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PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. L O N T) O N : PRINTED BY GEORGE EDWARD EYFE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN’s Most ExCELLENT MAJESTY, FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE; AND SOLD BY J. MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. sºvºgºsº 1859. A D V E R T IS E M E N T. THE Reduction of the Greenwich Lunar Observations, from 1831 to 1851, was undertaken in consequence of a representation made by myself to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The following is a copy of the Address presented by me to the Board, dated 1853, May 3:— “The Reduction of the Lunar Observations made at the Royal Observatory of Greenwich from 1750 to 1830, was conducted on principles which, I trust, gave it a value far superior to that of mere extent of period. The elements, by the use of which the clock-errors and instrumental errors were eliminated, were the same throughout. The mode of effecting the first reductions was as nearly uniform as the methods of observation permitted; and the same Lunar Theory was used through the whole time for computing the tabular places with which the observed places must be compared, in order to render them really useful to Astronomy. “The date at which these Reductions closed was, in some degree, a matter of accident. The Reduction of the Planetary Observations was proposed at the meeting of the British Association in 1833; and the year 1830 was then a convenient limit for that work. When the Lunar Reductions were commenced, several years later, the same year was adopted for their termination, as indicating the general similarity of plan of the two works. Had not this consideration prevailed, it would undoubtedly have been thought desirable to extend the Lunar Reductions at least to the end of the year 1835. “From the end of 1830 to the end of 1835, the Greenwich observations of the Moon are reduced in the Fifth Parts of the printed Observations, but the details of the reductions are not printed, and a close examination of them would be required before it could be asserted that they are fully deserving of confidence. From the beginning of 1836 to the present time the observations have been reduced with great care; the reductions are published in detail, and it is presumed that they are in general worthy of confidence. Through the whole period, the places of the Moon, deduced from the observations, are compared with the places computed in the Nautical Almanac : that is, with Burckhardt's tables, which have been used for many years past in computing the places of the Nautical Almanac. “During this time, I have uniformly cherished the intention of computing the places of the Moon on the same theory which was employed for the Reductions from 1750 to 1830, and of comparing the results of that theory with the results of Burck- - a 2 ( iv. ) hardt's tables: by which means the comparisons which have been currently made of observed places with Burckhardt's places would be at once converted into comparisons of observed places with the theory of the great Lunar Reductions. A motive only was wanting for deciding on the time at which this work should be undertaken. Such a motive has now presented itself. “The form of Burckhardt's tables was devised for the purpose of facilitating the computations of the Moon's place; and, as applied to Ephemerides, it is perhaps not absolutely unsuccessful. But this advantage is purchased at a very dear price. The artificial shape of the formulae gives no direct indication of the shape of the formulae of the Lunar Theory from which they are derived, and a very laborious process is necessary for bringing them to a state in which they can be referred to Mechanical Theory. Some years ago I did, at the instance of and in concert with Sir John Lubbock, effect this conversion for the longitude-formulae; and Sir John Lubbock and others have done it (though without verification) for other formulae. The con- version is troublesome, and the risk of error in the operation is great. On the whole, I was contented to trust to a future comparison of Burckhardt's numerical places of the Moon in Longitude and Latitude with places given by the theory to which I have alluded; and I tacitly assumed that there could be no sensible error in Burckhardt's Parallax, or in the Semidiameter which is deduced from the Parallax. “Very lately, however, Mr. Adams has shown that Burckhardt's Parallax is erroneous in formula, and is numerically incorrect, sometimes to the amount of seven seconds. In consequence of this, every reduction of the observations of the Moon, from 1830 to the present time, is sensibly erroneous. And the error is of such a nature that it is not easy, in general, to introduce its correction by any simple process. From the year 1840, Mr. Adams has computed the numerical corrections to horizontal parallax, and it is possible that by means of the Greenwich Factors, P, Q, R, S, its effects in Longitude and Ecliptic Polar Distance may be found: but before that year there is no course but to compute the parallax afresh. x “This appears to me to indicate the present time as one at which the extension of the Greenwich Lunar Reductions may with propriety be taken up. There is, however, another reason. We may hope before the completion of these reductions to receive the Lunar Tables on which Professor Hansen is engaged. We should then have arrived at a time at which one good old theory may with propriety be abandoned, and another better new theory may be taken up. The connexion of one set of results with the other, when they are referred to theories which are presented in their natural form, is a matter of trifling difficulty. “It is to be remarked, that the amount of work to be done for each observation is very much less than was required for the more ancient observations. After the beginning of 1836 no new reduction of the observations, except for correction of ( v ) parallax and semidiameter, is necessary. Before that year I trust that examination will show that the results may be accepted almost without any other alteration. The principal labour will consist in the computation of the tabular places. “The number of observations to the end of 1851 (after which time the parallax will be corrected in the current reductions) is about 2560. An expense approaching to 400l. might be incurred in their reduction. “I have now to submit to the Visitors whether they may think fit to recommend to the Government to incur this expense.” This Address was taken into consideration by the Board of Visitors at their Annual Visitation of 1853, June 4, and a Resolution was passed by the Board, recommending the matter to the favourable consideration of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. A sum of money was accordingly placed by their Lordships upon the Navy Estimates for the year 1854–5, and a similar course was followed in succeeding years. Pressure of other business, and the difficulty of finding a fit Superintendent of Calculations, prevented me from commencing the work for some time. Examination of the observations and preparation of skeleton forms were, however, made in the summer of 1855; and at the beginning of 1856 the calculations were commenced, under the care of Mr. John Lucas, by whom they have been brought to a conclusion. The printing of the Reductions was ordered by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, in consequence of a recommendation made by the Board of Visitors at their Annual Visitation of 1859, June 4. G. B. AIRY. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1859, August 27. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. R E D U C T IO N OF O B S E R W ATIONS OF THE MOON, FROM 1831 TO 1851. I N T R O D U C T I O N. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. R. E. D. U C T H O N OF O B S E R V AT I O N S OF T H E M O O N, FROM 1831. TO 1851. | N T R O D U C T i O N. SECTION I. INVESTIGATION OR CoRRECTION OF Moon's RIGHT AscENSION, NORTH Polar DISTANCE, LoNGITUDE, AND E. N. P. D., FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONs. JFirst Period. From 1831 to 1835. The immediate results of the observations of the Moon made at the Royal Obser- vatory of Greenwich during these years, as well as during two preceding years, are printed in the 5th Parts of the respective volumes of the Greenwich Observations. From examination of the manuscript computations preserved in the Observatory, it appears that these reductions were made with great care, and that the results might under ordinary circumstances be accepted without scruple as a faithful and accurate exhibition of the places of the Moon during the period over which they extend. Nevertheless, as the elements of reduction employed were not strictly the same as those used in the preceding series (Reduction of the Observations of the Moon, &c., from 1750 to 1830), or as those used in the following series (Greenwich Observations, 1836, 1837, &c.), I have thought it desirable, partly by correction, partly by recalcu- lation, to make the results for these years in every respect comparable with those of the preceding series. GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831-1851. b X REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. The first step, for Right Ascensions, was to compare the corrections for Clock Error, and the resulting Right Ascension of the Moon's Limb, as found in the 5th Parts, with those which would have been found on the system of the “Reductions, &c., from 1750 to 1830.” X- - - - It will be remarked that the R.A. of Clock Stars used in the 5th Parts were taken from the Nautical Almanacs for their respective years; and that the elements of the Nautical Almanac R.A. were changed in the year 1835, in consequence of the publication of the Tabulae Regiomontanae. The R.A. of Clock Stars used in the “Reductions, &c., from 1750 to 1830,” were derived purely from the Tabulae Regiomontanae. It might therefore be anticipated that there would probably be some discordance in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, but that in 1835 there would be agreement. The results of examination are as follows:— In 1831, 34 right ascensions of Sun, Moon, and Planets were recomputed by the use of 61 right ascensions of Clock Stars, from the Tabulae Regiomontanae. The result of comparison with Pond's places (5th Parts) was— S Pond — Tabulae Regiomontanae = + o 'o60. In 1832, 81 comparisons of R.A. of Clock Stars gave JPond — Tabulae Regiomontanae = +o or 6. In 1833, 92 similar comparisons gave Pond – Tabulae Regiomontanae = +o o4.o. In 1834, 81 similar comparisons gave JPond — Tabulae Regiomontanae = + o 'o 17. In 1835, 47 comparisons of R.A. of Sun, Moon, and Planets, recomputed by the use of 99 right ascensions of Clock Stars (as in 1831) gave Pond – Tabulae Regiomontanae = os-ooo. I have therefore thought it sufficient to apply the following corrections to the R.A. of the Moon's Bright Limb in the 5th Parts of the Greenwich Observations: In 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834. gas gº - — os 'o'; In 1835 - & º gº tº gº O “OO On 1834, Jan. 1, there is an additional correction of +0.03 for an error indicated in the manuscript calculations at the Royal Observatory; and on 1834, Feb. 21, there is an additional correction of +0'07, similarly indicated. The complete corrections for those two days are therefore 0°-00 and +0.04. .- The next step was to find the value of the Moon's semidiameter in Right Ascension (not the duration of passage of the Moon's semidiameter), the application of which to the corrected R.A. of Moon's Limb would produce the R.A. of Moon's Center at the time of transit of the Limb. For this purpose the following results were adopted in part from the calculations of the “Reductions, &c., from 1750 to 1830.” INTRODUCTION: CoRRECTION OF OBSERVED MERIDIONAL PLACEs. xi By the tabular computation, hereafter to be described, the Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax was computed. From this the Semidiameter in N.P.D. was formed by the factor 0.273136. For investigation of this factor, see “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page lxii, and Greenwich Observations, 1841, Introduction, page xlix. As this Semidiameter in N.P.D. does not precisely represent the observed Semi- diameter in R.A., the Log. Semidiameter in R.A. is computed by this formula Log. Semidiameter in N.P.D. -- ar. co. log. Sin N.P.D. --9 '9996932 For the constant 9.9996932, see “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page lxvi. This semidiameter in R.A. being applied with proper sign to the R.A. of Limb as expressed in arc, the R.A. of Center at the Time of Transit of the Limb, and as expressed in arc, was obtained. For North Polar Distance, as the Latitude of Greenwich and the Refraction Tables adopted both in the “Reductions, &c.” and in the later Greenwich Observations were different from those used by Mr. Pond, and as the Parallax had been only partially computed by Mr. Pond and required correction, it appeared best to recalculate the observations from the beginning, adopting nothing from Mr. Pond except the Zenith Points of the Circles (in page 7 of the 5th Part for 1831, and page 3 of each of the 5th Parts for 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835,) which imply nothing of theoretical deduction and no elements of Tables. The mean of the microscope-readings for the Moon's Limb was taken, and by application of the Zenith Point the apparent Zenith Distance of Limb was found. If both Circles were employed, the mean of the two results for Apparent Z.D. of Limb was adopted. The Refraction was then computed by the Tables in the Appendices to the Greenwich Observations, 1836 and 1853 (equivalent to the table in the Tabulae Regiomontanae), and by application of this the Apparent Z.D. of Limb corrected for Refraction was found. The Tabular Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax having been computed, by the process hereafter to be described, including the constant — 1"-36 (“Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page xxii), the actual Parallax for the observation was computed as in the “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page xxii; by applying this, the Geocentric Zenith Distance of Limb at transit of Center was obtained. The Semidiameter, computed from the Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax with the factor 0.273136, being applied, the Geocentric Zenith Distance of Center at transit of Center was found, and the addition of colatitude 38°. 31'. 21"-93 gave Geocentric N.P.D of Center at transit of Center. In order to refer this to the time of transit of Limb, the process described in the “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, pages xxvii to xxix, was employed. It is important to remark here that the Constant of Parallax employed is 57. 1": 8, precisely the same as that employed in the “Reductions, &c.," but not precisely the same as Mr. Adams' Constant 57.2": 3 (Appendix to Nautical Almanac, 1856), which is used for the calculations from 1840 to the end. b 2 xii REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 to 1851. Thus there were obtained R.A. and N.P.D. of the Moon's Center at the time of Transit of Moon's Limb. To convert these into Longitude and Ecliptic N.P.D., the Obliquity of the Tabulae Regiomontanae was adopted (as in “Reductions, &c.," Introduction, page lxii), and the formulae of page lxvi were employed in the com- putation. In order to compute the Tabular Longitude and E.P.D. of the Moon for comparison with the Longitudes and E.P.D. deduced from observations, the first step is to form the Mean Solar Time of Observation (that is, of Transit of Moon's Limb). The process used is the same which is described in the “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, pages ixvii to lxx, the following being the “Constants for the Year” not included in the table on page lxvii:— I83 I - * -º-, trº - 6. 34.54 1832 - tº bºt * - 7. 31.68 I 833 - tºº - - - 4. 32°92 1834 - - tºº *- - 5. 3oto8 1835 - & * - • 6. 27:23 Second Period. From 1836 to 1839. Commencing with 1836, the whole of the reductions in the printed Greenwich Observations to the end of the present work in 1851 have been conducted on principles known to and approved by me. But it is necessary to distinguish those terminating in 1839 from the rest, because with 1840 commences the publication by Mr. Adams of the corrected Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax of the Moon. The numbers of the printed Observations, corrected if necessary for published Errata, have been adopted without further question, and then the following corrections have been applied:— - For North Polar Distance, the first step has been to make the proper correction for change of Parallax. And here it is to be remarked that in the year 1836, the Parallax used in the final Section of “Horizontal and Vertical Diameters and Right Ascensions and North Polar Distances of the Sun, Moon, and Planets” in the printed Observations, is the same which is used in the anterior Section, “ Calculations of Geocentric North Polar Tistances from observations” (see Gr. Obs. 1836, Introduction, pages lx, lxi). But in the years 1837, 1838, 1839, the Parallax used in the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.” is the Parallax used in the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.” for 1837 and 1838, and in the Section “Comput. of App. Z. D. and of Geoc. N. P. D.” 1839, increased by gºod part. (See the Introductions to the respective Volumes; 1837, 2 6 O Ú page xliii, line 2 from bottom; 1838, page li, last line; 1839, page xxxvii, last line.) INTRODUCTION ; CoRRECTION OF OBSERVED MERIDIONAL PLACEs. xiii This increase of Parallax has tended to diminish the results of observed N. P. D. The preliminary step, therefore, to all farther corrections for 1837, 1838, 1839, has been to undo this increase of Parallax by adding to the results for N. P. D. in the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.” the quantity gºry of parallax actually employed, and thus to bring all results to the state in which the unaltered elements of the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.,” &c. would have left them. & The manuscript books at the Royal Observatory were then examined to ascertain the value of Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax which had actually been used in forming the numbers of the Sections “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D,” &c.; and this was compared with the Tabular Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax, computed by the process hereafter to be described (including constants — 1"-36, “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page xxii); and the excess of the former was multiplied by the sine of Geocentric Zenith Distance. The product was applied as a second correction to N. P. D., as once cor- rected above; and thus the results were brought to the state in which they would have been if the Tabular H. E. Parallax had been used at first. After this, a correction was to be applied for change of Semidiameter. In the printed Observations it will be remarked that the Semidiameter used in the results of the first Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” has been formed in two steps, the first being an uncorrected Semidiameter in the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.,” &c., and the second being virtually made by applying in the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.” a correction with + sign when the N. L. had been observed, and with — sign when the S. L. had been observed. In 1836 this correction is + 3”. 12; in 1837, #3"-05; in 1838, +2"-93; and in 1839, +2"-94. (See Gr. Obs. Introduc- tion, 1836, page ix, last line; 1837, page xliii, line 7 from bottom ; 1838, page li, middle paragraph; 1839, page xxxviii, middle paragraph.) First, therefore, the Semidiameters used in the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.,” &c. were collected, with their proper signs as applied to form N. P. D. from observations, and were augmented numerically by 3". 12 in 1836; 3'-05 in 1837; 2'-93 in 1838; 2.94 in 1839; and the numbers formed thus, with the same signs, were the Semidiameters really used in producing the results of the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.” Secondly, the Tabular Semidiameters were computed from the Tabular Equatoreal Horizontal Parallaxes with the factor 0.273136, exactly as for the First Period; and were placed with the same signs in a collateral column, for comparison with the Semi- diameters really used (as just found). Thirdly, the algebraical excess of the Tabular Semidiameter (with sign) above the Semidiameter really used (with sign) was taken, and this was considered to be the correction applicable in respect of error of Semi- diameters, to the results of N. P. D. in the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam, and R. A. and N. P. D.” This, it will be remarked, is the third correction to the results for N. P. D. in that section, xiv. REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 to 1851. The aggregate of these three corrections being applied to the N. P. D. in the Section “Hor. and Vert. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” a finally corrected N. P. D. of the Moon's Center at the time of transit of center was obtained. - For Right Ascension, the first step has been to make the proper correction for Semidiameter. On referring to the Tabular Section, “Transits observed, &c., and Calculation of Right Ascensions,” of the printed Observations, it will be seen that the R. A. of the Moon's Limb, as determined from observation, is thus affected with a correction, not for Semidiameter in R. A., but for “Time of Semidiameter passing.” In this respect, therefore, the principle of reduction from 1836 differs fundamentally from that to 1835, inasmuch as to 1835 all calculations relate to the time of transit of Limb, but from 1836 all calculations relate to the time of transit of Center. Now, on referring to the Observations, 1836, Introduction, page xxi, line 9 from bottom, it will be seen that in the Section “Transits as observed,” &c., the “Time of Semidiameter passing” is taken from the Nautical Almanac. And in Introduction, page lx, line 7 from bottom, the further correction + 0°20 is applied when 1st Limb is observed, and — 09:20 when 26 Limb is observed. Similar statements will be found in the corre- sponding places in the Introductions for 1837, 1838, 1839. Now, as the “Time of Semidiameter passing” in the Section “Transits as observed” is taken from the Nautical Almanac, and as the Semidiameter (already mentioned) in the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.” is interpolated from the Nautical Almanac, it is presumed that these correspond accurately to the same semidiameter in arc. The process of correction, therefore, has been the following:— l No attention whatever has been given to the results in Section “H. and V. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” or to the correction + 0°20 ; the correction now investigated being applied to the results in the Section “Transits as Observed,” &c. The Tabular Semidiameters are compared with the unaltered Semidiameters used in the Section “Calc. of Geoc. N. P. D.,” and the excess of the Tabular Semidiameters is found. *. Then the correction to “Time of Semidiameter passing” is computed by the formula . Excess of Tabular Semidiameter × Time of Semidiameter passing Semidiameter. •, Small logarithmic tables were prepared. One called Table y, to be used with argument “Semidiameter,” which gave for argument 14'. 39", 8:056; for argument 16'. 40”, 8.000; and for argument 17. 1", 7.991. And one called Table 2, to be used with argument “Time of Semidiameter passing,” which gave for argument 60°0, 0.778; for argument 70°0, 0.845; and for argument 80°0, 0.903. With these tables, and the logarithm of “Excess of Tabular Semidiameter,” the correction to “Time of Semidia- meter passing” was easily found. It was applied to the “Apparent R. A. of Center from the Observation” in the Section “Transits observed, &c.,” with its proper sign INTRODUCTION ; CORRECTION OF OBSERVED MERIDIONAL PLACEs. XV when the 1st Limb was observed, and with changed sign when the 2d limb was observed ; and thus the correct R. A. of Moon's Center at Transit of Center was found, as referred to the Assumed Equinox implied in the Catalogue of R. A. of Stars used for determining the Clock-Error. The next correction was for error of Assumed Equinox. In the Introduction to the “Catalogue of 1439 Stars,” attached to the volume of Observations for 1842, or in the “Twelve-Year Catalogue,” attached to the volume for 1847, it is shown that the following general corrections are required to all R. A. determined from 1836 to 1839:— S 1836 - trº tºº º: - — o'o 8 1837 - ** tºº - - - o°o:3 I 838 - Hº sº * - - — orog 1839 – &= * º - — o'og These corrections are aggregated with those for Semidiameter, and by their applica- tion a final result for R. A. of Moon's Center at Transit of Center was found. From this R. A. of Center and the N. P. D. of Center (whose formation is already explained), and with the Obliquity of the Tabulae Regiomontanae, the Longitude and Ecliptic N. P. D. were computed as before. These, it will be remarked, are still referred to the Time of Transit of Moon's Center. The Mean Solar Time of Transit of Center (to be used subsequently in computing the tabular place) is adopted, without recalculation or change, from the Section “H. and V. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D. &c.," unless in the instances in which errors of calculation had been discovered. It is to be remarked that in the printed Observa- tions from 1838 to 1857, the column exhibiting these times is erroneously intituled “ Mean Solar Time of Observation,” instead of “Mean Solar Time of Transit of Center.” Third Period. From 1840 to 1848. For this Period, as well as for that which follows it, Mr. Adams' correction to the Parallax of the Wautical Almanac (which was employed with specified modifications in the computations of the Greenwich Observations) are published in Mr. Adams' paper “On New Tables of the Moon's Parallax,” &c., attached as Appendix to the Nautical Almanac, 1856. A slight variation is made in the alteration of Nautical Almanac Parallax, as used in the Greenwich Observations in the year 1848; and small numerical variations are made from year to year in the alteration of Nautical Almanac Semidiameter. In 1849, however, a more decided change is made, which makes it advantageous to describe the processes from that time as under a new Period. For North Polar Distance, the first step has been, correction for change of Parallax. The Parallax used in the Section “Observations with the Mural Circle,” &c., is that of the Nautical Almanac; but in forming the N. P. D. of the Section “H. and W. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” &c., this parallax has been increased by gºod part for the years xvi REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. 1840 to 1847, and by Tºrº part for the year 1848. In order to undo this change, grºw part of the actual parallax employed in the years 1840 to 1847, or Ts'ow part of the actual parallax in the year 1848, has been added to the N. P. D. of Center in the Section “H. and W. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” thus leaving the N. P. D. of Center the same as if the Parallax of the Nautical Almanac had been used without alteration. The next step was to introduce Mr. Adams' correction. For this purpose, Mr. Adams' correction to Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax, in the Appendix to the Nautical Almanac, 1856, was multiplied by the Sine of Zenith Distance, and was applied, with sign changed, to the N. P. D. of Center, just found. Thus was obtained an N. P. D. of Center, the same which would have been found if Adams' Parallax had been used at the commencement, but still liable to the error produced by application of an erroneous value of Moon's Semidiameter to the observed N. P. D. of Limb. To ascertain the error of Semidiameter, the following process was employed. In the Greenwich Observations, 1854, Introduction, page lxi, line 5 to 11, it appears that, after correcting the Nautical-Almanac Semidiameters for the small error depending on their formation from erroneous Parallax, they still require an additional correction which on the mean amounts to 2"-04 when the Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax is 3420". Therefore, if P be put for Burckhardt's H. E. Parallax, and C, be Adams' correction to it; then, remarking that Burckhardt's factor for semidiameter is 0.2725, the correction to the Nautical-Almanac Semidiameter is 0.2725 × C. -- . × P. Now, the Semidiameter used in the Greenwich Observations, Section “H. and W. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” is not the Nautical-Almanac Semidiameter, but the Nautical- Almanac Semidiameter increased by an Annual Constant. Hence the correction to the Semidiameter of the Greenwich Observations, “Section H. and V. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.” is 2 : — Annual Constant + o-2725 × C. -- . × P. The value of 0.2725 × C. was formed by multiplication in every separate instance. * $2.04 ~ tº * For – Annual Constant + ºx P, a Table with Argument P, was prepared in each year, the values of the Annual Constant in the different years being as follows:— 1840 º sº tºº º gº * ºf % -67 I841 º gºe tº gº sº º 2 '54 I842 gº s sº iº †º gºe 2 °36 1843 gº gº & sº as º 2 °35 I 844 - º tº tº * - 2 46 1845 º - - º tºº wº 2 °49 1846 sº sº 4 º' * wº $º 2 *55 1847 * sºng tº tºs &=º &== 2 °61 1848 gº gº * •º tº sº 2 *62 as will be found in the Introductions to the several Volumes of Observations. The table proper for 1840 was used also for the years 1841, 1846, 1847, 1848; for the INTRODUCTION: CoRRECTION OF OBSERVED MERIDIONAL PLACEs. xvii other years, their appropriate tables were used. This correction, with its natural sign when the N.L. was observed, and with sign changed when the S.L. was observed, was applied as a final correction to the N. P. D. of Center. For Right Ascensions, the correction for Semidiameter was first required. The Right Ascensions to be corrected were those of the Section “Transits as observed, &c.," in which the unaltered “Time of Semidiameter passing” of the Nautical Almanac is employed. For the error of Nautical Almanac Semidiameter in arc, all that was necessary was, to use the terms 0-2725 × C., + ; × P, or to omit the – Annual Constant in the formula calculated in the last paragraph. correction to “Time of Semidiameter passing ” And the corresponding was computed by the same formula and tables, and applied in the same way, as in the Second Period. Finally, the following Annual Corrections for place of Equinox were applied:— $ s S 1840 - - – o 'og 1843 - - + o 'o'7 1846 - - + O ‘O4. 1841 - - – o 'og 1844 - - + o 'o6 1847 - - + o 'o6 1842 - - — O “O2 1845 – - + o 'o6 1848 - - + o 'o'7 The Obliquity, Longitude of Center, Ecliptic N. P. D. of Center (both at the instant of Transit of Center), and Mean Solar Time of Transit of Center, were found as in the Second Period. Fourth Period. From 1849 to 1851. For the Parallax, the same process and the same factor had been employed in the Greenwich Observations as in the year 1848. The correction therefore was effected in precisely the same way as in the Third Period, using the proportionate part of rººm, as in 1848, for the alteration which had been made in the Section “H. and W. Diam. and R.A. and N. P. D.,” and which was to be undone before applying Adams' correction. For the Semidiameter in North Polar Distance, it is to be remarked that the Semidiameter of the Nautical Almanac had been increased before the application in the Section “Zenith Distances observed, &c.,” by rºo + Tokyo part, or sensibly by sºr part. The theory of the correction to be applied therefore is the following:— Semidiameter which ought to be used = N.A. Semidiameter + o- 27.25 × C. -- . × Hor. Par. Semidiameter which has been used = N.A. Semidiameter + sº N.A. Semidiameter = N.A. Semidiameter + º × Hor. Par. Therefore the correction to be applied is— o:27.25 × C. -- (.- **) X HOT Par. = o'27.25 × C. — GREEN WICE LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831– 1851. o'ooo 1605 × Hor. Par. xviii REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. The formation of these numbers was very easy. The two corrections (for Parallax and Semidiameter) were applied to the N. P. D. of Center in the Section “H. and V. Diam. and R. A. and N. P. D.,” and a finally corrected N. P. D. of Center was obtained. The Right Ascensions of Center at Time of Transit of Center were corrected as in the preceding Period: the annual corrections for Equinox being— 1849 & gº. gº + o 'o I I 85o wº º gº + O ‘O I 1851 º, gº gº + o 'oï and the remaining quantities were computed in the same way as in the preceding Period. It seems unnecessary to add anything to this description of processes; except that, when two limbs have been observed, each has been calculated separately as an independent observation. SECTION II. CoMPUTATION of THE Moon's TABULAR PLACE FOR CoMPARISON WITH MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. Allusion has already been made, under Section I., to the process for computing Observed Longitudes and Latitudes of the Moon's Center from the Observed R.A. and N.P.D. When more than one limb has been observed in either or both elements, the results have been computed and are exhibited in the following order:— If I L. and 2 L. are observed in R.A., and a single limb in N.P.D. ; I L. is combined with limb observed in N.P.D., 2 L. is combined with limb observed in N.P.D. If a single limb is observed in R.A., and N.L. and S.L. in N.P.D. ; Limb observed in R.A. is combined with N.L., Limb observed in R.A. is combined with S.L. If both limbs are observed in R.A., and both limbs in N.P.D. ; I L. is combined with mean of N.L. and S.L., 2 L. is combined with mean of N.L. and S.L., Mean of I L. and 2 L. is combined with N.L., Mean of I L. and 2 L. is combined with S.L. For the process of computing the Moon's Tabular Longitude and E.P.D., I refer to the “Reductions,” Introduction, pages lxx to lxxxii. (It is always to be borne in mind that, as has been stated, the parallax is corrected for use by application of the constant — 1"-36.) The same tables have been used (with a partial exception INTRODUCTION: CoMPUTATION OF TABULAR PLACEs. xix. to be described hereafter) and the same errors have been committed. Thus the Tabular Longitudes ought to have been increased by –6 '4 . sin (2/--a!—4t)+ 6-4 ... sin (2/-H2—4t) or +o 4. sin (2/--a-4t-H2Oo") + o '4. Sin (2/-H2-4t). ſ It appears also from a letter from Mr. Adams to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, dated 1853, June 1, that there is probably good foundation for the following additional corrections by Mr. Longstreth, given in the American Nautical Almanac, 1855, Appendix, page 5:- // 3 6. sin (2t—2a+2) . sin (2t–2a–2) ... sin (a' —2%) ... sin (4t—2a: + 2004) , sin (2t+ 2y+2004) ... sin (2t—a:-z-H 2004) ... sin (2t+2+2004) ... sin (a +2) . Sin (4t-i-a) ... sin (4t–22–2) 5 o “5. Sin (2t—a-29) Mr. Adams also points out the following corrections:— In Ecliptic Polar Distance : f + % 'I . sin (2t+y+ 2004) In Parallax :* + 6.5 + o-6. cos 2t + o '4. . cos (2t—a) + o '5. cos (2t—2a:--2004) + 1 9. cos (2/-a-H 2004) When the equations given by the individual observations for the correction of the necessary Fundamental Epochs and for the coefficients of the Principal Equations are grouped in large masses, the effects of these terms will entirely disappear, with the exception only of the constant correction to Parallax, of which it will not be difficult to take account. As the computation for all the terms for each individual observation would be troublesome, I have not thought it necessary to carry it out. But if it should be thought necessary hereafter to compute some special observations with the greatest accuracy, facility will be given by the following Table, which gives for each argument the first day in each year from 1750 to 1851, when the argument vanishes, and the number of days corresponding to a complete period of the argument. * Error in the “Reductions, &c.,” Introduction, page lxxii, fourth line from bottom, for 7.77" 2 read 7.87°-2. c 2 XX REDUCTION OF GREENwroń LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 1851. Argument|| 4–2–3 || “..., | *...* | *...* | *..., | “..., | *...* | *...* IPeriod of d d d d d d d d Argument. 38'9639 I6'8866 47 I’8929 13 I-6712 26'8783 I5'906o 7'o81o 34:8468 Year. First day of each year, in which the argument is o. d d d d d a d d 1750 || Jan. 2: 18 Jan. 17:07 Apr. 27:20 Jan. I5'O3 Jan. 9°78 Jan. 3-68 Jan. 19:56 1751 || Jan. 26.82 Jan. 6.70 | Feb. 27.65|Jan. 15:53 Jan. 26:33 Jan. Io'62 Jan. 6'90 Jan. 3-04 1752 || Jan. 12:50 Jan. 1320|June 13:55 Feb. 14.54|Jan. 1075 Jan. I 146|Jan. 303 Jan. 21:35 1753 || Feb. 5:13 Jan. I-82 Sept. 28.44 Mar. 15:56 Jan. 21:04 Jan. I 1:30 Jan. 524 Jan. 3.82 1754 || Jan. 2 I-81 Jan. 8:33 Apr. 14:58 Jan. 5°46 Jan. 12' I 3 || Jan. I-37 Jan. 22. 13 1755 || Jan. 7-49 Jan. 14.82 Jan. 13:33|Jan. 2:91 Jan. 1675 Jan. 12-97 Jan. 4:58 Jan. 5-61 1756 || Feb. 1: 13 Jan. 4:45 Apr. 29.23 Feb. I'92 | Jan. I 17 | Jan. 1381 Jan. 7-80 |Jan. 23.92 1757 || Jan. 16.80 Jan. 995 || Aug. 14 12 Mar. 2:94 || Jan. I I'47 Jan. 13-64 Jan. 2'93 Jan. 6'39 1758 || Jan. 2:48 Jan. 16.45||Nov. 29'oz Apr. I'96 Jan. 22.77 Jan. 14-48 || Jan. 6'14 Jan. 24.70 1759 || Jan. 27. 12 Jan. 6'o8 May 1.97 Jan. 7: 18 Jan. 15:32 Jan. 2:27 Jan. 8:18 1766 || Jan. 12-80 || Jan. 12.58|Mar. 14'go Jan. 20'31 Jan. 1848 Jan. 16.16|Jan. 548 Jan. 26.49 1761 || Feb. 5:43 Jan. 1:20 June 29.8o Feb. 1832 Jan. I go Jan. 1599 || Jan. 7.69 |Jan. 8.96 1762 || Jan. 22. I Jan. 771 || Oct. 14.69 |Mar. 20:34 Jan. 13 19 Jan. 16.83 Jan. 3.82 Jan. 27.27 1763 || Jan. 779 || Jan. 14:20 Apr. 19:35 | Jan. 24′49 || Jan. I'77 | Jan. 7'o'4 Jan. Io'75 1764 || Feb. 1:42 Jan. 3.83 Jan. 29'58 Jan. 7-69 Jan. 891 Jan. 2:60 Jan. 3' 17 Jan. 29'06 1765 || Jan. 17. Io Jan. 9°34 May 15:47 | Feb. 570 Jan. 1921 Jan. 2:44 Jan. 5°38|Jan. I 1-53 1766 || Jan. 278|Jan. 15.83|Aug. 30.37 || Mar. 771 Jan. 3-62 |Jan. 328 Jan. 1:52 Jan. 29.85 1767 || Jan. 27.41 Jan. 5°46 || Dec. 15:26 Apr. 6.74 Jan. 14'92 || Jan. 4-12 Jan. 473 Jan. 13:32 1768 || Jan. 13:09 || Jan. I I '96 May 575 Jan. 26:21 Jan. 4:95 Jan. 794 Jan. 31.63 1769 || Feb. 573 Jan. 17:46 Mar. 31'15|Jan. 24.08 || Jan. 9'63 Jan. 479 Jan. 3-07 |Jan. 14. Io 1776 || Jan. 22:41 Jan. 7:09|July 16:05 | Feb. 23. Io Jan. 20.93|Jan. 563 Jan. 6'29 |Feb. 1:41 1771 || Jan. 8:08 Jan. 13:58 || Oct. 30.94 | Mar. 25.12 || Jan. 5°34 Jan. 6'47 Jan. 2:42 |Jan. 15.89 1772 || Feb. 1:72 Jan. 321 Apr. 23: 13 Jan. 16-64 Jan. 7:30 Jan. 5-63 Feb. 3:20 1773 || Jan. 17:40 Jan. 8.72 Feb. 13.83 Jan. I I-47 Jan. 26'94 Jan. 7: 14 Jan. 7:84 |Jan. 16.67 1774 || Jan. 3:08 Jan. 15:21 |May 31.73 | Feb. 10-48 || Jan. I 1.35|Jan. 7'98 |Jan. 3.97 ||Feb. 3.98 1775 || Jan. 27.71 |Jan. 4:84 Sept. 15.62 Mar. 12:50 Jan. 22-65 Jan. 8:82 Jan. 7:19 Jan. 18:45 1776 || Jan. 1339|Jan. 11:34 Dec. 30.52 Apr. 10:51 Jan. 7:07 || Jan. 965 Jan. 332 Jan. 1-92 1777 || Feb. 6:03 |Jan. 16.85 May 1o:53 Jan. 17:37 Jan. 9°48 || Jan. 5:53 Jan. 1923 1778 || Jan. 22.70 || Jan. 6'47 |Apr. 16:41 Jan. 28.86 Jan. 178|Jan. 10:33|Jan. 1:66|Jan. 271 1779 || Jan. 8:38|Jan. 12'96 || Aug. 1:30 | Feb. 27.88 Jan. 13 o8|Jan. I 1-16 || Jan. 487 Jan. 21:12 1786 || Feb. 2:02 Jan. 2'59 Nov. 15'19 |Mar. 28'go Jan. 24:38 Jan. I 1-99 || Jan. 8:08 |Jan. 4:49 1781 || Jan. 17.70 || Jan. 8:09 Apr. 27.91 || Jan. 779 Jan. I I '83 || Jan. 3:22 Jan. 21.8o 1782 || Jan. 3:37 Jan. 14:59 |Mar. 2'o8|Jan. 16:24 Jan. 19'og | Jan. 12-67 Jan. 6'43|Jan. 5°28 1783 || Jan. 28.01 Jan. 4:22|June 16'98 ||Feb. 15:26 Jan. 3.51 |Jan. 13:51 Jan. 2:56|Jan. 23:59 1784 || Jan. 1369|Jan. 1072 | Sept. 30.87 Mar. 16'28 Jan. 14'8o Jan. 14:34 Jan. 577 |Jan. 7'oz 1785 || Feb. 6:33 |Jan. 16-22 Apr. 15:29 Jan. 25' I I Jan. 14° 18 Jan. 7'98 |Jan. 24:37 1786 || Jan. 23:02 Jan. 5.85 Jan. 1576 Jan. 3-62 Jan. 9°52 Jan. 15 oz Jan. 4-12 |Jan. 7-85 1787 || Jan. 8.68|Jan. 12:34|May 2.66 | Feb. 2:64|Jan. 20.81 |Jan. 1586 Jan. 7-33 Jan. 26-16 1788 || Feb. 2:32 Jan. I’97 Aug. 16.54|Mar. 3-65 Jan. 5°23 Jan. 16-69 |Jan. 346 Jan. 9.63 1789 || Jan. 18:oo Jan. 7-48 || Dec. 1:44 Apr. 2.67 || Jan. 15:53 Jan. 16:53 Jan. 5.67 Jan. 26.94 1790 || Jan. 3-67 Jan. 1397 May 2-69 || Jan. 26.82 | Jan. I'47 Jan. I-80 |Jan. 1 o'42 1791 || Jan. 28-31 || Jan. 360 |Mar. 1833 Jan. 21'oz Jan. I 24 Jan. 2:31 Jan. 5°o2 Jan. 28.73 1792 || Jan. 1399 || Jan. Io'Io July 2:23 Feb. 20:04 || Jan. 22:54 Jan. 3:14 Jan. 1: 15 Jan. 12:20 1793 ||Feb. 6.62 Jan. 15.60 Oct. 17. I 1 |Mar. 21'o6 |Jan. 5'95 || Jan. 2'98 |Jan. 3:36|Jan. 29'51 1794 || Jan. 23:30 Jan. 5°23 Apr. 20:07 Jan. 17:26 Jan. 3.82 Jan. 6'58 Jan. 12-99 1795 || Jan. 8.98 || Jan. 1172 | Feb. 1 of Jan. 8:40 Jan. I-67 Jan. 4.66 Jan. 2.81 Jan. 31:30 1796 || Feb. 2:62 Jan. 1:35 | May 1791 | Feb. 7'42 Jan. 12'96 || Jan. 5°49 || Jan. 5'92 |Jan. 1477 1797 || Jan. 18:30 Jan. 6'85 Sept. 1:79 |Mar. 8:44 Jan. 23:26 Jan. 533 Jan. 1'o6 |Feb. 1-08 1798 || Jan. 3.97 || Jan. 13.35 | Dec. 17.69 Apr. 7:45 Jan. 7-68 Jan. 6' 17 | Jan. 4:26 Jan. 15:56 16.1 ounſ zo.og ºutſ |z0. I uuſ o6.g. upſ: 99.21 ºutſ og.VI ºutſ’ og.z ‘upſ: 14.4 ºut ſº 16.8 ºutſ, 91.91 Iſadv 82.91 ºut ſº gg.z I ºut: £ 31.4 ºut: £ V6.oz ºut ſº W5.91 ºutſ’ og.9 ºutſ: Io. I I upſ z6.4 ºutſ 99.62 q91 g2.6z ºut, ſº zº.6 ºutſ | 97.6 ºutfi ºg.9 ºut ſº go.” I upſ: 44.9 ºutſ’ og.81 ºutſ: $6.1 ºutſ. gg.91 ºutſ og.z I ºut ſº 62.9 ºutſ' g I. I ºutſ 96.71 ºut, ſº I Z.91 ºutſ' g6.9 ºut, ſº og.9% ºutſ 91.2 I tieſ, 49. Iz ounſ, 49.42 ºut: £ g I. I upſ ZV.Z ºut, ſº 12.9% ºut ſº gº.z I ºupſ: ZI.2 ºutſ: 42.9 ºutſ' 41.8 ºutſ. 88.g. Kujū 96.01 ºutſ ||64. I I ‘upſ oA.2 ºutſ | 16.4 ºutſ' 87. I I ‘ubſ' 21.9 ºutſ' 49. I 1 ºutſ' 81.V ºutſ. 6o.oz Jotuſ oo.4z ºutſ' 99.8 ºutſ' 86.9 ºutſ’ og. / I ºutſ' 29. I I ‘upſ’ og.g. "Utºp| 48.81 ºutſ’ oz. I ºutſ. oç. Z do I 9Z.o.1 ºut ſº 99.7 ºut, ſº 92.4 ºutſ’ off. I ºutſ 94.01 °ugſ' 47.9 ºutſ: 91.gz ºutſ | 8%. I 1 ºutſ. zy. I 1 Apng|29.gz uſeſ 91.91 ºutſ' 99.8 ºut: £ 32.OI ºutſ | 68.6 ºut, ſº go. I ºutſ | W8.9 ºutſ: 97.4 ºutſ. #9.gz AuſAI | 89.8 ºutſ go. I 1 ºutſ | 18.6 ºutſ 99.81 ºutſ 90.6 ºut, ſº gg.9 ºutſ' 21.2 I ºutſ’ gy.9 ºutſ g3.8 ſpidy go. #2 ºutſ | 68.4 ºupſ og.z ºutſ' 42.4 ºutſ, 41.6 ºut £ 28.7 uſeſ 97.61 ºutſ: 49.41 ºutſ 90. Zz qaj | 16.4 ºutſ | 94.9 ºutſ | 84.9 ºutſ’ go.z I ºutſ’ og.8 ºutſ' oo.2 ºutſ' 24.9% ºutſ | 89.01 ºutſ Zz.9 ºutp: 46.22 upg|69.41 ºutſ |go.g ºutſ’ go. Iz upſ: #4.4 ºutſ' 81.1 upſ: ok.9 ºutſ: 69.9 ºutſ. 69.41 ounſ 92.9 ºut ſº 92.01 ºut ſº | #2.9 ºut: £ 29.g. "[It'ſ 89.9 ºut ſº 41.9 ºut, ſº o4.21 ºut: £ 14.2 ºutſ o9.82 Iſidy oç.zz ºutſ 21.4 ºutſ | 19.8 ºutſ’ 20.91 ºutſ: 14.9 ºutſ g2.4 ºutſ 66.61 ºutſ 96.91 ºutſ. 18.91 Joruń 99.9 ºut: £ 66.2 ºutſ | 68.6 ºut: £ oy.9% 'uºſº | g g.g. utºſ' 29.2 ºutſ' 82.9% ºutſ’ go.6 ºut, ſº zo.92 ºutſ. 99.oz ºutſ 99.21 ºutſ 89. I ºut: £ oo.8 ºutſ | 66.7 ºutſ | Zg.9 ºutſ 96.9 ºutſ: 96.9 ºutſ #1.4 Kinſ | 88.9 ºutſ |og.6 ºutſ 88.2 ºutſ: 69.91 ºut: £ 21.4 ºutſ o4.4 ºutſ 92.21 ºutſ: 86.1 ºutſ. g2.31 Aupu g6.61 ºutſ' 49.9 ºut: £ 21.9 ºutſ ||66. I ºutſ 92.% ºutſ' 88.9 ºut, ſº 99.oz ºutſ' 61.91 ºutſ 99.2 II,[dy Iz.9 tieſ 22.2 ºut: £ 1%.9 ºut: £ 42.01 °ugſ 62.9 ºut, ſº go.z ‘It’ſ zz. 1 ºut ſº Iz.6 ºut, ſº 13.71 ‘qogſ 32.81 ºutſ | 98.2 I ºut ſº 69.4 ºutſ’ g4.81 ºutſ' 99.2 ºutſ’ go.9 ºutſ' 29.4 ºutſ' 22.9 ºutſ' 68.92 Kinſ, 29.1 ºutſ 94.8 ºutp| 90.6 ºut: £ g2.2 ºutſ |49. I ºutſ' 22.4 ºut, ſº 28.21 ºutſ’ Va. I ‘ugſ I 1.4 ounſ, op. 41 ºutſ og.g ºutſ | 99.1 ºutſ' 24.21 ºutſ: o3. I truſ IV.9 ºut, ſº | ZI. Iz'ut, ſº 97.21 ºutſ zg.zz piadv| 49.1 ºutſ | Av. I up f | 96.2 ºut: £ Z 1.1z ºutſ' 49.4.1 ºut ſº 89. I ºutſ ||64. I upſ: 87.8 ºut, ſº 2g.9 qoraj, |26.91 ºutſ ol.2 I ºut ſº I Z.V ºutſ' 24.9 ºutſ: 14.91 ºutſ | 89.9 ºutſ | 60.8 ºutſ’ 67.4 ºutſ go.91 ºutfloo. 12 ºutſ, 46.4 ºutſ' 87.9 ºut, ſº I 1.71 ºut ſº v3.91 ºutſ g4.9 ºut, ſº 69.VI treſ oA.Ví ºutſ 98.92 ounſ, gz.g. I upſ 28.4 ºutſ 44.4 “It'ſ 67.92 ºutſ' 86.91 ºutſ 96.2 °ugſ | 89. I & ‘upſ | ZZ. I I IIgſ. go.z1 Keju z9.og 'up'ſ Zy.g. I truſ’ wo.6 ºutſ’ 60.8 ºutſ' 21.9 I uſeſ I 1.1 ºutſ 99.2 °ubſ: 94.4 ºutſ 82.92 qoreſ | 89.91 ºut ſº | #2. I I ºut, ſº | Z2.OI ºutſ 47.91 ºut: £ gz. VI ºut, ſº I I.G ‘Utſ G9.8 ºut, ſº g4.9 ºut, ſº og. A qaq gg.82 ºut, ſº Iz.4 ºut, ſº | Io.z ºutſ’ 80. I ºutſ 62.21 ºutſ, 82.9 ºut, ſº g6.3. I ‘ugſ' 46.91 ºutſ 19.91 Árnſ off.z1 ºutſ Zo.4 ºutſ ||62.4 ºutſ | 97.01 ºutſ: 99.9 I truſ gº.z ‘ueſ gz.zz ºutſ | 66.01 °treſ 98.19 Aujº 46.4.2 ºut ſº I Z.VI ºut, ſº 99.9 ºut, ſº yg.81 ºut ſº 99.21 ºutſ’ gy.9 ºutſ 26.2 °ubſ' oo.4 ºut, ſº #o.g. I IIIdy|92. I 1 ºut f | Zg.or 'up'ſ g8.9 ºutſ | WV.2 ºutſ’ og. I I ºutſ 99.4 ºutſ' 22.6 ºutſ | 20.9 ºutſ' gz. Zz qaj oç.92 ºut, ſº Vy.9 ºut ſº Z 1.8 ºut, ſº z8. I 1 ºutſ 26.or ºut, ſº O3.2 ºut, ſº I g.g. I ‘ubſ' 22.91 ºut, ſº 94.21 ºut ſº 99.01 ºutſ 19.9 ºut ſº ov.of ‘upſ Iz, Iz ºutſ. Zo. I 1 ºutſ 86.1 tieſ | 18.2% ugſ gº...or 'upſ 89.oz ounſ, 29.gz ‘ubſ. W6.9 I 'treſ 6o.z ºutſ 18.9 ºut ſº I Z.o.1 ºutſ' 86.9 ºutſ' 87.9 ºutſ 92.9 ºutſ og.W Kaj | 88.8 ºut ſº | 18.6 ºutſ' 49.9 ºutſ oz.VI ‘ubſ’ v2.6 ºutſ | g I.V ºut, ſº | 84.6 °ubſ 82.2 ºut, ſº oo.61 q0.101) g6.92 ºut ſº | 89.g. 'Ugſ go.” ‘treſ | 89. ZZ ºutſ | 84.8 ºutſ 99.2 ºut, ſº 80.91 ºutſ’ og.z I ºut, ſº 1z. I qaj Iz.8 ºut ſº ºc. z ºutſ' 96.9 ºutſ 41.8 ºutſ' 29.8 ºut, ſº | Ig. I truſ 49.9% ºutſ' Ig.6 ºutſ 99.01 Apng|Az.gz ‘ueſ 81.21 ºutſ oz.8 ºutſ 99.91 ºutſ' g4.4 ºutſ | 19.9 ºutſ | Wo.7 ºutſ' 29.9 ºutſ gg.ºz Kuſt 99.9 ºutſ' vo.6 ºutſ: 47.6 ºut: £ 91.1 ºutſ 68.9 ºutſ | 89.9 ºutſ’ V2.0 I uſeſ: #g. I ºutſ' g4.4 pºidy o9.1z ºut ſº 16.4 ºut £ 41. I uſeſ #9.6 ºutſ' go.9 ºutſ: 98.1 ºutſ | #9.91 ºutſ 94. I I It'ſ 96.oz qol g3.g. 'uºſº | 84. I ºut, ſº gº.9 ºutſ | #6.81 ºut ſº 91.9 ºutſ’ Vo. 1 ºutſ | #6.9% ºutſ | 84.8 ºutſ' 81.g. "[It'ſ 96.oz ‘ueſ Iv.z1 ºutſ ZZ.V ºutſ | #9.2 ºutſ’ og.g ºut, ſº go.g. utºſº | 19.4 ºutſ | 64.4 ºutſ' o9.91 ounſ 31.4 ºut ſº | 82.8 ºut, ſº | Io.9 ºut ſº | 16. I I ºutſ | WW.W IIB ſº | I Z.9 ºut; ſº I 6.01 ºut, ſº Io.g. 1 ºut, ſº 1g./z IIIdy gz.61 uſeſ | g 1.7 ºut, ſº | 82.4 ºut; ſº oç.oz ‘It’ſ Zg.9 ºut, ſº | 89.1 ºutſ oz.41 ºut, ſº | Zo. I I ‘ubſ’ z/. I I Iſolº Ig.9 ºutſ zo. I ‘Utſ 99.6 ºut: £ off.g. "[It] ſº I Z.9 ºut, ſº | 89.9 ºut; ſº og.” Z ‘upſ | 20.8 ºut, ſº #6.7z ºutſ | 89.81 ºut ſº gg, I I ºutſ gº. I ‘It’ſ 32.71 uſeſ | #8.2 ºutſ 99.7 °ubſ 41.g. "[It'ſ go.7 ºutſ go.g. Kinſ’ 98.1 ºut ſº zg.4 ºut ſº 99.2 ºut: £ 99.2% ºutſ' 86. I ºut, ſº | 74.2 ºut, ſº 47. I I ºut: £ 42.71 ºut, ſº p p p p p ‘p p p p to SI quotunj.It alſº qopt A uſ ‘Iba A qo'ba Jo Kep 1s.III 1z68.8oz 61 18.1% £991.71 ! I / S.6 97!!.82 Zo89.91 9&z8.8 1 Iz9.8 Z 1, 16I.? I p p p p p p p p p OOZ ;OOZ GOOZ OO ſº. a — 12 72 : jºi... 2—acz – 17 a + qi, 2 + 3: º: Ixx STOVT.I &IVIſlav L IO NOILVLſld WoO : NOILondon.INI xxii REDUCTION of GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. Argument. 4t— 29-a- *: #y 2. *: * 2 as: : 2. jº †: *...! *…* Period of d d d d d d d d Argument. 38'9639 I6'8866 471 ‘8929 I31 -6712 26'8783 I5'906o 7:08 Io 34:8468 Year. First day of each year, in which the argument is o. d d d d d d d 1799 || Jan. 28-61 Jan. 2'98 May 7:46 Jan. 1897 Jan. 7 or Jan. 7-48 ||Feb. 2'87 1866 || Jan. 14:29 Jan. 9°48 Apr. 3'58 Jan. 25.8o Jan. 3:39 Jan. 7-85 Jan. 3-61 |Jan. 17:34 1801 || Feb. 7.92 Jan. 1598 || July 1948 Feb. 24.81 Jan. 14.69 Jan. 8.68|Jan. 6'82 |Feb. 4-65 1802 || Jan. 24.60 | Jam. 5-60 | Nov. 3:37 || Mar. 26.83 Jan. 25'98 || Jan. 9'51 Jan. 2'95 |Jan. 19' 12 1803 || Jan. IO-28 || Jan. 12' Io Apr. 25.85 Jan. IO-40 || Jan. 1 o'35 | Jan. 6' 16 Jan. 2:60 1804 || Feb. 391 |Jan. I-73 Feb. 1825 Jan. 14, 18 Jan. 21.70 |Jan. I I 19 Jan. 2:30 Jan. 20.91 1805 || Jan. 19:59 Jan. 7:23 June 4: 15|Feb. 12' 19 Jan. 5: I I Jan. I I'oz Jan. 4:51 Jan. 3:39 1806 || Jan. 5-27 | Jan. 1373 Sept. 19°o4 Mar. 14:21 Jan. 16:41 Jan. I I '86 Jan. 773 Jan. 2 I-69 1807 || Jan. 29.91 || Jan. 3:36 Apr. 13:23 Jan. 27.70 || Jan. 12.70 || Jan. 3.86 Jan. 5°17 1808 || Jan. 15:59 Jan. 9.85 Jan. 393 |May 12'24 Jan. 12' 12 Jan. 13:54 Jan. 7'o'7|Jan. 23.48 1809 || Feb. 8:22|Jan. 15:36 Apr. 1983 Jan. 30.57 Jan. 22.42 Jan. 1337 Jan. 2:20 Jan. 5°95 1816 || Jan. 24.90 Jan. 4'98 || Aug. 4:72 | Mar. I'59 Jan. 6'83 Jan. 142 I Jan. 5°41 Jan. 24-26 1811 || Jan. Io:58 Jan. I 1-48 || Nov. 19:62 Mar. 31.61 Jan. 18'13 Jan. 15:05 || Jan. I'54 Jan. 774 1812 || Feb. 4-2 1 || Jan. I II Apr. 29.62 Jan. 2:55 Jan. 1588 Jan. 475 |Jan. 26°o4 1813 || Jan. 19.89 Jan. 6'61 Mar. 5-50 Jan. 1796 Jan. 12.85 Jan. 1572 Jan. 6'97 |Jan. 8:52 1814 || Jan. 5-57 Jan. 13'1 1 June 20-40 | Feb. 16'97 |Jan. 24; 14 Jan. 16:56 Jan. 3. Io Jan. 26.83 1815 || Jan. 30.20 Jan. 274 || Oct. 5:29 Mar. 1899 || Jan. 8:56 Jan. I'49 Jan. 6-31 |Jan. Io'31 1816 || Jan. 15.88 Jan. 9°24 Apr. 17°oo Jan. 19'86 Jan. 2:33 Jan. 2:44 Jan. 28-61 1817 | Feb. 8-52 Jan. 14.74 Jan. 19. 18 Jan. 5°34 Jan. 3-27 | Jan. 2' 17 Jan. 4-65 Jan. I I’og 1818 || Jan. 25.20 | Jan. 4:37 May 6'07 | Feb. 4:35 | Jam. I4:57 || Jan. 3-ol Jan. 787 Jan. 29°40 1819 || Jan. 10.88 |Jan. 1086 Aug. 20.96 || Mar. 6:36|Jan. 25.87|Jan. 384 Jan. 4'oo Jan. 12.87 1826 || Feb. 4:51 Jan. 17:37 || Dec. 486 || Apr. 4’39 Jan. Io'29 Jan. 4'68 Jan. 7:21 Jan. 31' 18 1821 || Jan. 20' 19 Jan. 5'99 May 4:40 Jan. 20:58 Jan. 4-52 Jan. 2'34 Jan. 13.65 1822 || Jan. 5.87 Jan. 12:49 Mar. 2 I-75 Jan. 22.73 || Jan. 5°oo Jan. 5°36 Jan. 5:55 |Jan. 31.97 1823 || Jan. 30.50 Jan. 2' 12 July 6-65 Feb. 21.74 Jan. 16-32 Jan. 6'20 Jan. I'68|Jan. 15:44 1824 || Jan. 16, 18 Jan. 8:62 || Oct. 20:54 Mar. 22.76 Jan. 27°59 Jan. 7:03 Jan. 490 ||Feb. 275 1825 || Feb. 8-82 Jan. 14' 12 Apr. 21.78 Jan. I 1 or Jan. 6'87 Jan. 7: I 1 Jan. 16:23 1826 || Jan. 25'49 Jan. 3.74 | Feb. 4:43 Jan. Io. I I Jan. 22.31 || Jan. 7.71 Jan. 3.24 |Feb. 3-54 1827 || Jan. I 1-17 | Jan. 10'24 |May 22:32 Feb. 9 13 Jan. 6'72 |Jan. 8:55 Jan. 6'45|Jan. 18:01 1828 || Feb. 4-81 Jan. 1675 Sept. 5:21 Mar. 1 o' 15 Jan. 18:02 || Jan. 9°37 Jan. 2.58|Jan. 1'48 1829 || Jan. 20:49 Jan. 5°37 Dec. 21. Io Apr. q 16 Jan. I’44 Jan. 9°21 Jan. 4-80 |Jan. 1879 1830 || Jan. 6'17 | Jan. I 1-87 May 9' 18 Jan. I 2.73 Jan, Io'o.5 Jan. 8°o I Jan. 2'27 1831 || Jan. 30.8o Jan. 18:38 Apr. 7°oo Jan. 27:51 Jan. 24°O3 Jan. I O'89 Jan. 4: 14 Jan. 20:58 1832 || Jan. 16-48 || Jan. 8'oo July 2 I-89 |Feb. 26'52 Jan. 8:45 Jan. I I'73|Jan. 7:37 Jan. 4'o5 1833 || Jan. 1: 16 Jan. 13:50 | Nov. 5'79 Mar. 27°54 Jan. 1874 || Jan. I I ‘56 || Jan. 2:49 |Jan. 21:37 1834 || Jan. 25.79 Jan. 3-12 Apr. 26'56 Jan. 3-16 || Jan. 12:40 Jan. 570 Jan. 4.84 1835 || Jan. I 1.47 Jan. 9-62 | Feb. 20.68 Jan. 14.89 Jan. 14:46 Jan. 13:23 Jam. 1.83 Jau. 23:15 1836 || Feb. 5: I I Jan. 16' 13 June 6'58 Feb. 1391 || Jan. 25.75 Jan. 14'o'7 Jan. 5°o5 Jan. 6'62 1837 || Jan. 20.78 Jan. 475 | Sept. 21:46 Mar. 14.93|Jan. 9°17 Jan. 1391 || Jan. 7:27 Jan. 23.93 1838 || Jan. 6'46 Jan. I I ‘25 Apr. 13-94 Jan. 20:47 Jan. 1474 Jan. 3:39 Jan. 7:41 1839 || Jan. 31 Io Jan. 1776|| Jan. 6'35 | Jan. 2:27 Jan. 488 |Jan. 15:58 Jan. 6'60 Jan. 25.72 1846 || Jan. 1678 Jan. 7:38|Apr. 22-25 | Feb. 1:28 Jan. 16 18 Jan. 1642 |Jan. 273 |Jan. 9:19 1841 || Jan. 1:46 Jan. 12.88 Aug. 7:14 Mar. 2:30 Jan. 26-48 || Jan. 16:26 Jan. 495 |Jan. 26.50 1842 || Jan. 26-09 || Jan. 2:50 | Nov. 22:03 Apr. 1:32 Jan. Io'89 Jan. I 19|Jan. I'o8|Jan. 998 1843 || Jan. I 177 Jan. 9°or May I 33 Jan. 22° 19 Jan. 2:03 || Jan. 4:29 Jan. 28:28 1844 || Feb. 5:41 Jan. 15:51 Mar. 7'92 || Jan. 19.67 Jan. 6'61 Jan. 2:87 Jan. 7:50 Jan. 1176 1845 || Jan. 21'o6 Jan. 4:13 June 22.82 Feb. 17-68 Jan. 16'90 Jan. 271 Jan. 2:63|Jan. 29'07 1846 || Jan. 6'76|Jan. Io'63 || Oct. 771 Mar. 1970 Jan. 1:32 Jan. 3-55 Jan. 5'85 Jan. 12:55 1847 || Jan. 31'4o Jan. 17° 13 Apr. 1871 Jan. 12.62 Jan. 4:38 Jan. I'98 |Jan. 30.85 INTRODUCTION: CoMPUTATION OF TABULAR PLACEs. xxiii *..., | *** || 4-2 || 4–2–2 | *.*.* | *... at at—a ...; d d (l d d d d d d 14, 1917 25-621.7 5-82 26 I6'6302 23°7746 9'571 7 14.7653 31 ‘8119 205'8927 First day of each year, in which the argument is o. d d d d d d : (l d d Jan. 12'90 Jan. 24:04 |Jan. 4'42 Jan. 15.67 Jan. 4, 18 Jan. 4-62 |Jan. 6'05 |Jan. 14-95 |July 1870 Jan. 2.67 Jan. 1774 Jan. 6.25 Jan. 16:53 Jan. 19:58 Jan. 3:44 Jan. 1 o' 18 Jan. 31.70 | Feb. 9'58 Jan. 6'66 Jan. I 1:44 Jan. 2:25 Jan. 17.39|Jan. I 19 Jan. 2:07 |jan. 14:32 Jan. 16-63 |March 28°37 Jan. Io-65 Jan. 5' 15 Jan. 4'o8 Jan. 1:63 Jan. 2.81 Jan. Io:37 Jan. 3.68|Jan. 1:56 |May 14:16 Jan. 1463 Jan. 24.47 Jan. 5°go Jan. 2:49 Jan. 18:21 Jan. 9° 10 Jan. 7-82 Jan. 1830 June 2994 Jan. 4'41 |Jan. 18. I 8|Jan. I go |Jan. 3-35 Jan. 982 Jan. 7-82 Jan. I I-95 |Jan. 3.23 Jan. 2 I-83 Jan. 7.39|Jan. Io'88 Jan. 272 |Jan. 3:22 Jan. 24:22 Jan. 5-54 Jan. 15:08 Jan. 1898 || March 8-61 Jan. I I 38|Jan. 4:58 Jan. 4:54 Jan. 4'o6 Jan. 1584 Jan. 4:26 Jan. 4:45 Jan. 391 |April 24:41 Jan. I 16|Jan. 23.91 Jan. 6'37 Jan. 494 Jan. 7:46 |Jan. 2:99 |Jan. 8:58|Jan. 20.65 |June 1 o' 19 Jan. 5' 15 Jan. 17-61 Jan. 2:37 |Jan. 5'81 Jan. 22.85 Jan. 1:71 |Jan. 1271 |Jam. 5-58 Jan. 2'o8 Jan. 8: 14 Jan. 1 o'31 Jan. 320 Jan. 5-67 Jan. 13.47 |Jan. 9°o2 Jan. I'o8 Jan. 21:33 Feb. 16.86 Jan. 12' 12 Jan. 4°o2 Jan. 5°o2 Jan. 6'54 Jan. 5°og Jan. 776 Jan. 521 Jan. 6'26|April 4'65 Jan. I-90 |Jan. 23.35|Jan. I'O3 Jan. 7-40 |Jan. 20:49 |Jan. 6'47 |Jan. 9°34 Jan. 23°oo |May 21:44 Jan. 5'88 |Jan. 17°o5 Jan. 2.85 Jan. 8:26 Jan. 12. Io Jan. 5' 18 Jan. 13.47 |Jan. 793 July 6:23 Jan. 8:87 Jan. 975 Jan. 3-67 Jan. 8 13 Jan. 272 Jan. 2.91 Jan. I-84 |Jan. 23-67 || Jan. 28: II Jan. 12'85 Jan. 3-46 |Jan. 5:50 Jan. 8:gg|Jan. 18: 12 Jan. 1:63|Jan. 4'98 |Jan. 8:61 |March 15'89 Jan. 2:64 |Jan. 22.78 Jan. 1:50 Jan. 985 Jan. 973 |Jan. 994 |Jan. Io. I 1 Jan. 25-35 |May 1.69 Jan. 6'62 |Jan. 16.49 Jan. 3-32 Jan. Io'72 |Jan. I-35 Jan. 8:66|Jan. 14:24 Jan. 10-28 |June 16:47 Jan. 9-61 Jan. 9° 19 Jan. 4: 14 Jan. Io:58 Jan. 1575 Jan. 6'39 Jan. 2:61 Jan. 26°o2 |Jan. 8:36 Jan. 13:59 |Jan. 2'89 |Jan. 5°97 Jan. 11:44 Jan. 7:37 Jan, 5' 10 Jan. 6'74 |Jan. Io96 ||Feb. 23: 14 Jan. 3:37 |Jan. 22:22|Jan. I'98 |Jan. 12:31 Jan. 22.77 Jan. 3.83 Jan. Io:87 Jan. 27.70 |April 1 1-93 Jan. 7 35|Jan. I5'92 |Jan. 3.8o Jan. 13' 17 Jan. 14:39 Jan. 2.56 Jan. 15°oo |Jan. 12-63 |May 2772 Jan. Io'34 |Jan. 8:62 |Jan. 4-62 |Jan. 13:03 |Jan. 5°oo Jan. 9.86 Jan. 3:37 |Jan. 28'37 July 13:50 Jan. 14'32 |Jan. 2:33 Jan. 6'44 |Jan. 13.90 Jan. 20:40 Jan. 8:59 |Jan. 7:51 |Jan. 13:31 ||Feb. 4:39 Jan. 4: I 1 Jan. 2 I-66 Jan. 2:44 Jan. 14.76 Jan. 12'or Jan. 7-31 |Jan. I I-64 |Jan. 3O'o6 |March 23, 17 Jan. 8:02 || Jan. 15:36 |Jan. 4:27 Jan. 15.63 |Jan. 3-63 Jan. 6'03 |Jan. I or Jan. 14'98 |May 7-97 Jan. I I'o8 Jan. 8:06|Jan. 5°og Jan. 15:49 |Jan. 18:03 Jan. 375 |Jan. 4: 14 Jan. 3O'72 |June 23-75 Jan. 15-06 |Jan. I-77 Jan. 1: Io Jan. 16.35 Jan. 9-65 Jan. 2:48 Jan. 8:27 Jan. 15-65 Jan. 15:63 Jan. 484 |Jan. 2 I’og | Jan. 2'92 |Jan. 17:22 Jan. 1:26 Jan. ; 20 Jan. 12:41 ||Feb. I 40 |March 3:42 Jan. 8:83|Jan. 14-80 |Jan. 474 |Jan. 1:45 Jan. 16.66 Jan. 9°51 |Jan. 1.77|Jan. 1733|April 18:21 Jan. I I-82 Jan. 7:50 Jan. 5:57 Jan. I-31 |Jan. 7:28 Jan. 7:23 Jan. 4.91 |Jan. I'26|June 4:oo Jan. I-60 Jan. I-20 |Jon. I-57 Jan. 2:87 Jan. 22.68 Jan. 5'96 Jan. 9°o4 Jan. 18°oo |July 20.78 Jan. 5-58 |Jan. 20:53 Jan. 3-40 |Jan. 3-04 |Jan. 14-30 |Jan. 4-68 Jan. 1317|Jan. 2:94 | Feb. I I-67 Jan. 9°57 |Jam. 14'23 Jan. 5°22 Jan. 3'go Jan. 5'91 Jan. 3-40 |Jan. 2:53 Jan. 19'68 March 29°45 Jan. 12:55 |Jan. 6'94 Jan. 6'04 |Jan. 377 Jan. 20:31 Jan. 1: 12 Jan. 5-66 Jan. 3-61 |May 15:24 Jan. 2:33 |Jan. 26:26 Jan. 2:04 Jan. 4-63 Jan. I I'92 |Jan. 8:43 Jan. 9'80 Jan. 20'35 |July I'o.3 Jan. 6'32 Jan. 1997 |Jan. 3.86 Jan. 5:50 Jan. 3.54|Jan. 8: 15 Jan. 13.93|Jan. 5°28 Jan. , 22'91 Jan. Io:31 Jan. 13.67 Jan. 5-69 |Jan. 6'36 Jan. 1894 Jan. 6'88 Jan. 3:30 Jan. 22°o3 |March 970 Jan. 13:29 Jan. 6'37 Jan. 6'51 |Jan. 6'22 Jan. 9°56 Jan. 4:59 Jan. 6'43 |Jan. 5'96 |April 25*49 Jan. 3-07 |Jan. 25.70 |Jan. 2:52 |Jan. 7'og |Jan. 1: 18 Jan. 3:32 |Jan. Io:56|Jan. 22.70 |June II* 28 Jan. 7'o6 Jan. 19-40 |Jan. 4:34 Jan. 7-95 Jan. 16.58|Jan. 2:04 |Jan. 14.69 Jan. 7:63 Jan. 3. 16 Jan. 11'04 |Jan. 13'1 1 Jan. 6'17 Jan. 8:81 Jan. 8, 19 Jan. Io:35|Jan. 4'o6 Jan. 24:38 |Feb. 1895 Jan. 14'o2 Jan. 5'81 Jan. 1' 17 Jan. 8.68|Jan. 22.59 Jan. 8:07 Jan. 7: 19 Jan. 8:31 April 5'73 Jan. 3.81 Jan. 25 14 Jan. 3'oo |Jan. 9°54 Jan. 14:21 Jan. 6'80 Jan. 11:33 Jan. 25'05 |May 22:52 Jan. 779 Jan. 18.84 |Jan. 4-82 Jan. Io'4o Jan. 5-82 Jan. 5-51 Jan. 15:46 Jan. 998 |July 8:31 Jan. I 1.78 Jan. 12:54 Jan. 6'64 Jan. I I-27 |Jan. 21-22 Jan. 4:24 Jan. 4'83 |Jan. 26'73 Jan. , 3o 19 Jan. 1476 Jan. 5:25 Jan. 1:64 Jan. I 113 Jan. I 1.84 Jan. I-96 |Jan. 796|Jan. Io'66 |March 16'98 Jan. 4:54 Jan. 24:57 |Jan. 3:46 |Jan. I I '99 |Jan. 3.45|Jan. 1 o'27 Jan. 12'og Jan. 27.40 |May 277 Jan. 8:53 Jan. 18:28 Jan. 5°29 Jan. 12.86 Jan. 18.85 Jan. 8.99 |Jan. 1:46 Jan. 12:33 June 18:56 xxiv. REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. * & 4t— 23/– 2 2a – 28 — 2. 2a – 2 t + 2 2y—a. 4t — 2a: 2t + 2y 2i – a – 2 Argument. 4t— 23/– a . ſº + 2 oo!' + 2 oo!' + 2 oo!' + 2 oo!' + 2 oo!' + 2 oo9 JPeriod of d d d d d d d d Argument. 38'9639 I6'8866 471 3929 131.6712 26'8783 I5'906o 7°o81o 34:8468 Year. First day of each year, in which the argument is o. d d d d d d d d 1848 || Jan. 17:08 || Jan. 6'76 Jan. 22.59 Jan. 7'o'5 Jan. 2391 || Jan. 5°22 || Jan. 5' 19 Jan. 14’33 1849 || Jan. 175 Jan. 12:26 May 8:49 | Feb. 5:06 || Jan. 7:33|Jan. 5'o6 Jan. 7:40 Jan. 31-64 1850 || Jan. 26.39 Jan. I-88 Aug. 23:38 Mar. 7'o'7 Jan. 18.63 Jan. 5°go Jan. 3-53 Jan. 15:12 1851 || Jan. 12'o'7 Jan. 8:39 Dec. 8:28 Apr. 6'10 Jan. 304 || Jan. 6'73 Jan. 6.75 |Feb. 2:42 I shall now advert to the one departure which has been made from the Tables formerly used, and to the reason for it. In the Reductions from 1750 to 1830, the Daily Right Ascensions of the Stars employed for ascertaining Clock-Error were taken from the Tabulae Regiomontana, and had therefore been calculated with Bessel's value of the Coefficient of Nutation ; and from 1831 to 1835 the general accordance of the R.A. used with Bessel's R.A. had been sufficiently maintained. The only important part of the result depending on this was that which is common to all stars, namely, the Equation of the Equinoxes. It was proper, therefore, that the same Equation of the Equinoxes should be used in preparing the Moon's Place. Accordingly Table LV was there employed (“Reductions, &c.,” pages lxxviii and exxvi), giving 29' 16 — 16" 78 sin (u — y), or 90 – 51-8 sin (u — y). But in all the reductions following 1835, the daily corrections of the star-places have been derived from sources which recognize a value of nutation sensibly greater than Bessel's. It was therefore proper to change the Equation of the Equinoxes in preparing the Moon's Place. A Table LV* therefore was employed, giving 29' 16–17":30 sin (u — y), or 90 – 53°4 sin (u – y). It does not appear necessary to give a detailed table formed on this new element. The other effects of the change in the value of the mutation-coefficient are nearly insensible. The comparison of the Observed with the Tabular Longitudes and E. N. P. D., and the coefficients of the principal changes of elements, are included with the Tabular Places in the printed Section II. For explanation of the changes, &c., I refer to the “Reductions,” Introduction, page likxxiii. INTRODUCTION: CoRRECTION of ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONs. XXV iº 3: -- 2 4t + at 45–2a-2 *:::::: ſº 2.É. 2t-ar *...; d d d d d d d d - d # I4 IQI 7 25-621.7 5-8226 16'6302 23°7746 9'57 I 7 I47653 31°8119 205'8927 First day of each year, in which the argument is o. d d d d d d d d d Jan. 12:51 Jan. I I'98 Jan. 1:29 Jan. 1372 Jan. Io'47 Jan. 772 Jan. 5'59 Jan. 29'08 Jan. 10:44 Jan. 1:30 Jan. 4.68|Jan. 2: I I Jan. 1359 Jan. I’og | Jan. 54.3 Jan. 8:72 Jan. 13°o I | Feb. 25-22 Jan. 5°28 Jan. 24°ol Jan. 3-94 | Jan. 14:45 Jan. 1649 Jan. 4, 16 Jan. 12'85 Jan. 2975 April 13:01 Jan. 9°37 Jan. 1771 Jan. 5'76 Jan. 15:31 Jan. 8: Io Jan. 2.88 Jan. 2:22|Jan. 14.68|May 29.8o SECTION III. CoRRECTION OF THE Moon's PLACE, DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONs witH THE ALTAZIMUTH. The Altazimuth observations, commencing with 1847, May 16, were entirely included in the extent of time for which Mr. Adams' corrections of Parallax are published in the Nautical Almanac. It was not necessary therefore to refer in any instance to the tabular computations for the amended Parallax. An approximate time being adopted for the Altazimuth observation of each day, the correction of Horizontal Parallax was interpolated for that time from Mr. Adams' published numbers. For application of this, it was necessary to remark that the Horizontal Parallax which had been used in the calculations of the Greenwich Observations was, for 1847 and 1848, the Parallax of the Nautical Almanac, increased by gºod part ; and, for 1849, 1850, 1851, the Parallax of the Nautical Almanac increased by rºot part. Therefore the investigation of the correction to be applied proceeded in following form — For 1847 and 1848 True Hor. Eq. Parallax = N. A. Parallax + C. ; Hor. Eq. Par. used in Gr. Obs. = N. A. Parallax + gºrg P. Consequently the correction to be applied to the Hor. Eq. Par. used in the Green- I - 2600 P. And the correction to be applied to the actual parallax used in the Greenwich | 2600 P.) x sin Z.D. In like manner, for 1849, 1850, 1851. Correction to be applied to the actual P.) × sin Z.D. d wich Observations = C, - Observations = (C. — I parallax used in the Greenwich Observations = (C. — 1200 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. xxvi REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LunaR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. These quantities are to be applied with sign changed to the Observed Z.D., and therefore, in forming the Error of Tables in Z.D., or Tabular Z.D. — Observed Z.D., they are applied with sign unchanged. Then the correction for Semidiameter was thus found. Through the whole range of years from 1847 to 1851, the Semidiameter used in the Greenwich Observations was that of the Nautical Almanac increased by 2" 5. Thus we have, 2 : × P + o' 27.25 × C., True Semidiameter = N.A. Semidiameter + Semid, used in Gr. Obs. = N.A. Semidiameter + 2"'5. Consequently the correction to be applied to the Semidiameter used in the Greenwich *. × P, - 2'-5 + 0.2725 × C. - The two first terms were united in a table with argument P, (the number for P. = 54 being — 0".57 and that for P = 61' being – 0". 32), and the third was easily computed; and the aggregate gave the correction to Semidiameter. When the U. L. had been observed, this correction was applicable with sign unchanged to Observed Zenith Distance; and therefore, in forming Error of Tables in Z.D., or Tabular Z.D. — Observed Z.D., it was to be applied with sign changed. When the L. L. had been observed, it was to be applied with sign unchanged. The two corrections, for Parallax and Semidiameter, being combined with the Error of Tables in Zenith Distance in the Greenwich Observations, gave the true Error of Tables in Zenith Distance. In Azimuth, no correction was required, except that for Semidiameter. This was computed by multiplying the correction to Semidiameter (found above) by cosecant Z.D. When the I L. is observed, the Semidiameter in Azimuth (for forming Azimuth of Center) is negative, and therefore the correction now investigated must be applied with sign changed to Observed Azimuth, or with sign unchanged to Error of Tabular Azimuth. When the 2 L. is observed, the sign of the correction must be changed for Error of Tabular Azimuth. - In this manner, a new series of Errors of Tabular Zenith-Distance and Errors of Tabular Azimuth, for every observation, was found. From these, by the operations described in the Introductions to the Greenwich Observations, a new series of Errors of Tabular Right Ascensions and Tabular North Polar Distances was found. And from these, by use of the factors P, Q, R, S, in the Appendix to the Greenwich Observations, 1836, a new series of Errors of Tabular Longitudes and Tabular Ecliptic North Polar Distances was found. All these Errors are referred to Burckhardt's Tables, as Observations = employed for computing the Nautical Almanac, INTRODUCTION: CoMPARISON OF BURCKHARDT's AND PLANA's PLACEs. xxvii SECTION IV. CoNVERSION OF THE ERRORS OF LONGITUDE AND ECLIPTIC N.P.D. of BURCKHARDT's TABLES, FOR THE ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS, INTo ERRORs of LONGITUDE AND ECLIPTIC N.P.D. OF THE SAME TABLEs which ARE USED FOR MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONs. - The Altazimuth observations were divided into two series; those which were accompanied with a Meridional observation, and those which were not so accompanied. First, for Altazimuth observations accompanied with Meridional observations. The hour at which the Altazimuth observations were made, though somewhat indefinite (as the observations of Zenith Distance and of Azimuth are never made at the same instant), was never distant by many hours from the time of transit. It was conceived, therefore, that the Errors of Tables, and the Differences between the Errors of these Tables, and the Errors of Burckhardt's Tables, corresponding to the time of transit, might be adopted without sensible error for the time of Altazimuth observation. * - For making a comparison of the two sets of Tables at the time of transit, we had already computed the Moon s place on the new Tables for that time; and the Moon's place on Burckhardt's Tables is exhibited in the Nautical Almanac, for every noon and midnight. All that was necessary was, therefore, to interpolate the Moon's place among the Nautical Almanac numbers, for the Mean Time of meridional observations. The following process was adopted to fourth differences:— Let Tº be the noon or midnight nearest to the time of meridional observation: that time being called T. H. a x 12", where w is always a fraction: T-1, T , the preceding times at intervals of 12", and T., T., the following times. Corresponding to these, the Nautical Almanac gives the places, and their differences are taken thus:— TLs £2–2 Q--2 T_1 19-- 9– 7’—l S T, 20 Q1 70 º £ T, Pl 92 T | T. £92 Then the interpolated place for T., H & x 12" := po + a . a. -- b. a' -- c. a' + d. a." f S_1 + Sl 7'0 Q-1 + (/1 where d = — C - — 2 b = — – d > d =+-----, - c ; 24? I 2 2 2 a form convenient for logarithmic computation. xxviii REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. Call the place thus found (Burckhardt's) B, and the place formed from the tables of the “Reductions” (Plana's) P. Then the operations of the last Section have given B – O ; and we have now the means of forming P- B, and the sum of these gives P – O. Subtracting this from 60", we have 60' + O – P, in the same form as in the “Reductions.” Second, for Altazimuth observations unaccompanied with Meridional observations. The principle adopted here was to compute the tabular place (Plana's) for the noon or midnight nearest to the time of Altazimuth observation, and to compare it with the place in the Nautical Almanac, thus avoiding the trouble of interpolation. The epoch used was midnight in every instance, except the following, for which noon was used:— 1847, Sept. 30, Oct. 13, 17, Nov. 1, Io, 16, Dec. I I. . 1848, Jan. 4, 18, Feb. 1, 8, 9, Mar. 28, Oct. 30, Nov. 17, Dec. 17, 23, 24, 28. 1849, Jan. 3, 26, Feb. 1, 26, Oct. 18, 26, 27, 30, Nov. 13, 17, 29, Dec. 4, 17, 18. 1850, Jan. 25, 29, Feb. 5, Aug. 28, Nov. 6, 7, 8, 17, 19, 30, Dec. 7, 25. 1851, Jan. 5, 12, 15, 28, Feb. 4, 12, Mar. 27, Sept. 29, Oct. 14, 26, Nov. 14, 25, Dec. 4, 19, 26, 28. The rest of the operation was precisely the same as for the observations of the first class. The effects of changes are tabulated in the printed Section. SECTION V. ANNUAL GROUPs of RESULTs FoR CoMPARISONS OF MOON'S OBSERVED AND TABULAR PLACE. I refer to the Introduction to the “Reductions,” page lxxxv, for every explanation connected with the formation of these groups. The groups are exhibited separately for the Results from Meridian Observations and Altazimuth Observations, in Parts I. and II. of this Section. The calculations of the Moon's Longitude and E.N.P.D. from R.A. and N.P.D., the calculations of the Moon's Tabular Place, the preparation of Coefficients for Interpolation, and the whole process of Interpolation, have been done in duplicate Other calculations have been done once, and have been examined. G. B. AIR.Y. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1859, May 16. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. R E D U (, TI O N OF O BSERVATIONS OF THE M 00N, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION T. CORRECTED RIGHT ASCENSION AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCE OF THE MOON'S CENTER FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS: AND TRUE OBLIQUITY OF THE ECLIPTIC FOR EACH DAY OF OBSERVATION. GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831-1851, A. REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. SECTION I.-CoRRECTED RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH Polar DISTANCEs of THE Moon's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENwich. / At Transit of Moon's JLimb. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of Ecliptic. Ecliptic. *** | R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's * | *** | R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. I 83 I. h m s O 1 ff f / I 83I. h m s o P ſy If January I 9.56. 25.76 77.55. IO'94 32°o I April 30 17.38. 53.75 Io8. 53. 22.86 32'98 2 Io. 49. 8:2 I 81. 39.5o'78 32°o3 May I 18. 30.58:43 Io9. 22.4O'o8 32°97 5 13. I4. 9'69 93. 49. 2 I-89 32-o? 5 22. 3. 27:32 Io2. 2. 16:41 32°go 6 14. o. 55-56 97.38. 1 I'82 32°o8 17 9. 6. 2.84. 74. 28. 15.62 32.72 7 I4. 48. I2'77 IoI. 6.48°o8 32°og I 8 Io. I. 16.53 77. 42. 42° IQ 32.71 8 15. 36. 38'47 IoA. 7.38°o3 32. II 22 13. I8. 9'98 93. 54.59'o'7 32’65 24. 5. 24. 42'92 7.I. 4 I. 32° 14 32°40 24. I4. 52.49°35 IoI. 25. 44-8o 32°63 25 6. 27. 41 or 7o. 57. 28'og 32°42 25 15. 41. 20.78 IoA. 30. 53-64 32’62 26 7. 30. 13 II 71. 32.38-67 32:45 3o 19.59. 25°o2 Io9. I 9. 44°73 32°56 February 2 13. 41. 28-70 95. 55. 28:22 32-61 3I 20. 52. 8°o2 Ioč. 21. 6-84 32°56 5 | 16. 5, 55.72 Io5. 3o. 24.38 32’69 || June 1 21.44, 36-28 || 103.31. 1.57 32°55 I 8 3. 5. 3-3o 77.56. Io 14 32.95 16 || 1 1. 25. 59°o5 83. 52. 52-66 32°49 I 9 4. 3. 59:28 74.36. 1563 32'98 I8 13. 2. 50'82 2. 22. 32°83 32°49 9 9 2O 5. 4. 20 18 72. 16. 1794 33°oo I9 13.5o. 8°o8 96. 26. O'95 32°49 24. 9. 4, 27'O4. 74, 51. 42°46 33°o? 2O I4. 37. 25 Io Ioo. Io. 32’61 32°50 25 9. 59. 54:34 78. 3. 8:23 33°og 2 I 15. 25. 26.65 Io3. 28. 12' 19 32°5o 26 Io. 52.56:43 8I. 49. 35'22 33’ II 22 I6. I4. 38'31 106. Io. 57'29 32°5 I 28 I 2. 32. 52'2 I 90. 7. 2' 18 33° 14. 23 17. 5. I I'27 Io8. Io. 51.98 32°52 March 23 8.45. 34-57 73.55. 49' 18 33'34. 24. 17. 56.59'94 Io9. 20. 54°78 32°52 26 II. 24. 2 I-64 84. Ig. 20'34. 33'34. 26 19. 42.57°47 Io8. 52.36:13 32°54. 27 I2. I3. 33.8o 88. 29. O'5o 33°33 ~ * July 3 I. 52. 3O'99 83. 28, 55.46 32’61 3I 15. 25. 57.81 IO3. 29. 2: Io 33-32 I4. II. 55. 38'15 86. I3. 34:45 32.75 April 18 7. 29.36°o8 7 I. I.Q. o'o I 33:17 22 I 8. 31. 8°5o Io9. 35. 11'66 32°go I9 8. 28. 35.27 73. 2. 45:65 33. I 5 25 21. I 1. 43.95 105.37. 27.53 32-97 2O 9. 24, 37.82 75. 43. 9'82 33'14 26 22. 4, 40'49 Io2.30. 32°66 32'99 25 13. 32.54.52 95. 17. 21-63 33°o? 29 o. 41. 38'79 89. 46, 4:34 33°o5 26 14. 20. 26.17 99. 6. I 2.72 33°o5 26 14, 20, 29°7 I 99. 6. 31°30 33°o5 3o I. 35. 2:23 85. 4.59.69 33°o8 29 I6.47. 43.82 Io'7. 31. 11'66 33°oo 3 I 2. 30, 9'48 8o. 35. 21.77 33° Io SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A., AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. At Transit of Moon's Limb. True At Transit of Moon's Limb. True - - Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. - Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27". - Center. Center. 23°. 27. I 83I. h m s O f // // I 831. h m s O / / / If August 19 19. 3. 27°65 Io9. 27. 52'97 33-53 Dec. 22 9.5I. 29'90 75. 51.45'86 33:29 23 22. 38. 24'4O Ioo. 7. 51:32 33.62 23 Io. 48. 4'4o 79.53. O'60 33'30 25 o. 24. 45-64 91. 16. 19:32 33.66 I 832. - January 11 I. 58. 25°14. 83. 22. 2.78 33'53 28 3. Io. 483 77. 42. 52°33 33-73 I4. 4. 55. 36'44 71.5I. 1692 33°60 29 4. 8.48-94 74. I5. I4'37 33.74. - I5 I. 29°4.O 70. 4.56: Io 33°62 Sept. I5 18. 4I. 3'34. Io9. 38. 6:25 33-98 I 9 Io. 20. 23.62 77. 42. I 8: Io 3370 I6 19. 34, 6-64 Io9. 6. 27°54 33'99 2O I I. 16. 59'84. 82. 6. 35.65 3373 2 I o. 2. 55°35 93. 9.57°53 34°o I 2 I o. 2. 60° 17 93. 9. 32°2 I 34°ol 23 13.5o. 31.77 95.54. 45°48 33°8 I 22 o. 57. 41'53 88. 17. 16:25 34'O2 25 15. 28. 3-48 Io3. 31. 2.56 33'86 23 I. 53. 3o'o2 83. 26. 28.84 e 34'O2 February 7 I. 4I. 28'28 84. 53. 29'54 34°16 24. 2.5o. 54: 16 78. 56. 37.58 34°o3 9 3. 3o. 39'4. I 76. 18.42-28 34°2 I October 15 20. 57. Io'3o Ioé. 32. 1826 33.95 I4. 8.46. 23:18 72. 20. 1-33 34'34 I6 21.5o. 3'27 Io3. 37. 5:41 33.95 17. I I. 43. 28°og 84. 23.5o'74 34°41 I9 o. 31. I I’on 90. 4o. 35°og 33-91 I9 I 3. 28. 2°oo 93.55. 51:87 34°46 2 I 2, 25. 9'34. 80. 47. 32.96 33°88 March 8 4. II. 975 73. 47.56° 14 34.76 23 4, 27.43’54 73. 3. 26'56 33'86 9 5. I I. 19'68 71. I2. 15:32 34.78 27 8. 38.47°97 72. 32.44:60 33.79 I O 6. I 3. 33.83 69. 49.55'92 34-79 28 9. 36. 17:29 75. 26. 2675 33.78 I I 7. 16.5o'o2 69.5o. 34:65 34-81 Nov. I 3 22. 19. 1878 IoI. 54. 34.96 33-54 I 2 8. I 9. 46-60 7 I. 15. 4. I'oz 34-81 15 O. 3. 49'72 93. IQ. 5:20 33°5 I 13 9. 2 I. 9°2O 73.57. 27.54 34.83 I6 o. 57. 57'71 88. 23. 22.79 33-5o 15 I I. 16. 37:44 82. 6. 24:06 34°84 I 8 2.53. 34’ Io 78.38. o.55 33-47 17 I 3. 3. 14'2 I 91, 45. 29'36 34.86 I9 3.56. I'59 74. 33' 51-23 33:46 I 8 13.54. 28.74. 96. 23. 51.69 34.87 24. 9. 17. 46.85 74. 6.55:33 33:39 April 7 6. 57.52-53 69. 28.49'66 34.87 26 II. 7. 39'87 81.42. 29°77 33-37 8 8. o. 2 o'80 7o. 28. 3o'96 34.86 Dec. IO 22. o. 27:38 IO3. 29. 3'43 33:27 9 9. I. 7'O4. 72. 45. 45:38 34.86 I 2 23. 41. 28' 15 95.34. I7: 12 33°27 IO 9. 59. 3o'97 76. 7. 2'o8 34:84 I 8 5. 31. o' 20 7o. 40. 3-83 33°27 I I Io. 55. 24′49 8o. 15. 26-92 34:84. I9 6. 39. I '79 69. 44. 42'99 33'28 I 2 II. 49. 574 84. 53. 5.26 34'82 2 I 8.5o. 5 I'66 72. 35. 15:20 33:29 I3 I 2. 4 I. 9'O4. 89.42. 37:31 34-82 A 2 BEDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. : At Transit of Moon's Limb. True At Transit of Moon's Limb. True i Obliquity of Obliquity of *** | R.A. of Moon's ser, ºw. | * | **P*Y. R.A. of Moon's Nep rºw. | * Ceriter. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1832. h m s O / // // I832. h m s O / / / // April 14 13. 32. I2'36 94. 28. 7'91 34-81 Sept. 3o 17. 4o. 32°77 I Io. 25.33'40 35.95 I6 15. 13. 41'93 1oz. 52. 15.67 34'79 October 2 19. 26. 7:24 I I I. o. 42'25 35'95 17 16. 4. 5275 Ioé. 7. 53°33 34.78 5 2 I. 59. 30.34 Io.4. 39. Ig'26 35'95 2 O 18. 41. 6:63 I Io. 40. 38-69 34.75 6 22.49. 3'O7 Ioo. 56.5o'o3 - 35'95 May 8 Io. 38. 56-61 78.43. 41'2 I 34°51 8 o. 27.36°21 9I. 58. 45°o2 35'94 9 II. 32. 28'70 83. I2. 34'o6 34°49 IO 2. 9, 3o42 82. I4. 9'98 35.93 I O 12. 24. I'61 87.57. 36.52 34°48 I 2 3.59. 48.25 73.47. I3'44 35'92 I 2 14. 4. I4-26 97. I 7.54'8o 34°45 13 4.59. I*15 7o. 47.5I-61 35'91 13 14.54. 1648 1or. 27. 33.75 34°44 I4. 6. o. 32.87 69. o. 56-61 35'91 15 I6. 36. 2 I-55 Io?. 51, 9:24 34°42 16 8. 6. 13-64 69. 42. 37.81 35'89 I 8 I9. I3.24° 12 I Io. 45. 42'76 34.38 Nov. 2 22. 28. 5’ I 5 Io2, 49. 31' 16 35-69 I9 20. 5. 23°o? Io9. 46. 6'14 34-36 4. O. 5.45'2O 94, 13. 40'46 35'66 2 I 21.47. O'Io Io5. 5. I 2'3o 34’33 1. 46. 34:68 84. 22. I4:38 3564 June IO 15. 28. O'29 Io.3, 51. 39'25 34°21 7 2. 4o. 7'66 79. 32. 9°55 35'62 I3 18. 2. 31-61 1 Io. 36. 53.27 34-22 9 4. 36.27 18 71. 38. 7:23 35' 60 17 21. 29. Ig'25 Ioé. 20. 6-48 34-22 IO 5. 39. O'51 69. 16. 51:8o 35'58 I6 I I. 41. 27° 16 83. 21. 12'o6 35°50 July 4. I 2.43. 13-64 89. 25. I5'98 34:37 29 22. 7. 53.79 Io.4. 34. 13.86 35-37 16. 2. 39'33 Ioã. 59. 39'26 34°43 Dec. I5 13. Io. 2 o'2 I 91.52. 36-92 35-31 I 2 19. 30. 13:28 I Io. 41. 42°57 34.5o 28 23. 25. I2°56 98. 25. 45-57 35'4 I I4. 2 I. 13. 4-57 Io'7. 16.3o'o.8 34:53 1833. I6 22.51. 48:60 Ioo. 41. I5'68 34:58 Jan. ; : ; ; ; º ; § I 8 o. 28. 28.68 92. I. 49'2O 34.62 6 7. 54, 28-29 68. 55. 51-17 35-55 I9 I. I7. 43' 12 87. Ig. I I'31 34:63 I I 12.53. 41'52 90. 7. 25'99 35'65 2O 2. 8.47°49 82. 36. 1944 34.66 27 I. 29. 45-65 86. I6. 21:19 36°o2 August 7 18. 20. 26'o3 I Io. 49.54'73 35'o.8 3o 4. 6. 878 73. I 9.44 IQ 36 Io 8 Ig. I 2.48°37 I Io. 53. Ig'59 35' I I Feb. I 6. 9.45'40 68. 32. 19:50 36. I 5 I O 20.56. 23.73 Io8. 4. 20'94 35' 16 2 7. 16. 31'99 68. 18. 46.93 36' I 8 I I 21. 46. 56.13 Io5. 20. 6-93 35' 19 3 8. 24. 9'91 69. 47. 24.66 36'2 I • I 2 22. 36. 23.79 IoI. 52.55'91 35'2 I 5 Io. 33. 42'28 77. 12. 36.29 36'26 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 5 At Transit of Moon's Limb. True At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Ecliptic. Foliptic. Year and Day. T.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27". I 833. h m s O / / / // I 833. h m s O / / / // March 4 9. 59. 26'99 74. 41. 37°46 36-89 June 29 16.5o. 2:24 Io9. 4 I. 3O'4O 36'62 5 I I. o. 59°33 79. 29. Ig'59 36'91 3o 17. 45. 32°69 I I I. 44. Io'59 36-64 5 I I. o. 64-91 79. 29.5o'79 36'91 July I 18. 41. I5'78 II 2. 35. 58:22 36.65 6 II. 59.58'92 84. 56. 57-52 36'92 2 19. 36. 23.92 I 12. 16. 14'ol 36.67 12.56.4o 18 go. 36. 25°48 36'94. 24. 14. 45.56:12 IoI. 7. 53.23 37°og 9 14.46. 2:49 IoI. I. 4'48 36-97 25 15. 39. I '99 Io5. 25. 28.63 37.11 I O 15. 40. O'67 IoS. 12. 39'71 36'99 26 16. 32.55'90 Io8. 50. I 2 18 37: 13 I 2 17. 28. 626 1 Io. 42. 1888 37 or 28 18. 22. 47' 25 I 12. 26. 54. Io 37: 18 13 I 8. 22. 3'38 I I I. 5o. 36°og 37°o2 29 I 9. I7. 39'41 I 12. 3o. 38.78 37:21 April 3 I 2. 27. 31'39 87. 42. 1838 37 Io August 9 4. I 8. 28°43 71.54. 53'2O 37:50 5 14. 18. 28'57 98.44. I'99 37°og I O 5. I6. 55-56 69. 6. 43°39 37:53 6 15. 13. 33.67 Io.3. 27. 4. I'99 37°og I I 6. Ig. 25.87 67. 32. 52-74. 37:55 8 17. 4. 2 I'O? I Io. 6. 34.52 37:08 26 I9. 54, 27-24 I I I, 57. I I'43 37'91 I O I8.54. 29°32 I 12. 15. 23:34 37:08 27 2O. 46.51'96 I Io. 9. 7.62 37'94 28 Io. Io. 24*7 I 75. 7, 35-35 36.89 28 2 I. 37.24:42 Io'7. 25.56°oo 37'97 29 II. 8. 2:58 79, 51.49°25 36'88 Sept. I O. 44. 28'O2 90. 43. 27°38 38°o5 3o 12. 3. 52-61 85. 12, 17:47 36.87 4. 3. 5. 59' 18 76. 52.59'45 38' I I May 4. 15. 42. 31'81 IoS. 43. 1993 36-8 I 23 2O. 3o. o. 28 I I I. O. 2 I ‘24. 38:34 5 16. 38. 24.55 Io9. 6. 20:54 36.8o 26 22, 57.43° IO IoI. I 9.4O'98 38°36 6 17. 34. 41'52 I I I. 2 I. 37'24. 36'79 27 23. 43.57'05 96.55. 29'04 38-37 8 19. 25. 47,49 II 2. 15. 55.53 36.76 28 O. 29. 35'99 92. I 2.47'92 38°36 24 8. 52. 38°38 7o. 13. 31.65 36'60 28 o, 29. 39'43 92. I 2, 24'OO 38°36 27 I I, 46. I 8:52 83. 16. 3o 18 36-57 29 I. 15. 25.82 87. 2 I. 34°59 38°36 28 I2. 4o. I ‘27 88.43. 51:37 36-56 Oct. I 2.5o. 26'47 78. o. 22-24 38°36 3o 14, 25.58-64 99. 23.24°93 36°55 2 3.41. I2:26 73.55. Io. 16 38-37 3 I I5. I 9. 44'21 IO4. O. 53.81 36'54 3 4. 34. 55-58 7o. 32. 49' 17 38-37 June I I6. I4. 35°o I Ioy. 49. I I '76 36-53 4. 5. 31.5o'93 68. 9. I5'14 38-37 3 18, 6.4792 II 2. I2. 20:55 36-53 I9 19. 16. I2:31 II.3. 3. 44-95 38°3o 26 I4. 9. 2 I ‘27 97. 43. 39'65 36-59 2O 20. Io. 48-46 I I I. 56. 5-84 38:29 27 I5. I. 55'85 IO2. 30. Io'I I 36-61 24. 23. 27. 35'54 98.40. I 9'90 38'24. 28 I5. 55. 25' 25 Ioé. 33.36:19 36-61 28 2. 33. 52'04 79. 25. 22.65 38°2O REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of *** | R.A.&Mº NPD ºwn. | * : *** | R.A.& Mºw, N.P.D., Mº. * Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27". I 833. In m S O / // // I834. h m S O / // // October 29 3.24. 22"3o 75. 3. 4.38 38:19 February 25 12. 39.5o:36 88.49. O'35 39:26 3o 4. 17. 46-67 7.I. 20. 2'3o 38" I 8 26 13. 36. 28.67 94.58. I5'65 39'28 3I 5. 14. 16' 17 68.33. 3-64 38. I6 March 18 6. I. 21-62 66. 39. I I-60 39'58 Nov. 2 7. I4. 339C 66.47. Io'Io 38'14 I9 7. I. 43.79 66. I I, 59'45 39°59 16 | 19.47. 44 16 II 2.46.47°21 37'96 25 | 13. 6.42'22 91.52. 38°49 39.62 23 1. 26.43’58 86. 16.47°o8 37-88 28 I6. I. 36.8o Io8. I3. 45'91 39'63 25 3. 3. 58'82 76. 44, 34.65 37.86 29 17. I. 626 I I I. 32. Io'33 39'64 29 6. 54.5o'95 66. 32.5I'99 37.83 April 15 . 6. 40. 37°2 I 65. 55.58.5o 39'57 Dec. 17 22.5o. 16.66 Io2. 3o. 18°28 37.79 I6 7. 4o. 48°o8 66. 26. 2:31 39'56 2O I. 6.46°6o 88. 31.2370 37.82 17 8. 41.33:84. 68. 25.56-92 39'55 2 I 1.52. 53.95 83.36. 54.87 37.82 I 8 9. 41. 49'54 71.52. 1848 39'55 24. 4, 27. I'98 7o. 46. O'78 37.84 I9 Io. 40.57°2O 76. 34. 3:32 39'54 25 5. 25.53'27 68. 2.44:41 37.85 2O II. 38.56°og 82. I3, 24' 16 39'52 27 7. 32. 27.73 66.5o. 6-97 37-88 2 I 12. 36. 12'97 88. 27. 32°48 39'51 3I I I. 34.51°22 81. 43. 8:43 37'94 22 13. 33.32°42 94.5o. 926 39'5o 1834. º 24. I5. 31. I 3 18 Ioé. Io. 7'42 39'47 January I 12. 29. 1926 87. 24.56°oo 37'95 26 17. 33. 28'93 I 12.57. 59'70 39'45 15 o. 3. I2"Ig 95. Ig. 50:50 38°2 I sº I6 o. 47.55'75 go. 31.46'o6 38.24 || May 16 | Io. 20. o. 12 74. 34. 38°oo 39'21 17 | 1. 32.56-26 85. 40. I4:36 38°26 19 13. 7, 16:15 91.5o. I I Ig 39'18 I 8 2. I 9. I4'79 8o. 54.23'54 38°28 2O I4. 3. 23°41 97.58. 4 I 15 39'16 21 4. 55.57°57 69. I3. 51:59 38°36 21 15. I. 8-17 | Io.3.38. 17:52 39'16 22 5.56. Io'73 67. 9. 28'07 38.39 23 17. 2. 37: 17 I I I. 53. 13:53 39'14 3I 14. 53.2O'99 I O2. 22. 22" I I 38-64 28 2 I. 53. 43'24. IOW. 31.45'44 39' Io February 1 15. 48. I 7' 19 Ioé. 49. Ioroi 38-66 29 22.42. 43.38 Io3. 3o. 32'o6 39°og 2 16. 44. I7'71 I Io. I5. I5:29 38-69 June I5 12. 47.56-53 89. 35. 26.23 39'07 I6 3.37. 4'99 73.52. 44.76 39°o5 I9 16. 34, 1974 I Io. 27.5o'55 39°o8 17 4. 29. 52'2O 7o. 23.45'21 39'o'7 2 O 17. 35.46'74 I 13. 8. 14:37 39°og 2O 7. 3o. 34:63 66.43. 11.68 39'14 22 19. 38. 38'94 I 13.51. 26:46 39' 12 2 I 8. 35. 18.68 68. 34. 41'84 39'17 23 20. 36.4474 II 2. 2.51°o5 39' 12 22 9. 39. 29'86 72. 3. 6-49 39' 19 27 23.56. 12'22 96. 9. 45°o? 39'16 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of Year and Day. - - Ecliptic. Year and Day. - - Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. I834. h m s O / // A/ I 834. h II]. S O / // // June 29 I. 25. I8-93 86. I2. 1:78 39'19 October Io 20. 13. 8:26 113. 19. 32°68 4O’9 I 3o 2. Io. 39'66 81. 18. 8-84 39'19 I 2 21.59. 42'44 107. 13. 12°2 4O'91 July I4. I4. IQ. 29°O7 99. 38.45'98 39°43 I3 22.48. 20'08 Io2.58.48°70 4O'90 I5 15. 14.57:50 IOA, 51.45-54 39'44 15 O. I 9. 3O'4O 93. I4. 4o'59 4o'89 16 16. 12. 27.26 Io9. Io. 48:37 39'47 I6 I. 3. 43°74 88. 7. 43.66 4O'89 17 17. I 1.57'71 I 12. 18. 8:24. 39°49 17 I. 48. I3'49 83. 4.39°49 4o'87 2 I 2 I. 8. 25°og 1 Io. 26. 5-62 39'58 I 8 2. 33. 42'67 78. 16. 35'82 40-86 22 22. I. 5'71 Ioô. 56. 20'13 39'60 2O 4. Io. 39' I I 7o. 1 1. 28.83 4o'85 25 o. 22. 38'35 93. 8. 8'44 39'68 23 6. 55.33°o5 65. 2. 1770 4o'82 27 I. 51. 43’55 83. I I. o'85 39:73 24. 7. 54. II 28 65. 56. I 2'66 40-80 - 25 8, 53. 3-66 68. 16. 57-97 4O'79 August 12 15.54. 46:30 Io8. 8. 16°og 40° 13 I 3 I6. 53. I I’53 I I I. 36. I5'o I 40° 15 November 7 2O. 48.53°48 I 12. o. 1898 40-64 I5 18.52. 41'44 I I4. 22. 53-84 4O'2 I I4. 2. 18. 15: I.2 79.52. 9'60 4o'54 16 19.51. 25.68 I 13.35. 42'72 4O'24. I6 3.54. 12:11 71. 15.56:15 4O'51 17 20. 47.51°58 I I I. 30, 20'74. 4o'26 I9 6. 37. 44'77 64. 55. 29°02 40°48 22 O. 49. 49'7I 89.53, 9'47 4o'39 - $3 December 5 2 I. 2d. I 8:33 I Io. 18. 52'91 4o'34. 24. 2. I 9. 18°O4. 8o. 4. I5'12 40°43 7 23. 2. 4:60 IoI. 54. I I'44 40°33 25 3. 6. 2'59 75.36. 34:28 40°46 8 23.48. 2 I-15 96.59. 18:53 40'33 27 4. 47.46'73 68. 31. 36:20 40-51 r 9 o. 32.57'95 91.52. 32° 19 40°33 Sept. I I 18. 34. 44°o8 I I4. 32. 29°92 40°77 IO 1. 17. I’13 86. 43. 42'59 4o'33 I 2 I9. 33. 4I 32 I I4. 9. I2°77 4O'79 I I 2. I. 32°48 81. 41.59°og 40°33 13 | 20, 3o. 24.62 I 12. 25. 28.84 4o'8o I 3 3. 35.46'55 72. 4 I. 7'42 40'33 I4. 2 I. 24. I4. I3 Io9. 33. 43°o8 4o'82 I4. 4, 26.57'25 69. 7. 5:05 40°33 I5 22. I5. 3-58 Io5. 48.35:43 40-83 I6 6. 18. 22.77 65. 5. 17.72 40°33 I6 23. 3. I I'70 IOI. 24. 48.83 4o'85 22 I 1.58. 9'o6 84. 7. 53'4o 40'38 I 8 o. 34. 6'86 91.33. 4-51 4o'86 24 13. 44, 31 40 96. 26. 9°47 40°39 22 3. 36.56-58 72. 47. 22-95 4O'89 1835. 23 4, 27.31°88 69. 20. 56.94 4O'90 January 4 23. 28. 44'o6 99. 4, 7' 19 4o'54 24. 5. 2 I. I I'8o 66.49. 35'07 4O'91 o. 59. 3. Io 88. 44, 47°92 4o'57 October 9 19, 14.55'47 I 14. 41. 5'66 4O'92 I O 4, 5, 1923 7o. 27. 781 4o'65 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Limb. oºi, of At Transit of Moon's Limb. oft, of ***| R.A.&M. NPD ºw. | * | *** | R.A. orw, NPD ºw. | * Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27' I 835. h m s O / // // I 835. In m S O / / / // January 16 9.51.37:32 71.57. 52.73 4O'79 June 7 14. 8. 33°70 99.46. 35.34 41-53 17 Io. 47. 44-57 76, 49. 20'66 4o'81 8 15. 7. 1596 I of . 43. 16-8 I 41-52 February 4 2. 9. 12'38 8o. 34. 42-62 41:25 9 16. 9. 57.32 I Io. 4 I. 1390 41-52 6 3.43. 22°o5 71.5o. 1992 41-32 I O 17. 16. 22.66 I I4. Io. 4'44 4 I’52 8 5. 28. 4 I-69 66. 4, 37°og 41 '37 I I 18. 24. 34°77 115.46. 4.86 41'52 9 6. 26. 4 Io 64. 53. 35'04 4 I'4O 15 22. 28. 2877 Io5. 13. 37.84 41'53 I O 7. 25. 40-56 65. 7. 59°oo 4 I'42 I 8 o. 49.55'44 89. 24. 57.75 41'53 I 2 9, 26. O' 19 70. Io. 29' 12 41°48 July 2 I 2. 2. 33’5 I 84. 57.37.46 41-66 March 6 4. 12. 38'96 69. 29.56-46 41.94 3 I 2.54. 4-53 91. 9, 40-56 41-67 8 5. 59.59'79 65. o. 46.84 4 I'97 4. 13. 46.54'05 97. 25. 4o'o6 41-69 IO 7.56. 53.06 65. 4o. 41.94 42'OI 5 I4. 42. I 8:34 103. 24, 17:46 4. I'70 I I 8. 56. 28-27 68. I4. 5074 42'O2 6 15.41. 20:44 Io9. 4o. 14'37 4. I'72 I 3 Io. 53. O'27 77. 27. I'81 42°o5 7 I6. 44, 25.71 II 2.45. 34.94 4 I '74. 15 I 2.45. 25-69 90. 6.47:27 42'o6 8 17.5o. 48-55 I 15. I3. 45°o I 4 I’75 I9 I6. 39. I6'90 I I2. Io. 52'ol 42' I I I3 22.56. 24.8o 102. 21. 20:05 41'85 April 6 7. 31. 22.87 64, 47.50-2 I 42° 13 I4. 23.45. Ig'79 96.58, 54'47 4.1.86 7 8. 29. 24'24. 66.4o. 16.66 42"I 2 I6 I. 16. 48.77 86. I. 13-37 4. I’9 I 8 9. 27. 9°28 69.57. 38.86 42' I 2 17 2. I. 44'53 8o. 48.47°28 4. I'92 IO II. 20. 12'60 8O. I I. I 7'go 42' IO August 3 16. 20. 28'50 I I I. 33.32-33 42°31 I I 12. I5. 59'46 86. 35. Q'o.4. 42' Io 4. 17. 23. 56-3o I I4. 34, 28-63 42'34 I 2 13. 12. I476 93. 19.52.71 42°og 7 2O. 38. 20'91 113. I. Io:56 42'42 I4. I5. Io. O'o I Io5. 56.5o 12 42°o7 8 21.37. 37.73 Io9. 18.47'56 42'44. I5 16. 12. 31'67 I Io. 47. 48-3 I 42'oz 9 22. 32. 25.72 IO4, 36. 38'71 42°47 May 7 Io. 54, 32°57 77. 20. 42'54 4 I-80 IO 23, 23. 19'82 99. 18. 13:58 42'5o 8 II. 48. 39'24 83. 16. 28. I 8 4. I'79 I I O. II. 17°o2 93.43. 31'44 42°52 9 I 2.43, 8:69 89.45. 59'84 41'78 I4. 2. 28. 3O'94 77. 40. 36.83 42'60 I O 13. 39. 4 II 96. 27. 22 I 41-76 3o 16. 1. 4978 I Io. 35.57°46 42'95 I6 20. 2.45-86 I 14, 34, 9°78 41-68 3I I7. 3, 4o'49 I I4. I. 51-67 42°97 17 21. 2. 36-48 I I I, 48. 42°8o 41-67 Sept. I I8, 7.4 I'4 I I 15.5o. 29.95 43°oo June 6 I 3. 13. 9'92 93. 2 I. 58.86 4. I'53 2 19. 12, 888 I I5, 52. 27°24 43°o I SECT. I.-CoIRRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. At Transit of Moon's Limb. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of *** | R.A. of Moon', Nippº, * | *** R.A. ºr Nippº, * Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27". I835. h in s O / / / // 1836. h m O / / / // Sept. 5 22. Io. 7'o'7 IO6. 39.51'93 43'o'7 January 7 Io. 29. 55-50 75. 4. 49°o8 42.85 7 23.5o. 55°22 96. I. 20-61 43 Io 8 I I. 19.45'14 8o. 23. 54:51 42-87 8 o 37. 44' Io go. 20.5oroo 43' 12 I I 13. 49. 46°ol 98.37. 52.76 42°93 9 I. 23. 31' 23 84.46. 8:50 43' 14 I 2 14. 44. 9'38 I O4, 32. 2 I '54 42'94. I 2 3.44. 8'15 7o. 32.53'44 43' 17 24. I. 32. 3O'92 83. I 7. 27°44 43:20 I 3 4, 34, 36-26 67. 14. 24:37 43' 19 25 2. 18. 36.73 78. o. 32:29 43:23 Oct. 2 21. 51.55-69 Io.8. 21. 5.25 43'29 28 4. 45. 30°oo 66. I2. 14:40 43-3o 4. 23. 33. 573 98. 8. 18:35 43'29 3o 6. 34. 4-69 63. 26. 44'49 43'36 o. 19.58.39 92.3o. 2'81 43°29 February 1 8. 25. 52-64 66. o. 41'97 43'4. I 6 1. 5. 45:66 86.5o. 29'50 43°29 2 I I. 58. 6'oz 8o. o. 2' I 8 43-88 7 1.5.1. 17:53 81. 23. 29:37 43:28 23 3. 34. O'29 7o. 33. 26.72 43-92 IO 4. I4. 44'28 68. 12. 26'99 43'27 25 5. 17. 2' 12 64. 37. 16:38 43-96 I I 5. 6. 33.63 65. 29.43°52 43'26 29 8.58. 6'98 67. 41. 40° 14 44'o6 Nov. 25 21. 15. 33.67 I I I. I 8. 32°92 42-72 March 2 Io. 43.57:63 76. 42. 9-88 44°o8 27 23. 2. 38'86 IOI. 44. O'IO 42'70 5 13. 16. 29°o3 95. 8. 36'99 44' I 2 28 23.5o. 3o I 5 96. 13. 1879 42-69 6 14. 9. I I'o6 IoI. 22.36'98 44' I 4 3o I. 2 I. 3-84 85. I. 36-3o 42'68 8 | 16. 3. 33.93 I I I. 45. 33.8o 44' I 7 Dec. 2 2.52. 1396 74.51. 7'o I 42-66 : ; : : ; : . #: 4. 4. 30.36°o8 67. Io. 55.75 42-64 26 7. 39. 894 3.54. 36°oz 44'29 5 5. 23. 2 I 32 64. 47. 323 42'64 29 Io. 20. 24'88 74. 12. 16-66 44'3o 9 9. 2. 23.95 67.52. 12.73 42-62 3o II. I. I. 5o'o I 79. 42.48°33 44'29 I O 9. 54. 48-72 71. 42.54′2 I 42-62 3 I I2. 2.49'51 85. 53. I 8:36 44'29 I I Io. 45. 44-90 76. 3o. 52'I I 42-62 April 3 I4. 43. 12-67 Ioã. 8. 2'49 44'28 25 23. 32. 33°2 I 98. I4. 4oto3 42'67 4. 15. 42. 31'05 I Io. 25. 20-60 44'27 26 O. I 9. 55:1, 92. 30. 28.60 42.67 25 9.56. 55' 16 71.53. 23.83 44'O7 At Transit of Moon’s Center. 26 Io. 47. 47.82 76.55. 39'46 44'o6 1836. - 27 | 1 1. 38. 6'17 82.45. 7 I 4. 44'O4. January I 5. 5. 6'8o 65. 27. 44; 13 42.75 28 I 2. 28.47°og 89, 7.45°o3 44'O3 : : #. : ; : ; : 29 13. 20.59'1 1 95.45. 36.98 44'OI 6 Q. 38. 36:49 7o. 32. 7'o'8 42-84 : ####| | ###| | #: GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831-1851. I () REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True - - - - Obliquity of - - Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27". 1836. In m S O / A/ A / 1836. h m S O A // // May 2O. 45. 9'57 I 13. 24. 54:25 43'91 Sept. I 3.54. 36:43 68. 3. 1'43 44-'9 I 2 I 8. 44. 44.76 66.34. 28.5o 43.71 2 4. 47, 7.76 64. 59. 4o'o.2 44. 94. 22 9. 36. 28: II 7o. 9. 3-59 43'70 24. o. 12. 35'73 92. I 2.56'91 45' 15 24. o. 12. 35'66 92. I 2.56'91 45' 15 24. I I. 15.46'82 8o. 5. 6-88 43.68 25 I. 2. 15:28 85.46. 3: Io 45' 15 25 I 2. 4. 49'72 86. 4.58-92 43-67 26 I. 51. 27° 15 79. 4o. 3'O7 45' 16 26 12. 54. 55.94 92. 28.53:66 43.65 October 1 6. 13.47°29 62. 28.51 "oo 45' 15 27 13.47. 26.42 98.59. 18°o I 43.65 3 8. 3. 26'52 64. 23. 1945 45' 15 29 15. 44.56-52 I Io. 39. 2.68 43.63 29 15. 44.56-52 I Io. 39. I-93 43.63 I 9 22. 7. 52°34. IO6. 54. 32.78 45'O4 June 29 19.46. 28'95 I 15. 55. 20'66 43-64. 2 O 23. I. 38.64 Io I. 7. 7°og 45°o2 29 19.46. 28'95 I 15.55. 23-o'ſ 43-64 2 I 23.52. 31°36 94.5o. 58-27 45°o2 July I 2 I. 55. 25.94 Io8. 3. 57.59 43.67 g 22 O. 4 I. 4 I II 88. 26. 46:34 45°oo 2 22.51. 34.88 Io2. 27. 8-89 43.68 23 I. 30. I7'59 82. 13. 6.79 44'98 3 23. 43. 14-61 96. 23. 23.63 43'70 23 I. 30. 17°59 82. 13. 8:24. 44'98 4. o. 31. 52' 30 90. I4. 41'56 43-7 I Nov. 14. 20. 51. 51:51 I 13. 5. 58-27 44-65 2. 5. 34°o8 78.42. 49' 15 43-73 I 8 o. 25. 26'58 go. 34. 35'81 44'59 23 15. 47. Io 15 I I I. 3. I ‘39 44'O3 2O 2. I. I ['O I 78. 3o. 28.70 44'55 26 19. Io. 4'66 I 16. 48.53'21 44' IO 23 4, 34, 24*73 65. 22. 4'99 44'50 27 2O. Ig. 24.59 I I4. 34, 39'94 44' I 2 24. 5. 29. I I-62 63. I 1.55'97 44'50 27 2O. I 9. 24.57 II.4, 34, 39'94 44' I 2 3o IO. 42. 44'97 76. 47. Ig'6o 44'42 3I o. Io. 38'96 92.42. 28'93 44'2 I Dec. I4. 23, 20. 46-89 98. 41. 26:34 44'34 August I O. 59. 3o'O4. 86. 27. I5'14 44'24. I 5 o. Io. 34°58 92. 22. 28'38 44'34 2 I. 47. I 9' I 7 8o. 33. 35'97 44'26 I6 O. 58. 33°38 86. 7. 24.69 44'34 2 I I7. 3 I. 7'54 I 16. 3o. 4 I 7 44-69 2 I I7. 3 I. 7'54 I 16.3o. 4'54 44-69 24. 7.55. 2:08 64. 8. 35.95 44'37 24. 7.55. 2:08 64. 8. 27.89 44-37 24. 20. 53. 24'60 I 12. 43. 46:23 44'76 1837. 25 2 I. 55. 992 I of. 55. 34:45 44'78 January I 14. 22. 28.23 IoA. 6.. 9.75 44'47 26 22. 52. 21.87 I oz. 4, 47.46 44-8o I I 23.51. 28.71 94. 34, 38-62 44:60 26 22.52. 21.87 I O2. 4. 47.86 44'8o I4. 2. 18. 32’69 76. 12.5o'77 44'66 28 o. 36. 18.32 89. I 2. 33:29 44-84. 22 9. 21. 16:47 69. 21. I'41 44-82 29 1. 25. 26:46 82.57. 24. Io 44-86 22 9. 21. 16'47 69. 21. 2'89 44'82 3o 2. I4. 16-64 77. 12. 25:51 44-88 February 12 3. 4o. 44'89 68. 19. 13.8o 45'29 3I 3. 3. 45°77 72. Io. 34°49 44'9C I 3 4.33. 52'54 65. o. 14'o8 45°32 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 11 At Transit of Moon’s Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27. - 1837. h m s O / / / I/ 1837. h m s O / f/ // Feb. I4. 5. 28. 25°48 62.56. 39'84 45'34 May 24 2O. 54, 34'3o I 12.47. 3-87 45°o8 17 8. I 2. 34. I4. 64. 53. I’Ig 45°41 25 21.54. 18:38 IO/. 49. 23.3 I 45'o6 I 8 9. 4, 1965 68. 2. 38.41 45°43 26 22.49. 35.71 Iol. 54. 20 or 45'o6 2 O Io. 4 I. I 8:34 77. 8.5o 19 45-47 - • 2 o A R. © -> 2O Io. 4 I. I 8'34 77. 8. 48.86 45-47 June I I I 1. 43. 36°32 84. 55. 27:17 44'94. 2 I I I. 27. 22° 13 82.40. I 8:o I 45'49 I4. 14. 4. 2 I-65 I O2. 55. 37:47 44-93 - de * • A 2 24. 13. 46. 2 I-15 Ioo. 33. 34-95 45'54 I5 14.57. 56-46 Io8. 29. 996 44'93 25 14. 36. 44.2 I 106. 9. 57.85 45.57 I 9 19. 2 I. 6'72 i 17. 9.54'I I 44'92 - 2 I 2 I. 32.43'99 Io9. 37. 26.8o 44'94 March I 3 5. 6. 59'14 63. 2 I. 5o'58 45-78 22 22.3.I. 4-57 Io.3, 48. 4.9°4. I 44'94 I4. 6. 2.51'43 62. 7. 49'91 45-78 23 23. 25. 4°97 97. 2 I. I5'14 44'94 s 9. 35.47°o2 7o. 27. 44° 18 45'81 24 o. 16. 8°og 90.4 I. Io'O3 44'94 I 9 Io. 24. O'o.3 75. I I. 9°38 45'82 July IO 12.55. 28'04 94. 4-O. 49"O9 45° Io 2O II. Io. 4 I'42 8o. 35. 23:31 45.82 I I 13. 42. I6'2 I Ioo. 34. 49'4o 45' I I 22 I 2.42. 53°o'7 92.35, 49'40 45'82 I3 15. 27.36:13 I I I. 13. 25.68 45'14 23 13. 3o. 26°35 98. 44. 2'I 2 45.82 I5 17.35. 2.65 I 17. 32. 31°94 45' 17 26 16. I I. 54:25 I 14. 5.57'77 45.82 - I6 18.45. I 7-2 I I 17.5o. 47 Io 45' 19 27 17. 14. 5-62 1 16.57. 9' 16 45'82 I9 22. 5. 34°oA. 105. 20. 27.81 45'24. April 15 Io. 4.37'55 73. 5.46.63 45.68 2 I 23.56. 51:44 92.58. 22°18 45:29 19 I 3. I I. Io'42 96. 17. 21:55 45-64 22 o. 48. I5'48 86. 9. I'97 45'3o 2O 14. o. 50-68 I O2. 24. II '91 45-62 2 - 6 - º o 2O 14. o. 50:58 I O2. 24. I I ‘9 I 45-62 23 1. 38.46.53 79. 43. 44-86 45°32 2O 14. o. 50-62 I O2. 24. I2'49 45.62 A. e º º © - e º ugust 1 I 17. 3. 6-48 I 16.51. 16'o'7 45-70 2O 14. o. 50-62 I O2. 24. I I'34. 45-62 I I 17. 3. 6-48 I 16. 51. 22-62 45-70 2 I 14.54. I-64 Io9. 2. 52'2 I 45-60 I 2 18. Io. 8-82 I 18. 7. 7.62 45°72 23 16.53. 40-61 116. 15. 7.67 45.57 I 3 19. Ig. 38'13 I 17. 16. 4.99 45'74 24. 17. 59. 16.76 I 17. 57. 20'60 45-55 I4. 20. 28. 18.5o I 14, 14.56'79 45'77 May I 2 9.44, 34-36 7 I. I 2. 5: I.2 45.27 I6 22. 34. 20°27 Io3. 7. 4o:63 45'81 16 22. 34. 20:27 103. 7. 32.57 45'81 16 I 2.49. 3o'54 93. 28, 59:46 45'2O 17 23. 31. 6'87 96. 9. 27°34 45'83 17 13. 37. 53.87 99. 4o. 26'54 45' 18 I 8 o. 25. I'o5 89. o. 18°o2 45'85 I9 15. 26. 3’og I Io. 52. 8'90 45'15 - I9 15. 26. 3-og I Io. 52. Io 8o 45-15 2O 2. 9. 4O'92 75. 51.49°32 45'90 23 I 9.50. Io' 16 I 16. 18. 1177 45°og 2 I 3. 2. 44.75 7o. 31. 5.62 45'91 I2 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. Of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. Of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27' 1837. In Ill S O / // // I 838. h II]. S O / // // Sept. IO 19.56. 873 I 16. 3.48°o8 46’21 January 7 4. 47. 26'55 63. 25. 22.94. 45°43 7 4. 47. 26'55 63. 25. 1589 45°43 22 7. 22. 32:17 62. 36.58.4g 46’29 I 4 Io. 58.47°22 8o. 22. 29'06 45-53 October 8 20.35. 45-37 I 13.58. 36:45 46’24 - I9 I4. 44, 23°o4 Io9. 23. 29°49 45-63 9 2 I. 36.53-90 Io9. Io. 4392 46:23 2O I 5. 38. 28'50 I 12.54. 23-67 45-65 I I 23. 30. O'og 96. I6.46°29 46-22 y February 2 3. 32.47'32 67. 24. I-76 45°go I 2 o. 23. 36:43 89. 5.57°53 46:20 3 4, 29. 38'5I 63. 58.42-87 45'92 I4. 2. Io. 51°50 75. 32. 2.85 46-18 8 9. 9. I 9°38 68.57. 16:08 46'o3 16 4. 3. 56-38 65. 39. 20.73 46-16 9 9. 57. 33.05 73. 27. 58'04 46'o6 I 8 2. I'54 61. 38. Io'82 46-13 9 9. 57.33°o5 73. 27. 59' 31 46'05 2 I 8. 48. 8°o5 66.51. 9:56 46'09 I O Io. 43. 9°o7 78. 36. 22.81 46'07 November 3 IQ. I 2. I4°4O I 17. 4 I. 3'98 45.88 I I II. 26. 56-78 84. 9. 23.48 46'09 4. 20. I6. I5'79 115. 6. 29.76 45'86 I 2 12. 9.54' I 3 89.55. 17.67 46. I I 2 I. I 7. 2.89 I Io. 52. 32°66 45.83 I3 I 2.53. 4-97 95.43. 3O'27 46-13 6 22. I4. 35'72 Iob. 21. 18.88 45.81 28 2. I5. 44'2O 74. Io. 47°7 I 46.38 7 23. 8.5595 98.57. 23:34 45'8o March 6 8. I. O-64 64. 16. I4-31 46-45 8 o. I. 19'61 92. 5. O'57 45-78 7 8.53. 971 67.35. 26.57 46.46 I 2 3.36. 4'87 67.35. 4.85 45-70 9 Io. 28. 19:26 76.5o. 15.62 46.49 I6 7. 31.52'47 62.57. 28°og 45-63 IO I I. 12. 3375 82. 18. 2 I-34 46.5o 17 8. 26. 20' Io 65. 32. 4:13 45-61 IO I I. I 2. 33:90 82. 18. 2 I'34. 46.5o I 8 9. 17. 17.87 69. I 2. 3.92 45-59 I I I I. 55. 44-62 88. 3. 50'5o 46.5o I9 Io. 5. 8°o2 73. 42. 46-97 45.57 I 2 I 2. 38.5I-68 93.55. 2044 46'5o 2O Io. 5o. 38'2 I 78. 51. 25-39 45-55 I5 I4. 58. 20:05 I Io. 5. 974 46'52 December 2 2O. 58.52'52 I 12. Io. 1 o'57 45°39 17 16. 49. I3 Ig I 17. 7. I I 30 46.53 8 2. 18. 19:64 74. 38. 36.13 45-33 April 4. 9. 25.54'08 7o. 16. 26:64 46-47 IO 4. 9. 34.72 65. 21.58-89 45°32 7 II. 4 I. 4'90 86. 3. 39'33 46.44 IO 4. 9. 34.72 65. 21.55’29 45°32 - 8 I 2.24. I3 I4. 91.55. 52-74. 46.43 I4. 8. 3. 25.94 64. 27. 2:49 45°3o 9 13. 8. 6-8o 97. 47.34-79 46.42 I5 8. 56. Io'og 67. 43.55:39 45'29 9 13. 8. 678 97.47. 34.79 46.42 9 13. 8. 6'79 97.47. 34°22 46.42 I 8 I I. 16. 2'O2 82. 16. 16.72 45'29 9 13. 8. 6'79 97. 47, 35-35 46.42 I838. January 2 O. 19.51'39 89. 8. I g’74 45-37 I 2 15. 34.4O'70 I 13. 2. 3.79 46.38 3 I. Io. 38'36 82. 25. 57.26 45°38 I6 I9. 37.2O'90 I 16.52. I-44 46'32 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 13 At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Ecliptic. Year Cºl. Ye Ecliptic. Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's. cliptic Year and Day R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27". I 838. h m s O / / / A/ I 838. h m s O / // // May 2 9.55. 35'48 73. I4. 37-54 46°o4. August 6 22. Io. 57'92 IO4. 26. 51:82 45'97 3 Io. 4 I. Io'93 78. 23. 43.35 46°o2 8 o. I. 5278 90. 16. 16.86 46°o I 4. I I. 24.58°47 83. 57.4374 46°oo 9 o. 55. Ig'67 83. 4. 48-94 46'03 5 12. 8. 446 89.46. 15:52 45'99 I 3 4. 42. 25'40 62.55. 37:25 46’ Io 6 I 2.51.37:45 95. 38.59'66 45'97 I4. 5.43. 23.80 61. 29. 25.19 46:12 7 13. 36.45-72 IoI. 24. 26:64 45'95 26 14. 40. 56-65 Io9. 8. 41'38 46'32 8 14, 24, 36°49 I off. 48.35-61 45°93 28 16. 27. 31.89 I 16. 33. 49-48 46'35 8 14, 24, 36°49 IO6. 48. 39'25 45'93 29 I 7. 27. 24°49 I 18. 23. 14-81 46-37 I I 17. I 1.52'82 I 17. 46. 6-26 45'87 29 I 7. 27. 24'49 II 8. 23. I5'58 46-37 I 2 18. 14. 42'76 I 18. 31. 16. I 2 45'85 3o 18. 3o. 38'74. I 18. 3o. 52.89 46.37 I4. 20. 20.35:36 I I4. 32.59'38 45.81 3 I 19. 35. 16'14 I 16. 44, 1986 46-37 I5 21. 20. O'45 I Io. 5. 55'49 45'79 Sept. 3 22. 39. 3'24. IoI. 7. 20.84 46.42 17 23. Io. 6'99 97.53. 37:23 45.75 4. 23. 35. 24.66 93.47. 3 I '82 46.44 27 7.5o. 43-64 63. 54.56-52 45'6o I. 26. 2:42 79. 2. I7 Io 46.46 29 9. 35.53'58 7.I. 27.56°o4. 45.57 8 3. 21. 29'86 67. 21. 38.25 46′48 3 I 1 I. 7. 23.79 81.51. 55-39 45-55 9 4. 22. I5' Io 63. 38. 4:56 46′49 IO 5. 24. 5:77 61.37. 44.99 46.5o June 2 12. 33. 42'86 93. 24.5o’97 45-53 3o 22. 8. 45:30 IO4. 43. 8:60 46:51 4. 14. 4. 31°36 IO4. 44. 24'99 45-51 t Oct. 2 o. o. 58.85 90. 18. 17:07 46.49 6 15. 49. 9°34 I 13.59. I4-97 45°48 6 15. 49. 9°34 I 13.59. I 8:49 45°48 3 o. 56.4671 82.45. 34:2O 46′48 3 o. 56.46'71 82.45. 3o 25 46-48 7 16. 48. 22°56 I 16.58.46-61 45-47 4. I. 53.59'84 75. 41.51°34 46-47 8 17. 51. 27.91 I 18. 22. I I ‘23 45-46 24 18.45. 57:21 II 8. I5. 31'53 46’21 I 3 22. 53. 53.4. I 99.42. 49'59 45-44 26 20. 46. Io'87 II 2. 29. 29.74. 46' 17 July 4. 16. 2 I. I.4° 15 I 15.54. 30°52 45°48 29 23. 32.57.81 94. 4. 42°55 46. I I 5 17. 23. 4-5o I 18. o. 42.81 45'49 © t º 5 17. 23. 4-5o I 18. O. 43.76 45-49 3I I. 22. 52 '82 79. 24.58-82 46'o6 g e * * Nov. I 2. 21. Io'76 72.46. 28'04 46'04 I3 I. I.3. 43’OO 8o. 57. 18-24 45-58 I 2. 21. Io'76 72.46. 27: 12 46'04 I5 3. 2. 1872 69. I6. 44:61 45-61 2 3. 22.46-97 67. 17.59.62 46°o2 3I 15.54, 32°58 I 14. 39. I2°5 I 45'85 3 4. 27. I 9’O4. 63. 27. 51:03 46°oo August 2 17.56. 34°53 I 18. 31.45°o I 45'89 5 6. 37. 43.75 61. 39. 4:5o 45-96 4. 20. 7. 54-82 I I5. o. 45'24. 45°93 7 8. 35. 8: II 66.45. 52'65 45'91 14 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of * Ecliptic. * Ecliptic. Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's cliptic Year and Day. T.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. I838. h m s O f // // 1839. h m s O / / / // Novemberg Io. I4. 23:30 76. 4. I'98 45-86 March 23 7. 37.54'02 63. 39. 25-52 46.29 22 20. 27. 52'23 I 13. 36.43:25 45-62 24. 8. 34. 3'90 67. 3. 39'98 46.29 25 23. I I. 5 I ‘58 96.41. I6'83 45-55 25 9. 25. 52'48 7 I. 3o. 55-go 46’28 26 o. 3. 58:57 89.40. 53-32 45-54 26 Io. 13. 57-52 76. 41.47-99 46’28 3o 3.53. 31°74. 65. 15. 39' 16 45°48 27 Io. 59. 16-58 82. IQ. 48-93 46:26 3o 3.58. 31'74 65. 15.38:70 45°48 28 I I. 42.55°o2 88. I 1. 7.65 46-26 December 2 6. 5. 22°go 61. 30. 1877 45-44 28 II. 42.55'O2 88. I 1. 9-67 46:26 4. 8. 9. 3394 65. 18.42-42 45°41 April 6 19. 19. I7: 15 I 17. 5. 58:28 46-17 7 Io. 4 I. 5:15 79. 31. 4'99 45°38 2O 8, 15. 39.78 65, 52. 49.94 45°94 8 II. 25. 6:40 85. I I. 48°29 45-36 22 9. 58. 57. Io 75. 4. I 3-83 45'91 25 I. 31. 24'22 78. I. 50'47 45'29 24. I I. 28. 56'91 86. 20. 32°41 45-86 27 3. 26. 9.87 66. 56. I I-35 45°3o 25 I 2. I 1.54'45 92. I I. 19:36 45'84 28 4. 29. O'8o 63. 23.46°39 45°31 ſº * , Q. ë 28 4. 29. O'8o 63. 23, 42:28 45°31 26 I 2.55. I too 97.55. 48’40 45'82 - © & d 28 I4. 25. 42° 13 Io8. 20.57° 15 45'77 3I 7. 41. Ig'32 63.56.46-74 45°32 28 I4. 25. 42:25 Io8. 20.57° 15 45'77 - 1839. January 4. I I. 6. 3'o6 82. 59. 24'64 45-37 29 I5. I4. 57.66 - I I 2. 35. 49'85 45.75 y 7 13. 16. 2:20 Ioo. I4. 53' 18 45'40 3o 16. 7. 28°og 115. 52. 36.87 45'73 9 I4. 49. 31°18 I Io. 16. 16'71 45°4 I May I 17. 3. 2:63 I 17. 55.59:25 45'71 22 2. 9. 23.63 73. 28.4 I-89 45-59 6 2 I. 48. 2 I-51 Io5, 57. 57:29 45-59 24. 4. 7. O'36 64. I4. 13 Io 45-63 17 7.5 I. 24:23 64. 38. I'77 45-37 February 4. 13. 41.56-81 Ios. 36.52'46 45.83 I 8 8. 48. 48-49 68.3o. 52'47 45°34 23 6. 56. 20-60 62. 8. 4-59 46'14 22 I 1.57. Io'83 90. 21. 29'69 45°27 24. 7.55. 27°59 64. 35. 29.72 46-15 25 I4. 9. 39'2 I Ioé. 47. 18:16 45°22 25 8.5o. 33' I 2 68. 22. 1 o'80 46-17 26 14.58. 3-48 I I I. 16. 32.78 45' 19 26 14.58. 3-48 I I I. 16. 34. Io 45' 19 26 9. 41. 34-57 73. 7. 22.73 46’18 * - 27 15. 49.46-67 I I4. 52.5o'65 45' 18 27 Io. 29. 8 15 78. 31.44'29 46-19 27 Io. 29. 833 78. 31. 44'29 46; 19 29 17. 42. 30.57 I 18. 24. 2:30 45' 15 27 Io. 29. 8:24 78. 31. 43 Io 46-19 - 27 Io. 29. 8'24. 78. 31.45-48 46' 19 June 5 o. 5. 38'37 88. 20. 45-o/ 45-off March 2 I 2.40. 53°2O 96. 4.33'58 46:23 I6 Io. 9. I'o6 76. 42. I7-95 44'95 3 13. 24. 4172 IoI. 40. 36.33 46’24 24. 16. 24. 24:51 116. 38. 27.78 44'93 2 I 5. 33.52'91 61. 22.36°49 46.31 2 I 5. 33. 52'91 61. 22. 26'59 46.31 July 2 I 16. I. 59'48 115.46. 38'27 45' 12 SECT, I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. I 5 At Transit of Moon's Center. At Transit of Moon's Center. True True Obliquity of - Obliquity of Year and Day. . Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s } .A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27 Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1839. h m s O / // A/ 1839. # h m S O Af // A/ July 22 I6. 58. I-63 I 17. 51. 5.88 45' 14 October 26 6. 25, 22:49 61. 51.52:39 45-35 22 I6. 58. I-63 117. 51. 7:18 45'14 26 6. 25. 22:49 61. 51.5I go 45-35 24. 18. 56.48°o I II 7. 27. 42°46 45' 16 27 7. 29. 57.77 63. 54.5o:21 45:33 25 19.56. 16.5o I I4. 48.55'45 45' 18 28 8. 29. Ig'71 67. 31. 375 45'29 28 22. 4 I. 42°84 99. 2. 28.8 I 45°22 Nov. I 2 2O. II. 2 I 16 II.3. 35.5o’61 44-96 August I 2. I 2, 24'44. 72. 25. 21.73 45'29 I6 23. 38. 23.3 I 9I. I5. 9-2 I 44-85 2 3. I I. 996 67. 17. 29.63 45'3o I 8 I. 26. 30.57 77. 18. 16:30 44'81 2 O 18. 29. 59'85 I 18. I 2. 23:39 45-58 2O 3. 31. 33.48 65. 56. 53'o6 44-76 21 19. 29.37'87 I 16. 16. 15:40 45°59 2O 3. 3 I. 33'58 65. 56. 53°o6 44-76 23 2 I. 24. 55' Io Io'ſ. 48. 9.83 45-62 2 I 4. 4o. 56-39 62. 43. 26'or 4.4"74. • - R. ge tº 25 23. I 2. 38'50 94.57. 30.76 45-65 22 5.51. 56.75 61. 43. 34.54 44. 7 I 27 o. 58.43'29 8o. 45. 26:63 45-67 26 9. 55. 13: 15 75. 51. 22'04 44-63 - 29 I 2. I 2.52 18 93. 29. I4-61 44'57 Sept. I 6. 4. 27:38 61. 26. 3o 18 45.73 3o 12.56.4676 99. Io. 46.68 44'55 I5 17. 6. 37: 17 I 18. I 1. 46.75 45.81 I 8 2O. O. 37°41 I 14, 37. I6'75 45°81 Dec. I4. o. 8. 26'52 86. 55. 17-go 44-37 I 9 2O. 57. 27°99 1 Io. 23. 17.66 45'81 17 2. 56, 55.96 68. 17. 295 44'34 22 23. 40. O'70 91. 15.58:45 45.8o 2O 6. 24. 2:23 62. 8. 4:28 44-33 22 23. 40. O'70 91. 15. 55.72 45'8o 25 II. Io. 23:56 85. 26. 21-79 44’31 23 O. 34. Q'o6 83. 56.56-46 45'8o 27 I 2.4o. 15°o5 97. 22. Ig'24 44’31 25 2. 29. 24.' I I 7o. 40. 56-17 45'79 28 13. 25. 4:16 Io2.51. 29°35 44°32 26 3.32. 3.71 65. 45.51.16 45'79 29 I4. II. I 9°29 Io'7. 48. 17:36 44'32 27 4. 37. 37'o'7 62. 35. 36.88 45-78 I84O. 28 5. 44. II'49 61. 25. 16'8o 45'77 January Io 23.52. Ig'84. 88.48. 5:43 44’39 29 6. 49. I 3' 15 62. 14. 29.87 45-76 I I o. 42. 28'52 82. I I. 30.64 44'4. I - f I 2 I. 35. I 2.56 75.5o. 45-69 44'42 October 13 17. 41.59-61 I 18. 3o. 9'89 45-60 I 3 2. 31.55'07 7o. 9. I797 44'43 I4. 18. 39. 2.65 117. 56. 12-3o 45-58 I4. 3. 33. 3O'8o 65. 35. 12:41 44'44 15 19. 35. 58°o2 I 15.52. 29'58 45.57 I6 5. 48.52'o2 61. 43. 60-63 44'46 16 20. 31. 48:45 II 2. 22. 38'97 45-55 I6 5. 48.52'O2 61. 43.53-52 44'46 I9 23. I I. 53'o6 95. o. 14:36 45-49 17 6. 57. 31-34. 62. 59. 14.65 44'48 24. 4. 8. I3'59 63.52. 34:24 45-39 I 9 9. 2. 35.26 70.53. 6.63 44'50 25 5. 17. 9:58 61. 47. 2'35 45-36 2 I 82.40. 4O'98 44'53 IC). 47; 37°42 I6 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27". I84O. H m S O / // Af I840. h m S O / // f/ January 24 13. 6. 5* I I Ioo. 5o. 33.5o 44'58 April 18 15. 20. I5'34 I 13. 33. 45' 19 44'70 26 I4. 4o. 9°53 1 Io. 38. 31'o'7 44:61 I 9 16. 12. 59:24 I 16. 20.49°32 44'68 February 8 1. 18. 56.72 77.33. 13:19 44'79 2O 17. 7. 35' I I I 17. 52. 23:51 44'66 9 2. I4. 3' 19 71. 38.52'92 44-81 22 18.58. 31.79 I 16.47. I I'84 44:61 IO 3. I 3. Io'o I 66.45. 38'91 44-82 24 20. 45. 28'34 I Io. 22. 38'24. 44'56 I I 4. 16. 27.89 63. 19. 25-52 44'84 25 21. 36. 34'07 Ioã. 29. 36:42 44'53 I 2 5. 22. 50-49 61. 43. I5'O4. 44-85 26 22, 26.40. Io 99. 43. 33:57 44-51 I 3 6. 29. 54.54 62. 8.59:20 44'87 May 6 7.35. 20:54 64. 55. I I-45 44'28 I 4. 7. 34. 52'8o 64. 32. I 1.56 44-88 I 3 13. 26. 9-43 Io3. I7. Ig'77 44' I I 22 14, 19. 26'95 108.53. 8:37 45°oo 15 15. 2. 59'89 II 2. 19.58'59 44'o6 23 I5. 9. 5°o I I 12.58. 34:25 45°oo I6 15. 54. 55-54 115. 27. 17:50 44'O4. 24. 16. 1, 9:20 I 16. 2. 13'o6 45°o2 22 2 I. 17. I5'74 Ioy. I I. 38'22 43'90 March 8 2.54. 20°oo 68. 8. 9:18 45°og June 3 8. Io. 37:20 67. 17. Io'80 43-69 9 3.57. 6.59 64. Io. 16.76 45' Io 7 I I. 4o. 3' 16 go. 9.5o'72 43.63 I 2 7. I4. O'I 2 63. 33. 35.5o 45' I I 8 I 2. 25. 4o’97 96. 9. 8-72 43-61 13 8. 14.58.77 66.59.55'89 45' I I Io 13.58. 4-88 Ioô. 51. 31.53 43'58 I4. 9. 1 1. 28-61 71.43. 22.77 45' I I I 3 16. 31. I5'o3 I 16.53. 49'15 43-56 2O 13.59. 22.86 106.52. 26.42 45' Io I4. 17. 26. 2 I too I 17. 52.51.65 43’54 2 I I4. 48. 24'28 I I I. 2 I. I.4'O4 45' Io I5 18. 2 I. 59°74 I 17. 28. 39'86 43’54 24 17. 28. 24' 14 I 18. 16. 2.37 45°oy 17 2O. Io. 4'3 I I 12. 39. I'87 43’52 - I 8 2 I. I. 6'39 Io9. 3o. 32°14' 43’5o April 8 6. 54.35-37 62.57. 36.77 44'90 I9 21.5o. 12'23 Io3. 28. 38'8I 43’5o I O 8.54. 4o'79 7o. 17. 22:51 44'87 July 9 15. 20. I 2' 15 I 13. 43. I I Io 43:50 I I 9. 47. 37'93 75. 34. 46.76 44'84 I 3 18. 58.5o:52 116. 25. 37:63 43’54 I 2 Io. 36. 55-86 8I. 26. 4:46 44'82 I5 20. 45. 4.31 Io9.5o. 45: I I 43’55 I3 II. 23. 47'98 87. 32. 38'91 44'8O I 5 2O. 45. 4’3 I Io9.5o. 49-37 43’55 I4. 12. 9. 28°o8 93. 39. 7.58 44'78 I6 2 I. 35. 2'32 Io5. o. 2 I-58 43-56 I5 12.55. 376 99. 31. I 7:32 44'76 I 9 23.58. 35'34 87. I. 42'79 43'59 I5 12.55. 376 99. 31. 14:56 44-76 August 2 12. 34. 54:36 97.43. I6'81 43.75 I6 I3. 41. 34°92 Io4.56. 22-62 44. 74 I6 I3. 41. 35'04 IO4.56. 22-62 44'74 3 13. 22. 22.76 Io3. 25. Io: 18 4376 17 14, 29.48'54 Io9. 4I. 29°48 44°72 4. 14. Io. 46'55 Io8. 25. I6'5 I 43.78 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D.. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. I7 At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True . Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. - Ecliptic. Year and Day. Feliptic. B.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27". 1840. h til s O / // // 1840. h m S O / / / ſt August 5 15. o. 51:25 I 12. 32.57-60 43'79 November 3 21.5o. 59'22 , Io2.53. 58°66 43.38 8 I7. 42. 39'30 I 18. I. 28.39 43-83 4. 22. 38.54. I4. 97. Io. 53'34. 43°36 8 17 42. 39'30 I 18. I. 29.72 43-83 7 I. 9.51'94 78. 2. 2: 17 43:28 I4. 22. 55. 22.75 95. 20. 8:36 43-91 8 2. 7. O'88 72. 4. I 2°49 43:25 I5 23. 43. 3 I '74. 88.57. 56.22 43'92 8 2. 7. o'88 72. 4. 9'68 43'25 I9 3. 18. I7°og 66. 15.46-74 43'98 IO 4. 16. 35.65 63. 43.5o:52 43'2O 2O 4. 22. I'58 63. II. I.3°og 43'99 I3 7. 42. 42'97 66. 7. 39'44 43' 12 September 1 14, 39.42° 15 I Io. 57. 3-31 44' IO I4. 8. 43. 37.61 7o. 31. 20'91 43°og 3 16. 25. I3'86 I 16.54. 6.62 44' 13 I6 Io. 3o. 43'90 81. 55. 17.61 43'04 5 18. I5. 55’2O I 17. 39.52-81 44' I3 December 2 23. 5. 1976 93. 3o. 37°o2 42.68 5 I8. I5. 55’2O I 17. 39.58:58 44° 13 3 23.52. 49.72 87. Ig. 43’52 42'67 6 19. I I. O-63 115.58. 1577 44' I 4. 6 2. 34.55:13 69. 32. 26-31 42-61 7 2O. 4.44'84 I 12.58. I I 26 44' I4. 8 4. 49. 18.75 62. 52.53'29 42.57 IO 22. 36. I4'12 97.48. O'95 44' 15 9 6. I. 22-81 62. 4o. 16.76 42'57 I I 23. 25. 8:07 91. 26. 4'66 44' 15 9 6. I. 22-81 62. 4o. 14'og 42°57 I I 23. 25. 7° I. 26. A '66 • I 5 I I 23. 25. Ž . 26. #. †† I O 7. 11.5o'5o 64. 43. 24.48 42-55 I I 23. 25. 7'91 9I. 26. 3-92 44' 15 IO 7. I 1.5o'5o 64. 43. 20:56 42-55 I 2 o, I 4.47°8O 84. 52. 16:52 44' 15 I3 IO. I2. I O'44 79.58. 9-61 42°51 I3 I. 6. 24-91 78. 26. 31'91 44' 16 3 I o . 2 I. 44'53 83. 22. 29'oz 42°42 * - º º I841. I6 4. 2.38:20 63. 59. 22:44 44°16 January 3 3. 5. 36'o6 67. g. 8:36 42'42 17. 5. 8. 33°o8 62. II. 15'68 44' 15 5 5. 21. 15:45 62. 27. 39'33 42°42 5 5. 2 I. 15:45 62. 27. 34:35 42°42 October 6 2 I. 24. Ig'57 IoG. o. 43-44 43'99 7 7. 42. I6°oo 66. 22. 32:34 42'44 7 22. I3. 34.90 Ioo. 3o. 40'46 43-98 8 8. 46.47°5o 7 I. Io. 15: I I 42' 8 23. 2. 28'36 94. 22. 25.97 43'96 44 I 2 12. 20. 18:34 96.3o. 40.65 2:46 9 23.52. 3 II 87.5o. 55-64 43'94 42°4. February 3 7. 5. 56.33 64. 28.46°3 2*72 I O o. 43.3o'35 81. 14.54'2 I 43'92 4. 42'7 I O o. 43. 3o'35 8 I. 14. 5o 16 43'92 4. 8. I 2. I 2'32 68. 21, 57.81 42'73 I 2 2. 36.46'91 69. 26. 31.83 43.88 27 3. 22. 24.63 66. 3. 51.74 42'98 I3 3. 39.57°o5 65. I2. 4o'92 43.87 March 8 12. 21. 35-61 96.40. 36°og 43°o3 I4. 4. 46. 41'58 62. 43. 43.49 43.85 9 13. I2. 39'98 Io2.45. 24. Io 43'03 15 5. 54. 45-69 62. 16. 45:43 43-83 I 2 15.52. 8:87 I 15. 23. I-56 43'03 November 2 21. 2. 2 I-57 Ioy. 55. I4:34 43°41 I5 18. 38. Io'66 I 16. 27. 43°or 9'96 GREEN WICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. 18 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True ~-- - - Obliquity of Obliquity of º Year and Day. • . . Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. -- - - R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1841. - h -x YD. S O / // A/ 1841. H. m. S O - / // - // April 2 Io. 15.45-39 8o. 41. 38'91 42'85 June 3o 16. 18. 8:24 || 1 16. 4. 17.5o 41°14 & 3o 16. 18. 8:24. I 16. 4. 20'I I 4 I I4. 3 II. 7. 44:28 87. I I. 7'04 42-83 . r 5 12. 49. 3'40 99.58.40'19 42'79 July 3 | 19. 3. 39'45 114.51. 29'o6 4I 15 8 15. 27.5o'55 - I I4. I. 8-97 42°74. 6 21. 31.58'93 IO3. 29. 42'87 41° 15 I4. 20. 51. I3°oo Io8. 9. 278 ." 42-62 8 23. 2. 5:31 92.47. 46.81 4I 15 27 8, 5. 26.67 68. 18. 20.28 42:31 9 23.47. 3:35 87. 3. 47.17 41' 16 28 9. 4. I'42 73. 9. 46.5o 42'28 I 2 2. 16. I5'55 7o. 45. 27°36 - 4.I.' I 7 29 9.58. 38.76 78.54. 41'95 42°25 26 15. 5. 51°o I II 2.51. 38'42 4 I’27 & o. . . . & 28 I6. 56. 8: II I 16. 55. I5'3o 4 I'3o 3o Io. 5o. 19:38 85. 9. 8'44 42'22 28 I6. 56. 8: II I 16.55. 17: 12 4 I'3o May I II. 4o. 18:51 9 I. 32. Io'3o 42'2O 3o 18.46. I 7:21 I 15. 35. O'40 41 '32 5 15. 5. 16-60 I 12. 35. 26'54 42'Io 31 19. 38.52-51 II.3. 2. I I'94 41°33 6 16. o. 36:40 I I5. 25. 35'85 42'oZ August 9 2.51. 40.82 68. 3. 32.85 4 I'43 8 17.53. 12:55 116. 57. 52'26 42°o I 2 I 13.51. 22:14 Io'7. 2. 25'59 41'55 IO 19. 40. 50'23 I 13. 9. I 9.79 41°96 23 I5. 4o. 4o'29 II.4. 4 I. 47°42 41'58 I 2 2 I. Ig. IO II Ioã. I I. 47'90 4I ‘90 27 19. 2 I. I2'95 114. o. 20:36 41-62 I3 22. 5.4O'91 Ioo. 7. 15-60 41-88 28 20. I2. 13.5o I Io. 45. 58-74 41-63 I4. 22.51. 35.36 94. 32. 27°39 41-85 29 2 I. o. 55°32 106.37. 22.28 41-63 24. 7. 43.32°53 67. 6. 23.97 41-62 3o 2 I. 47. 42°43 IoI. 46. 25.56 41-63 - 3o 2I. 47. 42'43 IoI. 46.25-44 41-63 26 9. 41. 48-59 77. 18. 12.85 41'58 . 27 Io. 34. 42°og 83. 28. 33°8o 41'55 September 1 23. 18. 1795 90.44. 5392 41-65 28 II. 25. 4'42 89.49. 42'59 41'53 2 o. 3. 54°oo 84. 58. 32°23 41.65 3o 13. 3. 38'oz IoI. 52. 37:44. 41°49 : 4. I. 4o. 49-60 74. I. 5992 41-66 3I 13.54. 5'89 To 7. 3. 38'91 4 I’47 2. 34. Io'57 69. 24. 55-34 41-67 - 6 3.31. 43-61 65. 48. 36'58 41.68 June I 14. 46. 2 I-68 I I I. 21. 48-73 41'45 º g e - I 14. 46. 21.68 I I I. 21. 48.83 41°45 7 4. 33.24°O4 63. 35. 773 41-67 3 I6. 36. I 8:88 I 16. 28.49°40 4. I*4 I 23 19. I. 25°81 I I4. 48. 299 41-62 4. 17. 32. 32:31 I 17. o. 44-60 4I 39 3o o. 34. 36.86 81. I 8. Q'or 41'54 19. 21. 32°49 I 14, 2.46'52 41-36 October 1 I. 24. II"74. 75. 48. 49'57 4 I-53 13 O. 53. I'4I t 79. I I. 47°8 I 41-26 2 2. 17. 7'17 7o. 54. 28' I I 4. I-52 27 13. 38. 20.71 Ioš. 42.5o'74 41' 16 5 5. I 8. 2 I-88 63. 14. I-65 41°47 SECT, I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. , Ig At Transit of Moon’s Center. True Obliquity of I At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of and Day. . , a r , - - Ecliptic. - d Day. Ecliptic. *** | R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moor. * || Year and Pay. || R.A., Mº, N.P.D. of Moon's - Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27". . 1841. . h m s O f // // 1842. h m s * O J f / tr October 6 6, 22.58'95 63. 59.58'91 41'46 || January 17 o. o. 49'16 | 84.47. Io'28 39'79 6 6. 22.58'95 63.59. 57:17 41-46 • - 23 5. 32.4o'86 63. 33. 40.82 39'84. IO Io. 20. 32°43 82. Io. 45-54 41-37 23 5. 32.40-86 63. 33. 36.76 39'84. , 20 18. 39. 12:33 115. 23.59'58 41 18 24. 6. 40. 32°56 64. 58.58-36 39'85 2O 18.39. 12:33 115. 23. 56-73 4I 18 24. 6. 40. 32.56 64.58.47-27 39'85 21 19. 32. 24'87 I 12.59. 42'37 41'15 25 7. 47. 25.71 68. 21. 23°oo 39'86 . - 25 7. 47. 25.7 I 68. 21. 1923 39'86 22 20. 22. 52'94 Io9. 33.57° 15 4I 13 | - - 26 8.51. 1976 73. 22. 26:45 39.87 23 21. Io. 53.75 Iob. I 8.5o:32 4I Io 26 8.51. 19:58 73. 22. 26:45 39.87 - + - 26 8.51. 19.67 73. 22.2837 39.87 24. 21.57. 8:33 Ioo. 25, 13'54 41'o6 26 8.51. 1967 73. 22. 24:51 39.87 25 22.42. 28-89 95. 3. 30°33 4I'o6 27 9.51.33:03 79. 31. 48°og 39'89 November 18 20. 2. 2.68 I Io. 5o. 31.96 4o'39 28 io. 48.32-33 - 86. I5. 52-63 39'90 . I9 2O. 5o. 58°30 106. 54. 6'1 I 40°36 3I 13. 31. O'84 Io5. 12. 26.29 39'94. 2O 21. 37. 34.75 Io2. 16.58'34. 40°33 I February 17 3. 2. 3:33 67. 4o. 29.38 4O'I 2 24. o. 4o. 7'71 8o. 26. 24:57 40°23 I8 4. O. 13:08 64.56. 25.18 40° 13 25 1. 3o. 34:18 75. 4. 2'95 4o'2O I9 5. 2. 23:41 63. 39. 9.92 40° 13 . I9 5. 2. 23°4 I 63. 39. 6-o/ 40° 13 3o 6. 43. 27.73 65. 3. 14.8o 4O'OQ - . 3o 6.43. 27.73 65. 3. 12'97 4O'Og 2 I 7. I2. 46'04 66. 24. 55-36 4o 15 December 1. 7. 48. 13:21 68. 19. 12-88 4o'o6 25 II. 14. 15:63 sº. 23. assº 40° 18 3. 9.45. 44 I.2 78.42. 59'34 || 40°ol 26 12. Io. o.89 96, 13. 26°og | 40.18 4- Io. 39. 14.46 84. 56. 16:19 40°oo March 1 14.59. 24.63 112. 6. O'66 4 o'zo 17 2.I. 19. 9°59 Io3.59. 24.76 39.81 4. 17. 52.56-62 116. 5, 28-73 40-21 4. 17. 52.56-62 I 16. 5. 24:36 40°2 I 18 22. 4. 31°37 99. 3. 55-96 39'8o 2 I 7. 48.54*I I 68.39.48'o6 40° 16 20 23. 32.59'91 88. I7. 44'54 39.78 : - - 22. 8.49. 28°o8 73. 21.33:26 O”; 22 I. 6. 6: 19 77. 23. 20.84 3976 t 4O'í4. . 23 9. 47.51°88 79. II. 57-61 40° 13 24. 2.53. 43'o6 68. 9. 49'8o 3975 4. - - April I 18. 27. 9-63 I 15. 5. 41'76 4O'oo 25 3.55. I I '81 65. 4. 49-40 3974 . I 18. 27. 9-63 II.5. 5. 42-64. 4O'Oo 25 3.55. I I-81 65. 4. 48.8o 3974 | - . - - - 5. 21. 46. 56-19 Ioo. 48. 56-73 30'02 27 6. 9. 46-87 64. 6. 25.65 39.73 - 9°9 27 6. 9. 46-87 64. 6. 26:60 39.73 I6 6. 26. 56.84 65. 2.57-28 39'71 16 6. 26. 56.84 65. 2. 54:23 39'71 3o. 9. 23. 2'O7 76. 26. 57.35 39.73 , - 1842. - . . I 9 9. 25. 27°53 77. 3. 1978 39'63 - - January 2 I2. 5. 25°34 95. 44. 22° I 2 39.73 2O IO. 2C, 49'68 83. 7. 5I'O8 . 39'60 3 12.57. 13:13 IoI. 42.33:56 39.73 22. 12. 9.32°72 96. Io. 26'70 || 39'54 C 2 20 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True - r Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. . R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s - Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. I842. h Iſl S O A. // // I842. h In S O / // // April 23 13. 4. 59'89 I O2. Ig. 48°42 39'51 June 28 23. 6. Io'go 90. 59. 39'40 38' I 6 - 23 I3. 4. 59'89 1oz. 19.45'o8 39'51 24. I4. 2. I5'59 IO7. 41. 43-92 39'48 July I I. 22.47°42 75.36. I 143 38' I 5 24. 14. 2. 1547 IO7. 4 I. 43-92 39'48 - 2 2. I 3. 33:50 71. 12. 27.63 38° I 5 25 15. I. 3o'25 III. 54, 4, 19 39°47 I 2 II. 15. 35.62 90. 9, 22°7O 38. I6 26 16. 2. 9. Io II.4, 39. 4I o2 39°43 . I5 13.58. 11'66 IOW. 34. 42'I 2 38:17 27 I 7. 2. 54:39 I I5. 5o. 13’ I 5 39°41 I6 I4. 54.51°2 I I I I. 37. 32’69 38:17 28 18. 2. I I-54 115. 27. 18. 16 39'37 28 I8. 2. I I'54 I 15. 27. Ig'82 39'37 2 I Ig. 4I. 8-27 I I I. Io. 38°o5 38°2 I 2 I I9. 4 I. 8-27 I I I. Io. 39'47 38°2 I 29 I8.58.43'04 I 13. 40. 56-93 39'35 23 21. 19.56-82 Io3. I. 32°36 38°23 3o I9.5I. 51° 18 I Io. 45. 46.68 39'32 24. 22. 5. 4o'24 98. 7. 23:03 38'24. May 1 2O. 41. 41' 15 Ioff. 57. 8°o I 39'29 25 22. 49. 57.75 92.56.47°57 38-24 15 8. Io. 27.76 7o. 40. I3'I 2 38-91 29 1.52. 18.98 72.56. 26.73 38-27 16 9. 8. 5-55 75.35. 36.8o 38°88 17 | Io. 3. 971 81. 21. 40-2 I 38.86 || August 12 || 14, 36, 32°o? I Io. 23. 28.60 38’41 19 II. 49. 24.73 93.58. 26.17 38°8O I3 15. 35. O'49 I 13. 36. 33:22 38:42 2d I 2.42. 54.93 Ioo. 6. 28-24 3877 I4. I6. 34, 4:74 I 15. 22.48°46 38.43 e 5 I7. 32.4 I'48 I 15. 39. 43.87 38'44. 22 14. 35. 23:37 I Io. 14.55'41 38:72 I i 4 ºr e g & 22 14.35, 23:37 I Io. 14. 55.57 38-72 I5 17. 32. 4 I ‘48 I 15. 39.46’21 38'44 - e e * I6 18. 29. 38'97 I 14. 31.57-58 38:45 24. 16. 35. 29°oo I I5. 25. I4'54 38-67 I6 18. 29. 38'97 I 14. 31. 61'35 38:45 28 20. 20. 54-69 Io8. 26. 37.89 38°58 17 I9. 24. 3' Io I 12. 9. 34:60 38:47 3I 22. 39.57'70 94. 16. 5’70 38°5 I I9 2 I. 4. 7-97 IO4. 35. 9:73 38-49 I9 2 I. 4. 7'97 Io.4, 35. I4°og 38-49 June 2 o, 8.49'65 83.38. 30.95 38.47 20 21.5o. 26:23 99.5I. 8: II 38-49 3 o. 55. 24:27 78. 28. 7:51 38:45 20 21.5o. 26:23 99.51. 7-58 38-49 12 8.49. 29'51 74. I. 46.61 38.31 23 o. 3. 5'98 84. I7. 34:27 38°52 13 9. 46. I2:51 79. 4o. 27°4 I 38°3O 3o 6. 18. 19:21 65. 13. 3:44 38°56 I 13, IQ. 4O'OO IO4. 2.48°94 38°25 - 7 September 12 18. I I. 31°74. I I4. 52. 22.70 38°58 2 I 17. 11.51'48 115.45. 56-81 38.19 I 2 13. I I. 3 I '74. I I4. 52. 24°57 38°58 2 I 17. II. 51'48 I 15. 45.56:51 38.19 ~ I 3 19. 7. O'22 I 12.53. 1078 38.57 22 18. Io. 38'74 115. 5. 48-56 38'2O * 22 18. Io. 38:74 I I5. 5. 5o:20 38°2O 14 19.59. 21° 17 Io9. 49. 12'22 38.57 26 21.37. 6:34 IoI. 15. 1578 38:17 I5 20.48. 41'56 Ioã. 54. 34:35 38.57 27 22. 22. 9°73 96. 13. 54:37 38:17 16 21. 35. 32.84. IoI. 22.57'76 38°58 f SECT. I.-CoRRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. of Moon's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 2i At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27". 1842. h m s O / / / f / I842. h m S O / / / // September 19 23.48. 53' 12 86. 1.57:40 38°55 December 23 I I. 36. 41'79 93. o. 51:8o 36-53 I9 23, 48.52'92 86. I. 57-40 38°55 I9 23. 48.53°o2 86. I. 5978 38°55 24. 12. 30. 16'o6 99. I. I-63 36-52 I9 23.48.53'o2. 86. I. 55°o2 38°55 1843. 2O o. 33. 46-27 8o. 55. 36:34 38°54 January 5 22. 39. 37'95 93.36. 51.65 36-49 2 I I. 20. I 9°29 76. 8. I4. Io 38°53 7 o. 8. I I'47 83. 23. 37:42 36-49 22 2. 9. 16'99 71.52. 33:23 38°52 8 o. 53. 3o'72 78.33. 27.74 36-49 25 4. 54.31 '71 64. 41. I I-69 38°49 I O 2. 31. I 3-3o 7o. 17. 22' 12 36-49 29 8.54. 53-69 74, 46. I'48 38.43 I 2 4. 22.48°85 65. 27. 12.62 36-51 October II 19. 4 I. 2:58 I Io. 46. I I'29 38'24. I 3 5. 23. 32°24 65. o. 2 I-8o 36-5 I 13 5. 23. 32°24. 65. o. 21:24 36-51 I 3 2 I. I g. 32°32 Io2.47. 59'44 38:19 - - I 5 7. 28. I I ‘44. 68, 54, 58.25 36-53 I9 I. 53. 14.46 73. 16. 9-08 38'o6 15 7. 28. I I'44 68.54. 58-82 36-53 2O 2. 44. 44"O7 69. 30.5o:64 38°O3 16 8. 28.53'o6 73. 7.56-27 36-53 2 I 3. 39. 22°22 66.42. 52'21 38°oo 17 9. 27. 20'47 78. 28. 37:21 36'54 22 4, 36.49 Io 65. 7. 28°47 37'97 18 Io. 23. 4. I’7 I 84. 32. 25.88 36-56 23 5. 36. 9-83 64. 56. 28.35 37'95 February 5 I. 21. 42°5o 75.56. 36.36 36.72 23 5. 36. 9-83 64. 56. 27-24 37'95 I 3 8.57. 25.87 75.35. 36.5o 36-8 I 25 7.35. 1975 69. 2.5o'91 37.89 I3 8.57. 25.87 75.35. 35-44. 36-8 I 26 8.33. 6'54 73. 9. 373 37.86 16 || 1 1. 49.55-56 94. 23. 25-22 36.83 November 12 23. 16. 40° 18 89.32. 59°o3 37:38 March 7 3. 34, 59'40 67. 13. 57-61 36-92 16 2. 25. I 9'92 7o. 47. 57:28 37.26 8 4. 30. I 9'48 65. 38.49°75 36-92 16 2. 25. Ig'92 7o. 47. 53-84 37.26 16 12. I7, 45°32 97. 23. 4.54 36-89 17 3. 19. 32.71 67. 37.49'65 37:23 17 3. Ig. 32°7 I 67.37. 52-13 37:23 17 13. 17. Io'5o IO3. 23. 20'42 36'88 I 8 4, 16.59'54 65. 36.31°77 37:20 18 14, 18. 1976 Io8. 24, 39' 16 36.87 22 8. 15. 48.85 72. o. 44-69 37°og 20 16. 24. 3:36 I 14, 8, 1322 36.86 25 | Io. 59.32°56 88. 33.36°o3 37°oo April 8. 8. o. 54-69 7.I. 27. 2:64 36-57 December 13 2. 2. 59'O3 72. 21. 3:17 36.65 IO 9.53. 38' I4. 81. 24.56:18 36-52 I4. 2.55. 41'45 68.48. 38'54. 36.63 I I Io. 49. 37'71 87. 32.53'42 36'50 I6 4.51. 48'99 65. 3. 29.34 36'60 I 2 II. 46. 24'88 93.57. 59'o'7 36-47 16 4.51. 48-99 65. 3. 27.69 36'60 I 2 II. 46. 24'88 93. 57.5I-94 36'47 17 5.53. 3o'I I 65. 21. 38'04 36-59 13 12.44. 53.76 Ioo. 13. 6'98 36:45 17 5.53. 3o'I I 65. 21. 41'59 36-59 17 16.58.48°27 I 14, 20. 544 36°35 I 8 6.55. 23:29 67. 15. 53.21 36-58 I 8 6.55. 23:29 67. 15. 51:59 36-58 May 6 8. 37.36°49 74. 28. 36.83 35'82 22 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True - t Obliquity of - _j Obliquity of Year and Day. . Ecliptic. Year and Day. : - Rcliptic. J R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's - R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. - 23°. 27". 1843. h m s O / // Z/ 1843. - h m S O / / / // May 1o 12. 16. 23:41 97. 22. 13:17 35.70 || September 5 20.44 58:54 104. 42.38:60 | 35-17 I I 13. 14. 38'90 IO3. 9. I 9'98 35-67 6 2. 34.38:39 1oo. 10.35.65 35; 17 6 21. 34.38-39 Ioo. Io. 35:30 35' 17 I 3 15. 20. 4-2 I III. 47. 4 I ‘47 35.62 I 3 15. 20. 4:23 I I I. 47. 4 I ‘47 35.62 7 22. 22. 5:45 95. 16.35:33 35-17 I 3 15. 20. 4:22 I I I. 47. 4o'83 35-62 7 22. 22. 5:45 95. 16. 35'04 35' 17 13 15. 20, 4:22 I I I, 47. 42' IO 35.62 . : - - IO o. 39. I I’52 8o. 29.47°53 35' 16 2 I 22, 49. 41'68 92. Io. 27°94. 35-39 - i -- - - - - I I I. 25. 46.79 76. 9. 1478 35' 16 June 8 I3. 49. I'O3 Ioč. Io. 24:27 35°o I ‘. - - I 2 2. 13. 54.95 72. 23. 24'84 35' 16 IO 15. 54. 15.85 I 13. 5. 36'71 34°97 | IO 15. 54. 15.85 I 13. 5. 39' 15 34-97 I6 5.46. 41'43 66. 28. 28'99 35' 15 I6 21.44, 17.04 99. 8.54.42 34.88 29 7. 37. 44' I 2 . I 13. 31. 61' 15 35.02 - 29 17, 37. 44' I 2 I 13. 31.58:19 35'O2 22 2. 22. 4 I-31 71. 20.57-68 34.83 s October I 19. 35. 35.73 Io9. 25. 40°38 34'98 July 8 16. 32.46'91 I 13.57. 29°46 34.77 ". 8 16. 32.46'91 I 13.57. 30.72 34.77 4. 22. 6. 57.84 96.45. 30-51 34.94 9 17. 36. 14.86 I 14. 3. 25.76 34.77 22.53. 2.56 9I. 49. 39'51 34'93 9 17.36. 14.86 I 14. 3. 23-64 34.77 9 1.57. 38:72 73. 42. 34-23 34-85 I4 22. II. 9.88 96. 21. 5'o'7 34.78 - .” I4. 6. 21.59'28 65. 30.56'92 || 34.74 I9 2. 2. Io95 72.5o. 47-3o 34.8o I4. 6. 21.59:28 65. 3o. 56-37 34.74 21 3. 45. 4872 67. 12. 27.97 34-82 15 7. 17. 22.75 69. 44. 23.68 34.71 August 4 || 16. 12. 23.78 I 13. 29, 23.8o 34.94 I6 8. I 2.23°o I 73. 7. 15.67 34-69 5 17. I4. 42-62 114. 8, 6.67 34-95 17 9. 6.55'90 77. 32. O'48 34.67 6 18. 15. 57.87 113. 13.56-57 34'96 I 8 Io. I. 22:51 82.47. 26' 13 34-64 6 18. 15.57.87 I 13. 13. 58.89 34-96 29 20. Io. 52'68 106.53. 33.48 34-35 7. 19. 14. 45-46 I Io. 56. g'57 34'97 - 7 19. 14. 45-46 I Io. 56. 9-23 34'97 November 1. 22. 38. 12'33 93. 15. 6-06 34:26 9 2 I. 2. 3O'85 103. 15. 5:30 34'99 3 o. 8.47-8 I 83.32. 17:42 34:20 9. 21. 2. 30.73 Io3. I5. 5'3o. 34'99 : • , 6 2. 30.46'03 71. 28. 28:16 34’ I I IO 21.5I. 48:42 98. 27. 5276 35°oo 6 2. 30.46°o3 71. 28. 27.58 34' I I II. 22. 38.55'98 93. 24, 3o'94 35°o I 7 3. 21.5o'81 68. 49. 20:43 34°o8 < *- - 7 3. 2 I. 5o’8 I 68. 49. 23:34 34:08 I 2 23. 24. 44'59 88. 18. 19:07 35'O2 - - - : 8 4. I4. 52'27 67. 8.59'05 34°o5 I 8. 4. I7. 23°49 66. 30. 14.67 35'07 8 4. I4. 52'27 67. 8. 65°og 34°o5 3I. 15.53. 4o'79 112.46. 51:84 35. I5 I O 6, 4, 2428 67. 14. 14.67 33'99 September 2 17. 57.35:51 II.3.29. Ig'90 35. I6 I I 6. 59. 20:25 , 69. 4, 34:52 33.96 w: 2 17. 57.35:51 I I3. 29. 20-74 35' 16 - - - - - I 2 7. 53.31.88 72. 2. 32°32 33.93 3. I8. 56.35°23 I I I. 38.47:27 35' 16 ,” . 3. I8. 56.35:23 I I I. 38.45'93 35' 16 I4. 9. 39. 29'89 8o. 48. I'o'7 33.86 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 23. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of - Obliquity of Year and Day. - Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. Of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1843. h m s - O / // // “ 1844. Th m S O / // zz November 16 II. 25. 49-61 9I. 59.47°85 33°8 I March I 8. 17.5o:23 73.52. I 1.56 33:45 f f . . I 8. 17.5o:23 73.52. I6' 19 33:45 17 I 2.2 I. 28:45 97. 49. 57.26 33.78 - 3 Io. 7. I O'43 83.3o. 27.36 33:46 27 2 I. 32.56-53 99.47. 4'87 33°52 3 Io. 7. Io'43 83. 3o. 29'06 33:46 29 23. 7.25:42 89.56. 35'49 33-47 4. 11. 1.55-39 89. 12. 37:28 33:46 December 6 4.5o. 57-59 66.40. 848 33°3 I 5 I 1.57. 32: 18 95. 3. 28'93 33:46 6 4.5o. 57-52 66. 40. 848 33'3 I 6 4.5o. 57'56 66.40. 7.65 33°3 I 6 12.54. 43°45 IOo. 39. I6'39 33°46 6 4.5o. 57-56 66.40. 9:30 33°3 I - - 7 13.54. O'66 Ioã. 35. 18.39 33°46 8. 6.42. 7'98 68. 25.36°23 33°27 8 6.42. 7'98 68. 25.33'99 33°27 26 6. 4. 4-26 67. 48, 32. Io 33-32 26 6. 4. 4-26 67. 48. 27.72 33-32 I I 9, 23. 5'94 79. 18. 34:58 33° 22 * 28 7.52. 1369 72. 22.5o'59 33:29 I 2 Io. 14.5o'73 84. 28. 2'o5 33°2O - 29. 8.45. 57-61 76. 13.55:07 33°28 I 3 II. 6. 42° 13 go. O. 25.89 33: 19 3o 9. 39. 36'95 8o. 57. 9°o8 33°26 I4. II. 59. 4o'99 95. 39.58%.4 33:17 I5 12.54. 53.81 IoI. 7. 54:49 33 15 I 8 April I II. 28.51'48 92. 5. 45: I.2 33'22 r 44. I II. 28.51'48 92. 5.46’21 33°22 January I 3. 35. 42°49 68. 15.59'22 33'O4. - - 2 12. 25.55'go 97.52. 36.36 33°2O 2 4. 29.34°8 I 66.53. 33.37 33°oq. 2 I2. 25.55'go 97.52. 39'39 33°2O 2 4. 29. 34-81 66.53. 35'61 33°O4. 3 13. 25. 34:30 Io3. 14. 46-47 33° I 8 6 8. I 2. 33°33 73. 23. I I-70 33°o5 5 15. 32. 52'23 I Io. 55. 39'70 33'14 7 9. 6. 2 I-72 77. 44. O'55 33°o5 6 I6. 38. 41'93 II 2. 31. 3O'o6 33’ I 2 IO II. 43. 4o'2 I 93. 54, 24*70 33°o5 - 8 18.45. 57-55 I Io. 5o. 54.83 33°o 8 I 4 15. 34. II 49 I I I. 37. 49-60 33°O8 8 18, 45. 57.55 I Io. 5o. 54:21 33°o8 24. o. o. 47-93 84. 22. 17.68 33’ I 5 9 19.44, 37°19 107.59. 9.88 33'o6 26 1. 34. 46.71 75.33. 52'20 33:17 Io 20. 39. 27-88 IO4. II. 29' Io 33°o4. 28 3. I 3. 58:53 69. 16. 36:32 33: 19 23 6. 38. I 1.13 68. 59. 9.79 32.73 February 1 6.53. 4:35 68. 53. 24.93 - 33:24 24. 7. 31. Io'4I 7.I. 22. Io'51 3270 I 6.53. 4:35 68. 53. 22.84. 33'24. - 25 8. 23. 36-92 74. 44, 284 32’67 2 7. 49. 6-03 71. 48. 32°90 33:24 2 7. 49. 6-03 71. 48. 31.70 33:24 26 9. 15. 41'3o 78.57. 47.68 32’64. 4. 9. 38. 39'24 8o. 4o. 25°24 33°26 27 Io. 7. 53.5o 83.53. 29'22 32-61 Io. 32. 2 I-35 86. 7.55'49 33°27 28 II. O. 59'I I 89. Ig. 2 I Io 32°58 7 I 2. 2 O. 3o45 97. 32. 23:43 33:29 29 11. 55.53.79 94.59. o:8o 32°55 27 5.31. 57.33 67. 2. 42.97 33:45 3o 12.53. 33-91 Ioo. 31. 13-71 - 32°52 27 5. 31.57:33 67. 2. 40.89 33:45 3o 12.53. 33-91 IOo. 31. II“54 32°52 24. - REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of 7- Ecliptic. * Ecliptic. Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P. D. Of Moon’s clip Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1844. h m O f // f / I 844. h m s O / / / | | May I I 3. 54. 4 I 34 o5. 29. 32.79 32°49 July 29 2O. 53. 48'54. I oz. 54. 13.81 31'43 | I 13.54. 4I'34 IOS. 29. 33°o2 32°49 29 2O. 53. 48-54 I O2. 54. 15:36 31'43 2 I4. 59. 20' 13 Io9. 24. 48' 23 32°46 3I 22.40. 36:47 92.53. 26:38 31'45 2 I 4.59. 20'31 Io9. 24.48°23 32°46 2 I4. 59. 20'22 io9. 24. 44-96 32°46 August I 23. 3o. 32’60 87. 45.3ozoo 31'46 2 I4.59. 20-22 Io9. 24.51'46 32°46 - 4. I. 56, 47.69 74. 35. 29°35 31°49 5 I 8. 2d. I 3-33 I I I. 31. 46.82 32-37 5 I8. 20. I 3-33 I I I. 31.47°93 32-37 6 3. 37.47°94 69. 12.37'o6 31.51 6 I 9. 22. 28'71 Io9. 2. 15-61 32°34 23 18. 29.46°62 I I I. I. 51°o8 3 I-66 23 18. 29. 46.62 I I I. I. 50-77 31 '66 8 2 I. I.4. 3' 16 IoI. 7. 28'38 32° 28 25 20. 29. 28.66 IOA. 44.54°58 31.68 23 8.57. 1275 77. 29. 2:58 31.89 25 20. 29. 28.66 IO4. 44. 55' I I 31.68 24. 9.48. O'61 82. 3. 37.82 31.87 26 2 I. 24.54'83 IOo. 14. 20:50 3 I-68 25 Io. 39. 375 87. 9. 27°49 31.84 27 22. I7. 41-81 95. 16. 5'99 31.69 - 27 22. 17. 41-81 95. 16. 4:45 31'69 27 12. 25. 46-41 98. o. 20'94 31-79 28 23. 8. 28.83 Qo. 8.47°o3 31'71 June 2 18. 52.46-22 I Io. 2 I. 41' 13 3 I-65 29 23. 58. 2°oo 85. 8. 29.79 31'71 4 20. 51.52-83 Io2.57. I '99 31-61 3o o. 47. 6°o3 8o. 28. 43.5o 31-71 IO I. 44, 5o'45 75. I I. 1570 3 I-5 I 3I I. 36. 1927 76. 20. 40°40 31.72 I I 2. 33.53-97 71.55. 41'85 3 I'5o September 1 2. 26. I2’69 72.53. 46.36 31.72 2 I Io. 22.35:30 85. 27. I5'14 31:37 17 I6. 3. 55-58 I I I. I 1. 41'46 31.72 22 I I. 13. I 8:93 90. 40. 32°89 31:37 2O. 19. I I. 51-26 Io9. I I. 36.68 31.69 *- 23 I 2. 5. 25°52 95. 59. 31' 12 31°36 24. 22.48. 40-88 92. 8. 9' 18 3 I-65 24 12. 59.58-84. IoI. 7. 24.52 3 I-35 24. 22.48. 4O'88 92. 8. 743 3 I-65 25 23. 38. 9'o6 87. 9.48°oo 31:64 29 18. 19. 15.8o I I I. 31. 35-54 31 °3 I - & g tº 29 18. 19. 1572 I I I. 3 I. 35-54 3 I*3 I 25 23. 38. 9'o6 87. 9. 43-33 31:64 29 18. 19. 1576 I I I. 3 I. 37:29 31 °3 I 26 O. 2 g * g e te ſº . 27. 8:8o 82. 24. 38'57 31.63 29 18. 19. 1576 I I I. 31. 33.79 3 I*3 I 26 o. 27. 8-52 82. 24, 38-57 31-63 July 9 3. 6. 17:35 7o. 18. 19'8o 3 I*3 I 27 I. 16. 17:12 78. 5. 6-46 31-63 2 I. I 2, 42.48'98 99. 25. 32.76 31-36 28 2. 6. 2'66 74. 22. 5:07 31-61 22 13. 38. 26'o6 IO4. 8.55-69 31:37 29 2.56.42 13 7.I. 24.50'27 31'59 23 I4. 37. I2°75 Io8. 6.. 9.28 31:37 3o 3.48. 16.86 69. 21. I'82 31 °58 24. 15. 39. I4'81 1 Io. 56. Io:37 3 I 38 October 3 6. 25. 58.85 69. 13. 33.63 3 I-53 26 I7. 49. I 7-8o I 12. 7.52°17 3I ‘40 4. 7. 18. 20:08 7.I. 14. 39' 16 31'5I 26 I7. 49. I 7°8O II 2. 7. 51 I 2 3I ‘40 9. I. 48' 15 78. 2. 2:58 31'48 27 18.53. 44.75 I Io. Ig. I7:20 31'40 27 18. 53. 44-75 I Io. 19. I4'34 31°4o I 8 19.52. 45:40 Ioé. 48. 3-37 31-24 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 25 At Transit of Moon’s Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Feliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1844. H. m. s O / / / // 1845. h m s O / / / // - October 20 21. 41. 43-66 98. 26. 1275 3 I* I 8 February 11 I. 25.53°74. 77. 44, 39' 13 29'99 22 23. 2 I. 23' I I 88. 44, 44'49 31 "I 3 I 2 2. 16. 44-69 74. 9. I5' 19 3o'oo 26 2. 37.48'12 72. 28. 61'o6 3I ‘O2 I4. 3.59.51'35 69. 31. 29'09 3o'O2 26 2. 37.48 I 2 72. 28.59'3o 3 I'o.2 - I6 5. 44, 4o'55 68. 46.5o'o6 3O'O4. 27 3, 29. 4 I 7 70. 6. 29'92 3 I'oo 16 5. 44, 4o'55 68. 46.5o:56 3o'O4. 28 4, 21. I I'36 68. 40. 53'o6 3O'97 17 6. 37. I-3o 69.55. 37°ol 3o'o6 17 6. 37. I'30 69.55. 37:63 3o'o5 3o 6. 6. I I-95 68. 53.38:40 3O'91 3o 6. 6. I I-95 68. 53. 39'43 3O'91 IQ 8. 20. 4'41 75. 2. 26.58 3O'O8 I 9 8. 20. 4'4. I 75. 2. 26-58 3O'O8 3I 6. 58. 8°o8 7o. 31. 23.87 3O'88 2 I Io. o. 46°o5 83. 9. 24.99 3O'og November 3 9. 30. O'57 8o. 36. I I-81 30.78 2 I IO. O. 46°o5 83. 9. 22.7 I 3o'Og 2O o. 42.46'03 80. 53. 25.74 3O'3I 23 II. 4 I. 49'7O 92. 52. 3o II 3o Io 2 I 1. 31. 18'o6 76. 51. 43°43 3o 28 March 14 4. 3o. 37.83 69. 9. I 281 3o I 3 23 3. I I. 28'25 7o. 48. 4I'68 3O' 23 ſº * o 23 3. I I. 28'25 7o. 48. 4O'70 3O'23 17 7. 7. I I'46 7.I. 16. 9-40 3o I I 25 4. 55. 44-77 68. 18.58-73 3O' I 8 I 9 8. 48. 43-66 77. I4. 25.85 3o II 25 || 4.55. 44.77 | 68. 18.57'19 3o I 8 20 g. 38.54.65 81. 18. 8:63 3o Io 26 5. 48. 23:32 68. 35. 54:12 3o’ I 5 f- * …, & te e 2 I Io. 29. 15:32 85. 52.57:21 3O'og 26 5. 4.8. 23:32 68. 35. 57-53 3o 15 2 I Io. 29. I5'32 85. 52. 51-43 3O'og 27 6. 40. 33:42 69. 53.57.43 3O' I 3 3o 19. I5. 20'06 Io8. 16. 32-81 29'97 December 4 I 2. 33.59'82 98. Ig. 28:22 29'96 April 16 9. 16. 20:36 79. 33.53.72 29'64 13. 30.36°or Io.3. 5. 2' 15 29'94. 17 | Io. 5.5o'71 83. 50. 35'66 29'61 I9 2. 4, 40'30 74, 3o. 4'25 2.975 I 8 Io. 56. I 15 88. 32. 24.89 29'58 2O 2.54, 44-82 7 I. 35. 59'69 29'74. I 9 II. 47.38°46 93. 27. 46:32 29'56 2 I 3.45. 58.79 69. 32. 52'26 2973 - 2O I2. 4 I. 31°77 98. 21. 23.88 29-53 26 8. 6. I4.62 74. 6. 52' Io 29'68 2O I 2. 4 I. 3 I '77 98.2 I. 25.2 I 29-53 27 8. 56. I'63 77. 42. 1867 29'68 22 14. 38. 31°95 I off. 44. 22" Io 29'48 1845. 2 2. I4. 38. 31°95 iod. 44, 21°39 29'48 January 13 O. 7.45-72 84. Ig. Ig'8o 29'70 23 I5. 41. 43°og Io9. 28.42-91 29'45 2O 6. 4.59:63 68. 55. 28' I 8 29.75 24 16. 46.5o'I 2 I Io. 49. 9°59 29'42 24. 16. 46.5o 12 I Io. 49, 7'23 29'42 2 I 6. 57. 21:15 7o. 29. 57.62 29'77 2 I 6.57. 21:15 7o. 29. 59°o5 29'77 May I 2 8. 7. I I'32 74. 39, 54.63 28'95 24. 9. 29. 30.63 8o. 23. 25.78 29'8o I4. 9.44, 40-61 82. I. 43.87 28:89 27 II. 58. 25'68 94. 38.58 I 4 29'82 17 I 2. I4. 48°43 96. I. 2 I I I 28°8O 28 12.5o. 16:45 99. 25. 6-35 29'84 June | O Q. 27. I I of 8o. 28. 36.86 28°30 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. 26 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. - Ecliptic. g Ecliptic. €3.1' 3. y R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Ip Year and Day R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1845. n m s O / Z/ // 1845. h m S O f // // June I I Io. 14.56'79 84.40, 48.5o 28'29 September 14 22. 35. 28'55 93.46. 36'71 28-63 º I 4 22. 35. 28'55 93.46. 32:50 28-63 I 2 I I. 3. 5°o3 89. 12. 25 Io 28-27 - I 5 23. 3o. 51:29 88.39. 28.23 28-63 13 1 I. 52. 28'98 93.53. 48:60 28°26 15 23. 30. 51-48 88.39. 28.23 28-63 I5 23. 3o. 5 I 38 88.39. 26.68 28-63 I4. I 2.44, 8’40 98.33. 8-64 28'24. 15 23. 3o. 51°38 88.39. 29.77 28-63 I 8 16.47. 21:24 I Io. 48.37°og 28-19 I 8 2. 13. 778 75. 29. 58:56 28.62 I 8 16.47. 21:24 I Io. 48. 39'24. 28, 19 - I 9 3. 6.59'96 72. 36. 4:54 28-61 IQ 17. 55. 20:55 || 1 Io. 34. 20'o2 28° I 8 I9 17. 55. 20:36 I Io. 34. 20'O2 28° 18 2O 4. o. 46'91 7o. 40. 1778 28.60 I9 17. 55. 20:46 I Io. 34. 2 I-60 28° I 8 I9 17. 55. 20:46 I Io. 34. I 8:43 28° 18 25 8. 19. 29.96 75. 32. 22°o I 28-56 2O 19. 2. 32:34 Io8. 41.5I'94 28-17 October 9 20. 19. 18:36 IoA. 23. 35' I 2 28-37 2O 19. 2. 32°34 Io9. 41.5o'74 28-17 IO 2 I. I7. 4:32 Ioo. 20. 25°2O 28°35 2 I 20. 6.59'O? Io5. 25. 29.38 28-17 I I 22. I 2.58'88 95.41. 44.56 28'33. 22 2 I. 7. 42'92 IoI. 8.56°44 28, 17 l I 2 23. 7.30-53 go. 45.48°67 28'31 23 22, 4, 47'o6 96. 18. I-58 28. I6 I 3 o. 1. 1578 85.5o. 56.5I 28° 28 24. 22. 58.5I-52 91. 15. 2 I-40 28’ I 5 I3 o. I. 1578 85.5o. 55'82 28° 28 28 2. 23. 6'go 74. I2. 59°33 28° 13 I4. o. 54, 48:24 8I. I.4. II“43 28-27 I4. o. 54.48°24 8I. I.4, 8-95 28-27 July I6 17. 20. 29°33 I Io. 50. 23-94 28° 16 & ſº I6 17. 20. 29°33 1 Io. 5o. 1877 28. I6 I6 2. 42. 36-92 73.53. 20.87 28° 23 29 5. 34, 15-60 69. 17. I I Io 28°28 I 8 4. 31. 9°41 70. 9, 29'14 28, 17 º e 8. I3 August 15 20. 5. 3488 Io5. 32. 3.71 28°46 2O 6. 17. 26:44 7O. 29. 22.9% 2. 15 20. 5. 34.88 105. 32. 2.75 : 2O 6. 17. 26:44 7o. 29, 24.68 28° 13 17 2.2. 6. 3-84 96. 26. 7:44 28°48 2 I 7, 8.47°o2 72. 4. 7-43 28° Io I9 23.57. 28.8o 86. 6. 54:24 28'5I November 4 19. o. 36-69 Io8. I3. 974 27.75 2O o. 51. 7:20 81. 22. I 8:24 28'5I 20. I. 33°39 Io5. 21. 48.88 27.72 2 I I. 44. Io'23 77. 14. 1881 28'52 IO O. 34.48°4o 82. 52.29'24. 27.58 & o I 2 2. 20. 33.76 75. 7. 869 27.52 22 2. 37. 2:29 73.53. Io'86 28°53 I 2 2. 20.33°76 75. 7. 6.07 27-52 24 4. 22.47°4 69.56. 9' 17 28'56 I4. 4. 8. 34°58 7o. 36. 37.8o 27°47 5 5. I5. 28. • 2 O. R.S." º 2 15. 28'32 69. 26. 8'34 28°56 I6 5. 56. o' 20 7o. 7. IO Ig 27:4. I I6 5.56. O'20 70. 7. 8-69 27:41 September 6 14.33. 15:31 Io5.46. 7:18 28-63 - I 9 8. 27. 51:54. 76. 13. 13:20 27:33 7 15. 31. 17:22 108. 28. 56-27 28-63 2O 9. 15.51'13 79.37. 37.71 27-31 9 17. 34. 8'34 I Io. 22. 16.96 28:64 9 I7. 34, 8'34. I Io. 22. 16-18 28.64 2 I Io. 3. 1391 83.3o. 29.72 27:28 I 2 20. 39.55-60 103. I2. 27.96 28-63 December 5 22. 33. 28-69 93.52. I7'79 26'98 SECT, I.—CoRRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. of Moon's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS, 27 At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. JEcliptic. Year and Day. Feliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1845. h. m. s O / // // 1846. h m S O A z, z, December 6 23. 26. 45:66 89. O. 1879 26'94 February 14 12. 23. 52' I I 95.31. I I'o.3 27:18 7 O. 18.55'49 84. I8. II '92 26'94 March 2 2. 52.49°36 74. 4, 29°7O 27-31 9 2. 2.54'63 76. 14.5o:27 26'92 4. 4. 42. I ‘77 7o. 33. 5:24 27:32 IO 2.55. 40°38 73. 15. 8:51 26'go 5 5. 35. 3o'o.3 7o. 18. 35.27 27:32 5 5. 35. 3oto3 7o. 18.35:17 27:32 I I 3. 49. 3'Og 7 I. 8. 15°og 26'88 4. 6 6. 27. 51-43 7I. I.47°85 27:33 I 2 4. 42.44'50 69.59. 46.66 26-87 6 6. 27. 51-43 7 I. I. 49'82 27:33 I 2 4. 42. 44'50 69. 59.46°og 26-87 . 7 7. 18.55'74. 72. 37.56°96 27-33 I3 5. 36. I I'40 69.5I. 54:38 26'86 7 7. 18.55'74. 72. 37.55'5o 27-33 I3 5. 36. I I-40 69.51.55'98 26'86 8 8. 8. 4I-89 75. O. 44'41 27:33 I 9 Io. 32. Io'88 85. 54. 40-50 26'79 I O 9. 45. 6.23 81. 37. 22°o5 27:35 2 I I 2. 7. I 9'47 94. 33.51'4o 2678 IO 9. 45. 6.23 8 I. 37.24° 12 27:35 23 13.50. 42'66 I O2. 51. 2'89 26.76 I I Io. 32. 28-72 85.35. 8 Io 27'34. I I Io. 32. 28.72 85. 35. 8' I 3 27'34. 1846. I 2 I I. 19.58-63 89.47. Io'88 27-33 January 2 23. 7. 59°o7 go. 55.38:17 26-74 I 2 II. Ig. 58-27 89.47. Io'88 27:33 I 2. II. I.Q. 58-49 89.47. 8:8o 27:33 3 O. I. 55'04 86. o. 57:42 26'74. I 2 II. I9. 58°49 89.47. I2-96 27:33 4. o. 54. 42'98 8I. 28. 6'24. 26-74 16 I4. 42.5o'34 Io5. 18. 25.62 27-33 I. 47. 5’78 77. 29. I6'52 26'74. 17 15. 39. 6'72 IOW. 47.33°47 27:32 7 3.32. 25°34. 71.49. 7.46 26.75 I 8 16. 37. 46'39 Io9. 16. 1342 - 27-31 I 3 8. 42. 6'80 76.55. 39'16 26'8o 2O 18. 39. 40-56 Io8. 34. 8'16 27-31 2O 18. 39. 40-56 IoS. 34. 4'90 27-31 I9 13, 29. I6'92 IoI. 3. 49'06 26'86 3I 4. I 8. I I 17 7I. 9. I* II 27:20 February 2 2. 21. 27.32 75. 32. 25.30 27°o2 April 4. 7. 49. 29' 18 74. 9. 26.96 27'13 4. 4. 8. 27°43 7o. 56. 34:49 27:05 * 8. 38. 32’63 76. 56. 21.78 27'11 6 5. 54. I5'98 70. 13. 40.68 27.08 6 5. 54. I5'98 7o. I 3. 4o'49 27'o'8 6 9. 26.3o'71 8O. I7. 24-29 27. Io 7 6, 46. I'oï 7 I. I 7. 44°79 27°og 9 II. 49. 27°2O 92. 26. 22'o6 27-03 7 6. 46. I'oï 7 I. I7. 43'2 I 27°og 9 II. 49. 27°2O 92. 26. 24.98. 27'03 8 7. 36. 38.67 73. I 3. 9' 12 27: Io 13 15. 20, 34°53' | Io?. o. 28'8o 26.96 8 7.36. 38.67 73. I 3. 995 27'Io I 9 21. 20. 276 I Oo. 9. 31'42 26'82 9 8. 26. 2.83 75. 53.25.70 27'1 1 9 8. 26. 2.83 75. 53. 26-27 27'11 May 5 Io. 41. 20:43 86. 27. 28'03 26:43 IO 9. I4. I 8'90 79. Io. 39'4I 27'13 6 II. 28.45-72 go. 38. o. 16 26-41 IO 9. I4. I8'90 79. Io. 42'26 27-13 7 12. I7. 2 I-70 94.52. 31' 16 26:38 I I Io. I. 44'36 82.56. 25:42 27° 14 I O 14.57. II:25 105.58. 15:43 26-3o 13 I I. 35. 54'90 91. I6. 26'15 27:17 IO 14.57. II“25 Ioã. 58. 19'06 26-30 28 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Feliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27/. 1846. h In 8 O A A/ A/ 1846. h In S O A // // May I I 15. 56. I 8:52 Io8. 15.54'o2 26-27 August 2 16. 31. 26'39 IoS. 49. 8°52 25'79 I I 15. 56. 18.52 Io8. I5. 53' 13 26-27 .” 5 I 9. 4I. 42'38 IO6. 20. 47: 17 25'83 I4. 19. 2. 52°o? Io?. 46. I 92 I 26-19 5 I9. 4 I. 42'38 I off. 20. 43'03 25.83 3I 9. 35. 16'54 8o. 54. I-93 25.83 8 22.47. 58:22 93. 31.45'87 25.87 June I Io. 22. 4 IO 84. 42. 8-88 25'82 I 3 3. 31. 2'40 73. 2. 37: 19 25.95 2 II. 8, 43°49 88. 45. 4o'67 25'8o I4 4, 26. 6'14 7.I. 22.5o:30 25'96 3 I 1.56. 3:37 92.56. 31'03 25.78 I5 5. 20. 31'65 7o. 43.56-32 2597 4. I 2.44. 55'81 97. 5. 45-53 25.77 28 15. 12. 37.69 IO6. 2. I6'19 26. I I 13. 36. IO'99 IoI. 2. I I 16 25.75 3o 17. 7. 3-93 I O9. 4. I'OI 26' 13 6 I4. 3o. 31'97 IO4, 31.56:47 2573 3I 18. 7. 58-62 Io8. 53. 46.39 26'14 3I 18. 7. 58.62 108.53. 39.65 26'14 9 17. 33. I’o I Iog. 31.5876 25.68 I I 19. 4 I. O'82 I off. 19. 37.74 25-66 September 1 I 9. Io. I 9' I 4. Io?. 26. 3' 13 26. I5 tº § º 2 2O. I 3. 2'o6 IO4. 41.58:57 26. I 6 I 2 2O. 42.37°o I I oz. 54.35:45 25.65 2 2O. I 3. 2'o6 IO4. 4 I. 63.36 26, 16 13 2 I. 41. 43:28 98. 4o. 26-31 25-64 3 2 I. 15. I 3'23 1oo. 51. 36.75 26, 16 I4. 22. 38. 3o'3 I 93.58. 7.82 25.62 3 2 I. 15. I 3:23 Ioo. 51. 39'68 26, 16 I5 ; 23. 33. 33°28 89. 7. 12-94 25.62 4 22. I6. 2 I-61 96. I2. 47.58 26.17 * ſº o ſº. 5 23. 16. 20'13 91. 8.57'o6 26, 18 16 o. 27. 37:30 84. 25. 6'47 25.60 5 23. 16. 20:13 91. 8. 56' 15 26, 18 r * de ſ: . 17 1. 21. 25°23 8o. 6. 36.89 25'59 6 o. 15. I 9'41 86. 4. 28.35 26. I 8 tº e e © 29 Io. 5o. 58.89 86. 59. 37.77 25'53 8 2. II. 25:36 77. 20. 30.62 26-19 July 3 14. 5. 28°og Ioz. 5o. 36' 16 25-54 I 2 5. 55. 51.70 7.I. 2. 45°o I 26:20 - ſº ge & & 4. 15. o. 27.39 105.57. Io'78 25-54 I 2 5. 55. 51.70 7.I. 2. 47.26 26:20 5 15, 59. 5'95 Io8. I4. I2'95 25-54 27 17. 46. 2 I of Io8. 56. I4. 12 26. I5 I O 21. 17. 7:26 Ioo. 41. 31' 18 25-56 29 19.46. 43.78 Ioã. 51. 38'go 26, 13 I I 22. 16. 51: 15 96. o. 51 go 25.57 October 3 23.44, 34'32 88. 42. 15°o? 26'o? 3 23.44, 34'32 88. 42. 16:51 26'07 I 2 23. I4. 19'69 9I. 2.58'94 25-58 5 I. 4 I. 52' 18 79. 22. 20:25 26-oš I4. 1. 4.56-87 81. 36. 27.43 25.60 5 I. 4I. 52' I 8 79. 22. 20'3o 26°o5 16 2. 53.5o'3o 74. 27.46"69 25'60 9 5.33. 31'47 7.I. 2. 57.96 25'99 9 5. 33. 31'47 7.I. 2. 61:38 25'99 I 8 4. 43. O'90 7o. 51. 25.96 25.62 I I 7. 20. 52'O4. 73. 7. I'84 25'95 29 12.55. 4I'99 97. 3o. 3' 15 2573 November I 1. 13. O'61 81. 27. 48-52 25'49 3o 13. 45. 12'70 IoI. 13. 22:26 25.75 2 2. I I. 8-62 77. 26. 22°o I 25'47 August I 15. 32. 41'52 IO'ſ. 7. Io'59 25.78 2 2. I I. 8-62 77. 26. Ig'o'7 25'47 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A., AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 29 At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27". 1846. h In S O / // // 1847. h m S - O / / / // November 3 3. 9.52:25 74. I5. 42'53 25-44 February 24 6. 30. I 2°og 7I. 45. 23-91 25°22 3 3. g. 52'25 74. I5. 44'43 25-44 24 6. 30. 12'og 7.I. 45. 24'86 25°22 4. 4. 8.42-66 72. 7. 4O' I 4. 25:42 25 7. 23. 12:28 73. 7. 17.98 25°23 25 7. 23. 12:28 73. 7. 16.62 25°23 5 5. 6. 53.75 71. 7. 25' 11 25-39 5 5. 6. 53.75 7.I. 7. 25.69 25-39 26 8. I4. 26:40 75. 16. 41.83 25°24. 26 8. I4. 26'4o 75. 16.45'28 25°24. 9 8. 4o. 39'4I 76.59, 40'29 25-29 28 9.52. O'67 8I. 23, 5:44. 25°26 26 23. O. 3'88 92. 36. Io'8o 24'90 28 o. 50.5I '97 83. 14.57'17 24.86 March 3 12. I I. 35-46 92.45. 25-39 25°28 29 1. 47. I-36 79. 3. 37.88 24'84. 7 15. 27. 9'80 Ioã. 46.47-88 25°31 December 3 5.37. 37:35 70.58. 37:64 24.76 9 17. 17. I I'90 Io8. 3o. 45-16 25°32 3 5. 37. 37:35 70.58. 41'55 24-76 I O 18. 15. 29'57 Io8. 21. 43-64 25°32 4. 6. 33. 42'98 71. 37. 38.69 24*74. 24. 7. 5. 44-79 72. 42. I 3:33 25°28 I3 13 53.56'94. IoI. I.Q. 46:51 24'63 25 7. 57. 51-24 74, 36. 28.19 25-27 22 2 I. 46. 27.84 98.47. 2'46 24:56 26 8. 47.56°35 77. 11. 55.87 25°26 25 O. 34.25°48 84. 47. 45'98 24-55 27 9. 36. 19:35 8O. I 9, 29'91 25' 25 26 I. 29. 30°2O 8o. 29. 28. Io 24°54. 29 II. 9. 54.67 87. 36. 12:20 25°24. 29 4. 18. 7:46 71.55. 3370 24-55 3o I 1.56. 13.54 91. 28. 28.77 25°23 3O . 14.56°O4. 7 I. I. 51'o6 24-55 3o II. 56. I 3-54 9I. 28. 34.83 25°23 1847. e & * * e * 3 I 12.42. 58°36 95. I 8. 23: 14 25°2 I January I 7. 5. 41'30 72. 22.43-63 24-55 3I I 2.42. 58.23 95. 18. 23: 14. 25°2 I g tº º 3I I 2.42. 58°30 95. I 8. 22.68 25°2 I 5 Io. 24. 55’25 84. 6. 31.71 24:58 3I I 2.42. 58°30 95. 18. 24'o6 25°2 I IO I4. 22. 16'90 Io2.54. 7-35 24'60 * April 8 19.51. 43°o2 I off. 38. 17:28 25 Io 23 2. 8. 39'79 78. 4. I 8:20 24-76 • 22 8. 29.5o'58 76. 1 1. 21.76 24'84. 24. 3. 4. 43 II 74. 53. 2' 17 24-77 23 9. 19. 14:36 79. 9. 4o'81 24'82 28 6. 46.52-92 71.55. 4o'o5 24'84. 28 6. 46.52-92 71.55. 36.62 24'84. 24. Io. 6. 56.63 82. 33.53'44. 24'8o 29 7. 39. 44'66 73. 36. 30.95 24'85 25 Io. 53. 35'o8 86. I5, 25-56 24-77 29 7. 39. 44.66 73. 36. 31'o6 24'85 27 12. 26. 23:42 93. 58. 12'59 24-73 3I 9, 20. 7'34. 79. 6. 13:40 24.88 28 13. 13.51'54 97.42. 39'2O 24'70 February 4 12. 26.55:51 94. 9. 33°52 24'94. 29 I4. 2.47°88 IoI. 9.56-58 24'68 14. 2. 26°oI IoI. 2 I. 43'29 24'97 3o I4. 53. 37.89 IO4. 9. 29'94. 24'65 7 I4. 53. 4-40 Io4, 21.56:19 25°oo 3o 14. 53. 37°89 IOA. 9. 32°66 24'65 8 15.46. 22.96 Ioff. 44, 878 25°ol May 18, 35. 37:41 Io8. 2. 15:56 24:56 I9 I. 47. 27°69 79. 44, 28:26 25° 16 2O. 31. I3°o2 103. 47.38%2 24:51 30 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True - oº: of - - - Obliquity of - a tº £cliptic. * Ecliptic. Year and Day. |B.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's cliptic Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's c11ptic Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1847. h m 8 O f // | | 1847. t h m s O / // | | May 2 I 9.48. 32°36 81. 4. Io'47 24. Ig July 3 I O. 2 I. 4O'98 87. 6. 2.98 24°Io 22 Io. 35.5o'67 84. 41. 43°38 24' 17 August I I. 18.5o'79 82. 33. Io 14 24' I 2 25 I 2.55. 28.65 96. 12.56'80 24' I I 2 2. 16. 6'12 78. 32. 3.87 24' I 4. 26 13. 43. 43’57 99. 49. I7'87 24'Og 3 3. 13. 42'69 75. I 7. 20'04 24’ I 5 27 14.33. 5392 Io3. 2.58°47 24'O7 2O 16. 59. 1378 Io8. o. 38'96 24'42 28 15. 26. 22.74 Ioš. 42. 44'70 24°o5 2 I 17. 56. 17:55 Io8. 23. 2:99 24'43 29 16. 21. I5'o6 1oz. 36. 39'60 24°O4. 23 I9. 55. 39'90 Ioã. 45. 45:51 24.46 29 16. 21. 14.92 Ioy. 36. 39'60 24'O4. 23 19, 55. 39'90 Ioš. 45.48°75 24.46 29 16. 21. I4'99 Io'7. 36.4o'28 24'O4. 29 16. 21. 14'99 Io?. 36. 38'91 24'O4. 26 22.57. 13 Io 94. II. 5o'og 24°50 3o 17. 18. I I-97 Io8.33. 49.83 24°o I 27 23.56.48°58 89. I 7.45'98 24°52 3 I 18. 16.33°59 Io8. 26. 792 24°oo 29 1.55. Io'72 80. 6. 34.52 24'54 3 I 18. 16.33°59 Io8. 26. 6 16 24°oo - 3 I 3.53. 20'31 73. 47.34-55 24:56 June I 19. 15. 25°16 Io?. Io. 39'32 23'99 2 20. 13.56-87 Io4.5o. 28-29 23.97 September 1 4, 51.55'99 72. Io. 43.85 24'57 º º o 3 6.45. 46'06 72. 12. Io:28 24°59 6 O. O. ses 88. 24. 39' 61 2392 3 6.45. 46'06 72. I2. O'77 24'59 I9 I I. 3. 5078 86. 45. O'21 23°8O I 8 I 8. 28. 55.5o Io8. o. 15-61 24'66 22 I 3. 23. 52'28 98. I 1.5o 18 23°8O I8 I8. 28. 55.5o Io8. O. I2'49 24'66 23 I4. I2. 47.82 IoI. 36. 19.65 23'8o 22 22. 25. 20'97 96. 40.55-64 24'65 23 23. 25. 23.73 9I. 54. I5'62 24'65 27 17. 52. 39'59 Io8. 38.46-58 23.79 e © & 27 17. 52. 39'59 IoS. 38.49'34. 23.79 23 23. 25. 2373 9I. 54. I3-82 24'65 e e e 24 o. 25. 43°37 86. 56. 52'23 24'64. July 4. o. 39.45'91 85. 22. so IO as 8 I 24. o. 25.43°37 86. 56. 53°o3 24'64 5 I. 35. 58.66 8I. I. 45°23 23'8I 26 2. 27.35:43 78. 4.58'go 24'64 2 I I4. 41.57°og Io3. 8. 4-61 23.95 27 3. 28.5o'93 74, 51.55-68 24'64 22 15. 33. 43.69 Io5. 43. I2°59 23'97 28 4. 29. 42'I 2 72. 44.56-93 24'62 23 I6. 28. 1 I-65 IO7. 34. 4'43 23'98 - October 18 20. 58. 39'23 I O2. 34. II '94. 24:38 25 18, 24. 38'IQ Io8. Ig. 3'o? 24'OI I 9 2 I. 56. I 8:33 98.49. 53.8o 24:35 26 19. 25. I7°o4 Ioô. 57.25'71 24'03 26 19. 25. I7'O4. Iofl. 57. 28'16 24'O3 2O 22.54. 27°o5 94. 25. 8-84 24:33 27 20. 26. 13.5o IoA. 25.52-53 24'O4. 2 I 23.53. 2 I 45 89.36. 1973 24°32 27 20. 26. I3°31 IoA. 25. 52-53 24'O4. 27 20. 26. 1341 IoA. 25. 48:65 24'O4. 22 o. 53. Ig'71 84.44. 20:58 24°29 27 20, 26. I3:41 IOA. 25.56-41 24"O4. 24. 2.56. 50'46. 76. 23.59°oo 24'25 29 22. 25.56°3o 96.36. 28'15 24'O7 24 2.56. 50'46 76. 23.5876 24'25 3o 23. 24. II '93 9I. 53. 20.74. 24°O9 25 3.59. 40-63 73. 37. 1891 24'22 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON'S CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 3i At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. JR.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27' 1847. h m . s O / // // 1848. h m 3. C / // // October 26 5. 2. 4°77 72. 3. 23:24 24'2 I February 18 9.55. 24. Io 8o. 23. 2.83 24'O4. 26 5. 2. 477 72. 3. 23:38 24'2 I I 8 9. 55. 24' Io 8o. 23. 2'83 24'O4. 18 9.55. 24. Io 8o. 23. 2.52 24'O4. 29 7. 56.55.28 74. 20. I'86 24. I4. I 8 9.55. 24. Io 8o. 23. 3. I4. 24'O4. 3o 8.49. 33.54 || 76, 52.22:06 24'I I 2O I I. 33. 20'35 87.52. 41'56 24'O7 22 13. 7.3o'70 95.31. I5'71 24' Io November 1 Io. 27. 46'05 83. 27. 29'57 24'o'7 27 17. I5. 4o Io Io'7. 53. 27.65 24' I 7 I 8 o. 24, 30-64. 87. 8. 2070 23.71 $. . 28 18. Io. 25'43 Io8. Io. 24.54 24 IQ I9 I. 23. 1570 82. 30. 3.92 23:69 . . . March I I 4.59. 6'82 72. 25, 3.71 24'27 23 5. 3 I. 58°o2 71. 38. 25.73 23°6o . - I 4 7. 52.43°o3 73.53. 4578 24'27 24. 6. 33. 16'28 71.52. 51.27 23:59 - I 8 II. I6. 8'38 86. 29. 5.68 24'28 27 9. 19.51' 19 78. 28. 39'99 23-53 I 8 I I. I6. 8'38 86. 29. 7.72 24-28 28 Io. 9. 36-37 81. 53. 35.62 23°5 I I9 I 2. 3. 28°28 go. 20. 30.68 24'28 I9 12. 3. 27.85 go. 20.3o'68 24-28 3o II. 44. I’74. 89. 25. I I 29 23:48 I9 12. 3. 28'o'7 90. 20. 31°90 24'28 : I9 12. 3. 28°o7 90. 20. 29°45 24'28 December 1 12. 3o. 16.13 93. I4. 49'32 - 23:46 2 I 13. 37. 25.72 97.45. 18, 19 24'28 I3 22. I4. sº 97.55. 44.66 23-33 April I O 7. 34. 59°37 73. 16. 42'99 24' I I 14 23. 9. 7.41 93. 36.51°17 23°32 14 || 1 1. o. 53:51 | 85. 15. 18:55 24'O4. I6 I. o. 32°o I 84. 27. 9°og 23-3o 17 13. 21.37'o6 96.35. 37:55 23'99 * - ſº & 17 13. 21. 36-94 96.35. 37:55 23'99 I9 . 3.58. 34.8o 73. 39. s 26 23°3o 17 13. 21.37°oo 96, 35. 37-51 23'99 28 12. I I. 55'62 91. 27. 15.83 23-3o 17 13. 2 I. 37°oo 96.35. 37'59 23'99 ſe - tº & I 8 14. 8.58.32 Ioo. o. 16.5o 23.97 3 I I4, 33.36:59 IO2. 2. 2 I I 2 23'3 I I 8 14. 8.58.32 IOO. O. 20°23 23.97 1848. ,’ * e & ſº I9 14. 57. I8-91 Io2. 59. 42'32 23.96 January 12 o. 44. I-66 86. 3. 28:29 23:41 I9 14.57. I 8'91 Io2. 59. 43°35 23.96 15 3.36. 22. Io 74. 44, 52.73 23:45 25 20, 12. 21:40 Io5. 26.58'14 23-84 16 4. 36. 15:22 72. 38. 4-53 23:47 - May 7 7. II. 48'98 72. 30. 46.88 23°61 26 13. 26. 3-98 97. 6. 42'04 23:64 A x - 8 8, 9.46°47 74. 22. I4:37 23:59 February 12 4, 18, 5:24 73. 2 I. 34.72 23.93 9 9. 4, 26.86 77. 2. 33°o? 23:57 I4. 6. 16. 16'71 71.46. 54:16 23.97 IO 9. 56, 7-96 8o. 17. 21'oZ 23°55 I5 7. 14. oºg 72. 38.54. Io 23'99 I I Io. 45. 2576 83. 54. 27°o4 23'54 I6 8. 9. 57'12 74. 29. 27°24. 24°o I 12 I I. 33. 4’33 87. 43. 16:41 23°52 I6 8. 9. 57 12. 74. 29. 26:37, 24'OI - - - I3 12. I9. 48-74 91. 34.52-56 23°5o 17 9. 3. 45-58 77. 8. Io:58 24'O2 - 17 9. 3. 45-58 77. 8. 12'48. 24°O2 14 || 13. 6. 21.56 95. 20.59'2 I 23:48 32 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon’s Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Jºcliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27/. I 848. h IY). S O A Af // 1848. h II]. S O / // // May I5 13.53. 20.73 98.53. 28'34. 23:46 August 18 I. 28. 4-69 83. 4o. 28'35 23-8 I 16 I4. 41. I7°53 Io2. 4. 7'34. 23:43 I 9 2. 25. 39'81 79. 31.59'40 23'83 I 8 16. 21. 17°69 Ioé. 45. 57:20 23:39 22 5. 25. 2.96 72. 2. 38.35 23°88 I 8 16. 21. 1769 106. 45.56°35 23:39 2O 18. 6.45'o6 Io8. 23. 24'91 23°35 September 4 15. 53. 43.86 Io5. I6. 40.59 24'06 22 19, 55. 6-61 Ioé. 19. 7.63 23'32 6 17. 36. 22:35 108. 3. 37.87 24°og 23 20, 49. 26'59 IO3.54. 3O'97 23'30 8 19. 24, 34.89 Io'7. 20. 23:83 24' Io 24. 21. 43. 42'62 IOo. 41. I6'06 23:29 I I 22. 13. 2'59 99. 8. 24'24. 24' I 2 * e * ſº I 2 23. g. 56.86 94.52. 23:47 24, 13 June 5 8. 41. Ig'37 75.35. 1848 23°14. I 2 23. 9. 56.72 94.52. 23:47 24' 13 ge t e I 2 23. 9, 56.79 94.52. 24'64 24°13 6 9. 35. 43-83 78. 41. 35-55 23. I 3 I 2 28. 9.56'79 94.52. 22°29 24' I 3 7 1o. 27. 5'93 82. 16. 4'oZ 23: I 2 I4. 1. 5. 1996 85. 29. 1869 24. I4. I I 13. 37. 6.13 97. 32. 2 I'oz 23°og I5 2. 4. 18-8 I 81. 2. 8:40 24’ I 5 I 3 15. 13. I 8°2O Io.3. 47, 47"I 2 23:07 I6 3. 4. 2 I-52 77. I 1. 38'18 24; 16 15 16.55. 32°27 Ioz. 41.55:39 23'o6 17 4. 5. 18:06 74. I5. O'og 24:16 2 I 22. 21.47.62 98. 16. 22:43 23°o5 I9 6. 7.35'06 71.45. 35'07 24; 16 July 5 Io. 55.56:36 84. 13. 41'45 23’ Io 2O 7. 7. 17.68 72. 17. 32°o5 24; 16 6 II. 44.5o Io 88. II. 24:46 23 II October 3 17. 15.4o:38 IO7. 48, 5'44 24' I2 I I 15. 44. 17:36 Ioã. 9. I*I I 23. I6 5 I9. O. 54° 18 IoW. 51. 31'98 24' I I I 2 16.35. 29'22 IO7. 4. 7 I 2 23, 16 6 19. 54. 52°49 Ioé. 3o. 31'91 24' IO 13 17, 28. 26'o8 Io8. II. 1793 23* I 8 - 8 2 I. 44. 49'55 IoI. 3. 56-32 24'o8 I5 19. 18, 16.98 Io'7. 36. 52'o2 23°2O 15 19. 18. 16'98 107. 36.5o'78 23'20 9 22.40. 47'87 97. 8. 44-3o 24°07 I6 2O. I4. 4'74. I of. 5o. 32°3o 23°22 IO 23. 37.40: 15 92. 39. 26'79 24'06 I6 2O. I4. 4-'74. IOS. 5o. 37: 19 23° 22 I I o. 35. 45-37 87.52. I4'74 24'o5 18 22. 4.55’22 99. 39. 35.45 23:24 I 2 I. 35. 2 I'86 83. 7. 46:45 24'03 2O 23.54. 19'14 91. 8. 38'o5 23°28 I 2 1. 35. 2 I-86 83. 7.47°o5 24'03 2 I O. 49. IQ:83 86. 35. 44; 17 23°3O 14. 3.39. 23°o/ 75. 18. 35.62 24°o I August 4 13. o. 1797 94. I2. I5'63 23'54 I 8 7. 47. 28-27 73. I I. 51°99 23.95 13.47. 4I og 97.52. I3-89 23:56 November 4 21. 20. 46.62 Io2. 42. 38.31 23.65 IO 17. 59.36°og Io9. 18.35:33 23'66 5 22. I4, 37°46 99. 12, 54.69 23.63 I6 23. 35. 18.84. 92. 49. 30°2O 23.77 7 o. 5. I 2°33 Qo. 29. 30° 13 23'59 i 17 o. 31. 25.83 88. I2. 1971 23.79 9 2. 3. 5'86 81. 5. 42°46 23'55 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. At Transit of Moon’s Center. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. *. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon's R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's Center. Center. 23°. 27". Center. Center. 23°. 27’. 1848. h m s O / / / f / I 849. h m s o m tº November Io 3. 5. 41'59 77. I. 16°o3 23°53 January 31 2.46. 291 78. 41. 39'23 23-62 I 2 5. 16. I'45 7.2. o. 35.51 23:49 February 4 6.51. 37.8o 71. 37. 17'o'7 2371 I 2 5. 16. 1'45 7.2. o. 38.33 23'49 - 8 Io. 47. 2 I ‘57 82. 28.45'86 23.79 I 4. 7. 24. 4'49 72. 21. 18.67 23:45 - I O 12. 30. I I ‘47 90.5o. 9°48 23°83 I 5 8. 23.51'54 74. Ig. 28'71 23'44 I I 13. 19. 18.87 94. 52.5I 17 23.86 17 Io. 13. 6-47 8o. 34. 53°39 23:40 ‘. I 2 I 4, 7.48°97 98. 36.48°o7 23'88 I 8 I I. 3. 27°43 84. 22. 8:65 23°38 I 3 14.56. 19' 19 Io I. 54. Io'91 23.90 2O 12. 39. I 8-92 92. 16.38: II 23:34 - I6 17. 26. 25 Io Io8. I. 41'55 23.96 December 1 21. 2.43°76 Io3.58. 42'04 23: 19 17 18. 18. 39' 18 108.30. 6-97 23'98 2 21.55. Io'o'7 Ioo. 49. 32°o5 23:17 27 2. 28. 52°oã 79.55. 490 24. I4. 3 22.47. 47°o4. 97. I. 5o'43 23. I6 March I 4. 27. I-28 73. 36. rol 24' I 7 4. 23. 41. 5'79 92, 44. 42'44. 23: 14 2 5. 28. 1 o'87 71.57. 26'go 24: 18 5 o. 35.47°o8 88. 9.56-93 23* I 3 2 5. 28. 1 o'87 7 I. 57. 24' 19 24° 18 6 1. 32. 34°78 83.32. 39'05 23* I 2 4. 7. 39. 37.4% 72. I 9 2846 24'2O g 4. 7. 30.57°48 72. I 9. 27°23 24'2O 9 4. 39.4O'72 72.5o. 56-78 23’ Io 5 8. 3o. 37:45 74. I5. 35' 14 24'2 I I O 5.46. 2'51 71.3o. 3o:51 23' Io 8 I I. 16. 20-85 84. 43.55:57 24-26 R 2 e g e 8 1 I. 16. 20.78 84. 43.55:57 24-26 I I 6. 5 I. 53'82 71. 36. 488 23°og 8 I 1. 16. 20.82 84. 43.54'83 24-26 I 2 7.55. 27.06 73. 2. 4'43 23'O3 8 I I. 16. 20.82 84. 43. 56-31 24-26 & g e 9 I 2. 7. 3 I ‘4O 88.55. 44'44. 24-27 I 3 8.55. 33.63 75.33. 20.63 23°o8 9 12. 7. 31:40 88. 55.41:30 24'27 17 12. 23. 23-84 90.40. 47.76 23'o6 I O I 2.57. 24'O3 93. 5. 3'82 24, 28 2O 14. 45.35:22 IoI. 36. Io'84 23'o6 16 17. 56. 24:23 Io8. 24. 52'45 24-31 e e •6 o * & * 2 I I5. 34. II-64 IO4, 24. 53.72 23'o6 3 I 7. 12.45'88 71.53. 42'88 24°30 I 849. April I 8. I 2. 22" I 8 73. 29. 17.75 24'29 January 2 I. Io. 55.74. 85. 32. 8:28 23* I 2 2 9. 9. 40°32 76. 3. 35.25 24-28 6 5. I 1. 27'15 72. 5. 33' 19 23:17 4. * * 5 I 1. 48, 6'95 87. 18, 47: 18 2 A." 2 8 7. 2 I. 39' 12 72. 2. 19'87 23'20 4'24. º 6 12. 37.48°69 9I. 28.43°oo 24'24. IO 9. 24. O'56 76.55. 45:63 23° 22 6 12, 37.48°69 9I. 28.47° 17 24'24. I4. I 2.52. I5'42 92.49. 29'62 23-3o 7 13. 26. 50-69 95.3o. 36.73 24'23 7 13. 26. 50-69 5. 3o. 37'3 I 24, 23 I5 13. 4o. 7-61 96. 4.1. 8:38 23°31 9 37 4. 8 I4. 15.43°32 QQ. I 4. O’C 2.4 ° 22 17 15. 16. 9-23 IO3. I4. 18' I 2 23'34. 4- 1 O. 4. 99. I 4. 9 4. I I 16. 44. 52'27 Io?. 8. 5:33 24' I 9 28 o. I. I9'69 91. 32. 24.61 23:56 I I 16. 44. 52'27 Io?. 8. 3:38 24' l 9 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. 34 BEDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon’s Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True - - - :- - Obliquity of . ... Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 23°. 27. .* I 849. h In S O Af A/ A/ 1849. h II, S O A. // A / April I 3 18. 27.33°o2 Io8. 38. 6-77 24; 16 July 24. 12. 19. 3o-66 89. 12. 1:76 23.72 I3 18. 27.33°o2 Io8. 38. 6-or 24: I 6 28 15. 36.47: 18 IO4. 4. 22°o3 23-8 I 15 2O. I I. 58°30 Ioé. 37. 12:03 24' 13 29 16. 26. 34-82 Ioč. 26.5o'o2 23-83 I6 2 I. 4. 32-84 IO4. I7. 59'82 24' I 2 J 3o 17. 17. 16. I I I o8, 4. 16.63 23.85 27 6. 52. I 3.68 7.I. 26. I475 23.95 - 3 I 18. 8.49'5o Io8. 51.44'2O 23.87 28 7. 53. 54:39 72. 41. 3o'67 23-94 3I 18, 8.49°50 Io8. 51.43’53 23.87 v e * * August I IQ. I. O’OI Io8. 45.36'71 23.89 May 3 12. 21.47°55 go. 3. O'98 23'86 85 I I 9. I. O’o I Io8. 45. 39'37 23.89 13. I O. 20:43 94. 7. 58'06 23-84 3 20. 45. 44-69 Ioă, 5o. 56-54 23.93 e : * -o- 3 20. 45. 44'21 Ioã.5o. 56-54 23.93 13.58. 41'43 - 97. 58.56°o5 23'82 3 20.45. 44-45 Ioš. 5o. 54: Io 23.93 7 15. 36. 37.5o IO4. 22. 6'56 23.79 3 20.45. 44-45 Io5.5o. 58-97 23.93 7 15. 36. 37.5o IO4. 22. I2°57 23.79 4. 21.37. 38.69 Ios. 8. 33°61 23.95 26 8. 31. I I'93 73. 48. I I'23 23'49 6 23. 20. I5'4o 95.49. 7:27 24°oo 27 9. 29.5ozoi 76. 45. 42° 13 23:47 8 I. 3. 31.72 87. 5.59.68 24'05 29 1 I. 17. 6.30 84. 24. 32.81 23:45 I I 3.5o. 24:18 75. 15. 26:63 24.' I I 31 12.55. 41.75 92.44, 6-67 23:43 24 15. I 7. 12'48 Io2.52. 7, 13 24'38 June I 13. 43. 44-57 96.41. 26.8o 23:42 29 I 9. 33. O'4. I Io9. I3. I O'94. 24'47 2 I4. 3 I. 52'24. 1oo. 18. 27.68 23:42 3 I 2 I. I7. 47-61 IO4. I5. 26°o3 24:51 3 15. 20. 34.90 Io3. 26. 58:58 23°40 September 5 I. 4O. I4°27 84. 4. I'O3 24:58 I I 22. 9. 4 o'82 1oo. 50.44:45 23:36 8 4. 32. 4'91 73. 22. 56.33 24'62 13 23.52. 7.71 92.5o. 31'71 23°35 9 5. 33. 20.84 7 I. 37. 18.35 24'63 24. Io. 2. 53°o3 78. 36. 28'55 23°35 22 16. 36. 40.81 Ioé. 5o. 2 I-48 24-72 27 I 2. 39.40'39 91. 7. 23:58 23:37 - - 25 I9. I I. I3-93 Io8. 39.58: 12 24-72 | July 4. 18. 27. 2.61 Io8.5g. 23-67 23:42 4. 18. 27. 2'61 Io8.5g. 22:35 25°42 26 20. 3. I5'o'7 IO7. 29. 37°O4. 24-73 5 19. IQ. I 3-2 I Io8. 32. 23:59 23:43 3o 23. 31. 46.63 94, 52.49'91 24-72 5 19. Ig. I3'2 I IoS. 32. 25°51 23:43 October 2 I. Ig. Io 18 85. 44, 37' I I 24'71 6 2O. II. 19'60 to 7. 11. 37.86 23:45 2 I. Ig. I o' 18 85. 44. 36.65 24-7 I 7 21. 3. I-55 Io5. O. II*41 23:46 4. 3. I 3. I’81 77. 16. 27.26 24'70 8 21.54. Io'88 Io2. 3. 43-73 23:47 5 4. I2. 59'86 74. 3. 45:36 24'70 9 22. 44, 56.29 •98. 29. 46.38 23:48 8 7. Ig. I 9' 12 71. 22.4815 24'68 I O 23. 35. 39'08 94. 27. 6.21 23:49 9 8. 20. I I-29 73. o. 26.69 24'67 I I o. 26. 56.25 go. 5. 54°77 23°52 28 23.59. 12:33 92. 39.52'2 I 24'43 SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 35 At Transit of Moon’s Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of - Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27". I849. h IYY S O f P/ // r 1850. l, m S O f // // October 29 o. 52. 52'89 88. o. 32°32 24'42 January 26 7. 31. 22'48 7 I. 3. 6'95 24'4O 26 7. 3 I. 22'48 7 I. 3. 4-75 24°40 3 I 2.46. 41°oo 78. 55. 42-37 24’39 / 3I 2.46. 41°oo 78. 55. 41.25 24’39 3o I I. 38. 38'o2 84.51. 44°o? 24°50 November 1 3.47. 28'71 75. I I. o.o.8 24'37 February 1 13. 24. 52'73 94. 7. 27°42 24.54 I 3.47. 28°7 I 75. I I. O-64 24:37 3 15. 5.56-87 *IoI. 59.58-60 24'60 4. 6. 59. 12' 18 7o. 53.39°o5 24'32 - 5 16. 46.5I'92 Io'. 20. 23:30 24'65 8. I. 52'48 72. 9. 35.25 24°30 16 I. I 2.55'42 86. 55. I-98 24'88 22 21.54. 7-63 1 oz. 35. 52°39 24'O4 18 2.57. 56-31 78.33. 3:15 24'93 24 23. 34. 41-52 94.59. I2'5o 24°o I - 2 I 5. 55. 42'79 7o. 52. 20.78 24'99 25 o. 26. 16:45 go. 31. Ig'83 23'99 2 I 5. 55. 42'79 70.52. 21'48 24'99 26 .” 1. I9. 44-96 85.51. 37.83 23.97 22 6. 59.5o 14 7o. 39. I 2:23 25'OI . - - 22 6. 59.5o 14 7o. 39. Io'o.8 25°o I 27 2, 15. 53°7o 81. 15. 37.83 23'97. . 23 8. 4.3o'70 71.51. 1327 25'O4. 3o 5. 23. 4. I-69 7.I. 23. 37:47 23°94 23 8. 4. 30.70 7 I. 51. 7:46 25°O4 3o 5. 23. 41'69 7.I. 23. 35:43 23'94 - 26 II. 8. 42° 15 82. 23.47°27 25°og December 1 6. 30.30-39 7o. 34.48°36 23'92 4. 9.40, 1891 76. 25. 24:35 23.89 March 3 15. 35. 20'35 103.53. 27.76 25' I 8 5 | Io. 36.51°50 8o. 15.59.68 23°88 4 || 16. 26.45'87 106. 33. 19:43 25° Ig 6 I #. 3o. 18°2 I 84. 31.46-81 23.87 5 I7. I 8. 20'99 Io8. 23. I 2'51 25°2 I 8 13. I I. 12'25 93. 18.5o'5o 23.87 I 8 3.36. 58.87 75. 56. 23.05 25.32 2O 22. 26. 5-52 Ioo. 4o. 50'84 23'85 25 Io. 4 I. 35'92 8o. 15. 54:27 25°34. 2 I 23. I5. I5'3I 96.53. o.72 23.86 - 26 1 I. 38. 5' 17 84. 49.47°2 I 25'34. & e o 27 I 2. 32. 49'85 89. 37. 2 I-60 25°34 23 O. 55. 34 92 88. 12. 17.83 23'86 27 I 2. 32.49'83 89.37. 21.60 25°34. - .7. 11:28 & d 27 12. 32.49'84. 89.37. 20:09 25°34 w 4.47. II 28 72. 31. 12:36 23.89 27 I 2. 32.49'84. 89.37. 23. Io 25°34. 28 5.53. 38:29 || 7o. 49. 12:44 23'go - ; 29. - © & 28 13. 26. 19'15 94. 20. I5' 19 25°34. 28 5.53. 38:29 7o. 49. 13:23 23'90 28 13. 26. 19' 15 94. 20. 16.53 25°34 29 7. i. 28.20 |, 23'91 29 I4. IQ. 3'30 98.42. 32°40 25°35 31 | 9. 12.44:61 74. 40. I2°53 23.93 29 14, 19. 330 98.42. 32°53 25°35 - 185o. April 2 17. 48. 38'55 Io9. I 2.53'23 25°32 January I Io. 13. I 7'13 78. 20.31:39 23.95 2 17. 48. 38'55 Io9. I 2.5o’61 25°32 4. 12.54, 58.43 91.39. 16-88 23'99 2 I Io. 2 I. 24'2 I 78.37. 52'60 25° 16 5 , 13.44. 52:34 95.57. 693 24°oo 22 II. 17. 5'44 82.57. 15:64 25° 13 6 14.34. I I'60 99.51.58:41 24'O2 24. 13. 3. 53°oo 92. 2 I. 39'90 25 Io 23 4. 15.57'77 73.56. 2 I-97 24:33 25 13.56. 8.5o 96.54. O'21 25 Io 36 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon’s Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of 7 on v. Ecliptic. Yoo -- Ecliptic. Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s clipti Year and Day. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cliptic Center. Center. 23°. 27/ Center. Center. 23°. 27". 1850. h m s O / / / f f I 85o. h m s O / / / | 1 April 27 15. 4o. 44'54 IO4. 28. 56'91 25'07 July I o. 20.5o'22 92. I. 24'42 24'66 28 16. 33. 28.78 I O7. Io. 4'92 25°o5 4. 2.54. 31'48 78.46.43°40 24-7 I 28 16. 33. 28.78 Io?. Io. 3-66 25°o5 I 4. 12. 13. 6:20 87. 13. 20.95 24'85 29 17. 26. 25-35 Io9. 57. 3o'24. 25'04 29 17. 26. 25-35 108.57. 26:36 25'O4. 15 13. 6. 4:47 92. 2.5o'68 24'86 May I IQ. I I. 4O'I 7 Io9. 39. 49'88 25°o I 2 I 18. I5. 41'92 Io9.56. 34:43 24'98 - 2 I 18. I5. 4. I'92 Io9.56. 36.65 24'98 2 20. 3. 1976 I o8. 36. 23°o2 24'99 \ - . - 22 19. 8. 4:16 Io9.58.46°o5 25°o I I 8 Io. 4. 47-33 77. 13. 33:56 24-76 22 19. 8. 4 16 Io9. 58.47'98 25°o I I 9 I I. o. 45'98 8I. 23. I 8:32 24*74. 25 2 I. 4o. 4O'O2 IO4. 4I. 29'39 25°o? - 25 2 I. 4o. 4O'O2 1 OA. 4 I. 3 I '82 25°o? 2O I I. 54. 28' 13 85.57. 1952 24*74. 26 22. 29. 20-88 IoI. 27. 18.32 25 Io 2 I 12.46. 36-97 go. 39. 24*70 24'72 *-. 27 23. 17. 11.83 97. 42. I ‘O4. 25° I 2 22 13. 37.57°95 95. 15. 1.78 24-7 I 23 I4. 29. Io'5o 99. 3o. 48.23 24.70 || August 3 5. 26. 6.71 7 I. O. I 9°49 25°29 27 17. 58. 35'84 Io9. 43.57'79 24'66 13 || 14.3o. 6'18 99. 15. 31'50 25°52 27 17. 58. 35.84 Io9. 43.58'O4. 24'66 I5 16. 14, 3-68 I off. 9. 48 I I 25.57 28 18. 51. 24.63 I Io. o. 54-93 24'64 gº tº ..? e I 8 18.5o. 56-78 I Io. 3. 36:2O 25-64 28 18.51. 24.63 I Io. o. 60'5o 24'64 I8 18.5o. 56-78 1 Io. 3. 36' 12 25-64 3O 2O. 34. 44'8o Io?. 45. 47' 29 24'62 I 9 I9. 42.55'4 I Io9. 27. 34°58 25'66 3 I 2 I. 24. 48°65 I off. 22.43°31 24'62 I 9 19. 42.55'4I io9. 27. 38.62 25-66 June I 22. I 3. 55-3o Io 2. 17. 28.39 24'61 2 O 2O. 34. 9'94 Io?. 56.55'86 25.68 * * g ę 2 I 2 I. 24, 25.74 I of . 36. 36.83 25.71 2 23. 2. 28'38 98.37. 876 24'61 2 I 21. 24, 25.74 IoS. 36. 34.97 25° 3 23.51. 3.89 94. 29. 16 oz 24'60 22 22. I 3. 39'27 Io.2. 33.3o-35 25.73 • 5. * • * 22 22. I3. 39'24. I oz. 33. 3o-35 25.73 17 12. 31. 24°58 89. 3. 7'54 24° 07 22 22. 13. 39'26 Io2. 33. 3O'34. 2573 I 8 13. 22.46'71 93. 43. O'84. 24:56 22 22. 13. 39'26 I oz. 33.3o-35 2573 - * wº º 23 23. I. 59'39 98.55. 51-60 25.75 I 9 14. 13. 30.21 98. 5. 55:15 24:57 23 23. I. 59'39 98.55. 51-22 25.75 2O 15, 4, 1644 IO2. o. 46-60 24-57 24. 23. 49.47°98 94, 52.46'89 2577 2 I 15. 55.33:42 Ioã. 17. 4I '93 24:58 26 I. 26. 6'55 86. 9. 27:25 25'82 22 16.47. 31'58 IO/.48. 4’39 24°59 28 3. 8. 6-32 77.5o. I g’29 25'86 23 I 7, 40. 4'44 Io9. 25. I7:43 24'60 29 4, 3, 4:34 74. 22. 42'36 25°88 24. 18. 32.49° 14 I Io. 5. I3-79 24'60 & e . 4.4. IO" 5. 24. I8. 32.49° 14 I Io. 5. 14'83 24'60 3o I. I 8:36 7.I. 44. I O'94 2O'90 25 19. 25. I4'8o Io9. 46.57-61 24'61 September 11 15.53. 13:42 Ioã. 7. 20'96 26°o8 29 22.44. 59'52 Ioo. I 2.2O'79 24'65 I 2 16. 46. 23°4 I Ioy. 45. O' I 2 26. Io SECT. I.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONs. 37 At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of At Transit of Moon's Center True Obliquity of 7 An ºv © t - Ecliptic. Y d Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon's 1ptic ear and Day R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s cupue Center. Center. 23°. 27' Center. Center. 2 2C f 3 - 27 23°. 27 185o. h Ill S O f // // I 85o. h II] S O f // // September 14 18. 32. 17.83 1 Io. 8. 377 26: I 2 December 12 O. 9. I I '72 93.33. 57.96 25'49 I 4. 18. 32. 17.83 I Io. 8. 8:24. 26: I 2 17 4. 31. I5' 12 72. 30. 54.88 25'49 18 21.56. 24.93 IO3. 44. II“78 26- 16 I 9 6. 38. 39'03 69. 12. 9'68 25'50 2 I o. 2 I. 39'69 9 I. 57.52'93 26-17 I 9 6. 38. 39'o3 69. 12. I I-37 25'50 2 I o. 2 I. 39'69 91. 57.51°oy 26, 17 2O 7. 44, 32°67 69. 46. 28:22 25'50 22 I. Io. 22°9 I 87. 29. 20:56 26- 18 -- 2 I 8. 49. I 8°o I 71.51. 3.58 25°5 I 25 3. 45.58:5o 75. 12. 27°48 26: Ig - 22 9.51. 26-93 75. I I. 31.8 I 25°52 26 4. 42.43’5o 72. I7. 43-44 26:20 - 27 14. 24.48 I 2 98.51. 39'50 25'55 27 5. 42. 8:38 7o. 23.58.33 26°20 I 85 I. October 1 I 18. Io. 53.81 110. Io. 56.25 26. I6 January 8 23.5o. 49'82 g5. 25. 7°43 25-72 I I I 8. Io. 53.8 I I Io. Io. 46’24 26' I 6 9 o. 37. 18:38 91. 4, 43'98 2573 I 2 19. 4. 7-73 I Io. 17. 34.89 26- 16 I 8 9. 22. 3'o8 73. 23.54'04 25'94. I 4. 2O. 47. 25.73 Io'ſ. 39. 21:63 26' 14 2 I 12. 20.59'99 87. 2 i. 39'70 26°oo I 5 21. 37. 20:28 Ioã. 4.47°92 26. I 3 22 13. I5. 24-95 92. 30.46°4t 26'O3 I6 22. 26. 16:39 IoI. 48. 48-35 26 13 24. I5. I. Io'24. IoI. 42. 40-63 26'o.8 17 23. I4. 37:24 - 97.58. 37.89 26: I I 26 16.47. 5:38 Io8. 7. 50'24. 26, 13 I 8 o. 2. 52'85 93.43. 18. Ig 26: I I - February 8 2.44. 87 I 79. 36, 15-49 26:45 2O 1. 41. 38°36 84. 37. 22:32 26°o8 2O I. 4 I. 38' Io 84. 37. 22:32 26°o8 I O 4. 31.47° 17 72. 33. I I ‘24. 26'50 2 I 2. 33. 26:64 8o. I 2. I 2'42 26'o6 I I 5. 31. 15:04 7o. 16, 8:46 26'52 2 I 2. 33. 26:64 8o. 12. 13.79 26'o6 I I 5. 31. I5'04 7o. 16. 7-60 26'52 22 3.27. 37.58 76. 12.40.68 26'o6 I 3 7. 39. 44.67 69. 39. 27°95 26.57 22 3. 27. 37.58 76. 12. 39'81 26'o6 14. 8. 45.5o'4. I 7 I. 39. 33'04 26:60 25 6. 25. 14, 18 69. 33.30-60 26°o I I5 9.5o. 46-22 75. 5. 35.88 26'63 26 7. 27. 24*79 . 69.5o. 6'34 26°o I I5 9.5o. 46' 19 75. 5. 35-88 26:63 I 5 9.5o. 46’21 75. 5. 33. Io 26'63 28 9. 29. 37'34. 74. 20. 25'40 2597 15 9.5o. 46’21 75. 5. 38-64 26:63 & • Pº e I6 Io. 53.2 I'48 79. 37. 25-64 26'65 November II 2 I. I 7. II '99 Ioč. 29. 14:51 25.77 I6 Io. 53. 2 I 48 79. 37. 3O'99 26.65 I 2 22. 6, 17:40 103. 29, 25-66 25-76 2 I 15. 35. I5'63 Io4, 13. 9-29 26-77 I 3 22.54. 25'82 99.52. 55-55 20'74 22 16. 29. 20'84 Io'7. 22. 23:59 26'80 I 4. 23.42. II“I 7 95.47, 31 °og 2573 March I I 6. 7. 1697 69. 21. 20'92 27°o8 24. 9. I 2. 9°49 73. 7. 8:32 25'59 I I 6. 7. 16-97 69. 21. 22.65 27°o8 25 Io. I I. I 8:35 76. 43. 40.19 25°58 I 3 8. 13. 13:40 7o. 22.48°8 27'10 28 I 2.55. 42'89 go. 56.51:63 25'56 I 4. 9. 17. 3-15 73. 4. I5'o.3 27, 1 I 38 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 185I. At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon’s Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s Ceriter. Center. 23°. 27. Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1851. h IIT S O A. A/ // 1851. Il Iſl S O f // // March 16 I I. 20. 43.8o 8 I. 56. I3-85 27, 13 July 7 I4, 32.4O'I4 99. 35. 7:50 26.76 I 8 13. 17. 31'54 92. 52. 32.71 27° 14. IO 17. 18. 2-79 Iog. 58. O'35 26-8 I IO 17. 18. 2'79 Io9. 58. 5-81 26-8 I 2O 15. Io. 25°o? Io2.38. 36'92 27, 16 . I 2 I9. Io. 4 I'93 I I I. 32. 2'94 26'85 April 9 7. 49. 4o'56 69. 31.33:13 27: 15 I 2 I 9. Io. 4I '87 I I I. 32. 2'94, 26'85 I 2 I 9. IO. 4 I '90 I I I. 32. 2'39 26'85 } O 8.51. 28.67 7 I. 37. 9°94 27° 14 I 2 I9. IO. 4 I '90 I I I. 32. 3°52 26-85 H 2 Io. 52. 16'30 79. 25. 7'95 27'11 I4. 20.58. 34 17 Io8. 37. 874. 26'88 I4. 20.58. 34°17 Io8. 37. 9'86 26'88 13 I I. 5o. 39'92 84. 34. 4-55 27. II 15 21. 49. 18-63 Io5. 48. 6'86 26'91 14 12.48. I’23 90. 3. 45-96 27. Io t - 17 23. 24.48°46 98. 20.5o'81 26'94. 17 15. 38. 39'61 IO4. 48. 26' 15 27-08 18 o, Io. 38'38 94. 2. 54:35 26-97 I 8 16.35. 53-94 | Io9. 5. 57.65 27'06 I 8 16. 35. 53-94 Io8. 5. 55.48 27'o6 2O 1.42. 25.96 85. 2. 42°40 27°o I 2 O 18. 29. 25.68 I I I. 13. 32°34 27'o'5 2 I 2. 30. I4'O8 8o. 38. 31.27 27°O4. May 8 9. 32.54:60 73. 31. 20:13 26'82 August 3 14. 15.57°19 98. 6. I I '92 27'34. | O I I. 28. 36'o6 82. 21. I I'46 26.79 5 16. 5. Io'62 Ioff. 29. 33:26 27:39 13 14. 15. 2074 98. 15. 38'82 26.75 7 17. 56. 29'04 I I I. 2. 14'82 27°44 7 17. 56. 29'04 I I I. 2. I5°32 27'44 I4. 15. I I. 3o'55 Io2. 55.3672 26.73 14. 15. 11.30-57 Io2.55. 36.72 26-73 8 18.52. I I I I I I I. 36. 1326 27°47 I5 16. 8, 30.69 I off. 45. 39'81 26.73 I I 21. 31. 34.66 Ioé. 52. 3'o6 27.55 I 5 16. 8. 30.69 Ioč. 45. 39'44 26-73 I I 2 I. 31. 34-57 Ioé. 52. 3'o6 27.55 I I 2 I. 31. 34.62 Ioč. 52. 3.81 27.55 I 9 19.55. 32°26 I Io. 41. 20:26 26.68 I I 2 I. 31. 34.62 Ioč. 52. 2.33 27.55 22 22. 27. 44'32 I O2. 52. 9:20 26.65 I 2 22. 20.49°2 I Io.3. 35.47'91 27.58 I 2 22. 20.49°2 I 103. 35.45'88 27.58 23 23. I4. 53'42 98.59, 13-27 26'63 I 3 23. 8. I4:64 99.46. 8:55 27.60 June I 3 17. 38.53°og I Io. 38. 8'34 26.55 13 17. 38.53°o2 I Io. 38. 8'34 26'55 I5 o. 39.46'71 91. 7.45-46 27.65 13 17. 38.53'o6 I Io. 38. 6'8o 26'55 t 13 17. 38.53'o6 I Io. 38. 9'89 26'55 I 8 3. o. 8:61 78. 2.4O'76 27.73 I4. 18. 36. 4:22 I I I. 33. 25.72 26°55 2O 4.45. 34-82 7 I. 17. O'31 27-78 I4. 18. 36. 4:22 I I I. 33.28°46 26.55 3I 14.5o. 23.26 IoI. 13, 26-89 28°o I I6 20. 26. 34:58 Io9. 53.52'70 26°55 September 3 17. 39. 2'97 I Io. 44, 29'08 28'07 17 21. 18. 37:35 Io?. 34. 4:16 26'56 3 I7. 39. 2'97 I Io. 44, 3o'O4. 28'07 I 8 22. 8. 21.78 IOA. 28. 12-81 26.55 8 22. 4.51°5 I Io4. 44, 43°46 28° 16 2O 23.42. 36.65 96. 39. 12-84 26.57 9 22.52. 41-67 Iol. 3. 36°31 28' I 8 9 22. 52. 41'70 IoI. 3. 36-31 28° I 8 22 1. 14. 46.31 87. 4o. 34.46 26'59 4- I O 23. 39. 8-12 96.55. 41'48 28° I 8 July 3 Io. 53. 49' Io 78.59. 4.86 26.69 IO 23. 39. 8: 12 96.55. 41-43 28° I 8 SECT. T.-CORRECTED R.A. AND N.P.D. OF MOON's CENTER, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 39 At Transit of Moon's Center. True At Transit of Moon's Center. True Obliquity of Obliquity of Year and Day. Ecliptic. Year and Day. Ecliptic. R.A. of Moon's N.P.D. of Moon’s R.A. of Moon’s N.P.D. of Moon’s Center. Center. 23°. 27. | Center. Center. 23°. 27. 1851. h m s C / // // 185I. h m s O / // // September 1 I o. 24. 44°81 92. 30.58'99 28°2O October 3o I 9. 45.35°o? I I I. 36. 50'24. 28° 14 II O. 24. 44°81 92.3o. 61' Io 28°2O - November 1 2 I. 31. 25°25 Ioy. 18. 16-87 28° I I I 2 I. Io. 1 o'76 87.59. 18'54. 28°22 2 22. 20. 33.49 Io3. 56.57'79 28°og I 3 1.56. I I 13 83.3o. 22.67 28°23 *. 3 23. 7. 46°oo I OO, 2. O’ 1 O 28°o8 I4. 2.43. 31'48 79. I4. I 8:05 28-24 4. 23.53. 43°06 95.42. 59'54 28°oy I5 3. 32.57°o5 75. 22. 1 1-87 28° 26 I. 24. 55' I4. 86. 29. 38'92 28'04 17 5. 20. 23-98 69. 41. 3o47 28° 28 7 2. II. 44" I4. 81. 54.48°77 28'O3 3o 17. 17. 52'49 I Io. Ig. I 7-78 28'34. I4. 8. 40. Io’ I 5. 69.56. 50'24. 27'94. October 2 I 9. II. 47°7 I I I I. 5o. 6'68 28'34. I5 9. 39. 17.82 73. 2. 4-55 27'91 3 20. 6. 22°21 I Io. 49. 33°75 28'34. I6 Io. 37, 7'o'3 77. 13. 2.5o 27°91 4. 20.58.47'33 Io8. 48. 36:38 28'34 17 I I. 33. 43’57 82. I4. 5'84. 27°go 2 I. 49. O'63 Io5. 57. 2:32 28'34 29 22. I. 16°og Ioš. 36. 12:43 27.79 8 o. 9. 46-52 93. 59. 22°2O 28.33 3o 22.49. 34.46 IoI. 5o. 58-51 27.77 I O I. A.I. I.3°23 84. 50. 9'85 28°32 I O I. 4 I. I.3°23 84. 5o. 7'74. 28'32 December 2 o. 2 I. 28'39 93. 8. 37.62 27.76 I I 2. 28. I 8°2O 8o. 24.37-48 28'32 5 2. 4o. 39'81 79. 2 I. 34:63 27°74. I I 2. 28. I 8:20 8o. 24. 35-64 28°32 7 4. 24. 7-60 71.46. 31°oo 27-73 I4. 5. 2. 27°44. 70. 6. 37:28 28°3d I4. 5. 2. 27°44. 70. 6.4O'70 28'3d 8 5. 20.34'06 69. I I. 42'26 27-73 *; 8 5. 20. 33-88 69. I 1. 42'26 27.73 15 5.59. 9.96 68. 24.36:33 28°30 8 5. 20.33-97 69. I I, 43' 13 27-73 I5 5.59, 996 68. 24, 34°44 28'3d 8 5. 20.33-97 69. I I. 41'34. 27.73 16 6.58. 7:22 67. 55.43°o2 28° 28 I O 7. 20.39°35 67. 43. 1899 27.73 I6 6.58. 7:22 67.55. 38.62 28° 28 I O 7. 20. 39°35 67. 43. 17:46 27.73 17 7.58. 28'40 68. 48. 3-24 28° 28 I I 8. 21.5o' lo 69. 5.47°24 27.73 I 8 8. 59. 13:07 7 I. 3. 42'79 28-27 3o O. 47.51°27 go. 33.35:43 27.86 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, R E I) U C T I () N OF . OBSERVATIONS OF THE MOON, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION II. COMPARISONS OF MOON'S PLACE FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH MOON'S TABULAR PLACE: AND COEFFICIENTS OF THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES OF ELEMENTS. GREENWICH LunaR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. 42 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION II.-COMPARISON OF MOON'S PLACE FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH Moon's TABULAR PLACE ; AND COEFFICIENTS OF THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES OF ELEMENTS. & #3 ##| ||# £5 13 E., || 3 * | . ## | #5 |# , ..., | * ## °á ||# g| ##| s] a 's ##| || # 5 || 3 || | *#| Ecliptic N.P.D. # °F; ; ; H ##|5 s Mean Solar ** | # |** |# = sā agili ſã ##|##|##| ##|Toºwooms || 3 || < || 5 | #| ##| sº Time of Observation Noon’s Center | . § z - || | # .# ÉÉ #| # # .# ſº # || 3 à ºl centerfrom 3 = * ||3: à .# gº # of Moon's Limb. from Observation. #: ### #; # #: # # º: # #: # #| || § #: Observation. #: # gº gº #: #2; É §§ 3 #5 ||=# 3 #5 ||# 3 3 3 | #3 || = 3 3 || 3:F §§2. 3% ||# 3| #3 ||3:Fă ș. CA2 ſº ſº O ||Q4 Ö || 3. .# # ă # ă .# à | 5 # ă .# Center from : c : s: # .# aft: # of Moon's Limb. from Observation. # ###|És. ; #3 ||##" #|| 3 | # #3 || 3 | #|| 3 | 5 | #3 * ravºx ran +3 ‘ā, ś #3 ||## #| #3 #: 8. - 33 ###|=# 3| #3 #3 : 3- , c, ºr- || c.3 º:-- 2 3 º'" 35 r- tº 3 5 : " ||º] $- C/2 Fº gº O P+ O ~4 C &O ſº 33 O % 8 c ||: #| #3 ||3: ' 5|| : " : §: 3 * : || > 3, # - a . %3 ||3: ºf © 2. § 2, Ç 3T | < 3+ 5T ||3: 35 || 3 3 5 à # * |: 5" |: ; O f // f f // g \ | \ \\ \ \\ g \ \\ \ g \\ O | | | // // & \ } \ \\ \ 339. 48. I-88| 4:59 572913. 17|2.54; 3. 98|| o. 75 54 || 37-6 || o. 2d 41 |94. 30.57°o5|56’21 60-84||15. 380. 61|| 8:1 339. 48. I’75 4:59, 57.16||13. 172.54|| 3. 98|| O. 75 54 || 37-6 || O. 20 41 94. 30.57°43 56-2 I 61:22||15. 38|o. 61|| 8' I 8. 38.55'75. 54:52, 61:23||14. on 2. oz|| 5. 6o I. 34: 45 || 38°o o. 59 48 || 92.52. 26'91. 28'50 58°41||13. 55|o. 27|| 7-6 22. 22. I5'99| 20:30 55'69||13.851.77|| 6. 3ol. 1. 49 36 || 38.2 || O. 84 51 91.48. 6:45 9'66 56.79||12. 35|o. 17| 84 35. 38. 61-36|59'93 61:43.13. 331.54|| 6. go|| 1.5 || 26 || 38-3 || I. 12 52 go. 39.46°31' 45.58 6o'73|II. offio. I 1||| 97 48. 32.37.43 34'81' 62-62||12. 481. 34|| 7.36|| 1.38 17 || 38.5 || 1.41 53 |89. 31. 775 5:53. 62:22|| 9.77|o. 1 o|| 1 1.5 61. 8. 14.89 844 66.45||11. 371. 18 7.65|| 1. 15. Io || 38.8 || 1.70) 52 |88. 25. 25-67. 20'15' 65:52|| 8.53;o. 14|| 137 73. 31. 26.82. 21-99 64.83||10. O61. o?||7.77|| o. 85 oz || 39°o || 1. 98 51 |87. 25. I I-91 6'57 65.34|| 7.39|o. 22|| 16:1 2. o. 23-84 27:43, 56.41||13. 922. 18|| 3.53| o. 57 53 || 41°4 || o. ool 29 |93. 17. 9'8o 4:22|65'58||13. 96/o. 32|| 13-g 2. o. 22.87 27:43 55'44||13. 922. 18; 3. 53| o. 57 53 || 41°4 || o. ool 29 || 93. 17. 9°38 4°22' 65: I.6||13. 960. 32|| 13.9 15.57. 5321|53-87 59:34|14. ool I. 92|| 4.37| o. 9o 54 || 415 || o. oz 34 92. I3. 32°18' 28-41, 63.77||12. 8olo. 20 1 1.5 29. 33. 19:27. 20:56, 58-71.13. 69||1. 68||5. 18|| I. 2 I 49 || 415 || O. 1 o' 38 || 9 I. 3. 42°59' 40°47' 62' 12|II. 52|o. I 2 9:6 93. 3. 52'o6 42.74 69°32|| 8. ozo. 98|| 7. 73| I. oz os || 4.1-6 || I. 19, 52 |85. 54. 24; 15 16:54, 67-61|| 5. 79 o. 43|| 8:8 I 17. 4o. 9°o8| 6’8o 62°28|| 4. 96 I. Oz|| 7. 63| O. 4o Io 41-6 1.77| 52 | 84. 55.57°75 55-3o 62:45|| 4.68||0.77|| 1 1.8 327. 58. 22:55|26-67: 55.88||11. 882.83| o. 56|| o. 15, 16 || 407 || 1. 17 o'S | 95. 2. 9-89; 1 o'55 59:34||15. 70|o. 75|| 35.8 342. 16. 31'78 35:33, 56.45||12. 962. 6o 1. of o. oz. 25 || 40-6 || O. 89. Io 94.3o. 7'23. 8:81| 58-42||15, 13 o. 54|| 33-1 356. 21. Io'98. 14' I 1|56.87||13. 672. 35|| I. 62|| o. oz. 35 || 40.5 || 0. 64. 12 || 93.42. 1565. 12'21 63-44|14. 27|o. 37|| 30-2 Io. I 1. 13:07| 12:52, 60.55||13. 99|2. OS 2. 32|| O. 15. 44 || 4o'4 || 0.42 14 || 92. 4 I. 62.58||57-64 64-94|13. I 8o. 23| 27°o 23.45. 43-89 42:29, 61-60||13. 92|I. 83| 3. o. 41 51 || 40-3 || O. 24, 18 91.33. 36.77|32°49' 64:28||11. 940. I4|| 23.7 23, 45.43°37|42:29|61'o6||13. 921. 83| 3. Ici o. 41 51 || 40-3 || O. 24, 18 |91. 33. 38'12|32°49' 65:63||11. 94b. 14|| 237 309. I. 5-61||1338||52.23| 9.513. Ioſ o. 42|| 1. 16 12 || 36-2 || 2.59 18 95. 16. 22'oz 22.97 59°o5||15.93||1. oz. 38'o 5. 36. 35'78 36.96 58-82||13.842. 25 o. 79 o. o8. 20 || 35°o || I. 66 ob |93. 3. 27:25 12-8o 74.45||13. 440. 26|| 39:1 32. II. 55.07|49. 16|65'91||13. 801. 74|| 1. 94| o. of 40 || 34.5 || I. Io og | 90.48. 21:24|16:24 65°oolio. 980. I iſ 35.9 7o. 36.41:56|41.16 60:40||11. 21|t. 17| 4.31|| o. 88 54 || 33-8 || o. 37| 15 |87. 23. 61'48 56-56 64'92 || 7. 27 c. 23| 28-3 83. 6. 60-8858-1562-73| 9.87|1. oG|| 5, 12| 1. 19 50 || 335|| o. 20 19 |86. 28. 38'07|33-2364,84|| 6, 27'o. 35|| 25.2 157. II. 34:23, 26.60 67.63| 1.491. 36||7.77|| o. 73 oz || 31-6 || O. 33 44 |85. 19. 4o'or 39°o2| 6o'99||5. 161. 42|| Io-2 347. 34.37°o8||51-37|4571 12.742. 66 o. 31|| 1. o.3 og || 27°o || 2.79| 25 |94, 6, 18:22| 16:57, 61-65||14. 66|o. 44|| 33.9 1. 28.47°57' 54.07 53.5o 13.532.41| o. 22 o. 72 oz || 267 || 2.70 2 1 |93. 13. 5076|47.39|63:37||13. 66'o. 28|| 36.3 14.58, 32-go 36.75 56.15||13. 952. 15| o. 31|| o. 42| Io || 26-4 || 2.55 17 | 92. II. 57.73 52.89 64.84|12.5oo. 18|| 38. I Sub. | Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. A / §ſ \ |\ \\ || \ \\ || 8 V \\ \ g \ | \\ | | {{ \ | \ \\ \ 6ozool 7. o2 2. do|4, oo || 0.76 || 36 || 20:8 || 1.42 30 60°oolio. 211. ool. 23.7 SECT. II.-COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 61 # 3 | ##| ||# i., 4. º # i | . ## #5 |# ..] ..., | * e ## | *ā ||# #| *; it is a “s ##| # 5 || 2 || | ##| Ecliptic N.P.D. # | *f; ||#2 * *ā |5 s Mean Solar Longitude of ÉÉ, ** ||É : ##|e ... , ;|| 3 | # 3 # # # || 3 || 3 gå of Moom’s § • 23 |T| < , = så || 2: , ; Time of Observation Moon's Center | . § rº #| || 5, #| #| # | # | | | | # # || | | § . ; - º :** | *= |s; | #| || 5. aſ 5 Moon’s * º ºvati ÉH | # £g |# ...' #| #: £5 #|| 3 | = #: || 3 | = § 1 a #: Center from 3 * 23 ...: ' #| ## |33 | # of Moon’s Center. ſrom Obscrvation. 33 ### ââ # ââ # # P- # ââ É # ſº g # Observation. #: # šš - # #: #3 # C/2 ſº ſº O ||P- C -: O C/2 º 2: 3 ||3 - 1836. d lı m O y // // f / 8 \ | \ \\ \\ || g \ \\ \ g \ | \\ O f // A / // g \ | \ \\ \ Dec. 24. 13.40. 37:5 || 1 15.45. 27°25' 25-27. 61'98 || 6. 27|o. 98|| 5.5ol I. 31' 46 || 23.5 || o. 52 13 |85. 3. 6555 59°35' 66°20' 4.63|o. 81| 32.9 24. 13. 40. 37:5 || 1 15.45. 25-64. 25-27 60°37| 6. 27|o. 98||5.5ol I. 31' 46 || 23-5 || O. 52 13 |85. 3. 57.5o 59:35, 58: 15|| 4.63|o. 81| 32-g 1837. y - Jan. I. 19. 35. 32.9 || 2 17. 57. 42'36 33’83 68-53| o. 482.40|| 7. 14|| O. 12. 2 I || 20:5 || O. 37 45 89.55. I 8:26, 2 I-74 56'52|Io. 25|I. go! I 'o I 1. 4. 27.36°5 || 356. 13. 21.77|30'98 50'79||13. o82.57| o. 8ol I. 38 19 || 16.8 || 2. 64 41 || 93.2 I. 3'91' 2-97 6o'94||13. 960. 32|| 2 || 2 14. 6. 42. 28.6 || 36.57. 28.89, 30.70|58. 1913. 891. 79| o. 25| c. 58 o? || 15-8 || 2.83 28 go. 3. 63.63 59-63 64°ool (c. 21|o. 1 of 30:6 22. 13. 12. 36-3 || 136. 17. 15:08, 1838. 56.70|| 4. 221. oã|| 5. oºl I. 17 50 || 13°o || 1. 23 o'S |85. 5. 21:39, 17:24 64; 15|| 4.58||1. 15|| 39'2 22. 13. 12. 36-3 || 136. 17. 15:54 18:38||57.16|| 4. 221. ob|5. oz|| 1. 17 50 || 13°o || 1. 23 o8 |85. 5. 22-81 (7:24 65'57| 4.58|1. 15|| 39'2 Feb. 12. 6. Io. 25.9 || 57.56. 15:05, 1964. 55-41||13. 131. 48 o. 22|| o. 75 oz || 6-6 || 2.68|40 |87. 59. 17.69 I I '86 65.83|8. oilo. 17| 20:2 / - 13. 6.59. 29°o 7o. 32. 38'91' 39-65. 59:26||12. 211. 3ol. o. 3ol. o. 44 og || 6′3 || 2.78. 36 |87. 1. 21-22 15:57, 65-65|| 6.9 ||o. 27|| 23.2 14. 7. 49.57. I 82.57. 33.15. 34.64 58:511 1. o.3.1. 15|| 0.55|| o. 18 15 || 6’1 || 2.83 32 || 86. 12.5o'73|46-18 64:55|| 5, 98|o. 4o 26°o 17. Io. 2 I. 51 I | I 19, 47.5o’og 51.89 58°20' 6.64|o. 97| 2. 23| O. 13 43 5-4 || 2.63. 19 |84. 58.47°21' 42°8o 64'41|| 4, 52|o. 92|| 33-9 18. I I. 9. 32.2 | 132. 6.53-92 53:63, 60'29|| 5, 121. oil. 2. 99|| O. 37| 51 5.2 || 2.45 15 || 85. I. 4'98 2-oo. 62°98|| 4.54|I. I 1 36' I 20. 12. 38. 23.7|157. o. 5: 16 8:28, 56.88|| 2.421. 21|| 4.64|| I. or 53 || 4-6 || 1. 99. Io 85.47. 32-62. 30.21 62:41|| 5. 36||1. 48|| 39°o 20. 12. 38. 23.7|157. o. 4'68 8:28, 56.40|| 2.421. 21|| 4.64|| I. or 53 || 4-6 || 1.99. Io |85. 47.31'44' 30-21 61°23| 5. 36||1. 48|| 39'o 21. 13. 20. 24'o 169. 37. 1:53 I-65 59'88|| 1.361. 38||5. 44|| 1. 29 47 || 4:4 || 1.72 og 86. 30. 15-66. 15. Io 60-56|| 6. 15|I. 63| 39.8 24. 15. 27. I 2.5 208. 27.47'o6 52'o6 55°ool o. o.º.2. of 7. 27| 1.42 1.9 3.8 || 0.89 io |89. 35.40'46. 40.73 5973| 9.58||1. 9o 38.7 25. 16. 13. 31'5|22 I. 52.49°33, 55.77 53-56 o. 352. 34|| 7. 61|| I. 2 I I I 3-6 || o. 63. 12 go. 47. 24.69| 25' 14 59:55|Io. 93.1. 89|| 37.2 Mar. 13. 5. 42. 24-7 || 78. 8.57°40|58-92. 58.48||11. 791. 23| o. 26|| o. 92 o8 I 1 || 2. 13 49 |86. 16.57°56' 53:23 64’33| 6. 22|o. 36|| II 2 I 4, 6, 34. II '9| 9o. 37.59'94 64°49' 55-45|lo. 531. Io. o. 24|| o. 60 o8 o:9 || 2. 37 47 |85. 35. 3ozoa 24-10 65.94ſ. 5. 430. 51|| 13. I 18. 9.5o. 49' I 139.53. 2:22, 1-18 61 oA|| 4.56:1, 03|| 1.85| o. of 38 o:5 || 2.83 3o 85. 4. 12'28 7:45 64.83| 4. 72|t. 25|| 24'o 19. Io. 34.58.2 152. 21. 35.35|26-61 68-74|| 3. 18.1. 13| 2.57| o. 23 47 || 0:5 || 2.81| 26 |85. 31. 38'42|36:55 61-87|| 5, 2011. 43| 26-8 20. I I. 17.36°I 164.59. 47-99. 41°33' 66-66|| 1. 991. 27| 3.37| o. 51 53 || o'4 || 2.72 22 || 86. 12. 31.35|29'98 61°37|| 5.93|I. 6o 297 22. I 2.41. 41-3 || 190. 52. 18-61) 18:55 6o'o6 o 371. 67|| 5, oil 1. 15 50 o:2 || 2.41 14 |88. 8.30:38 28.62|61:76|| 8, o2|1. 83| 34-9 23. 13. 25. Io9 |2O4. 8.45'8o 47°o3 58.77|| o. of 1.91 || 5.77|| 1.39| 43 o:2 || 2. 18 12 | 89. 18. 43.8o 41.95 61-85| 9. 3OH. 89|| 36.9 26, 15.54. 24-6 |245. 27. 4339|44.99||58:31|| 1.412. 69|| 7.45|| 1.33 15 o: 1 || 1.37 o? | 92.54. 41'53|46.36 55-17||13. 281. 76|| 4o'o 27, 16.52. 299|259. 45.36'99|39:46, 57.53| 2.612. 9o 7.70|| 1. os og || 0 1 || 1. og og |93. 53.5o'o.2 55'91 54°11||14. 38|I. 61|| 397 | April 15. 8. 29. 29.5 | 1.47. 14. 42:51.5o.89 51-62|| 4, o&I. oz o. 94| o. of 23 || o'7| 2.42 46 |85. 14, 31:43. 26:36 65 oz 5, o& 1.38|| 1 1-5 19. I I. I 9. 48 I 198. 48. II 27 7.68 63-59|| o. 211.76|| 3.74|| o. 66 54 1. 1 || 2.83 29 || 88.49. 42°46' 4 I go. 60-56|| 8. 92|I. 88; 22.2 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Subl Sub. Sub. Sub.]| Sub. Z \ | \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ J / 5. v | \ \\ \ 6&oo f O2|2. OO 4. OO 3. 76. 30 20:8 || i. 42 3o 60°ool Io. 21|I. ool. 23.7 62 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. - # 3 | *ē, l; ... . d . . . ; # . . ## ºc || 3 . . . , || P: ## 2 # # * ## T s] : “s &# # 6 * * ## Ecliptic N.P.D. ää º § 2 - # ||= | Mean Solar Longitude of 8- tº | || # = | - ? #|| 5 || 3 || > 3 || 3 || 3 || 5 & = 3 E-75 • 2 ||^3, #| 3 # ; : $; Mes * g ‘s’; ‘s = | # 33 ||3: #| #| 3 ||33 || 3 || 3 || 3 || |&# of Moon's sº 33 || #| || 35 || 3 ||3: Time of Observation IMoon’s Center 33 Tº . ] sº E 2 £p É # = # = | 2, § # = || 3 || 3 || 2 # Center from 3 c. Tº ||*# | E| g :0 gº; ã of Moon’s Conter, from Observation. #: ###| ||#: # #3 # # & #| #3 || 3 # fl = | #3 observation ă 22. §§ §§ # £- #: ă - §3 3 #5 ||== <| ::= |# 5 - || < | #3 || = < # #5 #32, #3 ||#5 * ::= |#" # &A) ſº * O 24 | O -: . , = || 3: , ; = 3 || # , = || 3: , śi | * : #7 TV To A no 2 c. 5: <-2 || 3: ...B. × 3 || ſº , § *~ Sp C ** * O : º Q. **d 3> O -: c • *- C - I 1 &- - r–ſ 5 - º 5. - O : Q) * E :: * º --> &= -; Q --> +. * E Oi V1 OO11’S or- * °F *— --> C <3 A- -$º Time of Observation Moon’s Center wn & T: . || co 5| s? |35 | #| # ă ... à || 5 || 3 || 3 || 5 || > g. Center from | 3 F. ... *ā | #| || 3 ||a 2: § of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #; § #3 ## # #3 ||## # § # | #3 || 3 # || 3 ă #3 Observati ă, a ## ||#5 # #3 |ÉÉ 3 #3 ###|## 3| #3 ||# 5 - || T * | #3 || # 3 #| g = | * | 332 # |## 3 #5 ||#T : C/? ſº ſº O ||2|+ C | = .# #| #| # | 3 .# B à || “. ă .# centerºom | 3 = s s § # .# s: # of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #; ###|Ég #| #3 ||ÉÉ Ā|| 3 | #| #3 || # #|| 3: ă #3 Observation '#, a ##| ||## #| #3 ||33 | # 33 ###|## * g = |## *|T * | g = | = < |* #| #3 | * £32, ; ; # 3| #3 ||ÉT : 3. ſº 2. O ||2- O || < -3 35 &O Pa * ||& © ||= 3 1837. d h m s O Z // A / A/ g V | \ \\|| \ \\| g \ | \\ \ g \ } \\ O / // // // \ | \ \\ \ Nov. 7. 8. 1. 41.8 344. 46. 23.96 25*49' 58.47|| 9. 353. I 1| O. 63| O. 14, 17 || 37.8 || o. 6o I2 93. I 2. 16. Io 16°37' 5973||13. 62o. 28|| 4o'o 8, 8.50. o'9| 359. 28. 27.75 26:41, 61.34|Io. 912, 97|| I. ool o. on 26 || 37-6 || 0.38 15 92. 2. 35'6o 34.90 6070||12. 330. 16. 39'5 12. 12. 8. 27.9 57. 3. 15:52, 20.93 54.59||14. oil2. oil 4. ool o. 76' 54 || 36-6 || o. ool 31 |87. I. 2 I-94 16:08 65-86|| 6.840. 27| 3o'g 16. 15.47. 53' I 1 Io. 25.33.73. 28.79 64.941 I. 291. 18|| 6.92|| 1.5o 26 || 35-7 || O. 52 47 | 84. 48. I7.39|| 14 12 63.27| 4.5o I. oo 18°4 17. 16.38. 15.9 122. 59.60. Io 45'98|74 12|| 9.961. off 7.38|| 1.38; 17 || 35-3 || o. 77 50 | 84. 53.58-79 53:67 65' 12|| 4.631. 19. 15.9 18. 17. 25. 9.4|| 135. 21. 11:33 4-83. 66'5o 8.49|o. 99|| 7. 66|| 1. 14. Io || 35°o || 1. o.4 52 |85. 13. 52°o2 46°og 65.93|| 5. O2|1. 38|| 13:3 19. 18. 8.559 || 147.34, 33-69. 33:23 60'46|| 6, 970. 97|| 7.77|| o. 84 oz || 34-8 || 1. 32 53 85.46. 37'92 30-27. 67-65|| 5.651.54|| 1 1-3 20. 18.5o. 227 | 159. 45. 60° 14' 57.80) 62.34|| 5.451. ool 7, 71 || o. 53 og || 34.5 || 1.61| 52 86. 30. 42°ol ||37'97 64'04|| 6. 481.68|| 97 Dec. 2. 4. 13. 41.9 || 31 o. 5o. 18-64. 16'o. 62-61|| 4.8o3. I 1 || o. 73| 1.36 18 || 31:3 || 2.38 I 4 || 94.49. 38:28 39. Io 59° 18||15.56|o. 68|| 25.8 8. 9. 8. 41' 2 || 37. 25. 23:29 1816. 65.13||13. 482.43| 1.35|| o. ool 31 || 29-2 || o. 78 Io 88.33. 59°59' 54-43 65. 16|| 8.45|o. 14|| 39.8 Io. Ho. 51.46’2 65. 2. 18:51) 14:42 64’og |13. 991. 91| 2.75|| o. 28 49 || 28-3 || o. 33 16 || 86. 27. 58°28' 51°57' 66-7 || 6. 12'o. 37|| 39'4 o. Io. 51.46’2 || 65. 2. 19:16, 14:42 64.74|13. 991. 91 2.75|| o. 28 49 || 28-3 || O. 33 16 || 86. 27. 54.81 51:57. 63.24 6. 12'o. 37| 39.4 14. 14, 29. I5'9| 1 17. 4o. 47-27 43' 12 64: 15|Io. 81|1. 13| 5. 96 1. 43 41 || 27°o || O. O.1 33 84. 59. 37:84 24°32 73°52|| 4.56|I. 13| 32°o 15. 15. 17. 55.5 || 13o. 12. 26'o6 18:81, 67.25|| 9. 421. o.3| 6.62|| 1.52 31 || 26-7 || o. of 37 85. 15. 1275 7:35, 65.40 4.881. 32|| 29.2 18. 17. 25. 36.8|166.52. 20.86; 16:28 64.58|| 4.881. o2|| 7.74|| I. or oS || 25-4 || 0.58||48 87. I4. 26:61| 20°36' 66-25 7. 171.76|| 20-g I 838. Jan. 2. 5. 32. I4'6; 4. 53.5o'48 52°46' 58°o2|Io. 563. oil o. 3o I. oil og || 20:5 || 2. 52 16 91. I I. 2'o6 2.45 59-61||11. 530. 12|| 23:5 3. 6. 18.57'3| 19. 9. 54.72|56:25, 58.47||11. 942.82| o. 22|| o. 70 oy || 19.8 || 2. 32 13 89.56. 1898 13.85 65' 13||1o. 12'o. I of 26.8 7. 9. 39. 26.3 73.47. 24:22, 24.68||59.54||13. 911. 81 I. 63| o. oz. 35 || 18.5 || I. 25 o? | 85.52. Io'87| 3:28 67'59 5. 48 o. 5of 37. 7. 9. 39. 26:3; 73.47. 25. Io 24'68 60'42||13. 911. 81 I. 63| o. oz. 35 | 18.5 || 1. 25 of 85. 52. 387 3-28 60-59 5. 480. 5o 37.5 14, 15, 22. 15.2 162. 12. Io'o.2 o’93 69°ool. 5.81|o. 99|| 6.88 1.51] 26 || 15-8 || o. oO 29 |87. 8.48-89 46.22 62-67| 6.901. 73| 35.9 19. 18.47. 34:5; 224. I7. 51-66 36-70, 74°96|| O. 301.70 || 7.49|| o. 28 13 || 13-9 || O. 63 49 92. 21. 14-91. 14'97 59'94|12. 82|I. 8o 22-g 20. I g. 37. 35.2 237. 42. 24'o I 8:06 75'95|| o. of 1.95 7. og o. 11 22 || 13-6 || 0.89 51 || 93. I 9. 35.73 36-95 58.78||13. 93|I. 68; 19.7 Feb. 2. 6.42. 45:6 56. 2 I. 28.77| 26°41' 62'36||13.862. 23| o. 26|| o. 55 OS 97 || 2. 64; 19 86. 39.5o'22' 44-97' 65:25; 6.55|o. 31|| 20:2 3. 7. 35. 31-6 || 69.45. 6-31 || 4:08; 62°23||14. on 1. 97|| O. 44|| o. 27| 12 92 || 2.47 15 # 85. 51.57°o4 56' 19 60-85| 5.63|o. 46|| 23.5 8. I I. 54.47: I 133. 29. 46.06 46-22. 59'84|| 9.77|I. of 3.51. o. 57 53 || 7-8 || 1. 17 o8 85.33. 5' 14, 5-62. 59.52|| 5. 131. 41|| 36.6 9, 12. 38.57°4 145. 46.49:22|50-63 58-59 8. 29|o. 99|| 4.35|| o. 9o 54 || 7-6 || O. go Io |86. Io. 34-85 36°og 58.76|| 5.801. 57|38. I 9. 12. 38.57°4 || 145. 46.49-67 50-63|59'04|8. 29|o. 99|| 4.35|| o. 9o 54 || 7-6 || O. 9o Io 86. Io. 36°o3|36°og 59'94 5.8o 1.57| 38. I Io. 13, 20.3o4 || 157. 58. 12-68] 1779 54.89|| 6.76|o. 97|| 5. 16|| 1. 20 49 7: 1 || o. 65. 12 86.58. 28.74. 28'93 59'81| 6.681. 71 || 39.2 i i. 14. o. 14-6 170. 6. 25.61|28°48||57'13. 5. 251. ool. 5. 91 || 1.42| 42 || 6-8 o. 43. 14 87. 54, 36-61|34°19' 62'42|| 7.701. 81| 39.9 i i 2. I4. 39. 9°o 182. 14, 23°57' 25°o I 58'56|| 3.821. obi 6. 56|| 1.51 32 6.6 o. 24, 18 88. 56.33:57, 31-61. 61.96 || 8.851. 88|| 4ozo Sub. | Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. | Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. 6&oo 7. o?!?. oº i. oël 6. 76 3o || 26.8 i. 4% 3o 6éoolio. 2 i. cº 237 i | SECT. II.-COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 65 3: 3 ||3 #| * = j| g : | | 3 || 3 || || 3 || | *ā Ecliptic N.P.D. 33 ||# = | *ā |* SI Mean Solar Longitude of § 3" ||# #| ##|s 2 # 3 # ă ă | # # .3 +3 || 3 & of Moon's -ā 33 _3 # šā G s Time of Observation Moon’s Center # ~3 - #| || || #| £ # 5 gº || = 3. # a - # onn to Yº fºv. s g - || C : 2: #. Fol 5 - e Tº – g, 3 c5 || 3 . " : #: |## : || 3 ' … §: 3 3 || > | 3: §: Center from 3 H (/; CO s: ' #| #3 ||3: $E of Moon's Center. from Observation. ää ### à # ää º # # 2- £ ââ ă # R # #: Observation. § #: #5 É # ââ #3 ă C/) £3 |= 5 |á C -: O C/2 £3 23 O ||º] →d I 338. d h m s O // // // | g \ |\ \\ \ \\ || g \ 1 \\ \ g \ | \\ O / // // // g \ |\ \ \ Feb. 13. 15. 18. 16:9 194. 25.57° 18' 57.74 59'44; 2. 531. 20 7. I I | 1.47. 22 6-3 || O. I I 22 go. I. 56-78 52'26 64-52|Io. oé1. 9o 39:6 28. 3. 43. 41'4. 36.59. I 1.23 12-95 58:28, 12. 78.2. 65|| I. ool I. 43 24 3'o || 2.55 43 |87. 55.25:42 28. Io 57'32|| 8. oglo. 16|| 7.5 Mar. 6. Q. 4. 25.9 || 1 17. 6. 23.63| 29' 15|54'48||11. 861. 24|| I. o.3 o. oz. 25 I '9| 2. 6o 18 84. 55.43°45. 41'6g 6176|| 4.631. 19|| 18.9 7. 9.52. 30.5 | 129. 29. 51.5o 53° 14' 58°36||10. 621. 11| I. 61| O. oz. 35 I-8 || 2.42 14 || 85. I 8, 34'o6 34.68||59'38|| 5. on I. 37| 21:9 9. 1 1. 19. 32.7 | 153.56. 36:51: 36-3o 60°21||7.72|o. 98|| 3: o3| o. 4o 5 I 1-6 || I. 94. Io 86. 40. 50'91 52'60|58:31|| 6.47|1. 68|| 27.5 Io. 1 1.59. 44.3 | 166. 5. 36'90|38-44 58°46|| 6. I go. 98|| 3. go|| O. 72| 54 1:4 || I. 67 o'S 87. 36. 31'o6 31°23 59'8o 7. 47|1.79|| 30-4 Io. 1 1. 59. 44.3 166. 5. 38'92. 38'44' 60'48; 6. 19|o. 98. 3. 9ol o. 72 54 I 4 || I. 67 o'S 87. 36. 30.92|31°23 59'69|| 7.47|1. 79|| 30-4 1 I. 12. 38.523 178. 15. I I Io 15.89 55’21 4.691. o.3 4.72| I. O4 52 I 3 || I. 39 o'S 88. 38.51'77' 49.76 62°o 1| 8, 6cl i. 86|| 32-9 12. 13. 17.56°4 | 190. 28. 2:41| 6’41|56°ool. 3. 3ol.1. 12|| 5.52| I. 31' 46 I ‘2 || I. I 1 og | 89.45. 16.35. 14.86 6 1 49|| 9.801. 9o 35°o 15. 15. 25. I4-2 || 227. 56. 44-66. 39.95 wº o. 421. 65||7. 31|| 1.41 18 || O'8 || O. 38 15 93. o. 44'09 44:09, 60°ool 13. 38||1. 75|| 39'5 17. 17. 7. 57.4 |254. 14.65:51, 55.95|69:56, o, og 2. 15||7.76 O. 89 oë o:6|| o. os 23 94. 37. I2'2C 14:39||57-8 II 5. I 7|I. 45|| 39°9 April 4. 8. 35. 4: I | 137. 36.37 Io. 43.36 sº Io. 1 oi. of o. 78|| O. ob. 20 || O'o || 2.83| 29 |85. 37. 52'42 50°93. 61'49|| 5. 491.51|| 1 o'4 7. Io. 38. 5: I 174. 5. 46 go 41'55 65.35. 5. 6 ſlo. 99| 2.65 o. 25 48 o'I || 2.56 17 |88. 15.56-60|57 Io 59.5o 8. 34.1. 85| 17'o 8. 1 1. 17. 1 o'3 186. 19. 2 I-65 15-13. 66'52"| 4. 151. oG|| 3.45|| o. 54 53 || O'2 || 2.37| 14 | 89. 21.59'o6 58-65 60°41' 9.531. 89|| 19.7 9. I 1.57. 1: 1 || 198. 40. 1937 17:20, 62.17 2.821. 17| 4. 28 o. 87 54 || O'2 || 2. 14 11 go. 30. 28'05" 24-67. 63:38||1o. 77|1. 9ol 22:4 9. 11.57. I I | 198. 40. 19. Io 17:20, 61 go 2.821. 17| 4. 28 O. 87 94 || O'2 || 2: 14| 1 | | 9o. 30. 28°17' 24-67. 63.5olio. 77|1. 9o 22°4 9. 11.57. I 198. 40. 19:04 17:20, 61.84 2.821. 17|| 4. 28|| o. 87 54 || O'2 || 2. 14| 1 || |go. 3o. 27°59| 24.67 62.92|10. 77|1. 9ol 22:4 9. 11.57. 1: 1 || 198. 40. 19:51 17:20, 62:31: 2.821. 17|| 4, 28 o. 87 54 || O'2 || 2. 14| 1 || |90. 30. 28.74|24'67|64:07||1o. 77|1. 9o 22°4 12. 14. 1 1. 23.5 236. 53. 7'o6 I'93' 65:13 o. 24|1.74|| 6.52| I. 51 33 || O'4 || 1. 32 o'S 93.39. 17:57 18:52, 59:05||14. 19|I. 65|| 31-3 I 6, 17. 57.40'3 291. 39. 47-61 51.37 *. 1. 752.76||7.77|| 0.73 oz || o'8|o. 32 16 |95. 13. 4.03 5.84|58-19||15.86|o. 86|| 394 May 2. 7. 14. 35.2 145. 15.43°37' 51-55 sº 9.58|I. O4|| o. 31|| O. 42 09 29 || 2.46 45 86. 7. 41.58||40.81| 60.77|| 6, oã|I. 62|| 7-9 3. 7.56. 7-3 || 157. 26, 35-37| 42-62 sº 8. ogo. 98| c. 56|| o. 17| 15 || 3: I || 2. 64 42 |86. 57.37'78 35.96 61-82|| 6.981.74|| 7-5 | 4. 8.35. 51:8 | 169. 34. 46:33, 48.87|57:46 6. 56|o. 97 o. 99|| o. of 24 || 3:3| 2.76 37 || 87.55. 28'97|31:06, 57.91|8. oã|1. 83|| 7-5 5. 9. 14.548 181. 45.38:35, 38.67|59.68||5. off 1. or 1.57| o. oil 34 || 3:4|| 2.82. 33 88.59. Io'78 13:06, 57.72| 9. 22.1. 89|| 8 | 6, 9.54. 24.7|194. 4. 814 4-67. 6347 3.631. og 2.24|o. 13 44 || 36|| 2.83 28 |go. 6. 1399) 15:45, 58.54|io. 461. 9o 92 7. Io. 35. 297 |2O6. 34. 18:18 13.93| 64:25 2. 361. 22|| 3, oil o. 37 51 4°o || 2.78 24 || 91. 13.55:45, 56°o? 59:38||11. 69.1. 87| Io'7 8. II. 19. 16.7 |219. 19. 23:31 18-81|64.5o 1. 321.39|| 3.82|| o. 69' 54 || 4-2 || 2.67 20 | 92. 19. 3-67| 6′34 57.33||12. 89.1. 8o 12-8 8. I I. 19. 16'7 219, 19. 24'45 18:81|65:64 I. 32|1.39|| 3.82|| o. 69' 54 || 4-2 || 2.67 20 | 92. 19. 7'o6 6'34 60:72||12. 89.1. 8o 12.8 I I. 13.54. 18.4 |259. 19. 68°23 54.66||73:57 o. off2. Og| 6, 18|| 1.47 38 || 4:8 || 2. O7| 1 | | 94.45. 1:25, 1:72. 59.53||15. 521. 34|| 2 1.2 12. I4. 53. 2' I 273. I4. 38.89 23:51. 75'38|| o. 382. 35|| 6.8o 1.51 28 || 5°o || 1.81 og 95. 5. 59.5o 57°42' 62'o8||15. 881. 13| 24.7 14, 16.5o. 42'2 |3ol. 42. 16'98 12:34, 64.64|| 2. 212.84|| 7.62|| 1. Ig| II 5-6 || I. 24.08 94.52. 34:39. 35'03 59.36||15.57|o. 69|| 31-3 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. // \ | \ \\ |\ \ V\ \ \\ \ \ \\ A / 8’ \ | \ \\ \ 6ozoo 7. O2|2. Ooi 4. OO 6. 76. 30 || 20:8 i. 42|| 30 6ozoolo. 2 I |I. ool. 23.7 GREENWICII LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. 66 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONs, FROM 1831 TO 1851. # 3 | ##| ||# . . . ||# . ..., || # & . ## #3 ||3 F . si # | *ā ||# * *#|T s] g : | *#| # 5 | | *#| Ecliptic N.P.D. # | 9a ||#2 * *# * Mean Solar Longitude of F# ºf c #| 8 # |s .. , ;| < , ; ; ; # # , = | g . * | * * 3. E-75 ~2. =g *2 = 3 || ſt § º ſº ‘gº 3 * | *|| 3 à ||3: #| # à || 3 5 || 3 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 3 = of Moon’s *— ſº, 33 || 5 || 5 & 3 || 0 | Time of Observation Moon’s Center 7, 5 ‘. . . S ă .# # 5|| # à | . à || 3 5 || 5 3 a #1 Center from Ž a 3 ||33 | # Gº) § 32; # of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #1 | ###|#3, #| #: # # § #| #3 || 3 | #| | ă #3 * #, a # ||#5 5, #3 ||33 | #| §3 | ###|## 3 #5 |## 3| 3 || 35 | # 3 ||# #| ##| observation | #2 | #5 ||## #| ##|s" ; # ſº 33 | 3 ||3: 35 || 3 < | 35 3. ſ: * ||: 5" ||a = - I 838. d h m s O / p/ A/ // g \ |\ \|| V wig v | \\ \ g A \\ O / // // // g \ |\ \\ \ May 15. 17. 46. I-7|3.16. Io. 24:49| 28-65 55-84|| 3. 613. O2|| 7.76|| O. go os 5.9 || o. 96 og 94. 17. 42:56, 42:51|60'o5||14. 9ojo. 49|| 34-1 17. 19. 27. 58.3 ||345. 27. 26:25, 36-47. 4978|| 7. Oo3. 18|| 7.52|| o. 3o 13 6-3 || o. 47 14 92. 20. 2 I-37| 17-78 63-59||12. 69|o. 19|| 38-4 27. 3. 31.46°o I 14.45. 36-60 36-48 60' 12||12. 751.39|| 1.33| 1.46 29 8.8 || o. 66 49 85. I. 4o'44' 34-69. 65.75|| 4.67|I. 22|| 25°o 29. 5, 8.469 || 140. 14. O'46. 3-55 56'91|Io. 441. Ici o. 44|| 1. 18, 12 9-3 || 1. 21, 52 86. o. 40-44. 38'05 62°39|| 5.81|I. 57| 1972 31. 6. 32. Io'4 164. 44, 33:51, 4o'o6 53.45||7.5 Ilo. 97| o. 25|| o. 59 o'S || Io. 1 || 1.79 52 #87. 42. I-24. I'77' 59:47|| 7.741. 8 iſ 13-9 June 2. 7.5o. 23-5 189. 5. 12:59 16 13 56-46|| 4, 5olſ, oA. o. 74|| o. og 19 || 1 o'7 || 2. 30 48 89.47. 31'91' 34-86 57.05||10. IoI. 9o Ioro 4. 9. 13. 5.' I 214. 4. 29'05 3o 19 58-86 I. 941. 28|| 1.86|| o. of 39 || 1 1-3 || 2.67| 41 91.58. 3-38 5'91 5747|12 541.82|| 7-8 6. Io. 49. 34:3; 240. 20. 27°43|26-03 6140|| 0.35|I. 68|| 3.39|| o. 51| 53 I-8 || 2.83 32 93. 49.59'32 o’97 58.35||14. 62|I. 57| 77 6. Io. 49. 34.3 24o. 20. 28:22|26-03. 62: 19|| o. 351. 68|| 3.39|| o. 51 53 I-8 || 2.83 32 93. 49.62'81| O'97. 61'84|14. 62|I. 57; 77 7. II. 44. 41'9; 254. 2.50.23 48°oz|62:21 o. oA|I. 93|| 4. 22 o. 84 54 || 12:4 || 2.82 27 | 94. 30. 1490) 14:03 60-87|15. 36||1.39|| 8-6 8, 12.43. 41'4; 268, 6.56-52|46-oA|70°48|| o. 132. 19||5. O4|| 1. 16 50 || 127 || 2.76 23 94.55. 16'07 15:67|60-4015.8 II. I 8 to I 13. 17. 25.37.8 341. 3. Io:69| 6′ i 1 64.58||5. 913. 16|| 7.71|| 1. oG og || 14-2 || 1.73 og 92. 28. 20:22, 1727 62.95:12.96ſo. 21|| 25.5 July 4. 9. 31.28-3 247. 51. 48.7c. 52'98 5572 o. 191.77|| 2. Ig| o. 12' 43 || 2 || 4 || 2.36 47 94. 19. 30.88 33:29. 57-59||15. 14|I. 46|| | I to 5. Io. 29. 1 2-6 261. 49. 44.55 46:34 58-21. o. o.3.2. o.3| 2.95|| o. 36 50 || 2 I-8 || 2.55 43 94. 48.39°45' 37"go. 61'55||15. 69|I. 26 9-2 5. Io. 29, 12-6 || 261. 49. 44-63|46:34 58:29|| O. o. 2. OS 2.95|| 0.36 50 || 21.8 || 2.55 43 |94. 48. 40°43 37'90, 62-53||15. 69|I. 26 9-2 13. 17. 47. 7 I 20. 25. 45-25. 4979| 55-46|Io. ool3. oG|| 7.76|| o. 92 o8 || 24-6 || 2. 18 12 |88. 51.33:48, 31:3262:16|| 8. 98 o. 12|| 19.4 15. 19. 27. 33.2 49. 1. 13.85 21:31, 52.54||12. 662.68|| 7.54|| o. 32 13 || 25-6 || 1.65 ob | 86.38. 26.84 20:48, 66.36|| 6.45|o. 32|| 26.3 31. 7. 18. 41'4| 241. 41. 5’og 4:74 60'35|| o. 471. 62|| o. 7ol o. 1 of 18 || 30-6 || 1. O6 52 94. 13. 26:69| 27.85 58-84|14, 88|I. 52| 26.5 Aug. 2. Q. I 2. 31.6 269. 14. 41'59 45-3o 56-29|| O. of 2. 12|| 1.82|| o. oA 38 || 31-2 || I. 64 52 95. 4. 72 I 9-8 I 57°40||15. 88|I. I.2|| 1979 4. I I. 15.38:5; 298. 47. Io'89. I 1 or 59'88|| 1. 24.2. 64|| 3.35|| 0.5o 53 || 317 || 2. 19 49 : 94.41. 31:34, 29'57|61||77||15. 52|o. 67| 135 6. 13. Io. 3o'o 329. 32.36:57|35. Io 61°47|| 3.833, oA|| 5. oil 1. 15 50 || 32.3 || 2.60 42 92. 59.47°92] 44.66 6326||13. 68|o. 28' 8-9 8. 14. 53. 14.8 o. 19. 22.89 25-56, 57.33| 7. 243. 18|| 6.46|| 1.51 34 || 33-1 || 2.81 34 go. 26. 9-65. 9-69||59'96|Io. 850. Io 7.4 9. 15. 42.37. I 15. 24. 33.75 43' 12 50-63|8. 983. 13|| 7. O3| 1.49| 23 || 33-3 || 2.83 29 |89. 4. 55°o 1 55.39||59-62; 9. 34o. I I | 8°o 13. 19. 13. 22. I 72.44. 24:52, 27.75 56.77||13. 712. 33| 7. 66 o. 46. Io || 34-3 || 2.35 14 85. 13. 627 I 48-58 74°13| 4. 970. 64|| 16.5 14. 20. Io. 14:6; 86. 20. 19'42|25'97 (53-45)||14. ooz. oë 7.38|| o. 21, 16 || 34°6 || 2. I I I I | 84. 54. I'27| 13.76(47'51)|| 4.58|o. 85| 1977 26. 4, 23. 3.9 223.44. 55.27|57-66 57-61|| 1.801. 3ol. o. 35|| 1. og Io || 37°4 || O. or 33 93. 19. 570 3'o6 62-64|13. 741.71 39.8 28. 6. I. 29.8 249. 22. 2.74 326|59'48 o. 281. 71 || o. 28. o. 47 og || 37.8 || O. 20. 42 94.44. 35'37, 34.86 60-51 |15. 341. 4o 37.6 29. 6. 57. 167 262. 48.30°25 32°o8||58'17| o. oO1. 96 o. 51 o. 21 14 || 38°o || o. 38 45 95. 7. 42°57' 43 I I 59:46||15. 791. 20 35-6 29. 6.57. 16.7 262.48. 3o 18 32°o8||58. Io o. o.31. 96 o. 51 || o. 21 14 || 38°o || o. 38 45 95. 7. 4 i 30|43. I I 58' 19||15. 791. 20; 35-6 3o. 7.56. 24.7 276. 45. 20:59 24:46, 56-13| o. 17|2. 22|| o. 9. o. o.4, 23 || 38.2 || o. 6o 48 95. 13.53-3o 55-35 57.95||15.93|o. 98|| 33-1 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. A / § \ } \ \\ || \ \\ || 8 \ | \\ \ g \ \\ & / g \ | \, \\ V 60°ool 7. O2.2. ool. 4. ool o. 76' 30 || 20:8 || I. 42 3o 6ozool Io. 2 II. ool. 23.7 SECT. II.--COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 67 * -s & # & H * || 3 as " . 3.3 * c || 3 . . . > £3 || 6 || ||É g| # 3 ||F ..., s | #3 || 3 : * | * = - - - £3, oº ||# , H ##| || 5 || § 3 C 35 c3 § *$S : --> 35 †: ---> ;: “'s 35 |Foliptic N.P.D. É: - 3. 3 is ā; ; Sq. Mean Solar Longitude of 5.3 • H º *#| 3 : . . ;|| 3 || 5 || 5 # || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 à 2c. * 3 <2. .9 , ;| < 5 F , § Timºromºtion rºcenter | #| || || ||##| ||#|#|iáš #|#| || “..., |##| || |&#|Éile:li 5. w * son-vro #: Tº ##3 ||: ; ; #3 ||#3 #|| 3 £º #3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 | #3 e 3. nº | #3 ||## #| #3 ||#3 à of Moon’s Center. from Observation. ă 3 ### ââ # #5 ## # ~ : 33 ă à Fº à #3 Observation. # s: š § à # 33 g- ă dº Fº ſº O #24 㺠|| 3 || 3 | # C/2 pºi% ||º] 3 ||= 3 1838 d h m S O / f / | | // 3. \ | V | \\ \ V\ V \\ s g \ \\ O / // // // 8. ^ | \ w | v ; Aug. 31. 8. 56.55-6 |291. 13. 28'59 33 oz 55-52| o. 712, 49|| 1.48|| o. ool 33 || 38.5 || 0.86 51 95. o. 56°17|49.88 66'29||15. 72'o. 76|| 30-2 Sept. 3. 11. 48. 24.9|337. 8. 23:37. 22.76, 60-61|| 4. 443. Og| 3.74|| O. 66 54 || 39°o || 1.73 52 92. 23. 49' 17|47.70 61°47||12. 92 o. 2 || 1972. 4. 12.40. 4.1-6 |352.51. 20:55 26°49' 54'o6|| 6, 143. 17| 4.57| O. 99 53 || 39' I || 2: oo 51 91. 2. 19'o6 17:25 61°81|II. 45|o. 12|| 15.4 6. 14. 23. 94 23.57. 40.70|56'85' 43-85||9. 613. Og| 6. I I | 1.46 39 || 39°4 || 2.47 45 88. 13. 243 I to 1 6 1 42|| 8. 37|o. 15|| 1 o'o 8. 16. Io. 26' I 53.5o. 15.5o 25°o3|50'47||12.41|2. 73| 7. 25|| 1.43 19 || 39.8 || 2.76. 37 85.58. 56.72 51°32' 65:4c 5. 91|o. 41|| 7-6 9. 17. 7. 5-5 | 68. g. 54-62. 60°49' 54" I 3||13. 332.49 7. 6o I. 22 12 || 4o'o || 2.82. 33 85. 15. 44'27 4o 13 64, 14|| 5. I Io. 6cl 7.5 Io. 18. 4.5o. 1 82. 4. 38'o6 41 13 56.93||13, 872. 22|| 7.75 o. 93 os || 4o I || 2.83 28 | 84.5o. 43' 16, 37°26' 65:9C 4, 64|o. 8o 8. I 3o. 9. 32. 2'3 |328. 56.47°35' 50-66. 56-69|| 3. 443. ool I. 79 o. oA 38 || 41-6 || o. 44 46 93. 3. 40.5g|37-65 62-94||13. 49|o. 26 35-4 3 ; Oct. 2. 1 1. 16. 57 o. 6. 1296. 20'oz 52.94| 6.8o3, 18|| 3.30|o. 48 52 || 41-6 || o. 93 51 go. 22. 37.83|347c 63-13||1o. 580. Io 29°o 3. 12. 7.49°o 15.51.55'16. 6473 50°43|8. 563. 15 13| o. 81 54 || 41-6 || 1. 22. 52 88.55. 30.66|25-84 64-82 3. 12. 7.49°o 15, 51.57'94 64-73 5321|| 8. 563. 15 13| O. 81 54 || 4 || 6 || I. 22. 52 88.55. 26'94 25-84 61 Io ... O Ilo. I 2 25.2 ... O Ilo. I 2 || 25°2 9 9 4. 13. o. 56.8 31. 31.52°58 68°24|44'34|Io. 213. O4|| 4. 96 I. 13 51 || 4.1-6 || I. 51| 53 87.33. 46.34 42°42' 63-92|| 7.53|o. 20) 21:4 5 24. 4.35. 25.7|280. 8.45.56|45'85|5971|o. 102.16|o. 36|| 1. Io 10 || 40-3 || o. 4o 15 95. 12. o. 12| 3:22|56'90||15. 88|o. 88|| 335i 26. 6. 27. 27.8 307. 55. 2:26 7'94 54'32| I. 37.2. 68|| o. 28 O. 49 og || 39.9 || o. og 22 94. 20. 7.21 g’86 57'35||14. 88|o. 48|| 37.9 29. 9. 1. 597 ||352. Io. 54: I I, 57 14 56'97|| 5. 703. 16|| 1.44|| o. ool 32 || 39.5 || O. O.4 35 91. 3.36:15 33°o2 6313||1 I. 23|o. I 1 39.8 31. Io. 43.44.7 23. 5. 59:43 65'88 53'55|| 9, 2013. 12| 2.87| o. 33 50 || 392 || o. 3o 44 88, 16. 48:32 44-63 63-69|| 8. 17|o. 16|| 37'o Nov. 1. I 1.37. 57.4 38.40. 52-95 646c. 48-35|Io. 792. 98|| 3.68|| o. 63 54 || 38-9 || O. 50 47 87. I. 25.73 21-99 63.74|| 6.8olo. 28|| 34.5 1. I I. 37. 57.4 || 38.40. 53'25' 64:60 48°63|Io. 792. 98|| 3.68|| o. 63 54 || 389 || O. 5o 47 87. I. 24'86. 21-99 62-87| 6.8co. 28|| 34.5 2. 12. 35. 28' I 54. 8. 26°o 1 38°53' 47"48||12. I 22.79|| 4.52|| O. 97 53 || 387 || o. 74 50 85. 59.55-6: 59'94 65-67|| 5. 70|o. 45|| 31-3 3. 13. 35. 53.6 69. 18. 56°o4|72-19 43-85||13. 142. 55|| 5. 34|| I. 26. 48 || 38-6 || I. or 52 #85. 16.36:50, 30.88 65-62|| 4. 946. 65|| 27.8 5. 15.38. 5’ I 98. 19. 35.58||46-43. 49' 15||14. o 12. O2 6. 72 I. 52| 29 || 38-2 || I. 6o 52 84.5o. 29'5: 25°o2| 64°49' 4 5sh. I of 20'9 7. 17. 27. 18.4 125. 15. 33.8o 45'98|47.82 13. 33 t 54|| 7.59|| I. 23 12 || 37.8 || 2. 15. 49 85.36. 4:37 I I & 63-24 5. 441. 49|| 15°o 9. 18.58. 25.5; 15o. 30. I 1-80, 1975. 52'o6|| I. 381. 18; 7.75|| o. 63 og || 37°2 || 2.57 43 87. 1 1. 22°oš 19°o2 63-03|| 7. 24|1.77|| 10:5 22. 4, 23. 2:6 303. 32.47°20' 48.27 58.93| o. 812. 52; o. 5: I. 23, 14 || 34:3 || 1 oz og 94. 21. 1963. 26'4C 53'23||15. O4|o. 52| 24.2 25. 6.54. 47-3 ||346. 19. 31'oz 33:51, 57.51| 4.653. Io o. 35 o 35 | 1 || 33-2 || 0.35. 16 |91. 23. 49-21, 51.75|57:46||11. 66'o. 13 33.7 26. 7.42. 49'9 1. 2. 19:22| Ig'64 59.58|| 6. 363. 17 O. 67| O. 12 18 || 33°o || o. 18. Ig go. 6. I 2.84 13:38||59'46|Io. 200. Io 36.3 . 22|o. 56|| 39.6 . 22|o. 56|| 39.6 3o. 1 1. 16. I-8 61. 28. 36°49|46'90|49'59||12. 552. 7ol 3 31.9 || o. oG 37 85.38. 38:28 35:22| 63-06 3o. 1 1. 16 I-8 61. 28. 36.60 46-90 49'70||12. 552. 7o 3. 24 o. 46 52 || 31.9 || o. off 37 85.38. 37.86 35'22' 62-64 ; Dec. 2. 13. 19. 4o'o 91. I I. 13 18: 22:41, 5o'77||13. 912. I gº 4. 92|| I. I 2 51 || 31°o || o. 35 45 84. 57. 44'21 38-3o 65'91' 4.5o I. oil 36-4 4. 15. 15. 38.8 || 19. 13. 22:59 23:35, 59:24|13. 701. 68 6. 39|| 1.5o 35 || 30-4 || 0.82 5o 85. 32. 42'09|36'95 65' 14|| 5, 2011. 43|| 31.3 Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. | Sub. Sub. - Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. 6&oo ź. o?!?. o. 4. oël 3. 76 30 || 20:8 || i. 4. 3o 6&ool16. 2 ill. So 237 r 68 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. ââ # # || . . . ; i is #3 #3 5 . . . * # 3 # ||# * *# |T s] g : ##| || 3 || || | | | *# Ecliptic N.P.D. ## a lº 2 H| ##| ||= . . Mean Solar Longitude of # *H # # 5 # ||e. # 3. # ă ă É # 3. * | 3 # º # º *: #| 3 # a s Time of Observation Moon's Center | # rº; | - | # *ā. #| #| # à | | | | # = | . # #. Center fr : 3 ||33 | #| || 5 ||3: = * ré 3 || 2 & 3 ||.3 . º! &# ||3: " : || 3 | F. ; ; ; ; ; ; , || 9 | E | #3 enter from 3 F | 2: 5 £| 3 || ||#2: I < of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #: ###| ||#3, # #3 ||## #|; # #3 || = }} || 3 à # observati # , a # 3 ||:#; ; #3 ||3: 5 £3 ### ||=# 3. 3.5 ||## 3 < | ::= || 2: -; # 3.5 * | 3:32, # 33 3 g = ||.T 5 #T | < *" = "| 5" |: 3 ||= < | 35 # 3 * = ã" ||= # I 838. d h m S O / If | | | | g \ |\ \\ W \\ & \ \\ \ \ \\ O f // | | f f g \ } \ \\ \ Dec. 7. 17.34, 57.5 157.5o. 34:25, 37.87|56'38||1o. 911. 14|| 7. 69|| 1. I I Io || 29'5 || I. 67 52 88. o. 35'89 30°56' 65:33|8. O3|I. 83| 22:4 8. 18. 14.55-6 || 17o. 5. 45:57, 5o 12 55-45|| 9.54|I. O4|| 7.78 O. 8 || O7 || 292 || I. 95. 5 I | 89. 2.47'91' 42-62 65-29ſ 9. 21|I. 89; 19.7 25. 7. 15. 59'8 25.33. 19'og 1876 60'33|8. 783. 14 o. 47|| O. 23 13 23.5 || 0. 74 I I | 87. 45. 56-73 5o'93 65-80|| 7.68|o. 19| 28.5 27. 9. 2. 34.8 54.5g. 16-oo! 22: 12 53-88||11. 822.84|| 1.4o o. oo 32 || 22°5 || O. 3o 16 || 85.5o. 31°og 27-93 63' 16|| 5.48|o. 5ol. 34.7 28. Io. I. 19.5 69.42. 7:23, 15-31 || 51.92||12. 92.2. 61 || 2: o8|| O. oo 41 || 22' I || O. 15 20 85. 16. 6'91 2.75 64 16|| 4.82|o. 7o|| 37°o 28. Io. I. 19'5; 69. 42. 8°o2 15:31, 52.71.12. 922. 61 || 2. O3| O. og 4 I || 22' I || O. 15 20 85. I 6. 2:87| 2:75, Óo 12|| 4.82|o. 7o 37°o 31. 13. I. 19'2 1 12.40. 48:62 44-63 63'99||13. 93.1. 83| 4. 49|| O. 95 53 || 2 | 1 || O. Oz 34 85. 25. 64:35, 58-81 65'54|| 4, 97 I-36|| 4o'o 1839. Jan. 4, 16. 9. 45.7 | 164. 52. 1679. 7.79 69°oolio. 4 II. Og| 7. 20. I. 45. 20 || 19.5 || O. 62 49 || 88.5I. 59' 16 55-30 assº 8. 831. 87| 35.2 7. 18. 7. 35'9| 201. 24. 46-99. 39'86|67: 13|| 5.960. 98|| 7.75|| O. 66 o& || 18.5 || I. 45 53 92. 2.21°47' 23:30 58-1712. 43.1. 83| 27-8 | 9. 19. 32.577 226. o. 57.90. 54:36 63.54|| 3. Loli. 14|| 7. 25 o. 16 18 || 17-8 || 2 or 51 | 93.47. 18.17 21:76, 56.41|14. 441. 61| 22.2 22. 6. 3. 47.4 35.47. I'1 1 || 4.83 56-28|| 9. 423. Ici o. 23| o. 67 of || 13-3 || I. 77 og | 86.45. 14'19. Io'69. 63.5o 6.70|o. 29|| 15-6 24. 7.53, 13. I 64, 4o. 37: 1844-19 |52'99||12. 282.76|| o. 64|| O. 13| 17 || 12.7 || I. 20 o8 |85. I4. 52'77|49.82 62’95|| 4. 95|o. 65|| 22.2 Feb. 4. 16. 43. 207 208. 32. 62.82|46-67. 76' 15|| 5. 391. ool 7. 66|| I. 14. Io 8-9 || o. 45, 46 || 92.49. 56.83 56.76 6o'o'7||13. 201.77|| 38-3 23. 8. 44. 8:3| 1 oz. 28. 23°og 33°46' 49-63||13. 952. 15|| o. 85| O. O6. 2 I 4-2 || I. 69 o'S | 84. 59. 20'32 18:22|62 Iol 4. 72|I. 25|| 16. I 24. 9. 39. 9.7 I 15.56. I 8:64. 25-54. 53 Iol 13. 98|I. 89|| 1.39|| O. oo 31 4'o || I. 4o o8 |85. 29. 24; 17 25°o I 59' 16|| 5. 25|I. 45|| 19.2 25. Io. 30. Io'3 129. 7.35:55, 39'29, 56.26||13. 63|I. 65|| 2. ob|| O. og 4 I 3-6 || I. 12 og | 86. 13. 24.84 25'o6 5978; 6. 031. 61|| 22.2 26. I I. 17. 7.5 142. 3. 21-23 21:38 59'85||12. 941. 43| 2.79| o. 3o 49 || 3:4 || O. 85 IO |87. 8. I6'86, 1796 58'90|| 7. O2|I. 75|| 25.3 27. I 2. o. 37:6 154.45. 2.69; 3:39, 59.3oji I. 961. 26|| 3. 60|| O. 6o 53 3-2 || o. 6o 12 88. Io. 50°43 50-69 5974 8. 15||1.84|| 28-3 27. I 2. o. 37:6 154. 45. 5' 14 3:39, 61-75||11. 96|I. 26|-3. 6o o. 6o 53 3-2 || o. 6o 12 |88. 10.49°48' 50-69 58.79| 8. 151.84|| 28-3 27. I 2. o. 37.6 154. 45. 341|| 3:39| 6o'o.2||1 1. g6|I. 26|| 3. 60|| O. 6o 53 3:2 || o. 6cl 12 88. Io. 48.87 50-69 58. 18|| 8. 151.84|| 28-3 27. I 2. o. 37:6 154.45. 4:37 3:39, 60'98||11. 961. 26|| 3. 6o o. 6o 53 || 3:2 || O. 6o 12 || 88. Io. 51 o8 50'69, 60.39|| 8. 151.84|| 28-3 Mar. 2. I4. O. 13.5 191. 46. 33.84 37.93|55'91' 7.86|o. 98||5. 98|| 1.43 41 27 || o. og 22 91. 32. 16-3o 14.5o 61-8o II. 801. 86|| 35.6 3. 14, 39.589 |203.55. 1349. Io 42 63.07|| 6. 330. 98; 6.63| 1.52 3i 2°5 || C. Oz 27 92. 34. 7-79 7" 28 60-51 || 2.92|I. 79|| 37'3 21. 5. 39.40'4 84. 14.48°og|48.81| 59:28||13. O62. 57| O. 29|| O. 99 og o:3 || 2.8o 25 # 84. 42. 33:29, 2 I-61||7 I-68; 4.5olo. 99|| 7-6 2 I. 5. 39.4o'4 84. 14. 48-57, 48.81| 5976||13. O62.57| o. 29|| O. 99 og || O'3 || 2.8o 25 84. 42. 23:38 2 I-61| 61 °77|| 4, 5olo. 99|| 7-6 23. 7. 35. 29°4 I I I. 52. 20'14, 24'44' 55-7014. or 2. O5|| O. 34|| o. 38 Io o:2 || 2.57 17 |85. I6. 43-65. 41' 18 62'47| 5. 121.41|| 7-9 24. 8. 27. 34.2 125. 5.40:27 43-go 56-37||13. 89.1. 8ol o. 63| o. 14 17 || 0:2 || 2, 38 I 4 #85. 56. 59:22|60'92 58°30|| 5.861.58|| 9 | 25. 9. I 5. I 8:4 137.59. 33.74 37.86 55-88||13. 401. 56|| 1. og o. of 26 || O'I || 2. 15 I I 86. 48. 45-33 47-48 57.85| 6.801. 72| Io'7 26, 9, 59. Ig'7 15o. 37. 49-65. 49-63 60'oz||12. 591. 36|| 1.68|| o. oz| 36 || O'I | 1.89 og #87. 48.53'24|56:20, 57'04|| 7. 901. 82|| 12:8 27. Io. 4o. 35.4 163. 3. 59-97 64:55, 55'42||1 I. 521. 20 2. 37| o. 17| 45 o: 1 || I. 62 o'S 88.54. 20.75 22:59, 58. 16|| 9. Og|1. 88|| 15°o Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. ||Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. | Sub. | Sub. Sub. &oo 7. o; b. c. 4. oël 3. 76 38 || 238 || i. 4? 3. 6&oolio. 2 ill. oº 237 SECT. II.-COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 69 # 3 | ##| ||# | . . ||# . ; , || 3 || 3 | . . ## £a lä . . . . . ; #3 5; # #| ##|T iſ g º | *ā || 3 || || 3 || | ##| Ecliptic N.P.D. # à: #2 * *#|# , , Mean Solar Longitude of à ** |# # 3 # s & #|| 3 | # 5 # | #1; 3 * | g : of Moon's £3 ** || 3 | # ă ă || < | . Time of Observation Moon's Center | # '3 × ||2 # ºft # | = # | 5 .# B | ă # | ă .# Center from 3 c º s: # .# gº; ã of Moon's Center. from Obscrvation. #. # ## # #: # # : # #: # * gº # #: Observation. ă s: # # f #: #: # & gº 3 G ||3: 3 || 3 | 3 || 5 à p: * |& a ||= 2 1839. d h m s O / // f/ // g v | \ \\ \ \\ | g \ | \\ w g \ | \\ O / // A / // g \ |\ \\ \ Mar. 28. 1 1. 20. Io:8 || 175. 21. 38'32|41-82 56-50 Io. 231. ob|| 3. 16|| o. 43 52 || o'o || 1.33 o8 |go. 2. 1:52, 4:90, 56-62|Io. 31|I. go|| 17-5 28. I 1. 20. Io'8|175. 21. 38'74|41-82 56'92|Io. 231. ob|| 3. 16|| O. 43 52 o'o || I. 33 o8 |go. 2. 329 4'go 58°30, Io. 31|I. 9o 17:5 April 6. 18. 19.55'4 || 287. 38. 4:57 o'80 63.77|| o. o.3|1. g7| 7. 71 || O. 54 og o'I || o. of 37 94.5o. 35.55 38:71 56.84|15.45|o. 64|| 39' I 20. 6. 23. 3-5 | 120. 42. 21:57 24'oZ. 57.5o 14. O II. 95. o. 24|| O. 84 ob I I || 2.82. 33 85.47. 49'44' 44°o8 65-36|| 5.67|I. 55|| 1 o' I 22. 7. 58. 12'2 146. 38.59'23 56.35|62-8813. 131. 48|| O. 45|| O. 25. I3 I'4 || 2.78 24 87.34. I-26 I-69||59'57| 7. 661.81| 77 24. 9. 20. 5*4 || 171. 25. 40.2c. 39' 19 61°o 1 || I. oã|I. 15|| I. 34 o. oo 3o I-6 || 2.52| 16 || 89. 43. 19:62 22:40, 57:22|Io. oG|I. 9o 7.7 25. 9. 59. O'o 183.36. 5:39 o'91|64'48|| 9.70|I. oã| I. 99 o. of 40 I-7 || 2.32 I 3 |go. 49.24°36' 25-96 58-40|II. 28.1. 88|| 8°4 26. Io. 38. 3-6 || 195. 43.44:89) 36:54, 68.35|| 8. 23|o. 99| 2.72|| O. 28 48 I'9| 2. O9 II | 91.52. 46-6946-87 59'82||12. 441. 83| 9'6 28. 12. o. 38.3 220. 3. 56-78 55-31 ||61°47|| 5. Ig|I. or 4. 36|| O. 9o 53 2-3 || 1.55 ob | 93.41. 29.73 3O'go 58.83 14. 42|I. 61|| 13. I 28. I2. o. 38.3 220. 3. 58°35' 55-31 || 63-04|| 5. I g|I. oli; 4, 36|| O. 9o 53 || 2:3 || 1.55 o'S 93.41. 29°o 1|30'go. 58' I I I4. 42|I. 61|| 13 I 29. I2. 45.5o 1 || 232. 21.56:71 55-54 61' 17|| 3.75|I. Ogil 5, 17| I. 20 49 || 2:5 || 1. 27 o8 || 94. 22. 3'43 388 59:55||15. 151.45 15-6 3o. 13.34. I Go || 244. 47. 63.82|58, 19 65-63| 2.47|1. 21| 5.92|| 1.42|| 41 2-6 || o. 99 og 94.5o. 39'o5|38°oo 61°o5||15. 661. 27| 18-2 May 1. 14. 25. 45.5 || 257. 23.53.83 48-60, 65.23| 1.39||1. 38|| 6.58|| 1.51 32 2-8 || o. 72] I I 95. 5. 30°41' 32°o5 58°36||15. 911. OS 21-2 6. 18.5o. 38'o 323.53. 39:72 42°o2|57'7c I. O42. sº 7. 62|| O. 4o I I 3-8 || o. ool 29 92. 32. 29°o8' 28-27| 60-81||12. 94o. 2 I || 35-6 I 7. 4. I2. 42°4 || II 5. 2. 39'98|42°o4 57°94||13. 982. I I o. 97.| I. 43| 23 6-1 || 2. O4 5o 85.42. 1826 1370) 64-56|| 5.431. 49| 24°5 18. 5. 6. I'3 128.46. 27.57|30.77|56.8013. 95.1. 85 o. 55| I. 27 15 || 6′3 || 2.29 48 86. 28. 1944 16. 19| 6325|| 6. 31|I. 66|| 2 I-2 22. 7. 58. 9-2 179. 29.45-72. 39'83 65.89 |Io. 561. I 1 o. 6o o. 15, 16 7.5 || 2.83 32 go. 36.33°37 39°18'54, 19||1 I. or |I. 89|| 1 I'o 25. Q. 58. 28.2 || 2 15. 55.56. I g|48: 19| 68°ool 6. 12'o. 98 2. 31|| O. 15. 44 || 8-3 || 2.65. 19 || 93. 28. 34.57 35-31 || 59:26||14. 24|I. 64|| 7-6 26. Io. 42.48°6 228. 13. 2 I-35 12°20' 69' 15|| 4.631. O3| 3. Iol o. 4o 5 I || 8-5 || 2.48 I 5 || 94. Io. 17.47 15:52, 61-95||15. O II. 49|| 7-4 26. Io. 42.48°6 228. 13. 21.73 12°20' 69'53| 4.631. O3. 3. Iol o. 4o 51 8-5 || 2.48 I 5 || 94. Io. 1876. 15:52, 63-24:15. O1|I. 49|| 7-4 27. I 1. 3o. 27.4 24o. 4o. 20.86 9-63, 71°23. 3. 241. 13| 3. 91 o. 72 54 8.8 || 2.27 12 94.40. 3o'o.8 30:54, 59.54||15.57|I. 31|| 7-8 29. 13. 15. I-5 266. 8. 23:29 9:21, 74°o8|| I. oãI. 45' 5.54|| I. 32 46 || 9-6 || I. 76 og 94.59. 48:22|49. 13 59°og|15. 91 o. 92|| 1 o' I June 5. 19. 9. 35' I I. 57. 6:46, 5:39, 61 of 4. O63. O6|| 7.4g| O. 28, 13 || 11.5 || o. 11, 21 89. 2. 37.8o 2975 68°o5||9. Iolo. I 2 || 30-4 16. 4. 31.59'4 149. 30. 31.39| 29'55, 6 I-84||13. 31||1. 53| O. 76|| I. 37 19 || 15: I || I. 56 52 |88. 14. 54-96, 51.2d 63-76|| 8. IQI. 84|| 31°8 24. Io. 14.54 of 248. 4.1. 17°35' 6'46 7.O-89| 2.76.1. 18|| 2: 67| O. 26 48 || 17-9 || 2.81| 26 94. 55.51'99, 53°o6 58.93||15. 831. 17| Io'7 July 21. 8. 6. 23 of 243. 34. 4.73 5-60 59' 13|| 3. 561. I of O. 99|| O. oz. 24 || 27-1 || 2.40 46 94.59. 2:36 5'o.3 57'33||15. 741. 23|| 25-5 22. 8.58. 20' I 256. 16.58'38||56°34' 62'o.4|| 2. 301. 23| 1.58|| O. of 34 || 27.4 || 2.59 43 95. 7. 28°40' 30-21 58° 19 15. Q3. I. o.3| 22-4 22. 8.58. 20' I 256. I6. 58:53 56'34' 62' 19 2. 301. 23| I. 58|| O. oil 34 || 27:4. 2.59 43 95. 7. 29'69; 3o 2 I 59'48|15. 931. O3| 22-4 | 24. Io. 48.55’2 282. 36.49° 15' 39-56 69'59|| o. 511. 61|| 3. O5|| O. 39 51 || 28-3 || 2.81 34 94.37. Io 17: 8.68 61:49 15. 42}o. 63| 16-5 25. I I, 44. 18°o 296. I3. 66'1 2 50°o3| 76°ogi o. 1 of 1.85| 3.87| O. 7 || 54 || 28-6 || 2.83| 3o 93.57. 50-61|45:33 º 14. 72|o. 45|| 137 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. | Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub, Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. A / g \ |\ \\ \ \\ 8 \ \\ \ & \ \\ A/ g \ \ \\ ôo'ool 7. O2.2. ool. 4. Ool O. 76' 3o || 2 o’8 || 1.42. 30 •e Io. 2 1 |I. co 23.7 70 REDUCTION OF GREEN WICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851, # 3 | ##| ||# Ç.3 ||# . . || 3 * | *. #3 #3 ||3 ..] ... * - # ââ É # *ā |T| <|| 3 || | *# || 3 || || 3 || | ##| Ecliptic N.P.D. ää 33 # = H = H s Mean Solar Longitude of ă • H # #| 5 # ||s . # 3 # gå É ; ; ; ; ; 3 à of Moon’s £3 ‘sº "3 †: 3 # c 1 º' of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #. # #3 # 㺠# * º # 㺠# # ;3 É #: Observation. ă f # # # #: #3 É #T | *" ||== | 5" ||3: 3 || 3 # .# #| #| # ă º # || 3: à || : # #1 center from : c : sº 8 ... à gº: # of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #: ### ## # #3 ## #| 3: ; #3 || 3 # à ă #3 Observation #2; §§ {#5 # #3 #: ă 33 #35 ||=# 3| 3.5 ||#3 * T * | #3 || 3 + § 33 * | 332, #3 ||## 3| ##|# 3 3. ſº 3: 35 ||3: C 2 | < | 85 C/2 p: * ||= 3 ||a = 1839. d h . Iſl S O , // // // g \ |\ \\ V VV g \ \\ \ 8. V V\ O f // // // g \ | \ \\ \ Oct. 27. 17. 6. 30.6 1 Io. 9. 1:32 20:41|40'91||13. Og|2. 56|| 7.47|| 1. 32 14 || 39.8 || 2.8o 35 85. 48.55°48' 55.68||59'80|| 5. 65||1.54|| 18-o 28. I 8. 1,469 I 24. 8. 44 of 54.90 49'14|13.752. 31|| 7.7 || I. oël og || 39-6 || 2.83 30 |86. 39. 36'23 35'58 60-65|| 6.621.70|| 14.8 § Nov. 12. 4. 46.5o. 1 299.51. 26.1o 31-34, 54.76|o. 251. 73 o. 34|| 1 oz. Io || 36.8 || o. os 23 |93. 28. 38'96 44:48.54:48||14. oblo. 34|| 23.5 16. 7. 57.34-7 ||354. 32.40-64 42-3o 58°34|| 1.682. 74 o. 94 o. of 23 || 35-7 || o. 17 4o 88.59. 65°o8' 57.5o 67.58|| 8. 97!o. 12|| 35-4 18. g. 37. 32°5 24. 42. 40-44 52.25 48-19|| 4. 493. O9| 2. 18|| O. 12' 43 || 35-3 || o. 54 48 86.38, 58.68||54'21|64'47| 6. 33|o. 34|| 39'2 20. I I. 34. 23.4 56. 25.56-92 64°68' 52:24|| 7. 98 3. 17| 3.77|| o. 67 54 || 34.8 || 1. off 52 #85. I I. 9:28 778 61.5o 4. 70|o. 76 39.8 20. 11. 34. 23.4 56. 25.58.43 64.68||53.75|| 7, 983. 17| 3.77|| O. 67 54 || 34.8 || 1. off 52 83. I I. 9-60 778 61-82|| 4.70ſo. 76|| 39.8 21. 12. 39. 39'2 72.26. 21:40 21:31|60°og| 9.703. o8|| 4.61|| I. ool 53 || 34°5 || 1.35 53 | 84.59. 1782 1589, 61.93|| 4.501. oil 38:7 22. 13.46. 32°o 88. 13. 13-66 13:32, 60'34|II. 242. 93 5. 42|| I. 28 47 || 34-3 || 1.65 52 |85. Io. 34°44, 32°66 61-78|| 4. 731. 25|| 36.7 26. I 7.33. 24.8 146. 4. I 1:48 1974 51.74|14. ool. 94 7.61|| I. 2 I II || 33°o || 2. 6o 42 88. 36.51°27|54'25 57°o2|| 8.68||1. 87| 24-7 29. 19. 38.53-6 184. 20, 1898 21:37|57-61||12. 2011. 29|| 7.54|| 0.32 12 || 32° 1 || 2.83 29 || 91.55. Io'14, 16-69, 53.45||12.45|1. 83| 16. I 3o. 20. 18.45. I 196. 36.52-97 49.75 63:22||11. o21. 15||7. 17| o. 13, 20 || 319| 2.79 25 | 92.51. 4875|56.54|52:21||13. 521.73| 13.5 Dec. 14. 6. 37. 27°5 3. 9. 4o'76 42.5o 58°26' 2. 122.83| O. 37| o. 33 I 1 || 27.4 || o. of 24 88. o. 57°59' 55-99, 61-60|| 8. oilo. 17|| 23:2 20. 12. 28. 26'7 95. 19. 36-98; 38.76 58:22||11. 742. 85| 4, 18|| o. 83 54 || 25°1 || o. 61| 48 || 85. 29. 8'44' 5'o6 63.39|| 5. O31. 38|| 39.6 25. 16.54. 2 I-5 166. 49. 1'26 5-44 55-84||13.54|I. 61||7.45|| 1.33 15 || 23-1 || 2: oo 51 |go. 42. 1670 18:25, 58.45||10. 901. 89|| 34.5 27. 18. 16. 6.4 192. 8. 21.91 25 98 55.93||11. 781. 23| 7.78 o. 77 of || 22°5 || 2.47 45 g2.47. 31.41|39'03 52°38||13. 281. 76|| 29.5 28. 18. 56.52-4; 204, 26.42°41' 45-59 56-82|Io. 53|I. Io 7. 67 o. 47 Io || 22' I || 2. 64 41 || 93.37. 54.62|65-45. 49' 17|14. 24|1. 64|| 26.5 29. 19. 39. 3-9 |216. 39. I’95 4:30|57-65|| 9. 13|I. o2| 7.39|| o. 22 16 || 2 I-8 || 2.76. 37 94. 17. 59.67 65-61|54'o6||15. on 1.49|| 237 1840. - Jan. Io. 4. 35. 13.8 358.43. 5.72 14-76 5o'96 I. 42.2. 69 o. 35|| 1. og Io || 17.5 || o. 95 og 88. 8. 14:21, 1 I 16 63 oã|| 8:30|o. 15|| 9.4 I 1. 5. 2 I, I 8:4 12.49. 6-3o 12:76 53.54|| 2: 612. º o. 23| o. 79 oz || 17: I || o. 69 I I 87. I. 22:54 1894 63-60|| 7. O3]o. 25|| 1 I'3 12. 6.. 9. 579 27. 13. 12 13 18:40, 53.73| 4. O93. o6. o. 28|| O. 48 og | 16-8 || o. 46 14 |86. 4. 18.81| 13:57, 65.24|| 5. 95 o. 4o 13.9 | 13. 7. 2. 35.2 41.56. 18:47, 24.71. 53.76|| 5. 783. º o. 51| O. 21| 14 || 16.5 || o. 27, 17 85. 21. 24.8o 18°30' 66.5o 5. 12'o. 59|| 17-off 14. 8. o. 4-6 56.57. 13-63. 20.91 52'72|| 7. 553. 17| O. 9o o. oA 22 || 16.2 || o. 13 21 | 84. 56. 31'o6 26:15. 64-go|| 4, 62o. 82| 2014 | 16. Io. 7. 12' I 87. 32. 24:45, 32°40 52°of Io. 882. 97 2. 15 o. 1 1. 42 || 15:5 || o. oo 3o |85. Io. 19:46, 1727 62: 19| 4. 801. 29| 28°o || 16. Io. 7. 12' I 87. 32. 24.59 32°40|52-19|Io. 882, 97 2. 15|o. 1 || 42 || 15.5 || o. oo 3o 85. Io. 12.60 17-27|55:33| 4.801. 29| 28°o || I7. II. I I, 44.3 Io2.49. 5:82; I4'74 51°o8||12. 2012.77|| 2.91 || O. 34 50 || 14-9 || O. O.3| 34 85. 48. 41'44' 42°53'58'91 || 5.47|I. 5o 31°3 19. 13. 8. 363 132. 32. 20.91|23.62 572913. 802. 27| 4.57| o. 99 53 || 14-2 || o. 25 43 |87. 51. 24.08 25.20, 58.88||7. 691.81| 36.9 21. 14. 45. 29.4|16o. 31.45:62 48-69, 56.93||13.83|I. 76 6. I I | 1.46 39 || 13-6 || O. 67 49 90. 19, 43-go 40°52|63:38||1o. 41|1. 9o 39:6 24. 16, 51.46:5; 199. 22. 24.54| 20:38 64°16|II. 331. 18|| 7.59| I. 23 12 || 12:4 || 1.51 53 93.31. 4, 17 872,55-45||13. 971. 68|| 39°o Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. 6&ool; o; 3. doll. Coló.7%| 3 || 238||1.4% 30 6éooliº. 2 ili ool 237 72 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. # é # 3 gº || s : * 3: | £3 Ecliptic N.P.D. # é: 3. * E. = i Moan Solar Longitude of ##| | <= |* #| g #|s, #| 3 | #|33 || #, #| 3 |*|| 3 || "...º.º. £3 sº || 3 | #| g #| < * of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #: # # # # #: # #| 3 # #: # # à # #: Observation. #: # # # #: |: É 3. ſº = 35 || “. | O -: 2 C * 2 * |2 © |# 3 1840. 4 h m s O / / / // A/ g \ |\ \\ \\ | g \ | \\ w g \ w I O / / / // f / g V | \ \\ V Jan. 26. 18. 17. 439|224. 1. 49.52|43.88|65:64|8. 561. ool 7, 75|| o. 63 og || 1 | 8 || 2 oz 5o |94. 48. 2:27. 997 52-3c (5.431. 37|| 36” Feb. 8. 4. 7. 35' I 22. 54. 8:56 18:58||49'98 || 3. 152. 97|| O. 49|| I. 23 13 8-1 || 1.72 og | 86. I I. 30.9%. 23.88 67. 11; 6, 15|o. 37|| 7-5 9. 4.58. 36:6; 37. 26. 51-73, 58.77|| 52'96|| 4. 723. Ici o. 27| O. 96 o8 7-8 || I. 44 o'S sº 24. 5:45 o'78 64.67| 5. 27|o. 55|| 7-6 Io. 5.53. 37.9 || 52. 8. I I-23 20°26|5o'97|| 6. 443. 17 O. 24|| O. 64 o8 7-3 || I. 15 og | 84. 54. 13.4c 6-2 1| 67 Ig| 4. 700. 76|| 84 I I. 6. 52.49°5 66. 56. 15:55 25-88 49-67| 8. 233. 16|| o. 36|| o. 34 II 7' I || O. 88 I O | 84. 44. 8: 15 7'91 6o 24|| 4.5olo. 99|| Ioro I 2. 7. 55. 5.3 81. 47. 41 oš 52'2C| 48.85| Q. 923. O7 o. 69|| O. I I 18 6.8 || o. 62. 12 H 84. 55. 7.81 | 738 60'43|| 4.67|1. 22|| 12:2 13. 8.58. 2'5 96.37. 41' 27 50-3 || 5o'96|II. 422. 9o I. 17| o. o 1, 27 6-6 || O. 4o 15 85. 26. 24.75 23:57. 61' 18|| 5. 22|I. 44|| 15°o 14. 9.58. 54-2 || 1 | 1. 20.38-60. 43.34. 55’26||12. 622. 69|| 1.79ſ o. o.º. 38 6:3 || o. 22, 18 |86. 15. 24:59 28°46' 56' 13| 6. Iol I. 62|| 18-2 22. 16. Io. 55' I 218.49. 66'63' 54.92 71 71 || 9, 48|I. O3| 7.42|| 1.35| 16 4'4 || O. 73 5o 94.40. 47° 14' 53:18, 53.96 |15. 27|ſ. 42|| 39' I 23. 16. 56. 29' 1 || 231. 9. 27'o'7 14:44. 72'63| 7. 99|o. 98|| 7. 69|| I. I I IO || 4-2 || I. Oc 52 || 95. 5. 42'32 46.88 55'44||15. 72|I. 24|| 39°8 24, 17.44, 28:9 |243. 25.62:34, 54.58|6776|| 6, 46|o. 98|7.78|o 80 oz || 4'o i. 29. 52 |95. 16. 32.82|37745508||15. 921. of 40°o March 8. 3. 48. 41-3 || 47.33. 35'55|40-91|54:64|| 5. 363. 14|| o. 68|| I. 34 17 I-7 || 2.4c I4. |85. o. 58-61|54'o6 64:55|| 4.79|o. 72| II 2 9. 4.47. 2 I-7 || 62. 29.51'47 56.81| 54'66|| 7. 133. 18| o. 36|| I. I I I I I 5 || 2. 18 II | 84. 44. 43'22' 38-66 64:56|| 4.51 ſo. 95|| 9-2 12. 7. 51.55'4 || Ioé. 32.54.87 67.39|47°43|II. 922.82| o. 5ol o. 22, 14 1-1 || 1.35 oš 85.57. 53.27. 51.68|61'59|| 5, 871. 59|| 77 13. 8. 48. 48 I | 120. 48. 6'79 1875 48°o.4||12. 992. 59 o. 89|| O. O4; 22 I’o || I. Oz og | 86.55. 19:35, 20'o.4 59-31 || 6.93|I. 74|| 8:8 14. 9. 41. 12:8 134. 47.5321|63-67|49.54||13. 692. 34|| 1.45|| o. oo 32 org || O. 8o Io 88. 2.51.63 5325|58'38|| 8. 16|I. 84|| Io'4 20. 14. 4. 44.8 213. 38.45:15 43-51, 61.64|Io. 36|I. Og| 6. oš| 1.45| 4o || O'3 || o. of 32 94. 23.47'23| 52:55, 54.68||15. ob|I. 47| 27°o 21. 14. 49. 42'3 |226. 5. 14-64 6-92 67.72|| 8.93||1. oil 6.69|| 1.52 30 || o'3 || O. off 37 |94. 53.5881 62. 12 56-69||15. 61|I. 29| 297 24. 17. 17.282 263. I. 15:35, 274 72-61 || 4. 38|I. O-4|| 7.75|| o. 96 o'S o' I || o. 55 48 94.59. 46' 18|46.31 59'87|15. 66|o. 73|| 36-6 April 8. 5.46. 24-2 || 1 oz. 9. 49'82 55-6c. 54: 13||1 I. O92. 95|| o. 28|| O. 96 o'S o:2 || 2.54|| 17 | 85.5o. 51.75 48’47 63.28||5. 691. 55|| 12:8 Io. 7, 38. 18.2 || 130. 34.51.63 57° 17' 54.46||13. 3c2.5o o. 36|| o. 35. I I o'3 || 2. Io 1 1 |87. 48, 2576. 25.77|59'99|| 7. 901. 82|| 8:8 I I. 8. 27. Io’8 || 144. 14. 44.72 50°68||54-04||13, 852. 24|| o. 67| o. 12| 17 o'4 || I. 84 og | 88.58. 25'59 27'99. 57.60|| 9. 21.1. 89|| 7-8 I 2. 9. 12. 24.8 || 157. 36. 31-23. 38'94 52'29||14. O II. 97.| I. I.4|| o. o 1, 27 o:5 || 1.56 o'S go. Io. 13:26, 17:51, 55.75|Io. 561. 9o 7.4 13. 9.55. 13-3 || 170. 43. Io97 22: 18, 48.79||13. 781. 73| 1.75 o. of 37 o:5 || 1. 28 o8 91. 19.58:84 64-89, 53.95||11. 851.86|| 77 14. Io. 36.48°6 | 183.37. 29.94 38-79 5 1'15||13, 20I. 5o 2.45|| o. 19 46 || o'6|| I. ool og 92. 24.3ozog 27-61 62'48||13. O4|I. 78|| 85 15. 1 1. 18. 22.3 196. 21. 22.84 38'08|44.76||12. 32|I. 31' 3. 24|| o. 46 52 o:7 || o. 74 I I 93. 20.33°32' 34-3ol. 59°o2|14. O7|I. 66|| 9.8 15. I I. 18. 22-3 || 196. 21. 2 I '79, 38°o8|43.71 ||12. 32|I. 31|| 3. 24 o. 46 52 o:7 || o. 74 II | 93. 20.3o'78 34'30|56:48||14. O7|I. 66|| 9.8 16. 12. o. 5o 1 || 208. 56.46-60 61°59' 45°o 1|II. I 81. 16|| 4. oz|| o. 78 54 || o'8 || 0.5o 13 94. 6. I'94 5-13 56-81 ||14. 901. 51; II '7 16. 12. o. 5o I | 208. 56.48°42' 61-59 46.83|II. I 81. I6|| 4. O7| o. 78 54 || o'8 || O. 5o 13 94. 6. I'3o 5' 13 56' 17|14. 9o 1.5I] I I '7 sub. sº. Sub. Sub. || Sub. | Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. 6&oo 7. o? 2. º + Cºl. 3. 76 33 || 20.8 i. 4? 3. 6&coliº. 2 li. do 237 SECT. II.-COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 73 º # é # g|E|, . c: “S £: i § || -- º £; JEcliptic N.P.D. # ââ 3. * 3: |= i . Mean solar. ºngº. § ** |É = 3: #: # # # à: #| || 3 |# så of Moon's : º 33 Tā #| ## c i. Tººroºn ..., 35 |zºs |g | #| #|É #| # | #| # # ă : #| #| Center from # 3 wº iá| || 3:3: |# CO ſº ſº O ||2- O || Time of Observation Moon’s Center * 5 re: s É # ||## 5|| 3 3. § || Fº 5 || 3 # $9 Center f c * |33 | #| || 3 ||38: 5 9. e Tºº # 3 & ||3: ... " : $; $7: ' #|| 3 | #, §: || 3 | #, : " : §: enter from 3 F. to'º. : ' = | 3: ||.32; of Moon’s Center. from Observation, #7, ###| ||#3, #| # ||##, #|| 3: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # = | # ob º ; , P: 3 & || 33 3: Hº ||#32; ă § 3 § 3; 3 || E: 3 || 3.3 || ? § -t: = - c •r- & Q) c: •r- º 2- c -r-, 35+ r- } -: c e- 2- *- +. e Mean Solar Longitude of 3'º ** E 3| 3 ă 3 : 3|| 3 || 3: § ă §: 5 £ # 3 ă Of Moon’s #3 32; .# 33 § ă c 13 Time of Observation Moon’s Center A 3 2,3 ..., |2 | 5| < * 35 = # | ă a #9 E. | ă § | à s? Center from | 3 G 23 e; #| < § ãa: | § of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #: § ## #: # #3 # 3 # º: § #4 # § ſº #, §* Observation # =5: % : §§ #. #3 ||#2; 5 #3 #35 ºf 3| #5 jæ à 3| 3 | #5 || = < || || 3.5 | #32. # 3 ||#5 3| #3 ||33 gº C/D £: ſº o ||a. O || -- O C/2 P ſº C ||3: -; 1846. d h m s O / // // // g \ |\ \\ \ \\ & \ \\ V g \ \\ O f A/ // // 5. \ \\ \ Mar. 18. 16.52. 20:8 25o. 37. 5-66. 1 I'33. 54:33| I. 462. 70|| 7.72| I. oš og o:5 || 0.73 II |87. II. Io'73 5-54 65' 19| 7.25o. 23||| 9.2 20, 18.46. 3-1 || 279. 25. 4o'76 35-60 65' 16|| 4, 1813. O7| 7. 64 o. 43 Io o'4 || 0.3o 16 85. 26. 8:26, 2-67 65-59 5. 26|o. 55|| 13.5 20. 18.46. 3-1 || 279. 25. 4o'98. 35'60' 65:38|| 4, 1813. O7| 7. 64|| O. 43 Io O'4 || O. 3O 16 || 85. 26. 5°ool 2’67| 62:33, 5. 26|o. 55|| 13.5 31. 3. 43. 39'5 65.58. 33.73 30°27 63-46||13. 27|I. 52| I. O3| I. 44 24 o'o || I. 17 52 92. 30. 30.94 32-83 58'1 1 |I 2.82|I. 8o 4o'o April 4, 6.58. 39'3| 1 16. 21. 53'04 58.26|5478|| 8.48 o. 99|| O. 3o o. 43 og o'o || 2. 28 48 || 95. 8. 34.99. 41'88 53' I 115. 801. 19| 36.4 5. 7. 43. 38.9 128. 36.35:25, 36.91 58°34|| 6.95|o. 97| o. 56|o. 18 15 o'o || 2.49 45 95. 14. 22 go 26°33 56-57|15. 93|I. ool 34:3 6. 8. 27.332 14o. 52.50:33, 55°o2|55.31|| 5.431. ool o. 98 o. of 24 || O'I || 2: 65. 41 95. 5.5o'o6 52°46' 57.60||15.8olo. 81| 32°o 2 8 3 . 37; 5 I O° 2 5 I O' 2 9. Io. 38. 18.5 178. 33. 9:10 o'3o 68.8ol I. 561.34|| 3. ol 9. Io. 38. 18.5 178.33. Io:27 o'3o 69'97| I. 56|I. 34|| 3. OI O J 7 28 93. 17. 14:03 II '77' 62-26||13.88|o. 31|| 23.5 28 93. 17. 1672 II '77' 64’95||13.88|o. 31|| 23.5 O. 3 7 2 8 3 13. 13.53. 8°o 232. I I. 33.65 36-31 |57'34|| O. 262. 28|| 6. 18|| 1.47 38 o:5 || 2. 28 13 |88. 37.53'20 51°37' 61-83| 8.82|o. 13|| 12:o 19. 19. 28. 1:9 || 319. 13. 15.83|27°oo. 48.83|8. 313. 16|| 7.52|| 0.3o 13 1. I || o. 66 II | 84.5o. 1 o'56. Io:21, 60'35|| 4. 611. 18|| 97 May 5, 7.48. 93 |16o. 30. 22.78. 31'55 5123| 3.461. I 1|o. 74 o. og 19 34 || 2. O9 50 |94. 25. 2.81 I o8. 61'73||14. 99|o. 51|| 38.9 6. 8. 31. 30.9 173. 4. 46.40 52.82 53.58|| 2: 221. 24|| 1. 24|| o. ool 28 || 3:6 || 2. 33 47 93.40. 56-81| 51°o5 65.76||14. 18|o. 35|| 37.7 7. 9. 16. 3'o 185.55. 9°o8 Io'48||58-60|| 1. 211. 41 I .86|| o. of 39 || 3-8 || 2.53 44 92.44. 53°49' 48-54 64-95||13. 16|o. 23| 35.9 Io. 1 1. 43. 38.6 226. 30.49°50' 48-90 60-60 o. of 2. 12|| 4. 22|| o. 85 54 || 4-6 || 2.83 31 | 89. 8.55:12 51°50' 63-62|| 9. 24|o. 1 || 27-8 Io. 1 1. 43. 38.6 226. 30.5o:52|48-90 61-62|| o. of 2. 12|| 4. 22|| o. 85 54 || 4-6 || 2.83 31 | 89. 8.58-62 51°50' 67" 12|| 9. 240. I 1| 27-8 1 I. 12. 38. 40.8 |240.46. Io-65 II '83 58-82|| O. 452.39|| 5. O4|| I. 16 50 4-8 || 2.82. 27 | 87.53. 34:28, 29.94 64-34|| 7.87;o. 18|| 24.2 11. 12. 38.40.81240. 46. Io'46 11-83, 58.63| o. 452.39||5. oA| I. 16 50 || 48 || 2.82. 27 |87. 53.33:40 29.94 63-46|| 7.870. 18|| 24.2 14. 15. 32.56°o 285. o. 1577 5'94 69-83| 3.8o3. O4|| 7. O6|| 1.48 23 5-4 || 2.43 15 |85. 7. 48.84|46. I 2 62-72|| 4.89|o. 67|| 14:1 31. 5. o. 2:6 143. 7. 57.91 55'99 61-92|| 5.8olo. 99|| O. 34|| I. oë| Io || Io. I || O. 52 47 94.59. 18-67|1993 5874|15. 67|o. 73| 34.3 June 1. 5. 42. 46.6 155. 22. 42.5o 45°oo 57.5o 4, 32|I. of o. 23| o. 76 o' || Io'4 || O. 76 5o 94.33. 48°63 50:52, 58' I 1||15. 18|o. 56|| 36.3 2. 6. 25. 22.4 167. 43. 33° 14' 37.68||55'46|| 2. 971. I5 o. 29|| O. 45 og || Io'7 || I. OS 52 | 93.55. 33° 14' 30°45' 62-69||14. 45|o. 4ol. 38'o 3. 7. 8. 38.6 18o. 16. 3.81| Io'80|53-ol | 1.81|1.3ol. o. 53 o. 19 15 || 1 I'o || I. 32 53 93. 5. 27.87. 23.3o 64:57||13. 52|o. 27|| 39:1 4. 7. 53. 27.2 193. 5. 59:38; 6.3°ool 56-38|| O. 89 I. 49|| O. 95|| O. O.3 23 || 1 1-3 || I. 61| 52 92. 4.65'o6 57.52 67.54||12. 39|o. 17| 39.8 8.4o. 38'o 206. 18. 16.28 20-82 55-46|| O. 291. 71 || 1.51 o. or 33 || 1 1.5 || 1.89 51 go. 56. 25.99. 17:44 68-55||11. I Ilo. I 1|| 4ozo 6. 9. 30. 54-2 || 2 19.56. 58-84 63-66 55' 18|| O. O.3|I. 96 2. 19. o. 1 2 43 || 1 I-8 || 2. 16 49 89.42. 29°49. 20'16 69°33| 9.75lo. I c 39.4 9. 12. 21. 6°o 263. 37.48°75 55'09, 53:66|| I. 612. 73| 4.62| I. oc 53 || 13°o || 2.72 39 86. 13. 30°ool 28-33 61-67|| 5.93|o. 41 || 337 I 1. 14. 20. 53°o 294. 15. 6321|56°39' 66-82|| 4.423. O9| 6. 15| 1.47 38 || 13-6 || 2.83 3o 84. 58. 25.57 27°ool 58:57| 4.590. 84|| 27°o 12. 15. 18. 23.2 309. 36. 41° 14' 33°34' 67"3ol. 6, 133. 17| 6. 78; 1.51| 28 || 139 || 2.8o 25 | 84.52. 14:29, 1378 60:51, 4, 511. of 23.2 13. 16 13. 23.91324. 46.5770) 52°19' 65:51||7. 9oº. 17| 7, 27| 1.42 19 || 14-2 || 2.71. 21 |85. 7. 40.36|40.61|59.75|| 4.841. 3ol. 19.4 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. // & \ } \ \\ \ \\ g \ \\ \ \ \\ A / * \\ \ 6o'ool 7. O2.2. ool 4. ool o. 76' 30 || 20:8 i. 42 30 6ozoo 16. 21. oo: 237 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. N 98 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH IUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Twº ºr | #|º, || ||##|##| ||5|||}|...}| Cº., || 3 || || || ||##|: of Moon’s Center. from Observation. # ### ## # #: # #|# # #2 # #|* # #3 Observation. #: # 3 # # #3 #: # CO ſº Gº- O ||2- 35 || 3 = ||: ; ) = # |<< s Mean Solar Longitude of # S° 5 # 5 = |2 : S| = S || 5 = | = 5 5 I 5 = Of MoOn’s # S^ *s H| 5 = |FA I Timéofobservation | (center (# | - || |å #(#|#|z|| (#|#|#|| || c) ||:”s ( ==|å #55|: of Moon's Center. from Observation. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # operation. # # # Så # É Szá # 5T ||:” ET "S" |< 5" | = < | 5” z" | 32 ||: 5"|( = 1846. d h m. S O / // f/ // g \ | \ \\ V \\ A \\ A 8. V \\ O f / f f/ # / & \ \ \\ \ Dec. 4. 13. 39.483 | 98. 1. 31-64|27'58|64-06|I 2. 95|I. 44| 5. 3o I. 25 48 || 30'4 || O. O2| 34 | 94.5o. 5856 60'oo|58-56|15. 66|I. 27| 172 13. 20. 23. 27'o |2 Io. 28. 45'99|448o 61' 19| I. I 8|I. 42| 6. 75| O. o6| 28 || 274 || 2. O5 5o |89. 39. 34:43|28'O2|66'4I| 9. 680. I o| 39'O 22. 3.43. I 27 |325. 51. I 99 I 1524|64-67|| 5. 513. I 5| o. 92| I. 42| 22 || 244 || 2. 63 I 9 85. 37. I 196| 978| 62° 18|| 5. 31|I. 46| 27'O 25. 6. 18. 552 | 9. 57. 15-54|I 184637o|10. 623. o0| o. 23| o. 66 o7 | 235 || 2. Oo 10 88.37. 53.0457o555-99| 8. 761.87| 16:5 26. 7. 9. 55"o | 24. 12. 587951-06|6773|I 1. 982. 81| o. 35| o. 36| IO | 23. I | 1. 73 o9 89. 52. 47:4o 52'35| 55.05|Io. 181. 90| 135 29. 9.46. 16:9 | 65.49. 42-59|36'5566:04|14. o02. o6| 1.71| O. o3 36 || 218 | O. 88 IO |93. 16. I O'76| 156555. I 1|14. o01. 67| 8. I 30. IO. 39. O'2 || 79. 19. 31.61|26'9964-62|13. 90|I. 8o| 2.42| o. 1846 || 2 15| O. 63 I 2 | 94. 4. I 5'og 1883|56°26|14. 90|I. 51| 75 1847. Jan. 1. 12. 21. 358|105.41. 283 |2395|6436|12. 611. 37| 4. o5| o. 77| 54 || 20,8 || O. 23 18 94. 56.41654 182|59-83|15. 871. 13| 8-1 5. 15. 24. 335|155.49. 2769|1390| 7379| 7. 290. 97| 6. 94| I. 5o 25 | 19. I | O. O4| 35 93.45. 7" Io 6° 17|60'93|I4. 48o. 40| I5'4 10. 19. 1.368|217. 31.4675 37.96|68-79 o. 871. 49| 7. 46 o. 26 14 || 175| O. 99 52 |88. 48. I 431 || 5.886843|8. 850. I 3| 29' 5 23. 5. 58. 52-6| 34. 3.686756'07|72-6o|12. 432.73| o. 24| o. 83 o8 || 130 || 2. 59| 18 |91. o. 5781|60-94|5687|I 1. 311.88| 26'O 24. 6.50. 50'8| 48. o. 56'57|47'65|68-92|13. 342. 48| o. 26| O. 52| O8 || 127 || 2.41. I 4 |92. IO. 488o|52. I 1|56'69|I 2. 64|I. 82| 227 28. I o. 16. 406| 101. 10.3571|35-07|60-64|13. 15|I. 49| 2. o5| O. og 41 || I 1-2 | I. 37 o8 |94. 55. 5o'84|4985|60'99|15. 82|I. 18| I 15 28. 10. 16. 40'6| 101. I o. 35:42|35-07|60'35|13. 151. 49| 2. o5| O. og 41 || I 12 | I. 37| O8 |94. 55.474 I|49'85|57-56|15. 82|I. 18| I 15 29. I 1. 5. 278|113. 57. 19-38| 1908|60-3c|12. 231.30| 2.79 o. 3o 49 || 109 || 1. o8 o9 95. O. 51-52|5o" Io 61'42|15. 93o. 98| 97 29. I 1. 5. 278 | I 13. 57. 1941| 1908|60'33|12. 231.30| 2.79 o. 3o 49 || 1 O'9 || I. O8 o9 |95. O. 5.164|50'I o6154|I5. 93o. 98| 97 31. 12. 37.42-6|139. o. 4462|4421|60'41| 9. 721. o5| 4.43| o. 93 53 || 10-3| O. 57| 12 |94. 27. 1976|I5'96|638o|15. 340. 6c| 77 Feb. 4. 15. 28. 16:5|187. 49. 2876|26-07|62-69| 3.761. o8| 7. 16| 1. 46 2 I 89 || 0. O1| 27 |91. 8. 45'80|42-25| 6355|I 1.660. 13| 97 6. 16. 55. 39'6|212. 26. 30-53|21-176936| 1.411. 37. 7. 74| I. Oc O8 84 || 0. o6| 36 |88.58. I 1' 15 45366-62| 9. 2oo. I 1| 135 7. 17. 42. I 37 | 225. 5. 63.4851. I 2|72-36 o. 61|I. 57| 7. 76| O. 69 o8 8: 1 || o. 17| 4I 87. 53. 48° 1942-64| 65°55| 7. 99|O. 17| 15'9 8. 18. 31. 27:7 | 238. 7.4726|30-80|7646 o. 141.817. 61 || 0.39| 11 || 78|| o. 33|44 |86. 53. 62-64|585864-06| 6.850. 27| 187 I 9. 3. 51. 34'4 | 28. 36.39'6o|40'9658-64|I 1.692. 86| O. 95| I. 42| 23 5-0 || 2.74 38 90. 46.51'28517359-55|Io. 911. 69| 389 24. 8. 13. 530 97. I 1.4783 48.2059-63|13.561. 62| O. 63 o. 14| 17 4-0 || 2. 54 17 95. 1. 30'30.342956'O1|15. 761. 22| 26'5 24. 8. 13. 53'O 97. I 1.4788|48:20|5968|13. 561. 62| O. 63 o. 14. I 7 4-0 || 2. 54 17 | 95. I. 31'27|34' 29 56'98|15. 76|I. 22 || 26'5 25. 9. 2. 486|Ic9. 57. I Io 3-51|57-59|12. 831. 41| 1. o9| O. OI| 26 3-8 || 2. 35 13 95. 8.548755'68|59. 1915. 931. o2| 23:5 25. 9. 2. 486|I o9. 57. O'90| 351|57-39|12.831. 41| I. Og| O. O1| 26 3-8 || 2. 35 13 |95. 8. 53-52| 55.6857-84|15. 931. o2| 23:5 26. 9. 49. 585 || 122. 30. 31 og 3324|57-85|I 1.821. 24| 1. 67| O. O2 3 3-4 || 2. I 1| 11 |95. I. 13'O2|I 2’5960'43|15. 82 o. 82| 207 26. 9. 49. 585 || 122. 30. 31.863324|58-62|I 1.82|I. 24| 1. 67| O. O2| 36 3-4 || 2. I 1| 11 |95. I. 16:39 1259|638o|15. 820. 82| 207 28. I I. I 9. 249 | 147. I 2. 25'65 26: 1259-53| 9. 171. O2| 3. 16| 0.43| 52 3-0 || I. 58| O8 i 94. 4. 43.25|39 i I|64. I 4|I4. 840.47| 15:2 Mar. 3. 13. 26. 495| 183. 45. 1761|25'41|52-20| 4.631. o3| 5. 60| 1. 34 45 2’5| o. 75 II |9I. 22. 36' 1531 '92|64-23|II. 91|O. 14| 9-3 7. 16. 26. 8-2 | 233. 24. 53-89|50'05|63-84 o. 391. 66| 7. 65| 1. 15 10 18 || 0. O5| 24 i 87. 2. 48. I 14292|65-19| 7. I 2|O. 24| 79 Sub. || Sub. Sub.| Sub. || Sub. |Sub.| Sub. || Sub. |Sub. Sub. || Sub. | Sub.| Sub. 6óo0 7. o: 2. oë + oë 3. 76 3ë | 268 || . 4? 3ë 6óocló. 2#. oë 237 SECT. II.—COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACEs. 10] * 2: & #, I & || 3: H || 3: .* | * #.3 ºc ||3: H P: 23.3 sp º ... g +3 - to 13 .9 • & o 43 - --e º º N to 3 || : 33 °ā ||# * *#|T s] g : | *ā | # 5 || 2 || ##| Ecliptic N.P.D. # °F; ; ; ; *#|F_ s Mean Solar Longitude of := | . . H -: †: * : . . ; 3 : | H = | # , ; 3 § 5 : - 3. E+5 4-2, .3 , ; * = Q § - º ‘s $p o F- 3| 3 = ||.3 - || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 = of Moon’s ‘553 8; ; ; ; ; 3 = P+ Time of Observation Moon’s Center ... 3 rº; 5 § ||3: | : ||.3 3. gº || Pº | 3 || 3 P. gº • on c & cº. | 8 80 li 3–2 |: #3 z Ś & ||3: 3| sº || 3: £|| 3 | # § 3 || 3 || 3 || $ à || 3: Center from 3 F. to'º. 3 | 3 || 9, § ||32 || 3: of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #' | ###| ||#: ; # 3 ||## #|| 3 ; #3 || 3 #| || 3 | #3 Observation 5 **: 3 # ||## # #3 ||3: 5 #3 | #33 ||## 3| #3 ||#5 2. < | g = | = < # #3 * | 332, #3 ||35 g| g = |g ; dº | P: ſº C ||2- 5" || 3 || 3 || 5 C/2 p: * ||º] C ||= 3 1847. d łl m. S O ſ // f / // 8. \ | \ \\ \ \\ {{ \ V\ \ g \ V V o f // // A/ Aſ V | \ \\ A Mar. 9. 18. 8. o'4 259. 49. 35'98 23:86. 72' 12|| O. I O2. I 6|| 7.7 Iſ O. 54 og 1-6 || O. or 33 |85. 25.58:34 52.92|65-42|| 5. 3olo. 54|| 10:4 Io. 19. 2. 12-6 273.41. 24; 14| 3:52, 80°62|| O. 552. 43| 7.48|| O. 27 14 14 || o. ob 38 | 84.57. 17°o2 8-69. 68:33| 4.74|o. 74|| 12.6 24. 6.59. 14.5 105. 44. 30.91 29' 19 61-72||13.321.54|| o. 26|| O. 53 o8 || o'2 || 2.82. 32 95. 15.58-90 62°23|56-67|15. 92|I. oé|| 37:6 25. 7. 47. 16.5 I 18. 26. 12'o.4 22:57|49'47||12. 481. 34|| 0.45|| O. 25 13 || 0 1 || 2.83 28 95. I 2. 5:45 7'98||57'47||15.87|o. 86; 35.8 26. 8.33. 17.5 | 130. 53. 46-60 48:32|5828||11. 371. 18|o. 82 o' of 21 o' 1 || 2.77 24 || 94. 53. 30.8o 30°21 60-59||15.55|o. 68|| 33.5 27. 9. 17. 36.7 | 1.43. I 1. 29.72| 29:41, 59'86|Io. 961. o?| 1.34|| o. oo 3o || O'I || 2.66 19 94. 2 I. 37: 15. 32.97 64; 18||14. 99|o. 51 || 31' I 29. Io. 43. 49 167. 32.53.42. 52°o I | 61°4 Il 7. O8|o. 97| 2.73| O. 28 48 o'o || 2. 29, 13 92.44, 37.77|34° 19 63.58||13. 25|o. 24; 25.8 O. 99 7 3o. I I. 25. 20:2 179. 43. 17:54 13.72 63.82|| 5. 55 5. 55|o. 99 25 . 53| o. 57 53 || o'o || 2. oã| Io 91. 43. 42' I I 37.62 64°49||12. 16|o. 15 22:7 3o. 1 1. 25. 20:2 179. 43. 1994| 1372 66-22 2" o'o || 2: o3 Io 91. 43.47°67|37-62 7o'o.5||12. 16|o. : 5 3 . 5 7 5 3 2 O I 5 2 7 31. I 2. 8. I-6 || 19 I. 57. 7-82 8-o8||59'74|| 4. Io I. off 4.37| O. 9o 54 o'o || 1.79 og 9o. 37. 39'93 35'79| 64° 14|Io. 97|o. I I 1979 31. 12. 8. I-6 || 191. 57. 6'04 8:08||5796|| 4. IoI. of 4.37| O. 9o 54 o'o || 1.79 og | 9o. 37, 40-68|35'79| 64'89|Io. 97|o. 1 1 || 19.9 31. I2. 8. I-6 191. 57. 6'82| 8°o8||5874|| 4. IoI. oé| 4.37| O. go 54 o'o || 1.79 og 9o. 37. 39'85' 35-79| 64'o6|Io. 97|o. I 1 || 1979 31. I 2. 8. I-6 || 191.57. 736 8:08. 5928|| 4. IoI. oë| 4.37| O. 9o 54 o'o || 1.79 og 9o. 37.41 13 35'79, 65.34|Io. 97|o. I 1 | 1979 April 8, 18. 44. 9°o 296. 55.56-60 53°24' 63-36|| 1.802.77|| 7. 63| o. 4o I I o:2 || o. o.3 25 | 84. 45. 22:26, 1572 66.54|| 4.55|I. 12; 7.8 . 53.86 58'o6 55-80 || 2: o3|I. 28 o. 22|| o. 7c of 1 4 || 2.53 44 95. 2. 23.06. 20'95 62'I 1||15. 65|o. 72|| 39.9 5 2 I 2 6 2 I 22. 6. 29. 23. 7. I4. 25°o I 38.49. 22.71 29'84|52°87|Io. 89|I. I.3| O. 33| O. 4c Io I-5 || 2.68|40 || 94.34. 35'67|34°o4 61-63||15. I4]o. 55|| 4O'o 24. 7. 58. 3-6 || 151. 5. 35'6o 4o’92 54-68|| 9.52|1. O4|| O. 6o O. 15, 16 1-6 || 2.79| 36 93.54. 38°26' 33-97 6423||14. 41 |o. 39|| 39'5 25. 8. 40. 38°5 163. 15.47°ool 49'77' 57'23|8. ozo. 98|| I. o.4|| O. oz. 25 17 || 2.83 31 93. 4. 25°oc| 18- 15 66'85||13. 49|o. 26|| 38.6 27. Io. 5. 19.8 187. 37. 38°35' 30-28 68°o?|| 4. 991. or 2. 32| o. 15. 44 || 2:o || 2.75 22 ig I. I. 30°27' 23-66 66-61||11. 25lo. I 1 35-2 28. Io. 48. 44-2 || 199.57. 28'53. 15:57| 72°96|| 3. 57|1. Io 3. Io| o. 41 51 2:2 || 2.62. 18 iS9. 53. 38'99| 34°12' 64'87|1 O. O.3|o. 1 o' 33-1 29. I 1.33. 36.6 212. 27. 30.77|26-06 64.71| 2. 311. 23| 3. 92|| o. 72 54 || 2:3 || 2.45 15 88.45. 17° 14' I 2:51, 64.63|8. 78|o. 13| 30-4 3o. 12. 20. 22-9 225. Io. I 3:46 9'87 63-59|| I. 27|1. 4o 4. 74|| I. of 52 2-6 || 2. 24 12 87. 39. 33° 14' 30-75 62.39|| 7.59|o. 20 27-8 3o. 12. 20. 22-9 |225. Io. 14:26 9-87| 64’39|| I. 27|1. 4ol 4, 74|| I. of 52 2-6 || 2: 24 12 87. 39. 35'73| 30-75 64'98 || 7.59|o. 2 of 27-8 May 4, 15.46. 2'3 278. 29. 58.34 49:49, 68.85| o. 412. 37|| 7.33| 1.4c. 17 || 3-3 || I. 15 og | 84.5o. 36:24, 37°49' 58-75|| 4.57|o. 86|| 15.4 6. 17.33. 27: I 306. 4 I. 37°45|40' I 1 57'34|| 2. 262. 85||7.77|| o. 87 c3 3-6 || o. 62. 12 |85. I. 32°48' 30-61 61-87| 4.81|I. 29|| 1 o'4 21. 5.53. 32.8 146. 17. 27°33' 30-63, 56.70|Io. 391. ogſ o. 25|| o. 87 ob 7'o || 1.88 51 94. 4. 14' 15||1315||60-64|14. 63|o. 43| 35-2 22. 6. 36.47°4 || 158. 34. 20:04 3o’og 49'95|| 8.961. oil o. 25|| o. 56 o'S 7-3 || 2. 14. 49 |93. 17. 42-61|36'62|65-99||13.75lo. 29|| 37'o 25. 8. 44. I4°8 195. Io. 17:26, 1778; 59'48|| 4. 44|I. O4|| I. 3ol. o. oo 3o 8-3 || 2.71 39 go. 15. 21.77|| 15-62. 66'15||1o. 36|o. 1 c 39.9 26. 9. 28. 25.9 207. 35.4533 44:52, 60'81' 3. of 1. 14|| 1. 94 o. of 40 || 8.5 || 2.8o 35 | 89. 8. 19-21 Io'76 68°45||9. I Ilo. 12 27. Io. 14.32 I 220. 15. 39' 12 36°32' 62'80|| 1. 891. 29| 2.67 o. 26. 48 8.8 || 2.83 3o 88. 2. 39°37|3 I'89 67-48 ſº 18| 39°4 28, 11. 2.56.4|233. I 2.54°52 50°41' 64’ I I || O. 961. 47|| 3.47| O. 55 53 9-1 || 2.81; 26 |87. 1. 41'34' 35-33 66°ol | 6. 780. º 38" 2 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. subsubsubsub. z/ \ | \ \\ \ A \ \ \\ Y º \ \\ // 8 V | \ \\ | \ 6ozoo ź. oz|2. ool. 4. Oo 3. 76. 30 || 20.8 i. 42| 3o 6o'coilio. * 23.7 102 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 1851. t S-H, i. 3 , || || H º: # . 5.3 $c || 3 . . . . & ää 3; # 3 &#|T s a 5 |*#|# 5 || 2 || | *#| Ecliptic N.P.D. ää | 3: |É, º] g; ||= § Mean Solar Longitude of # ** |É #| ## 2 : #|| 3 # 3 #| # 3 || 3 || 3 || 3: or Moºs | #3 <2 || 3 | # 3 # c. * Time of Observation Moon’s Center 3 § 3. le 3 .# # ă # | à || 5 || = à || # 3 .# Center from Ž"c 3 ||3: É .# ă: # 5 • •vrn +3 % & 3 ||: ; ºf £3 ||3: " £6|| 3 3 || 3 || 5 || 3: ł. ": , ºf #3 ||## #| £3 ||#3 of Moon’s Center. from Observation. à 3 ### £# 3 #: T. # 3 |- # #: # 3 º # #: Observation. 3 #: š # š à 3. 㺠gº É 3" | # ſ: 3" ||3: 5" || 3 3 Ö 3. fº á ||É & ||# 3 I847. d h m S O / // // // & \ | \ \\ \ \\ || g \ \\ \ 3. \ VV O f // // f / g \ |\ \\ \ May 29, 11. 53. 44 of 246. 28. 65.5o 58:58, 66'92|| o. 321.69|| 4.31|| o. 88 54 || 9:3| 2.72. 21 |86. 8.54'o6 53-18 60-88||5. 82|o. 43|| 36.4 29. 11. 53. 44-o] 246. 28. 63.56 58:58 64'98|| O. 32|I. 69|| 4.31|| O. 88 54 || 9-3 || 2.72| 2 || || 86. 8. 54:40. 53' 18 61:22|| 5.82|o. 43|| 36-4 29. I 1. 53.44'o 246. 28.64-66 58:58, 66°o8|| O. 321. 69|| 4.31|| o. 88 54 || 9-3 || 2.72| 21 |86. 8.55°o3|53-18 61-85| 5.82|o. 43|| 36-4 29, 11. 53.44'o |246. 28. 64-44 58-58 65-86|| O. 321. 69|| 4.31|| O. 88 54 || 9-3 || 2.72| 21 |86. 8. 53:67 53-18 60°49' 5.82|o. 43|| 36-4 3o. 12.46. 36°o 26o. 3. 64:27. 57'o'7|67:20 o. C4|1. 94|| 5, 12| I. 19 50 || 9-6 || 2.58| 18 |85. 27. 61'20 59'83 61-37| 5. o8|o. 6o 34°1 31. 13. 4o. 52' I 273.56. 31'o6 14-61||76'47|| O. 142. 2d 5.88|| 1.41 42 || 1 o'I || 2.40 14 |85. 2. 7'93; 8:29, 59'64|| 4.63|o. 81 || 31°3 31. 13. 40. 52' I 273.56. 31-13 14-61||76'52| o. 142. 20 5.88|| 1.41| 42 || Io. 1 || 2.40 14 |85. 2. 6'18 8:29. 57-89|| 4, 63|o. 81| 31-3 June 1. 14.35. 38' I 288. 3. 3o'o.4| 12:13. 77'91| O. 642. 46|| 6.55|| 1.51| 32 || Io'4 || 2. 17| II | 84. 53. 45:45, 46-96 58-49|| 4.5o I. o.3| 28-3 2. 15. 3o. 4:3 |302. 21.56:43|40°62|75-81| I. 532. 71 || 7. Iol I. 47. 22 || Io'7 || I. 92 og | 85. 4. 12'99. 1572 57:27| 4.72|I. 25|| 24-7 6. 18. 59.51°7 o. 39. 7°ool II o4 55'96|| 7.743. 17|| 7. 63| O. 42| Io 11.8 || 0.8o 10 || 88.33. 2.60 5.83 56.77|| 8. 701. 87|| 12'o 19. 5. 14, 37°4′ 165. 49. Io:34, 9:52, 60'82|| 8.4olo. 99|| o. 31|| I. O3 og 16°o || I. og 52 92. 32.4o'1 1 37.8o 62°31||13, o&o. 22|| 25.5 22. 7. 22. 28'3; 202. 26, 19°o 1|22-86. 56° 15' 3. 911. O7| O. 56|| O. 17| 15 || 17°o || 1. 94 51 | 89. 24, 58.76 51.21| 67'55||9. 49|o. 1 1/| 33-3 23. 8. 7. 19.9 214.54. 51:72 53-24 58°48' 2. 601. 19|| 1. Ool o. oz. 24 || 17-6 || 2. 20 49 |88. 20. 27:20, 1967 67.63|8. 26|o. 15|| 35-6 27. I 1.3o. 52°o 268. 15. 1828, 15-24 63-04 || O. O.82. O4|| 3.87| o. 7o 54 || 18-9 || 2.82. 34 85. 12. 2.83 1:21, 61-62|| 4.73|o. 75|| 4o'o 27. I I. 30.52°o 268. 15. 1831|| 15°24' 63'O7| O. O.32. O4|| 3.87| O. 7o 54 || 18-9 || 2.82. 34 85. 12. 5:58. I’21 64’37| 4.73|o. 76|| 4o'o July 4, 17. 49. 20-6 Io. 56. 60-80|54'92 65-88|| 8. 413. 15||7.76|| o. 88 o'S || 21:4 || 1.84 og | 89. 41. Io-go 1475 56' 15|| 9.861. 9o 237 5. 18, 41. 28.2 25.30. 22:56 23:25, 59.31|lo. of 3. of 7.73| o. 57 oS || 2 1.8 || I. 56 o8 go. 57. 54:33, 60.83 53.5oli I. 321.88|| 2012 21. 6.46. 18.8 222. 9. 15-60 14-63. 60'97| 2. 16|I. 25|| O. 4ol o. 29 12 || 27-1 || I. 16 52 87. 31. 20:44 16:26 64°18|| 7. 480. 21| 22.9 22. 7. 34. I. I 234.56. 7.62 9:21; 58°41|| I. 16|I. 42|| o. 76|| O. og 19 || 27.4 || 1.45 53 86.36. 23.77|| 14-og 69'68|| 6. 430.33| 26°o 23. 8. 24. 24.2 248. 6. 53.70) 58°29' 55-41 || o. 441. 64|| I. 26|| o. oO 29 || 27:7 || 1.74 52 85.5o. 21-22 17:56 63-66|| 5. 55|o. 48|| 29°o 25. Io. 12. 39.9 275. 5.2. 6:43 13.97 52°46|| O. o82. 14|| 2: 62|| O. 24. 48 || 28-6 || 2: 27| 48 84. 59. Io'74. 9°41|61°33| 4.54|o. 89|| 34-9 26. I I. 9. 12:9 290. 25.58-99 58:20 6079| O. 492. 4o 3.43|| O. 53 53 || 28:9 || 2.48 45 85. o. 4: I 1 7.5o 56-61 || 4.54|I. I I || 37°o 26. I I. 9. 12'9; 290. 25.58-64 58°20' 60-44|| O. 492. 4ol 3. 43|| O. 53 53 || 28:9 || 2.48 45 85. o. 6:55 7.5o 59°o5|| 4.54|I. I I || 37°o 27, 12. 6. 3-5 305. 21. 38'48 32°66 65-82| I. 28.2. 66|| 4. 27| o. 86 54 || 29.2 || 2.65 41 85. 21. 6:98. 14.83|52° 15|| 4. 921. 34|| 38.9 27. 12. 6. 3-5 305. 21. 35.82 32°66 63: I 6|| I. 28.2. 66|| 4, 27| o. 86 54 || 292 || 2.65 4 1 85. 21. 6-32 14-83 51 49|| 4. 92|I. 34|| 38°g 27. I2. 6. 3-5 305. 21. 38' 17 32-66 65-51 || I. 28.2. 66|| 4. 27| o. 86 54 || 292 || 2.65 4 1 i 85. 21. 2'go 14.83|48°o7| 4. 92|I. 34|| 38-9 27. 12. 6. 3-5 305. 2 I. 36-31 || 32-66 63-65|| I. 28.2. 66|| 4. 27. o. 86 54 || 292 || 2.65 41 || 85. 21. Io-44. 14'83| 55-6 || 4. 921. 34|| 38.9 29. I 3. 57. 35' I 335. 47.52-51, 46.87 65-64|| 3.893. O5|| 5.85| 1.41 42 || 29.8 || 2.83 32 87. o. 27.21 23:21 64'co 6.74|I. 71 || 4ozo 31. 15.45. 9°o 6. 7. 28'o2 24-93 63’og 7.313, 18|| 7, o8|| 1.48 23 || 30-6 || 2.77|| 23 89. 29. 35'97. 38'21|5776|| 9.52|1. 89|| 37.7 | Aug. I. 16. 38. 13-6 || 2 I. o. 14:27: 5’o 1| 69°26|| 9. O63. 12|| 7.49|| 1.31 14 || 30-9 || 2.65. 19 |go. 48.54.23 59'o6 55-17|1 I. or 1.89|| 35-6 2. I7. 31. 23-6 || 35. 37.55:53. 44.73| 70-80|Io. 67|2. 99|| 7.72| I. o.4 og || 31-2 || 2.49 16 92. 3. 34:67 51'26(43°41)||12. 42|I. 83| 32.9 3. I 8. 24.548 49.59. 60-62. 51°30' 69°32||12. OS 2.8o 7.77|| o. 73 oz || 31.5 || 2.27 13 93. 9. 25-26||3: '78 53'48||13. 681. 72|| 297 20. 7. 5. I5'8 255. 31. 8:61| 8:21 60-40 || o. 261. 72|| o. 54|| o. 18 15 || 36°o || O. 68 49 85. 18.54'19 49'93 64:26|| 5, ogo. 6o 15-6 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. || Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub.j Sub. // g \ |\ \\ \ \\ § \ \\ \ § v \\ // g \ } \ \\ \ 6o-oo! 7. O22. Oo 4. oo || o. 76' 30 || 2 o’8 || I. 42| 3o 60°ool ſo. 2 II. ool. 23.7 SECT. II.--COMPARISON OF MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 103 # 3 | ##| ||# Ç., |# ..., || 3 . § | ...; ## £c || 3 , . . . Š ÉÉ |*# 5 # *#| || g : | *#|# 5 || | | | ##| Ecliptic N.P.D. |## sº #g &#|# , , Mean Solar Longitude of §§ *H ||É # ā āles #|| 3 || 5 || 3 #| # , ; ; ; , f | ## Of Moon’s §§ 3? 3, #| gå | c. , ; Time of Observation Moon's Center | . # rºd || - #| || 3 ||É #| # à | . . . ; | 5 || || | à | . ; C w ă's à ||33 | #| *ā is a 9.-- ſt.----, 4- - ... 33 zºg || 3 || | #| sº ||#3 #|| 3 | # | # || 3 || 5 || # # ºf Center from # * gº || 3 | #| g; 32. of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #'ſ. ###| ||#: #| #3 ||## #|| 3: #| #3 || 3 || 3 = | #3 Observation # * | # ||## #| #3 ||#3 ă 33 ###|## 3| 3a ||## *|T * | #3 # *| # #3 * | 332; # ||## 3| ##|# 3. # R 3. O ||2- C ää of Moon's 5.3 sº .# # § 5 gä CŞ. tº lºº, is lºss lift||||}|##| || || cº, is º ljišāli of Moon’s Center, from Observation. § 3 # ## #| #: # # º: # #: ă # ſº # #: Observation. #: - # à à 3 #: #º # 3. º Fº | 5 ||3: Ö || # .# #| = # ă .# s 5 § # .# Center from : c s a 3 # .# 3: # of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #3 ##3 #3. # #3. #3 # §: £ #3 # ºf 3 = | #3 Observation 3, a É; gº #| #3 ||#2; ' = £3 ### ||== 3; 3 = |# 5 - || T ~ | #3 || 3 + # | 3: * | 332: | # 35 g g = ||. ; 3T |3" |ET || 5 ||3: 3 || 3 < | 35 à f: * ||3 ă" H = I 85 I. d h m S o f f/ | ? f / g \ |\ \\ || \ \\ || g \ | \\ \ g \ \\ O / // f / f / & \ | \ \\ V Sept. 13. 14. 26. 17.5 29. 18. 19'42| 17-go 61°52|| 2. 361. 22|| 6.47|| 1.51 33 || 40°4 || o. 56| 13 95. 3. 53.8o 54.75|59'o5||15. 9ojo. 91 || 17:5 14. 15. 9. 34-2 || 41. 48. 877 6'69. 62'o6|| I. 32|1.39|| 7. O4|| 1.4g 23 || 40-5 || O. 35. I5 94.51. 23.85 25' 14|58-71 [15. 64|o. 72| 20:2 15. 15.54. 55-7 || 54. 29. 32-93 27-93 65°ool o. 551. 6o 7. 46|| I. 33 15 || 40-6 || O. 19 19 || 94. 24.30-31 || 26-57| 63-74|15. I Ilo. 54|| 23:2 17. I 7. 34. 13-3 || 8o. 42. 34:20 33°32' 60-88|| O. oã2. Og|7.77|| o. 76 oz || 4o’8 || O. or 28 92. 49.5o:52 45°59' 64’93||13. 28|o. 24|| 29-2 3o. 4. 42.33°4 || 26o. 7. 9:40 20'35. 49'o6||13. 992. O9|| O. 62| I. 31|| 16 || 41-6 || 2.44. 46 87. I 3. 28. 19 31°37' 56-82|| 7. 15|I. 76|| 25-2 Oct. 2. 6. 28. 18-1 || 286.37. 22.91|23.68||59:23||13. 511. 6o o. 23| o. 76 of || 41-6 || 2.75 38 89. 24. 28:42|31.35|57'o'7| 9.64|1. 9o 18.9 3. 7. 18.47°8 299. 19. 7:55, 3:26 64:29||12. 751.39|| o. 3ol. o. 44 og || 4 || 6 || 2.82. 33 |go. 31. 42-64. 47.68||54-96|Io. 911. 89|| 16.3 4. 8. 7. 8:4 |31 I. 45. 47'98 43-94 64-04|II. 701. 22|| o. 54|| O. 19 15 || 4.1-6 || 2.83 29 91. 36. 2' 17| 8-66 53:51 |12. I3|I. 85| 137 8.53. I 7-6 || 324. 2.5o'93' 43-62. 67'31|Io. 441. Iol o. 95|| O. O.3| 23 || 41-6 || 2.79 24 92. 34.56:36 58-64 57.72||13. 24|I. 76|| 1 I-7 8. II. I. 527 o. 38. 63.71|51:34. 72'37| 5.98|o. 98|| 2: 96 o. 36 50 || 415 || 2. 34 13 || 94.37. 55.36|60'oZ|55’29||15.54|1. 32|| 7-8 Io. I 2.25. I 2.5 25. 20. 19:33 13'16. 66' 17|| 3. 12|I. I.4|| 4.60|| I. ool 53 || 4 || 4 || I. 84 og 94.59. 6:oo 5.87| 6o 13||15. 92|o. 95|| 7-6 Io. 12. 25. I 2.5 25. 20. 20. Io 13'16. 66'94|| 3. 12|I. I.4|| 4, 6o I. oo 53 || 41°4 || I. 84 og | 94.59. 4:04, 5'87|58'17|15. 92|o. 95|| 7-6 I I. 13. 8. 139|| 37.51. 51.27 43' 14 68′ 13| 1. 941. 28||5. 41|| I. 28 47 || 4 || 4 || 1.57 o8 || 94.48. 27.96 26-3o 61-66||15. 7 ||o. 75|| 8:3 I I. 13. 8. I 3-9 || 37.51. 51.86 43' 14 68-72| I. 941. 28||5. 41'ſ I. 28 47 || 4 || 4 || I. 57 o8 || 94. 48. 26°21' 26-3o 59.91 ||15. 7 Io. 75|| 8:3 14. 15. 30. Io. I | 76. 28. 18°o 1 14-86 63' 15|| O. O4|I. 93|| 7. 25|| 1.43| 19 || 4 || 2 || o. 74 II | 92.53. 40.78|38°49' 62'29||13. 52|o. 27| 13.5 14, 15. 30. Io. I 76. 28. 17-69. 14.86 62-83| O. O4|I. 93|| 7. 25|| 1.43 19 || 41-2 || o. 74 II | 92.53. 44 IQ 38°49' 65:70||13. 52|o. 27|| 13:5 15. 16. 22.47°5 | 89.48. 21.69. 15:24 66.45|| o. 13|2, 19|| 7.60|| 1. 22 12 || 41: 1 || 0.5o 13 || 91.51. 64'1 1 58-72 65.39||12. 35|o. 17| 16.3 15. 16. 22.47°5 89.48. 21.69. 15:24 66:45 o. 132. 19|| 7.60|| 1. 22 12 || 41' 1 || o. 5o 13 || 91.51. 62°23'58-72 63:51 |12.35|o. 17|| 16.3 16. 17. I7. 39'2 || 103. 26.4376 40°48 63.28|| o. 61|2.45||7.75|| o. 93 o8 || 41°o || o. 3o 16 |go. 42. 37: 18, 28.87 68:31||1 I. ozlo. I I || 19.4 16. 17. 17. 39'2 || Io.3. 26.43°32' 40°48' 62-84|| o. 61|2.45||7.75|| O. 93 c6 || 41°o || o. 3o 16 |go. 42.3278 28:87. 6391 || I. ozlo. I iſ 19'4 17. 18. I 3. 54-6 || 1 17. 26. 1829) 19:44 58.85| 1.482. 7o 7.74 o. 61 o8 || 41'o || o. 15 20 | 89. 28.46°81| 38:27; 68.54|| 9.62'o. I of 227 18. I 9, Io. 335||131. 49. 29'57 27-69. 61'88|| 2.702. 91 || 7.55|| o. 33 12 || 4o’9 || o. of 24 |88. 14. 53°o I 45°40' 67-61 || 8. 22|o. 16|| 26°o 3o. 5. II. 54-6 294. 24. 49'66 51.26 58-4013. 261.52| o. 46|| 1. 20 13 || 39°4 || 2: o3 5o go. 22. I '82 5-g|55'91 |Io. 58|I. 9o 32°4 Nov. I. 6, 49. 35.6 |319. 37. 7'og 7-49; 59-601 1. 251. 17| o. 24|| o. 61 o8 || 39.1 || 2.49 45 |92. 29. Io'60. 1779, 52.81||12. 981. 79| 26.8 2. 7. 34. 39'9|331. 53. 47°55'49'93 57-62|| 9, 92|I. O6|| O. 38|| o. 32 II || 38-9 || 2.65 41 || 93. 21.59'47 68.78 50'69||13. 991. 67| 24°o 3. 8. I7. 487 ||344, 5, 19° 17' 21-27. 5796|| 8.45|o. 99 o. 72|| o. 1 c 18 || 38:7 || 2.77|| 37 || 94. 5. Io. 14, 19°o3| 51' I 114.81|I. 53| 21.2 4. 8, 59. 42°4 |356. 16.48°19' 50:57, 57-62|| 6.93|o. 97|| 1. 21|| o. oo 28 || 38-6 || 2.83 32 94.37. 6'12 13:32, 52.8o 15.431. 37| 18-2 6. Io. 22.477 | 20.55. 60°o2 54.56 65.46|| 3. 951. o?| 2.54|| o. 22 47 || 38°o || 2.77|| 23 |95. 2. 9-13 9:36 5977|15.93|o. 99|| 13.3 7. II. 5. 33 I | 33. 29. 22°oo 12.85 69°15|| 2: 651. 19|| 3.33| o. 49, 52 || 37.8 || 2.65. 20 94. 53. 20.81| 1981| 61°ool 15. 79|o. 8o 1 1-2 I4. I7. 5. 24' I | 127. I I, 58-40 55'49 62.91 || I. 912. 79|| 7.70|| I. o8 og || 36-2 || o. 93 og | 88. 22.48°39 40'97 67°42|| 8.52|o. 14|| 1 1-2 15. I 8. o. 26.2 141. 30.40'95, 31-62. 69'33| 3. 242. 98|| 7.78|| o. 78 of || 36°o || o. 67 II |87. 13. 46-47|38.82 67-65||7. 22|o. 23|| 13.5 Sub. || Sub. | Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. 6&oo 7. oz º. oº + oël 6. 76 38 || 26.8 i. 4? 33 6&oolio. 2 i. oº 237 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. 122 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. . * . . 4, ... li. || || H ă ; : * , 5.3 1, 2-S li P. P . K- # |&# |# g|##| || 3 ||3: # 5 || | | | *#| Ecliptic N.P.D. # à: #2 *|*#| || Mean Solar Longitude of ââ sº à # 5 # |s. #| 3 # 5 § ă. # 3. 3. gä of Moon’s 5.3 • ?: Tä, ä 3 # +c § Time of Observation Moon's Center | ## # , || | # # #| # B .# s | à || : |# ºft| Centerrºom | 3 c °F ‘s; = .# #: # of Moon’s Center. from Observation. #; ##3 #E. # #3 # # à # #3 || 3 | # à à #3 Observati #.º ## # #| #3 ||#3 # £3 | ###|## 3| #3 |#5 3 * | #3 || # 3 # 3.5 * | #2 | # 35 = 33 ||.T # C/2 ſº º O ||2- O * & ~ f) * 27 26 — 14:56 — I'63 + o'73 2°8O + 9:28 6:26 2 I 3o 28 — I o'23 – 4:60 3 I 29 — 1 I'oZ – 6:28 e •- -*** e •- fºn" 32 34 — 6'61 — 7'o.3 + o-65 3.87 + 7.78 6-90 33 35 – 8:49 — 8'3 I 22 39 4.O — 22:39 – 6:42 O - CY" º •- "Z" 4 I 42 — 19:56 – 3:43 + 1 . I 5 O'83 + 15-67 7:20 22 43 44 — 1578 — I I ‘5 I © - ºn * e – º 45 46 – 17:20 — 12*70 + 1-17 5'89 + 14°o2 I 2 to I 23 2 I — 23:49 + 1 o'60 º - O " º – T (TY" 3 4. — 17:57 + 3:34 + 1 35 2'44. + 1770 Io 16 23 6 5 — 18.19 — 1 o'56 - 8 7 — 22:45 — 7:46 + 1-24 — 4°97 + 15:17 — I I '91 9 — 8-59 24. I 8 2O — 25-q1 — Ig'o.3 I 9 2 I – 6:57 — 2 I "O2 + 1-o/ – 9:46 + 1 o'94 — 15°o5 22 — I 5" 12 25 23 27 — 14:60 – 7:64 24. 28 — I 8-3 I – 8:04 º — 5: e - I (Y” 25 29 — 1886 -— 879 + o'98 5:37 + 1 I'4o Io'60 26 3o — 1 2.57 — 7-69 26 38 37 — 8°53 + o'4o 4o 39 — I I '83 — 3-65 e - h" e *—e X* 42 4 I — Q'go — 2'53 + o-62 5-64 + 6:51 8:57 44 43 — I I'54 — 379 | 27 4. 3 — I 2:49 — 3°2O 6 5 — 1 o'66 — 2:35 e - *7° e - X* 8 7 — 13:60 – 475 + o-31 7.82 + I-8 I 8'86 I O 9 -— I o' I 3 — 5:96 28 17 I 8 – 8:60 — I 5’2 I • •- I fºl" e - T iſ " I9 2O — 4'24. — 3:22 + or 22 Io'73 + o'33 I I’Ig SECT. III.-CoMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. I 25 Reference Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error No. in of of Of Of Of Of Year and Day Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.B.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // A/ S A / // // 1847. May 29 22 2 I — 4.86 — 2-67 : | 3 | T ::, I & + or 2 I — 3:25 + 2.39 — 373 34 33 – 6:42 + 1.65 3o 36 35 — 17, 16 2. I5 37 38 * '. f 3.35 + o-62 – 3:69 + 8:50 – 4:43 3o 5 3 — Io'6 — A'8 - f f gº . + #. + o-39 — I'62 + 4'27 — 2°o5 3 I º º – ; f : + O'44 + or 15 + 6:28 + o'26 June I º ; – .# i ; + o-58 — o'70 + 8:37 + o'28 2 28 2 — O’2 —H II “2 I • fe g 3o : * ; + 7.94 + O'94 – 4:57 + 14:32 — I’61 4. 35 34 — 2 I "22 + 7'14 + I 32 + 4-85 + 16-69 + I I ‘44 . ; – 3. † : + o-52 + 6-31 + 4'65 + 8'go * | | | | | f : f : + o-68 + I 2°o3 + 5'o6 + 14'85 * | | | | | | 3: . ro, + +14 | + 4:58 – 178 17 i. I3 – ; — 5'97 + o'51 — 237 + 6-37 – 4'70 I 8 I5 16 — O' I — Io'o6 ©. ; | I tº = 'º'; + o'47 – I 49 + 5°99 – 3-94 I 9 . : – †: – § + o'4o — 5'89 + 3:23 — 7.76 * | | | | | | . . . . . 4 ozo – 696 | + 686 – 1956 2 I 33 35 — 14:36 — 8-55 * * 34 36 ºsº ; — 16:96 + o'70 — 8'oZ + 6:45 — I I ‘53 2 2 — 7°75 — 6'63 2 †: ; *me ſº — I’95 + o-69 — 6'55 --- 7'o'7 — 9'89 * | * | | | | . . . . ; + o-82 – 6:00 | + gos | – loos 23 : º – #: – : + o'28 — 8-89 + O'88 — 976 2 I6 — 8-6 - O “ 4. 17 # º 1: + ; + o'71 – 3:39 + 8'95 — 6' 16 25 8 — 6. — 3'o6 : | | | | | | | | | | + oxo – 7:63 + 4 or – 867 | 26 |REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of of Of Of of Of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Lay. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A/ // S A/ // // 1847. June 26 : 22 – ; — 7: 12 + o-62 — Io'o.8 + 7:60 — 1 I'o6 p: * © *ms-s • 2 * | | | | | | “... . . . . 4 o’ss – 833 + 52 – 3:46 28 3 I 2 — I o'5 — 4-6 pse 3. : I. I ::, + ozo – 540 + to 13 – 4:37 3o : 33 I #3; + 6'44 + 1'46 — 6'54 + 22:38 — o'66 July 4. ; 4; – º: f º + o'96 + 1-53 + 12-60 + 7'o'8 *º- de * , , R 5 : ; ems º † : + o-66 + 5'88 + 6'91 + 9: IO 7 | | | | | | | | f : + oº 58, + 7.16 + 7.96 8 # : | ; f ; + o'36 + 6'85 + 3-86 + 7.65 I 8 3 8 gººmº '6, **** • 2 ; . . . ; I º + oz. + o'66 + ioa, – 384 2. I : †. = . – : + o-38 — 6-69, + 3'28 — 8'o6 2 -- h" – O ' 22 § : *g ; gºsº : + o-51 — 3' 16 + 6-41 – 4:84 * | | | | | | | | | | | + ess – 5.46 + 38. – 6.13 25 23 25 — I 5'83 – 9:46 24. * : — 16: I I – º + o-69 — 8:23 + I o' 22 — 7'79 28 — Io'90 * | | | | | | . . . . + 993 – "oi + 423 – 5:10 2 33 || 35 -- T T * — 3-6 § * | . . . . . ; = 'º + o-67 – 7:49 + I I 2 O — 5: Io 28 — 14.5 •6 : # $º . f : + I og — 4-92 + 16-82 + o'28 29 . : – * i : + o'97 — 5:15 + 15:36 + o-39 3o I 2 I I — I O'3 + o'86 pººr I4. I 3 *-º-º: ; + 12:45 + I* I 2 — 2 "O I + 16:45 + 4:24 3 I 2 I 3 — 8°33 * . . . T , . . ; ; + oz. – 178 + io'6" | + 2.67 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 127 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error No. in of of Of Of O - of Y d T) Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance, N.B.D. Longitude. E.N.E.D. For Az. Forz.D. // // S // // // I 847. * | | | | | | – ; tº + sº | – c.16 so, 33, 3o 2 * * 'o6 “O3 * 2 32 3. *º #: f 7. + o'45 + 5.53 + 4’39 + 7'43 3 3 I — o'6 •o5 . i. I . f 3. + o'5o + 3'O4 + 6'14 + 4'96 6 3 5 --> * & * I 4. 8 9 — Io'Q3 — 3:23 • 23 3.3 5. 3. I O I I — I 8:8o — 1 o'85 -- I'2 + 7 + I5'92 -- 24. *| | | | | I : I : + osé – tº + sco — tº 22 — 16:23 '8 * ey - * | * | * | = |* ; : + O'73 – 3:35 + 1 o'39 – 3:48 * : * = }; + o'72 + o'64. — o'go + 9°27 + O'go 25 34 33 — I 7-64 + 3:39 + o'79 — 5’o5 + 1275 — o'8o 26 36 35 — I A-3 – 6:03 38 37 - :::::: + 1 35 + o'76 — 9'67 + 14:20 – 4:64 * | | | | | | | | f : 4 o’so – 64, + .338 — ris 28 io — I 2'35 — I’ º I I — 1572 ** : + o'74. – 9:29 + 13'82 — 4'23 3 - • *- : 5-3 - 29 # . --> ſº f * + o'38 — 2 * I 2 + 6'oz + O'O4. * | . . . . . . . . . . + oºz – 310 | + 663 – ros September 6 5 — 6'55 — 2 ° Sep €00 OGI I : : * 3. + § + o:36 + 3'28 –H 4.65 –– 3'97 2 3 38 — 8°o I + 2* e e e 3. 4.O — Io'88 † : + o'28 — 4'32 + 4*19 – 4: 14 2 2 I — 3-8 I I " I * | | | | | T ...; i º + o'3 I — 3.85 + 4*17 – 4:13 *| | | | | I'...} | * : + ola | – 6.59 + roi – 68. 5 | I 2 I I — 3'30 — 2'o'7 + O'I 4. – 3:53 + 1-16 — 3'91 6 I 3 I — O’CO + O'46 I4. I 8 17 — 12° 16 — I go e e 5. e 2O I 9 -— 15-47 – 4: I 2 + O'99 + 4*17 + I5'O2 — o'o3 | 28 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH IUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. & Corrected Error Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of Of Of Of of Of Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac * * ***Y. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az|Forz.D. A/ A / S // // // 1847. * | | | | | – ; – ; es | – red + 6es | – woº * | * | | | = º † : + o-8 I — O'49 + 1 1-62 + o-o5 2 O I 2 — 5'97 3’ Io + o'5o — O'94. + 7-31 + o'87 2 I # ; – º: + †: + o-29 — 6'22 + 6-og — 4'50 * | 3 || | | | | | | | | + o-3; + oxs + 5.c4 + 2* 23 lº º – º i ; + o-35 — 2 " I O + 5'66 + o' I 2 2 22 2 I — I I "OO •3 4. 24 23 * : f 3. + o-88 — O'44 + £2:28 + 4'83 25 2 3o — I I ‘3 I •o 8 3. 32 — 1 o'42 f . + o'77 — 373 + I 2'o.3 + o-87 * | | | | | – ºf | | | | + os; - 368 + 398 || – tº 27 : : – ; i º + 1-17 — I 39 + 16-8o + 3’ I 3 * / 28 : – i; i º: + 1-26 — 3°22 + 18:41 — o'o6 29 º º – º: – ; + o-92 + 3'3 I + 13°o5 + 372 October 2 I 3 I — 2 A.” “O3 I5 # *- †† f ; + org I — 8-92 + 1 I'o6 — 1 I'48 3 I I 8 – 6: — I 3 I * | * tº-º-º: º, + I 16 + o'4o — 3' 16 + 473 — 4,69 5 23 25 smºsºme I o'86 + 2 '8I * 6 * 6 3-3 6. 24. — Io'42 + O'3 – 4:3 + 3:37 — 6'o.3 6 26 27 — I 2 °2 O + 6'oz + O'58 — 2' I 8 + 7: 15 — 5:42 I 3 3 36 — 25°22 – 4:36 l § 3. — 18:04 I : . + I'5o + 4°97 + 22°og + 1-48 I 3 38 — o' I 8 — o'A6 7 º 4O — I'56 *= ...; + O' I 2 — O'79 + 1-86 — O'43 * | | | | | | | | | | | + 95, – oss | + 786 + rss I * e 6 e g * | | | | | | . + . + O'22 — O'38 + 3°2O + o'74 2O I I + o'32 o°5 : # — I 38 f . + O'I 2 + o'5o + 1.47 + I 14 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. I29 Rºº consº Error comeº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error o. in O O Of Of of Of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. l{.A. N.P.E). Longitude. IE.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A/ // S // // // I847. over a tº * | – . f : + o' 25 + 2*19 + 2.57 + 3°5o 22 º . + jº f }} + or 22 + 2* 13 + 2*2O + 3:25 * | | | | | T : | T ::, + oºz + 405 + 653 | + 666 24. 4; * – É. i : + o-58 — O'29 + 8: 19 + 2:29 * | | | | | | "..., | f ; + os; – 27 | + 2.56 + 155 26 I 2 I 3 — I I 38 •63 I5 | 1.4 — 13.85 i †: + o'86 — 6'52 + 13-o'ſ — 4'92 28 I6 17 — 17:31 — 3' 19 & e 18 19 — 20:58 – 6:49 + o'95 + o'o6 + 13:57 — I'47 2 2 I 2O — 16-o3 5-46 - gº 9 23 22 — 16:40 i § + 1-of — 3°o I + 14:39 — 5'73 3o 26 2 — I 74.5 — I ‘3 - 27 º: * #. + º + o-89 — I’95 + I 2 to 3 — 5:38 3I 28 29 – 7:03 — 5.87 e tº ſº 3o – 4:42 + o-60 — o'55 -- 8'2O – 3:48 November 1 3 I 32 — 1 2.5o — 2:26 33 34 —- 14-o'7 + 1-32 + o'74 — 8-57 + 7:20 — 1 I-95 I O I 2 — 1 o'6 *e •6 4. 3 *s ; º ...; + 1-74 — O' 22 + 24*77 — 2-62 I5 — 8-63 *. : : – 6:44 + # + o-53 — o'63 + 7.62 + 1-94 I6 2 22 — O'8 I + 3'06 ; 23 gººms .# + 3. + o-47 + 1-71 + 5.89 -- 4:16 17 32 3 tºº “O I — 2. ‘’ſ I * 33 § *= #. * #. + o'41 — I'45 + 6:23 + 1-og ¥ 8 37 36 Gºº 9°42 + 3.71 & © & & - 39 38 — 1 I-70 + 2 16 + O'34. — 3:26 + 5°97 — o'97 I 9 I 2 — o'6 + • 2 3 4. I : I : + or 20 + 4.' I 4 + 1 19 + 4'96 2 I 7 5 — I'5o + 2-65 8 6 - I 12 + 2.89 + o-35 + 473 + 3.67 + 5°90 9 + 9'85 22 IO I I — 13:5 — 3.5 tºº I 2 I3 – "... I # + O'38 + 2.59 + 5°o5 + 3-3o 23 I9 2O — O'23 + 1-63 ey 2 I 22 * º + 2 Ig + o'28 – 4:59 + 4:33 – 4:28 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. 130 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of of Of of of Of d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. Z/ // S Z/ A/ f/ 1847. November 24 25 26 + 4'97 — 7'79 tº — T * – fºl" º 28 27 – 4:o7 + 3-27 — o'o6 I'48 o'76 — I'46 27 3o 29 — I I ‘29 + 2.97 e --> T * g —- A * 31 32 — 6'73 + 3: 14. + o-61 I'93 + 8°oo 4:5o 28 33 34 — 13.86 + o'68 & — A * & & 35 | 36 — 16-66 + 2'o6 + o'46 4'94. + 4.67 — 7'or 2 3 38 — 4°53 'o6 9 3. * 3. + 4 + o'43 + o'97 + 6-32 — I'54 3o 4. I 4O — I 5'82 — 3’ I 2 e – ’7° * -- ſh" 43 42 – 17:41 – 2:46 + o-48 7'4o + 3.68 9.66 December 1 2 I – 9:57 + 6-8o & — fºl" g tº 3 4. — 7.82 + o'63 + o'66 o'82 + 876 — 4.67 3 5 6 — 12.62 — 2-67 g e o * 7 8 – 14:33 — 3’og + o-35 – 9:41 + 1.57 — 1 o'62 I I I 3 I 4. — 13:60 7'34. g — T * g © I5 I6 — 12'98 7.77 + I to 3 I '55 + 15-64 + 2:29 I 2 23 25 — 21° 16 – 977 º s—e T * tº - * 24. 26 – 12'54 — 7'98 + o-go I'45 + 13'o6 + 2*93 I3 29 27 – 4:25 + 1-26 g - I ? e iº 3o 28 – 7:29 — I'36 + o'60 I'79 + 8'98 + 1.5o 14 38 || 37 – 14:67 — 5’og ë * •. • * 4O 39 — 15'66 – 4:55 + o-64 + o-68 + 8:57 + 4:37 16 4. I 42 — 1 I-65 + 4'68 o tº * - ſº 44 43 – 12:64 + 6'48 + o'47 + o'oZ + 6:45 + 3:35 I8 6 7 — 22°23 — o'38 g © gº e 9 8 — 15-16 — 1 og + O'54 + 5°28 + 6-og + 7:27 Ig 14. I 2 + 1-oA. + 2* 15 ſº – O " G – T * I5 13 — o'54 + 3'44. + o' 16 2°3o + 1-77 1.76 23. I6 I 8 — 5'85 – 27. — O'2O — I'75 – 3:19 — I'I 3 17 I9 — o'71 — I’74. 27 2 I 2O — o'32 — 2'48 g - " e - T * 28 25 23 — 576 + o'86 — rº" — I'o6 -— fº” — fº° 26 24. — 4.68 — I'78 o'O4. I *O o’97 o'73 1848. January 3 2 I — 8-70 — I'84. © – A * ſº — h" 4 3 — 8-32 — I'3o + o'57 4.59 + 7.69 5:34. I 2 7 5 — 8°22 -- o' I I tº gº & * tº 8 6 — 13:54. + 3:44 + o-62 + O‘O2 + 8'54. + 3.65 I3 9 IO – 29:26 — 8- 18 & g & - & I I I 2 — 2 I'34. – 4:2 I + 1-16 + 8:57 + 13'o6 + I4°og SECT. III.—COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. |3} Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error comeº Error Corrected Error No. in Of of of O O of Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Y d D ear and ***Y. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // A f S A / // // 1848. - January 5 || || º – ; f º + o'88 — o'56 + 1 2 53 + 2.62 * | *; : I : ..., | + o-33 + o'o, + 11.78 + "gs I 8 : : – #: f º: + o'86 + o'67 + I 2'32 + or 18 2O 32 3 I – 2:42 + 1-17 '35 '45 •8 •6 34 33 — 6'o6 + 2*99 + O — O'4 + 4'84. — I "O2 23 ; # I & f : + o'33 — I'o6 + 4*15 — 2°88 26 I 2 - 3‘O4. ---> 1.78 ; § - : -º : + O' I 2 – 3:35 + O'40 — 377 — 2 "O – 2:4 * | | | || I : – : + o-36 – 3:36 + 5°o1 – 3:56 February 8 I 9 2O — 32°55 – 12:41 e e © & 2 I 22 – 27°94. – 7:41 + 1-42 + 1-89 + I 8:8 I + Io"I 2 23 2 — 1 o'43 – 4:45 9 25 . * ; --- ; + 1-27 + 1-o'7 + 17:18 + 8°oo I I 29 32 — 20-60 – 1-13 ; 33 - 33% – 4:53 + o'70 + 1.5o + 9'48 + 4*O4. I 2 38 37 — IA." IO + 5°26 º 4o 39 º- #. + 4:43 + o'69 + 1-97 + 9:45 + 3:69 3 º º - ſº * | * | * | – ; 6- 18 + I'o6 + o'72 + 15°o3 + o-25 I5 I 2. - I O' + *O2 3 4. º- ; + . + o'78 – 2:19 + 10.87 – 3:48 6 5 — 5'6 g I % 6 - § + : + o-39 — 263 + 5°oo — 3.71 17 15 16 — I o'52 + 2* e 17 I 8 — 15:35 + § + o'5o — 5°31 + 5.57 — 7'11 18 26 25 — 6-65 + o'66 28 27 - 6-77 - 1.75 + o:39 cº- 4:52 + 3'94. * 6:17 I9 4. I 42 – 9:30 + I’41 ſº º 43 || 44 — I o' 23 + I to 2 + o-62 - 4'94. + 6'74 — 8°o I 2O 3 — 8°78 + 1-3 5 § - º + 33; + O'28 — 377 + 2:37 + 5°I 2 22 I 3 I5 — 7-89 — o'86 14 16 – 8:47 + o'85 + o-51 – 4:53 + 5:29 – 7: 12 I 32 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, TROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in of Of of Of of of Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az|Forz.D. // // S A/ // z/ 1848. February 23 I 8 17 – 14:05 + 5°23 o ſº & •– T * 2O I 9 – 9:29 + 3'go + O'44. + O'97 + 6'46 I'4O 24. 22 2 I — 9' 16 — 378 + o-61 — 4.89 + 7"O4. – 7:38 25 23 24. — 13:40 + 5° 14. e e © 25 26 — 16.84 + 5°48 + o'76 —- ſº I I + Io'45 — 3-8 I 27 27 28 — I O*2 I -- 2:20 + o' 19 + 397 + 3'o6 + 372 29 3o – 4:26 + o-48 28 37 38 — I ‘25 — 2-83 º e º e 39 4O — I '92 + o'40 + o' I 3 — 176 + 1-87 — I'75 March 7 I 2 — 16:93 — 17:28 o tº we e 3 4. — 18°52 — 16:98 + 1-27 — 2'8o + 18-62 + 4°59 9 I 3 I 4 — 23:19 — I I 15 + I'42 + 5:43 + 18°58 + 1 o'68 IO I 5 I6 — 1889 — 3-89 © º e -- 17 I 8 — 2 I-58 — 4.72 + I too + O'92 + 14°o I + 3.71 I I 22 2 I — I I '70 + I'79 e - T * e - fº, * 24. 23 – 14°44. + I I4. + o-62 I-69 + 9'O4. o:69 12 28 27 — I I ‘53 — 5:60 + o'54 + 2-93 + 7.8o + 277 I4. 29 3o – 20'91 + 2*72 e - © e – ’7” 32 3 I – 29'69 277 + o-84 5-58 + Io'92 7.68 17 4. I 39 — 12*76 — 5:41 o°53 — 5’ + 5:36 — 7°C. I 42 4-O — 7'79 — 379 + 4.O 7'9 H 8 44 43 — 7:36 — I'37 & - *Y* tº - *7° 2 I – 9:22 — I " i I + O'44. 5-82 + 3'8o 7'91 I 9 9 I H. — 16:45 + 5°25 I O I 3 – 14:25 + 4:25 + o'72 — 5-61 + 7.67 – 9°44. — I 7: 13 2O I6 17 | – 6.68 — o'28 e - A * º *—s ſh" 18 Ig — 8-59 + o'45 + o-48 4'22 + 4'97 – 670 2 I 28 29 — I 2°33 + 3-32 .* 3o 3 I — 1 2-61 + 2.87 + O'49 – 4:27 + 5°2 o – 6.66 32 + 2 '85 24. 33 35 – 8:29 — 2:24. º - Ö? º – 2:58 34 36 — 8-72 — 2 "O H. + o-63 o°85 + 878 2 27 4O 39 – 3:58 – 3:35 • 2 p. — A'5 5-3 — A' I 8 4. I 42 — 2-89 – 7: 15 + o'35 4'09 + 7 4. 29 4. 5 + 7'37 + 7°26 — O'22 + 8-88 + O'94. + 9'39 3 : 13 + 9-50 — 2'67 — nº p — X* '45 º I4. + 8'86 — I'63 O'O I + 3:41 8°32 + o'4. April 6 I 6 17 – 7:43 — 8' I 5 © – A * º — I'6 p I 8 I9 – 3: 19 — O'O2 + o'72 4."O4. + II og I “O2 SECT, III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. I33 Rºº corrº Error consº Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error o. in O O of Of Of of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Uay. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Ilongitude. I.N.P.D. For Az|For Z.D. // // S // // // 1848. April Io 25 2 -- I 7° O2 — 6' 2 p 26 : tº ſº #. I : + o'41 — 5'o:3 + 5°o I — 5'97 Io 3 I 32 — I O' — 6'o I 34 33 tºº lº *gº .# + o'42 — I'46 + 5.72 – 2:47 3 — fo" e "| | | | | – ... † : + o-46 — o'56 + 6:36 — 2' 16 I 2 4. I 43 — 1891 — 9'58 2 — 26-66 — I o'o3 º 44. is ºss ; I O'O + o-66 – 7:03 + 7'o6 — 9'69 I — 17° 14. I 5 — 16: + 3-61 * | * ; I. + 2:41 + I to 2 — 392 + 12:57 – 9:47 I I 2 I 3 — 20.63 ‘43 7 14 | 15 tºº ; f ..; + I I 3 – 479 + I 3-8 I — 1 o'78 18 16 I — 18-86 + 7'o I 8 : — 20'65 -- 3.3% + O'97 + O'24 + 13:59 – 4:61 2O + 1.75 I 9 : : – º f : + o-65 — 295 + 8'23 — 5:63 5 32 2 tºº •3 5°3 ey 2 34 3. * †. f .. + o-48 + 2.73 + 6:23 + 4*12 26 3 38 — 6'38 6-62 * 39 – 3:46 f 4'98 + or 17 + 2.91 + 1-57 + 3'49 3 * e * | | | | | | | | | . + o-12 | + 6es | – o 04 || + 626 May 4 || || || 3 || – lº, – ; + o-53 + 5°33 + 6'63 + 6'54 5 I I 8 * g I ‘OS - º 2O % f ... + O'34. + 6' 16 + 4:45 + 6'47 6 28 2 – 6.65 — O' 2 I * . . . . . . + 2:36 + o-34. + 473 + 5°o4. + 4°54. 38 3 – I 2 ° — 2:23 - 7 4. I . * ::::: — 2:26 + o-36 + 4*72 + 5.79 + 3-97 * | * | * | * . . . . . 4 o'13 | – 173 + 1.45 – 2:11 9 1. !. – º – #. + o-48 + o-60 + 6'91 — I ‘5c I O : . – ; f º: + o'58 — 2-5 I + 7:22 — 5:24. " ; , ; - ...; . + o-62 — 5:13 | + 6.65 | – 821 134 |BEDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in O of of of of Of Y Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.E.D. For Az. For Z.D. // Z/ S A / // // 1848. May I 2 º ; – ::::: f : + O'90 — 3:20 + I I ‘I 3 — 8-26 * | | | | | I : t . + o-87 – 599 || + 9:59 – to 68 I4. ; ; – !º f §§ + o'8o — 7'oz + 8°32 — I I'oZ * | | | | | – i. – + o-57 — 5°og + 6. Io — 7.76 6 2 3o — 15°o5 •8 I : 32 -º-º-º-º: i. i : + o'54 — 4' I4. + 6:27 4ººse 6:40 17 ; º + : f º: + o'26 — o'58 + 2*2O — I'51 I 8 1. : – ; f ...: + o'5o — 2 °22 + 6'71 – 3:44 * | * | | | | . . ; ; + ox! | + 375 + 5.18 + 33. 2O 2O 2 I — 6'o'7 + 4* I I © •6 ‘I 6 & 22 23 – 6:46 + 2*8o + o-57 + o'69 + 8' I + o'71 3 3 — 8°4.5 6.63 22 3. 3. * ſº f 7:37 + o'73 + 6:45 + 9°og + 8'34 23 : º – º: f ; + o'43 + 3-65 + 5°o8 + 5' 16 24. ; § – ; i ; + I II — I "O I + 15-8 I – 4:32 25 : R 2 – º + 12'o6 + o'74. + 4:35 + 8:64 + 8°og 27 º . + .. † : + o” Io + 6'66 — I’27 + 6'72 28 2 22 I I'o6 6-8 I .# 23 f . f 6-84 — O’2 I + I 2°o2 — 7-65 + 9°94. June 3 : à | T : † : + o'42 + 7:03 + 6'70 + 6'38 3 35 — 18°76 — 5’ - 4. 3. 3. ſºmeº lº. tºº § + o'93 + 7'90 + 14'73 + 5° 15 5 O — o'3 — I 16 ; f tºº ſº — 2'3 I + o'63 + 4'47 + 1 o'o'7 + I’8 I 6 ; ; – 3% – 3. + o'55 + 2.87 + 8-61 + o'O4. 15 I — I I" – 6:55 7 | . . . * ; – 8:58 + o'62 — 1' 16 + 8° 15 - 4.48 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 135 Rºe consº Error consº Error consº Error consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error O. in O O O O Of f Year and Da Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nauticºmune y. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.E.D. For AZ. For Z.D. // A/ S // A/ // 1848. 8 -* e - º " * | | | | | | #| | | ..., | + osz ogs | + 2* | – 4:55 11 28 2 — 15-3o 3°4.3 3o : – 1470 f : + o-62 — 5:41 + 6'59 – 8:42 I I 3 32 — 2 O” *- •5 3. 33 - .# 4- ; + O'82 — 5:69 + 9:29, – 9:74. I 2 36 37 — 7.85 — 3.89 + o'59 – 2:24. + 7.53 — 4.88 I3 38 3 — I 3' Io + o'26 4O ; — 15°3o + O'83 + o-57 — 4.83 + 6'70 — 6'91 I4. # : + .. – : O“OO — 5°o3 — I'O3 – 4'92 15 7 8 — I 2 °2O — O'97 •3 'o6 º •6 16 I I I 2 — 5'96 + o'o I º •6 5. Q I3 I4. — 4.72 + o' I 3 + o'41 — 1 og + 39 — I '85 2O 2 I 22 — 14.66 + 5°55 23 24. --> #. + 8-83 + o'76 + 2* 15 + 9°94 + 5°49 2 I 26 25 — 13.85 5. 28 27 — I 4' 18 f .# + I too + o' 19 + 1379 + 5'5o July 5 : ; – :::: – #: + I'og + 5°32 + 17:08 — I '38 6 3 - X* – T * : | | | I j I : + o-58 + 32 + 926 – osz 7 5 6 — I o'47 – 4:36 + o'69 + 2*O3 + Io'32 — 2' 18 8 8 — o' — T * % | | | T : I : + o-19 – roo + 2.26 – 198 * | | | | | I tº I : + ox3 – 2:30 + 2.43 – 33. * | | | | | | #: I : + osó | + 1.33 + 1248 – 233 " | | | | | I : I º + ox" | – 2:42 + 326 – 325 I 2 3 3 — I'o6 *- •6 ... | 3 | I }}. º + o-29 — 236 + 377 — 296 13 2 3 -* 4’97 + O'O2 © ſº 5:63 •63 4. 5 — 6'85 + 1-37 + o'4o — I'27 + — I H I 3 I 2 – 7:35 — I’62 4. I5 I4. --> 3. + O'34. + o'32 — 2' 19 + 4:64 — 2'04 * | | | | | | . . . . . 4 o’so — tºo + 11.54 + oxo | 36 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of Of of Of Of of Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A/ A/ S // // // 1848. July I6 : : – º + .# + o'55 – 2:41 + 8:28 — o'68 17 3. : – º f : + o-66 — 2 to 3 + 9'82 + o'80 I 8 36 3 — I 2 "O — I-83 38 3. tºº, º: + I 22 + o-64 — 6'71 -- I I I 8 – 3:09 2O 8 -— I I ‘5 3-61 % I O #ºmº º: f I'o6 + o'71 — 4.89 + 1 I'71 — o'26 2 I i. º – º f †: + o'89 + o-27 + I 2 I 8 + 5:45 22 º | | I # † : + o'78 — 6'88 + 13:36 — 2' 15 2 22 23 — I I “ gº •6 4. 24. 25 *º ...; f § + o-69 – 4:57 + 1 o'83 — I '95 26 3 8 &=º •33 e 6 - 3. : *sº ". f º + o-53 — 5: I.2 + 7.82 — 4.76 August 2 32 33 — 18:45 — 2'53 + I'o6 + 9' 17 + I 8°o8 + 2*2O * | * : I'. + : + o-55 + 5°o7 + 9'55 + 1-54. 5 4; I – º: — I '83 •+ o°41 -- I ‘8 I + 6-35 sº o°43 * | | | | | – # + º + o' 20 + I'55 + 3°28 + o-59 7 Q IO + o'33 — o'71 I 3 I I — I’O I + o'77 + o'o I + o'73 + o-32 + o-67 I 2 + I '93 8 : 16 – º: + 6'39 — O'O4. + 6'74 + o-58 + 6-74 9 : . – tº: i : + o-26 — or 14. + 370 — o'51 HO 33 35 * • I + 5°31 34 36 g==} § —H o'o I + o'5o + 4:05 + 7'14 + 4*O7 * | | | | | | | | | . + oss | – ogo + 555 + or I5 I - IA." O” | | * | T : ... + o'78 – 4:09 | + 12:30 | + o-49 6 ~ I O " e I § º * ; f º: + o'66 O'OO + 9:08 + 3’88 I6 I4. 15 – 14:29 + 4*76 + o’95 — 1.87 + 1 3-8I. + 3.89 SECT. III:-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 137 * | | Corrected Error. Corrected Error Reference || Corrected Error- - Corrected Error Corrected Error || Corrected Error , No. in of . . of - of Of of ! Of Year. il Bay. | Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Ahmanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical, Almanac ear; and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. º R.A. N.P.D.' Longitude. E.N.E.D. i ‘. .... For Az. For ZD. // Z/ S | A/ . . // —t // | 1848. August I 16 | 1 —, I I '88 + 2-5 -. 2. - . . . . . . - 7 19 : —"10:43 + 3% + o-70 — 3:26 + 1 o'94 + 1 . I6 I 8 24 25 — I I'5 + 4'83 , - - - - .# 27 — lº + ; + o-61 – 4:20 + Io-oº: — o'46 º cº-º-º-º: e • A-, 2 : *- I 9 # 2 . ; I . f 3. + o-70 — 3-98 + 11:11 — o'3I 20 : -: f ;: + o-84 — 1.78 + 12:33 + I'52 2 I I 3 — Io’69 + 1-15 -67 6:26 ~ :35 4. – 12:59 + 1-54 + o-67 — 02 + 1 o'72 — 4 | * | | | | | I . . . . . 4 o'87 – 1954 + .338 – 938 2 I 7 . . . I 8 —. I5' o'65 & 24 ió 2O I. : i. o:69 + o'85 – 9:39 + Io'95 — 1 o'8o September 3 23 2 — o'32 — 1 '6 . . º | sep . . . – 3: I : + o-64 + 1-55 + 9:45 — I'o.3 - 20 3o – 4: + 2.88 ... . _ { ſ 4. : 32 * #. + O'89 + o-28 + 3-64 + 4.72 + 2.75 ſ 6 • I – 8:oo 2.50 * , - . i. – 7: I I f 3'3 I + o'47 + 4:22 + 6-89 + 3.96 . 8 . § * º f ; + o'53 + 5°o I + 6'8o + 6-o/ | 9 % º – ; f . + o-67 — o'96 + 9'68 + 1-20 I I 5 I 3 &-º-º-º: 86 * . I '3 r ; . i. —º º: f ; : + O'58 — orog + 8:07 + 2.96 I 2 23. 25 — I 8°7 I + 5°o & o 24 26 * º + 3. + I’28 — 4.78 + 19.48 + 2.95 I j : | 3. – ; – : + o'73 + 361 + 8-62 + 7.67 •y 35 — I 2 ° •55 i 14 3% 3. * iº, f * + o'79 — 1.57 + I I ‘52 + 3’ I 2 * | | | | | | | | | . + oso | – 565 ſº | – 27. * | | | | | – ; ; ; ; ; + os. – 286 + 12:24 + o-77 * | * | | | || 3: i ; + o's – 5'9" | + 1275 | – 336 I 8 26 2 — I I 15 + Q’o I . - tº º 28 3. - tº: + ; + o'97 — 4'O2 + 14:34 — 2'33 GREEN WICII LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. S 38 REDUCTION OF GREENwſcH. LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 to 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in of of of of - of of - Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac. Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. *...A TN.P.D. Longitude. E.N.F.D. For Az. Forz.D. 7, A/ 3. J/ 22 // 1848. 6 * *g, º L © - º |* | | | | | - ºg # 3. + vow – 5-56 + 14-96 ~ 5°35 2 - 4.3 * 3-6 6°o6 º 2 I # 2 – #; f : -j- o'86 – 7:62 ~4– Io-y5 – 9:8o 2 6 -— 16:6 o'6 - * | | | | | I : f : + 3.79 ~ I I-75 + 7.94. – 14:38 | Octob 3 - Y" 6°33 - g l 5 2 2 – 7:66 •8 - º : ; º 8. f § + o'4N + 4:23 + 5-37 + 4'85 6 3 3 o 6. I 8 - § : + †: f 3-88 - O’í4. + 4*75 ~ 291 + 4'27 7 | | | | | | . I : | + oxi – 17 | + 34, – oss 8 ; º – tº f #. -- o'3o +. 2:46 + 337 + 376 * | | | | | | | | f : . . . oo, + "it + one 4 r85 * | | | | | I : | f ; + wig | + 1.65 rgé + 26, " | | | | | T : | f : + o-io || – 995 || 4 ºzó | – oss I 2 33 34. — 8-91 + 5° 14. + o-68 - 1:16 + 9'86 + 2*71 13 || 35 | 36 — 16:58 + 1.68 + o-81 ~ 3°16 + H2°35 + o'74. I 3 3 — I 4'3 6'oz 4. 3% : --- #. f . + o-97 - 5-77 + 35' 18 — 2 °O2 5 3 2 – 15°o3 3'55 f sº I 5 # rººmsé ; f I of + o'87 ~ 7:56 + 33°59 — 5°52 I6 3 — 14-65 H 5°2 - % [O - ; f #: + O'99 — 5°o? + 34°43 – 4:33 I 8 I 2 | | — I 3-2 + o' o o gº. " º º º I 3 #4. rºmºs ... + § + o'71 - 49% 4- 9'22 – 6:57 I 9 º A 5 – ; + 6'74. + 1-15 - 4°34. + £5°o6 – 8:41 2 I : - ; – ; – .# + o-63 – 3-84 + 5°53 — I 1-61 22 26 2 — Io'o — 5:12 28 % -*. § – 6:04 + o' 19 – 9:21 ~ O'97 – 9:59 SECT, III.-COMPARSON OF AFTAzawuTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL AIMANAC. #39 Reference Corrected £rror Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in oſ Of of of Of of 3 Y d D Greenwict, Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Year and Lay. Observations. Azimuti. Zénith Distance, - Longitude. - E.N.P.D. • * For Az. For Z, ). - /, A gº s // 47." // > 1848. - October 3o 3. - : – ; – 3% + I-46 –H 4:13 + 2 I “26 + 2'o6 N ber 3 H — 15-46 £ “24 November : | | | I : i sã + O'82 + 2°o? + š i "O É + 4*go — 1 o' 6 °53 w * - 4. % º tº- : f : + oróð + 2*99 +, 8°28 + 5°82 5 I 2 : – 14-6 - • A 6 . 22 º-º-º: #. + 34: + o-gº + 2 o'7 + i I '85 + 6.76 \ £ tº 6 3 * o — cº, . : -º- ## 4-ºx, i. + O'88 + 2°55 -- Iſ A * : 2 + 7'47 3I 3o — 5: I 7°oč t 7 33 32 * ...; f 4. + o-56 + 4'67 -- 5'85 + 7.63 8 H t °23. - ; : f §§ f #. + o-29 + 3’ I I + 2*8o + 4:55 I - fºº ºf a º A- * 9 3 . - § f & + o-63 + 1-63 + 8: Ig + 4'83 13 — 6. °33 > * | | | | | I : f : + o'5o — I'36 + 7°43 + o-84 I I 23 2 – 12:23 3°36 * 25 # ºs-ºs 14-61 f 2°3; -- o:7c, + 3‘O4. ~# # O'55 -º- I “O2 I 2 31 3o — 2 o'85 3' I - - 13 O I — 14:60 o°68 : ; --> ; + I'63 + o'73 – 9:37 + 3 o'33 – 9:47 14. 6 7 — 1 I 16 + 1-41 - '68 - * * 8.76 8:8 8 9 – 14 19 + O'94. + O 7'74 ~}- 7 - 2 I5 IO I I — I 7-85 + 5°58 & & I 2 13 * #. + 4* Io + o'93 – 7:21 + 1 I'54 – 9’94. 16 # 16 – ; – Ho:29 + y 16 — 7°16 + 13-96 — I 2 °O2 I I I 8 *º- 15.3 •78 --> -- * * > * I 8 22 23 - I Q"O2 3:25 p- 24. 25 *e #. f I'49 + o'98 – 7:69 + 1 o'54 — 1 2-68 2O 3o 3I - I (Y" — o'5 32 33 amºtº .# * º + Io — 878 + 1 I-69 – 14:5g December 2 35 3 — 8-2 !— I '83 37 3. *- º: r I '95 + o’61 — 1 “43 + 8°94. + I'69 3 3 H - º •8 4. I tº † : + 97. — o'71 + io Ig + 3:39 S 2 140 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference , Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error | Corrected Error - No. in Of of of of of of - t Y d Dav. Greenwich, Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Lay. Observations. , Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.B.I). ... " For Az. For Z.D. A / // S A/ A / // - 1848. : in fº ſix * ſ: *ms • , ſº • ſº Decembe 4. . g== ...; + ; + org4 — 3’og + 14: 15 -j- 2.75 t; *= & • * J º ; *- lº i 3. + O'82 – 3:53 + 12-71 + 1-62. , , 6 } : ~. ; – : f # -- I'33 – 2:12 + 19.25 + 5°38 8 28 2 — 20'o6 o'86 3o ; * : i 4:53 + I too – 6:24 + 15-69 – 2:45 32 3 I — 13’5 + 3’ & • O tº 9 34 33 * #. + .# + o'86 – 4:93 + 13'o6 — 2'85 I O 36 37 — A * I-56 ; . . . . . ; ; + o-35 | – 178 + 5°9 – rā 11 || I — 5’ H 2:36 I 2 I 2 I 3 — 6'o O-85 I4. 15 *gº 3. f I '59 . + o-38 — 293 + 4.88 — 3.79 I 3 2O 22 – 4°o2 — o' 28 * e e — 3-6 I4. : : – ; f º: + o-37 — I'63 + 4-61 — 3"3 I 16 . ; – : * - – †: + o-89 — 2:60 + I I ‘2 I — 7.67 I 7 36 3 — I A-56 — O'O2 / 38 3. * .#. - º . + o'74 — 6'54 H 7:60 — 1 o'41 I 8 . 4. – i; f * -- I - I 2 – 6:04 H 13° 18 — I I'gg 2O 5 — I O' WA. I ‘O3 § 7 * .# f 3. + 977 – 4:35 + 9:47 — 7-61 * | | | || || – º I : + o'46 – 3:56 + 563 – 51. 22 I 8 I — O'8o + I I ºr 2 O . * , º + 3 . + o°68 wº-ºº- 2.85 - + 9° 17 *m. 4'50 23 26 2 — O'3 + I '78 28 % * § + . 5. + o°68 — I 13 + 9°59 — 2 °O2 28 3o 3 I — I 8: I 8 — 1 o'36 32 33 — 16°o I – 7:39 . + I 28 — O’ 2 O + 1795 + 4'90 } 1849. v. t January 2 I 2 — 15:43 — O" * • onwar 4. 3 *se .# tº-º-º-; : + o'71 – 4:27 + 1 I'46 + or IO 3 I I I 2 — 5’ — 5’28 . . . . . . . . . + o-27 – 4:43 + 5°3o – 278 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 14] Rºe | Corrected Error || Corrected Error | Corrected Error corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error • S, ; RNo. in | Of * # of . of ! of of : of - Year and Dav. l. Greenwich | Nautical Almanae Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | *** || Observations. Azimuth, Zenith Distance. R.A. | N.P.D. . . . Longitude. . . . . . E.N.P.D. For Azroyzd. z, 7, S A/ –p // 1849. . - “. . . . . January 5 : | | | I ſº. – ; + o-68 – 3:66 + Io'35 — 1-80 6 I 2 O – 8°o8 — O' I f* & • 2 6 r ~ :- - - º | 22 – 9:27 + : + o-45 — 498 + 696. – 4:27 8 30 | 29 — 5:06 . — I'oZ 3. ºf 32 – º: + I-48 + o-35 — 1:21 + 4:8o — I '88 34 || | | – 1378 9 : º – #º – tº: + o-69 + 1-66 + Io'o.8 — o'84 IO I 2 — I 3°38 — I'3o * & . i. ; — 1981 — 3' 19 + o'71 — I I og + 6:45 – 14° 14 I I 6 5 — o'46 – 1:1 fº '. § ; ºsmºs ...; tºº # + o-55 — o'38 + 7:45 — 3°29 I4 # ; – º f : + o'32 — I '8o + 372 – 3:54 I5 I O 9 — 12'o6 — 2' 18 + o-68 – 3 oo + 8:37 – 6:47 16 I 2 I I – 14-15 + 2*2 - - pºse I4 || I3 *º-ºº-ºº. #. –H 3. + o'82 – 271 + Io’65 – 6'4g - I 16 | 1 — "' A. 18 -- - i 7 I 8 : * §: f §: + o-65 + 1 35 + 9:55, — 1.27 : 6 23' || – 6. — “Y” . 2 25 i. tºº º: – : + o-63 — 2'5o + 9-60 + I of 28 36 || 37 — 6'15 — o'63 -- - 38 3. — I'25 wº : + O'24. — o'63 + 3-56 + o'87 4O — 5’o I 2 I 2 – I ‘7 I 35 * * 9 * †. * ...; + 3. + O°2O + 2.57 + 1-77 + 3’52 3 I 6 45 — I I" — o°5 pº fºe . * †: # — § + º + or 35 — 2 "I 2 H 5.57 — O'4o February I 3 || 2 | + 2.61 — 4'54 — o' 17 — 3-88 — I’53. – 4:34 - 2 4. 5 – 7-93 – 4:65 e º • 2 ºr . . 6. 7 – 9' 15 — 4°7'o + ose – I'44. + 7.31 — O'59 8 – 30: — o'4.5 e - * | 3 | ; I ...; o'4 + 1-17 – 2:07 + 16:45 — 3-55 8 II. I 2 – I 7:47 + o'67 • Q ſº - & 13 | 1.4 – 12:15 + 4:36 + o'86 — 6'60 + 9:38 — I O'88 9 22 2 I — 7-66 + 3'o.2 - . gº - . 23 24 — ſº + 2*3O + - o:61 + o-53 + 8-59 — 3’ I 2 I O 34 33 &ºmº *4.O + *O8 - - * - 36 35 — § + #: + o-64 — I’32 + 8.31 — 5'o2 142 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. hº Corrected Error consº Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error o. in Of Of " of of of of Year and £) Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac i Nautical Aimanac . ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // Z/ S Z/ // . f/ I849. - February 1 I I 2 — I.A.'o.3 + 4-65 * * y f †: wº #: # 3. + o'86 — 3-98 + 1 o'4o — 8-56 * | * | | | | | | | f : + oso | – 339 + 7.06 – 6.2, I3 ; # – : f : + o-68 — o'83 + 9'34. — 3.71 I6 5 6 — I ? 3°55 d ; | | | | | | | | f : + o-19 | + roº + 2.79 + os. 17 3. : – º + º + O' I 2 — O'2 + 1-76 — 2'o6 * | | | | | | | | | | | + oss – ois | + £6, + rs, 26 # # I § I ºft + o-33 + 1 °F 3 + 4:18 + 2-84 2 5 5 – 6.5 — ? “ 7 ; ; &=º §. tº- ; + O'33 — o'42 + 477 + 1' 13 28 8 — I 2 of — o'6 - § 1% | | | I #3; I j + o'73 + 7.73 + 8°58 + g’98 March -- *7° e 3rC }{ ; !. *g Å; + 3. + o' 16 — o'97 + 2*44. — o'58 2 3. : – : – : + or 16 — 3.78 + 2'53 — 3:63 3. º 3. – ; + .# + o'68 — 2-69 + 9'56 — 3°16 4. 35 36 — 13.62 + o'45 38 37 — 17:23 — I'24. + o-64 – 4:32 + 8°43 — 5:62 4O 39 — 18 15 — o'25 * | # | | | – ; – ; + og | – 7.36 + tris | – 1935 5 6 7 — 2 I "OO — 1 I'70 + I*o I — A.”q8 + 12"Q2 – 8:45 8 9 — 17:37 — 8°2O 4.”9 9 K. 6 º : – §. f .# + o'74 — 7 of + 8:13 - HO"O H 8 : 3. – ; f º + o'79 — 7'oz + 8'14 — I I'o.3 * | * | | | – ; – 3: oss || – sº + 425 | – 1966 * | | | | | – º – ſº | + sº | – 6% + 4* | – sº 16 § * – ; f ; + O'43 — or 16 + 6'14 — o'27 SECT. III.-CoMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 143 Corrected Error Corrected Error * Corrected Error correstº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error O. in of - OI of of of of Y d D | Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. | Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. | For Az|Forz.D. */ A/ S 7, tf // 1849. r March 7 * | E ; f ; + o-39 + 2:40 + 5°37 + 2*82 * . ... - 3: = }; + o' 23 — I’o5 + 3:37 — o'80 3o I I 8 – 8:8 — 3’55 # 2O º º — 3°22 + o'49 + o' 18 + 7'oo — O'OI * | | | | | | | | | | | + oss || – 243 | + 465 – 306 | April i 31 3 — 18:3 — 3-6 | " * | *. & sº ; •º 3. + o-63 — 6'39 + 7°49 — 8° 18 H 4o 4 I — 15-82 – 6.96 •36 3. + 4*2 — A * 42 || 43 — 12-89 – 9:43 + o – 3:41 4°29 4°49 «3 5 tºge © º ſº º ; i. tºº #: * § + o'7o — 3’5o + 8-72 – 6:35 3 52 53 — 1 a. © * | *; - # ..., | + os, – 543 | + 975 – 933 5 g cº-e T (TY" º ; 3 | | | | | * : | + o-55 – 498 || + 558 – 785 6 *3 — ” *sº ſº 7 27 29 — 8:30 — 4'o8 28 ; — 8-92 – ; + o'28 — 8-8 I + o-55 – 9:73 32 — 4'I I 8 *sº & sº e # : sºmºsº : º § + o'o.2 – 275 — o'66 — 2-69 I I I 2 — 5°08 te 3 4. *sº § f : + o'45 ~ O’ I I + 6-40 - I*O I I 3 5 — 5: 5- % 6 *sº Ž. f ; + o'43 + 6'14 + 5'85 + 6-41 I I 2 I I — 5’ 5'85 * | * - # + + o-48 || + 3'98 || + 6-28 || + 4:84 I5 I4 15 — 7°22 + 8.75 e gº tº I7 | 16 || – 4:74 + 5°50 + oš8 + 3-88 + 7:36 + 5'52 17 I9 2O + 2*2O + 5°7 I 22 2 I + 2*14. + 34. O°OO + 4°49 — I’52 + 4'23 26 23 2 — 3-86 — 3-5 25 # — 2:38 tº-º . + o'26 + o'O4. + 3-71 + o'o.3 28 3 I 32 — 6. — 3°28 34 33 + ; * 772 + O'29 emº 4' I 2 + 3.27 º 4.86 3o 42 4 I — 15-61 – 4:21 + o'55 — 1 o'o6 + 4:31 — I 2° 15 i44 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 1851. • * --- . . . - ; Reference | Corrected Error || Corrected Error Corrected Error || 'Corrected Error Corrected Error || Corrected Error r No. in } of | of | of -- of of . of . fºx...'...} Da ; : Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac'ſ Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Year and Day. || Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. | | | N.P.D. Longitude. "E.N.P.D.' : |For Az. Forz.D. A/ // S A / // // Riº 3 5 3 Apri 3O 45. 4. — 1392 — , 7.44 e – “ e – ~33 . 46 44 – 9:13 — 6: I I + o-66 4'32 + 7.67 7-33 3o 3 .. 2 —, 773 – 8:37 ~~ — a • ſº — 7. ; 5 4. — 7:22 — 878 + o-65 4'2O + 7.51 7:20 May I 8 . 9 — 13:26 — 3' 15 ~. * , * 6.6, e I O I I — I 5'58 — o'55 + o-64 — o'go + 6-61 – 9:01 2 13. I 2 – 11:23 – 5:25 + o-51 — 6'72 + 4:35 – 9:18 º 3 17 I6 — 8-83 — 4’33 ge © g — n°5 | 19, 18 – 11:18 – 173. + o'4o — , 7.83 + 2:39 9°oy * 4. 28 29 — 6-58 — I'34. & - ? “ © — A * * 3o 31 – 6:63 + 1-67 + o-37 2-79 + 4 oš – 470 . 5 40 4. I — 9:35 — O' I I g — 5° * - | – 8. 42 - || 43 —. Io97 — I’21 +. o'54 569 + 5:51 i 8. I6 7 52 53 — 7:27 + 4.8o g — an o R e — 1 * I, 2 — 6.79 + I'60 + o-52 -: - o 2 O + 7.43 1.59 ſ 8 6 7 — I o'83 + 2'99 * ſº * * i 8 9 – 7:01 + 1-93 + o-55 + 4 I6 + sas | + so ! I I I5 I4. — I'95 + 6-69 * a ſº . • ‘ R ; 17 | 16 – 3.88 + 8: II + o-34 +. 6:20 + 4*2 I . + 6-65 I 2 25 24. – 3:54. + 7'24. • 2 × • 5. & i * j 13 3 I 3o – 7:46 + 9'65 * º ... tº | 32 + 7.92 + o-65 + 6-37 + 7:44 : + 8:57 | 16 || 348 33 + 4.65 + 6:30 te ~~5 – "... * ; 36 35 + 3' 16 + 7'24. + oto3 +. 779 – 2 61 + 7:30 . 17 4O 39 + 1 I'43 + 7.56 — O'35 +* 12-84 – 9'94 + 970 k * - . . . . . 25 || 43 4 I – 9'69 – 4:74. + o-83 + 3’ + I 2°3 + I '88 : 44 || 42 – 15-39 — 4-69 sº as i 26 45 46 + o-59 + o' II º — h” g — 6. : 47 48 — 7.83 — I-62 + o'41 5' 18 + 4-40 52 27 I 3 — 2'35 – 4’33 te -- o F. -> es — 3' ! 2 || 4 || – 896 — 5:41 + o'4o 2 * I O + £85 92 29 7 8 — 3’8 I – 9:73 e – "Ty" •58 — 8- 9 I O * 6-71 tº-º-º: 7"O4. +- O 39 7:07 º + 2 79 29 17 I 8 — 3'80 — 6'56 *...* () — 5’ 6 3'36 —- 6.83 I9 2 O — 2' 16 — 8: 17 + o-39 o'o + 3°3 - 8 3o I 22 – 6:39 – 7:30 © — A * '86 — 6. 24. — 8°oo — o'O4. + o-48 4'4O + 4-8 9I 3 I 28 27 — 7:23 – 289 * — A * tº — 5-56 3o 29 — 5:59 — 2-88 + o-31 4.08 + 7. J" O SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 145 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error corrº Error corneº Error consº Error No. i f O Of O O Of and Day gºal Naula's manue Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Oj. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A / A / S | A f f / f / 1849. June I : 3. – : – º: + o'38 — 2-61 + 4:35 – 4:48 * | * | | | | | | + . . 4 o’s – ré, + 383 – agº * | | | | | | | | | | | | | + ox, – one + 396 || – re. 4. I5 I 3 -— 4'85 — o' 25 e — ſº * º a- O" 16 I4. — 2' 19 + 3-61 + o-26 O'O3 + 3-69 o:75 6 22 2 I — O' 22 + I 15 + o'o6 + o-g7 + o-69 + o'95 :: * | = tº + 5-46 + o-33 + 3-98 + 4:38 + 4'32 8 27 26 — 2-67 + 3-69 + o-27 + 2*36 + 3'44. + 292 * | | | | | | | | | . + o-54 + 5°oo + 64; + 666 * | | | | | | | | | | | + oº + £65 + 670 + 63, I I : : – #. i ; + o'5o + 6' 15 + 475 + 8.32 * | * | * | – º † : + O'8o + 3-98 + 9'48 + 8'2 I * | | | | | – º f : + o'99 + 7.70 + 1 o'53 + 12-96 * . . . . . . . . . . . 4 o'69 + 785 + 644 + 1.3. 15 ; : f : f . + o'22 + 6'24. + o-75 + 7'oï 16 32 3 I + 5-60 + 7:30 o'o.3 + 8.98 — I'49 + 8:65 17 ; 34 f § + 1 o'37 + o'2 I + 1 o'77 + or 22 + 1 I 19 * | | | | | T : I j + 42 + 174 || 4 zozó | – 293 • -vº '6 --> º * | | | | | I : I : + ro, + 379 || 4 1565 – rol 24. I 4. — 8'98 — I 4:63 3 5 -- ; — I 3°oo + I 15 — 4°o2 + 14:41 – 9.79 25 I 2 — 5'8 I — 7°2 | | | | I . I & + o'54 – 2:56 + 642 – 548 26 2 I 23 — 5: I — 8-6 22 24 - * -- jº, + o'46 – 3:44 + 4'95 — 5:go GREENWICII LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. T 146 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. nº | cººr cººr consºr crºw cºnsºr crºw yºn, cº, sº sºlº sºme sºme sºme For Az. Forz.D. // // S a / . // // I 849. - " * | | | | | | | | | | | + oão – 463 || || 510 | – 20 * | | | | | I : ... + o-, – oš, + 314 | – 18. * | | | | | | | | f : – one - rs + 2* | – 226 º July I #. #: f .# f ; — o'29 + 2.27 -- 3:64 + 3 II * | | | | | | . . . . – ocs | – 380 - og – 37. * | | | | | + . f : + o' 19 + 4*73 + 2:49 + 4'84. * | *; . . . . . . .'; + oog | + 1.79 | + re. + +94 }. * | | | | | | | | | | | + or + rs7 | + 54, + 276 7 f ; – : f § + o'26 + I "2 I + 3°28 + 2*2O 8 ; ; #3 I & + O'31 — 365 + 5'5o – I'94 * | * | | | – ; j : + one + 4* | + 4* | + 5°9′ io ; % – '. f º + o’8 I — o'45 + I I ‘3o – 4:36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 o'86 – 295 | + 30, + 24. I 2 : : – lº f ; + o'98 O'OO + 13:59 + 5'59 13 : º – lº f ; + o-8 I – 2:41 + 12° 17 + 1-89 I5 : # – #. † : + o' 19 — O' 2.5 + 3’ I 8 + o-34 16 || || : * ...; tº — O' 2 O — 4.67 — 237 – 4'94 * | | | | | – º: – § + I* I 3 — 2'99 + 4’33 – 9°44. * | | | | | – || || – ; + es: + & + trº, – 4:3. * | | | | | – ; – ; + or + ecs | + 633 – 27. SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 147 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of Of Of O Of Of Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A/ // S // // // i 1849. - July 26 : : – ... f : + or 16 + 1-62 + 2*8o + o'71 3 *=º © 4. 3. . - º - #. + o-35 — 9'61 + 1-85 — Io'71 5 L8 — I 8* I q." — 6'82 - #. § -* ...; – 3:53 + o'75 — 14’33 + 5°o4. – 17:40 6 5 6 — 2 I "O I — 2' 13 + o'99 – 14:31 + 7.93 — 1895 6 7 8 — 18 16 — Io'88 + o'98 — 7'91 + io:31 — 13°o4 8 9 I O — 14-65 — I’ - . I I I 2 — #: - + .# + o'77 — 8.66 + 7'34. – 12:42 I5 16 •- iſ "7° — ſº * 17 17 I 8 -* ;: -º-, º + I’25 — I’61 + 17.8o + 2 °oo 18 25 26 — 1 o'26 - A.”4.2 27 || 28 — Io'92 * #. + o'74 — o' 19 + Io'32 + 1 'o6 3 – T © " — A * 19 3. 3. -*s º: tºssºms #: + o-60 — o'o6 + 8°28 + 2 '82 3 I -*e e • : - 2O . i. - ; i .# + o'25 + 1:41 + 2-92 + 2'66 2 I : 4. -** ź. — I'43 + o'42 — o'56 + 5°97 + I'94. - *8O 23 6 8 – 8:39 —H 3°3o gº- e • 28 - 7 | . 7-93 f : + o-55 – — O'39 + 7-78 + 2'85 I I + 2.57 . 25 I5 I4. — 15:51 + 5°oo + O'83 — O'29 + 1 I'79 + 3.48 26 I6 I — I O* — 5'3 I 8 # -- .# -* ; + org2 — o'84 + 1327 + 2* I O 27 24. 26 — Io'27 + 2*17 29 + 4'93 28 34 35 – 14 II + 4'23 37 : — 13:51 f § —H· o’95 — 2:28 + 13:58 — I'86 39 + 8°o8 20 2 — 15:55 + o'65 9 % ; — 12:37 —H. O'I I + o'72 — 8'13 + 9:56 — 8'87 45 — 13°49 46 — I I’74 * | | | | | – ºft I : + o-55 – 6.68 + 6:45 — 8°o I 152 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Corrected Error Fº Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error o. in Of Of Of of Of Of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Uay. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N. P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For AZ. For Z.D. // // s A / A/ // I849. December 3, º % – º: f §§ + o-60 — 2'82 + 7.48 — 5:19 1850. January I . I tº + o'42 — 4'93 + 4'o6 — 6.75 * | | | | | | ". . . ; + oš, – 4:3: + 579 – 7:15 * | | | | | | | | | | | + o-69 + oso | + 996 || – 295 6 º I6 – : — O'88 + o'2 I — 3'o.2 + 1-98 — I '85 2 2O 2-6 I — 3’ 7 I 7 3. 23 f 2.71 + § - O’2O - O'O2 — 2-84 + o'75 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + 93, – 255 + 529 – 166 25 3 3 I — 1 o'-7 F •8 3. 3, T : f .# + o-65 – 4:31 + 9' 12 – 4'54 26 3 36 *s I 8° 5 -- 6-3 ey * * e 3. 38 ºmmº ; + º + 1' 17 — 3°8O + 15-92 — 6'o6 27 42 43 – 14:50 + 7.83 40 # – I I'44 f iſ: + I'o6 — I'o6 + 14:37 – 4:52 47 + Io'o.8 28 3 2 — 17.76 — 9'27 -- I'32 + 3'88 + 1947 — 295 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + o-35 | – 325 | + 7.62 – 6.86 * * ſ: e- e º * | | | | | | – ºft f : + o'68 - I ‘ I I + 9°o5 — 4.85 2 2 I 2O — 8-91 + 6.76 •5 º • 28 • 16 22 + 3-32 + o-59 + 2*94. + 9-2 — O* I 3 *g o • * 5 sº . : * : i : + o-56 + 4:08 + 9°og + I-58 * | | | 8 || – 3. + I-88 + o-36 -H I ‘O5 + 5°34 — o'o6 5 33 32 — 4' Io + 6:51 + o-39 + 5°o5 + 6:23 + 4°27 6 O I •33 — o'60 : ; f §: + º: — O'4.1 + 3:42 — 5'66 + 3.71 I6 4; 4. + º: f . O“OO + 3:35 — 1.27 + 3’ Io I 8 7 9 + 2: 19 + 4'o6 • 16 '86 e º 8 I O + 5.45 + o'53 — O' I + I – 279 -- I' I 2 SECT. III.—COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. I53 Reference Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Year and Day. º Nº 3.C. º* sºme Nautic * sº* N º 3.C. For Az. For Z.D. A/ // S A/ // // 1850. February 19 ; # f : f º: — o'53 — 276 – 6'99 – 4, 24. 2O ; : T : – ; — O'O2 — o'65 + o-48 – 6:49 * | | | | | | | | I ºf + ong | – 247 | + 273 || – 2:44 22 3. : – .# f ... + O'8I — 5:64 + I O'94 -- 6:62 23 º # | I tº i. i. + o-66 – 3:53 + 8'54 — 5'28 24. 4. . – ; – : + 1-58 — 5:65 + 2 o' Io — I 2:23 * | | | | | – ſº | f : | + 935 | – 57, + ies, – ion 27 i. º – ; i : + I 15 — 5:46 + 13.62 — I I '87 March 2 23 # — 15-96 – º + o'98 + 2* 23 + 14:51 — 2' 16 3 3. : – : f : + o'70 + o'82 + 1 o' 14 — 1:64 * | * | | | I : | f : + oso | + 34 || 4 4.85 + 2.64 5 : # – . f : + o-45 — I ‘52 + 6:28 — 2'o6 6 § I : i ; + o'45 + I '91 + 6'38 + 1-96 I5 # : f .# f #. — o'3o + 3'o.2 — 5:32 + 1-o'7 I6 : : f : i ; — o'35 + 2*23 — 5'68 + o'27 7 ; – § f : + O'O3 — 3'88 -- I ‘58 – 3:57 I8 3. ; – ; f ; ~ O'O2 + 2.78 — O'92 + 2.65 2 I : 4O – ". — 3-91 + o'46 — I'54 + 6-39 – I'99 22 43 # — 13°20 – %. + O'83 — I'39 + I I'36 – 3:50 * | * : - . f ; -- I'O3 — I'84 + 1 3'83 — 5:49 GREENwich LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. 154. REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. hº consº Error convº Error consº Error consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error o. in O O O O f f Y d ID Greenwich | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nauticºmune Natiºname ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.B.D. Longitude. E.N.E.D. - - For Az. For Z. D. A/ // S // // // 1850. March 24. * . – . – º: + 1"O2 – 6:23 + 1 I'97 — Io'8o * | | | | | | | | | I : + og – 576 + 623 – 86s * | | | | | | #: ... + ogs – 649 + 626 – 968 27 Ig | 17 — 17.67 I tº : | | | | | | | | | | + o-57 | – sco + 470 – 1975 24. 22 — 8°48 — 3:2 I : * | | | | | | | | | I j | + oš, - 77° + sco – les, 29 ; ; – º – º: + o'52 — 8°o2 + 4:58 — I of 15 * | * | f | – ... - ... + or – 34° + egº || – 37 * | | | | | – ; f : + o-, – 373 + 57 | – so, April 2 2 : – : f ; + o-60 + 3' 15 + 8°58 + 3°oo 4. : ; – ; i º: + o-56 + 4.65 + 7:15 + 5.79 * | | | | | – ... - ... + os. + 399 || + 66, + 5.1; 17 | 15 17 — 12-67 – 4:18 3. 'o6 •8 I6 I 8 — Io'3I — 5'o6 + o'77 + 42 + I I ‘o + 2*8 I * | * | * | – ; – º + eſs – 38, + $75 – 479 * | | | | | – j | – ; + 1.38 – 334 + 1798 || – 9:36 2 : : : smºsºme : f : + 1-13 – 4:30 + 13-96 – 9'98 * | * | | | – ; – ; + red – 663 | + ºrg. – was 23 ; # – ;: – #. + o'73 — 5°23 + 7'98 – 9:16 * | | || 4 || – ; + ... 4 o'63 | – 5:12 + 674 – 837 25 | 8 IO — II* I 4. — I'5o | | | | | = 'º. — o'39 + o'53 – 6:49 + 5°o8 — 8-88 I 2 – 9:64 •. SECT. III.—CoMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 155 Rººse Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error consº Error o, in of of Of of of O Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. Forz.D. // // S // // // I85o. April 26 I6 I4. – 7:41 — I'78 I9 º — 6'o6 – º: + O'24. * 6'93 + 1-25 * 7.68 I 8 — 4.81 27 23 24. 6'98 – 4:49 º * º 6. 25 26 3'94 — I'89 + o'2O — 5:55 + I'49 *- O9 28 27 28 — 6-2 I + o'o.3 º te º º 29 3o – 4:16 + 1-41 + o'34. — I'34. + 4:63 — 2°og Ma * I 36 3 — I'5 º y ; , ; – ſº | f : + o' 13 + 4'o2 + 1-34. + 4*22 2 #. % – #. f #. + o'25 + 2*O2 + 3’og + 2.67 3 6 — 3°2 & % : * ...; f º + o-52 + 7.52 + 5' 18 + 9'24. 2 H + 4:18 • I 8 4. 4. 3 + 3. f ; + o'o.3 + 9'87 — 2'80 + 948 3 8 * º -> e 15 I 2 I 3 - I O’O2 - fº, * I4. 15 cº- lº - . + o'86 — I ‘3 I + 1 I'91 — 276 I 8 I I — I O*O I * * : . 4- º cºme º + o-60 – 8:67 + 5°17. — I I Ig I 2 23 — Io'o6 ~ O' 9 : 26 — 7.96 º ; + o'4. I — 9°o3 + 2* I 2 — Io:58 2O 28 27 — 23:46 — o'62 3o 29 — 22°47 – 2:40 + I* IO -sº 7-83 + I I'98 º 1374 2 I 34 33 — 15:34 — 2.78 36 35 — 1 I'67 cº-º jº + o-62 — 6'22 + 6'14 – 9:39 22 42 39 — I I'o.3 — I'60 44 43 | – 14:46 + o' 19 + o-67 — 5'79 + 7:21 – 9'o6 23 46 45 – 8:33 — o'5o 48 47 — 892 — o'72 + o'46 — 4'93 + 4'86 — 6'89 24. 4. 5 — 8°o2 — o'76 + o-48 — 3’5o + 5'87 — 5:22 25 7 6 — 1 I'72 – 3:49 8 9 — O’’7 I — I'25 IO - #. + o'68 + I'35 + 9'90 — o'35 I I — 8:20 26 I 3 I 2 — gºo7 + 2.96 I5 I4. — I o'58 + 2*O3 + o-68 — I'91 + 9:46 — 2'91 T 56 TEDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of Of Of of Of of Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // A/ —wº- --~g S A / Af // 1850. M 2 I 16 —- 7' I 3 •6 * * | | | | | | . . ; ; + o-17 | + 1.96 + 667 | + 102 * | . . . . . . . . .'; + o-56 – 293 || 4 8:1. – 233 3 * ſº ſº * | | | | | – ; † : + o-31 + 4'91 + 3’ I 2 + 5'82 31 3 36 “O3 •75 --- 3. 38 + : f É. + or 15 + 1-92 + 1'48 + 2*49 º 3 © g * June I ; f + . i ;: + O'O2 + 8.75 — 2'82 + 8:29 2 2 3 + 3-83 + 2:45 * •6 •73 e 5 4 + 292 + 4'22 — o'o.7 th- 4:60 — 2:7 + 3'85 3 6 6'70 5'73 % 8 f §§ f Y& – or 14 + 7.54 — 4'93 + 6-og 5 I 3 I 2 + 5°91 + 97.2 + o'o.7 -- I I’23 – 3:24 + Io'8o * | * | * | f ; * * | – ess || 4 Gº | – 676 || 1 ras 3 — 28° – 6:26 I : ; * : tºº §3. + 1-64 + 1 o'36 + 25'47 + 3:45 H 2 23 — 23:42 — I I*O2 4. ; 25 * .# dº #. + 1-65 + 4'o6 + 24'o2 – 4:46 15 2 3o — I 1-6 - A." OO º 32 * łº tºº #. + o'74. — o'57 + Io'35 – 3:63 I6 35 3 — 16°oo — 3-58 36 3% – 14:60 – 4'90 + o'79 + I*2O + II*33 – 3:59 17 39 4. I — 1 o'75 – 6:40 4O ; – 8: 17 – 3. + o'55 — I-68 + 8:29 — 171 44 — 4.72 — 1 2-6 - 2 °C).O I 8 4. 3 º : tº ºr 3. + o'68 — I 14. + 9-90 — 2'74 19 4. 5 — 7'22 + I to 2 6 7 – 6:47 — 2-60 + o-38 + 2*2O + 6-o& + O'2 I I O + 4.65 * | | | | | – || || - ... + oss || – 387 | + 363 – 489 2 I I 8 17 — 7'o'7 — o'38 + o'33 — 277 + 4*Io — 3°72 2O I 9 – 4:32 — 1 °41 - 4. 37 6 — 5: — I "O2 º * | | | | | – ; — 2' 17 + o'28 — 3.68 + 3'49 – 4: 19 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 157 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in of Of Of Of Of Of Y ID Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // A/ S // // f / I 85o. June 23 ; : – : T : + O'33 — O'83 + 4'64. — I "O2 24. 37 39 — I 2'82 + o-gi 38 — 7°2 I — I'6 43 ; º 13. + § + o-69 — 2'go + 9'86 – 2:46 44 42 – 7:30 + 1.57 5 8 — 8°53 — 3-61 * | | | | | | . — I'46 + o-35 — 5:40 + 5°63 — 4'70 27 I 2 gºme 4'98 £º o:73 + • I 8 * g 3° • I 8 4 || 3 | – I'58 — o'52 O' I – I'99 + 3'O4. — O' I * | | | | | T : I j – ool – roo + oz. – ogs 3o I I I 2 — 5:43 + 3°28 + o'43 + o'5o + 5-69 + 2'98 July I : º – ...: i §§ + o-48 — 3-84 + 8-17 — o'66 * | * | * I : + 5°91 + o'78 — I'46 + II 38 + 3' 16 6 2 — 3' + o-31 o º ë * | . . . . . . ; — o'o.8 + o'3o – 3:44 + 5°3o — I '92 5 3 33 - A "OO — 1 ° 2 3. 35 sºmºsº i. + lº, + or 18 — I'60 + 2-93 — O'94. 13 || 37 : — 2 I ‘34. – §§ + I 18 + 896 + 19.69 + I*23 * | * | | | T : . + ogg + 605 || + 61, – oss I5 % : – 3. – !: + o-88 + 2'o6 + 13°o3 — 3’ Io 16 2 4. — 15-56 + 2 '88 3 5 — 1 o'95 + : + o'70 + 6' 13 + I I-96 + 2: 17 6 — O'O I 8 I O 9 — 8° 15 + 5'89 + O'28 + 9'o'7 -H 5-97 + 7'96 * | | | | | I : | f : + ous + rā, + 32, + ré * | | | | | | 3: I : + os | – 138 + sco - ogo 24. 23 24 — 3.71 + o' 17 28 + 5°97 * | | | | | I : | T : + oxg | – 31, + 498 || – 16, 158 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error - No. in O * Of . Of of Of - Of - d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.E.D. For Az. For Z.D. z/ // S A/ // // 1850. July 26 : 37 – : — 234 + o-35 – 4:24 + 6:35 — 2'o'7 27 ; ; – § + º + o-36 — 3' 13 + 6.16. — o'80 * | | | | | – ºf | f : + o-55 – 6:38 + 1 o' 14 — 2'66 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + o-57 | – 832 + i ros – 4:59 Aug. 3 Y O — I 3' - fºl" .. ug I 2 º ** iº º ; + O'47 — 7:50 + 7:27 — 6'96 * | | | | | – || || – ; + o'O2 — Io'32 + o'o6 | – Io'33 " | | | 9 || – ; - * | + rje + 606 | + sº | – 54; I 2 22 23 — 19:15 — I’29 e 8. -- I 7°02 •8 24. 25 — 1971 + o'76 + 1-o'7 + 17 7-9 + 1-89 I 3 ; 3. – ; – : + 1-oA. + 5°59 + 16:44 + o'5I * | | | | | | | | | | | + og | + oss | + 43 | – 306 * | | | | | | | | | | | + ous | + £67 | + 7.63 | + 35° 16 46 45 – 8:50 -- 3:25 + o'58 + 2*32 + 8:47 + 1-53 " | | | | | - º: f ; + o'26 + 8:60 -- 3:62 + 8-62 I 9 ; ; – § i ; + o'63 — o'32 + 8°26 + 1-78 2O : i. – : f †. + o'2O + 1-97 + 2°28 + 2.61 * | | | | | I : t ... + ola | + ray + rag | + 74 22 2 I 23 — 5'91 – 2:43 # | | | I #. I : + O' I 8 — 3'32 + 3:63 — 2' 19 26 28 — 2'53 — o'57 - * | * | * | = # I : + o' 16 – 4:26 + 3-83 — 3"O3 2 3 O — 8°4.o •8 4. ; f £ºse Ž. + . + o'38 – 4°92 + 7:17 — 2:26 26 3 — 13' - *7° . ; # sº ;3 tºº 3% + o'54 – 12:47 + 12°26 — 8°58 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 159 Rºe consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error No. in O Of Of Of of f Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nauticºamme ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. Longitude. E.N.P.D. - - For Az. Forz.D. // A/ S A/ // // 1850. - | August 27 I 49 — I I "22 — I “I 3 + o'59 + 4'O9 + 6-97 + 6'72 28 : 2 – º: + 1 'o6 + o-60 — o'42 + 8-62 + 2*OI 29 ; 6 – #. — 471 + o'5o — I 2°2 I + 9'74 — 1 o'37 3o I I I — 15-86 •76 : | # ºme ; + § + o'93 — 9'96 + 14:48 — 8'2 I 3I I5 I — I 3' — 2.62 17 # I ...; — 379 + O'42 – 9'O4. + 6'o6 --~ 9°47 September 2 ; º – § – ; + o-5o — 15-61 + 397 — 16.67 * | | | | | I º | I Z. + oss | – 1635 + 6'36 — 1976 8 2 28 — 25-6 — 16:6 - º 3o * §§ * : + 2*O4. + 1-76 + 29'08 – 9'79 I O 32 3 — 25°34. -* © 3 || 3: -sº : * § + 1.65 + 3-84 + 24'44 — 297 I I # # – ; – ; + I 15 + o'93 + 1825 – 2:48 * | * # I º: – ; + O'83 — 2'og + 1 I'55 – 3:49 I3 5 — 8” o * | | | I : . I ſº + O'49 — O'22 + 6'94. - O'44. I I 2 IO — 5:23 -- •75 " | | | | | | | | * : + 922 | + 2.60 | + 2.26 + 34. 18 2 I * •55 6-3 : 22 -sº º: f }% + o-65 – 2°44. + 8'09 + 5'47 * | * | | | – gas – : + o'53 + 1-75 + 6-57 + 475 2 I 3I 33 — 7-69 - O’O2 36 — 6'61 3 38 s—e T T * º - 22 % 4o * ; f ; ... + o-72 — 375 + Io'43 + o'70 23 # # T º: # 3. + o'51 — I'98 + 7.83 + o'82 24. ; : – º f . + o'55 — 3’ I I + 871 — o'51 I 60 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Rºe Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error o. in of Of Of of of of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Tongitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. Forz.D. Z/ A / . S A / A / // I 85o. t • 25 cº-º •6 º ... ºn * 3.4 September 2 ! 3 º ; + º + O'33 – 295 + 5°39 — I-72 26 º % – §: T º + o-34 — I 19 + 5°oo — o'52 27 I I I 2 — 16:03 — 2: 17 •6 te •5 '86 I3 I4. — I 4'24. — 3'54 + O'6O — I’og + 8°52 - O 28 I I 8 – 7: 16 + 1-46 : 2O ſº ź. + ; + o'47 – 3:57 + 6:45 — 3’88 2 2 I 22 *re ‘52 + •3 F- * 9 23 24. * º; * § + o'60 – 4:90 + 7.60 – 6: 19 5 &=s ſº t tº 3o ; 26 gº : + 2-69 + o'71 — 5:19 + 8'50 – 7:57 October 1 28 2 — 2 °7 I — o'8 3. ; . . . . . + o-29 – 4:14 | + 2.64 – 527 8 35 34 — 34:64 — 12-64. + 2.47 + 7.89 + 36-87 — o'70 3 – T *7° a—s iſ "Y" I I . 4 I tº- #: 15:37 + 1-41 — 8°23 + 2 o'og — 7.75 I 2 3 5 — 8-5 — I'o6 I I 3 — 8-63 & pe 4. 4. – 9:62 f § + o-57 + 7:47 + 5'86 + 9:37 I5 7 5 — o'29 + 373 I O 6 º e g • I '95 † : + or 17 + 3-65 + 1-17 + 4'24. 9 + 3’55 I6 7 I 3 – 694 —H IO'O2 8 I — 3-6 * # 2 f º: + o'46 + 5° II + 4'43 + 7:21 I6 + 5-54 17 23 2 I * •o? + 4:45 26 22 • I 6 * 24. + O' I f ;: + o' 16 + 4:61 + o-39 + 5°17 25 + 5°23 I 8 3o 29 — 4: 15 + 6-8 I re * 32 3 I — 5:72 + 6'40 + o'45 + 4*18 + 4:51 + 6'52 I 9 35 37 — O'82 + 5°25 36 38 — ſº + 5'71 + o'74. + 1-63 + 9.62 + 5'86 2O 4O 39 – 15:19 + 5'85 e # 4. I sºmºmº : + 7'oz + o'93 — o'71 + 13:24 + 4'41 tº-º-º-º: "O 2 I 44. 45 – O'OO —H 2 Io a', 46 47 * º + 5'66 + o'70 – 3:37 + 1 o'96 + o' 23 SECT, III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 16] Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Year and Day. º sº sº sueºus sºme sº sº For AZ. For Z.D. A/ A/ S // f f // I85o. October 22 : s: – ; – º + O'93 — 2'8o -- I 3-88 + o-63 * | | | | | = 'º I ſº + o-63 — 4'54 + 877 — 4'74 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + org | – 614 | + io9 – 743 28 º º – º f ... + o'67 – 6: I I + 7'37 — 871 * | * | * | = |ſº f : + o-88 — 5-56 + Io'O2 — 9'84 3o 27 : — 13'o6 f º: + O'83 – 4:17 + 972 — 8-65 * * | | | | | – ; – º + æſc ess sº | + ros 7 | | | | | – ; + 19. + cz + ario | + ess 8 i. f – ; – : + I 22 + 2* I I + 16-93 + 3:41 " | | | | | - . . ; ; + ox; + 49 || 4 * | + 585 * | | | | | | | | f : + oxo + 63, + ess + 633 * | || || 3 || – º f §: + o'33 + 7.58 + 1-60 + 8-86 * | | | | | | | | | | | + 937 + 459 + 599 || + 7.59 * | 3 | | | - §§ f : + o'27 + 4: 15 + 2'o6 + 5°43 " . . . . . . . . t \; + os; + 4* | + toº + 896 " . . . . . . . . ; ; + ris | – 2:54 + 1496 || + 343 * | | | | | – ſº | f : as – sº ºn - wº * | | | | | I : | | | | + org | – 4:24 + ºria – 429 22 44 45 – 27-88 — 976 + 1-oA. — 4°o8 + 1 3'o3 * 578 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + ess – so + 9'95 — Io'15 GREENWICH IUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. ºse X 162 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of f Of of of Of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nauticºmune Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. 3.A. N. P.]). Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. Forz.D. A / // S z/ // // I 85o. November 2 5 — I5'78 •8 - * | * | | | | || † : + o'go – 9'98 + 9'57 — 13:17 5 8 * T *Y* - O " . 2 IO º &_-º ; + 3. + O'82 — 8'98 -- 8 Io — 12'54 2 I5 — I O'3 • I 8 e 7 # I7 * #3. f 3: + I'44. — 3'O4. + 18:57 – 11:37 28 I I 8 — 26-02 . 6.3 © ; 2O Kºsº : f º + I'47 — 270 + 19.33 — I I* II 29 23 22 — 17:47 + 8:o5 -- I II + 2*3o + 16:36 — 3'8o Decembe 6 - - 2 **7.*} . e—- ?" & per 7 : ; *sº : I 3%. + o'97 + o'o6 + 13:39 + 2'95 2. &mdº e e I : : - i. † : . + o'25 | -- 2:38 + 2:49 + 3.68 13 38 - I " ſº 4.O 3. tºº §: f : + o'2 I + o'22 + I '83 + 1-43 I e-es T *Y* – ’) * 4. f # *E=º ; tº º : + o'72 — o'o6 + Io'o6 + 377 15 I 47 — I O*2 O — 13:34 -- I II — 4'og + 16-89 + o'86 6 – f *7° 3. 17 5 6 — 1 I'17 + 7.62 & • 75 •6 -- I' 7 8 – 9'91 + 7.53 + O'88 — o'7 + I 2°6 I 44 I 8 I I 13 — I 8:38 – 7: 17 I 2 — 23-6 — X* I5 ; gº i. * º -- I'O3 – 3:49 + 15:38 — 2'90 I6 I 8 — 1578 — 13'16 I I 2 — 1 o'76 e 9 º : $ºy : f ; + o'88 — 3' I 2 + 12'24. – 3:59 2O 25 26 — 16:07 + II “oz º {} © 3'4.8 27 28 — 16:31 + I4'27 + I'4O — O'49 + 19:37 dº 4. 2 I 3I 32 --> T (T * - *7° 34. 33 §ºº ; gºt Ž. + o'85 — 2'48 + 1 o'98 — 5'71 22 3 tºº * ſº Ž º ** ; f ; + I'O4. — 6'33 + 12° 15 — Io'89 23 42 I — I 5’2 H. 8°25 44 % tº º # I I I-39 + 1-17 — I'38 + 15:44 — 770 2 5 6 -, *2 T * asses T T * 4. ; 4. tº- º I I'98 + 1-29 -- 4:59 + I5'88 – I I go 25 I 48 — 2 I I6 + 1 I'89 e o 6-76 3 2 — 2 O* I 2 + Io'62 + 1-39 + 1-59 + Ig'92 — o'7 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 163 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. i Of of of of of of - Y d D Gºian Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.B.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az|For Z.D. // A/ S // // // 185o. - December 27 : § – ; f º + 1-35 + 1-67 + 19.56 — 5°o2 * | | | | | | | | | | | + o-21 | + o-03 || + 316 + o-3, 1851. January 5 : . – ...; *gºg : + o'79 + o-3o + 1 o'70 + 3.93 6 6 – 4:51 — O'88 + o'29 + I*I 2 + 3'55 + 2.59 8 dºgº •83 ſº % | | | I : i : + oxo + 1.70 | + vos + 2.84 9 ; # + ; f º: - O’O2 + o'95 — o'65 + o'76 I 2 I 8 17 – 21 '49 — 295 + o'87 – 9:34 + 14.95 — 5:36 I5 2 — 20°82 tº ; . . . . f Ż + 1-40 — 7'ſ I + 19.87 — 6-77 I6 25 26 – 24:51 — Io'64. + 1-46 + 2.57 + 20.67 — o'17 ~7 - — 32° 15 ~ T *Y* " . . . . . . . . . ; + 2*O4. + 2:54 + 28-71 – 4:35 I 8 3 32 — 16:8 + I 2 "I 3 3. 34 *sº j + 977 + I'4o — 2'52 + 18:44 — 8° 18 I 3 38 -— 27:25 — 6'26 9 % 39 Jºmº %; – 9:29 + 1 38 — o' 17 + 1776 – 7:58 2 I 3 I — 20°25 — o'38 - g f #. — 15-86 + 1:72 + o'92 + 4'78 + 14.65 — I'o'7 — 12.6 º 22 4. ; º º: f ; + I or + O'49 + 14:23 — 5:33 23 : % – ; § + o'58 + o-36 + 8°26 — 2'66 * | | | | | | | | | f ; + ro, + 67. + 16-65 | + 2*o3 5 º * • 2 : : tºº º: f : + o'75 + 3:39 + I I’39 + o'94. 6 & & 2 : : + * f ; + o' I 8 + 2'91 + 2'95 + 2'54 2 6 5.8 8' I 8 tº º 7 : : f . i º — o'25 + 9°49 – 3:16 + 9.62 February 4 || | | | | – t; + : + o'24. + I'89 + 2'54 + 3°16 6 ey 3 s— tº * -— fºl" 164 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Rººse comeº Error comeº Error consº Error consº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Wo. in O O O O f f Year and Da Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nauticºamme Nauticºmme ay. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // z/ S // A/ // I 851. February 8 f ; – º – : + o°28 — I'o.3 + 4:27 + o'25 9 48 I — I I ‘52 – 9:47 •5 3°3 • I 5 e 49 2 — I 3-33 – 4:63 + O'59 seasº 7 + 9'I — I’32 IO 3 — 1 o'o6 — 3'3 5 § º- . gammasº 3. + o-60 — 2.74 + 8-92 — I'45 I I 8 — I 8:32 -- 3:50 * © IO % — 21-87 + 379 + O'97 — 5'85 + 14°og — 4'98 12 I 3 I 2 — 23°o + 2*51 I5 14. * 㺠+ 4'87 + I*2O – 9:34 + 16-44. — Io'o.3 13 I 8 I — 2 I-76 -- 8:3 2O º - ; + . + I 14 — 3.68 + 15:27 – 6:07 I 22 23 — 27 ° 4-O + 7°22 tº • 2 × © 4. 24. 25 - #3; + 18: + I'5o + I'35 + 2.0'96 – 4:16 I5 26 28 — 18.66 -- I I ‘o3 3. 3 I – #. + 1 3'55 + I 35 — O' I I + 18:41 – 6:45 3o — 16:07 I6 3 36 — 14:08 + *32 º 3. | T º I j + 1-oë — 397 + 12-97 – 9:52 I O I — I 7-65 + I I ‘5 7 f # - #: + ... + 1-40 — I 15 + 1873 – 9:36 2 I 5 – 3:68 + 2 Q2 © # : — O'94, + #. + o-29 + 2-67 + 477 + 1.57 22 8 I 2.35 + 5°o 4. 3 + 2'59 + ; + O' I I – 294 + 1-o'ſ — 3' 16 24. 6 7 + 6-73 + o'4o ‘43 • * * 6. o 9 8 + 6:28 — I'46 — O'4 + 2*O5 — O'og + 1-93 March 8 I 2 I 3 — 2 °C 2 + I 25 - I 4- I 5 gºtº . + o'4o +. O'I I + 2'47 + o'95 + 2.79 9 17 I6 — 6-41 + 1-57 • I6 º •88 e I 8 I 9 — 279 + o'5o + o: + 2*23 + I + 2.60 IO 2O 2 I — 7-64 — O'46 • 35 º 22 23 – 6.65 – 2:45 + O + I-8 I + 4:8o + 2*2O * | *. : I. º – º + O'98 — 3’ II + 1370 – 3:35 I 3 3I 3o — 16:05 6.2 ay 33 3. {- ...; f §§ + O'94 — 3.87 -- I 2' 18 — 6'52 I4. 3. 3. – #: f : + I to I — 2'26 + 13' 16 – 6:40 SECT. III.—COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. I65 Reference comeº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in O of of Of Of of Year and D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D Longitude. E.N.I.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // A/ S A / A/ // 1851. March 15 # f – : f #: + 1'o6 — 5:52 + 12:36 — Io'59 16 p: — I5'5 e - # # º ; f § + O'94 – 4:74. + 1 o'98 – 9:79 I 8 2 3 — 16:20 •83 4 || 5 || – 15'99 † : + 1-off - 494 + 12-84 — Io'64 * | | | | | | | | | | | | + one – 7:53 | + 7.5 – 1963 2O I 2 I 3 — Io'8o 2°8O e g & I 4. I5 — I 2°og i 1.75 + o'75 – 2:43 + 9'93 — 5:39 6 - *7° o * * | | | | | | . . ; ; + ous – 974 + 665 – 21. 23 — 2-3 6:35 . . . I . f jº + o'33 + 4:56 + 4.67 + 4:53 24 24. 25 — 5: Io + 473 + o-5o + 3’53 + 6'69 + 4* Io 26 27 26 — o'48 + 15-67 + o-37 + 14-74. + I'46 + 15.57 il gºmºsºme * § Apri 5 ; : * †. ; f 3. + O'IO + 5° 14. + o'41 + 5°32 * | | | | | I : | f : + ola | + 1.34 + 156 | + 1.5 8 38 39 – 7:64 — 8-3 I + ë — 2 * '46 e 4.O 4 I – 14:36 — 8-93 o'77 9 I + Io'4. – 3:go 5 3 — 3o'5o — o'5 * | | | | | I : I : + re; – 239 + 14:37 – 507 I O I 3 — 2 I 23 — 5°22 2 4. — 27 Io – 7:38 + O'94. – 4: I I + 11.76 – 7:57 6 5 gººm •8 — O'8 I I 8 7 •gº lº + lº + I o4 — 3' 16 + 1 3’ Io — 8'17 * | * | * = f; | | | * + o'93 — 2'60 + 1 I'70 — 7.58 I3 I I5 — 15'53 +- • 16 - ; I6 – 1483 + ; + o'87 — 5'5o + 9:73 - I o°2 I I I 8 2 O — 8' I 3 — 3-65 * 7 I 9 2 I tºº-º-º- 9.87 *e 5-46 + o'5o — 5'5o -j- 577 §º 7'o6 I 8 2 22 — 2-8 — 2'5 ; 23 º : *sº ; + o’ I 5 — 2-63 + 1-73 – 292 I9 3O 28 — 5’ – 2:41 e e 3I 29 sº §§ — 5:17 + o'35 — 477 + 4-69 — 5’o I 2O 32 34 — 9' 12 • 25 '65 • 2 - 2 33 – 9'99 + O'2 + o + I "O3 + 9'03 + I'5o 166 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Rºe correrº Error consº Error consº Error Corrected Error consº Error Corrected Error No. in O O O of : f Year and Da Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nauticºlmme Nautica'imme - y. Observations. Azimuth, Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.B.D. For AZ. For Z.D. Z/ // S Z/ // // 1851. April 22 35 36 — 3'33 + 7°o * e © p . 37 38 — 4.83 + % + O'44 + 3°2 I + 5°36 + 4'47 23 2 I - + 1-26 + I '85 e : # + 479 + o' Io — or 15 + 2:34 — 272 + 1-64 25 47 46 + 8:46 + 4'83 — o'3o + 8:57 – 7:31 + 6:30 * * | | | | | T : | f : o'oo + o'o I o°oo + o'o I 4 || 6 5 -- 3:8o – 4:64 + O'41 — I'14 + 5°8o — o'97 8 IO — I 8°7o — 5’ - 9 I I gººg § **, § + o'82 – 4:74. + 9'66 – 827 9 || 14 16 — 29-36 – 9:43 •3 •55 6. & 15 17 — 25.78 – 9'91 + I "3o — 4 + I 6'O2 — I I*28 IO I I 8 — 23°o:3 + 2*8 * . 2O — 23:04 tºº . + 1-o'7 — 4-82 + 1271 — Io'70 I I 24. 25 — I4'I 2 – 6.29 & •86 26 . . g 26 27 — 17-33 – 4:42 + o'85 – 2 + 1 o'63 — 770 I 2 28 3o — I I'92 — 4'o I e •8 tº 29 3 I — I 3’52 - 4'99 + o'70 + o’2 I + 9'84. — 3.71 13 3 32 — 8°5o + o'3I º * e : § 33 – 4:06 + 2*44. + o:39 — O'o6 + 5-46 -- I'97 I4. 39 38 — Io'34. + 2:37 4O 4. I — 8-97 + 2.93 42 — 9'61 + o'65 – 2:39 + 8:52: - 4'94. 43 — Io'38 I5 3 48 — 9'98 + I'48 — 5'8 "O 4. 4; 9 f : + o'54 – I'19 + 7:41 — 270 2 + 1-66 5 •- *7° — 2'5 I6 {ºmmº 3. 2'09 + o'43 – 4: 15 + 5.46 — 4.72 8 — 8'82 — I’ 17 I O º – 7:26 #3% + O'41 — 6'55 + 5'70 – 6:59 18 15 I4 - 99 I + 5'79 + o'78 + 2:15 + Io'63 + 3:19 I I6 I — 5’oo + 5°4 I - & 9 || || # — I'71 + ; + o'37 + 3-89 + 4’39 + 478 2 2 2 I — 23 • 28 I : 22 : f #: + o-27 + 3' 19 + 2.65 + 4:27 * | | | | | | | | | : + o-, + 326 + rio || + 425 26 32 3o + 4-8 I + I'3 : | 3 || || 3: I gº, — o' 18 + 5°51 — 4:58 + 4'Io SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 167 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error * No. in of of Of of Of Of Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac i Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac * * ***Y. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. 6 N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. // // S A/ // // 1851. " ' | # | | | | | | | | | | + 3, + 914 | + 84, – 969 3 - T (Y" •= T T * 2 ; . wºmmº § *s !. + 1-64 + 2*38 + 23°o3 — o'99 4. # ; – : - ź + I'o.3 + 3’ Io + 15°oo — I'66 5 – T A * ~ *7° i : º : *sº º: + o'go — I’61 + 1 1-67 – 6:27 6 - T O * - *Y* ſº º º : + o'77 – 4: 15 + 8-88 – 8°28 7 I 2 I3 — 12:57 — 475 + o-75 + o'25 + 1 o'47 – 4:26 8 I6 -- T A * — 3. 17 # *sº #. sºme : + o'78 — 3'99 + 927 - 8°2O 9 ; - i. – : – º: + ozo + 2'42 + Io'66 ~ I'34. I 2 23 22 – 8:42 + 2*3o + o-57 + o'8I + 8:17 — o'3I * | * | * | – | | * * | + ess + £es | + a so | + 36 * | | | | | I gº ... + o-63 || 4 4.3 + 35 | + 48. 16 33 35 — 8:46, o 34 36 dºº-º-º-º- : i : + o'68 — I'39 + 9:64 + o-84 " . . . . . . . . . . – oo, – ra. – eis – 133 I8 46 45 — 277 + 5:40 º º •56 3. I 47 — 3'86 + I'47 + or 25 + 2.67 + 2 + 377 I9 4. 2 + o-25 * 4'50 © 3°23 -- I'36 * *O 5 3 + 2:39 — 3-66 — o' 19 &º 4."O4. * | * – : i # + O'3o + o'56 + 3'88 + 2*29 22 : i. – . f : + o' 19 + o'o6 + 2.62 + 1 . I4. 3 — A * º * | | | | | – # f : + o-52 + I '97 + 6'59 + 4-57 * | . . . . . . . . .'; + ola | – 229 + 2.68 – 56 6 º e * | | | | | | | | f : + oog. – 17 | + +69 – 134 l - 2.6* - "7". July 2 : 3. gº : º º + 1-61 + 7.62 + 24'61 - I "I O | 68 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of of of of of of gººd, Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. R.A. N. P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.D. A/ // S // // // 1851. July 4. ; ; – º: – 3. + I'14 + 3'2 I + 16-95 — 3'85 5 O I – 8:56 — o'o.3 # I . — 2'59 + o'51 + 2.72 + 8'14 — O'47 6 I 4; Eºssº 6:57 i : + o°29 + 5'o6 + 5'89 + 3' 16 3 – 3:56 e I O º % – . f ; + o'43 + o-62 + 6. I I + O'I 2 I 2 I 3 17 — 8-5o + 1 I 14 I 8 — I 2'4.8 5:26 # I9 * º: f §: + o'84 + 3'42 + 1 I-27 + 4'69 16 2O — 6'71 + 3-65 13 ; : – ź. f : + o-56 -- I'2 I + 8-92 + 2.75 14. 3o 29 — 2'23 — O'79 ‘O3 * © •8 32 3 I — o'85 — o'5o + o'o — 1 17 + I'41 ~ O"<52 * | * | | | = ||. + ...; + o-o/ + o-37 + o'83 + o'68 I6 38 37 + 3’51 – 4:42 — o'33 — 263 – 3:51 – 4:23 I O 3 + 3’o — 4:56 7 f . -- 3. – — o'27 — I'3o – 3:17 — 277 I 8 5 + 2*26 — 8'16 • * * ; # + 5°o I — 5:43 — O'44. — 373 – 4:56 — 6'o6 2O 48 I — O'74 — O'3 I "O8 •5 e '8 2 3 – 4:59 – 2:42 + o'o — 2 * 0 I + 2*O4. — , I '89 5 gasmºs & * e * | | | | | = . - ºft + o' I 8 – 4:38 + 3-98 — 3:27 August 3 I O I I — 16:56 — 2'3 ... - g J I 2 I 3 “º ; * º: + I " I I + 4:78 + 17:21 £º o'84 5 I 8 I6 — O' I I + I* II I 9 || 1 7 gººms lº + 3-oq. + o-64 + o-63 + 9:18 — I 19 2 I 2 O — A' 16 + 2*22 * 7 23 22 sº 3. + 5'14 + o'49 + 2.35 + 6'89 + 2*28 8 6 sº •8 & 8 : ; sº . f ; + o'29 + 2'25 + 3-84 + 2*58 I O 33 32 — 5'oq. + 2*25 + O'38 + o-27 + 5° 13 + 1-61 I I 36 : – 1478 + ...; + O'94. — 5'54 + 14'54 — I'o6 SECT. III—CoMPARISON of ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONs witH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 169 t l Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error | Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in Of Of Of Of Of Of - Y d Day Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical. Almanac | ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Longitude. I.N.P.D. - For Az. For Z.D. z/ // S A/ // // I85 I. & August 12 38 37 — 777 — o' 19 & - * * • - ſº - ſº * sº 4.O 39 — 1 o'51 — O'43 + o-54 3.89 + 8.75 o°8 I I 3 4.2 4 I — I O'91 + O'44 + o'5o — 5:39 + 892 — 2"I 3 44. 43 — 7.67 — 2 °O I I4. I 47 — 1 2-84 — o'29 † – h" º – T * 2 || 48 — 8'55 — 3:56 + oss 5* I 3 + 9'61 I "44 I5 4. 3 -- 7:45 — 8' I 2 * - X* tº versus */* 6 5 — 5:29 — 3’83 + O' I 2 8:35 + 4'99 7°oo I6 I O 9 — 6'oZ — 2°52 + o-37 — o'5o + 5°35 + 1-59 17 I 2 I I – 6.67 – 3:43 tº a-s ºf * , “º º — "Y" I4. I 3 — 731 – 4: Ig + o' 19 7°og + 5° 13 5'68 I 8 I 5 16 — 8-74. — 477 e •- X* • Q ſº •- "7 ° 17 I 8 — 7'91 – 4:38 + o' 23 sº + 5'85 7:32 I 9 23 24. — Q'oï — o'76 © •= *7 * . —s "Y" 25 26 — 8-55 — 3’53 + o-37 7:16 + 6'go 572 2 O 28 27 — 14:51 — o'43 ſº •= X* g — 7.3 3o 29 — 13-69 — O'3 I + o-69 8'90 + I I og 7-33 2 I 36 35 — 13°22 – 3:24 m * •= *7 ° ſº - */* 38 37 — 16:31 + o' I 3 + o-84 7-93 + 12:25 7.26 22 39 e 4.O — 23 Ig — I'o6 & Mº i =e emes Iſ O' " w as º º ºx 6 4. I 42 — I 2 "O2 + 2* I 8 + o'85 I 2°25 + 1 I'24. I 2'82 23 45 46 — 7.77 — o'29 iº ſº * e * + o-35 tºº I6 + 3’7 I tºmºsº 83 47 || 48 – 9:45 – 4:32 7 7 7 24. I 2 . —, Io'82 — 2'o.3 ~. •= *7 * e ~ X* 3 4. — 1 o'o6 — O' I 2 + O'52 7.33 + 5.27 8'94. 29 6 5 — 35°53 — 12:57 tº g • 2 × •- h" 8 7 — 34.89 — I 5'82 + 2:43 + 9:30 + 37 sº 5°33 3I I I I 3 — 28’ I I — 5:27 e sº e - O " I 2 I4. — 25.87 – 6-97 + 1-63 + 478 + 24:39 2'42 September 1 I5 I6 — 2 I "I 2 – 3:39 º e 8.83 * * 17 I 8 — I 8°o I — 4 IQ + 1-29 + 2.79 + I 8:83 I-27 2 2O 2 I — 878 – 3:57 + o-63 — I’29 + 872 – 2:41 3 24. 22 — 1 o'57 — 3-71 e - A * {e — 5’ 25 23 – 9:60 — 2:34 + o'67 4-61 + 9°49 O I 5 29 28 – 5:31 — 2'o5 + O'4o — O'71 + 5'63 + or 18 8 3o 3I tºmº 4'64 — 2°83 * Gºgº •76 º, 3°33 dº •65 32 33 – 2:49 + 1 .45 + O'2O 1.7 + O 9 36 37 — I 2 °22 — 4'25 e – 6: 8°C, I — 3.87 39 38 — 6'92 — I'71 + o'46 95 + 8-9 - 7 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONS, 1831–1851. Y 170 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. hº consº Error consº IError cºnsº Frror comeº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error O. IIl O O O O Of f Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nauticºamme ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D Longitude. E.N.B.D. For Az. For Z.D. Z/ // S A/ A/ f/ 1851. September Io 2 — I I*78 + o-61 I I 47 48 — 1372 — I'71 •6 gº * g . I 2 — I o'38 + O' II + o-6 I – 7:41 + 1 I'4 I — 3’ I 8 5 6 •= T (T * - ?" 12 7 8 tºº ". tºº : + O'4O – 7: I I + 8-3 I – 4'24. I3 i. # – ; ~ ; + o-33 — I I 'o6 + 8.60 – 8:58 * | | | | | – ; - i. + o'3o — 5:2O + 5°85 – 3:56 I5 22 2 I — I I'3I — 2°48 -- 24 23 — 1 o'86 * .. + o'47 – 8:54 + 8-84 – 6.5o I 25 26 — 15. — o'23 7 27 28 tºº ; — I’28 + o'71 – 8:36 + 1 o'69 – 7:50 3 •- T ..."," • s - I 8 3. # I ºft † : + o'92 – 6.76 + 1 2-8o — 6'85 2 I 36 35 — I A-" 2 + o'97 + o'76 — 8°o.3 + 7'99 — Io'85 4:29 7 22 ; ; – ; f § + I*3 I — 6'88 + 15:36 — 13 19 28 ey — 30° - IA." * | * | | | | | | I ºf + 28, + 7.2 + 4r44 – 29, 29 47 48 — 28-go + 4'32 * º • * * 8-6 + 5°5 - I 2 – 31-79 — I'27 + I'91 —i- IO* I O –– 28°6O , 9 * | | | | | – ºf - + 1 32 + 3-5 I + 1878 + 2*2 I October 2 7 – 3. + I-68 + o'77 + o-47 + Io:59 + 1.75 3 12 16 — 7.77 — O'O I o°65 •63 5-53 3. I3 17 — I I'42 + of 8o +- O + I + + 49 2O I 8 — q'63 — o'58 - 4. 21 | 19 ſº º + 1-14 + o-65 — I'62 + 9:32 + O'99 5 2 25 — o'6 2. . ; 26 gºs .# f .# + o-69 — I'go + Io'O2 + 1-48 6 28 2 — I 2-8 I'63 i 3o : * º f 3'o'7 + o-89 — 2"I 8 + 12-92 + 2.79 7 36 32 — 8-86 + or 15 3 33 — X* o'63 7 34 8.60 f . + o'47 – 4:43 + 8'16 – I'34 35 — I ‘I 3 8 42 4.O — 17:30 + o'63 44 # — 19:28 — 1.83 + o'96 — Io'32 + 17:36 — 373 4. - — O'94 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 171 Rºe Corrected Error consº Error consº Error º Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error O. in Of O O Of of of - Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | . ear and ***Y. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. Longitude. E.N.P.D. : - |For AzRoºz.D. // z, S A/ A f // * 1851. } . : October 9 || 45 46 — 2 I-72 — 3'58 + I'o8 — 7-88 + 18'o6 — O'97 * | | | | | I #. | T : + o-84 || – 1179 | + 1608 || – 6.33 II | 7 || 8 || — 22-64. # * | * as tº ~. * 9 I O — 22: 14 + 4'85 + I" 2 - I I*2 I + 21.70 — 4 I 2 I I I 2 — Ig'95 — I’61 - 'o6 © ‘45 © I3 I4. —- 20-68 — 2 "3o + O'9 – 14° 14. + 17:45 – 9:74. I 3 I6 I5 — 13:41 — 1 o'71 + I 15 + o-or + 16-23 + 277 I 4. 17 I 8 — 16:94 — 4°o I + o-76 — 13’5 I + 12:41 — I 2°o5 * | | | : – º - f º: + o'78 — 6'o6 + 1 I'oz — 5'83 I6 2 28 — 8° — I'68 ; : 3o tºº ...; — I’27 + o'47 – 7:42 + 5'98 — 7.87 I 33 3 — I 4-5 — 2:31 - º - 7 35 3. º # i – I '83 + o-69 – 10:32 + 774 — 1 1.78 * | * | * | – ; + 6'99 || + 1.66 – 3:51 + 21-63 F — 9-88 I9 || 4 I 4O — 20°47 + 9'69 •38 •6 & * . . * * * * 43 42 — 19:45 + 8-93 + I – 4:04 + 17:20 — I I "O2 26 45 44. — 43°40 — 7-95 + 2.84 + 16-ol + 43:25 + 7.54. 29 46 47 — 17:50 – 4'O2 + I'23 + O'83 + 16-94 + 2:37 3o . : – º: f : + o'88 + 2.93 + 1 I'54 + 5° Io November 1 - % . f : i ; + O'O2 + 5-64 — I’52 + 5-44 2 I I I 2 – 6:13 + 3:38 *. aw- I6 º – 6.86 f #3; + o'52 + 1-67 + 6'47 + 4'27 I5 + 475 * | . . . . . . . ; ; ; + o-55 – 186 + 823 + 1.43 22 23 — 6-6 • I 4. 24 25 * º i §: + o-48 — I ‘50 + 719 + 1'48 * | * | * | = }; + o'55 + o'92 + o'O4. + 1282 | + 517 7 33 3 I – 20.91 + o-61 i 36 3. – Ig'94 f §: - || + I'o'8 — Io'83 + 1890 — 4.67 35 + or 17 Io 37 38 *º 29:29 + o-40 + I 19 — 5:40 - + 17:47 — 3’ I I 172 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 1851. hº corrº Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error O. in O Of of Of of f - d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac Nauticºmme Year and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For Az. For Z.ID. A / A/ s A/ // // 1851. November II º : – : f : + O'94. – 6: I I + 13:53 — 5°28' I 2 5 — O’2 — 3°33 ‘. ; ; gº ; — 275 + o-37 — 8°23 + 4*79 – 8:44 8 * * * =sº e 13 4. * gº ‘. *sses º: + o-57 — I'o6 + 7.62 – 2:48 I4. – ; f º -- I ‘2O — 6-89 + 14.76 — Io-65 I5 I 2 I 3 — 13.65 I " I O te * • ? tº I4. I5 — I4°55 f 5' 28 + o-88 — 6'36 + 9'98 – 993 * | | | | | | | | | f : rió | – 746 | + |31 || – 29. I 20 21 — I 4.” • 2 7 22 23 * #. † : + 1-17 — O'3o + 15-84 — 7'og * | | | | | | | | | f : + reg | – oio | + isos | – 660 I 28 2 — 8'16 5. 25 33 3. — 1976 – ...; + 1-43 + 4'48 + 19.60 + 5:45 * | . . . . . . . ; ; 4 o’ss + 335 | + 33, + 479 3o 3 5 — 2-65 — fº° - ber tº- * gº e December 2 # * . *sº ; cºsmºs ; + o'66 — o'48 + 9'34 + 3:49 3 *sº wº gººs ſº : # * #: 4 º' . + o'71 + 378 + 8'44 + 7.54 4 8 % — 1 4-88 f . + o'85 – 6: I I + 14' Io — I “I 5 * | | | | | – ; - # + on – 73. + 1,46 – 376 I 5 — 18’ I 5 o°3 I & 7 ; ; tºmº *: f 3:60 + o'97 – 7:27 + 14.95 – 4:74. 8 I8 2O — 2 I-64 + 4*7 * | * – : + 6' 12 + I'34 — 9' 17 + 19.61 – 7:45 22 – 2171 9 : 26 – ; — I'34. + I*25 — 373 + 17:22 — 4’33 IO 3o 29 — 25'45 + 5°25 + I-33 – 9:33 + 17:15 — I I'54 SECT. III.-COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH NAUTICAL ALMANAC. 173 Reference Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error Corrected Error No. in of of of Of of of Y d D Greenwich Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac | Nautical Almanac ear and Day. Observations. Azimuth. Zenith Distance. l{.A. Longitude. E.N.P.D. For AZ. |For Z.D. // Af S z/ // // 1851. ! IDecember 1 I 3 I 32 — 16:5o + 2*33 34 || 33 — I 8: 16 + 1-46 + oxg7 – 9:29 + I I-29 — I I '94. I 3 36 35 — 18:46 + 6'99 + I “2 I — 5'50 + I 4'47 — I i 32 I 8 37 38 – 20°og + 7.94 + 1-39 + 4, 17 + 2 o’81 -- I'97 26 39 || 4o — 6-89 + 1-76 tº º º • ? 4. I 42 – 3:56 + 4'o I + o' 28 + 4'24. + 2:39 + 5°33 28 I 2 – 9:27 + I 15 + o-55 + 1-92 + 675 + 4.96 3o 3 — 3°75 - A "O # | | | T ...; - # + ooz – 461 | + 2.09 || – 4:14 3 I 9 -H o'o6 — 5:05 e e % I O + or 17 4- ; — o'o.3 mºsasº. 4'o.3 + 1-o'7 º 3-91 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. R EDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS OF TH E M 00N, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION IV. ERRORS OF THE TABULAR PLACE OF THE MOON FROM OBSERVATIONS WITH THE ALTAZIMUTH; AND COEFFICIENTS OF THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES OF ELEMENTS. 176 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH IUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION IV.-COMPARISON OF MOON's PLACE FROM Arazmura OBSERVATIONs witH MOON's TABULAR PLACE ; AND COEFFICENTS OF THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES OF ELEMENTS. #5 # jºi. #5 gää # 3 # #3 3|T 3 # à * # # #: # # gº gº # = # à # 1847. d h in // f / f / // 11 || g \ |\ \\ | | | | | | | | | | | " f / f/ | f | g \ |\ \\ } \ May 16. 12. 39'3 |39'14|+ o' 16 |+ 6'29 |66:45||14. oil. 98|| 2. 32|I. 33 43 || 5'9||o. 6o 48 || 15°o | I I-29|+ 371 |+ o-o2 63-73||15. 561. 32|22.2 I 9. I 2. 36.7 32-33|-|- 4:37 – 6-17 | 58:2012. 411. 33 o. 641. 31' 16 || 6-6||1.39| 53 ||26-2 28-29 – 2:og -- 1: 16 || 59°o?|15. 65|o. ºr. 2O. I 2. 15-2 || 1 I'93|-- 3:27 – 6.60 56.67||11. 331. 18|| o. 35||1. ob; Io || 7'o'I. 67 52 | 18-9 || 2 I-78– 2-88 |+ 2'o8 59-2015. 15io. 55337 21. 5.53. 32.8 || 33:28 30-63|+ 2:65 – 8:53 54.12||10.39||1. og o. 25||o. 87 o8 || 7'o' 1.88 5. Io:60 13:51 – 2.91 |+ 6'58 6-67|14. 63 o, 43.35% 22. 6. 36.47°4 || 33-05 30°og|+ 2.96 – 1485 48 I 1|| 8.96:1. oil o. 25||o. 56 o8 || 7-3|2. I4 49 |34'03 36-62 – 2:59 |+ 9-60 67°o 113. 750 29.37% 23, 12. 193 1475]+ 4:55 |–1644|48'11||7. 16|o. 97 o. 48|o. 23, 13 || 7-82.42 46 9.3 || 1 o'87– 1:57 |+11:03 || 69.46||12. 52'o. 1838:8 24. I2. 62.8 56-51-- 6:29 – 1 o'94 55.35|| 5.68|o. 99|| o. 86|o. of 21 || 8°o 2.59 42 3o'o 3o'66 – O'66 |+15°oš 74.39||1 I. 39|o. 12|39.6 25. 8. 44. 14-8 ; 25'06. 1778|+ 7:28 – 1 I-40 || 55.88||4. 441. O4|| 1.30|o. oo 3o || 8:3|2. 71 39 15:23, 15-62|- o'39 + 10-60 |70°21||1o. 36|o. 1 o' 39-9 26. 9. 28. 259 || 51° 14' 44'52|+ 6-62 6:51 |601 || 3 oz 1. 14|| 1. 94|o. off 40 || 8:52.8o 35 | Io'54 Io'76 – o 22 |+ 8:57 | 68.35|| 9, 11|o. 12|39.9 27, 10. 14, 32°1 |41-233632|+ 491 I-81 |63. Iol. 1.891. 29| 2.67|o. 26. 48 || 8:8||2.83 30 31-62. 31'89 – O'27 |+ 8.86 | 68-59. 7. gojo. 1839'4 & 28. I I. 2.56.4 || 55-89, 5o'41|+ 5°48 o:33|65'15|| o. 961. 47|| 3.47|o. 55 53 || 9 ||2.81. 26 34-63. 35:33– o'70 |+ 1 1' 19 |70°49' 6.78|o. 28||38.2 29. 1 1. 53. 44°o 67°o2 58:58|+ 8.44 2°39 66'o6|| o. 32|I. 69|| 4, 31||o. 88 54 || 9°3 2. 72| 21 52'24. 53' 18– O'94 |+ 373 || 6279|| 5.82|o. 43||36'4 30, 12.46. 36°o 71'I 1|57'o'7|+ 14:04 – 6.38 |67-66|| o. oa I. 94|| 5. 12||1. 19 50 || 9'6|2.58. 18 58:27, 59'83 – 1:56 |+ 3:24 61-68||5. oblo. 60||34 | 31. 13.40. 52' I 34-69) 14:61|+2o.o.8 6-28 || 738ol o. 142. 20 5.89||1. 41' 42 || Io. 12.40 14 || 7-60. 829 – o'69 – o'26|59'o5|| 4.63|o. 81|31-3 June 1. 14.35. 38' I 36'89 12-13|+24.76 8:20 76'56|| o. 642. 46|| 6.55|I. 51 32 || 1 o'4|2. 17. I I 47-62 46'96-- o'66 – 1.68||58'98|| 4.5oz. of 28-3 2. 15. 30. 4:3 66'90 40-62|+26-28 – 12:38|73'go|| 1.532. 71 || 7. Ioſ I. 47. 22 || Io'7||1. 92 og 1774 1572]+ 2'oz – 7'33 54-69|| 4. 721. 25||247 4. I2 31'4 || 1 I-17]+2023 — 16:69 63.54 933, oã|| 7.70|I. Og og | I I'3||1. 41 o8 60°4 |56'92|+ 3:48 – 11:44 |52'O4|| 5. 971. 6018? 6. 18, 59.517 | 16:02 iro4 4'98 ||— 4.65 6o:33| 7.743. I 7| 7. 63|o. 42. Io | I I '8||0. 80 I O II* 2 O 58.4 5:37 – 8:go 56'47|| 8. 701. 87||12'o 8. I 2 519 |58-62|– 6'72 + o-oi 53.29.10. 493, oil 7, o&ſo, og 23 || 12:4|o. 42 1.4 |507 |49' 12|+ 1:58 — 16:48 |45'10||11. 12.1. 89|| 8:8 15. I2. 18. I | 12:71-- 5.39 – 14:58 |50-81||12. 911. 43| 2. Óo|I. 4o 39 || 14-8|o. 24. 43 2-9 I 12|+ I '78 |+ 1.78 63.56||15. 740.77||15.2 17. I2. 33-3 || 25-26|+ 8:04 6:37 61-67 . 781. 12|| 0.85|I. 4o 20 || 15:4|o. 64 49 27°o 28-21 – I’21 |+ 4.70 || 63-49||14. 61 o. 42||207 18. I2. 66.3 59:22|+ 7'o'8 5-99 ||61°og| 9.431. o.3 o. 48||1. 22 13 || 157||o. 89 51 | 6′5 | 8:36— I'86 |+ 3-94 62°o8||13.75lo. 29|23.5 19. 5. I4, 37°4 || 15:14. 9:52|+ 5.62 3:23 62.39|| 8.4olo. 99|| o. 31||1. O3 og | 16°ol I. og 52 36 os 37-80– I'72 |+ 7.76 | 66-04||13. o.º.o. 22|25.5 2O. I 2. 26.7 22.67 + 4'oï 6-86 |57: 17|| 6.5olo. 97| O. 23|o. 65 oz || 16:4|I. 45 53 || 15: I | 1592– O'82 + 1 o'56 69'74||11. 62o. 13|29'o 2 I. I 2. 367 33:81|+ 2.89 6.45 56-44|| 5. O3|I. or || o. 35 es Io || 17-ol. 73 52 3-5 || 3:68|— of 18 + 11.53 71.35||1o. 450. Iolá1-6 22. 7. 22. 28.3 24.5o 22.86|+ 1:64 8:07 |53.57|3. 911. o?| o. 56|o. 17, 15 || 17-ol. 94 51 |51:56, 51.21|+ o-35|+ 999 |70°34|| 9. 49b. 11|33.3 Sub. || Sub. Sub. Sub. ||Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. sub. sub. sub. Sub. 6&oo 7. o2 2. do 4. Soló. 76 33 || 2&slf. 4? 33 6&colio. 311. So 237 SECT. IV.–COMPARISON OF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES. 177 meora" 2: : : : : å : gi igli fi : # : gå gås : å : : : gi i: : : 2 * å53 g== ää gå :s - - - g= ä * E gå : : : g = å = : i: gå : : 1847. d h m s // // // // // g v \ \\ | \ \\ | g \ | \\ | \ | g \ | \\ / // // / / // g \ | \ \\ | \ June 23. 8. 7. I 995337 53 24 + o 13 - o88 || 59 25 2. 6o I. 19 1. ooo. o2 24 || 17-6|2. 20 49 || 1990 19:57 + o 33 + 976 || 7o og 8. 26.o. 15356 24. I 2. 47- 3 | 4786 – o 56 – 895 || 5o 49 I. 381. 38 || 1. 65o. oz 36 || 1792. 45 45 || 133 || 1364- o"34 + 6:16 || 6582 6. 99o. 26376 25. I 2. 212 || 21:49 – o 29 - 4 oI 557o o. 62.1.57 2. 33o. 16 45 || 1822. 62 42 || 524 || 5376 – 1 36 + 867 || 67 31 6. o2 o. 3938 9 26. I 2. 63 I 5972 + 3 38 – 76o || 5578 o. 151. 8o 3. ogo. 40 51 || 1862. 75 38 36:6 | 39 o5 – 245 + 1 1 o6 || 68 61 5. 25.o. 56|398 27. I 1. 30. 52'o 23:39 1524 + 8 15 – 5:21 || 62.94 O. O32. O4 3. 87.o. 7o 54 || 1892. 8. 34 | 57:51 612 1 – 37o + 846 64 76 4. 73o. 754o'o 28. I 2. 584 || 43 23 + 15 17 - I o"43 64.74 O. 282. 3o 4. 69 1. o3 52 || 1922. 83 29 || 207 || 2464 - 394 -- 4-57 || 6o 63 4 5oo. 96.39 5 3o. I 2. 75 5 | 48-69 +26 81 – 22:38 || 64.43 I. 862. 78 6. I 61. 47 38 || 1982. 7o 2 1 238 || 2549 – 1 69 + o 66 || 5897 5. o61. 3936-6 July 4. I 7. 49. 20-6 6977 54 92 + 1485 – 126o || 6225 8. 413. 15 7. 76o. 88 o8 || 2141.84 og 15 7o 1475 -- og 5 – 7 o8 || 53.87 9. 861. 90.237 5. 18. 41 282 29.50 23 25 + 625 – 691 || 59.34 10. o73. o5 7. 73o. 57 o8 || 2181.56 o8 || 115 o"83+ o 32 – 9 1o || 51221 1. 321.88.20 2 7. I 2. 5-6 || 862 – 3 o2 - 7 16 4982 12. 352. 74 7. 26. o. 16 18 || 224 1. og og 272 || 27.30 – o Io – 7-96 || 51 94 13. 511. 7415 o 8. I 2. 6 6 14 67 – 8 o7 – 386 || 48 o713. 262. 51 6. 79 o. o6 27 || 227o. 83 1o || 18 | 1 o2 + o 78 – 765 | 53 1314. 531. 59.124 18. I 2. Io'o || 4 og + 591 - Io 41 || 555o 5. 83o. 99 o. 361. Io Io || 26-2 o. 46 47 || 31. I 31. I 1 – oroI + 384 || 6383 Io. 7oo. I o 154 21. 6. 46. 18 8 18:51 1463 + 388 – 328 || 6o 6o 2. I 61. 25. o. 4oo. 29 12 || 27 11. 16 52 | 17. I 2. I 6 26 + o86 + 8 o5 | 68 91 7. 48o. 2122 9 22. 7. 34. I I I 174 921 + 2:53 - 641 || 56 12. I 161. 42 o. 76o. og 19 || 27.41.45 53 || 15:52 14 og + 1 43 + 484 || 6627 6. 43o. 3326'o 23. 8. 24. 242 || 6o 57 58 29 + 2:28 - 382 || 5846 o. 441. 64 1. 26.o. oo 29 || 2771. 74 52 || 1743 17:56 – o 13 + 6 13 66 oo 5. 55o. 4829 o 25. Io. I 2. 399 || 20:38 1397 + 641 - 1o 22 | 56 19. o. o82. I 4 2. 62o. 24 48 || 2862. 27 48 || 5 39 941 - 4 o2 + 779 || 63 77 4. 54o. 89 349 26. I 1. 9. I 29 || 7oo2 582o + I 182 - 1423 || 57-59 o. 492. 4o 3. 43o. 53 53 || 2892. 48 45 | 2 o8 7 50 - 542 + 5 Io || 59.68 4. 541. I 137'o 27. 12. 6. 3 5 5o 82 3266 + 18 16 - I 120 || 6696 I. 282. 66 4. 27. o. 86 54 || 2922. 65 41 || 9.39 1483 - 5 44 + 5 1o || 59.66 4. 921 3438-9 28. I 2. 53 9 || 31:57 + 22:33 – 1682 || 65:51 || 2. 382. 87 5. o51. 16 5o || 29 52.76 37 || 16 || 6. I 1 – 4:51 – o 28 || 552 1 5. 631. 54|398 29. 13. 57.35 1 6939 46 87 + 22:52 - 15:36 || 67 16 3.893. o5 5. 85.1.41 42 || 2982. 83 32 || 20:35 23:21 – 286 – o 39 || 5675 6. 741.7140 o 3o. 14 51.453 || 7181 52 91 -- 1890 - 1645 | 6245 5. 563. I 5 6. 521. 51 33 || 3o 12. 83 28 || 24.44 25 92 – 148 – 4:24 || 54 28 8. o61. 83.393 31. 15. 45. 9 o4o 20 24 93 + 1527 - 1 o 61 6466 7. 313. 18 7. o8||I. 48 23 || 3o 62.77 23 37-31 3821 – ogo – 2 67 || 56 43 9. 521. 8937.7 Aug. 1. 16. 38. 136 1922 5 oI+ 14:21 - 861 || 656o 9. o63. I 2. 7. 491. 31 14 || 3o 92.65 19 57.95 59 o6 – 1 11 – 3:37 || 55.52 11. oII. 89.35.6 2. 17. 31. 236 59 69 4473 + 1496 - 4 39 || 7o 57. I O. 672. 99 7. 721. O4 og || 31 22. 49 16 5o 13 51 26 – 113 – 743 || 5144 12. 421. 83329 3. 18. 24. 548 65 95 51 30 + 1465 - 6 14 68 5112. o32, 8o 7. 77.o. 73 o7 || 31.52. 28 13 2980 3178 – 1 98 – 4 96 || 53 o613. 681. 72 297 6. I 2. I 19 || 1 o 67 + 123 - 4.56 || 56 67 13. 952. 14 7. o6. o. 1o 22 | 32 31. 59 o8 || 86 || 1 og 1- 2:31 – o 57 || 57 1215.71.1. 252 12 I 4. I 2. I o"8 || 4 92 + 588 - 1592 || 49 96 6. 660. 97 1. 40 I. 46 31 || 34 6. o. oi 27 49 5 | 48 89 + o 61 + 3 24 63 851 o. 91 o. 1 1 74 2O. 7. 5. 158 1571 8 21 + 7.50 - 5 oo || 62 50 o. 261. 72 o. 54 o. 1815 36 oo. 68 49 52 32 4993 -- 2:39 + 1 77 || 64: 16 5. eg o. 6o I 5-6 Sub. Sub. sub Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. | Sub. Sub. Sub. 6éoo 7. o22. db + dolló. 76 38 || 28.81. 42 3o 66 oolio. 2 ili. So 237 GREENWICH LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. Z 178 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. | As As sº '#3 | #3 ||# . . . . ; . . || # & . . ; 3 5 34a | #3 lºg ||a !] ; ; ; Aug. 21. 7. 58. 14.3 8.77| I'91|+ 6-86 – 10:39||56'47| O. O.31. 97|| O. 96|o. O3 24 || 36'2"|o. 95 51 ||47–39 46.45|+ o'94 |+ 3-48 || 64'42|| 4, 640, 80||18-4 23. 9. 49. 25.3|51:51, 43'04|+ 847 – 9-27 |59:20 o. 742.5o 2. 23|o. 13 43 ||36'6||1. 53 53 || 33-3o 36-67 – 3:37 - ogo 5573| 4.721. 25||25.5 25. I2. 39°4 || 23:52|+ 15.88 – 1275 6313| 2.972. 95|| 3.83|o. 69' 54 || 37'2|2. og 5o 22:2 ||26-47 – 4:27 |+ o-80 |56-53. 6. 291. 66||32.4 26. 12. 38.41.4|54:27|37'97|+ 16-30 ||— 14:20 |62. Iol 4, 5ol3. Og| 4.66||1. o2 52 || 37°4|2. 33 47 39°33 42-36 – 3:03 |+ 4:64 61-61||7. 551.8o35-4 27. 13.34. 112 |70°56' 58.25 + 12:31 – 13.58||58-73| 6. 223. 17| 5.46||1.3o 47 ||37.6|2.53 44 16:05 17:47 – 1:42 + 1 13 59.71 || 9, oz|I. 88||37.7 28. I2. 635 | 56°40|+ 7. Io – 13.82 53.28|| 7. 813. 17| 6. I 11.46 39 || 37.8|2. 68 40 || 137 | 1.4°o8— o'38 |+ 4:23 63.85|Io. 411. go||39. I 29. 15. 24. 22.1 |44'67|41-24|+ 343||— 6'oz 57°41' 9. 693. O8|| 6.80|I. 51 28 || 38°o 2.79 36 |47'go. 47°88|+ o'o2 – O'O4 |59'98||12. oã|I. 85|40'o 31. 17. 14. 20.5 ||61-69, 48.79|+ 12 go – 6.63 | 66:27|12. 472. 72|| 7.62|I. 19. I 1 || 38.5|2.81| 26 28.68|30'1 1 – 1:43 + 1.63| 60'2014. 48|I. 6038'g Sept. 1. 18. 8.5o'516971 52'86+ 16-85 – 4:65||72'2013. 372.47|| 7.76|o. 9o o8 || 38:7|2. 74 22 || 54.54|57'30– 276 – 3.97 53.27|15. 291. 41||37.3 2. I2. 58°o 41'46]+ 16-54 – 4:19 | 72°35||13.7812. 29|| 7.75|o. 67 o8 || 38:7|2. 65. 19 |38.9 |42'20 – 3:30 |+ 4: 14 60-84|15. 66|I. 27|35.9 3. 19.54, 3o4 || Io'g8 o'30+ Io'68 – 4:17 | 66:51||14. oil I. 95||7.52|o. 30 13 || 39°o|2.43 15 29°32' 32°97|- 3-65 |+ 4 13 || 60°48|15. 931. Oo32-9 4. I2. 53°o 45' 10+ 7'go — I'ol | 66-89)|13. 881. 78|| 7. 29|o. 17 18 || 39' 12. 29, 13 23.6 26:63|– 3:03 |+ 6-82 63-79||15.87|o. 87|31 | 5. I2. 21:9 15:56|+ 6'34 – 1: 16 || 65' 18||13. 401. 56|| 6.82|o. off 27 || 39°3|2. O6. Io 2°o 3-89— I'89 |+ 391 || 62'oz|15.56|o. 68||28-3 6. 12. 40'9 32°33|-|- 8:57 – 2:19 | 66°38||12. 62|I. 37| 6. 23|o. of 36 || 39.4|1.8o og 237 24'47|— o'77 |+ 2.37 ||61-60||15. oolo. 51|25.5 I4. I2. I I'3 I'50+ 9-80 ||— 15 oz 54.78|| 2. O4|I. 26|| o. 69||1. 34 17 || 4o'5||o. off 24 209 | 18:30|-- 2:60 |+ o-o3 62-63| 6.62|o. 30|| 8 | 16. 12. 83 o' 19|+ 8'1 1 ||— 6'68|61°43| o. 42|I. 64 o. 24|o. 83 oz || 4o'7|o. of 32 #277 || 23.64|+ 4'o6 |+ 2'oo 66'o6|| 5. Iolo. 60|| 7-5 18, 6.40. 41'5|32°33' 26-13|-|- 6'20 – 11-62 54.58|| o. o.42. O7| o. 39||o. 31|| 1 || || 4o'9|o. 15 40 || 17 Io. 14'ool-- 3:10 – o'o6 63'o5|| 4.5I]o. 95|| 87 2O. I 2. 49'3 44-65 + 4.65 – 7-31 |57'34|| 1. 18.2. 63| 1.31|o. oo 3o || 41' I ſo. 54 48 35.8 |37-52|— I'72 – o'87 |57:41|| 5. 12|I. 41||129 2 I. I 2. 34-6 29.99|+ 4:61 – 6-og 58:52| 2. 252. 85| 1.93||o. off 39 || 41.1|o. 78 50 59-3 || 62.88— 3.58|+ 4:50 | 60'92 || 5.93|I. 6015.9 22. Io. 20. 44.6ſ. 865 4:26+ 4.39||— 5:04|59:35|| 3.513, or 2.58||o. 23 47 || 41.2|1. oz 52 |24.63|28-82– 4:19 – 2:24|53.57| 6.961. 7418.9 23. I I. 16. 41.7 1675. Io94|+ 5'81 – 5-66 || 6o 15|| 5. 133. 13| 3.39||o. 51| 53 || 41-3||1. 32 53 6'1 1 9' 17|– 3'o6 |— o' 12 |56-82|| 8. 36.1. 85||22:7 24, 12. I2. 55.5 |5o'41|44:33|-|- 6°o8 – 12:28 53.8o 6.883. 18|| 4. 22|o. 85 54 || 41.4|I. 61| 52 13:52, 1474 – 1:22 – 4.83 53.95 g. 911. go||26-5 25, 12. 17°o 1318|+ 3.82 – 12:03 || 51.79| 8. 563. 15|| 5, or 1. 15 50 || 41°4|I. 88 51 21:9 21:22|+ o'68 ||— o'87 59'81||11. 41|1.88|30'2 26. I4, 6, 36°1 |38'33. 37:38|+ O'95 – 13'98 || 46-97 Io. 293, o& 5.81||1. 4o 43 || 41'5|2, 16 49 |54:39, 52'63|+ 176|+ 1-11 || 62-87|12. 941. 79||337 27. 15. 3. 457 || 17°49' 18-49|— I’oo – 16-80 || 42-2011. 732.86|| 6.49||1. 51 33 || 41'5|2. 39 46 47.33 46.32|+ I to 1 – 3:13 57-88||14. 17|1. 65||36'3 28. 16. o. 31'o 33°18' 31-63+ 1:55 – 18:41 |43-14|12. 852. 63| 7. O6||1. 48 23 || 41'5|2.58 43 51.91|51'97 – o'o6 |+ o-o5 59.99||15. og 1.47|38.2 29, 24. 54'3 |46-86|+ 7.44 – 13:05 || 54.39||13.762. 3ol. 7.56||1. 26 12 || 41.6|2. 75' 38 54.4 |49'98|+ 4:42 – 372 6o'70||15. 781. 2039.7 Oct. 2. 12. 37'3 28'50+ 8.80 – 11'o6 57.74|13. 711.68|| 7.71|o. 53 og || 41.6|2.82. 27 31-6 || 34-65|– 3'o5 |+ 11. 48 68°43||15. 61|o. 70|39'4 sun. Sub. Sub.]| Sub. ||Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub. sº 6&oo 7. o??, do 4. ość. 76 3, 20.8li. 4. 30 6&oolić. 2 ili, o, 237 SECT. IV–COMPARISON oF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONs wITH TABULAR PLACEs. 179 # # z Z O O A S |Å: 5 || + <| S || 5 ô 2; 5 O {= S |# ( 1847. h m s // ff // f/ // g \ | \ \\ | \ \\ ||g \ | \\ \ |g \ | \\ 11 f // f/ 11 || g \ v \v | \ Oct. 3. I 2. 10-2 | 3-04+ 716 - 4.7362-43|13. o91.47| 7.48o. 27 14 |41-62.75| 22 |133 |1552– 222 + 4'69|62-47|15. o80.53|38-3 5. I 2. 683 |55-77|+ 1253 – 337|69-16|I 1. o51. 15| 6. 560. o5| 31 |41-6|2. 46 15 333 |36'53– 323|+ 6-03|62-8o|13. 420.25349 6. I 2. 218 | 336+1844 - 7-1571.29|9. 741. o5| 5. 910. 1341 |416|2. 25| 12 |37. I 367o+ o'40 + 5'42|65-82|12.370. 1732,7 I 3. O. 369 |1744+ 1946 - 22'o9|5737| I. 141.43| 1. 16|I. 45| 26 |4130.58| 12 || 2:1 | O'05+ 2-05 – 148|6o'57| 5.500.49154 I 7. O. 49'7 |489I|+ O'79 – 186|5893| O. 412. 37| O. 26|O. 53 O8 |4I'oo. O2 27 || 74 || 5'44+ 196|+ o"43|62-39| 4.741. 26| 8-1 18. 7. 12. 35|57-7456'58+ 1:16 – 7865330| 1. 412. 69| o. 530. 20 15 |40'9|0. oI| 32 || 936| 997– o61 – 138|58-01| 5.511.51| 74 19. 8. 5. 37-3| 194 o"15+ 179 - 3. 20|58-59|| 2. 602. 90| o. 940. 03| 23 |40'80. 07 37 | I 167146o– 293|– o'74|56-33| 6.48|1. 68| 77 20. 8. 59. 406|17'5o|1745+ o05 - 1475858|4. o93. o6| I. 500. OI 33 |40'70. 1941 | 446 871– 425 – 114|54-61| 7.741.81| 89 21. 9.54. 296| O'68 391 – 3:23 – 2’57|5420| 5.783. 16| 2. 19|O. I 2|43 |40'6|o. 36| 45 4295|4759– 4-64|– 350 |51-86| 9. 21|1.89|10-8 22. 10. 50.220 |32-40|35'o3– 263 – 2’20|55' 17| 7.553. 17| 2. 95o. 36 50 |40-50. 57| 48 773 1065 – 292 – 325|53-83|10. 781. 90|13:5 23. I 2. 328 |34-35 – 155|– 6'53|51-92| 9. 303. I 1| 3.780, 67 54 |40'4|0.83 51 |42-4 |43:23– o'83 – 6.66|52-51|12.321 84|168 24. 12. 45. 41. I 34.8734-30+ 0-57 – 819 |52'38|10. 872. 97| 4. 61|I. Oo 53 |40'3|1. Io 52 | 2'32 141|+ o91 – 229 5862|13. 68|1.71|204 25. 13. 44. 250 46'7746'o9+ o'68 - 1256|4|8|12|12. 192.77| 5.42|I. 28|47 |40'o|1. 40| 53 | 456 342+ 1-14 – 155|5959|14.761.54|242 26. 14. 42.430 |33'77|34:12- o35 – 1307|46'58|13. 182. 54| 6. 151, 47 38 |39'9|1. 69 52 |1762 1746+ 0-16|+ 492 |65-08|15. 511.34 278 28. I 2. 56'4 |56-67– o"27 - 1357|46: 16|14. o02. o6| 7. 19|I. 45| 20 |39-62. 1849 |40'9 |4327– 2-37|+ 147|59-10|15. 92|o. 9433:5 29. 17. 25. 17:1 || 55.74| 55-51|+ o"23 – 1439|45'84|13. 841. 76| 7. 61|I. 2 I| II |395|2. 45 45 || 31673499– 332 + 5'73|624I|15. 59|o. 7o36-3 30. 18. 13.50'7 |3167|30'23+ I'44|- I 2'O3|49'4I|I3. 30|I. 53| 7. 76|O. 92 o8 |39'4|2. 62| 42 || 1297| 16:19– 322 |+ 5'38|62-16|15. o20. 51|38-o 3I. 24. 425 |40-02|+ 248 – 820 || 54:28|12:24|I'30| 7.71|O. 54 o9 |39. I |2.77| 37 |36-3 3835– 205|+ 348|6143 * O3|O. 33 334 Nov. 1. 19. 43. 55.549 5545-19+ 436|- 776|56-6o|11. 331. 18| 7.54|o. 32| 12 |3892. 82|33 | 336 462 – 126|+12-16|70-90|13.240. 24|398 I O. O. 740 |4775+26-25|-2477|6148| O'8o|151|2. I 1|1. 38|41 |372|1. 57 o8 |484 |60'95–12-55|+ 262 |50'07| 4. 970. 64|28-5 I 5. I 2. 169 || 1674+ or 16 – 7.62 |52-54| 2. 122. 83) o. 26|O. 54 o8 |36'oo. 25 17 102 | 1476 – 4.56 – 194|5350| 6.431. 67 I 2'4. I 6. O. 380 |36'65+ 135|+ 4'04|6539| 2.752. 92| o. 32|o. 40 10 |36'oo. 1819 |139 | 1581– 191 – 329 |548o| 6.991.74|112 I 7. I 2. 383 |34:42+ 388 - 6:23|57-65| 5. o03. I 2| o. 78|O. O8| 20 |35-50. o3 25 563 |5992 – 362 – 1. og|5529| 8. 931.88| 8-6 18. 8. 35. 28:1 |32-05|30'39|+ 1*66 - 5'97|55-69| 6. 433. 17| I. 20|O. Oo 28 |35-3|o. Oo 29 |33.2437-46|– 422 |+ o97|5675|10. 17 I. 90| 77 19. 9. 30. 76|21-13|23:12|– 199 – I 19|56'82| 82O3. I 6| I. 82|O. O4| 38 || 35'O|O. O2| 34 |36-36|39-89|– 353 – 4.96|51-51 1.6sis, 7"4 2 I . I 2. 13. I 1652– 342 – 367 |529I|I 1. 432. 90| 3. 36 o. 5il 53 345o. 23 42 |136 | 1442– o'82 – 5'90|5328|14.351.62| 94 2 2. I 2. 44 || 4.08+ O'32 – 5'o555-27|I 2. 592. 69| 4. I 7|O. 82| 54 || 343|O. 41 46 | 343 |33:41 + o'89 – 330 57'59|I5. 22|I. 43|I 17 23. 13. 22. 26-3|4I'O0|3725+ 375 - 4:33|5942|13. 462. 44| 5. o0|I. 14 51 |34'oo. 64 49 | 427| 368+ o'59|+ 4-28|6487|15.771. 21 I43 Sub. || Sub. Sub.| Sub. ||Sub.|Sub.|Sub.|Sub.|Sub. Sub. || Sub. Sub.|Sub. 6óoo #. o22. do + oë6. 76 36 |268|ſ. 4° 3ð 65ocló. 2ili. * 237 Z 2 180 REDUCTION OF GREENwiCH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. ------- ---- |## #3 | # #3 |## || || | | | | | | | #| | | ###| #2, # 5 ºf #1847. d h m = f/ // f f // 11 || g \ |\ \| w| g \| w || V || a \\ f / | | f / f f | 1 || g \ |\ \\ || \ Nov. 24. 14. 19. 38'2 16:39. Io'48|+ 5°91 |+ o'76 | 66-67||13. 922. 18|| 5.78||1. 39 43 || 338||o. 9o 51 29°49. 29.98|— o'49 |+ 1'46 60'97||15.93|o. 98||17.5 27. 16. 53.58:5; 3297 31:31|+ 1.66 – 8°oo 53.66||13. O2|1.45|| 7.45||1. 33 15 || 32.7||1. 77 52 #42'04 45-47|– 3:43 |+ 4:50 61°o7|14. 47|o. 4o 27°o 28, 17, 39. 39'2 36.80 35'81|+ o'99 – 4:67 56-32||12. of 1. 27| 7.70||1. OS og || 32°4|2. O4 5o 53°25' 54.26— I’o 1 |+ 7'ol | 66°ool 13.520. 27|29.9 29. I 2. 19:3 1829|+ 1 or |— 6'32 54.69||11. 18.1. 16||7.77||o. 85 oz || 32°12. 23 49 51' I 53°o3|– I’93 |+ 1.54|59-61||12. 72'o. Ig|32°o 30, 19, 5.57°4|27:84 24.92|+ 292 – 3.68||59:24|9. 481. o.º. 7.67|o. 46 io || 31-g|2.5o 45 881 9'66– o'85|+ 9'66|68.81||11. 250. 11||34.9 Dec. I. 19.48. 8:3 57'79 53°33|-- ** — 876 55'70|| 7. 99|o. 98|| 7.39||o. 22 16 || 31-62. 66 41 31-60. 31.81|– O'21 |+ 4.67 64'46||10. O4|o. 10367 3. I 2. 42.8 36.16|+ 6-64 — 1.57 65'oZ|| 5.5olo. 99|| 6.59||o. of 31 || 31°o 2.81| 34 sº 52°33|-|- o'57 |+ 1 o'62 71' 19|| 8. Iolo. 16||38.9 I I. O. 7 I’o 55'13|-|- 15.87 – 15:64 || 60°23| o. 362. 34|| 1, 2011. 46 27 || 28-6|I. 79 og : 1 I'3 | 12:04|— O'74 – 2:29 |56'97|| 5. IoI. 4032°o I 2. I 2. 37:5 31-65+ 5.85 – 13:06 52.79|| 1.5oz. 71 || 0.54||1. 26, 14 || 28°o|1. 38 o8 3-2 || 4: 15|– O'95 – 293 56°12|| 6. 311. 66||27.5 13. 4, 47. 4.5 14:8o 12:03+ 2.77 – 8'98 || 53.79| 2. 302. 85| O. 35||1. og Io || 27.7|1. 19 o'S 30-72|32°17|— I'45 – 1:50 |57'05|| 7. O7|1. 75||25.2 14. 5. 38. 3-6 40°54' 38-44|+ 2. Io — 8-57 |53-53|| 3. 723. O3| O. 23|o. 79 o'7 || 27.4|o. 91| Io 775 Io'24|- 2'49 – 4:37 53-14|8. 351.85||21:9 16. 7. 21. 18. I |34.92 29' 18|-|- 5’74 – 6'45 59:29|| 7. I 13. 18. o. 51|o. 21 14 || 26.7|o. 43. 14 46-27 49'42|- 3 15 – 3:35 53:50.1 1. 24.1. 89||15.2 I 8. I 2. 57.8 |56-8ol-- I'oo – 6'og 54.91 |Io. 663, ool 1.55|o. or 34 || 25.8||0. Io 22 22:8 24:61|– I'81 – 7:27 50'92||14. O41. 67| 9.8 19. Io. 7, 4°o 38'21|38.66|— o'45 – 1.77 |57'78||11. 892.83| 2. 15||o. 1 1. 42 || 25'4|o. 03] 26 5-65. 6-27– O'62 |+ I '76 |61' 14|14. 921. 51|| 84 23. I2. 24-4 | 12:42|+ 1 I'98 |+ 3 19 75°17||13. 941.84|| 5. 32||1. 25 48 || 24' I ſo. 26 43 47°8 |47-89 – O’og |+ 1 13 ||61'O4|15. 49|o. 65|| 9'4 27. I2. 20:8 11.8o-H groo — o'oz | 68.98||10. 621. 11||7.53||1. 28 13 || 22:5||1. 20 52 55' I 56-49]— I’39 + 1-87 60°48||11. 85|o. 14|18-4 28. 17. 43. 41' I 53.76 45.89|-|- 7:87 |+ o-g? | 68-84|8. 931. or 7.75||o. 94 o8 || 22:11.55 52 48:65, 48:47|+ or 18 + o'73 || 60'91|Io. 39|o. Io 219 º 3. 24. 36.8 31°36|+ 5:44 – 7-69 57.75 o. 881.49 5. 27|o. 31' 47 || 19.8|2.8o 35 ; 5o'o 51 12– 1'12 |+ 5°34 64:22|| 4.71|o. 76||37.3 12. 5, 18.408 4478 41.68|+ 3:10 – 8.54|54:56|| 6. 023. 17| o. 27|o. 95 o? | 16.8||1. 68 o8 53-62 55.68|- 2'o6 – 3-65 |54°29)|10. 95.1. 8931. I 13. 12. 12:9 776|+ 5'14 —iscº 52-08|| 8. 1913. 16|| o. 25||o. 56 oS | 16.5||1.33 o'S #57-6 60'32– 272 – 14:09 43' 19||12. 67|1.81|27'o 15. 7. 58.45'2 47.29, 41.73+ 5.56 – 12:53 53'03||11. oã|2. 95|| O. 69||o. 11 18 || 158||0. 84. Io 57-65 60°o5– 2:40 – 262 54'98||14. 681. 56|20-9 16. 8.54. 32.7 33.33. 28.97+ 4:36 – 1 1.78 52.58||12. 342.75|| 1. 17||o. on 27 || 15:5|o. 59 12 51.91 53'49 – I'58 — I’93 56-49||15. 441. 37|17.5 I8. O. 6°o || 1:29|-|- 471 – 12:32 52.39||13. 652. 36|| 2. 18||o. 1 2 43 || 14:9)|o. 27, 17 59°5 |59'48+ o'O2 – o 18 59'84|15. 931. O2||12'8 2O. I 2. 54:9 |42-72|+ 12:18 – 4:84 67'34||13. 801. 73| 4, 12|o. 8o 54 || 139||o. of 27 53°o 52°18|+ o'82 |+ I-62 62'44||15. O5|o. 52|| 84 23. I 2. 63.2 |49'19.-- 14:01 – 4:15|69'86||11. 321. 18|| 6. 34|1.4g 36 || 13'olo. 14. 40 38.8 |38.98— o' 18 + 2.88 62.70 |12. 13|o. 15||7-8 26, 17. 3. 36°o 29.27 14:33|-|- 1494 – o'4o 54.54|| 6.84|o. 97|| 7. 69||1. Io Io || 1 1-8|o. 77 50 18:07. 16'43|+ I'64 + 377 65°41|| 8.35|o. 15||12'o 3I. 24. 8-5 6:22|+ 2.28 – 5 or 57:27. o. 581.58|| 6.32|o. of 35 || 10:3|2. 20 49 j642 32-81|+ 1 39 + 3:56|64-95|| 4, 530. 9026°o Feb. 8. o. 37.4 23°og|+ 14:31 – 1881 55.5o 4.733. I 1|| 1. 23||1. 46 27 || 8 ||2. 72] 2 I 24-7 || 24.75 – O'o6 – Io. 12 49'83||1o. 401. 90.4O'o Sub. || Sub. Sub. || Sub. ||Sub. Sub. ||Sub. ||Sub. Sub. Sub. sub. Sub. sub 6&oo ź. o?!?. do i. &ló. 76 38 || 23.8|i. 4? 38 6&oo 16, 2; i. oo 237 SECT. IV.–COMPARISON oF ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS WITH TABULAR PLACES I SI : : : : ås- g== : -eg 3= : <| || T. # 2, #6 || 3: | 3 || 3 || 5 || 2, #6 || || 5 || 3 || 3 | a £6 J, 23 | "A. Tº: E.; 3 p. |* 3 || 3 || 2, §6 || 5 || : #3 || 33 Tâ ##3 | ##3 |## 5 ##|## 3|* *| ##|# *|| 5 ##| #3 || 33 # | #7 = | #13 ||## 5 ##|: ; C/2 CO 2. O O ſº C ||2- O || | # g== |g=-|# *|34 || #| || || 3 |##| # | * | g = |g|*|# * g = |: ; 1851. d h m . // - - z/ // // A / | g \ |\ \\ |\ \ \\ | g \ \\ \ g \ \\ A/ A / A/ A/ // g \ | \ \\ || \ Nov. 25. o. 37:5 1870|-|- 1880 – 1960 59'2013. 991. 92|| 2.48|I. 28 45 || 335||o. 44 46 24.2 21:57+ 2-63 – 5.45|57: 18|| 8. 65.1. 87|39.4 29. 5.29, 16.1 |27°47' 21-03+ 6’44 – 3:32 |63'12|Io. 761. 12|| O. 34||1. os Io |32 ||I. 54 53 j41-74|46’20 – 4:46 – 479 |5075||13, 711. 71||37.9 3o. 6. 13. 30.6 24-26 19:62|+ 4:64 – 3:45, 61-19|| 9. 371. O3| o. 23||o. 78 oz || 31°9||1. 82 52 |42'27' 48-69 – 6'42 – O'88 52.70 ||14. 601.58||36-3 Dec. 2. 7.37. 177|38°26||37:60+ o-66 – 9:34, 51°32|| 6. 35|o. 98|| O. 52|o. 20 14 || 31°3|2. 33 47 II 24, 18:33– 7:09 – 3:49 |49'42||15. 731. 24|31-8 3. I2. 2.8 o'92|+ 1-88 – 8’44 53'44|| 4.631. o.3 o. 99||o. oO 24 || 31°o 2.56 43 ||39.5 |45'36|– 5-86 – 7.54|46-6015. 931. oz|287 4. O. 22.9 1963|+ 3.27 – 14 Io 49' 17| 3. 941. O7| I. 26|o. ool 29 || 307|2. 64 41 |57. I 62°13– 5:03 + 1'15|56'12||15. 91|o. 9227.3 5. g. 44. 18.6|40-92|31-83+ 9’og — 12'26|56'83| 2.201. 24|| 2. 14|o. 1 1. 42 || 3o4|2.79 36 22:25, 24.96 – 271 + 376 61°o5||15. 51|o. 66||23.2 7. 11. 19. 37.6 54.83|38:22|+ 16-61 – 14:95, 61-66|| o. 471. 63| 3.71||o. 64 54 || 29'5|2.82 27 || 30-62. 30.74— o'12 + 474 |64-62|14. oilo. 33||17.2 8. 12. 11.587 66:28 50'25]+ 16-03 – 1961 |56'42|| O. ob|I. 87| 4.55||o. 97 53 || 29:2|2. 74 22 Io'96 Io:62|+ o-34 |+ 7:45 67.79||12. 9olo. 21||14-3 9. I 2. 68.9 |56'11|+ 1279 – 17:22 55.57| o. oG|2. 11|| 5. 32|1.25 48 ||2892.62. 18 |42.8 |42.47+ o-33|-- 4:33|64-66||11. 67'o. 13||12'o 1o. 14. 3. 52'6|16:35 6'91|+ 944–17:15 52'29| o. 462. 39|| 6, ogſ|1.46 39 || 28-62. 44; 15 4:51, 4:34|+ or 17|+ 11.54||71-71|Io. 220. Io 98 11. 15. o. 57.4|43.40. 34:49|-|- 891 – 11'29 57-62|| 1. 25.2. 64|| 6.73|I. 52 29 || 28:3|2. 22 12 o’93 o'47|+ o°46 |+ I I-94 | 72°40|| 8.81|o. 13| 84 13. I2. 26.2 9:37|+16.83 – 14:47 62-36|| 3.533. oil 7.53||1. 28, 13 || 27.7|1. 75 og 24:3 23.82|+ o-48 |+ 11.32 |71-80|| 6.51|o. 32|| 7-4 I8. 24. 48.8 |30.61|+ 1819 – 20-81 |57:38||12. I 12.79|| 6.61||o. of 30 || 25'8|o. 37 15 547 52°46]+ 2:24 |+ I-97 || 64'21. 5. 1911. 43||18'o 26. O. 62-6 |52'91|+ 9'69 – 2:39|67'30|II. 711. 22|| 1.49||1. 46 32 23-1lo. 29 44 37-3 || 39'28|— I'98 ||— 5:33 52-69||13. 241. 76||37.6 28. O. 61.5 |50-25+ 1 I-25 |- 675 64.5° 9. I II. Oz o. 54|I. 26, 14 || 22:5|o. 71 50 I'I 772 – 6.62 – 4'96 || 4842||14. 971. 50397 3o. 6, 13. 30.7 49:46 42.82|+ 6:64 – 2°og 64,55|| 5.77|o. 99|| o. 24||o. 63 o8 || 2 I-5||1. 32 53 51.91 61°29 – 9:38 |+ 4*14 || 54-76||15. 891. I 1397 31. I2. 27-0 |22.77|+ 423 – 1:07 63.16|| 4 or 1. oz o. 41||o. 29 12 || 21:11. 67 52 32°o 40'38— 8:38 + 391 |55.53||15. 88|o. 87|38.7 | Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Subsub. Sub. Sublsub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. // 8 \ | \ \\ } \ \\ || g \ \\ \ || 5 \ } \\ Z/ 8 \ } \ \\ } \ 60°ool 7, o22. ool. 4. oolo. 76' 30 || 20.8||1. 42 3o 60°ool Io. 21|1. ool 23.7 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. R E D U (, TI () N OF OBSERVATIONS OF THE MOON, FROM 1831 TO 1851. SECTION W. ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS OF COMPARISON OF MOON'S OBSERVED AND TABULAR PLACE. D d 2 212 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. SECTION V, PART I.—ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS OF COMPARISON OF MOON'S OBSERVED AND TABULAR PLACE, FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. Assua, GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. // a \ \\ | g \ } \ \\ \ g \ | \ \\ ff g \ } \ \\ } \ \\ || g \ | \ \\ \ g \ | \ \\ 1831|| 45 || 2626-66||522. 62 84.77|162.60|31. 3612. 61|| 578:3| 75. 6312. oG 45 || 2755-79||109.59| 91.87|207. 8236. 28.13.56|| 1262.9|| 69.81|13.30 1832|| 4o || 2028'96||475. 52 82. 34|125. 98||22. g612. 66|| 408°o 44, 2010. Iof 37 2 177°59|Io?. 45 71. 20.155. 92||31. 91 9.86|| 961'4|| 47.67 9. 27 1833| 5o || 2676-34||602.82|Ioo, og|17o. 34||34. 1515. g6|| 726-7| 62. 69|14. 83 37 ||2273-49|| 81. 29, 73. 9o|158. 2028. oš|13.31|| 1 121-9|| 59.99|Io. 42 1834|| 57 || 3233:38||662. 37|116. 25||189. 13||37. 5616.31||1323;6|| 83. 4016. or 44 || 26oo'64|| 16.77| 8o. O4|168, o.71|Io. 35|| 935'9|| 38. 1514, 26 1835|| 48 || 2630°49'558, 57. 99.71|171. 29||37. 24|14. 43||1295:4|| 59. 63.15.43; 40 || 2489'63|I I I, 14 83. Io|| 19.75||22. 971 I. 38|| 54o'o. 43.83|14. 96 1836|| 48 || 2747-66||587, 88 99. 28||191. go4.o. ob|14.81| 1461.4|| 61. 94.17.22; 46 || 2802°o7|1 17, 25 92. 23||16.1. 36||28. 9414. 53| 491-9|| 69.7415. 55 1837| 43 || 2514:47|484. 14. 95.88|203. 1640. oolio. 75|| 1157–5||70. 97|14. 85 56 || 332878||141. 751 17. 57|2Oo. 1538.4818. 36|| 848-1|| 91.47|16.46 1838|| 51 || 2773-03||577. 421 og. 16|198.76||37. 43.15.31|| 1234"o 8o. 92.16. 26: 62 || 3772-83||163. 821 17. 66||234. 52|41. 722 I. 27| IoI 4-5 go, or 16.98 1839|| 55 || 3128'34||634.82|11o. 5o 226. 72 39.79|14. 96|| 976:4|106.8014. 61; 45 || 2797.28||113.80 81. ob|162.83|29. O314.87|| 1 || 17-6|| 68. 1214. 79 1840|| 55 || 31 Io'I 11605. 88108.41||170. O4|40. 31||15.53| 707'4|| 77. oor 4.73. 69 || 42.98°oI |178. 97142, 97|273. 18||54. 1712o. 68|| 1886'5||111. 33.20. 92 1841 || 55 || 2972°37|603. 46104. 65||152.8o37.4915. 8o 952-2|| 8o. 8814.82 49 || 3209'44|126.66 93.58||217. 26||37. o: I 3. 16|| 1390-5|| 65.53|16. O6 1842|| 7o || 4037.58||818. 76||136. 12|258.93||47. 99|20.5o 1250-1||104. 1419. 38; 69 || 4196'39||19|I. 77|144.5I]|288. 4o 52.5322. 37| 1636'8|| 96. 1419, 57| 1843|| 54 || 3163.28||654. 41||114.76||145. 26||31. 91.17. 94 wer, 68. 7914, o&# 59 || 3515. Io 159. O61 16.88|279. 26|42.87|18. 27|| 1414.6|| 68.37|17. 65 1844|| 70 |4242-44|807. 14137.45|293.42||49.5524. 12|| 1942.6||78. 2419, 22 77 ||4759.97||189 oš165. 23|258. 1554, oozA. 37| 10341||104. 6526.86 1845|| 63 || 402 I'30|741. 56126. 98|244. 73|48. 3520.85| 1996'7| 67.57|19. 7c. 59 || 3639°og|16.1. 121 17. 32||189. 33||36. 5118. 61|| 786'3| 98.45|21. 18 1846||72 |4455-19|846. 64148. 26||267.38||49. 64/19. 33|1715.3||125. 6122.82. 69 |4086°43|185, 901.35. 28|216. 28||42, 6722. 36||1020:4|163. 2721. of 1847| 62 |3574.82|691. 41,120.34|253. 1542. 3015. 62||1317.5||118.5718.55 72 |4517:27 I63. 20146. O6|282. 35|46. 1326.3ol. 1370°5||117. 9023. 14 1848|| 69 |43oo'49||789. 94,126. 57|246. 22||51. I 121. 38|| 1062'4|115. 41 18. 11 66 |4240.66 I61. 53137. 27|253.56|5o. 3121. 41 || 1784'2|IoI. 7920. 20 1849|| 66 || 3999-82.769. 64|131.53|227. 9948, 91|19. 19|| 8 16:3| 94.4717. 65. 69 |4656'12||184, 18134.54||3oo. 41||53. 5822. O6|| 1815-6||11o. 3720. 52 1850|| 86 || 5037-40||986. 25.157. O3||313. 36||59, 6925. go|1323-1||113. 7224.84 62 || 4186'24|17o. 41|I I I. 13|288.75||53. 63.18. 95||1858:4|| 94.0515. 48 1851 || 74 || 4452'o.3|869. 91130.85||266. 24|56.67|25. 33 1558.7| 93.82|21. 58 71 || 4646.71 |216. ool I4 I. 35||329. 32|55. 7320. 20, 1872.2|| 78.33|19. 42 .* | | | | | || || * | g \ | \\ 11 || g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ | \\ || V | g v w Obser n. 60°oo || 7. O2 2. oo || 4, oo || o. 76' 30 20:8 || 1.42 30 6o'oo || 7. O2 2. OO || 4. Oo || O. 76' 3o 20:8 || 1.42 3o 5- SECT. W., PART I.-ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS FROM MERIDIONAI, OBSERVATIONS. 213 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE WALUES OF CHANGE OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. INEQUALITY. 3 ||38|| #35 | ##|###|###| ##|### ## | ## #####| #35 | ##|###| ###| #####| ##| || # 335 . z/ g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ | \ \\ || V | g \ | \ w // g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ \ } \ \\ \ || g \ } \ \\ 1831|| 43 || 259689|301.47|| 14.93||181.54||33.99|11.57| 10677|| 76.51|11. 95; 47 || 2785-65||330. 74 61.71|188.88||33, 65|14. 60 773'5|| 68.93||13. 4I 1832|| 39 || 2092'94,309. 14104, 56||124, 86|24, 44. 9.94 584:3| 44.82 8. oé| 38 || 2 || 13.61 273.83 48. 98||157. O4|3o. 43.12.58|| 785'1' 47. O5|II. 31 1833 41 ||22138o308. 80199. 32||159, o427. 9913. 55| 641-6|| 51. 26.12.97. 46 ||2736,03375.31 64.67|169.5634. 3015.72|| 1207,o 71. 42|12. 28 1834|| 46 || 2731°87|377. I5|123.9615o. 7224. 93.12. oz| 593:3| 48. 9113. 60 55 || 3102.15 4OI. 99 72. 33,06. 44|40. 34|14. 64|1666:2|| 72.64|16.67 1835|| 44 || 2638'50305. I5|I22. 21||125. 67|24. 41|14. 23| 724.5|| 5o. og I4. 18; 44 || 2481-62|364. 56 6o. 60165. 37|35. 801 1.58||11 Io'9|| 53. 38|16. 21 1836|| 48 || 2788-89|372.74|127. 33||177.35|32.6516. 36|| 1025'9|| 65. og 15. 98 46 2760.84||332, 39' 64. 18|175. 9. 36. 37|12. 98|| 927'4' 66.5916. 79 1837| 58 || 3396.82|362. 29.159, on 249.45|48.51|17, 24|1347.2| 93. 6017. 14. 41 || 2446.43263. 60 54. 44. 153, 86|29. 97|11. 87|| 658-4|| 68.84|14. I7 1838|| 56 || 313378||414. 80151. 79 231. 42|41. 3017. 19||1593'o 76.91|17. 43 57 || 3412:08.326.44. 75. s 201.86||37. 85.19. 39|| 655'5|| 94. O2|15. 81 1839|| 4° ||22 1881|315.92|II i. 29||181. 27|33. 991 I. 38|| 1208.5||76. 33.13.17. 60 ||3706-81|432. 7c. 8o. 29|208. 28||34.83|18.45|| 885.5|| 98.5916. 23 1840|| 62 || 362o.56||374.31170.49|214.8848. 41|18, 35||1472:9||104.8716. 19| 62 ||3787'56|410. 54 8o. 89|228. 34|46. O7|17.86|| 1 121'o. 83.46|19. 46 1841|46 ||2615 op|315. 17125. oz|182.73|34. 8012.72| 941-g|65. 41|12. 28' 58 || 3566'72|414. 95. 73. 21||187. 33|39.77|16. 24|| 14oo'8|| 81. ool 18, 60 1842|| 67 ||3638'99||451.86|184.39||229. 89 46.79|19. 12| IoII’2|| 84. 27|19. 26; 72 || 4594.98||558.67 g6. 24|317. 4453. 7323.75|| 1875-7|1 16. oil 19.69 1843| 99 || 3418.93||475,72|159.87|208. 31||33. 1618. 17| | 181-8|| 69.9517.75 54 3259'45||337.75 71.77||216. 21||41. 62|18. O4|| 1640.2|| 67. 21||13. 98 1844|| 74 |4476'32|491. 58,293.84268. 23|51.4924, 12|| 1035°olio3. 2124. 16. 73 ||4526.09||504. 61' 98.84|283. 3452. oG|24, 37|1941.7| 79.68|21. 92 1845|| 59 |3512'3"|461. 43|16o. 51|200. 86|41. 8121. 23| 14876|| 76.77|18, 69. 63 || 4148.68||441. 25 83.79|233. 2043. of 18.23||1295:4|| 89.2522. 19 1846|| 68 |4050-56,502. 22.185. 56264. 98|48. 5920, 46|| 1721:5|| 94.4820.70|73 |4491-06||53o. 32 g7. 98|218.68||43. 7221. 23| 10142||134.40.23, 17 1847 63 ||3786°48,368. 75172.83|277. 1850. 8420.66||1826'4|| 99.58|21.65||71 |4365-61|485.86 93.57|258.32|37.5g|21. 26|| 861-6||136, 8920. 04 1848|| 63 || 3875. Ioláo I. 84|169. 37|262. 48||53. 8318. 29|| 1816'7|108.51 19.86 72 || 4666'o6549, 63 94.47||237. 30||47. 5924.5o 1029'9|Io8. 69||18.45 1849|| 59 || 3821°18|395 oz.163, 94223. 03|48. 41|15.91 || 1358-5|| 99.7516. 33 76 || 4834,76||558. 80|io2. 13305.3754, o&25. 34 1273.4|105. og 21.84 1850, 57 ||3586'56|454, 36152. ooz21. 25|40.4815.54|| IoI6'7| 71.85:13.8o 91 || 5637.68||702. 36||116. 16||38o. 86||72.84|29.31|2164.8||135. 92|26. 52 1851|| 56 |3476'64|993. 43152, 80228. 19|4o 71.16, o&| 8744 58. Ioliº. 68 89 |5622-16692.48|119.40||367. 3771. 6929.45|2556.5||114. of 23. 32 observation.|| 60°oo || 7 o2 || 2: oo || 4: oo || o. 76' 30 2O’8 || 1.42 3o 6ozoo || 7. O2 2. oo || 4. OO || O. 76' 3o 20:8 || I. 42 3o ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMAILL VALUES OF CHANGE OF ELLIPTIC 214 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. ANNUAL GIROUPS FOR tººk Mººrs OF PARALLACTIC ANNUAL GROUPS Foº sºrs OF PARALLACTIC g|Tº TăTTg5 T.T.T.E.H THT, Tºa Tall as Tā Tºa I. T. E.H THT TEB # |##| ##| # is: ##| #####| #| # ### ājā | ##|## ###| ####| #| is lift * |#o || #8 H | #H | #3-4 || ###| ##|#34|| ##| || ## #34|#o || #35 | #5 #34 || ###| ##|#34|| ##| || ##| |#3-4 .. // g V | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ } \ \\ W g v | \ \\ // g \ } \ \\ \ \\ | g \ | \ \\ * g \ | \ \\ 1831|| 45 || 2753-97.261.77| 93.8o 295. O3||48. 25.12.45|| 1085'8|| 73.73||13. 21: 45 || 2628.48||370. 44 82.84|| 75.39||19. 39||13, 72|755'4 || 71.71|12. 15 1832|34 || 1966'94|235. 59, 61.47|218. 37|38.77|Io. 26|| 691-2|| 38. 18, 9. 15; 43 || 2239.61||347. 38 92. O'7| 63.53||16. Io 12. 26|| 678-2 || 53. 69|Io. 22 1833| 39 || 2374-3ol.261. 53 76. 23|240. 1844. Io 13. 15|| 841-3| 53.45||11. 92; 48 || 2575:53.422. 58 g7.76|| 88. 36||18. Io 16. 12| Ioo7'3| 69. 23|13.33 1834|| 42 || 2504:35||3o4. 92 75.68||278. 97.|43. 7o Io. 99|| 995'7" 45.77|13. 32 59 3329'67||474. 22|12o. 61||78. 1921. 57|15. 67| 12638|| 75.78|16. 95 1835|32 || 1908'94|272.89 56.76|205. 57|38.89, 9.54|| 772-1|| 39. 971 1.5o 56 || 321 1-18396.82|126. off 85.47|21. 32|16. 27| 1063:3| 63. 4918. 89 1836|| 4 || 2490-95|323. 20 81. 47|259.76|46. 3412.47| 930'ol 63.72|13, 73 53 ||3058.78||381.931 Io. o.º. 93. 5022.68|16.87|1023:3| 67. 96.19. o4 1837| 54 || 3200'85||360. 20115. 76||341. Og|61. 91|16. 62|| 1032°2|| 99. 21|16.53. 45 || 2642°40||265. 69 g7. 69|| 62. 22||16. 5712. 49|| 973°4|| 63. 2314.78 1838|| 52 || 3ozo'45||361. 27|107. 24|323. Oo34. O4|16. 55|| 1030.8|| 78. or 14, 27. 61 || 3525.41||379. 971 19.58||1 Io. 28|25. I 120. O3| 1217.7| 92.9218. 97 1839|| 43 || 251 1 or 336.83 91. Io 286.88||44. 17|1 I. 26|| 1081 of 79.52|13. 24; 57 ||3414.61||411.7g|Ioo. 48||102.67|24, 6518.57| IoI3'ol 95. 4016. 16 1840|| 56 || 3539°49|298.83|Io9.87|348. 96.62. 94.17. 98|| 1 1902|| 83. 33.15.56: 68 || 3868-63|486. o2|141.51| 94.26||31.54|18. 23| 1.4037|105. oozo. og 1841|| 44 || 2663'94|240. 66 87.21286. 68||46. 3012.46|| 979'5|| 52. 1312. 34 6o || 3517-87|489. 461 I I. oz|| 83.38||28. 27|16.5o 1363-2|| 94. 28.18, 54. 1842 - 69 || 4228°49|428. 19128. 66||431. 33||69. 822 I. 57|| 1509'11or. 5521.37: 70 || 4oo5:48||582. 34.151. 97||116. Oo3o. 7021. 30|| 1377-8|| 98.7317. 58 1843|| 51 || 3ooč'30|228. 49 98. 18|317. 43||48. 7916. 48||1391 iſ 63. 69|14. 34. 62 || 3672°o8||584. 98.133. 46||107. O9|25. 99||19. 73|| 1430'9|| 73.47|17. 39 1844|| 66 || 4135'72||472. 98|129. 31||406. 95||71. O2|22. 34|| 14oo'5|| 95.3820. 93 81 || 4866-69||523. 21173.37|144.62|32, 5326, 15||1576-2|| 87. 51|25.15 1845|49 |31 1381||368. Oz 97.81|306. ool;3. Og|15.68||1181.9|| 72.74|18.82| 73 ||4546.58||534.61146.49||128. oé|31.77|23.78|1601'1| 93. 2822. of 1846 - 60 || 3653.52|481. 38||132. O6||369. 83||60. 3019. 33| 12782|IoI. 6917. 38| 81 || 4888: 10551. 16151. 48||113.83|32. or 22.36|| 1457-5||127. 1926. 49 1847 69 || 4238°57|437.81|146, 42|428. 38||67. 4021.70|| 1536'5||122. obl21. 20 65 || 3853.52|416.801 19.98||107. 12|21. O3]20. 22| I 151-5||114, 39.20. 49 1848||58 || 3653'70||390. 23122. 52|362.89||61. 2318. 46|| 1322.6|100. 9014- 61, 77 || 4887°45561. 24.141. 32||136. 8940. 1924, 33 - 1524'olli 16. 3023. 70 1849|| 68 || 4499'86|413. 66||132.49|422. 95||70. 1321.37|145o'olioz. 7619. 37| 67 || 4156°o8 sº 16|133.58||105.45|32. 3619.88||1181.9||1oz. oblig. 80 i 185o 79 |5064.70511. 38||138. 80|496. 69|84, 7124.58||1729-3||104.8221.31 69 || 415894|645. 28||129. 36||105. 42|28. 61|20. 27|1452:2|102.9519. ol 1851||72 ||4596.20440. obli 28.49|457.78||77. 2021.85| 1826.4|| 77.68|19.76 73 ||4502.54||645.86143.71||137.78||35. 2023.68|1604:5|| 94.47|21. 24. Subtract 71 g \ | \ \\ j} \ \ | g \ w w g \ } \\ f / g v | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ } \\ \ – MV oº. 60°oo || 7. O2 || 2: oo || 4: oo || o. 76' 30 || 20:8 || 1.42 30 6o'oo || 7. O2 2. oo || 4. OO || O. 76' 30 || 20:8 || 1.42 3o SECT. W., PART I.-ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. © 215 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGEST WALUES OF PARALLACTIC ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMAT,LEST VALUES OF PARATLACTIC ** łºś º,” Observations in which the Parallactic łº,: º those Observations in which the Parallactic ă ă ă ă ă ăgă|##| ##|###| #| # isjää j || #|##|##| ####| #| # is: § |#5 || #35 | #5 ##4|| ###| ##|##4|| ##| || ## |##43 o || #35 | #5 #34|| ###| ##|#34|| ##| || ## #3-4 // g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ || V \\ \ g \ } \ A/ g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ | \ \\ || V g \ | \ \\ 1831|| 32 || 1928-94215. 24 65.30|231. 14||34, off 5, 97|| 7oo'7||47. 62 9.46; 27 || 1565-04|212. O2 52.55|| 18. 97|| 1 58 4, 67|| 5197|| 49. O2 8.39 1832| 21 || 1240.81||131.45 4o. 56||151. 89|23. 55 3.92|| 452.8|| 23.42 5, 85| 29 || 1497,78||221, o& 65.33| 22. 30|Io. 92 5. 4o 446'2|| 36.69. 6.86 1833| 22 || 1344 oil 132. 91} 42.95||156. 12|25. 2] 4, 66|| 506°o 29, 99 6.69; 27 - 1386.27|252. 22. 54. 11|| 23.53| 9. 35. 5. 61 || 594.3 40. 49| 7. O3 1334|| 29 || 1729'64|186. 39 52, 55|214. 47|29, 16 4. 48|| 7076|| 32. of 9.47. 42 || 2367-62|336. 47 86.32|| 30, 24|16. 15 7. 4o 902’6|| 54. 1712. 14. 1335|| 2 || || 1261.5o 168.54|| 35.89||151. 18|26. 65. 4. oë|| 492'g| 29. 26 7, 88 37 || 2087'94|246. 23 82. 63| 28, 67||13. 94 6. 94|| 695'5|| 43. 5512.38 1336|| 27 || 1631'42|218. O6 55.84|193. 92|32. Oz 5, 31|| 606-8||46. 38 9.46. 29 || 1655.77|209, 93 55. 73| 20, o . 85 4: 98 . 504.1| 37.86|10. 19 1837|32 || 1916-21||263. 68 7o. 26||233.75||37. 98 5.54|| 7 18:4|| 57. 28|Io. 37 3o || 1744.93||183. 3o 65.8o 21.70 12. 32 5. 36|| 680'1' 40. 57 g. 71 1838|| 31 || 1829'o8||222.84 67.43|224. 54||32.60 5. 71 || 64.77|| 47.82 8.39|| 36 || 2072'98||236. 56 70. 65|| 30.77||13, 84 7.35 763:3| 5o. 901 I. 39 1339|| 3 || 1795.57|264.71 66.67|225.8o30, 32 5 44|| 846'4|| 61, o& 9. 83 34 || 1996'53|250. 64 61.96 29, 22|14. 17 6.93|| 658-2|56, 4310. 73 184c 32 ||2030-41 185, o& 62.42||230.94 36.58 6, o& 590'9|| 39.34 g. 62; 48 || 2736. Io970. of 99.99|| 33.38||23. 44 8. 32|| 928-2|| 73. O4|13, 87 1841|| 29 1769.95||139. 56, 58. O4|2 Io. 66||29. 12 5. 16| 634'4|| 3o. 12 8.45. 42 || 2434'95|358 20 73. 97 32. 67 22.38 7. 9o 1008. I - 69. 34|13. 22 1842|| 41 ||25447C271.5o 73 oš|297.89|40. 60 7. 27| 827:2 52.99.13, 36|| 44 2545.26 356.411oi. Io 33, oil 18, 91 8. o?| 887-8|| 70. 7olio. 54 I 843| 29 1746.24|126, o& 59, 91|208.64|24. 49, 5.59|| 840-g| 25, 86 9.45, 38 ||226432|364, o& 78.78|| 33.25 16 ol 7. 30| 985-6|| 51. 67 9.85 1844|| 38 2464. 1628o. 31 74.42||267. 55||39. 63 8.48|| 7937| 59. 21|12. 49 45 || 274 I-73|253. 12 95. og 34.47||17.80 8.32 8443|| 43. 711.2. 65 1845|| 28 1867.35||223. 18, 48. 56.201. 88|29.87 5. 36|| 775.2 40, ozio. 99 39 ||2400°oo 256. 21 77. 21. 29.93||19. 7.O 7. 1 I || 774°o - 54. 4512. Oc 1846|| 34 21 1335||279. 38 77.81|247. 46||33. 62 5. 99|| 677' iſ 65. 72 8.68 57 || 3392.73||390. 88105, 3o 43.57|23. 4610. 84 992-2|| 91. O3|19. 70 1847|33 ||235831||285. 22 80. 16|280. 5035. off 5.93| 8964|| 61.82|11. 92 39 || 2257.83|283.38 70. 26 3o. 68||11. 51 7.5o 652'2|| 67. 5112.74 1848|| 33 || 2 | 16.35||226. 55 74. 41 239. 2333, 52 6. 03|| 863.2|| 62. 16 8, 15, 46 || 2914.81||346. 21 86. o: 34. 61||24, 84 8.47|| 971.2| 66. 9115.83 1849|| 39 ||2581'48||228.75 76.21|285, 92.40. 13 6. 48|| 812'3| 55, 36||11. 20. 43 || 2674:22|350. 71 88. sº 32.75||22.75 7. 97|| 757.8|| 7O. I4|II. 9C 1356 45 || 2884:21||312. 88 84. 59||31o. 98||47. 18, 7.53| 890:3| 55. 9713.79 46 || 2772-20418. 35 88. 56||37. 24|19. 99|8. 95 Ioã5 iſ 75. 9413. 65 1851| 44 |2844:39|243.59 83.38||320.59|46. 25 7. 69||1098:8|44. 4613. 20 41 || 2593:24|350. 12 82.56|| 28.84|18, 20 7. Io - 965:3| 6o. 92.12.58 Subtract // g v | \ \\ \ \\ | g \ } \\ \ g \ V\ A/ g V | \ \\ || \ \\ – \\ \ . \ \\ oºl 6ozoo ||7 . oz 2. oo || 4. Oo || O. 76' 30 || 208 || 1.42 30 60°oo || 7. oz 2. oo || 4. oo || O. 76' 30 || 208 || 1.42 3o 216 t REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF WARIATION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF WARIATION, $- || 2: dº o ; H | }; - " || 3 − 4 || 3 + 3 + C/2 of " £ “* *iz 5 ° £5 #3-4 || ###| ## 334|| #5 # = |#3-4 // g \ | \ \\ | \ \\ } g \ | \ \\ || \ g \ | \ \\ I / g \ | \ \\ | \ \\ | g \| w || V | g \ |\ \x 1831|| 43 2628°43|274. 4o 92. 53|229.70|51. 85 12. I iſ 98.1°3| 7.2. 66|| 2.4c. 47 || 2754'02|357. 81| 84. II ||140. 72||15. 7914. off 859.9|| 72.7812. 96 1832|| 36 || 208776||233. 97 63.96||182. 23|43. 27|1o. 37| 676°ol 39, oil Io. 17| 41 || 2 | 1879|349. oo 89.58|| 99.67|11. 6012. 15 * 52.86 9. 20 1833 41 || 2482-38|298. 61||77. 65214, 27|49. 7413. Og| 902' iſ 57. 4012.5o 46 |2467.45||385.5o 96.34|| 14, 27|12.46|16. 18| 946:5|| 65. 28.12.75 1834|| 42 sº 324. 14. 72.96||228.84|48.62|10. 95|| 1005:4|46. 5613. 95, 59 || 336897||455. ool 23. 33||128. 3. 16. 65.15. 71 || 1254 iſ 74. 9916, 32 1835|| 39 ||2263.54||333. 45 70.74|193. 40|46.801.o. 32|| 918'g|49.59|14, IC 49 |2856-58|336. 26|| 12 oz. 97.64|13. 41|15. 49|| 916:5|| 53.87|16. 29 1836|| 46 || 2724.31||38o. 18, 86. go225. 1453. 95 12.94| 912.9|| 72.88|16. 23| 48 ||2825:42|324. 95|104. 61||128, 12||15. of 16.40 IO4o'4|| 58. 8016. 54 1837| 55 || 3269-19370.74|123. Io 313.40||66, ool16.83| Ioz I'6|102.7.115. 85 44 ||2574'o6|255, 15 go. 35|| 89.91||12, 4812. 28|| 984'o 59.7315.46 1838||5|| ||2958-29||349. 67|103.53|267. Og|59.5o 16. 61|IoI8-1||75. 4414.38. 62 |3587°57'391.57|123. 29||166. 19||19. 65|19. 97||1230.4 g5. 4918.86 1839|| 41 ||236879||343. 51 87.91|208. of 50. oz. I. oA|Ioooºo 76, 1713. 06 59 |3556'83|405. I 1103. 67|181. 48||18.7518.79||1094.o. 98.7516. 34 1840|| 64 || 3955'05||387.33|130.82|311. 2376.4019. 23||1341-g|Ioo. 5617.5c 60 |3453'oZ|397. 52120.56||131. 99||18, o8|16.98||1252'o 87.77|18. 15 1841|| 51 |3087,94343.83 99.48|234, 8960.81.13. 31||1236.8|| 65. 42|14. 45 53 ||309387|386. 29 98.75||135. 17||13. 7615. 65||1105'9| 8o. 9916.43 1842|| 67 |4041:53.433. Og|132.54||339, 97.77. 2521. oil 1444.7|103. 8018.83, 72 |4192'44||577. 44148. O9|207, 36||23. 2721.86|| 1442.2|| 96.4820. 12 1843| 46 || 2696.69||269.41| 85.33|217. 92||54, 5015. 39|| 1 1947|| 67. 33.12. 28 67 ||3981-69||544, off 146, 31||206.6020. 28.20. 82|| 1627.3 69. 83.19.45 1844|| 65||4038-46||453. 24|13o. 56,331. 1678. 7021. 40||1298.9|| 88. 22|19. 49, 82 |4963'95||542. 95.172. 12||220. 41|24.8527. og 1677-8|| 94.6726. 5g 1845|| 53 || 3312-624Oo. 45|Io9. I 1252.46||64. 41|16. O8|| 1219.4|| 75.77|19. 67| 69 |4347.77||502. 23||135. 19||181. 6ozo. 4523. 38|| 1563-6 9o. 2521. 21 1846|| 64 || 3830'42|498. oš|135. 38||294, 1772. 1419.71||1360-6||105.3820, 52. 77 ||471 I-2O534. 49|148.16||189. 49|20. 1721. 98|| 1375*I 123.5oz.3. 35 1847|| 60 || 3630'17|391. 60130.59||317. O8||67. 42'20. 6o 1329.4|1 II. oë18.37| 74 |4461°92||463. oil 135.81|218, 42||21. oilz i. 32||1358.6||125. 4123. 32 1848 65 412 I’og 476. 17|136. O4|298. O9||77.35|19. 25|| 14097|107. 29.18.35 ſº 442O'o6||475. 30127.8o 201.69 24. O723.54|| 14369||109. 91|19. 96 1849|| 71 ||4664'24.477. oG|143. 29.347. 8882. 33.22. oã|| 1496'4||11.2. 6220. 12' 64 || 3991'70476. 76122.78||180. 5220. 1619. 20, 1135-5 92. 22.18. O5 1850|| 8o ||5074°49'534, 16|139. 27|419. 3794, o&24, 73| 1842-1||108.8522. 5ol 68 || 4149'15||622. 50.128.89||182.74|19. 2920. 12 1339'4|| 98.9217.82 1851||70 ||4443.31||474, 81|123. 37|371, or 82.75/21. 74|1838;6|| 84. 2219, 66 75 |4655.43||611. IoIA8.83|224.5529. 6523, 79||1592:3| 87.93|21. 34 oº. 6o'oo || }. O2 2. OO || 4, Oo º 76. 30 2O'8 . 42 || 3o & % O2 2. OO || 4. OO º 76. 30 2O'8 i. º * SECT. W., PART I.-ANNUAL GROUPS of RESULTS FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 217 tº # 3 .# $6.5 || | 1, 2 , $6.5 "cº § §.3 3 || 3 || º $6.5 || -i, 2 § $6.5 g- & §.5 sliiliº || |##|Hiſ fijiº iſ is #|ſſ if |f|H|Hiji is # § |#5| #33 || #5 | #34|| ###| ##|###| ##| || ## |###|#5 || #35 | #5 #34|}##| ## £3% #á # £3% // v v \\ |\ \ \\ | g \ } \ \\ g \ \\ // g \ | \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ | \ \\ || \ . . . . 1831|| 22 || 1334.61||148. 42. 42.53||140. 51|31. 25. 6. 32|| 450°2|| 31. 42 6, 65. 22 || 1293-07||142.66 35.92|| 55.8o 2.75 6. 22|| 470'2|| 36.43| 7. oz 1832| 19 || 1 133.68||131. 47 34.78||121. 32|26. 45 6. 31|| 354-5| 20. 60 5. 73| 21 || 1040'95||198. 18, 44.52|| 36.70|| 1.82 6.42|| 3488; 28. s 4, 61 1833| 22 || 1360.86||138.55 44. oG|131. 27|30.40. 6.60|| 494.5|| 30.35. 6. 08 28 || 1459'og|226.61 55.92|| 57.71| 3. 16 8.47| 6388|38. 29 7. 19 1834|| 16 || 947.72||130. 41' 27, 30|| 95. of 22.67 4.41|| 360°3| 16. O6 5. 76. 33 || 1859'44||268.57 70.78|| 67.77|| 4, 26 9. 92|| 682:3| 4o. 14 8. 8o 1835|| 21 || 125o'89||183.52 41. 13||128. 42||29, 15 5.67| 450°2| 29.98 7, 75 31 || 1828'98||183. II, 74. 43| 45. 16|| 3. 29 9.54|| 534:6|| 3o. 891 o. 27 1836|| 21 || 12:39:55||184. O4. 41.76||132. 22|29.89. 6. 3ol. 462°1' 31. 98 7. I4, 26 || 1524.98||143. 65 56. 28|| 44, 26|| 3.16|| 7.88|| 504. 1 3o. 71 8.56 1837| 3o || 1802:35||225. 98 72. oã|182. 6641. 45 8. og 62o.8 56.8o 8. 91. 25 || 1475.77||130, 77 56.51| 45. of 2.62 8. og 587'9| 28. O4 8.45 1838|| 21 || 1212°81||153.89 42. 19||122. 12|29, 86 6. 03|| 424.4; 31. o2 6, 17 30 || 1759.52|187.74 56.75|| 57.74|| 3. of 8.34|| 5877|| 44.31 g. 56 1839| 22 || 1259'o2||197. II, 48. o5||127.5o 31. Io 6. 31|| 548'9|| 43. 25 7. 61 29 || 1735'I 12 II. 16, 47.74|| 66.88| 2.91 8.62|| 496-1 55. 2013. 26 1840|| 35 || 2 18875||225. 76 73. 22||187. 13|48. 34|Io. 18|| 784'6|| 57.46 9. 61 33 || 1851-2 1231. or 65. Io 53. 34|| 3.48 8.93|| 658-1|| 45. oolio. 29 1841|| 27 | 1674-18||172.52 5o. 11||137, or 37, 39 7.33| 687'1' 36.53 8. 18 32 || 184346228.81 61.57| 74.3ol. 2. 98|Io. 25|| 684:3| 46.42 9. 72 1842|| 29 || 1777°19'190.72 54. 28||171, oë|40. 57 8.84|| 622-1|39. O7 8. 3C 36 || 2 | Io:63|258. ool 78. 18, 82.76|| 4, o4 9, 97 6657| 46.4111. 18 1843| 22 1320:22||132. 33 4.1. 13||133, 74|3o. 89 7.43|| 524'4|| 28.48 5, 93 40 || 2330°43||341. 3o 92. 21|104. OA 4, 62|12.73| 982:3| 4o. 111o. 77 1844|| 35 || 2186:30|254, of 67. 32|210. 06|49. 461 I. 72|| 805'4|46. 1610.34 44 ||2658.33292. 34 89. 49||104. 29|| 4, 67|13. 4ol 936'9|| 58. of 13.53 1845 29 || 1854.60|245.36 57. 38|161. 29|40. 55 8, 13| 725°o 4o. 2610. 53, 36 ||2287-87|253.51, 67.33| 82.67| 3.99|11.93| 769.9|| 55.45||11. 49 sº 24 || 1431.70||189.5o 55.80127. 27|33. 98 7. ol 462.7| 4:1. 97 7. 78; 43 || 2587'44||261. O2 77.35|| 69.51|| 4, 3012. 24|| 775'5|| 68. 75.14.54 1847|| 23 || 1365'1 1 ||18o. 6o 55. 24|143. 9932, 47 7. 14|| 597.3| 44, 18 7.65. 41 || 2427.39|252. 19 73, o& 81.61|| 4.87|11. 73| 765°o 67. 6513. 74 1848|| 33 || 2127.21248.5o 74. 25||170.81|45.75|Io. 14|| 777-9| 59.54|Io. 22. 31 || 1966'862 Io. 26. 54.49|| 64. 51| 2.47 9, o& 641-8|| 52.81 9. 22 1849|| 32 || 2108°o5|217. 73 70.83||162. 23.44, 26 8.92|| 701 iſ 53.96 9. 31|| 33 || 2054.16||232. Io 58.62| 75. 11| 3.79|Io. 25|| 643-4|| 55.29 9. 97. 1850|| 41 || 2557'36||293.77| 72.77|222. 21||55. go 12. 14 862'4|49. 601 1.85| 37 || 2234:07|333. 21 70. 94| 78. 9o 3. 531 1. 26|| 736'2|| 54.45 8. 45; 1851|34 || 2154.65||230.71 62. 25.205. 89||47. 34. 9. 9o 841-1|39. 93 9, 97 29 || 1856.83|225. 61 62. 20, 50. 96|| 3. 57 8. 11| 557-5|| 35.61||7.75 Subtract f / e w || w | g w \ g \ – // g \ | \ \\ } v \\ | g \ } \ \ g \ – oëº, 60°oo || 7. O2 2. oO || 4, oo || o. 76' 30 || 20°8 || I, 42 3o 60°oo || 7, oz 2. oo || 4, oo || o. 76' 30 || 20:8 | 1.42 30 GREENwich LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. 218 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS FROM 1831 TO 1851. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE WALUES OF ANNUAL EQUATION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF ANNUAL EQUATION. § É Tº 3 £9.5 || 1 || || || |$9.5 || 3 2, p.3 : 3 || # 3 3 &.5 || -, l, $.3 || 3 3, #5 § #5 #35 | #5 #3-4 ; : 3 ## 33-3 | #8 ## #3-4]:o #3: #5 #3- ## 5 ## 334|| ##| || ## |#34 // g v} \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ A \ V g \ | \ \ // g \ } \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ \\ \ | g \ | \ \ 1831|| 41 || 2525.48||177. 40 g6.32||186. 27|34, 26.12. 20 1404:5||77, 1413.51 49 || 2856'97||454, 81| 8o. 32||184. 1533. 38||13, 97 436'7| 68. 3011. 85 1832|33 || 1990:69||145, 72 58. Ioli 35.89|25. 13 9, 60] I 124'8|| 6o. 33 8. 25. 44 || 22 15'86|437. 25 95.44|146, or 29, 7412, 92|| 244-6|| 31.54|| I. 12 1833| 43 || 2592-96||220. ool 71.07||163. O3|31. 24|13.70|| 1492" || 77.26|Io. I of 44 || 2356-87 464. III oz. 92||165. 51.30. 96.15.57|| 356-5|| 45. 42|15. 15 1834|| 54 || 2963-76||443.34 87.67|190. 14|35. O6|14. O3 18827| 75, ogli I. 98|47 |287026||335.8olio3. 62|167. oz8o. 2112.63| 376.8|46, 46.18, 29 1835|| 47 ||2602.68||467. 86 89.25||168.77|35. 42||13, 19|| 1534-6|| 42.42|12.48 41 || 2517°44'201.85 93.56 122. 27|24. 79.12. 62|| 3oo'8|| 61. O417. 91 1836|| 47 || 2736.20538. 19 98. o?|200, 33||36.64|14. 64|| 15939||50. I 115.5o 47 || 2813:53||166, 94 93.44||152.93||32. 38|14. 70|| 359'4|| 81.57|17. 27 1837| 49 |2877-10403. 631 14.5o 191.33||36, or 13.45|| 1665.8|| 51.52|18. o.3, 5o || 2966-15222, 26 98. 952 II. 98||42. 4715. 66|| 339.8||11o. 92||13, 28 1838|| 55 || 3OOO'94|42O. I 2 136. o?|211.71||36. 8317. 32|| 1872.5|| 69. or 20.73 58 || 3544-92|321. 12 go. 75||221.57|42. 32|19. 26|| 376'oroi. 92|12.51 1839|| 52 || 2966:16||320. O7|1 18.78||232. 26||39. 1914.54|| 1836'6|| 99. oil 19, 61| 48 || 2959'46|428, 55 º 8ol||157. 29|29. 63.15. 29|| 257'4|| 75. 91 9.79 1840|| 61 ||3842.45|255. 21|129. 11||226. 13|49. Og|19. 3cl 21545||123. 8521. 42 63 ||3565-67|529. 64122. 27|217. O945. 3916. 91| 439.4|| 64, 4814. 23 1841|| 59 ||3840.72|290. 33105. ool 2 I 1.5o 46.49|15. 55|| 1975:3| 97, oz 17. 92 45 || 2341°og|439. 79| 93. 23||158. 56|28. OSI 3. 41 || 367-4|| 49.39||12.96 1842|| 67 || 4138°oiá11. 46.115. 33|259. 2948. 3721. 4o 2321-7|123.42||13. 19 72 ||4095'96||599, ozi G5. 3o asso, 52. 1521. 47|| 565:2|| 76.86|25.76 1843| 71 || 4138:02|558.68||130, 21|285.43||45. 62|21. 29| 2474-6|| 83.58|14 oz. 42 || 2540°36||254. 79|IoI. 43 139, ogl29. 16 14.92|| 347-4 53.58|17.66 1844|| 69 || 4203'ooló37. 1712o. 86|278. 17|48.5223.48|2430.7| 52.68|16.54, 78 ||4799:41|359, o2|18.1. 82|273. 40|55, o, or 546°o 130. 2129.54 1845|| 64 4.185.12|646.38|128.67|249. 98||44. oil20. Io 2303:3| 52.9518.65 58 || 347527|256. 30.115.63|184, o8|40.8519. 36|| 4797||113 oz.22. 23 1846|| 65 || 391 o'75||572. go 155. 16|240. ool,41. 9420. oi! 221 11ſ 67.5223. 44; 76 || 4630-87|459. 64128.38||243. 66||5o. 37|21. 68|| 524.6||161.362o. 43 1847|| 64 || 3673°55'442. 33|158.51284, o/|44. 78|19.45||22 16:7|106. 2 I 25.46 7o || 4418.54|412. 28|Io'7. 89|251. 43||43. 6522. 47|| 471°3||13o. 2616. 23 1848||73 || 4628.65||391.55|166.84|296.72|58. 82|21. 93|2501'4||131. 95|26. I iſ 62 || 3912:50.559. 92 97. ool 203, off 42.6020.86|| 345°2|| 85. 2512. 20 1849|| 70 ||476976||305.06144. 06|291. 1155.80|22.88|2246-1||133. 3520. 66|| 65||3886-18|648.76|122. oil 237. 29|46. 69|18.37| 385-8|| 71. 4917. 51 1850|| 74 || 4937:21|406. ob|126.86|284.32|58. 1922. 76|| 2616-1144. 5518. 32; 74 || 4286-43||75o. 61141. 30317.79||55. 1322. O9|| 565:4|| 63. 2222. oo 1851|| 87 || 54.12'or 372. 34140. of 354. 91||69. 42|26. 43||3oo7.4|123.5218. 56 58 || 3686-73||513. 57|132. 17|240. 65||42. * 19. Ioff 423'5|| 48.6322. 44 Subtract // g \ } \ \\ || \ \\ | g \ | \\ A g v | \\ A/ g \ | \ \\ j} \ \\ | g \ | \\ * g \ \\ oº: 60°oo || 7. O2 2. oo 4. oo o. 76' 30 || 20:8 || 1.42 3o 60°oo || 7. O2 2. OO || 4. oO || o. 76' 30 || 20:8 || 1.42 || 3o SECT. W., PART I.—ANNUAL GROUPs of RESULTS FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONs. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF EVECTION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF EVECTION. . i | | ſ .3 | l ; à # i ; i ; : § ; # | : .F. i l ; ; | § .5 : : ; É # ; i : §§ .# l ; É § .8 : : I831 I832 I 833 1834 I835 1836 1837 I 838 1839 1840 I 841 I 842 1843 I844 1845 1846 1847 1848 I 849 1850 1851 5 4. 32 42 45 35 47 55 // 3325.89 I 865-35 25 14-79 25.78:15 I98 I 44 2742:35 32.48°43 3444:61 3796.80 42O5 Ig 3172°59 4388-59 2788-06 3873-60 3556-61 |5028'54 538 I'o6 5027.85 4849'58 4861-79 3796 II 3 9 I 3oo. 4.22. 328. 335. 397. 522. 34I. § . 64 .78 90 O9 263. I 2 O2 IO I 8 398.57 366. 12 . 57 52 414. 64 359. 35 635. O3 602. 47 579. 63 496. 56 575. oo 492.67 V I 5O 87 7 6 83. \ \ O 9 7 3 • 49 25 27 • 79 5o ob 67 . I 2 77 68 97 59 I9 8o IO . 38 72 2O V 206. I 17. I48. I49. I90. 245. 261. 234. 15o. 5||269. I53. 27 I. 206. 2.99. 361. 3.15. 262. 266. 2O7. V \ 35 O4. 67 77 . I 3 90 8o • 24 73 I5 6o 5 I 76 I O 61 86 73 4. I 34 43 47 & 4.O. 37. 49. 4.I.' 45. 55. 32. 52. 34. 45. 4.O. 54. 62. 62. 55. 53. 45. I I . 56 . 37 .78 . 67 95 36 o5 OO 52 93 72 15 I s 67 8º 5 6 . 84 • 4. I • I4. . 98 • 42 • 54 21. 65 . 84 21. 92 15. 67 2 I. 89 563°o 1306'5 g587 II 28-6 II O2 "O 6837 733.2 Ioo I'5 1418°o 1905-3 1374'4 I 8o3°8 12oo'7| 799'3 812-9 1083:o) 1626-4 1882°6 1854'ol 217o:5 1626'2 125. 70. 93. 67 97.93 78.43 Io5. 67 133.75 138. 24 151. 67 I54, 73 I 16. Oo . oš • 92 I. 25 . 36 • 4. I \ \ \ I 5. 6 5 ... O I • 40 . 83 . 33 . 84 . 31 . 34 . 73 . 61 .78 . 39 . 72 2O. 46 23. 43 |18. Io . 62; 43 56 4. 5 56 53 47 44 54 36 56 52 67 66 84 64 6o 45 57 62 73 85 // 2056-56 234.1°20 2435-04 3255.87 3138°68 2807:38 2594-82 3 IoI*25 2128-82 3202.93 3oog'22 3845.38 3890:32 5128.8 I 410378 3513°o8 271 I’o I 3513°3O 3806:36 4361-85 53oz'63 371. 246.57 I9 383. 2 I 357. of 4O6.59 377. I I 29O. 44 344. 14 226. 44 386. 28 364. OO 47o. 96 Subtract for each Observation A/ 6o'oo V\ 2. OO \\ 4. Oo . 76 2O’8 |I4O. \ V V 69.55 94.81 97.5o I 13. O4 I I I. 54 95. 72 97. 116. 77 67.91 Io.8. 26 96. 58 137. 96 162.71 I27. I39. 35 Ioo. 6o 74. I64. O7 164.86 179.87 2O7. 39 I 72.9 I 162.36 157.51 • O4. 127.82 209. O7 219.46 *.s. 270. 28o. g \ 47 2 7. 5 3 33.31 32.83 37.49 34.54 31. of 29. I 2 38. Io . 82 38. 41. 64 47.8o 40.63 57. 44. 53 37. 33 26. 34 38. 6o 47. 2 I 67. Io. 47 I 2. 15. 71 I4.82 • 2 O I 2. I3 17. 16 II. 29 . 56 . 95 .54 . 6o • 47 18.66 12.83 I8. O4 18. 22. . 65 84 1272°4 676'o 55 86 41 o'7 720°o 1157.5 1272'4. 1269:6 I 247°o 688-6 968:3 Io81. I 1621-3 2 1774 1970.1 16527 Ioé I'6 964'o 777.9 IoII'o 18047| 29. OI 19. 57 21. 2 O 23. 62 25. O3 26, or 28.69 32. 69 23. 25 33. 60 3o. 4 I 35. 81 3o. 25 36. of 32. II 3o. 83 27. 55 35. 95 35. 48 36.36 36.85 \ \\ 6ozoo g V o. 76 2O’8 I. 42 68 52 72 47 63 58 s 89 78 73 75 6o 7.I. II.5. II O, I 23. I O I. I4.O. 93. I39. 116. I44. I65. 162. I3o. II O. 62 33 98 O9 82 28 71. O3 18, 99 29. O9 24.75 22. 70 2I. 99 17.88 . o.3 26.85 22.75 2O. 52 I9. 7o 47 I. 95 58 I. 55 543. 33 397. 51 252. I4 37 I. 84 457. 26 581. 64 593. 24 7. O2 \\ 3o \\ 3o I O I. , 69 . OC) 227. 45 I 83. 8o 173.77 266. off 335.68 388. 9. 7 I II. 36 13. 63 16. 87| 17.56 15. 44 I4. 15. 93 Io. oë I4. 92 16. 27 I9. I7 18. 34 25. 36 2O. 42 2O. 44 I4.84 15.56 17. 65 20, 62 22. 90 7. O2 V \\ 2, OO 4. Oo \\ 3o GREENwich LUNAR REDUCTIONs, 1831–1851. F £ 220 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831. To 1851. ANNUAL GROUPS §º OF EFFECT OF ANNUAL Ghours.º iºs OF EFFECT OF Number Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change Sum Number | Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change Sum Year || - * of of for oº. 1 | of Evection I of Of of for os • I | of Evection Obser- Observed Mean in in Obser- Observed Mean in in - vations. E.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. Ivations. JE.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. // g \ \ \\ v // g \ \ \\ V 1831 44 2691-95 604. 44 44, 52 1067.2 46 2867:43 306. 15 4.O. I 2 I I I 6'5 1832 38 2226'39 527. 16 38.54 IOO2'4. 39. 2468-79 254.87 35.71 IoS5'5 I833 42 * 567. 3o 36. 6o 927.7 45 2892'44 297. 27 49.83 Ioë3-6 1834. 57 3274:28 8o I. o.3 49.86 1449'5 || 44 2848-21 3o I. 28 49.59 923.6 1835 46 2743°39 646. 28 40.59 1072-6 42 2696-3o 283.63 43. 17 967'o 1836 47 2872-55 64o. 67 33.5 I Io267 47 2984'91 3OI, 43 46. 55 Ioô5°o 1837 55 33og'92 748. of 55.43 1335-4 44 28oo'57 28o. 46 48. 23 Io32°o 1838 49 2955'07 675. 13 53.59 I 154'o 64 - 3977°49 438. 57 67. 47 1612.5 1839 46 272373 645. 18 54.52 IoA87 54 3370°44 352.77 6o. 41 1 1703 1840 57 3399.31 799.88 56.52 1382°3 67 4.166-81 427. 24. 6o. 28 1607.7 1841 5o 2989'48 685. 84 44, 8o II (53' I 54 33o4:56 366. 97 52. 96 I 265-3 ise | 68 4O25°29 918. 42 68.33 1778.4 7. 4283'25 486. 40 74. 32 1758'o 1843 55 3272°14. 755.30 55. 51 I38o:6 58 3583°o8 388, 65 59.73 1516.6 1844 78 4603'o5 Io95.58 86. 58 1856.9 7o 4213'15 469. 31 74.68 1815°o 1845 64 375I '99 899. 95 76. 52 1509-5 58 3516-13 382, 94. 62. 29 I442°3 1846 78 4634°oo I IOI. 45 86. 6o ºr. 63 383rs: 433. 55 67. OS I44. I’I 1847 68 4O97'IO 941. 81 a.º. 1756-8 66 3986-90 443. 15 62. 99 1728-2 1848 68 4Io?'77 934. OI 63. 41 1666.5 67 4081-26 469. 64 61. 73 1652-9 1849 64 3773-69 896. Og 62. 26 1548.5 71 4346:45 475. 79 65.78. 1670-8 I85o 64 3657:35 87. 76 77. 4. I I525' I 84. 5296,62 537. 20 85. 68 1962'4 1851 8O 4703:38 I Ioy. 51 85. 23 1917.5 65 402 I'32 451. I4 69. 43 1578.4 * & . . . . .3, • tº . . . SECT. W., PART I.-ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS FROM MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. 22] ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE WALUES OF CHANGE OF ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF CHANGE OF EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. Number Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect sum of Changel sum Numberſ sum of Excess || Sum of Effect sum of Changeſ Sum Year. of of Of for os • I || Of Evection of . of of for oº - I of Evection - Obser- Observed Mean in in Obser- Observed Mean in in vations. EN.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. lvations. E.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. zz g \ A \\ w - // g \ \ \\ V I831 42 24.75° II 456. 29 65. oº Io51.6 48 3084.27 || 454, 3o 19.56 I 132° I I 832 36 2 Ioz'25 385. 95 56.68 9758 4. I 2592-93 396. O8 17. 57 Io82” I j 1833 43 2589'64 4Io. 61 68.85 943-6 44 2784'59 453, 96 17. 58 IO47.7 1834. 52 3058-62 535. 6 8o. 57 I 135'4. 49 3063.87 566.71 I 8. 88 1237.7 I835 4.O 2423.66 397. 30 62. 38 . 812'g 48 3o 16°o3 532. 61 2 I. 38. 12267 1836 39 2346'90 360. 18 59.54 8o I'5 55 351 o'56 581. 92 20. 52 1290'2 1837 54 33o4°og 514. 72 84. 64 1262"I 45 - 2806:40 513. 81 19. O2 II of '3 I838 63 3838-96 64o. 26 IOI. 3o I 447'4. 50 3093:60 473. 44 19.76 I319. I 1839 6 I 3622-32 604. 9o 96.32 I 2 I 8:8 39 2471-85 393. O5 18. 61 I OOO" 2 1840 6o 3542.88 621. 20 go. 55 I451'9 64 4023-24 605. 92 26, 25 1538' I 1841 47 2732-66 454. 64 74.85 || 1 130'2 57 3561-38 598. 17 22.9 I 1298-2 1842 73 4217 II 73o. 37 I 17.86 1825'8 66 4O9 I'43 674. 45 24, 79 1710-6 1843 57 3319-82 597. 78 9I. 54 1413°o 56 3535-40 546. 17 23. 70 1484'2 I844 84. 482O'43 887. 68 || 133. 69 || 2121-6 64 3995'77 || 677. 2 I 27. 57 155o'3 1845 || 74 429 I'29 782. 95 116.88 || 1729°4 || 48 2976'83 499. 94. 21.93 1222°4. 1846 82 4709'81 902. 66 128. 86 1861'o 59 375572 632. 34 24.82 1354.2 I847 62 3482°o8 657. 30 95. 34 1556-6 72' 46OI '92 727. 66 - 3o. 29 1928°4. 1848 59 3293. 15 598. 7 I 95. 24 || 1409'4 76 4895'88 804. 94 29. 9o 191 o'o I849 64 - 3553°68 635.82 IOO. 22 I523' I 71 - 4566'46 736. O6 27.82 1696-2 I85o 84 786-87 807. 99 I34. 92 1908'2 64 4167 Io 6o I. 97 28. 17 1579.3 1851 || 82 4640°36 869. 52 I31. II 2O II* I 63 4084'34. 689. 3 23. 55 1484.8 * | < || “... . . . . .3, ... . . . . . . .” F f 2 222 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 To 1851. Number|| Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change | Sum Number | Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change Sum Year. Of Of of for of “I of Evection of of of for oš I of Evection Obser- Observed Mean in in Obser- Observed Mean in in vations. IE.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. ivations. E.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. . // g \ \ . \\ \ // g \ V V V V 1831 47 2894. I7 467. 13 45.58 1581-6 43 2665’21 443. 46 39. O6 602. I $ 1832 47 292 o'I 2 468. 16 42. 22 1651-5 3o 1775-06 313.87 32. o.3 406-4 I833 43 2684-31 4oo. 87 42.53 I44o'7 44 2689'92 463. 70 43. go 55o'6 1834 . 49 2974-60 554.67 45.53 1689"I 52 3I47-89 547. 64 53. 92 684'o 1835 4. I 2535-49 442. 77 32. 81 I4O9'4. 47 29O4'2O 487. I4. 50, 95 63o'2 1836 44 2767:08 428. 67 33. I2 I439'8 5o 3ogo'38 513. 43 46.94 651'9 1837 5o 3086.17 53o. 28 5.I. 62 1680-1 49 3024'32 498. 25 52. O4 687.3 I838 58 3569'92 568. o2 54. o8 1968-6 55 3362-64 545. 68 66. 98 797-9 1839 43 2638-57 446. II 45. 52 I4O4'8 57 3455-60 551. 84 69. 41 814'2 1840 65 3953°oo 651. 14. 59.66 2265.7 59 3613-12 575, 98 57. I4. 724'3 1841 5o 3004-73 515. 38 47. O9 1643' I 54 3289.31 537.43 59.67 785.3 1842 || 76 45,364 || 767.63 77. 66 2654.6 63 3794-90 637. 19 64. 99 881-8 1843 64 3903-31 637. I4 62.83 22034 49 295I'91 506. 81 52. 4. I 693.8 I844 76 4534’39 772. 57 84. 31 27oo'I 72 4281-81 792. 32 76. 95 971.8 1845 65 3906'99 675. 44 - 72. 38 2 1965 57 sºrs 607. 45 66.43 7553 1846 68 4O75'40 ſº. 24 7.2. or 2205.7 73 4390° 13 807.76 81. 67 IOog'5 1847 79 4770°37 8O2. 43 70. 64 . 2654'3 55 33.13.63 582. 53 54, 99 8307 1848 \ } . 68 4173°75 681. 85 58.42 232 I-3 67 || 4015-28 721.8o 66.72 998. I 1849 67 4022°46 701. 60 66.51 2296'I 68 4097.68 67o. 28 61. 53 923.2 1850 75 t 451 I’oo 7II. 9o 79.62 2486-2 73 4442°97 698. off 83. w Ioo I’3. 1851 74 4394"O2 765. 87 82. O2 2518.7 71 433o'68 792. 78 7.2. 64 977.2 Subtract for each // g \ V \\ \ // g \ \ \\ A Observation. 6ozoo I O. 2 I I, OO 23.7 6ozoo IO. I 2 I • OO 23.7 SECT. W., PART II.-ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS FROM ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS. 223 A SECTION V, PART II.—ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS OF COMPARISONS OF MOON's OBSERVED AND TABULAR PLACE, FROM OBSERVATIONS WITH THE ALTAZIMUTH. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. tº 3 tº .S2 # = - 4 ...! § a ": & E 3 || # 3 .9 # = - A º šo a º ! • QX #| ## 3 || # 2, # is || #5 * | * g| # § |#" is ... à || 3 # 3 || # 9, ãºf s | #5 § |#“F = | # § 3.5 . #|##| ##|silä’s ... ºil is 5 silä, ää ##|silä’s is #| #3 || 5 || || |##|35; ##| |#8 = | #3; # 3% = 3; 3, §§ #|##| 35% | ##| |###|3.3% ºf £8 || 3 || 3 | ### à |##| #e3 || ##| | ###| ###| ##| |###| ##| #3 |###|##| #35 | ##| | ###| ###| ##| |###| ##| #3 |Ég; £- || Z. ; 8 H ; H | 3 + 3 - 9 ; F |#& ; H 3+ 3 + \|z # 8 H # = | #& 3 * * | ## ** ; H 5 + £34 // g \ \ \\ \ \\ 8 V | \ \\ W . g V : V \\ // g \ \ \\ \ \\ § V | \ \\ * 8. \ V VV 1847|| 65||3774.44|| 731, 20138. 32|356.38||52. 2515. 49|| 1971'4|11o. 9722.56 62 || 369932|| 157, or 134, 88||155.35|| 38. 9719, 51||1721'o 98, or 21.35 1848|| 99||595069||1143.54|195. oš|370. 4o 78. 8025. Io 18869||180. O429. 15. Ioo || 6343'95 274.60209.78||392.83| 69. 96.29. 36||2398.4|146.31 32. 31 1849|| 106 || 6617'Io 1209. 16216. 89||345. O7| 77. 61|27.81| 1904-6||163.54|29. 98 I 12 || 7338'96|| 277. 70230.70|493. O4|| 88. 6129. 56|2801-6||139.77 33.25l 185o 118 || 6786'12||1376.97237. 29.433.76|| 86.5231.42|| 2058'1||171.82 34. 52l 97 || 6422'48|| 25o. 44196.53|445, ool 75. 4926. 21||25776||136, 4927. 21 1851|| Ioq || 6153°ool I 191. ob|200, 73 388. 84|82. 7428.76|2045-5||151. 6032.93 Ioš|6578-3ol. 276. 60213.75||448.16||79. 1826. 96||25307||113.77|29.86 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF CHANGE OF ELLIPTIC ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF CHANGE OF ELLIPTIC INEQUALITY. INEQUALITY. - - - 1847|| 71 || 416o'39|| 479. 98.198. Io913.73| 55, 8322. 20. 22892||106. 63.22.51 56||3313.37| 408. 23.75, 1o 198. ool 35.39||12.8o 1403.2|102.35|21. 4d 1848|Io2 || 62oo'o.3| 738.93|277. 57|443.70 | 86. 1327, o&|2516.7|168. 6931. 20. 97 ||6094.61|| 679. 21127, 26||319.53| 62.6327. 38||1768-6||157.66 30. 26 1849||111 || 7206'19|| 741. 37|305.88|459. 34|| 83.89.28, 21|24998|16o. 1429. 64. Ioy ||6749'87| 745. 49.141.71||378.77|| 82. 3329, 16|22064|143. 1733.59 185o 105 || 6531-53| 782. 62,285. 60408.42|| 77.83|26. 64|2083:4|145.94.25. 41 IIo 6677'o'7| 844, 79.148. 22||470.34|| 84, 1830. 99|2552.3||162. 37|36. 32. 1851| IoI |5964'99|| 669. 57 273. O4|366. 16|| 74. 1425.88||1823-1||121. 7128. 99||108 || 6766°31|| 798, o&I41. 44470. 84|87, 78.29.84|2753.1 143. 6633.8o ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF PARALLACTIC INEQUALITY. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF PARALLACTIC INEQUALITY. 1847 1848 I85o 1849 1851 64 95 ics I IO IoA. 3870-48 6oš8-61 7026-37 714447 6596.83 604. 23 651. 75 6 Io. 13 725. 83 671. 55 195.51 I46. 13 2O5. 34 224.86 219.63 422, 47 622. 15 695.63 733. 48 694. 28 58. 12 87. 30 * 97.85 IOI. 23 98. 27 I7. 47 26. 54 28. 32 28. 61 27.76 2006'o 21925 2383°o 2464-9 24oo'3 154, 88 I29, 16 I40. 16 I2O. 26 I34, 88 I9. 71 25.73 28.7% 3I. 55 32. 74 63 IO4. II.3 Io5 Io5 3603°28 62.36°o3 6929'69 6064. 13 6134°47 283, 98 766. 39 876.73 901. 58 796. Io 2I4. I9 218. 97 laze; 89. 26 I99° 49 222.73 I41. OS I42. 48 I42. 72 |145.28| 33. Io 61. 46 68. 37 60, 78 63.65 17. 53 27. 92 29. O5 29, o2 27. 96 1686.4 2092-8 2323°2 21708 21759 74, Io 171.47 I74. I5 168. 15 145. II 24, 20 35.73| 34. 53 3o. 18 3o. of for Subtract each // 6o'oo g \ 7. O2 A \\ g V \\ g V \\ // § \ 7. O2 . g \ \\ g \ \\ Observation. 2. OC 4. OO o. 76 3o 2O'8 I. 42 3o 6o'oo 2. OO 4. OO o. 76 3o 2O'8 I • 42 3o ! - 224 REDUCTION OF GREENWICH LUNAR OBSERVATIONS, FROM 1831 TO 1851. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR TARGE VALUES OF WARIATION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF WARIATION. º i | | | ! : É # i ; i ! ; # i <---------------- 1847 1848 I849 I 85o 1851 6 I 99 I I 2 Io9 Io? // 3617.89 6141'o6 7248-03 6798:46 6616-87 8. \ 476. 95 778. 87 748. 26 785. 39 773. 15 \ V\ I 35.8 I 2 I 3. 15 228. oo 216. 96 201.96 \ \\ 286. 51 44 I. 94. 494. 69 511. 72 490. 39 \ gr ex 73.94 I2O. 46 I 37.43 I32. 92 I 32.44 V V\ 17. O5 27. I 7 3o. 25 29.59 28. 48 1737-3 2 Io9'3 2447'9 2384'4 2394-6 g \ Ioy. 6o 168. 29 162. 47 16o. 39 137. 35 --- 6 6 IOO Ioë Ioë I O2 . | ! ! : : º # i ; i . : § | .5 : // 3855-87 6153-61 6708:03 641 o' 14 6I 14:43 gy” \ & 41 I. 26 639. 27 738. 60 842. O2 694, 5o \ \\ I37. 39 I 91.68 2 19.59 216.86 212. 52 \ \\ 225. 22 32 I. 29 343. 42 367. O4 346. 61 g \ I 7 º 2 8 2 8. 3 O 28. 79 29. O9 29. 48 • 29 . I 2 • O4. 27. 24. \ 1955. I 2176°o 2258'3 225 I 3 2181-6 \ IoI. 38 158. oé I40. 84 47.9% I 28, oz V \\ 22, 40 3o. 70 3I. 74 29, 97 3o. 74 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE WALUES OF ANNUAL EQUATION. ANNUAL GROUPs FOR SMALL VALUES OF ANNUAL EQUATION. 1847 1848 1849 185o 1851 || I Io 94 Io9 I 15 I [2 5490'91 672 I-69 7697.67 7268:56 6601'o6 7 Ig. 20 696.43 607. 98 679. I5 714. I3 2 I 8.8o 236.73 *::: 223.93 I 97.84 418. 30 45o. 95 469.54 464. 93 449.86 66.83 8I. or go. 68 84. 54 86. 66 25. 55 29, 16 3I. 45 30, 19 29. 55 328O'o 36927 3843-5 3861-6 3824.5 I44, 37 Ig3. 35 . oã . 3o . I 3 32. oë 37, 94 35. oo 3I. 28.83 33 90 Io3 99 Io3 1982-85 5572-95 6258.39 594o'o.4 6130°25 169, or 72 I. 7 I 878. 88 948. 26 753.52 ** 168. Io 2O5. 84 209. 89 216. 64 93.43 312. 28 368. 57 413.83 387. I 4 24, 39 67.75 75. 54 77. 47 75. 26 9.45 25. 3o 25. 92 27. 44 26. 17 4 I 2'4 592.6 862:7 774. I 751.7 64. 61 I 33. oo I 28. 26 I I 8. or II 3, 24 II. 85 23. 52 28. 23 29.78 33.96 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF EVECTION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF EVECTION. 1847 1848 I 849 1851 1850 77 I IQ Io5 Io9 94. 459976 7384.33 6880'o.4 6827.57 5723-74 55o. of 959. 69 78o. 57 835. 43 76.1. 88 153.76 248. O3 219. o8 216. Og 18O. off 390. 32 453. 88 337.5o 379. I3 341.85 58. 8o 94. 70 84.83 85. or 73. 38 2 I. 38 32. 98 28. 26 27. 26 24. 15 2162°o 2792.5 2523: I 274 I-2 22 16-2 I 79. 279. 39 239, 41 253. O3 2 I 4. O4. 26. 26 36.53 3o. 25 31. 34 29. I 2 5o 8O II 3 2874°oo 49 Io'3 I 7076'o2 338. 2d 458. 45 706. 29 Subtract for each // \ \\ g \ \\ fig. 44 156.8o 228.5 aiz is I2 I. 4 I 3og. 35 5oo. 61 499. 63 32, 42 54. O6 81. 39 13. 62 2 I. 48 29. II 1530°4 I492'8 2 I 83' I I894-5 29.83 46.96 63. 9o 17. 65 24, 93 32. 98 3o. 39 Ioé I I5 638 I'O3 7oo7.56 791. 98 705. 77 tºº 234.42 \ \\ 495. I5 77. Oo 88.54 3o. 37 31.57 2360°o 55. 28 51.33 33.67 8. \ \\ \\ Observation. 3o 6ozoo 2. 42 7. O2 2O'8 2. OO 3o 4. OO o. 76 o. 76 4. Oo 3o 2. OO 2O'8 7. O2 2. 42 6ozoo 3o SECT. W., PART II.-ANNUAL GROUPS OF RESULTS FROM ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONs. 225 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMALL VALUES OF EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. Number | Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change Sum Number | Sum of Excess || Sum of Effect Sum of Change : Sum Year of of of for oº I of Evection of of of for of “I of Evection || Obser- Observed Mean in in Obser- Observed Mean in in vations. E.N.P.D. Inclination. Argument. JE.N.P.D. lvations. E.N.E.D. Inclination. Argument. E.N.P.D. // § \ V \\ \ // {{ \ \ \\ V 1847 67 4073'34. 912. 95 65. 45 181 o'g 6o 3612-17 398. 24. 67.70 1568-6 1848 Io? 6472°52 1467. 67 Ioy. Oo 2774'o 92 5703-87 6oo. 57 85.46 2O58°2 1849 I 15 691 o'48 1599. 78 I I5. 58 2.950°4. Io3 6543.18 683. I6 Io3. 2 I 24O2°2 I 85o 99 5922'99 1379. 70 IOo. 54. 2458'5 I 16 7403:52 742. I7 Io'7.5o 2597.2 1851 114 6751-40 I583. 2 I I 13.73 29357 95 6027.65 632. 77 95. 25 2 I66°o ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF CHANGE OF ANNUAL GROUPS FOR SMAILL VALUES OF CHANGE OF EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. EFFECT OF MEAN INCLINATION. 1847 66 3746.67 671. 46 IO/. 20 1573. I 61 3938-84. 639.73 25.95 1806'4. 1848 93 5271-23 986, 93 I 46.42 22O3" I Ioé 6905-16 Io81. 31 46. O4 2629'1 1849 I IO 635 I'99 1154, 67 173. I 2 2748.5 Io9 7 IoI-67 I 128. 27 45. 67 2604' I I 85o Io5 616o'36 1041. 26 16o. 67 2453-6 I IO 71.66:15 Io8o. 61 47. 37 26oz" I 1851 Ioô 60487.2 I I I6. 48 166.68 2650:5 Io.3 6730:33 Io99.5o 42. 30 2.451-2 ANNUAL GROUPS FOR LARGE VALUES OF EVECTION IN ANNUAL GROUPS FOR S MALT, WALUES OF EVECTION IN E.N.P.D. E.N.P.D. 1847 78 4842°48 sº 61 7 I. 12 2667.4 49 284303 505. 58 62. o.3 712°o 1848 || 102 6332-83 1080, 15 96. 67 3513.7 97 - 5843.56 988. O9 95.79 I 318'5 1849 || I 15 7020.67 1258. 57 I 2 I. 9o 3994'8 Io.3 6432-89 IO24, 37 96.89 1357-8 1850 Ioé 6657-64 I IO2. 45 I O2, 2 I 3583°6 Io9 6668.87 IOI 9. 42 - Ioã. 83. 1472'I I 85 I I IO 6646.86 1213. 39 I I4. 70 3767.1 99 6132' 19 IOO2. 59 94, 28 1334-6 sº * º º • is, & º . I º 3. L ON DO N : Printed by GEORGE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTIswooDE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. ™Ę |-§?es:¿、。83şiş№w, №. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!! 3P% !!!!!§§§§§§§§§、§§-§§×#*(?:#(.*?)? ĢĒ,ķae|-sae~-ș.****************---:::*¿.*?)&º;…,ºº-*…*$'~ ~ .- ?? *)?';**.→ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 08456 3330 2 : ..º.º.º.º. ** * * ºf sº * * * * ºf , sº,”,” K.º.º. - º,’”.” tº ...? º º Lºa”,”, ºr Fºr "º tº saw A. *_º º . ºr -> ºr -r * * * * * ;a" ºr 'A'.…”. A sa". º - A ºf ºf 3 º º º jºyº º §º º º 2 Pº * - Exº º - º ; * : *. º º º º * **A* ºrº º º 5%; º Wºº. º f 3. º * * ; º º ſº * º: % º % º ..º º ſ **** º . 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