—Juveniles............... “ 420 Peck and Snyder.—Novelties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 42] Harper & Bros —New Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 422 W. J. Widdleton.—Standard Books . . . . . . . . . . a ‘‘ 423 D. Appleton & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- . . . . “ 424 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 393 flook Announcements FoE November. AMERICAN BIBLE UNION, New York. J. W. BOUTON, New York. Cº. Kings and Apostles. American Bible Union, 8vo, 176 pp., plain cloth, $1. International Sunday-School Commentary. Vol. VI. Notes by Rev. T. A. T. Hanua. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Currency. By Prof. Bonamy Price. Optics. By Prof. Lommel (University of Erlangen.) Our Place Among Infinities. A Series of Essays contrasting our little abodo in Space and Time with the Influities around us, to which are added Essays on AS- trology and the “Jewish Sabbath.” By R. A. Proctor. Text-Book of Human Physiology. By Austin Flint, Jr., M.D. Fully illustrated. Large 8vo, 950 pp. Climbing Plants and their Habits. By Chas. Darwin. - - Geier Wally. A Tale of the Tyrol. By Wilhelmine von Hillem. The Little Joanna. A Novel. By Ramba Thorpe. Higgledy Piggledy. ; or, Stories for Everybody and Everybody's Children. By E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. The Novels of James Fenimore Cooper. New Library Edition, with the original steel engravings, from designs by 1)arley. Square 8vo, ornamental cloth binding. BARER, WOORHIS & CO., New York Green's Brice's Ultra, Vires. An American Edi- tion of “A Treatise on the Doctrine of Ultra Wires.” Being an investigation of the Principles which limit the Capacities, Powers, and Liabilities of Corporations, and more especially of Joint-Stock Companics. By Seward Brice, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law. With full Notes and References to American Cases, by Ashbel Green, Esq., of the New York Bar. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Philadelphia. Shakespeare. By Duyckinck. Twenty-one steel engrav- ings. Complete in thirty parts. Parts III. and IV. 8vo, 40 pp., paper, 30c. \ A. S. BARNES & CO., New York.’ Poetical Works of Ray Palmer. Theory and Solution of Algebraical Solu- tions. By John MacKie. BEADLE & ADAMS, New York. The Boy Pioneer. By Edward S. Ellis. Pocket Novel No. 36. 12mo, 10c. . * Carson, the Guide ; or, The Perils of the Frontier. By Lieut. J. H. Randolph. Pocket Novel No. 37. 12mo, 10C. Kirk, the Guide ; or, The Oregon Trail. By Ann S. Stephens. Beadle’s Dime Novel No. 346. 12mo, The Phantom Trail; or, The Prairie Ranger. 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Part III. devoted to Fancy Work, Ladies' Work Baskets, Easels, Crosses, Match Boxes, Pen Racks, Paper Cutters, Calendar Frames, etc. Price, $1. - * WILSTACH, BALDWIN & CO., Cincinnati. Sherman’s EIistorical Raid : The Memoirs in the Light of the Record. Based upon Compilations made from the Files of the War Office. By Gen. H. W. Boynton. Uniform with Sherman’s Memoirs. Small 8vo, blue cloth, $2. - WOOD & HOLBROOK, New York. Relations of the Sexes. By Mrs. E. B. Duffey. 12mo, 320 pp., cloth, $2. BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis. & WOCAL. I Will Love You When You are Old. Answer to “Will You Love Me when I'm Old 7” J. W. Hertel. 35c. Ask it O' Yoursel”. Harry Banks. Scotch Squg. 35c. Will You Love Me When I'm Bald 3 Harry Banks. Serip-comic Song. 35c. Crushed Like a Rose. T. B. Bishop. Beautiful title-page. 4Uc. Sweet Mary, the Maid of the Green. T. B. Bishop. Beautiful title-page. 40c. Fair is My Love. J. L. Hatton. 35c. New Music. There is a Bloom on Thy Cheek. Beautiful title-page. 40c. Mergellina and Fisher’s Farewell. Tito Mattei. Barcarole for Soprano. , German, English, and Italian T. B. Bishop. Words. 50C, INSTRUMENTAL, Fifers of the Guard. J. Asher, Polka Militaire. 50C. Polonaise de Mignon. Rosellen. 60c. La Fille de Mladame Angot. F. Müller. Valse. 75c. 4O2 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS' GUIDE. BIGLOW & MAIN, New York. Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs. By R. P. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey, as used by them iu Gospel Meetings. 112 pp. 133 hymns, with music. 5 styles of binding, at following retail prices: 25c., 30c., 50c., 75c., and $1.25 Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs. By R. P. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey. Containing the words only. A8 used by them in Gospel Meetings. Hymns numbered to match the music edition. 96 pp., paper, 5c. ; cloth, 10c. F. BLUME, New York. Papa Says I May. Rollin Howard. Song. 35C. Fighting Dog and the Wrong Tom-Cat. Fred Maccabe. 35C. Kitty McGee. Henry Tucker. 30c. Every Beau Should Have a Belle. Paul. , 30c. Jack’s Farewell. Molloy. 30c. Wait Till the Moonlight Falls on the Waters. Bagnall. 30c. Birds in the Night. Sullivan. 30c. Across the Sea. Virginia Gabriel, 30c. Jolly Fellows. Johann Strauss. Waltz 75c. Kleine Chronie. E. Strauss. Galop. 40c. Serio-comic Howard BOOSEY & CO., New York. Duets for Ladies’ Voices. Royal edition. $1. Out of the Depths. Gatty, Song, 50c. Chopin’s Nocturnes. 50c. Seven Popular Dances. Piano. 50c. Merry Walks. Gatty. Song. 50c. Past and Future. Cowen. Song. 50c. Wearie’s Well. Diehl. Song. 50c. Valse des Parmpas. Ketterer. Piano. 50c. Friendship. Russell. Song. 50c. Carnival of Venice. Cornet and Piano. $1.25. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati. WOCAL. Down the Stream the Shadows Darken. Arini. Song and chorus. 35C. Little Robin, Go Tell Him I'm Waiting. Persley. Song and chorus. 35c. The Fisherman. New Translation. Addison. Duet. 50C. Barney, Take Me Home Again. and chorus. 30c. ^ Low, Lute, Low. Mary.” 40c. The Age of Steel. Persley. Song Krutch. Words from “Queen Hosmer. Song. 30c. INSTRUMENTAL, Twilight Waltz. Pierce. 35c. Clover Polka. Scott. 80c. Grand Parade Waltz. Luden. 30c. Tri-Mary Waltz. Williams. 30c. Edgewood Waltz. Williams, 30c. W. H. EWALD & BRO., Jersey City. Two Can Play at that Game. Harrison Millard. A Parlor Operetta for four characters. $1.50. When I Was a Bachelor, Oh. Harrison Millard. Ballad. 25C. Oh, These Jealous, Wicked Men I Millard. Ballad. 250. Dashing Boys of Ireland. Ballad. 25C. Harrison Harrison Millard. In the Kitchen. Harrison Millard. Vocal duct, 35C. Kiss Me When There’s No One Near. Harrison Millard. Song and chorus. 25c. Gay and Happy all the Day. Song and Dance. 25c. I Never Yet Was Treated So, Vocal Duet. 25C. Joy to Hearts United. Harrison Millard. Quartet. 35c. Harrison Millard. Harrison Millard. No Inflation, or Hard-Pan Waltz. H. Maylath. 40c. - D. P. FAULDS, Louisville, Ky. One Hundred Years Ago. Robert Challoner. tennial song and chorus. 40c. Klauber Polka. Paul L. Dreher. Brilliant and easy. 35C. Pleasant Breeze. 40C. Kitty Dear. De Kress. Irish ballad. Ilma Polka. Paul L. Dreher. Brilliant. 40C. Dame Blanche. Sidney Smith. Variations. Write Me, if only a Line. Naylor. chorus. 35c. Mountain Stream. Sidney Smith, 75c. Martha. Chas. Woss. Brilliant variations. Love’s Image. Paul L. Dreher. Aravil Polka. Parlow. 35c, I Hºve Thee Still. E. Hoffman. Brilliant variations. Cen- Gobbaerts. Fantaisie Brilliante. 25C. 75C. Song and $1.25. Ballad. 40C. Kissing at the Gate. Steinhagen. Ballad. 35c. " - . B. W. HITCHCOCK, New York. New World Galop. Strauss. Duet. 10c. Girofle-Girofla Waltz. 10c. Girofle. Girofla Waltz. For band of ten instru- ments. 10c. When Old Jackson had His Day. Song and dance. 10c. The Lily of Killarney. Song. 15c. The Letter in the Candle. Coote. The College Quickstep. Stoddart. What Need have I the Truth to Tell ? Clari- bel. Song. 10c. * Marion’s Song. Claribel. Song 10c. Little Bird, Little Bird. Claribel. Piano solo. Western. Jules Benedict's Opera. Song. 10c. Song. 10C. LEE & WALKER, Philadelphia. Amateur for October, 1875. Little Bud of Loveliness. Danks. Song and chorus. * 30c. Ada. Meininger. Meditation for Piano. 75c. Hamilton Mazurkat. Amanda M. 30c. April Shower Mazurka. Mack. Piano. New edition. 50c. Let Mle Dream Again. Sullivan. Song. 50c. Pull Down the B1 inds. Comic song. 30c. my Girofle, My Bride. Duet from “Giroflé-Girofla.” 0C. Gem Tom Thumb’s Grand Wedding March. Mack. - New edition. 50C. Daisy Chains. Dorn. Caprice. Piano. 750, Monogram Galop. Hassler. Piano. 35c. Marriage of Figaro. and piauo. 60c. MIiserere. From “Il Trovatore.” Harmonium and piano. 50c. Krug. Aria. Harmonium THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 4O3 LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. Melodious Studies. Op. 81. Hünten. LITTLE GEMS FOR THE PIANO. To the Beloved One. Seidel. No. 19, Class 2. 25c. Under the Stars. Kadner. No. 20, Class 2. 25c. Recollections. Gauby. No. 21; and Day Dreams. Bauer. No. 22, Class 2. 25c. Contentment. Klanwell. No. 23, Class 2 .25c. La Capricieuse. S. A. Stern. No. 24, Class 2, 25c. GOLDEN TREASURY OF PIANO LYRICS, Adagio. From Sonata in F Minor. Beethoven. No. 41, Class 4. 35C. Andante Cantabile. No. 42, Class 3. 30c. Andante con Expressione. Mozart. No. 43, Class 3. 30c. Evening Song (Abendlied). Reinsdorf. No. 45, Class 3. 20c. Class 4, $1. From Sonata in C. Mozart. From Sonata in D. Andante. From Sonata, Op. 120. Schubert. No. 46, Class 3, 30c. Serenade. From Op. 81. S. Heller. No. 46, Class 4. 30c. Hunting Song. S. Heller. No. 48, Class 4, 30c. Romanze. A. Krause. No. 50, Class 3. 20c. Solitary Wanderings. S. Heller. No. 51, Class 3. 300. Larghetto. Class 5. 40c. Morning Song. Preissler. No. 53, Class 4, 30c. sºvºy Fountain Schottische, J. Dickel. Class 2. 35C. () Merry Bells Mazurka. By the Happy Trio. Easy. Class 1. 35c. From Quartet in B. Mozart. No. 52, WOCAL. Her Image (Likhet). K. Collan. Finland. No. 27, Class 4, 35c. Mother’s Song (Riemuinen rintani). Finnish Song. Lays of Sweden and Finland. No. 8, Class 3. 35c. cºm; Darling, Come. W. v. Thilo. Ballad. Class • 50 C. Lays of Sweden and Home is with Thee, my Mother. M. Gill, Ballad. "Class 3. 35c. One by One. K. Smith. Sacred Quartet. Class 2, 5c. Hark! I Hear the Angels Calling. A. Geibel. Sacred Quartet. Class 1. 3c. Hark! I Hear Sweet Voices Calling. A. Geibel. Trio for female voices. Class 1. 3c. Ten New Original Hymns for Church Ser- vice. A. Geibel. Class 3. 50c. WM. A. POND & CO., New York. WOCAL. GEMS OF ITALY. Hºven Pity Me (O, Ciel pieta di me). Gordigiani C. When on Her Silent Throne (Allor che nel silen- zio). Guglielmo. 50c. Hither we Come (Tra, la, la). Gazzani. 60c. Ah! This Solace (Dolce calma). Costa. 50c. Sadly She Wept (Piangea). Brago. 50c. The Gipsy Girl (La Zingara). Donizetti. 60c. Desolation (La desolazione). Lillo. 50c. Upside Down. Howard Paul. 40c. Grieve Not. E. H. Sherwood. 40C, The Old Village Clock. John H. Williams. 35c. Don’t Forget the Old Folks. Henry Tucker, 30c. The Passing Bell. B. Tours. 40c. Little Darling, do You Miss Me? Guitar. N. W. Gould. 30c. sweet Genevieve. Guitar. N. W. Gould. 30c. IN3TRUMENTAL. Under the Elms. E. C. Phelps. 40C. Chalcon ºne in F. G. F. Handel. 60c. Gavotte. J. P. Gotthard. 50C. Polonalise Characteristique. S. Muniuszko. 60C. Gavotte from “Don Juan.” H. John. 50C. Danse Gracieuse. Op. 42. Fr. Gretscher. 400. La Belle Tyrolienne. Op. 43. Fr. Gretscher. Near the Streamlet. Op. 1. E. De Knorre. Yesterday : Op. 45. Ch. Wehle, 45C, Notturno. Op. 40. Ant. Baur. 40C. Undine. Op. 82. Ed. Rohde. 40c. Banjo (Pasquinade). E. H. Sherwood. 75c. The Nun and the Fountain. E. H. Sherwood. $1. Jolly Fellows' Waltz. E. Strauss. Op. 124, 75c. Gallant Sixty-Ninth Quickstep. D. Wiegand. $1. g - Skidmore Lancers, 50c. 50c. A. M. Schacht. B()OKS. Harp of Praise. By Leonard Marshall. White's New School for the Reed Organ. By C. A. White and Chas. D. Blako. $1. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Tommy, Make Room for Your Uncle. Lons- dale. Comic soug and chorus. 30c. - The Naughty Young Man. Frank W. Green. Comic song, 30c. C. J. WHITNEY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Sonatine. Op. 4. No. 1. Lichner. Teaching Piece. 50c. e Sonatine. Op. 4. No. 2. Lichner. Teaching Piece- 50C. Sonatine. Op. 4. No. 3. Lichner. Teaching Piece- 50c. Sonatine. Op. 49, No. 1. Lichner. Teaching Piece. 60c. Sonatine. Op. 49. No. 2. Lichner. Teaching Piece. 60C. Sonatine. Op. 49. No. 3. Lichner. Teaching Piece. 60C. Good Night, and Pleasant Dreams. Bentley. Ballad. 30c. Roses and Lilies. Bentley. Ballad. 30c. The Trysting-Place. Bentley. Ballad. 30c. Two Lovers. Bentley. Ballad. 30c. The Child’s Question. Bentley. Ballad. 30c. GEO, WILLIG & Co., Baltimore. La Gazelle. C. A. Schudler. Rondo Brioso. 80c. Schoen Ellen. H. Lichner. Op. 138. Instrumental. 50C. Nachlange. Gustav Lange. Instrumental, 50c. Evening Mieditation. Lange. Instrumental 500. Memory’s Sounds. Lange. Instrumental. 50c. La Bella Polketta. C. A. Scheidler. Allegretto Giocoso, 30c. Abendstelle. Lange. Instrumental. 50c. Morning. H. Lichner. Op. 134. Encouragement for Study, No. 1. 35g. Wanderer's Song. Study, No. 3. 35C. H. Lichner. Encouragement for 404. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S . I, IST OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES The Managers of the American News Company have had many years' experience in the News Business, and under- stand the wants of the Trade. If the following rules will be observed by our customers, we feel satisfied there will be no disappointments: 1st.—It is contrary to all rules of business to supply goods, unless for cash or upon approved refer- ence; therefore, when ordering, dealers should bear in mind that we must have one or the other. 2d.—In making remittances, always procure a Draft or Post-Office Money Order on New York, payable to our order. , 3d.—Money sent by mail is at risk of parties sending. 4th.-The Wholesale Prices are net. 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MAGAZINES, & 4 § { Three “ {{ PAPER COWERED NOVELS, do. To start a NEWS OFFICE, AGENCY, or DEPOT (as they are variously called), but little CASH capital is necessary. The main things to secure success are enterprise and civility. You begin by studying our list of Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. You can readily judge which publications are likely to suit your neighbors. If they are not suited with what you order, you can at once change to some other periodical. This is far preferable to the old style of yearly subscriptions, when the subscriber was compelled to take one paper a whole year or lose the money he had paid in advance. Upon finding out what papers you can dispose of, you make out a list or ofder (inclosing the wholesale price per this list, to cover one week's papers) similar to this form [Form 1.] * THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY : CHICAGo, April 20, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Iuclosed find $.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , which pass to my credit, and Bend the following order, com- mencing on receipt of this : - 20 Ledger. 10 Catholic World. 5 Frauk Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. • 10 Old and New. 10 New York Weekly. . 5 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mirror of Fashions 5 Waverley. 3 Harper's Magazine. 19 Fireside Companion. 5 Leslie's Budget of Fun. - i Yours truly, - & Of this Order retain a copy, and state whether we shall send by mail or express. We will forward all you require ; and any change that you may want to make in your order, in the way of increasing or decreasing, write said order similar to this form : - [Form 2.] THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - CHICAGo, April 30, 1870. DEAR SIRs, Your attention is called to the following order. 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Communications should be addressed to THE AMERICAN WEWS COMPANY, WEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 405, Wholesale and Retail Prices. Fº New Publications are printed in heavy type. Those the prices of which have been recently changed are marked With a $). Traº, Ret. r1C0. Commercial Bulletin......... 3% — Graphic (The).... . . . . . . . . . ... 3%. 5 N. York Courier des Etats Unis 3%. 4 New York Evening Commer- cial Advertiser. .......... 2%. 3 New York Evening Express... 2%. 3 New York Evening Mail...... 1%. 2 New York Evening News..... %. 1 El Cronista.................. 17. 25 Messager Franco-Americain... 4% 7 New York Evening Post..... . 3% 5 Abend Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - Advance (The)... . . .•. . . . . . . 4% 6 Albany Iaw Journal.... . . . . . 7% 10 Albion (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Gael (The)... . . . . . . 4% 6 American Grocer... . . . . . . . . . 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Jour. 8 15 Boston Statesman.... ...... 4 6 Boston Traveler ............. 4 6 Boston Weekly Journal ...... 4%. 6 Boyd's Shipping Gazette ..... 5 7 Boys' Own ... . . . . . . . . . ... ... 3% — Boys of New York.... . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Boys of the World ........... 3% — Brooklyn Sunday Review. ... 3% — ©Cabinet-Maker's Journal.... 5 6 Canadian Illustrated News. ... 8 10 Capital... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Catholic Mirror... . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Catholic Review ............. 4% 6 Catholic Standard...... ...... 4% — Catholic Union. . . . . . . . . tº e e º ºs & 3% — Challen's 10c. Novels . . . . . . . . 7 -*. 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Home Circle.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Journal ..... e e º e º º e º 'º º Illustrated Weekly . . . . . . . . . . Independent Index (The)........... • - - - - - 3 Investigator.... . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Iron Age... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irish American ... . . . . . . . . ... 4 Irish Democrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Irish World 4 Jewish Messenger...... ------ 8 Jewish Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 La Republica (Spanish)...... 7 Liberal Christian Living Age.... . . . . . L'Eco d’Italia . . . . ............14 5 Medical and Surgicaireporter. 9 8 Medical Record.............. e e º O © tº e ... 10 Tº Ret. r1C0. New York Evening Post...... 2 3 New York Evening Telegram. 1%. 2 New York French Messenger. 3% 4 New York German Democrat. 2%. 3 New York Herald....... . . . . . 3%. 4 New York Journal Commerce. 5 6 New York Journal (German). 1%. 2 New York Witness. . . . . . . . . . ... 1 2 SIE NI I = W E E K. L. Ye New York Express............ 3% 5 New York Journal of Com. ... 5 6 W E E*R. L. Y. Demokrat (German)......... 4 7 Detroit Free Press . . . . . . . . . . 3 tº-º-º- Drama. N. Y. (semi-mo.) .... 10 15 Drug Bulletin. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 e- Dwight’s Journal of Music.... 8 t- EcoDemist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 El Espejo (Semi-mo.) . . . . . . . . 18 tº- Engineering aud Miuing Jour. 7 T0 Episcopalian................. 6 8 Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 8 Fxaminer and Chronicle. . . . . . 4%. 6 Family Journal..... . . . . . . . . . 4% - Farmer’s Home Jouural..... 4 — Field (The).................. 7 - Financier ................... 7 º- Fireside Companion.......... 4% 6 Forney’s Weekly Press . . . . . 4% 6 Forest and Stream. . . . . . . . . .. 7 10 Frank Leslie's Illustrat'd Paper 7 I0 {{ “ Lady’s Journal. 7 10 {{ “ Boys and Girls’ - Weekly . . . . . . 3%. 5 { { “ Chimney Corner 7 10 & J. “ Illustrirte Zeitung (German) . . . 7 10 { { “ Young American 4% — Freeman’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 4% 6 Free Lance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% - Germania ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 I0 Girls and Boys of America... 3% — Golden Rule............ 4 6 Harness and Carriage-Makers’ Journal (Semi mo.).... .... 15 Harper's Weekly.. . . . . . . ... 7% iO Harper’s Bazar .............. 7% 10 Heart aud Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . 4% 7 Heartb and Home....... . . . . . 4% 6 Hebrew Leatler.............. 10 Hebrew News. . . . . . & e º e s = e º e 10 Herald (California).......... 4% :#1I O .N. Y. Sportsman....... Trade Ret. Price. New York Presse . . . . . . . ... . 2% New York Staats Zeitung..... 2% ©New York Star............ }% New York Sun ....... ...... 1% New York Times . . . . . . . . . . . . .3% New York Tribune........... 3% New York World... . . . . . . . . . . 3% Review...... e 9 e º º e % New York Times ............ 3 New York Tribune........... 3 % % New York World ............ 3% Mercantile Journal. .......... 6% Mercury (N. Y.)....... .... 6 Metal Worker...... * * * g e º sº e s 2% Methodist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Metropolitan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Moniteur de la Mode... . . . . . .22 Nation (The)..... . . . . . 9 Nautical Gazette............. 7 New England Weekly Farmer. 5 New Orleans Weekly Budget, 3% New Sensation 7 New York Clipper . . . . . . . . . . New York Family Story Paper. 4% New York Journal (German). 4% New York Ledger............ 4% New York Observer . . . . . . . . . New York School Journal. . . . 5% New York Tablet .... . . . . . . . . 4% New York Warieties.......... 7 New York Woekly . . . . . . . . . . . 4% New York Dramatic News. ... 3% News from Germany and Swit- zerland .... . . . . . 4% ()il, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 6 People's Literary Companion... 4% Philadelphia Saturday Eve’ng Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 4% Philadelphia Sunday Mercury. 4 Philadelphia Suuday Dispatch. 4 Philadelphia Weekly Press .. 4% Philadelphia Weekly Age..... 3% Pilot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Police Gazette..... -----..... 7 Police News (Illustrated)...., 7 lomeroy's Democrat....... . . 4% Prairie Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- Price Current ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Presbyterian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Publishers’ Weekly.......... 7 Railroad Gazette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Railroad Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Railway Times ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7% Real Estate Record .... . . . . . . 19 Religio-Philosophical Journal. 7 R d and Gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rural New Yorker... . . . . . . . . 4 San Francisco Weekly Bulletin. 6% Saturday Night...... . . . . . . . . 4% Saturday Star Journal........ 4% Schnedderedengg (Comic Ger- man). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 Scientific American.......... 5% Scotsman' (The)........ . . . . . . 5 Scottish America Journal. .. 5 Sheldon's Dry Goods Reporter. 14 Shipping and Commercial List. 10 Shoe and Leather Reporter... 7 Skandinavische Post....... .. 4 South (The).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Spiritualist at Work ......... 5 : ; i–s 0. 406 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. Trade Ret. - Price. Stockholder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Sunday Citizen .............. 3% — Sunday Courier...... * * * * * * * * 4 *-* Sunday Daily Times ......... 4% — Sunday Democrat . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% — Sunday Dispatch ... . . . . . . . . . 7% – Sunday Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 t- <>Sunday German News ..... 1 % — Sunday Herald ... . . . . . . . . . . . 4% — ºSunday Mercury.,........ 6%. 10 Sunday News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Sunday New Yorker Democrat. 2% — Sunday New Yorker Journal 2% — {XSunday Presse. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% – Sunday Staats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% — Sunday Star.................. 2 4- 3. Sun (Brooklyn).... 3% — Sunday Times ... . . . . . . . . . 5% 7 Sunday Telegraph..... . . . . . . . 2 3 American Checker Player. ...18 2 American Law Times. . . . . . . . 38 '50 Advance 10C. Nowels ...... 6% — {{ “ Song Books... 5 *sº 6 & {{ and { { * 5 * Agriculturist (English)...... 9 15 Agriculturist (German)...... 9 : 15 Amateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 American Artisan...... . . . . . . 13 tº-sº American Booksellers' Guide. 5 4- American Builder. . . . . . . . . . . 23 30 American Chemist . . . . . . . . . 5 $50 American Exchange & Review.20 25 Potter’s Am. Monthly... . . . . . 28 35 Amer. Illus. Home Monthly... 18 25 American Industries......... 10 American Journal of Health and Medicine... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 tº- American Journal of Philately. 9 12 Amer. Journal of Phonography10 15 American Law Register...... 40 50 American Miscellany . . . . . . . . I5 25 Amer. Miscellany, Back Nos. 12 tº- American Naturalist. ........ 24 35 Appleton's Journal (4 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Appleton's Journal (5 weekly numbers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Appleton's Railroad Guide.... 16 25 Aquatic Monthly... . . . . . . . . sº Architectural Sketch Book. . .38 *º-, Archives Medical Science . . . .85 &= --> Arthur's Home Magazine..... 14 20 Atlantic Monthly ............ 28 35 Ballou's Magazine ..... • . . . . . .11 15 Bankers’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 ‘Bankrupt Register.......... .38 50 Beadle’s Publications : Dimſö Books * e º e º e º sº e s e º e º s 6% & & ** 100 or Over. ... 6 { { “ 300 “ . . . . Song Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 & ** 100 or over . . . . . 4% 4 & ** 1000 {{ ... 4 Beekeepers’ Journal . . . . . . . . . 6 &= Hlackwood’s Magazine ..... . .28 35 ‘Bon Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 60 Boston Journal of Chemistry... 7 10. Foys of America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Carriage Journal ... . . . . . . . . .22 25 Catholic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . J.7 25 ‘Catholic Total-Abstin'ce Union 3% — Catholic World .......... . .33 50 Cassell’s Magazine (mo. parts).20 30 Church Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 Claude Duval Novels, 1 to 14... 6%. 10 Clothier and Hatter.......... 10 tº- Coin Chart Manual...... ... . .23 * ©Comic Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Cottage Hearth ............. 10 15 Counterfeit Detector (Peter- son's) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15 “Creme de la Creme ......... .30 50 W .E. E. K. L. Y. — Continued, Trade Ret. • Price. ©Sunday World..... . . . . . . . 4 - Sunny South........... . . . . . . 4%. 6 Telegraph Journal ........... 5 8 The Echo............. . . . . . . . 4% - Thompson’s Reporter ........ 6 * Thompson's Reporter, Coin... 6 10 & Tobacco Leaf.......... . ... 7 10 Toledo Weekly Blade. . . . . . . . . 3 5 Touch-Stone............ 3 * Transcript ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. 4 6 True Flag ... . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º gº 4%. 6 Turf, Field, and Farm........ 7 10 Wall Street Review.......... 1% — Watchman and Reflector..... 5% 8 'l Watson's Art Journal . . . . . . . 8 10 Waverley. Magazine..........11 15 Weekly Demokrat ... ....... 4 7 Weekly Express ........ ... .. 8% 5 Weekly Herald ..... dº º tº dº e º e $ . 3% 4 RT O N T | H II L Ye Delineator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 *E=- De La Salle Monthly. . . . . . . . 15 25 Domestic.......... ......... 10 – Demorest's Magazine..... . . . .20 — Demorest's Young America... 7 10 Dental Cosmos ........ ... .22 4- De Witt's 2 Shilling Songs....13 tº-º-º: . De Witt's Acting Plays, 1 to 150 (Semi-monthly) ... . . . . . . . . 15 De Witt's Champion Ten Cent Novels, 1 to 21... . . . . . . . . 6%. 10 De Witt's Elocutionary Series. 10 lö De Witt's Ethiopian Comic Drama, 1 to 6... . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 De Witt's 10 Cent Romances, 1 to 105 . . . . . . . . . ------.. 6%. 10 De Witt's 10 Cent Song Books, 1 to 147 (semi-monthly)... 5 10 Dexter Smith's Paper........ 11 15 Druggists’ Circular . . . . . . . . ... 12 * Eclectic Magazine.... . . . . . . , 35 50 Educational Monthly ........ 17 - 20 El Ateno (Spanish)..... . . . . . . 38 4- El Sur Americano (semi mo.).10 &=º Floral Cabinet........ jo e s is e º ge 8 10 Folio (Musical).............. 10 *-*- Fortnightly Review... . . . . . . 40 50 Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls' W’kly (mo. p’ts)18 – {{ “ Budget of Fun...10 15 {{ ** Chimney Corner (mo. parts)...36 50 {{ “. Lady’s Magazine (mo. parts)... 27 35 & & ** Pleasant Hours.10 15 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 35 Gas Light Journal (semi-mo.) 10 15 Gardener’s Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Gartenlaube(Leipsic Ed.,s-mo) 8 15 Gewerbe und Industrie (Ger- man semi-monthly) ....... 5% 10 Gleason’s Monthly Companion. 6%. 10 Globe (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Godey's Lady’s Book........ . 21 6-º-º-º: Golden Hours......... ...... 14 15 Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 25 Good Words. ........... .... 19 25 Grand Army Gazette ........ 7 10 Guide to Holiness..... . . . . . . .11 - , Hall’s Medical Adviser. . . . . . 6 10 Hall’s Journal of Health. . . . . . 12 – Harper’s Magazim h . . . . . . . . . . 28 35 Harper's Weekly (mo, parts).33 50 Herald of Health....."........ 10 15 Historical Magazine. ......... 55 75 Holbrook's U. S. Mail . . . . . . . 12 Holloway's Musical Monthly... 30 40 Home Jºurnal of Health...... 6 10 Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 tº- Horticulturist ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 25 Howe's Musical Monthly...... 25 35 Hub (The)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 New York Medical Journal ...30 Trade Ret. Price. Weekly Journal of Commerce. 4%. 6 Weekly Mail....... . . . . . . . . . . 3% 4 Weekly News.............. ... 3% 5 Weekly New York Journal... 4× 6 Weekly New Yorker Presse... 4 5 Weekly Post............... ... 3% 5 Weekly Staats Zeitung....... 3%. 5 Weekly Sun. . . . . . tº tº * * * * * * g e . 2% 4 Weekly Times............... 3% 4 Weekly Tribune ............. 3% 5. Weekly Welcome............ 2 3 Weekly Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 2 Weekly World............... 3% 5 Wild Oats............. gº tº gº e º ſº 7 10 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times...11 15 Woman's Journal........ ... . 4% 6 Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly... 7 10 Yankee Blade . . . . . . . tº º & e º 'º e ºs 3% 7 Youth's Companion....... ... 8 5 Illus. Household Mag........ . 6 10 In Doors and Out............. 7 10 lndustrial Monthly.... ...... 9 15 Industrial Record............ 6 8 & & “ (with Supplt).37 – Insurance Monitor ...... . . . . .28 30 Insurance Times............. 22 30 Insurance Spectator ...... . . .22 smºs Insurance Gazette ..... tº e e s p a 40 - Internal Revenue Record ..... 9 I0 Jewelers' Circular . . . . . . . . . . 12 — Jolly Joker.............. . . . . 7 12 Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14 20° Journal of the Telegraph (semi- monthly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kentucky Live Stock Record, 6 * La America (semi-monthly). .20 25 Lady’s Own Magazine ........ 14 *g Lady's Repository....' ... . . . .27 35. Lakeside Library........... 7% — La Mode Elegante............ 38 50 Land and Meer (semi-mo.)... 14 25 Lantern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e º e 3 5 Laws of Life.... ............ 10 15 Le Beau Monde.............. 3% — Literary World..............ll * Lippincott's Magazine...... . .27 35 Live Stock Journal (Buffalo).. 10 15 Locke's Mo... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 * London Family Herald.......18 *º London Lancet ... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 50 Macmillan’s Mag. Reprint.... 25 sº Mammoth Monthly Reader ... 6 º Manufacturer and Builder.... 12 15 Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Medical News and Library... 10 Gº-º Medical News Supplement (Suc- CešSor to Rankin’s Abstract. 10 tº Medical Union . . . . . ......... 18 tº- Merry Masker..... . .... 7 sº Merryman'3 Monthly......... 10 Milliner and Dressmaker (Mo. American). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mother's Magazine........... 10 15 Mother's Journal ............ 12%. 20 Munro's 10 Ct. Novels, 1 to 300. 6%. 10 Munro's 10 Cent Song Books, from 1 to 14.... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 Musical World (N. Y.)....... 16 30 Musical World (Cleveland)...]2 sºng National Agriculturist and Bee Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * 10 National Car Builder....... ... 7 e- National Live Stock Journal.. 16 25 National Stove Trade Gazette. 35 50 National S. S. Teacher........ 10 15 Nat’l Teacher's Monthly..... 7 10 National Temperance Advocate 9 10 Nature (mo. parts, 4 Nos.)...40 50 New Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 20. New Sensation (mo. parts). . .30 — New Yorker Musick Zeitung... 6 50 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 4O7 MI O N T H L Y – Continued. Trade Ret. Trade IRet. Trade Ret. - Price. rice Price. Nick Nax................... 7% 10 | Peterson’s Popular Literature 20 — St. Nicholas................. 19 - Nursery (The)............... 10 15 | Popular Science Monthly..... 37 50 | Texas New Yorker...... r. ... 17 4- Obstetrical Journal .......... 37% — | Poultry World.......... e tº e º e 12 | The Lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Official Time-Table........... 13 — | Psychological Journal...... .37% 50 | Thompson's Descriptive List... 16 25 Oliver Optic's Magazine...... 20 25 | Psychological and Medico- Trans-Continental Guide...... 40 50 Ornum's Indian Novels, 1 to 73. 6%. 10 Legal Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 50 | Traveler’s Official Guide... ... 25 50 Overland Monthly........... 26 35 | Railway Monitor... . . . . . . . . . .33 — | Truth-Seeker.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 — Painters’ Magazine..........11 15 || Rand & McNally Guide..... . .23 40 | Union Era (parts)... . . . . . . . . .25 &=º Paper Trade Reporter........ 11 — | Revue de la Mode. . . . . . . . . .25 35 | University Journal . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 Paper Trade Journai (semi-mo)11 — | Richmond Novels, 1 to 25.... 6% 10 || Van Nostrand’s Ecl. Eng. Mag.85 50 Patent Right Gazette......... 6 10 | Sailors’ Magazine.... ... . ... 10 15 Wallace's Monthly........... 20 30, Penn Monthly.............. .24 — | Sanitarian ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 30 Watchmaker and Jeweler..... 17 tº- Pension Record.... ... ...... 6 — | Saturday Journal (parts)..... I8 — Waverley Mag. (monthly parts)42 60 Peters’ Household Melodies. 30 — Science of Health....... . . . . . 14 25 | Whitney’s Musical Guest..... 16 25 “ Parlor Music......... 30 — | Scott’s Mirror of Fashion. . . . .38 50 | Wide Awake... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20. Peterson’s Counterf’t Detector.11 15 Scribner's Monthly..... . . . . . . 28 35 | Work and Wealth............ 3 5 Peterson’s Magazine ......... 14 20 | Silliman’s Journal ... . . . . . . . .43 50 || Working Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I2 Pet Stock, Pigeon, and Poul- Singers’ Journal...... . . . . . . . 1 2 || Workshop.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 50 try Bulletin............. . 7 10 | Southern Magazine .......... 30 35 | World of Fashion (Amer)20, 25. Philadelphia Photographer...43 50 | Star-Spangled Banner.... . . . . 4% 6 Yankee Nothins...... * * * * * * * * 7 10 Phonetic Magazine...10 — | Student’s Journal............ 6 10 | Young Catholic.............. 3 5 Phonographic Monthly 15 20 | Sunbeam.................... 3% — | Young Crusader . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 Phrenological Journal........21 30 | Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 | Young Ladies’ Journal... . . . .27 *- American Church Review. $0 90 American Journal Medical Sciences . . . . . * * * * * * * = e s e Amer Journal of Obstetrics 1 12 American law Review.... . 1 05 Baptist Quarterly...... --.. 85 Bibliotheca Sacra... ....... 1 00 Braithewaite's Retrospect...1 05 British Quarterly (reprint). 62 Q UA R T E R L. Y. R. E VI Ews, ET C. Church and World... . . . . . $0 85 | National Quarterly Review.51 12 Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — | New Englander. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Contemporary Review ..... 62 75 | New Remedies . . . . . e - e s s s a 35 Edinburgh Review (reprint) 62 – | North American Review ...1 12% Half - Yearly Compendium No. Am. Jour. of Homoepathy 85 Medical Science ... . . . . . . 1 20 — Postal Guide (U.S. Official). . 40 International Review (bimo) 6 — | Presbyterian Quarterly and Journal Social Science...... 1 25 - Princeton Review......... 75 Journal of Speculative Philos. Smith's Pattern Bazar...... 20 Brittan’s Journal....... . . 67 ophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 75 | Southern Review. . . . . . . . . .1 25 Christian Examiner........ 67 Ladies'Quarterly Review... 10 — | Westminster Review ...... 62 Christian Quarterly....... . 85 London Quarterly. . . . . . . . . . 62 — Wood’s Quar’ly Retrospect. 1 00 Methodist Quarterly . . . . . .0 75 - ; = FO REIGN P E R I O D M C A L S – W. E. E. K. L. Y. Trade Price Trade Price. Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 | Engineering ............ 20 All the Year Round . . . . . 8 Engineering & Bldg.Times 7 American Register...... 14 || Edinburgh Scotsman.... 5 Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | English Mechanic ....... 7 Army and Navy Gazette 20 | Era ............ ......... 20 Athenaeum . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 ! Examiner ... . . . . . . . .... 14 Belfast News........... 14 || Family Herald.......... 5 Bell's Life.............. 20 | Field......... e e s e e s e e < * 20 Bow Bells ....... . . . . . . . 6 Fun............. . . . . . . . 6 British Medical Journal. 20 | Funny Folks............ 5 Bullionist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Garden.............. ... 10 Builder. . . . . . . * * * * * * * e º e 12 || Gardener’s Chronicle.... 16 Building News...... . . . . 12 || Gas-Light Journal . . . . . . 20 Chambers’ Journal..... . 7 || Glasgow Herald......... 6 Chemical News......... 12 || Graphic ................ 20 Christian World......... 5 || Guardian ... - - - - - ...... 20 Church Review ......... 10 ! Illustrated News........ 20 Church Times .......... 5 || Illustrated Penny. ..... 5 Court Journal .......... 20 | Illustrated Police News... 5 Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 |Illustrated Sporting and Economist ... . . . . . . . ... 30 Dramatic News. . . . . . . 20 Engineer... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Ilustrated London Clipper 5 Trade Price. 14 Irishman............... John Bull . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Judy......... . . . . . . . . . . 6 Le Monde Illustré... . . . . 14 Lancet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Land and Water ........ 20 Lloyd’s Newspaper...... 5 L'Illustration . . . . . . . . . . 26 Liverpool Mercury. . . ... 10 London Journal. ........ 5 London Reader......... ... 5 London World ......... 20 L’Univers Illustré. . . . . . . 10 Manchester Times....... 10 Mark Lane Express Mining Journal.... . . . . . . . 20 Musical World . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nation (Dublin)......... 7 Nature ...... • * * * * * ~ * * . 10 News of the World...... 10 Notes and Queries. . . . . . . 12 Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IF O RE I G. N. P. E. R. I O IO I C A L S — MI O N T HI Trade Price. Trade Price. Argonaut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 || British Juvenile......... 3 Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Builder ... . . . . . . . . . .... 64 All the Year Round (part) 36 | Cassell’s Shakespeare.... 25 All the World over . . . . . . 18 || Cassell’s Guliiver . . . . . . . . Annals of Natural History 95 || Castles and Abbeys..... 18 Architect..... ... e e s e e e 54 | Chambers’ Journal...... 25 Argosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Chatterbox. . . . . . • * * * Athenaeum (part)....... '54 Aunt Judy's Magazine... 20 Bankers’ Magazine . . . . . 57 Band of Hope Review... 2 Chess Player's Chron Children’s Friend. . . . . . . Children’s Prize...... * Child’s Companion. . . . . .2% Christian Evidence Jour’l 8 Baptist Messenger...... 3 || Christian Treasury...... Belgravia. . . . . . ‘..... . . ... 38 || Churchman’s Companion Bookseller.......... . . . . 20 | City Chess Magazine..... Boys of England..... . ... 18. Clergyman’s Magazine.. Boys of England (re-issue) 18 Congregationalist....... Bow Bells (monthly pts.) 27 | Contempºrary Review... British Workman ....... 2% Cornhill Magazine....... British Workwoman.....2% ^ - e. 8 icle 38 2% O • */2 20 20 20 3S 20 62 3 8 Cottager and Artisan....2% Trade Price. Day of Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . l8 Dickens (parts). . . . . ... 16 Draper and Milliner..... 38 Dublin Review (Quar’ly).2 30 Dublin University Maga- zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Edinburgh Me 1. Journal. 76 English Woman’s Domes- tic Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 38 Evange,ical Christendom 20 Every Boy’s Magazine... 18 Expositor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Family Friend. . . . . . . . . . 2% Family Herald (parts)... 18 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . 20 Farmer’s Magazine. ..... 76 Floral World . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fortuightly Review . . . . . 45 Fraser’s Magazine......1 00 Friendly Visitor ... . . . . .2% Trade Price Once a Week. . . . . . . . . 8. Pall Mall Budget ..... ... 20 Pall Mall Gazette (file of Six dates) . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Pictorial World. ........ 10 Public Opinion...... ... I0 Publishers’ Circular (fort- nightly)..... • a e º 'º - e. ... 14 Punch. ------... . . . . . . . . 10. Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Reynolds' Newspaper ... 5 Saturday Review . . . . . ... 16 Spectator... . . . . . . . . ... 16 Sporting Gazette....... ... 10 Sporting Life (2 dates, ea 50.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tablet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Tailor and Cutter . . . . . . . 8 The Times (last date).... 14 The Mail (3 dates)...... 28 Weekly Register(Cath.)... 16. Weekly Times 4 L Y. tº e º e º e º as e e Trade Price. Gardener’s Magazine. .. 3 Gardener (The)......... 20 Gentleman’s Magazine, .. 38. Good Things. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Graphic (part)......... 1 00 Homoeopathic Review... 38. Homilist Horological . . . . . . . . e - e s a Human Nature . . . . . . . Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • 7 Journal des Modes....... 50 Journal of Horticulture... 54 Journal of Science (quar- terly) . . . . . . . . . . tº º º ſº º Journal of Mental Science (quarterly) . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Kind Words tº e o e º 'º e e e º a tº 10 +o8 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. IF O R. E. IGN P E R O DIC A. L S – IV IO N TIE I L. Y-Continueds t Trade Price. Trade Price. Tradio Price. Trade Price , Ladies' Gazette of Fashion 38 Medical Times (parts)... 98 || Pharmaceutical Jourual. 75 | Sunday School Times .... 10 La Mode Illustró3 ...... 1 00 || Milliner and Dressmaker. 50 | Portfolio (Art). ... ...... 75 | Sunday School World. ... 18 Lamp....... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 || Month, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 | Practical Magazine. . . . . 38 Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2% Ladies’ Guzette of Monthly Microscopical Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Sword and Trowel (Spur- Fashion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 | Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 | Punch (parts) .......... 44 geon) . . . . . . . . & e º ºs e º ºs & 12 Ladies’ Treasury........ 30 || Monthly Packet. ........ 38 * - Temple B:ur..... . . . . . . . . 88 Leisure Hour... . . . . . . . . 20 Mother’s Friend......... 3 Quiver (The)..... • * * * * * * 20 Tinsley's Magazine...... 38 Linguist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Musical Times ........ ... 8 || Science Gossip.... . . . . . . 16 || Truthseeker. . . . . . . . . ... 10 Little Dressmaker....... 20 | Nautical Mugazine . . . . . . 38 Scientific Review. . . . . . . 20 | Union Review (bi-m'thly) 76 Little Folks ............ 20 | Naval Science (qtly)...1 00 | Short hand Magazine.... 20 | Veterinarian (Varies)... 57 Local Preacher.......... 10 | Notes and Queries (pts). 60 | Spiritual Magazine...... 20 | Victoria Magazine....... 38 Local Preachers' Olú and New London.... 36 || Spurgeon's Pulpit. ..... . 20 | Willa Gardener... . . . . . . 20 Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Once a Week (parts).. 36 | St. James' Magazine..... 38 || Wedding Bells. . . . . . . . . . 28 London Journal (parts). 22 Orchestra........... -- 10 | Sugar Cane Magazine. ... 38 || World of Fashion...... . 35 London Society ......... 38 Our Own Fireside....... 20 Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Young Folks' Budget.... 20 Londou & Paris Fashions. 38 || Penny Pulpit ... . . . . . . . . 20 Sunday at Home........ 20 | Young Ladies’ Journal... 27 McMillan's Magazine - ... 25 || Picture Gallery ... . . . . . . 38 Sunday School Teacher .. 7 || Young Men of Great Bri- Methodist Temperance Popular Science Review Sunday School Teacher's tain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mugazine....... . . . . . (quarterly).... . . . . . . 1 00 Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 | Zoologist. ..... . . . . . . . . . 88 GER NI A N - A MER I CAN P U B L I CAT I o N s. . Trº Ret. - Trade Ret. - Ti Cô, Weekly. º Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung..... . . ... 8 4 w Steuerz ther. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% 8 Atlantische B'âtter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 * g º ºr º 'º * tº e a Beobachter am Hudson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Uns’ ModerSpruk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº tº e º gº gº 3 5 - - - - y * x as • rº, 33 ry Wochenblatt des N. Y. Demokrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 ºf Bibliothek Populärer Erzählungen............ 7%. 12 i Frank Leslie’s Illustrirte Zeitung 7 I0 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Presse .......... . . . . . . . . 4 6 Freischätz........... ..................... 3 5 Wochenblatt der N. Y. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 Gormania; Neueste Nachrichten aus Deutschland Wochenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 6 & Schweiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Helvetia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Nachi ichten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz. ... 6 10 Semi-IVIonthly, & Das Neue Heilm; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ſº tº º e º $ tº gº • ?, ?? | Familien-Schatz I0 15 sº Belletristisches Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . { : }} Deutsch-Amerik. Gewerbe u. Industrie-Zeitung.... 6 8 * * * * * * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e g º º e is e e g e e s tº e º a 2 . Schreddered engg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº e º e º 'º & e º . . . . . 7 10 Der Social-Demokrat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%. 5 Sonntagsb'att des N. Y. Journal... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 4 Mlonthly. Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Presse................... 2% 4 || Amerikanischer Agriculturist.................... 10 15 IMIPORTED GERMAN MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALs. Back numbers always on hand. First number gratis of those marked f. First and last number gratis of those marked it. Semi-Monthly. + Das Nethe Blatt........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 tº Buch ſtir Allo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit . . . . . . . . .......... 7 10 #: tº e º e º e º & & © tº e º e º 'º º º tº e º ºs e e º ºs e < e e g a 10 15 it Leipziger Gartenlaube........................ 8 15 + Ueber Land und Meer... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 I 8 a. Year. © H Allgemeine Illustrirte Faumilien-Zeitung...... .31 25 - 13 Alte und Neue Welt........ IMIIPORTED GERIWRIAN BOOKS + Brockhaus Conversations-Lexicon.... . . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 Deutschlands Kunstschätze. 70 parts, at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Published in about * * * * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * 23 40 Bock. Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen, pub ished in about 10 parts, at . . . . . . . • • * * * * * * * * 3 35 Don Quixote von la Mancha, Illustrationen von G. Doré, published in about 50 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . .23 35 Italien’s Kuustschätze, von Eckstein, published in about 75 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 45 Italien. Eino Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum AEtna, published in about 24 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . 60 85 H. Heine’s sāmmtliche Werke. f Bunte Welt. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Deutscher Hausschatz.......... © º º e º ºs º ºs e e º e º ſº e 13 20 Der Hausfreund... . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º e º ºs & sº e º e º 'º e 14 25 f Illustrirte Wolt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20 Monthly. f Gewerbehalle............. e sº e º e º e º e º e º ºs e º e º s 28 40 Kinderlaube. . . . . . . . . & sº e º gº tº € $ tº e º ºs e g º º e º ſº tº * * * * * * * 12 20 Deutsche Rundschau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 85 t Der Welthandel... . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e. . . . . . . . . .20 35 | PUBLISHIELD IN PARTS. Köppen, Otto von Bismarck, published in about 16 parts, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º & e tº e º e g e g º ºs e º 'º e . . . . . .20 35 Die Rheinfahrt, von den Quellen bis zum Meere. Reich illustrirtes Prachtwerk, published in about 24 parts, at... . . . . . . . . . Shakespeare's sämmtliche Werke; ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 65 Hallberge r’8 Published in 54. parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Schiller’s sāmmtliche Werke. Illustrite Ausgabe. Published in 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 25 25 N JE W GER m A N P U B L 10 A Tro Ns. Imported. + Mylius, Weisse Frau, 24 parts................. 8 Rózsa Sándor, 20 parts........... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 *Hexe von Olmütz, 30 parts ..... tº e e º e ge e e º 'º e s is a e 8 Born, Stumm von Portici, 30 parts.......... . ... 8 B tihl, Suleika die Perle des Harem, 30 parts..... 8 Tippert, Fra Diavolo. 30 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Prachtai:sgabe. Published in 48 parts ....... 25 O. Spamer’s Illustrictes Conversations-Lexikon. Published in about 180 parts, at............ ... 14 25 Spindler's ausgewöhlte Romane, published in about 85 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e g tº º º ... 10 20 Stieler’s Hand-Atlas sāmmtlicher Länder der Erde, in 90 Karten. Published in about 30 parts, at...40 60 Ludwig, Feuerbannes, 30 parts................... 8 12 Schmeling, Ein falscher Fürst und Jesuiten Zögling, 20 parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... --.... , 8 12 f Der Freischütz, 30 parts............ . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 - Domestic. H. Heine's Samtliche Werke. 59 parts, at........ 6 10 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke, 40 parts, at... 7 10 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. , 499 superB ILLUSTRATED works PUBLISHED BY SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG. 743 & 745 Broadway, New York. 1. DORE'S GRAND PORTRAITURE OF A GLORIOUS COUNTRY: S PA I N. Illustrated by 240 Engravings drawn on wood by Gustave Dore. The descriptive letter-press and historical narrative by THE BARON CH. I.)Av11.LIER, One noble quarto volume of about 800 pages, printed on toned paper, and richly bound in cloth; full gilt side (stamped with design taken from the Alhambra), gilt edges. Price, $18; or in full. Persian morocco, $25. iº & This magnificent volume may be justly characterized as one of the Inost valuable, elaborate, and deeply interesting works ſº published on modern Spain. It contains a minute and vivid description of nearly overy object of historical and romantic interest, which richly abound in that delightful country, famous for , knightly adventure, romance, and song. The text is largely interspersed with sprightly proverbs and choice ex- tracts from rare legendary ballads and poems, illustrative of Spanish history, valor, and gallantry. The numerous superb illustrations by M. GUSTAVE TORE exhibit with marvelous fidelity and picturesque beauty the majestic Scenery and grand architecture of the country, the lively manners, piquant dress, and singular customs of its romantic people. Indeed, no labor or expense has been spared to render this sumptuous volume the most beautiful, interesting, and valuable publication, in a literary and artistic point of view, that has ever appeared. Water-Color series of Gift-Books. With Archaeological, Historical, Poetical, and Descriptive Notes lºy the Rev. W. J. Loftie, F.S.A., and illustrated With several very charming chromographs, in imitation of water-color, from original designs by T. L. Row- ..", Member of the Society of Painters in Water-Colors. 4to, cloth, gold and black, beveled boards, each $3, viz.: 1. (Scotland.) Picturesque Scottish Scenery. 3. (Wales.) Views in North Wales. sº e 2. (England.) English Lake Scenery. 4. (Ireland.) Views in Wicklow and Killarney. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By Thomas Lewen, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., of Trinity College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, author or “Fasti Sacri,” “Siege of Jerusalem,” etc. New edition, with numerous illustrations finely engraved on wood, maps, plaus, etc. Two vols., demy 4to, cloth, $18. These volumes contain more than 1,000 pages, with about 350 illustrations in the highest style of wood engraving. The work is the result of forty years' study, and will be found of value to scholars, while its price is Calculated to secure the widest circulation. - Handy Volume Edition of the Holy Bible. With Marginal Readings, References, and Introductions. Eleven small elegant vols., in a case. Bindings and Prices—l. In extra cloth, limp, red edges, in a specially designed case, $9. 2. In French morocco, limp, gilt edges, in an elegant leather case, $13.50. 3. In smooth calf, highly finished, limp, gilt edges (circuit), and tooled sides, in an uniform case, $40. , 4. In best Turkey morocco, highly finished, limp, gilt edges (circuit), and tooled sides, in an uniform case, $40. - 53 TELE THACKERAy SEKETCEI-BOOK. - Thackerayana : Notes and Anecdotes. Illustrated by a profusion of sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray, depicting humorous incidents in his school-life, and favorite characters in the books of his every-day reading, with five colored, plates, and nearly 600 wood engravings from Thackeray's original drawings. Large lzmo, cloth, extra gilt, $3.75. **, An exceedingly curious and valuable volume, the diverting pages of which are adorned by some 600 engraved facsimiles of the little caricature sketches which the illustrious author of “Vanity Fair' was perpetually scrib- bling in the margins of books, and on every scrap of paper which came in his way, and which these eyes have witnessed him scribbling scores of times.—G. A. Sala, in the Illustrated London News. Aunt Louisa's Gift-Books. New volumes. Each in demy 4to, cloth, gilt, with 24 original plates by Harrison Weir and others, printed in colors by Kronheim, and descriptive letter-press, per vol., $2.50. 1. Aunt Louisa's Home Favorites. Comprising “My Favorites,” “Home Pets,” “Country Pets,” “BIousehold Pets.” - 2. Aunt Louisa's Welcome Gift. Comprising “Tabby's Tea-Fight,” “Rover's Dinner Party,” “John Bull's Farm Alphabet,” “London Characters.” - e N. B.—All the other volumes of this superior series supplied, as well as the inimitable “Drolleries,” and “Puzzle Toy-Book,” without exception the most attractive Juvenile books ever issued. 7. ITS FAMOUS MAKERS AND THEIR IMITATORS, BY GEORGE HART. Illustrated by upwards of 40 first-class wood engravings from photographs, which represent the exact outlines and proportions of the masterpieces of Antonius, Strailiyarius. Amati. Bergonzi, and others, including the oelebrated Violin by Jeseph Guarnerius, on which Paganini achieved his remarkable success. . . . . . 1 vol., 8vo, cloth, $5.25. 4IO THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. $5 t $20 § day at home. Samples worth $1 free. O TINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. |2 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. ſ\LD BOOKS.—A. H. CLARE, Peekskill, N. Y., buys, sells, and exchanges new, second-hand, and shelf-worn School-books. Correspondence, with lists of Books wanted and for sale, solicited. PUMPHREY & YOUNG, OF SEATTLE, WASH- ington Territory, want the address of firms making Library and Second-hand books a specialty. E. W. BENEDIX, ABILENE, KANS., WANTS Publishers', Stationers', Fancy Goods and Novelty Dealers' Catalogues and Price Lists. ANNOUNOEMENT. B|| |||}|| ||), ONE HUNIDIRED YEARS OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. 1 Vol. Royal 8vo. Superbly illustrated, and sold at a popular price. gº Will be issued on or before January 1, 1876. Territory now being assigned to Agents. A. S. BARNES & CO., 111 & 113 William St., New York. HOLDENSBººk º º A. ºf covering schooººooºº. Every Dealer Should Have Them, NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. Applied in one second. Stronger than cloth. The Economic Advertisers | Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. EIOLDEN’ EIANDY LETTER FILE. Cheapest in the market. - Agents wanted. Samples sent by mail, on receipt of price, 75 cents. PAYNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. HMPPY HIRS (MPANY. No. 1 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. PllisiBTs iſ Biſks, Gâmbs, PWilts, &C, ALSO OF The Acting Drama, The Amateur Stage, The Variety Stage, and The Ethiopian Drama. The Trade supp/ied by the AMER/CAN WEWS COMPA/WY and jobbérs genera/ly, NONE BETTER. ZELL's ENCYCLOPEDIA. New and revised edition. With 18 large and handsome colored maps, and nearly 3,000 engravings. The first number of the new and revised edition will be issued Oçº, 23. 64 parts, at 50c: $37.50 in leather binding. This work, contains fully as much reading matter as the most elaborate works of its kind published in the United States, while the cost is about one-third of the rice. Nearly everything within the scope of human knowledge meets with treatment in this work; and it is so convenient for reference that it is constantly con- Sulted by those who have it. - tº ZELL'S HAND-ATLAS OF THE WORLD. This is the handsomest Atlas published. Imperial 8vo, cloth, $15; half morocco, $16.50. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Successors to T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Philadelphia. B. W. BOND, 5 Beekman St. (up-stairs), New York, BOOKS WANTED. J. FRANCIS RUGGLES, Bronson, Mich. Goodrich's Geography. Onward Magazine, New York. 1869. Any or all the numbers. Bishop Watson's Apology for the Bible. Astrology as It Is. By Cavalry Officer. Worsdale's Celestial Philosophy. Zadkiel's Hand-Book of Astrology. Wilson's Dictionary of Astrology. Astrological Ephemerisis. Ptolemy's Tetrabiblas. Ptolemy's Quadripartite. J. K. P. SAYLER, Romeo, Tenn. Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Information. Chambers's Encyclopedia, latest edition. Rollins's Ancient History. Second-hand, leather bound, give prices, net. Price Lists of Publishers and Manufacturers. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. J. S. Duncan's System of Rapid Business, Penmanship. 6 numbers. Published by Wm. G. Johnson & Co., Pittsburgh. 1858. Wm. Davidson's Ilinear Theoretical Copy-Books. 3 numbers. Published by W. C. Martin, New York. 1842. Wm. Davidson's Analysis of Writing in Colors. Writ- ing-Book. Published by W. C. Martin, New York. 1842. Wm. Davidson's Linear Scientific Copy-Books. 3 num- bers. Published by W. C. Martin, New York. I844. Wm. Davidson's Economical Copy-Books. 2 numbers. Published by W. C. Martin, New York. 1844. Chas. H. Farnsworth's Copy-Books. 2 numbers. Pub- lished by the author, Lowell. 1862. Wanted No. 2. Fulton & Eastman's Writing-Books. 4 numbers. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. 1848. Wanted No. 4. Jas. French's The Art of Pen-Drawing. Published by the author, Boston. 1854. W. F. A. WOODCOCK, Box 113, Dover, Del. A second-hand copy of Reid on Watch and Clock Making. © THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 4 II JOSEPH G|LLOTT's CEI, EIBERATEID So/d by 3// Deaſers throughout - the Wor/d. Every packet bears the fac-simile of his signature, MANUFACTURERS WAREHOUSE, 91 John Street. N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. LOCKWOOD, BROOKS & [ſ], Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, 381 WASHINGTON & 10 BRDMFIELD STS, BosTON, MAss. NEw EST PUB LI CAT I O N s. Toward the Straight Gate; or, Parish Christianity. By Rev. E. F. BURR, D.D., author of “Ecce Coelum,” º Mundi,” etc. 12mo, 550 pp., cloth, beveled, 2.50. Concluding volume of the series, comprising “Ecce Coelum,” “I’ater Mundi,” and “Ad Fidem.” Fairy Bells, and What They Tolled Us. Trans- lated from the German. By SARAH W. LANDER. New edition. 16mo, cloth, illustrated, $2.25. .*. A series of charming Tales for children. The Farmer Boy ; and How He Became Commander- in-Chief. By UNCLE JUVINRLL. Edited by W.M. M. TELAYER. 16mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50. s”, Incidents in the early life of Washington, for boys. Lockwood, BROOKS & Co. carry full lines of the lat- est publications and stationery noveltics, and are pre- pared to meet all demands of the retail trade. They are manufacturers of the celebrated brands of Congress and Government Mucſ/age, - AND THE NEW . IRWING WRITING AND COPYING FLUID INK, as well as of favorite styles of CARMINE, BLUE, and BLACK INKs. Orders from dealers are respectfully invited. Send for catalogue and discounts. JUST ISSUED BY THE Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. THE REWISED EDITION OF THE iſſiºintſ: N TE. I. UNITED STATES. By the Rev. E. H. G/LLETT, D. D., Author of “Life and Times of John Huss,” “God in Human Thought,” “Ancient Cities and Em- pires,” “Life Lessons,” &c., &c. Two Vols. Each 6OO pages. Price, $5.O.O. On its first appearance this History was recognized by all branches of the Presbyterian family as a work of eminent truthfulness and merit, and received the warm commendation of their scholars and periodicals. So far as the statements of facts are concerned, very little change was required in the Revised Edition; but what before Was asserted without qualification, as to . the relation and action of the two parties in times of controversy and division, has been so modified that the party by whom such assertion was regarded as histori- cally true or just. is alone made responsible for it. other words, the historian has allowed each party to speak for itself, representing its own views, while the reader is left at liberty to draw his own conclusions. Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. NEWSPAPER ADVERISING, NINETY.EIGHTH EDITION. Containing a complete list of all the towns in the Uni ted States, the Territories, and the Dominion of Canada, having a population greater than 5 000 according to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local circulation in each of the places j Also, a catalogue of newspapers which are re- commended to advertisers as giving greatest value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in the United States and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural, Scien- tific, and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Edu- cational, Commercial, Insurance, Real Estate, Law, Sporting. Musical, Fashion, and other special class jour- nals; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 300 German papers printed in the United States. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various news- papers, and everything which a beginner in advertising would like to know. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Park Row, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. william F. Gill & Co’s NEW HOLIDAY BOOKS, NOWEMBER, 1875. LAUREL LEAVES - Of Poems, Stories, and Essays; by Henry W. Long- fellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Low- ell, John G. Whittier, William Cullen Bryant, J. T. Trowbridge, Louisa M. Alcott, Jean Ingelow, Qharles Kingsley, Nora Perry, Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dudley Warner, John Paul, Wilkie Collins, Louise Chandler Moulton. William Mathews, T. W. Higginson, and others. With 75 illustrations, by Alfred Fredericks, Sol. Eytinge, Jr., Birket Foster, R. Barnes, Thomas Kennedy, and others. Cloth. 4to. Full gilt. Uniform with “Lotos Leaves.” $6. Turkey morocco, $12. Ready November 20. ſº Many entirely new pieces, written expressly for this volwºme by the prominent awthors named, are Contained in this work. H/STOR/GA/ A/VD LEGE/WDAF Y BALLADS, A superb gift volume, comprising rare poems never previously included in any similar collection. By Walter Thornbury. With over 200 illustrations by John. Tenniel, J. D. Watson, and other eminent English artists. The Work is from the press of Messrs. Chatto & Win- dus, of London, from whom we have purchased the right to the American market for the book. Imperial 4to. Richly bound, full gilt. $10. Ready Movember 26. GOLDEN TREASURES OF POETRY, FOMAWCE, AND ART, A. popular Gift-Book, com prising Poems and Stories by #yolite authors, and pictures by famous artists. The list of authors represented includes Alfred Ten- TYS90, Wilkie Collins, Edward Eggleston. Miss M. E. Braddon, Miss A.M. Douglas, fouise Chand- !º Moulton, C. A. Swinburne, Nora Perry, Celia Thaxter, James M. Bailey, The Danbury News . C. B. Lewis, the Detroit Humorist, and I'S. Cloth. Small 4to. Full gilt. $2.50. Ready Nov.26. L07 OS LEAVES, An entirely new edition of this most successful Gift- Book. By Alfred. Tennyson, John Hay, Mark TYºin, Wilkie Collins, John Brougham, Whitelaw Reid, and others. With 50 illustrations, including Several new designs by Fredericks. Lumley, and La Farge. Cloth. 4to. Full gilt. $6. Now ready. THE HORN of PºWT). OF HOME POEMs AND Pictures. By Jean Ingelow, Miss Muloch, George Macdonald, iora Greenwell, and others; with 45 full-page illustrations, by emi. nent artists. Artistically, this volume º With the finest specimens of works of this class that have been produced in this country. Cloth. Small 4to. Full gilt. $2.25. Ready November 20. SEPMO/WS TO 7 HE OLEAPG Y, The latest work of Gail Hamilton. The papers comprised in this volume have excited a degree of attention and an amount of controversy ºn. any previous effort of this popular writer. Cloth. 12mo. $1.50. Ready November 13. 7 HE WAGES OF S//W, The latest novel of Edmund Yates, founded upon a romance of real life, that created a great excitément in the fashionable world of London, 8vo. Paper. 50c. Now ready. THE D/G/KE/WS-COLL//WS OF/R/ST- //AS STOP/FS, Comprising the stories written conjointly by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins, viz.: “The Two Idle Apprentices " and “No Thoroughfare,” now pub- lished for the first time in permanent form. This volume will prove welcome to owners of com- plete sets of the works of these writers. Cloth. Illustrated. $1.50. Ready November 26. ARSEWE HOUSSAYE/S L/FE //W PAR/S, New and enlarged edition, including all recent letters. Small 16mo. Cloth. Red edges. $1.50. Ready November 13. DF/FTED ASUWDER, or, The Tide of Fate, A powerful Domestic Story. By Miss Amanda M. Douglas, author of “In Trust.” 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. Ready November 20. THE RE/S /WO PLACE L/KE HOME, A Christmas Houme Story for readers of all ages. By Miss Aunanda M. Douglas. Critics unite in praising this charming new work as the most captivating family story written since “Little Women.” 12mo, Illustrated. Cloth. $1.50. Ready Novem- ber 26. FRAWK MAWLY, THE DRUMMER- * By J. T. Trowbridge. All who have read “Jack Haz- ard ” will find this stirring story fully enual to that admirable work by the same author. 12mo, Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50. Ready November 13. AL- THE COMPLETE WORKS OF FRED TEAV/WYSO/W, Popular Library Edition, including “Queen Mary.” 12mo, 1,000 pp. Illustr ited. Cloth. Beveled boards, $2. THE TREASURE - THOVE SEAP/ES, Comprising the choicest humor by the great writers. Vol. I.-Burlesque. Vol. II.-Travesty. Vol. III. Story. . Now ready. Vol. IV.-Extravaganza. Ready November 26. OUT OF THE DEEP, or, Cast Up by the Sea, By Mrs. Henry Wood. A story worthy of the author of “ East Lynne.” It is a story of strange adventure, highly wrought and sensational in that it deals with events of a character too extraordinary, and exciting to be classed among the common places of life. Paper, 75c. Cloth. $1.50. Now ready. A HERO OF THE PEW, By Ernest Werner, author of “Good Luck.” It it a story that satisfies to an unusual extent. No other novel published this season can compare with it in living interest and fidelity to nature. 8vo. Paper. 75c. Cloth. $1.50. Now ready. For saſe by THE AMER/CAN WEWS CO, and other ſeading jobbing houses, Fully illustrated catalogues of our books, finely printed on tinted paper, sent post-paid on application, by WILLIAM F, GILL & C0, Publishers, 309 Washington Street, Boston, Miss. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 4 I-3 |NH|| BI||NIR Th? Iſ St Bºlliſill LadićS BOOK WET DIllişliği. Aest Selling Gift-Aook of the Season. Order Zargely. AEvery Zady wants it for her Work- Aasket or AEar/or. By HENRY T. WILLIAMS AND Mrs. C. S. JONES. A splendid new book on Household Art, devoted to a multitude of topics, interesting to ladies everywhere. Among the most popular subjects are, Transparencies on Glass, Leaf Work, Autumn Leaves, wax Work, Painting, Leather Work, Fret Work, Picture Frames, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Work Boxes and Baskets, Straw Work, Skeleton Leaves, Hair Work, Shell Work, Mosaic, Cross- es, Cardboard Work, Worsted work, Spatter Work, Moss- es, Cone Work, etc. Hundreds of exquisite illustrations decorate the pages, which are full to overflowing with hints and devices to every lady how to ornament her home cheaply, tastefully, and delightfully with fancy articles of her own construction. By far the most popu- lar and elegant gift-book of the year. 300 pages rice, $1.50. Sent post-paid by mail. Ready November 15. WINDOW. GARDENING, By HENRY T. WILLIAMS, Epiron. The LAntºs' Floral. - - Cabinet. An Elegant Book, with 250 Fine Engravings and 300 §. containing a Descriptive List of all Plants suita- le for Window Culture, Directions for their treatment, and Practical Information about Plants and Flowers for the Parlor, Conservatory, Wardian Case, Fernery, or window Gariº. Teii, ºil about Buisºr House buſ. ture, Geraniums, Hanging Baskets, Insects, Plant Deco- ration of Apartments. The illustrations are unusually beautiful, and many of them perfect #" of exquisite beauty. Price, $1.50, by mail, post-paid. Address, HENRY T. WILLIAMS, Publisher, +6 Beekman Street, New York. ORDER THE * FLAME/WG ED/7/0/W '' OF ()00 ACCIO'S DECAMER()N. A REVISED TRANSLATION BY W. K. KELLY. Illustrated with Portrait and Ten Etchings, Designed and Engraved by UA/, // EO POZ 7) F/AMAZ NG. 1 vol. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.75. From the Boston Globe. - “It is by far the finest edition of the Decameron in English which has ever been given to the public, and is a complete presentation of the great Italian story-teller, to whom literature has been so much indebted for the last five hundred years. Lovers of the great Etruscan will find it altogether the most satisfactory edition of the hundred tales to be found.” From the Literary News. - “These illustrations, exquisite in design and masterly in execution, more truthfully interpret the spirit of Boccaccio's writings than any other designs ever published. Their character may be best indicated by saying that they are freer from the grossness which characterizes the old illustra- ted editions, and from the inanity which distinguishes the modern illustrated editions.” THE * : FLAMENG EDITION ?? OF THE HEPTAMERIN || MARGARET ||UEEN OF NAWARRE with Eight Etchings. Nearly Ready. GEBB/E & BARRIE, Importers, Philadelphia, 4. I4. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. TIEITE] º BOYS OWN STORY-TELLER Is a double column, sixty-four page book, containing one story the usual length of a dime novel, and many sketches, negro acts, songs, base-ball news, amateur advertisements, and explanation of parlor magic. * * THE BOYS' OWN STORY-TELLER is destined to become the most popular of any boys’ journal, and already those dealers who have kept the book on hand are now doubling their orders. THE BOYS' OWN STORY-TELLER is issued on the first and fifteenth of each month, and sells for * - T E N C E N T S P E R C O P Y. DO nor FAI L TO KEEP “THE BOYS OW.W. STORY-TELLER” O.W. H.A.W.D. Trade supplied by the News Companies. TIEITED “BOYS OF NEW YORK.” A/V /////E/VSE SUCCESS / THE BOYS OF NEW YORK is the title of a paper recently started, and which has already become the leading “Boy's "Journal in many parts of the Union. The contents of the BOYS OF NEw York are of a highly diversified and interesting character, comprising extremely lively Stories and Sketches, Articles and Illustrations on Gymnastics, Sports, and Pastimes of all descrip- tions, New Songs, Puzzles, Conundrums, Wit and Humor, Answers to Correspondents, &c., &c. The BOYS OF NEW YORK is issued every Saturday at 9 o'clock, and we specially request the trade to keep a good supply on hand, and also back numbers. THE EOYS OF NEW YORE SELLS AT FIVE CENTS PER, COPY. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GOIDE. 4 I 5 RECENT BOOKS. THE GOLDEN TRESS. Translated from the French of Boisgobey. 12mo, cloth extra, $1.50. A French novel of the better class, full of thrilling incidents. Besides containing all the elements of a sensational story—love, adventure, and tragedy—it is entirely free from the immodesty which is the great detriment of French novels. TWO THOUSAND YEARS AFTER ; Or, A Talk in a Cemetery. By JohN DARBY, author of “Thinkers and Thinking,” “Odd Hours of a Physician,” etc. 12mo, cloth extra, $1. This little brochure is a Metaphysical Book, in which Socrates and Cebes, and the other friends of the former who assembled in the prison in which he was confined prior, to his execution, are made to hold a dialogue on the Soul and the Nature of Man, based on the additional knowledge they are supposed to have derived from the inves- tigation of Science since their death. ſe OPIUM-EATING. º An Autobiographical Sketch. By an Habituate. 12mo, cloth extra, $1. The writer entered the army in 1861 as a Drummer-Boy, and was taken prisoner in l863. The horrors he suf- fered at Andersonville and in other Southern prisons broke down his health, and he became addicted to the use of opium. He gives minute descriptions of prison life, and more minute ones of the effects of the drug, and of his struggles to overcome the habit of eating it. Without the graphic style of De Quincey, the book is still very well written, and probably will give the reader truer ideas of an Opium-eater's sensations. JONAH, The Self-willed Prophet. A Practical Exposition of the Book of Jonah ; together with a Translation and Exegetical Notes. By STUART MITCHELL. 12mo, 247 pp., cloth extra, $1.50. We commend this book most heartily, as not only an instructive and devout exposition, but as exceedingly good reading. Without ambitious aim, in very quiet and simple movement, but with decided art, the picture of Jonah's flight, sufferings, confession, and return, are made to pass before the reader with somewhat the freshness of a new story, and with the depth and power of a great moral argument. t & CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, (Publishers, (Booksellers, Importers, and Stationers, 624, 626 and 628 Market Street, Philadelphia. The New York Blank Book Company, 24- Eeels rºmarn. Street, NEW YORK, Respectfully announce to the trade that they are prepared to furnish a complete line of Pass Books, Half-Bound Blanks, Writing Books, Full-Bound Blanks, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Memorandum Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc., etc., etc., And make to order any class of work in their line, at the lowest prices. Our Catalogues and Price List will be sent to any address on application. Orders respectfully solicited by The New York Blank Book Co., 24 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. 416 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS HOLI'ſ) AY BOOK LIST. NEW FINE ART GIFT BOOKS, The Earth Delineated with Pen and Pencil. An Illustrated Record of Voyages, Travels, and Adven- tures all Round the World. Illustrated With more than 200 engravings by the most eminent artists of the day. Demy 4to, 750 pp., cloth, gilt edges, §10. Wanderings in Every Clime. Uniform with “The Earth Delineated.” Edited by W. R. Ainsworth. With over 200 illustrations by the most eminent artists. 4to, cloth, gilt edges, $10. The Holy Gospels. Splendidly illustrated with fine engravings on every page, from designs by F. Bran- ston, T. Bolton, T. Williams, and other eminent artists. Tolio, cloth, gilt edges, $5. - The Hamlet: An Ode, written in Whichwood Forest. By Thomas Wartou. Illustrated with 14 etchings on steel, by Birket Foster. Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges, STANDARD 300KS IN Charles Knight's History of England. Pictorial Edition, with upwards of 1,000 illustrations beautifully printed on tinted paper. 8 volumes, super-royal 8vo, cloth, $40; halfcalf extra, $60; tree calf, gilt edges, $90. Charles Knight's Popular History of England. An Illustrated History of Society and Government, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Very fully illustrated with steel engravings and woodcuts. 8 volumes, 8vo, cloth, $25; half calf extra, $45. The IKnebworth Edition of Bulwer’s Novels: now completed, and forming the best edition of the works of this author. In 27 volumes, 12mo, cloth, $40; half calf extra, $90. The Boydell Shakespeare. Iºdited with a scruput lous revision of the text, by Charles and Mary Cow- den Clarke. With 66 illustrations, se ected from “The Boydell Gallery,” and reproduced in Woodbury Type. 2 volumes, 8vo, cloth, full gilt and gilt edges, $20. Also an edition in one volume, printed on thinner paper, with 34 photographic illustrations, cloth, gilt edges, $10. Pictures by Etty. 16 steel engravings, representing pictures by that artist. With descriptive letter-press § one of the best art critics. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, 10. Pictures by Italian Masters, Greater and Lesser. 16 steel engravings, with an Introductory Essay, and Notices of the Painters and sº engraved, by William B. Scott. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, $10. Pictures by Venetian Painters. 16 steel en- gravings, with Notices of the Artists, and Subjects engraved, by William B. Scott. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, $10. Pictures by Sir Edwin Landseer. 20 steel en- gravings. With Descriptions, and a Biographical Sketch of the Painter, by James Dafformé. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, $15. ELEGANT BIND|NGS, Wood’s Illustrated Natural History : containing nearly 1,500 illustrations by Wolf. Harvey, Weir, Coleman, and others, engraved by the Brothers Dal- ziel. 3 volumes. 8vo, cloth, $21; half calf extra, $28.50; tree calf, gilt edges, $41. The Old Dramatists and Poets. In royal octavo volumes, with portraits and vignettes, as originally published by Moxon. 12 volumes, half Roxburgh, gilt tops, $50 including Shakespeare, 13 volumes, half calf extra, $90; tree calf, gilt edges, $125. A New Illustrated, Edition of Marryat's Com- plete Works; coupuising all his Novels, Stories, and Juvenile Tales. Each volume containing six or more illustrations. 24 volumes, 12mo, cloth, $30; half Roxburgh, $36. Shakespeare, edited by Howard Staunton; with Copious Notes, Glossary, and Life, and containing 1,700 illustrations from designs by John Gilbert. 3 volumes, royal 8vo, cloth, $22.50; half calf extra, $30; tree calf, gilt edges, $42.50. NEW B00 KS FOR CHILDREN, Every Boy’s Annual for 1876: containing stories by the best writers of England, and a new story frºm the French of Jules Werne. With several hundred plain and colored engravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, $3. Happy Child-Life. With 24 pages of pictures by Oscar Pletsch, beautifully printed in colors. Square 12mo, cloth, $1.50. The Young Ladies' Book. An entirely new book of Occupations, Games, and Amusements for Young People. By the author of “A Trap to Catch a Sun- beam.” With 300 plain and colored illustrations. Large 12mo, cloth, $3. A * Buttercups and Daisies. A new Book for Children. With illustrations by Oscar Pletsch, printed in colors by Leighton Brothers. Square 8vo, cloth, $1.50. The Adventures of Johnny Ironsides. Translated from the French of J. Girardin. With 115 illustra- trations by Emile Bayard. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. The Golden Harp Album. With 400 illustrations by Oscar Pletsch and other celebrated artists. A new volume. Square 12mo, cloth, $1.75. Little Wide-Awake for 1876. A Centennial Wol- ume for Little Children. Edited by Mrs. Sale Barker, With 400 illustrations. Small 4to, pictorial boards, $1.25; also, bound in cloth, with chromo frontispiece, and medallion on side, $2. Natural History Stories for my Juvenile Friends. By Mary Howitt. With 32 full-page illustrations by Harrison Weir and other eminent artists. Small 4to, cloth, with medallion on side, $2. GEORGE ROUTLED6, E & SONS: LONDON AND NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 4I 7 CHARLES T. DILLINGHAM, SU CCESS OF TO LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, PUBLISHERS, B00KSELLERS, AND /MPORTERS, 678 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Opp. Grand Central Hotel. Having purchased the entire stock and succeeded to the business of LEE, SHEPARD & DILLING- HAM, I would call the attention of the Trade to my large and well-assorted stock of MISCELLANEOUS, STANDARD, AND JUVENILE BOOKS, selected for the HOLIDAY sales. My terms will be found as favorable as can be offered by any house in the country, and I trust I may receive a fair share of patronage. CHARLES T. DILLINGHAM. N. B.-I shall give my personal attention to the PICKING UP of MISCELLANEOUS ORDERs (charging but a fair living profit), and my long experience in this line enables me to guarantee entire satisfaction to my patrons. JENNY JUNE's AMERICAN COOKERY BOOK. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. IN A NEW AND HAN DSO ME E IND IN G. This Book is now generally accepted as one of the most practical and useful of its class, and the constant demand for it has induced the publishers to issue an entirely new edition. It contains upwards of twelve hundred carefully tested Receipts, the best results of modern science reduced to a simple and practical form. - - ALSO, A CHAPTER FOR INVALIDS AND ONE FOR INFANTS, AND MUCH GENERAL INFORMATION OF PRACTICAL VALUE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Bound in Cloth, with Black and Gold Side Stannps. PERICE, sºis L.50. TEHE AMEERICAN NIEWS COME ANY., IN E V Y O TER, TET – 4.18 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. – DIC R's ENGLISH NOVELS. An illustrated series of Original Novels, by the most popular authors. The largest, handsomest, and best paper novels published - for the price. OCTAVO, FULLY /LLUSTRATED, W/TH /LLUM/WATED COVERS, No. 1 For a Woman’s Sake. By Watts Phil- lips. 17 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 2 Against Tide. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations.--------------------- 300 3 Hush Money. By Charles H. Ross, 16 - illustratious---------------------- 300 4 Talbot Harland. W. Harrison Ains- worth. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - 300 5 Will She Have Him? Austyn Graham. 10 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 6 Heiress of the Mount. By Sara Dunn. 9 illustrations-------------------- 300 7 Counterfeit Coin. Miriam Ross. 10 illustrations----- ----------------- 300 8 Entrances and Exits. By E. Winstan- ley. 27 illustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 Double size. Price- - - - - - - - - - - - - 600 9 Ingaretha. By M. E. O. Malen. 13 illustrations --------------------- 300 10 Tower Hill. By W. Harrison Ains- worth. 12 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - 300 11 The Rose and Shamrock. By Mrs. Crow. 11 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 12 The South Sea Bubble. By W. Har- rison Ainsworth. 19 illustrations -- 30C 13 Nobody’s Fortune. By Edward Yates. 24 illustrations. Double size. Price. -60C 14 Twenty Straws. By E. Winstanley. 13 illustrations.------------------ 30C 15 Lord Lisle’s Daughter. By. C. M. Braeme. 8 illustrations- - - - - - - - - - - 300 16 After Mämy Years. By Miriam Ross. 13 illustrations-------------------80C 17 Rachel, the Miser's Daughter. By M. E. O. Malen. 8 illustrations - - -300 18 What is to be, will be. By E. Win- stanley. 17 illustrations - - - - - - - - - - 30C 19 John Trewlyn’s Revenge. By E. Phil- lips. 13 illustrations------------- 300 30 The Wiolet and the Rose. 20 Bound by a Spell. By H. Reback. 10 illustrations---------------------- 30C 21 The Yellow Diamond. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustrations-------------------- 300 22 The Younger Son. By H. W. Palmer. 14 illustrations.-----------------. 300 23 Driven from Home. By Erskine Boyd. 14 illustrations------------------- 30C 24 Naomi, the Gipsey Girl. By M. E. O. Malen. 11 illustrations. - - - - - - - - 300 25 Swept and Garnished. By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. -- - - - - 300 26 Jennie Gray; or, A Woman's Wen- geance. 8 illustrations ----------- 300 27 Lestelle. By Mrs. Crow. 8 illustra- tions---------------------------- 300 28 Tracked. By H. Rebak. 12 illustra- - tions --------------------------- 30C 29 Carynthia. A Legend of Black Rock. By Eliza Winstanley. 10 illustrations, 30c By A. W. Thompson. 13 illustrations. . . . . . .30C 31 The Cost of a Secret. By Mrs. Crow. 9 illustrations-------------------- 300 32 Terrible Tales. By George Augustus Sala. 10 illustrations ------------ 300 33 Doomed. By H. Rebak. 11 illustra- tions---------------------------- 300 34 The White Lady. A Romance. By M. E. O. Malen. 10 illustrations - - - - - 300 35 Link Your Chain. A Novel. By A. W. Thompson. 12 illustrations - - - -30C 36 Two Pearls. A Novel. By Mrs. Crow. 10 illustrations------------------- 300 37 The Young Cavalier; or, The Days of Cromwell. An Historical Romance. By H. Rebak. 15 illustrations - - - - - - - - 300 38 The Shadow Hand. A Novel. By M. E. O. Malen. 11 illustrations----- 300 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Agents for the Trade. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERs GUIDE. 4 IQ 7A/AE POOA. AſOA 7TP/A. AſO/L//D4 VS. OUR POETICAL FAVORITES. SECOND SEERIES. By Prof. A. C. KENDRICK, of Rochester University. One vol. large 12mo, Printed on Rose- Tinted Paper, and very elegantly bound in combined black and gold stamping. Price, $2. It will be by far the most elegant book of the year for the price. This volume is made up of selections from the choicest-longer English poems. The great success of the “FIRST SERIES OF OUR PoETICAL FAvoRITEs,” will secure to this. volume a large sale. * We have also ready AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION OF OUR POETICAL FAVORITES. * FIERST SEERIES. Uniform with the new volume in both paper and binding. . RECEWTLY PUBL/SHED, L E A H : A W O M A N OF F A SH I O N. By Mrs. ANNIE EDWARDs. One vol. 8vo. Paper, $1.00. Cloth, $1.75. L E C T U R E S TO MY STUD E N T S. By Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. One vol. 12mo. Price, $1.25. STANDARD JUVENILES wFIICH EVERY BOOKSELLER OUGHT TO HAVE. Rollo's Tour in Europe, e g e e per vol., $1.00 Rollo Books, . e © te . . per vol., 63c. or 1.00 Abbott’s American History, , tº ... • © . per vol., 1.25. Arthur's Home Stories, {º • . e e º & 4 I.O.O The Spectacle Series, . e © e tº & 4 1.O.O. Walter's Tour in the East, . ſº * . tº & 4 1.OO. Pictures and Stories of Animals, e º e ( & l,OO. All elegantly illustrated and bound in the most attractive styles. Send in your orders. Address SHELDON & COMPANY., WLZW W YO. He ZC. 42O THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. Elegant Juvenile Gift BOOkS. —-sº-dº. *- wº- THE LITTLE FOLKS' PICTURE GALLERY. The Finest Illustrated Juvenile Gift-Book Published this Year. Quarto, full gilt sides and edges. Retail, $2.50. It has illustrations upon every page, and is printed on heavy laid paper in the best pos- sible manner. - º CHALTTEDERIE ODYK. NTE W VOIT, UTMIE ETO R. LS75. Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. No other juvenile has ever attained so wide and so well-deserved a popularity as this. It is profusely and handsomely illustrated, and its stories, sketches, etc., are carefully selected to afford instruction as well as amusement to children. The pub- lishers have spared no pains to make this volume fully equal to its predecessors. LIT T L HD THT O L ESC S. NIEW FALL VOLUME. A. COMPANION TO CHATTERIBOX Quarto,460 pp., boards, colored cover, $1.50; in cloth, sides and back in black and gilt, title in bright colors, red, blue, and gilt, $2.50. Containing funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from natural history, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make children happy. Beautiful illustrations on every page. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNG, NEW WOLUME FOR, 1875. - Quarto, Uniform with Chatterbox. Boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt sides and back, $2.50. All who are interested in making the Sabbath a bright and happy day, as well as a sacred one, to children, will be pleased with this new publication. Sunday-school Teachers and others who wish to secure wholesome Sunday literature for the young, will find this 'book exactly suited to their purpose. It contains first-class engravings, original stories, poetry, and readings suitable for use in Sunday-school or home. THE CHILDREN'S PRIZE. NEW VOLTJIMIED FOF, LS75. Small quarto, boards, colored cover, 75 cents. - Full of rich engravings, stories, sketches, poetry, music. etc., suitable for the edification and instruction of children. THE AMERICANNEWSCOMPANY, NEW YOR.EX. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 42 I PECK & SNY DER, 1326 Nassau St., New York, Importers and Dealers in Special Novelties of English Manufacture, and such as are suitable for Booksellers, Stationery and Notion Stores. We are sole agents in the United States for the sale of all goods manufactured by W.M. M. STATEIAM, O. BRYAN & DYER, W. P. O. REILLY, and GEO. CLARKE & Co. (all of London), consisting of Chemical and Parlor Magic and Tricks, Photographic and Electrical Apparatus, Scientific Games, &c. STATHAM'S BOXES OF CHEMICAL MAGIC Have been prepared to meet the demand for inexpensive, instructive, and amusing experi- ments, free from danger. Each box contains chemical reagents, apparatus, and full instruc- tions for performing a series of experiments, expressly arranged for beginners, and as they can be sent by post to all parts of the globe with safety, they cannot fail to afford a world- wide source of instruction and amusement. No. A.—For performing 20 experiments, each, $0.25 No. B.-For performing 30 experiments, 0.50 No. 1.-For performing 50 experiments, $0. No. 2.-For performing 100 experiments, 1. STATHAM'S YOUTHS' CHEMICAL CABINETS Contain 60 chemical tests and apparatus without strong acids, or other dangerous articles ; they are perfectly safe in the hands of youth, and are admirably adapted as presents, prizes, etc. No. 1.-In fancy case, with book of experiments, paste-board, sº º sº º tº- - $4.00 No. 2.-Cedar case, with book of experiments, - - º * . º 5.00 STATHAM'S BOY'S OWN LABORATORY Contains 54 chemical preparations, and 30 pieces of apparatus, for performing, with book. Price, $10.00. Endless Experiments in Chemical Magic, free from Danger. s OTHER SIZES, $1500 to $50.00 EACH. LAUGHING GAS: How to Make it and How to Take it. All complete in box, with chemicals, : 7 2 apparatus, etc., to manufacture, - - º $1.50 THE FIRE-EATER, the greatest novelty out, - * º & 4- *- ge - 30 cts. THE SOLARTYPE. or the Art of Printing by the Sun's Rays, * ge tº e & 25 and 50 cts. MAGNETIC MYSTERIES EXPLAIN ED, - - $1.00 #v=Ry Boy. His own PříðföGRAffer, with complete instructions and apparatus for copying Cartes de Visite, Flowers, Views, Engravings, etc., - e- * 75c., $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 MAGIC LANTERNS (New Patterns), German make, with Focus Tube, Lamp Reflector, and 12 assorted Slides, consisting of Comic, Fairy, and Nursery Tales, Natural History, &c. Each Lantern packed in a wooden box, with . directions for using. Nos. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *ºmºmº *mº *------> -º-º-º-º- ºmºmºmºmº ºmºmº ºmºm- Each, 65 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 We keep also a complete line of English-made Magic Lanterns, ranging from $2.00 to $15.00 each, and extra slides at $1.25 to $12.00 per dozen. N.B.-Our assortment and stock of small Magic Tricks is now the largest of any dealer in the country, all of which is of our own selection in France and London. On all our goods a liberal discount will be allowed on all orders, and our new Fall Cata- logue sent to any dealer on application, by inclosing us their business card. e Peck & Snyder’s PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING AMERICAN CLUB SKATE, After the severest tests for the past THREE YEARs, these skates are now admitted to be the only practical SELF-ADJUSTING SKATES IN MARKET. FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN, OR BOYS. No. 1.-With blued Footplate, and runners the same as the bèst, tº * 4- per pair, $5.00 No. 2. —Same as No. 1, only nicely nickel-plated, which effectually prevents the skate from rusting, 6.00 No. 3.-Same as No. 2, only, before the skate is put together, each part is finely polished and heavily nickel-plated—the finest skate ever offered, - - * - tº- NOTE.-Our No. 3 Skate took the First Prize at the Newark Industrial Exhibition, 1873, and at the American Institute Industrial Exhibition, 1873 and 1874. A full line of other Club Skates, also Wood Tops and Skate Straps, Keys, I’lates, etc., always in stock. 422 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. HARPER & BROTHERS' AUTUMN BOOK-LIST. I. MISS JOHNSON'S CATS KILL FAiR- | ES. The Catskill Fairies. By VIRGINIA. W. JoHN: SON, Author of “Joseph the Jew,” “A Sack of Gold,” “The Calderwood Secret,” &c. Illustrated by AL- FRED FREDERICKS... Square 8vo, Illuminated Cloth, $3 00. A Superb Gift-Book. II. THE QUEEN OF CON NAU C HT. A Story. 8vo, Păper, 50 cents. - IDI. TAL MACE'S. EVERY DAY RELIC ION. Every-Day Religion: Sermons delivered in Brooklyn Tabernacle, by T. DE WITT TALMAGE, Author of “First Series of Sermons.” “Second Series of Ser- mons,” “Old Wells Dug Out,” “Sports that Kill,” šo Revised from phonographic reports, 12mo, Cloth, IV. HU C H MELTO N. A Novel. By KATHARINE KING. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. W. MIC, HT AND MII RTH OF LITE RA- TU. R. E. The Might and Mirth of Literature. A Treatise on Figurative Language, in which upwards of Six Hundred Writers are referred to, and Two Hundred and Twenty Figures Illustrated. Embrac- ing & Complete Survey, on an entirely new Plan, of English and American Literature, interspersed with Historical Notices of the Progress of the Language, With Anecdotes of many of the Authors, and with Discussions of the Fundamental Principles of Criti- cism and of the Weapons of Oratory. By Prof. JoBN WALKER WILANT MACBETH, University of West Vir. ginia. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $2 50. WI. HEALEY. A Romance. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. VII. COL DSM ITH'S SELECT POE tv. S. Ed. ited, with Notes, by WILLIAM J. Rolfe, A.M., form- erly Head Master of the High School, Cambridge, Mass. Illustrated. Small 4to, Cloth, 90 cents. (Uni. Jorm with Rolfe's Edition of Shakespeare's Merchamt of Venice, Tempest, Henry VIII., and Julius Caesar.) VIII. THE CAL DERWOOD SEC R ET. A Novel. By VIRGINLA W. JoHNSON. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. IX. PLATO'S DIALOC U ES. TRANSLAT- E. D. Select Dialogues of Plato. A New and Literal Version, chiefly from the Text of Stallbaum. Con- taining the Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo, Geor- gias, Protagoras, Phaedrus, Theaetetus, Euthyphron, Lysis. By El ENRY CAREY, M.A., Worcester College, Oxford. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. - - X. ST. S. MON'S N1 EC E. A Novel. By FRANK LEE BENEDICT. 8vo, Paper, $1 00; Cloth, $1 50. XI. JEA N. A Novel. By Mrs. NEWMAN. 8vo, Paper, 50 Cents. - XII. ’S THE ISTIC CONCEPTION COC KE * * * gº C F THE WORLD. The Theistic Conception of the World. An Essay in Opposition to Certain Tendencies of Modern Thought. By B. F. Cocker, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Mental and Moral Phil- osophy in the University of Michigan, Author of “Christianity and Greek Philosophy.” Crown 8vo, Cloth, $2 50. XIII C. L. A D S T O N E O THE P ºn PE'S SPEECH ES. Speeches of Pope Pius IX. By the Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P., Author of “The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Al- legiance,” “Vaticanism,” &c. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. Uniform with “The Vatican Decrees” and “Vatican- ism.” The Three Pamphlets in one volume, under the general Title of “Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion.” Three Tracts. The Vatican Decrees. Vaticanism. Speeches of the Pope. Collected Edi- tion, with a Preface.” 8vo, Cloth, $1 75. XIV. THE WAY W E LIVE NOW. A Novel. By ANTHONY TROLLOPE, Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, $1 50; Cloth, $2 00. XV. INDEX TO HAR PER'S M A CAZINE. An Index to the Fifty Volumes of Harper's New Monthly Magazine; from June, 1850, to May, 1875. 8vo, Cloth, $3 00; Half Calf, $525. XVI. EC LAN TI N E - A Novel. By ELIZA. TABOR. 8vo, aper, 50 cents. XVII. D R A K E 'S NOT KS AND CORN E R S OF T H E N E W E N C LAN D COAST- Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. By SAMUEL ADAMS DRAKE, Author of “Old Landmarks of Boston,” “Historic Fields and Mansions of Middle- º &c. With numerous illustrations. , 8vo, Cloth, $3 50. XVIII. PLAY IN C T H E MISC HIE F. A Novel. By J. W. DE Forest. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents. XIX. CAIR NES’S CHARACTER AND LOC- ICAL, M ETHOD OF POL ITICAL ECO NO MY. The Character and Logical Me- thod of Political Economy. By J. E. CAIRNES, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Political Economy in Univer- sity College, London, “Author of some Leading Prin- ciples of Political Economy Newly Expounded.” 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. XX. M. ISS ANC E L. A Novel. By Miss THACKERAY. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents. e DXXI. MOODY & SAN KEY—THE WORK OF GOD IN CREAT BRIT ALN. : under Messrs. Moody and Sankey, 1873 to 1875. With Biographical sº By RUFUs W. CLARK, D.D. 12mo, Cloth, 1 50. g Wº HARPER & BROTHERS will semd either United States or Canada, on receipt of the price. of the above works by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the 2 º’, HARPER's CATALOGUE mailed free on receipt of Ten Cents. EIA ERPEER & BIROTEIFFS, Franklin Square, N. Y. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 423 For Sale at Principal Bookstores. wippi.ETon’s IEDITIONS, OIF STANDARD AND BELLES-LETTRES WORKS. EDGAR A. POE'S COMPLETE WORKS. CoNTAININIG EVERY WELL AUTHENTIGATED Prose Story, Article or Poem, that the Poet himself deemed worthy of Preservation, with notices of his life and genius, by JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, N. P. WILLIS, GEO. R. GRAHAM, and others. Four vols. Crown 8vo. . . . . . . . --------------------------...-----------. cloth, $9.00; half calf, $16.00 POE2S PROSE STORIES, complete in 2 vols. 16mo ---------------------------. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.50 POE2S POEMIS, uniform with the tales. Complete with memoir. By Chas. F. Briggs. ---------------. 1.75 POE2S POEMIS, uniform with the tales. Complete with memoir. . By STODDARD. . . . . . .--------------- 1.75 Being a new and CHEAPER EDITION than that of last year, with additional matter and poems, at a reduced price from $2.25 to $1.75. POE2S POEMIS. A MEMORIAL EDITION. Containing the late “Ingram Vindication,” Tributes to the Memory of the Poet, by Russell Lowell and others, and the monumental proceedings and addresses at - Baltimore, with new Portrait and other illustrations. Handsome Crown 8wo : . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00; cloth, 2.25 ILLUSTRATED FDITHON. 4to, twenty-eight (28) illustrations, by Paton, Hay, Palmer, and other eminent artists. Cloth, full gilt $5.00; Morocco, 8.00 WIDDLETON'S STANDARD REPRINTS “A WHOLE LIBRARY IN NINE WOLUMES.” “A set of books comprising the cream of English Literature, from the times of Dr. Johnson to our own.” THE ELDER DISRAELI'S WORKS. Edited by his Son, Right Hon. B. Disraeli, Premier of England. 9 vols. 8vo, large type, on toned paper, com- prising: THE ClO RIOSITIES OF LITERATUIRIE. 4 vols. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "- - - - - - - - - - - - $7.00 T H E AN IEN LITIES OF LITE RATU R.E. 2 Vols - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.50 TBILE CA. LA IV CITIES OF AUTHORS, 2 vols. . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.50. THE LITERARY CHARACTER, Etc. 1 vol................................-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.25 Any work sold separately, or the entire set, 9 vols., in box, cloth, $15; half calf, $30. - y HALLAM'S COMPLETE WORKS. Revised and corrected. Handsomest editions extant. 10 vols., crown 8vo, comprising: THE NIIDED LE AGES. A View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . $5.25 INTRODUCTION TO THE LITE RATURE OF EUROPE. 4 Wols. - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . 7.00 CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAN ID. 3 Wols. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.25 Or complete set., 16 vols., cloth, $17.50; half calf, $30. IWIAY2S CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAN AD.s 2 vols. Cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 3.50 (May is a continuation of Hallam.) PROFESSOR WILSON'S WORKS. THE, NOCTES AMIBROSIAN E. By Professor, Wilson, Lockhart, Hogg, and Dr. Maginn. Edited with Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Makenzie. With portraits. A handsome Library Edition, 6 vols. (including Life of Wilson, by his Daughter). ----------------------------------------- crown 8vo, 10.50; half calf, $20.00 CHARLES LAMB'S WORKS. A. wº º §s Edited by Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd. With Memoir and Steel Portrait. 5 vols. crown wo, $9; half calf, $15. BURTON'S ANATOWIY OF MIELANCHOLY. “A very choice edition of quaint old Burton,” 3 vols, crown 8vo, $5.25; half calf, $10. Sent by Mail or Ea:press on receipt of price, by W. J. WIDDLETON, PUBLISHER 27 Howard Street, New York. Sº Many other choice Works, suitable for Librarles, will be found on our Catalogue, send free to any address upon application. i 424. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. D. APPLETON & CO., 349 & 551 Broadway, HAVE JUST PUBLISHED A SUPERB NEW WORK BY LACROIX: TIELIED EIGHTEENTH CENTURY The Mammèrs, Customs, and Costumes Of the Eighteenth Century, in France, IT00–1789, Illustrated with twenty-one magnificent chromo-lithographs (art gems in themselves), and three hundred and fifty highly finished wood engravings after Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher, Lancret, J. Vernet, Chardin, Jeaurat, Beauchardon, Saint-Aubin, Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, Cochin, Wille, Debucourt, etc. . The designs, lithographs, and engravings, all executed by eminent artists, under the direction of M. Racinet, the well-known author of “Polychromatic Ornament.” In one sump- tuous volume, imperial 8vo, cloth, emblematic gilt sides, and gilt edges, $15; half calf, $18; calf, $21; tree calf, $28; morocco extra, $24. - The comprehensive character of this work will be appreciated more fully by noting contents, embracing, as they do, the social ranks and customs, the public occupations, amusements, etc., of “La Belle France,” as follows, viz.: 1. THE KING AND THE COURT. 10. EDUCATION. 2. THE NOBLES. 11. CHARITIES. - 3. THE BOURGEOISIE. 12. JUSTICE AND POLICE. 4. THE PEOPLE. 13. ASPECT OF PARIS. 5. THE ARMY AND NAVY. 14. FETES AND PLEASURES OF PARIS. 6. THE CLERGY. - 15. THE CUISINE AND TABLE. 7. THE PARLIAMENT. 16. THE THEATRES. 8. THE FINANCES. 17. THE SALONS. 9. COMMERCE, 18. VOYAGES, ETC. 19. COSTUMES AND MODES. *...* The splendid success of the various works of M. Lacroix, on the “Manners, Customs, and Lress during the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance,” suggested the preparation of a work of a siniilar character, on the “Institutions, Manners, and Dress, in France, during the Eighteenth Cen- tury.” This sumptuous volume is a brilliant exhibition of every grade of life and society in France, from 1700 to 1789. The work is illustroited with twenty-one full-page. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS richly colored, and 350 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS ON wood. These illustrations are copied with the utmost care from the original paintings of the best and most esteemed artists of the Eighteenth Cen- tury, and in beauty of design, exquisite finish, and the real interest of their subjects, far surpass any similar productions. The typographical excellence, and elaborate and appropriate binding, combined with its intrinsic literary and artistic value, render it one of the richest volumes ever published. O OTHER WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR, The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance. By PAUL, LACROIX, Curator of the Imperial Library of the Arsenal, Paris. Illustrated with nineteen chromo-lithographic prints by Kellerhoven, and upward of four hundred engravings on wood. 1 vol. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt sides and back, 520 pp. Price, $12; half calf, $15; half morocco, $15; full calf, $18; full morocco, $25. s Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance Period. By PAUL LACRóIX, Illustrated with fifteen chromo-lithographic prints by F. Kellerhoven, and upward of four hundred engravings on wood. 1 vol. royal 8vo. Half morocco, price $12; half morocco extra, $15; half calf, $15; calf, $18; tree calf, $25; morocco extra, $21; morocco , super extra, $25. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance. By PAUL LACROIX. Illustrated with fourteen chromo-lithographic prints by J. Kellerhoven, Rejatºſeſ, and L. Allard, and upward of four hundred engravings on wood. 1 vol. royal 8vo. Half bound, $12; half calf and morocco, $15; calf, $18; tree calf, $25; morocco extra, $21; super ex. $25. All the liſt Works by LAURDIX IT ImjOriºl in largº ſlåltiliš Illiſtly by D, APPLETON & CD, º tº ºf TROY s Of E Vol. vii NEw York, DECEMBER 1, 1875. No. O O N T E N T S . PAGE PA (; I. | THE BOOK MARKET, - - 431 INDEx to ADVERTISEMENTS, - 4.38 h FINE HOLIDAY BOOKS, - - 432 REFERENCE List of Holiday Books, 43 LITERARY AND TRADE ITEMs, 435 Book ANNOUNCEMENTs For DEc., NEwsPAPERS AND PERIODICALs, 437 Novem BER PUBLICATIONS, * BUSINESS CHANGES, - & 438 NEw MUSIC, - - - - TERMS.—Booksellers, Stationers. News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, and others, sending th addresses to the publishers, will be supplied with THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE a tents per year, payable in advance. . ample copy sent on application. - The postage is prepaid by the publishers. few pages only will be devoted to advertisements. Terms for second, third and lºſ. $100 for each insertion ; for all other pages, $75 per page; $40 per half-page : * t anging their firm-name, or their address, will please notify us, so that the l I be made on our books. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY., I 15, 1 17, 119 & 121 NASSAU STREET, NEW NS, Agent, 4 Trafalgar Square, London. MER roAN Books Er LER, Page 436. - 2-º- –-º-a -- THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS" \ e first attempt at a full and connected military history of the whole w HISTORY * OF THE War in Ameri By the COMTE DE PARIs. lated with the approval of the author, by LOUIS F, TASISTRO. Edited by HEN 2EE, LL.D. Volume I. (embracing without abridgment the first two volºr:és he French Edition). With Maps faithfully engraved from the originals, and ted in three colors. 8vo, cloth, $3,50; sheep, library style, $4.50; half Turkey rocco, $6.O.O. To be followed shortly by Volume II., and the others as they issue in France. to B.E coupleTED IN Four vol. UMEs. cher's, Col. Hamley's, Col. Chesney's—in pretension, a so far in accomplishment, stands the work of the Cott de Paris, the first attempt at a full and connect military history of the whole war.”—The Nation, Ne York. “It will not be likely to disappoint the Americal public. It is the production of an intelligent European of clear and comprehensive views, familiar with the details of the military profession, with uncommon facility of language and power of description, free from all personal and partisan biases, and with the habit of philcsophic calmness and impartiality.”—New York Tribune. “It becomes continually clearer that this is destined to be the generally received history of the war. It will be deservedly so, for the author, by virtue of being a foreigner, has an impartiality which it would be Tºri for one of us to acquire; he has a satisfactory knowledge of both the great principles and the minutiae of the great struggle. ind he spares no pains in search of thoroughness and accuracy. More than this, he is so “Cannot but prove most valuable and interesting to e American re 2der."—General Sherman. | Such a contribution to American Military Bistory gldiers of every country, and Americans themselves all. have reason to be sincerely grateful for.”— |-day Review, Lomdom, England. in this, the first part of his great work on the ºrican War, the head of the Orléans family has put º, to paper with excellent result. . . . . . . Our 2nt impression is that it will form by far the best §ory of the American War.”—Athenaewºn, Londom. glamd. We must not, on account of the author's short ser- , as an aid-de-camp on General McClellan's staff | dge this book to be an account of his personal ervices and a plea for General McClellan. Such is far on being the case. He writes of the entire war, East d. West, after years of study on all its details and from ry uthority available ; and General McClellan early is ºn for sharp censure for his inaction in October, when ‘ he lost the best oppol tunity he ever had for Ziencing a successful and decisive campaign.’ - ... If those-volumes which are to succeed it are com- *d in the same clear and comprehensive manner, we tl undoubtedly have the best history yet written of military operations of the war. The-list of kindred Ks is still meagre. . . . Far above all these– urd's, General Johnston's, Swinton's, Badeau's, I)e triand's, Headley's, Greeley's, Draper's, Col. Flet- completely master of his subject that he makes clear the most complicated campaigns, and he tells his story in the most lucid way.”—Atlantic Monthly. “The most finished, careful, and dispassionate review of the whole contest which has yet appeared, or which is likely to appear in this generation. . . . . . Be has done for us in war what De Tocqueville did for us in peace.”—Springfield Republican. º ºdited by Mrs. º KINGSLEY. as well. ctures Delivered in America By CHARLES KINCSLEY, Late Canon of Westminster, etc. lectures, delivered here so short a time before the author's death, possess an unusua ty are entirely fresh have the assurance of the pleasure that CANON KINGSLEY's writ se privileged to hear the words from the author's own lips, they will be doubly The subjects are of wide and lasting interest. This is the outward dress of the lecture which the reader will find below, to worder how the audience, bound by the spell of the eloquent thought and al:d could have listened twice as long.”—N. Y. Tribune's Report of Ome of the J. H. (OATES & CD, PublishBI 12mo, tomed paper, cloth, $1 Aſ ERS GUIDE. 42 THE AMERICAR, IE O OICŞ.S. WILSON & BONAPARTE'S Annerican Ornithology. Natural History of the Birds of the United States. trated with plutes engraved and colored frºm 4.inal drawings taken from nature. By A LEXAND1. It LSON. With continuation by CHARLES ſat C11.N BONA- rtis. Thuee vols. imperial 8vo, with u folio volume :al efully colored plates, embracing 385 figures of ls, mostly life-size. Elegantly bound in cloth extra, top, $95; half Turkey morocco, gilt edges, 5100. he same, complete in five vols., three of letterpress id two volumes folio of plates, cloth exºra, gilt top, 97; half Turkey, gilt edges, $110. The STAN1)Alsi) \V RK on the subject, and the most agnificent book of the kind ever pullished. The Stately IIormes of England. By LLF.W.I.LLYN JEWITT, F.S.A., and S. C. H.A.L, F S.A.. Illustrated with 210 superb engravings on wood. Feap. 4to. Printed on finest laid and toned p ºper. Satin Gloth, gilt edges, $7.50; Turkey unorocco, gilt tuges, 515; half calf, gilt, $12. The Cotter's Saturday Night. by Robe:T BURNs. Beautifully illustrated with forty- seven exquisite Gngravings drawn by Chapman. and printed on the finest ioned and laid plate-puper. Small slo, cloth, ornate, black and gold, gill, Cdges, $4 ; Tur- key morocco, gilt gilt edges, $8. l º of the bandsomest and cheapest gift-books to be 10,01. Lord Derby’s Horner. The Iliad of Homer, rende ed into English ISlank Verse. 13y E10 WAIRD, EA RI. OF DERBY. lºrom the latest London elition, with all the author's last revisions and corrections, and with a biographical sketch of Lord l}erby by R. Shelton Mackenzie D C. L. , New edition. With twelve of Flaxman's celebrated designs. Two ols. Crown rvo, Un laid and tilted paper, gilt top, eveled boards, cloth extra, $4; half calf, gilt, uiurbled dges. $8; half Turkey unorocco, gilt top, $8. The most reliable translation of the Iliad there is. and more nearly rendeling t e spirit of the Uriginal than any other. It is issued in the best style, and is an admirable gift-book. alf-IIours with the Best Authors. With short Biographical and Critical Notices. By HARLES KNIGHT. HOUSELIOLI) EDITION. Three vols. thick crown Svo, with six fine steel portraits, cloth extra, per set, $6; half calf. gilt, marbled euges, $12. IBRARY EDITION. Six vols. Crown 8vo, steal pop- traits, cloth extra, por set, $9; half calf, gilt, marbled edges, $18. Printed on fine laid and tinted paper, with twenty- 'our fine steel portraits. Bricyclopedia of Rural Sports. Comprising Shooting, Hunting. Coursing. Fishing, awking. Athletics, Yachting, Racing. Boating, Ped- strianism, and the various Rural Ganes and Amuse- Fºverning Amusements for Every - One. A book to delight the intelligent, the youth of quic or of dull parts, and to make the home circle a happ Qne. ' 'ompiled and arranged by D. A Mos PLAN.cº Illustrated by George Cruikshank and others. 1.2m. cloth extra, black and gold, $1.50. The Waverley Novels. By $11t WALTER Scott, Bart. New Editions. Con plete in twenty-three vols. Illustrated, LIBRARY EDITION. Illustrated. Green cloth, bowele boards, gilt, tops, 12mo, per vol., $1.75; half cºº gilt, marbled edges, per vol., $3. STANDARD EDITION. Two steel illustrations and woot çºts in each Volume. Green cloth, 12mo, per vol $1.50; half calf, gilt, marbled edges, per vol. $3. GLOBE EDITI' N. [Ilustrated. Green cloth, very nea ſtimo. per vol., $1.25; half calf, gilt, marbled edge: per vol., $2.75. - - FIRESIDE EDITION. With two steel plates in enc Volume. Tinted paper, cloth extra, Ölack and gold Very ha adsome, per vol., $1.50. Porter & Coates's Editions of the Waverley Novg Qre in larger type than any other 12nºo edition lished, and are the only ories containing wins auf Original notes intact. Days Near Rorne. By AUGUST's J. QºELAR R. author of “Memorials a Quiet Life,” “Walks in Rome,” etc. Illustrat 12mo, cloth extra, blac': and gold, one vol., $3.00. Il trated. 12ino, cloth extra, blºck and gold, two vols., Thomas Hood's Cornplete Wor Prose and Poetry. Illustrated. Five vols. crown : tinted paper. The Handy Volurne Poets. Ten vols., in elegant leather and morocco bindi gilt, tops. In neat, uniform cases. In style unif With ... Handy Volume Shakespeare.” Bound in m Go, gilt edges, meat morocco case, $15. The Better Self. Essays for Home-Life. By J. HAINEs. FRISw author of “The Gentle Life" etc. , Crown 8vo, Clegant, black and gold, gilt top or full red edges, Macaulay’s History of Engla From the Accession of James the Second, STAN EDITION. Steel portrait. Five vols. Gibbon's History STANDARD Editiox. With Not MAN. A New Edition, to which index of the work. Steel illustr Shakespeare’s Co Dramatic and Poetical. with torie,” and the address profixed 1623, a sketch of the lite of th Chambers, A.M., and glossalial references. Edited by GEORG ents. Illustrated by 200 engravings. By STONRH RNGE J. H. Walsh, F.R.C.S.). Crown 8vo, cloth extra, $8.50. With steel 'illustrations, super engraved title. Imperial 8vo. Port ER & CoATES, Pun 26 THE AMERIC For SALE AT PRINéIPAL Bookst Widdleton’s Editions of Standard and Belles-Lettres in fine Bindings, for Presentation. • *- * * * -A IMCIETMOIER.I.A.T. EDITION OIET • E D G A R A . P O E” S P O E M S A N D E S S A. Y. S. 'ontaining the late “Ingram Memoir and Vindication,”, tributes to the memory of the poet, by RUSSR.I.L. Low ELL and others, and the monumental proceedings and addresses at Baltiunore, with new portrait and other illust] ations. Handsonne crow u 8vo, cloth POE’S POEMIS. Illustrated. 4to, twenty-eight (28) illustrations by Paton, Hay, Palmer, and other eminent artists. Cloth, full gilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CABINET EDITION. 16mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * PUAE’S TALES. CABINET EDITION. Two vols., each...... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l POE’S COMIPLETE WOR.R.S. Containing every well-authenticated prose story, article, or poem that the poet himself deemed worthy of preservation, with notices of his life and genius, by JAM Es Russell, Low Ell, N. P. Willis, G Fo. R. GRAHAM, and others. Four vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (Jſ Half calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Uſ “THE MOST I'4 MOUS WORK OF AMERICAN ART.” DARLEY'S MIAIRGARET. Outline Compositions from Judd's Margaret. By F. O. C. DAREY. Engraved by Huber. Thirty plates, imperial folio, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15 00 Half Turkey morocco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2() (10 Full Turkey morocco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 M : WIFION'S CHOICE EDITIONS OF STANDARD WORKS THE ELDER DISRAELI'S WORKS. “A TV HOLE LIBRARY IN NINE VOLUMES.” “A set of books comprisiº the cream of English literature, from the times of Dr. Johnson to our own.” HE ELDER DISRAELI's WORKS. Edited by his son, the Rt. Hon. B. DISRAELI, Premier of England in nine vols. crown 8vo, large, clear type, on fine toned paper, comprising: URIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. IFour vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 00 MIENITIES OF LITERATURE. Two vols..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 &LAMLITIES OF AUTHORS. Two vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 HE LITERARY CHARACTEIR. One vol... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 2 25 The entire set of nine vols. in a case. for $15; 11alf calf, $30. HALLAM'S COMPLETE WORKS. Finest edition eactant. Ten vols. crown 8vo, clotli, $17.50; half calf, $30; comprising: & UE MIDDLE AGES. Three vols., cloth ... Ivan Ar A-1, sa za vs.--> * * * ~~ vas., v.v. v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 : ELITERATURE OF EUROPE. Four vols. cloth.................................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 NSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Three vols., cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y'S CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ièNGLAND. Two vols., cloth (Mlay is a continuation of Hallalu, and brings the listory down to 1860.) New volume to 1870 in preparation. PROFESSOR WILSON'S WORKS. NOCTES AMIBIROSIANAE. By Profs. WILsoN, Lock HART, Hogg, and MAGINN. - - - - - - Edited with notes ly !. Shelton Mackenzie. With portraits. Six vols. (including life of Wilson, by his daughter), crown 8vo, cloth, Sl alf calf. . . . . . . e º e s e º e º 'º e e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 CH A R LES LAM B'S WORKS. ion. I'dited by Sir TrioMAS Noox TALFourt D, with memoir and steel portrait. Five vols. cr tlf, $18. - #ENDs of MIRTH AND MARVEL. Library Edition. By Thomas INGoldsby, Esq. . l Harris Barham). With a memoir, of the author, and sixteen full-page illustrations by eech. Two vols. crown 8vo, extra cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* be Edition. Complete in one vol. thick 16mo, eight illustrations, extra cloth, beveled edge, 2 id of Virgil. Translation, rendered into English octosyllabic verse, by the Itev. John CoN- ssor of Latin in the University of Dublin. Crown 8vo, extra cloth............................ • s e º e s a s e º e º a s e º e s e s e s a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s e a s e e s e s a • e s ∈ e s e s = < e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e t editions of works suitable for presentation or the library. Catalogues sent by mail upo —--~~~~~~~ --~~~~~~~~~ IDDLETON, Publisher, 27 Howard Street, New Yor A – THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 427 } Hol.II)AY Books. -- ~~ Messrs. James R. Osgood & Co. Invite the attention of Booksellers and Bookbuyers to their large variety of CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL GIFT-B00KS, n cluding, in numerous elegant styles of binding, the works of LONG FELLOW, WHITTIER, TENNYSON, EMERSON, LOWELL, HOLMES, ALDRICH, HOWELLS, BRET HARTE, THACKERAY, DICKENS, SCOTT, HAWTHORNE, PARTON, READE, and a host besides of the foremost names among English and American Anthors. Their fist of IIISIRMED HIDM SH-BODIs is peculiarly rich and attractive, embracing: Whittier's Mabel Martin, Longfellow's Hanging of the Crane, Dickens's Christmas Carol, Whittier's Snow-Bound, Longfellow’s Poems, with 300 illustrations, Tennyson's Poems, copiously illustrated, Whittier's Ballads of New England, Winter Poems, And others too numerous to name. A few of their GIFT-B00KS, SINGLE OR IN SETs, • * * * .* - ‘. . * * *** ! --. e * , * . w are méºtioned in the following pages. 428 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. SUPERB HELIOTYPE BOOKS. Engravings from Landseer. Twenty-four Plates, reproducing with the utmost fidelity some of the most famous of Landseer's works, including The Challenge, Chillingham led Deer, The King of the Forest, The Monarch of the Glen, High Life, Low Life, Laying Down the Law, Shoeing the Bay Mare, and others of equal beauty. With an elaborate Sketch of Landseer's Life and Works. Quarto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10.00 Child-Life in Pictures. Containing Twenty-four Heliotype Plates, from Correggio, Copley, Reynolds, Greuze, Lawrence, Murillo, Gerard, Raphael, and other celebrated painters—forming a series of charming pictures of children and child-life. Quarto ------------------------------------------------------- $10.00 Poetic T localities of Canbridge. Edited by W. J. STILLMAN. Illustrated with Twelve Heliotypes from Nature. 1 vol. 4to, $3.50 The “Gambrel-Roofed House,” the “Washington Elin,” Harvard College, Charles River, and other objects iu Cambridge that have been made famous by Longfellow, Holmes, and Lowell, are represented in this book by admirable heliotypes. The letterpress comprises descriptions selected by Mr. W. J. Stillman from the writings of the above-named Cambridge poets. It is a unique, beautiful, and Y. luable book. Farnous Painters and Paintings. By Mrs. J. A. SHEDD. With Heliotypes of Engravings after Raphael, Correggio, Titian, Murillo, and other renowned Painters, 8vo. ----------------------------------------------------. $5.00 The aim of this beautiful book is to furnish concise sketches of the most distinguished painters, to set forth their special characteristics as artists, and to give an account of their principal works, together with the lº. where these are now to be found. The volume is full of just the kinds of information uesired by all intelligent persons, and with the excellent heliotypes tuat embellish it, is no less attractive than useful. . Raphael Pictures. A Series of Studies, designed and engraved after Five Paintings by Raphael. With Historical and Critical Notes, by M. T. B. EMERIC-DAVID, Member of the Institute of France. Twenty-four Plates, representing “The Visitation,” “The Holy Family’’ (two groups, “The Madonna of the Fish,” and “The Bearing of the Cross.” Quarto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. $10.00 Toschi’s Engravings. From Frescos by CORREGGIO and PARMEGIANO. Reproduced from the “Gray Collection of Engravings,” Harvard University. Twenty-four Plates, including Parmegiano's Saint Agatha, Saint Lucia and Saint Appollonia, Two Deacons, and St. George. Of Correggio's Frescos, it includes the Madonna della Scala, Diana in a Chariot, The Coronation of the Virgin, groups of Cherubs and Angels, and eight pictures of Apostles and Saints. A rare and valuable collection. Quarto----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $10.00 Blake’s Book of Job. From designs drawn amid engraved by WILLIAM BLAKE. Reproduced from the “Gray Collection of Engravings.” Twenty-two Plates. With Biographical Sketch of William Blake, and Descrip- tions of the Engravings, by CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. Quarto... --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10.00 Gallery of Great Cornposers. A Series of Portraits Engraved on Steel, from Oil Paintings by Prof. CARL JAEGER. With Biographical and Critical Notices of Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Von Weber, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Meyerbeer, and Wagner. Quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 On the Nile. By AUGUSTUS HOPPIN. Oblong folio, $10.00. Larger paper edition, in portfolio. . . . . . . . . . $25.00 “The sketches depict more fully and vividly than many pages of narrative could do, the scenery of the sacred river of Egypt, the customs and costumes of the strange people who live along its banks, the mighty works of man with which it is associated, and the adventures which befall a party of tourists along its course. There are striking portraits of typical folk, bits of character, tracery, picturesque groups, and amusing situations.”— Boston Oongregationalist. - For sale by all Booksellers. Sent post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAMES R, OSG00D & C0, Boston, 429 LITTLE CLASSICS. A Serſes of Handy Voſumes containing many of the choſoest Short Stories, Sketches, and Poems in the Eng//sh Language, 1. Exile. 2. Intellect. 3. Tragedy. 13. Narrative Poems. 14. Lyrical Poems. 15. Minor Poems. 5. Laughter. 6. Love. 7. Romance. 9. Comedy. 10. Childhood. 11. Heroism. 4. Life. 8. Mystery. 12. Fortune. 16. Authors. THE LITTLE CLASSICS, complete in 16 volumes, tastefully bound in cloth, in box, $16.00 Half calf, & g e * g º gº g ſº e & g 40.00 The same in 8 double volumes, tree calf, in case, 36.00 “It is a fortunate circumstance that the very charming series of volumes edited by Rossiter Johnson, which Osgood & Co. have published under the designation of ‘Little Classics,” should be completed in good season for the holiday trade. The twelve volumes of choice prose, the three volumes of selected poems, and the volume of brief biographies make up a series, the variety and interest of whose contents, taken in connection with its external attractions, make it one of the prettiest and most desirable ever brought to the attention of book-loyers and book-buyers.”—Boston Journal. ——sº- e-e, --O- e, e -º--— FOFULAF FOETS. Longfellow, Whittier, Tennyson, OWem Meredith. THE ABOVE FOUR WOLUMES, Red Line Edition, tree calf, in case -- - - - - $32.00 | Household Edition, half calf, in case. - - - - - $16.00 & & 4 half calf, “ - - - - - - 24.00 | Diamond “’ tree calf, “ - - - - - - 15.00 Household “ tree calf, “ - - - - - - 20.00 * { « & half calf, “ - - - - - - 12.00 STANDARD AND POPULAR BOOKS IN SETS. Dickens’s Works. Household Edition. 15 Volumes. Illustrated by EYTINGE. Cloth, $18.75; half calf, $45.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 29 Volumes. Cloth, $50.00; half calf, $100.00. Charles J)ickens Edition. 15 Volumes. Cloth, $22.50; half calf, $45.00. Wayerley Novels. Household Edition. 50 Volumes, cloth, $50.00; half calf, $125.00; full calf, $175.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 25 Volumes. . Cloth, $37.50; half calf, $75.00. Illustrated Melrose Edition. 13 Volčmes. Cloth, $26.00; half calf, $58.50. Hawthorne’s Works. Household Edition. 21 Volumes. Cloth, $42.00; half calf, $72.00; full calf, $95.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 9 Volumes. Cloth, $18.00; half calf, $36.00. Por sale by all Booksellers. Whittier’s WOrkS. Poems and Prose Works. 4 Volumes. Cloth, $10.00; half calf, $18.00; unorocco, $24.00. Thackeray's Works. Household Edition. 11 Volumes. Cloth, $13.75; half calf, $33.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 11 Volumes. Cloth, $22.00; half calf, $44.00. Kensington Edition. With numerous Illustra- tions by THACKERAY, DOYLE, WALKER, and DU MAURIER. 12 Volumes. Cloth, $24.00; half calf, $54,00. Charles Reade’s Noyels. Household Edition. 11 Volumes. Cloth, $11.00; half calf, $24.75. Illustrated Library Edition. 6 Volumes. Cloth, $9.00; half calf, $18.00. Sent post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & C0, Boston, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. --ºº: . . --- º º º º º º º º - º BUT still the sweetest voice was mute That river-valley ever heard From lips of maid or throat of bird; For Mabel Martin sat apart, And let the hay-mow's shadow fall Upon the loveliest face of all. Mabel Martin. A Harvest Idyſ. By John G. WHITTIER. Illustrated with numerous designs drawn by Miss M. A. Hallock and Mr. Thomas Moran, and engraved by Mr. A. V. S. Anthony—the same artists who made “The Hanging of the Crane” so beautiful last year. Tastefully bound in cloth, $5.oo; antique morocco, $10.o.o. M A BE L MART IN. “The pictures are all beautiful, many of them exqui- site.”–Congregationalist (Boston). “Mabel Martin' is as faultless a gift-book as poet, illustrators, and publishers could combine to make.”– Portland Press. “It is a simple, tender, lovely idyl, which well deserves its lavish adornments. An exceptionally perfect book.” –New York Tribune. “One of the most exquisite productions that ever graced a book-shelf.”–Boston Post. * A book of peculiar beauty; a fit companion to Long- fellow’s “Hanging of the Crane.”–Hurtford Courant. .*. For sale by all booksellers. Sent post-paid, THE HANGING ()R THE CRANE. By H. W. Loxºfºllow, Illustrated by Miss Hallock and Thomas Moran. Tastefully bound in cloth, $5.00: morocco, $10.00. “The poem itself is a genuine tale for the hearthstone. and should be, and ºš. will be, a household treasure in tens of thousands of American homes for generations to come. As a gift-book it º of anything we have seen in many years; and as a volume to delight the mind and the eye, and to purify and sweeten the heart, it is without a peer.”—Christian Intelligencer (New York). “One of the most beautifully illustrated books ever published in Boston.”—Boston Advertiser. on receipt of price by the publishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. TEIE The American Booksellers’ Guide, a monthly trade newspaper, will be forwarded to Booksellers, News-Dealers, Music-Dealers, Stationers, and others at the annual subscription price of 50 cents a year. application. Sample copy sent oil *** All goods advertised or announced in the American Booksellers' Guide will be supplied to the trade at the publishers', manufacturers', or importers' best discount, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. THE Hook MARKET Nºw York, Dec. 1, 1875. Our reports from different sections of the country indicate that business has not fallen behind that of the corresponding month of last year, with the exception rerhaps of New England, which has suffered most in all branches of business from the prevailing dull- ness. In most of the Western towns, how- ever, business has been better than in the corresponding period of the two previous years. On the whole, a fair amount of business has been done, but it has been unequally distributed, and does not em- brace, as in good seasons, all classes of books. Trade manuals and what are generally classed as industrial books have been in little or no demand, and the sale of medical books has been comparatively light. On the other hand, the law-book trade has been far from dull, and the sale of school-books has probably exceeded that of last year. The cheap novels have suffered, but fiction of the better class is in almost as good demand as ever. Publishers have been unremitting in their efforts to suit the tastes of the public, and have exercised more than usual care and dis- Cretion in selecting the material to be put in book-form. The result is apparent in the improved character of the new issues. Al- though publishers have rejected a large amount of manuscript, which in ordinary times would be considered good, and reprints are fewer than usual at this season, there is little or no apparent diminution in the num- ber of miscellaneous books issued during the month; but the announcements of forthcoming books are certainly lighter than is usual for the last month of the year. It is notable that, while the larger publishing houses, from whom we expect long lists of announcements at this season, are printing fewer books than ever, the smaller publishers are issuing a greater number than usual. They are all, however, issuing small editions, large sales of a single book being very rare exceptions to the rule. The new holiday books are few in number, especially those of a costly character. There is no lack, however, of fine books to suit the tastes of all classes of Christmas buyers. Many of the issues of last year were published so late that they could not be fairly brought to the attention of the public, and the edi- tions now printed are as valuable for Christ- mas stock this year as the newer books. Of the few new gift-books there is much to be said in praise, and they will compare favor- adly with the holiday issues of former years : the illustrated juveniles are at least as well suited to delight the children, as the best of the efforts heretofore made in that line of book-making. Descriptive notices of them will be found on another page. Despite the preparations of the publishers, but very few orders for holiday stock have yet been received. Of the prospects for a good trade in most localities there can be but one opinion. The oldest bookseller never saw a dull holiday season, and the experi- ences of many go to prove that it is all the better for the book trade when there is a general depression in business, and a deter- mination on the part of the public to econo- mize. Whether this be true or not, it is cer- tainly true that ten dollars will go farther in purchasing books as appreciative gifts than in any other suitable goods. In good times people look for more costly articles; in close times they are apt to be attracted to the book. sellers' counters, where presents for old and young can be secured at comparatively trifling cost. A book is always an appropriate gift and is always cheap, for it possesses a value beyond its cost in dollars and cents, depend- ent only upon the tastes and relations of the donor and the recipient. It rests with the bookseller to emphasize these facts and bring them to the notice of searchers for gifts. To do this, he should make his store, if possible, as attractive as any in the town. He should advertise by circulars and in the newspapers, and use every means in his power to bring his stock to the notice of the public. Above all, he should be thoroughly posted, so as to be able to meet the requirements and tastes of all classes of buyers. Of course, he must have the stock, and there is a danger that the carefulness in ordering, which the depression of the past two years has taught, will, at this season, prevent many from being pre- pared for the demand when it comes. Orders should not be extravagant, but they should be liberal, and the nature of the trade should determine the character of the books to be ordered. Orders should also be placed in time. There are many good books of which only small editions have been printed, and if they are ordered too late, the sale of a second or third edition will be lost to both publisher and bookseller. 4.32 THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. FINE Holiday Rooks. D. Appleton & Co. offer two new books that are especially noteworthy. Taey are The Eighteenth Century, by Paul Lucroix, and English Poets, by Joseph Gastwick. The fi st is a heavy octavo, containing a score of chro- mos, lithographs, and three hundred and fifty wood engravings, which have been repro- duced under the supervision of M. Racinet. from the most noted artists of the period em- braced by the book. Of the text it is only necessary to say that it is as thorough and as interesting as the author’s previous works on the Middle Ages. those volumes which induced the author to bring his work down to more modern times, and we know of no other single volume which contains so in uch information of the habits and customs, the arts and industries of the people of the eighteenth century. The author of the twelve essays on the English Poets is the author of German Poets. The volume contains portraits of the most noted writers of English poetry. Besides these, ID. Appleton & Co. offer new editions of the beautiful Midsummer JWight’s Dream, Japan and the Japanese, and other elegant books, which are already well known to the trade. They have also printed a large paper edition of the Life and Letters of Fitz-Greene Halleck, which is limited to a hundred copies, and a hundred and fifty large paper copies of his Poetical Works; they are very elegant, and will soon become rare. The Edina Edition of Burns's Poems and Songs is very handsome, and is the only quarto edition of the kind in the market. , Of Juveniles, D. Appleton & Co. have a new fairy story-book, entitled Higgledy Pig- gledy, by the charming writer for children, lº. Rºnatchbull-Hugessen. The character of the volume may be inferred from the follow- ing, taken from the author's preface. He says: “In the six stories which it contains there are jumbled together witches, jack- daws, fairies, pigs, mermaids, magistrates, dwarfs, cock-pheasants, and a great variety of other creatures who do not usually consort together, and could only have been brought into the same book by those wondrous pow- ers of magic which confuse and confound the common order of nature.” The Duty After the Iſolidays is Hope’s Annual for 1875–6. It has unique comic illustrations by Phiz, Jr. Robert Carter & Brothers offer for the children of all ages a fine selection of little story-books, arranged in series and put up in meat boxes. Those designed for the younger children are especially worthy of commend- ation. They are for the most part pretty stories told in simple language, and although religious in tone, are without sectarian bias, and great care is exercised to make them free from slang or any objectionable language. Robert Clarke & Co. have put Mr. Henry T. Stanton’s late volunie, Jacob Brozcº &nd Oth 7. 1’vems, into fine morocco binding, and it makes It was the great success of an appropriate gift-book. It comprises the author’s latest poems, some of which display a quaint originality and real poetic genius. The same publishers will have ready in a few days an eley ant edition of the Poems of George D. Prentice, compiled and edited by Mr John J. Piatt, between whom and the author existed the warmest friendship for many years. The volume will be a welcome addition to our list of holiday books. Christmas in Sonſ, and Story, to be published in a few days, by J. Cockcroft & Co., New York, is an interesting collection of the poetry and stories relating to Christmas, compiled from muny languages by Mr. P. L. Gage, whose long connection with the book trade of this country has made him many warm friends. In p eparing this book, which is the first of the kind that has ever been attempted here, he has received valuable assistance from Mr. Hen.ry W. Longfellow and other distinguished writers. The volume will be elegantly printed and bound. E. P. Dutton & Co. have ready new editions of Mrs. Sanford’s beautifully illustrated juveniles of last year—H'risk and IHis Flock, and Pussy Tºp Toes Fºtºmily, and also of the same author's little Rose Dale books, contain- ing stories in large type and mostly in words of one sy}lable. In writing for the little ones, Mrs. Sanford is unexcelled, and the first two books mentioned above are among the prettiest ever made in this country. The stories, too, are as pleasing as the pictures. Dutton & Co. offer a holiday edition of Faber's beautiful hymns, in calf and morocco bindings, making a very pretty presentation volume. J. B. Ford & Co. have made no new volumes for Christmas, but have printed new editions of the delightful stories of pet ani- mals by Grace Greenwood, and also of Ray- mond’s Man in the Moon. Both are well cal- culated to please the children. These pub- lishers have in press a little volume of Christmas stories by Harriet Beecher Stowe, entitled Betty’s Bright Idea, and Other Stories. S. C. Griggs & Co. were early in the field with one of the most attractive books of the year—Benjamin F. Taylor’s Songs of Yester- day, being vivid and touching pictures, in verse, of incidents and scenes of the near past. In dealing with the old-fashioned life and customs of the past generation, Mr. Taylor's bright and flowing verse finds an almost universal response of sympathy, and there are few writers in prose or poetry who can so delicately and so affectionately recall the home-life of the past. The artists have admirably succeeded in catching the fancy of the poet, and we have rarely seen a volume so appropriately illustrated. The publishers have also ready new red-line and full-gilt editions of Mr. Taylor’s last year’s book, Old- Time Pictures. They have aiso published, in a dair,ty little quarto volume, The J/yth of Stone Idol, an Indian love-legend in verse, by THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 433 Professor Wm. P. Jones, late President of the Northwestern Female College. A. F. Graves's list includes some very suita- ble books for children. The Daisy Daie books are little 18mos containing short illustrated stories for youngest readers. The Choice Li- bary comprises books of short stories for children a little older, and the Aunt Bertha Series and the Eddie Ellerslie Series are longer stories which will interest adults Some of these books will be recognized as old favor- ites a in new dress; others are entirely new. Wm. F. Gili & Co. have ne Irly ready J/turel Leaves, a companion volume to Lotos Leaves, brought out last season. The illus- trations, which will number many more than those in last year's volume, are by our best artists, made especially for this book, and the contributors include our imost distinguished writers. The contributions comprise poems, stories, and essays, many of them never haw- in ºr been printed here before, including those from Tennyson, Kingsley, and Swinburne. Gill & Co. have imported an edition of a finely illustrated quarto of Ilistorical and Legendary Ballads and Songs, collected from the Norse and other out-of-the-way sources, and many of them rare. The volume contains over two hundred illustrations by eminent artists. Gill also announces two lower-priced books made especially for the gift season—the first entitled Golden Treasures of Poetry, Ro- mance, and Art, the other The Horn of Plenty. Both are collections—Golden Treas- 7tres containing stories and poems by favorite authors, with fifty illustrations, and . The IIorn of Plenty containing Home Poems and Pictures by Miss Alcott, Jean Ingelow, and others. This volume is also profusely and very finely illustrated. A new edition of Lotos L (tº es is also printed. Henry Hoyt's list of new juveniles include many that are especially suitable for gift- books, of which we may mention the new Picture Library of five fifty-cent volumes, with a complete sketch or story on every al- ternate page, and an illustration opposite. He has also put The New Picture Readong-Book into new covers which are tasteful and pretty, and the cheaper little books of the Little Folks Library, the Little Home Library, and the Welcome Library, have been much im- proved by new bindings. The Rev. P. C. Headley’s new volume on the Evangelists in the Church has been put into meat drab cloth, with full gilt sides and gilt edges. It is the only book of the kind now published, and is embellished by sixteen portraits of noted preachers. - Henry Holt & Co. will make no new holiday books this year, but will offer new editions of J. Safford Fiske’s A Tour Through the 1 yre. 7tées, with Doré's illustrations, and of Mr. C- H. Jones's Ver's de Société, which was one of the most elegant of last year's books. Harper & Brothers have ready three new books, which, though not high-priced, are elegant and appropriate gift-books. They are Songs of our Youth, set to music, which was issued some weeks ago, Miss Johnson’s Cats- Kill #'airies and Farm Legends, by Will Carle- ton. No one who has heard of Fam’m Ballads, and who has not—need be told the character of Will Carleton’s new book. Of the Ballads 2arly fifty thousand copies have been sold, and of the Legends several editions have already been disposed of. The Farm Ballads will also be offered this year. Miss Johnson has shown as much skill in writing of The Catskill Fairies as she displays in her deline- ations of humanity in her novels. The fairies of her book are not those hideous beings who appeared to Rip Van Winkle, but are of a much more agreeable sort, and as light and airy as the fairy creations of Shakespeare. The dainly illustrations, by Alfred Fredericks, are all that could be desired for such a book, and will charm the children and amuse the older folks. The Harpers have on their list ..many other books for children, that are in- instructive as well as pretty. Lee & Shepard have issued, under the title of The Great Bo wanza, a collection of wonder- ful adventures in hunting, fishing, mining, and other fields of danger, mostly American. They are all by popular writers, and the col- lection is the best ever published in one volume of stories of this character. The book contains two hundred illustrations, and is put in showy binding. Running the Blockade is a book somewhat similar in character, being an account of adventures in the secret service of the United States during the war, by W. H. Thomes, who tells some very strange and start ling stories. It is illustrated, and is finely printed and bound. It has heretofore been sold by subscription, but is now offered to the trade at a reduced price. Lee & Shepard are printing several other books which will claim the attention of holiday buyers, the prettiest eing Neurer, My God to Thée, containing the beautiful hymn, with exquisite illustrations by Miss L. B. Humphrey. Though but a lit- tle quarto, it will be one of the most attractive books of the year. For the children, Lee & Shepard offer The ſtour footed Looers, delight- ful stories of animals, printed in large type and fully illustrated. Both stories and pictures are sure to please the juvenile read- ers. Mr. George M. Baker has prepared a new volume similar in style to his Bullads of Beauty of last year. It will be issued under the title of B llads of Home, as a companion volume to that of last season, which had a large sale. J. B. Lippincott & Co. publish a cabinet ed- ition of Irving's Sketch Book, reduced in price to six dollars, in cloth. They also issue por- tions of the Sketch Book in three separate vol- umes, the Christmas Stories, Sleepy IIollow, and Ičip Van Winkle. These are all beautifully printed, with the original illustrations, and a e very attractive and comparatively cheap. One of the most noteworthy of tie new high- 434 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. priced books of this season is Lippincott’s Contemporary Art, containing thirty etchings and chromo-lithographs after the origina works of the most eminent artists of to-day, accompanied by explanatory text. Messrs. Lippincott & Co. have made arrangements to bring out here, under the title of The Orpham of Pimlico, and Other Sketches, Fragments, and Drawings, by Thackeray—a genuine “Thacker- ayana,” indorsed by the author's family and edited by his daughter. No drawings are se- lected but those that are known to be Thack- eray's, and they are copied by a process that will faithfully reproduce them. The volume will be a handsome royal quarto, most suita- ble for the holiday season. Allibone's Prose Quotations should not be overlooked by the lovers of fine books, it being one of the hand- somest and most valuable books of the year. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. will issue Silhou- ettes in Art and Song, to contain unique illus- trations in silhouette of the twelve months of the year, with original poems. It will be issued as an oblong folio, in pretty covers. An a ditional interest will attach to the Vol- ume from the fact that the designs are en- tirely the work of a child of thirteen years. This firm will also issue in a few days, under the title of An American in Iceland, the Jec- tures of Dr. Samuel Kneeland on Iceland, all revised and rewritten for publication. The book will be nicely printed, with many il! us- trations, and will not be an inappropriate gift- book. Fairy Bells and What They Tolled Us, the collection of fairy tales translated from the German, is an excellent book of the kind for children, and Apples of Gold, with its large type and pretty pictures, Will afford delight to the younger readers. D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, have many new and very attractive juvenile books just ready. Among them we notice Young Rick, by Julia A. Eastman, printed on the finest calendered paper, and with six large full-page illustra- tions by Sol Eytinge; the price, one dollar, is remarkably low. Papa's Boy, by Mrs. C. E. K. Davis, with eleven original illustrations by Jessie Curtis, is another fresh and charm- ing book. The Little Mother and her Christmas, by Phebe F. McKeen, fully illustrated by G. G. White, is very pretty. Word Pictures and Bible Pictures are finely printed, with pretty illustrations, and the fine edition of The Ec- cellent Woman, with gilt sides and edges, makes an attractive religious book for older readers. J. R. Osgood & Co.'s contribution to fine Holiday stock is, as usual, an important one. First on the list is Whittier's poem, Mabel Martin, in a volume uniform with the Hang- &ng of the Crame, the beautiful illustrations being furnished by Miss Hallock and Mr. Thomas Moran. It is sufficient praise of it to say that it will favorably compare with its companion volume of last year. Two elegant heliotype volumes are in preparation—En- gravings from Landseer, and Child-Dîfe in Pic- tures. The first will contain faithful reproduc. tions of twenty-four of the best works of the famous painter of animal life, and an extended essay on his life and works. The other wo'- ume will contain the same number of plates from Correggio, Murillo, Raphael, and other celebrated painters of children and child-life Mrs Shedd’s Famous Painters and Paintings' just issued, also deserves a place among our finest art-books, being illustrated with helio- types of engravings after Raphael, Titian. and other old masters. Poetic Docalities of Cam- bridge, issued a month or more ago, will com- mend itself to all admirers of the beautiful in literature or art. The captivating Adventures of Captain Hattéras, by Jules Verne, with its many illustrations, makes a holiday volume of no ordinary merit, and for younger readers. Mrs. Diaz' Story-Book for the Children will prove attractive, and Trowbridge's The Young Surveyor will please the boys. A holiday edi- tion of Whittier's Songs of Three Centuries will be ready in a few days. The list of T. B. Peterson & Bros. con- tains a number of fine books, which are always in demand at this season. The illustrated edition of Beautiful Snow will never be too old for Christmas times, and Mr. Francis S. Smith's The Young Magdalem, and other poems, in the rich dress of the publishers, has lost none of its popularity. Arthur's Sia, Nights with the Washingtonians still looks as attract- ive as many of our newer acquaintances, and Aunt Patty's Scrap-Book, by Mrs. Carolina Lee Hentz, with Darley's illustrations, is one of the most fascinating of our juvenile story- books. Roberts Brothers give us one of the finest volumes of the season in Jean Ingelow's The Shepherd Lady, containing also eight other little poems hitherto uncollected. The poem which gives the title to the volume portrays the work and faithfulness of the Christian church, and has three full-page illustrations by Arthur Hughes, who also furnishes a de- sign for “Above the Clouds,” Mary A. Hal- lock's two designs for the little poem “Fail- ure " are gems of art, and the other illustra- tions, of which there are eighteen altogether, by J. A. Mitchell, W. L. Sheppard, G. Perkins, F. O. C. Darley and Sol Eytinge, are of an ex- cellence rarely seen within the covers of a book. The volume is superbly printed, and contains a steel portrait of Jean Ingelow. It will be considered by many the most attrac- tive new book of the season. Hamerton’s Syl. van Year is a delightful rambling talk of life in the woods, by a poet-artist. It is named on the title-page “Leaves from the Note-Book of Raoul Dubois,” a fictitious character, sug- gested, the author tells us, by the “Obermann’’ of De Sénancour, though quite a different character, as the author takes pains to show. He says, while the dominant note of “Ober- mann’’ was ennui, this narrative is intended to exhibit the value of external nature as a refreshment to a spirit which, though it had THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 435 suffered greatly, has still strength enough to take a hearty and healthy interest in every- thing that comes within the circle of its obser- vation. The text is charmingly Bohemian, and the twenty etchings, most of them by Hamerton himself, are very fine. Roberts Bros. will have Etchings and Etchers ready at an early day. It is a book for artists and lov- ers of art, and it will possess an interest for even the most moderate lover of pictures. It goes over the work of many of the artists, crit- icising and describing, and throwing in much pleasant chat. It is illustrated with etched copies. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. offer Frank R. Stockton's Tales out of School, with its three hundred illustrations; and the three parts of Jules Vernes “Mysterious Island,” entitled respectively Dropped from the Clouds, Ahan- doned, and The Secret of the Island. The first is one of the best of our new books for the young, both in appearance and in interest. Jules Verne's wonderful writings are too well known to need a word of description or praise. Henry T. Williams has published, under the appropriate title of Household Elegancies, an illustrated volume on Home Decorations. The book is not only pretty, but will prove of great value to every lady who takes an interest in beautifying and making pleasant her home. It is prepared by Mr. Williams and Mrs C. S. Jones, and is a practical manual for wax work, leather work, worsted work, transpa- rencies, and a hundred other arts suitable for ladies. With it. for a guide, a lady need never want pleasant occupation. The pretty little book, Seven Autumn Leaves from Fairy-Land, first published by A. Wil- liams & Co. two years ago, has been reprinted in London by H. S. King & Co. It is a book of fairy stories, by a well-known business man of Boston, illustrated by etchings by his wife, though neither the name of the author nor that of the artist appears on the title-page. A. Williams & Co. offer the book again this year. JLITERARY AND TRADE JTEMs. Thompson, Brown & Co., Boston, have near. ly ready a new edition of the American Union Speaker, at the reduced price of $2. Robert Carter & Bros. are issuing a new library edition, in good style, of Hugh Miller's works. The last printed is Footprints of the Creator, with Agassiz' memoir of the author. Mr. McGahan, who accompanied the Arctic expedition in the “Pandora,” is preparing an account of the voyage, which will be published under the title of Under the Northern Lights. The unusual interest in coins has induced T. B. Peterson & Bros. to issue a new edition of their Complete Coin Book, which contains fac-simile impressions of all the coins of the world, and is the best book of the kind published. - Mrs. Henry Wood's novel, Parkwater, lately published by the Petersons, must be an un- usually good one. It is running in the New York Weekly, under the title of Educated Above Her Station. The volume of devotional thoughts, found- ed on the promises of the Bible, The Faithful Promiser, is published in large type for aged readers, by Henry Hoyt, Boston. This is the only large-type edition published. Gebbie & Barrie, of Philadelphia, have im- ported a new edition of Boccacio’s Heptum- eron, with eight etchings by Flameng, in the same style as those in the Flameng edition of the Decam rom brought out last spring. The last chapters of the late Vice President Wilson’s work on the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power were being written at the time of the distinguished author's death, and the material for its completion is in the hands of his secretary. Lee & Shepard have collected and publish- ed, under the title of Im Doors and Out, some of the first domestic stories of Oliver Optic. They have long been out of print, and well de- serve to be reprinted in the handsome style of the new volume. • Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger have just published, under the title of One IJundred Years After—Our Show, a humorous descrip- tion of the Centennial. It is very amusing, being full of happy hits on notable people. The comic cuts are by A. B. Frost. Carleton & Co. have in press a humorous account of a Yacht Cruise last winter, by W. P. Talboys. It is entitled West India Pickles. Carleton is also printing The Miller of Silcott Mill, by Mrs. Marie Darrington Deslonde, who is announced as “a well-known New Orleans society belle.” T. B. Peterson & Brothers have just issued a new revised and enlarged edition of Franca- telli's Cook-Book, of English, French, German and Italian cookery. The volume has sixty- two illustrations, and is one of the largest and most complete cook-books in the market. It should have a large sale. Mr. John Farrell, who for many years has been known in New York business circles, has been appointed business agent of the printing and publication department of the New York Catholic Protectory. Mr. H. D. Monachesi, late city editor of the New York Daily Bulletin, has also become connected with the same institution. Mr. Charles Sotheran, of the Bibliopolist, has written a book on the poet Shelley as a philos- opher and reformer, which is to be published in a few weeks by Chas. P. Somerby. Although much has been written of Shelley as a poet, his life has never before been presented as that of a thinker and a worker for the benefit of humanity. The little volume now being printed will contain a sonnett on Shelley, by C. W. Frederickson, the well-known collector of Shellyana, and will be embellished by a portrait, and a view of his tomb at Rome. 436 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. H. O. Houghton & Co. have purchased from J. B. Ford & Co. the plates of Knight's Mechan- ical Dictionary. The issue of this admirable work, which has already cost Ford & Co. up. wards of $75,000, has been suspended for some months, and will be immediately resumed in numbers by the Riverside Press. J. W. Bouton has published, with some al- ferations and additions, a translation from the French of M. Antony Real’s Story of the St. J., Žn All Aſſes and Lands. We cannot fully agree with the author that “the story of the stick is the story of civilization,” but he has Certainly made a readable volume, which throws not a little light upon the history of mankind. The last book in the hands of the late Vice- President was a copy of Mr. Randolph's The Changed Cross. The volume formerly belonged to his wife, and contained a photograph of her and their deceased son. He treasured the lit- tle book very highly, and at midnight before his death, took it from his table, and to relieve his restlesness read a page or two of its beauti- ful verses. A Quaker Among the Indians, long ago an- nounced, but first published by Lee & Shep- ard, is a straightforward story of life among Our troublesome wards, by one who spent Some time among the Caddoes as a teacher, and afterwards lived among the Kiowas. The Indian question is always an interesting one to thinking people, and this honest volume Will attract much attention. Gardening for Pleasure, just issued by the Orange Judd Company, will prove of interest to many readers. The author, Peter Henderson, the well-known seedsman, aims to make it useful to the occupant of a city lot or the po- sessor of a few house-plants, as well as to the resident of the country—and he has succeeded admirably. Mr. Henderson's previous works On gardening have had an immense sale. G. P. Putnam’s Sons have just issued Eng- lish IRadical Leaders, the second volume of their admirable series of Brief Biographies. It is prepared by R. J. Hinton, and, like Mr. Higginson's English Statesmen, it contains the information usually sought for through many volumes. French Leaders, by Edwaid King, will follow shortly, and Mr. Herbert Tuttle's volume on German Political Leaders is in prep- a Tat 10th. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, promise this month a History of the Army of the Cum- berland, by Thomas B. Van Horne, U.S.A., iſ- lustrated by twenty-two campaign and battle maps, by Edward Ruger. The work was writ- ten at the request, and largely under she su- pervision of Major-General George H. Thomas. Gen. Thomas directed the historian to “write nothing but the truth,” and the author informs us in his preface, that “the materials for the work were mainly collected and supplied by Gen. Thomas, which gave him as close a relation to it as was possible without direct author- faithful narrative of the achievements of that noble and successful army. It will be received as a valuable addition to our historical litera- ture, and will be of special interest at this time, when the history of military operations is receiving so much attention. Messrs. Chase & Hall, of Cincinnati, have recently purchased from R. W. Carroll & Co. the stereotype plates of Living Pulpit of the Christian Church, Scheme of Redemption, and Reason (tnd Revelation, by R. Mulligan; Life of John Smith, by J. A. Williams; Walks About Jerusalem, Talks to J3ereſtºns, Plan of Salº) ution, and Our Position, by Isaac Errett. New editions of all these books will soon be issued, - D. Appleton & Co. have imported a small edition of George Hart’s book on The Vivlin. It treats at length of the famous makers and their imitators; of the history of the violin from the earliest times; of the Italian, French, German, and English schools, etc. The vol- unne contains engravings from photographs of the instruments of Stradivarius, Guarnerius, Amati, and others; the frontispiece being a cut of the famous violin of Pagamini. Henry Holt & Co. have issued Taine’s Lec- tures on Art, which completes their uniform edition of all of M. Taine’s works which have been translated into English, and all that he has written upon the subject of art. Taine is now engaged upon the first volume of an in- tei ded series on the influences which have de- veloped the present state of French society aud politics. The first work upon the Ancien Régime will probably be ready early next year. Baker, Davis & Co., the successors to T. Fll- wood Zell, are issuing a new revised edition of Zell’s Encyclopedia in fifty-cent parts, ten of which have been published. This edition will contain eighteen double-page colored maps. The same firm are preparing an illus- trated edition of Shakspeare, to be issued in twenty parts. It is to be edited by Geo. L. Duyckinck, and when complete will be bound in one volume. It will be in larger type than any other one-volume edition. - G. P. Putnam’s Sons have in press a liter- ary curiosity in the shape of a Japanese ro- mance, entitled Chimshingºtra ; or, The Loyal League, translated by Fred. V. Vickins, with notes and ºn appendix, containing a metrical version of “The Ballad of Takasago,” and speci- mens of the original text in the Japanese char- acter, illustrated by numerous full-page tinted plates, drawn and engraved by Japanese ar- tists, and printed on Japanese paper. This romance, which is founded on an historical epi- sode, is especially interesting and valuable for the light it throws upon the manner of thought aud life in Japan, and upon the degree to which devotion to the clan and to the clan chieftain absorbs all other affections and inter- ests. The Putnams also announce that they will publish, in connection with Messrs. Rein- wald & Co., of Paris, The Library of Contem- ship.” We may therefore feel assured that it is a porary Science, the volumes of which will be THE AMERICAN BOOKSEZZERS GUIDE. 437 issued simultaneously in Paris, London, Leip- sic, and New York. The first volumes an- nounced are Linguistics, by A. Hovelacque ; Biology, by Prof. Letourneau; as:d Anthropology, by Dr. Paul Topinard. A. Williams & Co., Boston, have just pub- lished for the author, Mr. J. R. Monroe, editor of the Seymour (Ind.) Times, a volume of Dramas and Miscellaneous Poems. Some of the dramas are quite original in conception, and they all have merit. One of them, en- titled, “Will Cobbett's Vision ; or, The Devil and Tom Paine,” was written, the author tells us, when he was in his teens. Some of the others have been printed be "ore, but have never been collected in a volume. Jansen, McClurg & Co , Chicago, announce for immediate publication, a short, fresh and delightful story by Mary Murdoch Mason, called Mae Madden. The scene of the story is laid in Italy, though most of the characters are Americans. As a fascinating love-story, it will be presented to the public with the cer- tainty of winning their approbation. The vol- ume opens with a fanciful and beautiful intro- ductory poem, A Dream of Italy, contributed by Joaquin Miller. One of the most important issues of the month is the first volume of the English trans- lation of the Comte de Paris’ JItstory of the Civil War in America. It is a large octavo of over six hundred pages, and brings the war down to the spring of 1862. About one-fifth of the volume is taken up with a history of Our army and its achievements in Mexico and among the Indians. Though not without se- were criticisms of the actions of some of our Soldiers and public men, it has received the highest praises for its impartiality and truth- fulness, and when completed will probably be the best history of the war which will be writ- ten in many years. This first American vol- ume comprises the first two of the French ed- ition. The third and fourth, which are pub- lished in France, are in hand here and will be issued as a second volume in the spring. The author is still at work on the succeeding vol- umes, and they will probably not be ready for the press before the early fill of next year. The publishers have done full justice to the work in printing it in good type, upon heavy, toned paper, and it is well supplied with maps. Estes & Lauriat have published, for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in five superb octavo volumes, the L:fe and Works of Count Rumford, by George E. Ellis, who contradicts many of the statements about Rumford, which appear in the Encyclopaedias. He was born in 1753, in North Woburn, Mass., within twelve miles of the birthplace of Benjamin Franklin ; at the age of sixteen was apprenticed to a drygoods dealer in Bos- ton, studied medicine, taught school, and a year or two before the commencement of the Revolution was commissioned as Major in the Provincial army. This circumstance identi- fied him with the Royal cause when the war broke out, and so incensed his neighbors that he was obliged to flee to Boston. He went from there to England, and his property here was confiscated. He held several positions under the English government, was knighted, and finally entered the service of the Elec- tor of Bavaria, where he distinguished him- self still further by his scientific achieve- ments. His Life fills a volume of nearly seven hundred pages, and is enabellished with a steel portrait and other steel lilates. His works, which are comprised in four volumes nearly as large, have heretofore been scat- tered in journals and reports. They embrace papers giving his numerous experiments on gunpowder, food, etc., but the larger portion of the first three volumes is devoted to heat and its various appliances, and the last volume to the phenomena of light. The whole is liberally illustrated by cuts. NewsPAPERS AND PERíopicals. The Boston IIerald now has a Sunday train running to Providence. The Christian in the World, New York, has changed its name to The Outlook. The New Era is a daily paper published in Pittsburgh in the interests of the Centennial Exposition. . --- Mr. Andrew J. Graham has resumed the publication of the Student’s Journal, New York. Price, $1 per year. A new trade journal, the Notions and Fancy Goods Record, is published weekly by Henry I. Hart & Co., New York. Price, $2 per year. Hurd & Houghton have become the pub- lishers of The American Naturalist, heretofore published by the Peabody Institute, Salem, Mass. The Spirit of the Times, so long issued by Mr. George Wilkes, will henceforth be pub- lished by George Wilkes and E. A. Buck, proprietors, and will be edited by Mr. Buck. It is announced that Messrs. Hardy & Mahony, of Philadelphia, will in January be- gin the publication of a new quarterly, to Le called T'/e American Catholic Quarterly 18, wield. The January number of the Phrenological Journal will contain sketches and portraits of Jennie June, Grace Greenwood, Louisa Chand- ler Moulton, Mrs. Howe, and Mrs. Clemmer Ames. * Mr. Justin Winsor will edit the new quar- terly, The Fac-Similist, to be issued by J. R. Osgood & Co. Each number will contain a dozen or more heliotype reproductions of rar engravings. º Rowell’s Newspaper Reporter, in a single recent issue announced the demise of one hundred and twenty publications, one hundred and eight by suspension and twelve by con- Solidation with other papers. The same issue contained a list of thirty-seven new newspa- pers. - - 438 THE AMERICAN BOOKSEZZERS GUIDE. Oliver Optic's Magazine ceases publication with the December number, which closes the present volume. Browne's Phomographic Monthly is the name of a new octavo magazine of twenty pages, edited and published by D. L. Scott- Browne, at 737 Broadway, N. Y., Subscription price, $2 per year. The two Baptist journals of Boston, the Christian Era and the Watchman and Reflector, have consolidated The Rev. Dr. Lorimer is leading manager of the new paper, and Dr. Olmstead retains his connection with it, = -—-º º- BUSINEss CHANGEs. Cale Maudlin, formerly of West Branch, Iowa, has opened a book and Stationery store at Atlantic, Iowa. At Greenville, Mich., Peck & Nelson, book- sellers, stationers, and newsdealers, are suc- ceeded by Nelson & Stokes. The Central Pa. M. E. book room is re- moved at this date from Louistown to 407 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa., where the business will be conducted by Messrs W. M. Frysinger and F. Knox Shiffer, under the name of Frysinger & Shiffer. The book and stationery business at Lewistown, Pa., is con- tinued by Frysinger Bros. At Mt. Vernon, O., Col. Alexander Cassil has purchased the interest of C. W. Van Akin, in the book and stationery bus.ness of Messrs. Chase & Van Akin. The business will be continued under the name of Chase & Cassil. The surviving partners of the firm of Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, have made a general assignment, for the benefit of their creditors, to John C. Sinclair. The liabilities of Cutter, Tower & Co., stationers, Boston, are reported to be $175,000, and the assets $89.285. The creditors have agreed to accept 35 per cent. At a meeting of the creditors of J. B. Ford & Co., on the 22d ult, they agreed to accept 30 per cent. in sixteen monthly installments. In Forster’s “Life of Dickens' occurs this passage : “There is an earlier allusion I may Quote from a letter in January, 1838, for its mention of a small piece written by him at this time, but not included in his acknowledged whitings : ‘I am as badly off as you. I have not done The Young Gentleman, nor written the preface to Grimaldi (referring to the life of the popular clown, edited by “Boz”). Nor thought of Oliver Twist, or even supplied a a subject for a plate l’. The Young Gentleman was a small book of sketches which he wrote anonymously as the companion to a similar half. ... crown volume of Young Ladies (not written by him), for Messrs. Chapman & Hall. He added subsequently a like volume of Young Couples, also without his name.” E. J. H. le & Son have just issued the three series of sketches in one volume, with the original illustrations by “Phiz,” Mr. H. K. Browne. The sketches are v ry amusing, and as this is the first time they have been collected in America, the volume will have a ready sale. -* *- In connection, with the present demand for Fast Mail Trains, the following order, pub- lished in the Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 14, 1775, becomes interesting : “GENERAL POST-OFFICE.” PHILADELPHIA, Fabruary 14, 1775. “It having been found very inconvenient to persons concerned in trade, that the mail from Philadelphia to New England' sets out but once a fortnight during the winter season; this is to give notice, that the New Eng- land mail will henceforth go one a week the year round; where a correspondence may be carried on, and answers obtained to letters between Philadelphia and Boston in three weeks, which used in the winter to require six Weeks.” By command of the post master general. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Comptroller. INDEX TO AL) VERTISEMENTS. Aimerican Bookseller. . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 456 American News Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460–467 Anthony, E. & H. T. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 455 Appleton, D., & Co. ---------------------------- 471–474 Baker, Duvis & Co------------------------------- 455 Barnes, A. S., & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Books Wanted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.5 Butler, J. H., & Co. . . . . . . . . .--------. ------------ 486 Cassell, Petter & Galpin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Coates, J. H., & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d page Cover. Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483, 484 Dick & Fitzgerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- 487 Ford, J. B., & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d page Cover. Gill, W. F., & Co. . . . . . . . . ----------------------- 482 Happy Hours Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Harper & Bros. -------------------------------. 489–504 Holman, A. J., & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- 481 Hurd & Houghton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * = 468 Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 Lippincott, J. B., & Co.------------------------ 469, 470 Macmillan & Co. ---------------------------...-- 478 Merriam, G. & C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 486 Osgood Jas. R., & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427-430 Payne, Holden & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 455 Peck & Snyder ----------------------------------- 481 Peterson, T. B., & Bro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th page Cover. Polter & Coates.------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4:25 Presbyterian Board of Publication ............. 481,486 Putnam's, G. P., Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Roberts Bros.------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476, 477 Sabin, J., & Sons--------------------------------- 485 Scribner, Armstrong & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Scribner, Welford & Armstrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458, 459 Snyder, W. B. ----------------------------------- 480 Treat, E. B., & Co... ----------------------- . . . . . . 481 Wells, S. R. & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- 479, 488 Widdleton, J. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----...----...-------. 426 Williams, Henry T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = º 7 HE AMER/CAM AOOA SAEZZAZA’.S’ G UNDAE. 439 §tſtruttººist ºf ºtiuºlism flû (bitions for ſºliday Stāsū 1875–76. GIFT-BOOKS FOR ADULTS, Amazon and Madeira Rivers, The. Sketches and De- scriptions from the Note-Book of an Explorer. Franz Keller. 68 illustrations on wood. Folio, cloth, gilt, $7,90.-------------------------------------- A ppleton. Art Studies of Home Life. 24 full-page plates, from Celebrated Paintings by Great Masters. Text by Godfrey Turner. Cloth, gilt, gilt edges, $1.50. Cassell. All About Jesus. Rev. Alexander Dickson. 12mo, cloth, $2; mor., $5.------...------------------ Carter. Allibone’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Illus- trated Holiday Eultion. 4to. 20 fine steel plates. Extra cloth, full gilt, printed ornamentation, $10; full Turkey antique, $18; full Turkey Levant extra, $20. Octavo edition— Extra cloth, 5; extra cloth, gilt, illus., $6; hf. cf., gilt, $8; Turkey ant., $10. Lappincott. Allibone’s Prose Quotations. With Indexes. Authors, 544; Subjects, 571 ; Quotations. 8,810. Svo, ex. cloth, S 5; ex, cloth, gilt, $5.50; half calf, gilt, $8; Turkey antique, $10. ----------------------------- Lippincott. Amazon and Madeira Rivers (The). Sketches and Descriptions from the Note-book of an Explorer. lºranz Keller, Engineer. 68 illus on wood. 4to, cloth, full gilt, $5.------------------------------- Lippincott. An American in Iceland. Samuel Kneeland, A.M., M.D. Square 12mo, cloth, $2.50. . . . . Lockwood, Brooks dº Co. Antonio Allegri da Correggio. From the German of Dr. Julius Meyer. Edited, with an Introduction, by Mrs. Heaton. 20 Woodbury type illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth cxtra, $12. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Macmillam. Burns, Poems and Songs of Edina Edition. With Original Illustrations by R. Herdman, Walter H. Patton, Samuel Bough, Gourlay Steel, D. O. Hill, John McWhirter, and other emine, it Scottish Artists, 4to, cloth, gilt extra, $6; mor, antique, 12. . . . . Appleton. Beauties of Poetry and Gems of Art. Second Edition. Cloth, gilt, 3.------------------- . . . . . . ----- Cussell. Bible, The Child's. 200 Illustrations. Demy 4to, 830 pp., cioth, gilt edges, $12; leather, illum, antique, k 14; three-quarter levant handsome, $15; leather, with clasp and riins, $16; best levant elegant, $18. Cassell. Bida's Four Gospels. English Edition. 132 magnifi- cent Etchings on Steel, alter Drawings by M. Bida. Cloth, 4 vols., $140; finest levant, 2 vols., $200 Cassell. Ballads of Home. Edited by Geo. M. Baker. 4to. Illus., $3.50 ---...-------------------. Lee dé Shepard. Bouquet, The. The Language and Poetry of Flow- ers. Square 16mo. Tinted paper, full gilt, 1:8 pp. Illus. Price, $1.50 Locke. Browning (Elizabath Barrett), Poetical Works of. New EIowsehold Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth extra, $4; half calf extra, $8; full mor. antique, $10; tree calf, $10 Miller. Bird-Life, Stories of. A Book of Facts and Anec- dotes Illustrative of the Habits aud Intelligence of - * * * - - as sº * - - - - - - - - & E - - - - - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the Feathered Tribe. By Henry Berthone. 12mo, muslin, profusely illustrated, $1.50.... . . . . . . . . . Nelson. “Beautiful Snow.” Illustrated Edition. Beautiful Snow, and other Poerus. J. W. Watson. Green mor. cloth, with gilt top. gilt sides, and be v. boards, $3 ; maroon mor, cloth, with full gilt sides, edges and back, and beveled boards, $3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peterson. Cloth, $2.50; morocco, - - - e - - - - - - - - - s = - - - * * - - - - a - - - - - - - - - e = - - - - - - Pwtnam. Bitter-Sweet : A Poem. J. G. Holland (Timothy Titcomb). Nearly 80 illustrations. Small 4to. Put up in a meat box. Turkey mor., or antique, $12; extra illuminated cloth, $9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scribner. . Church Decoration. A Practical Manual of Appro- priate Ornamentation. Edited by a Practical illu minator. 16 full-page colored illus., cloth, $1.75. - - - - - * tom. Catskill Fairies (The). Virginia W. Johnson. Illus. by Alfred Fredericks. Square 8vo, iluminated cloth, gilt edges, $3-----------------. . . . . . . . . . ----- Barper. Contemporary Art. Embracing a series of 30 Etch- ings and Chromo-Lithographs, after the original Pic- tures by eminent artists of the present day. With Explanatory Text. Imp. 4to, cloth, extra gilt, $15 ; Inorocco extra, $25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lippincott. Child-Life in Pictures. , 24 Heliotype Plates from Correggio. Copley, Reynolds, Greuze, Tawrence, Mu- rillo, Gerard, Raphael, and other celebrated painters. 4to, $10 Osgood. Christmas in Song and Story. A Compilation of the Best Poems and Stories on the Subject. Illustrated by Birket Foster, Doré, Leech, Nast, and others. Imp. 4to, Superbly bound, $7. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - Cockroſt. Cooper's Leather-Stocking Tales. 8vo. 1108 pp. 40 designs by F. O. C. Darley. Cloth, gilt, $4...Appleton. Coop ar's Sea-Tales. Uniform with “Leather-Stock- ing Tales.” . 8vo. 40 illustrations by F. O. C. Darley. Cloth, gilt, $4------------------------------ Appleton. Children's Treasury of English Song (The). Selected and arranged by Francis Turner Palgrave. 18mo, cloth, gilt tops.-------------------------. lſacmillam. Day After the Holidays, The. A. R. Hope. Illustra- trations by Phiz. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. . . . . . . . Appleton. Dore's Legend of the Wandering Jew. 12 large de. signs by Gustave Doré. Folio, cloth, $6.50; beveled, cloth, gilt, $10-------------------------------- Cassell. Dore's Don Quixote, 400 illustrations by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to, cloth, $15; three-quarter levant, $20; full levant, $25. -----------------------. -----. Cassell. Dore's Atala. Chateaubriand. Illustrated by Gus- tuwe Doré. Cloth, $10; full levant, $20. . . . . . . Cassell. Dore's La Fontaine's I ables. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to, 840 pp., cloth, ºlò; three-quarter levant, $2U ; full levant, ºzå. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uassell. Dore's Adventures of Munchausen. 31 full-page en- graving by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to, 242 pp., cloth. - - Cassell. Dore's Days of Chivalry; the Legend of Croquemi- taine. Overlä0 engraviugs by Gustave Doré. Troyal 4to, cloth, $5 - - - - - - ------------------------- Cassell. Dore's Fairy Tales Told Again. 24 full-page engrav. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ings by Gustave Dore. S. cond Edition. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt, $3.-------------------------------. Uassell Dore Gallery, The. A selection of 250 of the finest drawings of Gustave Dolé. Descriptive letterpress and memoir by Edmund Ollier. Small folio, cloth, gilt, $903 two vols., cloth, st;5; full mor., $70 ; full †evant, elegant, silk ends, $8U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cussell. Dore's Milton's Paradise Lost. Illustra,ed will full- page drawings by Gustave, Dore. Cloth, $25; full, lmor. unt., $40 ; full levant, elegant, $60. . . . . . . Cassell. Dore's Dante's Inferno. 1]lus, rated by Gustave Doré. Clown folio, cloth, sºo; full mor. aut., $4U ; full levant elegant, $50. --------------------------------- Cassell. Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country. 77 illustrations. Small 4to, #2. . . . . . . . . . . . JEIwºrd & Eſ. Dogs and Their Doings. Rev. F. O. Morris. Illus. Square 4to, cloth, $1.75 Dresden Gallery, The. Illustrated. $25. Irowtledge. Eighteenth Century, The ; its Institutions, Customs, and Costumes. France 1700–1789. Paul Lacroix. 21. chronolithographs, 351 wood engravings after Wat- teau, Vanloo, Rigaud, and, other eminent artists. Polychromatic ornament. Imp. 8vo, cloth, emblematic gilt sides and gilt edges, $15; half calf, Si S.; calf, $21; tree calf, $28; unor. extra, §24; French morecco, $20. - - - Applifton. 44O | THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. Evangelists in the Church, from Philip of Samaria, A.D.35, to Moody and Sankey, A.D. 1815. Rev. P. C. lieadley. 12mo, 16 portraits on woud and steel. $1.75. Holiday edition, gilt, $2.50. -------------------. JHoyt. English Poets. 12 essays by Joseph Gastwick, 12 por- traits (photographs) or the most noted of the English poets. Crown Svo, cloth, $10; mol’., $15. . . . Appleton. Earth, The ; a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the life of the Globe. Flisée Reclus. Translated by the late B. B. Woodward; edited by Henry Wood- ward, British Museum. 230 maps inserted in the text, and 23 page-maps printed in colors. Svo, cloth, $5; half calf, $7.25------------------------------- EIarper. IEarth Delineated with Pen and Pencil, The. An Illus- trated Record of Voyages, Travels. ai.d Adventures All Round the World. With more than 200 engravings by the most eminent artists of the day. Demy 4to, 750 pp., cloth, gilt edges, $10. ----------------. 1ćoutledge. Fair Women, A Book of 40 highly finished engrav- ings, with Appropriate Poems. Extra feap. 4to, gilt edges, $º. ------------------------------------ Cassell. I'oxe's Book of Martyrs. Edited by Rev. W. Bramley- Moore. Jol engs. Uloth, $3; gilt edges, $6. . Casseul. IForty Years in the Turkish Empire; or, Memoirs of l{ev. William Goodell, l).l)., late Missionary of the A.B.C. F. M., Constantinople. Dr. E. D. G. Prime. Cloth, $2.50; half calf, $4.------...----------. Carter. Farm Legends. Will Carleton. Illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth, $2; gilt edges, $2.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilarper. JFarm Ballads. Will Carleton. New Edition. Crown 8vo, ornamental cloth, $2; gilt edges, $2.50. Harper. Flora's Cup. Filled with Sentiments of Flowers. Sq. l6mo, Illus. Full gilt. 168 pp., $1.50........... Locke. Flora’s I)ial. Square 16mo. Tinted paper, full gilt. 168 pp. $1.50. ------------------ - ------------ Locke. IFamous. Painters and Paintings. Mrs. J. A. Shedd. Heliotypes of Engravings after Raphael, Correggio, Titlau, Al urillo, and other renowned Paunters. 8vo, $9 ------------------------------------------. Osgood. Folk Schgs. A 13ook of Golden Poems, made for the Popular El eart. J. W. Palmer. Upwards of 100 orig. inal illustrations. Turkey mor., extra or untique, $18; extra illuminated cloth, full gilt, $15. . . . . . . . Scrubner. JFAO) all Belles; from the Greenhouse and Garden. Drawn and colored from nature. Mrs. Badger. Large folio, Turkey mor, $30,---------. . . . . . . . . . . . Scribner. Golden Treasures of Poetry, Romance, and Art. A Popular Gitt-Book, compr.sing Poems and Stories by Wilkie Collins, Edward Eggleston, Alfred Tennyson, Owen Meredith, and others. 50 illustrations by the best artists. Small 4to, cloth, full gilt, $2.50. . . . . Gill. Graziella. A Story of Italian Love. Translated from the French of Lamurtine. James B. Runnion. Small 4tu, red liue, tinted paper, full gilt, $2. Jansen, McClurg dº Co. Great Bonanza, The. Illustrated Narrative of Ad- venture and Uiscovery in Gold Mining, Silver Mining, Among the Raftsmen, In the Oil Regions, Whaling, Biuntiug, Fishing, and Fighting. Univer Optic unu others. 200 illustrations. 4to, $2. . . . Lee dº Shepard. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The Poets and Poetry of England in the 19th Century. R. H. Stoddard. Pur- traits on steel. . . Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt-extra, $6; half calf extru, $7.50; full morocco, extra or antique, $10; tree culf, $10---------------------------------- Miller. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The Poets and Poetry of America. R. H. Stoddard. Portraits on steel. Royal 8vo, cloth, $5; cloth, gilt extra, $6; half calf extra, $1.50; full morocco, extra or antique, $10; tree calf, $10 ------------------------------------------- Miller. Peter Henderson. 12mo, - * * * * * * * * * * * * * s as a - e s sº e - e s & as - - - e. Orange Judd Co. Guido and Lita. A Tale of the Riviera. Marquis of Lorne. Illustrated. Small 4to, cloth elegant. Macmillan. Heavenly Dews. Mrs. E. W. C. Llewellyn. 8vo, cloth, $l.25 ---------------------------Turnbull Bros. Irving's Rip Van Winkle. IHorn of Plenty, The. Of Home Poems and Pictures, Jean Ingelow, Miss Mulock, and others. 45 full-page illustrations. 4to, cloth, full gilt, $2.25. . . . . . . . . . Gill. Homes Without Hands. A Description of the Habi- tations of Animals, classed according to their Princi- ple of Construction. J. G. Wood. About 140 illust a- tions. 8vo, cloth, beveled, $4.50; sheep, $5; half calf, $6.75; full morocco, $9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EIarper. Hunter and Traºper, The, in North America; or, IRomantic Adventures in Field and l'orest. From the French of Benedict Revoil. W. H. Davenport Adams. Illustrated. 12mo, Inuslim, $1.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelsom. Halleck, Fitz-Greene, Complete Poetical Works of. Edited by James Grant Wilson. 12mo, 398 pp., cloth, gilt top, $2.50; half calf extra, $4.50; morocco antique, $6; 18mo, blue and gold, $1; full caif, or morocco un- tique, $3. Large paper edition, illustrated. Cloth, $10 ; lmorocco antique; $15. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appleton. — Life and Letters of Edited by James Grant Wil- Son. 2 steel engravings. Uniform with Hallock's Poems. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $2.50; half calf extra, $4.50; morocco, $6. Large paper edition, illustrated. Cloth, $10; morocco antique, $15. . . . . . . . . . . Appleton. Hymns. Frederick W. Faber, D.D. With Sketch of his Life. 16mo, $2; full calf and morocco, $4.50. Dwttom. Hans Breitmann's Ballads. Charles G. Leland. Moroc- co cloth, gilt tops, gilt sides, and gilt buck, $4. - I’eterson. Historical and Legendary Ballads and Songs. Songs from the Norse and other rare sources (the poems have never been published in any other similar collection, over 200 superb illustrations by John Tenni 1 J. 1). Watson, and other eminent foreign artists. Edited by Walter Thornbury. Imperial 4to, full gilt, $10... Giti. Half-Hours With the Poets. A Collection of Choice Poems, from Chaucer to Tennyson. With Biographi- cal Sketches of the Authors. Illustrated with sleel engravings. English cloth, cloth, gilt extra, $5; In Orocco, extra or antique, $10; tree calf, $10.. Miller. Heber, Reginald, Late Bishop of Calcutta, Poetical Works of New Red Line Edition. 10 full-page en- gravings. Small 4to, cloth, gilt, $3.50; half calf extra, $5. full calf or morocco, $7; tree calf, $7. . . . . . Miller. Hood's Poems. Wanstead Edition. Illustrations by the Etching Club. Square 8vo, red line, cloth, $5. morocco CXtra, $10---------------- . . . . . . . . . J’utnam. Half-Hours with the Sacred Poets. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, extra gilt, $1.50 -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ičoutledge. Holy Gospels, The Illustrated with fine engravings . On every page, from designs by F. Branston, T. Bol- ton, T.Williams, and other eminent artists. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, $6. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routledge. Heart Echoes. Poems. Mrs. Helen A. Manville. 12mo, 170 pp., fancy cloth, $1; full gilt, $1.50. . . . Wells. Household Elegancies. Illustrated. $1.50. - PI. T. Williams. Illustrated Readings. Comprising choice Selections from the English Literature of all Ages. Illustrated. 2 vols., cloth, each $3.50; gilt edges, each $5. . . Cassell. Illustrated Travels. A Record of Discovery, Geo- graphy, and Adventure. Edited by H. W. Bates, Illustrated. ...Complete in six vols. Fach containing 200 Illustrations, 4to. Cloth, each 7.50; cloth gilt, gilt edges, $9 --------------------------..... Cassell. Irving's Sketch Book. 120 Engravings on wood, from original designs, with a portrait from steel. Cabinet Edition. Square 8vo. Uloth extra, $2.50; morocco extra, $6; antique morocco, $10... Lippincott. From the “Sketch- Book.” Illustrated. Square 8vo. Cloth, gilt extra, $2.50; morocco extra, $6. ---...-- - - - - - - . . Lippincott. Irving's Christmas Stories. From the “Sketch- Book.” Illustrated. Square 8vo. Cloth gilt extra, $2.50; morocco extra, $6.................. Lippincott. Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and the Spectre Bridegroom. From the “Sketch Book.” Illustrated. Square 8vo. Cloth, gilt extra, $2.50; Inorocco extra $6. -------------------------------. Lippincott. THE AMER/CAAW BOOKSEZZAZA'S GUIDAE. 44I Insect (The). Jules, Michelet. With 140 illustra- tions, by Giacomelli. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, richly gilt, $6; Turkey morocco, extra $10.50; tree calf, $10.50 ---------------------------------------- Nelsom. Irving's Life of Washington, Mount Vernon Edition. Two volumes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth extra, per set, $7; half calf extra, $12. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Putnam. Japan and , the Japanese, New Edition. ... Aimé Humbert, late Envoy Ea:traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Confederation. Trans- lated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Edited by H. W. Bates. 4to, cloth, $12; morocco, $18. . . . . . . Appleton. Jacob Brown, and other Poems. Henry T. Stanton. English cloth, $1.50; gilt edges, $2; full morocco, gilt edges, $5------------------------ - - - - - - - - Clarke. Journey across South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Paul Marcoy... 2 vols. 500 engravings on Wood, designed by Riou, many of them full-page. Roy. 4to, cloth, $15. Scribner. Kathrina. J. G. Holland. 70 illustrations. Turkey morocco antique, or extra, in case, $12; small 4to, extra cloth in case, $9 -------------. . . . . . . . . Scribner. Tittle People of the Snow (The). William Cullen Bryant. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. Small 4to, cloth, extra gilt, $5; morocco extra, or antique, $9. Appleton. Laurel Leaves of Poems, Stories and Essays. Henry W. Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and others. 75 Illustrations by Alfred Fredericks, Sol Eytinge, and others. 4to, cloth, full gilt, uniform with “Lotos Leaves,” $6; Turkey morocco, $12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gill. Lotos Leaves. Alfred Tennyson, John Hay, and others. , 50 illustrations, including new designs b Fredericks, Lumley, and La Farge. 4to, cloth, full gilt, $6 ------------------------------------------ Gill. Life Portraits of Famous French Authors. A work of standard value, comprising Biographies of Victor Hugo, Honoré de Balzac, Théophile Gautier, - Madame Récamier, and other noted writers. Eugene de Mirecourt. Translated and arranged by Francis A Sleaer. Imperial 8vo, cloth, $2.50 Gº Landseer, Engravings from. Twenty-four helio- type plates. 4to, $10.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osgood. Ladies’ (The) Guide to True Politeness and Perfect Manners. Miss Leslie. 12mo, cloth, $1.75; morocco cloth, full gilt edges, full gilt sides, back, &c., $3. Peterson. Landscape Gallery (The). Cloth, $18; morocco, $30. Putnam. Lady Geraldine's Courtship. Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Over 30 illustrations. Small 4to, Turkey morocco antique, or extra, $9; cloth, full gilt, $5. - - - Scribner. Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shake- speare. Illustrations by Alfred Fredericks. 4to. cloth, extra gilt, $7.50; morocco extra, $12. . . . . Appleton. Mind and Words of Jesus, Faithful Promiser, and . Morning and Night Watches. J. R. Macduff, D.D. ; Line Edition. Morocco, $3.50; cloth gilt, 1-50------------------------------------------ C Mvth of Stone Idol (The); a Love Legend of Dakota. W Jones. Small, 4to, with Frontispiece, and Beautifully Örnamented cover. 31.35. Griggs. Mountain of the Lovers (The), with Poems of Nature and Tradition. Paul H. Hayne. gilt edges, $1.50. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JHale Memories. A Story of German Love. Translated from the German of Max Müller, by George P. Lſpton. Small 4to, red line, tinted paper, full gilt, $2. - Jansen, McClurg dº Co. Mabel Martin. John G. Whittier. Copiously and beautifully illustrated by Miss M. A. Hallock and . Mr. Thomas Moran, Mr. A. V. S. Anthony, engraver. 8vo, cloth, tastefully stamped, full gilt, $5; morocco antique, $10... . . . . . . . . . . . . •' e s - * * Osgood. Myths of the Rhine (The). X.-B. Saintine. Trans- lated from the French by Professor M. Schele De Vere. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. 4to, full morocco, $18; cloth, $10.............................. Scribner. * * - * * - - se - - - a arter. Mae Maddºn: A Story. Mary Murdoch Mason, wi º ith 0. Il Introductory Poem by Joaquin Miller, 16mo red edges. $1.25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jansen, McClurg de Co. Ministry of Song (The). A volume of Sacred Poet Francis Ridley. Havergal. 24 mo, extra cloth º: ºdges, $1.50; half calf extra, $2,50; morocco antique, J Lent. A. #. of Ancient - InGW Gºſlition, Superbl illustrated. 4to, cloth gilt, extra, $5; half .. extra 9. antique, $7.50; full morocco, extra or an! tique, 89; treetcalf, $9.............I...". Miller. Meister Karl's Sketch Book. Charles G. Leland. Green, morocco cloth, with beveled boards gilt top, gilt back and side, $2.50; maroon morocco'clöth. full gilt sides, full gilt edges, and beveled boards, $3.50. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . Macaulay (Thomas Babington). Rome and other Poems. . Peterson. Memoirs of Celebrated Women. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, $2.50....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routledge. Marjorie Fleming. John Brown, M.D. Cloth 35c.: leather, $2....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tompkins. MYngeful of Hym ; or, Our Heavenly Father and His Children. Rev. John W. Kramer. y 24 Steel jº. Ings chiefly by Gustave Doré on Scripture Subjects. 4to. Cloth extra, beveled edges, gilt. Whittaker. Nearer My God to Thee. Full page and initial illus. ºtions. Miss L. B. Humphrey. Small 455. $2.50 ------------.................... Lee dº Shepard. Napoleon Buonaparte, Life of William Hazlitt. 100 steel plate Illustration i. 3 vols. small 8vo, cloth extra, $7.50; half roan, gilt top, $9; half calf, $13.50. - Lippincott. Nºtes in England and Italy. Mrs. #. Cloth, $5; morocco, $10...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Putnam. Old New York. First Series. Five Parts. India gºpies, full morocco extra, $50; plain, $35; plain, $39----------.............................. Putnam. Old-Time Pictures. ...Benj. F. Taylor. Red Line Edition. 8 full-page illus. Small #. silk cloth, § ; full gilt edges and gilt side, $2.50. . . . . . . . . Griggs. Ocean (The), Atmosphere and Life. Elisée Reclus, 350 Maps or Figures, and 27 Maps printed in colors. 8vo, cloth, $6; hf.cf., $3.25.............I.T. Harper. Orphan of Pimlico (The), and other Sketches. Frag- ments and Drawings. William Makepeace Thack- eray. Edited by his Daughter. Half Rox., $7.50. - - Lippincott. Our Home Beyond the Tide. Devotional Poetry com- piled by Mrs. P. A. Hannaford and Miss E. F. Miles. 16mo, 232 pp., full gilt, cloth, $1.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . Locke. Outcast (The), and other Poems. J. W. Watson 8vo, green, mor, cloth, with gilt top, gilt sides, and bey. boards, 82; maroon mor, cloth, with full gilt sides, full gilt edges, full gilt back, and bev. boards, 39-------------------------------........... Peterson. OXen's, Rev. William, Pictorial Sunday Readings. Qolored Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor. gilt edges, $19.------------------------.... • * * * * * * * * * * Rowtledge. Our Poetical Favorites. Second Series. Prof. A. C. Kendrick. Large 12mo, $2...... . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheldon. One Hundred Gems. From London Art Journal. 4to 36. ---------------------------------- . Lee dº Shepard. Palmer (Ray), The Poetical Works of Portrait. 8vo, 372 pp., full cloth, gilt, $4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Darnes. Pictures from English Literature. 20 full-page illus- trations, Text by J. F. Waller, LL.D. Cloth, $3.50; cloth gilt, gilt edges, $5 ...................... Cassell. Poultry, The Illustrated Book of. L. Wright. 50 ex- quisitely colored plates of Prize Birds, and numerous &ngravings. Demy 4to, cloth bev., gilt edges, $15; half morocco, $20 ............................ Cassell. Poems of the Farm and Fireside. Eugene J. Hall. 8vo, fully illustrated, full gilt, price $2.25. Jansen, McClurg dº Co. Pictorial Life, or Man's Life Illustrated. Drs. Crosby, Cheever, Gillett, Punshon, and others. 8vo. 300 illus: Cloth, $2.50; cloth, full gilt, $3.50; sheep, $3..Tibbals. 442 7'HE AMER/CAAW BOO ATS/2ZZASA’.S’ G U//D E. * Quiet Moments. Prentice (George D.), The Poems of. Now first col- lected. Edited with a Biography. John James Piatt. 12mo, cloth, $2; gilt edges, $2.50; mor., gilt edges, $5 • ? - Clarke. Poets of the Nineteenth Century (The). Selected and lidited by Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. English and American additions by Evert A. Duyckinck. 141 illus. Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges, $5; half calf. $5.50; full mor., gilt edges, $9 Barper. Poems of EIenry Timrod. Edited, with Memoir, by Faul H. Hayne. 12mo, 233 pp., cloth, gilt extra, #. Q (62 sº sº, e = * * * * * * * * * * s sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º 'º - E + º- m & ºm E → *-> & sº tº º ºs º º º º gilt edges, $4.---------------------------------. - Imp. 8vo, cloth gilt, $4. - * > Nelsom. Poetic Localities of Cambridge. 12 Views of Scenes and Places in Cambridge made famous by the poets Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes. Edited by W. J. Still- Iman. 4to, full gilt, $3.50. ------------...--...--. Osgood. A Four Weeks' Course of Thought and Meditations, before Evening Prayer and at Sun- set. Lady Charlotte Maria Pepys. 16mo, $1.25-l)wttom. Quarles Emblems. 97 full-page illustrations. Bennett and Rogers. Printed in London on tinted paper. 4to. clotn, $6; 4to, morocco, $10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tibbals, Rime of the Ancient Mariner (The). Samuel Taylor Pharoahs, Land of the. Coleridge. 20 Illustrations by J. Noel Paton. Size, 9x11 (oblong) cloth, $2.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tompkins. Rab and His Friends. John Brown, M.D.. Illus. by J. Noel Paton. Miniature, cloth, 50c.; leather, full, elegant, $2.------------------------------. Tompkins. Rome. Francis Wey. 346 engravings on Wood, and a Plan of Rome. Introduction by W. W. Story, Esq. Small folio, cloth, $15; half morocco, $25; morocco antique, $30; tree calf, $30................. Appletom. River of Dreams and other Poems, The. G, E. O. Lee dº. Shepard. Running the Blockade; or, United States Secret Serv- | 8vo, cloth, gilt, $2.50----------------------. Lee dº Shepard || ice Adventurcs. W. H. Thomes. Illustrated. Robbins, History of the, Mrs. Trimmer. , 70 original Nelsom. • as a s gº sº as e º sº e s is s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - §ºwing: by Giacomelli. Small 4to, muslin, full gilt, . 3. . Roundabout Rambles in Lands of Fact aad Fancy. Frank R. Stockton. Small 4to, profusely illustrated, $1.75- - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Scribner. Songs of Yesterday. Benj. F. Taylor. Illustrated. 8vo, black and gold, full gilt edges, $4; morocco, $8 Griggs. By the author of “John Eſali- fax, Gentleman.” Set to music. Square 4to, cloth illuminated, $2.50---------------------------. JEIarper. Shakespeare's Works. Chiswick Press, Edition. JEdited by S. W. Singer. 10 vols. 16mo, steel engrav- ings by Smirk and others, cloth, $12.50; full imitation morocco, gilt edges, morocco case, $25; half calf extra, $27.50; tree calf, $40---------------------. Lippincott. Salad for the Solitary and the Social. Frederick Saun- ders. , 8vo, 528, pp., 50 engravings on wood, English cloth, $4; English cloth, gilt, $5; half calf, $6.50; half Turkey morocco, extra, cloth sides, with side stam in gold, $7; full, Turkey morocco, antique, $9; ju Turkey morocco, extra gilt, $10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemt. Silhouettes in. Art and Song. 12 designs of the months of the year, in silhouette, with original Poems by the most popular writers. Oblong folio, cloth gilt, emblematical cover, $3.----. Lockwood, Brooks dº Co. Six Nights with the Washingtonians; and Other Tem- perance Tales. T. S. Arthur. 8vo, with portrait, aud Il full-page illustrations, nearly 600 pp., English cloth, beveled boards, full gilt back. $3.50; red roan, full gilt back, mottled edges, $4.50; Turkey morocco antique, beveled boards, full gilt edges and sides, $6. Peterson. Summer Etchings in Colorado. Mrs. Greatorex. Songs of Our Youth. cloth, $3; morocco, $7 ----------------...--. Putnam. Sylvan Year, The. Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 20 etchings, 8vo, #$5.50. -- ---------------------. Roberts. Sydney, Sir Philip, The Life and Times of 12mo, steel plates, fancy cloth, $1.50... . . . . . . . . ... -- - - - Ford. Shakespeare. Boydell Edition. Edited by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. 66 illustrations selected from the “Boydell Gallery,” and reproduced in Wood- bury type, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, full gilt and gilt edges, $20; with portrait and 21 illustrations in permanent photography, 8vo, cloth, full gilt, and gilt edges, $10. Routledge. Shepherd Lady, The. Jean Ingelow. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes, Miss Hallock, and others. Cloth, gilt and black lettered, $4.50; morocco, $9. . . Roberts. There's No Place Like Home. Miss Amanda M. Douglas, 12mo, illustrated, cloth, $1.50. - - - - - - - - - Gill. Tennyson (Alfred), The Complete Works of. Artist Editlon. Uniform with “Lotos Leaves.” Illustrated by Hammatt Billings. Small 4to, cloth, $6; Turkey morocco, $12 ------------------------------------ Gill. Tour Through the Pyrenees, A. Translated by J. Safford Fiske. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Square 8vo, gilt, $10; full levant morocco, $10. . . . . . . . . . . Holt. Tupper (Martin Farquhar). Proverbial Philosophy: Engravings on steel, 4to, cloth, gilt extra, $5; f Imorocco, extra or antique, $7.50; full morocco, extra or antique, $9; tree calf, $9.-----. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Müller. Tropical Nature. An Account of the most Remark- able Phenomena of Tife in the Tropics. 68 illustra- tions, imperial 8vo, cloth, richly gilt, $6. . . . . . Nelsom. Under the Cross. 16 illustrations, square, $4.25. Hoyt. Vers de Société. Praed, Landor, Thackeray, and other recent authors in this department. Selected by Charles EI. Jones. Illustrated title and vignettes. 8vo, cloth gilt, $7.50; full levant morocco, $15.------. FIolt. Wild Flowers. Poems. Charles W. Eſtibner. Imita- tion morocco, beveled edges, 196 pp., 12mo, $1.25; the Same, gilt edges, $1.75. -----. . . . . . . . Awthors' Pub. Co. Wild Animals, Life and Habits of Illustrated from designs by J . Wolf, letterpress by Daniel Giraud Elliott, 4to, cloth, gilt edges, $4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . EIarper. Weininger's Lives of the Saints. Vol. I., 6 steel en- gravings, royal 8vo, 900 pp., $6 to $15. . . . . . . . . O'Shea. Window Gardening. Illustrated, $1.50. EI. T. Williams. winter Sunshine. John Burroughs. 16mo. BIwrd dº Eſoughton. Young Magdalen, The, and Other Poems. Francis S. Smith. 8vo, 300 pp., morocco cloth, gilt top and side, beveled boards, $3; maroon morocco cloth, full gilt sides, edges, and back, beveled boards, $4... Peterson. JUVENILES, - Ada, and Gerty. $1.25- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Am.. Tract Soc. Alice Neville and Riversdale. C. E. Bowen. 4 illus- trations. $1.25. ------------------------------ Carter. Amy’s Temptation; or, a Year with the Leonard Family. Mrs. S. E. Sells. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.25. JHitchcock dº. W. Adventures of a Young Naturalist. Lucien Biart. Iºdited by Parker Gillmore. 117 illustrations. 12mo, cloth, $1.75---------------------------------- FIarper. Asbury Twins, The. Sophie May, 4to, illustrated. $1.75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lee dº S. Apples of Gold. For 1875. Small 4to. Chromo cover, $1. -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lockwood, Brooks dº Co. Andersen’s Fairy Tales. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.50. - Miller. Aunt Mary's Story-Book. $1.25- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Miller. Linen, 12 kinds,. e s = < * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * McLoughlin. 12mo, 340 pp. Mary Dwinell Chellis. s = as as s = e s as as is as s = e s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Nat. Temp. Soc. Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag. Caroline Lee Eſentz. Illus- trations by Darley. Mor. cloth, $1.50----- Peterson. Aunt Effie's Rhymes for Children. Illustrated. 18mo, cloth, 45c.--------------------------------. Rowtled e. ZAZ AMER/CAM BOOKSZZZZA'S GUIDAE. 443. Alfred and his Mother; or, Seeking the Kingdom. Ratharine S. May. 18mo. 154 pp., 60c . . . . . . . . Young. Boy Joiner and Model Maker, The Ellis A. Davidson. Illustrated. Extra foap. 4to, 256 pp., cloth, gilt... $2.50. - Cassell. Beeton’s Pictorial Speller. With 430 illustrations. 8vo, 500.------------------------------- Ann. News Co. Bread and Oranges, By the author of “Wide, Wide World.” 16mo. $1.25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ottºrter. Brentford Parsonage. By the author of “Win and Wear.” 16mo, $1.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carter. Brought to the Front; or, The Young Defenders. Elijah Kellogg. 16mo. Cloth. Illustrated. $1.25. - Lee dº. Shepard. Brave Little Tailor, The, and other Fairy Stories. Brothers Grimli. 16mo, $1 JMiller, 12mo, 246 pp. Miss M. E. Winslow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nat. Temp. Soc. Big Brother, The. Geo. Cary Eggleston. Square 8vo, 8 plates, $1.50------------------------------. Putnam. Buttercups and Daisies. Illus. Square 8vo, cloth, l,50-------------------------------------- IRowtledge. Children’s Prize (The). New Volume for 1875. Full of rich engravings. Small 4to, boards, colored Cover, 750----------------------------- Amv. News Co. Chatterbox. New Volume for 1875. Finely Illus- trated. 4to, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. Amv. News Co. Charlotte's Friend; or, Evil Communications CoI'- rupt Good Manners. Mrs. Bradley. 16mo, 256 pp. $1 ------------------------------- Am. Bap. Pub. Soc. Child’s Book of Song and Praise, The. 250 illustra- tions and 33 pieces of music. Gilt edges, $3.50. Cassell. Coulyng Castle; or, A Knight of the Olden Days. Agnes Giberne. 16mo. $1.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carter. Children’s Bible Story-Book, The. 32 full-page pic. tures. 290 pp.. $1.50. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lutton. Cicely’s Choice. Mrs. Robert O'Reilly. 16mo. 274 pp., §2. -------------------------------------- IDuttom. Child’s Wreath of Home Poems. Chromo illustra- tions. 16mo. Illuminated cloth. 128 pp. ise, ocke. Child’s Own Book of Fairy Tales, The. 250 engravings, Square 16mo, cloth extra, $2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iller. Child Land. Picture Pages for the Little Ones. Il- lustrated. 4to, muslin, fancy side, $1.50. -- - - - Nelson. Children’s Pastime, The. Small 4to, muslin extra. Illustrated. $1.75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . Nelsom. Dream of Iittle Tuk, The , and other Fairy Stories. ill Bians Christian Andersen. 16mo. $1... --- - - - Miller. Door Without a Knocker, The ; and other Tales. Mrs. Prosser. 12mo. Muslin. Illustrated. $1.50. Nelson. Eugene and His Friends. From the French of Ma- dame E. De Presseuse, Miss Julia Goodfellow. 16mo, 282 pp., cloth, $1.25- - - - - - - - - - - Alm. Baptist Pub. Soc. Elsie's Santa Claus. Joanna H. Mathews. 16mo, $1.25----------------------------------------- Carter. Every Boy's Annual for 1876. Several hundred plain and colored engravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. $3. JRowtledge. Eight Cousins; Or, The Aunt-EHill. Louisa M. Alcott. Illus. 16mo, $1.50. -------------------------. IRoberts. Floy Lindsley. $l.25 ----------------- Am.. Tract Soc. Fred and Jeanie ; How they Learned about God. Jennie M. Drinkwater. 16mo, $1.25. - - - - - - - - - Carter. Froggy's Little Brother. $1.25.............. Carter. Floss Silverthorn. Agnes Giberne. 16mo. $l.25. Carter. Frisk and His Flock. Mrs. D. P. Sanford. 32 full page illustrations, $2.25- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wttom. Frank Manly, the Drummer Boy. J. T. Trowbridge. 12mo, Illus. Cloth, $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - Gill. Four-Footed Lovers, The. Frank Albertson. 4to, Illus. Clotli, $1.50. -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee dº S. Fables for Little Folks. Leal. Illus. 16mo, extra. cloth, 850. --------------------------------..... Lent. Fairy Bells, And What they Tolled us. From the German. Sarah W. Lander. 16mo, cloth. Illus. $1.25. --------------------------. Lockwood, B. & Co. Fouque's (De La Motte) Four Seasons. A Volume of Fairy Tales. Illus. 16mo, cloth, $1.25. Routledge. 16mo, cloth, Rowtledge. Goat-Land. A Story of Country Life. By the author of “The Life of a Bear.” 4to. Muslin, inlaid side. 50 illustrations. $2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . Nelsom. Going West; Or, The Perils of a Poor Boy. 16mo. Illus. $1.50--------------------------------. Iree dº S. Good Old Stories. 4to, $1.50............ McLoughlin. Golden Harp Album, The 400 illustrations. Square 12mo, cloth, $1.75 . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Itowtledge. Girardin's (J.) The Adventures of Johnny Ironsides. Translated from the French. 115 illus. i2mo, cloth, $1.75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------. Ičowtledge. Higgledy-Piggledy; Or, Stories for Everybody. and Everybody's Children. E. Knatchbull-Hugessen. 12mo, cloth, gilt, $1.75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appleton. . How Tiptoe Grew. $1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A m. Tract Soc. . Hoofs and Claws: Or, Mrs. Burton's Policy. Sydney Dyer. Illustrated. 16mo, 363 pp., cloth, Ši.50. Am. Baptist Pub. Soc. Half-Hours with Early Explorers. T. Frost, Illus. FCap. 4to, cloth, $2.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carroll. . Haven Children, The ; Or, Frolics at the Funny Old House on Funny Street. Emilie Foster. Square 16mo.. Illus. $1.50 --------------------------------. Lutton. Heads and Tails. Studies and Stories of Pets. Grace Greenwood. Square 16mo. Il ustrated. Extra cloth, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * as s = e, e. bev. boards, gilt edges, $2. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . Ford. . Home Picture Book. 50 illus. $1.50. . . . . . . . . . . ..Hoyt. Hymns and Rhymes, for Home and School. Collected by Mrs. C. S. Guild. Suare 18mo, cloth, red edges, 750. ---------------------------------- Nichols dº Ełall. Half-Hours Among the Animals. 4to, muslin, fancy side. 32 handsome woodcuts, $2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelson. History of Two Lives, The. Mrs. Lucy E. Sandford. 18mo, 132 pp., 50c. . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Nat. Temp Soc. History of My Friends; Or, Home Life with Animals. Translated from the French of Emile Achard, by Amy V. Putnam. Square 8vo, 12 plates, extra gilt, $1.75. - - - Putnam. Happy Child-Life. Colored illustrations. Square 12mo, cloth, $1.50 - - - - - - - - - ---------------. Iłowtledge. Hans Brinker; Or, The Silver Skates. Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge. Over 60 illustrations. , 12mo, cloth, §3. ----------------------------------. Scribner dº Co. Imogen. Emily Sarah Holt. $1.50.......... Carter. In Doors and Out. William T. A dams. Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth, $1.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lee dº. Shepard. Illustrated Songs and Hymns for Little Ones. Illus- trations on every page. Ormamental cover, gilt edges, $1.25. --------------------------------. A m. News Co. Jolly Good Times; or, Child-Life on a Farm. P. Thorne. Illustrated. Square 16mo, $1.50.... lºoberts. Ring of the Swans (The), and other Fairy Tales. The Brothers Griumm. 16mo. $1.-- - - - - - - - - - • * * ~ * = • Miller. Little Brothers and Sisters. Emma Marshall. 16mo, $l.25. ---------------------------------------- Carter. Lost and Found. W. S. Urmy. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.25---------------------------- Bitchcock dº Walden. Little Songs. Mrs. Follen. Illustrated edition. 4to. Cloth, gilt, 75c.----------------------. Lee dº Shepard. Laurence Liston, Junior. M. L. R. S. Illustrated. 16mo, extra cloth, 850-------------------------. Lent. 444 7HAE AMERICAN BOOKSEZZERS GUIDE. Legends of the Christ-Child, for Christmas-Tide. Illustrated. 8 by 10. 60c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lent. Little Folks. New Volume for 1875. Larger and fully equal to Chatterbox. Illustrations on every page. 4to, 460 pp., boards, colored cover, $1.50; in cloth, sides and back in black and gilt, $2.50. A m. News Co. Little Prattler (The). Large type. 4to, muslim, , chromo side. Illus. On every page, $1... . . . . . . Nelson. Lessons from Bible History, for the Young. Illus- trated. 12mo, $1.25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O'Shea. Lost Rifle (The). Illustrated. 16mo, cloth, 75c. Rowtledge. Little Birdie's Picture-Book. illustrations. Square 12mo, cloth. $l. . . . Routledge. Low's (Lieut. C. R.) . Captain Cook's Voyages. Colored illustrations. 16mo, cloth. $1.25. Routledge. Little Folks at Redbow. Mrs. Mary A. 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Each part in 1 Vol. Crown ' 8vo, cloth, with profuse illustrations. 82 ...... Scribner. Mice at Play. Neil Forest. Illustrated. Square 16mo. $1.50. ---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - Roberts. Nowadays; or, King's Daughters. Mrs. Emma Mar- shall, 12mo. 351 pp. $1.50. -------- -------- Luttom. New Pictorial Reading Book. 150 illustrations. #: Oyt. Nursery, The for Youngest Readers. Profusely il- lustrated. Cloth back, illuminated cover, $1.25. - Michols dº H. Norman Brill's Life-Work, Abby Eldridge. 12mo. 218 pp. 31.00. ----------------------- Nat. Temp. Soc. Neptune Illustrated. 12mo. $1.5 O'Shea. Natural History Stories for my Juvenile Friends. 32 e is º e º ºs as sº tº a tº sº is s a s is sº tº e º $ tº dº sº sº e º 'º º º ºs º º full-page illustrations. Small 4to. Cloth, with me- dallion on side. $2. . . . . . . . ---------------- Ičoutledge. Nursery Primer, The 64 pp. Illustrated. 30c. Shorey. Nuts for Christmas Cracking. Theresa Oakey Hall. Square 8vo. 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Mary Mapes Dodge. Small 4to, Cloth. lllustrated. $3... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scribner. Swiss Family Robinson. Royal 8vo. 140 illustrations. Cloth, full gilt. $3.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Cassell. Stumps. Stella Austin. Illustrated. $1.....Dutton. Somebody. Stella Austin. 16mo. Ill. $1...Dutton. Seven to Seventeen ; or, Veronica Gorden. M. M. Bell. 356 pp. Illustrated. $1.75 . . . . . ------- Dutton. Story-Teller, The , and other Fairy Tales. Hans Christian Andersen. 16mo. $1............... Miller. Story-Book for the Children, A. Mrs. A. M. Diaz. 16mo. Illustrated. $1.50. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Osgood. Show. Your Colors. 16mo. Illustrated. $1 ...... ------. . . . . . . . . . . . School-Girls of Elverly. By the author of “Allerton Homes.” 16mo. 240 pp. $1.25. . . . . . - - - - - - - - Young. Stones and Diamonds. 16mo. 272 pp. $1.25... Young. Six to Sixteen. Juliana Horatia Ewing. 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The Parricide ; or, the Youth's Career in Crime. By George W. M. Reynolds. Full of large illustrative engrav- ings, and illustrated cover. New edition. 8vo, paper, 75c. Ciprina; or, the Secrets of a Picture Galler v. By George W. M. Reynolds, New edition. Illustrated cover. 8vo, paper, 50c. - PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia. The Son of a Genius. By Mrs. Hoſlund. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Daughter of a Genius. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Affectionate Brothers. By Mrs. Hoſland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Blind Farmer and His Children. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo, cloth extra, black aud gold, illuminated side, 50c. - The Good Grandmother and Her Offspringe By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. - The Officer's Widow and Her Young Family. by Mrs. Hoſland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Merchant's . Widow and E[er Young Family. By Mrs. Hof, und. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Clergyman’s Widow and Her Young Family. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. - The Barbadoes Girl. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. The Sisters. By Mrs. Hoſland. . 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illumiuated Side, 50c. al Ellen, The Teacher. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. - : Alicia and Her Aunt ; or, Think before You Spoak. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, 50c. Leila, Books. 3 vols. 16mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, $3.75. The Seven Hills Library. By Mrs. C. H. B. Laing. 3 vols. 16mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, $3. - The Magnolia, Series. By Mrs. Hoaſlund. 6 vols. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated side, $3. The Willow-Vale Series. By Mrs. Hoſland. 6 vols. 18mo, cloth extra, black and gold, illuminated Sido, $3. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York. Notes of Travel in Southwestern Africa. By C. J. Anderssou. 8vo, 4 J0 pp., cloth, $2. - The History of My Friends; or, Home Life with Animals. Translated i rom the French. By Emile Achard. Illustrated. 8vo, 250 pp.; cloth, $1.75. Stories from the Lips of the Teacher. O. B. Frothingham. 16mo, 175 pp., cloth, $1. Gleet and Urethral Stricture. By Dr. F. N. Otis. 8vo, 35 pp., paper, 30c. * Realm of the Ice-King. 12mo, 350 pp., cloth, $2. Old New York. Part VII. By E. Greatorex. $3 and $5 By 452 Z}/E AMER/CAM BOOKSAE ZZAZACS” G UZZOA. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond, Wa. in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. To which is added Reports of Cases Decided in the General : By Peyton Ran- ; Court of Virginia. dolph. Vol. VI., 1827–28. Sec. nd edition, 8vo,898 pp., calf, $5. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. cluded in any edition of her poetical works. By Jean Ingelow. Illustrated with engravings in the highest style of the art, from designs by Arthur Hughes, Miss Hallock, Sol Eytinge, . Darley, and others. Elegant royal 8vo; vºlume, to match the illustrated “Songs of Seven.” Cloth, gilt, and black lettered, $4.50; morocco, $9. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher. . With Letters and Other Family Memorials. Edited by the Survivor of her Family. Two superb steel-engraved likenesses of Mrs. Fletcher at fifteen and eighty. Uniform with - “Mrs. Somervile's Recollections.” 8vo, $2.50. The AEneid of Virgil. Translated by William Morris. Crown 8vo, $3.50. Dante and His Circle. Translated from the Italian by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Crown 8vo, $3.50. Cartoons. From the Life of the Old Masters; from the Life of the Legends ; from the Life of To-Pay. By Mar- garet J. Preston. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, beveled boards, . $1.50. - The Sylvan Year. Raoul Dubois. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. twenty etchings. Handsome 8vo, $5.50. Leaves from the Note-Book of With Susan Dimock. A Memoir. With portrait. 8vo, $1.25. The Protection of Majorities. Considerations Relating to Electoral Reform ; with Other Papers. By - Josiah Phillips Quincy. Mice at Play: “When the Cat's Away, the Mice will Play.” A Story for the whole Family. By Neil Forest. With illustrations by Sol Eytinge. Square 16mo, $1.50. Six to Sixteen. A Girl’s Bock. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. With ten illustrations. 16mo, $1.50 scribner, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG. New York. Water-Color Series of Gift Books. With Archaelogical. Historical, Poetical, and Descriptive Notes. . By Rev. W. J. Loftie, F.S.A., and illustrated with several very charming chromographs, in imitation of water color, from original designs by T. L. Rowbotbam, Member of the Society of Painters in Water Colors, 4to, cloth, gold at d black, beveled boards, each, $3, viz.: 1. Scot- land, Picturesque. Scottish Scenery ; 2. England, English Lake Scenery ; 3. Wales. Views in North Wales; 4. Ireland, Views in Wicklow and Killarney. - - The Rose Library. Representing the popular litera- ture of all countries. consisting of : ]. Sea-Gull Rock. Translated from the French of M. Jules Saudeau, of the French Academy. By Robert Black, M.A. Illustrated. 2. The House on Wheels; or, Far From Home. Frrm the French of Mme. de Stolz. By N. D’Anvers. With full-page illustrations. 3. Undine, and the Two Captains. By Delamotte Fogué. Translat d by F. E. Bunnett. With full-page illustrations. 4. The Four Gold Pieces: A Story of Normandy. By Mlle. Julie Gourand. Trans- lated from the French by M. M. Numerous illustrations by Emile Bayard. 5. Picciola ; or, the Prison Flower. . The Prisoner of Fenestrella ; or, Captivity Captive. By X. Boniface-Saintine. Illustrated. 6. Robert’s Holidays, Fy N. D’Anvers From the French of Z. Fleurot. With illustrations. Illustrations by Emile Payard, Ferat, Pennemacker, and others. Each vºlume complete in itself. 16mo, illuminated stiff covers. 5 c. each. N.B.-The above also in a superior ſo m, smail post 8vo, printed on toned paper, choicely bound in cloth, extra gilt edges, illustrated, $1.25 per vol. History of Pompeii. By T. H. Dyer. Bohn's Illus- trated Library. 12mo, cloth $3. Can OVa’s Works in Sculpture and Model- ing. 150 piates. 4to, cloth, $12.60. Memoirs of Count Grammont. By A. Hamilton. Sixty-four portraits Un Slee. 8vo, cloth, $6. . . " | Introduction to the Old Testament. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined g | The National Natural . History. The Shepherd Lady. With Other Poems not in. By J. 12mo, Bleek. Eohn’s. Illustrated library, 2 vols. cloth, $4. Tobacco : Its History and Associations. 100 illustrations, 12mo, c oth, $2.40. Army and Navy Drolleries. By Capt. Seecombe. Twenty-four colored plates. 4to, cloth, $2.50. Ninety-six ... colored illustrations. 12mo, cloud, $1.75. . The Favorite Playmate. Thirty-two pages of col- ored illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $1.75. The Children’s Delight. Thirty-two pages of colored plates... Boards, $1.25. - |Evelyn Howard. By Mrs. H. P. Paullon. Illustrated. 12.Ino, $3. Lincoln, Stanton, and Grant. Historical Sketches. By Major Jones. Steel portraits. 8vo, $3. SCHOENHOFF & MOELLER, Boston. Der Leitfaden; Gr, Guide to the German Language, without Grammar or Dictionary. By T. Henes, A.M. (Yale). New corrected edition. 12mo, 260 pp., cloth, $1.50. Catalogue of Stock of Foreign Literature. 12mo, 60 pp. Entretiens Sur la Grammaire. By Pref. Dr. Sauveur. 12mo, 335 pp., clotlı, $2. - SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG. & CO., New York. The Mysterious Island. Part I.-Dropped from the Clouds : and Part II.-Abandoned. By Jules Verno. In two volumes, each containing forty-nine full-page illustrations. Crown 8vo, 400 pp., cloth, $2 each. Tales out of School. By Frank R. Stockton. 150 illustrations, 4to, 300 pp., cloth, $2.50. - Washington and His Generals. By J. T. Head- ley. Two volumes in one. 12mo, cloth, $2.50. - India and its Native Princes. . By Louis Rousse- let. 317 illustrations. Royal 4to, cloth, $5. G.S. gº- Constable and Gillies. R. H. Stoddard, Editor. Four iliustrations. 12mo, 336 pp., cloth, $1.50. 4:33 The Secret of the Island. Part III. of the Myste. rious Island. . By Jules Weine. Forty-nine illustrations. 12mo, 300 pp., cloth, $2. SHELDON & CO., New York. Our Poetical Favorites. Second Series. . By Prof. A. C. Keldricks, 12mo, cloth, $2 ; Turkey, $5. STROEFER & KIRCHNER, New York. English Poets. By Joseph Gostwick. Twelve illus- trations. Svo, cloth, $10 ; n.orocco, $15. Flowers and Leaves. By H. Koenig. Eight illustra- tions. Folio, cloth, $15. Alpine Flowers. By Miss Th. Werner. Twelve illus- trations. Royal 4to, cloth, $8. Munich Pinakothek. Fiſteen illustrations. cloth, $7.50. - King Wine. 8vo, cloth, $5. Portrait Studies, trations. 8vo, cloth, $5. Happy Message. By Rosenthal. Three illustrations, Rºyal 4to, cloth, i4.50. - The Deluge. By Kaulbach. Nine illust: ations. 8vo, cloth, $4.50. The Seven Raven S. 8vo, cioth, $3. Eaulbach’s Frescoes. cloth, $3. 8vo, By Prof. Schroedter. Ten illustrations By Rudolf Lehman. Ten flue- By Schwind. Six illustrations. Six illustrations. 8vo, 77/E AMERICAN BookSEZZERS GUIDE. 453. E. STEIGER, Now York. The Public Health Almanac for 1876. By Dr. Fr. Hoſtinuum. 12mo, 44 pp., Stiſſ cover, 10c. J. M. STODDART & Co., Philadelphia. Little Germs from the Children’s Hour. By T. S. Arthur, 4to, 144 pp., cloth, $1. Centennial Book of the Signers of the Dec- laration of Independence. By William Brºth- erhead. Follo, half morocco, $20; full morocco, $24. Galaxy of English and American Women Famous in Song. Edited by Benry Coppée, I.L. D. 4to, 576 pp., half moi occo, $17.50; antique, $22.50. The Wonderful Story of Gentle Hand. By T. S. Arthur. New edition. 4to, 144 pp., cloth, iulaid and gilt, $2. N. TIBBALS & SONS, New York. The Homelist. Being Vol. I. Editor's Series. By David Thomas, I'. D. Crown 8vo, 400 pp., cloth, $2. The Story of a Fellow-Soldier. By Francis Audry. English print. 16mo, 250 pp., cloth extra, $1.25. - D. WAN NOSTRAND, New York. From Everglade to Canon, with the Second Dragoons (Second United States Cavalry). An Authel, tic Account of Service in Florida, Mexico, Virginia, and the Indian Country. Including the Personal Recollec. tions of Prominent Officers, with an Appendix, contain- ing Orders, Reports, and Correspondence, Military Records, etc. 1836–1875. By Theo. F. Rodenbough, Colonel and Brevet-General of the U. S. Army. Illus. trated by six full-page chromo-lithograpbs, eleven wood- cuts. Six pen-and-ink sketches, and two maps. 561 pp., clºth, $7.50. - - The New Method of Graphical Statics, . By P of. A. J. Tu Bois, C. F., Ph.D. Sixty iiiustrations, 8vo, 80 pp., cloth, $2. ' Strength of Beams under Transverse Loads. By Prof. W. Allai). 18mo, 114 pp., boards, 50c. - U. D. WARD, New York. ..Ward's Improved Library Record. By U. D. Ward. Smail 4to, 96 pp., half bound, $1. S. R. WELLS & CO., New York. Popular Physiology. A Familiar Exposition of the, Structures, Functions, and Relations of the Human Sys- tem, and thei Application to the Preservation of Health. By Dr. R. T. Trall, M.D. With many fine illustrations. 12mo, extra muslin, $1.25. Fascination ; or, the Power of Charming. Illustrating tho Principles of Life, in connection with Spirit and Matter. By John B. Newman. M. D. $1. Marriage. Its History and Ceremonies, with a Phreno- logical and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualiſications for Happy Marriages. By L. N. Fowler. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. T. WHITTAKER, New York. Parochial Missions as a Distinct Kind of Work in the Church. By Rev. H. L. Yeamans. 12mo, 24 pp., paper, 15c. - ; g The Great Revival in the Church of England. A Lecture. By Rev. J. Bonham. 8vo, 25 pp., paper, 25c. JOHN WILEY & SON, New York. The Elements of Graphical Statics in their application to tramed Structures, with numerous prac- tical exampies Öf Cranes; Bridge, Roof, and Suspension Trusses ; Braced and Stone Arches ; Pivot and Draw Spans ; Continuous Girders, etc.; together with the Best Methods of Calculation, and containging also New and Practical Formulæ for the Pivot or Draw Span, Braced Arch, Continuous Girder, etc. By A. Jay Du Bois, C.E., Ph.D. Text in 1 vol., 8vo, with atlas of thirty-two plates. 2 vols. cloth, $5. * HENRY T. WILLIAMS, New York. . . . Household Elegancies. By Henry T. Williams and Mrs. C. S. Jones. 300 pp., cloth, $1.50, . * SOLOMON ZICKEL, New York. S. Zickel’s Illustrirter Deutsche-Amerikan- ischer Familien Kalender pro 1876. 25C. Illustrirter. Katholischer Volks-Kalender pro 1876. 25c. - S. Zickel's Weihnachts. Verseichniss pro 1875. Containing a large collection of German Juvenile and Picture Books, Drawing-Books, Games, Model-Mak- ers, Album for Postage Stamps, etc. - New Music. - BALMER & WEBER, St. Louis, WOCAL. Jane Eyre, or the Poor Orphan Child. J. M. North. Hallad. 40c. - . Ask it o' Yoursel”. H. Banks. Scotch Ballad. I will Love You when You are Old. Hertel. Soug and chorus, 35c. Ave Maria. F. Abt. Oſſertory. 35c. Fair is My Love. J. A. Hatton. 35c. The Cross in the Forest (['as Kreuz in Walde). W. E. Becker. German and Engish words. 50c. Lovely Spring (Frühlingslied). W. Coenen. in b iniuor. 40C. DIeet Me on the Other Side, Love. C. E. Pratt. Song aud chorus. Illustrated title-page. 40c. - INSTRUMENTAL. Gesellschaft Waltz. H. von Sturmeck. 40c. Last Rose of Summer. A. Schumann. Recreative • Tit-bits. 20c. : Merry Tunes. 35C. J. W. Alto A. Schumann. Recreative Tit-bits. 20c. Madonna Sancta. C. Bohn. Meditation. Op. 185 50e. - Merry Goldfinch. J. Lange, 50c. BOOSEY & CO., New York. On the Day when Sadly we Parted. Cognoni. Song. 40c. Under the Boughs of that Old Tree. Song. 40c. ... • Oh, Soft Embrace. Cognoni. Song. 40c. When He She Loved had from the Shore Cognoni. Departed. Song. . Cognoni. 40c. - Yes, I Must Leave You Now. Cognoni. 40c. My Love has gone A-sailing. Molloy. 40c. Let Me Dream Again. Sullivan. 40c. Selections from Madame Angot. Cornet and piano. 75c. - Selections from Genevieve de Brabant. Cornet. and piano, 75c., - * Satanella. Voice and piano. $2. 454 Z}//º AMAE./C/CAAV /3OOATS/E///5/8.S* G (7//)/E. JOHN CHURCH & Co., Cincinnati. - - VC CAI, . The Letter Camme to Me. Persley. Lithograph title-page. 40c. Down the Stream the Shadows Dark em. Arini. 35C. God in Nature. Schubert. English words by I). C. Addison. $1. Love’s Dreau ims. Smith. 35c. : Barney, Take Me Home Again. Persley. 35c. Ere the Angels Come. Gutterson. 30c. You are Nothing Now to Mle. La Garde. INSTRUMENTAL. Clever Polka, Schottische, and Mazurka. Scott. Each 30c. Greenville Polka, Williams, 30c. Eisteddfod Schottische. Mackey. Hyacinth Mazurka. Jones. 30c. Tri-Mary Waltz. Williams, 30c. 30C. 30c. W. H. EWALD & BRO., Jersey City. Clear the Track. Arranged by H. Maylath. Galop. 4 hands. 40C. Keep One Little Kiss Galop. Arranged by H. F. Wagucr. A beautiful arraugement from the popular song. 35C. Reep One Little Kiss March. Arranged by H. F. Wagner. A beautiful arrargement from the popular soug. 35C. - IDebut Waltz. Jolly Fellows. E. Strauss. VOCAL. Schoolmaster, or A. B. C., &c. fare. 35C. - Darling Little Rosebud. and chorus. 35C. S. T. White. 40C. Waltzes. 75c. By Maurice Well- W. W. Keenan. Song D. P. FAULDS, Louisville, Ky. Kissing at the Gate. R. T. Steinhagon. 35c. Adieu, Dear Land. C. Eckel. With variations, 50c. standing on the Shore. Cox. Song and chorus. 35c. Diamond Mazurka. Chas. Weiss. 35c. Ave Maria. Kucken. 35c. Maiden’s Dream. R. T. Steinhagen. Fantaisie. 50c, Our Darling Jessie. J. C. Meininger. Song. Illus- trated tit.c. 40e. Rose du Nord. Charles Voss. Fantaisie. 50c. on, Sweet is My Dear Native Valley to Me. Karl Merz. Ballad. 35C. S. T. GORDON & SON, New York. VOCAL. Let the Gold and Silver Mingle. P. W. Turn- bull. 30c. - - mºner's Twilight Musings. W. B. Richardson. C. - My Dear and Only Love. Arthur Sullivan. 40c. Over the Beautiful Stars. Geo. W. Persley. 30c. Sweet Dreamer. Arthur Sullivan. 40c. Te Deum Laiudamus. J. W. Allstrom. Waiting for the Swallows. C. Pinsuti. INSTRUMENTAL, Evening Shadows. J. C. Meininger. 40c. The Holy Virgin. Gustav Lange. 50c. Madame l’Archiduc. H. Maylath. 30c. Speak to Me. H. Maylath. 30c. Life in the Courts, E. Strauss. 50C. 50C. Waltz, 60c. Just in Time. James Conover. Galop. 35c. La Belle Galathee. H. Maylath. Waltz, 30c. The Zero. Willard Spelser. Waltz, 50c. H. N. HEMPSTED, Milwaukee, Wis. . . Louisa Waltz. Bach. Lithograph title. 75c. He mann’s March. Chr. Vetter. Lithograph title. 5UC. Grand Centennial Triumphal March. Fred. W uchter. $1. Oh, Come with Me, I’ll Row Thee O’er. Karl Murz. Song. 35c. You Will Forget Me. D. C. Addison. Song. 35c. HENRY McCAFFREY, Baltimore. Edwin Booth Schottische. By Jas. E. Magruder. With an artistic picture ºf the great tragedian. 40c. Dreaming Forever of Thee. John H. Hewitt, 30c. LOUIS MEYER, Philadelphia. INSTRUMENTAL- Gavotte Française. Ch. Fol ét. Class 3. 50c. Uhlan Galop. I,ichner. Class 3. 60c. Romance from Concert in E Minor. Chopin. Class 8. Arrauged for piano Solo by Renuecke. Album d’Arlisle, No. 14. 90c. WOCAL. Holy Father, We adore Thee. Adam Geibel, Hymn. Class 2. 25c. Sweet Mother Mine. Katie Smith. Ballad. Class 25C. Language of the Heart. W. P. Fenimore. Ballad. Class 3. 35C. G. SCEIIRMER, New York. Wanderer’s Night Song. Franz Liszt. Song, 35c. O Salutaris Hostia D. Rubini. Sacred song for Soprano. 35C. - • * Bethlehem. H. N. Bartlett. Christmas anthem for 4 volces. 75C. The Lord’s Prayer. Samuel Jackson. Quartet. 35c. Praise Ye the Lord. Samuel Jackson. Thanksgiving anthem. 75c. Why are the Roses so Pale : F. Korbay. Song. 35c. Adieu ! H. N. Bartlett. Mélodie-Caprice. Piano. $1. Funeral March. F. Chopin. Piano. 40c. The Mill. A. Jensen. Piano. 40c. | Prelude and Fugue. J. Raſſ. Piano. 75c. J. S. WHITE & CO., Marshall, Mich. Fireman’s Polka. Theodore Barnes. 30c. The Dream of Washington. May J. Bartosi. Descriptive Centennial Song. 50c. - GEO. WILLIG & CO., Baltimore. Farewell. H. Lichner. Op. 134. Fucouragement for Study, No. 2. 35C. Fun and Frolic. H. Lichner. Op. 134. Encourage- ment for Study, No. 4, 35c. Dream Fancies. H. Lichner. Op. 134. Encourage- ment for Study, No. 5. 35c. At Home. H. Lichner. Op. 134 Encouragement for Study, No. 6. 35c. Jubilee. F. Zickoff, Op. 106. March. 35c. Cherusker. C. A. Scheidler. March. 35c. See, amid the Winter Snow. J. Nevett Steele, Jr. Christmas Carol. 10C. • THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ G UIDE. 455. S. RILEY, BOOKSELLER AND STA- tion 3 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y., wants Publishers' and Manufacturers' Catalogues. WANTEL).—BY A YOUNG MAN OF SEVERAL years' experience in one of the largest stationery houses in New England, a position as salesman. References given. Address W. F. S., 120 Longwood Ave., Boston IHighlands, Mass. E. W. BENEDIX, ABILENE, KANS., WANTS Publishers', Stationers', Fancy Goods and Novelty Dealers' Catalogues and Price Lists. I,D BOOKS.–A. H. CLARK, Peekskill, N. Y., buys, sells, and exchanges new, second-hand, and rhelf-worn school-books. Correspondence, With lists of pooks wanted and for sale, solicited. - - Wheaton's Life of Pinckney, complete. B00KS WANTED. CHAS. S. OWENS, 179 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. The Book-Buyer. Wols. 1 and 2. State price wanted. J. FRANCIS RUGGLES, Bronson, Mich. Cushing's EIistorical Letters of New England. Apoc. Old Testament. Austin's Chironomia. Dr. Johnson's Works. Trumbull's Bistory of Connecticut. Colton Mather's History of New England. Hayward's Natural and Aboriginal Hist. of Tennessee. Dickenson's American Coins. American Antiquities, 1834. Zend-Avesta. Cheap copy. C. L. WEDDING, Rockport, Ind, Legore's Work. 2 volumes. I’arker's Golden Age of Swiss Oratory. Marvin's Legal Bibliography. State price and condition. A. S. MANSON, 32 Bloomfield St., Boston, Mass. D. F. Foster's Elementary Copy-Books. 8 Nos. Pub- lished by Perkins & Marvin, Boston, 1836. Wanted Nos. 4 and 5. I3. F. Foster's Elementary Copy-Books. 10 Nos. Pub- lished by Benj. Perkins, Boston, 1841. Wanted, No, 7. B. F. Foster's Normal Copy-Books. 6 Nos. Published by S. K. Whipple, Boston, 1853. B. F. Foster's People's Copy-Dooks. 6 Nos. Published by Mason Brothers, New York, 1854. 1, 2, 4, and 5. Wanted, Nos. JESSE HANEY, 119 Nassau St., Room 21. The following novels of the IFireside Series, published by the American News Co. in 1865–6: The Light Dragoon. Lda Lee, Stella, or The Grave of the Sands, Harry Carleton, The Angel of the Battle-Field, The Buccaneers. Venetia, Household Skeleton, Acephali, Duke's Oath, Gold Hunters, Wounded Hand, Wharn- cliffe the Wanderer, Trail of Blood, Mystic Sign, Zoe. The l; lower of The Forest, Queen of the Seas, and JLeslie Dare. O. W. GRAY & SON, Philadelphia. Any Plans or Maps of the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, or any Guides or Hand-Books containing plans or maps of the same. Send price, etc. : HMPPY HIS IMPAW, No. 1 CHAMBERS STREET, N.Y, Pllilºſs Iſ Blſº, Gámºs, PIE, K, ALSO OF The Acting Drama, The Amateur Stage, - The Variety Stage, and The Ethiopian Drama. The Trade Supp/ied by the AMER/CAA/ WFWS COMPAWY and jobbers genera/ſy, INONE BETTER. ZELL's ENCYCLOPEDIA. New and revised edition. With 18 large and handsome Colored maps, and nearly 3,000 engravings. The first Number of the new and revised edition will be issued Oct. 23. 64 parts, at 50c. $37.50 in leather binding. This work contains fully as much reading matter as the mºst elaborate, works of its kind published in the United States, While the cost is about one-third of the price, Nearly everything within the scope of human knowledge meets with treatment in this work; and it is SO Convenient for reference that it is Constantly con- Sulted by those who have it. ZELL'S HAND-ATLAS OF THE WORLD, This is the handsomest Atlas published. Imperial 8vo, cloth, $15; half morocco, $16.50. BAISER, DAVIS & CO., Sugeessors to T. ELLWOOD ZELL. Philadelphia. B. W. BOND, 5 Beekman St. (up-stairs), New York. HOLDENSBººk FOR COVERING SCHOOL Books &c. Every Dealer Should Have Them, NO PASTING, NO FOLDING. Applied in one second. Stronger than cloth. The Economic Advertisers I Sales 100,000 per month. Send for Sample. *: HOLDEN’ S HANDY LETTER FILE, Cheapest in the market. Agents wanted. Samples sent by mail, on receipt of price, 75 cents. PAYNE, HOLDEN & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Dayton, O. PERFORATED MOTTOES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. The largest and best assortments are manufactured by E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Broadway, New York. Prospectus for Z876. *J - The present number closes the Seventh Volume of THE JAJME(RICAN BOOKSELLE@S’ GUIT).E. With the beginning of the new year it will be issued SEM/-MOWTHLY as THE -AJME(RIC-AJW (BOOKSE L LE(R. It will be devoted especially to the interests of the (Retail (Book Trade, and to the branches so closely connected with it in this country—the Stationery, (Periodical, and JMusic trades. - Each number will contain full lists of recent publications, early announcements of forthcoming books, with such descrip. tions and editorial notes as Shall enable the dealer to keep thoroughly posted and to order intelligently, and to afford to the salesman such a knowledge of new Stock as to assist him in bringing it to the notice of his customer. . (Business Changes will be fully noted. JVew (Periodicals, and changes in old ones will receive the attention they deserve, and the contents of the JMagazines will be noticed from time to time in advance of their issue. Lists of new music, with brief notes, will appear as heretofore. Especial attention will be given to Stationery, and price lists and notices of new articles will contribute to the value of the paper to that branch of trade. Having recently added to our facilities for collecting the latest items of news at home and abroad, and for conducting a Trade journal, we shall spare no effort in the future to make THE JAJME(RIC A.N (BOOKSE L LE(R an important aid to the retail dealer, worth many times its subscription price. While it will at all times be conducted in the interests of the (Retailer, it will furnish to Publishers and JManufacturers the best medium for conveying a knowledge of their goods to those on whom they depend for orders. Our pages will always be open to communications of interest to any branch of the trade, and the JAmerican (Book Trade -Association and the Żocal organizations will have the use of our columns for notices, etc., free of charge. . Subscription Trice, $1 per Year. O tº Subscribers to the JAME(RIC-AJW (BOOKSELLE(RS’ GUIT) E will receive the JAJM E/RIC-AJW (BOOKSELLE(R to the expiration of their term of subscription. JAddress all communications to 7A/E AMER/CAAW BOOKSAZZZZR, 121 JWassau, St., JWew York. BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 457 |S NEW PUBLIGATIONS little room?".”--MARLOWE. HE FIRST-THE C: SERIE+5. ſniscences of Famo °oets, Novelists, Wits and Humorists, Artists, Actors, Musicians, and the like, ited by RICHARD HENRY STOL) DARD. Complete in Ten Pols., square 12mo, peº’ vol., § 1.50. The BRIC-A-BRAC SERIES has achieved for itself a success altogether exceptional in the history of publishing in this country. - Over Sixty Thousand Volumes of the Series have been sold in eighteen months. r The Bric-a-Brac Series constitutes a COMPLETE REPOSITORY OF REM.INISCENCES Of prominent men and women of this and the last century. Characteristic anecdotes of every individual of note in art, literature, the drama, politics, or society, are related, and - ** they are told by those who know how to give point to a good story. 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Its ruins and the inscriptions they bear are full of interest to the archaeologist; its temples furnish wonderful examples of the majestic and beautiful in architecture; its forests ard jungles abound in the noblest game, upon which the sportsman can exercise his skill; and its native princes, notwithstanding their diminished power and numbers, still maintain a degree of magnificent luxury, which is best described as oriental. M. Rousselet spent nearly five years in this wonderful country. During that time he traversed nearly every section of it, and he improved to the utmost the extraordinal y facilities for observation which he enjoyed. He was received as an honored guest at several of the courts, and with some of the most powerful of the native princes he came to be upon terms of intimate personal friendship. Rhinoceros and elephant fights and royal hunting parties were organized in his honor. 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THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New Yºrk, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 463 NEW WOLUME FOR 1875. Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50; same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. This publication has attained an unprecedented popularity, both in this country and in England. It is profusely and somely illustrated, and the Stories, Sketches, etc., are selected with the greatest care for the instruction as well as the amusement of children. It is sufficient to say to those who have seen the previous volumes, that vol. vii. is fully equal to its predecessors. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. 464 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. ‘k THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY'S IIIHNT NEW TENIE IS IN THE FILTRIDE I. - New Volume for 1875, Quarto, 412 pp., boards, handsome colored cover, $1.50. Same in cloth, full gilt side and back, $2.50. This º has attained an unprecedented popularity, both in this country and in England. 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Uniform with “Three Hundred Bible Stories.” Excelsior Edition In crown 8vo, beautifully bound in cloth - extra, with Memoir and 15 Illustrations, $1.75. - THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With Memoir and 12 Illustrations. Cheap edition. In crown 8vo, beautifully bound in cloth extra, $1.00. The American News Company, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS (; UIDE. 465 Elegant New Juvenile Books --- º - /º/, | ſºº. - _- º / - rº % | | N º % %2 ºl | - WA. ZE - - -- Nºe == - TTTLE Fºrs NEW VOLUME FOR 1875–LARGER, AND FULLY EQUAL TO CHATTERBOX. Quarto. 460 pp., boards, colored cover, $1.50; in cloth, sides and back in black and gilt, $2.50. Coutaining funny stories, interesting narratives, facts from Natural History, and other reading calculated to amuse, instruct, and make children happy. BEA UTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS ON E mºry P. G. E. THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. 466 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. 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With illustrations by Walter Crane. Extra feap. 8vo, cloth, gilt, $1.50. - TWO IN ECW IN OTV EXILs. RALPH AND BRUNO. A Novel, by M. BRAMston. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. g OWEN GWYNNE'S GREAT WORK. By the author of “Wandering Willie,” 12mo, cloth, $1.25. MACMILLAN & Co., 21 Astor Place, New York. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 479 NEW BOOKS. POPULAR PHYSIOLOGY: A FAMILIA R EXPOSITION OF THE & Structures, Functions, and Relations of the Human System, AND TEIEIR Application to the Preservation of Health. WITH MANY FINE ILLUSTRATIONS. By H. T. TRAL L, MI. D. 12uno. EXTRA MUSI, IN. PRI(XF $1.25. A work for the general reader and arranged as a Text-Book for schools, colleges, and families, and the only Text-Book based on Hygienic Prin- ciples. This book has been commended as being the best course of reading in Physiology yet pub- lished. The Human Woice, |N READING AND SPEAKING, Its Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology. Thera- peutics, and Training, with Rules of Order for Lyceums, Questions for Debate, etc. With nearly 50 illustrations. By R. T. TRALI., M.D. 112 pp., 12mo. Handsomely printed on fine paper, 50 cents; extra muslim, 75 cents. A work covering the ground more thoroughly than any other published. ACEidºlsall EmPIgEICiês A Guide for the Treatment of Casualties of every kind. By ALFRED SM EE, F.R.S. With revi- sions, alterations, and Appendix, by T. R.T.R.A.I.L, M.D. New and revised edition. Illustrated. Price, 25 cents. A new and revised edition of this important work has just been published. The plates have been carefully revised and corrected, Rules for Bathing, and a valuable Index added. Much pain and suffering have been endured, and even valuable lives lost for the want of just the knowledge contained in this little work. Send at once, and receive a copy for reference when you need it. FTealthful Food in a Healthful Manner. FASCINATION Or, THE POWER OF CHARMING, Illustrating the Principles of Life, in connection with Spirit and Matter. By JoHN B. NEWMAN, M.D. $1.00. This very important and interesting work has been out of print for some years, is now repub- lished in a neat, attractive manner, and can now be furnished to those who desire to investigate this subject. IMARRIAGE - Its History and Ceremonies, with a Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualifications for Happy Marriage. By I. N. FOWLER. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. - Another work which has been out of print for several years, and is now republished. . Heart Echoes. A Book of Poems, by HELEN A. MAN VILLE. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.00. An admirable collection of Original Poems. The freshest, brightest, heartiest publication of the kind issued this year. - ThB HDmb GOOk-B00k; Or, Healthful and Palatable Food without Con- diments. A Complete Book of Recipes or Direc- tions for Preparing and Cooking all kinds of By R. T. TRALI., M.D. Price, in paper, 25 cents; nicely bound, 50 cents. THI E MOTHER'S HYG|ENIGHAND-B00K For the Normal Development and Training of Women and Children, and the Treatment of their Diseases with Hygienic Agencies. By R. T. TRALL, M.D. 12mo, cloth, price $1.00. Fine edition, $125. The Trade will find a ready sale for the above Works, which are supplied to the Trade by all Jobbers, or by - - S. R. WELLS & CO., Publishers, * A rºy 757 Broadway, New York. 4So THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS GUIDE. º THE HALF DOLLAR STEAM ENGINE, No. 1. - - This is a real model steam engine, with solid brass boiler, plated fly wheel and cylinder, and metal pulley wheel for con- necting and running small ma- chinery, such as a circular saw, up saw, lathe, planer, etc. This little engine will run with great speed for one-half hour, at one filling of the boiler. With proper care it will last a life time. It is º safe for any child to andle: the self-acting safety valve renders explosion impossi- ble. Packed in a meat box, with lamp, funnel, etc. price, per doz., $4.o.o. HORIZONTAL ENGINE. - º mºm *|| H. THE SMALL - - INo. 52. Length, 6 inches: height, 41-2 inches; heavy brass boiler, [no unsoldering], regular safety valve, brass pipe connecting boiler and steam chest, 1 inch stroke, cross head running on steel ways; more than 1,000 revolutions per minute; has eight times the power of the famous little Dollar Engine. Packed in box com- plete, with lamp, funnel, etc. - PRICE, P ER. Doze, N, $24.00. THE LARGE HORIZONTAL ENGINE. No -3. It is 7 inches long by 4 inches high, with 4 1-2 inch fly-wheel. Heavy riveted copper boiler, with safety valve. Each one packed complete, in wooden box, with lamp, funnel, etc. PRICE, PEIt Doz FM, sº:3.00. Model Toy STEAM. ENGINEs. THE WALKING-BEAM ENGINE. It is 7 inches long by 7 inches high, with 4 inch fly wheel and 4 1-2 inch walking beam. Heavy riveted copper boiler, with safety valve. Each one packed complete, in wooden box, with lamp, funnel, etc. - - No. 5. The above cut represents the largest and most com- º Toy Steam Engine, with 6inch fly-wheel, 34 inch ore and 1% inch stroke, running on steel ways, full length of which is 12 inches. l Packed with lamp, etc., complete, in a neat wooden now. TR-4 DE PRICE, EA ch, $9.o.o. stEAM whistLE. PATENT This cut represents a Patent steam. Whistle, which can be used on all toy engines. It has an outer sleeve, which is used as a cut off to stop the escape of steam, by simply turning it around so as to cover the notch of whistle. Prº 1 CE, PEI: Do ZEN, $ 1.25. tº Dealers who order a dozen of No. 1 can order samples of the other kinds at dozen rates. Catalogues of 1, 2, and 3 horse-power engines sent on application. WARD B. SNYDER, Manufacturer, 84 Fulton Street, New York, THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ (, UIDE. 48t P E C K & S N Y D E R 'S P A T E N T S E L F - A D J U S T 1 in c -a-IM IIEEE-IC a INT C La Tºſ-E sºlº a "T"IE- Is running the old-fashioned Heel-Button Skates out of market, for the reason that they require no heel plates or key, can be put on and taken offinstantly, and will never get out of order. Sizes made: 8-in.., 8%-in., 9-in., 933-in., 10-in. 10%-in., and 11-in. 11%-in. In ordering send size worn. - - Price for No. 1, full polished blades, blued foot-plates, $5.00. Price for No. 2, same as No. 1, only all nickel-plated, $5.00. Price for No. 3, full polished and beautifully plated, $3.00. Enclose 10c. for our new catalogue of various styles of Skates, Novelties, etc., etc., for the holiday trade. Address, PECK & SNYDER, Manufacturers, 126 Nassau Street, New York. A, J, HOLMAN & 00'S NEW EDITIONS Family, Pulpit, and Reference Bibles (Printed from Five New Sets Electrotype Plates). E’EICTOG-ER, AIFEL A-LETUTMS, THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED ASSO RTMENT IN THE COUNTRY. All orders for Fall and Holiday sales promptly filled. |776, CENTENNIAL GAMES, 1876, Something new for Home Amusement for Old and Young. - American ifistory and º giving names, dates, and Wiff vote of all successful and rival candidates for President ºff and Vice-President for 100 years. Fifty different Parlor ºil. Games on, 60 cards. They stand without a rival in the tº home circle.”—Phillip Phillips (singer). Price 75 cts. Also, The TEN PLAGUES OF EGYPT, 10 new Bible History Games on 40 Illustrated Cards. “Innocent, amusing, and instruc- tive,"—N. Y. Chris. Advocate. Price 50 cts. Sent by mail. - E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. ºs NEW Book FOR BIBLE READERS, TEACHERS, AND SUPER INTEN ..., EM ps. CURIOSITIES OF THE BIBLE. Pertaining to Scripture, Persons, Places, and Things; including upwards of 3,000 Prize Questions and Answers, Enigmas, Anagrams. Acrostics, Puzzles. Quotations, Facts and Statistics, with many valuable ready reference Tables. By a New York Sunday-School Superintendent. With an introduction by Rev. J. H. VINCENT, D.D. Large 12mo, 350 pages. Price, $1.50. Ready in December. E. B. TRE-1T, Publisher, so.5 ºroadway, New York. JUST ISSUED avyouvoement. BY THE Presbyterian Board of Publication, }|| |H|| |||). 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ONE HUNDERED YEARS or HÚW (DTEACH tº LITILE FOLKS, AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE For Infant Schools, Teachers, & Parents, 1 vol. Royal sco superbly illustrated, and sold at a By Mr. Tyler, Mrs. Alden, Faith Latimer, and Mrs. popular price. - Partridge. 1Smo. Cloth. Price 30 Cents. ºf Will be issuel on or before January 1, 1876. Territory now being assigned to Agents. ES Please address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, A. S. BARNES & Co., Business Superintendent. 1 11 & 1 13 Jilliam St., New York. III II ºffilm intº Laurel Leaves, Of Poems, Stories, and Essays; by Henry W. Long- fellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell, John G. Whittier, William, Cullen Bryant, J. T. Trowbridge. Louisa M. Alcott, Charles Kingsley. Nora Perry, Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dudley Warner, John Paul, Edward Eggleston, Louise Chandler Moulton, William Mathews, T. W. Higginson, and others. With 75 illustrations, by Alfred Fredericks, Sol Eytinge, Jr., Birket Foster, R. Barnes, Thomas Kennedy, and others. Cloth, 4to, full gilt. Uniform with “Lotos Leaves,” $6.00; Turkey morocco, $12.00. ºf Many entirely new pieces, written eacpressely for this volwme by the prominent awthors named, are con- tained in this work. Golden Treasures of Poetry, Romance, and Art, A popular Gift Book, comprising Poems and Stories by favorite authors, and pictures by faumous artists. The list of authors represented includes Alfred Tennyson, Wilkie Collins, Edward Eggleston, Owen. Meredith, Miss Braddon, C. A. Swinburne, James M. Bailey (the “Danbury News”. Man), Lydia Maria Child, Celia Thaxter, Mrs. L. C. Moulton, C. B. Lewis, the Detroit Humorist, and others. Small 4to, cloth, full gilt side, $3.00. - Lotos Leaves, An entirely new edition of this most successful Gift Boo By Alfred Tennyson, John Hay. Mark Twaih, Wilkie Collins, John Brougham. Whitelaw Reid, and others. With 50 illustrations, new orna- mental covers, by Fredericks, Lumley, and La Farge. Cloth, 4to, full gilt, $6.00. The Horn of Plenty, Of Home Poems and Pictures. By Miss Louisa M. Alcott, Jean Ingelow, Miss Mulock, Amelia 13. Edwards, Dora Greenwell, and others. Preface by SOPHIE MAY. With forty-five ful page illustrations, by eminent artists. Artistically, this volume will rank with the finest specimens of works of this class that have been produced in this country. Cloth, small.4to, full gilt, $2.25. The Complete Works of Alfred Tennyson, Popular Library Edition, including “Queen Mary.” Cloth, beveled edges, $2.00. The Complete Works of Alfred Tennyson, Legendary and Historical Ballads, New Artist Edition. Uniform with Lotos Leaves. Elegantly illustrated by Hammatt Billings. Small 4to, cloth, $6; Turkey morocco, $12. Queen Mary, by Alfred Tennyson, Popular Library Edition. 12mo., cloth, 75 cents. By Walter Thornbury. Co prising rare Poems never before issued in any similar collection, Em- bellished by over 200 illustrations by John Tennill and J. D. Watson, the emi ent English artists. Published from the advance sheets of Messrs. Chatto & Winders, of London. 4to, cloth, full gilt, $10. The Dickens-Collins Christmas Stories. Comprising the Stories written conjointly by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins, viz.: “The Two Idle .." and “No Thoroughfare,” now pub- lished for the first time in permanent form. Cloth, illustrated, $1.50. Drifted Asunder; or, the Tide of Fate. The most powerful Domestic Story of Amanda M. Douglas. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. The Treasure-Trowe Series, Comprising the choicest humor by the great writers. Wol. L. Burlesque. Vol. Il. Travesty. Vol. III. Story. Vol. IV. Extravaganza. Each volume is finely printed on tinted paper, and bound in cloth, red edges, and ornamental covers. Price per vol. $1.00. Frank Manly, the Drummer Boy, By J. T. Trowbridge. All who have read “Jack Hazard and H is Fortunes '' will welcome Frank Manly ” as a happy companion of that book. Cloth, $1.50. There is No Place Like Home or the Old Woman that Lived in a Shoe, Cloth, By Miss A. M. Douglas, 16mo, 280 pp. illustrated, $1.50. “If inel it and interest be the gauges of success, this story will not want for readers. As in Miss Alcott's ‘Little Women,” the characters are drawn from life, and the pictures are the homely fireside etchings which come home to readers of all ages.”—Boston Globe. The White Hills, By Thomas Starr King. New, edition of this very popular illustrated work. Cloth, full gilt side, uni- form With “Golden Treasures,” $3.00. Sermons to the Clergy. The latest work of Gail Hamilton. The papers coni prised in this volume have excited a degree of atten- tion and an amount of controversy beyond any pre- vious effort of this popular writer. Cloth, 12mo, $2. Full Illustrated Catalogue of owr Books, finely printed on tinted paper, sent postpaid, on application, by WM, F, GILL & CD, PublishBIs, 309 Washington St., Boston, THE AMERICAN B00KSELLERS’ GUIDE. 483 the rolliest games published ; "The BBB-Hiwº ºf Film," "Cispin)," "Tillº all Tºllſlåmºliſ," "Sibla," "Châlºgy," All Games of Forfeits and Characters for Evening Parties and Social Gatherings. Each comprises a folding board 18 by 18 inches, bound in fine cloth, the inside elegantly lithographed in several brilliant colors, accompanied by a meat box containing various properties for the characters repre- sented. With complete rules and directions, Price- each - - 4 *. I º s. Tº ſº Hººlºº | | & 32 ºld. 4] | º 62 . | grº. . |illº- º ſº ºl. --- º º Ellº! | *zzº-º-º-º- * * t |||| - iſitiº | ſº ºl lºſſ º # º º 79 * - sº | | º - 92) "º º: | 92 º' ! | - | *|| | | | Tºº ººlºº #| |*|| 30–Lºſ n Se | | |||||||||. loº 1. º | tº 37 |E|. ºlº º 101. illulº. - | | rº Hill. - |||}| 4 * 107. | º º | |º *Z *Cºlº . |º- % º TIIE Bºº Hive or FUN. ºn N - - - - The Original Tingley Games: New Game of Authors. Courtship and Marriage. Familiar Quotations. Great Truths by Great Authors. Stratford Game of Characters and Quotations, and the Stratford Solitaire (Two in a box). The Shakespearean Game. Game of Great Events. Game of Natural History, consisting of 50 Illustrated Cards. New Styles, Delicately Tinted Cards, Beautifully Lithographed Bowes, per dozen, $6.00. Problem Cards, or Bow of 100 Games, $1.00. send for Illustrated Circular. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Publishers, Booksellers, Importers and Stationers, 624, 626 & 628 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. 484 THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDſ, T IN TE TEQ, IET S S - W/// BE PUBL/SHED EAF/Y //W DECEMBER, ONE HUNDRED YEARS AREPUBLIG, Or, OUR SHOVV. A HUMORDUS ACCOUNT OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION IN HONOR OF THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, From Inception to Completion. - IN CLU D IN C. Description of Buildings—Biographies of Managers—Reception of For- eign Dignitaries—Opening Ceremonſes—Poem—Oration— Amusing Survey of 3// Departments, ſncidents, etc. BY DAISY SHORTCUT AND ARRY O'PAGUS. Profusely illustrated by A. B. Frost. One Vol. Quarto, with Handsonne and Appropriate Coven'. PRICE, 50 CENTS. *...* Anticipating a very large demand for the work, Booksellers and Newsdealers are requested to send in their orders without delay. *...* Agents and Canvassers wanted in every city and county in the United States. Apply to the publishers, CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 624, 626 & 628 MARKET STREET, PHILA., O R, 77, a JAZ77verica.7, JWews Cozzºpazvy, JVew Yor/t. THE AMERICAN BookSELLERS GUIDE. 485 An Attractive Tab/e Book—Suftab/e for the Ho/fdays, resembling Leech’s “Sketches of Life and Character,” “MY SKETCH-BOOK.” G E O R G E C R U I K S H A N K. oblong Folio, Half Bound, cloth sides, . . - - $6.00. A Few Copies on India Paper, gº º sº - " - $12.00. “MY SKETCH-Book” is the title of a production by George Cruikshank, peculiarly his own, sketched, etched, published, and sold by himself. • George Cruikshank is an artist whose genius has found many warm admirers in America, and his works are eagerly sought by collectors who make Cruikshankiana a specialty; but the good fortune to possess a copy of “My Sketch-Book” only rests with the older collectors, who commenced their gatherings years ago. At the present time the book is practically unobtainable, and to most American collectors, known only by description. - - - Thackeray has written an essay, chiefly in laudation of the genius of George Cruikshank. The contemplation and review of the works of this wonderful man stimulate the great author to a genial enthusiasm, dilating upon the happy hours he has spent over wondrous caricatures and quaint draw- ings, with a kindly, even affectionate warmth, brimful of delight, and running over with pleasant reminiscences. George Cruikshank's Sketch-Book is excellently adapted ſor a table-lock of ſun for the Cvery-day book-buyer, and for the draughtsman and artist it is a perfect study-book, abounding in novelties of ſun and form. : We have reproduced “My SKETCH-BOOK' in exact ſac-simile, line ſor line. The work is pecu- liarly adapted for reproduction, owing to the force and freedom of the lines, and the process adopted is the most perfect that we know of, and the work has been done with the greatest care, printed by hand, on fine plate-paper. The book is in ſac-simile also in respect to size, oblong ſolio, bound with leather back, cloth sides. It contains about 200 groups, included in one of which is a full-length portrait of George Cruikshank. - - - The book will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the price specified above. The trade sup- plied on the usual terms. One of the most elegant of the Holiday Books offered in London is the DRESDEN GALLERY. The pictures of this most beautiful Gallery are reproduced in a faithful manner. The book is prettily bound, and admirably adapted for a gift-book. Folio, cloth, gilt edges, extra, $20.00. Superbly bound in morocco, beveled boards (this binding is remarkably handsome and attractive), $35.00. THE BEST EDITIONS OF STANDARD A U THORS IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Fine Books Imported. Scarce, Curious and Choice Books supplied to the Trade. J. S. A BIN & SONS, 84 Nassau Street, New York, and 14 York Street, Covent Garden London, England. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. --wu-Acºrner or the srºxcºntax strict. PENs, Birmingham, ºxo. S P E N C E R I A N DOUBLE ELASTIC *TEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which on E NUMBER alone has an annual sale of more than G. C. C. C., C C Cº- The Spencerian Pens are manufactured ºf the very, best materiai, by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability, and evenness of point. The Spencerian Pens are for sale by all Dealers. We make Fiteen Numbers of Pens, differing in fl xibility and fineness of point, adapted to every style of writing, as follows. No 1. College Pen. Porst Fisk; Action. Pºkºr. This º.º. great favorite with our leading penmen, is largely used in the Schools and commercial Colleges throughout the country, and gives better satisfaction than any pen before the American pub- no per gross, $1.40. No. 2 counting-House Pen. Poist Fisk Asn. Furºximur, well adapted to the use of correspondents and Accountants. Per gross $1.25 No. 3. Commercial Pen. Poisºr Mºnium. Business Pen. Per gross-ºl-25. No. 4 Ladies' ºr tra Pen. Poist Extra Fisk asn Flexuºur. For Leicate. Fine Handwriting this is a very superior Pen. per gross. 81-40 No. 5. Sºoi Pen. Ponsºr Fisk, Mºorum is FLExthurry. For a durable Sºho i l’en it has never been equaled. Pergross; $1.40. No. 6. Flourishing Pen. Poist Loss. Furºximir asp. Mediux is Fnººnºss For off-hand Flourishing. Per gross $125 No. 7 ouill Pen. Poist Mºonus, ºvº. Actres. A smoºth. Easy writing Pen. Its name well represents its qualities. Per * gross $160 No. 3 Congress Pen (New) Mºdium Fºxºnus Pºst. A very superior Ten for all styles of writing . This Pen undergoes a prº- cess that renders it non-corrosive and three times more durable than any ordinary steel Pen. Per gross, $1.40. No. 9. Bank Pen. Poisºr Loss asn Furºxiºur. with accountants. Tellers, &c. Per gross-sl-40. No. 10, custom-house pen. Point Mºntext. Well adapted to all styles of Bold Free hand writing. Per gross, $1.50. No. ii.' University Pen. Poist Medium, writy Sºtº ºn Fºxº. The action of this celebrated Pen is very fine. Per gross $1.60. No ſº. Epistolatre Pen. Porst vºw Fisk aso vºx. Fº This is the finest pointed pen made and, for very Delicate Writ- ing, Map and Fine Pen Drawing, it has no equal. Per gross, *2.5- An Easy Writing A great favorite No. 3 ºngrossing Pen. Post Bºust. Aso SMºore... Pºrtiºn: larly adºpted to Course-hand writing and Engrossing. Per gross, *1.25. No. 14. Artistic pen. Furºxºle with Extra Fisk Poist. This exquisite and truly celebrated Pen is the Best Pen extant for Fine ornamental writing. Per gross, $1.60. No. 15. he Queen. Poisºr Extra Fisk Admirably adapted to all kinds of Fine writing Per gross, $1.50. SPECIAL RATES TO THE TRADE. tº Sample Cards containing all the FIFTEEN Numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co., 138 & 140 Grand Street, N. Y. //es/////7/s/e7. Q//es//o/, /300/4. FOR 1876, Aſ the A’ev. Wil/ard M. Rice, O. Z2. | A HAND-B00K FOR TEACHER AND SCHOLAR, PRICE $18 PER 100 NET. Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. º To prevent delay in the receipt of the Question Book, Schools will please order as early as possible. We would like to have such orders now, and deliver the books during December. Jo HN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent. __ - ". Tº Is W. E. B. S. T E R S New Illustrated Dictionary, FOR PARENT, CEILD, TEACHER, PASTOR, FRIEND. sold everywhere, in common and fine bindings. MITCHELL’s |E|| || ||PS Two Series, $10 and $20. 7 Mapsin a set. A Key, gratis, with each set. LITEST, BEST, CHEAPEST. J. H. BUTLER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS’ GUIDE. 487 IFOIFTU T.A.R IE O OI:S JUsT FUELISHED. The Art and Etiquette of Making Love. A Manual of Love, Courtship, and Matrimony. It tells— How to cure bashfulness, How to commence a courtship, How to carry on a handlcerchief flirtation, How to please a sweetheart or lover, How to write a love-letter, How to “pop the question,” How to act before and after a proposal, How to accept or reject a proposal, How to break off an engagement, HOW to act after an engagement, How to act as bridesmaid or groomsman, How the etiquette of a wedding and the after reception should be observed, And, in ſact, how to ſulfill every duty and meet every contingency connected with courtship and matrimony. Large 16mo, 176 pages. Paper covers. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 O cts. Bound in boards, cloth back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 O Cts. Holmes' Very Little Dia- logues for Very Little Folks. Containing forty-seven New and Original Dia- logues, with short and easy parts, almost entirely in words of one syllable, suited to the capacity and comprehension of very young children. This work has been issued because it was demanded by thousands of parents and teachers who have long felt the need of such a book. There are plenty of little boys and girls who want to “speak a piece,” and here is a book full of exactly what they re- quire—short and easy dialogues, made up of short, easy parts, on subjects that their little minds can thoroughly understand, so that the speakers will find no difficulty in committing their respective parts to memory, even before they have learned to read. Paper COvers. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 O Cts Bound in boards, cloth back g Duncan's Rituael Der Frei- Imlalliſérôl. A guide in the German Language to the Three Symbolic Degrees of the Ancient York Rite. Translated and adopted from the English edition, for the use of the German Fraternity. Leather Tucks (Pocket-book style), gilt edges. . $2.O.O. Early Oſſºrs Sºlitieſ, P. O. Box. 297.5. Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker's Guide. A complete and carefully prepared treatise on the Art of Trapping, Snaring, and Netting. By Stanley Harding. This comprehensive work is embellished with fifty well drawn and engraved illustrations; and these, together with the clear explanations which accompany them, will enable anybody of moderate comprehension to make and set any of the traps described. It tells in the plainest manner possible— How to Make all kinds of Traps and Dead-Falls; How to Make all kinds of Snares and Nets ; How to Set and Secure Traps; How to Attract Animals from a Long Distance ; How to Prepare and Use Baits; How Bait a Trap ; How to Trap or Snare any kind of Animal ; How to Trap or Snare Birds; - FIow to Cure and Tan Skins ; How to Skin and Stuff Birds or Anirmals , It also gives the Baits usually employed by the most successful Hunters and Trappers, and ex- poses their secret methods of attracting and catch- ing animals, birds, &c., with scarcely a possibility of failure. Large 16mo, paper covers. Price * Bound in boards, cloth back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '75 cts. Delisser's Horseman's Guide Comprising the Laws on Warranty, and , the Rules in purchasing and selling Horses, with the Decisions and Reports of various Courts in Europe and the United States; to which is added a detail- ed account of what constituted Soundness and Unsoundness, and a precise method, simply laid down, for the examination of Horses, showing their age to thirty years old ; together with an exposure of the various tricks and impositions practised by low Horse-dealers (jockeys) on inex- perienced persons. By George P. Delisser, V.S. & L.A., and late Examiner Veterinary Surgeon to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Bound in boards, cloth back. Price. . . . . . . . . . . "75 cts. Bound in Cloth DIGK & FITIGERALD, PublishBIS, 18 Ann Street, New York. 488 THE - 1 MERIC, 1.V BOOKSELLERS (; U/1)|. |H|| |||}|\|| Th; Ilúší BBălțiſll Läfliš' BOOK WET ||lliš|Bll. Aest Selling Gi/?-Boo/ of the Season. Order /argely. AEvery Zady wants if for her Work- Aasket or AEar/or. By HENRY T. WILLIAMS AND MRs. C. S. JONES. A splendid new book on Household Art, devoted to a multitude of topics, interesting to ladies everywhere. Among the most popular subjects are, Transparencies on Glass, Leaf Work, Autumn Leaves, Wax Work, Painting, Leather Work, Fret Work, Picture Frames, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Work Boxes and Baskets, Straw Work, Skeleton Leaves, Hair Work, Shell Work, Mosaic, Cross- es, Cardboard Work, Worsted Work, Spatter Work, Moss- es, Cone Work, etc. Hundreds of exquisite illustrations decorate the pages, which are full to overflowing with hints and devices to every lady how to ornament her home cheaply, tastefully, and delightfully with fancy articles of her own construction. By far the most E. lar and elegant gift-book of the year. 300 pages. . Price, $1.50. Sent post-paid by mail. Ready November 15. WINDOW. GARDENING, By HENRY T. 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