A tº a 2/2 tº 24/~af /~tt. A R.26 E. 119°30' R.27 E. KEY MAP 44° 45" º º # R.27 E INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS R.28 E. R.28 E. 1961 - - --- - - - #: - w | 30" | 1951 1959 ſº 1959 Contour n-p---------- ------------ror----> Geological Survey, Denver, co-or-do so-2- --- |. | Hºuſ - In ºf national" sº \ , ºf toº - tº º pºuntuent sawtooth west Mystle Liºn Lax- cREEx Bu ---oo: ------ : ºl- - Mayº är. 4. r lº pay- PºalRECTY - º-º-º- 1959. & º §3. §§ - Forest Loganºva-LEY FLAG PRairie 1981 1970 ſ - 1961 : A Ziyºſ .34 E. R.35 E. t - *534 = 15.3% R35" Easy R.36 E. 118°15' R.37 E. *ALTERNATIVE A garºº HALF - - *** * additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange * R.35 E. R.36 E. R.37 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE John R. McGuire, chief MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST OREGON adjacent National Forest Land ----- unsurveyed (ºs Protraction) T 19 WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 1 * 0. 2 - - - Mi- - º 1 - 0 1. - - - * -lometer- - 1-12-20 –33, LEGEND Malheur National Forest Boundary * Forest supervisor Headquarter- - - adjacent National Forest Boundary * district Ranger station - - - - State Boundary - Forest service Station - - - county Boundary - Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit U.S. Route f R-cr-ton-site T. 20 (3) st-t-Rout- A Horizont-Control station S. º National Forest Primary Route © Horizontal control station and Permanent Lookou º Nation-For--- secondary Rout- O Permanent Lookout station (3) County Rout- cº-oro ro- Located or Landmark object - Paved Road - - House, Cabin or other Building - Ali weath-r Road - school Dirt Road - Church --------- Primitive Road - G--in-station & Trail - sawmill - : - Railroad [T] st-t--and º Power Tran-ni-'on -in- township and section classification [ ] B----nd 45" 3. - L M-in-ur National For--t Land surveyed location reliable 3 Privat-Land "I L *-*… == º - ------ ---oo: ------ Compiled in the Regional office, Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest service planimetric º and U.S. Geological survey sheets, Revised in 1977 at Geometronics Service Center, Salt Lake City, Utah 119°30' Polyconic Projection 1927 north American Datum: l - - - - 22:30” 118°15' R.321/2 E. R.32 E -o-tucº-w-from Gr-n Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared UNIVERSITY OF MICHluº 1987 D BY OF AMERICE MA 2 121,694 LiRRARIES MA 3 - 40,192 ||||In SEP 17 MA 5–9 In 101,015 h DEPOSITE h Jºſſ ED STATES MA 10 45,325 MA 13 MA 1 40,800 679,898 MA 14 212,953 y y MA 15 U” 102.974 MA 16 Other 87,405 27,166 Acres shown represent the gmount of total National Forest acredge assigned to each Monagement Area. Monagement Areas in which timber management activities will be scheduled ore indicated by shoding. MANAGEMENT AREA 1 4A 4B 6A 6B 6C 1O 11 A 12 13 14 15 16 MULTIPLE-USE GOALS GENERAL FOREST – Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RANGELAND – Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE win TER ROOSTs — Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. A \3, 42 |2 tº *] reelalt 6 º º 119°30' INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ToPoGRAPHic MAPS Zº KEY MAP | neunment --- ſºi 37'30 R.34 E. --- -- gº F. HALF - as R.33 E - * = # - | : Contour maps available at $1.25 each from: u.s. Geological Survey, Denver, color-º-o-º-o-2- at Geometronics service Center, sºn Lake City, Utah 119°30' 52'30" 32 E. Lon-tude west from Gr-ch R.321/2 E R.33 E. - – R.351/2 *22.80. R.36 E. R.35 E. FOREST SERVICE John R. McGuire, CHIEF OREGON WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 LEGEnd maneur national Forest Bound-ry adjacent National forest Boundary state Boundary county Boundary U.S. Route st-t-Rout- national Forest Primary Rout- nation-for--t secondary Rout- County Rout- Paved Road all-weather Road dirt Road Primitiv-Road Trail Railroad Power Tr-n-rºn---on-in- township and section cuassification surveyenocation reliable main-ur national For-t Land adjacent National forest Land ----- unsurveyed (ts Protraction) Additional base revisions have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE R.37 E. ALTERNATIVE B Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST T30" Forest Supervisor He-douarter- district Ranger station For--t-servic-station Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit R-cr-ton sit- Horizontal control station Horizont-Control station -n-Perrºn-n-n-Lookout Permanent -oo-out station Located or Landmark object House, cabin or other Building school church G--in-station S-mill ºt--L--nº --M. Land -45" Privat-Land Polyconic Projection 1927 north American oatur 118°15' MA 2 159,458 MA 3 MA 1 717,412 MA. 16 other 20 - F V UNIVERSITY OF Alcº Liº RARIES SEp 17 ||37 82,715 27, 197 DEPOSITED --- - - UNITED STATES (I Aº Riº Acres shown represent the omount of total National Forest acredge assigned to each Monogenent Ared. Monagement Areas in which timber monogenent activities will be scheduled ore indicated by shoding. MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE-USE GOALS º : GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RANGELAND – Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE win TER RoosTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK wildERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAS - Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. A is 42ſ2 - 24) ºf ſalt c. 3D - ſº R.34 E. .35 E arºº E 15.3% R35" Eazºo. R.36 E. 118°15' R.37 E. * ALTERNATIVE C Acres of Forest by Monogennent Ared R.26 E us-so R27 F 22go. R28 E. 15" Rºse - - orso R20 E. useo R.31 E. NORTH sººn R32 E HALF is R33 E / KEY MAP | MA 5 MA 2 F MICH! GAN NIVERSITY OF MICH 29,225 77,159 U LIBRARIES : MA 4A 102,344 Tºº - no. 7 MA 4B lin, SIP 17 1987 35,145 h DEPosſºp BY \ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MA 5–9 106, 173 MA 1 MA 10 529.204 88.117 A N º adºnna-base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange MA 1 1 37. 73,037 MA 13 47,930 Other 27, 164 MA 16 MA 14 80,162 263,762 Acres shown represent the amount of total National Forest acredge assigned º % to edch Monagement Area. - 1 - S. 44° 44° Monagement Areas in which timber 30.’ 30.’ º - - management activities will be scheduled - ore indicated by shoding. T MANAGEMENT 3 T. s g AREA MULTIPLE-USE GOALS 1 GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. -- - ---------- --- 2 RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 3 RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. º . 4A BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 4B BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 5 BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. º 6A STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6B MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6C PINE CREER PROPosed wildERNESs - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). 7 SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. 17 (a) SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. 9 RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed T. ecosystems. 18 - T. 1O SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to º provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing R.35 E. R.36 E. R.37 E. - - U.S. DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE environmental quality. Forest SERVICE John R. McGuire, CHIEF 1 1 SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental OREGON quality. º WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN A 12 1976 DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. . - a - - - --- - - - - - - -------- ------ -# LEGEND 13 old-GRowTH HABITAT - Manage old-growth habitat for Forest supervisor Headquarter- dependent species - District Ranger station ---------on-For-at-Bound-ry - - adjacent National forest Boundary - - - - stat-Boundary For-tº-vic-st-on - - - county Bound- Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit ty ry 20 - - :- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - u-Rout- - - --- -- - - - 20 st-Rout- S. --t-on-For-Primary Rout- R-cr-t-on-t- 14 visuAL corridors - Manage viewshed corridors with primary Horizont-Control station -or-on-contro-º-ton consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth -n-Perm-n-n-Lookout Perrºn-n-n-Loo-out-º-ton of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives (3) county Rout- -** - Located or Landmark object º - - of retention, partial retention, and modification while º --ton-For-second-ry Rout- P-Ro-d House, Cabinor other Building school providing for other uses and resources. - - - ----------o-d or-Ro-d Church R.27 E. R.28 E. INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS --------- Prºmºtiv-Ro-d Gaging station 15 WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of - - - - - - - - - Tr- ------ ------ R-ro- st-t---nd habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage --- --- ---on-ºn township and section cuassification - - - - Power tr-n-rºn---on-in- B----nd -45 ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water surveyed-ocation teable i Prºv------- quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave [T] ---------on-For---nd adjacent national Forest Land ----- unsurveyed (FS Protraction) : higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). 16 MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. ones: º FLAG * 1981 1970 tº CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for §. community public supply water uses are met. Ç MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping a 30 DELINT-EN- --- 1951 contour map-available at-25-ach trom-us Geolo-cal survey, Denver, co-or-º-o-º-o-2- Hinesſ: | --- ----- : 23 purposes. ----- Compiled in the Regional office. Portland, Oregon - in 1956 from us. Forest service plannetric maps and us. Geological survey sheets, Revised in 1977 at Geometronic-service Center, Salt Lake City, Utah --- Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to ---------- - - - - 22:30” - His is size or sensitivity. 119-30 - 2230" 52'30" R.32 E R.321/2 E. ----------- A 3.42 ſº tº 24/-et at P go – F } º º R.26 E R.27 E 119°30' - * - Litt---ºr-n tn--- warancº- R.27 E INDEX To GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPs R.28 E. R.28 E. *- contour map-available at -1.25 each from-us Geological survey, Denver, co-or-do -o-2- : ----- Forest Logan valley Fuad PRAR 1981 1970 - ------ ------ : Compiled in the Regional office. Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest-rvice plannetric map- and us Geological survey-heets. Revised in 1977 at Geometronics service Center, salt Lake city, Utah 119°30' R.34 E 37'30 1 R35" Eazºo. R.36 E. is R29 E. orso R30 E useo F3 F NORTH **** HALF *** * y --- - -- - Myrt-º- R.35 E. FOREST SERVICE John R. McGUIRE, Chief OREGON 118°15' R.36 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE T 19 s WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 - 0 - - - --- - 1 - 0 . - - - -------- ------ LEGEnd -h-ur-t-on-For-Boundary * - - Adjacent National Forest Boundary * ---- state Boundary - - - - County Boundary - u-s-Rout- f T. 20 st-t-Rout- º S º national Forest Primary Route © º --ton-For-tº-cond-ry Rout- O (3) County Rout- ------ - Paved Road - - All-weather Road - Dirt Road - --------- Primitive Road - º Trail - - > --- R-ro-d [T] 3. Po-Tran-nº--on-in- township and section classification T. º 21 -* * C - ---------t-on-For------ ºur -------- S. ; -- T [T] ad-cent -t-on-For-----nd ----- unsu ºrs protraction) 21 yed T. 22 T. S. 22 S. T. 23 T. S. 23 S. - - - - - - 52'30" 22:30” R.29 E R.30 E R.31 E. R.32 E R.321/2 E. R.33 E. R.34 E ----------- additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 locations and agnments are approximate and are shown in orange R.37 E. R.37 E. MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST For---supervi-or-dquarter- District Ranger station For-tº-rvic-st-ton Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit R-cr-t-on- Horizont-Contro-º-ton Horizont-Control station -n-Perm-n-n-Lookout Permanent -oo-out station Located or Landmark object House, cabin or other Building school Church Gaging station 5-mill -------nº -----nd Prºw-----n- – 118°15' -o-º-o-on --------- *ALTERNATIVE D Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared UNIVERSITY OF MICHſual MA 2 sºo 36,424 MA 4A T 179,934 ||||In h MA 5–9 101,657 ºssie N MA 10 | N 43,178 \ MA 1 1 \ y 34,599 \ V MA 13 | 47,770 NU 4A 4B 6A 6B 6C 11 A 12 13 14 15 45" 16 T 11 S - Other MA 14 MA is 27, 164 231,852 65,385 Acres shown represent the gmount of total National Forest acredge assigned º to edch Monogenent Ared, ; Monagement Areas in which timber management activities will be scheduled ore indicated by shoding. T MANAGEMENT º AREA MULTIPLE-USE GOALS 1 GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. e 2 RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and 30" other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. T 3 RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance º riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE win TER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK wildERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT - Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. LERARIES stp| 7 1987 h DEPOETED BY | UNITED STATES OF AMERIC A 2.42 ſº a 24/-, ſalt. E 44° 45" º º º 45" #. R.26 E - 119°30' KEY MAP R.27 E R.27 E. 22'30" R-28 E R.28 E. INDEX To GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPs ---- DELINT-ENT --- | 1961 creex * Forest - * FLAG PRAR 1. 1970 ----- Contour map-available at -1.25 each from us | Buºns Geological Survey, Denver, lºº _^ co-or-º-o-º-o-2- 1959. eurºs." - ºnes *Nº - - - - - - -- - - ----- --- ------ compiled in the Regional office. Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest service plann-tric map- and us. Geological survey sheets. Revised in 1977 at Geometronic-service Center, salt Lake City, Utah - – 119°30' 22'30" NORTH 15" R.29 E - - 07'30" R.30 E …R.32 E HALF is R33 E R.34 E. 37'30 i 3. R.29 E R.30 E R.31 E. R.321/2 E. R R.351/2 * 280. R.36 E. R.35 E. R.37 E. 118°15' additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and agnments are approximate and are shown in orange R.36 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE John R. McGuire, chief OREGON ALTERNATIVE E Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared R.37 E. MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 - *- a - - - _; *- - - - . - - - --------- 1-12-7- LEGEND Malheur national Forest Boundary * adjacent National forest Boundary * state Boundary - county Boundary - -º-Rout- I st-Rout- º National Forest Primary Route Ø --t-on-For-----cond-ry Rout- o - County Rout- P-Ro-d A weath-r-Ro- Dirt Ro-d Prºmºtiv-Ro-d Trail R-ro- township and section classification Po-Train---on-in- survey-ocation re-able ---------on-For---nd -----on-For-----no ----- unsurveyed tº Protraction) – 22:30” For---ºup-wi-or-dquart-r- District Ranger station for-t-service station Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit R-r-on- -or-on-control -t-t-on -or-on-control st-tºon ----------oo-out ----------oo-out 5-ton Loc-or-nºn-object House, cabin or other Building school Church G--in-station ------- -------nº ------- Prºv------ -o-º-o-º-on ------------ – 118°15' MA 1 1 15,211 MA 13 44,030 ||||In MA 1 Ur SE MA 14 196,750 Other 27, 176 ºil tº S MA 16 94,706 Acres shown represent the annount of total National Forest acredge assigned to each Monogenent Area. Management Areas in which timber management activities will be scheduled dre indicated by shoding. MANAGEMENT AREA 1 4A 4B 6A 6B 6C 1O 11 A 12 13 14 15 16 MULTIPLE-USE GOALS GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. 5, 13, Management Areas 3. and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. 631,767 JNVERSITY OF LIBRARIES p 17 | DEPOSITED ATES MCHICAN 1987 BY OF AMERICA ------------ A 3.42 12 - 24 ſºr ſalt, F/eccº. R.26 E 119°30' R.27 E KEY MAP 44° 45" º 30 º # R.27 E R.28 E. R.28 E. INDEX To GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPs --- --- º º panºſent sºon --- cREEK 1951 BuTTE 1959 ------ - | IONAL º west MYRTLE ---- º ---oo: ºute toºlſ, m º, º 1961 M 1961 * \ | try | Wººſe 1961 contour maps available - ---------n trom--> BURNS Geological Survey, Denver, lº HaRNEY. * colorado. 802.25 1959 º © ------ ------ : Compiled in the Regional office, Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest service planimetric maps and us. Geological survey sheets, Revised in 1977 at Geometronics service Center, salt Lake city, Utah 119°30' R.29 E R.29 E. R.30 E. * Park --- - - - - A BEND 12 R.31 E. 119:00 R.31 E. NORTH R.34 E. R.35 E. 5230" 37'30 - 118°30' - Z. y R.32 E. HALF is R33 E i T. : R.32 E R.321/2 E. R.33 E. R.34 E. Lon-tud-west from Gr-ch R.351/2 *22.80. R.36 E. 118°15' R.37 E ALTERNATIVE F PREFERRED ) additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange R.35 E. R.36 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE John R. McGuire, CHIEF MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST E OREGON WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 -— - - - ** 1 - 0 1 - - - --------- ------0 LEGEND Malheur national forest Boundary * adjacent National Forest Boundary º state Boundary - county Boundary - U.S. Rout- I stat-Rout- ^ National Forest Primary Rout- Ø --ton-For--t second-ry Rout- O County Rout- ---- P-d Ro-d - - weath-r-Ro-d - Dirt Road - Primitiv-Ro-d - Trail - Railro-d Po-r Tr-n-ni-'on-in- township and section classification [T] --In-ur n-t-on-For-tº-nd surveyed location reliable [T] for-t supervi-or-dquarter- District Ranger station For-tº-rvic-st-tion Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit R-cr-ton sit- Horizont-Control station Horizont-Control station -n-Perm-n-n-Lookout P-rm-n-nt -ookout station Located or Landmark object Hou-Cabin or other Building school Church G--in-station S-mill st-t-L-no e.------nd ad-cent N-t-on-for-at-and ----- unsurveyed (fs Protraction) Privat-Land Polyc 1927 on-Pro-ton north American oatur- s Acres of Forest by Monogenent Area MA 2 MA 3 95,626 37,140 MA 1 634,665 UNIVERSITY - SEP 1 7 MA 14 DEPOS, I 178,380 MA 16 Qºheſ {WPTED STATES Acres shown represent the gmount of total National Forest acredge assigned to edch Monogenent Area. Management Areas in which timber management activities will be scheduled are indicated by shoding. MANAGEMENT AREA 1 4A 4B 6A 6C 1O 11 A 12 13 14 15 16 MULTIPLE-USE GOALS GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATIon AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. LIBRA - - - - - - - * * * * * G - 1957 - --- - 9 Aºriº A vºz a 24/… ſºle / ºrt º R.26 E 44° 45° º 45' 43° 37. 30" 119°30' KEY MAP s INDEx TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS contour map-available at-25-ach trom-us- Geolo-cal survey, Denver, co-or-º-º-o-2- : | 3. R.351/2 *22.80. R.36 E º Prairi- -- 1: * - R.35 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For EST SERVICE John R. McGuire, CHIEF OREGON WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 1976 ------ LEGEND Malheur national Forest Boundary adjacent National Forest Boundary state Boundary county Boundary u-s-Rout- st-Rout- --ton-For-Primary Rout- --ton-For-second-ry Rout- County Rout- P-Road all weath-r Road Dirt Ro- Prº--------- Tr- Railro- Po-Tran-ni-'on-in- township and section classification surveye-ocation re-able ----------on-For--- additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST Forest supervisor Headquarter- District Ranger station For-------station Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit R-cr-t-on- -o-º-o-control station Horizont-control station and P-n-n-Lookout P-r-n-rºt -oo-out station Located or Landmark object House, Cabinor other Building school Church Gaging station --- st-t---nd ------- Prºw-----no ----- compiled in the Regional office. Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest service plannetric maps Geological survey sheets, Revised in 1977 at Geometronic-service Center, salt Lake city, Utah 119°30 ad-cent -t-on-For-----nd ----- unsurveyed tº Protraction) 118°15' º * * ALTERNATIVE F DEPARTURE Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared MA 2 MA 3 95,626 44,015 MA - 1 MA 5–9 634,665 100,729 MA 10 36,687 MA 11 16,013 MA 13 50,090 NIVERSITY OF | \ / LIBRARIE |UP SEp 171 MA 14 Other DEPOSITED £6 - F MCH! GA- S 87 BY 178,116 MA 16 27, 18O UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 84,354 Acres shown represent the omount of total National Forest acredge assigned to each Monagement Area. Monagement Areas in which timber monogenent activities will be scheduled are indicated by shoding MANAGEMENT AREA MULTIPLE-USE GOALS 1 GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 2 RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 3 RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. 4A BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 4B BIG-GAME winter RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 5 BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. 6A STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6B MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6C PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). 7 SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. G) SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. 9 RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. 1O SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. 11 SEMIPRIMITIve MotoRIZED RECREATION AREAs - Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. A 12 DEVELOPED RECREATIon SITEs - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. 13 OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. 14 VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. 15 WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). 16 MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. Ç MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. P- 2 a.2/2 ºz. ſet & & O – F .34 E. - - - - sº E - ſº E R.351/2 *22.80. R.36 E. 118°15' R.37 E. * ALTERNATIVE G Acres of Forest by Monogennent Ared R.26 E ug-ao R27 F 22go. R.28 E. is R29 E. - orso R20 E nºw.” F. NORTH sº, R32 E HALF is R33 E KEY MAP MA 2 MA 3 44, 349 98.186 44° 45" º additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange MA 1 687,005 WNMERSITY OF lichº LBRARIEF SEp 17 137 MA 16 Other DEPOSITED EY 63580 86.253 27,536 UNITED STArts of Aege, Acres shown represent the omount of º º | T. total National Forest acredge assigned S. 12 S. to eqch Monagement Area. 44° 44° 30.’ 30.’ - - - - - - - - Monogenent Areas in which timber management activities will be scheduled are indicated by shading. T T MANAGEMENT g º AREA MULTIPLE-USE GOALS 1 GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 22' - 2 RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and 30" É. other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. - -- 3 RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. º 4A BIG-GAME winter RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 4B BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. ------ 5 BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. # 6A STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6B MONUMENT ROCK wildERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6C PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). 7 SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. 17 - G) SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. 9 RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. 18 T. 1O SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to º provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing R.35 E. R.36 E. R.37 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For EST SERVICE environmental quality. John R. McGUIRE, CHIEF 1 1 SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs - Manage to MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental OREGON quality. º WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN A 12 1976 DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. ------ LEGEnd 1 3 OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for Malheur national Forest Boundary * For---Sup-wi-or-dquarter- dependen t s pec ies -- adjacent National forest Boundary * District Ranger station - - - - state Boundary - Forest servic-station - - º o - - - County Boundary Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit § ---out- st-Rout- R-cr-t-on- 14 visuAL coRRIDORs - Manage viewshed corridors with primary -or-on-control -t-t-on -orizont-contro-station consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth ----------oo-o- ---on-For-second-ry Rout- P-rm-n-n-oo-o-º-ton of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives County Rout- -** - Located or Landmark object 35 S. º --on-For-Primary Rout- º 3) of retention, partial retention, and modification while P-d Ro-d - - House, cabin or other Building - All weather Road - school providing for other uses and resources. D-Ro-d - Church R.27 E R.28 E INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ToPoGRAPHic MAPS --- -- ------- Prºmºtiv-Ro-d - G--in-station 15 WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of T-- - --- - R-ro-d st-t-L-nd habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage Po-Tran-ni-'on -in- township and section classification B-L----nd -45" ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water = | 3. [T] -In-ur N-t-on-For--t Land surveyed location reliable - - - - - ----- Prºw-----n- quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave [] adjacent national Forest Land ----- unsurveyed tºs Protraction) higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the sus-L-E. needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). 1949 {ALheur à la 16 MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL watersheds - Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for §. community public supply water uses are met. Ç MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping bºunvent Lax- | 1961 Contour map-available ---1-25 each trom-us Geological survey, Denver, co-or-o-º-o-2- --- - : purposes. ------ led in the Regional office. Portland, Oregon in 1956 from us. Forest service plannetric maps and us. Geological survey sheets. Revised in 1977 at Geometronic-service Center, salt Lake City, Utah -o-o-º-o-ton Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to 22:30” - isis size or sensitivity. 119°30 22:30° R.29 E. R.30 E R.31 E R R.321/2 E. - R.33 E. R.34 E. Lon-tude west from Green-ch A. 12.42/2: º * | *|alt. H ; º º º R.26 E #. - 119°30' R.27 E KEY MAP R.27 E. INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Topographic MAPs National \ ºf , , L. ": Contour maps available -------------or--> Geological Survey, Denver, co-or-do-8022- --- - ----- R.28 E 22'30" R.28 E. -- - ------ compiled in the Regional office. Portland, or in 1956 from us. Forest service plannetric maps and us. Geological survey sheets. Revised in 1977 at Geometronic-service Center, salt Lake city, Utah 119°30' R.29 E. R.34 E. R.36 E. R.37 E NORTH - 37'30 - 118°30' / R.32 E. HALF R35". Ezean- 118°15' ALTERNATIVE H 5230" 45" R.33 E additional base revisiºns have been made in 1982 Locations and alignments are approximate and are shown in orange R.36 E. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For EST SERVICE R.35 E. R.37 E. John R. McGuire, CHIEF MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST OREGON AREA 1 4A 4B ; 6A 6B 6C 11 19 WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN S 1976 12 - 0 - - - --- - - - . - - - -------- ------ LEGEnd 1 3 ----------on-For-t Bound-ry * Fore--supervi-or-dquarter- - - adjacent National Forest Boundary * District Ranger station - - - - Stat-Bound-ry - For--tº-rvic-station - - - county Boundary - Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit u-s-Route ſ R-cr-t-on-sit- 1 4. T. st-R º Horizont-Control st-ton t-Rout- mir 20 S. º national Forest Primary Route © -or-on-control st-t-on -n-Per-n-n-Loo-out º N-ton-For---s-cond-ry Rout- O Perman-n-Lookout station (3) County Rout- e-pro ro- Located or Landmark object P-Road - - House, Cabinor other Building - All weath-Ro-d - school Dirt Road - church ----- Prºmºtiv-Ro-d - G--in-station 1 5 wn Trail - s-ºn- º > – R-ro-d st-and : --------------- Po-Tran-ni-'on-in- township and section classification ---- T. 3. B-L-M-L-nº –45 21 - -in-ur N-t-on-For------- surveyed location reliable S. ; -- L Prºv-----no T. [T] ad-cent -t-on-for-at-nd ----- unsurveyed (FS Protraction) 21 S. T. 22 T. S. 22 S. 43° 3. 30 T. 23 T. S 23 | S - Poly-on-º-o-ton l l 1927 ------ - -- - Bend 127 22:30” 118°15' R.29 E. R.30 E. R.31 E. R.321/2 E. R.34 E. -------Fron--ch Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared MA 2 176,943 MA 1 794,432 ERsity OF MIC y NW LERARIES Depostſºu º UNITED STATES 9 Acres shown represent the omount of total National Forest acredge assigned to each Monogenent Area. Monogenent Areds in which timber monogenent activities will be scheduled are indicated by shading. MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE-USE GOALS GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. BALD EAGLE WINTER ROOSTS - Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon wilderness Act of 1984. PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental quality. DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed recreation opportunities. OLD-GROWTH HABITAT – Manage old-growth habitat for dependent species. VISUAL CORRIDORS - Manage viewshed corridors with primary consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives of retention, partial retention, and modification while providing for other uses and resources. WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS – Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for community public supply water uses are met. MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping purposes. 5, 13. Management Areas 3. and 16 are not shown due to size or sensitivity. U’ st 17 1981 Hicº Y AMERICA A 342/2 a 24/~/at Nº. 30 - F UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN L. BRARIES --- - - - - R.26 E us-so R27 F 22 son R28 F is *** - ºr *** ligºw Rºl F. NORTH ***** HALF _s^*** - ar;4 E. # R35" Eazao- R.36 E. 118°15' R.37 E. SE p 1. 1987 / . - - - ALTERNATIVE N C sºlº UNITED STATES Acres of Forest by Monogenent Ared KEY MAP MA 5–9 MA 3 *19. 39.705 gº 44: 40,845 MA 13 ſ 123,587 | h T g MA 14 N 66,720 --~~~ have been made in 1982 -ocation-and --~~~~~~ MA 1 MA 15 922,563 154,883 T MA 16 | º 11 76,600 |W |U} Other - | L- 27, 164 Acres shown represent the amount of total Notional Forest acredge assigned to each Monagement Area. I, ------ -- - - . - Management Areas in which timber 30.’ * // -------- - - --- - - º z. \{-2} A \{ º ; management activities will be scheduled - - ------- - - - zºº ------- are indicated by shading. T MANAGEMENT g AREA MULTIPLE-USE GOALS 1 GENERAL FOREST - Manage for timber production and other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 2 RANGELAND - Manage for livestock forage production and 30"? | -- - - - - other multiple-uses on a sustained yield basis. 3 RIPARIAN AREAS - Manage to protect or enhance riparian-dependent resources. 4A BIG-GAME WINTER RANGE MAINTENANCE - Maintain usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 4B BIG-GAME winter RANGE ENHANCEMENT - Manage to increase usable forage for elk and deer on winter range. 5 BALD EAGLE win TER ROOSTs — Manage to maintain or enhance winter roost habitat for bald eagles. º | 6A STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6B MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 and the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984. 6C PINE CREEK PROPOSED WILDERNESS - Manage the wilderness values as specified by the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 (Alternative C only). 7 SCENIC AREA – Manage to preserve and protect the outstanding natural esthetics of the Vinegar Hill-Indian Rock Scenic Area. S - - I - - - 17 º - - - -- - - - - cº- ". - G) SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS - Manage to preserve areas of - - - significant historical, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, or other special characteristics. 9 RESEARCH NATURAL AREAS - Manage for nonmanipulative research, observation, and study of undisturbed ecosystems. 18 00' T 1O SEMIPRIMITIVE NONMOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to º provide a wide range of semiprimitive nonmotorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing R.35 E. R.36 E. R.37 E. - - U.S. DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE environmental quality. For EST SERVICE John R. McGuire, CHIEF U 11 SEMIPRIMITIVE MOTORIZED RECREATION AREAs – Manage to MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST provide a wide range of semiprimitive motorized recreation opportunities while protecting existing environmental OREGON quality. º WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN A 12 1976 DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES - Manage for developed - – " recreation opportunities. ------ LEGEnd 13 OLD-GROWTH HABITAT - Manage old-growth habitat for maneur national for-t Bound-ry * For--------or-dqu- dependent species - - - adjacent National forest Boundary º District Ranger station - - I º Ø o - - - - st-Bound-ry For--------ton - county Boundary Mine, Quarry or Gravel Pit -----out- T. R-cr-ton-it- 14 visuAL coRRIDORs - Manage viewshed corridors with primary 20 ----out- -o-º-o-º-o-o-º-ton --on-For-Prº-Rout- -o-º-o-º-º-o-o-º-º-on consideration given to their scenic quality and the growth -nd ---------out --o-o-o-º-on of large diameter trees. Apply visual quality objectives -o-y rout- *** - Located or Landmark object º -o-º-o-º-o-º-º-o- of retention, partial retention, and modification while --d--d Hou-cabinor other Building --tº-º-o-d -º-o-o: providing for other uses and resources. -------d church R.27 E. R.28 E. INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS --------- Prº-Ro-d Gagin-station 15 WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS - Manage to improve the quality of ---------- T- ------ - --ro- st----- habitat for deer and elk by improving the cover/forage -------------- Power transmi-ion Lin- township and section classification i T. - - - [T] L alº Lane -45" ratio to optimum. Improve stream habitat and water --- ----- survey-ocation C envat-Lane quality to produce high-quality fish habitat. Leave adjacent nation-for-at-and ----- unsurveyed ºsprotraction) C ---------on-For----- C : higher levels of wildlife trees and old-growth timber stands than in the surrounding areas to better meet the needs of dependent species. (Alternatives A and NC only). 16 MINIMUM LEVEL MANAGEMENT - Provide the minimum management necessary to provide for resource protection and to ensure º 4% Pºlº * public safety. Allow additional road construction to manage adjacent areas. CANYON CITY AND LONG CREEK MUNICIPAL WATERSHEDS - Manage to ensure that the Oregon water quality standards for - #. community public supply water uses are met. Ç MURDERERS CREEK WILD HORSE TERRITORY - Manage to maintain the Murderers Creek wild horse herd at 100 animals. Management Areas 1 and 2 are combined for mapping - Fº- || || * - pººr sºn wºme ºn | \, LA- ----- ºut- ºute º: Dºº-wº- 1951 ---> T --~~~ --- - - --- . | Tºg. - - º- Contour map-available ------------------> - Geological Survey, Denver, colorado. 802.25 - - - - - --- ----- Compiled in the Regional office, Portland, or--on in 1956 trom-us-for-t-rvice planımetric maps -nd-us-Geological survey-h-t-Revised in 1977 23 purposes. Management Areas 3, 5, 13, and 16 are not shown due to -o-o-º-o-on -------- - size or sensitivity. -Geometronic-service Cent-----City, Utah – – 119°30' 22'30" 52'30" 22:30" 118-15 E. R.32 E R.321/2 E. R.33 E. R.34 E. ---from Gr-ch R.29 E. R.