E. (e., \ve ºr. heroecar #6, , , (a e a “ſ 2 y < {e-v- H L \5 :Fº A 1,102,327 He 3 p \8 ELECTRO-HOMEOPATHIc_ ealina Śwstem." “NEW SCIENCE.” Practical Guide for both Physicians and Laymen in the Treat- º - ment of Acute and Chronic Diseases, even those ". . . .” : Considered Incurable. * . . . " ... . " —By—, , , , M. J. G. DEBONQUEVAL. Translated into German and Prefaced by Dr. DeRegni. GERMAN, - $2.oo FRENCH, -. 2.OO . ENGLISH, - - 2.O.O. sPANish, 2.oo º GENEva:-R. Burkhardt's Book Store, AND At all Depots of . - * THE STAR REMEDIEs. . . . . . . . --- - º nteresting book is the best one written on the Subject of ELECTRO-Hoxioso- . . . . . . . gives accurate information concerning the theory and practice; the com- . . . . . . the remedies; the order of the dilutions; diet, and the use of Hydrotherapie. . . . . *r works of Berard, Mattei, etc., have been rendered superfluous by this ". . . . ." *Tonger kept in stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” thi, Pamphlet is to be had Fuse of charge at all the depots, and it has appeared in German, French, English, Polish, Italian, Spanis ~1. k . . . - d * - —r | PRIVATE HOSPITAL, | 38 Brodbanken street N be received at my Hospital who wish to be treated aceording to the principles of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; “, !-- . . -- l s . . . .” gº º with the Electro- Howqorathic R rweviks }. As #. ... ', ; , , , ; , º, * ; : . . . . In my Establishment are the following extra departments, viz: A # * > ORTHoeproto, Massage, Gymnastic and ELEctric. . . g. - ' . . . a . . . . ; , - Y- - - - - | - - s . . . . . ." . . . . - , , . . . . . - : . ; ' - - ... : - . . . . . . . . . . . . '' - ' ' ' , , , : - - * - . . ºr . - - g F . ... = - T. - : - ‘. . . . . . . . r - - - t • i ' | , , , , - • . . . * . - - * … . , - * - - ... i - - *. g . . . . - 'a - J ''. . . . - . . . : . . . . *- - * , - * , - . . . . - . . * . . , , , - - ' ' - - - " . . . g w - | 4 - - - - - * * * - . - - * * . . . . . tºl ' A CURE FöR ALL DISEASEs, Even For THOSE Con- sº SIDERED “INCURABLE.” ,-e § FIFTEENTH EDITION. - - .. GENEVA, SwitzERLAND. Depot of the CENTRAL Homokopathio Pharmacy, H. A. SAUTER, w - -, - 4 . . . . - ãºlºmº ! r- * . . . = . - . - - * . . * a “ ~ x * * ... - * * - - - x * . . ' -- - f A. *, *. Ił & r *: --- - - - - - - l 3 3 3 4-8. ' ... ' - º, w; . . . . " - - - . . . . g Tr | - * , , , , , . . - - . . - * .*, “ . . . . ." - - , - - **** - sso East seth street, New York. º, . . ~~ Star-Marked Remedies. 2 *- *: -- . . . • * - " + i - * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; * i y – - 4. . . '-. . . . . . . . ." - A - - , - -- • { ~ * , is sº - f,” - > * $ " - * . | - fºr i * 1s—Rue des Alpes—18 LEWIs O. STICKEL, * , º º Sole Agent for the United States and Canada for the Electro-Homeopathie º -: . : t . i :sºd § % i . . . . . Press of oberHAusER & co., . . . 1888. 40 west Broadway, - * . “. . . . . . . . . . . New York. - t- A. j * tº- d ELECTRo-HomoeoPATHY. $ Seldom has a new science called forth more admiration, still more seldom has the public, so to speak, taken sides for or against a question so fanatically, than in the case of the doctrines of Hahnemann, viz: Homoeo- pathy. - : . . In spite of all opposition and attacks, especially from the medical profession, these doctrines have found followers in all parts of the globe, and thousands bless the results of their efficacy. . - . . . . . . . . Homoeopathy has, however, remained stationary for many years; it . . . .” : has contributed a large number of remedies to the science of medicine, but the system remains one-sided, and has been neither developed nor ... " perfected. . . Every disease shows more or less symptoms, which must be treated * . . by as many remedies. Hahnemann and his followers prescribed only . one remedy for every disease, and forced the sufferer to conform to the º remedy indicated as necessary by the principal symptoms, without troub- . . . . ling about the minor signs of the illness. Besides, Hahnemann's homoeo. pathic system gives a great many symptoms for each disease, with as * many remedies, (sometimes up to 20) among which it is extremely diff. . . . . . cult to select the right one, as, according to the doctrines, only one remedy should be used at a time. . . . . . . Doctors Bellotti and Finella first sought to bring homoeopathy out of - these narrow limits, and to develop and perfect it by preparing collective * pecific remedies, in order to treat complicated symptoms with compound . . . . medicines. 1 - - - - . . . . . . . . . From this sprang Electro-Homoeopathy, and Mattei has drawn from the same source, which fact was exposed in a very interesting pamphlet . . . by Professor Giordan, of Genoa. - . Mattei has therefore only imitated, and badly at that. º º , - As he was entirely deficient in chemical and botanical learning, he was not in a position to develop and build up an original system. . . . . . . Thanks to our studies and experience, which enabled us to perfect º the so-called star remedies, the number of our followers has steadily º increased, and, though gradual, our progress has been sure, and we can is to-day look back on our work with satisfaction. . . . . ; Anyone who had dared, ten years ago, to speak to a doctor of Electro- º º r Homoeopathy, would have been rewarded with scorn and contempt for . . º his audacity, whereas now, we need only show the list of physicians at *...* the end of this pamphlet, all of whom use our remedies, in order to give . a complete demonstration of the scientific compilation of the Star reme. . . . { dies. . . . This list also shows that our remedies excel all similar preparations * known, in certainty of cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º Formerly, Electro-Homoeopathy was mostly practiced by totally un- scientific persons, who, notwithstanding their ignorance, effected wonder- sº ful cures. We do not hesitate to affirm, that, by the aid of good common º sense, and a few clear and easily grasped principles, wonderful cures can be made with these remedies, cures which medical graduates could not - gº . H- : .. : . . . " i — — . - - - - .# - . . . . . ºf tºº. . . . . . . . . . . * * , - “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - © . r * -, - - - - : * * . r • *, , , * - . . . - -- . .” s # - - - - * . - . . . *- - - Y- - - "T. º. ' ' ' ' , "sº, a | - - - - *L - - * " . . - - - : • . " . - • * * : * f : ... * * - - f - - - - - - *. T = , *- : * , , , - . . . . . .” “f **, - ," , .* . . . . ." * , “...' ..." - v gº - 3 - . * º * . . . . * * - +, - ". . . - . . . . . ‘i. . . . .r." 3. " . . . . . º - ... . . . . . * , { t - - - tºr Jºh –5– In order to give a more exact idea of our system, we point to the . fact, that the irrefutable principle laid down by Hahnemann, “Like cures like,” is also the foundation of our system. - - Our medicines are prepared according to the most recent discoveries in chemistry and physiology, after the spagyric method shown in the pub- lished experiments of Drs. Bellotti, Finella, etc., which developes that fundamental principle, commonly called vegetal electricity, by the fer- mentation and digestion of fresh plants. - -- The whole secret of the preparation of Electro-Homoeopathic Star -- Remedies lies in the combination and fermentation. –4 - * The superiority of tinctures so prepared has been shown by the celebrated Professor Jaeger of Stuttgart. Many homoeopathists are hos. tile to the innovation of mingling different remedies, not remembering that every plant possesses a combination of different substances, viz: Vegetable Acid, Tannin, Albumen, Volatile Oil, etc. . - They also overlook that it is according to the principles of Hahne. . - ... • - mann, “Similia similibus curantur,” to treat a malady showing a com- - g . . . - plication of symptoms with a combination of plants producing similar º . . . effects. Even the most primitive ingredients used in homoeopathy, viz: Spirits of wine and sugar of milk are compounds of different substances; the . . . attributes only by that pr . former contains oenanthic ether, and the latter phosphates. Also in nature we see such minglings. , , = , Mineral waters, which possess incontestabe efficacy, are nothing but _* . . . combinations of different salts in homoeopathic dilutions. . . . . . . . . . Those who know that it is only fermentation (yeast) which renders bread digestible, that several portions of our alimentation, such as wine, - - | & beer, etc., are submitted to fermentation, and that tobacco developes its . - - ocess, can judge of the importance of fermenta. - tion in preparing medicines. - . . . . . . . *. - - - - - r - -- ſº : * *—a * ..* -r- -. .- - r---3.-- sº- . -....-* ..F.-}-- -i--*_* **.--....*. !: ** - ! .. * - T - }. g : : r i - - - - ! - - - h , . - - - - , , . . . . . . . . . . . * – ~ - . . t < . - Tº * . . - - - - ... ** - - - . : * • - - . , - ' ' . . * T - - -- - •, - - * , - - *- -- : r - - w 4 : • - * - - * - .'s - * - . " + x * - - * - . - — — - . N - - • |- - - - - * - - > * *. - + - ** * k– - - - - - - - , - -- - e. - - . . . -- . . . . t - * - . . . - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - r * '-. -- • ' , , , , . . . * - sh - - - - - & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - ~ * * - - . . . " - ; • . ** . . . . . . - - - - - . - - - . . . . ,- . . - - - - - - - - i } - * . . -- * * V, - s" - --- - - - - r - 1 * * - - * - ! * —6— Notwithstanding the facility of ascertaining the evident efficacy of the star marked electro-homoeopathic medicines, a great number of phy- sicians refuse to recognize the importance of these remedies, and without * . . H. the slightest examination of the matter, and even without any motion of this medicament, they pronounce Electro-Homoeopathy to be only a º swindle. - . . . . . This proceeding recalls to us the discoverer of the circulation of the . . - ... blood, who was at first accused and persecuted by the doctors as a cheat * , and a swindler, and who afterward succeeded in proving the justness of . . . . . his assertion by experiments. . . . . Trial and experiment will also show the accuracy of our theory to : the doctors, who generally prefer not to experiment, and who do not acknowledge anything but what they have been taught in the Lecture Room. - - - - - - Nevertheless, there are honorable exceptions amongst them, and many - º - of them follow the counsel, “Try all, and keep the best.” Those who º have given a fair trial to the Star Marked Electro-Homoeopathic Medicines . . . prescribe them to their patients. . . . . . Many physicians, although convinced, do not dare to support the remedies openly, and prescribe them in allopathic form. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... - The Good and the True becomes known, spite of all obstacles, and the 3 - thousands of cures resulting from the use of these remedies are their º best recommendation. In order that our opponents may not accuse us of secrecy, we point . . . . . to the fact that the preparation of the Star marked remedies is explained º ... . . . in J. G. de Bonqueval's book. - - . . . º The aforementioned book, translated by De Regni, excels all other . . . . . . . publications of the kind, and, besides an exact explanation of the prepara- tion and use of the remedies, it gives important advice concerning the . . . . . . -- diet necessary for invalids and convalescents. i —7— In order that all may be convinced of the excellence of the Star marked remedies, we subjoin a few testimonials sent us by former patients, as well as doctors and physicians. º f .l. r " . . . *J ** T' **r ". w J -- - r * , - m - s . . " - . - . . ; - , 4- ... " - & - r 3 ... * - *- : —8— k - I * * ** w * TESTIMONIALs. tout of the numerous ones in our possession, we can only and room - - - here for a few.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TETTERs. . . . | Certificate from A. Meyer. . . . . . | BERLIN, GERMANY, January 31, 1881, . . . . I attest without exaggeration that I suffered for thirty-five years . . . . with Dry Tetters, and that my whole body was covered with them. It : ... was worst on the elbows, knees, ears and on the head. Medical . . .” treatment as well as the application of many remedies being of no avail, I - . . . . went in despair to a specialist, which was also of no use, and I became . . . ." worse and worse. By chance I met Mr. Barthow, asked his assistance, - ... and took away a bottle of Scrofula 5 Star Remedies on my visit to . . . . . . him, September, 11, 1881. I took a pill morning and evening, and am a now entirely free from the former trouble, which prompts me to express ºl. heartfelt thanks to Mr. Barthow. . . . . . . . . . . . . –º a -º-º- :* : LUNG TROUBLE. Letter from Mme. H. de Beost. . . . . . . . . . . . " ... . . . . . March 19, 1881. . . . . . . . . . . The advice you gave me concerning the treatment of my young con- ...: sumptive patient has achieved complete success, and the young girl has . . . been able to resume work, s 4..*.. -- *-º-• .--º - - .-- *.f:;º - .- *3- * - : Letter from the Rev. H. G., of Marmet, Somme. marrow, has actually recovered 1 William Linderoth writes: d ºr * , , - - ; : -* - #. * + | - INFLAMMATION OF THE SPINAL MARRow. June 9, 1881. ; : : My patient, who suffered from acute inflammation of the spinal mar- row, can now walk alone and has a very good appetite. " This is really wonderful, and a proof of the high value of the Star Marked Remedies. I am enchanted with their efficacy. - - . Again. - - - . . . - July 29, 1881. . . I consider myself lucky to be able to affirm the efficacy of your ... remedies. My patient, who suffered with inflammation of the spinal º GLADBEck, WESTPHALIA, GERMANY, May 4, 1881. pathic Star Remedies when allopathic medicines were of no avail; but have not yet seen a case which Electro-Homoeopathy did not alleviate. Mrs. Wubeler, in Heiden, gave birth to a still-born child; the flow of milk immediately stopped, and the woman suffered from a violent fever . . : and extraordinary pain, especially in the hips, so that she could neither move nor rise, and often shrieked with pain. The allopathic doctors had neglected the hip trouble (on the right side) from which the woman mostly suffered. Another doctor who examined the hips found one of - them ulcerated. The woman who had been treated allopathically for ‘. . . . three months was never a moment free from pain. I found her extremely . . . . weak; the hips had begun to supurate, and she had pains all over the º, º body. I rubbed her all over with red and yellow Ointment. At the end - of an hour the woman said the pains were decreasing; the next day she was free from them, and in a week (after internal application of Scrof. and Canc., and external application of red and green salve) she was cured. * , * * (, - *e ** * : *. see 2 sº º ºx e º 'º e s > * * * C. wº tº tº - * * * * º * * e a .* . gº I have seen immediate relief given by the use of the Electro-Homoeo- º –10– - for an hour at a time without assistance. Letter from Dr. Liebi. DROPSY. - A man suffering with dropsy felt. immediate relief on application of the Red Fluid. . . . . . . . . . CANGERous GRowTH. . . A woman suffering from a cancerous growth on the breast, who eould only walk round the room on erutches, was so completely restored by the use of the Red Fluid, that at the end of seven weeks she could walk . . . . - 2* - RHEUMATISM. on May 1, 1881, I was called to the side of a lady sixty years old, º ing tried all kinds of allopathic remedies without success, and I tried Anti-Canc. with some result, but did not entirely cure, the pains remaining, only slightly modified. This year the neuralgia commenced with renewed * º violence ; I gave C with N and Cº with white and yellow Electricity exter- and at qigºnd :^{-eight days no trace of the sickness remained. * - - . 1, - -" . " - h. --, -- - . . . . . . * : * - as - T- - * - - -, -ºk 3 --- Tº I. - - - * nally, but the result was not permanent. I only knew that C was the best vº remedy, but not in what proportions. I therefore prescribed C’ x N in a . . . . . . º pint of water, in four days C" with white and yellow Electricity, and, as a . i result of the treatment, the patient was in two days able to take his coffee . . . and rolls in the morning—which he had not been able to do for months—º * - * † : * * ** º dº living in Heiden, who suffered day and night with the most violent - rheumatic pains. On application of the Ointment and Fluids she was able to leave her bed, and the pains rapidly disappeared. . - - - * * BRIxEN, GERMANY, July 10, 1881. . . . . . A retired army chaplain, of a healthy constitution, suffered for some .. * years with an affection of the face, which continually increased, so that at last every movement of the mouth—speaking and swallowing—caused unendurable pain. A year ago he came under my treatment, after hav- Hols Pig * , After using the medicines you kindly placed at my disposal for some months, I would not fail to send you an account of the results attained. As in most large cities, children's ailments, etc. furnished the chief ele. ment of sickness. Although I have effected many cures by means of homoeopathic medicines, still these did not suffice, especially in neglected - cases, so I took refuge in your remedies. I affirm willingly, and in the interests of humanity, that success has attended my steps in this direction, | and that almost immediate relief could be noted in all cases. In the case of female diseases, your remedies are simply indispensable. At the pre- sent time I am treating a young lady, who had consulted specialists and | medical authorities of all kinds, for chronic inflammation of the womb, * laying back of the uterus, pains in the stomach and rectum, constipation, r etc., but without any results, so that she became utterly prostrated and tired of life. Now, after four weeks treatment, she is regaining her cheer. fulness, her face resumes its color, the inflammation of the womb is dis. appearing, the bowels act regularly, and the cramps have decreased; the -11– HYSTERIA. - I found C. with N. (No. 8 Glass) the best remedy for a woman 45 years old, who had borne several children, and who suffered with violent hysterics. I also noted that on application of C. and N. the menstrual cramps diminished; by a dilution to 8 degrees they gradually ceased, until they totally disappeared. * - BERLIN, GERMANY, October 6, 1886. last attacks ceased almost instantly on application of your Waginal Pills, and the urine, which was formerly mixed with blood, is now free and clear. I do not doubt that this lady, whose life was despaired of, will be so far restored in a month, as to be able to enjoy her wealth undisturbed. Such * success will not fail to spread your discoveries among the followers of medical science, in spite of prejudiced opposition. If you should desire . to make these few lines public, you are entirely free to do so. Signed, DR. HOESCH, Q – wº ... • * & - ſº tº . . . 4. Ç - e = * *.* Homºeopathic Specialist in Women's and Children's: iseases. i —12– . . . * ...’ ... . - g DUSSELDoRr on THE RHEIN, GERMANY, . . . . • - 17 Schadow St., March 1st, 1887. ~~ F I have effected several remarkable cures with your excellent reme-- " ... º dies, viz: a four year old case of caries, also acute gout, also an ulcerous . . . . . . inflammation of the eyes and ears. Respectfully, . . . . . . - , Dr. VOLBEDING, . . . . . . . - Homoeopathic Physician. . . . . . . . F ºr . . , , - - . . . . .” - * DussRLDoRF, GERMANY, February 5, 1887. . . . . I have again effected two wonderful cures with the Star Remedies. . | I cured a blacksmith's apprentice of syphiletic hardening of the tongue, º, . when old style homoeopathy was useless. I also cured an art dealer of ‘. . cancer of the tongue, who had consulted twelve physicians without . . . . . result, and finally I cured his daughter of an eruption on the head which had lasted for years, and was considered incurable. - Mr. Sauter, GENEVA, SwitzERLAND. . . . . . . . . " DEAR SIR:—I am happy to be able to inform you that your remedies . . . . have had the greatest success in my case. ... . . . . . . . . I suffered with an attack of neuralgia, from which no doctor could give me relief. Luckily, I met the Rev. Mr. Beauchesne, who recom. mended your remedies, which have cured me. I was deaf for over a . year, and only the Electro-Homoeopathic Bougies, with Cancéreux and . . and ear suppositories, succeeded in restoring my hearing. I began to im- prove after fourteen days treatment, and altogether have used three . . . . . . . . . boxes of Bougies. . . . . . . . . . . The white Electricity oured me of neuralgia, from which I suffered - on one side of the face. - . . . . . º . I am now entirely restored to health, although I have to be very - º sº A LE c L E R C `... . . ; * cowrunºgloſſ signº February 15, 1887, t º * * • * º : *. & tº * * * * r . From the Same. ~ —13– - . GRAVEL. The Rev. G. of Léglantiers, Oise, France, writes: I must inform that I am more and more convinced of the excellence of your remedies. . - On my arrival here I found an invalid (one of the most respected clergymen in the town) suffering violently from inflammation of the t º bowels and gravel. On the application of Febrifuge 2 and Cancéreux 5, the violent pains immediately ceased, and were followed by immediate action of the bowels, after which the patient steadily improved, and to- day feels better than before the sickness. The gravel passes out with the urine, at the rate of half a thimbleful per day. Letter from Rev. H. G., Your remedies work wonders. I have lately effected two miraculous i cures. A number of doctors wanted to cut open the abdomen of an un- April 16, 1882. fortunate patient in order to reach a bad case of constipation. Another patient was suffering from a bad fever. The two cases were considered hopeless. I saved them both within an hour by the use of your remedies. From the Same. . . . . . . . . . - - September 6. - For about ten days I have been attending to a lady suffering from an aboess in the breast. I administered Cancéreux internally, also salves and baths with Cancereux, from the beginning of the treatment, with won- derful results. The swelling disappeared; the breast became firmer and smaller, and the pains ceased. I esteem myself fortunate in being able 2 : to send you this information. *. *º- The young lady, aged 34 years, of whom I wrote you, had hard glands September 20, º • all over her left breast, which rapidly increased. One of them broke . . . . —14— . . . open, and formed a small cavity. The pains were acute, especially - ? Letter from Dr. Leon Ruºus, during the night, when the breast was of a violet-red color was . . it cancer? I cannot tell; but one thing is certain, and that is that she is now completely cured after a month's treatment, which she continues, to avoid a relapse. • 3. - . . . Letter from Rev. H. Devin, - . St. HILARIon, FRANoe, October 31, 1882. . I am happy to inform you that my patient (Sciatica) is better. He has kept in bed for months, and the doctors had given him up. This cure is wonderful. ..V. . . . . . . AvignonET, December 27, 1882. The young girl of whom I wrote you as suffering from hysterics, is now comparatively better; this case had reached a critical point. The daily attacks, followed by delirium, often lasting two and half hours, have ceased. . beginning of the turns. appearance, Such results, after a treatment of only two days, are highly encour- . aging, especially as neither allopathic nor homoeopathic treatment befora then had effected the slightest change. e . . . . . . PolyPUs of THE UTERUs. Certificate from Dr. Liebl, . . . . . . " ; . Brixes, Tyrol. . Barbara F., 39 thirty-nine years old, married, who has borne three . . . . . . . children, came to me May 15th, 1882, complaining of a heavy and painful downward pressure on the genital organs, followed by a feeling, especial- ly after any exertion, as if something must break through. he pains of labor increased, and became e specially acute before the - The patient is otherwise strongly built, and of a generally healthy 4. On critical digital examination I found the womb open, and in it a hard, pear-shaped tumor, which could be moved and pressed without hurting, and which yielded as far as was possible to the touch of the . finger. - .* * - The examination itself was attended by neither bleeding nor particu- lar pain. I based my diagnosis on fibrous polypus of the uterus, and advised the patient to go to the Clinical Institute in Innsbruck, and undergo an operation, which she did. In eight days she returned in the greatest agitation, as the professors declared that they cofild not under. take the operation on account of the great risk of fatal results, and she saw herself doomed to certain death. I consoled her, and promised to try other remedies, which would probably yield good results after steady application, so I provided her liberally with C1 and C5, recommending. her to use injections of the latter five or six times a day. I heard nothing more after this, and thought I should have to look among the dead for my patient, until she surprised me by coming per- sonally to thank me, with all appearances of robust health. I will quote her own words: - - “I went home after leaving you, and told my husband what you had prescribed. I took great care of myself from that time, never undertook any heavy work, and used the globules with water, while my husband never neglected to use the injections exactly according to prescription. - During the first six weeks it went very badly with me, there seemed to be a revolution in the whole abdomen, with frequent emissions in floods from the vagina; I also suffered from dizziness and deafness. After this the pains began to cease, and I felt better and better, 'till I was com- pletely restored to health at the end of four months, but still continued the treatment a month longer, according to your instructions. Since November, 1882, I have had to use no more remedies.” -- I then proceeded to examine her, and found actually no signs of any new growth. - Letter from Dr. Secretain. - . . . . - 8 QuAI DEs GESvFRs, PARIs, July 18, 1883. I wish to express to you my satisfaction with the two remedies Scrotuleux and Angioitique, which have had the greatest success. The . . . . . ; —16- . . . . . decisive ; it is always useful, and yields good results. cancereux is also well compounded. Febrifuge is excellent and often Letter from The Rev. Apolinar Aroma. - - 49 PIAzza St., Apostoli, RomE, July 15, 1884. . . . . . . After trying your Electro-Homoeopathic Medicines for a long time and on different patients I find them, I will not say better—although I strongly believe it—but certainly as good as those of Mattei. You have, . . . . furthermore, the advantage of being able to prepare them more carefully, and at half the price. I will admit that I also believed the accusation . . . . made against you, namely, that you had imitated the Mattei remedies; but experience has taught me the contrary, and I take this opportunity of acknowledging my error. Wishing your excellent remedies all success, , , I authorize you to make use of this letter in any way you please. Certificate from Father Phil. Jac. Senn, --- . . . - - INNIGHEN, March 26, 1885. The woman, who was suffering from an abscess in the ear, has quite recovered, and is full of praise for the results of the Star Remedies. She had, as she now admits to me, tried the Mattei remedies, according to the Regensburg system, for a whole year without any result. She also cured her husband in one day of bilious fever and inflammation of the joints. . . . . The Star Remedies were also most successful with the measles, which Mr. L. O. Stickel, New York. . . . . were epidemic among the children. On the fourth day of the treatment . . . . . the children were usually brighter than before the sickness. *—s—u— a 4-2a--e-ºr-º-º-, ---º-º-...--------------- * *****— ºw-- ***= St. Jons, Mion, December 17, 1885. . I have used the celebrated Electro-Homoeopathic Star Remedies of J. - - A. Sauter, of Geneva, Switzerland, with the most satisfactory results - . . . The best allopathic doctors had given me up, and were not capable of reduc- . . . ing, in the slightest degree, the frightful pains of confirmed gangrene; and now, after two months' steady application of the A. Sauter Star . . . Remedies, I find myself well, and free from pains of any kind. I natur. . . . sºlk . P-ºrs —17– ally continue diligently to follow the prescriptions of Dr. Jos. Reich, East Saginaw. (Here follows a new order for the Remedies). Yours. etc., . . . . REv. B. HoltHAUs. - RoME, January 12, 1886. I must inform you that 1 have attained really extraordinary result from the use of Scrof. I gave Z. B., who was wasting away with indigestion, five pills, . which gave immediate relief. - In another case I brought a man to, who was completely overcome by. drink; he had just drank two bottles of whiskey. I gave him forty pills Scrof., in doses of ten pills to a glass of water, and caused the greatest admiration by the success of the remedy. - M. C. —18– * voice of THE PREss. From “Illustrated Bath Journal,” (Vienna, September, 1885, No. 18) Concerning the new Electro-Homoeopathic Star Remedies: Electro-Homoeopathy claims to be a complete developement of the Hahnemann healing principles, and, after exact scientific tests, we cannot contest the righteousness of the claim. It is interesting to remark, that the principle upon which Hahnemann stood at the beginning of the cen and surely with the medicine calculated to produce the same disease in a healthy body, had already been affirmed, and by no less an authority than Hufeland, who had, in the year 1796, published through his “Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery,” this very principle, in an article - headed, “Experiments in the discovery of a new healing system.” - . Although all credit is due to Hahnemann for developing this system, he still left it in need of much improvement, to which task Drs. Bellotti, tury, viz: Similia similibus, in opposition to the allopathic principle; Contraria contrariis, namely, that one could only cure a disease quickly. Finella and Zimpel devoted their lives, and, according to our opinion, with entire success.” The result of their experiments was a combination of homoeopathic medicines, eight in number, of which each can be used for a number of similar ailments. These compounds are the outcome of experiments lasting many years. - . . . *- f ——º- -1– l "There has been a great deal of talk about Matters publications on the subject of Eleotro-Homoeopathy, which are nothing but a conglomeration of plagiarisms on - . different portions of Finella's works, from which he (Mattie) has bodily stolen, as is shown by Chevalier Giordan, professor of physics and chemistry in Genoa, in a pamphlet entitled, “The Mysteries and Mystifications of Count C. Mattek Exposed,” which caused a sensation in Nice, where it was published. * tº- -i. * ,. -... º \, ſ i . 19 The Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies are prepared with the assistance of the results obtained through the experiments of these prominent phy- sicians in the mingling of homoeopathic remedies according to the spagyric method, which produces vegetal electricity through the fermen- tation and digestion of fresh plants. • - Electro-Homoeophatic Remedies are administered either in the form of pills for internal, or electric-fluids, salves, injections and suppositories for external application. - ==º- * -wº- Electricity, or rather vegetal-electric fluids, are, like all electro-homoeo- ... pathic remedies, merely extracts of plants whose action is similar to that of physical electricity—effecting rapid, sometimes immediate results. The Remedies, in the form of globules, for internal use, are for vitiation of the lymph, also for all kinds of scrofulous diseases; vitiation of the blood and derangements in its circulation. To this class belong all ner- vous diseases, and cases of debility; all venereal diseases, syphilis and their consequences; fevers and liver complaints; diseases of the breast or lungs, and finally, worms. The remedies for external use cure an equally large number of diseases. - - These tinctures have proved to be of the highest efficacy, and the recognition of their success is decided and merited. It is not to be denied that many homoeopathists are opposed to the mingling of different medi- cines—which process it not so new as they think—and that physicians and druggists reject electro-homoeopathic medicines without either trying them or knowing their qualities. A thoroughly scientific physician can- not ignore the impressive manner in which the success attained by electro- homoeopathic medicines pleads for them. These Remedies guarantee a “cure for all diseases, even for those considered incurable,” and—they redeem their promise. * *—-º-º-º-º: . . In view of the fact of their positive success, we make an exception, in the case of the Star Marked Remedies, to our rule opposing all kinds of universal and secret remedies, and the more so, as the Star Remedies are sºry tº : —20— not actually secret ones, inasmuch as, at the Homoeopathic Central Depot, . . . . 13 Rue des Alpes, Geneva, Switzerland, any physician who uses the reme- - dies can obtain information from Mr. A. Sauter, as to the ingredients and prescriptions, so that he need not only act according to the instructions accompanying the “eight remedies,” but also know exactly what he is. administering to the patient. • The grouping of the symptoms within the aforementioned limits, is based on the correct view of the fact that all diseases spring from two- scources only, namely, from the lymph and the blood. A correct exposi- tion as well as instructions for the application of the medicines, and the procedure in case of failure, will be of interest to both physicians and laymen, and can be obtained at the aforementioned depot, from Mr. Sauter, in a recently published pamphlet (now in its 15th edition), entitled “The . . . . New Electro-Homoeopathic Star Marked Remedies,” a cure for all dis. eases, even for for those considered incurable. The name “Star Marked Remedies” is derived from the trade-mark, which consists of a red and blue star on the label. The recently published work of J. G. de Bonqueval (Jaques Lecheval- ier, Paris, France, publisher), entitled “Theoretical and Practical Treatise . on the Sauter System of Electro-Homoeopathy” is specially worthy of praise. We can conscientiously call the attention of all invalids, with due respect to the physicians attending them, to the remedies of Mr. A. Sauter, of Geneva, Switzerland, and more especially as they have been recognized by the Faculty, and received the highest distinction, and the following diploma “For the excellent quality and manifold efficacy of . their preparations and medicines." - DR. BAUER. one of the most prominent and widely circulated periodicals in Ger. many, lately published the following noticeable article: “Electro-Homoeopathy is a rather mysteriously sounding name for a medical system, founded on the most modern physiological discoveries. By means of its really wonderful cures, it has earned the recognition and confidence of both physicians and laymen, and achieved an international reputation through its unfailing success in the most distant lands. * .*. -** ..n"- - –21– After making use of the Hahnemann principle, “Like cures like,” and borrowing from Darwin the fundamental idea of small doses, Electro- Homoeopathy has developed fermentation and dilution, according to the Koch-Pasteur system, by submitting fresh plants to those processes, after gathering them into groups. This fermentation develops the agency of vegetal electricity, modifies the chemical and therapeutic ingredients, by depriving one plant of its toxic qualities, developing and increasing. the active qualities of the other, and above all, making them capable of assimilation. The collection of medicines, which is opposed to the princi- ples of Hahnemann, who prescribed only one medicine for each sickness, is borrowed from Nature, which combines minerals in homoeopathic quantities, and produces what we call mineral waters.” . Electro-Homagopathy treats a disease, showing a number of symptoms, with compound remedies, whose every ingredient represents a unity, so to speak, through careful preparation. “Wis unita fortius.” : . We have not the space to go more fully and deeply into the question of the principles upon which Electro-Homoeopathy is founded, but refer our readers to the wonderful handbook by Bonqueval, which has recently been translated into German with a preface by Dr. Regni, and is to be found at Burkhardt's book store in Geneva, Switzerland. This book contains a number of pointed observations; cites some specially interest" ing cures; gives a formula of the remedies; advice as to diet, and pre- scriptions to be used in connection with hydrotherapy. - & Bonqueval takes us, through his book, into a new world of medi- cine, and shows its development up to the time of Hahnemann; the im- provement made on his methods by Bellotti and Finella; mentions the distortion of the system by Mattei, and the latter's errors, and describes the remedies introduced by the druggist, A Sauter of Geneva, which have become popular under the name of “Star Remedies,” with a red and blue star on the label for a trade-mark, as being the most nearly perfect. of all medical preparations. - There is a paper devoted to Electro-Homoeopathy under the name of International Electro-Homoeopathic Review, being published in Paris under the editorship of Dr. Landry, and a committee of ladies, occupying the [* See last page of the cover of this pamphlet it py. 22 * *. sº can be obtained at two different free dispensaries, of five Parisian physicians. under the supervision The best recommendation of this : system lies in the simple and easy selection of remedies, corresponding to the equally clear division of dis- • case symptoms. The alphabetical list enables every patient to find the remedy adapted to the cure of his disease, and should he err in the selection, he is still assured that the medicine will not prove injurious to him. No sufferer need, therefore, despair of recovery, if he will only have patience and endurance in chronic cases. . * jº lº - %.º & |#####|| ii ºft º: f*III: Pijiji II iſ ##### {}}}} # # #i # !!! (41ſti # 11:11},{{1ttilitiſh); if liſtilt?Hitſ:tillītitilHillºtilllililllllllibiith:{{{tl|till g *** *.*, *_3_3, . * lºssº - highest social positions, has been appointed with the view of enabling pauper patients to enjoy the benefits of the Sauter remedies, which - - —23– . The following has been published since March 1, 1887: - * * * , * "Milly Miſſil Iſ Flºr|H|Ally," Edited by Dr. Fewson of Danzig, with the co- operation of expert authorities on this subject. Yearly Subscription, - - $1.00 Half-yearly “ * * . . .50 Single Number, * - .10 It can be obtained at Theodore Bartling's book store, 2 Grosse Ger- bergasse, Danzig, Germany. | r . . . . LEWIs O. STICKEL, 550 East EIGHTY-SIXTH STREET, NEw York. Sole Agent for United States and Canada for the Electro-Houao. - pathic STAR MARKED REMEDIES. .:: -- . --- --- --. h*g* -r - 3.:-*-r|r **- -. ---- -- --. .: -J..--+.- i--L*•- -----* -* ,--i -- +--- -**. --:-ºrº -*-----º-*..:-- -.--•| :1-ºr* : .--- -• .-* ,i-sr ºJ - . *-.-s--•* .i.si !_-- --- *---gr.- * -- Honored Sir: JUDGMENT of AN AUTHORITY. open letter to Mr. de Bonquera, compiler of the “Electro-Homeopathic Healing System.” -" Translated into German by Dr. de Regni. * . . . " LAMBALLE, DEPART. Cotes Du Nord, FRANok. I have read your work on “Electro-Homoeopathy” with the deepest . . . attention. It is, according to my view, the true science. Your principles and doctrines are substantially the same as those I taught in my Sorbonne lectures, given in Paris during the years 1844-48, and also published under the title of “God, Man and the World.” At that time, the school to which belonged my teachers, De Blainville and Boville, acknowledged these precepts, and I have advocated these doctrines, because they are entirely in sympathy with the teachings of the Church, and opposed to the materialism which is penetrating all kinds of instruction. Your book follows the beautiful traditions of true science, and you have made use of the best portions of scattered works, in order to give your theories a solid foundation. These are now established by an invincible logic for all free and unprejudiced minds. You have, firstly, thoroughly understood that the unconfined fluids found in Light, Warmth, Electricity and Magnet. ism, also sustain and penetrate vegetable, animal and human life, and determine the molecular attraction of minerals. I have studied this subject, and believe that it is the agent and material cause of the circula- tion, movements and revolutions of heavenly bodies. r . . . " This etherial fluid, comparable to physical light, is necessary to all bodily substances, just as spiritual light is necessary to the soul and the mind, no matter what influences they are subject to. This wonderful . analogy is the best argument against the materialistic paradoxes, which . modern skepticism has discovered, and which are being spread by the credulity so naively shown by old and young opponents of anything . bearing the stamp of the supernatural. ' - --- r- —25— Your work has brought me joy and consolation, for it convinces me of the ability to impress all those who do not obstinately close their ears to its arguments. You literally illustrate the true science of a sound physiology, and derive therefrom, with irrefutable logic, a new system of Therapeutics, founded on the facts and laws of organic life, taking into account all new discoveries on the subject of living causes capable of fer- mentation, which transform organic substances, sustain life, and produce disease. This new system of Therapeutics, whose adaptation to the laws of life you demonstrate, is destined to lead medicine into rational chan- nels, to lift it out of the debasement to which it has unfortunately descended, and to transform it into a thoroughly scientific art. On this account only, and in the interest of poor humanity, I wish your efforts all success, and this wish comes from the bottom of a heart, which has often been saddened by the prospect of a false science, or rather, of a proud ig- - norance, which has deceived the best minds; it is a consolation, and, so to speak, a last hope of my poor mind, which will soon cease its strug- gles, to meet with so rare and excellent a work as yours, . Accept the assurance of my deepest respect. . MONSEIGNEUR DR. MAUPIED, House Chaplain of His Holiness the Pope. tº- —26— . Nos. 1, 2, 8. - bronchitis, troubles of the respiratory organs, etc. . cholerine. NAMEs of THE ELECTRO-HOMCEOPATHIC * REMEDIES. . - * First & . . . ~ - (In Globules.) - . A—For Vitiation of the Lymph. - . - 1. Sororuleur.—(abrev. S.), (Anti-Scrofuleux) Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. - B-For Vitiation of the Blood, and Derangement - in its Circulation. , : . . . 2. Angioſtique.—(abrev. A.). (Anti-sangiolique, blood-vessel remedy). G-For Vitiation of the Lymph and Blood. . - . . 3. Cancereux—(Abrev. C.) (Anti-Cancerous.) Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6 and 10. - * - - + The five following remedies, as their names indicate, are directed. against special diseases: - * - . - * *- 4. Asthmatique.— (Abrev. As.) (Anti-Asthmatic. ) For asthma, - 5. Cholarique—(Abrev. Chol) (Anti-Cholerico For cholera and * 6. Goutteux—(Abrev. G.) (Anti-Gout.) For gout and inflammation of the joints. . m . | 4 7. Werneua-(Abrev. N.) (Anti-Nervous.) For nervous disease and . . i debilities. - . . - 8. Syphilitique.—(Abrev. Sy.) (Anti-Syphilitic.) For venereal dis- eases, syphilis, and their consequences, Sy, 2–For the secondary stage of syphilis. | . . . . A& - * , * —27– - g .* * º - - 9. Diarrhelgue.—(Abrev. D.) (Anti-Diarrhoea.) For colic, dysentery - etc. $. —º * , 10. Febrifuge.—(Abrev. F.) For fever and liver complaints. Febrj- fuge No. 2 only. For external use and poulticing. . 11. Lymphatigue.—(Abrev. L.) For rhachitism (English Disease), . . chronic mumps. - - 12. Pectoral.-(Abrev. P.) For all diseases of the chest and respira- • tory organs. Pectoral, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. - 13. Vermifuge.—(Abrev. W.) For worms. Vermifuge Nos. 1, 2. All the different members of each remedy produce the same effect, and adapt themselves more or less to the treatment of the disease accord- ing to its nature and the primary cause of the trouble. , -º-º: * B.—ELECTRICITIES. (Abbrev. E.) (so-called Electro-Vegetal Fluids.) 1. The Red Vegetal Electric Fluid. 2. The White “ “ “ * 3. The Yellow “ “ “ •l 4. The Blue { { { { # 4 5. The Green “ $ { { (Each, according to its species, in red, yellow, white, blue or green . . . . bottles. | - - 3. . C.—SALVES. (OINTMENTs.) 1. Red Salve with Soroſuleur. n ** 2. White “ “ Angloitique. 3. Green “ “ Cancereuz. 4. Fellow “ “ . Febrifuge. D.—INJECTIONS. -(ABBREv. INJECT.) . Red Injection. Yellow “ - s E.—(STOOL) suPPosLTORIES. - (Abbrev. Supps.) . - 1. For Children with Scrofuleux. s • 2. For Adults “. “ 3. For “ “. . Angioitique. – § 4. For “. “ Cancereux.. - -* A --&- -wr-e-Tº- F.—AURAL SUPPositories. (ABERev. Aur. Supp.). G.—VAGINAL SUPPOSITORIES. (Abbrev. Wag.) . H.—BOUGIES. *- - - - (ABREv. Bg.) 1. Red Bougies with Scrofuleux. 2. White * “ Angloitique. ' 3. Green “. “ Cancereux. 4. Yellow “ . “ Syphilitique. DoSEs For THE REMEDIES. [IN GLOBULEs.] It is of the utmost importance, in the application of the new Electro- Homoeopathic remedies, to hit upon the exact doses. On this account, we bear in mind the fact that the deeper the root of the disease, the more diluted must be the remedy, many cases not being relieved until the fifth, sixth, or sometimes even the tenth glass. 1. Strong Dose-5-10 globules daily of Nerv. for Palsy, or as a tonic for convalescent and debilitated cases; the same quantity of Scrof. for drunkenness and attacks of Cholera. . } 2. Ordinary Dose.—One globule dissolved in a glass of water is sum. cient for one day, taking a teaspoonful every ten minutes. | f 3. Middle-sized Doge.—One globule dissolved in a litre of water, (1% pints) one glassful a day to be taken as specified above. 4. Small Dose.--One globule dissolved in a glass of water; to be taken as specified above, after diluting a teaspoonful in a second glass of water. . . When two remedies are to be taken alternately, prepare one glass of each, and take half of one in the morning, and half of the other in the afternoon, in which case two glasses will last two days. When three remedies are to be taken, use the same proportions, (a third of each per *-s- day) making the three last three days. Many physicians mix the medicines instead of prescribing them alter- nately, and this has been proved to be in no wise injurious to the efficacy of the remedy. , N.B.--When the conditions are not favorable to taking the medicine tn dissolved form, a globule can be swallowed whole, night and morning, and will produce the same effect in double doses. • • - . .—80— 2. - The doses should be taken till meal-time, and resumed one hour after. The water can be heated, or sweetened with sugar. - The doses for children are:— s, a.–In the case of sucklings, give the wet nurse a glassful a day. b.—From two to six years, 34 glassful, after filling with water. c.—From six to twelve years, 3% “ £ 4 . . § { tº £ d.—From twelve years upwards, a full dose. * For poultices, dissolve 5, 10, 15 or 20 globules in a glass of water, into which you dip the linen before applying it to the injured parts. For baths, take 100-150-200 globules. - - For injections, take 10-12 globules. - - For washing the parts, take 20-30 or more globules, in two litres (3 pints) of water. - Poulticing and embrocation can be repeated two or three times a day, and even oftener if necessary. - - The doses should be increased according to the progress made in th cure. . - . . - i ELECTRICITIES. OR SO-GALLED ELECTRO-WI.GETAL FLUID8. [Each, according to its species, in red, yellow, white, blue or green bottles.] - Taken alone, these fluids are sufficient to cure, if not instantaneously, at least very rapidly, certain diseases, such as partial cramp, incipient amaurosis, stammering, cephalalgy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains in the joints, etc., provided they do not arise from too great a vitiation of the lymph or blood. A. They cannot, of themselves, cure constitutional diseases, and, in this sense, they can not be considered radical remedies. The application is usually as follows: (See plate at the end.) . . In order to act upon the whole head, they are applied to the occiput, to . both sides of the atlas, and sometimes to the soles of the feet. * To act on the night side, apply to right temple; on the left side to left temple. r Upon the tongue, apply to both large and small nerves, especially the small ones, which are on the surface, and therefore more sensitive, and the occiput. * - * , Upon the eyes, to the upper and lower parts of the orbit. Upon the nose, apply to the root, between the eyes. Upon the ears, behind the ears, and through the mouth as a gargle. Upon the whole body, to the occiput, to the great sympathetic nerve, by . which is understood both sides of the cervical vertebræ, and the three points marked (see plate) on the stomach or abdomen, and to the soles.of * the feet. - Baths, with }% to 1 bottle of electricity are excellent for the whole body *. -g . . * - –88– plate.) . . . . . Upon the legs, either to the three points marked on the sciatic nerve, . . . . or to the three on the crural nerve, according to the seat of the pain. (See plate.) k, - - - - Upon the bladder, the womb and lower organs, to the os pubis and to the peringeum. (Between the two orifices.) . . In general, of all these points, we must choose those which are near- - est to the seat of the disease and pain, and also extend their application especially to the parts affected, which indicate by the pains that they are most in need of electric treatment. - - - The application of cupping glasses may last from 25 to 30 seconds, but more frequent applications of from 7 to 10 or 15 seconds are more ef. fective. • *. r - - For poultices, put from two to four drops on a square piece of linen the size of the thumb, but wet it more thoroughly for a wound, apply it until it dries, and repeat as often as necessary. When there is no wound, the linen may be advantageously replaced by a small piece of blotting paper, or, still better, carded wool, on the centre of which a few drops of the “fluid” can be put and spread with the finger, • + - In most cases, especially in great pain, electricities should be used first, but if the pains reappear, internal treatment should be supplemented. The red Electro-Vegetal “fluid,” which, from its positive nature, produces and supports vitality, is suitable in ninety cases out of a hun- dred, because most of these cases have arisen from, or are accompanied by a diminution of vitality. On this account it may be applied first. - - If it does not act, or if the disease gets worse, which rarely occurs, - the yellow fluid may be tried, as it is of a negative nature and reduces vitality. - - - - Both are often employed in the same case, alternately, as the ex- change of positive and negative electricities awakens general vitality and favors all kinds of cures. 4. If neither the red nor the yellow electricities succeed, which may hap. pen in some cases, the white can be tried, as it is nearly always effective, º especially with head troubles, when applied in poultices, Upon the arms, apply to three points marked on brachial muscle. (See —33— If neither of the three brings relief, it proves the existence of vitiated blood or lymph—obstacles without which one or the other of the electri- cities could easily have overcome the disease. Then begins the internal treatment. - - The blue electricity should be used especially for sanguine tempera- ments, whose vascular system it is of the greatest importance to preserve. For such persons it replaces the three other electricities. The green electricity should be employed for ulcerated cancers and pains in the joints, on which it acts with surprising rapidity and efficacy. According to the experiments of several physicians, a whole bath every second or third day, with electricities and globules, acts excellently on the whole system of the patient. The remedies will be found in the index page. Owing to their being composed of plants, these liquids often be- come turbid and form a flaky sediment; this cannot be avoided, but does not decrease the efficacy, so long as the bottles are kept tightly corked and preserved from too great a heat. - *—º isº, —34– 3r The red Electro-Homoeopathic Salve, Red Lable. , - The tohite i ; ... t ( - “ White § { The yellow “ i. i. * * * Yellong ‘‘ The green “ * “ Green. “ The Red Ointment, Pommade rouge au Scrofuleux, the most used of all the ointments, is recognized as the most efficacious remedy for . skin diseases, and acts most vigorously on debilities of the nervous system. hands and lips, Chilblains, Burns, Rheumatic pains, Fistulas of all kinds, Itch, Cramps, Pains in the back, Sunstroke, etc. This salve has proved an excellent remedy against fetid sweat of the feet, and against Rupture, (Hernia) friction of the os pubis and the perin- acum, also acts well on Debilities and Nocturnal Pollutions. wº- As this ointment is absolutely free from mineral substances, it is the best means for preserving a good complexion, and also from its nerve- & strengthening properties, is an excellent pomatum for the hair and beard, nourishes and strengthens the roots, and prevents the hair from falling out. - The Yellow Ointment, Pommade Jaune au Febrifuge, is re- . commended for all diseases of the liver and spleen. In Jaundice, spots on the Cornea, and induration of the Liver, etc., regular frictions on the region of the liver have a very salutary effect. - . - ... It is prescribed by many physicians, especially for Tetters, Ringworm, Ulcers, Acné, redness and irritation of the face, eyelids and nose, Chapped J The white ointment (Pommade blanche d tangioitique) deserves special attention on account of the great service it renders in affections produced by defective circulation of the blood. As the blood is the fountain of * –35– life, and without a regular circulation of the blood a healthy body is im- possible, so the attention should above all be directed. to its free circula- tion. Also when external diseases, which have their seat in the blood, make their appearance, the application of the ointment externally, and - the angioitique remedy internally, must not be neglected. - The best results have been obtained from this ointment, in cases of Inflammation of the blood vessels, Varices, Amburies, Paralysis, Bloodshot eyes, Blueness of the face, and generally in all cases óf Inflammation and Tumors produced by a bad state of the blood, or by strictures of the blood-vessels. In cases of heart disease, palpitations, etc., the application * of the ointment often gives instantaneous relief. er This ointment has also the best effect in cases of Hoemorrhoids, bleed- ing as well as blind ones. . The green ointment (Pommade verte au Cancereua) has, since the great - number of cures effected in an incredibly short space of time, obtained a permanent place in Medicine. It cures rapidly and thoroughly old fester- &ng and cancerous wicers. In different cases of face cancer, it has shown the excellence of its medicinal properties in a disproportionally short time; in other cases of cancer too far advanced, and for that reason in- curable, it has given the patients great relief from their pains. Besides, it is very efficacious against Mouth Scurvy, Obesity, Chopping of the Wipples, Gland diseases, Polypus of the Palate, Ulcers of the nose, Goitre, Prolapsus ani, Chronic Inflammation of the Vagina, and also Syphilitic Ulcers of all kinds. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. After washing the place on which the ointment is to be applied, rub twice a day with the ointment, the size of a pea. If it is for a wound, after having well cleansed it, apply the ointment by the aid of a piece of linen, to be repeated twice or thrice a day. . rº & In consequence of a new composition made from Waseline, these Ointments no longer need become whitish on rubbing, in order to produce. their effect. Thanks to this improvement, the ointments may be preserved indefinitely without losing their efficiency. • . . * * r & - CAUTION. These Ointments, as well as other medicines of our pre- || || "paration, having been counterfeited, we put the purchasers . on guard against those worthless and hurtful falsifications, . seeing that the prescriptions for these preparations are known || only in - - - SAUTER'S PHARMACY, - GENEVA. H. ELECTRO-HOMCEOPATHIC INJECTIONs. The red is for the male sex. - - The yellow is for the female sex. . The injections check with the greatest success all mucuous 'diseases, Ducorrhae (whites), old and new discharges and fluzions, etc., and they have the great advantage of never producing the drawbacks often shown by allopathic injections, which frequently cause inflammation and strictures. Two or three injections are to be used daily until a cure is effected; by taking at the same time, internally, Syphilitic or Scrofulous with Angioitt- gue the cure is hastened and assured. For females, two spoonfuls of the yellow injection mixed with the necessary quantity of water (94 liter), for one injection. * , Price in pint bottles, 75 cents. - - . & * - - - , , , –81– 1- - - SUPPOSITORIES. - The suppositories with serotuleux have an excellent effect : against constipation and inflammation of the rectum and lower parts of the abdomen. This remedy has also the great advantage of never doing any harm as ordinary purgatives do; for the latter very often overheat the in- testines of the body, thus retarding and enfeebling the natural functions. . . . These Suppositories being an excellent purgative for children, we also pre- pare them in a smaller size. It is quite sufficient to introduce one Sup- pository daily into the rectum. This is generally done at bed time. Price per box of 15 Suppositories, for adults, $1.00. $4 ** 10 * * for children, .60. , k ELECTRo-HomoeopathIC ANGIoITIquE SUPPOSITORIES. . . • , ** No doubt these are the most efficacious remedies against Hoemorrhoids and Diseases of the Bladder. These Suppositories remove almost instan- taneously the excruciating pains, and when applied for a longer time against Hoemorrhoids, their cure, be they bleeding or blind, is almost cer- tain in every case. We prescribe the Angioitique, to be taken internally at the same time. Introduce one Suppository in the anus at bed time. Price per Box, $1.00. THE ELECTRo-HomoeopathIC suppositories wiTH CANCEREUX, - Are especially recommended against Fistulas, Polypus, and Purulent | Ulcers of the Rectum. They are most efficacious against Prolapsus of the . Fundament, and are indicated in all diseases of the abdomen where Can- cereux is prescribed. Introduce daily one into the rectum at bed-time. . . Price, per Box, $1.00. s -- - & . THE ELECTRO-HOMEoPATHIC vagiNAL suppositoRIES. . They constitute an excellent remedy for female complaints. The ef- - * ficacy of the Waginal-Suppositories has already been proved by numerous , -cures, and has also been recognized by physicians. Undoubtedly this ... remedy will render great service in affections of the vagina and womb. sº- The Waginal-Suppositories replace advantageously injections in cases where these latter might be hurtful, and produce congestion of the womb. : - - # * . There cannot be any more convenient and efficacious remedy than these Suppositories against inflammation and burning and stinging pains of the mucous membrane, as well as against irregular menstruation, every kind of ulcer, whites, etc. . . . Sterility may be cured by prolonged use of this remedy when it arises from this colorless discharge. In chronic and acute discharges, their ac- , tion is certain, and, very often one box of them will suffice to remove cramps in the womb and pains in the bladder. - Also against Prolapsus Uteri; where it is necessary to wear a pessary, these Suppositories are most convenient, and it cannot be too much ap- preciated that they never can be hurtful. . - . . In consequence of their strengthening and curative properties, these Suppositories are a valuable appendage to a lady's toilet. *- ~iº- -—wº- : DIRECTIONS For use . . . One Suppository to be introduced into the vagina every night at bed- . . . time. If there be violent pains or inflammation, they may be repeated two or three times a day. = . . . Price, per Box, $1.00. * ~39– wº - ELECTRO-HOMOEOPATHIC Boug|ES. (AURAL, NASAL and UREThral Suppositories.) - These are thin cylinders from medicated cacao-butter, of about three inches in length. In order better to distinguish the different kinds, we prepare : - The Bougies of Scrofuleuz in red color. { { { { Angioitique in white “ 6 & $ 6 Cancereua in green. “ { { * { . Syphilitique in yellow “ These Bougies are exceedingly useful for the purpose of exerting a local action in cases where the application of ointment would be difficult or impossible. They become liquified by the natural heat of the body, and produce a continuous effect on the affected membrane. In venereal etc., the Bougies are almost indispensable. They are also of great im- portance in Catarrhal Affections of the Nose, Ears, and against Polypus. DIRECTIONS For USE.-According to the case, introduce a half or an entire Bougie twice a day, Price, per Box of twenty each, 75 cents. riºr & ELECTRO-HOMOEoPATHIC AURAL SUP- - POSITORIES, - From cacao-butter in which the medicine is distributed in small quantities. These Suppositories are indispensable in all kinds of aural diseases—inflammation, discharges, buzzing in the ears, deafness, abs- cesses, eruptions and headaches proceeding from the ear, etc. Introduce a Suppository into the ear three-times a day; hold the finger over the opening until the Suppository has slipped into the aural passage, and then . fill up the opening with cotton wool. - * -> - Price, per Box of forty each, 60 cents. diseases, inflammation of the Urethra, Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Fistulas, **- “PURGATIF VEGETAL.” THE ELECTRo-HoMoEoPATHIo WEGETABLE PURGATIVE. . Most purgative medicines, such as pills, teas, electuaries, etc., have the disadvantage that, while facilitating the evacuation of the intestines, they end by weakening them, and eventually paralyze the natural work- - ing of the organs. It is for this reason that the homoeopathist, Hahne- mann, interdicted their usage. It is howeverallowed, that in many cases a vegetable purgative, weak and absolutely inoffensive, is capable of doing much good when a need of stimulating the natural functions, and at the same time fortifying the organs, makes itself felt; in many cases of indigestion and through the -k - s - -- * two or three globules only. Price, per tube, 40 cents, -- abuse of allopathic medicaments, it is even necessary to relieve the bowels, as the Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies can then act more surely and effl- caciously on the patient. - + - * . . The Electro-Homoeopathic Vegetable Purgative is thus the only pur. gative patients should use; it should generally be taken early in the morning and fasting, or an hour or two before a meal. The usual dose is four or five globules placed on the tongue, with a little water or milk to aid in swallowing them. . - . . . . In obstinate cases, the dose may be gradually increased until it pro- duces its effect; however, persons in weak health should begin by taking K To children only one or two globules should be given, L. O. STICKEL 550 East 86th St, - *: ALL STAR MARKED REMEDIES OF A. SAUTER, Geneva, - CAN BE PROCURED FROM Sole Agent for U.S. and Canada, AND AT ALL AGENCIEs. --43– <=1, 1st– THE MOST COMMON DISEASES, The Remedies to be used in Treat. - - ing them. - —44— . - Appetite, loss of, 81. Blood Wessels, the, A 1. - Bowels, inflammation of the ... 'Brain, softening of * . . . ; • Chest, inflammation of, A 1 - * h Arms, numbness of, C 1 x A 1 r. - salve. • . : . . . . . Artery, tumours on the, A 1. Ascaris, V 1 x 2 Supp. contra Ascariden. Ascites, S 1 x A 1 - W salve. Asthma, A x S 1 x A 1. Asthma, nervous As. X N. R* , Agrion of infants to the breast, Bilious Fever, F 1 x 8 1. - Bladder, inflammation of the, S — Supp. w A 1 ~. Badiº, of the, S 1 x A 1 — Supp. w A : . . . . . . p. W. A. Bladder, Polypus of C1 – Supp. w. C. For females, w. Wag. Supp. Blood, congestion of the, A 1. “ tumours in the, A 1 w. Salve. “ spitting of, A 1 — A 2 in: Band. ". - - inflammation of Boils, Sy. 1 — gr. Salve. Bone, tumors on the, S 1 w. Salve. Bones, pains in the, S 1 — r. El. Bowels, consumption of the, S 1 x, C — Supp. S C 1 - 8 S , 8 1 x U 1 — Supp. w. S. . . . . . p the, C 1 r. El. concussion of the, S 1 r. El. “ inflammation of the, A 1 x F 1 or S 1 x F 1. - Breath, foul, S 1 x C 1. . Caries, S 1 x C 1 Fr. Salve. Catarrh, S 1 x P 1. . . * Čataract, s1. Chafing of the face, S 1, r. Salve. gr. Salve on the neck and throat and inhale V w. El. . . . Chilblains, A 1 x 8 1 r. Salve. g Chlorosis, A 1, or A 1 x 8 1. | Cholera, Chol. x 81 x C 5. Clap, Sy. 1 r. inject. or g. Bg. Costiveness, S 1 Supp. S. Colic, 81 — Supp. m. S. Constipation, S. 1. . . . Consumption,81 x N. Convulsions, N x 8 1. Coughs, P 1. ., § { § { { { congestive, P 1 x A 1. nervous, P 1 x S 1 x N. choking, P 1 x 8 1. Courses, A 1 bl. El. Corpulency, C 1. Cramps of all kinds, S 1 x N — r. Salve. - Croup, P 1 x S 1 x C 4 — S 5 w. Ei. on the neck and throat and inhale . W. W. ; : - - Cullus, spots on the, F 1 x 8 1. gr. . Salve. . . . - Deafness, A 1 x C 1 — Aural Supp. | Rebility, generat, S 1 x N. Diabetes, S 1 x N. . . . . | Diarrhoea, S.1 x D. Dizziness, A 1. . . . - Dropsy, A 1 x C 1 w. Salve. - Dropsy, pectoral, A 1 w. Salve. Dysentery, D x S 1 x A 1. . Dysury, S 1 x A: 1. . . . . . is.” – Ear, discharges of the, A 1 x C 1 - * gr. Bg. or w. Bg. Aural Supp. Ear ache, S 1. - Elephantiasis, S 1 r. Salve. Emissions, involuntary, S 1. Ennervation, N. . - Epilepsy, A 1 x 8 1 x N. Eruptions, S 1 — r. Salve. Excrescences, C. 1 — gr. Salve. . Excitement, N x A 3 x F 1 or S 1 x F 1. - Eyes, homorrhages of, A 1: , - ‘‘ imflammation of, A 1 — A 2 in band. . . . Eyelids, inflammation of the, S 1 x –45– Eyelids, cancer of, C 1 - gr. Salve. “º weakness of, S 1 — S 6 in bands with Salve on the temples. Faintness, N x 8 1. - - Feet, sweating of the, S 1 r. Salve. Fever, F 1. - - “ with rash, F 1 x 8 1. . . “ intermittent, F 1 w. Salve. Flushing in the face, S 1 r. Salve. Finger, maggots, A 1–w. Salve — w. bl El. . . . , Finger, tumors on the, A. 1 gr. Salve. Fistula, A 1 x C 1 gr. Salve or A 1 x C 1 gr. Bg. - * Fistula, on the rectum, A 1 x C 1 Supp. w. C. - Fits, nervous, N x 8 1. . Ganglion, S 1 — r. Salve. Gangrene, moist, C 1 gr. Salve. Glands, boils on the,Sy.1—gr. Salve. “ tumours on the, S 1 gr. Salve. - g Gonorrhoea, Sy. 1 — r. Injection or . bg. - gå. § x S 1 r. Salve. Gravel, six 61. - Gripes, S 1 — Supp. with 8. Gums, affectation of the, S 1 — r. El, as gargle. . . Gums, fistula in, C 1 x 8 1. Hand, cramps in the, S 1 red Salve. Headache, S 1 wa El. - - “ nervous, N x S 1 — w. El. or N x A 1. - - Heart, defective action of the, A 1 S 1 ... * Heart, inflammation of the, A 2. “ palpitation of the, A 1. Heartburn, S 1. Hip, gout, C 1 x S 1 — r. Salve. Hoarseness, P 1. Hooping Cough, P 1 x 8 1. Hysteria, S 1 x C 1 Wag. Supp. Hoematurie, A 1 w. Bg. *4. * Homorrhage, A 1– A 2 in band. bł El . Hºmorrhoids, blind, S 1 x A t w Salve, Supp. w. C. Hoemorrhoids, bleeding, S 1 x A 1. Supp. w. A. - Imposthume, A 1 x C 1 — gr. Salve. Impotence, S 1 x N — r. ği. • Indigestion, S 1. - Indurations, S 1 x C 1 gr. Salve. Inflammations, 8 x A 1 — A 2 in band. - Intestines, cancer of, C 1 x S 5 – * Supp. with C. Irritability, nervous, N. Ischury, S 1 x A 1. Itch, S 1 r. Salve. Jaundice, F1 gr. Salve. . Joints, inflammation of, G. r. El. Kidney disease, A 1 x F 1 x S 1. Lachrymalfistula, S 1. lºs, inflammation of the, P 1 x 1 - - Legs, cramps in the, S 1 — r. Salve, “ tumour on the, S1–r. Salve. Leucorrhoea, Sy. 1 x C 1 — y. In- ject. Wag. Supp. ... " Liver, induration of the, F1 g. Salve ** inflammation ** ** ** é & swelling § { i i $$ * Lumbago, F fºr S 1 r. El. r. Salve. Pº, inflammation of the, P 1 x Mange, S 1 r. Salve. Melancholia, S 1. Menstruation. irregular, C 1 x A 1 Wag. Supp. 2- Mºl cramps, A 1 x C 1 Wag upp. • - Mºis fever, F 1 x S 1. Nº. cramps in the, N × S 1 – F. : Nervous disorders, NxS 1. “ excitement, NxS 1. “ fever, F 1 x C 5 and con. -.* stant frºm of one table. Salivation, S 1 - w. El. in one litre of Scarlet Fever, F 1 x 8 1, - - spoonf º on the head and breast. | Sciatica, S 1 — r. Salve — r. El. Neuralgia, N x A 1 w. El. Scrofula, C 1 gr. Salve. Neuralgy, N — w. El. - Scurf, S 1, r. Salve. Nipple, inflammation of, A 1 gr. Scurvy, A 1 x S 1 — S 5 in band. . . . . . Salve; Seasickness, S 1. . . . . Nose, abscess on the, C 1 gr. Bg. | Sleep, loss of, N x S 1. “ bleeding at the, A 1 bi. El. Smell, loss of, 8 1. “ inflammation of the, S 1 A 2 | Somnambulism, S 1 x N. - for inject. - - Somnolency, S 1. . . . . - “ polypus in the, S 1 x C 5 gr. sº Marrow, inflammation of the, - gº 1 * 44 suppuration of the, S 1 — gr. Spleen, S 1 x F1 Supp. w. N. - - g. w. Bg. - St. Vitus' Dance, N x S 1 “ , tumor in the, A 1 w. S. Stammering, Nºx S 1 r. El. Nursing, inflammation from, F 1 || Sterility, when it is occasioned by - g. Salve. emissions, C1 x A 1, Wag. Supp. “ scabs from, on infants, S 1 r. Stomachache, S 1. - - - Stomach, cancer on the, C 1 x S 1. . Salve. . . * = Oedema, A 1 wa Salve. “ cramps in the, C 1 x S 1. Onanism, consequences of, S 1 x N. # inflammation on the, S 1 Orchitis, A 1 x Sy. 1 w. Salve. - - - Supp. A. Ovary, inflammation of the, A 1 | Stricture, C 1. g. B g. Wag. Supp. - Suffocation, S 1. Palsy, A 1 x N x S 1. Swoon, S. 1, Parotid Gland, inflammation of, S 1 Sycoma, Sy. 1 gr. Salve. . . . x C 1 gr. Salve, Aural Supp. Syphilitic Ulcers, Sy. 1–gr. Salve. Pericardium, dropsy of the, A 2. * { Chancres, Sy. 1 — w. Phlegm in the lungs, P 1. - Salve. * Piles, C. 1 — Supp. C. : Tapeworm, W 1 x .V 2 Sauter's . . . ... Pleurisy, S 1. . . . * Taenifuge. * - Pox, Sy. 1 x C 1. . . . - Taste, loss of, S 1. - Prolapsus, S 1 x C 5 —Supp. C. Teeth, gnashing during sleep, N x Puerperal fever, F 1 x A i Weg. S 1. . . . . . . - . . . Supp. w. Salve bl. El... . . Teething, hard, S 1. . . . . §: P 1 x C 4, inhale w. El. Testicles, inflammation of the, A 1 elaxation of the womb, S 1 Wag. x C 1 wi Salve. s upp. - | Tetters, S 1 r. Salve. Rºgy troubles, As. X S 1, or ; Tetanus, S 1. - As. x:S 1 x A 1. , Throat, inflammation of, A 1 x C 1 Rhachitism, S 1 — r. Salve. * T r. El. f. Grg. . . . Rhetºmatic fever, F 1. . - Tongue, inflammation of, Aix S 1 . . . . Rupture, S 1 r. Salve. “ ulcers on the, C 1. . * , Salivary Glands, inflammation of, C1 Toothache, S 1 w. El. : : —47— Toothache, nervous, s1 x Nw. El. Tracheal Pthisis, P 1 x S 5. Tumors, C 1 gr. Salve. Ulcers, C 1 gr. Salve, or Sy. 1 gr. Salve. Ureter and Vagina Discharges, S 1 x C 1 Wag. Supp. f |Urethra, inflammation of the, S 1 x Sy. 1 — g. Bg. Urinal Bladder, inflammation of the, S 1. -, Urinal Bladder, palsy of, S 1 x C 1. Urinal Glands, inflammation of the, 81 x A 1 w. Salve. . - wºulon, results of, S 1 x L. x 5 - - Varicocele, A 1. gr. Salve, Waricose Weins, A 1 — w. Salve. { % ‘‘ ulcers on the, A 1 i. gr. Salve. Weins, sciatic bleeding of the, A 1 - - Supp. A. “ tumors in the, A 1–w. Salve. Venereal Swelling of the Bones, Sy. 1 gr. Salve. Voice, loss of, P 1 x 8 1. Womiting, S 1. Wetting the Bed, S 1. - Womb, bleeding of the, A 1 x S 1 Wag. Supp. - “ inflammation of the, A 1 x S_1 x C 1 Vag. Supp. “ prolapsus of the, S 1 Wag T, Supp. - “ polypus of the, C 1 — g. Iñject. Wag. Supp. Worms, W 1 Supp. S. Wounds, bleeding, A 1 bl. El. “ suppurate, S 1 gr. Salve. ABBREVIATIONS. Band., Bandages; poultices. 1)x, Alternate with. 2)—, and. Supp., Suppositories. El., Electricities. Bg., Bougies. 1) For instance, A x s means Angioitique alternately with Scrofuleux. 2) I & C — Supp. w. C means Cancereux and Suppositories with Cancereux. * “Anti-nervous” acts in strong dilutions—three to four glasses—in a soothing manner on the nerves, and in ordinary doses—which can be increased to three globules per day—it is the best tonic for invalids and convalescents. nºr ITHºmº ºn CIHHINTIER, ALT, ©Fjomceopothic & Pharmacy,69 A, SAUTER, GENEVA, § PRICE-LIST : [GLoBULEs, IN TUBEs.] A BBREVIATED. PRICE. Angioitique 1, tºr - * sº A 1 - $ 0.40 Id. 2, - * sº - A 2 mys .40 Id. 3, rººm * s * A 3 - - .40 Asthmatique, - tºº wº fºr As. wº .40 Cancereux 1, m sº * * F. C 1 - - .40 Id. 2, - me mº &ºm C 2 rº- .40 * C 3 - - .40 Id. 3, º *- - * Id. 4, - tº- * * C 4 - . .40 Cancereux, 5, * tººl ſº - C 5 - Id. 6, - - * * C 6 Id. 10, * - - - C 10 *-*. Cholerique, - - • tº Chol. Diarrheique, sº & * - D. - Febrifuge 1, - Jº wº º F1 r id. 2, * . 3-ºr sº - F 2 - Goutteux, mºn - --> tºº, G Lymphatique, * - tºy * { - L sys Nerveux, wº & * sº N. - - Pectoral 1, * gº * * - P 1 - Id. : 2, - <- - * P2 Id. 3, * º cº- - P 3 - Id. 4, vºs * my ~ - * P 4 Scrofuleux 1, - - tº- Eº S 1 - Id. 2, - yº sº- * S 2 Id. 3, sº - * - S 3 - Id. 4, - mº- º a.º. S 4 Id. 5, º * * * S 5 - Id. 6, - tº * > • S 6 Syphilitique 1, * > º º - Sy. 1 – t Id. 2, - - - wº- - Sy. 2 Vermifuge, 1, * &º m. - V 1 - Id. 2, - --> ... • * - W 2 Purgatif-Vegetal, - º * - P. W. - ELECTRICITIES.–FLUIDs, —OR- : Electro-Vegetal Fluids, Blue Electricity, Per Bottle, * -- - Bl. El., Green Id. { { - * Gr. El., Red . Id. , “ . * - R. El. White Id. { { sº -- W. El. Yellow Id. - sº - Y. El. * i .75 - .75 .75 - 75 —51— OINTMENTS. Green Ointment, Per Pot, * º Gr. Ointm. $ 0.75 Red Id. § { sº - * - R. Ointm. .75 White Id. ſº dº rº -ºl W. Ointm. .75 Yellow Id. & # wn * - Y. Ointm. .75 INJECTIONS.–FLUIDS, Red Injection, Pint Bottle, - jº - R. Inj. $0.75 Yellow Id. { { - nº. * Y. Inj. * .75 . SUPPOSITORIES. - Suppositories with Angioitique, Per Box, - - Supp. Ang. $ 1.00 Id. with Cancereux, * * Supp. Canc. 1.00 Id. with Scrofułeux, for adults, - Supp. Scrof. 1.00 Id" £ t for children, Supp. f. Child. .60 Hd. Waginal, sº *- - Wag. Supp. 1.00 Id. Ear, tºg * jºr E. Supp. .60 Green Bougies, sº --- sº Gr. Bg. $ 0,75 Red Id. ... • sº sm - R. Bg. - .75 White Id. - lºs -º-º: * W. Bg. .75 Yellow Id, sºn sº * * - Y. Bg. - .75 POCKET CASES. The Small Case, containing the 8 Principal Remedies, in globules, $ 3.00 . The Middle Sized Case, containing the 8 Principal Remedies, in - globules, and 3 Electricities, gº gº - 5.50 The Large Case, containing 24 Remedies, in globules, and the 5 Electricities, sº iº :- gº. * 12.00 The Collection complete, containing all the Remedies in globu- les—Electro-Fluids, Ointments, Suppositories, Injections, and Bougies and Guide Book of Bonqueval, - - 28.00 —52– large cities. B 0 0 K S. - Guide Book of Bonqueval (German), - tºys. - $2.00 4 t i t . “ (English), tº - 2.00 * * “ (French), - - - 2.00 * -, * “ { { (Spanish), - * - . 2.00 { { ** of Bérard (English), gr * - 1.00 “ “ of Dr. Regard (French), . . . . • .75 -*, * # tº # t { { it { - (German), º *s * .75. * - • r- Pamphlets gratis, on application. LEWIS O. STICKEL, . 550 E, 86th St. N. Y. sole AGENt for united states AND canADA, l —FOR- Electro-Homºeopathic Star-Marked Remedies. ºr Depots for these valuable medicines will be established in all NOTICE. The Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies of the Sauter Pharmacy bear a Red and Blue Star as Trade-Mark, besides the name. This trade-mark is . . copyrighted in all countries, and infringements will be vigorously pro- . secuted. - - | - All orders are promptly attended to after receipt of remittance for the amount, which can be sent by P. o. Money order or Notes, Express Money Order, Check on N. Y. Banks or Banknotes. A large discount will be given to Physicians, Clergymen, and Public Institutes. All orders (if dry medicines), such as Globules, Suppositories, Oint- * . " ments or Books are sent by mail, postage prepaid, but fluids are only sent by express, and not prepaid, * * —53– ITIMINT | IDR ~ Central Homoeopathic Depot, . A, SAUTER, Geneva, Switzerland. As well as at the Following Depots: SWITZERLAND. Aigle, - tº- º ... • - Koerner, Druggist Bern, - * wº tº- - Brunner, “. Bex, - - . ~ * Borel, “ Clarens, - • tº ºs - Rührer, “ Grandson, - • - J. Schnapp-Bertholet, “ Neuchatel, *- {sº sº tº Jordan, “ Lausanne, - . - sº ga - Pischl, “ | , , , Luzern, * * * sº • Weibel, “ Rorschach, - - nº ºn " Rothenhausler, “ . Samaden (Engadin), &= - - Mutschler, “ St. Moritz, - - - - - Mutschler, “ Schaffhausen, - * ºr T Pfahler, “ Sentier, * sy ºr * tºº - Maylan, “ St. Gallen, * * * • * º Hausman, “ Wallorbes, - * º - . Addor, “ —54– Zürich, fººt - Beuttner, (Tonhalle Square), Druggist Agram, - . . - -- Cermak, Salvator-Pharmacy . . Zürich-Hottingen, *. §4 * Hauser, “ Zürich-Enge, . - - - - Daiber, “ . General Depot for North-Germany. Dresden, - * . - G. GRUNER's Homoeopathic Office * GERMANY. - Berlin, h * M. Kahnemann, “Solomon Pharmacy, Charlotte St. § { - - * “Engel Pharmacy,” 44 Cannon St. “’ “Crown Pharmacy,” 160 Frederick St., bet. Linden Ave, and Behren St. Breslau, - º - Joh. Müller, “Hummerei Pharmacy” Bad Köstritz (Reussj. L.), - - E. Wild, “Engel Pharmacy”. Colmar, - sº-º- - - W. Ribstein, Druggist Danzig, m . 4- • Kornstadt, Consulting “ ... . . . . Esslingen (Würtemb), - Heimsch, “Fischbrunn Pharmacy” Eisenach, ** tº - A. Meyer, “Court Druggist” Frankfurt a.M., - -, Strauch, “Frankfurten Adler Pharmacy” -- Gebweiler, sº $- * * * - Kroenig, Druggist Hamburg, * * tºp * * . . Hafen, “ Helibronn, - as * - Nick & Walter, “ Metz, - - G. Corhummel, 32 rue Serpenoise, “. Posen, - * * - º - Rothe, “ Strassburg, - - Schwartz, “Zum eisernen Mann Pharmacy” Stuttgart, - . * , e. *- - Otto, Druggist Trier, * - * Belli & Comp. (Dr. Voss), “’ GENERAL DEPOT FOR BAWARIA. Munich, tº . A. Kaufman, Central Homoeopathic Pharmacy - . . AUSTRIA. . . . . Vienna, - r C. Haubner's Engel Pharmacy, Stadt a. Hof, | —55— - Bozen, - * * Moser, St. Anna, City Pharmacy Brixen, - - * L. Staub's Court Pharmacy Brünn, * wº - - J. Brichta, “ Klagenfurth, º * dº . . W. Thurnwald, Druggist Krakau, * * yº. J-. Wiktor Redyk, “ Lemberg, . * H. Blumenfeld, Z. gold. Elephanten Pharmacy Laibach, - sº Eras Birschitz, Z. Maria-Hilf Pharmacy Meran (Tyrol), - * - º Wilh. W. Pernwerth, Druggist Prague, * tº- - J. Fürst, Z..Weissen Engel Pharmacy Salzburg, º - * Dr. Sedlitzky, Court Druggist Wels, * Jºs * lº Carl Richter, “ - Budapest, - - sº Zum Reichspalatin Pharmacy. Arad, - - ſº- *m Math. Rozsnyay, Druggist Debreczin, - wº º Dr. Emil Rothschnek, “ Miscoloz, tº - " * m; Dr. Hercz, “ Pressburg, - - * .. * Wend. Heim, “ Szegedin, sº * <-ºs - C. W. Barcsay, “ Szolyvan, - * * . * Tolvay Jnre, “ Temesvar, * - C. M. Janer, König v. Ungarn Pharmacy |FRANCE. Paris, Pharmacie Wührlin, 42 rue Taitbout, General Depot for the * . . - North of France # 4 sº - * Acard, Pharmacy, rue St.-Honoré, 213 : , ; . ~ * Rodet, Pharmacy, 7 boulevard de Clichy Agen, - wº * * * E. Sentini, Druggist Aizenay, * * - * Pharmacie Wrignaud Alger, - º tº- - Knoertzer, 4 rue de Constantine Amiens, sº- º * * * - Rattel, Druggist Arcachon, * sº - * * rºy Sudre, “ Autun, * * - - - L. Dubois, “ Besangon, * Rya º Béjean, 88 Grand’rue, “ Béziers, dººr - * * - Coulouma, “ Bordeaux, * * * Caparroy-Dulord, “ . Moscow, - Forbricher's Successor, Central Homoeopathic Drug Store - - - Fr. Wagner, Sokolniki, Court Druggist 4 § Bordeaux, - . . . . º ſº - Marzelle, Druggist Cannes, (alpes marit), & e- - C. Carlevan, “ . . . Carpentras (Vaucluse), - * , - Ranchier, “ Cette, - - - * * Simonnot, “ Carcassonne, - • - * - Dr, Tournié, “ . St. Etienne (Loire), ºr * . r L. Bouyer, “ . . Grenoble, - - - * , - Werna, “ . Havre, - * . º Weber, 40 rue Thiers, “ Le Mas d'Azils, sº • * * - Lourde, “’ Libourne, - ... - Fº * Loustannau, “ . Limoges, • - M. Legros, 11 rue du Clocher, “ ” Loriol (Drome) - $or, † Bérard Son, “ . Lyon, . - Prudon, Barnoud, 3 rue de la République, “ . Marseille, P. Planche, 1 boulevard de la Madeleine, “Druggist of - - - - - the First Class” Menton, - - * - Lindewald, Druggist Montargis, - - Bombrault, 15 rue des Lauriers “ Montpellier, *gr - - - - Slizewicz, “ Nancy, • . - . . . - E. Poulet, “ - Nantes, * º tº- - - Libaros, Library “ - - - |- º Guiugeard, Druggist Narbonne, - sº º gº - L. Bouges, “ . Nice, - -ºil º Süe Pharmacy, 18 avenue de la Gare “ - - Feraud, Druggist, 46 avenue de la Gare Pau, - Fºl . . ºr - W. Sallefranque, Druggist St. Quentin (Aisne), - * , dº E. Garin, 6 rue de l'Evéhé . . . . Teims, - . . - F. Colin, 26 rue de Talleyrand, Druggist Thonon (Hte-Savoie), wº - E. Deroux, “. Tonnerre (Yonne) - - - Prunier, “ . Toulon, * * sº - Baumier, “ . . Toulouse, - - - - - - Destouet, “ . Versailles, * - * * Orbinot, “ . - R U S S II A. seawº” - - Warsaw, - 㺠* > hº k Szteyner, Crown Druggist Riga, whº, º ſº - Th. Anspach, § { : - BELGIUM. • Brussels, * * . • E. Seutin, Homoeopathic Pharmacy “ - - 64 rue de Laken, Homoeopathic Pharmacy Liege, - - - - gº L. Bodson, Druggist DENMARK. - . . Copenhagen, - - - - L. Larsen, 22 Linnésgade ROUMANIA. Bukarest, - - - - V. Thuringer, Druggist Florence, sº - . . . . Janssen, German Pharmacy “ sº m dº Lucio Roda, 9 Via del Giglio Milan, - • - Omati, Homoeopathic Pharmacy Naples, º - i- * * D. Sica, Druggist Rome, - gº * * - Alleori, Homoeopathic “ San Remo, - sº - Wiedemann, £ 4 “ * PRINCIPALITY or MonAco. Monaco-Condamine, tº - - Plissonnier, Druggist - -- § PA IN e - - Madrid, - - - 69 J. Alzugaray Calle de Fuencarral . . . . g & 6 * * º Garcia Cenarro; 4 u. 6 Abada TURKEY AND THE ortre.NT. Constantinople, Dr. J. Zanni, Place du Pont. Walidé Soultan Han I. - - - § Sun Pharmacy º “Augier, Carpentras, Vaucluse, France, - . r - - - - - . - * - - } - l t - - s - f - f . . . . . . . . C H II, I. . . . Santiago, - - D. Mourgues & Co. 32 Calle de Ahumada IBR AZIL. - Pernambuco, dº * jº - J. W. de Medeiros Porto Alegre, - - - Martel Vincente Porto, Successor Para, Province of Para, ** * - O. P. da Silva & Co., .. General Depot for United states and Canada. New York, . * L. O. Stickel, 550 East 86th Street EAST INDIES. Mangalore, - * - Mercantile Mission Branch PHYsicIANs who PRESCRIBE THE NEW IIHMINT "Silliºn Dr. Agatho, O. S. B., Charleston, S. C., United States, “Aichberb, Santa-Cruz, Californla, United States, “Albertz, 11 Gartenstrasse, Flensburg. “Anna, Chittoor, Madras Pesidency, East Indies, "...º-i- “Faulkner, Erie, Pennsylvania, United States. - - “ Fewson, Editor of the “Electro-Homoeopathic Monthly Magazine,” “Foster, Guernsey, England. - - “Frestier, 34 Quai St.-Antoine, Lyons, France. –50– Dr. Baldelli, F.25 Via della Scala, Florence, Italy. “Barabits, Csabrendek, Hungary. * . “Bellert, Pretschistenkastrasse, Haus Forbricker, Moscow, Russia. “ Beno, O. S. B., Richmond, Va., United States. . “ Bernoulli, San Francisco, California, United States. “Berthelen, Loschwitz, near Dresden, Germany. “Bielsky, Lemberg, Germany. “Biraben, Masquiès (Canton de Tournon d'Agenais). “Bliss, Fowler, Michigan, United States. “ Boissi, de, 65 rue St.-Jacques, Marseilles, France. “ Boy, 3 rue d'Espalungue, Pau, Basses-Pyrénées, France. “Buchelen, Marbach, Wurtemberg, Germany. “Buno, Alleghany City, Pa., United States. “Burton, Moosey Creek, East Tenessee, United States. “Callin, 23 rue Noailles, Marseilles, France. “Calvineac, de, 65 rue Judaiqua, Bordeaux, France. “Campen, H. W., Nystedt Howard, Nebraska, United States. “Chariton-Elézis, Constantinople, Turkey. 's. “ Charroppin, .22 rue de Laval, Paris, France. “ Chrzanowski, Krakau, Hungary. - # “Clauzel, médecin de l’hopital, Bergerac, Dordogne, France. “Coville, Belding, Michigan, United States. “Créquy, de, Aruhur, Amiens, France. “Gsicsaky, Bacs Almas, Hungary. • “ Delalande, Tours, rue du Commerce, France. - - * “ Duz, Constantinople, Turkey. “Edinger, Dreisamstrasse, Freiburg i. B., Germany. “ Eenens, Hal, Belgium. “Fabréguette 13 rue Roussy, i. Nimes, Gard., France. Brodbank street, Danzig, Germany. - “Frey, 10 Taunusplatz, Frankfurt-a-M., Germany. “Friedl, O. W., Sacramento, California, United States. 4*. - Dr. Friedl, Mara, Szombat. “Furest y Roca, Gerona. “. Gauthier, Tunis, Africa. - “Giesecke, Buffalo, New York, United States. - “Gmelin, Garnevillo, Iowa, United States. “ Gulick, Ithaca, Michigan, United States. “ Hoesch, 108 Friederichstrasse, Berlin, Germany. “ Haindel, Wilwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. * Haunon, Chicago, Ill., United States. “ Helbeck, Hochst, Vorarlberg, Germany. “ Jacobi, 70 II Breiteweg, Germany. “ Kain, Kaschau, Upper Hungary, “ Karst, Chicago, Ill., United States. “ Kaul, H. W., 49 Fehrbellinerstrasse, Berlin, Germany. “ Kellner, J., Funflºirchen, Hungary. *. “. Kimmell, Kansas City, Mo., United States. “ Konig, Andelsbach, Bregenzerwald, Germany. “ Lachermayer, Titusville, Pa. United States. - . . . “Lachs, Homoeopathic Dispensary, 10 Hauptstrasse, IV. Vienna, Austria. “Landry, Chief Editor of the “Electro-Homoeopathic International Review,” 58 rue la Boétie, prés St. Augustin, Paris, France. “ Lejeune, Pamplemousse, Mauritius. | “. Lemoine, 41 rue de la Victoire, Paris, France. ... " “ Letoquart, Newark, New Jersey, United States. # “Liebmann, 46 rue Cambon, Paris, France. “ Londynsky, Alexandria, Egypt. ... “Lovett, Erie, Pennsylvania, United States, . . . “ Lugon, Martigny, Wallis. “ Margulit, Walpo, Slavonien Essek. - “Mathias, G. S. B., Pittsburg, Pa., United States. g . . ." Millou, 29 Boulevard de la Madeleine, Marseilles, France. “ Moller, Henry, Ligist, Steiermark. -- “, Monnier, 14 rue Copernic, Paris, France. * : * ~ . “ J. P. Moser, Trier. - “ Mutschlechner, Brixen, Tyrol. r - “Nagy, Ignace, Almas-Karamas, Arad, Hungary. --- **. . —61—- Dr. Nedden, L. Z., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. “ Oriard, San Francisco, California, United States. ** Oriard, Oakland, California, United States. . “Pagliano, 10 via Manzoni, Milan, Italy. “Popovits, Bukarest. - “ Rasse, St. Honoré-les-Bains, France. “Rauch, Unteraurach. . . . . \ “Reich, Joseph, East Saginaw, America. “Reisdorf, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. * “Riera Torrent, Madsemana. - * “Rinaldis, de, 6 Vico Belladonne a Chiaia, Naples, Italy. “Rindowsky, Kharkoff, 33 Deutsche Street, Russia. * “Rusquet, Leon, Avignonet, Haute-Geronne. “ Rymarkiewicz, 25 Aleja Jerozolimska, Warsaw, Poland. & “Sauer, West Kansas City, Mo., United States. - º “Scheiber, Badbesitzer, Innichen, Pusterthal, Tyrol. “ Schutze. - - . . “Secretain, 42 rue du Bac, Paris, France. “. Seidenstricker, Pittsburg, Pa., United States. | “Siemssen, 6 Kronprinzessegade, Copenhagen, Denmark. w *- - “ Sirsch, mahr Schonberg. • * : “Sokologorsky, Soubowsky Boulevard, Moscow. . . . *... “Soobramanio-Sastri, Chittoor, Madras Presidency, East Indies. “ Stockl, A, prakt Arzt, Hofgastein. “Sulzer, Lippborg, Westphalia, * Széles, M. Sziget. - “ Taillard, Tournus, Saone-et-Loire, France: “Tournié, Carcassonne, place aux Herbes, Aude, France. “Verdi, 8 via Faenza di Dioreto, Florence Italy. “Vianco, chevalier, Pinerolo, Italy. - “Vilas, Joseph, Neumarkt, Tyrol, Austria. “Volbeding, 17 Schadowstrasse Dusseldorf, Germany. “Volpi, V., Professor, Schillerstrasse, Munich, Germany. “Young, Titusville, Pa. United States. - - “Zeilinger, Jubilee, Iowa, United States. “Zupansky, Lindewiese, Austrian Selesia. º ~! º 2"/2 - sº •ºv i ) -A. : y . . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. . Small muscles of us ear. . . Salivary glands o the ear. . Great tongue nerve. . Sciatic nerve . Sole of the foot. . Muscle of the forehead. . Upper orbit. . Lower “ Root of the nose. Nerve of the arm. Solar flesus. Pit of the stomach. Great ympulsie Hypochondriac. - Crural nerve. . Small Hypoglossal nerve. Occiput. - Great sympathetic. - Spine. Chiné bone, 22, Anus. : + - - - rt * , - - - - I -: *-*.*, * ~~~~ *-*-*. UNIVERSITY of Michigan | | ||||| | | ~~~srººp-raºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-