- 355 220 University of Michigan EUHR n sº ſºlº ºf Yº... . º Oe , f i, & , liº -º- or tº ºSITY ()} MIſſui, , , , , ; Mºnº JT * • T tº) w Y w * 1 * - • \ ‘. . zº || || %; £; # : .- º - ; , 1 4 × 2 * : *i-i-L-14-2-1 - - - - - - - -- - - - a-- ~ 1.2– a -> *- : * > -q "I H., ( , I } . "I ( ) Hº Chemical Libraſſ |- №= |- |- |TWIEI -- → → → →→→→→→→→→→ •—•—• | | | W.H.ULLWCKHAM. JOHN MAE KESSON, JR. CHARLES AROBEINS. \- DANIEL G. F. CLAss, PRINTER, 17 & 19 Rose STREET, N. Y. > *@3 = fiºsº Słº" THOMAS RUSSELL, BINDER, 17, 19, 21 & 23 Rose STREFT, N. Y. L PRE FA CE. In presenting for examination our new ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, we cannot allow the opportunity to pass, without expressing our thanks to our friends and correspondents for the many favors so kindly extended to us during the past half-century. The work submitted has been carefully prepared, with the view of enabling dealers to order, understandingly, the goods herein illustrated, which heretofore it has been impossible to do without a display of samples. To facilitate the selection, we have had every illustration made either the full or a proportionate size of the original, and specified the scale, so as to give a positive knowledge of the exact dimensions of each article. It has taken over two years to prepare this work, our aim being to give every dealer an insight into a completely assorted stock, whereby he may be well informed respecting novelties of invention and taste, as well as adaptations of science, and avail himself of the advantages of purchasing in the City of New York, which is the great mart for imports and exports, as well as for distribution. The illustrations contained herein have been arranged in alphabetical order, with the exception of Surgical Instruments and Appliances, which for the convenience of Physicians and Surgeons have been classified in accordance with the different operations and uses for which they are required. We also issue, as a key to this Catalogue, a descriptive Price List, which contains a complete enumeration of the articles in our line. We invite attention to the advertisements inserted in this book, which we think will repay careful perusal. They represent popular specialties and leading houses in different branches of trade. We carry in stock most of the goods advertised, and will be pleased to execute orders for any others that may be desired. It will, of course, be understood that this Catalogue gives but a partial representation of our very large and extensive stock, as the illustration of our full assortment would exceed convenient limits; and, as new articles are continually appearing in response to the demands of the trade, no catalogue can be considered complete. We trust, however, that this exhibition, which embraces the more prominent and popular articles of the present time, will promote the interests of our customers, and be the means of increasing intercourse between them and ourselves. Very respectfully, McKESSON & ROBBINS. New York, MARCH, 1883 _* _* * •. r, ~ * , , , ; ; ; Sºº - . . 6"|Nº %,، !, %) |-|- №. $ſuuſ §|| I. FIG. THE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE of THE or IGINAL. 8 McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED Catalogue \ |\º - /. ^ = º w/ FIG, 4. - N N - N - - WN WA WWWW un \\ | | -- Zºe- - - sº £AcH cut REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE of THE or IGINAL. - - - McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue | | || || | | | || || || *"Tº | ºulºu - - Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. º º // //// // /// %:// wº- w - - II/ N 9 McKesson 3. Robens |LLustrated Catalogue. T 26. FIG ONE-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 22. ONE-THIRD SIZE Fig. 2d. one-QuARTER SIZE. Fig. 21. on E-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 25. ONE-EIGHTH size. FIG. 24. ONE-EIGHTH SIZE. Fig. 23. QuARTER SIZE. ONE FIG. 29. oNE-QUARTER size. ſae S vae ! ſae |- ſ. < } ſae Z O FIG. 28. on E-QUARTER SIZE. 9NE-sixth SIZE. ONE-eighth SIZE. FIG. 49. Figs. 45 To 50 REPREs ENT on E-FIFTH THE size of THE of IGINAL. cKesson & Robens LLUSTRATED N º w \\ º \ \\ º | LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, Riº º " ſº º º º " º º Tºll º º ſ | º | ºº: º | º #º ############! ºfºº º º §º NTTºſºlº ºft º # *†º *†º º Nº. ºr FIG. 62. s | | | s i | | | | Each CUT REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE SIZE or THE ORIGINAL. - Fig. 81. ONE-EIGHTEENTH size. º %£%: Mºº-ºº- w % ONE-THIRD SIZE. Zºvº // !. = 3&/º & 3% ------ wº % | W º | | º } ) ſ | º º - iº ſ º º W | ºl. º W º % () | | º º % º ( ſ !) ſ ſ - º º WXI | º º WW º | §º MWWI º º Wº º | % º º º º º º ºntº M ſ | % |\ Wººl ſ \ º ſº tº WWW º * º º XXYYW. º Ǻ WWW §º º W º º sº -- º - (M) | § X FIG. 82. ONE-EIGHTEENTH size, Sº…) WWNNNNNN, º |W |Wºº ºWWWWWWWW º | Ø º A& º º % ſº |W º % º %)\\ غ gº FIG. 84. ONE-EIGHTEENTH size. FIG. 88. on E-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 83. ONE-EIGHTEENTH size. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 89. on E-THIRD SIZE. =} º º 24% gº ºn º millinº º | || T | | | | |||||| | | | | - | - º - m T º º W 7 |Nºtºrs | º º | | º w WN |T | > || || | | | l | | | . º º º FIG. Io9. | | H s T_ McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated CATALogue. 2 º --- º § N % º º N | %||mº \\ - - II. | T - | | | | | | || | | | | | ". - |||| | | - - | - - | | | --- ----- | | | - --- || || | | | - ſº - FIG. IoI. '''" | § - Nº. º | |X|Silº /º/L iſſ | | º - | º ||||| N | | !º ºl | | 2. sº º, *|| - |||ſ. Wººl |*||f|\"| º º | | º l \!\!/ º | ºf . | | º º ſºft"| ^ | - Z | -> - º % | - || -- Alſº . FIG. Ioz. ſ - - (N. º MºR º | | º | º | º º, |ll. ſ | - ſ ATALOGUE, */ / º | º . º N § Wilsº § Tº §§ SW º - - tºº jº Kºś - º *=º N2 º------ ºzs º º ZNºzºº ºº º ºzº FIG. Io9. FIG. I. Io. º º º º º º - --- X& FIG. III. Exch CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE of IGINAL. º º º º - º McKesson & Robens | Lustrated Catalogue 17 ſºlº Žº % Nº º iſſiº limſ FIG. I.1.2. º - - - ~~ sº º --- - me - i iſº T --- FIG. I. 16. £AcH cut REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. C ATALOGUE, FIG, 120. º//ſ - tºº Lº T. º º | | - "… III.I.III i | is º E. º | (ſ s | - º º sº º t - - º - º º º : * : º º º: *2. |. º º º: º º: |- ||||| *|| Fig. 122. FIG, 123. Each cut REPREsents on E-HALF THE size of THE orrorNAL. | F. | || | |||||| | - mº | | 5|| | | º ſ H |- | ; T.J.'ſ Tºm | N. º º º º º A Áº & º º \ º ||M|| | | ſillºtml FIG. I.25. . - **Cººk º . - ". C. - º w - ºt- - º --~ - ºn º * "Nº Avii. º §: XYeº § º | & Nsº º zº §§§ º TL º |º R Exº . |W tºº. Kºº Šºš 24. - - | | -T Y * - ºciº º - i. *~ --- - - Nº-III, . º º vº º o sº º -º - Z. º º : : º -- º ºt º º -º º ºº- i -§ § : i & : - - -- = X. Yeº X £ : ;: 2 FIG, 127. FIG. I. 28. EACH CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. McKesson § Roesins |LLustrated Catalogue ſº-º-º: | | | ſ º Fig. 133. - *º º | - | A. º |||||| - | nº lºſſil | º º * |. nºmiſjºiº º |N |M. | - i º | º | | º | | | ji º | - - - | E. º º ------ - - \ººl | |\|\| | º n | - | | º l - unlºw- --- ºulº - | º | == º * . º *WNS → a |T | - H T- º |T | = } = – FIG. 431. - à T | | == | - | || - F- - FIG. 430. – TL. T - | | : --- | | - - - lºſiºiliº § ! - * - | * º: - | #|*|†: |||| | º: | º - º H - --- X|i; - | || ||7- | - º 434, and 435. FIGS 433, 43 REPRESENTS THREE-FOURTHS TH Tº IG. 436. 34 McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED Catalogue. º º ºi.- º º º º H- |F |- l| ||||||||||||| III. º - º # º ſº |- Hº- -ſºH- # H º º º #! º º - = - tº-rº------ T º --- |-- º n iii; TH |*|| . | | | | | º | #." ºfº.º.º. | | |*|| MºR | § | iii. | | | t ºf . Sºº £AcH cut REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE size or THE or IcINAL. - -- |Tim ------- = i - º º º º |"---|| || || º --------- º | º º: in i | | | º | T H | | º º § iiili | l º Hºnºu. ...!!!! I'll Lillº::::::::::::Illilill º H º º º H H T | – - º T | | III | º i. | n-WL- | - T illili l | | ! fine- | | | | |||||| | ſº ſº * # - | || || | | " | I | º - º | |-- | | | . t | | Millſill | | ini - | | | | |||||||||||||| - | | Ti(i. |||| | | º R | | | º | ºilſ ### | º iſ "" | "|| º ||||| | *ill | tºº. ºffl|| gº." * --> ------------- º º E= ==== º mimimºil | | | | |||||||||||| | | - ||||||||| | - I İHill||H | | l - | | | C | | | º | - | | | - | |-- | | | | ||||||||||| - |||||||||||||||| | | | | | I - - - - - - --- - - - ----- Dº- -- - - E= =- - | T. * = - m | | | T º T | | º | º WT" (º | | | |Twº: | | | | | I | | | º | | * | | | | | " | | | | | | | | | | | | ". | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- F- | i. | | | | FIG. 495. º T | ||||Ill | | = 'ºl'ſ | | | = == | | | m - | || || - º | M *|| |T HMCK&R NWW W.T. - | | — FIG. 408 | n | | | | M. | | | | | | | IIITIII - | | £Ach cut REPRESENTs THE FULL SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. | | | FIG. 51o. Fig. 511. - FIG. 512. [Til I -ºric. | II. | -- | FIG. 513. - FIG. 514. FIG. 520. Fig. 525. Fig. 526. Fig. 528. FIG. 529. ONE-SIXTH S12 E. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. ONE-SIxTH size. º *. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. =3º - s 38 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue. 4%| N - - --- ºn - | | | M n $ º | º ||||| Tºm II.I.I.I.I.T.u. º - - Fig. 565. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-FOURTH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL Fig. 56. r - McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALogue. 39 Fig. 585. ONE-HALF SIZE. º TW - FIG. 591. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ==:- - - | - º - - - | FIG. 6do. FIG. 601. Fig. 602. FIG. 663. FIG. 604. FIG. 605. Figures 600 to 605 REPRESENT on E-THIRD THE size of the original - - - L | - | | | | | | | | | - | | I | | | | \\ \ | | | | || | || || || || | | | | |H| |||||| -- | | | - | | || || | | | Willº \ - | | | ||||| | in | | |||| 1. ||| ||||| || | | |||| ||||||||W ||||| |||| | | FIG. 612. - FIG. 613. | | | | || || || || | | || || || || || || || - |ill ill illiſ - || || || || | || || ||||||\\\\ | | in | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | III/III III. | || - ||||||||||||| Tilſilliºlin Illinºlull |||||| \\ ||||||||||||||||||| | | | ||| | | | | ||| | | | | - º º | | | | | W | | | | |||| | || || | ||||||||||| | |||||||||||||W |||||||||||||||||||| ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT|||||||||||| I'll |||||Will FIG. 614. i. ºn 1 tiºn - - - Fig. 616. - "merg; |||||||| ||||||| | | || ||||||||||||||||| FIG, 617. Till | | | | | | | | | | T - | || | | | | | | | | | |||| | l \\ |||||| T I ||| I | III. III FIG. 618. FIG. 619. FIG. 62o. £ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE of THE ORIGINAL. º _ _2 McKesson § Robens - -N |LLustrated Catalogue 41 sº- - - T T | | | | | - W | || || || |||||| | | || || || || - ||||||| | ". | | T FIG. 623. W \\ "| | | | | | | | | | - Fig. 641. º Twº % " |||}|\\ |\\ | * -------. \|\N \ N N Wº WN * FIG. 642. £ach cut REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE SIZE of THE of IGINAL. FIG. 68o. 652. FIG. 657. ONE-THIRD SIZE. | º ONE-THIRD SIZE. on E-Tril RD SIZE. FIG. 665. ONE-sixth SIZE. | | | |||| | | | | |- ſ | | º | FIG. 660. ONE-HALF SIZE |Nº. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 682. FIG. 683. on E-Trii RD size. ONE-THIRD SIZE. McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated CATALogue. 43 - | - | | | | \\ TTTTTV || || || || || sº- |||| | | | | \\ ſiſſiſſiſſiſſilſ WiiWiſſilſ |||||||||||||\\ ||||||||| |||||||| ITTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT |||||| | -- TT III. T. TWT Fig. 690. FIG. 691. º T º | T TVN " T |W |W FIG. 693. ſºlºs- \"" | | | |Iſºmº Lºuiſ" WIFTIII ". ||||||| TTT | | |NT "T" Fig. 698. T WWW | | | WWIII. WWWW | FIG. 7oo. = s s f -S- ssº N S | | | Fig. 7 Io. ONE-HALF size FIG. 7II. ONE-HALF size. F. 725. ONE-Four-Tri SIZE. Fig. 720. ONE-HALF size. Fig. .713. Fig. 712. ONE-HALF SIZE, ONE-HALF size. FIG. 7 6. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. on E-FourTH size. | | . -- - º | - º *** º "| * "[y º º | | º Fig. 740. / / H. . S. | | | | | , | | | | | | | | | FIG. 746. | S S-. is | sº I | - | | º - | | - | - | - | || | - sº- || | - | || | - || | - | - | || | - - - | | - - | =|| || - E|| || = | - | - | | == | ||Arck | | *T J. a /* N. | º 7. | =\,...) * FIG. 749. | | | | º | | | \ } - s º T s | º | s | º º "| lºs |º -s º |\º is ſº º - §§º = \º = |\º - - | - ſ º £AcH cut REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE or THE or IGINAL. - FIG. 789. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE size OF THE ORIGINAL. McKesson & Roesins |LLustrated CATALogue \ - | | | Fig. 798 FIG. 799. Fig. 8oo. FIG. 8or. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE of the or IGINAL. 49 , , ſae'.- :§§ſaeaeae ſae:|- wae, Țſae! ***® McKesson § Roesins |LLustRATED Catalogue ********, FIG. 805. FIG. 8o0. Fig. 807. FIG. 8o3. FIG. 804. FIG. 8o3. FIG. 81 o. ſae, ::::::::::::::: , ſae !ģ |× :-) ſºwº, ſaeaeae FIG. 809. FIG. 812. Fig. 813. FIG. 814. FIG. 815. FIG. 816. Fig. 811. JLoonen's £ELEBRATED PARISLAN HAIR BRushes, REPRESENT ONE-THIRD ACTUAL SIZE THE ABove curs, of A Few PATTERNs of 50 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue Fig. 840. FIG. 843. FIG. 848. FIG. 849. Fig. 850. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. U. T || || !. Fig. 863. Fig. 864. | in - Tºll - | || || -- ||||| -- II. | III IIII |\\ Fig. 872. Fig. 873. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. -- Fig. 868. 52 McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALogue - Fig. 881. i Fig. 887. FIG. 882. Fig. 888 Fig. 883. Fig. 889. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE of Fig. 884. Fig. 890. THE ORIGINAL. * ||||| | | ||||||| |M.C. º X. - "if" | | | | | | | º |U 53 * | LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, M cKesson & Robens ſaeſºxae). ~ № Each cut REPRESENTS ONE-FOURTH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. 54 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated Catalogue / | | | --- | - - in --- * ||| º III. | --- | | | |||||| | |--|-- | --- - | º - | | Ill. WIMN FIG. 982. - £ach cut REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE size of THE ORIGINAL - - McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue 55 FIG. 996. º Illilill FIG. Ioro. FIG. IoII. P.E.ssSs : FIG. IoI5. FIG. IoI6. FIG. Ior 7. FIG. Ior 8. Fig. Ioz5. FIG. Iogo. FIG. Io91. FIG. Io92. . FIG. Io 33. FIGUREs 1oto to 1033 REPRESENT Two-THIRDs THE size of THE or IGINAL. McKesson & Robbins ILLustRATED Catalogue. FIG. Io97. ſ.ſ||ſſſ : ~--- _” FIG. Ioag. FIG. Ioa5. FIG. Ioa'ſ. FIG. Ioa 8. FIG. Ioa5. Each CUT REPRESENTS Two-THIRDS THE size of THE ORIGINAL. FIG. Ioa 4. FIG. Ioq3. FIG. Ioa2. 57 C ATALOGUE, LLUSTRATED cKesson § Roeens | M * 1 lor ’91) I ovºw wodºwo, sae º.l.w3.wºººº ºa,*** _---- saro º uwº, ----=º --~~~~ seo gaexººº ºº, == №, seº º uwax,-5*) ºº::wwą, wº - s 50,7…wº, "a": ººk wyewºº. '99or ’91) { −== *$9or“ĐI H „sºnnesºs saeo. º.laevaerº _ º ºuwwºesº „sºnhonne seo aelwax, ºsanaewºº L_) ººo1 ºſói) = woowat «¿Sº so*:)* awww.ocwo, • • • • .wax-e--> |-ºu wae” - :::::), Eſſº lwaxºſ sºgº:', anºwºcowa ••••• ……!!!!!! _ºz,- ·88 or '91){ |-- №tae== - {-•••• • oºwo, :№_s 5-a.……wi!’s-º .~) ººi, wº ſ= - - - - - - www.wooºo… •■älaeſº ººuwwegº- -o-, saeo. º.l. ºo3o1 '91 ± ••••nonae, sae…,x)-g(º ºbuwuww.” |- ) *6. lor ’91) „owºwoowo, saso º…wax, ºrº *、、evº ~~– '9 lor ’91){ laeſº__)~~ Tõsi… veeºſ|- _- „ownwººwº …wax, ſºº ººººººººº ! ~)*** ==exaenodwo sae*o - -ºiwºesº!== £±├─L, Ł===============---- E############=№, №. Each cut REPRESENTS Two-THIRDS THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. 58 McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED Catalogue 1. =>º ~2- ſº * - - - - º/” - ~ º - - º/Tººlſ ||| || Tºſº ||\| º % | | "...ſº º Twº W -ZAT. | Wilſº Fig. 1130. | - - | ºl & aſſºl ...!!!º º | | N K&R.” l --- | | ||||||| | | | - --~. -º- | \\ - - A rººts º - = f^\!\!\!\!\!\!/ -- * -º |ºlº 1 in º - V | - º .. º - º | – ! tº º * |L ºnal Fº FT. e Fº º - | | | | | - \\ | | M. - == - - - g wº FIG. 1131. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-FOURTH THE SIZE of THE ORIGINAL. |*|| | - == - AN \\ WN \ W \\ º - º N _2 - LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, FIG. I.14d. FIG. I.141. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. I 142. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. I.148. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. *Tºº - - º FIG. 1149. ONE-THIRD SIZE. == *"| ºf Imm, rººmſ.” º | Es III. - - - III º º - FIG. 1159. FIG. I.16o. £AcH CUT REPRESENTS ONE-FOURTH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. 61 cKesson Robens LLUSTRATED Catalogue - N º N N N N | ||||| III. lſº FIG. I 162. | M&K&R l - º s Lismº- MGKK; FIG. I.164. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-FOURTH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. FIG. 1165. 6 cKesson & Robens LLUSTRATED CATALogue FIG. 1169. £ach CUT REPRESENTS on E-Four-TH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL 69 | 64 cKesson & Robeiss LLUSTRATED Catalogue -- - º - º - - = - FIG. I.174. £ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-Four TH THE SIZE of THE or IGINAL. ~ Ill ºu" Fig, 1176, Each cut RE PEREs ENTs on E-Four-T H. º- - *2 III m\\ T H E size or T H E or IGINAL CLOSED. Fig. 1178. OPEN. Fig. 1178. Each cut REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE of THE ORIGINAL. LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, Fig. 1190. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE size of The or IGINAL. 68 McKesson & Roeeins |LLustrated Catalogue. Fig. 1200. Fig. 12cr. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-Four TH THE size of THE ORIGINAL | | . | º - | | | | | - i | | | McKesson & Robeiss |LLustrated Catalogue 69 Fig. 12 Io. T . Fig. 1211. ONE-THIRD SIZE Fig. 1212. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Z/ | | | | | |Nº|| | ONE-HALF SIZE. Fig. 1225. ONE-HALF SIZE Fig. 1226. ONE-HALF SIZE. To McKesson & Roberns |LLustrated Catalogue | - - \ -- - N **** ºliº | | | FIG. 1240. FIG. 1241. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ſº Tº"Tº # 9 FIG. 1243. ONE-THIRD SIZE. | FIG. 1242. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ===FE - gº-ººººººº- | P - º - º Fig. 1251. ONE-THIRD size, ºn. ----------|--|--|-- - Q li H– Li | | Lºlº Fig. 125o. Fig. 1252. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ~ º 2%zº FIG. I.256. CUT REPRESENTs on E-T HIRD THE size OF THE ORIGINAL. - - - - - - & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue M - FIG. I.268. CLOSED. | º FIG. 1272. FIG. 1268. OPEN - - Fig. 1273. £AcH cut REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE of THE ORIGINAL * cKesson & RoPEINs' |LLUSTRATED Catalogue. 73 / FIG. 1274. FIG. 1275. Twº O-THIRDS SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 1276. - FIG. 1277. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. IO T | |= | | | | | | | | | | || uul º ºſſil il. |H||||||||||| - - | || | | I º ||||| º º H FIG. 1295. his |T | Timº T `, | | | i * - == º | | | l ºf || | | º! | |\ ||| | | - \|| º, \ \ º s * || ||_ºll | || sºl --→k ST- Fig. 1296. FIG. 1304. - | ºliºſ"TI. - º º º - | - - - | * #=º. | TZ * Tillºlillºmºſ -Illi *2. | |Mºººſſſſſºſ" - ºf Hºs - FIG. 1297. - FIG. 1305. THEse cuts REPRESENT PopULAR STYLEs of SHow cases, which can BE MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED, McKesson 3. Robeiss JLLustrated Catalogue. 75 - 3- º- FIG. 1306. º i--------- | º º -T i jº Uſ |T | | |I|| / || || || || >= tº ſ | º - - N |His º H. | |H|is \| illuºSQ f : º - -- ºlºll | | NTHiiNH |†Ni |\s |l, º |N | His in All Nºli FIG. 1307. FIG. 1311. º Hºll *TH!!!. | | * * Hill|| || º º - º º s - I º º | ſº - | º | L - ºut. Lºlly -- T I | | | . | |||||| - HTTFE FIG. 1399. FIG 1313. These cuts REPRESENT PopULAR STYLES OF SHow cases, which can BE MADE ANY size DEsſRED. B C - Fºr FIG. 1323. --~www. T- ". --~~ º - Wºº W. - -- Wºº- º- W. - º º º sº | - ſ/ ºº:: º - 7// - º - º ºr FIG. 1325. =- FIG. 1326. T minutilitill EAch cut REPRESE NTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF TH E ORIGINAL. ºn D McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue | \, FIG, 1327, FIG. I.331. FIG. I.330. Each CUT RFPRESENTS ONE-Tril RD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. --- º º º º º Fº º y ** * * * * * º L sº iſ y | |: *— |T- N º º | | | | | |* | L =S iſ *=- *= º º º in | | | | º | - - - "...sº . - : | t - - FIG. I345. Fig. 1344. | --- IGINAL. & HE SIZE OF THE OR REPRE £ach cut - S sº || || . º º º - i. | Lºſ rº- i - Tº |-- –2 \ McKesson & Robeiss |LLUSTRATED CATALogue. | FIG. |E_ 79 < wº McK&R £ach CUT REPRESENTS THE FULL SIZE of THE of IGINAL. l |I|| lºl. º . | - | | | Fig. 1383. | T FIG. 1384. | | | | l | - \_^ t - - = N L T | T IT) - | | | | McK&F’. Fig. 1599. . * FIG. 151 o' TT FIG. 1527. T Fig. 1528. T T T T. FIG. 1530. \| 2 = Mºſſ | T T | º FIG. 1532. T. | | º % | - - N W 2 - | - % - Z % w 4 | ºw º || || || || || || º s \ *MººRº |||ſiſ | --- |||||||||||||| | ----- - - % º 2 | | ||Mººº. Fig. 1387. T º | Fig. 493. % 㺠Mºº FIG. 14oz. = Mºº | - TT FIG. 1406. -MºR = † | | ºf # | | FIG. 1390. mºśm |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| º FIG. 1391. º FIG. 1405. - T 2 º Tºi ||||||||||| = Mºhº F = - --~~ T || 8 FIG. 1408. "T m FIG. 1395. - º FIG. 1409. | | ºmni ºn - - --- - - - - º- | | - - FIG. 1396. | | Nº Mºgº -, *::::::::::::::::::::::: mTºll FIG. I.4.1 o. FIG. 1397. - | | | Tſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiºniſm | | | WMºš F\, º |||||||||||||| ||||| |--|--|-- -> -- || | - | | | | ||||||||||| | |||||I||||||||IIIIII: FIG. I.41 1. | | | ||||||||||| | FIG. 1399. FIG. 1412. Each CUT REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE SIZE of THE ORIGINAL. 82 McKesson § Robens | Lustrated CATALogue MEK &R º FIG. 16oo. - 2 __ ºs- = ºn I. IG. I.O.2c. | |||||||||||||| | | | | FIG. 16or. == - - - FIG. 103o. == - - - --- | - Fig. 1606. | | Fig. 1607. - OME - - ºval batsº - - *º- - - - --- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | || | | || || || ||||||||||||||||||| --------- -------- FIG. 1643. Fig. 1608. - --~~~~ moval pºssing come M2K &R . . . - FIG. 1609. £ach cut REPRESENTs one-HALF THE size of THE origiNAL. FIG. 1644. --~~~~ Mº Kºt, L–ll-- | III-IIII | | | | Fig. 1670. | - * Mºrº &F ------------------ Huaw. Alſº i | | | | FIG. I.668 | FIG. 1669. FIG. 1672 mºuliſſilſ Ill |*|| | |All Till" || || ||Lin MººRº ºn º - T T * EIG. 16 --- |MM|| """ _º 1_ º *" " . 3-P T | | | FIG. 1674. | | | | | | | || | tº C | || | | | | M KºR" TT | T Fig. 1675. | ||||||| —ºll in ſ | 1. * L | º H. Li T - | | | || || || | | || - | | | | : | - | | | | | | - | | | - | - | | | | | | | | |||||||||| | - |||| | FIG. 1676. *-*\º \\\\\ - \\\\\\\\ | | nº- W W º º º º | W \\ W W \" | | | | - WºW \ º º º . º º "l"ll" || | | | | | Fig. 1677. C O O O C C C C C C 㺠C C C C C C O C O C. C O C - Fig. 1698. FIG. 1691. | |- (A W F FIG. 1699. Each cuT REPRESENTs on E-HALF THE size of THE ORIGINAL. 4 McKesson 3. Roesins |LLustRATED Catalogue M&Kº R | T | m |||| | | | | I III III | IG. I.75o. T V cº-e T I º Mº º | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | | |||||| - - COME T ||||||||| | - =s -- Fig. 175 =r. G. I. 3.F. - Mºk ºr - - = T FIG. 1754. | | - \| - *m. T || T | º = º _- Es sº --- * º | - s - º ..., - |||| |||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||| - I | | | | I |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||| | --- ... I . | FIG. 1729. Fig. 1757 _ - McKesson & Robeiss |Llustrated Catalogue 85 | AL- == \ſ =UT | | milliºn -- | Mºrº & F = => = _ FI - - | - - . 1826. Fig. 176 t-T- | A \º º º -º- I MC = ~- | | | º Mºk:F- Fig. 1771. º |||| W. WA\\ W \ A\º RA ( - m) Fig. 1773. FIG. 1812. Nº V A\ \ N - \\ º º MºR \\ \\ º - m wº I774 | | | - | ii. Illilill | | TT = LREEENG-C - - IG. 177 | TT Fig. 1776. = - _nº_ - * s_QS T - "...º. No.16.S.S.S.EXTRA. - - MCKXR. - - N2II.S.S.MED, Ne|4.SSS.EXTRA, McK&R. McK&R. N22.SSS.EXTRA, McKXR. | N913.SS.MED. M&KXR º N |- C. _ - T º O D GD 2. DP N215.SS.MED. N2IO.S.S.S.EXTRA. McKXR. McKXR. | |Al | FIG.I875. FIG.S.O. FIG.ISII. MEK &R | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| FIG.I.93. McK&R. FIG.1914. ----------- º --- m ||||||||||||||| | | | |||||||||| FIG.1915. McKXR. || FIG.S.I.G. --- - £K X. *i iſſ== º --- |IIII - | | FIG.385. EACH CUT REPRESENTS ONE HALF THE SIZE OF ORIGINAL FIG. 1838. McKesson & Roeens |LLUSTRATED Catalogue. T - l ºl- º | | º | º 1 - || ºn- - |- . | . - | | | º 15 - --> -- - - - - mº-ºl. ºfflº, | - | º |Llº UT -- º - - º º º | º - --- # - |ſº º |º -lºmº | | | - º | | | | | I = || || | |- ºil." | || || - || --- º |- i. | ||| | | | | | |H|| | - - - | | | - | ||| | | | | º | . | º | | Hº! | - | º | - - | - - | | ſ | º | | º - | º | | | || | || | | It iſ!" Each cut REPRESENTS THE FULL SIZE or THE ORIGINAL. Zººl ºil ºilliºn - * |ºut "slºt ºld. |ºll"T" FIG. 1940. FULL SIZE. FIG. 1943. FULL SIZE. I’IG. 1946. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Les FIG. 1961. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Fig. 1972. FIG. 1973. - FIG. 1974. Each cu T REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE or IGINAL. º Fig. 1968. FIG. 1975. McKesson & Robeiss |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. 9. / y - FIG 2 oo() ONE-THIRD SIZE FIG 2 oor FIG 2016 ONE-THIRD SIZE FIG 2d Io. ONE-THIRD SIZE |lis FIG. 2 ozo. FIG. 2021. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. N N |- - | N. | Fig. 2023. FIG. 2030. Fig. 2035 Two-THIRDs size. FULL SIZE. ONE-SIXTH SlzE C ATALOGUE. \ FIG. 2045. SIZES FROM. Two To FOURTEEN PIN. T.S. FIG. 2665. FIG. zojo. FO U R OUNCES TO FIVE TO FORTY ONE GALLON. OUNCES. FIG. 2099. FULL SIZE. FIG. 2091. FULL SIZE. º - Fig. 2106. sizes FRom on E QUART to seveN AND ONE-HALF GALLONS. FIG. 2050. FIG. 2051. FIG. 2060. SIZES FROM ONE PINT TO SIZES FROM Two ounces SIZES FROM FOUR OUNCES THREE GALLONS. TO THREE GALLONS. TO ONE QUART, FIG. 2075. FIG. 208o. FIG. 2682. Fig. 2085. ONE OUNCE TO Two Four. To THIRTY-Two ounces. Two OUNCES TO GALLONS- FIC. 2 Ioo. ONE-THIRD SIZE. s wº. º cKºon&Rolling %ale Agail, Fig. 2 Ioj. sizes, Five, SEVEN, NINE, AND Twelve INcHEs. Two QUARTs FIG. 2095. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. FIG. 2 IoI. FIG. 21 oz. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. sº | | º | tº º FIG. 21 Io. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. ºutlºuiili º - º | Fig. 2011. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. FIG. 2112. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. McKesson & Ropens | LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, - / | | T | | | FIG. 2122. on E-Tril RD SIZE. FIG. 2120. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 2235. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. FIG. 2255. || || | || || Fig. 21.23. on E-THIRD SIZE. º º | FIG. 2242. ONE-HALF SIZE. - ----- | ||||| FIG. 2124. ONE-THIRD SIZE. 25. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 2243. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 2246. ONE-SEVENTH SIZE. Fig. 2265. ONE-HALF SIZE. Fig. 226o. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. FIG. 225o. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. T - - T. * Mººm T | | Fig. 2275. FULL SIZE. I 2 Fig. 2300. Each OF THE ABOVE CUT's REPRESENTs on E-Four TH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. ONE-HALF size. FIG. 23 Io. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 2315. ºm FIG. 2355. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. |Jºmº | º | | º |- | | - FIG. 2356. onE-sixth size." _ McK ESSON & Robens | LLUSTRATED C ATALOGUE, FIG. 2365. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. Mºk - | - FIG. 1373. sizes FROM ONE-HALF PINT TO ONE GALLON Fig. 2370. \ on E-EIGHTH slz E. on E-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 2386. CLOSED. on E-TENTH size of No. 0. º -*. | - º W/// Fig. 2366. ONE-SIXTH SIZE, Fig. 2376. FULL SIZE. bº º %/ - Wºw! ºx- e- - N Sº º - ſ \ - | - - Fig. 2386. OPEN. on E-TENTH size of No. 9. \\ \ = \ - NW W = N N \ \º - - == N \ º - º - N-W 7. - - N - M \ % - Nºw - - aw- *=Nº. - N__ - - - N - | | |||||||||| - | º | | |N |N |\| |- - |N | | | | § nº | ||Nº|| | § |N | º | $ | º | | |||}| | | |||||| M |||||||| | º | | º | | | | | | | L | s * FIG. 2420. | | | SN s | N W |N | | | | | | º Y | \| // - Fig. 2425. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL, | McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue 97 -- | |L. * | | | N | ("Illllllllllliºl|| | º | | | | | - | |||||||\| | }| M\|| - | -niili | \\\\ | | \|| F. \ | º | || || | | | | - |N| - | |N º - - - | || || |\ | | | | | º | N º N" º | -— NS" ||. - - - - - Zºº | º |-- Nº. º | | N | - | º - ºl. º |- º - |\|N Nº. | N | | º ||| N]]|| | Wººl |N|| |||| - | ||Nº|| | | | | | - | | | ||||||||||| | N º | || || | | | | || | |y|| ºrsR. | | | | | | | | | Ull | *I ( | º º - | FIG. 2455. | |--|--|| ! º | \| -- º º | \\ | | \| ! |||| º I | - | | | ||||| n | | | | | T - s - |||| -III IIII | | | FIG. 2485. FIG. 24.75. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE or THE ORIGINAL. U FIG. 2490. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Fig. 2496. ONE-FOURTH SIZE | | | Fig. 252 r. ONE-THIRD size. - FIG. 2491. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. - FIG. 2497. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE FIG. 2523. Fig. 2495. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. Fig. 2524. on E-THIRD SIZE. on E-THIRD SIZE. on E-TRIRD SIZE. | | | \\ |TW ſ ſ | M ſ | | | | | | | | | | Mºk Fig. 2548. N N ſ ſ | | FIG. 2549. | | | | || ſº º - N 4. - - | \ N Ø | § - … N Nº. % |\ \s Qūiº FIG. 2531. - W - sº / Fig. 2550. FIG. 2551. Fig. 2552. FIG. 2554. Each CUT REPRESENTS THE FULL SIZE OF THE or IGINAL. 1 OO McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue. Fig. 2560. FIG. 2564. Fig. 2565. Fig. 257 o. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. ONE PINT TO ONE-EIGHTH ONE QUART To ONE Two GALLONS. SIZE. GALLON. FIG. 2575. ONE-FIFTH SIZE - FIG. 2590. FULL SIZE. FULL SIZE. PATT1son's LUNG PROTECTOR. Fig. 2576. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. FIG. 2591. FIG. 2593. FULL SIZE. ONE QUART TO Two GALLONS. Fig. 2582. ONE-THIRD SIZE. McKesson & Roberns |LLustrated Catalogue - - *N ARNICAE. / Eº- FIG. 26oo. FIG. 26oz. - es - FIG. 2609. FIG. 26.1o. - FIGs. 26oo to 2611 REPREs ENT on E-HALF THE size of THE ORIGINALs. Fig. 262o. FIG. 2621. ONE-THIRD SIZE. on E-Four-Tri SIZE. on E-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. I3 - McKesson & Robeiss |LLUSTRATED Catalogue. Fig. 264o. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Fig. 2655. ONE-FOURTH SIZE FIG. 2660. on E-Four-T H size. Fig. 267 o' ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 2690. FULL SIZE. |||| Tº N. -* || | | +. | || - º- «Nºtwº N | |(ºttº.) N &s. onquº: º ſ s º | - - | * - TT | NN *T* || - *Unlºlº. s <º Brillant §º// --~2 - | Knºendº NN - - Šss ongº', Brillant ) | \\\ |- =l :Riſ | N - º - º º ull ºvernº WRENCEN entuan. en-Llant | Čes ontº * Šs onevº, º | | - | § |^ſº cºttº.) /|\\ºss oncuº// T Illinºiſ | ||| |NN s N ºtnºś - | Bºuan. | |A\ss ongº/ *|| *—ſ |- | \\ º |-- - *|| | TT |\| | -*. | WFEW&N Yºniº º Qes º -ºil ºl -- | - Fig. 2656. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. FIG. 2645. ONE-HALF SIZE. - FIG. 2663. on E-Four-T H SIZE FULL SIZE. FIG. 2657. ONE-FOURTH SIZE, * FIG. ONE-Four TH size. -" - - FIG. 2675. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 2650. ONE-FOURTH size. | TT. - FIG. 2658. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. 2666. FIG. 2695. FULL SIZE. McKesson 3. Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue FIG. 2709. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-NINTH THE SIZE OF THE or IGINAL. The above Scales are from the celebrated manufactory of HENRY TRoewner. FIG. 2725. - Riº º FIG. 2726. T |McK&R! sº FIG. 2745. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-NINTH THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. º The above Scales are from the celebrated manufactory of HENRY TroeMNER. E=MG345 FIG. 2723. FIG. 276. McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue 105 Fig. 2756. Tiſſ Tºº. - - - —º - - -T m I -º- - | - - arºſ. fis Hä- ~f~ T} | | || ſ: 3. º - - | | | | | | | ||| - sº ºl | - nº i = | I lº º º =2|| º T Hiz.: – º – yº. Fig. 2768. º Fig. 2769. Each cur REPRESENTs on E-NINTH THE SIzE of THE ORIGINAL. the above scales are from the celebrated manufactory of Henry Troemsek 106 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue N º Fig. 278o. SIZES FROM ONE GILL TO TEN GALLONS. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Fig. 2790. FIG. 27.93. FIG. 2799. ONE GILL TO TEN GALLONS, ONE-THIRD size. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD size. FIG. 28 Io. Fig. 2815. Fig. 2816. FIG. 2817. Fig 2830. ONE-HALF size, ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. Tºm | | || | Fig. 2835. Fig. 2836. Fig. 2842. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. | OILED S ILK. i rviennuractured Expressly for on E-Four-TH size. Fig. 2805. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Hiſ1– FIG. 2831. ONE-THIRD SIZE. 1 ! º : | Scale in Inches 2 3 4 5 & 7 8. -Mayer Merkelaoºmannunzi-2swarren stny gaſºſ, |:||T |- _|- -|-|- Mayºr Merkeſ-Dumannunzi-z5 Warrenstºy. º º ScaLE in Incºts 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mayºr Mººdmannuſhareswarren Sºny - Scale in Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meyerºerkelaounannºn 21-25 Warren St.N.Y | | | | | |II |m | | | | | º | | | | | | | | | m | º | | | | | | | | | | º | |-- | | | | | - º | º lº- - - -- - - -- FIG. 3007. ( * FIG. 30.o.o. Fig. 3oor. FIG. 30.oz. FIG. 3000. FIGs. 3ooo to 3oog REPREs ENT Two-FIFTHs THE size of THE or IGINALs - "I - | - º º V/A § Lºlº --~~~ º- -> Kºfi T. - *3 Čš. - | º ſº Sºº-ºº: **ºº $) Kºº. º żºº ºº: º º sº º - - - | Q Fig. 3032. ONE-FOURTH size FIG. 3020. ONE-HALF SIZE- Fig. 3025. ONE-Four-Tri SIZE. FIG. 3026. FIG. 3628. Fig. 3033. ONE-FOURTH size. ONE-FOURTH size ONE-FOURTH SIZE. \ L - FIG. 3645. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. Fig. 3051. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. Fig. 3o 55. ONE-FOURTH size. - FIG. 3646. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. FIG. 3052. FIG. 3953. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. |AW/ \ ºn º | |-|N - º \ * -º Vº | | T : | - | rT | i º T º N | | | | º &R! | | º º FIG. 3056. ONE-THIRD SIZE. | | | | - T R | FIG. 3o 5o. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE ONE-FOURTH SIZE. -- McKesson & Roeens |LLUSTRATED Catalogue 113 / º | == == | 4./ ON | º || ſº w º # 3. Te | – º – McKx R LAWRENCE, º --- | | |-- | T | - 7 - ~~ |STANDARD i- n ºº- - -- n º E. T. - º º - - L º º T. T D º º T- T. L T |- - |- - |- |- |- |- º T T D FIG. 3070. FIG. 3671. FIG. 3072. FIG. 3074. FIG. 3075. li º i. | ſºlº | Hºl | --- - | | | lawar-cººl - --------- | | | FIG. 3078. FIG. 3679. FIG. 3076. on E-Four TH SIZE. FIGs. 3070 to 3084 REPRESENT ONE-Triſ RD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINALS. V. - 2 114 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue. FIG. 30.90. -- º: Fig. 30.96. CELLULord or HARD RUBBER TRUsses REPRESENTED BY THE ABove cuts can BE SUPPLIED IN ALL SIZES. \ Tº ºn FIG. 3 106. --~~~ FIG. 31.09. TRusses REPRESENTED BY THE ABOVE CUT's can BE supplie D IN ALL SIZEs. - º 6 12 18 24. * * * * IITTTTTTH * I I ^ N %N M2K8.R Fig. 3130. FIG. 3131. FIG. 3132. FIG. 31.40. FIG. 31.42. Fig. 3·145. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. FULL SIZE. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. LAwfence's N05. O 2 3 4- SMALL LARGE FIG. 31.53. | FIG. sisº, FIG. 3157. FIG. 3154. FULL SIZE FIG. sos. ONE-FOURTH size, ONE-Four TH size. ONE-FOURTH SIZE. McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED Catalogue 117 FIG. 3200. FIG. 3203. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. FIG. 3205. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. FIG. 32 Io. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 3204. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. FIG. 3206. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. FIG. 3225. FULL SIZE. = *** - FIG. 3231. FIGs. 3230 to 3234 REPRESENT on E-HALF THE size of THE or IGINALs. 2- -: -- -- *** º º sºovyºv-out HEA7/ea s r-rºr-rear-e Para ev A.N.Cof PEReasº -----a-E---- *… º' vºv. L. Avv. RENCE º vav, LAvvr&E NCE É. & º ɺ s f Ø // LAWRE y \ º *& NS gººse- | - | * – --- | T | Specialties= LAWRENCE'S SUPERIOR HAIR BRUSHES, Solid Backs. Fifty Patterns in Olivewood, Redwood, Rosewood, Satinwood, and Tulipwood. LAWRENCE's SUPERIOR MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES, WITH AND witHouT LEATHER CASEs. All Sizes, in Satinwood and Tulipwood. LAWRENCE'S SENSIBLE HAND BRUSHES, New Style. Four Sizes, in Satinwood, Very Superior Finish, Each in Böx. LAWRENCE's COUNTERSUNK TOOTH BRUSHES, - BLUE CEMENT CHECKED BAcks. One Hundred Patterns, in Bone, Boxwood, LAWRE NCE'S CACHO U.S. [and Buffalo. Superior Finish. One Dozen Patent Brass Boxes in Carton. LAwRENCE's superior NAIL FILES. Twelve Sizes, All Steel; also in Ebony, Iron, Pearl, and Shell Handles. LAWRENCE'S SUPERIOR NAIL POWDER. One Dozen Bottles in Carton. LAWRENCE'S PETITE NAIL TOILETS. In Handsome Paper Boxes, containing Nail Powder, Nail Paste, and Polisher. LAWRENCE'S SUPERIOR PARISIAN MIRRORS, Fourteen Sizes, Plain and Beveled Edge Plate Glass. LAWRENCE'S SUPERIOR BLANC DE PERLE. On Porcelain Tablet, Half Dozen in Carton. LAWRENCE'S SUPERIOR THEATRE ROUCE. On Porcelain Tablet, Half Dozen in Carton. LAWRENCE’s SUPERIOR VELOUTEE TOILET POWDER. LAWRENCE’S THERMOMETERS. Eight and Ten Inch, in Boxwood, and Black and White Enamelled Wood Backs. LAWRENCE’s SUPERIOR TRANSPARENT COLOCNE SOAP. Highly Perfumed. Three Cakes in Carton, One Dozen in Package. T; attention of the trade is called to the above specialties, which are highly recommended for their superior quality, handsome finish, and the elegant manner in which they are put up. Though comparatively new in the market, they sell readily wherever shown, giving entire satisfaction, and are gaining great popularity entirely upon their merits. For Prices see McKesson & Robbins' Prices Current. Sample orders soºcyted. º º º º W º ºº ºº º . || ||......III; ... . . . . . . . | FIG. 35os. FIG. 3503. | | |_| y | | l, FIG. FIG. 35oa. FIG. 3507. FIGs. 35ot to 3507 REPRESENT on E-THIRD THE size of THE or IGINALs. Fic, ºro Fº. ººzy. Pº fºrz cº-º-º-º-º-º-º- º-ºººº-sº- lſ Fig. 35.13. * on E-HALF SIZE. 19 O McKesson & Robeiss | LLUSTRATED Catalogue i | 3558. 3559. 3533. 3534. ~ 3578. 3579. 358o. N-1 - C 3602. 3603. 3604. 3605. 3606. 3607. Each CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIzE of THE ORIGINAL. | º º W ºš w - zº: º-ºº: FIG. 3633. - - Each cur REPRESENTS on E-THIRD THE SIZE of THE or-IGINAL. I5 192 McKesson & Robeiss |LLustrated CATALOGUE FIG. 3775. FIG. 3690. - FIG. 3731. FIG. 373. Fig. 3778. £ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. McKesson Roeems |LLustrated CATALOGUE. | |ll L ºn " - --- | | | | FIG. 3820. = - - =|McKESSON & Rºssºs NEV-YOR - Nº. |º | - º Fig. 378o. ONE: THIRD SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. Fig. 3822. Figs, 3820 to 3842 REPRESENT THE FULL size of THE origiNALs. ONE-HAL F SIZE. - 3896. 3899. 393 o. 394c. 3942. 3944, 3945. 395o. 3955 Each CUT REPRESENTS THE FULL SIZE or THE ORIGINAL. 399 o' 399 I. 4o 3o. 4o 35. / \ - | FIG. 4056. McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue 125 . 4O45. == = E º As lº wº - - # FIG. 4076. FULL SIZE. FIG. 4o 77. FIG. FULL FIG. 4055. FIG. FULL SIZE. FIG. 41 of. ONE-HALF SIZE FIG. 41 og. ONE-T HIRD SIZE. FIG. 4oo2. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 4058. FIG. 4064. FULL SIZE. s --- º Hä . = º - | º = M = - ( 408o. SIZE. I º m | on E-HALF SIZE. L 126 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALOGUE. | | FIG. 4120. Fig. 4121. FIG. 4130. 413 I. 415o. 416o. 4161. 4162. 4163. FIGs. 4145 to 4150 REPRESENT on E-HALF THE size of THE origiNALs. FULL SIZE. Fig. 4.175. FIG. 4176. FIG. 4180. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. ONE-SIXTH SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 4192. Fig. 4.193. Fig. 4194. Fig. 4195. Fig. 4200. FIG. 42.01. figs. 4190 to 420. REPRESENT on E-HALF THE size of THE origiNALs. FIG. 4240. ONE THIRD SIZE. FIG. 4275. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated FIG. 4224. FIG. 4225. Figs. 4220 To 4230 REPRESENT ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINALS. ſº & º º M W ſ º º W. W.- W º º º FIG. 4266. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 4265. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 4246. FIG. 4245. ONE-HALF SIZE. FIG. 426o. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Pºiº ==S == º: Kää == FIG. 4276. FIG. 4290. FIG. 4300. FIG. 43ro. ONE-THIRD SIZE, ONE-THIRD size. FULL SIZE. ONE-HALF SIZE, 2 McK ESSON & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue \ FIG. 4377. FIG. 4330. FIG. 4331. 435o. 4351. 4353. FIGs. 4320 To 4360 REPRESENT ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINALS. Nº ºw. FIG. 4378. FIG. 4379. FIG. 438o. FIG. 4381. Fig. 4382. FIG. 4383. FIG. 4384. FIGs. 4375 to 4384 REPRESENT one-FIFTH THE size of THE of IGINALs. FIG. 4445. | Nº. &\ --- FIG. 4399. Fig. 441 o. FIG. 4446. Each cut REPRESENTs one-Four TH THE size of THE origiNAL FIG. 4441. FIG. 4447. FIG. 4448. _2 130 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALOGUE. - FIG. 4449. FIG. 4452. Fig. 4455. Fig. 4456. - Figs. 4449 to 4459 REPRESENT ONE-THIRD THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINALS. Fig. 448o. FULL SIZE. FIG. 4475. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FULL SIZE, FIG. 4492. ONE-THIRD size. FIG. 4493. ONE-THIRD SIZE. 45oo. McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated Catalogue 45oz. 4593. 4594. 4520. 452 I. 4522. Figs. 4500 to 4524 REPRESENT one-FourtH THE size of the origiNALs. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Two-THIRDs size. C - - *=º - - – Tºul *– mº º - FIG. 4546. Two-THIRDs size. FIG. 4525. FIG. 4526. FIG. 4547. FIG. 4555. on E-Four-TH SIZE. ONE-HALF S12 E. \ _2 FIG. 4581. FIG. 4582. FIG. 4583. FIG. 4584. FIG. 4585. | | | | | | Tºlº Each cut REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE size of THE ORIGINAL. McKesson & Robeiss |LLustRATED CATALogue 133 *- **-ā-4-4T -z 5-fºr-ty - FºrEFEE ETT H I I T I E. =##########. £Ach cut REPRESENTS ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue | M W W | | | FIG. 4671. FIG. 4750. - --~~~ FIG. 475t. : # 4648. 4649. 4677. £Ach CUT REPRESENTS ONE-THIRD THE size of THE or IcINAL. FIG. 480i. on E-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 48oz. ONE-THIRD SIZE. FIG. 48o3. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 4670. ONE-THIRD SIZE, 482d, 4824. 4825. 4840. 4841. 4842. 4843. 4844. 4845. 4850. on E-THIRD SIZE. FIGs, 4849 to 4845 REPRESENT on E-HALF THE size of THE origiNALs, ONE-THIRD SIZE. \ _ ~ - T T | in FIG 4885. on E-TRIFRD SIZE. Fig. 488o. Fig. 4881. Fig. 4882. G. 4884. ONE-FIFTH SIZE. ONE-FIFTH SIZE ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. ONE-THIRD SIZE. Fig. 4925. - -- I W | Fig. 4895. FIG. 4896. FIG. 490o. FIG. 4901. Fig. 4920. Fig. 4950. Fig. 4951. FIG. 4952. ONE-HALF SIZE ONE-HALF size, FIGs. 4900 to 4920, three-FourTHs size. FIGs. 4959 to 4953, Full size. \ _ |Wºº |† . | º | | ||||||||| E - 17 Fig. 5632. w - FIG. 5033. FIG. 5034. FIG 5og5. £Ach CUT REPRESENTs on E. H.A.L.F THE SIZE OF FIG. 5036. FIG. 5037. THE OR1G1 NAL Ú FIG. 5030. FIG. 5049. FIG. 5031. FIG. 5038. _ & Robens |Llustrated CATALOGUE. - º 9. 71. 10. FIG. 5409. | 4|T *Tº º FIG. 5462. FIG. 5463. FIG. 5464. THESE CUTS REPRESENT A VARIETY OF SIZES. MEDALs Aw ARDED FOR BEAUTY OF Design AND SKILL DISPLAYED IN FABRication, STYLEs, &c. To & & º lºº - º Vº 2 Oſſanufacturers and &mporters of Q & Q º is are * *Morrºr:rro - S-5. T - Fine French Briar Pipes, Amber Mounted and Stamped BRIAR, APPLE AND Boxwood Pipes. _- FINE CoMBINATION SMoking SETs witH Receptacles For CIGARs & ToBAcco, DIAMond Wood AND EBony Pipes, PATENT RuBBER STEM Pipes, JMITATION MEERscHAUM Pipes CLAY, GENUINE Powhat AN AND Tobacco Pouches AND BA as of MEERschaum Coated PIPEs, JNDIA RuBBER, Etc., CHINA & OzoNE Pipes HoRN § SHELL SNUFF Boxes ToBAcco Boxes AMBER, RuBBER AND HoRN Pipe Mount- INGS, CIGARETTE P A P E R , Weichsel, £HERRY. RuBBER, AND FANcy Pipe STEMs, PIPE MouTHPieces, TuRKish WATER PIPEs, Sweet Weichsel Pipes. yırGINIA REEDs AND Roots, £1GARETTE Rolling MacHINEs, £1GAR LIGHTERs AND £urt ERs, SHow FIGUREs & EMBLEMATIc SIGN's For DRUG, CIGAR TEA TRADE, Etc., CIGAR LAMPs For gas, Alcohol OR ØIL, Our Latest Novelty, “Chinese Amber,” possessing all the virtues of the Genuine Amber, and Warranted Not to Break. G-ein ULirnie Meers clin-a-ul-rm T^i pes. C.I.G.A.R. A.N. D. C.I.G.A.RETTE HOLDIERs ~0f Meerschaum, Clear, Clouded and Black Amber, Weichsel, Ebony, Shell, Briar, Horn, &c. -T- #lettstbaum pipes ºut to Other with figures an ºlamograms. Herrschaum an Amber 600s §rpairth to 3ttomobate dustomers. ORNAMENTAL STANDS, TABLES & JARS, FoR ToBAcco & cic ARs, in creat variety. EC7 and ECO Eroadway, N EVV YORK. - FACTORIES : New York, Philadelphia, Pa., Morrisville, Pa.. and Brooklyn. DEA LERS ONLY SUPPLIED VVITH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Cur Goods rrhay be Crdered through. IMcKessor. & ERobbins- £1GAR AND CIGARETTE Cases, March SAFEs of EveRx Description, º º - – T--—— . . - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - McKesson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 14| *T- --——- ––––––– IET S T A TE T, T S IEL TED ID I1 8 4- O - Randel, Baremore & Billings, Importers of Diarrhornds, Pearls, Rubies, Erneralds, and Sapphires, Also, Cutters and Polishers of Diamonds, Manufacturers of Diernond Jewelry. 58 NASSAU STREET, 29 MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK. INo. 1 sº I*. A-INIDIERIEVV's sº D’ERIEEET", - I scºlNIDOINT- ORIDERS MAY BE SENT THROUGH McKESSON & ROBBINS. S- J — ve 14 - O McKesson & Robeiss |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. N NO. 156 WILLIAM ST. Nos. 75 to 83 Ann Street, KOCHSQNS&(0. SPECIALT | E.S. - L BU MS. ii. GRAPH A Tº NEW YORK. Manufacturers and Inporters. CHESs and BACKGAMMON BOARDS. Aurocrarir A-Laurºs. PAT E N T B A C K is unquestionably the STRONGEST and NEATEST of any in the market. “PATENT BACK" GUMMED STUB FILES. Scrap Books, Card Albums, Etc. McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 143 - - - - º -== No. 12, 4 feet 6 inches long, Price, $33.00. T. G. S E L L ETV, l l l FULTON STREET, NEY YORK. MANU FACTU FEF OF - - - - - 2-S- rººm __ - - __- I - | | - - | *|| | º * - --- |l. Hºi Tºl == S Tººl - º | - | Fº - till - | iº º º 1. º º –mſ. - s - | |º. | º == - º sº m º - E- | - º - - = == S No. 16, 6 feet, Price, $30.00. Same Desk without cases $3.00 per foot. - inches long, Price, $1 OFFICE -- - ——_A. INT TY-- ICE FURNITURE. - rº- i. - - | Fiº - tº | 5– L tº | º | | | - | | 1. |) | | | Inniſ | | | t | | | | | | ºn Tºº illiºn iT. No. 31, 4 feet 6 in., and 5 feet long, Price, from $65.00 to $100,00. No. 59, 6 feet long, Price, $40.00. /- - - - 144 - McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED CATALogue. “THE WATERBURY.” 9 -: ^ N7 s º # / _º-º: *Qs-ºº: - - i | " " - F- º: == - - - - O well known have these watches become as reliable time keepers, that thousands are buying them in preference to higher priced watches. A very watch is run sºr consecutive days in varying positions and regulated to time before leaving factory. WE MANUFACTURE ONE THOUSAND WATCHES PER DAY. In Nickel Silver Case, . Series A, . . Open Dial . $48.00 per doz. 44 % - % - . Series B, . . Full Dial, . . $48.00 per doz. DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. We execute no Orders for quantities less than one dozen. FACTORY: WATERBURY, CONN. NEW YORK OFFICE: 4 MAIDEN LANE, tº All orders and correspondence as to prices and terms should be addressed to GED. MERRITT, General Selling Agent, send For circular. -4. MAIDEN LANE, NEYV roRº | | | | - | - - - m|| | DRuccist & DEALE ºs- * § INTET_\º Tº PRICE-25 CTS. | REPRESENT THREEDIFFER *— gº – is - The odor is peculiar to this Cologne. The style and appearance recom- mend it. The label, which is from an original design and elegantly illuminated, dis- tinguishes it from the many others in the market. - It is not sold in bulk and I make mo Cologne Oil. Securely packed in wood boxes. Half pint and pint G. S. bottles in half dozens. Quart G. S. bottles in quarter dozens. Sprinkler stopper size (six ounces) in dozens. Trial Flasks, in paper boxes, in dozens. For prices, see McKesson & Robbins' Annual Price Current. 3 pºrºz NEWºº Sºegistered | | | | | | | || º y * ~6. a 31° | | º | | | intº LIIII |-1. | | - I |-- Marrºtwelkoumannith.21-25 Warren St.N.Y. ºC<> sº 31.3º i Ó§s * & º3.2.3"2& i : & 3. 2 ss | :$P 9§y* /º Ç 2. s & º * ; & 3. » º : º > <<> →XXXX XXXXXXX. SXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) & sº º d l, Rºss S š GLYGERINE & ELDER FLOWER Jim O'ſ IOINT, IT CURES CHAPPED HAN DS, FACE, SUN BURN AND ALL ROUGH N ESS OF THE SE IN. Gentlemen find this an Excellent Article to use after Shaving. ^. > 2. e ^_l T - |-> [… Pººrººr. - | ...” 5anualun & rurlic 2. 2 - v. 2 - 2 - 2 ) 2- -2. 2 --> º sº-Z 2’ 2^ . 2^ A Sure Remedy for COUGHS, COLDs and all THROAT AFFECTIONS. - AGREEABLE TO THE TASTE. A Generous Supply of Samples Furnished with Gross Orders. *3 *º- -: * - g w /, \\ { SAPONACEOUs DENTIFRICE Formula of A. L. NORTHROP D. D. S., an unrivalled powder for cleansing the Teeth, Mouth and Gums, a white powder, a delightful perfume. ----- In 2 oz. Sprinkler Stopper Bottles. In 3 lb. Tin Cans. (; ; 4. a & ( & & 6 6 & (; & I ($6 & 6 6 (; THE A TWO OE) TO OTH WASH In 4 oz. Sprinkler Stopper Bottles. A RELIABLE AND AGREEABLE MOUTH WASH. *G For Prices see McKESSON & ROBBINS Annual Price Current. HERMON W. ATWOOD PROPRIETOR 846 BROADWAY BET. 13% & 14:ST. t NEW YORK. ManetMerkel & Ottmannitº.21-25Wanwa St.N.Y. A N A A.Y. Z\ ^ = \ (N Ky Yºr. , N ºf ºr S R ſº A , {r AN N Z. & > º A jº º * “P N" y vºr ºf OKXXX) ÇKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) sº KX Sº, º Aº Aº A & A$2, $2 &A &, Sº s º , º, . Sº, º , , , º, , , , , , º, , , , § , , , , , ), *, , , , § 3; , , , , , $2, $ , ; , ; , ; , , , ; , ; , ; , ; , S: , ; & & Nye's WN N SysNS y s N W. 27 ºn º Sº WS N N 7. Ng WS WS º § O N & Seº & 8 & ; § A N Ö º § & & § C C º C 2. <> i - sº:º º Z. A & & i. & 3 º3. &º 3 i.:º i º º C 3. :©º-* -;3.| C . & : f§ C 3× º § C 3× f C & C C C Ç C C 8. 3. 3. 3×: f 8 3. & 3. 3.>4 C N. 3. f % C & & | C º C C 3. g C *::$3 3×3 &:S3 㺠3. N Nº. 2 º' C ºxx; McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 145 ARCTIC SODAWATER MPPARATUS Superiority of Design and Workmanship, Combined with Lowest Prices, has rendered the “ARCTIC” the leading Soda-Water Apparatus of the World. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, AND TERMS OF PAYMENT º VERY LIBERAL I shall con- stantly introduce My Illustrated Catalogue con- tains full descrip- tion, with prices, terms of pay- ment, and other information of value to the trade. Hiſtºlſ, lili, #1: Wii, and everything required by the trade. new, original and elegant designs in Counter Ap- paratus, at very low prices and intending pur- º chasers will find - º it to their ad- vantage to send for my |M|| || || †- ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO J A IMI IFE S TV - T U E' T S PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER, TNTos- 33 to 4–5 EOVV-lº-er Street, Eoston-, Mass- BRANCH OFFICES : BALTIMORE, No. 2 East Lombard Street. US" York, No. 21 John Street. L 18 146 McKesson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED Catalogue N *===s=-- ~~~ HOY"T": IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE TRADE. BEWARE OF BOUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS! O NOT BE DECEIVED by any preparation purporting to be a NEW article of our manufacture. We put up no perfume but HOYT'S GERMAN COLOGNE. Any other preparation purporting to come from us is an IMPOSITION and a FRAUD. Ozer (, ood's /a, e //, /a/e, c/c., as /o//ows, (/own ºn //, /30///e: HOYT’S GERMAN COLOG NE, E. W. ||OYT & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Our signature is also printed in red ink diagonally across the Label, and over the cork is placed our PRI- VATE United States Internal Revenue Stamp. HOYT'S GERMAN COLOGN E is well known, extensively advertised, very popular, and, without question, the best selling article of its kind in the market, and we trust you will consider it a matter of justice to us, as well as for your own interest, to discourage this system of pirating, by refusing to deal in any of the counterfeits and imitations, and whenever they are sent to you as a substitute for our goods, return them, demand the genuine, and do not fail to report the case to us. E. W. HOYT & CO., Proprietors, LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS. Crders executed by McIxIESSON & F.CIEEIN S. ºmmy H ūmùº º- BOSTON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ille Sligitalăld Dºlltälls||||||||IS AND ARTICLES P& IND RED. MASS., t - Having an extensive Factory, with steam power, ample machinery, and experi- enced workmen, we can promptly make to order, in the best manner, and from almost any material, new INSTRUMENTS and APPARATUS And supply new Inventions on favorable terms. Attention of the Trade is particularly called to our Atomizers as the best in the world. See this Catalogue, pages 7 and 8. DR. MARTIN's STRONG ELASTIC BANDAGE. GAIFFE's BATTERY. SoFT RUBBER CATHETER. ~ → 148 McKesson & R OBBINs' |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. sº C.A. L. D.E.R.” Sº 2 º e.ceous -ms-º-º-º- ------— TI & A D E M A IR ſº, D ENT IN E H PATENTI. F. D. No 1. ( 37632. This agreeable and efficacious Tooth Powder, established by nearly thirty years' experience, has received the sanction of the members of the Dental and Medical Professions generally, and by them it is daily recommended and prescribed. It is as pleasant in the application as it is excellent in its effects; it speedily renders the teeth white and smooth, the gums healthful, red and firm ; and by frequent use will preserve them in this desirable condition. It gradually but effectually removes tartar, and destroys the animalculae which neglect may have permitted to collect, and prevents their further accumulation, thus serving as a complete beautifier and preserver of the teeth. PUT UP IN TWO SIZES, 25 and 50 Cents. The Proprietor would call the attention of the Trade to the new and enlarged fifty cent size, contain- ing nearly three times the quantity of the twenty-five cent size, and having sprinkler top. MANU FACTURE I) () NLY 13Y. D R U G GIST A N LO PHARMA cist, FROVIDENCE, - tºn - RECORDE IS dºº- \ L McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALogue 149 ESTABLISHED 1852. - /º //xicaſ Ż */ 6. –4 #3– 4%-2.< - 250 DEVONSHIRE ST., - BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF - sII avºie-ER, E*TJIMCICE, sität-A-VIINTG-, IDEINT*I* ALLs arıcı *RINE ToILET so APs) ºr The INDEXICAL SOAPS are prepared from the choicest materials; all are boiled soaps, with lasting odors; they are durable, economical, and always mild and wholesome, FIRENCH OVAL SOAPS. LARGE OVAL sºrs. l d Meal, Poncine, Zaha | Musk ºw $º Nº. in Honey, Glycerine ine, ite Gl ine. Br Windsor, Turtle Oil, Oat Meal Glycerine, Almon eal, Poncine, Zahater, and Windsor, Be ock in Honey, Glycerine Honº #."º Farina, Pure Almond, Bay Leaf, Musk Windsor, Tar, Sand, Fumice, ºc. | Windsor, Oatmeal and Daisy. •. 63S - Hº- - º SILVER LINE SOAPS. Silver Soap, for cleaning Silver, and Plated Ware, Gold and ºrrºr- LONG OVAL SOAPS. Honey, Glycerine, Pink Bath, Bee Bath, Oatmeal, Elder Plated Jewelry, Pearls and Precious stones, Gold chains, Flower. The Giants are half-pounds of the finest quality Calla, Fashion Bouquet, Cardinal, Nosegay in Honey, &c. Also, in Honey, Glycerine, Windsor, White boiled and perfumed pure Soap, and the cheapest Glycerine and Windsor. Glycerine and Oatmeal. Toilet Soaps to be obtained anywhere. - sº- - SHAVING SOAPS. CONGRESS SOAPS. The Crown and Bay Rum Shaving Soaps produce a rich, durable, creamy lather, that does not dry on the face, Honey, Glycerine, White Glycerine, Brown Windsor, Palm, leaves the skin smooth and soft after shaving. Have been thoroughly tested by competent, practical and Almond and Sand. - disinterested judges, who pronounce them superior to any others. SION *"...º.º.º.º.º.º." "The TRY Boston and R. R. R. so APs are Large Cakes at Low Prices. and cerine, Chinese Rice, No. 60 Palm. Each Cut represents one-half Linear measure, or one-fourth the size of the original. r N 150 McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. JEss= oar-LEY & contrary. SOAP MAKERS AND PERFUMERS IDſ) AND III WEST BROADWAY AND 5 WHITE ST, Factorv, Newburgh on the Hudson, NEY YORK. º Máriº Antoinettº, NBW MOWI, Hay, Quéºn BOllquët, Stéphallotis, White Héliotrope. JOCkºy Club, s Lilac, 2. Violettº, * White ROS8, "|º: Yläng Yläng, | | | | f 2 : The above cut represents the eract size of a bottle of JESSE OAKLEY & CO.S TRIPLE EXTRACT OF T, LLY CIE" TELIHE TV A_T,LIETY - The small cut is the exact size of a sample bottle of the same, one of which goes with every bottle purchased. Three bottles of each in a box. This extract is of the highest possib/e concentration, and from its truth to the flowers is fast becoming the most popular extract in the market. Toilet Waters, Triple Toilet Waters for the Handker- chief, Cosmetics, Honey Water for the Skin, etc., etc. The Soap which the above cut represents forms in washing an emulsion which is exceedingly soft and pleasant to the skin. The perfume is exhila- rating and delightful, and of extra strength. // is a/so perfect/y /rue, and too well known to need com- ment. Its large and growing sale in warm climates, for which it is particularly adapted, attests its great popularity. Flower Per Fu web So a Ps, Exquisite in Style and Perfume—three sizes. EXTRA FINE AROMATIC SOAPS. OAT MEAL and SPERMACETI SOAP. CAMELIA BOUQUET SOAP. MAYFLOWER GLYCERINE SOAP. 50% GLYCERINE WARRANTED. VVITCH HAZEL SOAP, PAT. AUG. 7th, 1877. E"OER, S_A_LIE JETY McKEssors & ROBEINs. McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue. 151 threaded and leak. be lost; in the HouseHold SYRINGE the valves are secured and cannot be DAWOL MANUF ACTURING CO., PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, MANUFACTURERS OF | =º . |, | | | | HouseHold SYRINGE, No. 1. (In Box.) THE HOUSEHOLD SYRINGE. Patented Sept. 17th, 1878, and March 4, 1879. Patented in England, France and Germany. In placing before the public and the Medical Profession this Improved Syringe, we would present our claims for calling it THE PERFECT SYRINGE. 1st. All Syringes in which METAL is used are liable to corrosion, which injures and impairs their Useful NEss and DURABILITY; whilst the METALLIC oxides formed on the metal fittings are liable to be injected with the liquid. The Household SYRINGE has No METAL FITTINGs, and is made of PURE RUBBER and JET. 2d. Syringes connected by screw THREADs are liable to be cross- The Household SYRINGE has No screw THREADs, all the fittings are sists’ Suridries- MAGIC ATOMIZER, No. 2. MAGIC Atomizer, No. 1. (Continuous SPRAY.) We Also Manufacture the HOUSEHOLD FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. connected by PURE RUBBER, and the injection tubes can be quickly secured or exchanged by inserting them into the socket. All the joints are perfectly tight, and remain so. 3d. All metals are good conductors of heat, and painfully affect injured parts. Metal injection tubes become affected by acids, and are therefore dangerous in use. The Household SYRINGE provided with JET INJECTION TUBEs is not affected by acids, and, as the jet is an absolute non-conductor of heat, it does not chiII, the injured parts, but is soothing and agreeable in use. 4th. Physicians recommend the Household SYRINGE as perfect in cleanliness, efficiency and durability. 5th. In all Syringes heretofore made the valves are loose and liable to lost, thereby insuring efficiency at all times. NoTICE.-The Syringe is secured to us by United States Letters Patent, and all infringers will be proceeded against according to law. |The Globe Syringe, The Acme Syringe, The Empire Syringe, The Narragansett Syringe, French Jet Top Glass Syringes, French Jet Syringes, In cases, All Glass Syringes. English Breast Pump, | Improved Breast Pipe, Glass Nipple Shields, |French Jet Nipple Shields, |Nursing Bottles, complete, Medicine Droppers, &c., Bulbs, Nipples, Tubing, . Teething Rings, Finger Cots, &c., Nursing Bottle Fittings. Catalogues and Price Lists Furnished upon Application. ALL THE ABOVE POEPT IN STOCK BY McPCESSON & ROBEINS. THE CELEBRATED MAGIC ATOMIZER. French Jet Piston Glass Syringes, Household Breast Pump, No.400, Hydrokonion and Nasal Douches, J. 152 McKesson & Robeiss | Lustrated CATALogue - - - “IF"I . His EHC E ER. T.J. s EHI-77 –An attempt has been made to put so-called “A lectro Magnetic” Brushes upon the market, but the Post Office authorities at Wash- ington have published the company as a fraud. We therefore caution the Public to be careful that “Dr. Scott's " name is on the box 1 and “A lectric " on the Brush. Ours is not wire, but a Aure bristle Brush. DR. SCOTT’S ELECTRIC FLESH BRUSH. EXACT SIZE. ASTONISHINC CURES I Royalty, members of her Majesty's Government, and many professional gentlemen who have tested the § power of the brush are unanimous in its praise, and its Therapeutic value cannot be disputed, having the ap- NA proval of numerous medical men. Constructed upon scientific principles, the result of twelve years' study NA and fractice, it is thoroughly and º charged with an “Electric "force which produces remark- º able cures. It generally gives reli W ief in five to seven minutes, and its application is most agreeable and grateful, there being no shock or unpleasant feeling attending its use. Always doing good, it cannot harm, and aside from its curative powers is a beautiful flesh brush (wet or dry), elegantly carved and lasting for \ years. Its power can always be tested by a silver compass which accompanies each Brush. Our Dr. \Scott's A/ectric //air Brush having me? with the same appreciation here, which its earcellent merits secured for it in Aºng/ama, we now introduce to the American Auð/ic his Electric Flesh Brush, conſident that it will soon /ind its way into every household. Icº CTUTER-E-s RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, GOUT. NERV0US DEBILITY, LUMBAG0, NE URALGIA, T00THACHE. MALARIAL LAMENESS. ALL PAINS AND ACHES RESULTING FROM COLDS, IMPURE BLOOD, AND IMPAIRED CIRCULATION. IT ACTS QUICKLY IN SIOMACH: LIVER AND KIDNEY_IROUBLES AND IS A VALUABLE_ASSISTANI IN THEIR TREATMENT. II QUICKLY REMOVES THOSE “BACK ACHES ’’ PE- CULIAR TO LADIES. It keeps the skin healthy, beautifies the complexion, and imparts vigor and en- ergy to the whole body. People of sedentary habits and impaired nervous powers will find it a valuable companion. Proprietors: The Pall Mall Electric Association of London. New York Branch: 842 Broadway. TESTIMONIALS. Atwood's PHARMACY, 842 Broadway, New York, May 15, 1881. DR. Scott: I have sold at retail over my counter, during the last few months, over $3,500 worth of your Electric Brushes at $3.00 each. They give splendid satisfaction, and many have come back and bought the second, third and fourth one. I have heard many customers praise them very highly, and from my own personal knowledge, I know of most remarkable cures attending their use. I cordially recommend them to the pub- lic.” HERMon W. Atwood. “I prescribe it for my patients with the happiest results. Its cures are unquestion- able." DR. John GAvett Gibson, F.C.S. “Better than all liniments and embrocations. We cannot too highly recommended it - - Fºllº to the afflicted.” SURGICAL GAZETTE. §§ - - - * * crºw - “For some time past I have suffered with Rheumatism in my knee, I tried your 3. N - ºº: Brush and the result astonished me, in less than three minutes the pain disappeared and | Xº)Wº: -sº 43Zº I have not had it since. Wishing to convince myself still further, *... it to my place ||||||||| - º - º of business and cured two workmen of Neuralgia and a third of toothache. I am now - - satisfied with the virtue of your Brush, and do not hesitate to speak a good word for it º to suffering humanity.” Yours respectfully, JEsse M. HARR. \ Space forbids our publishin innumerable letters of praise and gratitude from those using our Brush. Where addresses are not given they will be furnished with pleasure on application. tº MONEY RETURNED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED, As soon as you receive the Brush, if not well satisfied with your bargain, write us and we will return the money. What can be fairer? IER E. T. A. I I, E* ER. I. C. E., $ 3. O O. ºf All Druggists are invited to send to us for Circulars, which will be mailed free on application. - - - C. A. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, N. Y. THE LONDON CALVANIC CENERATOR, EERICE, $1-OO- A R O Y.A. L. R. E MEDY. E2ERICE, $1-OO- Now offered to the American Public by The Pall Mall Electric Association of London. A great revolution in medical practice has spread throughout England. It has been discovered that most remarkable cures attend the application of a newly invented Galvanic Generator to diseased parts of the y. Experience has shown that they act immediately upon the blood, nerves and tissues, producing more relief in a few hours than medicine has iven in weeks and months. There is no shock or unpleasant feeling attending their use, and they can be worn day or night, interfering in no way with the dress or occupation of daily ife. Full directions accompanying each one. Each mail brings us most gratifying letters from those using them. The Generator Quickly Cures Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Qonstipation,Gout. Debility, Heartburn. Rheumatism. *; Weak Stomach, Dyspepsia, Aches and Pains, Weak Back, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Nervous Troubles, Sciatica, Vertigo, Indigestion and all their Complications. There is no Waiting, it acts immediately. we Cuarantee every Cenerator. Our Motto being. No Cure, No Pay. Its great success in England has caused the Market to be Flooded with Cheap, Worthless Imitations. See that the name “PALL MALL" is stamped on the back. Our extensive and liberal advertising has created a brisk demand for these meritorious articles. Druggists are cordially invited to write us for Circulars and Show Cards. The Goods can be obtained of your Wholesale Drug House. McKesson Robens |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. 153 –An attempt has been made to put so-called “A lectro-Magnetic” Brushes upon the market, but the Post-Office authorities at Was/- ington have published the company as a fraud. We therefore caution the Public to be careful that “Dr. Scott's" name is on - the box and “A lectric" on the Brush. Ours is not wire, but a Aure bristle Brush. Dr. Scott's Electric ºſair Erush. A MARVELLOUS SUCCESS || NOW RECOMMENDED BY OUR BEST PHYSICIANS. §s Which has won its way to Royal favor in England, been cordially indorsed by the Prince and Princess of Wales & 4. and written upon by the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, ºs now brought to the notice of the American public. sº &0, It cures by natural, means, will always do good, never harm, and is a remedy lasting for many years. It & & should be used daily in place of the ordinary Hair Brush. The Brush Handle is made of a new odor. - oy. less composition_resembling ebony, a combination of substances PRODUCING A PERMA- NENT ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURRENT WHICH ACTS IMMEDIATELY UPON & THE HAIR GLANDS AND FOLLICLEs. This power can always be tested by a silver compass which accompanies each Brush. IT IS WARRANTED TO Cure Nervous Headache in 5 Minutes 11 Cure Bilious Headache in 5 Minutes!! Cure Neuralgia in 5 Minutes!! Prevent Falling Hair and Baldness!! Cure Dandruff and Diseases of the Scalp!! Promptly Arrests Premature Grayness!! Makes the Hair Grow Long and Glossy . . Immediately Soothes the Weary Brain ſ : -- 3. Money returned if not as represented Nº. 2 It rarely fails to produce a rapid p!"º: l - % growth of Hair, where the glands - an. 72 and follicles are not totally de- A 2. stroyed. •. |- \º - - - - ea, Proprietors: The Pall Mall Electric Association of London, 2. New York Branch: 842 Broadway, rooklyn. GENTs:–I Hºe never before given a testimonial, but am will- ing to encourage the use of an honest remedy. I am so pleased with your Hair Brush that I deem it my duty to write you recommending it most cordi- ally. My hair. ion; a year since, º º º and I was º, y becoming bald; but, since using the - --- - - headaches within a few minutes. In Brush a thick growth of hair has made its Z W// - wºn - - - º --- */ so pleased with it I purchased º appearance, |. equal to that which I had pre- º - º, - - - - º: - 77 other for my wife. It is an ex- vious to its falling out. I have tried other reme- - - º - - C. cellent Hair Brush, well dies, but with no success. After this remarkable result º, worth the price," aside I purchased one for my wife, who has been a great sufferer J. from its curative pow- from headache, and she finds it a prompt and infallible remedy.” 6. ers.” A. C. Bridgeman, D.D. James B. “I would not take $1,000 for my Brush Chapman. if I could not replace it. Its effect is marvellous.” PLINY F. SMITH, 218 Fulton Street, N. Y. f Mr. Sº is a gentleman well known in this city as a Law Publisher, and also as a Director in several Public Institutions of New York. *rom the Mayor of Saratoga.] & &, “I cheerfully testify to the merits of Dr. W. Scott's Electric Hair Brush. It cures m º y Atwood's PHARMACY, 842 Broadway, N. Y. To The DRUGG1sts of AMERICA : - - - - “In all my business experience I have never found an article to .." so º or give º º I º sold over my counter at retail upwards of $3,500 of Dr. Scott's Electric Brushes, and I earnestly recommen em to all druggists. p $: - #ºw. Atwoop. Mr. Atwood is well known throughout the country as the manufacturer of the Atwood Cologne. Astor House PHARMACY, N. Y. “We are retailing over a dozen each day, and have sold several gross of them in a very short time... I have no hesitation in advising all druggists to buy them as Dr. Scott is advertising them in a very bold and original manner, with splendid results. They are really a superior Hair Brush of good value.” A. Dr. Ditman is known to all as the proprietor of Ditman's Sea Salt, for producing real sea water at home. WELL's PHARMACY, Broadway, Saratoga, N. Y. “Well, I can only say your Electric Brush is “booming.' I sell a good many each day. Send me six dozen more at once. Send some if you have to borrow them as I am all out More circulars, too, as they do the business. The Brush cures my headaches, and I have cured others with it. Mr. Chapman, mayor of our yillage, testifies ºn writing how they cured him, and says he would not take $50 for his brush. It is the most rapid selling article I have handled.” CHAS. C. WELLS. Mr. Wells is well known and highly esteemed by the residents and visitors of Saratoga. T C T+H H T) Tr, TU G- G- T S T S - If you will write us for circulars we will send them º and if you stamp your name upon them, and Judiciously distribute them in the vicinity of your store, you will be sur. prised at the number of customers they will bring to you. It is being done every day, and some retail druggists have sºld one, two, and even five gross: 1 of our goods. We will send you all the circulars and show cards you may require, and we entreat you to try it. Retail Price, $3,00. ºon the opposite page will be seen the fac-simile size cuts of our Dr. Scott's Electric Flesh Brush and the London Galvanic Generator. Both meritorious articles and well ad- - vertised. Send for circulars of these also. - I9 154 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue England. WHITE AND SOUND TEETH ! JEvsetTRY & ERown's EXQUISITE COMPOUND, THE ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE. 5*=ºss- For Cleaning, Beautifying and Preserving THE T E E T H A N D G U M S. - - - THIS elegant Preparation, established by the experience of over sº – — |º half a century and numerous Testimonials from Dentists and |mmº- º º, others, is submitted to the Public as that great desideratum—a thoroughly satisfactory and perfectly safe Dentifrice. It is com- posed of vegetable substances, blended with a variety of the most º U. º fragrant compounds, and is absolutely free from the least admix- yº - ture of any mineral or pernicious ingredient. Its taste is most º agreeable, whilst it is distinguished from all other Preparations by SW | H its extraordinary efficacy in removing tartar, ensuring to the teeth =\ º | | the most beautiful and pearly whiteness, and by its corrective and |||||||||||||| astringent properties inducing a healthy action of the Gums, and a is |||||||||| consequent firmness and brightness of color. It gives peculiar --> Q- sweetness to the breath, and, if used regularly, will preserve the mº- - Teeth and Gums in a sound and ornamental state to old age. Supplied Wholesalé and for Shipment by the Lºading HOUSES in London, Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow, New York, &c., &c. CAUTION –Be particular in asking for “JEWSBURY & BROWN'S ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE,” as numerous Imitations of this popular article are offered, some parties being so unprincipled as not only to adopt the title, but closely to imitate the external appearance. Purchasers should carefully observe the Name and Address on the Pots, also the Trade Mark and Autograph Signature on the Wrapper. SPECIAL TRADE NOTICE. Particular attention is caused ºne annexed ſº ºne of the Registered Trade Mark printed in RED and GREEN, and Signature of _&_2^42….” The original and only makers of the Genuine O E.IIHBINTT ALT, TO OTIEI IF. A. STIHE, For Cleansing, Preserving, and Beautifying the Teeth and Gums, Established over Fifty Years. To avoid fraudulent and dangerous imitations, notice that on every pot appears the Trade Mark as annexed, and the Signature of ADDRESS, JEWSBURY & BROWN, Market Street, MANCHESTER, \- _2 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALOGUE. 155 RAW SON'S U. S. A R MY PATENT ELASTIC SELF-ADJUSTING SUSPENSORY BANDAGE. A MARVEL OF SUPPORT, RELIEF, COMFORT AND DURABILITY. a A ſ º ! g W \ AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTABLE, RENDERINC displacement IMPOSSIBLE. IE-XCIEL-A-INT_A_TIOINT OF TELIE CTUTTS- Figure 1.-a, sack of silk, linen or cotton net, which will not interrupt the action fig. 1, or permanently, (without buckles,), as in fig. 2; § elastic straps passing of the respiratory organs of the skin; &, an opening, with an elastic ring or band over the buttocks, and attached to the sack, a, beneath, which keeps the sack, a. which keeps the material of the sack, closely around, the penis and exterior portion in position, so as not to pinch the testes, and in whatever position the person may of the testicles; d, an elastic band which encircles the body and passes, round the put himself, the sack will remain in place—the straps, only, yielding and accommodating hips downwards towards the penis, as in fig. 3; is made either with buckles, as in themselves to the movements. T In Quality of Material, Mammèr Of Construction, and Style Of Māmuſacture, it is Superior to any Testicle Supporter in the World. IT IS RECOMMEMDED A PERFECT FIT IT CANNOT THE INDIVIDUAL IT IS ORDERED BY THE MOST - - - BY THE not Ed SURCEONS (Free from Restraint) BECOME DISPLACED Wearing it U. S. AND W.A. R. R. A. N. T. E. D No MAtter. Will Not be Conscious ARMY SURCEONS PHYSICANS FOR ANY TVW hat Eosition. OF FOR THE In the United States, Size or Condition. THE BoDY MAY Assume. Its Presence. Regular Army. THE ONLY PERFECT ARTICLE EVER OFFEERED TO THE PUBLIC. Heretofore Suspensory Bandages have been used as an article of necessity; with this new application it is an article of comfort. Heretofore it has been used only in cases of disease; with this new application it is fast becoming an indispensable article of gentleman's attire, as it contributes more to his comfort and happi- ness than any other article he may wear. It is now used by scores of people in perfect health, for no other reason than for the comfort and pleasure derived from its use. It is a perfect protection for those parts which are liable to injury while riding, laboring, and the numerous other positions which the body may be placed in, thereby causing unlooked for accidents to those parts most necessary to protect. Many physicians who are in perfect health and manhood are now wearing my Patent Suspensory. The reason they assign is that “No MAN SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE.” For Sale by all First-class Druggists. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. L —TESTIMON HALs. NEw York. May 4, 1881. World's DisPENs ARY AND INvALIDs' Hotel, St. Louis, June 9, 1881. MR. S. E. G. Rawson-Dear Sir: We have sold your U. BUFFALo, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1880. S. E. G. Rawson, Esq.-Dear Sir: We have always S Army Suspensory Bandages for many years with great S. E. G. RAwson, Esq.-Dear Sir: I take pleasure in say- found your U. S. Army *:::: to give complete satis- satisfaction P. ourselves and our customers. Owing to ing this Association uses ONLY your U.S. Army Suspen- faction to our customers, and have no hesitancy in saying their superior quality, we can cordially recommend them to sory Bandages, and we can recommend them as being the they are the very best in the market. We find our trade onr customers and the public generally. Yours truly, best ſitting and most jurº of any of which we have any constantly increasing, and take #º in selling such W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO. knowledge, . Our experience with them has been very ex- meritorious articles. RICHARDSON & CO., Importers and Wholesale irngºists. tensive and in every way *ś Importers and Wholesale Druggists. - Very truly yours, R. V. PIERCE, President. - Chicago, March 15, 1881. ... We always recommend Rawson's, and sell large quanti- Dear Sir: We take pleasure iº tº: A. *::: ºil. S. E. G. Rawson–Dear Sir: We desire to say in refer- ties of them. - ority of Rawson's Suspensory Bandage over all others we ence to *º: tº: for *::::. CASWELL, HAZ AR} ſº Dru ºn Y have seen for the following reasons, viz: They are most ears, and foun em uniformly Sa ry, we e l venue Hotel, N. Y. - - - - jº in recommending them to the public as the most ractical in construction, and the only really comfortable - ndage to wear, besides having elegance and durability, comfortable, durable, and the best fittin * ; ". They are the only comfortable, well-fitting and durable .#. which are proven by the large and increasing sory bandage in the market... Our professional frien suspensory in the market. In years of experience I have sale we have for them, and we can recall no instance in entertain the same opinion of them. ly yours, never known of any that were always so uniformly fur- which they have failed to give entire satisfaction. We re- E. H. SARGENT & CO. nished of the best workmanship and best materials. main, Very truly, yours, Importers and dealers in Surgical Instruments and Phy- - J. MILHAUS SON, A: HUDNUT. sicians Supplies Retail Druggist, 183 Broadway, N. Y. N. Y. Herald Building. RECOMMENDED BY Dr. WM. H. VAN BUREN, DR. FESSENDEN N. OTIS, DR. D. W. BLISS, DR. JAMES R. WOOD, DR. R. B. BONTECOU, DR. JOS. W. HOWE, DR. EDWARD BRADLEY, DR. W.M. TODD HELMUTH. ºf Lecture on the Testicle by an eminent N. Y. Surgeon and specialist mailed free on application."& Ask your Druggists for “Rawson's U. S. Army,” and take no other. Send for Descriptive Circular and Price List. Orders Received and Promptly Executed by the Patentee and Sole Manufacturer, S. IEH- G-- I Ft. A-VV scINT, 156 McKesson & Roeeins |LLustrated Catalogue Pracocz’s Physicians Pocket º s -> S. - º º -> º - s - - w -> - is Sº - s º - º º is - - - S- - - - - ºss - - Sº - rºw --> Nº. - -- º - - - is Nºw - --- - s - sº - - Fºss º sº - sº s == _2~ sº - sº - -sº - º- - - - ->- - - - - --> - T- - --~- - - - -- - - - - | - LS (PATENTED DEc. 20th, 1863.) These Cases have proved the BEST AND MOST PRACTICAL POCKET CASE FOR THE PHYSICIAN'S USE. Among the advantages of these Cases over all other styles may be men- tioned the following: 1st. The vials are held in place by metallic springs covered with leather, thus giving a firm clasp to the vial, of sufficient elasticity to allow it to be easily removed and replaced; and the leather covering of the spring presents a soft surface to the vial, which is a protection against breakage. 2d. The springs extend only two-thirds the circumference of the vial, thus allowing the label to be placed lengthwise on the vial----a great advan- tage, as it can be more easily read, and cannot be rubbed off as when slipped under leather loops. 3d. The Cases are made of thin wood covered with morocco, affording a perfect protection against breakage to the vials, making altogether a neat, compact, strong, and light Pocket Case. MANUFACTURED BY THE PATENTEE, I-I. THI. I-II: A COCIPKI, 6 13 Chestnut Street, - - - - Philadelphia, Pa. ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENT CASES HYPODERMIC SYRINGE CASES, ETo. U(as of Every Description Made to Order. Price Lists Furnished on Application. J -º-º: . . . . McKesson & Roberns |LLustrated Catalogue 157 Trommer Extract of Malt. “The proper medicinal value of Malt Extracts must be held to depend on the amount of diastase which they contain. * ·K. % %. In Malted Barley we have at command an unlimited supply of diastatic power.” \\ ILLIAM ROBERTS, M. D., F.R.S., /?roſ. C/inica/ .1/edicine, Owens Co//cgc., Physician ſo J/anchester /nfirmary, c/c. “This Extract of Malt is one of the best samples which have come under my notice. One hundred parts contain two and five-tenths parts diastase.” A. RIVERS WILSON, Ph.D., - 21 it (/or of “ 7 c.v/-Book of Chemica/ .17/a/ysis,” c/e. “It has evidently been prepared with great care and judgment, as it retains the property of acting on amylaceous bodies as diastase does." T. RED WOOD, Ph.D., F.R.C.S., etc., Zºro/. Chemistry and Z'harmacy /o /*/armaceutical Society of Grea/ /3ritain Our Extract of Malt, the first manufactured in America, is prepared by an improved process z0/ic/ prevents injury to its properties or ſlator 61 c.t.cess of ſeaſ. It represents the soluble constituents of Malt and Hops, viz.: ma//-sugar, der/rinc, aſ huminoids (c/ºcſ!y dias/ase), resin, and 67//er of /o/s, //losſ/a/cs of /ime and magnesia. It is a most efficient therapeutic agent for the restoration of feeble and exhausted constitutions, being rich in both muscle and fat-producing material, and a most valuable restorative in diseases attended by disordered digestion and emaciation. º Our Malt Extract is sold throughout the United States, Great Britain, the West Indies, Centra and South America, and elsewhere. In all those countries we have placed large supplies in the most important hospitals, asylums and infirmaries, and in the hands of leading physicians for trial in private practice. From these sources we have received abundant testimony to the excellence of our Extract in regard to purity and efficiency in the treatment of diseases in which its employment is indicated. OPINIONS OF THE MEDICAL PRESS. [London Modical Record, March 15, 1870.] | [British Medical Journal, April 19, 1879.] Trommer Malt Extract is a preparation which has been received with Trommer Extract of Malt has obtained a very large celebrity, and has considerable favor both in Germany and in America, and is now being in. come into very extensive use in the United States, where, indeed, it has troduced into this country. The malt extract of this kind is an unfer- become an article of almost daily use in professional practice. Malt ex- mented preparation of malt, and containing carbo-hydrates, malt-sugar tracts of the kind, consisting of the soluble constituents of barley malt, and dextrine, which takes the place in therapeutics which has hitherto not fermented, appear to have considerable value in maintaining and been essentially filled by cod liver oil, while from the fact that these carbo. strengthening nutrition. They are rich in malt sugar, dextrine, and dias- hydrates are combined with diastase, with phosphates, and with the bitter tase. Hoppe-Seyler points out that, while the dextrine possesses the pro- principle of hop, it has many advantages over cod liver oil in respect to its perty of increasing d. activity of the gastric secretion, and the diastase power of aiding digestion. Thus the preparation is not only in itself nu assists in converting starch into glucose and dextrine, the malt extract in- tritive, but also tonic, and has the power of increasing the gastric secre. cludes also a combination of malt sugar, alkalies and phosphates, which tion, and of rendering starch digestible through the medium of its diastase, together make it a nutrient and medicinal agent of great value. There which converts it into glucose. A great number of eminent practitioners is, indeed, an accumulation of considerable clinical evidence that malt abroad, including, indeed, most of the leading teachers, speak of it in the extract is capable of taking the place of cod liver oil, to a large extent, in highest terms, and independently of the obvious merit of its composition, the treatment of phthisis and other wasting diseases. In Ziemssen's there is in its favor a mass of clinical evidence which should certainly Cyclopoedia, vol. xvi, it is said to almost entirely have taken the place of secure for it an extensive trial in this country. cod liver oil at the Basle Hospital. [London I.ancet, January 25, 1870.] - [London Chemist and Druggist, February 15, 1879.] We find that this extract converts starch into glucose and dextrine Tronmer Extract of Malt is one of the best of the various prepara, rapidly and in large quantity. In flavor it is excellent, and we have, tions of a similar character. . It is of the consistence of honey or treacle. therefore, no hesitation in praising it highly. Malt Extract seems to be and has a pleasant flavor, rendered slightly bitter by the addition of hop. steadily increasing in favor for diseases involving impaired nutrition; but | Prof. Redwood finds Trommer Extract has all the power of acting on its preparation requires great care, as it is easy, in making it, to destroy its amylaceous bodies which diastase possesses, and considers the prepara- activity as a starch-converter, and so render it nearly useless. tion has been inade with great care and judgment. Tºm Extraſt Of Mält (Ompany, Frémont, On T - - --> ---— 158 McKesson & Roberns |LLustRATED CATALogue. ESTABLISHED IN 1852, by C. DOEFLINGER. of White Mills, Wayne County, Fa-. NEw York OFFICE, No. 36 MURRAY STREET, FINE FLINT GLASSVVARE, EBest Quality ornly of IDruggists’ sºlºnelf VV are- THE N Ew EST AND FIN EST DESIGNS IN Richly Cut Show. Bottles, Cologne Bottles and Toilet Sets. ITTINTE T A FBT. H. G-T, ALSSTWT A FIE, IF’l a i In , C Ult a rh cl IEH ra g r a v e cl. For Sale by McKESSON & ROBBINS, New York, and all Leading Wholesale Druggists. – —==== \ | M \ \ FNNº. Mºlºt º MV Mººr. º M *N 2% º * SA: - - | _º N º rºl šA f ńs *** - º: - º º & N - º - wº -ºn-Nº lº- - º wº- - - º w . º * - º ſ j ºº:: ºn M WTTW.ºw - º º º ſ º W ºv.z. . in nºrt-º-- º - - *- º tº ºvº º ". r º º v- yº. Kºlººl * A - -, *n." - º -- - | 7. º . . . . .” º ſ --- - sº tº - | - - , , , - nº- /* NS - - - ğl ºn // MV/A - 107 FULTON STREET WV YORK, U.S.A., CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATION. CYS -vº- KINDs Lº - LL-STO I.M.I. MARIN \ Fort THE 16o McKesson & Robeiss |LLustrated CATALogue. JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED ADAPTABLE POROUS FELT SPLINTS & APPLIANCES. They are Endorsed by the Profession º: and Europe. - (A \ . W/ // º // / % ſ/ | | M | % º º - // Z/// / | º THE WERY CHEAPEST AND BEST SPLINT EVER OFFERED TO THE PROFESSION | º A complete set, containing 50 pieces, put up in a handsome case--------------------------------- Extra, or duplicate pieces, each--------------------------------------------------- ----------- - - - - - - - - - .------- 1 OO THE LATTER sent FREE. By MAIL on RECEIPT OF THE PRICE. No. 5.-ELBow. No. 8.-FEMUR. No. 7.-ULNA. --- -------------- --- |II : - - º **** ULNA AND RADIUs. For Descriptive Catalogue send to your Druggist or to the sole manufacturers, AHLS SPLINT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, (Limited) \ 123 and 125 SOUTH 11th ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALOGUE 16. THE GREATEST CURE OF THE DAY FOR “Ah! my boy, you should use Robinson's CoRN Solvent. I did, and have not been troubled with corns for years.” EST ALIELISHIED 1855. Robinson's Patent Corn solvent CURES HARD AND SOFT CORNS OR WARTS. It never fails to remove them. Price, 7%d. or 13%d. per Bottle. Of all Chemists. B. ROBINSON, Chernist, IMI.A. INT CIE+ E: s "I" E: IER, E: INT Gr- “No sympathy for you, old fellow! - Use Robinson's CoRN Solvent, and for ever get rid of your tormentors.” _A-TV CID IIMIIT-ATIOINTS- Robinson's Corn. Solverit Ferncil Fº *…*.*.*.*.*.*. º ------------- ------------- Hºnºlulullûlls 0 11. Illiili |*||M||ſ | |||||||||Illuminum, Illllllllllllllllllhºlº ------ *lºſiºiſºlilill ----- ||||||||||||||||||||||||I|| - - IIIHHHHH.I. - ir Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllliluliº Hiiiiitiitiiſillillllllllllliſilliiliſiliiliiliſilliſillii |Hill. TOT_A_LIL ERIETMOVIES Hård and S0ft COTS, Wärts, and all Other Indurations Of the Skill. This Preparation has now been before the public upwards of twenty-five years, during which time it has been used with the greatest success by millions of people residing in all parts of the civilized world, who were compelled tº endure the torture of Corns, or the unsightly or disagreeable possession of Warts. The best efficacy is that, amongst a host of other articles used for a like purpose, the sale of the Corn Solvent goes on increasing year by year, and that it always mantains its superiority over all others. PRICE, 25 CENTS EACH. One Dozen mounted on a handsome Illuminated Show Card, Wholesale Price, $1.50. PREPARED BY E. ROBINEON, Operative Chennist, IV L.A. INT CIE [ IEHS "T" IEE IFE - - Wholesale Agents - IMcEIH, S S CINT & ER CE EITN s = TNevº TY OFrºk- _2 2O ACME, Single. ACME, Double. HASTINGS & GARSON'S “Acme Truss,” + ºwy & saw _*. MANUFACTURERS OF#– TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES | ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &c., + No. 224 South Ninth Street, + PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. N. Y. ELASTIC, Single. \ | / r McKesson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. FotraFRA's FREFARATIONs. SOLD BY FIRST CLASS HOUSES, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, And by E. FOUGERA, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, 372 7th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 16 FOUGERA'S COMPOUND IODINISED COID T.I.VIEER, OIT, )f( The only Medicated Cod Liver Oil ap- proved by the U. S. Dispensatory, 1870–1881. The highest authority in America. Five times as strong as Pure Cod Liver Oil, It saves TIME, MONEY, SUFFERING and LIFE. ICELAND MOSS PASTE ):{ For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, &c. Also, for relieving Cough in Consumption. FOUGERA'S IOdò-Ferro-PhOSphated ELIXIR OF HORSE RADISH. ):( Diuretic, tonic, stimulant, appetizer and alterative. A substitute for Cod Liver Oil, when the Oil is obnoxious, or when its fatty substance is not required. eminenagogue, FOUGERA'S READY-MADE Musſard PLASTERS NEW YORK. º! MUSTARD PLASTERS, ){{ Two strengths, No. 1, for adults; No. 2, for children. Put up in square tin boxes, rolls and half rolls, Their great success has been attested by “Beware of Spurious numerous testimonials. Imitations.” -*---º-º- -º-º-º-º- Each dragee contains Santonine, one-half grain, Gum Gutti, one-quarter grain. Recommended by the profession as a safe and efficacious vermifuge for adults and children. I FOTUCDſ G-D E-I FR.A.’s Wºrmiſlgº, COmpUIſld Dragºş 0f SãItſ mille, < UNCEUSCGºśāſākī—X- LANTEH,49' tº Asthraatic Cigarettes- —)f(– Alleviate distressing sufferings of the respiratory organs. I FCOTU Griſ EHI FR.A.” Sº DRAGEES Of IRON. (PYROPHOSPHATE OF) Each dragee contains two grains of this Iron Salt. Prescribed for Chlorosis, Leucorrhoea, General Debility, IDisquietude of Mind, Nervous Weakness, &c., &c. F()UGERAS ńNUTRITIVE WINES SIMPLE AND FERRATED. )+( Composed of Old Sherry Wine, Extract of Beef and sesquicitrate of Iron. Tonic, Stimulant and Nutritive. They in- crease the appetite, and strengthen the constitu- tion. {º-º-º-º: Eau Angelique Tooth Wash and Angelic Tooth powder, THE MOST PLEASANT AND EFFICACIOUS PRE PARATIONs, constitut ING, when USED Togeth ER, THE Most complete -A-gerits, DiBI.T.TJ C & Co., New York- FOCſ G.E.R.A.'s AN'Gºulſ C. Jor SALE BY FIRST CLASS HOUSES, BAZAARS, DRUG, FANCY & DRY GOODS Houses J TETOTUTG-TETER_A_’S z ANGELIC DENTIFRICEs, ſº The IFavorites of the Iratelligerat Class. FOUGERA*S AND SAT ISFACTORY DENTIFRICES. * BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONs.” Toorºº: PAs"re. T--— ~ - T 164 McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. TT THE INT INT TE TER,” S WATER - BATH, PERCOLATOR & STILL, Patented Feb. 7th, 1882. - N “The JMost Useful and Convenient Apparatus ever of fered to 40×uggists.” A GREAT SAWING OF TIME & ALCOHOL, Used as a Percolator, Used as a Still, Used as a Water-bath and Evaporator, For making Fluid Extracts, For making Solid Extracts, For making Tinctures, Syrups, Infusions, etc. Made in all sizes required by Druggists and Manufacturers. Water-Bath and Still. Made of Heavy Tin or Planished and Tinned Copper. \ LABOR-SAVING, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT and CHEAP. FENNER'S WATER-BATH, PERCOLATOR & STILL, Consists of a Percolator A, suspended in a Water-bath, and connected externally by a stop-cock, through which the Per- colate is received, and a Still, B, which may be adjusted whenever it is needed. The vessel surrounding the Percolator is designed for water, which may be heated when desired, forming a water-bath for the Percolator and its contents. The process of water-bath percolation is destined to supersede all other methods for exhausting the strength of drugs. The well-known fact that a heated menstruum dissolves the medicinal properties of drugs much more rapidly and to a much greater extent than a cold menstruum, is in itself sufficient evidence of the value of water-bath percolation. Any soluble principles that drugs contain are readily and economically obtained by water-bath percolation. FENNER'S WATER-BATH PERCOLATOR, Is adapted to the use of the pharmacist and manufacturer for making all preparations in which it is desirable to obtain the strength of drugs. The drug and menstruum are uniformerly heated to any required degree, and the heat maintained for any length of time—during the entire process of percolation, if necessary. After the percolation is completed, it is only nec- essary to put on the still-top to recover all the alcohol remaining in the drug—often 12 to 15 ounces for each pound of the drug. THE STILL may be attached or removed at will, and is used for all purposes for which a still is ever desired by druggists. sº WATER-BATH AND STILL is also supplied to those who wish a Still without a Percolator (see cut). FENNER'S WORKING FORMULE: FENNER'S FORMULARY: A book containing nearly 1ooo Practical Working Formulae for mak- Fenner's Formulary is now in use by a great portion of the best drug- ing Fluid Extracts, Solid Extracts, Tinctures, Spirits, and other gists in the land. It is the acknowledged standard for the prepara- tion of all Elixirs, Syrups, Wines, Flavoring Extracts, etc., known as Elegant Preparations. The 5th edition and 13th supplement are now ready. FENNER's ForMULARY is the only original and success- ful work of this kind. Do not be deceived by imitations claiming to furnish Fenner's Formulae. medicinal preparations, by water-bath percolation, distillation, etc. Will be furnished at a nominal price to those who purchase the WATER-BATH PERcoLATOR AND STILL. Send for sample pages. B. FENNER, MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS & APPARATUS E"OER DERUG-G-ISTS, Nos. I & 2 Main, and I North Portage Streets, VVestfield, IN. Y. \ THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. _ §º --- * - R - THE BEARD ºriº ºś|| The Highest Premium, A SILVER MEDAL, awarded at the Four- teenth Exhibition of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, for the superiority of our Perfumes, Soaps and Face Powders, ESTABLISHED IN 1838. +Fit Till SM) Mikº 50 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, Offer to the Trade a strictly first-class line of TEFº PERFUMES, LILY WHITES, COLOC NES, COSMETICS, POWDERS, SHAVINC CREAM, TOILET SOAPS, and other Toilet requisites unsurpassed by any similar articles either im- ported or domestic. Our motto is “Excellence and Economy.---Fine Goods at Popular Prices.” exTRA Perurum ED s | (COSMETIQUE SURFIN) || s º | STICK POMADE|º For fixinº and smoothing the Hair...I. ºf º skers *ºº: º --- º Illustrated Price Current Mailed on Application- - The Trade Supplied by McKESSON & ROBBINS. º 166 McKesson § Robbins |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. - — Established 1343. H Andrew Dougherty, Nos. 76, 78 & 80 Centre St., New York, N. Y. $ : rº - C 2^3 Oſ) — = * ſº t O H. F- 3. [1] 3. E. : # = ſy. TE: 3 gº U E - O < ºf E ã ž. Ö . ~ 2. Z c 2. : = [T] < * * - O Ø\} at E 5, 2 |L YZ H + = * E – Z P, 20 E - 5, IT < < ‘…. O +- 2. – . r-- > JO. — Sº j= ; F ſh- |4. K- -: Gº l co ALSO INDICATOR PLAYING CARDS NO. 50. * --~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ CTITUTE TELOTUTSTEB AND GILT – E D G E PLAYING CARDS A SPECIALTY. --~~~~~~~ \ THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. L McKesson & Roberns |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 167 - Established 179C). R. LOYZ, SON & HAY DON, 33O STRAN ID, I_ONIDON, | | | in ºil º Jºl. § { P U R L S O A. P S 2 ſº | 0 AND OTHER TOILET REQUISITES. f NZo | xi. §§rs i’Agº".; tº T. º SPECIAL NOTICE. ºwºngº The world-wide reputation of these productions has induced numerous imitations to be placed on º 442/.3%º the market from time to time. Purchasers can be sure of obtaining the genuine articles by observing that each package bears the signature of HowARD SANGER & Co., Sole Agents. In use for nearly a century. An exquisite and delicate or. Preferred by many for general Low's Honey Soap, - - toilet use. -- Turtle Oil Soap, º: up in patent sprinkler- A Superb shaving soap. -- Glyc erine -- top bottles. “ Elder Flower Soap, -- Marsh Mallow “ “ Magnum Brown Windsor Soap, Glycerine and Oatmeal -- “ Honey and Oatmeal -- “. . Creosote Soap, In Tablets, Paper and Wood Boxes; In Half-pound Bars, Wood Boxes. Low's Tooth Brushes, -- Hair -- Toilet and Complexion Powders, -- Cold Cream, -- Tooth Powder. i -- i,º i Made of the purest materials, finely perfumed and LOW'S HAN DKERCH | EF EXT RACTS, 33 of unsurpassed emollient qualities. Jockey Club º Nº. N.D. Certified by prominent physicians to be particu- - » D ON . hº º: use sº and in Włºś. My Garden, the nursery. Superior to Castile. ite Lilac - - • Specially prepared for the nursery, White Rose, aſſ". º: climates. ry Ess. Bouquet, etc., etc. Put up in 4-lb. packets and barrels. *S. Bartlett, Hooper & Co., zºº º CHEMISTS AND MANUFACTURERS, {Yº- t Tº T, CINTT) OINT_ iG A G H Q \); \ºoººººy |ARomaTIsè). Ladies” Calcih otls &4:::::::- - - $oopFR's I'll IL -º-º-º-Yº -2. - i. | (AROMATIC CACHOU In Brass Boxes. : -- | L0IENGES - In Paper Boxes. 4. - Hooper's Mint Lozenges, In Self-closin-g Eoix-es- Hooper's Fragrant Pastilles, The productions of Hooper & Co.'s laboratory are superior to all similar goods on the market. They have been subjected to analysis by leading chemists in England, who certify to the purity of the ingredients. Being neatly and artistically boxed, they command a ready sale. - - L ——-----—- - -- 168 McKesson & Robbins' |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. T H E RUBBER COMB AND JEWELRY COMPANY No. 3G MERCER STREET, NEYZ YORK, MAN U FACTURERS OF COMBS, SYRINGES. _A IN ID HARD RUBBER 600DS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The following Brands of Combs are OUR SOLE PRODUCTS : "THE RUBBER COME AND JEWELRY Co." (STANDARD Goods) "ROYAL £OMBS." (EACH COMB STAMPED WITH GOLD LETTERS.) “AMERICAN RUBBER COMPANY" We call Particular Attention to our New Products of H A R D R U B B E R C O M B S In VARIETY OF COLORS, all of which are made of the very finest Material, and finished \ in the best possible manner. — - -- --- -- - --- --~~~~ --- N - ºººs 3.3. º/l//…///, /~/ZZ rºzzºu, ſ ſºft||| ////~/…///Zºº /º/, *... ſºlz” 2. / 0/27/4 AMZºoſe 2/2/2/2/2/…" - . . 2. º º - B s * > - - fºº/*/24/04/30/22 oz/…//~ |||3: ºn | Mºzz/M/Zuzz//zzzzzzzz/22/2, . º - - - - - - - N º 2, 2/22/'s au, soup-22, 2/…]. | tº: | * I ZZZºº, 2/2 24. /ø/ 2.2% 4…/ sº # i. ºf i. --~~ - 7 . - |" º!"2/22/2.4% ZZAZAZAZZZZY (Zºzº || "Tºº H 4./ 2, 2’-azz zazz. z/ |s: - º | 4. | Soldinallparts ofthe US and British Provinces and extensivelyinother Countries. ||3: º | | || BIFüironist we kesson a Rossins (NEwº |sº º ~ -º-º-º-º: - A. - § 3; SOME OF THE LEADING STYLES ARE REPRESENTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE, sº s s: L. | ºS. SEE OTHER SIDE. M9 KESS ON & ROBBINS' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->º - | Fº WILLIAMs & BR0s. | CHESTER, CT, - __** Jºº ºº º | ul y º | | - T-Sºº-º- -*- -- From the Tory- º Fººtº Mawufa" S. -- º Tººl *k. | N | Wºlſ º: - of - - - - - - º º vs & T-TV.B.Wilk tasions . . RY Cº. *Astoneurº.1 */ º -ax GLAstrons u Ry, conn. - ---------------------------- TT- - TTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT-r ---------------T- a la al- ---- - Established in 17 7 O. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, WARNISHES AND COLORS, ARTISTS AND PAINTERS MATERIALS W H IT E L E A DS AND Z IN C.S. CHARLES T. RAYNOLDS, LEONARD RICHARDsos, THOMAS B. HIDDEN, EDWARD L. MOLINEUX, AQUILA RICH. N0s, 106 and 108 Fulton Str88t, No. 21. Lake Street, No. 9 Front Street, INT EVV SZT OF P- Chicago, Ill. SAN FRANCISC0. . _2 *- - 2 I 170 McKesson & Robbins' |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. STANDARD REMEDIES. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., LOVVELL, M ASS.. MANU FACTURE A yer's Cherry Fectoral For the rapid cure of diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A yer's Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, and for the prompt cure of Scrofula and Skin Diseases. A yer's A gue Cure A positive remedy for Chills and Fever, and Malarial Disorders. A yer's IHair Vigor For restoring gray or faded hair to its Original Vitality and Color. A yer's Cath artic Fills The most valuable home Remedy for all Purgative Purposes. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 17 LA CTO PEPT IN E. WE take pleasure in calling your attention to some important improvements made in Lactopeptine, viz.: Its en- tire freedom from any unp/casant odor or faste. These changes, as also the change in color, are the result of the increased purity of the several ingredients, and we confidently claim that its digestive properties are largely increased thereby. Each ingredient is prepared in its purest form, and we have reached this perfection only after a long series of care- ful experiments. LACTOPEPTINE contains all the agents of digestion that act upon food, from mastication to its conversion into chyle, thus combining all the principles required to promote a Healthy Digestion. LACTOPEPTINE has digestive powers seven times greater than any preparation of Pepsin, as it has the im- portant advantage of dissolving all aliment used by mankind, while Pepsin acts only upon plastic food. We can assert, without hesitation, that it is as perfect a digestive as can possibly be produced. Lactopeptine Powder, in Oz. Bottles, € $ 66 in half lb. Bottles, Elixir Lactopeptine, 6 * € 6 and Bismuth, 66 é 6 Strychnia, and Bismuth, 66 Calisaya, with Lactopeptine, 66 66 and Iron with Lactopeptine, 66 66 Iron and Bismuth with Lactopeptine, º Cinchona, Iron and Strychnia, with Lactopeptine, Gentian and Chloride of Iron with Lactopeptine, € $ Phosphate of Iron, Quinia and Strychnia with Lactopeptine, € $ Stillingia Comp. with Lactopeptine, Syrup Lactopeptine, ſº 66 6 6 Compound, Phosphate of Lime and Iron with Lactopeptine, 66 66 Iron, Quinia and Strychnia with Lactopeptine, Iodide of Lime and Iron with Laotopeptine, Liquid Lactopeptine, Wine of Lactopeptine, Wine of Calisaya, with Lactopeptine, Beef, Iron, Wine with Lactopeptine. THE NEW YORK PHARMACAL ASSOCIATION, Nos. Io and 12 COLLEGE PLACE, \" 0, BOX 1574, INTIETVVT TYTOIERIEC_ 2 66 € $ T--— - - - - - - . . - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /T T 172 McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALogue PERRY DAvis' VEC ETABLE PAIN KILLER. “The foreign and domestic demand for “The extent of its usefulness is a great feature of this remarkable medicine. It is not only the best ever known for bruises, cuts, burns, etc., but for dysentery or cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for efficiency and rapidity of ac tion, it has become the standard medicine for such complaints. For coughs and colds, canker, asthma, and rheumatic difficulties, it has been proved, by the most abundant and convincing trials and testimony, to be an in- valuable medicine. The proprietors are in possession of letters from persons of the highest character and responsibility, testifying in unequivocal terms to the cures effected, and the satisfactory results produced, in an almost endless variety of cases, by the use of this great medicine. Perry Davis & Son's great medicine—the Pain Killer—was never before so large as it has been of late ; and we think the time has ar- rived when the declaration may be made, without the possibility of refutation, that the City of Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, of the United States of America, has furnished the entire habitable globe with a medicine which, in point of universality of demand, extent of usefulness, complete effici- ency for all the purposes for which it is de- signed, and widespread, enduring popularity, has never been equaled by any general patent- ed medicine invented and issued either in Europe or America.” PAIN. KILLER Is for sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. PAIN. KILLER Can be purchased in every city of the world. Merchants in foreign markets can be supplied with Pain A7//er in bond on the most favorable terms by addressing their orders to us, either direct, or through their correspondents in the United States. We wrap the export Pain Killer with directions in every language, and will send price lists, giving terms and all particulars, to the trade, at any point, upon application. PERRY DAVIS & SON, IFIROFERIHETOERS, \ PROVIDENCE, R. I., U. S. A. L r -N McKesson & ROBBINs' |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 173 AMERICAN “STAR '' S OF T C A PSU L E S. Infinitely Better than the Hard Old Style, though Actually Cheaper. Corn-tairn ir) g Fulire IMCediciriles, su clºn as = sANDALwood, cus EBs, MATico AND coPAIBA, Oil of Sandalwood, Oil of Turpentine, Cod Liver Oil with lodide of Iron, Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba, Castor Oi!, Oil of Male Fern with Kamala, Balsam Copaiba, Cod Liver Oil, Copaiba with Oil of Cubebs. All put up in neat Metallic Boxes containing 30 Capsules each, except the Oil of Male Fern with Kamala which Contain. Only 12 Capsules. Tº We would call the particular attention of the Trade to the fact that having, in May, 1879, started our laboratory in our own premises and under personal control and supervision, we have succeedei in making important improvements in machinery, enabling us to turn out 120,000 Capsules per day of unequalled quality and of faultless put-up. Wiiile we guarantee our materials as the very best in market, we are resolved to keep our lead and maintain the integrity and elegance of our products. N. B. –It is important to note that the wrappers around metallic boxes are printed in Blue, with Star and monogram A.S.C. in centre. The tin loxes have likewise the Star plainly stamped on their cover. I’llysicians should be particular to prescribe AMERICAN “STAR” BRAN 1) SoFT ("A lºst LEs IECOIETEIILIEIE’S ||||}|| || |||}|M|. Used in the U. S. Army and Principal Hospitals. CHINKALYPTUS, CHILLS & REVER. The Best a d Cheapest Tonic Known THE E EST I THE PU FEST 36 Fills for 25 Cern tis_ Light, or No. 1 ; Medium, or No. 2; Thick, or No. 3. In sheets of about 20x40 inclies. THE VICTOR BABY F()()|). BEST SUBSTITUTE FOR M07HERS! MILK, RESULT OF AN ANA I, YSIS BY AN EMIN ENT PHYSI("I AN. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS. I)r. Damon, A.M., M.D., of Boston, says: “I have examined your The following is an extract from a letter of a prominent physician : sample of Food. It contains all the ingredients for improving imperfect “We have used your Victor Baby Food in a large number of cases of digestion, and is a good substitute for mother's milk. It can also be summer complaint and other disorders of the digestive tract in infants— beneficially used by invalids.” probably more than 300 cases in all—and always with manifest good re- sults. (i. W. WINTER1; U. R.N., M. 1)., I)r. L. H. Gibbs, of Scranton, Pa., says: “It's the best thing out.” Physician-in-Chief, Manhattan Hospital, New York.” For prices of above preparations see McKesson & Robbins' Drug Price Current. S- Address for Advertising Matter, etc., VICTOR E. MAUGER & PETRIE, 110 Reade Street, New York. 174 McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. |)()\,\||) KENNEI)Y'S \|E|)|C|NES. Medical Discovery. Warranted to cure every kind of humor, from a common pimple to the worst kind of Scrofula, Can- cer excepted. Price, $1.5o Prairie Weed. A Balsam and Tonic for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Inflammation of the Throat and Lungs, and all difficulties tending to Consumption. Price, $1.OO Rheumatic and Neuralgia Dissolvent Will neutralize and dissolve the virus that causes Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago and all Rheu- * e gº & º matic Pains in any part of the system. Price, $1.5o Rheumatic Liniment. The best outward application for Pains, Bruises and Aches of all kinds. Price, 50 cts. Salt--Rheum Ointment Cures all Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Price, 5o cts. Scrofula Ointment. For cleansing and purifying Scrofulous Sores. Price, $1.OO Healing Ointment. For cleansing and healing Ulcers and Old Sores. Price, 5o cts. Scattering Liniment. For dissolving and scattering Strumous Swellings. Price, $1.OO Hair Grower. For Scald Head and Loss of Hair, from Dandruff and Heat. Price, $1.OO For Sale by all Druggists in the United States and Canada. NO IMEI) IC IN ES SENT C. C. D., or to be SOI ID ON CONMCIMCISSION - WARREN STREET, ROXBURY, MASS. \ All the above kept in stock by McKESSON & ROBBINS. McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 175 Holbrook BROTHERS - American Plate Glass; SOLE AG ENTS FOR THE EAST OF THE CRYSTAL PLATE GLASS COMPANY, OF SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. QUALITY GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST IMPORTED. A LSO IMPORTH RS OF FRENIGH AND ENGLISH PLATE & WINDOW GLASS. American Window Glass, ORNAMENTAL, GLASS, For Offices, Prescription Cases, Vestibule Doors, Etc., Etc., Etc., C. L. A Z I E R S' D I A M O N D S. 85, 87 and 89 Beekman Street, 53 and 55 Cliff Street, NEW YORK. – 170 McKesson & Robeiss |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. - / E"cºr- sale Toy IMIcIEEEssol\T tº ERLCIEEBICINTs. MLANſ. WHITE HEAD AND INSHH) || ||MPANY. PURE WHITE LEAD The Atlantic White Lead Is manufactured exclusively from the best Selected Refined Leads, and is ground in Refined Linseed Oil. RED LEAD, LITHARGE, ORANGE MINERAL, PURE LINSEED OIL, RAVV, BOILED REFINED. R O B E R T C O L G A T E & CO., 287 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. º H Wtº --- º Usion DER BRACES. Hilº – Zº ºrs 2 º º - - t º/ º/ X º º Z/ W ) º - - | | | º º III, , l C.P.E.NFIELD & Co. mTſ. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue 177 ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. *s, *, …' ELASTIC HOSIERY. 22 178 McKesson & Robens |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. STANDARD HOUSEHOLD REME|)|ES. Dr. D. JAYNE'S F A MILY ME DIC IN E S Are prepared with great care, expressly for Family Use, and are so admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease, that no family should be without them. They consist of JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, for Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Consumption and all Pul- monary and Bronchial Affections. It promotes expectoration and allays inflammation. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, etc. An excellent Tonic for children, and a beneficial Remedy in many of the ailments of the young. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM, for Bowel and Summer Complaints, Colics, Cramp, Cholera, etc. A certain cure for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Inflammation of the Bowels. JAYINE'S ALTERATIVE, of established efficacy in purifying the Blood, and for cur- ing Scrofula, Goitre, Dropsy, Salt Rheum, Epilepsy, Cancers and Diseases of the Skin and Bones. JAYNE'S AGUE MIXTURE, for the cure of Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Re- mittent Fevers, etc. These distressing complaints are very generally eradicated by this remedy, when taken strictly as directed. JAYNE'S LINIMENT OR COUNTER IRRITANT, for Sprains, Bruises, Soreness in the Bones or Muscles, Rheumatism, and useful in all cases where an external application is re- quired. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, a valuable Purgative, and a certain cure for all Bilious Affections, Liver Complaints, Costiveness, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the Preservation, Beautifying, Growth and Restoration of the Hair. A pleasant dressing for the hair, and a useful toilet article. JAYNE'S SPECIFIC FOR THE TAPE WORM, a certain, safe, and prompt remedy. In settlements and localities where the attendance of a Physician cannot be readily Ob- tained, families will find these Remedies of great service. The Directions which accompany them are in plain, unprofessional language, easily understood by all, and in addition, Jayne's Medical Almanac and Guide to Health, to be had gratis of Agents, contains, besides a reliable Calendar, a Catalogue of Diseases, THE SYMPTOMS BY WHICH THEY MAYBE KNOWN, together with advice as to the proper remedies to be used. \- All of Dr. D. Jayne & son's Family Medicines are sold by McKESSON & ROBBINS. – —-T McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue ſ T 9 “THE BEST of AMERICAN MANUFACTURE.”—Profs. Van Buren and Keyes. Tº T, ALIN TIE TNT'S ELATINE H. FLANTEN & SON. Established 1836- INT c - ExHIBITIon AMERICAN INSTITUTE, N. Y., 1840. AWARD Fort “GENERAL EXCELLENCE IN MANUFACTURE.” 2 2 + VAVT I IL, IL. I.A.- IMC s ºr IR = E: “I”, INT E: VVT TY" Co ER. E. CAPSULES. INTERNATIonAL ExHIBITIon, N. Y., 1853. C.A. IPS TDſ T = IHH S - HARD AND SOFT OF ALL KINDS. EMPTY, 7 Sizes; RECTAL, 3 Sizes. VAGINAL & H OF SE OF CATTLE. IMPROVED FRENCH CAPSULES- (sMALL size, via LS 72 EACH.) These Capsules are of similar size as the IMPORTED FRENCH-such as Mathey Caylus, Raquin, and others—elegantly put up in wrapped vials, and owing to their being one-half the size of our ordinary Capsules, to many more acceptable. They are the best Capsules made; in every way reliable, therefore worthy of your recommendation. EMPTY CAPSULES A suitable form by means of which you can administer readily, preventing irritation of the mouth or throat, and T injury to the teeth, but per- fectly disguised as to odor, taste, or other disagreeable properties — such drugs, as Quinine and the nauseous bit- ter alkaloids, or sharp and pungent articles like Capsi- cum. Assafoetida, Essential Oils, or certain powders which give off an irri- tating dust, making them difficult to swallow, etc., Nor is the action of the medicine the least impaired. Box, 100, by mail, 50 cents. RECTAL (Suppository) CAPSULES. ſ"T Three Sizes, 1, 2, 3.-Box of 100, 50 cents. f º | | For administering medication in the rectum, are most | T º readily soluble and far superior to the ordinary supposi- || tories. This new and convenient substitute for supposi- tories may be filled with any substance in powder, paste, | º extract or liquid, thus by a speedy and satisfactory | ||| method helping the dispensing of this form of medica- || || \| tion. Price, 100, 50 cts., by mail. N. B. We make ALL KINDS of Capsules to order. New Articles and Capsuling Private Formulas a specialtv. (7 Sizes). Nº. 50, Largest. No. 5 X, Smallest. (Order by Number only.) Boxes 100 each. Box of 10 Capsules, either size, by mail, on re- ceipt of 50 cts. Two (2) sizes, to hold one or half ounce, liquid or solid. The best and simplest form by which medicines can be given to horses or cattle. Samples sent free. Sold by all Druggists. tº-specify PLANTEN's CAPsul-Es on all orders. FIL A-IN TECINT’S STU INTIOIF.Y LIST- SOLE AGENTS in America for the great English Remedy, BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. (Oval Boxes 34, Round Boxes 14 pills.) We Import especially for the Trade JERVELL's SUPERIOR NORw AY Cop Live R O L. Proprietors of the following well know articles. Dr. R. R. Fºlº's CEEBRATED (LSWAN, ºr All-HEALIN BALSAM, (For the Cure of Consumption, &c.) GENUINE REEVES” AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR. IE COEIES” IMTIEEE-INT ETTINT. (The Celebrated Chinese Skin Powder.) And all Preparations owned by the late firm of F. C. WELLS & CO: Butler's Balsamic Mixture, Rexford's Gingerbread. Nuts, Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, -- Orris T00th Paste, Jouven's Kid Glove Cleaner, Shoo-Fly Paper in Envelopes, Thompson's Pomade Optime, (small and large.) 9N Strengthening, Arnica, Plasters small. Poor Man's Plasters (paper). Anodyne, Belfadonna, -- med. -- -- -- . Burgundy Pitch, Hemlock, Warming la ge. -- -- “ (leather). THURSTON'S Ivo RY PEARL ſº Pºwer. Family Size, $1. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 & 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists & Fancy Goods Houses. -º-º-º-º-º- - -v-ºr-- - -º- - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V A S E L IN E. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. (COnSOlidated), Of New York, SOle Manufacturers. COLGATE & C0., New York, Sole Agents for the United States. GRAND MEDAL AT PHILADELPHIA Ex POSITION, 1876. SILVER MEDAL AT PARIS ExPosition, 1878. MEDAL OF PROGREss BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE, 1880. The attention of the Trade is asked to marked reductions in prices of Vaseline Preparations in Tins and Cans. With greatly enlarged capital and increased facilities the Cheschrough Manufacturing Company are prepared to furnish buyers of Vaseline, in bulk, with the best article, at the the lowest price. BEWARE OF IMITATION | BUY THE ORIC INAL I McKEsson & Robbi Ns offer a complete assortment of the Vaseline Preparations, embracing the following : TOILET IPREPARATIONS. g PREPARATIONS IN BULK. POMADE VASE LINE, SUIPERIOR WHITE VASEI, IN E, Size No. 1, $25 Oo per gross. Plain, 5 lb. Cans, $ 5 Oo per can. ( & 2, 48 oo * * “ 1 ||). “ 12 oo per (loz. 6 * 3, S oo per dozen. . Perfumed, 5 lb. Cans, 5 OO per Can. VASEI, IN E C() I., |) CREAM, $ $ I |}). “ ! 2 oo per doz. Size No. 1, $25 OG per gross. VASELINE CERATE, ( { 2, 48 Oo ſº tº | I lb. Cans, $6 oo per doz. CAMPHOR ICE, 22 OO § { CARBOLATED VASELINE, 1 lb. Cans, $6 OO per doz. -- - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - | PURE VASELINE, y y o lb. Cans, 25 cts. Der ll). MEI) ICINAL PREPARATIONS. sº tº sº ºn. I’URE VASELINE, I ||). “ 6 oo per doz. Size No. o, $1.4 4o per gross. VETERINARY VASELINE, { { I , 25 Oo tº $. : 50 lb. Cans, 18 cts. per lb. * { 2, 48 oo § { 5 lb. $ 6 $1 50 per can. CAMPHORATEI) VASE LINE, I lb). “ 4 oo per doz. Size No. 1, $25 od per gross. | VASELIN E A XI, E PASTE, € $ 2, 48 oo $ 8 Round Tins, $37 50 per gross. CAR BOLATEI) VASEI, IN E, VASELIN E II ARN ESS () II, PASTE, Size No. 1, $25 od per gross. Round Tins, $37 50 per gross. “ 2, 48 oo “ | VASELINE L3O()T AN 1) SI IOI. I’ASTE, VASELINE CONFECTIONS, 25 Oo £ & I Flat Tins, $1 2 50 per gross. TV7 ALS3. EEI CAI CINTI E: OINT*T*IM LIEHINTT's. The particular Ointments which we now offer are in general demand by all druggists. They are– UNGUENTUM IIYDRARGYRI (1-2 MERCU Ry–MERCURIAL or NTMENT.) A 3. UNGUENTUM ZINCI Oxidi. C. UNGUENTUM, HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS (cit RINE on 1 MENT.) D. CERATUM RESINAE. E. CERATUM PLUMBI SUBACETATIS (Gou LARD's crºRATE.) F. POMAT CAMPHORATUM, FR. C. CERAT SIMPLEX (white.) Prices of all the above, 75 cents per jar, no charge for jars. Put up in jars of about one pound, with flat covers, four jars in a box. r N McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue. 181 NEARLY A QUARTER OF A CENTURY IN JOHN STREET. ROBERT SNEIDER, No. 37 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. <-FINE STATIONERY. & DRUGGISTS PRESCRIPTION Yºus, }*u. Wºodhºuses, | #|º #lſº Fºr -- () ROERs.9F I); NCIN. *:WKDDING: AND +VISITING: *:CHRDS.* : * - .º:-.-*H: ºi AND ->†: B- If It::--- | ; —:3: PATENTED SEFTENTEER 9th, 1879. §§:-- THE STRONGEST MADE, PRONOUNCED BY THOSE NOW USING IT : “THERE IS NONE BETTER.” FO Jº E/G! N A NJO AM E/E /CAN INVOICE, SCRAP & FILE BOOKS NOTE PAPERS. 2 • 246 SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. “tº MONOGRAMS, £RESTS AND INITIALS. READ THE TESTIMONIALS. & ©(sºmºlº-3-ºſ- ºut-ºººº-ºº-ººſsº-3-s)äGº-Gºſs-C-3:26-ºgº ALL GOODS MENTIONED ON THIS PAGE MANUFACTURED EY ROBERT SNEIDER, 37 JoBIN STREET, 1ME-W YORK. $º-33)3·x-fººt-ºº: Gº-Tºº &BEmºº-ºº S E A II, S E O R W A 2x. 4: COLORKD KMBOSSKD IHBKIS,..., º) SEALS, PRESSES ND --STA.M.P.S.-- Nºw \ſ }^\!?! FOR SOCIETIES, LODGES, ETC. Numbering #ddits of THE Most IMproved PATTERNs. º PRE-SCRIPTION LABELS, READY GUMMED, ANY SHAPE OR SIZE. *i. $taling this Hall, FOR TOPS OF BOTTLES, (IMITATION OF SEALING WAX.) SELF-INKING STAMPS AND DATES, PLAIN AND IN COLORS, CHECK PROTECTOfS, FIRINT*E.I.O. O.Ft. L.I.T.E. to G+lºtAFETE-ICl. sºs º żºł ż ż, 3- tº # 65 # 33 s, FINE PRINTING, Cancelling Øtamps, | -IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.- Just stamps, 4 Bibbon stamps... . Designing an Engraving on wº 182 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALOGUE. GEO. F. BASSETT & CO., 42 Barclay Street, 52 and 54 Park Place, New York City, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS FOR CHINA - i Hºs ‘. M. |º. GAS º illiiniii. It º *E******_sº as ! * * : * ITTWill GHQ.F.BASSETTL&ICCL ºft Mºmºy Tºlºlºl. | | | | || | Hill|| ||| - º -- | | | - - | - | |- | ill - riºtii - º I - III |. || 1 || - º an ºl LAMPS, º ſº FANCY GOODS Chandeliers, Also make a specialty of furnishing Hotels, Restaurants and Steamboats; besides having on hand, in packages and open stock, DECORATED ENGLISH EARTHENVVARE. FROM THE CELEBRATED FACTORIES OF BATES, G|IDEA & WAIKER; PINDER, BOURNE & CD.; EISMORE, A. SHMW & COPEIAND. Would be pleased to send on application, Catalogues and Price Lists, and would solicit a personal inspection when in the city. – N 183 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue. FIEMMING's EECTRO MEDICAL BATTERIES FOR PHYSICANS USE DUBOIS-REYMOND COIL FOR FARADIZATION. PortABLE ContLNUous GALVANIC CURRENT BATTERY. -Blanc, NO, 1 FARADIC BATTERY. NO. 3 FARADIC BATTERY. In improvement of design, delicacy of adjustment, elegance of finish, and general adaptability to all the wants of the medical profession, our Batteries are not only not surpassed, but are not equalled by any other Batteries, American or European, in the market. We solicit the most critical examination of our Batteries, and comparison with those of other make. They received the first awards at the Centennial, and are now used and recommended by the highest medical authorities. After long experience with Batteries of other make, and after severe and practical testing of our ap- paratus, the Medical Department of the U. S. Army and Navy have officially adopted our Batteries for their use as the most perfect and the best adapted for their several requirements. For illustrated catalogue and price list send to OTTO THT, HETMTTMTTNTG-, (FoRMERLY FLEMMING & TALBOT), 729 Arch Street, Philadelphia, P “J 184 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue W. H. WINCHESTER, Prest, JAMES NOBLE, Jr., Treas, AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY., WYESTFIELD, MASS, U.S.A. This old established company, without a rival as to quality and price of goods, invites the attention of all first-class trade to our very fine and com- plete line of goods. Possessing, as we do, absolutely unequalled facilities for manufacturing, aided by an abundant capital in the hands of able and experienced men who have themselves mastered every detail of the business, we feel fully war- ranted in claiming the leading place among Cigar Manufacturers. So confident are we of the superiority of our goods over all others at the prices which we offer, that we feel willing to send samples of our goods, on approval, to responsible houses, feeling sure that it will prove to be but the beginning of a business intercourse which will be to our mutual advantage. Correspondence es/ecia//y solicited from all first-class drug trade. Yours very truly, AMERICAN (IGAR COMPANY, |WESTF/E//D, MA.S.S., O.S.A. \- —” --— KNWCHIN00 (IWCH NWWTOH ( 0800VISIHO XHTV ‘81049. Idoid ("TW NVWTOH A 030 ^ 22 %22%22 / Z//??? º // */ Z/ 7% */ Ž 2% A ZZ * > Z / 2. Z/ */ ZZ / 294-2, ///* 2722. 2” & 2 wº * Z. 2.4%, .2 Z/Z * Z.A., 2 " .2/2/2/2 2/2 ºf 22 / / / / 22 //, / / / /ZZ/2ZZ 2 ZA, ‘Z/ZZ // 22 / // 2 /22/22 / … /? ^/2:27//-//// // / / / / /2.2/2 2// 22.2% Az Z Z/2.2.2/ Z//22/2 2.224/2/2/2/.4.2/2 zz//* 2 / 2 / / / / / 2” z/ /… Z % /* º Ż / zºº 2 2/~/…/ Z.Z.Z Z/ %22% */ … //- ”2 2 / / / / /* 2/22. º & g/ } & - y^ / // // . /ZZ A / / / // A/Jº Z. 24 (AZZ / / // /…/2 22.2% Jº Z/2 /.42 ZZ ”””” 2. / Z A, Z / / / / A / / // ZZ Z/ / / / / / / / / / / 2222 /2- A 2227 . º 2-, */ 2 / / /2 2. / w # • * 2. - º / / 2, / _lº J’ _2 27 ^. 2 r / & : & Zº º/ ^ - * Z ^ Z/2 A / / / / / A / 2//// %. 222 2. ZºZ. // 2// / / / / / 2. / / / Ž /…", .- 2 %) º Z. 2 /"Z º - g = 2 2 ( 'slotino oil, sº otlib's soola, I polop.10 Ålluſoods uoti M KIuo Juos out uayu.A 'soipul log poldtºpt; Künſtloſ).It'd stidol ind out lot: Jntinui aw soa Is & putt & out, JO + S4 I st {- tº- 4- tº- * 'sofesioud uſ 'I’IVS NOIJld MOS:IV S4 I Sz * - ‘Ired Jod ‘LOO.I y y - y y 9 y SZ 1 Sz sº-º * -º tº-> - ‘ACIO&I ‘SNIGHJLSVT d TVNIOICISHIN SHAI La RIOS$1 V OO cf. OO S tº- {- º * ‘‘IVN IINOCI&IV RIO &IN INISH L () OO + C O O C. r ‘CIVd () N ().T RIO TVNOJ.C)3d OO 9 OO | C ‘ĀGINCII XI NIO IVN &IYI OO at OO S ‘(IV.I Nää'Id S RIO L 1391 OO c 1 OS rº tº- tº- *g - ‘S, NANCI IIHO OO tº c OO 9 <- wº- * - * *-> me x"IV 103d S * } y y y 9 i OO 91$ OO tº tº- eme * & * - x^{\"I.193 &I (IV, I MSIAITI NVINTOH "NQIZO(I 3IGH¢l ”II WJL'HYI - - - - 'S W & HJHJL CINV SJHOIX-Idſ TSIT-HOTHE S.-IHEITV HHICT SHICIHWHY SANVäN00 (IV, NWWTOH HHL ‘8, anoo vivºj daivaisninſ sNiagosſ & Nossayſowſ \- 9 z - 186 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALOGUE. "AMERICAN PAPER BOY COMPANY" GEO. W. PLUMLY & SON, Proprietors, N0s. 213, 215 and 217 NORTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF s == º= º º - - - - lºsſ ſº = |A| \. º jº | * : A' sº . . L., ii º --- - º --- ºr * || || | | |L | - - iſ"| º | - | º | º: º º as i- isºlº ñsº --- Fº FE |º |||||||ſi-Hii-Hill; Yi | | | | º | º - ==|| iii. - |H== Qººſiº ||||||||H|i - I-III-III tº | º lmºil in Timºtº - - * - TºllTºllTilſº E. == - - | - || || || - |ſº . "H = E. | *||= | | | ºil || | || |||| | - | |''. º - = | ||||||||||||| l | | | | | | - - Iº wº º - El II ºnlinn minºl | T º --- - limit - - Hºlºl lººr-º- utiliili - Till iſ | - - |||||| ºrn º - | ºf: | Hºllº 'º fºliº - ºlººlºº = - - - --- - - - - º º ||||} ºmitºmº. liyººr. ºliº. º º gº - ". | "Milº Hill º- Al Wºr Bºº Sºlº's mº - | º Fºº *-ºxº - - - - ºl. | - -: º == ºf ºxºsº -º-º: anº==Tºm'ſ - º -** **** _E====llº | ~ * = --~~ - - --- - - Ti-I. - - -----º - -----Tº-> º: ===- -- tº- - º - IECTUTNT), OTVT ALT, A TNT) SQUT A FIE FAFER EO-5.S. D R U C, C, IST S BOX ES A SPECIALTY. A FULL STOCK KEPT ON HAN D. SAMPLES AND [SATALOGUES FURNISHEI), LABELS AND SPECIAL DESIGNS GOT UP FOR THE TRADE. - N \- A full line kept in stock by McKESSON & ROBB INS. L —- McKesson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED CATALogue. 187 Eºs - º Fº - º:#zzº sºº ºfºº º º N º: : AW º º º TTº ºff'g F. MARIA FARINA, aloºsse, FAU DE COLOGNE. 487 3. 3. FINE TOILET SOAPs. ExTS OF FLOWERS. FLORIDA WATER. º, MULHENS & KROPFF, 44 MURRAY ST., NEw York. --~~~~ º ºn- ar...... P º Risſºuriſm I º Each cut represents one-half the size of the original. ſº 4 . | |||}. - ºf º º s - ºſ. i == - - - Fº w | º' | - - % ºus ſºlº | - ſ || || - | ſ - | º - - | || || || | | | | - | - -itſ' | º | | | | Pº | -- ". | D. º , -ºº: W. - II | | * * ||||W sº *W. || | - | M. Nº º º º º º w | | - | ` | |\º | || - - | | | I | | | º | || º º | --- \ | | i * º º/ | |\"|\\ || || - tº- AºA'NSL Wºº- \\ * - \ \ º WM - --- * NLiº i. N - tº ſº ſºft (XRAſſº) | - | - |->-º, Mr. wºwººm º …"… º/, *"Sº"Tº T - ſ | º rºº * -- nux | º tº- E. ill Fºllº - Alſº: W º Fº \\ | | | º W - |}} ſºlº | ſºlſ): § º -- E) --- | boºst Flººd IST ºf | ºf nºw- sºÅiº Thiſ ſºlº ºſ | (i. | Will |ºliſ)º |;C)\}|\}\}]]}} -- Sºſ | º l . | --- Nº. Nſ| |. | | º - T- = - | | - º – - --- | | | | º | | | - º º #: --- - PUT UP IN ELEGANT STYLE, Is WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST SEIIING COLONE OF T POSSESSING DELICATE AND LASTING PROPERTIES THAT ARE REMARKABLE, A $2MUNE JAPANES: HANDRERTHER, WHICH IS THE GREATEST F NVEMES, SFURNISHED WITH EVERY BITTE, - A supply of perfumed Cards, printed with dealer's Business Card, is furnished as often as de- sired. SMALL SIZE, $1.75 PER DOZEN. LARGE SIZE, $5.50 PER DOZEN. McKESSON & ROBBINS, Wholesale Agents. - ".. • * § § McKesson & Robens |Llustrated Catalogue 189 THE PERFORATED FRICTIONAL BELT E’aternited Jarn. Sº, 1856; Extern died, 187 O5 March 12, 1872- CURES RHEUMATISM IN ALL ITS FORMS. _A CTUTIERIE TH"OIF. T., A TMCIE IFE_A_CIP&T- VALU ABLE TO PUBLIC SPEAKERS. Prevents all Derangements of the Bowels, Banishes Diarrhſea, and Defies Cholera. VV EEC TY" ID C IEH S II "Tº C TT IF EH ºr Because it is the principle of Nature's best remedy, Friction. The lining being Flannel, and the outside any suitable material, united and made elastic by a rubber composition by patented process, and being adapted to the contour of the body, each motion produces the needed friction and warmth, the pores are opened, the humor exudes and passes off. Because it performs what is said of it. We have testimonials of the highest character as to its efficacy and curative qualities. It asks that you give it a trial. It can do no harm. It has done good: it may do you good. It has proved highly beneficial in all Rheumatic Attacks, Acute Pains in the Spine, Loins and Kidneys. It is unsurpassed as an Abdominal Sup- porter; valuable to the Public Speaker; valuable to Ladies in a Delicate State. It has proved itself to be, in many cases, a sure cure for all Derangements of the Bowels, from change of diet, water, or air, to which Travelers are so subject. This Belt banishes Diarrhoea and defies Cholera. Its application is simple, its action intelligible; its results, the greatest of blessings, Health ! Per Dozen. No. 1, 24 to 28 inches--- -------------------------------------------------------------- $15 od “ 2, 28 to 32 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Oo “ 3, 32 to 36 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Oo “ 4, 36 to 40 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Oo “ 5, 40 to 44 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Oo 6, 44 to 48 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 oo “ 7, 48 to 52 “ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Oo “ 8, 52 to 56 “ - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------- 18 oo SELF-ACTING FOUNTAIN SYRINGE BURR'S PATENT NURSING BOTTLE. So well known to the trade as to need no further recommendation. BULB SYRINGES, BULBS, TUBING, CORKS, NIPPLES, &c. MANUFACTURED BY THE º TYER RUBBER COMPANY., s.A.I.Eis]RC CIMIs = Po IDEVOINTsIEIIIERIE+ sºletiºlº"T", IEC's ToINT- FACTORY: ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, Toºr sale in Ne-vºz- York Toy IMC.cI&TIESSCIN & F.C.E.ETTNTS- |\– _2 190 McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED CATALogue. P A R I S: M. A. ISON" r, A-TERENTCOT, IEs T_A BI-Tsiºr-ED 1825- LONDON: 8 RUE NEUVE BOURG-L’ABBE, TRADE NO, 6 DYER'S BUILDINGS, HOLEORN. º --- º º ºf wºrn- Hiiiſiºnitiºn *- tº- The superior quality, finish, and unexceptional This House for the past forty- durability of the productions of this House have honored it with the following awards: five years has stood at the head º Parrs, - - - 1850 - Bronze Medal. de in th --ºº: London, - - - 1851 - Prize Medal. of all progress made in the "|| || Paris, - 1855 - Silver Medal. __ oor. EN's - | || º London, - - - 1862 - Prize Medal. Brush Trade, as shown by the soup. §*** | PARIs, - - - 1867 - Silver Medal. Ad - - Hill VIENNA, - - - 1873 - Medal of Progress. rewards given at Exhibitions. =" - PHILADELPHIA, 1876 - Gold Medal. --- Lº º PARIs (Bristles), 1878 - Gold Medal. E -º- tº PARIs (Bristles), 1878 - Silver Medal. The Toilet productions of Messrs. Loonen & Son have held the highest rank in Europe for many years, and now are as well known in America. Their solid-back brushes, invariably under the above trade-mark stamp, have a style and finishinimitable. All dealers will find Loonen's the most sat- isfactory and profitable goods to sell. RANTE xºr °slatºus sº RFEcº- The best et HAT BRUSHES. The “Roy AL WINDsort”. Tooth Brush, double cemented, wire Loonen's new styles of Nail Brushes “Zebra,” “Self-Cleaning,” etc., in drawn, ivory finish. boxwood, bone, horn, ivory, etc., with white, unbleached, and grey bristles 3. * - x * IVORY BRUSHES IN SETS, £: LOONEN'S “COUNTERSUNK" TOOTH BRUSH ºf º Wire Drawn and CEMENTED Instead of Waxed. T00TH BRUSHES, 1WORY MIRRORS, Will | - IWORY BOTTLES, | || ſº- _r= ---- THTTH -------- HAIR BRUSHES, |W - - IVORY COMBS, ** ºlºlºlºlºlºlºlº_*(E=- 37 NAIL BRUSHES à *=== - - | §§§ Every Brush warranted perfect and bristles secure. Instead of the holes in which the bristles are secured being left º #. with a sharp edge, each one is carefully countersunk so that the bristles bend over a smooth surface, in place of a sharp cut- Ivory PuFF Boxes, ting angle. The aperture of these holes being thus increased, admits of larger bunches of bristles being drawn in, and Mºś renders the brush fuller and more substantial than it otherwise could be made. woustaciºus És, LOONEN'S ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSH = = | Produces a perfect Electric Current, restores the natural color of the teeth, removes impurities, arrests decay, cures neuralgia and toothache in early stages. It is used with nothing but water, as the peculiar bristles and Medicated Electric Current are its sole constituents. BUYERS will find it for their interest to specify LOONEN'S BRUSHES, when ordering, and notice the Trade.Mark on deliveries, as truarantee of best quality. Full lines of above imported and for sale by McKesson & Robbins (see illustrations of Hair Brushes). McKesson & Roesins |Lustrated CATALOGUE. 191 DR. McINTOSH'S NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER. No instrument has ever been placed before the medical profession which has given such universal satisfaction. The combination is such that the Physician is able to meet every indication of Uterine Displacements. Falling Womb, Anteversion, Retro- version and Flexions are overcome by this instrument, where others fail; this is proven by the fact that since its introduction to the Profession it has come into more general use than all other instruments combined. - Among the many reasons which recommend this Supporter to the Profession is its self-adjusting qualities. The Physician after applying it need have no fear that he will be called in haste to remove or readjust it, as is often the case with rings and va- rious pessaries held in position by pressure against the vaginal wall, as the patient can ------- remove it at will and replace it without assistance. THE NATURAL. UTERINE SUPPORTER, The Abdominal Supporter is a broad morocco leather belt with elastic straps to THE NATURALUTERINE SUPPORTER APPLIED. - buckle around the hips, with concave front, so shaped as to hold up the abdomen. The Uterine Support is a cup and stem made of highly polished hard rubber very light and durable, shaped to fit the neck of the womb, with openings for the secretions to pass out, as shown by the cuts. Cups are made with extended lips to correct flexions and versions of the womb. The cup and stem is suspended to the belt by two soft elastic rubber tubes, which are fastened to the front of the belt by simple loops, pass down through the stem of the cup and up to the back of the belt. These soft rubber tubes being elastic adapt themselves to all the varying positions of the body and perform the service of the ligaments of the womb. The instrument is very comfortable to the patient, can be removed or replaced by her at will, can be worn at all times, will not interfere with nature's necessities, will not corrode, and is lighter than metal. It will answer for all cases of Anteversion, Retroversions, or any Flexions of the Womb, and is used by the leading Physicians with never failing success even in the most difficult cases. Frice—to E'En y-sicians, $8–OO 5 to Fatients, $12-OO- Instruments sent by mail or express, at our risk, on receipt of price; or, if preferred, can send by express, C.O.D. CAUTION.—Owing to the great popularity and sale of our instrument, unscrupulous parties are selling a base imitation. In order to get the genuine, and prevent being imposed upon, it is best to order direct from us. DR. McINTOSH's NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER COMPANY., 19:2 .T.A. CIR so N STEREET, CIHICAGO, ILL. Our valuable pamphlet “Some Practical Facts about Displacements of the Womb,” will be sent you free on application. DR. MCINTOSH'S ELECTRIC OR GALVANIC BELT. When this Belt is seen and tested by the medical profession, no words are needed from us in its favor, for it combines utility with simplicity in such perfection that seeing it is convincing proof of its great value. It is a perfect Galvanic Battery composed of sixteen cells placed in pockets on a belt. Each cell is made of hard vul- canized rubber, lined with copper, which constitutes the negative plate. The rubber coating perfectly insulates each cell. The positive plates are of zinc. As the cells are charged without wetting the belt, there is no dis- comfort to the patient. A current selector is so arranged that one or more cells can be used at pleasure. The electrodes are covered similar to ordinary battery electrodes, and connected with the cells by connecting cords. A current from the Belt can be applied to any part of the body. Physicians who have used this Belt in their practice do not hesitate to recommend it to the profession, Our pamphlet on Medi- cal Electricity, containing a full description of the Belt and diseases, with manner of treatment, sent free on application. Address, MCorIN TOSEI G-A.I. V. A.INIC EIHEI IT A-INIO EATTERY CO-, 192 AND 194 JACKSON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. |M||M|| || || |||}|Tº. This celebrated Battery combines both the Galvanic and Faradic, or induced current which can be used separate or in combination. Any strength and intensity desired can be obtained for use in Electro-therapeutics. This Battery is constructed on an improved plan, as follows: The zinc and carbon plates are arranged in couples securely clamped to hard rubber plates with thumb-screws. These thumb-screws are also used for binding- posts. All the connections are positive and brought near together, thus lessening the in- ternal resistance. The cells are made in sections of six, composed of one solid piece of hard vulcanized rubber. By this arrangement a section can be handled, emptied, clean- ed and refilled as easily and quickly as one cell. A hard rubber drip cup is placed by the side of each section of cells, to receive the zincs and carbon plates when removed from the cells. The rubber plates, which hold the zinc and carbons, project over on one side enough to cover the cells, when the zinc and carbons are placed in the drip- cups. The under side of this projection is covered with soft rubber, which is clamped over the sections, and makes the cells water tight; this alone recommends the Battery. We claim superiority over all other batteries for the reason that by the improved plan of construction and close connections we gain more quantity and intensity of cur- rent. We combine all that is desirable in either a Galvanic or Faradic Battery, a com- bination never before attained. We furnish it with or without the Faradic coil. It weighs less than any other of the same power. It can be carried without spilling the fluid, thus being the first and only perfect portable Galvanic Battery made. Our illus- trated catalogue, giving full information, price, etc., free on application. McINTOSH GALVANIC BELT AND BATTERY CO., 192 and 194 Jackson St., CHICAGO, ILL. L 192 McKesson & ROBBINs' |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Moore's Pilules Sure Cure for Chills. Malarial 50.50 Antidote. Moore's Pilules stand without a rival as a remedy for Malaria, as well as a substitute for Quinine. Fvery I)ruggist will find the article reliable, and one he can recommend s and be certain it will give satisfaction. - – --------------------------------- - *c. Throat MOOre's &Lung OZengeS – It is simply astonishing, the position that Moore's Throat and Lung Lozenges have obtained in the comparatively short time they have been on the market; and it is wholly due to their absolute merit as a Cough and Cold Remedy. Cheap, Convenient, and elegantly put up. Three sizes in metallic boxes with hinged lids. \- TRADE SUPPLIED BY MORESSON & ROBBINS. —” r TN McKesson & Roeens |LLustrated CATALOGUE. 193 DR. JEROME KIDDER's ELECTRO MEDICAL APPARATUs. (TRADE-MARK.) All the advanced scientific practitioners use and recommend Dr. Kidder's improved apparatus be- } cause of the genuine modifications of electricity developed on the differently conditioned coils, and the means which command their perfect co-ope. ration. The only authorized testimonial from No. 2—TURN Down HElix. Prof. Doremus shows the decided superiority of these apparatuses. Dr. Kidder's well known apparatus has received twenty-one letters patent for marked and decided No. 5–TIP BATTERY. improvement not only on machines, but º also, which render them superior to all others, as veri. fied by the first premium at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876; at the American Institute from 1872 to 1881, inclusive—in 1875 the Gold Medal, and Two (2) Silver Medals at Cincinnati in fall of 1881. Premiums taken wherever exhibited. Please note the following, for which the “Gold Medal" was awarded by the American Institute in 1875 to distinguish the apparatus as of the “FIRST ORDER OF IMPORTANCE.” Dr. Jerome Kidd Improved No. 1-Physician's Qifice Electro Medical Apparatus. Dr. Jerome Kidd Improved No. 2–Rhysician's Visiting Machine, with turn down helix (see cut No. 2). dq Improved No. 3—Physician's Visiting Machine (another form). dq Improved No. 4–Qffice and Family Machine (see cut No. 4). - - r r Dr. Jerome r r Dr. Jerome Kidder's Improved No. 5–Tip Battery Ten Current Machine (see Cut No. 5). er’s er’s er’s er’s y y y Dr. Jerome . The latter discontinues the action by tipping the jar, the solution falling away from the elements. This is the most perfect and convenient Electro Medical Apparatus ever made, and is the invention of Dr. Jerome Kidder. Also Galvanic (Cell) Batteries (see cut below) from twelve to thirty-six cells, various prices. Galvano Caustic Batteries, and an Improved Pocket Induction Apparatus. GALVANIC (CELL) BATTERY. No. 4–orrice AND FAMILY MACHINE. ºf SIE IN ID E" C E IT. T., TU S T R A-T E D C.A.T.A. I. C. G-TCſ E.-4: KIDDER MANUFACTURING COMPANY., 82O ER.O AIDWAY, INTEVV SZ OR.Ex. \ wer sale Toy IMIcIEEEsso INT tº ERCP-EBEBICINTs. L "- - - -- - - - - - - 24 194 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALOGUE. sHERW00D's ºf TºIP&T. lºw- | TºI. WA 8 DA ſ =''. | | - wif E WARET | / sº tº Sherwood's Shekwood's (ESTABLISHED, 1861.) WIN. SHERWI) & (l, LOYVELL, MASS., MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED s ºf C C D*S White Lustral Wire Ware, INCLUDING A LARGE VARIETY OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRY ARTICLES. Siler-Wood's Special attention given to Orders for Export. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. SHERwood's Shettwood's §§§ K-1 I TV Sherwoon's Sherwood's sheewood's I FIE III ºn All DIEHD Lal FIE CI C.A.- I Fa- → McKesson & Robbins' |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 195 Hiſ lºſ S E A. N. D.' S CALCINED MAGNESIA. MEDAL AWARDED AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, NEW YORK, 1853. FIRST PREMIUM SILVER MEDALS awarded by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia by the Mechanics' Association, Boston; by the American Institute, New York; and by the Maryland Institute. In the Report of the Twentieth Exhibition of American Manufactures, by the Franklin Institute, Pa., it is stated that HUSBAND'S MAGNESIA “ls believed to be the best in the United States.” Its superior quality consists in its being entirely deprived of carbonic acid; in its freedom from un- pleasant taste, smell or other disagreeable property, and without roughness or grittiness to the touch or pal ate. One teaspoonful of it is equal in strength to three or four teaspoonfuls of the common Calcined Magnesia; thus combining smallness of dose with the most agreeable form in which Magnesia can be ad- ministered. ISINGLASS ADHESIVE PLASTER. This Plaster has been found to be admirably adapted to, strapping after surgical operations, and as a dressing to either incised or lacerated wounds. It is cleanly, of easy application, adheres firmly without producing inflammation, and being semi-transparent, allows of an examination of the parts without their hav- ing to be disturbed by its removal, until, in many cases, the cure is effected. This Plaster is not affected by age, and will bear exposure to any climate. Professor Mutter, in his late edition of Professor Liston's Lectures on Surgery, etc., remarks that “the Isinglass Plaster referred to by Mr. Liston is exceedingly well made by Mr. Husband, of this city; and for some time past I have almost abandoned the use of the old Adhesive Plaster of the shops, which often, in persons of a delicate skin, or children, produces troublesome irritation.” The following testimonials from some of the most distinguished Surgeons in the United States, will show the estimation in which it is held by the profession: “I consider the Isinglass Plaster prepared by Mr. Husband a very valuable article for many surgical purposes, and think it ought to be introduced into general practice." W. GIBSON, M.D., Zafe Professor of Surgery, etc., in the University of Pennsylvania. “I have used the Isinglass Plaster prepared by Mr. T. J. Husband, and find it an excellent article. It is, therefore, with much pleasure that I recommend it to the profession.” THOMAS D. MUTTER Zate Professor of Surgery, etc., in Jefferson Medical College FOR SALE BY THE TRADE GENERALLY, AND BY TIEIOS. J. EITUTSIE ALINT), Jr., _2 - T 196 McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED CATALogue DR. MOLESWORTH'S GLIMAX DILATOR. aſt-ſleſ For Dilating the 0s and Cervix Uteri, Urethra, Cervix Cystici, Sinus, Strictures of the (Esophagus, Wagina, Anus, etc., and as a General Tampon. The Climax Dilator is composed of a fine Rubber Tube (made in a new and peculiar manner, invented by DR. MoLEsworth, that enables one to increase the diameter of the Tube to any desired extent without lengthening it), and a finely finished brass, nickel-plated Force Pump, worked by Screw Power, by which water or air can be forced into the Tube, to dilate it as fast or as slow as desired. Each instrument has a small Stop Cock, enabling the operator (if he desires) to remove the Pump and still continue his dilatation for any length of time. These Tubes are flexible, being capable of any curvature, making them of easy introduction through curved or tortuous canals They possess more than ten times the power of sponge tents, or Barne's Dilators, and are soft and smooth, and can be dilated as rapidly or as slowly as desired, and can be held firmly in position and made to dilate more rapidly, or only at a desired point. Full directions with each instruments, - Tubes #, +, + and 3 inch in diameter, dilating to 4 inches in diameter. BMH PNEUMATIC AND DIEULARY ASPIRAIR ANTACHMENT COMPETE, WITH THREE NEEDLES TO FIT D R. M. O L E S W OR T H 'S Crimſa: Dr. Aror. - - - *- - - =º). This is the only instrument in which you have both the Pneumatic and Dieula. - foy Aspirator combined. This can be changed from one to the other in one min- - ute. Also a stomach pump attachment if desired. Full directions with each in strument. DR. MOLESWORTH'S INTRA-UTERINE INJECTING AND WACUUM SYRINGE. As this Instrument discharges directly forward towards the Symphysis Tube ten inches long. Pubis there is no danger of throwing the jet into the fallopian tubes; and as º the wash can escape as fast as thrown in, or can all be withdrawn by suction _* at the will of the operator, the patient is wholly freed from that excruciating i: | pain so frequently attending |. use of other Syringes. This Syringe can º º also be used with equal facility for injecting the bladder and urethra, both in Null. the male and female, and as the bulb is readily detached from the tube, it Patented Nov. 23, 1875. may be recharged as often as desired without removing the tube, or, when a large quantity is desired, the ordinary pump syringe can be attached with ease. Either with or without the bulb you have a simple catheter equal to any. Full directions with each instrument. - - DR, MOLESWORTH'S WAGINAL INJECTING AND SUCTION SYRINGE Is recommended by more than nine-tenths of all the physicians who have ex- amined it. Is superior to all other vaginal instruments. Is easier used and cleaned, because less complicated. Is less liable to be damaged or get out of repair by use, having no valves to be lost, or pistons to become too tight or too loose. Is charged with more ease, as it will charge itself by suction, or it can be done from a cup, bottle, pitcher, etc. There is very little danger of soiling the clothes, carpets, or bedding. This is the oNLY instrument that will carry a cleansing or medicated wash to - - EveRY and ALL parts of the vagina and mouth of the womb. This is the oNLY instrument that dilates and detaches from the walls, and removes by suction, without injury, all impurities or foreign matter that may be upou the walls and in the folds of the mucous membrane of the vagina, or within the mouth of the womb, if open. Full directions with each instrument. --- G/STEREº | For further information, etc., address Fr. w. Mroz. His worrrr. \ 71 G-Or, D STREET, NEW xerº y ~ McKesson & Robeiss |LLustrated Catalogue. 197 S- STAND A R D THE DOTY PLASTER MFG CO. —OF THE– CITY OF NEW YORK, U. S. A. MANU FACTURE Standard POroused PlasterS, of Capsicium, Extra Strength, Strengthening, Belladonna, Arnicated, and Poor Man's, in Rubber Combination, also, by the yard or style to suit. Rubber Base Mustard Plaster, The most reliable Mustard Plaster ever manufactured, Water and Climate-proof, and will not peel. Endorsed by physicians as the only successful plaster of its kind. Elegant Court and Isinglass Plaster, in a hundred different styles and varieties. Pomeroy's Petroline Poroused Plaster, Compound Capsicum and Purified Petroleum. The best Medicated Plaster known. Arnold's Ready Adhesive Plaster, Pliable, Antiseptic and superior for Adhesive quality, and general reliability to any adhesive plaster ever manufactured. "Pedacura” Insoles and Corn and Bunion Plaster, Universally endorsed and recommended by all who have had occasion to use them. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = = * = − = * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * ~ * - - - * * * * - - - - - - - * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * ~ * - - - - - - - - - r > → • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CYRUS PYLE, President. GEO. W. D0TY, Vice President. D. R. D0TY, Secretary. OFFICES : - FACTORIES : 113 Maiden Lane, New York. • Morrisania, N. Y. 32 Dearborn Street, Chicago. – r T 198 McKesson & Roesins JLLustrated Catalogue. J. TCUzº C. SAUNDERS, 143 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, GREAT BRITAIN. - - - "-- - *Asſ, 4 & J Sºyº - º º -> £ºf jºi. {Nº. ſº yº. § % º N - ZººZºº º ºr ºl. SAUNDERSS FACE POWDER, OR BLOOM OF NINON, AſO/º APEA UTZAPP/AVG AAV/D ARAES/2A WAVG 7THE COMPL/2X/OAV. Saunders's Face Powder is now prepared in three shades–Pink, WHITE, JAUNE, the latter being suitable for dark complexions. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE TRADE. . ...On and after this date, in addition to the Strip Label hitherto used round the boxes, there will be a special Trade Mark Label, a fac: simile of which, printed in black ink only, is annexed hereto. The Trade Mark Label, which will in the future be used on all articles of my manufacture, is printed thus: a º: ground on which the lettering is in black; the centre oval in vermillion, on which the monogram appears in white, shaded black; the bordering lines and corners in vermillion. This Label being duly registered in the Patent Office, Washington, U. S., all persons infringing J. Touze Ag SAUNDERs's trade rights will be proceeded against. As this Trade Mark bears my si ture, it will not in the future appear on the Strip Label hitherto used. he Trade Mark Label will be used on all goods of . manafacture. As it is in the interest of all respectable traders that fraud should be exposed and punished, I shall feel greatly oblige should any imitations come under the notice of the trade, to whom this is addressed, if they will advise my attorney, Mr. C. W. Towns, 47 Wall Street, New York, thereof. I take this º of cordially §§§ friends in the United States for their kind favors during so many bast years. . TOUZEAU SAUND S, 143 Oxford St., London, 1st Jan., 1879. S E L E C T T O I IL E. T. A. IF, T I C L E S. FOR THE COMPLEXION. FOR THE HAIR. se"OER, TIEEE arriºr-et- SAunders's SMOKERS' T00TH POWDER. º y recommended to those who smoke. It cleans- es the Teeth without injury to the enamel, and removes all odor of tobacco. THE LADIES OWN T00TH POWDER Is a most agreeable and efficient Dentifrice. SAUNDERS'S CORAL TOOTH POWDER, SAUNDERS’S L10UID BL00M OF ROSES. SAUNDERS's EAU BLONDE; Apurely vegetable production, as harmless as water; tly # ". Or, GOLDEN HAIR WATER, improves i. appearance where the complexion is p graduated to any tint is so natura - may be ula o any tint, and natural as to defy de For changing dark HAir INTO THE Goldrin color so Much ADMIRED. tection. SAUN DERS'S BLANC DE L'IMPERATRICE. Pure, simple, harmless, but perfectly effective; lº fear of failure, nor any apprehension of injury to the hair. Golden Hair is the attendant attribute of female beauty in ----- *SMORER's \grouzeau saundERs. --------. A new and very º liquid white, and perfectly inno- $1.3 oxroRD stºrer cent. Invented by J. Touze:AU SAUNDERs. Used by the - - - its highest form. Poets, from Homer to Milton, and from sº º 2 first artists. Prepared in three shades—Blanc, Rose and Jaune. him to Byron, have sung its loveliness. - atº." and elegant prepar- B L A N C O N C T U E U x Its use in the Nursery will impart and retain the Golden - - - Sunny Shade so much admired in Children's Hair. SAUN DERs S EAU DENTIFR Ice - Idite Liquid Dentifrice is so commonly used on the Continent, crºſºma H. D.E. ++Mr.Priºr ATRICH, as an agreeable means of cleansing the teeth and refreshing SAUNDERS'S ANTI-SCURF CREAM, the mouth, that it seems surprising tº find how little it is ap: As used by the Empress of France, for whitening and beau- preciated in this country. The EAU DENTIFRICE, used daily, tifying the skin. Price. 3s. This article is very fashion- For Removing Dandruff, Making the Hair Soft and Glossy, cleanses the Teeth, strengthens the Gums, and corrects any able. Improving the Growth, and Restoring it on Bald Places. | mourities of the Breath. To meet the wishes of those who may desire a stronger preparation, it is prepared in SULPHUR SOAP, two º: : Nº. hº º ...; ºf §. ğı" the use of persons where Sulphur may be specially adap the condition of the Skin. CAMPHOR SOAP, s...}...; this Soap, J.T. SAUNDERs has received so many Testimonials from persons who previously were unable to wash with any other form of Soap, that he would GLYCERINE SOAP, earnestly recommend those who have not hitherto tried it tº do so, feeling assured that a "|steady perseverance in its use will soon satisfy them of its efficacy. FULLERS' EARTH SOAP, J. TOUZEAU SAUNDERS begs to draw attention to a new series of Perfumes, ex- ALM0ND MEAL SOAP, cellent in quality and moderate in price. They are very neatly put up and embrace aii the NAPHTHALINE SOAP.”* * Recommended for the use of persons of tender or irritable skins. SAUNDERS'S PREPARED PUM ICE STON E. #sº º : MEDICATED || S A U N D E R S 'S S U L P H U R S O A P For removing Ink or Garden Stains from the Hands. This is a most convenient arti- Contains all the active principles of Sulphur combined with #. Glycerine, forming one of cle for the wash-stand; it not only removes stains but smooths down places where the Skin rendering it soft and healthy. I has become hardened. For the Feet it is a great comfort. the most useful Soaps ever offered for clearing the Skin an / T--— r FACTURE, and the NATURE OF THE MATERIAL composing the stock, make McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED CATALogue 199 (ELLULOID BRUSH CO. SOLE MANU FACTURERS OF (EIILOID BRUSHES, MIRRORS AND COMBS Patented July 12, 187 O-Reissued June 23, 1874. THE CELLULOID BRUSHES have many advantages over all others in the market. They are impervious to water, and cannot be injured by soaking. Whenever the bristles become soiled, they can easily be cleansed with warm soap suds, borax water, or other ordinary cleansing agent, without damaging the back or dimming the polish. The QUALITY OF THE BRISTLES, the METHOD OF MAN U- The Celluloid. Brushes the Best, AND IN ALL RESPECTS THE MOST DESIRABLE OF ANY EVER MADE. EYERY E RUSH V&V AR RANTED ! Tºº Cººſ, Jr., CID COMCE Is pronounced, after five years' use by the public, to be the me //us ultra of combs, and for strength and durability gives perfect satisfaction. THE CELLTTLOID MIRROR, When matched with the Brushes and Combs in toilet sets, makes the handsomest article for the boudoir ever manufactured. Children's ROund CombS, Cloth, Hat, Nail and TOOth Brushes ALL MANUFACTURED IN A GREAT WARIETY OF STYLES AND COLORS. For sale by all first-class Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. CELLULOID BRUSH CO., 313 and 315 Broadway, N. Y. Trade Supplied by McKESSON & ROBEINS. L 2OO McKesson & Robeiss |LLustRATED CATALogue |\- _” Es’I"AIBILIS-IHTED 1866. ..so Manufar I §§ —OF— *% º º º $ ra. 42 W. TS \tacº" raº”. 2T.CN **Fecr in coat -,-,- SIE’IECIALIT, INTOTICE- ==Trºis Our attention has been called to the fact that machines for coating pills with gelatine, which we con- . ~~~~ 1 O O : sider infringements on our niachinery, have been offered to the tº ade. He desire to Caution all Persons GELATINE-CoATED GELATINE-COATED . against Purchasing, Selling or Using the same, as we intend to bring suit against all infringers. P I L L S : P I L I, S: | Ac/erring to our suits against A. F. W. Meynaber, and others, for infringement on our patent for || Q B1 - $ U L P HATE Gelatine Coating, we take pleasure in stating that judge Blatchford has decided these cases in our favor. COMPOUND OF | The value in and reputation of Gelatine-Coated Pills have been created by our manufacture and GAT H A RTIC Q UININE advertisement, and these well known facts should be respected by the trade. (U. S.) | 2 Grains. tº We claim that McKesson & Robbins' Bi-Sulphate of Quinine Pills are more soluble and more readily *cºlº.co.rºix. 113s. assimilated than SULPHATE of QUININE taken in powder, and have lately strongly urged their general || #. †: ; :::: l | use. The demand has largely increased, and experience has justified our further claim that on ae- || Gambºº." 14. count of PROMPT ACTION and PERFECT solubi Lity, Br-SULPhi Ate oF QUININE, although containing || ! - a little less of the Quinia Alkaloid, is MoRE EFFICACIOUs, dose for dose, than Sulphate of Quinine. , As sulphate of Quinine - Bi-Sulphate of Quinine was formerly sold, 50 and even 75 cents per oz., higher than the Sulphate, I C º's...} but we have brought the price of McKesson & Robbins' beautiful white and uniform crystals to the ſquiºn...', ºi, ºyid same figure as the Sulphate; and were it not for the greater difficulty attending the crystallization of !..... the former for the market, due to its ready solubility, it could be sold lower than the Sulphate. | g the latter is apparent. r re & e ... " g t e w w * PREPARE • We have deemed it advisable, in order to facilitate their general introduction, to REDUCE PRICES D BY | McK6SSO1&RObbins of our BI-SULPHATE OF QUININE PILLs below those of Sulphate, and have no doubt that their sale McKessOn&Robbins Manufacturing Chemists, will be largely increased. Manufacturing Chemists _NEW YORK. We would particularly request that McK. & R.'s Bi-Sulph. Quinine Pills be specified. N Ew York p PRIVATE FORMULAs of 3,000, of MoRE, MADE AND COATED TO ORDER. º ſº Formula Book giving dose, &c., &c., and Price Lists of Pills and Granules furnished upon application. -Alvºray's Specify McIKlessorn & F.C. bloirls’- Mſcºessor. & Robbins" FLUID EXTRACTS OF MEDICINAL DRUGs, OF GUARANTEED PURITY: MADE FROM SELECTED DRUGS. * @ e º sº sº Q & Q & © & © & © & © & © & C cº-cº-c = c_c_c < ºr C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C & Cº. ºº is cº-c = . . . the alcohol—in others, objection. able. Each drug is carefully studied by itself, and great care is taken that sents one pound of drug. ºf . Fluid Extract of Jamaica Dogwood, their efficacy, while crude drugs || C (Piscidia Erythrina.) C deteriorate. Each Minim repres; One Grain of Jamaica Dogwood each lot of the same extract should be tuniform with the precedingſ, the speci/ſc ark of the Root. f Areceding fect //, These Extracts are prepared by DOSE.-3o to 120 Minims. graz'ity, where the same menstruum cold re-percolation, thereby avoid. is used, being a test. The process ſº For TINCTURE.-One fluidounce of this Extract, seven fluidounces Diluted Alcohol. ing the effect of heat and exposure || Foº Sº..." one ºf this Extract, seven fluidounces Simple Syrup. that we employ has been endorsed g e * s g g For INFUsion.—One fluidounce of this Extract, Water int. to the air, which impair those active er to one pint by the leading pharmaceutical jour- principles in which the virtues of all This ºld Extract is preparº by Peºlation, without the aid of heat, or exposure || nals, and by the best chemists, and e e to the air, in accordance with the best process for extracting and preserving all the vegetable remedies consist. By ex- active constituents of the drug. | every thinking pharmacist will perience we have determined the readily acknowledge the danger of e PR EP A R E D e * gº greater efficacy of different men- B Y applying heat to medicinal drugs. struums in the exhaustion of the M C Fº E S S O N & R O B B I N S | Formulas for makius Syrups, Tinc- 2 º virtues of different drugs; in some, ſures, &c., from our F/uid Extracts, glycerin being a valuable adjunct to are printed on the labels. FAC-SIMILE OF FLUID EXTRACT LABEL. FORMULA BOOK AND PRICE LIST FURNISHED UPoN APPLICATION. -4A-lvvay's specify IMI clºcessora tº IRoToloiras”. OUR DRUGS AND PREPARATIONS FURNISHED witH SPAN is H LABELs when DESTRED. \- ~ 25 2O2 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALOGUE. (FAC-srºſſLE.) A C U A DE F L OR IM E L FOR THE BATH AND TOILET, Combines the Virtues of Cologne, the Pungency of a Handkerchief Perfume, with an adaptation for daily use in the Bath, which commends it to general use. IT HAS GREAT HEALING WIRTUE TO ALL SURFACE AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. This delightful perfume, as its name implies, is the honey of flowers, a floral extract, an ex- quisite bouquet, highly concentrated, and imparts a peculiar and most agreeable fragrance. The reputation of our house, and of our Toilet Preparations, has extended over most of the civilized world, and is a guarantee of the sterling quality of this Flower Water. Once used, it will always command a prominent place in every toilet. The deterioration in the articles in present use has created a demand for a preparation of acknowledged merit from a responsible source. The AGUA DE FLORIMEL meets this demand. It will be found worthy of our reputation, and emi- nently deserves the patronage of the public. The AGUA DE FLORIMEL combines the virtues of the cologne, the pungency of a handkerchief perfume, with an adaptation to daily use in the bath and other ablutions which commend it to gen- Sº eral use. This is true in all lands, but especially true of the warm and enervating climate of the § º south. º: \ I º º … º º This agreeable preparation is not only the greatest of luxuries; it has beneficial sanitary | - - - - \º effects; its actions upon the skin is most healthful. (A COMPOUND OF COCOANUT OIL, &c.) For Promoting the crowth and Preserving the Beauty of the Human Hair. No other Compound possesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the Human Hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy, vigorous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. Jonas Whitcomb’s Asthma Rennedy. FOR ASTH MA, ROSE COLD, HAY FEVER, &c. This remedy has been used in thousands of the worst cases, with astonishing and uniform success, and is offered to the public with full confidence in its merits. It contains no poisonous or injurious properties whatever, and an infant may take it with perfect safety. ST. LOUIs, November 10, 1877. Messrs. J. BURNETT & Co.—The relief the Jonas Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy afforded me was perfect; in fact, I have not had a bad night since taking it. This complaint has troubled me for a long time, and I have tried many, things, but in no ºase found any relief until your Remedy came to hand. Yours truly, WM. T. MASON, of Messrs. MAsoN & GoRDON, Lawyers. Send for pamphlet containing description of the uses and properties of our Preparations. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., Boston, U. S. A. TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. McKesson & Robens |LLuskrated CATALogue 203 —ESTABLISHED 1796.--— JOHN M. MARIS & CO., No. 42 Park Place, NEW YORK, No. 37 Barclay Street, NEW YORK, No. 711 Market Street, PH|LADELPHIA. IMI_A_INTTUTIET_A_CTTUTIETETIES OIET DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE SUNDRIES & SPECIALTIES ATOMIZERS, WINDOW. BOTTLES, WINDOW BRACKETS. MORTAR SIGNS, SHELF WARE, Ordinary Weight, Extra Heavy, Cut Stopper, & 4 ſº a Blue, tº tº a 0 Amber, & & & Canary. GLASS LABELS All Styles, DRAWER PULLS, COUNTER JARS, OINTMENT JARs, HERB CANISTERS, SPONGE BASKETS, PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES, Flint, & & ( & Blue, Amber, d d 6 Green, HOMEOPATHIC VIALS, PATCH & OINTMENT BOXES. PAPER, PILL & POWDER BOXES, CORKS. - EVAPORATING DISHES, ——TRADE @ MARK.—— FUNNELS, GRADUATES, American, & 6 Metric, 0 tº English. MORTARS, Wedgewood, Porcelain. & 4 Iron, tº q Glass, PERCOLATORS, Glass, Tin. suppository MOULDS, PILL MACHINES, PILL TILES, POWDER FOLDERS, SYRINGES, Metal, d : Glass, Hard Rubber, & Bulb, Q & Hypodermic, C. H. PENCILS, SAMPLE BOTTLES COLOGN E BOTTLES, SPRINKLER TOP BOTTLES. URINALS, TINCTURE PRESSES, HORN SCOOPS, SPOONS, ETC., RETORT STANDS, SPATULAS, TWINE BOXES, SCALES & WEIGHTS, Full Line, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, BOUGIES & CATHETERS, BREAST INSTRUMENTS, FEEDING BOTTLES, FEEDING BOTTLE FITTINGS, IN HALERS, MEDICINE GLASSES, & 4 DROPPERS, NASAL DOUCHES, NIPPLES. NIPPLE SHIELDS, PESSARIES, PROBANGS, SPECULUMS, CHEMICAL FLASKS, TEST TU BES. RETORTS & RECEIVERS. BEAKERS, CRUCIBLES, GLASS TU BING. THERMOMETERS All Kinds. We irrhern tic-rm a few of our Specialties, Extra Heavy Nipple Shield, Lewis' Atomizer, Patent Metal Block Weights, Brady's Inhaler, Mead's Nasal Douche, Howard's Throat Atomizer. SHIPMENTS MADE FROM NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. WRITE FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE & PRICE LIST. Our Goods can be obtained from McKesson & Robbins. w 204 McKesson & Robbins |LLustRATED CATALogue. T DAvrBson syFINGEs. - - g- No. 1:. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Block Tin Pipes. Block Tin Pipes. Block Tin Pipes. Hard Rubber Pipes. Our firm determination to keep up the standard of the Davidson Syringe, under all difficulties, is meeting with the most gratifying results from the Trade, who tell us after the experiences of the last three years with the many imitations of the Davidson style of syringe offered them by different manufacturers, that the DAVIDSON SYRINGE as always made by us OCCUPIES THE SAME POSITION AS FORMERLY; and that it has no equal in the world FOR PERFECTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND FINISH, PURITY OF STOCK, DURABILITY AND GENERAL SATISFACTION TO THE PUBLIC, who have occasion to use an instrument of this kind. They also say, “they have no bad goods in consequence of the hardening of the rubber, before they sell them, which frequently occurs with the imitation.” The constantly increasing demand proves the truth of the above opinion. D. Avrid so IN INIEPE-LEIs. º No. 20, Small, No. 21, Large White. No. 22, White. No. 25, White. -- No, 27, White. No. 30, White. “ 23, “ “ 24, “ Pure Gum. “ 26, Pure Gum. “ 29, Pure Gum. If the community knew how important it is to have these goods made from pure stock, there would be no demand for cheap and inferior nipples. The constantly increasing demand for the Davidson Nipples, Especial LY THE Nos. 22 AND 26, show that where they are used they are preferred to all others. We can confidently assert that they are MADE FROM PERFECTLY PURE STOCK and in the most thorough manner, whilst their great durability makes them less expensive to use than the cheaper grades. Below is given an analysis of the stock from which these Nipples are made. FROM THE STATE ASSAYER. Davidson Rubber Co., 2d State STREET, Boston. HARLEston, MAss. GENTLEMEN: I nave examined the White Rubber Nipples received from you, and am satisfied that they are entirely harmless when taken into the mouth. These Nipples do not contain lead in any form, and it is impossible to extract any injurious substances from them by saliva. y - Respectfully, S. DANA HAYES, 7th of january, 1870. State Assayer of Massachusetts. D.A.VIIDsorT CIFEIN IMICU-TEI CATELETEER. We have patented and are now offering to the Trade a new Soft Rubber Catheter, which is giving great satisfaction to the Medical Profession, who are much pleased with its SUPERIOR SMOOTH FINISH and surprised at its WONDER- FUL DURABILITY. The following letter from Dr. Bache, speaks for itself. Davidson Rubber Co., - - - 286 Henry Street, Brooklyn, Dec. 6, 1880. GENts: I have used your soft open mouth Catheter continuously, for over ten months, with perfect satisfaction. I had previously used the eyed soft rubber Catheter, both imported and made here, for some years. The º: in which yours excel, are the PERFECT AND DURABLE SURFACE which retains its SMOOTHNESS as º they last, and their GREAT DURABILITY compared with others: one instrument Lintroduced 570 times, and laid it aside only because it had increased from - o. 17 French to No. 21, in 130 days use. Please let me know when you are ready to offer the instrument in the market, and price. Very Respectfully, B. F. BACHE, Medical Director, U. S. Navy. IMI-A-I-D E E TY" T) A-TVTTDSCINT EUTIEEEER, CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DRUGGIST, SURGICAL AND FINE RUBBER GOODS, IEB O st C. In , IMI as s. \' THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBB ins. - L ~ º McKesson & Robbins' |LLustrated CATALOGUE. Q O *-v- TMIC IPSITEB SS O TNT & TR, O TE TE TINTS 92–RESPECTFULLY OFFER THE FOLLOWING—s S P E C I. A. L T I IE S : MARTIN'S NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT, - º * - Retail, 0.25 I)ozen, 1.50 ( ; ross, 16...,0 MARTIN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA G.INGER, . sº º ise - & 4 50 “ 3. ()() ‘‘ 32.00 MARTIN'S FLAVORING EXTRACT, Lemon, . * > wº te * & 4 25 “ 1.50 “ 17.00 MARTIN'S FLAVORING EXTRACT, Vanilla, º * - - 4-6 25 ‘‘ 1.75 “ 20.00 THOMAS FLAVORING EXTRACTS (Except Rose and Vanilla), . 4 & 2.5 ** 1.75 • ‘ 18.00 THOMAS FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Rose and Vanilla, gº * > & ſº 3.5 • 2.25 “ 24.30 COLOC NE WATERS. McK. & R. GOLDEN BELL. McK. & R. MARIE LOUISE. In Round Flint (; lass Bottles. In Handsome Square Glass Stoppered Bottles. QUARTs, - sº & e- Retail, $2.00 l)ozen, $18.00 A VERY FINE COLOGN E. PINTs, ge º * * - 6 & 1.5() 12.00 | PINTs, . tº * > 6 tº • * Retail, $2.00 Dozen, $16.50 % PINTs, * * * s * & 4 1.00 & 4 7.50 | }4 PINTs, - º * 4 & 1. j() tº & 1 (). j() }4 PINTs, . e *- * gº & Gº 75 4 & 5.00 || 4 PINts, * * > cº- gº & & 1. ()0 4 & 6. ()() FARINA COLOCNE, McK. & R. Half Pint Mushroom Stoppered Bottles, º * > * - tº º fº ge tº wº - sº Retail, $1.00 Dozen, $7.50 Trial Size, in Miniature Wine Bottles, - * > •- tº- *- <- * * - * • iº & 4 2.5 tº º 1, j() McK. & R. DIANA'S BATH COLOGNE, Bottle same style and size as Florida Water, Retail, 75c. I)0zen, $5.00. ſº McK. & R. BIFNZINE McPC. & F. CAMPHOR, ICE AND G-LY CERINE. In 4 Ounce Oval Bottles, Retail, 20c. I)ozen, $1.00 Gross, $9.00 Retail, 25c. Dozen, $1.50 Gross, $16.00 McK. & R. CHILORATE POTASSA LOZEN G.E.S. CHLORODYNE, McKESSON & ROBBINS". Retails, 20c. l)ozen, $1.35 Gross, $15.00 Retails, 75c. Dozen, 4.00 Gross, $45.00 MCK. & R. FLORD DA WATER. Handsomely Illuminated Label. Retail, JOc. Dozen, $4.50 Gross, $48.00 McK. & R. FIN EST WHITE COD LIVER Ol L. THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, ALWAYS PURE. Pints, Retail, $1.00; Dozen, $5.25; Gross, 60.00. Half Pints, Retail, 50c.; Dozen, $3.00; Gross, $33.00. Maltese Cross (illuminated label), 12 Ounces, Dozen, $5.00. McK. & R. PURE FRUIT JUICES. Made Directly from the Fruit. - Quart Champagne Bottles, I)ozen, $8.00. PERFUMERY EXTRACTS, McKESSON & ROBBINS'. In Handsome Flint Glass Ball Stoppered Bottles (All Odors). NotE.—Price including Bottle and Stamp, One Pound by weight, equal to 18% to 20 Fluidounces, per Bottle, gº «º ſe • * & e $3.50 g IHalf “‘ tº tº (same style bottle) per bottle, cº * > tº º ge tº se * > 1.88 CITRATE OF MAGNESIA SOLUTION, McK. & R., tº- * > Retail, 35c. Dozen, $2.00 Gross, $22.50 CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, DRY, McK. & R., tº s gº tº ** 50c. “ 3.75 & dſ 42.00 FLAVORING EXTRACTS, McK. & R. (except Rose and Vanilla), ** 25c. ** 2. 6 & 21.60 FLAVORING EXTRACTS, McK. & R., Rose and Vanilla, e sº ** 35C. “ 2.75 & & 29.7() SEIDLITZ POWDERS, Extra, McK. & R., New Wrapper, º “ 50c. g 3.25 & 4 36. ()() SEIDLITZ POWDERS, Usual, McK. & R., New Wrapper, - cº ** 35C. ** 2.75 § (; 30.00 Customers' names neatly printed on Seidlitz Powder labels, if desired, when orders of one gross or more are given. McKESSON & RDFBINs full fiſhitis, inifºliº. McKESSON & RDBEINS GäATINE COMED Plls, iniirii; McKESSON & RDBBINS ARDMATIC ELIXIRS, Sinifºliº, McKESSON & ROBBINS MEDICINAL WIMES, Etc., iiiifºliºl, McFCESSON & ROEIBINS” PEPSIN, Saccharated, In Ounce Bottles, dozen, 4.00, Concentrated, ounces, per ounce, $2.00 McKESSON & ROBBINS' PEPSIN, Saccharated, In bulk, - tº a tº * gº Lº per pound, 4.00 McKESSON & ROBEINS FRENCH OIL OF COLOGNE, N ge tº- per pound, 7.50 Formula for Cologne Water:-3 ounces Oil of Cologne; 7 pints Cologne Spirits; 1 pint Water. McKESSON & ROBBIN’s GöLDEN BELL OIL OF COLOGNE gº tº ge - per pound, $5.50 Aormula /or Cologne Water: –1 ounce Oil of Cologne; 6% pints Cologne Spirits; 1% pints Water. The Trade is respectfully informed that the control of the following articles has been placed in our hands. McKESSON & ROBBINS, 91 Fulton Street, New York- BLOEDE'S INK and STAIN EXTRACTING PENCIL, * * tº Retail, $0.25 Dozen, $1.75 Gross, $20.00 CUSHMAN'S INK AND STAIN EXTRACTING PENCIL, with Rubber Eraser, (Bloede's Patent). Retail, 25c. Dozen, $1.35 Gross, $15.00 FUELLING'S STAR DYE COLORS, for family use (all colors), tº “ 25c. “ 1.65 6 & 18.00 NOWILL's PECTORAL HONEY OF LIVERWORT, - tº a C & 35c. ** 2.50 6 & 27.00 SOUTH AMERICAN FEVER & AGUE FEMEDY. RUB IT IN LINIMENT (SWEETS). g * * * > .00 dozen. O s tº ,, . Retail, 25 cents. One Dozen, $3.00 per dozen. One Gross, $22.50 per gross. Retail, $1.00. One Dozen, $8.00 per dozen ne Gross, $9000 per gross Five Gross, $21.00 per gross. Fifty cent size, double the above rates. BARDOTTE'S WORM SUGAR, D.F.O.P.S. MAGNOLIA COUGH SYRUP. Retail, 25 cents. One Dozen, $1.75 per dozen. One Gross, $20.00 per gross. Retail, 50 cents. One Dozen, $3.50 per dozen. One Gross, $36.00 per gross. ſº 2O McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALogue. - Show O all wishing FIRST-CLAss SHow CASEs the CELLULOID SHow CASE is confidently recommended. The frames are of carefully selected hard wood, which (under great heat and heavy pressure) are covered with highly polished Sheet Celluloid sufficiently thick to wear a LIFE-TIME. The Glass and Mir- rors are of FRENCH or ENGLISH PLATE, or Dou BLE THICK FRENCH CRYSTAL, both of the best quality made. They are the most beautiful as well as the most durable Show Cases ever offered to the public, and are particularly adapted to the display of goods to the best advantage and in the most attractive Inanner. Cases. (CIRCULAR FRONT.) - (SQUARE FRONT.) -(They Never Require Cleaning, as They Never Lose Their Polish.)— They are made in the best manner, in imitation of Rosewood with Round CoRNER base caps to match, Tortoise SHELL with caps to match, GREEN AGATE with caps of Ebony or Green Agate, and have a hard and elegant finish which is PositiveLY PERMANENT, Even when CoNSTANTLY Exposed to THE WEATHER. Celluloid Mouldings, which have for more than a year been exposed to the violence of storms and frosts, as well as to the heats of summer, have been found not to have lost in any degree their original form and finish. (BEVEL FRONT.) Estimates will be furnished for all sizes and styles of Counter and Upright Cases, by C. FERSCH & SON, Show Case Manufacturers, 5 North YWillian Street, - - Nexx York. _ Tradle Su-piplied. Toy IMC.cIKessorn & Eobbirns- ~ N McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated Catalogue. 2O7 º Ilºilº. | |\| | d º |W º | * † |W | º A PPOINTED $0HP D)HEERS --~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEARSSOAPTº As REcoMMENDED BY || Psort ERASMUSWILSON º | %ave/und matchkir for Že |. and &nd 6%xſon, ſº - 32%. , ||||||||||ſ. F.I.F. | ſº : The Prince of ([[älts. ' " º 7. PRIGE LISTS O N A P P L I C A T I O N A.& H. PEARS, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38, GT RUSSELL STREET, Tº . . . .T specially drawn for Messrs. A. & F. PEARS Iton DON, W.C. by 2. ^ º 2% º º - H. STACY MARKS, R.A. 208 McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue G. azºtēs Sºws, Esta blished 777 WILLIAM KENT, ſº tº º I 777. €St. I’llS €S. WILLIAM KENT, Jun., $º - 18O8. J. J. KENT, - tº a tº tº 1836. G. B. KENT & Co., - tº e - 1854. G. B. KENT & SONs, * - a tºº I88O. FoundED, OVER wº-y-w-ºr EMPLOYING OVER the size of cºp icut for 1882. G. B. KENT & SONS' No. 6 Oval Hair Brush. “NOWELTY T00TH BRUSH.” Regular or XXX quality, 100 YEARS. 600 H ANDS. * This outline is a Fac-simile of SOLE MAKERS IN EUROPE, Mädt in IVOry Or Sºlºtted Choice Woºds. G. B. KENT & SONS Filled with Lily, Yellow, Black or I_OINTIDOINT_ Gray Bristles. Finished, Veneered, Solid, Inlaid, or Screwed, Handled or Military. SOLE IMPORTERS IN UNITED STATES, IMcEessor, & Eobbins, INTIETV TY OFIEC_ Registered Telegraphic Address: KENTE Rush, r Jº" * IMCIEID-A-T.S.- T, C IN ID O N - gº' - …~~451 9-. . \ . . ) ' LONDON, - - - *- 1862. GºGº ºf 6' - } VIENNA, - - - - - 1873. (?, - ſa' PHILADELPHIA, - - 1876. 9) - PARIS, - - - - - 1878. 9. SYDNEY, - - - - 1879. MELBOURNE, - - - 1880. <> sº ©. OFFICE AND WAREHouse— 11 Great Marlborough Street, London, W. G. B. KENT, FACTORY-46 Bonner Road, London, E. G. HAROLD KENT, Du BLIN WAREHouse—63 William Street, Dublin. ARTHUR B. KENT, : \- - THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY MCKESSON & ROBBINS. McKesson & Roberns |LLustRATED CATALOGUE. 200 “UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST.”– 7%e Medica/ /?ress. * * * “Many cases of diseases of the skin are originated by the use of soaps made from impure fats, or grease ; and many more are kept up indefinitely by this cause. * * * I believe there is a remedy, and that is in the use of soaps made from vegetable oils.”—L. D. BULKLEY, A.M., M.D., Physician for Skin Diseases at the AWew York Hospital (vide The Sanitarian). ---- ==== s Packer's Tar Soap is made from vegetable oil, pine tar and glycerine. Thus we avoid the liability of impurities found in “fat" soaps, and secure the well-known healing and emollient properties of the pine tree tar and pure glycerine. Physicians in all parts of the country who treat DISEA SES OF THE SPQIN unreservedly accord to Packer's Tar Soap the highest place for its healing properties, and as a wholesome cleanser of the skin in health or disease. It is used exclusively in the families of many physicians, chemists and others, for the toilet, nursery, bath and shampoo, for which it is unrivalled ; also in infant asylums, hospitals and other public institutions. Recommended on its merits by those who have used it, it has become the standard medicinal and toilet soap of the country. 25 cents per cake. PACKER’S A FOAMING BOUQUET. FLORIDA We present in this exquisite Toilet Soap the very acme of elegance and usefulness. It combines the detersive and emollient WATER qualities of a pure, bland, glycerine soap, with the attractive, re- freshing odors of the popular toilet water. Beautifully put up in gº SO A P boxes of three cakes, suitable for presents. 25 cents per cake. PACKER’S “IT ACTS LIKE A CHARM. ” This really wonderful external remedy for obstinate local skin. CUTANEOUS diseases, and inflamed surfaces from whatever cause, chapped. cracked or rough skin, is increasing in sales very fast. A circular CHARM advertising it accompanies each cake of Packer's Tar Soap, and some demand should follow wherever the soap is sold: Perſect/y /harm/ess. Pleasant to use Counter bills, cards, etc., supplied on request. 25 and 50 cent bottles. KNAPP”S IT DOES THE BUSINESS it is sent after, in affections of the throat and voice, at once, THROAT Eminent singers and speakers pronounce it without equa/ as a quick and thorough remedy in these cases. Handsomely put up CURE in lozenge form. Profitable to druggist and consumer. Can be sent by mail. 35 cents per box. SELL THE BEST.-Conclusive evidence of the superiority of our goods is shown by their large and growing sales in all parts of the civilized world, without extensive advertising. We supply attractive advertising cards, books, bills, etc., to dealers who stock our goods and advise us. For advertising matter or further particulars, address, EDWARD A. OLDS, l P. O. Box 2.985. Ioo FULTON STREET, NEw York. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. V- ~ 26 McKesson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED Catalogue -** * * * * *- ~ : *-* -º- - - - - *, *- ºr-º. - –º ººº-ºº-ººrºººº-º-º-º-º-, -, - r . * *-* *-º-º-º-º- *: *-** Tº...º. º. ºº Lºm. * ** –Zºº amºtº-ºxa -- * * * * *——ºº-º-º-º- A*- = ~~~~ * : * ~ *; 2 - - -*-* = * *-a- - - - - - -> ... • - * * - ... —- * * MALT INE. MALT IN E is a concentrated extract of malted Barley, not exceed 150 deg. Fahr., thereby retaining all the nutritive Wheat and Oats. In its preparation the temperature does and digestive agents unimpared. Extracts of Malt are made from Barley alone, by the Germán process, which directs that the mash be heated to 2 I 2 deg. Fahr., thereby coagulating the Albuminoids and almost wholly destroying the starch digestive principle, Diastase. © MALT IN E (Plain). MALT IN E with Hops. MALT IN E with Alteratives. MALT IN E with Beef and Iron. MALT IN E with Cod Liver Oil. MALT IN E with Cod Liver Oil MALT IN E with Hypophosphites. MALT IN E with Phosphorus Comp. MALT IN E with Peptones. and Pancreatine. __--—s-—-----Tº-Tº- MALT NE MALT IN E MALT 1 NE with Pepsin and Pancreatine. with Phosphates. with Phosphates Iron and Quinia. MALT IN E with Phosphates Iron, Quinia and Strych. MALT IN E Ferrated. MALT IN E W T N E. MALT INE WIN E with Pepsine and Pancreatine. MALTO-YERBI NE. MALTO=VIEURNIN. MEDICAL ENDORSEMENTS. J. K. BAUDUY, M.D., St. Louis, Mo., Physician to St. Vincent's Insane Asylum, and Prof. Nervous Diseases and Clinical Medicine, Missouri Medical College. W.M. PORTER, A.M., M.D., St. Louis, Mo. E. S. DUNSTER, M.D., Ann Arbor, Mich., Prof. Obs. and Dis. Women and Children University and in Dartmouth College. THOMAS H. ANDREWS, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., Dem- onstrator of Anatomy, Jefferson Medical College. B. F. HAMMEL, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., Supt. Hospital of the University of Penn. - F. R. PALMER, M.D., Louisville, Ky., Prof. of Physiology and Personal IDiagnosis, University of Louisville. HUNTER, McG-UIRE, M.D., Richmond, Va., Prof. of Surgery, | Medical College of Virginia. F. A. MARIDEN, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis., Supt. and Physician, Milwaukee County liospital. L. P. Y.A.N.D.E.LL., M.D., Louisville, Ky., Prof. of Clinical Medi- cine and Diseases of Children, University, Louisville. JOHN A. L.A.R.R.A.B.E.E., M.D., Louisville, Ky., Prof. of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of Children in the Hospital College of Medicine. R. O.G.DEN DOREMUS, M.D., L.L.D., New York, Prof. of Chemistry and Toxicology, Bellevue Hospital Medical College : Prof. of Chemistry and Physics, College of the City of New York. WALTER. S. HAINES, M.D., Chicago, Ill., Prof. of Chemistry and Toxicology, Rush Medical College, Chicago. E. F. ING ALLS, A.M., M.D., Chicago, Ill., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Chest and Throat, Woman's Medical College. A. A. MEUNIER, M.D., Montreal, Canada, Professor, Victoria University. H. F. BIGGAR, M.D., Prof. of Surgical and Medical Diseases of Women, Homoeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, Ohio. | DR. DOBELL, London, England, Consulting Physician to Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. DR. T. F. GRIMSI)ALE, Liverpool, England, Consulting Phy- sician, Ladies' Charity and Lying-in-Hospital. W.M. ROBERTS, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Manchester, England, Prof. of Clinical Medicine, Owens' College School of Medicine; Physician Manchester Royal Infirmary and Lunatic Hospital. J. C. THOROWGOOD, M.D., F.R.C.P., London, England, Physician City of London Hospital for Chest Diseases; Physician West London Hospital. W. C. PLAYFAIR, M.D., F.R.C.P., London, England, Prof. of Obstetric Medicine in King's College, and Physician for the Diseases of Women and Children to King's College Hospital. W. H. WALSHE, M.D., F.R.C.P., Brompton, England, Con- sulting Physician Consumption Hospital, Brompton, and to the University College Hospital. A. WYNN WILLIAMS, M.D., M.R.C.S., london, Eng. Physician Samaritan Free Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children. A. C. MACR.A.E., M.D., Calcutta, Ind., Dep. Insp. Gen. Hosp. Ind Service, late President Surgery, Calcutta. EDWARD SHOPPEE, M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., London, England. LENNOX BROWN, F.R.C.S., London, England, Senior Surgeon, Central Throat and Ear Hospital. J. CARRICK MURRAY, M.D., Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Physician to the N. C. H. for Diseases of Chest. J. A. GRANT, M.D., F.R.C.S., Ottawa, Canada. MALT INE is prescribed by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession in the United States, Great Britain, India. China and the English Colonies, and is largely used at the principal hospitals in preference to any of the Extracts of Malt. t;-we will forward gratuitously a 1 ſp. bottle of any of the above preparations to Physicians, who will pay the express charges. Send for our 28 page Pamphlet on Maltine for further particulars. Address: IERIEEEEID cº, C.A. IFE INTIFE-ICl Pººl, Laboratory: Yonkers-on-the-Hudson. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBlNS. 182 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. – & Roeeins |LLustrated CATALogue. 24 A NO. 3 PAT. EX. No. ; Bone Ring Handle Plush shoulder. -- -- 4 -- -- - -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- Plain. -- 3 -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- “ 1 “ Handle, Silk Shoulder. -- 2 -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- - -- -- 5 -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- Plain. -- 2 -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- “ 1 Patent Handle, Velvet Shoulder. -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- -- ** 1 -- -- Extra. -- 2 -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- ** 1 Hurl. -- -- Patent Cap. -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- “ 3 Patent Handle, Felt Gover. -- 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5 º \\ \\ --- wº * - - A\\ WºwWºwW º --- º |-º - W º | º | --- | | |\\ | | \\ ſ i // - M - | W \\ . . ſ ſ. | | - \ WN . // / \! \\ - - º | |\! \\\\\\\\\\ ºfſſºſ % W N --- | º |Nº|| ||||Wºl º | |W ſº W W NO 3 BONE RING W. S. *IKEYSTONE” WISK BROOM WORKS 717 N. SECOND ST., IEPEIII, AIDELIPEII.A., E*.A., MANUFACTURERS OF PLAIN AND FANCY WHISKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The cuts on this page are fac-similes of styles made by us, also numbers according to the list of sizes and kinds on this page, the No. o being the smallest size will measure 4 inches from shoulder, not including the handle, each size increasing in length 1 inch to No. 6, which is 10 inches long, all of which are made of the finest material and finished in the best possible manner. No. 2 Patent Handle, Common. -- 3. -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- - ** 3 Hurl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- No -- -- -- IVORY HANDLES. - ; Plush shoulder. - 2 Plain -- 3 -- -- Horse Hair. -- -- PEARL HANDLES. No. 2 Plush Shoulder. -- 3 -- -- 2 Plain -- -- -- Horse Hair. MISCELLANEOUS. Bone Handle Horse Hair. Patent Handle Horse Hair. Tampico White. NO. 1 PAT. W. S. 0 Pocket whisk, in case. -- - -- Stair Broom. Barber Whisk. ~ N 212 McKesson § Roeeins |LLUSTRATED CATALogue. NEW YORK PARIS, 33 Maiden Lane. V. R - N 15 Rue d'Enghien. w.V.A. URENC O AS Importer of 9 © CSL) * Ti cAL Goo’ MATHEMATICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue. - 213 CuTTER &VVALKER MFG. Co. IIMCTEPTER, OTVTIET) Chest Expanding M º \ - ºlº $º \\ | | |º | w 3. |: l {º}} - susp;VDERsandshoulſºrbº FOR LADIES, GENTILEMEN AND CHILDREN, Adapted to the wear of either Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, being alike beneficial to the health and comfort of either, are superior in style, beauty of finish and durability to all other braces heretofore offered for sale. These goods are protected by Letters Patent. NUMBERS AND SIIES OF DR. CUTTER'S PATENT CHEST EXPANDING SUSPENDERS. No. oo–Girl's Braces, . . 12 inches, No. 4—Ladies' Braces, . . 17 inches, No. 3–Gents' Braces, . . 16 inches, -- O -- -- - - I3 -- -- 4% -- -- - - 18 - -- 3% - -- -- - - 16% -- -- I -- -- . . I4 -- “ oo Boy's -- . . I2 -- -- 4 -- - . . I 7 -- -- 1% Ladies’ “ - - 1.4% -- “ o … -- . . I 3 -- -- 4% … -- . . 18 -- -- 2 -- -- . . I5 -- “ I -- -- . . I4 -- … 5 -- -- . . IQ … … 2% -- -- - - 15% . … -- 1% -- -- - - 1.4% -- … 5% … -- - - 2O -- “ 3 “ “. . . 16 “ “ 2 “ “. . . 15 “ “ 6 “ “. . . 21 “ - 3% -- -- - - 16% -- -- 2% Gents' -- . . I5 % -- -- 7 -- … . . 22 -- To ascertain the size of Brace wanted, measure from point to point of shoulders, across the back. —C A- TDſ "Tº I C INT— Certain unprincipied persons have been counterfeiting our Braces, notice is hereby given to both dealers, and manufacturers, that all infringements either in the manufacture or sale of our goods will be promptly prosecuted to the full extent of the patent laws. The only genuine goods are manufactured by the CUTTER & WALKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TML. E.L. E"LIEETCETEER, sup’t. No. 13 O Middlesex Street, Lowell, Mass. TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. T 214 McKesson & Roeens |LLUSTRATED CATALogue R Uss 1A N GUT WIO LIN STRINGS, O dealer or musician need be bothered by poor Strings if he desires to buy good ones. O U R G U A R A N T E E . Every one of our Russian Gut Strings is put up in a separate wrapper, and stamped as follows: EveRY STRING so WRAPPED Is THOROUGHLY WARRANTED BY Us. If a dealer receives a complaint (which he believes to be honest) from any musician to whom he has sold one of these Strings, he is authorized b us to give him another String without charge, and all such loss will be made good by us to our customers, without 7uióð/e or question. tº If there is any other Violin String which is endorsed by its Importer to this extent, we are not aware of it. We are not responsible for any Strings which are sold as “STRATTON'S RUSSIAN GUT STRINGS,” Unless Wrapped and Stamped with our Trade Mark as above. For Sale by Music Dealers, Druggists, Stationers, and General Storekeepers in the U.S. A Complete Catalogue of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of every description, giving both WHOLESALE and RETAL PRICES, will be furnished to any Druggist who desires to furnish these goods to his customers, JoBIN F. sºrrº ATTorſ & co. IIMIIPCIERTIEEERs, 49 Maider. Larne, Nevv York. TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. ~ - - N McKesson & Roesins |LLUSTRATED CATALogue. 2 / McKEsso N & Roe BI Ns, IMI-A INTUTE'_A-CTUTIERIEEER's OE" Śllplaſt Of Quillillº, Bišllplatº Oſ Qlimint, AND OTHER ALKALOIDS OF CINCHONA BARK, º | Quinine, Sulphate, Quinine, Bi-Sulphate, Cinchonidia, --- T º Cinchonidia Sulphate, - Iron, Citrate, Soluble, Quinidia, Fºl | Iron, Cit. and Quinine, AºA - - ºf . E fºr E. : º #CAP M Lº -- º º - --- - - | || | t ſº Quinidia, Sulphate, Iron, Pyrophosphate, Cinchonia, Bºiſ -arranes Iron, Tartrate, i i ſºlº L ||| MºRE sº ºr & Reutists NEW Zoº_. Cinchonia, Sulphate, Iron, Tart. and Potassa, Etc., Etc., And Other Scale Preparations. Fac-Simile of ONE Ounce Borrle Sulphate of Quinine. Perfect Purity, Extreme Lightness and Whiteness. McKESSON & ROBEINS, Manufacturing Chernists, - IN E VV Y O F. Ex- -- McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue. H E N R Y T E T L O W 'S LILY WHITES, TOILET POWDERS, ROUGES, ETC, SPECIALTIES IN IFIELIT, ALT) LTT, E*TREET_A_- TETLOW'S *i;him: EQUAL TO THE BEST |N THE MARKET, In Elegant Cut and En- graved Bottles, PINTS AND HALF-Pints. Tºm T. s. "T" OF ODORS. s i | White Rose, | | | Violette, | | West End, | Frangipanni, | Ylang Ylang, - Jockey Club, t New Mown | Hay, Marie Stuart. |Heliotrope, Musk, | Patchouly, |Stephanotis, | º Rose Geranium, Ess. Bouquet, | Mignonette, ----- | Upper Ten, ſocean Spray, | |June Roses, Nevada Lily, Blue Bells, Windsor Castle, iii. H - - Rose of Cashmere. eVAN DOWN CREAM OF PEARLS, MOUNTAIN R0SE, NEW MAGNOLIA, LANGTRY PEARL, RECHERCHE TABLET, SWEET SIXTEEN, TABLET INN00ENCE, BLOOM OF LILLIES, BLUSHING LILY, ROSE AND LILY, WHITE ROSE POWDER, VIOLET ROSE, YOUTH AND BEAUTY, and one hundred other styles, put up in approved style and of the very best quality of material. TETLOW'S FAMOUS BLANC ILLUSION. These articles are all prepared in the most WHITE AND PINK. $1.50 Per Dozen. careful manner of pure and harm- less ingredi- ents, and have an es: tablished reputation in every // part of the United States for quality and taste dis. played in putting them up. Special Price Lists will be furnished on application. Correspondence solicited, which will receive prompt attention. WHITE AND PINK, $2.00 Per Dozen. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated Catalogue 217 TET LOW's N SPECIALTIES IN T | X? Eaº Exquisite P ERFUMES. º: . TRIPLE EXTRACTS IN BULK. ill ENGRAVED AND CUT STOPPERED BOTTLES. Ns ºss OAVE-AA/LA' A'AV7'S AAWD A WAV7'.S. T WHITE ROSE, WINDSOR CASTLE, PATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, STEPHANOTIs, WEST END, NEW MOWN HAY, YLANG YLANG, MARIE STUART, ROSE OF CASHMERE, WOOD VIOLET, MUSK, HELIOTROPE. JUNE ROSES, BLUE BELLS, NEVADA LILY. The three last named odors being of most exquisite fragrance and very expensive in manufacture, the price per lb. is placed at $6.00. And a full line of other odors known to the trade, all of which we guarantee of full strength and quality. Also a full line of the above odors in 3–4, 1 and 2 ounce bottles, put up in usual style or in fancy boxes, containing one bottle each, or In couplets. No. 808. Assorted Extracts, - Cut Glass, º Per dozen.----------- --------- $4.00 - *N --~~ º QN N WHITE A/ & -- º Titlow &BR TET LOW'S *liotropº. º º ;ITTTTTTTT. TETLow &BR9. FABR] C Ål: SüTTTTTTTTT R0SE HAIR 0IL. Delicately Perfumed. Per dozen----------------- $2.00 ETLOW'S H º Assorted Odors. º - No. 503 moderate price 2 oz. Assorted Extracts. 2 oz. Cologne, per doz.---------- $200 1 oz. Extracts. + oz. Assorted Odors. \ Per dozen------------------ $2.00 Per dozen.--------------------- $7.50 Retails at 25 cents. Per dozen---------------- $3.75 Per dozen---------------- $2.50 | 1 doz. Fancy, Excellent Goods at No. 730. Quality Excellent. No. 733. 27 218 McKesson & Roeens |LLustRATED CATALogue \ - T E. E. MMTHEWS "SODA" WMTER APPARATUS F O R MAKING, BUTILING AND DISPENSING CARBONMED BEVERMES THE ONLY APPARATUS IN WHICH THE BEVERAGES ARE PERMANENTLY PROTECTED FROM METALLIC CONTAMINATION. - R. | N ſº in º | l ſiliili | | º | |/|| \ | T / S. §º - | Sº S - \v-V-V- º º º } غ Q\ % Y/A | | }\ | N // | A. Nº. N. \\ - ſº 44 ºp- | T s s *is A large number of NEW DESIGNS OF APPARATUS, all having the PORTABLE GLASS SIRUP TANKS, in which the Sirup is effectually Preserved from Contact with any Metal. “Excellent exhibit of its Class, very elegant Design, and best Workmanship.”—Official Report of the Centennial Exposition 7udges. Illustrated and Priced Catalogué Sent to any AddréSS On Application. mºvo, JOHN MATTHEWS, FIRST AVE., TVVENTY-SIXTH AND TVVENTY-SEVENTH STS., N. Y., SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF The Matthews “Soda” Water Apparatus; The Bigelow Mfg. Co. “Soda” Water Apparatus; The William E. Gee “Soda." Water Apparatus. McK ES SON & Robens --- |LLustrated C ATA LOGUE, - 219 COLLAPSIBLE TUEES. A. H. Sºtº |H|| These Tubes are made of PURE block tin, open on one end and closed at the other with a corked screw cap. They are used for Colors, Ointments, Pastes, Kºrſumes, Sauces, and now for Samples of various goods by mail, as they are impervious to water and air, and the metal of which they are made able to bear powerful pressure. PILL MACHINES. |Ti –- | | ||||| | lºcal Instruments, - - - - - - c With Brass Plates and Brass Sides, and Walnut Rolling Board. Machines for 30, 36, 50 Pills. Any size made to order. e Pill Machines, various principles, constructed by La special contract. ties who put them on FOW der Tubes. Hºul. .4, large. T plain. T No. 1. ºgiliº ----- . No. 55 No. 59. No. D S. MANur Acturer or METAL GOODS FOR THE TRADE. For Druggists, Perfumers. Glassware. Men, Whip Manufacturers, Toy Dealers, House Furnishing Stores. 913, 915, 917 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. Our business consists largely of goods made for par- and Fowder Tubes. No. 7. 1 “ 12 “ RECTUM-BRASS. No. 1. For 6, plain doz. No. 2. For 12, -- doz. No. 3. For 6, hinge doz. No. 4. For 12, -- doz. No. 5. For 6, spring doz. No. 6. For 12, -- doz. For 6 vaginal Brass. d or 6, Dialil Oz. No. 58. For 12, pla doz. WHITE METAL SYRINGES. Double Leather Piston. WIRZ, 24 oz. Horse 6 oz. 4 oz. 4 oz. 2 oz. Qul 16 oz. 12 oz. 8 oz. Self. loz. P.P. P.P. 1 oz. 20z. Pile P. ed. Fine. Fem. Fem. BEWARE OF UNSCRUPULOUS HOUSES, Who will show you a good sample of Metal Syringe, and, leaving you under the impression that you are buying my make. send you an article no one can use. tº My Goods are all warranted. Music Plates, Moulds, Patterns, the market themselves. SUPPOSITORY MOULDS &c. * screw. No. 3, plain. RECTUM-WHITE METAL. No. 7, 1 doz. trays each with: mºulds. $ No. 7. 1 WAGINAL–WHITE METAL. No. 8. 1 doz. trays each with 6 moulds, MOULDS FOR Gelatine Bougies. -- * Camphor Ice. Cosmetics—all sizes and shapes. Caustic. Pastiles. PUNCHES FOR Lozenges—all shapes. -- -- -- -- -- -- PILL COMPFESSOR. r- T 29 O McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue T EL EL. T. E S T O IT T I IM ET; ORGS PERF §§§ % ºn T. flºº & PINTS, PLAIN AND ETCHED BOTTLES WITH CUT STOPPERS, They enjoy their ever- increasing popularity by reason of their superior quality and unchanging character, Years have no effect on their composition. In a word, they are always thoroughly reliable. NT. REGULAR ASSORTME REGULAR ASSORTMENT. Bouquet de Caroline, Bridal Bouquet, Ocean Spray, Orange Flower, Cassie, Patchouly, Eglantine, Pond Lily, Ess. Bouquet, Reseda, Frangipanni, Rondeletia, Heliotrope, Rose, Honeysuckle, Rose Geranium, Jasmin, Spring Flowers, Jockey Club, Stephanotis, Jonquille, Sweet Brier, Magnolia, Sweet Pea, Marechale, Tea Rose, Mignonnette, Tuberose, Millefleurs, Verbena, Moss Rose, Violet, Musk Rose, Upper Ten, New Mown Hay, West End, - Night Blooming Cereus. White Rose. MA 7T/E.S 7 NO IV/E/L 77//E.S. EDENIA AND MARECHAL NIEL ROSE, Put up in 2-oz. Bottles only, With each package of Half-Dozen we furnish One Dozen Samples free. S P E C I A LT I E S. Arcadian Pink, Fascination, - Musk, Wood Violet, V Ylang-Ylang. Facsimile or naſºn: stonea Bottle. YOUNG, LADD & COFFIN, PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS, INTIEH VV" Tsz Cº IF E- - For Sale by McKESSON & ROBBINS. N McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue 29 | —EST ALIET,ISIEEEID 1366__ Dr. I. W. Lyon's Tooth Tablets, For Purity, Efficiency, Neatness and They are put up in Seamless Metallic - Boxes, which are impervious to Convenience these Tablets y p air and moisture, and may be have no equal as a - - - carried on a journey with- Dentifrice. out danger of breaking. Represents Two-thirds the Size of Box. THighly Trn dorsed. Toy Firm i-rh-e-r-t Dern tists- - Retail Price, 50 Cents. VVILL BE SENT IN SPANISH VVRAPPERs IF DESIRED. DH.I.W. IIMs PERHIT TOUTH FDWDER. PIT UPN ININIMHIH METAL BUY WITH SPHINMHIDF. == Very convenient for use, especially in traveling. | |T familiarized by practice with the wants of the teeth. It is . | This Powder is carefully prepared by an experienced dentist, = absolutely pure and free from acid, grit, or other hurtful - | | - T! | | | | § substances, and is highly recommended by the most eminent º | men in the profession. It gives a DELIGHT FULLY REFRESHING |ºt ||||W[ ſº: - - - - mſlºwl (ſ º |M||7 Wºº. SENSATION in the mouth, strengthening and healing the gums, 1 tº Wºl I | . f -Illii | |S | - - - - - | . l, | | i º º º º and imparting a fragrance to the breath which is very agreeable. #! . º | r \| ºliºſ º - H *|||}} : F- aſ | | |L. Sillºººo-º-º: º tºº, | º º It will thoroughly cleanse the teeth, remove all discolor | º, º, - jº ations, and prevent the formation of tartar, and if used reg- || R. ; § | º | i |||}| º ºë; º | º º ularly once or twice a day will produce the most gratifying | ** º … º. ºſ T. results. It has been in use for many years, and is highly | i. |H - º - - º * … indorsed by the Pental Profession. º: I º: - | Film º T. # | Price, Twenty-five Cents. The above cut represents the Enamelled Bangº” Sold by Druggists and Dealers Generally. Paper cºh incloses I. w LYon, D.D.s., Proprietor, INTo. 47 Earclay street, - INT evºr Y cor-la--- KEPT IN STOCK BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. 2.99 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue S. S. NEVVTON & CO., MANU FACTURERS OF NEWTNSPMENT SHINKIRSANDFWDERTIES arrazzAmºrort. NEw Yorx. º Sºlº --- º "|| | | || || || º ||| º §: tº º | º | º º t . No. 113. No. 50. No. 213. No. 16 & 116. No. 111. No. 111, B. No. 211. º | : N | § | No. 24 & 124. All of NEWTON's PATENT STOPPERs discharge liquids or powders without removing the caps. One turn of the cap will open or close any stopper. They are Manufactured from Fine Metal, and will not corrode nor tarnish. With a very few exceptions the caps are permanently attached, and cannot be removed or lost off. They are the most perfect, economical and convenient Bottle Stopper ever used. VVE NMAN U FACTURE SEVENTY DIFFERENT STYLES. Illustrated Catalogue and Price List Furnished upon Application. \ ORDER THE ABOVE COODS FROM McKESSON & ROBBINS. —' § Robeiss |LLustrated CATALogue 223 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTH *SOHVIDG SOHP+ This soap makes a rich creamy lather without being slimy or frothy; does not irritate the skin, retains its moisture, softens the beard, and wears to the last. MAde by The Clinton Manufacturing Co., CLINTO N. CONN. ORIENT SHAVING SOAP has, during the time since it was first introduced to the public, won for itself a reputation which makes it the ACME of Shaving Soaps. ORIENT SHAVING TABLET for Barber's use. The testimony of one prominent Barber tells the whole story —“It is the best Soap I have ever used.” *SOHVIDG SOHP+ This soap makes a rich creamy lather without being slimy or frothy; does not irritate the skin, retains its moisture, softens the beard, and wears to the last. The Clinton Manufacturing Co., — {}}}{N}'' MADE BY CILIN TO N. CONN. EA Sºlº Gº"CºNº SOA-P is conceded to be the finest Toilet Soap on the market, Containing so large a percentage of Glycerine with Bayberry Tallow it makes a Soap unlike all others which keeps the skin soft and smooth and free from chapping if this Soap only is used. TESTIMONIALS. [From Prof. Wm. Bremer, Yale College.] New Haven, March 18, 1881. “I have been using your BAYBERRY.G.LycER: INE Soap as a toilet soap, and like it the best of any I have found.” Yours truly, W.M. N. BREMER. Essex, CoNN., Jan. 14, 1881. “Myself and family have used the BAYBERRY Glycerine Soap for some time bast and are much pleased with it.” Yours very truly, J. E. REDFIELD, Prest. Saybrook Nat. Bank. Essex, CoNN., Jan. 12, 1881. “It gives me º. to add my testimony to the value of the BAYBERRY GLYcERINE Soap. I am satisfied that it is a scientific combination of agents highly valued for their, alterative, and re- storative influence Ş. the skin and subcutane- ous tissues.” ours truly, C. N. HUBBARD, M.D. grºwſFöſco. ECLINTºſºns. * Chezzicz/Zrzzzzz &rezzzze ºf Zºº": zzz-Zºrºazzzzzzzzzzzzziºzºrzzzz - -zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzº-z-zaar TESTIMONIALS. [From Gen. Joseph R. Hawley.] WAshingtoN, D.C., Feb., 1881. “I have found your BAYBERRY GLYcritine SoAP an excellent article for toilet use.” Very truly, J. R. HAWLEY, M.C. [From Gen. Wright, Chief Engineer, U.S.A. 1 WashingtoN, D.C., March 28, 1881. “I have given a full and fair trial to the BAY- BERRY GLYcERINE Soap and take great pleasure in saying that it is a very pleasant and agreeable article for toilet use.” Very º - "...Wight. [From the Hon. James Phelps.] WASHINGToN, D.C., March 21, 1881. “My family have been for some time using E your BAYBERRY GLYcERINE So AP and are very much pleased with it. I recommend it without hesitation to all who wish to use a toilet soap of the best quality.” Respectfully, etc., AMES PHELPS. T THETTTUTCIET STET_A_TVTTTNTG- STICIPST is elegantly perfumed, and produces a very soft, creamy lather that stays, all others. . C; L Y C E R A T E D T A F {}}}{N} *SOHVIDG SOHP+ This soap makes a rich creamylather without being slimy or frothy; does not irritate the skin, retains its moisture, |softens the beard, and wears to the last. MADE BY The Clinton Manufacturing Co., CILINTON. CONN. is one of the finest Toilet Soaps in the world, having incorporated in it just the right proportion of Glycerated Tar to make it a perfect Tar Soap. Bayberry Glycerine Soap, - - per gross $21 00 Orient Shaving Soap, - - - -- 10 00 Lettuce Shaving Stick, . - - -- 21 00 Glycerated Tar Soap, - - - - -- 18 00 Orient Shaving Tablet, for Barber's use, per lb. 30 || || MTT|| || CLINTON, CoNN., U.S.A. surpassing in body and firmness S O A F • SEAVIDG SOHP+ without being slimy or frothy; does not |irritate the skin, retains its moisture, isoftens the beard, and wears to the last. The Clinton Manufacturing Co., {{}}|{{N}'ſ This soap makes a rich creamylather MADE EY CLINTON. CONN. 224 McKesson & Roeens |LLUSTRATED Catalogue. STD-rin-g-field-, TMI ass- ------- None Genuine unless “K” Stamped on each Drop. SOLD IN 51b. B0xES AT REMUNERATIVE PRICE. IMMEDIATE RELIEF BY USING THESE DROPS FREELY. The Medication is purely vegetable, and they can be used freely without fear of injury. Two or three Drops dissolved in the mouth will almost instantly give relief to Hoarseness or irritation of the Throat, unlike most other Cough Drops they leave no bad taste in the mouth. THERE IS NO PREPARATION THAT SURPASSES THEM FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. Public Speakers and Singers Recommend Them. Give Them a Trial and let Them Speak for Themselves. COODS MADE SF ECIALLY FOR THE DRUC TRADE. PEPPERMINT LozENGEs, WINTERGREEN LozENGES, CAPsicUM LozENGES, CHLo. PotAsh LozENGEs, plain, CUBEB & CHLo. PotAsh LozENGES, CUBEB LOZENGES, CHLo. PotASH LozENGES, Wintergreen, MUsk LozENGES, MURIATE AMMONIA LOzENGES, MURIATE AMMONIA & CHLo. PotASH LOZENGES, GUM ARABIC DROPs, Licorice, GUM ARABIC DROPs, Lemon, PLAIN SUGAR DROPs, CANDIED FLAG Root, in packages, SUGAR-CoATED CARDAMOMs, in packages, AROMATISE, in packages, CoLTSFOOT Rock, KIBBE's TROCHES, MANUFACTURED BY IP-TTEIBTEB IFSTEOTTEITETER.S & CC-, sIFIERINTG-E"I.E.L.IO, IMIA'ss. For sale by Morzfessorſ & RoPEINE, New York. McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue 225 McKESSON & ROE EINS) FINE FLOWER EXTRACIS FARINA COLOGNE. Rose, Moss Rose, Jasmine, Heliotrope, Patchouli, Upper Ten, Bouquet Jockey Club, de Caroline, Musk Rose, Violet, Ylang Ylang, Musk, Sweet Pea, Night Bl. Cereus, Mignonette, Reseda, Sweet Brier, Cassie, - White Rose, Rose Geranium, Stephanotis, Verbena, - - Jonquille, Frangipanni, | - || ||ºg iº % Spring Flowers, Lily of the Valley, || || º ſº/ | Eglantine, West End. | s º | Magnolia, § FRE eE Opoponax, || | ºšll \, |\ tº I’REPARE EXPRES4: º - - || || | New Mown Hay, º P@UR is ºf Carnation Pink, || F s' \ Tuberose, - Ocean Spray. | Nº|| º Tea Rose, GC-G-D-SL || $ _ ] || || | | Orange Flower, s T | |\\|y|. º º - Niº' O. L. Our Special Odors. ºST (Registered.) ºf Ess. Bouquet, Millefleur, Bridal Bouquet, Honeysuckle, Sea Breeze, Marechale, Rosée de Lilas, Pond Lil - |- - y, Put up in Ball-glass Stoppered, Flint Bottles, Hawthorn Bloom holding 4 and 1 pint. Handsome Glass Stoppered Bottle, full - % pint. Also, trial size in miniature wine bottles. TMICIFCH's so IST & ER ore IBITN's, McKesson & Robens |LLustRATED CATALogue. \\\ º Nº. § % - * jº ºs-S º Z º º º º º - º,2- º º — -T— | º T. T. | W. º – - - | M. LEINTER’S LE | NER'S PATENT WIRE TWISTED Combined Bath and Flesh Brushes, Combined Bath and Flesh Gloves, Combined Bath and Flesh Straps, Combined Bath and Flesh Brush, [Detachable Handle.] |||}|NF|| HMN]] }}|SHES All NMI, FILE COMBINED EAR CLEANERS AND EAR SP00NS. Throat Brushes, Probangs, Nursing and other Bottle Brushes, Etc. The Bath and Flesh Brushes are in various shapes and styles, the only ones that can be used either "VV" IEH "Tº O IFE. To IFE. Tº" - They give better friction, are more durable, and sell far better than those made according to the old system. Their excellent reputation is well established among the trade and public. They are manufactured from PURE ERISTLES ONLY, and are so fastened that it is impossible for them to come out. All wires used being heavily plated do not become rusty. TMI - T, IE ITNT IE IR, a ~ N E VV Y O R K . For SALE BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. - - -- McKesson & Roeeins |LLustrated CATALogue 227 GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE MEDALs. *: Twelve FIRST PREMIUMS IN SUCCEssion, AND ALso HIGHEST _ Aw ARD AT THE INTERNATIONAL CoTToN ExPosLTION, §º ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 1881. - miſs Minimiſiúilm, With India-rubber Hands and Feet, also, Invalid and Rolling Chairs and Crutches to meet any demand. These Limbs are known and used in nearly every civilized country on the Globe, as the most ser- viceable, simple and matural ever invented. Commissioned by the Surgeon General to furnish Artificial Limbs to commissioned officers, soldiers, and seamen of the U. S. Army and Navy, who lost their limbs in service, FREE OF CHARGE To THEM, agree- able with all Acts of Congress relative thereto. The following illustrations and letter from DR. BRADY, represent a single case, somewhat remarkable, being the application of two artificial legs to one person, one for amputation above, and the other below the knee. The two cuts represent but one person, one showing him as he appears with his artificial limbs on and dressed as usual, the other showing him in his disabled condition, with the two Artificial Legs exposed. The following letter briefly states the case: P. ºr ission. Nº MR. A. A. MARKs, Dear Sir : I have thoroughly examined the case of the boy THoMAs KEHR, of this city, who is wearing a pair of your Artificial Legs. He was run over by a train of the S. S. R. R. of Long Island, and both of his lower limbs were so crushed that I amputated them, the one well above the knee, the other about one inch and a half below. At the time of the operation many expressed a wish that death would occur, as the lad being very poor it was thought that his future would not only be a burden to himself, but that his future support, should he reach man's estate, would depend upon the charity of the public, as it was considered about an impossibility for him to serviceably use Artificial Limbs. I am thankful that I can say that you have made his future worth the living, by giving him the means of good locomotion. I saw him two weeks after he had put them on for the first time, and it astonished me greatly to see the remarkable use he had already acquired; since then I have seen him many times, and have each time seen marked improvement in the freedom of use in walking. Within the past week I saw him walking on the street, without even the help of a cane, and so little lamed that any person seeing him would not for a moment have the least suspicion that he was using legs other than such as nature provided. * * * * I feel competent to say, that in this case your Artificial Limbs have proved a grand success. I have never before seen Artificial Limbs which in action approached so near that of perfection. I attribute the wonderful success in this boy's case mainly to the superior results achieved by your inventions. Especially can attention be called to the use of the Rubber Foot, thereby dispensing with the ankle joint, thus giving the wearer an ELAstic, RELIABLE, and sure Footing, which must greatly relieve him from the care and watchFULNEss which must certainly be required by those who wear Artificial Limbs, A * having jointed feet. Your plain and simple mode of construction of Artificial Legs is to *- *-*= ºr my mind unquestionably the BEST. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. BRADY, M.D., No. 16 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, E. D., New York. MAY 16th, 1876. N.B.-Although this letter was written some six years ago, we can inform the reader that the boy is now along in his teens, and continues to walk as well, or even better, than represented by Dr. Brady. He is now engaged in active work and earns a respectable livelihood. A. A. M. A. L.A.I.F. G-TE: IILaLaTTS*T*IFt. A *T*EHID IP-A-IMTIFIELT =L-Tº Of one hundred and thirty-six pages, giving full description of Limbs, reports of important cases that have been treated, and letters of recommendation from Surgeons, and hundreds of persons using the Limbs, and also Extracts from numerous newspapers, attesting their popularity, etc., Sent Free On Application. Every Surgeon and Disabled Person should have a copy. LIMBS MADE FROM MEASUREMENT And sent to all parts of the world. Blanks furnished for this purpose freo. Persons applying should state at about what point the amputation was made. —Al- A - TMI-A IF. IRCS, 69| BROADWAY, (Near 4th Street.) NEW YORK CITY, U.S. A. ESTABLISHED 1853. 2 r- N 228 McKesson & Robbins |LLustrated CATALogue. Ease and Confort in Shaving. (PREPARED BY HIS WIDOW.) FORSHAVING WITHOTSMEWMER OF BRUSH FULL DIRECTIONS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH ONEACH TUBE. Since the discovery of this invaluable preparation it has stood the sure tests of time and use; and from its efficacy has obtained a wide-spread and justly-deserved celebrity, to which no other article of the kind can lay claim. The EUXESIS is warranted to be entirely free from all noxious properties, and the use of it renders the frequently painful operation of shaving perfectly agreeable to the most irritable skin, which it leaves cool, smooth, and refreshed. Its cleanliness and portability are also great recommendations, particularly to Gentlemen when Travelling, Hunting, Shooting, Yachting, &c., as it dispenses with water, soap boxes and all other incumbrances. To residents on the frontier, as well as to Naval and Military Officers, it will prove a great desideratum, as neither time nor climate will deteriorate its excellent qualities. - CAUTION.—In addition to A. S. Lloyd's original signature on label, each tube of Genuine “Euxesis” bears the following distinctive marks:- Firstly.—My full name, “Aimée Lloyd,” on Cap of Tube. Secondly.—The words “Prepared by his Widow” in raised letters on top of Tube, and in Red Ink across labels. Thirdly.—My address, No. 3 Spur Street, Leicester Square, on both English and French labels. - Manufactured Only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by AIMEE LLOYD, No. 3 SPUR STREET, LEI CESTER SQUARE, WTIID C TWT C ET A. S. LLOYD, PERFU M ER, (Late of No. 27 Glasshouse Street, Regent Street, London), AND SOLD BY ALL PERFUMERS AND CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. *T*E--A-I-D-E- stºr-E-IE---a-LIEEID JE Tºº IMT crx-Esscº INT tº IF-C-E-EBILINTs. A. S. LLoyd's EUx=srs, McKesson & Robens |LLustrated CATALogue 229 “A SKIN OF EEAUTY IS A UOY FOREVER.” Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Gºrºſº; ººlººrs. Every woman should be beautiful, just as And this is the case with very few women, every man should be dutiful. But no woman, | unless they use DR. Gour.AUD's ORIENTAL CREAM, however elegantly formed or splendidly de- as thousands of testimonials to this effect from veloped, can be beautiful unless her “human 2x. ==S- § w distinguished artists and celebrated belles face divine” is free from all spot or blemish. throughout the country will prove. - º - - Nº. ºr " - - - Sº- º ENsº Every blemish on beaut is quickly removed by DR. T. F.E LIX G O U R AU D’S ORIENTAL CREAIM CIFE IMI-A-G-I C.A.T. E. E.H.A.T.J. *T*IIF"IIHE IFE - It elicits a clear, transparent complexion, free from Tan, Freckles, or Moth Patches. The nºnost popular for the Skin ever invented. Endorsement of Gouraud's Oriental Cream by the distinguished DR. L. A. SAYRE : “A lady of the HAUT to N, a patient of Dr. Sayre, discoursing on the use of cosmetics, he remarked to the lady: “As you ladies will use them, I recom- mend Gouraud's Oriental as the least harmful of all the skin preparations’ ” “Praise from Sir Hubert is praise indeed.” Endorsed by the fashionable world. Invented by Dr. Felix Gouraud, the celebrated chemist. This well known preparation has received the stamp of public approbation during the past thirty years, and has ac- quired a reputation which makes it sought after by persons coming from or going to the most distant countries, for it has no equal or rival in its beautifying properties. Like all other of Dr. Gouraud's preparations, this has extended its sale until it has become a popular specialty by its own merits, and is not the creature of mere advertising notoriety. It is recom- mended from one customer to another on actual knowledge of its value and utility. ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP–Cures scaly Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Ring worms, Flesh Worms, Tan, Morphew, Inflamed Skin, Chafed and Chapped Face and Hands, and is a most delicious Shaving Compound. POUDRE SUBTI LE, Or Depilitory Powder—Removes hair from low foreheads, upper lips, arm, hands, etc., instantaneously, on single application and positively without injury to the skin. LILY WHITE–For the Complexion, rendering it smooth and snowy white. LIQUID VEC ETABLE ROUCE–Imparts a delicate, roseate tinge to the complexion, so closely imi- tating nature as to defy detection, and immovable by rubbing with cloth or handkerchief. Mne. M. E. T. COURAUD, Sole Proprietor, 43 Eorld Street, New Yorle- For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers throughout the United States, Canadas, and Europe. Beware of base imitations which are abroad. We offer $1,000 reward for the arrest and proof of any one selling the same. TRADE SUPPLIED BY McKESSON & ROBBINS. L \- - ~ -N 230 McKEsson & Robbins |LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE WEEKLY DRUGS º, NEWS (FORMERLY OIL & DRUG NEWS.) E DITED BY H. G. A.I.) AM. The first appearance of this paper marked a new epoch in journalism for Druggists and Pharmacists. At that time there existed none but monthly publications devoted exclusively to the interests specified in the above heading. But monthly journalism had become inadequate to the needs of this vast indus- try, and this highly developed profession. Monthly-revised Prices Current and monthly reviews of a market so active and complicated as that of Drugs, had come to occupy about the relation of the stage coach and canal boat to mod- ern commerce; while monthly reports of the world's researches in Pharmacy and of the important discussions at multiplied meetings of our own State Phar- maceutical Associations, approached hardly nearer to desirable completeness. Under these circumstances a WEEKLY DRUG NEWS, $2.00 per year, seemed to be demanded; and being conducted on abroad plan and furnished at about the same price as the various Drug Monthlies, it found an im- mediate constituency, and is to-day the first Drug Newspaperin the world. That which chiefly commends it to the busy class for whom it is published, is the fact that IT GIVES EVERYTHING and GIVES IT EVERY WEEK || and that therefore, by taking the WEEKLY DRUG NEws, the live druggist saves | much valuable time. The reader of this journal can rely upon being kept con. stantly posted as to prices, fully abreast of the progress of Pharmacy and well | up with the times generally in all that pertains to his business. Sarm Iole I Fºree. Cºrnie Year (E52 issues) $2-CO- ROOT & TINHER, Publishers, No. iO2 Nassau Street, Nevºr ºorly:- Publishers also of the OIL & PAINT FEVIEW (weekly), $3.OO per Year. A TECHNICAL AN ID DRUG, CHEMICAL A N D PHARMAC EUTICAL INTERESTS, \- –’ ~ McKesson & Roeeins |LLustRATED CATALogue 231 NALDIRE's Doc soa5, “Harnless to Dogs, But Fatal to Fleas." ſº =# - —FRANK Buckland. --~~~ ||NALDIRE's TABLET) FOR Destroys Insects, ūashing Jogs. ~Gº-DQ cº- Improwestheſoat, This Medicated Soap Tablet is specially prepared for Dogs, and by its use FLEAs and other Insects are | destroyed, all unpleasant smell is instantly removed * % CLEANSES from the Coat, and the Dog's skin is thoroughly N \* % REMOVIES cleansed. THE TABLET DoEs Not contain Poison. § - § º º - - - |N|N||Nº|\º / ºt. Tº THE SIKIN. PRICE ONE SHILLING. § - ALL SMELL, SEE DIRECTIONS ON THIS WRAPPER. § N s % —lis #. \\\" º unnº % P RIZE MEDAL % No one possessing Z #a Dog of value should º Z Z % Z Ø Z º be without “NALDIRE's - AVYARDED PARIS, 1875. | *% SoAP.” —EDGAR HANBURY. C NE. D. C = E → C LILE-LE: RECOMMENDED FOR BOTH SPORTING AND PET DOGS, “Stoneh ENGE,” in his celebrated work on “The Dog,” says:– “Worms are a fertile source of dis- ease in the dog, destroying every year more puppies than distemper itself." While the Aºe/d says, concern- ing distemper:-"All treatment, to be successful, must be prefaced by the expulsion of worms." NALDIRE'S DOC POWDERS remove these pests within one hour, at the same time giving tone to the stomach, and producing first-rate condition in dogs. One dose is sufficient, and dogs readily take it. NALDIRE'S DOG SOAP AND POWDERS _A_re IMarn-ul-factºu red C-rm Ly Tby wrrarrºr & Holnsworrºr, LONDON, s. YY., ENG LAND. TER_A_IDE STUTEERI IED EY Morºc-Esso-N & F.C.E.EITNTS- - 2 T T \ _* 232 McKesson § Robeiss JLLustRATED CATALogue MATTSON'S INSTRUMENTAL & RUBBER SPECIALTIES, I INT TIER, O ID UTC E I D ITNT 1 85 1 - We manufacture Hard and Soft Rubber, and keep a superior line of articles pertaining to Druggists' Rubber Sundries. We sell only to Wholesale Houses. Mattson's Self-Filling Water-Bag Syringe, for Ladies. | Fº This we regard as one of the most perfect Water-bag arrangements that has ever been intro- - sº duced. The rubber tube C is 6 feet long. The bulb D is employed to fill the bag siphonically, *-JA- which can be done quickly without burning the fingers, in case hot water is employed. The bulb is also useful in taking an enema in constipation, in which a forcible stream is required. By means of the bulb, a stream can be projected 25 feet. H is a hook hanger, which can be inserted into any wood casing when desirable to hang up the bag in taking an injection. F is a tube compressor to regulate the flow of the water. The bag, when filled, can be separated from the long tube at B and used as a foot warmer, or for application to any other part of the body. E is a sinker; G is a sec- tion of rubber tube with which to connect the injecting tube V or R, or the nasal irrigator N. - The bag has the extra attachment of the hard rubber “Waginal Irrigator,” shown at I, which adapts it admirably to the use of ladies. It will take the place completely of the ordinary Syringe. Their are no valves to be lost or to get out of order. A lady can employ nasal or vaginal irrigation I = }=31, 35 Boxes, Patch-------------------------- 31 Boxes, Pill, and Powder- - - - 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 Boxes, Puff--------------------------- 34 Boxes, Seidlitz------------------------- 33 Boxes, Shaving----------------------- 36 Boxes, Soap-------------------------- 36 Boxes, Tooth Powder- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3I Boxes, Turned Wood - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 Boxes, Twine------------------------- 3 I Braces, Shoulder---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 Brackets, Window - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 Breast Glass- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Breast Pumps------------------------- IOI Broom Holder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I O2 Brooms, Whisk Corn, and Horse Hair- - - 38 Brush Racks--------------------------- IO2 Brushes, Baby------------------------- 5O Brushes, Bandoline - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * 39 Brushes, Barbers Dusting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 Brushes, Bath - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 Brushes, Bonnet---------------- - - - - - - 2 Brushes, Bottle----------------------- 42 Brushes, Camels Hair- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 Brushes, Cloth. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40, 4 I Brushes, Dusting. --------------------- 42 Brushes, Flesh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 Brushes, Hair- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Brushes, Hand or Nail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51 Brushes, Hat, and Hat Rim - - - - - - - - - - - - 43, 44 Brushes, Infant------------------------ 5O Brushes, Nail --------------. - - - - - - - - - 5 I, 52 Brushes, Ozier - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 I Brushes, Palate - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * *= 55 Brushes, Paint---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53 Brushes, Plate. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 Brushes, Shaving-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54, 55 Brushes, Scrubbing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 Brushgs, Shoe, and Daubing -- - - - - - - - - - - 44 Brushes, Tooth- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55, 56, 57 Brushes, Tube- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 Brushes, Velvet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38, 43, 44 Brushes, Whitewash - - - - - t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 Button Hooks------------------------- 93 Buffers, Nail-------------------------- IOO Caps, Ice------------------------------ IO Cases, Baby Toilet - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 Cases, Bottle------------------------- 59 Cases, Brush - -60,61,62,63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Cases, Celluloid- - - - - 60, 61, 62, 63 64, 65,66, 68 Cases, Cigar, and Cigarette - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69 Cases, Dressing------------------------ 7o Cases, Ivory ------------------------- 67, 68 Cases, Jewel -------------------- * = * * * * 3O Cases, Nail Toilet-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70, 71 Cases, Necessaire ---------------------- 7o Cases, Odor------------------------- 72, 73 Cases, Show ----------------------- - - 74, 75 Cases, Vial-------------------------- 76, 77 Catheters, Elastic---------------------- 29 Chamois Skins---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IoW Chest Protector- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOO Chests, Medicine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 78 Cleaner, Brush------------------------- 79 Cleaners, Nail------------------------ 79, 9 I Combs, Back, and Side - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83 Combs, Barbers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80, 81, 85, 87 Combs, Dressing- - - - - 8o, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 Combs, Dye--------------------------- 87 Combs, Fine Tooth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85, 86 Combs, Hotel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 I Combs, Long, Childrens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83, 87 Combs, Moustache- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8o, 84 Combs, Pocket, and Ridding - - - - 80, 81, 84, 87 Combs, Toilet------------------------ 8o, 85 Cork Borers--------------------------- 89 Cork Pullers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 89 Cork Pressers, and Roller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 89 Corkscrews---------------------------- 90 Corks--------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 88 Corks, Rubber- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 89 Cots, Finger----, --------------------- 9I Cups, Cupping------------------------ 9I Cups, Drinking------------------------ 91 Cups, Feeding- - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * ~ *-* * * * * QI Cushion, Hospital, Invalid or Chair. - - - - 9I Cutter, Root or Tobacco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 89 Diamond, Glaziers --------------------- 92 Dishes, Evaporating- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 92 Douche, Nasal, Lawrence's - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Drawer Pulls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOI Droppers, Medicine, Lawrence's - - - - - - - - 92 Dusters, Feather----------------------- 42 Eye Bath------------------------------ 22 Eye Shades----------------------- - - - - - IO6 Fan----------------------------------- 93 Filter, Felt ---------------------------- 92 Filter Racks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . x ~ * * * * * * * * * 92 Fitting, Nursing Bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I Flask, Chemical-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q2 Flasks, Liquor------------------------ 93 Folders, Powder - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * 92 Funnels------------------------------ 92 Gallipots------------------------------ 92 Glass, Cupping ------------------------ 9I Glasses, Medicine- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 Gloves, Bath, and Flesh- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Graduates, English--------------------- 94 Guards, Tooth Brush -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Gun, Insect Powder- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Holders, Broom, Brush and Soap- - - - - - - - I O2 Holders, Sponge, and Toilet Paper - - - - - - IO2 Ice Bags, and Caps -------------------- IO Jar, Infusion--------------------------- 94 Jars, Ointment. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 Jars, Show---------------------------- 27 Key Rings---------------------------- Q4 Knife, Pocket-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 Knife, Putty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I Lamps, Nursery, and Spirit - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 Lung Protector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOO Machines, Pill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 Machine, Water - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 Measures, Copper, and Tin - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 Measures, Glass, Graduated - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 Measures, Seidlitz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 Medicine Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 78 Medicine Glasses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 94 Medicine Spoons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IO6 Mills, Drug- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 Mirrors-------------------------- 95, 96, 97 Mortars------------------------------ 98 Moulds, Suppository - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 98 Mugs, Shaving------------------------- 98 Nail Cleaners, and Cutters - - - - - - - - 79, 91, IO6 Nail Polishers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOO Nail Powder, Lawrence's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IO2 Nipples ------------------------------- 99 Nipple Shell--------------------------- 106 Nipple Shields- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 99 Odor Cases------------------------ 72, 73 Oiled Silk----------------------------- Iof Ointment Boxes, Jars, and Pols--31, 35, 92, 94 Pan, Bed------------------------------ I OO Percolators---------------------------- I OO Pill Finisher, and Silverer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOO Pill Tile ------------------------------ I 16 Plaster Skins - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Io'ſ Plaster Spatula - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. I [. i-º i.ii# .*- ~ -N McKesson & Robens JLLustrated CATALogue 243 Pocket Stove -------------------------- I I I Scales, Assay-------------------------- IO5 Stand, Retort----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I Presses, Tincture---------------------- IOO Scales, Counter--------------------- IO3, IO-4 Stoves, Gas---------------------------- I I I Protectors, Chest, and Lung ------------ IOO Scales, Prescription - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IO4, IO5 Straps, Bath, and Flesh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I [2 Puffs ------------- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = m = IOI Scissors, Nail-------------------------- 106 Supporters, Abdominal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I 2 Puff Boxes---------------------------- 34 Scoop-------------------------------- IO6 Surgeons Bandages-------------------- I I Pumps, Breast------------------------- IOI Scrapers, Tongue--- - - - - - -------------- IO6 Suspensory Bandages-------------- II, I2, I 3 Pungents---------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26 Scratcher, Back- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IO6 Syringes.------------------------------ I I 2 Quassia Cups-------------------------- 9I Show Bottles-------------------------- 27 Taps, Champagne--------------------- II6 Racks, Wire--------------------------- I O2 Show Cases- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74, 75 Tents, Sea Tangle, and Sponge--------- II6 Rattle, Rubber------------------------- I O2 Sieves-------------------------------- IO6 Thermometers------------------------ I 13 Razor--------------------------------- I O2 Skins, Chamois, Plaster, and Split ------ Io'7 Tile, Pill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * = II6 Receiver, Glass - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IO6 Spatulas------------------------------ I I I Trusses---------------------------- II.4, II 5 Retort, Glass - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOG Spirit Lamps ------------------------ 94, III Tabes, Medicine-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 J 6 Retort Stand-------------------------- III Sponges------------------- 107, IoS, IOQ, I IO Tweezers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 16 Rings, Teething----------------------- IO2 Sponge Bags.-------------------------- IO Urinals---------------------------- I 16, II 7 Saddle Bags.-------------------------- I I Sponge Baskets -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.4, IO2 Weights------------------------------- 117 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS.–SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. - Q Adams' Saws-------------------------- I 2C) Catheters, Eustachian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 26 Forceps, Embryotomy - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - I29 Adaptable Splints---------------------- I 39 Catheters, Female- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 22 Forceps, Entropium-------------------- I 25 Agnew's Canaliculus Knife- - - - - - - - - - - - - 124 Catheters, Gum Elastic- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 33 Forceps, Eyelid------------------------ I 25 Alcohol Lamp ------------------------- I36 Catheters, Pocket Case----------------- I 22 Forceps, Iris-------------------------- I25 Amputating Bone Forceps- - - - - - - - - - - - - - II9 Catheters, Silver---------------------- I33 Forceps, Lithotomy- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Amputating Cases--------------------- I2 I Catling Knife, Amputating ------------- II9 Forceps, Nasal------------------------ 127 Amputating Knives-------------------- I 19 Clamps, Ovarian----------------------- I32 Forceps, Obstetrical-------------------- I 28 Amputating Saws---------------------- II 9 Clubfoot Shoe- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I39 Forceps, Ovarian---------------------- I 32 Anaesthesia Apparatus------------------ II9 Conversation Tubes--------- - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Forceps, Placenta---------------------- I 29 Articulated Saw------------------------ I2O Cranium Perforators---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I29 Forceps, Sponge Tent------------------ I 30 Atomizer, Antiseptic ------------------- I32 Deformatory Apparatus---- - - - - - - - - - - - - I 30 Forceps. Throat. --- - - - ---------------- I 28 Auricles------------------------------- I 2 Dilating Erethrotomes - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * I 34 Forceps, Tooth Extracting. ------------- 138 Bags, Noyes'------------------------- 126 Dilators, Eustachian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 126 Forceps, Trachea- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Bags, Politzer's-------"----------------- I26 Dilators, Uterine---------------------- I3O Forceps, Uterine---------------------- I 3 I Bates' Urethrotome-------------------- I 34 Dilators, Urethral-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 3-4 Forceps, Volsella---------------------- I 30 Beer's Cornea Knife- - - - - - ------------- I24 Divulsor, Gouley's-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Gouges, Necrosis---------------------- ] 2 O Bigelow's Lithotrite-------------------- I34 Double Eye Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2.4 Gouley's Divulsor- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Bistoury, Lithotomy-------------------- I 34 Double Strabismus Hook- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2.4 Grooved Staff------------------------- I 34 Bistouries---------------------------- I 20 Double Trachea Tube - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Gum Elastic Bougies, and Catheters - - - - - I 33 Bistouries, Pocket Case---------------- I22 Dressing Scissors---------------------- I2O Gum Elastic Bougies, Rectal -- - - - - - - - - - - I 35 Blunt Hook and Crotchet--------------- I29 Duckbill Speculums - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 129, I 30 Gum Lancets----------------------- I22, 138 Bone Chisels, and Gouges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I2O Ear Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - I 22, 125, 126, 127 Hammers. Percussion-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 Bone Saws, Metacarpel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 20 Ear Mirror---------------------------- 127 Hey's Saw---------------------------- I IQ Bone Scraper-------------------------- I 2C) Ear Trumpets------------------------- 127 Hypodermic Syringes. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 137 Bone Tenaculum----------------------- I2O Ecraseur ------------------------------ I31 Inhalers, Ether------------------------ II 9 Bougies------------------------------ I33 Elastic Bougies, and Catheters - - - - - - - - - - I33 Intra Uterine Pessaries- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 32 Bougies, Anal------------------------- I 35 Elastic Stockings.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I39 Intra Uterine Sounds. ------------- - - - - - 131 Bougies, Bulbous---------------------- I 34 Elevator, Trephining E. E. E. E. &m * * - * * *-* *-* = <= - º ºs º- 'º II9 Iris Hook-------------------------...- I24 Bougies, Rectal Exploring sm as as as a as a sº * * * * * * I35 Elevators, Tooth- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 Iris Knives---------------------------- I2 Bowleg Apparatus--------------------- I39 Emmet's Scissors---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I3 I Iris Scissors-------------------- - - - - - - I 25 Bozeman's Uterine Forceps-- - - - - - - - - - - I31 Emmet's Tenaculum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I3 I Jointed Catheters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 22 Brain Knife--------------------------- I35 Ether Inhaler-------------------------- I IQ Keratome, Jaeger's--------------------- I 24 Brewer's Speculum--------------------- I29 Enterotome--------------------------- I35 Key, Tooth---------------------------- 138 Brushes, Throat----------------------- I28 Eustachian Catheter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 126 Knives ------------------------ I IQ, I 24, I 35 Buck's Ear Instruments.---------------- I 26 Eustachian Dilators-------------------- I26 Lachrymal Knives--------------------- I 24 Bulldog Artery Forceps---- - - - - - - - - - - - - I 20 Exploring Needle---------------------- I 22 Lancets------------------------------- I 22 Bullet Probe- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I2O Exsecting, and Necrosis Instruments - - - - 120 Laryngoscopes------------------------ 127 Butcher's Amputating Saw-------------- I IQ Eye Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I23, I24, I25 Lens Scoops.--------------------------- I24 Byford's Uterine Forceps--------------- I31 Eyelid Elevators--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I23 Lithotomy Instruments. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Camels Hair Brushes---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 28 Fever Thermometers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 Lithotrites- - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * = a- - - - - - - - - I 34 Camman's Stethescope - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I36 Felt Splints--------------------------- I39 Lid Elevators-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I2 Cartilage Knife------------------------ I35 Forceps, Artery----------------------- I2O Male Catheters-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 33 Cataract Knives----------------------- I24 Forceps, Bone Cutting * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * gº tº II9 Metacarpal Saws----------------------- I 20 Cataract Needles----------------------- I2.4 Forceps, Bullet------------------------ I2O Miott's Lamp -- - - - - - - ----------. . . . . . . . I25 Cases, Amputating-------------------- I2 I Forceps, Craniotomy------------------- I29 Mirrors, Ear- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . • * * * *-> * I 25 Cases, Opthalmoscopic----------------- 123 Forceps, Dilating, Uterine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 30 Mirrors, Forehead, and Throat - - - - - - - - - - 127 Cases, Pocket, Surgical Dressing----- I22, 123 Forceps, Dressing--------------------- I2O Nasal Douche-------------------------- 93 Cases, Post-mortem. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I35 Forceps, Ear---------------------- ---- 126 Nasal Polypus Forceps----------------- 127 244 McKesson & Roesins |LLustrated Catalogue. ~ Nasal Speculums----------------------- 127 Scoops, Lithotomy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Throat Brushes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I28 Necrosis Chisels, and Gouges----------- 12o Searchers for Stone.... . . . . - * = * * * * * * > => E. I 34 Throat Mirrors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Needles, Exploring. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 22 Sea Tangle Tents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 30 Tongue Depressors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I27 Obstetrical Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - 128, 129 Shoes, Club Foot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 39 Tonsilotomes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 28 Opthalmoscopes----------------------- 123 Snares, Ear--------------------------- I 26 Tooth Elevator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 Ovariotomy Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 32 Sounds, Urethral, Male. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 34 Tooth Forceps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 38 Peristeotome-------------------------- I 20 Sounds, Uterine- - - - - - - - --------------- I 31 Tourniquet ---------------------------- II 9 Pessaries------------------------------ I 32 Speculums, Anal----------------------- I 35 Tracheotomy Instruments - - - - - - - - -, * * * - * 127 Pleximeter---------------------------- 136 Speculums, Ear------------------------ I 25 Trephine- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - II 9 Pocket Cases, Surgeons - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 22, I23 Speculums, Eye------------------------ I 23 Trephining Elevator - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - I 19 Politzer's Bag-------------------------- I26 Speculums, Nose---------------------- 127 Trephining Saws----------------------- II 9 Polypus Forceps, Nasal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Speculums. Rectal - - - - ----------------- I 35 Tripod, Suspension. --- ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - I 39 Polypus Forceps, Uterine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I3 I Speculums, Vaginal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I29, I 30 Trocars------------------------------- I 32 Post-mortem Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 35 Spirit Lamp--------------------------- 136 Trumpets, Ear - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 Probes, Bullet------------------------- I 20 Splints------------------------------- I 39 Tympanum Perforators. - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * 126 Rectal Bougies -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 35 Sponge Probangs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 28 Uterine Sounds . . . . . . -- - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * *- 13 I Resection Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 20 Sponge Tents - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I 30 Uterine Dilators - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 30 Revolving Knife, Noyes' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2.4 Stethescopes--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 36 Urethral Bougies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 3-4 Rubber Catheters - - - - - - - - - - - - - a sº * * * * * * * I33 Strabismus Hooks- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 24 Urethral Dilators - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº, s = *-* * * * * * I 3-4 Saws ------------------------------ I 19, I2O Surface Thermometer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 Urethral Sounds . . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 3-4 Scalpels----------------------- I 20, I 22, I 35 Suspension Apparatus ------------------ I 39 Urethrotomes. - - - . . . . . . . . ... a = m = * * * * *--- 134 Scissors, Dressing - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - R2O Syringes, Hypodermic---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 37 Urinometers - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ... s. - - - - - - - - * * * 136 Scissors, Eye - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * s sº sº m sº sº * * I 25 Tenaculums------------------- I2O, I 22, 13 I Uvular Scissors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 28 Scissors, Uterine - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I 3 I Test Tubes---------------------------- 136 Vaginal Speculums - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I29, I 30 Scoops, Cataract. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2 | Thermometers, Fever - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 Vesico Vaginal Fistula Scissors - - - - - - - - - - I3 I INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, Ahl's Splint Manufacturing Co . . . . . . . . . . 160 Hastings & Garson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I62 Olds, Edward A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 209 American Cigar Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 184 Holbrook Brothers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I75 Ohry, M. V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- 23.4 American Paper Box Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I86 Holman Pad Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 185 Peacock, H. H -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 56 Austen, W J-------------------------- I88 Hooper, Bartlett & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 167 Pears, A. & F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O7 Ayer, 3. C. & Co--------------------- I 70 Hoyt, E. W., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I46 Pears, A. & F - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Covers. Atwood, Hermon W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 144-I-45 Husband, Thos. J., Jr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I95 Penfield, E. C., & Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 177 Bassett Geo F., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 82 Jaynes, D - - - - - - - - * * * * = s = sº sº s º sº a s gº e º ºr sº s = 178 Petrie, John, Jr.------------------------ I 73 Bazin & Sargent----------------------- 165 Jerome Kidder Manufacturing Co -- - - - - - I93 Planten, H., & Son.-------------------- I 79 Benjamin. E. B-...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24O Jewsbury & Brown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 54 Randel, Baremore & Billings - - - - - - - - - - - I 4 I Burnett, Joseph & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O2 Kennedy, Donald - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 74 Rawson, S. E. G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 55 Calder, Albert L. - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * > * > * > * * - I48 Kent, G. B., & Sons--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O8 Raynolds, C. T., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 169 Caswell, Massey & Co -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 233 Kibbe Brothers & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 224 Reed & Carnrick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 IO Celluloid Brush Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I99 Koch, Sons & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 42 Robinson, B--------------------------- 161 Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. -- - - - - - - ISO Laurencot, J. B.------------------------ 2I 2 Robinson Bros. & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-49 Clinton Manufacturing Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 223 Lawrence's Specialties - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - II.8 Root & Tinker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 230 Codman & Shurtleff ------------------ - I 47 Leiner, M------------------------ - - - - 226 Rubber Comb and Jewelry Co. --- - - - - -- 168 Colgate, Robert & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 176 Lloyd, A S---------------------------- 228 Saunders, J. Touzeau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 198 Cutter & Walker Manufacturing Co. . . - - - 2 I 3 Lyon, I. W---------------------------- 22 I Scott, G. A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 52, 153 Davidson Rubber Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O4 Loonen, F., & Son--------------------- I90 Sellew, T. G. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-43 Davis Perry, & Son - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 172 Low, R., Son & Haydon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 167 Sneider, Robert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 8 I Davol Manafacturing Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 5 I Matthews, John -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 218 Stratton, John F., & Co ---------------- 2 I- Demuth, Wm., & Co - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I4O Mattson's Specialties - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232 Tetlow, Henry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 216 Devoe, F. W., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.4 I Martin, J. M. C., & Sons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I59 Tetlow, Henry, & Bro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 217 Doty Plaster Manufacturing Co - - - - - - - - - I 97 Marks, A. A -------------------------- 227 Tower Manufacturing Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 235 Dorflinger Glass Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 158 Maris, John M., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O3 Trommer Extract of Malt Co - - - - - - - - - - - I57 Dougherty, Andrew - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 166 Maw, Son & Thompson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 236 Tufts, James W------------------------ I.45 Enterprise Manufacturing Co - - - - - - - - - - - 2OO Molesworth, W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 196 Tyer Rubber Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 189 Fairchild Bros & Foster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239 Moore's Specialties-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 92 Waterbury Watch Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-44 Fell & Eastburn- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . -- 2 II Mülhens & Kropff-- - - - - - - `------------ 187 Wilder, Charles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 238 Fenner, B----------------------------- I64 McIntosh's Supporter and Battery Co- - - - 191 Williams, J. B., & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 168-169 Fersch, C., & Son- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2O6 McKesson & Robbins--2O1, 205, 215, 225, 237 Wirz, A. H ---------------------------- 219 Fleming, Otto-------------...----------- 183 Newton, S.S., & Co-------------------- 222 Woods. Sherwood & Co.---------------- I94 Fougera, E.---------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * I63 New York Pharmacal Association - - - - - - - 171 Wright & Holdsworth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231 Gouraud, Mme. M. B. T. . . . . . . . m º ºs º-, * *-* -º 229 Oakley, Jesse. & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I5O Young, Ladd & Coffin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220 ERRATA, Page Io.4. The size of Fig. 27.1o should be one-sixteenth; Figs. 2741 and Page 191. McIntosh's Uterine Supporters, should read Price to | Physicians 6.oo, to Patients Io.o.o. 2746 one-seventh; and Fig 2745 one-fourth the size of the originals. ~ →º--º-№.:____, ***)( )( *)( ) →º .| º! 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