º |:|| |- |× ſae ſ. №. )№.№. |- : ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ №. | |№. |-() () №. | : ||: - - - | | L |-}} |||||||||||||||||||| }} º --- |-- ſ.|- |× - -- º |- | | | | |- |-ſ. |№. |- |||||||| : .|- |ſſſſſſſſſſſſſ. | №. O $ſ |(53 | 5 C = ſo ? 5Ë P= Co C - Wº º ſº º º ſº º gº º EII IIIlly: º tºwns N & M22. ! ..." . f . 2 * Report On THE DEEP WATER SALWAGE SITUATION To Determine The Possibility Of Doing Work in Deep Water A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Edward F. Moore University of Michigan May 1923 º ºn . ***, - tº |- 5 - 4 3 Preliminary Part One Part Two Part Three Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C : Table of Contents Condensed Report. THE FINANCIAL DEMAND for engineering efforts in the development of deep diving apparatus. PAST AND PRESENT ATTEMPTS to solve the problem of working in deep water. PROPOSED SOLUTION to the problem of working in deep water. Notes on printed articles and personal interviews. General Correspondence. Technical Correspondence. CONDENSED REPORT For many years it has been generally known that there is a large demand for apparatus which will en- able work to be accomplished in deep water, but the problem of finding a means for doing this work has been continually neglected and even ridiculed as one of those things which are utterly impossible. The writer became interested in the opportunity for research afforded by this neglected problem and, after a preliminary search which revealed no authoritative compilation of facts or opinions on the subject, determined to investigate the possibility of doing work in deep water. The investigation was guided by three principal purposes. The first was to obtain definite facts and figures which would indicate the extent of the demand for a solution to the deep diving problem. The second was to collect as much information as possible about the attempts that have been made to produce a deep diving device, in order to learn why all attempts thus far have failed and what such attempts have contributed toward a final solution. The third and ultimate purpose was to arrive at a solution of the general problem by in- vestigating the difficulties to be overcome in an actual deep water salvage problem, and outlining a proposed plan for doing the work required in that particular C&S e e This report, then, points out the most important facts that were found in the investigation regarding the demand for deep diving apparatus and the attempts that have been made and are at present being made to work in deep water, and outlines a plan which seems to be the basis for a practical solution to the deep diving prob- lem. Demand for a Solution Even though there is no doubt about the existence of a considerable demand for engineering effort to solve the problem of deep water salvage, it is well to know Some facts about the nature and extent of the demand. An impression of the number of vessels lying at the present time in the waters around the British Isles may be gained from an inspection of the two charts included in Part One. Both are copies from official British Wreck Charts. More definite information may be found in a report to the House of Commons showing British shipping losses during the World War. Of more than 2500 vessels listed in the report, nearly 2000 lie in water too deep to be reached by present diving methods. A history of important lost cargoes, compiled by Alexander Del Mar, former Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, and printed in the Bankers' Magazine of July 1916, is included in Part One. It makes apparent the seriousness and frequency of marine losses from the sixteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century. Mr. Del Mar says in his in- troduction, "A sum equal to about a tithe of the entire stock of coins and bullion on hand in the World, that is to say about one billion (dollars), lies at the bot- tom of the sea; and much of it in situations accessible to divers with apparatus capable of working at a depth of thirty to ninety fathoms from the surface." The history of the twentieth century already in- dicates that its total of marine losses will be as great, if not greater, than those of the last four centuries; for the submarine is not the only cause of shipping casualties, and "total losses" continue to be recorded in time of peace with surprising regularity. For example the S. S. Egypt, carrying £l,054,000 in gold and silver for the Indian Mint, was sunk by collision in 64 fathoms near the coast of France on May 20, 1922, resulting in a total loss. Although every loss is not as great as this, nevertheless an inspection of the Liverpool Underwriters' Association monthly reports -- the most recent of which are included in Part One -- will show clearly that serious losses do occur regularly, and there is no reas on to believe that their occurrence will cease in the near future. The problem of deep diving for salvage purposes, then, is one of great interest to the shipping World, and underwriters will continue to offer a large per- centage of the amount to be recovered for a practical solution to the problem. Past Attempts to Solve the Problem That this problem has been recognized as import- ant in the past is evidenced by a long record of futile attempts to solve it. The standard diving suit, which has been used for nearly a hundred years with only minor changes, is the only device which will enable work to be done effective- ly under water. But its usefulness is limited to com- paratively shallow water by the high air pressure which must be maintained within the suit. The greatest depth ever reached was 325 feet, and all authorities agree that work in more than 200 feet is extremely hazardous unless the weather conditions are ideal. The numerous attempts to produce a diving armor which, by virtue of inherent strength, would permit at- mospheric pressure to be maintained within, have all been unsuccessful because the necessary flexibility could not be obtatined. All lacked some essential joints, Werºe too cumbersome, or required more power to move the joints than a man's strength could supply. Enabling a man to work in deep water by encasing him in a diving armor seems as futile as trying to fly by attaching wings to one's arms. Mechanisms become too complicated when nature is copied too closely. The idea of using a diving machine, entirely dif- ferent from a suit and more like a submarine boat, is not at all new. In this class of devices the diver is merely the operator who controls the action of mechani- cal elements. The hull is made large enough to accom- modate one or more operators, and strong enough to re- sist the water pressure with only atmospheric pressure within, regardless of the depth. A large number of such plans have been patented and a few of the tanks or cham- bers have been built, but none of them have met with suc- cess, due principally to the fact that, in contrast with diving armors, they are not human enough. None of them have been endowed with sufficient motions to enable them to accomplish that for which they were intended. It is possible, however, that the faults may be elimin- ated in future designs. At least this line of develop- ment offers some valuable suggestions and should be closely studied by anyone attempting to solve the deep diving problem. Proposed Solution to the Problem As a typical example of the deep water salvage problem, the S.S. Egypt was selected as a case on which to base all plans and computations. It was recognized at the outset that the greatest aid in the solution of the problem would be a collection of detailed informa- tion concerning the construction and arrangement of the vessel, the collision, and the present location of the wreck. The data obtained will be found in the first sec- tion of Part Three, in Appendix A principally under "London Times", and in Appendix B in the correspond- ence of the London Salvage Association, Lloyd's, and others. The most important facts about the S. S. Egypt are listed below: Owners: Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navagation Co., London. Built ; 1897. Gross tonnage : 794l. Date of collision: May 20, 1922. Location: 5.30 W. 48.15 N. -- about 22 miles from shore near Brest. Depth: 64 fathoms. Cargo: 6 tons of gold and 39 tons of silver. Underwriters: Represented by London Salvage Association. From these key facts more detailed data was collected. But it should be clearly understood that much more information is yet to be obtained, and that the gener- al arrangement plans especially are desired. It appeared that, before the main problem could be approached, it would be necessary to find a way to lo- cate the vessel. Of the four methods available, two give promise of the best results. The wire drag, used by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for locating sub- merged rocks, is evidently applicable. But the other device, the sonic depth finder developed by Dr. H.V. Hayes of the U.S. Navy Dept., offers the best possibili- ties. From the accuracy of results obtained in plotting profiles of the sea bottom by this method, it appears that the sunken vessel would be indicated on the pro- files crossing its position. Hence the searching ves- sel, equipped with sonic depth sounding apparatus, would steam in the vicinity of 5.30 W. 48.15 N. until the sunken vessel was indicated on the profile, at which time a buoy would be placed, exact bearing taken, and the diving apparatus lowered to identify the wreck. The salvage work to be done on the S. S. Egypt is primarily that of recovering the boxes of metals in her vault. A careful study of the existing conditions show- ed that the principal problem is composed of seven dis- tinct problems as follows: l. Means for descending to depth of 400 feet. 2. Means for getting alongside sunken vessel. 3. Means for moving up side of sunken vessel. 4. Means for cutting opening in vessel's hull. 5. Means for moving through opening into vessel. 6. Means for clearing way into vault. 7. Means for bringing boxes to surface. A combination of mechanical and electrical units was designed to satisfy all of the seven requirements. De- tailed specifications and computations are contained in section three of Part Three, and an assembly draw- ing of the proposed apparatus is included at the end of Part Three. From these plans it seems entirely possible to perform salvage operations on the S. S. Egypt. The cost of the proposed plan of operations was given some attention, although it is of minor import- ance. According to the combined opinions of several engineers, mentioned in Part Three, the cost of the apparatus and plan outlined above would be not over $150,000 divided as follows: Development and construction of apparatus. . . . . . . $50,000 Cost of locating the vessel and doing the work. . $75,000 Reserve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525,000 Total $150,000 Of the $4,953,800 to be recovered, the successful sal- vors would receive $55% or $2,724,590 (see Shipbuild- ing and Shipping Record, Mar. 15, 1923). Since the proposition, then, is not one of economic Speculation but of engineering judgment, a decision concerning the feasibility of the plan must be based on the design of the apparatus and its fitness for meeting the requirements of the problem. Conclusions The figures collected for the first purpose of the investigation show conclusively that there is a real and growing demand for a practical deep diving device, and that the deep water salvor can depend upon at least half of the value received. The attempts that have been made to produce deep diving apparatus by perfecting the standard suit, by building diving armor, and by using the submarine boat principle in various forms of tanks and chambers, have all failed; but at the same time each attempt has de- veloped some new idea which may contribute to a final solution of the diving problem. In fulfillment of the principal purpose to out- line a solution of the deep diving problem, it should be noticed that the method designed for use in the case of the S. S. Egypt is applicable as a solution of the general problem. It would be necessary to build a larger and more powerful tank for heavy work, but the same principles would apply. The apparatus as designed is endowed with sufficiently varied motions to make it concerning the feasibility of the plan must be based on the design of the apparatus and its fitness for meeting the requirements of the problem. Conclusions The figures collected for the first purpose of the investigation show conclusively that there is a real and growing demand for a practical deep diving device, and that the deep water salvor can depend upon at least half of the value received. The attempts that have been made to produce deep diving apparatus by perfecting the standard suit, by building diving armor, and by using the submarine boat principle in various forms of tanks and chambers, have all failed; but at the same time each attempt has de- veloped some new idea which may contribute to a final solution of the diving problem. In fulfillment of the principal purpose to out- line a solution of the deep diving problem, it should be noticed that the method designed for use in the case of the S. S. Egypt is applicable as a solution of the general problem. It would be necessary to build a larger and more powerful tank for heavy work, but the same principles would apply. The apparatus as designed is endowed with sufficiently varied motions to make it useful for many kinds of under-water work, and if equipped with other standard devices such as the grab- bucket and electromagnet now used on land, its range of possibilities would be practically unlimited. However, the most significant fact about the in- vestigation is not that it produced a design and method which may prove to be a solution to the deep diving problem, but rather that it produced a systematic plan of attack recorded in this report, which forms a con- venient and effective framework on which to build a more complete investigation in the future. Part One The Financial Demand for Engineering Efforts in the Development of Deep Diving Apparatus Part One contains the following information: l. Reprint from part of British Wreck Charts, showing location of each known sunken vessel by a red dot. 2. Reprint from British Wreck Charts showing location of most important sunken vessels. 5. Monthly Casualty Returns of the Liverpool Under- Writers' Association. 4 - Statistics on U.S. annual Tonnage losses. 5. List of noteworthy sunken vessels, arranged in alphabetical order, including in each case the most important facts regarding the loss. 6. History of important losses, by Alexander Del Mar. 7. Legal notes and references regarding ownership of sunken vessels and cargoes. /º - % & BRITISM ISUANDS, ENGLISH CHANNEL AND NORTH SEA wº-cº cº-art in 7 snººts sheet twº This map is reproduced from a part of one of the British Admiralty maps and shows more than 1600 sunken vessels, each red spot representing a vessel. The red line is the - thirty fathom line and all wrecks shown between it and the - . . . - shore line are in less than 180 feet of water, most of them - * . being in approximately 100 feet—much less depth than the - - limit at which the Reno system is effective. Many of the vessels shown outside this line are also available for recovery. Estimates made by the officials of the British Admiralty place the value of the vessels alone, exclusive of their cargoes at many hundreds of millions of dollars. Many of these boats carried individual cargoes running well over a million dollars consisting of bullion, copper, rubber, brass goods and ---cºol-- ‘. t other materials which would show no deterioration from sub- - mersion. British salvage operations recovered more than $400,000,000 of vessels but they were those lying in shallow water and represented only a fraction of the number shown on this map. The vessels shown on this small section of the ocean will provide many years of extremely profitable work for many salvaging crews. !-- | - ----- so - - - - - - º - - - * . .” S-> Ǻ º ºš- S. * . - * --- *k ºšºssº. . :* * * ... : :". . . . tº sº S$ºſ º-, ...' * \tº º - - - I- - - - Rº - - º - - º º - - - - - jº - - • Aerº - - º Lºw- - º - º --- - --- - ----- - -->;-->5. - & ---------- - --------- --- 1 m r + º-r-t = -1 -Cº. r. F R A N C F. - º 9 AT - A NT-C ------ -------- -------- ----- - - ------------ - --- O. C. L.A. N. -------- -------- ------ º - --- -*** -- - - --- -- - - ---- "...º. ºr- ** • * - --- * --- ---------- ---- - -------- --------- -------- - CASUALTY RETURNS, NOVEMBER, 1922. - The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Casualties to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss Book during the month ended November 30, 1922:— 1922. Number. Gross Tona. - Sail - - - British. * * Steam. l 1.181 CLASSIFICATION. - - - - 2 1.594 - American, steau, 4. 3.185 British. Foreign. hESULT.'s. Forrign & Japanese ºn 2 2.90. | --- - - Rest of Sail - - Nature of casualty. 8ail. Steam. Sail. Steam. World tº Steam º 26.704 -— - - - Tºtal Parº' Toul - - | Total Partial Total Partial Total Partial Total partial loºse". "“” 18 35.745 Loss. Loss. - Loss. s. Loss. Loss Loss. 1921. Number. Gross Tons. ------------- Sail 2 - 2.352 Weather damage........................ – - - 9 - 5 - 32 - 46 46 British -- a sºn -- 4. 6.4.11 Founderings and abandonments... — — - 2 - 5 - 8 - 8 | A ... • Sai 7 8.453 Strandings ................................. – || – 34 – 5 7 86 7 125 132 "ºn 1.450 Collisions.......................... | – || 1 - 78 - - - 91 - 170 170 Forrigs & Japanese Sail … - Fires and Explosions....... - — — 21 - - 3 24 3 45 48 Rest of {sºn º $º Missing... -------------------------------...--> — - - - - - - - - - - - wºrld sºm -- 11 2:liº Damage to machinery, shafts, - - and propellers ........................ | – | – | – || 28 — — — 69 – 97 97 29 ... 49,726 Other casualties … – - - 43 - 10 - 58 – 111 111 1920. Number. Gross tons ––––––– — — — — * Sail l --- 1,054 Totals........ November, 1922 || – || 1 1 213 2 20 15 360 18 594 612 British * * Steam ... 4 10.096 November, 1921 2 4 4 212 9 24 14 427 29 667 696 Foreign ...; Sºil -- 4. ... .7% November, 1920 || 1 4 4 205 4 30 11 440 20 679 699 --- * Steam ... 11 16,185 November, 1919 2 6 7 190 5 31 i 335 32 562 594 20 35,300 Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important:— Wessel and Flag #. º Material. Owners and Port of Registry. Voyage. Cargo. Particulars of casualty. - |- - - - - - - - STEAM. Meiwa Maru 1993 1890 Steel -, Kono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Wrecked, Honjo, Akita Prefecture. (ex Brand) (Ja) - Masuho Maru (Ja) ... 998 1918 Steel Matsuda Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha, Nishino- - - Wrecked near Newchwang. mlya - - Arenas (ex Glengoil) 3117 1882 Iron M"#. Ferrer, San Sebastian .............. Santona-Santander Part cargo salt Wrecked near Cape Quejo, north coast Spain Cataluna (Sp) ........ 10% 1880 Iron Compania Trasmediterranea, Barcelona Barcelona-Pasajes - Wrecked off Salvora Island, *cana, (No) 3631 1900 Steel Görrissen & Co. A.S. Christiania Sunderland-Gaspe . . . . . . Coal ............... Wrecked, Flowers Cove (NF). ex No eanti (ex Asºº’s ) was 1900 Steel Cia. Naviera Amaya. S.A., Bilbao .......... Huelva-Alicante ...... Minerals .......... Wrecked, Plana Island, off Cape Santa Pola. - p) - Albie (ex Hedwig | 1898 Steel “Albis " Allgemeine Werkehrs-u-Handelsges Newcastle–Hamburg Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Amrum. ischer, &c.) (Ge) m.b.H., Hamburg - - Francia (Br) .......... 1181 1915 Steel Smith Pritchard & Co., London .......... Sunderland–Rochefort Coal ............... Foundered ºve miles N. N.W. of Armen Rock, near rest. Melen C. | 622 1874 Wood W. C. Brown, Detroit (Mich.) .............. — for Depere . . . . . . . . | Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunk off Alpena (Mich.). (ex F. E. Spinner) (Am) - dºorºond (ex 522 1890 Wood —. — Chicago–Milwaukee General ... . . . Foundered near Milwaukee. ugene C. Hart) (Am) - - - *:::::::::, G 2474 1909 Steel Gebr. Sauber, Hamburg .................... Seaham-Hamburg Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foundered, North Sea. (ex Orion, &c.) (Ge) Monte Grappa (It) ... 7434 1920 Steel Nav. Libera Triestina Soc. in Axioni, Trieste Montreal-Venice ...... Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abandoned in lat. 43 53 N., long. 59 57 W. sequana vil. (Fr) .... 560 | 1911 steel Lloyd Séquanais, Havre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Sunk off St. Valery Island Queen_(Am) ... 1446 1896 — - Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At Cincinnati ........... - Destroyed by fire. Mola (ex. Louis Dolive, 595 |iº. Steel & G. Abaunza, New Orleans ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans—Houston, - Abandoned, on fire. 20 miles W. of S.W. Pass, &c.) (Am) 1919. Iron New Orleans. Mawarchº- 5703 1918 steel Saliaris Bros., Chios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York & Piraeus, Oil Fire, sunk harbour, June, 1921. Moundouriotis at Salonica (ex War Charger) (Gr) - - - - - - Cairndhu (Br) ...... 5250 1919 Steel Cairns, Noble & Co., Newcastle . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal-Tyne & Leith . Grain, general sº #3 miles above Quebec; refloated, - amaged. Sigrun (ex Wagn) (Da) 1337 1904 Steel Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab, Copen- Riga–Rouen ............ Timber ............ Sunk, collision, Cleopatra, Kaiser Wilhelm agen - Canal; raised, damaged. Moneyspinner (Br) ... 951 1918 Steel British Dominions S.S. Co., Ltd., Goole .... Santander-Dunkirk . Minerals, general Aº º ". Hºy, afterwards picked - up; tow a Pallice. J. M. Pew (Am) ........ |ºlº 1921 Steel Sun Co., Inc., Philadelphia ................ At Philadelphia . . . . . . . . - Explosion; extensive damage. Van Rees (Du) ...... 3050 1913 || Steel Koninkl. Paketv. Maats., Batavia ........ - - Fire, at Donggala, Celebes. No. 2 hold burnt out. Dago (Br) .............. 1757 1902 Steel | Ellerman's Wilson Line, Ltd., Hull ...... At Hull, nearly loaded Jute, oil, general ... Fire Nos. 2, 3 holds. Considerable damage - - for Mediterranean vessel, cargo. willcasino 7 1918 Steel R. P. Houston & Co., Liverpool .......... Newport, Clyde & Man- General ............ Fire, cross, bunkers; extended to lower hold. (ex Halizones, &c.) (Br) chester, at Bombay Ship extensively damaged. Cargo No. 2 º: chiefly machinery, damag by fire water. - Chile Maru (Ja) . . . . . . 5860 1919 Steel Kokusai Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha, Kobe .... Yokohama–UK & Cont . General ........... Damaged by fire at Muroran. Menora (Br) .......... 1979 1907 Steel Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., Toronto .... Trading Great Lakes– General . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Nº. 1 hold, at Hamilton (Ont.). Damage upward boun vessel, cargo. 3A.L. - Albany (barge) (Am) .. 659 1889 Wood Neptune Line, Inc., New York - Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunk, southern end Blackwell's Island (New ork). 935 | 1899 Wood Metropolitan Marine & Fuel Co., Inc., Boston - Coal ................ Sunk, southern end Blackwell's Island (New Mo, 17 (barge) (Am) .... - NUMBER AND Total GRoss Vessels Lost posted in the Loss Book dur- ing the month of November in the under- mentioned years :- Tonnage of York) MISCELLANEOUS. Fire, Zerollos Riva-olo warehouse, Genoa, November 14, containing cotton; damage very extensive. Fire, Cotton Green, Earthquake in Chile Fire, Cantoniº.oast Cotton Fire, wharf, Marseilles, November 28 Fire at New Orleans, November 27. Gale at Las Palmas. November 30. Bombay, November 12, 2500 bales cotton dated November 11. C - Mills, Lucca, November 21. ; §:::::: *:::: damaged Dam uthern Rai Port closed for a fire and water; damage estimated 5 lacs. uimbo, Huasco, Chanaral, Caldera chief sufferers from tidal wave November 10. - e reported considerable. principally copra, discharged from British steamer Khyber; damage serious. way. Wharf and two barges, alongside wharf º damaged. time, as breakwater and landing quay swept hy great waves. Enormous damage; great loss of life. Much cargo lost. CASUALTY RETURNS, DECEMBER, 1 - -- - - - - - - --- NUMBER AND Total, Gross Tosnags, or The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Wessels Lost posted in the Loss Book dur- - - - - - )ee - - Casualties to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss ::::::::::::"..." ' ecember in the under Book during the month ended December 31, 1922:- - 1922. Number. Gross Tons. Sail - --- - British... ...{s - - Steaun... 6 16,518 CLASSIFICATION. American Sº" " - " - º Steam... l -- 594 British. Port-lu-N. RESULTs. Fossign & Japanese §ºm. 5 ess, |- - - Rest of , , ; Sail ... 1. 725 Nature or CASUALTY. Sail- Steam. Sail. Steam. t World U.Steam... 9 15,286 - --- - *** {** Total - - Total * Total Partial Total Partual Total Partial losses. Losses. Total. 25 ... 39.512 Lees. less. loss. loss. loss. loss. loss. loss. 1921. l Number. Gross tons. —— Sail ... 1 .. 2.606 Weather damage ........................ - 1 — 22 — 4 - 34 - 61 61 Battish ... ~$ºm --- 7 11.654 Founderings and abandonments... I – - 2 | – || – || – 4 – 6 — 6 American Sº". " 7 9,265 Strandings ........... ---------------------- - - 4 36 || – 4 5 95 10 135 145 & Steam. J 9.250 Collisions............ ------------------------ — | – || – || 76 || – || 5 || 1 || 111 || 1 | 192 193 Fossies 3 Japanese sºn, a - Fires and Explosions.................. I - - — 15 – – 2 51 || 2 || 46 48 Steam. --- 3700 - - - Rest of , Sail .. 5 ... 5.226 Missing.................. ----------------> --- - - | - 1 || – 3 || – || 4 - 4 World Steam... 10 ... 28.101 Damage to machinery, shafts, - — and propellers ........................ - - — 52 – º – - 64 — 96 96 - 55 ... 67.782 Other casualties ........................ - 1 — 40 || – 4 62 - 107 107 1920. l Number. Gross tons. Sai --- 1 --- 510 Totals........ December, 1922 || -- 2 6 221 l 17 16 JS7 25 637 660 British ... ***** ... 5 ... 10.769 December, 1921 || 1 3 || 7 || 222 10 19 17 547 35 591 626 - Foarlux - Sail --- lo ... 14,848 Recember, 1928 1 || 3 || 5 || 238 10 45 19 419 35 705 | 738 “ ”’ & Steam ... is ... 57.520 December, 1919 2 10 9 225 5 38 15 417 31 690 72 T55 Tºº, J. : *- Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important :- Wessel and Flag º: º: Material. owners and Port of Registry. Voyage. Carro. Particular- of Casualty STEAM. - - orteric (Br) ... . . . . . . . . . 6696 1919 Steel A. Weir & Co., Glasgow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco- Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked. Fish Rocks, near Point Arena. Puget Sound - - Rio Preto 4026 1901 Steel Samuel Lewis, London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poti Boulogne . . . . . . . . Manganese ore . . Wrecked off St. Quentin Point, near (ex Birmingham) (Br) - - Boulogne. - Eleanor (Br) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1277 1912 Steel Harries Bros. & Co., London . . . . . . . . . . . . Barry Portsmouth ... Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . - wfºrd uff Godrevy Lighthouse, near St. v-tº- Speedwell (Br) . . . . . . . . 974 1880 Iron R. S. Dalgliesh, Falmouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyne & Sheerness- Coal . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, entrance river Adour. Bayonne - - Hinoki Maru (Ja) . . . . . . . 946 1916 || Wood Murai Kisen Gomei K., Tsuruga . . . . . . . . . . . Odomari, Saghlaien Lumber . . . . . - Wrecked. Sakata, Uzen Province. - - - Niigata - - Ogawa Maru Ja) 664 1886 Iron H. Narasaki, Amagasaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sasebo -Osaka . . . . . . . . Iron pines . . . . . . . Touched ground, Hirado Strait; sunk (ex Pei Tai, &c.) (Ja - - Takayanna Maru (Ja) || 934 1919 || Steel Fujima Kaichiro, Higata - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stranded. Shibetoro Cape. Yetorup Island. Kurile Group, September, 1922 Elvira 1114 1885 Iron & Luis Liano S. en C., Santander . . . . . . . . . . Bilbao-Rivadesella ... Ballast ----------. Wrecked outside bar. Santander. (ex Cap Cepet, &c.) (Spy Steel - - - careº (It) 1044 - 1881 Iron Soc. Anon- di Nav. e Commercio Marittimo, Susa-Leghorn . . . . . . . . Phosphate . . . . . . . . Stranded, Vada. Oct. 19, 1922; now total loss (ex Traut, &c.) ---o- - ********s-, Y (It) 35s isos | Steel Peirce Bros., Naples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genoa • Genoa. &c. - New York . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked near Trapani. wº-v- * t - *-es-º-º-tº" 1297 - 1892 Steel Canada S-S- Lines, Ltd., Montreal . . . . . . Lorairie-Fort Williana - Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Foundered. Lake Superior. after strikin: (ex Cadillac) (Br) | - breakwater. Maid º: Fºº-, ) (Br) 2248 1889 Steel | Byron S.S. Co., Ltd. (M. Embiricos). London Braita-Belfast ........ Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In distress, 51 42 N., 522 W.; wreckage found ex ineios. tc. r - -- - - - Heiyo Maru (Ja) . . . . . . $95, 1918 || Wood Kobe Kisen Shintaku K. K., Amagasaki ... Osaka-Dairen via Moji General ............ Foundered, 55 45, N., 122 47 E. Tungshing (Cs) . . . . . . . . its net ---, Wood - -- - - - -- - Foundered, 39 miles from Hanan Island. Start (No) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 1909 Steel A. T. Simonsen, Christiania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Requejada- Zinc ore ---.... . . . Foundered, Bay of Biscay. - - Dunkirk & London - - Orzarrosa (Spy . . . . . . . . 1371 1920 Steel Zarauz Rodrigo y Sarachu. Bilbao ... . . . . . Bilbao -Newport ...... Mineral . . . . . . . . . . . . º 140 miles W. of Chassiron, lle - t -run. Tenun Maru (Ja) . . . . . . t£5 1915 Steel Naoyetsu Shosen K. K. Amagasaki . . . . . . . . - **ś" n, Maunsan Maru, off Shiribishi. ----------- Ogerºnaw (Am) ........ 534 - 1881 Wood J. C. Garey, Fairport (O.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toledo-Georgian Bay . Burnt to water's edge. St. Clair River. Leopold David 597 1920 Steel || Wilhelm Boelstler & Co., G.m.b.H., Hamburg Antwerp-Malmo ...... Benzine . . . . . . . . . . . Explºsion of Cuxhaven; sunk, 55 51 50 N. (motor) (Ge) - - -- - 8.44 32 E. Anyo Maru &c.) (J 2147 1888 Steel Inui Gomei Kaisha, Dairen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saigon, &c.-Yokohama Rice . . . . . . . . . . . ... Untraced. (ex Apex. &c.) (Ja) | - - - Guillenn soroila (So) .. 3252 1920 | Steel Cia. Tras-mediterranea, Valencia . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiff-Barcelona .... Coal . . . . . . . . . . . ... Missing. Herman sauber (Ge). 29% 1912 Steel ºbr. Sauber, Hamburg . . . . . . .............. Tyne-Hamburg . . . . . . Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intraced. - Vasco 2221 1910 Steel | Ellerman's Wilson Line, Ltd., Hull ...... Hull-Reval . . . . . . . . . . . . Coal & general ..... Stranded. Surop Point, near Reval: got off. tex Brandenburg) (Br) - - - - - - damaged. - Atºne-ere * 1914 Steel British Molasses Co., Ltd., Liverpool ...... Rotterdam -New York ... Molasses ... . . . . . . . Leaking badly, Atlantic; later arrived New (ex Breifond) (Br) - York; jettisoned 1200 tons cargo. canadian Gunner (Br)|2415 1919 Steel Canadian Gunner, Ltd. (Canadian Gov. At St John's (N.F.)- Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Nos. 1 and 2 holds; damage to vessel ... Merchant Marine, Ltd.). Montreal from Montreal , and cargo. - - Tannesi (ex Roma) (Am) | 2939 1889 Steel Sinclair Nav. Co., Inc., New York . . . . . . . . . . At Galveston . . . . . . . . . . - Fuel oil tank amidships exploded; beached, -- - - .refloated; serious damage vessel. Eastern Giade (Am), ... 5653 1920 Steel United States Shipping Board, Seattle . . . . New York -Table Bay ... General . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire, bunker coal, extended No. 2 hold, at - -- , St Vincent (C.V.); cargo seriously damaged. chicago Maru (Ja) ... 5848 1910 Steel Osaka Shosen K. K., Osaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Ayres & New Cotton, &c. . . . . . . . . Fire, after "tween deck, at San Pedro; Orleans-Japan sºlamºre to cargo. - redermirol 1318 1919 steel R. Cahen, Havre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dakar-Marseilles ...... Ground nuts ...... Fire, No. 2 hold, at Marseilles; damage con- (ex Bansei Maru No. 5) | - - siderable. .. - Alicarate 2369 1902 || Steel R. M. Sloman, Jr., Hamburg . . . . . . . . . . . . Genoa, &c.-Hamburg ... Sulphur, marble, Fire, lower No. 2 hold, at Bizerta; good deat (ex Bagdad) (Ge) - , , fruit damage. Mahsud (Br) .......... 8077 1917 | Steel T. & J. Brecklebank. Ltd., Liverpool . . . . Calcutta & London- General & inte . . . . . Fire, Nos. 4 and 5 holds, at Hamburg; - - Hamburg - - damage to cargo. - Innani (Br) .............. 4500 1897 || Steel T. & J. Brocklebank. Ltd., Liverpool . . . . Calcutta-Valencia. Jute, linseed, hides Fire, No. 1 hold, at Valencia; damage to - - - Bilbao & Dieppe | ... cargo. Rio de Janeiro (No) . . . 2827 1914 Steel Det. Nordenfjeldske Damps., Trondhjem .. "risºn º J | Coal. &c. . . . . . . . . . . Fire, No. 5 hold, at Las Palmas; hold flooded. Cardiff-Rio Janeiro - - Mesopotamia 43e3 1906 || steel Westminster Shipping Co., Ltd., Greenock Bombay & Calcutta- Jute, gunnies, &c. Fire, No. 5 deep tank, at Santos; damage to (ex Ardgowan) (Rf) Buenos Ayres vessel and cargo. SAIL. - Aveiro (Po) ............ 7:5 – - -- - Hampton Roads -Lisbon Untraced. MISCELLANEOUS. Fire, Velii Dharamsey Cotton Mills, Bombay, December 2, damage estimated 21 lacs. - - Fire, Qllemont Sulphate of Copper works at Vercelli, December 4. Machinery, two sheds, 4000 quintals naphtha destroyed. Loss estimated 2,000,000 lire. Fire at Astoria, December 8. Entire business section destroyed. New York, December 26. Arriving ocean liners report very severe storms in the North Atlantic. casualty RETURNS, ANNUAL suMMARY, 1922. NUMBER AND Tor Al G Ross ToxNAGE of V Essels Lost during the undermentioned The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Casualties years: tº Nunal ar. T - - - - - - N-ul-ul-l'. U-tº- untu. to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss Book during the BRutt sh A Sail l 690 year 1922 -- - * * Steam 44 111,887 J tº - - - ------------ - - - Sail 57 57, 15t CLASSIFICATION. American Sº, º: britis it - -------- ------ ---- Foºs, Japanese sºn, sº sººn - Fºlxh, I-N. trºsu LTS, best of - Sail ... 14 21,759. - - World Steanu ... tº ... 140,205 NATU trº, or “Asu'A LTY. sail. Nt-at- Sail. Steam. - --- ºn--- --- - total Partial rotai Grand Totals Clo ºuT.Tºwn | Total Partial Total l'artial Total Partial Total l'artial Losses. Losses. ---- Lo->. Loss. Loss. Lo->. Loss. Loss. Loss. loss. - 1921. Number. tº r. Tour. ------------ –– - - lºn it tº A Sail lº 15, 174 - ------- * Steam ºn SS,00-4 Weather damage - - 6 170 1 32 1 284 2 402 40.4 \ American } sº --- i º Founderings and Abandonments. - - 11 20 - 54 - 65 || -- tº \s º º Strandings ... 1 || 6 19 470 18 57 48 003 to 1425 1511 Foºtºs) Japanese Sººn as solo º'E, Siosi. - 8 4 707 || 3 49 11 1054 18 º 1836 | Rest of . Sº ºn $ons ires and Explosions - 3 4 212 - q : 17 285 26 t 555 wººl. sº. Jº Missing .... - - - 6. – . o s | 19. - lo World Steam Nº. JOO,-44 Damage to machinery, shafts and - --- "1", tills º Follo oº: - - - - ---------- — — – 344 || – - – toºl - 1041 1041 Uranul Total — 479, ll i. — – - - wer casualties ... ...... 11 – 422 - - 60 *_ - - 1184 lies - 1920. Number. Gr. Tom. "...tale— —— - J. Tº 5, Tºa. - --------- v Sail s 8.577 Totals—1922. ------....… 1 || $4 44 2554 º 187 120 3914 2:e tºtº boss * . Sº, º lºo.707 Totals—Corresponding month 1921 12 36 36 1801 tº als 127 3155 252 52C8 5440 Foºtºs º' o: º Totals–Corresponding month 1920, 8 74 40 22-6 67 352 155 4155 277 6817 700; * Steam lºš ºu, I-it- Totals Corresponding month 1919 12 45 57 1702 47 -57 125 2814 259 4818 5057 Uiraud Total o: ºf sº - -lºv ---- - -- - -- CASUALTY RETURNS, JANUARY, 1923. The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Casualties to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss Book during the month ended January 31, 1923:- Nºvi beft January in the Fire, Fire, CLASSIFICATION. british. Forrel G.N. Results. - - - National-ty. nature or casual, TT. Sail. Steam sail Stearn. --- - - Total l'artial Total Partiall total Partial total partial total partial “”. “ Total. Loss. Lo - Loss. - Loss. ----- ºritish. –––––––––––––– Sail- Weather damage........;.........…... - 3 —- 29 || – 6 — 38 - 76 76 sºn, Founderings and abandonments... i - || – || – — 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 Strandings ... | – || – || | | | | i ºf ſº ºf Foreiº N. Collisions............ -------- — — 1 95 || – 5 1 103 || 2 203 205 American- #. and Explosions. — — - 24 - 2 3. 20 5 46 49 sº --- 1881 ng....................................... - - - - —t- - – — - - - - *...* Damage to machinery, shafts, - * ----------- - and propellers Steam- Other casualties rest of World- Sail -----------. Totals… Hanuary, 3 || | | 3 || 2 |3. 3 || 3 || 3 |}}} | 13 ºf 1719 -t-in- January, 1922 || – || 3 5 238 7 16 12 446 24 703 727 - º, ºil – || 3 || 3 || || 3 || 3: . . . . . . . . . ; Totals January, 1926 – || 9 || 4 || 256 || 7 || 37 23 489 34 731 || 3:5 --------------- Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important :- Wessel and Flag #. º: Material. owners and Port of Registry. Voyage, - Carro. - - . -- - - - STEAM. Germania 1983 || 1887 steel | McNabb - - #1a-M. - - (ex Haverstoe) (Br) i. on Rougier & Co. (Italy), Ltd., Braila–Naples .......... Timber, barley ... Dorothy ... - 1898 || Steel A. H. Ball & Co., New York ................ | New York–Monte General . . . . . . . . . sarat (ex Wilster) (Am) 679 1888 - Christi -- | 1 | Steel Latvi - itra-Alloa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -e ºº::" II.) (La) atvian Government, Riga .................. Riga-Alloa . . . . . . . . . . . . rops . . . --- | 6801 || 1903 Steel Holland- - -- -Narvik . . . . . Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . . C (ex gº ee olland-Amerika Lijn, Rotterdam .......... Rotterdam-Narvik Ballast ... arºen (aux.) (Sw.) ... 1597 || 1917 || Wood A. Lindblom, stockholm .................... Shields-Grangemouth . . . - :::::::::: (i) “… |*;|}; i. |: *...*.*.*.."; ºleº"ºles. wheat .…. ro - - - - (ex Nautpur, &c.) (Br) n enera m. Nav. Co., Ltd., London Antwerp-London, ...... General . . . . . . . . . . . . Aleppo (Ge) ........... ! 976 1920 steel Hamburg-Amerika. Packetſ. Act. Ges. (Ham- Hamburg- |General ............ burg-Amerika Linie) (Deutsche Levante Mediterranean Apostolos D. 872 Linie), Hamburg - po ** - 1891 Steel | D. Demetriades & Co., Piraeus .............. Constantza- Benzine, º º * &c.) (Gr) 4298 Constantinople kerosene, oil º: Sicilia) (It) 1899 Steel G. Pantano, Rome ......................... Genoa, &c.—London … Cement, oranges .... Anna M. Diacaki | 1893 - - - - (ex Shilka, º” on 1896 || Steel | Minas Diacakis, Syra......................... Dakar-Marseilles ...... Ground nuts ...... shan Tung (Br) ...... - 1915 Steel | China Nav. Co., Ltd., London .............. - | - Makalla (Br) .......... |ºm 1916 Steel T. & J. Brocklebank, Ltd., Liverpool ...... Calcutta–Hamburg, |*. &c. . . . . . . . . . . - Rotte Anºt suetia (ex Horley) (Br) 4770 1911 Steel Lamport & Holt, Ltd., Liverpool ............ bº º & Antwerp | General . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - Liverpool & Clyde *atrick Menry (Am). 75% 1920 steel United States shipping Board, Philadelphia | Shanghai & Manila Sugar, rice . . . . . . . . . . New York ºrmerdis (Br) .......... 1994 | 1917 | Steel J. & P. Hutchison, Ltd., Glasgow .......... Bordeaux-Garston ...... General ... . . . . . . . . . West Calumb (Am) ... I 5946 || 1919 || Steel | United States Shipping Board, Los Angeles | New York– - - - Constantinople ****. &c.) (Be) 35°i | 1899 || Steel Hubert Kranen, Antwerp .................... At constantinº, º: | General ............ Mandahar (Br) ....... |als ins Steel * & Bucknall s.s. Co., Ltd., North cochin–London *" werp |General ............ - 1-1-8 Antwerp, &c. Dampto (No) ........... 2515 || 1921 Steel | A. H. Mathiesen, Christiania ................ At London tº erp | Palm kernels. - Sherbro, &c. cocoa, oil Lehigh (Am) ............ *| 1919. Steel United States shipping Board, Philadelphia Loading Fº l ºn - - - - º - - - f A s Mandala (Br) .......... * | 1915 Steel British India stm. Nav. Co., Ltd., Glasgow Calcutta "tºº" Jute ... . . . . . . . . . . . - Hamburg & Antwerp *º. &c.) (Br) *|*| steel williams Bros. (Cardiff), Ltd., cardin ... Dano-Hamburg ....... run kernels •ºFººtnº (Br) *|1912 steel williams Bros. (Cardim), Ltd., cardin ... At Hamburg trom. Maize ....… ºan Leonardo (Me) 5671 | 1921 Steel Cia Nav. San Leonardo S.A villa Constitucion - - -- ----- ---- ---------------- . . . . . Fuel oil . . . . . . - - - - - *ounton orange (Br) 4496 || 1913 steel | Houlder Bros. & Co., Ltd., W. Hartlepool ... Hºmº ----- Part cargo cereals. SAIL. Alice M. combºrn (A º * (Am) | 1603 || 1896 || Wood O. A. Gilbert, Boston (Mass.) .............. | Portland (Me)— l Ballast *** **b* |*|iºn steel | Baltische & weismeer handel, a schin. Hambur.""º" - ahrts' Ges. m.b.H., Danzig | month"— San Antonio | Chile) MISCELL.Anpious. piers and structures Compania Trasatlantica o Barcelona ie y N ſor - cott I - , pier 8, East Ri er, New York, damage 1, January 3. i - lzoni (Miss.), January 6; more than 2000 bales cotton destroyed. . Wrecked, \xi, Total, Ghoss Toxx Aur of Wessºrs Lost postel in the Loss Book during the Month of undermentioned years. 1923. 1922. 1921. Nº. Gr. Tms. No. ºr Tus. No. ºr tus 2 2701 s ºf 2 ºio 1 1.05 tº 5 ºn 1 7-2 1 2.214 2. 7-8-8 - - - s ºn 2 4 on 1 - 2.781 - 1 7- 2 2.41% * 24.2 t is 824 a zºº 15 33.520 21 12-old it, 3-250 Particular---------- Wrecked off Cape Malea (Greece). Wrecked 10 miles from Puerto Plata. Wrecked Steinsort, 20 miles N. of Libau. Wrecked in 67 N., 13 40 E. Wrecked May Island. Abandoned 38 38 N. 57 10. W. sunk, collision, British stint. Australia, River sche Collision stimr., Roads; beached, capsized, sunk. Fire, beached between Cape Sabla & Kaliakra, sunk: total loss. Fire, stranded 30 miles E. Algiers; total loss. Austruweel Uguaglianza, off. afterwards slipped Fire, at Marseilles, Dec., 1922, sunk; total loss. Stranded owing typhoon at Swatow, Aug., 922; refloated, ducked Hong Kong. 192. Grounded River Elbe, got off; serious damage. struck rock near smalls, put into Milford Haven seriously damaged. stranded Sibay Island. S. of Mindoro; got off, beached prevent sinking; refloated damaged, jettisoned 2000 tons cargo. Pouled mooring tºrtu of London in Mersey, sunk; raised, beached Tranmere Beach. sunk, collision Western Plains, off Pier 18, Brooklyn; raised. Fire, No. 3 hold; considerable damage cargo. Fire, No. 3 hold, at Port Said; damage to cargo. Fire, Nos. 1 & 2 holds; damage to cargo. Fire, damage to cargo. Fire, No. 2 hold, at Hamburg; No. 2 hold cargo damaged fire, water; No. 1 hold cargo damaged by water. Fire at Hamburg; good deal damage done. Fire, No. 3 hold, damage to cargo; also bunker coal on fire. Fire, serious damage to vessel. | Fire, at Buenos Ayres; damage to cargo. Manchester (Mass.). Abandoned, leaky, Cape Horn. CASUALTY RETURNS, FEBRUARY, 1923. The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Casualties to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss Book during the month ended February 28, 1923:— CLASSIFICATION. British. Fort-lu-N. REsu Lºis. nature or casual.T.T. sail. | steam. sail. steam - -— |- Total Partial Total | Total Partial Total partial || Total Partial Total Partial Lººe. “* * | L. L. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss | Loss. Weather damage........................ | – || – | – || 27 || – 7 — 38 | - 72 72 Founderings and abandonments...| – || - - - - I - 4 || – 4 — 4 Strandings................................. - - 1 38 2 6 9 : 103 12 147 159 Qollisions..................... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + |iº || 1 | is is: Fires and Explosions... ... I - — 1 24 1 I 4 17 6 42 48 Missing..............….........……., | – || – || – - - - 2 : — 2 || – 2 Damage to machinery, shafts, - - and propellers .... --- - – | – || 33 || – | – | – || 49 || – | 82 82 Other casualties ........................ | - - - 37 || – || 11 – 59 || – || 107 107 |--|--|--|--- -- Totals........ February, 1923 || – || 1 || 3 || 234 || 3 || 30 19 Tºti Tºzº Tºº Tºol February, 1922 || – || 5 5 228 5 18 6 : 411 16 662 of 8 February, 1921 || – l — 172 8 15 8 252 | 16 440 456 February, 1920 2 10 3 - 177 4 39 13 388 22 614 636 Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important :— Wessel and Flag #: º: | Material owners and Port of Registry. Voyage STEAM. Tuscan Prince (Br) .. f275 1913 Steel Prince Line, Ltd., (Furness, Withy & Co., Tyne, Antwerp, San º , Ltd.), Newcastle Francisco–Vancouver anta Rita (Am) 1600 1913 Steel Crowley & Mahony, San Francisco .......... Trading U.S. raciº; - *apporo Maru No. 3 2155 1891 steel Inugami Keigoro, Tokio .................... - o (ex Toba Maru, &c)(Ja) T. M. & Mogland - 1915. Steel T. H. Skogland & Son A/S, Haugesund .... Christiania, Hamburg (ex Javary) (No) | Havre-Santos Rodfiell (ex Tol *ś |164a | 1908 steel H. Schnitier, christiansund ................ | Kirkenes–England no Primere |2566 1894 | Steel G. Cappagli, Buenos Ayres .................. - (ex sailing vessel | Octavia) (Ar) - Dormingo (ex *† 4297 || 1902 || Steel 8. Censini fu D., Genoa ...................... Penarth–Civita Vecchia J Qiulio Cesare 3447 1894 | Steel G. Vitulli Montaruli, Genoa ................ Barry-Genoa .......... (ex Kurrachee) (it) - Lawrence (ex *#, 532 || 1890. Iron T. C. Christensen, Conenhagen .............. Blyth—Antwerp . . . . . . . . a Adeº Winnen (*a ) 1827 1922 || Steel F. A. Winnen & Co., Bremen ................ Kiel-Barry ............ e ***** (aux) (Am) .. 2432 1917 wood T. F. o'Brien & S. E. Bentley, New Bedford Norfolk—Boston Otto Pieciner - 4606 || 1897 Steel Schröder, Holken & Fischer. #axº - - - - - - Hamburg & Antwerp ©torax (ex. Sorata) (Ge) - Buenos Ayres w ºaker (N9), ........ iº Steel S. O. Stray & Co. A/S, Christianssand ...... | New York-Arendal .... aea (ex Nikolai, *#) 70* | 1882. Iron Karl Kurten, Wasa ............... . . . . . . . . Helsingfors–Copenhagen Echo (Br) ............. 961 1891 Steel Bristol Stim. Nav. Co., Ltd.. Bristol ........ Hamburg – Gloucester.. Scotia Maiden º 562 1919 || Wood Scotia Maiden Co., Ltd., Halifax ............ | Marseilles–Sydney (C.B.) r) Mika (Am) ............. . .24% 1919 wood H. K. Goodwin, San Francisco ............ | Everett-San. Francisco.. Buttonwood (Am) ... 2848 1919 wood º, States 8hipping Board, Portland Norfolk—Fall River .... re. Padova (It) ............ 1903 1902 || Steel | Ferrovie Dello Stato, Rome ................ Naples, &c.—Antwerp ºperansa (aux.) | 677 1917 || Wood | Yucatan Ship & Trading Co., Puerto Cortes... From Mayaguez ........ (ex Alla 8. Turnerºſ Ho) Meinrich ra ser 484 || 1898 || Steel H. Kayser & Sohn G.m.b.H., Hamburg ...... | Savannah & Hampton (ex. Elbing) (Ge) - oads. Hamburg Moncºnislo 3761 1905 || Steel Nav. Alta Italia, Genoa ...................... Galveston-Marseilles ... (ex Kurohime Maru, &c.) Arfeld (ex Warna * 3090 1893. Steel Continentale Reederei A.G., Hamburg .... Hamburg–New Orleans (Ge) - doodwin (Br) ....... 1570 1917 steel w. Cuthbert, Glasgow .................... | London–Belfast ........ Canadian Pioneer 5758 1919 steel Canadian Pioneer, Ltd. (Canadian Govt. Bluff & Dunedin-New Br) - Merchant Marine, Ltd.), Montreal York, Boston & Halifax Paere 9astle (Br) .. 5278 1919 steel J. Chambers & Co., Liverpool ................ At New York for Manila *anka Maru (jaj'.... 2488 1916 steel | Mitsui Bussan Kabushiki" Kaisha, Kobe ... | Hong Kong-Takao .... Minden (Ge) .......... 4165 1921 Steel | Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen .............. Hamburg-Santos ...... - bagua 1914 Steel Atlantic Fruit Co. Inc., New York . . . . . . . . . . - - (ex Wan der Duyn) (Am) SAIL. - - - - Watson A. west (Am) | 8.8 || 1:01 wood Pacific Freighters Co., San Francisco ...... Grays Harbour-sºº. - ro Le Rhinoceroe its 121 p.c. Havre–Rio Janeiro (in º (No) tow of T. H. Skogland) ***** (Am) ........ 6.4 18m wood E. K. wood Lumber Co., San Francisco .... Affaii. Solomon islands Tidal wave in Hawaii - Fire, New York łº, 3; damage urricane iver; badly damag º near Mauritius, February 17, and Fire, at Pensacola, February 23, Naval'stores"Warehouse Co.' for Portland ore) MISCELIAMEOU8. apparently slight. º, 7. has given good NUMBER ANI Total, Gross Toxx AGF or V Eseris Lost posted in the Loss Book during the Month of February in the undermentioned years. 19.5. 1922. 1921. Nationality. - No. Gr. Tins. No. Gr. Tris. No. →r. Tms. Bhi TISH. sail ............…. - - - - - - Steam................ 3. 6.7% 5 9,522 - For EIGN. American- rail ...…...... 2 1.422 4. 5,225 8 10.395 Steam- 4 - 9.426 l 8.256 1. 1 tº Japanese- rail. - - - Steam.... 1 2,155 4 5,135 | – - Rest of Wo ail ...... 1. 763 t 576 - - -team 14 38,019 1. *2 7 21,145 Totals................ 25 58-595 16 27.6-1 16 *2t2+ **-r-o. Particular-of -a-uulty Rails, &c. .......... Wrecked, Austin Island, Barclay Sound, Wan- couver is - Wrecked, Vancouver Island. Coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Noto Peninsula. Coal, general . . . . . . Wrecked. Farallones Rocks, off Vigo. Ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, east Vardø. - Stranded about 11 miles S.E. of Inerto Deseado August, 1922; now total loss. Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, eight miles N.E. Peniche. Coal ................ Wrecked, Cape Trafalgar. Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Seaton Sea Rocks, Blyth. Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Lizard. Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abandoned, 40 miles S. of Nantucket Lt.-v. General . . . . . . . . . . . . Abandoned, lat. 43 56 N. long 9 1p W. General . . . . . . . . . . . Abandoned, lat. 46 02 N., long 43 23 W. General ............ sunk by ice, Gulf of Finland. General ............ Sunk, collision Coimbra, off Terschelling. General ............ Abandoned, on fire. 40 08 N. 1 15 E. Destroyed by fire, off Vancouver Island. Coal ................ Fire, Lynn Haven Roads; total loss. | Hemp.Zinc ore, straw Fire, beached near Corme, N.W. Spain; total tºss. General ............ Stranded, Feb. 13; destroyed by fire, Feb. 14, Media Luna Shoals. Phosphate rock Missing. Sulphur, naval stores "...º. condition, lat. 36 35 N., long. Collision, Laruna, New Orleans River. beached full water; refloated, damaged. Collision, Maid of 0rleans, beached, Thames; refloated, serious damage. Fire No. 2 hold and forward bunkers, at Auckland; serious damage cargo No. 2 hold; slight damage vessel. General Wool, flax, &c. General Fire No. 2 hold; considerable damage cargo. Jute, &c. . . Fire, at Taipeh (Formosa); serious damage cargo General Fire, No. 1 hold, put back Pernambuco; serious damage cargo. - Fire, Fletcher's Dry Dock, Hoboken; sunk aft. Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked San Miguel Island. - Owing gale, tow rope cut: struck rock near entrance Corunna; broken up. Copra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destroyed by fire. rain. s: yard; destroyed 17,000 barrels resin, 200 turpentine. - CASUALTY RETURNS, MARCH, 1923. The Liverpool Underwriters' Association has issued the following classified Return of Casualties to Wessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, wh Book during the month ended March 31, 1923:- CLASSIFICATION. Bhitish. ruler. Its N. R-su Li's. - - Nationality. NATURE OF CASUALTY. sail. steam. N-- Steam. - - Total Partial º º Total Partial Total Partial iota, Partial **** ----- Total. * I loss. Loss. Loºs. Loss. - –– british. Weather damage........................ — - - 30 - 4. - 32 - to 66 S. --------- Founderings and abandonments. 1 — 1 - l - 3 - o – 6 Stear----------- Strandings................................. I - 1 || “... 31 4 o 4 101 1U 139 149 For EIGN. Qollisions................................... - - 1 bº - 2 - 94 1 164 165 American- Fires and Explosions..... . I — 1 | – || 14 - l l 20 1 36 37 Sail - ... .…. Missing....................... | – – — - l - 3 - 4 - 4 jº" - Damage to machiner *- and propellers .......... | – || – – “30 — — . — 56 — £6 86 steam Other casualties ........................ - - - 3. – 9 - 67 – 11u 110 Rest of World- ------------------ Sail ..... ----- Totals …... March, 1923 || 1 2 4 207 . 6 22 1: 370 22 601 || 623 -team ... March, 1922 || – || 3 || 3 230 o 19 12 376 21 628 649 March, 1921 || 1 5 || 3 | 129 4 20 10 244 18 402 420 Totals March, 1920 | – || 7 || 12 236 6 43 16 411 34 697 731 ------------------ Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important – Wessel and Flag º: º: Material. owners and Port of Registry. Voyage. Carro. STEAM. ºn (ex Iberia) (Br) 2065, 1905 steel Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd. Sydney (N.S.W. s I Brish Conri :*k, Br) ........... 3.07 ligă steel Wiiiams Bros. {ºt}"º"). i. "Ba"ºut º (NO) ............. 75l 1917 | Steel Sverre Hansen A/S, Bergen .................. Barcelº and A ſia d Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſestmann Islands varanº Moland) (No) 1377 1921 Steel Arnt. J. Möriand, Arendal .................. | Port Talbot-La Rochelle | Coal cataluña (sp)"....... sets 1883 Iron Cia Trasatlantica. Bar | - - -------. - celona ................ Barcelona–Fernando Po General ............ Levanzo "..."In 3875 1901 Steel Soc. Marittima Italiana, Naples ........... Genoa-Port Natal ...... General. salt ...... *erville-ſex Edie) (Br) 1035, 1903 || steel H. W. & C. M. Ezard. Gool - Baneei Maru no. #, 659 º Wood Nakamura Mºnº, Kºimºmiya I. | Goole–Ghent … coal … Giulia (It) .........:... . 42% 1901 steel cosulich soc. Triestina di Nav. Tri Me-grgent gia Marco Aurelio teel º *Triestina di Nav. Trieste .... Portland (Me)-Girgenti | Grain ..…... (ex Maroc. &c.) (It) 671 | * Steel | F. Lofaro, Torre del Greco ................ - Scrap iron . . . . . . . . . . Ranee (Br) ............ 790 19:6 steel Straits S.S. Co., Ltd.. Singapore ............ Kuantan–Singapore .... - Babinda (Am) ......... 30% 1918 Wood Ocean Motorship Co., Inc., San Francisco ... San Pedro, F - - 3:...º. Plata (Sp) ... 1191 1919 | steel Gorbea & Monje. Bilbao .................... clyde-bilº" rancº Coal ................ (ex Beck Frères, &c.) (Fr) 1874 1881 Iron Mory & Co., Boulogne ...................... Tyne–Boulogne ........ Coal ................ Progress (Dg, ........ 768 | 1903 Steel Hamburg-Danzig Linie G.m.b.H., Danzig .. Burntisland Stol d Coal olpemunde ºpero (Br) ............ 1960 1920 steel Pelton S.S. Co., Ltd., Newcastle ............ | Tyne–Brussels ........ Coal ................ Portgwarra (Br) 4400 1917 steel w. E. hinde & co - - - -I- --- - ... (ardiff . . . . . . . . At Melilla - . . . . . . . Iron ºre ....... . . . . . Sagadahoc (Am) 6698 1918 Steel Argonaut S.S. Co., New York ...... Vancouver ands..."; Copper ore, lumbº New Yor - *ennsylvania (Am) .. 6400 | 1917 steel The Texas S.S. Co., Inc., New York | Port Lobos-Colon ...... - Texan (Am) 8594 | 1902 steel United American Lines, Inc., New York .... London, Hamburg, and , General. &c. | Bºston-seº.º. : - Os Angeles Trafford Mail (Br) ... =321 1905 || Steel | Ellerman Lines, Ltd. (Hall Line. º Bombay-Liverpool General, ... . . . . . . . . . - Iverpool - Erriba (Br) ............ 3345 1921 Steel | Commonwealth Gov. Line of Steamers, Hobart | Melbourne-Dunkirk General, wool Benvenue (Br) ...... 3929 1904 Steel W. Thomson & Co., Leith ......... . . . . . . . . . . Apia and º: b Copra . . . . . . . . . . . . . - amburg Andalusian (Br) ...... 3074 - 1918 steel Ellerman Lines, Ltd., Liverpool .............. Liverpool and §. - Hay, &c. . . . . . . . . . . Co. - - Constantza *::::::..., Seville) (Br) 59:4 1912 Steel T. & J. Harrison, Liverpool Calcutta viº, l Gunnies, &c. . . . . . . - lverpoo Trifels (Ge) ........ * 1922 || Steel | Deutsche Dmpfs. Ges. Hansa, Brºmen ...... Karachi-Bremen ....... Wheat, oilcake, &c. - SAIL. Charlotte A. M. Za - *::::: 668 1917 || Wood Daniel T. Gilmartin, New York ............. New York-Wilmington Cement ............ reb ( - - * ºntº. * so in 189: wood - Havana-Tampa . . . . . . Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . ei- --- - Vº (ex Argo, &c. (Ge) 2118 1902 || steel Reederei F. Laeisz G.m.b.H., Hamburg .... Hamburg–Valparaíso ... - T (ex Alauda, &c.) (No) 1401 1877 Iron Fredriksen & Moller, Mandal ....... . . . . . . . . . . . Barry ºntº, ... Coal -- ensae (b. - - - - A ºth, (Br) 643 1911 steel | Anglo-American oil Co. Ltd. (J. "º. Liverpool–Southampton | Coal moe Pe-- 1verpoo rt ºneia, (Am) (85 1877 wood John A. Gomes. – Axim-Boston ... . . . . . . . . Mahogany . . . . . . orence - - - - - ****. 863 1909 Wood R. Bruce Somerville, Pensacola .............. | Georgetown (S.C.) Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . - “. . Philadelphia MISCELLANEOUS. ich have been posted in the Loss Lost posted in NUMBER A Ni, Total, (; Ross Toxx A ºr of V. Essºls the Loss Book during the Month of March in the undermentioned years. Sprung leak, beachel Axim, 19.5. 19.2. 1921. No. Gr. Tris N. Gr. Triº. Nº. Gr. Trºs 1 tº 15 - - 1 720 6-ºrt 5. 2.229 3. 11.1b5 - 3. 2.216 4. 3.t57 2 3.49 I 3.098 - 1,087 º | 6,751 T ºn 2 40m 97.2 5 4.695 2 1.542 2 3.318 9 18,442 9 12.5º 7 21,198 - - 22 36 750 21 24.402 18 47.773 Particular---------- Wrecked Mellish Reef (17 25 S., 155 52 E. Wrecked Danae shoal 25 54 S. 55 05 E.). Wrecked Westmann Islands Wrecked Chassiron, Ile d'Oleron. Wrecked Rio de Oro W. Africa) Wrecked Elba Reef. Red Sea. Foundered about 51 54 N., 5 E. Reported foundered. Abandoned 41 19 N. 57 45 W. Abandoned off Cerigo Channel (Greece). sunk, collision with steamer Boribat. 65 miles from Singapore. Abandoned, on fire, near Santa Cruz (Cal.). Missing. Untraced. Untraced. stranded Kettleness, Mar. 6, dar-aged. Stranded Melilla; refloated, damaged. Jan. 13; refloated Stranded near Anacortes, Puget Sound: refloated, damaged. Stranded Quita Sueno Bank (14 29 N., 81 8 W.); refloated, damaged. Stranded Block Island; refloated, damage vessel and cargo. Fire. No. 2 hold, at Marseilles, damage to cargo. Fire, Nos. 3, 4 holds; put back Colombo; scuttled to extinguish; serious damage cargo; decks buckled. Fire, Nos. 2, 3 holds. cargo dar-aged; vessel seriously damaged. Fire, No. 4 lower hold, at Bizerta; damage to cargo. Fire, No. 2 hold; damage to cargo. | Fire cargo in bridge deck; serious damage cargo. Wrecked off Sandy Hook. Stranded Cabanas (Cuba), Oct., total loss. Wrecked 10 miles N. of Cane San Diego. Wrecked W. of Cape San Diego. sunk 28 miles S.W. of stack. 1922; now Total loss. Untraced. Fire, March 12, Bremerhaven cotton store No. 13, belonging to 1. h. Bachmann, containing 771 bales, more or less damaged. Totagº IAEN Jo Tsuo Iss Tuo) To lºods. Tanuuv. 226T. é 29 28T G93° 2 T26T. OOO" /, 32 622 T88° 2 O26t QQ2.26 32 AT2 1,22° 2 6T6t 999. Iºt G2 O8T TO2 * T 9TGT QQQ.I. 6? OTT *99 LT6t OOO" 6T 2.9 92T G32 9T6T OOO" 6 6/, #2T G33 gT6T 2G GA.T 9T2 #T6T 1.2 G/. 972 2-T6T 92 #TT 223 2T6T. GG 68 T63 II6T 3% 93.T 372 OL6T. 1.2 2TT 823 606T. gif 92T #T9 906t 92 4.9 T T/.7 LO6T. 92 3GT 6Tíº 906E 63 #OT O22 GO6T 2? 231 6/12 506T 99. A.OT 927 206T If T2T 69? 206T. 62 2OT 285 IO6t G2 26 #62 OO67. gif GAT OO2 668.T #2 #OT O8T 869 T TG TOT 222 1,68T G2 6OT A.33 968T 1,3 22T 2TT G68T 22 39T T2T #69T 62 32T 3T3 263 T. G3 O6 OO3 2681 22 A,6 692 T69t O2 92T 763 O63T. 92 TOT T22 683T. 62 AOT 9T3 9331 22 9TT OQT 1,88T #2 ##T G6 988T OOO" 92 OOO" LS OOO" 69 T G88T “O2 eumſ RITESTRE - - --- Xuns to pernadeo peuopu aq; q so I (süoã) 4TIng pepue T39]. * KTUIo stesse A*S*m -- 9/.T. e5 ed T26T-026T ‘O2 eunſ eoreumuroo Jo Kºrea sºroes stra of Lists of Bureau of Navigation Dept. of Commerce Loss of Steam Vessels of U. S. Year Steam & Gas Steam Only No. Tons No. Tons 1908 ll 5 44,202 1909 122 45,746 l910 190 68,295 l911 159 42,955 1912 1913 128 31,046 1914 157 94,731 1915 172 53. 708 81 5l., 269 1916 184 62, 553 87 60,312 1917 191 loã,775 88 102,426 1918 271 237, 361 146 228,391 1919 251 233,080 120 214,762 1920 197 184,962 - 108 168,364 1921 255 113,387 93 102,535 1922 175 61,998 70 55,044 Note: - Vessels reported lost during one year in a few cases may have been lost a year or two before. Begin- ning in 1915 "Steam" vessels include Steam & Motor. Motor vessels were not mentioned in previous years. List of Important Sunken Wessels Arranged in alphabetical order OWner's 3 Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Alphonso XII Point Gando, Grand Canary. l62 feet. $400,000 gold coin. Siebe, Gorman & Co. chief diver Alex. Lambert recovered seven chests containing £70,000. (R. H. Davis Manual) Ancona Soc. di Nav - a Vap. , Genoa, Italy. Near Shanghai. $1,250,000 (?). Built by Workman, Clark & Co.,Ltd., Belfast in 1908. 8210 tons. Arabic White Star Line: Oceanic Steam Nav. Co., Ltd., 30 James St. , Liverpool. 50 miles S. by W. 1/2 W. from old head of Kin- sale. (Admiralty) 450 feet. $5,000,000 (?) Tonnage 15,801. Sunk Aug. 19, 1915. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., N.Y., insured part of cargo. See N.Y. Times. Central America OWner S : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWner's 3 Location: Depth. Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Off Cape Hatteras, Va. $2,400,000 (Del Mar) Foundered in 1856. See Del Mar Mag • 9. 37. Egypt Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co., hall St., London, E. C. 3. 5.30 W. 48.15 N. (London Salv. 64 fathoms. £1,089,000 in gold and silver. in Bankers' l22 Leaden- Assoc.) Built 1897 Caird & Co., Greenock. Sunk May 20, 1922. Contract for salvage Swedish firm in Mar. 1923. Florencia arranged with Tobermory Bay, West Coast of Scotland. l2 fathoms -- sand. £2,000,000 (R. H. Davis). London Times June 12, 1903, p. 12, col. 3: Capt. Burns, Glasgow, by permission of Duke of Argyll (using map of latter 1730), re- covered relics from sandy bottom. Flagship of Florentine Squadron sent to as – sist Spanish Armada in 1588. Blown up and sunk by Highland Chief Donald Glas Mac Lean, who was held captive aboard. See Del Mar in Bankers' Magazine, 1916, p. 32. Geelong Owners: P. & O.S.N. Co. Location: Mediterranean. Depth: - Cargo : $4,000,000(?) - History: Built by Barclay, Curle & Co., Ltd., Glasgow l904 - 79.5l tons. General Grant Owners: Location: Auckland Islands. Depth: 180 feet. Cargo: $15,000,000 (Del Mar) History: Wrecked on south coast of Auckland Islands May 14, 1866. Exact location now known (?) . (Deep Sea Salv. Corp.) Golden Gate Owners : Pacific Mail S. S. Co. Location: West coast of Costa Rica. Depth: cargo; $1,500,000 (Del Mar) History: Sunk in 1862. See Del Mar in Bankers Magazine. p. 37. Scene visited by Del Mar in 1877. Grosvenor" Owners : Location: Algoa Bay, S. Africa. Depth: Cargo: Old guns. $10,000,000 (?). History: Wrecked on sand bars lºg2. Relics have been recovered. Guns and other articles in Cape Town Museum. Philippus McLachlan, 23B, of Heidel- berg, Transvaal, knows of previous attempts. Grosvenor (Continued) J. E. Seeliger, S. Africa, says west coast. See London Times, June 8, 1922. Owners : Location: Depth 156 Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Hamilla Mitchell Leuconna Reef, near Shanghai . feet. $700,000 specie. Diver Ridyard recovered $250,000. (R.H. Davis Manual). Hussar” East River. $5,000,000 (Del Mar) Suhk Nov. 25, 1780. See Del Mar in Bankers' Magazine p. 34. Islander Off Douglas Island, Near Juneau, Alaska. 320 feet. $375,000 gold dust in canvas sacks. See N.Y. Herald July 16, 1904, p. 3, col. 6 Lexington Owner's : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owner's 3 Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners: Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Long Island Sound $300,000 specia. Near Cromwell. $70,000,000 (?) Lusitania Cunard S. S. Co. 15 miles S. of Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland. (Admiralty) 285 feet. $10,000,000 (?) - Torpedoed May 7, 1915. Tonnage 30, 306. Capt. Wm. Thomas Turner saved. See. N.Y. Times May 1915. See Report of Inquiry on Loss. Lutine Lloyd's . Off Island of Vlieland, Holland. 50 feet. $5,000,000 gold. Sunk Oct. 6, 1799. Covered with sand. About $l,000,000 has been removed. 1800, 1857,188 , 1913–14. See Sc. Am. Nov. 25, 1911. See Sc. Am. May 17, 1913. Madagascar OWner's 3 Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Off Port Phillips Head. $1,000,000 (?) Margarita Mona Pasaage, near Porto Rico $7,000,000 (Del Mar) Sailed from Santo Domingo Sept. 23, 1597. Located in 1908 by group of Harvard students who had purchased yacht Mayflower. They were wrecked about same place. They left Poston May 18, 1908. (See Boston Pub. Library letter) See Del Mar in Bankers' Magazine, p. 32. Mercedes Off Point Santa Elena. $1,700,000 (?) Recovered. See Sc. Am. Mar. 12, 1910. Merida American & Cuba Mail S. S. Co., N.Y. (Ward Line) 55 miles east of Cape Charles, Va. 300 feet. l6 tons silver, & mahogany logs. (N.Y. Herald) Collision with Admiral Farragus May 12,1911. Built 1906. Gross tonnage 6207. (Bur. Nav. Lists) official No. 202864. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., Merida (Continued 5l Wall St. , N.Y. had small interest in cargo. (See letter) Lit. Dig. Sept. 17, 1921, p. 41). Several attempts at salvage. (See See N.Y. Times May 13–15, 1911. Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Miyazaki Maru Near Cherbourg in English Channel. $3,250,000 (?) Oceania. Off Beachy Head, England. 210 feet. $5,000,000. Collision with Pisagua Mar. 16, 1912. En- tire valuable cargo removed -- see clipping. Parthenon D. Diamantidia & File, Syra, Greece. Near Havre. 150 feet. $3,000,000 (?) Built 1877 - 18O8 tons. Pewabie 6 miles from Thunder Bay, Lake Huron. 185 feet. Copper. See "History of the Great Lakes, p. 778. Pewabie (Continued) See Engineering News Oct. 14, 1897. See "Inter- Ocean" -- newspaper of Chicago. See report on Leavitt Armor by E. F. M. Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Sakkaral Huamblin Island off coast of Chile. ji,500,000 (?) San Pedro de Alcantara Margarita Channel between islands of Cubagua and Coche, near Caracas. (Del Mar). $67,500,000 (Del Mar) Attempts at recovery (Del Mar) (a) A Baltimore company. (b) Venesuelan Govt. (c) Jacob Lorillard of N.Y. 1877. Severn Turks Island $500,000 (?) British Frigate. Skyro OWner's 3 Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Cape Finisterre. 18O feet. Silver bars $50,000. Recovered. See Sc. Am. Supp. Nov. 19, 1910. Siebe, Gorman & Co. has part of treasure chamber door. (R. H. Davis Manual) Spanish Galleon near Lizard Point OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: Owners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: OWners : Location: Depth: Cargo: History: 5 miles off Lizard Point on Cornish Coast. $85,000,000 (?) Wrecked in 1784. Spanish Galleons in Vigo Bay Wiga Bay 2OO feet. $60,000,000 (Del Mar) See History of Spain 1702. (Ref. Ch. viii of "20,000 Leagues"). Six of the seventeen ves- sels were raised with $20,000,000. See Del Mar in Bankers' Magazine, p. 33. See London Times, Feb. 20, 1899. Turkish & Egyptian Fleet Navarino Bay. Sunk by British. Yasaka Maru. OWners - Location: Mediterranean. Depth: Cargo: $12,500,000 (?) History: Sunk Dec. 1920 or 1921 (Leavitt.) º Attempt to salvage Gold | From Wrecked Ship Fails Bullion Worth Millions Lost Off Alaska 29 Years Ago JUNEAU, Alaska, Jan. 21 (UP).- After eight weeks of futile efforts an attempt to salvage millions of dollars worth of gold bullion lost in a steamer catastrophe twenty-nine years ago was abandoned today. that they had lost $20,000 worth of equipment when a work barge was swamped by treacherous Taku Inlet winds, and that they were forced to abandon their efforts until the summer. The salvagers had been seeking to reach the hulk of the steamer Silanda, which sank off Douglas Island in 1901, costing many lives and taking to the bottom a large cargo of gold being brought back by the miners who were returning from the Alaskan gold fields. - Sermons for Grand Mission Noon Masses and Evening Serv- 'ices Begin at Cathedral Sunday ------------- " - Monsignor M. J. Lavelle, rector of St. Wiley Brothers, Seattle, announced 28 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE dictates? Is an automobile a menace to saving?” I'm rather practical, I think, in siz- ing up the question—liberal, too. Automobiles are an essential factor in modern civilization. They bring pleasure and happiness and health. They widen horizons and therefore widen life. They educate because of the new viewpoints they afford. They save time and save youth. Ask any grandmother what she thinks of her boy's car. No more tucking away of our older folks in an arm-chair by a window—they get out—circulate–live a lot longer—live a lot happier. - As for the “affording” part of it— you'll never be able to set a law or a standard for that. Cars come in so many sizes, at so many prices, that families can get fitted, same as houses are built according to bank accounts. - Sane folks don't try to live in a fifty- thousand-dollar mansion on a twenty- -five-dollar-a-week salary. Common sense is becoming such a popular com- modity that the man with a Ford wallet doesn't order a Packard limousine. There are exceptions—I'll grant you that, but it's only after you travel a while, out in the great farming country, that you begin to fully realize how many sensible folks exist. No matter what we earn, some per- centage of it should be clipped off for pleasure. We owe it to ourselves. £; HE way you handle a bank account is very much the way Nature makes you handle her health account. All through early youth you deposit strength and vitality and power to do. Later on, you have need for it and you begin to draw. Some people do it mod- erately and always keep a balance on the books—others spend and spend and spend, until there's a smash. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sunken Treasure-Ships By ALEXANDER DEL MAR The recent organization of a company in New York, headed by well-known capitalists, for the purpose of recovering gold, silver and other treasure in sunken ships, lends time- liness to Mr. Del Mar's interesting account of the many treasure-bearing ships that have been sent below the waves in one way or another.—Editor. O M P R E H E N S I V E investiga- tions concerning the produc- tion, consumption and holdings of the precious metals have conclusively shown that of the entire amount known to have been taken from the earth or wrested from the natives of America and the Orient, since the opening of the six- teenth century, two-thirds have gone into the arts, been interned, or buried in secret hoards, or lost from abrasion and shipwreck. This comprehensive result was attained by comparing the whole amount of gold and silver acquired with the entire stock on hand in the known world. Its substantial trustworthiness must therefore be conceded. The de- tails may be questioned, but the main conclusion is incontestable. Down to the present date the amount of treasure acquired by the known world has been about thirty billion dol- lars; the entire stock of coins and bul- lion on hand, both East and West, is THE BANKERS MAGAZINE 29 eleven billions; the sum to be accounted for is therefore nineteen billions. Of this it has been estimated that there is permanently embodied in works of art, not liable to be taken to the mints, about eight billions; buried in the earth or hidden in other hoards (chiefly in Asia), six billions; lost by the abrasion of coins in the course of 400 years, three billions; lost by the abrasion of other objects made wholly or in part of the precious metals, one billion; sunk in ships and not yet raised or recov- ered, one billion; total, nineteen billions —$19,000,000,000. From this estimate it appears that a sum equal to about a tithe of the entire stock of coins and bullion on hand in the world, that is to say about one bil- lion, lies at the bottom of the sea; and much of it in situations accessible to divers with apparatus capable of work- ing at a depth of thirty to ninety fath- oms from the surface. It has been stated in the public press that such a device has been recently invented and successfully tested by a new salvage company: that, for example, the treas- ure which is sunk in the Lusitania can be recovered. This vessel lies at the bottom, off the coast of Ireland, at a depth of eighty-odd fathoms. If the statements are reliable and the oper- ators are not molested, the golden freight of that noble but unfortunate ship may yet see the light. But indeed the treasure of the Lusi- tania, whatever may be its value, is small compared with the many other treasures sunk on the coasts of America, the West Indies Islands, Spain, Portu- gal and the Orient. It is the most nota- ble of these treasures that are now proposed to be described, and so far as is known, located. º SPANISH AMERICA IVE different routes were adopted by the plate-ships from America to Spain and its colonies in Asia and Africa. First, from Mexico or from Peru, via Panama, to the Gulf of Mex- ico, and thence by way of Havana into the Atlantic. Second, from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, by way of the Pearl Coast or “Terra Firma,” into the Atlantic. (By the way, this coast had the native name of Amaraca ages before the baptismal name of Emerigo Vespucci was foisted upon it by the German cartographers.) Third route, from Mexican, Peruvian and Chilean ports on the west coast by way of Cape Horn or else Magellan Straits, into the Atlantic. Fourth, from ports on the west coast, by way of Cape Mendocino, to the Philippines. Fifth, from ports on the west coast, by way of Cape Horn or the Straits and the coast of Brazil, east to Sierra Leone and north to Cadiz. The Portuguese took a similar route from Brazil to Lisbon. It was the danger of these last two routes from buccaneers and “pyrats” that led Charles V and Philip II to send corps of Flemish engineers to survey the Isthmus of Panama, with the design of cutting a ship canal through that ob- struction. Nothing but lack of funds prevented the fruition of these early projects. (Dr. Peter Heylin’s “Mikro- cosmos,” 1631, p. 788.) It is along the coasts of these various routes that most of the wrecks of treasure ships are sunk. Following is a record of some of them. # SIXTEENTH CENTURY 1502. While Columbus was on his fourth voyage, seeking to find a water passage to the Indies through the coast of Central America. Ovando was ap- pointed governor of Hispaniola by Fer- dinand, the avid king of Spain, whose object was not so much geographical discovery, as the acquisition of gold. In pursuance of his master's instruc- tions Ovando stopped at no rigors or cruelties in forcing the natives to pro- duce the coveted metal from the reluc- tant streams of that island. The fiend- ish measures he adopted will everlast- ingly stain the annals of his native country. It is enough to say that he cut off the hands or otherwise tortured - 30 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE the caciques who failed to bring in the official quota of metal, among others the faithful and beautiful female chieftain Ana-Caona and her young daughter, both of whom he ordered to be ignominiously treated and cruelly hung upon a charge of conspiracy; really because the un- happy prisoners were unable to find the required tribute of gold. Among the ill-gotten produce yielded to his avarice was a nugget worth about $6,000, the largest that had been found, or that ever has been found in Hispaniola. It was turned over by a rake in the hands of a poor woman washing for gold in one of the little streams that fertilizes the island. This nugget, together with other gold, amounting altogether to about 200,000 castellanos, equal in fine metal, to say, a billion dollars of the present day, the “product of nearly two years of unexampled cruelty and op- pression,” says. Prescott, was shipped on the fleet commanded by Francisco de Bobadilla, bound to Spain. In a hur- ricane which assailed the fleet shortly after it left port, the entire treasure was lost. It still lies on the coast of His- paniola, in not any great depth of water and may yet be recovered. That nug- get, to revive the memory of its ill-fated finder and her sovereign queen Ana- Caona, would be worth to-day almost as much as the rest of Bobadilla's golden cargo. 1522. Dec. 20. Eighty-eight thou- sand pesos in gold bars, the wardrobe of Montezuma and numerous jewels and precious stones, among them “pearls the size of hazel nuts,” shipped by Cortes to the sovereigns of Spain, Charles and Juana, were captured by a French cor- sair named the “Jean Florin.” (Helps', “Spanish Conquest,” iii, 16.) It is be- lieved that the “Jean Florin” never reached port, having been wrecked on the coast of France. 1573, Aug. 9. Sir Francis Drake re- turned to England from a roving voyage on the Spanish Main with such a quan- tity of gold and silver, chiefly gold, that he was able to divide 4,700 per cent. net on the stock of the “adventurers” who had fitted him out. This did not include the booty which he was obliged to bury in the raided lands and which may never be recovered. (“Merchants' Mappe of Commerce,” 1683.) “When in the sixteenth century Spain discovered gold in America, all Furope scented the prey and was moved with an unlawful desire to share it. These yearnings and the depredations that fol- lowed led to the organization of the Spanish flota, a convoyed fleet of plate- ships, and the establishment of haberia, an insurance tax. The flota was dis- patched every six months alternately from Mexico and South America to the port of San Lucar, near Cadiz. But even this precaution was destined to be defeated. Designs upon the plate-ships assumed a more systematic and formi- dable character. Quarrels were fixed upon Spain on various frivolous pre- texts. War was declared against her, and privateers were dispatched from al- most every port in Europe to snatch from her a portion of the coveted wealth which she was wresting so rapidly and cruelly from America. Rovers, with and without government pennants, sailed from France, England and Holland, in times both of war and peace, who in- tercepted the Spanish galleons and plundered the Spanish-American mining towns and bullion depositories. Upon Admiral Drake's return from his second cruise (1580) it was publicly charged that “his pretence of desiring to circum- navigate the globe might serve to amuse the vulgar, but that in point of fact the main business that he had in view was plunder, of which he had already ob- tained enough to exempt the nation from taxes for seven years.” Upon the com- plaint of Philip II that Drake's pro- ceedings were piracies, England virtu- ally admitted the justice of the charge by restoring a portion of the booty. “The coasts of New Granada were ravaged by privateers and others in 1572; Mexico, 1576; Nombre de Dios, 1576; Peru and Chile, 1577; Paita, 1586; Guatulco, 1578; Carthagena, 1581; San Domingo, with immense booty, 1586; Santa Marta, Guiana and settlements on the Orinoco, 1595; and even Cadiz in Spain, 1587, and again in 1596, with a loss to the Spaniards in gold and silver, ships' stores and war material, amounting in value to twenty- THE BAN KERS MAGAZINE 31 seven million gold ducats, about seventy million dollars. In the following cen- tury Vera Cruz was plundered, 1608; St. Thomas and other settlements on the Orinoco, 1617; Matanzas, 1628, with a booty of 11,600,000 guilders, about fifty million dollars; Maracaibo, 1666; Porto Bello, 1670; St. Catherine, 1671; Panama, with enormous booty, 1671; Vera Cruz, with ransoms of a million dollars, a great quantity of other plun- der and 1,500 slaves, 1683; Campeachy, 1685; and Carthagena, with eight mil- lion dollars in silver, 1697. Before the middle of the seventeenth century buc- caneering was a well-organized pursuit, and the desperate characters who fol- lowed it were in possession of armed ships and boats, fortified islands and other effective means of offence and se- curity.” (Halcyon Age of Europe, p. 4.) The navigators, discoverers and con- querors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, forgetting the previous ages of chivalry, had yielded to and un- chained the passion of avarice; every prince in Europe was inflamed with it; and so fatal was its corroding power that it destroyed such of the discoverers themselves as failed to continually feed the venal flame. Columbus was laden with chains, Cortes was suffered to die in poverty, Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower, and Pizarro was assassi- nated. On the contrary, those who could continue to lay riches at the feet of their sovereigns were rewarded with favors and dignities. Blake had been a shop- boy, Drake a Devonshire peasant, Mor- gan a Welsh pigherd; yet all of them, and others like them, who had no fam- ilies to uphold, no reputations to lose, were elevated to rank and honor. The pernicious doctrines of Machiavelli were in the air; every court was familiar with them. Success, no matter how achieved, whether through treachery, piracy, poi- son, or the dagger; success, wealth, power; these were the sole criteria of merit and the only roads to distinction. Success—or poverty, obscurity and death. 1580, Nov. 3. Captain (soon to be Sir Francis) Drake, who had sailed from Plymouth in 1577 with five ves- million dollars. sels and 16 adventurers on a voyage of plunder to South America, pillaged the Spanish settlements in Chile and Peru, captured near Panama the “Cac- afuego," a Spanish galleon with thir- teen chests of coined money, eighty pounds weight of gold, twenty-six tons weight of silver bullion, besides wrought plate and jewelry to a vast amount. Sailing north and landing on the coast of California, he impudently claimed the entire region for his sov- ereign. Fearful of capture, for he was overburdened with booty, he sailed westward around the world and ar- rived safely in England. Here the Queen (Elizabeth) received him with favor, dined him, knighted him, and shared his spoil. (Lopez Vaz: Apple- ton, vii.) - 1586. In a subsequent voyage Sir F. Drake (it is well to be particular about the name, because there were two Drakes and two Blakes in the same trade) attacked the Spanish flota, cap- tured some of the galleons and sunk others heavily laden with treasure. In 1587 Cavendish captured the “Santa Anna,” Spanish treasure ship, off the coast of Mexico, with 122 pounds weight of gold and other spoil. On June 18, 1589, George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, commonly alluded to by his own countrymen as “the prince of pirates,” took two Spanish galleons, one off San Juan de Ulloa, with gold, silver, etc., valued at half a This prize, on being sent to Europe, was wrecked off the coast of Cornwall, where the treasure, if not subsequently fished up by a treacherous crew, still awaits the wrecker. His remaining prizes yielded the earl 100 per cent, on his entire out- lay. - 1592. Sir John Burrough captured the “Madre de Dios,” Spanish treasure ship, off the Azores, with gold, silver, etc., valued at $750,000. 1593. On his second voyage, the Earl of Cumberland, with nine ships, captured twelve Spanish merchantmen off the coast of Portugal and several others in the West Indies, with immense treasure. 1597. Admiral, the earl of Fssex, 32 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE Lord Thomas Howard and Sir Walter Raleigh, with 120 ships, scoured the Gulf of Mexico, capturing a number of Spanish vessels and driving others to shipwreck on the South American and West Indian coasts. Upon his third voyage the Earl of Cumberland, with twenty-three ships, captured a number of Spanish vessels in the West Indies, but no particulars are given of their booty or its disposition. (Bourae, vol. ii.) 1587. One hundred Spanish vessels went down before Sir Francis Drake's guns in Cadiz harbor. Ten thousand tons of shipping and a considerable lad- ing of American treasure were the for- feit. The particulars are given above. It is known that efforts have been made to recover the treasure; but with what measure of success has not definitely transpired. 1588, July 19. The Spanish armada having been defeated in the Channel by the English, the surviving ships at- tempted to escape capture by sailing to the north of Scotland. A number of them were wrecked on the Scottish coast with several millions in treasure, some of which is believed to still lie at bottom of the bays and firths. 1598. The Spanish galleon “Good Jesus,” bound from the Isthmus of Pan- ama to Spain, was lost on the coast with two millions dollars in gold and silver. (Howland, “Ocean Story.”) 1597. The Spanish galleon “Mar- garita” was driven ashore near Puerto Rico with $7,000,000 in gold. This wreck was located in 1898 by a party of students from Hartford, whose ef- forts to recover the buried treasure are said to have been of too inexperienced a character to meet with success. Casting a retrospective glance over the treasure records of the sixteenth century, though it must be conceded that the successful naval commanders were neither wanting in courage nor dash, their cruises against Spain and Portugal were animated less by patri- otism than avarice; stained moreover with cruelty and bad faith. Their own countrymen, both in England and Hol- land, called them “pirates.” Let it be remembered that no cause of war had occurred between England and Spain; that several treaties of amity and com- merce had been recently exchanged be- tween them; that Catherine, the wife of Henry VIII, was a Spanish prin- cess: that Philip I and Queen Juana had been invited to share and partook the royal hospitalities of Windsor; that their son, the emperor Charles V, had afterwards been similarly welcomed; that while the king of England effu- sively embraced his imperial visitor, Wolsey, the king's prime minister, ac- cepted his presents, with knowledge of his master; finally, that Philip II of Spain was also the king of England, until disgust with the venality of the court is said to have been among the reasons which induced him to volunta- rily vacate the throne and return to his native country. § SEVENTEENTH CENTURY AFTER the English aggressors came the Dutch. The restraint imposed upon the Flemish princes during the reign of Charles and Juana was aban- doned when Philip II mounted the throne of Spain. Buccaneering opera- tions began early in the seventeenth century. When the Netherlands suc- ceeded in equipping a sufficiently pow- erful navy, buccaneering was followed by atacks of a more formidable charac- ter. The naval hero of this period was Peter Hein. Until 1623 he was vice- admiral under Admiral Jacob Wille- kens, when for services rendered in the East Indies he was transferred to the scene of his greatest exploits—the West Indies. He got to work at once. 1623. Admiral Peter Hein, com- manding the Atlantic fleet of the Neth- erlands, encountered the Spanish flota from round the Horn, off the coast of Brazil, pursued a number of the gal- leons into shoal water, and sank or cap- tured several others, the latter with rich booty. What became of the escaped galleons we are not informed. 1628. Admiral Hein, now com- manding a fleet of thirty-nine ships, THE BANKERS MAGAZINE 33 nominally fitted out by the Dutch West India Company, fell in with the flota September 8, when the Spaniards, to cover their treasure, ran into Matanzas Bay, Island of Cuba. Hein, on the next day, succeeded in making himself master of the whole fleet, with its rich lading, amounting in value to more than 11,600,000 florins, nearly $30,000,000. For this important service he was raised to the rank of Admiral of Holland. An examination of the Spanish plate-ship registers leads to the belief that the most valuable portion of the original lading, the gold, was dropped during the night into the waters of the bay. + is doubtful whether or not any of this treasure was afterwards recovered. 1637. A treasure-ship bound from Peru to Spain, richly laden with silver bullion, was sunk by privateers near the mouth of the Rio de la Plata. More precise location of the wreck not given. Fifty years later (1687) Captains Phips and Alderly, with the aid of divers, recovered nearly two millions of the treasure. The share of Phips was $1,500,000; of Alderly, $200,000. (“Out on the Deep,” p. 25.) 1656. Notwithstanding the greater strength of Cadiz, to which place the Spaniards had transferred their home port for the flota, the indomitable Ad- miral Blake, like his predecessor Drake, had the temerity to attack it directly after the flota arrived from America. With the exception of one galleon, on board of which he captured two million dollars, he succeeded in sinking the entire fleet, whose valuable lading, amounting in value to many millions of dollars, still lies at the bot- tem of the bay. Many efforts have been made to recover the treasure, with only partial success, the bulk of it re- maining beyond reach. 1657. In the following year Blake repeated this exploit off the Isle of Ten- eriffe, one of the Canaries, where he encountered and sank the entire Spanish plate fleet, not a single ship escaping. The treasure sent to the bottom on this occasion was far greater than that of the preceding year and the conse- quences to the Spanish crown were most disastrous. (Anderson, “Hist. Com.") 1697. The Buccaneers' fleet, sunk this year in the West Indies by a com- bined squadron of English and Dutch ships, had on board a spoil of over a million dollars. (Ibid.: “Out of the Deep," p. 18.) After the peace of Ryswick, 1697, at- tacks upon the Spanish plate fleets ceased until, after a period, new circumstances arose to revive them: so that the loss of treasure in ships dur- ing the eighteenth century was greater than it had ever been before. We can only find room for a few notable cases. º: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 1702. Sir Robert Rooke, command- ing a combined fleet of English and Dutch ships destined to intercept the Spanish flota from Havana to Cadiz, upon receiving confidential intelligence that the flota had altered its course to Vigo, and with the design to undertake its capture separately, left his faithful ally uninformed and stood for Vigo. The flota consisted of thirty treasure galleons with sixty millions in gold and silver, besides other valuable merchan- dise, the whole convoyed by a squadron of Spanish and French war vessels. Seven of the galleons were unloaded, when Rooke, sending into the harbor a detachment of fire ships, succeeded in destroying all the enemies' men-of-war and seventeen of the galleons. Seven of the galleons were sunk unburnt by the British fire and six were captured with a booty of $13,000,000 in silver. The English coins struck from this spoil are stamped “Vigo.” (Humphrey's “Coins,” pp. 93, 253). For this “bril- liant action” Rooke had to sustain an awkward parliamentary inquiry, from which, however, he emerged with a spot- less reputation and the rank of a Privy Counsellor. The Dutch account is somewhat different. The lost galleons, containing about $47,000,000 in the precious metals, have 34 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE given rise to many attempts for the re- covery of the treasure. In 1883 the Vigo Bay Treasure Co. of San Fran- cisco (Col. John E. Gowen, of Sebasto- pol sunken-ship fame, president), re- ported that they had excavated the mud from about the “Almirante,” forty-four guns, which had been commanded by Admiral Manuel de Velasco, and hoped to bring her to the surface with all her treasure. But the attempt evidently proved a failure, for we hear of a new effort, this time by a French company in 1899 (“Times,” Feb. 20, 1899), which also proved unsuccessful. Reports of “unsuccess” must, however, not be taken too freely. In the salvage of treasure there are wheels within wheels. 1745. A Spanish galleon laden with about $2,500,000 in gold and silver was captured by her own mutinous crew and beached on Santos Islands, south of Madeira. (Dr. Kennedy, of Brooklyn; no further details were given.) 1743 (June). The Manilla galleon (Spanish) laden with gold and silver to the value of over $1,500,000 was cap- tured by Admiral Lord George Anson, who had lain in wait for it at Macao. Together with the booty previously ac- quired on the same voyage (he had plundered Paita on his way north from Cape Horn), he arrived at Spithead a year later with $8,000,000 in specie. (Penny Encyc.) 1788. Campeachy, on the west coast of Yucatan, was sacked by the British in 1659 and by the buccaneers or pirates in 1678 and 1685. On the last named oecasion the outlaws brought in a Span- ish galleon richly laden with the pre- cious metals, whose crew managed to sink her in the bay. Two hundred years later a submarine steam vessel was in- vented in Boston especially designed to work upon wrecked ships at unusual depths. She was placed on exhibition at Lewis’ wharf in April, 1886, and sailed April 24 for the Bay of Cam- peachy, where “Captain Grey had de- signs upon the cargo of a Spanish ves- sel wrecked in fifty fathoms in 1788”; probably the old galleon of 1685. The result of this adventure has not trans- pired. 1798 (June 10). The British pri- vateer bark “De Braak,” cruising on the Spanish Main (Amarca), had cap- tured two Spanish galleons richly laden with the precious metals. Making her way to England with her prizes, by way of the Gulf Stream and the American coast, the De Braak, with one of her prizes in tow, called the “La Plata,” foundered near the Capes of the Dela- ware, together with her prize and all of their valuable cargoes, consisting among other treasure of 900,000 Spanish dou- bloons, valued at fifteen million dollars. Other accounts say five to seven million dollars. The San Francisco “Bulletin” of January 18, 1882, said forty millions. In 1814 and in several subsequent years attempts were made to locate the wreck and recover the bullion. In one of these adventures, that of 1877, Dr. Pancoast, of Philadelphia, a friend of Gen. Ulysses Grant, was interested. In 1887 a powerful steam tug and wrecking schooner, with experienced divers, a working crew of ten men and all neces- sary apparatus, including steam boilers, pumps, etc., arrived at the Capes. This party at once endeavored to recover the treasure, though with what measure of success is not known. The wrecking schooner was the “William P. Orr.” The sunken treasure is believed to lie in about eight or nine fathoms of water. (Phila. “Dispatch,” June 18, 1887.) The “Hussar,” sunk in the East River November 25, 1780, with nearly five millions of specie, and the “Lutine,” sunk on the coast of the Zuyder Zee October 6, 1799, with double as much, belong indeed to this century; but not to the sunken treasures of Spanish America. So they are passed by. 1812. The Spanish galleon “San Pedro de Alcantara” was blown up this year in the Margarita chamnel, between the islands of Cubagua and Coche, on the Spanish Main, near Caracas, with $32,000,000 in gold doubloons and other treasure; together amounting to $67,- 500,000. Attempts at recovery have been made by a Baltimore company, by the Venezuelan government and by Jacob Lorillard, of New York, the last one in 1877; but without success. THE BANKERS MAGAZINE 35 1820. Story of the Cocos Island treasure. The royalists of Peru, having taken refuge in Callao from the revolu- tionists, dispatched their coined money, plate and jewels, valued at several mil- lion dollars, in a ship consigned to friendly hands abroad. The crew of this vessel treacherously rose upon its commander, took possession of the ship and steered for the Cocos Island in the Pacific, about 500 miles west of Pan- ama. There the treasure" was buried, awaiting a favorable opportunity for its removal and division. About twenty years ago, believing the treasure to be still hidden on the island, Messrs. Rob- inson, of Streatham, a suburb of Lon- don, after obtaining a concession from the government of Costa Rica, formed a company, headed by Earl Fitzwilliam and ex-Admiral Palliser, R. N., to search for the treasure. The expedition started from Panama in the yacht “Veronica” about 1904, found the island. commenced exploring, met with a serious accident from the careless use of dynamite, and returned to Panama January 4, 1904; though without reporting their success. At a more recent date, Captain James Brown, of Boston, Mass., formerly in the Australian treasure ship trade, start- ed a new company to search for the Co- cos treasure, averring that he had been with the previous party and they had found and removed part of the treasure to a small island near Samoa, though for what reason does not satisfactorily appear. Capt. Brown's party started from San Francisco in the schooner “Herman,” with what adventures, real or fanciful, may be read in any one of the several romances founded on this af- fair. # BRAZIL THE gold mines of Brazil, from which the well-known doblons, joes and half-joes were coined, yielded from their discovery to 1872, when slavery was abolished, about one thousand mil- lion dollars, or nearly as much as Cali- fornia. Yet but few literary works con- tain an account of this vast product of the precious metals, or of its influence upon the affairs of Europe. The placers of Minhas Geraes were opened by Se- bastien Fernandes Tourinho in 1570 and proved so rich that by the year 1605 Portugal was almost bereft of her young men in their haste to reach the mines of Brazil. While these cruel adven- turers were torturing and flogging the Indian natives and negro slaves to speed their work at the mines, the Dutch laid in wait off the coasts to plunder and sink their gold ships bound to Portugal. So early as 1572 the plate fleet bound from Rio to Lisbon with gold weighing half a million crusados was captured by the Dutch. (Motley, “Dutch Repub- lic,” 476). In many instances the gal- leons when attacked preferred rather to sink than surrender. Indeed, the entire shores of Brazil are lined with these ill- gotten and abandoned treasures. In 1624 the Dutch captured and plun- dered San Salvador with immense booty. From 1630 to 1636 they sacked nearly all the Portuguese settlements on the coasts of Brazil and established Dutch colonies in their places. It was not until 1654 that the Portuguese regained pos- session of the country and not until 1680 that the registers of the gold ships were made public. The British and even the French snatched at the gold of Minhas Geraes. In 1650 Admiral Blake cap- tured two Brazilian galleons in the Tagus, with half a million dollars' worth of gold (Appleton). So late as 1711 Dogne–Tronin, a French corsair, in- vested the city of Rio Janeiro, which he only released for a ransom of 70,000 crusados. The most productive period of the Brazilian mines was 1730-40, when the output was about $20,000,000 a year. In the “early days” the price of corn at the mines was one pound weight of gold per bushel. The same price was paid for salt. A drove of cattle deliv- ered at the gold mines of Goyaz and Matto Grosso sold, flesh and bone to- gether for an ounce and a half of gold, or $30 per pound. Commodities and services were so dear that with their pockets full of gold, many even of the 36 THE BAN KERS MAGAZINE free miners perished from disease and starvation. The sufferings of the slaves and cautivos are indescribable. (Mac- greggor, iv., 144.) Coinage, always a prerogative of the Crown, commenced for Brazil in 1694. As in Portugal, it lowered the value of gold bullion and correspondingly raised that of coins. On the register of a plate ship sunk near Bahia and raised toward the end of the eighteenth cen- tury, was endorsed a valuation of fine gold equal to only seventy per cent. of its value when coined. In 1694 it took two and a half times as much bullion, or uncoined gold, to purchase a given com- modity as it did of coined gold. The same thing afterwards happened in the “early days” of California, when an ounce of fine bullion was commonly paid in trade at the rate of half a doubloon, or eight dollars; its value when coined being $20.67. The gold product of Brazil, 1680 to 1803, was computed by Humboldt at 855 million dollars; Danson, same inter- val, 922 millions; Dr. Southey (1680 to 1807), 1,125 millions; Del Mar (1670- 1880), 900 millions (History of the Precious Metals, 2nd ed’n.). - In all these estimates an allowance of from one-fifth to one-fourth is made for smuggling, secreting and misadven- ture; it having been a custom with the mining slaves (especially the white ones, who were mostly condemned mal- efactors) to secrete as much gold as they could, in the hope of being able to re- cover it at some future time, should they regain their liberty. But in a region so vast and at that time so desolate as the mining regions of Brazil, escape only meant death from starvation; so that most of these hoards of despair remain buried to the present day. Accident oc- casionally reveals one of them. As a rule it consists of an isolated nugget of unusual size, an unmarked memorial of the condemned. No comprehensive account appears to have ever been published of the Portu- guese plate-ships sunk on the coasts of Brazil and Algarve, but the insurance rate, the convoy duty and the great dis- crepancy between the official accounts of gold produced, those registered in the fleet, and those received at the Casa de Fundigao in Portugal, indicate a loss of treasure exceeding a hundred million. During the early days the number of plate-ships was rarely more than one per month, but as the mines grew in im- portance the number of such ships rose to nine and even twelve per month. Of these vessels one-third left Portugal for Rio in January, one-third for Bahia in February, and one-third for Pernambuco in March. Insurance on the double voy- age (from Portugal with merchandise, from Brazil with gold) was eleven per cent., of which four per cent was as- signed to the outward and seven per cent. to the inward, or gold-laden, voy- age. Add to this, carriage to the coast, one per cent. , quinto, twenty per cent.: derechos, fifteen per cent.: commissions, two per cent., and convoy duty, five per cent.—together one-half the value of the product. To escape these exactions the miners ran every risk. They smuggled their gold from the mines in the dark- ness, conveyed it to the coast over moun- tain ranges, forest paths and across un- bridged rivers. Finally they shipped it in privateers from obscure coves on the sea coast, where many of their ships were sent to the bottom by Portuguese or foreign cruisers, and where they lie to this day. 1572. One of the first, if not the very first, plate-ships from Brazil to Lisbon, laden with bullion to the amount of half a million golden crusados, was captured by the Dutch. (Motley’s “Dutch Re- public,” p. 476.) It is a singular coin- cidence that the first plate-ships of Spain and Portugal should both have met with disaster. 1650. While blockading three ves- sels of the royal fleet which had found refuge in the harbor of Lisbon, Admiral Robert Blake, the “General,” as he was titled, of the Cromwellian navy, cap- tured no less than twenty Portuguese galleons which were returning, without suspicion of hostilities, to their home port; some of them richly laden. (Ap- pleton, iii.) THE BAN KERS MAGAZINE 37 CALIFORN IA AND AUSTRALIA 1856. The first great shipwreck of treasure from the mines of California was unhappily accompanied with cor- responding loss of life. The unfortunate vessel was the American steamship “Central America,” which, almost at the termination of a long voyage, within a day or two of her destined port, foun- dered off Cape Hatteras in a violent tempest, with a lading of gold valued at $2,400,000. 1856. The second great wreck of treasure ships since the “early days" of the modern Golden Age was that of the “Madagascar,” bound from Australia to England with a valuable lading of gold dust and nuggets, almost the first aurif- erous fruits of the great island continent. As the vessel was never heard from again, she is supposed to have foundered at sea, with all on board. The value of her golden cargo has been variously esti- mated in newspaper accounts at two to three million dollars. 1859 (October). The British steamer “Royal Charter,” from Australia, with four million dollars in gold, was wrecked during a frightful gale on the coast of Wales, near Moel fra or Moll- fra, with all her lading and nearly all of her passengers and crew. Like the “Central America,” she was within a day of her destined port, almost within sight of “home"; yet, life and fortune, all was lost. In this case a portion of the treasure has been recovered, yet there still remains enough unfound to stimulate further attempts. 1860. British steamer “Thunderer.” bound from Calcutta to China, lost at the mouth of the Hoogly with $1,500,- 000 in treasure, part of which was of California origin. 1862. American steamer “Golden Gate,” San Francisco to Panama, wrecked on shores of Costa Rica, with $1,500,000 in gold. The scene of this wreck was visited by the writer in 1877. The vessel lies totally submerged be- neath the waters of a small bay with sandy shores rent by furious breakers. No account published of any attempts to recover the treasure. It is, however, believed that such attempts have been made. 1862. American ship “Phantom,” San Francisco to Hong Kong, wrecked with ten million dollars in California gold. (Wreck Register.) 1863. Hamburg bark “George Sand," wrecked on Pratas Shoals, China Sea. with $13,000,000 in California gold. (Wreck Register.) 1866. Ship “Gen. Grant,” wrecked on the Auckland Islands, with $15,000.- 000 in gold. 1871. American steamer “America." burnt in harbor of Yokohama, with about $1,250,000 in Mexican silver dol- lars, all of which was recovered and sent to the San Francisco (Cal.) mint. 1871. American Steamer “Japan,” wrecked twelve miles from Swatow, China, with about $1,500,000 in Amer- ican “trade" dollars. of which about $300,000 has since been recovered. 1901 (August). Canadian steamer “Islander," from Skagway, wrecked in fifty fathoms of water off Douglas Is- land, Alaska, “with a hundred passen- gers and crew, besides half a million (dollars) of Klondike treasure.” “The purser's safe with a portion of the treas- ure was located by means of a steel “cage' invented by Capt. W. M. Smith, of Milwaukee.” (N. Y. “Times,” July 16, 1904.) 1902. German steamer “Sakkarah,” Captain Pfening, one of the Cosmos Line of Hamburg, was wrecked on the island of Huamblin, 100 miles south of Chile, with $1.500,000 in American gold coin, which was being remitted to Europe by the Chilean government. Leaving Valparaiso April 24, she socn afterward became a total loss. The cir- cumstances are strange. No accounts have been published of attempts to re- cover the treasure. {} ERF we must pause. Were the ac- count to include shipwrecks of treas- ure involving losses merely of a few thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, it might fill a volume. Man is 38 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE a dangerous animal, and the sea is silent. Although steam vessels, wireless calls for help, and other inventions and de- vices have tended to greatly lessen mar- itime risks, yet the pending war has re- vived them to such an extent that not until peace is re-established shall we know of the great losses of treasure which irresponsible submarines and hos- tile mines have sent to the bottom. The treasure wrecks of 1914-17, though they have not touched this country directly, may prove in future to have no negligi- ble bearing upon its affairs. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Intensified Cultivation of Old Business By W. R. MOREHOUSE, Assistant Cashier German-American Trust and Savings Bank, Los Angeles HE great farms of our Eastern States and the corresponding large western ranches are being rapidly subdivided into smaller parcels of land. In other words, the day of the great American farms of thousands of acres is fast passing away. Scientific use of the soil is responsi- ble for the dismemberment of these large empires. Intensified cultivation is coming to be regarded as the secret of successful farming. With every ad- vance in scientific farming, the old ar- gument that quantity of production depends upon the number of acres under cultivation is contradicted. In the light of progress, the farmer who produces only a small crop is re- garded as a poor farmer. Usually his failure is due to the fact that he merely scratches over vast surfaces instead of setting the plow deep into the sub-soil of limited acreage. As bankers, we are doing no better in our line than is the farmer who still clings to the old idea that production depends altogether on a large acreage. For more than two decades banks have been confining their efforts to spreading out individually and collect- ively, with a view to wielding an influ- ence on as much prospective business as possible, and in order to satisfy this ambition have neglected to develop and make profitable much of the business already on their books. Figuratively speaking, we have been scratching over the surface of territory so large in ex- tent as to be unwieldy, and without cul- tivating the business we already have so as to make it produce more abundantly. When a stranger moves into certain of our American cities, it is said “there is a scramble among the banks to see who shall secure his account.” The ob- ject of the scramble is to “land” the stranger for an account in the least pos- sible time, and then, we are told, “the business-getting banks dash away after other prospects.” How unfortunate that in these cases no thought whatever is given as to what is to become of these depositors once they are secured. After all, under conditions like these, there is no legitimate right to complain when upon an analysis of accounts banks find hundreds that are dormant. § WHY ACCOUNTS BECOME DORMANT ANY of the reasons for inactivity (lack of growth) in accounts may be traced back to the beginning of the account. Lectures on Admiralty Law Lieut. Comm. W. H. Faust "In Rem" means relating to the thing itself. "In personam" means relating to the person. Admiralty jurisdiction as late as 1883 included only the sea and the tide waters within the ebb and flow of the tide. "Jenisee Chief" 5 Howard 441 - Makes jurisdiction in- clude all navigable waters where commerce is carried on between states or with foreign countries. Artificial waterways are under admiralty jurisdiction if they con- nect or extend to navigable highways. Navigability is the primary condition essential to admiralty jurisdic- tion. Test of jurisdiction: l. Navigability. 2. Animos navigenda. Cook vs. Vallet Dry Dock Co. ll 9 U.S. 625. A ship in course of construction is not under admiralty jurisdiction. Rights from contracts are maritime when they deal with ships. Rights from torts are maritime when they coour on public waterways. See ll Wallace l. Vessels in port for winter are not under adm. juris. Seamans' Act Mar. 4, 1915 55 par. 82–87 U.S. Statutes. Courts favor seamen as opposed to masters. In case of salvage, seamens' wages have prior lien on ship and cargo. Cargoes and ships are almost always insured. Owners should notify underwriters soon after disaster, giving them description of disaster with location of the ship. When insurance is paid, underwriters become "owners" of vessel and cargo. Offering information to underwriters: Lorrey vs. ----- 9 Queen's Bench 977 9 t? " 531 Seaworthiness refers to hull, outfit and crew. A contract containing an illegality is void. Peril of the seas. Doe vs. N.Eng. Ins. Co. 2 Clifford 394. Total loss is apparent. - Constructive total loss may become total loss. Lectures on Admiralty Page 2 Title of sunken ship reverts to underwriters at time of loss. Bottomry bonds. "General Smith" 4 Wheaton 436 l819. 2l Wallace 558 Distinction between U.S. and foreign vessels has al- most disappeared since Merchant Marine Act of 1920 & Act of June 23, 1910. , "Foreign port" may mean only another state. Contract for shipbuilding is not maritime and cannot be made so by statute. A stevedore is a workman who loads a ship and stows her cargo. His work is maritime. Statutes are subject to repeal. Towage is moving of an uninjured vessel by another. Tug is responsible for collision of tow. A tug is not a common carrier. Salvage is one of oldest cases in maritime jurisdiction. There is no parallel to it in common law although equit- able principles are used in it. There is no contract in its case. But nowadays it very frequently springs from a contract, -- almost always. Price need not be mentioned. It is implied. Salvage is reward for service rendered to maritime property in danger, and by those who are not responsible for saving it. Salvage includes raising a sunken ship or cargo. Salvage Statute 1912 37 U.S. Statutes Aug. 1, 1912 Law Reports 3 A.& E. 556 (English) Success is essential to claim for salvage. 6 Probate Div. 193 (+nglish) Salvage = expenses plus reward as bounty to encourage practice. In computing amount of salvage the following points are considered: Value of vessel in danger. Risk of salvors. Value saved and proportion Necessity of help. Life involved. Skill of salvors. Value of equipment used. Time involved. Labor used. Salvors are responsible for damages to third party. Notes on Admiralty Law "The Law of the Sea" by Geo. L. Canfield. First finder of abandoned wreck has full rights against other salvors. Eades vs. Brazelton 22 Ark. 499. "America" -- cargo of lead. "Marine Insurance" by Winters. In appendix: British Act of 1906. P. 403 Art. 63 "Ownership goes to underwriters." Also P. 408 Art - 79. Johnson & Higgins, N.Y. Salvage adjusting. Chubb & Son, 5 S. William St. , N.Y. Rights, time, etc. THE RIGHTS OF SALVORS TO SUNKEN MERCHANTS WESSELS The waters around England and Ireland have long been strewn with sunken treasure ships, very few of which have ever been recovered. During the late war over $5,000,000,000 worth of ships and cargoes were added to this already vast sunken treasure. The Brit- ish Government is raising all vessels which lie in less than 150 feet of water, but these happen to be the less valuable ones. Most of the large ships with cargoes of precious metals lie in waters deeper than any man has been able to penetrate. However, at the present time, inventors and engin- eers are working on plans for raising all of these ships, and it will not be many years before some one of these plans will succeed. In view of this prediction, the most pertinent question is, how much will the successful sal- VOr make? An answer to this question rests not only upon the expense incurred in preparing special salvage machinery, which will be valued in millions, but upon the amount de- rived by the salvor from the sale of the ship and the car- go • The amount the salvor will receive for his services: ---this is the all-important thing to approximate correct- ly, for out of this sum must come the expenses of salvage and the size of this sum will determine whether it is financially possible to raise the ships. DEFINITIONS Before studying the subject of the rights of salvors to sunken vessels and cargoes, it is necessary to know the legal meaning of the important words used. "Judicial and Statutory Definitions of Words and Phrases" gives the following explanations of the words indicated. - The word "vessel", as applied to maritime affairs, is understood to mean any vessel used for transporta- tion on the water. U.S. v. Open Boat (U.S.) 27 Fed. Cas. 346,352. As used in Prize Act 1864 (13 Stat. p. 306, c. 174) par. 10, the word "ship" is synonymous with "vessel". There is a difference in the words "lost" and "wrecked" in their marine significance. A "wreck" is de- fined to be such goods as after a shipwreck are cast upon land by the sea and left there, for they are not wrecks so long as they remain in the sea in the jurisdiction of admiralty. Baker v. Hoad, 7 N.Y. (3 Seld. ) 555,558, 59 Am. Dec. 431. It has been held that "lost" means a loss by going to the bottom of the sea. Delaware Mut. Safety Ins. Co. v. Gossler (U.S.) 7 Fed. Cas 404,406. A "derelict" is defined by Judge Story to be a "boat or vessel found deserted or abandoned on the seas, whether it arose from accident or voluntary dereliction." The Hyderabad (U.S.) ll Fed. 749, 754; Rowe v. The Brig (U.S.) 20 Fed. Cas. 641,643. When a vessel is found at sea deserted, abandoned by the master, with- out intention of returning and resuming the vessel, it is, in the sense of the law, "derelict" and the finder who takes possession with the intention of saving her gains a right of possession, which he can maintain against the true owner. The owner does not renounce his right to the property, and this is not presumed to be his intention, and the finder does not acquire the property, but the owner does abandon temporarily his right of possession, which is transferred to the finder, who becomes bound to preserve the property in good faith, and to bring it to a place of safety for the owner's use, and he acquires the right to be paid for his services a reasonable and proper compensation out of the property itself. The Bee (U.S.) 3 Fed. Cas., 41,44. "Maritime" means pertaining to the sea or ocean, or the navigation thereof. "A maritime law is not the law of a particular country, but the general law of nations." Maritime law is entirely distinct from the law of the land. A "lien" is defined to be a hold or claim which one has upon the property of another as security for some debt or charge. At common law there could be no lien without possession. It is therein defined as a right in one man to retain that which is in possession and belong- ing to another. In maritime law liens exist independ- ently of possession. The "admiralty" is a court of very high antiquity. "The admiralty courts were originally established in Eng- land and other maritime countries of Europe for the pro- tection of commerce and the administration of the vener- able law of the sea, which reaches back to sources long anterior even to those of the civil law itself. Lord Mansfield says the Admiralty Law is not the law of any particular country, but the general law of nations, and is founded on the broadest principles of equity and jus- tice, deriving however, much of its modes of proceed- ings from the civil law, and embracing altogether a sys- tem of regulations embodied and matured by the combined efforts of the most enlightened commercial nations of the world." By "jurisdiction" as applied to judicial proceed- ings, is means the right to act. The admiralty juris- diction given to the United States Courts by the Constitu- tion extends over all public navigable waters both within the body of this country and on the open sea. "Salvage" according to Abbot, is "the compensation that is to be made to persons, other than those connected with the ship, by whose assistance a ship or its loading may be saved from impending peril or recovered from actual loss." Hand v. The Elvira (U.S.) ll Fed. Cas. 413,415. "Abandonment" must be made without any desire that any other person shall acquire the same; for, if it were made for a consideration, it would be a sale or barter, and if without consideration, and with an intention that some other person should become the possessor, it would be a gift. Abandonment is a mixed question of intention and act. Mere lapse of time is not alone sufficient to establish abandonment. A proceeding "in rem" is a proceeding instituted against a thing, and not against a person. Proceedings "in personam" are proceedings which seek the recovery of a personal judgment. Considerable information was gained from a study of the above definitions, but a reading of writers on ad- miralty law and an inspection of maritime cases contributes much more. DISCUSSION Marvin, judge of the Admiralty Court of Key West, Florida, in the middle of the nineteenth century, compil- ed much of his information and experience on salvage cases into a volume called "Wreck and Salvage", published in 1858. Almost none of his references are directly ap- plicable to sunken ships, but many of them apply by anal- ogy • According to him, "a ship or goods sunk in the sea *** commonly derelicts; but they are not so as long as the owner continues to assert his claim, and does not give up his intention of resuming the possession." The Bare- foot, 1 Eng. L. and Eq. 661; 1 Story 326; The Thetis, 3 Hagg. 14. The finder of a derelict who takes actual pos- session with an intention of saving it, gains a right of possession which he can maintain against all persons, even the true owner. But he does not acquire the do- minion of absolute property. This remains in the owner; for it is presumed that the owner has not thrown away his property purposely, through dislike with an intent that it shall no longer be reckoned among his possessions, but has abandoned the possession simply through neces- sity. The salvor acquires the right to be paid for his Services a reasonable and proper compensation out of the property itself. The amount of salvage varies from 1/8 to l/2 the gross value saved, if peril is great. If task is easy only costs are paid. "Flotsam" is fragments of ships or goods afloat on the sea; jetsam is goods thrown overboard at sea; lagan, ligan, or legan, is where the goods thrown overboard sink, but are tied to a cork or buoy. Marvin also explains that derelicts (probably a sunken ship is a derelict until claimed by owner) be- long to finder after a year and a day if unclaimed by owner. This statement refers to the Admiralty practice of the United States. A. R. Kennedy of London in 1907 published a revis- ed edition of Lord Justice Kennedy's "Treatise on the Law of Civil Salvage." This book covers quite thorough- ly the principles of salvage as practiced in English Admiralty courts. The machinery of the English Court of Admiralty secures to the salvor, in a very ample way, the power of enforcing his rights. By the maritime law he has a lien, or privileged claim, upon the salved property. The lien extends to ship and cargo, also to freight, when freight has been saved. The Freight is the money received for carrying the cargo. The lien accrues im- mediately upon the performance of salvage services. It takes precedence of all liens previously attaching to the thing saved. The Court of Admiralty renders this lien effectual for the salvor's benefit by a pro- cedure in rem. By the Marchant Shipping Act of 1894, provision is made for the delivery to the Receiver of Wreck, of all wreck found or taken possession of within the United Kingdom by any one but the owner, and of all cargo or other articles lost or taken from any vessel stranded or in distress at any place on or near the coasts of the United Kingdom. This statement infers that, if the owner of a sunken vessel contracted with a salvor to raise his ship, there would be no necessity for taking it to the Receiver of Wrecks. Danger to life and equipment, voluntariness of action, and success in saving the ship or cargo, are the three main essentials to a salvage reward. The Court of Admiralty exercises the right of de- creeing salvage awards, when property has been saved on the high seas, whatever may be the nationality of the salvors, if the property has been brought within the jurisdiction of the Court. For the purposes of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894, "wreck" is declared by s. 510 to include flotsam, jetsam, lagan, and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea of any tidal water. The raising of a sunken vessel has been declared to be a salvage service. The Catherine, 6 Notes of Cases, Suppl. xliii. The Jubilee , 3 Hagg. 43 (a). The Cadiz and the Boyne, 3 Asp. M. L. C. 332. The Courts pay a higher reward to salvors equipped With special salvage apparatus and vessel, in order to encourage the saving of property. The value of the equipment, the skill of the salvors, the danger to life and property, and similar conditions, increases the pro- protion of the reward to the gross value of the ship. By the Merchant shipping Act of 1894, salvage is made to include "all expenses properly incurred by the sal- vor in the performance of the salvage service." The law on salvage contracts or agreements is the same both in England and America. Story, J., in the case of the Emulous said, "if the salvage service had been rendered under circumstances which established that the parties have voluntarily, and without any con- trolling necessity on the side of the proprietor of the property saved, or their agents, entered into a con- tract for a fixed compensation for labor and services quantum meruerunt; in either case it does not alter the nature of the service as a salvage service, but only fixes the rule, by which the Court is to be governed in awarding the compensation. It is still a Salvage contract and a salvage compensation." The courts may anul a contract if there has been unfair dealing, in the shape of fraud, misrepresenta- tion, or compulsion. But they do not interfere when the only breech of apparent equity is the lack of fore- sight on the part of one of the parties. The True Blue, 2 W. Rot. 176. p. 180. The Encyclopedia of the Laws of England adds some information to that already obtained. In the article on "Admiralty" is found the statement that, in cases of derelicts found on the high seas, the Crown is the potential owner, and if the real owner does not appear Within a year and a day after the finding, the proper- ty goes to the Crown, subject to the condition that the salvors are to be paid for their services in the usual proportion. The Aquila, 1798. 1 Rob. C.43; R. v. Derelicts, 1825, 1 Hag. Adm. 383. The Dantzic Packet, 1837, 3 Hag. Adm. 385, In an article on Maritime Law, Willes, J . , says, "There is no general maritime law, as such regulating all maritime transactions between persons of differ- ent nationalities at sea, which is not limited as ad- ministered in some Court." Lloyd v. Guilbert, 1865, L. R. I.Q. B. llb. Maritime liens rank in the inverse order of their attachment to the property. Therefore a salvage lien takes precedence over all others. In an article on Marine Insurance is found the statement that "Irretrievable deprivation of the thing insured is an actual total loss, e.g. actual destruc- tion of it, ship or goods going to the bottom of the sea. "It appears, however, that if the ship could be raised, it would not be an actual total loss, but Would probably be termed a constructive total loss, or a partial loss." - When the underwriter pays the owner for a total loss of any kind, title in the property insured goes to the underwriter, and he then has all rights of own- ership with respect to possible recovery and salvage. Simpson v. Thompson, 1877, 3 App. Cas .279. The Admiralty Court Act of 1840 gave the Court power to decide all questions as to title or ownership of any ship or vessel. In the case of a foreign ship, the foreign consul must be notified of the proceedings. Lieut. Com. Faust, in his series of lectures on Admiralty Law, touched several times upon the sub- ject of salvage. He said that cargoes and ships are almost always insured. In case of disaster the owner should notify underwriters, giving them description of disaster with the location of the ship. When the insurance is paid, the underwriters become the "own- ers" of the vessel and cargo. Since the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 and the Act of June 1910, the dis- tinction, in this country, between U.S. and foreign vessels has almost disappeared. See Salvage Statute August l, 1912, 37 U. S. Statutes, and English Law Rep. 3 A. and E. 556. CASES Secondary law in the form of definition discus- sions and articles by various judges throws much light on the subject of sunken vessels but the best reliance is in the primary law in statutes and cases. A few cases picked from the American Digest, Gray's "Proper- ty" and Aspinall's Maritime Cases (English) and others, are noted below. One of the leading American salvage cases is that of Murphy v. Dunham, Dist. Court, E. D. Mich. April 15, 1889. The salvors went to work without the authority of the underwriters and were divested of all the cargo raised, being only given compensation for the costs incurred. Several important points are brought out. "The cargo of a vessel sunk in forty feet of water and abandoned to the underwriters is the proper subject of a sale by such underwriters to a third person." Also "it seems that the title of the owner to property lying at the bottom of the sea is not divested, however long it may remain there, and that no other person can ac- quire such title except by a condemnation and sale in admiralty." In Merritt and Chapman Wrecking Co. v. Morris Cum- ings Dredging Co., 137 F. 780, 70 C. C. A. 356, it was de- cided that the raising of a dredge sunk in shallow water where there is no danger involved, nor any extraordinary means required or employed, is not a salvage service. In the Elfrida, 19 S. Ct. 146, 172 U.S. 186, 43 L. Ed. 413, - - - - "Salvage contracts should prima facie be forced, and it devolves upon a defendant to establish grounds, which render the one in question an exception to the rule." In the Thornley, 96 F. 735, 39 C. C. A. 248, - - - "A salvage contract, by the terms of which no payment for the services rendered was to be made unless the ves- sel was delivered "safely" into port, does not require that she shall be delivered without injury, where, at the time the contract was made, she was grounded in such a position that she was continually receiving injury, but only that she shall be delivered in a safe place." In the Thomas Morgan, 123 F. 781 - - Libelant who had of his own accord raised a tug from 26 feet of water in two weeks, was awarded l/4 of its value plus his expenses. In the case of Creevy v. Cummings, 3 La. Arm. 163, 48 Am. Dec. 444, it was held not unreasonable for plain- tiffs to receive one half the sale value of cargo raised ty them. Personal danger and costly apparatus were in- volved. In the Elfrida, l9 S. Ct. 146, 172 U. S. 186 43. L. Ed. 413, a contract for $22,000 for releasing a steam- er was upheld even though the task was accomplished in two days. "It is not within the discretion of a court of admiralty to set aside salvage contracts in all cases where, after the service is performed, the stipulated compensation appears to be unreasonable. The validity of such a contract is not affected by the fact that more or less work was required than was anticipated when it was entered into." In Baker v. Hoag. 7 N.Y. (3 Seld. ) 555, 59 Am. Dec. 431, it was stated that "vessels sunk at sea are not "Wrecks", but, when found, are derelict, and he who finds them has a lien on them for salvage." From the Camanche, 75 U.S. (8 Wall. ) 448, 19. L. Ed. 397, it was seen that the salving company, as well as the actual salvors, is entitled to renumeration • If a contract is made to be paid at any event, the salvors have no lien on the vessel. (U. S. Dist Ct. of Mich.) The Schooner Marquette. This case is cited in the English set by Aspinall. In Mew's Digest of English Case Law it is stated that "The King cannot be impleaded in his own courts, and his vessels cannot be seized and proceeded against in rem for salvage." The Cybele (47 L. J. P. 86; 3 P.D. 8). In the case of an abandoned barque which was on fire, the salvors were given the entire proceeds. The Louisa, 75 L. J. P. 76; (1906) P. 445; 94 L.T. 558; 10 Asp. m.c. 256. In The Crusader, 7.6 L. J. P. lo2; 10 Asp. M. C. 442, it was held that an agreement for 4000 l. which was carried out in two days, was unreasonable and not in- forceable. In the San Onofre, 86 L. J. P. lo:3; (1917) P. 96, "An appraisement by the Marshal of the Court is con- clusive." In British and Burmese Steam Navigation Co., v. Liverpool and London War Risks Ins. Assoc. , 34. T. L. R. l40, there are two kinds of insurance companies, mar- ine risk and war risk. The Earl of Halsbury in his "Laws of England" gives a large number of references for precedent. For cases on exorbitancy of compensation in agreements see The Medina; The Mark Lane (1890) 15 P. D. lºb; The Rialto, (1891) P. 175; The Altair, (1897) P. 175; The Port Caledonia and The Arma (1903) P. l84. CONCLUSION All the discussion and judgments in cases as similar as possible to those in question indicate that no salvor will ever be able to claim entire pos- session of any vessel he may raise, for there will al- ways be an anxious owner or underwriter waiting to make his just claim. Without a doubt it would be best for a prospective salvage company to interview the present owners of the vessels, who will in most cases be insurance companies, and make some sort of con- tracts with them. Since several vessels would have to be raised in order to make the investment pay, and since many competing companies would soon interfere in one vessel were raised successfully, it will be necessary for the first company to obtain sole salvage rights on a number of vessels. These rights could be obtained through contracts with the underwriter-owners or by purchasing the vessels out-right. Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz, Chief Consulting Engineer of the General Electric Co., said shortly before his death: -- "This is the only deep diving design I ever saw that looks practical. It would undoubtedly be successful if a large enough fund were avail- able for development and protection." "It would be better to interest a few men than to sell stock to the general public." "Let me know how you get along with this work." Ralph E. Chapman, Secretary of the Merritt and Chap- man Derrick and Wrecking Co. of New York (largest wrecking concern on this continent, said: -- "Of all the scores of men who have come to me with schemes and plans for working in deep water, you are the only one I have taken seriously." "As soon as you can find some one who is able and willing to finance the development of your plans, I will be glad to join you, for I believe you are on the right track." Commander Davis, Wrecking Captain in charge of all Merritt and Chapman operations:-- "This is the most ambitious effort and most nearly practical plan I have even seen. With a suf- ficient reserve of capital to carry the enter- prise past unforeseen difficulties, I believe it would ultimately be successful both actually and financially." September 1923 - - - Steinm By A. M. SMITH. A rough, square little shack that once stood on a wooded river bank in New York State, where it served as an outing camp and laboratory for the late Charles Proteus Stein- metz, the “thunderer” of electrical Science and research, has been set up on the bank of the River Rouge, as a part of Henry Ford's Greenfield Village. The shack contains the same rough pine table used by Steinmetz, and will also house a notable exhibit of mementos presented to Ford by J. | LeRoy Hayden, Steinmetz's foster SOrl. ere are included in this gift a Yoluminous set of Steinmetz manu- scripts covering his work in elec- trical mathematics, which made him famous, and his versatile writ- ings on popular subjects such as the competitive system, college fraterni- ties, industrial economics, modern civilization, the open door in China, the European War, the wealth of America, and the American national spirit. In the field of technical science, Steinmetz leaped to the fore of re- search workers, and blazed the way for much of the latter-day progress in the field of electricity. “Tests of the Magnetic Constants of Iron," “Theory of Calculation of Electric Circuits,” “Alternating Current Phe- nomena,” “Theory of Impulse Cur- rents,” “Transient Electrical Phe- nomena,” “Thunderstorms, Lightning and Lightning Protection,” “Energy of Disruption,” Dielectric Break- down of Air,” and “Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere,” are among the more famous works contributed by Steinmetz. originAL MANUSCRIPTS. The original manuscripts of many of these works are in the collèction given to Ford, and are written with THE shack built and used for many years as a camp and laboratory by the late Charles Proteus Steinmetz, electrical wizard, has been given to Henry Ford and re-erected on the banks of the River Rouge, in Ford's Greenfield Village, almost exactly as it appeared originally on the river bank in Yonkers, N. Y. The inset is of Steinmetz, who rose from a penniless immigrant in 1889 to president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 13 years later. etz Laborator Part of Greenfield Village completed a generator which manu- º Cradle of Progress Rests on Banks of R y Hut ning, Steinmetz won the popular title of a “modern Jove” when he factured lightning in his laboratory. For many years, up to the time of his death, steinmetz was employed by the General Electric Co. as head of its research department in elec- trical phenomena, and was recog- nized as the dean of scientists in this field. Steinmetz was born April 9, 1865, in Breslau, Germany. His father was a poor man, but managed to ive the son the usual schooling. In une, 1888, when Steinmetz was about ready to take his doctor's de- gree at the University of Breslau, in preparation for a professorship in mathematics and astronomy, he fled to Switzerland, under the threat of imprisonment by the Bismarck gov- ºnent for his social democratic Views. VERSATILE TRAINING. Some time prior to this, knowing the government would not allow him a professorship because of his political views, he had taken up the study of chemistry and physics as a side-line, with the hope of making a living by this training. In 1889 he came to America, a penniless immigrant in the steerage, and 13 years later was elected president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Almost a physical dwarf, he was recognized by his colleagues as an intellectual giant. - The Steinmetz shack laboratory, with its valuable mementos; the Edison laboratory and buildings transferred from Menlo Park, New Jersey, to Greenfield Village; and the little field office used for years by Luther Burbank, give to the collection in the old-time village enduring reminders of three great painstaking, fine script. In the field of research on light- “wizards” who made outstanding ntributions to human progress. Report On THE DEEP WATER SALWAGE STITUATION Part Two Edward F. Moore May 1923 Part TWO Past and Present Attempts to Solve the Problem of Working in Deep Water Part Two contains the following information: l. Notes and numbers pertaining to U. S. patents on marine salvage apparatus. 2. Diving suits -- illustrations of important examples. (1) MacDuffee suit. (2) Jackson suit. (3) German suit. 3. Diving tanks -- U. S. patent specifications and illustrations of important examples • - (l) U. S. patent specifications of most important recent diving chambers. (2) Illustrations of Sisson chamber. (3) Illustrations of Reno tank. Notes and Numbers Pertaining to U. S. Patents on Marine Salvage Apparatus Notes on U. S. Patents Classes which may contain information on diving & salvage. Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 61: lll: 29: 115: 158: 219: 212: Hydraulic & Earth Engineering. Sub. 69: Apparatus, Diving. Sub. 71 : Apparatus, Diving, suits, rigid elements. Ships º Sub. 16: Submarine vessels. Sub. 16.1: t? " , life & vessel saving devices. Sub. 16.8; º * , t! " , salvage. Sub. pl.: Vessel raising and docking. - Sub. 15: t? th th , floating dry docks. Sub - |6 : rt tº t? 2 !! th * sectional. Sub. #: º th t? , " , end gates. Sub. 18: t? ti rt , , elevators. Sub. 19: tf th 11 , Camels, Caissons and Pontoons. Sub. 50: rt rt t , submerged. Sub. 51: º ſt t? º t? , hoisting - Sub. 52: rt t? 11 2 tf , air tanks • Sub. 53: ºt ſt t? 2 tº , air tanks, - camels, & pontoons. Sub. 54: th tf fº , submerged air tanks, inflatable bags. Sub. 55: tf ºf t? , submerged, sand and mud loosenings Metal working. Marine propulsion. Liquid & gaseous fuel burners. Electric heating and rheostats. Sub. "7: Metal heating and working, Welding, Arc system. Winding and reeling. Miscellaneous Notes on Patents Sisson, Wm. D. , N.Y., i, 321,562 "Submarine Vessel." 1,131,963 American Salvage Co., Inc., West New York, N. J. Corporation of N. J. Attorneys: Pennie, Davis, Marvin, & Edmonds. Listed under Class 61: Hydraulic & Earth Engineering, Subclass 69: Apparatus, Diving. Chapman, Ralph E. Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co., N. Y. - l, 286,227 Device for closing holes in ships. 1918. 1,321,337 Apparatus for cutting metal. 1919. Listed under "Metal, Apparatus for cutting." Peirce, Wm. H., Baltimore, Md. Pres. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co. 518,925 Arm for handling copper ladle. U. S. Gazette Vol. 73, p. 745. Sketch shows duplex arm -- two parallel members. Saliger Ship Salvage Corp. N. Y. l, 38,091 Resilient pontoons. 1920 Index of U. S. Patents Listed under "Vessels": Raising apparatus. Submarine • Submarine • Submarine working. Submersible salvage . Apparatus for raising. Apparatus for raising . Device for raising. Device for raising. Means for salvaging. Pontoons for raising. Apparatus for raising. Listed under "Diving": Apparatus • Apparatus • Listed under "Ships": Sunken, indicator. Raising apparatus. Salvage device 11 t? tº th t? ?? Salvaging . Apparatus for raising. Device for locating. Device for raising. Cutting holes in walls. M. Burke G. Dorffel J. Kuhajda S. Take L. Fink Meguerditchian F. S.Y.Yinenz W. C. Beckwith C. Beckwith G. Phillips G. O. Thurston B W . F's T. E. B. Petrie B. F. Teavitt F.W. Pendergast J. Hlavaty, JR • M • Dray. T. Davidenia K. Galeski M. Hyszki M. Slivinski C - 0. Knudsen W.F. Grumme G. Alexovits P. Kawinski W. J. Jones 36,287 : #:#; : 2 . § f # : . : º 2 29,225 Class lll:51 lll:5|| llll:53 lll:5i lli:51 llll:51 # llll:51 lll:51 lll:51 11h 350 1921 Index of U. S. Patents Listed under "Vessels": Air bag method. Immersible salvage vessel. Raising device, Apparatus for raising. Apparatus for refloating. Construction for raising. Device for raising. Device for raising . Apparatus for lifting. Raising submerged - . Raising sunken - . Raising sunken - . Recovering sunken – . Listed under "Submarine": Diving chamber for submar- ine operations Salvaging and exploring apparatus Listed under "Submerged": Device for locating sub- merged objects. Listed under "Diving": Apparatus. Apparatus. Bells Tube . Listed under "Pontoons": Resilient - . A. O. Ryan A. J. F. Lee J. Szalay H. A. Gray M. Ariura P. Donaire J. W. Reno L. Sanchez K. Akaki J. W. Reno J.W. Reno J.W. Reno R. deGroff A.O.Tesh Chicago S. Lake W.F. Mercer A.E. Chisholm Ye Matsumura M. A. White J.W. Haynie A. B. Saliger Listed under "Salvaging Apparatus": Submarine - . C. J. Lindquist 1,3 l, 3 29 l, 395,875 1,367,250 1,373,613 1,390,097 #:33:3: l, 396,885 1,383,051 l,00,316 l, 361,il 2 1,361,143 1,368,787 l, 380,750 1,379,928 1,367,115 1,381,09|| 1,370,158 6,616 Class ## 95 lll:5|| llll:53 1921. Index of U. S. Patents Listed under "Ships": Raising Apparatus. Raising device. Salvaging apparatus. rt th it. th device • Apparatus for salvaging. Indicating & attaching. System for raising. J. Swaney J. Verchak H.D. Deam (Benton Har.) C.E. Drake J. Lodato E.W. Cox J.E. Stoltz D. F. McGill º 93.35. Class 61 - Hydraulic & Earth Engineering Subclass 69 - Apparatus, Diving From U. S. Abridgments of Patents. 1,228,300 1,230,702 l, 257,23|| 1,257,892 1,260,959 1,262,075 1,271,00'. 1,222,121 1,302,081 1,302,122 l, 201,012 1, 321,383 l, 221,562 l, 32.2% 1,313,7|| 1,316,713 1,319,578 l, 356,773 l, 361,899 1,361, 337 1,367,587 l, 37,512 l, 375,715 1,378,843 Note: Tank for excavating. Not movable. Window, arm, cable. Chamber for leaving submarine. Closed by piston. (Wrong number) Diving chamber suspended by cable. Propellers, windows, lights, etc. Diving chamber for allowing diver to enter and leave. Large tube extending from bottom of sea to above surface of Water. Screw device for gripping and raising ship. Diving chamber for attaching to vessel and lifting. Double shell, windows, propeller, etc. Diving chamber for attaching hose to hull of sunken vessel. Means for attaching, using, and changing tools of diving chamber. Machine for submarine salvage. and other units. Improvement on Sisson submarine. American Salvage Co. Inc., N. Y. Sisson submarine • Pumps, propellers, Assigned to 1919. Salvage machine. Salvage machine with windows, propellers, etc., but with no means for doing work. Small submarine with tools and magnets. Chamber for attaching grappling hooks. Simon Lake tube and submergible chamber. Means for attaching number of hooks to sunken vessel. Open bottom diving bell. Large tube with Window. One man heavy casing, grappling hook, Windows -- no means for moving . Submarine door . Suspended chamber for drilling holes . Have patent specifications of numbers underlined. Class 61 -- Subclass 69 From U. S. Abridgments of Patents 1,379,928 l, 380, 750 1,325,682 1,396,885 1,105,996 l,l,09,690 l, 15,661 1,120,6110 1,121,332 Simon Take tube and chamber. Tool holder and operating mechanism for diving chambers - Chamber with manually operated grappling hooks. Mechanism for drilling and attaching to sunken vessel. Gyroscopic action to keep diving chamber oriented or stabilized. Mechanism for keeping chamber near hull and aid in resisting tool thrust. Chamber with gripping device, drill, propeller, rudder, telescope for window. Diving suit modified for suspension in shallow water. Diving chamber with several compartments, mounted on Wheels. 61.-Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 69.-Apparatus, Diving Short & Bradford (Diving Armor) Pat. Feb. 18, 1830. 6,250 6,313 6,397 9,965 18,260 19,785 21,852 5||, ||38 89,153 97,862 152,253 191,760 228,556 230, 197 292,916 388,257 |lº,000 503,753 521, 208 530,598 5||3,756 5||1,238 581,17] 591,773 612,158 6,626 617,750 622,529 638,335 6||1,913 652,970 657,218 683, 361 700,769 728,021 735,323 738,206 7||5,169 760, h97 766,6||3 767,835 773,116 826,868 839,1186 872,888 895, 355 90l., 21 908,095 910,017 935,185 958,615 962,019 61.-Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 975,53|| 975,727 1001,552 1008,301 1010,559 1017,1186 1068,138 1069,281 1072, 569 1076,820 1085,009 1109,115 1134,963 ll:39,805 1223,515 1228,300 1230,702 1257,23|| 1257,809 1260,959 1262,075 1271,001 1299,121 l302,081 l?02,122 130,012 +3+33,839 69.-Apparatus, Diving 1321,383 1321,562 132,425 1313,7|, 1346,713 1319,578 1356,773 1361,899 1361, 337 1267,587 137,512 1375,715 1378,813 1379,928 1280,750 1385,682 1396,885 l,05,996 1|09,690 1||15,661 1120,6110 ll 21,332 61.-Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 578 15,898 65,760 ll.9,210 236,858 237, lll #485 +++ |18,053 |37,779 |62,202 |63,177 |96,686 59,945 601, 729 609, 18 7ll, 312 735,809 766, hē5 767,659 827,029 98.1,10|| 989,530 71.-Apparatus- Diving- Suits- Rigid elements. 1010, 558 1022,997 1096,607 1099,81|| 11||6,731 1183,911. 1198,611 1226,118 1215,058 1259,507 1305,656 1307,921 1327,679 1319,060 1359,132 1368,786 1370,590 ll.02,615 lillº, 17. Class No. 11h. SHIPS. 7,609 9,389 |l, 365 |||1,380 69,910 257,60| 273,851 297,6||7 333,762 21,713 379,992 399,693 l,06,725 |35,857 | 70,535 |T2,670 193,266 521,85|| 522,177 525,178 525,179 - 538,921 575,907 581,213 601,185 615,866 681,221 Subclass No. 16. 685,16}. 693,272 69/1,153 69,15|| 69,613 695,215 696,972 702,728 702, 729 706, 561 708, 553 7ll,921 716,059 717,101 718,1150 726,227 726,705 726,9||7 731,500 738,879 739,73, 7|16,606 751,609 75,222 756,050 772,970 788, 525 Submarine vessels. 798,501 803,173 803,171 803, 175 803,176 803,177 805,196 811,886 812, 306 815,350 817,130 820, 372 821,595 821,895 822,565 831,161 836,892 8|16,117 818,872 850,831 85,00; 851,146 860,126 863,532 872,812 878,752 896, 361 Class No e ll. SHIPS. 896,613 921, 125 922,056 922,298 926,007 926,065 932, 379 939, 3|||| 9||3,60| 9||5,111 917,921 953,881 958,712 961,913 969,128 970,06|| 971,676 973,227 977,951 985,911 988,632 989, 371 998, 2011 l,003,063 l,006, 380 l, Oll,012 Subclass No. 16. Submarine vessels. 1,011,959 1,035,021 1,011, 189 1,015,673 1,061,088 l,072,392 l,072,393 l,097,356 1,099,126 l,102,016 1,107,912 1,108,192 1,109,115 1,110,827 1,115,367 1,120,392 1,121,210 1,123,762 1,125,567 1,125,772 1,126,616 l, 126,624 1,127,648 1,127,707 1,131,712 1,134,940 1,135,537 l,llº, 131 1,116,958 l,ll.9, 373 1,151,540 1,152,754 1,153,267 1,151,126 1,151,215 1,158,883 1,161,18|| 1,165,535 1,169,514 1,169,640 1,169,970 1,170,529 1,173,31 1,173,219 1,180,263 1,180,861 1,187,206 1,187,522 1,187,738 1,188,812 1,190,210 1,192,172 Class No. llll. SHIPS. 1,192,537 1,202,351 1,209,678 1,213,153 1,216,56|| 1,219,667 1,222,156 1,222,198 1,221,027 1,224,105 1,229,001 1,232,211 1,232,667 l,232,669 1,232,670 1,232,672 1,234,915 1,235,781 l, 239,723 1,210,189 1,24]!,212 1, 2],213 1,2,7,971 l,250,987 l,260,818 1,261,965 l, 266,305 Subclass No. 16. Submarine vessels. 1,270,16|| 1,271,513 l, 271,69|| 1,277,028 1,278,090 1,281,132 1,285, lll: 1,293,209 1,294,922 1,296,119 1,296,150 1,296,689 1,298,333 1,300,521 l, 300,7|| 1,300,745 1,301,566 1,301,738 1,302, 26|| 1,303,266 l, 30,617 1,305,238 1,308,738 1,309,055 l, 310,877 l, 312,662 l, 313,531 1, 311,058 l, 311,059 1, 315,533 1,316,405 l, 317,033 l, 319,16). 1,321,880 l, 32,961 l, 327,509 l, 330,755 1,335,059 1,336,287 1,337,110 l, 313,613 1,315,836 1,318,686 l, 350,225 l, 352,922 l, 358,081 1,365,157 1,363,851 l, 373, 329 l, 382,073 1,383,398 1,388,730 1,391,836 1,393,8|| Class No. lll: SHIPS. Subclass No. 16. Submarine vessels. ,399,263 |12,357 ,116,615 1. º 2 l l class No. ill. SHIPs. 303,813 |53,560 557,835 575,890 8||5,813 l,097,700 1,158,160 1,175,848 1,177,157 1,207,851 l, 309,563 Submarine Vessels, 16. Life & vessels saving devices. Class No. 11). SHIPS. Submarine Vessels, Life & vessel saving devices, 661, 152 955,111 1,030,869 1,117,555 1,160,122 l,197,650 1,231,156 l,lill,102 16.8 Salvage Claim Combination with movable anchor ropes. Raising submarines. Buoy attached to sunken vessel. Raising submarines. Buoy attached to submarine. Gas generators. Safety appliance for ships. Submarine attachment, Order X Class No. 11h. SHIPS. 331,658 559,712 660,658 818; 429 851,270 856,713 988,136 988, 35l. l,022,771 l,058,188 l,058,216 1,089,967 1,265,631 l, 305,912 l, 334,115 l, 383,051 Subclass No. 1/1. Vessel Raising & Docking. Class No. 11'. SHIPS • Subclass No. 15. vessel Raising & Docking, Floating Dry Docks • Barron, August 2, 1826. J - 2 Porter, R - , November 14, 1835. Campbell & Withington November 26, 1835. – oſ)o- 115 Re . 135 272 522 1,518 1,609 2, ll.9 2,281 2,112 3,715 lº,95|| 7, 587 10,600 16,696 22,818 50, 390 96,672 102,55|| 125, 352 131,365 tf 162,531 181,021 398,223 536,683 570,189 601,131 713,947 735,569 7||9,171 755,85|| 762,872 779,852 821,110 853,328 903,215 903,598 916,736 920,282 920,283 98/1,133 1,019,13. 1,013, Hil 1,107,768 1,181,030 1,300,951. l, 333,580 l, 336,9|l 1,376, 325 1,112,852 1,113,603 Class No. 11||. SHIPS. Subclass No. 16. Vessel Raising & Docking, Floating Dry Docks, Sectional . Thomas, Jes March 26, 1831. 857,733 920, 28|| l,812 31,125 920,285 920,286 39,818 1,019,611 81,075 1,022,931 87,291 1,052,225 1,279,081. 1,372,39|| 169,010 210,185 |12,992 590,117 601,55|| 6||7,269 655, ll 656,582 657,660 661,758 710,765 7ll, 552 731,858 736,725 736,732 7||1,958 820, 109 8||3,355 8|9,378 Class No. 111. SHIPS. Subclass No. 17. Vessel Raising & Docking, Floating Dry Docks, End Gates. Adamson, J., Dec. 13, 1816. Floyd, J. , Aug. 19, 1826. Cunningham, T. , Oct. 1, 1830. Hawes, J. , April 22, 1835 -o Oo- 1,506 1,524 l, 792 2,712 17,396 26, 50l. 105,725 117,223 125,873 126,116 287,156 998,970 1,309,756 Class No. 11]. SHIPS. Subclass No. 18. Vessel Raising & Docking, Floating Dry Docks, Elevators. 17,501 123,102 579,184. 6+5;}}}#9 Class No. 11). SHIPS. Subclass No. 19. Vessel Raising & Docking, Camels, Caissons & Pontoons. Cook, T ~ * June 30, 1836. -ooooo- 5,231. 6,169 17,892 36,715 33,527 67, 133 98,005 110,56|| 132,506 157,1157 l:35,054 861, Olſº 907,952 l,025,51h. l,261,257 +553.43369 l, 352,950 l, 381,335- l, 106,711, Class No. 111. SHIPS. |,177 119,712 H5+3.866 526,800 526,959 579,518 676,820 692,001 760,535 839,508 351,698 867,983 867,985 908, Olć 9||1,277 981, 31|| 988,977 99,611 l,021,818 l,025,930 1,136,608 l, 176, 196 1,177,989 l,l}8,738 Vessel Raising & Docking. 50. Submerged. 1,259,762 1,300,553 l, 331,0il. 1,332,889 l, 337,601 1,365,869 1,110,921 1,105,895 Class No. 11]. SHIPS. Subclass No. 51 - vessel Raising & Docking, Submerged, Hoisting- 1,832 |88,571. 1,210,979 2,378 52,213 1,216,172 11,291 526,163 1,256,365 ll, 327 5|l,79|| 1,262,311 13,163 566, lºll 1,262,160 35,172 611,636 1,268,082 39,805 686,597 1,269,523 ****26 710,869 1,272,302. |l,875 721,851 1,278,215 |2,561 7||7,102 1,288,107 |3,873 775,370 1,288,108 |8,091 865,195 57,183 886, 19. 72,066 889,192 73,29|| 928,536 77, 50l. 955,763 96,73|| 998, 103 126,461 1,005, '08 1||1,083 1,039,276 1||2,275 l, 106,983 l. 3,056 1,133,160 lº,715 1,186,889 268,518 1,191, 509 287,586 1, 201, 337 |09,257 1,202,519 |35,788 1, 2011,605 |67,515 1,207,1181 |85, 398 1,236,956 Class No. 11]. SHIPS. Subclass No. 51 - Vessel Raising & Docking, Submerged, Hoisting. 1,289, 957 1,296,821 1,296,983 +5.598;769 l, 312,173 1, 311,119 1,324,336 1,325,97 1,328,011. l, 328,13] l, 329,225 l, 331,610 l, 333,783 l, 337,035 1,338,816 l, 3||1,505 l, 351,100 l, 353,623 l, 365,870 1,373,57|| 1,376, 323 l, 38,12 l, 388,363 l, 390,097 l, 393,891. l, 395,875 1,398,5|l 1,12,202 Class No. 11'. SHIPS - Subclass No. 52. vessel Raising & Docking, Submerged, Air Tanks. Atkinson & Hale, December 2, 1935. 2, 572 152,035 15,89|| |38,059 |65,312 |95,191. 551, 329 813,177 827,177 865,130 963,168 l,062,963 1,081,103 1,115,670 +++20;745 1,150,255 1,236,539 1,210,180 1,210,538 1,258, 197 1,271,230 1,323,219 1,361,112 1,361,113 1,373,613 1,373,672 1,100, 316 1,116,75|| 1,1121,887 Class No. 11. SHIPS - Air Tanks, Camels, Caissons & Pontoons. 7|19 l, 3|| 8,765 8,766 16,187 17,826 36,713 1,392 3,918 |6,333 57,881 68, 50l. 76,116 102,359 136,832 116,689 ll. B, 333 ll.9,714 l60, lill 165,226 182,815 186,666 280,272 372,210 |58,565 Subclass No. 53. vessel Raising & Docking, Submerged, 501,912 517,630 5||1,17|| 5||9,195 563,565 569, 12 572,36|| 632,10|| 6||3,766 669,167 691,713 695,331 931,838 1,002, 18|| 1,009,123 1,097, 335 1,129,376 1,250,787 1,276,327 1,281,949 1,292,718 1,300,715 1,300,913 1,302,215 1,308,168 1,308,528 l, 309, ill 1,321,060 l, 339,717 1, 311,289 1, 218,595 1,365,266 1,367,250 1,268,767 1,370,158 1,379,533 1,115,532 1,115,533 Class No. 1111. SHIPS. vessel Raising and Docking, Submerged Air Tanks 837 8,336 13,030 19,500 21,532 26,856 31,885 18,539 56,853 77,237 92,85|| 2ll, 587 258,881 259,937 28,667 317,271 350,18|| 357,657 387,933 |26,259 |91,725 197,249 515,878 531,185 557, 396 563,750 567,7|| 576,052 Sub 5h. Inflatable bags - 605,231 607,815 630,542 689,131 812, 521 866, 3|8 906,716 959,526 1,019,72. l, Oll,095 1,070,500 l,116,835 1,168,010 1,206,7||7 1,223,911. 1,233, ill 1,239,260 1,253, 526 1,255,512 1,293,899 1,293,900 1,295, 375 1,319,112, 1,332,38|| 1,332,133 l, 337,250 1,361,646 1,381,09. Class No. 11]. SHIPS. Subclass No. 55. Vessel Raising & Docking, Submerged, Sand & Mud Loosening. 19,342 133,863 1||2,732 117,653 6,931 Re 180,286 189,233 612,710 7,8,1,8|| 851, 596 98,152 1,210,120 l, 370,096 1,372,317 l, 372,318 Notes on British Patent Specifications From Index for 1917 under "Ships" and "Diving": No a 10,618 One man sub. to be discharged from torpedo tube. 111,506 Large sub. crawl on bottom. Toothed wheels. 118,886 Pneumatic leech-like supports. 113,316 Two man offensive sub. 115,517 Chain belt treads on sub. 115,019 One man torpedo-like sub. 116,508 tº 116,697 Sub. windows. 119,532 Salvage tower.-- listed under "submarine". From "Abridgments of Specifications": Class : Ships . 1905 #9251 Sunken pontoons. 1906 21||77 Spherical sunken pontoons. Vol. 68 (ii) of 1916-20 : Subaqueous buildings, structures, diving, & raising sunken ships & objects. Class 68 (ii) 1909 #2060 Spherical diving chamber. 1913 gº º º tº . 191 3355 Dredging scow with observing Station on bottom. 191ſ 12569 One man diving chamber. 1915 176 Sisson spherical sub. - 1915 739 Working chamber suspended from barge. Diving Suits This section contains illustrations of the MacDuffee diving suit, the Jacks on suit, and a recent German suit. Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1911. MacDufree Diving Suit. - º - - -- º THE DIVER READY TO ENTER THE DRESS Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1911. MacDufree Diving suit. THE DIVER ENTERING THE DRESS Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1911. MacDuffee Diving suit. D FRONT WIEw of DRESS-LEFT ARM NOT YET FIXE Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1914. MacDuffee Diving Suit. REAR VIEW of DRESS SHOWING PUMP CHAMBER Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1914. MacDuffee Diving Suit. —r----| |-- • … ~~~~··· |-№ÁŘ№ !, º lae_ae, -Nº-N:S ZI į ŠĪ№ſ % Tºta. º a lº Zºº vº º v. *~ ,Œ·ſae. |U-``,``S*Sºssae,2. ::: ~~~~~ ~~~~ſvazzzzzzz…………… · Lae, „…Nº©® (…) ¿S, S : ,ººººººººº,-,-,-,-,-22 - Sº|- (№.§<<<<<<<<<ş-R]&<<<<<) , |-…----~~~~ · №ŹN, ,:№ſ saeSº,OESOESOESOE ...……---- , : : N|- N:ÑS<<,! ,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,ź- Øſ |- D : ----Sºssºs№, !!!!!!!!!!!!! , Za:********---- (SSSSSSSSSSS Z. Ş· , ~ |- }---- -|- ~~~~ ~~~~ ------ ſae, №. ! Sae Sc Swal tº ARRANGEMENT OF LEG CASING SHOWING JOINTS E - G - N E E a " T ~ * Engineer (London) Dec. 11, 1911. MacDuffee Diving Suit. DIVER COMing up after subMeRGENCE MECHANICAL HAND. Everybody's Magazine - Feb. 1919. MacDuffee Diving suit. _ ºf MID-WEEK PICTORIAL -- Jºº-ººl Divinº | Q - 27 / New Armor Device for Hunting Sunken Treasure —- 2. possessed an element of chance and romance that has appealed to the ad- venturously inclined. It has been conditioned, down 350 feet in this diving suit. however. hy the fact that hitherto the diver - has not loven able to go deep enough to I salvage treasure from it ºv vessel except one that has sunk in shallow waters. Below a certain depth the pressure of water would crush the diver as though he were an egg- shell. About 200 feet has been the greatest depth hitherto attained. The massive diving suit shºw in here with enabled a diver to go down 300 feet to the ocean's bed, fifteen miles east of Graves Light, near Boston, Mass. The first use to which the new inven- tion will be put is the at tºº, lºt to recover S.;0.000,000 worth of gold bullion from the hold of the British liner Laurentic, which was torpedoed by the Germans off Lough Swilly on the Irish coast. The inventor is a colored man, Charles H. Jackson. John T. Turner, a diver of international repute, being lowered into water with a derrick. He '1' is “still lished a world's record by going | T T HE search for hidden treasure has always | pºver BEING ATTACHED to TACKLE THAT is to Lower HIM over BoARD. THE SUT WEIGHS.400 POUNDS. AND IS AHLE TO RESIST THE PRESSURE OF THE WATER AT A GREATER DEPTH THAN IS ANY OTHER DIVING DEVICE. Phºtºs tº tºnderwood & Unwier wood. ) Z Detroit Free Press - 1925. German Diving Suite - MILLIONS IN TREASURES lost at º may be recovered by means of this new "Paratus. The German inventors claim it "mits a diver to work - 1,000 feet beneath the surface. ----- - ----------- nº wº Charles H. Jackson (marked with cross), co- ored inventor of remarkable suit, with which he is helping to equip diver. Scientific American Mar. 1923. German Diving Suit. - > Three views of the newest deep-sea diving costume, now being tried out at Kiel, in ( This outfit weighs 880 pounds on land, but very little at great depths Hermany. Diving Tanks This section contains the U. S. patent specifications on the most important diving chambers, as well as illustrations of the Sisson and Reno chambers . Everybody's Magazine - Feb. 1919. Sisson Diving Tank - -** º --- - - - --- --- - - - - * ... º º *_ –- - ºrºº: - - A new giant submarine chamber equipped with searchlights, electromagnets and steel drills to grapple sunken ships. Marine Review - Oct. 1919. Sisson Diving Tank | Rºx'ſ Axiſ, RE \; \ |\s of SISS0 N IF EP SEA DIVING MACHINE SHOWING MAGNETS, PROPELLERS, DIt! LL, ETC, Engineer (London) Nov. 2, 1917. Sisson Diving Tank. SIDE VIEW OF LOWER HALF showing PROPELLERS AND RUDDER - º Tº - ſ - s INTERNAL view of Low ER HALF, showING MACHINERY Engineer (London) Nov. 2, 1917. Sisson Piving Tank. - side view of Low EP HALF. showing drill º --- - - FRONT view or Lower HALF. showing DRILL. Push Bap. Etc. • *2 º, cº, 33 º - strain Murring ºf J Hook - ray-l. In ºr - ter: Sec ria f vertical pontoons, Left uppert Vessel, after being raised from deep water by vertical pontoons, is given a final lift by horizontal pontoons until her deck is clear of the surface, Right upper: Tractor working i. ". it...º. º º, . showing ining hook. being guided into holes drilled in vessel, by a T-rod, operated from working chamber; also note sea-bottom syphon through which air is being fed for displacing water in pontoon. º - A new marine salvage system, which makes use of a tractor working chamber and numerous pontoons ow. -* - - gºs & *cº NOVEMBER, 1921 The New Marine Salvage System Lifting a Sunken Ship by an Equalized Pull Upon Her Main Frames The pontoons are filled with air by means of a sea- bed siphon, which delivers compressed air from the mother ship to each pontoon in turn. Care is taken in filling the pontoons to maintain an equal distribution of strain and to insure the proper balance of the ship when she rises. In shallow water, or where the sea is so irregular that the use of the tractor might not be advantageous divers are used to drill the holes using a form of sea- bottom sled on which is mounted the necessary appara- tus for performing the operations. Mr. Reno claims many advantages for his system. Tests made in submarine boat work show that at a depth of more than fifty feet below the surface there is practically no movement of the water due to wave motion, thus enabling all the operations to be carried on in still water. Any slight movement of the water would not affect the operation of attaching the hooks, since the pontoons are hauled down, not lowered, and are under the control of the sea-bottom operators. Should a sudden storm come up the attached pontoons can be left attached to the hull and the working party seek shelter in port. After the subsidence of the storm work can be continued from the point where it had been stopped without any damage having been done. There is therefore no danger to the workers or to the equipment. The equipment being in units can be used repeatedly, the only question to be decided being the number of units necessary to raise the weight of ship. The use of a great number of pontoons also distributes the strain to many different parts of the ship, so that at no one SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN W Y HEN reports came from England that the British had taken up the problem of raising the ships sunk by submarines during the war and that they had been successful in recovering many of these, the hopes of the public were raised to expect almost the impossi- ble. New systems and schemes were being proposed al- most every day. Many of these were tried and some of them were found to have merit; but although several hundred ships were salvaged the work has been prac- tically abandoned because it has been found impossible to raise a ship of any considerable size from other than cºmparatively shallow water. Most of the valuable ships which had on board exten- sive cargoes were sunk far enough off shore and in such depth of water, that all methods were found to be inadequate to overcome the difficulties encountered. During stormy weather it was impossible to use surface equipment in the shape of horizontal pontoons, and although many of the ships were raised by lashing other vessels on each side of them to sustain the dead weight of the sunken hull and cargo till the operation of pumping the water from. the submerged vessel had been accomplished, a depth of more than about six feet of water over the deck of the sunken ship ren- dered this operation impracticable, since the structure of the ship was unable to sustain the pressure. Nearly all previous methods have involved either the attach- ing of cables to the hull of the vessel in such number that the weight of the ship could be overcome by means of some lifting power exerted from the surface, or by means of compressed air forced into such com- partments of the vessel as could be made air tight, or by a combination of electric motor drives a pair of twin drills, which when the chamber has been moved to the side of the vessel. drill holes through the plates of the hull, one on each side of, and close to, the frames of the ship, thus af- fording the strongest possible point at which to at- tach the pontoons. It should be noted that contrary to popular impression the sea bottom adjacent to the coasts, is not covered with deep mud, but except at the mouth of rivers and some estuaries consists of firm, clean bottom suitable to the operation of such a tractor as is here used. - Two sizes of pontoons are used, one twelve feet in diameter and sixty feet long of 200 tons' lifting capacity and the other twelve feet in diameter and thirty feet long of 100 tons' lifting capacity. The holes are drilled in sets of four or eight, depending on the size of pon- toon to be used. The pontoons are built of steel, elec- trically welded. At a point slightly below the center of buoyancy, within the pontoon, there is welded a circu- lar truss construction, which distributes the strain of the lift to all parts of the pontoon. The attaching cables are mounted on an equalizing lever, so arranged that an equal strain is maintained at all times on each cable in spite of the uneven drilling of the holes, or should there be any movement of the pontoons due to wave motion, after the ship has been brought to the surface. At the lower ends of the cables are standard crane hooks, also mounted in pairs on equalizing levers. Outside the working chamber, at the rear of the tractor is a long winding drum, controlling two cables spaced about eight feet apart. Attached to these cables is a hollow steel float of sufficient buoyancy to rise to these two methods. The work of controll- ing the surface-lifting devices has always been attended by great dan- ger and uncertainty, owing to the difficulty because of wave motion, tides and current, of maintaining the proper relation between the sunken ship and the equipment. Sudden storms have delayed operations for long pe- riods of time and have often swept away in a few hours the work of months, besides de- stroy in g equipment worth many thousands of dollars. point is there sufficient strain to cause any damage to the plates or structure of the hull. Should a ship to be raised be found to be lying on her side, a po- sition which is very rare, the pontoons are first attached below the edge of the deck and enough air pumped in to pull her upright when the usual method will be followed. After the ship has been raised to the sur- face, she is towed to a protected position where she can be ele- vated to a sufficient dis- The accompanying draw in g s show the plans that have been developed by Mr. Jesse W. Reno, of New York, covering apparatus which he claims will overcome all of the difficulties experienced in past salvage operations, and at the same time make it pos- sible to raise ships from greater depths than has ever before been possible. Mr. Reno is a well-known con- sulting engineer, the inventor of the moving stairway or escalator. His plans, while novel, contain no un- tried elements. Every essential feature of the equip- ment has been tried and proved in other lines of work. The application of these principles and equipment is, however, new in its collective application to the raising of ships. The Reno system consists in the use of a series of multiple-unit, open-bottom vertical pontoons, submerged to the depth at which the sunken vessel lies, and there securely fastened to the hull and filled with air. The work of preparing the hull for the attachment of the pontoons is performed by two operators working within a mobile diving chamber or tractor, which is lowered from the surface to the sea bed where, under its own power, it maneuvers around the ship. The men in the chamber work under ordinary surface conditions, the air being purified and renewed by the same system * is used in submarine boats. - when the sunken vessel has been located the working chamber is lowered to the sea bed by means of a cable. Through the center of this cable runs.” elec- tric cable which supplies power to an elect” motor within the chamber. Telephone communicatiºn is also maintained through this core with the mºther ship, so that at all times there is perfect coordination between the men at the bottom and those at the surface. The Salvage tender with vertical lifting pontoons the surface when released, carrying the cables with it. After the necessary number of holes have been drilled in the hull of the vessel the float is released by the operators within the chamber and the float rises to the surface. The float is fitted at the top with a hook and near the bottom of the pontoon is a staple, its po- sition being marked by a line of paint running to the top of the pontoon. Upon the arrival of the float at the surface a diver secures himself to the float and the operators in the working chamber are signaled to pull the float down. When the diver reaches the posi- tion of the staple he inserts the hook and rises to the surface. The workers in the chamber are notified and starting the drum in motion they pull the pontoon down to its position of attachment. Sufficient air is main- tained in the pontoon during this operation to keep it upright. This is done by means of an electric gage which registers the pull of the winding drum in the chamber and in the operating room of the mother ship. The insertion of the hooks in the holes is performed by means of an adjusting rod operated by the men in the chamber. After the insertion of the hooks suffi- cient air is pumped into the pontoon to insure a firm lift and to maintain it in position while the other pontoons are attached by the same method. The pontoons are towed out to the position of the ship in a horizontal position. Prior to their launching a diaphragm is placed over the open end, the contained air causing them to float high in the water. On ar: rival at the mother ship this diaphragm is removed and through a valve in the upper end the air is allowed to escape till the pontoon floats in a vertical position and is barely awash. tance to be towed into port and placed in dry dock. This consists in placing under the ship a series of box-shaped pontoons. The side pontoons are then deflated and drawn down one at a time and hooked along the lower edge of the bottom pontoons, the holes drilled in the ship being then plugged and the side pontoons reinflated. The added buoyancy will raise the ship's deck well above the surface. Working under the Reno system the size of the ship to be raised does not militate against the success of the apparatus, as with the vertical pontoon the length of the ship always affords sufficient space along which to assemble enough pontoons to exert the necessary lift- ing power. In the opinion of prominent engineers whe have carefully examined Mr. Reno's plans there is no reason why the equipment should not perform every function claimed for it. In fact the opinion has often been expressed that it is perfectly feasible to raise the “Lusitania,” the “Britannic” and other large ves- sels with the Reno system. Rain and Radio-Activity HE interesting question has been raised by a French investigator, M. P. Loisel, as to whether there is any connection between rain and the radioactivity ob- served in springs. He observed that the radioactivity of the warm baths at Orne is variable. The water of the spring called the Source des Fées, which is a cold spring having a temperature of 13 degrees Centigrade, contains radium emanation. This emanation is at its maximum after a rainfall, reaching its highest point from the fifth to the eighth day and the greater the rainfall the greater this maximum. NEW YORKERINVENTS AMPHIBIOUS TANK FOR SEA SALVAGING WORK Unique Device is Successfully Tested; Manned by Crew of Two. Jesse wº. Reno of New York has suc- cessfully tested his new, device ... ſº salvaging sunken ships. A water-tight chamber mounted on endless belts is lowered overboard from a derrick lighter, the chamber, of amphibious tarºk design, being manned by a crew of ww.o. power is transmitted to this chamber. Thus enabled to move about on the bot- tom of the sea, the crew of this sub- marine tractor is enabled to direct the wo.k of attac ling air tankº to the sub- merged vessel. When all the tanks con- taining compressed air are in place, added compressed air is pumped into the tanks, causing the sunken ship to rise to the surface. The successful ex- periment was ºrſed in the case of rais’ ing the sunken United States ship Scally of the coast guard cutter service, whicº, was accidentally sunk in Lone Island sound. The abº'e photograph shows the submarine tractor, weighing 18 tons, on the surface, being lowered into the depths of the sound. - N this submarine tank, a crew can crawl along the ocean bed at the depth of 300 feet like a huge crab. It is now being used to lift a wrecked submarine chaser. -Fotogram- Sc. Am. Mar - 1923. Reno Apparatus. Lowering a pontoon with its lifting hooks Lowering the tractor into 60 feet of water Sc. Ame Mare 1925. Reno Apparatus. - - - - - - - - - == - -- A drill and reamer, operated by electric motor within the tractor to the right, drilling holes for the lifting hooks - -- ' ' , , , ''' | ". . , , º - - - - - The liſting hooks are engaged in the holes in vessel's side by two T-headed thrust rods operated from within the tractor ## . - - - º-sº - º - Salvaging an ex-Eagle gunboat from the bottom of Long Island Sound. This view shows everything set fºre final litt. The eight pontoons have been attached by hooks to holes in the ship's side, drilled by have been filled with air; and the final supply is being it, two lines of hose leading from the barge to the central pontoons. - -- the tractor shown astern. They A, CEREITI, D|WING BELL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 26, 1911, 1,257,809, Patented Feb. 26, 1918, 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1, N M V M M º 22%22 4| 33 / ºl- cº-in El –– e. .2% 22 | *zºrtz /4- /3 6 E. - 37 º NToR WiTNESSES • Z Cezezzº, A, CEREITI, DIVING BELL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 26, 1917, Patented Feb. 26, 1918, 1,257,809, INVENTOR Z Cozeź // 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. Rºž Fº Ē!=ī£2.2×2×2×2,24|| |- ----Rzz>>>>>&1 24 ºw C, WITNESSEs - / &/~/. ATToRNEY Stº 3, cº UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 10 15 20 2 5 30 85 40 45 ARNALDO CERETTI, OF MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA. DIVING-BELL. Specification of Letters Patent. 1,257,809. Application filed June 26, 1917. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, ARNALDo CERETTI, a subject of the King of Great Britain, resid- ing at Maisonneuve, Montreal, in the Prov- ince of Quebec and Dominion of Canada, have invented new and useful Improvements in Diving-Bells, of which the following is a specification. This invention relates to hydraulic engi- neering, and more especially to diving ar- mor; and the object of the same is to pro- duce a diving bell within which a workman may safely descend to great depths and from which he may place an exterior run- ning knot or slip-noose over an object to be saved. A further object is to equip the de- vice with means for providing the workman constantly with fresh air, and to safeguard- ing its interior in case a glass should break. Other details will be set forth in the fol- lowing specification, reference being made to the accompanying drawings wherein:-- Figure 1 is a side elevation of this inven- tion complete showing it supported by a º from the deck of an appropriate ves- Sel. Fig. 2 is an enlarged vertical longitudinal section through the bell and the instrumen- talities contained therein, and Fig. 3 is a similar transverse vertical section. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal and transverse ºnal detail of a non-collapsible flexible OS6. Fig. 5 is a detail of the quick-action valve * safeguarding the operator from a broken glass. Fig. 6 is a sectional detail of the brake for the rope. Fig. 7 is a perspective detail of the tiller. Fig. 8 is a perspective detail of the noose. In Fig. 1 is diagrammatically shown the deck of a vessel V from which projects a boom B. Said vessel has a windlass W from which a cable C leads along the boom and downward to the diving bell yet to be described, and the vessel also has an air pump A and a dynamo D–all diagrammat- ically shown in Fig. 1. This vessel accom- anies the diving bell, and when the latter 50 is drawn to the surface the operator enters it and is sealed therein. The bell is then lowered to a point near the bottom adjacent a wreck or other object to be salvaged, and Patented Feb. 26, 1918. Serial No. 177,157. it is the purpose of the present invention to so construct the bell that the diver or oper- ator, who is not now clothed in a suit of diving armor but rather is free within the bell, may manipulate a running line or slip- knot so as to drop it over the object O (see Fig. 2) in a manner yet to be explained. Referring now more particularly to Figs. 2 and 3, the cable C is attached to a clip 1 at the top of a strap metal bail 2 whose arms extend alongside a substantially cylindrical shell 3 having a dome-shaped top 4 provided with a manhole which is closed airtight by a cover 5. Through this manhole the diver enters and leaves the bell and while within the same he stands on its flat bottom 6 which constitutes the floor. The arms of the bail 2 are carried down past the shell, prefer- ably braced at 7, and are provided with bearings for the trunnions of a reel 8 on which is wound a rope 9 having a running noose or slip-knot 10 at its outer extremity. 55 60 65 70 75 It is the purpose of the diver to drop this noose over an object such as that designated O in Fig. 2. For holding it supported in a substantially horizontal position, fine ropes or cords 11 rise from suitable points on the noose to a bracket 12 projecting from the shell at a high point, and these cords may be broken forcibly as described below. The rope also passes through a guide 13 within which is a brake 14 whose rod 15 rises through a packed opening in the floor 6 and has a handle 16 within the shell. By actuating the handle the brake can be ap- plied to the rope so that the latter will not run freely through its guide 13, but under normal conditions the brake is not applied. The rope 9 should not be confused with the lifting cable C which passes up over a pul- ley at the outer end of the boom B and is wound on the windlass W on board the ves- sel V–the sole function of the cable being to raise and lower the bell containing the diver, as usual in outfits of this character. Air for breathing purposes is supplied from the pump A on the vessel V through a flexible hose 20, and its admission to the bell or shell is preferably controlled by the diver by means of a valve 21. The outlet of air is through another flexible hose 22, also con- trolled by a valve 23, but at this depth I find that it may be well to employ a suction pump 80 85 90 95 100 105 1,257,809 10 15 20 25 30 40 other. 45. 50 55 60 poses which will be made clear. at the upper end of the outlet hose, so that the diver will not suffer. As the pressure at great depth is quite severe, I propose that all flexible hose shall be internally braced by metal elements or knuckles 24 best seen in Fig. 4, each knuckle being of plus shape with feet 25 at the outer ends of its arms and a hub 26 where they cross, and the several hubs being interengaged by pin and socket connection as shown so that they may ar- ticulate as the hose flexes, but the feet pre- vent the collapse of the hose no matter what the pressure. The air of course passes through the space between the arms in either direction. Within the shell or bell is a tele- phone 27 and a switchboard 28, and the wires from these elements lead upward and are within a thoroughly insulated and water- proofed cable (not shown) to another tele- phone on deck and to the dynamo D for pur- One pair of wires from the switchboard leads to a con- troller 29 having means for cutting in more or less resistance and having a reversing device, all as common in controllers now in U1Se. A rear or main propeller 30 has its shaft journaled in the shell 3 at what will be the rear of the same and is connected with an electric motor 31 whose wires lead through the controller 29 to the switchboard 28. Du- plicate side propellers 32 have their shafts journaled through the side walls of the cas- ing in line with each other, and each is con- 35. nected with a motor 33 whose operation is controlled from the switchboard 28. As- suming that the device in Fig. 2 faces to the right, it is obvious that by rotating the main propeller in the proper direction the entire bell can be moved forward, or by reversing it the entire bell can be moved backward. | Also by operating either lateral propeller the device can be moved to one side or the Therefore the movement of this de- vice, as it hangs by its cable C from the boom B, is under the direct control of the operator or diver, although of course the movement of the vessel V will carry the en- tire outfit to the point of use or approxi- mately where the wreck is to be found, and after the bell is lowered to a point near the bottom the driver swings the bell forward and backward and from side to side so that eventually he can drop the noose 10 over the article O. His progress may be regulated to an extent by a rudder 35 mounted on an up- right pivot at the rear of the shell 3, and its control is by means of gears 36 connected with a forked tiller 37 inside the shell in po- sition where the operator may sit with his back within this fork. Therefore as he swings his body from side to side he moves the rudder 65 accordingly, leaving both hands free to ma- nipulate the instrumentalities within his reach. The rudder is disposed above the main propeller 30. The propellers are pro- tected by shields or guards 38 on the ex- terior of the shell 3. The operator or diver is permitted to see his work by means of windows in the shape of portholes in which are mounted double glasses as best seen in Fig. 5. Fig. 2 shows only one of these at 40 in the front wall, Fig. 3 shows two of them side by side at 41, and there may be others. In any case the glass is double so as to leave an air space between the two panes, whereby difference in the tem- perature of the water outside and the air in- side will not break the glass. I prefer to provide a quick-acting valve 43 for each win- dow, capable of action by means of a lever 44 as seen in Fig. 5, and if by any accident the outer pane of glass should break, the op- erator can throw the lever so as to prevent the inrush of water which would break the inner pane and fill the shell 3. These win- dows give the operator an outlook in several directions, and in addition there may be a periscope at 45, protected also by double glass and a quick-acting valve, and through this periscope the operator may look down- ward onto his work. The numeral 46 desig- nates an electric light or a plurality of lights housed within a reflector protected by double glass as indicated at 47, and the wires from this light will be led through the switch- board 28 so that it is under the operator's control. Within the shell will also be a compass 48, and other provisions for the comfort, safety, and edification of the oper- at Or. With this construction the operation of my device is as follows:–The operator basses into the shell, through the manhole, which latter is closed by the cover 5, and 10% immediately the air pump A must be started. A rope is wound on the reel 8, led through the guide 13, and provided with a noose 10 in its free end, and the noose is supported by cords 11 which are tied to the bracket 12, 110 The entire bell is now lifted off the deck of the vessel V by actuating the windlass W. to draw on the cable C, and when the boºm is swung out over the stern as seen in Fig. 1, the bell is lowered into the water. The vessel will have first proceeded to approxi- mately the point where the wreckage is Sup- posed to lie, and we may assume that the letter O designates some object such as an anchor or other piece of wreckage which it is desired to save. When the bell has reached a depth just above the bottom, as the operator can see by looking through the periscope while the bottom is illuminated by the lamp at 46, he gives the signal and the windlass on shipboard is stopped. Now the vessel is driven slowly ahead, and the main cable tows the shell, the operator with- in the latter possibly switching the current 8 5 9 () 1 25 onto his main propeller 30 to keep pace 12" 1,257,809 & 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 with the speed of the vessel V, and mean- while keeping a strict watchout for the object O. From time to time he actuates the proper switch to move one side propeller 32 or the other, and thus he swings the bell from side to side so as to cover quite a path. Or he may turn it axially by ma- nipulating the rudder 35 by means of the forked tiller 37. Thus these several instru- mentalities enable him to search the bottom of the sea over quite a wide path as the ves- sel proceeds. Assuming finally that he dis- covers the wreck and the object O which he is to salvage. He signals for the vessel to stop, and perhaps for the bell to be dropped a little—in fact he is in constant communication with the pilot of the vessel and the operator in charge of the mecha- nism supporting his bell. By this means the device is brought nearly into position through movements of the vessel and the main cable, and exactly in position through manipulation of the instrumentalities under the direct control of the diver; and eventu- ally he gets the noose 10 directly over the object O and then orders the entire bell lowered suddenly. This drops the noose onto the object as will be clear. Now he applies the brake 14 to the rope 9, and re- verses the main propeller 30, or in other words he backs up so as to tighten on the rope 9, which of course draws the noose 10 tight around the object. Then he releases the brake, and orders the bell raised. As it rises the rope 9 causes the rotation of the reel 8, or pays out, and the fine cords 11 break; and when the bell reaches the sur- face the diver again applies the brake 14. He now comes out of the shell 3 for a breathing space and a rest and others on shipboard attach the rope 9 to a capstan or windlass, and draw up the object O. Thus the diver has been enabled to put the noose over the object while he was thoroughly protected from water, pressure, and submarine dangers. The bell being tightly closed, the question of supplying a proper volume of air and under normal or atmospheric pressure is easily solved by using a pump on the supply hose and an exhaust on the outlet hose, and if at any time the air supply or pressure becomes un- comfortable the operator can telephone and conditions will be immediately corrected. The water pressure at great depths has made it impossible for a diver in an ordi- nary or even in a reinforced armor to de- scend beyond certain limits, and even if he could do so his movements would be ham- pered by the pressure and the stiffness of the reinforced armor surrounding his body. The various instrumentalities in this bell are more than an ordinary diver could carry about his person with ease and convenience, and for these several reasons I consider this device far superior to diving armor, and in its details I consider it superior to other similar bells now on the market. What is claimed as new is:— 1. In a diving bell, the combination with an air-tight shell having air supply and ex- haust, means at the water surface for raising and lowering and moving the shell, instru- mentalities exterior of the shell for causing its progress in various directions, manually controlled mechanism interior of the shell for selectively actuating said instrumentali- ties, glass-covered sight openings in the shell, and a light thereon; of a bracket on the shell, cords depending therefrom, a rope carried by the shell and having a slip noose at its extremity to which said cords are at- tached, and means for controlling the pay- ing out of the rope. 2. In a diving bell, the combination with an air-tight shell having air supply and ex- haust, means at the water surface for rais- ing and lowering and moving the shell, in- strumentalities exterior of the shell for caus- ing its progress in various directions, man- ually controlled mechanism interior of the shell for selectively actuating said instru- mentalities, glass-covered sight openings in the shell, and a light thereon; of a reel ro- tatably mounted beneath the shell and carry- ing a cable, a guide through which said rope passes, a brake within the guide actuated from the interior of the shell, the rope hav- ing a noose at its extremity, and breakable means on the exterior of the shell for sup- porting said noose in the path of said light. 3. In a diving bell, the combination with an air-tight shell having air supply and ex- haust, means at the water surface for rais- ing and lowering and moving the shell, in- strumentalities exterior of the shell for causing its progress in various directions, manually controlled mechanism interior of the shell for selectively actuating said in- strumentalities, glass-covered sight openings in the shell, and a light thereon; of a reel rotatably mounted beneath the shell and carrying a cable, a guide through which said rope passes, a brake within the guide actu- ated from the interior of the shell, the rope having a noose at its extremity, a bracket projecting from the shell in line with said light, and cords hanging from said bracket and branched to and connected with said noose, for the purpose set forth. - 4. In a diving bell, the combination with an air-tight casing, means for supplying air thereto and exhausting it therefrom, sight- openings in its wall, and a light carried by the shell in line with said openings; of a rope having a noose, means for supporting the noose in line with the light rays, a guide through which said rope passes, a reel on which the rope is wound beyond the guide, a brake within the guide, and a brake-handle 70 75 80 85 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 *4. 1,257,809 rising therefrom to the interior of the shell, the point overhead, control valves therein, 10 for the purpose set forth. and air supply and exhaust mechanism over. 5. In a deep-water diving bell, the combi- head, the hose containing a series of metallic nation with an air-tight shell having glass- knuckles of plus-shape with feet at the outer covered sight openings, a reel on the exterior extremities of its arms and hubs where said of the shell, a rope wound thereon and hav- arms cross, the hubs being loosely connected ing a noose, and means whereby the noose is with each other, for the purpose set forth. carried by the shell in line with said open- In testimony, whereof I affix my signature. ings; of air hose leading into the shell from ARNALDO CERETTI. 1 5 Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” J. P. BURTON, LIFT ING BUOY, APPLICATION FILED DEC, 3, 1918, 1,299,121. Patented Apr. 1, 1919. A 2/8 /3? /0 2° 2/3 29 /6 25 22 20 2/ /6 * /* /2 / 2. AT/G / 2 / ****, *, .6 º ZZ & i || 156 /74 /7 24 * || /o3 3'' A. 154 || |& 2, 1% |}^\º 72 >, >{N}||3: /7. //7/2/v / /G 2 * 9 F / //V/27 - 6. %jº º A^7% 6 º : ~/As 7 Ž # 8–9% %. Z& - gº 8 3. % a 42. ---- UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. - 5 10 20 25 30 3 5 40 45 50 55 - JOHN PERCIVAL BURTON, OF OAKVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA. LIFTING-BUOY. 1,299,121. Application filed December 3, 1918. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, John PERCIVAL BUR- TON, of the town of Oakville, in the county of Halton, in the Province of Ontario, Can- ada, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Lifting-Buoys, of which the following is the specification. My invention relates to improvements in lifting buoys and the object of the inven- tion is to devise a lifting buoy which may be operated entirely from the interior when the buoy is submerged, dispensing with the necessity of employing a diver for attaching the buoy to the vessel to be raised and at the same time providing means for increasing the buoyancy to the required extent and for steering the device in the direction required and it consists essentially of the following arrangement and construction of parts as hereinafter more particularly explained. Figure 1, is a vertical section through my lifting buoy showing it in the operative po- sition. Fig. 2, is a sectional plan view on line a!—y Fig. 1, drawn on a smaller scale. In the drawings like characters of refer- ence indicate corresponding parts in the va- rious figures. 1 indicates the outer casing of a buoy, the upper portion of which is spherical in form, the lower portion 1* tapering down from the spherical upper portion and terminating in a rounded portion 1'. The upper portion 1 may be divided into two portions 1* and 1° at 14, the parts being connected together by interiorly extending annular flanges 1". and 1" bolted together, the joint being so º as to render the device air and water tight. 2 indicates an inner casing, the lower por- tions 2* and 2% of which conform to the gen- eral shape of the outer casing 1, the walls of the inner casing being spaced apart from the walls of the outer casing and connected thereto by a suitable bracing structure 3. The upper part of the portion 2* is seg- mental spherical in form and of such a curve as to form a space between the upper por- tions of the outer and inner casings, having its greatest depth in the center, the space gradually tapering off toward its outer edge. The upper part of the casing 2 may also be divided into two portions 2° and 2° connected together by the opposing flanges 2* and 2* suitably bolted together and packed to form an air tight joint. The lower end 2" of the Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 1, 1919. Serial No. 265,124. portion 2' of the casing 2 is of segmental spherical form, the arc of which is of greater radius than the round lower portion 1 of the outer casing 1 thereby forming an inter- vening space between the lower ends of the outer and inner casings which has a greater depth at the center than at the sides. With- in this space which I designate 2*, I form a cross partition 2', the portion of the outer casing below the partition 2" being provided with suitable openings 2* allowing the free entrance of water thereinto, such space below the partition 2" forming a propeller cham- ber. The upper portions of the outer and inner casings are provided with orifices 1" and 2° connected together by the cylindrical portion 2" forming a manhole through which the occupants of the lifting buoy pass. The upper end of the cylinder 2% is provided with a hinged cover 2*. 2* indicates a link rod connecting the cover 2* with an op- erating lever 2*. The lever 2* is pivotally mounted at 2* and provided at its end with a slot 2" with which the lower end of the link rod 2* engages. The free end of the lever 2* is secured in its locking position by a swinging link 2" which engages the free end of the lever and holds it in its locked position, that is, with the cover 2*, drawn down tight over the upper end of the cylin- drical portion 2". 4 and 5 indicate cylinders which are se- cured to the outer casing 1 in proximity to the lower end of the casing 1. The cylin- ders 4 and 5 extend parallelly at each side of the casing and are each provided at its outer end with Orifices 4%. 6 indicates a pad of resilient material, such as reinforced rubber provided on its inner face with a recess 6* from which extend a series of orifices 6' such orifices flaring outwardly So as to be dis- tributed equally over the outer face of the ad 6. p 7 indicates a pronged member secured to the upper portion of the outer casing 1, the prongs of which are substantially in aline- ment with the outer face of the pad 6 and are adapted to bear against the side of the vessel to be raised above such pad. 8 indi- cates a flooring located within the inner cas- ing 2 from which extends a framework, 8*, 8’ and 8° being the members thereof. 9 indi- cates a motor, which is mounted upon an arched Support 9” carried by the flooring 8. 9’ indicates the motor shaft extending through the frame member 8* and provided 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 º 32 1,299,121 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 - 50 55 60 65 at its outer end with a pinion 8”. 10 indi- cates a shaft journaled in the members 8", 8" and 8° extending below the motor 9. 10% in- dicates a bevel gear suitably splined to the shaft 10 so as to be carried into mesh with the bevel pinion 8° of the motor shaft 9’. 11 in- dicates a vertical bearing formed in the flooring 8 beneath the motor 9. 11º indicates a bearing formed between the flooring 2" and lower end of the inner casing 2. 12 indi- cates a propeller shaft journaled in the bear- ings 11 and 11*, on the lower end of which is mounted a propeller 12 located in the pro- peller chamber formed between the flooring 27 and lower end of the casing 1. The upper end of the propeller shaft 12 is provided with a bevel gear 12" having an upper and lower beveled face. 13 indicates a shaft mounted at one end in the bearing portion 11 and at the opposite end in the frame mem- ber 8*. 9* indicates a gear mounted upon the motor shaft 9%. 94 indicates a gear mounted upon the shaft 10 and in mesh with the gear 9°. 9" indicates a gear mounted upon the shaft 13 and in mesh with the gear 9*. 13* indicates a bevel gear suitably splined to the shaft 13 and provided with an annularly grooved hub 13%. 13° indicates an operating lever engaging the hub 13' and pivotally mounted at its upper end at 13°. 14 indicates a bevel gear splined to the shaft 10 and pººl with an annularly grooved hub 14*. 14' indicates a bell crank lever pivotally mounted at 14° and engag- ing the hub 14* at one end. 13* indicates a link connecting the lever 13° with the up- wardly extending arm of the bell crank 14'. 14* indicates an operating lever, which is pivotally supported upon the lower face of the flooring 8 and connected by a link 144 to the horizontally extending arm of the bell crank lever 14'. 15 indicates a cylinder which is suitably secured to the frame member 8” and provided at its upper end with ports 15° and 15' pro- vided with non-return valves 15° and 15°. 15* indicates a tube leading from the port 15° and extending downwardly through the walls of the inner and outer casing into the water. 15* indicates a tube extending down from the port 15' and provided at its lower end with branches 15° and 15° extending into the cylindrical casings 4 and 5 in proximity to the bottom thereof. 15° indicates a piston operating within the cylinder 15, the piston rod of the piston 15° being connected to an eccentric 15° mounted upon the shaft 10 and by which the piston 15° is given a recipro- cating movement. The piston 15° is recipro- cated from the motor through the motor shaft 9', bevel pinion 8°, bevel gear 10°, shaft 10 and eccentric 15” when the bevel gear 10° is thrown into engagement with the pinion 8*. For this purpose the bevel gear 10° is provided wih an annularly grooved hub 10'. 10° indicates a bell crank lever, the upwardly extending arm of which engages the grooved hub 10’, the horizontally ex- tending arm being connected by a link rod 10° to a bell crank 10" mounted upon the 70 flooring 16 located beneath the flooring 8, The bell crank 10" is connected by a link 10" to an operating lever 10". When the piston 15° is reciprocated the water is drawn from the cylinders 4 and 5 through the branch 75 pipes 15° and 157, tube 15° into the cylinder 15 and is expelled through the tube 15" through the walls of the outer casing into the body of water surrounding the lifting buoy. 8|| The propeller 12* is employed for impart- ing vertical movement to the lifting buoy, such propeller being driven from the motor through the motor shaft 9', gears 9°, 9° and 9", shaft 13, bevel gear 13° and lower bevel 35 face of the bevel gear 12" which is carried by the propeller shaft 12. When it is desired to operate the pro- peller shaft the lever 14* is operated, draw: ing the horizontal arm of the bell crank 14 || down and drawing the bevel gear 14 away from engagement with the bevel gear 12' and simultaneously carrying the bevel gear 13° into engagement with the lower face of the bevel gear 12' by means of the link 13" |} and lever 13°. When it is desired to reverse the operation the lever 14* is thrown in the opposite direc- tion carrying the bevel gear 13° out of en- gagement with the lower face of the bevel 100 gear 12' and the bevel gear 14 into engage- ment with the upper face of the bevel gear 12', thus providing for a vertical upward and downward movement. In order to drive the device horizontally 10% I have provided the propeller 17 mounted upon the propeller shaft 17° journaled in a bearing 17 formed between the inner and outer casing portions 2° and 1°. The oppo- site end of the propeller shaft 17° is jour- 11 naled in the frame member 8' and has mounted thereon a bevel gear 17*. 17° indi- cates a supplemental shaft mounted at one end upon the frame member 8' and at the opposite end in the bearing 174 carried by 11: a suitable portion of the framework. 17° indicates a bevel gear mounted upon the shaft 17°. 17" indicates a bevel gear splined to the shaft 10 and provided with an an nularly grooved hub 17*. Formed integral with the gear 17" is a bevelºpinion 178 having its teeth set in the reverse direction to the teeth of the gear 17”. 18 indicates a lever suitably mounted and engaging at its upper end with the groove of the hub 17 and con- nected at its lower end by a link 17" to a bell crank 17" connected by a link 17" to an op- erating lever 17*. When it is desired to propel the device horizontally in one direction the gears are lº' 20 | 25 1 1,299,121 3 5 5 5 set in the position shown in the drawing, that is, with the bevel gear 17" in engage- ment with the bevel gear 17°. The drive is then carried from the motor 9 through the motor shaft to gear 9" in mesh with gear 9° mounted upon the shaft 10 and from the shaft 10 to the bevel gear 17”, the bevel gear 17", shaft 17°, bevel gear 17° to the gear 17° mounted upon the propeller shaft 17°. When it is desired to propel the device in the opposite direction the operating lever 17* is adjusted to carry the bevel pinion 17° into engagement with the bevel gear 17° simultaneously carrying the bevel gears 17° and 17" out of engagement. The drive is then carried from the motor 9 to the shaft 10 in the same manner as above described, the drive being then carried directly from the shaft 10 by the bevel gear 17° to the bevel ſº 17” mounted upon the propeller shaft 17x. I will now describe the means whereby an increased buoyancy is given to the device. 18 indicates a cylinder which is mounted in the inner casing above the motor. 18° indicates a duct leading from the cylinder through the upper wall portions of the outer and inner casings 1 and 2, such duct leading to the atmosphere above the water level. The lower end of the duct 18% is provided with a non-return valve 18’. 18* indicates a duct also leading from the upper end of the cylinder 18 through the wall of the in- ner casing 2 so as to feed air into the space formed between the portions of the outer and inner casing. The duct .18° is also pro- vided with a non-return valve 18%. 18* indi- cates a piston operating within the cylinder 18, 18" indicates a shaft journaled at one end in the frame portion 8” and at the op- posite end in a standard 18%. 18" indicates a sleeve mounted upon a shaft 18" and on which is mounted an eccentric 18° connected to the piston 18° to impart reciprocating movement thereto. The outer end of the sleeve 18" is provided with a clutch member 18". 18" indicates a slidable clutch member operated by a lever 18" connected by a link 18° to a bell crank 18*, the opposite arc of which is connected by a link 18* to an op- erating lever 18". In order to steer the device I provide a rudder 19 which is hingedly mounted upon a vertical shaft 19 carried by arms 19' and 19° extending from the outer casing 1 above and below the propeller 17. The lower end of the rod 19° is provided with a bevel pinion 19°. 19° indicates a shaft journaled in the walls of the inner and outer casings 60 1 and 2. The outer end of the shaft 19° is provided with a pinion 194 in mesh with the pinion 19°. The opposite end of the shaft 19° is provided with a gear 19° meshing with the gear 19' carried by a shaft 19' journaled 65 at one end in the frame member 8' and at - the opposite end in the bearing 11. The shaft 197 is also provided with a pulley 19°. 19° indicates a shaft journaled in bearings 191" carried by the flooring 16. One end of the shaft 19° is provided with an operating lever 19". The opposite end is provided with a pulley 19° connected by a belt 19° to the pulley 19°. By manipulating the lever 1911 the rudder 19 may be swung either to one side or the other to carry the device in the direction required. In order to provide for necessary ventila- tion for the interior of my device I have provided cylinders 20 and 21 in which op- erate pistons 20° and 21°, such pistons being reciprocated by eccentrics 20° and 21° mounted upon the shaft 18%. 22 indicates a tube connecting the upper end of the cylin- der 20 with the air supply duct 18%. 23 in- dicates a tube also extending from the up- per end of the cylinder 20 and depending down therefrom to a point in proximity to the bottom of the interior casing. By the reciprocation of the piston 20° air is drawn from the air supply duct 18° into the cylin- der 20 and forced down through the tube 23 to the bottom of the casing. In order to remove the foul gases from the upper portion of the casing a tube 24 ex- tends from the upper end of the cylinder 21, being open at the top and extending in prox- imity to the top of the interior casing 2. 25 indicates a tube also extending from the upper end of the cylinder 21 to the atmos- phere above the water level. The tubes 24 and 25 are provided with non-return valves and the foul air is sucked through the tube 24 into the cylinder and then forced out through the tube 25. By this means thor- ough ventilation is secured, the fresh air be- ing fed as above described to the lower por- tion of the interior of the inner casing rises and the foul air collecting at the top of the device is expelled through the tubes 24 and 25. In operating my device the propeller 12* is first operated to carry the lifting buoy to the required depth. This propeller is then thrown out of driving connection and the propeller 19 operated to drive the device against the sides of the vessel to be raised which is indicated by the line A–B. The piston 15° in the cylinder 15 is then operated so as to draw the water out of the cylinders 4 and 5 producing a vacuum therein and thereby carrying the pads 6 into close con- tact with the side of the vessel, the prong 7 acting as a fulcrum point to draw the lower part of the lifting buoy into the proper po- sition. When this is accomplished the piston 18° is operated to fill the space formed at the upper portion of the lifting buoy between the outer and inner casings full of air thus rendering the device buoyant and producing a lifting power which will carry the sub- 70 75 80 85 95 100 110 115 120 125 130 4. 1,299,121 5 10 merged vessel to the surface. It will be un- derstood that the number of lifting buoys required to lift the vessel will be regulated by the size of the vessel to be lifted. 26 indicate port holes by which the oper- ator can see the location of the lifting buoy in relation to the submerged vessel. From this description it will be seen that I have devised a very simple device for lift- ing sunken vessels which may be readily di- rected by the operator located in the in- terior of the lifting buoy against the side of the sunken vessel and in which means are provided whereby such operator can attach the device to the vessel and thus render the lifting buoy buoyant in order to lift the sunken vessel to the surface of the water. What I claim as my invention is. 1. A lifting buoy comprising a casing, a pair of horizontally extending cylindrical members carried by the lower portion of the casing, a suction pad carried by the cylinder and having suction orifices communicating with the interior of the cylinder, and means for exhausting the water from the interior of 25 the cylinder to produce a vacuum therein. 2. A lifting buoy comprising a casing hay- ing a segmental spherical upper portion and a tapering lower portion, horizontally dis- posed parallel cylinders carried by the lower 30 portion, a suction pad carried by the end of each cylinder having orifices extending through the pad and communicating with the interior of the cylinder, a suction pump located within the casing of the buoy, tubes 35 extending from the suction pump to the in- terior of each cylinder, a discharge tube ex- tending from the suction pump through the walls of the casing of the buoy, non-return valves in such tubes, and means located with- 40 in the interior of the buoy for operating the suction pump. JOHN PERCIVAL BURTON. Witnesses:, M. EGAN, B. Boyd. Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patents, 22 Washington, D.C. º - - - --- - - -- - - º --- --- º -- - - - - - -º-º-º- -T - - - -" --- --- º - - º - - - -- - - -- tº lºº º º - - º º - --- - - - - --- º - --- ºf ºl - - - - -- - º - - - -- - - . . º - - ºn --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - tº ºn ºn - - - - - - - - - º -------- - - - º 'º - ºr º º - - -- - - - - --- -- - - - -- - ºf º - - - - -- - - - --- --- - ---- - . - - ºn º- * - lºº - - -º- ºr ----- - - º tº º --- * - - - -- ºn º º - º º - - - - --- A. J. BERGERON, MACHINE FOR SUBMARINE SALWAGE OPERATIONS. APPLICATION FILED MAY 1 1, 1916. 1,304,012. - Patented May 20, 1919, 5 SHEETS-S HEET 1. N zzazzess 2222*ezzzºe- &z.2e2/ */ &_c. '** ***'s Peters co.º.º. to Lºrno. was, two for. d. c. - A, J, BERGERON, - MACHINE FOR SUBMARINE SALWAGE OPERAI 10 NS, Application filed MAY 1 1, 1916, 1,304,012. Patented May 20, 1919. 5 SHEETS-S HEET 2. º `32 7.32 /.4% Z3/ --- /0% ač & /33 23%, si- - - - - lºº - H 3. @–37 f/ 7./ c K A& 2 ſ A 3. /* \ ź Ž3. 2 &? 2 - ź 2 Fº Ż 6% G|G|. zz ſº i º%22z */ Z22-ezzfez’ --- e rºofere;5 rerer's co., Photo-Lirho... wash indſon, D. C. "N0839 H38 'ſ 'W ** Motowºsza, “outri-oºoº..., "oo sai is a sisatory 3, 1 22 ºzºzºga- .53°2 zzzzzz- 222222 222*2- N`S„??-/Ø / - °N - Jº 7 - "e -- - A-zº /// ///7 -/9. S., Övºuc whov 364 Žs <tor woº s £2–~%-44%. ,-4-4 W, D, SISSON, SUB MARINE WESSEL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 25, 1918. RENEWED oct. 13, 1919. 1,321,562. Patented Nov. 11, 1919, 6 SHEETS-S HEET 3. %) # 727- }}}| //? 46.2% Z I-7F-7 l /33 tº: iſ 7/6 || //7 % \\ |→ VºžWººlºº, 34%) hº %lºs Fift|#|lºº yº /TN / Ž3~~ A/ rzó0 ſ - /5 % 45 \ `s- 7. %3 153 # Eáz-Śll- £5.5 *º- - - Fº Z j/35. ſ? ==(3) Fºllº # / *1\ºſiń "ſºffiñº ("I L fá6' | \, 2^ ; : o ź V4% Ż3/444% º %2 /36 & - A. 4% * / Sº-ºr TSz SP. \ / /// %9. S., ~, ðvvuo wrov 364 Žs <torwoºds %2– §4. ~. 4… 2-&/at arº-1 4. W, D, SISSON, SUB MARINE WESSEL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 25, 1918. RENEWED OCT, 1 3, 1919, 1,321,562. Patented Nov. 11, 1919, 2% 4. 7 6 SHEETS-S HEET 4. %2C/, /36 - /? % 18/ſº /// 35 4% - - - - - - - P/H|| 1. - : j. #2 ſºft||| //3 4% 60 /6 Hºr - B E- # ſi -Si- 36 37 OI on , - 7% i º %/? % /06 =======#33 7% Ž8-} º, º Hºlº // H|HHH = // ſº 7Tºº, ^/ºfflº, /%/ % 30 43 6% / —/ %2.4 °.4% Aft; Tºo %. < - - - - 56 ſhifthſ.] - |_*: * - #. -—l-lli ###: J3 46 !---5-[O 7 - - - º, z, ſº & º &% ||L 7% 7% g 2. s // 7% 2. Zºº; /|A-4% 4% 7. Ż2 /.3/ § /07 *H 35. s &5. hººz V/23 @##: *# 33 30||37 (43 lººrſ-2// - º Jº, === F = x===== *% 7. & x\a, 2%. f 7% /3% /33 - /46 _- 5.3 /50 /5% Wº%%; |*|†|4% 7 /5 /66X; -47 /6/ 763 % /60 /6% z - //7 /6% Aff /6% |9 9| J73 Zºljiwi-º- Ž/) ===ſ== *% // &^%HE / EE 9% '%3 • . , ðva vow tow %2 5–2,... . 364, %. <tovacºs *—-4-4-2-4-4 W, D, SISS0N, SUB MARINE WESSEL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 25, 1918. RENEWED Oct. 13, 1919. 1,321,562. Patented Nov. 11, 1919, - & 7 6 SHEETS-SHEET 5. % / - 43 // - - ðvvue wrov 7/3–5..…~, 364 Žis attorneus | | /37% | | ––– *-*~4.--&-4. W, D, SISSON, SUB MARINE WESSEL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 25, 1918, RENEWED 00T, 1 3, 1919. 1,321,562. Patented Nov. 11, 1919. 6 SHEETS-S HEET 6. */ A23 #6/27 /9% 㺠22% &// 2 33% º ~/.3% , 2%). d|-A/ º > %2 2. \2// } Ž% Ż//% / / ðvvue wroz 364 A’s <tor woºds *—-º-º: 4.--&--4 Stº º, cº UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM DAVID SISSON, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR TO THE AMERICAN SALVAGE COMPANY, INC., OF WEST NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, A. CORPORATION OF NEW JERSEY. SUBIMIARINE WESSEL. 1,321,562. Application filed June 25, 1918, Serial No. 241,767, To a// whom it may concern: Beit known that H, WILLIAM. D. Sisson, a citizen of the United States, º at, New York city, in the county of New York, 5 State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Submarine Vessels; and I do hereby declare the follow- ing to be a full, clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others 10 skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same. - The present invention relates to improve- ments in submarine vessels, particularly adapted for salvage work on sunken ships. 15 In my prior Patent No. 1,134,963, dated April 6, 1915, I have shown a vessel of this type in which there is a hollow shell adapted to carry the operators of the vessel and be submerged alongside of the hull of a sunken 20 vessel to the sides of which the salvage ves- sel may be magnetically attached by means of magnets movably mounted upon the ex- terior of the shell and controlled from the interior thereof so that after the magnets 25 have been attached to the hull of a sunken vessel, the salvage vessel may be moved with respect to the sunken vessel as may be de- sired. The salvage vessel is also provided with a drill by means of which a hole may 80 he bored in the side of the sunken vessel and into this hole may be inserted a hook to which a chain leading to a lifting pontoon or other device may be attached. In order to permit the hook to be manipulated from 85 the interior of the shell, a magnetic member extending through the wall of the shell and to the outer end of which the hook may be attached is provided. It is intended that the salvage vessel shall be lowered from suit- 40 able supporting devices, but it is provided with a propeller and a rudder by means of which it may be navigated through the water after it has been submerged to enable it to be brought into the desired position adja- 45 cent the sunken vessel. may be constructed so as to float in the water, but in order to submerge it, a com- paratively heavy weight is attached to the bottom of the shell by a clutch which may 50 be operated to release the weight to permit the shell to be easily brought to the surface in case of accident to the hoisting apparatus or any other emergencies. - - The shell of the salvage vessel is also pro- Specification of Letters Patent. The salvage vesse! Patented Nov. 11, 1919. Renewed October 13, 1919, Serial No. 330,321. - vided with suitable view ports and means for illuminating the area surrounding the shell so that the progress of the salvage work may be observed. It is a general object of the present inven- tion to improve the mechanism of a salvag- ing vessel of this type so that it may be oper- ated with greater reliability and accuracy when submerged and also with increased safety for its occupants. To attain this gen- eral object as well as other objects which will appear more clearly hereinafter, the pres- ent invention comprises a vessel of such buoyancy that it will normally float in water and the shell of the vessel is provided with an opening through which entrance and exit may be obtained and this opening is provided with a cover having suitable clamps and an automatic arrangement for lifting the cover when the clamps are re- leased so that in case of emergency the cover may be quickly opened. The shell of the vessel is also provided with suitable port holes and lights upon its exterior for illumi- nating the surroundings. It is intended that the vessel shall be suspended from suitable hoisting apparatus, but since its buoyancy will cause it to float in water, propellers are provided for submerging the vessel. In or- der that the vessel may be navigated when submerged, other propellers and a rudder are provided, and all of the propellers are driven by a motor within the vessel and may be suitably controlled. - The present invention also comprises an improved arrangement for mounting the at- taching magnets upon the vessel. In accord- ance with the present invention, each mag- net is attached to a carriage which is car- ried by a pair of screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel and adapted to be driven from within the vessel. Some of the pairs of screws are placed horizontally and some vertically so that either a vertical or a horizontal movement may be imparted to the shell with respect to a submerged sur- face against which the magnets are held when energized. The present invention also comprises certain improvements in the mech- anism for operating the drill and also in the mechanism for inserting a hook in the holes produced by the drill in the sides of a sub- merged vessel. - The invention also includes an improved 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 105 2 1,321,562 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 form of hook for attaching the lifting pon- toons to the side of a vessel that is to be raised. Other features of the present invention and improvements over prior devices of this character will appear more clearly from a description of a preferred embodiment of the invention as shown in the accompanying drawings in which Figure 1 is an elevation of the exterior of the vessel; Fig. 2 shows the exterior of the vessel viewed from the left of Fig. 1: Fig. 3 is a view in section along the line 3–3 of Fig. 2 showing the mechanism within the vessel; Fig. 4 is a plan view of the bottom of the interior of the vessel, the section through the shell be- ing taken at approximately the midpoint thereof; Fig. 5 is a plan view of the mecha- nism mounted within the shell on a some- what lower section plane than Fig. 4: Fig. 6 is a detailed view in section along the line 6–6 of Fig. 5; Fig. 7 is a sectional elevation of the bottom portion of the shell along the lines 7–7 of Fig. 4: Fig. 8 is a plan view showing the salvage vessel held in position against the side of a submerged vessel; Fig. 9 is a plan view partly in section of the hook inserting device with a hook held thereon in position to be inserted in holes in the side of a submerged vessel; Fig. 10 is an elevation partly in section along the line 10–10 of Fig. 9; Fig. 11 shows the position occupied by the hook after it has been inserted in the aperture in the side of the vessel and Fig. 12 is an end view of the hook. Referring to the drawings in which simi- lar reference characters denote similar parts throughout the several views, the shell of the vessel, which is of sufficient strength to resist high water pressure, comprises a bot- tom section 20 of substantially hemispheri- cal contour, and a top section 21 of similar contour, the two sections being connected by an intermediate cylindrical section 22. Each of the sections is provided with flanges through which bolts 23 are inserted, it being understood that in practice suitable gaskets will be provided to insure water-tight joints, Upon the exterior of the shell are formed lugs 24 for attaching suitable lifting chains or cables, whiêh have not however, been shown in the drawings. Attached to the exterior of the bottom section 20 is a frame- work 25 constituting a standard for Sup- porting the vessel when it is not suspended or in use. The bottom section is also pro- vided with suitable brackets and supports for other parts of the apparatus as will here- inafter appear. The middle section 22 is provided with suitable view port holes 26 and 27. Also mounted upon this section of the shell are brackets 28 for supporting lights for illumi- nating the surroundings, these lights being preferably protected by cages 29. The top section 21 of the shell is provided with port holes 30 having glass windows, and an aperture serving as a passageway into and out of the shell. This aperture is pro- vided with a cover 31 hinged at 32 and pro- vided on its interior with clamps 33 com- prising depending links adapted to fit with- in slots in the outer ends of lugs 34 project- ing from the inner wall of the passageway. Operating handles 35 are attached to the lower ends of the links and engage the under surfaces of the lugs 34 by a cam action to en- able the cover to be tightly clamped in place. A suitable gasket 36 for forming a water tight joint should be provided. In order that the cover may be automatically lifted when the clamps are released, it is provided with an upwardly extending portion 37 ad- jacent the hinge 32 and to the upper end of 8. which is attached one end of a spring 38, the other end of which is attached to a bracket 39 fastened to the outside of the shell. By virtue of this arrangement, it is only neces- sary for the operator to disengage the clamps, after which the cover will be pulled open by the spring so that he will not have to lift the same. The upper section is also 65 70 provided with a water tight gland 40 through which passes an electric cable 41 containing the conductors for supplying current to the apparatus within the shell. Mounted upon a suitable frame-work 45 within the bottom section of the shell is a motor 46, the speed and direction of rota- tion of which may be controlled by a suit- able controller 47 provided with an operat- ing handle 48, the cable 41 being connected to the controller through suitable fuses and main switches as may be desired. The driv- ing pulley 49 of the motor which should preferably be in the form of a sprocket wheel, is connected by means of a sprocket chain 50 to a sprocket wheel 51 on a shaft 52 supported in bearings 53 attached to the frame-work in the bottom section of the shell. A sprocket 54 is loosely mounted near one end of shaft 52 and is adapted to be rotatably connected to this shaft by means of a clutch 55 having an operating handle 56 extending into position to be conveniently manipulated by the operator of the vessel. Sprocket wheel 54 is connected by sprocket chain 57 to a sprocket wheel 58 on a shaft 59 sup- ported in suitable bearings 60 projecting in- wardly from the wall of the shell. Loosely, mounted upon shaft 59 are pinions 61 and 62, each of which may be connected to rotate with the shaft by clutches 63 and 64 respec- tively, and these clutches are controlled by corresponding operating levers 65 and 66. Pinions 61 and 62 mesh with pinions 67 and 68 respectively, and as shown most clearly 9% 110 1% 1,321,562 3. º in Fig. 3, each of the last named pinions is attached to a shaft extending through the wall of the shell. The shaft 69 which car- ries the pinion 67 has at its outer end a pro- 5 peller 70, while the shaft. 71 which carries pinion 68 has at its outer end a propeller 72. It will be understood that the shafts 69 and 71 are carried through the walls of the shell in suitable bearings 73 provided with water- 10 tight packing. The propellers 70 and 72 are for the purpose of navigating the vessel in a horizontal plane, but in order to steer the vessel a rudder 74 is provided. This rudder is attached to a post 75 extending 15 through a suitable water-tight bearing in the wall of the shell and carrying at its inner end a gear 76 which meshes with a gear 77 on the end of a rod 78 provided with a steer- ing wheel 79 in position to be conveniently 20 reached by the operator of the vessel. As described above, the propellers 70 and 72 are adapted to be driven from the main shaft 52 through the sprocket chain 57 under the control of clutch 55, but there is also provided another driving connection be- tween this main shaft and the propellers so that they may be driven at a different speed than that produced by the sprocket chain 57. This alternative driving connection com- 30 prises a pinion 80 mounted on shaft 52 at the end opposite to that at which the sprocket wheel 54 is mounted. Pinion 80 meshes with a pinion 81 loosely mounted upon the end of the shaft 82 and adapted to be rotatably con- 2 5 35 nected to the shaft by a clutch 83 having an operating handle 84. Attached to the other end of shaft 82 is a pinion 85 meshing with a pinion 86 upon shaft 59. There is thus formed a driving connection between main 40 shaft 52 and the shaft 59 which may be used instead of the driving connection formed by the sprocket chain 57, it being understood that either one of these driving connections may be used as desired, and that in addition to the variations in speed of the propellers produced by these two driving connections, 4 5 the speed of the motor may be governed by its controller, so that the speed of the propél- lers may be controlled to a degree sufficient 50 for practical purposes. the fact that the operating connections of the propellers to the shaft 59 are under the control of separate clutches 63 and 64, either or both of the propellers may be operated, so 5 5 that the vessel may be steered by the propel- lers, if necessary. - Attached to one end of the main shaft 52 is a sprocket wheel 90 which is connected by a sprocket chain 91 to a sprocket wheel 92 on "" a shaft 93 mounted in suitable bearings 94. Loosely mounted on shaft 93 is a gear 95 adapted to be rotatably connected to the shaft by clutch 96 having an operating handle 97. Gear 95 meshes with a gear 98 * on one end of a shaft 99. There is also Also by virtue of mounted upon this shaft a somewhat larger gear 100 which meshes with a gear 101 loosely mounted upon shaft 93 and adapted to be connected to this shaft by a clutch 102 pro- vided with an operating handle 103. On account of the difference in gear ratio, be- tween the pairs of gears 95, 98 and 100. 101, the shaft 99 may be driven from the shaft 93 at two different speeds, and by control- ling the speed of the motor, the shaft 93 may be driven at different speeds, so that in prac- tice the speed of the shaft 99 may be varied within limits as desired. Upon the shaft 99 are pinions 104 and 105 which engage gears 106 and 107 respectively, on the ends of ver- tical shafts 108 and 109 respectively, which pass through suitable water-tight bearings in the bottom of the shell and carry at their lower ends propellers 110 and 111. These propellers are for submerging the vessel, and in order to prevent rotation of the entire vessel about a vertical central axis, the pro- pellers 110 and 111 are adapted to be driven in opposite directions by reversely arranging the gear teeth on pinions 104 and 105. The free end of shaft 93 is provided with a pinion 112 engaging a pinion 113 on a shaft 114 to which is attached a sprocket wheel 115 connected by a sprocket chain 116 with a sprocket wheel 117 loosely mounted upon a shaft 118 but adapted to be connected to the latter by a clutch 119 controlled by an operating handle 120. The shaft 118 ex- tends through a suitable water-tight bearing 121 in the wall of the shell and carries at its outer end a pinion 122 meshing with a pinion 123 upon a horizontal shaft 124 mounted in suitable bearings on the exterior of the shell. Upon shaft 124 are four pin- ions 125, each of which engages a pinion 126 on the end of a vertical screw 127 ro- tatably mounted in suitable bearings formed at the outer ends of brackets 128 projecting from the exterior of the shell. As appears most clearly in Fig. 2, these vertical screws are arranged in pairs and upon each pair is a carriage 129 provided with a support 130 to the outer end of which an electro-magnet 131 is attached. Preferably each magnet should be attached to its corresponding sup- port by a swivel joint to permit a certain amount of movement of the magnet on the support, and each magnet should also be slidably mounted on its support and held in its outermost position by a spring 132, so that when the magnets are attached to the side of a sunken vessel, there will be a cer- tain amount of flexibility between them and the shell of the salvaging vessel. Since any suitable form of swivel connection may be used for the magnets, the same has not been shown in detail herein. In addition to the pairs of vertical screws mounted upon the exterior of the casing, there are pairs of horizontal screws 135, each 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125, 136 4- 1,321,562 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 supported in suitable bearings at the outer ends of brackets 136 projecting from the ex- terior of the shell. Upon each pair of hori- zontal screws is a carriage and a magnet in all respects like the magnets 131 mounted upon the vertical screws, it being under- stood that all of the magnets are energized by current conducted over suitable cables leading from the interior of the shell where the circuits are controlled by suitable switches, it being necessary that the magnets on the horizontal screws may be energized independently of those on the vertical screws. For the purpose of rotating the hori- zontal screws 135, there is associated with each of these screws, a pinion 137, each of which meshes with a pinion 138 on a ver- tical shaft 139 which carries near one end a pinion 140 meshing with a pinion 141 on the end of a shaft 142 extending into the shell through a suitable water-tight bear- ing 143 in the wall thereof. Within the shell, the shaft 142 carries a sprocket wheel 144 connected by a sprocket chain 145 with a sprocket wheel 146 loosely mounted on the shaft 118 and adapted to be operatively connected to the sprocket wheel 116 by a shifting of the clutch handle 120 in a direc- tion opposite to that which as previously described is necessary to connect the sprocket wheel 116 in operative relation to the shaft 118 through clutch 119. There is thus provided a simple construction by which either of the shafts 118 or 142 may 5 be operatively connected to the shaft 114 and, which is driven from the motor, furthermore, the arrangement is such that 40 45 50 55 60 65 both of the shaft 118 and 142 can not at the same time be connected to the shaft 114 thus preventing any possibility of simul- taneous operation of the horizontal and ver- tical screws which would result in injury to the apparatus in case all of the magnets were energized and in engagement with a submerged surface. - In order that the operator within the shell may be advised of the extent of movement imparted to the magnets on the exterior of the shell, there is provided on the end of each of shafts 118 and 142 a traveling pointer 147, each of which is adapted to be moved back and forth along a scale 148 by a screw on the end of the corresponding shaft, the extent of movement of the index along the scale being proportional to the movement of the corresponding magnets with respect to the shell. For the purpose of boring holes in the sides of a sunken vessel for attachment of a hook, there is provided a drill 150 on the end of a shaft 151 which passes through a sleeve 152 slidably mounted in a water-tight bearing 153 in the wall of the shell. Splined upon the inner end of the shaft 151 is a gear 154 mounted between stops 155 with an operating handle 172. Pulley 170 is which also serve as bearings for the inner end of shaft 151. Gear 154 meshes with a gear 156 loosely mounted upon the main shaft 93 to which it is adapted to be con- nected by a clutch 157 controlled by an 70 operating handle 158. For the purpose of feeding the drill through the side of a sunken vessel, the sleeve 152 is provided within the shell with a cross piece 159 through the ends of which are threaded 75 screws 160 rotatably supported in suitable bearings and carrying at their outer ends pinions 161 which mesh with worms 162' on a shaft 162 to one end of which is at- tached a gear 163 meshing with a gear 16480 on one end of a shaft 165, to the other end of which is attached a pinion 166 engaging a worm 167 loosely mounted on a shaft 93 but adapted to be rotatably connected to this shaft by a clutch 168 controlled by an 85 operating handle 169. A pulley 170 is loosely mounted upon the other end of shaft 162 but may be connected to rotate with this shaft by a clutch 171 provided 9 () connected by a belt to a small motor 173. The arrangement for holding and insert- ing a hook within holes drilled in the side of a sunken vessel comprises a shaft 180 extending through a water-tight bearing 95 181 in the wall of the shell and supported at its inner end in a bracket 182. The inner end of shaft 180 is screw-threaded to re- ceive a gear 183 which meshes with a pinion 184 loosely mounted on shaft 93 but which may be connected to rotate with this shaft by a clutch 185 controlled by an operating handle 186. In order that rotation of gear 183 may produce longitudinal movement of shaft 180, this gear is attached to the bracket 182 by means of pins 187 fitting in a groove in the hub of the gear as shown most clearly in Fig. 6. The arrangement described above will provide for longi- tudinal movement of the shaft 180, but since it may be necessary when inserting a hook in the holes which have been bored in the side of a Sunken vessel that the shaft 180 be given a rotary movement, a hand lever 190 is splined upon the shaft 180 be. 115 tween the arms of a bracket 191 as shown most clearly in Fig. 6. The lever 190 is provided with a locking device 192 adapted to be inserted into teeth cut on a retaining member 193. Attached to the outer end of shaft 180 is a magnetic member for hold- ing the hook preparatory to inserting it in holes in a submerged surface. This mag- netic member comprises a base portion 195 screwed upon the end of shaft 180 and pro- vided with washers to form a tight joint. Attached to each end of the base 195 is an electro-magnet comprising an outer shell 196, the coil 197 and a core 198, the latter being formed with a shoulder 199 near its 130 105 110 120 1,321,562 5: - 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 5 5 60 65 inner end adapted to engage the end of the outer shell 196, and a smaller portion which extends through the end of the shell and receives a bolt 200 for fastening the magnet to the base member 195. A washer 201 is provided for making a tight joint. The magnet conductors 202 are carried through an aperture in the end of the casing 196 and then through a bore in the base mem- ber 195 and finally through a bore in the shaft 180 by which they are led into the interior of the shell to suitable controlling switches. By the provision of the washers as described, there will be no leakage of water into the shell through the magnetic head and the bore in shaft 180. The outer face of each of the magnets is formed with a conical depression as at 203 adapted to receive a correspondingly shaped end of a portion of the hook. The hook used for attaching a pontoon to the side of a sunken vessel comprises a yoke 205 having the shape shown most clearly in Fig. 12, and to the central portion of which a chain 206 may be connected. The enlarged ends of the yoke are each provided with an aperture as at 207 within each of which is mounted a shank 208 of the hook. Each of the shanks is provided with a pointed outer end 209 and an enlarged pointed in- ner end 210 adapted to fit within the coni- cal depression 203 in the face of the magnet. Along the sides of each shank are a number of slots 211, the outer ends of which are un- der-cut as at 212 to serve as sockets for re- taining the ends of latching members 213 placed within the slots and adapted to be forced outwardly by springs 214. It is in- tended that the shanks shall be so related to the yoke 200 that the latter will normally hold the latching members in place within the slots as shown most clearly in Fig. 10, and in order to prevent the yoke from drop- ping off of the shanks, the apertures in the yoke may be provided with inclined de- pressions forming shoulders as at 215, which shoulders engage the outer corners of the latches when the hook is in its normal con- dition. The latches 213 should preferably be formed with a squared portion as at 216 so that after the shank has been pushed into the hole, the latches will be forced out- Wardly into the position shown in Fig. 11. While the occupants of the vessel may be supplied with air through a hose leading to a pump on a tender ship at the surface, I prefer to provide the shell with means for furnishing fresh air to the occupants, so that the air supplied is independent of any sur- face connections. For this purpose, reser- voirs of compressed air or any other well known method of providing oxygen for the occupants of the shell may be used. In order to exhaust the foul air, there is provided a compressor 220 driven by a motor 221 and having its intake within the shell and its out- let communicating with a port in the wall of the shell. A relief valve 222 controlling a discharge pipe within the shell is pro- vided in order to permit the compressor to be started in case difficulty should be ex- perienced in overcoming the external pres- sure. The vessel will also be provided in practice with suitable gages for indicating the depth to which it is submerged, as well as gages and other instruments for indicating the pressure and condition of the air within the vessel to avoid any danger to the oc- cupants. The vessel should also be provided with suitable signaling devices and tele- phones by which communication may be held with the tender ship. When the vessel is to be used for salvag- ing work the operators enter the same and clamp the cover in place. The vessel is then lowered into the water in the vicinity of the wrecked vessel and the submerging pro- pellers are connected to the driving motor 46 by manipulating either one of the clutch handles 97 or 103 according to the speed at which it is desired the propellers shall be rotated, and as has been explained above, the motor may be governed by the controller 47 to produce other variations of speed. The propellers will draw the vessel downward through the water, and since they rotate in opposite directions they will not produce any turning effect upon the shell. While it is intended that the vessel shall be connected to suitable hoisting apparatus on the tender ship, it may be navigated after it has been submerged by the submerging propellers as well as by the propellers 70 and 72 and the rudder 74. As has been explained above, the driving shaft 59 for the last named pro- pellers may be driven at either one of two speeds by manipulating either the clutch handle 56 or clutch handle 84 to connect the driving connections controlled thereby to the driving shaft for the propellers. Either or both of the propellers may be operatively connected to this driving shaft by manipu- lation of clutch handles 65 and 66, so that the propellers 70 and 72 may be used for steering the vessel, as well as for causing horizontal travel of the same. The salvaging vessel may thus be navi- gated until the sunken vessel is located, and it may then be further navigated along the side of the sunken vessel until a point is reached at which a hook should be applied for attaching a pontoon or lifting cable. The lifting pontoons may be of any desired con- struction and have not been shown in the present case. The method described in my prior Patent #1,134,963 may be used for carrying the pontoon to its desired location and the hooks may be suspended from buoys on the surface so that they will be approxi- mately at the points at which they should 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 115 120 125 130 G 1,321,562 10 i 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65. be applied to the sunken vessel, but it will be understood that instead of the procedure outlined in my prior patent any other method of bringing the pontoons and hooks into their proper location may be used. When the Salvaging vessel is adjacent the hull of the sunken vessel at the point where a hook should be applied, it may be mag- netically attached to the sunken vessel by energizing the magnets 131. During the op- eration of drilling a hole in the side of the vessel, all of the magnets should preferably be energized so that the thrust of the drill will not by its reaction produce any ap- preciable movement of the salvaging vessel. The drill is put into operation by manipula- tion of clutch handle 158 which controls the gears 154 and 156 for producing rotation of the drill and the clutch handle 169 which controls the gears 166, 167, shaft 165, gears 164 and 163 which drive the screws 160 to advance the sleeve 152 through the wall of the shell. The drill is thus rotated and fed through the side of the sunken vessel until a hole has been bored through the same. Since the advance of the drill is compara- tively slow, means have been provided for producing a quick withdrawal of the drill, and this means consists of the motor 173 which through the pulley 170 and clutch 171 may be connected to drive the screws 160 in a reverse direction at rapid rate to cause the withdrawal of the drill from the hole in the side of the vessel, it being under- stood of course, that the gears for rotating and advancing the drill are at this time dis- connected from the main driving shaft 93. Since the attaching hook comprises two shanks, it will be necessary to drill two holes closely adjacent each other. It is preferred that these two holes shall be placed horizon-. tally, although they may be placed verti- cally or at any other angle, if desired. If they are to be placed horizontally, the two magnets 131 carried upon the pairs of ver- tical screws are deemergized, but the mag- nets carried upon the horizontal pairs of screws are energized and therefore hold against the side of the sunken vessel. By suitable manipulation of the clutch handle 120, the shaft 142 may be operatively con- nected to the shaft 114 through the sprocket chains 116 and 145. Rotation of the shaft 142 will through pinions 141 and 140 rotate the shaft 139 and thereby rotate all of the horizontal screws. Since the magnets are held against the side of the sunken vessel, this rotation of the horizontal screws will result in a horizontal movement of the salvaging vessel with respect to the side of the sunken vessel, and by observing the dis- tance traveled by means of a pointer and scale 147–148 within the shell, the amount of movement necessary to bring the drill: in position for the second hole may be accu- rately determined. When the salvaging ves- sel has been moved the proper amount, the rotation of the horizontai screws is stopped and the magnets on the vertical screws are again energized to clamp the salvaging ves. sel securely to the side of the sunken vessel. The drill is then operated to bore a second hole, after which the drill is withdrawn, the magnets on the vertical screws again dečner- gized and the horizontal screws rotated to cause the salvaging vessel to be moved into such a position that the hook inserting de- vice registers with the holes drilled in the side of the sunken vessel. If at any time the movement desired to be imparted to the salvaging vessel with respect to the sunken vessel is more than can be taken care of by the length of the horizontal screws, the mag- nets on these screws may be deemergized and the salvaging vessel held in place against the side of the sunken vessel by the magnets on the vertical screws, while the magnets on the horizontal screws are being moved toward one end of the horizontal screws, so that upon subsequent attachment to the side of the sunken vessel, the necessary horizontal movement of the salvaging vessel may take place. If the hook is held in submerged po- sition, it may be necessary to move the Sal- vaging vessel until the hook can be located and seized by the magnets on the end of shaft 180. After the hook has been seized by these magnets, the Salvaging vessel may be moved by suitable manipulation of the horizontal and vertical screws to bring the hook into position to be applied to the side of the sunken vessel. For this purpose, the clutch handle 186 is manipulated to oper- atively connect gears 183 and 184 to the main driving shaft 93, and if necessary, the lever 190 may be moved to swing the two shanks of the hook into exact alinement with the 80 85 90 95 100 holes in the side of the sunken vessel. The outward movement of shaft 180 will thrust the shanks of the hook through the holes in the side of the sunken vessel until finally they reach a position such as shown in Fig. 11, where the latches 213 will be forced out- ward to engage the inside of the plates of the vessel, after which the hook holding magnets may be dečnergized and the rod 180 retracted by reversing the driving motor to cause the shaft 93 to rotate in the opposite direction. In Fig. 8, I have shown somewhat dia- grammatically in solid lines the position occupied by the salvaging vessel with re- spect to a submerged surface when the hole is being bored, and in broken lines, there has been shown the position occupied by the Salvaging vessel and the hook retaining magnets when the hook is to be inserted in the holes in the side of the sunken vessel. In this case, the movement of the salvaging vessel from the position shown in full lines to that shown in broken lines has been pro- 110 120 25 1 130 1,321,562 7. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 duced by rotation of the horizontal screws 135, it being understood that the magnets carried upon these horizontal screws are en- ergized, and thus firmly held against the side of the sunken vessel. The light furnished from the lamps on the outside of the shell of the salvaging ves- sel will sufficiently illuminate the surround- ings so that the work may be observed through the observation windows in the sides of the shell. Whenever it is desired that the salvaging vessel be brought to the surface, rotation of the submerging pro- pellers may be stopped so that the natural buoyancy of the vessel will carry it to the surface of the water, and when it reaches the surface it is only necessary for the occu- pants to release the clamps holding the cover 31 in place when the spring 38 will automatically lift the cover. While the salvaging vessel is principally intended for use in attaching lifting devices to the sides of sunken vessels, it may also be used for any kind of submarine work and since it is built to withstand high water pressures, it may be used for taking observations or performing other salvaging work at depths beyond that to which divers can safely de- scend. It will also be understood that va- rious changes in the details of construction of the apparatus may be made without de- parting from the principles of the inven- tion. - T claim : 1. In a submarine vessel, the combination of Screws rotatably mounted upon the ex- terior of the vessel and magnets carried upon said screws and adapted to be moved with respect to the vessel by rotation of said screws. 2. In a submarine vessel, the combina- tion of a plurality of pairs of screws rota- tably mounted upon the exterior of the ves- sel, a plurality of magnets each carried on each pair of screws, and means for rotating the screws of each pair in unison to move the magnet mounted thereon with respect to the vessel. ... " 3. In a submarine vessel, the combination of a plurality of pairs of screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel, means for driving the screws of each pair in unison, an electromagnet carried upon each pair of screws, and means for rotat- ing the screws of each pair in unison to move the magnet mounted thereon with re- spect to the vessel. 4. In a submarine vessel, the combina- tion of a plurality of pairs of screws mount- ed upon the exterior of the vessel, an elec- tromagnet carried upon each pair of screws, a pinion attached to each screw, a worm gear meshing with the pinions of each pair of screws, and means for driving each of said worm gears to rotate the screws of each pair in unison and thereby move the electro- magnet mounted thereon with respect to the vessel. 5. In a submarine vessel, the combination of two pairs of horizontal screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel, two pairs of vertical screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel, a plurality of magnets, one carried upon each of the pairs of screws, means for driving both pairs of horizontal screws in unison to cause horizontal movement of the magnets carried on said screws with respect to the vessel, and means for driving both pairs of vertical screws in unison to cause vertical movement of the magnets carried on said vertical screws with respect to the vessel. 6. In a submarine vessel, the combina- tion of two pairs of horizontal screws, rota- tably mounted upon the exterior of the ves- sel, two pairs of vertical screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the ves- sel, a plurality of magnets, one carried upon each of the pairs of screws, a motor, con- nections for driving both pairs of horizontal screws in unison to cause horizontal move- ment of the magnets carried thereon with respect to the vessel, connections for driving both pairs of vertical screws in unison to :ause vertical movement of the magnets car- ried on said vertical screws with respect to the vessel, and means for selectively con- necting to said motor the driving connec- tions for said horizontal and vertical pairs of screws. - 7. In a submarine vessel, the combination of a plurality of pairs of horizontal screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel, a plurality of pairs of vertical screws rotatably mounted upon the exterior of the vessel, a plurality of magnets each carried upon each pair of screws, means for driving the pairs of horizontai screws in unison, means for driving the pairs of vertical screws in unison, means for independently con- trolling the driving means for said hori- Zontal screws and the driving means for said vertical screws, circuit connections for simul- taneously energizing the magnets carried upon the horizontal screws, circuit connec- tions for simultaneously energizing the mag- nets carried upon the vertical screws, and means for independently controlling said circuit connections whereby the magnets car- ried by said horizontal and vertical screws may be selectively energized. 8. In a submarine vessel, the combination of a plurality of pairs of screws rotatably mounted on the exterior of the vessel, a car- riage mounted on each pair of screws, a sup- port attached to each carriage, a magnet slidably mounted on each support and a Spring associated with each support for mov- ing the magnet outward thereon. 9. In a submarine vessel the combination 70 75 80 90 95 100 105 115 125 130 8 1,321,562 5 10 25 of screws rotatably mounted on the exterior of the vessel, electromagnets carried upon the screws and adapted when energized to be held against a submerged surface and means for rotating said screws to produce move- inent of the vessel with respect to the sub- merged surface when said electro-magnets are held against the surface. - 10. In a submarine vessel, the combination of a sleeve slidably mounted in the wall of the vessel, a shaft rotatably mounted in the sleeve, a motor for rotating the shaft, a mem- ber attached to the inner end of the sleeve, Screws associated with the member, means for rotating the screws in unison to move the member and sleeve, means for connecting the screw rotating means to the motor to move the sleeve and shaft through the wall of the vessel while the shaft is being ro- tated, a second motor and means for con- necting said screw rotating means to the sec- ond motor and imparting to said screws a relatively rapid rotation to cause a quick movement of the sleeve and shaft with re- spect to the wall of the vessel. 11. In a submarine vessel the combination of a shaft extending through the wall of the vessel, means for imparting longitudinal movement to the shaft without rotation thereof, a pair of electro-magnets mounted 30 on the outer end of the shaft for holding a hook in position to be inserted in holes in a submerged surface by forward movement of the shaft, means associated with the shaft for rotating the same while permitting rela- tive movement between the shaft and such. means for changing the angular relation of the pair of magnets to the vessel, a latch as- sociated with the shaft rotating means, and means coöperating with the latch for retain- ing it and the shaft rotating means in any desired position of adjustment. 12. A hook for use in connection with a Submarine vessel comprising shanks pro- vided with slots in their sides and enlarged heads, latches mounted in the slots of said shanks, springs for forcing said latches out- wardly and a link provided with apertures within which the shanks are fitted with the latches normally held within the slots by the walls of the apertures. In testimony whereof I affix my signature June 22, 1918. - Witness: - DOROTHY M. LANG. Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” - G, A, L0NG, Azºv SALWAG|NG A PPARAI US, APPLICATION FILED JULY 2, 1917. Patented Dec. 9, 1919, ,425. 1,324 6 6 Gy \; Q \ TOE ººv oſvºjº º ��\ Q\\ 4 SHEETS-S HEET 1. Sºl wae, ├───────────────────────────────────────────────tz -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-, \Ģ9\ <^\ \\\ &&\ 纚ºš G, A, L0 N G, SALWAGING APPARATUS, A PPL l CAT I 0N FILED JULY 2, 19 7. Patented Dec. 9, 1919, ,324,425. 1 4 SHEETS-S HEEl 2, ~ | | |- | wºś\\| № \ļ XZZPOENYZ2A Ņ \ l \ 0ø\^! L---- Q~ / 0łºȘ 8€.N ++Nř= . ;--Ni--;N #*№. 30\ ,Ņ--- * ---!, - i uſtº}}¿№ S-rº (~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~∞ √≠√∞NA √````NNNNNNNNNN 901ĶĪN · 10|| |- ,^| --`-- - - 6!-\ 1! || \- Gºzº of . º, cº G. A. LONG, Patented Dec. 9, 1919. 4 SHEETs—s HEET 3. SALWAG | N G A PPARATUS, APPLICATION FIL ED JULY 2, 1911, Øy ,425. 1,324 Q^,&\ºčNN QNX, \S. | __^--**·! 8%, ķ===}====={}{}}} | g, -(~~~~NSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRsĖS - - - - - - - - - - - -60 ||\;======№ſla T\ ·T �9---- :- ------|---- 98~II—fff-7TĀŽ№, ºs į ſí,0\\ -ºlºſſovſ/ºº/ſº'||! | |©،į^,|63 r^v… - 1 9ç--!§ 2º~ſģi)|-~^v. !u^| ` , !|-- şII || ``}{3ſ^||^^| -$1!} |\ſ*| | `ķA||3ç ~)ſıv^. I .*“),+ žģ)€)#№ L&• Tv.(3)````№); Jo{f}(<=) ¿TÌūīzył O / \7\ —— — 6õ\ G, A, L0NG, tº ſº. of SALWAG|NG APPAR AI US, APPLICATION FILED JULY 2, 1917, 1,324,425. Patented Dec. 9, 1919, 4 SHEETS-S HEET 4, -s tº \wesvow ** 23.2 WS: UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 10. 15 25 30 45 5 0 55 GEORGE A. LONG, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. SALVAGING APPARATUS. 1,324,425. Application filed July 2, 1917. To all whom it may concern: - Be it known that I, GEORGE A. LONG, a citizen of the United States, residing at Bos- ton, in the county of Suffolk and State of Massachusetts, have invented new and useful Improvements in Salvaging Appa- ratus, of which the following is a specifica- tion. My invention relates to a submarine sal- vaging apparatus and its object is to provide an apparatus of this kind, by means of which, one or more operators may descend to a submerged vessel, inspect same, and pos- itively attach cables and the like thereto, in any desired number, by means of which the vessel may be raised to the surface by suit- able hoisting and flotation means. This ap- paratus is particularly adapted to descend to comparatively great depths and yet en- able the operators therein to perform their work and to coöperate and communicate with attendants at the surface. Figure 1 is a sectional side elevation of the apparatus on line 1–1 of Fig. 2; Fig. 2 is a plan; Fig. 3 is a partial end elevation; - Fig. 4 is a sectional elevation of a fixture for drilling through the steel sides of a ves- sel; Fig. 4° is an enlarged view of a portion of fixture shown in Fig. 4; - - Fig. 5 is a section on 5–5. Fig. 4; Fig. 6 is a sectional elevation of a fixture for boring through the sides of a wooden vessel; Fig. 7 is a sectional elevation of the bow end of apparatus on 7–7 of Fig. 9; Fig. 8 is a sectional plan of the bow end of the apparatus; Fig. 9 is a sectional elevation on 9–9 of Fig. 7 looking forward; Fig. 10 is an enlarged sectional elevation of a fixture for grappling a vessel through a port hole or other opening; Fig. 11 is an end elevation of the above fixture; - Fig. 12 is an enlarged section on line 12–12 of Fig. 1 looking aft; Fig. 13 is a portion of a sectional side ele- vation amidships ºn line 13–13 of Fig. 12; Fig. 14 is a sectional side elevation of the stern portion of this apparatus on line 14–14 of Fig. 15: Fig. 15 is a sectional end elevation on line 15–15 of Fig. 14 looking aft; and Specification of Letters Patent. -> -- Patented Dec. 9, 1919. Serial No. 178,162. Fig. 16 shows the method of grappling a sunken vessel through the portholes. Referring to the drawings, the operating mechanism is inclosed in a shell comprising a cylindrical body 20 and the heads 21 and 22 joined thereto. Suitable openings are provided for pur- poses hereinafter described, the heads and all such openings being so joined and pro- tected against leakage as to form a water- tight compartment, within which the opera- tors may conveniently move in order to ob- serve and to control the action of the ap- paratus. The shell 20 is reinforced against collapsing by suitable bands 23, and ribs 24 on heads 21, 22, the whole forming a struc- ture capable of withstanding a heavy pres- sure of surrounding water. In the top of the structure and forming an integral part thereof is the manhole 25, closed by the cover 26, which is connected thereto by a hinge joint 27 or other suitable method. A packing ring 28 interposed be- tween the flanged top of the manhole and the under surface of the cover insures a wa- tertight joint, and a locking arm 29 is pro- vided, whereby the cover may be clamped in place by the operators within. For emer- gency use the locking arm is secured to shaft 30 extending through the cover and pro- vided with the handle 31 by means of which the cover may be unlocked from the outside; a packing box and gland insuring water- tight conditions where the shaft passes through the cover. Surrounding the man- hole is the platform 33 supported by brack- ets 34 secured to the shell, a hand rail 35 be- ing provided as a protection for the opera- tors, in entering or leaving the manhole. Within the shell, the fittings and attach- ments necessary to the operation of the ap- paratus, are disposed with due regard to convenience, economy of room and balance of weight. - In the preferred form shown, storage bat- teries 36 are disposed on either side of the longitudinal axis, and connected to form one unit. Supported from the top of the shell are tanks 37 for compressed air also con- nected to form one unit. Water tanks 38 are fitted to the bottom, and for convenience are made in sections, several such sections being united by water tight joints 39 to form an independent unit, two such units being shown in the accompanying drawings. To 60 65 75 80 85 100 105 110 1,324,425 10 15 20 30 40 45 50 55 60 65 resist the pressure of the water, each sec- tion is reinforced by suitable ribs or stays 40. In the preferred form of apparatus here- in shown and described, it is proposed to employ two operators, coöperating with each other but having independent duties, and for purposes of distinction, they may be designated as operator and assistant respec- tively. It is obvious, however, that the ap- paratus may be operated by one man by rearranging the controlling mechanism. Broadly speaking the duties of the operator are those that pertain to the guidance and control of the apparatus in grappling a sunken vessel, and the duty of the assistant consists in controlling, under orders, the water, air and vacuum tanks, and in giving such auxiliary help as may be required by the operator. Mounted over the rear water tank is the motor 41, the center line of its shaft 42 be- ing coincident with the center line of the propeller shaft 43, mounted in the exten- sion 44 of the head 22. To prevent leakage where the shaft passes through the shell to the propeller 45 there is provided a packing 46 and gland 47, and housed in the extension 44 is indicated the thrust-bearing 48 of any suitable construction, against which the pro- peller and propeller shaft react. Connection between the motor shaft and the propeller shaft is made by means of the clutch member 49 mounted on the motor shaft and slidable thereon, and the clutch member 50 rigidly mounted on the propeller shaft, the member 49 being operated to en- gage the member 50 by means of the forked connection 51 engaging the groove 52 in clutch member 49. The forked connection is mounted on the shaft 53 journaled in the bearings 54, and is rigidly connected to one end of the lever 55. To the other end of the lever is pivoted the connection 56 which is extended forward and pivotally joined at its other end to the hand lever 57. This lever is pivotally mounted in the bracket 58 and is provided near its upper end with a spring latch 59 which engages the arc 60, supported on standards 61, secured to the Water tank 38 in such position that the lever may be operated by the pilot. Extending fore and aft in a convenient location is the shaft 62 journaled in suitable bearings as at 63. Rigidly secured near the rear end of the shaft is the pulley 64 alined with the corresponding pulley 65 mounted on the motor shaft 42, and driven therefrom through the medium of the belt 66. Near the forward end of the shaft 63 is the clutch pulley 67 loosely mounted thereon, and which may be engaged by the clutch member 68 slidably mounted on shaft 62 and oper- ates by means of the lever 69 pivoted at 70, and engaging the groove 71 in clutch mem- ber 68. Lever 69 is so placed that it may be readily operated by the pilot. Journaled in the inwardly extending hub 72 of the forward head 21 is a shaft 73 the forward end of which is enlarged at 74 and provided with a socket 75 shaped to en- gage corresponding projections 76 formed hereafter described, that may be used in grappling. Interposed between the enlarged portion 74 and the recess in the hub 72 is a thrust bearing 77. The shaft 73 is extended rearward through the packing 78 and gland 79, and rigidly mounted thereon and alined with the pulley 67 and driven therefrom by the belt 80 is a pulley 81, for the purpose of rotating the shaft 73 and through the socket 75 and projection 76 the shaft of the fixture employed. Loosely mounted on the shaft 73 are the wheels 82 and 83, the nut 84 and washer 85 serving to limit the end play thereof. To the hub 86 of wheel 81 is attached one end of each of the cords 87, 88. These cords are led by suitable guide pul- leys, 89 from the hub 86 along opposite sides of the shell, the other ends being Se- cured to the lever 90, rigidly fastened to One end of the shaft 91 which extends through the packing box 92 and the hub 93 formed on the head 22. On the opposite side of the centerline of the shell and alined with the hub 93 is a similar hub 94 in the outer end of which is recessed the pivot 95, projecting from the hub of a lever 96 and alining with the shaft 91. Secured to the outer end of the shaft 91 is a similar lever 97, and connecting the outer ends of the leyers 96 and 97, and rigid there- with is the blade 98, forming a rudder, by the action of which, the direction of move- ment of the apparatus is controlled later- ally. The action of the cords 86 and 87 is such, that as the wheel 82 is turned on the shaft 73, one cord is wound about the hub, as the other is unwound, thus shortening the length of one cord directly as the other is lengthened, in the familiar manner. This action results in a rotative movement of the lever 90 on its shaft across the longitudinal center line of the shell, which is transmitted through the shaft 91 and lever 97 to the rudder 98. The rudder 99 is similarly formed, and operated by means of the cords 100, 101, connecting the lever 102 with the hub 103 formed on the wheel 83. The cen- ter line of rotation through the hubs 104, 105, being at a right angle with the center line of rotation of the rudder 98, causes the rudder 99 to move in a vertical plane, when actuated by the means above described, thus acting to raise or depress the head end of the device, to change its level through the action of the propeller 45. 70 on the ends of the several fixtures, to be . 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 115 130 1,324,425 $3 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 The power for operating the motor is re- ceived from the storage batteries 36, through the conducting wires 106, 107, the motor be- ing in circuit and controlled by the rheostat 108. Provision is made for reversing the direction of revolution of the motor in the following manner:- Journaled in the bearings 109, 110 is the shaft 111 to which is rigidly secured one end of the lever 112. The reversing mechanism 113 of the motor 41 is connected to the up- per end of lever 112 by means of the link 114 pivoted at 115, 116. Secured to the shaft 111 in a suitable position, is the lever 117, by means of which the shaft 111 is oscillated, and through the intermediate mechanism described, the direction of rotation of the motor 41 is controlled. The combination of the mechanism above described, all within easy access of the pilot, enables him to advance or recede, change direction of the device, and operate any of the fixtures to be described, for the purpose of grappling either a steel or wooden vessel. The submersion of the device is controlled from the air tanks 37 and water tanks 38 by means of suitable piping and fittings, preferably operated by the assistant. Nor- mally, the total weight of the device with water tanks empty is such that it will float, the inclosed devices and mechanisms being arranged within to trim or preserve levels. The tanks 38 are here arranged in independ- ent units to enable the operator to fill or dis- charge either tank at will, thus causing a preponderance in weight for the purpose of depressing the bow or stern as may be required, or by filling both tanks to cause the apparatus to submerge. Water is ad- mitted through the inlet 118 and passes through the pipes 119, 120, 121 to the tanks, valves 123 controlling the flow. The air tanks 37 are designed to contain air under pressure and are connected with the water tanks by means of the pipes 124, 125, 126, valves 127 controlling the flow to the tanks 38. Suitably placed and connecting with the air main 124 is the air pump 128 by means of which the pressure in the air tanks may be reëstablished when necessary. The tanks 37 are connected by means of the pip- ing 129 and connection 130 for the purpose of maintaining uniform pressure in all the tanks. A check valve 131 between the air pump 128 and the air main 124 insures against the escape of air through the pump when it is inactive. Gage 132 connected to the air main, indicates the pressure in the pipes and tanks, which must be sufficient to clear the tanks, 38, of water, when desired. Pump 128 is shown as motor driven, the usual connections and switch being omitted in the drawings for convenience. It is obvious however, that another form of pump may be used if desired and it is also obvious that instead of expelling the water from the tanks by admitting air under pressure, other expelling means may be employed, for example, an ordinary force pump. A pump 133 similar to pump 128 is em- ployed to exhaust air from vacuum tank 134, which may be securely fastened to one of the water tanks or in any other conveni- ent place. The pipe 135 connects the pump with the tank, a check valve 136, and gage 137 being used for purposes similar to those described in connection with the air pump. From the vacuum tank leads the pipe 138 branching to separate pipes 139, 140 which extend forward to the head lights 141 and are connected there with. The degree of vacuum in the pipes 139, 140 is independ- ently controlled by means of the valves 142. The purpose of these connections is to con- trol the moisture within the head lights due to temperature changes, which would other- wise cause precipitation or steaming on the lens surfaces from the moisture in the air in the headlights, as the temperature de- creases when the apparatus is submerged. By partially exhausting the air from the headlights through the pipes 139, 140 the head lights may be kept free from precipi- tation. - - Connecting with the various pipes de- scribed are a series of gages 142* mounted in a suitable position, by means of which, the assistant may have information as to the varying conditions in the general system. Other gages may be employed as required, such as a therometer, spirit levels or gravity levels, etc. The forward head 21 is pro- vided with two sockets 143 on opposite sides of the axis of the shell. Within these sockets are secured the electric lamps 144, the feed wires of which 145 are connected to the batteries by the usual wiring and switches, omitted in the drawings for con- venience. By means of the reflector 146 the beam of light is concentrated and passes 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 1(; 5 l 10 through the lenses 147,148 to illuminate the surroundings in front of the apparatus, suitable packing rings 149, 150, 151 being interposed to secure separation of the lenses and a water tight joint when the packing nut 152 is tightened thereon. A port 153 is also provided at a suitable level above the axis of the device to enable the pilot to inspect conditions and observe the action of the fixture used for grappling the vessel. This port is closed by means of the heavy glass, 154, recessed in the head 21 and packaged at 155, 156 against leakage, the frame 157 serving to secure the whole firmly in place. - The several fixtures used in connection with this device are shown in detail in Figs, º º 1 J 5 125 1,824,425 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 4, 4”, 5, 6, 10, 11. These fixtures are each designed to fit a socket formed in the pro- jection 158, from the forward head 21. Referring to Figs. 10 and 11, the fixtures shown are used when grappling a sunken vessel in which there are existing ports or other openings through the hull. 159 is a head connected to the body part 160 which has an extension 161 forming a stem to fit the socket in 158. A collar 162 integral there with, limits the inward movement of the fixtures and serves as a thrust collar against the end of projection 158. The abutment 163 from the collar 161, engages a recess in the end of socket 158 and serves to prevent rotation. A lateral groove 164 cut in the stem 161 is engaged by the cam 165 preventing endwise movement. This cam is secured to the end of the shaft 166 which is journaled in the projection 158 and packed against leakage at 167. A handle 168 is rigidly secured to the inner end of the shaft 166 enabling the operator to rotate the shaft 166 for the purpose of disengag- ing the cam from the groove and permitting the stem 163 to be withdrawn from the socket. An eye 169 integral with the body 160 is provided, to which may be connected a cable 170 extending to accompanying lighters or other supporting device at the surface. Pivoted at 170 in the head 159 are the arms 171 normally engaging grooves therein. The fixture is bored on its axis to receive a shaft 172 extending to a point near the apex of the head. A portion of this end of the shaft is threaded at 173 and engages with corresponding threads 174 formed in the hubs of the levers. To pro- vide against end movement, this shaft is grooved at 175 near its inner end, and en- gaged by the set screw 176 in the stem. The shaft 172 is extended beyond the end of the stem 168 and formed at 76 to fit the socket 75 as above described. The operation of this fixture is as follows:–As the device is propelled forward the head 159 passes through the port or other opening in the sunken vessel. The clutch 68 is then oper- ated by the pilot to transmit rotary motion to the shaft 73 and through the socketed joint 75, 76 to the shaft. 172. As the shaft is limited in its endwise movement by the set screw 176, the resulting action on the levers 171, rotates them about their axes to the positions shown at a. The clutch 68 is released and the cam 165 rotated to dis- engage the groove 164; the rotation of the motor is reversed, and the apparatus is backed away, leaving the fixture grappling the hull, and connected as above described with the lighter or other supporting means. This process is repeated until a sufficient number of fixtures are placed, at which time suitable mechanism above is employed to act on the various cables to raise the sunken vessel. After each fixture is placed in po- sition the apparatus is raised to the surface, another fixture placed in the socket in 158 and the process above described repeated. In order to facilitate the action of raising and lowering of the apparatus, and for the purpose of economizing power in operation, the heads are provided with the eyes 177, preferably integral there with. To these eyes are connected cables 178, joined to the main cable 179, Fig. 16, which is connected at its upper end with suitable mechanism on the lighter, the lighter being moved to a suitable position above the sunken ves- sel. The movement of this lighter may be governed by means of telephone con- nection between the pilot below and the at- tendant on the lighter. Such an apparatus is indicated at 180 and it is obvious that the conducting wires to the surface may be made integral with the cable 179 or independent, as desired. - Figs. 4, 4”, 5 show a fixture, for use in grappling a steel vessel which may lack suitable ports or openings at the point where it is desired to attach a cable. A clamp 181 is formed to be set down over the rail 182 of the vessel. An arm of this clamp is formed with the hub 183, to engage the inner side of the vessel and the other arm is provided with an extended hub 184 formed with a tongue 185, to engage a cor- responding slot 186 in the holder 187. The hub 184 is recessed in a portion of its length and threaded to receive the sleeve 188, with- in which is journaled the shaft 189 one end of which is formed at 190 to fit socket 75 and the other end provided with a drill point 191, which journals in the forward part of hub 184, thus furnishing, in connec- tion with the sleeve 188, a stable support for the clamp 181. The hub 183 is bored on the axis of the shaft 189, to a size which will permit the passage of the drill point and shaft. If preferred, the drill portion 191 may be made independently and socket- ed into the end of shaft 189 in the usual manner employed with drill spindles and interchangeable drills. The holder 187 is formed with a chamber 192 closed by a cap 193, within which is assembled the mecha- nism required to feed the drill as it bores through the side 194 of the sunken vessel. A preferred form here shown consists of a ratchet 195 rigidly secured to the inner end of the sleeve 188. This ratchet is operated by means of the pawl 196 pivoted in the forked lever 197 which is journaled on the shaft 198 in cap 193. The forked arms of lever 197, engage the eccentric 198, ºrigidly secured to the shaft 189. The hubs of the ratchet 195, and of the eccentric 198 bear against the Walls of the chamber and limit the endwise movement of the drill shaft 189. Pawl 196 is held in contact with the 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 130 1,324,425 5. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 ratchet 195, by a spring 199, the tension of which is governed by the screw 200. This holder 187 is fitted to the socket 158, held and operated in the same manner, as the stem of the grappling fixture first described. The operation of this fixture is as fol- lows:–The clamp in its extreme forwärd position in the holder, is lowered over the rail of the sunken vessel, as shown in Fig. 4. As the shaft 189 is rotated from the line shaft 62, by the intermediate mechanism already described the eccentric in its rota- tion oscillates the forked lever 197 on its axis 198. The pawl 197 engages the ratchet 195 to rotate the sleeve 188 step by step. The threaded surface of the sleeve engaging the thread in the recess of the hub 184 causes the drill point to advance as it rotates, to and through the side of the sunken vessel, and into the bore of the hub 183. In this position the shaft 189 forms a shackle for the clamp 181 and the fixture may be re- leased from its socket in projection 158, in the manner described in connection with the grappling fixture already described, the eye 201 being provided in the clamp 181 to which may be attached a cable for the purposes already specified. The fixture shown in Fig. 6 may be used for boring through the side of a wooden vessel, and consists of the sleeve 202, in which is journaled the shaft 203 to one end of which is rigidly attached the bur 204 the other end being formed at 205 to fit the Socket 75, the stem portion 206 of the sleeve 202 being interchangeable with the other fixtures, described. The operation of this fixture is similar to that of the other fix- tures, but its purpose differs, in that it is used solely to bore through the sides of the vessel in order that the grappling fixture may be employed. In this fixture, the eye 207 is used only to attach a float line or other Safeguard against loss of the fixture, by premature release from the socket. The general operation of my apparatus is as follows:— A lighter or lighters or other tender is used in connection with the apparatus de- Scribed, a cable being attached to the de- vice as shown, and connected at its other end with suitable winding machinery on the tender. This tender together with the sal- Vaging apparatus is guided to an approxi- mate location over the wreck, the purpose being to economize the power within the apparatus for use, so far as possible, only after submerging. The operators having de- scended into the apparatus, and the man- hole being closed, the water tanks are filled, causing the apparatus to submerge as the Supporting cable is unwound. As the appa- ratus sinks, the pilot telephones or signals to the attendants on the tender when a suit- able depth is reached and from his inspec- tion gives such directions as are necessary to guide the lighter with the suspended ap- paratus, to a favorable position for oper- ation. Sufficient water is then forced out of the tanks, to cause the apparatus to float at the depth attained. The attendant is then directed to release tension on the cable sufficiently to insure independent action of the apparatus under its own power, without interference from the tender. The operator then proceeds as described, to grapple the wreck. When this is accomplished he releases the grappling fixture, and backs away leaving the fixture connected by a cable to a suitable buoy or hoisting means. Air pressure is then ap- plied to the water tanks, and as the water is driven out, the apparatus rises to the sur- face, and is hauled alongside the tender as the cable is wound up. Another grappling fixture is applied to the fixing apparatus, and the process repeated, the compressed air and electric storage being restored as occa- sion demands, while the device is at the surface. What I claim is:— 1. A Salvaging apparatus, consisting of a submarine vessel provided on its exterior with a fixture adapted to grapple a sunken vessel or other body; a lighting device se- cured to the submarine, and inclosed in a water tight chamber; means for directing the light through a lens forming a trans- parent side of the chamber; and means for exhausting the air and vapor from the in- terior of the chamber, by devices under the control of the operator; and other means for controlling the illumination, and the movements of the submarine, for the pur- pose of engaging the fixture with a sunken body. 2. A Salvaging apparatus, consisting of a submarine vessel, provided on its exterior with a socket, adapted to engage the shank of a fixture designed to grapple a sunken body; that fixture; means for securing the fixture in its socket, and for releasing it from the socket; a cable secured to the fix- ture and supported by suitable buoyant means; a shaft journaled in the wall of the submarine vessel, and provided with an en- larged portion or head, projecting into the socket, and adapted to engage a projection formed on a shaft journaled in the fixture and co-acting with mechanism within a chamber formed in the fixture, for the pur- pose of securing the fixture to a sunken body; means by which an operator may control the movements of the submarine vessel and the operation of the grappling fixture. 3. A salvaging apparatus, consisting of a submarine vessel, provided on its exterior with a socket, adapted to receive the shank 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 G 1,324,425 of a fixture, designed to grapple a sunken body; that fixture; means for securing the fixture in the socket, and for releasing it from the socket; a cable secured to the fix- ture and supported by suitable buoyant means; a shaft journaled in the wall of the submarine, and provided with an enlarged portion or head, projecting into the socket, and adapted to engage a projection, formed Oil 8, ...}. journaled in the fixture; a thread- ed portion of the shaft, engaging mecha- nism adapted to secure the fixture to a sunken vessel; means for rotating the shaft from devices within the submarine vessel; and controlled by an operator, for the pur. I pose of operating the fixture, and other means for controlling the movements of the submarine vessel. Signed by me at Boston, Massachusetts, this twenty-ninth day of June, 1917. GEORGE A. LONG. J. W. REN0. tº ºxº \ºcº RAISING SUNKEN WESSELS. Application FILED FEB, 25, 1920. 1,364,142. Patented Jan. 4, 1921. 3 SHEETS—SHEET 1. & ºvue vi for - ſea ... ?// 7& C-T. S㺠24 <toº vicº .737 & .24ee& FIG. 1 *** ***** **ar. Littºo...washing roºs. o c J. , REN0, RA|Si NG SUN KEN WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED -FEB, 25, 1920, Patented Jan, 4, 1921. 1,364,142. 3 SHEETS-S HEET 2. �N, �N |- !!!!!!!!!!!!!~,~~~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\\ V \ PIG.2 23 7[ N22 · | (/· 2,…,∞∞∞∞∞∞∞v√≠√≠√≠√∞U √Æ√≠√∞U √Æ√≠√∞U √Æ√≠√∞NA √ z· − @ | FIG. 3 |- §º --~~~~ ~~~~ N SR FiG.4. §wucwtoº Je.” Žzº. 7&_co- × 2.24° 24 victſ 564 24. <oz J. W. RENg. RASING SUNKEN WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED FEB. 25, 1920. Patented Jan. 4, 1921. 3 SHEETs—she ET 3. 1,364,142. N N N | ITITUTI I I I 77-7 %2% ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzº FiG. \s 5 Saxonſor * /. alſº ». C.,4244– UNITED STATES PATENT office. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 JEssB w. RENo, of NEw York, N. Y. RAISING SUNIKEN VIESSELS. 1,364,142. Application filed February 25, 1920. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JEsse W. RENO, a citizen of the United States, residing in New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented a new and use- ful Improvement in Devices for Raising Sunken Vessels, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to the art of vessel raising and has for its purpose to devise a series of means or devices for raising sunken or submerged vessels, some of which devices or means comprise an air tank adapted to receive the sea water and be sunk in the sea, and thereupon be attached to a sunken vessei, and have the water expelled from the tank, thus raising the vessel by buoyant force to the surface of the sea. Further, my invention relates to means and devices in that same art of raising sunken vessels, comprising an air siphon which serves the dual function of a support to let the air tank down in the sea under control and direction, and to discharge air into the air tank to cause it to rise in the sea and raise the sunken vessel. The siphon is sup- ported on a base, and the supporting stem of the siphon has a hole through it, adapted to receive a manipulating rod protruding from a working chamber on a mobile tractor on the bottom of the sea, by which rod a siphon can be picked up and moved from place to place on the bottom of the sea by means of the mobile tractor. My invention further comprises a working chamber, a power-driven reel or drum carried on the tractor, and a manipulating rod protruding from the chamber adapted to be manipu- lated by the operator in the working cham- ber to engage hooks attached to the air tank to direct the hook to engage in a hole formed in the side of the sunken vessel in order to attach the air tank to the vessel to raise it by buoyant force; further, my invention in- volves the use of an equalizer and two cables between the hooks and the air tank to enable the buoyant lifting strains of the air tank on the sunken vessel to be evenly distributed. My invention also involves means compris- ing what I may term, a leg or post, one end of which is adapted to be fixed to the bottom of the air tank and project below the bottom thereof a predetermined distance, its free end to rest on the bottom of the sea in order to support the air tank at an elevation to allow overhead room for the mobile tractor, Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Jan. 4, 1921. Serial No. 361,092. My invention also includes a working cham- ber carried thereon to pass under the bottom of the air tank, adjustable means on the top of the working chamber to engage the bot- tom of the air tank to enable the operator of the working chamber to cause the said adjustable means to engage the bottom of the air tank to lift the tank sufficiently to allow the leg or post to clear the bottom of the sea, and the mobile working chamber to cause the air tank to be moved to the site of the sunken vessel in the proper relation and position to enable the operator of the manipulating rod mentioned above to en- gage the hooks on the end of the lifting cables connected to the air tank, to direct the hooks to cause them to engage the holes formed in the sides of the ship. I will proceed to describe in detail the structure, function and manner of use of the said means or devices mentioned above as in- volved in my invention in the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force. In the accompanying drawings showing my devices, Figure 1 is a view of my air tank to- gether with a signaling device and siphon, and working chamber with a reel or drum. Fig. 2 is a view of the air tank with the leg, the equalizer, cables and hooks attached thereto. - Fig. 3 is a view of the air tank, the equal- izer in an inclined position and the cables and hooks attached thereto. - Fig. 4 is a view of the air tank, the leg, the equalizer, the cables, a hook engaging a hole in the side of the ship, and another hook engaged on the manipulating rod pro- jecting from the working chamber, and the adjustable bar and lug on the top of the working chamber engaging the bottom thereof. - - - - - - - - Fig. 5 is a view of the air tank, supported by the leg, the siphon and the working chamber beneath the air tank, the manipu- lating rod engaging the eye of the stem of the siphon. -- - An air tank, 1, comprising a hollow cyl- inder closed at one end and open at the opposite end, is carried or towed to the point above the site of a sunken ship, S, which is to be raised, and the air tank is thereopon lowered into the sea and permit- ted to sink to the bottom thereof and rest thereon. A suitable number of tanks are distributed on the bottom of the sea around 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1 00 105 1 1 0 2 1,364,142 10 15 20 the sides of the sunken ship ready to be used to lift the ship. At or near the closed end of the air tank, I secure in the wall thereof an electric insulator, 2, through which I insert an electric conductor or ter- minal, 3, at a suitable level above the sur- face of the water in the air tank. On the opposite end of the terminal lead, 3, I at- tach a wire 4, and lead the same to one pole of an electric battery, 5, and from the other pole of the battery I carry a wire to one side of an indicating or signaling device, 6, which I have shown merely as a matter of convenient illustration as a bell, and from the other side of the bell I have carried a conductor wire to a terminal fixed to the wall of the air tank. I place under the rim or bottom of the air tank a siphon, 7, with one limb of the siphon within the air tank and the other limb outside of the tank and affixed to an air pipe or tube, 8, the opposite end of which is connected to a compressed air tank, 9, the supply of air therefrom under pres- 25 30 35 40 sure being controlled by a valve, 10. There is also secured to a ring, 11, on the siphon, one end of a cable, 12, the other end of the cable being on a winch, 13, the rotation of which in paying out the cable, 12, is suit- ably regulated or controlled by any proper retarding or braking device, 14. I have shown the signaling device, compressed air tank, and winch carried on a ship, 15. The air tank, 1, is towed or carried to the site over the sunken vessel, and permitted partially to fill with water, whereupon the valve, 10 is opened and air under pressure from the compressed air tank, 9, allowed to pass through the tubing, 8, to the siphon and be discharged from the limb within the tank. The air rises to the closed end of the tank and thereby prevents the water from rising or further filling the tank, whereupon the air tank being supported by the siphon 45 and the cable, 12, is allowed to sink a short distance in the sea under the control of the operator of the winch, 13. The size of the 50 air tank which I contemplate using weighs substantially about fifteen (15) tons, and sufficient air is admitted into it by the siphon until the water line in the tank is lowered to the level that I desire. displaces a volume of water sufficient al- most to balance the weight of the tank, the 55 60 65 The air excess weight of the same, say, being about 1000 pounds. As the bottom of the air tank rests on the siphon, it is desirable as the operation of lowering the tank in the sea proceeds, to maintain the overbalance with- in about the limit spoken of above. Inas- much as the volume of the air in the air tank is rapidly reduced as the tank de- scends on account of the increasing pres- sure of the sea water, it is necessary to force in the tank sufficient air through the siphon to hold the water line at the level predetermined and keep it practically con- stant, for, on the one hand, excess of air in the tank would make the tank so buoyant as to cause it to rise to the surface, where- as, on the other hand, if the volume of air is too much reduced the weight of the tank. on the syphon might break it. In order constantly to indicate the water level at the line in the tank already predetermined as the tank descends, I provide means for au- tomatically signaling or indicating to the attendant operating the air compressor the position of the water line in the air tank. The means consists of an electrically oper- ated signaling device, 6, already described. In operation the electric circuit is com- pleted when the water level comes into con- tact with the terminal, 3, to the wire 4, thus ringing the gong or bell, 6, and warn- ing the compressor man to increase the sup- ply of air through the siphon. As I have already stated, I have shown the signaling device, compressed air tank and winch car- ried on a ship, 15, Fig. 1. When it is de- sired to sever the connection between the tank and the signaling device, the ends or terminals of the conductor leads can be pulled out of the tank. I contemplate that the air tank will sink to the bottom of the sea subsantially at the site desired; but if it be found that there are tidal or other currents which tend to carry the air tank to one side or away from the site, I thereupon bring into use my mobile tractor working chamber, 31, power reel or drum, 16, and cable, 17, at the point where I desire the air tank to descend. I secure the free end of the cable, 17, to the ring, 11, on the siphon, 7, and thereupon cause the drum, 16, to wind the cable, 17, on it, and thereby draw the siphon, 7, down, and thus conduct the air tank, 1, to the site desired. The free rotation of the winch, 13, being regulated or controlled by the brake, 14, its cable, 12, is virtually unwound off of it by the cable, 17, being wound on the drum, 16; the consequence is that practi- cally a straight and taut line of cable can be obtained and maintained between the two drums, 13 and 16, and the speed, direction of descent and site of deposit of the air tank be controlled at the will of the operator. In some cases, it may be found to be desir- able to attach the free end of the rope, 17, to a ring, 18, in the bottom of the tank, 1, or otherwise attach the rope to the tank in or- der to draw the tank down in the sea, in which event the air pressure in the tank will be regulated and controlled to cause the tank to be buoyant instead of a sinking body. One of the outstanding features of my invention in the art of raising sunken ships is the practicability of sinking the air tanks () 7 90 95 100 110 115 130 • 1,364,142 ... 3 10 15 20 to the bottom of the sea, thereby being en- abled to use the bottom of the sea as a stor- age yard entirely sheltered from storms of the sea and waves. To enhance that plan, I have secured to the bottom of the air tanks. a post or leg. 19, of a suitable length with its bottom or free end resting on the bottom of the sea, the other end affixed to and sup- º the tank at a sufficient elevation or height to allow overhead room for the en- try beneath the bottom of the tank of a mobile working chamber as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The post, 19, attached to the bottom of the tank allows the working chamber room to be run under the tank as I have stated, but at the same time offers no ob- struction to the range of vision of the opera- tor. I regard this plan of a post to support the air tank to afford sufficient ovehead for the working chamber as being very valuable in practice. It might be likened by analogy 25 30 to providing a scaffolding or false work under a building or other structure on land to provide a working space beneath the structure. After the air tank has been lowered in the sea with the free end of the post rest- ing on the bottom and supporting the tank, the siphon, which I have weighted by means of an extension or base, 20, is allowed to sink below the bottom rim of the tank and thereby become disengaged or freed there- from. 35 4) verse strains or stresses. It is plain that a very great lifting force will be required and employed to lift the sunken vessel and consequently the lifting force will have to be properly distributed, but even more than that the strain of the lifting force should properly be equalized or else the vessel be subjected to serious ad- To accomplish that object I have provided an equalizer, 21, for securing the hoisting ropes, 22, and 45 hooks, 23, to the lifting tank, 1. If only one rope and one hook were used, the hull of the ship might be strained and perhaps the plates be torn apart; by using the 50. bow is higher than the stern or vice versa. 55 center of buoyancy of the air tank. arrangement reduces the lateral thrust of equalizing lever, 21, two ropes and hooks can be used and the strain equally divided between them, no matter what the position of the ship may be as it is lifted or hangs suspended in the water, that is, when the The pivot pin, 24, of the equalizing lever, 21, is preferably located slightly below the This the pivot against the side of the sunken 60 ship. The shorter the rope connecting the pivot to the hook, 23, the greater is the angle and the greater is the tendency to crush in the side of the tank as it presses against the side of the ship. The pivot pin, 24, is shown journaled between a pair of is steel channel bars, 25, within the tank, which have their ends welded or otherwise secured to the wall of the tank. In order to resist the side thrust, I provide a strut, 26. at right angles to the channel bars, 25, which is welded or otherwise secured to the tank at the line of contact between the tank and the ship. Secured from the opposite end of the equalizing lever. 21, are hoisting cables or ropes, 22, at the free end of which are secured the hooks, 23, which are de- signed to hook into holes, 27. formed in the side of the sunken ship, S. I have formed an eye, 28, in the hook, which is de- signed to receive the end, 29, of a crank rod, 30, in the working chamber, 31, carried on an endless belt tractor, 32. By mounting the end, 29, of the crank rod, 30. on the crank, 33, F secure a radius and range of effective operation of the bar only circum- scribed by the circle described by the end, 29, by axially turning the bar, 30, by means of the handle, 34. On the top of the work- ing chamber I have pivotally mounted an arm, 35, carrying on its free end a lug or finger, 36, adjustable to be raised and low- ered from and to the level of the top of the working chamber by means of the hand wheel or screw, 37. When the hole, 27, has been formed in the side of the sunken ship, say for instance, by my apparatus disclosed in my applications for patents therefor, Serial No. 340,540, filed November 25, 1919, and No. 347,764, filed December 27, 1919, and the air tank, 1, has been lowered in the sea to rest on the post, 19, on the bottom of the sea the operator in the working chamber on the endless belt tractor turns the hand wheel, 37, and adjusts the arm, 35, a suf- ficient height to engage the bottom of the air tank and lift the latter with its post, 19, from off of the bottom of the sea, and there- fore cause the tractor to move the work- ing chamber farther beneath the air tank until the lug. 36, engages the bottom of the tank, and then the tractor will move the air tank to the side of the ship at the site of the hole, 27. In the meanwhile, having caused the end, 29, of the rod, 30, to thread the eye, 28, of the hook, 23, and by moving the rod, 30, longitudinally of its axis, I force the hook into the hole, 27, in the side of the ship. The next step in order is to cause the working chamber to pick up the siphon, 7, from off of the bottom of the sea and carry it within the circumference of the open bot- tom of the air tank to discharge air from the tank, as I have already explained. The siphon rests on its base, 20, on the bottom of the Sea, after it has been freed from the rim or open bottom of the air tank, 1. In the stem, 38, of the siphon I have formed an eye, 39, adapted to receive the end, 29, of the crank rod, 30, in the working cham- Ber; 31. By turning the crank rod, 30, axi- 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 4. 1,364,142 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 ally by means of the handle, 34, the end, 29, of the rod will serve to raise the siphon from off of the bottom of the sea by the fact that the end, 29, engages the eye, 39; whereupon the tractor is moved to carry the siphon beneath the bottom of the air tank, 1, the lug, 36, having been, in the mean- time, lowered so as to be free from contact with or striking the bottom of the tank, as shown in Fig. 5. Upon opening the valve, 10, of the compressed air tank, 9, air under pressure will be conducted by the tubing, 8, to the siphon, 7, and discharged there- from under the air tank, 1, and the air will rise through the water in the tank to the air in the closed end of the tank, and, when all is ready, the buoyant force of a suffi- cient number of air tanks attached to the sides of the ship will serve to raise her from the bottom of the sea. And at this point in my description, I desire to direct attention to the advantages of my air tank in the art of raising sunken vessels, as compared with what is generally known in the prior state of the art as a pontoon, which usually is a single hollow cylinder or some type of air inflatable bag, of a length and other dimen- sions calculated to be adequate to raise by its buoyancy the sunken vessel. It has been proposed to drop a row of hooks from a pontoon to engage holes formed in the sides of the ship, and to cause the pontoon as a single body to rise and raise the ship. It is unnecessary to point out the difficulties and inadequacies of attempting to handle such a type of buoyant device, let alone cause it successfully to lift a sunken ship. My air tank is a comparatively small hol- low cylinder, easy to construct and handle, and readily distributed along the sides of the ship, raising the same evenly and with- out strain. While I have described in more or less de- tail, the structure, function and mode of op- eration of my devices or means for raising sunken vessels and the effect of the opera- tion of those devices in raising the sunken vessel, it is obvious, however, that I do not desire or intend to limit myself to the exact form of the devices that I have shown. Having described my invention, what I desire to secure by Letters Patent is: 1. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, the combination of an air tank, closed at one end and adapted to sink to the bottom of the sea at the site of a sunken vessel, and an electrically operated signaling device connected to the tank, adapted to indicate the water level and the volume of air in the tank in the operation of sinking the same to the bottom of the Sea. 2. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an apparatus, comprising the combination of a drum, a brake to control the same mounted on a ship, a cable wound on the drum, a U-shaped siphon secured to the free end of the cable and adapted to re- ceive the open bottom of a cylindrical hollow air tank with the other end sealed, an end- less belt tractor adapted to be moved on the bottom of the sea at the site of the sunken vessel, and a drum and working chamber carried thereon, from which the drum is con- trolled, a cable wound on the drum with its free end secured to the siphon, the whole constituting a means to let down into the sea under control the air tank and support and guide it to the place desired at the side of the sunken vessel. 3. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an air tank, consisting of a hollow cylinder sealed at one end and open at the other end, an equalizer bar pivoted in the tank, cables which have their ends se- cured to the opposite ends of the equalizer bar and hooks carried by the cables, adapted to be engaged in holes formed in the side of the sunken vessel, to enable the air tank to raise the vessel by its buoyant force. 4. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an air tank, comprising a hol- low chamber sealed at one end and open at the other end, and a post or leg projecting from the lower end of the cylinder to sup- port the same at a proper distance to allow overhead room for the entry beneath the bottom of the cylinder of an endless belt tractor carrying a working chamber thereon. 5. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an air tank, comprising a hol- iow chamber sealed at one end and open at the other end, an equalizer bar pivoted in the cylinder, cables secured to the opposite ends of the bar, hooks carried by the free ends of the cables adapted to hook into holes formed in the side of the sunken ship, and a post or leg projecting a suitable distance from the bottom of the cylinder or tank to support it at the proper height to permit an endless belt tractor carrying a working chamber to pass under the bottom of the tank, and engage the hooks to cause them to engage the holes in the side of the ship. 6. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, the combination of an air tank and a double-limbed or U-shaped siphon, adapted to engage the bottom of a hollow air tank, and one limb adapted to be connected to a source of supply of com- pressed air and the other limb to discharge air for the air tank, the limbs of the siphon being mounted on the stem and base adapted to support the siphon on the bottom of the sea, the stem having a hole therein adapted to receive the end of a rod projecting from the working chamber carried on the endless belt tractor, to lift the siphon and carry it to any point where it is desired at the site of the sunken vessel. - 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 115 125 130 1,364,142 5 7. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an apparatus comprising an endless belt tractor, a working chamber thereon, means carried by the tractor adapt- 5 ed to be used under the rim of the open end of a buoyant air tank supported on the sea bed whereby the tank can be elevated so as to clear the bottom of the sea and thus be trans- ported along the sea bed to the side of the 10 sunken ship. 8. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, an apparatus comprising an endless belt tractor, a working chamber thereon, an adjustable bar on the top of the chamber, with an upright lug projecting therefrom, and means to adjust the bar to cause it to engage under the air tank and lift the same, and the lug to engage the tank and move it along as the tractor moves. In testimony whereof, I have signed my name to this specification. JESSE W. RENO. 15 J. W. REN0. v ºv 2 * : ^c at 1,364,143. RA|S|NG SUNKEN WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED APR, 2, 1920. Patented Jan, 4, 1921. 2 SHEETS-S HEET 1. ~. Ǻ TL. Tº ! 13 8 Z 3. // 16–4– Tºg A. /7 77 3. a ſººn # | 2.É. - |- } Heliº Fig. 3 ºilº 2 --→ 4. 4-Hº- NNNNNNNN N ~ Sºº-º-º-SSS - INVENTOR Fig. | 26246. /... (ſence BY 2. //. 6aºkeſ/ ATTORNEY Moºnis PETEns Inc Litho.washington, D. C. J. W. REN0. RAISING SUNKEN WESSELS. APPLICATION FILED APR. 2, 1920. 1,364,143. Patented Jan. 4, 1921. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. | E E R D D ET - * \ ſ -- - - - - - - - - - - -- Y- AMS 23 Aº Y `--> - - - - - - - - - /- * O A 13 /2— 22- -22 / A /5 S-— — — — — N N // \ | WW | i \ | - —E- Ho- Z i | /4 || | /. I / % 75' O Fic.4 4. &sr=~eer N WSNNNNN RN Fic: 2 INVENTOR 27, &eaco BY ATTORNEY Mornis Pfirms wr. Litrio. washington. D. C. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JESSE W. RENO, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. RAISING SUNIKEN VESSELS, 1,364,143. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Jan. 4, 1921. Application filed April 2, 1920, Serial No. 370,664, To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JEsse W. RENo, a citizen of the United States, residing in New York, in the county of New York and 5 State of New York, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Raising Sunken Vessels, of which the following is a specifi- cation. This invention relates to the art of rais- 10 ing sunken vessels by means of buoyant air tanks attached to the hull of the vessel and has for its object to provide a method for drawing down the air tanks in the sea to their proper position at the site of the 15 sunken vessel, which is easy and expeditious of application, sure of practical execution. and involves a very high degree of efficiency in the matter of initial first cost and also ex- pense of operations. 20 In raising sunken ships by buoyant air tanks attached to the hull of the ship, it has been already proposed and planned by me to draw the buoyant air tanks down in the Sea to the site of the sunken ship, as is dis- 25 closed in my application for a patent, Serial Number 361,092, filed February 25, 1920, en- titled, “Devices for raising sunken vessels”; but in my present invention, herein dis- closed, I have carried out the idea of the 30 method and means of the invention to an even higher degree of proficiency, if possi- ble; all of which will more fully appear hereinafter in the annexed description, drawings and claims. I might briefly say 35 at the outset that the objects of improve- ment are, first, to provide means by which an air tank can be drawn down in the sea at the site of the sunken vessel and its speed and direction of descent be under control. 40 which means involve the use of a cable and an air chamber or buoy; which latter serves to return the free end of the cable to the surface of the sea; second, to afford means to maintain a constant volume of air in 45 both the air tank and air buoy during the time they are attached together; and third, to provide a simple method or means to in- dicate the extent or constancy of the volume of the air in the air tank and air buoy dur- 50 ing the time they are attached together. Other objects of my invention will also ap- pear in the description and drawings. I will now proceed to describe more or less in detail the series of steps or acts or 55 method and the means or devices employed by me indicated above as being involved in my present invention in the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force by means of buoyant air tanks attached to the hull of the vessel. In the accompanying drawings showing the construction of my devices, and illus- trating their manner of use in my method, Figure 1 is a view of a mother ship, an air tank and air buoy attached together, and an endless belt tractor and working chamber thereon. Fig. 2 is a view of a mother ship, an air tank and air buoy attached together, an endless belt tractor and working chamber thereon, and an eiectric generator in the mother ship, and an electric motor in the tractor working chamber, with electric cur- rent indicating instruments in the circuit between the generator and motor. Fig. 3 is a view of an air tank, an air buoy and an endless belt tractor and work- ing chamber thereon and cables connecting the tractor and air buoy. Fig. 4 is a view in horizontal cross section of an air tank, showing in plan view an air buoy attached to the air tank. Similar numerals or characters refer to similar parts throughout the several views. A mother ship, M S, is navigated suffi- ciently near to or above the site of the sunken vessel, SW, which is to be raised by the buoy- ant force of air cylinders, 1, bearing hooks, 2, which are to be hooked into holes, 3, formed in the side of the sunken vessel, for instance, by my inventions disclosed in my applica- tions for patents, Serial No. 340,540, filed November 25, 1919 and Serial No. 347,764, filed December 27, 1919, for an apparatus for forming holes in the shell or hull of a sunken vessel adapted to receive hooks at- tached to air cylinders which by their buoy- ant force are adapted to raise the sunken vessel. My endless belt tractor, 4, and work- ing chamber, 5, and winding drum, 6, and hole forming tool, carried thereon are then let down in the sea to the bottom thereof by the windlass, W, on the mother ship and the cable, 8, at or near the site or preferably may be at the side of the vessel in the first instance, and thereupon used to form the hole, 3, in the side thereof ready to receive a hook, 2, on the free end of a chain, 9, fast to an air cylinder. 1, which has one end closed and the other end open, and which is towed in the sea to the proper place over the site of the sunken vessel. The cylinder being in a 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 2 1,364,143 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 an upright position, with its closed end up- permost, contains therein a sufficient volume of air to keep it practically balanced in the sea, as indicated in the Fig. 3. The cylinder is provided near its other end with eyes 10, strongly affixed to its outside. An oblong steel air buoy or chamber, 11, is connected to the free end of an air pipe, 12, the other end of the pipe being connected to an air compressor, 13, on the mother ship. The air buoy, 11, has in its lower end a bent dis- charge or overflow pipe, 14, leading out of its bottom, or the end opposite to the upper end or entrance of the supply pipe, 12, the exit end of the overflow pipe, 14, being rela- tively designed to discharge air from the air buoy, 11, in the sea in the proper place to allow the air so discharged to enter the air cylinder, 1, and rise therein to add to the volume of air in the closed end of the cylin- der. Secured to the upper part of the air buoy are hooks, 15, adapted to be engaged with the eyes, 10, on the air cylinder, 1, for hooking the cylinder and buoy together, for a purpose which will presently appear. On the lower end of the air buoy, 11, are rings, 16, in which the free ends of cables, 17, are made fast, the other ends of which are wound on a pair of winding drums, 6, mounted on an endless belt tractor, 4. The drums, 6, have a screw gearing comprising a gear ring, 18, geared to a worm, 19, on a shaft driven by an electric motor, 20. The cylinder, 1, standing upright in the sea, with its eyes, 10, receives the hooks, 15, and, upon the air buoy, 11, being drawn down in the sea by the cables 17 being wound up on the drum, 6, the air cylinder, 1, also is simul- taneously drawn down in the sea by the hooks, 15, engaged in the eyes, 10, and against the balance or buoyancy of the vol- ume of air in the closed end of the cylinder. When the cylinder, 1, has been drawn down to the position substantially where the eleva- tion of the hooks, 2, is opposite the holes, 3, in the hull of the vessel, the tractor then moves up to the side of the vessel until the points of the hooks, 2, are in position to en- ter the holes, 3, which have previously been formed in the shell of the ship by my inven- tion for forming holes in the side of a ship, already referred to. Then by using the push-rod, 21, projected from my working chamber, 5, the hook is pushed into the hole. 3, in the side of the ship, thereby securing the air cylinder, 1, fast to the vessel for the purpose of using the buoyancy of the tank to raise the same. After the hook, 2, has been hooked into the hole, 3, the pair of winding drums, 6, are reversed, the cables, 17, unwound or paid out sufficiently to al- low the air cylinder, 1, to rise and put ten- sion on the chain, 9, thereby holding the hook in engagement with the vessel, and preventing the cylinder from rising farther. By continuing to unwind the cables, 17, the air buoy, 11, is allowed to rise and automati- cally unhook the hooks, 15, from the eyes, 10, whereupon the tractor will be moved or backed out from its position a sufficient dis- 70 tance for the buoy to clear the air cylinder, 1, and upon further unwinding, the cables, 17, to allow the buoy, 11, to rise toward the sur- face of the sea, ready to be engaged with an- other air cylinder, 1, to draw it down to the proper position to have its hook engage a hole formed for that purpose in the vessel, as has been described. In this way, I am en- abled to haul down the buoyant air cylin- ders, one after another, in the sea, move them up to the side of the sunken vessel and put the hooks in the holes rapidly and safely, in lines between the mother ship and the tractor and working chamber or sunken ves- sel, as the case may be, virtually as short and straight as can be afforded by the join- ing together of the pipe, 12, the air buoy, 11. and the cables, 17. That feature is a notable 75 contribution to the art, since it accomplishes practically full control of the locus of the descending tank, regardless of tidal or other currents, if there be any, a consummation greatly to be desired. It should be kept in mind that, in order to maintain the balance or proper buoyancy of the air cylinder, 1, as it is hauled down in the sea, it is necessary to supply air from the compressed air supply, 13, on the mother ship, continually to maintain a con- stant volume or displacement of air in the closed upper end of the air cylinder, 1. In my application for a patent, Serial Number 361,092, filed February 25, 1920, entitled, Devices for raising sunken vessels, I de- scribed an invention by which the volume or displacement of air or position of the water level in the air cylinder, 1, is known by an electric indicating device, which is set into action by the rise of the water level in the tank. In my present invention, I in- dicate the volume or displacement of air or position of the water level in the air cylin- der by an apparattis different specifically from the said indicating device, though nevertheless, the present device too is elec- trical. - - I will describe the present apparatus as follows, to wit: within the hoisting cable, 8, for the tractor and working chamber, are located a pair of insulated electric conduc- tors, 22, which are patently shown in Fig. 2. The cable, 8, shown in Fig. 1 has the con- ductors, 22, within it, but, for convenience in displaying the conductors, 22, the cable 8, is omitted in the Fig. 2, and only the con- ductors, 22, shown, so far as the hoisting cable, 8, is concerned. The conductors, 22, lead from the electric generator, G R, on the mother ship to the electric motor, 20, in the working chamber, 5, in the circuit of 115 120 130 1,364,143 3. 55 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 () which, I insert electric indicating, signaling or recording instruments, 23, one located on the mother ship and the other in the working chamber. The instruments are in Series with each other in the circuit of the conductors, 22, and the current from the generator, G R, passes through them from the said generator to the motor, 20. I will now describe the operation of maintaining a proper buoyancy of the air cylinder, 1, as it is drawn down in the sea. Sufficient air is forced into the cylinder, 1. to produce an effective buoyancy which will require, we will say, for example, a pull down on the cables, 17, attached to the air buoy, 11, of a force of four thousand (4,000) pounds, which is well within the capacity of the motor, 20, in the working chamber, 5. As the winding drum, 6, con- 5 () 1 20 tinues to draw down the air cylinder, 1, the increased pressure of the water on the air in the upright closed end of the cylinder reduces its volume or displacement, which permits the cylinder to be further pulled down with less and less power exerted by the winding drum, 6, and the motor, 20. If the drawing down operation were continued and no more air were supplied to within the closed end of the cylinder, a point would be quickly reached when the cylinder would have no buoyancy, and it would descend by gravitational force to the bottom of the sea, with accelerated gravity, and without con- trol, and possibly cause a bad accident. As a precaution against an occurrence of that sort, I have provided the instruments 23, to indicate the volume or displacement of air in the closed end of the air cylinder, which discloses the exact power which the motor, 20, is exerting in pulling down the air cylinder, 1: consequently the attendants both on the mother ship, on the surface of the sea, and in the working chamber, 5, on the bottom of the sea, by observing the in- dicators can know exactly at all times how much power is being consumed in drawing down the air cylinder; and, having prede- termined the normal conditions required to draw down an air cylinder, if the motor is exerting less power than it ought to, the air compressor on the mother ship is started up and an increased volume of air is forced into the cylinder, thus restoring the proper buoyancy or balance of the air cylinder. Tt is also very important to maintain the proper air buoyancy or balance of the buoy 11, by maintaining a constant volume of air within it, when it is being drawn down in the sea, because if the buoy, 11, should be at the surface of the sea filled with air and then should be drawn down, the air within the buoy would be compressed to such a small volume that the displacement of the buoy would not be sufficient to carry it back ºff to the surface after the air cylinder, 1, had 6 been drawn down as previously described and the air buoy, 11, would be unable to raise the ends of the cables, 17, to the sur- face of the sea ready for the buoy to be hooked to another air cylinder, 1. In my 70 present invention, the air from the compres- sor, 13, passing down through the pipe, 12, to the buoy, 11, always maintains the full volume of air within the buoy, 11, and, in fact, the air can only escape from the buoy through the overflow or discharge pipe, 14, in its bottom. The air discharged from the overflow pipe finds its way within the air cylinder, 1, and rises to its upper and closed end, as has already been explained. What I desire to claim is:– 1. In the art of raising sunken ships by buoyant bodies attached thereto, the combi- nation of a buoyant air cylinder, adapted to be attached to the ship, a hollow buoy, adapted to be detachably fixed to the cylin- der, and means to draw the cylinder and buoy attached thereto down in the sea at the site of the sunken vessel. 2. In the art of raising sunken ships by buoyant bodies attached thereto, the combi- nation of a buoyant air cylinder, adapted to be secured to the ship to raise the same by buoyant force, a hollow buoy, adapted to be removably secured to the cylinder, an air pipe connected to the buoy to supply air thereto, and a cable to draw the cylinder and buoy down in the sea at the site of the sunken vessel. - 3. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant force, the combination of an air cylinder, closed at one end and open at the other end, a hollow buoy removably fastened thereto, and having air inlet and outlet orifices, a pipe connected to the inlet orifice to supply air under pressure, and a pipe con- nected to the outlet orifice to discharge air to enter the open end of the cylinder and rise to its closed end, and means to draw the cylinder and buoy down in the sea at the site of the sunken vessel. - 4. In the art of raising sunken vessels from off of the bottom of the sea by buoyant bodies attached thereto, the combination of an air cylinder, closed at one end and open at the other end, a hollow buoy detachably secured to the cylinder, and having air inlet and outlet orifices, a supply pipe connected to the inlet orifice to supply air under pres- sure and an overflow or discharge pipe con- nected to the outlet orifice to discharge air to enter the open end of the cylinder and rise to the closed end, means to draw the cylinder and buoy down in the sea, com- prising a cable, its free end fast to the buoy, and a drum adapted to wind thereon the other end of the cable. 5. In the art of raising sunken vessels from off of the bottom of the sea by buoyant bodies attached thereto, the combination of 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 4. 1,364,143 10 20 25 30 an air cylinder, closed at one end and open at the other end, a hollow buoy detachably secured to the cylinder, and having air inlet and outlet orifices, a supply pipe connected to the inlet orifice to supply air under pres- sure and an overflow or discharge pipe con- nected to the outlet orifice to discharge air to enter the open end of the cylinder and rise to the closed end, means to draw the cylinder and buoy down in the sea, com- prising a cable, its free end fast to the buoy, a drum, adapted to wind thereon the other end of the cable, and a tractor, upon which the drum is mounted. - 6. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant air cylinders attached to the vessel, the combination of a mother ship, a com- pressed air tank thereon, a pipe leading therefrom, a hollow buoy, connected to the pipe, an overflow or discharge air pipe con- nected to the buoy, an air cylinder, closed at one end and open at the other end, adapted to be removably attached to the buoy, a cable, one end fast to the buoy, a drum, the other end of the cable wound on the drum, an endless belt tractor, on which the drum is mounted, and means to operate the drum. 7. In the art of raising sunken vessels by buoyant bodies attached thereto, the combi- nation of a mother ship, an electric gener- ator thereon, a tractor, on the bottom of the sea, an electric motor on the tractor, a con- ductor circuit between the generator and motor, instruments in the circuit, to indicate the output of current of the generator and intake of current by the motor. 8. In the art of raising sunken vessels by the use of buoyant force, the combination of a mother ship, a compressed air tank there- on, a hollow buoy, a pipe connecting the tank and buoy, an overflow or discharge pipe leading from the buoy, an air cylinder, closed at one end and open at the opposite end, the cylinder and tank being detachably fastened together, and the overflow pipe adapted to discharge air to rise to the closed end of the cylinder, a cable, its free end fast to the buoy, a tractor, on the bottom of the sea, a drum on the tractor, upon which the other end of the cable is adapted to be wound, an electric motor on the tractor to operate the drum, an electric generator on the mother ship, a conductor circuit between the motor and generator, and instruments in the circuit to indicate the amount of power given by the generator and used by the motor to draw the cylinder and buoy down in the sea. - In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification. JESSE W. RENO. 45 50 55 J. W. REN0, DEVICE FOR RA|S|NG SUN KEN WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED JULY 23, 1920, 1,373,672. Patented Apr. 5, 1921. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. s ) | N loſ === | F | Gr. 3 8 (£ - 2ſ SJ| || PT | /7 | 22 [5 I 131 S ##-- − # 2O l/ |}|...}\ r—r-4A- /? /8 - - ~ - 6 Z 7 F | G. 7 F| G. 2 INVENTO %a tº 24, r BY J. W. REN (), DEVICE FOR RA|S|NG SUN KEN WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED JULY 23, 1920, 1,373,672. Patented Apr. 5, 1921. 2 SHEETS-S HEET 2. iſ 4 |-r | 5-1 || || || || 2 || || || =====-----|-- | I | / | | | | | | Pl |O || || | || L5 4-## - | T F ] G. 6 ==l. | - º == : --- 8 8-Sº L–5 S|| || ". 9 –S |4 I5 C, OOOOOOO - ‘T- 4–H--------| J3 - - 6 13 - 4tk219 | S g [o * - - - - To J8 F|G. 4 F | Gr. 5 INVENTOR | Y UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 JESSE W. RENO, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. DEVICE FOR, IR, AISING SUNIKEN VIESSELS. 1,373,672. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 5, 1921. Application filed July 23, 1920. Serial No. 398,481. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JESSE W. RENo, a citizen of the United States, residing in New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented a new and use- ful Improvement in Devices for Raising Sunken Vessels, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to the art of raising vessels sunk beneath the sea on the bottom thereof and has for its object to devise sev- eral means or devices to be sunk into the sea at the site of the sunken vessel and be at- tached thereto in holes formed in the hull of the vessel for that purpose, as will more fully appear hereinafter. More particularly stated, my invention consists of an improved buoyant pontoon to be attached to a sunken vessel for raising the same, consisting substantially of a cyl- inder vertically disposed in the sea and at- tached to the vessel, and closed at the top and open at the bottom, the length of the cylinder being approximately five times its diameter, though of course the statement thereto does not mean to limit the dimen- sions of the cylinder to those stated above. Further my invention relates to an im- proved method and apparatus for attach- ing the pontoons to the vessel. In the accompanying drawings showing my invention, Figure 1 is a view of my im- proved hook frame. Fig. 2 is a footing frame therefor. Fig. 3 is a view of the hook and footing frames assembled together. Fig. 4 shows my improved pontoon at- tached by means of cables to my hook frame, the frame being shown mounted on the footing frame. - - Fig. 5 shows the hull of a sunken vessel; my hook and footing frames at the side thereof: my improved submarine tractor- borne drilling mechanism, the point of a 45 50 55 drill passing through a hole in my hook frame and through the outer plating of the vessel. Fig. 6 shows a horizontal section on line d—b, Fig. 4. - Fig. 7 shows my pontoon and hook frame hooked into holes in the hull of the sunken vessel. - My improved pontoon, 1, is preferably made of thin sheet metal; at a point some- what below the middle line of the cylinder or pontoon I supply a band 2 around the circumference of the same in order to in- crease the strength of the walls of the pon- toon to resist the very heavy pulling strains applied to the pontoon by the weight of the 60 suspended vessel. These strains, because of . the great buoyancy of my larger pontoons, say for example, of dimensions twelve (12) feet in diameter by sixty-six (66) feet long, add up the total pull on the cables and hooks which support the vessel substantially of about two-hundred and twelve (212) tons. It will be understood, in order to transfer that great weight to the comparatively thin sheet metal comprising the body of the pon- toon, it is highly important to form the band of reinforcing material at the zone where the strains occur, and into which the necessary attachments and braces can be properly framed. It is obvious that I can frame the band separately or integrally with the material of the pontoon. The ca- bles, 3, which support the weight of the ves- sel, are attached by bolts, 4, and shackles, 5, to a pair of channel struts, 6, inside of the band and which preferably may be welded to the central band of the pontoon. The ca- bles are brought together at their free ends and terminate at a ring, 7, at their lower ends, and the ring is adapted to be slipped over a hook, 8, formed on a special multi- ple hook frame, 9, which I invented es- pecially for that purpose, and which frame I will describe later on. I also provide, fitted to the exterior of the pontoon, a thrust block or shoe, 10, the side thrust being transmitted to the shoe by a horizontal strut, 11, connecting the channel struts, 6, with the interior wall of the pon- toon. The shoe, about six (6) feet long and of suitable dimensions otherwise, is very important and useful as it serves to distribute the side thrusts, due to the in- clined position of the lifting cables, over a considerable area of the vessel's side. Fur- thermore, the shoe presents a broad, flat sur- face to the side of the vessel and maintains the pontoon in substantially a vertical plane parallel to the vessel, and will prevent any tendency to turn about its vertical axis. The construction which I have shown does not require the equalizing levers in m previous application for a patent, Serial No. 36.1092, filed February 25, 1920, in order to equalize the strains of the lifting cables in case of the vessel rising with either end higher than the other. -------- 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 º 1,373,672 My present construction permits the ves- sel to rise in an inclined position and, not- withstanding that inclination of the vessel, the pontoon will maintain its vertical posi- tion and the strain on the lifting cables will remain the same. Furthermore, by my con- struction, I am enabled to distribute the lifting strain of the pontoon on the ship's hull over a larger area by means of a large number of holes in the plating of the ship and hooks hooked in the holes and secured to the lifting cables, thus subjecting the hull of the ship to only a moderate strain at any one point. I will now proceed to describe the method by which I accomplish that distribution of strains. The first operation consists in lowering to the sea bed, adjacent to the side of the ship, S, the hook frame, 9. This frame is pref- erably a steel casting of more or less tri- angular shape in outline as shown, and is very strong. The hook frame has a series of holes, 12, which register in line with hooks, 13, formed on the frame below the holes. The holes are intended to serve as a templet to guide the drill, 14, working through the deep water working chamber, 15, carried on a tractor, 16. The hook frame is temporarily supported in the footing frame, 9', comprising vertically braced up- right guide bars, 17, and horizontally braced footing bars, 18, the bars being braced to- gether by other bars, 19. The footing frame rests on the sea bed and braces the hook frame against the ship. When all the holes have been drilled through the ship's plating in the manner above related, the pontoon is drawn down by the drum, 20, on the tractor, winding up the cable, 21, secured to the pontoon. In the drawing I have shown my improved means for drawing down the pontoon dis- closed in my application for a patent, Serial 45 Number 370,664, filed April 2, 1920. When the pontoon has been drawn down, the ring, 7, is hooked over the hook, 8, by which means the pontoon and the hook frame are connected together, as shown in 50 Figs. 4 and 7. The pontoon is then per- mitted to rise very slowly which frees the hook frame from its support, the footing frame, and continuing to rise, and at the same time being pushed with considerable 5 10 15 20 30 35 40 - - - - - - - - - -- - - ºil - ºil- - ºedio force against the side of the ship by the 55 adjusting rod, 22, mounted in the working chamber, 15, the series of hooks, 13, are caused to enter into and engage their re- spective holes in the hull of the ship, and thus to secure the pontoon to the vessel. It 60 is important to have a considerable number of the hooks, 13, so as to distribute the strains over a large number of holes which have been drilled into the ship's plating. When the strain of the ship comes upon the 65 pontoon, it is well taken care of by the band of material reinforcing the pontoon and the shoe, as has already been described. What I claim is: 1. A pontoon, having a closed upper end º and open lower end, adapted to be vertically disposed in the sea, and lifting cables ex- tended up to the pontoon to the approxi- mate middle line thereof, and at which point secured to the walls of the pontoon. 75 2. A pontoon, with a reinforced band in the zone of its length or height where the strains occur, for attachment of lifting ca- bles and to distribute the vertical strains over the thin walls of the pontoon. 80 3. A pressure shoe, adapted to be placed between a sunken ship and the wall of a pontoon, to relieve the wall of the pontoon from the thrust of the lifting cables as it is forced against the hull of the ship. 85 4. A hook frame, adapted to be connected to a pontoon, the said frame having a series of hooks adapted to hook into holes in the hull of a sunken vessel. 5. A hook frame, adapted to be connected 90 to a pontoon, having a series of holes to constitute a templet for a drill to form holes in the hull of a sunken vessel, and having a series of hooks adapted to hook into the said holes in the ship. 95 6. In the art of raising sunken ships by attaching thereto a buoyant device by means of a frame bearing hooks, which are adapted to be entered into and engage holes formed in the hull of the vessel, the combi- nation of the hook frame and a footing frame, the latter adapted to rest on the bed of the sea, and support the hook frame in position to facilitate the work of entering the hooks into the holes. In testimony whereof, I have signed my name to this specification. JESSE W. RENO. 00 1 105 --- º - - - º - - -ºº - - - ºf - -- - - - J. W. REN0, ART OF RAISING SU BMERGED WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 15, 1921. 1,400,316. Patented Dec. 13, 1921. 2 SHEETS-SHEET, L, 14 5 2 8 2^ /4 9 13 - - - - - - - - FFºlk q O /2 —º-E-º-º-tº-5 18 L-l 8 2\l ; : La I –8 • | *#! A: A. q |q 3 R&3 /–15 ſi) ills 5-HT (H2+ a gºla ; ; F. E.F. | º \ | ! | `i; \ | : I * . I is { * #8 He || 24 | || ! /*|| ^ia lo–y-? 13.4.220 INVENTOR /* 2// 7%zzo- FE.24 By 24%-24% ATTORNEY A \º : cº J, W, RENO, AH | 0F RAISING SUBMERGED WESSELS, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 15, 1921. 1,400,316. Patented Dec. 13, 1921. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. ** 11. of -º * C. - 10 15 20 UNITED STATES J E S S E W. R. E. No, PATENT OFFICE. OF NEW Y O R. K., N. Y. AIRT OF RAISING SUBIMIERGED VESSELS. - 1,400,316. Application filed June 15, To all whom ºf may concern: Be it known that I, JEsse W. RENo, a citizen of the United States, residing in New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented a new and use- ful Improvement in the Art of Raising Sub- merged Vessels, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to the art of raising sunken vessels, and has for its object, among others, to devise what I may properly term, a vertical double tandem pontoon, which when properly attached to the side of the sunken vessel and suitably inflated for the purpose will raise the ship from off of the bottom of the sea sufficiently to allow its deck to be well above the surface of the water without the use of additional pon- toons, to the end that the subsequent opera- tions of reclaiming the sunken vessel from the Sea can be conveniently and adequately 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 carried on; all of which will more fully appear hereinafter. - In my patents, numbered, 1,364,142, pat- ented January 4, 1921; 1,364,143, patented January 4, 1921; and 1,373,672, patented April 5, 1921, I disclose a vertical pontoon, disposed upright in the sea, adapted to be attached to the sides of a sunken vessel, and capable of raising a sunken vessel under the buoyant force of air contained in the pon- toon. In order to raise a sunken vessel from off of the bottom of the sea by the use of the buoyant force of air in a vertical pontoon attached to the sides of the sunken vessel, it is imperative, in order to obtain sufficient buoyancy, to provide pontoons of long length, º speaking, say for in- stance, sixty feet. The long pontoon also places the center of buoyancy well above the center of gravity of the vessel, so that as the vessel rises to the surface there will be no tendency to turn turtle. The long pon- toon, however, in case the vessel rises with one side lower than the other, may be sub- jected to severe bending strains, which may be sufficient to cause it to rupture. Further- more, when the vessel is raised, the long pon- toon leaves the deck of the vessel a con- siderable distance below the surface of the Water, and too deep in the majority of cases to permit the ship to be towed into a harbor. I have suggested one form of apparatus and method to bring the deck of the ship above the water, in my application for a patent, Serial Number 453,108, filed March 17, 1921, Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Dec. 13, 1921. 1921. Serial No. 477,653. entitled, Devices for raising sunken vessels, by the use of box-shaped buoyant devices, placed under the ship to which the vertical pontoons at the sides of the ship can be attached. My present invention, which, as I have al- ready said, may be termed, a double tandem pontoon, is designed to permit raising the ship with its deck well above the surface without the use of additional buoyant de- vices placed under its bottom; and also per- mit the use of vertical pontoons of mate- rially less length than the long integral vertical pontoons referred to above, and yet provide in effect a buoyant lifting force sub- stantially equal to that obtained in the use of the long, single pontoon. And, again, the double tandem vertical pontoon is adapt- ed to be manipulated more easily than the long pontoon, and by reason of its flexibility lend itself to the different positions of the ship and pontoon, both absolutely, and rela- tively to each other, in the operation of rais- ing the ship, and finally reclaiming her by towing her into a harbor or other suitable site. I attain these objects, and still others which may appear hereinafter, by the appa- ratus or device and method illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which, Figure 1 is a side view of a sunken vessel on the bottom of the sea, with my double ºn vertical pontoons attached to her S1Cle. Fig. 2 is a side view of a sunken vessel on the bottom of the sea with the upper pon- toons of my double tandem pontoons un- hooked from the lower pontoons, and at- tached to the sides of the sunken vessel. Fig. 3 is a side view of a sunken vessel, raised by the pontoons, which constituted the double tandem pontoons, with the deck above the surface of the water and the ves- sel in position to be towed to a harbor. Fig. 4 is a diagrammatic end view of the sunken vessel with the double tandem pon- toons attached thereto; and a section shown of my siphon, claimed in my Patent Number 1,364,142. Fig. 5 is a view in vertical section of my double tandem pontoon, with equalizer bar, lifting cables and hooks attached thereto, patented in my Patent Number 1,364,142. Fig. 6 is a diagrammatic view of the bow of a sunken vessel, with my double tandem pontoon attached thereto, showing the flexi- 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 1 05 110 - 10 15 20 25 2 . bility of the double tandem pontoon to adapt: itself to the contour of the vessel. Fig. 7 is a diagrammatic end view of a sunken vessel with my double tandem pon- toon attached thereto, and my said siphon, to deliver air from a compressor to the lower pontoon or to be lowered away from the pontoon or have the pontoon rise from it. Similar numerals refer to similar parts throughout the several views. Referring more particularly to my double tandem pontoon, I have shown it embodied in the form of two, separate hollow cylin- ders, of comparatively short length, at- tached together by cables, one above the other, each hº a closed upper end, and an open lower end, the double tandem pon- toon being adapted to constitute a vertical pontoon. In the figures of the drawings, the lower cylinder is designated by the nu- meral, 1, and the upper cylinder by the numeral, 2, the closed end by the numeral, 3, and the open, lower end by the numeral, 4. Of course, the form of the cylinders may not be necessarily round. Around their cir- cumference at a suitable point in their length is a reinforcement of the wall of the cyl- 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 inder of a band or belt, 5, and a thrust block or shoe, 6, as disclosed in my Patent Number 1,373,672, and my equalizer bar, 7. and cables, 8, and hooks, 9, at their lower end, adapted to be hooked into the holes, 10, formed for that purpose in the hull of the sunken vessel, 11, disclosed in my Patent Number 1,364,142. On the belt, 5, of the lower cylinder, 1, eyes, 12, are fixed, adapted to receive the hooks, 9, on the cables, 8, of the upper cylinder, 2, and by those means attach the two cylinders together, and yet, permit them to be conveniently and readily detached and separated from each other. In the closed end of the cylinders, consti- tuting my double tandem pontoon, is a pipe, 13, with a cock, 14, adapted to close or open the pipe. The length of the pipe within the cylinder is such that its end normally reaches the right height above the water level in the closed end of the cylinder when the extent of the area of air space between the closed end of the cylinder and water level is sufficient to buoy the cylinder or double tandem pontoon with the closed end of the upper cylinder at or about the sur- face of the Sea or adequately thereabove to cause the pontoon to float at that height, ready to be further handled, manipulated and maneuvered in the several operations of raising the sunken vessel. When desired, the cock may be opened to allow the air confined in the head of the cylinder to es- cape therefrom until the water in the cyl- inder rises to the end of the pipe, 13, and seals it or as much air as otherwise desired may be allowed to escape through the pipe, 1,400,316 and the cock be thereupon closed. The length of the pipe and the sealing of it by the rising of the water in the cylinder in- sures that there will always remain suffi- cient air occluded in the head of the pon- toon to preserve sufficient buoyancy of it to prevent it from sinking, even if the cock in the pipe be left open. On the other hand, a tubing, 15, leading from an air compres- Sor, 16, on a supply vessel, 17, standing by, may be coupled to the pipe, 18, and, there- upon, air be forced by the compressor through the tubing, 15, and pipe, 18, to the air space in the head of the upper cylinder, and thereby increase the buoyancy of the pontoon or cause it to rise in the sea. In Fig. 5, I have shown an open ended con- duit pipe, 18, fixed upright along the wall of and within the lower cylinder, 1, with its lower end, 19, free to be coupled to the nozzle of an air-supply tubing or pipe, say for example, the tubing, 15, and thereupon, the conduit, 18, conducts air and from its upper end discharges air in the water oppo- site to the open, lower end of the upper cylinder, 2.; the air so discharged will rise through the water in the cylinder to the air space in the closed end of the upper cylin- der, 2. By that means, the buoyancy of the upper cylinder of my double tandem pontoon and therefore, the pontoon as a whole may be increased by adding air to the amount of air confined in the air space in the end of the upper cylinder. I find that the plan will be very convenient for that purpose, especially as if is desirable that the work of supplying air to the pontoon shall be expedited as much as possible in the operation as a whole of raising the vessel to the end that no time will be lost, which is possible to avoid by suitable design of ap- paratus and its ready and easy manipula- tion in the sea. In the beginning, with the sunken vessel resting on the bottom of the sea, I proceed to attach my vertical double tandem pon- toons to it, and when they are suitably in- flated with air, as already explained in de- scribing them as constituting my double tandem pontoon, wiłł, by the buoyant force of the air confined in them, raise the vessel from off of its sea bed. to the height attain- able by the lifting force of the double tan- dem pontoon. This being accomplished, that is to say, the ship having been raised from deep water, it is then towed with the pontoons attached and grounded in com- paratively shallow water to a position, as indicated in Fig. 1, with the closed end of the upper cylinders of the double tandem pontoon protruding above the surface of the Sea, but with the deck of the ship below, the surface. The vessel at that height may be too deep in the water to tow it into a har- bor on account of insufficient depth of chan- 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 130 1,400,316 3. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 nel or water at the site where it is desired to dock the ship or the deck of the ship may be too deep in the water conveniently to allow the further work of reclaiming the ship to be proceeded with, or the vessel may then be too deep in the water for any other reason present or arising in the cicum- stances. Consequently, I may desire to cause the ship to be still further raised. In order to accomplish that end, I proceed to draw the upper cylinders, 2, down from their then position; unhook the hooks of their cables from the eyes, 12, of the lower cylin- ders, 1, interspace them between the lower cylinders, and hook their hooks into the holes, 10, in the hull of the sustained vessel, as depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. The upper cylinders may be drawn down by any suit- able and convenient means: I prefer, how- ever, to use for that purpose my mobile tractor working chamber, and power driven drum and cable, disclosed in my above-re- cited patents. It is thought to be unneces- sary to show that apparatus in the present application for a patent or describe the operation of drawing down the cylinders to a position in which the hooks of their cables become in a position to be hooked into the holes, 10, in the vessel. In order to direct and manipulate the hooks to hook them into the holes, 10, I prefer to resort to my mo- bile tractor working chamber and rod there- in mounted, and more particularly disclosed in my Patent Number 1,373,672, above re- cited. It is obvious, however, that, in the case where the water is more or less shallow, divers may be employed, if preferred, to hook the hooks into the holes in the vessel. If in the operation of drawing down the cylinders, it is observed that they have a tendency to sink lower than is desired, on account of any decrease of their buoyancy by reason of the further compression of the air confined in the air space in their closed end, a tubing can be connected to the pipe, 13, and air be forced therethrough to within the confined space in the head of the cylin- der, and, thereby, the desired buoyancy of the cylinder be regulated and controlled. Or instead of forcing air into the cylinder through the pipe, 13, I can accomplish the same result by employing my siphon, 20, disclosed in my Patent Number 1,364,142, above-recited, which is indicated in Fig. 7 of the application for a patent. When the ship has been towed into a har- bor or to any other site desired, the cock, 14, in the pipe, 13, can be opened, and the cylinder be thereby deflated. In Fig. 4, I have shown the vessel as being on a more or less level keel, and the upper and lower cylinders of my double tandem pontoon in substantially one and the same vertical plane with each other, the upper cylinder being directly above the lower one, and the pressure shoe, 6, of the lower cylinder against the side of the vessel, and its hooks attached in the holes in the vessel in posi- tion to apply its lifting force thereto, and the hooks of the upper cylinder attached to the lower cylinder, the latter also in posi- tion to add its lifting force to the vessel. Even with the vessel on a level keel, my double tandem pontoon will be found to be of striking importance in the operations of handling, manipulating, and attaching them to the vessel, and raising it. Because of the short length of each of the two cylinders as compared with a long, integral vertical pon- toon-though nevertheless the two short cylinders may constitute in lifting effect one long, integral pontoon,_they are each adapted to be separately and jointly ma- nipulated with great freedom and ease, and raise a sunken vessel to the height that a long, integral pontoon will raise it; but with the important advantage that the up- per cylinders of the double tandem pontoon can be conveniently detached from the lower cylinders, and re-attached to the holes, 10, in the vessel, and the raising of the ves- sel from that position be proceeded with un- til the desired elevation is attained. The advantage of my double tandem pontoon is notable particularly in comparatively shal- low water. I have already mentioned that the lifting and other strains entailed on a long, in- tegral vertical pontoon might be enough to rupture it, where the ship is found to be sunk on an uneven keel; whereas, my dou- ble tandem vertical pontoon readily and automatically tends to adapt its position to the position of the ship, whatever it may be, and more or less also to the outline of its hull. In Figs. 6 and 7, I have indicated the flexural adaptiveness of my double tandem pontoon. In Fig. 6 the lower cylinder is depicted as conforming its vertical position substantially to the lines of the bow of the ship, while the upper cylinder maintains its major axis virtually vertically. The flexi- bility inherent in my double tandem pon- toon is a highly important characteristic and feature; in that, among other advan- tages, it may serve to reduce in effect the application of strains, which in the case of a long integral vertical pontoon, might tend to rupture it. My double tandem vertical pontoon also allows the lifting cables of the upper cylinder to pull vertically in substan- tially the same line in which the buoyant force of the cylinder is lifting the vessel. Having described and shown my inven- tion, what I desire to secure by a patent 1S :- 1. In the art of raising submerged sunken vessels by vertical pontoons, containing air, 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 4. 1,490,846 10 15 20 25 30 35. 40 adapted to raise a sunken vessel, a vertical double tandem pontoon, comprised of Sey- eral comparatively short-length hollow cyl- inders, with an open lower end and a closed upper end, flexibly connected together, one substantially over the other, the vertical double tandem pontoon being adapted to be atttached to the said vessel and by the buoyant force of air raise the vessel from off of the bed of the sea. 2. In the art of raising submerged sunken vessels by vertical pontoons, containing air, adapted to be attached to the sunken vessels by means of holes formed in the hull of the vessels for that purpose, a vertical double tandem pontoon, comprised of several com- paratively short-length hollow cylinders, with an open lower end and a closed upper end, the said closed end being adapted to contain air, a pipe in the said end, its orifice within the cylinder being adapted to be nor. mally above the water in the cylinder, but abnormally be sealed thereby, the cylinders being flexibly connected together, one over the other, and the said vertical double tan- dem pontoon being adapted to be attached to the holes in the vessel, and raise it. 3. In the art of raising submerged sunken vessels by vertical pontoons, containing air. adapted to be attached to the sunken vessels by means of holes formed in the hull of the vessels for that purpose, a vertical double tandem pontoon, comprised of Several com- paratively short-length hollow cylinders. with an open lower end and a closed upper end, the closed end serving to constitute a chamber, the cylinders being flexibly con- nected together, one over the other, an air conduit or pipe, on the lower cylinder, adapted to discharge air beneath the open end of the upper cylinder, the vertical double tandem pontoon being adapted to be attached to the said holes, and by the buoy- º ant force of air, raise the vessel from off of the bottom of the sea. -- - 4. In the art of raising submerged sunken vessels by vertical pontoons, containing air, adapted to be attached to the sunken vessels by means of holes formed in the hull of the vessels for that purpose, a vertical double tandem pontoon, comprised of several com- paratively short-length hollow cylinders, with an open lower end and a closed upper end, eyes provided in the lower cylinder, adapted to receive hooks; cables, one end Se- cured to the cylinders, and the other end provided with the said hooks, adapted to connect the cylinders together, one above the other, and to the said holes, and by the buoy- ant force confined in the pontoon raise the vessel from off of the bottom of the sea. 5. In the art of raising submerged sunken vessels by vertical pontoons, containing air, adapted to be attached to the sunken vessel by means of holes formed in the hull of the vessel for that purpose, a method comprised of the following steps; attaching to the said holes double tandem vertical pontoons com- prised of two hollow cylinders, connected to- gether one above the other, with their upper ends closed to form chambers to receive air to enable the pontoons to raise the vessel from off of its sea bed to the height in the water attainable by the buoyant force of the confined air in the double tandem pon- toons; thereupon, disconnecting the upper cylinder from the lower cylinder; and at- taching it to the holes in the suspended ves- sel; and inflating with additional air, the pontoons attached to the vessel; and where- upon, the vessel be caused to be raised from its said suspended position to the further height desired. - In testimony whereof, I have signed my name to this specification. jśse W. RENO. 45 70 75 80 A. E. LEMON. DEEP SEA SALWAGE APPARATUS, APPLICATION FILED DEC, 30, 1919, 1,415,661. Patented May 9, 1922 - W7 W H2/ AW §§ /2.3" /* *…*- M. V. w §s SºftSS 6. Rºy NTºžđº 2 ºzº & 66 6 7 6 % N § & º º HEEEErrrrrºº º wºw Cº- 37 www. zo Z J2 Ż - ºw & - - ? N -------- - ----- -- - * -...-- --- * : - - -7--- - - - * . 3 - §º /2 23r 24%** ZZZZZ, Z'º, £% BY - - ATTORNEYS | PATENT OFFICE. UNITED STATES 5 10 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 () 5 0 5 () 5 () ALERED E. LEMON, OF DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. DEEP-SEA S.A.I.V.A.G.E APIPARATTUS. 1,415,661. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented May 9, 1922. Application filed December 30, 1919. Serial No. 348,317. To all whom it may concern: - Be it known that I, ALERED E. LEMON, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Douglas, in the county of Cochise and State of Arizona, have invented a new and Improved Deep-Sea Salvage Apparatus, of which the following is a full, clear, and ex- act description. The object of the invention is to provide a new and improved deep sea salvage appa- ratus, more especially designed for doing salvage and similar work on sunken vessels or other parts located at great depth. Another object is to permit of maintain- ing a practically normal air pressure within the apparatus irrespective of the depth it is in at the time, thus enabling the occupant or occupants to work without danger of be- ing subjected to high air pressures so detri- mental to health. Another object is to permit of lowering the apparatus to the desired depth from a mother ship or raising it to the surface with- out loss of valuable time. - Another object is to enable the occupant to fasten grappling or similar devices to a sunken vessel or other object with a view to raise the same or perform other desired work. Another object is to permit of running the apparatus along the sea bottom for locating a sunken vessel or for exploration or other purposes. - With these and other objects in view, the invention consists of certain novel features of construction as hereinafter shown and de- scribed and then specifically pointed out in the claim. - A practical embodiment of the invention is represented in the accompanying draw- ings forming a part of this specification in which the figure is a sectional side elevation of the improved deep sea salvage apparatus. The deep sea salvage apparatus comprises a vessel 10 having a hull 11, preferably of spherical shape, and constructed to readily withstand deep water pressure when low- ered to the bottom of the sea. The hull 11 is provided exteriorly at the bottom with a ballast receptacle 12 filled with suitable bal- last 13 to cause the vessel 10 to sink to the desired depth. The top of the hull 11 is provided with an eye 14 engaged by a cable - 15 connected with a windlass or other suit- able apparatus on board of a “mother” ship to permit of lowering or raising the ves- sel 10. Two air pipes 20 and 21 of a non-collapsi- ble nature are attached to the hull 11 and open into the vessel to circulate air within the hull approximately under normal or at- mospheric pressure. The pipes 20 and 21 are connected with the mother ship and one of the pipes is connected with a pump or other suitable apparatus for forcing air through the pipe into the vessel under an ap- proximately atmospheric pressure. The other pipe serves for the escape of the vitiated air incident to the exhaling of the air by the occupant or occupants of the ves- sel 10. The pipes 20 and 21 are provided with suitable valves 22 and 23, which are normally open but can be closed in case of an emergency. The hull 11 is provided near the top with a suitable manhole 25 for the ingress or egress of the person or persons confined in the vessel 10. The manhole 25 is provided with a suitable cover 26 which is held locked in closed position after the per- son or persons have passed into the vessel at the time the latter is at the surface of the water. - Within the hull 11 and preferably at the floor 30 thereof is arranged a bilge pump 31 having its suction pipe 32 extending to the bottom of the hull and having its discharge pipe 33 extending through the hull and the ballast casing 12 to allow of pumping the bilge water out of the vessel into the sur- rounding water. - Within the hull 10 is arranged a motor 40, preferably of the electric type, and mounted on a bracket 41 attached to the hull 11 at the inside thereof, and the shaft 42 of this mo- tor is connected by a reversible clutch 43 with a propeller shaft 44 journaled in a suit- able bearing 45 arranged in the hull 11, pref- erably at the middle of the height of the hull, as plainly shown in the drawing. The outer end of the propeller shaft 44 carries a propeller 46 to permit of moving the vessel along when submerged either for locating the sunken vessel or for exploring the sea bottom or for other purposes. The clutch 43 is provided with a suitable clutch lever 47 to permit of connecting or disconnecting the shafts 42, 44 whenever it is desired to do so. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 1,415,661 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 A rudder 50 is mounted to swing on brackets 51 and 52 attached to the outside of the hull 11 above and below the propeller 46, and the lower pivot 53 of the rudder 50 is connected by bevel gearing 54 with a shaft 55 journaled in a bearing 56 arranged in the hull 11. On the inner end of the shaft 55 is secured a steering wheel 57 under the control of an occupant of the vessel 10 to turn the rudder 50 with a view to steer the vessel in a desired direction. A manually controlled gripping device 60 is mounted in the wall of the hull 11 and is constructed as follows: A joint formed of a ball 61 and a socket 62 is secured in the hull 11, and in the ball 61 is mounted to slide a tube 63 connected at its outer end by links 64 with two gripping jaws 65 mounted to swing on the pivot 66 held on the outer end of a rod 67 mounted to slide in the tube 63. The inner end of the rod 67 extends within the hull 11 and on the inner end is se- cured a nut 68 in which screws a screw rod 69 mounted to turn at one end in a bearing 70 attached to the inner end of the tube 63. The screw rod 69 is provided with a crank arm 71 under the control of an occupant of the vessel to permit the occupant to turn the screw rod 69 with a view to move the rod 67 outward according to the direction in which the screw rod 69 is turned at the time. On moving the rod 67 outward the jaws 65 are closed to grip a part exteriorly of the vessel 10. On moving the rod 67 inward the jaws 65 are opened to release the part pre- viously gripped. It will be noticed that by mounting the gripping device in the ball 61 it can be readily swung into a desired posi- tion for the jaws 65 to grip a part located exteriorly of the vessel 10. It will also be noticed that the tube 63 can be readily moved inward or outward on the ball 61 to prop- erly locate the jaws 65 relative to the object to be gripped. A ball and socket joint is formed by a ball 80 and a socket 81 in the hull 11 above the gripping device 60, and in the ball 80 is mounted a telescope 82 to permit the oc- cupant to obtain a clear view of the parts to be gripped or explored. Below the grip- ping #. 60 is arranged a searchlight 90 to illuminate the object to be gripped by the gripping device 60. Below the search- light 90 is arranged a bearing 95 in which is mounted to turn and to slide the shaft 96 carrying at its outer end a drill 97 and connected at its inner end with a motor 98 mounted to slide on a guideway 99 attached to the hull 11 at the inside of the vessel. A feed screw 100 is mounted to turn in a bear- ing 101 attached to the hull 11, and the said feed screw 100 screws in a nut 102 forming part of the motor 98. A feed wheel 103 is attached to the feed screw 100 to permit of moving the motor 98 forward or back- ward and thus feed the drill 97 into the work to be drilled, or out of the drilled hole, according to the direction in which the feed wheel 103 is turned at the time. A power- ful magnet 110 is attached to the ballast cas- ing 12 to permit of fastening the vessel 10 by magnetic power to an iron vessel or other metallic object to be explored at the time. It will be noticed that this magnet 110 is especially necessary when using the drill 97 so as to provide the desired hold of the ves- sel 10 on the object to be drilled. Within the vessel 10 is also arranged a telephone 120 and a switchboard 121 having its cir- cuit wires 122 extending through a non-col- lapsible tube 123 attached to the top of the hull 11 and leading to the mother ship. It is understood that only one gripping device 60 is shown, but it is evident that more such devices may be mounted on the hull 11. The gripping device may be used for placing hooks or other devices lowered from the mother ship into holes drilled by the drill 97 in the object to be raised by the apparatus on the mother ship. The grip- ping device can also be used for picking up objects or placing grappling hooks or buck- ets in position during salvage work. The apparatus after having been tested and connected up with the mother ship, and with a trained crew placed inside the vessel, is let down in the vicinity of say a sunken ship which is to be salvaged. Arriving near the ocean floor, the crew, directing the depth at which the apparatus is maintained by means of the telephone to the mother ship, can move in a horizontal direction as desired on using the propeller 36 and the rudder 50. The sea floor can thus be explored un- til the sunken ship is located. The vessel is then moved to a selected point on the side of the ship and held in position thereon by means of the electromagnet 110. The drill 97 is next used to drill a hole in the side of the sunken vessel and then a hook suspend- ed by a steel cable from a pontoon or from the mother ship is let down and by means of the gripping device 60 is engaged with the drilled hole. The apparatus is then moved to another point on the sunken ship, and the above described operation is repeated as often as necessary to attach a desired num- ber of lifting cables to the sunken vessel to permit the sunken vessel to be raised, pref- erably, by tightening the attached cables to the pontoon at low tide to cause the vessel to be raised on the rising of the pontoon during the rising of the tide. This opera- tion is repeated as often as is necessary un- til the sunken vessel is raised to the surface of the water. It is understood that as the tide raises the pontoons and with them the ship below through the attached cables, the pontoons 90 95 100 105 110 are towed toward the shore at each rise of 130 1,415,661 3 the tide until the ship is out of water at low tide. Salvage can then be completed by simple ordinary methods. It will be noticed that by the use of this 5 cheap easy salvage apparatus it is feasible to save ships and cargoes from depth far beyond reach with an ordinary apparatus. Having thus described my invention, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters 10 Patent:- A gripping device for a deep sea salvage apparatus, comprising a tube adapted to be mounted in the wall of the body of the ap- paratus, a rod slidable in the tube, a pair of jaws fulcrumed on the outer end of the said rod, links connecting the said jaws with the outer end of the said tube, a nut on the inner end of the said rod, a screw rod screwing in the said nut and having one end mounted to turn on the said tube, and a handle on the other end of the said screw rod. ALFRED E. LEMON. 15 20 Report On THE DEEP WATER SALWAGE SITUATION Part Three Edward F. Moore May 1923 Part; Three Proposed Solution to the Problem of Working in Deep Water Part Three contains the following information: l. Data concerning S. S. Egypt of the P. & O. Steam Nav. Co. 2. Means for locating the vessel (l) (2) (3) (h) Wire drag. Magnetic dipping needle. Aeroplane. Sonic depth finder. 3. Design of units to solve problem of removing boxes from vault of S. S. Egypt. (l) (2) (3) (l) (5) (6) (7) Means Means Means Means Means Means Means for descending to depth of 100 feet. for getting alongside sunken vessel. for moving up side of sunken vessel. for cutting opening in vessel's hull. for moving through opening into vessel. for clearing way into vault. for bringing boxes to surface. l. Estimate of costs. Data Concerning S. S. EGYPT In order that real figures and conditions could be used as data on Which to base all plans and computations in the design of the various units which were to form the solution to the problem of working in deep water, it was thought best to select an important and typical deep water salvage problem and to apply all ideas and calculations to that one purpose. The S. S. Egypt of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. of London, which was sunk by collision near Brest on May 20, 1922 while enroute to India with r. 1,05,000 in gold and silver, was selected as the basis of the problem because information concerning a recent loss would probably be more readily available than would that of a loss during the War or before . The following pages contain information that was collected concerning the loss of the Egypt. It is by no means complete, but sufficient information is contained therein to make the task of collecting an exhaustive supply of facts about the Egypt and the accident very much easier than it would be without such a key. Other important facts about the Egypt are to be found in the Notes of Appendix A, and also in Appendix B. The nature of the bottom where the Egypt lies may be found in the U. S. Hydrographic Chart of that region, and the velocity and direction of the currents and the temperature of the water may be found on the Current Charts and in letter of U. S. Hydrographic Office. ..., P AND 0, LINER SURVIVORS NAMES May 22, 1922. amidships ºp was in nº danger, an SUNK. COLLISION OFF - NINETY-FIVE LIVES LOST. - SURVIvors. At BREST. In a heavy fog which is reported from both sides of the English Channel on Saturday evening, the P. and O. liner Egypt, which had left London on Friday for Bombay, came into collision about 7 p.m. with the French cargo boat Seine, proceeding to Havre. - The Seine struck the Egypt be- tween her funnels, tearing a large hole in her side, and in about twenty minutes the Egypt sank. Fortunately the Egypt had only forty-four passengers on board, being due to call at Marseilles next Friday for the complement. Twenty-nine of these were conveyed to Brest in the Seine, but of the other fifteen, who in- clude the wife and two children of Mr. A. Bado, no news has so far been received. - - Of the ship's company of 290,210, in- cluding the captain, were saved. Those missing are thirty European officers and men, including the chief engineer and the ship's doctor, and fifty lascars. - The purser of the Egypt states that the vessel yas stationary at the moment of collision, and was sound- ing her siren. The Seine was steam- ing at five knots and was also sound- ing a siren. - - The Egypt was one of the oldes: vessels in the P. and O. Company’s service. She was built at Greenick in ****, and was employed as a hospi- tal ship during the war, being used afterwards by the Government as a relief transport for officials returning to India. Her gross registered tom- mage was 7,941. (From Our Correspondent.) - BREST, MAY 21. A collision occurred last night, twenty- eight miles off the Armen lighthouse, on the coast of Finistère between the P. and O. liner Egypt, bound for Bombay, and the French cargo boat Seine. The collision took place at 7 o'clock in the evening, just as the first-class passengers were sitting down to dinner. There was a fog at the time. The Seine struck the Egypt between the two funnels, making a large hole in her side. A passenger informs me that some of the Lascars jumped into the lifeboats, thereby preventing the women from getting into them, but that the captain and officers quickly succeeded in restoring order. The crew of the Seine succeeded in saving twenty-nine out of the forty- four passengers, and 210 out of the 290 crew. The survivors were landed at Brest at noon to-day. - They were in a pitiful con- dition, many of them being hardly clothed, and several being injured. The latter were immediately placed in a doctor's hands. The captain went at once to the Consulate to make his report. He refuses to give any names, as he believes that a Portuguese ship which was not far from the scene of the collision may have succeeded in saving several persons. I have, nevertheless, learned that Captain Keating, of the Royal Ulster Rifles, the chief engineer of the º and two chil: dren were drowned. he captain and several officers are among those saved. The Maritime Prefect went on board the Seine at 1 o'clock this afternoºn, and had a long talk with Captain Le Barzae, her commander, and with the survivors. Cap- tain Le Barzac made the following state- ment :- - - - I was proceeding from La Pallice to Havre: The fog was dense. I was ºn the bridge and joºking out. I had already passed several ships and, as a measure of protection; had reduced my speed to five knots. About 7 o’clock, without any previous warning, I saw bearing down upon me tº large steamer. It was the Egypt. - * Two seconds later I felt the shock; and my bows hit the ºncoming liner ful id:lips between her two funnels: were badly damaged 3, but as over I ascertained that my - then set, ºut looking for the other ship. It took me twenty minutes to pick her up again in the fog. gº when I reached her the fog was thicker than ever, and I heard shrieks ... saw forms struggling in the Water. "...oid distinctly see a man with two hildren in his arms. Our boats, wºre promptly lowered and we started the work of rescue. My bows we swung “We picked up as many of the people || who were in the water as we could, and we also took off passengers who were WW. e twenty-nine passengers and || the boats of the sinking rescued in all - 210 of the crew." PURSER'S STORY. vessel. I have just spoken on the telephone to the Hotel de France at Brest, where the officers and crew rescued from the Egypt - The purser informed me hat there were fifteen passengers missing, tha and fifty i. ions did the Egypt remain afloat? “ | Lieutenant - Colonel Both siRENs soundED. - (FROM our corresponpºst.) - - PARIS, MAY 21. are staying. thirty white officers and crew, Lascars. asked him. . . . About twenty minutes, - At what rate were yºu steaming, fog signals being sounded ? The Egypt was stationary dent º: º tl ressel were both - ...” that the accident was unavoidable. other steamer was I should say. went down: I canno bº. purser added that there were *. the found the other steamer was called, loomed up out of the fog people struggling in the water when seine, as he afterwards again. then asked him how many boats the Egypt had put off * As many tain. - - off the survivors.” and were when the acci- ace, and we and the colliding sounding our sirens. I should The going at about seven knots. was anybody left in the Egypt when she be certain, but I should say no- as we could,” was the reply. * I should say four or five, but I am nºt cer. They rowed to the Seine, which took OFFICIAL LIST. THE MISSING. The P. and O. Company issued the following statement from their head office in Leadenhall-street last night:- The Peninsular and Orient Steam Navi- gation Company regret to announce that their Indian mail steamer Egypt, which left Tilbury for Marseilles and Homº | on the afternoon of Friday last, was sunk at 7 p.m. on Saturday, the 20th instant, during fog, after collision off Ushant with the French steamer Seine. The Egypt had On board forty-five passengers and a crew numbering 291. Of the passengers, the following are, so far, reported to have been taken on board the Seine and landed at Brest :- Mr. A. Bado Mr. R. S. Bevan Captain G. D. Carr Mr. F. H. Chancellor Mr. G. Duff Miss J. Emmett Miss L. Lyall Mrs. A. S. Moore Miss G. McDiarmid Mr. S. C. Phillips Mr. W. F. Randall Mrs. E. Southey Miss M. Steward C. D. Franklin Mrs. A. M. Stodart Mr. W. George Mrs. Taylor Miss W. Greenwood *... H. D. Mr. W. Haynes Turnbull | Miss E. Henwood Mrs. Turnbull Mrs. Betty M. Hansen Miss M. E. Iddenden Mr. Lewis Mrs. Lewis The passengers of whom no news has, so far, been received, are as follows:– Miss J. H. Warner Mr. J. R. Williams Mr. Ragavayya Mrs. Bado, child, and Mr. D. Keith - infant Mrs. Keith Miss V. M. Boyer Miss E. R. McNeile Mr. G. H. Brown Mr. J. P. Moon Miss L. Clough Mrs. Mary Ann Parker Mr. W. Ellam Mrs. M. L. Sibley Captain P. W. Keating. Mr. J. Taylor STEAMERS PICK UP S.O.S, SIGNALS. (FRoºf our correspondºn't.) - PLYMOUTH, MAY 21. On arriving at Plymouth, the steamers Chama and Akabo, of the West African Mail service, reported the picking up of S.O.S. signals from the P. and O. steamer Egypt on Saturday evening. The Chama had practically made Ply- mouth when she heard the message, and the Akabo was 60 miles off. One steamer was reported to be only nine miles from the Egypt and the Hororata was also in the vicinity. There was a calm, with dense banks of fog, at the time. - It was judged that the plight of the Egypt was serious, as, after giving her position, nothing more could be heard, but a succession of S.O.S. signals. Then there was complete silence. The conclu- sion was drawn that the ship had foun- dered, for within an hour of the first calls of distress, no more signals were picked up. - The Egypt's position was some twelve miles from Ushant. It has since been re- ported here that the passengers and crew of the Egypt are at Brest. The Akabo repeatedly called to the Egypt, but got no response. She heard from other vessels which had been to the scene that no trace of the Egypt had been found. The Egypt was one of the oldest ships in the P. and O. fleet. She was of 7,941 tons gross, built and engined by Caird and Co., Limited, at Greenock in 1897. During the war the Egypt was employed as a hospital ship. After the Armistice she underwent heavy reconditioning by the Government, and was mentioned in the last P. and O. report, which was issued in November, as being, with the Mace- donia, the last of the liners to be ºurned to the company. - Although it is not the practice of the P. and O. Company to insure their vessels, while at sea, in the market, the loss of the steamer herself will not involve the com- pany in heavy financial loss. The custom of the P. and O. has always been to make liberal allowance for depreciation, and it may be assumed that the Egypt stands in the books of the company at a very low figure indeed. The Egypt left Gravesend for Bombay on Friday last, May 19, and was to have sailed from Marseilles on Friday next; May 26. - It is fortunate that the disaster occurred at this season of the year, which is the quiet period for the passenger traffic to the East." The Egypt has accommodation for some five hundred passengers, and in the autumn a large number would be making the voyage from London, instead of the few who left Tilbury on Friday. She is not a large cargo carrier and underwriters are not likely to be heavily interested in cargo. The accommodation is designed mainly for the carriage of passengers, mails, bullion, and other valu- ables. Mails from the United Kingdom are sent overland to be put on board the mail ships at Marseilles. AN UNLUCKY COINCIDENCE DONGOLA IN COLLISION NEAR SHANGHAI. - sHANGHAI. May 20, The P. and O. liner Dongola, bound for London, collided in a fog with the Kumano Maru, bound for Japan, outside Woosung. The Dongola was beached, and, it will probably be necessary for her to be dry- docked. The Kumano Maru is proceeding on its voyage.--Central News. * The Dongola, a twin-screw steamer of sos3 tons, was built for the P. and O. Com- pany in 1905 ZY Messrs. Barclay, Curle, and Co., Limited, of Glasgow. The Kumano Maru, of 4,698 tons, was built by the Fairfield Company, of Glasgow, in ſºon for the Nippon Yusen Company, and is gistered at Tokyo. *. is at the mouth of the Hwangpu river, 14 miles below Shanghai. - LORD INCHCAPE NOW AT SEA. - Lord Inchcape, the chairman of the P. and O. Company, left Southampton for New York in the Majestic, on her maiden trip, on May 10 and sailed for home again in the same ship on Saturday. - WORK OF THE P. AND O. comments made by Lord Inchcape, the Chairman of the P. and 0. Company, at the annual meeting on December 7 last, on the services of the P. and O. fleet last year have now a melancholy interest, Lord Inchcape recalled that the number of steamers in commission last year was 444. They had carried 13,236,981 tons of cargo, 188,575 animals, 2,111,564 passengers: and the members of the £rews numbered 45,912. He proceeded :- The vessels have run without any serious accident, not a ship has been lost, and, so far as I am aware, there has not been one life lost by marine casualty. I am, almost afraid to mention this record for the past year in case it should be broken during the year now current, but what is known to me I think should be divulged to yºu. For the future we must trust to Providence and to those who are in charge of our ships, and with this combination, or, if you like, cºalition, I hope we may be spared any serious disaster. - - At the funeral of a French tilemaker at La Ferté Gaucher the members of the local musical society, to which the tilemaker had ºf a sum of money, played gay, tunes during tº service, that being a condition of the bequest. - THE Egypt's war REcoRD." |- THE TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1922.: ---- - - - - THE s.s. EGYPT. - T he P. and O. liner Egypt, which was sunk on Saturday night off Ushant after a collision. Many lives were lost. Arve a "7-a/e arra eace " /7 a y 27, 172 2-. THE ILL-FATED P. AND O, LINER EGYPT sunk in collision with a French cargo-boat off Ushant on Saturday evening last, while on the voyage to Bombay, with the loss of 85 lives. London Times *- May 25, 1922. | Lost LINER, NIGHT of TERROR AT SEA. - PASSENGERS FLUNg FROM BOAT, - CHIVALRY OF A SIGNALLER. (From Our Correspondent.) -- BREST, MAY 22. All the passengers of the Egypt with whom I have talked this morning agree in their description of the frightful scenes of despair, and also the acts of heroism which occurred after the collision. Qne passenger had placed his wife and two children, aged five years and eighteen months, in a boat" and was watching the boat being lowered when one of the ropes broke, and as that end of the boat dropped the occupants were flung intº the sea. Thereupon, the "ope at the other end broke in its turn, and the boat fell bodily upon the heads of those swimming. The wireless operator who had been engaged in sending out calls of distress was picked up in an exhausted condition and died on the deck of the Seine. Towards the end the Egypt heeled over so much to port that it was impossible to lower further boats, so the officers cut the ropes so that the boats might float away, in the hope that some of the swimmers might reach them. The ship's printer, Mr. Genner, of Dover, who had left his wife and child in England, had put on a lifebelt, and was just about to jump overboard, when he saw a lady wildly rushing along the deck calling for help. Mr. Genner stopped, went up to the lady, and gave her his lifebelt with the words “I can't swim, but take that, good luck to you.” Numerous other acts of courage are reported to have taken place during the sinking of the ship, which lasted twenty minutes. When she sank there were several loud explosions. She went down by the bow. Lying at the mºrtuary is, Captain Keating, 2nd Bat- talion Royal Ulster Rifles, in his dinner jºcket. Beside him lie Chief Engineer Teverson, Dr. Bremner, and Mr. Papillon BULLION IN THE EGYPT. INSURANCE LOSS OF £1,000,000. PREMIUM OF 1s, op. PER £100. The Egypt fully maintai ºharacter. of P. and O ...” º: large carriers of builion. The value of the *. and silver shipped in the tº - t in ondon for º gyp º, "toº "º £1,084,000. Gold bars -- - Gold coin -- .. *:::::::: Silver bars ... ... gig,000 £1,054,000 This shipment represents one of the ºst, valuable that have been made tº the East since the war. In January there *** * shipment worth about £750,000, but during the last three or four months the shipments have, as a rule, ranged in value between about £400,000 and ; º º was worth only *UUU, and ano - £645,000. ther as much as Both underwriters at Lloyd's and * ºmpanies expect to lose large sums by the sinking of the builion and specie in the Egypt. Since the metallies * Some sixty-five fathoms of water (about 390ft.) no salvage is anticipated. The loss was freely spoken of yesterday as being one of the heaviest that hai ever fallen on Lloyd's underwriters, and * ºnsurance company was credited with having written as much as £50,000, a considerable proportion of which would, doubtless, have been re-insured. The rate accepted was 1s. 9d. per £100 indicating that risk of loss by P. and O. liner was considered to be very slight. One or two of the leading insurance cºm. panies for bullion risks, and also one or two underwriters at Lloyd's, were known to have refused the risk on the ground that they thought the rate should have been 2s. per £100, or to have escaped the risk because 2s. was known to be their rate. Their attitude on the question of 3d. per £100 has thus save their ºmpanies or underwriting names some thousands of pounds. The insurances on the gold and silver were understood | to have been placed through three || leading firms of brokers. Hºw rates are quoted for the insurance o || bullion and specie because of the special care that is taken of the metal on board ship and because if the vessel should be wreckº j diving operations are at all practicable the # chance of salvage is very º Moon. Among the other bodies are those of The Egypt was known also to have been - seven lascars. The following is the first list of passengers saved and staying at the Hotel Moderne –Mrs. Macdonald (? Miss easily ruined by water, and the loss of the - sugar is a trifling matter compared with that of the gold and silver. McDiarmid), Mrs. Sterwood (? Miss Steward), Miss Lyon (? Lyall), Miss Henwood, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Southey, Mrs. (? Mr.) Randall, Miss Greenwood, Mrs. Hansen, Mr. Duff, Mr. Haynes, Miss Iddenden, Miss Warner, Miss (? Mrs.) Taylor, Mrs. (? Mr.) Williams, Mrs. (? Mr.) George, Mrs. and Miss (? Pro- fessor and Mrs.) Turnbull, Mr. Bevan, Mr. Chancellor, Colonel Franklin, Captain Carr, Mr. (? Miss) Emmett, Sergeant and Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Stodart, — Evans, - Byrne, and Miss Beck. *...* The following passengers were also reportéd on Sunday to have arrived at Brest:-Mr. A. Bado (whose wife and two children are missing), Mr. S. C. Phillips, Mr. Ragavayya. Mr. Papillon Moon is described as “ of Cannes.” - BREst, May 22,--The Seine has arrived at Brest with 230 survivors and four bodies. The latter are reported to have been identified as those of Harwich (?Hardwick), wireless operator, Fierney, cook, and Dawood and Cassima, seamen. The Sub-Prefect was present at the landing of the bodies. Altogether twenty-two bodies are lying in the Naval Hospital. OFFICIAL FUNERALS. LATER. Brest gunboats and tugs continue to search the scene of the disaster, but have not found anything fresh. The Egypt lies in 390 feet of water. The exact spot is given as twenty-two miles from Armen Lighthouse in lat. 48° 10' N., long., 5° 30'. W. The Egypt carried over £1,000,000 in gold. One bag of mails for India has been saved. The Seine appears to be a ship of 1,537 tons, belong- ing to the France Baltique Company. The lascars belonging to the crew of the Egypt have been temporarily housed in premises belonging to the Chamber of Commerce. The poor fellows, who have lost everything, are walking about the quays and present a pitiable appear. ance. The Municipality of Brest has voted for their relief a sum of 1,500f. (£30), the Chamber of Commerce 500f. (£10), and the newspaper Dépêche de Brest has opened a subscription at its offices. - - - The bodies of the following are being buried to-day in the presence of the local authorities :-Messrs. Keith, Moon, and Batterbee, Captain Keating, Assistant Commissioners Wardale and Watson, Chief Cook Bedford, and Carpenter Friedland. A LADY PASSENGER'S EXPERIENCE. CREW’S COURAGE AND ENDURANCE. Mrs. A. S. Moore, who is among the passengers saved, has furnished us with the following account of the collision. Mrs. Moore is a daughter of the Rev. Prebendary Payton, for many years a maral chaplain. She was married some months ago, and was on her way to join her husband at Bombay. (From Mrs. A. S. Moore.) BREST, MAY 22. In a bad fog the Egypt had stopped her engines when she was struck amid- ships by the tramp steamer Seine at 6.56 (summer time). - There was a rapid list. The lascars in a panic took to the boats. The Egypt dived stern foremost and sank in thirty minutes. The passengers were only got off in the last boat with great difficulty and owing to the gallantry of the male passengers and officers. Eighty-eight lives were lost. Two hundred were picked up by the Seine after half an hour in the boats. Several more were brought in after two and three hours in the water, and reached Brest at 4.30 on Sunday. The courage and endurance of passen- gers and white crew were magnificent. ROYAL SYMPATHY. The following telegram was addressed to the chairman of the P. and O. Company yesterday from the Royal Pavilion at Aldershot:- - * It is with much regret that the King and Queen have learned of the sinking of the steamship Egypt by which many valuable lives have been lost. Their Majesties sympathy goes out to the relatives and friends of those who have | last night (Monday) it was understood | matter where he may be he never loses carrying a shipment of sugar worth about £2,000 and insured at a premium of about 5s. per £100. Sugar is, however, regarded as a poor underwriting risk because it is so A wire Less HERo MR. HARDWICK'S GALLANT EXAMPLE. The sinking of the Egypt, like all great disasters, called forth many examples | of the “lovely virtue,” that is, courage, and one of the brightest of them was that of Mr. Arthur William Hardwick, the senior wireless operator of the ship. Though not actually supposed to be on duty when the collision occurred—he was, in fact, at dinner—this young man || went at once to the wireless cabin and sent his assistant to help the ship's officers on the boat deck, saying he would look after the wireless himself. -- In the cabin he remained, sending all the time the ship's message of distress, while confusion and panic reigned around and above him. Before the last boat left the Egypt he was seen still at his key- board, and prepared to stay there as long as the instrument would work. Mr. Hardwick is posted as missing, and that there was a faint hope that, with others similarly unaccounted for, he might have been picked up. Another report, which was not confirmed, was that his body had been recovered. Mr. Hardwick had been in the service of the Marconi Company since 1918, and an operator on five ships before he went to the Egypt. According to his mother, who lives in Battersea, he had only six weeks before come home from Russia, after spending some months on a Russian ice-breaker called the Lenin. That ship once ran aground on some rocks, she said, and her boy then saved the lives of two Germans. THE HIP'S DOCTOR, A NOBLE CALLING. (By our MEDICAL coPRESPONDENT.) Dr. D. C. Bremner, the medical officer || of the Egypt, had returned home from China only a fortnight ago. He was a | native of Edinburgh, where he graduated | M.B., C.M., in 1892. During the war he served in the R.A.M.C. (T.) and held the rank-of-eaptain-He-had a fine || record of service. He was at one time president of the Royal Medical Society. It is the doctor's lot to be attached to many callings. He marches with armies, he accompanies expeditions, he goes down to the sea in ships. Yet no his own professional individuality. He is always the friend of everybody, and as a rule he wins everybody's friend- ship. - That is specially true of the medical officers of great steamships. Those of them at least who have adopted the sea as their life work are in a class apart. For they seem to combine the breeziness of the sailor with the kindness and tact of the physician. Yet they are always more physician than sailor. Finer representatives the medical profession possesses nowhere. The sad annals of the sea are full of stories of their heroism ; too often, after a great disaster such as that which befell the Egypt, the doctor's name will be found in the list of missing. True, he is not under the same obligations as the skipper or the brave wireless men; but, on the other hand, a doctor does not desert his patients. And so he stays. The public who do not cross the oceans have little idea of the hard work which ships' doctors often have to do. Their duties are not only medical. In some ways the doctor is the social centre of the vessel, and on his cheerfulness and unselfishness very often depends the pleasure... of the voyage. In addition to this often difficult task the doctor has to act as sanitary officer to the community in which he works and as guide, philosopher, and friend to many an individual member of it. He usually manages to do all these things so well as to leave a lasting impression of gratitude in the minds of passengers. Few men gather in their lives so many tokens of appreciation as the doctor of a great ship. Once upon a time,every young medical man “ went a voyage" before º down. It was an excellent introduction to life. But, on the other hand, there is much to be said for the tendency to make a life's work of this calling. Good sea doctors are too valuable to part with. THE EGYPT'S SUBSTITUTE. MALTA, May 22–The P. and O. liner Palermo, now on her way from here to Port Said, has been ordere by wireless to go to Marseilles to pick up the Egypt's mails for conveyance to Bombay.- perished.” Reuter. London Times May 21, 1912. EGYPT DISASTER. SURVIVORS NAMES. FISHING-BOATS FIND BODIES. (From our corresponpENT.) BREST, May 23. Four bodies have been landed by a fishing boat at Douarnenez, twenty miles S.S.E. of Brest. Two have been identified as those of Mr. Taylor, a passenger, and Mr. Curtis, one of the wireless operators. The others are those of lascars, and have not been identified. *** Our Special Correspondent yesterday gave Mrs. Taylor's account of her husband's gallant death. “My husband was next to me, and was hanging to the rope of the last lifeboat to leav the Egypt. Just then he looked round, and saw that Mrs. Lewis, wife of Sergeant Lewis, had got no place. He at once gave way to her with a smile, and said, * I will be all right, dear ; don’t worry.' That was the last I saw of him, for he was drowned.” Mr. A. R. Curtis was an assistant wireless operator on board the Egypt. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company yesterday re- ceived the following message from Mr. Graves, the senior operator :-‘‘ Regret Hardwick buried yesterday. Curtis missing.” - THE SHIPS PRINTER. OLD VOLUNTEER'S READY GALLANTRY. Yesterday our Special Correspondent at Brest related how Mr. Jenner, the ship's printer of the Egypt, gave up his life-belt to a woman passenger as the ship was sinking, with the words:– “Here you are, madam. This belt is yours. I don’t know how to swim, but I will take my chance with the others.” A man of forty-two, George William Jenner was a native of Dover, where he leaves a widow and son. His elder son, a boy of seventeen, is at sea as a wireless operator upon another liner. He had worked for some time on the composing-room staff of local newspapers, and had also been a motor-man in the service of the l Corporation Electric Tramways. He was among the earliest local volunteers for service in both the South African and the Great Wars, and received the freedom of the Borough of Dover on his return from South Africa. After the Great War he studied linotype operating in London, and after working for some time in Dover joined the ship's company of the Egypt some months "ADMIRAL schwerer's ACCOUNT. Response to so.s. CALLs. (FRoºt our own correspondent.) PARIS, MAY 23. The Petit Journal to-day publishes the report of an interview with Admiral reported that owing to the fog they had found nothing. Before dawn one of the warships informed me that it was in the midst of wreckage but could find nothing else. “Immediately the Seine arrived I went on board, but found there only people overcome by fatigue and terror, and unable to give any accurate account. I cannot therefore tell you on whom the responsibility rests. - * Two of my vessels are still cruising about the scene of the disaster, but there can be no hope now of rescuing any more survivors.” The report by Captain Le Barzic, of the Seine, to the Brest authorities con- tains little that has not already been published. He says that he was sounding his siren and had reduced his speed to six knots at 4.20. When, twenty minutes after the collision, he found the Egypt, she already had a list. He signalled to her boats to come alongside. The Egypt sank at 7.40. The boats then came alongside. The only man injured in the Seine was her cook, Rérau, who, although his skull had been fractured in the collision, and had afterwards to be trepanned at Brest, served out hot drinks to all. - TWO AMERICAN LADIES MISSING. who stated:– “It was about a quarter-past 7 on Saturday evening when I received the first distress signal from the Egypt. This signal was repeated exactly seven minutes afterwards. I realized at once that a ship at the end of the Chaussée de Sein, about fifty-six miles from Brest, was in great danger, but I did not know what had occurred. I immediately sent a message asking for information. I received no answer. The ship must, therefore, have been sinking while I was giving orders for two warships to proceed to the spot. I sent wireless messages to two other ships which were near to begin searching. They did so, but about half-past 10 Schwerer, the Maritime Prefect of Brest, crash. even seeing them. All I can recall is that I BALTIMORE PASSENGER'S STORY The Brest correspondent of the New York Herald reports that two of the three American passengers on board the Egypt, Miss V. M. Boyer and Mrs. M. L. Sibley, are among the missing. Mr. Robert O. Bevan, of Baltimore, who is among the twenty-nine surviving passengers, is at the Hotel Moderne at Brest, having come out of his severe experience without a scratch, though he lost all valuables except those he had on his person at the time of the Miss Boyer and Mrs. Sibley were travelling" second class. All the ship's papers having been lost, with the liner, no further details of their identity are obtainable here, and their surviving fellow-passengers, who are being put up at the Hotel Moderne, can throw no light on how they met their end. Mr. Bevan, an elderly man with white hair and beard and tortoise-shell spectacles, said:– Despite the comparative coolness with which the passengers behaved after the terrific crash just as we were getting ready for dinner, in the excitement that followed few of us were able to remain sufficiently self-possessed to notice what was happening to our com- panions. - I do not know what happened to Miss" Boyer and Mrs. Sibley. I do not remember suddenly felt myself being pushed intosa lifeboat and lowered to the water. Later, we were taken on board the French freighter Seine. I did not suffer a scratch, though some of my fellow-passengers in the dining- room were injured by being thrown violently against the walls when the collision occurred. I haven’t even as much as a cold as a result of my experience. Sir Robert Thomas, M.P., has given notice that he will to-day ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any informa- tion that the Lascar crew of the Peninsular and Oriental mail boat Egypt were seized with panic, and, with revolvers in their hands, pre- vented women taking to the lifeboats ; and whether he will take steps to prevent Lascars on passenger steamers carrying, firearms. other news will be found on page 18. London Times PANIC-STRICKEN S.O.S. CALLS May 26, 1922. LASCARS. EXPERIENCES OF A LISTENER-IN. - º ROM * ACTION PT soME suggestEd REForms We have received the following in- portant statement from Mr. Thomas Hesketh, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.M.E.M.A.I.E.E., ºnagºng engineer of the Folkestone | Electricity Supply Company, Limited Morehall, Folkestone :- - I notice in one of your recent issues that a question is to be asked in Parliament as to the number of operators carried by the unfortunate Egypt at the time the colli- sion occurred. - As bearing on this subject, I venture to trespass upon your space to give you my personal experience as an amateur in wire- iess telegraphy. - My receiving station is at Folkestone and on the evening in question I hap. pened, by chance, to be listening in. From the midst of the normal traffic, which in this part of the world is very dense, I dis- tººlly picked up two or three separate S.O.S. calls, and deduced that they were west of the Isle of Wight. Continuing to listen in, I came to the conclusion that I must be mistaken, for amidst the jamming of normal traffic no further distress calls were heard for some time. Later, at about 7.25 (summer time) Niton Wireless Station, in the Isle of \º a. º: French station, pro- a flat, ºniº, a cº- - baby Js lant, began to call - *...".". ºund like a top. I realized statiºns to keep ... as they ...!!!..." hat we had been heavily struck. The ling in for S.O.S. signals. Despite dozens he of calls to this effect, stations in the Fºliº. Fº ‘. º the engine-room and t lateh ; and the Egy - arlº - - gypt immediately stone vicinity continued to fill the ether was danger in the situation, with normal commercial working, so that SAVING THE WOMEN PASSENGERS. (FROM our spectar, CoRREsposdºst.) In the story - - - - - y of the sil the name of G ... king of the Egypt | 20th 9| Captain D. G. Carr, of the . Rajputana Infantry, will find its ". aS that of one who in a time of ex- of ". peril, by his courage, presence na '''", and prompt action, was instru- .." * ºn saving the lives of several of º Pºssengers and stewardesses. in º º Yºº afternoon - 5, pretty villa at Finchl man of middle hei - ey. … - eight, fair - plexioned, with frank Conn -------- frank, clear blue eyes º, *. the picture of a fine yº. 8"shman—he is only 29. A restless. . º ºnne; and a nervous rapidity of . e . betrayed the effects of his - Xperience in the sinki - Egypt. - e sinking of the 1 came home on leave in De "any, .. - - *cember (C - º ...!!!"; "...º. was returning "ß * The Egypt. At the tin - !º on Saturday evening there ". . º SW §n Thº sea was calm, but a heavy ground i. was running. There is no doubt at all - * the Egypt was at the “ stop º' when the .''. ..". º just dressed for dinner *... gone into the smoking-room. At sººn *ſº was a fearful bump on *"... º ... ; ran out and saw the Seine drifting way from our ship. The force of the collision that I saw that there put on a lifebelt and t -------- from the saloon, dec "... . to see what the organº ºld be for .." c the passengers and º - ships ...: were at their posts, ºly the sec - º officer, Mr. Cameron, iétaiſed ...” gſ in one of the sterºs in search of 1. Seine, and two or three elderly second-class passengers got off in the boat, with him. REVOLVER FIRE IN THE AIR. With the ship listing to rt mos Hºssengers assembled on ºn."..". The women were wonderfully brave. They were naturally frightened, but they quº; recovered from the first shock of the collision and calmly and quietly obeyed the orders given to them. ... But the lascars were in state of panic. When I speak of the lascars º 1s ... "...' discriminate. he lascars who formed part of the - the lascar firemen, and ...”. º: It was these Goanese stewards who went into a panic. When the first boat was lowered they jumped from the deck and chanced whether they could get into it or not. One of the boats on the port side was capsized but as I was on the starboard side I did not see it. But I saw some of the boats go awº practically full of natives while there were still women on board. That was in no way the fault of the ships officers. Every º - is due to them for doing all they could tº keep the lascars away from the boats, with the heavy list the boats on the port side were almost touching the water and it was took a list to port. so the first thing I did yº. to change my coat. it was only by means of specially tuned - ible to lower Some The last boat which it was poss was forward on the starboard side- frenzied lascars rushed for it and eventually succeeded in lowering it into the water : and other lascars jumped into it. There were still women on the deck, and I saw at once some action must be taken. for the inscars were pushing off the boat; I jumped from the deck into the boat and prevented them. - They refused to obº attitude was so hostill y my orders, and their and menacing that I was compelled to threaten them with my revolver. It was, I believe, the only revolver in the possession of either officers, passengers, ºr rew. Mrs. Moore had had the luck to get into the boat as 1 jumped for it: and I had to protect her also ºne ºr two of the lascars again tried to get the boat away : frighten them into submission I fired two or tiº rounds over their heads. One of then was slightly wounded. and several others fell in sheer funk. They were nºw thoroughly cowed, an of the boat. - with the assistance of the quartermaster on the deck above I was able to get all the ladies standing near that side of the ship safely into the boat. The only British sailors of the crew who came into that boat were two whom i ordered to come in as it was nº | to have two nautical o handle her. RESCUE OF *TAIN. - While we were g last of the | women—the stewart | on her side and begi * to sink, stern | first. It was no long "I *sible for Captain | Conver to remain on the bridge. not desert his ship. He clambered over the bulwarks on to the part of the hull which was still above water. As the Egypt went down the swirl of a great wave swept him off the hull into the water towards our boat, which was also carried away f - | and we were thus able to rescue him. | escape from death was the act of Providence. Our lascars. still cowering, lº the bows- they were all saved were still too stricken with fear to be any º - - -- - the boat ; and it was ºy by Captain Collyer's | ºr threats that they wº. kept in hand. our boat, which wº constructed for fifty persons, was ºrrying seventy souls, ſº | we were packed if her like sardines. If I | had not stopped the lascars they would have | got away in the boat alone. jugh my action: but the women have got into the boat if I had not hen I did. As I have said, the did all they could, and Mr. rdered to go in search of ly one who did not go - | life throug would never |jumped in Y. | hip's offices Cameron, who was 0 | the Seine, Wºº the on to the water. We cruise S exa. no W. * * jºr fully to º Yººd 'from the water. - Southby wºº particularly They tore up,” as towels, and n ºut their evening.º. S. Beveridge, º P. a. d f lººd everything possible was ºne...º .."...mºrt: and all the p ...tºrºi "tº him for the arrangements fºie for the journey from Brest to London. MRs. MooRE'S STORY: - Moore, one of the P discussing her eX representative ut for over two hours looking ors and eventually rescued –it is difficult to re any. The women he Mrs. A. J. of the Egypt; | esterday with *, * Times, spoke highly white "...i !", ".anner lºngers, and of tºº : --- . ºf the ship (Captain Collye stood to his º until the last. |Moore was equally "lº M. displayed by the lº §e spoke of the nº of Captain Carr, and told how h order among the Lascars.” th .."...ave the ship by ſº his in the air. It was entir resence and the manner lºverawed' the Lascars that passengº. were able to get iyoet. Mrs. Moore also re Captain Collyer, just befor sank, was swept into the great Wºº and was with rescued by Captain Carr: Mrs. Moore told many bravery of both the passengº and Grew during and after the cºllision: the women behaved º and heroism of the nun. ter Rhoda, ls went down W scal'S. revolv in which ith the ship while sti prayers has already been told. Evans, a stewardess, courage, and X* of the "se assistance. Miss Henman, ". b in the water for nearly ºn . e she was picked up ". this boat. - od swimmer, 0 ... º Her first º: ever, was for others, and she askº rescuers to look after - paying any attention to her. - harge of a pa who was in " - |...th with a cigarette in ºr Mrs. Pai There were able attend to this most vi and to - --- amatºrs and others who reº S.O.S. calls they crowded together in the bow Egypt turned But he did rom the sinking ship, His 5 to us in navigating No one lost his member worked the passengers taken Mrs. Moore and devoted ost of their clothing reached land with na O. agent assengers were assengers periences of The ºf the courage of the lmness of the pas- in which the Mrs. phatic as to the ficent conduct e restored he last boat ely owing tº his the women into the lated how e the Egypt water by a difficulty tales of the who of southwark." ll at morrow at Mrs. also showed great greatest possible ut, was exhausted how- Am. her f he others before tient, faced Adkins mouth. circuits and sensitive receivers concentrate my attention tant stations. | Despite the local jamming, I picked up fragments of the position of the ship, and was amazed and distressed that one home and several foreign stations continued |ºmmercial working, rendering the selec- |tive reception of this otherwise clearly re- ceiyable message almost impossible. A further lapse of time of approximately a quarter of an hour or 20 minutes took place, when the British Government I could on the more dis- station at the North Foreland asked Bou- logne if they had heard S.O.S. calls. Boulogne promptly replied with No.” Immediately after this exchange of ºommunications, a ship, whose call letters I did not get, informed North Foreland that she had received S.O.S. calls, and gave them the latitude and longitude sent out by the ship in trouble. * - Then, and only then, did North Forland all for silence. - | regret to say that this call for silence was only partially responded to ; but, in any case, after this lapse of time, I assume it would have been too late to have ren- c dered the assistance which was so urgently Lificult, t - required. I think it is a moderate estimate !". º 5. º º º: to say that from thirty-five to forty-five ---> le boats on the starbºard side - ------------------ º: - - could not be lowered - --- - minutes were wasted owing to-1 - - ack of suit- receiving apparatus or in attention orders as to the dropping of commercial traffic when S.O.S. calls ºrº reported in the air ; or: owing to the fact that commercial messages 9°º. too great a proportion of the time of the ºfficial Government stations, there is not sufficient latitude for them suitably to ital use of wireless to specific telegraphy. - - My letter would be an abuse of your space if I had not ºne constructive sug- gestions to make. therefore suggest Yºu should bring your powerful influence to bear :- - - - First, to encourage the government to ask th a priority of service to coastguard and ºther Government stations for the purpose of warning such Government statiºns that S.O.S. calls have been heard ; ublicity be given as to the tions to communicate with: nº traffic and to use land lines, wi and that ſull p most suitable sta These stations could then sºspº ºntrate their most sensitive apparatus to verity such reports iron amateurs, whose re- ceptive apparatus is: in many cases, extremely sensitive and discriminating in type. Secondly, that the land lines along the south Coast of England should be mºre ex: tensively used rigidly tº close commercial ºs. operations when certain of the wire- less stations pick up usehº calls. - Thirdix, the call letters of Ostend (OST) and Antwerp (OSA). when sent out amidst the jam of normal traffic, are so closely when given by a careless similar to S.O.S. W. - - operator in the triplicate Government fashion: - deaden the recepti- iſ at they automatically, --- vity of Government stations to the plaintive S.G.S. Hundreds of times per day. these two calls are given, and to discriminate between thºse in the jam of normal working and the urgent S.O.S. requires more time than the exigencies of commercial working permit to ºn operators. My third sº sº: therefore, is that pressure be brought to bear at once to change the call letters ot º! and Antwerp to some more suitable and less || treacherous combinations. - apologize for the length of this letter, which I have kept as brief as the import- ance of the circumstances seems to me to warrant, and even this would not have been written but for the fact that on three other occasions I have had closely similar experiences. EcclesiasticAL NEws. –º- S Hosotºr Fort THE PRIMATE. Canterbury º, ſº." ºcially illuminated letter from the Catho- *... .." the Armenians, together with the Patriarchal Decoration of the First Order of | St. Gregory: the illuminator. This letter and - decoration have been presented by the Catho- licos as the head of the whole Armenºn people, in token of the gratitude felt by the Armenians for the sympathy shown by the Archbishop. 1n. the words of the Patriarchal letter. towards the chronic sufferings, persecutiºns, and martyrdom of the innocent people ºf the land ºf Armenia and of ºil. Church in the East. The formal presentation was recently made by Dr. Abel Naxarian and General Bragatouni in Lambeth Palace library. . . . - The Governing Body of "Pusey House, Oxford, have offered the vacant position on the resident staff tº the REv. FºERERIC Hoop, M.A., Vice-Principal of St. Stephen's H. by whom it has been accepted as - at October. - º*... of Llandaff has instituted the Rev. H. R. ProTHERoſſ to the vicarage of *ex. R. H. EveRED, vicar of Nºwland; Glos., has been appointed to the rectory of Shenley, Bucks—patron: the present rector, T."ºv. J. R. Vince. - the REv. C. F. BickMoRE, vicar of St. Peter's, Bishop Auckland, has for reasºns of health tendered his resignation of the living, which will take effect in October, when º, will retire from the active ministry. The anniversary memorial serviçº, for the officers, N.C.O's. and men of the 23rd Battalion London Regiment who fell at Givºnchy, May 25-26, 1915: will be held at St. Mary's, the parish church of Battersea, on Sunday; at 11 a.m. The battalion will parade, and the Mayor of Battºº. and mºbers of the borough council will attend. The preacher will be the º: º Pegg, the vicar jain of the 23rd). º º on the history and architecture - athedral will be given to- 2.30 p.m. ARMENIA The Archbishop ºf r r) ret” he the All the == DINNER T0 THE JAPANESE A M BASSADOR. –- was fore She osy entertained at dinner yes- Hotel *. Japanese passador (Barºn G. Hayas ni), the Hun- º Minister (Count L. Szapary), Sir Wil- oughby Maycock, Sir Geºrº Leveson-Gower, Sir Valentine Ghirol, Sir E. Denison Rºss; Sir Ernest Wild, M.P., Si. William . Ryland M.P., Sir James Cantlie, and Colonel Kell. w Mr. Arthur Dig terday at the Carlton *ker, Sir Vernon HE GRºhit, MAY 27, 1922 - ? ºr º - º - - - - -- - - --- º ------- tº------- and ca. the TRAGEDY of the LINER Egypt Re-------------------. R. L. ºn in a -º-º-º-º- eighty lives. The P. and O. Liner Egypt (7941 tons), one of the oldest vessels in the Company's service, having been built at Greenock in cºllision of Ushant on Saturday at night, while the passengers were preparing for dinner, amidships on the port side by the French cargo-boat Seine, hole in her side, the liner kept afloat only for about 1897, was sunk in evening last, with the loss of upwards of Leaving London on Friday for Bombay, the Egypt encountered a dense fog on Saturday of the coast of Finistère, and about seven o'clock she was struck With a gaping twenty minutes, LLOYD'S WEEKLY CASUALTY REPORTs. [May 29, 1922. EDGEHILL.-Antwerp, May 18-Ameri- can steamer Edgehill, master Culver, from New York and Philadelphia, general cargo, had her rudder fouled by a manila rope at New York. The vessel was in collision on Apr. 29 with the steamer ANACONDA and sustained damage to woodwork, lights, lifebuoys, &c.; her log was carried away on May 1. EFUIKA MARU (s.v.).-New York, May 15. – Steamer Cape Ortegal reported Mar. 31, in lat. 32 17 N., long. 14551 E. took off crew of six from disabled Japanese schooner Efuika Maru, aban- doned with foremast and jibboom stand- ing.—New York “Journal of Commerce.” EGYPT-Land's End Wireless Station, May 20–Following S.O.S. intercepted at 6 2 p.m. (G.M.T.): Steamer Egypt abeam Ushant; no particulars. — Brest, May 20–British steamer Egypt is disabled in lat. 48 N., long 5 W. Brest, May 21–British steamer Egypt and French steamer SEINE have been in collision. Former vessel sunk; latter badly damaged. Part of crew and passengers landed here. Brest, May 21. – The P. & O. Line steamer Egypt, bound for Bombay, collided in a fog at 7 30 yesterday evening with the French steamer SEINE, bound for Havre. The collision occurred off Ushant, 22 miles from the Armen Light- house. The Egypt sank. The SEINE took off many passengers and returned to Brest. 20 bodies have been found, and it is estimated that the number of casualties is 96.-Reuter. –Brest, May 21–Steamer Egypt : Crew 218 saved, passengers 29 saved. — Brest, May 21–The steamer SEINE has arrived at Brest with 230 sur- vivors and four bodies from the steamer Egypt. The latter are reported to have been identified as the bodies of Hardwick, wireless operator; Fierney, cook; and Dawood and Cassima, seamen.—Reuter. – Paris, May 22.-A Brest tele- gram to the “Matin * states that the master of the steamer Egypt declares that out of the 44 passengers on the vessel 15 are missing and of the 290 mem- bers of the crew 80 have not answered the roll-call.—Reuter. – Land's End Wireless Station, May 24–Steamer Highland Glen passed lifeboat, name “Egypt,” in lat. 48 08 N., long. 5 36 W.; dangerous to navigation. EGYPT. – Brest, May 25. – The steamer Egypt sank in approximately lat. 48 10 N., long. 5 30 W. London, May 25.-A wireless message from the master of the British steamer Booral via Ushant, May 25, states :-Steamer Booral passed Portu- guese schooner Diamantino with one of steamer Egypt's lifeboats in tow in lat. is iſ Nº. 5", w ELLIGE B. (s.v.).-Nueva Gerona (Cay- man Islands), May 19.-British schooner Ellice B. with lumber, arrived here leaky. Part of cargo landed. Continu- ing voyage. Surveyors report satisfies us that vessel can make a safe voyage. Therefore consider her seaworthy. -- Lloyd's Agents. ELSE. Hugo STINNEs 15. – Halifax, May 13–German steamer Else Hugo Stinnes 15, before reported, left last even- ing to resume her voyage to Hamburg. All bales of cotton, with exception of about 30, badly burned, were re-stowed in No. 2 hold yesterday.-- The New York Herald.” EMILY EVESON.—Alderney, May 20– Steamer Emily Eveson stranded on rocks in the vicinity of Tourgis Fort at 12 15 a.m. to-day, during dense fog. Crew, including master's wife, landed in ship's boats. Vessel's position very dangerous; will probably become a total wreck. Alderney, May 20– Steamer Emily Eveson, Swansea for Rouen, 350 tons coal, ashore in thick fog west of Alderney. Covered at high water; feared total wreck. Ground sea heavy. Crew saved. — Alderney, May 21– Steamer Emily Eveson is submerged at high water. Cargo dropping through bottom. - Alderney, May 22.- Steamer Emily Eveson is very badly holed from No. 2 to stokehold. Bridge covered at high water. Heavy ground sea pounding against her; will practic- ally dry low spring. Coal No. 2 sink- ing rapidly. Removed all gear. Recom- mend salving as much coal as possible. Fear impossible salve her.—Lloyd's Agent. – Alderney, May 22.- Steamer Emily Eveson is ashore west of island in a rocky bay and is surrounded by rocks; at low springs would dry; lying on boulders and is pierced by them from No. 2 to stokehold. Cannot ascertain damage, as it is all under, her bilge. Ground sea will pound her. Do not con- - CASUALTY RETURNS, MAY, 1922. "...w - º,Sº ŠSocIATCŞ - *_ _ _ _ - . . ." - - --- NUMBER AND TotAL Gross Tonnage of The Liverpool Underwriters’ Association has issued the following classified Return of VEssº's Lost posted in the Loss Book dur- Casualties to Vessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards, which have been posted in the Loss ...t. d month of May in the under- - loned years :- Book during the month ended M *- - ay 31, 1922: 1922. Sail Number. Gross Tons. BRITish... ... Sºul .. - --- - CLASSIFICATION. ºn 3 *::::: * sº": 3 ... 3 º BRITISH. FOREIGN. RESULTS. - al - - --- - -- *jJºnese sºm... 2 2,184 NATURE OF CASUALTY. Sail. Steam. Sail. Steam. *ºa sºn, - : §§ Total partial " _ — ` Total partiall total partial total partial total partial Losses, ºsses. " -20 42,403 Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. - Weather d 1921. Sail Number. Gross Tons. eather damage …....;............... - - – 3 – 1 – 9 - 13 13 British ... Sº - - - - Founderings and abandonments... I – - - 2 || – — — 2 || – 2 R sºn --- l 3,459 Strandings................................, | – || – 3 || 3 || 3 || || 5 71 || 11 115 126 American ºn º: Collisions............ :----------------------- – – || 3 || 6 || || || 3 || i 76 || 3 | 151 154 - Sail ... – - Fires and Explosions.................. - 1 1. 19 — 1 1 27 2 48 50 HForeign & Japanese }sºn. 1 5,450 Missing...............…..........….. – - - - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 * Rest of Sail .. 2 3,999 Pº ºº: shafts, World Steam... 7 13,459 and propellers ........................ - - - 25 - - - 54 - 7 - - Other casualties ........................ I – 1 - 24 - 3 - 34 – . . 13 27,659 - - 1920. ſ Sail Number. Gross Toms Totals........ May, 1922 || – - - ai 1 626 #. 1921 || – 2 6 181 6 14 8 271 20 468 || 488 British ** * Steam 4. 10.790 M y, .4 1 111 3 11 9 180 13 306 319 F. - §. 8 9,082 ay, 1920 || 1 || 12 || 4 || 164 8 21 13 285 26 || 482 508 *** … … Steam 13 31.134 May, 1919 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 111 2 12 9 186 15 310 325 26 51,632 Of the above-mentioned the following are the more important :- Ves - Tons Year - essel and Flag. Grºss. Lºuiſ. Material, Owners and Port of Registry. Voyage. Cargo, Particulars of Casualty. - - |- STEAM. **ºnaea (Br) 43.48 1909 || Steel Larrinaga & Co., Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cienfuegos–U.K. . . . . . . Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Mouchoir Bank (21 00 N., 70 35 W.). Joyland 1845 1884 || Wood | Canada Steamship Lines. Ltd. - --- - - -- - - - ſº wºm. A. Haskell) (Br) - S, , Montreal ... Port Colborne–Montreal Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, River St. Lawrence. Arbeeco (ex Arno, § 745 1894 Steel T. M. Kirkwood, London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool–Quebec - ... Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrecked, Renews Rock (N.F.). whittier (tank) (Am) . 1296 || 1903 Steel, T. A. Hays, San Francisco .................. San Pedro-Eureka . . . . Oil ................ Wrecked, near Point Are Cali - *"ºh, an (Am) 765 1904 || Wood | Northern Commercial Co., San Francisco ... San Francisco–Seattle - sº d". Cap biº. ºate. --- - - - - ogged, towed Coos Bay, total - Hinneyarma Maru (Ja) 772 - 1918 - - Suminoye-Kobe . . . . . . . . Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sºled, Hirado §aº. *. *ow total - 0SS constantinos 4730 || 1999 || Steel || C. Pateras & Sons and C. Lemos, Chios .. - - . - - **** (ex Red Cap, - - s Sfax-Antwerp . . . . . . . . Phosphates . . . . . . . . Wrecked Carrumeiro, entrance Corcubion. &c. ºr) Sterling: 1040 1890 Steel Iceland Government (H/f Eimskipafél - - - ----------- º “” "lºllisial stº º, / paſſelag Wrecked, Seydisfjord (Iceland). welsh Prince ee 10 Cape Lille, . (Furness, Withy & Co., ti & T., & C. ------ s - iision ster - - (ex Glenspean) (Br) ..., Ltd.), Nºwcastle. - - - y º (Ore) –Kobe Lumber, &c º unk, collision steamer Iowan, near Astoria. fº...". ------------ º #: §. - Pºpºk -- º - - - - - - General, specie ".... §: collision steamer Seine, off Ushant --- - - ---- -- -------------- ºnnoloyed on - sunk, collision st - - ***** **, º Marquette 16, - - ploy Great Lakes Superior. on steamer Quincy A. Shaw, Lake ºc.). (Ann conestoga (Br) . . . . . . 2008 1878 Oak Lake Pºrts Nay. Cº., Ltd., Torontº, Ont. . . . Port Colborne–Montreal | Wheat ............ Burnt waters edge, Cardinal Canal kians tºº, nan) (Cs) 566 1871 Iron China Merchants' Stim. Nav. Co., Shanghai Shashi Hankow ...... General . . . . . . . . . . . . Destroyed fire, about 9 miles alſº Wuchang. ex H_0 - ---- - -- - - - Take-hºmº Maº (J. 1412 1889 steel | Busai Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha, Kobe . . . . . . Dairen-Moji . . . . . . . . . . Beans & beancake . . . Missing. (ex Transit) a) - - Lornbardy (Br) . . . . . . 3379 1921 Steel D. MacIver & Co., Ltd., Liverpool ........ Liverpool–Rosario General . . . . . . . . . . . . Stranded, º got off, beached, - - - - since arrive uenos Ayres, - st. Patrice (tank) (Br) 1920 1919 Steel British Tanker Co., Ltd., Swansea ........ Swansea-Jarrow ... ... Fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . Stranded, Mulvin }. #.". off, now scuttled, good position out of strong .… A. Weir & Co., Bri stream. ... Madawaska (Br) … 4120 * steel A. Weir 0., Bristol .................... Santa Cruz (Cuba), &c. Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . Stranded Alligator Rock (Kintang), got off - ann United Ameri Li Inc.. B -Hong Kong damaged. . . Middlesex (Am) . . . . . . | 4727 1912 steel United . merican Lines, Inc., Boston ...... Norfolk–Portland (Me) || Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sº entering Portland (Me.), got off - - - lamaged. *:::::..entine (Be) 2859 º Steel L. Dens & Co., Antwerp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genoa. &c.- General . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fires at Catania and Palermo, damage to - - ------------------ - - cargo. west carnifax (Am) .. 5627 1918 Steel | United States Shipping Board, Los Angeles . . . From º, Antwerp Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . Fºrgo badly damaged. - - - - - caraguet (ex Guelº. 4880 -1891 steel Royal Mail steam Packet Co., Southampton | From west ºmburs Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire No. 3 hold, damage to cargo. Eise Hugo Stinnes 367 1905 steel * ºº:: f. Seeschiff (u Uebersee- New §º Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire, shelter deck, at Halifax, cargo * º º manuel hamburg. damaged, quantity jettisoned. ºctorial e - N.V. S - - -- - ---- Hollandia 1. (Du) - 755 1917 steel *ºtºriº Maats. Hollandia, Libau-Hamburg . . . . . . Flax yarn . . . . . . . . . . Put *ś ºlds. cargo badly damaged, sia" ºn (Br) º 1911 steel || Sir W. R. Smith & Sons, * Bideford . . . . From New York-, - General . . . . . . . . . . . . rº. tº amº to cargo, quantity - - | Norfolk & N. American Steam Shippi - at London jettisoned. south-western *: (514 1915 steel | Lºd. (Furness, **i. & * º London–Philadelphia & General . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Nº. 1 hold. ...at sea before reaching ºr - | Liverpool. New York |, Philadelphia, Philadelphia cargo damaged. cervantes (Br) . . . . . 2436 1919 steel MacAndrews & Co., Ltd., London … *º . Clyde General & oranges . "º"aº..." plates buckled, SAIL. - mornia. Tººwº wºn ºn tº sº "ºº" - "º",ºniº Cºmº saili vessel) (Ann - - - - - - Berlin º ------------ lies. 1882 Wood º Sºland Packers’ Association, Port- Portland (Ore)-Alaska . - Wrecked, Ugaguk Flat, Alaska. anti. Ure. - - - - - - Bragdo 2851 1891 steel L. Jörgensen, Christianssand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool- . . Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . Stranded 4 miles N. of Bovbjerg, Nov. 2, 1921, (ex Nordfarer, &c.) (No) 94 º Wood Robinson Transportation Co., Wilmington Jacksonvil"º"º. Lumber Aº º miles N.E. of Charleston Josephine (Am) ------ 1 oo fe. - -- º - - ---- ----------------- ------------ picked up and towed to near Southport - - (N.C.). stºck on bar. Mark Twain º 740 1878 wood A/S Fredriksen & Möller. Mandal … Hartlepool-Iceland Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunk, off Shetlands. Editºr- (e. - 1263 1901 wood Galveston & Charleston - Untraced. Aug 29, 1921–Bnos Ayres MISCELLANEOUS. canton coºs pier No. 3, Baltimore (U.S.A.), destroyed by fire, May 8, contents nitrate. American steamer Santa Barbara, no cargo, damaged by fire. removed by tug. Fire at Albert Edward Dºck. Preston, May 15, about 460 tons moist mechanical pulp damaged fire, water. 12, 4270 bales flax ex steamer Theodor, from Riga, also large quantities lar Cº.'s pocks Bayonne (N.J.), May 15, caused by bolt of lightning. The 'white Lead Îepartment of the United Lead Co.'s plant at Perth Amboy, (N.J.) Fire, aſ Beirut, May 23, in principal commercial part of town, damage roughly estimated £100,000. x Edith G. Folwell) (Am) Edith Co., Inc., New Orleans Fire, No. 4 Warehouse, Stettin, May Fire, Tidewater Oil Fire, Fire. Punto Franco bonded warehouses, Brazza Quay Granaries, Bordeaux, May 28, damage extensive, estimated at 20,000,000f. Napies, May 30, confined to one block containing, wheat, coffee, sugar, Colonial produce, oil in barrels, damage extensive. d and other goods destroyed. damage estimated several hundred thousand d destroyed by fire, May 16; damage estimated 1,500,000 dols. ollars, no shipping damage. Shipping sale. - Fire, Nisshin Kisen Kaisha Wharf, Shanghai, May 24, two godowns totally destroyed, estimated loss £60,000, cargo involved chiefly China produce. Lloyd's Register ---- S.S. EGXPT 1922–23 Number in Register 53826. Official number 105581. Code letters PTGD. EGYPT - Electric light - Wireless – steel screw steamer. Three desks. Upper deck steel - teak sheathed. Spar deck steel — teak sheathed. Tonnage: Gross 79||l; Under deck 6||3; Net 1,207. Built under special survey. Built according to rules for Spar-Decked vessels. (See Fig. ll of illustrations of Types of Vessels following page xlviii of Key to Register.) "Spar Deck Vessel". This type of vessel is constructed with scantlings above the main deck heavier than in an "Awning Deck Vessel". Equipment letter as per Tables 30 & 31 (Rules). Built 1897 Sept., Caird & Co., Greenock. P. & O. Steam Nav. Co. Registered dimensions in feet and tenths of a foot. Length 199.8 feet. Breadth 51.3. Depth to main deck 21.5. Depth to spar deck 32.9. (Note on depth explanations -- "In some countries the registered depth is the same as the moulded depth.) Poop deck |0" long. Bridge deck 268" long. Forecastle deck 78' long. Bar keel 9" deep. Greenock -- British -- 9 bulkheads, cemented. (See Sec. lil, Rules for Iron & Steel Vessels. ) T. l. Cyl. 12.25", 68" & (2) 71.5" -- 72". Forced draft. 1355 Nominal H. P. by formula. Three diagonal engines. Three single-ended boilers. 27 corrugated furnaces. Grate surface 531 sq. ft. Heating surface ãoś. sq. ft. Caird & Co., Greenock. Lloyd's Register 1922-23 ---- S. S. EGYPT Moulded depth 36' 9". M "The moulded depth of a steel vessel is the perpendicular depth taken from the top of the upper deck beam at side, at the middle of the length of the vessel, to the top of the keel and the bottom of the frame at the middle line." Water ballast, with particulars. Cellular construction of double bottom, aft 70%, long, and under engines and boilers 131° long, forward 1611" long; total capacity 962 tons, and deep tank aft 33° iong, cap- acity 82 tons, Fore Peak Tanks 108 tons. Lloyd's Rules ---- S.S. EGYPT Vertical frames to be cut, spaced 27.5" apart. # ſ NN | A careful search of the following periodicals re- vealed no information concerning the S. S. Egypt. Scientific American Sc. Am. Suppl. Engineer (London) Engineering Magazine Marine Engineering Engineering (London) Le Génie Civil Engineering Record Engineering News eº 6 7 7 3:###. ill, 15, 1 7 8 e 2 (Jan. 1897–June 1898) (Jan. 1897–June gº (Jan. 1897-Dec. 1898) (Apr. 1897-Mar. 1899) (Apr. 1897–Dec. 1898) (Jan. 1897-Dec. 1898) (May 1897-Apr. 1898) (June 1897-May 1898) (Jan.-Dec. 1897) (No. 7782.) “EGYPT’’ (S.S.) THE MERCHANT SHIPPING Acts, 1894 to 1906. REPORT OF COURT. In the matter of a Formal Investigation held at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, on the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 31st days of July, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days of August, and the 4th day of September, 1922, before BUTLER Asp1NALL, Esquire, K.C., Wreck Commissioner, assisted by Admiral T. P. WALKER, D.S.O., Commander L. W. BayLDoN, R.N.R., Captain A. R. PILKINGTON, and JoHN W. JAck, Esquire, O.B.E., M.I.N.A., as assessors, into the circumstances attending the loss of the British steamship “Egypt '' of Greenock, and the loss of 87 lives in or near latitude 48 deg. 10 min. N., longitude 5 deg. 29 min. W., on the 20th May, 1922. The Court having carefully inquired into the circum- stances attending the above-mentioned shipping casualty, finds, for the reasons stated in the Annex hereto, that the loss of the s.s. “ Egypt '' was due to a collision with the French steamship “Seine " whereby No. 3 hold and the forward boiler room were thrown open to the sea, which caused a rapid inrush of water into the “Egypt,” making her list heavily to port and eventually sink; that the loss of life was mainly due to default on the part of the Master and Chief Officer in failing to take proper measures to save life; default on their part in failing to exercise their authority to ensure good order and discipline at the time of the casualty; default on their part in failing to make the crew efficient in collision and boat drill; and failure on the part of the owners through their officials and servants to take proper and effective measures to ensure compliance with their regulations and to exact good discipline on the ship. The Court suspends the Certificate No. 018399 of the Master, Andrew Collyer, for a period of six months from the date hereof. The Court also severely censures the Chief Officer, Charles Walter Cartwright. Dated this 4th day of September, 1922. BUTLER Asp1NALL, Wreck Commissioner. We concur in the above Report. T. P. WALKER, Assessor. L. Wood BAYLDoN, Assessor. A. R. PILRINgtoN, Assessor. John W. JAck, Assessor. ANNEX TO THE REPORT. This Inquiry was held at the Royal Courts of Justice in the months of July, August, and Septem- º, 1922. The Solicitor-General (Sir Leslie Scott, K.C., M.P.) and Mr. L. F. C. Danny appeared for the Board of Trade; Mr. A. D. BATEsox, K.C., and Mr. R. H. Balloch for the Peninsular and oriental Steam Navigation Company; Captain Collyer, the ºmmander of the “Egypt"; Mr. Cartwright, the Chief Officer; Mr. Cameron, the Second Officer, and Mr. Halliday, the Supernumerary Third Officer; Dr. GINsburg for Mr. French, the Supernumerary Second Officer, and Mr. Brown, the Third Officer; Mr. (K408) Wt:16/P12 500 9/22 H & Sp Gp 77 SMITH (Solicitor) for the Wireless Operators' Asso- ciation; Mr. ALFRED BUCKNILL for the India Office; Mr. Joseph Cotter for the Amalgamated Marine Workers' Union. Description of the Vessel. The “Egypt,” official number 105581, was a British steel single screw steamship built in 1897 at Greenock. Her dimensions were as follows:–Length 499.8 feet, breadth 54.3 feet, depth of hold 32.9 feet, gross tonnage 794096, and registered tonnage 4207-20. She had triple expansion engines. Her horse-power nominal was 2,500. She was capable of making 18 knots at full speed. She was fitted with wireless installation and carried three operators. She was owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, of 122, Leadenhall Street, London, her registered manager being Mr. Frank Ritchie. She was fitted with nine watertight bulk- heads carried up to the spar deck. In the watertight bulkheads separating the various compartments were 23 watertight doors. The position and character of the doors are described in answer to question 11. The “Egypt " carried 18 lifebuoys hung on the rail. She had 953 lifejackets, and 18 lifeboats capable of carrying 860 persons. Each boat held from 40 to 50 persons. At Bombay on the 14th October, 1921, she was granted a passenger certificate whereby she was certi- fied to carry 301 first-class passengers, 208 second- class passengers, and 298 crew, making a total of 807 persons. She had 16 sets of davits, two of which were fitted with Collgrave's patent apparatus for lowering. Two of the boats were carried inboard on deck not attached to the davits. Boats Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 were carried on the star- board side; Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 on the port side. Nos. 1 and 2 were inboard on deck and not attached to the davits; Nos. 5 and 6 were worked by Collgrave's patent. The boats were in good order and condition and properly equipped according to Board of Trade Regulations. In all re- spects she was well fitted and found. At the time of the casualty there were 338 persons on board, 44 of whom were passengers (14 first-class and 30 second-class) and 294 crew. Eighty-seven lives were lost (including one person who was rescued, but died in hospital), viz.: 16 passengers and 71 crew. The crew consisted of 86 Europeans and 208 Goanese stewards, Lascars, and other Indians. Shortly before sailing on the voyage in question 95 persons were newly shipped on the “Egypt,” most of them from the P. and O. steamer “Palermo,” which was then in the Thames. The owners of the “ Seine " were invited to take part in the Inquiry. They declined to do so. No witnesses were called from the “ Seine.” Boat Drill at Tilbury. Qn, the 18th of May, two days before the ship sailed, there was a muster of the crew, later followed by a boat drill. The boat drill was held under the supervision of Captain Ram, the Assistant Dock Superintendent of the P. and O. Company. Accord- ing to the evidence of Mr. Cartwright, the Chief Officer, the boat drill lasted for ten minutes; other witnesses, including Captain Ram, said ten to fifteen minutes. Mr. Cartwright, when recalled, said twenty minutes to half-an-hour. The Court thinks the time was probably somewhere in the neighbour- hood of fifteen minutes, and was quite insufficient for the purpose for which the drill was held. Whilst the drill was being held an inspection of the ship was being made by Mr. Ritchie, the Managing Director, accompanied by Sir Frank Notley, the Marine super- intendent, the Commander, and other members of the crew. There were many absentees from the drill most of whom were in attendance on the Managing Director, the rest being engaged in duties from which they could not be spared. In view of the great im- portance of boat drill, the Court thinks it essential that the Commander and all Officers should take part in it; and that it would be well if in future the 2 Managing Director's inspection below should not take place during the boat drill. Only one boat, and that manned by a special crew, was put outboard and partly lowered. The Court thinks it would be well if all boats were swung out, lowered, and manned by their respective crews. During the boat drill the watertight doors were closed and found to be in good order. The Court was told that the Officers and crew were mustered at their respective boats, and that each member of the crew had been told the number of his boat. The Court cannot accept this as being accurate evidence. Sir Frank Notley stated that Captain Ram, Commander Collyer, and the Chief Officer were the three persons mainly respon- sible for seeing that effective boat drills took place, that the Officers and crew were properly instructed in boat drill, that boat drills were thoroughly carried out, that each member of the crew knew his boat, and that one Officer or European seaman and a due proportion of Lascars were arranged for in each boat. The Court is of opinion that they failed to discharge this duty. Boat stations and boat drills are of vital importance in the case of ships which carry a large native crew, and especially so in the case of a ship like the “Egypt’’ on which a large number of the crew were newly shipped shortly before she sailed. The Court is not forgetful of the fact that the Chief Officer said that at about 10 a.m. on May 18th he held a boat drill of his Lascar crew, in- cluding those transferred from the “Palermo.” He said, “I gave them a run through in the morning at 10 o'clock,” and that it occupied ten minutes. The Court is also not forgetful that the crew transferred from the “Palermo '' were old servants of the Com- pany, and therefore probably well acquainted with boat drill. According to the Regulations of the P. and O. Company, a fire and boat station bill should be prepared “ upon the ship proceeding to sea '.' and shown in a convenient and conspicuous place. The purpose of the bill is to assign to each member of the crew a particular boat to which he must go in ease of need. Sir Frank Notley, speak- ing of the Regulation, said, “I understand that it (the bill) should be in place before the ship proceeds to sea.” It was the duty of the Chief Officer to see that the bill was prepared. He said that owing to the fact that certain members of the crew signed on very shortly before the ship sailed, it was impossible to draw up the bill until after the ship had proceeded to sea, that a bill had been prepared when the ship left Bombay in October, 1921, what it gave the name, rank, and rating of each member of the crew (other than firemen and Lascars), and his appropriate boat, that this bill was still posted on the spar deck alley- way aft on the port side when the ship sailed from Tilbury on May 19th, and that any member of the crew (other than firemen and Lascars), even if new to the ship, could inform himself of his boat station. In other words, the rank and rating—irrespective of name—was sufficient to inform the newcomer. The Chief Officer stated that a new list in completed form, giving name, rank, and rating, was being prepared when the ship was lost. The preparation and exhibi- tion of the bill is, in the view of the Court, of great importance, but the main thing is (whether it be possible or impossible to prepare it in completed form before the ship proceeds to sea) for the Com- mander and Chief Officer to take the utmost care that every member of the crew knows his station and duty before the ship sails. The P. and O. Company issue a book of regulations to their Commanders in relation to safe navigation, discipline, and attention to the requirements and safety of passengers. Rules 68, 69, and 70 are per- tinent to the present Inquiry. They are as follows: 68. A Fire and Boat Station Bill according to the Company’s form is to be prepared, upon the ship proceeding to sea, and shown, with the head- ing, in a convenient and conspicuous place, and the utmost care taken that ererſ man on board knows his station and duty. The crew are to be exercised at Fire and Boat Stations once a week, and the same noted in the Log Book. If this periodical exercise is duly and thoroughly carried out, the Company’s ships will always be well pre- pared to meet any sudden or unforeseen emer- gencies. Bed Cabin Stewards and Stewardesses are to be instructed to show passengers the manner of putting on lifebelts. - 69.-The Fire Station column is to be filled up by the Commander according to the vessel's require- ments. In appointing crews to the different boats, one Officer or European seaman and a due propor- tion of Lascars should be arranged for in each boat, as far as the strength of the crew permits, to secure every boat having someone on board competent to direct her movements. Boats' gripes and lashings should be fitted with toggles, so that they can be instantly let go. The falls should never be coiled away under the boats’ covers, but either stopped to the davits with beckets, or coiled on the deck ready for immediate use. One, at least, of the breakers in each boat should be kept filled with fresh water, and more if the weight is not likely to strain the boat. Preserved provisions, as required by Board of Trade Regulations operative from 1st March, 1913, must be kept in boats. In foggy weather and in the Channel all boats' covers are to be taken off, and boats' falls coiled down upon deck. 70. The boats require constant care and super- vision to ensure their good order and efficiency; an Officer and crew must be appointed to each, and the former is held responsible for his charge. He will personally inspect his boat, at least once a week, and satisfy himself that her equipment in masts, sails, oars, rowlocks, breakers, etc., is com- plete, that the tackles are good, and in running order, gripes ready to let go, and the boat in every respect fit for immediate use. Boats are not to be kept hanging too long at the davits, but lowered in the water at least once every voyage either at sea or in harbour. As far as practicable, any boat sent away from the ship, both at sea and in harbour, should have an Officer in charge. The Officer of each boat is responsible for its efficiency. Boats to be secured outboard at sea whenever practicable. Embodied in the Fire Stations, Collision, and Boat Station Bill were the following directions to the Purser: — The Purser to see that all passengers are called by their Bedroom Stewards and report to Comman- der when all are out of their cabin. Instruct all ladies and children to assemble in the Music Rooms, and gentlemen to assemble on the Deck outside the Music Rooms, with their life-jackets on. After seeing all passengers out of their berths and reporting to Commander, will remain with the passengers as at Fire Stations. The Court is of opinion that in many important respects these particular regulations and directions were not given effect to, and that the shore officials, the Commander, and Chief Officer were responsible for this neglect of duty. The Collision. The “Egypt " left Tilbury for Bombay on the 19th May, 1922. The following four boats were swung outboard on leaving: on the starboard side Nos. 17 (which was the most forward boat) and 13; on the port side Nos. 18 (which was the most forward boat) and 14. On May 20th passing fog banks of varying density were met with. The fog whistle was being sounded in accordance with Board of Trade Regulations. Of Ushant, at about 5.30 p.m. or 5.20 p.m., the course was altered to South 28 West true; fog banks were passing over from Ushant out to sea. Ushant Lighthouse was not sighted; the speed at the time was i2] knots, the “Egypt’s ’’ working full speed was 15 knots, but in fog a full head of steam was not kept. This practice was being observed on the present occasion, and hence the “Egypt's '' full speed on her then head of steam was about 12, knots. It was Mr. Cameron, the Second Officer's, watch from 4 to 8 p.m. He was assisted by the Third officer, Mr. Brown. The Commander was on and off the bridge from time to time. About 5.30 p.m., owing to the density of a passing fog bank, the engines were stopped till the fog bank had passed over, and then the “Egypt '' proceeded at full speed (12 knots) sounding her whistle for fog at intervals of two minutes. At about 6.45 p.m. Mr. Cameron left the bridge, and handed over the ship to Mr. Brown. He stated that the visibility then was “a good mile, rather more than a mile,” there being a slight swell with light westerly wind. The look-out had been doubled when the fog came on, and consisted of a European and a Lascar. At about 6.54 p.m. (the times are all guessed, but approximately accurate) it came on very thick. Mr. Brown rang stand-by. The Commander at the same time came on the bridge. Almost immediately afterwards a faint whistle was heard somewhere on the port bow and the engines were stopped. The “Egypt '' at once sounded her whistle in reply. About two minutes later the same whistle was again heard, and the “ Egypt " whistled in reply. Mr. Brown was asked, “What happened then?” He said, “We waited for a bit to try to locate him. We blew one whistle again a very long blast, and as we were trying to locate him he came out of the fog and hit us.” The “ Seine,” when seen, was heading at about right angles for the for- ward port side of the “Egypt,” travelling fast, and after an interval judged to be from 10 to 15 seconds, hit the “Egypt " a heavy blow in the way of No. 3 hatch. When the “ Seine'' was sighted the helm of the “ Egypt '' was put hard-a-port in the hopes of making the blow a glancing one, but it had little or no effect, and then the helm was put hard-a-star- board. At the moment of collision the witnesses thought the speed of the “Egypt '' was about 3 knots, that of the “ Seine '' about 6 to 8 knots. In order to ascertain as well as one can the interval of time between the order to stand-by and the collision, it is convenient to here refer to the evidence of Mr. Whyte, the Second Engineer, who was in charge of the engines at the time of the collision. He said (speaking from recollection as all his logs were lost) that at 6.55 he got the order “stand-by,” “ half '' after about a minute's interval, then “stop '' almost immediately after the “half.” He said he then threw the gear over to astern, but did not reverse the engines, and stood waiting for further orders, when he felt a slight shock. In his opinion one to two minutes elapsed between the “stop '' and the shock of the collision. After the Collision. Immediately after the collision some of the wit- messes said the order was given “close watertight doors ’’ and “man boat stations.” More than four short blasts on the whistle is the signal for boat stations on the “Egypt,” but it only partially sounded twice and then failed. The Commander went from the bridge to the hurricane deck to look at the damage; he then ran back to the bridge, went to the wireless room, and told the operator to send out the “S.O.S. * signal. This was done, the noon position being given. The carpenter was ordered to sound, and he reported that there was 18 feet of water in the forward stokehold. Very shortly after the collision, if not at once, the “Egypt '' listed to port and continued to do so till she sank 20 minutes after the collision. After the Commander's return from the wireless room he told Mr. Brown to work out the collision position of the ship. This was done. The wireless operator then sent out the actual posi- tion. Replies were received from Ushant and certain vessels. The Court was informed by the Deputy Traffic Manager of the Marconi Company that the nearest vessel to the “Egypt '' was the s.s. “Cahiracon,” distant about nine miles, too far away to render assistance before the “Egypt " sank. After the collision the stokers came out of the stokehold into the engine room, but in obedience to orders from Mr. Whyte, the Second Engineer, at once returned, and then called out that they could see water coming in. Mr. Whyte then went himself and saw water pouring through the port watertight door in the bulkhead between the two stokeholds. Mr. Whyte then tried to make his way forward to see where the water was coming from, but the inrush was too great, and he was compelled to return to the engine room. Meanwhile the stokers, firemen, and greasers had gone on deck. Mr. Whyte said he told them to “clear out.” Mr. Whyte and the boiler- maker then partially closed the watertight door in the forward bulkhead of the engine room. They were not able to close it entirely. The Chief and Fourth Engineers then joined them. The pumps were put on to the engine room bilge, but to no purpose, because the steam failed. The engineers then decided to leave the engine room as nothing more could be done. The facts relating to the watertight doors are set out in the answer to question 11. Measures Taken to Save Life. Meanwhile the Officers and crew were endeavour- ing to launch the boats. The evidence as to what happened is confused, uncertain, and in some respects conflicting. " Boat 18. This was the most forward boat on the port side. It was swung outboard on leaving Tilbury. In regard to getting away boats the Chief Officer, Mr. Cartwright, stated that he “superintended more than anything else.” He ordered Mr. Cameron, the Second Officer, to get away in boat No. 18, and to go alongside the after well deck and take off passen- gers. At this time no crews appropriate to their particular boat had fallen in abreast of their boat, and never did so. Mr. Cartwright ordered Mr. Cameron to take the first available men he could find. The boat was quickly got away. In it were Mr. Cameron, two quartermasters, the baggage master, the Serang, and several Lascars. The Court was told that the Serang should have stayed with the Chief Officer for the purposes of giving orders to and main- taining discipline among the Lascars and firemen. It is greatly to be regretted that Mr. Cameron saw fit to take him in boat 18, but the Court is not for- getful that boat 18 was the Serang's boat, and that the Chief Officer’s orders to Mr. Cameron were to take the first available men he could find. After this boat was in the water Mr. Cameron shouted to Mr. Brown, the Third Officer, to get the women and chil- dren on to the after well deck. Mr. Brown did so, and told them the boat was coming alongside and to jump in. He then left them to discharge other duties. Mr. Cameron, who seemingly had an efficient crew in his boat, stated that he was unable to get near the “Egypt,” that she drifted away although the European crew did their best to get to the well deck aft. In these circumstances he stated that he thought the best use he could make of his boat was to go to the “ Seine'' and bring her to the “Egypt.” The “Egypt '' then sank stern foremost, Mr. Cameron’s boat having picked up some half-dozen people out of the water, proceeded to the “Seine.” Mr. Cameron found the Master on the bridge and asked him to go towards the wreckage. Mr. Cameron took command with permission of the Master, put the telegraph half speed ahead, and sent Quartermaster Lyford to the wheel. The “ Seine '’ then steamed towards the wreckage and various boatloads of people were picked up and taken on board her. It is difficult to understand why it was that Mr. Cameron's boat was unable to get alongside the “Egypt '' in the vicinity of the after well deck. Had it done so, it might have been the means of saving many persons. Boat 17. Immediately after the collision a large number of the non-European crew proceeded to this boat (which had been swung outboard on leaving Til- bury) and got into it. Unfortunately no Officer or European seaman assigned to this boat went to it for several minutes after the collision. According to the evidence, those who crowded into the boat were Goanese stewards and firemen, not Lascars. Mr. Cameron, with the assistance of two Lascars, partially lowered this boat; having done so, he shouted to the firemen and stewards in the boat to clear out, but they took no notice of his orders. Mr. Whyte, the Second Engineer, then came to this boat and ordered those in it to get out. Some twenty did so, and followed Mr. Whyte to the boats on the port side. The boat was then lowered to the hurricane deck. Mr. French, the Supernumerary Second Officer, and about the same time Captain Carr, a passenger, came to this boat. At this time there were two quarter- masters at the falls. Captain Carr, who had an auto- matic pistol, handed it to Mr. French. Mr. French was then able to get certain men out of the boat which made room for passengers. The boat was lowered into the water. The pistol was returned to Captain Carr. Many passengers (male and female) went down the falls into it. Captain Carr got into this boat and took charge. In order to maintain order and prevent overcrowding in this boat, Captain Carr fired his pistol in the air. Quartermaster Scott then got into this boat and assumed control. Subsequently Commander Collyer walked down the side of the ship and got into this boat. Apparently he was the last man to leave the ship. He stated that the non- European crew in this boat were “absolutely terror- ised with fear.” Mr. Brown, the Third Officer, re- mained by the ship till she sank, and was then taken into this boat. Some time afterwards another boat containing one or two people was fallen in with. Mr. Brown and some passengers were transferred to this boat, the number unknown. Boat 17, with about 75 persons in her, eventually went alongside the * Seine.” Boat No. 4 was immediately abaft boat No. 18 on the port side. The Chief Officer went to this boat. No one was attending to it. He pulled two firemen out of it and then left it for another boat on the port side. Mr. Brown's boat was No. 14. He said someone had taken it, and therefore he went to No. 4. When he got there he found Mr. Whyte, the Second Engineer, and some firemen trying to launch it. There was great difficulty in lifting the boat, owing to the heavy list of the ship and the fact that the men could not get a foothold on the deck. Ulti- mately, with the assistance of the Chief Engineer, the Chief Officer, the Fourth Engineer and boiler- maker, the boat was got into the water. About this time a crash was heard which made Mr. Whyte observe, “There goes the bulkhead '': the ship gave a violent lurch, sank, and took the boat with her, thereby causing loss of life. Boat No. 6 (Collgrave's patent). Mr. Brown went to this boat; no one was working at it. He could not find the handle of the Collgrave's patent gear, so he left the boat saying it was still on the chocks when the ship sank. Boat No. 8. Mr. French's boat was No. 7 on the starboard side. He did not go to it because he said the list was so great it was not possible to launch it. He accordingly went to No. 8, and stated that he got there within a minute and a half of the collision. He knocked away the gripes, and was later joined by Mr. Halliday, the Supernumerary Third Officer, Mr. Whyte, the Second Engineer, Mr. Hamilton, the Third Engineer, and a quartermaster. As the boat was being got outboard, a steward, called Eagles, got caught in the fall, was dashed against the davit and killed. In order to free him, Mr. French cut the falls and the boat fell into the water. At the time Mr. Hamilton, the Third Engineer, and a number of Indians were in it, Mr. Hamilton ordered the men to pull towards the “Egypt,” but they refused to do so. The “Egypt " sank. The boat then pulled to the “ Seine.” Mr. Halliday with three of the * Seine's '' crew proceeded to the wreckage in a boat belonging to the “Seine" and saved about ten people. They made a second trip and saved several others. Boats 10 and 12. For some reason not explained, no one seem to have gone to these boats. The Chief Officer states that he cut them adrift so that when the “Egypt " sank they could float clear of the ship. Boat 14. This boat was swung outboard on leaving Tilbury. The Chief Officer, with the assistance of the boatswain and one or two stewards, lowered this boat into the water. The Chief Officer said there was no difficulty in doing so. A few passengers were put into her. The boat left in charge of Quartermaster Lissenden. It picked up a few Indians from the water and then pulled to the “ Seine,” when the pas- sengers and Indians were taken off. A volunteer crew of Europeans then took the boat back to the wreckage. It fell in with Mr. Brown's boat, which was waterlogged, and took off its occupants. It then returned to the “ Seine.” Boat 3. The Chief Officer said he understood this boat was cut adrift by the Third Officer. Boat 5. This was Mr. Cameron’s boat. He went to it, but owing to the list of the ship he was very doubtful whether it could be got out, and left it for boat No. 17. What happened to this boat is not known. Boat 13. This boat had been swung outboard on leaving Tilbury. The Chief Officer superintended lowering this boat into the water. The boatswain, a quartermaster, and two or three others lowered her to the water. Owing to the list it was a task of great difficulty. In the language of the boatswain, “This boat was not lowered, it was rolled, rolled and pushed.” The boatswain, chief steward, a quarter- master, a few Goanese stewards and firemen got into this boat. This boat at once proceeded towards the * Seine.” It picked up no one from the water. Some of its crew, including the quartermaster, then got into another boat and proceeded to the wreckage. They rescued a considerable number of people. Boats 16, 5, 7, 9, 11. There was no evidence as to what happened to these boats. The Court fully recognises that every allowance should be made for the difficulties the Commander, Officers, and crew had to deal with. The ship was listing, and continuing to list heavily to port, it was difficult to get a foothold on the deck, some of the non-European crew were seized with panic, the time was short, no man knew when the stricken ship would founder. But after giving full weight to these miti- gating circumstances, the Court is driven to the conclusion that had the boats been properly handled, great loss of life might have been averted. The system failed; the Commander, Officers, and crew failed. It is noticeable that in no case did the allotted Officer and his crew go to their appropriate boat. Whilst owing to the list many boats on the starboard side were put out of action, this should have left more effective aid for handling the boats on the port side. A great Company like the P. and 0. Company, with its many years of experience in passenger traffic, would do well to take lesson from this unhappy disaster and set for themselves the highest standard of care and efficiency in the future. Not only is it the duty of the Commander to perfect, so far as is possible, the system of boat drill, but there is even a higher duty imposed upon the shore officials of the Company to inform themselves that the Commander is carrying out, their instructions. In the case of the “Egypt '' there seems to have been a slackness and lack of discipline, which when the hour of trial came prevented proper use being made of the boats. The attention of the Court was called to a regulation of the Company which requires “boats to be secured outboard at sea whenever prac- ticable.” Four were swung outboard, and they all succeeded in getting away and saving life. The Com- mander stated that there was a difference of opinion among Commanders whether it was wise for all the boats to be swung outboard. Reference was made to the possibility of a collision carrying away all or many of the boats on the port or starboard side as the case might be. The Commander of the “Egypt,” by way of justification, stated that he had warning by wireless of bad weather in the Bay of Biscay. If all the boats had been swung out the Court thinks it highly probable that more lives would have been saved. 5 The Passengers. By the Company's regulations, bed cabin stewards and stewardesses should have shown passengers the manner of putting on lifebelts. This had not been done. The Company also instruct the Purser in the event of collision to see that all passengers are called by their bedroom stewards and report to the Com- mander when all are out of their cabins; to instruct all ladies and children to assemble in the music rooms and gentlemen to assemble on the deck outside the music rooms with their life-jackets on. The Purser told the Court that he went to the hurricane deck for the purpose of collecting passengers, that he met about eight walking from aft forward, and told theiu to muster outside the music room forward. He then told two bedroom stewards to pass their passengers up. Having done so, he went to the boat deck to assist in getting boats out, and stated, “I did not look for them (the passengers) again.” Some of the Officers sent passengers aft in order to put them into boat No. 8, but it, as hereinbefore stated, pulled away to the “ Seine.” The Court do not think the non-European crew treated the passengers with violence. The passengers seemed to have received but scant attention from those directly responsible for their safety. Life-jackets. There were ample life-jackets for all on board the * Egypt.” Certain Indian members of the crew (other than the Goanese stewards) stated that they were not told where their life-jackets were stored and had none allotted to them. The Court thinks this is true. Non-European Meu. hers of the Crew. The Court was informed that these men, if pro- perly led, discharge their duties with efficiency and a ready obedience to orders. This especially applies to the Lascars. The Court believes this to be the fact. Their war record was excellent. There is no doubt that on this occasion many of them were panic-stricken and showed a ready desire to save their own lives, which largely contributed to the difficulty in getting the boats out. If the European members of the crew had shown more alacrity in going to the boats and in going to their allotted boats, it is highly probable that the non-European members of the crew would have been kept under effective control, and probably assisted instead of hindering in the saving of life. It was a great mis- fortune that the Serang, instead of remaining on board to assist the Chief Officer to give orders and maintain discipline, was taken away by the Second Officer in his boat. The ship's Officers all stated that they could speak Hindustani, by this they meant Lascari Bat as spoken on board ship. The P. and 0. Company en- courage their Officers to learn the language, but do not make it essential. importance that the Company should insist upon a knowledge of the language. At the conclusion of the case for the Board of Trade the questions submitted by them to the Court (enumerated below in the Finding of the Court) were read, and the representatives of the various parties addressed the Court. FINDING OF THE COURT. The questions formulated by the Board of Trade, together with the Findings of the Court in answer thereto, are set out below:— 1. After the arrival of the “Egypt " at Tilbury and before leaving on her last voyage in May, 1922, How many persons were newly shipped as crew in lieu of those who had left at Tilbury? What were their ratings and nationalities, and on what date or dates did they join the vessel? (Answer). After the arrival of the “Egypt " at Tilbury and before leaving on her last voyage in May, 1922, 95 persons were newly shipped as crew in lieu The Court thinks it of high of those who had left; the European portion joining on 19th May; the non-European portion on or about 9th May. Their ratings and nationalities were as follows:– - European. Non-European. Deck hands. 1 Officer. | 1 Serang. 4 Quartermasters. | 2 Tindals. 10 Stewards. 25° 19 Lascars. 2 Stewardesses. | 1 Cook. 2 Scullions. 17 Engine room hands. 2 Serangs. 53 2 Tindals. 1 Cook. 48 Firemen and Trimmers. 78 2. When the s.s. “ Egypt '' left Tilbury on the 19th May last, (a) What was the total number of persons em- ployed in any capacity on board her? What were their respective ratings and nationalities? In- cluding Commander and Officers, what proportion of the crew were British subjects, distinguishing between Europeans and non-Europeans? Could all or any of the Officers of the ship speak the Hindu- stani language? (b) Was the vessel adequately and efficiently manned P (c) What was the total number of the passengers, distinguishing sexes and classes, and discriminat- ing between adults and children? (d) What was the number of boats of any kind on board the “Egypt ''': How and where were they carried and what were their carrying capaci- ties respectively? What was their condition and equipment? (Answer). (a) The total number of persons em- ployed on board the ‘‘ Egypt '' was 294. Their respective ratings and nationalities were as follows:– Officers and European Crew. Non-European Crew. Deck Department– 1 Commander. 1 Serang. 5 Officers. 3 Tindals. 1 Surgeon. 38 Lascars. 1 Carpenter. 3 Topaz 1 Joiner. 1 Biandar - 1 Boatswain. y. 1 Baggage Master. Engine room Department— 9 Quartermasters. 2 Seran 3 Wireless Telegraphy 2 i. - Operators. 6 Pannivallahs. 8 Engineers. 1 Storekeeper. 1 Boilermaker. I Lampman. 1 Electrician. 1 Bhandary. 1 Refrigerating 43 Firemen. Mechanic. 27 Trimmers. 1 Winchman. - 1 Purser. Purser's Department— 1 Chief Steward. 69 G ral 'ants. 34 Stewards. eneral Servants 7 Cooks. 2 Bakers. 1. Butch - - 2. Butchers. Butcher. 3 Cooks. 90s 1. Writer. 8 1 Printer. 1 Barber. 86 Including the Commander and Officers, 85 of the European portion of the crew were British subjects and one Swiss subject; 129 of the non-European por- tion of the crew were British subjects and 79 Goanese. The Court is of opinion that the Officers could not speak Hindustani in the true sense of the word, but 6 it is satisfied that they all could at least make their orders understood in the usual Lascari Bat as spoken on board ship. (b) The vessel was adequately and efficiently manned. (e) The number of passengers was as follows:– 1st class 6 adult males. 1st class 8 adult females. 2nd class 14 adult males. 2nd class 2nd class 14 adult females. 2 female children. --------- 44 (d) The number of boats was as follows:–18 life- boats capable of accommodating 860 persons. They were carried, 8 on swinging davits of the old type each side of the boat deck and 1 each side resting in chocks on the boat deck, and the davits were fitted with spars and gripes so that the boats could be kept swung out. The carrying capacity of each boat was as follows: 1 of 51 persons. 3 of 50 2 of 49 4 of 48 7 of 47 1 of 40 , , Their condition and equipment was good. 3. What number of lifebuoys and life-jackets were on board the “Egypt’’; Where were they stowed or carried? Were the members of the crew in posses- sion of life-jackets in their quarters? If not, were there life-jackets on board for them, and in that event, where were they, and did all or any of the crew, including those newly shipped, know where to obtain life-jackets for themselves in case of emer- gency? Were proper steps taken to so inform them? Were sufficient life-belts carried in the passengers' accommodation? Were they properly stowed for im- mediate use in the case of emergency? Were proper steps taken by those in charge of the “Egypt '' to inform the passengers where to obtain lifebelts and how to put them on P. Were there any life-jackets for children? -> -> (Answer). There were 18 lifebuoys and 953 life- jackets on board the “Egypt.” The lifebuoys were distributed round the rail as usual. The life-jackets were stowed as follows:– Passengers—in brackets in their cabins. Officers and Engineers—in their cabins. Petty Officers and European Stewards—in their berths. Goanese Stewards—in a locker under panion way to their quarters. Other non-European members of the crew—As to these the evidence on this point is contradictory. It was stated that after the reconditioning of the ship at Bombay on the previous voyage the life- jackets were stowed in the bunks of each indivi- dual man, but there is no reliable evidence of their still being in the same place on the vessel leaving Tilbury, and this being so, it is doubtful whether all of the crew, including those newly- shipped, knew where to obtain life-jackets for themselves in case of emergency beyond their previous experience in other P. and O. vessels. From the evidence no proper steps were taken to inform them as to the stowage. Life-jackets were in full view of each passenger in the cabins, but there is no evidence to show that they were instructed how to put them on. There were no life-jackets specially for children, but those carried on board were of a type recognised by the Board of Trade as suitable for adults or children. 4. On leaving Tilbury on the 19th May last, did every member of the crew know his boat station? Was the system in force on the “Egypt '' for the purpose of informing her crew of their boat station the com- proper and efficient? Had a complete boat station list for the crew been got out and posted? If not, why not? Had a boat station list for the passengers been got out? If not, what were the arrangements, if any, made whereby the passengers should lºnow what to do in the event of necessity arising to leave the vessel in the boats? Were these arrangements effi- cient and did the passengers in fact know what to do? Were the arrangements for manning and launching the boats in case of emergency proper and sufficient? If so, were they carried out? Had an efficient boat drill been held on board, and, if so, when? (Answer). On leaving Tilbury on the 19th May last, every member of the crew did not know his boat station. The system in force on board the “ Egypt '' for the purpose of informing her crew of their boat station was not proper and efficient. A complete boat station list for the crew had not been got out and posted; the Chief Officer in his evidence stated there was not sufficient time for this to be done before sailing. A boat station list for the passengers had not been got out. The arrangements made were that the 1st and 2nd class passengers should muster at their re- spective music saloons on the hurricane deck. The arrangements may have been efficient, but no steps had been taken to inform the passengers what to do. In view of the manner in which boat drill had been carried out at Tilbury before proceeding to sea, the Court does not consider that the arrangements for manning and launching the boats in case of emer- gency were proper and sufficient. The Court does not think an efficient boat drill had been held on board. 5. What installations for receiving and trans- mitting messages by wireless telegraphy were on board the “Egypt '': How many operators were employed on working such installations? Were the installations in good and effective order? (Answer). The “Egypt * was fitted with Marconi Wireless Standard Installation of 1 kilowatts; also with an emergency set run by accumulators There were three first class operators employed. The installations were in good and effective order. 6. Did the s.s. “Egypt " hold a Passenger Certificate and was she supplied with the boats and life-saving appliances required by the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances) Rules, 1914? Did she comply with the Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy Act), 1919, and the rules made there- under 2 (Answer), The “Egypt '' held a Passenger Certi- ficate granted in Bombay in September, 1921. She was then supplied with the boats and life-saving apparatus required by the Indian Steam Ships Act, 1884, which complied with the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances) Rules, 1914. the Merchant Ship- 1919, and the rules The “Egypt '' complied with ping (Wireless Telegraphy. Act), made thereunder. 7. What number of boats were swung outboard after leaving Tilbury? Should more boats have been swung out before the casualty occurred, having regard to the conditions prevailing? If all boats had been swung out, would more lives have been saved? . (Answer). The foremost boat on each side of the boat deck and the second from aft on each side of the boat deck were swung outboard after leaving Tilbury. More boats should have been swung out before the casualty, having regard to the weather conditions prevailing. - If all boats had been swung out, in all probability more lives would have been saved. 8. What was the position or approximate position of the s.s. “Egypt "at or about 6.45 p.m. of the 20th May last, and what was the state of the weather at the time? 7 (Answer). The approximate position of the * Egypt '' at or about 6.45 p.m. was lat. 48 deg. 12 min. N., long, 50 deg. 27 min. W. The state of the weather at the time was passing fog banks with clear intervals. 9. Did the weather afterwards become thick with fog? If so, at what time? and thereafter. (a) Was a prolonged blast sounded on the fog horn of the “ Egypt '' at intervals of not more than two minutes? (b) Were fog signals from another steamer heard by those on board the “ Egypt ''P If so, (c) At what time was the first fog signal from the other steamer heard? What was the apparent position of the vessel sounding the fog signal? What measures, if any, were taken by the * Egypt '' either by stopping her engines or other- wise, to navigate with caution until danger of collision was over? (d) Was the “ Egypt " navigated on the 20th May at a moderate speed in fog? What was the state of the weather at 6.45 p.m. on the 20th May and thereafter until the casualty? At what speed was the “ Egypt " moving when the signal of the * Seine '' was first heard? Was that speed exces- sive? At what speed was the “Egypt '' moving when the collision took place? Was the movement and/or speed of the “ Egypt '' a contributing cause of her loss? If so, in what way and to what extent? Was a good and proper look-out kept on board the * Egypt "P (1 nswer). At about 6.54 p.m. the weather became thick with fog and continued thereafter. (a) A prolonged blast was sounded on the steam whistle of the “ Egypt '' at intervals of not more than two minutes. (b) and (c). About 6.55 p.m. a fog signal from another steamer which proved to be the “ Seine * was heard about a point before the port beam. - The engines of the “Egypt" were immediately stopped and an answering fog signal was sounded. (d) Considering the state of the weather and that the fog which was coming off the land was merely intermittent and not continuous, the “Egypt '' was navigated at moderate speed in fog. The state of the weather at 6.45 p.m. was passing fog banks with clear intervals. The speed of the “Egypt '' when the signal of the “ Seine '' was first heard was about 12 knots; this speed was not in the circumstances excessive. Considering the evidence, the “Egypt '' was probably moving with engines stopped at 4 to 5 knots when the collision took place. The Court is left in doubt whether the speed of the “ Egypt '' was a contributing cause of her loss. It is to be remembered that no witnesses from the “ Seine '' gave evidence. A good and proper look-out was kept on board. 10. At what time, in what position, and at what distance was the French steamer “ Seine ** first sighted by those on board the “Egypt * * Were prompt and proper measures then taken by the Commander of the “ Egypt '' to attempt to avert a collision? Was the “Egypt '' at all times navi- gated with proper and seamanlike care, having re- gard to the conditions prevailing? (4 mster). The “ Seine " was first sighted at about 6.59 p.m. about a point before the beam dis- tant about 300 feet. Prompt and proper measures were then taken by the Commander of the “Egypt " to attempt to avert a collision. r - - - The “Egypt '' was at all times navigated with proper and seamanlike care, having regard to the conditions prevailing. 11. At what time and where on the 20th May last did the collision between the s.s. “ Egypt '' and the French steamer “ Seine '’ occur P What watertight bulkheads had the “Egypt ''P What watertight doors were there in such bulkheads? Had proper measures been taken to ensure the prompt closing of the watertight doors on an emergency? Were any, and if any, which of these doors, closed before the casualty? Ought any other of the said doors to have been closed before the casualty, having regard to the weather conditions prevailing? Were any of the said bulkheads or doors damaged by the collision? After the casualty were any, and which of the said doors left open, and, if so, why? Were the steps taken to close the doors after the accident proper and suffi- cient? At what point of the “Egypt '' did the * Seine '' strike? What damage did the blow cause? (Answer). The collision occurred at about 7 p.m. on the 20th May, 1922, in approximately lat. 48 deg. 10 N., long. 5 deg. 29 W. 22 miles S. 42 deg. W. (true) from Ushant. The “ Egypt. '' was fitted with nine watertight bulkheads. The following watertight doors were fitted in the bulkheads:– In No. 2 W.T. Bulkhead 2 hinged W.T. doors on the main 'tween deck. 2 hinged W.T. doors on the main 'tween deck. ſ3 geared vertical W.T. doors at the level of the stokehold floor. - 2 hinged W.T. doors in the main 'tween deck. 1 geared vertical W.T. door at | level of stokehold floor. | 2 hinged W.T. doors in the main tween deck. (1 geared horizontal W.T. door at level of stokehold floor. +5 - º 1 hinged horizontal W.T. door -- -> on lower 'tween deck. | 2 hinged W.T. doors in the main 'tween deck. ſ1 geared W.T. door at engine room starting platform level. - hinged W.T. doors in main *tween deck. ... 3 -- } -- 4 -- º -- 7 ** º 2 *- 1 hinged W.T. door in lower | "tween deck. | hinged W.T. door in main 'tween deck. º, 9 -- 1 hinged W.T. door in main - 'tween deck. 2 Proper measures had not been taken to ensure the prompt closing of the watertight doors on an emer- gency; from the evidence before the Court the organisation was incomplete. The following W.T. doors were closed before the collision: – - The centre W.T. door in No. 4 W.T. bulkhead communicating between the forward boiler room and No. 3 hold was closed. - In No. 6 W.T. bulkhead the W.T. door at lower 'tween deck level giving access to the coal pocket in the engine room was closed. It was not necessary for any other doors to be closed prior to the collision as it was not practicable for the working of the ship. The following bulkheads and doors were damaged by the collision: – No. 3 W.T. bulkhead in the main 'tween deck. No. 4 W.T. bulkhead dividing No. 3 hold from the forward boiler room. The port hinged W.T. door in No. 3 W.T. bulk- head in the main 'tween deck. - After the left open : — The port hinged W.T. door in No. 3 W.T. bulk- head in main 'tween deck was left open as it could not be closed owing to the buckling of the bulk- head due to the collision. The two geared W.T. doors in No. 4 W.T. bulk- head at stokehold level were left partly open. These two doors could not be closed fully owing to the coal either having been trimmed or washed through the door. The door in No. 5 W.T. bulkhead at stokehold level, according to the evidence, could not be closed on account of imperfect gearing. The geared horizontal W.T. door in No. 6 W.T. collision the following W.T. doors were bulkhead at stokehold level was closed but not abso- lutely closed. It could not be absolutely closed owing to some small obstruction. Further, the Court is of opinion from the evidence that the hinged W.T. doors on the port side of the main deck abaft the saloon were never closed. The Court attaches importance to the evidence of the Supernumerary Second Officer, Mr. French, in which he states he observed, when looking down the after hatch, water rushing aft on the main deck like a torrent, which, in the opinion of the Court, could only have been passing through those doors. The steps taken to close the W.T. doors after the accident were not proper and sufficient. Probably owing to the failure of the signal to close the W.T. doors, the execution of “the closing '' was left to in- dividual initiative. The “ Seine '' struck the “Egypt '' on the port side abaft No. 3 W.T. bulkhead in the vicinity of the bulkhead forming the fore end of the forward coal bunker. The bow of the “ Seine '' penetrated the ship's side damaging the W.T. bulkhead between No. 3 hold and the forward boiler room; the effect of the blow was also felt on the W.T. bulkhead dividing No. 2 and No. 3 hold between the main and spar deck, distorting or buckling it to such extent as to prevent the hinged W.T. door from being closed. The probability is that the “ Seine '' in freeing herself from the wound in the “Egypt’s ’’ side tore the side plating away from the W.T. bulkhead at the forward end of the forward boiler room, thereby allowing a greater quantity of water to flow into this compartment than would have been the case if it had had to pass through a bunker full of coal and through W.T. coal doors. This is suggested by the evidence, which goes to show that the greater rush of water appeared to be coming from the port forward corner of the boiler room rather than from the doors which were on each side of the middle line of the vessel. The “ Seine " although a comparatively small vessel, having her bow strengthened for ice, would not only thereby pierce the side of the “Egypt '' to a greater extent, but the same strengthening would add to her power of tearing the side of the “Egypt '' in freeing herself from the wound, which a weaker structure would not have done. The Court is con- vinced something like this happened, otherwise the pressure of the crushed or telescoped bows of the “Seine " would have had a crushing or closing effect on the side of the “Egypt '' in way of the bulkhead at the fore end of the forward stokehold. 12. After the collision were prompt and proper measures taken by the Commander and Officers of the “Egypt '' to maintain discipline and for the safety of the ship and passengers? (Answer). After the collision prompt and proper measures were not taken by the Commander and Officers of the “Egypt '' to maintain discipline and for the safety of the ship and passengers. 13. What wireless messages for assistance were sent out by the “Egypt '' after the collision, and at what times respectively? Did they or any of them give the correct position of the “Egypt '' at the time? Were such messages or any of them received and answered by other vessels or stations? (Answer). The following wireless messages for assistance were sent out by the “ Egypt '' after the collision: – Immediately after the collision an S.O.S. signal with the noon position, which was received and answered by the “Andes.” Ushant also received the signal and commenced “broadcasting.” About six minutes later a further S.O.S. signal with the correct position at the time of the disaster. Shortly after this the correct position was re- peated to Ushant in answer to a signal from that station. These messages were also received and answered by the “Edinburgh Castle '' and a vessel with the call sign XJF (probably the “ Cahiracon ''). The last signal to be sent out, viz.:-" Sinking with the call sign of the “ Egypt '' was sent out shortly before the vessel sank. 14. Was assistance rendered to the “ Egypt '' after the collision by the s.s. “Seine " and/or any other vessel, and, if not, what is the explanation for that? (Answer). There was no direct assistance rendered to the “Egypt " by the “ Seine " or any other vessel. The “ Seine '' although damaged by the colli- sion, was in no danger of sinking, and after some - considerable time she was located in the fog by the Second Officer, Mr. Cameron, in charge of No. 18 boat. He stated that, with the permission of the Master of the “ Seine,” he went on the bridge with one of the “Egypt’s ” quartermasters and took charge, steamed towards the locality of the wreck- age, thus enabling the “ Seine" to assist in the rescue work with her boats. In the absence of any evidence from the Master of the “ Seine " we are unable to explain why the “Seine * did not earlier render assistance on her own initiative. No other vessels appeared to be near enough to render assistance. 15. For what length of time did the “Egypt '' remain afloat after the collision? (Answer). The “Egypt '' remained afloat about 20 minutes after the collision. 16. Was the apparatus for lowering the boats on the “Egypt '' at the time of the casualty in good working order? Were the handles for the Collgrave patent davits ready at hand? If not, why not? (Answer). The apparatus for lowering the boats on the “Egypt '' at the time of the casualty was in good working order; subject to this, that the handles for the Collgrave patent davits, which were usually stowed close by, were not all in their places at the time of the collision. The evidence shows that at one of the boats thus fitted the handles could not be found. 17. Were the boats or any of them promptly swung out, filled, lowered, or otherwise put into the water and got away under proper superintendence? What boats were in fact lowered and got away? (Answer). No boats were promptly swung out, filled, lowered, or otherwise put into the water, nor were they got away under proper superintendence. Six boats were lowered and got away, viz.: Nos. 4, 8, 13, 14, 17, and 18, but No. 4 was caught by the davit head and went down with the ship, taking nearly all the occupants with her. 18. Were the boats which were got away properly manned and equipped, and did each boat carry her proper complement of passengers and crew? Ought 9 more boats to have been got away, and, if so, what was the reason for the failure to get them away? Was there any confusion in regard to the manning and lowering of the boats after the collision * Did such confusion affect (a) the Officers, (b) the Euro- pean crew, (c) the non-European crew, and (d) the passengers, and how? Was there any lack of order and discipline in (a) the European crew, or (b) the non-European crew? To what was such lack of order or discipline attributable? To what, if any, extent did it contribute to the loss of life which occurred Was the order for boat stations given after the colli- sion on the 20th May, and how soon after P Did the passengers and crew go to their correct places on the order being given P. If not, why not? And to what, if any, extent was this the cause of the loss of life which occurred P (Answer). The boats which were got away were properly equipped but were not properly manned and did not carry their proper complement of passengers and crew. More boats ought to have been got away. The failure to get more away was due to lack of discipline and the rapid listing of the vessel. There was confusion in regard to the manning and lowering of the boats after the collision which affected (a) the Officers, (b) the European crew, (c) the non- European crew, and (d) the passengers. There was a lack of order and discipline in (a) the European crew, also in (b) the non-European crew— in this are included Lascars, Indian firemen and trimmers, and Goanese stewards. The lack of order and discipline is attributable to no definite orders having been given by the Captain and Officers at the time of the collision; this contri- buted to a large extent to the loss of life which occurred. There is no satisfactory evidence that the order for boat stations was given after the collision. The passengers and crew did not go to their correct places for boat stations; this also contributed largely to the loss of life. 19. Were any of the non-European members of the crew in possession of weapons of any kind? (Answer). From the evidence it appears that none of the non-European members of the crew was in possession of weapons of any kind. 20. Did any of the non-European members of the crew crowd into the boats or any of them in defiance of orders and discipline, and/or by violence or other- wise keep passengers or others out, and/or prevent or delay any boat or boats being promptly got out and lowered with a proper complement or proper comple- ments of passengers and crew 2 If so, what, in fact, happened? and what non- European ratings of the crew were guilty of such conduct? Was there any particular reason or reasons to account for or justify the behaviour of these men on this occasion? (Answer). A considerable number of the non-Euro- pean members of the crew did crowd into the boats without orders and against discipline, no apparent violence was used by them, but this crowding of the boats prevented them from being promptly got out and lowered with proper complements of passengers and crew. In consequence confusion bordering on panic en- sued, it becoming a case of every man for himself. According to the evidence, a considerable portion of Lascars, engine room ratings, and Goanese stewards were guilty of this conduct. Their action on this occasion, while not justified, can only be accounted for by the fact that they were not properly led and, like others, were absolutely ignorant of where to go or what to do. 21. How many persons on board the “Egypt '' at the time of the casualty were saved and by what means? What was the number of passengers, distinguish- ing between men and women, and adults and children of the first and second class, saved What was the number of crew, discriminating the ratings and sexes, who were saved (1nswer). A total of 252 persons were saved by means of the boats of the “Egypt '' and of the ‘‘ Seine.” Of the 29 passengers saved, there were in the first class 4 adult males and 7 adult females, and in the second class 10 adult males and 8 adult females. Of the 223 crew that were saved there were the following ratings:- - - Europeans. Deck department Engine room ........................... - - - - - - - - 35 including 3 stewardesses. Pursers Non-Europeans. - 36 Deck department ...... ------------------ Engine room firemen ...... ----------- . 41 Engine room trimmers ............... 22 Purser's department ......... ........ 60 22. What was the cause of the loss of the “ Egypt '' and the loss of life which thereby ensued or occurred P (Answer). The loss of the “Egypt '' was due to the ship's side having been seriously injured by the collision with the “ Seine,” practically throwing No. 3 hold and the forward boiler room open to the sea and thus allowing a very great influx of water which passing aft through partially open W.T. doors, caused her to sink rapidly and by the stern. The loss of life was due to the rapid foundering of the vessel, the failure to get the boats promptly into the water, and in failing to keep those that were lowered, although only partially filled, alongside the ship. 23. Was the loss of the s.s. “ Egypt '' and/or the loss of life caused by the wrongful act or default of the Commander and Officers, or of any of them? (1 nswer). The loss of the “ Egypt '' was not :aused by the wrongful act or default of the Comman- der and Officers or of any of them. The loss of life was mainly due to the default of the Master and Chief Officer in failing to take proper measures to save life and in failing to exercise their authority to ensure good order and discipline at the time of the casualty, and, further, in failing to make the crew efficient in collision and boat drill prior to sailing. 24, Had the owners taken proper measures to en. sure compliance with their own regulations and to exact good discipline on the ship? (Answer). The Court considers that there was failure on the part of the owners through their officials and servants to take proper measures to en- sure compliance with their regulations and to exact good discipline on the ship before sailing. NotE.-In answering the above questions so far as they affect the non-European crew the Court has been requested to deal separately, so far as possible, with the Lascars, Indian firemen and trimmers, and Goanese stewards. 10 RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. That the same protection as to the safety of BUTLER Asp1NALL, life which is afforded to emigrant ships by means of Wreck Commissioner. Board of Trade supervision and inspection should be extended to all foreign-going passenger ships. T. P. WALKER, Assessor. 2. That the supply of a numbered badge to each L. Wood BAYLDoN, member of the boats' crews before sailing should be Assessor. made compulsory for all foreign-going passenger A. R. PILRINGTON, ships. Assessor. - - - - John W. JAck, - The Court desires to express its sincere sympathy Assessor with the relatives of passengers and members of the - - crew who lost their lives in this lamentable disaster, Dated this 4th day of September, 1922. (Issued by the Board of Trade in London on Wednesday, the 20th day of September, 1922.) L ON DO N : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. Si"ATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: IMPERIAL House, KINgsway, LoNDoN, W.C. 2, and 28, ABINGDoN STREET, LONDON, S.W. 1 ; 37, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER ; 1, ST. ANDREw's CRESCENT, CARDIFF; or 23, FoRTH STREET, EDINBURGH. 1922. Price 1s. 0d. Net. Printed under the authority of His MAJESTY's STATIONERY Office By Henderson & Spalding Ltd., Camberwell, London, S.E. 15. - when the berths are one above the other |E ºf Y (1 N ſo O Y Sº & [[] w º y P & () º Š s N º S.2 s a a Š º § º G Y P T u 78//zoº/e Z9// //y:Se Pºwey. /////7. 76 & . 27 Lower Numbers are the Upper Berths. __FIRST SALOON CABINs on Nº. Pêcks AMidships. 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[T] | | EE 3O7 39. | & - : ~ a 4.2//wo ſ | º: arc, T. ** AMOM//Vc ; : | | | – * “... ... /ø/// .” Atar - | —- Jºg.cc...] [*] Tº — ^: - --- k, - …” [Tº * - --- R - lº- ſ— – m | % 3|| 312 4.//7 3i | If 2 55* S : - t F&S *22 4 19 42OI417 * KZ 333d AIL Fº 492 Aro O/M *; # - - || ||23 º -- - N + = | `Rºss - T T - I - Z/G//7 .t. - ºr --------- *tºll __ == =Hi 77-77-777&T —l-l- - :*.*: | |Sºsi [] T 3O2 || 3O! I 300 | \_ | - -: | Cº- || RITERZºº Fºº –L === ==– : - l '9230225.226 | 222 16 2/7] [22 213210 21|| ||20620 || * | ETTº 41 T Ti - C 27 #57 252 253:50 25II 246 24 44.245, 24024.238.23 | == -316. | : | 286 28ſ 2822832802.3 E3 2727, 2 rº"Saloow | 219 | - --- ! - Adlºw-wº rºsta-rk - | TT -------. 407 488 : Z2/5/25/54&y **1sº, 5uford/W | *** -wº-war 220 T206 --> -- : - | r-- - H----|->= 2.3TT224. 223-fººt 35 1–4–1 == - W.C. 285 || || 284 || 279 || || 278 T273 267 266 || 26] #21-##1–I ºf Lê I-Lºlºlºlél-Léºélé. Er-E-E-E--- - *- *ses - R- T -- - - - - - - - -> T ~- T * Aſ a rv ‘ree. Aſ sea-cº - ??” Since the S. S. Oceana was on the same voyage as the Egypt, and since the shipment of specie and bullion which she carried wns similar in amount, and meant for the same destination as that on the Egypt, it is probable that the photographs below are representative of the boxes and bars on the Egypt. —- * -- — - A Box containing $25,000 in Gold with two Sikver Ingots on Top. Raising the First Box of Golden Ingots from the “Oceana” Up to the Deck of the Salvaging Ship. Detroit Free Press Sunday, Apr. 22, 1923. A Swedish salvage company, Röda Bolaget of Gothenburg, has arranged a contract with the underwriters, through the London Salvage Association, whereby the salvors are to receive For further information 55% of the gross value recovered. see notes on interview with Prof. Lindblad, Appendix A, and Shipbuilding & Shipping Record, Appendix A. Steel Hands to Drag Lost Gold From Sea - - º - - Plans for Raising Treasure in raised to the surface. No divers or Sunken Egypt Rival Jules Verne Dream. London, April 21.-Monstrous steel hands, groping through the silent twilight of the ocean's bed, will rifle the strong room of the P. and O. liner, Egypt, where she in May. lies in her sea grave off Ushant. The syndicate are convinced that they will succeed. They have A bullion treasure exceeding $5,- 000,000 is packed in boxes in the strong room. The room is in the stoutest part of the ship, behind Lloyd's, whº nºt, the hºaxiest loss ive bulkhead d is locked in the wreck of the Egypt. massive bulkheads, and is locke An agreement giving effect to fast like the vaults of a great bank. Jules ºverne Dream. engineering syndi- cate which has set its hand to the raising of this sunken" gold mine will first send to the bottom of the sea a specially equipped sub- marine. When the wreck has been located, and when the hulk has been explored from all angles, charts and diagrams will be pre- pared. Targéts will be selected in the Egypt's hull, and the goldseekers will batter a breach in her sides with torpedoes. what will happen thereafter is a dark secret, only half-revealed to the business men who are backing the enterprise. It is known, how- ever, that a device ºf engineering, rivailing a dream of Jules, Verne, will be prepared for this phase of the task. - it will reach forth giant arms and grasp the specte boxes where they lie as the purser, left them. These steel fingers will not relax under the weight of sea water which, at 65 fathoms, would crush a diver's helmet. The treasure will be gifted to the sea bottom and then The Swedish , gold is raised $3,250,000 will go to T- diving appliances will be used. To Cost $500,000. The details of this romantic en- terprise, which in another day would have exercised the wits of Lolonois Teach, and every buccan- eer captain in Tortv.ga, have been thrashed out by shrewd, up-to-date business men, and work will begin agreed to spend $500,000. When the the syndicate and $2,250,000 to these terms has been signed on be- half of the Swedish firm, three Rritish insurance §ºmpanies and Lloyd's underwriters. Leads to Untold Millions. , The syndicate's engineer consid- ers that the work will last over three summers. Neither he nor Lloyd's have the slightest fear that he will fail to bring the gold to the surface. The sinking of the gold in the Egypt was the greatest single loss borne by Lloyd's. It was greater than the loss borne in the case º: the Titanic, Yet within three day of the sinking checks for the Wººl. amount were paid out–$4,000,000 on behalf of underwriters and $1,300,- 000 for the three insurance com- panies. - Lloyd's met the full claim on the gold in the ship. The P. & O. º: pany carried their own insurance on the ship herself. Marine underwriters in every part of the world are keenly interest- ed in this enterprise. If it is suc- cessful the prospect is opened of raising untold millions of specie now at the bottom of the sea. - º - Shipbuilding and Shipping Record Mar. 15, 1923. Editorial: When the Egypt was sunk off Ushant in May last year, under- writers settled a total loss on the gold and silver which she had on board approximating in amount £1,089,000. “Egypt * Most of the insurances were placed at Lloyd's, Specie. and the underwriters are proud of the fact that within three days of the claim being presented the whole of the amount due had been paid. Until recently this Swedish salvors have undertaken to recover the lost bullion, and an agreement, which is probably complete by now, was being prepared at the beginning of the week, by which the salvors are to retain 55 per cent. of the value recovered and to pay the whole of the expenses on a “No Cure, No Pay’ basis. It is anticipated that at least three years will be taken over the operations, one of which will probably be occupied in ascertaining the exact location of the wreck. The depth in the neighbourhood in which the vessel sank is about 64 fathoms, more than double the depth at which any diving operations have hitherto been carried out ; but the means to be used in raising the Egypt's treasure are those invented by a Swedish engineer, by which objects can be raised from a very great depth. With the news of the possibility of salvage a considerable amount of reinsurance was effected by, which underwriters on the specie paid 90 guineas per cent. and handed over to their reinsurers all rights of recovery. These transactions give the reassured an immediate salvage of 10 per cent. of the loss they have already paid and the reinsurer a possible ultimate recovery of 45 per cent., which, however, would only materialise in the event of the whole of the treasure being recovered. A. º. loyd's List -- July 6, 1923. LLOY Dºs Lºst Tºs - - p's List & SHIPPING GAZETTE wº THE “EGYPT * SALVAGE. Prospects of the Enterprise. INTERView with GOTHENB EXPERT. URG BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. On my r - - - - ecent visit to ºther ºnt Mr. Sw - º the British delegates ". º London (who is associated al - - - - - ºrg in the agreem L ... .." White Sea Conference º: underwriters at ...” At º º L. the pleasure of meeting Mr. º ". tion reached Captain Maimborg an Broström, the well known rawlers were at work one and a half Swedish sh miles from the spot where the wreck 1 - les. shipowner. Mr. Broström and were making in that particular a. is a man of many tion. Th any interests, and Lon. e depth where the Egypt li --- - - - h - i. i. ºgypt nes with ºlº. ": º is the Gothenburg Tow- ... .". -- º: fathoms at high water- ºlºe Salvage Company, Ltd. of - e tidal streams are very - - strong, bein whic - - g one knot at me h he is chairman. It will be spring. The date of the º": recalled --------- --- - t that recently the company, º: June 6. The expedition returned rough the skill and perseverance 5. º: the following day, calling at - - - - -- - - - - º Captain Malmborg, the leader of on º" 9 and reaching Gothenburg the expedition, di - iscovered the In reply to my inquiry, Captai - re-º. -- . - y inquiry, Captain Malm- º k of what is believed to be the borg said there was little doubt that the ºut I was anxious to learn what º was the Egypt. Not only did the the next step is to be and the kind º correspond with that of the sunken of apparatus to be employ d liner, but the paint that was scratched of divers -. employed by the by the leaden weights and brought to the s in their attempt to recover surface was of that distinctive colour used the bullion. on the deck work of P. & O liners. It is Mr. Brostrum inf most unlikely, therefore, that a vessel of the matter came und º me that the same length with this particular colour on direct under the consideration of the the deck-houses could have sunk at that par- - ors only a few days ago, shortly ticular spot within the last year or twº: after the return of Captain Malmborg after The fact that there was any paint at all locating the position of the supposed wreck is proof that the wreck was not an old one Estimates were being obtained of the cost ºf various apparatue which had been de- vised not only in Sweden, but in other parts of the world notably in America and Germany. No decision, said Mr. Broström had yet been arrived at as to the º that may eventually he adepted. CoST OF THE OPERATIONS. The final result of the task that the com- pany has embarked upon will be awaited with the keenest interest. As already stated, the method to be employed to obtain *I* to the safes containing the gold and It is silver has yet to be determined. It may T º - - - - - The “Frition.” which conducted the sear - - - ch for-the “E * * length of 166 ft, and is fitted with :*.*.*: º --- understood that in any case it will prºmº be deemed undesirable to pursue º bably be some time—possibly the spring of lendeavour, it is understood, owing possibly --- year-before the necessary tests have tº the huge cost involved, but that fear may been completed and the expedition fitted perhaps be dismissed in view of the confi- out it is possible that the cºmpany º decide to adopt its own appliances quite independently of those of any other under- taking now on the market. Fixpng THE SUNREN LiNER. Afterwards, I saw Captain Maimborg, and heard from him the interºins.” of now the Egypt, or what is confidently believed to be the sunken liner, was discovered after a long, patient and most difficult search. Cap- an Malmborg, who is the tº ºf the salvage company and a native of Gothen burg, has spent many sº at sea, and has made a special study * saltage work. The hich he was in charge, left May 15, and comprised the large motor salvº- ship ºritiof (equipped with electrically-driven motor pumps) and two trawlers. Ushant ** reached on May 20 and trawling was begun two days later. The spot where the Egypt was believed to have sank after her collision - was searched without * Then the field of operations * extended. The method adopted was tº trawl the bed of the sea by means of a wire rope, 600 fathoms long, attached tº the trawlers. The rope was weighted and buoys "º" used to keep the weights at the required distance from the bottom, the buoys being disarmed me shells several times the trawlers had to seek shelter near Brest becº of the bad weather, but the task * persevered in. and before the position of the liner was eventually located an area of about 14 miles by 6 miles had been covered. As previously stated, the discovery was largely due to the assistance rendered by the Marine Department of the French Gov- ernment, who communicated information which proved to be absolutely authentie tº lence which, there is reason tº believe, is entertained in regard to the application of the company's own plans for deep-sea salvº age, as well as ºn account of the favour able nature of the information as to the results of tests in other parº of the world. There is much to be said in favour of a German invention by me.” of which, it is claimed, salvage work ºn be done at a depth of about 500 ft., but it may be that the strength of the currents at this par- ºular spot will necessitate * other means being adopted. For * months the company will be engaged upon experiments in the vicinity of Gothenburg, to the north of the harbour, where the conditions are similar to those of Ushant. the water being of about the same depth: The interest shown in the venture is indicated by the communications which are understood to have reached the salvage authorities here from various parts of the world. From Christiania cenº sugges- ºn for the lifting of the ship bodily to the surface. Another idea is tº reach the treasure by means of a submarine. An American proposal provides for a tank from which drilling operations can be performed on the side plates of the ship, the absence of light at great depths being overcome by means of powerful searchlights. The agreement, it may be added, between Mr Sandberg and Mr. Swinburne and the underwriters is, as has been previously stated, on the basis of “no cure, nº pay." If the bullion, or any part of it, is recovered the underwriters will receive 45 per cent. and the remainder will go to the other parties in the agreement-Messrs. Sandberg and swinburne after payment of the p" portion due to the salvage company. - - Means for Locating the B. S. Egypt 1. Wire drag. This method would undoubtedly locate the Egypt in time, but due to the depth of the water (about 6|| fathoms) it seems advisable at least to consider what other methods are available. For information concern- ing the operation of the wire drag, see Special Publica- tions No. 38 and 56 of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of the Dept. of Commerce. 2. Magnetic dipping needle. This method offers possi- bilities but, due to the delicate refinements necessary to its successful operation, it is probably eliminated from practical consideration. For information concern- ins the possibilities and limitations of this method, consult the following: Interview with Donald McMillan, Appendix A. Letter from Dr. Louis Bauer, Carnegie Inst., Appendix B. Letter from Prof. Ernest Merritt, Appendix B. Publ. No. 5, History of the Bureau of Engineering, Navy Dept., During the World War. 3. Aeroplane. Mr. E. A. Sperry, President of the Sperry Gyroscope Co., suggested that an aeroplane flying at a high altitude at a time when the surface of the water is calm might be able to distinguish the location of the Egypt, especially since the vessel is of a dark color and lies on a sand and gravel bottom, which is probably of a lighter color. The sketches below show the principle of the Wire drag system used by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for locating submerged rocks. The clipping is from the "arine Review of April 1919. AE) /. % º / D PINNACLE R00KS ARE BEST LOCATED BY MEANS OF THE WIRE DRAG. “A” IS THE DRAG SET AT DIFFERENT DEPTHS, “B” IS A PLAN OF THE DRAG UNDER WAY, “C” SHOWS THE DRAG AGROUND ON A ROCK WHILE “d” shows how the DRAG is clearEd l. Sonic depth finder. This method of determining the depth of water by means of reflected sound waves, as developed by Dr. H. W. Hayes of the Navy Dept., offers What appear to be the best possibilities for locating a sunken vessel in deep water. For further information see : Submarine Signal Co. booklets. Marine Review, Sept. Oct. Nov. 1921, Oct. 1922. Interview. With Mr. E. A. Sperry, Appendix A. According to the London Salvage Association letter of Oct. 10, 1922 in Appendix B, the S. S. Egypt lies in approximately 5.30 West ||3.15 North and in an estimated depth of 6l fathoms. Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports say 18.10 N. 5.30 W. London Times also contains several references to the location of the Egypt . Volume XXXVI Number 2 MICH IGAN TE C H N IC A Member of the Engineering College Magazines Associated. The Official Publication of the Engineering College of the University of Michigan $1.00 a year ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, JANUARY, 1923 Foreign $1.25 Sounding the Depths of the Ocean The First Article Published on Recently Invented Sea-Sounding Instruments Which Will Mark a New Epoch in Safeguarding Ships at Sea William Herbert Hobbs Professor of Geology, University of Michigan HE sea-sounding devices recently invented by Dr. H. C. Hayes, the physicist of the United States Navy Department, are likely to mark an epoch both in the safeguarding of ships at sea and in the advance of our knowledge of the earth. These devices make use of the reflection of sound from the sea-floor, a refined modification of the hydrophone— the so-called M. V. hydrophone—being used to register the sounds and their echoes. Two distinct methods have been devised; the one to determine relatively shallow depths of less than IOO fathoms, and the other capable of application to depths from 80 fathoms up to and beyond the greatest known, which are a little over six miles. These two devices are somewhat different in principle. The simpler ap- paratus, which is used in relatively shallow water, has the sound which is to be registered sent out from a point a measured distance away from the receiving hydrophone, the noise being usually that of the pro- peller received on a hydrophone located in the bow of the vessel. The depth of water is here measured in terms of the angle which the emergent sound ray makes with the surface of the sea. The depth of water is obtained by multiplying one-half the distance which Separates the propeller from the hydrophone by the tangent of the angle of emergence of the sound ray, to which must be added the draft of the vessel, since the propeller and the hydrophone are near the level of the keel (see fig. I). It has been found in practice that reliable soundings can be taken up to depths equal to about three times the length of the vessel, and that the method gives re- Sults in depths up to IOO fathoms with an error of about I fathom. If desired, the operator can keep the propeller sounds centered continuously and thus have a continuous sounding record, though this is not ne– cessary since a sounding can be taken whenever de- sired in about IO seconds. The faster the vessel is running, the easier it is to take a sounding by reason of the louder propeller sounds, and reliable soundings have been made on a destroyer running at a speed of 36 knots. The hills and valleys of the sea-bottom, readily detected while proceeding at full speed, show many bottom features which can be utilized to determine the progress of a vessel or its position when traveling along well-chartered routes. Rock ledges, precipitous coasts, and icebergs all reflect the submarine sounds, and as a result their direction and distance are ascertained by sending out high-pitched submarine sound signals and determining the direction of the echo and the time in- terval between signal and echo. To a range of several miles such location has been possible, though this is hardly sufficient to safeguard the vessel against iceberg dangers. Vessels at Full Speed Detect Submarines If a signal from a submarine sound beacon and a S. radio signal at the same beacon are sent simultane- (5) Page 6 M I C H IG A N T E. C. H. N.I.C January, 1923 ously, the range of the beacon can be determined by measuring the time interval between the receipts of the two signals. The direction of the beacon is at the same time determined with great accuracy and such signals can be picked up at great range. The protection afforded to vessels by such an equip- ment of sound appartus, makes it possible for them to proceed with safety at full speed at all times, and they can readily approach light vessels and harbors if these are provided with submarine sound beacons. The cost of equipping a vessel with such apparatus as is ne- —AP T- -a- # *% /* - - NS ! A, //, A} A, º º Az 4'2 12. &2 A 2 w \ 42 #3 Is - &s A 3 { \ 43 FIGURE ONE.-Diagram to show the method of taking depth soundings in shallow seas with the use of the M V hydrophone. (After the MARINE REVIEW). cessary, is moderate and more than offset by the sav- ing of time it will effect. For the deep seas the method of sounding is upon a different principle. Here the sound is sent out from the neighborhood of the receiver and the reflected ray from the bottom returns close to the path of the inci- dent one. In this case it is the time required for the Sound transit, and not the angle of emergence, which is measured, and for this an extremely refined timing device is required if accurate results are to be secured. The principle of the method is, however, simple enough. Sound travels in sea water at the rate of about 4,800 feet per second and the depth determined is one-half the time in seconds multiplied by 4,800 feet. The dif- ficulties of measuring the time interval with sufficient precision and accuracy have all been met, so that the error from this source is now reduced to about one- tenth of one per cent, or 32 feet in case of the extreme known depth. The deep-sea soundings, as well as those in shallow seas may be carried out while the vessel is in motion, for a sounding at extreme depth is made in about 12 seconds, and for this time the forward motion 1motion of the vessel does not introduce a sensible er- TOT. In order to appreciate the advance which the in- troduction of these methods is destined to make in our knowledge of the sea-bottom, we must remember that when, in the early '70's of the last century, the British “Challenger” carried out its famous series of deep-sea soundings within the areas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and southern Oceans, about six hours was required for each observation, and that a mass of metal weighing several hundred pounds had to be left on the bottom each time a sounding was made. Even with the improved sound. ing device made by our own Admiral Sigsbee, in which fine piano wire was employed in place of fibre, about two hours were consumed in making the observation and a weight of 50 pounds deposited upon the bottom. Moreover, because of the drift of the vessel while car. rying out the operation and the consequent inclination and unknown sag of the sounding line, a large error was always introduced. Because of the expense in both time and money, the topography of the ocean bottoms, save within a few limited areas, has even to the present remained largely unknown. This is notably true of the floor of the Pacific, Indian, and southern Oceans—a veritable terrº incognita. Now for the first time in history the pra. ticability of securing a map of this vast unknown area is assured, with promise of such a wealth of scientific data of prime importance as to make the inventions of Dr. Hayes rank very high among those which have ad. vanced our science. The new M. V. hydrophone being an essential part of each of the sounding methods, will be described after which will follow an outline description of the deep-sea method of sounding. All these descriptions are based upon a series of articles by Dr. Hayes which have appeared in the Marine Review, to which journal we are indebted for permission to reproduce figure: here used as illustrations.” Description of the M. V. Hydrophone The M. V. hydrophone is a multiple hydrophone device consisting of two separate series of units which are disposed systematically and parallel to the ship's keel, as well as close to its level. These groups must also be as far forward in the vessel as possible and connected up to the water outside by a continuous wall made up of liquid and Solid materials, for any gaseous layer would cushion the sounds. These receivers may be mounted within the forward peak-tank of the vessel, in a chamber of the double bottom if this is filled with liquid, or outside the metal skin on the hull, where it is necessary to protect them by stream-line blisters of metal. In case they are set up within the vessel, the | two series of receivers are each enclosed in wooden tubes as shown in figure 2 and an efficient Sound screeſ *Dr. H. C. Hayes, Sound Aide, U. S. N., Safeguards Navigation by Sound, Marine Review, vol. 51, (Sept.) IQ2, pp. 404–405; ; How Hydrophone Focusses Sound, ibid., (OC) 1921, pp. 466-468, 473; Using Hydrophone in Navigation, ibid, (Nov.) 1921, pp. 493-495; Uses Sound to Find Sea Depth ibid., vol. 52, (Oct.) 1922, pp. 41 I-4I4. January, 1923 M I C H IG A N T E C H N I C Page 7 must separate the starboard from the port series. Such a screen is usually made from thin felt or asbestos en- closed within a water-tight metal covering. If the re- ceivers are mounted outside the hull, its interior af- fords sufficient insulation. From each group of receiv- ers the electric leads go to the listening station, which is generally located in the chart-house, The construction of the M. V. hydrophone is based upon the binaural sense of perception, and for its pre- cision and accuracy it depends upon the fact that with- out special training the average person can detect a difference of time in the arrival of the same sound at his two ears to a hundred thousandth of a second. A trained listener is able to determine this difference to a five millionth of a second. When listening an animal places the line joining the two ears at right angles to the rays of sound. - How the M. V. hydrophone makes use of this “bin- aural principle” will now be explained. For the reason that the time only, and not the intensity, of the sound is here involved, a person partially deaf in one ear is able to determine the direction of sound almost as well as one with normal hearing. The precision of the binaural sense is proportional to the distance which separates the ears, a principle made use of in the M. V. hydrophone. If one does not turn his head to meet a sound which comes from the right, his brain regis- ters a sound in the right ear before it does the left. If the ears are conceived to be movable, the one for- ward or backward as the same rate that the other is moved backward or forward, such a movement could be adjusted so as to meet the sound at right angles and synchronously at the two ears without the necessity of turning the head. Such an adjustment as applied to the M. V. hydrophone is referred to as compensation, and that part of the instrument which makes the ad- justment is known as the compensator When the compensator has been adjusted in this manner all sounds except those coming from its adjusted front are largely focused out, and if the human head were pro- vided with such a compensator in the movement of the ears, one might easily converse without interference at a great reception. For each ear the M. V. hydrophone adds a battery of individual hydrophones synchronized to phase and magnifying by the number of hydrophones in the bat- tery those particular sounds which are selected from the existing sound complex. In the M. V. hydrophone the battery of six receiv- ers at the left, which are numbered from I to 6, are all connected up to the left ear of the telephone head- piece of the listener; the corresponding battery to the right, which is numbered from 7 to 12, being in similar manner connected up to the right ear of the head-piece. All twelve receivers are connected up in parallel to a battery and switch, and each receiver in the circuit contains the primary coil of a small transformer, which prevents the direct current from the battery from pass- ing through to the telephone receivers. The compensator of the hydrophone consists of a Series of extended coils each provided with an adjust- able take-off for the induced current, and these take- offs are also adjustable in such a manner that the lags brought about in the receivers of one receiver battery and the accelerations upon those of the other, shall be made to correspond to any desired wave-front of the incident sound selected. When the compensator has been so adjusted, a sound is received by the two ears in unison, just as though in the case of no compensa. tion the waves were parallel to the front line of the receivers. All undesired sounds are thus very largely “focussed out”, and the intensity of the sound desired is magnified six times by the battery of receivers. The compensator case has openings in the form of windows, through which movable scales permit of read. ing directly the bearing of the sound ray either to star- / - FIGURE Two—Section of bow tank showing relative loca- tions of port and starboard receiver lines and intervening sound screens. (After the MARINE REVIEw). board or to port, as the case may be ; and another scale permits of reading directly the depth of water as de- termined from the angle of emergence of the sound ray which has been reflected from the bottom. Deep-Sea Sounding Requires Great Accuracy For deep-sea sounding, in which the time of sound transit to the bottom and back is the basis of the depth determined, a special timing device of great precision is a necessary part of the sonic depth-finder. A stop- watch is here of no value, for one-fifth of a second of error in determining the time corresponds to an error (Continued on Page 16) Making Fulminate of Mercury How the Explosive Used in Blasting Caps and Electric Blasting Caps is Manufactured ULMINATE of mercury is a gray or white powder, very fine and usually stored and handled under water on account of its ex- tremely explosive nature. It was discovered in 1799 by Howard but considerable time passed before any investigation of its properties or composition was made. This was tempted to realize queer theories and fantastical hypotheses. Howard allowed nitric acid to act upon red oxide of mercury mixed with alco- hol and in place of the compound he expected to attain, he found a white, crystalline salt which detonated with great violence. The first prac- tical test of this compound in the THE QUICKSILVER BUILDING The mercury, which is received in cast-iron bottles, is measured out into small glasses, each holding just sufficient for one crock. due to the highly explosive nature of the compound. The first actual determination of its composition was made by Liebig, in Gay Lus- sac, and additional work was done by Wohler and Berzelius, but the ultimate analysis was made by Ke- kule. Like very many important dis- coveries which have marked epochs in science, the discovery of fulmin- ate of mercury was a fortunate ac- cident. Its discovery arose from a series of experiments which at- Reprinted from the Hercules Maarer, Oct., 1922. - - - - (8) explosive industry was made by an English gunsmith in 1815, when he utilized its extremely sensitive na- ture for the manufacture of percus. Sion caps for guns. These caps were used to ignite the black powder in the gun in place of the old flintlocks used up to this time. The actual invention of these percussion caps is apparently due to Joseph Egg, The sensitiveness of fulminate of mercury makes accidents in its use comparatively frequent and conse. quently many attempts have been made to replace it with some other compound, but, nevertheless, it is the most widely used material of this nature in practice at the pres: ent time. By far the greatest consumption of fulminate of mercury is in the preparation of blasting caps, both common caps and electrical caps, used for exploding commercial dynamite. THE ALCOHOI, WAREHOUSE (Below) The alcohol, received in wooden bar. rels, is first siphoned by a hose into a tank and later drawn off into measuring C3:11S. --- - - January, 1923 M I C H I G A N Otis expenditures for types of ships made obsolete by these tests, and a breathing spell in which to recover from the shock of this astounding revelation and to re- adjust their opinions and policies for future national defense. Commercial Aviation Developing Slowly Military and Naval aviation, to be of the maximum aid to our country in an emergency, must have a sub- stantial background of commercial aviation in peace times. Commercial aviation in America can not, how- ever, receive any great impetus until Congress has laid FIG. 3–A FLYING BoAT ABOVE THE CAPITAL (Official Photograph—U. S. Navy) a proper legislative foundation. There must be created a Bureau of Aeronautics in the Department of Com- merce to inspect, license and regulate airdromes, air- planes and pilots before the safety of the service will justify any considerable investment of captial or re- ceive substantial public patronage. The initial stages of this commercial development would be greatly quick- ened if there could also be provided financial encour- agement by the Government to operating companies during the period when the new venture was using obsolete war material to carry on with while developing new types suitable for commercial use. Aviation will probably develop first and fastest along the same lines as our railroads. That is—com- panies will be formed to transport passengers and freight between remote points. That air travel can be made safe and dependable on these long routes is borne out by the following statement of Colonel Henderson, Assistant Postmaster General. “The Air Mail Service is limited by law to one Transcontinential route from New York to San Francisco. This route is 2,680 miles in length, mak- ing a round trip of 5,360 miles. This round trip is covered each day, except Sundays and holidays, of the year. This necessitates an annual schedule fly- ing on the part of our force of approximately I," 800,000 miles. - T E C H N I C Page I5 “From July 6, 1921, until September 7, 1922, we flew approximately 2,000,000 miles without a fatal accident. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, we maintained an efficiency of 94.39 per cent. This means that out of every IOO trips sched- uled, 94.39 were finished on schedule time. Our records show that two-thirds of our trips were made in clear weather; one-third were made in foggy, cloudy or stormy weather. “On September 16th, we finished IO consecutive weeks of flying the entire Transcontinental route with IOO per cent efficiency; that is to say, during these weeks each of our scheduled trips was started and finished exactly on schedule time. It should be remembered that our daily route includes the crossing of three mountain ranges—the Allegheny mountains, the Rockies and the Sierras. “It is obvious that in order to get from the air- plane all that it may offer in the shape of postal service, it will be necessary to fly at night. With this thought in mind, we have for the past four months conducted an intensive series of experi- ments on this subject. Our experiments and study have reached the stage where it is, I think, safe to conclude that is is entirely possible to fly at night. We expect within a few weeks to light, as an xper- iment, our Chicago field, and I am personally op- timistic enough to predict that within six or eight months we will be able to fly from Chicago to Chey- enne at night. “If we are successful in this, it will mean that we will be able to make a transcontinental flight from New York to San Francisco in one continu- ous movement—flying from New York to Chicago in the daytime, Chicago to Cheyenne at night, and from Cheyenne to Frisco during the early part of the second day. We should be able to establish and maintain a schedule of from twenty-eight to thirty hours between New York and San Francisco, if this night flying experiment proves out.” The records that are being established by the Post Office on the Coast to Coast route can be duplicated over a system of airways to connect all our large centers of population. Such a service would shrink the United States to one-third of its present size, as measured by former standards of transportation. For instance: New Orleans would be come ten hours from Detroit instead of thirty-three hours; Omaha, seven instead of twenty-one; Montreal, five instead of sixteen; and Jacksonville, ten instead of thirty-eight. These new measures of distance have been taken from the speeds made regularly in the New York to San Francisco Mail Planes. - These are a few of the possibilities over land. Let us consider the water. Look at a map and think of what is offered by our Page 16 M I C H I (3 A N T E C H N I C January, 1923 eleven thousand miles of coastline, including the Great Lakes, and our enormous inland river development. All our large cities, from Portland to Galveston, from Seattle to San Diego and from Buffalo to New Orleans, are located upon it. And in nearly every case a flying boat can land almost at the very heart of the business district without a cent of expenditure for real estate. Seaplane landing fields are literally unlimited, both in number and extent. The business man, or the tour- ist, or the case of goods, can be landed right at the foot of “main street;” and what is highly important, the fact of the line's existence is thereby constantly held before the eye of the public. The flying boat be- comes, not a vague object, far up in the sky that one looks at casually and forgets, but something tangible— Something that one sees departing and arriving at stated times, and that is worth going down to see, as much as “train time” draws forth a crowd at any small town railway depot. - This last aspect is very essential. It is conceded that the American public must be “sold” on the idea of commercial air transportation. And it is an axiom that in order to “sell” any product to the public, that product must be brought to their attention constantly SOUNDING THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN (Continued from Page 7) in depth determination of about eighty fathoms (480 feet). Dr. Hayes has made use of the principle of the well-known Michelson interferometer by sending out successive signals at regular short intervals, which in- tervals can be controlled by a key for a rather wide range. The operator's 2-receiver head-set is so con- nected that one phone is made to register the signals sent out, and the other the echoes from the sea-bottom. The signal interval, which is designated p, can be so adjusted that the signals and echoes are synchronized binaurally. This happens when the echo of the first signal is synchronized with the second signal, with the third signal, and so forth in succession. In any case the equation holds that t=n p, where t is the time of the double journey of the sound to the bottom, p the signal interval, and n a whole number. Since, how- ever, 2 D=Vt, D==% V n p, where D is the depth of Water and V is the velocity of sound in water (4800 feet). In order to determine n and p, a modification of a gramophone disc is driven at constant speed with a small wheel carried upon its friction surface and cap- able of being moved backward and forward along a radial scale. The measured radial distance of this small wheel from the center of the disc being under control of the operator, cam wheels carrying one or more projections are adjusted so as to be engaged by the friction wheel traveling on the disc, and the cam projections as they are engaged, open and close the - --~~~ - and by actual demonstrations. To the average man in the street, an airplane is yet a frail, insecure thing However, mistaken though that impression may be he has it. Aviation fields are usually distant from town and not much frequented, except by enthusiasts. The seaplane, on the other hand, reminds one of a boat Its very lines, the luxurious equipment and roomines of the cabin inspires a feeling of safety and comfort Moreover, it can be inspected at any time, for it is moored down the street at the waterfront. Between July 17th and September 17th, 1922, flying boats car. ried 1,839 passengers between Detroit and Cleveland. During the recent National Air Races at Detrºit a ground speed of 248 miles per hour was made. If we cut this in half, as a fair measure for average rapid transit by air, then man's radius of action in one hour has been increased from four to six miles by horse, twenty-five to thirty miles by automobile, and thirty-five to forty-five miles by train, to one hundred to one hundred twenty miles by plane. Expressed in another way—man's one hour unit of transportation has been doubled by the horse, increased ten times by the motor car, fifteen times by the train and forty times by the airplane. signaling circuit and so determine the signal interval. The above equation for determining the depth becomes transformed into the following - V. P. r 2C (Sºur-Sn) where P is the constant period of rotation of the dist (IO seconds), r the radius of the friction wheel (one inch), C the number of teeth on the cam (either I of Io), and (Snº-Sn) the difference in scale read: ings for two consecutive adjustments of the friction wheel for coincidence between signals and echoes. Us. ing a one-tooth cam this equation reduces to 24000 (Diff. of scale readings) D– feet Little Time Needed to Take Soundings The U. S. S. Stewart made the cruise from New- port to Gibraltar in nine days, and during this time made over 900 soundings. During the stop sound. ings were taken at intervals of one minute, in the deep- est water. Between Josephine and Gettysburg bank the outline of the bottom was minuately recorded and shown to consist of mountains and table lands, some of which rose about 4,000 feet above the general level. The destroyers Hull and Corry are now about to run 7,OOO miles of continuous soundings between San Francisco and Point Descanso, Mexico. Especial at: tention is being given to a small area of very rugged sea-bottom off the coast of California, which appears to have been subject to changes of level at the time of earthquakes. Design of Units Forming Proposed Solution to the Problem of Working in Deep Water The problem of recovering over 15 tons of metal from the vault of the S. S. Egypt is composed of a num- ber of individual problems, each distinct but inter- related. In order to know what each of these problems is, it is necessary to know not only the location of the vessel and the nature of the geological and weather con- ditions in its vicinity, but also many facts relating to the accident and to the structural and layout plans of the vessel. The following are the data on which the problem is to be formulated: 1. Steel vessel of 7911 tons gross, lying in 38, feet of water twenty two miles from shore. 2. Continuous rough weather in the vicinity. (Assumed) 3. Vessel's position indicated by one or two buoys. lſ. Sandy bottom. (U. S. Hydr. Chart) 5. Vessel resting upright or nearly so . (Soc. Nav. Arch. & Mar. Eng. 1914, Appendix A) 6. Currents on the bottom of one knot or so. (U. S. Hydr. Office letter) 7. Hull plates covered with 1/2 inch of rust and other material. (Assumed) 8. Trunks, boxes, and general merchandise blocking direct passage to vault. (Assumed) 9. Height of ceilings 7 feet. (Assumed) 10. Walls of vault l/2 inch steel plate. (Assumed) ll. Vault located midway between sides of ship. (Assumed) 12. Largest boxes 12" x 18" x 24" and weighing 200 lb. in sea water. (Assumed) l3. Vault located forward of collision breach. (London Salvage letter, siebe, Gorman letter, London Times and Graphic.) A careful study of the Egypt has shown that the principal problem of recovering the boxes from her vault is composed of seven different individual problems as follows : 1. Means for descending to depth of l;00 feet. 2. Means for getting alongside sunken vessel. . Means for moving up side of sunken vessel. Means for cutting opening in vessel's hull. Means for moving through opening into vessel. Means for clearing Way into vault . Means for bringing boxes to surface . The following pages contain a list of the devices which will satisfy the requirements of these seven prob- lems, as well as the principal dimensions and computa- tions. The general arrangement of the different parts may be seen on Drawing No. 2: Diving Tank Assembly, while the interior and structural form of the hull may be seen on Drawing No. 1, both of which are included at the end of this part of the report. Requirement No. l Means for descending to dept of 100 feet The following apparatus Will permit a man to descend to a depth of at least 100 feet with safety, and to remain there for several hours. l. Steel hull to withstand entire pressure of water. 2. Man-hole in hull. 3. Lifting cable. lſ. Breathing apparatus -- self-contained. 5. Telephone for continuous communication with surface vessel. 6. Auxiliary instruments: Depth gauge, barometer, CO2 indicator, trim indicator, clinometer. The principal computations and Specifications for the above apparatus will be found on the following pages. Requirement No._l l, Steel hull to withstand entire pressure of Water. Shape selected -- cylindrical body with hemispherical ends. Arbitrary outside dimensions of cylinder: Length 60.5" Diameter 5]." Some of the authorities consulted for advice on the hull design are noted at the bottom of this page. The final design selected was based on observations of the design of the hull of U. S. Submarine D-3. (See letter and enclosures from Bureau of Construction and Repair) Ultimate strength 60,000 lb. per sq. in. Allowable compressive stress 15,000 (F.S. = ||.) Allowable bending stress 20,000 (F.S. = 3) Maximum allowable depth was 200 feet. Pressure = 88.9 lb. per sq. in . Diameter of D-3 is ll feet. Hull te of 16 lb. (about 3/8") plate. - Ribs are 3.5"x3"x7.9 lb. angles spaced 18" apart. Compressive stress in plates and angles of D-3 at depth of 200 feet = 18x8|Ex88.9 = 1,850 18x.375 + 2.30 lb. per sq. in. Note: - - C. E. Wilson, Prof. of Machine Design and Mechanism, Prof. R. T. Stewart – "Collapsing Pressures of Steel Tubes". Prof. F. N. Menefee, In Charge of Materials Testing Lab- oratory. C. Uptegrove, Prof. of Metallurgy. M. L. Begeman & C. W. Good, Instructors in Machine Design. Herman Banbrook, Structural Engineer, Otto Misch Co. C. H. Fessenden, Prof. Mech. Eng. teaching Boiler Design. H. E. Keeler, Prof. Mech. Engineering. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. Peabody & Miller - "Steam Boilers". G. B. Haven - "Design of Steam Boilers & Pressure Vessels". Cylindrical section of hull. Dimensions given on Drawing 1. Area of hull section 60.5x.5x2 = 60.5 sq.in. Area of all ribs 12 ( 3.x.5 + 1x. 25) = 21 sq. in. Total pressure on hull (at depth where pressure = 200 lb.) = 200x60.5x51 - 658,000 lb. comp. stress in hull and ribs = *#2 = 8075 lb. per sq. in . End thrust 2290.2x200 = 1158,010 lb. Comp. stress in hull (longitudinal) = 51,50 lb. Asq.in. Weight of cylindrical portion. Main plate 3.1|x53.5x.5x60.5 = 5080 cu. in. Ribs 6x(22.06.2 - 1731.9)x.5 = illo " Flanges 6xll;6.9x.25 = 220 6710 cu.in. steel Add 50 lb. for fillets, etc. Total weight = 6710 x 1180 + 50 = 1915 lb. 7 - Buoyancy of cylindrical portion. Gross buoyancy = 2222.Ég-ºl. = 5130 lb. 1728 Net buoyancy = 5130 - 1915 = 3215 lb. Requirement No. 1 End sections of hull. For dimensions see Drawing 1. Stress in longitudinal section. Area of section 8||x.5 = 1,2 sq. in. Force on section = Lºgog = 229,000 lb. Comp. stress in section = *** = 51,50 lb./sq.in. Weight of end sections. Area of 1/2 sphere = 2x3.llºr” Hull plate 2x221,8x.5 = 22.8 cu. in. Allow for ribs, flange, bolts, etc. lz00 cu. in. Weight 2.É. = 960 lb. (one end) 3118 cu.in. 17 Buoyancy of end sections. 2 Gross buºyancy Fºº x6l. 3 1530 lb. (one end) Net buoyancy of both ends = 5060 – 1920 = lll;0 lb. Requirement No. 1 2. Man-hole in hull. Minimum opening 18" diameter. Cast vanadium steel. Locking device may be opened from either inside or outside. For details see design sheet of Mar. ll, 1923. 3. Lifting cable. Assume total weight of apparatus = 8000 lb. Use American Steel and Wire Co. (p. 161) : 18x7 galvanized non-spinning Monitor Plow Steel hoisting rope. Diam. 3/11" Circum. 2.25" Wt. 1.02 lb. per foot. Ultimate strength 27.0 tons Allowable load - 5.l. tons. Min. drum diam. = 3 feet. Four short connecting cables • special Flexible Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope. 6x37 9/16" Ult. Str. 12.5 tons. Allowable 2.5 tons. Open socket at one end. Closed socket other end. Requirement No. 1 lº. Breathing apparatus - self-contained. Oxygen supply. Provide 2.0 liters of oxygen per minute. (Bureau of Mines #82 p. 25) For 12 hours 2x60x12 – llll.0 liters = 50.8 cu. ft. Under 1500 lb. pressure, volume of compressed oxygen = ll. x 50.8 = 0.192 cu. ft. 1500 Provide 0.5 cu. ft. of pure oxygen under 1500 lb. pressure. No nitrogen or hydrogen allowed in oxygen supply. (Bur. of Mines No. 82) Carbon dioxide absorber. Use Gibbs absorber. (Bur. of Mines No. 82 p. 59) U. S. Navy Instructions - Encl. F, p. 2 – Trays of soda lime 0.5 lb. per hour per man. For 12 hours 6 lb. needed. Provide l'O lb. soda lime in Gibbs absorber. Provide Haldane Flame—Test Apparatus (Siebe Gorman) for testing O2 and CO2. Tube is 7" x 1". 5. Telephone for continuous communication with surface vessel. Use set recommended in "Deep Diving Tests" U.S.N. p. 97. Two loud speaking phones with rubber ear pieces on each head set. Requirement No. 1 Head piece and chin strap. Loud speaking transmitter on chest. Three wire system. Storage battery on surface vessel. Use commercial operators' phones or Morse Commercial. 6. Auxiliary instruments. Depth gauge . Small Bourdon pressure gauge calibrated for depth in feet. Pressure inside hull assumed to be atmospheric. Barometer. Small aneroid barometer to indicate absolute pressure inside the tank. Probably special job to cover wide range of pressures. 0-50 lb./sq. in. absolute. CO2 indicator. Described under Breathing Apparatus. Trim indicator. Use Small clinometer. Clinometer. Use small clinometer. See letter and Encl. I of Bur . of Constr. & Repair, U. S. N. Made by Taylor Instrument Co. Requirement No. 1 Check on temperature of air Heat to be radiated: Electric motors || H. P. 75% efficient. One man Working. Heat from CO2 - soda reaction. Heat from mechanical friction. Radiation from air through steel wall to water with temp. difference of 70°F., according to heating handbooks, is about 220 B.T. U. per hour. The following values are from table on page 22 of Warren Webster & Co.'s "Steam Heating": Temp. diff. % of 220 B.T.U. radiated 13. 1% 15° 17% 200 23% Area of radiating surface: Sphere = 3.120.5)* - 63.5 sq.ft. Cylinder. = 3.ll.xlſ. 5x5.5 _71.0 sq.-ft. 131.5 Heat, to be radiated per hour: Motor - - l H. P. = 25.15 B.T.J. Man working -- average value 600 co-- soda reaction (see below) 61.6 Mechanical friction (assumed) 1200 Ijji B.T.u./hour Requirement No. 1 Heat from CO2- soda reaction: 2 Na(OH)2 + CO2 Nacoz * H20 + 60760 205,100 97,000 272,6110 69,000 1000 = 0.0||7 gram molecular weights CO2 per minute. z: Two- Bureau of Mines gives 1000 c.c. CO2 per min. as average value. Calories per minute = 0.0||7x60,760 = 2712 B.T.U. per hour = 2712x0.003968x60 = 6/16 Results: 37.1 B.T.U./sq.ft./hr. #. 16.9 % à 2L-1 = Referring to table of proportions above, 16.9% would be transferred with a temperature difference of about 15°. Hence as soon as the temperature of the air inside rose to 75°, the radiation would be suf- ficient to prevent further rise in temperature. Requirement No. 2 Means for getting alongside sunken vessel The following apparatus will enable the operator to bring the tank into a predetermined position along- side the sunken vessel. 1. "Windows" to permit vision in all necessary directions. 2. Incandescent lamps to illuminate water surrounding tank. 3. Gyroscopic compass to determine direction of sunken vessel. lſ. Power cable to bring A.g. and D. C. power from surface vessel. 5. "Trolley" to keep cables clear of entanglement. 6 e Belt treads for traction on the sea bottom. 7 . Electric motor and control apparatus for the two belt treads. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus Will be found on the following page S. Requirement No. 2 1. Windows or glass-covered ports to permit vision in all necessary directions. Non-fragile clear glass 3/1, " thick. Dimensions: Inside surface lºx5" Outside surface 2.5"x6.5" Bevel angle 150 Held in place and protected by retaining plate. See Drawing 2. Openings in hull to be reinforced with sufficient metal to make window sections of same strength as con- tinuous hull plate. Maximum possible stress in glass: Common glass Ult. Tens. 3000 lb./sq.in. Comp. 30000 lb/sq.in. Section 1" wide : Comp. stress of side thrust = = 270 200 e ; Tens ... = 50x. = 600 " lb. :=ITIE): Max. combined tensile stress = 600 – 270 = 330 lb./sq.in. See original sketch sheet of 5/27/23. Requirement No. 2 2. Incandescent lamps. 500 Watt G. E. Special lamps to be placed at suitable points on the exterior of the hull or framework. See interview with R. M. cori, and letter of Gen. El. Co. Will give vision of 10 – 20 feet. See interview. With E. A. Sperry. 3. Gyroscopic compass. Small gyroscopic compass Will give absolute direction. Direction of marking buoys will be telephoned from sur- face vessel. Approximate direction of sunken vessel will then be known with certainty by operator in tank. l. Power cable . Waterproof cable about 1" in diameter Will carry A.C. and D.C. power lines and also the telephone lines from the surface vessel. If weight is not objectionable, it may be best to bring A. C. power down on high voltage, and reduce through transformer on tank. 5. Trolley to guide cables: Construction shown on Drawing 2. Will be turned by hand from within When necessary. Requirement No. 2 Reel similar to those used on mine locomotives will keep both the main cable and the power cable away from the belt treads and other possible points of en- tanglement by keeping them close to the "trolley" at all times except during hoisting. Trolley will be needed especially when moving backward. 6. Belt treads for horizontal traction. Treads and wheels designed as light in weight as possible. See Drawing 2 and original sketch sheets for details. Tread of rubber belting with metal strips attached to give traction on ground surface, to prevent slipping on driving wheel, and to keep belt from being pulled off when turning. Tension in belt maintained by sliding frame and spring supporting forward wheel. Rear Wheel driven through worm gearing by a shaft from the hull. Each tread will be driven independently to give steering ability. Outside edges of treads will be |.5 feet apart, that is, directly below the widest part of the hull. Requirement No._2 7. Motor and control apparatus for treads. Two motors will probably be used, one for each tread. The necessary control apparatus will be provided. Cooling the motors. The water in which the tank will work will be quite cool, probably about 50°F., and there will be a large metallic surface for radiation of heat from within. If this natural arrangement does not pro- vide sufficient radiation of heat, the coils may be cooled by circulating water. See Engineer (Lon- don) July 1918, Appendix A, Mar. 1919, " A. Requirement No. 3 Means for moving up side of sunken vessel The following additional equipment will enable the operator to move the tank up the side of the sunken vessel to a predetermined position on the hull. 1. Buoyancy tanks with necessary pump and valves to enable the operator to make the net weight of the entire apparatus nearly zero. 2. Magnetic wheels to give tractive force, motion, and direction on side of hull in vertical plane. 3. Electrical apparatus to control magnetic flux, and wheel direction and rotation. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus Will be found on the following page S • Requirement No. 3 1 - Buoyancy tanks . Five closed high pressure tanks to be fitted inside hull. Capacity 600 # of sea water. Water will be admitted to each tank by valve controlled by operator. Water will be expelled from tanks by small rotary pump driven from one of the motors. Operator will control expulsion of water by means of valves between tanks and pump - Weight of apparatus will be arranged so that with tanks empty net buoyancy will be 100%, and with tanks full net weight will be 500%. 2. Magnetic. Wheels . Construction and location shown on Drawing 2. Steel wheels. Bronze supporting frame and coil box. Probable magnetic attraction on 1/2" hull plating = 100%. (E. A. Sperry & A. D. Moore) Computations on magnetic circuit (from design sheets of Mar. 8, 1923, by Asst. Prof. A. D. Moore) Wheels 6" diam. x 2" wide. Shaft 1" diam. Coil section l, 25 2 Use 500 watts at 50 volts = 10 amperes. NI – 1.56 x 3600 x 10 = 3,000 ++ 3. Requirement No. 3 Assume rust and other material to make gap between wheel and plating 1/2". 2 sq. in . 1/2". Assume effective area of gap at B = 50,000 and gap length NI = .313 x 50,000 x 1/2 = 8000 per gap 16000 for two gaps. This leaves 3,000 - 16,00 = 18,000 for steel part of magnetic path. Attraction = | sq. in. x/50, OCC * - 1|0 # 72-x loo Use asbestos wound wire and pack solid in Bakelite. 3 - Control apparatus for magnetic wheels - Three control systems for each wheel - Electrical control circuit for magnetic flux. Direction of wheels controlled through rotating shaft and Worm gear • Wheels driven by flexible shaft and worm gear. Requirement No. 4 Means for cutting opening in vessel's hull The following additional equipment will enable the operator to cut a hole at a predetermined position in the hull of the sunken vessel, large enough to permit the free passage of the tank and its protruding attachments. l. Modified form of Chapman Patent cutting torch. 2. Mechanical arm to handle the torch. 3. Electric power cable from tank to torch, and return circuit from hull to tanks l. Gas tube, with control valves, from supply tubes to torch. 5. Flexible shafts from hull of tank to each worm on the mechanical arm and one to the carbon feed me chanism on the torch. 6. Automatic amperage control to feed carbon and maintain correct length of arc. 7. Dynamite strips with electromagnetic circuit. 8. Reel mechanism for applying dynamite strips. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus will be found on the following pages. Requirement No. 1 1. Chapman Patent cutting torch. Standard torch described in enclosures immediately follow- ing this page. Torch will cut steel effectively at depth of 100' . (See letter of Merritt & Chapman, Sept. 29, 1922 and Mar. 1, 1923, Appendix B) - Carbons must be fed and replaced mechanically. Flexible shaft driving screw will feed carbon. Revolving holder with sliding gas and electrical connection to carbon will provide for re- placement of four or five carbons. See sketches of April 30, 1923. 2. Mechanical arm to handle torch. Screws and worms will provide positive action and locking. See Drawing 2. Motions listed below under 5. Flexible shafts . 3. Electric power for torch. Chapman Patent Specifications say A. C. power. Single conductor cable will carry current to carbon. Return circuit from plating may be through guide wheel on torch frame, or through grab arm contact, or through a special contact arm if necessary. R. E. CHAPMAN AND J. W. KIRK, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CUIT ING METAL, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 29, 1918. 1,324,337. Patented Dec. 9, 1919, 13 ſ 1 …tº Nº. -- T - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- Cross section of the gas-electric submarine torch. --- ºº: º - --------- - ------ ---------- - - - Dºv ERS. To ºvoº NEvv Plºt SECTION ! | sleeveſ repair of the injured water main. Requirement No. 1 - - - - - - - l. Gas supply. High pressure gas tube carried on each side as shown in Valve Small Drawing 2. in gas line controlled by operator. flexible tube carries gas to carbon socket. See interview with Dr. Ramage, Appendix A. 5. Flexible shafts . Eight flexible shafts rotated from within the tank provide No. 1 2 No e No. 3 No. 1 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No e 8 motions listed below. See Drawing 2. rotates worm wheel on screw bearing to move entire arm vertically. rotates worm wheel to direct arm through arc of 180° in horizontal plane - rotates double worm wheel to control direction of arm in vertical plane through 210°. rotates worm and screw inside arm to extend arm 12". rotates worm to turn wrist frame in plane perpendicular to plane of No. 3. rotates worm to turn wrist frame in plane perpendicular to plane of No. 5. rotates worm to turn torch frame through 360°. rotates screw to feed carbon • Operator will control all of these flexible shafts by inserting tip of flexible shaft in sockets of control panel. Requirement No. | 6. Automatic control of carbon feed. Method of controlling length of arc by utilizing fluctuations in arc amperage, as described in Gen. El. Bulletin 18932B, can be adapted to this purpose - T - Dynamite for cutting. Dynamite may prove to be better for cutting steel plates than the torch is . It can be prepared on flexible strips with small electromagnets placed at intervals to hold it in place. Two electric circuits would be necessary on the strips: one for controlling the magnetic flux and one for firing the charge when the operator had moved to a safe distance - to the surface if necessary. Dynamite would also be useful for breaking up obstructions inside the vessel which proved too large to move otherwise - See interview with J. E. Seeliger, Appendix A. 8. Reel mechanism for applying dynamite strips. Dynamite strips could be applied to hull plating from a large reel carried on the tank. (Details not completed) The following photographs show the resu lts attained in cutting steel plates with dynamite. - I. Miſºn wº - *Tºº º º Lºw ID - wºº ºr ºf wº rº - * * - º - -- * º " - ºutwº arrar Lizard downwall, Mardº ſº." Idº. Nº. Requirement No. 5 Means for moving through opening into vessel The following additional equipment will provide the thrust necessary to move the tank through the opening in the vessel's hull a le Propeller with necessary bearings and guards. 2. Electric drive and control apparatus for the propeller. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus will be found on the following pages. Requirement No. 5. l, Propeller. Natural currents would be utilized for swinging the tank through the opening cut in the hull. But to make the operation possible in case of the absence of currents, a propeller is provided. Propeller thrust available from 2 H.P. (Prof. Sherzer): Pitch ratio = 1.5 P/D = 1.5 Assume D = 12" Use large blade area. Pitch = 1.5 x 12 - 18" Assume 300 r. p.m. Eff. = 0.| Thrust = 2x33000 x." ~ 5-0 # 300x1.5 5 # Safe to count on 50% (Prof. Pawlowski). See interviews with Prof. Lindblad, Bragg, Sadler. 2. Electric drive for propeller. Propeller will be driven by both tread motors through a - detachable coupling. Necessary control will be provided. Requirement No. 6 Means for clearing Way into vault The following equipment, in addition to that listed under Requirements l - 5, will enable the operator to clear a direct route from the opening in the hull to the interior of the vault . 1. Mechanical arm similar to that of sections 2 and 5 of Requirement l. 2. Pair of tongs or fingers attached to this arm. 3. Flexible shaft to operate opening and closing of fingers. |... Panels for flexible shaft connections. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus will be found on the following pages. Requirement No. 6. l, Mechanical arm . An arm similar to that described in sections 2 & 5 of re- quirement || above, will provide means for operating tons. or other tools necessary for clearing away movable obstructions . See Drawing 2 for details. 2. Tongs or fingers - Shown in Drawing 2. Maximum spread of 21". Designed primarily to handle boxes in vault, but can be used to move objects weighing up to about 200}, and to do any other work that a diver would accomplish with his hands if he were working in a rubber suit in ordinary depths. 3. Flexible shaft. Tongs or fingers opened and closed and gripping force pro- duced by flexible shaft number 8, which operates a worm wheel on a shaft having opposed threads. See Drawing 2. lº. Panels for flexible shaft connections. Flexible shafts will terminate in a panel on the interior of the tank. Operator will provide rotative power by connecting the tip of a rotating flexible shaft to the desired sockets in turn. Requirement No. 7 Means for princing boxes to surface The following equipment, in addition to the mechanical grab arm and other apparatus previously listed, will provide a means for bringing several boxes at a time from Within the vault of the sunken vessel to the surface vessel. l. Tray with rollers for stowing boxes under hull of tank. 2. Electric drive for conveyor rollers. The principal computations and specifications for the above apparatus will be found on the following pages. Requirement No. 7 Weight of metals to be removed - Gold # 839,000 at $1.70 per + = } 3,913,300 Silver £ 215,000 at $1.70 per + = * ### ,953,800 Gold = # 16.00 per ounce = | 320.00 per pound av. Silver – º 0.80 per ounce = $ 12.80 per pound av. ** 3 l,010, 000 →- 12, 32 lb. = 6.16 tons Weight of gold Weight of silver 78,911.5 lb. =39.18 tons - - ºl, 269 IS. IIB.6ſ tons Information from several sources makes it apparent that this metal is packed in boxes weighing not more than 2004 each, and of a size not greater than 12"x18"x2"|". (See clipping under Data on S. S. Egypt above; letter from Sc. Am. , Appendix B; Diving Manual by A. H. Davis) 1 - Tray for stowing boxes under tank- Supporting framework with rollers leaving 12" clear space under tank. Tray projects far enough to receive boxes from grab arm. Space for eight boxes 12"x18"x24". Weight of eight boxes estimated not over 1600ſ. 2. Rollers of tray may be made a short conveyor system by supplying driving power through shaft from within tank. If large receiving bucket could be placed at edge of vessel, conveyor should be open at the rear to discharge into it. Estimate of Costs Since the plans for the construction of the apparatus and the carrying out of the work are by no means complete in detail, and since it is impossible to foresee the individual obstacles to be encountered in a development such as the one under discussion, it is probably more accurate to get an estimate of costs from men experienced in carrying out similar work than it would be to compute it from separate items. C. E. Wilson, Prof. of Machine Design and Mechanism, estimated the cost of developing and constructing the tank with all equipment at about ; 30,000. R. M. Corl, Mechanical Engineer, estimated the cost of one tank with equipment at $ 25,000. C. W. Hubbell, Consulting Civil Engineer, estimated the entire cost of carrying out the proposed plans on the S. S. Egypt, including development, construction, and patenting of apparatus, and locating the vessel and doing the actual salvage work, at # 150,000. E. A. Sperry, Pres. Sperry Gyroscope Co., estimated the cost of perfecting the tank and apparatus ready for use at $50,000. With the above opinions as a basis, it is thought that the following estimate is reasonably near correct. Development and construction of apparatus ..........# 50,000 Cost of locating the vessel and doing the work . . . . . $ 75,000 Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 22,000 $150,000 Estimate of Costs The following figures are based upon the combined opinions of Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz, Elmer A. Sperry, R • E. Chapman, C. W. Hubbell, Prof. H. C. Anderson, Prof. C. E. Wilson, Prof. H. E. Keeler, R. M. Corl, P. R. Bassett. Preliminary design, construction of vital parts, and experiments * * * * * * * * * * g e º e º e º e º e º e º º º e º s $ 15,000 Office expenses, including salaries, two years. . . ; 25,000 Patent costs, U. S. and foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 10,000 Construction of apparatus, and tests . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 Cost of operations (on terms with wreckers) . . . . . $ 50,000 ; ſº Estimate of Revenue on S - S - Egypt. Job Gross revenue for total recovery, 55% Of |,900,000 * * * * * * * e º e º e º e º 'º - - - - - e º 'º $2,695,000 To Wreckers for contract and service . . . . . . . . . . 695,000 - 2,000,000 Tess total costs * - e º p - e º a tº e º e a sº º ºs e º a e º - 2 - e s - tº a 150,000 Net, revenue º, º e º 'º - - - - - - - - - - d g º e º gº º e º e s - e - * * * * * * ºl, 350,000 D/V//YG TA/YA - - - -- Plate ſ 5 cale /"> / De. 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