"****rºw--------, -wa. -: *****, **:: 3 /.3% & LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society, A PRIL, 1897. Admitted. NAME. - RESIDENCE. 1890. Adams, George S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westboro. 1866. Ahlborn, Henry C. . . . . . . . . 258 Marlboro Street, Boston. 1892. Allen, Lamson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester. 1856. Angell, Henry C. . . . . . . . . . . I6 Beacon Street, Boston. 1890. Appleton, Lucy C. . . . . . . . 160 West Brookline Street, Boston. 1859. Babbitt, Warren M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randolph. 1879. Babcock, Francis L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dedham. 1890. Babcock, Daniel A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall River. 1876. Baker-Flint, Almena J. . . . . . . Io2 Huntington Avenue, Boston. 1895. Barker, Emily J. 1872. Barton, J. Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester. 1894. Batchelder, Frederick P. . . . . 232 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. 1895. Batchelder, Henry F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danvers. 1878. Bellows, Howard P. . . . . . . . . 229 Berkeley Street, Boston. 1885. Bell, James B. . . . . . . . . 178 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. 1892. Bennett, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pawtucket, R. I. 1891. Bennitt, Francis M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicopee. 1880. Blaisdell, James E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chelsea. 1882. Bliss, George D. . . . . . . . . . 151 Adams Street, Dorchester. 1888. Blodgett, Samuel II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cambridge. 1887. Bongartz, Walter E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beverly. 1895. Bond, Aaron J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adams. 1868. Boothby, Alonzo . . . . . . . . . 1 Worcester Square, Boston. 1889. Bosworth, John W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roslindale. 1892. Bothfeld, J. Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton. 1885. Brackett, Humphrey F. . . . . . 230 Washington Street, Brighton. 1897. Bray, Amanda C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester. º tº º ſº tº s e º 'º º ſº Wellesley. 1894. Barnes, William E. . . . . . . . . 429 Dudley Street, Roxbury. 1891. Barstow, Benjamin P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kingston. MEMBERS OF THE 2 ADMITTED. NAME. 1891. Briggs, J. Emmons 1891. Brown, Daniel E. 1897. Burpee, Carroll C. 1897. Butterfield, George W. 1887. Calderwood, Samuel H. . 1884. Carpenter, Edward A. 1875. Carvill, Alphonso H. 1861. Cate, Shadrach M. 1893. Chalmers, Robert . 1876. Chase, Herbert A. 1856. Chase, Hiram L. 1878. Chase, Joseph, Jr. . . 1893. Childs, Helen S. . . . 1890. Chipman-Palmer, Anna M. 1879. Church, Adaline B. 1879. Church, Benjamin T. . 1871. Clapp, Herbert C. 1877. Clapp, J. Wilkinson . 1897. Clarke, Edwin A. . 1890. Clarke, Mortimer H. . 1882. Clements, Lydia R. 1880. Clock, Frank B. I893. Cocke, James R. 1880, Cobb, Harriet H. . 1880. Coffin, John L. 1872. Colby, Edward P. . 1891. Coleman, Ellenwood B. . 1892. Constans, Frank E. 1871. Conant, Thomas 1892. Coy, S. Willard 1896. Crisand, Carl 1895. Crocker, H. Clinton 1893. Cross, Grace E. 1866. Cross, Hiram B. 1880. Culver, Jane K. 1880. Cummings, M. Louisa . 1866. Cushing, Alvin M. 1867. Cutler, William C. 1885. Damon, Newcomb L. 188o. Davis, Frank S. 1892. Davis, Frederick A. 1895. Davis, Roland A. . 1885. Defriez, William P. 1858. Dennett, George W. . 1885. Devereaux, Jane S. 1870. Dickerman, Silas B. RESIDENCE. . 204 Huntington Avenue, Boston. . Brockton. Malden. * e º 'º e ºs Ashland. 2512 Washington Street, Roxbury. North Cambridge. Somerville. . Lancaster. Woburn. . Cambridgeport. . Cambridgeport. & g : East Weymouth. . 454 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain. . 27 Folsom Street, Roxbury. . Io2 Huntington Avenue, Boston. & s e e is Winchester. . 334 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. - Brookline. Worcester. . Auburndale. tº a tº Brookline. 282 Columbus Avenue, Boston. 224 Marlboro Street, Boston. North Cambridge. 229 Berkeley Street, Boston. 845 Boylston Street, Boston. º Nantucket. . Brockton. * g e a Gloucester. . 3OO Meridian Street, East Boston. Worcester. gº º Providence, R. I. 581 Broadway, South Bóston. 21 Seaverns Avenue, Jamaica Plain. 13 Arlington Street, Boston. Boston. Springfield. g º e e º a Chelsea. 405 Washington Street, Dorchester. • * * * Quincy. 8o Huntington Avenue, Boston. Cross and Pearl Streets, East Somerville. Brookline. South Framingham. . Marblehead. . Abington. MASS. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 3 ADMITTED. . NAME. 1896. Dike, John . 1894. Downs, H. Ashton 1895. Dudley-Clapp, Ida 1894. Dunn-Cary, Jennie S. 1886. Dwinell, Byron L. 1885. Earl, George H. 1890. Eaton, Samuel L. . 1889. Elliott, Frederick W. 1893. Elliot, Sydney B. 1893. Emerson, Fred L. . 1882, Emerson, Nathaniel W. . 1893. Emery, W. Newell 1875. Farley, William C. I896. Farrington, Annie L. 1890. Fick, Herman A. . 1896. Fisher, Edgar A. 1893. Fitch, Edward D. 1876. Flanders, Martha J. 1869. Fletcher, William K. . 1875. Forbes, George F. 1890. Ford, Nehemiah B. 1879. Foss, David c 1861. French, Alfred J. . 1892. French, Winslow B. . 1890. Gannon, Annie M. 1888. Gardner, Frank A. 1893. Garey, Charles W. 1887. Gary, Clara E. . . 1887. Glazier, Frederick P. . 1894. Gleason, Charles S. 1895. Green, Thomas W. 1891. Grow, Timothy R. 1891. Hale, Edwin Emery . 1879. Hall, Charles B. 1885. Halsey, Frederick W. 1897. Hammond, Allen D. . g 1887. Hammond-Field, Susan P. 1885. Hanson, Wm. G. 1856. Harris, John T. 1874. Hastings, Caroline I. 1871. Hathaway, William F. 1897. Haub, Augustine C. 1867. Hayward, Joseph W. 1896. Haywood, George W. 1894. Hetherington, Gilbert E. 1890. Higgins, Henry R. Residence. Melrose. * * * * * Somerville. . 52 Hartford Street, Dorchester. Wollaston. tº $ g g Taunton. I8 Huntington Avenue, Boston. Newton Highlands. 107 Warren Street, Roxbury. 553 Boylston Street, Boston. . I 18 Hancock Street, Dorchester. . Hotel Cluny, Boston. . Waltham. • * * * * * * • Lawrence. , . . . . . . North Cambridge. IO9 Warren Avenue, Boston. Worcester. Worcester. tº gº Lynn. North Cambridge. Worcester, Owasco, N. Y. Newburyport. tº e Lawrence. II Columbus Square, Boston. 4I Sawyer Street, Boston. . . . . . . Salem. § & & © to Quincy. 546 Columbus Avenue, Boston. r Hudson. Wareham. Chelsea. Lynn. . Attleboro. s & © e . Rockport. . 272 Newbury Street, Boston. . . . . . . . . Brockton. . 9o West Springfield Street, Boston. e tº gº tº e º $ tº Everett. 136 Warren Street, Roxbury. . 160 Huntington Avenue, Boston. tº º tº Weymouth. Io2 Huntington Avenue, Boston. . I Worcester Square, Boston, and Taunton. Lynn. tº $ tº Somerville. 12 Harvard Avenue, Allston. 4. 1891. A/E//B EA’S OF 77A/A2 ADMITTED. NAME. 1891. Hill, Lucy C. 1894. Hill, Noble H. 1897. Hodgdon, Frank A. . 1886. Hodgson, Mary C. 1866. Hodgson, Richard 1870. Holt, Edward B. 1892. Hopkins, William T. 1895. Hornby, Mary S. . 1877. Houghton, Henry A. . 1888. Hunt, Charles R. . 1886. Hunt, L. Judson 1871. Hunter, Horatio M. 1878. Jackson, William L. . 1891. Jenness, Sarah A. . 1891. Jewett, Howard C. 1892. Keith, Ellen L. 1876. Kennedy, Alonzo L. . 1886. Kimball, L. Houghton 1886. Kimball, Leonard M. 1883. Klein, August A. 1896. Knight, Edwin A. 1891. Knowles, Wm. K. . 1891. Krauss, James . 1860. Krebs, Francis H. 188o. Lane, Robert L. 1889. Leach, Clara C. Austin 1895. Leavitt, Forrest 1863. Lee, Luther M. 1879. Leeds, Charles . 1881. Leland, Clarence H. . 188o. Leslie, Freeland D. 1891. Lewis, George F. 1874. Libbey, Charles A. 1882. Lindsay, Joseph F. 1888. Little, Harry J. 1866. Lougee, William II. . 1882. Macdonald, Angus 1895. Mack, Helen G. F. 1886. Mann, Martha E. . 1895. Martin, George A. 1897. Martin, George Forrest . 1891. May, George E. 1880. Mellus, Edward L. 1885. Moore, J. Herbert 1887. Morey-Pearson, Mary Morse, Charles W. RESIDENCE. gº tº ſº Fall River. 35 Huntington Avenue, Boston. Malden. Stoneham. Stoneham. Lowell. tº ºi º 'º e Lynn. I Monadnock Street, Dorchester. 136 Marlboro Street, Boston. tº e º New Bedford. 5 13 Washington Street, Boston. * * * * e & Lowell. 86 Dudley Street, Boston. 74.1 Tremont Street, Boston. . Haverhill. • . . . . Framingham. 286 Newbury Street, Boston. . I 5 Elm Hill Avenue, Roxbury. 533 Columbus Avenue, Boston. 2 Rutland Street, Boston. West Newton. * c < * g c e s s Everett. 229 Berkeley Street, Boston, and Malden. tº 42 Union Park, Boston. tº Somerville. II Allston Street, Boston. tº tº West Somerville. 46 Adams Street, Dorchester. Chelsea. Lowell. Milton. Bristol. . Arlington. Fall River. Norwell. & # * * g is e Lawrence. 124 West Concord Street, Boston. . I49A Tremont Street, Boston. 2 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Hyde Park. Lowell. tº º º . Newton Centre. . 40 Newbury Street, Boston. e e º e Brookline. 47 Worcester Street, Boston. tº tº e . Salem. --~~~~ MASS. Holſø, Op.4 TH/C MED/CA/. Soc/E TV. 5 ADMITTED. NAMF. 1875. Morse, George . 1862. Morse, Nathan R. 1891. Mosher, Mary E. . 1892. Mudge, Kate G. 1878. Murdock, Edward A. 1888. Newton, Frank L. 1877. Nichols, Charles L. 1885. Nordstrom, C. Maria 1880. Packard, Horace 1882. Packer, Edmund H. . 1880. Page, Charlotte E. 1896. Paine, Horace M. . 1856. Paine, Joseph P. 1885. Paine, N. Emmons 1892. Patch, Frank W. 1874. Payne, Frederick W. . 1863. Payne, James H. 1879. Payne, John H. 1895. Pease, Ella G. . 1893. Peasley, Emma J. . 1882. Percy, Frederick B. 1880. Percy, George E. . . . . 188o. Perkins, Nathaniel R. . 1891. Perkins, Archie E. 1891. Perkins, Henry P. 1881. Perkins, S. Manning . 1891. Perkins, Wesley B. e 1889. Pfefferhorn, Ferdinand C. L. . 1895. Phillips, Eugenie M. . 1879. Porter, Laura M. . 1886. Potter, La Forrest . 1891. Powers, A. Howard 1893. Rand, John P. . 1880. Rand, N. Wheeler 1893. Rice, George B. & 1880. Richardson, Frank C. 1895. Richardson, Edward B. . 1880. Roberts, Oscar W. 1896. Robinson, Florence N. . 1880. Rogers, Charles R. 1894. Rogers-Rutter, Clara H. . 1878. Rollins, C. Abbie . 1878. Russegue, Henry E. . 1892. Russell, Julia A. B. 1893. Sampson, Lottie E. 1885. Sanborn, Emma M. E. RESIDENCE. Gloucester. tº º e º e & . Salem. 53 Blue Hill Avenue, Roxbury. * e e º sº e . Salem. tº a tº e º a º Spencer. 147 Highland Avenue, Somerville. © e º & e 9 Worcester. Malden. . . . 362 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Lowell. . Lowell. tº º West Newton. 68 Bartlett Street, Boston. West Newton. South Framingham. Steinert Building, Boston. . 344 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Pierce Building, Copley Square, Boston. . . . . . . . . . Boston. 72 Central Street, Somerville. . Brookline. tº g º º . Salem. 1122 Adams Street, Dorchester. South Ashburnham. . . West Newton. Lynn. Malden. . Iawrence. tº º gº Somerville. . 54 Rutland Square, Boston. tº gº e º 'º Malden. 352 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Worcester. & © tº tº e Monson. 229 Berkeley Street, Boston. 601 Boylston Street, Boston. . Everett. Springfield. . Lawrence. . . Plymouth. . Lawrence. Chelsea. . Hartford, Conn. Malden. Malden. Andover. MAE//AAA’.S 6 ADMitted. NAME. 1880. Sanders, Orren B. 1856. Sanders, Orren S. . 1867. Sawtelle, George B. 1891. Sawyer, Willis H. . 1859. Scales, Edward P. 1871. Scott, Chester W. . . 1892. Scott, Cyrus W. 1893. Searle, George J. . 1891. Sears, Eloise A. 1889. Seip, Charles L. I886. Selee, Annie M. 1886. Shaw, John C. . 1882. Shaw, John J. . 1876. Shaw, James S. 1875. Sherman, James T. 1860. Sherman, John H. 1877. Sherman, Sarah E. 1862. Sisson, Edward R. 1867. Smith, J. Heber 1889. Smith, Virginia T. 1886. Smith, Winfield 1883. Southwick, George R. 1867. Spalding, Henry E. 1891. Spalding, Samuel H. . 1870. Spaulding, Ebenezer F. . 1880. Stackpole, Frederick D. 1894. Stevens, J. Herbert 1895. Stilson, Willard C. 1886. Stone, Waldo H. . 1893. Strong, Thomas M. 1871. Sturtevant, Charles 1892. Suffa, George A. tº 1880. Sutherland, John P. . 1893. Swain, Mary L. 1875. Sylvester, Stephen A. 1891. Talbot, George H. 1856. Talbot, I. Tisdale . 1895. Talbot, Winthrop T. . 1882. Taylor, Esther W. . 1891. Taylor-Cole, Anna B. 1889. Thomas, Charles H. . 1877. Tobey, Walter H. . 1880. Tompkins, Albert H. 1884. Tower, George A. . 1894. Townsend, Willis M. . 1891. Turner, Maurice W. . OF 7"AE Residence. . 358 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. 5 II Columbus Avenue, Boston. e e º e Malden. 677 Dudley Street, Roxbury. tº e º e & Newton. . Lawrence. Andover. . Marlboro. . Waltham. New Bedford. Melrose. New Bedford. • • . Plymouth. 552 Tremont Street, Boston. . 29 Virginia Street, Dorchester. 534 Broadway, South Boston. * * * gº . Salem. * * * * New Bedford. . 279 Dartmouth Street, Boston. s s a Detroit, Mich. . . 845 Boylston Street, Boston. 31 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. . Hotel Cluny, Boston, and Hingham. s & tº e º e . Hingham. . 3O42 Washington Street, Boston. 24 Kenilworth Street, Roxbury. 379 Boylston Street, Boston. * * * g is . . Winchester. * e g Providence, R. I. . Mass. Hom. Hospital, Boston. tº º º Hyde Park. 229 Berkeley Street, Boston. . 295 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. 2 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. . Newton Centre. * * * > . Newtonville. 685 Boylston Street, Boston. 685 Boylston Street, Boston. . . - Malden. ...East Somerville. tº e º & Cambridge. 173 Newbury Street, Boston. . 20 Seaverns Avenue, Jamaica Plain. & Watertown. Melrose Highlands. . Brookline. A/A.S.S. AſO//CE O/2A 7'A'/C MAZZO/CA/, SOC/A2 7' W. 7 ADMITTED. NAME. 1895. Tuttle, Walter 1893. Utley, Edward R. . 1875. Utley, James e e 1880. Vander Burgh, David W. 1892. Walker, Frank C. . 1893. Wardwell, Percival G. 1868. Ware, William G. . 1878. Warner, Frederick A. 1878. Warren, Mary K. Gale 1871. Warren, John K. . 1858. Wesselhoeft, Conrad . 1872. Wesselhoeft, Walter . 1893. Wesselhoeft, William F. 1858. Wesselhoeft, William P. 1856. West, Benjamin H. 1888. Weston, Isabel G. . 1875. Wheeler, Morris P. 1890. White, George E. . 1885. Whiting, Walter B. 1891. Whitman-Reed, Clara D. 1883. Wilder, Sarah E. . 1891. Wilkins, George H. 1887. Winn, William J. . 1895. Wood, Nelson M. . 1880. Woods, Charles L. 1875. Woods, William 1888. Worcester, George W. 1893. Worcester, John F. RESIDENCE. Exeter, N. H. Newton. Newton. Fall River. Taunton. Beverly. Dedham. . . . Lowell. . Newtonville. tº e º ºs Worcester. 661 Boylston Street, Boston. e e º 'º e Cambridge. . 176 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. . I76 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. . Neponset. © º e º e . Wellesley. 741 Dudley Street, Dorchester. * c e e . Sandwich. Malden. e - e. e. g. Newton. 505 Columbus Avenue, Boston. - . Palmer. . Cambridgeport. . Charlestown. © º e s - e. e. e. . Lowell. Corner Berkeley and Cortes Streets, Boston. Newburyport. Clinton. Corresponding Members. YEAR. NAME. RESIDENCE. 1885 T. F. Allen New York, N. Y. 1885 H. R. Arndt * San Diego, Cal. 1885 | D. H. Beckwith . Cleveland, O. 1885 J. C. Budlong Providence, R. I. 1885 A. Claude Paris, France. 1885 John N. Eckel San Francisco, Cal. 1864 || Arthur Fisher Montreal, Can. 1865 | Edwin M. Hale . Chicago, Ill. 1885 | Henry C. Houghton New York, N. Y. 1875 | D. S. C. Kavalgian Adapazar, Turkey. 1885 J. S. Mitchell Chicago, Ill. 1885 | F. G. Oehme Roseburg, Oregon. 1885 | F. H. Orme * Atlanta, Ga. 1885 John A. Rockwell Norwich, Conn. 1885 | S. H. Talcott Middletown, N. Y. 1885 A. R. Wright Buffalo, N. Y. Honorary Members. YEAR. NAME. RESIDENCE. 1885 || R. E. Dudgeon . e London, Eng. 1885 | William Todd Helmuth New York, N. Y. 1885 | Richard Hughes Brighton, Eng. 1885 | P. Jousset . Paris, France. 1885 || R. Ludlam . . Chicago, Ill. 1885 || Alfred C. Pope Grantham, Lincolnshire, Eng.