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Intoler- ance of noise or talking; music and singing affect him. Intolerance of strong odors or bright light; hypo- chondriac after eating and affected by the slightest thing, Dread of literary work at which one must think in morning, Aching of head in morning, in bed, as if beaten with an axe, Heaviness of head in morn- ing; intoxicating confusion. Photo- phobia in morning. Sneezing in morning in bed, but after rising sudden fluent coryza. Contraction of jaws like lockjaw, Development of a tendency to inguinal hernia. Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; aggravated by exerting the mind or studying. Sensation in rectum as if stool were incomplete. Blind haemorrhoids, Constipation as from constriction of intestines. Mic- turition difficult, Menses too early, with cramps. Roughness and scraped feeling in larynx, provoking cough, Sleepless for a long time after mid- night, then sleep late in morning with vivid dreams of the events of the previous day; in morning he did not wish to rise, Wakes between 2 and 3 a. m. Imagined that some one was lying near him. Pressure in occiput. Leaden heaviness in occiput. Finger tips rough, cracked and sticking cut- ting in them. | ( 29 ) 5 Mouth and Teeth. MOUTH.— G um s, m out h, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Dryness of mouth in morning without thirst, as after alcoholic stimu- lants the previous evening. Dryness of mouth after mid- night as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst; with much saliva in fauces, Saliva- tion. Breath offensive in morn- ing; after dinner; sour. TEETH.-Teeth loose; stitches in an indefinite tooth, with drawing. Pain in teeth aggra- vated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaiming mood full of reproaches and despondency. Sore pain in teeth, aggravated by exerting the mind and re- flecting. extending into head enters mouth. if air MOUTH.—Swelling of gums. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful sore- ness on chewing. Much mucus in mouth and nose. Bad Odor from mouth. Pain in hollow teeth. 6 Nausea and Womiting. 7 Eructations and Flatulence. Clinical. ERUCTATIONS.–Eructa- tions of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; Sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eat- ing. Hiccough. NAUSEA.—Nausea in morn- ing during menstruation, with chilliness and faintness; in morning in bed, with bruised pain in intestines and loins; in morning with qualmish- ness about heart and saiva- FLATULENCE.-Flatulent tion. Nausea from Smoking a. * after eating; during * diº of abdºmen after relieved by lying down, with eating after drinking Ill faintness and flashes of heat, morning. With gurgling; alsº after dinner, Retching on in bed with spasmodic and hawking mucus from ſauces, griping flatulent coic and heat in palms and soles. VOM ITING.—Womiting vio- Flatulence rising and be- lent of sour mucus in forenoon; coming incarcerated under of sour Smelling and sour tast- short ribs. Flatulent colic ing mucus; towards evening in evening after lying down. with headache like a tearing Colic as if flatulence, with around lower part of skull; cutting, were forcing out haematermesis. bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, peri- neum, rectum and anus; ag- | gravation from every step obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest, when |sitting and lying, t | t NAUSEA.—Nausea all day; in morning with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking she could not eat breakfast, with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Nausea incessant so that it takes away the breath; all day without vomiting; sud- den on walking; with saliva- tion; sudden heat of face and vertigo. vo MITING.—Violent vomit- ing. E RUCTATIONS.–Eruota- tions tasting like bad eggs, hot, sharp and sour. Tearing toothache extending to head; amelioration from warmth. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth; feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air, especially worse immediately after eating. Ul- ceration of mouth and gums with fetid odor. General desire for stimu- lants. Indigestion characterized y extreme distress in the stomach im- mediately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times, with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Persistent efforts to vomit food. Vomiting of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting every morning; chronic. Spasmodic efforts to vomit associated with great distress in the Stomach; aggravation from eating. Severe gastralgia or cardialgia; ag- gravated by the least nourishment; the stomach seems very irritable and contracts painfully on its contents. Atomic dyspepsia with slow and im- perfect digestion, fullness in the stom- ach; belchings, pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Inflammation of the stom- ach caused by the habitual use of powerful drugs or of alcohol; strong coffee. Gastro-duodenal catarrh with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting, Soreness of the stomach and abdomen. Gastralgia; aggrava- tion from light and amelioration from hard pressure; transiently relieved by vomiting. Abscess at the root of the tooth with external swelling; dental fistula. Dyspepsia temporarily relieved by eating. Dyspepsia with violent pain extending into the chest, with nausea temporarily relieved by eating. Nau- sea and vomiting of pregnancy. Sea- sickness with the special indication of the Occipital headache. Gastralgia With feeling of coldness and faintness in the abdomen. ( 30 ) Drug. 1 Stomach. Distention of epigastric re- gion. Sharp pressure in pit of stomach with every cough. Pain in epigastrium in morn- | ing on touch; at noon; a few hours after eating, with nau- sea and dullness of head; in evening, towards evening and in vomiting and diarrhoea. Pain at cardiac orifice aggravated by swallowing bread which seems to remain there; gradu- ally extending over abdomen, with vomiting, first of green then of blackish substance. abdomen, with painful Phos. Sensitiveness to pressure in region of pylorus, Epigastric region sensitive in morning, worse towards evening to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Pres- sure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach, with | coldness, heaviness; after eat- |ing, aggravated by pressure. } | i Plat. Drawing pain in pit of stom- ach extending into chest. i if Pain in the stomach; tight- ness in epigastrium; feeling as a ball ascended to throat where it caused suffocation, preventing speaking a n d Plumb. swallowing with anxiety. POd. Pe1. PSOr. Hollow sensation in epigas- trium. Empty feeling; weak-lost; indifferent to food; de- ness in epigastric region. | | | h i I i | | | 2 Appetite and Thirst. s Taste and Tongue. 4 - Concomitants. arrrrrrr ºvem. TASTE.-Taste bitter, Much bleeding of small wounds; appetite at night, longing Sour after milk. the blood of these haemorrhages very for acids and spicy things. fluid and difficult to coagulate. To N G U E.--Tongue |w sº º TV l- 3 +... c. . •l-, + , , . . . As Al -- ~~~ : eakness all day with oppression, TH IRST. — Thirst un- chalky white; red in middle; Weakness with depression and no quenchable. yellow. Swelling of tongue -- with dryness and ... desire to attend to ordinary busi- along median line. Dr.V. mess. Nervous exhaustion with gen- º in middle wº eral heaviness, desire to keep the white red black." §. ºl and dread of motion. Disin- diffic it d CU i. }. " clination to mental or physical exer- *W***ow tion, slow flow of ideas, inability to think; could not keep mind long - on any subject. Vision dim, sees better by shading the eyes with the hand, Vision of black floating points. Hearing difficult. Swelling of the nose, painful to touch; nose | swollen and dry, cannot draw air - through it. Diarrhoea, with lumps of white mucus. Stool involuntary, gray, whitish-gray, Menses too early and scanty, Rawness in larynx and tº Hoarseness in morning; inability to speak aloud, Cough |from tickling in the throat. Op- pression of chest, Soreness of lungs - with difficulty in taking a long º Spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae sensitive to pressure, Sleep- | iness during the day, even before dinner. Sweat over whole body in morning on slight exertion. APPETITE.-Sudden rav- TONGUE.—Burnt feeling Arrogant, proud, Contemptuous enous hunger during the on tongue; crawling sensa-lpitiful looking down upon people contemptuous mood, with |tion. usually venerated, with a kind of greedy, hasty eating. . casting them off. Great dread of death. Menses too early and too profuse; much clotted blood the first day of menstruation, APPETITE.-Appetite lost, TASTE.-Taste sweetish, Emaciation; anaemia; restlessness; diminished; aversion to bitter, metallic. weakness; faintness. Slow of per- food. : ception; memory lost, Face sallow; r * IT ſº ** º Thir St Tºº-ºº: º pale, Gums blue along margins. T H 1 R st.-Thirst un-, on margins, brown coat Colie radiating to all parts of the quenchable. down centre; white; dry. body, Constipation. Stool blackish, Trembling of tongue, par- scanty, Micturition difficult, Al- |tial paralysis; it cannot be bumiñous urine. Waginismus, Neu- | put out. Articulation * ralgic pains. Pains worse in mus- perfect, sometimes only ſcular parts of thighs, Neuralgic confused sounds. lightning-like pains in lower ex- tremities, Skin yellow, Sleepless- | neSS. - APPETITE.-Appetite | TONGUE.—Tongue white, Faintness with sensation of empti- | coated white in morning iness after stool. Stool in morning sire for something sour. with much viscid mucus in with heat and pain in anus; liquid mouth. yellow. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon and natural stool in evening. Sleepiness in daytime, worse in forenoon. *S.* APPETITE. – Hunger | TASTE.-Taste bitter | Fear, anxiety, melancholy. Dis- great; hunger without ap- when not eating. charge of fetid pus from the ears. petite; appetite diminished. Tongue. Tongue coated Swelling of upper lips. Stool, fluid white; yellowish-white; ul- dark brown foul smelling, Cough ceration of tongue and with expectoration of green mucus gums with sore throat; dry nearly like matter. Weakness of tongue; dry at tip as if joints as if they would not hold to- burnt; painful. gether. ( 31) 5 Mouth and Teeth. 6 Nausea and Vomiting. NAUSEA.—Nausea, relieved by drinking; at night with eructations of food. MOUTH.—Inflammation of the gums with bleeding; separated from the teeth. Ulcers on the gums with sensitiveness so that he could not eat. Bloody ero- sions on inside of cheek. Dry- ness in mouth on waking and in nose. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. - VOM ITING. —Womiting of food, of blood, mixed with dark acid matter; with bile and mucus, black acid liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. i | 7 Eructations and Fatulence. Clinical. | | ERUCTATIONs. –Eructa- Persistent haemorrhage after draw- tions of food tasting of the ling a tooth. Dental fistula. Re- food. Empty eructations tarded development of speech in ineffectual, with pressure children. Gastric ulcers. Vomiting in chest. of pregnancy. Haemorrhage from stomach temporarily relieved by drinking cold water. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach tem- porarily relieved by cold drinks, but as SOOn as these become warm the |vomiting is renewed. Burning fer- mentation in the stomach. Atomic dyspepsia. Chronic gastritis. Excruci- |ating gastralgia pains as from knives or burning or constricting, or asso- |ciated with great external weight. Inflammation of the stomach with Swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. Burning heat in stomach extending to back, with faint empty feeling in Stomach and bowels. Gastric troubles always aggravated during hot weather. Although there is Sometimes excessive thirst with the Symptoms of inflammation of the Stomach, yet generally the phos- phorus patient is not thirsty. - FLATULENCE. —Emission of flatus. | TEETH.-Numb pain in lower NAUSEA.—Nausea in fore- teeth in morning after rising. noon, with weakness, anx- |iety and tremulous sensation through whole body. MOUTH. —Gums blue along NAUSEA. —Nausea, with margins, slate-colored on border. retching, Breath fetid, - 8 tº VOM ITING. Womiting con- stant of food; of everything taken into the stomach, fecal; with colic and consti- pation; blackish; of a brown- ish liquid streaked with blood. | NAUSEA. —Nausea. With acidity and retching. | voMITING.—Vomiting of hot frothy mucus; of contents of stomach, then of bile; of thick dark green bile mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. ERUCTATIONs. –Empty eructations in morning fast- ing; loud when fasting and after eating. - Gastralgia; hysterical. FLATULENCE:-Fermen- tation in epigastric region; flatulent pressure towards hypogastrium. ERUCTATIONS.–Eruota- Paralysis of the tongue with indis- tions sour. Hiccough. tinct speech, Gastralgia, pains sud- |den; violent, compelling hard pres- Sure on the abdomen; amelioration from eructations. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid, with vio- lent cramps. Periodic attacks of vomiting food. FLATULENCE. —F ] a t u - lence in morning; in even- ing. Difficult dentition with grinding of teeth, rolling the head, disagree- able breath, diarrhoea. Indigestion; food becames acid. Hot eructations; violent efforts to vomit. Numerous gastric complications of uterine com- plaints. , MOUTH.—Ulceration of right gum. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessitating hawking. NAUSEA.—Nausea during the day. VOM ITING.—Vomiting of Sweet mucus; sour vomiting. TEETH.-Looseness of teeth, so that he fears they will fall Out. ERUCTATIONS.–Eructa- tions tasting like rotten eggs. FLATULENCE.—Pain in abdomen after eating; re- lieved by emission of flatus with nausea. | | | i (32 ) Drug. Puls. Nig. Rhus Tox. Stomach. 2 Appetite and Thirst Griping in pit of stomach; in epigastrium. Pain in stomach an hour after eating. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in morning. Pinch- ing or choking pain in pit of stomach impeding respira- tion in afternoon. Constric- tion and pinching in epigas- tric and hypoch on driac regions; aggravation from eating; then changing into chest and impeding breath- ing. Scraping in stomach like heartburn and in Oesophagus; gnawing like ravenous hunger, Cardialgia during menses. Clawing in stomach in morn- ing on rising as from long fasting; better after eating. Tension in region of stomach in forenoon relieved by mov- ing about. Pulsation in pit of stomach perceptible on laying hand on it. Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit. Heavi- ness, in Stomach as from a stone in morning on Waking. Fullness in stomach, as if Overloaded. Robina. Sourness of stomach. Pain in epigastrium sharp, in stomach day and night. Heavy aching distress in stomach; burning in stomach and region of gall-bladder. APPETITE. — Appetite, but he knows not for what, also he relishes nothing; aversion to smoking; to meat; to butter. THIRsT.—Thirst during the heat, worse in the morning; especially for beer, for alcoholic dyinks. 3. Taste and Tongue. TASTE. – Taste bitter, bilious after eating and Smoking. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continu- ing even when smoking at 6 p. m.; in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite. Bitter taste after eating and drinking, though food has a natural taste. Bitter taste to food, then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls, and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning, afterwards a sour taste. Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; in- sipid; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morn- ing, with white tongue, TONGUE.—Tongue cov- ered with a tenacious mu- cus, as with a membrane. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt, and were insensible at night and in morning. Biting in tip of tongue. Dryness of tongue in morning on waking and in palate and lips, then much tenacious IIll] CllS, - 4. Concomitants. Longs for fresh air. Hypochon- driac moroseness, weeping, lachry- mose mood. Aching of head, ex- tending into eyes in evening as from eating too much, or as from too much fat, Wertigo in morning on rising, forcing him to lie down again, as from intoxication. Dimness of vision, blackness before the eyes during menses, and she felt worse on entering a warm room, Pain in ears, as from something forcing out- ward; hearing difficult, as if ears were stuffed. Stoppage of nose in evening on going to bed and blowing out of thick, yellow, opaque mucus in morning, Blind hamorrhoids with itching in evening. Diarrhoea of green mucus, Micturition in- voluntary at night in bed. Drawing pain in spermatic cords; testicles swollen, Leucorrhoea with burning pains; of the color of milk; worse when lying down. Menses sup- pressed; delayed with coldness of body and chilliness and trembling of feet, Cough constant in evening on lying down, Palpitation of heart if she lies on left side, with anxiety and want of breath. Irresistible sleep in afternoon. APPETITE. — Ravenous appetite with emptiness in stomach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Desire for cold milk. Appetite lost; beer is not relished. THIRST. –-Thirst from dryness in mouth; for water or beer. TASTE. –Taste bitter ; waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. TONGUE.—So reness of tongue with redness at apex. Blisters on tongue; coated yellowish-white at root. Tongue dry, provoking drinking; dry sensation at tip. Soreness in every muscle, better after exercise, Restlessness at night, Sadness and weeping without know- ing why, Redness of eyes in morn- ing with agglutination, Hard swelling of submaxillary and paro- tid glands, Bruised feeling in sacrum when sitting, with heaviness. Stiff- ness in extremities on first moving after rest. Sprained pain in feet in morning on rising, Itching of skin, with burning as if pierced by hot || needles; swelling and white trans- parent vesicles on inflamed skin. Sleeplessness with inability to re- main in bed. Anxious dreams of his business as soon as he fell asleep. Low spirited. Throbbing in fore- head; heavy in forehead; aggravation from motion and reading. (33) 5 MOUTH.—Sticking, gnawing in gums, worse towards evening Mouth and Teeth. ation from uncovering; a draught of cold, open air, Mouth and pharynx dry in morning and cow- ered with insipid mucus, with offen- sive breath that is not perceptible to himself. Sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tena- cious mucus and were swollen. Salivation; sweet; tenacious; dis- charge of watery saliva, also like waterbrash. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. TEETH...--Aching in teeth as into the mouth. A ching of teeth on chewing and biting as if they would be forced out. Jerking pain in teeth worse in morning; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm. |-- MOUTH.—Dryness of mouth with thirst. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon TEETH.-Looseness of teeth; lower incisors; she cannot bite upon them. Tearing in teeth; amelioration from hot applica- tions. Pain in a hollow tooth, in evening, which became elon- | gated and loose, then, also, in Other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. and by warmth of bed; amelior- soon as anything warm is taken | 7 Nausea and Vomiting. NAUSEA.—Nausea, in morn- ſing with slimy mouth chang- ing to an acid taste. Nausea at night during menses, with ing suppression of menses with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating so that food was repulsive. Nausea in epigastric region; aggravated by eating a n d drinking, with waterbrash and disagreeable risings, Nausea, with heartburn, with grum- bling and gurgling in hypo- chondria; with chilliness; with Obscuration of vision a n d pallor. VOM ITING.— Vomiting at night, with Sticking, drawing pain in back, extending to- wards scapulae. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening, then bitter t edge. * map; when sitting. Breath fetid. aste and teeth on retching and waterbrash; dur-, fluid; tasting of rancid tallow 7 Eructations and Flatulence. ERUCTATIONS.–Eructa- tions tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in even- ſing; bitter at night; of a bitter after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner, the taste remains with nausea. Eructations loud; sour; in morning of Sour liquid after coffee; ineffectual. Hiccough When Smoking. FLATULENCE.- Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening, or colic; aggravated in evening in bed, with grip- ing and moving of flatus from One part of intestines to an- other. Cutting in abdomen in morning with emission of flatus. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about; flatus. painfully worse in upper abdomen. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of Clinical. Neuralgic toothache, ceasing en- tirely in the open air; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved When Walking about. Toothache in pregnancy, temporarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. T)isorders of diges- tion with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Great distention of the abdomen, not re- lieved by warmth. Dyspepsia char- acterized by regurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting; loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste; vertigo on rising up; chilliness and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Distress in the oesophagus as if food were lying there. Dyspepsia from ice cream or from too much ice Water. Indigestion from buckwheat cakes. Atomic dyspepsia; digestion Very slow; the food is tasted or re- gurgitated a long time after eating. Gastralgia with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Vomit- ing of pregnancy, especially vomiting of food in the evening or at night. General craving for acids and aver- Sion to meat and fat or rich food. Toothache aggravated from cold; amelioration from warmth. Inflam- mation at root of a tooth with pain which is aggravated at night from Cold. Tongue is dry, red and cracked in fever. NAusEA.—Nausea on sit- |ting up, with efforts to vomit. VOM ITING.-Vomiting of -- sour fluid; violent vomiting. tion of abdomen, with flatu- ERUCTATIONS.—Eruota- tions of sour fluid. | FLATULENCE.--D is ten- lence, with pain. Rumbling. i | | | | i Acid dyspepsia with constant Weight in the stomach; eructations of Sour liquid. Indigestion with se- Vere lancinating pains, extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Intensely acid vomiting; this Symptom has been relieved even When associated with cancer of the stomach. Burning in stomach and || between the shoulder blades. Indi- gestion; Constant Squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat Once a day on account of the dis- tress; backache; weakness. ( 34 ) Drug. 1 Rumex Crisp. Stomach. Weight in pit of stomach, in epigastrium after eating, with upward pressure to throat-pit; every empty swallowing car- ried it downward but it im- mediately returned. Feeling of repletion. Sabad. Sangui. | Can. Secale Corn. Sepia, Pain in stomach as if a sore spot were pressed below pit on pressure and inspira- tion. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. 2 - Appetite and Thirst. 3 Taste and Tongue. T O N G U E.— To n gue coated yellow. T O N G U E.--Tongue coated, mostly whitish-yel- low; worse in the middle and posteriorly. Tongue feels sore as if full of blis- ters. Burning on tip of tongue. |Burning in stomach; empti- ness, with faint feverish feel- ing. Pain in stomach; epigas- trium tender; oppression and distress. Burning in stomach with pain in abdomen. Sticking in pit of stomach. Gnawing in stomach relieved after supper, with weakness. Distress in stomach worse in the afternoon; amelioration after supper, with sensitive- ness to clothes. Aching and throbbing in stomach; ameli- oration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Pain in pit of stomach on pressure; after a meal and on touch ; sore internally. Emptiness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like. Uneasiness of stomach at 7 a. m. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like pal- pitation; then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst, but with sweat. Burning in pit of stomach. things. APPETITE.-Longing for Tongue.—Burnt feeling spiced food; for indefinite on tongue. | APPETITE.-Appetite un- natural, even when dying from exhausting stools. Ap- petite ravenous. THIRST.—T h i r S t un- quenchable, with dryness of mouth and throat; with burning and tingling of tongue. APPETITE. — Craving hunger; desire for vinegar. Appetite lost; aversion to meat. THIRST.—Thirstless. A | | | | TONGUE.—Tongue clean; white. Crawling in tongue, with pain. Speech difficult, slow, weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue as if there were resistance to OVerCOme. of foul taste; unpleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; sour in morn- ing on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. T O N G U E —TO n gue white; blisters with pain as if burnt. Dryness of tongue and in mouth and throat; and in morning roughness. TASTE. Different kinds 4. Concomitants. Stool watery, brown in morning, Cough in evening on lying down in bed from 10 to 12 p.m., from tickling behind upper half of sternum. Sensi- tiveness to open air. Aching of head with nausea and chilliness, then flushes of heat, ex- tending from head to stomach, Deter- mination of blood to head, with whizzing in ears and transitory heat; then waterbrash as if vomiting would occur, Dry, teasing, hacking cough, evenings after lying down, from tickling in throat and crawling ex- tending beneath sternum, Restlessness; debility. Anxiety with fear of death; eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin. Bleed- ing of nose, Face drawn, sunken, pale in morning. Diarrhoea thin, olive- green; haemorrhage from uterus, Expulsive pains in uterus, Cessation of lochia with fever; inflammation of uterus, Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe, Pulse rapid, small; contracted, often intermittent. Extremities pale, cold i and wrinkled. | | Apathy; irritability. Tearing from left temple to upper part of left side of head, Pain in right eye as from sand; aggravation from pressing lids together and by rubbing, Lach- rymation morning and evening, Red herpetic spot on upper lids; scaly and peeling off. Face yellow and whites of eyes. Yellow spots and yellow saddle across upper part of cheeks and nose, Heaviness in abdomen during motion, Pressing downward in hypogastrium during menses. Pressure as if contents would issue through genitals. Pro- truding hamorrhoids; during stool; when walking; painful. Pressure on bladder and frequent micturition and tension in hypogastrium. Urine thick, slimy, offensive, depositing a yellow, pasty sediment. Leucorrhoea yellow, acrid before menses, with soreness of pudenda, Uterus pro- lapsed and congested, Cough ag- gravated at night, preventing sleep; worse in evening after lying down. | Pain in lumbar region in afternoon when walking. Itching on bends of elbows. Cold feet towards even- ing and in morning, with headache. ( 35 ) 5 Mouth and Teeth. 6 Nausea and Vomiting. 7 Eructations and Flatulence. Clinical. MOUTH.—Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and Scalded. MOUTH.—Salivation; breath fetid. MOUTH.—Swelling of gums with sore pain, with dark red- ness and painful throbbing, as if beginning to Suppurate. Gums sore, ulcerated, bleeding. Offensive smell from mouth. TEETH. — Quick decay of teeth. Sticking in teeth, and in jaw extending to ear, pre- venting sleep at night, and during the day she had to tie a cloth over it. A ching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums; worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elongated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Beating pain in teeth if any- thing hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during Iſle Il S62S. NAUSEA.—N a use a with constant spitting of insipid Water. - Gastric disorder shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Affections from ex- cessive tea drinking. Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from motion; ameliora- tion from quiet rest. Neuralgic toothache. Cardialgia with distention. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by ab- sence of thirst and longing for Sweets; general relief after eating. Vomiting of round worms; feeling of Worms in pharynx. N AUSEA.— Nausea, not re- lieved by vomiting, with sali- vation; with headache, chill and heat. - NAUSEA.—Nausea, with de- bility, and scanty vomiting of coffee-grounds fluid. VOM ITING.—Vomiting vio- lent of all food, drink and medicine; of blood, of coffee- or chocolate-colored matter. NAUSEA.—Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards evening, and at night; on washing mouth ; before breakfast; on walking, with blackness be- fore eyes; in evening, weak- ness even to faintness, with melancholy; easily startled, then vomiting of food, then retching. vo MITING.—Wom it in g during pregnancy, Straining her so that blood comes up. Gastric derangement with nausea, not relieved by vomiting. Nausea during pregnancy, with salivation; constant Spitting. Ulcer in the stom- ach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. ERUCTATIONs. Singultus, ERUCTATIONS.– Eruota- tions after eating a little; after eating and drinking; SOULI”. meal. Hiccough after a Hiccough. Vomiting of blood; Sudden, violent; cold sweat. Extreme pressure and contraction in the stom- ach followed by vomiting. Terrible distress in the stomach and abdomen with burning accompanied by vomit- Ing. Neuralgic toothache aggravated by cold air; resulting from the use of tobacco. Acid dyspepsia with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of pregnancy, with a characteristic sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Gastric catarrh from excessive acidity; heartburn. Dyspepsia with hypo- chondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women or as the re- sult of overwrought brain or sexual excess. Atonic dyspepsia with amenorrhoea; the nausea, and vom- iting generally relieved by eating and lying down. Longing for acids with flatulent dyspepsia; soreness over the abdomen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. - ( 36 ) . Drug. Stomach. 2 Appetite and Thirst. 3 Taste and Tongue. Silica. Pain in pit of stomach after eating, with heaviness; burning. - Staph. Stram. sire for acids. APPETITE. – Raven Ous appetite before Supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest, so that it was difficult to fall asleep. APPETITE. – Great de- THIRST.—Thirst not re- lieved by drinking water. Thirst for Sour drinks. Hiccough. TASTE.-T as t e s O u r after eating. TONGUE.—Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip, extending into trachea, where it caused crawling, so that he must cough. TO N G U E. – T on gue |swollen and stiff; dryness on palate; white color and redness. Stammering; speech difficult and unintel- ligible, lent expectoration, 4. Concomitants. Emaciation, Bruised pain in whole body after coition, Symp- toms mostly occur at time of the new moon, Aggravation of pain from motion, Sensitive to noise and anxious therefrom. Tearing in occipital protuberances, extending upwards and forward over sides of head, Soreness of scalp to touch. Sensitiveness of ears to loud sounds. Constant ineffectual desire for stool, Constipation in spite of constant straining. Stool that has protruded slips back again, Cough with puru- Pain in coccyx as after a long carriage ride. Finger nails rough and yellow, Carrion- like odor of feet every evening without sweat. Small wounds heal with difficulty, Peevish in morning; he wishes to throw away everything that he takes in his hands. Burning of skin after scratching, Restlessness and calling for water; swallowing difficult. Delirium; noisy, frightened by strange objects that obtrude upon his fancy. Apprehen- sion: starting up in a fright, Rush of blood to the head. Eyes staring and wild; pupils dilated. Redness of face, expression of terror, Stam- mering, speech difficult and unintel- ligible. Twitching of hands and feet. Red rash on skin as in scarlet fever, but more shining. ( 37 ) | 5 Mouth and Teeth. | 6 Nausea and Vomiting. |7 Eructations and Flatulence. Clinical. MoUTH.—Swelling of gum NAUSEA.—N a use a with ERUCTATIONs. – S our | Necrosis of the jaw. Abscesses at with gumboil on it; painful, in- good appetite and natural eructations after a meal, roots of teeth. flamed. Gums sensitive to cold taste to food. with burning in throat. water; sore, Dryness of mouth - - without thirst. Bad odor from ; mouth in morning. t T E E T H. — Inflammation of molar, with swelling and Sore- ness of gum. Looseness of teeth, with pain in gums on pressure. MOUTH.—Bleeding of gums FLATULENCE.-Incarcer- Spongy excrescences on the gums, On cleaning teeth and on pres– ation of flatus. which bleed readily and are painful. sure. Constant accumulation of Dental fistula. Carious teeth which mucus in mouth. crumble. Teeth grow black and be- TEETH. — Teeth black; she come brittle. Valuable for decaying teeth in pregnancy. Toothache shoot- ing into the ear and temple, aggra- vated in open air or from cold. Men- Strual toothache. Hard pressure frequently relieves the toothache, which may be aggravated by light crowns; aggravated in Open air. pressure. Aphthous sore mouth. Tearing in teeth after chewing *. of º º . º men; or cold drinks. Hollow teeth -- § . ". if they hung down relaxed. sensitive to touch and if food olic from cold water, aggravated by remains in cavities, pain extend- heat. ing into roots, and the gum be- comes sore. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. must clean them twice a day and still there are black Streaks across them. Tickling sticking in right lower molars. Tearing; first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into MOUTH.-Dryness of mouth. Dribbling of glairy saliva from - mouth, Swallowing difficult, (38) Drug. | 1 Stomach. 2 Appetite and Thirst. 3 Taste and Tongue. 4. Concomitants. Stitches in pit of stomach APPETITE.-Appetite in- TASTE. Pasty taste in Ill humor with restlessness; quar- in morning on standing, in creased; ravenous if he does morning, Taste metallic, relsome, impatience, anxiety, low pit on deep breathing. Pain not eat; headache, lassitude, coppery in morning on spirits, Pain in head, in morning in region of stomach at and necessity to lie down, waking. Bitter, bilious worse in vertex, as if eyes would be night, amelioration from Appetite lost as soon as he taste when fasting, though pressed down, Pain as if from a eructations. Pain in pit of sees food, and he feels full food has a good taste; bitter | cord around head, Rush of blood stomach during menses, Pain in abdomen and aversion to in morning on waking, to head during menses. Burning in beneath stomach when ly- it when he begins to eat, Taste vinegary all day; eyes and easy fatigue when reading, ing; in epigastric region on Smoking tobacco is not after drinking milk, sour in Lachrymation in morning, with touch, after eating. Anxious relished; aversion to food, morning till after breakfast, burning, Agglutination of lids in pain in pit of stomach at to sour things, to meat. with sour eructations, Taste morning. Vision dim, with weak- night, with palpitation. e offensive, sweetish; in fore- |ness of eyes and confused dark spots Full feeling in stomach after THIRST.--Thirst at noon causing nausea. floating before them, Sticking in eating a "little; heaviness, noon. With full feeling in rectum, worse in evening, Ineffec- Distress in stomach from stomach. , Tonºur. Hard eleya tual urging to stool. Hºmorrhoids; Sulfur. milk; it is vomited curdled. tº...", jº.” increased congestion of haemorrhoidai Loss of digestive power; border of ..". vessels, Diarrhoea, soft and fre- burning in stomach in morn- noying tongue S º quent in morning, pappy, yellowish- ing; heartburn all day. in, it; marting ºn right green, copious, fetid. Constipation side. Dryness of tongue |scanty and unsatisfactory; frequent in morning on waking, micturition; burning when urinat- and in palate. Burning ling. Menses too late, with constipa. Pºin in tongue at night|tion and distended abdomen. Stick. with thirst. ing in praecordial region, Groups of black points like comedones on forehead, Eruption with burning, itching after scratching. Itching over whole body. Irresistible sleepi- ness during the day; sleeplessness all night, Burning in skin of whole | body. - Pain in epigastric region Weakness, Weak feeling in ab- after eating, aggravated by domen as if menses would come on. hard food, with sensitiveness Soft stool, then empty feeling in ab- of stomach; coldness in stom- domen. Stool as if chopped, saffron, ach from every drink, unless º yellow, stringy and slimy, some spirit is mixed with it. Sulfur. Acid. 39 ) 5 Mouth and Teeth. 6 Nausea and Vomiting. 7 Eructations and Flatulence. Clinical. MOUTH.—Dryness of mouth in morning, with insipidity and stickiness of palate, with thirst, Salivation after eating; bloody saliva; salt saliva. TEETH.-Sticking in teeth, extending into ear, waking him at night. Boring and throbbing in teeth, Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in open air with pain in submaxillary glands. MOUTH.—Mouth swollen; palate and pharynx ulcerated. Aphthae in mouth ; breath offen- sive. NAUSEA. — Nausea every morning, in everling, during stool, before meal time. VOM ITING.--Vomiting of food in evening, of food eaten at no On. E RUCTATIONS.–Eructa- tions empty after eating, sour during the day, FLATULENCE.-Distention of abdomen in morning in bed; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in after- noon, relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night with gurgling. Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offensive smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen. Seasickness. Vomiting of preg- nancy; chronic catarrh of the stom- ach. Weakness and faintness in stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Dyspepsia from carbonaceous food, especially from milk. Incarcerated flatulence in left side and constipa- tion. ERUCTATIONS.– Eructa- tions sour. Hiccough. Sore mouth; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases, espe- cially in children with marasmus; With Salivation; sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Dyspepsia with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimulants; vomiting of drunkards. Vomiting of pregnancy with constant salivation; feeling of lump in throat; soreness in pit of Stomach; great thirst; vomiting re- lieved by drinking hot water. Vomit- ing of pregnancy, with intolerance of the smell of coffee; vomiting when lying on right side. Valuable remedy for the desire for alcoholic drinks. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold, and || cannot eat; liver is enlarged; chronic diarrhoea. - (40) Tabac. 1 Stomach. 3 Sinking at pit of stomach; THIRST. Thirst worse weakness. 2 Appetite and Thirst Taste and Tongue. Painful distention of pit of stomach. Pain in stom- ach, acute; in epigastrium ; extending hypochondria and to ilia as longing for only cold food; into sternum; at night. A PPET IT E. —Wiolent hunger; hunger in stomach with undisturbed appe- tite. Appetite for fruit; from ravenous hunger. herring, sardines; for acids. Verat. THIRST.--Thirst during Alb. sweat for cold drinks, Sticking in stomach and APPETITE. – Ravenous beneath pit, with tearing appetite. Aversion to the from both sides towards Sweetness of Sugar; to each other. Burning in epi- wine and brandy, which gastric region. they took to excite their Zinc. appetite. THIRST. Thirst in af- ternoon, with heat in palms. T AST E. –T a S tele SS saliva with tastelessness in mouth. Taste and cool- ness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; bit- ing taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from Oesophagus into mouth. TONGUE. — Coldness of tongue, Dryness of tongue with inability to talk. TONGUE.—Blisters On tongue. | Concomitants. Weakness, Face pale and col- lapsed. Covered with cold sweat. Anxiety with cold sweat on fore- head on vomiting. Weakness with sinking down as from too great heat in the air, Dryness of lids, Face sunken and expression anxious. Pale face, with frequent stools. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, Con- stipation on account of hardness and large size of stool, Cough deep, hollow, always in three or four shocks, Tightness of chest with difficult respiration. Palpitation of heart with anxiety, and rapid, audi- ble respiration, Skin of whole body pale, Twitching of various muscles. Headache after a glass of accus- tomed wine. Inflammation of eyes during menses. Pain in eyes as from sand; worse in evening and night with lachrymation, Constipation with hard, small stools, Cough be- fore and during menses. Uneasiness of lower extremities at night. Burning pain in tibia. Jerking in whole body at night, Twitching of various muscles. Most symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening. (41) 7 Eructations and Flatulence. - - -- - - * - – MoUTH.—Mouth full of white, NAUSEA.—Nausea on mo-' tenacious mucus, which must be tion; with relaxed sensation expectorated frequently. Froth- in stomach; paroxysmal as in ing at the mouth; salivation; seasickness, with vertigo and watery saliva running con- cold sweat; amounting almost stantly from mouth. Burning to faintness; amelioration in in mouth and in throat. Open air. 5 Mouth and Teeth. 6 Nausea and Vomiting. TEETH. Tearing in teeth in voVIITING.-Vomiting vio- evening, and in bones of face. lent; easy; of sour liquid; watery, sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning, even before breakfast. | ---- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- ~~ __ _ ! ... ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - MoUTH.—Dryness of mouth NAUSEA. — Nausea with ERUCTATIONs.--Violent and of palate, with thirst for bilious taste; with salivation eruetatic.ms mostly of air; water, Salivation; running from and closure of jaws, with empty eruetations. Hic- mouth like waterbrash, great thirst and with froth- cough. 'ing from mouth; with weak- In eSS. FLATULENCE. – Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling VOM ITING.—Womiting and as if intestines were twisted diarrhoea ten times, with pale into a knot; flatulent here sunken face covered with cold and there; the longer delayed sweat, forcible, violent, of the emission of flatus the slimy acid liquid, with food. more difficult to pass, |Womiting of green mucus with cold sweat, - MOUTH.—Bleeding of gums on slightest touch. Salivation, with crawling on inside of cheeks. NAUSEA.—Nausea aggra- ERUCTATIONs. –Empty wated by a sip of wine, with eructations after dinner; headache, SOur. tion of abdomen in even- ing; gurgling; rumbling | With rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. TEETH.-Tearing in hollow molar. Jerking; drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. FLATULENCE. – T)isten- | Clinical. | { | Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; with deathly nausea; pale face, coldness in the stomach; gall-stone colic. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac end of the stomach; pains extending into left arm. Sea- sickness, Neuralgic toothache, pulsating, driving to madness; teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead. Craving for juicy things. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat; great prostration; burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. V Omiting of great quanti- ties of blood at times, even bright | red, usually dark and thick. Dys- pepsia from chewing tobacco, with- out vomiting or diarrhoea. Globus-hystericus rising from the pit of the stomach. Difficult denti- tion; child is weak, cold; pulse soft ; bores the head into the pillow; tends to squint; cries out in sleep, and par- ticularly has restless feet. Gastric de- rangements aggravated by alcoholic stimulants; especially flatulence, with much rumbling in abdomen. Atonic dyspepsia; feeling as if the stomach were collapsed. Flatulent || colic ; lead colic. Enlargement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia. PART I. REPERTORY OF Stomach, Appetite, Thirst, Taste, Tongue, Mouth, Teeth, Nausea, Vomiting, Eructations, Flatulence, Etc. (44 ) REPERTORY OF PART I. ABD OMEN. ABD OMEN. Abdomen. (Distention of Abdomen.) Dis- tention and hardness of abdomen, with intolerance of tight clothing, Calc. C. 7, Abdomen, Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; ameliora- tion from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen from gas and hardness, Merc, S. 7. Abdomen, Distention of abdomen, with mo- tion of flatus. Aloe 7, Abdomen, Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc, 7. Abdomen. Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen and aversion to it when he begins to eat, Sul, 2, Abdomen. Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite, then distention of ab- domen, Lyc, 2. Abdomen. Tension in abdomen and incar- ceration of flatus, Lyc, 7. Abdomen, Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with disten- tion of abdomen; paroxysmal, arrest- ing breath, obliging her to bend dou- ble; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Abdomen, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V Om. 7. Abdomen, Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Sul. 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling, by flatus. Carbo W. 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. Abdomen. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tight- ness of breath with distention of ab- domen. Nux Volm. 1. Abdomen. Sudden Satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdo- men. Ilyc. 2. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen with flatulence; with pain; rumbling. Robina. 7. Abdomen. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling, rumbling with rolling in morning in bed; with grum- bling and flatulent pain. Zinc 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag, C. 7. - Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus; fer- mentation ; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. Asa. 7. Abdomen. Great distention of the ab- domen, not relieved by warmth. Pul. Clin. Abdomen. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nausea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Abdomen. Chronic dyspepsia; repug- nance to hot or warm food; thirst; bloated abdomen. Calc. C. Clin. Abdomen. Flatulence, with tension of abdomen. Coloc. 7. Abdomen. Stomach and abdomen tense after moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. T}yspepsia aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Nux. Mos. Clin. Abdomen. Pain in stomach, as from full- ness, as after too much eating, with distended, but not hard abdomen. Ant. C. 1. Abdomen. During pregnancy extreme flatulent distention of abdomen. Nux MOS. Clin. Abdomen. Violent gastralgia, with dis- tention of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Abdomen. Tension in abdomen in after- noon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 7. e Abdomen. Gastralgia, colic, and disten- tion of abdomen. Caust. Clin. Abdomen. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 7. Abdomen. Tendency to flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Abdomen. Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen, with dysmenorrhoea. COCC. Clin. Abdomen. (Pain in Abdomen.) Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emis- sion of flatus the more difficult to pass, Wer, Alb. 7, Abdomen. Nausea all day, in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Abdomen. Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste, with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Abdomen. Burning pain in stomach, in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pres- sure. Ars. Alb. 1. Abdomen. Terrible distress in the stom- ach and abdomen, with burning, ac- companied by vomiting. Secale. Clin. Abdomen. Longing for acids, with flatu- lent dyspepsia; Soreness over the ab- domen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Abdomen. Sensation as if beaten in epi- gastric region and abdomen, with fullness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Abdomen. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen, or very vio- lent, cutting pain, going through to back, as if transfixed, and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; Soreness of the stomach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen before breakfast; flatulent; amelioration from difficult emission of flatus. Natr, S. 7. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen after eat- ing; relieved by emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 7. ( 45 ) AB DOMEN. REPERTORY OF PART I. AC I D. Abdomen. Gastralgia relieved by eat- ing, but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Abdomen. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offen- sive gas, partiaily relieving the pain in the stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. - Abdomen. Griping in abdomen always before emission of flatus. Graph. 7. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 7. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Abdomen. Pain at cardiac orifice, ag- gravated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, grad- ually extending over abdomen, with vomiting, first of green, them of blackish substance. Phos. 1. Abdomen. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs; deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Abdomen. Pain in epigastrium in morn- ing on touch ; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dull- ness of head in evening; towards evening and in abdomen, with pain- ful vomiting and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Abdomen. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Abdomen. Offensive flatus, and at last || Aching in teeth only at night, and when moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 7. Abdomen. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there, under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Abdomen. Gastralgia, with feeling of coldness and faintness in the abdo- men. Petr. Clin. Abdomen. Atony of the stomach and abdomen; feeling as if it hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. Abdomen. Gastralgia; pains sudden, vio- lent, compelling hard pressure on the abdomen; amelioration from eructa- tions. Plumb. Clin. Abdominal flatulence, with much rum- bling and gurgling, and pains of var- ious sorts. Lyc. Clin. Abscess at the root of the tooth, with ex- ternal swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Abscesses at roots of tº eth. Sil. Clin. Abraded. Epidermal cutting of mouth and fauces; abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the Imucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. Accumulation. Nausea all day, in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on Waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Accumulation of flatus in left upper ab- domen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Abdomen, (Rumbling in Abdomen.) Rum- Aching. (Aching in Stomach). Heavy ach- bling in abdomen, with emission of much flatus; offensive, Diosc, 7. Abdomen. Rumbling and gurgling in ab- domen in evening, or colic, aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of in- testines to another, Pul. 7. Abdomen, Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night, with gurgling. Sul. 7. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 7. Abdomen. Gastric derangements, aggra- vated by alcoholic stimulants; es- pecially flatulence, with much rum- bling in abdomen. Zinc. Clin. Abdomen. Grumbling in upper part of abdomen in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 7. Abdomen. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdomen. Pul. 7. Abdomen. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger; then, after eating, cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during Sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. Abdomen. (Miscellaneous.) Fermentation in abdomen from fruit, China 7. ing distress in stomach ; burning in stomach and region of gall bladder. Robina. 1. Aching and throbbing in stomach; amel- ioration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. Aching. Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take t a long breath. Rumex Clin. Aching; burning in stomach, extending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Aching. (Aching im Teeth.) teeth, Arn, M. 5. Aching in teeth at night, then general chilli- ness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc, S, 5. Aching in teeth as soon as anything warm is taken into the mouth, Pul. 5. - Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth, when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Aching of teeth only when eating; as if Something got into a hollow tooth. Kali. C. 5. Aching of teeth on chewing and biting, as if they would be forced out. Pul. 5. Aching of teeth at night disturbing sleep, with anxiety, with swelling of gums. MerC. C. 5. - Aching. Hollow teeth decay very rap- idly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Aching in it ceases in the morning excitement and uneasiness, preventing sleep; with Swelling of gum, as if suppurat- ing. Lyc. 5. Aching in a hollow tooth aggravated at night and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pain as if the nerve were scratched. Ant. C. 5. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or Opening mouth ; aggravated on bit- ing teeth together. Hep. 5. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in Open air; with pain in Submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums; worse in a hol- low molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. Staph. 5. Aching of teeth on taking anything warm into mouth. Bry. 5. Aching in teeth worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing, eating Sour things, and putting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Acid. (Acid Dyspepsia.) Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence. Natr. S. Clin. Acid. Indigestion, mostly acid, with pal- pitation and distress about the heart, Natr. C. Clin. Acid dyspepsia; the region of the stomach becomes distended and extremely sen- sitive to touch. Lyc. Clin. Acid dyspepsia; heartburn even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. Acid dyspepsia; sour eructations. C. Clin. Acid dyspepsia; Sour vomiting and sour eructations. Caust. Clin. s Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomiting, com- ing on an hour or so after eating. Kali. B. Clin. Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; Sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nausea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach; eructations of sour liquid. Robina. Clin. Acid. (Miscellaneous.) Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stom- ach; waterbrash, Lyc, 7. Acid. Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy, acid liquid; with food, Wer, Alb, 6. Acid fermentation in stomach; every- thing turns Sour; SOur risings. Calc. C. Clin. Acid. Intensely acid vomiting; this symptom has been relieved even when associated with cancer of the stomach. Robina. Clin. Mag. (46) AC I D. FEPERTORY OF PART I. AFTER. Acid. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general; aversion to green food. | Mag. C. 2. - Acid. Womiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black acid liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Acid. Indigestion; food becomes acid. t POd. Clin. Acid. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth, changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. Acids. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Acids. General craving for acids and aversion to meat and fat or rich | food. Pul. Clin. Acids. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia; Soreness over the abdomen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something ; twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Acids. Desire for acids. Bry. 2. Acids. Great desire for acids. Stram. Acids. Thirst for acids; longing for beer. Kali. B. 2. Acids. mercury or quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Acids. Gnawing in stomach, as if from acids, rising into throat. Hep. 1. Acids. Uneasiness, starting from pit of stomach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali. C. 1. Acids. Ravenous appetite at night; long- ing for acids and spicy things. Phos. 2. Acidity. Nausea, with acidity and retch- ing. Pod. 6. O 4- a and when walking, with burning. Carbo V. 1. Acidity. Gastric catarrh from excessive acidity; heartburn. Sep. Clin. Acidity. Burning acidity rising from stomach, with spasmodic constric- tion. Kali. C. 1. Acidity of stomach after dinner. Mag. M. 1. Acrid. Bilious colic ; almost incessant vemiting of extremely acrid sub- stances, with soreness over the liver. Iris Clin. Acrid. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Nux Wom. 5. Across. Painless gnawing in Stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Acute glossitis, with dry, hot mouth. A con. Clin. - Acute pain in region of stomach and blad- der with such sensibility that pres- sure caused convulsions. Canth. 1. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessitating hawking. Psor. 5. Affections from excessive tea-drinking. Rumex Clin. After. (After Eating.) Digestion slow; dis- comfort in stomach after eating a little, Lyc. 1. Dyspepsia following the abuse of After, Gnawing in stomach, relieved after Supper; with weakness, Sep, 1. After, Bitter taste after eating and drink- ing, though food has a natural taste, Pu1, 3, After, Eructations empty after eating; sour during the day, Sul. 7. After, Taste bitter; bilious after eating and Smoking, Pul, 3. After, Pain in stomach an hour after eating, Pul, 1, | After, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bit: ter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7, i After, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating al little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sit- ting. Nux Wom, 1. | After, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. After, Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after eating a little; with heaviness in epigastric region, caused by cough, Lyc, 1. After, Full feeling in stomach after eating a little; heaviness. Sul. 1. Acidity of stomach when lying on back After, Appetite after eating, though stom- ach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite, then distention of abdo- men, Lyc, 2. After, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morning, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Wom. 7. After, Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tight- ness of breath with distention of ab- domen. Nux VOm. 1. After. Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom. 3. After. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. After, Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 1, After. Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating; aggravated by pressure. Phos. 1. After. Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. After, Salivation after saliva; Salt Saliva. eating; Sul. 5. bloody After, Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards evening and at night, on washing mouth before breakfast on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness, even to faintness, with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food; then retching. Sep. 6. - After. Sour taste; worse in morning after swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. After. Heartburn, as after overloading stomach with rancid food. Nux Wom. 1. After. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with saliva- tion, extending into throat; into mouth ; soreness on waking. Kali. B. 1. After. Taste bitter, even to tobacco smoke, to everything; amelioration after eat- ing; to bread on Swallowing, al- though it tasted good while chewing. China 3. After. Stomach and abdomen tense after a moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. After. Indigestion; constant Squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache ; weakness. RO- bina. Clin. After. Flatulent pain in the evening after a meal, here and there after mid- night; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. After. Pain in stomach after breakfast and dinner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. 1. After. Stomach weak and easily disor- dered; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. After. Distention of stomach after eat- ing. Natr. M. 1. After. Sore pain in stomach after eating. Natr. M. 1. After. Appetite great towards noon and after eating, weariness and sleepi- ness. Natr. M. 2. After. Eructations after eating ; incom- plete; violent. Natr. M. 7. After. Distention of abdomen after dim- ner, with emission of flatus; fermen- tation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. After. Nausea after eating, with heavi- ness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. After. Eructations before and after eat- ing; sour, empty. Nit. A c. 7. After. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth; feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. After. Distress in stomach, worse in the afternoon, amelioration after Supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. After. Pain in abdomen after eating; re- lieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. After. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for sweets; general relief after eating. Sabad. Clin. (47) AFTER. REPERTORY OF PART I. AFTERNO ON. After. on rising, as from long fasting; better after eating. Pul. 1. dinner; sour. Nux Vom. 5. After. Indigestion, characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach immedi- ately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; With putrid taste in the mouth; nearly al- ways associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. After. Empty eructations in morning fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat. 7. - After. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening ; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. After. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Dye. 1. After. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger; then, after eating, coldness and rumbling in abdomen, after Shiv- ering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China 2. After. Discharge of flatus; offensive after dinner; relieved after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. After. Taste bitter in morning; Sour after eating; to all food. Tyc. 3. After. Vomiting of food and bile; even tion; during menstruation. Lyc. 6. After. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even, especially toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing. Ign. Clin. After. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. * After. Eructations after quent; without odor or taste. Hep. 7. After. Dyspepsia, resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of eating ; fre- mucus. Kali. B. Clin. After. Eructations, with oppression of stomach after eating or hiccough-like eructations. Cycl. 7. After. Acidity of stomach after dinner, Mag. M. 1. After. Vomiting of food immediately after eating. Ferr. 6. After. Cramp-like pain in the stomach after every meal; Oppression when- ever she eats. Ferr. 1. After. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomit- ing, coming on an hour or So after eating. Kali. B. Clin. After, Heaviness in stomach after eat- ing. Kali. C. 1. - After. Boring in teeth after dinner; as if something got into tooth. Kali. C. 5. After. Taste bitter before and after eat- ing; bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. bitter eructations, or with sour or to vomiting after a meal, with saliva- Clawing in stomach in morning After. After. Breath offensive in morning; after | | r | | i ! * | w t attended with sighing; gastric Symp- Nausea after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualmishness in epigastric region, as after eating too After. much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. After. Pain beneath stomach after eat- ing. Cocc. 1. After. Heartburn in evening after sup- per; on waking in middle of night; After. Kali. B. 1. Hiccough after eating and drink- Ign. 7. after dinner. After. ing. After. ings, with pain, as from pressure on a Sore place after eating a little. China 1. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, after a moderate supper, with After. | | | | | t Soreness in pit of stomach morn- After. | | griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. After. Bism. 6. After. Hiccough after eating and on every shock caused by it; pressure After, in forehead as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry. 7. After. Vomiting of food several hours. After, after a meal. Kreas. Clin. After. Vomiting after eating and drink- After. ing. Bel. 6. * After. Eructations after eating and drinking; violent, almost constant. Carbo V. 7. After. Flatulent after every meal. Borax 7. After. Burning in stomach, extending into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Pressure in stomach after eating; After. in region of stomach, with burning. After. Empty eructations after dimmer; sour. Zinc. 7. i After. Eructations after eating a little; after eating and drinking; sour. Sep. 7. After. Hiccough after a meal. Sep. 7. After. Taste sour after eating. Sil. 3. After. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. - After. Pain in pit of stomach after eat- ing; with heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. After. Pain beneath stomach when ly- ing; in epigastric region on touch : after eating. Sul. 1. After. Pain in pit of stomach on pres- sure; after a meal and on touch ; sore internally. Sep. 1. After. Sour eructations after a with burning in throat. Sil. 7. After. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth ; nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. After. Atonic dyspepsia; digestion very slow ; the food is tasted or regurgi– tated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. After, (After Drinking.) Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast; with sour eructations, Sul. 3, meal, After. After. Vomiting of bile in morning after After, 0ffensive taste, after drinking beer, Bry, 3. Nausea in morning, so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink; mostly in mouth, when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Cocc. 6. - Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p. m. ; in evening after beer; when eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or Opening mouth ; aggravated on biting teeth together. Hep. 5. After. Tearing in teeth after chewing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Thirst, but mausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Wom. 2. Dryness of mouth in morning, without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening. Nux VOm. 5. Womiting of food after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of Open air. Ferr. 6. (Miscellaneous.) Flatulent disten- tion of abdomen after stool, Lyc. 7, Dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst ; with much saliva in fauces. Nux Wom, 5. - After. Ravenous hunger, but speedy sa- tiety after stool; ravenous, often making her sick. Petr. 2. - After nursing, the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. After. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- Comes Sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. After. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux Vom. 7 After. Offensive odor from mouth morning; in evening after down; at night. Pul. 5. After. Nausea in morning after rising, with salivation. Mag. M., 6. Nausea every morning, fasting; in morning after rising, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. in lying long violent retching. Hep. 6. After. Flatulent pain in morning after Waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdo- men. Pul. 7. . After. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructa- tions. Kali. C. 7. Afternoon. Pain in pit of stomach in after- noon after eating a little; with heaviness in epigastric region caused by cough, Lyc. 1, Afternoon. Pinching or choking pain in pit of Stomach, impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. Afternoon. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus Tox. 5. (48) AFTERNO O N. REPERTORY OF PART I. A C C R AWAT ON. Afternoon. Burning pain in pit of stom- ach in afternoon after dinner, with salivation, extending into throat; into mouth; soreness on waking. Kali. B. 1. - Afternoon. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon relieved by emission of fetid flatus; with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Afternoon. Thirst in afternoon, with heat in palms. Zinc. 2. Afternoon. Eructations of air, hot in afternoon and evening. Caust. 7. Afternoon. Tension in abdomen in after- noon from accumulated flatus, but it. passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 7. Afternoon. Loud flatulence all the after- noon; offensive. Caust. 7. Afternoon. Taste bitter to dinner; metal- lig in afternoon; sour. Natr. C. 2. Afternoon. Thirst great in afternoon. Natr. C. 2. Afternoon. Eructations sour in after- noon; empty; waterbrash. Natr. C. 7. | Aggravated. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth aggravated at night; pulselike from lower into ear and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p. m. on, Merc, S, 5. Aggravated. Aching in teeth, aggra- vated by chewing; eating sour things, and putting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especi- ally in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Aggravated. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple; aggravated in open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Aggravated. Neuralgic toothache, aggra- vated by cold air, resulting from the use of tobacco. Sep. Clin. Aggravated. Hard pressure frequently relieves the toothache, which may be aggravated by light pressure. Staph. Clin. - Aggravated. Toothache aggravated from cold; amelioration from warmth. Rhus Tox. Clin. Aggravated. Inflammation at root of a tooth, with pain, which is aggravated - at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Aggravated. Pain in teeth when eating; in incisors and anterior molars On drawing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Aggravated. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then ex- tending into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. - Aggravated. Toothache in pregnancy, temporarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth ; always aggra- wated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Aggravated. Sore pain in teeth, aggra- vated by exerting the mind and re- flecting. Nux Vom. 5. Aggravated. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or opening mouth; ag- gravated on biting teeth together. Hep. 5. Aggravated. Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth; worse at night. Mezer. Clin. Aggravated. great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; saliva- tion Offensive. Merc. S. Clin. Aggravated. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. Aggravated. Neuralgic toothache aggrä- vated by the warmth of the bed; amelioration from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. - Aggravated. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; ag- gravated by eating; at noon and even- ing; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Aggravated. Digging in upper back teeth; aggravated for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. China 5. Aggravated. (Stomach.) Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cut- ting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; ag- gravated by walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Aggravated. Nausea in epigastric region; aggravated by eating and drinking, with waterbrash and disagreeable risings, Pul, 6. Aggravated. Burning pain in stomach, in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pressure. Ars. Alb. 1. Aggravated. Pressure, as from a hard sub- stance, above pit of stomach; with cold- ness, heaviness after eating; aggra- vated by pressure. Phos. 1. Aggravated. Pain in stomach after of food and colic; aggravated by sit- ting bent over and in region of duo- denum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Aggravated. Pain at cardiac orifice, ag- gravated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomiting first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Aggravated. Burning in pit of stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pressure extending transversely at intervals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Aggravated. Dyspepsia aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and ab- domen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Nux MOs. Clin. Aggravated. Hard pressure in stomach, aggravated after eating. Bel. 1. Aggravated. Pain in pit of stomach; in epigastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. a light meal, with fullness, eructations | Aggravation. Dental periostitis, with | Aggravated. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitivenese of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Aggravated. Gastric derangements ag- gravated by alcoholic stimulants; especially flatulence with much rum- ! bling in abdomen. Zine. Clin. Aggravated. Gastric troubles always ag- | gravated during hot weather. Phos. Clin. Aggravated. Emptiness in epigastric region worse in the Oesophagus; not ameliorated by eating. Mur. A c. 1. Aggravated. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Aggravated. Severe gastralgia or cardi- algia aggravated by the least nour- ishment; the stomach seems very irritable, and contracts painfully on its Contents. Nux Wom. Clin. Aggravated. Gastralgia aggravated by pressure. Ign. Clin. - - Aggravated. (Miscellaneous.) Nausea aggra- wated by a sip of wine; with headache, Zinc, 6. Aggravated. Rumbling and gurgling in ab- domen in evening or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and mov- ing of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Pul. 7, - Aggravated. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Aggravated. Nausea associated with vertigo ; aggravated by taking any- thing into the stomach, with faint- mess. Cocc. Clin. Aggravated. Sour taste; worse in morn- ing after Swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. Aggravated. Colic from cold water, ag- gravated by heat. Staph. Clin. Aggravated. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Aggravated. Colic of the most violent character; aggravated by hard pres- sure, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Aggravation. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth; worse in morning; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes Warm. Pul, 5. Sticking gnawing in gums; worse towards evéning and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering, a draught of cold, open air, Pul. 5. Aggravation, Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were pain- ing from cold air; worse lying on pain- less side, better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry. 5, Aggravation. A ching in teeth, worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Aggravation. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a chill; aggravation from en- trance of cold air. Calc. C. 5. | l i | | | } ! } . (49) A C C R AWAT I ON . REPERTORY OF PART I. AME Lior ATIon. Aggravation. Neuralgic toothache, ceas- ing entirely in the open air; aggrava- tion in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Aggravation. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eating, extending into muscles of neck. Aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. - Aggravation. Neuralgic toothache; amel- ioration from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Aggravation, (Miscellaneous.) Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offensive; smelling of sulphutretted hy- drogen. Sul. 7, • , - Aggravation. Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with dis- tention of abdomen; paroxysmal, ar- resting breath, obliging her to bend | double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Aggravation. General aggravation from fat food. Cycl. Clin. Aggravation. Colic, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Aggravation. Nausea worse after eating, with pressure in stomach. Bism. 6. Aggravation. Nausea after each meal, worse during and after dinner, with troublesome efforts to vomit. Arg. N. 6. Aggravation. Constriction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then changing into chest and imped- ing breathing. Pul. 1. Aggravation. Gastralgia, relieved by eat- ing, but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Aggravation. Griping in epigastric re- gion after every meal; worse towards evening. Coloc. 1. Aggravation. Spasmodic efforts to vomit, associated with great distress in the stomach; aggravation from eating. Nux VOm. Clin. Aggravation. Distention of hypochon- dria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness - under ribs. Ign. 1. Aggravation. Thirst ; worse at night. Tabac. 2. ' Aggravation. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse upper abdomen. Pul. 7. Aggravation. Distress in stomach, worse in the afternoon, amelioration after supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Aggravation. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggra- vation from Warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. e *Hºn. li. Aggravation. Burning pain in tip of tongue as from Soreness; aggravation from taking anything warm into mouth. Calc. C. 3. Aggravation. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning, especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks. Pul. 2. Aggravation. Nausea in morning on wak- ing, with vomiting; worse from slight- est motion. Bry. 6. Aggravation. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening ; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Aggravation. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from mo- tion; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. Aggravation. Gastralgia: aggravation from light and amelioration from hard pressure, transiently relieved by vomiting. Nux Wom. Clin. t Aggravation. Gastralgia; Sharp cutting or sticking; aggravation from motion or eating. Kali. C. Clin. (Teeth. Aggravation from Cold Air.) Toothache when cold air or drinks enter the mouth, Calc, C, 5. Teeth feel too long and blunt on biting on them and from fresh air. Mezer. 5. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravatod from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. Air. Violent toothache from taking cold, even in sound teeth, from cold air. Caust. Clin. Toothache in pregnant women, ex- cited by cold or a draught of air. Calc. C. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated in Open air. Agar. Clin. Sensitiveness of teeth to open air. A con. 5. - - ‘Inclination to gnash teeth, as in a chill; aggravation from entrance of cold air. Calc. C. 5. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple; aggravated in Open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated by cold air, resulting from the use of to- bacco. Sep. Clim. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. Staph. 5. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in Open air. Staph. 5. Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head if air enters mouth. NuxWom. 5. Looseness of teeth; sensitiveness to Cold air. Natr. M. 5. Pain in teeth, aggravated by draw- ing in air with open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth; now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, ag- gravated by eating; at noon and even- ing; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux Wom. 5. Air, Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in Open air ; with pain in submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Pain in teeth when eating, in in- cisors and anterior molars on draw- ing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Neuralgic toothache ceasing entire- ly in the open air; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. T}ecaying teeth, with burning, bor- ing pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily relieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking, gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from un- covering, a draught of cold, open air, Pul. 5, - Nausea, on motion, with relaxed sen- sation in stomach; paroxysmal, as in Seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat, amounting almost to faintness; amel- ioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Womiting of food after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of open air. Ferr. (5. Violent eructations, mostly of air; empty eructations. Ver. Alb. 7. Eructations of air; hot in afternoon and evening. Caust. 7. Alcohol. Inflammation of the stomach, caused by the habitual use of power- ful drugs or of alcohol; strong coffee. . Nux VOm. Clin. Alcohol. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent Sour breath; the patient is shrivelled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- Air. Air. Air. Air, Air. Air. Air. Air. rhoea. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Alcoholic. Dryness of mouth in morning Without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening. Nux VOm. 5. Alcoholic. Gastric derangements aggra- vated by alcoholic stimulants; espe- cially flatulence with much rumbling in abdomen. Zinc. Clin. Alcoholic. Valuable remedy for the desire for alcoholic drinks. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Alcoholic. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning, especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks. Pul. 2. Alcoholism. Gastritis in chronic alcohol- ism, with constant nausea and vomit- ing. Crotal. H. Clin. All food is extremely palatable. Can. - Ind. 2. Amelioration, (Amelioration after Drink- ing.) Taste bitter; relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry. 3, Amelioration. Haemorrhage from stom- ach, temporarily relieved by drink- ing cold water. Phos. Clin. Amelioration. Dryness of tongue, reliev- ed for a moment by drinking; then Worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. ( 50 ) AME L IORATION. REPERTORY OF PART I. AM E L IORATION. Amelioration. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Amelioration. Gastric symptoms, relieved by cold drinks. Bism. Clin. Amelioration. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Amelioration. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Amelioration. Nausea, relieved by drink- ing; at night, with eructations of food. Phos. 6. Amelioration. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitive- ness so that she could hardly eat; re- lieved by taking anything cold; burn- ing as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Amelioration. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach; temporarily relieved by cold drinks, but as soon as these become warm the vomiting is renew- ed. Phos. Clin. Amelioration. (Amelioration after Eating.) Gnawing in stomach, relieved after sup- per; with weakness, Sep. 1, Amelioration. Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; bet- ter after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Wom. 3. Amelioration. Taste bitter, even to to- bacco smoke; to everything; amelior- ation after eating; to bread on swal- lowing, although it tasted good while chewing. China 3. Amelioration. Taste bitter; relieved when eating and drinking. Chel. 3. Amelioration. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night, on Washing mouth before breakfast, on waking ; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness, even to faintness, with mel- ancholy; easily startled; then vomit- ing of food; then retching. Sep. 6. Amelioration. Clawing in Stomach in morning on rising, as from long fast- ing; better after eating. Pul. 1. Amelioration. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for sweets; gen- eral relief after eating. Sabad. Clin. Amelioration. Distress in Stomach, worse in the afternoon, amelioration after supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Amelioration. Atomic dyspepsia, with amenorrhoea; the nausea and vomit- ing generally relieved by eating and lying down. Sep. Clin. Amelioration. Tyspepsia, with indescrib- able distress in region of stomach ; only temporarily relieved by eating, Calc. P. Clin. * Amelioration. Nausea, caused by milk, when he had eaten almost enough ; amelioration if he once ceased eating; with flow of Sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. . Amelioration. Gastric disturbances; re- lieved temporarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Amelioration. Dyspepsia, with violent pain, extending into the chest; with nausea, temporarily relieved by eat- ing. Petr. Clin. Amelioration. Gastralgia, relieved by eating, but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Amelioration. Dyspepsia, temporarily re- lieved by eating. Petr. Clin. Amelioration. Gastric ulcer, with burn- ing and great uneasiness in stomach; temporarily relieved by eating; hence Constant desire to eat. Mezer. Clim. Amelioration. Regurgitation of food, hic- cough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even, especially attended with sighing; gastric symptoms generally relieved after eating. Ing. Clin. Amelioration, (Amelioration from Erueta- tions.) Flatulence here and there in hypochondria; even in back and region of ribs, and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations. Lyc, 7. Amelioration. Pain in pit of stomach all forenoon, relieved by eructations; with necesssity to vomit. Graph. 1. Amelioration. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offen- sive gas, partially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. DiOSC. Clin. - Amelioration. Distress in stomach, in morning, with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Amelioration. Eructations of sour, bitter wind, relieving pain in epigastrium. DiOSC. 1. & Amelioration, Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sen- sation as if Oesophagns were spasmodi- cally closed; hence, ineffectual effort to eructate, relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. Amelioration. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Amelioration. Pain in region of stomach at night; amelioration from eructa- tions. Sul. 1. Amelioration. Aching and throbbing in stomach; amelioration from eructa- tions; with pain from the jar of walk- ing. Sep. 1. Amelioration. Gastralgia; pains sudden, violent, compelling hard pressure on the abdomen; amelioration from eructations. Plumb. Clin. Amelioration. Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by eructations. Coloc. 1. Amelioration. (Amelioration from Emis- sion of Flatus.) Distention of abdomen in morning in bed; amelioration from emission of flatus. Sul. 7. Amelioration. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon relieved by emis- Sion of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Amelioration. Colic; aggravated by rid- ing in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Amelioration. Pain in abdomen after eating; relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. Amelioration. Frequent colic, only slight- ly relieved by evacuating gas; attacks come at night, associated with feeling of emptiness; nausea, vertigo. Cocc. Clin. Amelioration. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. + Amelioration. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag. C. 7. Amelioration. Pain in abdomen before breakfast; flatulent; amelioration from difficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Amelioration, (Amelioration from Lying.) Distention of abdomen by flatulence; waking about midnight; causing op- pressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 7. Amelioration. Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom. 6. Amelioration, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in ab- domen and nausea in morning after eat- ing a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggrava- tion from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1, Amelioration, Colic, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent ; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Amelioration. Pressure in pit of stomach, relieved by lying down. Caust. 1. Amelioration. Pain all day in stomach, relieved by lying and warmth of bed, returning on rising. Graph. 1. Amelioration. (Miscellaneous.) Nausea on motion, with relaxed sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat, amount- ing almost to faintness; amelioration in Open air. Tabac. 6. Amelioration. Ulcer in the stomach; burn- ing pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. | Amelioration. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from mo- tion; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex, Clin. | | ( 51 ) AMſ. E L J OR AT O Nº. REPERTORY OF PART I. APPETITE. Amelioration. Discharge of ſlatus; offen- sive after dinner; relieved after stool, with movement in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Amelioration. Gastralgia; aggravation from light and amelioration from hard pressure; transiently relieved by vom- iting. Nux Vom. Clin. Amelioration. Tension in region of stom- ach in forenoon, relieved by moving about. Pul. 1, Amelioration. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it becomes sticking, so that she can not turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Amelioration. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth; worse in morning, better when Cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Pul. 5, Amelioration. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering, a draught of cold, open air. Pul. 5, Amelioration, Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on pain- ful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Amelioration. Aching of teeth when chew- ing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth ; when eating, as if too long; drawing relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Amelioration. Toothache in pregnancy, temporarily relieved by holding cold water in mouth ; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Amelioration. Toothache aggravated by cold; amelioration from warmth. Rhus TOX. Clin. Amelioration. Tearing in teeth ; amel- ioration from hot applications. Rhus Tox. 5. Amelioration. Hard pressure frequently relieves the toothache, which may be aggravated by light pressure. Clin. Amelioration. Neuralgic toothache; amel- ioration from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Amelioration. Neuralgic toothache ag- gravated by the warmth of the bed; amelioration from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Amelioration. Toothache relieved by holding cold water in mouth. Natr. S. Clin. Amelioration. Decaying teeth, with burn- ing, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. - Amelioration. Neuralgic toothache ceas- ing entirely in the Open air ; aggrava- tion in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Amenorrhoea. Atomic dyspepsia, with amenorrhoea; the nausea and vomit- ing generally relieved by eating and lying down. Sep. Clin. Anus. Staph. Amelioration. Tearing toothache, ex- tending to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux Wom. Clin. Anaemic. Neuralgic toothache; ameliora- tion from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Anger. Colic from suppressed perspira- tion, as from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with colic. Coloc. Clin. Anguish. Vomiting with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent || stools; also with weaknesss; with anguish ; then constant, involuntary, watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Animal, Aversion to animal food when thinking of it; to salt food. Graph. 2. Anorexia, Dislike for all food, Ferr, 2, Anorexia, without bad taste or thirst; always feels full. Ferr. 2. Anterior. Burning on anterior surface Of tongue; on tip; Scalded sensation. Coloc. 3. Colic, as if flatulence with cutting were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, per- ineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Anxiety, Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with anxiety, Arg, N. 1. Anxiety. sure, with anxiety. Bry. 1. Anxiety in pit of stomach at night, rising high up. Ars. Alb. 1. Anxiety. Nausea in forenoon with weak- ness, anxiety and tremulous sensation through whole body. Plat. 6. Anxiety. Pain in the stomach; tightness in epigastrium, as if a ball extended to throat, where it caused suffocation, preventing speaking and Swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Anxiety in pit of stomach, with heart- burn. Lyc. 1. Anxiety. Aching of teeth at night, dis- turbing sleep; with anxiety; with swelling of gums. Merc. C. 5. Anxiety; oppression in stomach. Chel. 1. Anxious pulsation in pit of stomach, with shooting. A con. 1. - Anxious pain in pit of stomach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Apex, Soreness of tongue, with redness of apex, Rhus Tox, 3. Aphtha in mouth, bluish-red and spongy; the ulcer spreads without penetrating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc, S, 5. Aphthae in mouth ; breath offensive. Sulf. A c. 5. Aphtha of mouth and cheek, with burn- ing; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. Clin. Aphtha. Sore mouth; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children; with marasmus; with Salivation ; Sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Aphtha on tip of tongue. Bry. 3. Aphthae on inside of cheek, bleeding when eating. Borax 5. Aphtha. Canker sores on the tongue and aphthae in the mouth. Lach. Clin. Pain in epigastric region on pres- Aphthous mouth in nursing children. Mur. Ac. Clin. Aphthous sore mouth occurring in the last stages of wasting diseases, some- times with watery diarrhoea and irri- table stomach. Mur. AC. Clin. Aphthous. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Aphthous. Burning pain and rawness in mouth, then aphthous and denuded spots. Lach. 5. - Aphthous stomatitis, with ptyalism, ba odor, etc. Merc. S. Clin. - Aphthous. White, aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue. Hep. 5. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Aphthous sore mouth. Staph. Clin. Appetite, (Good Appetite.) Appetite for bread and butter, Merc, S. 2, Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great ap- petite, then distention of abdomen. Lyc, 2. Appetite unnatural, even when dying from exhausting stools. Secale 2. Appetite increased; ravenous; if he does not eat, headache, lassitude and necessity to lie down, Sul. 2, Appetite increased. Can, Ind. 2. Appetite. Violent hunger; hunger in stom- ach; with undisturbed appetite. Ver. Alb. 2. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, Sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. - Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what; hunger but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only While eating; appetite and natural taste to food returned. China, 2. Appetite. Great appetite; appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. Colch. 2. Appetite. Bitter taste in morning fast- ing, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p.m.; in evening after beer; when eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Appetite. Burning in pit of stomach like heartburn, with good appetite. Ant. C. I. Appetite. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; during suppression of menses, with good ap- petite; when he wishes to eat; when eating, so that food was repulsive. Pul. 6. --> Appetite great. Natr. C. 2. Appetite great, but aversion to food. Nux | VOm. 2. Appetite. Nausea, with good appetite and natural taste to food. Sil. 6. Appetite great at noon and in evening. Mezer. 2. Appetite great towards noon, and after eating Weariness and sleepiness. Natr. M. 2. . (52 ) APPETITE. REPERTORY OF PART I. AVERSION. etite. Nausea at noon, when his ap- petite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner; with pressure in pit of stomach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. Appetite. Ravenous appetite with empti- } ness in stomach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Appetite ravenous. Secale 2. Appetite. Ravenous appetite before sup- per; with loss of appetite and trem- bling in limbs; then coldness over whole body, with heat in chest, so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Appetite, Ravenous appetite. Zinc. 2. Appetite great for apples, with thirst for Cool water. Ant. T. 2. Appetite violent, but satiety after eating a little. Amm. C. 2. Appetite. Insipid and spoiled sensation in stomach, with good appetite. Graph. 1. Appetite. Canine hunger. Coloc. 2. Appetite. Ravenous hunger, but the ap- petite sometimes vanishes and there is absolute disgust for food; the at- tempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sink- ing in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Appetite great; in evening; diminished, } especially for meat; can eat only bread and butter; meat disagrees with him. Ferr. 2. Appetite for fruit, and acid things in gen- eral; aversion to green food. Mag. C. 2. Appetite. Ravenous appetite; she feels that it is not a genuine hunger. Merc. S. 2. Appetite for only sour, pungent things. Hep. 2. Appetite increased ; at one time good, at another lost. Lach. 2. Appetite. Canine hunger, but the at- tempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent dis- tention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full be- fore he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Appetite. Ravenous appetite at night; longing for acids and Spicy things. PhOS. 2. Appetite great at noon ; he ate with haste, and though it oppressed the stomach App he could have eaten more. Nux MOS. 2. Appetite, (Appetite Lost.) Appetite lost and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting, Lyc, 2. Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen and aversion to it when he begins to eat. Sul. 2, Appetite lost, Kali, B, 2. Appetite lost; diminished; aversion to food. Plumb. 2. - Appetite. Hunger great; hunger without appetite; appetite diminished. Psor. 2. Appetite, Metallic taste, with loss of ap- petite; metallic at root of tongue. - COCC. 3. Appetite lost; indifferent to food; desire for something sour. Pod. 2. | Appetite. Loss of appetite, but when he Atonic dyspepsia; digestion very slow; began to eat he relished food. Calc. the food is tasted or regurgitated a C. 2. long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Appetite lost. Ign. 2. |Atomic dyspepsia, with continual throb- Appetite diminished; lost for breakfast bing; occipital headache and trem- and Supper; at these times satiety as bling, fluttering feeling below the soon as he begins to eat. Cycl. 2. | epigastrium, towards the umbilicus; Appetite entirely lost, and, after eating a tongue very red and small; feels little, loud belching and inability to swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. work. China. Clin. Atonic dyspepsia; feeling as if the stom- Appetite lost. Bapt. 2. ach were collapsed. Zinc. Clin. Appetite for something at times and when Atonic dyspepsia, with bloating. he gets it he does not like it. Hep. 2. Clin. - Appetite lost for wine and brandy to Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imper- which he is accustomed. Merc. S. 2. fect digestion; fullness in the stom- Lyc. Appetite. Feeling as if stomach hung ach ; belching pain extending all down relaxed, and appetite lost. around the chest and up to the Ipe. 1. shoulders. Nux Vom. Clin. Appetite. Dyspepsia characterized by Atony of the stomach and abdomen; feel- regurgitation of food, more or less down relaxed. nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst; bitter taste; vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Appetite lost; repugnance to food, to meat and broth. Arm. M. 2. Appetite lost; loathing of food. Acon. 2. Appetite. Aversion to the sweetness of sugar; to wine and brandy, which they took to excite their appetites. Zinc. 2. Appetite lost, still he relished the food that he eat. Ars. Arb. 2. Appetite. Loss of appetite in morning. Abies N. 2. Appetite lost for milk; but if he takes it . he begins to relish it. Bry. 2. |Appetite, but he knows not for what; i also he relishes nothing; aversion to smoking, to meat, to butter. Pul. 2. Appetite lost for smoking; he could not smoke at all. Natr. M. 2. ing as if it hung Staph. Clin. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, either of water or food. Kreas. Clin. Aversion. Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen and aversion to it when he begins to eat. Sul, 2, Aversion to tobacco smoking, Ign, 2. Aversion to food ; to the usual food; drink- ing, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten ; worse if she does not lie down ; to the Odor of food. Nux VOm. 2. Aversion. Womiting of food after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of open air. Ferr. 6. Aversion. Bitter taste to food, then chilli- ness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; after- wards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Aversion. Appetite lost; diminished; aver- sion to food. Plumb. 2. - Aversion to food ; even the smell of food Appetite lost; beer is not relished. Rhus causes it; but hunger. Cocc. 2. Tox. 2. * Aversion to animal food when thinking of Appetite lost; aversion to meat. Sep. 2. it; to salt food. Graph. 2. Appetite diminished, disgust for food. Canth. 2. A version to coffee. China, 2. - Aversion. Appetite great but aversion Apples. Eructations empty; tasting of to food. Nux VOm. 2. rotten eggs; tasting like apples. Aversion. Dyspepsia, with soreness; dis- Agar. 7. . * tention; burning pain; desire for cold Apples. Appetite great for apples, with food; aversion to hot food. Merc. C. thirst for Cool water. Ant. T. 2. Clin. Apprehensiveness, Vomiting, with appre- Aversion to meat, bread, and coffee. hensiveness of death. Ars, A, 6. Natr. M. 2. Arm. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac Aversion to coffee and tobacco. Lyc. 2. end of the stomach; pains extending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Arms. Neuralgia of the stomach; most severe pain even along sternum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Articulate. Tongue heavy when talking; speech difficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Vom. 3. Articulation imperfect, sometimes only confused sounds. Plumb. 3. Ascending. Discomfort in pit of stom- ach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Vom. 1. Atomic dyspepsia with amenorrhoea; the nausea, and vomiting generally re- lieved by eating and lying down. Sep. Clim. Atomic dyspepsia. Phos. Clin. Aversion. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general; aversion to green food. Mag. C. 2. Aversion to bread and butter. Cycl. 2. Aversion. Craving for various things but when they are brought to him, especially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion and be- comes nauseated and may even vomit. }olch. Clin. Aversion. Extreme aversion to food, with persistent, slightly qualmish, bitter taste; metallic taste; putrid taste. Cocc. Clin. * Aversion. Indigestion, with aversion to the Ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clin. ( 53 ) AVERSION. REPERTORY OF PART I. BEN DIN C. Aversion to meat, to fat meat; to milk which makes her flatulent. Carbo W. 2. Aversion to the sweetness of Sugar; to wine and brandy which they took to excite their appetites. Zinc, 2. Aversion. Smoking tobacco is not rel- ished; aversion to food, to sour things, to meat. Sul. 2. Aversion. Appetite lost; aversion to meat. Sep. 2. - Aversion. Appetite but he knows not for what ; also he relishes nothing; aver- sion to smoking, to meat, to butter. Pul. 2. - Aversion. General craving for acids and aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. Bad taste in morning though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eat- ing ; low down in throat on hawking. Nux VOm. 3. Bad, Eructations bitter, and like bad eggs, like rotten eggs, Arn M. 7, Bad odor in mouth. Lyc. 5. Bad. Eructations tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp and sour. Petr. 7. Bad taste, bad odor in the mouth and ac- cumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. Bad odor from mouth in morning. Sil. 5. Bad Odor from mouth. Petr. 5. Back. Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel, 1. Back, Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria; even in back, in region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eructa- tions, Lyc, 7. Back. Cramp in the region of the stom- ach and abdomen, or very violent cutting pain going through to back, as if transfixed and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Back. Jerking tearing in left upper back teeth. China 5. Back. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating, cold- mess and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China 2. Back. Violent pain in region of stomach ; goes through to back and right shoulder blade or Over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Back. Burning heat in stomach, extend- ing to back, with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Back. Vomiting at night, with sticking, drawing pain in back, extending to- wards scapulae. Pul. 6. Back. Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Rumex Clin. Back. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the Small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Back. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- comes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. | | Back of mouth excoriated, covered with blisters. Canth. 5. Back. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Backache. Indigestion; corstant Squeez- ing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache; weakness. Robina. Clin. Backward. Shooting, cutting, in pit of stomach, forcing him to bend back- ward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Ball. Pain in the stomach; tightness in epigastrium as if a ball extended to throat, where it caused suffocation, preventing speaking and Swallowing: with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Beaten. Sensation as if beaten in epigas- tric region and abdomen, with full- ness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extend- ing into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. Bed. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse to- wards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering; a draught of cold open air, Pul, 5. Bed, Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening or colic aggravated in evening in bed, witn griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to an- other, Pul. 7, Bed. Nausea in morning during menstrua- tion, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning; with qualmishness about heart and Saliva- tion. Nux VOm. 6. Bed. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed; amelioration from emission of flatus. Sul. 7. Pain all day in stomach, relieved by lying and warmth of bed, return- ing on rising. Graph. 1. Bed. Neuralgic toothache aggravated by the warmth of the bed; ameliora- tion from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Toothache in evening as soon as she gets into bed. Amm. C. 5. Bed. Toothache beginning in evening in bed, and at night driving him out of bed, extending to temples. Mag. C. 5. Bed. |Bed. Bed. now in upper, now in lower back. Bry. 5. Dental periostitis with great sore- ness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- sive. Merc. S. Clin. Bed. T)rawing pain in teeth as soon as he gets into bed in evening. Kali. C. 5. Bed. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Beer, 0ffensive taste, after drinking beer, Bry, 3. Beer. Taste bitter in morning to food; to beer. Natr. M. 3. . Bed. Jerking in teeth in evening in bed, Beer. Bitter taste to food, then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. | Beer. Thirst at night; for beer arms heat; for cold water, Acon. 1. Beer. Bitter taste in morning; fasting continuing even when smoking; at 6 p, m, ; in evening after beer; when eat- ing and good appetite. Pul. 3. Beer. Appetite lost, beer is not relished. | | Rhus Tox. 2. Beer. Thirst from dryness in mouth ; for water or beer. Rhus Tox. 2. Beer. Vomiting of beer; of green, bitter mucus. Mezer. 6. - Beer. Thirst for acids; longing for beer. |Kali. B. 2. Beer. Thirst for beer. Peter. 2. Beer. Thirst, but nausea soon after drink- | ing; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after || morning chill. Nux Vom. 2. | Beer. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning, especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks. Pul. 2. Before. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent; amelioration from dif- ficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. | Belching. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence; sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Belching. Indigestion, with bloating sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gen- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali. C. Clin. Belching. Burning and waterbrash in epigastrium after belching. Calc. D. 1. Belching. Acid dyspepsia, heartburn even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. Belching. Appetite entirely lost, and, after eating a little, loud belching and inability to work. China Clin. Belching. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offen- sive gas, partially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. | Belching. Violent gastralgia, with dis- tention of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Belchings. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux VOm. Clin. Bend. Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with distention of abdomen; paroxysmal arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Bend. Shooting, cutting, in pit of stom- ach, forcing him to bend backward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Bending. Pain in abdomen, relieved by dis- charge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. ( 54 ) BEN EAT. H. REPERTORY OF PART I. Beneath. Pain beneath stomach after eating. Coco. 1. Bent. Violent vomiting unless he bent himself and lay still. Colch. 7. Bent. Pain in stomach after a light meal, With fullness, eructations and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Berries. Eructations tasting of juniper berries. Chel. 7. Between. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Beverage. Difficult vomiting of the bev- erage and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Bile. Womiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black acid liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Bile. Vomiting of food; thin mucous and green bile. Ars. A. 6. Bile. Vomiting of bile in morning after long violent retching. Hep. 6. Bile. Vomiting of food and bile; even to vomiting after a meal, with saliva- tion; during menstruation. Lyc. 6. Bile. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus; of contents of stomach; them of bile, of thick, dark green bile mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. Pod. 6. Bile. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile from repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Bilious, Taste bitter; bilious after eating and smoking. Pul. 3. Bilious, Eructations tasting of food; then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bit- ter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea. Pul, 7. Bilious. Bitter bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; better in morning on waking, Sul. 3, - Bilious. Womiting incessant, green bilious C. 6. Bilious. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 6. Bilious colic, almost incessant vomiting of extremely acrid substances, with sore- ness over the liver. Iris Clin. Bilious. Vomiting; after each drink; bil- ious, dark grumous liquid; greenish- gray, Watery, green masses, mucous. A con. 6. Bilious vomiting. Natr. S. Clin. Bilious vomiting; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vomiting. CrOtal. H. Clin. Bite. I looseness of teeth, lower incisors; she cannot bite upon them. Rhus TOx. 5. Bites. Easily bites inside of cheek near orifice of salivary duct when chewing. Ign. 5. matter streaked with blood. Merc. Bites. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets between teeth so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Biting of tongue when chewing, Nit, Ac. 3. Biting in tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Biting. Tongue sensitive even to soft food, which causes biting. Nit. A c. 3. Biting. Sticking in back part of palate with biting. Kali. C. 5. Biting. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. Biting. throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from Oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Biting. Teeth feel too long and blunt on biting on them and from fresh air. Mezer 5. Biting. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or opening mouth; aggravated on biting teeth together. Hep. 5. Biting. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Biting. Aching of teeth on chewing and biting as if they would be forced out. Pul. 5. Biting. Painful looseness of Stitches, on biting on them, in upper back, extending upward; in lower back extending downward. Caust. 5. Biting. when biting them together. Lach. 5. Biting. Digging in upper back teeth; aggravated for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. China, 5. Bitter, (Bitter Eructations.) Eructations bitter, and like bad eggs, like rotten eggs. Arn, M. 7. - Bitter, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste, remains with nausea, Pul. 7. Bitter, Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Wom. 7. Bitter. Eructations of bitter fluid ; of food. Ign. 7. . Bitter. Indigestion characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly al- ways associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. Bitter. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incomplete, ineffectual instead of which there is hiccough. Cocc. 7. Bitter. Eructations of sour bitter wind, re- lieving pain in epigastrium. Diosc. 1. Bitter. (Bitter Taste.) Taste bitter, re- lieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Bitter taste after eating and drinking, though food has a natural taste, Pul. 3. Bitter. Taste bitter. Acon, 3. Taste and coolness in mouth and incisors; Feeling as if teeth were too long BITTER. Bitter bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; bitter in morning on walking. Sul. 3. Bitter, Taste bitter, bilious after eating and Smoking, Pul. 3. |Bitter, Taste bitter; relieved when eating | and drinking. Chel. 3. Bitter, Taste bitter,even to tobacco smoke, to everything; amelioration after eat- ing; to bread, on Swallowing, although it tasted good while chewing. China 3. Bitter, Taste bitter in morning and slimy to food during the day; salty, Merc, C, 3, Bitter, Taste bitter in morning to food; to beer. Natr. M. 3. Bitter taste to food; then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls, and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Bitter. Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste; - bitter then sour, with sour eructations. | Ign. 3. Bitter. Taste sweetish; bitter; metallic. Plumb. 3. | Bitter. Vomiting of food that had been eaten - long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p. m.; in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Bitter. Womiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning even be- fore breakfast. Tabac. 6. Bitter. Taste bitter, with sour eructa- tions. Graph. 3. Bitter taste in back of throat, with natural taste to food. Hep. 3. Bitter. Mouth clammy, with bitter taste. DiOSC. 5. Bitter taste at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. |Bitter. Taste flat, bitter. Bapt. 3. Bitter. Eructations after eating; bitter; sourish. Bry. 7. Bitter. Taste bitter, if she eats anything or swallows saliva; everything tastes bitter; insipid ; lost to food. Borax 3. Bitter. Taste bitter before and after eat- ing, bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Bitter. Difficult vomiting of the bever- age, and of yellow-green mucous and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Bitter. Taste, nauseous; metallic; sweet- ish-sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. |Bitter. Taste metallic; with dry irritative hacking; bitter; nauseous. Aloe 3. |Bitter. Taste bitter in morning, with headache. Calc. P. 3. Bitter. Taste bitter. Ars. A. 3. Bitter. Taste putrid; slimy; bitter. Arn. M. 3. Bitter. Taste bitter, waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. Rhus Tox. 3. Bitter. Different kinds of foul taste un- pleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; Sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. ( 55 ) BITTER. REPERTORY OF PART I. B L | STERS. Bitter. Taste bitter when not eating. PSOr. 2. - Bitter. Dyspepsia characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea, and vomiting; loss of appetite and thirst; bitter taste; vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Bitter. Taste bitter to dinner; metallic in afternoon; sour. Natr. C. 2. Bitter. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea, and vomiting; Soreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Volm. Clin. Bitter. Taste bitter; sour after milk. PhOS. 3. Bitter. Taste bitter in morning; sour after eating; to all food. Dyc. 3. Bitter. Taste sour; bitter. Mag. C. 3. Bitter. Taste bitter. Coloc. 3. Bitter. Salivation; collection of bitter water obliging constant expectora- tion. Chel. 5. Bitter. Vomiting of beer; of green, bit- ter mucus. Mezer. 6. Bitter. Vomiting of a yellow, bitter, serous fluid. Coloc. 6. - Bitterish-sour. Different kinds of foul taste; unpleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; Sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Black, (Black Teeth.) Teeth loose and black, denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue, Merc, S, 5. Black, Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell out at the slightest shock; especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; Crowns of all except incisors lost, Merc, S, 5. Black. Teeth grow black and become brittle. Staph. Clin. Black. Teeth black; she must clean them twice a day and still there are black streaks across them. Staph. 5. Black, (Black Tongue.) Tongue black, with red edges; swellen, Merc, S, 3. Black. Tongue dry and black in late stage of typhoid fever. Carbo V. Clin. Black. Dry tongue in middle; brown; white; red; black. Phos. 3. Black, (Black Vomit). Vomiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black acid liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Black. Vomiting substances which tinge the clothes black. Arg. N. 6. Black vomit in yellow fever and sometimes in the vomiting of pregnancy. Lach. Clin. Black. Obstinate vomiting of blood; ex- tremities cold; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejects some- times black; tar like. Ipe. Clin. Black. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid, with violent cramps. Plumb. Clin. Blackish. Vomiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Blackish, Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- vated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomiting first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Blackish. Swelling of tongue with dry- ness and blackish along median line. PhOS. 3. Blackish. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Blackness. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing, and at night; on washing mouth before breakfast; on waking with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with mel- ancholy; easily startled; then vomit- ing of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Blackness. Nausea, in morning; fasting, with shuddering in pit of stomach; with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. |Bladder. ineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying. Nux Wom. 7. Bladder. Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder, with such sensibility that pressure caused convulsions. Canth. 1. Bleed. (Gums Bleed.) Gums bleed easily; swollen and spongy; swollen and pale. Merc. C. 5. Bleed. Gums stand off from teeth, and bleed easily. Ant. C. 5. Bleed. Spongy condition of gums which retract and bleed easily, with ten- dency to nose-bleed; fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. Bleed. Spongy excrescence on the gums which bleed readily and are painful. Staph. Clin. Bleed. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the Saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth ; with these conditions the drug is fre- quently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Bleed. Gums bleed; white. Crotal. H. 5. Bleed. Gums tender, and disposed to bleed. Arg. N. 5. Bleed. Gums bleed easily and are swollen. Caust. Clin. Bleed. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Bleed, Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with | whitish swollen gums that bleed on touch, Merc, S, 3, Bleeding. (Bleeding Gums.) Gums bleeding from slightest touch; spongy and soft, ulcerated; suppurating. Merc. S. 5. Bleeding. Gums swollen, bleeding, pain- ful on touch. Ars. A. 5. Colic as if flatulence, with cut- ting were forcing out bladder; neck of bladder; beginning of urethra; per- | |Bleeding. Gums swollen, separates from teeth; and Sore, bleeding, pain on eat- ing; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Bleeding of gums after sucking. V. 5. | Bleeding. Inflammation of the gums, with bleeding; separated from the teeth. Phos. 5. | Bleeding. Gums sore; ulcerated; ing. Sep. 5. Bleeding of gums on cleaning teeth and Carbo bleed- on pressure. Staph. 5. | Bleeding. Gums bleeding, swollen and Spongy. Lach. 5. - Bleeding. Gums scorbutic, bleeding. Natr. M. Clin. Bleeding. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, Spongy, pale, receding from teeth, With offensive odor from the mouth. I Merc. S. Clin. Bleeding of gums on slightest Zinc. 5. Bleeding. Gums swollen and bleeding. Calc. C. 5. - Bleeding. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature de-, cay of children’s teeth which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Bleeding. Toothache, with swollen, bleed- touch. ing gums; gums sometimes dark purplish. Lach. Clin. Bleeding of teeth when cleaned. Carbo. V. 5. Bleeding. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue; always with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Bleeding. A phthae on inside of cheek, bleeding when eating. Borax 5. Blisters, Burning blisters on lower side of tongue and tip, Graph. 3. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides, Nit. Ac, 3. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on eating. Natr. M. 3. - Blisters on tongue coated yellowish-white at root. Rhus Tox. 3. Blister. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Blister. Painful blister along centre of tongue. Canth. 3. Blister. Open blister on inside of right cheek, felt during dinner, with burning pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Blisters. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue and on touch of anything salt or sour. Borax 3. Blisters. Part of tongue and back of mouth excoriated, part covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Blisters. Mucous membane of tongue red and covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Blisters. Back of mouth excoriated, covered with blisters. Canth. 5. Blisters. Tip of tongue sore, with burn ing, little blisters. Calc. P. 3. - Blisters. Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue. Ars. A. 5. - Blisters. Painful blisters in all parts of mouth, with burning pain. Kali. C. 5. Blisters on tongue. Zinc. 3. ( 56 ) BLISTERS. REPERTORY OF PART I. 3R A. N. . Blisters. Burning on tip of tongue as if raw or covered with blisters. Kali. C. 3 º). Blisters. Tongue swollen and covered with blisters on each side. Lach. 2. Blisters. Tongue white; painful blisters. Nux VOm. 3. Blisters. Tongue furred, burning on tip as if covered with blisters. Natr. S. 3. Blisters. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness SO that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M., 5. - Blisters. Tongue white; blisters with pain as if burnt. Sep. 3. Blisters. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, Soreness over the abdomen and liver; blisters in the mouth and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Blisters. Tongue feels sore as if full of blisters. Sabad, 3. Bloated. TXyspepsia aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any Nux M.O.S. Clin. unpleasant emotion. Bloated. Chronic dyspepsia; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst ; bloated abdomen. Calc. C. Clin. Bloated. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; Sometimes nausea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Bloating. Atomic dyspepsia, with bloat- ing. Lyc. Clin. Bloating. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gen- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloat- ing, and Soreness. Kali. C. Clin. Blood. (Vomiting ºf Blood.) Vomiting in- cessant; green bilious matter, streaked with blood. Merc. C. 6. Blood. Vomiting constant of food; of every- thing taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish: of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Blood, Womiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black acid liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Blood. Ulcers in the stomach, supposed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burn- ing and distress as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Blood. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with vomiting of blood; burning and extreme flatu- lence. Tyc. Clin. Blood. Warm streaming of blood from pit of stomach into head. Calc. C. 1. Blood. Obstinate vomiting of blood; ex- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta. Some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Blood. Vomiting of blood, with ulcera- tion of stomach. Crotal. H. Clin. Blood. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus, of contents of stomach; then of bile, of hour. POd. 6. Blood. Vomiting of great quantities of i blood, at times even bright red; usually dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. |Blood. Vomiting during pregnancy, straining her so that blood comes up. Sep. 6. - |Blood. Vomiting violent of all food, drink and medicine; of blood; of Coffee- or chocolate-colored matter. Secale 6. with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Blood. Vomiting is generally free, con- sisting largely of mucus, sometimes of blood. Ipe. Clin. print of teeth in scallops which looked ulcerated, and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult, with painful ul- cerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Blood. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Blood. When sucking the gum, pure blood flows into the mouth at the same time several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. Bloody. (Bloody Saliva.) Salivation after eating; bloody saliva; Salt saliva. Sul. 5. Bloody. Salivation; bloody saliva is ex- pectorated in morning. Nit. A c. 5. Bloody erosions on inside of cheek. Phos. 5. Bloody saliva in mouth. Mag. C. 5. Bloody. Vomiting constant of tenacious, ing; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Bloody. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody and there is a putrid odor from the mouth; with these conditions the drug is fre- quently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Blue. Gums blue along margins; slate- colored on border. Plumb. 5. Bluish. Tongue bluish, red and dry, also white. Ars. A. 3. Bluish-red, Aphtha in mouth, bluish-red and spongy; the ulcer spreads without penetrating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc. S. 5, tremities cold; countenance hippo- thick, dark green bile, mixed with dark coagulated blood about every Blood. Vomiting of blood; sudden; vio- lent; cold sweat. Secale Clin. Blood. Inflammation of the stomach, Blood. Tongue swollen and showing im- | purulent, and bloody mucus. Nit. A c. 6. Bloody. Gums swollen, separate from teeth; and sore bleeding pain on eat- Bluish-red. Epithelioma of the tongue; the edges of a bluish-red color. Mur. | A c. Clin. Blunt, Teeth feel too long and blunt on biting on them and fresh air. Mezer. 5. Body. Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel, 1. Body. Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn; feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Body. Ravenous appetite before supper : with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was dif- - ficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Body. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning; then ebullition in chest like palpitation ; then internal heat of face and body, without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Body. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum; constrictive. Natr. M. 1. - º Body. Nausea in forenoon with weak- ness; anxiety and tremulous sensation through whole body. Plat. 6. Bones. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Bones. Tearing in teeth in evening, and in bones of face. Tabac. 5. Border. Gums blue along margins; slate- colored on border. Plumb. 5. Border. Hard elevation on right anterior border of tongue, and on moving tongue shooting on it, Smarting On right side. Sul. 3. Bores. Difficult dentition ; child is weak, cold; pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow ; tends to squint; cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Boring and throbbing in teeth, Sul. 5, Boring in a lower molar, extending to nose and eyes, Caust, 5. Boring in teeth after dinner; as if some- thing got into tooth. Kali. C. 5. Boring. Pinching pain; boring: gnawing: fullness; drawing; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Boring. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Bowels. Cramps and pains in stomach and in bowels. Cupr. 1. Bowels. Burning heat in stomach ex- tending to back, with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin, Bowels. Distention of stomach and bowels, with feeling as if peristaltic motions were reversed, with spas- modic working in Oesophagus. Asaf. 1. Brain. Dyspepsia with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climactric of women, or as the result of over- wrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. coldness of the surface of the body; ( 57 ) REPERTORY OF PART I. BURN N. C. Brain. Hiccough after eating and on every shock caused by it; pressure in forehead as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry. 7. Brandy. Appetite lost for wine and brandy to which he is accustomed. MerC. S. 2. Brandy. Aversion to the sweetness of sugar; to wine and brandy which they took to excite their appetites. Zinc. 2. Bread. Appetite for bread and butter, Merc, S, 2, Bread. Bitter taste to food; then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Bread. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy ; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. Merc. Bread. Gums swollen, separate from teeth; and sore, bleeding; pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when Chewed. Merc. S. 5. Bread. Taste bitter, even to tobacco Smoke; to everything; amelioration after eating; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chew- ing. Chima 3. Bread. Appetite great; in evening; di- minished, especially for meat; can eat Only bread and butter; meat disagrees With him. Ferr. 2. - Bread. A version to meat, bread, and COffee. Natr. M. 2. Bread. A version to bread and butter. Cycl. 2. Bread. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- vated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen with vomiting, first of green, then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Breakfast. Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast, with sour eructations, Sul. 3. Breakfast. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking towards even- ing and at night; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food; then retching. Sep. 6. Breakfast. Nausea all day; in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on Waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Breakfast. Womiting violent; easy; of sour liquid; watery; sometimes in- sipid, sometimes bitter in morning, even before. Tabac. 6. Breakfast. Pain in stomach after break- fast and dinner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. I. Breakfast. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent; amelioration from dif- ficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Breakfast. Appetite diminished, lost for breakfast and supper; at these times satiety as soon as he begins to eat. Cycl. 2. Breath, (Offensive Breath.) Mouth and pharynx dry in morning and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not perceptible to himself. Pul, 5. Breath fetid, Plumb. 5, Breath. Salivation : breath fetid. Secale 5. Breath. Aphtha in mouth; breath offen- sive. Sulf. A c. 5. Breath fetid. Rhus Tox. 5. Breath. Difficult dentition, with grind- ing of teeth, rolling the head, dis- agreeable breath, diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Breath offensive; salivation; constant spit- ting; saliva salty. Natr. M. 5. Breath offensive in morning; after dinner; Sour. Nux Vonn. 5. Breath. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with per- sistent sour breath ; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Breath. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcer- ated; breath fetid; salivation ; ulcer- ations, with red aureola. Bapt. Clin. Breath. (Miscellaneous.) Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with distention of abdomen; par- Oxysmal, arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Breath. Shooting, cutting, in pit of stomach, forcing him to bend back- ward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Breath. Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. Breath. Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Rumex Clin. Breath. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Vom. 1. Breath. Tongue cold, mouth cold, breath cold. Camph. 5. Breath hot. Bel. 5. Breath. Dryness of mouth and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if caused by heat of breath. Natr. C. 5. Breath. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux Volm. 1. Breathe. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of Stomach, and small of back; inability ºo breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Breathing. Pinching in piº of stomach on deep breathing. Caust. 1. Breathing. Construction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac re- gions; aggravation from eating; then changing into chest and impeding breathing. Pul. I. Breathing. Stitches in pit of stomach in morning on standing; in pit on deep breathing. Sul. 1. Breathing. Pain in stomach after a light meal with fullness, eructation and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Tyc. 1. Breathing. Pain in pit of stomach, ar- resting breathing. Ars. Alb. 1. Bright. Vomiting of great quantities of blood, at times even bright red; usu- ally dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. Brittle. Teeth grow black and become brittle. Staph. Clin. Broken. Tongue cold, speech feeble, broken, hoarse. Camph. 3. Broth. Appetite lost; repugnance to food; to meat and broth. Arn. M. 2. Brown, Tongue coated sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry, Ars, A, 3. Brown. Dry tongue in middle; brown; white; red; black. Phos. 3. Brown. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; dry. Plumb. 3. - Brown. Tongue is usually red, dry and tremulous, or the tip is red and the centre brown ; sometimes there is a red stripe through the centre. Lach. Clin. Brown. Papillae very long on dorsum of tongue, with a brown patch. Kali B. 3. Brown. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid with violent cramps. Plumb. Clin. Brownish. Womiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish ; of brownish liquid streaked With blood. Plumb. 6. - Bruised. Nausea in morning during men- struation, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, With qualmishness about heart and Salivation. Nux VOm. 6. Bruised. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending in zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Bubbling, Flatulence here and there in hy- pochondria; even in back and region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc. 7, Buckwheat, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains with nausea, Pul, 7. Buckwheat. Indigestion from buckwheat Cakes. Pul. Clin. Burning. (Burning in Mouth.) Burning in mouth extending to stomach; in palate and fauces, with Scraping. Mezer, 5. Burning. Nausea, with burning in mouth spitting of saliva and general chill; without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Burning scraping in mouth and in oesoph- agus. Arm. M. 5. Burning. Ulceration of the mouth with great dryness, and burning heat. Ars. A. Clin. Burning in mouth and in throat. Tabac. 5. Burning. Superficial ulcers in mouth, with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. ( 58 ) BURN N. C. REPERTORY OF PART I. BURN N. C. Burning. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Burning. Syphilitic patches in mouth with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Burning. Open blister on inside of right cheek, felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Burning. Aphtha of mouth and cheek, with burning; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. 5. - Burning. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. Ac. 5. Burning pain and rawness in mouth, then aphthous and denuded spots. Tach. 5. Burning. Painful blisters in all parts of mouth, with burning pain. Kali C. 5. Burning. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Burning. (Burning in Stomach.) Burning in mouth along pharynx and in pit of stomach. Ars, A, 5. Burning, Eructations incomplete; burning; rising only into pharynx where they cause burning, Lyc, 7. Burning, Pain in pit of stomach, in epi- gastric region; burning. Merc, C, 1. - Burning pain in stomach, in pit and in ab- domen, aggravated by pressure. Ars. Alb. 1. Burning in epigastrium, in stomach, with pain. Colch. 1. Burning pain in pit of stomach in after- noon after dinner, with salivation, extending into throat; into mouth; Soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Burning. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning; with a feeling of a load or hard lump in Stomach. Bism. Clin. Burning. Distress in stomach, in morn- ing, with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Burning. Eructations with burning in stomach. Colch. 7. Burning. Pressure in stomach after eat- ing; in region of stomach, with burn- ing. Bism. 6. Burning fermentation in the stomach. PhOS. Clin. Burning heat in stomach extending to back with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Burning. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain. Merc. S. Clin. Burning in pit of stomach. Merc. S. 1. Burning. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain and waterbrash. Lyc. Clin. Burning. Scirrhous indurations of py- loric orifice of the stomach, with vom- iting of blood, burning, and extreme flatulence. Lyc. Clin. Burning distress in epigastric region. Iris 1. Burning acidity rising from Stomach, with spasmodic constriction. Kali C. 1. Burning. Dyspepsia, with severe burn- ing distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clim. Burning. Vomiting, with burning nausea rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Burning. Nausea with general relaxation. with burning; Scratching in throat; Arn. M. 6. Burning. Thirst, with burning pain in throat and stomach. Canth. 1. Burning. Sour eructations after a meal, with burning in throat. Sil. 7. Burning. Excruciating gastralgia, pains as from knives or burning, or con- stricting or associated with great ex- ternal weight. Phos. Clin. Burning in stomach towards evening; emptiness. Petr. 1. Burning. Clawing in stomach towards morning as from a purge, changing to burning in pit of stomach. Nux Vom. 1. Burning. Dyspepsia, with Soreness, dis- tention, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Burning in pit of stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pressure extend- ing transversely at intervals; aggra- vated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Burning. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach; tem- porarily relieved by eating; hence constant desire to eat. Mezer. Clin. Burning. Ulcers in the stomach supposed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burn- ing and distress as if the whole stom- ach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Burning. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Burning in stormach, with pain in abdo- men. Secale 1. Burning in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Burning in stomach; emptiness with faint, feverish feeling. Sang, 1. Burning. Terrible distress in the stom- ach and abdomen, with burning ac- companied by vomiting. Secale Clin. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Burning in stomach and between the shoulder blades. Robina Clin. Burning. Loss of digestive power; burn- ing in stomach in morning; heartburn all day. Sul. 1. Burning. Pain in pit of stomach after eating; with heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. Burning. Heavy aching distress in stom- ach ; burning in stomach and region of gall bladder. Robin a 1. Burning in epigastric region. Zinc, 1. Burning in pit of stomach, like heart- burn, with good appetite. Ant. C. 1. Burning. Aching; burning in Stomach, extending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Burning. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Burning. Griping in stomach with burn- ing. Arg. N. 1. Burning. Pinching pain; boring; gnaw- ing; fullness; drawing; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Burning and waterbrash in epigastrium after belching. Calc. P. 1. Burning in Stomach, extending into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Burning. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Burning. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Burning. Acidity of stomach when lying on back and when walking, with burning. Carbo V. 1. Burning. (Burning in Tongue.) Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides. Nit. Ac, 3. Burning blisters on lower side of tongue and tip, Graph, 3. Burning. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on eating. Natr. M. 3. Burning. Thirst unquenchable; with dry- ness of mouth and throat; with burn- ing and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Burning. Stitches at tip of tongue, with soreness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. Burning on anterior surface of tongue; on tip; scalded sensation. Coloc. 3. Burning. Tip of tongue sore, with burn- ing, little blisters. Calc. P. 3. - Burning vesicles on tip of tongue. A con. 3. Burning pain in tongue at night, with thirst. Sul. 3. Burning on tip of tongue. Sabad. 3. Burning about tip of tongue as if full of Cracks. Natr. C. 3. Burning on tongue and on fore part of mouth, with salivation. Mezer. 3. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blis- ters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Burning. Tongue furred; burning on tip as if covered with blisters. Natr. S. 3. Burning. Dry mouth and tongue; dry and burning. Merc. C. 5. Burning on tip of tongue as if raw or covered with blisters. Kali C. 3. Burning. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning Stitches; dryness. China 3. Burning, Emission of flatus, after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 7. ( 59 ) BURNT. REPERTORY OF PART I. Burnt. Dryness of mouth, at night with thirst; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. Burnt. Tongue coated white; yellow- ish white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at the tip as if burnt; painful. PSOr. 3. Burnt feeling on tongue; crawling sensa- tion. Plat. 3. Burnt feeling on tongue. Sang. 2. Burnt. Tongue white; blisters with pain as if burnt. Sep. 3. Burnt. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt and were insen- sible at night and in morning. Pul. 3. Burst. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if oesophagus were Spasmodically closed; hence ineffectual effort to eructate; relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. Butter. Appetite for bread and butter, Merc, S, 2. Butter. Loathing of food; of butter. Ars. Alb. 2. Butter. Appetite great; in evening; di- minished, especially for meat; Can eat only bread and butter; meat dis- grees with him. Ferr. 2. Butter. Appetite, but he knows not for what; also he relishes nothing; aver- sion to smoking, to meat, to butter. Puls. 2. Butter. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualmish. China 3. Butter. A version to bread and butter. Cycl. 2. Cakes. Indigestion from buckwheat cakes. Pul. Clin. Cancer. Intensely acid vomiting; this symptom has been relieved even when associated with cancer of the stom- ach. Robina Clin. Cancerous. Violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and various diseases of the stomach, cancerous, etc. Ars. A. Clin. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or some- times the flatulent distention imme- diately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Canker sores on the tongue and aphthae in the mouth. Lach. Clin. Cardiac, Pain in cardiac orifice of stomach, Can, Ind., 1. Cardiac. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum ; Con- strictive. Natr. M. 1. Cardiac. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- vated by swallowing bread, which s ems to remain there; gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomit- ing, first of green then of blackish substance. Phos. 1. Cardiac. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac end of the stomach; pains extending into left arm. Tabac. Clin, Cardialgia. Ulceration of stomach, severe cardialgia, as from a stone in stom- ach. Arg. N. Clin. Cardialgia and indigestion ; great sore- ness of the pit of the stomach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Cardialgia during menses. Pul. 1. Cardialgia. Severe gastralgia or cardial- gia, aggravated by the least nourish- ment; the stomach seems very irrita- ble and contracts painfully on its Contents. Nux Vom. Clin. Carious, Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell out at the slightest shock; especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; crowns of all except incissors lost. Merc, S, 5, Carious teeth which crumble. Staph. Clin Carriage. Colic, aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Cars. Nausea and vomiting from riding in the cars. Cocc. Clin. Cars. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Catarrh. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Catarrh. Obstinate cases of gastro-intes- timal catarrh have been cured by aethusa. AEthu. Clin. Catarrh. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; Soreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Catarrh. Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. Catarrh. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly Coated. Kali B. Clin. Catarrh. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Catarrh. Gastric catarrh from excessive acidity; heartburn. Sep. Clin. Catarrh. Vomiting of pregnancy; chronic catarrh of the stomach. Sul. Clin. Catarrh. Chronic catarrh of the stomach. Ars. A. Clin. Satarrh. Gastric catarrh, with nausea; thickly-coated tongue, etc. Chel. Clin. Catarrh. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gastralgia, the pain extending from the stomach through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Catarrh. Chronic gastric catarrh. Graph. Clin. Catarrhal. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea, and Vomiting; aggra- vation from warm drinks which are vomited. Bry. Clin. CHE E KS. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting; after-taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Centre. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on Waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Centre. Tongue is usually red, dry and tremulous, or the tip is red and the Centre brown ; sometimes there is a red Stripe through the centre. Lach. Clin. - Centre. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; dry. Plumb. 3. Centre. Painful blister along centre of tongue. Canth. 3. Chalk. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Chalky. Tongue chalky; white; red in middle; yellow. Phos. 3. Chalky. Taste chalky in morning fasting. Nux MOs. 3. Cheek, Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from Cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Cheek. Painful gumboil in outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with Swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, Where there was an Oedematous swell- ing. Borax 5. Cheek. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with Stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despond- ency. Nux Vom. 5. Cheek. Aphtha on inside of cheek, bleeding when eating. Borax 5. Cheek. Easily bites inside of cheek near Orifice of Salivary duct when chew- ing. Ign. 5. Cheek. Bloody erosions on inside of cheek. Phos. 5. - Cheek. Open blister on inside of right Cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Cheek: , Aphtha of mouth and cheek, With burning; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. Clin. Cheeks. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and, , as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, Swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Cheeks. Dryness of mouth, at night with thirst; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. ( 60 ) C H . . . . .N ESS. C H E E K.S. REPERTORY OF PART I. Cheeks. White aphthous pustules on in- Chest. Sticking in stomach extending to side of lips and cheeks and on tongue. Chest. Lach. 1. E[ep. 5. Chest. Colic of the most violent charac- Cheeks. Redness of inside of cheeks and ter, aggravated by hard pressure, of arch of palate. Mur. A c. 5. Cheeks. Salivation with crawling on in- side of cheeks. Zinc. 5. Cheeks. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets between teeth so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Cheeks. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Cheese. Offensive odor in mouth like old cheese every morning. Kali C. 5. Chest. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria, even in back and region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc. 7, Chest, Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with distention of abdomen; paroxysmal; arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Chest. Ravenous appetite before supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Chest. Indigestion, with severe lancinat- ing pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Robina Clin. Chest. Gastric disorder, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Chest. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from motion; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. Chest. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Chest. Constriction and pinching in epi- gastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then chang- ing into chest and impeding breath- ing. Pul. 1. # Chest. Tension of the stomach and hypo- chondria; beneath stomach as if everything were too tight; with sore- ness on chest. Lyc. 1. Chest. Dyspepsia, with violent pain ex- tending into the chest; with nausea; temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. - Chest. Empty eructations; in effectual, with pressure in chest. Phos. 7. Chest. Drawing pain in pit of stomach extending into chest. Phos. 1. Chest. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux Vom. Clin. Chest. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Sometimes with nausea and vomit- ing, sometimes with diarrhoea, some- times with discharge of great quan- tities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Chewing, Biting of tongue when chewing. Nit, AC, 3, Chewing, Sore pain in gums on touch and on chewing. Merc. S. 5. Chewing, Gums sensitive when chewing, Carbo W, 5, Chewing, Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Chewing. Taste bitter, even to tobacco Smoke, to everything; amelioration after eating ; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chew- ing. China 3. Chewing. Dyspepsia from chewing to- bacco, without vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Chewing. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. Chewing. Tearing in teeth after chew- ing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Chewing. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Chewing. Aching of teeth on chewing and biting as if they would be forced Out. Pul. 5. - Chewing. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets between teeth so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Chewing. Teeth yellow, loose and pain- ful on chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Chewing. Easily bites inside of cheek, near orifice of salivary duct when chewing. Ign. 3. Chewing. Looseness of teeth and pain on chewing. China 5. Chewing. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending in zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. 'Caust. 5. Chewing. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing; eating sour things, and putting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Child. After nursing, the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and re- fuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. Child. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow ; tends to squint, cries out in sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Child. Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things; refuses ordinary food. Cina Clin. Children. Indigestion of children from sweets, associated with very peevish disposition. Ant. C. Clin. Children. Indigestion, especially in chil- dren, from taking milk, which passes undigested. Mag. M. Clin. Children. T)isordered stomachs of chil- dren, from sweets, with distention. Arg. N. Clin. Children. Flatulent colic, with constipa- tion, especially in children. Iris Clin. § Children. Vomiting of milk (in young children), especially of curdled milk. AEthu. Clin. Shildren. Sore mouth; aphthae occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children; with marasmus; with Salivation; Sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Children. Aphthous mouth in nursing children. Mur. Ac. Clin. Children. Gangrenous sore mouth of chil- dren. Ars. A. Clin. . Children. Aphthous sore mouth; the ul- cers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing chil- dren; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Children. Retarded development of speech in children. Phos. Clin. Children's. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature de- cay of children's teeth, which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Chill. Thirst, with chill. Ign, 2. Chill. Nausea not relieved by vomiting; with salivation; with headache, chill and heat. Sang. 6. Chill. Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Chill. Thirst, but nausea soon after drink- ing ; for milk; for beer during chill, With Shivering ; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Vom. 2. Chill. Vomiting of mucus only; of food, then general chill, then heat, with great thirst. Cina 6. - Chill. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating, coldness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during Sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. Chill. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a chill; aggravation from entrance of cold air. Calc. C. 5. Chilliness, Aching in teeth at night, then general chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc. S. 5, Chilliness, Bitter taste of food, then chilli- ness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; after- wards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Chilliness, Nausea in morning during men- struation with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about the heart and salivation. Nux Vom. 6. Chilliness. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypo- chondria; with chilliness; with ob- Scuration of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Chilliness. Internal chilliness in epigas- tric region. Ars. Alb. 1. (61 ) C H H L = } N ESS. REPERTORY OF PART I. Chilliness. I}yspepsia; characterized by regurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and above all | constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Chocolate-colored. Vomiting violent of all food, drink and medicine; of coffee- or chocolate-colored matter. Secale 6. Choking. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Wom. 1. Choking. Pinching or choking pain in pit of stomach, impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. Cholera infantum, with tongue thickly coated white; vomiting, etc. Bism. Clin. Chopped. Sore mouth; aphtha occuring during protracted diseases, especially in children with marasmus; with Sali- vation ; sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Chronic dyspepsia; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst ; bloated abdomen. CalC. C. Clin. Chronic dyspepsia; solid food causes ex- cruciating pain and sometimes vomit- ing. Lyc. Clin. Chronic gastritis. Phos. Clin. Chronic catarrh of the stomach. Ars. A. Clin. Chronic gastritis, MerC. S. Clin. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain and waterbrash. Lyc. Clin. Chronic gastric catarrh. Graph. Clin. Chronic irritability of the stomach; the food is not retained nor digested. Kreas. Clin. | Chronic. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and Cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Chronic. Vomiting of pregnancy; chronic catarrh of the stomach. Sul. Clin. Chronic. Inflammation of the stomach, occurring during the progress of chronic diseases, for instance: Scir- rhus. Bism. Clin. Chronic salivation, the effect of mercurial poisoning. China Clin. Clammy. Slimy taste in morning, with nau- sea; foul, clammy; insipid; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morn- ing, with white tongue, Pul. 3, Clammy. Neuralgia of the stomach; most severe pain even along sternum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Clammy. Mouth clammy, with bitter taste. DiOSC. 5. Clawing in stomach in morning on rising, as from long fasting; better after eat- ing. Pul. 1. Clawing in stomach towards morning as from a purge, changing to burning in pit of stomach. Nux Vom. 1. | Clean. Tongue clean; white. Seeale 3. | Cleaned. Bleeding of teeth when cleaned. Carbo V. 5. Cleaning. Bleeding of gums on cleaning teeth and on pressure. Staph. 5. With burning pain. Climacteric. Dyspepsia with hypochon- driac mood, especially at the climac- teric of women or as the result of overwrought brain or sexual excess. | Sep. Clin. Clothes. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Clothes. Distress in stomach, in morning, with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Clothes. Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. Clothes. Cardialgia and indigestion; great Soreness of the pit of the stomach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Clothes. Stomach and abdomen tense after a moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. Clothes. Distress in stomach, worse in the afternoon, amelioration after sup- per, with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Clothes. Pains in stomach at night on pressure; clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Clothes. Vomiting substances which tinge the clothes black. Arg. N. 6. Clothing. Distention and hardness of ab- domen, with intolerance of tight cloth- ing. Calc. C. 7. Clothing. Pain in pit of stomach, intol- erance of clothing in epigastric region, C OF FEE. Coated, Tongue coated white. Ant, C, 5. - Coated, Tongue coated white. Bry, 3. Coated. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ulceration of tongue and gums with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Coated. Tongue coated, sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry, Ars, A, 3. Coated. Tongue coated yellow, with red, margin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Coated. Tongue coated yellow. Rumex 3. Coated. Blisters on tongue, coated yel- lowish-white at root. Rhus Tox. 3. Coated. Tongue coated mostly whitish- yellow, worse in the middle and pos- teriorly. Sabad. 3. Coated. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nau- sea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Coated. Tongue coated yellow, as a rule, though sometimes white in the morn- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Coated. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly coated. Kali B. Clin. Coated. Tongue coated white. Tyc. 3. Coated. Tongue coated white. Arn. M. 3. Coated. Tongue thickly coated white. Ant. C. Clin. Coated. Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. gº | & and beneath hypochondria. Crotal. Coated. Torgue coated white and dry at H. 1. Coagulated. about every hour. Pod. 6. Coal. particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Coals. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva and mucus. Caust. 5. Coat. Gray patches on edges of tongue and dirty yellow coat on upper sur- face. MerC. S. 3. - Coat. Dirty grayish-green coat at root of tongue. Natr. S. Clin. Coat. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist ; edges red; pale dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Coat. Tongue red on margirls; brown coat down centre; white ; dry. Plumb. 3. Coat. Tongue dry without a yellowish coat, without thirst. Cocc. 3. Coat. Yellowish-brown mucous coat of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Coat. Thick, white, pasty coat of tongue. Ant. T. 3. Coated. Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish, swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc. S. 3. ; edges. Cocc. 3. Vomiting of hot, frothy | Coated. Tongue coated white in evening, mucus; of contents of stomach; then of bile; of thick, dark-green bile, Coated. mixed with dark coagulated blood without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. Tongue swollen and coated red t at edges. Canth. 3. Coated. Cholera infantum, with tongue Ravenous hunger and great thirst, thickly coated white; vomiting, etc. Bism. Clin. Coated. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there ; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Coated. Tongue coated white. Carbo V. 3. Coated. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting, after-taste of the food. Amt. C. Clin. Coated. Tongue coated white. Agar. 3. Coated. Tongue heavily coated white in gastric derangements. Bry. Clin. Coated. Tongue coated white. Calc. C. 3. Coated. Tongue white; coated white in morning with much viscid mucus in mouth. Pod. 3. - Coating. Epidermal coating of mouth and fauces abraded in morning but partly hanging in large pieces, the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. - Coffee, Aversion to food; to the usual food; drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down; to the odor of food. Nux Wom. 2. ( 6.2 ) C C, FFE F. REPERTORY OF PART I. COL D. Coffee. with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black and liquid like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Coffee. A version to meat, bread and coffee. Natr. M. 2. Coffee. A version to coffee. China 2. i Coffee. Aversion to coffee and tobacco. Lyc. 2. Coffee. Longing for coffee. Bry, 2. Coffee. Vomiting violent of all food, drink Womiting of food; of blood mixed Cold. Beating pain in teeth if anything Cold, (Cold Sweat.) Vomiting and diarrhoea hot or cold is taken into the mouth, ten times with pale sunken face covered extending into cheek, which swells with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of during menses. Sep. 5. slimy acid liquid with food, Wer, Alb. 6, Cold. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated Cold, Vomiting of green mucus; with cold by the warmth of the bed; ameliora- sweat, Ver, Alb, 6. tion from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Cold, Bitter taste to food, then chilliness Cold. Neuralgic toothache from taking and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; as if they would be wrenched out; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour and medicine; of blood; of coffee or chocolate-colored matter. Secale 6. Coffee. Vomiting of pregnancy; with in- tolerance of the smell of coffee; vomit- ing when lying on right side. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Coffee. Eructations loud ; sour in morn- ing; of sour liquid after coffee; in- effectual. Pul. 7. Coffee. Inflammation of the stomach caused by the habitual use of power- ful drugs or of alcohol, strong coffee. Nux VOrm. Clin. Coffee. Irritable heart of tea and coffee drinkers, and of tobacco smokers. Agar. Clin. - Coffee-grounds. Nausea with debility and | usually aggravated from cold air, taste. Pul. 3. especially worse immediately after Cold, Nausea, on motion, with relaxed eating. Nux Vom. Clin. ! Sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as Cold. Decaying teeth, with burning, bor- in seasickness with vertigo and cold ing pains involving the bones of the SWeat, amounting almost to faintness; face and head; temporarily relieved amelioration in Open air. Tabac. 6. by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Cold. Vomiting with cold sweat; great Clin. exhaustion. Camph. Clin. Cold. Sticking in teeth on taking any-Cold Neuralgia of the stomach; most thing cold or warm into mouth. Nit. severe pain even along sternum and Ac. 5. extending into both arms, with cold, Cold. Toothache relieved by holding clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. cold water in the mouth. Natr. S. Cold. Vomiting of blood; sudden ; violent; Clin. cold sweat. Secale Clin. Cold. Looseness of teeth ; sensitiveness to Cold. Most violent retching and vomit- Cold air. Natr. M. 5. ing of food or of whatever is taken Cold. Toothache in hollow teeth, extend- into the stomach ; the ejecta are al- ing into head, aggravated by cold ways very profuse, and the vomiting scanty vomiting of coffee-grounds water. Ant. C. Clin. is attended with cold sweat, great fluid. Secale 6. Cold. Aching in all teeth after cold prostration, burning in the stomach Cold. (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth always drinks or opening mouth; aggravated and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. after waking; after eating; and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking, Lach, 5. Cold. Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morn- ing, better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm. Pul. 5, | Cold, Toothache when cold air or drinks enter the mouth, Calc, C, 5. Cold. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering, a draught of cold open air, Pul. 5. Cold, Gums sensitive to cold water; sore. Sil. 5, Cold. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as on biting teeth together. Cold. Hep. 5. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a cold air. Calc. C. 5. Cold. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing, eating Sour things, and put- ting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Cold. Violent toothache from taking cold, even in sound teeth, from cold air. Caust. Clin. Cold. Toothache in pregnant women ex- cited by cold or a draught of air. Calc. C. Clin. Cold. (Thirst.) Thirst during sweat for if an exposed nerve were paining from cold drinks, Wer, Alb, 2. cold air; worse lying on painless side; Cold, Dryness of throat, with thirst for cold better by lying on painful cheek; re- water, Can. Ind, 2. lieved momentarily by cold water, 5, Cold. Toothache aggravated from cold; amelioration from warmth. Rhus TOx. Clin. Cold. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple; aggravated in Open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Cold. Neuralgic toothache aggravated - by cold air resulting from the use of tobacco. Sep. Clin. Cold. Inflammation at root of a tooth, with pain which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Cold. Tearing in teeth after chewing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Bry. Cold. Constant thirst for cold water, the smallest quantity of which could not be retained, Ars, A, 2. Cold, Desire for cold milk, Rhus Tox. 2. Cold. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at once, and the drink does not dis- tress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal, but not ex- ternal heat. Bry. 2. Cold. Thirst at night; for beer during heat; for cold water. A con. 1. Cold. Thirst for cold drinks in evening without heat, Bism. 2. Cold. Thirst in evening for something very cold. Natr. S. 2: Cold. Vomiting of the contents of the chill; aggravation from entrance of - Alb. Clin. Cold. (Cold Food.) Dyspepsia, with sore- ness, distention, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Cold. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, Sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Cold, (Miscellaneous.) Taste bitter, relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Cold. Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink; mostly in mouth when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Cocc. 6. Cold. Tongue cold, speech feeble, broken, hoarse. Camph. 3. Cold. Tongue cold, mouth cold, breath cold. Camph. Clin. Cold. Obstinate vomiting of blood; ex- tremities cold ; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble ; the ejecta some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Cold. Burning pain. On tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Cold. Dyspepsia from alcohol with per- sistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A c. Clin. Cold. Pain in teeth when eating, in in- cisors and anterior molars on drawing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or stomach temporarily relieved by cold drinks; but as soon as these become warm the vomiting is renewed. Phos. damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Clin. Cold. Toothache in pregnancy, tem- Cold. Thirst for cold water, for large porarily relieved by holding cold quantities of cold water. Merc. C. water in the mouth; always aggra- 2. - vated in the evening until midnight. Cold. Thirst unquenchable for cold water. Pul. Clin. Bel. 2. Cold. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft ; bores the head into the pillow; tends to squint, cries out in sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Cold. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. ( 63 ) C O L. D. Cold. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Cold. Colic from cold water, aggravated by heat. Staph. Clin. Cold. Haemorrhage from stomach; tem- porarily relieved by drinking cold water. Phos. Clin. - Cold. Gastric symptoms, relieved by cold drinks. Bism. Clin. Coldness of tongue, Wer, Alb, 3, Coldness. Pressure as from a hard Sub- stance above pit of stomach; with cold- ness, heaviness after eating; aggra- vated by pressure. Phos. 1. Coldness. Gastralgia, with feeling of cold- ness and faintness in the abdomen. Petr. Clin. Coldness. Ravenous appetite before Sup- per; with loss of appetite and trem- bling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Coldness in stomach from every drink un- less some spirit is mixed with it. Sulf. A c. 1. Coldness. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China 2. Coldness in stomach. Colch. 1. Coldness. Dyspepsia; constant satiety with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and Sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises with dyspnoea. China, Clin. Coldness. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Coldness. Persistent nausea, and vomit- ing of pregnancy; with deathly nau- sea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Colic. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening or colic aggravated in even- ing in bed; with griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Pul, 7. Colic. Retching; vomiting; with diarrhoea and colic. Arg. N. 6. Colic as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rec- tum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Colic. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Wom. 7. 4. Colic. Womiting constant of food; of every- thing taken into the Stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish ; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. - Colic. Gastralgia, colic, and distention of abdomen. Caust. Clin. REPERTORY OF PART I. C O N T , N} {} A L. Colic. Flatulent colic; lead colic. Zinc. Clin. Colic. Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall- stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Colic from cold water aggravated by heat. Staph. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux Vom. 7. Colic. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eruetations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over Complexion. Generally indicated in per- sons of a fair complexion; very slug- gish and inclined to be fat. Calc. C. Clin. Compression. Intermittent compression in epigastrium changing to pinching. with confusion of sinciput. Coloc. 1. Constant thirst for cold water, the smallest quantity of which could not be retained, Ars, A, 2. Constant. Eructations after eating and drinking, violent, almost constant. Carbo V .. 7. Constant accumulation of mucus in mouth. Staph. 5. and in region of duodenum, with diffi- Constant. Eructations, constant, as soon cult breathing. Lyc. 1. Colic. Flatulent colic, with constipation; especially in children. Iris Clin. Colic of the most violent character; aggra- wated by hard pressure, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with dis- charge of great quantities of gas ; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Colic. Bilious colic, almost incessant vom- iting of extremely acrid substances, with Soreness Over the liver. Iris Clin. Colic. Gastralgia relieved by eating, but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Colic from suppressed perspiration as from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with the colic. Coloc. Clin. Colic. Violent sudden vomiting of water; with copious greenish diarrhoea and colic. Cupr. 1. Colic. Frequent colic, only slightly amel- iorated by evacuating gas; attacks come at night, associated with feeling of emptiness; nausea, vertigo. Cocc. Clin. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, With thirst. China, 7. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Collapsed. Atonic dyspepsia; feeling as if the stomach were collapsed. Zinc. Clin. Collection of flatus without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 7. Color. Epithelioma of the tongue; the edges of a bluish-red color. Mur. A c. Clin. - Color. Deep crimson color in the mouth from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlarge- ment of tonsils. Bel. 5. Complaining. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth ; With Stitches in one row of teeth now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating ; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. as she eats; of food after eating; without nausea. Ferr. 7. Constipation. Vomiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation ; blackish ; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Constipation. Incarcerated flatulence in left side and constipation. Sul. Clin. Constipation. Flatulent colic, with con- stipation, especially in children. Iris Clin. Constricting. Excruciating gastralia, pains as from knives, or burning, or con- stricting or associated with great ex- ternal weight. Phos. Clin. Constriction. Ineffectual retching, with constriction of Oesophagus and across chest in direction of diaphragm. Cupr. 6. Constriction. Pinching and pressure in stomach, extending through small intestines, as with a constriction; with many movements. Arn. M. 1. . Constriction. Pinching in pit of stomach, preventing sleep, with constriction of stomach and sensitiveness of stomach so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Constriction. Burning acidity rising from stomach with spasmodic constriction. Rali C. 1. Constriction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondric regions; aggrava- tion from eating; then changing into chest and impeding breathing. Pul. 1. Constrictive pain in stomach, Graph, 1. Constrictive pain when the stomach is empty. Ars. A. Clim. Constrictive. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch; also in pit; constrict- ive; pinching. Nux Vom. 1. Constrictive. Sensation in stomach as if a. foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum; constrict- ive. Natr. M. 1. Constrictive. Grinding, pinching, strictive pain in stomach. Cocc. 1. Contemptuous. Sudden ravenous hunger during the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Continual nausea, with vomiting, or efforts to vomit; with perspiration on fore- head; great prostration and trembling: nsually without thirst, or vomiting of a tough slimy matter, with great thirst, and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. COI) — ( 64 ) CONTRACTION. Contraction. Spasmodic contraction mov- ing up and down in stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arm. M. 1. Contraction. Extreme pressure and con- traction in the stomach followed by vomiting. Secale Clin. Contractive, Pressure in stomach, with in- termittent contractive pains. Cupr. 1, Contractive pain in stomach at night, ex- tending into chest, with distention of ab- domen; paroxysmal, arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Contracted sensation beneath Carbo V. 1. Conversation. Profuse saliva; ropy, drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Convulsions. Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder, with such sen- sibility that pressure caused convul- sions. Canth. 1. Convulsions. Nausea, after a glass of wine, with convulsions; with diar- rhoea. Ant. C. 6. - Coolness. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; bit- ing taste in throat as from pepper- mint; as from heat rising from Oeso- phagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Sorrosive. Burning, corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Cotton. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking; dry at might, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva seems like Cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Coppery. Taste metallic, coppery in morn- ing on waking. Sul. 3. Cough. Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon, after eating a little; with heaviness in stomach. epigastric region caused by cough. Lyc, 1. - Cough. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip extending into trachea, where it caused crawling, so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Cough. Sharp pressure in pit of stomach with every cough. Phos. 1. Coughing. Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. Bry. 1. - Countenance. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold; countenance hippocratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta sometimes black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Covered. Mouth and pharynx dry in morn- ing, and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath, that is not per- ceptible to himself. Pul. 5. Covered. Tongue covered with a tenacious mucus, as with a membrane, Pul. 3, Covered. Sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus, and were swollen. Pul. 5. Covering. Pinching in pit of stomach, preventing sleep, with constriction of stomach, and sensitiveness of stom- ach, so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Cracked, Tongue smooth, red and cracked; red and dry. Kali B. 2. | Crawling. REPERTORY OF PART I. Cracked. Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth ; swollen; crooked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. - Cracked. Tongue is dry, red and cracked in fever. Rhus Tox Clin. Cracks. Burning about tip of tongue as if full of cracks. Natr. C. 3. Cramp in stomach; in pit; in epigastrium ; also with tension. Ant. T. 1. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen, or very violent cutting pain going through to back, as if transfixed and preventing the slighest motion. Cupr. Clin. Cramp in stomach at night; relieved by eructations. Coloc. 1. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hiccough and emission of flatus. Diosc. 1. Cramp-like pain in stomach after every meal; oppression whenever she eats. Ferr. 1. Cramps and pains in stomach and in bowels. Cupr. 1. Cramps. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid with violent cramps. Plumb. Clin. Craving. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises with dyspnoea. China. Clin. Craving. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stim- ulants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, especially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion, and becomes nauseated and may even vomit. Colch. Clin. Craving. General cravings for acids, and aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. Craving. Great craving for sweets; well marked gastritis, with enormous dis- tention, or free eructations of gas. Arg. N. Clin. Craving hunger; desire for vinegar. Sep. 2. Craving for juicy things. Ver. Alb. Clin. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip extending into trachea where it caused crawling so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Crawling. Pain in a hollow tooth in even- ing which became elongated and loose ; then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus TOx. 5. Crawling. Salivation with crawling on inside of cheeks. Zinc. 5. Crawling. Burnt feeling on tongue; crawl- ing sensation. Plat. 3. Crawling. Pinching pain; boring; gnaw- ing; fullness; drawing ; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Cries. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow, tends to squint; cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. CUT TH N. C. Crawling in tongue with pain. Secale 3. Crimson. Deep crimson color in mouth from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlarge- ment of tonsils. Bel. 5. Crowns. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. Crumble. Carious teeth which crumble. Staph. Clin. | Crumbly. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature de- cay of children's teeth, which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Crust. Tongue yellow; dirty white crust, painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Crust. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Curdled. Distress in stomach from milk; it is vonnited curdled. Sul. 1. Curdled. Vomiting of milk (in young children), especially of curdled milk. AEthu. Clin. Curds. After nursing the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. Cured. Ulcers in the stomach supposed to be malignant and in curable have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug ; always with extreme burning and distress as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sen- sitiveness of epigastric region. Kali C. 1, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass. Wer. Alb, 7. Cutting. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste, with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from Cut. walking; amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom, 1, Cutting. Nausea all day, in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Cutting. Colic as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, per- ineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying. Nux Wom. 7, Cutting. Shooting cutting in pit of stom- ach, forcing him to bend backward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Cutting. Cramp in the region of the stom- ach and abdomen, or very violent cut- ting pain going through to back, as if transfixed and preventing the slight- est motion. Cupr. Clin. (65) CUT.T IN C. REPERTORY OF PART I. D 1 FF USE. Cutting. Gastralgia; sharp cutting or sticking; aggravation from motion or eating. Kali C. Clim. Cutting in abdomen in morning, with emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Cutting in pit of stomach. Bry. 1. Damp. ing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Dark. Toothache, with swollem, bleeding gums; gums sometimes dark purplish. Lach. Clin. Dark. Rapid decay of the teeth, and bleeding of the gums; premature de- cay of children's teeth, which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Dark. Tongue dark, and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. A c. 3. Dark. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throb- bing as if beginning to suppurate. Sep. 5. Dark. Vomiting of great quantities of blood, at times even bright red; usu- ally dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. Day. Nausea in morning during men- struation, with weakness and tremb- ling during the day. Graph. 6. Day. Sticking in teeth and jaw, extend- ing to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Day. Thirst day and night. Merc. S. 2. Death. Womiting with apprehensiveness of death. Ars. A. 6. Deathly. Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Deathly nausea if her head was raised from the pillow. Nux Mos. 6. Debilitated. Offensive odor from mouth in persons who are debilitated or during fevers. Carbo V. Clin. Debility. Nausea, with debility and scanty vomiting of coffee-grounds fluid. Se- Cale 6. Decay. Quick decay of teeth. Sep. 5. Decay. Hollow teeth decay very rapidly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Decay. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature decay of children's teeth which be- come very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. - Decay. Throbbing pain in the third up- per molar which is beginning to de- cay. Kreas. 5. Decay. Teeth decay rapidly. Carbo V. Clin. Decayed, Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell Out at the slightest shock; especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; crowns of all except incisors lost, Merc, S, 5. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring, pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily relieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Pain in teeth when eating, in incisors and anterior molars on draw- pºsing Valuable for decaying teeth in pregnancy. Staph. Clin. Deep redness of tongue; of papillae; with : swelling. Bel. 3. | Deep crimson color in mouth from pos- terior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlargement of tonsils. Bel. 5. Delayed dentition. Calc. C. Clin. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggra- vated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offensive. Merc. S. Clin. Dental. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. external swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Dental fistula. Caust. Clin. Dental fistula. Staph. Clin. Dental fistula. Phos. Clin. Dentition. Difficult dentition ; child is weak, cold, pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow ; tends to squint, cries Out in sleep, and particularly has rest- less feet. Zinc. Clin. Dentition. Delayed dentition. Clin. Dentition. Difficult dentition, with grind- ing of teeth, rolling the head; disa- greeable breath; diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Dentition. Difficult dentition. Bel. Clin. Desire for vinegar. Hep. 2. Desire for cold milk. Rhus Tox, 2. Desire. Irresistible desire for sugar. Arg. N. 2. Desire for indigestible things, like ham, - smoked meat, etc. Calc. P. Clin. Desire for acids. Bry. 2. | Desire for wine. Bry. 2. | Desire. General desire for Nux VOlm. Clin. Desire. Appetite lost; indifferent to food; desire for something sour. Pod. 2. Desire. Craving hunger; desire for vine- gar. Sep. 2. Desire. Great desire for acids. Stram. 2. Desire. Valuable remedy for the desire for alcoholic drinks. Sulf. A c. Clin. Calc. C. stimulants. Desires, Great hunger soon after a meal; desires many and different things, Cina 2. Desires things immediately, but when of- fered does not wish them. Bry. 2. Despondency. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth; now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening, with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complain- ing mood full of reproaches and de- spondency. Nux Wom. 5. Diaphragm. Ineffectual retching, with constriction of Oesophagus and across chest in direction of diaphragm. Cupr. 6. Diarrhoea. Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy acid liquid with food, Wer, Alb. 6. Dental. Abscess at the root of tooth, with | Diarrhoea. Nausea all day; in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Diarrhoea. Retching; vomiting; with diar- rhoea and colic. Arg. N. 6. Diarrhoea. Violent sudden vomiting of water; with copious, greenish diar- rhoea and colic. Cupr. 1. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia from chewing to- bacco, without vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Diarrhoea. Vomiting, with watery diar- rhoea. Colch. 7. Diarrhoea. Pain in epigastrium in morn- ing on touch; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Diarrhoea. Aphthous sore mouth occur- ring in the last stages of wasting dis- eases, sometimes with watery diar- rhoea and irritable stomach. Mur. A.C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Difficult dentition, with grind- ing of teeth, rolling the head, dis- agreeable breath, diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Diarrhoea. Ravenous hunger, but the ap- petite sometimes vanishes and there is absolute disgust for food; the at- tempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Diarrhoea. Nausea, after a glass of wine; with convulsions; with diarrhoea. Ant. C. 6. Diet. Indigestion, with aversion to the Ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clin. Different kinds of foul taste; unpleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; Sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish sour. Sep. 3. Difficult dentition. Bel. Clin. Difficult vomiting of the beverage and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Difficult. Speech difficult, and weak, and slow. Phos. 3. - Difficult speech, like a weakness of organs of Speech coming from hypochondria. Natr. M. 3. Difficult dentition, with grinding of teeth, rolling the head; disagreeable breath; diarrhoea. POd. Clin. Difficult. Speech difficult; slow; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue as if there were resistence to be overcome. Secale 3. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold; pulse Soft ; bores the head into the pillow; tends to Squint; cries out in Sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Diffuse, Subacute gastro-enteritis of a low type. Arm. M. Clin. ( 66 ) D. C. ESTED. REPERTORY OF PART I. DISTENTION. Digested. Chronic irritability of the stomach; the food is not retained nor digested. Kreas. Clin. Digested. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 7. Digestion slow; discomfort in stomach after eating a little. Lyc, 1. ~3. Digestion. Dyspepsia; constant Satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy ; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China Clin. Digestion. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Digestion. Weakened digestion after mer- cury. Lach. Clin. Digestion. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion ; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux Vom, Clin. Digestion. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clim. Digestion. Atomic dyspepsia; digestion very slow; the food is tasted or re- gurgitated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Digestive. Loss of digestive power; burn- ing in stomach in morning; heartburn all day. Sul. 1. Digging in upper back teeth; aggravated for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. China 5. Digging. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing, eating sour things, and put- ting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Dinner, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bit- ter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Dinner, Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling; by flatus. Carbo V. 7. Dinner. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with Sali- vation, extending into throat; into mouth; soreness on Waking. B. 1. Dinner, Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Dinner. Nausea at noon, when his appe- tite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner, with pressure in pit of stom- ach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. Dinner. Nausea after each meal; worse during and after dinner, with trouble- some efforts to vomit. Arg. N. 6. Dinner. Nauseous taste in morning; pasty in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry. 3. Dinner. Acidity of stomach after din- ner. Mag. M. 1. ECali |. Dinner. Nausea after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualmishness in epigastric region, as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Dinner. Discharge of flatus; offensive, after dinner; relieved after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Dinner. Boring in teeth after dinner; as if something got into tooth. Kali C. 5. T)inner. Breath offensive in morning ; after dinner, sour. Nux Vom. 5. Dinner. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus; fer- mentation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Dinner. Open blister on inside of right cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Dinner. Taste bitter to dinner; metallic in afternoon, sour. Natr. C. 2. Dinner. Pain in stomach after breakfast and dinner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. 1. Dinner. Empty eructations after dinner; Sour. Zinc. 7. - Diptheria. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter-like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. AC. Clin. Dirty. Gray patches on edges of tongue and a dirty yellow coat on upper sur- face. Merc. S. 3. Dirty. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust, painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Dirty. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Dirty grayish-green coat at root of tongue. Natr. S. Clin. Disagreeable. Appetite increased for various things, but does not know ex- actly what; hunger, but want of ap- petite; food tastes matural, yet is dis- agreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking; only while eat- ing; appetite and matural taste to food returned. China 2. Disagrees. Appetite great; in evening; diminished, especially for meat; can eat only bread and butter; meat disa- grees with him. Ferr. 2. Discharge. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Discharge of flatus; offensive after dinner; relieved after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Discharge. Inflammation of mouth and of gums, with discharge of clear water. Merc. C. 5. Discharge. Salivation, sweet; tenacious; discharge of watery saliva, also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Wom. 1. Disgust for everything, especially fat. Hep. 2. Disgust. Appetite diminished, disgust for food. Canth. 2. - Disgust. Ravenous hunger, but the appe- tite sometimes vanishes, and there is absolute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Disgusting, Slimy taste in morning, with nausea, foul; clammy; insipid, as of bad meat; with nausea; disgusting in morn- ing, with white tongue. Pul. 3. Disgusting, Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous. Graph, 2. Disgusts. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualmish. China 3. Dislike. Anorexia; dislike for all food, Ferr, 2. Disordered stomachs of children, from sweets, with distention. Arg. N. Clin. Disordered. Sensation in stomach as if disordered. Caust. 1. Disordered. Stomach weak and easily disordered; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders, and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Disposition. Indigestion of children from sweets, associated with very peevish disposition. Ant. C. Clin. Distended. Acid dyspepsia; the region of the stomach becomes distended and extremely sensitive to touch. Lyc. Clin. Distended. Pain in stomach, as from fullness, as after too much eating, with distended, but not hard abdo- men. Ant. C. 1. Distention. (Distention of Abdomen.) Dis- tention of abdomen from gas and hard- ness, Merc, S. 7. Distention of abdomen by flatulence; waking about midnight; causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 7. Distention. Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite, then distention of abdomen. Lyc, 2. Distention. Flatulent distention of abdo- men after stool. Lyc. 7. Distention of abdomen, with motion of flatus. Aloe 7. Distention and hardness of abdomen, with in- tolerance of tight clothing, Calc, C, 7. Distention in abdomen in morning in bed; amelioration from emission of flatus. Sul. 7. Distention. Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with disten- tion of abdomen: paroxysmal; arrest- ing breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. —r— ( 67 ) DISTENTION. REPERTORY OF PART I. D R AUC. H.T. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling; by flatus. Carbo V. 7. Distention. Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heavi- ness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Distention, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux VOm. 7. Distention. Pain, in epigastric region as from overloading stomach after eating, in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux VOm. 1. Distention. Gastralgia, colic, and disten- tion of abdomen. Caust. Clin. Distention. Tendency to flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurg- ling; rumbling ; with rolling in morn- ing in bed; with grumbling and flatu- lent pain. Zinc. 7. Distention of abdomen with flatulence; with pain; rumbling. Robina 7. Distention. Great distention of abdomen not relieved by warmth. Pul. Clin. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus; fermentation; flatu- lent pain. Natr. M. 7. Distention. During pregnancy extreme flatulent distention of abdomen. Nux MOS. Clin. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag. C. 7. Distention. Excessive flatulent disten- tion of abdomen, with dysmenorrhoea. COCC. Clin. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate Supper, with griping and here and there sharp pain; as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 7. Distention. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 7. Distention. Violent gastralgia, with dis- tention of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Distention of abdomen with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 7. Distention. (Distention of Stomach.) Pain- ful distention of pit of stomach. Ver Alb. 1. Distention. Canine hunger, but the at- tempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent dis- tention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full be- fore he has eaten anything and can- not eat. Lyc. Clin. Distention. Dyspepsia, with Soreness, dis- tention, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch ; also in pit; constrictive; pinching, Nux VOm. 1. Distention of epigastric region. Phos. 1. Distention. Cardialgia, with distention. Sabad. Clin. Distention. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the Small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Distention of stomach and bowels, with feeling as if peristaltic motions were reversed, with spasmodic working in Oesophagus; Asaf. 1. Distention. Soreness and distention in the region of the stomach. Bel. Clin. Distention. Great craving for sweets; well-marked gastritis, with enormous distention, or free eructations of gas. Arg. N. Clin. Distention. Disordered stomachs of chil- dren, from sweets, with distention. Arg. N. Clin. Distention of stomach with sensitiveness to pressure. Bry. 1. Distention of stomach after eating. M. T. Distention of stomach after eating, with discomfort; sick feeling and ill hu- mor. Borax 1. Distention. sure and distention in region of Stomach, after eating and drinking a little. China. Clin. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach, and Small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Distress. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at once, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal, but not external heat. Bry. 2. Distress. Heavy aching distress in stom- ach; burning in stomach and region of gall bladder. Robina 1. Distress in stomach from milk; it is vom- ited curdled. Sul. 1. Distress. Gastric catarrh with thickly white-coated tongue; dry mouth ; nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Distress. Terrible distress in the stomach and abdomen, with burning, accom- panied by vomiting. Secale Clin. Distress. Indigestion characterized by extreme distress in the stomach, im- mediately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up a times; with bitter eructations or putrid taste in the mouth ; nearly al- ways associated with nausea and ef- forts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. Distress. Pain in Stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Se- cale 1. Distress in stomach, worse in the after- noon ; amelioration after Supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Distress. Indigestion; constant Squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache ; weakness. Robina Clin. Distress. Dyspepsia, with severe burning distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clin. Natr. Dyspepsia, with painful pres- | with sour Or Distress. Ulcers in the stomach, supposed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured, or greatly relieved, by this drug; always with extreme burn- ing and distress as if the whole stom- ach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Distress. Dyspepsia, distress appearing While the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps with Soreness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Distress. Spasmodic efforts to vomit, as- Sociated with great distress in the Stomach; aggravated by eating. Nux Wom. Clin. Distress. Burning distress in epigastric region. Iris 1. Distress. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Distress in stomach in morning, with burning relieved by empty eructa- tions; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Distress, as if something were knotted up in the stomach. Abies N. Clin. Distress. Dyspepsia, with indescribable distress in region of stomach; only temporarily relieved by eating. Calc. P. Clin. Distress at the stomach, with retching and vomiting (especially of green Substances). A con. Clin. Distress. Indigestion mostly acid, with palpitation and distress about the heart. Natr. C. Clin. Distress in the Oesophagus as if food were lying there. Pul. Clin. Distressed. Stomach distressed by the simplest food, Carbo W. 1, Disturbances of digestion and of the func- tion of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Disturbances. Gastric disturbances; re- lieved temporarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Dorsum. Papillae very long on dorsum of tongue, with a brown patch. Kali B. 3. Double. Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with disten- tion of abdomen; paroxysmal arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Downward. Offensive gases passed up- Ward and downward. Arn. M. Clin. Dragging. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards Sacrum, and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 7. Drawing in right upper teeth all night. Bel, 5, - Draught, Sticking, gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering, a draught of cold open air. Pul, 5. Draught. A ching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in open air; with pain in Submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Draught. Toothache in pregnant women, excited by cold or a draught of air. Calc. C. Clin. ( 68 ) D R AW 1 N. C. REPERTORY OF PART I. D R IN KS. Drawing. (Stomach.) Drawing pain in Drink. Coldness in stomach from every Drinking. Gastric catarrh from injudi- pit of stomach extending into chest. drink unless spirit is mixed with it. cious eating or drinking, with white PhOS. I. Sulf. A.C. 1. | coated tongue or sometimes with per- Drawing. Pinching pain; boring; gnaw- Drink; Severe gastralgia, brought on by fectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. ing; fullness; drawing ; burning ; Crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in morn- ing. Pul. 1. Drawing. Vomiting at night, with stick- ing, drawing pain in back extending towards scapulae. Pul. 6. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in even- ing, when sitting, extending to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. Drawing. (Teeth.) Drawing pain in teeth as soon as he gets into bed in even- ing. Kali C. 5. Drawing toothache, diffusing itself over temple; drawing in incisors; in left lower molars, then involving upper molars; as soon as it ceases there it begins in upper incisors. Kreas. 5. Drawing. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing a tooth. Phos. Clin. Drawing. Aching in teeth; worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Drawing. Teeth loose; stitches in an in- definite tooth with drawing. Nux Wom. 5. Drawing. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. Staph. 5. Drawing. Tearing in hollow molar; jerk- ing drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Dread, Womiting of food after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of open air. Ferr. 6. Dribbling of glairy saliva from mouth, Stram, 5. Drink. Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom. 3. Drink. Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink, mostly in mouth ; when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Coco. 6. Drink. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate Supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 7. Drink. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry, and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux MOS. 5. ,- Drink. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink, and craving for stimulants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. A c. Clin. Drink. Blisters and Soreness in mouth ; ulcers, and on gum and tongue in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M., 5. Drink. Regurgitation of food and drink through nose. Merc. C. 7. Drink. Vomiting; after each drink; bilious; dark grumous liquid; green- ish-gray; Watery; green masses; mucous. A con. 6. the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Drinkers. Irritable heart of tea and coffee drinkers, and of tobacco smokers. Agar. Clin. Drinking, Nausea in epigastric region, ag- gravated by eating and drinking; with waterbrash and disagreeable risings. Pul, 6, Drinking. Bitter taste after eating and drinking, though food has a natural taste, Pul. 3, Drinking, Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast; with sour eructations, Sul, 3. Drinking. Taste bitter, relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Drinking. Offensive taste after drinking beer, Bry, 3. Drinking, Womiting every time after drink- ing. Ars, A, 6. Drinking, Aversion to food; to the usual food; drinking; tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does Nux VOm. 2. Drinking. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux Vom. 1. Drinking. Thirst, but drinking did not re- fresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Drinking, Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreea- ble in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking, only while eating; appe- tite and natural taste to food re- turned. China, 2. Drinking. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment by drinking, then worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Drinking. Thirst not relieved by drink- ing water. Stram. 2. Drinking. Taste bitter; relieved when eating and drinking. Chel. 3. Drinking. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic, and heat in palms and soles. Nux VOm. 7. Drinking, Eructations of wind after drinking water; frequently empty, with discomfort in stomach, Bism. 7. Drinking. Tongue dry, provoking drink- ing; dry sensation at tip. Rhus TOx. 3. Drinking. Hiccough after eating and drinking. Ign. 7. Drinking. Dyspepsia from drinking milk, which becomes sour in the stomach. Mag. C. Clin. - not lie down ; to the odor of food. Drinking. Gastric disorders from drink- ing ice-water. Kali C. Clin. I) rinking. Nausea, relieved by drinking; at night, with eructations of food. i Phos. 6. Drinking. Haemorrhage from stomach ; temporarily relieved by drinking cold water. Phos. Clin. | Drinking. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morning chill. Nux Vom. 2. |Drinking. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump | in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Drinking. Eructations after eating a little; after eating and drinking; sour. Sep. 7. Drinking. Eructations after eating and drinking; violent; almost constant. Carbo V. 7. drinking. Bel. 6. Drinking. Dyspepsia, with painful pres- Sure and distention in region of stom- ach, after eating and drinking a little. China Clin. Drinking. Frequent vomiting after drink- ing. Cupr. 6. Drinking. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Drinking. Colic from suppressed per- spiration, as from drinking ice water by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with the colic. Coloc. Clin. Drinks, Toothache when cold air or drinks enter the mouth, Calc, C, 5. Drinks, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks, often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking sticking Lach, 5. Drinks, Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but he drinks little at a time, Ars. A. 5, Drinks. Thirst during sweat for cold drinks, Wer, Alb, 2, Drink. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at once, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal, but not external heat. Bry. 2. Drinks. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. - Drinks. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth when eating, as if too long; drawing relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Drinks. Womiting incessant of solid food, but not of drinks. Bry. 6. Drinks. Neuralgic toothache aggravated by the warmth of the bed; amelior- ation from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Drinking. Vomiting after eating and when heated, or it may be brought on | ( 69 ) DRIN KS. REPERTORY OF PART I. Drinks. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach, temporarily relieved by cold drinks; but as soon as these becºme warm the vomiting is renewed. Phos. Clin. : Drinks. on biting teeth together. Drinks. Valuable remedy for the desire for alcoholic drinks. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Drinks. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Drinks. Thirst for sour drinks. Stram. 2. Drinks. Tearing in teeth after chewing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Drinks. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning; especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks. Pul. 2. | Drinks. Thirst for cold drinks in evening without heat. Bism. 2. Drinks. Gastric symptoms, relieved by Cold drinks. Bism. ("lin. Drinks. Gastric disturbances; relieved temporarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Drinks. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Drops. Profuse saliva, ropy; drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Drowsy. Dyspepsia; constant Satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and Sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow, after eating he feels full, drowsy, taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China. Clin. Drugs. Inflammation of the stomach caused by the habitual use of powerful drugs or of alcohol, strong coffee. Nux VOm. Clin. Drum. Flatulent dyspepsia, with Sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Drunkards. Dyspepsia, especially asso- ciated with nausea and vomiting; of drunkards; with ulceration of the stomach; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. Drunkards. Gastritis of drunkards. Lach. Clin. Drunkards. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimu- lants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Drunkards. ards, it is unrivalled. For the gastritis of drunk- Arg. N. Clin. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or opening mouth; aggravated Hep. 5. Dry mouth without thirst in evening, so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morning; waking; dry at night with slimy feel- ing; dry, and the saliva seems like Dryness of mouth, Kali B, 5. Cotton. Nux MOs. 5, Dry. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry, and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux MOs. 5. Different kinds of foul taste, un- pleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy: Sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Tongue and mouth dry and pasty. Nux MOS, 3. Dry mouth and tongue; dry and burning. Mero. C. 5. Dry mouth, with thirst. Arm. M. 2. Dry. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white Coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea; especially when the distress or regur- gitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Thirst, with dry lips and dry mouth. LVC. 2. Dry. Acute glossitis, with hot, dry mouth. Aeon. Clin. (1)ry Tongue.) Tongue smooth, red and cracked; dry and 1 d. Kali B. 2: Dry, Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Dry. Tongue dry, provoking drinking; dry sensation at tip. Rhus Tox. 3. Tongue coated sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry. Ars, A, 3. Dry tongue and dry throat, interfering with speech, and retracted, hanging from Dry. Dry. Dry. Dry. Dry. Dry. and difficult to move, Bel. 3. Dry tongue in middle; brown; white; red; black, Phos. 3. Tongue is usually red, dry and tremulous, or the tip is red and the centre brown ; sometimes there is a red stripe through the centre. Lach. Dry. Clin. Dry. Thirst, with dry tongue and skin. Lach. 2. - Dry. Tongue red on margins; brown down Plumb. 3. | Dry. Tongue is dry, red and cracked in fever, Rhus Tox. Clin. Dry and rough feeling in middle of tongue. A con. 3. Tongue red and dry in the middle, or red in streaks, with great prostra- tion. Ant. T. Clim. COat centre; white; dry. | Dry. Dryness of mouth. the child's mouth ; swollen, cracked ºv. Tong ish t * h Dry, (Dry Mouth.) Mouth and pharynx Dry º 3. red and dry, also dry in morning and covered with in- Dry. Tongue dry and black in late stage sipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not perceptible to himself, Pul. 5, Yarbo V. Clin. of typhoid fever. e - e Dry. Tongue coated white and dry at Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but he edges. Cocc. 3. - drinks little at a time, Ars, A. 5. Dry. Taste dry to all solid food as if it Dry, Mouth and lips dry, without thirst. Can. Ind. 2. contained neither juice nor strength. Ferr. 3. | D R Y N ESS. Tongue dry with a yellowish º without thirst. Coco. 3. Dryness. (Drymess of Mouth.) Dryness of mouth and of palate with thirst for water, Wer, Alb, 5. | Dry. Dryness of mouth, Stram. 5, . Dryness of mouth in morning, with insipidity and stickiness of palate with thirst, Sul. 5, - Dryness of mouth after midnight, as i tongue stuck to palate, without thirst; with much saliva in fauces, Nux Wom, 5, i Dryness. Thirst unquenchable; with dry- ness of mouth and throat; with burn- ing and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Dryness. Thirst, but drinking did not re- fresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a | peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Lyc. 5. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Sil. 5. Dryness of mouth with thirst. Rhus Tox. 5. Dryness of lips, mouth, and throat. Bry. Clin. Dryness. Ulceration of the mouth, with great dryness, Ars. A. Clin. Dryness. Soreness and dryness of mouth, with dryness of throat, and constant Spitting. Agar. 5. Dryness. Aching; burning in stomach, extending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Dryness. Thirst in evening; at night with dryness of lips. Ant. C. 2. Dryness of mouth in morning. Diosc. 5. Dryness. Taste bitter, waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. Rhus TOx. 3. - Dryness. Thirst from dryness in mouth ; for water or beer. Rhus Tox. 2. Natr. M. 5. Dryness. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux, MOs. Clin. Dryness of mouth in morning without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening. Nux Wom. 5. Dryness. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Dryness in mouth on waking and in nose. PhOS. 5. Dryness. Soreness and dryness in mouth. Lach. 5. Dryness of mouth and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if caused by heat of breath. Natr. C. 5. - Dryness of mouth without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Nit. A c. 5. Dryness, (Drymess of Tongue.) Dryness of tongue and mouth, as if it would stick to palate, without thirst, Nux Mos, 3. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment, by drinking, then worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Dryness of tongue in morning on waking and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3, Dryness and stiffness of tongue, and of hard palate. Natr. M. 3. and burning heat. } ( 70 ) DRYNEss. REPERTORY OF PART I. EAR. Dryness. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust ; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Dryness. Swelling of tongue, with dry- ness and blackish along median line. PhOS. 3. Dryness of tongue and in mouth, and throat, and in morning, roughness. - Sep. 3. Dryness of tongue, with inability to talk. Ver. Alb. 3. - Dryness. Tongue swollen and stiff; dry- ness on palate; white color and red- ness. Stram. 3. Dryness of tongue in morning on waking, and in palate. Sul. 3. Dryness. Stitches at tip of tongue, with Soreness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. Dryness, Taste bitter before and after eating, bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Dryness. Heat, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Dryness of throat, with thirst for cold water, Can, Ind, 2. Duct. Easily bites inside of cheek near orifice of salivary duct when chewing. Ign. 5. Dullness. Pain in epigastrium in morning On touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating ; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Dullness. Nausea after eating, with heav- iness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. Duodenum. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with diffi- cult breathing. Lyc. 1. During pregnancy extreme flatulent dis- tention of abdomen, Nux Mos. Clin. Dysmenorrhoea. Excessive flatulent dis- tention of abdomen with dysmenor- rhoea. Cocc. Clin. Dyspepsia. (Acid Dyspepsia.) Acid dys- pepsia, with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nau- sea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach ; eructations of sour liquid. Robina Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn and flatulence. Natr. S. Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia, sour vomiting and sour eructations. Caust. Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia; heartburn even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomiting, coming on an hour or so after eating, Kali B. Clin. Dyspepsia. . Acid dyspepsia; sour eructa- tions. Mag. C. Clin. Dyspepsia. Acid dyspepsia; the region of the stomach becomes distended and extremely sensitive to touch. Lyc. Clin. Dyspepsia. (Atomic Dyspepsia.) Atonic dyspepsia; feeling as if the stomach were collapsed. Zinc. Clin. Dyspepsia. Atonic dyspepsia, with amen- orrhoea; the nausea and vomiting generally relieved by eating and ly- ing down. Sep. Clin. Dyspepsia. very slow; the food is tasted or re- gurgitated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Dyspepsia. Atomic dyspepsia. Phos. Clin. Dyspepsia. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small, feels swollen. Crotal H. Clin. Dyspepsia. Atonic dyspepsia, with bloat- ing. Tyc. Clin. Dyspepsia. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extend- ing all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux VOm. Clin. Dyspepsia. (Flatulent Dyspepsia.) En- largement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia. Zinc. Clin. Dyspepsia. Longing for acids, with flatu- lent dyspepsia; Soreness over the ab- domen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stom- ach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Dyspepsia. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; the stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Dyspepsia of a flatulent character, result- ing from tea. Diosc. Clin. Dyspepsia. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offen- sive gas, partially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. - Dyspepsia. (Miscellaneous.) Chronic dys- pepsia; repugnance to hot or Warm food; thirst ; bloated abdomen. Calc. C. Clin. Dyspepsia from drinking milk, which be- comes sour in the stomach. Mag. C. Clin. Dyspepsia following the abuse of mercury or quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Dyspepsia of old people. Kali C. Clin. Dyspepsia, especially associated with nau- sea and vomiting; of drunkards; with ulceration of the stomach; with sore- ness of a small spot in the stomach. Rali B. Clin. - Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eat- ing, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Dyspepsia, with severe burning, distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, head- ache, etc. Iris Clin. Dyspepsia. Chronic dyspepsia; Solid food causes excruciating pain and some- times vomiting. Lyc. Clin. & Atomic dyspepsia; digestion bººm from chewing tobacco, without vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. - Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is | enlarged; chronic diarrhoea. Sulf. AC. Clin. - Dyspepsia characterized by regurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vom- iting, loss of appetite and thirst ; bitter taste; vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravation from eating fat sub- stances. Pul. Clin. - Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach ; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, the pain goes to the spine; feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Dyspepsia, resulting from the use of tea and tobacco. Abies N. Clin. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach ; craving for pungent Spices and sour things, and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises with dyspnoea. China Clin. Dyspepsia from ice cream or from too much ice water. Pul. Clin. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimulants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. A c. Clin. Dyspepsia from carbonaceous food, espe- cially from milk. Sul. Clin. Dyspepsia with hypochondriac mood, espe- cially at the climacteric of women, or as the result of overwrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. Dyspepsia with Soreness, distention, burn- ing pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Dyspepsia. Distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with soreness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Dyspepsia, aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleas- ant emotion. Nux MOs. Clin. Dyspepsia, temporarily relieved by eat- ing. Petr. Clin. Dyspepsia, with violent pain extending into the chest; with nausea, tempor- arily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. Dyspepsia, with indescribable distress in region of stomach; only temporarily relieved by eating. Calc. P. Clin. Dyspepsia, with painful pressure and dis- tention in region of stomach, after eating and drinking a little. China Clin. Dyspnoea. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and Sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy ; taste of the food arises, with dyspnoea. China. Clin. Jerking pain in teeth aggravated at night; pulselike from lower into ear and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p.m. on. Merc, S, 5. Ear, (71) E.A.R. REPERTORY OF PART I. EAT INC. Ear. Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from Warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. Sticking in teeth and jaw extending to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple ; aggravated in Open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Sticking in teeth, extending into ear, waking him at night. Sul. 5. Prickling, digging in lower back teeth, extending to ear. Caust. 5. Ear. Sticking in palate, extending to inner ear. Ign. 5. Easily bites inside of cheek near orifice of salivary duct when chewing. Ign. 5. Ear. Ear. Ear. Ear. Eat, Appetite increased, ravenous; if he does not eat, headache, lassitude and necessity to lie down, Sul. 2. Eat, Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen, and aver- sion to it when he begins to eat. Sul. 2. Eat. Nausea all day, in morning with ac- cumulation of water in mouth; in morn- ing on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper ab- domen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Eat. Great appetite; appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more, smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. Colch. 2. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with per- sistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A c. Clin. Ravenous hunger, but the appetite sometimes vanishes, and there is abso- lute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Doss of appetite, but when he began to eat he relished food. Calc. C. 2. Appetite diminished, lost for break- fast and supper; at these times satiety as soon as he begins to eat. Cycl. 2. |Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even ; especially attended with sighing; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing. Ign. Clin. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent distention im- mediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach; tempor- arily relieved by eating, hence con- stant desire to eat. Mezer. Clin, Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat, Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Ulcers on the gums, with sensitive- ness so that he could not eat. Phos. 5. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; during suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating, so that food was re- pulsive. Pul. 6. . Eat. Indigestion; constant Squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the dis- tress; backache; weakness. Robina Clin. Weakness and faintness in stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Sul. Clin. - Eaten. Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much ; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit. Pul. 1. Eaten. Aversion to food, to the usual food, drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down; to the odor of food. Nux Wom. 2. Eaten. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Eat. Eat. Pul. 6. Eaten. Vomiting of food in evening; of food eaten at noon. Sul. 6. Eaten. Appetite great at noon; he ate with haste, and though it oppressed the stomach, he could have eaten more. Nux MOs. 2. Eaten. Nausea, caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough ; ameliora- tion if he once ceased eating ; with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. Eating, (Appetite.) Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite, then disten- tion of abdomen, Lyc. 2, Eating, Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagree- able in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appe- tite and natural taste to food re- turned. China, 2. Eating, Sudden ravenous hunger during the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Eating. Appetite great towards noon, and after eating weariness and sleep- iness. Natr. M. 2. Eating. Appetite entirely lost and, after eating a little, loud belching and ina- bility to work. China Clin. Eating. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during Sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. Eating. Appetite violent, but satiety after eating a little. Amm. C. 2. Eating. (Eructations.) Eructations empty after eating; sour during the day. Sul, 7, Eating. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; Sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Wom. 7. Tating. Eating, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night, of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7, Eating. Eructations afier eating; incom- plete; violent. Natr. M. 7. Eating. Eructations before and after eating; Sour, empty. Nit. A c. 7. Eating. Empty eructations in morning fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat. 7. Eating. Eructations after eating; fre- quent; without odor or taste. Hep. 7. Eating. Eructations, constant, as soon as she eats; of food after eating, with- Out nausea. Ferr. 7. Eating. Eructations after eating; bitter; sourish. Bry. 7. Eating, Eructations after eating. Camph. 7. Eating. Eructations after eating and drinking, violent, almost constant. Carbo V. 7. - Eructations after eating a little; after eating and drinking; sour. Sep. 7. Eating, (Nausea.) Nausea in epigastric re- gion, aggravated by eating and drink- ing; with waterbrash and disagreeable risings. Pul, 6. Eating. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating, on Waking, towards evening and at night; on washing mouth be- fore breakfast; on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Eating, Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner, Nux Wom, 6. Eating. Nausea after eating, with heavi- ness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. Eating. Nausea worse after eating, with pressure in stomach. Bism. 6. Eating. Nausea after eating. Amm. C. 6. Eating. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; during Suppression of menses; with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; When eating; so that the food was repulsive. Pul. 6. Eating. (Slomach.) Pain in stomach an hour after eating. Pul. 1. Eating, Digestion slow ; discomfort in stom- ach after eating a little, Lyc, 1. Eating, Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after eating a little; with heaviness in epigastric region caused by cough, Lyc, 1. Eating. Sensation, as if a stone lay in stom- ach after eating, making him fretful, with pain in epigastric region on touch. Bry, 1. Eating, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrum ; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. ( 72 ) a little; heaviness, Sul, 1. Eating. Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating; aggravated by pressure. Phos. 1. |Eating, Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux VOm. 1. Eating. Emptiness in epigastric region, Worse in the Oesophagus, not amelior- ated by eating. Mur. A c. 1. Eating. Distention of stomach after eat- ing. Natr. M. 1. Eating. Sore pain in stomach after eating. Natr. M. 1. Eating. Dyspepsia, distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with Soreness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Eating. Indigestion, characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations, or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. Eating. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach; or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gen- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloat- ing and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Eating. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating; with mausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Eating. Dyspepsia, with violent pain ex- | tending into the chest; with nausea temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. - Eating. Dyspepsia, temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clim. Eating. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and Vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Eating. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomit- ing coming on an hour or so after eating. Kali B. Clin. Eating. Heaviness in stomach after eat- ing. Kali C. 1. Eating. Gastralgia; sharp cutting or sticking, aggravation from motion. Or eating. Kali C. Clin. Eating. Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white-coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. Eating. Gastralgia relieved by eating, but the colic lower down in the ab- domen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Eating. Gastralgia coming on Some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. little; when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. - Eating. Tyspepsia, with painful pressure and distention in region of stomach, after eating and drinking a little. China. Clin. Fating. Eructations, with oppression of stomach after eating, or hiccough-like eructations. Cycl. 7. Eating. Nausea after dinner and supper, epigastric region as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Eating. Pain beneath stomach after eat- ing. Cocc. 1. Eating. Fullness in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Eating. Soreness in pit of stomach morn- ings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Eating. Gastric disturbances; relieved drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. º Eating. Pressure in stomach after eating; in region of stomach, with burning. Bism. 6. | Eating. Weight in stomach, after eating, as from a stone. Ars. Alb. 1. Eating. Pain in stomach while eating. Bry. 1. - Eating. Overloaded feeling in stomach, until three hours after eating ; oppres- sion after eating. A mm. C. 1. Eating. Pain in stomach, as from fullness, as after too much eating, with dis- tended, but not hard abdomen. Ant. C. 1. | Eating. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Eating. Swollen feeling in stomach chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Eating. Distention of stomach after eat- ing, with discomfort; sick feeling and ill humor. Borax 1. i Eating. Hard pressure in stomach, ag- gravated after eating. Bel. 1. Eating. Dyspepsia, with indescribable distress in region of stomach; only temporarily relieved by eating. Calc. P. Clin. Eating. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst ; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting; the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Eating. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak empty feeling; has to eat at night even, especially attended with sighing; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing. Ign. Clin. Eating. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch; after eating. Sul, 1. ſ EAT IN C. REPERTORY OF PART I. EAT INC. | - Eating, Full feeling in stomach after eating Eating. Pain in stomach after eating a Eating. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent Spices and sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy ; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China, Clin. Eati ng. Atonic dyspepsia with amenor- rhoea; the nausea and vomiting gen- erally relieved by eating down. Sep. Clin. eating; with Sil. 1. Eating. heaviness; and lying with uneasiness and qualmishness in Eating. Pain in pit of stomach after burning. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. Ac. 1. Eating. Atonic dyspepsia; digestion very slow; the food is tasted or regurgi- tated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Eating. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for after eating. Sabad. Clin. Sweets; general relief temporarily by eating; prefers hot Eating. Indigestion; constant squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can Only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache; weakness. ina. Clin. Eating. Rob- Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with upward pressure to throat-pit; every empty Swallowing carried it downward, but it immediately returned. Eating. Constriction Rumex 1. and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then chang- ing into chest and impeding breath- Pul. 1. ing. Eating. Clawing in stomach in morning On rising, as from long fasting; better after eating. Pul. 1. Eating. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach; tempo- rarily relieved by eating; hence con- | stant desire to eat. Mezer . Clin. when eating, with oppression of Eating. Dyspepsia, characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste; vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. eating and Smoking, Pul, 3. Eating, Bitter taste after eating Eating. (Taste.) Taste bitter; bilious after and drink- ing, though food has a natural taste. Pu1, 3, Eating. Taste bitter, even to tobacco Smoke, to everything; amelioration after eating; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chew ing. China 3. Eating. Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in hawking. Nux Vom. 3. throat on Eating. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p, m, ; in evening after beer; when eating and good appetite. Eating. ing and drinking. Chel. 3. Pul. 3. Taste bitter; relieved when eat- ( 73 ) EMI SS HO N. EAT IN. C. FEPERTORY OF PART I. Bating. Taste bitter in morning; Sour|Eating. Hiccough after eating and drink- after eating; to all food. Lyc. 3. ing. Ign. 7. Eating. Taste bitter before and after eat- Eating. Hiccough after eating and on ing; bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Eating. Taste lost for food, better when not eating. Bry. 3. every shock caused by it; pressure in forehead as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry. 7. Eating, Spasmodic efforts to vomit, asso- | Eating. Taste sour after eating. Sil. 3. ciated with great distress in the stom- Eating. Taste bitter when not eating. ach ; aggravated from eating. Nux PSOr. 2. VOlm. Clin. Eating. (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth Eating. Vomiting of food immediately always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often ex- after eating. Ferr. 6. Eating. Vomiting after eating and drink- tending through upper jaw to ear, with ing. Bel. 6. jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. | Eating. Pain in abdomen after eating; Eating. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by Warm || drinks. Lyc. 5. Eating. Gums swollen, separated from teeth; pain, as from flatulent food and much and sore bleeding pain on eating; drink. China 7. bread and food were bloody when Eats, Appetite lost and whatever she eats Chewed. MerC. S. 5. - goes against her, even to vomiting, Eating, Aching of teeth only when eating; Lyc, 2. - as if something got into a hollow Eats. Taste bittelſ, if she eats anything, tooth. Kali C. 5. or Swallows saliva; everything tastes Eating. Pain in teeth, aggravated by bitter; insipid ; lost to food. Borax 3. drawing in air with open mouth ; with Eats. Eructations constant, as soon as stitches in one row of teeth, now in she eats; of food after eating; without an upper, now in a lower molar, then nausea. Ferr. 7. in other teeth towards the front, Eats. Cramplike pain in stomach after aggravated by eating; at moon and every meal; oppression whenever she evening; with red, hot spots on cheek eats. Ferr. 1. º and throat, with complaining mood, Edges, Tongue coated and showing impress full of reproaches and despondency. of teeth on edges; coated white, with Nux VOm. 5. whitish swollen gums that bleed on Eating. Throbbing pain in teeth only touch, Merc, S. 3, when eating; in root of last hollow Edges, Tongue black, with red edges; molar in evening. Kali C. 5. | swollen, Merc, S, 3. Eating. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eat- EdgeS. Epithelioma of the tongue; the ing, extending into muscles of neck; edges of a bluish-red color. Mur. A c. aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Clin. - | Eating. A ching in teeth, aggravated by Edges. Gray patches on edges of tongue | relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp | | chewing; eating sour things, and and a dirty yellow coat on upper sur- putting cold things into mouth, with face. Merc. S. 3. grumbling and digging, especially in EdgeS. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with moist; edges red; pale dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Edges. Tongue coated white and dry edges. Cocc. 3. Edges. at edges. Canth. 3. Iºdges. Tongue coated yellow along cen- tre; coated first white, with reddish papillae here and there; then a yel- lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Eating. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth; feeling as if they would be wrenched out ; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Wom. Clin. Eating. Pain in teeth when eating, in incisors and anterior molars on draw- ing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Eating, (Miscellaneous.) Salivation after lowish-brown coat in centre, the edges eating; bloody saliva; salt saliva. being red and shining, dry on waking Sul. 5. and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Eating, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating ; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic Egg. Sensation of a hard-boiled egg in stomach. Abies N. 1. Eggs, Eructations bitter and like bad eggs; like rotten eggs, Arn, M. 7. and heat in palms and soles. Nux |Eggs, Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, Wom. 7. PSOr, 7, Eating. Blisters on tongue with burning Eggs. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; pain on eating. Natr. M. 3. slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs Eating. Aphthae on inside of cheek; on moving tongue; metallic. Merc. bleeding when eating. Borax 5. S. 3. Eating. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers |Eggs. Flatulence offensive, Smelling like bleed on eating or on touch; mouth rotten eggs. Arn. M. 7. very tender in nursing children; hot, Eggs. Eructations tasting like bad eggs; with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. hot, sharp and sour. Petr. 7. grayish-white crust; at Emission. Tongue swollen and coated red Eggs. Sore mouth; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children; with marasmus; with sal- ivation; sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Eggs. Taste of rotten eggs between meals. Arm. M. 3. Eggs. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Eggs. Eructations empty; tasting of rot- ten eggs; tasting like apples. Agar. 7. Eggs. Eructations like foul eggs. Ant. T. 7. Ejecta. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold ; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta some- times black tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Ejecta. Most violent retching and vom- iting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach, and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Eleven a. m. Weakness and faintness in Stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Sul. Clin. - Elongated feeling in teeth. A mm. C. 5. Elongated. Pain in a hollow tooth in evening which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. - Elongated. Aching in teeth during menses with throbbing in gums worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elongated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Elongation. Tental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth ; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation Offensive. Merc. S. Clin. Elongation. Painful looseness and elon- gation of teeth. Caust. Clin. Emission of flatus, Phos, 7. Emission, Rumbling in abdomen, with emis- Sion of much flatus; offensive. Diosc. 7, Emission of much inodorous flatus. Agar, 7. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass, Ver, Alb, 7. Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night: offensive; smelling of sulphuret- ted hydrogen, Sul. 7. Emission. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; , With gurgling. Sul. 7. Emission of flatus, after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 7. - Emission. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Sul. 7. Emission. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after mid- night; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. ( 74 ) Emission. EMISSION. REPERTORY OF PART I. EPIC ASTRIC. Emission. Pain in abdomen after eating; relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. Emission. Distention of abdomen after - dinner, with emission of flatus; fer- mentation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Emission. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent; amelioration from difficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Rumbling in abdomen, with i uneasiness and emission of flatus, ; Nit. A c. 7. Emission. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag. C. 7. i Emission. Incessant emission of flatus. Mag. M. 7. Emission of flatus; offensive. Kali B. 7. Emission. Cramping pain in pit of stom- ach, then eructations of wind, then hiccough and emission of flatus. Diosc. 1. - Emission. Rumbling in abdomen be- tween 6 and 10 p.m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 7. Emission. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Emission. Distention of abdomen with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 7. Emission. Griping in abdomen always before emission of flatus. Graph. 7. Emission. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing with emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Emotion, Nausea on every inward motion; but when fasting there is only retch- ing. Kali C. 6. Emotion. Dyspepsia aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Nux Mos. Clin. Emptiness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like. Sep. 1. Emptiness. Frequent colie, only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas; at- tacks come at night, associated with COCG. Clin. Emptiness. Ravenous appetite, with emptiness in stomach; with loss of ap- petite in palate and throat. Rhus TOx. 2. Emptiness. Burning in stomach ; empti- ness with faint feverish feeling. Sang. 1. Emptiness in epigastric region, worse in Oesophagus; not ameliorated by eat- ing. Mur. A c. 1. Emptiness. Burning in stomach towards evening; emptiness. Petr. 1. Emptiness in stomach, with China, 1. Emptiness. Vomiting of pregnancy, with a characteristic sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Sep. Clin. Ila,ULS628. Empty. (Eructations.) Eructations empty after eating; sour during the day, Sul. 7, Empty. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria; even in back and region of ribs, and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; ameliorations from empty eructations, Lyc, 7. feeling of emptiness; nausea, vertigo. Empty. Nausea, with empty eructations and salivation; distressing nausea. Ipe, 6, Empty. Eructations of wind after drink- ing water; frequently empty, with dis- comfort in stomach, Bism. 7. Empty. Eructations sour in afternoon : empty; waterbrash. Natr. C. 7. Empty. Eructations before and after eat- ing; Sour; empty. Nit. A c. 7. Empty eructations in morning; fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat. 7. Empty eructations; ineffectual, with pres- Sure in Chest. PhOS. 7. Empty. Frequent empty eructations. Iris 7. Empty. Eructations violent, empty. | Coloc. 7. Empty. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incomplete, ineffectual, instead of which there is hiccough. Cocc. 7. Empty eructations; frequent but Sup- pressed. Amm. C. 7. Epigastric. Nausea in epigastric region, aggravated by eating and drinking ; with waterbrash and disagreeable risings. Pul, 6. - Epigastric, Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking causing tight- ness of breath with distention of ab- domen. Nux Vom. 1. - * Epigastric, Pain in epigastric region on pressure, with anxiety. Bry, 1. Epigastric. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; burning. Merc, C, 1. Epigastric. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sensitiveness of epigastric region. Kali C, 1. Epigastric. Griping in epigastric region, with movements, then soft stool. Coloc. 1. Epigastric. Pain in pit of stomach, intol- erance of clothing in epigastric re- Empty. Eructations empty; tasting of rotten eggs; tasting like apples. Agar. 7. Empty. Violent eructations mostly of air; empty eructations. Ver. Alb. 7. Empty eructations after dinner; sour. Zinc. 7. Empty. (Stomach.) Empty feeling, weak- ness in epigastric region. Pod. 1. Empty. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak empty feeling; has to eat at night even ; especially attended with sighing; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eating. Ign. Clin. Empty retching at night. Arn. M. 6. gion, and beneath hypochondria. CrOtal H. 1. - Epigastric. Nausea after dinner and Supper, with uneasiness and qualm- ishness in epigastric region, as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Epigastric. Internal chilliness in epi- gastric regions. Ars. Alb. 1. Epigastric. Sensitiveness of epigastric region. Carbo V. 1. Epigastric. Pain in epigastric region. Bapt. 1. tº - Epigastric. Sensation as if beaten in epigastric region and abdomen, with fullness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Empty. Burning heat in stomach extend- ing to back, with faint empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Empty. Constrictive pain when the stom- ach is empty. Ars. A. Clin. Empty. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrum after eating; with upward pressure to throat-pit; every empty swallowing carried it downward, but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Enlargement. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Enlargement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia. Zinc. Clin. Epidermal coating of mouth and fauces, abraded in morning, but partly hang- ing in large pieces; the mucous mem- brane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. Epigastric, Peculiar weakness in pit of stomach and epigastric region, Ign, 1. Epigastric, Swelling of epigastric region, Calc, C, 1. Epigastric, Sensation, as if a stone lay in stomach after eating, making him fret- ful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. Epigastric, Pain in pit of stomach in after- noon, after eating a little; with heavi- ness in epigastric region caused by cough, Lyc, 1. Epigastric, Fermentation in epigastric re- gion; flatulent pressure towards hypo- gastrium. Plat. 7. Epigastric. Pain in epigastric region on touch. Calc. C. 1. - Epigastric. Sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure; of epigastric region to touch. Lyc. 1. Epigastric. Griping in epigastric region after every meal; worse towards evening. Coloc. 1. Epigastric. gion. Full feeling in epigastric re- Coloc. 1. Epigastric. Throbbing in epigastric re- gion, with sensitiveness to touch. ECali C. 1. - Epigastric. Burning distress in epigastric region. Iris 1. Epigastric. Swollen feeling in epigastric region. Kali C. 1. IEpigastric region sensitive to pressure. Mag. M. 1. Epigastric. Distention of epigastric re- gion. Phos. 1. Epigastric. Swelling of epigastric region, with sensitiveness to pressure. Merc. C. 1. Epigastric. Empty feeling; weakness in epigastric region. Pod. 1. Epigastric. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch; after eating. Sul. 1. Epigastric. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Epigastric. Emptiness in epigastric region worse in the Oesophagus; not amelior- ated by eating. Mur. A c. 1. *: (75 ) EPic As TR1c. REPERTORY OF PART I. ERUCTATIONS. Epigastric. Sensation as if something in Epigastrium. Pain in the stomach; Eructations. Acid dyspepsia, with bloat- epigastric region turned over. Nux tightness in epigastrium as if a ball ed abdomen; sour or putrid eructa- Wom. 1. ascended to throat, where it caused tions; sometimes nausea and vomiting. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure; nausea if hand lay on stomach. Nux Wom. 1. Epigastric. Constriction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then chang- ing into chest and impeding breath- ing. Pul. 1. Epigastric. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Epigastric. Burning in epigastric region. Zinc. 1. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with ten- Sion. Phos. 1. Epigastrium, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in ab- domen and nausea in morning after eat- ing a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggrava- tion from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Epigastrium, Hollow sensation in epigas- trium, Pod, 1. Epigastrium. Burning in epigastrium, in stomach, with pain. Colch. 1. Epigastrium. Sinking sensation in epigas- trium. Calc. P. 1. Epigastrium. Cramp in stomach; in pit; in epigastrium ; also with tension. Ant. T. 1. Epigastrium. Fluttering in epigastrium. Nux VOm. 1. Epigastrium. Burning and waterbrash in epigastrium after belching. Calc. Epigastrium. Gastric derangements, with great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch, and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. - Epigastrium. Eructations of sour, bitter wind, relieving pain in epigastrium. DiOSC. 1. - Epigastrium. Sharp pain in epigrastrium, and in stomach at 7 a. m. DiOSC. 1. Epigastrium. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling; fluttering feeling below the epigastrium, towards the umbilicus; tongue very red and Small; feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Epigastrium. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with pain- ful vomiting and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Epigastrium. Griping in pit of stomach and epigastrium. Pul. 1. Epigastrium. Intermittent compression in epigastrium changing to pinching, with confusion of sinciput. Coloc. 1. Epigastrium. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with upward pressure to throat-pit; every empty swallowing carried it down- ward, but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Suffocation, preventing speaking and swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Epigastrium. Pain in stomach; epigas- trium tender; oppression and distress. Secale 1. Epigastrium. Pain in epigastrium, sharp, in stomach, day and night. Robina 1. Epigastrium. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium extending into sternum, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Epithelioma of the tongue; the edges of a bluish-red color. Mur. A c. Clin. Epulis above upper incisors. Calc. C. Clin. Eroded. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue and on touch of anything salt or sour. Borax 3. Erosions. Bloody cheek. Phos. 5. Eructation of a fluid, tasting of the ingesta. Ant, C. 7, - Eructations, Nausea, with empty eructa- tions and salivation; distressing nausea, Ipe, 6. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, Psor, 7. Eructations. Flatulence here and there in hypochondria; even in back and region of ribs, and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc. 7, Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Eructations empty after eating; sour during the day, Sul, 7. - Eructations. Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast, with sour eructations. Sul, 3, Eructations bitter, and like bad eggs; like rotten eggs. Arn, M. 7, Eructations incomplete; burning; rising only into pharynx where they cause burning, Lyc. 7. Eructations, Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach: water- brash, Lyc, 7. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. Eructations of food; tasting of the food. PhOS. 7. Eructations. Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste, bitter, then sour, with sour eructations. Ign. 3. Eructations, Many eructations tasting of food, ineffectual. Graph, 7. Eructations of wind after drinking water; frequently empty, with discomfort in stomach, Bism. 7. Eructations after eating; incomplete; vio- lent. Natr. M. 7. Eructations of water, with nausea. Mag. M. 7. Eructations. Hot eructations; violent efforts to vomit. Pod. Clin. erosions on inside of Eructations. Sep. Clin. Eructations before and after eating, sour, empty. Nit. A c. 7. Eructations. Indigestion characterized by extreme distress in the stomach immediately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Eructations. Thirst is a general accom- paniment of Natrum Mur. symptoms: there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash; sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Eructations after eating a little; after eat- ing and drinking; sour. Sep. 7. Eructations loud; sour in morning; of Sour liquid after coffee; ineffectual. Pul. 7. Eructations. Pain in region of stomach at night; amelioration from eructa- tions. Sul. 1. Eructations. Violent eructations, mostly of air; empty eructations. Ver. Alb. 7. Eructations. Empty eructations after dinner; sour. Zinc. 7. Eructations. Aching and throbbing in Stomach; amelioration from eructa- tions; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. Eructations. Gastralgia; pains sudden, Violent, compelling hard pressure on the abdomen; amelioration from eructations. Plumb. Clin. Eructations. Empty eructations in morn- ing fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat. 7, Eructations. Empty eructations; ineffec- tual with pressure in chest. Phos. 7. Indigestion, with bloating, Sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructations. Kali C. 7. Eructations. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic ; aggravated by sit- ting bent Over and in region of duo- denum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Eructations. Nausea, relieved by drink- ing; at night with eructations of food. Phos. 6. Eructations sour. Plumb. 7. Eructations. Acid dyspepsia; sour eruc- tations. Mag. C. Clin. Eructations. Uneasiness starting from pit of Stomach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali C. 1. Eructations. Nausea, with hot eructa- tions and Sweetish, flat salivation. kali B. 6. Eructations. Frequent tions. Iris 7. Eructations of bitter fluid, of food. Ign. 7. empty eructa- * (76) ERUCTATIONS. FEPERTORY OF PART I. EVEN INC. Eructations. Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by eructations. Coloc. 1. Eructations after eating; frequent ; with- out odor or taste. Hep. 7. Eructations. Pain in pit of stomach all forenoon, relieved by eructations; with necessity to vomit. Graph. 1. Eructations, constant, as soon as she eats; of food after eating; without nausea. Ferr. 7. Erucations, with oppression of stomach after eating or hiccough-like eructa- tions. Cycl. 7. Eructations violent, empty. Coloc. 7. tations. Graph. 3. Eructations. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hiccough and emission of flatus. DiOSC. 1. Eructations of sour, bitter, wind, relieving pain in epigastrium. DiOSc. 1. Eructations. Distress in stomach in morn- ing, with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incom- plete, ineffectual, instead of which there is hiccough. Cocc. 7. Eructations, with burning in stomach. Colch. 7. Eructations tasting of juniper berries. Chel. 7. Eructations after eating; bitter; sourish. Bry. 7. Eructations. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum, the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; V. Clin. - Eructations after eating. Camph. 7. Eructations frothy and sour; of frothy, sour mucus, tinged bright red. Canth. 7. Eructations of air, hot in afternoon and evening. Caust. 7. IEructations unsuccessful. Ars. A. 7. Eructations. Sensation as if beaten in epigastric region and abdomen, with fullness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Eructations tasting of food. Calc. C. 7. Eructations of tasteless fluid in evening. Calc. C. 7. Eructations as when undigested food re- mains in stomach. Caust. 7. Eructations. Acid dyspepsia, sour vomit- ing and sour eructations. Caust. Clin. Eructations. Empty eructations, fre- quent, but suppressed. Amm. C. 7. Eructations empty ; tasting of rotten eggs; tasting like apples. Agar. 7. Eructations. Great craving for sweets; well marked gastritis, with enormous distention, or free eructations of gas. Arg. N. Clin. Eructations. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if oesophagus were spasmodically closed ; hence ineffectual effort to eructate, relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. Eructations after eating and drinking, violent, almost constant. Carbo V. 7. Eructations. Taste bitter, with sour eruc- | every sort of food disagrees. Carbo || Eructations like foul eggs. Ant. T. 7. Eructations tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp and sour. Petr. 7. Eructations sour in afternoon ; empty; Waterbrash. Natr. C. 7. Eructations. Acid dyspepsia, with con- stant weight in the stomach; eructa- tions of sour liquid. Robina Clin. Eructations of sour fluid. Robina 7. Eructations. Sour eructations after a meal, with burning in throat. Sil. 7. Evening. (Stomach.) Pain in pit of stom- ach, in epigastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Evening. T)rawing pain in pit of stom- ach in evening, when sitting, ex- tending to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. Evening. Fullness in stomach in even- ing; swollen feeling and sensitive- ness. Natr. C. 1. Evening. Burning in stomach towards evening; emptiness. Petr. 1. Evening. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Evening. Pain in epigastrium in morn- ing on touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dull- ness of head in evening; towards evening ; and in abdomen, with pain- ful vomiting and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Evening. Heartburn in evening after Supper; on waking, in middle of night; after dinner. Kali B. 1. Evening. Griping in epigastric region after every meal; worse towards even- ing. Coloc. 1. Evening. (Teeth.) Jerking in teeth in bed, now in upper now in lower back. Bry. 5. Evening. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth ; with a stitch in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despond- ency. Nux Wom. 5. Evening. Drawing pain in teeth as soon as he gets into bed in evening, Kali C. 5. - Evening. Toothache, beginning in even- ing in bed, and at night driving him out of bed, extending to temples. Mag. C. 5. Evening. Toothache in evening as soon as she gets into bed. A mm. C. 5. Evening. Hollow teeth decay very rap- idly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Evening. Toothache in pregnancy, tem- porarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Evening. Pain in a hollow tooth in even- ing, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. Evening. Throbbing pain in teeth only when eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Evening. Tearing in teeth in evening, and in bones of face. Tabac. 5. iºvening. (Thirst.) No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Cycl. 2. Evening. Thirst in evening; towards evening. Mag. C. 2. Evening. Thirst for cold drinks in even- ing without heat. Bism. 2. Fvening. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during Sweat on back and forehead. China 2. Evening. Thirst in evening for some- thing very cold. Natr. S. 2. Evening. Thirst in evening; at night, with dryness of lips. Ant. C. 2. Evening, (Miscellaneous.) Eructations tast- ing of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eat- ing buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7, Evening. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed, amelioration from uncovering, a draft of cold, open air, Pul, 5, , Evening, Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offensive; smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sul. 7. Evening. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and mov- ing of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Pul. 7. Evening. Womiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon, of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus, towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux VOm. 6. - Evening, Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morning on Waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry, and the Saliva seems like cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Evening. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. I Evening. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating; on waking; towards evening and at night; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes in even- ing; weakness, even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Evening. Vomiting of pregnancy; es- pecially vomiting of food in the even- ing or at night. Pul. Clin. Evening. Vomiting of food in evening; of food eaten at noon. Sul. 6. Evening. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. ( 77 ) EVEN INC. REPERTORY OF PART I. EXTEND INC. Evening. Nausea every morning; in evening, during stool; before meal time. Sul. 6. 2 Evening. Grumbling in upper part of abdomen in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 7. Evening. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling, rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Evening. Eructations of air, hot in after- noon and evening. Caust. 7. Evening. Eructations of tasteless fluid in evening. Calc. C. 7. Evening. Appetite great; in evening; diminished, especially for meat; can eat only bread and butter; meat dis- agrees with him. Ferr. 2. Evening. Appetite great at noon and in evening. Mezer. 2. Evening. Much flatus in evening. Amm. C. 7. Evening. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there after mid- night; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Evening. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux Vom. 7. Evening. Offensive odor from mouth in morning ; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Evening. Dryness of mouth, in morning, without thirst, as after alcoholic stim- ulants the previous evening. Nux Wom. 5. Evening. Tongue coated white in even- ing, without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. Evening. Bitter taste in morning, fast- ing continuing even when Smoking; at 6 p.m.; in evening after beer; after after eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Excess. Dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women or as the result of over- wrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. Excessive. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at once, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal, but not external heat. Bry. 2. Excessive flatulence, especially in hysteri- cal subjects. Ign. Clin. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux Mos. Clin. Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen, with dysmenorrhoea. Cocc. Clin. Excoriated. Back of mouth excoriated ; covered with blisters. Canth. 5. Excoriated. Part of tongue and back of mouth excoriated ; part covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Excrescence. Spongy excrescence on the gums, which bleed readily and are painful. Staph. Clin. Excruciating gastralgia; pains as from knives, or burning or constricting, or associated with great external weight. Phos. Clin. Exhausting, Appetite unnatural, even when dying from exhausting stools, Secale 2. Exhaustion. Sensation of fasting, with physical exhaustion. Ign. 1. Exhaustion. Vomiting, with cold sweat; great exhaustion. Camph. Clin. Expanded feeling in stomach. Calc. P. 1. Expectorate. Salivation, tenacious, diffi- cult to expectorate. Merc. C. 5. Expectorated, Mouth full of white tena- cious mucus, which must be expectorated frequently, Tabac, 5. Expectorated. Salivation; bloody saliva is expectorated in morning. Nit. A c. 5. Expectoration. Salivation, collection of bitter water, obliging constant expec- toration. Chel. 5. Extend. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from motion; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. Extending, (Stomach.) Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel, 1. : Extending, Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with disten- tion of abdomen; paroxysmal, arrest- ing breath obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. - Extending. Burning pain in pit of stom- ach in afternoon after dinner, with salivation extending into throat; into mouth, Soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Extending. Burning in stomach, extend- ing into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Extending. Tearing pains in the stom- ach, extending into the Oesophagus. AEth. 1. Extending. Drawing pain in pit of stom- ach in evening, when sitting, extend- ing to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. Extending. A ching; burning in stomach, extending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Extending. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Extending. Pinching and pressure in stomach, extending through small in- testines, as with a constriction; with many movements. Arn. M. 1. Extending. Gastric catarrh, with terri- ble gastralgia, the pain extending from the stomach, through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Extending. Neuralgia of the stomach; Most severe pain even along sterum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Extending. Pain at cardiac orifice, ag- gravated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen with vomiting, first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Extending. Sticking in stomach, extend- ing to chest. Dach. 1. Extending. Drawing pain in pit of stom- ach, extending into chest. Phos. 1. Extending. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux VOm. Clin. Extending. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Extending. Dyspepsia, with violent pain extending into the chest; with nau- sea; temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. g Extending. Burning heat in stomach, extending to back with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. ºf Extending. Burning in pit of stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pressure extending transversely at intervals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Extending. Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Rumex Clin. Extending. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Extending. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium, extending into sternum, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Extending. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac end of the stomach ; pains extending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Extending. Indigestion, with severe lan- cinating pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Rob- ... ina. Clin. Extending. (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth, always after waking, after eating, and from warm and cold drinks, often ex- tending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. Extending, Boring in a lower molar, ex- tending to nose and eyes. Caust, 5. Extending. Toothache beginning in even- ing in bed extending to temples. Mag. C. 5. Extending. Toothache of a sticking, tearing, character, extending into the head. Kali C. Clin. Extending. Tearing toothache, extend- ing to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux VOlm. Clin. Extending. Sticking in teeth and jaw, extending to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Extending. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which Swells during menses. Sep. 5. Extending. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres, pain extending into root, and the gum becomes sore. Staph. 5. Extending. Sticking in teeth extend- ing into ear, waking him at night. Sul. 5. Extending. Tearing first in roots of hol- low teeth after chewing, then extend- ing into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. Extending. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eating, extending into muscles of neck. Aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Extending. Pain in hollow teeth, extend- ing into head if air enters mouth. Nux VOm. 5. ( 78 ) EXTEND 1 NC. REPERTORY OF PART I. F Auces. Extending. Toothache in hollow teeth, extending into head, aggravated by cold water. Ant. C. Clin. Extending. Sticking in palate, extending to inner ear. Ign. 5. Extending. (Miscellaneous.) Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip, extending into trachea, where it caused crawling so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Extending. Burning in mouth, extending to stomach, in palate and fauces, with scraping. Mezer. 5. Extending. Vomiting at night, with sticking drawing pain in back, ex- tending towards scapulaº. Pul. 6. Extreme pressure and contraction in the stomach, followed by vomiting. Secale | Clin. Extreme aversion to food, with persistent, slightly qualmish, bitter taste; metal- lic taste; putrid taste. Cocc. Clin. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from Warm drinks which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Extremities. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold ; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clim. Exudation. Gums loosened from teeth; Spongy and partly destroyed; Spongy and covered with a pultaceous exuda- tion and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Eyes, Boring in a lower molar, extending to nose and eyes. Caust. 5, Eyes. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards evening and at night; on Washing mouth be- fore breakfast; on waking, with black- ness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with melancholy ; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. - Eyes. Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of Stomach, with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Face. Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale sunken face covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy, acid liquid with food. Ver, Alb, 6. Face. Nausea incessant so that it takes away the breath; all day without vomiting ; sudden on walking; with salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Face. No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Cycl. 2. Face. Painful gumboil in outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous Swell- ing. Borax 5. - Face. Tearing in teeth in evening and in bones of face. Tabac. 5. Face. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. * Face. Aching in teeth, worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. - Face. Gastralgia with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Pul. Clin. Face. Persistent nausea and yomiting of pregnancy; with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall- stone, colic. Tabac. Clin. i Face. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest, like palpition, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. | Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth; worse at might. Mezer. Clin. Faint. Burning in stomach; emptiness with faint feverish feeling. Sang. 1. Faint. Burning heat in stomach extend- ing to back, with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Faintness. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with mel- ancholy; easily startled, then vomit- ing of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Faintness, Nausea in morning during men- struation, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux VOm. 6. Faintness. Nausea from smoking after eat- ing; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Faintness. Nausea on motion, with re- laxed sensation in stomach ; paroxys- mal, as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat; amounting almost to faint- ness; amelioration in Open air. Tabac. 6. Faintness. Gastralgia, with feeling of coldness and faintness in the abdo- men. Petr. Clin. Faintness. Nausea as if to faintness. Rali C. 6. Faintness. Nausea associated with ver- tigo; aggravated by taking anything into the stomach, with faintness. COCC. Clin. Faintness. Weakness and faintness in stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Sul. Clin. Fair. Generally indicated in persons of a fair complexion; very sluggish and inclined to be fat. Calc. C. Clin. Fall. Looseness of teeth, so that he fears they will fall out. Psor. 3. False. Pain in pit of stomach, when mak- ing a false step on a stone pavement. Aloe 1. Fasting. Bitter, bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; bitter in morning on waking, Sul. 3. Fasting, Sensation of fasting, with physi- cal exhaustion. Ign. 1. Fasting. Nausea on every inward motion; but when fasting there is only retch- ing. Kali C. 6. Fasting. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; Sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. Fasting. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p.m.; in evening after beer; after eat- ing and good appetite. Pul. 3. Fasting. Retching in morning; fasting, RCreas. 6. Fasting. Vomiting of sweetish water in morning, fasting; of food. Kreas. 6. Fasting. Empty eructations in morning fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat. 7. Fasting. Nausea every morning fasting; in morning after rising, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Tyc. 6. Fasting. Taste chalky in morning fast- ing. Nux Mos. 3. Fasting. Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Fasting. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach, relieved for a short time by raising wind ; when fasting the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus, and could not. Calc. P. 7. Fasting. Clawing in stomach in morning on rising, as from long fasting; better after eating. Pul. 1. Fat. Heartburn, as after overloading stomach with rancid fat. Nux VOm. 1 Fat. Generally indicated in persons of a fair complexion; very sluggish and inclined to be fat. Calc. C. Clin. Aversion to meat, to fat meat, to milk, which makes her flatulent. Carbo V. 2. - Fat. General aggravation from fat food. Cycl. Clin. Fat. Disgust for everything, especially fat. Hep. 2. - Fat. Dyspepsia, characterized by regur- gitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat sub- stances. Pul. Clin. Fat. Stomach weak and easily disordered; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natl. C. 1. General craving for acids and aver- Sion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. Fat. Fat. Fatty. Taste fatty. Caust. 3. Fauces, Retching on hawking mucus from fauces, Nux Wom, 6, Fauces. Dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst ; - Fauces. Burning in mouth, extending to stomach; in palate and fauces, with Scraping. Mezer. 5. Fauces. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swol- len, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. (79) | FAUCES. REPERTORY OF PART I. FLATULENT. Fauces. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much Saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Fauces. Epidermal cutting of mouth and fauces; abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucus membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. g Fauces. Tongue dark and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. A c. 3. Fauces. Mouth, fauces and tongue cov- ered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Nit. A c. 5. Fauces. Mucous in mouth and fauces in morning. Arg. N. 5. Fecal. Vomiting constant of food; of every- thing taken into the stomach ; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish ; of brownish liquid, streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Feeble, Tongue cold; speech broken, hoarse. Camph. 3. Feeling as if stomach were full of water, Kali C, 1, Feeling of flabbiness of stomach, Ign, 1. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sensitiveness of epigastric region, Kali C. 1, feeble, Feeling. Dry and rough feeling in middle $ ) of tongue. Acon. 3. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if Oesopha- gus were spasmodically closed ; hence ineffectual effort to eructate, relieved by empty eructations. Arg. N. 7. Feeling of a hard lump which makes the stomach sore. Bry. Clin. Feeling as if stomach hung down relaxed, and appetite lost. Ipe. 1. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of bit- ing them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. º Feeling as if teeth were too long when biting them together. Tach. 5. Feet. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow, tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Fermentation in abdomen from fruit. 7. Fermentation in epigastric region, flatulent China pressure towards hypogastrium. Plat. 7. Fermentation. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus; fermentation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Fermentation. Acid fermentation in stomach; everything turns sour; Sour risings. Calc. C. Clin. Fermentation. Burning fermentation in the stomach. Phos. Clin. Fetid, Breath fetid. Plumb, 5. Fetid, Breath fetid, Arn, M., 5, . Fetid. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping, and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Fetid. Breath fetid. Rhus Tox. 5. Fetid. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcer- ated; breath fetid; salivation ; ulcer- ations, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Fetid. Ulceration of mouth and gums, with fetid Odor. Nux VOm. Clin. Fetid. Grumbling in upper part of ab- domen in evening, then fetid flatus. Naſtr. S. 7. Fetid. Salivation; breath fetid. Secale 5. Fetid flatus. Calc. P. 7. - Fetor. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapid- ly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. Fever. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger ; then, after eating, cold- ness in abdomen; after shivering through skin; after chill duringsweat on back and forehead. China 2. Fever. Black vomit in yellow fever, and Sometimes in the vomiting of preg- nancy. Lach. Clin. Fever. Tongue is dry, red and cracked in fever. Rhus Tox. Clin. Feverish. Burning in stomach; empti- ness with faint, feverish feeling. Sang. 1. Fevers. Offensive odor from mouth in persons who are debilitated or during fevers. Carbo V. Clin. Filling. Toothache after filling. Arm. M. Clin. Fistula. Dental fistula. Staph. Clin. Fistula. Dental fistula. Phos. Clin. Fistula. Abscess at the root of the tooth, with external swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Fistula. Dental fistula. Caust. Clin. Fistula. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Fits. Spongy condition of gums, which retract and bleed easily, with ten- dency to nose-bleed; fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. Flabby, Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery as if oade- matous, sometimes covered with whit- ish fur. Merc. S. Clim. Flabbiness, Feeling of flabbiness in stom- ach. Ign, 1. Flashes. Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down; with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Flat. Taste flat, bitter. Bapt. 3. Flat. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualmish. China 3. Flat. Taste flat to food and almost want- ing. Cycl. 3. Flat. Nausea, with hot eructations and sweetish, flat salivation. Kali B. 6. Flatulence, (Abdominal.) Distention of abdomen by flatulence, waking about midnight causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc. 7, Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back, in region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc, 7. Flatulence, Colic, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- Vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Flatulence, offensive, smelling like rotten eggs. Arm. M. 7. - Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 7. Flatulence. Excessive flatulence, espe- cially in hysterical subjects. Clin. . Flatulence. Abdominal flatulence, with much rumbling and gurgling and pains of various sorts. Lyc. Clin. Flatulence. Loud flatulence all the af- ternoon; offensive. Caust. 7. Ign. Flatulence. Distention of abdomen with flatulence, with pain; rumbling. Ro- bina 7. Flatulence. Tearing around umbilicus, and flatulence. Natr. S. 7. Flatulence. Incarcerated flatulence in left side, and constipation. Sul. Clin. Flatulence. Gastric derangements, ag- gravated by alcoholic stimulants; es- pecially flatulence, with much rum- bling in abdomen. Zinc Clin. Flatulence, with tension of abdomen. Coloc. 7. Flatulence of hysteria. Asaf. Clin. Flatulence. (Stomach. Flalulence.) Grip- ing in pit of stomach, as from flatu- lence. Carbo V. 1. Flatulence. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn and flatulence. Natr. S. Clin. Flatulence. Gastric disorders, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Flatulence rising and becoming incarcer- ated under short ribs. Nux Vom. 7, Flatulence. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Flatulence. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with Vomiting of blood, burning and ex- treme flatulence. Lyc. Clin. Flatulency. Dyspepia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Flatulent. (Abdominal Flatulence.) Flatu- lent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc, 7. Flatulent, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot, flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass. Wer, Alb. 7, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after drinking, in morning, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and Soles. Nux Wom. 7. ( 80 ) FLATULENT. FEPERTORY OF PART I. F LUID. Flatulent. Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen, with dysmemorrhoea. COCG. Clin. Flatulent. Tendency to flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Flatulent colic in evening after lying - dewn. Nux Vom. 7. Flatulent. During pregnancy extreme flatulent distention of abdomen. Nux Mos. Clin. Flatulent colic, only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas; attacks come at night, associated with feeling of emp- tiness; nausea, vertigo. Cocc. Clin. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus ; fer- mentation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Flatulent. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent; amelioration from dif- ficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about pain- fully; worse in upper abdomen. Pul. 7. Flatulent colic; lead colic. Zinc. Clin. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Flatulent colic, with constipation; espe- cially in children. Iris Clin. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. Flatulent. in epigastric region; flatulent pressure towards hypogastrium. Plat. 7. Flatulent. Canine hunger, but the at- tempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent dis- tention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Flatulent. A version to meat; to fat meat, to milk, which makes her flatulent. Carbo V. 2. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructa- tions; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of Offensive gas, par- tially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Flatulent. Dyspepsia of a flatulent character, resulting from tea. Diosc. Clin. Flatulent. Longing for acids, with flatu- lent dyspepsia; Soreness over the ab- domen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Flatulent. Enlargement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia. Zinc. Clin. Flatulent after every meal. Borax 7. Flatus, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass, Wer, Alb. 7, Flatus. Distention of abdomen by flatulence, waking about midnight, causing oppress- ive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief, new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on One side and the other, Cocc. 7. Flatus, Emission of much inodorous flatus, Agar, 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen, with motion of flatus, Aloe 7, Flatus, Offensive flatus, Bry, 7. Flatus, Rumbling in abdomen, with emis- sion of much flatus; offensive, Diosc. 7, Flatus. Tension in abdomen and incarcera- tion of flatus, Lyc, 7. Flatus, Emission of flatus, Phos. 7, Flatus, Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening or colic aggravated in even- ing in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to an- other, Pul, 7. Flatus. Emission of flatus worse in the evening and night; offensive; smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sul, 7. Flatus, Distention of abdomen as from in- carceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after dinner with rumbling, by flatus. Carbo V. 7 Flatus, offensive flatus and at last moist (Miscellaneous.) Fermentation flatus, with dragging towards sacrum and thence towards abdomen. V. 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed; amelioration from emission of flatus. Sul. 7. Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Flatus. Emission of flatus, after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 7. Flatus. Much flatus in evening. A mm. C. 7. Flatus. Fetid flatus. Calc. P. 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 7. Flatus. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Flatus. Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 7. Flatus. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there, under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. - Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 7. Carbo Flatus. Flatus. Frequent passage of flatus. Bism. ( . Flatus. Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 7. Flatus. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst. China 7. Flatus. Discharge of flatus; offensive after dinner, relieved after stool, with movementsin hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Flatus. Unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive flatus not without exertion of abdom- inal muscles. Ign. 7. Flatus. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. Flatus. Emission of flatus, offensive. Kali B. 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag. C. 7. Flatus. Incessant emissions of flatus. Mag. M. 7. Flatus. Incarcerations of flatus. Mag. M. 7. Flatus. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hic- Cough and emission of flatus. Diosc. 1. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus. Coloc. 7. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus. Kali C. 7. Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen, with un- easiness and emission of flatus. Nit. Ac. 7. Flatus. Pain in abdomen before break- fast, flatulent; amelioration from dif- ficult emission of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Flatus. Collection of flatus without evac- uation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with emission of flatus; fermen- tation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Grumbling in upper part of ab- domen in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 7. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus. Natr. C. 7. Flatus. Cutting in abdomen in morning, With emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Flatus. Flatulent pain in morning after Waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper ab- domen. Pul. 7. Flatus. Pain in abdomen after eating; relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. - Flatus. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Flatus. Incarceration of flatus. Staph. 7. Flatus. Griping in abdomen always be- fore emission of flatus. Graph. 7. Flatus. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach ; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, the pain goes to the spine; feeling as if one ought to raise flatus, and could not. Calc. P. 7. Fluid, Eructations tasting of food; then nausea of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains with nausea, Pul. 7. (81) i | FLUID, REPERTORY OF PART I. Fluid. Eructation of a fluid, tasting of the ingesta, Ant, C, 7, Fluid. Womiting of sour fluid. Robina 6. Fluid. Eructations of bitter fluid; of food. Ign. 7. Fluid. Eructations of sour fluid. Robina 7 Fluid, Vomiting of a yellow, bitter, serous fluid. Coloc. 6. |Fluid. Nausea, with debility and scanty vomiting fluid. Secale 6. Fluid. Vomiting of sour fluid. Fluid. Vomiting of a pinkish, fluid. Kali B. 6. Flushes. Ulcer in the stomach ; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Fluttering. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing, occipital headache and trembling; fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium, towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small; feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Fluttering in epigastrium. Nux Vom. 1. Food. (Appetite.) Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen and aversion to it when he begins to eat, Sul, 2. Food. Anorexia; dislike for all food, Ferr, 2, Food. Aversion to food; even the smell of food causes it, but hunger. Cocc. 2. Food, Aversion to animal food when think- ing of it; to salt food. Graph. 2. Food. Appetite lost; diminished; aversion to food. Plumb. 2. Food. Aversion to food; to the usual food; drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down; to the odor of food. Nux VOlm. 2. Food. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, sardines, or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Food. Loathing of food; of butter, Alb. 2. Food. Loss of appetite, but when he be- gan to eat he relished food. Calc. of coffee-grounds Iris 6. glairy Ars. C. 2. Food. Appetite lost, repugnance to food, to meat and broth. Arn. M. 2, Food. Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food, to sour things, to meat. Sul. 2. Food. Chronic dyspepsia; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst ; bloated ab- domen. Calc. C. Clin. Food. Appetite lost, still he relishes the food that he eats. Ars. Alb. 2. Food. Appetite lost, loathing of food. A con. 2. Food. Loathing of food; nausea; and even vomiting, with white coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. Food. Extreme aversion to food, with persistent, slightly qualmish, bitter taste; metallic taste, putrid taste. COGC. Clin. Food. Appetite diminished; disgust for food. Canth. 2. Food. Gastric symptoms are generally indicated by persistent nausea and aversion to all food. Ipe. Clin. Food. Longing for spiced food; for indef- inite things. Sang. 2. Food. Ravenous hunger, but the appe- tite sometimes vanishes, and there is absolute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Food. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general; aversion to green food. Mag. C. 2. Food. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent distention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything, and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Food. Appetite great, but aversion to food. Nux VOm. 2. Food. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash ; dur- ing suppression of menses; with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating; so that food was repul- sive. Pul. 6. Food. Appetite lost; indifferent to food; desire for something sour. Pod. 2. Food. General craving for acids and aversion to meat and fat Cr rich food. Pul. Clin. Food, (Eructalions.) Eructations of food; tasting of the food. Phos. 7. Food. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Food. Nausea, relieved by drinking; at night with eructations of food. Phos. 6. Food. Uneasiness, starting from pit of stomach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali C. 1. Food. Eructations, constant, as soon as she eats; of food after eating; with- Out nausea. Ferr. 7. Food. Eructations of bitter fluid; food. Ign. 7. Food. Eructations, as when undigested food remains in stomach. Caust. 7. Food. (Regurgitation.) Regurgitation of food, an hour or so after it has been taken. AEthu. 1. Food. Regurgitation of food; hiccough ; empty retching; weak, empty feel- ing; has to eat at night even; especi- ally attended with sighing ; gastric symptoms generally ameliorated after eating. Ign. Clin. Food. Regurgitation of food and drink through nose. Merc. C. 7, Food. Dyspepsia, characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. - Food. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white- coated tongue; dry mouth ; nausea, especially when the distress or re- gurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Of Food. (Stomach.) Stomach distressed by the simplest food, Carbo W. 1, Food, Emptiness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like, Sep, 1. Food. Dyspepsia; distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with sore- , ness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Food. Stomach weak and easily disor- dered ; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. Food. Pain in epigastric region after eat- ing; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Food. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Food. Chronic dyspepsia; solid food Causes excruciating pain and some- times vomiting. Lyc. Clin. - Food, (Taste.) Bitter bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; better in morning on waking, Sul. 3. Food, Eructations tasting of food; then nau- sea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Food, Bitter taste after eating and drink- ing, though food has a natural taste, Pul, 3. - Food, Saliva has a salt taste which is com- municated to all he takes; salt taste to food. Cycl. 3. Food. Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreea- | ble in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appe- tite and natural taste to food re- turned. China 2. Food. Many eructations tasting of food, ineffectual. Graph. 7. Food. Taste bitter in morning and slimy to food during the day; salty. Merc. C. 3. Food, Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Wom. 3. Food. Sour taste, worse in morning after swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. Food, Bitter taste to food; then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls, and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Food. Taste bitter in morning to food, to beer. Natr. M. 3. - Food. Taste bitter if she eats anything or swallows saliva; everything tastes bitter; insipid; lost to food. Borax 3. Food. Increased taste of food. Camph. 3. Food. All food is extremely palatable. Can. Ind. 2. Food. Taste flat to food and almost wanting. Cycl. 3. Food. Taste dry to all solid food, as if it contained neither juice nor strength. Ferr. 3. (82 ) FOOD. REPERTORY OF PART I. F O U L. Food. Taste lost for food; better when riot eating. Bry. 3. - Food. Eructations tasting of food. Calc. C. 7. Food. Sourish and metallic taste to food. | Amm. C. 5. Food. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting; after- taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Food. Bitter taste in back of throat, with natural taste to food. Hep. 3. Food. Taste bitter in morning; sour after eating; to all food. Lyc. 3. Food. Tongue sensitive even to soft food, which causes biting. Nit. A c. 3. Food. Atonic dyspepsia; digestion very slow; the food is tasted or regur- gitated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Food. Nausea, with good appetite and natural taste to food. Sil. 5. Food. Indigestion; food becomes acid. POd. Clin. Food. (Vomiting.) Vomiting and diarrhoea ten times with pale, sunken face covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy acid liquid, with food, Wer, Alb, 6, Food. Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much ; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit, Pul. 1. Food. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. Food. Vomiting of food; of blood, mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black and acid liquid, like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Food, Womiting constant of food; of every- thing taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish ; of brownish liquid, streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Food, Womiting of food after midnight; then aversion to food and dread of open air. Ferr, 6. Food. Womiting incessant of Solid food, but not of drinks. Bry. 6. Food. Gastric derangements, with great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. Food. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, Sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Food. Vomiting of food, thin mucus and green bile. Ars. A. 6. Food. Chronic irritability of the stom- ach ; the food is not retained nor di- gested. Kreas. Clin. Food. Gastritis with violent vomiting, even of food. Bel. Clin. Food. Vomiting, cannot keep any food in the stomach. Bel. Clin. Food. Vomiting of mucus only; of food, then general chill, then heat, with great thirst. Cina 6. Food. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, either of water or food. Kreas. Clin. Food. Vomiting of food several hours after a meal. Kreas, Clin. Food. Vomiting of food immediately after eating. Ferr. 6. Food. Dyspepsia, with severe burning distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clin. Food. Vomiting of all food. Graph. 6. Food. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and Colch. bile from repression of gout. Clin. Food. Violent vomiting of food; stomach unable to retain anything. Crotal. H. 6. Food. Vomiting of food and bile; even to vomiting after a meal, with saliva- tion, during menstruation. Lyc. 6. Food, Persistent efforts to vomit food. Nux VOm. Clin. Food. Vomiting of sweetish water in morning, fasting; of food. Kreas. 6. Food. Thirst is a general accompani- of Natrum Mur. symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash; sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Food. Periodic attacks of vomiting food. Plumb. Clin. Food. Vomiting violent of all food, drink and medicine; of blood; of coffee- or chocolate-colored matter. Secale 6. Food. Vomiting of food in evening; of food eaten at noon. Sul. 6. Food. Vomiting of pregnancy; especially vomiting of food in the evening or at night. Pul. Clin. Food. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimulants; Food. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pun- gent Spices and Sour things and stim- ulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. - China. Clin. Food. Dyspepsia following the abuse of mercury or quinine ; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Food. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate supper, with griping and here and there sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. Food. Nausea at sight of food. AEthu. 6. Food. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. - Food. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres pain extending into root and the gum be- comes sore. Staph, 5. For the gastritis of drunkards it is un- rivalled. Arg. N. Clin. Forcing. Colic as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, per- ineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent ; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying, Nux Wom, 7. Forehead. Hiccough after eating, and on every shock caused by it; pressure in vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. A c. Clin. - Food. Most violent retching and vomit- ing of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are al- ways very profuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach, and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Food. (Miscellaneous.) Gums swollen, sep- arated from teeth; and sore, bleeding pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Food. Tyspepsia from carbonaceous food, especially from milk. Sul. Clin. Food. General aggravation from fat food. Cycl. Clin. Food. Distress in the oesophagus, as if food were lying there. Pul. Clin. Food. Gastric disturbances; relieved temporarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Food. Dyspepsia, with Soreness, disten- tion, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Food. Open blister on inside of right cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food, Natr. M. 5. Food. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness, so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Food. Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things, refuses or- dinary food. Cima Clin. forehead, as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry. 7. Forehead. Thirst in evening after fever, With hunger, then, after eating, cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen; after shivering through skin, after chill during Sweat on back and forehead. China. 2. 4. Foreign. Sensation in stomach, as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac Orifice and behind sternum; constrict- ive. Natr. M. 1. Forenoon, Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon, of sour Smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematermesis. Nux VOm. 6. Forenoon. Pain in pit of stomach all forenoon, relieved by eructations; with necessity to vomit, Graph. I. Foren Oon. Nausea in forenoon with Weakness, anxiety and tremulous sen- sation through whole body. Plat. 6. Forenoon. Taste offensive, sweetish in forenoon, causing nausea. Sul. 3. Forenoon. Tension in region of stomach in forenoon, relieved by moving about. Pul. 1. - Forenoons. When sucking the gum pure blood flows into the mouth, at the same time several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. Foul, Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue. Pul, 3. Foul odor from mouth. Nit. Ac, 5. ( 83 ) F O U L. REPERTORY OF PART I. C. ASTRAL C A. of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcer- ated, and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul - oozing of blood; the ulcers Foul. Tongue swollen and showing imprint ulcers; made swallowing difficult; with painful ul- | cerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Foul. Different kinds of foul taste; un- pleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; sour in morning on Waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Four P. M. Unusual hunger at 4 p. m. CalC. P. 2. - Frequent. Taste bitter, relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Frequent vomiting after drinking. Cupr. 6. Frequent empty eructations. Iris 7. Frequent passage of flatus. Bism. 7. Fretful, Sensation as if a stone lay in stom- ach after eating, making him fretful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. Frothing. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 6. Frothing at the mouth. Tabac. 5. Frothy, Saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky, Can. Ind., 5. Frothy. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of contents of stomach, then of bile; of thick, dark green bile mixed with | Fullness. dark, coagulated blood about every hour. POd. 6. Frothy. Eructations frothy and sour; of frothy, sour mucus, tinged bright red. Canth. 7. Frothy. Soapy, frothy Salivation. Bry. 5. Fruit, Fermentation in abdomen from fruit, China 7. Fruit. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, Sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. - Fruit. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general; aversion to green food. Mag, C. 2. Full. sion to it when he begins to eat. Sul, 2. Full. Feeling as if stomach were full of water, Kali C, 1. Full. Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite, then distention of abdomen. Lyc, 2. Full feeling in stomach after eating a little; heaviness. Sul. 1, Full. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent distention sometimes .the flatulent distention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant saiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Full. Anorexia, without bad taste or thirst; always feels full. Ferr. 2. Full. Fullness in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up, China 1. Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen and aver- | and inability to take more food; or || - Full. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent Spices and sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full; drowsy : taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China. Clin. Fº feeling in epigastric region. Full. .Stomach. Sul. 3. |Fullness in stomach in evening; swollen feeling and sensitiveness. Natr. C. 1. Fullness. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach; belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux Vom. Clin. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Fullmess in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten ; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Fullness. Tension, oppression and full- ness of stomach. Carbo W. 1. Fullness. Sensation as if beaten in epi- gastric region and abdomen, with fullness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Fullness. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eru.ctations of food, and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficclt breathing. Lyc. 1. Fullness. Pain in stomach, as from full- ness, as after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen. Ant. C. 1. Fullness in stomach Rhus Tox. 1. Fullness. Pinching pain; boring; gnaw- ing; fullness; drawing ; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. - Fullness in pit of stomach. Arg. N. 1. Fur. Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery as if Oedem- atous; sometimes covered with whit- isly fur. Merc. S. Clin. Furred. Tongue furred, burning on tip as if covered with blisters. Natr. S. 3, Furred. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heav- ily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Gall bladder. Heavy aching distress in stomach; burning in stomach and region of gall bladder. Robin a 1. Gall-stone. Persistent nausea and vom- iting of pregnancy, with deathly nau- Sea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Gangrene of the mouth. Lach. Clin. Gangrenous sore mouth of children. A. Clin. Distention of abdomen from gas and hardness, Merc. S. 7. Eructations tasting of food; then nau- sea; of gas: bilious in evening: bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul, 7. as if Overloaded. Ars. Gas, Gas, Coloe. 1. Gas. Thirst at noon, with full feeling in Gas. Gas. Indigestion, with bloating sour eruc- tations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Colic of the most violent character, aggravated by hard pressure, some- times with nausea and vomiting, Sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Gas. Acid dyspepsia, heartburn even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching Of large quantities of offensive gas, partially relieving the pain in stom- ach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Frequent colic, only slightly ameli- Orated by evacuating gas; attacks come at night, associated with feeling of emptiness; nausea, vertigo. Cocc. Clin. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. - Gases. Offensive gases passed upward and downward. Arn. M. Clin. Gastralgia. Excruciating gastralgia, pains as from knives, or burning, or con- stricting, or associated with great external weight. Phos. Clin. Gastralgia, hysterical. Plat. Clin. Gastralgia. Severe gastralgia or cardial- gia aggravated by the least nourish- ment; the stomach seems very irri- table, and contracts painfully on its contents. Nux VOm. Clin. Gastralgia. Aggravation from light and amelioration from hard pressure; transiently relieved by vomiting. Nux Vom. Clin. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from motion; ameliora- tion from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. Gastralgia; sharp cutting or sticking; aggravation from motion or eating. Kali C. Clin. - Gastralgia; aching extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Rumex Clin. Gastralgia with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Pul. Clin. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac end of the stomach; pains extending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Gastralgia with feeling of coldness and faintness in the abdomen. Petr. Clin. - Gastralgia; pains sudden, violent, com- pelling hard pressure on the abdo- men; amelioration from eructations. Plumb. Clin. Gastralgia. Obstinate cases of gastralgia that have lasted for months have been cured by Magnesia Mur. Mag. M. Clin. Gastralgia, relieved by eating, but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Gas. Gas. C ASTRAL CIA. REPERTORY OF PART I. Gastralgia, aggravated by pressure. Ign. Clin. - Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; ag- gravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Gastralgia. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile from repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Gastralgia from suppression of menses. COCG. Clin. Gastralgia. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gastralgia, the pain extending from the stomach through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Gastralgia. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Fastralgia, Violent gastralgia, with dis- tention of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Gastralgia, colic, and distention of abdo- men. Caust. Clin. Gastralgia of nursing women, with exces- sive flatulence, sour and rancid belch- ing; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Gastric catarrh from excessive acidity; heartburn. Sep. Clin. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gastralgia, the pain extending from the stomach through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Gastric catarrh, with nausea, thickly coated tongue, etc. Chel. Clin. Gastric. Chronic gastric catarrh. Graph. Clin. Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly coated. Kali B. Clin. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Gastric derangements which recur often in persons who have been in the habit of taking Mercury; the attacks fre- Quently preceded by great hunger and apparently caused by over-eating. Bry. Clin. Gastric derangements with great sensi- tiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. Gastric. Tongue heavily coated white in gastric derangements. Bry. Clin. Gastric symptoms, relieved by cold drinks. Bism. Clin. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning; with a feeling of a load or hard lump in stomach. Bism. Clin. Gastric disturbances; relieved temporarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Gastric disorder, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. | Gastric disorders from drinking ice water. Kali C. Clin. Gastric troubles always aggravated dur- ing hot weather. Phos. Clin. Gastric derangements with nausea, not relieved by vomiting. Sang. Clin. Gastric derangements aggravated by al- coholic stimulants; especially flatu- lence, with much rumbling in abdo- men. Zinc. Clin. Gastric. Numerous gastric complications of uterine complaints. Pod. Clin. Gastric ulcers. Phos. Clin. Gastric symptoms are generally charac- terized by absence of thirst and long- eating. Sabad. Clin. Gastric symptoms are generally indicated by persistent nausea and aversion to all food. Ipe. Clim. Gastric. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even ; especially attended with sighing; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing. Ign. Clin. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach; temporarily relieved by eating, hence, constant de- sire to eat. Mezer. Clin. Gastritis. Chronic gastritis. Phos. Clin. Gastritis of drunkards. Iach. Clin. Gastritis. pain. Merc. S. Clin. Gastritis. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain and waterbrash. Tuyc. Clin. stant nausea and vomiting. Crotal. | H. Clin. Gastritis with violent vomiting, food. Bel. Clin. Gastritis. For the gastritis of drunkards it is unrivalled. Arg. N. Clin. Gastritis. Great craving for sweets; well- marked gastritis, with enormous dis- tention, or free eructations of 'gas. Arg. N. Clin. Gastro-duodenal catarrh with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vom- iting; Soreness of the stomach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Gastro-intestinal. Obstinate cases of gas- tro-intestinal Catarrh have been cured by Æthusa. Arthu. Clin. Gastro-enteritis. Diffuse, sub-acute gas- tro-enteritis of a low type. Arn. M. Clin. - Gastro-enteritis. Violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and various diseases of the stomach, Cancerous, etc. Ars. A. Clin. General dryness and heat of the mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. General aggravation from fat food. Cycl. Clin, General cravings for acids and aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. General desire for stimulants. Nux Vom. Clin. Generally indicated in persons of a fair complexion; very sluggish and in- clined to be fat. Calc. C. Clin. ing for sweets; general relief after Chronic gastritis, with burning | so I - e e - - ! Gastritis in chronic alcoholism, with con- Gnash. even of Gna cRAY is H-white. Glairy. Dribbling of glairy saliva from mouth. Stram, 5. Glairy. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly coated, Kali B. Clin. Glairy. Vomiting of a pinkish, glairy fluid. Kali B. 6. Gland. Teeth seemed too long, with tooth- ache, which seemed to originate from the swelling of submaxillary gland. Camph. 5. Glands, Aching in teeth at night then gen- eral chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc, S, 5. Glands. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth; red and tender, with Swelling of glands beneath jaw; Spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Glands. Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free secretion; with swelling of the glands; with soreness leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. Glands. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in open air, with pain in submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Glands. Sublingual glands swollen. Canth. 5. Globus-hystericus rising from the pit of the stomach. Zinc. Clin. Glossitis. Acute glossitis, with dry, hot mouth. A con. Clin. Glowing. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva and mucus. Caust. 5. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a chill; aggravation from entrance of cold air. Calc. C. 5. wing. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering; a draught of cold open air, Pul. 5, Gnawing. Scraping in stomach like heart- burn and in Oesophagus gnawing like ravenous hunger, Pul. 1. Gnawing in stomach, relieved after supper; with weakness, Sep. 1. Gnawing. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Gnawing in stomach as if from acids, rising into throat. Hep. 1. Gnawing. Pinching pain; boring ; gnaw- ing; fullness; drawing ; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Gnaws, Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash. Lyc, 7. - Gout. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile from repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Grayish-white. | | | Gray patches on edges of tongue and a dirty yellow coat on upper surface. MerC. S. 3. Grayish-green. Dirty grayish-green coat at root of tongue. Natr. S. Clin. Tongue dark and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. A.C. 3. (85) ! | l I | C RAYISH-WHITE. REPERTORY OF PART I. CUMS, Grayish-white. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Great hunger soon after a meal; desires many and different things, Cina 2. Great appetite; appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more, smells them, he shudders from nausea and cannot eat. Colch. O Great distention of the abdomen not re- lieved by warmth. Pul. Clin. Great desire for acids. Steam. 2. Great craving for sweets; well marked gastritis, with enormous distention, or free eructations of gas. Arg. N. Clin. Greedy, Sudden ravenous hunger during the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Green. Vomiting of green mucus, with cold sweat. Wer, Alb, 6. Green. Womiting incessant; green, bilious matter, streaked with blood. Mer. C. 6. Green. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general ; aversion to green food. Mag. C. 2. Green. Vomiting; after each drink; bil- Ous, dark grumous liquid ; greenish- gray, watery, green masses, mucous. A con. 6. Green. Distress at the stomach, with retching and vomiting (especially of green substances). A con. Clin. Green. Vomiting of food, thin mucus and green bile. Ars. A. 6. Green. Bilious vomiting ; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vomit- 'ing, Crotal. H. Clin. Green. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- wated by smallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomiting || first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Green. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus; of contents of stomach ; then of bile, |. of thick dark green bile mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. POd. 6. Green. Vomiting of beer; of green, bitter mucus. Mezer. 6. Greenish. Violent sudden vomiting of water, with copious, greenish diar- rhoea and colic. Cupr. 1. Greenish-gray. Vomiting ; after each drink; bilious; dark grumous liquid ; greenish-gray, watery, green masses, mucus. A con. 6. Grinding of teeth in sleep. Ars. A. 5. Grinding. Difficult dentition, with grind- ing of teeth, rolling the head; disa- greeable breath; diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Grinding, pinching, constrictive pain in stomach. Cocc. 1. Griping, Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Pul, 7. - Griping and pressure in stomach, then vom- iting. Cupr. 1. Griping. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Wom. 7. Griping. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Griping in abdomen, always before emis- sion of flatus. Graph. 7. Griping. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. Griping in abdomen, with pain. On passage of flatus. China, 7. Griping in epigastric region, with move- ments, then soft stool. Coloc. 1. Griping in pit of stomach, as from flatu- lence. Carbo V. 1. Griping in epigastric region after every meal; worse towards evening. Coloc. 1. Griping in stomach, with burning. Arg. N. 1. Griping in pit of stomach and epigas- trium. Pul. 1. Griping. Spasmodic griping in stomach. Arn. M. 1. 3rumbling. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling, rumbling, with rolling in the morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Grumbling in upper part of abdomen in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 7. Grumbling. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypo- chondria; with chilliness; with Ob- scuration of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Gurgling, Rumbling and gurgling in ab- domen in evening, or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of in- testines to another, Pul, 7. Gurgling. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Volm. 7. 3urgling. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Gurgling. Abdominal flatulence, with much rumbling and gurgling and pains of various sorts. Lyc. Clin. Gurgling. Nausea with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypochon- dria; with chilliness, with obscura- tion of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Gurgling. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling, rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Gum. Swelling of gum with gumboil on it; painful; inflamed. Sil. 5. Gum. Hollow teeth, sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres pain extending into root and the gum be- comes sore. Staph. 5. Gum. Ulceration of right gum, Psor. 3, Gum. Inflammation of molar, with swell- ing and Soreness of gum. Sil. 5. Gum. Blisters and Soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. Gum. When sucking the gum, pure blood flows into the mouth, at the same time several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. Gum. Looseness and prominence of one tooth in morning, with pain in gum on touch. Ars. A. 5. Gum. Aching in teeth only at night and when it ceases in morning excite- ment and uneasiness preventing sleep, with swelling of gum as if sup- purating. Lyc. 5. Gumboil. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face, as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous swell- ing. Borax 5. Gumboil. Swelling of gum with gumboil on it; painful; inflamed. Sil. 5. Gums, (Bleeding of Gums.) Gums bleed- ing from slightest touch; spongy and soft; ulcerated; suppurating, Merc, S, 5. Gums, Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc, S, 3. Gums. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with Sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Gums bleed easily, swollen and spongy; swollen and pale. Merc. C. 5. Gums swollen, separated from teeth; and Sore, bleeding, pain. On eating ; bread and food bloody when chewed. Merc. S, 5. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody and there is a putrid odor from the mouth ; with these condi- tions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Gums. Bleeding of gums on cleaning teeth and on pressure. Staph. 5. Gums. Bleeding of gums on slightest touch. Zinc. 5. - Gums. Spongy excrescence on the gums which bleed readily and are painful. Staph. Clin. Gums bleed easily and are swollen. Caust. Clin. Gums stand off from teeth, and bleed easily. Ant. C. 5. Gums swollen; bleeding; painful on touch. Ars. A. 5. Gums tender and disposed to bleed. Arg. N. 5. Gums swollen and bleeding. Calc. C. 5. Gums. Spongy condition of gums, which retract and bleed easily, with ten- dency to nose-bleed; fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. &: Gums. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleed- ing of the gums; premature decay of children's teeth, which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Gums bleed; white. Crotal. H. 5. ( sº ) CUMS. REPERTORY OF PART I. HEAD, Gums. Bleeding of gums after sucking. | Carbo V. 5. Gums unhealthy; bleeding, spongy, pale, receding from teeth, with offensive | Odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Gums. Toothache, with swollen, bleed- ing gums; gums sometimes dark pur- plish. Lach. Clin. Gums. Inflammation of the gums, with bleeding; separated from the teeth. PhOS. 5. Gums bleeding, swollen and spongy. Lach. 5. Gums. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of the teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Gums scorbutic; bleeding. Natr. M. Clin. Gums (Ulcerated Gums). Gums sore; ulcerated ; bleeding, Sep. 5. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth; red and tender, with swelling of glands beneath jaw ; Spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. | Gums. Ulcers and pustules on the gums and mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Gums. Ulceration of the mouth and gums, with fetid Odor. Nux Vom. Clin. Gums. Ulcers on the gums, with sensi- tiveness so that he could not eat. Phos. 5. * Gums and mouth are sore; ulcerated; breath fetid; salivation; ulcerations, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Gums, (Miscellaneous.) Teeth loose and black; denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and pain- ful on touch of tongue. Merc, S, 5. Gums sensitive to cold water; sore, Sil. 5, Gums sensitive when chewing. Carbo V. 5. Gums. Sore pain in gums on touch and on chewing. Merc. S. 5. Gums. Aching in teeth at night, then gen- eral chilliness, with swelling of gums | and salivary glands, Merc, S, 5. Gums, Jerking pain in teeth, aggravated at night, pulse-like from lower into ear, and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p.m. on. Merc. S. 5. Gums, Sticking, gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering; a draught of cold open air. Pul. 5. Gums red, bright red margin; red and swol- len and livid, and covered with thin white patches, easily removed from a non-ulcerating surface. Merc. S. 5. Gums blue along margins; slate-colored on border. Plumb. 5. Gums. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth, and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous swell- ing. Borax 5. Güms loosened from teeth and Sensitive. Carbo V. 5. Gums retracted from incisors. Carbo V. 5. Gums loosened from teeth, Spongy and partly destroyed ; spongy and cov- ered with a pultaceous exudation and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Gums. Aching of teeth at night, disturb- ing sleep; with anxiety; with swelling of gums. Merc. C. 5. | Gums. Inflammation of mouth and of gums, with discharge of clear water. Merc. C. 5. i Gums. A ching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums, worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen ; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Gums. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throb- bing as if beginning to suppurate. Sep. 5. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with pain- ful loose teeth. Bry. 5. Gums. Teething, with hot, inflamed gums. Acon. Clin. Gums feel affected, and are red and en- larged between teeth. Nit. A c. 5. Gums. Swelling of gums, with such loose- ness of teeth that she could have taken them out. Nit. A c. 5. Gums, mouth, tongue, and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Nux Vom. 5. Gums. Dooseness of teeth, with pain in gums on pressure. Sil. 5. Haematermesis. Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematermesis. Nux VOm. 6. Haemorrhage from the stomach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach, and great prostration. China Clin. Haemorrhage. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing teeth. Arn. M. Clin. Haemorrhage. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing a tooth. Phos. Clin. Haemorrhage from stomach; temporarily relieved by drinking cold water. PhOS. Clin. Hair. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip extending into trachea where it caused crawling so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Half. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating ; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Ham. Desire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat, etc. Calc. P. Clin. Hand. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure; nausea if hand lay on stom- ach. Nux Vom. 1. Hands. No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Cycl. 2. . . Hands. Vomiting, with headache an trembling of hands; with frequent stools; also with weakness; with anguish ; then constant involuntary watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Hang. Stomach and intestines hang down; relaxed. Ign. 1. Hanging. Dry tongue and dry throat, in- terfering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth; swollen, cracked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. Hard. Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating; aggravated by pressure. Phos. 1. Hard. Hard. Gastralgia; aggravation from light and amelioration from hard pressure; transiently relieved by vomiting. Nux VOm. Clin. Hard. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Dyspepsia ; distress appearing while the patient is eating ; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with Soreness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Hard-boiled. Sensation of a hard-boiled egg in stomach. Abies N. 1. Hard. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning; with a feeling of a load or hard lump in stomach. Bism. Clin. Hard pressure in stomach, after eating. Bel. 1. Hard. Feeling of a hard lump which makes the stomach sore. Bry. Clin. Hard. Pain in stomach, as from fullness, as after too much eating, with dis- tended but not hard abdomen. Ant. C. 1. Hard. Gastralgia; pains sudden, violent, compelling hard pressure on the ab- domen ; amelioration from eructa- tions. Plumb. Clin. Hard. Colic of the most violent charac- ter, aggravated by hard pressure, Sometimes with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Hard pressure frequently relieves the toothache, which may be aggravated by light pressure. Staph, Clin. Hard elevation on right anterior border of tongue, and on moving tongue shoot- ing in it ; Smarting on right side. Sul. 3. - Hardness, Distention of abdomen from gas and hardness, Merc, S, 7. s t Hardness, Distention and hardness of abdo- men, with intolerance of tight clothing. Calc, C, 7. Haste. Appetite great at noon; he ate with haste, and though it oppressed the stomach he could have eaten more. Nux MOS. 2. Hasty. Sudden ravenous hunger during the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty, eating. Plat. 2, Hawk, Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Hawking. Retching on hawking mucus from fauces. Nux Wom. 6. . Hawking. Bad taste in morning though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom. 3. Hawking. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessi- tating hawking. Psor. 5. Head. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth, ag- gravated at night; pulse-like from lower into ear, and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p. m. on. Merc, S, 5. aggravated (87) HEAD, REPERTORY OF PART I. HEAT. Head, Teeth loose and black, denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws und head and painful on touch of tongue, Merc, S. 5, Head. Difficult dentition, with grinding of teeth, rolling of head, disagreeable breath, diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Head. Toothache of a sticking, tearing character, extending into the head. Kali C. Clin. - Head. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Head. Difficult dentition ; child is weak, cold; pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow, tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zing. Clin. Head. Tearing toothache, extending to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux Vom. Clin, Head. Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head if air enters mouth. Nux VOm. 5. Head. (Stomach.) Warm streaming of blood from pit of stomach into head. Calc. C. 1. Head. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. - Head. Pain in epigastrium in morning On touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. t Head. Nausea after eating, with heavi- ness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. Head. Deathly nausea if her head was raised from the pillow. Nux Mos. 6. Headache, Nausea aggravated by a sip of wine, with headache, Zinc, 6. Headache. Appetite increased; ravenous; if he does not eat; headache, lassitude, and necessity to lie down, Sul. 2. Headache, Mouth slimy in morning on waking, with headache, Bel, 5. Headache. Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux VOm. 6. - Headache. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea, and vomiting; Soreness of the stomach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Headache. Nausea not relieved by vom- iting; with Salivation, chill, and heat. Sang. 6. Headache. Seasickness, with the special indication of the occipital headache. Petr. Clin. Headache. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small, feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Headache. Dyspepsia, with severe burn- ing distress in the stomagh, vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clin. Headache. Vomiting, with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent stools, also with weakness; with an- guish ; then constant involuntary watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Headache. Taste bitter in morning, with headache. Calc. P. 3. Heart. Nausea in morning during menstrua- tion, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and saliva- tion. Nux VOm. 6. Heart. Indigestion, mostly acid, with palpitation and distress about the heart. Natr. C. Clin. Heart. Irritable heart of tea and coffee drinkers, and of tobacco smokers. Agar. Clin. Heartburn. Scraping in stomach like heart- burn, and in Oesophagus gnawing like ravenous hunger, Pul, 1. Heartburn, as after overloading stomach with rancid fat. Nux VOm. 1. Heartburn. Loss of digestive power; burning in Stomach in morning; heart- burn all day. Sul. 1. Heartburn. Gastric catarrh from exces- sive acidity; heartburn. Sep. Clin. Heartburn. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypo- chondria; with chilliness; with ob- Scuration of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Heartburn. Stomach weak and easily disordered; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. Heartburn. Thirst is a general accom- pariment of Natrum Mur. symptoms; there are generally sour eructations; heartburn; especially waterbrash ; Sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Heartburn. Anxiety in pit of stomach, with heartburn. Lyc. 1. Heartburn. Indigestion, with bloating, Sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Heartburn. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn and flatulence. Natr. S. Clin. Heartburn in evening after supper; on Waking in middle of night; after din- ner. Kali B. 1. Heartburn. Indigestion, with feeling of rancidity and heartburn. Graph. Clin. Heartburn. Acid dyspepsia; heartburn even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. Heartburn. Burning in pit of stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite. Ant. C. 1. Heartburn. Acid dyspepsia, with heart- burn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Heat. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1, Heat. Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down; with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Heat. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at Or.ce, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal but not external heat. Bry. 2. Heat. Thirst at night; for beer during heat; for cold water. Acon. 1. Heat. Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath; all day without vomiting; sudden on walking; with Salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Heat. Thirst in afternoon, with heat in palms. Zinc. 2. Heat. Ravenous appetite before supper; With loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Heat. Colic from cold water, aggravated by heat. Staph. Clin. - Heat. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Heat. Nausea not relieved by vomiting; With Salivation; with headache, chill and heat. Sang. 6. Heat. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Heat. Dryness of mouth and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if Caused by heat of breath. Natr. C. 5. Heat. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning; especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks, Pul. 2. Heat. Burning heat in stomach, extend- ing to back, with faint, empty feeling in Stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Heat. General dryness and heat of mouth; with catarrh of the pharynx; map- ped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Heat, Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of Saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Heat. A ching in teeth, worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Heat. Voming of mucus only ; of food, then general chill, then heat, with great thirst. Cina 6. - Heat. Thirst for cold drinks in evening, without heat. Bism. 2. Heat. Tongue coated white in evening, without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. - Heat, with raw ness and dryness at tip of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Heat. Ulceration of the mouth, with great dryness and burning heat. Ars. A. Clin. - Heat. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. ( 88 ) HEATED. REPERTORY OF PART I. HOUR S. Heated. Colic from suppressed perspira- tion, as from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with colic. Coloc. Clin. Heaviness. Full feeling in stomach after eating a little; heaviness, Sul. 1. Heaviness. Pain in pit of stomach in after- noon, after eating a little; with heavi- ness in epigastric region caused by cough. Lyc. 1, Heaviness. Pressure as from a hard sub- stance above pit of stomach; with cold- ness; heaviness after eating; aggra- wated by pressure. Phos. 1. Heaviness. Sudden Satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heavi- ness in stomach and distention in ab- domen. Lyc. 2. Heaviness. Pain in pit of stomach after eating; with heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. Heaviness in stomach as from a stone in morning on waking. Pul. 1. Heaviness in stomach after eating. C. 1. Heaviness. Taxity of mouth, with heavi- ness of tongue. Tyc. 5. Heaviness. Nausea after eating, with heaviness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. Heavy aching distress in stomach; burn- ing in stomach and region of gall bladder. Robina 1. Heavy. Neuralgic toothache, pulsating, driving to madness; teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead. Ver. Alb. Clin. Heavy. Tongue heavy when talking; speech difficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Wom. 3. Herby, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium: aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom, 1, Herring. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Hiccough, Plumb, 7. Hiccough after eating and drinking. Ign. 7. Hiccough. Regurgitation of food; hic- cough ; empty retching; weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even ; es- pecially attended with sighing; gas- tric symptoms generally ameliorated after eating. Ign. Clin. Hiccough from tobacco smoking. Hiccough after a meal. Sep. 7. Biccough when Smoking. Pul. 7. Hiccough. Cramping pain in pit of stom- ach, then eructations of wind, then hiccough and emission of flatus. DiOSC. 1. Hiccough. Eructations empty, incomplete, stead of which there is hiccough. COCC. 7. Hiccough after eating and on every shock caused by it; pressure in forehead as if the brain shook from behind for- ward. Bry. 7. Kali Ign. 7. bitter, putrid, ineffectual, in- Hiccough. Stram. 2. Hiccough-like. Eructations, with oppres- sion of stomach after eating or hic- cough-like eructations. Cycl. 7. High. Fullness in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten ; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Hoarse. Tongue cold; speech feeble, broken, hoarse. Camph. 3. Hollow sensation in epigastrium. Pod, 1. Hollow. Aching of teeth only when eating; as if something got into a hollow tooth. Kali C. 5. - Hollow. Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head if air enters mouth. Nux Wom. 5. Hollow. Tearing in hollow molar; jerk- ing, drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Hollow. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. - Hollow. Pain in a hollow tooth in even- ing, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. Hollow. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. Hollow teeth, sensitive to touch and if food remains in centres, pain extend- ing into root, and the gum becom s sore. Staph. 5. Hollow. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums, worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Hollow teeth decay very rapidly; aching in hollow in evening, on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Hollow. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawning. Kreas. 5. Hollow. Throbbing pain in teeth only when eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening, Kali C. 5. Hollow. Aching in a hollow tooth, ag- gravated at night, and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pains as if the nerve were scratched. Ant. C. 5. Hollow. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous swelling. Borax 5. Hot, Mouth of an infant very hot, Borax 5. Hot. Eructations of air; hot in afternoon and evening. Caust. 7. Gastric disturbances; relieved tem- porarily by eating; prefers hot drinks and hot food. Chel. Clin. Aphthous sore mouth ; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children, hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. - Chronic dyspepsia; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst; bloated ab- domen. Calc. C. Clin. Hot. HOt. HOt. Hot. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of contents of stomach; then of bile, of thick, dark, green bile, mixed with dark coagulated blood, about every hour. Pod. 6. Hot. Acute glossitis, with dry hot mouth. Acon. Clin. Nausea, with hot eructations and sweetish, flat salivation. Kali B. 6. Eructations, tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp and sour. Petr. 7. Hot. Gastric troubles, always aggravated during hot weather. Phos. Clin. Dryness of mouth, without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Nit. A c. 5. Dyspepsia, with soreness, disten- tion, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Hot eructations; violent efforts to vomit. POd. Clin. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. * Hot. Tearing in teeth; amelioration from hot applications. Rhus Tox. 5. Pain in teeth aggravated by draw- ing in air with Open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; ag- gravated by eating; at noon and evening, with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Hour. Pain in stomach an hour after eat- ing. Pul. 1, Hour. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Hour. When sucking the gum pure blood flows into the mouth at the same time several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. Hour. Regurgitation of food an hour or so after it has been taken. AEthu. 1. Hour. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomit- ing, coming on an hour or So after eating. Kali B. Clin. Hour. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus; of contents of stomach ; then of bile, of thick, dark, green bile, mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. POd. 6. Hours. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Hours. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Hours. Overloaded feeling in stomach, until three hours after eating; oppres- sion after eating. Amm. C. 1. (89) HOUR S. REPERTORY OF PART I. INCIS ORS, Hours. Vomiting of food several hours after a meal. Kreas. Clin. Hung. Feeling as if stomach hung down relaxed, and appetite lost. Ipe. 1. Hung. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking, as if it hung loose, Hep. 1. Hunger, Scraping in stomach like heart- burn and in Oesophagus, gnawing like ravenous hunger, Pul, 1. Hunger, Great hunger soon after a meal; desires many and different things, Cina 2. Hunger. Appetite increased for vari- ous things, but does not know exactly what ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural yet is disagreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appetite and natural taste to food returned. China, 2. Hunger great; hunger without appetite; appetite diminished. Psor. 2. Hunger. Sudden ravenous hunger dur- ing the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Hunger. Aversion to food, even the smell of food causes it, but hunger. Cocc. 2. Hunger, Ravenous hunger in morning. Calc. C. 2. Hunger. Violent hunger; hunger in stom- ach, with undisturbed appetite. Ver. Alb. 2. Hunger. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent disten- tion and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent distention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Hunger great, with weariness of life. - Nit. A.C. 2. Hunger. Gastric derangements, which recur often in persons who have been in the habit of taking Mercury; the attacks frequently preceded by great hunger and apparently caused by overeating. Bry. Clin. Hunger. Ravenous hunger, but speedy satiety after stool; ravenous, often making her sick. Petr. 2. Hunger. Pain in stomach, acute; in epi- gastrium, extending into Sternum, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Hunger. Craving hunger; desire for vin- egar. Sep. 2. Hunger. Ravenous appetite; she feels that it is not a genuine hunger. MerC. S. 2. Hunger. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. |Hunger. Ravenous hunger, but the appe- tite sometimes vanishes and there is absolute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Hunger. Much hunger, but no relish. Agar. 2. Hunger. Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things; re- fuses ordinary food. Cina Clin. Hunger. Canine hunger. Coloc. 2. Hunger. Ravenous hunger. Bry. 2. Hunger. Ravenous hunger and great thirst ; particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things, chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Hunger. Unusual hunger Calc. P. 2. Hyoid. Pain beneath tongue when swal- lowing, on left side behind hyoid bone. Calc. C. 3. Hypochondria, Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations. Lyc, 7. Hypochondria. Distention of abdomen from incarceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. Hypochondria. Pain in pit of stomach, intolerance of clothing in epigastric region, and beneath hypochondria. Crotal. H. 1. |Hypochondria. Distention of hypochon- dria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Hypochondria. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipe. 1. Hypochondria. Tension in stomach and hypochondria; beneath stomach, as if everything were too tight; with sore- mess on chest. Lyo. 1. Hypochondria. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium, extending into ster- num, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Hypochondria. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypo- chondria; with chilliness; with ob- scuration of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Hypochondria. Difficult speech, like a weakness of organs of speech, coming from hypochondria. Natr. M. 3. Hypochondriac. Dyspepsia with hypo- chondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women, or as the result of overwrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. Hypochondriac. Constriction and pinch- ing in epigastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then changing into chest and imped- ing breathing. Pul. 1. at 4 p. m. Hypogastrium. Fermentation in epigastric region; flatulent pressure towards hyp- ogastrium. Plat. 7. Hypogastrium. Discharge of flatus; of ferºsive after dinner, relieved after stool, with movements in hypogas- trium, Coloc. 7. Hypogastrium. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Hysteria. Flatulence of hysteria. Asaf. Clin. Hysterical. Gastralgia, ; hysterical. Plat. Clin. - Hysterical. Excessive flatulence, especi- ally in hysterical subjects. Ign. Clin. Ice cream. Dyspepsia from ice cream or from too much ice water. Pul. Clin. Tce water. Gastric disorders from drink- ing ice water. Kali C. Clin, Ice water. Dyspepsia from ice cream or from two much ice water. Pul. Clin. Ice water. Colic from suppressed perspi- ration from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by | fits of arger ; the patient always doubles up with the colic. Coloc. Clin. Pain in stomach, acute; in epigas- trium, extending into sternum, hypo- chondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Ill humor. Distention of stomach after eating, with discomfort, sick feeling and ill humor. Borax 1. Immediately. Desires things immedi- ately, but when offered, does not wish them. Bry. 2. Impress, Tongue coated and showing im- press of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish, swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc, S, 3. Imprint, Tongue swollen and showing im- print of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated, and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; Oozing of blood; the ulcers made Swallowing difficult; with painful, ulcerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Imprint. Tongue coated yellow, with red margin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Imprint. Tongue is almost always swoll- en, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery, as if Oedem- atous; sometimes covered with whit- Ilia. ish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Incarcerated flatus. Coloc. 7. Incarcerated fiatus. Kali C. 7. Incarcerated. Flatulence rising and be- coming incarcerated under short ribs. Nux VOm. 7. Incarcerated flatulence in left side and constipation. Sul. Clin. Incarcerated flatus. Natr. C. 7. Incarcerated. Collection of flatus with- out evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 7. Incarceration, Tension in abdomen and in- carceration of flatus, Lyc, 7. Incarceration, Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus; intoler- ance of anything tight about hypo- chondria. Graph. 1. Incarceration of flatus. Staph. 7. Incarcerations of flatus. Mag. M. 7. Incessant, Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath; all day without vomiting; Sudden on walking; with salivation; Sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Incessant emission of flatus. Mag. M. 7. Incisors. Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell out at the slightest shock; especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; crowns of all except incisors lost. Merc. S. 5, ( 90 ) N C F SC RS. REPERTORY OF PART I. I NT EN SELY. Incisors. Drawing toothache, diffusing it; self over temple; drawing in incisors- in left lower molars, then involving upper molars; as soon as it ceases there it begins in upper incisors. Kreas. Clin. Incisors. Tearing in hollow molar; jerk- ing drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Incisors. Gums retracted from incisors. Carbo V. 5. Incisors. Painful looseness of incisors; stitches on biting on them, in upper back, extending upward ; in lower back, extending downward. Caust. 5. Incisors. Upper incisors seem too long and sensitive. Mag. M. 5. Incisors. Pain in teeth when eating; in incisors and anterior molars On draw- ing air into mouth; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Incisors. Looseness of teeth, lower inci- sors; she cannot bite upon them. Rhus TOx. 5. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a chill; aggravation from entrance of cold air. Calc. C. 5. Incomplete. Eructations after eating; incomplete, violent. Natr. M. 7. Incomplete. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incomplete, ineffectual, in- stead of which there is hiccough. COCC. 7. Incurable. Ulcers in the stomach, Sup- posed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burning and distress as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Indefinite. Longing for Spiced food; for indefinite things. Sang. 2. Indifference, Appetite increased for vari- ous things, but does not know ex- actly what ; hunger, but want of ap- petite; food tastes natural, yet is dis- agreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appetite and natural taste to food re- turned. China 2. Indigestible. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Indigestible. Desire for indigestible things, like ham, Smoked meat, etc. Calc. P. Clin. Indigestible. Indigestion, with aversion to the ordinary diet, and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clin. Indigestion, characterized by extreme dis- tress in the stomach immediately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knot- ted up at times; with bitter eructa- tions or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth ; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. Indigestion, mostly acid, with palpitation and distress about the heart. Natr. C. Clin. - Indigestion of children from sweets, asso- ciated with very peevish disposition. Ant. C. Clin. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructa- tions, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach; or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pres- Sure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Indigestion, with feeling of rancidity and heartburn. Graph. Clin. Indigestion, with aversion to the ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clim. Indigestion; stomach disordered by meat. Kali B. 1. Indigestion, especially in children, from taking milk, which passes undigested. Mag. M. Clin. Indigestion. Cardialgia and indigestion; great Soreness of the pit of the stom- ach to touch and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. - Indigestion; food becomes acid. Pod. Clin. Indigestion from buckwheat cakes. Pul. Clin. Indigestion; constant Squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on acount of the dis- tress; backache; Weakness. Robina Clin. Indigestion, with severe lancinating pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Robina Clin. Indurations. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with vomiting of blood, burning and ex- treme flatulence. Iye. Clin. Ineffectual. Many eructations tasting of food; ineffectual. Graph. 7. - Ineffectual retching, with constriction of Oesophagus and across chest in direc- tion of diaphragm. Cupr. 6. Ineffectual. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incomplete, ineffectual, in- stead of which there is hiccough. COCC. 7. - i In effectual retching in morning. C. 6. Infant, Mouth of an infant very hot, Borax 5. - Infants. Persistent vomiting of infants. R reas. Clin. Infants. Sore mouths of nursing infants, and of nursing women. Bapt. Clin. Inflamed. Tongue swollen and inflamed so that it could not be protruded; and White. Merc. C. 3. Inflammation. (Mouth.) Inflammation of mouth and of gums, with discharge of clear water. Merc. S. 5. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth ; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, always with easy bleeding ; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free secretion; with swelling of the glands; with Soreness leading to Sup- puration. Merc. S. Clin. Inflammation. Interstitial inflammation of the substance of the tongue. Merc. S. Clin. Nati'. i Inflammation of the gums, with bleeding; separated from the teeth. Phos. 5. Inflammation at root of a tooth, with pain, which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Inflammation of molar, with swelling and Soreness of gum. Sil. 5. Inflammation. (Stomach.) Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irritability than of inflammation of the stomach; so that the drug has often relieved the dis- tressing symptoms of pregnancy. Ign. Clin. Inflammation. Extremely valuable rem- edy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggra- Vation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Inflammation. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting after- taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Inflammation of the stomach, with swell- ing of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. Phos. Clin. Inflammation of the stomach caused by the habitual use of powerful drugs or of alcohol; strong coffee. Nux Wom. Clin. Inflammation of the stomach, occurring during the progress of chronic dis- eases; for instance, Scirrhus. Bism. Clin. Inner portion of the stomach seems raw. Ars. A. Clin. Inodorous, Emission flatus, Agar, 7. Insensible. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt and were in- sensible at night and in morning. Pul. 3. Insipid, Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid; as of bad meat; with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue. Pul. 3, of much inodorous Insipid. Mouth and pharynx dry in morn- ing and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not percep- tible to himself, Pul, 5. Insipid. Vomiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning, even be- fore breakfast. Tabac. 6. Insipid. Taste bitter, if she eats any- thing or swallows saliva; everything tastes bitter; insipid ; lost to food. Borax 3. Insipid and spoiled sensation in stomach, with good appetite. Graph. 1. Insipid. Nausea, with constant Spitting: of insipid water. Sabad. 6. - Insipidity, Dryness of mouth in morning; with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul. 5. Inspiration. Stitches in teeth on inspira- tion. Ant. C. 5. Inspiration. Pain in stomach, as if a sore spot were pressed; below pit on pres- sure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Intensely acid vomiting ; the symptoms has been relieved even when associ- ated with cancer of the stomach, |Robina Clim. ( 91 ) |NTERM. TT ENT. REPERTORY OF PART I. L. : P S. Intermittent. Pressure in stomach, with in- termittent, contractive pains, Cupr. 1, Intermittent compression in epigastrium, changing to pinching, with confusion of sinciput. Coloc. 1. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 1. Internal. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning; then ebullition in chest, like palpitation ; then internal heat of face and body, without redness or thirst, but with sweat. Sep. 1. Internal chilliness in epigastric region. Ars. Alb. 1. Internally. Pain in pit of stomach on pressure; after a meal and on touch ; Sore internally. Sep. 1. Interstitial inflammation of the substance of the tongue. Merc. S. Clin. Intestines. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass, Ver, Alb. 7. Intestines. Rumbling and gurgling in ab- domen in evening or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of intes- times to another, Pul, 7, Intestines. Nausea in morning during men- struation, with chilliness and faintness in morning, in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux Wom. 6. Intestines. Pinching and pressure in stomach, extending through small in- testines, as with a constriction; with many movements. Arn. M. 1. Intestines. Stomach and intestines hang down; relaxed. Ign. 1. Intolerance. Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. Intolerance. Pain in pit of stomach ; in- tolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hypochondria. Crotal. H. 1. Irresistible desire for sugar. Arg. N. 2. Irritability. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irri- tability than of inflammation of the Stomach; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symptoms of pregnancy. Ign. Clin. Irritability. Chronic irritability of the Stomach; the food is not retained nor digested. Kreas. Clin. Irritable. Aphthous, sore mouth, occur- ring in the last stages of wasting dis- eases; sometimes with watery diar- rhoea and irritable stomach. Mur. Ac, Clin. Irritable. Severe gastralgia or cardialgia; aggravated by the least nourishment; the stomach seems very irritable and contracts painfully on its contents. Nux Wom. Clin. Irritable heart of tea and coffee drinkers, and of tobacco smokers. Agar. Clin. Aching and throbbing in stomach ; amelioration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. Jar. Jaw, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerk- ing, tearing, sticking, Lach. 5, Jaw. Necrosis of the jaw. Sil. Clin. Jaw. Sticking in teeth and jaw extend- ing to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Jaw. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth ; red and tender, with swelling of glands, beneath jaw ; spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Jaws, Teeth loose and black, denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue, Merc, S. 5, Jaws. Nausea, with bilious taste, with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst, and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 3. Jaws. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending in Zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morning, better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm. Pul. 5. Jerking, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. Jerking pain in teeth, aggravated at night; pulse-like from lower into ear and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p.m. on, Merc, S, 5. Jerking. Tearing in hollow molar; jerk- ing drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawning. Kreas. 5. Jerking tearing in left upper back teeth. China. 5. Jerking in teeth in evening in bed, now in upper, now in lower back. Bry. 5. Juice. Taste dry to all solid food as if it contained neither juice nor strength. Ferr. 3. Juicy. Craving for juicy things. Alb. Clin. Juniper. Eructations tasting of juniper berries. Chel. 7. Knees. Pressure in stomach, with weak- ness in knees. Lach. 1. Knives. Excruciating gastralgia; pains as from knives or burning, or con- stricting, or associated with great external weight. Phos. Clin. Knot, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass. Wer. Alb. 7, Knotted. Indigestion characterized by extreme distress in the sºomach im- mediately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Ver. | | Knotted. Distress, as if something were knotted up in the stomach. Abies N. Clin. Lamb. Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Lancinating. Indigestion, with severe lan- cinating pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Robina Clin. - Lassitude. Appetite increased; ravenous; if he does not eat, headache, lassitude and | necessity to lie down. Sul. 2. Laxity of mouth, with heaviness of tongue. Lyc. 5. Violent vomiting unless he bent himself and lay still. Colch. 7. Lay. Lead. Flatulent colic; lead colic. Zinc. Clin. Lead. Neuralgic toothache, pulsating, | driving to madness; teeth feel heavy, as if filled with lead. Ver. Alb. Clin. Left. Jerking tearing in left upper back. China 5. Left. Drawing toothache, diffusing itself Over temple; drawing in incisors; in || left lower molars, then involving upper molars; as Soon as it ceases there it begins in upper incisors. Kreas. Clin. Left. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawning. Kreas. {). Left. Gastralgia, starting from the car- diac end of the stomach; pains ex- tending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Tleft. Pain beneath tongue when swal- lowing, on left side behind hyoid bone. Calc. C. 3. Appetite increased; ravenous; if he does not eat, headache, lassitude and necessity to lie down, Sul. 2. Aversion to food; to the usual food; drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down; to the odor of food. Nux Lie, Lie. Wom. 2. Lie. Nausea, obliging him to lie down. Ars. A. 6. Lie. Bilious vomiting; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vom- iting. Crotal. H. Clin. Hunger great, with weariness of life. Nit, A.C. 2. Lifting. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- comes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Like, Eruptions in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like. Sep. 1. Like. Appetite for something at times, and when he gets it he does not like it. Hep. 2. Limbs. Ravenous appetite before supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body, with heat in chest so that it was diffi- cult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Tips. Dryness of tongue in morning on Waking, and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3. Life. ( 92 ) LIPS. REPERTORY OF PART I. LO O SE. Lips. Taste sweet to bread, salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. Merc. S. 3. Lips, Mouth and lips dry, without thirst. Can. Ind. 2. Lips. Dryness of mouth, at night with thirst ; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. Lips. Tryness of mouth and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if caused by heat of breath. Natr. C, 5. Lips. Dryness of mouth, without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Nit. A c. 5. Lips. Thirst, with dry lips and dry mouth. Tyc. 2. Lips. Salivation, with tension in sub- maxilliary region, which was sensi- tive to touch; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Tyc. 5. Lips. White, aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks, and on tongue. Hep. 5. Lips. Dryness of lips, mouth and throat. Bry. Clin. Lips. Thirst in evening; at night, with dryness of lips. Ant. C. 2. Liquid. Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy, acid fluid; with food. Wer, Alb, 6. Liquid. Womiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning, even before breakfast. Tabac. 6. Liquid. Womiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation ; blackish; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. - Liquid, Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. Liquid. Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach; eructations of sour liquid. Robina Clin. Liquid. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid, with vlolent cramps. Plumb. Clin. Liquid. Eructations loud; sour in morn- ing; of sour liquid after coffee; inef- fectual. Pul. 7. Liquid. Violent gastralgia, with disten- tion of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Liquors. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Lisping. Tongue heavy when talking ; speech difficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Vom. 3. Little. Digestion slow; discomfort in stom- ach after eating a little, Lyc. 1. Little. Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after eating a little; with heaviness in epigastric region caused by cough. Lyc. Little. Full feeling in stomach after eating a little; heaviness. Sul. 1. Little. Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but drinks a little at a time, Ars, A. 5. Little. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Tittle. Appetite violent, but satiety after eating a little. Amm. C. 2. Little. Nausea after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualmishness in epigastric region, as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Little. Dyspepsia, with painful pressure and distention in region of Stomach, after eating and drinking a little. China Clin. Little. Appetite entirely lost, and, after eating a little, loud belching and ina- bility to work. China Clin. Little. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. Liver. Pain in pit of stomach or anterior part of liver. Camph. 1. - Liver. Violent pain in region of stom- ach, goes through to back and right shoulder blade, or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Liver. the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Liver. Bilious colic; almost incessant vomiting of extremely acrid substan- ces, with soreness over the liver. Iris Clin. Liver. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Liver. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Liver. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with per- sistent sour breath ; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat ; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Liver. Enlargement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia. Zinc. Clin. Liver. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, soreness over the abdo- men and liver, blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of some- thing twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Livid. Gums red, bright red margin; red and swollen, and livid and covered with thin, white patches; easily re- removed from a non-ulcerating Sur- face. Merc. S. 5. Load. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning; with a feeling of a load or hard lump in stomach. Bism. Clin. - Loathing of food; of butter. Ars. Alb. 2. Loathing. Appetite lost ; loathing of food. A con. 2. Loathing of food; nausea; and even vom- iting, with white coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. Disturbances of digestion and of . Loins. Nausea in morning during menstrua- tion, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and saliva- tion. Nux VOm. 6. Long. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch, with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing, relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Long, Teeth feel too long and blunt on biting on them and from fresh air. Mezer. 5. Long. Feeling as if teeth were too long When biting them together. Lach. 5. Long. Upper incisors seem too long and sensitive. Mag. M. 5. Long. Teeth seemed too long, with toothache, which seemed to originate from the swelling of submaxillary gland. Camph. 5. Long. Gastralgia; aching, extending through to the back; obliged to take a long breath. Rumex Clin. Longing. Appetite for fruit; longing for Only cold food, herring, sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Longing for acids with flatulent dyspepsia; Soreness over the abdomen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach, and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Longing. Ravenous appetite at night; longing for acids and spicy things. PhOS. 2. Longing. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for Sweets; general relief after eating. Sabad. Clin. Longing for spiced food; for indefinite things. Sang. 2. Longing for oysters. Lach. 2. Longing. Thirst for acids; longing for beer. Kali B. 2. Longing. Indigestion, with aversion to the Ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clin. Longing. Dyspepsia following the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Longing. Ravenous hunger and great thirst; particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Longing for coffee. Bry. 2. Loose. Teeth loose and black, denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue. Merc, S. 5, Loose. Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell out at the slight- est shock; especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; crowns of all except incisors lost. Merc. S. 5. Loose, Teeth loose; sordes. Merc. C. 5. Loose. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth. Bry. 5. Loose. Pain in stomach after eating a little when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. ( 93 ) LO O SE. Loose. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth; with these conditions the drug is fre- quently indicated in a mercurial ca- chexia. Nit. Ac. Clin. Loose. Dental periostitis, with great Sore- ness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offensive. MerC. S. Clin. Loose. Teeth yellow, loose and painful on chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Loose. Teeth loose; stitches in an in- definite tooth, with drawing. Nux VOm. 5. Loose. Pain in a hollow tooth in even- ing, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. Loosen. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Loosened. Gums loosened from teeth, Spongy and partly destroyed; Spongy and covered with a pultaceous exuda- tion and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Doosen. Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. Loosened. Gums loosened from teeth and Sensitive. Carbo V. 5. Looseness. Painful looseness of incisors; Stitches, on biting on them, in upper back extending upward, in lower back extending downward. Caust. 5. Dooseness of teeth and pain on chewing. China 5. Looseness of teeth; sensitiveness to cold air. Natr. M. 5. Looseness. Swelling of gums, with such looseness of teeth that she could have taken them out. Nit. A c. 5. Looseness of teeth so that he fears they will fall Out. Psor. 5. Looseness of teeth, with pain in gums on pressure. Sil. 5. - Looseness of teeth; lower incisors; she can- not bite upon them. Rhus Tox. 5. Looseness and prominence of one tooth in morning, with pain in gum On touch. Ars. A. 5. Looseness. Painful looseness and elonga- tion of teeth. Caust. Clin. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite; metallic at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. Loss of appetite, but when he began to eat he relished food. Calc. C. 2. Loss. Ravenous appetite before Supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest, so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Loss of appetite in morning. Abies N. 2. Loss of digestive power; burning in stom- ach in morning; heartburn all day. Sul. 1. Loss. Ravenous appetite, with emptiness in stomach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Appetite lost, Kali B, 2. Loss. Lost. REPERTORY OF PART I. Lost. Appetite lost, and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting, Lyc, 2. Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, and he feels full in abdomen; and aver- sion to it when he begins to eat, Sul. 2, Appetite lost; diminished; aversion to food. Plumb. 2. Lost. Appetite lost; beer is not relished. Rhus Tox. 2. Lost. Taste bitter, if she eats anything or swallows saliva; everything tastes bitter; insipid ; lost to food. Borax 3. Lost. Appetite entirely lost, and after eating a little loud belching and in- ability to work. China Clin. Lost. Appetite lost for milk, but if he takes it he begins to relish it. Bry. 2. Lost. Appetite lost. Bapt. 2. Lost. Appetite diminished, lost for break- fast and supper; at these times Satiety as soon as he begins to eat. Cycl. 2. Lost. Feeling as if stomach hung down, relaxed, and appetite lost. Ipe. 1. Lost. Appetite lost. Ign. 2. Lost. Appetite lost for wine and brandy, to which he is accustomed. Merc. S. •) Lost. Appetite lost; indifferent to food; desire for something sour. Pod. 2. LOSt. Appetite lost; aversion to meat. Sep. 2. Lost. Appetite lost; loathing of food. A con. 2. Lost. Appetite lost, still he relished the food that he eat. Ars. Alb. 2. Lost. Appetite lost for smoking; he could not smoke at all. Natr. M. 2. Lost. Taste lost for food; better when not eating. Bry. 3. Loud. Appetite entirely lost, and, after eating a little, loud belching and ina- bility to work. China, Clin. Loud. Flatulence all the afternoon; offensive. Caust. 7. Lower. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, aggravated by eating, at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Lower. Painful looseness of incisors; Stitches on biting on them ; in upper back extending upward, in lower back extending downward. Caust. 5. Lower. Jerking in teeth in evening in bed, now in upper, now in lower back. Bry. 5. Lower. Drawing toothache diffusing itself over temple; drawing in inci- sors; in left lower molars, then in- volving upper molars; as Soon as it ceases there it begins in upper inci- sors. Kreas. Clin. Lower. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawning. Kreas. 5. Lower. Numb pain in lower teeth in morning after rising. Plat. 5. Lost. Lost, LY IN C. —t— Lump. Vomiting of pregnancy, with con- stant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Lump. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Lump. Pressure in pit of stomach as if a lump were in it after a moderate sup- per, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. Lump. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning, with a feeling of a load or hard lump in stomach. Bism. Clin. Lump. Feeling of a hard lump, which makes the stomach sore. Bry. Clin. Lumps. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth ; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, al- ways with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. Ac. Clin. Lump. Dyspepsia; distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with SOreness of the stomach. Nux Mos. Clin. Lying, Distention of abdomen by flatulence, Waking about midnight, causing op- pressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on One side and the other. Cocc, 7, Lying. Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with dis- tention of abdomen; paroxysmal; ar- resting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. I. Lying, Colic, as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, per- ineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Lying. Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Lying. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m. as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved mcmentarily by cold water. Bry, 5. Lying. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Lying. Vomiting of pregnancy, with in- tolerance of the smell of coffee; vomit- ing when lying on right side. Sulf. Ac. Clin. - Lying. Atomic dyspepsia with amenor- rhoea; the nausea and vomiting gen- erally relieved by eating and lying down. Sep. Clin. - Lying. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch; after eating. Sul. 1. ( 94) LY N. C. REPERTORY OF PART I. M. ENTAL - Lying. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux Wom. 7. Lying. Pain all day in stomach, relieved by lying and warmth of bed, return- ing on rising. Graph. 1. Lying. Acidity of stomach when lying on back and when walking, with burning. Carbo V. 1. - Lying. Pressure in pit of stomach ; re- lieved by lying down. Caust. 1. Malignant. Ulcers in the stomach sup- posed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burning and distress, as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Malt. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Many eructations, tasting of food; ineffec- t tual. Graph. 7. Mapped. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Marasmus. Sore mouth ; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children ; with marasmus; with salivation; sour vomiting ; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Margin. Gums red, bright, red margin; red and swollen and livid, and covered with thin white patches, easily re- moved from a non-ulcerating surface. Merc. S. 5. Margin. Tongue coated yellow, with red margin, showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Margin. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Margins, Gums blue along margins; slate- colored on border. Plumb. 5. Margins. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; Plumb. 3. Meal. Great hunger soon after a meal; de- sires many and different things. Cina 2, Meat. every meal; on attempting to go to stool; Meat. Appetite Meal, Emission of flatus, after burning and offensive, Aloe 7. Meal. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth ; nausea, especially when the distress or regur- Meat. gitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Meal. Sour eructations after a meal, with burning in throat. Sil. 7. Meal. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there, after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Meal. Pain in pit of stomach on pressure after a meal and on touch ; SOre in- ternally. Sep. 1. Meal. a moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. | meat. Meal. Vomiting of food and bile; even Medicine. to vomiting after a meal, with Saliva- tion during menstruation. Meal. Hiccough after a meal. Lyc. 6. Sep. 7. i # | Meat. dry. Meat. Stomach and abdomen tense after Meat. Meal. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with diffi- cult breathing. Lyc. 1. Meal. Vomiting of food several hours after a meal. Kreas. Clin. Meal. Cramplike pain in stomach after every meal; oppression whenever she eats. Ferr. 1. Meal. Griping in epigastric region after every meal; worse towards evening. Coloc. 1. Meal. Flatulent after every meal. Borax 7 Meal. Fullness in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Meal. Nausea after each meal, worse during and after dinner, with trouble- some efforts to vomit. Arg. N. 6. Meal. Burning in stomach, extending into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Meals. Taste of rotten eggs between meals. Arn. M. 3. Meat. Eructations tasting of food, then nau- sea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste re- mains with nausea, Pul. 7. Meat. Relish for meat. Mag, C. 2, Meat. Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid; as of bad meat; with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue, Pul. 3, Meat. Bitter taste to food, then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls, and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; after- wards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Meat. Appetite lost, repugnance to food, to meat and broth. Arn. M. 2. Desire for indigestible things, like ham, smoked meat, etc. Calc. P. Clin. Aversion to meat, to fat meat, to milk which makes her flatulent. Carbo V. 2. Indigestion; stomach disordered by meat. Kali B. 1. great; in evening; diminished, especially for meat; can eat only bread and butter; meat dis- agrees with him. Ferr. 2. A version to meat, bread and Coffee. Natr. M. 2. Meat. Appetite, but he knows not for what ; also, he relishes nothing; aversion to Smoking, to meat, to butter. Puls. 2. Meat. Appetite lost; aversion to meat. Sep. 2. Meat. General craving for acids, and aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food, to Sour things, to Sul. 2. Vomiting violent of all food, of blood; of chocolate-colored matter. drink and medicine; coffee- or Secale 6. Melancholy. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night ; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with mel- ancholy; easily startled, then vomit- ing of food; then retching. Sep. 6. Membrane, Tongue covered with tenacious mucus, as with a membrane, Pul. 3, Membrane. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and as far as could be seen covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Membrane. Tongue dark and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. Ac. Membrane. Mouth, fauces and tongue covered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Nit. A c. 5. Membrane. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets between teeth, so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Membrane. Epidermal cutting of mouth and fauces, abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. |Membrane. Mucous membrane of tongue red and covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Menses, Pain in pit of stomach during menses. Sul. 1. Menses. Beating pain in teeth if any- thing hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. Menses. Gastralgia from Suppression of menses. CocC. Clin. Menses. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash ; dur- ing suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating; so that food was repul- sive. Pul. 6. Menses. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums; worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Menses. Cardialgia during menses. 1. Menstrual toothache. Staph. Clin. Menstruating. Toothache after menstru- ating. Calc. C. 5. Menstruation, Nausea in morning during menstruation, with chilliness and faint- ness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morn- ing, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux Vom. 6. Menstruation. Nausea in morning dur- ing menstruation, with weakness and trembling during the day. Graph. 6. Menstruation. Vomiting of food and bile; even to vomiting after a meal, with salivation; during menstruation. Lyc. 6. Mental. Dyspepsia, aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Nux Mos. Clin. Pul. ( 95 ) \ M. ERC §§ { } A L. REPERTORY OF PART I. M. O. R N | N. C. Mercurial. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp splinter-like pains; these ulcers ex- tend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. Mercurial. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose, and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth ; with these conditions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. AG. Clin. Mercurial. Cnronic salivation; the effect of mercurial poisoning. China. Clin. Mercury. Gastric derangements which recur often im persons who have been in the habit of taking Mercury; the attacks frequently preceded by great hunger, and apparently caused by overeating. Bry. Clin. & Mercury. Dyspepsia, following the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food, or for acids. Hep. Clim. Mercury. Weakened digestion after Mer- cury. Lach. Clin. Metallic. Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning, then cutting in ab- domen and nausea in morning after eat- ing a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggrava- tion from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Metallic. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. MerC. S. 3. Metallic. Taste sweetish; bitter; metallic. Plumb. 3. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite; metallic at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. Metallic. Extreme aversion to food, with persistent, slightly qualmish, bitter taste; metallic taste; putrid taste. Cocc. Clin. Metallic. Taste bitter to dinner; metallic in afternoon ; Sour. Natr. C. 2. Metallic. Taste metallic; coppery morning on Waking. Sul. 3. in Metallic. Sourish and metallic taste to food. Amm. C. 5. Metallic. Taste, nauseous; metallic; sweetish-Sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. Metallic. Taste metallic; with dry irri- tative hacking; bitter; nauseous. Aloe 3. Middle. Tongue coated, sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle, and redness of tip; brown and dry. Ars, A, 3. - Middle. Tongue red and dry in the mid- dle, or red in streaks, with great pros- tration. Ant. T. Clin. Middle. Dry and rough feeling in middle of tongue. A con. 3. Middle. Dry tongue in middle; brown; white; red; black. Phos. 3. Middle. Sensation in middle of tongue, as if it had been burnt, and were in- Sensible at night and in morning. Pul. 3. Middle. Tongue chalky; white; red in middle; yellow. Phos. 3. Middle. Tongue coated, mostly whitish- yellow ; worse in the middle, and pos- teriorly. Sabad. 3. Midnight. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief, new flatus collected for hours; ameli- oration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc. 7, Midnight. Dryness of mouth after mid- night, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst, with much saliva in fauces. Nux Wom, 5, Midnight. Vomiting of food after midnight, then aversion to food and dread of open air. Ferr. 6. Midnight. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructa- tions. Kali C. 7. - Midnight. Toothache in pregnancy, tem- porarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth ; always aggra- wated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Midnight. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there after mid- might; not relieved by emissions of flatus. Pul. 7. Milk, Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after break- fast; with sour eructations. Sul. 3, Milk, Desire for cold milk. Rhus Tox, 2. Milk. Aversion to meat, to fat meat, to milk, which makes her flatulent. Carbo V. 2. Milk. Appetite lost for milk, but if he takes it he begins to relish it. Bry. 2. Milk. Nausea, caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough; ameliora- t | | t tion if he once ceased eating; with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. | Milk. Vomiting of milk (in young chil- dren), especially of curdled milk. AEthu. Clin. | Milk. Acid dyspepsia; heartburn, even after milk; constant satiety; no relief from belching gas. China Clin. : Milk. After nursing the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. Milk. Stomach disordered by milk. China 1. Milk. Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Milk. Indigestion, especially in children, from taking milk which passes undi- gested. Mag. M. Clin. Milk. Taste bitter; sour after milk. Phos. 3. Milk. Dyspepsia from drinking milk, which becomes sour in the stomach. Mag. C. Clin. Milk. Taste for milk spoiled in morning. Nux VOm. 3. Milk. Thirst, but nausea, soon after drink- ing; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morning chill. Nux Wom. 2. Molars. Tearing in hollow molar; jerking Milk. Distress in stomach from milk; it is vomited curdled. Sul. 1. Milk. Dyspepsia from carbonaceous food, especially from milk. Sul. Clin. Mind. Sore pain in teeth, aggravated by exerting the mind and reflecting. Nux VOm. 5. Moist. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust: moist ; edges red; pale dirty yellow posteriorly, and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Molar. Boring in a lower molar, extend- ing to nose and eyes, Caust, 5. Molar. Pain in teeth, aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, aggravated by eating, at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Molar. Throbbing pain in third upper molar, which is beginning to decay. Kreas. 5. Molar. Inflammation of molar, with Swelling arid Soreness of gum. Sil. 5. Molar. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar; with frequent yawning. , Kreas. 5. Molar. Throbbing pain in teeth only | When eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Molar. Aching in teeth during menses, With throbbing in gums; worse in hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Molars. Stitches in molars on pressing them together. Amm. C. 5. drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Molars. Tickling sticking in right lower molar. Staph. 5. Molars. Pain in teeth when eating, in incisors and anterior molars on draw- ing air into mouth; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Molars. Drawing toothache diffusing itself over temple; drawing in in- cisors; in left lower molars, then in- Volving upper molars; as soon as it ceases there it begins in upper in- Cisors. Kreas. Clin. Mood. Sudden ravenous hunger during the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty, eating. Plat, 2. . Mood. Pain in teeth aggravated by draw- ing in air with open mouth; with Stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; ag- gravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood full of reproaches. Nux Wom. 5. Mood. Dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climateric of Women, Or as the result of over- wrough brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. (96) MORNINC. REPERTORY OF PART I. MO RN NC. Morning. (Flatulence.) Flatulent disten- tion of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morning, with gurgling ; also in bed, with spasmodic and grip- ing, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Wom. 7. Morning. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Sul. 7. Morning. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully ; worse in upper ab- domen. Pul. 7. Morning. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Morning. Distention of abdomen in even- ing; gurgling; rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Morning. (Mouth.) Dryness of mouth in morning, with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul. 5, Morning. Mouth and pharynx dry in morn- ing and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not percep- tible to himself. Pul, 5. Morning, Mouth slimy in morning on wak- ing, with headache, Bel, 5. Morning. Dry mouth without thirst in evening, so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morning on Waking; dry at night, with slimy feel; dry, and the saliva seems like cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Morning. Salivation; bloody saliva is ex- pectorated in morning. Nit. A c. 5. Morning. Bad odor from mouth in morn- ing. Sil. 5. Morning. Epidermal cutting of mouth and fauces, abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. Morning. Mucus in mouth and fauces in morning. Arg. N. 5. Morning. Saliva runs from mouth in morning on Stooping; Spitting much saliva. Graph. 5. Morning. Dryness of mouth in morning. DiOSC. 5. Morning. Offensive odor in mouth like old cheese every morning. Kali C. 5. Morning. Taste for milk spoiled in morn- ing. Nux Wom. 3. Morning. Breath offensive in morning; after dinner, sour. Nux Vom. 5. Morning. Dryness of mouth in morning, without thirst, as after alcoholic stim- ulants the previous evening. Nux Wom. 5. Morning. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Morning. (Nausea.) Nausea all day; in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on Waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Morning, Nausea in morning, during men- struation, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux VOm. 6. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating on waking, towards evening and at night; on washing mouth before break- fast ; on waking ; with blackness be- fore eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Morning. Nausea in morning, so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink; mostly in mouth, when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. COCC. 6. Morning. Nausea in morning on waking, with vomiting; worse from slightest motion. Bry. 6. Morning. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with weakness and trembling during the day. Graph. 6. Morning. Nausea in morning after ris- ing, with Salivation. Mag. M. 6. Morning, Nausea every morning fasting; in morning after rising, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. . Morning. Nause and vomiting every morning; chronic. Nux Wom. Clin. Morning. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Wom. 2. Morning. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth, changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. Morning. Nausea, every morning; in evening during stool; before meal time. Sul. 6. Morning. Nausea in morning without vomiting. Carbo V. 6. Morning. Nausea, in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes, so that he he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Morning. (Stomach.) Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metal- lic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggra- vation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom. 1. Morning. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sensi- tiveness of epigastric region. Kali C, 1. Morning. Drawing pain in pit of stom- | ach in morning. Pul. 1. Morning. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Morning. Loss of digestive power; burn- ing in Stomach in morning; heart- burn all day. Sul. 1, Morning. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into Small of back, where it be- comes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Mornings.’ Soreness in pit of stomach mornings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Morning. Morning. Stitches in pit of stomach in morning on standing; in pit on deep breathing. Sul. 1. Distress in stomach in morn- ing with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Morning. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Morning. Clawing in stomach towards morning as from a purge, changing to burning in pit of stomach. Nux VOm. 1. Morning. Pain in epigastrium in morn- ing on touch ; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dull- ness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with pain- ful vomiting and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Morning. Clawing in stomach in morn- ing on rising, as from long fasting; better after eating. Pul. 1. Morning. Heaviness in stomach as from a stone in morning on waking. Pul. 1. Morning. (Taste.) Bitter bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; better in morning on waking, Sul. 3. Morning, Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast; with sour eru.ctations, Sul. 3. Morning. Pasty taste in morning, Sul. 3. Morning. Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid ; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morn- ing, with white tongue. Pul. 3, Morning. Bitter taste to food, then chilli- ness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread with aversion to bread; to beer in morning ; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Morning, Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating ; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom. 3. Morning. Bitter taste in morning fast- ing, continuing even when Smoking; at 6 p.m.; in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Morning. Taste bitter in morning to food; to beer. Natr. M. 3. Morning. Sour taste, worse in morning after swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. Morning. Taste bitter in morning and slimy to food during the day; salty. Merc, C, 3. Morning. Different kinds of foul taste; unpleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy; Sour in morning on wak- ing; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Morning. Taste metallic; coppery in morning on Waking. Sul. 3. Morning. Taste bitter in morning, with headache. Calc. P. 3. Morning. Nauseous taste in morning ; pasty in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry. 3. Morning. Taste bitter in morning; sour after eating; to all food. Lyc, 3. Morning. Taste chalky in morning fast- ing. Nux Mos. 3. t (97) MO RN IN C. REPERTORY OF PART I. MOUT H. Morning. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morning, better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Pul, 5, Morning. Numb pain in lower teeth in morning after rising. Plat. 5. Morning. Aching in teeth only at night, and when it ceases in morning excite- ment and uneasiness, preventing sleep, with swelling of gum, as if suppurat- ing. Lyc. 5. Morning. Dooseness and prominence of one tooth in morning, with pain in gum on touch. Ars. A. 5. Morning. (Tongue.) Dryness of tongue in morning on Waking, and in palate and lips; then much tenacious mucus. Pul. 3. Morning. Dryness of tongue, and in mouth and throat, and in morning roughness. Sep. 3. |Morning. Drymess of tongue in morning on waking and in palate. Sul. 3. Morning. Tongue coated yellow, as a rule, though sometimes white in the morning. Nit. A c. Clin. Morning. Sensation in middle of tongue, as if it had been burnt and were in- sensible, at night and in morning. Pul. 3. - Morning. Tongue white; coated white in morning with much viscid mucus in mouth. Pod. 3. Morning. (Vomiting.) Vomiting of sweet- ish water in morning, fasting; of food. Kreas. 6. Morning. Vomiting of bile in morning after long, violent retching. Hep. 6. Morning. Obstinate vomiting always on waking in morning on the slightest movement. Cupr. Clin. Morning. Womiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning even before breakfast. Tabac. 6. Morning. (Miscellaneous.) Ravenous hun- ger in morning. Calc. C. 2. Morning. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning, especially for beer; for alcoholic drinks. Pul. 2. Morning. Loss of appetite in morning. Abies N. 2. Morning. Ineffectual retching in morn- ing. Natr. C. 6. Morning. Retching in morning, fasting. Kreas. 6. Morning. Eructations loud; sour in morn- ing; of sour liquid after coffee; inef- fectual. Pul. 7. 3. Morning. Empty eructations in morning fasting; loud; when fasting and after eating. Plat, 7. Morning. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructa- tions. Kali C. 7. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach, and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Motion. Nausea, on motion, with relaxed Sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat; amounting almost to faintness; amelioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Motion. Cramp in the region of the stom- ach and abdomen or very violent cutting pain going through to back, as if transfixed, and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Motion. Speech difficult; slow ; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue as if there were resistance to be overcome. Secale 3. Motion. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest ; aggravation from motion ; amelioration from quiet rest, Rumex Clin. Motion. Gastralgia; sharp cutting or Sticking ; aggravation from motion or eating. Kali C. Clim. Motion. Nausea in morning on waking, with vomiting; worse from slightest motion. Bry. 6. Motion of tongue painful. Ant. T. 3. Motion. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue, and on touch of anything salt or sour. Borax 3. Motions. Distention of stomach and bowels, with feeling as if peristaltic motions were reversed; with spasmodic working in Oesophagus. Asaf. 1. Mouth. (Aphtha, and Ulcers.) Aphtha in mouth; bluish-red and spongy; the ulcer spreads without penetrating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc, S, 5. Mouth. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, Soreness over the abdomen and liver, blisters in the mouth and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Mouth. Aphthous sore mouth. Clin. * Mouth swollen, palate and pharynx ulcer- ated. Sulf. A c. 5. Mouth. Sore mouth; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases especially in children; with marasmus; with Salivation; Sour vomiting ; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Staph. Mouth. Aphtha in mouth ; breath often- sive. Sulf. A c. 5. Mouth. Aphthous mouth in nursing Children. Mur. A.C. Clin. Mouth, Aphthous sore mouth occurring in the last stages of wasting diseases, sometimes with watery diarrhoea and irritable stomach. Mur. A c. Clin. Mouth. Superficial ulcers in mouth, with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. Mouth. Blisters and Soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. Mouth. Aphtha of mouth and cheek, with burning; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. Clin. e Mouth. Vesicles on tongue and mouth. Natr. M. Clin. Mouth. Ulceration of mouth and gums, with fetid Odor. Nux Vorn. Clin. Mouth. Gangrene of the mouth. Lach Clin, Mouth. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly, like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. AC. Clin. - Mouth. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling, as from something acrid. Nux Vom. 5. Mouth. Canker sores on the tongue and aphtha in the mouth. Lach. Clin. Mouth. Ulcers and pustules on the gums and mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Mouth. Painful blisters in all parts of mouth, with burning pain. Kali C. 5. Mouth. Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue. Ars. A. 5. Mouth. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcer- ated; breath fetid; salivation; ulcera- tions, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Mouths. Sore mouths of nursing infants and of nursing women. Bapt. Clin. Mouth. Ulceration of the mouth, with great dryness, and burning heat. Ars. A. Clin. Mouth. Part of tongue and back of mouth excoriated, part covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Mouth. Back of mouth excoriated, cov- ered with blisters. Canth. 5. Mouth. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch ; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Mouth. Gangrenous sore mouth dren. Ars. A. Clin. . Mouth, (Burning.) Burning in mouth along pharynx, and in pit of stomach. Ars, A, 5, Mouth, Burning in mouth, extending to stomach, in palate and fauces, with of chil- scraping. Mezer. 5. Mouth. Burning in mouth and in throat. Tabac. 5. Mouth. Burning on tongue and on fore part of mouth, with salivation, Mezer. 3. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. Mouth. Burning pain and rawness in mouth, then aphthous and denuded spots. Tach. 5. Mouth. Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Mouth. Aching; burning in stomach, ex- | tending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. - Mouth. Burning pain in tip of tongue as from Soreness, aggravation from taking anything warm into mouth. Calc. C. 3. - - Burning Scraping in mouth and | Mouth. in oesophagus. Arn. M. 5. - Mouth. (Drymess.) Dryness of mouth and of palate with thirst for water, Wer, Alb, 5. Mouth. Dryness of mouth, Stram. 5. Mouth and pharynx dry in morning and covered with insipid mucus, with offen- sive breath that is not perceptible to himself. Pul, 5, Mouth, Dryness of mouth. Kali B. 5, ( 98 ) MOUTH. REPERTORY OF PART I. MOUT H. Mouth. Dryness of mouth in morning; with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul, 5, Mouth. Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but he drinks little at a time. Ars, A, 5. Mouth. Dryness of tongue and mouth as if it would stick to palate, without thirst, Nux Mos, 3, Mouth, Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry, and the saliva, seems like Cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Mouth. Dryness of mouth after mid- night, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst; with much saliva in fauces. Nux Wom, 5. Mouth. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Mouth. Dryness of mouth at night with thirst ; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. l Mouth and lips dry, without thirst. Ind. 2. - Mouth. Thirst unquenchable; with dry- ness of mouth and throat; with burn- ing and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Mouth. Dry mouth with thirst. Arm. M. 2 - | Can. Mouth. Thirst from dryness in mouth; for Water or beer. Rhus Tox. 2. Mouth. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Sil. 5. Mouth. Dryness of mouth with thirst. Rhus Tox. 5. Mouth. Different kinds of foul taste un- pleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy ; Sour in morning on Waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Mouth. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nau- sea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Mouth. Dryness of tongue and in mouth and throat; and in morning, rough- ness. Sep. 3. Mouth. Dryness of mouth and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if caused by heat of breath. Natr. C. 5. Mouth. Dryness of mouth. Natr. M. 5. Mouth. Offensive Mouth. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Mouth. Dryness of mouth without thirst, with swollen, hot, lips. Nit. A c. 5. Mouth. Tongue and mouth dry and pasty. Nux MOS. 3. Mouth. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux MOs. Clin. - Mouth. Dryness of mouth in morning, without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening, Nux VOm. 5. | Mouth. Dryness in mouth on waking and in nose. Phos. 5. Mouth. Soreness and dryness in mouth. Lach. 5. Mouth. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Lyc. 5. Mouth. Dry mouth and tongue; dry and burning. Merc. C. 5. Mouth. Dryness of lips, mouth, and throat. Bry. Clin. Mouth. Soreness and dryness of mouth, with dryness of throat and constant Spitting. Agar. 5. Mouth. Acute glossitis, with dry, hot mouth. A con. Clin. Mouth. Dryness of mouth in morning. DiOSc. 5. Mouth. (Offensive Odor.) Foul odor from mouth, Nit, Ag, 5. Mouth. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, Spongy, pale, receding from teeth, with offensive odor from the mouth. MerC. S. Clin. Mouth. Bad odor from mouth in morn- ing. Sil. 5. Mouth. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth; with these conditions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A.C. Clin. smell from mouth. Sep. 5. Mouth. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Mouth. Bad Odor from mouth. Petr. 5. Mouth. Bad odor in mouth. Lyc. 5. Mouth. Offensive odor from mouth. Hep. 5. Mouth. Offensive odor from mouth in persons who are debilitated or during fevers. Carbo V. Clin. Mouth. Offensive smell from mouth. Calc. C, 5. Mouth. Offensive odor in mouth like Old cheese every morning. Kali C. 5. Mouth, (Saliva and Mucus.) Dribbling of glairy saliva from mouth, Stram, 5. Mouth, Salivation, running from mouth like waterbrash, Wer. Alb, 5. Mouth full of white tenacious mucus, which must be expectorated frequently. Tabac, 5, Mouth slimy in morning on waking, with headache, Bel, 5, Mouth. Nausea, with bilious taste, with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 6. Mouth. Salivation; watery saliva running constantly from mouth. Tabac. 5. Mouth. Nausea all day, in morning with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking ; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Mouth. Profuse saliva, ropy; drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Mouth. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. Phos. 5. Mouth. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with sali- Vation, extending into throat, into mouth; Soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Mouth. Much mucus in mouth and nose. Petr. 5. Mouth. Frothing at the mouth. Tabac. 5. Mouth. Constant accumulation of mucus in mouth. Staph. 5. Mucus in mouth and fauces in morning. Arg. N. 5. Mouth constantly full of mucus; saliva- tion. Ign. 5. Mouth. Tongue white; coated white in morning, with much viscid mucus in mouth. Pod. 3. Mouth. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux MOS. 5. - Mouth. Nausea, caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough ; ameliora- tion if he once ceased eating, with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. - Mouth. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus TOx. 5. Mouth, Bloody saliva in mouth. C. 5. Mouth. Saliva runs from mouth in morn- ing on Stooping; Spitting much saliva. Graph. 5. Mouth. (Taste.) Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash, Lyc, 7. Mouth. Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagree- able in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; ap- petite and natural taste to food re- turned. China, 2. Mouth. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from Oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Mouth. Tasteless saliva, with tasteless- ness in mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Mouth. Taste bitter, waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. Rhus Tox. 3. Mouth. Indigestion characterized by ex- treme distress in stomach immedi- ately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations, or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly al- ways associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Mouth. Bad taste; bad odors in the mouth and accumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. w Mouth. Taste bad and mouth slimy. ECali C. 3. Mouth. Difficult vomiting of the bever- age, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Mouth clammy with bitter taste. Diosc. 5. Mouth. (Teeth.) Toothache when cold air or drinks enter the mouth, Calc. C. 5. Mouth, Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morning; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm. Pul. 5. Mouth. Aching in teeth as soon as any- thing warm is taken into the mouth, Pul, 5, Mag. ( 99 ) MOUT H. REPERTORY OF PART I. MUC U.S. Mouth. Pain in teeth, aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth; now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, ag- gravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency, Nux VOm. 5. Mouth. A c. 5. Mouth. cold water in the mouth. Natr. S. Clin. Mouth. Pain in teeth when eating, in incissors and interior molars On drawing air into mouth; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Mouth. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. Staph. 5. Mouth. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. |Mouth. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing; eating sour things, and put- ting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Mouth. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or opening mouth ; aggravated on biting teeth together. Hep. 5. Mouth. When sucking the gums pure blood flows into the mouth at the same time several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. - Mouth. Aching of teeth on taking any- thing warm into mouth. Bry. 5. Mouth. Toothache in pregnancy, tempo- rarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth ; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Mouth. Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head, if air enters mouth. Nux VOm. 5. Mouth, (Miscellaneous.) Sensation in stom- ach as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit, Pul, 1, Mouth of an infant, very hot, Borax 5. Mouth, Stammering; speech difficult on account of trembling of mouth and tongue. Merc, S. 3. | Mouth and tongue feel scalded. Iris 5. Mouth. Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon; after every drink; mostly in mouth; when || riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Cocc. 6. Mouth. Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth ; swollen, cracked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. Mouth. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; On Waking, towards evening and at night; On Washing mouth be- fore breakfast; on waking with black- ness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, Sticking in teeth on taking any- thing cold or warm into mouth. Nit. Toothache relieved by holding then retching. Sep. 6. |Mouth. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth, changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. Mouth. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Mouth. Inflammation of mouth and of gums, with discharge of clear water. MerC. C. 5. Mouth. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth ; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, al- ways with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Mouth. Laxity of mouth, with heaviness of tongue. Lyc. 5. Mouth. Thirst, with dry lips and dry mouth. Lyc. 2. Mouth. T)eep crimson color in mouth from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlarge- ment of tonsils. Bel. 5. Mouth. Tongue dark, and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. Ac. Mouth, fauces and tongue covered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Nit. A c. 5. Mouth. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pres- Sure to swallow and hawk, which in- creased the pain; discharge of much Saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Mouth. Scraping in mouth and in throat. Bel, 5. Mouth. Epidermal coating of mouth and fauces abraded; in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucous membrane swollen and loose. Caust. 5. - Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and Scalded. Sabad. 5. Mouth. Tongue cold, mouth Gold, breath cold. Camph. 5. Moved. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper ab- domen. Pul. 7. Movement, Tongue swollen and showing imprint of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated and its movement diffi- cult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcer- made swallowing difficult; with pain- ful, ulcerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Movement. Rumbling in abdomen be- tween 6 and 10 p.m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 7. Movement. Obstinate vomiting always On Waking in morning on the slight- est movement. Cupr. Clin. Movements. Discharge of flatus; offen- sive after dinner, relieved after stool, With movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Movements. Griping in epigastric region, with movements, then soft stool. Coloc. 1. Moving, Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and mov- ing of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Pul. 7, e Q * , tº tº C tº º sº sº 3. : **, * * * : * e o 3 e º • o º e © e © Q © : : Moving, Hard elevation on right an- terior border of tongue and on mov- ing tongue shooting in it; smarting on right side. Sul. 3. Moving. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in Stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior Wall of Stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arn. M. 1. Moving. Soreness in pit of stomach, When talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. Moving. Sensation as if a worm were moving in stomach. Cocc. 1. Moving. Tension in region of stomach in forenoon, relieved by moving about. Pul. 1, Much flatus in evening. Amm. C. 7. Much mucus in mouth and nose. Petr. 5. Much hunger, but no relish. Agar. 2. Mucous. Epidermal coating of mouth and fauces, abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets. between teeth, so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Mucous membrane of tongue red and cov- ered with blisters. Canth. 3. Mucous. Yellowish-brown mucous coat of tongue, Carbo V. 3. Mucus, Womiting of green mucus; with cold sweat. Wer, Alb, 6, Mucus, Mouth full of white, tenacious mucus, which must be expectorated fre- quently, Tabac, 5. Mucus, Tongue covered with tenacious mucus, as with a membrane, Pul, 3. Mucus, Mouth and pharynx dry in morn- ing, and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not percept- ible to himself. Pul, 5. Mucus. Retching on hawking mucus from fauces. Nux Wom, 6. *} Mucus, Vomiting, violent of sour mucus in forenoon ; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux Wom. 6. Mucus. Vomiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black acid liquid, like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Mucus. Dryness of tongue in morning on Waking and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3. Mucus. Bad taste, bad odors in the mouth and accumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. Mucus. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pres- Sure to swallow and hawk, which in- creased the pain; discharge of much Saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Mucus. Eructations frothy and sour, of frothy, Sour mucus, tinged bright red. Canth. 7. Mucus. Vomiting of mucus only; of food, then general chill, then heat, with great thirst. Cina 6. Mucus. Vomiting is generally free, con- sisting largely of mucus, sometimes of blood. Ipe. Clin. ( 100 ) M UC U.S. REPERTORY OF PART I. N AUSE A. Mucus. Mouth constantly full of mucus; Salivation. Ign. 5. Mucus. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly coated. Kali B. Clin. Mucus. Dyspepsia, resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Mucus. Salivation, with tension in sub- maxillary region which was sensitive to touch; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Dyc. 5. Mucus. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Mucus. Vomiting of beer; of green bit- ter mucus. Mezer. 6. Mucus. Much mucus in mouth and nose. Petr. 5. Mucus. Vomiting constant of tenacious, purulent, and bloody mucus. Nit. A c. 6. Mucus. Constant accumulation of mucus in mouth. Staph. 5. Mucus. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux MOS. 5. |Mucus. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessi- tating hawking. Psor. 5. Mucus. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of contents of stomach; then of bile, of thick, dark green bile, mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. POd. 6. Mucus. Sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus and were swollen. Pul. 5. Mucus. Vomiting of sweet mucus; sour vomiting. Psor. 6. Mucus. Tongue white; coated white in morning, with much viscid mucus in mouth. POd. 3. Mucus. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, Stringy mucus. Nit. A.C. Clin. Mucus. Difficult vomiting of the bever- age, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which remained along time. Ars. A. 6. Mucus in mouth and fauces in morning. Arg. N. 5. Mucus. Vomiting; after each drink; bil- ious; dark, grumous liquid; greenish- gray, watery, green masses, mucus. A con. 6. Mucus. Vomiting of food, thin mucus and green bile. Ars. A. 6. Muscles. Unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive flatus, not without exertion of abdom- inal muscles. Ign. 7. Nap. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus TOx. 5. Natural. Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly what ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appetite and natural taste to food returned. China, 2. Natural. Bitter taste after eating and drink- ing, though food has a natural taste. Pul. 3, Nausea. (After Eating.) Nausea in epigas- tric region, aggravated by eating and drinking, with waterbrash and disagree- able risings, Pul, 6. - Nausea from smoking after eating; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat ; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6: Nausea after dinner and supper, with un- easiness and qualmishness in epigas- tric region, as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Nausea after eating, with heaviness and dullness of head. Nit. A c. 6. Nausea after eating. Amm. C. 6. Nausea worse after eating, with pressure in stomach. Bism. 6. Nausea associated with vertigo; aggra- vated by taking anything into the stomach, with faintness. Cocc. Clin. Nausea. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly goated white tongue, nausea; vomiting, after-taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Nausea. (Erictations.) Eructations tasting of food; then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains with nausea, Pul, 7. Nausea, with empty eructations and saliva- tion; distressing nausea. Ipe. 6. Nausea. Gastric catarrh with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Nausea. Eructations, constant, as SOOn as she eats; of food after eating, with- out nausea. Ferr. 7. Nausea. Eructations of water, with nau- sea. Mag. M. 7. Nausea, with rising from stomach. Coloc. 6 Nausea, with hot eructations and Sweet- ish flat salivation. Kali B. 6. Nausea. (Nausea in Morning.) Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after a eating a little, with re- turn of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walk- ing; amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom, 1. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with chilliness and faintness; in morn- ing in bed; with bruised pain in intes- times and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and saliva- tion. Nux Vom. 6. Nausea all day, in morning with accumula- tion of water in mouth; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Nausea in morning; fasting, with Shud- dering; in pit of stomach, with black- ness before eyes so that he must sit Nausea in forenoon, with weakness, anx- iety and tremulous sensation through whole body. Plat. 6. Nausea every morning fasting; in morn- ing after rising, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth, changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with weakness and trembling during the day. Graph. 6. Nausea in morning after rising, with sali- vation. Mag. M. 6. Nausea every morning; in evening dur- ing stool; before meal time. Sul. 6. Nausea. (Pregnancy.) Persistent deathly nausea of pregnancy. Ars. A. Clin. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irritability than of inflammation of the stomach; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symptoms of pregnancy. Ipe. Clim. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with tenderness over the stomach and pro- fuse, ropy saliva. Iris Clin. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. Nausea. Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; with deathly nausea; pale face, coldness of the stomach; gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Petr. Clin. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Nux MOs. Clin. Nausea during pregnancy, with saliva- tion; constant Spitting. Sang. Clin. Nausea. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with Soreness at the pit of the stomach, and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. Nausea. (Taste.) Taste bitter, relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Nausea, Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul, clammy; insipid; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morn- ing, with white tongue, Pul. 3. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 6. Nausea with good appetite and natural taste to food. Sil. 6. Nausea. Taste offensive; sweetish in fore- noon, causing nausea. Sul. 3. Nausea, (Vomiting and Retching.) Nausea with retching, Plumb, 6. Nausea on every inward emotion; but when fasting there is only retching. Kali C. 6. Nausea, Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on Waking, towards evening and at night; on washing mouth be- fore breakfast; on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with melancholy, easily startled; then vom- iting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Nausea. Atomic dyspepsia, with amenor- rhoea; the nausea and vomiting gen- erally relieved by eating and lying down. Sep. Clin. ( 101 ) NAUSE A. REPERTORY OF PART I. NERVE. Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath ; all day without vomiting ; sudden on walking, with Salivation, sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Nausea at noon, when his appetite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vom- iting and frequent stools; after din- ner; with pressure in pit of stomach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. Nausea, with acidity and retching. Pod. 6. Nausea. Continual nausea, with vomit- ing or efforts to vomit; with perspi- ration on forehead; great prostration and trembling; usually without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst, and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. Nausea, on sitting up, with efforts to vomit. Robina 6. Nausea. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Nausea after each meal, worse during and after dinner, with troublesome efforts to vomit. Arg. N. 6. |Nausea in morning without vomiting. Carbo V. 6. Nausea in morning on waking, with vom- iting; worse from slightest motion. Bry. 6. Nausea, and vomiting from riding in the cars. Coco. Clin. Nausea. Gastritis in chronic alcoholism, with constant nausea and vomiting. CrOtal. H. Clin. - Nausea. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Nausea. Dyspepsia, especially associated with nausea and vomiting; of drunk- ards; with ulceration of the stomach; with soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. Nausea. Attacks of nausea and vomit- ing, either of water or food. Kreas. Clin. Nausea, Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; Sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nausea, and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Nausea. Indigestion characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Nausea. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening ; towards evening and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Nausea. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; Soreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Nausea and vomiting every morning; chronic. Nux Vom. Clin. Nausea, not relieved by vomiting of salty sour water; with waterbrash. Natr. S. 6. Nausea. Dyspepsia, characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and above all, Constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Nausea. Dyspepsia, resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Nausea. Loathing of food, nausea, and even vomiting, with white-coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. Nausea. Gastralgia, with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Pul. Clin. Nausea, with debility and scanty vomit- ing of coffee-grounds fluid. Secale 6. Nausea not relieved by vomiting ; with salivation ; with headache, chill and heat. Sang. 6. Nausea. Gastric derangements with nau- sea, not relieved by vomiting. Sang. Clin. Nausea, (Miscellaneous.) Emptiness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like Sep, 1. Nausea aggravated by a sip of wine, with headache, Zinc, 6. Nausea. Great appetite; appetite for dif- ferent things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. Colch. 2. Nausea on motion, with relaxed sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as in seasick- ness, with vertigo and cold sweat, amounting almost to faintness; amel- ioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon; after every drink; mostly in mouth ; when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. COCC. 6. Nausea. Frequent colic, only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas; at- tacks came at night, associated with feeling of emptiness; nausea; vertigo. COGC. Clin. Nausea. Colic of the most violent char- acter, aggravated by hard pressure, Sometimes with nausea and vomiting, Sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Nausea with heartburn, with grumbling and gurgling in hypochondria; with chilliness; with obscuration of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. - Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Nausea, relieved by drinking; at night; with eructations of food. Phos. 6. Nausea caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough ; amelioration if he once ceased eating, with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. Nausea at sight of food. AEthu. 6. Nausea. Dyspepsia, with violent pain extending into the chest; with nau- sea; temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. - Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash ; during Sup- pression of menses with good appe- tite; when he wishes to eat; when eating, so that food was repulsive. Pul. 6. Nausea. Gastric symptoms are generally indicated by persistent nausea and aversion to all food. Ipe. Clin. Nausea. Pain in abdomen after eating ; relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. Psor. 7. Nausea. Deathly nausea if her head was raised from the pillow. Nux Mos. 6. Nausea. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure, nausea, if head lay on stom- ach. Nux VOm. 1. Nausea. Gastric catarrh, with nausea, thickly-coated tongue, etc. Chel. Clin. Nausea with general relaxation; with burning ; Scratching in throat. Arn. M. 6. Natisea obliging him to lie down. Ars. Nausea. Emptiness in stomach, with nausea. China 1. Nausea as if to faintness. Kali C. 6. Nausea with constant spitting of insipid water. Sabad. 6. - Nausea in throat. Mezer. 6. Nausea from Smoking. Ign. 6. Nausea. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering ; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Vom. 2. Nausea, after a glass of wine; with con- vulsions; with diarrhoea. Ant. C. 6. Nauseated. Craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, especially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion, and be- comes nauseated and may even vomit. Colch. Clin. Nauseous. Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous, Graph, 2. Nauseous. Taste, nauseous; metallic; Sweetish-sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. Nauseous. Taste metallic; with dry irri- tative hacking; bitter; Aloe 3. Nauseous taste in morning; pasty in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry, 3. Neck. Tearing, Sticking in teeth on eat- ing, extending into muscles of neck; aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Necrosis of the jaw. Sil. Clin. Nerve. Tearing in teeth about 3 a.m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Nerve. Aching in a hollow tooth, aggra- vated at night, and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pain as if the nerve were Scratched. Ant. C. 5. Ila, US 62 O UlS. ( 102 ) NERWO U.S. REPERTORY OF PART I. R! O SE. Nervous. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irritability than of inflammation of the stomach; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symp- toms of pregnancy. Ipe. Clin. Neuralgia. Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth ; worse at night. Mezer. Clin. Neuralgia of the stomach of the most violent character, with extreme ten- derness. Bel. Clin. Neuralgia of the stomach; most severe pain even along sternum, and ex- tending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated in open air. Agar. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated by cold air, resulting from the use of tobacco. Sep. Clin. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Wom. Clin. Neuralgic toothache. A con. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, aggravated by the warmth of the bed; amelioration from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, ceasing entirely in the Open air; aggravation in a warm room ; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Neuralgic toothache, pulsating, driving to madness ; teeth feel heavy, as if filled With lead. Ver. Alb. Clin. Neuralgic toothache. Sabad. Clin. Neuralgic toothache; amelioration from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggra- vated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Neuralgic, splinter-like pains in tongue, with salivation. Agar. Clin. Night. (Stomach.) Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with distention of abdomen; parox- ySmal, arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. - - Night. Anxious pain in pit of stomach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Night. Pain in region of stomach at night; amelioration from eructations. Sul. 1. Night. Cramp in stomach at night, re- lieved by eructations. Coloc. 1. Night. Periodical pain in pit of stomach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. Night. Pain in stomach at night on pressure; clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Night. (Teeth.) Aching in teeth at night then general chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands. Merc, S, 5. Night. Jerking pain in teeth aggravated at night, pulselike from lower into ear and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p.m. on. Merc. S. 5. Night. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- sive. Merc. S. Clin. Night. Night. Aching in teeth only at night and when it ceases in morning ; ex- citement and uneasiness, preventing sleep, with swelling of gum as if Sup- purating. Lyc. 5. - Night. Sticking in teeth extending into ear, waking him at night. Sul. 5. Night. with pain which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Night. Sticking in teeth and jaw extend- ing to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth Over it. Night. Sep. 5. Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth; worse at night. Mezer. Clin. Night. Aching of teeth at night disturb- ing sleep; with anxiety; with swel- ling of gums. Merc. C. 5. Night. Toothache beginning in evening in bed, and at night, driving him out of bed, extending to temples. Mag. C. 5. Night. Aching in teeth; worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Night. Aching in a hollow tooth, aggra. vated at night, and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pain, as if the nerve were scratched. Ant. C. 5. (Thirst.) Thirst at night; for beer during heat; for cold water, A con. 1. - Night. Thirst day and night. Merc. S. 2. Night. Thirst, worse at night. Tabac. 2. Night. Thirst in evening; at night with dryness of lips. Ant. C. 2. Night, (Vomiting.) Vomiting of sour water at night. Calc, C, 6. Night. Vomiting at night, with sticking, drawing pain in back, extending to- wards scapulac. Pul. 6. Night. Empty retching at night, Arn. M. 6. * Night. Vomiting of pregnancy; especially vomiting of food in the evening or at night. Pul. Clin. Night. (Miscellaneous.) Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offen- sive; smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Stil, 7, Night. Eructations tasting of food; then nau- sea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Night. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; Sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. Night. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating on waking, towards evening and at night; on Washing mouth be- fore breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Night. Dryness of mouth at night, with thirst; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. Inflammation at root of a tooth, | Night. Night. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morning on Waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry, and the Saliva, seems like cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Night. Taste bitter, waking her at night with dryness in mouth. Rhus Tox. 3. | Night. Ravenous appetite at night; longing for acids and spicy things. PhOS. 2. Night. Heartburn in evening after sup- per; on waking in middle of night; after dinner. Kali B. 1. Night. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus. Mag. . C. 7. - Night. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. - Night. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt, and were insensible at night and in morning. Pul. 3. Burning pain in tongue at night, with thirst. Sul. 3. Night. Nausea, relieved by drinking; at night with eructation of food. Phos. 6. Night, Nausea, at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; dur- ing suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating ; so that food was re- pulsive. Pul. 6. Night. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Noon. Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Noon. Vomiting of food in evening; of food eaten at noon. Sul. 6. Noon. Thirst at noon, with full feeling in stomach. Sul. 3. Noon. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch ; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Noon. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, aggravated by eating; at noon and evening ; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Noon. Appetite great at moon; he ate with haste, and though it oppressed the stomach, he could have eaten more. Nux MOS. 2. Noon. Appetite great towards noon, and after eating, weariness and sleepiness. Natr. M. 2. - Noon. Appetite great at noon and in evening. Mezer. 2. Nose. Boring in a lower molar extending to nose and eyes, Caust. 5, Nose. Much mucus in mouth and nose. Petr. 5. ( 103 ) N. O SE. REPERTORY OF PART I. OPPRESSED. Nose. Dryness in mouth on waking and Odor. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, spongy, Offensive. Aphthae in mouth; breath in nose. Phos. 5. pale, receding from teeth, with offen- offensive. Sulf. A c. 5. Nose. Regurgitation of food and drink sive odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Offensive. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, through nose. Merc. C. 7. Nose-bleed. Spongy condition of gums which retract and bleed easily, with tendency to nose-bleed, fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. Nourishment, Vomiting of all nourishment as soon as it touches the stomach, Ars. A, 6. Numb pain in lower teeth in morning after rising. Plat. 5. Numerous gastric complications of uterine complaints. Pod. Clin. Nursing. Palate (of an infant) wrinkled, and frequent crying when nursing. Borax 5. Nursing. Aphthous mouth in nursing children. Mur. A c. Clin. Nursing. Aphthous sore mouth ; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch ; mouth very tender in nursing chil- .dren, hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Nursing. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence ; sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Nursing. After nursing the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and re- fuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. - Nursing. Sore mouths of nursing infants, and of nursing women. Bapt. Clin. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold; countenance hippocratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta. Sometimes black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Obstinate vomiting always on waking in morning on the slightest movement. Cupr. Clin. Obstinate cases of gastro-intestinal ca- tarrh, have been cured by Æthusa. AEth. Clin. Obstinate cases of gastralgia that have lasted for months, have been cured by Magnesia Mur. Mag. M. Clin. Occipital. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium, towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small, feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Occipital. Seasickness, with the special indication of the occipital headache. Petr. Clin. Odor. Foul odor from mouth, Nit. Ac, 5. Odor. Aversion to food; to the usual food; drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down; to the odor of food. Nux Wom. 2. - - Odor. Offensive odor from mouth. Hep. 5. Odor. Offensive odor in mouth like old cheese, every morning. Kali C. 5. Odor. Bad odor in mouth. Lyc. 5. Odor. Ulceration of mouth and gums, With fetid Odor. Nux VOm. Clin. Odor. Bad taste, bad odor in the mouth and accumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. Odor. Aphthous stomatitis, with ptyal- ism, bad odor, etc. Merc. S. Clin. Odor. Bad odor from mouth. Petr. 5. Clin. Odor. Offensive odor from mouth in morn- ing; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Odor. Bad odor from mouth in morning. Sil. 5. Odor. Offensive odor from mouth in per- Sons who are debilitated or during fevers. Carbo V. Clin. Odor. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the Saliva is bloody and there is a putrid odor from the mouth ; with these con- ditions the drug is frequently indi- cated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Odor. Eructations after eating; frequent; without odor or taste. Hep. 7. | CEdematous. Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery, as if Oedematous; sometimes covered with whitish fur. Merc. S. Clin. (Esophagus, Scraping in stomach like heart- burn, and in Oesophagus gnawing like ravenous hunger, Pul. 1. CEsophagus. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if Oesophagus were spasmodically closed ; hence ineffectual effort to eructate; relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. CEsophagus. Emptiness in epigastric re- gion, worse in the Oesophagus; not ameliorated by eating. Mur. A c. 1. CESOphagus. Burning scraping in mouth and in Oesophagus. Arn. M. 5. CEsophagus. Ineffectual retching, with constriction of Oesophagus and across chest in direction of diaphragm. Cupr. 6. OESOphagus. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb, 3. CESOphagus. Tearing pains in the stom- ach, extending into the Oesophagus. AEthu. 1. CEsophagus. Distress in the oesophagus as if food were lying there. Pul. Clin. Offensive. (Breath.) Mouth and pharynx dry in morning and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not perceptible to himself. Pul, 5. Offensive. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swoll- en, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Offensive smell from mouth. Calc. C. 5. Offensive odor in mouth like old cheese every morning. Kali C. 5. Offensive odor from mouth. Hep. 5. Offensive odor from mouth in persons who are debilitated or during fevers. Carbo V. Clin. Offensive smell from mouth. Sep. 5. Offensive odor from mouth in morning; in evening after lying down; at night. Pul. 5. Spongy, pale, receding from teeth, with offensive odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Offensive. Breath offensive; salivation; constant Spitting ; saliva salty. Natr. M. 5. Offensive. Breath offensive in morning ; after dinner; sour. Nux Vom. 5. Offensive. (Flatus.) Rumbling in abdo- men, with emission of much flatus; offensive, Diosc, 7. Offensive flatus, Bry, 7. Offensive, Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offensive, swelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sul, 7. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum, and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 7. Offensive. Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 7. - Offensive. Flatulent offensive smelling like rotten eggs. Arn. M. 7. Offensive. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offen- sive gas, partially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Offensive gases passed upward and down- ward. Arn. M. Clin. Offensive. Emission of flatus; offensive. Kali B. 7. Offensive. Discharge of flatus; offensive after dinner; relieved after stool with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Offensive. Unsatisfactory, abrupt, offen- sive flatus, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 7. Offensive. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 o’clock, p. m., with move- ment of flatus and aching, then emis- sion of flatus; offensive. China, 7. Offensive. Loud flatulence all the after- noon; Offensive. Caust. 7. Offensive. (Miscellaneous.) Offensive taste after drinking beer, Bry, 3. Offensive. Womiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter, with bile and mucus; black and liquid, like coffee grounds; offensive. Phos. 6. Offensive. Taste offensive, sour. Calc. C. 3. Offensive. Taste offensive, sweetish, in forenoon, causing nausea. Sul. 3. Offensive. Dental periosititis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation; offen- Sive. MerC. S. Clin. Old. Dyspepsia of old people. Clin. Open blister on inside of right cheek, felt during dinner, with burning pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Oppressed. Appetite great at noon; he ate with haste and though it op- pressed the stomach he could have eaten more. Nux MOs. 2. Kali C. ( 104 ) OPPRESS IV E. REPERTORY OF PART I. PAIN. Oppressive. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief, new flatus collected for hours; amelior- ation from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 7. Oppression. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppres- sion after eating, nausea and vomit- ing of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Oppression. Eructations, with oppression of stomach after eating or hiccough- like eructations. Cycl. 7. Oppression. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Oppression. Anxiety, oppression in stom- ach. Chel. 1. Oppression. Tension, oppression and full- ness of stomach. Carbo V. 1. Oppression. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Secale 1. Oppression. Cramplike pain in stomach after every meal; oppression when- ever she eats. Ferr. 1. Oppression. Overloaded feeling in stom- ach, until three hours after eating; oppression after eating. Amm. C. 1. Orifice. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum; constric- tive. Natr. M. 1. Orifice. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- vated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomit- ing, first of green then of blackish substance. Phos. 1. - Orifice. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with vomiting of blood, burning and extreme flatu- lence. Lyc. Clin. Over. Sensation as if something in epi- gastric region turned over. Nux VOm. 1. Overeating. Gastric derangements which reeur often in persons who have been in the habit of taking Mercury; the attacks frequently preceded by great hunger and apparently caused by overeating. Bry. Clin. Overloaded feeling in stomach, until three hours after eating ; oppression after eating. Amm. C. 1. Overloaded. Fullness in stomach as if Overloaded. Rhus Tox. 1. Overloading. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eat- ing; in pit after drinking causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux Vom. 1. Overloading. Heartburn as after over- loading stomach with rancid food. Nux VOm. 1. Oysters. Longing for Oysters. Lach. 2. Pain. (Abdomen.) Distention of abdomen by flatulence, waking at midnight, caus- ing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief, new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 7. Pain, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass. Wer, Alb, 7. Pain. Nausea in morning during menstrua- tion, with chilliness and faintness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morning, with qualmishness about heart and saliva- tion. Nux Wom. 6. Pain. Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 7. Pain. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate Supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. Pain in abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus in evening and night; better by bending forward. Iris 7. Pain in abdomen before breakfast; flatu- lent; amelioration from difficult emis- sion of flatus. Natr. S. 7. Pain. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with emission of flatus; fermentation; flatulent pain. Natr. M. 7. Pain in abdomen after eating ; relieved by emission of flatus; with nausea. PSOr. 7. Pain. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling ; rumbling; with rolling in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Pain. Distention of abdomen with flatu- lence; with pain; rumbling. Robina 7. Pain. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal, here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Pul. 7. Pain. Collection of flatus without evacu- ation of it, with pain ; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 7. Pain. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdomen. Pul. 7. Pain, (Gums.) Sore pain in gums on touch and on chewing. Merc. S. 5. Pain. Gums swollen; separated from teeth; and sore, bleeding pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Pain. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth. Bry. 5. Pain. Looseness and prominence of one tooth in morning, with pain in gum on touch. Ars. A. 5. Pain. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throb- bing, as if beginning to suppurate. Sep. 5. t Pain. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth, and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous swel- ling. Borax 5. Pain. (Mouth.) Painful blisters in all parts of mouth with burning pain. Rali C. 5. Pain. Syphilitic patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. sº Pain. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pres– sure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Pain. Burning pain and rawness in mouth, then aphthous and denuded spots. Lach. 5. Pain. Open blister on inside of right cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. M. 5. Pain. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. Pain. Superficial ulcers in mouth, with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. Pain. (Pit of Stomach.) Pain in pit of stomach during menses, Sul, 1. Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after eat- ing a little; with heaviness in epigastric region, caused by cough, Lyc, 1. Pain, Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with saliva- | tion, extending into throat; into mouth ; Soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region, burning, Merc. C. 1, Pain, Burning pain in stomach, in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pressure. Ars. Alb. 1. Pain. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Pain. Severe gastralgia, brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensitiveness to touch. Carbo V. 1. - Pain in pit of stomach or anterior part of liver. Camph. 1. Pain. Soreness in pit of stomach morn- ings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China. 1. - Pain. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hic- cough and emission of flatus, Diosc. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and be- neath hypochondria. Crotal. H. 1. Pain in pit of stomach all forenoon, re- lieved by eructations; with necessity to vomit. Graph. 1. Pain. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 1. Pain. Drawing pain in pit of stomach, extending into chest. Phos. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensitiveness to touch. Natr. M. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; in pit in evening, worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Pain. Burning in pit of stomach on pres- sure, with pain; burning pressure ex- tending transversely at intervals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Pain. Pinching or choking pain in pit of stomach impeding respiration in af- ternoon. Pul. 1. Pain in pit of stomach on pressure; after a meal and on touch; sore internally. Sep. 1. ( 105) PA 1 N. REPERTORY OF PART I. PAIN. Pain. Periodical pain in pit of stomach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. Pain in stomach as if a sore spot were pressed; below pit on pressure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Pain. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in morning. Pul. 1. - Pain in pit of stomach after eating, wit heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. Pain. Anxious pain in pit of Stomach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, when making a false step on stone pavement. Aloe 1. Pain in pit of stomach, arresting breath- ing. Ars. Alb. 1. Pain. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in evening, when sitting, extending to lower border of left ribs. Ars. Alb. 1. Pain. (Stomach.) Constrictive pain in stomach, Graph, 1. Pain. Sensation, as if a stone lay in stom- ach after eating, making him fretful, with pain in epigastric region on touch. Bry, 1. Pain in stomach an hour after eating. Pul, 1. Pain in cardiac orifice of stomach, Can. Ind. 1. Pain. Burning in epigastrium, in stom- ach, with pain. Colch. 1. - Pain in epigastric region on pressure, with anxiety. Bry, 1. Pain; stinging ulceration Arg. N. 1. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath, with distention of abdomen. Nux Wom. 1. Pain, Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with distention of abdomen; paroxysmal, arresting breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Pain. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gas- tralgia, the pain extending from the stomach through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Pain. Thirst, with burning pain in throat and stomach. Canth. 1. |Pain. Flatulent dyspepsia, with belching of large quantities of offensive gas, partially relieving the pain in stom- ach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Pain. Chronic dyspepsia; solid food causes excruciating pain and some- times vomiting. Lyc. Clin. Pain. Dyspepsia, with violent pain ex- tending into the chest; with nausea; temporarily relieved by eating. Petr. Clin. Pain. Dyspepsia, with Soreness, disten- tion, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. Pain. Pinching pain; boring; gnawing; fullness; drawing; burning; crawling in Stomach. Agar. 1. Pain, Chronic gastritis, with burning pain. Merc. S. Clin. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it becomes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. in Stomach. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggravated by Swallowing bread which seems to re- main there; gradually extending over abdomen with vomiting first of green then of blackish substance. Phos. 1. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic ; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Pain in epigastric region. Bapt. 1. Pain in stomach while eating. Bry. 1. Pain. Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder with such sensibility that pressure caused convulsions. Canth. 1. Pain. Violent pain in region of stomach; goes through to back and right shoulder blade, or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Pain. Grinding, pinching, constrictive pain in stomach. Cocc. 1. Pain beneath stomach after eating. Cocc. 1. Pain. Sharp pain in epigastrium, and in Stomach at 7 a. m. Diosc. i. Pain. Neuralgia of the stomach; most Severe pain even along sternum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Pain all day in stomach, relieved by lying and warmth of bed, returning On rising. Graph. 1. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. Pain. Cramplike pain in stomach after meal; Oppression whenever she eats. Ferr. 1. - Pain. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain and waterbrash. Lyc. Clin. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating, with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomiting and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Pain in the stomach ; tightness in epigas- trium ; feeling as if a baſſ ascended to throat, where it caused suffocation, preventing speaking and swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Pain in stomach after breakfast and din- ner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. 1. Pain. Sore pain in stomach after eating. Natr. M. 1. Pain. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in Stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of Stomach, as if pressed against Spine. Arn. M. 1. - Pain. Constrictive pain, when the stom- ach is empty. Ars. A. Clin. Pain. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Secale 1. Pain. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; wher fasting; the pain goes to the spine feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Pain in epigastric region on touch. Calc. C. 1. Pain. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch ; also in pit; constrictive : pinching. Nux Wom. 1. Pain. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting: tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Pain. Aching and throbbing in stomach; amelioration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. Pain. Indigestion; constant squeezing pain in the stomach after eating; can Only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache; weakness. Robina Clin. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; op- pression and distress. Secale 1. Pain. Burning corrosive pain in stomach When walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad 1. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensi- tiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch ; after eating. Sul. 1. Pain in region of stomach at night; ameli- Oration from eructations. Sul. 1. Pain in epigastrium, sharp; in stomach day and night. Robina 1. Pain in Stomach; acute; in epigastrium extending into sternum, hypochon- dria, and to ilia, as from rayenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Pain in Stomach, as from fullness, as after too much eating, with distended, but not hard abdomen. Ant. C. 1. Pain. Cramp in the region of the stom- ach and abdomen or very violent Cutting pain going through to back, as if transfixed, and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Pain in Stomach at night on pressure; Clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Pain. Vomiting at night, with sticking, drawing pain in back extending to- | wards scapulaº. Pul. 6. Pain. (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth, ag- gravated at night; pulselike from lower into ear, and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p. m. On, Merc, S, 5. Pain, Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morn- ing, better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Pul. 5, - Pain, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking, Lach, 5. Pain in teeth when eating, in incisors and anterior molars on drawing air into mouth; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Pain. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending into zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Pain. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. Pain. Looseness of teeth, with pain in gums on pressure. Sil. 5. Pain. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in open air; with pain in Submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. ( 106 ) PAIN. REPERTORY OF PART I. PAL AT E. Pain. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres pain extending into root and the gum be- comes sore. Staph. 5. Pain in a hollow tooth in evening which became elongated and loose, them also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. Pain. Inflammation at root of tooth, with pain, which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Pain. Numb pain in lower teeth in morn- ing after rising. Plat. 5. Pain. Dental periostitis, with great sore- ness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose, salivation offensive. MerC. S. Clin. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front ; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of re- proaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. . Pain. Sore pain in teeth, aggravated by exerting the mind and reflecting. Nux VOm. 5. - Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head if air enters mouth. Nux Vom. 5. Pain. Throbbing pain in third upper molar, which is beginning to decay. R reas. 5. - Pain. Throbbing pain in teeth only when eating ; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Pain. Aching in teeth, worse at night, with heat in face ; drawing pain, Graph. 5. Pain. Drawing pain in teeth as soon as he gets into bed in the evening. Kali C. 5. Pain. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawning. Kreas. 5. Pain. Looseness of teeth and pain. On chewing. China 5. Pain. (Tongue.) Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pim- ples on sides, Nit. Ac, 3. Pain, Red tip of tongue with pain, and prominent papillae. Arg. N. 3. Pain. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on eating. Natr. M. 3. Pain. Rumbling pain in tip of tongue as from soreness; aggravation from tak- ing anything warm into mouth. Calc. C. 3. Pain. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Pain. Burning pain in tongue at night, With thirst. Sul. 3. Pain. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Pain. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every mo- tion of tongue, and on touch of any- thing salt or sour. Borax 3. Pain. Crawling in tongue, with pain. Secale 3. Pain. Tongue white; blisters, with pain as if burnt. Sep. 3. Pain beneath tongue, when swallowing, on left side, behind hyoid bone. Calc. C. 3. Painful, (Stomach.) Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with anxiety. Arg, N, 1. Painful distention of pit of stomach. Ver. Alb. 1. Painful. Dyspepsia, with painful pressure and distention in region of stomach, after eating and drinking a little. China, Clin. Painful. (Teeth.) Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Painful looseness and elongation of teeth. Caust. Clin. Painful. Teeth yellow, loose and painful on chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Painful. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful Soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Painful looseness of incisors, Stitches, on biting on them; in upper back, ex- tending upward; in lower back, ex- tending downward. Caust. 5. Painful. (Tongue.) Tongue yellow, dirty white crust, painful Swelling poster- iorly on side; burning stitches; dry- ness. China 3. Painful pimple on tip of tongue; Soreness. Kali C. 3. Painful ulcer on tongue. Kali B. 3. Painful vesicles on tip of tongue. Caust. 3. Painful. Tongue white; painful blisters. Nux VOm. 3. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue. Ars. A. 5. Painful. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white ulceration of tongue and gums with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Painful blister along centre of tongue. Canth. 3. Painful. (Miscellaneous.) Ulcers on inside of cheeks with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray mem- brane; red, swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Painful blisters in all parts of mouth, burning pain. Kali C. 5. Painful. Spongy excrescence on the gums which bleed readily and are painful. Staph. Clin. Painful gumboil on outer side of gum, with pain in a hollow tooth, and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an Oedematous swelling. BOrax 5. Painful. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throb- bing, as if beginning to Suppurate. Sep. 5. With Paining. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Painless, Tearing in teeth about 3 a.m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnaw- ing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen, Lach. 1. Pains. (Gastralgia.) Excruciating gas- tralgia, pains as from knives, or burn- ing, or constricting, or associated with great external weight. Phos. Clin. Pains. Gastralgia; pains sudden; violent, compelling hard pressure on the abdo- men ; amelioration from eructations. Plumb. Clin. Pains. Gastralgia starting from the car- diac end of the stomach; pains ex- tending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Pains. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest; aggravation from motion ; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. Pains. (Stomach.) Cramps and pains in stom- ach and in bowels. Cupr. 1, Pains. Pressure in stomach, with intermittent contractive pains, Cupr. 1. Pains. (Teeth.) Teeth loose and black, de- nuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue, Merc. S, 5. Pains. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums, worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep 5. Pains. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Pains. (Miscellaneous.) Neuralgic, splinter- like pains in tongue, with salivation. Agar. Clin. Pains. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly | like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A.C. Clin. Pains. Indigestion, with severe lanci- nating pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Robina, Clin. Palate. (Mouth.) Dryness of mouth and of palate, with thirst for water, Wer. Alb, 5. Palate, Dryness of mouth in morning; with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul, 5. Palate. Dryness of mouth after midnight as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst ; with much saliva in fauces, Nux Wom, 5. Palate. Burning in mouth extending to stomach in palate and fauces, with scraping. Mezer. 5. ( 107 ) - - -----> ----...-- - - - - PALATE. REPERTORY OF PART I. PE RIO DICAL. Palate. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morning On waking, dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva seems like Cotton. Nux MOS. 5. Palate. Dryness of tongue in morning On Waking, and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3, Palate. Deep crimson color in mouth from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlargement Of tonsils. Bel. 5. Palate. Mouth swollen, palate and pharynx ulcerated. Sulf. A c. 5. Palate. (Tongue.) Dryness of tongue and mouth as if it would stick to palate, without thirst. Nux Mos. 3. Palate. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment by drinking, them worse, SO that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Palate. Dryness of tongue in morning on waking and in palate. Sul. 3. Palate. Tongue swollen and stiff; dryness on palate; white color and redness. Stram, 3. Palate. Dryness and stiffness of tongue and of hard palate. Natr. M. 3. Palate. (Miscellaneous.) Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, pal- ate, fauces, and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish - gray membrane; red, swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. . Palate (of an infant) wrinkled, and fre- quent crying when nursing. Borax 5. Palate. Redness of inside of cheeks and of arch of palate. Mur. A c. 5. Palate. Adhesion of tough mucus to pos- terior wall of soft palate, necessitat- ing hawking. Psor. 5. Palate. Sticking in palate extending to inner ear. Ign. 5. Palate. Sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus and were swollen. Pul. 5. Palate. Nauseous taste in morning; pasty in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry. 3. Palate. Ravenous appetite, with empti- mess in stomach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Palate. Taste bitter before and after eat- ing; bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Palate. Sticking in back part of palate, with biting. Kali C. 5. Palate. Salivation, with tension in Sub- maxillary region which was sensitive to touch ; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Palate. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Nux VOm. 5. - 3. Palate. Rawness in a spot in palate, with soreness. Mur. A c. 5. Palatable. All food is extremely palata- ble. Can. Ind. 2. - Pale, Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy acid liquid with food. Wer, Alb, 6. Pale. Gums bleed easily, swollen and spongy; swollen and pale. Merc. C. 5. Pale. Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall- Stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Pale. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, spongy, pale receding from teeth, with offens- ive odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Pale. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Pallor. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypochon- dria; with chilliness; with obscura- tion of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Palms. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with Spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux VOm. 7. Palms. Thirst in afternoon, with heatin palms. Zinc. 2, - - Palpitation. Indigestion, mostly acid, with palpitation and distress about the heart, Natr. C. Clin. - Palpitation. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst, but with sweat. Sep. 1. Palpitation. Anxious pain in pit of stom- ach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Papillae. Red tip of tongue, with pain, and prominent papillae. Arg. N. 3. Papillae. Deep redness of tongue; of papil- laº; with swelling. Bel, 3. Papillae. Tongue Scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. Papillae very long on dorsum of tongue, with a brown patch. Kali B. 3. Papillae. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on Waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Paralysis of the tongue, with indistinct speech. Plumb. Clin. - Paralysis. Trembling of tongue; partial paralysis; it cannot be put out. Plumb. 3. Paralysis of the tongue; it cannot be pro- truded; it catches in the teeth. Iach. Clin. Paralytic weakness of the organs of speech. Bel. Clin. Paroxysmal, Nausea on motion, with re- laxed sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as in seasickness with vertigo and cold sweat, amounting almost to faintness; amelioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Paroxysmal. Contractive pain in stomach at night extending into chest, with dis- tention of abdomen, paroxysmal, arrest- ing breath, obliging her to bend double; worse when lying. Carbo V. 1. Paroxysms. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Part of tongue and back of mouth excori- ated, part covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Passage, Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 7. Passage. Colic before stool, before pas- Sage of flatus, with thirst. China 7. Pasty taste in morning. Sul. 3. Pasty. Thick, white, pasty coat of tongue. Ant. T. 3. Pasty. Salivation, with pasty taste. Cycl. 3. Pasty. Tongue and mouth dry and pasty. Nux MOS. 3. Pasty. Nauseous taste in morning; pasty in forenoor. ; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry. 3. Patch. Papillae very long on dorsum of tongue, with a brown patch. Kali B. 3. Patches. Gums red, bright red margin; red and Swollen and livid and covered with thin white patches, easily re- moved from a non-ulcerating surface. MerC. S. 5. Patches. Syphilitic patches, with burn- ing pain. Merc. C. Clin. Patches. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Patches. Gray patches on edges of tongue and a dirty yellow coat on upper surface. Merc. S. 3. - Peculiar weakness in pit of stomach and epigastric region. Ign. 1. Peevish. Indigestion of children from Sweets, associated with very peevish disposition. Ant. C. Clin. Pelvis. Colic of the most violent character, aggravated by hard pressure, some- times with nausea and vomiting, Sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, stick- ing, Lach, 5. Periodic attacks of vomiting food. Plumb. Clin. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid, with violent cramps. Plumb. Clin. People. yspepsia of old people. Kali C. Clin. Peppermint. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach. Asaf. 1. - - Perineum. Colie as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying, Nux Wom, 7. Periodical pain in pit of stomach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. - (108) PERIO STITIS. REPERTORY OF PART I. PIT. Periostitis. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- Sive. Merc. S. Clin. Persistent deathly nausea of pregnancy. Ars. A. Clin. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing teeth. Arm. M. Clin. Persistent vomiting of infants. Kreas. Clin. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing a tooth. Phos. Clin. Persistent efforts to vomit food. Nux Wom. Clin. - Persistent nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy; with deathly nausea; pale face; coldness of the stomach; gall- stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Perspiration. Continual nausea; with vomiting, or efforts to vomit; with perspiration on forehead; great pros- tration and trembling; usually with- out thirst, or vomiting of tough slimy matter, with thirst, and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clim. Perspiration. Colic from suppressed per- spiration, as from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with the colic. Coloc. Clin. Pharynx, Mouth and pharynx dry in morn- ing and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not per- ceptible to himself. Pul, 5. Pharynx. Eructations incomplete; burning ; rising only into pharynx where they cause burning, Lyc, 7. Pharynx, Burning in mouth along pharynx, and in pit of stomach, Ars, A. 5. Pharynx. Mouth swollen, palate and pharynx ulcerated. Sulf. A c. 5. Pharynx. w feeling of worms in pharynx. Sabad. Clin. Pharynx. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Phlegm. Retching and throwing phlegm. AEthu. 6. Phthisis. Stomatitis of phthisis. Clin. Pieces. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sensi- tiveness of epigastric region, Kali C. 1, Pillow. Deathly nausea if her head was raised from the pillow, Nux Mos. 6. Pillow. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft, bores the head into the pillow, tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. - Pimple. Painful pimple on tip of tongue; soreness. Kali C. 3. Pimples. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides. Nit. Ac, 3. Pimples on tip of tongue. Natr. C. 3. Pinching pain; boring; gnawing; full- ness; drawing; burning; Crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Pinching or choking pain in pit of stomach impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. Vomiting of round worms; Pinching in pit of stomach preventing sleep, with constriction of stomach; and sensitiveness of stomach, so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Pinching. Grinding, pinching, constric- tive pain in stomach. Cocc. 1. Pinching. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there, under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Pinching. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch; also in pit; constric- tive; pinching. Nux Vom. 1. Pinching. Constriction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac regions; aggravation from eating; then chang- ing into chest and impeding breath- ing. Pul. 1. Pinching in pit of stomach on deep breath- ing. Caust. 1. Pinching. Intermittent compression in epigastrium changing to pinching, with confusion of sinciput. Coloc. 1. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipe. 1. Pinching and pressure in stomach, extend- ing through small intestines, as with a constriction; with many move- ments. Arn. M. 1. Pinkish. Vomiting of a pinkish, glairy fluid. Kali B. 6. (Amariety.) Anxiety in pit of stomach at night, rising high up. Ars. Alb. 1. Anxiety in pit of stomach, with heartburn. Lyc. 1. (Burning.) Burning in mouth along pharynx, and in pit of stomach. Ars. A, 5 Burning pain in stomach; in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pressure. Ars. Alb. 1. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with saliva- tion, extending into throat; into mouth ; soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Burning in pit of stomach. Merc. S. 1. Burning in pit of stomach on pres- sure, with pain; burning pressure ex- tending transversely at intervals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Burning in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Burning in pit of stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite. Ant. C. 1. Aching; burning in stomach, extend- ing to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. (Pain.) Pain in pit of stomach during menses. Sul, 1. - Pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after eating a little; with heaviness in epigastric region caused by cough. Lyc, 1 Pit, Pit. Pit, Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Dit. Pit. Pit. Pit, Pit, Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; burning, Merc. C. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hypochondria. Crotal. H. 1. Cutting in pit of stomach. Bry. 1. Pit. Pit. Pit. lip Bapt. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. |Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit, Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pain in epigastric region as from over- loading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux VOm. 1. Pain in pit of stomach all forenoon, relieved by eructations; with neces- sity to vomit. Graph. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensi- tiveness to touch. Carbo V. 1. Pain in pit of stomach on pressure; after a meal and on touch; sore in- ternally. Sep. 1. Pain in stomach as if a sore spot were pressed below pit on pressure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensi- tiveness to touch. Natr. M. 1. Cramp in stomach; in pit; in epi- gastrium ; also with tension. Ant. T. 1. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hic- cough and emission of flatus. Diosc. 1. Shooting cutting in pit of stomach, forcing him to bend backward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Pain in pit of stomach or anterior part of liver. Camph. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, arresting breathing. Ars. Alb. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, when making a false step on stone pavement. Aloe 1. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 1. Pain in pit of stomach after eating; with heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. Periodical pain in pit of stomach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. Anxious pain in pit of stomach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Pain in pit of stomach, in epigastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Drawing pain in pit of stomach ex- tending into chest. Phos. 1. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in morning. Pul. 1. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in evening, when sitting, extending to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. (Pressure.) Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating; ag- gravated by pressure. Phos. 1. Pressure in pit of stomach; relievcd by lying down. Caust. 1. Pressure in pit of stomach, as if a lump were in it after a moderate sup- per, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. Sharp pressure in pit of stomach with every cough. Phos. 1. (Pulsalºon.) Anxious pulsation in pit of stomach, with shooting. Acon. 1. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stom- ach. Asaf. 1. Pulsation in pit of stomach percepti- ble on laying hand on it. Pul. 1. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morn- ing, then ebullition in chest like palpi- tation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst, but with sweat Sep. 1. ( 109 ) PIT. REPERTORY OF PART I. PRESS E.D. Fit, Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit, Pit, Pit. Pit, Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. |Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. (Sticking.) Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel. 1, Sticking in stomach and beneath pit, with tearing from both sides Pit. towards each other. Zinc 1. Sticking in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Stitches in pit of stomach in morning Pit. on standing; in pit on deep breathing. Pit. Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch; also in pit; constrictive; pinching. Nux Wom. 1. T)istention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of Sul. 1. (Miscellaneous.) Sinking at pit of stomach, Tabac, 1. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walk- ing; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with anxiety. Arg, N, 1. - Peculiar weakness in pit of stomach and epigastric region, Ign, 1. Warm streaming of blood from pit of stomach into head. Calc. C. 1. Cardialgia and indigestion; great soreness of the pit of the stomach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Fullness in pit of stomach. Arg. N. 1. Swollen feeling in pit of stomach. Bry. 1. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsa- tion after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas; bloating and soreness. Kali B. Clin. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigas- trium after eating; with upward pres- sure to throat-pit ; every empty swal- lowing carried it downward but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Uneasiness starting from pit of stom- ach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali C. 1. Clawing in stomach towards morn- ing as from a purge; changing to burning in pit of stomach. Nux Wom. 1. º Globus hystericus rising from the pit of the stomach. Zinc. Clin. Discomfort in pit of stomach, as- cending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Wom. 1. Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. ...” Gastric disorder, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Griping in pit of stomach and epi- gastrium. Pul. 1. Griping in pit of stomach as from flatulence. Carbo V. 1. Soreness in pit of stomach mornings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. Bry, 1. Painful distention of pit of stomach. Ver. Alb. 1. - Pinching in pit of stomach on deep breathing. Caust. 1. back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes, so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Nausea at noon, when his appetite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner, with pressure in pit of stom- ach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. Vomiting of pregnancy, with con- stant Salivation ; feeling of a lump in throat; SOreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea, and vomiting are frequently associ- ated with Soreness at the pit of the stomach, and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipe. 1. Pinching in pit of stomach prevent- ing sleep, with constriction of stom- ach and sensitiveness of stomach, so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Pit, Pinching or choking pain in pit of Stomach, impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. Poisoning. Chronic salivation; the effect of mercurial poisoning. China Clin. Posterior. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in Stomach, causing gen- eral pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arn. M. 1. Posterior. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, necessi- tating hawking. Psor. 5. Posteriorly. Tongue coated mostly whitish-yellow, worse in the middle and posteriorly. Sabad. 3. Posteriorly. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Pregnancy. (Vomiting.) Vomiting of preg- nancy; chronic catarrh of the stom- ach. Sul. Clin. - Pregnancy. Vomiting during pregancy, Straining her so that blood comes up. Sep. 6. Pregnancy. Persistent nausea and vomit- ing of pregnancy; with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy, with a characteristic sensation of empti- ness in the stomach. Sep. Clin. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy, with intolerance of the smell of coffee; vomiting when lying on right side. Sulf. A.C. Clin. - Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy; es- pecially vomiting of food in the even- ing or at night. Pul. Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Nux Mos. Clin. Pregnancy, Vomiting of pregnancy. Nux VOm. Clin. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy. PhOS. Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Petr. Clin. Pregnancy. Black vomit in yellow fever and sometimes in the vomiting of pregnancy. Lach. Clin. Pregnancy. Black vomit in yellow fever and sometimes in the vomiting of pregnancy. Lach. Clin. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with Soreness at the pit of the stomach and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with tenderness over the stomach and profuse, ropy Saliva. Iris Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. Pregnancy. Persistent, deathly nausea of pregnancy. Ars. A. Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irritability than of inflammation of the stomach; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symp- toms of pregnancy. Ign. Clin. Pregnancy. Nausea during pregnancy, with salivation, constant Spitting. Sang. Clin. Pregnancy. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach ; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Pregnancy. (Miscellaneous.) Salivation of pregnancy. Merc. S. 5. Pregnancy. T)uring pregnancy extreme flatulent distention of abdomen. Nux Mos. Clin. Pregnancy. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. - Pregnancy. Valuable for decaying teeth in pregnancy. Staph. Clin. Pregnancy. Toothache in pregnancy, tem- porarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth; always aggra- vated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Pregnant. Toothache in pregnant women excited by cold or a draught of air. Calc. C. Clin. - Pregnant. Toothache in pregnant women. Nux MOs. Clin. Premature. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature decay of children’s teeth which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Press. Pains in stomach at night on pres- sure; clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Pressed. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in Stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arm. M. 1. ( 110 ) PREssed. REPERTORY OF PART I. PUN CENT. Pressed. Pain in stomach as if a sore spot were pressed ; below pit on pres- sure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Pressing. Digging in upper back teeth; aggravated for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. China 5. | Pressing. them together. Amm. C. 5. Pressure in stomach, with intermittent con- tractive pains. Cupr. 1, Pressure. Fermentation in epigastric region; flatulent pressure towards hypogas- trium. Plat. 7. Pressure. Burning pain in stomach, in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pres- sure. Ars. Alb. 1. Pressure. Sensitiveness to pressure in region of pylorus, Phos. 1. Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating ; aggravated by pressure. Phos. 1. Pressure. Pain in epigastric region on pres- sure, with anxiety. Bry. 1. Pressure. Pain in stomach as if a Sore spot were pressed; below pit on pres- sure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Pressure. Pain in pit of stomach on pres- sure; after a meal and on touch ; Sore internally. Sep. 1. Pressure. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure; nausea if hand lay on stom- ach. Nux Vom. 1. Pressure. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Pressure. Acute pain in region of stom- ach and bladder, with such sensibility that pressure caused convulsions. Canth. 1. Pressure. Epigastric region Sensitive to pressure. Mag. M. 1. - Pressure. Empty eructations; ineffectual, with pressure in chest. Phos. 7. Pressure. Hiccough after eating and on every shock caused by it; pressure in forehead as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry. 7. Pressure. Looseness of teeth, with pain in gums on pressure. Sil. 5. Pressure. Bleeding of gums on cleaning teeth and on pressure. Staph. 5. Pressure. Hard pressure frequently re- lieves the toothache, which may be aggravated by light pressure. Staph. Clin. Pressure. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pres– sure to swallow and hawk, which in- creased the pain; discharge of much saliva and mucus. Caust. 5. Pressure. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending in Zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Pressure. Gastralgia; aggravation from light and amelioration from hard pressure; transiently relieved by vomiting. Nux Wom. Clin. Pressure. Burning in pit of Stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pressure extending transversely at intervals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1. Stitches in molars on pressing | Pressure. Weight in pit of stomach ; in epigastrium after eating ; with up- ward pressure to throat-pit ; every empty swallowing carried it down- ward, but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Pressure. Nausea worse after eating, with pressure in stomach. Bism. 6. Pressure in stomach after eating ; in region of stomach, with burning. Bism. 6. Pressure. Soreness in pit of stomach mornings, with pain, as from pres- sure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Pressure. Dyspepsia, with painful pres- sure and distention in region of stom- ach, after eating and drinking a little. China Clin. Pressure. Gastralgia aggravated by pres- sure. Ign. Clin. Pressure. Colic of the most violent char- acter, aggravated by hard pressure, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with diarrhoea, Sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest' and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. Pressure in stomach, with weakness in knees. Lach. 1. Pressure. Swelling of epigastric region, with sensitiveness to pressure. Merc. C. 1. Pressure. Indigestion, with bloating, Sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gem- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloat- ing and soreness. Kali C. Clin. Presssure. Sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure; of epigastric region to touch. Lyc. 1. Pressure. Sharp pressure in pit of stom- ach with every cough. Phos. 1. Pressure. Extreme pressure and contrac- tion in the stomach followed by vom- iting. Secale Clin. Pressure. Pinching and pressure in stom- ach, extending through small intes- times, as with a constriction, with many movements. Arn. M. 1. Pressure. Gastralgia; pains sudden, vio- lent, compelling hard pressure on the abdomen; amelioration from eructa- tions. Plumb. Clin. Pressure. Nausea at noon, when his ap- petite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner, with pressure in pit of stomach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. Pressure in pit of stomach; relieved by lying down. Caust. 1. Pressure. Hard pressure in stomach, ag- gravated after eating. Bel. 1. Pressure in pit of stomach, as if a lump were in it after a moderate Supper, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. Pressure. Pain in stomach at night on pressure; clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Pressure. Distention of stomach, with sensitiveness to pressure. Bry. 1. Prickling, digging in lower back teeth, extending to ear. Caust. 5. Print. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Profuse saliva, ropy; drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Prostration. Tongue red and dry in the middle, or red in streaks, with great prostration. Ant. T. Clin. Prostration. Haemorrhage from the stom- ach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach and great prostration. China Clin. - Prostration. Continual nausea; with vom- iting, or efforts to vomit; with per- spiration on forehead; great prostra- tion and trembling; usually without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. Prostration. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse and the vom- iting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Protuded. Tongue swollen and inflamed so that it could not be protruded; and white. Merc. C. 3. Pulsating. Neuralgic toothache, pul- sating, driving to madness; teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead. Ver. Alb. Clin. Pulsation. Indigestion, with bloating sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach ; or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Pulsation. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach. Asaf. 1. + Pulsation. Anxious pulsation in pit of stomach, with shooting. A con. 1. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpi- tation, then internal heat of face and body, without redness or thirst, but with sweat. Sep. 1. Pulsation in pit of stomach perceptible on laying hand on it. Pul. 1. Pulse. Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Carbo V. Clin. Pulse. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold; pulse soft, bores the head into the pillow; tends to squint, cries out in sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Pulse. Obstinate vomiting of blood; ex- tremities cold; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta, some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Pungent. Appetite for only sour, pungent things. Hep. 2. Pungent. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent Spices and Sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China Clin. ( 111 ) PU R C E. REPERTORY OF PART I. RED. Purge. Clawing in stomach towards morn- ing as from a purge, changing to burn- ing in pit of stomach. Nux Vom. 1. Purple. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth; red and tender, with Swelling of glands, beneath jaw ; spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Purplish. Toothache, with swollen, bleed- ing gums; gums sometimes dark pur- plish. Lach. Clin. Purulent. Vomiting constant of tena- cious, purulent and bloody mucus. Nit, A.C. 6. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Pustules. White aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue. Hep. 5. Pustules. Ulcers and pustules on the gums and mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Putrid. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. MerC. S. 3. - Putrid. Indigestion characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach immedi- ately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with Sour putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Putrid. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose, and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth; with these conditions the drug is fre- quently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Putrid. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; Sometimes nausea, and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Putrid. Taste Arn. M. 3. Putrid. Taste sweetish, and in throat, putrid taste. Ars. A. 3. Putrid. Eructations bitter, putrid, empty, incomplete, ineffectual, instead of which there is hiccough. Cocc. 7. Pyloric. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with vomiting of blood, burning and extreme flatu- putrid; slimy ; bitter. lence. Lyc. Clin. Pylorus, Sensitiveness to pressure in region of pylorus. Phos, 1. Ptyalism. Aphthous stomatitis, with ptyalism, bad odor, etc. Merc. S. Clin. Qualmish. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualm- ish. China 3. Qualmish. Extreme aversion to food, with | persistent slightly qualmish, bitter taste, metallic taste, putrid taste. COCC. Clin. Qualmishness. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with chilliness and faint- ness in morning in bed; with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morn- ing, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux Wom. 6. OT’ ſ Qualmishness. Nausea after dinner and Supper, with uneasiness and qualmish- ness in epigastric region as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Quick decay of teeth. Sep. 5. Quinine. Dyspepsia following the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Raised. Deathly nausea if her head was raised from the pillow. Nux Mos. 6. Raising. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Rancid. Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains with nausea, Pul. 7. Rancid. Heartburn, as after overloading Stomach with rancid fat. Nux Vom. 1. Rancid. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence sour and rancid belching, vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Rancidity. Indigestion; with feeling of rancidity and heartburn. Graph. Clin. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums ; premature decay of chil- dren's teeth which become very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Ravenous. Scraping in stomach like heart- burn, and in Oesophagus gnawing like ravenous hunger, Pul. 1. Ravenous, Appetite increased, ravenous; if he does not eat, headache, lassitude and necessity to lie down, Sul. 2, Ravenous. Sudden ravenous hunger dur- ing the contemptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Ravenous hunger in morning. Calc. C. 2. Ravenous appetite before supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs, then coldness over whole body; With heat in chest so that it was dif- ficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Ravenous hunger, but the appetite some- times vanishes and there is absolute disgust for food ; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stom- ach. Ferr. Clin. Ravenous appetite; she feels that it is not a genuine hunger. Merc. S. 2. Ravenous appetite at night; longing for acids and Spicy things. Phos. 2. Ravenous hunger. Bry. 2. Ravenous hunger, but speedy satiety after stool; ravenous, often making her sick. Petr. 2. - Ravenous. Appetite ravenous. Secale 2. Ravenous appetite with emptiness in stom- ach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Ravenous appetite. Zinc, 2. Ravenous. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium, extending into sternum, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, partic- ularly longing for eggs and for indi- gestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Raw. Ulcers in the stomach supposed to be malignant and incurable have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burning and dis- tress as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Raw. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth. Bry. 5. Raw. Inner portion of the stomach seems raw. Ars. A. Clin. Raw. Burning on tip of tongue as if raw Or covered with blisters. Kali C. 3. Raw. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Nux Vom. 5. Rawness. Heat with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Rawness of palate when clearing the throat, with expectoration of much mucus. Ant. C. 5. Rawness. Sensitiveness of tongue, with rawness. Carbo V. 3. Rawness. Burning pain and rawness in mouth, then aphthous and denuded Spots. Lach. 5. Rawness in a spot in palate, with soreness. Mur. Ac. 5. Rectum. Colic as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- Vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. (Tongue.) Tongue black, with red edges; swollen, Merc, S, 3. Red. Tongue smooth, red and cracked; red and dry. Kali B. 2. Red. Tongue coated yellow, with red mar- gin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Red. Tongue coated sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle, and redness of top; brown and dry, Ars. A, 3. - Red tip of tongue with pain, and promi- ment papillae. Arg. N. 3. Red. Tongue swollen, red Crotal. H. 3. Red. Tongue is dry red and cracked in fever. Rhus Tox. Clin. Red. Tongue red and dry in the middle, or red in streaks, with great prostra- tion. Ant. T. Clin. Red. Tongue is usually red, dry and || tremulous, Or the tip is red and the centre brown; sometimes there is a red stripe through the centre. Lach. Clin. Red. Tongue chalky; white; red in mid- dle; yellow. Phos. 3. Red. Dry tongue in middle; white; red; black. Phos. 3. Red. Atonic dyspepsia, with continual throbbing, Occipital headache and trembling; fluttering feeling below the epigastrium, towards the umbili- cus; tongue very red and small; feels Swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Red, and sore. brown; ( 112 ) RED, REPERTORY OF PART I. REST. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteri- orly and along edges; white anteri- orly. Merc. C. 3. Red. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with reddish papil- laº here and there; then a yellowish- brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Red. Tongue swollen and coated red at edges. Canth. 3. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue and on touch of anything salt Or SOur. Borax 3. Red. Mucous membrane of tongue red and covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Red. Tongue bluish, red and dry, also white. Ars. A. 3. Red. Tongue scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; dry. Plumb. 3. Red, (Miscellaneous.) Gums red, bright red margin; red and swollen and livid and covered with thin white patches easily removed from a non-ulcerating Surface. Merc. S. 5. Red. Red. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with stick- ing on uvula, palate, fauces and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red swoll- en, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Red. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth; red and tender, with Swelling of glands beneath jaw; spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Red. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcerated; breath fetid; salivation; ulcerations, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Pain in teeth aggravated by draw- ing in air with open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening, with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Gums feel affected, and are red and enlarged between teeth. Nit. A c. 5. Red. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in Red. |Red. Red. mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. Red. Eructations frothy and sour, of frothy, sour mucus, tinged bright red. Canth. 7. Red. Vomiting of great quantities of blood, at times even bright red; usually dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. Reddish. Tongue coated yellow along centre, coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Redness. Soreness of tongue, with redness of apex. Rhus, Tox. 3, Redness, Tongue coated sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry. Ars, A, 3, Redness, Deep redness of tongue; of papil- lae; with swelling. Bel. 3. palate. Mur. A c. 5. Redness. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst, but with sweat. Sep. 1. Redness. Swelling of gums with Sore pain; with dark redness and painful throbbing as if beginning to Sup- purate. Sep. 5. Reflecting. Sore pain in teeth; aggra- wated by exerting the mind and reflecting. Nux Vom. 5. Refresh. Thirst, but drinking did not re- fresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Refuses. Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things; refuses ordinary food. Cina Clin. Region. Sensation, as if a stone lay in stomach after eating, making him fret- ful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. Region, Swelling of epigastric region. Calc. C. 1, Region, Pain in epigastric region on pres- sure, with anxiety. Bry, 1. Region. Pain in epigastric region. On touch. Calc. C. 1. Region. Dyspepsia; with indescribable distress in region of stomach; only temporarily relieved by eating. Calc. P. Clin. Region. Sensitiveness to touch in region of stomach. Bel. 1. Region. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Region. Pressure in stomach after eating; in region of stomach, with burning. Bism. 6. Region. Violent pain in region of stom- ach, goes through to back and right shoulder blade, or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Region. Griping in epigastric region after every meal; worse towards evening, Coloc. 1. Regurgitated. Atomic dyspepsia; diges– tion very slow; the food is tasted or regurgitated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Regurgitation. wind and regurgitation Asaf. Clin. Regurgitation of food and drink through nose. Merc. C. 7. Regurgitation of food an hour or so after it has been taken. AEthu. 1. of liquid. Redness of inside of cheeks and of arch of comes sticking, so that she cannot. Violent gastralgia, with distention of abdomen; belching of | Regurgitation of food; hiccough, empty retching; weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even; especially attended With Sighing; gastric symptoms gen- erally ameliorated after eating. Ign. Clin. Regurgitation. Dyspepsia characterized by regurgitation of food; more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness and, above all, Constant aggravation from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Regurgitation. Gastric catarrh with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth; nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Relaxed. Nausea on motion, with relaxed Sensation in stomach ; paroxysmal as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat; amounting almost to faintness; amel- ioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Relaxed. Stomach and intestines hang down; relaxed. Ign. 1. Relaxed. Feeling as if stomach hung down; relaxed, and appetite lost. Ipe. 1. Relaxed. Aphtha of mouth and cheek, with burning; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. Clin. Relaxed. Atomy of the stomach and ab- domen; feeling as if hung down re- laxed. Staph. Clin. - e Relaxation. Nausea with general relax- ation; with burning; scratching in throat. Arm. M. 6. Relief, Womiting brings no relief, Ars, A, 1. Relish for meat, Mag, C, 1. Relish. Much hunger, but no relish. Agar. 2. Relish. Appetite lost for milk, but if he takes it he begins to relish it. Bry. 2. Relished. Loss of appetite, but when he pegan to eat he relished food. Calc. C. 2. Relished. Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food ; to Sour things, to meat. Sul. 2. Relished. Appetite lost; beer is not rel- ished. Rhus Tox. 2. Relished. Appetite lost, still he relished the food that he eat. Ars. Alb. 2. Respiration. Pinching or choking pain in pit of tongue impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. ... " Repulsive. Nausea at night during men- ses, with retching and waterbrash; during suppression of menses; with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating so that food was repul- Sive. Pul. 6. Rest, Colic as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, peri- neum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying. Nux Wom. 7, Rest. Gastralgia; pains extend to the chest ; aggravation from motion ; amelioration from quiet rest. Rumex Clin. ( 113 ) REST LESS. REPERTORY OF PART I. RO LL IN C. Restless. Difficult dentitition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft bores the head into the pillow tends to squint; cries out in sleep and particularly has rest- less feet. Zinc. Clin. Retain. Violent vomiting of food; stomach unable to retain anything. Crotal. H. 6. Retained. Constant thirst for cold water; the smallest quantity of which could not be retained. Ars, A, 2. Retarded development of speech in chil- dren. Phos. Clin. Retching on hawking mucus from fauces, i Nux Wom, 6, Retching. Nausea with retching, Plumb. 6, Retching; vomiting; with diarrhoea, and colic. Arg. N. 6. Retching. Nausea on every inward emotion; but when fasting there is only retch- ing. Kali C. 6. Retching. Morning nausea; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night; On Washing mouth before breakfast ; on waking, with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness, with mel- ancholy; easily startled, then vomit- ing of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Retching. Violent attacks of gastralgia, | with retching and vomiting of food and bile from repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Retching. Distress at the stomach, with retching and vomiting (especially of green substances.) Acon. Clin. Retching and throwing up phlegm. AEthu. 6. Retching. Empty retching at night. Arn. M. 6. Retching. Ineffectual retching, with con- striction of Oesophagus and across chest in direction of diaphragm. Cupr. 6. Retching. Vomiting of bile in morning after long violent retching. Hep. 6. Retching. Regurgitation of food, hic- cough, empty retching, weak empty feeling; has to eat at night even ; especially attended with sighing; gastric symptoms generally ameli- orated after eating. Ign. Clin. Retching in morning, fasting. Kreas. 6. Retching spasmodic and painful. Merc. C. 7. Retching. Ineffectual retching in morn- ing. Natr. C. 6. Retching. Nausea, with acidity and retching. Pod. 6. Retching. Most violent retching of food or of whatever is taken into the stom- ach ; the ejecta are always very pro- fuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat; great prostration; burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Retching. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; during suppression of menses, with good ap- petite; when he wishes to eat; when eating, so that food was repulsive. Pul. 6. Retract. Spongy condition of gums, which retract and bleed easily, with ten- dency to nose-bleed; fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. Retracted. Gums retracted from incisors. Carbo V. 5. Returning. Pain all day in stomach, re- lieved by lying and warmth of bed, returning on rising. Graph. 1. Rib. Trawing pain in pit of stomach in evening, when sitting, extending to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. Ribs. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria, even in back, in region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eructa- tions. Lyc. 7, Ribs. Flatulence rising and becoming in- carcerated under short ribs. Nux VOm. 7. Ribs. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there, under short ribs, in hypogastrium, Carbo V. 7. Ribs. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Ribs. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Rich. General craving for acids and aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Pul. Clin. Riding, Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink; mostly in mouth when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Cocc. 6. Riding. Colic; aggravated by riding in the cars or carriage; relieved by emis- sion of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Riding. Nausea and vomiting from riding in the cars. Cocc. Clin. Right. Drawing in right upper teeth all night. Bel, 5. Right. Ulceration of right gum. Psor. 3. Right. Hard elevation on right anterior border of tongue, and on moving tongue shooting in it; Smarting On right side. Sul. 3. Right. Vomiting of pregnancy, with in- tolerance of the smell of coffee; vom- iting when lying on right side. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Right. Open blister on inside of right cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. Right. Inflammation of mouth and throat; all the parts are red, hot and dry ; worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Right. Violent pain in region of stomach goes through to back and right shoul- der blade, or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Right. Bilious vomiting; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vomit- ing. Crotal. H. Clin. Right. Tickling sticking in right lower molar. Staph. 5. Rises. Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit, Pul, 1. Rises, Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pun- gent spices and Sour things and stim- ulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China Clin. Rising, Eructations incomplete; burning; rising only into pharynx where they cause burning, Lyc. 7, Rising. Nausea, every morning fasting; in morning after rising so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. Rising. Numb pain in lower teeth in morning after rising. Plat. 5. Rising. Flatulence rising and becoming incarcerated under short ribs. Nux VOm. 7. Rising. Clawing in stomach in morning On rising, as from long fasting; better after eating. Pul. 1. Rising. Globus hysterious rising from the pit of the stomach. Zinc. Clin. Rising. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia; Foreness over the abdomen and liver, blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Rising. Dyspepsia, characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less| nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Rising. Nausea, with rising from stom- ach. Coloc. 6. - Rising. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Rising. Pain all day in stomach, relieved by lying and warmth of bed; return- ing on rising. Graph, 1. - Rising. Burning acidity rising from stom- ach, with spasmodic constriction. Kali C. 1. Rising. Nausea, in morning after rising with salivation. Mag. M. 6. Rising. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat, as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb, 3. Risings, Nausea in epigastric region, aggra- wated by eating and drinking; with | waterbrash and disagreeable risings. Pul, 6, - Risings. Acid fermentation in stomach, everything turns sour; sour risings. Calc. C. Clin. - Roast. Sudden Satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Tyc. 2. Rolling. Distention of abdomen in even- ing; gurgling; rumbling, with rolling in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. (114) RO LL | NC. REPERTORY OF PART I. SALIVATION . Rolling. Difficult dentition, with grind- ing of teeth, rolling the head, dis- agreeable breath, diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Rolls. Collection of flatus without evacua- tion of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 7. Room. Neuralgic toothach, ceasing en- tirely in the open air; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Root. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite; metallic at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. Root. Blisters on tongue, coated yellowish- white at root. Rhus Tox. 3. Root. Abscesses at roots of teeth. Sil. Clin. Root. Inflammation at root of a tooth, with pain, which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Root. Dirty grayish-green coat at root of tongue. Natr. S. Clim. Root. Sticking in root of tongue when not swallowing. Nit. A c. 3. Root. Abscess at the root of tooth, with external swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Root. Throbbing pain in teeth only when eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Root. Bitter taste at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. Root. Tearing in diseased root in both rows; extending in zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Roots. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in Open air. Staph. 5. Roots. Tearing in hollow molar; jerking drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Roots. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres pain extending into root and the gum be- comes sore. Staph. 5. Ropy. Profuse saliva; ropy; drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Ropy. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with tenderness over the stomach and profuse ropy saliva. Iris Clin. Rotten. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs. PSOr, 7. Rotten, Eructations bitter and like bad eggs, like rotten eggs, Arn, M. 7. Rotten. Flatulence offensive, like rotten eggs. Arn. M. 7. Rotten. meals. Arn. M. 3. Rotten. Eructations empty; tasting of rotten eggs; tasting like apples. Agar. 7. Rough. Dry and rough feeling in middle of tongue. A con. 3. Roughness. Dryness of tongue and in mouth and throat, and in morning roughness. Sep. 3. Rumbled. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdo- men. Pul. 7. Smelling Taste of rotten eggs between Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in even- ing or colic aggravated in evening in bed, with griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another. Pul, 7. Rumbling in abdomen, with emission of much flatus; offensive. Diosc, 7. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling, by flatus. Carbo V. 7. Rumbling in abdomen all day, in after- noon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus by griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night, with gurgling. Sul. 7. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus, offen- sive. China, 7. Rumbling. Gastric derangements aggra- wated by alcoholic stimulants; espe- cially flatulence with much rumbling | in abdomen. Zinc. Clin. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen in evening; gurgling rumbling with roll- ing in morning in bed; with grumb- ling and flatulent pain. Zinc. 7. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen with flatulence, with pain; rumbling. RO- bina 7. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 7. Rumbling. Abdominal flatulence, with much rumbling and gurgling and pains of various sorts. Dyc. Clin. Rumbling. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. - Running, Salivation, running from mouth like waterbrash, Wer, Alb, 5. Running. Salivation; watery saliva run- ning constantly from mouth. Tabac 5. Running. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus TOx. 5. Runs. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. Phos. 5. Sacrum. Offensive flatus and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards Sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 7. Saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky, Can, Ind., 5. Saliva has a salt taste which is communi- cated to all he takes; salt taste to food, Cycl. 3. Saliva, Dribbling of glairy saliva from mouth. Stram, 5. Saliva. Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste, bitter then sour, with Sour eructa- tions. Ign. 3. . Saliva. Profuse saliva, ropy; drops from mouth during conversation. Iris 5. Saliva. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. Phos. 5. Saliva. Dryness of mouth after midnight as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst. Nux VOm. 5. Saliva. Salivation sweet; tenacious; dis- charge of watery saliva also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Saliva. Salivation; bloody saliva is ex- pectorated in morning. Nit. A c. 5. Saliva. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morn- ing on waking, dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva seems like cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Saliva. Salivation after eating; bloody saliva; salt saliva. Sul. 5. Saliva. Salivation; watery saliva running constantly from mouth. Tabac. 5. Saliva. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Saliva. Taste bitter, if she eats anything, or swallows saliva; everything tastes bitter; insipid ; lost to food. Borax 3. Saliva runs from mouth in morning on Stooping; Spitting much saliva. Graph. 5. Saliva. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy, with tenderness over the stomach and profuse, ropy Saliva. Iris Clin. Saliva. Urging to vomit; nothing but saliva results. Kreas. 6. Saliva. Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Saliva. Bloody saliva in mouth. Mag. . 5. Saliva. Salivation, with tension in sub- maxillary region which was sensitive to touch ; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Saliva. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody and there is a putrid odor from the mouth; with these conditions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A.C. Clin. Saliva. Breath offensive; salivation; con- stant spitting ; saliva salty. Natr. M. 5. - Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux Mos. 5. Saliva. Tasteless saliva, with tasteless- ness in mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Salivary, Aching in teeth at night then general chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc, S. 5. Salivary. Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free secretion; with swelling of the glands; with Soreness leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. Salivary. Easily bites inside of cheek near orifice of salivary duct when chewing. Ign. 5. Salivation, running from mouth like water- brash, Wer, Alb, 5. Salivation. Nausea, with empty eructations and salivation; distressing nausea. Ipe. 6, Salivation. Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise; in afternoon after every drink; mostly in mouth when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold, causing salivation. Cocc. 6. (115) SAL IV. ATION. REPERTORY OF PART I. SECRETION. Salivation and obliged to swallow constantly, Ipe. 5. 3. Salivation. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth; with weakness, Ver. Alb. 3. Salivation; watery saliva running Con- stantly from mouth. Tabac. 5. Salivation after eating; bloody saliva; salt Saliva. Sul. 5. Salivation, sweet; tenacious; discharge of watery saliva also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Salivation; bloody saliva is expectorated in morning. Nit. A c. 5. Salivation. Nausea incessant so that it takes away the breath; all day with- out vomiting; sudden on Walking; with salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Salivation. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with chilliness and faint- ness in morning in bed, with bruised pain in intestines and loins in morn- ing, with qualmishness about heart and salivation. Nux Vom. 6. Salivation, tenacious, difficult to expecto- rate. Merc. C. 5. - Salivation. Burning pain in pit of stom- ach in afternoon after dinner, with salivation, extending into throat; into mouth ; SOreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Salivation, with crawling on inside of cheeks. Zinc. 5. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus TOx. 5. Salivation. Sore mouth ; aphtha occur- ring during protracted diseases, espe- pecially in children ; with marasmus; with salivation; sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Salivation, at times slimy and tenacious. Camph. 5. Salivation. Soapy, frothy salivation. Bry. 5. Salivation. Neuralgic, splinter-like pains in tongue, with salivation. Agar. Clin. Salivation. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; soreness in pit of Stomach ; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Salivation; breath fetid. Secale 5. Salivation. Nausea not relieved by vomit- ing; with salivation, chill and heat. Sang. 6. Salivation. Nausea during pregnar cy, with salivation, constant Spitting. Sang, Clin. Salivation. Burning on tongue and On fore part of mouth, with salivation. Mezer. 3. Salivation. Breath offensive; salivation ; constant spitting; saliva Salty. Natr. M. 5. Salivation. Nux Vom. 5. Salivation, with tension in Submaxillary region which was sensitive to touch; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Salivation of pregnancy. Merc. S. Clin. Salivation. Vomiting of food and bile ; even to vomiting after a meal, with salivation during menstruation. Lyc. 6. - Salivation. Nausea every morning fast- ing; in morning after riding, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. Salivation. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth : pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- sive. Merc. S. Clin. Salivation. Nausea in morning after rising, with salivation. Mag. M. 6. Salivation. Nausea, with hot eructations, and sweetish flat salivation. Kali B. 6. Salivation. Mouth constantly full of mucus; salivation. Ign. 5. Salivation, with pasty taste. Cycl. 3. Salivation. Chronic salivation; the effect of mercurial poisoning. China Clin. Salivation, collection of bitter water oblig- ing constant expectoration. Chel. 5. Salivation. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcerated; breath fetid; salivation; ulcerations, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Saliva has a salt taste which is com- municated to all he takes; salt taste to food, Cycl, 3. Aversion to animal food when think- ing of it; to salt food. Graph. 2. Salt. Salivation after eating; bloody saliva; salt saliva. Sul. 5. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue, and on touch of anything salt or sour. Borax 3. Salty. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs On moving tongue; metallic. Merc. S. 3. Salty, Taste bitter in morning and slimy to food during the day; salty, Merc, C, 3. Salty. Breath offensive; salivation; con- stant Spitting; Saliva salty. Natr. M. 5. - Salty. Nausea, not relieved by vomiting of salty, sour water; with waterbrash. Natr. S. 6. Sardines. Appetite for fruit; longing for only cold food, herring, sardines or acids. Ver. Alb. 2. Satiety Sudden satiety at noor after a little roast lamb with thirst; heavi- ness in Stomach and distention in ab- domen. Lyc. 2. Satiety. Ravenous hunger, but speedy satiety after stool; ravenous, often making her sick. Petr. 2. Satiety. Canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is followed by flatulent disten- tion and inability to take more food; or sometimes the flatulent distention immediately takes away the appetite; or sometimes a feeling of constant satiety; he feels too full before he has eaten anything and cannot eat. Lyc. Clin. Scalded. Burning on anterior surface of tongue; On tip; Scalded sensation. Coloc, 3. Salt. Salt. Salt. Scalded, Iris 5. Scalded. Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and scalded. Sabad. 5. Scallops, Tongue swollen and showing im- print of teeth in scallops which looked ulcerated and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult; with painful ul- Mouth and tongue feel scalded. cerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Scanty. Nausea, with debility and scanty vomiting of coffee-grounds fluid. Secale 6. Scapulac. Vomiting at night, with stick- ing drawing pain in back extending towards scapula. Pul. 6. Scarlet. Tongue scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach with vomiting of blood, burning and extreme flatulence. Dyc. Clin. Scirrhus. Inflammation of the stomach, occurring during the progress of chronic disease; for instance, scir- rhus. Bism. Clin. Scorbutic. Gums scorbutic, bleeding. Natr. M. Clin. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morn- ing, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after a eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with | weight and heat as from a stone in epi- | gastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom. 1. Scraping in stomach like heartburn, and in Oesophagus gnawing like ravenous hun- ger, Pul, 1. Scraping. Burning in mouth extending to stomach; in palate and fauces, with scraping. Mezer. 5. Scraping. Stomach weak and easily dis- ordered; scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. k. Scraping in mouth and in throat. Bel. 5. Scraping. Burning Scraping in mouth and in Oesophagus. Arn. M. 5. Scratching. Nausea with general relaxa- tion; with burning; Scratching in throat. Arn, M. 6. Seasoned. Dyspepsia following the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; indicated by the longing for highly seasoned food or for acids. Hep. Clin. Seasoned. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold, burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Seasickness, Nausea on motion, with re- laxed sensation in stomach; parox- ysmal as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold Sweat, amounting almost to faintness; amelioration in open air. Tabac. 6. - Seasickness, with the special indication of the occipital headache. Petr. Clin. Seasickness. Sul. Clin. Secretion. Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free secretion ; with swelling of the glands; with soreness leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. ( 116 ) SEES. REPERTORY OF PART I. SHARP. Sees, Appetite lost as soon as he sees food, Sensitive. Salivation, with tension in Sensitiveness of epigastric region. Carbo and he feels full in abdomen and aver- submaxillary region, which was sensi- V. I. sion to it when he begins to eat, Sul, 2. tive to touch; Saliva dries on palate | Sensitiveness. Distention of stomach Sees. Great appetite; appetite for differ- and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. with sensitiveness to pressure. Bry. ent things, but as soon as he sees | Sensitive. Epigastric region sensitive to 1. them, or still more smells them, he pressure. Mag. M. 1. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burn- shudders from nausea, and cannot Sensitive. Acid dyspepsia; the region of ing, extending to the small of the eat. Colch. 2. Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit, Pul. 1. Sensation as if a stone lay in stomach after eating, making him fretful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. Sensation, Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning, then cutting in abdo- men and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom. 1. Sensation of fasting, with physical exhaus- tion. Ign. 1. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip, extending into trachea, where it caused crawling so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Sensation. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if oesophagus were spasmodically closed; hence ineffectual effort to eructate; relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. Sensation of a hard-boiled egg in stom- ach. Abies N. 1. Sensation in stomach as if disordered. Caust. 1. Sensation. Sinking sensation in epigas- trium. Calc. P. 1. Sensation as if beaten in epigastric region and abdomen, with fullness in former and eructations. Asaf. 1. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva and mucus. Caust. 5. Sensation as if a worm were moving in stomach. Cocc. 1. Sensation as if something in epigastric region turned over. Nux Vom. 1. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac Orifice and behind sternum; constrictive. Natr. M. 1. Sensation as if roof of palate were cov- ered with tenacious mucus and were swollen. Pul. 5. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt and were insensible at might and in morning. Pul. 3. Sensitive, Gums sensitive when chewing, Carbo V, 5. Sensitive, Gums sensitive to cold water; sore, Sil, 5. Sensitive. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure; nausea if hand lay on stom- ach. Nux Vom. 1. Sensitive. Tongue sensitive even to soft food, which causes biting. Nit. A c. 3. Sensitive. Epigastric region Sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. the stomach becomes distended and extremely sensitive to touch. Lyc. Clin. - Sensitive. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres, pain extending into root and the gum be- comes sore. Staph. 5. Sensitive. Upper incisors seem too long and sensitive. Mag. M. 5. Sensitive. Gums loosened from teeth and sensitive. Carbo V. 5. Sensitiveness, (Stomach.) Feeling in stom- ach as if cut to pieces in morning, with external sensitiveness of epigastric region, Kali C. 1, Sensitiveness to pressure in region of pylorus. Phos, 1. Sensitiveness to touch in region of stom- ach. Bel. 1. Sensitiveness of stomach to touch. 1. Sensitiveness. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taking into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse, and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Sensitiveness. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A.C. 1. Sensitiveness. Distress in stomach, worse in the afternoon ; amelioration after supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Sensitiveness. Feeling in stomach in evening; swollen feeling and sensi- tiveness. Natr. C. 1. Sensitiveness. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensitiveness to touch. Natr. M. 1. Sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure; of epigastric region to touch. Lyc. 1. Sensitiveness. Swelling of epigastric re- gion, with sensitiveness to pressure. Merc. C. 1. Sensitiveness. Throbbing in epigastric region, with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 1. Sensitiveness. Pinching in pit of stom- ach, preventing sleep, with constric- tion of stomach, and sensitiveness of stomach so that it could bear no cov- ering. Coloc. 1. Sensitiveness. Haemorrhage from the stomach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach and great prostration. China, Clin. Sensitiveness. Gastric derangements, with great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. Sensitiveness. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensitiveness to touch. Carbo V. 1. A con. back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Sensitiveness. (Teeth.) Aching of teeth | when chewing and on touch; with sen- sitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; re- lieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Sensitiveness. Looseness of teeth; sensi- tiveness to Cold air. Natr. M. 5. Sensitiveness of teeth to open air. Acon. 5. Sensitiveness. Ulcers on the gums, with Sensitiveness so that he could not eat. PhOS. 5. Sensitiveness. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitive- ness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Sensitiveness of tongue, with rawness. Carbo V. 3. Separated. Inflammation of the gums, with bleeding ; separated from the teeth. Phos. 5. - Serous. Vomiting of a yellow, bitter, Serous fluid. Coloc. 6. Seven a. m. Sharp pain in epigastrium || and in Stomach at 7 a. m. T)iosc. 1. Seven a. m. Uneasiness of stomach at 7 a. m. Sep. 1. Severe gastralgia or cardialgia aggravated by the least nourishment ; the stom- ach seems very irritable and contracts painfully on its contents. Nux Vom. Clin. Severe gastralgia brought on by the slightest food or drink; the pain is burning hot, and extends up sides and Over abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Sexual. Dyspepsia with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women or as the result of over- wrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. -- Sharp. Gastralgia; sharp cutting or stick- ing; aggravation from motion or eat- ing. Kali C. Clin. Sharp. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 7. Sharp pain in epigastrium, and in stom- ach at Seven a. m. Diosc. 1. Sharp pressure in pit of stomach with every cough. Phos. 1. Sharp. Eructations tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp, and sour. Petr. 7. Sharp. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rap- idly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter-like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. Ac. Clin. | Sharp. Pain in epigastrium sharp; in stomach day and night. Robina 1. (117) sHIN inc. REPERTORY OF PART I. SLI M. Y. Shining. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on Waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Shivering. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. Shivering. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Vom. 2. Shock. Hiccough after eating and on every shock caused by it; pressure in forehead as if the brain shook from behind forward. Bry, 7. Shooting cutting in pit of stomach, forc- ing him to bend backward and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Shooting. Gastric disorder shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Shooting. Hard elevation on right an- terior border of tongue and on mov- ing tongue shooting in it; Smarting on right side. Sul. 3. - Shooting. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple; aggravated in Open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Shooting. Anxious pulsation in pit of stomach, with shooting. A con. 1. Shoulder blade. Violent pain in region of stomach, goes through to back and right shoulder blade or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Shoulder blade. Indigestion with severe lancinating pains extending from side of chest to top of shoulder blade. Robina Clin. Shoulder blades. Burning in stomach and between the shoulder blades. Robina Clin. Shoulders. Atomic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach, belching pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Nux Wom. Clin. Shoulders. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Shriveled. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shriveled and cold and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Shuddering. Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Shudders. Great appetite; appetite for different things, but as Soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. Colch. 2. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m.; as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; re- lieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Side, Side. Inflammation of mouth and throat: all the parts are red, hot and dry : worse on right side. Bel. Clin. Side. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Side. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust: painful swelling posteriorly on side : stitches; dryness. China 3. Side. Bilious vomiting ; inability to lie on right side; with dark green vom- iting. Crotal. H. Clin. Sides. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides, Nit, Ac, 3, .” Sides. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, stringy mucus. Nit. A c. Clin. Sides. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs, Ign. 3. Sides. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Sighing. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak empty feeling; has to eat at night even; especially attended with sighing ; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing. Ign. Clin. Sinciput. Intermittent compression in epigastrium changing to pinching, with confusion of sinciput. Coloc. 1. Singultus. Secale 7, Sinking at pit of stomach. Tabac, 1. Sinking sensation in epigastrium. |P. 1. Sinking. Ravenous hunger, but the appe- tite sometimes vanishes and there is absolute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Sinking. Weakness and sinking in stom- ach. Natr. M. Clin. Sip. Nausea aggravated by a sip of wine, with headache, Zinc, 6. - Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C, 6. Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. Nausea every morning fasting; in morning after rising, so that she must sit down; with salivation. Lyc. 6. Sitting, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little; with return of a metallic herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. - Sitting, Colic as if flatulence, with cut- ting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Sitting. Nausea on sitting up, with ef-| Calc. Sit. forts to vomit. Robina 6. Sitting. Salivation running from mouth during afternoon map; when sitting. Rhus Tox. 5. Sitting. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in evening, when sitting, extending to lower border of left rib. Ars. Alb. 1. Sitting. Pain in stomach after a light meal, with fullness, eructations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Lyc. 1. Six p. m. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p. m.; in evening after beer; after eat- ing and good appetite. Pul. 3. Six p. m. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China, 7. - Skull. Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematermesis. Nux Wom. 6. Skin. Thirst, with dry tongue and skin. Lach. 2. - Skin. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating coldness and rumbling in abdomen; after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat On back and forehead. China, 2. Slate-colored. Gums blue along margins; slate-colored on border. Plumb. 5.” Sleep. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. Phos. 5. Sleep. Ravenous appetite before supper; with loss of appetite and trembling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was diffi- cult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Sleep. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep ; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux MOS. Clin. Sleep. Pinching in pit of stomach, pre- Venting sleep; with constriction of Stomach and sensitiveness of stomach so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Sleepiness. Appetite great towards noon, and after eating weariness and sleepi- ness. Natr. M. 2. Sleep. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold; pulse Soft ; bores the head into the pillow ; tends to squint; cries out in Sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zine. Clin. Sleep. Sticking in teeth and jaw extend- ing to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. - seek Grinding of teeth in sleep. Ars. . 5. Sleep. Aching in teeth only at night and When it ceases in morning excitement and uneasiness, preventing sleep; with SWelling of gum as if suppu- rating. Lyc. 5. Sleep. A ching of teeth at night disturb- ing sleep with anxiety; with swel- ling of gums. Merc. C. 5. Slimy. Taste bitter in morning and slimy 8. food during the day; salty, Merc, , 3. - ( 118 ) S L I M. Y. REPERTORY OF PART I. SORE. Slimy, Mouth'slimy in morning on waking, with headache. Bel, 5. - Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul, clammy; insipid; as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue. Pul. 3. Slimy, Womiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy, acid liquid; with food, Wer, Alb. 6. Slimy. Tongue coated yellow, with red margin, showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Slimy. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid; in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. Merc. S. 3. - Slimy. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morn- ing on waking; dry at night; with slimy feeling; dry, and the saliva seems like cotton. Nux MOS. 5. Slimy. Continual nausea; with vomiting, or efforts to vomit; with perspiration on forehead; great prostration and trembling; usually, without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. Slimy. Taste putrid; slimy; bitter. Arn. M. 3. Slimy. Salivation, at times slimy and tenacious. Camph. 5. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour, flat, qualmish. China 3. Slimy. Taste bad and mouth slimy. Rali C. 3. Slimy. Taste sour, slimy. Petr. 2. Slimy. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling, as from something acrid. Nux Wom. 5. Slimy. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth ; changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. Slimy. Different kinds of foul taste, un- pleasant in morning ; mouth dry and slimy ; sour in morning on Waking ; bitter ; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Slow. Speech difficult; slow; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue as if there were resistance to be over- come. Secale 3. Slow. Speech difficult and weak and slow. Phos. 3. Slough. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth ; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, always with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Sluggish. Generally indicated in persons of a fair complexion ; very sluggish and inclined to be fat. Calc. C. Clin. Smarting. Hard elevation on right anterior border of tongue, and on moving tongue shooting in it ; Smart- ing on right side. Sul. 3. Smell. Aversion to food, even the Smell of food causes it, but hunger. COCC. 2. Smell. Offensive Smell from in Outh. Calc. C. 5. Smell. Offensive Smell from mouth. Sep. 5. - Smell. Vomiting of pregnancy; with intolerance of the smell of coffee; vomiting when lying on right side. Sulph. A c. Clin. Smelling. Emission of flatus; worse in the evening and night; offensive; smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sul. 7, Smelling. Womiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux Wom. 6. Smelling. Flatulence offensive; smelling like rotten eggs. Arm. M. 7. Smells, Great appetite; appetite for differ- ent things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. Colch. 2. Smells. Craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, espe- cially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion, and becomes nauseated, and may even vomit. Colch. Clin. Smoke. Appetite lost for smoking; he could not smoke at all. Natr. M. 2. Smoked. Desire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat, etc. Calc. P. Clin. Smoking, Taste bitter, bilious after eating and Smoking. Pul. 3, Smoking, Nausea from smoking after eat- ing; during dinner; relieved by lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner. Nux Wom, 6. Smoking. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when Smoking ; at 6 p, m, in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Smoking. Nausea from Smoking. Ign. 6. Smoking. Appetite lost for smoking; he could not smoke at all. Natr. M. 2. Smoking. Hiccough when Smoking. Pul. 7. Smoking. Appetite but he knows not for what; also he relishes nothing; aver- sion to Smoking, to meat, to butter. Pul. 2. - Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food; to sour things; to meat. Sul. 2. Smooth, Tongue smooth, red and cracked; red and dry. Kali B. 2. Soapy, frothy salivation. Bry. 5. Soft. Gums bleeding from slightest touch, spongy and soft; ulcerated; Suppurating, Merc, S, 5. Tongue sensitive even to soft food which causes biting. Nit. A c. 3. Soft. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft, bores the head into the pillow; tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Soft. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Soles. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking in morning, with gurgling; also in bed with Spas- modic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux Wom. 7. SOft. Solid. Taste dry to all solid food, as if it contained neither juice nor strength. Ferr. 3. Solid. Chronic dyspepsia; solid food causes excruciating pain and some- times vomiting. Lyc. Clin. Sordes. Teeth loose; sordes. Merc, C. 5. Sordes in the teeth in typhoid conditions. Mur. A.C. Clin. Sore, (Gums.) Gums sensitive to cold water; sore, Sil, 5, Sore pain in gums on touch and on chewing, Merc, S, 5, Sore. Gums swollen, separates from teeth, and SOre, bleeding, pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Sore. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throb- bing, as if beginning to suppurate. Sep. 5. Sore. Gums sore; ulcerated; bleeding. Sep. 5. Sore. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy ; with raw and sore feeling, as from something acrid. Nux Wom. 5. Sore. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcer- ated; breath fetid ; salivation; with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Sore. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth. Bry. 5. - Sore. (Mouth.) Aphthous sore mouth. Staph. Clin. Sore mouth; aphtha occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children ; with marasmus; with sal- ivation ; sour vomiting ; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Sore mouths of nursing infants and of nursing women. Bapt. Clin. Sore. Gangrenous sore mouths of chil- dren. Ars. A. Clin. Sore. Aphthous sore mouth ; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch ; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Sore. (Stomach.) Pain in pit of stomach on pressure; after a meal and on touch ; sore internally. Sep. 1. Sore. Pain in stomach as if a sore spot were pressed; below pit on pressure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Sore pain in stomach after eating. Natr. M. 1. Sore. Soreness in pit of stomach morn- ings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Sore. Feeling of a hard lump which makes the stomach sore. Bry. Clin. Sore. (Teeth.) Hollow teeth sensitive to touch and if food remains in centres, pain extending into root and the gum becomes sore. Staph. 5. Sore pain in teeth, aggravated by exert- ing the mind and reflecting. Nux VOm. 5. Sore. (Tongue.) Tongue swollen, red and sore. Crotal. H. 3. Sore. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. ( 119 ) SORE. REPERTORY OF PART I. SOUR. Sore. Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and scalded. Sabad. 5. Sore. Tongue feels sore as if full of blis- ters. Sabad. 3. Sore. Tip of tongue sore, with burning, little blisters. Calc. P. 3. Soreness. (Stomach.) Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with salivation, extending into throat, into mouth ; Soreness on Waking. Kali B. 1. Soreness. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Soreness. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, Soreness Over the abdomen and liver; blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Soreness. Dyspepsia; distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with Soreness of the stomach. Nux MOs. Clin. Soreness. Dyspepsia, with Soreness, dis- tention, burning pain, desire for cold food, aversion to hot food. Merc. C. Clin. - Soreness. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting ; SOreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Wom. Clin. Soreness. Cardialgia and indigestion; great Soreness of the pit of the stom- ach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Soreness. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gen- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloat- ing and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Soreness. Dyspepsia, especially asso- ciated with nausea and vomiting; of drunkards; with ulceration of the stomach ; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clim. Soreness. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with Soreness at the pit of the stomach, and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. - Soreness in pit of stomach mornings, with pain as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. Bry. 1. Soreness and distention in the region of the stomach. Bel. Clin. Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. - Soreness. (Tongue.) Soreness of tongue, with redness of apex. Rhus Tox, 3. Soreness. Painful pimple on tip of tongue; Soreness. Kali C. 3. Soreness. Stitches at tip of tongue, with Soreness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. | Soreness. Rawness in a spot on palate, with Soreness. Mur. A c. 5. Soreness. Burning pain in tip of tongue, as from Soreness; aggravation from taking anything warm into mouth. Calc. C. 3. Soreness. (Miscellaneous.) Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free Secretion; with swelling of the glands; with Soreness leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. Soreness. Bilious colic, almost incessant vomiting of extremely acrid sub- stances, with Soreness over the liver, Iris Clin. Soreness. Tension of the stomach and hypochondria; beneath stomach as if everything were too tight; with sore- ness on chest. Lyc. 1. Soreness. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- sive. Merc. S. Clin. Soreness. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Soreness. Inflammation of molar, with swelling and soreness of gum. Sil. 5. Soreness. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. - Soreness and dryness in mouth. Lach. 5. Soreness and dryness of mouth, with dry- ness of throat, and constant Spitting. Agar. 5. Sound. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Sounds. Articulation imperfect, some- times only confused sounds. Plumb. 3. Sour. (Appetite.) Appetite lost; indiffer- ent to food; desire for something sour. POd. 2. - Sour. Appetite for only sour, pungent things. Hep. 2. Sour. Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food, to sour things, to meat. Sul. 2. Sour. Dyspepsia; constant Satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pum- gent Spices and sour things and stim- ulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy ; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China, Clina. Sour. (Eructations.) Eructations empty after eating; sour during the day, Sul. 7. Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth; but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash, Lyc, 7. Sour. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Vom. 7. Sour. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Sour. Taste bitter, with sour eructations. Graph. 3. Sour. Acid dyspepsia; sour eructations, Mag. C. Clin. Sour. Acid fermentation in stomach; everything turns sour; sour risings. Calc. C. Clin. Sour. Eructations frothy and sour, of frothy sour mucus, tinged bright red. Canth. 7. Sour. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum, the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Sour. Eructations of sour, bitter wind, relieving pain in epigastrium. Diosc. Sour. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructations. Kali C. 7. Sour. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach or a feeling of pul- sation after eating; there are gener- ally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and Soreness. Kali C. Clin. Sour. Eructations sour. Plumb. 7. Sour. Eructations tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp and sour. Petr. 7. Sour. Eructations before and after eating; sour; empty. Nit. A c. 7. Sour. Empty eructations after dinner; Sour. Zinc. 7. Sour. Thirst is a general accompaniment of Natrum Mur. symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash; sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Sour. Eructations sour in afternoon; empty; waterbrash. Natr. C. 7. Sour. Eructations loud; sour in morning; of sour liquid after coffee; ineffectual. Pul. 7. Sour eructations after a meal, with burn- ing in throat. Sil. 7. Sour. Eructations of sour fluid. Robina, 7. Sour. Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach ; eructations of sour liquid. Robina Clin. Sour. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; Sour or putrid eructations; Sometimes nausea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. Sour. Eructations after eating a little; after eating and drinking; sour. Sep. 7. Sour, (Taste.) Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast ; with sour eructations. Sul. 3, Sour, Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste; bitter, then sour; with sour eructa- tions. Ign. 3. Sour taste, worse in morning after swallow- ing food that had a natural taste. Nux VOm. 3. Sour. Bitter taste to food; then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; after- wards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Sour. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualmish. China 3. Sour. Taste offensive; sour. Calc. C. 3. Sour. Taste sour; bitter. Mag. C. 3. ( 120 ) SOUR. REPERTORY OF PART I. SPO N. C. Y. Sour. Taste bitter in morning; sour after eating; to all food. Lyc. 3. Sour. Taste bitter; sour after Phos. 3. Sour. Indigestion, characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating, feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations, or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. milk. Sour. Taste sour; slimy. Petr. 2. Sour taste. Nit. A c. 3. Sour. Taste bitter to dinner; metallic in afternoon; sour. Natr. C. 2. Sour. Different kinds of foul taste un- pleasant in morning ; mouth dry and slimy; Sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Sour. Taste sour after eating. Sil. 3. Sour, (Vomiting.) Vomiting of sour fluid. Robina 6. Sour. Womiting of sour water at night, Calc, C, 6. Sour. Vomiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter in morning, even before breakfast. Tabac. 6. Sour. Sore mouth; aphthae occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children ; with marasmus; with salivation; Sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Sour. Vomiting of Sweet mucus; vomiting. Psor. 6. Sour. Nausea; not relieved by vomiting of salty, sour water; with water- brash. Natr. S. 6. Sour. Acid dyspepsia, with Sour vomiting, coming on an hour or So after eating. Kali B. Clin. Sour. Vomiting of sour fluid. Iris 6. Sour. Acid dyspepsia; sour vomiting and sour eructations. Caust. Clin. Sour. (Miscellaneous.) Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache, like a tearing, around lower part of skull; haematermesis. Nux VOm. 6. Sour. Dyspepsia from drinking milk, which becomes sour in the stomach. Mag. C. Clin. - Sour. Nausea, caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough ; ameliora- tion if he once ceased eating, with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. Sour. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue, and on touch of anything salt or sour. Borax 3. Sour. Dyspepsia from alcohol, with per- sistent sour breath ; the patient is shriveled and cold, and cannot eat; the liver is enlarged; chronic diar- rhoea. Sulf. A c. Clin. Sour. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing; eating Sour things, and putting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Sour. Breath offensive in morning; after dinner; sour. Nux Wom. 5. SOULT Sour. Thirst for sour drinks. Stram. 2. Sourish and metallic taste to food. Amm. C. 5. Sourish. Eructations after eating; bitter; sourish. Bry. 7. Sourness of stomach. Robina 1. Spasmodic. Flatulent distention of abdo- men after eating ; after drinking in morning; with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic, and heat in palms and soles. Nux VOm. 7. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against Spine. Arn. M. 1. Spasmodic. Distention of stomach and bowels, with feeling as if peristaltic motions were reversed, with Spas- modic working in Oesophagus. Asaf. 1. Spasmodic. Retching spasmodic and pain- ful. Merc. C. 7. Spasmodic efforts to vomit, associated with great distress in the stomach; aggra- vation from eating. Nux Wom. Clin. Spasmodic griping in Stomach. Arn. M. 1. Spasmadic. Burning acidity rising from stomach with spasmodic constriction. Kali C. 1. Speaking. Pain in the stomach; tight- ness in epigastrium as if a ball ex- tended to throat, where it caused suffocation, preventing Speaking and swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Speech, Stammering; speech difficult on account of trembling of mouth and tongue. Merc. S. 3. Speech, Stammering; speech difficult and unintelligible. Stram. 3. Speech. Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth; swollen; cracked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. - Speech. Paralytic weakness of the or- gans of speech. Bel. Clin. Speech. Tongue cold, speech feeble, broken, hoarse. Camph. 3. Speech. Paralysis of the tongue, with in- distinct speech. Plumb. Clin. Speech difficult, and weak, and slow. PhOS. 3. Speech. Retarded development of speech in children. Phos. Clim. Speech. Tongue heavy when talking; speech difficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Wom. 3. Speech. Difficult speech, like a weakness of organs of speech, coming from hypochondria. Natr. M. 3. Speech difficult. Natr. C. 3. Speech difficult; slow ; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue, as if there were resistance to OverCOme. Secale 3. Spiced. Longing for spiced food; for indefinite things. Sang. 2. Spices. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach; Craving for pun- gent spices, and sour things and stim- ulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China, Clin. Spicy. Ravenous appetite at night; lónging for acids and spicy things. PhOS. 2. Spine. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst ; pain in stomach ; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, | the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Spine. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gas- tralgia; the pain extending from the stomach, through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Spine. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arm. M. 1. Spitting. Soreness and dryness of mouth with dryness of throat and constant Spitting. Agar. 5. Spitting. Saliva runs from mouth, in morning on Stooping; spitting much Saliva. Graph. 5. Spitting. Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of Saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Spitting. Breath offensive; salivation; constant Spitting; saliva salty. Natr. M. 5. Spitting. Nausea during pregnancy, with salivation; constant Spitting. Sang. Clin. Spitting. Nausea, with constant Spitting of insipid water. Sabad. 6. Spleen. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 1. Splinter-like. Neuralgic, splinter-like pains in tongue, with Salivation. Agar. Clin. Splinter-like. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter-like pains; these ulcers ex- tend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. . Spoiled. Insipid and spoiled sensation in stomach with good appetite. Graph. 1. Spoiled. Taste for milk spoiled in morn- ing. Nux Wom. 3. Spongy, Aphtha in mouth, bluish-red and spongy; the ulcer spreads without pene- trating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc. S. 5. Spongy. Gums bleeding from slightest touch, spongy and soft; ulcerated, sup- purating, Merc, S, 5. - Spongy. Gums bleed easily, swollen and spongy; swollen and pale. Merc. C. 5. Spongy condition of gums which retract and bleed easily, with tendency to nose-bleed; fainting fits. Carbo V. Clin. Spongy. Gums purple, red, and detached from teeth; red and tender, with swelling of glands, beneath jaw; spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Spongy. Gums loosened from teeth; spongy and partly destroyed; Spongy and covered with a pultaceous exuda- tion and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Spongy. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, Spongy, pale, receding from teeth, with offensive odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Clin. ( 121 ) SPON. C. Y. REPERTORY OF PART I. STOMAC H. Spongy. Gums bleeding, swollen, and Spongy. Lach. 5. Spongy. Feeling in teeth as if Spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Spongy excrescence on the gums, which bleed readily and are painful. Staph. Clin. Spot. Dyspepsia, especially associated with nausea and vomiting; of drunk- ards; with ulceration of the stomach ; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. Spot. Pain in stomach, as if a sore spot were pressed; below pit on pressure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Spots. Pain in teeth, aggravated by drawing in air with Open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening, with red, hot, spot on cheek and throat; with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. - Spots. Burning pain and rawness in mouth ; then aphthous and denuded spots. Lach. 5. Squeezing. Indigestion; constant Squeez- ing pain in the Stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache ; weakness. Robina Clin. Squint. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft; bores the head into the pillow ; tends to squint; cries out in sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Stammering; speech difficult on account of trembling of mouth and tongue, Merc, S, 3. Stammering; speech difficult and unintelli- gible, Stram, 3. Stammering. Bel. Clin. Stammering and stuttering. Can. Ind. 2. Standing. Stitches in pit of stomach in morning on standing; in pit on deep breathing. Sul. 1. - Step. Colic, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra peri- neum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Step. Pain in pit of stomach, when mak- ing a false step on Stone pavement. Aloe 1. Sternum. Sensation in Stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind Sternum; constric- tive, Natr. M. 1. Sternum. Neuralgia of the stomach ; most severe pain even along Sternum, and extending into both arm, with cold clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Sternum. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium extending into sternum; hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Stick. Fullness in stomach after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Sticking (Stomach.) Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel. 1. Sticking in stomach and beneath pit, with tearing from both sides towards each Other. Zinc, 1. Sticking in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Sticking. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac Orifice and behind sternum ; constric- tive. Natr. M. 1. Sticking, Gastralgia; sharp cutting or Sticking; aggravation from motion or eating. Kali C. Clin. Sticking in stomach extending to chest. Lach. 1. Sticking. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- comes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Sticking. (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating and from warm and cold drinks; often ex- tending through upper jaw to ear with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach, 5. Sticking. Tickling sticking in right lower molar. Staph. 5. - Sticking in teeth extending into ear, waking him at night, Sul. 5. Sticking. Pain in a hollow tooth in even- ing which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. - Sticking in teeth on taking anything cold or warm into mouth. Nit. A c. 5. Sticking. Toothache of a sticking, tear- ing, character, extending into the head. Kali C. Clin. - Sticking in teeth and jaw, extending to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Sticking. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eating, extending into muscles of neck. Aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Sticking. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking gnaw- ing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; a.melioration from uncovering; a draught of cold open air, Pul, 5. Sticking. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and, ... as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swol- len, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Sticking in palate, extending to inner ear. Ign. 5. Sticking in back part of palate, with biting. Kali C. 5. Sticking in root of tongue when not swal- lowing. Nit. A c. 3. Sticking. Vomiting at night, with stick- ing, drawing, pain in back, extending towards scapulaº. Pul. 6. Stickiness, Dryness of mouth in morning; with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul. 5, Sticks. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morning on Waking, dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva Seems like Cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Sticks. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment by drinking, then worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Sticky. Saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky, Can. Ind., 5. Stiff. Tongue swollen and stiff; dryness On palate; white color and redness. Stram. 3. Stiffness. Dryness and stiffness of tongue and of hard palate. Natr. M. 3. Stimulants. Gastric derangements aggra- Vated by alcoholic stimulants; es- pecially flatulence with much rumb- ling in abdomen. Zinc. Clin. Stimulants. General desire for stimu- lants. Nux Wom. Clin. Stimulants. Dryness of mouth in morn- ing, without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening. Nux Vom. 5. Stimulants. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimu- lants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Stimulants. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent Spices and Sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China Clin. Stinging. Pain, stinging ulceration in stomach. Arg. N. 1. Stitches. (Teeth.) Teeth loose; stitches in an indefinite tooth, with drawing. Nux VOm. 5. Stitches in teeth on inspiration. Ant. C. 5. Stitches in molars on pressing them to- gether. Amm. C. 5. Stitches. Painful looseness of incisors; Stitches on biting on them, in upper back extending upward; in lower back extending downward. Caust. 5. Stitches. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Stitches. (Tongue.) Tongue yellow, dirty, white crust; painful swelling pos- teriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Stitches at tip of tongue, with soreness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. Stitches in pit of stomach in morning, on standing; in pit on deep breathing. Sul. 1. Stomach. (Acidity.) Acidity of stomach after dinner. Mag. M. 1. Stomach. Acidity of stomach when lying on back and when walking; with burning. Carbo V. 1. Stomach. Anxiety in pit of stomach, with heartburn. Lyc. 1. ( 122 ) STOMAC H. REPERTORY OF PART I. STO MAC H. Stomach. Burning acidity rising from stomach, with spasmodic constriction. Rali C. 1. Stomach, (Amariety.) Anxiety in pit of stomach at night, rising high up. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach (JBurning.) Burning in mouth along pharynx, and in pit of stomach. Ars, A, 5. Stomach. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner; with sali- vation, extending into throat; into mouth; Soreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Stomach. Burning in epigastrium, in stomach, with pain. Colch. 1. Stomach, Burning pain iſ stomach, in pit and in abdomen, aggravated by pres- sure. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach. Burning in mouth, extending to stomach in palate and fauces, with scraping. Mezer. 5. Stomach. Burning in pit of stomach. Mer. S. 1. Stomach. Dyspepsia, with severe burning distress in the stomach; vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clin. Stomach. Eructations, with burning in stomach. Colch. 7. Stomach. Thirst, with burning pain in throat and stomach. Canth. 1. Stomach. Burning in stomach, extending into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Stomach. Aching; burning in Stomach ; extending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Stomach. Burning in pit of stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite. Ant. C. 1. Stomach. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Stomach. Burning in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Stomach. Burning heat in stomach, ex- tending to back; with faint, empty feeling in stomach and bowels. Phos. Clin. Stomach. Burning fermentation in the stomach. Phos. Clin. Stomach. Burning in stomach towards evening; emptiness. Petr. 1. Stomach. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. Stomach. Burning in stomach, emptiness with faint, feverish feeling. Sang. 1. Stomach. Burning in stomach and be- tween the shoulder blades. Robina Clin. Stomach. Loss of digestive power; burn- ing in stomach in morning; heartburn all day. Sul. 1. Stomach. Burning in pit of stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pres- sure extending transversely at inter- vals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. Stomach. (Coldness.) Coldness in stom- ach. Colch. 1. Stomach. Coldness in stomach from every drink unless spirit is mixed with it. Sulf. A c. 1. Stomach. Persistent nausea and vomit- ing of pregnancy with deathly nausea, pale face, coldness of the stomach, gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Stomach. Dyspepsia; constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and sour things and stimulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China, Clin. Stomach, (Cramps.) Cramps and pains in stomach and in bowels, Cupr. 1, Stomach. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen or very violent cutting pain going thorough to back as if transfixed and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Stomach. Cramp in stomach; in pit; in epigastrium; also with tension. Ant. T, I. Stomach. Cramp-like pain in stomach after every meal; oppression when- ever she eats. Ferr. 1. Stomach. Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by eructations. Coloc. 1. Stomach. (Discomfort.) Digestion slow, Discomfort in stomach, after eating a little, Lyc, 1. Stomach, Eructations of wind after drink- ing water; frequently empty with dis- comfort in stomach. Bism. 7. Stomach. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Wom. 1. Stomach. (Distention.) Painful disten- tion of pit of stomach. Ver Alb. 1. Stomach. Tyspepsia, with painful pres- sure and distention in region of stom- ach, after eating and drinking a little. China, Clin. Stomach. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch; also in pit; constrict- ive; pinching. Nux Vom. 1. Stomach. Distention of stomach eating. Natr. M. 1. Stomach. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides; pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. Stomach. Tendency to flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Stomach. Distention of stomach and bowels, with feeling as if peristaltic motions were reversed, with spas- modic working in Oesophagus. Asaf. 1. Stomach. Distention of stomach, with sensitiveness to pressure. Bry. 1. Stomach. Distention of stomach after eating, with discomfort; sick feeling and ill humor. Borax 1. Stomach. Acid dyspepsia; the region of the stomach becomes distended and extremely sensitive to touch. Lyc. Clin. - Stomach, (Distress.) Stomach distressed by the simplest food, Carbo W. 1. Stomach. Heavy aching distress in stom- ach ; burning in stomach and region of gallbladder. Robina 1. Stomach. Distress in stomach from milk; it is vomited curdled. Sul. 1. after Stomach. Distress at the stomach, with retching and vomiting (especially of green substances). A con. Clin. Stomach. Dyspepsia; with indescribable distress in region of stomach ; only temporarily relieved by eating. Calc. P. Clin. Stomach. Distress in stomach in morn- ing, with burning; relieved by empty eructations; had to unfasten clothes. DiOSC. 1. Stomach. Spasmodic efforts to vomit, associated with great distress in the Stomach; aggravated from eating. Nux VOm. Clin. Stomach. Distress in stomach; worse in the afternoon; amelioration after Supper; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Stomach. Terrible distress in the stomach and abdomen; with burning accom- panied by vomiting. Secale Clin. Stomach. Indigestion, characterized by extreme distress in the stomachimme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times, with bitter eructations, or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth ; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux VOm. Clin. Stomach. (Emptiness.) Emptiness in stom- ach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like. Sep. 1, Stomach, Ravenous appetite with empti- ness in stomach; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Stomach. Vomiting of pregnancy, with a characteristic sensation of empti- ness in the stomach. Sep. Clin. Stomach. Emptiness in stomach, with nausea. China, 1. Stomach, (Fullness.) Appetite after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; great appetite; then disten- tion of abdomen. Lyc, 2. - Stomach. Full feeling in stomach after eating a little; heaviness. Sul. 1. Stomach. Fullness in stomach as if over- loaded. Rhus Tox. 1. Stomach. Thirst at noon, with full feel- ing in stomach. Sul. 3. Stomach. Fullness in stomach in evening; swollen feeling and sensitiveness. Natr. C. 1. Stomach. Fullness in pit of stomach. Arg. N. 1. Stomach. Fullness in stomach after eat- ing; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up. China 1. Stomach. Atonic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion; fullness in the stomach ; belching pain extend- ing all around the chest and up to the shoulders. *Nux Wom. Clin. Stomach, (Gnawing.) Gnawing in stomach, relieved after supper; with weakness, Sep. 1. Stomach. Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash. Lyc, 7. Stomach. Gnawing in stomach, as if from acids, rising into throat. Hep. 1. ( 123 ) STOMAC H. REPERTORY OF PART I. STOMAC H. Stomach. Painless gnawing in stomach, then gnawing in sides, extending across under ribs, deep in abdomen. Lach. 1. Stomach, (Griping.) Griping and pressure in stomach; then vomiting, Cupr. 1, Stomach. Spasmodic griping in stomach. Arn. M. 1. Stomach. Griping in pit of stomach as from flatulence. Carbo V. 1. Stomach. Griping in stomach, with burn- ing. Arg. N. 1. Stomach. Griping in pit of stomach and epigastrium. Pul. 1. - Stomach. (Heaviness.) Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and dis- tention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Stomach. Heaviness in stomach eating. Kali C. 1. Stomach. Heaviness in stomach, as from after a stone, in morning on waking. Pul. 1. - Stomach. (Inflammation.) Inflammation of the stomach, caused by the habitual use of powerful drugs or of alcohol; strong coffee. Nux Wom. Clin. Stomach. 1nflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Stomach. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irri- tability than of inflammation of the stomach ; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symptoms of pregnancy. Ign. Clin. Stomach. Inflammation of the stomach, OC- curring during the progress of chronic diseases, for instance: scirrhus. Bism. Clin. Stomach. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white-coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Stomach. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting after-taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. | Stomach. (Lump.) Feeling of a hard lump, which makes the stomach Sore. Bry. Clin. Stomach. Indigestion, with bloating, sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach; or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are generally pressure, belching of gas, bloating and soreness. Kali C. Clin. Stomach. Gastric disorders of Bismuth are usually burning; with a feeling of a load or hard lump in Stomach. Bism. Clin. Stomach. (Oppression.) Anxiety, Oppres- sion in stomach. Chel. 1. - Stomach. Eructations, with Oppression of stomach after eating or hiccough- like eructations. Cycl. 7. Stomach. Appetite great at noon; he ate with haste and though it oppressed the stomach he could have eaten more. Nux Mos. 2. Stomach. (Pain.) Pain in cardiac orifice of stomach, Can, Ind, 1. Stomach, Pain in pit of stomach in after- noon after eating a little; with heavi- ness in epigastric region caused by cough, Lyc, 1. - Stomach. Pain in stomach an hour after eating, Pul, 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach during menses, Sul, 1. Stomach, Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tight- mess of breath with distention of ab- domen. Nux Vom. 1. Stomach, Paim in pit of stomach, in epi- gastric region; burning. Merc, C. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach all fore- noon, relieved by eructations; with necessity to vomit. Graph. 1. Stomach, Pain all day in stomach, re- lieved by lying and warmth of bed, returning on rising. Graph, 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. Stomach, Flatulent dyspepsia, with belch- ing of large quantities of offensive gas, partially relieving the pain in stomach and abdomen. Diosc. Clin. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach; in- tolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hypochondria. CrOtal. H. 1. Stomach, Sharp pain in epigastrium, and in stomach at 7 a. m. Diosc. 1. Stomach. Pain beneath stomach after eat- ing. Cocc. 1. - Stomach. Violent pain in region of stom- ach; goes through to back and right shoulder blade or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Stomach. Acute pain in region of stom- ach and bladder, with such sensibility that pressure caused convulsions. Canth. 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach while eating. Bry. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach or an- terior part of liver. Camph. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach, with sensitiveness to touch. Carbo V. 1, Stomach. Periodical pain in pit of stom- ach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach at night on pressure; clothes press upon stomach. Amm. C. 1. Stomach, Pain in pit of stomach, when making a false step on stone pave- ment. Aloe 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach, arrest- ing breathing. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach. Pain in region of stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into small of back, where it be- comes Sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; better in the morning. Borax 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Se- cale 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Se- cale-1. Stomach. Pain in stomach after a light meal with fullness, eructations of food and colic; aggravated by sitting bent over and in region of duodenum, with difficult breathing. Ilyc. 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach, as if a sore spot were pressed ; below pit on pres- Sure and on inspiration. Sabad. 1. Stomach. Pain in the stomach; tightness in epigastrium; feeling as if a ball ascended to throat, where it caused Suffocation, preventing speaking and Swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach after break- fast and dinner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach with sensitiveness to touch. Natr. M. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach, in epi- gastric region; in pit in evening; worse by paroxysms. Mezer. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach on pres- Sure; after a meal and on touch ; sore internally. Sep. 1. Stomach. Pain in region of stomach at night ; amelioration from eructations. Sul. 1. Stomach. Pain in stomach; acute; in epigastrium, extending into sternum, hypochondria, and to ilia, as from ravenous hunger. Ver. Alb. 1. Stomach. Pain in pit of stomach after eating; with heaviness; burning. Sil. 1. Stomach. (Pinching.) Pinching in hypo- chondria and region of pit of stomach. Tpe. 1. Stomach. Pinching in pit of stomach, preventing sleep ; with constriction of stomach and sensitiveness of stom- ach, so that it could bear no covering. Coloc. 1. Stomach. Pinching in pit of stomach on deep breathing. Caust. 1. Stomach. Pinching and pressure in stom- ach, extending through small intes- times, as with a constriction; with many movements. Arn. M. 1. Stomach. Pinching or choking pain in pit of stomach, impeding respiration in afternoon. Pul. 1. Stomach. (Pressure.) Pressure in stomach, with intermittent, contractive pains, Cupr. 1. Stomach, Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach; with coldness, heaviness after eating; aggravated by pressure. Phos. 1. Stomach. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure; nausea, if hand lay on stom- ach. Nux Vom. 1. Stomach. Pressure in stomach, with weak- ness in knees. Lach. 1. Stomach. Extreme pressure and contrac- tion in the stomach, followed by vom- iting. Secale Clin. Stomach. Pressure in stomach after eating; in region of stomach with burning. Bism. 6. Stomach. Nausea worse after eating, with pressure in stomach. Bism. 6. Stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach as if a lump were in it after a moderate Supper, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. ( 124 ) STOMAC H. REPERTORY OF PART I. STOMAC H. Stomach. Hard pressure in stomach, ag- gravated after eating. Bel. 1. Stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach; re- lieved by lying down. Caust. 1. Stomach. Nausea at noon, when his ap- petite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner, with pressure in pit of stomach, then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. - Stomach. Sharp pressure in pit of stom- ach with every cough. Phos. 1. Stomach. (Pulsation.) Perceptible pulsa- tion in pit of stomach. Asaf. 1. Stomach. Anxious pulsation in pit of stomach, with shooting. A con. 1. Stomach. Pulsation in pit of stomach perceptible on laying hand on it. Pul. 1. - Stomach. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Stomach. (Sensitiveness.) Sensitiveness of stomach to touch. A con. 1. Stomach. Pain in epigastric region after eating; aggravated by hard food; with sensitiveness of stomach. Sulf. A c. 1. Stomach. Sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure; of epigastric region to touch. Lyc. 1. Stomach. Sensitiveness to touch in region of stomach. Bel. 1. Stomach. Sensitiveness in the stomach, with burning, extending to the small of the back, with excessive distention by gas. Carbo V. Clin. Stomach. (Sinking.) Sinking stomach, Tabac, 1. Stomach. Ravenous hunger, but the ap- petite sometimes vanishes, and there is absolute disgust for food; the attempt to eat brings on diarrhoea; sinking in stomach. Ferr. Clin. Stomach. Weakness and sinking in stom- ach. Natr. M. Clin. Stomach. (Soreness.) Gastro-duodenal ca- tarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; SOreness of the stomach and abdomen. Nux. Wom. Clin. Stomach. Sore pain in stomach after eating. Natr. M. 1. Stomach. Cardialgia and indigestion ; great Soreness of the pit of the stom- ach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Stomach. Soreness of stomach. Robina 1. Stomach. Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach. Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. Bry. 1. Stomach. Soreness and distention in the region of the stomach. Bel. Clin. at pit of Stomach. Soreness in pit of stomach || mornings, with pain, as from pressure on a sore place after eating a little. China 1. ºtomach. Sticking in stomach extending to chest. Lach. 1. Stomach. (Swelling.) Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with anxiety, Arg, N. 1. | Stomach. Stomach. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with soreness at the pit of the stomach and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. Stomach. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; soreness in pit of stomach ; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Stomach. Dyspepsia, distress appearing while the patient is eating; feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with Soreness of the stomach. Nux MOs. Clin. Stomach. (Sticking.) Sticking in pit of stomach, extending through body to back, Chel, 1. Sticking in pit of stomach. Sep. 1. Stomach. Sticking in stomach and be- neath pit, with tearing from both sides towards each other. Zinc, 1. Stomach. Swollen feeling in pit of stom- ach. Bry. 1. Stomach. Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Stomach. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest, as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Stomach. (Tension.) Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. Stomach. Tension, oppression and full- ness of stomach. Carbo V. 1. Stomach. Tension in stomach and hypo- chondria; beneath stomach as if everything were too tight; with sore- ness on chest, Lyc. 1. Stomach. Tension in region of stomach • e º in forenoon, relieved by moving about. Pul. I. Stomach and abdomen tense after a mod- erate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. Stomach. (Ulceration.) Pain, stinging ul- ceration in stomach. Arg. N. 1. Stomach. Dyspepsia, especially associ- ated with nausea and vomiting; of drunkards; with ulceration of the stomach; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. Stomach. Vomiting of blood, with ulcer- ation of stomach. Crotal. H. Clin. Stomach. Violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and various diseases of the stomach, cancerous, etc. Ars. A. Clin. | Stomach. Ulceration of stomach, severe cardialgia, as from a stone in stomach. Arg. N. Clin. Stomach. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in Stomach; temporarily relieved by eating; hence constant desire to eat. Mezer. Clin. Stomach. Womiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish; of brownish liquid streaked With blood. Plumb. 6. Stomach. Ulcers in the stomach supposed to be malignant and incurable have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burn- ing and distress as if the whole stom- ach were raw ; at times with vomiting Of blood. Mezer. Clin. Stomach. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Stomach (Vomiting.) Vomiting of all mourishment as soon as it touches the stomach. Ars, A. 6. Stomach. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach, temporarily relieved by cold drinks, but as soon as these get warm the vomiting is renewed. PhOS. Clin. Stomach. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of contents of stomach; then of bile, of thick, dark green bile mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. Pod. 6. Stomach. Most violent retching and vomiting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse and the vom- iting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Stomach. Vomiting; cannot keep any food in the stomach. Bel. Clin. Stomach. (Weight.) Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach; eructations of sour liquid. Robina Clin. Stomach. Weight in stomach, after eat- ing, as from a stone. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with upward pressure to throat-pit; every empty swallowing carried it downward, but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Stomach. (Miscellaneous.) Feeling of flab- biness in stomach, Ign, 1. Stomach, Constrictive pain in stomach. Graph. 1, - Stomach, Sensation, as if a stone lay in stomach after eating, making him fret- ful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. - Stomach, Sensation in stomach, as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit. Pul. 1. Stomach, Scraping in stomach like heart- burn, and in Oesophagus; gnawing like ravenous hunger. Pul. 1. Stomach, Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning; then cutting in abdo- men and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1, Stomach. Feeling as if stomach were full of water, Kali C. 1. Stomach, Peculiar weakness in pit of stom- ach and epigastric region. Ign, 1. Stomach. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces; in morning, with external sen- sitiveness of epigastric region, Kali C. 1. ( 125 ) STOMAC H. REPERTORY OF PART I. STOM A CH, Stomach. Contractive pain in stomach at night, extending into chest, with dis- tention of abdomen; paroxysmal, arrest- ing breath, obliging her to bend double ; worse when lying. Carbo V.1. Stomach, Violent hunger; hunger in stom- ach; with undisturbed appetite. Ver, Alb. 2. Stomach. Heartburn, as after overloading stomach with rancid fat. Nux Vom. 1. Stomach. Nausea on motion, with relaxed sensation in stomach; paroxysmal, as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat; amounting almost to faintness; amelioration in open air. Tabac. 6. Stomach. Chronic catarrh of the stom- ach. Ars. A. Clin. Stomach. Vomiting of pregnancy; chronic catarrh of the stomach. Sul. Clin. Stomach. Cutting in pit of stomach. Bry. 1. - Stomach. Clawing in stomach towards morning as from a purge, changing to burning in pit of stomach. Nux Wom. 1. - Stomach. Clawing in stomach in morn- ing on rising, as from long fasting ; better after eating. Pul. 1. Stomach. Intensely acid vomiting; this symptom has been relieved even when associated with cancer of the stom- ach. Robina Clin. Stomach. Anxious pain in pit of stom- ach at night, with palpitation. Sul. 1. Stomach. Dyspepsia aggravated by any mental effort; stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Nux Mos. Clin. Stomach. Warm streaming of blood from pit of stomach into head. Calc. C. 1. Stomach. Aching and throbbing in stom- ach ; amelioration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. - Stomach. Atony of the stomach and abdomen, feeling as if it hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. Stomach. Globus hysterious rising from the pit of the stomach. Zinc. Clin. Stomach. Nausea, with rising from stom- ach. Coloc. 6. Stomach. Violent vomiting of food; stom- ach unable to retain anything. Crotal. H. 6. Stomach. Sensation as if a worm were moving in stomach. Cocc. 1. Stomach. Gastric catarrh, with terrible gastralgia, the pain extending from the stomach, through the body to the spine. Bism. Clin. Stomach. Eructations as when undigested food remains in stomach. Caust. 7. Stomach. Overloaded feeling in stomach until three hours after eating; oppres- sion after eating. Amm. C. 1. Stomach. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if oesophagus were spasmodically closed; hence ineffectual effort to eructate, relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. Stomach. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch; after eating. Sul. 1. Stomach. Feeling as if stomach hung down; relaxed, and appetite lost. Ipe, 1. Stomach. Atomic dyspepsia; feeling as if the stomach were collapsed. Zinc. Clin. Stomach. Pinching pain; boring; gnaw- ing ; fullness; drawing; burning; crawling in stomach. Agar. 1. Stomach. Constrictive pain when the stomach is empty. Ars. A. Clin. Stomachs. Disordered stomachs of chil- dren, from sweets, with distention. Arg. N. Clin. Stomach. Indigestion; stomach disor- dered by meat. Kali B. 1. Stomach. Sensation in stomach as if dis- Ordered. Caust. 1. Stomach. Spasmodic contraction moving up and down in stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, as if pressed against spine. Arn. M. 1. Stomach. Contractive sensation beneath stomach. Carbo V. 1. Stomach. Drawing pain in pit of stom- ach in morning. Pul. 1. Stomach. Drawing pain in pit of stom- ach extending into chest. Phos. 1. Stomach. Drawing pain in pit of stomach in evening, when sitting, extending to lower border of left ribs. Ars. Alb. 1. Stomach. Cramping pain in pit of stom- ach, then eructations of wind, then hiccough and emission of flatus. DiOSC. 1. Stomach. Sensation of a hard-boiled egg in stomach. Abies N. 1. Stomach. Expanded feeling in stomach. Calc. P. 1. Stomach. Weakness and faintness in stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Sul. Clin. Stomach. Nausea associated with vertigo; aggravated by taking anything into the stomach, with faintness. Cocc. Clin. • Stomach. Acid fermentation in stomach; everything turns sour; sour risings. Calc. C. Clin. Stomach. Grinding, pinching, constrict- ive pain in stomach. Cocc. 1. Stomach. Gastralgia starting from the cardiac end of the stomach; pains ex- tending into left arm. Tabac. Clin. Stomach. Haemorrhage from the stom- ach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach and great prostration. China. Clin. Stomach. Haemorrhage from stomach, temporarily relieved by drinking cold water. Phos. Clin. Stomach. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 1. Stomach. Insipid and spoiled sensation in stomach, with good appetite. Graph, 1. Stomach. Severe gastralgia or cardialgia; aggravated by the least nourishment; the stomach seems very irritable and contracts painfully on its contents. Nux VOm. Clin. Stomach. Chronic irritability of the stom- ach; the food is not retained nor digested. Kreas. Clin. Stomach. Aphthous sore mouth, occur- ring in the last stages of wasting dis- eases; sometimes with watery diar- rhoea and irritable stomach. Mur. Ac. Clin. Stomach. Distress, as if something were knotted up in the stomach. Abies N. Clin. Stomach. Neuralgia of the stomach; most severe pain even along sternum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Stomach. Neuralgia of the stomach of the most violent character, with ex- treme tenderness. Bel. Clin. Stomach disordered by milk. China 1. Stomach. Inner portion of the stomach seems raw. Ars. A. Clin. Stomach and intestines hang down ; re- laxed. Ign. 1. Stomach. Nausea in morning; fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes so that he must sit down. Calc. C. 6. Stomach. Shooting cutting in pit of stomach, forcing him to bend back- ward, and hold his breath. Bel. 1. Stomach. Scirrhous indurations of pyloric orifice of the stomach, with vomiting of blood, burning and extreme flatu- lence. Tyc. Clin. Stomach. Dyspepsia from drinking milk which becomes sour in the stomach. Mag. C. Clin. Stomach. Sensation in stomach as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum; constrict- ive. Natr. M. 1. Stomach. Stitches in pit of stomach in º morning on Standing; in pit on deep breathing. Sul. 1. Stomach. Indigestion; constant squeezing pain in the stomach after eating, can Only eat. Once a day on account of the distress; backache; weakness. Robina Clin. Stomach. Gastric disorder, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Stomach. Pain in epigastrium, sharp; in stomach day and night. Robina 1. Stomach. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy, with tenderness over the stomach and profuse ropy saliva. Iris Clin. Stomach. Tearing pains in the stomach, extending into the Oesophagus. AEthu. 1. Stomach. Longing for acids, with flatu- lent dyspepsia, Soreness over the ab- domen and liver, blisters in the mouth and especially with a feeling || of something twisting about the stom- ach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. Stomach. Uneasiness starting from pit of stomach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali C. 1. Stomach. Uneasiness of stomach at 7 a. m. Sep. 1. Stomach weak and easily disordered; Scraping heartburn after fat food. Natr. C. 1. - ( 126) STOMATITIS. REPERTORY OF PART I. SUPPURATION. Stomatitis, Aphtha in mouth, bluish-red and spongy; the ulcer spreads without penetrating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc. Stomatitis. Aphthous stomatitis, with ptyalism, bad odor, etc. Merc. S. Clin. Stomatitis. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. Stomatitis of phthisis. Bapt. Clin. Stone. Sensation, as if a stone lay in stom- ach after eating, making him fretful, with pain in epigastric region on touch, Bry, 1. Stone, Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning after eating a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat as from a stone in epigastrium; aggravation from walking; amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom, 1. - Stone. Aching ; burning in stomach ; ex- tending to mouth, with dryness; as from a stone in pit. A con. 1. Stone. Weight in stomach, after eating, as from a stone. Ars. Alb. 1. Stone. Ulceration of stomach; severe car- dialgia, as from a stone in stomach. Arg. N. Clin. Stool, Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc, 7. Stool. Rumbling in abdomen all day; in afternoon; relieved by emission of fetid flatus, with griping and feeling as if a loose stool would pass at night; with gurgling. Sul. 7. Stool. Emission of flatus, after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive, Aloe 7. Stool. Ravenous hunger, but speedy satiety after stool; ravenous often making her sick. Petr. 2. Stool. Nausea every morning; in even- ing during stool; before meal time. Sul. 6. Stool. Discharge of flatus; offensive after dinner; relieved after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 7. Stool. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst. China 7. Stool. Griping in epigastric region, with movements, then soft stool. Coloc. 1. Stools. Appetite unnatural even when dying from exhausting stools. Secale 2. Stools. Vomiting, with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent stools, also with weakness; with an- guish ; then constant involuntary watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Stools. Sore mouth ; aphthae occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children; with marasmus; with salivation; sour vomiting; stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Stooping. Saliva runs from mouth in morning on Stooping; Spitting much saliva. Graph. 5. Straining. Vomiting during pregnancy, straining her so that blood comes up. Sep. 6. |Streak. Tongue coated sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry. Ars, A, 3, Streaked. Womiting incessant, green, bilious matter streaked with blood. Merc. C. 6. - Streaked. Womiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach ; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. Streaks. Teeth black; she must clean them twice a day and still there are black streaks across them. Staph. 5. Stringy. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, stringy mucus. Nit. Ac. Clin. Stripe. Tongue is usually red, dry and tremulous, or the tip is red and the centre brown; sometimes there is a red stripe through the centre. Lach. Clin. Stuttering. Stammering and stuttering. Can. Ind. 2. - Sublingual glands swollen. Canth. 5. Submaxillary. Salivation, with tension in Submaxillary region which was Sensitive to touch ; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Submaxillary. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air; in open air; with pain in submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Submaxillary. Teeth seemed too long, with toothache which seemed to origi- nate from the swelling of submax- illary gland. Camph. 5. Sucking. When sucking the gum, pure blood flows into mouth at the same hour several forenoons. Carbo V. 5. Sucking. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slighest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Sucking. Bleeding of gums after sucking. Carbo V. 5. Sudden “satiety at noon after a little roast lamb; with thirst; heaviness in stom- ach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Sudden ravenous hunger during the con- temptuous mood, with greedy, hasty eating. Plat, 2. Sudden. Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath, all day without vomiting; sudden on walking; with Salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Sudden. Vomiting of blood; sudden; violent; cold sweat. Secale Clin. Suffocate. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Suffocation. Pain in the stomach; tight- ness in epigastrium as if a ball ex- tended to throat where it caused suf- focation, preventing speaking and Swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Sugar. Irresistible desire for sugar. Arg. N. 2. - Sugar. Aversion to the sweetness of Sugar; to wine and brandy which they took to excite their appetites. Zinc. 2. Sulphuretted hydrogen, Emission of flatus, worse in the evening and night; offen- sive; Smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sul 7, Sunken. Vomiting and diarrhoea ten times, with pale, sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy acid liquid with food. Wer, Alb. 6. - Superficial ulcers in mouth, with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. Supper, Gnawing in stomach, relieved after supper; with weakness. Sep. 1, . Supper. Ravenous appetite before sup- per; with loss of appetite and trem- bling in limbs; then coldness over whole body; with heat in chest so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Supper. Heartburn in evening after sup- per; on waking in middle of night; after dinner. Kali B. 1. Supper. Nausea after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualmishness in epigastric region as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6, Supper. Appetite diminished, lost for breakfast and Supper; at these times Satiety as soon as he begins to eat. Cycl. 2. Supper. Pressure in pit of stomach as if a lump were in it after a moderate Supper, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. Supper. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate supper, with griping, and here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 7. Supper. Distress in stomach, worse in the afternoon, amelioration after sup- per; with sensitiveness to clothes. Sep. 1. Suppressed. Empty eructations, frequent, but suppressed. Amm, C. 7. Suppressed. Colic from suppressed per- spiration as from drinking ice water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with the colic. Coloc. Clin. Suppression. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and water- brash; during suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating so that food was repulsive. Pul. 6. Suppression. Gastralgia from suppression of menses. Cocc. Clin. - Suppurate. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throbbing as if beginning to suppu- rate. Sep. 5. Suppurating, Gums bleeding from slightest touch, spongy and soft; ulcerated, sup- purating. Merc. S. 5. Suppurating. Aching in teeth only at night and when it ceases in morning excitement and uneasiness prevent- ing sleep, with swelling of gum as if Suppurating. Lyc. 5. Suppuration. Inflammation of the sali- vary glands; very free secretion; with swelling of the glands; with soreness leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. (127) surf Ac E. REPERTORY OF PART I. SWO L LEN. Surface. Burning on anterior surface of tongue; on tip; scalded sensation. Coloc. 3. Swallow. Salivation and obliged to swallow constantly. Ipe, 5. Swallow. Sensation of glowing coals in mouth and fauces, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk which increased the pain; discharge of much saliva, with mucus. Caust. 5. Swallowed, Womiting of everything swal- lowed. Ipe, 6. Swallowing difficult. Stram. 5. Swallowing. Sour taste, worse in morn- ing after swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. Swallowing. Tongue swollen and showing imprint of teeth in scallops which looked ulcerated, and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swal- lowing difficult; with painful ulcer- ated margin. Merc. S. 3. Swallowing. Taste bitter, even to tobacco Smoke, to everything; amelioration after eating; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chew- ing. China 3. Swallowing. Pain beneath tongue when swallowing on left side, behind hyoid bone. Calc. C. 3. Swallowing. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with up- ward pressure to throat-pit ; every empty swallowing carried it down- ward but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Swallowing. Sticking in root of tongue when not swallowing. Nit. A c. 3. Swallowing. Pain in the stomach; tight- ness in epigastrium as if a ball ex- tended to throat where it caused suf- focation, preventing speaking and swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Swallowing. Pain at cardiac orifice, ag- gravated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomiting, first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Sweat, Womiting and diarrhoea ten times with pale sunken face covered with cold sweat; forcible; violent; of slimy acid liquid with food. Wer, Alb. 6, Sweat. Womiting of green mucus; with cold sweat, Wer, Alb, 6, Sweat. Thirst during sweat for cold drinks, Wer, Alb. 2. Sweat. Bitter taste to food, then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread with aversion to bread; to beer in morning; afterwards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Sweat. Nausea on motion with relaxed sensation in stomach; paroxysmal as in seasickness, with vertigo and cold sweat; amounting almost to faint- ness; amelioration in open air. Ta- bac. 6. Sweat. Neuralgia of the stomach; most severe pain even along Sternum and extending into both arms, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Sweat. Sweat. Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating, cold- ness and rumbling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China, 2. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with sh; vering; for small beer after morning sweat. Nux Wom. 2. Sweat. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning, then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Sweat. Vomiting of blood; sudden; vio- lent ; cold sweat. Secale Clin. Sweat. Most violent retching and vomit- ing of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are al- ways very profuse and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Sweat. Gastralgia with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Pul. Clin. Sweat. Vomiting, with cold sweat; great exhaustion. Camph. Clin. Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous. Graph, 2. Sweet, Salivation, sweet; tenacious ; dis- charge of watery saliva, also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Sweet, Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat, as of bad eggs, On moving tongue; metallic. MerC. S. 3. Sweet. Vomiting of sweet mucus; sour vomiting. Psor. 6. Sweetish, Taste sweetish; bitter; metallic. Plumb. 3. Sweetish. Taste offensive; sweetish in forenoon, causing nausea. Sul. 3. Sweetish. Nausea, with hot eructations and sweetish flat salivation. Kali B. 6. Sweetish. Vomiting of sweetish water in morning, fasting ; of food. Kreas. 6. Sweetish-sour. Taste nauseous; metallic; sweetish-sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. Sweetish. Taste sweetish, and in throat, putrid taste. Ars. A. 3. Sweetness. Aversion to the sweetness of Sugar; to wine and brandy, which they took to excite their appetites. Zino. 2. Sweets. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for Sweets; general relief after eating. Sabad. Clin. Sweets. Great craving for sweets; well marked gastritis, with enormous dis- tention, or free eructations of gas. Arg. N. Clin. - Sweets. Disordered stomachs of children, from sweets, with distention. Arg. N. Clin. - Sweets. Indigestion of children from Sweets, associated with very peevish disposition. Ant. C. Clin. Swollen. Swelling. (Glands.) Inflammation of the salivary glands; very free secretion; with swelling of the glands; with Soreness, leading to suppuration. Merc. S. Clin. Swelling. Gums purple, red and detached from teeth ; red and tender, with Swelling of glands beneath jaw; Spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Swelling, (Gums.) Aching in teeth at night; then general chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc, S. 5. Swelling. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums; worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Swelling. Abscess at the root of the tooth, with external swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Swelling. Inflammation of molar, with Swelling and Soreness of gum. Sil. 5. Swelling of gum, with gumboil on it; painful; inflamed. Sil. 5. Swelling of gums with sore pain; with dark redness and painful throbbing as if beginning to suppurate. Sep. 5. Swelling of gums, with such looseness of teeth that she could have taken them out. Nit. A c. 5. Swelling. Aching in teeth only at night, and when it ceases in morning excite- ment and uneasiness preventing sleep, with swelling of gum as if Suppurating. Lyc. 5. Swelling. Aching of teeth at night, dis- turbing sleep; with anxiety; with swelling of gums. Merc. C. 5. Swelling. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an oedematous swell- ing. Borax 5. Swelling. (Stomach.) Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with anxiety, Arg, N, 1, Swelling of epigastric region, Calc. C. 1, Swelling of epigastric region, with sensi- tiveness to pressure. Merc. C. 1. Swelling. (Tongue.) Deep redness of tongue; of papillae; with swelling. Bel. 3. Swelling of tongue with dryness and blackish along median line. Phos. 3. Swelling. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Swelling. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Swells. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. - Swollen. (Gums.) Gums red, bright red margin; red and swollen and livid and covered with thin white patches easily removed from a non-ulcerating Surface. Merc. S. 5. Toothache, with swollen bleed- ing gums; gums Sometimes dark purplish. Lach. Clin. ( 128 ) SWOL LEN. REPERTORY OF PART I. TAST E. Swollen. Gums swollen, separates from teeth; and sore bleeding pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5. Swollen, Gums bleed easily; swollen and Spongy; swollen and pale. Merc. C. 5. Swollen. Aching in teeth during menses, With throbbing in gums worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Swollen. Gums swollen and bleeding. Calc. C. 5. Swollen. Gums bleed easily and are Swollen. Caust. Clin. Swollen. Gums swollen, bleeding, painful on touch. Ars. A. 5. Swollen. Gums bleeding, swollen and Spongy. Lach. 5. - Swollen. (Stomach.) Feeling in stomach in evening; swollen feeling and sensi- tiveness. Natr. C. 1. Swollen feeling in epigastric region. Rali C. 1. Swollen. Flatulent dyspepsia with sour eructations; stomach swollen like a drum ; the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees. Carbo V. Clin. Swollen feeling in stomach when eating, with oppression of chest, as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Can. Ind. 1. Swollen feeling in pit of stomach. Bry. 1. Swollen. (Tongue.) Tongue swollen. Acon, 3 Swollen, Tongue black, with red edges; swollen, Merc, S, 3. Swollen, Tongue coated and showing im- press of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc, S, 3. Swollen, Tongue swollen and showing im- print of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated, and its movements difficult. and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult; with painful ulcerated margin. Merc, S. 3. Swollen. Tongue swollen, red and sore. Crotal. H. 3. Swollen. Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth; swollen, cracked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. Swollen. Tongue swollen and stiff; dry- ness on palate ; white color and red- ness. Stram. 3. Swollen. Tongue often feels swollen with the fever. A con. Clin. Swollen. Tongue scarlet; papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. - Swollen. Tongue swollen and covered with blisters on each side. Lach. 2. Swollen. Tongue is almost always swoll- en, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth sometimes watery as if Oedema- tous, sometimes covered with whitish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Swollen. Tongue swollen and inflamed so that it could not be protruded; and white. Merc. C. 3. Swollen. Atonic dyspepsia, with contin- ual throbbing, occipital headache and trembling; fluttering feeling below the epigastrium, towards the umbili- cus; tongue very red and small; feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Swollen. Tongue swollen and coated red at edges. Canth. 3. Swollen. (Miscellaneous.) Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5, Swollen. Sublingual glands swollen. Canth. 5. Swollen. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. Swollen. Mouth swollen; palate and pharynx ulcerated. Sulf. A c. 5. Swollen. Epidermal cutting of mouth and fauces; abraded in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces; the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose. Caust. 5. Swollen. Sensation, as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus, and were swollen. Pul. 5. Swollen. Dryness of mouth, thirst. with swollen, hot lips. A c. 5. - Talk. Dryness of tongue with inability to talk. Ver. Alb. 3. Talking. Tongue heavy when talking; speech difficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Vom. 3. Talking. Soreness in pit of stomach when talking, drawing breath, or moving about. Ars. Alb. 1. Tallow. Eructations tasting of food, then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night, of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Tar-like. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold ; countenance hippo- cratic; pulse feeble; the ejecta some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Taste. (Bitter.) Bitter, bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; better in morning on waking, Sul. 3, Taste. Bitter taste after eating and drink- ing, though food has a natural taste. Pul. 3, Taste bitter; bilious after eating and smok- ing. Pul. 3. Taste bitter. Acon, 3. Taste bitter; relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea. Bry, 3. Taste. Bitter taste to food; then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread ; to beer in morning ; after- wards a sour taste. Pul. 3. Taste. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. Taste bitter in morning to food; to beer. Natr. M. 3. Taste bitter in morning, and slimy to food, during the day salty, Merc, C, 3. without Nit. Taste bitter, even to tobacco smoke, to everything; amelioration after eating; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chewing. China 3. Taste bitter; relieved when eating and drinking. Chel. 3. Taste. Bitter taste in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 p. m.; in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite. Pul. 3. Taste putrid; slimy; bitter. Arn. M. 3. Taste bitter, waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. Rhus Tox. 3. Taste. Dyspepsia characterized by regur- gitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and above all constant aggravations from eating fat sub- Stances. Pul. Clin. Taste bitter when not eating. Psor. 2. Taste bitter to dinner; metallic in after- noon ; sour. Natr. C. 2. Taste. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; Soreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Taste bitter; sour after milk. Phos. 3. Taste bitter in morning; sour after eat- ing; to all food. Lyc. 3. Taste. Bitter taste in back of throat, with natural taste to food. Hep. 3. Taste bitter. Carbo V. 3. Taste bitter, with sour eructations. Graph. 3. Taste. Mouth clammy, with bitter taste. DiOSC. 5. - Taste. Bitter taste at root of tongue. COCG. 3. Taste flat, bitter. Bapt. 3. Taste. Bad taste; bad odor in the mouth, and accumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. Taste bitter; if she eats anything or Swal- lows saliva, everything tastes bitter; insipid; lost to food. Borax 3. Taste bitter before and after eating ; bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Taste. Difficult vomiting of the beverage, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which re- mained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Taste bitter in morning, with headache. Calc. P. 3. Taste bitter. Ars. A. 3. Taste, (Metallic.) Scraped sensation in pit of stomach in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea in morning, after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat; as from a stone in epigastrium; aggra- vation from walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. Taste. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite; metallic at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. Taste metallic; with dry, irritative hack- ing; bitter; nauseous. Aloe 3. Taste. Sourish and metallic taste to food. Amm. C. 5. Taste, nauseous; metallic; sweetish-sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. Taste metallic, coppery in morning on waking. Sul. 3. ( 129 ) TAST E. REPERTORY OF PART I. TEARINc. Taste. (Sour.) Sour taste, worse in morn- ing after swallowing food that had a natural taste. Nux Vom. 3. Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste, bitter then sour, with sour eructations. Ign. 3. Taste. Taste sour; saliva has a sour taste, bitter then sour, with sour eructa- tions. Ign. 3. Taste sour after eating. Sil. 3. Taste sour; bitter. Mag. C. 3. Taste. Sour taste. Nit. A c. 3. Taste sour, slimy. Petr. 2. Taste. Indigestion, characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations, or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth ; nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Vom. Clin. Taste. (Sweelish.) Taste sweetish; bitter; metallic. Plumb. 3. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallie. Merc. S. 3. Taste sweetish, and in throat; putrid taste. Ars. A. 3. Taste. (Miscellaneous.) Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash, Lyc, 7. Taste. Eructations, tasting of food; then nausea; of gas; bilious in evening; bitter at night, of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating buckwheat cakes; as of bad meat after dinner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7. Taste. Pasty taste in morning, Sul. 3. Taste. Offensive taste, after drinking beer, Bry, 3. - Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast, with sour eructations. Sul. 3, Taste, Saliva has a salt taste which is com- municated to all he takes ; salt taste to food. Cycl. 3. Taste, Slimy taste in morning, with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid, as of bad meat, with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue. Pul. 3. Taste, Bad taste in morning, though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom. 3. Taste. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 3. Taste. Increased taste of food. Camph. 3. Taste. Dyspepsia; constant Satiety, with coldness in Stomach, craving for pun- gent spices and sour things and stim- ulants, digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy; taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea. China Clin. Taste. Eructations after eating; frequent; without odor or taste. Hep. 7. Taste for milk spoiled in morning. Wom. 3. Taste. Nausea with good appetite and natural taste to food. Sil. 6. Taste. Anorexia, without bad taste or thirst; always feels full. Ferr. 2. Nux Taste. Nausea in morning, with slimy mouth, changing to an acid taste. Pul. 6. - Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from Oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Taste bad and mouth slimy. Kali C. 3. Taste chalky in morning fasting. Nux MOS. 3. Taste dry to all solid food, as if it con- tained neither juice nor strength. Ferr, 3. Taste. Different kinds of foul taste; un- pleasant in morning; mouth dry and slimy ; sour in morning on waking; bitter; bitterish-sour, Sep. 3. Taste flat to food and almost wanting. Cycl. 3. Taste fatty. Caust. 3. Taste lost for food; better when not eating. Bry. 3. Taste. Nauseous taste in morning; pasty in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner. Bry. 3. Taste. Salivation, with pasty taste. Cycl. 3. Taste offensive, sweetish ; in forenoon causing nausea. Sul. 3. Taste offensive, sour. Calc. C. 3. Taste. Slimy taste, which disgusts him with butter; sour; flat; qualmish. China 3. Taste of rotten eggs between meals. Arn. M. 3. Tasted. Taste bitter, even to tobacco Smoke, to everything; amelioration after eating ; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chew- ing. China 3. Tasted. Atomic dyspepsia; digestion very slow; the food is tasted or regurgi– tated a long time after eating. Pul. Clin. Tasting, Eructations tasting of food; then nausea; of gas; bilicus in evening; bitter at night; of a bitter fluid ; tast- ing of rancid tallow after eating buck- wheat cakes; as of bad meat after din- ner; the taste remains, with nausea, Pul. 7, Tasting. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs. Psor, 7. Tasting, Eructation of a fluid, tasting of the injecta. Ant. C. 7. Tasting. Eructations of food; tasting of the food. Phos. 7. Tasting. Vomiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus; towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of the skull; haematermesis. Nux VOm. 6. Tasting. Many eructations; tasting of food; ineffectual. Graph. 7. Tasting. Eructations, tasting like bad eggs; hot, sharp, and sour. Petr. 7. Tasting. Eructations, tasting of juniper berries. Chel. 7. Tasting. Eructations, Calc. C. 7. Tasting. Eructations empty; tasting of rotten eggs; tasting like apples. Agar, 7. tasting of food. Tasteless saliva, with tastelessness in mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. - Tasteless. Eructations of tasteless fluid in evening. Calc. C. 7. Tastelessness. Tasteless saliva, with taste- lessness in mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Tastes. Appetite increased for various things, but does not know exactly for What ; hunger, but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreea- ble in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appe- tite and natural taste to food re- turned. China 2. Irritable heart of tea and coffee- drinkers, and of tobacco-smokers. Agar. Clin. Dyspepsia of a flatulent character, resulting from tea. Diosc. Clin. Dyspepsia, resulting from the use of tea and tobacco. Abies N. Clin. Tea-drinking. Affections from excessive tea-drinking. Rumex Clin. Tearing. (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating and from warm and cold drinks; often ex- tending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach. 5. Tearing in teeth about 3 a.m.; as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; Worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; re- lieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Tearing in hollow molar; jerking drawing in roots of incisors; sharp jerking in two last molars. Zinc. 5. Tearing in teeth in evening, and in bones of face. Tabac. 5. - Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in open air. Staph. 5. Tearing in teeth after chewing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Tearing toothache extending to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux Wom. Clin. Tearing. Toothache of a sticking, tear. ing character extending into the head. Kali C. Clin. Tearing. Jerking tearing in left upper back teeth. China 5. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, ex- tending in Zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. Tearing in teeth; amelioration from ho applications. Rhus Tox. 5. - Tearing, Sticking in teeth on eating, ex- tending into muscles of neck; aggra- vation from warmth. Bry. 5. Tearing. (Miscellaneous.) Womiting vio- lent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour Smelling and sour tasting mucus; to- wards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux Wom. 6. Tearing. Sticking in stomach and be- neath pit, with tearing from sides towards each other. Zinc. 1. Tearing pains in the stomach, extending into the Oesophagus. AEthu. 1. Tearing around umbilicus, with flatu- lence. Natr. S. 7. Tea. Tea. Tea. ( 130 ) TEET H. REPERTORY OF PART I. Teeth. (Aching.) Aching in teeth as soon as anything warm is taken into the mouth, Pul. 5, Teeth. Aching in teeth at night, then gen- eral chilliness, with swelling of gums and salivary glands, Merc. S. 5, Teeth. Aching in teeth, Arn, M. 5, Teeth, Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Teeth. Aching of teeth only when eating; as if something got into a hollow tooth. Kali C. 5. Teeth. Aching of teeth from slightest draught of air ; in open air; with pain in submaxillary glands. Sul. 5. Teeth. Aching in teeth during menses, with throbbing in gums; worse in a hollow molar, which pains as if elon- gated and swollen; then swelling of - gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Teeth. Aching in teeth only at night and when it ceases in morning excite- ments and uneasiness, preventing sleep, with swelling of gum, as if sup- purating. Lyc. 5. - |Teeth. Aching of teeth on chewing and biting, as if they would be forced out. Pul. 5. |Teeth. Aching of teeth at night, disturb- - ing sleep; with anxiety, with swel- ling of gums. Merc. C. 5. |Teeth. Aching in all teeth after cold drinks or opening mouth; aggravated on biting teeth together. Hep. 5. Teeth. Aching in teeth; worse at night, with heat in face; drawing pain. Graph. 5. Teeth. Aching of teeth on taking any- thing warm into mouth. Bry. 5. Teeth. Aching in teeth, aggravated by chewing, eating sour things, and putting cold things into mouth, with grumbling and digging, especially in lower teeth. Arg. N. 5. Teeth. Aching of teeth from drawing air into mouth. Staph. 5. Teeth. (Black.) Teeth grow black and become brittle. Staph. Clin. Teeth black; she must clean them twice a day and still there are black streaks across them. Staph. 5. Teeth. teeth. Sul. 5. * , Teeth. Boring in teeth after dinner; as if something got into tooth. Kali C. 5. Teeth, (Decay.) Teeth decayed and became loose in succession, and fell out at the slightest shock, especially the molars were gone; those that remained were black, laid bare, loose and carious; crowns of all except incisors lost, Merc, S, 5, Teeth decay rapidly. Carbo V. Clin. Teeth. Decaying teeth, with burning, boring pains, involving the bones of the face and head; temporarily re- lieved by drawing in cold air. Mezer. Clin. Teeth. Valuable for decaying teeth in pregnancy. Staph. Clin. Teeth. Quick decay of teeth. Sep. 5. (Boring.) Boring and throbbing in Teeth. Rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; premature decay of children’s teeth, which be- come very dark and crumbly. Kreas. Clin. Teeth. (Gums.) Gums swollen, separates from teeth; and sore bleeding pain on eating; bread and food were bloody when chewed. Merc. S. 5, Teeth. Gums loosened from teeth and Sensitive. Carbo V. 5. Teeth. Inclination to gnash teeth as in a chill; aggravation from entrance of cold air. Calc, C. 5. Teeth. Gums stand off from teeth, and bleed easily. Ant. C. 5. Teeth. Gums loosened from teeth, spongy and partly destroyed; spongy and covered with a pultaceous exudation, and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Teeth. Gums purple, red, and detached from teeth; red and tender, with Swelling of glands beneath jaw; Spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Teeth. Gums unhealthy, bleeding, spongy, pale, receding from teeth, with offen- sive odor from the mouth. Merc. S. Clin. Teeth. Inflammation of the gums, with bleeding; separated from the teeth. |PhOS. 5. Teeth. Gums feel affected and are red and enlarged between teeth. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. (Tongue.) Tongue coated and show- ing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish, swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc, S, 3. Teeth. Tongue coated yellow, with red margin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy dryness. Chel. 3. Teeth, Tongue swollen and showing im- print of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult; with painful ul-l cerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Teeth. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Teeth. Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth, Sometimes watery as if Oedematous; Sometimes covered with whitish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Teeth, (Long Feeling.) Teeth feel too long and blunt on biting on them and from fresh air. Mezer. 5. Teeth seem too long, with toothache, which seemed to originate from the Swelling of submaxillary gland. Camph. 5. Teeth. Upper incisors seem too long and sensitive. Mag. M. 5. Teeth. Feeling as if teeth were too long when biting them together. Lach. 5. Teeth. Elongated feeling in teeth. Amm. C. 5. Teeth. Dental periostitis, with great sore- ness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offensive. Merc. S. Clin. TEET H. Teeth. Painful looseness and elongation of teeth. Caust. Clin. Teeth, (Loose.) Teeth loose and black; denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue, Merc, S, 5. Teeth loose; SOrdes. Merc. C. 5. Teeth. Gums pain as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth. Bry. 5. Teeth. Looseness of teeth and pain on chewing. China 5. Teeth. Gums become unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor from the mouth ; with these conditions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Nit. A c. Clin. Teeth. Looseness of teeth so that he fears they will fall out. Psor. 5. Teetlh. Looseness of teeth ; sensitiveness to Cold air. Natr. M. 5. Teeth. Tooseness of teeth; with pain in gums on pressure. Sil. 5. Teeth. Looseness of teeth, lower in- cisors; she cannot bite upon them. Rhus Tox. 5. Teeth loose; stitches in an indefinite tooth, with drawing. Nux Vom. 5. Teeth. Swelling of gums, with such looseness of teeth that she could have taken them out. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. (Pain.) Jerking pain in teeth ag- gravated at night, pulselike from lower into ear and from upper into head, with pain of gums from 9 p.m. on. Merc, S. 5. Teeth. Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking. Lach. 5, Teeth. Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morning better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Pul. 5, Teeth. Throbbing pain in teeth only when eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Teeth. Pain in teeth aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux VOm. 5. Teeth. Drawing pain in teeth as soon as Soon as he gets into bed in evening. Kali C. 5. Teeth. Numb pain in lower teeth in morning after rising. Plat. 5. Teeth. Beating pain in teeth if anything hot or cold is taken into the mouth, extending into cheek, which swells during menses. Sep. 5. Teeth. Pain in teeth when eating, in in- cisors and anterior molars, on draw- ing air into mouth ; aggravated by cold or damp air. Nux Mos. 5. Teeth. Pain in a hollow tooth in evening, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly Sticking and partly crawling. Rhus Tox. 5. (131) TEETH. REPERTORY OF PART I. TENSION. Teeth. Pain in hollow teeth, extending into head if air enters mouth. Nux VOm. 5. Teeth. Sore pain in teeth, aggravated by exerting the mind and reflecting. Nux Vom. 5. - Teeth. (Sticking.) Sticking in teeth, ex- tending into ear, waking him at night. Sul. 5. Teeth. Sticking in teeth and jaw, ex- tending to ear, preventing sleep at night and during the day; she had to tie a cloth over it. Sep. 5. Teeth. Sticking in teeth on taking any- thing cold or warm into mouth. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. Stitches in teeth on inspiration. Ant. C. 5. \ - Teeth. (Tearing.) Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. Teeth. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eating, extending into muscles of neck; aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Teeth. Jerking tearing in left upper back teeth. China 5. Teeth. Tearing first in roots of hollow teeth after chewing, then extending into crowns; aggravated in Open air. Staph. 5. Teeth. Tearing in teeth; amelioration from hot applications. Rhus Tox. 5. Teeth. Tearing in teeth in evening and in bones of face. Tabac. 5. Teeth. Tearing in teeth after chewing or cold drinks. Staph. 5. Teeth. (Miscellaneous.) Drawing in right upper teeth all night. Bel, 5. Teeth. Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. Teeth. Persistent haemorrhage after draw- ing teeth. Arm. M. Clin. Teeth concave; edges seem sharp and hurt the tongue. Aloe 5. - Teeth. Violent toothache from taking cold, even in sound teeth from cold air. Caust. Clin. Teeth. Neuralgic toothache; ameliora- tion from clinching teeth tightly yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Teeth. Feeling in teeth as if spongy; fear of biting them together lest they fall out; on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded from gums. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. Mucous membrane of cheek easily gets between teeth so that he bites it when chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. Bleeding of teeth when cleaned. Carbo V. 5. Teeth. Bleeding of gums on cleaning teeth and on pressure. Staph. 5. Teeth. Carious teeth which crumble. Staph. Clin. Teeth. Prickling, digging in lower back teeth, extending to ear. Caust. 5. Teeth. Difficult dentition, with grinding of teeth, rolling the head, disagree- able breath, diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Teeth. Digging in upper back teeth; aggravated for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. China 5. Teeth. Hollow teeth decay very rapidly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Teeth. Grinding of teeth in sleep. Ars. A. 5. Teeth. Hollow teeth sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres pain extending into root, and the gum be- comes sore. Staph. 5. Teeth. Toothache in hollow teeth, ex- tending into head, aggravated by cold water. Ant. C. Clin. Teeth. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. Teeth. Neuralgic toothache, pulsating, driving to madness; teeth feel heavy, as if filled with lead. Ver. Alb. Clin. Teeth. Jerking in teeth in evening in bed, now in upper, now in lower back. Bry. 5. Teeth. Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth; worse at night. Mezer. Clin. Teeth. Sordes in the teeth in typhoid conditions. Mur. A c. Clin. Teeth. Sensitiveness of teeth to open air. A con. 5. Teeth yellow. Lyc. 5. Teeth yellow, loose and painful on chew- ing. Nit. A c. 5. Teeth. Abscesses at roots of teeth. Clin. Teething, with hot, inflamed gums. Clin. Temple. Toothache shooting into the ear and temple; aggravated in open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Temple. Drawing toothache diffusing it- self over temple; drawing in incisors; in left lower molars, then involving upper molars; as Soon as it ceases there it begins in upper incisors. Kreas. Clin. Temples. Toothache beginning in even- ing in bed, and at night driving him out of bed, extending to temples. Mag. C. 5. Temporarily. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach, temporarily relieved by cold drinks; but as soon as these become warm the vomiting is re- newed. Phos. Clin. Tenacious. Tongue covered with a tenacious mucus as with a membrane. Pul, 3. Tenacious, Mouth full of white tenacious mucus which must be expectorated fre- quently, Tabac 5. Tenacious. Salivation, tenacious, difficult to expectorate. Merc. C. 5. Tenacious, Dryness of tongue in morning on waking and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3. Tenacious. Salivation, Sweet; tenacious; discharge of watery saliva also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Tenacious. Salivation, at times slimy and tenacious. Camph. 5. Sil. A con. Tenacious. Salivation, with tension in Submaxillary region, which was sensi- tive to touch ; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Tenacious. Vomiting constant of tena- cious, purulent and bloody mucus. Nit. A c. 6. - Tenacious. Sensation, as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus and were swollen. Pul. 5. Tendency to flatulent distention of abdo- men and stomach. Calc. 3. Clin. Ten p. m. Rumbling in abdomen- be, tween 6 and 10 p.m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 7. Tender. Pain in stomach; epigastrium tender; oppression and distress. Se- Cale 1. - Tender. Gums purple, red, and detached from teeth; red and tender, with Swelling of glands beneath jaw; Spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Tender. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Tender. Gums tender, and disposed to bleed. Arg. N. 5. - Tenderness. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with tenderness over the Stomach and profuse ropy saliva. Iris Clin. Tenderness. Ulcer in the stomach; burn- ing pain; amelioration from vomit- | ing; tenderness; flushes of heat ris- ing into the head. Sang. Clin. Tenderness. Neuralgia of the stomach of the most violent character, with ex- treme tenderness. Bel. Clin. Tense. Stomach and abdomen tense after a moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. Tension in abdomen and incarceration of flatus, Lyc, 7. Tension. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria; even in back and region of ribs and in chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations. Lyc. 7. Tension. Cramp in stomach; in pit; in epigastrium; also with tension. Ant. T. 1. Tension in region of stomach in forenoon, relieved by moving about. Pul. 1. Tension. Epigastric region sensitive in morning; worse towards evening; to pressure; with enlargement of liver; with tension. Phos. 1. Tension in stomach and hypochondria; beneath stomach, as if everything Were too tight; with Soreness on chest. Lyc. 1. - Tension across pit of stomach; he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Hep. 1. Tension. Distention of hypochondria; Worse in sides, pit of stomach and Small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 1. - Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 7. (132) TENSION. REPERTORY OF PART I. TH | RST. Tension, Oppression, and fulness of stom- ach. Carbo V. 1. Tension. Flatulence, with tension of ab- domen. Coloc. 7. Tension. Salivation, with tension in submaxillary region, which was sen- sitive to touch; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Terrible distress in the stomach and ab- domen, with burning accompanied by vomiting. Secale Clin. - Thick, Saliva white, thick frothy and and sticky. Can, Ind. 5, Thick, white, pasty coat of tongue. Ant. T. 3. Thick. Vomiting of great quantities of blood, at times even bright red; usually dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. Thickly-coated. Gastric catarrh, with nausea, thickly-coated tongue, etc. Chel. Clin. Things. Appetite increased for various things but does not know exactly what ; hunger but want of appetite; food tastes natural, yet is disagreeable in mouth; indifference to eating and drinking only while eating; appetite and natural taste to food returned. China, 2. Thinking. Aversion to animal food when thinking of it; to salt food. Graph. 2. Thinks. Emptiness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like, Sep, 1. } Thirst, (Beer.) Thirst at night; for beer during heat; for cold water, Acon, 1. Thirst during the heat; worse in the morning; especially for beer; for al- coholic drinks. Pul. 2. Thirst from dryness in mouth ; for water or beer. Rhus Tox. 2. Thirst, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; for beer during chill, with shivering; for small beer after morn- ing sweat. Nux Wom. 2. Thirst for beer. Petr. 2. Thirst for acids; longing for beer. Kali B. 2. Thirst. (Dyspepsia.) Chronic dyspepsia; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst ; bloated abdomen. Calc. C. Clin. Thirst. Gastric symptoms are generally characterized by absence of thirst and longing for sweets; general relief after eating. Sabad. Clin. Thirst. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Thirst. Dyspepsia, characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. Thirst. (Evening.) No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Cycl. 2. Thirst, (Great Thirst.) Constant thirst for cold water, the smallest quantity of which could not be retained. Ars, A. 2, Thirst in evening for something very cold. Natr. S. 2. Thirst in evening; Mag. C. 2. - Thirst in evening after fever, with hunger; then, after eating, coldness and rumb- ling in abdomen, after shivering through skin, after chill during sweat on back and forehead. China 2. Thirst in evening; at night with dryness of lips. Ant. C. 2. Thirst for cold drinks in evening without heat. Bism. 2. Thirst unquenchable. Natr. M. 2, Thirst. Nausea, with bilious taste; with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 3. Thirst unquenchable; with dryness of mouth and throat; with burning and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at Once, and the drink does not distress her ; with necessity to drink much cold Water; with internal, but not external heat. Bry. 2. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar, thick, white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Thirst for cold water; for large quantities of cold water. Merc. C. 2. Thirst. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot towards evening. water. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Thirst unquenchable. Phos. 2. Thirst unquenchable. Plumb. 2. Thirst unquenchable. Colch. 2. Thirst. Unquenchable thirst. Crotal. H. 2. Thirst. Vomiting of mucus only; of food, then general chill, then heat, with great thirst. Cina 6. 9. Thirst unquenchable for cold water. 2. Thirst. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things; chalk, coal, etc. Calc. C. Clin. Thirst. Continual nausea; with vomit- ing, or efforts to vomit; with perspir- ation on forehead; great prostration and trembling; usually without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst and disgust for food. Bel. Ant. T. Clin. Thirst great in afternoon. Natr. C. 2. Thirst, (Mouth.) Dryness of mouth in morning; with insipidity and stickiness of palate; with thirst, Sul. 5, Thirst. Dryness of mouth and of palate, with thirst for Water, Wer. Alb, 5. Thirst, Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but he drinks little at a time. Ars. A. 5, Thirst. Mouth and lips dry, without thirst. Can. Ind. 2. Thirst, Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morn- ing on Waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva Seems like Cotton. Nux MOS. 5. Thirst. Thirst. Dryness of mouth, at night with thirst; of lining of cheeks, lips, tongue which look burnt; roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. - Nausea, with burning in mouth, Spitting of Saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Kreas. 6. Thirst, Dryness of mouth without thirst. Lyc. 5. Thirst. Dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst. Nux Vom. 5. Thirst. Dryness of mouth in morning, without thirst, as after alcoholic stimulants the previous evening. evening. Nux Vom. 5. Thirst. Dryness of mouth, without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Nit. A c. 5. Thirst. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst. Nux MOS. 5. Thirst. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Sil. 5. Thirst. Dry mouth with thirst. Arn. M. 2. Thirst. Aphthous sore mouth ; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch ; mouth very tender in nursing children, hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. - Thirst, with dry lips and dry mouth. Lyc. 2. Thirst. Dryness of mouth with thirst. Rhus Tox. 5. Thirst, (Stomach.) Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lyc. 2. Thirst at noon, with full feeling in stom- ach. Sul. 3. Thirst with burning pain in throat and stomach. Canth. 1. Thirst. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from warm drinks which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Thirst. Pulsation in pit of stomach in morning then ebullition in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst but with sweat. Sep. 1. Thirst, (Tongue.) Dryness of tongue and mouth as if it would stick to palate, without thirst. Nux Mos, 3, Thirst. Tongue coated white in evening, without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. Thirst. Tongue dry without a yellowish coat without thirst. Cocc. 3. Thirst, with dry tongue and skin. Lach. 2. Thirst. Burning pain in tongue at night, With thirst. Sul. 3. Thirst. (Miscellaneous.) Dryness of throat, with thirst for cold water, Can, Ind, 2, Thirst, with chill. Ign, 2. Thirst, during sweat, for cold drinks. Wer. Alb, 2. - Thirst not relieved by drinking water. Stram. 2. : Thirst. Colic before stool; before passage of flatus, with thirst. China 7. Thirst day and night. Merc. S. 2. ( 133 ) TH 1 RST. REPERTORY OF PART I. TIP. Thirst. Anorexia, without bad taste or Throat. Nausea in throat. Mezer. 6. Throbbing, Boring and throbbing in teeth, thirst; always feels full. Ferr. 2. Throat. Vomiting, with burning nausea, Sul, 5. Thirst is a general accompaniment of Natrum Mur. symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heart- burn, especially waterbrash, Some- times vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Thirst for sour drinks. Stram. 2. Thirst, worse at night. Tabac. 2. Thirst. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with Soreness at the pit of the stomach and sometimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. * Thirst in afternoon, with heat in palms. Zinc. 2. Thirst. Appetite great for apples, with thirst for cool water. Ant. T. 2. Three. Overloaded feeling in stomach, until three hours after eating; op- pression after eating. Amm. C. 1. Three a. m. Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m. as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying on painless side; better by lying on pain- ful cheek; relieved momentarily by cold water, Bry, 5. ºr Throat. Dryness of throat, with thirst for cold water. Can, Ind, 2. Throat. Dry mouth without thirst in even- ing so that tongue sticks to palate also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking, dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva seems like Cotton. Nux MOS. 5. Throat. Bad taste in morning though food and drink have a natural taste; better after eating; low down in throat on hawking. Nux Vom, 3. Throat, Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted, hanging from the child’s mouth ; swollen, cracked and difficult to move. Bel. 3. Throat. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with saliva- tion, extending into throat; into mouth; Soreness on waking, Kali B. 1. Throat. Thirst unquenchable; with dry- ness of mouth and throat; with burn- ing and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Throat. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. MerC. S. 3. Throat. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ucleration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Throat. Longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, Soreness over the abdomen and liver, blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. |Throat. Ravenous appetite, with empti- ness in stomach ; with loss of appetite in palate and throat. Rhus Tox. 2. Throat. Gastric disorder; shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat; with flatulence. Rumex Clin. Throat. throat. Dryness of lips, mouth and Bry. Clin. rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Throat. Mouth and throat swollen and bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat, and stomach. Nit. A c. 5. - Throat. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Nux Vom. 1. Throat. Pain in teeth, aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth : with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar : then in other teeth towards the front; aggravated by eating; at noon and evening; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat; with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. NULX VOm. 5. Throat, Nausea, with general relaxation; with burning; scratching in throat. Arn. M. 6. Throat. Dryness of tongue and in mouth and throat and in morning, rough- ness. Sep. 3. Throat. Burning in stomach, extending into throat, after every meal. Calc. C. 1. Throat. Scraping in mouth and in throat. Bel. 5. Throat. Thirst, with burning pain in throat and stomach. Canth. 1. Throat. Gnawing in stomach, as if from acids, rising into throat. Hep. 1. Throat. Bitter taste in back of throat, with natural taste to food. Hep. 3. Throat. Pain in the stomach; tightness in epigastrium as if a ball extended to throat, where it caused suffocation, preventing speaking and Swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Throat. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. Throat. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; Soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Throat. Taste sweetish, and in throat putrid taste. Ars. A. 3. Throat. Taste and coolness in mouth and throat as from peppermint; biting taste in throat as from peppermint; as from heat rising from Oesophagus into mouth. Ver. Alb. 3. Throat. Burning corrosive pain in stom- ach when walking, extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Throat. Sour eructations after a meal, with burning in throat. Sil. 7. Throat. Burning in mouth and in throat. Tabac. 5. Throat-pit. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with up- ward pressure to throat-pit; every empty swallowing carried it down- ward, but it immediately returned. Rumex 1. Throbbing. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small; feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Throbbing pain in teeth, only when eat- ing ; in root of last hollow molar in evening. Kali C. 5. Throbbing in epigastric region, sensitive- ness to touch. Kali C. 1. Throbbing pain in third upper molar which is beginning to decay. Kreas. 5. Throbbing. Aching in teeth during menses with throbbing in gums; worse in a hollow molar which pains as if elon- gated and swollen ; then swelling of gums and cheeks. Sep. 5. Throbbing. Swelling of gums with sore pain ; with dark redness and painful throbbing as if beginning to suppur- ate. Sep. 5. - Throbbing. Aching and throbbing in stomach; amelioration from eructa- tions; with pain from the jar of walk- ing. Sep. 1. Through. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen or very violent cutting pain going through to back, as if transfixed and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clin. Through. Violent pain in region of stom- ach, goes through to back and right shoulder blade or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. Throwing. Retching and throwing up phlegm. Afthu. 6. Tickling sticking in right lower molars. Staph. 5. Tight. Distention and hardness of abdomen, with intolerance of tight clothing, Calc, C, 7. Tight. Distention of abdomen as from in- carceration of flatus; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 1. Tight. Tension in stomach and hypo- chondria; beneath stomach, as if everything were too tight; with sore- ness on chest. Lyc. 1. Tight. Stomach and abdomen tense after a moderate meal; clothes seem too tight. Nit. A c. 1. - Tightness. Pain in epigastric region as from overloading the stomach after eat- ing; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath with distention of abdomen. Nux Wom. 1. Tightness. Pain in stomach; tightness in epigastrium, feeling as if a ball ascended to throat, where it caused Suffocation, preventing Speaking and swallowing; with anxiety. Plumb. 1. Time. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar, thick, white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. Tingling. Thirst unquenchable; with dry- ness of mouth and throat; with burn- ing and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Tip. (Burning.) Burning on tip of tongue. Sabad. 3. ( 134 ) TIP. REPERTORY OF PART I. TONCUE. Tip of tongue sore, with burning, little blisters. Calc. P. 3. Tip. Stitches at tip of tongue, with sore- ness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. Tip. Burning pain in tip of tongue, as from Soreness; aggravation from tak- ing anything warm into mouth. Calc. Tip. Heat, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Tip. Burning on anterior surface of tongue; on tip; Scalded sensation. Coloc. 3. Tip. Burning on tip of tongue as if raw or covered with blisters. Kali C. 3. Tip. Burning pain on tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Tip. Tongue furred, burning on tip as if COvered with blisters. Natr. S. 3. Tip. Burning about tip of tongue as if full of Cracks. Natr. C. 3. Tip. Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and scalded. Sabad. 5. (Sore.) Wesicles on tip of tongue. - Lyc, 3. Tip. Burning blisters on lower side of tongue and tip, Graph, 3. Tip. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Tip. Pimples on tip of tongue. Natr. C. 3. Tip, Tip. Painful pimple on tip of tongue; soreness. Kali C. 3. Tip. Painful vesicles on tip of tongue. Caust. 3. Tip. Aphtha on tip of tongue. Bry. 3. Tip. Burning vesicles on tip of tongue. Acon. 3. (Miscellaneous.) Tongue coated, sometimes with red edges with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry, Ars. A. 3. Tip. Red tip of tongue with pain; and prominent papillae. Arg. N. 3. Tip. Tongue dry, provoking drinking; dry sensation at tip. Rhus Tox. 5. | Tip. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip extending into trachea, where it caused crawling, so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Tip. Tongue coated white; yellowish- * white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Tip. Biting in top of tongue. Pul. 3. Tobacco. Aversion to food; to the usual food, drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten; worse if she does not lie down ; to the odor of food. . Nux VOm. 2. Tobacco. Neuralgic toothache, aggra- vated by cold air resulting from the use of tobacco. Sep. Clin. Tobacco. Aversion to coffee and tobacco. Lyc. 2. Tobacco. Smoking tobacco is not relished; aversion to food, to sour things, to meat. Sul. 2. Tobacco. Dyspepsia, resulting from the use of tea and tobacco. Abies N. Clin. Tobacco. Dyspepsia from chewing to- bacco, without vomiting or diarrhoea. Wer. Alb. Clin. Tip. Tobacco-smoke. Taste bitter, even to to- bacco-Smoke, to everything; ameli- Oration after eating; to bread on Swallowing, although it tasted good while chewing. China 3. Tobacco-smokers. Irritable heart of tea. and coffee drinkers, and of tobacco Smokers. Agar. Clin. Tobacco-smoking. Aversion to tobacco- Smoking, Ign, 2. Tobacco-smoking. Hiccough from to- bacco-smoking. Ign. 7. Tongue, (Biting.) Biting of tongue when chewing, Nit. Ac. 3. Tongue. Biting in tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Tongue. (Black.) Tongue black with red edges; swollen, Merc, S. 3, - Tongue dry and black in late stage of typhoid fever. Carbo V. Clin. Tongue, (Blisters.) Burning blisters on lower side of tongue and tip, Graph, 3. Tongue, Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides, Nit, AC, 3. Tongue, Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on eating. Natr. M. 3. Tongue. Tip of tongue sore, with burn- ing, little blisters. Calc. P. 3. - Tongue. Mucous membrane of tongue red and covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Tongue. Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue. Ars. A. 5. Tongue. Burning vesicles on tip of tongue. A con. 3. Tongue. Painful blister along tongue. Canth. 3. Tongue. Part of tongue and back of mouth excoriated; part covered with blisters. Canth. 3. Tongue. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were eroded; with pain on every motion of tongue and on touch of anything Salt or sour. Borax 3. Tongue. Blisters on tongue, coated yel- lowish-white at root. Rhus Tox. 3. Tongue. Painful blister on side of tip of tongue. Pul. 3. Tongue. Blisters on tongue. Zinc. 3. Tongue. (Burning.) Thirst unquenchable; with dryness of mouth and throat; with burning and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. - Tongue. Burning on anterior surface of tongue; on tip; scalded sensation. Coloc. 3. Tongue. Burning on tip of tongue as if raw or covered with blisters. Kali C. 3. Tongue. Burnt feeling on tongue; crawl- ing sensation. Plat. 3. Tongue. Burning pain. On tip of tongue, with blisters; with sensitiveness so that she could hardly eat; relieved by taking anything cold; burning as from highly seasoned food. Natr. S. 3. Centre of Tongue furred; burning on tip as if cov- ered with blisters. Natr. S. 2. Tongue. Burning on tongue and on fore part of mouth, with salivation. Mezer. 3. Tongue. Sensation in middle of tongue as if it had been burnt and were insen- sible at night and in morning. Pul. 3. Tongue. Burning about tip of tongue as if full of cracks. Natr. C. 3. Tongue. Burnt feeling on tongue. Sang. 2. Tongue. Burning on tip of tongue. Sabad. 3. Tongue. Burning pain in tongue at night, With thirst. Sul. 3. Tongue. (Cold.) Coldness of tongue. Wer, Alb, 3, Tongue cold, speech hoarse. Camph. 3. Tongue cold, mouth cold, breath cold. Camph. Clin. Tongue, (Drymess.) Dryness of tongue and mouth as if it would stick to palate; without thirst, Nux Mos, 3, Tongue. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment by drinking, then worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Tongue. Dryness of mouth, at night, with thirst ; of lining of checks, lips, tongue, which look burnt; roof of mouth and pharynx. Bel. 5. Tongue. Dry tongue and dry throat, inter- fering with speech, and retracted; hanging from the child’s mouth ; feeble, broken, swollen, cracked, and difficult to move. Bel. 3. Tongue. Dryness of tongue in morning On Waking and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus. Pul. 3. Tongue, Dry mouth, without thirst, in evening, so that tongue sticks to palate; also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry, and the saliva seems like cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Tongue dry, provoking drinking; sensation at tip. Rhus Tox. 3. dry Tongue. Heat, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Tongue. Dry mouth and tongue; dry and burning. Merc. C. 5. Tongue. Thirst, with dry tongue and skin. Lach. 2. Tongue. Dry tongue in middle ; brown ; white; red; black. Phos. 3. Tongue. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux MOS. Clin. Tongue and mouth dry and pasty. Nux MOs. 3. Tongue. J)ryness and stiffness of tongue and of hard palate. Natr. M. 3. Tongue. Dryness of tongue, and in mouth and throat, and in morning rough- ness. Sep. 3. Tongue. Dryness of tongue in morning On Waking and in palate. Sul. 3. Tongue. Taste bitter before and after eating, bitter on palate, with dryness of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Tongue is dry, red and cracked in fever. Rhus Tox. Clin. Tongue. Dryness of tongue with inability to talk. Ver. Alb. 3. Tongue. (Red.) Deep redness of tongue; of papillae; with swelling. Bel. 3. Tongue coated; sometimes with red edges, with a streak in middle and redness of tip; brown and dry. Ars, A, 3. Tongue smooth, red and cracked; red and dry. Kali B. 2. ( 135 ) TONCUE. REPERTORY OF PART I. TONCUE. Tongue, Red tip of tongue with pain, and prominent papillae. Arg. N. 3. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; dry. Plumb. 3. Tongue is usually red, dry, and tremu- lous, or the tip is red and the centre brown; sometimes there is a red stripe through the centre. Lach. Clim. Tongue. Atonic dyspepsia, with contin- ual throbbing, occipital headache and trembling; fluttering feeling below the epigastrum, towards the umbili- cus; tongue very red and Small. Crotal. H. Clin. Tongue. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Tongue swollen and coated; red at edges. Canth. 3. Tongue red and dry in the middle, or red in streaks, with great prostration. Ant. T. Clin. Tongue scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. Tongue bluish, red and dry; also white. Ars. A. 3. Tongue. (Swollen.) Tongue swollen. Acon, 3. Tongue swollen, red and sore. Crotal. H. 3. Tongue swollen and showing imprint of teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated, and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers make swallowing difficult; with painful, ulcerated margin. Merc. S. 3. - Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery, as if Oedematous; sometimes covered with whitish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Tongue swollen and inflamed, so that it could not be protruded; and white. Merc. C. 3. Tongue often feels swollen with the fever. A con. Clin. Tongue swollen and stiff; dryness on palate; white color and redness, Stram. 3. -. |Tongue swollen and covered with blisters on each side. Lach. 2. Tongue. Swelling of tongue with dryness and blackish along median line. PhOS. 3. Tongue. (Miscellaneous.) Mouth and tongue feel scalded. Iris 5. . Tongue. Soreness of tongue with redness o apex. Rhus Tox. 3, - Tongue. Mouth and tip of tongue feel sore and scalded. Sabad. 5. Tongue feels sore, as if full of blisters. Sabad. 3. Tongue sensitive even to soft food which causes biting. Nit. A c. 3. Tongue. Stitches at tip of tongue, with soreness; burning and dryness. Agar. 3. - Tongue. Sticking in root of tongue when not swallowing. Nit. A c. 3. Tongue. (Ulcers.) Whitish painful ulcer on under side of tongue. Graph. 3. Tongue. Painful ulcer on tongue. Kali B. 3. Tongue. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth ; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, always with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Tongue. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough stringy mucus. Nit. AC. Clin. Tongue. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink caused biting. Natr. M., 5. - - Tongue, (White.) Slimy taste in morning, with nausea, foul; clammy; insipid ; as of bad meat; with nausea, disgusting in morning, with white tongue, Pul. 3. Tongue coated white, Bry, 3. Tongue coated white. Ant, C, 5. Tongue coated white; yellowish-white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with Sore throat, dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; painful. Psor. 3. Tongue white; blisters with pain, as if burnt. Sep. 3. Tongue coated mostly whitish-yellow ; worse in the middle and posteriorly. Sabad. 3. Tongue white, coated white in morning. with much viscid mucus in mouth. POd. 3. Tongue. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white-coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. Tongue white; painful blisters. Nux Wom. 3. Tongue. Mouth, fauces and tongue cov- ered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Nit. A c. 5. Tongue white. Petr. 3. Tongue coated white. Tongue. Lyc. 3. - Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. Tongue coated white and dry at edges. Coco. 3. Tongue coated white in evening, without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. Tongue. Cholera infantum, with tongue thickly coated white; vomiting, etc. Bism. Clin. Tongue. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting after taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Tongue coated white. Agar. 3. Tongue. Thick, white, pasty coat of tongue. Ant. T. 3. Tongue. Loathing of food; nausea; and even vomiting with white coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. Tongue coated white. Carbo V. 3. Tongue coated white. Calc. C. 3. Tongue heavily coated white in gastric derangements. Bry. Clin. Tongue thickly coated white. Clin. Tongue coated white. Tongue clean; white. Secale 3. Tongue. (Yellow.) Tongue coated yellow, with red margin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. Ant. C. Arn. M. 3. Tongue. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white-coated tongue, nausea and vomiting ; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vom- ited. Bry. Clin. Tongue chalky white; red in middle; yel- low. Phos. 3. Tongue coated yellow. Rumex 3. Tongue coated yellow as a rule, though sometimes white in the morning. Nit. A c. Clin. Tongue yellow, whitish-yellow. Kali B. 3. Tongue dry witn a yellowish coat, with- out thirst. Cocc. 3. Tongue. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Tongue. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tongue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with reddish papillae here and there; then a yellowish- brown coat in centre, the edges being red and Shining; dry on waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Tongue. Yellowish-brown mucous coat of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. Tongue. (Miscellaneous.) Stammering; speech difficult on account of trembling of mouth and tongue. Merc, S. 3, Tongue, Vesicles on tip of tongue. Lyc, 3. Tongue covered with a tenacious mucus as with a membrane, Pul. 3, Tongue, Teeth loose and black, denuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head, and painful on touch of tongue, Merc. S. 5. Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white with whitish swollen gums that bleed on touch, Merc, S. 3. - Tongue. Dryness of mouth after mid- night, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst ; with much saliva in fauces. Nux Wom. 5, Tongue. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; Sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux Wom. 7. Tongue. Taste sweet to bread; salty on lips; Slimy; putrid in throat as of bad eggs on moving tongue; metallic. Merc. S. 3. Tongue. Metallic taste, with loss of appe- tite; metallic at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. - Tongue, Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; On tip extending into trachea where it caused crawling so that he must cough. Sil. 3. . Tongue. Hard elevation on right an- terior border of tongue and on mov- ing tongue shooting on it; smarting on right side. Sul. 3. Tongue. Bitter taste at root of tongue. Cocc. 3. ( 136 ) TO N C U E. REPERTORY OF PART I. TOUCH. Tongue heavy when talking; speech dif- ficult and lisping; unable to articulate any sound. Nux Vom. 3. Tongue. Gums, mouth, tongue and palate slimy, with raw and sore feeling as from something acrid. Nux Wom. 5. Tongue. Hollow teeth decay very rapidly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Tongue. Papillae very long on dorsum, of tongue, with a brown patch. Kali B. 3. Tongue. Teeth concave; edges sharp, and hurt the tongue. Aloe 5. Tongue. Neuralgic, splinter-like pains in tongue, with salivation. Agar. Clin, See IOl Tongue. Motion of tongue painful. Ant, T. 3. Tongue. Aching in a hollow tooth, ag- gravated at night, and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pain as if the nerve were scratched. Ant. C. 5. Tongue. Sensitiveness of tongue, with rawness. Carbo V. 3. Tongue. Pain beneath tongue when swallowing on left side, behind hyoid bone. Calc. C. 3. Tongue. Taste, nauseous; metallic; sweetish-sour on back of tongue; bitter. Bism. 3. Tongue. Disorders of digestion, with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Pul. Clin. Tongue. Interstitial inflammation of the substance of the tongue. Merc. S. Clin. Tongue. Speech difficult; slow; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue, as if there were resistance to Overcome. Secale 3. Tongue. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx; mapped tongue. Natr. M. Clin. Tongue. Aphthae on tip of tongue. Bry. 3. Tongue. Camker sores on the tongue and aphtha in the mouth. Lach. Clin. Tongue. Crawling in tongue, with pain. Secale 3. Tongue. Gastric catarrh, with nausea, thickly-coated tongue, etc. Chel. Clin. Tongue. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly coated. Kali B. Clin. Tongue. Epithelioma of the tongue; the edges of a bluish-red color. Mur. A.C. Clin. Tongue dark and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Mur. A c. 3. Tongue. Dirty grayish-green coat at root of tongue. Natr. S. Clin. Tongue. Gray patches on edges of tongue, and a dirty yellow coat on upper surface. Merc. S. 3. Tongue. Pimples on tip of tongue. Natr. C. 3. Tongue. Laxity of mouth, with heavi- ness of tongue. Lyc. 5. Tongue. White, aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue. Hep. 5. Tongue. Paralysis of the tongue; it can not be protruded; it catches in the teeth. Lach. Clin. - Tongue. Tongue. Painful pimple on tip of tongue; Soreness. Kali C. 3. Tongue. Paralysis of the tongue, with indistinct speech. Plumb. Clin. Trembling of tongue; partial paralysis; it cannot be put out. Plumb. 3. Tongue. Vesicles on tongue and mouth. Natr. M. Clin. Tongue. Painful vesicles on tip of tongue. Caust. 3. Tonsils. Deep crimson color in mouth from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, with enlarge- Iment of tonsils. Bel. 5. Tooth. Aching of teeth only when eating; as if something got into a hollow tooth. Kali C. 5. Tooth. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a Sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Tooth. Pain in a hollow tooth in evening, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth; pain partly Sticking and partly crawling. Rhus TOx. 5. Tooth. Boring in teeth after dinner; as if something got into tooth. Kali C. 5. Tooth. Aching in a hollow tooth, aggra- vated at night, and on touching the tooth with the tongue; pain as if the nerve were scratched. Ant. C. 5. Tooth. Inflammation at root of a tooth, with pain which is aggravated at night from cold. Rhus Tox. Clin. Tooth. Abscess at the root of the tooth, with external swelling; dental fistula. Petr. Clin. Tooth. Teeth loose; stitches in an in- definite tooth with drawing. Nux Wom. 5. Tooth. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a dental fistula; painful soreness on chewing. Petr. 5. Tooth. Painful gumboil on outer side of gums, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of cheek and whole left side of face as far as below eye, where there was an oedematous swelling. |Borax 5. Tooth. Persistenthaemorrhage after draw- ing a tooth. Phos. Clin. Toothache. (Neuralgic.) Neuralgic tooth- ache. A con. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache, pulsat- ing, driving to madness; teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead, Ver. Alb. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache, aggra- wated by cold air resulting from the use of tobacco. Sep. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache. Sabad. Clin. - Toothache. Neuralgic toothache ceasing entirely in the open air; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out ; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache, aggra- wated by the warmth of the bed; amelioration from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache; ameli- oration from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Toothache. Neuralgic toothache, aggra- vated in open air. Agar Clin. Toothache. (Pregnancy.) Toothache in pregnant women. Nux Mos. Clin. Toothache in pregnancy temporarily re- lieved by holding cold water in the mouth ; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Toothache in pregnant women, excited by cold or a draught of air. Calc. C. Clin. Toothache after menstruating. Calc. C. 5 Toothache. Menstrual toothache. Staph. Clin. Toothache, (Miscellaneous.) Toothache, when cold air or drinks enter the mouth, Calc, C, 5, Toothache in evening as soon as she gets into bed. Amm. C. 5. Toothache. Violent toothache from tak- ing cold, even in sound teeth from cold air. Caust. Clin. Toothache shooting into the ear and tem- ple; aggravated in open air or by cold. Staph. Clin. Toothache after filling. Arn. M. Clin. Toothache. Hard pressure frequently relieves the toothache which may be aggravated by light pressure. Staph. Clin. - Toothache. Tearing toothache extending to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux VOm. Clin. Toothache, with swollen, bleeding gums; gums sometimes dark purplish. Lach. Clin. Toothache of a sticking, tearing character extending into the head. Kali C. Clin. * Toothache beginning in evening in bed, and at night driving him out of bed; extending to temples, Mag. C. 5. Toothache. Drawing toothache diffusing itself over temple; drawing in inci- sors; in left lower molars, then in- volving upper molars; as soon as it ceases there it begins in upper in- cisors. Kreas. 5. Toothache. Teeth seemed too long, with toothache which seemed to originate from the swelling of submaxillary gland. Camph. 5, Toothache relieved by holding cold water in the mouth. Natr. S. Clin. Toothache aggravated from cold; amelio- ration from warmth. Rhus Tox. Clin. Toothache, extending into head, aggra- vated by cold water. Ant. C. Clin. Touch, (Gums.) Sore pain in gums on touch and on chewing. Merc. S. 5. Touch. Gums bleeding from slightest touch; spongy and soft; ulcerated; suppurat- ing, Merc, S, 5. Touch. (Mouth.) Superficial ulcers in mouth, with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. ( 137 ) TOUCH. REPERTORY OF PART I. $f U L C E RATE D. Touch, Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish, swollen gums, that bleed on touch. Merc. S. 3, Touch. Gums swollen, bleeding, painful on touch. Ars. A. 5. Touch. Bleeding of gums on slightest touch. Zinc. 5. Touch, Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch; painful pimples on sides. Nit. Ac, 3, Touch. Aphthous sore mouth, the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. Touch, (Stomach.) Sensation, as if a stone lay in stomach after eating, making him fretful with pain in epigastric region on touch. Bry, 1. Touch. Pain in epigastric region on touch. Calc. C. 1. Touch. Sensitivenesss to touch in region of stomach. Bel. 1. Touch. Pain in pit of stomach, with sen- sitiveness to touch. Carbo V. 1. Touch. Gastric derangemements, with great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. - Touch. Throbbing in epigastric region, with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 1. Touch. Acid dyspepsia; the region of the stomach becomes distended and extremely sensitive to touch. Lye. Clin. - Touch. Cardialgia and indigestion, great soreness of the pit of the stomach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. Lach. Clin. Touch. Sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure; of epigastric region to touch. Lyc. 1. Touch. Pain in epigastrium in morning on touch ; at noon; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening; and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Touch. Sensitiveness of stomach to touch. A con. 1. Touch. Distention of stomach, with pain on touch ; also in pit; constrictive; pinching. Nux Vom. 1. Touch. Pain in pit of stomach, with sen- sitiveness to touch. Natr. M. 1. Touch. Pain in stomach after breakfast end dinner; painfulness to touch. Natr. C. 1. Touch. Pain beneath stomach when lying; in epigastric region on touch; after eating. Sul. 1. Touch. Pain in pit of stomach on pres- sure after a meal and on touch; SOre internally. Sep. 1. - Touch. (Teeth.) Teeth loose and black, de- nuded of gums, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head and painful on touch of tongue. Merc. S. 5. Touch. Looseness and prominence of one tooth in morning, with pain in gum on touch. Ars. A. 5. Touch. Hollow teeth decay very rapidly; aching in hollow in evening on touch of tongue. Mezer. 5. Touch. Most violent retching and vom- iting of food or of whatever is taken into the stomach; the ejecta are always very profuse, and the vomit- | ing is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Touch. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth; when eating, as if too long; drawing; relieved by warm drinks. Lyc. 5. Touch. Hollow teeth, sensitive to touch, and if food remains in centres, pain extending into root, and the gum becomes sore. Staph. 5. Touch. Salivation, with tension in sub- maxillary region, which was sensi- tive to touch; saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Lyc. 5. Touched. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly, like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat, and simulate diphtheria. Nit. AC. Clin. Touches, Vomiting of all nourishment as soon as it touches the stomach, Ars, A. 6. Touching. Neuralgic toothache; ameli- oration from clinching teeth tightly, yet aggravated by slightly touching teeth in anaemic persons. China 5. Tough. Bad taste, bad odors in the mouth, and accumulation of tough mucus. Chel. Clin. Tough. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, Stringy mucus. Nit. A.C. Clin. Tough. Adhesion of tough mucus to pos- terior wall of soft palate, necessi- tating hawking. Psor. 5. Trachea. Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue; on tip extending into trachea, where it caused crawling, so that he must cough. Sil. 3. Transfixed. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen or very violent cutting pain, going through to back, as if transfixed, and preventing the slightest motion. Cupr. Clim. Transversely. Pressure in pit of stomach, as if a lump were in it, after a mod- erate Supper, transversely across. Calc. C. 1. Transversely. Burning in pit of stomach on pressure, with pain; burning pres- sure, extending transversely at inter- vals; aggravated by pressure. Mezer. 1 Trembling. Stammering; speech difficult on account of trembling of mouth and tongue. Merc, S, 3, Trembling. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with weakness and trembling during the day. Graph. 6. Trembling. Continual nausea; with vom- iting, or efforts to vomit; with perspi- ration on forehead, great prostration, and trembling; usually without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. º: Trembling of tongue; partial paralysis; it cannot be put out. Plumb. 3. Trembling. Ravenous appetite before Supper; with loss of appetite and . trembling in limbs; then coldness Over whole body; with heat in chest, so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Sil. 2. Trembling. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing; occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium towards the umbilicus; tongue very red and small, feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Trembling. Vomiting, with headache and trembling of hands; with fre- quent stools, also with weakness; With anguish; then constant invol- untary watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Tremor. Periodical pain in pit of stomach at night, with tremor. Bel. 1. Tremulous. Nausea in forenoon with Weakness, anxiety and tremulous sen- sation through whole body. Plat. 6. Turned. Sensation as if something in epigastric region turned over. Nux Wom. 1. Twisted. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult to pass, Ver, Alb, 7. Twisting. Longing for acids, with flatu- lent dyspepsia, Soreness over the abdomen and liver, blisters in the mouth and especially with a feeling of Something twisting about the stomach and rising into the throat. Sep. Clin. - Typhoid. Sordes in the teeth in typhoid conditions. Mur. A c. Clin. Typhoid. Tongue dry and black in late stage of typhoid fever. Carbo V. Clin. Ulcer, Aphtha in mouth, bluish-red and Spongy; the ulcer spreads without pen- etrating into flesh; stomatitis, Merc, S. 5, Ulcer. Whitish painful ulcer on under side of tongue. Graph. 3. Ulcer. Painful ulcer on tongue; Kali B. 3. Ulcer. Gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach; tem- porarily relieved by eating; hence constant desire to eat. Mezer. Clin. Ulcer in the stomach; burning pain; amelioration from vomiting; tender- ness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Ulcerated, Gums bleeding from slightest touch; spongy and soft; ulcerated; sup- purating, Merc, S, 5. Ulcerated, Tongue swollen and showing imprint of teeth in scallops which looked | ulcerated and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; Oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult; with painful ulcerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Ulcerated. Gums loosened from teeth; spongy and partly destroyed; spongy and covered with a pultaceous exu- dation and ulcerated. Merc. S. 5. Ulcerated. Mouth Swollen, palate and pharynx ulcerated. Sulf. A c. 5. ( 138 ) ulcer ATED. Ulcerated. Gums purple, red and de- tached from teeth; red and tender, with swelling of glands beneath jaw; spongy and ulcerated. Merc. C. 5. Ulcerated. Gums and mouth are sore, ulcerated; breath fetid; salivation; ulcerations, with red areola. Bapt. Clin. Ulcerated. Gums sore; ulcerated; bleed- ing. Sep. 5. Ulceration. Tongue coated white; yel- lowish-white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip as if burnt; pain- ful. PSOr. 3. - Ulceration of stomach; severe cardialgia, as from a stone in stomach. Arg. N. Clin. Ulceration. Pain; stinging ulceration in stomach. Arg. N. 1. Ulceration. Dyspepsia, especially associ- ated with nausea and vomiting; of drunkards; with ulceration of the stomach; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. Ulceration. Vomiting of blood, with ulcer- ation of stomach. Crotal. H. Clin. Ulceration of mouth and gums, with fetid Odor. Nux VOm. Clin. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, stringy mucus. Nit. A c. Clin. Ulceration. Violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and various diseases of the stomach, cancerous, etc. Ars. A. Clin. Ulceration of the mouth, with great dry- ness and burning heat. Ars. A. Clin. Ulceration of right gum. Psor. 5. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mer- curial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp splinter-like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. Ulceration. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth; sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue al- ways with easy bleeding; tendency to slough. Mur. A c. Clin. Ulcers. Tongue swollen and showing im- print of teeth in scallops which looked ulcerated and its movement difficult and painful; covered with foul ulcers; oozing of blood; the ulcers made swallowing difficult; with painful ulcerated margin. Merc. S. 3. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish- gray membrane; red, swollen, pain- ful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. | Ulcers. Gastric ulcers. Phos. Clin. Ulcers in the stomach supposed to be malignant and incurable have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burning and distress as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Ulcers. Blisters and soreness in mouth, ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food, and drink caused biting. Natr. M. 5. " Ulcers and pustules on the gums and mouth. Merc. S. Clin. REPERTORY OF PART I. Ulcers. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch ; month very tender in nursing children; hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clin. - Ulcers. Superficial ulcers in mouth; with burning pain on touch. Natr. C. 3. Ulcers on the gums, with sensitiveness, so that he could not eat. Phos. 5. Ulcers. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp, splinter- like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Nit. A c. Clin. Umbilicus. Atonic dyspepsia, with con- tinual throbbing, occipital headache, and trembling; fluttering feeling be- low the epigastrium, towards the um- bilicus; tongue very red and small; feels swollen. Crotal. H. Clin. Umbilicus. Gastralgia relieved by eating, but the colic lower down in the abdo- men comes on immediately after eat- ing; worse below umbilicus. Graph. Clin. Umbilicus. ' Tearing around umbilicus, with flatulence. Natr. S. 7. Undigested. Eructations as when un- digested food remains in stomach. Caust. 7. Undigested. Indigestion especially children from taking milk, which passes undigested. Mag. M. Clin. Uneasiness, starting from pit of stomach, then eructations of food and acids. Kali C. 1. Uneasiness of stomach at 7 a. m. Sep. 1. Uncovering. Sticking gnawing in gums, worse towards evening and by warmth of bed; amelioration from uncovering, a draft of cold open air. Pul. 5. Uneasiness. Nausea after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualm- ishness in epigastric region, as after eating too much fat; in throat and palate on eating a little. Cycl. 6. Unintelligible. Stammering; speech difficult and unintelligible, Stram, 3, Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things; refuses ordi- nary food. Cina Clin. Unquenchable. Thirst unquenchable, Natr. MI. 2, Unquenchable. Thirst unquenchable; with dryness of mouth and throat; with burning and tingling of tongue. Secale 2. Unquenchable. Thirst unquenchable. PhOS. 2. Unquenchable thirst. Crotal. H. 2. Unquenchable. Thirst unquenchable. Plumb. 2. Unquenchable. Thirst unquenchable. Colch. 2. Unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive flatus, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 7. Unusual hunger at 4 p. m. Calc. P. 2. Upper, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, | sticking, Lach. 5, in VERT I C, O. Upper. Pain in teeth, aggravated by drawing in air with open mouth ; with stitches in one row of teeth, now in an upper, now in a lower molar, then in other teeth towards the front, ag- gravated by eating, at noon and even- ing; with red, hot spots on cheek and throat, with complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency. Nux Wom. 5. Upper. Painful looseness of incisors; Stitches on biting on them, in upper back, extending upward; in lower back, extending downward. Caust. 5. Upper. Jerking in teeth in evening in bed; now in upper, now in lower back. Bry. 5. Upper. Jerking, tearing in left upper back teeth. China 5. Upper. Drawing toothache, diffusing itself over temple; drawing in in- cisors; in left lower molars; then in- Volving upper molars; as soon as it ceases there it begins in upper in- cisors. Kreas. Clin, Upper. Throbbing pain in third upper molar, which is beginning to decay. Kreas. 5. Upper incisors seem too long and sensi- tive. Mag. M. 5. Upward. Offensive gases passed upward and downward. Arn. M. Clin. Urethra. Colic, as if flatulence, with cut- ing, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, per- ineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux Wom, 7. Urging to vomit; nothing but saliva re- sults. Kreas. 6. Uterine. Numerous gastric complications of uterine complaint. Pod. Clin. Uvula. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and as far as could be seen covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swol- len, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Uvula. Aphtha of mouth and cheek, with burning; relaxed uvula. Natr. M. Clin. Uvula. Tongue scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red. Caust. 3. Valuable remedy for the desire of alco- holic drinks. Sulf. A c. Clin. Valuable for decaying teeth in pregnancy. Staph. Clin. Variety. Indigestion, with aversion to the ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles. Ign. Clin. Wertigo, Nausea, on motion, with relaxed sensation in Stomach; paroxysmal as in seasickness with vertigo and cold Sweat; amounting almost to faintness; amelioration in Open air. Tabac. 6. Vertigo. Dyspepsia characterized by re- gurgitation of food, more or less nausea and Vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravation from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. ( 139 ) REPERTORY OF PART I. WOM IT IN. C. V ERT | CO. Vertigo. Nausea incessant so that it takes vomiting; sudden on walking ; with salivation; sudden heat of face and . vertigo. Petr. 6. Vertigo. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting; soreness of the stom- ach and abdomen. Nux Vom. Clin. Vertigo. Frequent colic, only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas; at- tacks come at night, associated with feeling of emptiness; nausea, vertigo. COCC. Clin. Vertigo. Nausea associated with vertigo; aggravated by taking anything into the stonach, with faintness. Cocc. Clin. Vesicles on tip of tongue. away the breath; all day without. Lyc. 3. Vesicles. Burning vesicles on tip of tongue. A con. 3. Vesicles. Painful vesicles on tip of tongue. Caust. 3. Vesicles on tongue and mouth. Natr. M. Clin. Winegar. Desire for vinegar, Hep, 2, Vinegar. Craving hunger; desire for vin- egar. Sep. 2. Winegary, Taste vinegary all day after drinking milk; sour in morning till after breakfast, with sour eructations, Sul. 3, Violent. (Eructations.) Eructations vio- lent, empty. Coloc. 7. Violent eructations mostly of air ; empty eructations. Ver. Alb. 7. Violent. Eructations after eating; in- complete, violent. Natr. M. 7. Violent. (Stomach.) Violent hunger; hun- ger in stomach, with undisturbed appe- tite. Ver. Alb. 2. Violent pain in region of stomach; goes through to back and right shoulder blade, or over towards the liver. Chel. Clin. - Violent gastralgia, with distention of abdomen; belching of wind and re- gurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and various diseases of the stomach; cancerous, etc. Ars. A. Clin. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retch- ing and vomiting of food and bile from the repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Violent. (Vomiting.) Vomiting of blood; sudden violent; cold sweat. Secale Clin. Violent vomiting of food; stomach unable to retain anything. Crotal. H. 6. Violent vomiting, unless he bent himself and lay still. Colch. 7. Violent sudden vomiting of water, with copious, greenish, diarrhoea and colic. Cupr. 6. Violent. Most violent retching of food or of whatever is taken into the stom- ach ; the ejecta are always very pro- fuse and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burning in the stomach, and great sensitiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Violent vomiting. Petr. 6. Violent stomatitis, with large aphthous patches, with burning pain. Merc. C. Clin. - Violent toothache from taking cold, even in sound teeth from cold air. Caust. Clin. Wiscid. Tongue white; coated white in morning, with much viscid mucus in mouth. Pod. 3. - Vision. Nausea, with heartburn; with grumbling and gurgling in hypochon- dria; with chilliness; with obscura- tion of vision and pallor. Pul. 6. Womit. Sensation in stomach, as if one had eaten too much; food rises into mouth as if one would vomit, Pul, 1, Vomit. Black vomit in yellow fever and Sometimes in the vomiting of preg- nancy. Lach. Clin. Vomit. Urging to vomit; nothing but Saliva results. Kreas. 6. Vomit. Nausea on sitting up, with efforts to vomit. Robina 6. Vomit. Pain in pit of stomach all fore- noon, relieved by eructations; with necessity to vomit. Graph. 1. Vomit. Spasmodic efforts to vomit asso- ciated with great distress in the stom- ach; aggravated from eating. Nux Wom. Clin. Vomit. Indigestion characterized by ex- treme distress in the stomach imme- diately after eating; feeling as if the stomach knotted up at times; with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth; nearly al- ways associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Nux Wom. Clin. Vomit. Persistent efforts to vomit food. Nux Vom. Clin. Vomit. Hot eructations; violent efforts to vomit. Pod. Clin. Vomit. Nausea after each meal, worse during and after dinner, with trouble- some efforts to vomit. Arg. N. 6. Vomit. Craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, especi- ally if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion and becomes nauseated and may even vomit. Coleh. Clin. Vomited. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggra- vation from warm drinks which are vomited. Bry. Clin. - Vomited. Distress in stomach from milk; it is vomited curdled. Sul. 1. Vomiting. (Bilious.) Bilious vomiting. Natr. S. Clin. - Vomiting. Bilious vomiting; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vomiting. Crotal. H. Clin. Vomiting of bile in morning, after long, violent retching. Hep. 6. Vomiting. (Black.) Black vomit in yel- low fever, and sometimes in the vom- iting of pregnancy. Lach. Clin. Vomiting. Periodic vomiting of brown or black liquid, with violent cramps. Plumb. Clin. Vomiting substances which tinge the clothes black. Arg. N. 6. Womiting. (Blood.) Vomiting of food; of blood mixed with dark acid matter; with bile and mucus; black acid liquid, like coffee-grounds; offensive. PhOS. 6. Vomiting is generally free, consisting largely of mucus, sometimes of blood. Ipe. Clin. Vomiting of blood, with ulceration of Stomach. Crotal. H. Clin. Vomiting of blood; sudden; violent; cold sweat. Secale Clin. Vomiting constant of tenacious, purulent and bloody mucus. Nit. A c. 6. Vomiting. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Vomiting of great quantities of blood, at times even bright red; usually dark and thick. Ver. Alb. Clin. Vomiting. Scirrhous indurations of py- loric orifice of the stomach, with vom- iting of blood, burning and extreme flatulence. Lyc. Clin. Vomiting. Obstinate vomiting of blood; extremities cold; countenance hippo- cratic ; pulse feeble; the ejecta some- times black, tar-like. Ipe. Clin. Womiting, (Diarrhoea.) Vomiting and di- arrhoea ten times, with pale sunken face, covered with cold sweat; forcible, vio- lent; of slimy acid liquid with food. Wer, Alb, 6. Womiting. Retching; vomiting; with diar- rhoea and colic. Arg. N. 6. Vomiting, with watery diarrhoea. Colch. 7. Vomiting. Colic of the most violent char- acter, aggravated by hard pressure ; Sometimes with nausea and vomiting; Sometimes with diarrhoea; sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas ; pains often extend into chest and pelvis. Coloc. Clin. - Vomiting. Nausea at . noon, when his appetite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner; with pressure in pit of stomach; then aching in forehead. Ant. T. 6. - Vomiting. Pain in epigastrium in morn- ing on touch; at noon ; a few hours after eating; with nausea and dullness of head in evening; towards evening and in abdomen, with painful vomit- ing and diarrhoea. Phos. 1. Womiting, (Drinking.) Vomiting every time after drinking, Ars, A, 6. Vomiting after eating and drinking. |Bel. 6. Vomiting, with burning nausea rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. Vomiting. Frequent vomiting after drink- ing. Cupr.6. Vomiting of the contents of the stomach, temporarily relieved by cold drinks; but as soon as these become warm the vomiting is renewed. Phos. Clin. Vomiting. Dyspepsia, especially associated with nausea, and vomiting; of drunk- ards; with ulceration of the stomach; with Soreness of a small spot in the stomach. Kali B. Clin. ( 140 ) VORſ. IT INC. REPERTORY OF PART I. vomit Inc. Vomiting. (Dyspepsia.) Dyspepsia from chewing tobacco without vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Vomiting. Gastric derangements with nausea, not relieved by vomiting. Sang. Clin. Vomiting. Chronic dyspepsia; solid food - causes excruciating pain and some- times vomiting. Lyc. Clin. Vomiting. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency; oppression after eating; nausea and vomiting of mucus. Kali B. Clin. Vomiting. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomiting, coming on an hour or so after eating. Kali B. Clin. Vomiting. Dyspepsia, with severe burn- ing distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, headache, etc. Iris Clin. Vomiting. Atomic dyspepsia with amen- orrhoea; the nausea and vomiting generally relieved by eating and ly- ing down. Sep. Clin. Vomiting. Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen; sour or putrid eructations; sometimes nausea and vomiting. Sep. Clin. - o Vomiting. Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stim- ulants; vomiting of drunkards. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Vomiting. Dyspepsia characterized by regurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness and above all constant aggravations from eating fat substances. Pul. Clin. - Womiting. (Food.) Vomiting of all nourish- ment as soon as it touches the stomach. Ars, A, 6. Womiting of everything swallowed. Ipe, 6. Womiting constant of food; of everything taken into the stomach; fecal; with colic and constipation; blackish; of brownish liquid streaked with blood. Plumb. 6. •, Womiting of food that had been eaten long before; of food in evening; then bitter taste and teeth on edge. Pul. 6. Vomiting. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes; in evening, weakness even to faintness, with melancholy; easily startled, then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. - Womiting incessant of solid food, but not of drinks. Bry. 6. Womiting of food after midnight, then aver- sion to food and dread of Open air. Ferr. 6. Vomiting. Attacks of nausea and vomit- ing, either of water or food. Kreas. Clin. - Vomiting of food several hours after a meal. Kreas. Clin. Vomiting. Thirst is a general accompani- ment of Natrum Mur. Symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash, sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Vomiting of food and bile; even to vomit- ing after a meal, with salivation; during menstruation. Lyc. 6. Vomiting. Periodic attacks of vomiting of food. Plumb. Clin. Vomiting violent of all food, drink and medicine; of blood; of coffee- or Chocolate-colored matter. Secale 6. Vomiting. Gastritis, with violent vomit- ing, even of food. Bel. Clin. Vomiting of food in evening; of food eaten at noon. Sul. 6. Vomiting; cannot keep any food in the stomach. Bel. Clin. Vomiting of food, thin mucus and green bile. Ars. A. 6. Vomiting. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. Vomiting. Gastric derangements, with great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food. Bry. Clin. Vomiting of mucus only; of food, then general chill, then heat with great thirst. Cina 6. - Vomiting. Violent vomiting of food; stomach unable to retain anything. Crotal. H. 6. Vomiting. Violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile from repression of gout. Colch. Clin. Vomiting of food immediately after eat- ing. Ferr. 6. Vomiting. Most violent retching of food or of whatever is taken into the stom- ach; the ejecta are always very pro- fuse and the vomiting is attended with cold sweat, great prostration, burn- ing in the stomach and great sensi- tiveness to touch. Ver. Alb. Clin. Vomiting of all food. Graph. 6. Womiting, (Green.) Womiting of green mucus, with cold sweat. Wer, Alb, 6. Womiting incessant, green bilious matter streaked with blood. Merc. C. 6. Vomiting. Pain at cardiac orifice, aggra- wated by swallowing bread, which seems to remain there, gradually ex- tending over abdomen, with vomiting first of green then of blackish sub- stance. Phos. 1. Vomiting. Distress at the stomach, with retching and vomiting (especially of green substances). A con. Clin. Vomiting of beer; of green, bitter mucus. Mezer. 6. º - Vomiting; after each drink; bilious, dark grumousliquid; greenish-gray, watery, green masses, mucus. A con. 6. Vomiting. Difficult vomiting of the bev- erage and of yellow-green mucus and water with bitter taste in mouth which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of con- tents of stomach; then of bile; of thick dark green bile mixed with dark coagulated blood about every hour. POd. 6. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy, with tenderness over the stom- ach and profuse ropy saliva. Iris Clin. Vomiting. (Pregnancy.) Persistent nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; with deadly nausea; pale face, coldness of the stomach gall-stone colic. Tabac. Clin. Womiting of pregnancy; chronic catarrh of the stomach. Sul. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy; with intolerance of the smell of coffee, vomiting when lying on right side. Sulf. A c. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; soreness in pit of stomach; great thirst relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A c. Clin. Vomiting during pregnancy, Straining her so that blood comes up. Sep. 6. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy. Nux Mos. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with soreness at the pit of the stomach and solinetimes with thirst. Kreas. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy. Petr. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy. Phos. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy. Nux Wom. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy; especially vomit- ing of food in the evening or at night. Pul. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting of preg- nancy. Cocc. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are more frequently the result of nervous irritability than of inflammation of the stomach ; so that the drug has often relieved the distressing symp- | toms of pregnancy. Ipe. Clin. Vomiting of pregnancy, with a character- istic sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Sep. Clin. Womiting. (Sour.) Womiting of sour fluid. Robina 6. Womiting of sour water at night. Calc. C. 6. Womiting violent; easy, of sour liquid; watery; sometimes insipid; sometimes bitter in morning, even before break- fast. Tabac. 6. Womiting violent of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour Smelling and sour tasting mucus, towards evening, with headache like a tearing around lower part of skull; haematemesis. Nux Vom. 6. Vomiting of sour fluid. Iris 6. Vomiting of Sweet mucus; sour vomiting. |PSOr. 6. Vomiting. Acid dyspepsia, sour vomit- ing and sour eructations. Caust. Clin. Vomiting. Sore month; aphtha occur- ing during protracted diseases, espec- ially in children; with marasmus; with salivation; sour vomiting, stools like chopped eggs. Sulf. A c. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea, not relieved by vom- iting of salty, sour water; with water- brash. Natr. S. 6. Womiting. (Miscellaneous.) Griping and pressure in stomach, then vomiting. Cupr. 1, Womiting with apprehensiveness of death. Ars, A, 6. Womiting. Appetite lost and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting. Lyc, 2. ( 141 ) VO MIT IN. C. REPERTORY OF PART I. WAL. K. N. C. Womiting brings no relief. Ars, A, 6. Vomiting. Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath; all day with- out vomiting; sudden on walking, with salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Vomiting, with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent stools, also with weakness; with anguish ; then constant involuntary watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Vomiting. Obstinate vomiting always on waking in morning on the slightest movement. Cupr. Clin. Vomiting. Violent vomiting unless he bent himself and lay still. Colch. 7. Vomiting. Cholera infantum, with tongue thickly coated white; vomiting, etc. Bism. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea in morning on wak- ing, with vomiting; worse from slight- est motion. Bry. 6. Vomiting. Nausea in morning, without vomiting. Carbo V. 6. Vomiting, with cold sweat; great ex- haustion. Camph. Clin. Vomiting. Extreme pressure and con- traction in the stomach, followed by vomiting. Secale Clin. Vomiting. Terrible distress in the stom- ach and abdomen, with burning accompanied by vomiting. Secale Clin. Vomiting. Nausea, not relieved by vom- iting ; with salivation, chill and heat. Sang. 6. Vomiting. Violent vomiting. Petr. 6. Vomiting. Loathing of food; nausea; and even vomiting, with white-coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. Vomiting. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache; vertigo, bitter taste, nau- sea and vomiting ; SOreness of the stomach and abdomen. Nux Vonn. Clin. Vomiting. Gastralgia, with profuse sweat of the face; nausea and vomiting. Pul. Clin. Vomiting. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting after-taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. Vomiting. Gastralgia; aggravation from light and amelioration from hard . pressure; transiently relieved by vomiting. Nux Vom. Clin. Vomiting. Gastritis in chronic alcohol- ism, with constant nausea and vomit- ing. Crotal. H. Clin. * * Vomiting. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thirst; white-coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggra- vation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Vomiting. Ulcer in the stomach; burn- ing pain; amelioration from vomit- ing; tenderness; flushes of heat rising into the head. Sang. Clin. Vomiting. Bilious colic; almost incessant vomiting of extremely acrid sub- stances, with Soreness over the liver. Iris Clin. Vomiting. Persistent vomiting of infants. Kreas. Clin. Vomiting. Intensely acid vomiting; this symptom has been relieved even when associated with cancer of the stom- ach. Robina, Clin. Vomiting. Ulcers in the stomach, Sup- posed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug; always with extreme burning and distress, as if the whole stomach were raw ; at times with vomiting of blood. Mezer. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea, with debility and scanty vomiting of coffee-grounds fluid. Secale 6. - Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting from riding in the cars. Cocc. Clin. Vomiting of a pinkish, glairy fluid. B. 6. Vomiting of milk (in young children), es- pecially of curdled milk. AEthu. Clin. Vomiting. Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus; tongue thickly Coated. Kali B. Clin. Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting every morning; chronic. Nux Wom. Clim. Vomiting at night with sticking, drawing pain in back, extending towards scapula. Pul. 6. Vomiting. Continual nausea; with vom- iting or efforts to vomit; with pers- piration on forehead; great prostra- tion and trembling; usually without thirst, or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst, and disgust for food. Ant. T. Clin. Kali •r- & e e -> e Vomiting of sweetish water in morning; fasting; of food. Kreas. 6. Vomiting. water, with copious, greenish diar- rhoea and colic. Cupr. 6. Vomiting of round worms; feeling of worms in pharynx. Sabad. Clin. Vomiting of a yellow, bitter, serous fluid. Coloc. 6. Vomiting. Aphthous sore mouth; the ulcers bleed on eating, or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing chil- dren, hot, with thirst and vomiting. Borax Clim. Vomits. After nursing, the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. Wagon, Nausea in morning so that she can scarcely rise, in afternoon after every drink mostly in mouth when riding in a wagon; if he became cold or took cold causing salivation. Cocc. (3 Wakes. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep; always wakes with dry mouth and tongue. Nux MOs. Clin. Waking, (Mouth.) Mouth slimy in ing on waking, with headache, Waking. Morning nausea, amelioration after eating; on waking; towards evening and at night; on washing mouth before breakfast; on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy; easily startled; then vomiting of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Iſl()]"Il- Bel, 5, Wakin 9. Violent, sudden vomiting of Waking. Dry mouth without thirst in evening so that tongue sticks to palate also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking; dry at night, with slimy feeling; dry and the saliva seems like Cotton. Nux Mos. 5. Waking. Dryness in mouth on waking and in nose. Phos. 5. Waking, (Nausea.) Nausea all day in morning with accumulation of water in mouth; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. - Waking. Nausea in morning on waking, with vomiting; worse from slightest motion. Bry. 6. Waking, (Taste.) Bitter, bilious taste when fasting, though food has a good taste; better in morning on waking, Sul. 3, Waking. Taste bitter, waking her at night, with dryness in mouth. Rhus TOX. 3. Taste metallic, coppery in morning on waking. Sul. 3. . Waking. T)ifferent kinds of foul taste unpleasant in morning; mouth dry and Slimy; sour in morning on wak- ing; bitter; bitterish-sour. Sep. 3. Waking. (Tongue.) Dryness of tongue in morning on waking and in palate and lips; then much tenacious mucus, Pul. 3, Waking. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated, first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on Waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Waking. Dryness of tongue in morning On Waking and in palate. Sul. 3. Waking, (Miscellaneous.) Distention of ab- domen by flatulence, waking about mid- night, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without re- markable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 7. Waking, Periodic pain in teeth always after waking; after eating and from warm and cold drinks; often extending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing sticking. Lach. 5. Waking. Burning pain in pit of stomach in afternoon after dinner, with sali- vation, extending into throat, into mouth; SOreness on waking. Kali B. 1. Waking. Obstinate vomiting always on Waking in morning on the slightest movement. Cupr. Clin. Waking. Flatulent pain in morning after Waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdo- men. Pul. 7. Waking. Heaviness in stomach as from a stone in morning on waking. Pul. 1. Walking, Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning; then cutting in abdo- men, and nausea in morning after eating a little; with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium; aggra- Vation from Walking; amelioration from sitting. Nux Wom, 1. ( 142 ) WAL. K. N. C. REPERTORY OF PART I. water. Waking. Heartburn in evening after Supper; on waking in middle of night; after dinner. Kali B. 1. Waking. Sticking in teeth extending into ear, waking him at night. Sul. 5. Walking. Morning nausea ; amelioration after eating; on waking, towards evening and at night; on washing mouth before breakfast; on waking; with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy ; easily startled; then vomiting of food; then retching. Sep. 6. Walking. Nausea incessant, so that it takes away the breath; all day with- out vomiting; sudden on walking; with salivation; sudden heat of face and vertigo. Petr. 6. Walking. Aching and throbbing in stom- ach ; amelioration from eructations; with pain from the jar of walking. Sep. 1. Walking. Burning corrosive pain in stomach when walking; extending to pit of throat. Sabad. 1. Walking. Acidity of stomach when lying on back and when walking, with burning. Carbo V. 1. ** Walking. Pain in stomach after eating a little; when walking, as if it hung loose. Hep. 1. Walking. Neuralgic toothache ceasing entirely in the open air; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Wants. Unnatural hunger; the child wants a great variety of things; refuses ordinary food. Cina Clin. Warm. (Stomach.) Vomiting of the con- tents of the stomatch temporarily re- lieved by cold drinks; but as soon as these become warm the vomiting is renewed. Phos. Clin. Warm. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white-coated tongue, nausea and vomiting ; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vomited. Bry. Clin. Warm streaming of blood from pit of stomach into head. Calc. C. 1. Warm. Chronic dyspepsia ; repugnance to hot or warm food; thirst ; bloated abdomen. Calc. C. Clin. Warm. Gastralgia, coming on Some hours after eating; relieved by warm milk; aggravated by cold drinks. Graph. Clin. Warm, (Teeth.) Periodic pain in teeth al- ways after waking, after eating, and from warm and cold drinks; often ex- tending through upper jaw to ear, with jerking, tearing, sticking, Lach, 5. Warm. Jerking pain in teeth, worse in morning; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm. Pul. 5. Warm. Aching in teeth as soon as anything warm is taken into the mouth, Pul. 5, Warm. Aching of teeth when chewing and on touch; with sensitiveness in a sound tooth when eating as if too long; drawing drinks. LyC. 5. |- relieved by warm || Warm. Aching of teeth on taking any- thing warm into mouth. Bry. 5. Warm. Sticking in teeth on taking cold or warm into mouth. Nit. A c. 5. Warm. Neuralgic toothache ceasing en- tirely in the open air ; aggravation in a warm room; always relieved when walking about. Pul. Clin. Warm. (Miscellaneous.) No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Cycl. 2. Warm. Open blister on inside of right cheek felt during dinner, with burn- ing pain in it from warm food. Natr. Warm. Burning pain in tip of tongue as from Soreness, aggravation from tak- ing anything warm into mouth. Calc. C. 3. Warmth. (Teeth.) Tearing toothache extending to head; amelioration from warmth. Nux Vom. Clin. Warmth. Toothache aggravated from cold, amelioration from Warmth. Rhus Tox. Cliń. Warmth. Tearing, sticking in teeth on eating, extending into muscles of neck. Aggravation from warmth. Bry. 5. Warmth. Dental periostitis, with great Soreness and elongation of the teeth; pain aggravated at night from warmth of bed; teeth loose; salivation offen- sive. Merc. S. Clin. Warmth. Neuralgic toothache aggra- wated by the warmth of the bed; amelioration from cold drinks. Mag. C. Clin. Warmth. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking gnaw- ing in gums worse towards evening and by warmth of bed, amelioration from uncovering, a draught of cold, open air, Pul, 5, Warmth. Great distention of the abdo- men not relived by warmth. Pul. Clin. - Warmth. Pain all day in stomach, re- lived by lying and warmth of bed, returning on rising. Graph. 1. Washing. Morning nausea amelioration after eating; on waking towards even- ing and at night ; on washing mouth before breakfast; on waking with blackness before eyes in evening; weakness even to faintness; with melancholy easily startled; then vomiting of food then retching. Sep. 6 Water. (Eructations.) Eructations of bitter and sour liquid at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour as far as tongue; of water after eating. Nux VOm. 7. - Water. Eructations of wind after drink- ing water; frequently empty, with dis- comfort in stomach. Bism. 7. Water. Eructations of water, with nau- sea. Mag. M. 7. Water. Eructations in morning; with water after midnight; sour eructa- tions. Kali C. 7. Water. (Nausea.) Nausea, caused by milk when he had eaten almost enough ; amelioration if he once ceased eating, with flow of sour water into mouth. Calc. C. 6. Water, Nausea all day, in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth ; in morning on waking; she could not eat breakfast; with cutting in upper abdomen and diarrhoea. Petr. 6. Water. Nausea, not relieved by vomiting of salty, sour water; with waterbrash. Natr. S. 6. Water. Nausea, with constant spitting of insipid water. Sabad. 6. Water, (Teeth.) Jerking pain in teeth; worse in morning; better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm, Pu1, 5, Water, Tearing in teeth about 3 a. m., as if an exposed nerve were paining from cold air; worse lying ou painless side; better by lying on painful cheek; re- lieved momentarily by cold water, Bry. 5, Water. Toothache, relieved by holding Cold Water in the mouth. Natr. S. Clin. Water. Toothache in pregnancy, tempo- rarily relieved by holding cold water in the mouth ; always aggravated in the evening until midnight. Pul. Clin. Water. Toothache in hollow teeth, ex- tending into head, aggravated by cold Water. Ant. C. Clin. Water. (Thirst.) Dryness of mouth and of palate, with thirst of water, Wer, Alb, 5. Water, Constant thirst for cold water, the smallest quantity of which could not be retained. Ars, A. 2. Water, Dryness of throat, with thirst for cold water, Can. Ind. 2, Water, Taste bitter, relieved by frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea, Bry, 3. Water. Thirst not relieved by drinking water. Stram. 2. * - Water. Thirst at night; for beer during heat; for cold water, Alcon. 1. Water. Thirst excessive; she must drink much at once, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water; with internal, but not external heat. Bry. 2. Water. Appetite great for apples, with thirst for cool water. Ant. T. 2. Water. Thirst for cold water, for large quantities of cold water. Merc. C. 2. Water. Thirst from dryness in mouth; for water Or beer. Rhus TOx. 2. Water. Thirst unquenchable for cold Water. Bel. 2. Water, (Vomiting.) Vomiting of sour water at night, Calc, C, 6. Water. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salivation; feeling of a lump in throat; SOreness in pit of stomach great thirst; relieved by drinking hot water. Sulf. A.C. Clin. - Water. Difficult vomiting of the beverage, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Water. Violent sudden vomiting of water, with copious, greenish diarrhoea, and colic. Cupr. 6. Water. Vomiting, with burning nausea, rising to throat; relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. 6. ( 143 ) WATER. REPERTORY OF PART I. W H IT E. Water. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, either of water or food. Kreas. Clin. Water. Vomiting of sweetish water in morning, fasting; of food. Kreas. 6. Water, (Miscellaneous.) Feeling as if stom- ach were full of water. Kali. C. 1. Water, Gums sensitive to cold water; sore. Sil, 5. Water. Colic from cold water, aggra- vated by heat. Staph. Clin. Water. Salivation, collection of bitter water obliging constant expectora- tion. Chel. 5. | Water. Inflammation of mouth and of gums, with discharge of clear water. Merc. C. 5. Water. Haemorrhage from stomach; tem- porarily relieved by drinking cold water. Phos. Clin. Waterbrash, Salivation, running from mouth like Waterbrash, Wer, Alb. 5, Waterbrash, Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; water- brash, Lyc, 7. Waterbrash, Nausea in epigastric region, aggravated by eating and drinking; with waterbrash and disagreeable ris- ings. Pul, 6. Waterbrash. Salivation sweet; tenacious; discharge of watery saliva also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Waterbrash. Nausea, not relieved by vomiting of salty, sour water ; with waterbrash. Natr. S. 6. Waterbrash. Thirst is a general accom- paniment of Natrum Mur. Symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash, sometimes vomiting of food. Natr. M. Clin. Waterbrash. Nausea at night during menses, with retching and water- brash; during suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating so that food was repulsive. Pul. 6. Waterbrash. Burning and waterbrash in epigastrium after belching. Calc. P. Waterbrash. Chronic gastritis, with burn- ing pain and waterbrash. Lyc. Clin. | Waterbrash. Eructations sour in after- noon; empty; waterbrash. Natr. C. 7. Watery saliva runs from mouth in sleep. PhOS. 5. Watery. Salivation sweet; tenacious; dis- charge of watery saliva, also like waterbrash. Pul. 5. Watery. Vomiting with watery diarrhoea. Colch. 7. Watery. Tongue is almost always swol- len, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery as if Oedema- tous; sometimes covered with whitish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Weak, Indigestion, with bloating, Sour eructations, heartburn, and a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in the pit of the stomach; or a feeling of pulsation after eating; there are gen- erally pressure, belching of gas, bloat- ing and soreness. Kali C. Clin. Weak. Speech difficult, and weak, and slow. Phos. 3. Weak. Regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling; has to eat at night even; especially attended with sighing; gastric symp- toms generally ameliorated after eat- ing, Ign. Clin. Weak. Speech difficult; slow; weak; with feeling on every motion of the tongue as if there were resistance to be over- come. Secale 3. Weak. Difficult dentition; child is weak, cold, pulse soft, bores the head into the pillow; tends to squint, cries out in sleep and particularly has restless feet. Zinc. Clin. Weakened digestion after Mercury. Lach. Clin. Weakness. Peculiar weakness in pit of stomach and epigastric region. Ign, 1. Weakness. Gnawing in stomach, relived after supper; with weakness, Sep. 1, Weakness. Morning nausea amelioration after eating; on waking, towards even- ing and at night; on Washing mouth before breakfast; on waking, with blackness before eyes; in evening weakness even to faintness, with mel- ancholy, easily startled, then vomit- ing of food, then retching. Sep. 6. Weakness. Nausea, with bilious taste, with salivation and closure of jaws; with great thirst and with frothing from mouth ; with weakness. Ver. Alb. 6. - - Weakness and faintness in stomach at 11 a. m., with need to eat. Sul. Clin. Weakness. Empty feeling; weakness in epigastric region. Pod. 1. Weakness. Indigestion; constant squeez- ing pain in the stomach after eating; can only eat once a day on account of the distress; backache; weakness. Robina Clin. Weakness. Difficult speech, like a weak- mess of organs of speech coming from hypochondria. Natr. M. 3. Weakness and sinking in stomach. M. Clin. Weakness. Nausea in forenoon, with weakness, anxiety and tremulous sen- sation through whole body. Plat. 6. Weakness. Pressure in stomach, with weakness in knees. Lach. 1. Weakness. Nausea in morning during menstruation, with weakness and trembling during the day. Graph. 6. Weakness. Vomiting, with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent stools, also with with weakness; with anguish; then constant, involuntary, watery stools. Ant. T. 6. Weariness. Hunger great, with weari- ness of life. Nit. A c. 2. Weariness. Appetite great towards noon, and after eating weariness and sleepi- ness. Natr. M. 2. Weather. Gastric troubles, always aggra- wated during hot weather. Phos. Clin. Weight. Excruciating gastralgia, pains as from knives or burning, or constrict- ing, or associated with great external Natr. weight. Phos. Clim. Weight in stomach, after eating, as from a stone. Ars. Alb. 1. Weight. Scraped sensation in pit of stom- ach in morning; then cutting in abdo- men and nausea in morning after eating a little, with return of a metallic, herby taste; with weight and heat, as from a stone in epigastrium ; aggravation from walking, amelioration from sitting, Nux Wom, 1. Weight in pit of stomach; in epigastrium after eating; with upward pressure to throat-pit ; every empty swallow- ing carried it downward, but it imme- diately returned. Rumex 1. Weight. Acid dyspepsia, with constant weight in the stomach ; eructations of sour liquid. Robina Clin. White. (Tongue.) Tongue coated white, Ant, C, 5. White, Tongue coated white, Bry, 3. White, Tongue coated and showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish, swollen gums that bleed on touch, Merc, S. 3, White, Slimy taste in morning; with nausea; foul; clammy; insipid; as of bad meat; with nausea; disgusting in morning, with white tongue. Pul. 3. White. Tongue coated white; yellowish- white; ulceration of tongue and gums with sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip, as if burnt ; painful. Psor. 3. White. Tongue coated yellow, with red margin showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white, slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. White. Tongue swollen and stiff; dryness On palate; white color and redness. Stram. 3. White. Tongue clean; white. Secale 3. White. Tongue white; blisters with pain as if burnt. Sep. 3. White. Tongue white; coated white in morning with much viscid mucus in mouth. Pod. 3. White. Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea; especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place a long time after a meal. Pul. Clin. White. Tongue chalky; white; red in middle; yellow. Phos. 3. * White. Tongue coated yellow as a rule though sometimes white in the morn- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. White. Tongue white. Petr. 3. White. Tongue white; painful blisters. Nux VOm. 3. White. Tongue red on margins; brown coat down centre; white; dry. Plumb. 3. White. Dry tongue in middle; brown; white; red; black. Phos. 3. White. Tongue coated white. Lyc. 3. White, Tongue swollen and inflamed so that it could not be protruded; and white. Merc. C. 3. White. Gastric catarrh from injudicious eating or drinking, with white coated tongue or sometimes with perfectly clean tongue. Ipe. Clin. White. Tongue coated yellow along cen- tre, coated first white, with reddish papillae here and there; then a yellow- ish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry or waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. ( 144 ) W H IT E. REPERTORY OF PART I. ZY COMA. White. Tongue coated white and dry at |Whitish-yellow. Tongue yellow, whitish Yellow. Tongue coated yellow, as a rule, edges. Cocc. 3. yellow. Kali B. 3. though sometimes white in the morn- White. Tongue coated white in evening, Wind. Eructations of wind after drink- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. without heat or thirst. Bism. 3. White. Cholera infantum, with tongue thickly coated white; vomiting, etc. Bism. Clin. - White. Tongue coated white. Arn. M. 3. White. Tongue coated white. Carbo V. 3. White. Tongue bluish, red and dry, also white. Ars. A. 3. White. Tongue coated white. Calc. C. 3. White. Thick, white, pasty coat of tongue. Ant. T. 3. White. Tongue coated white. Agar. 3. White. Tongue heavily coated white in gastric derangements. Bry. Clin. White. Extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stom- ach, with thirst, white coated tongue, nausea and vomiting; aggravation from warm drinks, which are vom- ited. Bry. Clin. White. Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly-coated white tongue; nausea; vomiting after-taste of the food. Ant. C. Clin. White. Loathing of food; nausea, and even vomiting, with white-coated tongue. Ant. C. Clin. White. Tongue thickly coated white. Ant. C. Clin. - White. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust, painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. White. (Miscellaneous.) Saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky, Can, Ind. 5. White, Mouth full of white, tenacious mucus, which must be expectorated fre- quently, Tabac, 5. White. Thirst, but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth, and a peculiar, thick white saliva. Ars. Alb. 2. White. Gums red, bright red margin; red and swollen, and livid and covered with thin, white patches, easily re- moved from a non-ulcerating surface. Merc. S. 5. White. After nursing, the child vomits its milk in little white curds, and re- fuses to nurse afterwards. Ant. C. Clin. White. Gums bleed; white. Crotal. H. 5. White aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue. Hep. 5. White. Mouth, fauces and tongue cov- ered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Nit. A c. 5. Whitish. Tongue coated and showing im- press of teeth on edges; coated white, with whitish swollen gums that bleed on touch. Merc. S. 3. Whitish. Tongue is almost always swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; sometimes watery as if Oedem- atous; sometimes covered with whit- ish fur. Merc. S. Clin. Whitish, painful ulcer on under side of tongue. Graph. 3. Whitish-yellow. Tongue coated mostly whitish-yellow, worse in the middle and posteriorly. Sabad. 3. ing water; frequently empty; with dis- comfort in stomach, Bism. 7. Wind. Dyspepsia after eating; thirst; pain in stomach; relieved for a short time by raising wind; when fasting, the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Calc. P. 7. Wind. Violent gastralgia, with disten- tion of abdomen; belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Asaf. Clin. Wind. Eructations of sour, bitter wind, relieving pain in epigastrium. Diosc. 1. Wind. Cramping pain in pit of stomach, then eructations of wind, then hic- cough and emission of flatus. Diosc. 1. Wine. Nausea aggravated by a sip of wine, with headache. Zinc, 6. Wine. Desire for wine. Bry. 2. Wine. Appetite lost for wine and brandy to which he is accustomed. Merc. S. 2. Wine. Aversion to the sweetness of sugar; to wine and brandy which they took to excite their appetites. Zinc. 2. Wine. Nausea, after a glass of wine; with convulsions; with diarrhoea. Ant. C. 6. Wish. Desires things immediately, but when offered, does not wish them. Bry. 2. Women. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour and rancid belching; vomiting of food. Carbo V. Clin. - - Women. Dyspepsia with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women, or as the result of overwrought brain or sexual excess. Sep. Clin. Women. Sore mouth of nursing infants, and of nursing women. Bapt. Clin. Work, Appetite entirely lost, and after eating a little, loud belching and in- ability to work. China. Clin. Worm. Sensation as if a worm were mov- ing in stomach. Cocc. 1. Worms. Vomiting of round worms; feel- ing of worms in pharynx. Sabad. Clin. Worse. Dryness of tongue, relieved for a moment by drinking, then worse, so that tongue sticks to palate. Bry. 3. Wrenched. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out; usually aggravated from cold air; especially worse immediately after eating. Nux Vom. Clin. - Yawning. Jerking pain in left lower hollow molar, with frequent yawn- ing. Kreas. 5. Yawning. Feeling as if stomach would burst after yawning, with sensation as if Oesophagus were spasmodically closed; hence ineffectual effort to eructate; relieved by empty eructa- tions. Arg. N. 7. - Yellow. (Tongue.) Tongue coated yellow, with red margin, showing imprint of teeth; yellow, white slimy; dryness. Chel. 3. - Yellow. Tongue coated yellow. Rumex 3. Yellow. Yellow. Gray patches on edges of tongue, and a dirty yellow coat on upper Sur- face. Merc. S. 3. - Yellow. Tongue yellow, whitish-yellow. Kali B. 3. Yellow. Tongue yellow, dirty white crust; painful swelling posteriorly on side; burning stitches; dryness. China 3. - Yellow. Tongue chalky; white; red in middle; yellow. Phos. 3. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with red- dish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on waking, feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Yellow. Inflammation of the stomach, with swelling of the liver; vomiting of blood and, mucus; yellow tongue. PhOS. Clin. Yellow. Red tongue, with blackish coat, covered with grayish-white crust; moist; edges red ; pale dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly. Merc. C. 3. Yellow. Disturbances of digestion and of the function of the liver; the tangue is yellow and shows the print of the teeth around the margin. Chel. Clin. Yellow. (Miscellaneous.) Vomiting of a yellow, bitter serous fluid. Coloc. 6. Yellow. Black vomit in yellow fever and Sometimes in the vomiting of preg- nancy. Lach. Clin. Yellow. Teeth yellow, loose and painful on chewing. Nit. A c. 5. Yellow. Teeth yellow. Lyc. 5. Yellowish. Tongue dry without a yellow- ish coat, without thirst. Cocc. 3. Yellowish-brown. Tongue coated yellow along centre; coated first white, with reddish papillae here and there; then a yellowish-brown coat in centre, the edges being red and shining; dry on waking and feeling burnt. Bapt. 3. Yellowish-brown mucous coat of tongue. Carbo V. 3. Yellowish-gray. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking on uvula, palate, fauces, and, as far as could be seen, covered with yellowish-gray membrane; red, swollen, painful and offensive. Nit. A c. 5. Yellow-green. Difficult vomiting of the beverage and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, which remained a long time. Ars. A. 6. Yellowish-white. Tongue coated white; yellowish-white; ulceration of tongue and gums, with Sore throat; dry tongue; dry at tip, as if burnt; pain- ful. PSOr. 3. Yellowish-white. Blisters on tongue; coated yellowish-white at root. Rhus TOx. 3. Zygoma. Tearing in diseased root in both rows, extending in zygoma, with bruised pain in both right jaws on pressure and on chewing. Caust. 5. PART II. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS OF St001, Rectum, Anus, Abdomen, Hypochondria, Umbilicus - and Hypogastrium. (146) | Drug. St00l. Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. -- - - -------- |-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -— — — — — — — — — —-- Watery diarrhoea; stool Pain in rectum. Tenes-' Shootings and pressure Anxiety great; fear, apprehension, green white, with red urine. mus, urging to stool. in amus. Painful contrac- whining, Sensitiveness of the ears tions in anus. Bleeding to every noise, Great sensibility of haemorrhoids; burning and olfactory nerves. Expression of heat in haemorrhoidal ves- agony, Taste bitter. Thirst for cold Acon. Sels. water. Sensitiveness of larynx to ! inspired air; hoarseness, Cough dry and hoarse; ringing. Stitches in chest on inspiration. Palpitation and | anxiety of heart. Pulse contracted, full, strong, rapid, ! – – -- - " " - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Large and hard stool void-i Burning in rectum after Burning, fullness, itching, Aching in forehead, temples, ver- ed with great difficulty, fol- stool, Dryness in rectum, pressure and soreness in tex and occiput, Aching in small of lowed by severe pains in with heat; feels as if it were anus, Prolapsus; prolapsed back, sacrum and hips; aggravated anus, with feeling as if a por- filled with small sticks, feeling after stool; pro- by walking and stooping, tion of the anus was pro- Feeling in rectum as if lapsed feeling with back- AEscul. truded; with severe backache mucous membrane were ache. Urging to stool. In- Hipp. in lumbar region. thick and obstructed Stool, effectual attempts at stool. and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were continued. Fullness, itch- ing, Soreness and dryness of rectum, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ––– – – º – - --- - - - -------------- -- Diarrhoea watery, with vio- Urging to stool in rectum, Haemorrhoids, with burn- Ill humor, with disinclination to lent pinching and emission ing. answer questions. Drawing in bone of much flatus. Dysenteric from both sides of forehead as far as flux. Very hard stool. | root of nose. Redness, burning and | - itching of ears, as if they had been Agaric frozen. Twitching face. Tearing; º pinching; sprain; bruised; aching ; drawing; burning pain in chest. Palpitation of heart, Aching along spine and limbs; along spinal cord when stooping, with soreness on touch. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in Sensation of heat and Sticking, cutting in anus' Disinglination to mental labor. morning on rising; yellow, burning in the rectum, after stool. Burning in Aching in supraorbital region, above with distention and dull pain Heaviness in rectum, Drag-anus. after stool; after forehead, with heaviness in eyes and under ribs. Yellow, pappy, ging down in rectum dur-, emission of hot flatus. nausea. Compelled to make the eyes pasty stool. Brownish, smail, ling menses, with full sen- Fullness in anus with small. slimy, half-fluid stool. Small, sation in pelvis. Fear lest pressing out. Haemorrhoids yellowish, shining stool at stool should escape with swollen and sore, Weak- 9 a.m., with sputtering flatus; flatus; feeling as if thin ness of Sphincter ani, so with dread lest feces and stool would escape on pass- that cleanliness was diffi- urine escaped together; while ing urine; with the stool cult. he would force out yet he always a feeling as if more held back. Thin stool after were at hand, Tenesmus, Aloe. waking at three o'clock. In- as if more stool would fol- i Voluntary stool with passage low, which must be held of flatus falling out without back on account of sore- | exertion, almost unnoticed. mess of anus, yet on ac- Stool during micturition; also count of this pain he does ! at 5 a. m., with micturition ; not dare to draw the anus in morning after rising; after together. Urging to stool, breakfast. with passage of urine. Urg- | ing to stool after eating; When rising from lying; Sudden in morning on ris- ing; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. " *** * * * * * *** - - - -* | *—----—--------------------— . .----—------ - - - - - - - - - - -------—— — — ... --— — — — — ------------' -- - - - ----- - - - --- - - - - - - - - Stool hard, in shape of Rectum seems paralyzed. Excoriated feeling after Dryness of throat in evening, in- laurel berries; difficult; with |Dried and constricted feel- a stool, attended with a ducing frequent clearing. Womiting cutting in anus, as if too nar- |ing in rectum during stool. contraction of rectum and with the dry, hacking cough. Heavi- Alum row, then a stream of blood, Pressure and sense of ex- constriction of anus. Pres-iness and staggering of lower ex- followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rectum, Stool scanty, difficult. Coriation in rectum after a Small, hard stool, Tenesmus during diarrhoea. sure in anus during stool, tremities, Sleepiness. with pain. | (147) 5 6 Abdomen. Hypochondria. Swelling of abdomen which is Stitches in hepatic region painful to touch, Burning in ab-, hindering deep breathing. domen. Sensitiveness of abdo-Pain in hepatic region, men to touch. Stitches; griping in abdomen, with swelling. Constriction in hepatic re- gion; worse in the right, preventing deep breathing. obstructing the breathing. | | 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. UM BILICU.S.—Burning in the umbilical region, HYPOGASTRIUM. – Pain in hypogastrium as from a flatulent purgative. Sensi- tiveness of hypogastrium to touch. Stitches in right hypochon- drium. Constant dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. Soreness, fullness, distress in right hypochondrium. Emission of fetid flatus. Sore- ness of abdomen on touch. - | Clinical. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe agonizing pain, tossing about, high fever. Violent colic from cold. Inflammatory symptoms in the hepatic region, Inflamma- tion or engorgement of the pelvic viscera. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. IBleeding piles, with heat and sharp stitches, blood bright. Diarrhoea, stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. Diarrhoea from checked perspiration during heat of summer, with cold nights. Liver troubles, associated with engorged portal circuiation, especially in large haemor- rhoids. Protruding purple piles, with severe pains in the Sacrum and small of back and fullness in the region of the liver. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown, mushy or White, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. Distention of abdomen with rumbling. Emission of much in- odorous flatus. Cutting, griping pain in abdomen. Sense of writhing in the abdomen. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Pain in hypochon- dria, with soreness, Pain in hypochondria, ag- gravated by standing, so that he stoops; towards morning with distention ; pain in fore- head and diarrhoea. Uneasi- ness in region of liver with heat, pressure and tension. Distention of abdomen with motion of flatus. Emission of flatus after every meal; on at- tempting to go to stool; burning and offensive, Offensive flatus with stool;- frequent and loud, easy with inclination as for soft stool; griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stool. Pain in muscles of abdo- men when rising from lying, with pressing to stool as from taking cold. Weak feeling in ab- domen, as if diarrhoea would occur, UM BILICU.S.—Stitches in umbilical region. Pinching below umbilicus. H Y P O G A S T R U M . . Stitching, griping, drawing pain in hypogastrium, UM BILICU.S.–Soreness in abdomen, especially in sides and down sides of umbilicus on touch with pain. HYPOGASTRIUM. – Gur- gling in hypogastrium at night, with sudden urging to stool, Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Heaviness in the hy- pogastrium, TXetermination of blood to large intestines. Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring as if a hernia would press Out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen. Obstinate constipation, following diarrhoea in Old spirit drinkers, who are full of nervous Symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, Scir- rhotic liver. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising, and eating, with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal slimy. Congested, enlarged liver; sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in Weight and dragged at its ligaments - Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch Of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Haemorrhoids from a suppressed cutaneous eruption. Engorgement of the haemorrhoidal Veins is One Of the most constant effects of Aloes. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning : Want of confidence in spincter ani; Worse imme- diately after eating ; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather, Hospital diarrhoea. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdo- men. Constipation of old people with abdom- inal plethora; -suitable to hypochondriacs, and to bookworms. Involuntary, unnoticed, hard stool. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence, and the burning in anus and rectum ; discharge of jelly-like lumps. IDiarrhoea, on alternate days. Inactivity of rectum ; even a soft and t in stool requires great straining. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina ; the rectum is inac- tive ; the stools are hard ; often associated with Soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleeding. Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. Stools contain glassy, tough Itching Soreness in rec- mucus; covered with mucus. tum, with pustules by the Am. Green, slimy diarrhoea. Hard, side of it. Burning in Mur. crumbling, scanty stool; cov- rectum during and after ered with mucus. soft stools. Urging to stool after a Tenesmus, but he cannot meal; more in upper part of, expel anything and the Anacar intestines. rectum seems plugged up. Frequent tenesmus during the day, without ability to expel anything. Stool natural at first; then Sore pain in rectum several small, loose evacua- during stool, as if an ulcer Anti. tions; then small, hard evacu- had been torn apart, with crud. |ations, with violent, strain-' discharge of mucus. ing in rectum and anus till all are passed. Constipation; stool hard and difficult. Copious alvine evacuations. Offensive diarrhoeic stools. Diarrhoea and vomiting. i Anti. Tart. | | Frequent yellow, watery stool, with griping. Stool soft; mixed with serum, orange colored, loose in morn- ing and urgent. Copious diar- rhoea with vomiting, then Apis. watery and fetid stools. Co- pious blackish-brown, green and whitish stools. Stool after dinner very Frequent and successful dry and like sand, but passed desire for stool in the lower Argen. without trouble. part of the rectum, with Met. expulsion of a Small quan- tity of soft stool. | Stool brown, liquid, fetid, Sudden waking at 6 a. copious. Scanty watery stool m., with copious yellow, about midnight with flatulent half-liquid stool, with urg- colic and noisy flatulence dur-ling in rectum. ing stool. Stool of green mucus with retching, vomiting of mu- Argen. cus and intolerance of lacing Nit. around hypochondria; bloody, soft stool. Burning in anus during Stinging, tear- Ing. In perineum. Itching in anus. Sensation of rawness in anus, with diarrhoea, Itching in anus. 4 Concomitants. | -- - - Clear water running from nose and corroding lips; sneezing fre- quently, Pain in thighs when sit- ting down, Chilliness evenings after lying down and as often as she wakes; without thirst, Memory weak, Anxiety, as if pur- sued, with suspicion of everything around him, Pressure in vertex as from a plug. | Sulky; peevish, Aching of head after bathing in the river, Tongue coated white, Eructation of a fluid tasting of the ingesta. Voice lost. l | Trembling. Face pale and sunken. : Anxious nausea. Rattling of mucus in chest, Pulse rapid weak and trembling, Sleepiness, Wertigo with headache. Eyelids swollen, red, Oedematous. Sensation as if he could not breathe again; suffocation. Foot and toes feel swoll- en and stiff. Furuncles and large swellings of every description. Sleepiness. Fever without thirst, Weakness, aching in left temple, pinching in right, Mucus in throat viscid, gray, jelly-like, in morning easily hawked up, Rawness, rough- ness and soreness of throat. Crushed pain in right testicle, Cough with easy expectoration, like boiled starch, Trembling and tremulous sensa- tion, Headache relieved by binding head tightly. Gray spots and bodies in shape of serpents moving before vision, Canthi blood red, with swell- ing of curuncula lachrymalis, Red tip of tongue with pain. Dark red- ness of uvula and fauces, with thick, tenacious mucus, Sensation of a splinter in throat when swallowing, with rawness and soreness, Painful swelling of pit of stomach. Burning and heaviness in chest. Anxiety and palpitation of heart. Sleeplessness. 149 ) 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Rumbling in abdomen, umbilical region. around the navel as if a UM BILICUs.-Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m., then usual stool. UM BILIC US. — Thrust as from a blunt tool in right Pain blunt plug were into intestines, squeezed Distention of abdomen. Abdominal meteorism. Cut- ting with heaviness across low- . er abdomen; ineffectual retch- ings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting; trembling in abdomen and bend- ing together, then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Sen- sation in abdomen as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Distention of abdomen. Pain in abdomen aggravated by pres- Sure, touch and horizontal posi- tion, with sensitiveness, Sore- ness of abdomen in morning when Sneezing or on pressure, Cutting in abdomen, Loud rumbling in the left side of ab- domen, like the croaking of frogs. and emission of flatus. Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber, then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of ab- domen, especially during a Sud- den transition from rest to mo- tion. Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus, and are accompanied by a discharge of a quan- tity of mucus and much flatus. Chronic diar- rhoea during menstruation ; green mucous St00ls; Sometimes diarrhoea alternates with constipation. Colliquative diarrhoea of phthi- sis abdominalis. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium. Frequent tenesmus for many days, without being able to pass anything ; great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation. Stools very sluggish ; the rectum seems plugged up; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Inclination to SW68.T. Alternating diarrhoea and constipation, es- pecially in old people. Constipation during childbed. Children’s stools white, dry with hard lumps of curd. , Diarrhoea after nursing, from overheating, after cold bathing. Diar- rhoea from vinegar or other acids. Diarrhoea of pregnant women. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot, Weather. - Diarrhoea slimy, and of the appearance of yeast ; cadaverous smell. Diarrhoea of drunkards, or in pneumonia. Stools grass green, slimy, with vomiting ; colic. Violent colic, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces. Shifting of flatus, with sharp cutting colic, with nausea. Distention of abdomen after Supper, with heaviness, anxiety Pain in the hypochondria. H Y P O G A S T R I U M.– Bruised pain in groin over left hip and on left side of pelvis. Abdominal dropsy, sometimes with diar- rhoea and vomiting. Bruised feeling in the abdominal walls, which are extremely tender, even when the abdomen is not swollen. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings, green- ish-yellow watery mucus, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Diarrhoea during typhoid or scarlatina. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if it were stuffed full ; large hard difficult stools, only once or twice a week. Small protruding varices, which sting, burn and Smart intolerably. Stools sometimes in- Voluntary on every motion; this symptom indi- cates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera infantum. Dysentery, with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Chronic diarrhoea; can- not urinate without having a stool or the stools become dark and fetid: worse after eating. Piles after confinement, with sharp stinging pain. Ascarides, with delirium, screaming. Sore feeling, extending to the whole abdo- men, aggravated by riding in a carriage. Nervous diarrhoea from emotions, from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Diarrhoea of green mucus like chopped spinach usually with great flatulence. Evacuation of Shreds of mucus or of undi- gested food, with enormous distention of abdomen; stools excessively offensive. Dys- entery, with bloody, slimy stools, with symp- toms Of ulceration. Of the rectum ; Chronic dysentery. Diarrhoea immediately after drinking. Diarrhoea from eating sugar or sweets, of which there is a great fondness. Cirrhosis of the liver from malarial cachexia. (150). Drug. Arnica. Arsen. Alb. Asaf. Bapt. Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intestines; stool like brown yeast, Constipa- tion. Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; consist- ing of mucus. Involuntary stool at night in sleep. Stool watery; of blood and water; contained acrid water; greenish. Violent stool, wa- tery black fluid; burning in anus after uneasiness and pain in abdomen. Diarrhoea with coldness of extremities, with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody- colored; black mucus; offen- sive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Constipation with pain in abdomen. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Stools black, acrid, putrid; ex- Coriated skin about anus, Small stool after colic with tenesmus, first of dark green feces, then of dark green IO Ul CUlS. Stool profuse, thick, papes- cent, brown, offensive, re- lieving symptoms of abdo- l]].62]]. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papescent, with much mucus but no real pain. Constipa- tion, with fullness of abdo- | ]]] Cl]. 2 Rectum. Tenesmus; then copious thin or pap-like, smelling stool with Sensation of rumbling in the rectum. 3 Anus. Concomitants. Sour- relief. Painful, spasmodic pro- trusion of rectum. ing in rectum after with weakness and trem- bling in all limbs. Urging to stool, ineffectual; mus, as in dysentery, with burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids blind, pain- ful, with slow, hot prick- ings; haemorrhoidal tenes- mus, causing burning pain. The evacuations excoriated the skin about the anus, Burn- stool, tenes- Pain in perineum as if something dull pressed out there. |tions bitter and like rotten eggs. Sensitiveness of whole body; bruised pain over whole body, Stinging, confusion, heaviness, ach- ing of head. Breath fetid. Eructa- Paralytic pain in all joints during motion. Great restlessness, with anxiety and unquenchable thirst; extreme weakness; delirium at night, with restlessness, Despairs and imagines he must die. Disposition to suicide. Burning, corrosive lachrymation, making cheeks sore, also lids. Watery and excoriating discharge from nose, Face swollen, sunken, pale yellow; cachetic expression of countenance, Tongue brown and redness of tip, dry. Dry feeling in mouth with thirst, but he drinks lit- tle at a time, Loathing of food. Womiting every time after drinking; of all nourishment as soon as it touches the stomach, Micturition involun- tary, scanty, burning, Short, anxious breathing. Palpitation of heart. Pulse rapid, weak and irregular, Pressive pain in head from within outward. Hysterical rising in throat as if a ball or large body ascended from stomach to Oesophagus. Spas- modic tightness in chest as if lungs could not be expanded fully, Restlessness; does not sleep quiet- ly, Indescribable sick feeling over whole body, Wertigo, with weak feeling over whole body, especially of lower limbs, with weak knees. Redness of tonsils and soft palate, ( 151 ) 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Flatulence offen- sive, smelling like rotten eggs. Cutting in abdomen. Stitches in sides of abdomen during cough. Thrusts from one side of the abdomen to the other. Abdomen swollen and painful. Stitches in abdomen, extending into the vagina, tearing, cut- ting. Pain in abdomen; better after stool, with unbearable anx- iety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Burning pain in abdomen, in- creased to sharp pain. On pres- sure. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen, so violent that he grasped bystanders, and again pushed them from him ; fre- Quently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber, Or ran about. Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Inter- mittent griping pain in abdo- men. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles. Distention and rumbling in abdomen. below right ribs. under left false ribs when standing, intercepting, breath- ing. Pressure below last ribs. Constriction attachment of diaphragm. aggravated Spleen hypertrophied. Hypochondria. Stitches below last ribs; Stitches at level of Pain over region of liver, by pressure. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. HYPOGASTRIUM.– Inter- mittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence. Deep- seated digging pain within hips on both sides, as in dys- entery, with nausea and drowsiness. y UM BILICU.S.–Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch ; attempting to raise himself or to lie on back, and cried that his in- testines were burning. HYPogAsTRIUM.–Pinch- ing, increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning before, during, and after diarrhoea. Pain in region of gall- bladder, aggravated by walk- ing; in liver extending from right lateral ligament to gall- bladder. UM BILICU.S. — Pain in umbilical region. Clinical. Constipation ; no urging; inactivity of rec- tum ; stool insufficient, hard ; much straining, with headache. Diarrhoea, with great proS- tration; stools involuntary during sleep ; brown; fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of "ood. Involuntary putrid stools in typhoid. Haemorrhages from bowels in typhoid; dark, venous. Dysentery of a low type. Prolapsus ani from Overstraining and violent riding ; aggravation from standing. Diffuse, subacute gastro-enteritis of a low type ; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards, and general Soreness, as if bruised. Diarrhoea of malarial origin, or after chilling the stomach with cold snbstances; stools gen- erally dark, Scanty, Watery or mucous; some- times bloody. Stools may be brown or black; burning; purid; brought on by eating or drinking, or aggravated after midnight; pre- ceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and followed by extreme exhaustion. Haemorrhoids, bluish, swollen, inflamed, pro- truding, bleeding from least touch ; with stitching burning pains from cold, from ice cream and i2e water in hot weather. Haem- orrhoids of drunkards. Metro-peritonitis with nausea, Vomiting; profound prostration; Cold sweat; brown tongue, burning pain. Ulcera- ation of the bowels. Enlarged spleen. En- larged liver. Dropsy of abdomen. Pain in hepatic region, increased on pressure; stitches in right hypochondrium, extending to gastric region. Painful diarrhoea ; Watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse; greenish ; blackish-brown ; papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small, resembles sheep's dung, passed only by very great straining. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evac lations horribly offensive ; thin ; fecal, usually dark. Dysentery; discharges bloody; SOrne tenesmus, but not painful. Sensitiveness of the right iliac region. (152) Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus Urging to stool, which is Squeezing, constrictive thin, frequent but ineffectual, pain in lowermost intes- or with a scanty, hard stool. times alternately with Stool involuntary. shoots or jerks in direc- tion of perineum. Tenes- mus; a constant pressing and urging toward anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of amus. Straining to stool, then scanty diar- rhoea, then increased Straining. Bell. Constipation. Long-continued sensa- Burning pain in anus tion in rectum after stool, during, before and after as if one had just been to stool. Tearings extending stool or had just recovered around anus, with Smart- from a pain in anus. Urg- |ing. Burning pain in anus ing in rectum to stool. as if parts around it were Berb. sore, Crawling, burning, itching in and about anus. | | Stool light yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Diarrhoea six times from morning till 2 p. m., without Borax. pain. Green stool preceded by crying; frequent and easy. | | 4. Concomitants. Irritability and acuteness of sense of taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing, Delirium, with heat, springing out of bed, laughing, constant talking, injected and protruding eyes, dilated pupils, Abhorrence of liquids, Jerk- ing pain in head, aggravated by walking quickly, Stabbing pain from one temple to the other, Swell- ing and redness of face, especially about eyes. Urine retained passed by drops, Badly smelling hamor- rhage from the uterus, Painful dryness of larynx. Pulse full and frequent, Starting in otherwise quiet sleep; feeling as if falling deep down. Dry, hot, and scarlet skin. Drawing pain in bladder in one or other side, extending into female urethra; after arising in lumbar region and extending along ureter, Urine becomes turbid and deposits a thick mucous and bright red mealy sediment, Burning, soreness, and smarting in vagina. Sticking pains in loins, especially outward, so that it extends around abdomen in front, or to region of hips. Stitches from kidneys into bladder, Pressive or tensive pain across Small of back, with stiffness and lameness, Anxious expression of face during the downward motion; when laying her down she would start and throw up her hands as if afraid of falling, Mouth of an infant very hot; child often cries before the urine passes. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg. Stitches with every cough, An infant cries out of sleep and anxiously grasps its mother as if frightened by a dream, ( 153 ) 5 Abdomen. Tumefaction of abdomen, with tenderness to touch. Pain in a Spot in abdomen, as if seized with nails; a griping, clutching, clawing. Pain in abdomen, as if Sore and raw, tenderness on pres- Slire, Flatulence in abdomen after every meal. Pinching in abdo- men with diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen as if diarrhoea would result. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Stitches in region of gall- bladder; aggravation from pressure. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; ag- gravation from pressure ex- tending into region of stom- ach. UM BILICUs.-Feeling of distention of abdomen, with constrictive pain below um- bilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending dou- ble. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intes- times pressed outward, ag- gravated by Standing. HYPOGASTRIUM. – Cut- ting pain in hypogastrium, now here, now there. Ten- Sive pain in morning on getting out of bed, espe- cially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogas- trium were spasmodically constricted ; sometimes as if distended; pains generally increasing and decreasing. Pressure in morning in hypogastrium as if every- thing would be forced out towards organs of genera- tion, with distention of ab- domen, then contraction of abdomen, then discharge of white mucus from vagina. UM BILICU.S.–Pain to side of umbilicus corresponding to a place in front of kid- neys and rather to side, mostly sticking; often ex- tending to lumbar region Or to groins, liver, spleen Or stomach. HYPO GASTRIUM.– Var- icose veins near right ring. Stitches at origin of Pon- part's ligament at left ilium, extending down, then shoot- ing outward into left side of female urethra. Sticking deep in one or other ilium an inch Or an inch and a half from the spine, extend- ing obliquely inward toward small of back. Clinical. Diarrhoea, aggravated by motion; straining to stool. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constric- tion of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen, and everted in Öysentery, With excessive tenderness. Acute pain in hepatic region; Worse from pressure, breath- ing, coughing and lying on the right side. Peritonitis and metro-peritonitis. Abdominal affections, characterized by extreme sensitive- ness to touch ; intolerance of even the cloth- ing. Gall-stone colic. Jaundice. Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood. Dysentery, espe- cially in children. Constipation from constriction of anus, hard stool like sheep’s dung; passed only after hard straining. Fistula recti, with bilious Symptoms aggravated when sitting. Diar- rhoea, painless clay-colored, with burning and Smarting in anus; sallow complexion. IIaemorrhoids, with itching and burning, par- ticularly after stool. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region : colic from gall-stones. Sharp pinching pains in liver, which come suddenly and with great severity. Hepatic diseases, With indigestion, eructations, salivation, heartburn, vomiting of food. Diarrhoea, just after breakfast; the passage at first formed ; then loose with burning in anus. DiarrhG2a : stools painless ; at first frothy, thin and brown; later cadaverous Smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive pre- ceded by colic ; stools mucous with aph- thous SOre mouth. ( 154 ) Drugs. 1 St00l. Calc. Carb. Calc. PhoS. Camph. Canth. Capsi. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in after- noon, then burning in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacua- tion. Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggra. vation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Obstinate constipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Stool unsatisfactory after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confus- ion of head. Stool undigested. Stool in- termitting, frequent, at first hard, then pasty, then liquid; white; offensive, like bad eggs. Diarrhoea from juicy fruit or cider. Diarrhoea during first dentition with much wind; after vexation; con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive; with much flatulence. Stool blackish, involun- tary. Diarrhoea, with burning in anus, consisting of blood and mucus. White, tough mucus, with the stool like scrapings from the intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. morning after a copious 2 Rectum. Burning in rectum, with evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms except the con- fusion of head. Protrusion of rectum. Cramp in rectum all the forenoon; a griping and sticking, with anxiety, SO that she must walk about. Heaviness in lower part of rectum. Crawling in rec- tum as from pin-worms. Burning in rectum in stool. Tenes mus. Small, frequent passages, con- sisting of mucus, at times min- gled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatu- lent colic in hypogastrium. Diarrhoea, then empty tenes- mus; mucus diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Small stool, con- sisting of only mucus. Tenesmus. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Feeling in rectum as if he would have diarrhoea as soon as he drank anything, but only a little passed every time. 3 Anus. Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool, which is not hard; haemorrhage. Burn- ing in anus during Stool. Sore feeling in anus; worse outside; with stitch- ing, burning and throb- bing. Passage of pure blood from anus and from | urethra. Burning in anus after diarrhoea. Pain in perineum, seeming to arise from neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. IIaemorrhoids, with itch- ing at times. Burning, bit- ing, stinging in anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Burn- ing pain in anus. 4. Concomitants. Delirious, Anxiety apprehension for the future, Ill humor; every- thing puts him out of humor, |Headache beginning in morning on |first opening and moving eyes, |Vertigo in morning on rising, as if head were turning in a circle. Face red, hot, soft; puffiness, Tongue white. Taste bitter, Thirst exces- |sive; she must drink much at once, Sensation as if a stone lay in stom- ach after eating, Urine red, almost brown. Stitches in sternum on coughing, with necessity to hold the chest with the hands. Hot swelling of instep; dreams about his house- hold affairs, Epileptic attacks. Anxiety of mind, with palpitation. Rush of blood to head, with heat. Wertigo on sud- denly turning head, Swelling of sub- maxilliary glands, Ravenous hunger, with swelling of epigastric region. Leucorrhoea like milk, Menstruation too early, Painless hoarseness. Cough at night, with sweetish, mucous ex- pectoration. Respiration short on going up the slightest ascent. Sore pain in chest, with sensitiveness to touch and on inspiration, Sweat mornings; during the day on slight- est exertion, * Rheumatic pain in neck after draught of air, with stiffness and dullness of head, Taste bitter in morning, with headache. Sinking sensation in epigastrium, Burning in stomach and waterbrash. Restlessness. Anxiety. Face pale and anxious. Pain in bladder, with frequent urging and intolerable tenesmus. Burning in urethra; micturition painful, in drops. Cutting in urethra before, during and after micturition; urine bloody. Aching as if the skull would burst on coughing. Swelling on bone be- hind the ear; painful to touch. Cough expels an offensive breath from lungs, | ( 155 ) h | 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention of abdomen after Pain in right hypochon- UM BILICUs. – Griping Cºnstipation of lying-in women. Stools tº º º • . & --> : 4. ‘ º • ...-- 1-. § 13 • a co- * hard, dark brown or black ; dry, as if eating, with motions and colic, drium, with sensitiveness; in umbilical region, with ... ºrth. Hºm suddenly checked per. then continued constipation the latter aggravated by pinching as after taking spiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, - iº * . ~ : &P ^ ºn Gº Gº || “... Tº in – a vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. and feeling as if something lay hard pressure and deep in ºld. | Perihepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hy. in abdomen. Sudden cutting spiration. Tensive pain in | pochondrium; aggravation from any motion in abdomen, relieved after pro- hepatic region; in right, be- |º when º: º right i livº, º fuse pasty stools, with digging, low false ribs, aggravated on i. en; sore to touch. Typhilutis. Perlton- compelling him to bend double. deep inspiration. Griping in abdomen, with con- striction, Soreness and drag- ging downward and outward. Twitching in left side of abdo- men between navel and left flank as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Offensive flatus, . ; | | Distention of abdomen, with Intolerance of tight clothing ºr ºr Stools, at first hard, then mushy, finally ~ -. - S. l. - e º - º e fluid, Smelling like rotten eggs, in voluntary hardness, Rumbling in abdo- in hypochondria. Feeling ling of inguinal glands, fermented; sour smelling diarrhoea, alter. men. Cramps in abdomen ; below hypochondria, as if Pressure in hypogastrium nating with constipation. Stools looking like g * * º e ; , , o, . º * in o' n vrci rº •+. lumps of chaik in children during dentition ; aggravation in evening and laced with trembling, and on physical exertion. hard, undigested; bleeding fro º anus after night, with coldness in thighs. throbbing in epigastric I’é- stool. Chronic diarrhoea, which does not Drawing tension in abdomen. gion. Stitches in right hypo- ºn the º Diarrhoea º •; ** SU001S ; SOur OCIOr; large In quantity. Ascar- chondrium during and after |. in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite stooping. Pressure in hypo- and distentior of stomach. Cholera infantum, chondrium on every step. with vomiting of sour food, or curdled lumps. D rin o' e º terior Enlargement of liver, which is sore, with rawing pain in posteriol jaundice. Gall-stone colic, terrible darting part extending towards back pain; intolerance, of garments about the like tearin gS. Drawing pain waist. Flatulent distention of abdomen, with º º e great increase of fat; abdominal dropsy. in right hypochondrium, ex- Umbilical hernia. tending towards symphysis pubis. Tension and pressure i. hepatic region, as if en- | | larged even to bursting. UM BILIC US. — Soreness Hard stool, with depression of mind, caus- Fetid flatus, with cutting, ing headache and vertigo in old people. Diar pinching, then diarrhoea, with and pain around navel. rhºea; stools green; sometimes"slimy, white pain in abdomen on every and mushy; hot and watery; very offensive. Protruding piles, aching, itching and sore. attempt to eat. Fistula ami. "Cholerainfantum great desiré for indigestible things, like ham, smoked meat; ! abdomen sunken; flabby; emaciation; stools green, undigested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Heat in upper and lower ab- Diarrhºea, with great prostration and col- dor Coldness in upper and - lapse at the very commencement of the disease; OIſ) 62.1]. oldness in upper a cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark lower abdomen. Constrictive - lº Ol' lººk Kiº. liº º º ić. o H * •+ … . —A W ſ \ -- Water St OOlS. siatic cholera, with sudden pain. below short ribs, extend Suppression of the discharges and collapse (the ing into lumbar vertebrae. remedy should be stopped when the patient - perspires). Cholera infantum ; sudden vom- iting and diarrhoea; with coldness of body. Distention of abdomen; tym- Incarceration of flatus Diarrhoea, like scrapings of intestines; red- tº t e * ; -- ~ * - * •+ , , , dish mucus or bloody ; flaky, with extreme panitic and tender. Cutting in under short ribs, burning at , anus, during stool. Dysenteric, abdomen towards evening, dur- bloody stools, with intolerable burning tenes- ing stool, after the stool, shiver- mus, with chill, as if water, were poured over e Burni along alimentary one. Acute dysentery, with unquenchable ling. urn ling 3. ºntary thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat, feel canal. TaW and burring ; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Feeling in abdomen as if º UMBILICUs.-Colic, with . Mucous diarrhºea, with tenesmus; , stools •c, 4-3 * - © tº 1 º' g" frequent, Small; burning in rectum and blad- tended even to bul sting, causing cutting, twisting about der' bloody, shaggy, greenish frothy, worse suffocation. Tension in abdo- navel and passage of tough at night. Dysenféry in moist weather, aggra- º in epigastric mucus like diarrhoea, at Vation from any current of air; violent men, especially e eplgaS | e * :-- te i “." | tenesmus of rectum and bladder." Haemor. region, between pit of stomach times, mixed with b ack rhoids, With excessive burning as from pepper; and navel; aggravation from blood; after every stool thirst, throbbing soreness, with drawing pain in motion, with tension in lower and after every drink shiver- back. part of back. Tensive pºin. ling, extending to chest, as from dis- tention of abdomen. (156) 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Stitches in rectum dur- ing stool. Gnawing in rec- tum when not at stool. Crawling in rectum and complaints of ascarides. Ineffectual urging; tenes- mus; only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Frequent, sudden, press- ing-piercing pain in rec- tum. Pressure in rectum all day, with frequent, in- effectual urging. Itching in rectum and in genitals, with sticking. Oozing of sticky, odor- less moisture from anus, with Soreness and burn- ing. Sticky, odorless mois- ture behind scrotum. Bleeding of anus during stool. Glutinous, musty exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Passage of mucus from anus, with urging. Stitches towards anus, with soreness and burn- ing after stool. Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Haemorrhoids, with sore pain; unendurable on walk- ing or reflecting; swollen, with itching-sticking and much moisture; hard, Stinging-burning; painful when touched. Itching in anus, with pain in per- ineum. | Drug. 1 St00l. Stool soft, scanty and de- layed, with passage of blood during stool. Carbo. An. Stool enveloped by fila- mentous, yellowish mucus; this mucus is entirely bloody in last portions of feces. Carbo Veg. Carbol. Acid. Stool hard and difficult, brown and knotty. Card. Mar. Diarrhoea; stool passes bet- ter when standing. Caust. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend - double; hot, smelling like rot- Cham. ten eggs; green, watery, pain- less, consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy, with | colić. 4. in throat. Concomitants. Desire to be alone; she is sad and reflective and avoids conversation. Bleeding of nose mornings, preceded by vertigo, Weakness of ankle when walking. Offensive sweat at night, which colors the linen yellow; ex- hausting, Vision of black, floating spots. Bleeding of nose several times daily, preceded and accompanied by pallor of the face. Roughness of larynx, with deep, rough voice, without pain Burning in chest as from glowing coals. The hat pressed upon the head like a heavy weight, and the sensation, even after taking it off, as if the head were bound up with a cloth. Tightness, as if a rubber band were stretched from one temple to another, Wesicles on hands and all over body, with itching; relieved by rubbing, but leaving a burning pain. Urine cloudy, without sediment; golden. Stitches in region of seventh rib when stooping; afterwards the pain spreads all over front of chest and made movement of arms, walk- ing and stooping almost impossible. Inability to lie still a moment at night, Peevish. Sensation as from sand in eyes. Heaviness of upper lid as if he could not raise it easily. Muscles of larynx do not perform their function and inability to speak a loud word; worse in evening, with scraping in throat. Dry cough, with a sore streak down trachea, where it pains on every paroxysm of cough. Blind haemorrhoids; bleeding; with itching pain in anus. Whining restlessness. Pite ous moaning of a child, Peewishness; impatience. One cheek red, the other pale, Profuse discharge of clotted blood from uterus, with labor pains, The child can only be carried when carried on the arm. Throbbing in attacks in one-half of brain, ( 157 ) 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen with motions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble from flat- ulence. Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention of abdomen after dinner with rumbling of flatus, griping. Flatulence and disten- tion of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum and thence towards ab- domen. Dragging or griping in abdomen after stool. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passes copiously and easily. Heavi- ness in abdomen; Sensation as if it hung down heavily, oblig- ing her to walk bent. HYPOGASTRIUM.–Tear- ing transversely across pubis and then through pu- denda, as far as anus. Pain in right hypogastrium, as if something would be squeezed through. Stick- ing in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying there; better after pressure, by passage of flatus. Constipation ; stool very hard ; passed with much difficulty and streaked with blood. Oozing of a thin, inordorous fluid from the rectum ; weak digestion, especially in nursing WOIO €11. Pain in hypochondia on touch; in region of liver; bruised pain. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there on waking from midday nap. Hypochon- drium oppressed by clothing which was unendurable. HYPOGASTRIUM.– Accu- mulation of flatus in left up- per abdomen more towards back with pinching here and there under short ribs in hypogastrium. Pinching pain in hypogastrium. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling and rolling. Pain in right hypochon- drium, and in both iliac re- gions. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen, with pain in he- patic region on pressure. Shooting pain in hepatic region, with moist skin. Pain in right hypochondrium be- tween right ribs and hip when driving; aggravation from pressure. Full feeling in hypochondrium. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Loud, offensive flatus all the afternoon. Cutting in abdomen on appearance of menses; ag- gravation from motion, with tearing in back and Small of back; during menstruation with diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen in morning. Distention of abdomen after eating, with emission of flatus. Sticking in abdomen as from flatulence, extending into chest. Cutting in abdomen rather than sticking, with salivation before menses, with drawing in thighs. Stitches in hepatic region in afternoon. HYPO GASTRIUM. – Pain above left hip as if it would burst there on coughing. Intermittent pain, with flatulence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. UM BILICU.S.–Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides with pain in small of back as if broken. |rectum; knotty stool, shining as if greased; with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Diarhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; from rancid, fat; stools putrid; cadaverous smelling. Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stools passed with difficulty. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadav- erous odor; burning pains, deep in abdomen; feces escape with , flatus ; collapse ; pulse Weak and intermittent. Haemorrhoids pro. truding; large, bluish, suppurating and offen- sive, with ourning pains in anus, Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; stitching, burning pains; clothing unendurable. Colic worse when riding in the cars or carriage ; ameliora- tion from emission of flatus. Diarrhoea brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; tendency to collapse. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black, or thick like glue passed in thin strips like tape. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like scrapings of the intestines; involuntary ; putrid ; dark. Great, flatulent |ºtion Gf abdomen, and accumulation of 8,15llS. Cachexia of miners, working deep under ground; portal hyperamia; gall-stones; catarrh of the biliary ducts. Dropsical dis- eases, depending on organic affections of liver; jaundice with dull headache; constipa- tion ; foul tongue. Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and con- sumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat ; fat foods ; acids; Sweets. Con- stipation; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of 4 Very small in size ; passes easier when stand- ing. Haemorrhoids, accompanied with obstin- ate constipation ; swollen, itching, stinging, burning and painful when touched. Pruritus Of amus and fistula. Mucous diarrhoea in Summer, often caused by checked perspiration Green, slimy stools; mucous; chopped ; white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undigested; Often like Chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in children during teething or after taking cold. Hepatitis after vexation, or taking cold; dull aching pains in liver. Flatulent colic. Colic, especially after anger, (158) | | – – Rectum. Burning and cutting in copious, with much mucus, rectum, with constriction and light gray. - in an us, alternating with itching in anus; crawling. Pressure in rectum. 3 Anus. Pain in anus, caused by stool; contracted feeling during stool. Drug. | 1 Stool. 2 Stool pasty; bright yellow; Cheli. Maj. Diarrhoea, after eating, of undigested feces; also passed in several pieces; then in- effectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. Stool white, with dark urine. China. Watery diarrhoea. Cina. --- Stool thin, fluid, frequent, whitish-yellow. Coccul. - Contractive pain in anus in afternoon, preventing sitting. 4. Concomitants. Dirty yellow color of whites of eyes. Face yellow; worse on the nose and cheeks; the usual redness of the cheeks has a mixture of dark yellow, Tongue yellow, Taste bitter. Urine dark yellow; turbid when passed, dark brownish-red, like brown beer. Sensitiveness of all nerves, with general weakness, Pain in head as if skull would burst; brain beats in waves against the skull, Ringing in ears. Bitter taste, Indifference to eating and drinking, Cough, caused by laughing, Tensive pain in sac- rum as from a heavy load or after long stooping. Sensation in leg as if garters were too tight, and leg would go to sleep and be numb. Sweat in sleep, generally as soon as he is covered, except where he lies upon cheek. Cannot be quieted by any per- suasions; proof against all caresses. Sickly look about the eyes, with pallor of face; the child bores into the nose until the blood comes, Great hunger soon after a meal; desires many and different things, Aching of head, with nausea, Wer- tigo on rising up in bed, with nausea; with dullness in forehead as if a board were across forehead, Metallic taste, with loss of appetite; aversion to food. Nausea when riding in a wagon, Menstruation too early, with distention of abdomen, Feet and hands alternately asleep. Trem- bling of hands when eating. Knees threaten to sink from weakness; he totters when walking and threatens to fall on one side, (159) 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention of abdomen, with tension and hardness. Cutting in abdomen after eating; jerk- like. Distention of abdomen after eating, after a moderate Supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. Ferment- ation in abdomen from fruit. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p.m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emis- sion of flatus; offensive. Grip- ing in abdomen with pain on passage of flatus. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. Fullness in upper abdomen after eating ; the food remains long. Internal coldness in abdomen after every swallow of drink, renewed on every inspiration. Painthrough hypochondria and in right scapula, in region of liver and spleen. Pain in hepatic region, in margins of ribs on pressure, Pain in hepatic region, extending downward and across umbil- ical region as if constricted by a string. Sense of dis- tention in right hypochon- drium. UM BILICU.S.–Spasmodic retraction in umbilical re- gion, with nausea. Griping in unbilical region then cut- ting in abdomen and across right lumbar region, ex- tending to back. Constric- tion transversely across um- bilical region as by a string; in afternoon till 6; above navel. H Y PO G. A S T R I U M .— Cramp-like pain above pubis in afternoon with frequent urging to urinate. Tensive Spasmodic pain in inguinal regions, extending from up- per and outer part down- Ward and inward. Constric- tion in hypogastrium before passage of turbid urine. Swelling of liver. Inter- mittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, re- lieved by bending forward; with pain on touch, as if sup- purating. UM BILICU.S.—Sticking in left side of abdomen, below umbilicus, on walking rapidly, and afterwards colic in umbilical region, with shivering. Pinching or cramp-like pres- sure transversely across abdo- men in region of pit of stomach after eating. U M B I L ICUs.-Twisting about navel, with pain on pressure. Distention of abdomen by flat- ulence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus col- lected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Griping in upper abdo- men taking away the breath. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extend- ing to left side of abdomen and chest. HYPO GASTRIUM.—Pain- ful inclination to inguinal hernia, worse when rising from a seat. Internal feel- ing in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from stepping forward, when it seems as if the thickness pushed for- ward and everything would fall out. Paralytic pain in right ring as if something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from rising. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation; stool like sheep’s dung. Diarrhoea, without pain or urging; stools brown ; watery; white; Watery; green mucus; thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray like rice water. Chronic diarrhoea, with hepatic troubles. Enlarge- ment of the llver ; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bitter taste. Jaundice, with clear urine ; offensive ; tongue white ; stools dark. Constipation, with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium. Large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with diffi- Culty to pass them even when soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. Diarrhoea comes on grad- ually; Stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. Diarrhoea particularly after meals; at night; painless; early in morning; in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, Cadaverous-smelling; worse at night. Dysen. tery in marshy districts, with intermittent Symptoms. Enlarged spleen which is painful; the pains are acute and sticking. Gall-stone colic. Jaundice in nursing children. Diarrhoea, with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; , involuntary, greenish, slimy or White. Diarrhoea of white mucus in little pieces like popcorn. Passes worms, both round and thread worms. Abdomen swollen hard; sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes relieved by pressure. Constipation; hard stool every other day or every three or four days. Flatulent colic, Only slightly relieved by evacuating gas; Worse at night. Excessive flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and dysmenorrhoea. Hernias, both umbilical and inguinal. Flatulent colić in pregnancy. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriages; aggravation from drink. ing cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling, as if sharp stones were rubbing to- gether in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. ( 160 ) Drug. 1 St00l. Rectum. Colch. Coloc. Stool contained many white shreds. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenes- mus. Diarrhoea copious, yel- lowish and offensive, con- taining pieces of white membrane, orange yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes without feces. 3 Anus. Tenesmus; with only a little feces at first; then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is unsatisfactory. º - - - - - Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back; then urging to stool; then insufficient stool. – – Concomitants. Exhaustion. Appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them or, still more, smells them he shud- ders from nausea and cannot eat. Paralytic pain in the arm so that he cannot hold the lightest thing firmly, Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Urging to a copious, yellow- ish-brown, partly thin, Sour- ish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick Succession, first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Constipation; stool hard, only occurring once in two or three days, hard as if he were passing stones. Coni. Mac. Diarrhoea watery, frequent, with many empty eructa- tions and copious urine. Watery diarrhoea, mixed with hard parts; involun- tary in sleep. Crocus. Crotal. Hor. Urging in rectum to stool, with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum, as if weakened by diarrhoea. Ineffectual urg- ing frequent, then stool in single, Stony pieces. Heat in lower part of rectum during stool. Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in small of back and in anus. | | | Sticking in anus when not at stool. | Frequent urging to urinate. In- clination to painful cramp in muscles of all sorts. General weakness, with bruised sensation in small of back. Inability to sustain mental effort. Weakness of vision, with dazzling vertigo and general debility. Dry spot in larynx, where there is crawl- ing, with almost constant irritation to dry cough, almost only on first lying down during the day or even- ing; he must sit up and cough it out, after which he has rest, Hardness of right breast, with pain on touch and nightly sticking in it; sticking in left mamma. Intermittent sticking near left side of anus. Crawling in anus as of threadworms. Sensation of something living and jumping about in pit of stomach, abdomen, arms and other parts. Epistaxis of tenacious, thick, black blood. Metrorrhagia on slightest movement. weakness; tired by slight exer- tion, Eyes yellow. Tongue swollen, Yellow color of whole body, ( 161 ) | dinner; 5 she had eaten too much. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen as if Emis- ision of Offensive flatus in even- 1 Ing. Distention and pain in abd0- | men, with tension. Croaking in abdomen as from frogs. Rumbling in abdomen, with deep-seated pulsations. Dis- charge of offensive ſlatus after amelioration after stool, with movements in hypo- gastrium. Incarcerated flatus with tension, sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inward; ameliora- tion from pressure and bending inward; with cutting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn to- gether, as if squeezed between stones, Griping in abdomen, worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and downward. Cutting in abdomen like an electric shock. Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend forward. Griping in abdomen so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent Over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; Vomiting and purging of rice-water stools Varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, varie- gated; slime and feces mixed. , Painless chol- era morbus. with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cooking; Watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from intestines. Autumnal dysentery. Typh- litis; extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach. Sticking, cutting pain in hepatic region. Swelling of abdomen, with trembling. Cutting in abdomen before emission of flatus. Grip- ing in abdomen before discharge Of leucorrhoea. t Sticking in hepatic region, intermittent tearing. Con- striction of hypochondria as from a band. Sensation in abdomen inter- nally; in sides as if something living were jumping about. | l Swelling of abdomen. t | | UM BILICUs.-Sticking in umbilical region in a spot, obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting, extend- ing towards loins and spine. Cutting in umbilical region after eating, with tenesmus. Griping in Umbilical region, worse from eating fruit, with cutting, and general chill. Pain in umbilical region em- anating from navel; amelior- ation by frequent discharge of flatus, HYPO GASTRIUM.–Stick- ing, now in right now in left groin, apparently connected with ovaries. Pain in groin as if a hernia would pro- trude, and Cn pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Tension in region of left anterior superior spine of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, ex- tending from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. - HYPO GASTRIUM. — COIn- tractive pain in hypogas- trium like after-pains, with urging to stool. l Constipation produced by cheese; better from smoking; frequent urging to stool, with- Out any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Diar- rhoea as the result of anger or from fruit, with Colic. Dysentery bloody and mucous, with great Straining and burning of anus, tempor- arily ceasing after stool and by warmth in bed; aggravation after eating or drinking. Lead Colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; Constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, grip- ing sensation, as if the bowels were squeezed between stones. The patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bedpost or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Colic caused by suppressed perspira- tion, as from drinking ice water when heated. Hard swellings of the liver. Enlarged mes- enteric glands and tumors in the abdomen. Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremu- lous Weakness; discharges sometimes involun- tary. Obstinate constipation, especially if it sometimes alternates with diarrhoea, the stool followed by tremulous weakness. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish sub- stances and containing bloody specks. HYPO GASTRIUM. – Sen- sation as if something living were moving about deep in lower abdomen. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and be- neath hypochondria. HYPO GASTRIUM.–Burn- ing pain in hypogastrium, extending to Sacrum. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tender- Iness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Perityphlitis, with high fever, #. tender- neSS Over the appendix and hardness. Jaun- dice, with haemorrhage from the nose; tender- ness of the liver. Chronic hamorrhage from the bowels. ( 162 ) Stool, Cupr. Diosc. ... then rumbling and gurgling | Stools sudden, pasty, dirty, green, offensive, forcible. Diar- rhoea watery, yellowish and painless; forcible, Stool pasty, light-brown, after urging; in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second soft stool; mucus urgent, grayish-green and dirty brown, forcible, 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Constant urging in rec- tum. Diarrhoea violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Dulc. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with tearing cutting before stool, as after taking cold. Thin stool afternoons, with flatulence. Fer- TUIII] . Gambo, urging and protrusion of rectum. Stool watery, with flatulence, and frequent; more frequent after taking food or water, Diarrhoea frequent and sud- den, without pain or smell; watery. Stool yellow and green, diar- rhoea, mixed with mucus, pre- ceded by cutting around umbilicus, Diarrhoea, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal, forcible. Constipation; hard, insufficient stool, with Desire for stool in rec- tum in evening, with grip- ing in hypogastrium; then large, moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rec- tum. Pain in anus as if a plug were forced out- wards. Dragging in anus as before diarrhoea. Haemorrhoids, like red cherries, protrude after stool, with pain in anus. 4. Concomitants. Vesicles on scrotum, with cor- rosive itching. Sensation as if he could not get air enough into air cells, Cramps and pains in stomach and || in bowels. Pressure in stomach, with intermittent, contractive pains. Griping and pressure in stomach, then vomiting. Cough, with inter- rupted, almost suppressed respira- tion. Cramps in lower extremities, worse in calves, - Cramping pain in pit of stomach; then eructations of wind; then hic- cough and emissions of flatus. Sharp pain in epigastrium. Distress in stomach in morning, with burning; had to unfasten the clothes. Pain in small of back as after long stooping, Nettlerash over whole body, without fever, Weakness, Hammering and beat- ing in head so that she must lie down, Rush of blood to head and flushes of heat in face. Anorexia; dislike for all food; vomiting of food after midnight. Cough; expectora- tions scanty, with streaks of blood. Dyspnoea and oppression of chest as from pressure of a hand. Protrusion of anus. ( 163 ) 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Swash- ing in abdomen as of water. Gur- gling rumbling in abdomen, worse on the left side. Flatu- lence in abdomen, then urging; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen; contracted and sore to touch. Intermittent colic in abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with griping and emission of much flatus; offensive. Cutting all through abdomen in morning; aggravated by walking. Twist- ing in all parts of abdomen; worse in lower; constantly changing. Pain in abdomen, with frequent cutting in stom- ach and small intestines, with emission of much flatus. Colic in abdomen as after tak- ing cold; as before diarrhoea; be- fore stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives, on touch and on coughing. Rumbling in abdomen, with inflation and accumulation of flatus. Sharp pain in left hypo- chondrium. Heavy grinding in region of liver, worse in evening. UM BILICU.S. — Pain on pressure on umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus, where there is constant protrusion, UM BILICU.S.–Griping be- low umbilicus. Cramping pain above umbilicus. Pain in umbilical region in morn- ing, with profuse, thin yel- low stool, not relieving the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. Distress in umbilical region and hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stom- ach and small intestines, HYPogastri UM.–Grip- ing in left inguinal region, extending to testicles. UM BiLicus.-Sticking in region of umbilicus. Griping colic, writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Diarrhoea coming on suddenly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweetmeats during Summer; eWery movement of the body renews the discharges. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting; hiccough. Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. Cholera or choleraic St00ls not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cramps in abdomen; intus- Susception Of the bowels; abdomen drawn in. Violent flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about, aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting-twisting: amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. , Colic from the passage of gall-stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terri- ble eructations. Colic from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and distress. Flatu- lent colic relieved by stretching the body out Or walking. Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatism; stools Sour smelling when the weather sud- denly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dysentery from cold, damp weather; rectum protrudes; stools very slimy, Bleeding piles, with itching and gnawing. Ascarides, with itching; unnatural appetite: flushed fage. Diarrhoea containing undigested food; painless; recurring when eating or drink- ing. Chronic diarrhoea, , gushing, watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. UM BILICU.S. — Inflation and tension, with pinching in umbilical region; with frequent emission of flatus. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cut- ting about the navel and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Diarrhoea, particu- larly of Old people; chronic. ( 164 ), 1 St00l. |2 Drug. Rectum. Diarrhoea, almost without | Prolapsus of rectum, pain, then prostration. Stool without urging, as if anus hard, with urging and sticking were paralyzed. Urging in anus; lumpy, with threads in rectum; stool not hard, of mucus, dark, half digested, but difficult on account of of intolerable odor, Stool thin, inactivity of rectum. | like a round worm, with Graph. much white mucus; also blood. t Stool watery; feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellow- | greenish water, forcible, of Gratiol. green, frothy water. Watery | feces frequent, with Soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid, feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Stool of only clear, tenacious, Hel. colorless mucus. Stool white, Nig. gelatinous, like frog's spawn; frequent, with pressure. Con- stipation. Stool soft, difficult, scanty, Urging in rectum, but with much urging; clay- large intestines are wanting colored. in peristaltic action and can not expel soft feces; only a pºrt can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles. Hepar. Hydras Diarrhoea; involuntary in Frequent desire in rec- bed. tum for stool. Hyosc. 3 Anus. 4. ConComitants. Burning hºmorrhoid. Weakness of whole body. Sad- Itching, smarting, sore pain |ness, with thoughts of nothing but in anus on wiping, Single, cutting Stitches in anus. | º despondency; inclination to weep. Aching of head as if numb, Scales on scalp, causing itching and becoming a scurf. Inflammation of margins of lids. Moist and sore places behind both ears. Smell acute; she cannot tolerate flowers. Lips and nostrils sore and cracked as from cold, Burning blisters on lower side and tip of tongue. Averson to ani- mal food and sweet things. Leucor- rhoea, profuse, of white mucus. Skin hard and Cracked on hands, Coldness in stomach and feeling as if full of water. Pain in stomach, with nausea and general discomfort. Pain in one-half of brain as from a nail or plug, Sticking in throat, as from a splinter, on swallowing; extending towards ear on yawning. Bladder weak; urine drops down vertically and he must wait before | urine flows, Paroxysmal cough if slightest portion of body becomes cold, with sensitiveness of nervous system. Skin unhealthy; slight in- |juries suppurate, Sensitiveness to open air. Constant offensive exhala- |tions from body, Sweat on slightest motion, * - Delirium and restlessness; foolish laughter. Unconsciousness. Small objects seem very large, Constric- tion of throat impairing swallowing. Frequent hiccough, Incessant cough when lying; dry. Sleeplessness on account of exhilaration, Startings | out of sleep. (165) 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus. Disten- tion of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and con- fusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Rumbling and griping in ab- domen always before emission of flatus. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor; sunken features and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy Sweat, pulse thready. Abdomen distended and tense, | with rumbling and cutting. Pinching in muscles of abdo- | men when sitting as if he had fallen upon them ; strained pain; sensitiveness of walls. 6 Hypochondria. Pain in upper abdomen as if everything would be torn to pieces during menstrua- tion. Burning in left hypo- chondrium. Sticking in hepatic region. Intermittent, acute pai n in liver region, extending to Scapulae. Fº 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. HYPOGASTRIUM. – Sud- den flatulence in hypogas- trium, passing painfully towards ring. Swollen glands in right groin, with sensitiveness. UM BILICUs.-Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region from sides of abdomen towards middle and some- times to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anx- ious heat of cheeks. HYPoGAst FIUM.–Sup- puration of inguinal glands; buboes. UMBILICUs.-Sticking in umbilical region during in- spiration. HYPOGASTRIUM.–Hypo- gastric region distended and sensitive. Cutting low down in hypogastric region. Clinical. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown fluid, mixed With undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Piles, with pain on sitting down or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife, with violent itching and very sore to touch. Induration of the liver. Constipation; accu- mulation of large masses of feces, which are COWered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the Cracks bleed and ulcerate. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel as if the in- testines were torn. - Diarrhoea; Watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force, resulting from drinking ex- cessive quantities of water. , Diarrhoea is gen- erally painless, associated with cold feeling in abdomen, but sometimes with cramps. Colic, with sensation of coldness in abdo- men... Diarrhoea during pregnancy, during dentition, during meningitis; tuberculosa. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus, like frog's-Spawn, generally with tenesmus; some- times, profuse, Watery, alternating with con- stipation. Abdominal dropsy. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mer- Cury Or Quinine; light yellow fecal, papescent, Sour stool, with nindigested food. Haemor- rhoids from engorgement of the liver; haemor- rhage from rectum, with soft stool. Chronic engorgement of liver; cirrhosis; soreness and Stitches in liver When Walking; heptic abscess. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Diarrhoea; stools White, Sour, undigested, or sometimes mucous, yellow, or green, and of decayed odor. Gastro-duo Cemal catarrh. Liver torpid, skin yellow, stools light colored; jaundice. Gall- stone colic, With jaundice. Chronic catarrhal inflammation. Of the bowels, with mucus dis- charge or feces covered with mucus. Chronic constipation; especially valuable after purga- tives. Constipation following parturition, with haemorrhoids and headache. Yellow, Waiery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, es- pecially during sleep; a typhoid state, with. delirium. ( 166 ) 1 St00l. Drug. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. Diarrhoea frequent, thin, in- Prolapsus of rectum from | Blind piles with pres- Sensitiveness, delicate conscien- voluntary with flatus; small. moderate exertion of stool. sure and soreness in anus tiousness inconstant, impatient, irre- • Spasmodic tension in rec- and rectum, painful when solute, changeable mood; anger at tum all day. Frequent cut- sitting and standing, less slight blame or contradiction, and ting deep in rectum, pain when walking, worse after this makes him angry with himself. sharp; pain as from blind taking fresh air. Coarse Sticking in throat when not swallow- piles; contraction and sore- sticking in anus extending |ing; the more he swallows the more ness. Crawling in rectum deep into rectum. Sore pain it disappears. Aversion to tobacco te as from thread worms. in anus without reference |smoking. Peculiar weakness in pit Ignatia. Itching in rectum in even- to stool; pain as from blind of stomach, Frequent micturition ing in bed. Urging more piles. of watery urine. Jerkings in ex- in upper intestines; stool tremities on falling asleep. soft and insufficient, anx- ious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. In- effectual urging in rectum in evening, with protrusion of rectum, Diarrhoea soft, frequent, Burning in anus in Em a ciation. Difficult almost whitish. evening. wheezing respiration. Salivation, Ravenous hunger. Hoarse, croupy cough. Iodum. Diarrhoea as if fermented, Salivation and obliged to swallow frequent, of greenish mucus. constantly. Nausea with empty Bloody stool. te eructations; 'vomiting. Rattling in bronchi during respiration, Suffo- Ipecac, cative cough whereby the child be- comes stiff and blue in the face, Dyspnoea with wheezing and weigh and anxiety about praecordia. - Stools frequent, watery, with Burning in anus after | Mouth and tongue feel scalded; burning in anus; disposition stool; sore in morning as if profuse saliva. Aching of head in to strain and bear down. points were Sticking in it. morning after being in cold air and Watery stool through the Distress in anus as if pro- on quick motion; worse in forehead Iris day; yellow, painless with lapsed. and vertex as if top of head would Ver. rumbling. come off. Stool watery, spurting from Urging in rectum sud- Cramps in evening and twitch- him. Thin stool, preceded den, with noise as of ings; calves were twisted around to Jatro. and followed by rumbling liquids in abdomen, worse and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied. on left side. shins. Acrid feeling in throat, grad- ually extending to stomach. Womit- ing easy of much watery, albuminous substance, with watery diarrhoea. ( 167) 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Rumbling and noises in ab- domen, with discharge of flatus; unsatisfactory; abrupt; offen- sive; not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Drawing, griping in abdomen, with pres- sure in rectum, nausea, weak- ness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing, Pain in abdomen between pit of stomach and umbilicus. Distention of hypochon- dria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on ac- count of tension and fullness under ribs. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. U M B I LI CUs.-Sticking above and to left of um- bilicus. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical women. Constipation in con- Sequence, of cold or from carriage riding. Procidentia recti during stool. Painless diar- rhoea, with rumbling of wind; worse at night from fright or other emotions. Contractive, SOre pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids One Or two hours after stool; stools large or Soft, but passed with difficulty. Haemor- rhoids, with bleeding during and after stool. Pruritus ani. Excessive flatulence, especially in hysterical subjects. Fissures of the anus Without constipation, acute pains shooting up- Wards. Prolapsus ani, with sharp, stabbing pains shooting upwards. Alternations of diar- rhoea and constipation. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Left hypo- chondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. Pressure in right hypochondrium, with pain on touch. Constipation, with ineffectual urging; better after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark colored; constipation alternating with diar- rhoea. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhausting character; stools whitish, whey-like, watery, foamy, mucus; worse in morning. Cirrhotic liver; can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Enlargement of the spleen, with Salivation. Mesenteric disease; glandular en- largement; emaciation; irregular stool; enor- mous appetite. Fatty diarrhoea from disease of the pancreas. Clawing griping in abdomen as if grasped by a hand so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest; worse from motion. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. U M Bi Li cus.-Cutting about umbilicus, with shiv- ering. Flatulent colic, from acids, with frequent loose stools; cutting, almost constantly, run- ning from left to right, Diarrhoea; stool as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continuous nausea. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diar- Thoea of miasmatic origin in combination with milk diet. Dysenteries during the autumn, With violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Griping in abdomen; ameli- oration after discharge of flatus; in evening and night; relieved by bending forward. Abdomen distended and soft. Noise in abdomen as if a full bottle were emptied, in evening, continuing, after a thin stool, at 10 p. m. Autumnal, bilious diarrhoea; exhaustion and debility from the start. Diarrhoea, with burn- ing in rectum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed With mucus, preceded by soft and more sub- stantial stools. , Dysentery when the patient is cold; skin blue; stools of bloody mucus, Flatulent colic and constipation, especially in children. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin, nausea and headache. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomiting of bile. , Constipa- tion, especially with recurring sick headaches. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch; Sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. (168) Drugs. Kali Bich. Kali Carb. Lach. 1 St00l. quent bloody gnawing at navel, then in- effectual straining. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea; then sudden, complete rest. Liquid, in- voluntary stool; then burn- º in anus and griping in intestines. Diarrhoea; pro- fuse, constant, involuntary, of mucus and blood. Constipa- tion ; stool hard ; then burn- ing and pressure in anus; scanty. Bloody and painful stool; Scanty, round and burning in an us. Stool soft and insufficient. Constipation during men- struation; stool like sheep dung; painful and difficult; insufficient; after much pres- sure. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in an us; sudden about mid- night, with urging; very offensive; ammoniacal. Diar- rhoea; stool soft and bright yellow; pasty; of the odor of putrefying Snakes. of a plug in anus in after- noon when sitting; full- ness of haemorrhoidal ves- sels. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. In- effectual urging, with feel- ing as if rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Protrusion of rectum after stool; then painful constriction of anus. Haemorrhoids swollen, bleeding during natural stool. Haemorrhoids swol- len and protrude with a hard stool; protrude dur- ing diarrhoea, with stitch- ing and burning for many hours. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; stitch es; sore pain during cough ; pain when walking. Stitches in amus, with tearing, cutting and burn- ing. Biting, Sore sensa- tion in and around anus after stool, with itching and Soreness. Stool lies close to anus without passing and with- out injury. Beating, throb- bing in anus as with ham- mers, Spasmodic pain in anus before and after stool. Burning in anus during and after stool. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. Dysenteric attacks for sev- Burning pain in anus Septum of nose ulcerated away, eral successive years; fre- after stool, in forenoon, | Purulent inflammation of whole stools, with with pressure. Sensation nasal mucous membrane, Dryness of nose, with pain in root. Plugs form in nose. Tongue smooth, red and cracked, Hawking of much tenacious mucus in throat in morn- ing; gelatinous. Burning pain in pit of stomach. Hoarseness and rough voice. Cough, with expec- toration of white mucus, as tough as pitch, and which could be drawn out in strings down to feet. Inclined to take cold; symptoms of taking cold from every draught of air; dread of open air. Pains recur at 2 or 3 a. m. Swelling of upper lids, between brows, like a sack, Sticking in pharynx as from a fish bone; hawking of tenacious mucus in back part of throat in morning, which can neither be com- pletely swallowod nor hawked up, External sensitiveness of epigastric region, Feeling in stomach as if full of water. Sticking in left chest on deep breathing, in right on in- spiration, Sleepless after 1 or 2 8. Iſl, Intolerance of slightest touch; it almost puts him into a rage, Weak- ness in morning on rising; he would constantly sink down from weak- ness, Physical and mental weak- ness, Wertigo in morning on waking, worse on closing eyes. Pain in fore- head above eyes, extending to root of nose. Vision dim with black flickering, Sensitiveness of throat to external pressure, even to touch of the linen; Suffocative sensation. Sensation as if crumb stuck in throat, Soreness with pain in left side of throat, with feeling in pit of throat as if something were swollen and would suffocate him, Swallow- ing difficult; more of liquids than of solids, Dry, hacking cough from touching throat. Cramplike pain in praecordial region, causing palpita- tion with anxiety. Sore spots on skin become fungoid, dark red to brownish. ( 169 ) 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool; after breakfast; with griping, then a second thin stool; then retrac- tion of anus and nausea. Emis- sion of offensive flatus. Pain in abdomen, with diarrhoea; Sore to pressure, Distention of abdomen after eating a little. Emission of flatus. Incarcerated flatus. Cut- ting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back, as before diar- rhoea. Pain in the abdominal muscles, on touch ; throbbing. Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through the intestines. Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Sticking in right hypochon- drium after dinner; in hep- atic and right inguinal re- gions, in a Spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch ; pinching; Sticking; tearing. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cut- ting, drawing, burning pain in liver. ! Distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdomen, Habitual constipation; stools Scanty, knotty; followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly- like, lumpy. Chronic diarrhoea, off and on ; aggravation from lager beer. Periodical re- turn of dysentery in spring or early part of summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly-like ; stringy discharges, with tenesmus during and after stool. Pain in right hypo- chondrium, especially when limited to a small spot ; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Duodenal catarrh, sometimes with jaundice; white stools. Gastro-enteritis, with bilious or bloody vomiting. UM BILICU.S.—Abdo men hard, with pain in umbilical region on touch. Cutting about umbilicus. HYPO GASTRIUM. – Cut- ting in hypogastrium, as if everything would be torm to pieces deep down, then higher up; Sticking. IDrag- ging in hypogastrium to- wards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus with sen- sitiveness to touch. Weight in hypogastrium aggra- wated by walking. Feeling of tension in hypogastrium when sitting, and walking, with heaviness. Colic, as if intestinal canal Were full of Water. Constipation, frequent and unsuccess- ful desire for stool; insufficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rec- tum. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic dyspeptic persons; stools light-gray or brownish; corro- sive; sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Haemorrhoids, With sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in cold water. Haemorrhoids, complicating fistula ani especially in persons suffering from lung troubles. Swelling and abscess in liver, With Stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Dropsical effusions and even peritonitis, alway#, with sharp pains; great aggravation from Cold air and in the early morning. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly para- lyzed, and slow to close, with a feeling of ina- bility to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Diarrhoea in spring, when Warm Weather sets in; stools very offensive; undi- gested, watery, chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, looking like charred straw. Piles protruding and strangulated, or With stitches upward at each cough or sneeze. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflamma- tion and abs3eSS; jaundice; tenderness On pressure. Extremely valuable in typhlitis, and in the late stage of peritonitis. Haemor- rhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, con- sisting of decomposed blood. Fistula in the anus, with sensation of beating, as of little hammers. ( 170 ) Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. Lauro. Diarrhoea, twice in morn- Leptan Lilium Tig. Stool profuse, black, fetid, Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum; burning. Con- stipation. Lycop. soft, Stool, first part lumpy, second Hard stool. ing, with tenesmus; in after- noon; frequent, of thin, green- ish mucus. running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. h j Pressure on rectum and on bladder; then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at Stool. blood from rectum during labor pains, and in small of back. Contraction of rectum so that it protrudes during hard stool, Discharge of stool; during soft stool. Cramps in rectum, like Haemorrhoids swollen, protruding, burning, Stick- ing; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Anus painfully closed. Burning in anus, with frequent stools; itching. Cough from tickling in throat, in paroxysms, with whistling sound and with dry feeling in throat. Despondent, Feeling as if ice lay On Vertex, Hurried feeling as of imperative duties and inability to perform them, Depression of spirits. Frequent desire to urinate during the day, with scanty discharge, and irritation and Smarting in urethra during micturition. Feeling as if all pelvic contents would press out through vagina if not prevented by pressure of the hand or by sitting down. Sharp and quick pain in left chest, with fluttering of heart. Aggravation of all symptoms at 4 p. m.; better at 8 p. m. Speaks wrong words and syllables; con- fusion about everyday things. Throb- bing in head after every paroxysm of cough, Ulceration and redness of eyelids; styes, Blinded by the evening light; sees nothing upon the table, Nose stopped at night so that he could not get his breath. Face yellowish-gray, Contracted feeling in throat; nothing goes down; tight feeling on swallowing; food and drink regurgitate through nose, Appetite after eating, though stom- ach and abdomen are full and tense; sudden Satiety, Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; waterbrash; hiccough. Pain in stomach in afternoon after eating a little; digestion slow, Urine contains red sediment; red sand. Tickling cough as from sulphur fumes. (171) Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with Coldness. Sensation in abdo- men, extending into small of back, as if something fell down. Distention of abdomen. ing, with tension; amelioration from emission of flatus. Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool. | liver 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention in hepatic re- gion, with pain as if suppu- rating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Sticking in in right hypochon- drium, with burning and pain on touch; then burning, ex- tending backward. Paralytic, bruised pain in liver on in- spiration, extending to shoul- der. Beating and bubbling in liver, as in a sore finger; burning. Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall- bladder, with rumbling in abdomen, and aching in um- bilical region. Aching, burn- ing in gall-bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. UM BILICU.S.—Distress in umbilicus, with burning in back part of liver, and in Spine. HYPO GASTRIUM.––Rum- bling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress, and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. HYPO GASTRIUM.–Bear- ing down pains in hypo- gastrium worse when walk- ing, with weight low down in vagina, with constant de- sire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was discharged. Sensation in hypogastrium, as if a hard body pressed back- ward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest ; caus- ing tension and bubbling; amel- Tension in abdomen and incar- ioration from empty eructa- tions, Bruised pain in right hypochondrium, worse from touch on breathing. Unpleas- |ant and distended feeling in hepatic region if she eats to satiety, Weight in left hypo- chondrium, when walking, sit- ting and lying, not affecting breathing, Sharp pressure on a spot in middle of upper ab- ceration of flatus, domen. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous Or mushy; urdigested, with cutting in abdo- men before; tenesmus during and burning after stool; worse after cold food; pains worse after eating and drinking. Involuntary stools | in bed from paralysis of sphincter ani. Diar- rhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells about the heart, Wasting away of liver; nutmeg liver, Camp diarrhoea, chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, With aching and burning in hepatic region; Worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. ..., D arrhoea, with urging and inability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen, as of Water; after stool sharp pains around navel; Weak feeling in abdomen and rectum; faint- neSS. Pain in region of gall-bladder, extend- ing to Spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; stools dark-brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggravation in morning and forenoon; with tenesmus of bladder and rec- tum during stool; preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Acrid smarting; burn- ing Sensation at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were projected OVer the parts. Dysentery; stools bloody, mucous, every half hour, with constant urging and much backache. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains On the right side of the abdomen, ex- tending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen from right to left, Constipation; torpOr, of bowels; feces hard, scanty, passed With difficulty from constriction of the sphinc- ter alli, and feeling as if much remained be- hind. Constipation in elderly people of the higher classes, suffering from retarded defeca- tion, with abdominal plethora. Diarrhoea, With excessive accumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with hard lumps; thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Chronic dysentery; urgent strain- ing with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Bleeding piles, which contain an amount of blood; a far greater quantity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant. Cirrhosis of liver, with ascites, especially in drunkards, gin liver, chronic hepatatis, with tendency to abscess. ( 172 ) Drug. Mag. Carb. 1 St00l. Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen; fre- quent ; liquid; always pre- ceded by griping; worse on right side. Diarrhoea fre- Quent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mucous, Constipation; stool every second day. º Mag. Mur. Stool hard, like sheep dung, and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly as if burnt. Hard stool and COV- ered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; then a soft one envel- oped in mucus. Rectum. Sticking in rectum, wak- ing her at 4 a.m.; Sticking again next morning after Waking. 3 Anus. | Haemorrhoids; pain dur- ing normal stool. Smart- ing in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mercur Mercur Cor. Mezer. Diarrhoea in evening; at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cut- ting and griping. Stool soft, brownish, easy; floating on water. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, ex- coriating anus; whitish-gray. Bloody stools, with painful, acrid sensation in amus. Stool Scanty, with much dragging, burning-biting, causing dis- tress in anus. Stool of bloody mucus, with cutting in abdo- men and tenesmus. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; frequent, day and night, with cutting in abdo- men and almost ineffectual tenesmus, Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark, clotted blood, followed by tenesmus. Constipation; stools of tenacious feces, with great tenesmus, Diarrhoea constant, with pain in abdomen. Constipa- tion; stool of brown feces, containing white, shining grains. Evacuation of large, round worms. Constant, in- effectual urging, with tenes- mus in rectum, Oozing of corrosive ichor from rectum. Tenesmus, but nothing passes except mucus, tinged with blood. Fre- quent, ineffectual urging in rectum, causing pain. Stitches in rectum. Protruding, painful, Sore haemorrhoids, with ineffec- tual urging. Prolapsus of anus. Burning pain in anus, with soft stools. Burning in anus during stool. Biting, Sore pain in anus on walking and burning in rectum. Itching in region of anus during day and evening, before sleep. 4. Concomitants. Appetite for fruit and acid things in general; relish for meat, Menses more profuse at night than by day. Headache relieved by pressing head with both hands, Micturition only by exertion of abdominal muscles. Menses passed in black clots, Trembling of hands and tongue; weakness, Hurried talking; slow in answering questions; memory weak. Vision dim; intolerance of firelight or daylight, Offensive odor from nose as in violent coryza. Face earthy-colored, puffy; teeth decayed and became loose in succession. Bleeding of gums from slightest touch, Tongue black with red edges, showing impress of teeth on edges; coated white, Speech stammering, Salivary glands swollen and painful, Salivation, Taste sweet to bread; metallic taste. Suppuration of ton- sils, with sticking in fauces on swal- lowing. Constant desire to urinate, but little is passed. Greenish dis- charge from urethra. Stitching in right chest on stooping and cough- ing. Cold hands and feet, Sweat at night or on motion; oily; offensive. Lips black, swollen and tender, Gums bleed easily; swollen and spongy. Salivation, Taste bitter; salty, Swelling of the throat, threat- ening suffocation, Micturition by drops and painful. Painful glandular swellings about nipples. Sticking through chest. Sleepiness. Lying on back with knees bent up. Hypochondriac, Pain in head on slightest touch, Scalp covered with thick, leather-like crust, under which thick and white pus collects here and there, and hair is glued together. Jerking of muscles of left upper eyelid. Inflammatory redness of the face; the eruption is fat and moist, Teeth feel too long and blunt, Burn- ing in pharynx and fauces. Itching and burning vesicles around ulcers, (173) 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling movements, and cut- ting. Cutting before stool, with griping. Griping in abdomen, with rumbling, then thin green diarrhoea, without tenesmus. Pain in abdomen during men- Struation. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges, or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; sour smelling; undigested, containing curds. Dysentery, of bloody mucus, mixed with the green, watery stool. Incarceration of flatus. In- Cessant emission of flatus. Drawing pain in abdomen at night. Burning and tensive stick- ing in right hypochondrium; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region. Cutting in a spot in left hypochondrium in morning. Distention of abdomen from gas; and hardness. Griping in abdomen, with constant desire for stool; but little is evacuated. Pain in abdomen, caused by evening air, with diarrhoea, as from a stone. Intestines sore, as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and dessi- cation of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eruc- tate. Bruised sensation; worse in caecal region, and along trans- Verse colon, on moderate pressure, Rumbling in abdomen, with noises. Emissions of flatus, loud, short and interrupted; offensive; worse before stool. Burning in abdomen. Sticking in hepatic region. Stitches in region of left short ribs. Pain in region of spleen. HYPOGASTRIUM.–Swell- ing of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure, and from long walking and Standing; obliged to lie down. Bor- ing in right groin. Constipation; bowels obstructed from indu- ration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hysterical Women, mostly during night; Stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. En- larged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Cirrhosis of liver. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Haem- orrhoids, with constipation. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; Colic, which only passes off by lying down. Diarrhoea; Watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on tCp of water; Violent urging be- forc; tenesmus during; a never get-done feeling, with tenesmus and urging after. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody; green mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Haemorrhoids large, bleeding, which suppurate. Liver en- larged and often indurated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; stools clay-colored; catarrhal enteritis; peri- typhlitis; subacute colitis. f ," Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen, with ineffectual pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rectum. Constipation; stool hard, slow; with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; Sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Chronic diar- rhoea, with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fermented, offensive. - (174 ) Drug. Mur. Acid. 1 St00l. Diarrhoea; then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Prolapsus of rectum, as if everted, when urinating. Smarting in rectum and in anus, with soft stool. Swollen haemorrhoids, | with burning, sore pain; blue haemorrhoids, pain on pressure. ing in anus after stool, with itching. Nat. Carb. Nat. Mur. Nat. Sulph. Nitric Acid. Stools spotted with blood, Constipation; stools like sheep dung after great straining and burning, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. rectum. in Burning in rec- tum after stool. Urging in rectum so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurt- ing stool, Incarcerated flatus Diarrhoea; stool watery; soft; difficult from inactivity of rectum. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly, and unsatisfactory; difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with fre- Quent micturition. Protrusion of rectum, with itching in evening in bed. Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tear- ing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Sen- sation of a foreign sub- stance in rectum or rough, hard feces, with constant looseness of bowels. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yel- low in morning, with full feeling in abdomen and emis- sion of flatus. Knotty stools. Discharge of blood from anus during stool. Itching of anus. 4. Concomitants. | | | | | Weakness; pulse rapid and feeble. with Burn- Melancholy, sad, apprehensive, Much nasal mucus passes through mouth. Violent hawking of thick mucus from throat, that constantly collects again, - Emaciation; weakness, Weeping mood; the more he was consoled the more he was affected; sad and pre- ferred to be alone, Aching of head as if it would burst, with heavy and pressive pain above eyes. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes in morn- ing, Eyes give out on writing or reading letters, and stitches run to- gether. Blisters on tongue; taste bitter. Involuntary micturition, with cutting after, Palpitation of heart, with intermittent beating of pulse. Itching eruption on margin of hair at nape of neck. Stitches in chest with cough; relief from sitting up and holding her chest with both hands, Brick-red sediment in urine with burning dur- ing micturition. Diarrhoea frequent; twice in morning; with tenesmus. Constipation; painless; stools hard masses, scanty, envel- oped in mucus, with prick- ing, cutting in anus. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo- membrane; painful and fre- quent, with fever and head- ache. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus; frequent; of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Difficult stools, with Straining and burning in rectum. Fissures more in rectum than in anus after stool. Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spas- modic constriction in anus. Pain in rectum during stool as if something would be torn asunder, Scraping, sticking, cutting in rec- tum and anus during stool, with dragging. Itching, burning in rectum at night, on waking, and in morn- ing, with pinching, extend- ing to perineum. Inac- tivity of rectum and in- ability to evacuate feces; constant, ineffectual desire after stool. Haemorrh oids, with swelling; protruding, pain- less. discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum; burn- ing; painful. Discharge of bright red blood from anus with stool. Moisture and itching in anus, with sore- ness; moist between amus and nates when walking. Constriction of anus, with itching, burning all day, worse after urinating; with hard stool. Emaciation; weakness so that he was almost constantly obliged to lie down, Wexed at trifles; despondent; easily excited; mnch affected by peewishness, Feeling of head as if in a wise, from ear to ear, over vertex; as if tightly bound. Falling of hair, Double vision ; obscured when reading, Stopped coryza, with stoppage of nose. Ulcers in corners of lips, with scabs. Blisters on tongue, with burning pain on touch, Ulcers on inside of cheeks, with sticking. Sticking in throat, with difficult swallowing, Sweat in morn- ing. Sweat on soles, causing soreness of toes and balls of feet, with stick- ing as if walking on pins. ( 175 ) Abdomen. T)istention of abdomen worse after eating. Incarcerated fla- tus, with griping in abdomen after eating. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling, then four pasty stools with emission of flatus. Griping in abdomen, as in diarrhoea, after stool. Flatulent pain in abdomen like labor-pains. Collection of flatus in abdo- men without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Rolling and rum- bling in abdomen, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Pain in abdo- men before breakfast, flatulent, relieved by difficult emisson of flatus and lying on right side. Rumbling in upper part of ab- domen in evening, then fetid flatus. f Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of fla- tus. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night with pain before stool. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. chondrium in forenoon, then griping. In n; e with sticking in region of spleen. Sticking in right hypo- in hypogastrium, cords HYPO GASTRIUM.–SWell- ing in inguinal glands; painful; and of axillary glands. Pain in hypogas- trium, extending to geni- tals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out and menses would come on. HYPOGASTRIUM. – Pain in hypogastrium, in ring, when coughing, extending into testicles as if spermatic would be torn to pieces. - when walking in open air, also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. gion sensitive when walking, with pain on touch at 1:30 p. Im. Stitches in hypochondria Hepatic re- aggravation with tension. Sticking in hepatic region, from motion, UM BILICUs.-Tearing around umbilicus, with flatulence, - Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime separated. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after confinement. Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth; with prolapsus of rectum, accompanied by sticking and biting. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive; or, in old people, who sink down in bed. Flatulent colic, with constriction around Stomach and navel; incarcerated flatus; passes Sour Smelling or fetid flatus. Constipation in Sad, desponding, and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy and vegetable food. Diarrhoea during hot Summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; WOTSe during day, and after eating, With discharge passing with a gush; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sensation in the anus after stool. Inactivity of rectum; stools hard. Diarrhoea Chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Haemorrhoids painful, Stinging, with protrusion of rectum; smarting and burning; oozing of glutinous moisture. Herpetic eruption about anus. Ascarides. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked With blood, preceded and accompanied by Smarting at the allus. Difficult expulsion of Soft stool. Chronic diarrhoea worse some time after rising and moving about; after a pro- tracted spell of damp cold weather, or from living in damp houses. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool; then yellow- ish-green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexa- tion; from excessive study or mental work; Congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Lead colic. Syphilitis. HYPO GASTRIUM.–SWell- ing of inguinal glands, Suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb Seems paralyzed and mus- cles tense. Constipation; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with Sharp Splinter-like cutting pains. Diarrhoea, With cutting pressing pains before and during St00ls, With drawing pain in rectum after stool, Continuing for hours; stools green, Slimy, With flakes of false membranes, un- digested, putrid, fetid sour-smelling. Diph- theritic dysentery; burning in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Old pendulous hamorrhoids that cease to bleed, but become painful to the touch, especially, in Warm , weather. Bleeding of haemorrhoids, blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Liver enormously en- larged; jaundice, with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Fissure of the anus, with constant oozing of fetid moisture, With raw Smarting, as if cut with a knife. ( 176 ) Drug. - 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Nux MOS. Stool soft but difficult; indo- lent ; also with sensation as if a part remained. Nux Vom. Opium. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggrava- tion in morning and after din- ner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Constipation, as from constriction of intes- times; as from inactivity of rectum; stool hard, then sticking as from haemor- rhoids. Stools whitish, mix- ed with tenacious mucus and streaks of blood. Stool, undigested, of food eaten the previous evening; involuntary. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, frequent, also causing burn- ing in anus. Constipation, stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces with loss of appe- tite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Stool offensive, involuntary, de- layed. Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; ag- gravation from exerting the mind or studying; in morn- ing before stool. Constric- tion in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sen- sation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing-sticking sensa- tion in rectum, as if stool were incomplete. Anxious urging in rectum, frequent; ineffectual after the usual stool, with griping; and stool when passed was soft, Blind hamorrhoids, with burning and sticking in rectum. Discharge of blood from anus with the stool. Jerking in anus when not at stool. Burn- ing-Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cut- ting as in a Sore; biting in evening, with Sore pain ; itching in anus, with sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margin; becoming a Smarting and Sore pain as from blind piles. Concomitants. Strange feeling over whole system with almost irresistible sleepiness. Changeable, one moment laughing the next crying. Absence of mind; inability to think; memory lost. Dryness of tongue and mouth as if it would stick to palate, without thirst, Sleepiness; eyes close constantly; falls asleep on sitting down, Takes cold from the slightest draught. Quarrelsome, even to vio- lence, Ill humor, intolerance of noise or talking; intolerance of strong odors or bright light. Hypo- chondriac. Dread of literary work, Aching of head in morning in bed. Heaviness of head in morning; in- toxicating confusion; dullness, Pho- tophobia, Coryza in morning; Sneezing, with scraping in throat. Sour taste, Rawness of throat that provokes cough, Scraping in throat as after heartburn. Aversion to food, drinking, tobacco and coffee. Eructations of bitter and sour liquid. Nausea in morning, with chilliness and faintness. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach. Sensation as from a stone in epigastrium, Frequent in- effectual urging to micturition. Menses too early, with cramps, Dry cough from midnight till daybreak, Scraping in chest, causing cough. Pain in back in morning. Wakes between 2 and 3 a. m. Burning in anus when not at stool, and before and after stool. Spasmodic closure 8, Ill lS. Of Gnawing, itching, biting of scalp at night as from lice; after scratch- ing, smarting as if scratched raw, Ravenous hunger, Fear of impending death, Delir- ium, Insensibility, with apoplectic respiration, Vertigo. Pupils con- tracted, face flushed, Urine re- tained; expulsive power of bladder weakened, Respiration long and sighing; deep and frequent sighing, Stertorous respiration, Pulse slow, Sleepiness, with inability to sleep, but during the night restless sleep with much sweat, ( 177 ) 5 Abdomen. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, with movements as if he would have colic. 6 Hypochondria. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea al- ways preceded by an agree- able sensation in the stom- ach. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Colic immediately after eating, and worse after drinking; amelioration from hot, wet Cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Con- Stipation for days; no desire; no urging; the Tectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools Slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Atrophic nutmeg liver, Which is swollen; enlargement of liver and Spleen after intermittent fever. Twitching of muscles of ab- domen. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating, after drinking. Rumbling in abdo- men in morning, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Flatulence in abdomen, rising and becom- ing incarcerated under short ribs. Stitches in abdomen, with griping, tearing, drawing, ex- tending to chest. Pain in ab- domen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting, burning in anus as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during Sweat. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore, on every Step, as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Bruised pain in muscles of abdomen on mo- tion and on touch. Constriction and weight in abdomen, with Sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Griping in upper abdomen when she wishes to go to stool. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Sticking in hepatic region, with constriction. Throb- bing in and below hepatic region as if an ulcer would form. Rumbling of abdomen, with emission of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. UM BILICUs. – Griping about umbilicus on eating, with pinching. Pain below umbilicus, as from a stone, taking away the breath after dinner. HYPO G. A S T R I U M.–De- velopment of a tendency to inguinal hernia, Cutting pain in hypogastrium morn- ings, with nausea, sweetish, disgusting taste, weakness and sleepiness; cutting ris- ing to upper abdomen where it amounted to griping. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with ferment- ing; rumbling, then watery diarrhoea. Pain in ring in morning in bed as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Pain in pubic region, ex- tending towards anus. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning with urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest, when sitting and lying. Forcing down in hy- pogastrium towards genitals. Weakness in ring as if a her- nia would form, Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; Worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flat- ulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remaired after stool; the action of bOWels irregular and spasmodic. Alternate Constipation and diarrhoea. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxicating, drinks or high living; Stool frequent, Small, corrosive, offensive; then brownish-green, fecal. Dyséntery; stool Small, Slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus Ceasing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Piles blind or flowing. Irregular piles, with Stitching, burning, or itching of the anus. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses, and after allopathic dosing; liver SWOllen hard and sensitive to pressure of Clothing. Jaundice, provoked by violent anger; abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faint- neSS. Incarcerated hernia; numerous cases of apparently irreducible hernia have been reported as cured by this drug. . Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; Stools thin, yellow and fecal, with emission of fetid flatus, like rotten eggs. Diarrhoea of phthisis. Distention of abdomen, but no power to expel its contents, Ab- domen tympanitic, hard and sensitive to touch, with rum- bling. Cutting griping in abdo- men with constipation, Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus, with tension and grumbling. Intestines sluggish, so that the strongest purgatives lose their power. | HYPOGASTRIUM. – Ten- Sion in hypogastrium, with pain on touch. Colic, with pressure downward upon rec- thm and bladder. ... Painters’ colic. Constipa- tion of long standing; no urging; stools com- posed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inactive. Diarrhoea, after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark Stools. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no in- clination for stool. Constipation, resulting from unwise enemas of water and soap. Chronic catarrh and ulceration of the ilio- Caecal region. Constipation; fecal stools com- pletely enveloped in mucus. Cholera in- fantum, With involuntary, offensive stools. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdo- men. Intestinal obstruction with fecal vomit- ing and violent colic. ( 178 ) 4 Concomitants. Burning pain in region | Imagines that some one is lying Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Diarrhoea; stool profuse; Weakness of rectum. mucous; of much bloody Petro1. Phos. Acid. Phos. Phytol. Dec. mucus; violent; involuntary; frequent; with weakness. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whit- ish-gray, involuntary, pasty, bright-yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. of anus; itching of anus; near him, Pressure and leaden heavi- pressure of anus. ness in occiput, Nausea all day; in morning, with accumulation of water in mouth; incessant. Finger tips rough, cracked and sticking; cutting in them, Diarrhoea profuse, bloody, containing mucous mem- brane and clots of blood. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; light; clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus, mixed with blood and slime; involuntary the moment that it entered rectum. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Ponpart'sligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac re- gion; afterwards almost dys- entery, of watery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. Constipation; stool Small, dark, and difficult, apparently from inactivity of rectum. Stool gray, whitish-gray, green, bloody, difficult. Sticking in rectum, with Smarting during a stool that was not hard. Burn- ing in rectum and anus after soft stool, with ex- haustion. Urging in rec- tum on rising, before stool, which shot out as from a glln. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Itching and biting in anus. Stool of blood, mucus and what looked like scrapings of inner surface of intestines. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Platin. | pressure; constipation. Stool indurated as if burnt, preceded and followed by Urging in rectum, with Scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness and tight sensation in the abdomi- mal muscles. Crawling tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Weakness in morning, with apathy. Quiet, indifferent; speaks unwillingly. Ideas lost and mind weak; he cannot collect his thoughts in proper order. Roaring in ears, with difficult hearing, Cough dry from tickling in chest, just above pit of stomach. Dreams lascivious, with emissions, Mucus membrane pale. Emacia- tion, Much bleeding of small wounds, Weakness all day, with oppression; with depression and no desire to attend to ordinary business. Disinclination to mental or physical exertion. Apathy; unwilling to talk, Inability to think, Wertigo, with heaviness and pain in head, Wision dim; sees better by shading the eyes with the hand, Vision of black, floating points, Swelling of nose and painful to touch. Vomiting of food; of blood, Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stom- ach. Menstruation too early and scanty. Hoarseness; inability to speak aloud, Cough from tickling in throat, Cough, with oppression of chest; expectoration of blood and mucus, Dyspnoea, Soreness of lungs, with difficulty in taking a full breath, Palpitation of heart. Sleepi- ness during the day, even before dinner; sleeplessness before mid- night. Sweat over whole body in morning in bed, on slight exertion. Tip of tongue red; pain in root on swallowing. Soreness and dryness of throat; fauces congested and dark; tonsils swollen, Arrogant; proud; contemptuous; pitiful; looking down on people usually venerated with a kind of casting them off, Great dread of death, which she believed to be near, Intermittent, cramp - like, drawing constriction in head. Fermentation in epigastric region. Menses too early and profuse; blood clotted. Numbness of coccyx when sitting. ( 179 ) 5 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. rumbling; cutting, with diar- rhoea as from taking cold; with pressure; with retching. | Abdomen. Distention of abdomen with by emission of flatus; griping. panitic. Griping in abdomen then stool, Distention of abdomen, relieved Distention of abdomen; tym- Emission of flatus. Bnlargement of spleen, with pain. Enlargement of liver. Incarceration of flatus with constriction in rectum. in hypochondria, with Op- Emptiness and weak feeling in pression of chest. Pain in abdomen, coldness. Weakness in hepatic region on pressure; abdomen and in back so that sensitiveness, she must lie down. - worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Painful pulsation in right hypochondrium. Clinical. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool, from Weak empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing; mucous; yellowish-brown, with colic. Chronic diarrhoea. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Piles and fissures at the anus, with great itching; Scurf. On borders of anus. HYPO GASTRIUM.–Pres- Sure in hypogastrium in places. —I- HYPO GASTRIUM.–Pres- sure downward in hypogas- trium towards genitals, as during menstruation. Pain- ful drawing in groins, as before menstruation. Diarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stools white, gray, Copious, painless, involuntary, With dis- charge of undigested substances. Diarrhoea, With constant rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men; stools dark, yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal- like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. General tympanitis, with enlarged Spleen. Flatulent colic deep in the abdomen, worse When lying. Tympanitis mostly about the Cæcum and transverse Colon. Inveterate Constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long, naïrow, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing; suitable to Old persons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. Morning diarrhoea, With green pain- less, but exhausting stools; watery, pouring away as from a hydrant, with lumps of white mucus, or little grains like tallow. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly open. Ulceration of rectum. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus Smelling like lime, which has been used to purify gas of Sulphur. Bleeding piles; blood flows with each stool in a small stream Hyperamia; at first enlargement, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, With jaundice and dropsy; Waxy liver, dependent upon long lasting bone disease. Fatty liver, in conse- quence of cardiac troubles. Acute yellow atrophy of liver. Cirrhosis of the liver. Par- alysis of the Sphincter ani; the anus is always Open. Desire for stool. Whenever she lies on left side. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not | move, without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination, but often passes only fetid flatus. Painter’s colic; pain in umbilical region, ex- tending through to the back. Constipation of emigrants or while traveling. Constipation from lead poisoning; frequent desire, but small evacuations, with great effort. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum, which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to Stick to the anus like putty. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tenacious; glutinous. - Drug. Plumb. 1 Stool. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep dung; painful, only once in eight or ten days, or green, in balls, often hard. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. Anus drawn up, with constriction. | Podo. Pel. PSOr. Puls. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; then nat- ural stool in evening immed- iately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with consti- pation. Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, fre- quent. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; some- times prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diar- rhoea, mixed with mucus. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in in- testines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting, without colic. Stool soft, mixed with mucus; frequent, Constipation ; stool white, of only yellow-white mucus, mixed with blood; with pain in back. Blind haemorrhoids with itching; in morning pre- Desire in rectum as if diar- ceded by pain in small of rhoea would occur. Pres- back; in evening, till 9 p. sure in rectum after stool. m., with sore pain in anus; worse from motion; pain- ful; protruding. Bleeding from anus during stool; Sore pain after stool. Sticking in rectum as from incarcerated flatus. hearing difficult. mucus as with a membrane, 4. Concomitants. Emaciation; anaemia; restlessness; weakness; faintness, Face sallow and pale, Gums blue along mar- gins; breath fetid; taste sweetish, Appetite lost; hiccough ; nausea, Womiting constant of food, Mictu- rition difficult; urine scanty and dark; evacuated by drops; albumin- ous urine. Neuralgic pains in mus- cular part of thighs, worse in even- ing and at night; paroxysmal, so that he cries out, Skin yellow, Sleeplessness, Dry skin, Hollow sensation in epigastrium, Pain in uterus and right ovary. Sleepiness in daytime; worse in forenoon, Tongue coated white in morning, with much viscid mucus in mouth. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus; of contents of stomach, then of bile; of thick, dark green bile. Fear; anxiety; melancholy. Dis- charge of fetid pus from ears. Swelling of upper lip. Great hun- ger, Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, Cough, with expectoration of green mucus nearly like matter. Weakness of joints as if they would not hold together. Sweat on walk- ing, with consequent debility, Longs for fresh air. Hypochon- driac moroseness; weeping, Head- ache, extending into eyes in evening, as from eating too much, Wertigo in morning on rising, forcing him to lie down again. Burning and itch- ing in eyes; inflammation of margin of lids; agglutination in morning. Dimness of vision; transient black- ness during menses, Pain in ears as from something forcing outwards; Stoppage of nose in evening on going to bed, and blowing out of a thick, yellow, opaque mucus in the morning. Tongue covered with a tenacious Mouth and pharynx dry; taste bitter; bil- ious after eating and smoking, though food has a natural taste, Disgusting taste in morning, with white tongue; foul, clammy, insipid, Eructations tasting of food; tasting of rancid tallow after eating cakes, Nausea worse after eating and drink- ing, with waterbrash and disagree- able risings, Pain in stomach an hour after eating; scraping like heartburn; gnawing. Micturition involuntary at night in bed, Draw- ing pain in spermatic cords; testicles swollen. Leucorrhoea like milk, Menses suppressed. Constant cough in evening after lying down, with expectoration of yellow mucus, Varicose veins. (181) 5 Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Abdominal colic radiating to all parts of the body; sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Paroxysmal tearing in abdomen; worse at umbilicus. Intermittent boring in abdo- men, often extending to chest, threatening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness; then heat and warm sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m. ; then diarrhoea. Faintness, with sensation of emp- tiness in abdomen after stool. Abdomen bloated after eat- ing; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus with nausea. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent. Rumb- ling and gurgling in abdomen in evening, or colic; worse in even- ing in bed, with gurgling, grip- ing and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus; as from flatulence in evening be- fore eating. Drawing, tensive pains in abdomen, like liver pains. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking; after stool; on touch ; with diarrhoea. Flatu- lent pain in morning after wak- ing; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdomen. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight; not re- lieved by emission of flatus. Heaviness in abdomen like a stone just before menses, during menses and in Sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Chilliness in abdomen, extending around to lower part of back. Drawing tensive pains in upper abdomen,extending through Spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down. Sticking spleen. in region Of UM BILICU.S. — Umbilicus seems to adhere to spine, Shooting from umbilical re- gion to other parts of abdo- men; amelioration from pres- Sure; SO violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen; said he must go to stool. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting char- acter; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn. into the Spine, as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Constipation; stools consisting of Small, hard, black balls. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, involuntary, or mu- Cous and bloody. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool, and long-lasting, severe tenes- mus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive. Cir- rhosis of the liver; first enlarged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pres- Sure, continuing darting pain. Neuralgia of the rectum. Chronic inflammation of the liver with constipation; vomiting, of green mucus. Jaundice, with nausea and vomiting. Incarcerated hernia. HYPOGA STRIUM. – Cut- ting low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis; worse from retracting walls of ab- domen, with urging to stool. Constriction in hypogastrium, as from a stone, extending to bladder, Colic, Originating in a depressed or exces- sive bilious secretion. Lead colic. Infantile Constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Constipation in persons of sedentery habits from atony of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble When passing, with great straining and caus- ing prolapse of rectum. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning, stool Watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow; pasty; black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat Washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rectum. Chronic inflammation of the liver, associated with jaundice. Gall- Stone colic, with jaundice and twisting pain. Duodenitis, with jaundice; ulceration of the duonenum. Constipation; torpor of rectum, even a soft stool is voided with difficulty. Diarrhoea; stools horribly offensive; nearly painless; in- Voluntary, dark brown; black, watery or green mucus... Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet, from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after Supper, or at night. Chronic constipa- tion from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft; alter- nation of constipation and diarrhoea. Diar- rhoea; stool sour; green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike: caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red or green slime, blood and mucus. Painful pro- truding piles, with itching and sticking. In- testinal Catarrh in children; colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Colic during pregnancy Or from Suppressed menstruation; menstrual colic. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Diarrhoea, from fright; worse from being in a warm room; preceded by colic and pain in the Small of back. Drug. Ratan. 1 St00l. - | Stool liquid and brownish ; frothy, profuse, forcible; sev- eral times a day; yellowish; mostly in morning. 2 Rectum. '3 ... Anus. Rheum T)iarrhoea ; stool semi- liquid, forcible, frequent, fol- lowed by tenesmus and burn- ing in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rec- tum. Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour-smelling; then shivering, then urging, with constriction in intestines, Rhus Tox. |Ruta. Diarrhoea ; stool liquid; with mucus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about; then thin, offensive stool, with colic ; then in- effectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool, the urging, which had gradually sub- sided, returned more vio- lent than ever. Tearing stitches in rec- tum when sitting. Fre- quent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emis- sion of flatus; Stooping and, still more, crouching down caused protrusion. Secale Cor. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive- green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, frequent, brown, slimy, next day fetid and dark. Paralysis of rectum; anus wide open; haemor- rhage from bowels. with redness Desire for cold milk. Tickling and 4. Concomitants. Desire for various kinds of food, but he cannot eat much, because they become repulsive, Heaviness of whole body, Child impatiently de- sires many things, and cries. Soreness in every muscle, relieved by exercise. Restlessness at night. Sadness and weeping without know- ing why; apprehension at night. Restless mood. Wertigo on rising, Redness of eyes in morning, with agglutination, Soreness of tongue, at apex; dryness, irritation behind upper half of ster- num, Bruised feeling in sacrum, Rheumatic pains in all extremities, relieved by motion. Erysipelatous inflammation of face and neck. Rest- less sleep after midnight. Cough whenever he puts his hands out of bed. Anxious dreams of his business. Bruised pain in all parts on which he lies. Vision weak as if eyes were strained. Pain in spine as if beaten. Restlessness, debility, anxiety, with fear of death. Eyes sunken and sur- rounded by a blue margin; staring. Bleeding of nose. Face drawn; sunken; pale in morning and col- lapsed; anxious. Appetite unnatural, even when dying from exhausting stools. Thirst unquenchable. In- flammation of uterus; haemorrhage; cessation of lochia; expulsive pains. Expectoration of blood during vio- lent efforts to breathe. Pulse rapid, small, contracted, often intermittent. Extremities pale, cold and wrinkled. 5 Abdomen. Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. - Clinical. Distention of abdomen begin- UM BILICUs. – Griping ſº º liquid, º ning at stomach; abdomen hard about umbilicus. º d. 'ºid. '..." ii. as if filled with air, without - - brown, yellowish, frothy; forcibly expelled pain; she cannot bear pressure yº e J C g 3 C on stomach; worse in hypogas- during the pains. trium. Flatulence; no flatus emitted upward or downward, Cutting in abdomen after b Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel e • . . . al- º efore or during stool; stools sour, liquid dinner; relieved by bending - slimy, fecal; mixed with greenslime, cholera over; aggravation from stand- : infantum; stools whitish, curdy, turning green ing. Griping in abdomen, with in the diaper on exposure to air; sour smell of ineffectual urging to stool: pain Whole body, especially during teething. C ; - before and during stool; better || after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Distention of abdomen all Pressive drawing forward HYPOGASTRIUM.–SWell- b º . t() Wºlk bent; relieved g e º e e º * e Y * I' C - CU I ji $2 & * day after eating; fermentation. in left hypochondrium, with ling of inguinal glands. º | "...i.e. º * Griping and jerking in abdo- anxiety and nausea in chest. Pain in region of ascend- jelly like, dark, yellow, red, watery, with men, with pain, which is better Griping in upper abdomen ling colon on rising after ||ºps, ºf ºilspºel muº blººdy Wºº, j ; after eati d drinki • * º a; like Washings of beef. Dysentery; stools after stool. after eating and drinkling. stool; in region of right|watery, mucous, and bloody, with 'tearing Quadratus lumborum mus- down º ** º: * ** c : *- º e Slil'éS O he anus, WIth periOCIl Cal profuse cles On r1Slrig from lying. bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back, * as if bruised; Sore blind haemorrhoids protrud- ing after stool. Peritonitis and enteritis, with restlessness; dry, red tongue. Typhlitis; pain- ful swelling of the whole right side of abdo- men; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back, and by gentle pressure. - Gnawing in hepatic region. - Prolapsus of the rectum, Pruritis of the 8-> * rectum. Distention of abdomen; tym- - HYPOGASTRIUM. — Pain Interminable diarrhoea in Summer, Which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, Watery, yellow- ish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic re- gion. Dysentery; particularly valuable in the collapsed stage; stools involuntary, grumous; with these conditions it has saved many appar- ently hopeless cases. Asiatic cholera, partic- ularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. - panitic; coldness also in back. - - in hypogastrium. (184) Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. Sepia. Silica. Diarrhoea after boiled milk. Prolapsus of rectum, - Haemorrhoids bleeding Constipation; stool hard and with weak feeling in even- when walking. Protruding difficult, mixed with mucus; ſing in bed; itching, burn- haemorrhoids during stool; and knotty, whitish, scanty, ling all day; passes only when walking; brownish, difficult, but not hard; bloody. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, Scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Consti- pation in spite of frequent straining; on following days hard, difficult unsatisfactory stool. Constipation; stool that has protuded slips back again, after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore. Constipation; stool hard, with burning in anus; lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light-colored, Natural stool, with pressure and straining; with mucus. wind and mucus, with sen- sation of a plug in rectum. Stinging, cutting in rec- tum. Jerking, almost stick- ing pain in rectum, with burning, stinging, itching during stool. Constant, in- effectual desire, but dis- charge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body, Stool remains long in rectum, as if there were no power to expel it. Staph. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsciously, with sensation as if flatus would paSS. Sore pain in rectum af. ter stool. painful, Congestion of anus after dinner; expulsion of ascar- ides; Sticking; Soreness; burning, itching. | | Itching on bends of elbows. Apathy; irritability; indolence. Tearing from left temple to upper part of left side of head, Falling out of hair, Pain in right eye as from sand. Face yellow, also whites of eyes; yellow spots and yellow saddle across upper part of cheeks and nose. Herpetic eruption on lips. Morning nausea relieved after eat- ing. Gnawing in stomach, better after supper, with weakness, Empti- ness in stomach, with nausea as soon as she thinks of food she would like. Pressure on bladder and frequent micturition and tension in hypogas- trium, Urging to micturition, with bearing down in pelvis. Urine thick, slimy, offensive, depositing a yellow, pasty sediment; turbid and clay- colored, with reddish sediment. Leucorrhoea yellow, acrid, like milk, only by day, with burning pain and excoriation. Prolapsus of uterus; congestion; pressure as if every- thing would issue through vulva; she must cross her limbs to prevent protrusion of vagina yet nothing protrudes, Hacking cough in even- ing after lying down; spasmodic. Cold feet towards evening and in morning, with headache. Haemorrhoids sensitive; though protruding but lit- tle, protrude during stool; return with difficulty, and with bloody mucus from rectum. Boring, cramp- like pain in anus, extend- ing into rectum and testi- cles. Constriction of anus during stool; with tension and burning after dry stool, Itching of amus when sitting. Emaciation; weakness; restless- ness. Bruised pain in whole body. Symptoms mostly occur at time of new moon, Sensitive to noise and anxious therefrom; peevishness, Bruised pain above eyes; aggravated on opening eyes, Tearing in vertex as if it would burst, relieved by binding head tightly, Tearing in occipital protuberances, extending upwards and forward over sides of head; pain relieved by warm wrap- ping of head. Soreness of scalp to touch, Sensitiveness of ears to loud sounds, Swelling in region of right lachrymal gland, Sensation of a hair on fore part of tongue, Cough, with thick, yellow, lumpy expectoration, Right breast hard, painful and swollen at nipple, Stiffness of nape of neck, with headache, Finger- nails rough and yellow, Weakness of lower extremities, Carrion-like odor of feet every evening, without Sweat, Small wounds heal with difficulty and easily suppurate, Rest- less sleep, Sweat at night on head; offensive; with loss of appetite and prostration. Peewish in morning; he wishes to throw away everything which he takes in his hands. Burning of skin after scratching. Weakness in limbs; pain as if bruised, and as if there were no strength in them. (185) Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling noises. Soreness in abdomen as if men- ses would appear, with draw- ing, tension, heaviness, during motion; emptiness after stool. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appe- tite. Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot, with rumbling, grum- bling and constant diarrhoea. Distention of abdomen, and, af- ter eating, tension with weight; with pain in place of a hernia. Emission of offensive flatus, with rumbling and gurgling. 6 Hypochondria. Sticking in hepatic region; sore pain; full sensation. Pain in left hypochondrium; relieved when lying. Pain in right hypochondrium con- tractive; worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest; amelio- ration from eructations. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. HYPOGASTRIUM. – Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down; amel- ioration from micturition. Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sacrum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7.30 a. m. ; relieved by pressing against Something hard; the pelvic pain re- lieved by crossing the limbs, Pressing downward in hypo- gastrium during menses; bet- ter in knee-elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep. Pressure in hypogas- trium as if contents would Clinical. Colic, with great distention and sensitive- ness of abdomen, recurring towards evening. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum; inability to expel feces, or to strain at stool, With sensation of a ball in rectum. Constipa- tion of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions, from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Prolapsus recti. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; Worse after taking boiled milk. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Functional derangement of liver, often pre- ceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Enlargement of the liver, With heaviness in the hepatic region. issue through genitals. Pres- sure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over OS pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pel- vic distress always felt at night on waking. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m. A weakness about Small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a drag- ging. HYPOGAST R I U M. – In- guinal glands as large as peas; painful to touch. Cut- ting in hypogastrium, with incarceration of flatus, pain at every step. Twisting, griping here and there in abdomen. UMBILIcus.-Hard pres- sure in right side, beneath umbilicus. HYPO GASTRIUM.–Incar- ceration of flatus in hypo- gastrium. Drawing, burn- ing in hypogastrium, €Y- tending from right ring, as anus when sitting. Colic; pains in lower abdomen from worms. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled, they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Constipation of women be- fore and during menses. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid; | With biting, burning sensation in amus. Haem- orrhoids intensely painful; boring, cramping, from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and sup- | purate. Fistula in ano. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain in hepatic region; worse from touch or walking; hardness; dis- tention Of liver. Fissure of anus, with very great irritability. c Colic; crampy pains following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen, after lithotomy. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack Of peristaltic action; hard, scanty, stool, With cutting and ourning in anus. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, Slimy, Cut- ting pain before and after, with itching of Piles, with enlarged pros- tate gland; itching. Pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot, odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drink- ing cold water. Atony of the stomach and if in spermatic cord, into abdomen; feeling as if they hung down re- right testicle. , | laxed. ( 186 ) | - - Drug. 1 St00l. 2 Rectum. 3 Anus. 4. Concomitants. Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid, Sticking in rectum, tak- Haemorrhoids moist; even Emaciation, Ill humor, with rest- soft and frequent in morning; ling away the breath; worse after a natural stool, in- lessness; with lachrymose mood; no pappy, yellowish, green, copi- in evening, Cutting in rec- creased congestion of haem- desire to talk; fault-finding; out of ous, fetid, Diarrhoea; stools tum during normal stool. orrhoidal vessels, with stick- sorts with everything; quarrelsome; frequent in evening; invol- Throbbing pain in rectum |ing; with burning pain on impatient. Anxiety in evening, | untary when sneezing or all day after stool; also walking and on touch. preventing sleep, Aching of head laughing; half fluid, half burning pain during the Anus red, inflamed, and in morning after rising; in evening, lumpy, mixed with gas and hard stool; and in anus. covered with red veins; and till late at night; pain tensive, noisy flatus; in morning, Crawling in rectum in even- with burning during stool. jerking, hammering; fullness of head afternoon and evening, al- ing when sitting, with bit- |Discharge of moisture from as if filled with blood; vertigo on ways soon after eating. In-ling as from worms; itching anus, with sore feeling and stooping; on walking in open air, voluntary diarrhoea during during the day. Straining itching around it; invol- Pressure on top of brain. Hair falls emission of flatus; bilious, in rectum before, during untary, of viscid, slimy, out in morning on combing, Red- with sensation as if weight and after stool; fullness; fluid, causing soreness; of ness of eyes during the day, with would pass. Constipation; sensation after as if some- thread worms during stool. itching in evening; burning and Sulfur. stool hard and difficult; only thing remained; pressure | Sticking in anus during easily fatigued when reading, Face every two, three or four days. during soft stool. Tenesmus the day. Itching around | pale, Pasty taste in morning; bit- Constipation; stool at times in morning after waking, anus at border, with sore | ter; bilious when fasting. Ravenous scanty, unsatisfactory, Stool then a copious fluid stool. feeling. Burning in anus hunger if he does not eat; headache, tough, gluey, fetid; so urgent Frequent, ineffectual urging after a thin stool; after a |Sour eructations. Frequent mictu- that some escaped permaturely in rectum. soft formed stool, rition; scanty, Menses too late. yet not diarrhoea after getting Sticking in left side. Palpitation of up; slimy, heart at night in bed, Pulse rapid, Groups of black comedones on fore- head, Hands hard and dry, Itch- ing all over body, now here now there, with pain after scratching; burning. Irresistible sleepiness dur- ing the day; sleeplessness all night. Offensive sweat in axillae, - Diarrhoea; stool partly Haemorrhoids; itching, Weakness, Aphtha in mouth; | liquid, partly solid; offensive, with burning and sticking. breath offensive. Swelling of uvula with much thin mucus and Pressure in anus during at root of palate; swallowing diffi- streaks of blood. Stool soft, and after a pasty stool. cult. Sulfur. then empty feeling in abdomen; + Acid. saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chopped. Stool yellow- ish-white, frequent, green. Diarrhoea; stool watery, Stitches in rectum in Swelling of haemor- Loathing of life; ill humor; sad- painless. direction of a line from rhoidal veins, with dis-ness. Aching in bed as if pierced by anus to Small of back. charge of bloody slime by a nail, Ulceration half an inch day and night. Sticking within nose, where there is a scab. in anus at 1 p.m.; when Tip of tongue painful to touch. Red sitting, extending into re- growth like condylomata on inner gion of left iliac bone. surface of prepuce. Wart-like ex- Haemorrhoidal pressure in crescences on skin. Sleepiness in Thuja amus, with burning when day; sleeplessness at night, Occ. seated; on touch. Sore- ness in anus after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Burning pain in perin- eum, and an inch from anus a tubercle, which be- came moist and smarted On Walking. (187) Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed, relieved by emission of flavus smelling like sulphur- etted hydrogen; also at night; after eating, with heaviness. Rumbling in abdomen at night, with diarrhoea; gurgling, Flatu- lence; emission of flatus worse in evening and night; offensive, smelling of sulphuretted hydro- gen, Griping in abdomen before and during stool; after stool, Tympanitic distention of abdo- men not relieved by emission of flatus. Bruised pain in abdominal muscles on touch. Pressure in | abdomen downward, at night waking her; with tension of mus- cles, so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcer- ated fiatus. Abdomen sensitive so that the clothes press dis- agreeably. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased, Sticking in hypochondria on deep breath- ing. ... ward, with a bruised pain UM BILICU.S.–Griping, ten- sive pain in umbilical region, extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening; re- lieved by emission of flatus, Pain across umbilicus pre- venting sleep; pinching, when sitting, below umbili- cus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on blad- der as if it were forced upon groins. H Y PO G. A S T R I U M.–In- cipient hermia forced down- and cannot be reduced with the hand. Cutting in hypo- gastrium in morning, with a thin stool, Griping in hypo- gastrium during menses with pain in small of back and general chilliness. In- termittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely walk after enter- ing the house, preceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Weak feeling in abdomen as if menses would come on. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. HYPO GASTRIUM.–SWell- ing of inguinal glands, with sticking and cutting. Move- ment in hypogastrium as if something living, like a push- ing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Sud- den bounding as of some- thing alive in right iliac region. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. IHabitual constipation, especially in haemor- rhoidal and hypochondriac people. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat, and itching at anus; like sheep’s dung, hard and black, as if burnt Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous, bloody; white: yellow; frothy; Sour: fetid; putrid; expulsion sudden; the Smell of the stool follows him all around. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upward, espe- cially after stool; painless piles. Swelling and hardness of the liver; stitches. Incar- cerated flatulence in left side. Abdominal dropsy. Peritonitis. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon, aggravated by bend- ing forward. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sen- sation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Cholera infantum; stools Saffron yellow, Chopped, offensive; Watery; child smells sour, despite the most careful washing. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Enlarged spleen, which is painful on coughing. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs of yellow mucous; sometimes frothy, ex- tremely fetid; aggravation from eating Oysters. Haemorrhoidal colic. Obstinate constipation; inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick, and knotty balls; With pain. In anus When passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast, from vaccina- tion; stools pale yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling like Water from a bunghole. Warts about anus. Fistula in anus. Excessive perspiration. On perineum. ( 188 ) Drug. 1 Verat. Alb. St00l. Diarrhoea, with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery, involun- tary. Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious, frequent, with shivering, Constipation ; stool small, hard; often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Con- stipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdomi- Zinc. Met. mal muscles. Rectum. 3 Anus. ing in anus during Stool. Crawling, itching, burn- 4. ConComitants. Anxiety, with cold sweat on fore- head, and vomiting, Raging; in- consolable over a fancied misfor- tune; face sunken and expression anxious; pale. Salivation running from mouth like waterbrash, Hun- ger violent; appetite for fruit. Thirst during sweat for cold drinks, Womiting of green mucus, with cold sweat. Deep hollow cough, always with three or four shocks, Tight- ness of chest, with difficult respira- tion. Palpitation of heart. Skin of whole body pale, cold, Cold sweat on forehead with the evacuation, | Dullness of mind and thoughtless- |ness, Aching of head after a glass of accustomed wine. Heaviness and dullness in occiput. Pain in eyes as from sand; worse in evening and at night, Burning in eyes and lids, with dryness and pressure, Nausea aggravated by a sip of wine, with headache, Dry cough before and during menses. Weariness in nape of neck when writing in evening, Uneasiness in lower extremities at night, Jerking through whole body in sleep at night, ( 189 ) Abdomen. 6 Hypochondria. 7 Umbilicus and Hypogastrium. Clinical. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer de- layed the emission of flatus, the more difficult it is to pass, Distention of abdomen, with gurging rumbling, rolling in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain; worse in evening. Cutting in abdomen, then leucorrhoea, with griping at various times; sometimes when yawning after breakfast or with cutting after dinner, Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Gurg- ling in upper abdomen after eating. Griping tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner, aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. UM BILICU.S.–Griping in umbilical region; at times above, at times below navel; in afternoon soon after eat- ing, as from flatus. HYPOGASTRIUM.–Cut- ting, sticking in hypogas- trium soon after eating. Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless, gushing, profuse, Watery, flaky, inodorous, faintness at stool, or immediately after. Colic forcing patient to bend double, he must Walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sen- sitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold, from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in ab- domen. Chronic constipation, inertia of rec- tum; Stools very large and very hard. Diar- rhoea frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Hyperamia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic regicn, alternating with vomiting or diarrhoea. Cramp-like pain in hypo- chondria, alternating with oppression of chest and diffi- cult breathing. Sticking in hepatic region; sometimes also in hip, with burning or biting externally. Intermit- tent pinching; Sticking in re- gion of spleen. UM BILICU.S.–Sticking, griping pain in umbilical region, as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel. HYPO GASTRIUM.–Pain in pubic region. Flatulent colic ; worse from wine, with re- traction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid, flatus, passing off without relief. Constipa- tion; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve cen- tres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Chronic dysentery; , stools frequent, Small, pitch-like or thin, with pale blood; in- Voluntary. Violent itching or tingling at anus, as from Worms. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbil- icus, With Cramplike pain in hepatic region. Enlarged indurated liver, which is sore; réflex symptoms from floating kidney. PART II. REPERTORY St001, Rectum, Anus, Abdomen, Hypochondria, Umbilicus, and Hypogastrium, Etc. ( 192 ) REPERTORY OF PART II. ABDO MEN. ABD OMEN. Abdomen, (Burning.) Burning in abdomen. Acon, 5. Abdomen. Burning pain in abdomen, in- creased to sharp pain on pressure. Ars. A. 5. Abdomen. Burning in abdomen. 5. Abdomen. (Coldness.) Diarrhoea, with cold- ness of extremities; with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody- colored, black, mucous; offensive, yel- low, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Abdomen. Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. Abdomen. Coldness in upper and lower abdomen. Camph. 5. Abdomen. Internal coldness in abdomen after every swallow of drink, renewed on every inspiration. China 5. Abdomen. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Abdomen. Diarrhoea is generally pain- less, associated with cold feeling in abdomen, but sometimes with Cramps. Grat. Clin. Mezer. Abdomen. (Colic.) Intermittent colic in abdomen. Cupr. 5. Abdomen. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea, before stools; with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Abdomen. Colic, with sensation of cold- ness in abdomen. Hell. Clin. Abdomen. (Cramps.) Cramps in abdo- men; aggravation in evening and night, with coldness in thighs. Calc. Abdomen. Cramps in abdomen ; intus- susception of the bowels; abdomen drawn in. Cupr. Clin. Abdomen. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Abdomen. (Cutting.) Cutting in abdo- men, Arg, M. 5. Abdomen, Cutting, griping pain in abdo- men. Agar, 5. Abdomen. Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost ineffectual tenesmus, Merc, C. 1, Abdomen, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Wer, Alb, 5. Abdomen. Cutting low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis; worse from re- tracting walls of abdomen, with urg- ing to stool. Puls. 7. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen, then leucorrhoea, with griping at various times, sometimes when yawning, after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner, Zinc, 5. - Abdomen, Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at might, preceded by cutting in abdo- men, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen like an electric shock. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen rather than sticking, with salivation before menses; with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. - Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen after eat- ing; jerk-like. Chel. 5. Abdomen. Griping in umbilical region, then cutting in abdomen across right lumbar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen on ap- pearance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen. Arn. 5. Abdomen. Sudden cutting in abdomen relieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Abdomen. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdo- men and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen towards evening during stool; after the stool, shivering. Canth. 5. Abdomen. Cutting all through abdomen in morning, aggravated by walking. DiOSc. 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus as from flatulence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5, Abdomen. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- ness; cutting rising to upper abdo- men, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen after dim- ner, relieved by bending over; aggra- vation from standing. Rheum 5. Abdomen. Cutting in abdomen before emission of flatus. Con. 5. Abdomen. Stool of bloody mucus, with cutting in abdomen and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Abdomen. Lead colic; cutting in abdo- men, as from knives constricting Spas- modic pains; pinching, griping, Sen- sation, as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Abdomen. Diarrhoea, stools involuntary, green mucous or mushy undigested, with cutting in abdomen before; ten- esmus during, and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Abdomen. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hyS- terical women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Abdomen, (Distention.) Distention of abdo- men, with motion of flatus. Aloe 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, but no power to expel its contents, Op. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with tension; amelioration from emission of flatus. Lyc. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen from gas and hardness, Merc, 5. Abdomen, Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool. Lyc. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, as from incarceration of flatus. Graph, 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence; waking about midnight; causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelio- ration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 5. (193 ) A B D O M E N . REPERTORY OF PART II. A B D O M E N . Abdomen. Distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress, She dares not lay the arm across the abdomen. Lach, 5. - Abdomen. Distention of abdomen with hard- ness, Calc. C, 5. Abdomen. Distention rumbling. Agar, 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing a little, Kali C, 5. Abdomen distended and tense, with rumbling and cutting. Hep. 5. Abdomen. Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen, frequent, liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. of abdomen, with Abdomen. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking. Nux W. 5 Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus; griping. Phos. A c. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Darbo V. 5. Abdomen. Distention and pain in abdomen, with tension. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night; after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Crot. Tig. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen as if she had eaten too much. Colch. 5. Abdomon distended and soft. Jatr. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with tension and hardness. Chel. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eating, with emission of flatus. Cham. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eating; after a moderate supper, with griping; here and there sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Abdomen. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling and rolling. Carbol. A c. 5. Abdomen. Tensive pain, extending to chest, as from distention of abdomen. Caps. 5. Abdomen. Feeling in abdomen as if dis- tended even to bursting, causing suffocation. Caps. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble with flatulence. Carbo An. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympan- itic. Arn. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eating, with motions and colic; then continued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after supper, with heaviness, anxiety and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, tym- Canth. 5. Abdomen. panitic and tender. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Apis 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Ant. Cr. 5. Abdomen. Distention and rumbling in abdomen. Bapt. 5, Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. 5. Abdomen. Pressure in morning in hypo- gastrium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of genera- tion, with distention of abdomen ; then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Abdomen. Feeling of distention of ab- domen, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks and obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling; in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- lent pain; worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool; then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling. Hell. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen and, after eating, tension, with weight; with pain in place of a hernia. Sil. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen; tym- panitic; coldness also in back. Secale 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling noises. Sep. 2. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen on eat- ing, with heavinesss of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen all day after eating; fermentation. Rhus TOx. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen at night; relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling, movements and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Lil. Tig. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling; cutting, with diarrhoea, as from taking cold; with pressure; with retching, Petr. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen; tym- panitic. Phos. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen; worse after eating. Natr. C. 5. Abdomen. Tympanitic distention of ab- domen not relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 5. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Abdomen. Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. A c. Clin. Asaf. Abdomen. Distention of abdomen, begin- ning at Stomach ; abdomen hard, as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach; Worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Abdomen. Evacuation of shreds of mucus or of undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen; stools exces- sively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Abdomen. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen. Op. Clin. Abdomen. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach. Colch. Clin. - Abdomen. Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen and dysmenorrhoea. COCG. Clin. - Abdomen. Colic, with great distention and sensitiveness of abdomen recur- ring towards evening. Sep. Clin. Abdomen. Colic immediately after eat- ing, and worse after drinking; amel- ioration from hot, wet cloths; abdo- men enormously distended. Nux MOs. Clin. Abdomen. Flatulent distention of abdo- men, with great increase of fat; ab- dominal dropsy. Calc. C. Clin. Abdomen, (Emptiness.) Faintness, with Sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool, Pod. 5, Abdomen, Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow, stringy and slimy; chopped, Sulf. Ac, 1. Abdomen. Emptiness and weak feeling in abdomen; coldness. Phos, 5. Abdomen. (Fatulence.) Flatulence in abdomen, then urging; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Abdomen. Flatulent pain in morning after Waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdomen. Puls. 5. Abdomen. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. -- Abdomen. Flatulence in abdomen after every meal. Borax 5. Abdomen. Flatulent pain in abdomen like labor pains. Natr. M. 5. Abdomen. Collection of flatus in abdo- men without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Abdomen. Flatulence in abdomen rising and becoming incarcerated under short ribs. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Flatulent colic deep in the abdomen; worse when lying. Phos. 'Clin. Abdomen. (Griping.) Griping in abdomen before and during stool; after stool, Sulf. 5, Abdomen. Griping in upper abdomen, taking away the breath. Cocc, 5. Abdomen, Cutting in abdomen, with consti- pation, Op. 5. - Abdomen, Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. . ( 194 ) A BDO MEN . REPERTORY OF PART II. AED O M. E. N. Abdomen, Griping in abdomen, with rum- bling; then thin, green diarrhoea with- out tenesmus, Mag, C, 5. |Abdomen. Stool pasty, light-brown after urging, then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a Second stool, mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible. Crot. Tig, 1. Abdomen. Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach, and pallor of feces; throbbing, Ign, 5. Abdomen. Rumbling and griping in ab- domen always before emission of flatus. Graph. 5. Abdomen. Clawing, griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each Outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest; worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen; amelio- ration after discharge of flatus in evening, and night, relieved by bend- ing forward. Iris V. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, with ineffectual urging to stool; pain be- fore and during stool; better after Stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Abdomen. Griping in upper abdomen after eating and drinking. Rhus TOx. 6. Abdomen. Griping and jerking in abdo- men, with pain, which is better after stool. Rhus Tox. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen before discharge of leucorrhoea. Con. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, with constant desire for stool, but little is evacuated. Merc. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Abdomen. Griping in upper abdomen when she wishes to go to stool. Nux V. 5 Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, then stool, with constriction in rectum. PhOS. 5. Abdomen. Incarcerated flatus, with grip- ing in abdomen after eating. Natr. C. 5. - Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, as in diarrhoea, after stool. Natr. M. 5. Abdomen. Griping, tearing in upper ab- domen and in side of chest after din- ner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Abdomen. Pain in a spot in abdomen as if seized with nails; a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. Bell. 5. Abdomen. Intermittent, griping pain in abdomen. Asaf. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stool. Aloe 5. Abdomen. Stitches; griping in abdomen with swelling. A con. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 5. Abdomen. Twisting, griping here and there in rectum. Staph. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, with constriction; Soreness, and dragging downward and outward. Bry. 5. Abdomen. Griping in abdomen, so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. - Abdomen. (Gurgling.) Gurgling in upper abdomen after eating. Zinc. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling and fgurgling in abdomen, with movements as if he would have colic. Nux Mos. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea, with urging and inability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen, as of water; after stool sharp pain around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Abdomen. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools of dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. Ac. Clin. Abdomen, (Pain.) Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg, N, 5. Abdomen, Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw; tenderness on pressure. Bell, 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, aggravated by pressure, touch and horizontal position; with sensitiveness, Apis 5. Abdomen, Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend forward. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea; then sudden, complete rest. Kali B. 1. Abdomen, Pain in abdomen, better after stool; with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and de- spaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, then dis- charge of dark mucus, causing biting, burning in anus, as before diarrhoea from taking cold ; in morning on slight- est uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Constipation, with pain in ab- domen. Ars. A. 1. Abdomen. Violent stool; watery, black fluid, burning in anus; after uneasi- ness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Abdomen. Pain in upper abdomen as if everything would be torn to pieces during menstruation. Graph. 6. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, between pit of stomach and umbilicus. Iod. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea constant, with pain in abdomen. Mezer. 1. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, caused by evening air, with diarrhoea, as from a stone. Merc. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen during men- struation. Mag. C. 5. Abdomen. Drawing pain in abdomen at night. Mag. M. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in hypogastric re- gion in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, as if every- thing were sore; on every step as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Bruised pain in muscles of abdomen on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. . Abdomen. Pain in abdomen before breakfast, ſlatulent; relieved by diffi- cult emission of flatus and lying on right side. Natr. S. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Zinc. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness, then heat and warm sweat ; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m.; then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking ; after stool, on touch with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomºn, with fre- quent cutting in stomach and small intestines, with emission of much flatus. Diosc. 5. Abdomen. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Asaf. 5. Abdomen. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Abdomen. Anxiety, with pain in abdo- men, so violent that he grasped bystanders, and again pushed them from him; frequently jumped out of bed, and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Abdomen. Fetid flatus, with cutting, pinching, then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, as if diar- rhoea would result. Borax 5. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen in morning. Caust. 5. Abdomen. Pain in hypogastrium, extend- ing to genitals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out, and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Abdomen. Pain in abdomen, with diar- rhoea; sore to pressure. Kali B. 5. Abdomen. Functional derangement of liver often preceded by migraine; con- stant aching pain in right side of ab- domen. Sep. Clin. Abdomen. Colic; pains in lower abdo- men from worms. Sil. Clin. Abdomen. Dysentery almost constant; cutting pains in abdomen, with in- effectual pressing, straining and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Abdomen. Flatulent colic; the incar- cerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Abdomen. Pinching in abdomen, with diarrhoea. Borax 5. ( 195 ) ABDomen. REPERTORY OF PART II. ABD OMEN. Abdomen. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clim. Abdomen, (Pinching.) Pinching in abdo- men as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen. Gamb. 1. Abdomen. Pinching or cramp-like pres- Sure transversely across abdomen, in region of pit of stomach, after eating. Cina, 5. Abdomen. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. CocC. 5. - Abdomen. Pinching in muscles of abdo- men when sitting, as if he had fallen upon them, strained, pain, sensitive- ness of walls. Hyos. 5. Abdomen. (Pressure.) Pressure in abdo- men downward, at night waking her; with tension of muscles, so that he could not easily straighten up; as from incar- - cerated flatus, Sulf, 5. Abdomen. Pressure on rectum and on bladder; then pressure downward in aſodomen and amus when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. Abdomen. Sharp pressure on a spot in middle of upper abdomen. Lyc. 6. Abdomen. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Abdomen. (Rumbling.) Rumbling in abdo- men at night, with diarrhoea: gurgling, Sulf, 5. Abdomen, Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, or colic worse in even- ing in bed, with gurgling, griping, and moving of flatus, from one part of intes- tines to another. Puls, 5. Abdomen, Rumbling in abdomen with grip- ing and emission of much flatus, offen- sive, Diosc, 5. Abdomen. Aching in liver extending to spine, worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen, and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with coldness. . Laur. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with noises. Mezer. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling and noises in ab- domen, with discharge of flatus; un- satisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal mus- cles. Ign. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with inflation and accumulation of flatus. Gamb. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with deep-seated pulsations. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Doud rumbling in the left side of abdomen like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen between six and ten p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen. C. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen. Anac. 5 Calc. Abdomen. Gurgling rumbling in abdo- men; worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic, and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. - Abdomen. Rumbling of abdomen with emission of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen all the afternoon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Abdomen. Rolling and rumbling in ab- domen, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative; then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Abdomen. Rumbling in upper part of abdomen in evening; then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 5. Abdomen. Intermittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Abdomen. (Sensitiveness.) Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Acon, 5. Abdomen. Abdominal colic, radiating to all parts of the body; sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Plumb. 5. Abdomen sensitive, so that the clothes press disagreeably. Sulf. 5. Abdomen. (Soreness.) Soreness of abdomen in morning when Sneezing or on pres- Sure, Apis 5. Abdomen. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing; tension; heaviness during motion; empti- ness after stool, Sep. 5. - Abdomen. Soreness of abdomen on touch. AEsc. 5. - Abdomen. Sore feeling, extending to the whole abdomen; aggravated by riding in a carriage. Arg. M. Clin. Abdomen. Soreness in abdomen, especi- ally in sides and down sides of um- bilicus, on touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Abdomen. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives, on touch and on coughing. Ferr. 5. Abdomen. (Swelling.) Swelling of abdo- men, which is painful to touch, Acon, 5. Abdomen swollen and painful. Ars. A. 5. Abdomen. Swelling of abdomen, with trembling. Con. 5. Abdomen. Swelling of abdomen, Crotal. H. 5. Abdomen. Typhlitis, painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Abdomen. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch; Sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Abdomen. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Abdomen. (Stitches.) Stitches in abdo- men, with griping, tearing, drawing extending to chest. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Stitches in sides of abdomen during cough. Arn. 5. Abdomen. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, espe- cially during a sudden transition from rest to motion. Arg. N. 5. Abdomen. Stitches in abdomen, extend- ing into the Vagina, tearing, cutting. Ars. A. 5. Abdomen. (Tension.) Tension in abdomen and incarceration of flatus, Lyc, 5. Abdomen, Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles which hang low down. Puls, 5. Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch, Cupr. 5. Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot with rumbling, grumbling, and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Abdomen. Incarcerated flatus, with ten- Sion, Sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Abdomen. Tension in abdomen, espe- cially in epigastric region, between pit of Stomach and navel; aggrava- tion from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Abdomen. Tension in abdomen in after- noon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Sticking-pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a. hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdo- men. Alum. 5. - Abdomen. Drawing tension in abdomen. Calc. C. 5. Abdomen. (Weakness.) Weak feeling in abdomen as if diarrhoea would occur, Aloe 5. Abdomen, Weak feeling in abdomen as if menses would come on. Sulf. A c. 5. Abdomen. Weakness in abdomen and in back, so that she must lie down. PhOS. 5. Abdomen. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. Abdomen. (Miscellaneous.) Bruised feel- ing in the abdominal walls, which are extremely tender even when the ab- domen is not swollen. Apis Clin. Abdomen bloated after eating; ameliora- tion from emission of flatus with nausea. Psor. 5. - Abdomen. Atomy of the stomach and abdomen; feeling as if they hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. ( 196 ) ABDO Mi EN. REPERTORY OF PART II. A BDO M IN A L. Abdomen. Intermittent boring in abdo- men often extending to chest, threat- ening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Abdomen. Chilliness in abdomen, extending around to lower part of back, Puls, 5. Abdomen. Paroxysmal clawing in um- bilical region, from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep, 7. Abdomen. Croaking in abdomen as of frogs. Coloc. 5. Abdomen, Drawing, tensive pains in abdo- men, like liver pains. Puls, 5. Abdomen. Dragging or griping in abdo- men after stool. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Dropsy of abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Abdomen. Stools very sluggish; the rec- tum seems plugged up; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. - Abdomen. Fermentation in abdomen from fruit, China 5. Abdomen. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow; in morning, with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. § Abdomen. Constipation, with fullness of abdomen. Bapt. 1. Abdomen. Fullness in upper abdomen ; after eating the food remains long. China, 5. Abdomen, Heaviness in abdomen like a stone just before menses, during menses and in sacrum, with inclination of lower limb to fall asleep when sitting, Puls, 5, Abdomen swollen hard sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina, Clin. Abdomen. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone, and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti mus- cles. Plumb. Clin, Abdomen hard with pain in umbilical region on touch. Kali C. 7. Abdomen. Heat in upper and lower abdomen. Camph. 5. Abdomen. Heaviness in abdomen ; sen- sation as if it hung down heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen, with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Carduus M. 5. Abdomen. Sensation in abdomen internally in sides, as if something living were jumping about. Crocus 5. Abdomen. Sensation, as living were moving about deep in lower abdomen. Crocus 7. Abdomen. Urging in rectum, sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen; worse on left side. Jatr. 2. Abdomen, Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen; contracted and sore to touch. Cupr. 5. ‘Abdomen. if something Abdomen. Colic, compelling one to walk bent; relieved by bending double and walking about, or by lying on the ab- domen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Noise in abdomen as if a full bottle were emptied in evening, con- tinuing after a thin stool at 10 p. m. Jatr. 5. Abdomen. Colic; Crampy pains following a fit of anger, or following operations about the abdomen after lithotomy. Staph. Clin. - Abdomen. Flatulent colic; worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Abdomen. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its sur- face. Plumb. 5. Abdomen. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; ameliora- tion from pressure, so violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Abdomen, Swashing in abdomen as of water. Crot, Tig. 5. - Abdomen. Sensation in abdomen extend- into small of back as if something fell down. Laur. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea, brought on by rid- . ing in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water; with flatu- lent distention; colic ; feeling as if stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Abdomen. Sensation in abdomen as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant, T. 5. Abdomen. Sticking in abdomen, as from flatulence, extending into chest. Cham. 5. * Abdomen. Sticking in left side of abdo- men, below umbilicus, on walking rapidly and afterwards. China 7. Abdomen. Cholera infantum ; great desire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Abdomen. Tumefaction of abdomen, with tenderness to touch, Bell. 5. Abdomen. Thrusts from one side of the abdomen to the other. Arn. 5. Abdomen. Paroxysmal tearing in abdo- men; worse at umbilicus. Plumb. 5. Abdomen tympanitic, hard and sensitive to touch, with rumbling. Op. 5. Abdomen. Enlarged mesenteric glands and tumors in the abdomen. Con. Clin. Abdomen. Twisting in all parts of abdo- men, worse in lower; constantly changing. Diosc. 5. Abdomen. Twitching in left side of abdo- men between navel and left flank, as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Abdomen. Twitching of muscles of abdo- men. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Sense of writhing abdomen. Agar. 5. Abdomen. Constriction and weight in abdomen, with sensation as if every- thing would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Abdomen. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards Sacrum, and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Abdomen. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times like pads, here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Abdomen. Stools profuse; thick, papes- cent, brown, offensive, relieving symp- toms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Abdomen. Violent flatulent colic gen- erally relieved by walking about; aggravated by lying down at night ; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Abdominal (Muscles.) Bruised pain in ab- dominal muscles on touch. Sulf, 5. Abdominal, Urging in rectum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic ac- tion and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdom- inal muscles. Hep. 2. Abdominal. Urging in rectum, with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sensation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Abdominal. A ching in flanks on draw- ing in abdominal muscles. Asaf. 5. Abdominal. Rumbling and noises in ab- domen, with discharge of flatus, un- satisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal mus- cles. Ign. 5. Abdominal. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Zinc, 1. Abdominal. Pain in abdominal muscles on touch ; throbbing. Kali C. 5. Abdominal. (Miscellaneous.) Constipation; stool that has protruded slips back again, after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1. Abdominal colic radiating to all parts of in the body; sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Plumb. 5. Abdominal. Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen. Alum. 5. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tender- ness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Crotal. H. Clin. Abdominal. Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. Cupr. Clin. Abdominal. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. (197) AB DOMINAL. REPERTORY OF PART II. A CUT E. Abdominal. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical women. Ign. Clin. - Abdominal. Constipation of old people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms. Aloe Clin. Abdominal. Constipation in elderly peo- ple of the higher class suffering from retarded defecation, with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Abdominal dropsy. Hell. Clin. Abdominal dropsy, sometimes with diar- Thoea and vomiting. Apis Clin. Abdominal dropsy. Sulf. Clin. Abdominal. Bruised feeling in the abdo- minal walls, which are extremely tender even when the abdomen is not swollen. Apis Clin. Abdominal meteorism. Ant. T. 5. Abdominal. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions, from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Abdominal affections, characterized by extreme sensitiveness to touch ; in- tolerance of even the clothing. Bell. Clin. Abdominalis. Colliquative diarrhoea of phthisis abdominalis. Amm. Mur. Clin. Above. Cramping pain above umbilicus. DiOSC. 7. Above. Griping in umbilical region at times above, at times below navel, in afternoon soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Abrupt. Rumbling and noises in abdo- men, with discharge of flatus; unsat- isfactory, abrupt, offensive; not with- out exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. - Abseess. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaun- dice; tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. Abscess. Cirrhosis of liver, with ascites, especially in drunkards, gin-liver, chronic hepatitis, with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch or walking; hardness; disten- tion of liver. Sil. Clin. Abscess. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Abscess. Swelling and abscess in liver, with stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Abuse. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatin- ous, worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of opium, with intolerable itching of anus dur- ing typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Abuse. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxi- cating drinks or high living; stool frequent, small, corrosive; offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. - Abuse. Jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faintness. Nux V. Clin. Abuse. Cirrhotic liver can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Iod. Clin. Abused. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the Sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Accompanied. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Accumulation. Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. A c. Clin. Accumulation of flatus in left upper ab- domen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Accumulation. Rumbling in abdomen, with inflation and accumulation of flatus. Gamb. 5. Accumulation. Constipation; accumula- tion of large masses of feces, which are covered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcer- ate. Graph. Clin. Accumulation. Constipation with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium ; large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with diffi- culty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum. China Clin. Accumulation. Diarrhoea, with excessive accumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with hard lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Dye. Clin. Aching in liver extending to spine, worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen and aching in unabilical - region. Dept. 6. Aching. Constant dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. Æsc. 6. Aching burning in gall-bladder, chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. Lept. 6. Aching. Hepatitis after vexation or tak- ing cold; dull aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Aching. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Aching. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdo- men. Sep. Clin. Aching. Protruding piles, aching, ing and sore. Cale. Ph. Clin. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles. Asaf. 5. itch- Aching. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; Offensive. China 5. Acids. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics, and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Acids. Diarrhoea from vinegar or other acids. Ant. Cr. Clin. Acids. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent loose stools, cutting almost constantly, running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Acrid, Stools black, acrid, putrid; excor- iated skin about anus, Ars, A, 1. Acrid. Stool watery, of blood and water, contained acrid water; greenish. Ars. A. 1. Acrid Smarting, burning sensation at the anus, and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were projected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Acrid. Constipation ; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus; whitish gray. Merc. 1. Acrid. Glutinous exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Acrid. Bloody stools, with painful, acrid Sensation in anus. Merc. 1. Across. Constriction transversely across um- bilical region as by a string, in after- noon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Across. Pain in hepatic region, extending downward and across umbilical region, as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. Across. Tearing transversely across pubis, and then through pudenda as far as anus. Carbo An. 7. Across. Griping in umbilical region, then cutting in abdomen across right lum- bar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. A cross. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down ; amelioration from micturition. Sep. 7. Across. Pinching or cramp-like pressure transversely across abdomen, in region of pit of stomach, after eating. Cina 5. - Action, Urging in rectum, but large intes- times are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles, Hep. 2. Action. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action ; hard, Scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Acute, yellow atrophy of the liver. PhOS. Clin. Acute. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, coughing, and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Acute. Intermittent acute pain in liver region, extending to Scapulaº. Hy- dras. 6. Acute. Fissures of the anus, without con- stipation ; acute pains shooting up- wards. Ign. Clin. (198) A CUT E. AFTER. REPERTORY OF PART II. Acute. Enlarged spleen, which is pain- After. Diarrhaea immediately after drink- After. Pinching or cramp-like pressure less; the pains are acute and sticking. ing. Arg. N. Clim. transversely across abdomen, in China, Clin. After, (Eating.) Distention of abdomen region of pit of stomach, after eating. Acute dysentery with unquenchable after eating a little, Kali C, 5. Cin a 5. thirst, even the lips, mouth and After, Distention of abdomen after eating, After. Cutting in umbilical region after throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. - Acutely. Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. Tod. 6. Adhere. Umbilicus seems to adhere to spine. Plumb, 7. Adheres. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rec- tum and anus like soft clay; tenacious, glutinous. Plat. Clin. After, (1}reakfast.) Cutting in abdomen; then leucorrhoea, with griping at various times, sometimes when yawn- ing after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner, Zinc, 5. After. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast from vaccination; stool pale yellow, watery, or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bung-hole. Thuja. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, just after breakfast; the passage at first formed, then loose, with burning in anus. Borax Clin. After. (Dinner.) Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. - After, Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5. After. Distention of abdomen after din- mer, with rumbling noises. Sep. 2. After. Cutting in abdomen after dinner relieved by bending over; aggrava- tion from standing. Rheum 5. After. Congestion of anus after dinner; expulsion of ascarides; sticking Sore- ness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. After. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner in hepatic and right in- guinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. After. Pain below umbilicus, as from a stone, taking away the breath, after dinner. Nux V. 7. After. Griping, tearing in upper abdo- men and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and Standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. After. Stool after dinner very dry and like sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. 1. After. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. After. (Drinking.) Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Caps. 2. After. Internal coldness in abdomen after every swallow of drink; renewed on every inspiration. China 5. After. Constipation with ineffectual urg- ing; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark colored ; constipation alternating with diar- rhoea. Tod. Clin. with tension; amelioration from emission of flatus. Lyc, 5. - After. Stool fluid after eating, with dis- charge of flatus, and colic all the after- noon ; Coloc. 1. After Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. After. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking. Nux V. 5. After. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in an us, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. After. in bed relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night; after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. - After. Distention of abdomen all day after eating; fermentation. Rhus Tox. 5. - After. Griping in upper abdomen after eating and drinking. Rhus Tox. 6. After. Distention of abdomen, and after eating tension, with weight; with pain in place of a hernia. Sil. 5. After. Distention of abdomen worse after eating. Natr. C. 5. After. Incarcerated flatus, with griping in abdomen after eating. Natr. C. 5. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. After. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with intermittent colic and rum- bling; flatulent. Puls. 5. After. Gurgling in upper abdomen after eating. Zinc. 5, After. Griping in umbilical region, at times above, at times below navel; in afternoon soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. After. Urging to stool after eating; when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emis- sion of flatus. Aloe 2. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with motions and colic, then con- tinued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. After. Fullness in upper abdomen after eating; the food remains long. China 5. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate Supper, with griping; here and there sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. After. Cutting in abdomen after eating; jerk-like. Chel. 5. After. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with emission of flatus. Cham. 5. better from Warmth of bed. After. Distention of abdomen in morning | eating, with tenesmus. Coloc. 7. After. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. Cocc. 5. After. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel as if intestines were torm. Graph. Clin. Colic immediately after eating, and worse after drinking; ameliora- tion from hot, wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal- like sediment; worse night and morn- ing after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. After. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. After. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confi- dence in sphincter ani; worse immed- iately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp Weather. Aloe Clin. After. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools become dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. After. Griping colic; writhing around navel; better from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Croton Tig. Clin. - After. (Meals.) Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5, After. Haemorrhoids like red Cherries protrude after meals, with sore pain in amus. Diosc. 3. - After. Urging to stool after a meal, more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. After. Pain in abdomen after a light meal with tympanitis. Zinc. 5. After. Flatulence in abdomen after every meal. Borax 5. After. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about ; then thin offensive stool with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually sub- sided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. After. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. After, (Stool.) Griping in abdomen before and during stool; after stool. Sulf, 5. After, Faintness, with sensation of empti- ness in abdomen after stool, Pod, 5. After. Pressure and sense of excoriation in rectum after a small, hard stool, Alum, 2. After, Burning in rectum after stool. AEsc, 2. ( 199 ). AFTER. REPERTORY OF PART II. AFTER. After, Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus. Nit. Ac, 2. After. Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying; in morning before stool. Nux W, 2. After, Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing sticking. Nux W. 2, After, Anxious urging in rectum ; frequent; ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W. 2, - After, Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc, 5. After, Burning in anus after a thin stool; after a soft formed stool. Sulf. 3. After, Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after as if something remained; pressure during. Sulf, 2. After, Constipation of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool. Sil. 3. After, Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore. Sil, 1. After. Griping in abdomen worse below navel, obliging him to bend over, ameli- oration after a thin stool, with dis- charge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. After, Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps. 7. After, Pain in abdomen, better after stool, with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. After, Burning in anus after stool, sore in morning, as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. After. Soreness in abdomen, as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep. 5. After. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium ; then large moist, at last thin sour stool, after which he was re- lieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. After. Soreness in anus after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. After. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum, after stool sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. & After. Griping and jerking in abdomen, with pain which is better after stool. Rhus Tox. 5. After, Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on ris- ing from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. After. Sore pain in rectum after stool. Staph. 2. - After. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. - After. Biting sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and Soreness. Kali C. 3. After. Burning in anus during and after stool. Lach. 3. After. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. After. Spasmodic pain in anus before and after stool. Lach. 3. After. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. Kali C. 2. After. Distention of abdomen, with rum- bling, after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. After. Burning pain in anus after stool; in forenoon with pressure. Kali B. 3. After. Noise in abdomen as if a full bot- tle were emptied in evening, continu- ing after a thin stool at 10 p. m. Jatr. 5. After. Burning in anus after stool, with itching. Mur. Ac. 3. After. Smarting in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. After. Aching burning in gall-bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to tool; better after a profuse, black stool. Ilept. 6. After. Burning in anus when not at stool, and before and after stool. Olean. 3. After. Burning smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in sore; biting in evening, with sore pain. Nux V. 3. After. Burning in rectum and amus after soft stool, with exhaustion. Phos. 2. After. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step, as from in- carcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. After. Constipation; stools like sheep dung, after great straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools not hard. Natr. C. 1. After. Burning in rectum after stool. Natr. C. 2. After. Griping in abdomen, as in diar- rhoea, after stool. Natr. M. 5. After. Bleeding from anus during stool; sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. After, Fissures more in rectum than in anus after stool. Nit. Ac, 2. After, Inactivity of rectum and inability to evacuate feces; constant ineffectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2, After, Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. After, Pressure in rectum after Puls. 2. After. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of anus. Alum. 3. After, Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; consisting of mucus. Arn. 1. After. Griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stool. Aloe 5. Stool. After. Burning after soft stools. in rectum during and Amm. Mur. 2. After. Sticking cutting in anus after stool. Aloe 3. After. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. After. Prolapsus; prolapsed feeling after stool; prolapsed feeling with back- ache, AEsc. 3. After. Burning pain in anus during, before and after stool. Berb. 3. After. Cutting in abdomen towards even- ing during stool; after the stool, shivering. Canth. 5. After. Sudden cutting in abdomen re- lieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend dou- ble. Bry. 5. After. Stitches towards anus, with sore- ness and burning after stool. Carbo V. 3. After. Burning in rectum in morning after a copious stool. Calc. C. 2. After. Dragging or griping in abdomen after stool. Carbo V. 5. After. Throbbing pain in rectum all day, after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. After. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. After. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging after. Merc. Clin. After. Chronic diarrhoea in cachetic, dys- peptic persons; stools light gray or brownish ; corrosive, sometimes pain- less, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. After. Diarrhoea; stool yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. After. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless; gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. After. Fissures of the anus, with peri- odical, profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in Small of back as if bruised; sore, blind haemorrhoids pro- truding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. | After. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly-like; Stringy discharges, with tenesmus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus; after a stool severe rum- bling of gas, Watery discharges, mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. After. Contractive, Sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. After. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. (200) AFTER. REPERTORY OF PART II. AFTER. After. Haemorrhoids, with bleeding during and after stool. Ign. Clin. After. Dysentery; almost constant, cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffectual pressing, straining and tenesmus; dis- charges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clim. After. Acrid, Smarting, burning sensa- tion at the anus and up the rectum after stool as if a hot spray were pro- jected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. After. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, with urging and inabil- ity to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen, as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. After. Diarrhoea ; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, ten- esmus during, and burning after stool, worse after eating and drinking. Daur. Clin. After. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing, pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes, undigested, putrid, fetid, sour smel- ling. Nit. Ac. Clin. After. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night; but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing mu- cous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. After. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pres- sing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. - After. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. After. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels ir- regular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. After. Obstinate constipation, difficult expulsion of feces fisuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. After. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing, dark blood; lancinating pain from the amus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. After. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition ; hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stools. Calc. C. Clin. After. Haemorrhoids, with itching and burning, particularly after stool. Berb. Clin. After. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. After. Long continued sensation in rec- tum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. Clin. After. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drink- ing cold water, with flatulent disten- tion; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; pro- lapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. After. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning in anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. After. Diarrhoea coming on Suddenly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and Sweet- meats during summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig. Clin. After, (Miscellaneous.) Stools watery, with flatulence, and frequent; more frequent after taking food or water, Ferr, 1. After, Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1, After. Tenesmus in morning after waking; then a copious fluid stool, Sulf. 2. After. Blind piles, with pressure and soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. - After. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea, before stools, with rumbling and pain in Small of back. Dulc. 5. After. Urging in rectum with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness; and tight Sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. After. Stool during micturition, also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morning after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. After. Violent stool; watery, black fluid, burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. After. Thin stool after Waking at 3 o'clock. Aloe 1. After. Griping in umbilical region, with pinching as after taking cold. Bry. 7. After. Small stool after colic, with tenes- mus, first. of dark green feces, then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1. After. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking, after stool, on touch; with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. After. Pinching, increasing to cutting; pain in the hypogastrium, in morning before, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. After. Rolling and rumbling in abdomen, with sudden pinches, as after a pur- gative; then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. After. Burning in the anus after diar- rhoea. Canth. 3. - After. Griping in abdomen; amelioration after discharge of flatus in evening and night; relieved by bending for- Ward. Iris V. 5. After. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux V. 5. After. Stools may be black, brown, burn- ing, putrid; brought on by eating or drinking, or aggravated after mid- night; preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by exhaustions. Ars. A. 1. After. Diarrhoea after boiled milk. Sep. 1. After. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down, as if a large heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure, by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7 After. Sensation in abdomen, as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. After. Distention of abdomen after sup- per, with heaviness, anxiety and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 5. After. Stitches in right hypochondrium during and after stooping. Calc. C. 6. After. Stool unsatisfactory after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. After. Constriction of anus, with itching ; burning all day; worse after urin- ating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. After. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation; con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. After. Sticking in rectum, waking her at 4 a. m.; Sticking again next morning after waking. Mag. C. 2. After. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdo- men. Puls. 5. After. Hepatic affection in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. After. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. After. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. After. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. A con. Clin. After. Colic forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down ; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. After. Colic from indigestion, with water- brash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with "pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. ( 201 ) AFTE R. REPERTORY OF PART II. Accrav ATED. After. Piles, suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after confine- ment. Mur. A c. Clin. After. Infantile constipation after an at- tack of diarrhoea; stool hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. After. Atrophic, nutmeg liver, which is Swollen; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOS. Clin. After. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night, painless; early in the morn- ing, in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China, Clin. After. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; Offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy dark stools. Op. Clin. After. Diarrhoea after nursing; from Overheating; after cold bathing. Ant. Cr. Clin. - After. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undi- gested food. Hep. Clin. After. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour; expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. After. Constipation, with vertigo; heat head, and tinnitus aurium ; large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. China Clin. After. Chronic constipation, especially valuable after purgatives. Hydras. Clin. After. Chronic diarrhoea; worse some time after rising and moving about ; after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather, or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. After. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy, Agar. Clin. After. Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold; dull aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. *. After. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet, from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. After. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool, like sheep's dung, passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Afternoon. Griping, tensive pain in umbili- cal region, extending towards stomach, in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus, Sulf. 7. Afterroon, Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive; in afternoon; then burn- ing in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions; then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Afternoon. Constriction, transversely across umbilical region as by a string, in after- noon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Afternoon. Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Afternoons. Thin stool afternoons, with flatulence. Dulc, 1. Afternoon. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting; fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Afternoon. Contractive pain in anus in afternoon, preventing sitting. Cocc. 3. Afternoon. Tension in abdomen in after- noon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo Afternoon. Cramp-like pain above pubis in afternoon, with frequent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. Afternoon. Stitches in hepatic region in afternoon. Caust. 6. Afternoon. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; fre- quent; of thin, greenish mucus. Laur. 1. Afternoon. Griping in lumbilical region, at times above, at times below the navel, in afternoon, soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver, Alb. 7. Afternoon. Loud, offensive flatus all the afternoon. Caust. 5. Afternoon. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. After-pains. Contractive pain in hypo- gastrium like after-pains, with urging to stool. Con. 7. Afterwards. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and Offensive. Plumb. Clin. Aggravated, Pain in abdomen, aggravated by pressure, touch and horizontal posi- tion, with sensitiveness, Apis 5. Aggravated. Constriction of anus, with itching, burning all day; worse after. urinating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Aggravated. Pain in hypochondria ag- gravated by standing so that he stoops; towards morning, with dis- tention, pain in forehead and diar- rhoea. Aloe 6. Aggravated. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed out- ward; aggravated by standing. Bell. Aggravated. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Lil. Tig. 7. Aggravated. Pain in right hypochon- drium, with sensitiveness; the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspiration. Bry 6. Aggravated. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight, preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. - Aggravated. Pain over region of liver aggravated by pressure. Ars. A. 6. Aggravated. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper abdomen. Puls. 5. Aggravated. Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensitiveness, worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. 6. Aggravated. Twisting in all parts of ab- domen; worse in lower, constantly changing. Diosc. 5. Aggravated. Cutting all through abdo- men in morning; aggravated by walk- ing. Diosc. 5. Aggravated. Pain in region of gall- bladder aggravated by walking; in liver, extending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Aggravated. Griping tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Aggravated. Weight in hypogastrium; aggravated by walking. Kali C. 7. Aggravated. Distention of abdomen; beginning at Stomach; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach; Worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Aggravated. Fistula recti, with bilious symptoms; aggravated when sitting. Berb. Clin. Aggravated. Sore feeling, extending to the whole abdomen; aggravated by riding in a carriage. Arg. M. Clin. Aggravated. Chronic diarrhoea; worse Some time after rising and moving about; after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Aggravated. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in spincter ani; worse im- mediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Aggravated. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon; aggravated by bending forward. Sulf. Clin. Aggravated. Diarrhoea; stools involun- tary; green, mucous or mushy; undi- gested, with cutting in abdomen be- fore, tenesmus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Aggravated. Colic immediately after eat- ing, and Worse after drinking; amel- ioration from hot, wet clothes; abdo- | men enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Aggravated. Violent flatulent colic, gen- erally relieved by walking about; aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; gener- ally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Aggravated. Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth, with prolapsus of rectum; accompanied by Sticking and biting. Mur. A.C. Clin. ſº ( 202 ) A C C R AVATE D. REPERTORY OF PART II. A.C. C. RAWATION. Aggravated. Diarrhoea; aggravated by motion ; straining to stool. Bell. Clin. Aggravation. (Air.) Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Aggravation. Dropsical effusions and even peritonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Aggravation. Dysentery in moist weath- er; aggravation from any current of air; violent tenesmus of rectum and bladder. Caps. Clin. Aggravation. (After Eating.) Distention of abdomen; worse after eating. Natr. C. 5. Aggravation. Griping colic writhing around navel; better from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Croton Tig. Clin. Aggravation. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools became dark and fetid; worse - after eating. Apis Clin. Aggravation. Dysentery bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning in anus; temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drink- ing. Coloc. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark-green, brown, gel- atinous; worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea, with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea; stool like chop- ped eggs; of yellow mucus, some- times frothy, extremely fetid; aggra- vation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Aggravation. (In Evening.) Sticking in rectum, taking away the breath; worse in evening. Sulf, 2. Aggravation. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening; or colic worse in evening in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Puls. 5. Aggravation. Flatulence; emission of flatus; worse in evening and night; offensive, smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulf, 5, Aggravation. Heavy grinding in region of liver; worse in evening. Diosc. 6. Aggravation. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain; worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Aggravation. Cramps in abdomen; ag- gravation in evening and night, with coldness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. Aggravation. Gurgling rumbling in ab- domen; worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. Aggravation. (Left Side.) Urging in rec- tum sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen ; worse on left side. Jatr. O Aggravation. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp-sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Aggravation. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Aggravation. (In Morning.) Sharp pain in rectum after stool after eating; ag- gravation from exerting the mind or studying in morning before stool. Nux Aggravation, Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morn- ing and after dinner; scanty and cor- rosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Aggravation. Pain in right hypochon- drium ; contractive; worse in morn- ing; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest ; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Aggravation. Chronic diarrhoea of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish, whey-like, watery, foamy, mucous, worse in the morning. Iod. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggravation in morning and fore- noon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum during stool, preceded by con- stant dragging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Aggravation. (Motion.) Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in Small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful, protruding. Puls, 3 Aggravation. Sticking in hepatic region; aggravation from motion, with ten- sion. Nit. A c. 6. Aggravation. Tension in abdomen, es- pecially in epigastric region between pit of stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Aggravated. Cutting in abdomen on ap- pearance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Aggravation. Clawing griping in abdo- men as if grasped by a hand so that each outstretched finger sharply upon intestines; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Aggravation. Peri-hepatitis, with sharp Stitches in right hypochondrium ; ag- gravation from any motion, better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Aggravation. (Night.) Diarrhoea in morn- ing, then burning in anus; aggrava- tion at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burn- ing in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. pressed | Aggravation. Paroxysmal tearing in ab- domen worse at night. Plumb. 5. Aggravation. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Aggravation. Chronic diarrhoea; gush- ing, watery; worse at night, with | coldness of body and great prostra- tion. Ferr. Clin. º Aggravation. Flatulent colic only slightly relieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Aggravation. Stools profuse, putrid, cor- rosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- | Ous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. - Aggravation. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; stools frequent; small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody, Shaggy, greenish, frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Aggravation. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Aggravation. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling of wind; worse at night from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin. Aggravation. (Pressure.) Bruised sensa- tion; worse in cacal region and along transverse colon on moderate pressure. Merc, C. 5, Aggravation. Burning and tensive sticking in right hypochondrium; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic re- gion. Mag. M., 6. . Aggravation. Pain in right hypochon- drium between right ribs and hip; When driving, aggravation from pres- Sure. Card. M. 6. Aggravation. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggra- vation from pressure extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Aggravation. Stitches in region of gall- bladder; aggravation from pressure. |Berb. 6. Aggravation. Acute pain in hepatic re- gion; worse from pressure, breathing, Coughing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Aggravation, (Touch.) Bruised pain in right hypochondrium; worse from touch on breathing. Lyc, 6. Aggravation. Pain about umbilicus, caus- ing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempted to raise him- self or to lie on back; and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. - Aggravation. Abscess of liver; throb- bing ulcerative pain in hepatic re- gion; worse from touch or walking; hardness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Aggravation. (Miscellaneous.) Griping in umbilical region; worse from eating fruit, with cutting and general chill. Coloc. 7. A C C R A VAT O R. REPERTORY OF PART II. ALTERNATINC. Aggravation, Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen and ach- ing in umbilical region, Lept. 6. Aggravation. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest, when sitting and lying. Nux V, 7. Aggravation. Bearing-down pains in hypogastrium; worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina, with constant desire for stool but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged, Til. Tig. 7. Aggravation. Stool of greenish, water, with distention of abdomen; frequent, liquid, always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Aggravation. Cutting low down in abdo- men, penetrating into pelvis; worse from retracting walls of abdomen, with urging to stool. Puls. 7. Aggravation. Painful inclination to ingui- mal hernia; worse when rising from a seat. Cocc. 7. Aggravation. Griping in abdomen, with ineffectual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. * Aggravation. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Aggravation. Sticking in umbilical region in a spot, obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting, extend- ing towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Aggravation. Constriction in hepatic region, worse in the right, prevent- ing deep breathing. A con. 6. Aggravation. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from step- ping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and everything would fall out. Cocc. 7. Aggravation. Emissions of flatus, loud, short and interrupted; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Aggravation. Cutting in abdomen after dinner relieved by bending over; ag- gravation from standing. Rheum 5. Aggravation of internal piles, with pro- trusion of rectum after stool; some- times prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Aggravation. Diarrhoea coming on Sud- denly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweetmeats during Summer; every movement of the body renews the discharges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Aggravation. Chronic diarrhoea off and on ; aggravation from lager beer. ECali B. Clin. Aggravation. Constipation in Sad, de- sponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Aggravation. Camp diarrhoea, chronic, from chronic irritation of the intesti- rial mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Dept. Clin. Aggravation. Colic from indigestion, with Waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatu- lent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp Stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. Coco. Clin. Aggravation. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Aggravation. Flatulent colic deep in the abdomen, worse when lying. Phos. Clin. Aggravation. Chronic debilitating diar- rhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour; expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. - Aggravation. Colic worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Aggravation. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Aggravation. Prolapsus ani from over- Straining and violent riding; aggra- vation from standing. Arn. Clin. Aggravation. Flatulent colic; worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus; passing off without relief. Zine. Clin. Aggravation. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room; preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Agonizing. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe agonizing pain; tossing about, high fever. A con. Ölin. Agreeable. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea; always preceded by an agreeable Sensation in the stomach. Nux MOS. 6. Blind piles, with pressure and sore- ness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Pain in abdomen caused by evening air, with diarrhoea as from a stone. Merc. 5. Distention of abdomen, beginning at stomach; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on Stomach; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Air. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic, which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. - Air. Air. Air. Air. Stitches in hypochondria when walk- ing in Open air, also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p. m. ; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Dysentery in moist weather; aggra- vation from any current of air; vio- lent tenesmus of rectum and bladder. Caps. Clin. Cholera infantum; stools whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. Dropsical effusions, and even peri- tonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air, and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Alcohol. Constipation, stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed, and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Alcoholic. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses, and, after allopathic dosing; liver swollen hard, and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Alike. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Alive. Sudden bounding, as of something alive in right iliac region. Thuja 7. All-gone. Constipation; an all-gone feel- ing in rectum ; inability to expel feces, or to strain at stool, with sen- sation of a ball in the rectum. Sep. Clin. Allopathic. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. - Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Nux V. Clin. Alternate. Diarrhoea on alternate days. Alum. Clin. Alternately. Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately, with Shoots or jerks in direction of perineum. Bell. 2. Alternates. Obstinate constipation, es- pecially if it alternates with diar- rhoea, with stool followed by tremu- lous weakness. Con. Clin. Alternates. Chronic diarrhoea during menstruation; green, mucous stools; Sometimes diarrhoea, alternates with constipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Alternating. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening immediately after eating and drinking; alternating with constipa- tion. POd. 1. Alternating. Cramp-like pain in hypo- Chondria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. - Air. Air. Air. (204 ) ALTERN AT INC. REPERTORY OF PART II. AM: ; L O R AT O N . Alternating. Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Plumb. 1. Alternating. Tenesmus; a constant press- ing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful con- - tractions of anus. Bell. 2. Alternating. Burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction in anus; with itching in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Alternating. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly- like mucus; like frog's spawn; gener- àlly with tenesmus; sometimes pro- fuse, watery, alternating with consti- pation. Hell. Clin. Alternating. Constipation, with ineffect- ual urging; amelioration after drink- ing milk; stools hard and knotty; 'dark-colored; constipation alternat- ing with diarrhoea. Iod. Clin. Alternating. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region; alternating with vomiting or diar- rhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin, Alternating diarrhoea and constipation, especially in old people. Ant. Cr. Clin. Alternating. Stools at first hard then mushy, finally fluid; smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling diarrhoea; alternating with constipation. Calc. C. Clin. Alternating. Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea. Card. M. Clin. Alternating. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheumatism ; stools sour-smelling when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation; stool like sheep's dung. Chel. Clin. Alternation. Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines whether stool is hard or soft; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Alternations of diarrhoea and constipa- tion. Ign. Clin. Alvine. Copious alvine evacuations. Ant. T. 1. Ameliorated. (Emission of Flatus.) Dis- tention of abdomen, relieved by emis- sion of flatus; griping. Phos. A c. 5. Ameliorated. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus Smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night, after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Ameliorated. Pain in abdomen before breakfast; flatulent, relieved by diffi- cult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Ameliorated. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling, move- ment and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Ameliorated. Griping in abdomen; amel- ioration after discharge of flatus in evening and night, relieved by bend- ing forward. Iris V. 5. Ameliorated. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over OS pubis; partially relieved by hard pres- sure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on Waking. Sep. 7. Ameliorated. (Miscellaneous.) Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sacrum and pass- ing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep. 7. Ameliorated. Cutting in abdomen after dinner, relieved by bending over; ag- gravation from standing. Rheum 5. Ameliorated. Griping and jerking in ab- domen with pain, which is better after stool. Rhus Tox. 5. Ameliorated. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypo- gastrium ; then large, moist, at last thin, Sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Ameliorated. Violent flatulent colic, gen- erally relieved by walking about; aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and anus. Diosc. Clin. Ameliorated. Haemorrhoids, with sensa- tion as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Amelioration. (Emission of Flatus.) Disten- tion of abdomen after eating, with ten- sion; amelioration flatus, Lyc. 5, Amelioration. Griping, tensive pain in um- bilical region, extending towards stom- ach in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Amelioration, Pain in umbilical region, emanating from navel; amelioration by frequent discharges of flatus. Coloc. 7. Amelioration. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, membranous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is unsat- isfactory. Colch. 2. Amelioration. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there, after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. Amelioration. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. ECali C. 7. Amelioration. Griping in abdomen; amelioration after discharge of flatus in evening and night; relieved by bending forward. Iris V. 5. Amelioration. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. Amelioration. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying there; better after pressure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Amelioration. Flatulent colic, only slightly relieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Amelioration. Colic; worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. from emission of . Amelioration, (Lying.) Distention of ab- domen by flatulence; waking about mid- night; causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 5. Amelioration, Colic in hypogastrium as if flatulence with cutting were forcing out of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggra- vation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Amelioration. Pain in left hypochon- drium, relieved when lying. Sep. 6. Amelioration. Typhlitis; painful swell- ing of the whole right side of abdo- men; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back || and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Amelioration. Peri-hepatitis, with sharp Stitches in right hypochondrium; ag- gravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Amelioration. (Stool.) Pain in abdomen, better after stool, with unbearable anx- iety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Amelioration. Griping in abdomen, worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Amelioration. Aching burning in gall- bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a pro- fuse, black stool. Tiept. 6. Amelioration. Stools profuse, thick, pa- pescent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Amelioration. Burning in rectum, with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symp- toms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Amelioration. Sudden cutting in abdo- men, relieved after profuse, pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Amelioration. Tenesmus, then copious thin or pap-like, Sour-smelling stool, with relief. Arn. 2. Amelioration. Discharge of offensive fla- tus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogas- trium. Coloc. 5. Amelioration. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and fol- lowed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Amelioration. (Miscellaneous.) Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; ameliora- tion from empty eructations. Lyc. 6. Amelioration. Pressing downward in hypo- gastrium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep, Sep, 7. (205) AM E L IORATION. REPERTORY OF PART II. AN U.S. Amelioration. Dysentery, bloody and mu- cous, with great straining and burn- ing of anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggrava- tion after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. Amelioration. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inward; ameliora- tion from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5, Amelioration. Pain in pelvis beginning in Sacrum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m. ; re- lieved by pressing against Something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by cross- ing the limbs, Sep. 7, Amelioration. Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Amelioration. Shooting from umbilical re- gion to other parts of abdomen; amelio- ration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen; said he must go to stool. Pumb. 7. Amelioration. Pain in right hypochon- drium, contractive, worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extend- ing to chest; amelioration from eruc- tations. Sep. 6. Amelioration. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down; amelioration from micturition. Sep. 7. Amelioration. Clawing, griping in abdo- men as if grasped by a hand so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Amelioration, Griping, tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Amelioration. Paralytic pain in right ring, as if something would force its way through when sitting; ameliora- tion from rising. Cocc. 7. Amelioration. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region, while standing; re- lieved by bending forward, with pain on touch, as if Suppurating. China 6. Amelioration. Griping in abdomen, so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; ameliora- tion from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Amelioration. Abdomen swollen hard; Sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina Clin. Amelioration. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly re- lieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Amelioration. Constipation with ineffect- ual urging; amelioration after drink- ing milk; stool hard, knotty, dark- colored; constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Tod. Clin. Amelioration. Flatulent colic; relieved by stretching the body out or walk- ing. Diosc. Clin. - Amelioration. Haemorrhoids aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth, with prolapsus of rectum, accompanied by sticking and biting. Mur. A c. Clin. Amelioration. Colic immediately after eating and worse after drinking ; amelioration from hot, wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux MOs. Clin. Amelioration. Griping colic; writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Amelioration. Constipation produced by cheese; better from smoking; fre- Quent urging to stool, without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hard- ness. Coloc. Clin. Amelioration. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen; sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feel- ing in abdomen. Wer. Alb. Clin. Amelioration. Colic, compelling one to walk bent; relieved by bending double and walking about or by lying On the abdomen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Amelioration. Violent, flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about, aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; gener- ally radiate from the abdomen to the back, into the chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Amelioration. Colic; sensation of cold- ness, weakness and faintness, better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Ammoniacal. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in anus; Sud- den about midnight, with urging; very offensive; ammonical. Lach. 1. Anaemic. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hys- terical women, mostly during night ; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Anamnesis. Chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fermented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Anger. Jaundice, provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faintness. Nux V. Clin. Anger. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. Anger. Diarrhoea, as the result of anger or from fruit, with colic. Coloc. Clin. Anger. Colic; crampy pains following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen, after lithotomy. Staph. Clin. - Angle. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. Prolapsus ani from over-straining and violent riding; aggravation from standing. Arm. Clin. Ani. Ani. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilli- ness running up back, then urging to stool, then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Ani. Prolapsus ani, with sharp stabbing pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long- standing diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Piles suddenly in children, with great Sensativeness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after confine- ment. Mur. A c. Clin. Paralysis of the sphincter ani; the anus is always open. Phos. Clin. Ani. Involuntary stools in bed, from par- alysis of sphincter ani. Taur Clin. Fistula, ani. Calc. Ph. Clin. Haemorrhoids complicating fistula ani, especially in persons suffering from lung trouble. Kali C. Clin. Pruritus ani. Ign. Clin. Constipation; torpor of bowels, feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty from constriction of sphincter ani and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Ano. Fistula in ano. Sil. Clin. Anus. (Bleeding). Bleeding from anus during stool; sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. Anus. Passage of pure blood from anus and from urethra. Canth. 3. Anus. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. Anus. Bleeding of anus during stool. Carbo V. 3. - Anus. Discharges of bright red blood from anus, with stool. Nit. A c. 3. Anus. Discharge of blood from anus dur- ing stool. Natr. C. 3. Anus. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard, undigested, bleeding from anus after stools. Calc. C. Clin. Anus. (Burning.) Constipation; stool hard, with burning in anus; lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light-colored. Sil, 1. Anus. Burning in anus after a thin stool, after a soft formed stool, Sulf. 3. Anus. Burning pain in anus, as if parts around it were sore. Berb. 3. Anus. Burning fullness, itching, pressure and soreness in anus, AEsc. 3. Anus, Burning pain in anus. Caps, 3. Anus. Pain in abdomen; then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting, burning in anus as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncov- ering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Anus. Stools frequent watery, with burning in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. " Anus. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Anus, Diarrhoea in evening, at night, with cutting and pressure in rectum, with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of Ani. Ani. Ani. Ani. Ani. Ani. Ani. anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Anus, Violent stool; watery black fluid, burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. ( 206 ) ANU.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. ANU.S. Anus. Diarrhoea, with burning in anus; consisting of blood and mucus, Canth. 1, Anus. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon, then burning in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. - Anus. Diarrhoea in morning, then burn- ing in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Anus. Diarrhoea, with coldness of extremi- ties, with vomiting and prostration, with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody-colored, black, mu- cous, offensive, yellow, with tenes- mus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Anus. Diarrhoea, after eating, of undi- gested feces; also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Anus. Haemorrhoidal pressure in anus, with burning when seated, on touch. Thuja 3. Anus. Burning pain in region of anus; itching of anus; pressure of anus. Petr. 3. Anus. Urging to stool; ineffectual tenes- mus, as in dysentery, with burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Anus. Burning pain in anus during, be- fore and after stool. Berb. 3. Anus. Diarrhoea every morning on ris- ing, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Anus. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight with urging; very offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Anus. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid forci- ble, frequent; followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Anus. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. 3. - Anus. Throbbing pain in rectum all day after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. Anus. Burning in anus during and after stool. Lach. 3. Anus. Bloody and painful stool; Scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Anus. Burning pain in anus after Stool in forenoon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Anus. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; scanty. ECali B. 1. Anus. Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in amus and griping in intes- times. Kali B. 1. Anus. Burning in anus in evening. IOd. 3. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Anus. Burning in anus after stool, with itching. Mur. A c. 3. Anus. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. Ac. 1. Anus. Burning in MerC. C. 3. Anus. Burning pain in anus, with soft stool. Merc. 3. Anus. Burning in anus, with frequent stools; itching. Lyc. 3. Anus. Burning Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in a Sore; biting in evening, with sore pain. Nux V. 3. Anus. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, frequent ; also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. Anus. Burning in anus when not at stool and before and after stool. Olean. 3. Anus. Burning in rectum and anus after soft stool, with exhaustion. Phos. 2. Anus. Burning in anus during soft stool. Amm. Mur. 3. Anus. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. Anus. Burning in anus after diarrhoea. Canth. 3. Anus. Burning in anus during stool. Calc. C. 3. Anus. Burning, biting, stinging in amus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Caps. 3. Anus. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Anus. Haemorrhoids protruding, large, bluish, suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea painless, clay-colored, with burning and Smarting in anus; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Anus. Dysentery; bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning of anus; temporarily ceasing after Stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation anus during stool. after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. - Anus. Acrid, Smarting, burning sensa- tion at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were pro- jected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Anus. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stool loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea, stools offensive, painless, fluid, Scanty, putrid, with biting, burning Sensatio in anus. Sil. Clin. - Anus. Dysentery; burning in anus dur- ing stool and long-lasting severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Anus. Chronic dysentery, with the ab- dominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum ; dis- charge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus after a stool; severe rum- bling of gas, watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by Soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Anus. Chronic diarrhoea in cachetic dys- peptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes pain- less, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Anus. Habitual constipation ; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines, reddish, mucous or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea, just after breakfast; the passage at first formed, then loose, with burning in anus. Borax Clin. Anus, (Constriction.) Constriction of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool, Sil. 3. Anus. Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus, Nit. Ac, 2. Anus. Burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction in anus; with itch- ing in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Anus. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. Anus. Constriction of anus, with itching, burning all day, worse after urinat- ing, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Anus drawn up with constriction. Plumb. 3. Anus. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of amus. Alum. 3. Anus. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool like sheep's dung passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Anus, (Ercoriated.) Evacuations excoriated the skin about the anus. Ars. A. 3. Anus. Stools black, acrid, putrid; excoriated skin about anus, Ars, A, 1. Anus. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus, whitish- gray. Merc. 1. Anus. Bloody stools with painful, acrid sensation in anus. Merc. 1. Anus. Glutinous exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Amus. (Fissures.) Fissures more in rec- tum than in anus after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Anus. Piles and fissues at the anus, with great itching; Scurf on borders of anus. Petr. Clin. Anus. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Anus. Fissure of anus, with very great irritability. Sil. Clim. Anus. Fissures of the anus, with period- ical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back, as if bruised; sore, blind, haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Anus. Fisure of the anus with constant oozing of fetid moisture, with raw Smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. Ac. Clin. - (207) REPERTORY OF PART II. ANU.S. ANU.S. Anus. Fissures of the anus, without con- Anus, (Pain.) Diarrhoea in morning, with Anus. (Prolapsus.) Prolapsus of rectum stipation; acute pains shooting up- heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yel- without urging, as if anus were para- wards. Ign. Clin. low, green, frequent, Pod, 1, lyzed. Graph. 2. Anus. Constipation; accumulation of Anus. Contractive pain in anus in after- Anus. Prolapsus of amus. Merc. 3. large masses of feces, which are cov- noon, preventing sitting. Cocc. 3. Anus. Distress in anus, as if prolapsed. | ered with mucus; the anus is fissured, Anus. Painful contractions in amus. Iris V. 3. the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Anus. (Fistula.) Fistula in the anus, with sensation of beating, as of little hammers. Lach. Clin. Anus. Fistula in anus. Thuja. Clin. Anus, (Itching). Itching around anus at border, with sore feeling. Sulf, 3, Anus. Crawling, burning, itching, in and about anus. Berb. 3. - Anus. Blind haemorrhoids bleeding, with itching pain in anus. Cham. 3. Anus. Biting, sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and Soreness. Kali C. 3. Anus. Watery feces, frequent, with sore- ness in anus; bright yellow fluid feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Anus. Moisture and itching in anus, with soreness; moist between anus and nates when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Anus. Itching of anus when sitting, Staph. 3. Anus. Itching in region of anus during day and evening before sleep. Mezer. & B Anus. Itching in anus, with Sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margin; becom- ing a smarting and Sore pain as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Anus. Itching and biting in anus. Phos. Anus. Itching of anus. Natr. C. 3. Anus. Itching in anus. Arg. N. 3. Anus. Itching in anus. Ant. Cr. 3. Anus. Itching in anus, with pain in per- ineum. Caust. 3. Anus. Irregular piles, with Stitching, burning or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Anus. Pruritus in anus and fistula. Caust. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea, with much wind ; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatin- ous, worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus dur- ing typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Anus. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep's dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Anus. Violent itching or tingling at anus from worms. Zinc. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea; stool yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Anus. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pinching cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. . - Anus. Pain in anus as if a plug were forced outwards. Crot. Tig. 3. Anus. Spasmodic pain in anus before and after stool. Lach. 3, Anus. Pain in pubic region, extending towards anus. Nux V. 7. Acon. 3. Anus. Boring, cramp-like pain in anus, extending into rectum and testicles. Sil. 3. Anus. Pain in anus, caused by stool; contracted feeling during stool. Chel. 3. Anus. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perin- eum to middle of penis; worse at mid- night. Phytol 3. • Anus. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A.C. Clim. Anus. Obstinate constipation; inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Anus. Long continued sensation in rec- tum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. Clin. Anus. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring, cramping from anus to rec- tum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and sup- purate. Sil. Clin. Anus. (Paralysis.) Urging in rectum to stool, with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum as if weakened by diarrhoea. Coloc. 2. Anus. Paralysis of rectum ; anus wide open; haemorrhage from bowels. Se- cale 2. - Anus. Paralysis of the sphincter ani; the amus is always open. Phos. Clin. Anus. (Pressure in Amus.) Pressure on rectum and on bladder, then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. Anus. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Anus. Constipation; stool small, hard; often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Anus. Pressure in anus during stool, with pain. Alum. 3. Anus. Shootings and pressure in anus. A con. 3. Anus. Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. Anus. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Anus. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Anus. (Protrusion of Anus.) Pain on pres- sure on umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus where there is constant protrusion. Crot, Tig, 7. . Anus. Protusion of anus. Gamb. 3. Anus. Large and hard stool voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a por- tion of the amus was protruded; with severe backache in lumbar region. AEsc. 1. t Anus. (Smarting.) Smarting in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mag, M. 3. Anus. Smarting in rectum and anus, with soft stool. Mur. A c. 2. Anus. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Anus, ... (Soreness.) Itching, Smarting; sore pain in anus on wiping. Graph, 3. Anus, Sore pain in anus without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. Ign. 3. Anus. Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preeeded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus; worse from motion; painful, protruding, Puls, 3. Anus. Stool hard, in shape of laurel ber- ries; difficult, with cutting in anus, as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Anus. Soreness in anus after a slimy dis- charge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Anus. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Anus. Sore feeling in anus; worse out- side, with Stitching, burning, and throbbing. Calc. Ph. 3. Anus. Haemorrhoids, like red cherries, protrude after meals, with sore pain in anus. Diosc. 3. Anus. Oozing of sticky, odorless moisture from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carbo Am. 2. Anus. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of threadworms during stool. Sulf. 3. Anus. Biting, Sore pain in anus on walk- ing, and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Anus. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is in- active; stools are hard; often asso- ciated with Soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Anus. (Sticking.) Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half-digested, of intolerable odor, Graph, 1. (208) AN, U.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. A R O UN. D. Anus, Coarse sticking in anus, extending Anus. Dragging in anus as before diar- Anxiety. Distention of abdomen after deep into rectum, Ign. 3. rhoea. Crot. Tig. 3. supper, with heaviness and emission Anus. Congestion of anus after dinner;|Anus. Singular feeling in pelvic region of flatus. Arg. N. 5. expulsion of ascarides; sticking, sore- ness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Anus. Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in small of back and in anus. Coloc. 3. Anus. Intermittent sticking in left side of an us. Crocus 3. Anus. Sticking in anus when not at stool. Con. 3. Anus. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Anus. Scraping, sticking, cutting in rec- tum and anus during stool, with drag- ging. Nit. A c. 2, Anus. Sticking in anus during the day. Sul. 3. - Anus. Sticking cutting in anus after stool. Aloe 3. Anus. (Tearing.) Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr, M, 2. Anus. Tearings, extending around anus, with smarting. Berb. 3. Anus. Tearing transversely across pubis and then through pudenda as far as an us. Carbo An. 7. Anus. (Tenesmus.) Passage of mucus from anus, with urging. Carbo V. 3. Anus. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards an us and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Bell. 2. Anus. Crawling tenesmus in anus, as in - diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Anus. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Anus, (Miscellaneous.) Sensation of raw- ness in anus, with diarrhoea, Apis 3. Anus painfully closed. Lyc. 3, Anus. Beating, throbbing in anus as with hammers. Lach. 3, Anus. Colic in hypogastrium as if flat- ulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Anus. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus, with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Anus. Stitches in rectum in direction of a line from anus to small of back. Thuja 3. Anus. Stitches towards anus, with sore- ness and burning after stool. Carbo V. 3. Anus. Stitches in anus, with tearing, cutting and burning. Kali C. 3. Anus. Spasmodic closure of anus. Op. 3. Anus. Jerking in anus When not at Stool. Nux V. 3. - Anus. Stool natural at first ; then several small loose evacuations; then small hard evacuations, with violent strain- ing in rectum and anus, till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. at 4. p. m., a weakness about Small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Anus. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting; fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Anus. Fullness in amus, with pressing out. Aloe 3. Anus. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from anus a tubercle, which became moist and smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. Anus. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without injury. Lach. 3. Anus. Crawling in anus as of thread worms. Crocus 3. Anus. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing, Lil. Tig. 7. Anus. Distention of abdomen, with rum- bling after stool; after breakfast, with griping, then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Anus. Warts about anus. Thuja. Clin. Anus. Herpetic eruption about anus. Natr. M. Clin. Anus. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool; pain- less piles. Sulf. Clim. Anus. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly open. PhOS. Clin. Anus. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Anus. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Anus. Obstinate constipation, with feel- ing of a load in rectum, which cannot be evacuated ; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Anus. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted in dysentery, with excessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Anus. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tenacious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. Anus. Chronic, debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Anxiety. Pain in abdomen; better after stool, with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Anxiety. Pressive drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea, in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Anxiety. Cramp in rectum all the fore- noon; a griping and sticking with anx- iety, so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen so violent that he grasped bystanders, and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Anxious urging in rectum; frequent, in- effectual after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W, 2, Anxious. Urging more in upper intes- times, stool soft and insufficient, anx- ious urging, inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Aphthous. Diarrhoea in nursing infants, offensive, preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous Sore mouth. Borax Clin. Appendix. Peri-typhlitis, with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix and hardness. Crotal. H. Clin. Appetite. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of ap- petite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Appetite. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. Appetite. Obstinate constipation follow- ing diarrhoea in old spirit drinkers, who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, Scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Appetite. Ascarides, with itching, un- natural appetite, flushed face. Ferr. Clin. - Appetite. Ascarides in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Appetite. Mesenteric disease; glandular enlargement, emaciation, irregular stool, enormous appetite. Tod. Clin. Apprehension. Nervous diarrhoea; from emotion; from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Clin. Arm, Distention and sensitivenes of abdo- men, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdo- men, Lach. 5, Arm. Movement in hypogastrium as if some- thing living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain, Thuja 7. Arms. Colic from the passage of gall- stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terrible eructations. Diosc. Clin. Arms. Violent, flatulent colic; generally relieved by walking about, aggra- vated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting ; amel- ioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Around. Stool of green mucus, with retch- ing; vomiting of mucus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody. Arg, N, 1. (209) REPERTORY OF PART II. BACK. AROUND. Around. Tearings, extending around anus, with Smarting. Berb. 3. Ascarides. Congestion of anus after din- ner; expulsion of ascarides; sticking, Soreness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Ascarides. Crawling in rectum and com- plaints of ascarides. Carbo V. 2. Ascarides, with itching; unnatural appe- tite; flushed face. Ferr. Clin. Ascarides. Hepatic eruption about anus. Nat, M. Clin. Ascarides, with delirium, Screaming. Apis Clin. Ascarides, in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Ascaridies. Diarrhoea, with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy or white. Cina Clin. Ascites. Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, especially in drunkard's gin-liver; chronic hepatitis, with tendency to abscess. Iye. Clin. Asiatic cholera, with sudden suppression of the discharges and collapse. Camph. Clin. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being cov- ered. Secale Clin. Asleep. Heaviness in abdomen, like a stone just before menses, during menses in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Atomy. Constipation in persons of seden- tary habits, from atomy of lower intes- times; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapsus of rectum. Pod. Clin. Atomy of the stomach and abdomen; feeling as if they hung down, relaxed. Staph. Clin. Atrophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux Mos. Clin. Atrophy. Acute, yellow atrophy of the liver. Phos. Clin. Atrophy. Hyperaemia; at first enlarge- ment, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. Atrophy. Chronic atrophy of liver with | emaciation and desication of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eructate. Merc. 6. Attachments. Constriction at level of attachments of diaphragm. Arn. 6. Attack. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Attacks. Jaundice, provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faintness. Nux V. Clin. Attacks. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools, with gnawing at navel; then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Attempt. Stools very sluggish, the rec- tum seems plugged up; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac, Clin. Attempts. Ineffectual attempts at stool. AESC. 3. Autumn. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diarrhoea, of miasmatic origin, in combination with milk diet. Ipec. Clin. Autumnal, bilious diarrhoea; exhaustion and debility from the start. Iris V. Clin. Autumnal dysentery. Colch. Clin. Axillary. Swelling of inguinal glands; painful; and of axillary glands. Natr. C. 7. Back, Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea, before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Back. Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in Small of back; in evening till 9 p. m., with sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. - Back. Cramps in rectum like labor pains and in small of back. Lyc. 2. Back, Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in small of back and in an us. Coloc. 3. JBack. Drawing pain in posterior part of abdomen, extending towards back, like tearings. Calc. C. 6. Back, Cutting in abdomen on appear- ance of menses; aggravation from motion with tearing in back and small of back, during menstruation with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Back. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forci- ble, frequent, followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus; pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Back. Constipation; stool white, of only yellow-white mucus, mixed with blood, with pain in back. Puls. 1. Back, Twitching in left side of abdomen between navel and left side of flank, as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Back, Sticking deep in one or other ilium an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inwards towards small of back. Berb. 7. Back, Stitches in rectum in direction of a line from anus to small of back. Thuja 3. Back, Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in small of back, as if broken. Cham. 7. Back. Violent flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about, aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; ameliora- tion from pressure, generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Back, Haemorrhoids with excessive burn- ing, as from pepper; throbbing Sore- ness with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Back. Fissure of the anus with periodi- cal profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore blind hamorrheids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Back. Protruding purple piles with Se- vere pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. - Back. Piles with enlarged prostate gland; intense pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clin. Back. Diarrhoea, from fright; worse from being in a warm room; preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. - Back. Painters’ colic; pain in umbilical region, extending through to the back. Plat Clin. Back. Swelling and abscess in liver with Stitching pains in right side, com- mencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Back. (Miscellaneous.) Chilliness in abdo- men, extending around to lower part of back. Puls, 5. - Back. Constipation; stool that has protruded slips back again after urging and strain- ing until abdominal walls are sore. Sil, 1. Back, Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eructa- tions, Lyc, 6. Back. Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over, press- ing with both hands or to lean far back, as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Back. Griping in umbilical region, then cutting in abdomen across right lumbar region extending to back. Chel. 7. t Back. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under Short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Back. Weakness in abdomen and in back So that she must lie down. Phos. 5. Back. Intermittent boring in abdomen often extending to chest, threatening Suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Back. Distention of abdomen; tympani- tic; coldness also in back. Secale 5. Back. Sensation in abdomen, extending into small of back, as if something fell down. Laur. 5. Back. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back, then urging to stool, then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Back. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of Stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account Of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Back. Tension in abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between pit of Stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Back. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, atternpting to raise himself or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. (210) BACK. REPERTORY OF PART II. BEF or E. Back. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p.m.; a weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Back. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggra- vation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Backache. Prolapsus; prolapsed feeling after stool; prolapsed feeling with backache. AEsc. 3. Backache. Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the amus was protruded; with severe backache in lumbar re- gion. AESC. 1. Backache. Dysentery; stools bloody, mu- cous, every half-hour, with constant urging and much backache. Til. Tig. Clin. Backward. Sticking in liver, in right hy- pochondrium, with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending backward. Laur. 6. Bad. Stool intermitting, frequent; at first hard, then pasty, then liquid, white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Bad. Rumbling of abdomen, with emis- sion of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5. - Bad. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black, or thick like glue; passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. A c. Clin. Ball. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum, inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. | Balls. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty like sheep dung, painful, only Once in eight or ten days; or green in balls often hard. Plumb. 1. Balls. Obstinate constipation; inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Balls. Constipation; stools like sheep dung, after great straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. Natr. C. 1. Balls. Constipation; stools consisting of small, hard, black balls. Plumb. Clin. Balls. Constipation of long Standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls, rectum inactive. Op. Clin. Balls. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Band. Constriction of hypochondria as from a band. Con. 6. Bathing. Diarrhoea after nursing; from overheating after cold bathing. Art. Cr. Clin. Bathing. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Bear. Stools frequent, watery, with burn- ing in anus; disposition to Strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. Bearing-down pains Bear. Distention of abdomen beginning at stomach; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach, worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. - Bear. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tenderness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Crotal. H. Clin. in hypogastrium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with constant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was discharged. Lil. Tig. 7. Bearing-down. Diarrhoea; stools dark- brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggravation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum during stool, preceded by constant dragging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. JBeaten. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives on touch and on coughing. Ferr. 5. Beating, throbbing in anus as with hammers. Lach, 3. Beating and bubbling in liver as in a sore finger; burning. Laur. 6. Beating. Fistula in the amus with sensa- tion of beating, as of little hammers. Lach. Clin. Bed, Distention and sensitiveness of abdo- men so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dares not lay the arm across the abdo- men. Lach. 5. Bed, Diarrhoea involuntary in bed. Hyos. 1. Bed, Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening, or colic, worse in evening ; in bed with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intes- times to another. Puls. 5. Bed. Pain in ring in morning in bed as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Nux W, 7, Bed. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen, also at night; after eating with heavi- ness. Sulf. 5. Stool fluid after eating, with dis- charge of flatus and colic all the after- noon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Bed. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling, also in bed with spas- modic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Bed. Distention of abdomen, with gurg- ling, rumbling, rolling; in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain; worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Bed. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with Sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Bed. Protrusion of rectum with itching in evening in bed. Natr. M. 2. Bed. Bed. Bed. Cutting in abdomen in morning, in bed; griping at night, with pain be- fore stool. Nit. A c. 5. Itching in rectum in evening in bed. Ign. 2. Bed. Tensive pain in morning on get- ting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypo- gastrium were spasmodically con- stricted, sometimes as if distended; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. Bed. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen, so violent that he grasped bystanders and again push them from him ; fre- Quently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Bed. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great Straining and burning in an us; temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eat- ing and drinking. Coloc. Clim. Bed. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the Smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of con- fidence in sphincter ani; worse im- mediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Bed. Diarrhoea, in typhoid; offensive ; or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A.C. Clin. Bed. Yellow, watery diarrhoea; nearly Odorless; involuntary; passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium. Hyos. Clin. Involuntary stools in bed from pa- ralysis of sphincter ani. Daur. Clin. Bed post. Lead colic; cutting in abdo- men as from knives; constricting Spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation as if the bowels were Squeezed betwen stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Beef. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Beer. Diarrhoea particularly after meals at night; painless, early in the morn- ing, in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China, Clin. Before. (Before Stool.) Griping in abdo- men before and during stool; after stool, Sulf. 5, Before, Yellow watery diarrhoea, with tear- ing cutting before stool, as after taking cold, Dulc, 1. Before, Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after as if something remained; pressure dur- ing soft stool. Sulf. 2. Bed. Bed. Bed. ( 211 ) BE FORE. REPERTORY OF PART II. BEND IN C. Before, Sharp pain in rectum after stool, after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying in morning before stool. Nux W. 2. Before. Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over, press- ºf ing with both hands, or to lean far back, as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Before. Colic in abdomen as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in Small of back. Dulc. 5. Before, Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting; burn- ing in amus as before diarrhoea, from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Before. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines, before every stool; at first green, then slimy ; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Before. Diarrhoea, after eating; of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China, 1. Before. Dragging in anus, as before diar- rhoea. Crot. Tig. 3. Before Pinching increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning before, during, and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. Before. Crawling tenesmus in anus as in diarrhoea every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Before. Emissions of flatus loud, short and interrupted; offensive worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Before. Burning pain in anus during, before and after stool. Berb. 3. Before. Griping in abdomen before stool, also during and after stool. Aloe 5. Before. Griping in abdomen with ineffec- tual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; ag- gravation from eating plums. Rheum {). Before. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5. Before. Urging in rectum on rising, be- fore stool, which shot out as from a gun. Phos. 2. Before. Burning in anus when not at stool, and before and after stool. Olean. 3. Before. Cutting before stool, with griping. Mag. C. 5. Before. Spasmodic pain in anus before and after stool. Lach. 3. Before. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before; ten- esmus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, sliny, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid; fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Before. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish; corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea, coming on suddenly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet- meats during summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Before. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suit- able to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Before. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish-white, watery stools, with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish- green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Nat. S. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea; stool yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Before. (Miscellaneous.) Heaviness in ab- domen, like a stone, just before menses, during menses, and in sacrum, with in- clination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Before. Painful drawing in groins, as be- fore menstruation. Plat. 7. Before. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent, relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Before. Cutting in abdomen before emis- sion of flatus. Con, 5. Before. Rumbling and griping in abdo- men, always emission of flatus. Graph. 5. Before. Colic before stool before passage of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. China 5. --- Before. Itching in region of anus during day and evening before sleep. Mezer. 3. Before. Griping in abdomen before dis- charge of leucorrhoea. Con. 5. Before. Cutting in abdomen in morning, with emission of flatus as from flatu- lence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Before. Constipation of women before and during menses. Sil. Clin. Before. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before tenesmus, and urging after. Merc. Clin. Below. Griping in umbilical region at times above, at times below navel, in afternoon soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Below. Pressure below last ribs. Arn. 6. Below. Griping below umbilicus. Diose. 7 Below. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m., then unusual stool. Amm. Mur. 7. Below. Pinching below umbilicus. Agar. 7. Below. Stitches below last ribs; below right ribs. Arn. 6. Belly. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard ob- ject or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Bend, Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, oblig- ing him to bend forward, Coloc. 5. Bend. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend double; hot; Smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery; painless, consisting of feces and mucus; white; slimy; with colic. Cham 1. Bend, Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; ameli- oration after a thin stool, with dis- charge of flatus, upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Bend. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise him- self or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Bend. Sudden cutting in abdomen, re- lieved after profuse, pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Bend. Sticking in umbilical region in a Spot, obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Bend. . Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Bend. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Bending, Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward; with cut- ting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. Bending. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved by bending forward, with pain on touch as if suppurating. China 6. Bending. Feeling of distention of abdo- men, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Bending. Cutting in abdomen after din- ner, relieved by bending over; aggra- vation from standing. Rheum 5. Bending. Griping in abdomen; ameliora- || tion after discharge of flatus in even- ing and night; relieved by bending forward. Iris V, 5. ( 212 ) BEND IN C. REPERTORY OF PART II. BLACK. Bending. Cutting, with heaviness across - lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diar- rhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdomen and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Bending. Colic, compelling one to walk bent; relieved by bending double and walking about, or by lying on the abdomen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Bending. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Bending. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon, aggravated by bend- ing forward. Sulf. Clin. Bent. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; bile increased. Sulf, 6. - Bent. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Bent. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatu- lence with cutting were forcing out bladder, beginning of urethra peri- neum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sit- ting and lying, Nux W, 7. Bent. Heaviness in abdomen ; Sensation as if it hung down heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Bent. Griping in abdomen, so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Bent. Colic, compelling one to walk bent, relieved by bending double and walk- ing about or by lying on the abdomen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Berries. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult, with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in amus along rectum. Alum. 1. Between. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward; with cut- ting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. Between. Ilead colic; cutting in abdo- men as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with move- ments in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy ; not ex- hausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Bile. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning, when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased, Sulf, 6. Bile. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomit- ing of bile. Iris V. Clin. Bile, Biliary ducts. Cachexia of miners work- ing deep underground; portal hyper- aemia, gall-stones, catarrh of the biliary ducts. Card. M. Clin. Bilious. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first ; then transparent, bilious, mem- branous, mucous, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Bilious. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. Bilious. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sen- sation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Bilious. Colic originating in a depressed Or excessive bilious secretion. POd. Clin. Bilious. Fistula recti with bilious symp- toms, aggravated when sitting. Berb. Clin. Bilious. Gastro-enteritis with bilious or bloody vomiting. Kali B. Clin. Bilious. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious; offensive aggra- Vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Bilious. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before tenesmus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Bilious. Autumnal bilious diarrhoea; ex- haustion and debility from the start. Iris V. Clin. Biting. Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf. 2. Biting. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting burn- ing in anus, as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Biting. Diarrhoea after eating, of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Biting. Sticking in hepatic region, some- times also in hip, with burning or bit- ing externally. Zinc. 6. - Biting. Burning Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in Sore; biting in evening, with sore pain. Nux V. 3. Biting Sore pain in anus on walking, and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Biting. Burning, biting, stinging in anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Caps. 3. Biting. Itching and biting in anus. Phos. 3 Biting. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Biting. Haemorrhoids aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth, with prolapsus of rectum, accompan- ied by sticking and biting. Mur. A c. Clin. Biting Sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and Soreness. Kali C. 3. º Bitter. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. Black. (Stools.) Stools black, acrid, putrid; excoriated skin about anus, Ars. A. 1. Black. Diarrhoea with coldness of extremi- ties, with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenes- mus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Black. Colic with cutting, twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea; at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst and after every drink shivering. Caps. 7. Black. Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Lept. 1. Black. Violent stool, watery, black fluid, burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Black. Aching, burning in gall-bladder, chilliness along spine with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. Lept. 6. Black. Rumbling in the hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool, then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Black. Stools may be brown or black, burning, putrid, brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight, preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Black. Diarrhoea, with great prostration and collapse at the very commence- ment of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces like coffee grounds; rice water stools. Camph. Clin. Black. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric ; much black offen- sive blood; pseudo-membrane; pain- ful and frequent, with fever and head- ache. Nit. A c. Clin. Black. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offensive, nearly painless; involuntary, dark brown, black watery or green mucus. PSOr. Clin. Black. Constipation; stools consisting of small hard, black balls. Plumb. Clin. Black. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep's dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Black. Camp diarrhoea, chronic from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region, worse from drinking cold water; stools black. fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Black. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation, yellow, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. (213) BLACK. REPERTORY OF PART II. B L IND. Black. Chronic diarrhoea, especially dur- ing early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black, mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Black. Stools hard, dark-brown or black; dry, as if burnt. Bry. Clin. - Black. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; stools black or thick, like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Black. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offen- sive, undigested, white, cadaverous- smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Black. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Black. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Blackish. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant de- sire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc. C. 1. Blackish. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days; or green, in balls, often hard. Plumb. 1. Blackish, stool blackish; involuntary. Camph. 1. Blackish. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Blackish-brown. Copious blackish-brown, green and whitish stools. Apis 1. Blackish-brown. Painful diarrhoea; wa- tery, liquid stools of the most disgust- ing Smell; discharges profuse, green- ish, blackish-brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Bladder, Constriction in hypogastrium, as from a stone, extending to bladder, Puls, 7. Bladder, Pressure on rectum and on bladder; then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. Bladder. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence with cutting were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ming of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W. 7. Bladder. Pressure in hpogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Bladder. Pain across umbilicus, prevent- ing sleep; pinching when sitting, below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Bladder. Pain in perineum, seeming to arise from neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. Canth. 3. Bladder. Intermittent boring in abdo- men, often extending to chest, threat- ening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5 Bladder. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Bladder. Colic, with pressure downward upon rectum and bladder. Op. Clin. Bladder. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent; Small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish, frothy, worse at night. Caps. Clin. Bladder. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown; semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Bladder. Dysentery in moist weather; aggravation from any current of air; Violent tenesmus of rectum and blad- der. Caps. Clin. Bleed. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Bleed. Bleeding of haemorrhoids, blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. Ac. Clin. . Bleed. Old pendulous haemorrhoids that cease to bleed, but become painful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A.C. Clin. - Bleed. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is in- active; the stools are hard ; often as- sociated with Soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Bleeding. (Haemorrhoids.) Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatis- factory; difficult, with pain as if rec- tum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Bleeding of anus during stool. Carbo V. 3. Bleeding. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard indigested; bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. Bleeding from anus during stool; sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. Bleeding. Blind haemorrhoids; bleeding, with itching pain in anus. Cham. 3. Bleeding haemorrhods; burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. A con. 3. Bleeding. Haemorrhoids swollen, bleed- ing during natural stool. Kali C. 3. Bleeding. Haemorrhoids bleeding when walking. Sep. 3. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. Bleeding. Haemorrhoids large, bleeding, which suppurate. Merc. Clin. Bleeding. Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleeding. Alum. Clin. Bleeding Fissures of the anus with peri- odical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in Small of back as if bruised; sore blind haemorrhoids pro- truding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Bleeding. Haemorrhoids, with bleeding during and after stool. Ign. Clin. Bleeding. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with Stitching, burning pains from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Bleeding. (Bleeding Piles.) Bleeding piles, with itching and gnawing. Ferr. Clin. - Bleeding piles, with heat and sharp stitches; blood bright. Acon. Clin. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constriction of Sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Bleeding piles; blood flows with each stool in a small stream. Phos. Clin. Bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood; a far greater quantity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant. Lyc. Clin. Bleeds. Contracted sensation in rectum dur- ing stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and - pains as if sore. Natr. M. 2. Blind, Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles, contraction and soreness. Ign, 2. Blind. Sore pain in anus without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. | Ign. 3. Blind hamorrhoids, with burning and stick- ing in rectum. Nux V. 3. Blind piles with pressure and soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Blind haemorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with sore pain in anus; worse from motion ; painful, protruding. Puls, 3. Blind haemorrhoids; bleeding with itching pain in anus. Cham. 3. Blind. Itching in anus with sore pain, as from haemorrhoids on margin becoming a Smarting and Sore pain, as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Blind. Haemorrhoids, blind, painful, with slow hot prickings; haemorrhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. - Blind. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus, as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Blind. Fissure of the anus with periodi- cal profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back, as if bruised; sore blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Blind. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Blind. Piles blind or flowing. Nux V. Clin. - (214 ) BL 1 N. D. tº REPERTORY OF PART II. BLOODY . Blind. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Bloated. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, - with nausea. Psor. 5. Bloated. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen. Op. Clin. Blood. (From Anus.) Discharge of blood from amus during stool. Natr. C. 3. Blood. Diarrhoea profuse, constant, in- voluntary; of mucus and blood. Kali B. 1. Blood. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. Blood. Discharge of bright red blood from anus with stool. Nit. A c. 3. Blood. Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in small of back and in anus. Coloc. 3. Blood. Passage of pure blood from anus and from urethra. Canth. 3. Blood. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Blood. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinat- ing pain from the anus upward, es- pecially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. - Blood. Bleeding piles; blood flows with. each stool in a small stream. Phos. Clin. Blood. Bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood; a far greater quan- tity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant. Dyc. Clin. Blood. Bleeding piles, with heat and sharp stitches; blood bright. A con. Clin. Blood. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. Act. Clin. Blood. (Stools.) Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost ineffectual tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Blood. Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing, sticking. Nux, W. 2. Blood. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc. C. 1. Blood. Stools spotted with blood, Natr. C. 1. Blood, Tenesmus, but nothing passes except mucus tinged with blood, Merc. C. 2. Blood. Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus mixed with blood and slime; involuntary the moment it entered the rectum, Phos. 1. Blood. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Blood. Haemorrhoids, with Swelling; pro- truding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum, burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Blood. Diarrhoea, with burning in anus, consisting of blood and mucus. Canth, 1. Blood. Small, frequent passages consisting of mucus at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus, preceded by flat- ulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Blood. Colic, with cutting twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps. 7. Blood. Stool hard, in shape of laurel ber- ries; difficult; with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood followed by Soreness in amus along rectum. Alum. 1. Blood. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Rhus Tox. 1. Blood. Constipation; stool white, of only yellow-white mucus mixed with blood, with pain in back. Puls. 1. Blood. Stool watery, of blood and water; contained acrid water; greenish. Ars. A. 1. Blood. Stool soft, scanty and delayed, with passage of blood during stool. Carbo An. 1. Blood. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Blood. White, tough mucus, with the stool like scrapings from the intes- times, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. |Blood. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus, then a soft one envel- oped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Blood. Stool preceded by cold; pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Blood. Diarrhoea profuse, bloody, con- taining mucous membrane and clots of blood. Phos. 1. Blood. Stool thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus, also blood. Graph. 1. Blood. Stool whitish, mixed with tena- cious mucus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Blood. Stool of blood, mucus, and what looked like scrapings of inner surface of intestines. Phytol. 1. Blood. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, consisting of decom- posed blood. Lach. Clin. Blood. Diarrhoea, in spring, when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Blood. Constipation; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty, and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Blood. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Blood. Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood. Bell. Clin. Blood. Stool bloody, with tenesmus, and painful; dysenteric; much black, of fensive blood; pseudo membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. Ac. Clin. Blood. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Blood. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Blood. Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Lyc. 2. Blood. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clim. Blood. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime separated. Mur. A c. Clin. Blood. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odor-| less; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. - Blood. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Blood. Chronic dysentery; stools fre- quent, small, pitch-like, with pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Blood. (Miscellaneous.) Stool unsatisfac- tory after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. Blood. Determination of blood to large intestines. Aloe 7. Blood. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Blood-streaked. Chronic diarrhoea, espe- cially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive. Pod. Clin. Bloody. (Bloody Stool.) Stool gray, whit- ish-gray, green, bloody, difficult. Phos. 1. Bloody. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous, of much bloody mucus; violent, in- Voluntary, frequent, with weakness. Petr. 1. Bloody. Diarrhoea profuse, bloody, con- taining mucous membrane and clots of blood. Phos. 1. Bloody. Stool of bloody mucus, with cut- ting in abdomen and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Bloody. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Bloody. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Colch. 1. (215) BLOODY. REPERTORY OF PART II. BODY. Bloody. Stool enveloped by filamentous yellowish mucus; this mucus is en- tirely bloody in last portions of feces. Carbo V. 1. Bloody stools with painful acrid sensation in anus. Merc. 1. Bloody and painful stool; scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Bloody stool. Ipec. 1. Bloody. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy stools, with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. Bloody. Dysenteric, bloody stools with intolerable burning tenesmus; with chill as if water were poured over one Canth. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines; reddish mucous or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Apis Clin. Bloody. Dysentery; discharges bloody; Some tenesmus but not painful. Bapt. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, Scanty, watery, or mucous. Ars. A. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery; bloody stool with deathly nausea, from smelling cook- ing; watery stool, jelly-like mucus with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Blue. Dysentery when the patient is cold; skin blue; stools of bloody mucus. Iris V. Clin. Bloody. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish substances and contain- ing bloody specks. Con. Clin. Bloody. Mucous diarrhoea with tenes- mus; stools frequent; small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; Shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Bloody. scrapings of the intestines, involun- tary, putrid, dark. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning of anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating or drinking. Coloc. Clin. Bloody. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery, brown; fecal; green mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffectual pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- timue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like || Bloody. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of the water; violent urging before tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery when the patient is cold; skin blue, stools of bloody mucus. Iris V. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery of bloody mucus, mixed with the green watery stool. Mag. C. Clin. - Bloody. Dysentery; stools bloody, mu- cus, every half-hour, with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. . Clin. Bloody. Diphtheritic dysentery; burning in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. Ac. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery; stool, small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus, ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Bloody. Stool bloody, with tenesmus, and painful; dysenteric; much black offen- sive blood; pseudo-membrane; pain- ful and frequent, with fever and head- ache. Nit. Ac. Clin. - Bloody. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery Stools. Natr. M. Clin. Bloody. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly open. |PhOS. Clin. * Bloody. Chronic, debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with Sensation as of some- thing pulling at the navel; stools Watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- Voluntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Bloody. Dysentery; burning in anus dur- ing stool, and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Bloody. Chronic diarrhoea; green, liquid stools, always mucus and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. . Bloody. Dysentery; stools watery, mucous and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus TOx. Clin. Bloody. Diarrhoea; stool sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Bloody. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though protruding but little; protrude dur- ing stool; return with difficulty and With bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3 3. Bloody. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Bloody. (Miscellameous.) Stool of green mucus, with retching; vomiting of mu- cus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody, Arg. N. 1, Bloody. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Bloody. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenes- mus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Bloody. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. * Bloody. Gastro-enteritis, with bilious or bloody vomiting. Kali B. Clin. Bloody-colored. Diarrhoea, with coldness of extremities, with vomiting and pros- tration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody-colored, black mucus; offensive, yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rec- tum and anus. Ars. A. 1. - Blotting paper. Stool thin, frothy, saf- fron-yellow, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. : Bluish. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features and staggering, pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy Sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Bluish. Haemorrhoids protruding; large bluish Suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Bluish. Haemorrhoids; bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with Stitching, burning, pains from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. . Blunt. Pain around the navel as if a blunt plug were squeezed into intestines, Anac. 7, Blunt. Thrust as from a blunt tool in right umbilical region. Anac. 7. Body, Constant ineffectual desire, but dis- charge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body. Sil. 1. Body. Abdominal colic, radiating to all parts of body; sensitiveness of abdo- men to touch. Plumb. 5. Body. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down, as if a large heavy body were lying there ; better after pres- Sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Body. Sensation in hypogastrium, as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when Standing. Lil. Tig. 7. Body. Chronic diarrhoea; gushing, wa- tery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. (216) BODY. REPERTORY OF PART II. BREATH. Body. Griping, tearing in upper abdo- men and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Body. Flatulent colic, relieved by stretch- ing the body out or walking. Diosc. Clin. Body. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen swoll- en and tender to the touch; some- times associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Body. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon col- ored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Body. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless; gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Body. Cholera infantum; stools whitish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. Boiled. Diarrhoea after boiled milk. Sep. 1. Boiled. Chronic, debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour; expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Bone. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Bone. Waxy liver, dependent upon long- lasting bone disease. Phos. Clin. Bones. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m.; a weakness about small of back, pubic bones and around anus, a dragging. Sep. 7. Bookworms. Constipation of old people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms. Aloe Clin. Border. Stitches in left hepatic region, near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure, extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Borders. Piles and fissures at the anus, with great itching; scurf on borders of anus. Petr. Clim. Boring in right groin. Merc. 7. Boring, cramp-like pain in anus, extending into rectum and testicles. Sil. 3. Boring. Intermittent boring in abdomen, often extending to chest, threatening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Boring. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring, cramping from anus to rec- tum and testicles; protrude during stool; become incarcerated and sup- purate. Sil. Clin. Bottle. Noise in abdomen as if a full bot- tle were emptied; in evening, continu- ing, after a thin stool, at 10 p. m. | Jatr. 5. Bottle. Thin stool, preceded and followed by rumbling, and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied, Jatr. 1, Bounding. Sudden bounding, as of some- thing alive in right iliac region. Thuja 7. Bowels. (Inactivity of Bowels.) Constipa- tion; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insufficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Bowels. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool. Op. Clin. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. Bowels. Constipation; torpor of bowels: feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty; from constriction of sphincter ani and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Bowels. Constipation; stools hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suit- able to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Bowels. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclina- tion, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Bowels. (Haemorrhage from Bowels.) Pa- ralysis of rectum; anus wide open; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. Bowels. Hoemorrhage from bowels in typhoid, dark, venous. Arn. Clin. Bowels. Chronic hoemorrhage from the bowels. Crotal. H. Clin. Bowels. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, consisting of decom- posed blood. Lach. Clin. Bowels. (Miscellaneous.) Pinching in ab- domen as if bowels were pressed in- wards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5, |Bowels. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum or rough, hard feces, with constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Bowels. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic, then two abundant stools in quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Bowels. Ulceration of the bowels. Ars. A. Clin. Bowels. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces which are SO dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Bowels. Chronic catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with mucus discharge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. Bowels. Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rectum. Merc. C. Clin. Bowels. Constipation; large, hard, diffi- cult stools; frequent urging, without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; then action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Bowels. Chronic diarrhoea in cachetic, dyspeptic persons; stools light-gray or brownish; corrosive; sometimes painless; with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clim. Bowels. Violent colic, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces. Ant. T. Clin. Bowels. Intestinal catarrh with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Bowels. Cramps in abdomen; intussus- ception of the bowels; abdomen drawn in. Cupr. Clin. Bowels. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives, constricting spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation, as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Bowels. Diarrhoea, always in daytime; never at night, but has stools early in the morning ; hunger immediately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucus, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Brandy. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Breakfast, Cutting in abdomen, then leu- corrhoea, with griping at various times; sometimes when yawning; after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner. Zinc. 5, Breakfast. Stool during micturition, also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morn- ing after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. s Breakfast. Pain in abdomen before break- fast, flatulent; relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. - I3reakfast. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool, after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Breakfast. Diarrhoea, just after break- fast; the passage at first formed, then loose, with burning in anus. Borax Clin. Breakfast. Diarrhoea daily after break- fast from vaccination; stool pale yel- low, watery, or oily and greasy; for- cibly expelled; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Breath. Sticking in rectum, taking away | the breath; worse in evening. Sulf. 2. Breath. Pain below umbilicus as from a stone, taking away the breath ; after || dinner. Nux V. 7. (217) 2 Biº E AT H. REPERTORY OF PART II. BROWN IS H. Breath, Griping in upper abdomen, taking away the breath. Cocc, 5. Breach. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Breath. Biarrhoea, with great prostra- tion; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arm. Clin. Breache. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Breathe. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eructate. Mero. 6. Breathing, Weight in left hypochondrium when walking, sitting, and lying ; not affecting breathing, Lyc, 6. Breathing, Bruised pain in right hypochon- drium ; worse from touch on breathing, Eyc, 6. Breathing. Stitches under left false ribs when standing, intercepting breathing, Arn, 6. Breathing. Stitches in hypochondrium when walking in open air, also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open ; at 4 p.m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Nati'. S. 6. Breathing. Cramp-like pain in hypo- chondria alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Breathing. Stitches in hepatic region, hindering deep breathing. A con. 6. Breathing. Sticking in hypochondria on deep breathing. Sulf. 6. Breathing. Pain in hepatic region, ob- structing the breathing. A con. 6. Breathing. Constriction in hepatic region, worse in the right, preventing deep breathing. A con. 6. Breathing. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, cough- ing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clih. Bright. Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after St001, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated ; after eating, with tearing, sticking. Nux W. 2, Bright. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish, gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with Sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Bright. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. Bright. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, Watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Bright. Bleeding piles, with heat and sharp stitches; blood bright. A con. Clin. Bright yellow. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow ; pasty, of the odor of putrefying Snakes. Iach. 1. Bright. Nervous diarrhoea from depres- sion of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Brittle. Constipation; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Broken. Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in Small of back as if broken. Cham. 7. Brown, (Stools.) Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intestines; stool like brown yeast. Arn, 1. Brown, Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green 'oilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. - Brown, Stool of brown, frothy water with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nau- sea, then sudden complete rest. Kali B, 1. Brown, Constipation; stool hard and dark brown in small pieces, with loss of appe- tite; stool gray and crumbly and un- satisfactory. Op. 1. Brown. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1, Brown. Stool pasty, light brown after urging; then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen ; after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Brown. Stools may be brown or black, burning; putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight; preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Brown. Stool hard and difficult, brown and knotty. Card. M. 1. Brown. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, for- cible, frequent, followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Brown. Stool brown, liquid, fetid, copi- ous. Arg. N. 1. Brown. Constipation; stool of brown feces, containing white, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. - Brown. Stool profuse, thick, papeScent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Brown. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offen- sive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. PSOr. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea, with great prostra- tion ; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arm. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin and brown, later cadaver- ous-smelling, containing bits of yel- low feces. Borax Clin. Brown. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown, watery, white, watery, green, mucous, thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Brown. Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor, with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Brown. Chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric an amnesis; stool brown, fecal, fer- mented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea, with excessive accu- mulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish mucus, undigested. Lyc. Clin, Brown. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads here and there, all Over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. -- Brown. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green ; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Brown. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AEsc. C. Clin. Brown. Diarrhoea always in daytime; never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; Stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Brownish. (Stools.) Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish, Scanty, brownish, difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Brownish. Stool soft, brownish, easy; floating on water. Merc. 1. Brownish, small, slimy, half-fluid stool. Aloe 1. Brownish. Stool liquid and brownish ; frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. - Brownish. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Brownish. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clim. * * ( 218 ) BROWN IS H. REPERTORY OF PART II. BURN IN C. Brownish. Stools profuse, putrid, corro- sive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- ous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Brownish-green. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxicating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offen- sive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. * Bruised pain in right hypochondrium; worse from touch on breathing. Lyc, 6. Bruised pain in abdominal muscles on touch, Sulf. 5, Bruised sensation; worse in cascal region and along transverse colon on moderate pres- sure, Merc, C, 5. - Bruised. Paralytic bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Bruised. Pain in hypochondria on touch, in region of liver; bruised pain. Carbo V. 6. Bruised. Incipient hernia forced down- ward, with a bruised pain, and can- not be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Bruised pain in groin over left hip, and on left side of pelvis. Arg. M. 7. Bruised pain in muscles of abdomen on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. Bruised feeling in the abdominal walls which are extremely tender, even when the abdomen is not swollen. Apis Clin. Bruised. Diffuse subacute gastro-enteritis of a low type; Offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; general soreness as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Bruised. Fissure of the anus, with peri- odical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore, blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Buboes. Suppuration of inguinal glands; buboes. Hep. 7. Bubbling. Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eructa- tions. Lyc. 6. Bubbling. Beating and bubbling in liver as in a sore finger; burning. Daur, 6. Bunch. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Bunches. Haemorrhoids with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and dis- tress. Diosc. Clin. Bunghole. Diarrhoea daily, after break- fast, from vaccination; Stools pale yellow, watery, oily and greasy, forci- bly expelled; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Burn. Small protruding varices, which sting, burn and Smart intolerably. Apis Clin. Burning. (Abdomen.) Burning in abdomen. Acon, 5. Burning pain in abdomen, increased to sharp pain on pressure. Ars. A. 5. Burning. (Anus.) Constipation; stool hard, with burning in anus, lumpy, Scanty, offensive, difficult, light colored, Sil, 1. Burning. Pain about umbilicus causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch; attempting to raise him- self or to lie on back and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Burning in abdomen. Mezer. 5. Burning. Frequent, involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape, with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy, undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- mus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Burning. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Burning. Constriction of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool, Sil, 3, Burning pain in anus as if parts around it were sore, Berb. 3. Burning, fullness, itching, pressure and sore- ness in anus, AEsc, 3. Burning in anus after a thin stool, after a soft formed stool, Sulf, 3. Burning pain in anus. Caps, 3, Burning. Stools frequent, watery, with burn- ing in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morn- ing as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Burning. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. - Burning. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon; then burning in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Burning. Violent stool; watery black fluid ; burning in anus; after uneasi- ness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Burning. Pain in abdomen; then dis- charge of dark mucus, causing biting burning in anus, as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Burning. Diarrhoea, with burning in anus, consisting of blood and mucus. Canth, 1. Burning. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Burning. Diarrhoea in morning; then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdo- men; then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Burning in anus during stool. Calc. C. 3. Burning. Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in Small of back and in anus. Coloc. 3. Burning. Oozing of sticky, odorless mois- ture from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carbo Am. 2. Burning. Sore feeling in anus, worse outside, with stitching, burning and throbbing. Calc. Ph. 3. Burning in anus during soft stool. Mur. 3. - Burning in anus after diarrhoea. Canth. 3. Burning, biting, stinging in anus with diarrhoea-like stool. Caps. 3. Burning in anus during and after stool. Lach. 3. aw Burning. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; Scanty. Kali B. 1. Burning, Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in anus and griping in intes- tines. Rali B. 1. Burning pain in region of anus; itching of anus; pressure of amus. Petr. 3. Burning in anus when not at stool and before and after stool. Olean. 3. Burning. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, fre- quent, also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. Burning in anus in evening. Tod. 3. Burning. Biting, sore pain in anus On walking, and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Burning. Diarrhoea, then burning in an us; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. A c. 1. - Burning in anus during stool. Merc. C. 3. Burning pain in amus, with Soft stool. Merc. 3. Burning. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- Quent, with burning in anus; Sudden about midnight, with urging; very offensive; ammoniacal, Dach. 1. Burning. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Burning. Smarting in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. Burning. Soreness and burning after Carbo V. 3. Burning. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. 3. Burning. Constriction of amus, with itch- ing, burning all day; worse after urin- ating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Burning. Congestion of amus after din- ner; expulsion of ascarides; Sticking, Sorness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Burning. Stitches in anus, with tearing, cutting and burning. Kali C. 3. Burning, Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in a sore; biting in evening, with Sore pain. Nux V. 3. Burning in anus with frequent stools; itching. Lyc. 3. Burning in anus after stool; after emis- sion of hot flatus. Aloe 3. Burning pain in anus during, before and after stool. Berb. 3. Burning. Bloody and painful stool; scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Amm. Stitches towards anus, with stool. (219 ) BURNINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. BURNIN. C. Burning. Throbbing pain in rectum all day after stool, also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. Burning. Crawling, burning, itching in and about anus. Berb. 3. Burning pain in anus after stool in fore- noon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Burning in anus after stool, with itching. Mur. A c. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids protruding, large, bluish, suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Burning. Chronic dysentery with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum; dis- charge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. IBurning. Nervous diarrhoea, from depres- Sion of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright, red, foamy blood, preceeded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Burning. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery, and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Burning. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea, just after breakfast; the passage at first formed then loose, with burning in anus. Borax Clin. Burning. Irregular piles, with Stitching, burning, or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines; reddish, mucous, or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Burning. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning of anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stool offensive, painless, fluid, Scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Burning. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Burning. Acrid, Smarting, burning sen- sation at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were pro- jected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum. Sulf. A c. Clin. Burning. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids with burning. Agar, 3. Burning. Chronic dysentery; discharge like meat washings, severe tenesmus, burning pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Burning. Diphtheritic dysentery; burning in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. Ac. Clin. I3urning. Habitual constipation ; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Burning. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent ; Small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody, shaggy, greenish, frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea, with burning in rec- tum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas, watery discharges, Inixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Burning. Haemorrhoids, with swelling; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum, burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessel with sticking; with burning pain on walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids swollen, protrud- ing, burning, sticking ; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Burning. Swollen haemorrhoids, with burning sore pain; blue haemorrhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. A c. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Carbo An. 2. Burning. Haemorrhoids swollen and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Burning. Bleeding haemorrhoids; burn- ing and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. Acon. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoidal pressure in amus with burning when seated; on touch. Thuja 3. - Burning. Haemorrhoids blind; painful, with slow hot prickings; haemor- rhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Burning haemorrhoids. Graph. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids itching, with burning and sticking. Sulf. A c. 3. Burning. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch ; with Stitching, burning pains from cold, from ice cream, and ice water in hot weather. Ars, A. Clin. Burning. Haemorrhoids; painful sting- ing, with protrusion of rectum, Smart- ing and burning; oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin, - Burning. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning, particularly after stool. |Berb. Clin. Burning. Sticking pain in hepatic region with burning when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased. Sulf, 6. Burning. Haemorrhoids, with excessive burning, as from pepper ; throbbing Soreness with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Burning. Haemorrhoids, accompanied with obstinate constipation ; swollen, itching, Stinging, burning and painful when touched. Caust. Clin. Burning. (Right Hypochondrium.) Burn ing and tensive sticking in right hypo- chondrium ; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag. M. 6. Burning. Sticking in hepatic region, Sometimes also in hip, with burning or biting externally. Zinc. 6. Burning. Beating and bubbling in liver as in a sore finger; burning. Laur. 6. Burning. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting; draw- ing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Burning. Aching burning in gall-bladder, chilliness along spine; with urging to stool, better after a profuse black stool. Lept. 6. Burning. Distress in umbilicus with burning in back part of liver and in spine. Lept. 7. Burning. Sticking in liver, in right hypo- chondrium, with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending back- ward. Laur. 6. Burning. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching, burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. - Burning. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium. Amm. Mur. Clin. Burning. Camp diarrhoea, chronic from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. & Burning. (Hypogastrium.) Drawing pain in hypogastrium, extending from right ring, as if in spermatic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. Burning pain in hypogastrium extending to Sacrum. Crotal. H. 7. Burning. Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Burning. (Rectum.) Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum, Aloe 2, - Burning in rectum after stool. Æsc, 2. Burning. Itching burning in rectum at night on waking and in morning, with pinching extending to perineum. Nit. A c. 2. - Burning. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow ; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Burning in rectum during and after soft stools. Amm. Mur. 2. Burning in rectum in morning after a co- pious stool. Calc. C. 2. ( 220 ) BURN IN C. REPERTORY OF PART II. Č AT; AR RH. Burning. Blind hamorrhoids, with burn- ing and sticking in rectum. Nux V. 3. Burning in rectum, with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Burning in rectum after stool. Natr. C. 2. Burning. Difficult stools, with straining and burning in rectum. Nit. A c. 1. Burning. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum. Gamb. 2. Burning in rectum and an us after soft stool, with exhaustion. Phos. 2. Burning and cutting in rectum, with con- traction in anus; alternating with itching in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Burning. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Burning. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid for- cible, frequent, followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, frequently followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Burning. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen, and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Burning in rectum after stool, with weak- ness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. Burning. Jerking, almost Sticking pain in rectum ; with burning, stinging, itching, during stool. Sil. 2. Burning. Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenesmus as in dysentery, with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. Kali C. 2. Burning. (Miscellaneous.) Burning in the - umbilical region, Acon, 6, i Burning. Emission of ſlatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5. Burning. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung after great straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stool not hard. Natr. C. 1. Burning along alimentary canal. Canth. 5. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from anus a tubercle which became moist and smarted on walking. Thuja 3. Burning. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight; preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Burning in left hypochondrium. Graph. 6. Burning. Dysenteric, bloody stools, with intolerable burning; tenesmus; with chill, as if water were poured over one. Canth. Clin. Burning. Diarrhoea; painless, clay-colored, with burning and Smarting; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Burning. Burnt, Burnt. Burnt. Burnt. Burst. Burst. Back, Burst. Burst. Bursting. Cachexia. Cachetic. and burning in anus after. Cadaverous. Cadaverous. - of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning. Acute dysentery, with un- quenchable thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burn- ing; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Stool like sheep-dung and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly as if burnt, Mag, M. 1, Stool indurated as if burnt, pre- ceded and followed by pressure; con- stipation. Plat. 1. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow; musty, Smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with dis- charge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Burnt. Stools hard, dark brown or black; dry as if burnt. Bry. Clin. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep's dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory; diffi- cult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum with fre- quent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Pain above left hip as if it would burst there on coughing. Caust. 7. (Pain in Back.) Griping in hypo- gastrium during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness. Sulf, 7, Stitches in hypochondria, when walking in open air, also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst Open at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Carbo V. 5. Burst. Distention in hepatic region, with pain as if suppurating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Feeling in abdomen as if dis- tended even to bursting, causing suf- focation. Caps. 5. Bystanders. Anxiety, with pain in abdo- men, so violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Cirrhosis of the liver from malarial cachexia. Arg. N. Clin. Cachexia of miners working deep under ground; portal hyperaemia, gall- stones, catarrh of the biliary ducts. Card. M. Clin. - Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish ; corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool Kali C. Clin. Diarrhoea slimy and of the appearance of yeast; cadaverous Smell. Ant. T. Clin. Frequent involuntary stools pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Cadaverous-smelling. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin and brown, later cadaverous-smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Cadaverous - smelling. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; rancid, fat; stools putrid, cadaverous- smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Cadaverous-smelling. Stools profuse, pu- trid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaverous-smelling; worse at night. China, Clin. Caecal. Bruised sensation, worse in cascal region and along transverse colon on moderate pressure, Merc. C. 5, Caecum. Tympanitis mostly about the Caecum and transverse colon. Phos. Clin. Calls. Inveterate constipation with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard like a dogs, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Canal. Colic as if intestinal Canal were full of water. Kali C. Clin. Camp diarrhoea; chronic from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region, worse from drink- ing cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Cardiac. Fatty liver in consequence of Cardiac troubles. Phos. Clin. Carriage. Colic worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Carriage. Sore feeling extending to the whole abdomen, aggravated by riding in a carriage. Arg. M. Clin. Carriage. Constipation in consequence of cold or from carriage riding. Ign. Clin. Carriage. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Carrion. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, scanty, pasty, exhausting, Offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. Carrion. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery; with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive. POd. Clin. Cars. Colic; worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Cars. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic, feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Coco. Clin. Catarrh. Intestinal catarrh in children; colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. (221) BAC K. REPERTORY OF PART II. BEF O RE. Catarrh. Chronic catarrh and ulceration of the ileo-caºcal region. Op. Clin. Catarrh. Cachexia of miners working deep under ground; portal hyperae- mia, gall-stones, catarrh of the bil- iary ducts. Card. M. Clin. Catarrh. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Catarrh. Duodenal catarrh ; sometimes with jaundice; white stools. Kali B. Clin. Catarrh. Gastro-duodenal catarrh. Hydr. Clin. Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rectum. Merc. C. Clin. Catarrhal enteritis; peri-typhlitis; sub- acute colitis. Merc. Clin. Catarrhal. Chronic catarrhal inflamma- tion of the bowels, with mucous dis- charge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. Chalk. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard, undigested, bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. Chamber. Anxiety, with pain in abdo- men so violent that he grasped by- standers and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Charred. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very offen- sive, undigested, watery, chocolate- colored, consisting of decomposed blood looking like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Change. Diarrhoea in morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid ; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Changeable. Green slimy stools, mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Changing. Twisting in all parts of abdo- men, worse in lower, constantly changing. Diosc. 5. Changes. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheumatism ; stools sour-smelling, when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold damp weather. Dulc. Clin. |Cheeked. Diarrhoea from checked per- spiration during heat of summer with cold nights. A con. Clin. Checked. Mucous diarrhoea in summer often caused by checked perspiration. Cham. Clin. Checked. Diarrhoea, from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Cheeks. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. Cheeks. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region from side of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stom- ach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Cheese, Diarrhoea in morning; then burn- ing in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen; then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese. Bry. 1. Cheese. Constipation, produced by cheese; better from smoking; frequent urging to stool, without any evacua- tion, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Cheesy. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Pomparts’ ligament and hard- ness, low down in left iliac region ; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools, mixed with whitish yellow and cheesy masses and tenes- mus. Phos. 1. - Cherries. Haemorrhoids, like red cherries, protrude after meals, with pain in anus. Diosc. 3. Chest. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc. 6. Chest. Cramp-like pain in hypochondria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Chest. Incarceration of flatus in hypo- chondria, with oppression of chest. Phos. 6. Chest. Pain in right hypochondrium; contractive, worse in morning; then constriction in stomach extending to chest; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. - Chest. Pressive, drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Chest. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. COcc. 5. Chest. Intermittent boring in abdomen, often extending to chest, threatening Suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Chest. Stitches in abdomen with griping, tearing, drawing, extending to chest. Nux V. 5. - Chest. Intermittent pain, with flatulence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Chest. Griping, tearing in upper abdo- men and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Chest. Sticking in abdomen flatulence, extending Cham. 5. Chest. Tensive pain, extending to chest, as from distention of abdomen. Caps, 5. . Chest. Swelling and abscess in liver, with Stitching pains in right side, com- mencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. as from into chest. Chest. Violent, flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about, aggravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; ameliora- tion from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Chest. Colic from the passage of gall- Stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terrible eructations. Diosc. Clin. Child. Movement in hypogastrium as if something living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Thuja 7. Child. Cholera infantum ; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child Smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Child-bed. Constipation during child-bed. Ant. Cr. Clin. - Children. Intestinal catarrh in children; Colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Children. Dysentery, especially in chil- dren. Bell. Clin. Children. Interminable diarrhoea, in sum- mer, which resists everything, especi- ally in Scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Children. Flatulent colic and constipa- tion, especially in children. Iris V. Clin. Children. Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleed- ing. Alum. Clin. Children. Enlarged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Mag. M. Clin. Children. Jaundice in nursing children. China, Clin. Children. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. Children. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after con- finement. Mur. A c. Clin. Children. Green, slimy stools, mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color, often un- digested, often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. - Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. C. Clin. Chill. Griping in umbilical region; worse: from eating fruit, with cutting and general chill. Coloc. 7. Chill. Dysenteric bloody stools, with in- tolerable burning tenesmus, with chill as if water were poured over one. Canth. Clin. - Chill. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Chill. Constipation; stool hard, slow with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. , ( 222 ) CHI L. L. REPERTORY OF PART II. CHRON I. C. Chill. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery after a chill or fright. Acon. Clin. Chilliness in abdomen extending around to lower part of back. Puls. 5. Chilliness. Griping in hypogastrium during menses with pain in small of back and general chilliness. Sulf. 7. Chilliness, Constant ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body, Sil, 1. Chilliness. Watery feces, frequent, with Soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Chilliness. Spasms of sphincter ani with chilliness running up back, then urg- ing to stool, then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Chilliness. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Chilliness. Aching, burning in gall- bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. Lept. 6. Chilliness. Pain in region of gall- bladder, extending to spine, with chil- liness and diarrhoea. Dept. Clin. Chilling. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smell- ing. Carbo V. Clin. Chilling. Diarrhoea of malarial origin, or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, Scanty, watery, or mucous; sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Chocolate-colored. . Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-colored ; consisting of de- composed blood, looking like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Cholera. Asiatic cholera, with sudden suppression of the discharges, and collapse. Camph. Clin. Cholera. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Secale Clin. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Choleraic. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Cholera infantum. Stools sometimes in- voluntary on every motion; this symptom indicates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera infantum. Apis Clin. Cholera infantum; sudden vomiting and diarrhoea, with coldness of body. Camph. Clin. Cholera infantum, with vomiting of Sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Cholera infantum, with involuntary, of fensive stools. Op. Clin. Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and pain- less, gushing, profuse, Watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at Stool or imme- diately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Cholera infantum ; stools saffron-yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour, despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Cholera infantum; stools whitish, curdy, turning green on diaper on exposure to air; sour smell of whole body; es- pecially during teething. Rheum Clin. Cholera infantum; great desire for indi- gestible things, like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; ema- ciation; stools green, undigested, of fensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Cholera morbus. Painless cholera morbus with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration ; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Chopped. Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac, 1. Chopped. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus, sometimes frothy, extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Chopped. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOs. Clin. Chopped. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chopped, white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color, often un- digested, often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Chopped. Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach, usually with great flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Chopped. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Chopped. Cholerainfantum; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Chronic. (Constipation.) Chronic consti- pation; feeling in anus as if it were stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools, only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Chronic constipation, especially valuable after purgatives. Hydras. Clin. Chronic constipation from irregular men- struation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft ; alterna- tion of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum ; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Chronic. (Diarrhoea.) Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Chronic. Ascarides in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brown- ish ; corrosive; sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, which does not weaken the patient. Calc. C. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and con- sumptives which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea with hepatic troubles. Chel. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremulous weakness; discharges some- times involuntary. Con. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, gushing, watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, after the abuse of Mer- cury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, worse some time after rising and moving about ; after a pro- tracted spell of damp, cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Chronic. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus smell- ing like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea. Petr. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like car- rion. Pod. Clin. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant Oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea off and on ; aggravation from lager beer. Kali B. Clin. Chronic. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diarrhoea of miasmatic origin in com- bination with milk diet. Ipec. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fermented, offen- sive. Mezer. Clin. Chronic. Camp diarrhoea; chronic from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea during menstruation; green mucous stools; sometimes diar- rhoea, alternates wiih constipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown; mushy or white, accom- panied by severe lumbar and sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. (223) CHRONIC, REPERTORY OF PART II. C LOTT ED. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate with- out having a stool, or the stools be- come dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhausting char- acter; stools whitish, whey - like watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Tod. Clin. Chronic. Diarrhoea, particularly of old people; chronic. Gamb. Clin. | Chronic. (Dysentery.) Chronic dysentery with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Chronic. Dysentery with bloody, slimy stools, with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish substances and containing bloody specks. Con. Clin. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining, with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Chronic dysentery; stools frequent, small, pitch-like or thin, with pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Chronic. (Liver Trouble.) Liver enor- mously enlarged; jaundice with clay- colored stools; chronic derangement of liver. Nit, A.C. Clin. Chronic congestion of the liver, with de- pression of spirits; Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium. A mm. Mur. Clin. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cir- rhosis; soreness and stitches in the liver when walking ; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Chronic. Cirrhosis of liver, with ascites, especially in drunkard’s gin-liver; chronic, hepatitis, with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eructate. Merc. 6. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with Constipation; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Chronic inflammation of the liver, asso- Giated with jaundice. Pod. Clin. Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Psor. Clin. Chronic, (Miscellaneous.) Chronic haemor- rhage from the bowels. Crotal. H. Clin. Chronic catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with mucous discharge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. Chronic catarrh and ulceration of the ileo- Gaecal region. Op. Clin. Church. Nervous diarrhoea from emotions;| from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Olin. - Cider. Diarrhoea from juicy fruit or cider. Calc. Ph. 1. Circumscribed. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain or pressure, and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Cirrhosis of the liver from cachexia. Arg. N. Clin. Cirrhosis of liver. Mag. M. Clin. Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, especially in drunkard's gin-liver; chronic hepa- titis, with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Cirrhosis of the liver. Phos. Clin. Cirrhosis of the liver; first enlarged and then contracted; hepatic region sen- sitive to pressure, continuing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Cirrhosis. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Cirrhotic liver; can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; ten- derness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Tod. Clin. Clammy. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Clammy. Cold from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. - Clawing. Constipation; stool small, hard; often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Clawing, griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines, better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Clawing. Paroxysmal clawing in umbil- ical region, from sides of abdomen towards middle, and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Clawing. Pain in a spot in abdomen, as if seized with nails; a griping clutch- ing clawing. Bell. 5. Clay. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tenacious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. Clay-colored. Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging; clay-colored. Hep. 1. Clay-colored. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. - Clay-colored. Cirrhotic liver; can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools, tenesmus over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Iod. Clin. Clay-colored. Pain in right hypochon- drium, especially when limited to a malarial small spot; dull pain or stitches in || liver; clay-colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Clay-colored. Liver enormously enlarged; jaundice, with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Nit. Ac. Clin. Clay-colored. Iliver enlarged and often indurated ; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Clay-colored. Diarrhoea painless, clay- colored, with burning and smarting; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Clayey. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Cleanliness. Weakness of sphincter ani SO that cleanliness was difficult. Aloe 3. Clear. Stool of only clear, tenacious, color- less mucus. Hell, 1. Clear. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red, or green Slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Closed. Anus painfully closed, Lyc. 3. Closet. Urging in rectum so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool, Natr. C, 2. Closure. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus, with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Closure. Spasmodic closure of anus. Op. 3. - Clothes. Distention and sensitiveness of ab- domen so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdo- men. Lach, 5. Clothes. Abdomen sensitive so that the clothes press disagreeably. Sulf. 5. Clothes. Abdominal troubles, with ex- treme tenderness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Crotal. H. Clin. Clothing. Intolerance of tight clothing in hypochondria, Calc, C, 6. Clothing. Intolerance of clothing in epi- gastric region and beneath hypochon- dria. Crotal. H. 5. - Clothing. Hypochondrium oppressed by clothing, which was unendurable. Carbo V. 6. - Clothing. Abdominal affections charac- terized by extreme sensitiveness to touch ; intolerance of even the cloth- ing. Bell. Clin. Clothing. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching, burning pains; unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Clothing. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing, Nux V. Clin. Cloths. Colic immediately after eating; and worse after drinking; ameliora- tion from hot wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Clots. Diarrhoea profuse, bloody, con- taining mucous membrane and clots of blood. Phos. 1. - Clotted. Stool preceded by cold; pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. (224 ) C LOTT E D. REPERTORY OF PART II. coldness. Clotted. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. Clutching. Pain in a spot in abdomen as if seized with nails; a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. Bell. 5. Coarse sticking in anus extending deep into rectum. Ign, 3. Coccygis. Sensation of a plug between Symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool, Aloe 7. Coffee. Colic from indigestion with water- brash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Coffee-grounds. Diarrhoea with great prostration and collapse at the very commencement of the disease; cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces like coffee- grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. Colic. (Abdomen.) Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. Cold. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus, Merc. C. L. Cold. Diarrhoea is generally painless, as- sociated with cold feeling in abdo- men, but sometimes with cramps. Grat. Clin. Cold. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Cold. Colic forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold ; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Cold. (Bathing.) Diarrhoea after nursing: from overheating; after cold bathing. Ant. Cr. Clin. Cold. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Cold. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum ; relieved by sitting in Cold Water. Kali C. Clin. Cold. (Food and Drink.) Diarrhoea of malarial origin, or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Cold. Camp diarrhoea; chronic; from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Tept. Clin. Cold. Diarrhoea; stools, sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or ſat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Cold. Diarrhoea, from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Cold. Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth; with prolapsus of rectum, accom- panied by sticking and biting. Mur. A c. Clin. Cold. Diarrhoea, brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic ; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Cold. (Taking Cold.) Yellow, watery, dir- rhoea, with tearing cutting before stool, as after taking cold. Dulc, 1. - Cold. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting in amus as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering dur- ing sweat. Nux V. 5. Cold. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Cold. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with rav- enous hunger. Asaf. 5. Cold. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool, as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Cold. Griping in umbilical region, with pinching, as after taking cold. Bry. 7. Cold. Distention of abdomen, with rum- bling; cutting with diarrhoea, as from taking cold, with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. Cold. Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold ; dull aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Cold. Green slimy stools, mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color, often undigested, often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in children dur- ing teething, or from taking cold. Cham. Clin. Cold. (Miscellaneous.) Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound pros- tration, cold sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Cold. Chronic diarrhoea, worse some time after rising and moving about ; after a protracted spell of damp cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Cold. Diarrhoea alternating with rheuma- tism ; stools sour-smelling when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Cold. Dysentery from cold, damp weather; rectum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. Cold. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. Cold. Cold from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Cold. Dropsical effusions and even peri- tonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Cold. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, in- flamed, protruding; bleeding from least touch, with Stitching, burning pains from cold; from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. - Cold. Dysentery when the patient is cold; skin blue; stools of bloody mucus. Iris V. Clin. Cold. Acute dysentery with unquencha- ble thirst; even the lips, mouth, and throat feel raw and burning; ten- dency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Cold. Colic from cold; from getting wet; from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after Supper or at night. Puls. Clim. Cold. Violent colic from cold. A com. Clin. Cold. Diarrhoea from checked perspira- tion during heat of summer with cold nights. A con. Clin. Cold. Constipation, in consequence of cold or from carriage riding. Ign. Clin. - Coldness. (Abdomen.) Emptiness and weak feeling in abdomen; coldness. Phos. 5. Coldness in upper and lower abdomen. Camph. 5. Coldness. Internal coldness in abdomen after every swallow of drink; re- newed on every inspiration. China 5. Coldness. Rumbling in abdomen, with coldness. Laur. 5. Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. Coldness. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness; then heat and warm sweat; heat with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Coldness. (Body.) Chronic diarrhoea, gushing, watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostra- tion. Ferr. Clin. Coldness, Colic, with sensation of cold- mess in abdomen. Hell, Clin. Coldness. Cholera infantum ; sudden vom- iting and diarrhoea, with coldness of body. Camph. Clin. Coldness. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness, better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Coldness. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent ; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch ; some- times associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Coldness. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea, with coldness of extremities; with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cut- ting in abdomen; stool dark; bloody- colored ; black mucus; offensive; yel- low, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Joldness. Cramps in abdomen ; aggrava- tion in evening and night, with cold- ness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. (225) C O L DN ESS, REPERTORY OF PART II. COL i C. Coldness. Distention of abdomen; tympa- nitic; coldness also in back. Secale 5. Coldness. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Secale Clin. Coldness. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy, putrid odor, with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Coldness. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach. Colch. Clin. - Colic, (Abdominal.) Intermittent colic in abdomen, Cupr. 5. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold; as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in Small of back. Dulo. 5. - Colic. Abdominal colic radiating to all parts of body; sensitiveness of abdo- men to touch. Plumb. 5. Colic. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men, with movements as if he would have colic. Nux MOs. 5. Colic. Distention of abdomen after eating, with motions and colic; then contin- ued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. Colic. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yel- lowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intestines like pads here and there, all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Colic; pains in lower worms. Sil. Clin. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone, and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. Colic, with sensation of coldness in abdo- men. Hell. Clin. Colic, with great distention and sensitive- ness of abdomen, recurring towards evening. Sep. Clin. Colic. Abdomen swollen; hard sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina, Clin. Colic. Diarrhoea, brought on by riding in cars or carriage ; aggravation from drinking cold water; with flatu- ulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- iess; prolapsus recti after stool. DOCG. Clin. Colic. (From Anger.) Diarrhoea, as the result of anger or from fruit, with eolic. Coloc. Clin. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. ColiG ; crampy pains, following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen after lithotomy. Staph, Clin. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic, which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. - Colic from cold; from getting feet wet; from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. abdomen from Colic. (From Cold.) Violent colic from cold. A con. Clin. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdomen. Ver. Alb. Clin. Colic, (Flatulent.) Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening, or colic worse in evening in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Puls, 5. Colic, Scanty, watery stool about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool, Arg, N. 1. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatulence with cutting were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggrava- tion from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Colic. Small, frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Colic, Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first; then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passages of flatus; urging to stool, which is unsatisfactory. Colch. 2. Colic. Stool fluid after eating, with dis- charge of flatus and colic all the after- noon ; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with ten- sion and grumbling, Op. 5. Colic. Flatulent colic in eveniug after lying down. Nux V. 5. Colic. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with intermittent colic and rum- bling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Colic. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling; also in bed, with spas- modic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst ; flatulent, China 5. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or over- eating; flatulent, with pressure up- ward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Colic. Shifting of flatus, with sharp cut- ting colic, with nausea. Ant. T. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic and constipation, especially in children, Iris V. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent loose stools, cutting almost constantly running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Colic. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish- green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic only slightly re- lieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. COCC. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic, with constriction around stomach and navel; incar- cerated flatus; passes sour-Smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic ; worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus, passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic; relieved by stretching the body out or walking. DiOSC. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic. Cham. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic deep in the abdo- men ; worse when lying. Phos. Clin. Colic. Violent, flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about; aggra- || vated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amel- ioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back, into chest and arms. DiOSc. Clin. Colic. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain as it cannot || pass; colicky pains on the right side || of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Colic. (Gall-stone.) Gall-stone colic, with jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Colic. Gall-stone colic; terrible, darting pains; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Colic. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region; colic from gall-stones. Berb. Clin. Colic. Gall-stone colic, with jaundice and twisting pain. Pod. Clin. Colić from the passage of gall-stones; pain shooting into chest and anus, with terrible erućtations. Diosc. Clin. Colic. Gall-stone Colic. China, Clin. Colic. (Lead.) Lead colic. Natr. S. Clin. Colic. Painter's colic. Op. Clin. Colic. Painter's colic; pain in umbilical region extending through to the back. Plat. Clin. Colic. (Stool.) Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green bilious diarrhoea mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. Colic. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot, smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery, painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white; slimy; with colic, Cham. 1. Colic. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Colic. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Colic. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, oppressive stool with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus, later another stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually subsided returned more than ever. Rheum 2. C {} |. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. COLOR L ES S. Colic. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting spasmodic pains; pinching, griping sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard ob- object or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. - Colic. Urging to a copious yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick Succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Colic. Small stool after colic, with tenes- mus; first of dark green feces, then of green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Colic. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night; but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; Stools profuse, gushing, mu- cous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Colic. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black, and fermented like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Colic. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room, preceded by colic and pain in the small of the back. Puls. Clin. Colic. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery, stools with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool; from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Colic. Stools grass-green, slimy, with vomiting; colic. Amt. T. Clin. Colic. Nervous diarrhoea, from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Colic. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive, preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth. Borax Clin. Colic. (Umbilicus.) Colic with cutting, twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea; at times mixed with black blood; after every stool, thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps, 7. Colic in umbilical region with shivering. China, 7. Colic. Diarrhoea with pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel, as if intestines were torn. Graph. Clin. - Colic. Griping colic writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Colic, Scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features and staggering; pupils di- lated; lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Colic. (Miscellaneous.) Intestinal obstruc- tion with fecal vomiting and violent colic. Op. Clin. Colic. Intestinal catarrh in children; Colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. - Colic. Violent colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces. Ant. T. Clin. Colic, as if intestinal canal were full of water. Kali C. Clin. Colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation; menstrual colic. Puls. Clin. Colic immediately after eating and worse after drinking; amelioration from hot wet cloths; abdomen enormously dis- tended. Nux Mos. Clin. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Colic, worse when riding in a car or car- riage; amelioration from emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Colic. Haemorrhoidal colic. Thuja Clin. Colic, compelling one to walk bent; re- lieved by bending double and walk- ing about, or by lying on the abdo- men. Rhus Tox. Clin. Colic originating in a depressed or exces- sive bilious secretion. Pod. Clin. Colic caused by suppressed perspiration as from drinking ice water when heated. Coloc. Clin. Colic from passage of gravel from kid- neys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Colic with pressure downward upon rec- tum and bladder. Op. Clin. Colicky. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes pain- less, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Colicky. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Colicky. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel, before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Colics. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting; hic- cough. Cupr, Clin. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon; aggravated by bending for- Ward. Sulf. Clin. Colitis. Catarrhal enteritis; peri-typhlitis; subacute colitis. Merc. Clin. Collapse. Asiatic cholera, with sudden suppression of the discharges and col- lapse. Camph. Clin. Collapse. Acute dysentery, with un- quenchable thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burn- ing; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Collapse. Diarrhoea, with great prostra- tion and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee- grounds; rice water stools. Camph. Clin. - Collapse. Frequent, involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Collapse. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor, with low types of fever; coldness of extremities, ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Collapse. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting; hiccough. Cupr. Clin. Collapsed. Dysentery; particularly valu- able in the collapsed stage; stools in- Voluntary, grumous; with these condi- tions it has saved many apparently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Collected. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence; waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without-remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; ameli- oration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc. 5. Collection of flatus in abdomen without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Colliquative diarrhoea of phthisis abdom- inalis. Amm. Mur. Clin. Colon, Bruised sensation; worse in cascal region, and along transverse colon on moderate pressure, Merc, C, 5, Colon. Pain in abdomen, with coldness; then heat and warm sweat; heat with inclination to stool; pain in trans- verse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. POd. 5. Colon. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. Colon. Tympanitis, mostly about the Caecum and transverse colon. Phos. Clin. Colon. Colitis with Soreness along trans- verse colon; aggravated by bending forward. Sulf. Clin. Color. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools swell- ing of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clim. Color. Green slimy stools, mucous; chop- ped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undigested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor especially in children dur- ing teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Color. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Colorless, Stool of only clear, tenacious, colorless mucus, Hell, 1. ( 227 ) COMPLETE. REPERTORY OF PART II. C O N S T ||PAT O N. Complete. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus; pain in abdomen and nausea, then sudden complete rest. Kali B. 1. Complexion. Diarrhoea painless, clay- colored with burning and smarting, sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Confidence. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Cominement. Piles after confinement, with sharp, stinging pain. Apis Clin. Confinement. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after con- finement. Mur. A c. Clin. Confusion. Obstinate constipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. 1. Confusion. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Confusion. Burning in rectum with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious pasty stools, with the relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Confusion. Stool unsatisfactory after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. Congested, enlarged liver; sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochon- drium, as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its liga- ments. Agar. Clin. Congestion, Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels, with sticking; with burning pain on walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Congestion. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. POd. 2. Congestion of anus after dinner; expul- sion of ascarides; Sticking, Soreness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Congestion. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Congestion. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. | Congestion. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Congestion. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitch- ing and burning in right hypochon- drium. Amm. Mur. Clin. Conjunctiva. Liver enlarged and often indurated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; stools clay-colored. Mere. Clin. Constant, ineffectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum, Merc, 2. Constant urging in rectum, Crot, Tig. 2, Constant, ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body. Sil, 1. Constant. Abdomen tense and hard ; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Constant dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. AEsc. 6. Constant. Diarrhoea constant, with pain in abdomen. Mezer. 1. Constant. Diarrhoea profuse, constant, involuntary, of mucus and blood. Rali B. 1. Constant. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quick- ly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Constant. Functional derangement of liver often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Constipated. Distention of abdomen with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Arn. 5. Constipated. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. Cr. Clin. Constipation. (Alternating with Diarrhoea.) Diarrhoea in morning and through fore- noon; the natural stool in evening; im- mediately after eating and drinking; alternating with constipation. Pod. 1. Constipation. Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Plumb. 1. Constipation. Alternating diarrhoea and Constipation, especially in old people. Ant. Cr. Clin. Constipation. Stools at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid; smelling like rot- ten eggs; involuntary fermented, sour- Smelling diarrhoea, alternating with Constipation. Cale. C. Clin. Constipation. Alternations of diarrhoea and constipation. Ign. Clin. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Card. M. Clin. Constipation. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Nux V. Clin. Constipation. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation ; stool like sheep's- dung. Chel. Clin. Constipation. Obstinate constipation, es- pecially if it alternates with diar- rhoea, with stool, followed by tremu- lous weakness. Con. Clin. Constipation. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly- like mucous like frogs' spawn, gen- erally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with con- stipation. Hell. Clin. Constipation, with ineffectual urging; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark colored; constipation alternating with diar- rhoea. Iod. Clin. - Constipation. Chronic diarrhoea during menstruation ; green mucous stools; sometimes diarrhoea, alternates with constipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Constipation, (Hard Stool.) Constipation; stool hard, with burning in anus, lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light colored, Sil, 1. Constipation, on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious; frequent; with shivering, Wer, Alb. 1. Constipation, in spite of frequent straining; on following days hard, difficult, unsatis- factory stool. Sil. 1, Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in Small pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. - Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory; difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, them bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. - Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep-dung, painful, only once in eight or ten days, or green, in balls; often hard. Plumb. 1. Constipation, painless; Stools hard masses, Scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking, cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. Constipation; stool small, hard; often crum- bling, with pressure and clawing in an us; unsatisfactory. Zinc 1. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus; whitish-gray. Merc. 1. Constipation. Stool indurated, as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish; scanty; brownish ; difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Constipation; stool hard and difficult; only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Constipation; stool hard, only occurring once in two or three days; hard as if he were passing Stones. Coloc. 1. Constipation; hard, insufficient stool, with urging and protrusion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Constipation; stool hard and difficult. Ant. Cr. 1. Constipation in persons of sedentary hab- its, from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry; Crumble when pass- ing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Constipation ; torpor of bowels; feces hard, scanty; passed with difficulty, from constriction of sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained be- hind. Lyc. Clin. g - Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sen- sation as if much remained after ular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. ( 228 ) CONSTI PAT I O N. REPERTORY OF PART II. wº C O N STI PATION. Constipation; hard stool every other day or every three or four days. Cocc. Clin. Constipation; bowels obstructed from in- duration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Constipation. Chronic constipation; feel- ing in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and accom- panied by smarting at the anus. || Natr. S. Clin. - Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus, and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and || much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Constipation produced by cheese; better from smoking; frequent urging to stool, without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Constipation; stools, consisting of small hard, black, balls Plumb. Clin. Constipation; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty, and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stools like sheep’s-dung, passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Constipation. (Inactivity of Rectum.) Con- stipation; stool that has protruded slips back again, after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil 1, Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactivity of rectum. PhOS. 1. Constipation, as from constriction of intes- times; as from inactivity of rectum ; stool hard, then sticking as from haemorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. Constipation ; desire for stool but little - passes; feels as if it stayed in the rec- tum and could not be expelled; in- effectual urging with sharp, Splinter- like, cutting pains. Nit. A c. Clin. Constipation; no urging; inactivity of rectum; stool insufficient, hard; much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. Constipation of long Standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inactive. Op. Clin. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no in- clination for stool. Op. Clin. Constipation with vertigo, heat in head, and tinnitus aurium; large accumula- tion of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum. China Clin. Constipation. Chronic constipation; in- ertia of rectum; Stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Constipation. Obstinate constipation ; in- activity or intussusception ; stools hard, thick, and knotty balls, with pain in amus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Constipation for days; no desire ; no urg- ing; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux Mos. Clin. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rec- tum; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation as of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is inactive; the stools are hard ; often associated with Soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Constipation; torpor of rectum; even a soft stool is voided with difficulty. PSOr. Clin. Constipation. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, Scanty stool, with cutting and burn- ing in anus. Staph. Clin. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insufficient; inac- tivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Constipation. (Infantile.) Infantile con- stipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly and clayey. Pod. Clin. Constipation of children, with dry and in- flamed rectum and bleeding. Alum. Clin. Constipation. Flatulent colic and consti- pation, especially in children. Iris V. Clin. - Constipation. (Large Stool.) Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Zinc 1. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed an us, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Tach. Clin. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are covered with mucus; the anus is fissured; the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Constipation. (During Menstruation.) Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines whether stool is hard or soft; alter- nation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Constipation during menstruation; stool like sheep-dung, painful and difficult; insufficient, after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Constipation of women before and during menses. Sil. Clin. Constipation. (Obstinate.) Obstinate con- stipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. I. Constipation. Haemorrhoids accompanied with Obstinate constipation; swollen, itching, Stinging, burning and painful when touched. Caust. Clin. Constipation. Obstimate constipation; dif- ficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripped-up Sensation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Constipation. Obstinate constipation fol- lowing diarrhoea in old spirit-drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Constipation. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. - Constipation, (Scanty Stool.) Constipation; stool at times scanty, unsatisfactory, Sulf, 1. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; scanty. Kali B. 1. Constipation from lead poisoning; fre- quent desire but small evacuations with great effort. Plat. Clin. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small, re- sembles sheep's-dung; passed only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. Constipation. Habitual constipation; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali C. Clin. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum ; knotty stool, Shining as if greased, very small in size, passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool with small discharges, or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. - Constipation. (Miscellaneous.) Cutting, grip- ing in abdomen with constipation, Op. 5. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Pompart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of water; stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. Phos. 1. Constipation; stools of tenacious feces, with great tenesmus, Merc, C, 1. Constipation, with pain in abdomen. A. 1. Constipation. Distention of abdomen after eating, with motions and colic, then continued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. Constipation; stool every second day. Mag. C. 1. Constipation; stool white; of only yellow- white mucus, mixed with blood, with pain in back. Puls. 1. Constipation; stools like sheep dung, after great Straining and burning, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. Natr. C. 1. Constipation, with fullness of abdomen. Bapt. 1. - Constiption; stool of brown feces, contain- ing White, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. Ars. ( 229 ) tºr constipATIon. REPERTORY OF PART II. CONTRACTION. S. Constipation during child-bed. Ant. Cr. . Clin. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions, from uterine and abdominal congestion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Constipation of lying-in women. Clin. Constipation, following parturition, with Bry. haemorrhoids and headache. Hydras. Clin. Constipation. Habitual constipation, es- pecially in haemorrhoidal and hypo- chondriac people. Sulf. Clin. Constipation. Chronic constipation. espe- cially valuable after purgatives. & Hydras. Clin. Constipation; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zin C. Clin. Constipation in Sad, desponding and hypo- chondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool, through the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Constipation of old people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms. Aloe Clin. Constipation in elderly people of the higher Class, suffering from retarded defeca- tion with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Constipation of emigrants or while trav- elling. Plat. Clin. - Constipation, resulting from unwise ene- mas of water and soap. Op. Clin. Constipation. Dropsical diseases, depend- ing on organic affections of liver; jaundice, with dull headache; con- Stipation; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Constipation. Dil. Tig. 1. Constipation. Fissures of the anus, with- Out constipation, acute pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. - Constipation in consequence of cold or from carriage riding. Ign. Clin. Constipation. Haemorrhoids, with consti- pation. Mag. M. Clin. Comstipation; fecal stools, completely en- veloped in mucus. Op. Clin. Constipation, especially with recurring sick headaches. Iris V. Clin. Constipation. Chronic inflammation of the liver, wth constipation; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Constricted. Pain in hepatic region, ex- tending downward and across um- bilical region, as if constricted by a String. Chel. 6. Constricted. Dried and constricted feel- ing in rectum during stool. Alum. 2. Constricted. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically constricted; sometimes as if dis- tended; pains generally increasing and decreasing. Bell. 7. Constriction. Constricting. Lead colic; cutting in ab- domen as from knives; constricting, Spasmodic pains; pinching, griping pain as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. ‘Clin. * Constriction. (Abdomen.) Griping in ab- domen with constriction ; Soreness and dragging downward and out- ward. Bry. 5. Constriction and weight in abdomen, with sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Constriction. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extend- ing to left side of abdomen and chest. COCC. 5. Constriction at level of attachments of diaphragm. Arn. 6. Constriction. (Anus.) Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus. Nit, Ac, 2. Constriction of anus during stool, with ten- sion and burning after dry stool, Sil. 3. Constriction. Soreness in anus slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Constriction of anus, with itching, burn- ing all day; worse after urinating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Constriction. Burning and cutting in rec- tum, with constriction in anus; with itching in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Constriction. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of an us. Alum. 3. - Constriction. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus, Lach. 2. Constriction. Anus drawn up with con- striction. Plumb, 3. Constriction. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constriction of sphincter . ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Constriction. Constipation from constric- tion of anus; hard stool like sheep's dung, passed only after hard strain- ing. Berb. Clin. Constipation ; torpor of bowels; feces hard, Scanty, passed with difficulty from constriction of Sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Constriction. (Hypochodrium.) Sticking in hepatic region, with constriction. Nux V. 6. Constriction in hepatic region, worse in the right, preventing deep breathing. A con. 6. Constriction of hypochondria, as from a band. Con. 6. Constriction. Pain in right hypochon- drium, contractive, worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extend- ing to chest; amelioration, from eruc- tations. Sep. 6. Constriction. (Hypogastrium.) Constric- tion in hypogastrium, as from a stone, extending to bladder, Puls, 7. after a Constriction transversely across umbilical region, as by a string; in afternoon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Constriction in hypogastrium before pas- Sage of turbid urine. Chel. 7. Constriction. Flatulent colic, with con- Striction around stomach and navel; incarcerated flatus; passes smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Constriction, (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea; stools pasty, Sour-smelling; then shiver- ing, then urging, with constriction in intestines, Rheum 1. - Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be | evacuated . after eating, with tearing, sticking, Nux W. 2. - Constriction. Constipation, as from constric- tion of intestines; as from inactivity of rectum.; stool hard, then sticking, as from ha-morrhoids. Nux V. 1. Constriction. Griping in abdomen; then Stool, with constriction in rectum. Phos. 5. Constrictive pain below short ribs, extend- ing into lumbar verterbrae. Camph. 5. Constrictive. Feeling of distention of ab- domen, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, Obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Constrictive. Squeezing, gonstrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately, with shoots or jerks in direction of perineum. Bell. 2. Consumptives. Chronic diarrhoea in dys- peptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods. acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Contents. Distention of abdomen, but no power to expel its contents, Op. 5. Contents, Pressure in hypogastrium as if contents would issue through genitals. Sep. 7, Continual. Habitual costiveness, especi- ally of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclina- tion, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Natr, M, 2, . Contracted. Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen; contracted and sore to touch. Cupr. 5. Contracted. Pain in anus caused by stool; contracted feeling during stool. Chel. 3. Contracted. Cirrhosis of the liver; first enlarged and then contracted; hepatic region Sensitive to pressure; contin- uing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Contraction of rectum so that it protrudes during hard stool, Lyc. 2. Contraction. Frequent cutting deep in rec- tum; pain; sharp pain as from blind piles; contraction and soreness. Ign, 2. Contractions. Painful contractions in anus. A con. 3. Contractions. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Bell, 2. SO Ul I*- |. (230 ) CONTRACTION. REPERTORY OF PART II. C RAM, P - L| KE. Contraction. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of anus. Alum. 3. Contraction. Pressure in morning in hypogastrium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of gen- eration, with distention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from va- gina. Bell. 7. Contractive pain in anus, in afternoon, preventing sitting. Cocc. 3. Contractive pain in hypogastrium like after-pains, with urging to stool. Con. 7. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Contractive. Pain in right hypochon- drium, contractive; worse in morning, then constriction in stomach extend- ing to chest; amelioration from eruc- tations. Sep. 6. Convulsive. Horrible colics with ten- dency to collapse; convulsive vomit- ing; hiccough. Cupr. Clin. Cooking. Dysentery, bloody stool with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Copious. (Stool.) Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious; frequent, with shivering, Wer. Alb. 1. Copious. Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning ; pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Copious. Tenesmus in morning after wak- ing; then a copious fluid stool. Sulf, 2. Copious, Stool pasty, bright yellow, copi- ous with much mucus and light gray. Chel. 1. Copious. Stool thin, frothy, Saffron-yellow, musty; smelling almost like burnt blotting-paper; copious, with dis- charge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Copious. Urging to a copious yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Copious. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Copious. Diarrhoea; lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. Copious. Burning in rectum, with the evacuation of stool and urine; Stools dry and large; then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms, except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Copious. Burning in rectum, in morning, after a copious stool. Calc. C. 2. Copious blackish-brown, green and whitish stools. Apis 1. Copious. White, tough mucus, with the stool like scrapings from the intes- times, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. . Copious alvine evacuations. Ant, T. 1. Copious diarrhoea, with vomiting; then watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. Copious. Stool brown, liquid, fetid, copi- Ous. Arg. N. 1. Copious. Tenesmus; then copious, thin or pap-like, sour-smelling stool, with relief. Arm. 2. Copious. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious, yellow, half-liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Copious. (Urime.) Diarrhoea; watery, fre- Quent, with many empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. Cord. Drawing, tensive pains in upper ab- domen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down, Puls, 5. Cord. Drawing burning in hypogastrium, extending from right ring, as if in spermatic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. Cords. Pain in hypochondrium ; in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Corrosive. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morn- ing and after dinner, scanty and corro- sive, with griping. Nux. V. 1. Corrosive. Glutinous exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Corrosive. Oozing of corrosive ichor from rectum. Merc. C. 2. Corrosive. Diarrhoea, from abuse of in- toxicating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offen- sive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Corrosive. Stools profuse, putrid, corro- sive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- ous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. - Corrosive. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons, stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Costiveness. Habitual costiveness, espe- cially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclina- tion but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Cough. Stitches in sides of during cough. Arn. 5. Cough. Piles protruding and strangu- lated, or with stitches upward at each cough or sneeze. Iach. Clin. Cough. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; stitches; Sore pain during cough ; pain when walking. Kali C. 3. Coughing. Pain above left hip as if it abdomen would burst there on coughing. Caust. 7. Coughing. Enlarged spleen which is painful on coughing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Coughing. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives, on touch and on coughing. Ferr. 5. Coughing. Pain in hypogastrium ; in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Coughing. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing; suitable to old per- sons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. Phos. Clin. Coughing. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, cough- ing, and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Covered. Hard, crumbling, scanty stool; covered with mucus. A mm. Mur. 1. . Covered. Stools contain glassy, tough mucus; covered with mucus. Amm, Mur. 1. Covered. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus, then a soft one en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Covered. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Covered. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Secale Clin. Covered. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured; the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Covered. Intestimal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Covered. Constipation, with hard, crum- bly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus and are accom- panied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Covered, Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are SO dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Covered. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features and staggering, pupils dilated, lips bluish, face coverd with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Crying. Green stool, preceded by crying; frequent and easy. Borax 1. Cracked. Soreness in anus after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Cracks. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured; the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Cramp in rectum all the forenoon; a grip- ing and sticking with anxiety, so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Cramping pain above umbilicus. Diosc. 7. Cramping. Haemorrhoids intensely pain- ful; boring cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and Sup- purate. Sil. Clin. Cramp-like. Boring, cramp-like pain in anus extending into rectum and tes- ticles. Sil. 3. (231) C RAM, P - LI KE. REPERTORY OF PART II. CUTT INC. Cramp-like. Pinching or cramp-like pres- sure transversely across abdomen in region of pit of stomach after eating. Cina 5. Cramp-like pain in hypochondria, alter- nating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Cramp-like pain above pubis in afternoon, with frequent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. Cramp-like. Enlargement of liver; feel- ing as of a hard tumor in region of umbilicus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Cramps in abdomen; aggravation in even- ing and night, with coldness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. Cramps in rectum like labor-pains, and in small of back. Lyc. 2. Cramps in abdomen; intussusception of the bowels; abdomen drawn in. Cupr. Clin. Cramps. Cholera or choleric stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Cramps. Diarrhóēa, is generally painless, associated with cold feeling in abdo- men, but sometimes with Cramps. Grat. Clin. Crampy. Colic ; Crampy pains following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen, after lithotomy. Staph. Clin. Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms; itching during the day, Sulf, 2. Crawling, burning, itching in and about anus. Berb. 3. Crawling tenesmus in anus as in diarrhoea every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. -3. Crawling in amus as of thread-worms. Crocus 3. Crawling in rectum as from thread-worms. Ign. 2. Crawling in rectum and complaints of ascarides. Carbo V. 1. Crawling. Burning and cutting in rec- tum with constriction in an us; with itching in anus; Crawling. Chel. 2. Crawling in rectum as from pin worms. Calc. C. 2. Cried. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attemping to raise him- self or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Croaking in abdomen as of frogs. Coloc. 5. Crossing, Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sa- crum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a.m.; relieved by pressing against something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Crouching. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping, and still more crouching down, caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Crumble. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Crumble. Constipation in persons of se- dentary habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry; crumble when passing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Crumbling. Constipation; stool small, hard, often crumbling with pressure and clawing in an us; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Crumbling, Hard, crumbling, scanty, stool, covered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Crumbly. Stool hard, like sheep-dung, and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly, as if burnt, Mag, M. 1, Crumbly. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of ap- petite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Crumbly, Constipation; stool hard and Crumbly and unsatisfactory, difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal ves- Sels and pain in rectum, with fre- quent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Crumbly. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crum- bly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Crumbly. Constipation, with hard, crum- bly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. A mm. Mur. Clin. Curd. Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clin. Curdled. Cholera infantum, with vomit- ing of sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Curds. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-smelling, undigested, con- taining curds. Mag. C. Clin. Curdy. Cholera infantum; stools whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper On exposure to air; sour smell of whole body especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clim. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stomach. Nux Mos. 6. Violent colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces. Ant. T. Clin. Fissure of the anus, with constant Cozing of fetid moisture; with raw smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. AC. Clin. - Cutaneous. Haemorrhoids from a sup- pressed cutaneous eruption. Aloe Clin. Cutting. (Abdomen.) Pinching in abdo- men as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cutting in abdomen. Arg, M. 5. Cutting, griping pain in abdomen. Agar, 5. Cutting. Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus, frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost ineffectual tenesmus, Merc, C, 1. Cutting pain in abdomen with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer de- layed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass. Wer, Alb. 5, Cutting. Distress in umbilical region and in hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines, Diosc, 7. Cutting griping in abdomen with constipa- tion, Op. 5. Cutting. Abdomen distended and tense, with rumbling and cutting. Hep. 5. Cutting in abdomen, then leucorrhoea, With griping at various times; some- times when yawning after breakfast Or with cutting after dinner. Zinc, 5. Cutting. Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intestines; stool like brown yeast. Arn, 1. Cutting low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis; worse from retracting Walls of abdomen, with urging to Stool. Puls. 7. Cutting. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities, with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark; bloody-colored, black mucus; offensive, yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Cutting. Diarrhoea in morning; then burning in amus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in ab- domen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Cutting in abdomen like an electric shock. Coloc. 5. Cutting. Sudden cutting in abdomen, re- lieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Cutting in abdomen, rather than sticking with Salivation before menses, with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. Cutting. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rum- bling all day with gurgling, move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Cutting in abdomen after dinner, relieved by bending over; aggravation from Standing. Rheum 5. Cutting. Stool of bloody mucus, with cutting in abdomen, and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Cutting. Distention of abdomen with rumbling; cutting with diarrhoea, as from taking cold, with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. Cutting in abdomen in morning with emission of flatus, as from flatulence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Cutting all through abdomen in morning, aggravated by walking. Diosc. 5. (232) CUTT INC. REPERTORY OF PART II. CUTT INC. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5. Cutting in abdomen before emission of flatus. Con. 5. - Cutting. Griping in umbilical region ; then cutting in abdomen, across right lumbar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. Cutting in abdomen after eating; jerk- like. Chel. 5. Cutting in abdomen, towards evening, during stool; after stool shivering. Canth. 5. Cutting. Fetid flatus, with cutting, pinch- ing, then diarrhoea, with pain in ab- domen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Cutting. Stitches in abdomen, extending into the vagina; tearing; cutting. Ars. A. 5. Cutting in abdomen. Arn. 5. Cutting. Pain in abdomen, with frequent cutting in stomach and Small intes- times; with emission of much flatus. Diosc. 5. Cutting in abdomen on appearance of menses; aggravation from motion, | with tearing in back and small of back; during menstruation, with diar- rhoea. Caust. 5. Cutting, with heaviness across lower ab- domen; ineffectual retchings; then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; dif- ficult vomiting; trembling in abdomen and bending together; then two diar- rhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Cutting. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffec- tual, pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Cutting. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, ten- esmus during, and burning after stool; worse after eating and drink- ing. Laur. Clin. - Cutting. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting Spas- modic pains; pinching, griping Sensa- tion, as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Cutting. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men from right to left. Lyc, Clin. Cutting. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hysteri- cal women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Cutting. (An us.) Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult, with cutting in anus, as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Cutting. Constipation painless, stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. - - Cutting. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Cutting. Sticking cutting in anus after stool. Aloe 3. Cutting. Burning smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in Sore; biting in evening with sore pain, Nux V. 3. Cutting. Stitches in anus, with tearing, cutting and burning. Kali C. 3. Cutting. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Cutting. (Hypochondrium.) Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting, drawing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Cutting. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomit- ing of bile. Iris V. Clin. Cutting. Sticking cutting pain in hepatic region. Coloc. 6. Cutting. (Hypogastrium.) Cutting pain in hypogastrium, now here now there, Bell, 7, Cutting low down in hypogastric region. Hyos, 7. Cutting in hypogastrium in morning with a thin stool, Sulf. 7. Cutting. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Cutting in hypogastrium, with incarcera- tion of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Cutting in hypogastrium, as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; sticking. Kali C. 7. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, Sweetish, disgusting taste; weakness and sleepiness; cut- ting, rising to upper abdomen, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Cutting. Pinching; increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning be- fore, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. Cutting, (Rectum.) Stinging cutting rectum, Sil, 2. Cutting in rectum during normal stool. Sulf. 2, Cutting. Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain; sharp pain as from blind piles; contraction and Soreness. Ign, 2. - Cutting Diarrhoea in evening, at night, with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of in anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Cutting. (Umbilicus.) Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus, Gamb. 1, Cutting. Burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction in anus, with itch- ing in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Cutting. Single cutting stitches in rec- tum. Graph. 3. Cutting. Scraping, sticking, cutting in rectum and anus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. Cutting. Constipation; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be ex- pelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, Splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. Ac. Clin. - Cutting. Colic with cutting twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps. 7. Cutting, Griping in umbilical region, worse from eating fruit, with cutting and gen- eral chill. Coloc. 7. Cutting. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. Diosc. 7. Cutting about umbilicus. Kali C. 7. Cutting about umbilicus with shivering. Ipec. 7. Cutting in umbilical region after eating with tenesmus. Coloc. 7. Cutting. (Miscellaneous.) Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with tearing cutting before stool as after taking cold. Dulc, 1. Cutting. Diarrhoea frequent, with cutting and pressure ; stools green, frothy, mucous, Mag, C, 1. Cutting. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid, brought on by eating or drinking; aggravated after mid- might, preceded by most violent, burn- ing and cutting pains and followed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Cutting. Swelling of inguinal glands, with sticking and cutting. Thuja 7. Cutting. Diarrhoea; violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Cutting in a spot in left hypochondrium in morning. Mag. M. 6. Cutting before stool, with griping. Mag. C. 5. Cutting. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus; frequent, of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Nit. A c. 1. Cutting. Diarrhoea, with great prostra- tion and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee- grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. Cutting. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing pains before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid; fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Cutting. Diarrhoea; stool yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. (233) CUTT IN. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. DAY. Cutting, Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once after considerable urging and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Cutting. Shifting of flatus, with sharp, cutting colic; with nausea. Ant. T. Clin. Cutting. Flatulent colic from acids with frequent loose stools; cutting, almost constantly running from left to right. Ipee. Clin. Cutting. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. Cutting. Violent, flatulent colic; gen- erally relieved by walking about ; aggravated by lying down at night ; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Daily. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast, from vaccination; stool pale yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja Clin. Damp. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, isch violently; needle-like pains at amus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Damp. Diarrhoea alternating with rheu- matism; stools Sour-smelling, when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Damp. Chronic diarrhoea, worse some- time after rising and moving about; after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. - Damp. Dysentery from cold, damp weather, rectum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. Damp. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; Vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, variegated ; Slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Damp. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confi- dence in sphincter ani; worse imme- diately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Dark. (Stools.) Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half-digested, of intoler- able odor, Graph. 1. Dark, Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive with griping. Nux V. 1. Dark. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- Quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Dark. Diarrhoea, with coldness of extrem- ities, with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark; bloody-colored, black mucus; offensive; yellow, with tenes- mus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Dark, Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Dark. Pain in abdomen; then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting, burn- ing in anus as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Dark. Stool, preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark, clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Dark. Constipation of long standing; no urging ; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inac- tive. Op. Clin. Dark. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation, as of some- thing pulling at the navel; stool watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb, Clin. Dark. Diarrhoea; of malarial origin, or after chilling the stomach with cold Substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous; sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Dark, Jaundice, with clear urine, offen- sive, tongue white; stools dark. Chel. Clin. Dark. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like Scrapings of the intestines; involun- tary; putrid; dark. Carbol. A c. Clin. Dark. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools became dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Dark. Diarrhoea, in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive; thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Dark. (Miscellaneous.) Stool white, with dark urine. China 1. Dark. Haemorrhage from bowels typhoid ; dark, venous. Arn. Clim. Dark brown, Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. Dark brown. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Dark brown. Diarrhoea, with great pros- tration and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee- grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. | Dark brown. Stools hard, dark brown or black; dry, as if burnt. Bry. Clin. Dark brown. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive ; aggravation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum during stool, preceded by constant dragging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Dark brown. Diarrhoea; stools horribly offensive, nearly painless, involun- tary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. in Dark-colored. Constipation, with ineffect- ual urging ; amelioration after drink- ing milk; stools hard, knotty, dark- colored; constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Iod. Clin. Dark-green. Small stool after colic, with tenesmus, first of dark-green feces, then of dark-green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Dark-green. Diarrhoea with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating ; from fruit, from lager beer; from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Dark yellow. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Dark yellow. Diarrhoea, with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Darting. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes; with great pain and dis- tress. Diosc. Clin. Darting. Gall-stone colic ; terrible dart- ing pains; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Darting. Cirrhosis of the liver; first en- larged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pressure ; con- tinuing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting, as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf, 2. Day, Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen, and almost ineffectual tenesmus, Merc, C, 1, Day. Itching in region of anus during day and evening before sleep. Mezer. 3. Day. Sticking in anus during the day. Sul. 3. - Day. Constriction of anus, with itching, burning all day, worse after urinating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Day. Watery stool through the day; yellow, painless, with rumbling. Iris V. 1. - Day. Frequent tenesmus during the day without ability to expel anything. Anac. 2. Day. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. Day. Distention of abdomen all day after eating; fermentation. Rhus Tox. 5. Day. Constipation; stool every second day. Mag. C. 1. Day. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rum- bling all day with gurgling; move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Day. Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen with ineffectual pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Day. ( 234 ) DAY. REPERTORY OF PART II. DES I RE. Day. Constipation; hard stool every other day or every three or four days. Cocc. Clin. Day. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. Days, Constipation, in spite of frequent straining, or following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stool, Sil, 1. Days. Constipation; stool blackish; scanty, like sheep-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, Often hard. Plumb 1. Days. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- cult; only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Days. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; Sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Days. Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Days. Diarrhoea on alternate days. Alum. Clin. Days. Constipation for days; no desire; no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux MOs. Clin. Daytime. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Deathly. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and pros- tration ; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Deathly. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Debility. Autumnal, bilious diarrhoea; exhaustion and debility from the start. Iris V. Clin. Debility. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their - last legs; great debility and nervous prostration ; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Decayed. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undigested; are sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Decomposed. Diarrhoea in spring, when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, choco- late-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, looking like charred straw. Dach. Clin. Decomposed. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, consisting of decomposed blood. Lach. Clin. Decreasing. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of OS pubis, with feeling as if hypo- gastrium were spasmodically con- stricted; sometimes as if distended; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. Deep. (Breathing.) Sticking in hypo- chondria on deep breathing. Sulf. 6. Deep. Pain in right hypochondrium, with sensitiveness, the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspira- tion. Bry. 6. Deep. Tensive pain in hepatic region, in right, below false ribs; aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Deep. Constriction in hepatic region; worse in right, preventing deep breathing. A con. 6. Deep. Stitches in hepatic region, hinder- ing deep breathing. A con. 6. Deep. Stitches in hypochondrium when walking in open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open ; at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Deep. (In Rectum.) Coarse sticking in anus, extending deep into rectum. Ign, 3. Deep, Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles; contraction and soreness. Ign, 2. Deep. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Deep. (Miscellaneous.) Cutting in hypo- gastrium as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; sticking. Kali. C. 7. Deep-seated, digging pain within hips, on both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Defecation. Constipation in elderly peo- ple of the higher class suffering from retarded defecation, with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Degeneration. Hyperaemia; at first en- largement, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. Delayed. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass. Wer, Alb, 5. Delayed. Stool offensive, involuntary, de- layed. Op. 1. Delirium. Ascarides, with delirium; screaming. Apis Clin. Delirium. Yellow, watery diarrhoea; nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially dur- ing sleep; a typhoid state, with delir- ium. Hyos. Clin. Dentition. Diarrhoea during first denti- tion, with much wind; after vexation; containing white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Dentition. Stools looking like lumps of chalk, in children during dentition; hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. Dentition. Diarrhoea during pregnancy; during dentition; during meningitis; tuberculosa. Hell. Clin. Depressed. Colic, originating in a de- pressed or excessive bilious attack. POd. Clin. - Depression. Nervous diarrhoea, from de- pression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, With burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Depression. Hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache and ver- tigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Depression. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; Stitches and burning in right hypo- chondrium. A mm. Mur. Clin. Derangement. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; Constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin; nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. Derangements. Liver enormous; en- larged; jaundice, with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Nit. A c. Clin. Desiccation, Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eruc- tate. Merc. 6. Desire, (Stool.) Diarrhoea; stool scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with con- stant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish. Merc, C, 1. Desire, Constant ineffectual desire, but dis- charge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body. Sil, 1. Desire. Bearing-down pains in hypogas- trium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Desire. Frequent desire in rectum for stool. Hyos. 2. Desire. Frequent and successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rec- tum, with expulsion of a small quan- tity of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Desire. Inactivity of rectum and inability to evacuate feces; constant ineffectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Desire. Griping in abdomen with con- stant desire for stool, but little is evacuated. Merc. 5. Desire for stool in rectum in evening with griping in hypogastrium, then large moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, offensive stool with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus, later an- other stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually subsided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Desire in rectum as if diarrhoea would Occur, Puls. 2. (235) DES I RE. REPERTORY OF PART II. D I AR R H CEA. Desire. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when Standing. Lil. Tig. 7. Desire. Constipation from lead poison- ing; frequent desire, but small evacua- tions with great effort. Plat. Clin. Desire. Constipation; frequent and un- successful desire for stool; insuffi- cient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. - Desire. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for Stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Desire for stool whenever she lies on side. Phos. Clin. Desire. Constipation for days; no desire, no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux Mos. Clin. - Desire. Cholera infantum ; great desire for indigestible things, like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc, Ph. Clin. Desire. Constipation; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. Ac. Clin. - Desire. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire im- mediately passes off without an evac- uation. Anac. Clin. Desire. (Food.) Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; involuntary. Ver. Alb. 1. Desire. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Despair. Pain in abdomen; better after stool, with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Despondency. Constipation in sad, de- sponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Determination of blood to large intes- ines. Aloe 7. Development of a tendency to inguinal her- nia, Nux W, 7. Diaper. Cholera infantum; stools whit- ish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smell- ing of whole body, especially during teething. Rheum Clin. Diaphragm. Constriction at level of at- tachments of diaphragm. Arn. 6. Diarrhoea containing undigested food; painless; recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. left Diarrhoea. (After Eating or Drinking.) Diarrhoea after eating, of undigested feces; also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Diarrhoea. Feeling in rectum as if he would have diarrhoea as soon as he drank anything, but only a little passed every time. Caps. 2. Diarrhoea immediately after Arg. N. Clin. Diarrhoea with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs; of yel- low mucus sometimes frothy, ex- tremely fetid; aggravation from eat- ing oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. . Diarrhoea just after breakfast; the pass- age at first formed then loose, with burning in anus. Borax Clin. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drink- ing excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. - Diarrhoea. (Alternating with Constipation.) Diarrhoea, alternating with constipa- tion. Plumb. 1. Diarrhoea. Alternating diarrhoea and con- stipation, especially in old people. Ant. Cr. Clin. Diarrhoea. Alternations of diarrhoea and constipation. Ign. Clin. Diarrhoea. Constipation with ineffectual urging; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark-col- Ored; constipation alternating with drinking. diarrhoea. Iod. Clin. Diarrhoea. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Nux V. Clin. Diarrhoea. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Card. M. Clin. Diarrhoea. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation; stool like sheep's dung. Chel. Clin. Diarrhoea. Obstinate constipation, es- pecially if it alternates with diar- rhoea; with stool, followed by tremu- lous weakness. Con. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus, like frog’s Spawn, generally with tenesmus; Sometimes profuse, watery, alternat- ing with constipation. Hell. Clin. Diarrhoea, (Blood.) Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mucus, red and yellow, gelatin- ous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Rhus Tox. 1. Diarrhoea, profuse, bloody, containing mucous membrane and clots of blood. PhOS. 1. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly open. PhOS. Clin. - Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of trans- parent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatism ; stools Sour-smelling; when the weather Suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood. Bell. Clin. Diarrhoea. Dysenteric diarrhoea consist- ing of bloody mucus followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-smelling, undigested, containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Chronic.) Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremulous weak- ness; discharges sometimes involun- tary. Con. Clin. Diarrhoea. Ascarides in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, which does not weaken the patient. Calc. C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools become dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea during men- Struation; green, mucous stools; some- times diarrhoea, alternates with con- stipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yel- low, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fermented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish whey – like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Tod, Clin. Diarrhoea. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diarrhoea, of miasmatic origin, in com- bination with milk diet. Ipec. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea off and on ; aggravated from lager beer. Kali B. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea. Petr. Clin. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, green- ish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested | food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, with hepatic troubles. Chel. Clin. Diarrhoea, particularly of old people; chronic. Gamb. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea; gushing, watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. Diarrhoea. Camp diarrhoea; chronic; from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fe- cal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. (236) D I AR R H CEA. REPERTORY OF PART II. D I AR R H CEA. Diarrhoea. Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Diarrhoea. Interminable diarrhoea, in summer which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellow- ish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspep- tics and consumptives which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea; green, liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of Sulphur. Phos. Clin. Diarrhoea. Piles with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, worse some- time after rising and moving about; after a protracted spell of damp cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea in cachetic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive; sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit; ice cream ; tobacco; cold drinks. Puls. Cliń. Diarrhoea. (Cold Food and Drink.) Diar- rhoea from suddenly checked perspira- tion in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stew, d fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Diarrhoea of malarial Origin or after chill- ing the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, Scanty, watery or mucous; sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness, then heat and warm Sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a.m., then diar- rhoea. Pod. 5. Diarrhoea. (Coldness.) Diarrhoea, with cold- ness of extremities; with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody col- ored; black mucus; offensive; yel- low ; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor, with low types of fever; cold- ness of extremities; tendency to col- lapse. Carbo V. Clin. Diarrhoea. Cholera infantum ; vomiting and diarrhoea, with coldness of body. Camph. Clin. Diarrhoea. Pain in region of gall-bladder, extending to spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Lept. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. Acon. Clin. Diarrhoea. Watery, profuse diarrhoea gushing out like a torrent; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch ; Sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offen- sive, painless, fluid, Scanty, putrid, with biting burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Drumkards.) Diarrhoea of drunkards or in pneumonia. Ant. T. Clin. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostra- tion ; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, Stringy, of fensive, watery, with burning in rec- tum during stool. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Diarrhoea, from abuse of intoxicating drinks or high living; stool frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Diarrhoea. Obstinate constipation follow- ing diarrhoea in old spirit-drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, Scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Diarrhoea, (Flatulent.) Diarrhoea, watery, with violent pinching and emission of much flatus. Agar. 1. Diarrhoea watery, frequent, with many empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. Diarrhoea. Fetid flatus with cutting pinching; then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation; contain- ing white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Diarrhoea with excessive accumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with hard lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Diarrhoea with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium, with in- tolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. T)iarrhoea with burning in rectum, and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more Substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Diarrhoea of green mucus like chopped Spinach, usually with great flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish-green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or Carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. CocC. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Involuntary.) Diarrhoea, in- voluntary, in bed. Hyos, 1. Diarrhoea, with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; involuntary. Ver. Alb. 1. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish-gray, involun- tary, pasty, bright yellow, with sen- sation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Diarrhoea. Watery diarrhoea, mixed with hard parts; involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsci- Ously, with sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous; of much bloody mucus; violent; involuntary; frequent ; with weakness. Petr. 1. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. A c. 1. Diarrhoea; profuse, constant, involuntary, of mucus and blood. Kali B. 1. Diarrhoea; frequent, thin, involuntary, with flatus; small. Ign. 1. Diarrhoea. Involuntary diarrhoea during emissions of flatus; bilious, with sen- sation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening, in- Voluntary when Sneezing or laughing, half fluid, half lumpy; mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, after- noon and evening; always soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Diarrhoea. Yellow watery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially dur- ing sleep; a typhoid state with de- lirium. Hyos. Clin. Diarrhoea. Stools sometimes involuntary on every motion; this symptom indi- cates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera infantum. Apis Clin. Diarrhoea with great prostration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fer- mented with fetid breath and loath- ing of food. Arm. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emit- ting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, painless, invol- untary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. ( 237 ) D I AR R H CEA. REPERTORY OF PART II. DIAR RHCFA. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; of fensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when cough- ing; suitable to old persons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. PhOS. Clin. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of something pull- ing at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, involuntary or mu- cous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offensive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown; black, watery, or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Diarrhoea with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy or white. Cima Clin. Diarrhoea. Stools at first hard then mushy; finally fluid, Smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Calc. C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenesmus during and burning after stool; worse after cold food; pains worse after eat- ing and drinking. Laur. Clin. Diarrhoea, (Mornings.) Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning, pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, fre- quent, Pod, 1. Diarrhoea, Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so ur- gent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea, after getting up ; slimy, Sulf. 1, Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon, then natural stool in evening, immed- iately after eating and drinking; al- ternating with constipation. Pod. 1. Diarrhoea, Pain in abdomen then dis- charge of dark mucus, causing biting in anus, as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning, on slightest uncov- ering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Diarrhoea, in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool Smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Diarrhoea. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting; rumbling, then watery diarrhoea. Nux V. 7. Diarrhoea. Liquid stool, diarrhoea in morn- ing on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenes- mus in afternoon; frequent; of thin, greenish, mucus. Laur. 1. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Diarrhoea in wet weather; mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papescent, with much mucus, but no real pain. Bapt. 1. Diarrhoea, frequent; twice in morning, with tenesmus. Nit. A c. 1. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow, in morning, with full feeling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Natr, S. 1. - Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggravation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum during stool, preceded by constant .dragging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Diarrhoea. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Diarrhoea. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Diarrhoea, always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sud- den; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Diarrhoea, (Night.) Rumbling in abdomen at night, with diarrhoea; gurgling. Sulf. 5, Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intes- times; stool like brown yeast. Arm. 1. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot, smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery, painless, consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green then slimy ; not exhausting; without Colic. Puls. 1. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cut- ting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mu- cus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in anus; sudden about mid- night, with urging; very offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hysterical wo- men, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Offensive.) Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, permi- cious, offensive, frequent, brown, slimy ; next day fetid and dark. Se- cale 1. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, Scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. - Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow; pasty, of the odor of putrefying Snakes. Lach. 1. Diarrhoea; copious, yellowish and offen- sive, containing pieces of white mem- brane; orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes without feces. Colch. 1. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undigested; are sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Diarrhoea slimy and of the appearance of yeast; cadaverous smell. Ant. T. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fer- mented; putrid; continuous nausea. Ipec. Clin. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot, odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drinking cold water. Staph. Clin. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, un- digested, watery, chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools green, sometimes slimy, white and mushy, hot and watery, very offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Painless.) Diarrhoea watery, yellowish, and painless; forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Diarrhoea almost without pain, then pros- tration. Graph. 1. Diarrhoea; stool watery, painless. Thuja 1. Diarrhoea, six times from morning till 2 p. m., without pain. Borax 1. Diarrhoea frequent and sudden, without pain or smell; watery. Ferr. 1. Diarrhoea; stools painless; at first frothy, thin and brown, later cadaverous- Smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Diarrhoea; painless, clay-colored, with burning and Smarting in anus; sal- low complexion. Berb. Clin. Diarrhoea is generally painless, associated with cold feeling in abdomen, but Sometimes with Cramps. Grat. Clin. Diarrhoea. Painless diarrhoea, with rum- bling of wind; worse at night, from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin. Diarrhoea. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Diarrhoea without pain or urging; stools brown, watery, white, watery; green, mucous, thin, pasty, light yellow or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Diarrhoea; particularly after meals at night; painless; early in the morn- ing; in hot weather; from eating fruit, from drinking sour beer; after Severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. --f zºr (238 ) D I AR R H CEA. REPERTORY OF PART II. D I AR R H CEA. Diarrhoea. (Painful.) Yellow, watery, diar- rhoea, with tearing cutting before stool, as after taking cold, Dulc, 1. Diarrhoea. Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus, Gamb. 1. Diarrhoea. Griping in abdomen, with rum- bling; then thin, green diarrhoea with- out tenesmus, Mag, C, 5. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul- smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. Diarrhoea, frequent, with cutting and pres- sure; stools green, frothy, mucous, Mag, Diarrhoea with burning in anus, consisting of blood and mucus. Canth, 1. Diarrhoea. Colic in abdomen as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea mixed with mucus. Psor. 1. Diarrhoea. Colic, with cutting twisting about navel and passage of tough mu- cus, like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps, 7. Diarrhoea. Dragging in anus as before diarrhoea. Crot. Tig. 3. Diarrhoea. Cutting in abdomen on ap- pearance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and small of back during menstrua- tion, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Diarrhoea. Burning in amus after diar- rhoea. Canth. 3. Diarrhoea, constant, with pain in abdo- men. Mezer. 1. Diarrhoea. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling; cutting, with diarrhoea as from taking cold, with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. - Diarrhoea. Griping in abdomen, as in diarrhoea, after stool. Natr. M. 5. Diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen caused by evening air, with diarrhoea as from a Stone. Merc. 5. Diarrhoea. Pinching, increasing to cut- ting pain in hypogastrium in morn- ing, before, during and after diar- rhoea. Ars. A. 7. Diarrhoea. Pinching in abdomen with diarrhoea. Borax 5. - Diarrhoea with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen. Gamb. 1. Diarrhoea. Rolling and rumbling in ab- domen, with sudden pinches as after a purgative; then diarrhoea. Natr. S. Diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen with diar- rhoea; sore to pressure. Kali B. 5. Diarrhoea. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking, after stool, on touch, with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. Diarrhoea. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stom- ach. Nux MOS. 6. Diarrhoea. Haemorrhoids swollen and protrude with a hard stool ; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Diarrhoea. Painful diarrhoea of old peo- ple, even soft stool passed with diffi- culty. Carbo V. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Diarrhoea. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown; papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Diarrhoea, with great prostration and col- lapse at the very commencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee-grounds; rice- water stools. Camph. Clin. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of intestines; reddish, mucous or bloody; flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room ; preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe, pinching colic before stool from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive; preceded by colic; stools mucus, with aphthous sore mouth. Borax Clin. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing pains before and during stool; with draw- ing pain in rectum after stool, con- tinuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; un- digested; putrid; fetid; sour-smelling. Nit. A.C. Clin. - Diarrhoea as the result of anger or from fruit, with colic. Coloc. Clin. Diarrhoea. Nervous diarrhoea from de- pression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent eveloped in bright- red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Diarrhoea. Intestinal catarrh in children; colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled; with colic and prominence of intestines, like pads here and there all over the ab- domen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Summer JOiarrhoea.) Mucous diarrhoea in summer, often caused by checked perspiration. Cham. Clin. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse dur- ing day and after eating; with dis- charge passing with a gush; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Diarrhoea from checked perspiration dur- ing heat of summer with cold nights. A con. Clin. Diarrhoea coming on suddenly; faint feel- ing before, during and after stool, worse from fruits and sweetmeats during summer; every movement of the body renews the discharges. Crot. Tig, Clin. - Diarrhoea. (Typhoid.) Diarrhoea during typhoid or scarlatina. Apis Clin. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen. Op. Clin. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive, or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A c. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Temesmus.) Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, black- ish, Merc, C, 1. Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour-smelling; then shivering, then urging, with constric- tion in intestines. Rheum 1. Diarrhoea. Crawling tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; small stool consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Diarrhoea. Urging in rectum to stool, with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum, as if weakened by diarrhoea. Coloc. 2. Diarrhoea. Tenesmus during diarrhoea. Alum. 2. Diarrhoea, violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Diarrhoea with pinching around umbili- cus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenes- mus of rectum. Gamb. 2. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Diarrhoea. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent, Small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before tenesmus, during; a never-get-dome feeling, with tenesmus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once, after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Diarrhoea, with urging and inability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feeling in abdo- men and rectum; faintness. Lept. Clin. Diarrhoea. Copious diarrhoea, with vom- iting; then watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. (239) D I AR R H CEA. REPERTORY OF PART II. D IF FICULT. Diarrhoea. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested; with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Vomiting with Diarrhoea.) Diar- rhoea and vomiting. Ant. T. 1. Diarrhoea. Abdominal dropsy; sometimes with diarrhoea and vomiting. Apis Clin. Diarrhºea. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdo- men and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant T. 5. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice- water stools, varying in color ; green, yellow, reddish, variegated, slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Diarrhoea. (Miscellaneous.) Weak feeling in abdomen as if diarrhoea would occur. Aloe 5, Diarrhoea. Sensation of rawness in anus with diarrhoea. Apis 3. Diarrhoea. Stool watery; feces yellow; fre- quent diarrhoea of yellow-greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water. Grat. 1, Diarrhoea as if fermented; frequent, of greenish mucus. Ipec. 1. Diarrhoea. Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling, and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Diarrhoea. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back, as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft; difficult from inactivity of the rectum. Natr. M, 1. Diarrhoea; stool passes better when stand- ing. Caust. 1. Diarrhoea. Straining to stool, then scanty diarrhoea, then increased straining. Bell. 2. Diarrhoea from juicy fruit or cider. Ph. 1. Diarrhoea. Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white with red urine. Acon. 1. Diarrhoea after boiled milk. Sep. 1. Diarrhoea. Green, slimy, diarrhoea. Amm. Mur. 1. Diarrhoea soft, frequent, whitish. Tod. 1. Diarrhoea. T)esire in rectum as if diar- rhoea, would occur. Puls. 2. Diarrhºea. Pain in abdomen as if diar- rhoea would result. Borax 5. Diarrhºea. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Asaf. 5. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, frequent, also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. |Diarrhoea of pregnant women. Ant. Cr. Clin. - Diarrhoea during pregnancy, during denti- tion, during meningitis tuberculosa. Hell. Clin. Diarrhoea from vinegar or other acids. Ant. Cr. Clin. Diarrhoea. Hospital diarrhoea. Aloe Clin. Calc. Diarrhoea from eating sugar or sweets, of which there is a great fondness. Arg. N. Clin. Diarrhoea on alternate days. Alum. Clin. Diarrhoea. Fatty diarrhoea from disease of the pancreas. Iod. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tenacious; glutin- Ous. Plat. Clin. Diarrhoea, aggravated by motion; strain- ing to stool. Bell. Clin. Diarrhoea after nursing; from overheat- ing; after cold bathing. Ant. Cr. Clin. Diarrhoea of undigested stools; sour odor; large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. Diarrhoea. Autumnal, bilious diarrhoea; exhaustion and debility from the start. Iris V. Clin. Diarrhoea of phthisis. Olean. Clin. Diarrhoea of white mucus, in little pieces, like popcorn. Cina, Clin. Diarrhoea. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, alternat- ing with vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Diarrhoea. Colliquative diarrhoea of phthisis abdominalis. A mm. Mur. Clin. Diarrhoea. Nervous diarrhoea, from emo- tions; from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Clin. Diarrhoea of green mucus with suffocative spells about the heart. Laur. Clin. Diarrhoea comes on gradually, stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China Clin. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drink- ing impure water; stools black, or thick like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. A c. Clin. Diarrhoea. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast, from vac- cination; stools pale-yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja Clin. Diarrhoeic. Offensive diarrhoeic stools. Ant. T. 1. - Diet. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diar- rhoea of miasmatic origin in combina- tion with milk diet. Ipec. Clin. Difficult. (Stool.) Stool scanty, difficult. Alum. 1. Difficult, Constipation in spite of frequent straining; on following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stools. Sil, 1. Difficult. Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, caus- ing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr. M. 2. Difficult, Constipation; stool hard, with burning in anus, lumpy, scanty, offen- sive, difficult, light colored, Sil, 1. Difficult. Stool hard like sheep-dung and dif- ficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly as if burnt, Mag, M. 1. Difficult. Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging ; clay-colored. Hep, 1. Difficult. Stool soft but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part re- mained. Nux MOs. 1. Difficult. Difficult. Stool gray, whitish-gray, green, bloody, difficult. Phos. 1. Difficult. Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactiv- ity of rectum. Phos. 1. Difficult. Stool hard, in the shape of laurel berries; difficult, with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Difficult. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory, difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal ves- sels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Difficult stool with straining and burning in rectum. Nit. A c. 1. Difficult. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Urging in rectum; stool not hard, but difficult on account of in- activity of rectum. Graph. 2. Difficult. Constipation during menstrua- tion; stool like sheep-dung; painful and difficult; insufficient, after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Difficult. Constipation; stool hard and difficult. Ant. Cr. 1. Difficult. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft; difficult, from inactivity of the rec- tum. Natr. M. 1. - Difficult. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish, Scanty, brownish, difficult but not hard. Sep. 1. Difficult. Constipation ; large, hard, diffi- cult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Difficult. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Difficult. Hard, insufficient, difficult stools, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep’s-dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Difficult. Chronic constipation; feeling in amus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Difficult expulsion of soft stool. Natr. S. Clin. - Difficult. (Miscellameous.) Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emis- sion of flatus the more difficult it is to pass. Wer. Alb, 5. Difficult. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Difficult. Pain in abdomen before break- fast, flatulent, relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Difficult. Cramp-like pain in hypochon- dria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. (240) DIFFICULTY. REPERTORY OF PART II. DISC HARC E. Difficulty. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though protruding but little; protrude dur- ing stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Difficulty. Large and hard stool, with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was protruded; with severe backache in lumbar re- gion. AEsc. 1. Difficulty. Constipation; torpor of rec- tum ; even a soft stool is voided with difficulty. Psor. Clin. Difficulty. Inveterate constipation with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Difficulty. Contractive sore pain in rec- tum, from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Difficulty. Constipation; torpor of bow- els; feces hard, Scanty; passed with difficulty from constriction of sphinc- ter ani, and feeling as if much re- mained behind. Iye. Clin. Difficulty. Constipation; stool large; hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. - Diffuse, subacuté gastro-enteritis of a low type; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; general Soreness as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Digested. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 5. • Digestion. Oozing of a thin, in odorous fluid from the rectum ; weak diges- tion, especially in nursing Women. Carbo An. Clin. Digging. Sudden cutting in abdomen, re- lieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Digging. Deep seated digging pain within hips on both sides, as in dysen- tery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Dilated. Colic ; scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features and staggering; pu- pils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy Sweat ; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Dinner. (Stool after Dinner.) Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after din- ner; scanty and corrosive, with grip- ing. Nux V. 1. Dinner. Cutting in abdomen, then leu- corrhoea, with griping at various times, sometimes when yawning; after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner, Zinc, 5. Dinner. Stool after dinner very dry and like sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. 1. Dinner. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling noises. Sep. 2. Dinner, (Miscellaneous.) Distention of ab- domen after dinner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5. Dinner. Pain below umbilicus as from a Stone, taking away the breath, after dinner. Nux V. 7. Dinner. Sticking in right hypocondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; SOre pain on touch; pinching, Sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Dinner. Congestion of anus after dinner; expulsion of ascarides; sticking, sore- mess, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Dinner. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Dinner. Cutting in abdomen after dinner, relieved by bending over; aggravation from Standing. Rheum 5. Dinner. Griping, tearing in upper abdo- men and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Diphtheritic dysentery; burning in rec- tum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. A c. Clin. Dirty, Stools sudden, pasty, dirty, green, offensive, forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Dirty. Stool pasty, light-brown, after urging; then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible, Crot. Tig, 1. Disagreeably. Abdomen sensitive, so that the clothes press disagreeably. Sulf. 5. Disappointing. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Discharge, (Blood.) Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood after stool; with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eat- ing, with tearing, sticking. Nux W. 2. Discharge of blood from amus during stool. Natr. C. 3. - Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Tyc. 2. Discharge. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. Discharge of bright red blood from anus with stool. Nit. A c. 3. Discharge of blood from anus daily, with sticking and burning in Small of back and in anus. Coloc. 3. Discharge, (Flatus.) Pain in umbilical re- gion, emanating from navel; ameliora- tion by frequent discharge of flatus. Coloc. 7, Discharge. Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Discharge. Griping in abdomen; worse be- low navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharges of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with move- ments in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Discharge. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal, forcible. Gamb. 1. Discharge. Griping in abdomen; amel- ioration after discharge of flatus in evening and night; relieved by bend- ing forward. Iris V. 5. Discharge. Rumbling and noises in ab- domen, with discharge of flatus; un- Satisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal mus- cles. Ign. 5. Discharge. Diarrhoea during hot sum- mer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating, with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Discharge. (Mucus.) Constant ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body. Sil. 1. Discharge. Pain in abdomen; then dis- charge of dark mucus, causing biting burning in anus, as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Discharge. Diarrhoea, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen. Gamb. 1. - Discharge. Stool thin, frothy, saffron- yellow, musty; smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Discharge. Sore pain in rectum during stool, as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Discharge. Pressure in morning in hypo- gastrium, as if everything would be forced out towards organs of genera- tion, with distention of abdomen; then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Discharge. Chronic catarrhal inflamma- tion of the bowels, with mucous dis- charge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. - Discharge. Constipation, with hard crumbly stool, or the feces are cov- ered with glairy mucus, and are ac- companied by a discharge of a quan- tity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Discharge. (Miscellaneous.) Griping in abdomen before discharge of leucor- rhoea. Con. 5. Discharge of moisture from anus with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Discharge. Diarrhoea, with great pros- tration and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces like coffee- grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. ( 241 ) DISC HARC E. REPERTORY OF PART II. DISTENTION. Discharge. Soreness in anus after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Discharge. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Discharge. Diarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. Discharged. Interminable diarrhoea in summer, which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Discharges. (Bloody.) Dysentery; dis- charges bloody ; some tenesmus, but not painful. Bapt. Clin. Discharges. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red, or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Discharges. Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen, with inef- fectual pressing, straining, and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime, day || and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Discharges. Violent pain in rectum, with Chill and fever, inflammation, tenes- mus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Discharges. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increase after stool. Merc. Clin. Discharges. (Miscellaneous.) Chronic diar- rhoea of old people, with tremulous weakness; discharges sometimes in- voluntary. Con. Clin. Discharges. Diarrhoea, coming on Sud- denly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweetmeats during Summer; every movement of the body renews the discharges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Discharges. Chronic dysentery; dis- charges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rec- tum. Pod. Clin. Discharges. Constipation; ineffectual urg- ing to stool, with small discharges or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. Discharges. Asiatic cholera, with Sudden suppression of the discharges and col- lapse. Camph. Clin. Discharges. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown; papeScent; Stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Discharges. Periodical return of dysen- tery in spring or early part of sum- mer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly-like; stringy discharges, with tenesmus during and after stool. Rali B. Clin. - Discharges. Diarrhoea, with burning in Tectum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Disease. Waxy liver dependent upon long-lasting bone disease. Phos. Clin. Disgusting. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting Smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Disgusting. Cutting pain in hypogas- trium mornings, with nausea, sweet- ish, disgusting taste, weakness and Sleepiness; cutting rising to upper abdomen, where it amounted to grip- ing. Nux V. 7. Distended. (Abdomen.) Abdomen distended and tense, with rumbling and cutting. Hep. 5. Distended. Abdomen distended and soft. Jatr. 5. Distended. Feeling in abdomen as if dis- tended even to bursting, causing suf- focation. Caps. 5. Distended. Colic immediately after eat- ing, and worse after drinking; amel- ioration from hot, wet cloths; abdo- men enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Distended, (Miscellaneous.) Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic region if she eats to satiety. Lyc, 6. Distended. Hypogastric region distended and sensitive. Hyos. 7. Distended. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of OS pubis, with feeling as if hypo- gastrium were spasmodically con- stricted; sometimes as if distended ; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. Distention. (Abdomen.) Distention of ab- domen after eating, with tension; amel- ioration from emission of flatus, Lyc. 5. Distention of abdomen, with hardness. Calc, C. 5, Distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdomen. Lach. 5. Distention of abdomen, but no power to expel its contents, Op. 5. - Distention. Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc, 5. Distention of abdomen from gas and hard- ness, Merc. 5. Distention of abdomen as from incarceration of flatus, Graph. 5, Distention of abdomen by flatulence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed with- out remarkable relief; new flatus col- lected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling, Agar, 5. - Distention of abdomen, with motion of flatus, Aloe 5, Distention of abdomen, after eating a little, |Kali C, 5, Distention and pain in abdomen with ten- sion. Coloc. 5. Distention, Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen, frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Distention. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating, after drinking. Nüx V. 5. Distention of abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus; griping. Phos. A c. 5. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus, smell- ing like Sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night, after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5. Distention of abdomen. Crot. Tig. 5. Distention of abdomen; tympanitic and tender. Canth. 5. Distention of abdomen. Apis 5. Distention of abdomen; tympanitic; cold- ness also in back. Secale 5. Distention of abdomen. Lil. Tig. 5. Distention of abdomen, with tension and hardness. Chel. 5. Distention of abdomen; tympanitic. Phos. 5 Distention. Tensive pain, extending to chest, as from distention of abdomen. Caps. 5. Distention. Feeling of distention of ab- domen, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Distention of abdomen with rumbling; cutting with diarrhoea, as from taking cold; with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. - Distention of abdomen, with frequent urg- ing to Stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Arn. 5. Distention of abdomen after eating, with motions and colic ; then continued constipation and feeling as if some- thing lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of Stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Distention. Pressure in morning in hy- pogastrium, as if everything would be forced out towards organs of gen- eration, with distention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen, then discharge of white mucus from va- gina. Bell. 7. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling. Hell. 5. Distention of abdomen. Ant. Cr. 5. Distention. Tympanitic distention of abdomen, not relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 5. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling, movements, and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Distention. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 5. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling and rolling. Carbol. A c. 5. (242) Đ ISTENTION. REPERTORY OF PART II. DOWN. Distention and rumbling in abdomen. Bapt. 5. & Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 5. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. Distention of abdomen with gurgling, rumbling, rolling, in morning in bed; with grumbling and flatulent pain; worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling noises. Sep. 5. Distention of abdomen, beginning at stom- ach ; abdomen hard, as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach; worse in hypo- gastrium. Ratan. 5. Distention of abdomen after supper, with heaviness, anxiety and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 4. - Distention of abdomen; worse after eat- ing. Natr. C. 5. Distention of abdomen, and after eating tension, with weight; with pain in place of a hernia, Sil. 5. Distention of abdomen all day after eat- ing; fermentation. Rhus Tox. 5. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; in- tolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Distention of abdomen after eating; after a moderate Supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain, as from flatu- lent food and much drink. China, 5. Distention of abdomen after eating, with emission of flatus. Cham. 5. Distention of abdomen, as if she had eaten too much. Colch. 5. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatu- lent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Distention of abdomen with rumbling after stool; after breakfast with grip- ing, then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Distention. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach. Colch. Clin. Distention. Evacuation of shreds of mu- cus or of undigested food, with enor- mous distention of abdomen; stools excessively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Distention. Colic, with great distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, recur- ring towards evening. Sep. Clin. Distention. Excessive flatulent disten- tion of abdomen and dysmemorrhoea. COCC. Clin. Distention. Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Distention. Flatulent distention of abdo- men, with great increase of fat; ab- dominal dropsy. Calc. C. Clin. Distention. Abscess of liver; throbbing ulcerative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch on walking; hard- ness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Distention. Diarrhoea brought on by rid- ing in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water; with flatu- lent distention; colic ; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Distention. (Hypochondrium.) Sense of distention in right hypochondrium. Chel. 6. . Distention in hepatic region with pain as if suppurating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Distention. (Miscellaneous.) Pain in hypo- chondria; aggravated by Standing, so that he stoops; towards morning, with distention, pain in forehead and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Distention. Ascarides in chronic diar- rhoea, with great appetite and dis- tention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Distention. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in morning on rising; yellow, with dis- tention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Distorted. . Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial mus- cles were distorted, and eyes drawn together, as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5. Distress in umbilical region, and in hypo- gastric regions, with intermittent cut- ting in stomach and Small intestines, Diosc, 7, g Distress in anus, as if prolapsed. Iris V. 3. Distress. Soreness, fullness, distress in right hypochondrium. AEsc. 6. Distress. Pressure in hypogastrium, as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Distress in umbilicus, with burning in back part of liver and in spine. Lept. 7. Distress. Rumbling in hypogastric re- gion in morning, with distress, and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Distress. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and dis- tress. Diosc. Clin. Distress. Stools very sluggish ; the rec- tum seems plugged up ; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. Dizzy. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much press- ing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Dog's. Inveterate constipation, with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Dosing. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Double. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend double; hot; Smell- ing like rotten eggs; green; watery; painless; consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy ; with colic. Cham. 1. Double. Sudden, cutting pain in abdo- men; relieved after profuse, pasty stools; with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Double. Feeling of distention of abdo- men, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Double. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits * or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Double. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Double. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Double. Colic, compelling one to walk bent, relieved by bending double and walking about, or by lying on the abdomen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Down. (Lying.) Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure, and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Down. Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; Small; consisting of mucus. Arm. 1. Down. Weakness in abdomen and in back, so that she must lie down. PhOS. 5. Down. Flatulent colic in evening, after lying down. Nux V. 5. Down. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down; amelioration from micturition. Sep. 7. Down. Colic from cold evening air; from worms ; colic, which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. Down. Violent flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about; aggra- vated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amel- ioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Down. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Down. (Miscellaneous.) Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down, Puls, 5. Down, Cutting low down in hypogastric region, Hyos. 7. - Down. Stools frequent, watery, with burn- ing in anus; disposition to Strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. (243) DOWN. REPERTORY OF PART II. D R N K. N. C. Down. Sensation in abdomen, extending into small of back, as if something fell down. Laur. 5. Down. Constriction and weight in abdo- men, with sensation as if everything would fall down; obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Down. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's lig- ament at left ilium, extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Down. Cutting in hypogastrium as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; Sticking. Kali C. 7. Down. Heaviness in abdomen; sensation as if it hung down heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Down. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; Stooping and, still more, crouching down, caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Down. Atony of the stomach and abdo- Imen; feeling as if they hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. Down. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive; or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A.C. Clin. Down. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass anything; great, urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire immediately passes Off without an evacuation. Anac. Clin. Downward, Pressure in abdomen downward at night, waking her; with tension of muscles, so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf, 5, Downward, Pressure downward in hypo- gastrium, towards genitals, as during menstruation, Plat. 7. Downward. Pressing downward in hypo- gastrium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructa- tions and sleep. Sep. 7. Downward. Flatulence; no flatus emitted - upward and downward, Ratan, 5. Downward. Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Downward. Pain in hepatic region, extend- ing downward and across umbilical region, as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. - Downward. Griping in abdomen with constriction, SOreness and dragging downward and outward. Bry. 5. Downward. Incipient hernia forced down- ward, with a bruised pain and cannot be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Downward. Colic, with pressure down- ward upon rectum and bladder. Op. Clin. - Dragged. Congested, enlarged liver; sen- sation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Dragging. Offensive flatus and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum, and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Dragging down in rectum during menses with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. Dragging or griping in abdomen after stool. Carbo V. 5. Dragging. Griping in abdomen with con- striction, Soreness, and dragging down- ward and outward. Bry. 5. Dragging. Scraping, sticking, cutting in rectum and anus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensi- tiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Dragging. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m.; a weakness about Small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Dragging in anus, as before diarrhoea. Crot. Tig. 3. Dragging. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- Vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. T}rainage. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; stools black; or thick like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. - Drank. Feeling in rectum, as if he would have diarrhoea as soon as he drank anything, but only a little passed every time. Caps. 2. Draw. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet on account of this pair, he does not dare to draw the anus together, Aloe 2. Draw. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Drawing, (Abdomen.) Drawing tensive pains in abdomen, like liver pains, Puls, 5, Drawing tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down, Puls, 5. Drawing. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension, heaviness during motion; empti- ness after stool, Sep. 5. Drawing, griping in abdomen, with pres- Sure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throb- bing, Ign, 5. Drawing, tension in abdomen. Calc. C, 5. Drawing pain in abdomen at night. Mag. M. 5 Drawing. Stitches in abdomen, with grip- ing, tearing, drawing, extending to Chest. Nux V. 5. Drawing. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles. Asaf. 5. Drawing, (Right Hypochondrium.) Burn- ing and tensive sticking in right hypo- chondrium; worse from pressure; sharp, drawing in hepatic region, Mag. M. 6. Drawing. Incarcerated flatus, with ten- Sion, Sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Drawing. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting, draw- ing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Drawing pain in right hypochondrium, extending towards symphysis pubis. Calc. C. 6. Drawing. Congested, enlarged liver; sen- sation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had in- creased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Drawing. (Miscellaneous.) Stitching, grip- ing, drawing, pain in hypogastrium. Agar, 7. Drawing, burning in hypogastrium, ex- tending from right ring, as if in sper- matic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. - Drawing. Pressive drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Drawing pain in posterior part, extending towards back like tearings. Calc. C. 6. Drawing. Cutting in abdomen rather than Sticking; with salivation before menses; with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. Drawing. Painful drawing in groins as before menstruation. Plat. 7. Drawing. Tension in region of left an- terior Superior spine of ilium in even- ing, changing into drawing; extending to Spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. Drawing. Haemorrhoids with excessive burning as from pepper; throbbing Soreness with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Drawing. Diarrhoea with cutting, press- ing pains before and during stool, With drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, Slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, Sour-Smelling. Nit. A c. Clin. Drawn. Anus drawn up, with constric- tion. Plumb, 3. - Drawn. Cramps in abdomen; intussus- ception of the bowels, Cupr. Clin. Drawn. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone, and drawn into the spine as if by a string ; knots in recti muscles. |Plumb. Clin. Dread. 9 a. m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped together; while he would force out, yet he held back. Aloe 1. Dried and constricted feeling in rectum during stool. Alum. 2. ** , . r Drink, Colic, with cutting twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucous like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps, 7. Drinking. (Colic after Drinking.) Colic, after eating and drinking, obliging One to bend double ; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Small, yellowish shining stool at (244) D R H NK IR. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. D R Y N ESS. i Drinking. Colic, caused by suppressed perspiration, as from drinking ice f water when heated. Coloc. Clin. Drinking. Colic immediately after eating, and worse after drinking; ameliora- tion from hot wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Drinking. (Stools after Drinking.) Diar- rhoea in morning and through forenoon; diately after eating and drinking; alternating with constipation. Pod. 1. Drinking. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight, preceded by most violent burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Drinking. Diarrhoea immediately after drinking. Arg. N. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits; drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea, brought on by rid- ing in Gars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatu- lent distention; colic ; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. Coco. Clin. Drinking. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning in anus; temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night ; painless; early in the morning, in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea containing undi- gested food; painless; recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black, or thick, like glue, passed in thin strips, like tape. Carbol. A c. Clin. Drinking. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papeScent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous, or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, ten- esmus during, and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Drinking. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful, watery; in- voluntary. Ver. Alb. 1. the natural stool in evening; imme- | Drinking. (Miscellaneous.) Flatulent dis- tention of abdomen after eating; after drinking. Nux V. 5. T) rinking. Griping in upper abdomen after eating and drinking. Rhus Tox. 6. Drinking. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking, after stool, on touch, with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. Drinking. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Caps. 2. Drinking. Constipation with ineffectual urging; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark col- ored; constipation, alternating with diarrhoea. Tod. Clin. Drinks. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Carbo V. 5. Drinks. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxi- cating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Drinks. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Drinks. Cholera or choleraic stools; not copious; with desire for warm food | and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Drinks. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Driving. Pain in right hypochondrium, between right ribs and hip when driv- ing; aggravation from pressure. Card. M. 6. Driving. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; Want of confidence in sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Dropsical diseases, depending on Organic affections of liver; jaundice, with dull headache; constipation ; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Dropsical effusions, and even peritonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggra- vation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Dropsy. Abdominal dropsy, sometimes with diarrhoea and vomiting. Apis Clin. Dropsy. Abdominal dropsy. Sulf. Clin. Dropsy. Dropsy of abdomen. Ars. A. Clin. Dropsy. Abdominal dropsy. Hell. Clin. Dropsy. Flatulent distention of abdo- men, with great increase of fat; abdominal dropsy. Calc. C. Clin. Dropsy. Hyperaemia; at first enlarge- ment, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. Drowsiness. Deep-seated digging within hips on both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Drunkards. Haemorrhoids of drunkards. Ars. A. Clin. Drunkards. Diarrhoea of drunkards or in pneumonia. Ant. T. Clin. Drunkards. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaun- dice, tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. T)runkards. Cirrhosis of liver, with ascites, especially in drunkard's, gin- liver; chronic hepatitis, with ten- dency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Drunkards. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy mu- cous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Dry, (Stool.) Constriction of anus during || stool, with tension and burning after dry stool, Sil, 3. Dry, Obstinate constipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. 1. Dry. Stool after dinner very dry and like sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. 1. - Dry. Burning in rectum, with the evacua- tion of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms, except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Dry. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, Swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Dry. Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clim. Dry. Constipation in persons of sedentary habits, from atomy of lower intes- times; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. - Dry. Inveterate constipation, with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Dry. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep’s-dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Stools hard, dark brown or black; dry, as if burnt. Bry. Clin. Dry, Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleeding. Alum. Clin. Constipation; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Dry. Peritonitis and enteritis, with rest- lessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Dryness in rectum with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks, AEsc, 2. Dryness. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum; knotty stool, Shining as if greased, very small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Dry. Dry. ( 245 ) D R Y N ESS. REPERTORY OF PART. II. DURINC. Dryness. Fullness, itching, Soreness and dryness of rectum. AEse. 2. * Dull. Tiquid stool; diarrhoea in morning on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Dull. Pain in perineum as if something dull pressed out there. Asaf. 2. Dull. Constant dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. AEsc. 6. - Dull. Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold; dull aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Dull. Pain in right hypochondrium, es- pecially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Dull. Dropsical diseases depending on or- ganic affections of liver; jaundice, with dull headache; constipation ; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Duodenal catarrh, sometimes with jaun- dice; white stools. Kali B. Clin. Duodenitis, with jaundice; ulceration of the duodenum. Pod. Clin. Duodenum. Duodenitis, with jaundice; ulceration of the duodenum. Pod. Clin. During. (Menses.) Griping in hypogas- trium during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness. Sulf. 7. During. Pressure downward in hypogas- trium towards genitals, as during men- struation, Plat, 7. During. Pressing downward in hypogas- trium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructa- tations and sleep. Sep. 7. During. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. During. Dragging down in rectum dur- ing menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. During. Pain in abdomen during men- struation. Mag. C. 5. During. Constipation during menstrua- tion ; stool like sheep-dung, painful, and difficult; insufficient after much pressure. Kali C. L. During. Cutting in abdomen on appear- ance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and Small of back during menstruation; with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. During. Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. During, Constipation of women before and during menses. Sil. Clin. During. Chronic diarrhoea during men- struation; greem, mucous stools; SOme- times diarrhoea, alternates with consti- pation. Amm. Mur. Clin. During. (Stool.) Contraction of rectum so that it protrudes during hard stool, Lyc, 2. - During. Protruding hamorrhoids during stool; when walking, painful. Sep. 3. During. Constriction of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool, Sil, 3. - During. Pain in rectum during stool as if something would be torn asunder, Nit. Ac, 2. During, Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing, sticking. Nux W. 2. During. Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after as if something remained; pressure dur- ing soft stool. Sulf, 2. During, Griping in abdomen before and during stool. Sulf. 5. During, Contracted sensation in rectum dur- ing stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr. M. 2. During, Cutting in rectum during normal stool, Sulf, 2, During. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though protruding but little; protrude during stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. During. Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constric- tion in anus. Nit. A c. 2. During. Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Lyc. 2. During. Sticking in rectum, with smart- ing during a stool that was not hard. PhOS. 2. During. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. During. Discharge of blood from anus during stool. Natr. C. 3. During. Dried and constricted feeling Alum. 2. diarrhoea. in rectum during stool. During. Tenesmus during Alum. 2. - During. Burning in rectum during and after soft stool. A mm. Mur. 2. During. Burning in anus during soft stools. A mm. Mur. 3. During. Pressure in anus during stool, with pain. Alum. 3. During. Bleeding of amus during stool. Carbo V. 3. During. Stitches in rectum during stool. Carbo V. 2. During. Pain in anus caused by stool; contracted feeling during stool. Chel. 3. During. Heat in lower part of rectum during stool. Con. 2. During. Pinching increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning be- fore, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. - During. Sore pain in rectum during stool as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. During. Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. During. Scraping, sticking, cutting in rectum and anus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. During. Bleeding from anus during stool; sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. During. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. 3. - During. Throbbing pain in rectum all day; after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. During. Burning pain in anus during, before and after stool. Berb. 3. During. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. During. Griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stool. Aloe 5. During. Jerking, almost sticking, pain || in rectum, with burning, stinging, itching during stool. Sil. 2. During. Burning in anus during stool. Calc. C. 3. During. Cutting in abdomen towards evening, during stool; after the stool shivering. Canth. 5. During. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with buring during stool. "Sulf. 3. During. Haemorrhoids; pain during nor- mal stool. Mag. M. 3. During. Haemorrhoids swollen, bleeding during natural stool. Kali C. 3. During. Burning in anus during stool. Merc. C. 3. * During. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary; of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread worms during stool. Sulf. 3. During. Burning in anus during and after stool. Lach. 3. T)uring. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. ECali C. 7. During. Haemorrhoids swollen, and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. During. Haemorrhoids swollen, protrud- ing, burning, Sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. During. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines; reddish, mucous, or bloody; flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. During. Griping in abdomen, with inef- fectual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. During. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool, and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and Offensive. Plumb. Clin. During. Diarrhoea, coming on suddenly; faint feeling before, during, and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet- meats; during Summer every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig. Clin. During. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali C. Clin. During. Haemorrhoids, with bleeding dur- ing and after stool. Ign. Clin. During. Procidentia recti during stool. Ign. Clin. (246) DURINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. DY SENTERY. During. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools Slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yel- low, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. During. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. During. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy, undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- mus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. During. Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid; fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. During. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. During. Nervous diarrhoea from depres- sion of the nerve centres; stools loose, papeScent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. During. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring, cramping from anus to rec- tum and testicles; protrude during || stool, become incarcerated and sup- purate. Sil. Clin. During. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a Sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. During. (Typhoid.) Diarrhoea during typhoid or scarlatina. Apis Clin. During. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. During. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen. Op. Clin. During. (Miscellaneous.) Crawling in rec- tum in evening when sitting, with bit- ing as from worms; itching during the day, Sulf. 2, During. Stool during micturition; also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morning after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. During, Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension; heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep. 5. During. Sticking in anus during the day. Sul. 3. During. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting in anus; as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering dur- ing sweat. Nux V. 5. During. Itching in region of anus dur- ing day and evening; before sleep. Mezer. 3. - During. Stitches in right hypochondrium during and after stooping. Calc. C. 6. During. Sticking in umbilical region dur- ing inspiration. Hyos. 7. During. Constipation during child-bed. Ant. Cr. Clin. During. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot weather. Amt. Cr. Clin. During. Colic during pregnancy or from Suppressed menstruation; menstrual Golic. Puls. Clin. During. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions; from uterine and abdominal conges. tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. During. Yellow, watery diarrhoea; nearly odorless; involuntary; passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium. Hyos. Clin. During. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious; with sen- sation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1, During. Cholera infantum ; stools whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; Sour-smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. During. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. During. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy; forcibly expelled; with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads here and there all over the abdomen, during the pains. Ratan. Clin. During. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hys- terical women, mostly during night; Stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. During. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the Stool. Natr. C. Clin. Dysenteric flux. Agar. 1. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools, with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime sepa- rated. Mur. Ac. Clin. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Dysenteric, bloody stools, with intoler- able, burning tenesmus; with chill as if water were poured over one. Canth. Clin. Dysenteric. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Dysenteries during the autumn, with vio- lent colic and tenesmus; stools al- most black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Dysentery. (Chronic.) Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatu- lence and the burning in anus and rectum; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy stools; with symptoms of ulceration of the rec- tum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. Dysentery. Chronic dysentery; slime, mixed with greenish substances and containing bloody specks. Con. Clin. Dysentery. Chronic dysentery; dis- charges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rec- tum. POd. Clin. Dysentery. Chronic dysentery; stools fre- quent, small, pitch-like, with pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Dysentery. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining, with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. Dysentery. (Temesmus.) Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenesmus as in dysentery, with burning pain and pressure in rectum and amus. Ars. A. 2. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Colch. 1. Dysentery. Diphtheritic dysentery; burn- ing in rectum with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. A c. Clin. Dysentery; discharges bloody, some ten- esmus, but not painful. Bapt. Clin. Dysentery; burning in amus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery, and offen- sive. Plumb. Clin. Dysentery; stools watery, mucous, and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus Tox. Clin. Dysentery in moist weather; aggravation from any current of air; violent te- nesmus of rectum and bladder. Caps. Clin. Dysentery. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. - Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen with ineffectual pressing, straining, and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Dysentery. (Miscellaneous.) Constipation; with sensitiveness above Ponpart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses, and tenesmus. Phos. 1. (247 ) DYSENTERY. REPERTORY OF PART II. EATInc. Dysentery. Deep-seated digging within hips on both sides as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Dysentery from cold, damp weather; rec- tum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. Dysentery, with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Apis Clin. - Dysentery of a low type. Arm. Clin. Dysentery in marshy districts, with in- termittent symptoms. China. Clin. Dysentery, especially in children. Bell. Clin. Dysentery. Autumnal dysentery. Colch. Clin. Dysentery. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted in dysen- tery, with excessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Dysentery. Acute dysentery, with un- quenchable thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burn- ing; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Dysentery; particularly valuable in the collapsed stage; stools involuntary, grumous; with these conditions it has saved many apparently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like scrapings of the intestines; involuntary; putrid; dark. Carbol. A c. Clin. Dysentery; bloody stool with deathly nausea from Smelling cooking; Watery stool, jelly-like mucus, with Scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning of anus, tem- porarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eat- ing or drinking. Coloc. Clin. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear- yellow, red, or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Dysentery when the patient is cold, skin blue; stools of bloody mucus. Iris V. Clin. Dysentery; stools bloody, mucous, every half hour, with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. Clin. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceasing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Dysentery of bloody mucus mixed with the green, watery stool. Mag. C. Clin. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdo- men externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous; like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Dysmenorrhoea. Excessive flatulent dis- tention of abdomen and dysmenor- rhoea. Cocc. Clin. Dyspeptic. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light-gray or brownish ; corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Dyspeptics. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspep- tics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Dyspnoea. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy, or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Early stage of peritomitis and enteritis, with severe, agonizing pain; tossing about; high fever. A con. Clin. Early. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of con- fidence in sphincter ani; worse im- mediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Early. Chronic diarrhoea, especially dur- ing early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offen- sive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Early. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mu- cous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Easy. Stool soft, brownish, easy, floating On water. Merc. 1. Easy. Green stool, preceded by crying; frequent and easy. Borax 1. Easy. Offensive flatus, with stool; fre- quent and loud; easy; with inclina- tion as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Eat. Fetid flatus, with cutting, pinching; then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Constipation in persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Eaten, Stool undigested of food eaten the previous evening; involumtary. Olean. 1. Eaten. Distention of abdomen as if she had eaten too much. Colch. 5. Eating, (Distention of Abdomen after Eat- 'ing.) Distention of abdomen after eat- ing a little, Kali C, 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eating, with tension; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus, Lyc, 5. Eating, Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking. Nux V. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus Smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night; after eating, with heavi- ness. Sulf. 5. - Eating. Distention of abdomen, and after eating tension, with weight; with pain in place of a hernia. Sil. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen all day after eating; fermentation. Rhus TOx. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with intermittent colic and rum- bling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen worse after eating. Natr. C. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with, emission of flatus. Cham. 5. Eat. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate Supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 5. Eating. Fullness in upper abdomen after eating; the food remains long. China 5. Eating. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing with motions and colic, then con- tinued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen. Bry. 5. Eating. (Stool after Eating.) Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic, all the afternoon ; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Eating. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening, immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. Eating, Diarrhoea after eating, of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China, 1. Eating. Stools may be black, brown, burn- ing, putrid; brought on by eating or drinking, or aggravated after mid- night, preceded by most violent burn- ing and cutting pains, and followed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Eating. Urging to stool after eating, when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Eating. Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confi- dence in sphincter ani; worse immed- iately after eating; aggravated in morning, in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Eating. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot uri- nate without having a stool, or the stools became dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Eating. Diarrhoea in wet weather; mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Eating. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals; at night; painless, early in the morning, in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer;|. after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China Clin. Eating. Dysentery bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning in anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by Warmth of bed; aggravation || after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. * Eating. Diarrhoea with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatin- ous, worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus dur- ing typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. (248) EAT INC. REPERTORY OF PART II. EMIC RANTs. Eating. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. - Eating. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody, one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Eating. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested; very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Eating. (Pain after Ealing.) Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying in morning before stool. Nux Eating, Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated ; after eating, with tearing, sticking. Nux W. 2. Eating. Incarcerated flatus, with griping in abdomen after eating. Natr. C. 5. Eating. Cutting in abdomen in morning, with emission of flatus as from flatu- lence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Eating. Cutting in umbilical region after eating, with tenesmus. Coloc. 7. Eating. Cutting in abdomen after eating, jerk-like. Chel. 5. Eating. Griping about umbilicus on eat- ing, with pinching. Nux V. 7. Eating. Griping in umbilical region, at times above at times below navel, in afternoon soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Eating. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. Cocc. 5. Eating. Griping in upper abdomen after eating and drinking. Rhus Tox. 6. Eating. Pinching or cramp-like pressure transversely across abdomen in region of pit of stomach after eating, Cina 5. Eating. Griping in abdomen with inef- fectual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Eating. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel, as if the intes- times were torn. Graph. Clin. Eating. Colic after eating and drinking, obliging one to bend double; worse from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Eating. Colic immediately after eating; and worse after drinking; ameliora- tion from hot, wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Eating. Griping colic, writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Eating. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and pain- ful; watery; involuntary. Ver, Alb. 1. Eating. Griping in umbilical region worse from eating fruit, with cutting and general chill. Coloc. 7. Eating. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. Eating. Gurgling in upper abdomen after eating. Zinc. 5. Eating. Diarrhoea, from eating Sugar Or Sweets, of which there is a great fond- ness. Arg. N. Clin. Eating. Diarrhoea containing undigested food; painless; recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Eating. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs; of yellow mucus; sometimes frothy; extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Eats, Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic region if she eats to satiety. Lyc, 6. Eats. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Carbo V. 5. Effect. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels ir- regular and spasmodic, Nux V. Clin. Effort. Bearing-down pains in hypogas- trium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Effort. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Zinc. 1. Effort. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. Effort. Constipation; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Effort. Constipation from lead poisoning; frequent desire but small evacuations, with great effort. Plat. Clin. Efforts. Dysentery; burning in anus dur- ing stool and long-lasting severe te- nesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, Watery and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Effusions. Dropsical effusions and even peritomitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Eggs. (Stool like Rotten Eggs.) Diarrhoea nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot; smelling like rotten eggs, green, watery; painless, consist- ing of feces and mucus; white, Slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Eggs. Stool intermitting, frequent, at first hard, then pasty, then liquid; white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Eggs. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stool thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Eggs. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot; odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drinking cold water. Staph. Clin. Eggs. Stools at first hard, then mushy; finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smell- ing diarrhoea, alternating with con- stipation. Calc. C. Clin. Eggs. (Stool like Chopped Eggs.) Diar- rhoea; stool like chopped eggs; of yellow mucus, sometimes frothy, ex- tremely fetid; aggravation from eat- ing oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Eggs. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools siimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, pro- fuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOs. Clin. Eggs. Green, slimy stools, mucous; chopped, white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. - Eggs. (Miscellaneous.) Rumbling of ab- domen with emission of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5. Eggs. Flatulence offensive, smelling like rotten eggs. Arm. 5. Eggs. Dysentery, excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch, stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Eight, Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep's-dung; painful, only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls; Often hard. Plumb. 1. Elderly. Constipation in elderly people of the higher class, suffering from re- tarded defecation with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Electric. Cutting in abdomen like an electric shock. Coloc. 5. Electric. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, es- pecially during a sudden transition from rest to motion. Arg. N. 5. Emaciation. Diarrhoea comes on gradu- ally; stools more and more watery; pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China, Clin. Emaciation. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; sticking in region of liver so that he could not breathe nor eructate. Merc. 6. Emaciation. Mesenteric disease; glandu- lar enlargement; emaciation; irregu- lar stool; enormous appetite. Iod. Clin. - Brmaciation. Cirrhotic liver can be felt as elmaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Tod. Clin. Emaciation. Cholera infantum; great desire for indigestible things, like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; Stools green, un- digested; offensive; forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Emigrants. Constipation of emigrants or while travelling. Plat. Clin. (249) EMIN ENCE. REPERTORY OF PART II. EN. C. C. R. C. E. M. ENT. Eminence. Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence. Arn. 7. Emission, (Amelioration from Emission of Flatus.) Distention of abdomen after eating, with tension; amelioration from emission of flatus, Lyc. 5. Emission, Griping, tensive pain in umbili- cal region, extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Emission. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hy- drogen; also at night; after eating, | with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Emission. Distention of abdomen; relieved by emission of flatus; griping. PhOS. A c. 5. Emission. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent, relieved by difficult emis- sion of flatus, lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Emission. Dragging in hypogastrium to- wards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Emission. Abdomen bloated after eat- ing; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. Emission. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling, movements and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Emission. Colic; worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emission of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Emission. (Offensive Flatus.) Flatulence; emission of flatus, worse in evening and night; offensive, smelling of Sulphuretted hydrogen, Sulf, 5. Emission. Rumbling in abdomen with grip- ing and emission of much flatus; offen- sive. Diosc. 5. Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5, Emission. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Emission of offensive flatus. Kali B. 5. Emission of fetid flatus. AEsc. 5. Emission of offensive flatus in evening. Colch. 5. - Emission. Rumbling of abdomen with emission of ſlatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean 5. Emissions of flatus loud, short and inter- rupted; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Emission. Rumbling in abdomen between six and ten p. m., with movements of flatus and aching; then emission of flatus; offensive. China 5. Emission. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool; then yel- lowish-green stools; profuse emission Of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Emission. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yel- low, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Emission, (Flatus with Stool.) Pain in ab- domen at night, waking from uneasy slumber, then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emis- sion of flatus, Arg, N, 5. |Frnission. Diarrhoea, watery, with violent pinching and emission of much flatus. Agar. 1. Emission. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling, then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Emission. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow in morning, with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. - Emission. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sen- sation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Emission. (Miscellaneous.) Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emis- sion of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Ver, Alb. 5. Emission of much inodorous flatus. Emission of flatus, Phos. 5, Emission. Incessant emission of flatus. Mag. M. 5. Emission of flatus, with rumbling and gurgling. Sil. 3. Emission of flatus. I&ali C. 5. Emission. Cutting in abdomen before emission of flatus. Con. 5. Emission. Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 5. Emission. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; Stooping, and, still more, crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Emission. Tympanitic distention of ab- domen not relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 5. Emission. Rumbling and griping in ab- domen always before emission of flatus. Graph. 5. Emission. Pain in abdomen, with fre- quent cutting in stomach and small intestines, with emission of much flatus. DiOSC. 5. Emission. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Emission. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 5. Emission. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. Emission. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. Emission. Inflation and tension with pinching in umbilical region; with frequent emission of flatus. Gamb. 7. Emission. Distention of abdomen after eating, with emission of flatus. Cham. 5. Emission. Distention of abdomen after Supper, with heaviness and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 5. - Emission. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing with emission of flatus, as from flatulence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Emission. Intermittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Agar, 5. Emission. Urging to stool after eating; when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also With emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Emission. Chronic diarrhoea; green, liquid stools; always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Emitted. Flatulence; no flatus emitted up- ward or downward. Ratan, 5. Emitting. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yel- low, fecal, with emission offetid flatus, like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Emotions. T)iarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe, pinching colic before stool; from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Emotions. Painless diarrhoea, with rum- bling of wind; worse at night; from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clim. Emotions. Nervous diarrhoea, from emo- tions; from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Clim. Emptied. Thin stool, preceded and fol- lowed by rumbling, and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied. Jatr. 1, Emptied. Noise in abdomen, as if a full bottle were emptied, in evening; con- tinuing after a thin stool at 10 p.m. Jatr. 5. - Emptiness and weak feeling in abdomen; coldness, Phos. 5, Emptiness. Faintness, with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool, Pod, 5. Emptiness, Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing; tension; heaviness during motion; emp- tiness after stool, Sep, 5. Empty. Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; Saffron-yellow, stringy, and slimy; chopped, Sulf. Ac, 1. Empty. Flatulence here and there in hypo- chondria, even in back; in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eructa- tions, Lyc. 6. - Empty. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus; Small stool, consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Empty. Diarrhoea; watery, frequent, with many empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. Empty. Diarrhoea, always in day time never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Enemas. Constipation resulting from un- wise enemas of water and soap. Op. Clin. Engorged. Liver troubles associated With engorged portal circulation, es- pecially in large haemorrhoids. AEsc. Clin. Engorgement. Haemorrhoids from en- gorgement of the liver; haemorrhage from rectum with soft stool. Hep. Clin. - (250 ) EN CORC. ERM. ENT. REPERTORY OF PART II. EVAC UATION. Engorgement. Inflammation or engorge- ment of the pelvic viscera. A con. Clin. Engorgement of the haemorrhoidal veins is one of the most constant effects of Aloes. Aloe Clin. Engorgement. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking ; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Enlarged. (Liver.) Tension and pressure in hepatic region as if enlarged even to bursting. Calc. C. 6. Enlarged. Liver enormously enlarged; jaundice with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Nit. Ac. Clin. Enlarged indurated liver which is sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. Enlarged. Cirrhosis of the liver, first en- larged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pressure; continu- ing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Enlarged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Mag. M. Clin. Enlarged liver. Ars. A. Clin. Enlarged. Liver enlarged and often in- durated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflam- mation and abscess; jaundice; tender- ness on pressure. Lach. Clin. Enlarged. Congested, enlarged liver; sem- sation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Enlarged. (Spleem.) Enlarged spleen. Ars. A. Clin. Enlarged spleen, which is painful; the pains are acute and sticking. China Clin. Enlarged. General tympanitis, with en- larged spleen. Phos. A c. Clin. Enlarged spleen, which is painful on coughing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Enormous. (Miscellameous.) Mesenteric disease; glandular enlargement; ema- ciation; irregular stool; enormous ap- petite. Tod. Clin. Enlarged mesenferic glands and tumors - in the abdomen. Con. Clin. Enlarged. Piles, with enlarged prostate gland, intense pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clin. Enlargement. (Liver.) Enlargement of liver. Phos. 6. Enlargement of the liver, with heaviness in the hepatic region. Sep. Clin. Enlargement. Inflammation and gan- grene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Enlargement of liver, which is sore with jaundice. Calc. C. Clin. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade or with jaundice; yellow tongue, bitter taste. Chel. Clin. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbilicus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Enlargement. A trophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOS. Clin. Enlargement. Hyperaemia; at first en- largement, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos, Clin. Enlargement. (Miscellaneous.) Enlarge- ment of spleen, with pain. Phos. 6. Enlargement of the spleen, with salivation. Iod. Clin. Enlargement. Mesenteric disease; glandu- lar enlargement; emaciation irregu- lar stool, enormous appetite. Tod. Clin. Enteritis. Catarrhal enteritis; perity ph- litis; subacute colitis. Merc. Clin. Enteritis. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe, agonizing pain; tossing about; high fever. A con. Clin. Enteritis. Peritonitis and enteritis, with restlessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Enveloped. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking, cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1, Enveloped. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; then a a soft One en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Enveloped. Constipation; fecal stools completely enveloped in mucus. Op. Clin. Enveloped. Nervous diarrhoea, from de- pression of the nerve centres; Stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at anus during and after stool. Zinc, Clin. Epigastric. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hypo- chondria. Crotal. H. 5. Epigastric. Feeling below hypochondria as if laced, with trembling and throb- bing in epigastric region. Calc. C. 6. Epigastric. Tension in abdomen, especi- ally in epigastric region, between pit of stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Eructate. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; sticking in region of liver, so that he could not breathe nor eructate. Merc. 6. Eructations, Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bub- bling; amelioration from empty eruc- tations, Lyc. 6. Eructations. Pressing downward in hypo- gastrium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructa- tions and sleep. Sep. 7. Eructations. Colic from the passage of gall-stones; pain shooting into chest and arms with terrible eructations. DiOSC. Clin. Eructations. Diarrhoea; watery, frequent, with many -empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. Eructations. Pain in right hypochon- drium ; contractive; worse in morn- ing; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Eructations. Hepatic diseases with indi- gestion; eructations, salivation, heart- burn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Eruption. Herpetic eruption about anus. Natr. M. Clin. Eruption. Haemorrhoids from a pressed cutaneous eruption. Clin. Escape. Fear lest stool should escape, with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would es- cape on passing - urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand. Aloe 2. Escaped. Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf. 1. Escaped. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a.m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Evacuate. Inactivity of rectum and in- ability to evacuate feces; constant, ineffectual desire after stool. Nit. Ac. 2. Evacuate. Ineffectual urging, with feel- ing as if rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Kali C. 2. Evacuate. Urging more in upper intes- times; stool soft and insufficient; anxious urging; inability to evacuate feces, without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign, 2. Evacuated. Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stoo!, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing, sticking. Nux W. 2. Evacuated. Griping in abdomen, with constant desire for stool, but little is evacuated. Merc. 5. Evacuated. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep, Clin. Sup- Aloe Evacuated. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum which can not be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Evacuating. Flatulent colic, only slightly relieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Evacuation. (Stool.) Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rectum. Alum. 1. Evacuation. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon then burn- ing in anus, with much flatus, then hard portions, then again soft so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Evacuation. Burning in rectum with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools with relief of all symptoms| except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. EVACUATION. REPERTORY OF PART II. EXCO RIAT N. C. Evacuation of shreds of mucus or of undi- gested food with enormous distention of abdomen; stools excessively offen- sive. Arg. N. Clin. Evacuation. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot, odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drinking cold water. Staph. Clin. Evacuation. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. Evacuation. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation, yellow, thin, or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AESC. Clin. Evacuation. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire imme- diately passes off without an evacua- tion. Anac. Clin. Evacuation. Constipation produced by cheese; better from smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacua- tion, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Evacuation. (Miscellaneous.) Evacuation of large, round worms. Merc. 2. Evacuation. Collection of flatus in ab- domen without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Evacuations excoriated the skin about the anus. Ars, A, 3. Evacuations. Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then six- teen evacuations of greenish, fetid mu- cus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg, N. 5, Evacuations. Copious alvine evacuations. Ant. T. 1. Evacuations. Stool natural at first ; then Several small, loose evacuations, then small, hard evacuations with violent straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. I. Evacuations. Constipation from lead poi- soning; frequent desire but small evacuations with great effort. Plat. Clin. Evacuations. Diarrhoea, in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Evening. (Amus.) Blind haemorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful, protruding. Puls, 3. Evening. Burning Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in sore; biting in evening with sore pain. Nux V. 3. Evening. Burning in anus in evening. Iod. 3. Evening, Itching in region of anus dur- ing day and evening; before sleep. Mezer. 3. Evening. Crawling tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. - Evening. (Flatus.) Flatulence; emission of flatus, worse in evening and night; of. fensive, smelling like sulphuretted hy- drogen, Sulf. 5. Evening, Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, or colic, worse in eve- ning in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intes- fines to another, Puls, 5. Evening. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux V. 5. Evening. Rumbling in upper part of ab- domen in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 5. Evening. Emission of offensive flatus in evening. Colch. 5. Evening. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after mid- night; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. Evening. Cutting in abdomen in morning, with emission of flatus, as from flatu- lence; in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Evening. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- Eent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Evening. Colic, with great distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, recur- ring towards evening. Sep. Clin. Evening. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet ; from fruit, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening, after sup- per or at night. Puls. Clin. Evening. (Pain in Abdomen.) Pain in abdomen in evening, after drinking, after stool, on touch ; with diarrhoea. |Puls. 5. Evening. Griping in abdomen; ameliora- tion after discharge of flatus in even- ing and night, relieved by bending forward. Iris V. 5. Evening. Cutting in abdomen towards evening, during stool; after the stool shivering. Canth. 5. Evening. Cramps in abdomen; aggrava- tion in evening and night, with cold- ness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. Evening. (Stool.) Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening, immediately after eating and drinking; alternating with con- stipation. Pod, 1. Evening. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Evening. Diarrhoea; stool frequent in evening; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Evening, (Rectum.) Ineffectual urging in rectum in evening, with protrusion of rectum, Ign, 2. Evening. Sticking in rectum, taking away the breath; worse in evening. Sulf, 2. Evening, Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf, 2. Evening. Itching in rectum in evening in bed. Ign. 2. Evening. Protrusion of rectum, with itch- ing in evening in bed. Natr. M. 2. Evening. Desire for stool in rectum in evening. With griping in hypogas- trium ; then large moist, at last thin, Sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Evening. Prolapsus of rectum with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Evening. (Miscellaneous.) Griping tensive pain in umbilical region extending to- Wards stomach in afternoon and even- ing; relieved by emission of flatus, Sulf. Evening, Stool undigested of food eaten the previous evening, involuntary. Olean. 1. Evening. Heavy grinding in region of liver; worse in evening. Diosc. 6. Evening. Pain in abdomen, caused by evening air, with diarrhoea, as from a *. Stone. Merc. 5. Evening. Noise in abdomen, as if a full bottle were emptied, in evening, con- tinuing after a thin stool at 10 p.m. Jatr. 5. Evening. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic, which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. Eversion. Urging, more in upper intes- times; stool soft and insufficient; anx- ious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Everted. Prolapsus of rectum, as if everted, when urinating. Mur. A c. 2. Excesses. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Excessive perspiration Thuja. Clin. Excessive. Colic, originating in a de- pressed or excessive bilious secretion. POd. Clin. Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen and dysmemorrhoea. Cocc. Clin. Excessive flatulence, especially in hysteri- cal subjects. Ign. Clin. Excessive. Diarrhoea with excessive ac- cumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown, or pale, fecal; mixed with | hard lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, red- dish mucous, undigested. Lyc. Clin. Exciting, Sharp pain in rectum after stool, after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying in morning, be- fore stool, Nux W. 2, Excoriated. Stools black, acrid, putrid; ex- Coriated skin about anus. Ars, A, 1. Excoriated. Evacuations excoriated the skin about the anus, Ars. A, 3, Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended With a contraction of rectum and con- striction of anus. Alum. 3. Excoriating. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus, whitish gray, Merc. 1. On perineum. (252) EXCOR AT | N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. EXT END IN C. Excoriating. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Excoriation, Pressure and sense of excoria- tion in rectum after a small, hard stool, Alum, 2. Excoriation, Evacuation of a small quan- tity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rectum, Alum, 1. Exertion, ate exertion of stool. Ign, 2. Exertion. Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion, almost unnoticed, Aloe 1. Exertion. Pressure in hypogastrium on physical exertion. Calc. C. 7. Exertion. Rumbling and noises in ab- domen, with discharge of flatus; unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. Exertion. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. - Exhausting. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive- green, exhausting, pernicious, Offen- sive, frequent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Exhausting. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Exhausting. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. Exhausting. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; watery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains, like tallow. Phos. Clin. Exhausting. Chronic diarrhoea, of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish, whey-like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Tod. Clin. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux Mos. Clin. , Exhaustion. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking or aggravated after midnight, preceeded by most violent, burning, and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Exhaustion. Burning in rectum and amus after soft stool, with exhaustion. PhOS. 2. Exhaustion. Autumnal bilious diarrhoea exhaustion and debility from the start. Iris V. Clin. Expel, Distention of abdomen, but no power to expel its contents, Op. 5. Expel. Stool remains long in rectum as if there were no power to expel it, Sil, 2. Prolapsus of rectum from moder- | Expel. Urging in rectum, but large intes- times are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles. Hep, 2, Expel. Tenesmus, but he cannot expel anything, and the rectum seems plugged up. Anac. 2. Expel. Frequent tenesmus during the day without ability to expel anything. Anac. 2. Expel. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Expelled. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid, or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Expelled. Diarrhoea daily after break- fast from vaccination; stools pale yellow, watery, oily, and greasy, for- cibly expelled; gurgling like water from a bung-hole. Thuja. Clin. Expelled. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times like pads here and there; all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Expelled. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are expelled they sud- denly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty. Sil. Clin. Expelled. Constipation; desire for stool but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be ex- pe led; ineffectual urging, with sharp splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. A c. Clin. Expelled. T)iarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Expelled. Cholerainfantum ; great desire for indigested things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen Sunken ; flabby emaciation; stools green, undi- gested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. C. Clin. Exposure. Cholera infantum; stools whit- ish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; SOur Smell- ing of whole body, especially during teething. Rheum Clin. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenes- mus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Expulsion. Frequent and successful desire for stool in lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of soft stool. Arg. Mſ. 2. Expulsion. Difficult expulsion of soft stool. Natr. S. Clin. Expulsion. Diarrhoea, in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Expulsion. Congestion of anus after dim- ner; expulsion of ascarides; sticking, Soreness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Expulsion. Obstinate constipation; diffi- cult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping- up sensation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Extending. (Eastending to Back.) Chilliness in abdomen, extending around to lower part of back, Puls, 5. Extending. Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall-bladder; with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Extending. Sensation in abdomen, ex- tending into small of back, as if some- thing fell down. Laur. 5. Extending. Griping in umbilical region, then cutting in abdomen across right lumbar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. Extending. TXrawing pain in posterior part extending towards back like tearings. Calc. C. 6. Extending. Sticking deep in one or other ilium an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inwards towards small of back. Berb. 7. Extending. Intermittent boring in abdo- men often extending to chest, threat- ening Suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Extending. Sticking in umbilical region, in a spot, obliging him to bend up ; worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Extending. Painter’s colic; pain in um- bilical region extending through to the back. Plat. Clin. Extending. Pain in region of gall-bladder extending to spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Lept. Clin. Extending. (Earlending to Chest.) Tensive pain extending to chest as from dis- tention of abdomen. Caps. 5. Extending. Pinching constriction in up- per abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. Cocc. 5. Extending. Sticking in abdomen as from flatulence, extending into chest. Cham. 5. - Extending. Pain in right hypochondrium; contractive; Worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Extending. Stitches in abdomen, with griping, tearing, drawing, extending to Chest. Nux V. 5. Extending. (Eastending to Testicles.) Draw- ing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down. Puls, 5. Extending. Pain in hypogastrium; in ring, When coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if Spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Extending. Drawing, burning in hypo- gastrium, extending from right ring, as if in Spermatic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. (253 ) EXT END N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. F A L. L. Extending. Boring, cramp-like pains in anus, extending into rectum and testi- cles. Sil. 3. Extending. Griping in left inguinal, ex- tending to testicles. Diosc. 7. Extending, (Miscellaneous.) Coarse, sticking in anus, extending deep into rectum, Ign. 3. Extending. Pinching in abdomen, as if bowels were pressed inwards; ameliora- tion from pressure and bending inward, with cutting, extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together, as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5, Extending. Constriction in hypogastrium, as from a stone, extending to bladder, Puls, 7. Extending. Pain in hepatic region extend- ing downward and across umbilical region, as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. IExtending. Itching, burning in rectum at night on waking, and in morning, with pinching, extending to perin- eum. Nit. A c. 2. Extending. Tensive, spasmodic pain in inguinal regions, extending from up- per and outer part downward and in- ward. Chel. 7. Extending. Intermittent, acute pain in liver region, extending to Scapulae. Hydras. 6. Extending. Paralytic, bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Extending. Tearings extending around anus, with Smarting. Berb. 3. Extending. Pain in pubic region, extend- ing towards anus. Nux V. 7. Extending. Burning pain in hypogas- trium extending to sacrum. Crotal. H. 7. Extending. Pain in hypogastrium, ex- tending to genitals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Extending. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Extending. Stitches in abdomen, extend- ing into the vagina; tearing, cutting. Ars. A. 5. Extending. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's ligament at left ilium, extending down then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Extending. Constrictive pain below short ribs, extending into lumbar vertebrae. Camph. 5. - Extending. Pain to side of umbilicus cor- responding to a place in front of kid- neys and rather to side; mostly stick- ing; often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, Spleen, or stomach. Berb. 7. - Extending. Drawing pain in right hy- pochondrium, extending towards sym- physis pubis. Calc. C. 6. Extending. Pain in region of gall-bladder, aggravated by walking; in liver, ex- tending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Extending. Sticking in liver; in right hy- pochondrium, with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending backward. Laur. 6. Extending. Tension in region of left an- terior superior spine of ilium, in evening, changing into drawing, ex- tending to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner sur- face of thigh. Coloc. 7. g Extending. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure; extending into region Of stomach. Berb. 6. Extending. Pain in hepatic region, in- Greased on pressure; stiºches in right hypochondrium, extending to gastric region. Ars. A. Clim. Extending. Sore feeling, extending to the whole abdomen; aggravated by riding in a carriage. Arg. M. Clin. Extending. Flatulent colic; the incarcer- ated flatus causes much pain, as it eannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pain, across abdomen, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Externally. Sticking in hepatic region, sometimes also in hip, with burning or biting externally. Zinc. 6. Externally. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night : pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Extremely valuable in typhlitis and in the late stage of peritonitis. Lach. Clin. Extremities. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored, black, mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and amus. Ars. A. 1. Extremities. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor; with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Exudation. Glutinous, musty exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Eyes, Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting, extending towards pubic re- gion; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. - Eyes. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skim, nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. Eyes. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Face. Drawing, griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum; nausea; weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing. Ign, 5. Face. Ascarides, with itching, unnatural appetite, flushed face. Ferr. Clin. Face. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features, and staggering; pu- pils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Face. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools, swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Facial. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. Faint. Diarrhoea coming on suddenly; faint feeling before, during, and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet- meats during summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig. Clin. ...” Faintness, with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool, Pod, 5. Faintness. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, Swelling, hardness; con- stant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintiness. Iod. 6. - Faintness. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Faintness. Jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faintness. Nux V. Clin. t Faintness. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless, gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Faintness. Diarrhoea, with urging and in- ability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Fall, Heaviness in abdomen like a stone just before menses; during menses; in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting, Puls, 5. Fall. . Pain in hypogastrium, extending to genitals, as if everything in abdo- men would fall out and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Fall. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed : aggravation from stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness would press forward and everything would fall out. Cocc. 7. Fall. Constriction and weight in abdo- men, with sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Fall. Pressure in hypogastrium as if blad- der would fall out over os pubis; par- tially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Fall. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice- water Stools, varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. ( 254 ) FALL IN C. REPERTORY OF PART II. FECEs. Falling. Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion, al- most unnoticed. Aloe 1. Fat. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and Consumptives, which is caused when- ever taking fresh meat, fat foods; acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Flatulent distention of abdomen, with great increase of fat; abdominal dropsy. Calc. C. Clin. Fat. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Fat. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; One stool fetid, the other odorless; One containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Fat. Clin. Fatty liver, in consequence of cardiac troubles. Phos. Clin. Fatty diarrhoea from disease of the pan- creas. Tod. Clin. Fatty. Hyperaemia; at first enlarge- ment, fatty degeneration and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool always a | feeling as if more were at hand. Aloe 2. | Features. Colic; scanty urine, with pal- lor, Sunken features, and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face cov- ered with clammy Sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Fecal. (Stools.) Constipation; fecal stools completely enveloped in mucus. Op. Clin. Fecal. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, Sour stool with un- digested food. Hep. Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Fecal. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yel. low, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive; thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Eecal. Diarrhoea, with excessive accumu- lation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale, fecal, mixed with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before and during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxi- cating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Fecal. Chronic diarrhoea with a psoric an- amnesis; stool brown, fecal, ferment- ed, offensive. Mezer. Clin. - Fecal. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion Sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Fecal. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Fecal. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fe- cal, fluid, papeScent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Fecal. (Vomiting.) Intestinal obstruction, with fecal vomiting and violent colic. Op. Clin. Feces, (Constipation.) Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rectum. Alum. 1, Feces. Urging in rectum, but large intes- tines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles. Hep. 2. Feces, Constipation; stools of tenacious feces, with great tenesmus. Merc, C, 1. Feces. Inactivity of rectum and inability to evacuate feces; constant, inffectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Feces. Urging, more in upper intestines; stools soft and insufficient; anxious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and pro- lapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Feces. Constipation; stool of brown feces, containing white, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. Feces. Constipation in Sad, desponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Feces. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum ; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Feces. Inveterate constipation, with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Feces. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Feces. Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool or the feces are covered with glairy mucus, and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. f Feces. Constipation; torpor of bowels, feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty from constriction of sphincter ani and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Feces. Constipation with vertigo; heat in head, and tinnitus aurium, large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass then even when soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. China Clin. Feces. Obstinate constipation, difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the amus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Feces. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps, which remain long in rectum and when feces are expelled they sud- denly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty. Sil. Clin. Feces. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep’s-dung, covered with blood and mucus, Mag. M. Clin. Feces. (Diarrhoea.) Stool watery; feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellow- greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water, Grat, 1. Feces. Diarrhoea nightly with colic so that she must bend double; hot, smell- ing like rotten eggs, green, watery; painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white; slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Feces. Diarrhoea after eating, of undigested feces; also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China, 1. Feces. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Feces. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with || mucus and dark, clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Feces. Stool enveloped by filamentous, yellowish mucus; this mucus is en- tirely blood in last portions of feces. Carbo V. 1. Feces. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with Sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Feces. Small stool after colic, with tenes- mus; first of dark green feces, then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Feces. Watery feces, frequent, with sore- ness in anus; bright yellow, fluid feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Feces. Diarrhoea, copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; Orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. Feces. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum, or rough, hard feces, with con- stant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. ( 255 ) FEC E S. REPERTORY OF PART II. F ETI D. Feces. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin, and brown, later cada- Verous-smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Feces. Chronic catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with mucous discharge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. Feces. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools; varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colóh. Clin. Feces. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Feces. Diarrhoea, with great prostration and collapse at the very commence- ment of the disease; cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark brown, brown or black feces like Coffee- grounds, rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. - Feel. Sensation in abdomen as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Feeling, (Abdomen.) Emptiness and weak feeling in abdomen; coldness. Phos, 5. Feeling, Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow, stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac. 1, Feeling. Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand. Aloe 2, Feeling. Weak feeling in abdomen as if diarrhoea would occur. Aloe 5. Feeling, Weak feeling in abdomen as if menses would come on. Sulf. A c. 5. Feeling of distention of abdomen, with constrictive pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Feeling in abdomen as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Carbo V. 5. Feeling below hypochondria as if laced, with trembling and throbbing in epi- gastric region. Calc. C. 6. Feeling in abdomen as if distended even to bursting, causing Suffocation. Caps. 5. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed outward; aggra- vated by standing. Bell. 7. Feeling of tension in hypogastrium when sitting and walking, with heaviness. Kali. C. 7. Feeling. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m.; a weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Feeling. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow in morning, with full feeling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Feeling. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbili- cus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Feeling. Atomy of the stomach and ab- domen; feeling as if they hung down, relaxed. Staph. Clin. Feeling. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Feeling. (An us and Rectum.) Itching around anus at border, with sore feeling. Sulf, 3, - Feeling. Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic region if she eats to satiety. Lyc, 6. Feeling. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of amus. Alum. 3. Feeling. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Feeling in rectum as if mucous membrane were thick and obstructed stool; and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were continued. AFSC. 2. Feeling in rectum as if he would have diarrhoea; as soon as he drank any- thing, but only a little passed every time. Caps. 2. Feeling. Dried and constricted feeling in rectum during stool. Alum. 2. Feeling. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Feeling. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum which Cannot be evacuated; stools seems to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Feet. Colic from cold; from getting feet wet; from fruit, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. Feet. Acute dysentery, with unquench- able thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Feet. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Fell. Sensation in abdomen, extending into small of back, as if something fell down. Laur. 5. Felt. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis, partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. . . Females. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Fermented. Diarrhoea, as if fermented; frequent, of greenish mucus. Ipec. 1. Fermented. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continuous nausea. Ipec. Clin. Fermented. Chronic diarrhoea with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fermented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Fermented. Stools at first hard then mushy, finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, Sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Calc. C. Clin. Fermented. Dysenteries during the au- tumn with violent colic and tenes- mus; stools almost black and fer- mented like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Fermented. Diarrhoea with great pros- tration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Fermentation in abdomen from fruit, China 5. Fermentation. Distention of abdomen all day after eating; fermentation. Rhus TOx. 5. Fermenting. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting, rum- bling, then watery diarrhoea. Nux 7 Fetid. (Flatus.) Emission of fetid flatus. AESC. 5. Fetid. Rumbling in upper part of abdo- men in evening, then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 5. Fetid flatus with cutting pinching; then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Fetid. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. . - Fetid. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continued inclina- tion, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Fetid. Flatulent colic; worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zinc. Clim. - Fetid, Flatulent colic with constriction around stomach and navel; incarcer- ated flatus; passes Sour-smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Fetid. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Fetid, (Stool.) Stool tough, gluey, fetid; so urgent that some escaped prema- turely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1. Fetid, Pain in abdomen at night; waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Arg, N, 5. Fetid. Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and fre- quent in morning; pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Fetid. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark, Secale 1. Fetid, Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Lept. 1. (256 ) F ETI D. REPERTORY OF PART II. FLATULENCE. Fetid. Copious diarrhoea, with vomiting; then watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. Fetid. Stool brown, liquid, fetid, copious. Arg. N. 1. Fetid. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Fetid. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing pain before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes, undigested, putrid, fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. Fetid. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools became dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Fetid. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus; sometimes frothy, extremely fetid ; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Fetid. Interminable diarrhoea in summer, which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish, or greenish ; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Fetid. Chronic diarrhoea with gradual loss of strength ; fetid stool and flatus smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of Sulphur. Clin. ** Fetid. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea with almost constant Oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green, or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Fetid. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Fetid. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf Clin. Fetid. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drink- ing cold water; with flatulent disten- tion; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolap- sus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Fetid. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea, with great prostration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented; with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. - Fetid. Fissure of the anus, with constant oozing of fetid moisture; with raw smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. Ac. Clin. Fetor. Chronic diarrhoea, stools brown fluid mixed with undigested food and of intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Fever. Dysentery, with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Apis Clin. - Phos. Fever. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, SWelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness; small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Fever. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Fever. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe, agonizing pain; tossing about ; high fever. Acon. Clin. Fever. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Fever. Pertyphlitis, with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix and hardness. Crotal. II. Clin. Fever. Diarrhoea, brown, yellow or slimy, putrid odor, with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; tendency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Fever. Atrophic, nutmeg liver, which is swollen ; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOs. Clin. Fever. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric; much black, of fensive blood; pseudo membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Filled. Dryness in rectum, with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks. Æsc, 2. Filled. Distention of abdomen, beginning at stomach; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Filled. Constipation for days; no desire; no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux MOS. Clin. Finger. Beating and bubbling in liver as in a sore finger; burning. Laur. 6. Fissure of anus with very great irritabil- ity. Sil. Clim. Fissure of the anus with constant oozing of fetid moisture; with raw smarting as if cut with a knife. Nit. A.C. Clin. Fissured. Constipation ; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured; the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Fissures. Piles and fissures at the anus, with great itching; scurf on borders Of an us. Petr. Clin. - Fissures of the anus, with periodical pro- fuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus TOX. Clin. Fissures of the anus without constipation; acute pains, shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Fissuring. Obstinate constipation; diffi- cult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping- up sensation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of the abdomen; ameliora- tion from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Fist. Fistula in anus. Thuja. Clin. Fistula, in ano. Sil. Clin. Fistula, ani. Calc. Ph. Clin. Fistula. Pruritus in anus and fistula. Caust. Clin. Fistula. Haemorrhoids, complicating fis- tula ani, especially in persons suffer- ing from lung trouble. Kali C, Clin. Fistula in the anus, with sensation of beating as of little hammers. Lach. Clin. Fistula recti, with bilious symptoms; ag- gravated when sitting. Berb. Clin. Colic; crampy pains, following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen after lithotomy. Staph. Clin. - Five a. m. Stool during micturition, also at 5 a. m., with micturition ; in morn- ing after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. Flabby. Cholera infantum, great desire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Flakes. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation; con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Flakes. Diarrhoea copious, yellowish, and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. Flakes. Diarrhoea with cutting, pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, Sour-smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Flakes. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Flaky. Diarrhoea like scrapings of intes. times, reddish, mucous, or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Flaky. Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless; gushing; profuse; watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Flank. Twitching in left side of abdomen, betwen navel and left flank, as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Flanks. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles. Asaf. 5. Flatulence, Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; ameliora- tion from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; ameliora- tion from empty eructations, Lyc, 6. Fit, (257 ) FLATULENCE. REPERTORY OF PART II. F LATUS. Flatulence; no flatus emitted upward or downward. Ratan, 5. Flatulence, Stools watery, with flatulence and frequent; more frequent after tak- ing food or water, Ferr, 1. - Flatulence; emission of flatus, worse in eve- ning and night; offensive, smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sulf, 5. Flatulence in abdomen, then urging; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Flatulence. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Flatulence, Tearing around umbilicus, With flatulence, Natr, S. 7, Flatulence. Thin stool afternoons with flatulence. Dulc. 1. Flatulence. Sticking in abdomen as from flatulence, extending into chest. Cham. 5. Flatulence in abdomen after every meal. Borax 5. Flatulence. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive fla- tus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. Flatulence and distention of abdomen from things which usually digested easily. Carbo V. 5. Flatulence. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus; as from flatulence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Flatulence. Sudden flatulence in hypo- gastrium, passing painfully towards ring, Graph. 7. Flatulence. In termittent pain with flat- ulence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Flatulence in abdomen rising and becom- | ing incarcerated under short ribs. Nux V. 5. Flatulence. Diarrhoea during first denti- tion with much wind, after vexation ; containing white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Flatulence, offensive, smelling like rotten eggs. Arm. 5. Flatulence. Incarcerated flatulence in left side. Sulf. Clin. Flatulence. Excessive flatulence, especi- ally in hysterical subjects. Ign. Clin. Flatulence. Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach, usually with great flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Flatulence. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum ; dis- charge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Flatulent. Scanty, watery stool about mid- night, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool, Arg, N, 1. Flatulent. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Wer, Alb, 5. Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool. Lyc. 5. Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating; after drinking. Nux V. 5. Flatulent. Small, frequent passage, consist- ing of mucus at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Flatulent. Pain in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative. A con. 7. Flatulent pain in abdomen like labor pains. Natr. M. 5. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight, not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. Flatulent. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent, relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about pain- fully; worse in upper abdomen. Puls. Flatulent. Pain in abdomen as if every- thing were sore; on every step as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen after eating; after a moderate supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and || rumbling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Flatulent. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling in morn- ing in bed; with grumbling and flat- ulent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Flatulent. Colic before stool; before pass- age of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. China 5. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux V. 5. Flatulent. Rumbling in abdomen in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with Spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic, and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. Flatulent. Excessive, flatulent distention of abdomen and dysmenorrhoea. Cocc. Clin. Flatulent. Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Flatulent. Diarrhoea, brought on by rid- ing in Cars Or Carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatu- lent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid; yellow ; pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Flatulent. Violent, flatulent colic, gen- erally relieved by walking about ; ag- gravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Flatulent distention of abdomen, with great increase of fat; abdominal dropsy. Calc. C. Clin. Flatulent colic, relieved by stretching the body out or walking. Diosc. Clin. Flatulent colic and constipation, especi- ally in children. Iris V. Clin. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent, loose stools; cutting almost constant- ly, running from right to left. Ipec. Clin. Flatulent colic. Cham, Clin. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. Cocc. Clin. Flatulent colic, only slightly relieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. , Flatulent colic with constriction around stomach and navel; incarcerated fla- tus; passes sour-smelling or fetid fla- tus. Natr. C. Clin, Flatulent. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet, from fruit, ices, pastry; flat- ulent colic in evening, after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. - Flatulent colic, worse from wine, with re- traction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Flatulent colic deep in the abdomen, worse when lying, Phos. Clin. Flatulent. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. . Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Flatus, Emission of much inodorous flatus, Agar, 5. Flatus, Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion; al- most unnoticed. Aloe 1. Flatus, Pain in abdomen at night; waking from uneasy slumber, then sixteen evacu- ations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Arg, N. 5. Flatus, Flatulence; no flatus emitted up- ward or downward, Ratan, 5. Flatus, Emission of flatus, Phos. 5, Flatus. Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool | always a feeling as if more were at hand Aloe 2. Flatus. Distention of abdomen with motion of flatus, Aloe 5. - Flatus. Distention of abdomen by flatulence, Waking about midnight, causing oppres- sive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc. 5, Flatus, Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in evening, and colic; worse in evening, in bed, with gurgling, griping, and moving of flatus from one part of intes- times to another. Puls, 5. Flatus, Distention of abdomen after eating, with tension; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus, Lyc, 5. ( 258 ) F LATUS, REPERTORY OF PART II. F LAT U.S. Flatus. Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there, the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Ver, Alb, 5. Flatus. Pressure in abdomen, downward at night, waking her, with tension of muscles; so that he could not straighten up; as from incarcerated fiatus, Sulf, 5. Flatus, Tension in abdomen and incarcera- tion of flatus. Lyc, 5. Flatus, Distention of abdomen, as from in- carceration of flatus. Graph, 5. Flatus, Pain in umbilical region, emanating from navel; amelioration by frequent discharge of flatus. Coloc, 7. Flatus. region, extending towards stomach, in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus, Sulf, 7. Flatus. Offensive flatus. Bry, 5. Flatus, Rumbling in abdomen, with griping and emission of much flatus; offensive, Diosc. 5, Flatus, Flatulence; emission of flatus; worse in evening and night; offensive, smell- ing of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sulf. 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5, Flatus. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Flatus. Stool pasty with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon, then burning in anus, with much flatus, then hard por- tions, then again soft, so that he be- lieved he would scarcely finish the evacuation, Bry. 1. tº Flatus. Flatulence in abdomen, then urg- ing; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Flatus. Diarrhoea, watery, with violent pinching and emission of much flatus. Agar. 1. Flatus. Stool fluid after eating, with dis- charge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Flatus. Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amel- ioration after a thin stool, with dis- charge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Flatus. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Flatus. Emission of flatus after every meal; On attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like Sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night; after eating, with heav- iness. Sulf. 5. & Flatus. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first ; then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucous, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. - - Flatus. Distention of abdomen relieved by emission of flatus; griping. Phos. A c. 5. Griping, tensive pain in umbilical, Flatus. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish-gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Flatus. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Flatus. Diarrhoea; frequent, thin, in- Voluntary, with flatus; small. Ign. 1. Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling ; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Flatus. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow in morning, with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Flatus. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsciously, with sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Flatus. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sen- sation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Flatus. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in eve- ning; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf 1. Flatus. Emission of flatus, with rum- bling and gurgling. Sil. 3. Flatus. Incessant emission of flatus. Mag. M. 5. g Flatus. Emission of flatus. Kali C. 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing ; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Flatus. Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 5. Flatus. Cutting in abdomen in morning, with emission of flatus, as from flatu- lence in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Flatus. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. Flatus. Rumbling and noises in abdo- men, with discharge of flatus, unsatis- factory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. Flatus. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. - Flatus. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully, worse in upper abdo- men. Puls. 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen with grip- ing and emission of flatus. Asaf. 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after sup- per, with heaviness and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 5. Flatus. Griping in umbilical region, at times above, at times below the navel in afternoon, soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Flatus. Rumbling and griping in abdo- men always before emission of flatus. Graph. 5, Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen, with un- easiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 5. Flatus. Inflation and tension, with pinch- ing in umbilical region; with frequent emission of flatus. Gamb. 7. Flatus. Pain in abdomen, with frequent cutting in stomach and small intes- times; with emission of much flatus. DiOSC. 5. Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen, with in- flation and accumulation of flatus. Gamb. 5, - Flatus. Urging to stool after eating; when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Flatus. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing, with emission of flatus. Cham. 5. Flatus. Griping in abdomen, with pain on passage of flatus. China 5. Flatus. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. China 5. Flatus. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; Stooping, and, still more, Crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Flatus. Cutting in abdomen before emis- sion of flatus. Con. 5. Flatus. Intermittent griping in hypogas- trium, so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, preceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Flatus. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped together; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Flatus. Incarceration of flatus under short ribs. Canth. 6. Flatus. Incarceration of flatus in hypo- chondria, with oppression of chest. PhOS. 6. Flatus. Incarceration of flatus. Mag. M. 5. Flatus. Incarceration of flatus in hypo- gastrium. Staph. 7. ** Flatus. Incarcerated flatus. Kali C. 5. Flatus. Sticking in rectum as from in- Carcerated flatus. Puls. 2. Flatus. Cutting in hypogastrium with in- carceration of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus with tension; Sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus in rectum. Natr. C. 2. § Flatus. Flatulent colic with constriction around stomach and navel; incarcer- ated flatus; passes sour-smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Flatus. Incarcerated flatus with griping in abdomen after eating. Natr. C. 5. Flatus. Collection of flatus in abdomen, without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incar- cerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Flatus. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step as from in- carcerated flatus; flatulent after stool as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Flatus. Emissions of flatus loud, short, and interrupted; offensive; worse be- fore stool. Mezer. 5, ( 259 ) F LAT U.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. FLU i D. | Flatus. Stools offensive, with offensive | Flatus. Shifting of flatus, with sharp ||Floating. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of flatus; frequent, of only mucus; at. cutting colic; with nausea. Ant. T. a frog pond; green, frothy; white times with cutting and urging. Nit. Clin. masses, like lumps of tallow, floating Ac. 1. Flatus. Emission of Offensive flatus. Kali B. 5. Flatus. Distention of abdomen with mo- tions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. - Flatus. Fetid flatus with cutting, pinch- ing, then diarrhoea with pain in abdo- men on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Flatus. Rumbling of abdomen with emis- sion of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5. Flatus. Emission of offensive flatus in evening. Colch. 5. Flatus. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Flatus. Loud, offensive flatus all the after- noon. Caust. 5. Flatus. Emission of fetid flatus. AEsc. 5. Flatus. Offensive flatus, with stool; fre- quent and loud; easy, with inclination as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Flatus. Rumbling in upper part of abdo- men in evening; then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 5. Flatus. Rumbling in abdomen betwen 6 and 10 p.m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; Offensive. China 5. Flatus. Tympanitic distention of abdo- men, not relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 5. Flatus. Pain in abdomen before break- fast; flatulent; relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Flatus. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. Flatus. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Flatus. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rum- bling all day, with gurgling; move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Flatus. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after mid- night, not relieved by emission of fla- tus. Puls. 5. Flatus. Griping in abdomen; ameliora- tion after discharge of flatus in even- ing and night, relieved by bending forward. Iris V. 5. Flatus. Dragging in hypogastrium to- wards groins during Stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Flatus. Great flatulent distention of ab- domen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. A c. Clin. Flatus. T)iarrhoea, with excessive accu- mulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal; mixed with hard lumps; thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Tyc. Clin. Flatus. Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Flatus. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Flatus. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Flatus. Constipation ; ineffectual urging to stool with small discharges or only filatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. Flatus. Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool or the feces are covered with glairy mucus and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. A mm. Mur. Clin. Flatus. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Flatus. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Flatus, Flatulent colic, worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Flatus. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus, smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Flatus. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bow- els would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Flatus. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish- green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Flatus. Colic worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Flatus. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Floating. Stool soft, brownish, easy, float- * ing on water. Merc. 1. Floating. Enlarged, indurated liver, which is sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. Floating. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. on the green; Sour-Smelling; undi- gested; containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Flow. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow Df blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Flowing. Piles, blind or flowing. Nux V. Clin. Flowing. Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upwards, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Fluid, Tenesmus in morning after waking; then a copious fluid stool. Sulf. 2. Fluid, Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. PSOr. 1. Fluid, Stool fluid after eating, with dis- charge of fiatus and colic all the after- noon ; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. 4. Fluid. Violent stool; watery, black, fluid, burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Fluid. Coldness in abdomen during menses as if a cold fluid passed through in- testines. Kali C. 5. Fluid. Discharge of moisture from anus, with Sore feeling and itching around iº; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing SGreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Fluid. Stool thin, fluid, frequent, whitish yellow. Cocc. 1. - Fluid. Watery feces, frequent, with sore- ness in anus; bright yellow, fluid feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Fluid. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow in morning, with full feeling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Fluid. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick Succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Fluid. Stools at first hard, then mushy; finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling diarrhoea, alternating with constipa- tion. Cale. C. Clin. Fluid. Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum; weak digestion, es- pecially in nursing women. Carbo An, Clin. Fluid. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Fluid. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. (260) F - U : D. - REPERTORY OF PART II. FOR C : B LY. Fluid. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. - Fluids. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night, painless early in the morn- ing, in hot weather; from eating fruit, from drinking sour beer; after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. Flushed. Ascarides with itching; un- natural appetite; flushed face. Ferr. Clin. Flux. Dysenteric flux. Agar. 1. Fly. Obstinate constipation; inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Foamy. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhaust- ing character; stools whitish, whey- like watery, foamy mucous; worse in the morning. Tod. Clin. Follow. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Followed. Thin stool, preceded and fol- lowed by rumbling, and at times noises as if a bottle were emptied, Jatr. 1. Followed. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult; with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Followed. Stool indurated as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Followed. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight; preceded by most violent burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Followed. Stool, preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood, follow- ed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Followed. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Followed. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consist- ing of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Followed. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible; frequently followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Following. Constipation in spite of frequent straining, or following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stools, Sil, 1. Following. Colic; crampy pains, follow- ing a fit of anger or following opera- tions about the abdomen after lith- otomy. Staph. Clin. Following. Constipation, following partu- rition, with haemorrhoids and head- ache. Hydras. Clin. Follows. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Food. Stools watery, with flatus and fre- quent; more frequent after taking food or Water, Ferr, 1. Food, Stool undigested of food eaten the previous evening; involuntary. Olean. 1. Food. Fullness in upper abdomen; after eating the food remains long. China 5. Food. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Food. Cholera infantum, with vomiting of sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Food. Hepatic diseases, with indigestion, eructations, salivation, heartburn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Food. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and pros- tration ; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Food. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Food. Diarrhoea, with great prostration; stools involuntary during sleep ; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arm. Clin. Food. Constipation in Sad, desponding, and hypochondriac persons; frequent purging but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Food. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odor- less; one containing fecal matter, the Other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food, from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Food. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with un- digested food. Hep. Clin. Food. Evacuation of shreds of mucus or of undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen ; stools exces- sively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Food. Diarrhoea, containing undigested food; painless, recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Food. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Food. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, te- nesmus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drink- ing. Iſaur. Clin. Foods. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Force. Small, yellowish, shining stool at | 9 a. m., with Sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Force. Paralytic pain in right ring as if Som thing would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from ris- ing. Cocc. 7. ‘x Force. Interminable diarrhoea, in summer which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Forced. Urging in rectum, but large intes- tines are wanting in peristaltic action, and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles, Hep, 2, Forced. Pain in anus as if a plug were forced outwards. Crot. Tig. 3. Forced. Incipient hernia forced down- ward, with a bruised pain, and can- not be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Forced. Pressure in morning in hypogas- trium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of generation, with distention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen, then dis- charge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Forcible, Stools sudden, pasty, dirty, green, offensive, forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Forcible. Stool watery, feces yellow; fre- quent diarrhoea of yellow, greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water. Grat, 1. Forcible, Diarrhoea watery, yellowish and painless; forcible, Crot. Tig, 1. Forcible. Urging in recturm so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool. Natr. C. 2. Forcible. Stool pasty, light brown, after urging, then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second soft stool; mucous, urgent, grayish-green and dirty brown; forci- ble. Crotal, Tig, 1. Forcible. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Forcible. Stool liquid and brownish, frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. Forcible. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, frequent, followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Forcibly. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with Colic and prominence of intes- times like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Forcibly. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast from vaccination; stools pale yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. (261) FORC I BLY. REPERTORY OF PART II. FREQUENT. Forcibly. Cholera infantum; great desire | Forward. Griping in abdomen; amelior- |Frequent. Stool of blood and mucus, with for indigestible things, like ham, ation after discharge of flatus in even- pain and tenesmus; frequent day and smoked meat; abdomen sunken, ing and night; relieved by bending night, with cutting in abdomen and al- flabby, emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Forcing down in hypogastrium towards geni- tals. Nux W. 7, Forcing. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning, of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amel- ioration from rest when sitting and ly- ing. Nux W. 7. Forcing. Bleeding piles, spasmodic con- striction of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Forehead. Pain in hypochondria aggra- vated by standing so that he stoops; towards morning with distention, pain in forehead, and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Foreign. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum, or rough, hard feces, with º constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Forenoon, Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening, immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. Forenoon. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Forenoon. Burning pain in anus after stool; in forenoon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Forenoon. Sticking in right hypochon- drium in forenoon; then griping in || hypogastrium, with Sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Forenoon. Cramp in rectum all the fore- noon; a griping and Sticking, with anxiety, so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Forenoon. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Forward. Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend forward, Coloc. 5, Forward. Pressive drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Forward. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from Stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and every- thing would fall out. Cocc. 7. Forward. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise him- self or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Forward. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon; aggravated by bend- ing forward. Sulf. Clin. forward. Iris V. 5. - Fossae. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its sur- face. Plumb. 5. Foul. Dropsical diseases, depending on organic affections of the liver; jaun- dice, with dull headache; constipa- tion; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Foul. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chop- ped, white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undi- gested; often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold, Cham. Clin, Foul-smelling, Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. PSOr. 1. - Four. Rumbling in abdomen all the fore- noon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Four. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- cult, only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Four. Constipation; hard stool every other day, or every three or four days. COCC. Clin. Four a. m. Sticking in rectum, waking her at 4 a. m.; Sticking again next morning after waking. Mag. C. 2. Four p. m. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m.; then unusual stool. Amm. Mur, 7. Four p. m. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p.m.; weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Four p. m. Stitches in hypochondria when Walking in Open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium, as if hepatic region would burst open, at 4. p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Frequent. Anxious urging in rectum; fre- quent, ineffectual after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft. Nux W. 2. - Frequent. Constipation in spite of frequent straining; on following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stools. Sil. 1. Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles; contraction and soreness, Ign, 2. Frequent. Stools watery, with flatulence and frequent; more frequent after tak- ing food or water. Ferr, 1. Frequent, Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning; pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Frequent. Stool frequent, mixed with mucus; frequent, Puls, 1. Frequent. Constipation, on account of hard- ness and large size of stool; copious, frequent, with shivering, Wer. Alb. 1. Frequent, ineffectual urging in rectum. Sulf. 2, Frequent. Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent, Pod, 1. most ineffectual tenesmus, Merc. C. 1, Frequent. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory; difficult; with pains as if rectum would burst; then bleeding of haemorrhoidal ves- sels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. - Frequent. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Frequent, Stools frequent, watery, with burning in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. Frequent, Diarrhoea, as if fermented; fre- quent, of greenish mucus, Ipec, 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea, frequent, with cut- ting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mucous, Mag, C, 1. Frequent, Diarrhoea, with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; in- voluntary. Ver. Alb. 1. Frequent. Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen; frequent, liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Frequent desire in rectum for stool. Hyos. 2. Frequent, ineffectual urging in rectum, causing pain. Merc. C. 2. Frequent. Offensive flatus, with stool; frequent and loud; easy, with inclina- tion as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping and, still more, crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Frequent tenesmus during the day, with- Out ability to expel anything. Anac. 9 Frequent, Sudden, pressing piercing pain in rectum. Caust. 2. Frequent and successful desire for stool in the lower part of rectum, with ex- pulsion of a small quantity of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Frequent, yellow, watery stool, with grip- ing. Apis 1. - Frequent. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- quent, with buring in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very Offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea; soft, frequent, whitish. Iod. 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Frequent. Burning in anus, with frequent stools; itching. Lyc. 3. Frequent. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, fre- quent ; also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. - Frequent. Diarrhoea, twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent, of thin, greenish mucus. Laur. 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, Scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. (262) FREQUENT. REPERTORY OF PART II. FRU IT S. Frequent. Stool yellowish-white, frequent, green. Sulf. A c. 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, frequent, followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Frequent. Stool offensive, with offensive flatus; frequent, of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Nit. A.C. 1. Frequent. successive years; frequent, bloody stools, with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Frequent. Diarrhoea frequent; twice in morning, with tenesmus. Nit. A c. 1. Frequent. Constipation from lead poison- ing; frequent desire, but small evacua- | tions, with great effort. Plat. Clim. Frequent. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Frequent. Constipation in Sad, despond- ing, and hypochondriac persons; fre- quent urging but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Frequent. Constipation ; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging with- out effect; sensation as if much re- mained after stool; the action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin, à Frequent. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insuf- ficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Frequent tenesmus for many days with- out being able to pass anything; great urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation. Anac. Clin. Frequent. Flatulent colic from acids with frequent loose stools, cutting al- most constantly, running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Frequent. Diarrhoea from abuse of in- toxicating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offen- sive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Frequent. Chronic dysentery; stools fre- quent, small, pitch-like, With pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Frequent. Stool bloody with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric, much black, offensive blood; pseudo-membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Frequent. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe, pinching colic before stool from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clim. Frequent, involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Dysenteric attacks for several | Fresh. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum ; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Fresh. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods; acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. Fright. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery; after a chill or fright. A con. Clin. Fright. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling of wind; worse at night, from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin. Fright. Diarrhoea, after fright or sudden joy; Offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Fright. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room; preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Fright. Diarrhoea; frequent; profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe, pinching colic before stool; from emotion, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Frog pond. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses, like lumps of tallow, floating on the green; Sour-smelling; undi- gested; containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Frogs. Croaking in abdomen as of frogs. Coloc. 5. Frogs. Loud rumbling in the left side of abdomen, like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. Frog's spawn. Stool white, gelatinous, like frog's spawn; frequent, with pressure. Hell. 1. Frog's spawn. Diarrhoea, stools of jelly- like mucus like frog's spawn, gen- erally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with con- stipation. Hell. Clin. Frothy. Stool watery, feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellow-greenish water; for- cible, of green, frothy water. Grat. 1, Frothy. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nau- sea, then sudden complete rest, Kali B. 1. Frothy, Diarrhoea frequent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mu- cous. Mag, C. 1. Frothy. Stool liquid and brownish; frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day : yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. Frothy. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Frothy. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yel- low, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with dis- charge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Frothy. Diarrhoea; stools painless; at first frothy, thin, brown, later cada- verous-smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Frothy. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent ; Small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clim. Frothy. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offen- sive, undigested, white, cadaverous- smelling; worse at night. China. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea, watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. Frothy. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Frothy. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. ; Frothy. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus; sometimes frothy; extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses, like lumps of tallow, floating on the green; Sour-smelling; undi- gested; containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads, here and there, all || Over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish Scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Frothy. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Fruit. Fermentation in abdomen from fruit. China 5. Fruit, Griping in umbilical region; worse from eating fruit, with cutting and general chill. Coloc. 7. Fruit. Diarrhoea from from juicy fruit or cider. Calc. Ph. 1. Fruits. Diarrhoea coming on Suddenly; faint feeling before, during, and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet- meats during summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Fruits. Colic, from cold; from getting feet wet ; from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. Fruits. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. (263 ) Fruits. REPERTORY OF PART II. C LANDS. Fruits. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits; drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Fruit, or from fruit, with colic. Coloc. Clin. Fruit. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals; at night ; painless; early in the morn- ing; in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after Severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China Clin. Fruit. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Fruit. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatin- ous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus dur- ing typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. Fruitless. Dysentery; burning in amus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Full. Dragging-down in rectum during menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. - "w Full. Noise in abdomen as if a full bottle were emptied, in evening, continuing after a thin stool at 10 p.m. Jatr. 5. Full. Sensation in abdomen as if full of Stones, after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Full. Sticking in hepatic region; sore pain, full sensation. Sep. 6. Full. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow in morning with full feeling in abdomen , and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Full feeling in hypochondrium. Card. M. 6. Full. Colic as if intestimal canal were full of water. Kali C. Clin. Full. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, dif- cult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Fullness, Burning, fullness, itching, pres- sure, and soreness in anus, AEsc. 3. Fullness. Straining in rectum before, dur- ing and after stool; fullness; sensation as if something remained; pressure dur- ing soft stool, Sulf, 2. Fullness, itching, Soreness, and dryness of rectum. AEsc. 2. Fullness. Constipation, with fullness of abdomen. Bapt. 1. Fullness in upper abdomen; after eating the food remains long. China 5. Fullness. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of stomach, and Small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Fullness. Soreness, fullness; distress in right hypochondrium. AEsc. 6. Fullness. Protruding, purple piles, with severe pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Diarrhoea, as the result of anger Fullness in anus, with pressing out. Aloe 3. Fullness. Sensation of a plug in amus in afternoon, when sitting; fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Fullness. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep's-dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant, ach- ing pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Gall-bladdder, Aching in liver, extending to spine, worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Gall-bladder. Stitches in region of gall- bladder; aggravation from pressure. Berb. 6. Gall-bladder. Pain in region of gall- bladder; aggravated by walking; in liver, extending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Gall-bladder. Aching, burning in gall- bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a pro- fuse, black stool. Lept. 6. Gall-bladder. Pain in region of gall- bladder, extending to spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Lept. Clin. Gall-stone colic. China. Clin. Gall-stone colic, with jaundice and twist- ing pain. Pod. Clin. Gall-stone colic, with jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Gall-stone colic. Bell. Clin. Gall-stone colic; terrible, darting pain; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Gall-stones. Colic from the passage of gall-stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terrible eructations. Diosc. Clin. Gall-stones. Cachexia of miners working deep under ground; portal hyperae- mia, gall-stones, catarrh of the biliary ducts. Card. M. Clin. Gall-stones. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region; colic from gall-stones. Berb. Clin. Gangrene. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Garments. Gall-stone colic; terrible dart- ing pains; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Gas, Distention of abdomen from gas and hardness. Merc, 5. - Gas. Flatulent colic only slightly re- lieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus after a stool; severe rumb- ling of gas, watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in even- ing; involuntary when Sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon, and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Gas. Gas. Gas. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Gases. Diffuse subacute gastro-enteritis of a low type; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; general Soreness as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Gastric. Pain in hepatic region increased on pressure; stitches in right hypo- chondrium extending to gastric re- gion. Ars. A. Clin. Gastro-duodenal catarrh. Hydras. Clin. Gastro-enteritis, with bilious or bloody vomiting. Kali B. Clin. Gastro-enteritis. Diffuse subacute gastro- enteritis of a low type; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; gen- eral Soreness as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Gelatinous. Stool white, gelatinous, like frog's spawn; frequent, with pressure. Hell. 1. Gelatinous. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mucus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. - Gelatinous. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. * . General tympanitis with enlarged spleen. Phos. A c. Clin. Genitals. Forcing down in hypogastrium, towards genitals. Nux W. 7. Genitals. Pressure downward in hypogas- trium towards genitals, as during men- struation, Plat, 7. Genitals, Pressure in hypogastrium as if contents would issue through genitals, Sep, 7. Genitals. Itching in rectum and in geni- tals, with sticking. Caust. 2. Genitals. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Bell. 2. Genitals. Pain in hypogastrium, extend- ing to genitals, as if everything in ab- domen would fall out and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Gentlemen. Constipation; stools hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels, Suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. liver. Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, especially in drunkards; gin liver; chronic hepatitis, with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Glairy. Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Gland. Piles with enlarged prostate gland; intense pain in back and Gin through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clin. - Glands. (Inguinal.) Swelling of inguinal glands, Calc. C, 7. ( 264 ) C LAN. D.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. C RE EN. Glands. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. Glands. Swelling of inguinal glands, with Sticking and cutting. Thuja 7. Glands. Suppuration of inguinal glands; buboes. Hep. 7. Glands. Swelling of inguinal glands; painful; and of axillary glands. Natr. C. 7. Glands. Swelling of inguinal glands. Rhus Tox. 7. Glands. Inguinal glands as large as peas; painful to touch. Sil. 7. Glands. Swelling of inguinal glands; Sup- purative; with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Glands. (Miscellaneous.) Swollen glands in right groin, with sensitiveness. Graph. 7. Glands. Enlarged mesenteric glands and tumors in the abdomen. Con. Clin. Glandular. Mesenteric disease; glandular enlargement, emaciation, irregular stool, enormous appetite. Iod. Clin. Glassy. Stools contain glassy, tough mucus; covered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Glue. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black or thick like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Gluey. Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf. 1. Glutinous, musty exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Glutinous. Haemorrhoids painful, sting- ing, with protrusion of rectum, smart- ing and burning; Oozing of a glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Glutinous. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tena- cious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. Gnawing in hepatic region. Ruta 6. Gnawing in rectum when not at stool. Carbo V. 2. Gnawing. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Gnawing. Bleeding piles with itching and gnawing. Ferr. Clin. Good. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard, and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Grains. Constipation; stool of brown fe- ces containing white, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. Grains. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless but exhausting stools; wa- tery; passing away as from a hydrant, with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Granular. Constipation; stool dry, brit- tle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Grapes. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Grapes. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and dis- tress. Diosc. Clin. Grasped. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen so violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Grasped. Clawing griping in abdomen as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestimes; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Grass. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continuous nausea. Ipec. Clin. Grass-green. Stools grass-green, slimy; with vomiting; colic. Ant. T. Clin. Gravel. Colic from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. Diosc. Clim. Gray. Stools pasty, bright yellow; copious. with mucus, and light gray. Chel. 1, Gray, Stool gray, whitish-gray, green, bloody, difficult. Phos. 1. Gray, Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish-gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Gray. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of ap- petite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Gray. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Gray. Diarrhoea, without pain or urging; stools brown, watery, white, watery, green, mucous, thin, pasty, bright yel- low or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Gray. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swell- ing of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Gray. Diarrhoea, lasting a long time, ap- parently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. Ac. Clin. Gray. Diarrhoea, during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Grayish-green. Stool pasty, light brown, after urging; then rumbling and gur- gling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, grayish-green and dirty brown; forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. - Greased. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool, dryness of rectum ; knotty stool, Shining as if greased, very small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Greasy. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast, from vaccination; stools pale yellow, watery, or oily and greasy; forcibly expelled; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus. Carbol. A c. Clin. - Green. Stool watery, feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellow greenish water; for- cible, of green, frothy water, Grat, 1. Green. Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus. Gamb. 1. Green, Griping in abdomen, with rumbling, then thin green diarrhoea without ten- esmus, Mag, C. 5. Green, Diarrhoea in morning with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent. Pod, 1. Green. Stools sudden, pasty, dirty, green, offensive, forcible. Crot, Tig. 1. Green. Stool of green mucus with retching; vomiting of mucus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody, Arg. N. 1, Green, Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and fre- quent in morning; pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Green. Stool gray, whitish-gray, green, bloody, difficult. Phos. 1. Green. Diarrhoea frequent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mu- cous. Mag. C. 1. Green. Diarrhoea; stool, thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy, next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Green. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls; often hard. Plumb. 1. Green, Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then Slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Green. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea mixed with mucus. |PSOr. 1. Green. Diarrhoea in evening, at night, with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Green, Diarrhoea nightly, with colic SO that she must bend double; hot; Smell- ing like rotten eggs; green, watery, pain- less, consisting of feces and mucus; white; slimy; with colic. Cham. 1. Green. Copious blackish-brown, green and whitish stool. Apis 1. Green. Watery diarrhoea; stool green; white with red urine. A con. 1. Green. Stool yellowish-white, frequent, green. Sulf. A c. 1. Green. Diarrhoea violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Green stool preceded by crying; frequent and easy. Borax 1. - Green. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus; whit- ish-gray. Merc. 1. (265) C RE EN. g REPERTORY OF PART II. C. R. P. N. C. Green. Diarrhoea with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdo- men. Gamb. 1. Green, slimy diarrhoea. Amm. Mur. 1. Green. Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood. Bell. Clin. Green. Cholera infantum ; stools whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. Green. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continuous nausea. Ipec, Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, un- digested ; are sometimes mucous, yel- low, or green, and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. - Green. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offen- sive; nearly painless; involuntary; dark brown, black, watery, or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells about the heart. Laur. Clin. - Green. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody; the anus remaining constantly open. PhOS. Clin. Green. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear yellow, red, or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Green. Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Green, Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus, or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Green. Dysentery of bloody mucus mixed with the green, watery stool. Mag. C. Clin, Green. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. A con. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water, violent urging before, tenesmus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Green slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undigested; often like chopped eggs and Spinach ; foul odor; especially in children dur- ing teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; sour-smelling, undigested; con- taining curds. Mag. C. Clin. Green. Chronic diarrhoea during men- struation; green, mucous stools; some- times diarrhoea, alternates with con- stipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; stool sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal mat- ter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, Cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea without pain or urging; stools brown, watery, white watery, green, mucous, thin, pasty, light yel- low or light gray; like rice water. Chel. Clin. Green. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour; expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before and during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Green, Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membrane; undigested, putrid, fetid, sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. Green, Stools green, sometimes slimy, white, and mushy, hot and watery; very offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Green, Cholera infantum; great desire for indigestible things, like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive; forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach; usually with great flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous, or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, ten- esmus during, and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Green. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown ; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Green. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Green. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with constipation; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Greenish. Pain in abdomen at night; wak- ing from uneasy slumber, then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Arg, N. 5. Greenish. Stool of greenish water with dis- tention of abdomen; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Greenish. Diarrhoea as if fermented; fre- quent; of greenish mucus. Ipec, 1. Greenish. Stool watery, of blood and water; contained acrid water; green- ish. Ars. A. 1. Greenish. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent, of thin greenish mucus. Laur. 1. Greenish. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Greenish. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools with flakes; severe, pinching colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Greenish. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer, which resists everything, espe- Gially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly, with great force. Secale Clin. - Greenish. Diarrhoea; chronic, gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Greenish. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish substances and contain- ing bloody specks. Con. Clin. Greenish. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Greenish. Diarrhoea with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy, or white. Cina Clin. Greenish. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from Chronic irritation of the intestinal | mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Greenish. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent; small; burning | in rectum and bladder; bloody; shag- gy; greenish ; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Greenish. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hys- terical women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Greenish. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating On top of water; violent urging be- fore, tenesmus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Grinding. Heavy grinding in region of liver; worse in evening. Diosc. 6. Griping. (Abdomen.) Cutting griping pain in abdomen. Agar, 5. Griping in upper abdomen, taking away the breath, Cocc, 5. Griping, Rumbling in abdomen, with grip- ing and emission of much flatus; offen- sive, Diosc, 5. Griping. Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing, Ign. 5, Griping. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5. Griping. Distention of abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus; griping. Phos. A c. 5. (266) C. RIP 1 N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. C. R O I N. Griping. Cutting in abdomen, then leu- corrhoea, with griping at various times; sometimes when yawning; after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner, Zinc, 5, - Griping. Stitches; griping in abdomen with swelling. A con. 5. Griping. Distention of abdomen, with griping and emission of flatus. Asaf. 5. Griping. Pain in a spot in abdomen as if seized with nails; a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. Bell. 5. Griping. Intermittent, griping pain in abdomen. Asaf. 5. Griping in abdomen, with constriction, Soreness, and dragging downward and outward. Bry. 5. Griping in abdomen before discharge of leucorrhoea. Con. 5. Griping in abdomen, so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Griping in abdomen with pain on passage of flatus. China 5. Griping. Distention of abdomen after eating; after a moderate supper, with griping; here and there sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Griping. Rumbling and griping in abdo- men always before emission of flatus. Graph. 5. Griping in abdomen; amelioration after discharge of flatus in evening and night, relieved by bending forward. Iris V. 5. Griping. Clawing, griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest; worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Griping. Incarcerated flatus with grip- ing in abdomen after eating. Natr. C. 5. | Griping. Stitches in abdomen, with grip- ing, tearing, drawing, extending to Chest, Nux V. 5. Griping, tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner; aggra- vated by walking and Standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Griping in upper abdomen after eating and drinking. Rhus Tox. 6. Griping. Rumbling in abdomen in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Griping. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen, as from knives; constricting spas- modic pains; pinching, griping Sensa- tion as if the bowels were Squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Griping. (Hypogastrium.) Stitching, grip- ing, drawing pain in hypogastrium, Agar, 7. • & Griping in hypogastrium during menses with pain in small of back and general chilli- ness, Sulf. 7. Griping in left inguinal, extending to tes- ticles. DiOSc. 7. Griping. Intermittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely Walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Griping. Sticking in right hypochondrium in forenoon, then griping in hypo- gastrium, with Sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Griping. Cutting pain in hypogastrium, mornings, with nausea, sweetish, dis- gusting taste; weakness and sleepi- ness; Cutting, rising to upper abdo- men where it amounted to griping Nux V. 7. Griping. (Stool.) Cutting, griping in ab- domen, with constipation, Op. 5. Griping. Anxious urging in rectum; fre- quent, ineffectual, after the usual stool; with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W, 2, Griping in abdomen with rumbling, then thin, green diarrhoea without tenesmus, Mag, C. 1, Griping, Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, and colic, worse in evening, in bed, with gurgling, griping, and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another, Puls, 5. Griping in abdomen before and during stool; after stool. Sulf. 5. Griping. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. - - Griping. Diarrhoea in morning after ris- ing; stool dark; aggravation in morn- ing and after dinner; scanty and cor- rosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Griping. Stool of greenish water, with dis- tention of abdomen; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side Mag. C. 1. Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; ameliora- tion after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and downward. Coloc. 5. - Griping and jerking in abdomen, with pain which is better after stool. Rhus TOx. 5. Griping in abdomen, with ineffectual urg- ing to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Griping in abdomen, then stool, with con- striction in rectum. Phos. 5. Griping in abdomen, as in diarrhoea, after stool. Natr. M. 5. Griping. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain before stook. Nit. A c. 5. Griping. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool; then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Griping in upper abdomen when she wishes to go to school. Nux V. 5. Griping. Dragging or griping in abdo- men after stool. Carbo V. 5. Griping in abdomen, with constant desire for stool, but little is evacuated. Merc. 5. Griping. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stool. Aloe 5. Griping. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium ; then large moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Griping. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. Kali C. 2. Griping. Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in anus and griping in intes- times. Kali B, 1. Griping. Cutting before stool, with grip- ing. Mag. C. 5. Griping. Frequent yellow, watery stool, with griping. Apis 1. Griping. (Umbilicus.) Griping tensive pain in umbilical region, extending towards stomach, in afternoon and evening; re- lieved by emission of flatus, Sulf. 7. Griping below umbilicus. Diosc. 7. Griping in umbilical region, worse from eat- ing fruit, with cutting and general Chill. Coloc. 7. Griping in umbilical region; then cutting in abdomen across right lumbar re- gion extending to back. Chel. 7. Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in Small of back as if broken. Cham. 7. Griping in umbilical region, with pinching as after taking cold. Bry, 7. Griping about umbilicus. Ratan. 7. Griping about umbilicus on eating, with pinching. Nux V. 7. Griping in umbilical region, at times above, at times below navel; in after- noon ; soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Griping. Sticking griping pain in umbil- ical region as from an internal indu- ration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. - Griping colic writhing around navel; bet- ter from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Griping. (Miscellaneous.) A cramp in rectum all the forenoon; a griping and Sticking, with anxiety, so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Griping. Twisting, griping here and there, in rectum. Staph. 5. Groin, Sticking, now in right, now in left groin, apparently connected with ovaries. Coloc. 7. Groin. Bruised pain in groin over left hip and on left side of pelvis. Arg, M. 7. Groin. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pressure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Groin. Pain in groin as if a hernia would protrude and On pressure pain as if a hermia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Groin. Swollen glands in right groin, with sensitiveness. Graph. 7. (267 ) cRoi N. REPERTORY OF PART II. HAEMſ (ORR HO D S. Groin. Boring in right groin. Merc. 7. Gurgling. Rumbling in abdomen all the Habitual constipation, especially in haem- Groins. Pain to side of umbilicus, corre- sponding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side; mostly sticking, often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen, or stomach. Berb. 7. Groins. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and every- thing would fall out. Cocc. 7. Groins. Painful drawing in groins as be- fore menstruation. Plat. 7. Groins. Dragging in hypogastrium to- wards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Groins. Pain across umbilicus preventing sleep; pinching when sitting; below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, • with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Grumbling. Colic with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Grumbling. Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot with rumbling, grumbling, and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Grumbling. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling, in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- lent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Grumous. Dysentery; particularly valu- able in the collapsed stage; stools involuntary, grumous; with these conditions it has saved many appar- ently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Gun. Urging in rectum on rising, be- fore stool, which shot as from a gun. Phos. 2. Gurgling, (Abdomen.) Rumbling in abdo- men at night, with diarrhoea; gurgling, Sulf. 5, Gurgling. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, or colic worse in even- ing in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intes- tines to another. Puls, 5. Gurgling. Stool pasty, light-brown after urging, then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown, forcible, Crot. Tig. 1. - Gurgling. Rumbling in abdomen in morming, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Gurgling in upper abdomen after eating. Zinc. 5. Gurgling rumbling in abdomen; worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. Gurgling. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling rolling, in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- lent pain worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Gurgling. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rum- bling all day with gurgling; move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Gurgling. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, with movements as if he would have colic. Nux Mos. 5. forenoon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Gurgling. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Gurgling. Diarrhoea, with urging and inability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Gurgling. (Miscellameous.) Emission of flatus, with rumbling and gurgling. Sil. 3. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, with Sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. Gurgling. Diarrhoea daily after break- fast from vaccination; Stools pale- yellow, watery, oily and greasy; for- cibly expelled; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja, Clin. Gush. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Gushing. Chronic diarrhoea, gushing, watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. - - Gushing. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. Gushing. Watery, profuse, diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent ; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch ; sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Gushing. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Gushing. Diarrhoea chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clim. Gushing. Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless, gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after, Ver. Alb. Clin. Gushing. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. |Habits. Constipation in persons of sed- entery habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining, and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod, Clin. Habitual constipation; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. orrhoidal and hypochondriac people. Sulf. Clin. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels Would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Haemorrhage. (Bowels.) Paralysis of rec- tum ; anus wide open ; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid, dark, venous. Arn. Clin. - Haemorrhage. Chronic haemorrhage from the bowels. Crotal. H. Clin. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, consisting of decomposed blood. Lach. Clin. Haemorrhage. (Miscellaneous.) Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool which is not || hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. Haemorrhage. Jaundice with haemorrhage, from the nose; tenderness of the liver. CrOtal. H. Clin. Haemorrhage. Haemorrhoids from en- gorgement of the liver; haemorrhage from rectum. Hep. Clin. Haºmorrhoidal, Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased con- gestion of haemorrhoidal vessel, with sticking, with burning pain on walk- ing and on touch. Sulf. 3. - Haemorrhoidal. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory, diffi- cult; with pain as if rectum would burst; then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels, and pain in rectum, with fre- Quent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Haemorrhoidal pressure in anus, with burning when seated; on touch. Thuja 3. - Haemorrhoidal. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. Haemorrhoidal. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting; full- ness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Haemorrhoidal. Bleeding haemorrhoids; burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. A con. 3. Haemorrhoidal. Engorgement of the haemorrhoidal veins is one of the most constant effects of Aloes. Aloe Clin. Haemorrhoidal. Habitual constipation, especially in haemorrhoidal and hypo- chondriac people. Sulf. Clin. Haemorrhoidal colic. Thuja Clin. Haemorrhoids, (Painful.) Haemorrhoids, with burning. Agar, 3, . Haemorrhoids, Blind hamorrhoids, with burning and sticking in rectum. Nux V. 3. Haemorrhoids. Bleeding haemorrhoids; burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. A con, 3. Haemorrhoids. Burning hamorrhoids. Graph. 3. Haemorrhoids, with Caps. 3. itching at times. ( 268 ) HAEM ORR HO HD S. REPERTORY OF PART II. HAN D. Haemorrhoids. Blind haemorrhoids; bleed- ing, with itching pain in anus. Cham. Haemorrhoids. Itching in anus, with sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margin, becoming a Smarting and Sore pain as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Haemorrhoids; itching, with burning and sticking. Sulf. A c. 3. Haemorrhoids, protruding, large, bluish, suppurating and offensive, with burn- ing pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Haemorrhoids with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and distress. Diosc, Clin. r Haemorrhoids, painful, Stinging, with pro- trusion of rectum, Smarting and burn- ing; oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if a red- hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Haemorrhoids, with excessive burning, as from pepper; throbbing Soreness, with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Old, pendulous haemor- rhoids that cease to bleed, but become painful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A c. Clin. Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth; with pro- lapsus of rectum, accompanied by sticking and biting. Mur. A c. Clin. Haemorrhoids, (Stool.) Protruding hamor- rhoids during stool; when walking; painful. Sep. 3, Haemorrhoids, with swelling; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum; burn- ing; painful. Nit. A c. 3. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though protrud- ing but little: protruding during stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Haemorrhoids. Constipation, as from con- striction of intestines; as from inac- tivity of rectum; stool hard, then sticking as from haemorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Haemorrhoids swollen, protruding, burn- ing, Sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemor- rhoidal vessels, with sticking, with burning pain on Walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Haemorrhoids swollen, bleeding during natural stool. Kali C. 3. Haemorrhoids blind, painful, with slow hot prickings; haemorrhoidal tenes- mus, causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Eſaemorrhoids; pain during normal stool. Mag. M. 3. Haemorrhoids. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Haemorrhoids, like red cherries, protrude after stool, with pain in anus. DiOSC. 3. Haemorrhoids. Protruding, painful, sore haemorrhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Haemorrhoids. Swollen haemorrhoids pro- trude and cause pain during a stool which is not hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Haemorrhoids swollen and protrude with a hard stool; protrude during diar- rhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Haemorrhoids. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Fissure of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the an us; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mu- cus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. C. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small; resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Constipation following parturition, with haemorrhoids and headache. Hydras. Clin. IIaemorrhoids from engorgement of the liver; haemorrhage from rectum, with soft stool. Hep. Clin. Haemorrhoids with constipation. Mag. M. Clin. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning, particularly after stool. Berb. Clin. Haemorrhoids with bleeding during and after stool. Ign. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring, Cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, be- come incarcerated and Suppurate. Sil. Clin. & Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the an us up- ward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Haemorrhoids accompanied with obstinate constipation; swollen, itching, sting- ing, burning and painful when touch- ed. Caust. Clin. Haemorrhoids, (Swollem.) swollen and sore, Aloe 3. Haemorrhoids with sore pain, unendurable on walking or reflecting, swollen with itching, sticking and much moisture; hard, Stinging-burning, painful when touched. Caust. 3. Haemorrhoids, Blind hamorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in an us; worse Haemorrhoids from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3, Haemorrhoids. Swollen haemorrhoids, with burning sore pain; blue haemor- rhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. A c. 3. Haemorrhoids. Inflammation of haemor- rhoids; Stitches; sore pain during Cough; pain when walking. Kali 3 Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burn- ing pain. On Walking. Carbo An. 2. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, With Stitching burning pains from cold, from ice-cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Haemorrhoids. (Miscellaneous.) Haemor- rhoids bleeding when walking. Sep. 3. - Haemorrhoids of drunkards. Ars. A. Clin. Haemorrhoids complicating fistula ani, especially in persons suffering from lung troubles. Kali C. Clin. Haemorrhoids large, bleeding which sup- purate. Merc. Clin. Haemorrhoids. Liver troubles associated With engorged portal circulation, es- pecially in large haemorrhoids. AEsc. Clin. - Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Haemorrhoids from a suppressed cutaneous eruption. Aloe Clin. Half. Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence. Arn. 7. Half. Pain across umbilicus, preventing sleep; pinching when sitting, below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Half digested. Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half digested, of intol- erable odor, Graph, 1. Half-fluid. Brownish, small, slimy, half- fluid stool. Aloe 1. Half fluid. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when Sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Half hour, Dysentery; stools bloody, mu- cous, every half hour, with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. Clin. - Half lumpy. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; in voluntary when sneez- ing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf 1. Ham, Cholera infantum ; great desire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Hammers, Beating, throbbing in anus, as with hammers. Lach. 3, Hammers. Fistula in the anus, with sensation of beating as of little ham- mers. Lach. Clin. Hand. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing ; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clim. (269) H AN ID, REPERTORY OF PART II. HAR D, Hand. Incipient hernia forced down- ward, with a bruised pain, and can- not be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Hand. Clawing griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestimes; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Hands. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back, as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Hands. Acute dysentery, with unquench- able thirst ; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burning; ten- dency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Hang. Drawing tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord, into testicles which hang low down, Puls, 5. Hard. (Abdomen.) Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling, and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Hard. Sensation in abdomen as if full of stones, after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Hard. Abdomen hard, with pain in um- bilical region on touch. Kali C. 7. Hard. Abdomen tympanitic; hard and sensitive to touch, with rumbling. Op. 5. Hard. Retraction of abdomen, with hard- ness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Plumb. 5. Hard. Distention of abdomen, beginning at stomach; abdomen hard, as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on stomach ; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Hard. Abdomen swollen hard ; sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina, Clin. Hard. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone, and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. Hard. (Stool.) Stool very hard. Agar, 1. Hard, Contraction of rectum so that it pro- trudes during hard stool, Lyc, 2. Hard, Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus, dark, half digested, of intolerable odor, Graph, 1. Hard, Stool hard like sheep-dung, and diffi- cult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly, as if burnt, Mag. M. 1. Hard, Constipation; stool hard, with burn- ing in anus; lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light colored, Sil, 1. Hard. Constipation in spite of frequent straining, or following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stools. Sil. 1, Hard. Contracted sensation in rectum dur- ing stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr. M, 2. Hard. Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rectum, Alum, 1. Hard, Pressure and sense of excoriation in rectum after a small, hard stool. Alum, 2, Hard, Stool hard, in shape of laurel ber- ries; difficult with cutting in anus, as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Hard. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses, scantily enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. Hard, crumbling, scanty stool; covered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Hard. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown in small pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. - Hard, Constipation; stool blackish, scanty like sheep's-dung, painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, Often hard. Plumb. 1. Hard. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon, then burning in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Hard. Constipation, as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rec- tum ; stool hard, then sticking, as from hamorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Hard. Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first black and lumpy, then mushy. Dept. 1. Hard. Constipation; stool small, hard, often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Hard, Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory, difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst; then bleeding of haemorrhoidal ves- Sels, and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1, Hard, Constipation; stool hard only occurring once in two or three days; hard, as if he were passing stones. Coloc. 1. Hard, Stool hard and difficult, brown and knotty. Card. M. 1. Hard. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. - Hard. Constipation; stool hard and dif- ficult. Ant. Cr. 1. - Hard. Throbbing pain in rectum all day; after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. Hard. Constipation ; stool hard and dif- ficult; only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Hard. Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was protruded ; with severe backache in lumbar region. AEsc. 1. Hard. Urging to stool, which is thin ; frequent but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool, Bell. 1. Hard. Watery diarrhoea mixed with hard parts, involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Hard. Haemorrhoids swollen and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Hard. Urging in rectum ; stool not hard, but difficult on account of inac- tivity of rectum. Graph. 2. Hard. Constipation hard, insufficient stool, with urging and protrusion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Hard. Constipation ; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; scanty. Rali B. 1. Hard stool. Lyc. 1. Hard. Constipation; stool hard, green, Slimy, acrid, excoriating anus, whitish-gray. Merc. 1. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood ; knotty, enveloped in thick Imucus, then a soft one enveloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Hard. Smarting in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. Hard. Sticking in rectum, with smarting during a stool that was not hard. PhOS. 2. Hard. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung, after great Straining, and burn- ing with balls of mucus, like peas; difficult stools not hard. Natr. C. 1. Hard. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum, or rough hard feces, with Constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Hard. Constriction of anus, with itching burning all day; worse after urina- ting, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Hard. Stool intermitting, frequent ; at first hard, then pasty, then liquid, white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Hard. Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool, which is not hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Hard. Constipation ; stool hard and diffi- cult, mixed with mucus, and knotty, whitish, Scanty, brownish, difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Hard. Inactivity of rectum; stools hard. Natr. M. Clin. - Hard. Constipation; hard stool every other day or every three or four days. COCC. Clin. - Hard. Stools hard, dark-brown or black; dry as if burnt. Bry. Clin. Hard. Constipation; no urging; inactiv- ity of rectum; stool insufficient, hard ; much Straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. - Hard. Constipation with ineffectual urg- ing; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark-colored; con- stipation alternating with diarrhoea. IOd. Clin. - Hard. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; Suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Hard. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Hard. In voluntary, unnoticed, hard stool. Aloe Qlin. © © e (º - © tº e ſº so º © sº © a * e ( 270 ) wº- H A R D. REPERTORY OF PART II. HEAD ACH E. Hard. Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy, mucus and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Hard. Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clin. Hard. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. - Hard. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool like sheep’s-dung, passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Hard stool with depression of mind, caus- ing headache and vertigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Hard. Constipation; torpor of bowels; feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty, from constriction of sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind. Iye. Clin. | Hard. Inveterate constipation with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough, and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. IHard. Constipation of long standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inac- tive. Op. Clin. Hard. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without ef- fect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Hard. Constipation in sad, desponding, and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. - Hard. Constipation in persons of seden- tary habits from atony of lower intes- tines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod, Clin. Hard, insufficient difficult stool, with full- ness, heat and itching at an us; like sheep’s-dung; hard and black as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Hard. Obstinate constipation, inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Hard. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Hard. Constipation ; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty, and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Hard. Stools at first hard ; then mushy; finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipa- tion. Calc. C. Clin. - Hard. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus:... Staph. Clin. --~~ º Tº Tw ; Hard. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Hard. Constipation ; stools consisting of small hard, black balls. Plumb. Clin. - Hard. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with . much difficulty. Sil. Clin. Hard. Chronic constipation from irregu- lar menstruation; inactivity of intes- times, whether stool is hard or soft ; alternation of constipation and diar- rhoea. Puls. Clin. Hard. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Aluminia; the rectum is inactive; the stools are hard; often associated with Soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Hard. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation, yellow, thin, or brown; mushy or white ac- companied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. Hard. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and ac- companied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Hard. (Miscellaneous.) Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sacrum and passing for- ward and down to right knee; at 7:30 a. m.; relieved by pressing against something hard ; the pelvic pain re- lieved by crossing the limbs. Sep. 7. Hard. Haemorrhoids with sore pain; unen- durable on walking or reflecting; swol- len, with itching, sticking, and much moisture; hard, Stinging, burning, painful when touched. Caust. 3. Hard pressure in right side beneath um- bilicus. Staph. 7. Hard swellings of the liver. Con. 7. Hard. Pain in right hypochondrium with sensitiveness; the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspira- tion. Bry. 6. Hard. Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. Iod. 6. Hard. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Lil. Tig. 7. Hard. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Hard. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbilicus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Hard. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard ob- ject, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Hard. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard, and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Hardness. (Abdomen.) Distention of abdo- men with hardness. Calc, C, 5. Hardness. Distention of abdomen from gas, and hardness, Merc, 5. Hardness. Distention of abdomen with tension and hardness. Chel. 5. Hardness. Perityphlitis with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix and hardness. Crotal. H. Clin. Hardness. (Liver.) Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restless- ness, small rapid pulse, and on rising from bed, faintness. Iod. 6. Hardness. Abscess of liver, throbbing ulcerative pain in hepatic region; worse from touch on walking; hard- ness; distention of liver, Sil. Clin. Hardness. Swelling and hardness of the liver; stitches. Sulf. Clin. Hardness. (Miscellaneous.) Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious, frequent with shiver- ing. Wer. Alb. 1. Hardness. Constipation, with sensitive- ness above Ponpart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools, mixed with whitish- yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. |PhOS. 1. Pſardness. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over the surface. Plumb. 5. Hardmess. Constipation produced by cheese, better from smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacu- ation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of Stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Head. Obstinate constipation ; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. 1. Head. Stool unsatisfactory after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. - Head. Burning in rectum with the evac- uation of stool and urine; stools dry and large; then copious, pasty stools, with the relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Head. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head, with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about |. hypochondria, Graph. 5. Head. Constipation, with vertigo; heat in head, and tinnitus aurium; large ac- cumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass then even when soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. China Clin. Headache. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric, much black offensive blood; pseudo-membrane ; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. Ac. Clin. ( 271 ) HEAD AcHE. REPERTORY OF PART II. HEPAT I C. Headache. Constipation; no urging; in- activity of rectum; stool insufficient; hard, much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. Headache. Dropsical diseases, depending on organic affections of liver; jaun- dice, with dull headache; constipa- tion ; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Headache. Constipation, especially with recurring sick headache. Iris V. Clin. Headache. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin; nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. Headache. Hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache and ver- tigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Headache. Constipation following par- turition, with haemorrhoids and head- ache. Hydras. Clin. Heart. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells about the heart, Laur. Clim. Heartburn. Hepatic diseases with indi- gestion, eructations, salivation, heart- burn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Heat. Dryness in rectum with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks. AEsc. 2, Heat. Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum. Aloe 2. Heat, Diarrhoea in morning with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent, Pod. 1. Heat. Uneasiness in region of liver, with heat, pressure, and tension. Aloe 6. Heat. Bleeding haemorrhoids; burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. A con. 3. Heat in upper and lower abdomen. Camph. 5. Heat in lower part of rectum during stool. Con. 2. Heat. Pain in abdomen, with coldness, then heat and warm sweat ; heat with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Heat. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stom- ach, causing nausea, with anxious heat : of cheeks. Hep. 7. Heat. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling; also in bed with spas- modic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Heat. Bleeding piles with heat and sharp stitches; blood bright. A con. Clin. Heat. Diarrhoea from checked perspira- tion during heat of Summer, with cold nights. A con. Clin. Heat. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep’s-dung; hard and black as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Heat. Constipation with vertigo, heat in head, and tinnitus aurium ; large ac- cumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them even when Soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. China Clin. Heated. Colic caused by Suppressed perspiration, as from drinking ice water when heated. Coloc. Clin. Heavily. Heaviness in abdomen; sensa- tion as if it hung down heavily, oblig- ing her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Heaviness in rectum. Aloe 2, - Heaviness in abdomen like a stone, just be- fore menses; during menses; and in sa- crum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Heaviness in the hypogastrium, Aloe 7. Heaviness. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hy- drogen; also at night; after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. - Heaviness, Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension, heaviness during motion; empti- ness after stool, Sep, 5. Heaviness. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings; then ineffectual tendency to diar- rhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdomen and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Heaviness. Distention of abdomen after Supper, with heaviness, anxiety and emission of flatus. Arg. N. 5. Heaviness in abdomen; sensation as if it hung down heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Heaviness in lower part of rectum. C. 2. Heaviness. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Heaviness. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting, draw- ing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Heaviness. Feeling of tension in hypo- gastrium when sitting and walking, with heaviness. Kali C. 7. Heaviness. Enlargement of the liver, with heaviness in the hepatic region. Sep. Clin. Heavy grinding in region of liver; worse in evening. Diosc. 6. Heavy. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo A n. 7. Heavy. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Held. Tenesmus, as if more stools would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet, on account of this pain, he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Hepatic, Burning and tensive sticking in right hypochondrium ; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag, M., 6. Hepatic. Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic region, if she eats to satiety. Lyc, 6. Hepatic. Pain in hepatic region, extending downward and across umbilical re- gion, as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. Calc. Hepatic. Sticking pain in hepatic region with burning when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased. Sulf, 6. Hepatic. Gnawing in hepatic region. Ruta 6. Hepatic. Tension and pressure in hepatic region, as if enlarged even to burst- ing. Calc. C. 6. Hepatic. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M. 5. Hepatic. Stitches in hepatic region in afternoon. Caust. 6. Hepatic. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved by bending forward, with pain on touch as if suppurating. China 6. Hepatic. Shooting pain in hepatic region with moist skin. Card. M. 6. Hepatic. Tensive pain in hepatic region; in right below false ribs, aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Hepatic. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure, extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. - Hepatic. Stitches in hepatic region, hin- dering deep breathing. Acon. 6. Hepatic. Pain in hepatic region, obstruct- ing the breathing. A con. 6. Hepatic. Constriction in hepatic region, worse in the right, preventing deep breathing. A con. 6. Hepatic. Pain in hepatic region increased on pressure; stitches in right hypo- chondrium extending to gastric re- gion. Ars. A. Clin. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region, Sometimes also in hip, with burning or biting externally. Zinc. 6. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region; ag- gravation from motion, with tension. Nit. A.C. 6. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region; sore pain; full sensation. Sep. 6. Hepatic region sensitive when walking, with pain on touch ; at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region, with constriction. Nux V. 6. Hepatic. Pain in hepatic region on pres- sure; sensitiveness; worse when lying On right side, with pain on touch. PhOS. 6. Hepatic. Throbbing in and below hepatic region as if an ulcer would form. Nux V. 6. Hepatic. Tearing in hepatic region as if Stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea; always preceded by an agreeable Sensation in the stomach. Nux MOS. 6. Hepatic. Distention in hepatic region, with pain as if Suppurating and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region. Merc. C. 6. Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region. Hep. 6 Hepatic. Sticking in hepatic region; in- termittent tearing. Con. 6. Hepatic. Sticking, cutting pain in hepatic region. Coloc. 6. ( 272 ) HEPAT I C. REPERTORY OF PART II. HOT. Hepatic. Pain in hepatic region in mar-|Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold;|Horizontal. Pain in abdomen, aggravated gins of ribs on pressure. Chel. 6. dull, aching pains in liver. Cham. by pressure, touch and horizontal posi- Hepatic. Sticking in right hypochon- Clin. tion, with sensitiveness. Apis 5. drium after dinner in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; sore pain on touch ; pinching, Sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Hepatic. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in open air, also with ten- Sion in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p.m., on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Hepatic. Cirrhosis of the liver; first en- larged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pressure; continu- ing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Hepatic. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region; colic from gall-stones. Berb. Clin. Hepatic. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Hepatic. Abscess of liver; throbbing ulcerative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch on walking; hard- ness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Hepatic. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, alternat- ing with vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Hepatic. Acute pain in hepatic region : worse from pressure, breathing, coughing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Hepatic. Chronic diarrhoea, with hepatic troubles. Chel. Clin. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; stitching, burning pains; clothing un- endurable. Carbo V. Clin. Hepatic. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of um- bilicus, with cramp-like pain in he- patic region. Zinc. Clin. Hepatic. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains - in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Hepatic. Camp diarrhoea; chronic; from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane ; with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clim. Hepatic. Enlargement of the liver, with heaviness in the hepatic region. Sep. Clin. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alco- holic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sen- sitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Hepatic diseases, with indigestion; eruc- tations, salivation, heartburn, vomit- ing of food. Berb....Clin. |Hepatic. Inflammatory symptoms in the hepatic region. A con. Clin. Hepatitis. Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, especially in drunkards; gin-liver; chronic hepatitis with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis; , stinging, sharp pains in liver and in spleen. PSOr. Clin. Hernia, Weakness in ring as if a hernia would form. Nux W, 7. Hernia, Pain in ring in morning in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Nux W, 7. Hernia, Development of a tendency to in- guinal hernia. Nux W, 7. Hernia, Painful inclination to inguinal hernia; worse when rising from a seat. COCG. 7. Hernia. Distention of abdomen, and after eating tension with weight, with pain in place of a hermia. Sil. 5. Hernia. Sticking, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdo- men. Alum. 5. Hernia. Pain in groin, as if a hernia would protrude, and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Hernia. Incipient hernia forced down- ward; with a bruised pain, and can- not be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Hernia. Umbilical hernia. Calc. C. Clin. Hernia. Incarcerated hernia. Plumb. Clin. Hernia. Incarcerated hernia; numerous cases of apparently irreducible hernia. have been reported cured by this drug. Nux V. Clin. Hernias, both umbilical and inguinal. COCC. Clin. Herpetic eruption about anus. Natr. M. Clin. Hiccough. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting; hic- cough. Cupr. Clin. * High. Early stage of peritomitis and enteritis, with severe agonizing pains, tossing about, high fever. A con. Clin. High. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxicat- ing drinks or high living ; stools frequent, Small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Hindering. Stitches in hepatic region, hindering deep breathing. Acon. 6. Hip. Bruised pain in groin over left hip and on left side of pelvis. Arg. M. 7. Hip. Sticking in hepatic region, some- times also in hip, with burning or bit- ing externally. Zinc. 6. Hip. Pain above left hip as if it would burst there on coughing. Caust. 7. Hip. Pain in right hypochondrium, be- tween right ribs and hip, when driv- ing; aggravation from pressure. Card. Hips. Deep-seated digging within hips on both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Hopeless. Dysentery; particularly valu- able in the collapsed stage; stools involuntary, grumous; with these conditions it has saved many ap- parently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting, hiccough. Cupr. Clin. Horrible. Cholera or choleraic stools, not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Horribly. Diarrhoea; stool horribly of fensive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. - Horribly. Diarrhoea in low types of ma- laria fever; evacuations horribly of— fensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Hospital diarrhoea. Aloe Clin. Hot. (Stools.) Diarrhoea nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot; Smelling like rotten eggs; green; watery; painless; consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy; with colic. Cham. 1. Hot. Stools green, sometimes slimy, white and mushy, hot and watery, very Offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot; odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drink- ing cold water. Staph. Clin. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. Cr. Clin. Acrid Smarting, burning sensation at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were projected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Hot. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night; painless early in the morn- ing in hot weather, from eating fruit, from drinking sour beer, after severe acute diseases, after loss of fluids. China, Clin. -- Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather, from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Hot. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, in- flamed, protruding ; bleeding from least touch ; with stitching, burning, pains from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather, Ars. A. Clin. Hot. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse. during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natºr. C. Clin. Diarrhoea in hot damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated ; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Hot. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confi- dence in sphincter ani; worse immedi- ately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. Hot. (Miscellaneous.) Abdomen tense, hot, and tender to touch, Cupr. 5, Hot. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. (273) HOT. REPERTORY OF PART. II. HYPochondrium. Hot. Abdomen tense and hard ; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling, and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Haemorrhoids blind painful, with slow hot prickings; haemorrhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Colic especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. Flatulent colic, worse from wine with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Griping colic writhing around naval; better from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Colic immediately after eating ; and worse after drinking; amelioration from hot, wet clothes; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Hour. Stool pasty, light brown after urg- ing, them rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen ; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, grayish- HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. HOt. green and dirty brown ; forcible, Crot. Tig, 1. Hour. Pain across umbilicus preventing sleep; pinching when sitting, below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Hour. Constipation produced by cheese; better from Smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Hours. Burning, Smarting in anus Some hours after stool, with cutting as in sore; biting in evening with Sore pain. Nux V. 3. Hours. Haemorrhoids swollen and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Hours. Contractive, SOre pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Hours. Chronic diarrhoea, especially dur- ing early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Hours. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; Stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. Hung. Heaviness in abdomen; sensation as if it hung down heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Hung. Atony of the stomach and abdo- men; feeling as if they hung down re- laxed. Staph. Clin. Hunger. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen as from taking Gold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with raven- ous hunger. Asaf. 5. Hunger. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stool early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Hydrant. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; Wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Hyperaemia; at first enlargement, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. PhOS. Clin. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, alternating with vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Hyperamia. Cachexia of miners working deep under ground; portal hypera- mia; gall-stones; catarrh of the bil- iary ducts. Card. M. Clin. Hypertrophied. Spleen hypertrophied. Ars. A. 6. Hypochondria. (Intolerance of Clothing.) Stool of green mucus, with retching; vomiting of mucus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody. Arg, N, 1. Hypochondria, Intolerance of tight cloth- ing in hypochondria, Calc, C, 6. Hypochondria. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hy- pochondria. Crotal. H. 5. Hypochondria. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of any- thing tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Hypochondria. (Pain.) Pain in hypochon- dria, with soreness, Agar, 6. Hypochondria. Pain through hypochon- dria and in right scapula; in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. Hypochondria. Pain in hypochondria on touch in region of liver; bruised pain. Carbo V. 6. Hypochondria. Intermittent pain, with flatulence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Hypochondria. Cramp-like pain in hypo- chondria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Hypochondria. Pain in hypochondria, ag- gravated by standing. so that he stoops; towards morning, with disten- tion, pain in forehead and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondria. Arg. N. 6. Hypochondria. Sticking in hypochondria on deep breathing. Sulf. 6. Hypochondria. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipec. 6. Hypochondria. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open ; at 4 p.m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Naur. S. 6. Hypochondria, (Miscellaneous.) Flatulence here and there in hypochondria, even in back in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations, Lyc. 6. Hypochondria. Feeling below hypochon- dria, as if laced, with trembling and throbbing in epigastric region. Calc. C. 6. Hypochondria. Constriction of hypo- chondria, as from a band. Con. 6. Hypochondria. Incarceration of flatus in hypochondria, with oppression of Chest. PhOS. 6. Hypochondria. Distention of hypochon- dria; worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe On account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Hypochondriac. Habitual constipation, especially in haemorrhoidal and hypo- chondriac people. Sulf. Clin. Hypochondriac. Constipation in sad, de- sponding and hypochondriac per- Sons; frequent urging, but insuf- ficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vege- table food. Natr. C. Clin. Hypochondriacs. Constipation of old people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms. Aloe Clin. Hypochondrium. (Left.) Weight in left hypochondrium when walking, sitting, and lying, not affecting breathing, Lyc, C. Hypochondrium. Ileft hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. IOd. 6. Hypochondrium. Pressive drawing for- ward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus TOx. 6. - Hypochondrium, Sharp pain in left hy- pochondrium. Diosc. 6. Hypochondrium, Burning in left hypo- chondrium. Graph. 6. Hypochondrium. Cutting in a spot in left hypochondrium in morning. Mag. M. 6. Hypochondrium. Pain in left hypochon- drium with sensitiveness, the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspiration. Bry. 6. - Hypochondrium. Pain in left hypochon- drium relieved when lying. Sep. 6. Hypochondrium, (Right.) Bruised pain in right hypochondrium; worse from touch; on breathing. Lyc, 6. Hypochondrium, Burning and tensive stick- ing in right hypochondrium; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic re- gion, Mag, M., 6. Hypochondrium. Stitches in right hypo- chondrium. AEsc. 6. Hypochondrium. Drawing pain in right hypochondrium, extending towards symphysis pubis. Calc. C. 6. Hypochondrium. Pressure in right hy- pochondrium with pain on touch. IOd. 6. Hypochondrium. Stitches in righ hypo- chondrium during and after stoop- ing. Calc. C. 6. (274 ) HYPochondrium. REPERTORY OF PART II. HYPOC ASTRIUM. Hypochondrium. Soreness, fullness, dis- tress in right hypochondrium. AEsc. 6. Hypochondrium. Pain in right hypo- chondrium and in both iliac regions. Carbol. A c. 6. Hypochondrium. Pain in right hypochon- drium; between right ribs and hip when driving, aggravation from pressure. Card. M. 6. Hypochondrium. Sticking in right hypo- chondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch ; pinching ; sticking; tearing. Kali C. 6. Hypochondrium. Sticking in liver; in right hypochondrium with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending backward. Laur. 6. Hypochondrium. Sticking in right hy- pochondrium in forenoon, then grip- ing in hypogastrium, with Sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Hypochondrium. Pain in right hypochon- drium ; contractive; worse in morn- ing, then constriction in stomach ex- tending to chest ; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Hypochondrium. Stitches in hypochon- dria, when walking in Open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open; at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Hypochondrium. Sense of distention in right hypochondrium. Chel. 6. Hypochondrium. Pain in hepatic region, increased on pressure; Stitches in right hypochondrium, extending to gastric region. Ars. A. Clin. Hypochondrium. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitching and burning in right hypo- chondrium. Amm. Mur. Clim. Hypochondrium. Peri-hepatitis, with sharp Stitches in right hypochon- drium ; aggravation from any motion ; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, Sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Hypochondrium. Pain in right hypochon- drium, especially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or Stitches in liver; clay-colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Hypochondrium. Congested, enlarged liver; sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Hypochondrium. (Miscellaneous.) Full feeling in hypochondrium. Card. M. Hypochondrium oppressed by clothing, which was unendurable. Carbo V. 6. Hypochondrium. Pressure in hypochon- drium on every step. Calc. C. 6. Hypogastric. Cutting low down in hypo- gastrie region. Hyos. 7. Hypogastric. Distress in umbilical region and in hypogastric regions, with inter- mittent cutting in stomach and Small in- testines, Diosc, 7. Hypogastric region distended and sensi- tive. Hyos. 7. Hypogastric. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool, then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Hypogastrium. (Flatulence.) Small, fre- quent passages consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Hypogastrium. Incarceration of flatus in hypogastrium. Staph. 7. Hypogastrium. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogas- trium. Coloc. 5. Hypogastrium. Sudden flatulence in hy- pogastrium, passing painfully towards ring. Graph. 7. Hypogastrium. (Pain.) Cutting pain in hypogastrium, now here now there, |Bell, 7, Hypogastrium, Cutting in hypogastrium in morning, with a thin stool, Sulf. 7. Hypogastrium. Griping in hypogastrium during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness. Sulf. 7. Hypogastrium, Stitching, griping, drawing pain in hypogastrium, Agar, 7. Hypogastrium. Bearing-down pains in hypogastrium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with constant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Hypogastrium. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence with cutting were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rec- tum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent ; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7. Hypogastrium. Tension in hypogas- trium, with pain on touch. Op. 7. Hypogastrium. Secale 7. Hypogastrium. Cutting in hypogastrium, with incarceration of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Hypogastrium. Pain across hypogas- trium at night on lying down; ameli- oration from micturition. Sep. 7. Hypogastrium. Drawing burning in hy- pogastrium, extending from right ring, as if in Spermatic cord into right testicle. Staph. 7. Hypogastrium. Intermittent griping in hypogastrium, so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, preceded by rumbling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Hypogastrium. Cutting pain in hypo- gastrium mornings, with nausea, sweetish disgusting taste; weakness and sleepiness; cutting rising to upper abdomen, when it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Hypogastrium. Pinching, increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning before, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. Hypogastrium. Pain in hypogastrium as from a flatulent purgative. A con. 7. Hypogastrium. Pinching pain in hypo- gastrium. Carbo V. 7. Pain in hypogastrium. Hypogastrium. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if dis- tended; pains generally increasing and decreasing. Bell. 7. Hypogastrium. Pain in right hypogas- trium as if something would be Squeezed through. Carbo An. 7. Hypogastrium. Accumulation of ſlatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Hypogastrium. Constriction in hypogas- trium before passage of turbid urine. Chel. 7. Hypogastrium. Contractive pain in hy- pogastrium like after-pains, with urg- ing to stool. Con. 7. Hypogastrium. Burning pain in hypogas- trium extending to sacrum. Crotal. H. 7. Hypogastrium. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium ; then large moist, at last thin Sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Hypogastrium. Dragging in hypogas- trium towards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Rali C. 7. Hypogastrium. Cutting in hypogastrium as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; Sticking. Kali C. 7. Hypogastrium. Sticking in right hypo- chondrium in forenoon, then griping in hypogastrium, with sticking in re- gion of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Hypogastrium. Pain in hypogastrium, extending to genitals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Hypogastrium. Pain in hypogastrium in ring, when coughing, extending into testicles as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Hypogastrium. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting, rum- bling, then watery diarrhoea. Nux V. 7 Hypogastrium, (Pressure.) Pressure in hypogastrium as if contents would issue through genitals, Sep. 7. Hypogastrium. Forcing down in hypogas- trium towards genitals. Nux W, 7. Hypogastrium, Pressing downward in hy- pogastrium during menses; better in knee-elbow position, which caused eruc- tations and sleep. Sep. 7. Hypogastrium. Pressure downward in hy- pogastrium towards genitals as during menstruation. Plat, 7, Hypogastrium. Pressure in hypogastrium in places. Phos. Ac. 7. Hypogastrium. Pressure in hypogastrium On physical exertion. Calc. C. 7. Hypogastrium. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pres- sure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on Waking. Sep. 7. ( 275 ) HYPO CAST RIUM. REPERTORY OF PART II. | NACT IV iTY. Hypogastrium. Sensation in hypogas- |Ice water. Colic caused by suppressed Immediately. Diarrhoea always in day- trium as if a hard body pressed back- perspiration as from drinking ice time, never at night, but has stool ward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggra- vated when standing. Lil. Tig. 7. Hypogastrium. Pressure in morning in hypogastrium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of gen- eration, with distention of abdomen; then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Hypogastrium, (Miscellaneous.) Heaviness in the hypogastrium. Aloe 7. Hypogastrium. Constriction in hypogas- trium, as from a stone, extending to bladder. Puls, 7. - Hypogastrium. Movement in hypogastrium as if something living, like a pushing of the muscles by the arm of a child, with- out pain. Thuja 7. Hypogastrium. Sensitiveness of hypo- gastrium to touch. A con. 7. Hypogastrium. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, with Sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. Hypogastrium. Weight in hypogastrium; aggravated by walking. Kali C. 7. Hypogastrium. Feeling of tension in hypogastrium when sitting and walk- ing, with heaviness. Kali C. 7. Hypogastrium. Distention of abdomen beginning at stomach; abdomen hard, as if filled with air, with- out pain; she cannot bear pres- Sure on Stomach; worse in hypogas- trium. Ratan. 5. Hysterical. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hysterical women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Hysterical. Excessive flatulence, espe- cially in hysterical subjects. Ign. Clin. Hysterical. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical womén. Ign. Clin. Ice cream. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching, burning pains, from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Ice cream. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike ; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit ; ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Ices. Colic from cold; from getting feet wet; from fruits, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. Ice water. Haemorrhoids, bluish swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from last touch, with stitching burning pains from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Ice water. Diarrhoea, from chilling the stomach with ice water, from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-Smelling. Carbo V. Clin. water when heated. Coloc. Clin. Ichor. Oozing of corrosive ichor from rectum. Merc. C. 2. Icy. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness, and intolerance of being covered. Secale Clin. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen, withicy coldnessin stomach. Colch. Clin. Iliac. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Ponpart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region ; afterwards almost dysentery of wa- tery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. PhOS. 1. - . Iliac. Pain in right hypochondrium, and in both iliac regions. Carbol. A c. 6. Iliac. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Iliac. Sudden bounding, as of something alive in right iliac region. Thuja 7. Iliac. Retraction of abdomen, with hard- ness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region, and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Piumb. 5. Icy. Iliac, Sensitiveness of the right iliac re- gion. Bapt. Clin. Iliac. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions from uterine and abdominal congestion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Ilio-Caecal. Chronic catarrh and ulcera- tion of the ilio-caecal region. Op. Clin. Ilium. Stitches at origin of Pompart's ligament at left ilium, extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Ilium. Sticking deep in one or other ilium an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inwards towards small of back. Berb. 7. Ilium. Tension in region of left anterior Superior spine of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, extending to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. Immediately. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; then natural stool in evening immediately after eating and drinking; alternating with constipa- tion. Pod. 1. Immediately. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in Sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Immediately. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass anything; great, urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation. Anac. Clin. Immediately. Colic immediately after eat- ing; and worse after drinking; ameli- oration from hot, wet cloths; abdomen enormously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. early in the morning; hunger imme- diately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gush- ing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with Colic. Petr. Clin. Immediately, Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless; gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, in odorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Inability. Urging, more in upper intes- tines; Stool soft and insufficient ; anx- ious urging, inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Inability. Inactivity of rectum and in- ability to evacuate feces; constant, in- effectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Inability. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of stomach, and Small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Inability. Diarrhoea, with urging and inability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ings in abdomen and rectum; faint- ness. Tept, Clin. Inability. Constipation; stools enor- mously large and painful, leaving the Sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Inability. Constipation; an all-gone feel- ing in rectum; inability to expel feces Or to Strain at stool, with sensation Of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Inactive. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. Inactive. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectuim is in- active; the stools are hard; often asso- Giated with Soreness of the rectum and anus which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Inactive. Constipation of long standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inac- tive. Op. Clin. Inactivity. (Rectum.) Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light, clay- Colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Inactivity. Constipation as from constric- tion of intestines; as from inactivity of rectum; Stool hard, then sticking as from hamorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Inactivity. Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactiv- ity of rectum. Phos. 1. Inactivity. Constipation; no urging; in- activity of rectum; stool insufficient, hard; much straining with headache. Arn. Clin. Inactivity. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft; difficult, from inactivity of the rec- tum. Natr. M. 1. - (276) I NACTIVITY. REPERTORY OF PART II. |N EFFECTUAL. Inactivity of rectum and inability to evac- uate feces; constant, ineffectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Inactivity of rectum; stools hard. - M. Clin. Inactivity of rectum; even a soft and thin Stool requires great straining, Alum. Clin. - Inactivity. Urging in rectum ; stool not hard but difficult on account of inac- tivity of rectum. Graph. 2. Inactivity. Constipation, with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium ; large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with diffi- culty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum. Cocc. Clin. Inactivity. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insuffi- cient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Inactivity. (Miscellaneous.) Chronic con- stipation from irregular menstrua- tion; inactivity of intestines whether stool is hard or soft ; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Inactivity. Obstinate constipation, inac- tivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Incarcerated, (Flatus.) Pressure in ab- domen, downward at night, waking her; with tension of muscles so that he could not straighten up; as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf. 5. Incarcerated flatus. Kali C. 5. Incarcerated. Collection of flatus in ab- domen, without evacuation of it, with pain ; flatus rolls about and becomes incarcerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. - Incarcerated. Sticking in rectum as from incarcarated flatus. Puls. 2. Incarcerated flatus, with tension, sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Incarcerated flatus in rectum. Natr. C. 2. Incarcerated flatus, with griping in ab- domen after eating. Natr. C. 5. Incarcerated. Flatulence in abdomen, rising and becoming incarcerated under short ribs. Nux V. 5. Incarcerated. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V, 5. Incarcerated, Flatulent colic, with con- striction around stomach and navel; incarcerated flatus; passes Sour- smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Incarcerated flatulence in left side. Sulf. Clin. Incarcerated. Flatulent colic; the incar- cerated flatus causes much pain as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Natr. Incarcerated. (Miscellaneous.) Pain in ring in morning in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated, Nux W. 7, Incarcerated hernia. Plumb. Clin. Incarcerated hernia; numerous cases of apparently irreducible hernia have been reported cured by this drug. Nux V. Clin. Incarcerated. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring Cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and Suppurate. Sil. Clin. Incarceration, Distention of abdomen, as from incarceration of flatus, Graph. 5, Incarceration, Tension in abdomen, and in- carceration of flatus, Lyc. 5. Incarceration of flatus in hypogastrium. Staph. 7. - Incarceration of flatus in hypochondria, with oppression of chest. Phos. 6. Incarceration of flatus. Mag. M. 5. Incarceration of flatus under short ribs. Canth. 6. Incarceration. Cutting in hypogastrium, with incarceration of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Incessant emission of flatus. Mag. M. 5. Incipient hernia, forced downward, with a bruised pain and cannot be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Inclination, Heaviness in abdomen, like a stone, just before menses; during menses; in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting, Puls. 5. Inclination. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness; then heat and warm Sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m.; then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Inclination. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool. Op. Clim. Inclination. Habitual costiveness, es- pecially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclina- tion, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Incomplete, Sensation in rectum as if stool were incomplete. Nux W, 2. Increased. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased. Sulf, 6. Increasing. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in re- gion of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically con- stricted; sometimes as if distended ; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. - Indigestible. Cholera infantum; great de- sire for indigestible things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, undigested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Indigestion. Hepatic diseases, with indi- gestion; eructations, salivation, heart- burn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Indigestion. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overealing; flatulent, with pres- sure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. Indolent. Stool soft but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part re- mained. Nux Mos. 1. - Indurated. Stool indurated as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Indurated. Liver enlarged and often in- durated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch ; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Indurated. Enlarged, indurated liver, which is sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. - Induration. Sticking griping pain in um- bilical region as from an internal in- duration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. - Induration. Constipation; bowels ob- structed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's- dung; covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Induration of the liver. Graph. Clin. Ineffectual, Frequent ineffectual urging in rectum. Sulf. 2, Ineffectual, Stool of blood and mucus with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and al- most ineffectual tenesmus, Merc, C, 1. Ineffectual urging in rectum in evening with protrusion of rectum, Ign, 2. Ineffectual, Constant ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rec- tum, with chilliness of body, Sil, 1. Ineffectual, Constant ineffectual urging with tenesmus in rectum. Merc, 2. Ineffectual. Anxious urging in rectum; frequent, ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft. Nux W. 2. - Ineffectual. Diarrhoea after eating; of un- digested feces, also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging with biting burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Ineffectual attempts at stool. Æsc. 3. Ineffectual. Urging to stool after eating when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus; only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Carbo Ineffectual urging; frequent thin stool in single, Stony pieces. Coloc. 2. Ineffectual. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen ; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting, trem- bling in abdomen, and bending to- gether, then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Ineffectual. Urging to stool; ineffectual tenesmus as in dysentery, with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Ineffectual. Urging to stool, which is thin, frequent, but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool. Bell. 1. Ineffectual. Pressure in rectum all day, with frequent, ineffectual urging. Caust. 2. * , . . Ineffectual. Frequent ineffectual urging in rectum causing pain. Merc. C. 2. (277) INE FFECTUAL. REPERTORY OF PART II. INSU FFIC ENT. Ineffectual. Dysenteric attacks for sev- eral successive years; frequent bloody stools with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Ineffectual urging with feeling as if rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Kali C. 2. - Ineffectual. Inactivity of rectum and ina- bility to evacuate feces; constant in- effectual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Ineffectual, Griping in abdomen, with ineffectual urging to stool; pain be- fore and during stool; better after Stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. ; ; ; ; Ineffectual. Protruding, painful, sore haemorrhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Ineffectual. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about ; then thin, offensive stool with colic; then ineffectual ten- esmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually subsided, returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Ineffectual. Diphtheritic dysentery; burn- ing in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. Ac. Clin. Ineffectual, Constipation; ineffectual urg- ing to stool, with small discharges, or Only flatus passes; stool only every Second day. Mag. C. Clin. In effectual. urging; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark- colored constipation alternating with diarrhºea. Iod. Clin. Ineffectual. Dysentery almost constant; cutting pains in abdomen, with inef- fectual pressing, straining and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. In effectual. Constipation ; desire for stool; but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum, and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with Sharp, Splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. A G Clin. Inertia. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum ; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Inertia. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool. Op. Clin. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crumbly, clayey. Pod. Clin. Infants. Tiarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive; preceded by colic; stools mucous with aphthous sore mouth. Borax Clin. Inflamed. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Inflamed. Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleed- ing. Alum. Clin. Inflamed. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching burning || pains; from cold; from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Constipation, withineffectual || Inflammation. (Liver.) Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hard- ness, constant fever, dry tongue, rest- lessness, Small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Tod. 6. Inflammation. Chronic inflammation of the liver, associated with jaundice. POd. Clin. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Inflammation. Enlarged liver of drunk- ards, with inflammation and abscess; jaundice; tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. Inflammation. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with constipation ; vomit- ing of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Inflammation. (Miscellaneous.) Inflam- mation of haemorrhoids; stitches; sore pain during cough ; pain when walk- ing. Kali C. 3. Inflammation or engorgement of the pelvic viscera. Acon. Clin. Inflammation. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever; inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Inflammation. Chronic catarrhal inflam- mation of the bowels, with mucous discharge or feces covered with mu- cus. Hydras. Clin. Inflammation. Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels with extreme pain in the rectum. Merc. C. Clin. Inflammatory symptoms in the hepatic region. A con. Clin. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen, with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M. 5. . . . . Inflation. Rumbling in abdomen, with inflation and accumulation of flatus." Gamb. 5. ' ' ' ' - . . . . . . . Inflation and tension with pinching in umbilical region with frequent emis- sion of flatus. Gamb. 7. Inguinal. (Glands.) Swelling of inguinal glands, Calc. C. 7, Inguinal, Swelling of inguinal glands with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Inguinal. Suppuration of inguinal glands; buboes. Hep. 7. Inguinal. Swelling of inguinal glands; painful, and of auxiliary glands. Natr. C. 7. Inguinal glands as large as peas; painful to touch. Sil. 7. Inguinal. Swelling of inguinal glands, with Sticking and cutting. Thuja 7. Inguinal. Swelling of inguinal glands. Rhus TOx. 7. Inguinal. Swelling of inguinal glands; Suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Inguinal. (Hermia.) Development of a ten- dency to inguinal hernia, Nux W, 7. Inguinal. Painful inclination to inguinal hernia; worse when rising from a seat. Cocc. 7. Inguinal. Hernias, both umbilical and inguinal. Cocc. Clin. Inguinal. (Miscellameous.) Griping in left inguinal, extending to testicles. Diosc. Inguinal. Tensive spasmodic pain in in- guinal regions, extending from upper and outer part downward and inward. Chel. 7. - * Inguinal. Sticking in right hypochon- drium after dinner, in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in || hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Inguinal. Tension in region of left an- terior Superior spine of ilium in eve- ning, changing into drawing, extend- ing to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and to upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. Injury. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without injury. Tach. 3. Inodorous, Emission of much inodorous flatus. Agar, 5. - In Odorous. Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum; weak diges- tion, especially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. - In Odorous. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless, gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, in odorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Inspiration. Internal coldness in abdo- men after every swallow of drink; renewed on every inspiration. China Inspiration. Tensive pain in hepatic region, in right, below false ribs; ag- gravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Inspiration. Sticking in umbilical region during inspiration. Hyos. 7. Inspiration. Paralytic, bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Insufficient. Constipation; no urging, in- | activity of rectum ; stool insufficient, hard; much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. . . Insufficient. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back; then urging to stool; then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Insufficient. Urging more in upper intes- tines; stool soft and insufficient; anxious urging, inability to evacuate feces, without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Insufficient. Stool soft and insufficient. Kali C. 1. Insufficient. Constipation during men- struation ; stool like sheep-dung; painful and difficult; insufficient after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Insufficient. Constipation; hard, insuffi- cient stool, with urging and protru-l sion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Insufficient. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insuffi- | cient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. . . . . Insufficient. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining with shuddering and sense | of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. | (278 ) IN SUFF IC ENT. REPERTORY OF PART II. I N TEST IN ES. Insufficient. Constipation in sad, de- sponding, and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Insufficient. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep's-dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Interminable diarrhoea, in summer which resists everything, especially in Scrof- ulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish, dis- charged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Intermittent, (Pain.) Distress in umbili- cal region and in hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines. Diosc. 7. Intermittent colic in abdomen, Cupr. 5. Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic. eminence. Arn. 7. Intermittent griping pain in abdomen. Asaf. 5. Intermittent sticking near left side of anus. Crocus. 3. Intermittent. Sticking in hepatic region; intermittent, tearing. Con. 6. Intermittent pain, with flatulence in hy- pochondria and Stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Intermittent; acute pain in liver region, extending to scapula. Hydras. 6. Intermittent pain in region of Spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 6. Intermittent. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Intermittent pinching Sticking in region of spleen. Zinc. 6. Intermittent boring in abdomen often ex- tending to chest, threatening Suffoca- cation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Intermittent griping in hypogastrium SO that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, preceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Intermittent. (Miscellaneous.) Intermit- tent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved by bending for- ward, with pain on touch as if Sup- purating. China 6. Intermittent. Dysentery in marshy dis- tricts, with intermittent symptoms. China, Clin. Intermittent. Atrophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen ; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux Mos. Clin. Intermittent. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin, Intermitting. Stool intermitting, fre- quent; at first hard, then pasty, then liquid, white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. - Internal coldness in abdomen after every swallow of drink; renewed on every inspiration. China 5. Internal. Sticking, griping pain in um- bilical region, as from an internal in- duration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and everything would fall out. Cocc. 7. Internal. Aggravation of internal piles, with protusion of rectum after stool; Sometimes prolapsed for days, Owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. O Interrupted. Emissions of flatus, loud, short and interrupted; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Intestinal. Colic, as if intestinal canal were full of water. Kali C. Clin. Intestinal obstruction, with fecal vomit- ing and violent colic. Op. Clin. Intestinal catarrh in children; colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Intestinal. Camp diarrhoea; chronic; from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Dept. Clin. Intestines. large intestines are wanting in peris- taltic action; cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles. Hep, 2. Intestines, Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour- Smelling; then shivering; then urging, with constriction in intestines. Rheum * 1 Intestines. Constipation, as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rectum ; stool hard, then sticking, as from haemorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Intestines, Diarrhoea of green mucus; as green as bile; once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green then slimy: not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Intestines. Diarrhoea at night, with cut- ting in intestines; stool like brown yeast, Arn, 1. Intestines. Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in anus and griping in intestines. Kali B. 1. Intestines. Urging to stool after a meal, more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. Intestines. Urging more in upper intes- tines; stool soft and insufficient; anx- ious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Intestines sluggish, so that the strongest || purgatives lose their power. Op. 5. Intestines. Stool of blood, mucus and what seemed like Scrapings of inner surface of intestines. Phytol. 1. Intestines. White, tough mucus, with the stool like Scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. (Stool.) Urging in rectum, but Intestines. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with fre- quent cutting through all small intes- times. Diosc. 7. Intestines. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like scrapings of the intestines; in- voluntary; putrid; dark. Carbol. A c. Clin. Intestines. T)iarrhoea, like Scrapings of intestines; reddish, mucous or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Intestines. Dysentery bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cooking; watery stool, jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Intestines. Constipation in persons of sedentery habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry; crumble when passing, with great Straining, and causing prolapse of rectum. POd. Clin. Intestines. Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Intestines. Diarrhoea; stools, thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Intestines. (Miscellaneous.) Distress in um- bilical region, and in hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines, Diosc. 7. Intestines, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus, the more difficult it is to pass. Wer, Alb, 5. Intestines. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening, and colic worse in evening in bed, with gurgling, griping, and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another. Puls, 3. Intestines. Pain around the navel as if a blunt plug were squeezed into intes- tines. Anac, 7. Intestines. Determination of blood to large intestines. Aloe 7. Intestines. Pain about umbilicus, caus- ing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise him- self or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Intestines. Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of perineum. Bell. 2. Intestines. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed outward; aggravated by standing, Bell. 7. Intestines. Colic immediately after eat- ing; pain below the navel, as if the intestines were torn. Graph. Clin. Intestines. Coldness in abdomen during menses as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. (279) INTEST IN E S. REPERTORY OF PART II. IN, VOLUNT ARY. Intestines. Pain in abdomen with frequent cutting in stomach and small intes- tines, with emission of much flatus. Diosc. 5. Intestines. Clawing, griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. In testines. Pain in abdomen as if every- thing were sore; on every step as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Intestines sore, as if pressed so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. Intolerable. Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus, dark, half digested, of intoler- able odor, Graph, 1. Intolerable. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Intolerable. Diarrhoea with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous, worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerableitching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Intolerance of tight clothing in hypochon- dria, Calc. C. 6. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region, and beneath hypochondria. Crotal. H. 5. Intolerance. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Intolerance. Gall-stone colic, terrible, darting pains, intolerance of garments. about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Intolerance. Abdominal affections char- acterized by extreme sensitiveness to touch, intolerance of even the cloth- ing. Bell. Clin. Intolerance. Asiatic cholera, particularly with the icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Secale Clin. Intoxicating. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxicating drinks or high living; stool frequent small, corrosive, offen- sive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Intussusception. Cramps in abdomen; in- tussusception of the bowels; abdomen drawn in. Cupr. Clin. Intussusception. Obstinate constipation, inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Inward. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward; with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones. Coloc. 5. - Inward. Pain in groin, as if a hernia would protrude, and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Inveterate constipation, with disappoint- ing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Involuntary stool at night in sleep. Arn, 1. Involuntary. Diarrhoea, involuntary, in bed. Hyos. 1, Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion, almost un- noticed, Aloe 1. Involuntary. Stool undigested, of food eaten the previous evening; involuntary. Olean. 1. Involuntary. Diarrhoea, with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; in- voluntary. Ver. Alb. 1. + Involuntary. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish- gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Involuntary. Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus mixed with blood and slime; involuntary the moment it en- tered the rectum, Phos, 1, Involuntary. Watery diarrhoea mixed with hard parts; involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Involuntary. Stool involuntary. Bell. 1. Involuntary. Stool blackish, involuntary. Camph. 1. Involuntary. Diarrhoea frequent, thin, involuntary, with flatus, Small. Ign. 1. Involuntary. Diarrhoea profuse, constant, involuntary, of mucus and blood. Kali B. 1. Involuntary. Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in anus and griping in intestines. Kali B. 1. Involuntary, Stool offensive, involuntary, delayed. Op. 1. Involuntary. Diarrhoea; stool profuse; mucous; of much bloody mucus; vio- lent; involuntary; frequent; with weakness. Petr. 1. In voluntary. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when sneez- ing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon, and evening; always soon after eating. Sulf. 1. & Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sensation, as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Involuntary, unnoticed, hard stool. Clin. Involuntary. Stools sometimes involum- tary on every motion; this symptom indicates Apis in diarrhoea and chol- era infantum. Apis Clin. Involuntary putrid stools Arm. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea, with great pros- tration; stools involuntary during sleep ; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Involuntary. Stools; at first hard; then mushy; finally fluid; smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, Sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Calc. C. Clin. Aloe in typhoid. Involuntary. Dysentery of bloody mucus; like scrapings of the intestines; invol- untary, putrid, dark. Carbol. Ac. Clin. g Involuntary. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen ; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea; with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involun- tary, greenish, slimy or white. Cina Clin. - Involuntary. Diarrhoea; stools involun- tary, green, mucous or mushy, undi- gested, with cutting in abdomen be- fore, ten esmus during, and burning after stool; worse after cold food; pains worse after eating and drink- ing. Iſaur. Clin. Involuntary. Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremulous weakness; dis- charges sometimes involuntary. Con. Clin. Involuntary. Yellow, watery diarrhoea; nearly Odorless; involuntary; passed in bed ur consciously, especially dur- ing sleep; a typhoid state, with de- lirium. Hyos. Clin. Involuntary stools in bed, from paralysis of Sphincter ani. Laur. Clin. In Voluntary. Diarrhoea; stool involun- tary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus, like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, Watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Involuntary. Cholera infantum, with in- Voluntary, offensive stools. Op. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool When coughing; suitable to old per- Sons; to Scrofulous and phthisical patients. Phos. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weak- ening effect; stool white gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. Ac. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea, between mid- night and morning, with sensation as of something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, pro- fuse, involuntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Involuntary. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offensive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Involuntary. Chronic diarrhoea, especi- ally during early hours of morning; Stool watery; with meal-like sedi- ment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive. Pod. Clin. Involuntary. Dysentery; particularly Valuable in the collapsed stage; stools involuntary, grumous; with these con- ditions it has saved many apparently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Involuntary. Chronic dysentery; stools frequent, Small, pitch-like, with pale blood, involuntary. Zinc. Clin. ( 280 ) I NVOLUNTARY. REPERTORY OF PART II. JAUN D. C. E. Involuntary. Discharge of moisture from anus, with Sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Irreducible. Incarcerated hernia; numer- ous cases of apparently irreducible hernia, have been reported cured by this drug. Nux V. Clin. Irregular. Mesenteric disease; glandular enlargement, emaciation, irregular stool, enormous appetite. Tod. Clin. Irregular piles, with Stitching, burning or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Irregular, Constipation; large, hard, diffi- cult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; then action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Irregular. Chronic constipation from ir- regular menstruation; inactivity of intestines whether stool is hard or soft; alteration of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation, from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and Sharp Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Irritability. Fissure of anus, with very great irritability. Sil. Clin. Irritation. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region, worse from drinking cold water ; stools black, fecal, fluid, papeScent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Issue. Pressure in hypogastrium as if con- tents would issue through genitals. Sep, 7. Itch. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at amus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Itching. (Anus.) Burning, fullness, itch- ing, pressure, and Soreness in anus. AEsc. 3. Itching, Smarting, sore pain in anus on wip- ing. Graph, 3. Itching around anus at border, with sore feeling, Sulf. 3, & Itching in anus. Arg. N. 3, Jitching in anus. Ant. Cr. 3. Itching in anus, with pain in perineum. Caust. 3. Itching. Crawling, burning, itching in and about anus. Berb. 3. Itching. Blind haemorrhoids; bleeding, with itching pain in anus. Cham. 3. Itching. Burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction in anus; with itch- ing in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Itching in region of anus during day and evening; before sleep. Mezer. 3. Itching of anus. Natr. C. 3. Itching. Moisture and itching in anus, with soreness; moist between anus and nates when Walking. Nit. A c. 3. Itching in anus, with Sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margin; becoming a smarting and Sore pain as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Itching and biting in anus. Phos. 3. Itching of anus when sitting. Staph. 3. Itching. Burning pain in region of anus; itching of anus; pressure of anus. Petr. 3. Itching. Violent itehing or tingling at anus from worms. Zinc. Clin. Itching. (Haemorrhoids,) Blind hamor- rhoids, with itching in morning, pre- ceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in amus, worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Itching. Haemorrhoids, with itching at times. Caps. 3. Itching. Haemorrhoids; itching, with burning and sticking. Sulf. A c. 3. Itching. Piles and fissures at the anus, with great itching; scurf on borders of anus. Petr. Clin. Itching. Painful protruding piles, with itching and sticking. Puls. Clin. Itching. Bleeding piles, with itching and gnawing. Ferr. Clin. Itching. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent itching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Itching. Protruding piles; aching, itch- ing and sore. Calc. Ph. Clin. Itching. Irregular piles, with stitching burning or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Itching. (Rectum.) Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf. 2, Itching burning in rectum at night on waking, and in morning, with pinch- ing extending to perineum. Nit. Ac. 2. Itching. Fullness, itching, Soreness and dryness of rectum. AEsc. 2. Itching soreness in rectum, with pustules by the side of it. Amm. Mur. 2. Itching in rectum and in genitals, with sticking. Caust. 2. Itching. Protrusion of rectum, with itch- ing in evening in bed. Natr. M. 2. Itching in rectum in evening in bed. Ign. 2. Itching. (Stool.) Biting, sore sensation in and around an us; after stool, with itching and Soreness. Kali C. 3. Itching. Burning in anus, with frequent Stools; itching. Lyc. 3. Itching. Burning in anus after Stool, with itching. Mur. A c. 3. * Itching. Constriction of anus, with itch- ing, burning all day; worse after urin- ating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Itching. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only Wind and mucus, with a sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Itching. Congestion of anus after dinner; expulsion of ascarides; sticking, sore- ness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Itching. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy, fluid, causing Soreness; of thread worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Itching. Jerking, almost Sticking pain in rectum, with burning, stinging, itch- ing during stool. Sil. 2. Itching. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. 3. Itching. Diarrhoea; stool yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of an us when sitting. Staph. Clin. Itching. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning, particularly after stool. Berb. Clin. Itching. Haemorrhoids accompanied with obstinate constipation; swollen, itch- ing, Stinging, burning and painful when touched. Caust. Clin. Itching. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep’s-dung; hard and black as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Itching. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark-green, brown, gel- atinous; worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. Itching. (Miscellaneous.) Soreness of per- ineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Itching. Ascarides with itching; unnat- ural appetite, flushed face. Ferr. Clin. Itching-sticking. Haemorrhoids with sore pain; unendurable on walking or re- flecting; swollen, withitching-sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging, burning, painful when touched. Caust. 3 Jaunāice. Bell. Clin. Jaundice. Enlargement of liver which is sore, with jaundice. Calc. C. Clin. Jaundice. Dropsical diseases depending on Organic affections of liver; jaundice | with dull headache, constipation, foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Jaundice with clear urine, offensive; tongue white; stools dark. Chel. Clin. Jaundice. Enlargement of the liver, pain under angle of right shoulder blade; or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bitter taste. Chel. Clin. Jaundice in nursing children. Jaundice with China. Clin. haemorrhage from the nose; tenderness of the liver. Crotal. H. Clin. - Jaundice. Gall-stone colic with jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Jaundice. Liver torpid; skin yellow; stools light colored; jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Jaundice. Duodenal catarrh ; sometimes with jaundice, white stools. Kali B. Clin. Jaundice. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaun- dice; tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. Jaundice. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools, swell- ing of feet and legs. Mag, M. Clin. Jaundice. Liver enormously enlarged; jaundice, with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Nit. A c. Clin. (281) JAUN DIC E. |REPERTORY OF PART II. l. A R C E. —x- Jaundice. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with Soreness and sharp, sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faint- ness. Nux V. Clin. Jaundice. Hyperaemia; at first enlarge- ment, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. Jaundice. Chronic inflammation of the liver, associated with jaundice. Pod. Clin. Jaundice. Gall-stone colic with jaundice and twisting pain. Pod. Clin. Jaundice. Duodenitis with jaundice; ul- ceration of the duodenum. Pod. Clin. Jaundice, with nausea and vomiting. Plumb. Clin. Jaundiced. Tiver enlarged and often in- durated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch ; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Jelly-like. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in amus and rectum ; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Jelly-like. T)iarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus, like frog's spawn, generally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with constipation. Hell. Clin Jelly-like. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from the intestines. Colch. Clin. Jelly-like. the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Jelly-like. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Jelly-like. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus TOX. Clin. Jelly-like. Chronic, debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from amus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Jerking in anus when not at stool. Nux V. 3. . Jerking. Griping and jerking in abdo- men, with pain, which is better after stool. Rhus Tox. 5. Jerking, almost Sticking pain, in rectum, with burning, stinging, itching, dur- ing stool. Sil. 2. Jerk-like. Cutting in abdomen after eat- ing, jerk-like. Chel. 5. Jerks. Squeezing constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of peri- neum. Bell. 2. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in Jerks. Feeling of distention of abdomen, with constrictive pain below umbili- Cus; the latter comes in jerks, oblig- ing bending double. Bell. 7. Joy. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Juicy. Diarrhoea from juicy fruit or cider. Calc. Ph. 1. Jumped. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen So violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat On the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Jumping. Sensation in abdomen internally in sides, as if something living were jumping about. Crocus 5, Kidney. Enlarged indurated liver, which is sore; reflex symptoms from float- ing kidney. Zinc. Clin. Kidneys. Pain to side of umbilicus, corre- sponding to a place in front of kid- Ineys, and rather to side, mostly sticking; often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Kidneys. Intermittent boring in abdo- men, often extending to chest, threat- ening suffocation ; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. - Kidneys. Colic from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold clammy Sweat. Diosc. Clin. Knee. Pain in pelvis, beginning in sac- Pum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Something hard ; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Knee-elbow. Pressing downward in hy- pogastrium during menses; better in knee-elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep. Sep, 7. Knife. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Knife. Fissure of the anus, with constant oozing of fetid moisture; with raw Smarting as if cut with a knife. Nit. Ac. Clin. Knives. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting spas- modic pains; pinching griping Sensa- tion as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post, or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Knot, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass. Ver, Alb, 5, Knots. Retraction of abdomen, with hard- ness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Plumb. 5. Knots. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Knots. Colic; intense paroxysms of a Shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone, and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. Knotty. Stool hard and difficult; brown and knotty. Card. M. 1. Knotty. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus, then a soft one en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Knotty stools. Natr. S. 1. Knotty. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish, scanty, brownish; difficult but not hard. Sep. 1. Knotty. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum; knotty stool shining as if greased; very Small in size; passes easier when Standing. Caust. Clin. Knotty. Habitual constipation; stools Scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. - Knotty. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and ac- Companied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. - Knotty. Obstinate constipation; inactiv- ity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Labor-pains. Flatulent pain in abdomen, like labor-pains. Natr. M. 5. Labor-pains. Cramps in rectum, like labor-pains, and in small of back. Lyc. 2. & Laced. Feeling below hypochondria, as if laced, with trembling and throbbing in epigastric region. Calc. C. 6. Lacing. Stool of green mucus, with retch- ing ; vomiting of mucus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody. Arg, N, 1. - Lager beer. Chronic diarrhoea off and on ; aggravation from lager beer. Kali B. Clin. - Lager beer. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark-green, brown, gel- atinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium ; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. Lancinating. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after Stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Large, (Stools.) Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious, frequent, with shivering. Wer. Alb, 1, Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty; followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was protruded; with severe headache in lumbar region. AEsc. 1. LARC. E. REPERTORY OF PART II. LEFT. Large. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium; then large moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Large. Burning in rectum with the evac- uation of stool and urine; stools dry and large; then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Large. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal mus- cles. Zinc, 1. Large. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Large. Diarrhoea of undigested stools; sour odor, large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. Large. Contractive, Sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Large. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Large. Constipation; Stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Large. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels irreg- ular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Large. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum ; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. Large. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum ; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Large. (Miscellaneous.) Inguinal glands as large as peas, painful to touch. Sil. 7. Large. Haemorrhoids large, bleeding, which suppurate. Merc. Clin. Lassitude. Diarrhoea; stools liquid, with mucus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood; preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. Lasting. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. Ac. Clin. Laughing. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when Sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon, and evening; always soon after eating. Sulf 1. Laurel. Stool hard, in shape of laurel ber- ries; difficult with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum, Alum. 1. Laxatives. Habitual costiveness, especi- ally of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continued inclina- tion, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Lay, Distention and sensitiveness of abdo- men, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdo- men, Lach, 5. Lead colic. Cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation as if the bowels were Squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Lead colic. Natr. S. Clin. Lead. Constipation from lead poisoning; frequent desire but small evacuations, with great effort. Plat. Clin. Lean. Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over, press- ing with both hands, or to lean far back, as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Left. (Abdomen.) Stool pasty, light brown, after urging, then rumbling and gurg- ling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, grayish-green, and dirty brown; for- cible, Crot, Tig, 1. Left. Loud rumbling in the left side of abdomen, like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. Left. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, especially during a Sudden transition from rest to mo- tion. Arg. N. 5. Left. Twitching in left side of abdomen between navel and left flank, as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Left. Accumulation of flatus in left up- per abdomen, more towards back with pinching here and there under short ribs, in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Left. Sticking in left side of abdomen below umbilicus on walking rapidly, and afterwards. China 7. Left. Pinching constriction in upper ab- domen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. Cocc. 5. Left. Gurgling rumbling in abdomen, worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. Left. Urging in rectum; sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen; worse On left side. Jatr. 2. (Hypochondrium.) Weight in left hypochondrium when walking, sitting and lying, not affecting breathing. Lyc. 6 Left, Left. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure, extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Left. Sharp pain in left hypochondrium. DiOSC. 6. - Left. Burning in left hypochondrium. Graph. 6. Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. Tod. 6. Left. Cutting in a spot in left hypochon- drium in morning. Mag. M. 6. Left. Pain in left hypochondrium, re- lieved when lying. Sep. 6. Left. Pressive drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. (Ribs.) Stitches under left false ribs when standing, intercepting breathing, Arn, 6. Left. Stitches in liver, under left short rib. Agar. 6. Left. Stitches in region of left short ribs. Mezer. 6. Left. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking now in right, now in left groin, apparently connected with ovaries. Coloc. 7, - Left. Griping in left inguinal, extending to testicles. Diosc. 7. Left. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Pompart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses, and tenesmus. Phos. 1. Left. Bruised pain in groin over left hip and on left side of pelvis. Arg. M. 7. Deft. Intermittent tearing in left half o pubic eminence. Arn. 7. - Left. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's lig- ament at left ilium, extending down; then shooting outward into left side. of female urethra. Berb. 7. Left. Pain above left hip as if it would burst there on coughing. Caust. 7. Left. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Left. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Left. Tension in region of left anterior superior spine of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, extending to spine of ilium; to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Left. Coloc. 7. * Left. Intermittent sticking in left side of anus. Crocus 3. Left. Incarcerated flatulence in left side. Sulf. Clin. Left. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent loose stools; cutting almost constantly, running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Left. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Left. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexa- tion; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with sore- ness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggra- vation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Left. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggra- vation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle |. pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Left. Desire for stool whenever she lies On left side. Phos. Clin. ( 283 ) LEC S. REPERTORY OF PART II. Liver. Legs. Colic from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy sweat. TiOSc. Clin. Legs. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; Swell- ing of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Lemon-colored. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mu- cous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Leucorrhoea. Cutting in abdomen, then leucorrhoea, with griping at various times; sometimes when yawning, after breakfast or with cutting after dinner, Zinc, 5, Leucorrhoea. Griping in abdomen before discharge of leucorrhoea. Con. 5. | Lie. Swelling of inguinal glands with cir- cumscribed redness; with pain on pres- sure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc, 7. Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; consist- ing of mucus. Arn. 1. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise himself or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Griping in abdomen, so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; ameliora- tion from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Weakness in abdomen and in back so that she must lie down. Phos. 5. Lies. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without injury. Lach. 3. Ilies. Desire for stool whenever she lies on left side. Phos. Clin. Pain in abdomen; better after stool, with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Lifting. Sticking in umbilical region; in a spot obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Ligament. Constipation, with sensitive- ness above Ponpart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. Phos. 1. Ligament. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's ligament at left ilium, extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Ligaments. Congested, enlarged liver; sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had in- creased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Light. Stool light yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Borax 1. Light. Stools soft, with lumps of white mu- cus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light; clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Life. Light. Stool pasty, bright yellow, copious, with much mucus and light gray. Chel. 1. *- Light. Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Zinc. 5. Light. Diarrhoea without pain or urging; stools brown, watery, white, watery, green, mucous, thin, pasty, bright yel- low, or light gray, like rice-water. Chel. Clin. - - Light brown. Stool pasty, light brown after urging, then rumbling and gurg- ling in left side of abdomen, after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, grayish-green, and dirty brown; for- cible, Crot. Tig, 1. Light colored. Constipation; stool hard with burning in anus; lumpy, scanty, offen- sive, difficult, light colored. Sil, 1. Light colored. Diver torpid; skin yellow; stools light colored; jaundice. Hy- dras. Clin. Light gray. Chronic diarrhoea in cachec- tic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, some- times painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and be- fore stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. - Light yellow. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. * Limb. Swelling of inguinal glands; sup- purative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Limbs, Heaviness in abdomen like a stone, just before menses; during menses; in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Liñbs. Pain in pelvis beginning in sa- crum and passing forward and down to right knee, at 7:30 a.m.; relieved by pressing against something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Limbs. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. Limbs. Intermittent boring in abdomen often extending to chest, threatening Suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Lime. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus; Smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Lips. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features, and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face cov- red with clammy sweat, pulse thready. Hell. 5. Lips. Acute dysentery with unquencha- ble thirst; even the lips, mouth, and throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; Cold hands and feet. Camth. Clin. Liquid. (Stool.) Diarrhoea in morning with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent, Pod, 1, Liquid. Stool brown, liquid, fetid, co- pious. Arg. N. 1. - Liquid. Stool of greenish water with dis- tention of abdomen, frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping ; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in morning on rising; yellow ; with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Liquid. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious, yellow, half-liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Liquid. Stool intermitting, frequent; at first hard, then pasty, then liquid, white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Liquid, involuntary stool, then burning in anus and griping in intestines. Kali B. 1. Liquid. Stool liquid and brownish; frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1, Liquid. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus; red and yellow; gelatinous; tinged with blood, preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. Liquid. Diarrhóēa; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Liquid. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown, papeScent; stool and breath equally Offensive. Asaf. Clin. Liquid. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green Slime. Rheum Clin. Liquid. Chronic diarrhoea, green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Liquids. (Miscellaneous.) Urging in rec- tum, Sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen; worse on left side. Jatr. 2. Lithotomy. Colic; Crampy pains follow- ing a fit of anger, or following opera- tions about the abdomen; after lith- Otomy. Staph. Clin. Little. Distention of abdomen after eating a little. Kali C, 5. Tive. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Liver. (Atrophy.) Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; Sticking in region of liver So that he could not breathe nor eructate. Merc. 6. Liver. Wasting away of liver; nutmeg liver. Laur. Clin. Liver. Atrophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen; enlargement of liver and Spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOs. Clin. - Diver. Hyperaemia; at first enlargement, fatty degeneration, and finally atrophy of the liver, with jaundice and dropsy. Phos. Clin. … Liver. (Cirrhosis.) Cirrhosis of the liver from malarial cachexia. Arg. N. Clin. Liver. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. (284) Li W E R. REPERTORY OF PART II. LIVE R. Liver. Cirrhosis of liver. Mag. M. Clin. Liver. Cirrhotic liver can be felt as ema- ciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Tod. Clin. Liver. Cirrhosis of the liver. Phos. Clin. Liver. Cirrhosis of the liver ; first en- larged and then contracted; hepatic region Sensitive to pressure; continu- ing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Liver, Cirrhosis of liver, with ascites, especially in drunkards; gin liver; chronic hepatitis, with tendency to abscess. Lyc. Clin. Liver. (Enlargement.) Enlargement of liver. Phos. 6. Liver. Congested, enlarged liver; sensa- tion of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Liver. Enlarged liver. Ars. A. Clin. Liver. Enlargement of liver, which is sore, with jaundice. Calc. C. Clin. Liver. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue, bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. Liver. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaundice; tenderness on pressure. Tach. Clin. Liver. Enlarged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Mag. M. Clin. Liver. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swell- ing of feet and legs, Mag. M. Clin. Liver enlarged and often indurated; jaun- diced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. - Liver enormously enlarged; jaundice with clay colored stools; chronic derange- ments of liver. Nit. A c. Clin. Liver. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. PhOS. Clin. Liver. Enlargement of the liver with heaviness in the hepatic region. Sep. Clin. Liver. Enlarged, indurated liver, which is sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. Liver. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbili- cus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Liver. Congested, enlarged liver; Sensa- tion of pain and drawing in right hy- pochondrium as if the liver had in- creased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Liver. (Inflammation.) Inflammation of the liver with pain, swelling, hard- ness, constant fever, dry tongue, rest- lessness, Small, rapid pulse, and On rising from bed faintness. Tod. 6. Liver. Swelling of liver. China 6. Liver. Hard swellings of the liver. Con. 7 Liver. Swelling and abscess in liver, with stitching pains in right side, com- mencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Liver. Peri-hepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Liver. Hepatitis after vexation or tak- ing cold; dull, aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Liver. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with constipation; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Liver. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Liver. Chronic inflammation of the liver, associated with jaundice. Pod. Clin. Liver. Chronic hepatitis; stinging, sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Psor. Clin. Liver. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Liver. Swelling and hardness of the liver; Stitches. Sulf. Clin. Liver, (Pains.) Drawing, tensive pains in abdomen like liver pains. Puls, 5. Liver, Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall-bladder; with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Tept. 6. Diver. Pain through hypochondria and in right scapula; in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. Liver. Constant dull aching lower lobe of liver. AEsc. 6. Liver. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Agar. 6. Liver. Pain over region of liver, aggra- vated by pressure. Ars. A. 6. Liver. Pain in region of gall-bladder, aggravated by walking; in liver, ex- tending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Liver. Sharp pinching pains in liver, which come suddenly and with great severity. Berb. Clin. Liver. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Tiver. Pain in hypochondria on touch ; in region of liver; bruised pain. Carbo V. 6. Liver. Intermittent acute pain in liver region, extending to Scapulae. Hydras. 6. Liver. Heavy grinding in region of liver, worse in evening. Diosc. 6. Liver. Beating and bubbling in liver as in a sore finger; burning. Laur. 6. Liver. Paralytic bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Taur. 6. Liver. Sticking in liver; in right hypo- chondrium, with burning and pain on touch ; then burning extending back- Ward. Laur. 6. Liver. Distress in umbilicus, with burn- ing in back part of liver and in Spine. Lept. 7. Liver. Pain in liver when walking, chang- ing to heaviness; cutting, drawing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. in right Liver. Liver. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and dis- tress. DiOSC. Clin. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitches and burning in right hypochondrium. Amm. Mur. Clin. Diver. Pain in right hypochondrium, es- pecially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Kali R. Clin. Liver. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomit- ing of bile. Iris V. Clin. Liver. Jaundice, with haemorrhage from the nose; tenderness of the liver. Crotal. H. Clin. Liver. Irritable liver; jaundice from vex- ation; from excessive study or men- tal work; congestion of liver with Soreness and sharp Sticking pains; ag- gravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Liver. Abscess of liver; throbbing ulcer- ative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch or walking; hardness; dis- tention of liver. Sil. Clin. Liver. Induration of the liver. Graph. Clin. Liver. Haemorrhoids from engorgement of the liver; haemorrhage from rec- tum, with soft stool. Hep. Clin. Liver torpid; skin yellow; stools light- colored; jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Liver. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin, nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. - Liver. Fatty liver in consequence of car- diac troubles. Phos. Clin. Liver. Waxy liver dependent upon long- lasting bone disease. Phos. Clin. Liver. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Liver. Hyperamia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, alternat- ing with vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Liver. (Miscellaneous.) Uneasiness in re- gion of liver, with heat, pressure and tension. Aloe 6. Liver. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Liver. Pain in side of umbilicus corre- sponding to a place in front of kid- meys and rather to side, mostly stick- ing; often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Liver. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there on waking from midday nap. Carbo V. 6. Liver. Protruding purple piles, with se- were pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Liver troubles associated with engorged portal circulation, especially in large haemorrhoids. AEsc. Clin. Liver. Dropsical diseases depending on organic affections of liver; jaundice, with dull headache; constipation; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. (285) L | V E R. REPERTORY OF PART II. LUMPS, Liver. Obstinate constipation, following |Loose. Distention and sensitiveness of ab-ILower. Frequent and successful desire diarrhoea in old spirit drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. - Liver. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small; resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great Straining. Bapt. Clin. - Livers. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allo- pathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. 2. Living, Sensation in abdomen; internally in sides as if something living were jumping about, Crocus 5. Living. Movement in hypogastrium as if something living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Thuja 7. Living. , Sensation as if something living were moving about deep in lower abdomen. Crocus 7. Living. Diarrhoea, from abuse of intoxi- cating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Load. Obstinate constipation, with feel- ing of a load in rectum which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Loathing. Diarrhoea, with great prostra- tion; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Lobe. Constant, dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. AFSC. 6. Lobe. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Loins. Sticking in umbilical region in a spot obliging him to bend up, worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Long. Inveterate constipation, with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Long-continued sensation in rectum after stool as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. 2. - Long-lasting. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and Offensive. Plumb. Clin. Long-standing. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Longer, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass. Wer, Alb, 5. Loose. Stool natural at first; then several small, loose evacuations; then small, hard evacuations, with violent strain- ing in rectum and anus till all are passed, Ant. Cr. 1. domen so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dares not lay the arm across the abdo- men. Lach, 5. * Loose. Stool soft, mixed with serum ; Orange-colored; loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Loose. Diarrhoea, with great prostration and collapse at the very commence- ment of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. Loose. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papeScent, enveloped in bright red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after Stool. Zinc. Clin. Loose. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent, loose stools; cutting almost constantly, running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Looseness. Sensation of a foreign sub- stance in rectum, or rough, hard feces, with Constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Loss, Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of ap- petite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. LOSS. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. Loss. Obstinate constipation following diarrhoea in old spirit drinkers, who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, Scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. LOSs. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals; at night; painless; early in the morn- ing; in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after Severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. LOSs. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus Smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Loud. Offensive flatus, with stool; fre- quent and loud; easy, with inclination as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Loud rumbling in left side of abdomen like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. Loud. Emissions of flatus loud, short and interrupted; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. - Loud, offensive flatus all the afternoon. Caust. 5. Low, Cutting low down in hypogastric re- gion. Hyosc, 7. Low. Dysentery, with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Apis Clin. Low. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Lower. Constant, dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. AESC. 6. Lower. Twisting in all parts of abdomen; Worse in lower; constantly changing. DiOSC. 5. for stool in lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. * * Lower. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diar- rhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdomen and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Lower. Heaviness in lower part of rec- tum. Calc. C. 2. Lower. Intermittent boring in abdomen, Often extending to chest, threatening Suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Lower. Constipation in persons of seden- tary habits from atomy of lower in- " testines; stools hard, dry, crumbles When passing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Lower. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. Lumbar. Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by Severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was pro- truded; with severe backache in lumbar region. AEsc. 1. Lumbar. Pain to side of umbilicus, cor- responding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly Sticking; often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Lumbar. Constrictive pain below short ribs, extending into lumbar vertebrae. Camph. 5. Lumbar. Griping in umbilical region; then cutting in abdomen, across right lumbar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. Lumbar. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fos- Sãe, with hard knots over its surface. Plumb. 5. Lumbar. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yel- low, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. Lumbrici. Diarrhoea, with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy or white. Cina Clin. Lumps, Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light; clay-colored, with urg- ing and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Lumps. . Chronic dysentery, with the ab- dominal symptoms of flatulence and | the burning in anus and rectum ; dis- charge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Lumps. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. . Lumps. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. (286) LUMPS, REPERTORY OF PART II. M. EAL - Ll KE. Lumps. Children’s stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clin. Lumps. Cholera infantum, with vomiting of sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Lnmps. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-smelling, undigested, con- taining curds. Mag. C. Clin. Lumps. Diarrhoea, with excessive accu- mulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Lumps. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Lumps. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Lumps. Constipation; stool large hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. Lumpy. Stool; first part lumpy, second soft. Lyc, 1. Lumpy, Constipation; stool hard, with burn- ing in anus; lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light colored, Sil, 1. Lumpy. Stool hard, with urging and stick- ing in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half digested, of intoler- able odor, Graph, 1. Lumpy. Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Lept. 1. Lumpy. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty, at an unusual time, lumpy; light, clay-colored, with urg- ing and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Lumpy. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Lung trouble. Haemorrhoids, complicat- ing fistula ani, especially in persons suffering from lung trouble. Kali C. Clin. r Lying. (Aggravation.) Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensitiveness; worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. 6. Lying. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool, as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Lying. Flatulent colic deep in the ab- domen; worse when lying. Phos. Clin. Lying. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation ; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with soreness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Lying. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, coughing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Dying. Violent, flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about; aggra- vated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amel- ioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back, into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Lying. (Amelioration.) Distention of ab- domen by flatulence, waking about mid- night, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without re- markable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Lying, Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and amus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; ameliora- tion from rest, when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7, Lying. Pain in abdomen before break- fast, flatulent, relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Lying. Pain in left hypochondrium, re- lieved when lying. Sep. 6. Lying. Perihepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from amy motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Lying. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic, which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. Lying. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggra- vation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Lying. Colic, compelling one to walk bent, relieved by bending double and walking about, or by lying on the ab- domen. Rhus Tox. Clin. Lying. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, Spas- modic pains; pinching griping Sensa- tion as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Lying, (Miscellaneous.) Weight in left hy- pochondrium when walking, sitting and lying, not affecting breathing, Lyc, 6. Lying. Urging to stool after eating, when º rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising ; ineffectual; also with emis- sion of flatus. Aloe 2. Lying. Sticking in groin; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7 Lying. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Nux V. 5. Lying. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Lying. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right Quadratus lumborum muscles on ris- ing from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. Lying. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down ; amelioration from mic- turition. Sep. 7. Lying-in. Constipation of lying-in women. Bry. Clin. Malarial. Cirrhosis of the liver from ma- larial cachexia. Arg. N. Clim. Malarial. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous; sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Malarial. Diarrhoea in low types of ma- larial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. - Margin. Itching in anus, with sore pain, as from haemorrhoids on margin, be- coming a Smarting and Sore pain, as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Marshy. Dysentery in marshy districts, with intermittent symptoms. China Clin. Masses. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. Masses. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Ponpart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of wa- tery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. PhOS. 1. Masses. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured; the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Masses. Diarrhoea; stool like Scum of a frog pond; green, frothy; white masses, like lumps of tallow, floating on the green; Sour-Smelling: undi- gested; containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Meal. Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5, Meal. Urging to stool after a meal, more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. Meal. Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Zinc. 5. Meal. Flatulence in abdomen after every meal. Borax 5. Meal. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. - Meal. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about ; them thin, offensive stool with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging, which had gradually sub- sided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Meal-like. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. ( 287 ) ME AL - LI KE. REPERTORY OF PART II. MIDN.I.C H.T. Meal-like. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Meals. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night; painless; early in the morn- ing; in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. Meat. Cholera infantum; great desire for indigestable things, like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Meat. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat food; acids, Sweets. Caust. Clin. Meat washings. Chronic dysentery; dis- charges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rec- tum. Pod. Clin. Membrane. Diarrhoea; profuse, bloody, Containing mucous membrane and clots of blood. Phos. 1. Membrane. Feeling in rectum as if mucous membrane were thick and Obstructed Stool; and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were con- tinued. AEsc. 2. Membrane. Diarrhoea; copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of White membrane; orange-yellow, slimy; with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. Membrane. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted in dysen- tery, with excessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Membrane. Camp diarrhoea; chronic ; from chronic irritation of the intes- tinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Membranes. Diarrhoea, with cutting press- ing pains before and during stool, With drawing pain in rectum after hard stool, continuing for hours; Stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, Sour-smelling. Nit. A c. Clin. Membranous, Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first; then transparent, bilious, membranous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- Satisfactory. Colch. 2. Meningitis. Diarrhoea during pregnancy; during dentition; during meningitis tuberculosa. Hell. Clin. Menses. Griping in hypogastrium during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness. Sulf. 7. Menses, Pressing downward in hypogas- trium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructa- tions and sleep. Sep. 7. Menses. Weak feeling in abdomen as if menses would come on. Sulf. A c. 5. Menses. Heaviness in abdomen, like a stone, just before menses; during menses; in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Menses, Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Menses. Sorness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension, heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep. 5, Menses. Dragging-down in rectum dur- ing menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. Menses. Coldness in abdomen during menses, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines. Kali C. 5. Menses. Cutting in abdomen on appear- ance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and Small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Menses. Pain in hypogastrium, extending to genitals, as if everything in abdo- men would fall out and menses would come on. Natr. C. 7. Menses. Cutting in abdomen rather than Sticking, with salivation before men- Ses; with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. Menses. Constipation of women before and during menses. Sil. Clin. Menstrual. Colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation; men- | strual colic. Puls. Clin. Menstruation. Pressure downward in hypo- gastrium towards genitals, as during menstruation. Plat. 7. Menstruation. Painful drawing in groins as before menstruation. Plat. 7. Menstruation. Pain in abdomen during menstruation, Mag. C. 5. Menstruation. Cutting in abdomen on ap- pearance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Menstruation. Pain in upper abdomen as if everything would be torn to pieces during menstruation. Graph, 6. Menstruation. Constipation during men- struation; stool like sheep-dung; painful and difficult; insufficient, after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Menstruation. Chronic diarrhoea during menstruation; green, mucous stools; sometimes diarrhoea, alternates with constipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Menstruation. Colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation; men- strual colic. Puls. Clin. - Menstruation. Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Mental. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp, sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Mercury. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. Mercury. Cirrhotic liver; can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Iod. Clin. Mesenteric. Enlarged mesenteric glands and tumors in the abdomen. Con. Clin. Mesenteric disease; glandular enlarge- ment; emaciation; irregular stool; enormous appetite. Iod. Clim. Meteorism. Abdominal meteorism. T. 5. Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Metro-peritonitis. Peritonitis and metro- peritonitis. Bell. Clin. Miasmatic. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diarrhoea of miasmatic origin in com- bination with milk diet. Ipec. Clim. Micturition. Stool during micturition; also at 5 a. m., with micturation; in morn- ing after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. Micturition. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory; difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal ves- Sels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Micturition. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down; amelioration from micturition. Sep. 7. - Middle. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilica region from sides of abdomen to- wards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anx- ious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Midnight, Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelior- ation from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. - Midnight, Scanty, watery stool about mid- night, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool. Arg. N. 1. Midnight. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid; brought on by eat- ing or drinking, or aggravated after midnight; preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Midnight. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- Quent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very Offensive; ammonical. Lach. 1. Midnight. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Midnight. Diarrhoea, between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Ant. (288) -º:*__*_*—º * * * * * * - - - - - M ID NIGHT. REPERTORY OF PART II. Mſ. OR N J N C. Midnight. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after mid- night; not relieved by emission of flatus. Puls. 5. Migraine. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant, aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Milk. Diarrhoea after boiled milk. Sep. 1. Milk. Griping colic writhing around navel, better from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Milk. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits; drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Milk. Constipation, with ineffectual urg- ing; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark colored; con- Stipation alternating with diarrhoea. Iod. Clin. Milk. Autumnal diarrhoea; chronic diar- rhoea of miasmatic Origin, in combina- tion with milk diet. Ipec. Clin. Milk. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Milk. Chronic, debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Mind. Sharp pain in rectum after stool; after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying; in morning before stool, Nux W, 2. - Mind. Griping tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner; ag- gravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Mind. Hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache and vertigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Miners. Cachexia of miners working deep underground; portal hyper- aemia; gall-stones; catarrh of the biliary ducts. Card. M. Clin. Mind. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling, preceded by colic ; green, bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. PSOr. 1. Mixed. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- - cult, mixed with mucus and knotty, whitish, scanty, brownish, difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Mixed. Stool soft, mixed with serum; Orange colored; loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. hard parts; involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Mixed. Chronic dysentery; slime, mixed with greenish substances and con- taining bloody Specks. Con. Clin. Moist. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards Sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Moist. Shooting pain in hepatic region, with moist skin. Card. M. 6. Mixed. Watery diarrhoea, mixed with Moist, Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels, with sticking; with burning pain on walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Moist. Desire for stool in rectum in eve- ning, with griping in hypogastrium ; then large, moist, at last thin, Sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Moist. Moisture and itching in anus, with Soreness; moist between amus and nates when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Moist. Burning pain in perineum and an inch from anus; a tubercle which became moist and smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. Moist. Flatulent colic, worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus, passing off without relief. Zinc. Clin. Moist. Dysentery in moist weather; ag- gravation from any current of air; violent tenesmus of rectum and blad- der. Caps. Clin. Moisture. Haemorrhoids, with Sore pain; unendurable on walking or reflecting; swollen; with itching, sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging-burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. Moisture. Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Moisture. Glutinous exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. Moisture. Sticky, odorless moisture be- hind scrotum. Carbo An. 3. Moisture. Oozing of sticky, odorless mois- ture from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carbo An. 2. Moisture and itching in anus, with Sore- ness; moist between amus and nates when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Moisture. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Moisture. Haemorrhoids painful, Sting- ing, with protrusion of rectum, Smart- ing and burning; oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Moisture. Fissure of the anus, with con- stant oozing of fetid moisture; with raw smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. A c. Clin. - Molasses. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Morning. (Pain in Abdomen.) Soreness of abdomen in morning when Sneezing or on pressure. Apis 5. Morning. Pain in abdomen in morning. Caust. 5. Morning. Cutting all through abdomen in morning, aggravated by Walking. Diosc. 5. te Morning. Rumbling in abdomen in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic, and heat in palms and Soles. V. 5. | Morning. Nux Morning. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing, with emission of flatus, as from flatulence; in evening before eating. Puls. 5. Morning, Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully ; worse in upper ab- domen. Puls. 5. Morning. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling, in morn- ing in bed; with grumbling and flatu- lent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Morning, (Stools.) Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent. Pod. 1. Morning, Cutting in hypogastrium in morn- ing, with a thin stool. Sulf, 7. Morning, Tenesmus in morning after wak- ing; then a copious, fluid stool. Sulf. 2. Morning. Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning; pappy, yellowish; green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Morning, Sharp pain in rectum after stool; after eating; aggravation from exciting the mind or studying; in morning before stool, Nux V. 2, Morning, Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting; rumbling, | then watery diarrhoea. Nux V. 7. Morning. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. - Morning. Stool during micturition; also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morn- ing after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. Morning. Diarrhoea, in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdo- men; then prickling and burning in an us; stool smelling like old cheese. Bry. 1. Morning, Diarrhoea in morning after ris- ing; stool dark; aggravation in morn- ing and after dinner; scanty and cor- rosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Morning. Pain in abdomen; then dis- charge of dark mucus, causing biting in anus; as before diarrhoea from tak- ing cold; in morning, on slightest uncovering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Morning. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening; immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. Morning. Pain in hypochondria, aggra- wated by standing, so that he stoops; towards morning, with distention, pain in forehead and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Pain in umbilical region in morning with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain; with frequent cutting through all small in- testines. DiOSc. 7. Morning. Urging to stool after eating, when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. l Morning. Cutting in abdomen in morn- ing in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5. Morning. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in morn- ing on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. (289) MORNINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. Motions. Morning. Burning in rectum in morning after a copious stool. Calc. C. 2. Morning. Stool soft, mixed with serum; Orange-colored, loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Morning. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papescent, with much mucus but no real pain. Bapt. 1. - Morning. Diarrhoea six times from morn- ing till 2 p. m., without pain. Borax 1. Morning. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent; of thin, greenish mucus. Daur. 1. Morning. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Morning. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Morning. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow ; in morning; with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Morning. Diarrhoea; frequent; twice in morning, with tenesmus. Nit. A c. 1. Morning. Stool liquid and brownish, frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish; mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. Morning. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, in evening; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening; al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Morning. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in Sphincter ani; worse im- mediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Morning. Chronic diarrhoea of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish, whey-like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Iod. Clin. Morning, Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Morning. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night; painless; early in the morning; in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China, Clin. - Morning. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. - Morning. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stool early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish, brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Morning. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless but exhausting stools; watery; pour- ing away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or iittle grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Morning. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like Carrion. POd. Clin. Morning. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. - Morning. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Morning, (Miscellaneous.) Pain in ring in morning in bed as if a hernia would be- come incarcerated. Nux W. 7, Morning. Distention of abdomen in morn- ing in bed, relieved by emission of flatus smelling like sulphuretted hy- drogen; also at night after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Morning. Itching, burning in rectum, at night on waking, and in morning, with pinching, extending to perineum. Nit. A.C. 2. Morning. Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful, protruding, Puls, 3. Morning. Pinching, increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning, before, during, and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. Morning. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in re- gion of os pubis, with feeling as if hy- pogastrium were spasmodically con- stricted; sometimes as if distended; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. ‘..." Morning. Pressure in morning in hypo- gastrium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of genera- tion, with distention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen, then dis- charge of white mucus from vagina. Belº. 7. º r Mornings. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, sweetish, dis- gusting taste, Weakness and sleepi- ness; cutting, rising to upper abdo- men where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Morning. Sticking in rectum, waking her at 4 a. m.; Sticking again next morn- ing after Waking. Mag. C. 2. Morning. Cutting in a spot in left hypo- chondrium in morning. Mag. M. 6. Morning. Pain in right hypochondrium; contractive; worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest ; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Morning. Dropsical effusions, and even peritonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Mornings. Diarrhoea in wet weather; mostly mornings after rising and eat- ing; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Mornings. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Motion. (Stool.) Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus, mixed with blood and slime; involuntary the mo- ment it entered the rectum, Phos, 1. Motion. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension, | heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep. 5. Motion. Cutting in abdomen on appear- ance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and Small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. Motion. Stools sometimes involuntary on every motion; this symptom indicates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera in- fantum. Apis Clin. . Motion. Diarrhoea, aggravated by motion; straining to stool. Bell. Clin. Motion. (Miscellaneous.) Distention of ab- domen, with motion of flatus. Aloe 5, Motion. Blind haemorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in Small of back in evening till 9 p.m.; with Sore pain in anus; worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Motion. Sticking in hepatic region; ag- gravation from motion, with tension. Nit. A c. 6. Motion. Bruised pain in muscles of ab- domen on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. |Motion. Clawing griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Motion. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, especi- ally during a sudden transition from rest to motion. Arg. N. 5. Motion. Tension in abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between pit of stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Motion. Griping in abdomen. So that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Motion. Perihepatitis with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen; sore to touch. Bry. Clin, Motions, Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen, contracted and Sore to touch. Cupr. 5. Motions. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive fla- tus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. (290) MoUTH. REPERTORY OF PART II. MUC U.S. Mouth. Diarrhoea in nursing infants, of fensive, preceded by colic; stools mu- cous, with aphthoussore mouth. Borax Clin. - Mouth. Acute dysentery with unquench- able thirst, even the lips, mouth, and throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Move. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Moved. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper ab- domen. Puls. 5. Movement in hypogastrium as if something living like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Thuja 7. Movement. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless, gushing, profuse, Watery, flaky, imodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after, Ver, Alb. Clin. Movement. Diarrhoea, coming On Sud- -- denly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet meets during Summer; every movement of the body renews the discharges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Movements, Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy: not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Movements. Discharge of offensive flatus after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Movements. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, with movements as if he would have colic. Nux MOS. 5. Movements. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling, movements and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Moving. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men in evening; and colic, worse in eve- ning in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of in- testines to another. Puls, 5. Moving. Sensation as if something living were moving about deep in lower ab- domen. Crocus 7. Moving. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when mov- ing about; then thin, offensive stool, with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging, which had gradually subsided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. - Moving. Chronic diarrhoea; worse some time after rising and moving about; after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather, or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Mucous, (Stools.) Diarrhoea frequent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mucous, Mag, C. 1, Mucous. Stool pasty, light-brown after urging; then rumbling and gurgling in left-side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible, Crot, Tig. 1, Mucous. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus; Small stool, consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Mucous. cous; of much bloody mucus; violent, involuntary, frequent, with weakness. Petr. 1. . Mucous. Diarrhoea profuse, bloody, con- taining mucous membrane and clots Of blood. Phos. 1. Mucous. Chronic diarrhoea during men- Struation; green, mucous stools; sometimes diarrhoea, alternates with constipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Mucous. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse, and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive, preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sour mouth. Borax Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines; reddish, mucous or bloody; flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; stools frequent, small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; green- ish ; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Mucous. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking Cold. Cham. Clin. - Mucous diarrhoea in summer; often caused by checked perspiration. Cham. Clin. Mucous. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning of anus; temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating or drinking. Coloc. Clin. Mucous. Chronic, catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with mucous discharge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. Mucous. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhaust- ing character; stools whitish, whey- like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Iod. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous, or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- mus during and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Mucous. Dysentery; stools bloody, mu- cous, every half-hour, with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mu- | Mucous. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal, mucous membrane; with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea, with excessive ac- cumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal; mixed with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Lyc. Clin. Mucous. Dysentery; excoriating dis- charges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs, worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. |Mucous. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undigested ; are sometimes mucous, yellow or green, and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea, always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool, from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Mucous. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black, mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive. Pod. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Mucous. Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Mucous. Dysentery; stools watery, mu- cous and bloody, with tearing down the Uhighs and much tenesmus. Rhus Tox. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of b d ; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion Sudden; the Smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Mucous. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, of fensive, watery, with burning in rec- tum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Mucous. (Miscellaneous.) Feeling in rec- tum as if mucous membrane were thick and obstructed stool; and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were continued. AEsc. 2. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted in dysentery; with ex- Cessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Mucus. (Stools.) Stool of green mucus, with retching; vomiting of mucus and in- tolerance of lacing around hypochon- dria; bloody. Arg, N. 1. ( 291 ) M UC U.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. M UC U.S. Mucus, Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evac- uations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg. N. 5. Mucus. Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus. Gamb, 1. Mucus. Stool of only clear, tenacious, color- less mucus, Hell, 1. Mucus. Stool hard, with urging and stick- ing in anus; lumpy, with threads of mu- cus; dark, half digested, of intolerable odor, Graph. 1, - Mucus, Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus, frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost in- effectual tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Mucus, Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc. C. 1, Mucus. Tenesmus, but nothing passes ex- cept mucus tinged with blood. Merc, C, 2 Mucus. Stool soft, mixed with mucus, fre-| quent, Puls, 1. Mucus, Constant ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body. Sil. 1, Mucus. Hard, crumbling, scanty stool; cov- ered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea, with coldness of extremi- ties, with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody colored; black mu- cus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Mucus, Diarrhoea, with burning in anus; consisting of blood and mucus, Canth, 1. Mucus. Small, frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Mucus. Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps. 7. Mucus. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend double; hot, Smell- ing like rotten eggs; green, watery, painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Mucus. Stool pasty, bright yellow, copious, with much mucus and light gray. Chel. 1. Mucus, Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Mucus. Diarrhoea as if fermented; fre- quent, of greenish mucus. Ipec. 1. Mucus. Constipation painless; stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking, cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. Mucus. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting burn- ing in anus; as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering during Sweat. Nux V. 5. Mucus. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Mucus, Stool involuntary on least mo- tion ; mucus mixed with blood and -slime; involuntary the moment it entered the rectum, Phos. 1. Mucus. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light; clay-colored, with urg- ing and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea of green mucus; as green as bile; once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic, Puls. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling; preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea with mucus. Psor. 1. Mucus. Stool frequent; with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; con- sisting of mucus. Arn. 1. Mucus. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, With tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Mucus. Small stool after colic, with te. nesmus; first of dark green feces- then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1, |Mucus. Stools contain glossy, tough mu- Cus; covered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Mucus. Sore pain in rectum during stool, as if an ulcer had been torn apart, With discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Mucus. Diarrhoea in morning; stool pa- pescent, with much mucus but no real pain. Bapt. 1. Mucus. White, tough mucus, with the stool like Scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. I Mucus. Diarrhoea, them empty tenesmus; mucous; diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Small stool, consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Mucus. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Caps. 2. Mucus. Passage of mucus from anus, with urging. Carbo V. 3. Mucus. Stool enveloped by filamentous, yellowish mucus; this mucus is en- tirely blood in last portions of feces. Carbo V. 1. Mucus. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty, Smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious; with dis- charge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Mucus. Dirrhoea, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in ab- domen. Gamb. 1. Mucus. Stool thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus; also blood. Graph. 1. Mucus. TXiarrhoea; profuse, constant, in- Voluntary, of mucus and blood. Kali B. l. Mucus. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; then a soft one en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon ; frequent, of | thin, greenish mucus. Taur. 1. Mucus. Stool of bloody mucus, with cut- ting in abdomen and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Mucus. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Mucus. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung, after great straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. Natr. C. 1. Mucus. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus, frequent, of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Nit. A c. 1. - Mucus. Stool whitish, mixed with tena cious mucus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Mucus. Stool of blood, mucus, and what looked like scrapings of inner surface of intestines. Phytol. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous, of much bloody mucus; violent, in- Voluntary, frequent, with weakness. Petr. 1. . Mucus. Constipation; stool white, of only yellow-white mucus mixed with blood, with pain in back. Puls. 1. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Rhus Tox. 1. Mucus. Natural stool, with pressure and Straining; with mucus. Sil. 1. Mucus. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day, passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in || rectum. Sep. 2. - Mucus. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish, Scanty, brownish, difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Mucus, Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Mucus. Constipation, with hard, Grum- bly stool, or the feces are covered With glairy mucus, and are accom- panied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Mucus. Evacuation of shreds of mucus or undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen ; stools ex- cessively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach, usually with great || flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Mucus. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. Cr. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhºea of green mucus and blood. Bell. Clim. Mucus. Diarrhºea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown, watery, white, watery, green, mucous, thin pasty, bright yellow or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea of white mucus, in lit- tle pieces, like popcorn. Cina Clin. (292 ) M. UC U.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. R. ATURAL. Mucus. scrapings of the intestines; involun- tary; putrid; dark. Carbol. A c. Clin. Mucus. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Mucus. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces, which are cov- ered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcerate. Graph. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus, like frog's spawn, generally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with constipation. Hell. Clin. Mucus. Chronic, catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with mucous discharge or feces covered with mucus. Hydras. Clin. - Mucus. Dysentery when the patient is cold; skin blue; stool of bloody mucus. Iris V. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea, with burning in rec- tum and anus after a stool; severe; rumbling of gas; watery discharges, mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with Suffocative spells about the heart. Laur. Clin. Mucus. Dysentery of bloody mucus, mixed with the green, watery stool. Mag. C. Clin. Mucus. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Mucus. Constipation; fecal stools, com- pletely enveloped in mucus. Op. Clin. Mucus. Constipation; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep’s-dung; covered with blood and mucus. Mag, M. Clin. Mucus. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant, with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offen- sive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clim. Mucus. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red or green slime; blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Mucus. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs; of yellow mucus; sometimes frothy; extremely fetid ; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Mucus. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Mucus. (Miscellaneous.) Haemorrhoids sen- sitive, though protruding but little; protrude during stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Tysentery of bloody mucus, like Mucus. Pressure in morning in hypogas- trium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of generation, with distention of abdomen; then con- traction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Mucus. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with constipation ; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Muddy. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region, worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fe- cal fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Muscles. (Pain.) Bruised pain in abdom- inal muscles on touch, Sulf, 5. Muscles, Pressure in abdomen downward at night, waking her; with tension of muscles so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf, 1. Muscles, Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen, contracted and sore to touch. Cupr. 5. Muscles. Urging in rectum, with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Muscles. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles. Asaf. 5. Muscles. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool, as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Muscles. Twitching in left side of abdo- men between navel and left flank, as if in muscles of the wall, then stick- ing deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Muscles. Pinching in muscles of abdo- men when sitting, as if he had fallen upon them ; Strained pain; sensitive- ness of walls. Hyos. 5. Muscles. Swelling of inguinal glands, Suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Muscles. Twitching of muscles of abdo- men. Nux V. 5. Muscles. Bruised pain in muscles of ab- domen on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. Muscles. Pain in abdominal muscles on touch ; throbbing. Kali C. 5. Muscles. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. Muscles, (Miscellaneous.) Urging in rec- tum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles, Hep, 2, Muscles. Movement in hypogastrium as if something living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain, Thuja 7. Muscles, Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cut- ting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5. Muscles. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Zinc, 1. Muscles. Rumbling and noises in abdo- men, with discharge of flatus unsat- isfactory, abrupt, offensive, not with- out exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. - - Muscles. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. - Mushy. Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream ; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Dept. 1. Mushy. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black; then evacuation yel- low, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. Mushy. Stools at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipa- tion. Calc. C. Clin. Mushy. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous, or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before tenesmus, during and burning after stools; worse after eating and drink- ing. Laur. Clin. Mushy. Stool green ; sometimes slimy, white and mushy, hot and watery; very offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Musty. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious with discharge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Musty. Glutinous, musty exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from amus. Carbo V. 3. Nails. Pain in a spot in abdomen as if seized with nails; a griping, clutching, clawing. Bell. 5. - Nap. Tension in liver region as if it was too short there; on waking from midday map. Carbo V. 6. Narcotics. Constipation; stools enor- mously large and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Narrow. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult; with cutting in anus, as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Narrow. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard like a dog's and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. - Nates. Moisture and itching in anus with Soreness; moist between anus and nates when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Natural. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening, immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. (293) NATURAL. REPERTORY OF PART II. NIC HT. Natural stool, with pressure and strain- ing; with mucus. Sil. 1. Natural. Stool natural at first then sev- eral Small, loose evacuations, then Small hard evacuations with violent Straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Natural. Haemorrhoids swollen; bleeding during natural stool. Kali C. 3. Nausea. Paroxysmal clawing in umbili- cal region, from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anx- ious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Nausea. Pressive drawing forward in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Nausea. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool; then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Nausea. Deep-seated digging within hips, On both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Nausea. Spasmodic retraction in umbili- cal region, with nausea. Chel. 7. Nausea. Abdomen bloated after eating; amelioration from emission of flatus, with nausea. Psor. 5. Nausea. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, Sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- neSS; Cutting rising to upper abdomen, when it amounted to griping. Nux W. 7. Nausea. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for Stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid,...scanty, putrid, with biting burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Nausea. Derangements of the liver, with i. eyes and skin; nausea and eadache. Iris V. Clin. Nausea. Jaundice, with nausea and vom- iting. Plumb. Clin. Nausea. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continuous nausea. Ipec. Clin. Nausea, Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, Vomiting, profound prostration, cold Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Nausea. Shifting of flatus, with sharp cut- ting colic; with nausea. Ant. T. Clin. Nausea. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and prostra- tion; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Nausea. Dysentery; bloody stool with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, With scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Navel. (Pain.) Pain in umbilical region, emanating from navel; amelioration by frequent discharge of flatus, Coloc, 7. Navel. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting-extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5. Navel, Griping in abdomen, worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool; with discharge of flatus upward and downward. Coloc. 5. Navel. Constriction transversely across umbilical region as by a string; in after- noon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Navel. Pain around the navel as if a blunt plug were squeezed into intes- times. Anac. 7, Navel. Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps. 7, Navel. Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in small of back, as if broken. Cham. 7. Navel. Sticking, griping pain in umbili- cal region, as from an internal indura- tion in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7 Navel. Soreness and pain around navel. Calc. Ph. 7. Navel. Griping in umbilical region, at times above at times below navel, in afternoon, soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Navel. Colic immediately after eating ; pain below the navel as if the intes- times were torn. Graph. Clin. Navel. Twisting about navel, with pains on pressure. Cina 7. Navel. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Navel. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools Sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Navel. Abdomen swollen; hard; sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina Clin. Navel. Intestinal catarrh in children; Colic about the navel and diarrhoea. Puls. Clin. Navel. Flatulent colic, with Constriction around stomach and navel; incarcer- ated flatus; passes sour-smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Navel. Griping colic writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Navel. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by ex- cessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at once, after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Navel. Diarrhoea, with urging and in- ability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Navel. (Miscellaneous.) Twitching in left side of abdomen, between navel and left flank, as if in muscles of wall; then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Navel. Tension in abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between pit of stom- and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Navel. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of some- thing pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Neck. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out || bladder, neck of bladder, beginning || of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; ameliora- tion from rest, when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7. Needle-like. Piles feels damp, painful to touch,itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Nerve centres. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papeScent, enveloped in bright, red, foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc, Clin. Nervous. Obstinate constipation, follow- ing diarrhoea, in old spirit drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Nervous diarrhoea from emotions; from apprehension, as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Clin. Nervous. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all Over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, " enveloped in bright red, foamy blood; preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. Cupr. Clin. Neuralgia of the rectum. Plumb. Clin. Neuralgia pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Never-get-done. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging after. Merc. Clin. Night. (Flatulence in Abdomen.) Pressure in abdomen; downward at night, wak- ing her; with tension of muscles so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf. 5, Night. Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost ineffectual tenesmus. Merc, C. 1. Night. Flatulence; emission of flatus, worse in evening and night; offensive; smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulf. 5, | | —r, (294 ) N I C HT. REPERTORY OF PART II. O EST INATE, Night. Distention of abdomen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus, Smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night, after eating, with heavi- ness. Sulf. 5. Night. Distention of abdomen at night, relieved by emission of flatus; rum- bling all day, with gurgling, move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Night. Griping in abdomen; ameliora- tion after discharge of flatus in even- ing and night; relieved by bending forward. Iris V. 5. º: Night. Colic from cold; from getting feet wet; from fruits, ices, pastry; flatu- lent colic in evening, after supper or at night. Puls. Clin. Night, Flatulent colic; only slightly re- lieved by evacuating gas; worse at night. Cocc. Clin. Night. Violent, flatulent colic, generally relieved by walking about; aggra- wated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; ameli- ... oration from pressure; generally radi- ate from the abdomen to the back, into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Night. (Stool.) Rumbling in abdomen at night, with diarrhoea; gurgling. Sulf, 5. Night, Involuntary stool at night in sleep, Arn, 1. Night, Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evac- uations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Arg, N, 5. Night. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Night. Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intestines; stools like brown yeast, Arn, 1. Night. Diarrhoea in evening, at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Night. Diarrhoea in morning, then burn- ing in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen ; then pricking and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Night. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, with sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. Night. Swelling of haemorrhoidal, veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. Night. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5. Night. Glutinous exudation at night; acrid, corrosive moisture from anus. Carbo V. 3. - Night. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling of wind; worse at night, from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin. Night. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals, at night; painless; early in the morn- ing, in hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beer; after severe, acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China Clin. - Night. Chronic diarrhoea, gushing, wa- tery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. Night. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offen- sive, undigested, white, cadaverous- Smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Night. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hyster- ical women, mostly during night : Stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Night. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night ; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Night. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffectual pressing, Straining and tenesmus; dis- charges of bloody slime, day and night; Severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Night. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Stools frequent ; Small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody, shaggy, greenish, frothy, worse at night. Caps. Clin. & Night. Diarrhoea, with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment ; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. Ac. Clin. Night. (Miscellaneous.) Itching burning in rectum at night on waking and in morning, with pinching, extending to perineum. Nit. A c. 2. Night. Cramps in abdomen; aggravation in evening and at night, with coldness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. Night. Drawing pain in abdomen at night. Mag. M. 5. Night. Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Night. Pain across hypogastrium at night on lying down; amelioration from micturition. Sep. 7. Night. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis, partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Night. Diarrhoea; always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mu- cous, yellowish - brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Night dress. Distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the ab- domen. Lach, 5. Nights, Diarrhoea from checked perspira- tion during heat of summer, with cold nights. A con. Clin. Nine a. m. Small, yellowish shining stool at 9 a.m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Nine p. m. Blind haemorrhoids with itch- ing in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion ; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Nodular, Stool hard like sheep-dung and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly as if burnt. Mag, 1. - Noise. Thin stool, preceded and followed by rumbling, and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied, Jatr. 1, Noise in abdomen as if a full bottle were emptied in evening, continuing after a thin stool at 10 p. m. Jatr. 5. Noise. Urging in rectum, sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen; worse on left side. Jatr. 2. Noises. Rumbling in abdomen, with noises. Mezer. 5. Noises. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling noises. Sep. 2. Noises. Rumbling and noises in abdo- men with discharge of flatus; unsatis- factory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. . . Noisy. Scanty, watery stool about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool, Arg, N, 1. Noisy, Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evac- uations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg, N, 5. Noisy. T)iarrhoea; stools frequent in evening, involuntary when sneezing or laughing, half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon and evening, al- ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Normal. Cutting in rectum during normal stool, Sulf, 2. Normal. Haemorrhoids; pain during nor- mal stool. Mag. M. 3. Nose. Jaundice, with haemorrhage from the nose; tenderness of the liver. Crotal. H. Clin. Nursing. Diarrhoea after nursing; from Overheating; after cold bathing. Ant. Cr. Clin. Nursing. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive; preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth. . Borax Clin. Nursing. Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum; weak digestion, especially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. Nursing. Jaundice in nursing children. China. Clin. Nursing. Griping colic writhing around navel; better from hot milk; worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. - Nutmeg. Wasting away of liver; nutmeg liver. Laur. Clin. Nutmeg. Atrophic, nutmeg liver, which is swollen ; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOs. Clin. Obstinate constipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. 1. Obstinate constipation, especially if it al- ternates with diarrhoea; with stool followed by tremulous weakness. Con. Clin. ( 295 ) O BST IN AT E. REPERTORY OF PART II. O F FENSIVE. Obstinate constipation following diar- rhoea in old spirit-drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Obstinate. Haemorrhoids accompanied with obstinate constipation ; swollen, itching, stinging, burning, and pain- ful when touched. Caust. Clin. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up Sensation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum which cannot be evacu- ated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Obstinate constipation; inactivity orintus- susception ; stools hard, thick, and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Obstructed. Feeling in rectum as if mu- cous membrane were thick and Ob- structed stool, and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were continued. AEsc. 2. Obstructed. Constipation; bowels ob- structed from induration of feces which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's- dung, covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Obstructing. Pain in hepatic region, ob- structing the breathing. A con. 6. Obstruction. Intestinal obstruction, with fecal vomiting and violent colic. Op. Clin. Odor, Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus, dark, half digested, of intolerable ordor. Graph. 1, Odor. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow, pasty, of the odor of putrefy- ing Snakes. Lach. 1. Odor. Rumbling of abdomen, with emis- sion of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5. Odor. Diarrhoea of undigested stools; sour odor, large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. . Odor. Diarrhoea, brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor with low types of fever; coldess of extremities; tendency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Odor. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse ; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Odor. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor, especially in children during teething or after tak- ing cold. Cham. Clin. Odor. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, un- digested; are sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Odor. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot, odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drinking cold water. Staph. Clin. Odorless. Oozing of sticky, odorless mois- ture from anus, with soreness and burning. Carbo An. 2. Odorless. Sticky, odorless moisture be- hind scrotum. Carbo An. 3. Odorless. Yellow, watery diarrhoea; nearly Odorless; involuntary; passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium. Hyos. Clin. - Odorless. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. * Offensive. (Flatus.) Flatulence; emission of flatus; worse in evening and night; offensive, smelling like sulphuretted hy- drogen. Sulf. 5. Offensive flatus, Bry, 5, Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum, and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Offensive, Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive. Aloe 5, Offensive flatus, with stool; frequent and hard; easy; with inclination as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Offensive. Diffuse subacute gastro-enter- itis of a low type ; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; gen- eral soreness as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Offensive. Flatulence, offensive; smelling like rotten eggs. Arn. 5. Offensive. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. Offensive. Loud, offensive flatus all the afternoon. Caust. 5. Offensive. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching; then emission of flatus, offensive. China 5. Offensive. Discharge of offensive flatus, after dinner; amelioration after stool, with movements in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Offensive. Emission of offensive flatus in evening. Colch. 5. Offensive. Rumbling and noises in abdo- men with discharge of flatus, unsatis- factory, abrupt, offensive; not with- out exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. Offensive. Emission of offensive flatus. Kali B. 5, Offensive. Emissions of flatus, loud, short, and interrupted ; offensive, worse be- fore stool. Mezer. 5. Offensive. (Stool.) Stools sudden, pasty, dirty green, offensive, forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Offensive. Constipation; stool hard with burning in anus; lumpy, scanty, Offen- sive, difficult, light-colored. Sil, 1. Offensive. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc, C, 1. Offensive. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive- green, exhausting, pernicious, Offen- sive, frequent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale. 1. Offensive. Offensive, Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon, then burn- ing in anus; with much flatus, then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Offensive. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and amus. Ars. A. 1. Diarrhoea; copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of White membrane; Orange yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes with- Out feces. Colch. 1. Offensive. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick Succession; first pappy, then fluid with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Offensive. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- Quent with burning in anus; sudden about midnight with urging; very Offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Offensive. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus; frequent, of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Nit. A c. 1. - - . Offensive. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Offensive. Stool offensive, delayed. Op. 1. . Offensive. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, Scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive, involuntary as carrion. Sil. 1. Offensive. Stools profuse, thick, papes- cent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Offensive diarrhoeic stools. Ant. T. 1. Offensive. Diarrhoea during first denti- tion with much wind, after vexation; containing white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Offensive. Stool intermitting, frequent, at first hard, then pasty, then liquid, white, offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Offensive. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when mov- ing about, then thin, offensive stool with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus, later another stool; af, er rising from stool the urging which had gradually subsided returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Offensive. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very of fensive, undigested, watery, choco- late-colored, consisting of decom- posed blood, looking like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. (296) OFFENSIVE. REPERTORY OF PART II. oppress ED. Offensive. Chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fer- mented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offen- sive; or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A c. Clin. Offensive. Cholera infantum, with invol- untary, offensive stools. Op. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. Ac. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea after fright or sud- den joy; offensive, involuntary, wa- tery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea from abuse of intox- icating drinks or high living; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Offensive. Cholera infantum; stools saf- from yellow; chopped; offensive; wa- tery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Offensive. Stool bloody, with tenesmus, and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo- membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offen- sive; nearly painless; involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Offensive. Dysentery; burning in anus during Stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive. Plumb. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea in low types of ma- larial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Offensive. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Offensive. Evacuations of shreds of mucus or of undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen; stools exces- sively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Offensive. Cholera infantum ; great desire for undigested things, like ham, smoked meat; abdomen Sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. - Offensive. Stools green, sometimes slimy, white and mushy, hot and watery; very offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; offensive; preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth. |Borax Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and ner- vous prostration; a sensation of trem- bling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. - Offensive. Stools profuse, putrid, cor- rosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- ous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Offensive. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, invol- untary or mucus and bloody. Plum. Clin. Offensive. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning ; stool watery; with meal-like sedi- ment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked ; involuntary : very offensive. Pod. Clin. - Offensive. Semi-liquid, bilious, Offensive ; aggra- Vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Offensive. (Miscellaneous.) Haemorrhoids protruding, large, bluish, Suppurating and offensive; burning, with pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Offensive. Janndice, with clear urine; offensive; tongue white; stools dark. Chel. Clin. Oily. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast; from vaccination ; stools pale yellow ; watery or oily and greasy ; forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bung-hole. Thuja. Clin. Olive. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown slimy; next day, fetid and dark. Secale 1. Old. (Constipation of Old People.) Consti- pation of old people with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms. Aloe Clin. Old. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination, but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. - Constipation; stools hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. (Diarrhoea of Old People.) Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stools Smelling Old. Old. like old cheese. Bry. 1. Old. Alternating diarrhoea and constipa- tion, especially in old people. Ant. Cr. Clin. Old. Diarrhoea, particularly of old people; chronic, Gamb. Clin. Old. Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremulous weakness; discharges sometimes involuntary. Con. Clin. Old. Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. Old. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive; or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A.C. Clin. Diarrhoea ; stools dark brown, Old. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing; suitable to old persons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. Phos. Clin. (Miscellaneous.) Hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache and vertigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Old pendulous haemorrhoids that cease to bleed but become painful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. Ac. Clin. - One p. m. Sticking in amus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. One-thirty p. m. Hepatic region sensitive when walking, with pain on touch at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. Oozing of corrosive ichor from rectum. Merc. C. 2. Oozing of sticky, odorless moisture from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carb. An. 2. Oozing. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yel- low mucus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. Cr. Clin. Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum; weak digestion, especially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. Oozing. Haemorrhoids painful, stinging, with protrusion of rectum; Smarting and burning; oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Oozing. Fissure of the anus, with con- stant oozing of fetid moisture, with raw smarting as if cut with a knife. Nit. A C. Clin. Oozing. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly - like, green or bloody; fetid or sour; expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. - Once. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, often hard. Plumb. 1. Once, Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not ex- hausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Old. Open. Paralysis of rectum ; anus wide open ; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. Open. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly Open. PhOS. Clin. Open. Paralysis of the sphincter ani; the anus is always open. Phos. Clin. Operations. Colic; crampy pains follow- ing a fit of anger, or following opera- tions about the abdomen after lith- otomy. Staph. Clin. Opium. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatin- ous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus dur- ing typhoid fever, Mur. A c. Clin. Oppressed. Hypochondrium oppressed by clothing, which was unendurable. Carbo V. 6. (297) C PPRESSION. REPERTORY OF PART II. -- ~~~~ PAIN. Oppression. Incarceration of flatus in hypochondria, with oppression of Chest. Phos. 6. Oppression. Cramp-like pain in hypo- chondria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Oppressive. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; ameliora- tion from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Orange-colored. Stool soft, mixed with Serum ; Orange-colored, loose in morn- ing and urgent. Apis 1. Orange yellow. Diarrhoea; copious, yel- lowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane ; Orange- yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. 0s. Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Aloe 7. OS pubis. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically constricted ; sometimes as if dis- tended; pains generally increasing and decreasing. Bell. 7. OS pubis. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over OS pubis, partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Urging in rectum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal Out. muscles. Hep, 2. Out. Flatulent colic relieved by stretch- ing the body out or walking. Diose. Clin. - Out. Diarrhoea; watery, green frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive qualitities of water. Grat, Clin. Outward. Griping in abdomen, with con- striction Soreness and dragging down- ward and outward. Bry. 5. Outward. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed out- ward; aggravated by standing, Bell. 7. Outwards. Pain in anus as if a plug were forced outwards. Crot. Tig, 3. Ovaries. Sticking, now in right now in left groin, apparently connected with ovar- ies. Coloc. 7, Over. Cutting in abdomen during menses; obliging him to sit bent over pressing with both hands or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Over. Pain over region of liver, aggra- vated by pressure. Ars. A. 6. Overeating. Colic from indigestion with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy, or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. - Overheating. T)iarrhoea after nursing; from overheating; after cold bathing. Ant. Cr. Clin. Overstraining. Prolapsus ani from over- straining and violent riding; aggra- vation from standing. Arn. Clin. Oysters. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus, sometimes frothy, extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Pads. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yel- lowish, frothy, forcibly expelled; with colic and prominence of intestines like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. - Pain, (Abdomen.) Cutting, griping pain in abdomen. Agar, 5. Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw; tender- derness on pressure, Bell. 5, Pain, Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, oblig- ing him to bend forward. Coloc 5. Pain in abdomen, aggravated by pressure, touch and horizontal position; with sen- sitiveness. Apis 5. Pain in abdomen at night, waking from un- easy slumber; then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus. Arg. N, 5. Pain, Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdomen and almost in- effectual tenesmus. Merc, C, 1. Pain, Cutting pain in abdomen, with feel- ing as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer delayed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Ver, Alb, 5, Pain, Distention of abdomen by flatulence, waking about midnight; causing oppres- sive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration |. from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 5. Pain. Constipation with pain in abdomen, Ars. A. 1. Pain, Burning pain in abdomen, increased to sharp pain on pressure. Ars. A. 5. Pain. Distention and pain in abdomen with tension. Coloc. 5. Pain. Stool of brown, frothy, water with tenesmus, pain in abdomen, and nausea, then sudden, complete rest. Kali B. 1. Pain in abdomen, better after stool, with un- bearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting, burning in anus, as before diarrhoea, from taking cold; in morning, on slightest uncov- ering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Pain in abdomen as if everything were Sore; on every step, as from incar- cerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Pain in abdomen before breakfast, flatu- lent; relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on right side. Natr. S. 5, - Pain. Collection of flatus in abdomen without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incar- Cerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Pain. Distention of abdomen, with gur- gling, rumbling, rolling in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Pain. Griping and jerking in abdomen, with pain, which is better after stool. |Rhus Tox. 5. - - Pain. Griping in abdomen, with ineffec- tual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggra- Vation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Pain. Distention of abdomen and after eating, tension, with weight; with pain in place of a hermia. Sil. 5. Pain. Flatulent pain in abdomen, like labor pains. Natr. M. 5. Pain. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain before stool. Nit. A c. 5. Pain. Bruised pain in muscles of abdo- men on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. Pain in abdomen in evening after drink- ing; after stool; on touch; with diar- rhoea. Puls. 5. Pain. Pain in abdomen, with coldness; then heat and warm sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in trans- verse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. POd. 5. Pain. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in upper ab- domen. Puls. 5. Pain. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick Succession ; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Zinc 5. Pain in abdomen, with coldness; then heat with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Pain. Fetid flatus, with cutting, pinching, then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5, Pain in abdomen, as if diarrhoea, would result. Borax 5. Pain. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen so violent that he grasped bystanders, and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat On the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Pain. Tensive pain extending to chest, as from distention of abdomen. Caps. 5. Pain in a spot in abdomen, as if seized with nails; a griping, clutching, claw- ing. Bell. 5. * . . - Pain in abdomen, between pit of stomach and umbilicus. Tod. 5. º Pain. Diarrhoea, constant, with pain in abdomen. Mezer. 1. Pain in abdomen, with frequent cutting in Stomach and Small intestines; with emissions of much flatus. Diosc. 5. Pain. Intermittent griping pain in abdo- men. Asaf. 5. Pain in upper abdomen as if everything would be torn to pieces during men- struation. Graph. 6. + (298) PA. N. REPERTORY OF PART II. P A N. . Pain. Pinching in muscles of abdomen when sitting as if he had fallen upon them; strained pain; sensitiveness of walls. Hyos. 5. Pain in abdominal muscles on touch ; throbbing. Kali C. 5. Pain in abdomen with diarrhoea; sore to pressure. Kali B. 5. Pain in abdomen caused by evening air, with diarrhoea as from a stone. Merc. 5, Pain in abdomen during menstruation. Mag. C. 5. Pain. Drawing pain in abdomen at night. Mag. M. 5. Pain. Soreness in abdomen, especially in sides and down sides of umbilicus On touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea, would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Asaf. 5. Pain in abdomen in morning. Caust. 5. Pain. Distention of abdomen after eating ; after a moderate Supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Pain. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, pro- fuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Pain. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it can not pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdo- men, from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Pain. (Anus.) Burning pain in anus as if parts around it were sore, Berb. 3. Pain, Itching, Smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping, Graph, 3. Pain, Burning pain in anus, Caps, 3. Pain. Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent, Pod, 1. Pain. Violent stool; watery, black fluid; burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Pain. Haemorrhoids, with sore pain; un- endurable on walking or reflecting; swollen, with itching-sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging-burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. Pain, Sore pain in anus, without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. Ign. 3. Pain. Diarrhoea after eating; of undigested feces, also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Pain. Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of hamorrhoidal vessel, with sticking, with burning pain on Walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Pain in anus caused by stool; contracted feeling during stool. Chel. 3. Pain. Pressure in anus during stool, with pain. Alum. 3. Pain. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along per- ineum to middle of penis, worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Pain in pubic region, extending towards anus. Nux V. 7. Pain. Contractive pain in anus in after- noon, preventing sitting. Cocc. 3. Pain. Bleeding from anus during stool; Sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. Pain in anus as if a plug were forced out- wards. Crot. Tig. 3. Pain. Haemorrhoids like red cherries; protrude after meals, with sore pain in anus. Diosc. 3. Pain. Haemorrhoids; blind, painful with slow hot prickings; haemorrhoidal tenesmus causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Pain. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Carbo An. 2. Pain. Swollen hoemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool which is not hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Pain. Burning, Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in Sore; biting in evening with sore pain. Nux V. 3. Pain. Burning pain in region of anus; itching of anus; pressure of anus. Petr. 3, Pain. Itching in anus, with sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margin; be- coming a smarting and sore pain as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Pain. Biting Sore pain in anus on walk- ing, and burning in rectum. Mezer. Pain. Swollen haemorrhoids with burn- ing Sore pain ; blue haemorrhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. Ac. 3. Pain. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; Stitches; Sore pain during cough ; pain when walking. Kali C. 3. Pain. Burning pain in anus after stool; in forenoon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Pain. Spasmodic pain in amus before and after stool. Lach. 3. Pain. Boring cramp-like pains in anus, extending into rectum and testicles. Sil. 3. Pain. Burning pains in anus, with soft stool. Merc. 3. Pain. Haemorrhoids; pain during nor- mal stools. Mag. M. 3. Pain. Burning pain in before and after stool. Berb. 3. Pain. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Pain. Blind haemorrhoids; bleeding, with itching pain in anus. Cham. 3. Pain. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy, cutting pain before and after ; with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Pain. Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing, dark blood ; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Pain. Piles after confinement, with sharp, stinging pain. Apis Clin. anus during, Pain. Obstinate constipation, inactivity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Pain. Haemorrhoids, with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes, with great pain and distress. Diosc. Clin. Pain. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Pain. Long-continued sensation in rec- tum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. Clin. Pain. (Back.) Griping in hypogastrium during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness, Sulf. 7. Pain. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold; as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Pain. Blind hapmorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in Small of back in evening till 9 p. m.; with sore pain in anus; worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Pain, Constipation; stool white, of only yellow, white mucus, mixed with blood; with pain in back. Puls. 1. Pain. Drawing pain in posterior part, ex- tending towards back, like tearings. Calc. C. 6. Pain. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid; forci- ble; frequent; followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Pain. Diarrhoea from fright, worse from being in a warm room, preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. | Puls. Clin. Pain. Piles with enlarged prostate gland, intense pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clim. Pain. Haemorrhoids with excessive burn- ing, as from pepper; throbbing Sore- ness, with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Pain. Fissure of the anus with periodi- cal profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; Sore, blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Pain. (Hypochondria.) Pain in hypochon- dria with soreness. Agar, 6. Pain in hypochondria, aggravated by Standing, So that he stoops; towards morning, with distention, pain in forehead, and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Pain in the hypochondria. Arg, N, 6. Pain. Intermittent pain with flatulence in hypochondria, and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Pain. (Hypochondrium, Left.) Sharp pain in left hypochondrium. Diosc. 6. Pain in left hypochondrium, relieved when lying. Sep. 6. Pain, (Hypochondrium, Right.) Bruised pain in right hypochondrium; worse from touch on breathing, Lyc, 6. Pain. Sticking, cutting pain in hepatic region. Coloc. 6. ( 299 ) PA 8 N. REPERTORY OF PART II. PA I N. Pain. Sticking pain in hepatic region with burning, when sitting bent over; on touch; bile increased. Sulf, 6. Pain through hypochondria and in right Scapula, in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. - - Pain in hepatic region, extending down- ward and across umbilical region as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. Pain in hypochondria on touch, in region | of liver; bruised pain. Carbo V. 6. Pain in hepatic region in margins of ribs, on pressure. Chel. 6. Pain. Sticking in hepatic region; sore pain; full sensation. Sep. 6. Pain. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved by bending forward, with pain on touch as if suppurating. China 6. Pain in right hypochondrium, between right ribs and hip, when driving; ag- gravation from pressure. Card. M. 6. Pain. Inflated feeling in right side of ab- domen with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M. 5. Pain. Shooting pain in hepatic region, with moist skin. Card. M. 6. Pain in right hypochondrium and in both iliac regions. Carbol. A c. 6. Pain over region of liver, aggravated by pressure. Ars. A. 6. Pain. Pressure in right hypochondrium with pain on touch. Iod. 6. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting, drawing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Pain. Intermittent acute pain in liver region extending to scapulac. Hy- dras. 6. Pain in region of gall-bladder, aggravated by walking; in liver, extending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Pain. Inflammation of the liver with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Pain. Distention in hepatic region, with pain as if suppurating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Pain. Sticking in liver; in right hypo- chondrium, with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending back- Ward. Taur. 6. Pain. Drawing pain in right hypochon- drium, extending towards symphysis pubis. Calc. C. 6. Pain. Paralytic, bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Pain in right hypochondrium, with sensi- tiveness; the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspiration. Bry. 6. - Pain. Tensive pain in hepatic region, in right, below false ribs; aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Pain. Cramp-like pain in hypochondria, alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Zinc. 6. Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensi- tiveness; worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. 6. Pain. Hepatic region sensitive when walk- ing, with pain on touch at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. Pain in hepatic region, obstructing the breathing. A con. 6. Pain in right hypochondrium ; contrac- tive; worse in morning; then con- striction in stomach, extending to chest ; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Pain. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right in- guinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, Sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Pain in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay-colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Pain, Colic from the passage of gall- Stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terrible eructations. Diosc. Clin. Pain. Gall-stone colic ; terrible darting pains; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. Pain. Gall-stone colic, with jaundice and twisting pain. Pod. Clin. Pain. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcer- ative pain in hepatic region ; worse from touch on walking; hardness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Pain. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of a hard tumor in region of umbili- cus, with Gramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. Pain, Cirrhosis of the liver; first enlarged and then contracted hepatic region sensitive to pressure; continuing dart- ing pain. Plumb. Clin. Pain in region of gall-bladder, extending to spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Lept. Clin. Pain. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clim. Pain. Congested, enlarged liver; sensa- tion of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Pain in hepatic region, increased on pres- sure; stitches in right hypochondrium extending to gastric region. Ars. A. Clin. Pain. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, coughing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin, Pain. (Hypogastrium.) Stitching, griping, drawing pain in hypogastrium, Agar, 7. Pain, Cutting pain in hypogastrium, now here, now there. Bell, 7. Pain in ring in morning in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Nux W, 7. Pain. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure; and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Pain. Cutting in hypogastrium, with in- carceration of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Pain. Tension in hypogastrium, with pain on touch. Op. 7. • Pain in hypogastrium ; in ring when coughing, extending into testicles as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Pain in region of ascending colon on ris- ing after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7 Pain. Incipient hernia forced downward, With a bruised pain, and cannot be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Pain. Sticking pressive pain in the re- gion of the abdominal ring as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdo- men. Alum. 5. Pain in hypogastrium, extending to gen- itals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out, and menses would come On. Natr. C. 7. Pain in right hypogastrium, as if some- thing would be squeezed through. Carbo An. 7. , Pain in hypogastrium. Secale 7. Pain. Paralytic pain in right ring, as if Something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from rising. COCG. 7. Pain. Burning pain in hypogastrium, ex- tending to sacrum. Crotal. H. 7. Pain. Contractive pain in hypogastrium, like after-pains, with urging to stool. Con. 7. Pain. Bruised pain in groin over left hip, and on left side of pelvis. Arg. M. 7. Pain in hypogastrium as from a flatulent purgative. Acon. 7. Pain. Tensive, spasmodic pain in inguinal regions, extending from upper and Outer part downward and inward. Chel. 7. Pain in groin as if a hernia would pro- trude, and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Pain. Pinching, increasing to cutting pain in hypogastrium in morning be- fore, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. 7. Pain. Pinching pain in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Pain across hypogastrium at night on ly- ing down ; amelioration from micturi- tion. Sep. 7. - Pain. Swelling of inguinal glands, sup- purative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Pain. Distention of abdomen, beginning at Stomach; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on Stomach; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Pain. Constipation of females with pain and pressure in iliac regions; from uterine and abdominal congestion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. . Pain. (Perineum.) Itching in anus, with pain in perineum. Caust. 3. - Pain in perineum as if something dull pressed out there. Asaf. 2. Pain. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from anus a tubercle which be- came moist and Smarted on walking. Thuja 3. (300 ) PA I N. REPERTORY OF PART II. PAINFU L. Pain in perineum, seeming to arise from - neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. Canth, 3. Pain. (Pubes.) Cramp-like pain above pubes in afternoon, with frequent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. Pain in pubic region. Zinc. 7. Pain. Tensive pain in morning on get- ing out of bed, especially in region of OS pubis, with feeling as if hypogas- trium were spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if distended; pains gen- erally increasing and decreasing. Bell. 7. Pain. (Rectum.) Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles; contraction and Soreness. Ign, 2. Pain in rectum during stool as if something would be torn asunder, Nit. Ac, 2. Pain, Stool hard like sheep-dung and dif- ficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbling as if burnt. Mag. M. 1, Pain, Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating ; aggravation from exert- ing the mind or studying; in morning before stool. Nux W. 2. Pain. Constipation ; stool hard and crum- bly and unsatisfactory; difficult, with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with frequent mic- turition. Natr. M. 1. Pain in rectum. A con. 2. Pain. Frequent, sudden pressing-pierc- ing pain in rectum. Caust. 5. Pain. Jerking, almost sticking pain in rectum, with burning, stinging, itch- ing during stool. Sil. 2. Pain. Sore pain in rectum during stool, as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Pain. Throbbing pain in rectum all day; after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. Pain. Urging to stool; ineffectual; te- nesmus, as in dysentery; with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Pain. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum. Gamb. 2. Pain. Frequent, ineffectual urging in rectum, causing pain. Merc. C. 2. Pain. Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rectum. Merc. C. Clin. Pain. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever; inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Pain. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat washings; severetenesmus; burn- ing pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Pain. Contractive, Sore pain in rectum, from blind haemorrhoids; one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Pain. (Spleen.) Enlargement of spleen, with pain. Phos. 6. Pain in region of spleen. Mezer. 6. Pain. Intermittent pain in region spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 6. Pain. (Umbilicus.) Griping, tensive pain in umbilical region, extending towards stomach, in afternoon and evening; re- lieved by emission of flatus, Sulf. 7. Of Pain in umbilical region, emanating from navel; amelioration by frequent dis- charge of flatus, Coloc, 7. Pain on pressure on umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus, where there is constant protrusion. Crot, Tig, 7. Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into intestines. Anac. 7, Pain below umbilicus as from a stone, taking away the breath; after dinner. Nux. V. 7. Pain. Retraction of abdomen, with hard- ness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Plumb. 5. Pain. Sticking, griping pain in umbilical region, as from an internal indura- tion in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. Pain. Cramping pain above umbilicus. DiOSC. 7. Pain. Pain in umbilical region in morn- ing, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. DiOSC. 7. Pain. Soreness and pain around navel. Calc. Ph. 7. Pain to side of umbilicus, corresponding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly sticking, often extending to lumbar region, or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Pain in umbilical region. Bapt. 7. Pain. Abdomen hard, with pain in um- bilical region on touch. Kali C. 7. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m.; then un- usual stool. Amm. Mur. 7. Pain. Feeling of distention of abdomen, with constrictive pain below umbili- cus; the latter comes in jerks, oblig- ing bending double. Bell. 7. Pain. Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in small of back as if broken. Cham. F-y ſ. Pain. Twisting about navel, with pains on pressure. Cina, 7. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not reliev- ing the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. Diosc. 7. Pain across umbilicus, preventing sleep; pinching when sitting; below umbil- icus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, at- tempting to raise himself or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Pain. Painters’ colic; pain in umbilical region, extending through to the back. Plat. Clin. Pain. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel, as if the intes- times were torn. Graph. Clin. Pain. (Miscellaneous.) Movements in hypo- gastrium, as of something living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain, Thuja 7. Pain. Flatulent pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight, not relieved by flatus. Puls. 5. Pain. Pain, Pain in pelvis, beginning in sacrum, and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Something hard ; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Pain. Stools, preceded by cold pain, low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark-clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Pain. Constrictive pain below short ribs, extending into lumbar vertebrae. Camph. 5. Pain. Deep-seated, digging pain within hips on both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Pain. Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of perin- eum. Bell. 2. Pain. Diarrhoea, almost without pain, then prostration. Graph. 1. Pain. Liquid stools; diarrhoea in morning on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Pain. Diarrhoea, frequent and sudden without pain or smell; watery. Ferr. 1. Pain. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papes- cent, with much mucus, but no real pain. Bapt. 1. Pain above left hip as if it would burst there on coughing. Caust. 7. Iºnlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bitter taste. Chel. Clin. Pain. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe agonizing pain; tossing about; high fever. A con. Clin. Pain. Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Painful. (Abdomen.) Abdomen swollen and painful, Ars. A. 5. Painful. Swelling of abdomen which is painful to touch. Acon. 5. Painful. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen ; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Painful. (Haemorrhoids.) Protruding haem- orrhoids during stool; when walking, Sep. 3. Painful. Haemorrhoids with swelling ; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum; burning; painful. Nit. A c. 3. Painful. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Painful. Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back; in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls. 3. Painful. Haemorrhoids with sore pain; unendurable on walking or reflecting; Swollen, with itching, sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging-burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. (301) PA NFU L. REPERTORY OF PART II. PAINs. Painful. Haemorrhoids swollen, protrud- ing, burning, Sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Painful. Protruding, painful, sore haem- orrhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Painful. Haemorrhoids; blind, painful, with slow hot prickings; haemor- rhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Painful protruding piles, with itching and sticking. Puls. Clin. Painful. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; meedle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Painful. Old pendulous hæmorrhoids that cease to bleed, but become pain- ful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A c. Clin. Painful. Haemorrhoids, accompanied with obstinate constipation; swollen, itch- ing, stinging, burning and painful when touched. Caust. Clin. Painful. Haemorrhoids, intensely painful; boring, cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool become incarcerated and Suppurate. Sil. Clin. Painful. Haemorrhoids, painful; stinging, with protrusion of rectum, Smarting and burning; oozing of glutinous mois- ture. Natr. M. Clin. Painful. (Rectum.) Urging in rectum with scanty stool, passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sensation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Painful spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Ars. A. 2. Painful. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. Painful. Habitual constipation; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Painful. (Stool.) Diarrhoea, with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; involuntary. Ver. Alb. 1. Painful. Constipation; stool blackish, scan- ty; like sheep's-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, often hard. Plumb. 1. Painful. Diarrhoea violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Painful. Soreness of perineum, with pain- ful itching when touched; at night with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Painful. Constipation during menstra- tion; stool like sheep-dung, painful and difficult; insufficient after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Painful. Bloody and painful stool; Scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Painful. Bloody stools, with painful, acrid sensation in anus. Merc. 1. Painful. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric ; much black offensive blood; pseudo-membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. Painful. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters, nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Tach. Clin. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papeScent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Painful. (Miscellaneous.) Painful inclination to inguinal hernia, worse when rising from a seat. Cocc. 7. Painful. Inguinal glands peas; painful to touch, Sil. 7. Painful. Swelling of inguinal glands, painful and of axillary glands. Natr. as large as C. 7. Painful drawing in groins as before men- Struation. Plat. 7. Painful contractions in anus. Acon. 3. Painful. Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure. Painful pulsation in right hypochondrium. PhOS. 6. Painful. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards anus and geni- tals, alternating with painful contrac- tions of anus. Bell. 2. Painful. Enlarged spleen which is pain- ful on Coughing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Painful. Enlarged spleen which is pain- ful; the pains are acute and sticking. China. Clin. Painful. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Painfully. Sudden flatulence in hypogas- trium, passing painfully towards ring. Graph. 7. - Painfully. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully, worse in upper abdomen. Puls. 5. Painless. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids, with swelling ; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool, with prickling in rectum; burning, painful. Nit. Ac. 3. Painless. Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the amus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Painless, (Stools.) Constipation painless, stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A.C. 1. Painless. Diarrhoea watery, yellowish and painless; forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Painless. Diarrhoea; stool watery, pain- less. Thuja 1. Painless. Watery stool through the day; yellow, painless, with rumbling. Iris Painless. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid, with biting, burning Sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Painless. Iod. 6.. Painless. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin and brown, later cadaverous-smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration; aggravation from the smell or sight Of food. Colch. Clin. . Painless. Diarrhoea, brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. T)iarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect ; stool white, gray, copious, painless, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. Painless. Diarrhoea painless, clay-colored, with burning and smarting ; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Painless diarrhoea with rumbling of wind; worse at night, from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin, Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, yellow, watery, mucous, pro- fuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Painless. Dysentery with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stool. Apis. Clin. Painless. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless, gushing, profuse, Watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Painless. Diarrhoea; stool horribly of fensive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Painless. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hy- drant, with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Painless. Diarrhoea containing undigested food; painless, recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Painless. Diarrhoea is generally painless, associated with cold feeling in abdo- men, but sometimes with cramps. Grat. Clin. Painless. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night; painless; early in the morning in hot weather; from eating fruit ; from drinking sour beer; after Severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids. China. Clin. Painless. Chronic diarrhoſa in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light-gray or brownish ; corrosive ; sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus ;..fter. Kali C. Clin. Pains, (Abdomen.) Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down, Puls, 5. Pains, Drawing, tensive pains in abdomen, like liver pains, Puls, 5. ( 302 ) i PA. N. S. REPERTORY OF PART II. PAPES C E NT. Pains. Colic; pains in lower abdomen from worms. Sil. Clin. Pains. Colic; crampy pains, following a fit of anger or following operations about the abdomen after lithotomy. Staph. Clin. Pains. Dysentery ; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffec- tual pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Pain. Frequent, involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen ; feces escape with flatus, collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Pain. Violent, flatulent, colic, generally relieved by walking about ; aggra- wated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting ; amel- Oration from pressure; generally radi- ate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy; undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- mus during, and burning after stool; worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Pains. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard Ob- ject, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Pains. (Anus.) Contracted sensation in rec- tum during stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Natr. M. 2. Pains. Large and hard stool voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a por- tion of the anus was protruded; with severe backache in lumbar region. AESC. 1. Pains. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Pains. Prolapsus ani with sharp stabbing pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Pains. Fissures of the anus without Con- stipation; acute pains shooting up- wards. Ign. Clin. - Pains. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes pain- less, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. Pains. Haemorrhoids protruding, large, bluish, suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Pains. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching burning pains, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Pains. Constipation; desire for stool but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging with sharp splinter- like cutting pains. Nit. A c. Clin. Pains. (Liver.) Swelling and abscess in iiver with Stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. - Pains. Soreness over the region of the liver, with Cutting pains and vomit- ing of bile. Iris V. Clin. Pains. Sharp pinching pains in liver, which come suddenly and with great severity. Berb. Clin. Pains. Inflammation and gangrene of the liver; enlargement; acute pains in hepatic region. Secale Clin. Pains. Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Psor. Clin. - Pains. Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold ; dull aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Pains. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with Soreness and sharp Sticking pains. aggravation from lying on left side' Natr. S. Clin. Pains. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Pains. (Miscellaneous.) Bearing-down pains in hypogastrium ; worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with constant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was discharged. Lil. Tig. 7. Pains. Stools may be black, brown, burn- ing, putrid; brought on by eating or drinking or aggravated after mid- night, preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Pains. Protruding purple piles, with severe pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Pains. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation, yellow, thin or brown ; mushy or white, ac- companied by severe lumbar and sacral pains. AEsc. Clin. Pains. Enlarged spleen, which is painful; the pains are acute and sticking. China. Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pain. Ratan. Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea, with great prostration and collapse at the very commence- ment of the disease; cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces like coffee-grounds; rice- water stools. Camph. Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea, with urging and in- ability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Tept. Clin. Pains. Dropsical effusions and even peri- tonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Pains. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs, worse at night; pains increased after stool. Merc. Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel, before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Pains. Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool ; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green. slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, sour smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Painter's colic. Op. Clin. - Painter's colic; pain in umbilical region, | | extending through to the back. Plat. Pale. Diarrhoea comes on gradually; Clin. stools more and more watery; pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China Clin. Pale. T)iarrhoea with excessive accumu- lation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale, fecal mixed, with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Pale. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast from vaccination ; stool pale, yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled ; gurgling like water from a bung-hole. Thuja. Clin. Pallor, Drawing, griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum ; nausea; weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing, Ign, 5. Pallor. Colic ; scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Palms. Rumbling in abdomen in morn- ing, with gurgling; also in bed, with spasmodic and griping, flatulent colic, and heat in palms and Soles. Nux V. 5. Pancreas. Fatty diarrhoea, from disease of the pancreas. Iod. Clin. Papescent. Stool profuse, thick, papes- cent, brown, offensive, relieving symp- toms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Papescent. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papescent, with much mucus, but no real pain. Bapt. 1. Papescent. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Papescent. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine, light yellow, fecal, papescent, Sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. Papescent. Camp diarrhoea: ; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intes- timal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region, Worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. & (303) PAPES C E N. T. REPERTORY OF PART II. PASSES. Papescent. Nervous diarrhoea from de- pression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright || red foamy blood, preceded by colic, With burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. - Paplike. Tenesmus; then copious thin or paplike, Sour-smelling stool, with relief. Arm. 2. Pappy, Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and fre- quent in morning ; pappy, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Pappy. Yellow, pappy, pasty stool. Aloe 1. Pappy. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive, stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick succession ; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Paralyzed. Rectum seems paralyzed, Alum, 2. Paralyzed. Prolapsus of rectum without urging, as if an us were paralyzed. Graph. 2. Paralyzed. Swelling of inguinal glands, Suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Paralyzed. Constipation; stools enor- mously large and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clim. Paralyzed. Constipation for days; no de- sire; no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux MOs. Clin. Paralysis of rectum ; anus wide open ; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. Paralysis of the Sphincter ani; the anus is always open. Phos. Clin. Paralysis. Involuntary stools in bed from paralysis of sphincter ani. Laur. Clin. Paralytic pain in right ring as if some- thing would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from ris- ing. Cocc. 7. Paralytic bruised pain in liver on inspira- tion, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Paroxysms. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti mus- cles. Plumb. Clin. Paroxysmal pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend forward, Coloc. 5. Paroxysmal tearing in abdomen, worse at umbilicus. Plumb. 5. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region from sides of abdomen towards mid- dle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Part. Stool soft but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part remained. Nux MOS. 1. - Partially. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over Os pubis; partially relieved by hard pres- sure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Parturition. Constipation following par- turition, with haemorrhoids and head- ache. Hydras. Clin. Pass. Cutting pain in abdomen with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulent here and there; the longer de- layed the emission of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Wer, Alb, 5. Pass. Involuntary diarrhoea during emis- sion of flatus; bilious, with sensation as if weight would pass. Sulf. 1. Pass. Constipation ; bowels obstructed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep’s-dung; covered with blood and mucus. Mag. M. Clin. Pass. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass anything; great urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation. Anac. Clin. Pass, Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Passage, (Flatus.) Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion, almost unnoticed. Aloe 1. Passage. Tenesmus with only a little feces at first; then transparent, bilious membranous mucus with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Passage. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Passage, Colic; before stool; before pas- sage of flatus with thirst flatulent. China 5. Passage. Griping in abdomen, with pain On passage of flatus. China 5. Passage. Distention of abdomen, with motions and passage of offensive flatus; much trouble from flatulence. Carbo An. 5. Passage. (Miscellaneous.) Urging to stool, with passage of urine. Aloe 2. Passage. Colic, with cutting twisting, about navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps, 7, Passage. Stool soft, scanty and delayed, with passage of blood during stool. Carbo An. 1. Passage of mucus from anus, with urging. Carbo V. 3. Passage of pure blood from anus and from urethra. Canth. 3. Passage. Colic, from the passage of gall- stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, , with terrible eructations. DiOSC. Clin. Passage. Colic, from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys, and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy Sweat. Diosc. Clin. Passages. Small, frequent passages, consist- ing of mucus, at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Passed, (Stool.) Anxious urging in rec- tum; frequent, ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft. Nux W, 2. Passed. Urging in rectum with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Passed. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces; then ineffectual urging, with biting, burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China, 1. Passed. Stool natural at first, then sev- eral Small, loose evacuations, then small, hard evacuations, with violent Straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Passed. Stool after dinner, very dry and like Sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. 1. Passed. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. A c. 1. Passed. Constipation; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Passed. Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. Passed. Constipation; torpor of bowels; feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty, from constriction of sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. - Passed. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, nearly Odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state with delirium. Hyos. Clin. Passed. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Passed. Diarrhoea from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black or thick like glue; passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. - Passed. Constipation; stool dry, brittle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Passed. (Miscellaneous.) Distention of ab- domen by flatulence, waking about mid- night, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without re- markable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Passed. Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 5. Passed. Coldness in abdomen during menses as if a cold fluid passed through intestimes. Kali C. 5. Passes, Tenesmus, but nothing passes except mucus tinged with blood, Merc. C. 2, | ----- ( 304 ) PASSES. REPERTORY OF PART II. PEPPER. Passes. Diarrhoea; stool passes better when standing. Caust. 1. Passes. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsciously, with sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Passes. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool, dryness of rectum ; knotty stool, shining as if greased, very small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Passes. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day, passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Passes. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire im- mediately passes off without an evacu- ation. Anac. Clin. | Passes. Flatulent colic with constriction around stomach and navel; incarcer- ated flatus; passes Sour-smelling or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Passes worms, both round and thread- worms. Cina Clin. Passes. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination but often passed only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. Passing. Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would es- cape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand. Aloe 2. . Passing. Sudden flatulence in hypogas- trium, passing painfully towards ring. Graph. 7. Passing. Constipation; stool hard, only occurring once in two or three days; hard as if he was passing stones. Coloc. 1. Passing. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without injury. Lach. 3. Passing. Obstinate Constipation; inac- tivity or intussusception ; stools hard, thick, and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Passing. Constipation in persons of Se- dentary habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Pastry. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet; from fruit, ices, pastry; flatulent colic in evening, after Supper, or at night. Puls. Clin. Pasty, Stools sudden, pasty, dirty, green, offensive, forcible. Crot, Tig. 1. Pasty. Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour-smelling; then shivering, then urging, with con- striction in intestines, Rheum 1. Pasty. Stool pasty with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon, then burning in anus with much flatus; then hard por- tions, then again soft, So that he be- lieved he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Pasty. Stool pasty, bright yellow, copious, with much mucus; light gray. Chel. 1. Pasty. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow, pasty, of the order of putrefy- ing Snakes. Lach. 1. Pasty. Stool pasty, light brown after urging, then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Pasty. Stools soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy: light, clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Pasty. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish-gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Pasty. Yellow, pappy, pasty stool. Aloe 1. Pasty. Burning in rectum, with the evac- uation of stool and urine; stools dry and large; then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Pasty. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Pasty. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. Pasty. Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. Pasty. Stool intermitting; frequent ; at first hard, then pasty; then liquid, white; offensive, like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. *: Pasty. Sudden cutting in abdomen, re- lieved after profuse, pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Pasty. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hysteri- cal women; mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Pasty. Diarrhoea, without pain or urging; stools brown; watery; white; watery; green mucus; thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray, like rice-water, Chel. Clin. Pasty. Chronic diarhoea; especially dur- ing early hours of morning; stool wa- tery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Peas. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung, after great straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. Natr. C. 1. Peas. Inguinal glands as large as peas; painful to touch. Sil. 7. Pelvic, Pain in pelvis, beginning in sacrum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Some- thing hard ; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Pelvic. Pressure in hypogastrium, as if bladder would fall Out over the Os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Pelvic. Inflammation or engorgement of the pelvic viscera. Acon. Clin. Pelvic. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m.; a weakness about Small of back; pubic bones and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Pelvis, Cutting low down in abdomen; penetrating into pelvis; more from retracting walls of abdomen, with urging to stools. Puls. 7. Pelvis. Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sa- crum and passing forward and down to right knee; at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep. 7. Pelvis. Dragging down in rectum during menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe, 2. Pelvis. Bruised pain in groin over left hip and on left side of pelvis. Arg. M. 7. Pelvis. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mu- cus and dark, clotted blood, followed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Pelvis. Piles with enlarged prostate gland; intense pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clin. Pendulous. Old pendulous haemorrhoids that cease to bleed but become pain- ful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. Ac. Clin. Penetrating. Cutting low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis; worse from retracting walls of abdomen, with urging to stool. Puls. 7. Penis. Pain in perineum seeming to arise from neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. Canth. 3. Penis. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along peri- neum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. People. Alternating diarrhoea and con- stipation, especially in old people. Ant. Cr. Clin. People. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive; or in old people who sink down in in bed. Mur. A c. Clin. People. Diarrhoea, particularly of old people, chronic. Gamb. Clin. People. Chronic diarrhoea of old people with tremulous weakness; discharges sometimes involuntary. Con. Clin. People. Painful diarrhoea of old people, even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. People. Constipation in elderly people of the higher class suffering from re- tarded defecation with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. People. Habitual costiveness, especially of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclination but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clin. People. Habitual constipation, especially in haemorrhoidal and hypochondriac people. Sulf. Clin. Pepper. Haemorrhoids, with excessive burning as from pepper; throbbing Soreness with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. (305) PER I HEPAT ITIS. REPERTORY OF PART II. Pi L E S. Perihepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, Sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Perineum. Itching burning in rectum at night on waking, and in morning, with pinching, extending to perineum. Nit. A.C. 2. Perineum. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perimeum, rectum and an us; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amel- ioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W. 7. Perineum. Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestimes, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of perineum. Bell. 2. Perineum. Pain in perineum as if some- thing dull pressed out there. Asaf. 2. Perineum. Stinging tearing in perineum. Am. Mur. 3. - Perineum. Pain in perineum, seeming to arise from neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. Canth. 3. Perineum. Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Perineum. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from anus a tubercle, which became moist and smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. Perineum. Itching in anus, with pain in perineum. Caust. 3. Perineum. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Perineum. Excessive perspiration on per- ineum. Thuja. Clin. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical women. Ign. Clin. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of summer; stools black- ish, watery, bloody, jelly-like; Stringy discharges with tenesmus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Periodical. Fissures of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised ; sore, blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Peristaltic, Urging in rectum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic ac- tion and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of ab- dominal muscles. Hep, K. Peristaltic. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action ; hard, Scanty stool with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Peritonitis. Early stage of peritonitis and enteritis, with severe, agonizing pain, tossing about, high fever. A con. Clin. Peritonitis and metro-peritonitis. Bell. Clin. Peritonitis. Bry. Clin. Peritonitis. Extremely valuable in typh- litis and in the late stage of peritoni- tis. Lach. Clin. Peritonitis. Sulf. Clin. Peritonitis and enteritis with restlessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Peritonitis. Dropsical effusions and even peritonitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Perityphlitis with high fever; great ten- derness over the appendix and hard- ness. Crotal. H. Clin. Perityphlitis. Catarrhal enteritis; peri- typhlitis; subacute colitis. Merc. Clin. Pernicious. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive- green, exhausting, pernicious, offen- Sive, frequent, brown, slimy, next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Persons. Constipation in persons of sedentery habits from atomy of lower intestimes; stools hard, dry, crumble When passing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Perspiration. Excessive perspiration on perineum. Thuja. Clin. Perspiration. Diarrhoea from checked perspiration during heat of Summer with cold mights. A con. Clin. Perspiration. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather, from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Perspiration. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clim. Perspiration. Mucous diarrhoea in sum- mer, often caused by checked per- spiration. Cham. Clin. Perspiration. Colic caused by suppressed perspiration; as from drinking ice water when heated. Coloc. Clim. Phthisis. Colliquative diarrhoea of phthi- sis abdominalis. Amm. Mur. Clin. Phthisis. Diarrhoea of phthisis. Olean. Clin. Phthisical. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing ; suitable to old per- sons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. Phos. Clin. Pieces, (Stool.) Constipation; stool hard and dark brown in pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Pieces. Urging in rectum, with scanty stools passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. - Pieces. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces; also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. • Pieces. Expulsion of pieces of mucus with tenesmus and cutting in anus, as from blind haemorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Pieces. TXiarrhoea; copious, yellowish, and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; orange-yellow ; slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. Pieces. Diarrhoea of white little pieces like Clin. mucus in pop-corn. Cina, Pieces. Ineffectual urging; frequent, thin Stool in single Stony pieces. Coloc. 2. Pieces. Constipation produced by cheese; better from smoking; frequent urging to stool, without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Pieces, (Miscellaneous.) Pain in upper ab- domen as if everything would be torn to pieces during menstruation. Graph, Pieces. Cutting in hypogastrium as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; sticking. Kali C. 7. Pieces. Pain in hypochondrium; in ring When coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Pieces. Violent colic as if the bowels | would be cut to pieces. Ant. T. Clin. Pieces. Obstinate constipation; inactiv- ity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. - Piles. (Bleeding.) Bleeding piles; spas- modic constriction of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensi- tiveness. Bell. Clin. Piles. Bleeding piles, with itching and gnawing. Ferr. Clin. Piles. Bleeding piles with heat and sharp Stitches; blood bright. A con. Clin. Piles. Bleeding piles; blood flows with each stool in a small stream. Phos. Clin. - - Piles. Bleeding piles, which contain an amount of blood, a far greater quan- tity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant. Lyc. Clin. Piles, (Blind.) Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles; contraction and soreness, Ign, 2. Piles. Sore pain in anus, without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. Ign. 3. Piles. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in amus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less from walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Piles. Itching in amus, with Sore pain as from haemorrhoids on margins; be- coming a Smarting and Sore pain, as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Piles, blind or flowing. Nux V. Clin. Piles. Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing dark blood; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Piles. (Protruding.) Protruding piles, aching, itching and Sore. Calc. Ph. Clin. Piles. Protruding purple piles, with severe pains in the Sacrum and Small. of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Piles. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to pre- vent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. (306) P. L. E.S. REPERTORY OF PART II. PORK. Piles. Painful, protruding piles, with itch- ing and sticking. Puls. Clin. Piles. Protruding and strangulated, or with stitches upwards at each cough Or sneeze. Lach. Clin. Piles. (Miscellaneous.) Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rec- tum after stool; sometimes prolapsed for days owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Piles after confinement, with sharp, sting- ing pain. Apis Clin. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-stand- ing diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Piles. Irregular piles, with stitching burn- ing or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Piles, with pain on sitting down or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Piles, with enlarged prostate gland; in- tense pain in back and through the whole pelvis. Staph. Clin. Piles feel damp; painful to touch ; itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Piles and fissures at the anus, with great itching; scurf on borders of anus. Petr. Clin. Piles suddenly in children, with great sen- sitiveness; prolapsus ani while urin- , ating; piles after confinement. Mur. AC. Clin. Pinches. Rolling and rumbling in abdo- men, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative; then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Pinching. (Abdomen.) Pinching in abdo- men as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. 9. Pinching in abdomen with diarrhoea. Borax 5. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. Cocc. 5. Pinching or cramp-like pressure trans- versely across abdomen in region of pit of stomach after eating. Cina 5. Pinching. Fetid flatus, with cutting pinching; then diarrhoea, with pain in abdomen on every attempt to eat. Calc. Ph. 5. Pinching. Diarrhoea, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen. Gamb. 1. Pinching in muscles of abdomen when sitting as if he had fallen upon them; strained pain; sensitiveness of walls Hyos. 5. Pinching. (Hypogastrium.) Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fer- menting; rumbling, then watery diar- rhoea. Nux V. 7. Pinching. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs; in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Pinching pain in hypogastrium. Carbo W. 7. - Pinching, increasing to cutting pain, in hypogastrium in morning, before, during and after diarrhoea. Ars. A. Pinching. (Umbilicus.) Griping in um- bilical region, with pinching, as after taking cold. Bry. 7. Pinching below umbilicus. Agar. 7. Pinching. Griping about umbilicus on eating, with pinching. Nux V. 7. Pinching. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Pinching. Inflation and tension, with pinching in umbilical region, with frequent emission of flatus. Gamb. 7. Pinching. Pain across umbilicus, prevent- ing sleep; pinching, when sitting, be- low umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Pinching. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea, wa- tery, with violent pinching and emis- Sion of much flatus. Agar. 1. Pinching. Itching burning in rectum at night On Waking and in morning, with pinching extending to perineum. Nit. A c. 2. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipec. 6. Pinching. Sticking in right hypochon- drium; after dinner in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, Sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Pinching. Intermittent pinching sticking in region of spleen. Zinc. 6. Pinching. Sharp pinching pains in liver, which come suddenly with great se- verity. Berb. Clin. - Pinching. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish-white, watery stools, with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Pinching. Lead colic ; cutting in abdo- men, as from knives; constricting, spas- modic pains; pinching griping sensa- tion, as if the bowels were squeezed between Stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Pinkish. Diarrhoea comes on gradually; stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China Clin. Pin-worms. Crawling in rectum as pin-worms. Calc. C. 2. Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing. Ign, 5. Tension in abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between pit of stom- ach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region, from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stom- ach, causing nausea and anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. from Pit, Pit. Pit. Pit. Pinching or cramplike pressure trans- versely across abdomen in region of pit of stomach, after eating. Cina 5. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 6. Distention of hypochondrium, worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account Of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Pain in abdomen between pit of Stomach and umbilicus, Iod. 5. Pinching in hypochondria and re- gion of pit of stomach. Ipec. 6. Pitch. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. . Pitch-like. Chronic dysentery; stools frequent, small, pitch-like, with pale blood ; involuntary, Zinc. Clin. Plethora. Constipation of old people with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypo- chondriacs and bookworms. Aloe Clin. Plethora. Constipation in elderly people of the higher class suffering from retarded defecation with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Plug. Sensation of a plug between symphy- sis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Aloe 7. . Plug. Pain around the navel as if a blunt plug were squeezed into intestines. Anac. 7. Plug. Pain in anus, as if a plug were forced outwards. Crot. Tig. 3. Plug. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting, fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Plug. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with Sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Plugged. Tenesmus, but he cannot expel anything, and the rectum seems plugged up. Anac. 2. Plugged. Stools very sluggish; the rec- tum seems plugged up ; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. Plums. Griping in abdomen, with in- effectual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; Pit. Pit. Pit. Pit. aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Pneumonia. Diarrhoea of drunkards or in pneumonia. Ant. T. Clin. Points. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Poisoning. Constipation from lead poison- ng; frequent desire but small evacua- tions, with great effort. Plat. Clin. Poker. Haemorrhoids with sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Pork. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. ( 307 ) PORTAL. REPERTORY OF PART II. PRESS IV E. Portal. Liver troubles associated with engorged portal circulation, especially in large haemorrhoids. AEsc. Clin. Position, Pain in abdomen, aggravated by pressure, touch and horizontal position; with sensitiveness, Apis 5. Position. Pressing downward in hypogas- trium during menses; better in knee- elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep. Sep. 7. Ponpart's. Constipation, with sensitive- ness above Ponpart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish- yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. PhOS. I. Ponpart's. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's ligament at left ilium extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Pop-corn. Diarrhoea of white mucus in little pieces, like pop-corn. Cina Clin. - ſº Pouring. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hy- drant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Power. Stool remains long in rectum as if there were no power to expel it, Sil, 2. Preceded. Thin stool preceded and fol- lowed by rumbling and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied. Jatr, 1. Preceded. Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Preceded. Blind haemorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Preceded. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling; preceded by colic; green, bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. PSOr. 1. - . Preceded. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark, clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Preceded. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea; always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stomach. Nux MOS. 6. Preceded. Stool indurated as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Preceded. Diarrhoea; stools liquid, with mucus; red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. Preceded. Intermittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Preceded. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. - - Preceded. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Cliń. Preceded. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room, preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Preceded. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, pre- ceded and accompanied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Preceded. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Preceded. Diarrhoea; with burning in rectum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas, watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Tris W. Clin. Preceded. Nervous diarrhoea, from de- pression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the amus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Pregnancy. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions, from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Pregnancy. Diarrhoea during pregnancy; during dentition; during meningitis; tuberculosa. Hell. Clin. Pregnancy. Colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation ; men- Strual colic. Puls. Clin. Pregnancy. Flatulent colic in pregnancy. CCCC. Clin. Pregnant. Diarrhoea of pregnant women. Ant. Cr. Clin. Prematurely. Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1. Press. Abdomen sensitive, so that the clothes press disagreeably. Sulf. 5. Press. Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen. Alum. 5. Pressed. Pinching in abdomen, as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial mus- cles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc, 5. Pressed. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Pain in perineum, as if something dull pressed out there. Asaf. 2. Pressed. Feeling immediately below um- bilicus, as if intestines pressed out- ward ; aggravated by standing. Bell. 7. Pressed. Intestines sore as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. Pressed. Clawing griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand so that each out- stretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest; worse from motion. Ipec. 5. Pressed. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step, as from in- carcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Pressed. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Dil. Tig. 7. Pressing downward in hypogastrium during menses; better in knee-elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep, 2 Sep, 7. Pressing. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging him to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. - Pressing. Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sacrum and passing forward and downward to right knee at 7:30 a.m.; relieved by pressing against some- thing hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep, 7. Pressing. Fullness in anus, with pressing out. Aloe 3. Pressing. Pain in muscles of abdomen When rising from lying, with pressing to Stool, as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Pressing. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Bell. 2. Pressing. Lead colic; cutting in abdo- men as from knives; constricting, Spasmodic pains; pinching griping Sensation as if the bowels were Squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Pressing. Dysentery; almost constant Cutting pains in abdomen, with in- effectual pressing, straining and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Pressing. T)iarrhoea, with cutting press- ing pains before and during stool; With drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, Slimy, with flakes of false mem- branes; undigested; putrid; fetid; Sour-Smelling. Nit. A c. Clin. Pressing. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; Weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. - - Pressing-piercing. Frequent, preSSIng-piercing pain. In Caust. 2. Pressive. Sticking, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there; with tension as far as the side of the abdo- men. Alum. 5. Sudden, rectum. (308) PRESS IV E. REPERTORY OF PART II. PRESS URE. Pressive drawing forward in left hypo- chondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus Tox. 6. Pressure. (Abdomen.) Pressure in abdo- men downward, at night waking her, with tension of muscles so that he could not easily straighten up; as from in- carcerated flatus. Sulf, 5. Pressure. Sharp pressure on a spot in middle of upper abdomen. Lyc. 6. Pressure. Pinching or cramp-like pres- Sure transversely across abdomen in region of pit of stomach after eating. Cina 5. - Pressure. Distention of abdomen with rumbling; cutting with diarrhoea as from taking cold; with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. Pressure. Constipation of persons who live to eat, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. Aloe Clin. * Pressure. (Aggravation.) Pain in abdomen, aggravated by pressure, touch and hori- Zontal position, with sensitiveness, Apis Pressure, Burning and tensive sticking in right hypochondrium, worse from pres- sure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag, M., 6. Pressure. Burning pain in abdomen, in- creased to sharp pain on pressure. Ars. A. 5. Pressure. Pain over region of liver, ag- gravated by pressure. Ars. A. 6. Pressure. Stitches in region of gall- bladder; aggravation from pressure. Berb. 6. Pressure. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation 'from pressure; extending into region Of stomach. Berb. 6. Pressure. Pain in right hypochondrium, with sensitiveness, the latter aggra- vated by hard pressure and deep in- spiration. Bry. 6. Pressure. Distention of abdomen, begin- ning at stomach ; abdomen hard as if filled with air, without pain; she cannot bear pressure on Stomach; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Pressure. Pain in right hypochondrium, between right ribs and hips when driving; aggravation from pressure. Card. M. 6. Pressure. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen, with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M. 5. Pressure. Pain in hepatic region, in- creased on pressure; Stitches in right hypochondrium, extending to gastric region. Ars. A. Clin. w Pressure. Acute pain in hepatic region; worse from pressure, breathing, cough- ing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Pressure, (Amelioration.) Pinching in ab- men, as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones. Coloc. 5. Pressure. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Pressure. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pres- Sure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7 Pressure. Abdomen swollen, hard, Sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina Clin. Pressure. Violent flatulent colic, gen- erally relieved by walking about, aggravated by lying down at night ; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. DiOSc. Clin. Pressure. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Pressure. (Anus.) Burning, fullness, itch- ing, pressing, and Soreness in anus, AEsc, 3. Pressure. Constipation; stool small, hard ; often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc, 1. Pressure. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum ; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Pressure. Shootings and pressure in anus. A con. 3. Pressure in anus during stool, with pain. Alum. 3. - Pressure. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; Scanty. Rali B. 1. Pressure. Burning pain in anus after stool in forenoon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Pressure. Burning pain in region of anus; itching of anus; pressure of anus. Petr. 3. Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. - Pressure. Haemorrhoidal pressure in anus, with burning when seated, on touch. Thuja 3. Pressure. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Uneas- iness in region of liver, with heat, pressure and tension. Aloe 6. Pressure. Tension and pressure in hepatic region as if enlarged, even to bursting. Calc. C. 6. - Pressure. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Pressure. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved by bending forward; with pain on touch, as if Suppurating. China 6. Pressure in left hypochondrium with pain on touch. Iod. 6. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region; colic from gall-stones. Berb. Clin. Pressure. Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensitiveness; worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos, 6. Pressure. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, alternating with vomiting or diar- rhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Pressure. (Hypogastrium.) Pressure in hy- pogastrium as if contents would issue through genitals, Sep. 7. Pressure downward in hypogastrium towards genitals, as during menstruation. Plat. 7. Pressure below last ribs. Arn. 6. Pressure in morning in hypogastrium as if everything would be forced out to- wards organs of generation; with dis- tention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. Pressure in hypogastrium on physical ex- ertion. Calc. C. 7. - Pressure in hypogastrium in places. Phos. A c. 7. Pressure. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt on waking. Sep. 7. Pressure. Constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions; from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Pressure. (Pain on Pressure.) Soreness of ab- domen in morning when sneezing or on pressure. Apis 5. Pressure, Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw ; tenderness on pressure, Bell, 5. Pressure, Pain on pressure in umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus where there is constant protrusion. Crot, Tig. 7, Pressure. Bruised sensation; worse in cascal region and along transverse colon on moderate pressure. Merc, C, 5. Pressure. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Pressure. Pain in hepatic region; in mar- gins of ribs on pressure. Chel. 6. Pressure. Twisting about navel with pains on pressure. Cina 7. Pressure. Pain in groin as if a hernia would protrude; and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Pressure. Swollen haemorrhoids, with burning sore pain; blue haemor- rhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. A c. 3. Pressure. Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful on pressure. Tod. 6. Pressure. Pain in abdomen with diar- rhoea; sore on pressure. Kali B. 5. Pressure. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaun- dice; tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. (309 ) PRESSURE. REPERTORY OF PART II. PROF USE. & Pressure. (Rectum.) Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the rec- tum, Alum. 1. Pressure and sense of excoriation in rectum after a small, hard stool. Alum, 2. Pressure, Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation as if something remained; pressure during soft stool, Sulf, 2. - Pressure. Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum; nausea; weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing, Ign, 5. Pressure on rectum and on bladder; then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. Pressure. Diarrhoea in evening; at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood ; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. - * Pressure. Urging to stool; ineffectual tenesmus, as in dysentery, with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. - Pressure. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus; Only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Carbo V. 2. ' Pressure in rectum. China 2. Pressure in rectum all day, with frequent, ineffectual urging. Caust. 2. Pressure in rectum after stool. Puls. 2. Pressure. Colic, with pressure downward upon rectum and bladder. Op. Clin. Pressure. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea fre- Quent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mucous. Mag. C, 1. Pressure. Urging in rectum with scanty stool, passed in pieces after pressure ; with painful weakness and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Pressure in hypochondrium on every step. Calc. C. 6. Pressure. Stool white, gelatinous, like frog’s spawn, frequent, with pressure. Hell. 1. Pressure. Constipation during menstrua- tion; stool like sheep-dung, painful and difficult, insufficient, after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Pressure. Stool indurated, as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Pressure. Natural stool, with pressure and straining, with mucus. Sil. 1. Pressure. Hard pressure in right side beneath umbilicus. Staph. 7. Pressure. Pain across umbilicus, prevent- ing sleep; pinching, when sitting, below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Pressure. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. - Pressure. Colic from indigestion, with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pres- sure upward, causing dyspnoea, Nux V. Clin. Pressure. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Pressure. Cirrhosis of the liver, first en- larged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pressure; continu- ing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Prevent. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walk- ing Or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Preventing. Constriction in hepatic re- gion, worse in the right, preventing deep breathing. Acon. 6. Preventing. Pain across umbilicus, pre- venting sleep; pinching, when sitting, below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Pricking. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses; Scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A.C. 1. Prickings. Haemorrhoids blind, painful, with slow, hot prickings; haemor- rhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pains. Ars. A. 3. Prickling. Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then || prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Prickling, Haemorrhoids, with swelling; protruding ; painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum ; burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Procidentia recti during stool. Ign. Clin. Profuse, (Stool.) Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy; then mushy. Dept. 1. Profuse. Stool profuse, thick, papescent; brown, offensive; relieving symptoms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Profuse. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous; of much bloody mucus; violent, in- voluntary, frequent, with weakness. Petr. 1. Profuse. Diarrhoea profuse, bloody; con- taining mucous membrane and clots of blood. Phos. 1. Profuse. Stool liquid and brownish, frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. Profuse. Aching burning in gall-bladder; chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. Lept. 6. Profuse. Rumbling in hypogastric re- gion in morning, with distress and a Soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Tept. 7. Profuse. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. Diosc. 7. Profuse. Diarrhoea profuse, constant, invol- untary, of mucus and blood. Kali B. 1. Profuse. Diarrhoea with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. :- Profuse. Sudden cutting in abdomen re- lieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Profuse. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yel- low, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhaea with much wind; stools profuse, dark-green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit, from lager beer; from abuse of Opium, with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. * Profuse. Watery, profuse diarrhaea; gushing out like a torent; abdomen | swollen and tender to the touch ; sometimes associated with coldness of th body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus; like frog's spawn, generally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery; alternating with constipa- tion. Hell. Clin. Profuse. Stools profuse, putrid, corro- sive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- ous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Profuse. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Profuse. Painful diarrhoea; watery liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown, papeScent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Profuse. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless, gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool from emotions as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Profuse, (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and pain- ful; watery; involuntary. Ver. Alb. 1. (310) PROF USE. REPERTORY OF PART II. PRO TRUD IN C. Profuse. Fissures of the anus, with peri- odical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore, blind haemorrhoids pro- truding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Profuse. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Prolapse. sedentary habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. - - Prolapsed. Prolapsus; prolapsed feeling after stool; prolapsed feeling, with backache. AEsc. 3. Prolapsed. Distress in anus as if pro- lapsed. Iris V. 3. - Prolapsed. Aggravation of internal piles, with protusion of rectum after stool; Sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Prolapsed. Constipation; stools enor- mously large and painful, leaving the Sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to .draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Prolapsus. (Anus.) Prolapsus of anus. Merc. 3. - Prolapsus ani from overstraining and vio- lent riding; aggravation from stand- ing. Arn. Clin. Prolapsus ani, with sharp, stabbing pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Prolapsus. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea. Pod. Clin. Prolapsus. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus while urinating ; piles after confine- ment. Mur. Ac. Clin. Prolapsus, (Rectum.) Prolapsus of rectum from moderate exertion at stool. Ign, 2. Prolapsus; prolapsed feeling after stool; prolapsed feeling with backache. AEsc. 3. Prolapsus of rectum, as if everted, when urinating. Mur. A.C. 2. Prolapsus of rectum, without urging, as if anus were paralyzed. Graph, 2. Prolapsus. Urging more in upper intes- times; stool soft and insufficient ; anxious urging ; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign, 2. Prolapsus. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping and, still more, crouching down caused by protrusion. Ruta 2. Prolapsus of rectum with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Prolapsus recti. Sep. Clin. Prolapsus of the rectum. Ruta Clin. Prolapsus. Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water ; amelioration from warmth; with prolapsus of rectum, accompanied by Sticking and biting. Mur. A c. Clin. * Constipation in persons of Prolapsus. T)iarrhoea brought on by rid- ing in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdo- men; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Prolonged. Constipation ; stool dry, brit- tle, granular, which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Prostate. Piles, with enlarged prostate glands; intense pain in back and through the whole pelvis, Staph. Clin. Prostrating. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish- gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Prostration, Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored, black mucus; offensive; yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Prostration. Diarrhoea almost without pain; then prostration. Graph. 1. Prostration. Metro-peritonitis, with nau- sea, vomiting, profound prostration, gold sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Prostration. Diarrhoea, with great pros- tration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Prostration. Diarrhoea, with great pros- tration and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. Prostration. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Prostration. Chronic diarrhoea; gushing; watery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. Prostration. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools, lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mu- cous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Protrude. Haemorrhoids sensitive; though protruding but little, protrude during stool; return with difficulty, and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Protrude. Feeling in rectum as if mu- cous membrane were thick and ob- structed stool, and as if rectum would protrude if the effort were continued. AESC. 2. "Protrude. Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool which is not hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Protrude. Pain in groin as if a hernia would protrude; and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward. Coloc. 7. Protrude. Haemorrhoids like red cherries; protrude after meals with sore pain in anus. Diosc. 3. Protrude. Haemorrhoids swollen and protrude, with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Protrude. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Protrude. Haemorrhoids intensely pain- ful; boring cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude dur- ing stool, become incarcerated and suppurate. Sil. Clin. Protruded. Constipation; stool that has protruded slips back again, after urging and straining, till abdominal walls are sore. Sil, 1. Protruded. Large and hard ; stool voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pain in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was pro- truded; with severe backache in lumbar region. Æsc. 1. Protrudes, Contraction of rectum, so that it protrudes during hard stool. Lyc, 2. Protruding, (Haemorrhoids.) Protruding hamorrhoids during stool; when walk- ing, painful, Sep, 3. Protruding. Haemorrhoids, with swelling; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum; burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Protruding. Haemorrhoids swollen, pro- truding, burning, sticking; protrud- ing during soft stool ; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Tyc. 3. Protruding, Blind haemorrhoids, with itch- ing in morning, preceded by pain in small of back, in evening till 9 p. m., with sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful, protruding. Puls, 3. Protruding. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though protruding but little ; protrude dur- ing stool; return with difficulty, and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. - Protruding, painful, Sore haemorrhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Protruding piles, aching, itching and SOre. Calc. Ph. Clin. Protruding. Piles protruding and stran- gulated, or with stitches upward at each cough or sneeze. Tach. Clin. Protruding. Painful protruding piles, with itching and sticking. Puls. Clin. Protruding. Haemorrhoids protruding, large, bluish, suppurating and offen- sive, with burning pain in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Protruding purple piles, with severe pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AEsc. Clin. Protruding. Fissure of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in Small of back as if bruised; sore blind haemorrhoids pro- truding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Protruding. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with Stitching burning pains from cold, from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. (.311 ) PRO TRUD | NC. REPERTORY OF PART II. PuTRID. Protruding. (Miscellaneous.) Small pro- truding varices, which sting, burn and smart intolerably. Apis Clin. Protrusion. (Anus.) Pain on pressure on umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus where there is constant protrusion, Crot, Tig. 7. Protrusion, Diarrhoea in evening; at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and pro- trusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. - Protrusion of anus. Gamb. 3. Protrusion. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Protrusion... (Rectum.) Ineffectual urging in rectum in evening, with protrusion of rectum. Ign, 2. Protrusion. Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Ars. A. 2. Protrusion of rectum. Calc. C. 2. Protrusion of rectum, with itching in eve- ning in bed. Natr. M. 2. | Protrusion. Constipation; hard, insuffi- cient stool, with urging and protru. sion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Protrusion of rectum after stool; then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. Protrusion. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping and, still more, Crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Protrusion. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Protrusion. Haemorrhoids; painful, sting- ing, with protrusion of rectum ; Smart- ing and burning; oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Pruritus in anus and fistula. Pruritus ani. Ign. Clin. Pruritus of the rectum. Ruta Clin. Pseudo-membrane. Stool bloody, with tenesmus, and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo- Caust. Clin. membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A.C. Clin. Psoric. Chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fer- - mented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Pubes. Tearing transversely across pubes, and then through pudenda as far as anus. Carbo An. 7. Pubes. Cramp-like pain above pubes in afternoon, with frequent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. Pubic. Pain in pubic region, extending towards anus. Nux V. 7. Pubic. Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence. Arn. 7. Pubic, Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial muscles were distorted and eyes drawn together as if squeezed between stones, Coloc. 5, Pubic. Pain in pubic region. Zinc. 7, Pubic, Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p.m.; a weakness about small of back, pubic bones and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Pubis, Sensation of a plug between symphy- sis pubis, and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Aloe 7. Pudena. Tearing transversely across pubis and then through pudenda as far as anus. Carbo An. 7. Distention and sensitiveness of abdo- men, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdo- men, Lach. 5, Pulling. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Pulsation. Painful pulsation hypochondrium. Phos. 6. Pulsations. Rumbling in abdomen, with deep seated pulsations. Coloc. 5. Pulse. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features and staggering, pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Pull, in right Hell. 5. Pulse. Inflammation of the liver with pain, Swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Pulse. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Puny. Enlarged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Mag. M. Clin. Pupils. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features and Staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face cov- ered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. . Pure. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. Purgative. Pain in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative. A con. 7. Purgative. Rolling and rumbling in ab- domen, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Purgatives. Intestines sluggish, so that the strongest purgatives lose their power. Op. 5. Purgatives. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives, on touch and on coughing. Ferr. 5. Purgatives. Chronic constipation; es- pecially valuable after purgatives. Hydras. Clin. Purging. Constipation with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium ; large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from in- activity of rectum. China Clin. Purging. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Purple. Protruding, purple piles, with Severe pains in the sacrum and small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation; con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Pushed. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen So violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat On the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Pushed. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and every- thing would fall out. Cocc. 7. Pushing, Movement in hypogastrium as if something living, like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Thuja 7. - Pustules. Itching Soreness in rectum, with pustules by the side of it. Amm. Mur. 2. Putrefying. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow; pasty; of the odor of putrefying Snakes. Lach. 1. Putrid. Stools black, acrid, putrid; excori- ated skin about anus, Ars, A. 1, Putrid. Stools may be black, brown, burn- ing, putrid; brought on by eating or drinking, or aggravated after mid- night, preceded by most violent, burn- ing and cutting pains and followed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Putrid. Involuntary, putrid stools in typhoid. Arm. Clin. Putrid. Diarrhoea; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continu- Ous; nausea. Ipec. Clin. Putrid. Diarrhoea; brown yellow or slimy, putrid odor with low types of fever; coldness of extremities, ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Putrid. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like Scraping of the intestines; involum- tary; putrid; dark. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Putrid. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty, putrid with biting, burning sensation Pus. in anus. Sil. Clin. Putrid. Frequent, involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Putrid. Diarrhoea from chilling the stom- ach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Putrid. Interminable diarrhoea, in sum- mer, which resists everything, espe- cially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery; yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with | great force. Secale Clin. (312) PuTRID. REPERTORY OF PART II. REC TU M. |Putrid. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offens- ive, undigested, white, cadaverous- Smelling; worse at night. China - Clin. - Putrid. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse, and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOs. Clin. - Putrid. Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes, undigested, putrid, fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. Putty. Obstinate constipation, with feel- ing of a load in rectum which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat, Clin. Quickly. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from amus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly, worse after faking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Quinine. Jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks Of faintness. Nux V. Clin. Quinine. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with undigested food. Hep. Clin. Rachitic. Enlarged liver of children who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Mag. M. Clin. - Radiating. Abdominal colic radiating to all parts of body; sensitiveness of abdo- men to touch. Plumb. 5. Radiating. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over the surface. Plumb. 5. Raise. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise himself or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Ran. Anxiety, with pain in abdomen SO violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him; fre- quently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Rancid. Diarrhoea, from chilling the stom- ach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Rapid. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, Small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Tod. 6. Rapidly. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer which resists everything, espe- cially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Rasping. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen, and rasping in anus and rectum ; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Ravenous. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen as from taking cold and and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Asaf. 5. Raw, Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw ; tenderness on pressure. Bell, 5. Raw. Fissure of the anus with constant oozing of fetid moisture, with raw Smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. -, A.C. Clin. Raw. Acute dysentery with unquencha- ble thirst ; even the lips, mouth, and throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Rawness, Sensation of rawness in anus with diarrhoea, Apis 3. Recti. Procidentia recti during stool. Ign. Clin. Recti. Colic; intense paroxysmus of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti mucles. Plumb. Clin. Recti. Prolapsus recti. Sep. Clin. Recti. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdo- men; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clim. Recede. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps, which remain long in rectum and when feces are expelled they sud- denly recede into the rectum ; even a soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty. Sil. Clin. Rectum. (Bleeding.) Haemorrhoids sensitive; though protruding but little, pro- trude during stool; return with diffi- culty and with bloody mucus from rectum, Sil. 3. Rectum, Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Lyc. 2. Rectum. Constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleed- ing. Alum. Clin. Rectum. Haemorrhoids from engorge- ment of the liver; haemorrhage from rectum. Hep. Clin. Rectum, (Burning.) Burning in rectum after stool. Æsc, 2. Rectum, Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum. Aloe 2. Rectum. Blind hamorrhoids, with burn- ing and sticking in rectum. Nux V. 3. Rectum, Haemorrhoids, with swelling ; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prick- ling in rectum ; burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3, Rectum. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow ; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Rectum. Diarrhoea every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in an us and rectum; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Rectum. Burning in rectum with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms ex- cept the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Rectum. Biting, Sore pain in anus on walking, and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Rectum. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. Kali C. 2. Rectum. Burning in rectum during and after soft stools. Amm. Mur. 2. Rectum. Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenesmus, as in dysentery, with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Rectum. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. - Rectum. Burning in rectum in morning after a copious stool. Calc. C. 2. Rectum. Burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction in an us; with itch- ing in anus; crawling. Chel. 2. Rectum. Burning in rectum after stool. Natr. C. 2. Rectum. Burning in rectum and anus after soft stool, with exhaustion. PhOS. 2. Rectum. Difficult stools, with straining and burning in rectum. Nit. A c. 1. Rectum. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, frequent, followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Rectum. Diphtheritic dysentery; burn- ing in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. Ac. Clin. Rectum. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas, watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. - Rectum. Chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence, and the burning in anus and rectum ; discharge of jelly-like lumps. Aloe Clin. Rectum. Mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus; stools frequent; small ; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish, frothy, worse at night. Caps. Clin. Rectum. Habitual constipation ; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Rectum. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum ; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Rectum. Acrid, smarting, burning sensa- tion at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were pro- jected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Rectum. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-color- ored, chopped, frothy, mucus, Stringy, offensive, watery with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. (313) RECT U M. REPERTORY OF PART II. RECT UM. Rectum. (Crawling.) Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf. 2, Rectum. Crawling in rectum as from pin- worms. Calc. C. 2. Rectum. Crawling in rectum and com- plaints of ascarides. Carbo V. 1. Rectum. Crawling in rectum as from thread-worms. Ign. 2. Rectum. (Cutting.) Cutting in rectum dur- ing normal stool, Sulf, 2. Rectum. Stinging, cutting in rectum, Sil, 2. Rectum, Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain; sharp pain as from blind piles; contraction and Soreness. Ign, 2. Rectum. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffectul pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Rectum, (Drymess.) Dryness in rectum with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks. Æsc, 2. |Rectum. Fullness, itching, Soreness and dryness of rectum. AEsc. 2. Rectum. Dried and constricted feeling in rectum during stool. Alum. 2. Rectum. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool, dryness of rectum; knotty stool, shining as if greased, very small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Rectum, (Inactivity.) Stool remains long in rectum, as if there were no power to expel it. Sil, 2. Rectum seems paralyzed. Alum, 2. Rectum. Constipation, as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rec- tum ; stool hard, then Sticking, as from haemorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Rectum. Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inac- tivity of rectum, Phos. 1. Rectum. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light, clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Rectum. Weakness of rectum. Petr. 2. Rectum. Diarrhoea; stool watery, Soft ; difficult, from inactivity of the rectum. Natr. M. 1. Rectum. Inactivity of rectum and in- ability to evacuate feces; constant, ineffectual desire after stool. Nit. Ac. 2. Rectum. Constipation; all-gone feeling in rectum; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with Sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Rectum. Paralysis of rectum ; anus wide open; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. - Rectum. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is in- active; the stools are hard; often as- Sociated with soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Rectum. Constipation for days; no de- sire; no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux Mos. Clin. Rectum. Rectum. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Rectum. Constipation; torpor of rectum, even a soft stool is voided with diffi- culty. Psor. Clin. Rectum. Constipation ; no urging ; inac- tivity of rectum ; stool insufficient, hard; much straining with headache. Arn. Clin. - Rectum. Inactivity of rectum ; even a soft and thin stool requires great Straining. Alum. Clin. Constipation; frequent and un- successful desire for stool; insufficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Rectum. Constipation with vertigo ; heat in head and tinnitus aurium, large ac- cumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inac- tivity of rectum. Cocc. Clin. Rectum. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum and when feces are expelled they sud- denly recede into the rectum ; even a soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty, Sil. Clin. Rectum. Inactivity of hard. Natr. M. Clin. Rectum. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool. Op. Clin. Rectum. Constipation of long standing; no urging; Stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum in- active. Op. Clin. Rectum. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard like a dogs, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Rectum. (Itching.) Itching burning in rec- tum at night on waking, and in morn- ing, with pinching, extending to per- ineum. Nit. A c. 2. Rectum. Itching Soreness in rectum, with pustules by the side of it. Amm. Mur. 2. - Rectum. Itching in rectum and in gen- itals, with sticking. Caust. 2. Rectum. Itching in rectum in evening in bed. Ign. 2. Rectum. Pruritus of the rectum. Ruta Clin. Rectum. (Pain.) Stool hard like sheep-dung and difficult; nodular with pain in rec- tum; crumbly as if burnt. Mag, M. 1, Rectum, Pain in rectum during stool, as if rectum ; stools something would be torn asunder, Nit, Ac. 2. Rectum, Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, caus- ing tearing in anus so that it bleeds, and pains as if sore, Natr, M, 2. Rectum, Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating ; aggravation from exert- ing the mind or studying; in morning before stool. Nux W, 2, Rectum, Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus. Nit. Ac, 2. Rectum. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory, difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition. Natr. M. 1. Rectum. Pain in rectum. A con. 2. Rectum. Griping in abdomen; then stool, with constriction in rectum. Phos. 5. Rectum. Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting. Ruta 2. - Rectum. Boring, cramp-like pains in anus, extending into rectum and tes- ticles. Sil. 3. Rectum. Stitches in rectum in direction of a line from anus to small of back. Thuja 2. Rectum. Throbbing pain in rectum all day; after stool, also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. . Sulf. 2. Rectum. Frequent, sudden, pressing piercing pain in rectum. Caust. 5. Rectum. Sore pain in rectum after stool. Staph. 2. Rectum. Dragging down in rectum dur- ing menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. Rectum. Gnawing in rectum when not at stool. Carbo V. 2. Rectum. Smarting in rectum and anus, with soft stool. Mur. A c. 2. Rectum. Cramps in rectum, like labor pains, and in Small of back. Lyc. 2. Rectum. Neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along per- ineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Rectum. Sore pain in rectum during stool, as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Rectum. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenes- mus and bloody discharges. Acon. Clin. - Rectum. Catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rec- tum. Merc. C. Clin. Rectum. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring Cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool; become incarcerated and suppurate. Sil. Clin. Rectum. Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested; putrid; fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Rectum. Neuralgia of rectum. Plumb. Clin. Rectum. (Pressure.) Evacuation of a small quantity of hard feces, with pressure and a sense of excoriation in the || rectum. Alum. 1. Rectum, Pressure and sense of excoriation in rectum, after a small, hard stool. Alum, 2. Rectum, Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after as if something remained; pressure during soft stool, Sulf. 2. - Rectum. Pressure in rectum all day with frequent ineffectual urging. Caust. 2. (314) RECTU V. REPERTORY OF PART II. § ECT 5 Mſ. |Rectum. Drawing, griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum; nausea; weakness in pit of stomach, and pallor of face; throbbing. Ign, 5. Rectum. Pressure on rectum and on bladder, then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. | Rectum. Blind piles with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing ; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air Ign. 3. Rectum. Diarrhoea in evening; at night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping, Merc. 1. Rectum. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus; only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Carbo V. 2. Rectum. Pressure in rectum. China 2. Rectum. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Lil. Tig. 7. |Rectum. Pressure in rectum after stool. Puls. 2. Rectum. Colic with pressure downward upon rectum and bladder. Op. Clin. Rectum. (Protrusion.) Contraction of rec- tum, so that it protrudes during hard stool, Lyc, 2. Rectum, Prolapsus of rectum from moderate exertion of stool. Ign, 2. Rectum. Feeling in rectum as if mucous membrane were thick and obstructed stool; and as if rectum would pro- trude if the effort were continued. AFSC. 2. Rectum. Protrusion of rectum. Calc. C. 2. Rectum. Painful spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Ars. A. 2. Rectum. Constipation; hard, insufficient stool, with urging and protrusion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Rectum. Prolapsus of rectum without urging, as if anus were paralyzed. Graph. 2. Rectum. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Rectum. Protrusion of rectum, with itch- ing in evening in bed. Natr. M. 2. Rectum. Urging, more in upper intestines; stool soft and insufficient; anxious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and pro- lapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Rectum. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. Rectum. Prolapsus of rectum, as if everted, when urinating. Mur. A.C. 2. Rectum. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; sometimes prolapsed for days, Owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Rectum. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids One or two hours after stool; stools large or Soft but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Rectum. Haemorrhoids aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth, with prolapsus of rectum, ac- companied by sticking and biting. Mur. A.C. Clin. Rectum. Haemorrhoids painful stinging, with protrusion of rectum, Smarting and burning; oozing of glutinous mois- ture. Natr. M. Clin. Rectum. Prolapsus of the rectum. Ruta Clin. Rectum. Constipation in persons of sedentary habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry; crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Rectum. (Sticking.) Coarse sticking in anus extending deep into rectum. Ign, 3. Rectum. Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood after stool; with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing sticking. Nux W, 2. Rectum, Sticking in rectum, taking away the breath, worse in evening, Sulf. 2. Rectum. Stitches in rectum. Mezer. 2. Rectum. Stitches in rectum during stool. Carbo V. 2. Rectum. Sticking in rectum, waking her at 4 a.m.; Sticking again next morn- ing after waking. Mag. C. 2. Rectum. Jerking, almost Sticking pain in rectum, with burning, Stinging, itching during stool. Sil. 2. Rectum. Scraping, Sticking, cutting in rectum and anus during Stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. Rectum. Sticking in rectum, as from in- Carcerated flatus. Puls. 2. Rectum. Sticking in rectum with Smart- ing during a stool that was not hard. PhOS. 2. Rectum. Cramp in rectum all the fore- noon ; a griping and Sticking with anxiety so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Rectum, (Tenesmus.). Urging to stool in rec- tum, Agar, 2. * Rectum. Constant urging in rectum. Crot, Tig. 2, Rectum, Urging in rectum, but large in- testines are wanting in peristaltic ac- tion and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of ab- dominal muscles, Hep, 2. Rectum, Ineffectual urging in rectum in evening, with protrusion of rectum, Ign, k. Rectum, Constant ineffectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum, Merc, 2. Rectum, Anxious urging in rectum; fre- quent, ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W. 2, Rectum. Frequent, ineffectual urging in rectum, Sulf. 2, Rectum, Constant ineffectual desire, but discharge of only mucus from rectum, with chilliness of body, Sil, 1. Rectum. Urging in rectum, with Scanty stool, passed in pieces after pressure; with painful weakness and tight sensa- tion in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Rectum. Urging in rectum so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool, Natr. C, 2. Rectum. Frequent and successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rec. thm, with expulsion of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Rectum. Sudden waking at 6. a. m., with copious, yellow, half-liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. Nit. 1. Rectum. Frequent ineffectual urging in rectum causing pain. Merc. C. 2. Rectum. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when mov- ing about, then thin, offensive stool with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging, which had gradually subsided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Rectum. Tenesmus, but he cannot expel anything, and the rectum seems plugged up. Anac. 2. Rectum. Frequent urging in rectum, with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping and, still more, Crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Rectum. Urging in rectum to stool. Berb. 2. Rectum. Urging in rectum to stool, with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum as if weakened by diarrhoea. Coloc. 2. Rectum. Dysentery in moist weather; aggravation from any current of air; violent tenesmus of rectum and blad- der. Caps. Clin. Rectum. Ineffectual urging, with feeling as if the rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Kali C. 2. Rectum. Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium ; then large moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Rectum. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum. Gamb. 2. ſ Rectum. Frequent desire in rectum for stool. Hyos. 2. |Bectum. Urging in rectum ; stool not hard but difficult on account of inac- tivity of rectum. Graph. 2. Rectum. Urging in rectum on rising, be- fore stool, which shot out as from a gun. Phos. 2. . Rectum. Desire in rectum as if diarrhoea. would occur. Puls. 2. Rectum. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat washings; severe tenesmus; burning pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Rectum. Constipation; desire for stool but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be ex- pelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. A c. Clin. Rectum. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. I | | | | (315) REcTUM. REPERTORY OF PART II. REST. Rectum, (Miscellaneous.) Sensation in rec- tum as if stool were incomplete, Nux W. 2. Rectum, Heaviness in rectum, Aloe 2. Rectum. Stool involuntary on least mo- tion; mucus mixed with blood and Slime; involuntary the moment it enter- ed the rectum. Phos, 1. Rectum. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult; with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by soreness in amus along rectum. Alum. 1. Rectum. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and an us; aggravation from every step, Obliging him to walk bent; ameliora- tion from rest when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7. Rectum. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rectum and constriction of anus. Alum. 3. Rectum. Stool natural at first ; then sev- eral Small, loose evacuations; then Small, hard evacuations, with violent Straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Rectum. Sensation of rumbling in the rectum. Arm. 2. Rectum. Feeling in rectum as if he would have diarrhoea; as soon as he drank anything, but only a little passed every time. Caps. 2. Rectum. Heat in lower part of rectum during stool. Con. 2. Rectum. Heaviness in lower part of rec- tum. Calc. C. 2. ' Rectum. Spasmodic tension in rectum all day. Ign. 2. Rectum. Oozing of corrosive ichor from rectum. Merc. C. 2. - Rectum. Incarcerated flatus in rectum. Natr. C. 2. Rectum. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum or rough hard feces, with Constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Rectum. Fissures more in rectum than in amus after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Rectum. Obstinate constipation, with feeling of a load in rectum, which Cannot be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Rectum. Long-continued sensation in rectum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. Clin. Rectum. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy, stools, with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg, N. Clin. Rectum. Oozing of a thin, in odorous fluid from the rectum; weak digestion, especially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. Rectum. Stools very sluggish; the rec- tum seems plugged up; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. Rectum. Ulceration of rectum. Clin. PhOS. Rectum. Diarrhoea, with urging and in- ability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water ; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feeling in abdomen and rectum; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Rectum. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rec- tum and anus like soft Clay; tenaci- ous; glutinous. Plat, Clin. Recurring. Pain across umbilicus, prevent- ing sleep; pinching when sitting, be- low umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Recurring. Diarrhoea containing undi- gested food; painless, recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Recurring. Constipation, especially with recurring sick headaches. Iris V. Chin. Red. (Stool.) Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white, with red urine. A con. 1. Red. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Rhus Tox. 1. Red. Discharge of bright red blood from anus with stool. Nit. A c. 3. Red. Painless diarrhoea, especially morn- ings; greenish, watery, mucous, pro- fuse and full of bright red lumps. Apis Clin. Red. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Red. Peritonitis and enteritis, with rest- lessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Red. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of the nerve centres; stools loose, papeScent, enveloped in bright red, foamy, blood preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. - Red. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow ; red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Red. (Miscellaneous.) Haemorrhoids like red cherries protrude after meals, with pain in amus. Diosc. 3. Anus red, inflamed, and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Red. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cham. Clin. Red. Bleeding of haemorrhoids; blood bright red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. Ac. Clim. Reddish. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines, reddish, mucous or bloody, flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. - Reddish. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools; varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clim. Reddish. T)iarrhoea, with excessive accu- mulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with lumps; thin, yellow, Shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Red. Red-hot. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in Cold Water. Kali C. Clin. Redness, Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Reduced. Incipient hernia, forced down- Ward, with a bruised pain and cannot be reduced with the hand. Sulf. 7. Reflex. Enlarged indurated liver, which is Sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. Relaxed. Atony of the stomach and ab- domen, feeling as if they hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. Remain. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps, which remain long in rectum, and when feces are expelled they sud-| denly recede into the rectum; even a Soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty. Sil. Clin. Remained, Straining in rectum before, dur- ing and after stool; fullness; sensation as if something remained; pressure dur- ing soft stool, Sulf, 2. Remained. Stool soft, but difficult; indo- lent; also with sensation as if a part remained. Nux Mos. 1. Remained. Constipation; torpor of bowels, feces hard, Scanty, passed with diffi- culty from construction of sphincter ani and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Remained. Constipation; large, hard, diffi- cult stools; frequent urging without effect; Sensation as if much remained after stool, then action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Remains. Stool remains long in rectum as if there were no power to expel it. Sil, 2, Resists. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer, which resists everything, especi- ally in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish, discharged rapidily with great force. Secale Clin. Rest. Stool of brown frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea, then Sudden, complete rest. |Kali B. l. Rest, Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Rest. Clawing griping in abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each out- stretched finger pressed sharply upon intestines; better from rest, worse from motion. Ipec. 5. - Rest. Stitches like electric sparks, through left side of abdomen, especi- ally during a Sudden transition from rest to motion. Arg. N. 5. Rest. Griping tearing in upper abdomen and in side of chest after dinner;| aggravated by Walking and standing.;| amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. (316) : Retchings. REST LESS N ESS. REPERTORY OF PART II. RICHT. 3estlessness. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, con- stant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Restlessness. Peritonitis and enteritis, with restlessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Retain. Diarrhoea, with urging and in- ability to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum; faint- ness. Dept. Clin. Retarded. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insuffi- cient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. ECali C. Clin. Retarded. Constipation in elderly people of the higher class suffering from re- tarded defecation, with abdominal plethora. Lyc. Clin. Retarded. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action ; hard, Scanty stool, with cut- ting, and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Retching. Stool of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus and intol- erance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody, Arg, N. 1, Retching. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling; cutting with diarrhoea as from taking cold; with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdo- men and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Retracting. Cutting low down in abdo- men, penetrating into pelvis; worse from retracting walls of abdomen, with urging to stool. Puls. 7. Retraction. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool; then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radiating to lumbar region and iliac fossae, with hard knots over its surface. Plumb. 5. Retraction. Habitual constipation; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Retraction. Flatulent colic; worse from wine, with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off with- out relief. Zinc. Clin. Return. Haemorrhoids sensitive; though protruding but little, protrude during stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Rheumatism. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheumatism; stools Sour-smelling; when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc, Clin. Ribs, (Flatus.) Flatulence here and there in hypochondria; even in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling; amelioration from empty eruc- tations, Lyc. 6. Ribs. Incarceration of flatus under short ribs. Canth. 6. Ribs. Flatulence in abdomen rising and becoming incarcerated under short ribs. Nux V. 5. Ribs, (Pain.) Stitches under left false ribs when standing, intercepting breathing, Arn, 6. Ribs. Stitches below last ribs; below right ribs. Arn. 6. Ribs. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Agar. 6. Ribs. Stitches in left hepatic region near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Ribs. Pressure below last ribs. Arn. 6. Ribs. Stitches in region of left short ribs. Mezer. 6. - Ribs. Liquid stool, diarrhoea in morning on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Ribs. Constrictive pain below short ribs extending into lumbar vertebrae. Camph. 5. Ribs, Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Ribs. Pain in hepatic region in margins of ribs on pressure. Chel. 6. Ribs. Accumulation of flatus in left upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching here and there under short ribs; in hypogastrium. Carbo V. 7. Ribs. Pain in right hypochondrium be- tween right ribs and hip when driv- ing; aggravation from pressure. Card. M. 6. Ribs. Tensive pain in hepatic region, in right below false ribs, aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Rice-water. Diarrhoea with great prostra- tion and collapse at the very com- mencement of the disease; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces, like coffee- grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. Rice water. Diarrhoea without pain or urging; stools brown, watery; white watery, green mucus, thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray, like rice Water. Chel. Clin. Rice-water. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, vari- egated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Riding, Prolapsus ani from overstrain- ing and violent riding; aggravation from standing. Arn. Clin. Riding. Sore feeling extending to the whole abdomen, aggravated by rid- ing in a carriage. Arg. M. Clin. Riding. Constipation in consequence of cold, or from carriage riding. Ign. Clin. - Riding. Colic; worse when riding in a car or carriage; amelioration from emis- sion of flatus. Carbo V. Clin. Riding. Diarrhoea brought by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated from drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Right. (Abdomen.) Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen ; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1 Right. Inflated feeling in right side of abdomen, with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M., 5. Right. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. - Right. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen ; aggra- vation from lying on left side, better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Right. Flatulent colic; the incarcerated flatus causes much pain, as it cannot pass; colicky pains on the right side of the abdomen, extending into the bladder; cutting pains across abdomen from right to left. Lyc. Clin. Right. (Hypochondrium.) Bruised pain in right hypochondrium, worse from touch on breathing, Lyc, 6. - Right, Burning and tensive sticking in right hypochondrium, worse from pres- sure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag. M. 6. Right. Pain through hypochondria, and in right scapula; in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. Right. Pain in pelvis, beginning in sacrum and passing forward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. m.; relieved by pressing against Some- thing hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs. Sep. 7. Right. Stitches in right hypochondrium. AESC. 6. - Right. Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensitiveness; worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. Right. Constant, dull aching in right lower lobe of liver. ACSc. 6. -- Right. Constriction in hepatic region; worse in the right; preventing deep breathing. Acon. 6. Right. Soreness, fullness, distress in right hypochondrium. AEsc. 6. Right. Sticking in liver; in right hypo- chondrium, with burning and pain. On touch; then burning, extending back- ward. Laur, 6. Right. Pain in right hypochondrium, be- tween right ribs and hip, when driv- ing; aggravation from pressure. Card. M. 6 Right. Pain in right hypochondrium and in both iliac regions. Carbol. A c. 6. (317 ) R C. H.T. REPERTORY OF PART II. RIS IN C. Right. Tensive pain in hepatic region; in right, below false ribs; aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Right. Pain in right hypochondrium, with sensitiveness; the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspira- tion. Bry. 6. Right. Pressure in right hypochondrium, with pain on touch. Tod. 6. Right. Painful pulsation in right hypo- chondrium. Phos. 6. Right. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right in- guinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch ; pinching; sticking; tearing. Kali C. 6. Right. Pain in right hypochondrium ; contractive, worse in morning, then constriction in stomach extending to chest; amelioration from eructations. Sep. 6. Right. Sticking in right hypochondrium in forenoon, then griping in hypo- gastrium, with sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Right. Stitches in right hypochondrium during and after stooping. Calc. C. 6. Right. Drawing pain in right hypochon- drium, extending towards symphysis pubis. Calc. C. 6. Right. Sense of distention in right hypo- chondrium. Chel. 6. Right. Pain in region of gall-bladder, ag- gravated by walking; in liver, extend- ing from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. Right. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in Open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open ; at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Right. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade; or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. Right. Acute pain in hepatic region, worse from pressure, breathing, cough- ing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. Right. Pain in hepatic region, increased on pressure; stitches in right hypo- chondrium, extending to gastric re- gion. Ars. A. Clin. Right. Congested, enlarged liver; sensa- tion of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Right. Peri-hepatitis with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion ; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Right. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Right. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium. Amm. M. Clin. Right. Pain in right hypochondrium, es- pecially when limited to a small spot : duil pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Right. Swelling and abscess in liver, with stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali B. Clin. Right, (Hypogastrium.) Sticking, now in right, now in left groin ; apparently connected with ovaries. Coloc, 7. Right. Varicose veins near right ring. Berb. 7. Right. Pain in right hypogastrium as if something would be Squeezed through. Carbo An. 7. - Right. Drawing burning in hypogastrium, extending from right ring, as if in spermatic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. •. Right. Paralytic pain in right ring as if something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from rising. Cocc. 7. Right. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. Right. Sudden bounding, as of something alive in right iliac region. Thuja 7. Right. Swollen glands in right groin, with sensitiveness. Graph, 7. Right. Boring in right groin. Merc. 7. Right. Sensitiveness of the right iliac region. Bapt. Clin. Right. (Miscellaneous.) Intestines sore, as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. Right. Thrust, as from a blunt tool, in right umbilical region. Anac. 7. Right. Stitches below last ribs; below right ribs. Arn. 6. Right. Griping in umbilical region then cutting in abdomen across right lum- bar region extending to back. Chel. 7. Right. Pain in abdomen before breakfast, flatulent, relieved by difficult emission of flatus and lying on right side. Natr. S. 5. Right. Hard pressure in right side be- neath umbilicus. Staph. 7. Right. Flatulent colic from acids with frequent, loose stools; cutting almost constantly, running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Ring. Pain in ring in morning in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated, Nux W, 7. Ring. Weakness in ring as if a hernia would form. Nux W, 7. Ring. Sticking, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdo- men. Alum. 5. - Ring. Varicose veins near right ring. Berb. 7. - Ring. Paralytic pain in right ring, as if something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from ris- ing. Cocc. 7. Ring. Sudden flatulence in hypogastrium, passing painfully towards ring. Graph. 7. - Ring. Pain in hypogastrium, in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Ring. Drawing burning in hypogastrium, extending from right ring, as if in Spermatic cord, into right testicle. Staph. 7. Ripping-up. Obstinate constipation; diffi- cult expulsion of feces fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up Sensation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Rising. (Stool.) Stool during micturition; also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morning after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. - Rising. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Rising. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in morn- ing on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Rising. Diarrhoea every morning on ris- ing, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum; burning. Lil. Tig. 1. Rising. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings, after rising and eating, with much rumbling; stools thin, yel- low, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Rising. Chronic diarrhoea; worse some time after rising and moving about; after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather, or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. Rising. (Urging to Stool.) Urging in rec- tum on rising, before stool, which shot Out as from a gum. Phos. 2. Rising. Urging to stool after eating, when || rising from lying ; sudden in morning On rising ; ineffectual ; also with emis- Sion of flatus. Aloe 2. - Rising. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to Stool as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Rising. (Miscellaneous.) Painful inclina- tion to inguinal hernia; worse when | rising from a seat. Cocc. 7. Rising. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about; then thin, offensive stool, with colic ; then ineffectual tenesmus, later another stool; after rising from stool, the urging which had gradually sub- sided, returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Rising. Paralytic pain in right ring, as if something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from rising. Cocc. 7. Rising. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, Swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Rising. Flatulence in abdomen, rising and becoming incarcerated under Short ribs. Nux V. 5. Rising. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles On rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. (318) R H S : N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. RU. M. B. : N. C. Rising. Cutting pain in hypogastrium, mornings, with nausea, sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepiness; cutting rising to upper abdomen, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Rolling. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling and rolling. Carbol. A c. 5. Rolling. Griping in abdomen so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Rolling and rumbling in abdomen, with Sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Rolling. Distention of abdomen, with gurgling, rumbling, rolling, in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- lent pain; worse in evening. Zinc. 5. |Rolls. Collection of flatus in abdomen, without evacuation of it, with pain; flatus rolls about and becomes incar- cerated here and there. Natr. S. 5. Room. Diarrhoea from fright; worse from being in a warm room ; preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Rotten. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot; smell- ing like rotten eggs, green, watery, pain- less, consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Rotten. Flatulence, offensive, smelling like rotten eggs. Arn. 5. Rotten. Stools at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid; smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smell- ing; diarrhoea, alternating with con- stipation. Calc. C. Clin. Rotten. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yel- low, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Rotten. Diarrhoea; evacuation hot, odor of rotten eggs; aggravation from drinking cold water. Staph. Clin. Rough. Sensation of a foreign substance in rectum or rough, hard feces, with constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Round. Stool thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus, also blood. Graph. 1. Round. Bloody and painful stool; Scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Round. Evacuation of large round worms. Merc. 2. - Round. Constipation of long standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inac- tive. Op. Clin. Round. Passes worms both round and thread-worms. Cina Clin. Rubbing. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water; with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Rumbled. Flatulent pain in morning after waking; flatus rumbled and moved about painfully; worse in up- per abdomen. Puls. 5. Rumbling. (Abdomen.) Distention of ab- domen with rumbling. Agar, 5. Rumbling in abdomen at night with diar- rhoea; gurgling, Sulf, 5. Rumbling in abdomen, with griping and emission of much flatus; offensive, Diosc, 5. - Rumbling, Griping in abdomen, with rum- bling; then thin, green diarrhoea, with- out tenesmus, Mag, C, 5. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen in eve- ning, or colic; worse in evening in bed; with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to an- other, Puls, 5, Rumbling. Distention of abdomen after din- ner, with rumbling of flatus; griping. Carbo V. 5. Rumbling. Stool pasty, light brown, after urging ; then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool; mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible, Crot. Tig, 1. Rumbling. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea; before stools; with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Rumbling. Abdomen distended and tense, with rumbling and cutting. Hep. 5. Rumbling. Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Rumbling. Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall-bladder; with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Rumbling in abdomen. Anac. 5. Rumbling. Loud rumbling in the left side of abdomen, like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. - Rumbling in abdomen with deep-seated pulsations. Coloc. 5. Rumbling in abdomen with inflation and accumulation of flatus. Gamb. 5. Rumbling in abdomen with noises, Mezer. 5. Rumbling and griping in abdomen, always before emission of flatus. Graph. 5. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 5. Rumbling. Gurgling, rumbling in abdo- men, worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. * Rumbling. Distention of abdomen with rumbling and rolling. Carbol. A c. 5. Rumbling in abdomen. Calc. C. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen with gurgling, rumbling, rolling; in morn- ing in bed, with grumbling and flatu- lent pain, worse in evening. Zinc. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent. Puls. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen with rumbling. Hell. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen after dinner, with rumbling noises. Sep. 2. Rumbling. Distention and rumbling in abdomen. Bapt. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen after eating; flatulent, with rumbling and emission of flatus. Thuja 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen at night; relieved by emission of flatus; rumbling all day, with gurgling; move- ments and cutting. Mag. C. 5. Rumbling. Intermittent griping in hypo- gastrium so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 5. Rumbling. Rolling and rumbling in ab. domen, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative; then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Rumbling in upper part of abdomen in evening; then fetid flatus. Natr. S. 5. Rumbling in abdomen all the forenoon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Rumbling of abdomen, with emission of flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Olean. 5, Rumbling. Distention of abdomen, with rumbling; cutting, with diarrhoea, as from taking cold, with pressure; with retching. Petr. 5. Rumbling. Abdomen tympanitic, hard, and sensitive, with rumbling. Op. 5. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen with movements as if he would have colic. Nux MOS. 5. Kumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling; also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Rumbling in abdomen with coldness. Laur. 5. - Rumbling and noises in abdomen with discharge of flatus; unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Ign. 5. Rumbling. Distention of abdomen with rumbling after stool, after breakfast with griping, then a second thin stool, . then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. - Rumbling. (Miscellaneous.) Thin stool pre- ceded and followed by rumbling, and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied. Jatr. 1. Rumbling. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting rumbling; them watery diarrhoea. Nux V. 7. Rumbling. Emission of flatus, with rum- bling and gurgling. Sil. 3. Rumbling. Sensation of rumbling in the rectum. Arn. 2. Rumbling. Watery stool through the day; yellow ; painless with rumbling. Iris V, 1. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morn- ing, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdo- men. Lept. 7. - Rumbling. Painless diarrhoea, with rum- bling of wind; worse at night; from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clim. Rumbling. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool; then yel- lowish-green stools; profuse emission Of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Rumbling. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eat- ing; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. (319) R U M E L | N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. S C R OF U L O U.S. Rumbling. Chronic diarrhoea, in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish, corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels; colicky pains during and before Stool and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. * Rumbling. TXiarrhoea, with burning in | rectum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas, watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceeded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Rumbling. Diarrhoea with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; Stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Running, Stool profuse, black, fetid, run- ning out in a steam; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Dept. 1. Running. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back, then urg- ing to stool, then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Rush. Stool unsatisfactory after much straining which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. Rush. Distention of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Sacral. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown; mushy or white, ac- companied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AESC. Clin. Sacrum, Heaviness in abdomen like a stone just before menses; during menses; in sacrum; with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Sacrum. Offensive flatus, and at last moist flatus with dragging towards Sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Carbo V. 5. Sacrum. Pain in pelvis, beginning in Sa- crum and passing forward and down to right knee; at 7:30 a. m., relieved by pressing against Something hard; the pelvic pain relieved by crossing the limbs, Sep. 7. Sacrum. Burning pain in hypogastrium, extending to sacrum. Crotal. H. 7. Sacrum. Protruding purple piles, with severe pains in the sacrum and Small of back, and fullness in the region of the liver. AEsc. Clin. Sad. Constipation in Sad, desponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urg- ing but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from Starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Saffron, Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow, stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac, 1. Saffron. Cholera infantum ; stools Saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Saffron-yellow. Stool thin, frothy, saffron- yellow, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Coloc, 1. Salivation. Cutting in abdomen rather than sticking, with salivation before menses, with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. - Salivation. Enlargement of the spleen, with salivation. Iod. Clin. Salivation. Hepatic diseases, with indi- gestion ; eructations, salivation, heart- burn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Sallow. Diarrhoea painless, clay-colored, with burning and smarting; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Sand. Stool after dinner, very dry and like sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. 1. - Anxiety, with pain in abdomen so violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him; fre- quently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. Satiety. Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic region if she eats to satiety, Lyc, 6. Scanty, Stool scanty, difficult, Scanty, Constipation; stool at times unsatisfactory, Sulf, 1. Scanty, watery stool about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence dur- ing stool. Arg, N. 1, Scanty, Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging; clay-colored. Hep. 1. Scanty. Constipation; stool hard, with burn- ing in anus; lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult light colored. Sil, 1. Scanty. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of , blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc, C. 1. Scanty, Hard, crumbling, scanty stool, cov- ered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Scanty. Constipation, painless; stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking cutting in anus. Nit. A.C. 1. Scanty, Constipation; stool blackish, Scanty, like sheep's-dung; painful, only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, Often hard. Plumb. 1. Scanty. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Scanty. Urging in rectum, with scanty stools passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Scanty. Bloody and painful stool; Scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Scanty. Urging to stool, which is thin, frequent but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool. Bell. 1. Scanty. Straining to stool, then scanty diarrhoea, then increased straining. Bell. 2. Scanty. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; Scanty. Kali B. 1. Scanty. Diarrhoea; stools frequent, scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive as carrion. Sil. 1. Scanty. Constipation; stool hard and dif- ficult; mixed with mucus, and knotty, whitish, scanty, brownish, difficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Sat. Alum, 1. scanty, Scanty. Stool soft, scanty and delayed, with passage of blood during stool. Carbo An. 1. Scanty. Habitual constipation; stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Scanty. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, Scanty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Scanty. Constipation; stool retarded on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, Scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus. Staph, Clin. Scanty. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, scanty; putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Scanty. Constipation; torpor of bowels; feces hard, Scanty, passed with diffi- culty from constriction of sphincter ani and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Scapula, Pain through hypochondria and in right Scapula; in region of liver and spleen. Chel, 6. - Scapulae. Intermittent acute pain in liver region, extending to scapulac. Hy- dras. 6. Scarlatina. Diarrhoea during typhoid or Scarlatina. Apis Clin. Scirrhotic. Obstimate constipation follow- ing diarrhoea in old spirit drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Scraping, Sticking, cutting in rectum and amus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. Scrapings. Stool of blood, mucus and what looked like scrapings of inner surface of intestines. Phytol. 1. Scrapings. White, tough mucus with the stool like Scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. Scrapings. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of in- testines; reddish, mucous or bloody; flaky, with extreme burning in anus during stool. Canth. Clin. Scrapings. Tysentery; bloody stool with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; Watery stool; jelly-like mucus with Scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Scrapings. Dysentery of bloody mucus, like Scrapings of the intestines; in- Voluntary; putrid; dark. Carbol. A c. Clin. Screaming. Ascarides, with Screaming. Apis Clin. Scrofulous. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing; suitable to old per- Sons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. Phos. Clin. Scrofulous. Interminable diarrhoea, in Summer, which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. delirium, (320 ) S C R O TUM. REPERTORY OF PART II. sENSITIVE. Scrotum. Sticky, odorless moisture be- hind scrotum. Carbo An. 3. Scum. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish Scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Scum. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog-pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating On the green; Sour Smelling, undi- gested ; containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Scurf. Piles and fissures at the anus, With great itching; Scurf on borders of anus. Petr. Clin. Seat. Painful inclination to inguinal hernia; worse when rising from a seat. Coco. 7. Seated. Haemorrhoidal pressure in anus, With burning when seated; on touch. Thuja 3. Second. Constipation; stool every second day. Mag. C. 1. Second. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. - Secretion. Colic originating in depressed or excessive bilious secretion. Pod. Clin. Sedentary. Constipation in persons of sedentary habits, from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining, and causing prolapse of rec- tum. Pod. Clin. Sediment. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water with meal-like sediment; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Sediment. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Seized. Pain in a spot in abdomen, as if seized with nails; a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. Bell. 5. Semi-fluid. Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning; pasty, yellowish, green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Semi-liquid. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, frequently followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, frequent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back, and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Semi-liquid, Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, Offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Sensation of rawness in anus with diarrhaea. Apis 3. Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Aloe 7. Sensation, Faintness, with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool, Pod. 5. Sensation, Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum, Aloe 2. - Sensation, Straining in rectum before, dur- ing, and after stool; fullness; sensation as if something remained; pressure dur- ing soft stool, Sulf. 2. Sensation in rectum as if stool were in- complete. Nux W. 2. Sensation in abdomen internally; in sides as if something living were jumping about. Crocus t, Sensation. Bruised sensation; worse in Caecal region and along transverse colon on moderate pressure, Merc, C, 5. Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, caus- ing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr. M. 2. Sensation. Stool soft but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part re- mained. Nux MOs. 1. Sensation. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish- gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yel- low, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Sensation. Urging in rectum with Scanty stool; passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. - Sensation of rumbling in the rectum. Arn. 2. Sensation. Dragging down in rectum during menses, with full sensation in pelvis. Aloe 2. Sensation in abdomen as if full of stones, after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Sensation. Long-continued sensation in rectum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. 2. Sensation. Constriction and weight in abdomen, with sensation as if every- thing would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Sensation. Sticking in hepatic region ; sore pain; full sensation. Sep. 6. Sensation. Biting Sore sensation in and around anus, after stool, with itching and soreness. Kali C. 3. Sensation in abdomen, extending into small of back as if something fell down. Laur. 5. Sensation as if something living were moving about deep in lower abdo- men. Crocus 7. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting ; fullness of haemor- rhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Sensation. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsciously, with Sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Sensation. Constipation; an all-gone feel- ing in rectum; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Sensation of a foreign substance in rec- tum, or rough, hard feces, with con- stant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Sensation. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sensa- tion as if weight would pass. Sulf 1. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and down- ward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Lil. Tig. 7. - Sensation. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stom- ach. Nux MOS. 6. Sensation. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itch- ing, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Sensation. Fistula in the anus, with sen- sation of beating as of little hammers. Lach. Clin. Sensation. Colic; sensation of coldness, weakness, and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Sensation. Congested, enlarged liver; sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had in- creased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. - Sensation. Haemorrhoids with Sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Sensation. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary, or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Sensation. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool, with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, Scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Sensation. Diarrhoea of drunkards On their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration ; Sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mu- cous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Sensation. Habitual costiveness, especi- ally of old people; sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; continual inclina- tion but often passes only fetid flatus. Phytol. Clim. Sense of writhing in the abdomen. Agar. 5. Sense of distention in right hypochon- drium. Chel. 6. Sensitive. Haemorrhoids sensitive though protruding but little; protrude during stool; return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Sensitive. Abdomen tympanitic, hard and sensitive to touch, with rumbling. Op. 5. Sensitive. Hypogastric region distended and sensitive. Hyos. 7. Sensitive. Hepatic region sensitive when walking, with pain on touch at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. * Sensitive. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard, and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. (321 ) SENS IT | V E. REPERTORY OF PART II. SH IV E R N C. Sensitive. Abdomen sensitive so that the clothes press disagreeably. Sulf. 5. | Sensitive. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Sensitive. Periodical abdominal spams in sensitive and hysterical women. Ign. Clin. Sensitive. Cirrhosis of the liver; first en- larged and then contracted ; hepatic region sensitive to pressure; con- tinuing darting pain. Plumb. Clin. Sensitive. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive; no flatus up or down ; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in ab- domen. Ver. Alb. Clin. Sensitiveness. (Abdomen.) Pain in abdo- men aggravated by pressure, touch, and horizontal position, with sensitiveness, Apis 5. Sensitiveness, Distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdomen. Lach. 5. Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Acon. 5, Sensitiveness. Abdominal colic radiating to all parts of the body; sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Plumb. 5. Sensitiveness. Pinching in muscles of ab- domen when sitting as if he had fal- len upon them ; strained pain; Sensi- tiveness of walls. Hyos. 5. Sensitiveness. Colic with great distention and sensitiveness of abdomen recur- ring towards evening. Sep. Clin. Sensitiveness. Abdominal affections char- acterized by extreme sensitiveness to touch ; intolerance of even the cloth- ing. Bell. Clin. Sensitiveness. (Miscellaneous.) Constipa- tion, with sensitiveness above Pon- part's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses, and | tenesmus. Phos. 1. Sensitiveness of hypogastrium to touch. A con. 1. Sensitiveness. Pain in right hypochon- drium with sensitiveness, the latter aggravated by hard pressure and deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Sensitiveness. Swollen glands in right groin, with sensitiveness. Graph. 7. Sensitiveness. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during stool; in groins; amelioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Sensitiveness. Pain in hepatic region on pressure; sensitiveness when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. 6, Sensitiveness of the right iliac region. Bapt. Clin. Sensitiveness. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Sensitiveness. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani, while urinating; piles after con- finement. Mur. Ac Clin. Separated. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime separated. Mur. A c. Clin. Serum. Stool soft, mixed with serum, Orange-colored, loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Seven-thirty a. m. Pain in pelvis, be- ginning in Sacrum and passing for- Ward and down to right knee at 7:30 a. Im., relieved by pressing against Something hard ; the pelvic pain re- lieved by crossing the limbs, Sep. 7. Shaggy. Mucous diarrhoea with tenes- mus; Stools frequent ; small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; Shaggy; greenish ; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Shaggy. TXiarrhoea, with excessive ac- cumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown, or pale; fecal; mixed with lumps; thin, yellow, shaggy, red- dish, mucous, undigested. Lyc. Clin. Sharp. (Pain.) Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain; sharp pain as from blind piles; contraction and Soreness. Ign. 2, Sharp. Burning and tensive sticking in right hypochondrium, worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag, MI, 6. Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying; in morning before stool. Nux W. 2. Sharp. Burning pain in abdomen, increased to sharp pain on pressure. Ars. A. 5. Sharp pain in left hypochondrium. Diosc. 6. Sharp. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain as from flatulent food and much drink. China 5. Sharp. Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Psor. Clin. harp. Shifting of flatus with sharp cutting; colic with nausea. Ant. T. Clin. Sharp. Piles after confinement, with sharp, Stinging pain. Apis Clin. Sharp pinching pains in liver which come suddenly and with great severity. Berb. Clin. Sharp. Dropsical effusions and even peri- tomitis, always with sharp pains; great aggravation from cold air and in the early morning. Kali C. Clin. Sharp. Prolapsus ani with sharp, stabbing Ign. Clin. pains shooting upwards. Sharp. Peri-hepatitis with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. - Sharp. Bleeding piles with heat and sharp Stitches; blood bright. Acon. Clin. Sharp. Constipation ; desire for stool but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splin- ter-like, cutting pains. Niñ. A c. Clin. Sharp. Diarrhoea, with urging and ina- bility to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feeling in abdomen and rectum; faintness. Lept. Clin. Sharp. (Miscellaneous.) Sharp pressure in a spot in middle of upper abdomen. Lyc. 6. Sharp. Diarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water; with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdo- men; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. CJin. Sheep-dung, Stool hard like sheep-dung and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly, as if burnt. Mag, M. 1. Sheep-dung. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty; like sheep-dung; painful; only Once in eight or ten days, or green in balls; often hard. Plumb. 1. Sheep-dung. Constipation during men- Struation; stool like sheep-dung; pain- ful and difficult; insufficient; after much pressure. Kali C. 1. Sheep-dung. Constipation; stools like Sheep-dung, after great straining and burning, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools not hard. Natr. C. 1. Sheep’s-dung. Constipation from constric- tion of anus; hard stool like sheep's- dung, passed only after hard strain- ing. Berb. Clim. Sheep’s-dung. Alternation of diarrhoea | and constipation; stool like sheep's- dung. Chel. Clin. - Sheep's-dung. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small, resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. - Sheep's-dung. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool with fullness; heat and itching at anus, like sheep’s-dung; hard and black as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Sheep's-dung. Constipation; bowels ob- structed from induration of feces, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus; like sheep's- dung, covered with blood and mucus. | Mag. M. Clin. Shifting of flatus, with sharp cutting colic; with nausea. Ant. T. Clin. Shining, Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with Sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine es- caped together; while he would forée out yet he held back. Aloe 1. - Shining. Constipation; stool of brown feces, containing white, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. Shining. Constipation ; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum; knotty stool, shining as if greased; very small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Shivering, Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour- smelling; then shivering; then urging, with constriction in intestines. Rheum || 1. - Shivering. Cutting about umbilicus, with shivering. Ipec. 7. ( 322) SHIVER IN C. REPERTORY OF PART II. S N. C. U L AR. Shivering. Constipation, on account of hard- ness and large size of stool; copious; frequent, with shivering. Wer, Alb. 1. Shivering, Colic, with cutting twisting about navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps. 7. Shivering. Cutting in abdomen towards evening; during stool; after the stool shivering. Canth. 5. Shivering. Colic in umbilical region, with shivering. China 7. Shock. Cutting in abdomen like an elec- tric shock. Coloc. 5. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen; said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Shooting. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's ligament at left ilium extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Shooting pain in hepatic region with moist skin. Card. M. 6. Shooting. Neuralgic pain, in anus and lower part of rectum; shooting along perineum to middle of penis; worse at midnight. Phytol. 3. Shooting. Haemorrhoids with darting pain shooting to liver; look like bunches of grapes; with great pain and distress. Diosc. Clin. Shooting. Colic from the passage of gall- stones; pain shooting into chest and arms, with terrible eructations. Diosc. Clin. Shooting. Prolapsus ani with sharp stab- bing pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. - Shooting. Fissures of the anus without constipation; acute pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Shooting. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the Spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. Shootings and pressure in anus. A con. 3. Shoots. Squeezing constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of per- ineum. Bell. 2. Short. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Agar. 6. - Short. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there on Waking from midday nap. Carbo V. 6. |Short. Emissions of flatus loud, short and interrupted; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Shot. Urging in rectum on rising, before stool, which shot out as from a gun. PhOS. 2. * Shoulder. Paralytic, bruised pain in liver on inspiration, extending to shoulder. Laur. 6. Shoulder blade. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bitter taste. Chel. Clin. Shreds. Stool contained many white shreds, Colch, 1. - - Shreds. Evacuation of shreds of mucus, or of undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen; stools excess- ively offensive. Arg. M. Clin. Shuddering. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining, with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. Sick. Constipation, especially with recur- ring sick headache. Iris V. Clin. Side. (Left.) Stool pasty, light-brown, after urging, then rumbling and gur- gling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, grayish - green and dirty brown; forcible. Crot, Tig. 1, Side. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, especially during a sudden transition from rest to mo- tion. Arg. N. 5. - Side. Gurgling, rumbling in abdomen; worse on the left side. Crot. Tig. 5. Side. Urging in rectum; sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen, worse On left side. Jatr. 2. Side. Intermittent sticking in left side of an us. Crocus 3. t Side. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Side. Sticking in left side of abdomen below umbilicus, on walking rapidly and afterwards. China 7. Side. Pinching constriction in upper abdomen after eating, extending to left side of abdomen and chest. COcc. 5. - Side. Loud rumbling in the left side of abdomen, like the croaking of frogs. Arg. M. 5. Side. Twitching in left side of abdomen between navel and left flank; as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5, Side. Desire for stool whenever she lies On left side. PhOS. Clin. Side. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggra- Vation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gen- tle pressure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Side. Incarcerated flatulence in left side. Sulf. Clin. Side. Irritable liver; jaundice from vex- ation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with sore- ness and sharp, Sticking pains; ag- gravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Side. (Right.) Stool of greenish water, with distention of abdomen; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Side. Intestines sore, as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. - Side. Pain in hepatic region, on pressure; sensitiveness; worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Phos. 6. Side. Hard pressure in right side, be- neath umbilicus. Staph. 7. - Side. Inflated feeling in right side of ab- domen, with pain in hepatic region on pressure. Card. M. 5. - Side. Functional derangement of liver, often preceded by migraine; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen. Sep. Clin. Side. Swelling and abscess in liver, with Stitching pains in right side, com- mencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Side. Perihepatitis with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium, aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen ; sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Side. Acute pain in hepatic region, worse from pressure, breathing, coughing and lying on the right side. Bell. Clin. (Miscellaneous.) Distention of abdo- men by flatulence; waking about mid- night, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without re- markable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelioration from lying on one side and the other. Cocc, 5. Side. Thrusts from one side of the abdo- men to the other. Arn. 5, Side. Itching Soreness in rectum; with pustules by the side of it. Amm. Mur. 2. - Side. Pain in abdomen before breakfast; flatulent, relieved by difficult emis- sion of flatus and lying on side. Natr. S. 5. Side. Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen. Alum. 5. Sides, Sensation in abdomen; internally in sides as if something living were jump- ing about. Crocus 5. - Sides. Deep seated digging within hips on both sides, as in dysentery; with nausea and drowsiness. Arn. 7. Sides. Soreness in abdomen, especially in sides and down sides of umbilicus on touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Sides. Stitches in sides of abdomen dur- ing cough. Arn. 5. Sides. Griping, tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in Small of back as if broken. Cham. 7. Sides. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breath on account of tension and fullness under ribs. | Ign. 6. Sides. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stom- ach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Sight. Painless cholera morbus with deathly nausea, weakness and pros- tration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Single, cutting Stitches in anus. Graph. 3. Sink. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive, or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A c. Clin. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 p. m.; a Weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a drag- ging. Sep. 7. Side. (323) S IT, REPERTORY OF PART II. S L M. Y. Sit. Cutting in abdomen during menses, obliging her to sit bent over, pressing with both hands, or to lean far back; as before diarrhoea. Kali C. 5. Griping in abdomen so that he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Sitting. (Pain.) Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting, as from worms; itching during the day. Sulf. 2, Sitting. Blind piles, with pressure and soreness in anus and rectum ; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Sitting. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; Sit. bile increased. Sulf. 6. Sitting. Haemorrhoids swollen, protrud- ing, burning, Sticking; protrude during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Sitting. Paralytic pain in right ring, as if something would force its way through, when sitting; amelioration from rising. Cocc. 7. Sitting. Pinching in muscles of abdomen when sitting, as if he had fallen upon them; strained pain; sensitiveness of walls. Hyos. 5. gº. Sitting. Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting. Ruta 2. Sitting. Pain across umbilicus, prevent- ing sleep; pinching when sitting below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. - Sitting. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Sitting. Stitches in hypochondrium when walking in open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst Open at 4 p.m., on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. * - Sitting. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Sitting. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Sitting. (Miscellaneous.) Heaviness in ab- domen like a stone just before menses; during menses; in Sacrum; with inclina- ation of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. - Sitting. Weight in left hypochondrium when walking, sitting and lying; not affecting breathing Lyc, 6. Sitting, Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out of bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amelioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Sitting. Contractive pain in anus in afternoon, preventing sitting. Cocc. 3. Sitting. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting; fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali. B. 3. Sitting. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying there; better after pres- sure; by passage of flatus. Caroo An. 7. Sitting. Sensation in abdomen, as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Sitting. Itching of amus when sitting. Staph. 3. Sitting. Feeling of tension in hypogas- trium when sitting and walking, with heaviness. Kali C. 7. Sitting. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum ; relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C. Clin. Sitting. Fistula recti with bilious symp- toms, aggravated when sitting. Berb. Clin. Sitting. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire im- mediately passes off without an evacuation. Anac. Clin. Six. Constriction transversely across um- bilical region, as by a string, in after- || noon till 6 above navel. Chel. 7. Six a. m. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious yellow, half liquid stool; with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Six p. m. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 5. Six. Chronic diarrhoea; green liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emis- Sion of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. - Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious, frequent, with shivering. Wer, Alb. 1. Size, Size. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Zinc. 1. Skin, Stool black, acrid, putrid; excoriated skin about anus, Ars, A, 1. Skin, Evacuations excoriated the skin about the anus, Ars, A, 3. Skin. Shooting pain in hepatic region, with moist skin. Card. M. 6. Skin. Soreness in anus after a slimy dis- charge as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Skin. Dysentery when the patient is cold, skin blue; stools of bloody mu- cus. Iris V. Clin. Skin. Derangements of the liver with yellow eyes and skin; nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. Skin. Liver torpid skin yellow ; stools light colored; jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Skin. Liver enlarged, and often indurated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunc- tiva; liver sore to touch ; stools clay- Colored. Merc. Clin. Sleep. (Stool during Sleep.) Involuntary stool at night in sleep, Arn, 1. Sleep. Watery diarrhoea mixed with hard parts; involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Sleep. Diarrhoea, with great prostration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath, and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Sleep. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium. Hyos. Clin. Sleep. (Miscellaneous.) Pressing down- ward in hypogastrium during menses; better in knee-elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep, Sep. 7. Sleep. Crawling tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Sleep. Intestines sore as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. Sleep. Pain across umbilicus, preventing sleep; pinching when sitting below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder, as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Sleep. Itching in region of anus during day and evening before sleep. Mezer. 3. Sleepiness. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings with nausea, sweetish dis. gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- ness, cutting, rising to upper abdo- men, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Slender. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long; narrow, dry tough and hard, like a dog's and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Slime. Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus mixed with blood and slime; involuntary the moment it entered the rectum, Phos. 1. Slime. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. Slime. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish substances and con- taining bloody specks. Con. Clin. Slime. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime separated. Mur. A c. Clin. Slime. Dysentery; discharges white, Slimy, clear, yellow, red or green | slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Slime. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before and during stool; stools Sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. . Slime. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools; varying in color; green, yellow, reddish, variegated; Slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Slime. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffect- ual pressing, straining and tenesmus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Shimy, Stool soft; then empty feeling in ab- domen; Saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac. 1, Slimy. Stool tough, gluey, fetid; so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1. (324 ) SLIMY. REPERTORY OF PART II. SMALL. Slimy. Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive, slimy, blackish, Merc, C, 1. Slimy. Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Slimy. Diarrhoea nightly with colic, so that she must bend double; hot; smelling like rotten eggs; green; watery; painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white; slimy; with colic. Cham. 1. Slimy. Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, exhausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy, next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Slimy. Brownish, small, slimy, half fluid stool. Aloe 1. Slimy. Green, slimy diarrhoea. Amm. Mur. 1. - Slimy. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Slimy. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus; whit- ish-gray. Merc. 1. Slimy. Soreness in amus after a slimy dis- charge, as if skin were cracked, with constriction. Thuja 3. Slimy. Diarrhoea; copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; Orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without feces. Colch. 1. Slimy. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Colch. 1. Slimy. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling ; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel, before or during stool ; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Slimy. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear, yellow, red or green slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Slimy. Stool green, sometimes white and mushy; hot and watery; very offen- sive. Calch. Ph. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish Scum floating on top of water ; violent urging before, tenes- mus during; a never-get-done feeling with tenesmus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Slimy. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yel- low, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux Mos. Clin. Slimy. Stools grass-green, slimy, with vomiting; colic. Ant. T. Clin. Slimy. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus; ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea, slimy and of the ap- pearance of yeast ; cadaverous Smell. Ant. T. Clin. - Slimy. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy stools; with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea, brown yellow or slimy; putrid odor; with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; tendency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Slimy. Diarrhoea, with discharge of lum- brici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy or white, Cina Clin. Slimy. Dysentery from cold, damp weather; rectum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. Slimy. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chop- ped white and yellow mucus, often of a changeable color; often undigested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor; especially in children dur- ing teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Slimy. . Diarrhoea, with cutting pressing pains before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid; sour-smell- ing. Nit. Ac. Clin. Slips. Constipation; stool that has protruded slips back again after urging and strain- ing, till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1, Slow. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Slow. Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the Sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Slowly. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. Sluggish. Intestines sluggish, so that the strongest purgatives lose their power. Op. 5. - Sluggish. Stools very sluggish ; the rec- tum seems plugged up; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. Sluggish. Constipation; stool hard; slow with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Slumber, Pain in abdomen at night; wak- ing from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evacuations of greenish, fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg, N. 5. - Small. (Back.) Colic in abdomen as after taking cold; as before diarrhoea; before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Small. Intermittent boring in abdomen, often extending to chest, threatening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Small. Blind hamorrhoids with itching in morning, preceded by pain in small of back; in evening till 9 p. m., with Sore pain in anus, worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Small. Distention of hypochondria, worse in sides, pit of stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Small. Protruding purple piles, with Severe pains in the Sacrum and small of back and fullness in the region of the liver. AESC. Clin. Small. (Stool.) Pressure and sense of ex- coriation in rectum, after a small hard stool, Alum. 2. Small. Flatulence in abdomen, then urg- ing; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Small, Constipation; stool small, hard, often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Small, Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Small, Constipation; stool hard and dark brown in small pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Small frequent passages consisting of mucus; at times mingled with blood and caus- ing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Small stool after colic, with tenesmus; first of dark green feces, then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Small. Diarrhoea; frequent, thin, invol- untary, with flatus; small. Ign. 1. Small. Frequent and successful desire for stool, in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of small soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Small. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus; Small stool consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Small. Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; consisting of mucus. Arn. 1. Small. Brownish, small, slimy, half-fluid stool. Aloe 1. Small, yellowish, Shining stool at 9 a. m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped together; while he would force out, yet he held back. Aloe 1. Small. Stool natural at first ; then several Small, loose evacuations; then small hard evacuations with violent strain- ing in rectum and anus till all are - passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Small. Constipation from lead poisoning; frequent desire, but small evacuation, with great effort. Plat. Clin. Small. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. Small. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Small. Constipation; stools consisting of small, hard, black balls. Plumb. Clin. (325) SMALL. REPERTORY OF PART II. SOFT. Small. Diarrhoea, from abuse of intoxi- cating drinks or high living ; stools frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green; fecal. Nux V. Clin. Small. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small, resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. Small. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; stools frequent, small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Small. Chronic dysent, ry; stools fre- quent, Small, pitch-like, with pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Small. Constipation ; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum; stool shin- ing as if greased, very small in size; passes easier “when standing. Caust. Clin. Small. (Miscellaneous.) Dryness in rectum, with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks. Æsc, 2. Small. Distress in umbilical region and in hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines. Diosc. 7, Small. Inflammation of the liver with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Tod. 6. Small. Pain in abdomen, with frequent cutting in stomach and Small intes- times; with emission of much flatus. DiOSC. 5. Small protruding varices which sting, burn, and smart intolerably. Apis Clin. Small. Pain in right hypochondrium, es- pecially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Smarted. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from anus a tubercle which became moist and Smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. Smarting, (Amus.) Itching, Smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping. Graph, 3. Smarting in anus after hard stool; burn- ing after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. Smarting. Tearings extending around anus, with Smarting, Berb. 3. Smarting. Itching in anus with Sore pain as from hamorrhoids on margin becoming a smarting and Sore pain, as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Smarting. Burning Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in a sore; biting in evening with: sore pain. Nux V. 3. Smarting. Constipation; Stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, pre- ceded and accompanied by Smart- ing at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Smarting. Fissure of the anus, with con- stant oozing of fetid moisture; with raw smarting, as if cut with a knife. Nit. A.C. Clin. Smarting. Acrid, smarting, burning sen- sation at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were pro- jected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Smarting, Haemorrhoids painful, sting- ing, with protrusion of rectum ; Smart- ing and burning; oozing of glutinous | moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Smarting. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking in rec- tum, with Smarting during a stool that was not hard. Phos. 2. Smarting in rectum and anus, with soft stool. Mur. A c. 2. Smarting. Diarrhoea painless, clay-colored, with burning and smarting; sallow complexion. Berb. Clin. Smell. Diarrhoea frequent and sudden, without pain or smell; watery. Ferr. 1. Smell. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown; papescent; stool and breath equally Offensive. Asaf. Clin. Smell. Diarrhoea slimy and of the appear- ance of yeast ; cadaverous smell. Ant. T. Clin. Small. Painless cholera morbus, with deathly nausea, weakness and pros- tration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin, Smell. Cholera infantum ; stools whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air ; Sour smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clim. Smell. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucus; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour fetid; expulsion Sudden ; the Smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Smelling, Flatulence; emission of flatus; worse in evening and night; offensive, Smelling like Sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulf. 5, - Smelling, Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, preceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese. Bry. 1. - Smelling. Diarrhoea nightly with colic, so that she must bend double; hot, smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery; painless, consisting of feces and mucus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. - Smelling. Flatulence offensive, smelling like rotten eggs. Arn. 5. Smelling, Stool thin, frothy, saffron- yellow musty, Smelling almost like burnt blotting-paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Smelling. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool, jelly-like mucus, with Scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Smelling. Stools at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid, Smelling like rotten eggs, involuntary, fermented, sour-smell- ing; diarrhoea, alternating with con- stipation. Calc. C. Clin. Smelling. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus Smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Smells. Cholera infantum; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Smoking. Constipation produced by cheese, better from smoking; fre- quent urging to stool without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hard- ness. Coloc. Clin. Soap. Constipation resulting from un- wise enemas of water and soap. Op. Clin. - (Stool.) Stool first part lumpy, second soft, Lyc. 1. Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging; clay-colored, Hep, 1. Urging in rectum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal mus- cles, Hep. 2. Anxious urging in rectum; frequent, ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W. 2. - Soft. Soft, Soft, Soft, Soft. Stool soft, mixed with mucus; fre- quent, Puls, 1, Soft. Stool soft; then empty feeling in ab- domen; saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chopped, Sulf. Ac, 1. Soft, Burning in anus after a thin stool; after a soft-formed stool. Sulf. 3, Soft, Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation as if some- thing remained; pressure during soft stool. Sulf. 2. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offensive in afternoon; then burning in anus, with much flatus; then hard portions; then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. - Stool pasty, light brown, after urg- ing; then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour || a second soft stool; mucous, urgent, grayish-green and dirty brown; forci- ble, Crot. Tig. 1. Stool light, yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Borax 1. Haemorrhoids swollen; protruding, burning, Sticking; protruding during Soft stool; painful on touch ; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusual time ; SOft. SOft. Soft. Soft. Soft, lumpy, light, clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. PhOS. 1. Soft, Stool soft, but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part remained. Nux Mos. 1. Soft. Frequent and successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Soft. Stool soft, mixed with serum, Orange-colored, loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Offensive flatus, with stool; fre- quent and loud ; easy, with inclina- tion as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Soft. Burning in anus during soft stool. Amm. Mur. 3. SOft. (326 ) S C F T. REPERTORY OF PART II. SO REN ESS. Soft. Burning in rectum during and after Soft stools. Amm. Mur. 2. Urging more in upper intestines; stool soft and insufficient ; anxious urging ; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and pro- lapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Diarrhoea soft, frequent, whitish. Iod. 1. SOft. SOft. Soft. Burning pain in anus, with soft stool. Merc. 3. Soft. Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Lyc. 2. Soft. Stool soft, scanty and delayed, with passage of blood during stool. Carbo An. 1. Stool soft, brownish, easy, floating On water. Merc. 1. Stool soft and insufficient. C. 1. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow ; pasty; of the odor of putre- fying Snakes. Lach. 1. Soft. SOft. Kali SOft. Soft. Smarting in rectum and anus, with soft stool. Mur. A c. 2. Soft. Burning in rectum and anus after short stool, with exhaustion. Phos. 2. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft, diffi- cult, from inactivity of the rectuim. Natr. M. 1. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, pro- fuse, black, fetid, stool, then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus, then a soft one enveloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Inactivity of rectum; even a soft and thin stool requires great strain- ing. Alum. Clin. Soft. Contractive, sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus after stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Soft. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. Constipation, with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium ; large accu- mulation of feces, especially after con- tinued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum. China Clin. - Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. Difficult expulsion of soft stool. Natr. S. Clin. Soft. Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation ; inactivity of intestines Whether stool is hard or soft; alterna- tion of constipation and diarrhoea. Puls, Clin. Constipation; torpor of rectum; even a soft stool is voided with diffi- culty. Psor. Clin. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and amus like soft clay; tenacious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. - SOft. SOft. SOft. Soft. Soft. Soft. Soft. SOft. Soft. Soft. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum ; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. (Miscellaneous.) Abdomen tended and soft. Jatr. 5. Soles. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling also in bed, with spas- modic and griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5. Solid. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, Soft, SOft. dis- partly solid ; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A.C. 1. Sore, (Abdomen.) Pain in abdomen, as if sore and raw ; tenderness on pressure. Bell, 5. Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again, after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1. Sore. Spasmodic motions abdomen, contracted touch. Cupr. 5. Sore. Pain in abdomen, with diarrhoea; sore to pressure. Kali B. 5. Sore. Biting sore pain in anus on walk- ing and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Sore. Pain in abdomen, as if everything were sore; on every step, as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Sore feeling, extending to the whole ab- domen; aggravated by riding in a car- riage. Arg. M. Clin. Sore. Abdomen swollen, hard, Sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic; sometimes relied by pressure. Cima Clin. (Amus.) Burning pain in anus as if parts around it were sore. Berb, 3. Itching, Smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping. Graph, 3. Sore. Itching around anus at border, with sore feeling. Sulf, 3. Contracted sensation in rectum dur- ing stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, Natr, M, 2. Sore pain in anus without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. Ign. 3. Sore. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Sore. Blind hamorrhoids, with itching in morning, preceded by pain in Small of back in evening till 9 p. m., with sore pain in anus; worse from motion; painful; protruding. Puls, 3. Sore. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. - Sore. Itching in anus, with Sore pain as from ha-morrhoids on margin ; becom- ing a smarting and Sore pain as from blind piles. Nux V. 3. Sore. Burning Smarting in anus Some hours after stool, with cutting as in sore; biting in evening, with Sore pain. Nux W. 3. Sore, of muscles of and Sore to Sore, Sore, Sore. Sore. Biting sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and Soreness. Kali C. 3. Sore feeling in anus, worse outside, with Stitching, burning and throbbing, Calc. Ph. 3. Sore. Bleeding from anus during stool; sore pain after stool. Puls. 3. Sore. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids swollen and sore. Aloe 3, Sore. Haemorrhoids with sore pain; un- endurable on walking or reflecting; swollen, with itching sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. Sore. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; Stitches; Sore pain during cough; pain when walking. Kali C. 3. Sore. Protruding, painful, sore haemor- rhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Sore. Swollen haemorrhoids, with burn- ing Sore pain; blue haemorrhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. A c. 3. Sore. Protruding piles; aching, itching and sore. Calc. Ph. Clin. - Sore. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Sore. Fissure of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised ; sore blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Sore. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Sticking in hepatic region; Sore pain; full Sensation. Sep. 6. Sore. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Sore. Perihepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Sore. Enlargement of liver, which is sore, with jaundice. Calc. C. Clin. Sore. Liver enlarged and often indu- rated; jaundiced hue of skin and con- junctiva; liver sore to touch; stools | clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Sore. Enlarged indurated liver which is Sore; reflex symptoms from floating kidney. Zinc. Clin. Sore. (Rectum.) Sore pain in after stool. Staph. 2. Sore pain in rectum during stool as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with dis- charge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Sore. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Sore. (Miscellaneous.) Beating and bub- bling in liver as in a Sore finger; burning. Laur. 6. Sore. Intestines sore as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on right side. Merc. 5. Soreness. (Abdomen.) Soreness of abdo- men in morning when Sneezing or on pressure. Apis 5. Soreness of abdomen on touch. rectum AEsc. 5. (.327) SO RE N ESS. REPERTORY OF PART II. SPASMOD IC. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing; tension, heavi- ness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep. 5. Soreness. Griping in abdomen with con- striction, Soreness, and dragging | downward and outward. Bry. 5. Soreness in abdomen as if beaten, or as after purgatives, on touch and On coughing. Ferr. 5. Soreness in abdomen, especially in sides and down sides of umbilicus on touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Soreness. Diffuse sub-acute gastro-enter- itis of a low type ; offensive gases passed upwards and downwards; gen- eral soreness, as if bruised. Arn. Clin. Soreness. (Anus.) Burning fullness, itching pressure and soreness in anus, AEsc. 3. Soreness. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult ; with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by Soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Soreness. soreness in anus and rectum; painful when sitting and standing; less when walking; worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Soreness. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. • - Soreness. Oozing of sticky, Odorless moisture from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carbo An. 2. Soreness. Stitches towards anus, with soreness and burning after stool. Carbo V. 3. Soreness. Watery feces, frequent, with soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid; feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Soreness. Biting sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and soreness. Kali C. 3. Soreness. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Soreness. Moisture and itching in anus with soreness; moist between anus and nates when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Soreness. Congestion of anus after din- ner; expulsion of ascarides; Sticking, Soreness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Soreness in anus after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked; with con- striction. Thuja 3. Soreness. Haemorrhoids with excessive burning, as from pepper; throbbing soreness with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. - Soreness. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Sore- ness, fullness, distress in right hypo- chondrium. AEsc. 6. Soreness. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Blind piles, with pressure and Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomiting of bile. Iris V. Clin. Soreness. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with Soreness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. - Soreness. (Rectum.) Frequent cutting deep in rectum; pain sharp; pain as from blind piles; contraction and Soreness, Ign. 2, Soreness. Fullness, itching, Soreness and dryness of rectum. AEsc. 2. Soreness. Itching Soreness in rectum, with pustules by the side of it. Amm. Mur. 2. Soreness. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is inactive; the stools are hard; often associated with soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Soreness. (Miscellaneous.) Pain in hypo- chondria with soreness. Agar, 6. Soreness and pain, around navel. Ph. 7. Soreness of perineum with painful itching when touched; at night with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Soreness. Colitis with Soreness along transverse colon; aggravated by bend- ing forward. Sulf. Clin. Sour. (Stool.) Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- Calc. trium ; then large, moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Sour. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undi- gested, are sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. - Sour. Chronic diarrhoea, after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with un- digested food. Hep. Clin. Sour. Diarrhoea of fundigested stools; Sour odor, large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. Sour. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly, worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Sour. Diarrhoea with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid slimy, fecal mixed with green slime. Rheum Clin. Sour. Diarrhoea; stool sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other Odorless; one containing fecal matter, the other blood ; no two stools alike ; caused by eating pork or fat food; from fruit; ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Sour. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yellow; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Suif. Clin. * Sour. (Miscellameous.) Cholera infantum, with vomiting of sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Sour. Cholera infantum ; stools- whitish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour-smelling of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. - Sour. Cholera infantum ; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Sour. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals at night ; painless early in the morn- ing, in hot weather; from eating fruit, from drinking sour beer; after severe acute diseases, after loss of fluids. China. Clin. Sourish. Urging to a copious yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Sour-Smelling. Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour- Smelling, then shivering, then urging, with constriction in intestines, Rheum 1. Sour-Smelling. Tenesmus, then copious thin or paplike, Sour-smelling stool with relief. Arn. 2. Sour-smelling. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheumatism; stools sour-smell- ing when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp | weather. Dulc. Clin. - - Sour-smelling. Stools, at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, Sour-Smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Calc. C. Clin. Sour-smelling. Flatulent colic with con- striction around stomach and navel; incarcerated flatus; passes sour-smell- | ing or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Sour-smelling. Diarrhoea, with cutting, pressing pains before and during stool; with drawing pain in rectum after stool, . continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, Sour-smelling. Nit. Ac. Clin. Sour-smelling. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog-pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-smelling, undi- gested, containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Spasmodic. Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus. Nit. Ac, 2. Spasmodic. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus, with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen; contracted and sore to touch. Cupr. 5. Spasmodic retraction in umbilical region, with nausea. Chel. 7. Spasmodic tension in rectum all day. Ign. 2. - Spasmodic. Painful spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Ars. A. 2. Spasmodic closure of anus. Op. 3. Spasmodic. Tensive spasmodic pain in inguinal regions, extending from upper and Outer part, downward an inward. Chel. 7. - (328) SPASMOD C. REPERTORY OF PART II. SPOT. Spasmodic pain in anus, before and after stool. Lach. 3. Spasmodic. Rumbling in abdomen in morning, with gurgling, also in bed with spasmodic and griping flatulent colic, and heat in palms and soles. Nux V. 5, Spasmodic. Lead colic; cutting in abdo- men as from knives; constricting Spasmodic pains; pinching, griping sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post, or any hard object, or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. - Spasmodic. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Spasmodic. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging with- out effect; sensation as if much re- mained after stool, then action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Spasmodically. Tensive pain in morning in getting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically con- stricted; sometimes as if distended; pains generally increasing and de- creasing. Bell. 7. - Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up bačk; then urging to stool; then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Spasms. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical women. Ign. Clin. Specks. Chronic dysentery; slime mixed with greenish substances and contain- ing bloody specks. Con. Clin. Spells. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells about the heart. Laur. Clin. Spermatic, Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extendiug through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down, Puls, 5. Spermatic. Drawing burning in hypo- gastrium, extending from right ring, as if in spermatic cord, into right tes- ticle. Staph. 7. Spermatic. Pain in hypogastrium in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Sphincter. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back, then urging to stool, then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Sphincter. Paralysis of the sphincter ani; the anus is always open. Phos. Clin. Sphincter. Involuntary stools in bed from paralysis of Sphincter ani. Laur. Clin. Sphincter. Constipation; torpor of bowels, feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty; from constriction of sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. ' Sphincter ani. Weakness of sphincter ani, so that cleanliness was difficult. Aloe 3. Sphincter. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clim. Sphincter ani. Diarrhoea, driving out of bed very early in the morning; want of confidence in sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating ; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. Sphincter ani. Bleeding piles; spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. Bell. Clin. Sphincters. Constipation; stools enor- mously large and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Iach. Clin. Spinach. Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach, usually with great flatulence. Arg. N. Clin. Spinach. Green slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething, or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Spine. Umbilicus seems to adhere to spine, Plumb, 7. Spine. Aching in liver, extending to spine; worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Spine. Sticking in umbilical region, in a spot, obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Spine. Aching, burning in gall-bladder, chilliness along spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse black stool. Dept. 6. Spine. Distress in umbilicus, with burn- ing in back part of liver and in spine. Sept. 7. Spine. Sticking deep in one or other ilium, an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inwards towards small of back. Berb. 7. Spine. Tension in region of left anterior, superior spine of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, extending to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. Spine. Pain in region of gall-bladder, ex- tending to spine, with chilliness and diarrhoea. Lept. Clin. Spine. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the Spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. Spirit-drinkers. Obstinate constipation following diarrhoea in old Spirit- drinkers who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insom- nia, scirrhotic liver. Agar. Clin. Spirits. Chronic congestion of the liver || with depression of spirits; Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium. Amm. Mur. Clin. Spleen. (Enlargement.) Enlargement of | spleen, with pain. Phos. 6. Spleen. Enlarged spleen. Ars. A. Clin. Spleen. Enlarged spleen, which is pain- ful; the pains are acute and sticking. China. Clin. Spleen. Enlargement of the spleen, with | salivation. Tod. Clin. Spleen. Atrophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux MOS. Clin. Spleen. General tympanitis with enlarged spleen. Phos. A c. Clin. Spleen. Enlarged spleen which is painful on coughing. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Spleen. (Pain.) Pain through hypochon- dria and in right scapula, in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. Spleen. Pain to side of umbilicus, cor- responding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly | sticking; often extending to lumbar region, or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Spleen. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 6. Spleen. Pain in region of spleen. Mezer. 6. - Spleen. Sticking in right hypochondrium in forenoon; then griping in hypo- gastrium, with Sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Spleen. Sticking in region of spleen. PSOr. 6. Spleen. Intermittent pinching sticking in region of spleen. Zinc. 6. Spleen. Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in spleen. Psor. Clin. Spleen. (Miscellaneous.) Spleen hypertro- phied. Ars. A. 6. Splinter-like. Constipation; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. A.C. Clin. Split. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Spot. Pain in a spot in abdomen, as if|, . seized with nails; a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. Bell. 5. Spot. Sticking in umbilical region; in a spot obliging him to bend up, worse from lifting, extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Spot. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right in- guinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch, pinching, sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Spot. Sharp pressure on a spot in middle of upper abdomen. Lyc. 6. Spot. Cutting in a spot in left hypochon- drium in morning. Mag. M. 6. Spot. Sticking griping pain in umbilical region, as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. ( 329 ) SPOT. REPERTORY OF PART II. ST : C K NC. Spot. Pain in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay-colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Spotted. Stools spotted with blood, Natr. C, 1. Spray. Acrid, Smarting, burning Sensation at the anus and up the rectum after stool, as if a hot spray were projected over the parts, Lil. Tig. Clin. Spring. Periodical return of dysentery in spring, or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. - - Spring. Diarrhoea in spring, when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Spurting. Stool watery, spurting from him, Jatr. 1. Spurting, Urging in rectum, so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool. Natr. C, 2. Sputtering. Small yellowish shining stool at 9 a.m., with sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escape to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Step. Colic in hypogastrium as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and an us; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; ameliora- tion from rest when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7. Step. Cutting in hypogastrium, with in- carceration of flatus; pain at every step. Sil. 7. Step. Pressure in hypochondrium on every step. Calc. C. 6. Step. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step as from in- carcerated flatus; flatulent after stool as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Step. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; with violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Stepping. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from Stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and every- thing would fall out. Cocc. 7. Stewed. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits; drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Stick. Obstinate constipation, with feel- ing of a load in rectum which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to Stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Sticking. (Abdomen.) Incarcerated flatus, with tension, Sticking, drawing, tear- ing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Sticking in abdomen as from flatulence, extending into chest. Cham. 5. Sticking. Cutting in abdomen rather than sticking, with salivation, before menses; with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. - Sticking, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen. Alum. 5. Sticking. (Anus.) Coarse sticking in anus, extending deep into rectum, Ign, 3. Sticking in rectum, taking away the breath; worse in evening. Sulf, 2. Sticking. Stool hard with urging and stick- ing in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus, dark, half undigested, of intoler- able odor, Graph, 1. Sticking. Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Sticking cutting in amus after stool. Aloe Sticking. Discharge of blood from anus daily; with sticking and burning in Small of back and in anus. Coloc. 3. Sticking in anus when not at stool. Con. 3. Sticking. Intermittent sticking in left side of anus. Crocus 3. Sticking in anus during the day. Sul. 3. Sticking. Congestion of anus after din- ner, expulsion of ascarides; sticking, Soreness, burning, itching. Sep. 3. Sticking in anus at 1 p. m., when sitting, extending into region of left iliac bone. Thuja 3. Sticking. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids moist even after a natural stool; in- creased congestion of haemorrhoidal ves- sel, with Sticking, with burning pain On walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Sticking. Constipation as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rec- tum ; stool hard then sticking as from haemorrhoids. Nux W. 1. Sticking. Haemorrhoids swollen, pro- truding, burning, sticking; protrud- ing during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Sticking. Haemorrhoids; itching with burning and sticking. Sulf. A c. 3. Sticking. Painful protruding piles, with itching and sticking. Puls. Clim. Sticking, Haemorrhoids, aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth, with prolapsus of rectum, accompanied by Sticking and biting. Mur. A.C. Clin. Sticking. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Burn- ing and tensive sticking in right hypo- chondrium ; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region, Mag, M. 6. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; on touch ; bile increased. Sulf. 6, Sticking cutting pain in hepatic region. Coloc. 6. Sticking in hepatic region; intermittent tearing. Con. 6. Sticking in hepatic region. Merc. C. 6. Sticking in hepatic region. Hep. 6. Sticking in liver; in right hypochondrium, with burning and pain on touch, then burning extending backward. Laur. Sticking. Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and desiccation of body; Sticking in region of liver so that he could not breathe nor eruciate. Merc. 6. Sticking in hepatic region, with constric- tion. Nux V. 6. - Sticking in right hypochondrium in fore- noon; then griping in hypogastrium, with sticking in region of spleen. Natr. C. 6. Sticking in hepatic region; aggravation from motion, with tension. Nit. A c. 6. Sticking in hepatic region; Sore pain; full Sensation. Sep. 6. Sticking in hepatic region; sometimes also in hip, with burning or biting ex- ternally. Zinc. 6. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner; in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch ; pinching; stick- ing; tearing. Kali C. 6. Sticking. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp sticking pains; aggravation from lying On left | side. Natr. S. Clin. Sticking, "(Rectum.) Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eat- ing, with tearing sticking. Nux W, 2. Sticking. Blind haemorrhoids, with burn- ing and sticking in rectum. Nux V. 3. Sticking. Cramp in rectum all the fore- noon ; a griping and Sticking, with anxiety so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Sticking in rectum waking her at 4 a.m.; Sticking again next morning after waking. Mag. C. 2. Sticking. Itching in rectum and in geni- tals, with sticking. Caust. 2. Sticking. Scraping, Sticking, cutting in rectum and anus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. - Sticking in rectum with Smarting during a stool that was not hard. Phos. 2. Sticking in rectum as from incarcerated flatus. Puls. 2. Sticking. Jerking, almost sticking pain in rectum, with burning, stinging, itching, during stool. Sil. 2. Sticking. (Spleen.) Enlarged spleen, which is painful; the pains are acute and sticking. China, Clin. Sticking in region of spleen. Psor. 6. Sticking. Intermittent pinching sticking in region of Spleen. Zinc. 6. Sticking. (Umbilicus.) Pain to side of umbilicus corresponding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly Sticking, often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. Berb. 7. Sticking griping pain in umbilical region as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. Sticking in left side of abdomen, below umbilicus, on walking rapidly and afterwards. China 7. - Sticking in umbilical region in a spot, obliging him to bend up; worse from lifting; extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Sticking in region of umbilicus. Dulc. 7. Sticking above and to left of umbilicus. Ign. 7. (330) STIC KINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. STO MAC H. Sticking in umbilical region during in- spiration. Hyos. 7. Sticking. (Miscellaneous.) Sticking now in right, now in left groin, apparently con- nected with ovaries, Coloc, 7. Sticking deep in one or other ilium, an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inwards towards small of back. Berb. 7. Sticking. Twitching in left side of ab- domen, between navel and left side of flank, as if in muscles of wall; then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Sticking in groin ; feeling after sitting down as if a large, heavy body were lying there; better after pressure; by passage of flatus. Carbo An. 7. Sticking. Cutting in hypogastrium as if everything would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; Sticking. Rali C. 7. Sticking in hypochondria on deep breath- ing. Sulf. 6. Sticking. Swelling of inguinal glands, with sticking and cutting. Thuja 7. Sticks, Dryness in rectum with heat; feels as if it were filled with small sticks. AEsc, 2. Sticky. Oozing of sticky, odorless moist- lure from anus, with Soreness and burning. Carbo An. 2. Sticky, odorless moisture behind Scrotum. Carbo An. 3. Sting. Small protruding varices which sting, burn and Smart intolerably. Apis Clin. Stinging cutting in rectum, Sil, 2. Stinging tearing in perineum. Amm. Mur. 3. Stinging. Burning, biting, stinging in anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Caps. 3. Stinging. Jerking, almost sticking pain in rectum, with burning, Stinging, itching, during stool. Sil. 2. Stinging. Piles after confinement, with sharp, stinging pain. Apis Clin. Stinging. Haemorrhoids, accompanied with obstinate constipation, Swollen, itching, stinging, burning, and pain- ful when touched. Caust. Clin. Stinging. Chronic hepatitis; stinging sharp pains in liver and in Spleen. Psor. Clin. - Stinging. Haemorrhoids painful, stinging, with protrusion of rectum, Smarting and burning; Oozing of glutinous moisture. Natr. M. Clin. Stitches. (Abdomen.) Stitches; griping in abdomen, with Swelling. A con. 5. Stitches in abdomen, extending into the vagina; tearing; cutting. Ars. A. 5. Stitches like electric sparks through left side of abdomen, especially during a Sudden transition from rest to motion. Arg. N. 5. Stitches in sides of abdomen during cough. Arn. 5. Stitches in abdomen, with griping, tear- ing, drawing, extending to chest. Nux Y. 5. Stitches. (Anus.) Stitches in anus, with tearing, cutting and burning. Kali C. 3 Stitches towards anus, with soreness and burning after stool. Carbo V. 3. Stitches. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; Stitches; SOre pain during cough ; pain when walking. Kali C. 3. Stitches. Bleeding piles, with heat and sharp Stitches; blood bright. A con. Clin. Stitches, Piles protruding and strangu- lated, or with Stitches upward at each cough or Sneeze. Lach. Clin. Stitches. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Stitches in hepatic region hindering deep breathing. A con. 6. Stitches in right hypochondrium. AEsc. 6. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Agar. 6. - Stitches in region of gall-bladder; aggra- vation from pressure. Berb. 6. Stitches in left hepatic region, near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure, extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Stitches in right hypochondrium during and after Stooping. Cal. C. 6. Stitches in hepatic region in afternoon. Caust. 6. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Stitches. Pain in hepatic region increased on pressure; stitches in right hypo- chondrium, extending to gastric re- gion. Ars. A. Clin. Stitches. Pressure and stitches in hepatic region; colic from gall-stones. Berb. Clin. Stitches. Perihepatitis with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium; aggravation from any motion, better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Stitches. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Stitches. Pain in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay-colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Stitches. Swelling and hardness of the liver; stitches. Sulf. Clin. Stitches. (Rectum.) Stitches in rectum during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus, Nit. Ac, 2. Stitches in rectum during stool. W. 2. Carbo Stitches. Single cutting Stitches in rec- tum. Graph. 3. Stitches in rectum. Mezer. 2. Stitches in rectum in direction of a line from anus to small of back. Thuja 2. Stitches. Tearing Stitches in rectum when sitting. Ruta 2. Stitches. (Miscellaneous.) Stitches in um- bilical region. Agar, 7. Stitches under left false ribs when standing, intercepting breathing. Arn, 6. Stitches at origin of Pompart's ligament at left ilium, extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Stitches below last ribs; below right ribs. Arn. 6. Stitches. Intermittent pain, with flatu- lence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Stitches in region of left short ribs. Mezer. 6. Stitching, griping, drawing pain in hypo- gastrium, Agar, 7. Stitching. Sore feeling in anus, worse Outside, with stitching, burning and throbbing. Calc. Ph. 3. Stitching. Haemorrhoids swollen and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Stitching. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching burning pains; from cold; from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Stitching. Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, Am. Mur. Clin. Stitching. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Stitching. Swelling and abscess in liver, with Stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Stitching. Irregular piles, with stitching burning or itching of the anus. Nux V. Clin. Stomach, (Distention.) Distention and sen- sitiveness of abdomen, so that she must wear the clothes about the stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdomen. Lach, 5. Stomach. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Stomach. Distention of abdomen, begin- ning at Stomach ; abdomen hard as if filled with air; without pain; she can not bear pressure on stomach ; worse in hypogastrium. Ratan. 5. Stomach. Ascarides in chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach. Calc. C. Clin. Stomach. (Pain.) Distress in umbilical region and in hypogastric regions, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines. Diosc. 7. Stomach, Griping tensive pain in umbilical region, extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus, Sulf, 7. Stomach. Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weak- ness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing. Ign. 5. Stomach. Pain to side of umbilicus, cor- responding to a place in front of kid- neys and rather to side, mostly stick- ing; often extending to lumbar region Or to groins, liver, spleen or stomach. IBerb. 7. | | | (331) STOMAC. H. REPERTORY OF PART II. STO O L. Stomach. Stitches in left hepatic region, near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; aggravation from pressure, extending into region of stomach. Berb. 6. Stomach. Pinching or cramp-like pres- sure transversely across abdomen, in region of pit of stomach after eating. Cina. 5. Stomach. Pain in abdomen, with fre- quent cutting in stomach and Small intestines, with emission of much flatus. Diosc. 5. Stomach. Paroxysmal clawing in um- bilical region, from side of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Stomach. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Ign. 6. Stomach. Pinching in hypochondria and region of pit of stomach. Ipec. 6. Stomach. Cholera or choleraic stools not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Stomach. Flatulent Colic with Constric- tion around stomach and navel; incar- cerated flatus; passes Sour-smelling Or fetid flatus. Natr. C. Clin. Stomach. (Miscellaneous.) Tension in abdomen especially in epigastric re- gion between pit of stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Stomach. Pain in abdomen between pit of stomach and umbilicus. Tod. 5. Stomach. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stom- ach. Nux Mos. 6. Stomach. Pain in right hypochondrium, contractive, worse in morning; then constriction in stomach, extending to chest; amelioration from eructations Sep. 6. Stomach. Diarrhoea of malarial Origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery, or mucus, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Stomach. Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smell- ing. Carbo V. Clin. Stomach. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach. Colch. Clin. Stomach. Atomy of the stomach and ab- domen, feeling as if they hung down relaxed. Staph. Clin. Stone. Constriction in hypogastrium, as from a stone, extending to bladder. Puls, 7. Stone, Heaviness in abdomen like a stone just beforemenses; during menses; and in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting. Puls, 5. Stone. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the Spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. 8 Stone, Pain below umbilicus as from a stone, taking away the breath, after dinner. Nux V. 7. Stones. Pinching in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inwards; amelioration from pressure and bending inward with cutting, extending towards pubic region; so severe below navel that facial mus- cles were distorted and eyes drawn to- gether as if squeezed between stones. Coloc, 5. Stones. Sensation in abdomen as if full of Stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Stones. Constipation; stool hard, only occurring once in two or three days; bard as if he were passing stones. Coloc. 1. - Stones. Pain in abdomen as if every- thing were sore; on every step as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Stones. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out ; with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stomach. Nux MOS. 6. Stones. Diarrhoea, brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water ; with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdo- men; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Stones. Lead colic; cutting in abdomen as from knives; constricting, spasmodic pains; pinching, griping Sensation as if the bowels were squeezed between stones; the patient doubles up or seeks relief by pressing the belly against the bed post or any hard object or by lying on belly. Coloc. Clin. Stony. Ineffectual urging; frequent thin stool in Single, Stony pieces. Coloc. 2 Stony. Constipation produced by cheese, better from smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Stool. (Black.) Violent stool; watery, black fluid, burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy; then mushy. Lept. 1. Stool. Colic, with cutting twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. Caps. 7, Stool blackish, involuntary. Camph. 1. Stool. Aching burning in gall-bladder; chilliness along Spine, with urging to stool; better after a profuse, black stool. Lept. 6. - stooi. | Stool. Stool. Rumbling in hypogastric region in morning, with distress and a soft, profuse, black, fetid stool; then pain in abdomen. Lept. 7. Stool. Hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fullness, heat and itching at anus; like sheep’s-dung; hard and black, as if burnt. Sulf. Clin. Stool bloody, with tenesmus and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. Ac. Clin. Stool, (Bloody.) Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eat- ing, with tearing sticking. Nux W. 2. Stool of blood and mucus, with pain and tenesmus, frequent day and night; with cutting in abdomen and almost ineffect- ual tenesmus, Merc, C, 1. Stool involuntary on least motion; mucus mixed with blood and slime; involun- tary the moment it entered rectum, Phos, 1. Stool. Bleeding of amus during stool. Carbo V. 3. Stool. Haemorrhage from anus of pure blood during stool. Phos. 3. Stool. Bloody and painful stool; scanty, round and burning in anus. Kali B. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous, of much bloody mucus; violent; in- voluntary; frequent; with weakness. Petr. 1. Stool of blood, mucus and what looked like Scrapings of inner surface of in- testines. Phytol. 1. Stool. Discharge of blood from rectum during stool; during soft stool. Lyc.2. Stool. Discharge of blood from anus dur- ing stool. Natr. C. 3. } Stool soft, Scanty and delayed, with pas- Sage of blood during stool. Carbo An. T - Discharge of bright red blood from anus with stool. Nit. A c. 3. Stool. Bloody stool. Ipec. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. Ac. 1. Stool. Hard stool, and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; them a soft one en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Stool of bloody mucus, with cutting in abdomen and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark, clotted blood, followed by te- nesmus. Merc. C. 1. Stool. Dysentery; almost constant cut- ting pains in abdomen, with ineffect- ual pressing, Straining and tenesmus; discharge of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum con- tinue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Tysentery; burning in anus dur- ing Stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and Offensive. Plumb. Clin. (332) STO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. STO O L. Stool. Dysenteric diarrhoea consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Stool. Dysentery bloody and mucous, with great Straining and burning in anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. Stool. Dysentery; bloody stool with deathly nausea from smelling cook- ing; watery stool, jelly-like mucus with scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Stool. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin, - Stool, (Brown.) Diarrhoea at night with cutting in intestines; stool like brown yeast. Arn, 1. Stool, Diarrhoea; stool fluid, dark brown, foul smelling, preceded by colic; green bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. PSOr, 1. Stool of brown frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea, then sudden complete rest. Kali B, 1. Stool pasty, light brown after urging; then rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a Sec- ond soft stool, mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown, forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Stool profuse, thick, papeScent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms of abdo- men. Asaf. 1. Stool brown, liquid, fetid, copious. Arg. N. 1. Stool soft, brownish easy, floating on water. Merc. 1. Stool. Brownish, small, slimy, half-fluid stool. Aloe 1. Stool. Chronic diarrhoea with a psoric anamnesis; stool brown, fecal, fer- mented, offensive. Mezer. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stools dark-brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Til. Tig. Clin. Stool, (Constipation.) Constriction of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool, Sil. 3, Stool, Constipation; stool hard, with burn- ing in anus, lumpy, scanty, offensive, difficult, light-colored, Sil, 1. Stool hard, with urging and sticking in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half-digested, of intolerable odor, Graph, 1. - Stool remains long in rectum, as if there were no power to expel it, Sil, 2. Stool scanty, difficult, Alum, 1. Stool. Constipation; stool at times scanty, s unsatisfactory, Sulf, 1. Stool. Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stool; copious, fre- quent, with shivering, Ver, Alb. 1. Stool, Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again after urging and straining, till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1. Stool. Contracted sensation in rectum dur- ing stool; stool difficult, hard, causing tearing in anus so that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Natr. M, 2. Stool hard, like sheep-dung, and difficult; nodular, with pain in rectum; crumbly, as if burnt. Mag, M. 1. Stool very hard. Agar, 1. Stool. Pressure and sense of excoriation in rectum after a small, hard stool. Alum, 2. Stool. like sheep-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days; or green, in balls, often hard. Plumb. 1. Stool, Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in small pieces, with loss of ap- petite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool small, dark and difficult, apparently from inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Stool. Urging in rectum, with scanty stool; passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Stool, Hard, crumbling, scanty stool, cov- ered with mucus. Am. Mur. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool hard and crum- bly and unsatisfactory; difficult; with pain as if rectum would burst; then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturi- - tion. Natr. M. 1. Stool. Constipation as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rec- tum ; stool hard, then sticking as from haemorrhoids. Nux V. 1. Stool, Constipation; stool small, hard, often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc, 1. Stool, Obstinate constipation; stool dry and difficult, with confusion of head. Bry. 1. Stool soft but difficult; indolent; also with sensation as if a part remained. Nux Mos. 1. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; diffi- cult, with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, fol- lowed by Soreness in an us along rec- tum. Alum. 1. Stool. Constipation ; stool hard and diffi- cult; mixed with mucus and knotty; whitish, scanty, brownish, difficult but not hard. Sep. 1. - Stool. Constipation; stool hard, green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus, whit- ish-gray. Merc. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool of brown feces containing white, Shining grains. Mezer. 1. Stool hard and difficult, brown and knotty. Card. M. 1. Stool. Inactivity of rectum and inability to evacuate feces; constant, ineffect- ual desire after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Stool. Constipation during menstruation; stool like sheep-dung; painful and difficult; insufficient ; after much pres- sure. Kali C. 1. Stool. Distention of abdomen, with fre- quent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Arn. 5. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, Stool. Urging in rectum; stool not hard, but difficult, on account of inactivity of rectum. Graph. 2. Stool. Constriction of anus, with itching burning all day; worse after urinat- ing; with hard stool. Nit. A c. 3. Stool. Throbbing pain in rectum all day; after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool, and in anus. Sulf. 2. Stool. Constipation; stool large in size, with great effort of abdominal mus- cles. Zinc 1. Stool. Constipation; stool every second day. Mag. C. 1. Stool unsatisfactory, after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry 1. Stool. Ineffectual attempts at stool. AEsc. *D. Stool. Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a por- tion of the anus was protruded; with Severe backache in lumbar region. AESC. 1. Stool. Hard stool. Lyc. 1. Stool. Constipation; hard, insufficient stool, with urging and protrusion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- cult, only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- cult. Ant. Cr. 1. Stool indurated, as if burnt, preceded and followed by pressure; constipation. Plat. 1. Stool. Ineffectual urging; frequent, then stool in single stony pieces. Coloc. 2. Stool. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass anything; great, urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without any evacuation. Anac. Clin. Stool. Constipation ; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splin- ter-like, cutting pains. Nit. A c. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum, and when feces are nearly expelled they suddenly recede into the rec- tum; even a soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Sil. Clin. Stool. Alternation of diarrhoea and con- stipation; stool like sheep's-dung. Chel. Clin. Stool. Inactivity of rectum ; even a Soft and thin stool requires great straining. Alum. Clin. Stool. Constipation ; frequent and unsuc- cessful desire for stool; insufficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Stool. Difficult expulsion of soft stool. Natr. S. Clin. Stool. Constipation in sad, desponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging but insufficient stool though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. (333) STO O L. STO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. Stool. Constipation; torpor of rectum; Stool. Constipation; hard stool every Stool. Thin stool afternoons with flatu- even a soft stool is voided with diffi- other day or every three or four days. lence. Dulc. 1. culty. Psor. Clin. Coco. Clin. Stool. Discharge of offensive flatus after Stool. Constipation ; ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin, Stool. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum; inability to expel feces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Stool. Chronic constipation from irregu- lar menstruation; inactivity of intes- times whether stool is hard or soft; alternation of constipation and diar- rhoea. Puls. Clin. Stool. Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool. Op. Clin. Stool. Contractive sore pain in rectum from blind haemorrhoids one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Ign. Clin. Stool. Obstinate constipation; difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; a ripping-up sen- sation in the anus after stool. Natr. M. Clin. Stool. Constipation, with hard crumbly stool, or the feces are covered with glairy mucus and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus. Amm. Mur. Clin. Stool. Hard stool with depression of mind, causing headache and vertigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Stool. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool like sheep’s-dung passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool retarded on ac- count of lack of peristaltic action; hard, Scanty stool with cutting and burning in anus. Staph. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool dry, brittle granular ; which is passed only after prolonged effort. Zinc. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool hard, knotty, streaked with blood, preceded and ac- companied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool hard, then burning and pressure in anus; scanty. Kali B. 1. Stool. Constipation ; stool hard, only occurring once in two or three days; hard as if he were passing stones. Coloc. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Stool. Constipation; no urging; inactivity of rectum ; stool insufficient, hard; much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. Stool. Constipation; stool hard, slow, with chill before and after stool; in knots and balls; sluggish bowels; suit- able to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Mezer. Clin. Stool. Constipation produced by cheese; better from Smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacuation which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Stool. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool, dryness of rectum ; knotty stools, shining as if greased; very Small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Stool. Constipation; large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect : Sensation as if much remained after stool, then action of the bowels irreg- ular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Stool. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very Small; resembles sheep's-dung; passed Only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. Stool. (Flatulence.) Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand. Aloe 2. Stool, Flatulent distention of abdomen after stool, Lyc. 5, Stool. Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus, falling out without exertion, al- most unnoticed. Aloe 1. Stool, Scanty, watery stool about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool. Arg, N. 1. Stool pasty, with burning in anus; offen- sive in afternoon, then burning in anus, with much flatus, then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation. Bry. 1. Stool. Griping in abdomen, worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; ame- lioration after a thin stool, with dis- charge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon, bet- ter from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Stool. Emission of flatus after every meal; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive, Aloe 5. Stool. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes un- consciously, with Sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Stool. Distention of abdomen, with rum- bling after stool; after breakfast, with griping ; then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea. Kali B. 5. Stool. Burning in anus after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Aloe 3. Stool. Urging to stool after eating, when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising ; ineffectual; also with emis- sion of flatus. Aloe 2. Stool. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. China. 5. º Stool. Emissions of flatus loud, short and interrupted ; offensive; worse before stool. Mezer. 5. Stool. Offensive flatus, with stool; fre- quent and loud, easy, with inclination as for soft stool. Aloe 5. Stool. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during Stool; in groins; amel- ioration from emission of flatus; with sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. dinner; amelioration after stool, with movement in hypogastrium. Coloc. 5. Stool. Pain in abdomen as if everything were sore; on every step, as from in- carcerated flatus; flatulent after stool as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones. Nux V. 5. Stool. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Stool. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clim. t Stool, (Green.) Stool of green mucus, with retching; vomiting of mucus and intol- erance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody, Arg, N. 1. Stool, Diarrhoea of green mucus; as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Stool, Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, ex- hausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. - Stool of greenish water with distention of abdomen; frequent; liquid ; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1, - Stool. Green stool preceded by crying; frequent and easy. Borax 1. Stool. Small stool after colic with tenes- mus; first of dark green feces, then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Stool watery, of blood and water, con- tained acrid water, greenish. Ars. A. 1. | Stools. Mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus: y stools frequent, Small; burning in rec- | tum and bladder; bloody; shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. . Stool. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs; worse at night; pain in- creased after stool. Merc. Clin. : Stool. Dysentery of bloody mucus mixed with the green, watery stool. Mag. C. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea with cutting pressing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested putrid; fetid; sour smell- ing. Nit. A c. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea, with colicky pains around navel before or during stool; stools sour, liquid, slimy, fecal, mixed With green slime. Rheum Clin. Stool. (Haemorrhoids.) Protruding hamor- rhoids during stool; when walking; painful, Sep. 3. St001. Sore pain in anus without reference to stool; pain as from blind piles. Ign. 3. (334) S TO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. STC) O L. Stool. Haemorrhoids sensitive, though pro- - truding but little; protrude during stool, return with difficulty and with bloody mucus from rectum. Sil. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids swollen, protruding, burning, Sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Tyc. 3, Stool. Haemorrhoids, with swelling; pro- truding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum, burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids; pain during normal stool. Mag. M. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids like red cherries; protrude after stool, with sore pain in anus. Diosc. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids swollen, bleeding during natural stool. Kali C. 3. Stool. Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool which is not hard ; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids swollen and protrude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with Stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Stool. Haemorrhoids intensely painful; boring cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and Suppurate. Sil. Clin. - - Stools. Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood ; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool; painless piles. Sulf. Clin. Stool. Fissures of the anus with periodi- cal profuse bleeding from the anus; pain in small of back as if bruised; sore, blind haemorrhoids protruding after stool. Rhus Tox. Clin. Stool. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning, particularly after stool. Berb. Clin. Stool. Bleeding piles; blood flows with each stool in a small stream. Phos. Clin. Stool. Haemorrhoids with bleeding dur- ing and after stool. Ign. Clin. Stool. Haemorrhoids from engorgement of the liver; haemorrhage from rec- tum. Hep. Clin. Stool. Bleeding of haemorrhoids, blood red, not clotted; bleed after every stool. Nit. A c. Clin. Stool, (Light Colored.) Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging; clay-colored. Hep. 1. Stool contained many white shreds. Colch, 1. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty; at an unusal time; lumpy; light; clay-colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Stool intermitting, frequent, at first hard then pasty, then liquid, white, offen- sive like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. Stool thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus, also blood. Graph. 1. Stool white, gelatinous, like frog's Spawn; frequent, with pressure. Hell. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, frequent, also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. Stool white with dark urine. China 1. Stool. White tough mucus with the stool like scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. Stool whitish, mixed with tenacious mu- cus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Stool. Constipation; stool white; of only yellow white mucus mixed with blood, with pain in back. Puls. 1. Stool. Pain in right hypochondrium, es- pecially when limited to a small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay- colored stool. Kali B. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with dis- charge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, ap- parently without any weakening ef- fect; stool white, gray, copious, pain- less, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. Stool. (Mia!ed Colors.) Diarrhoea; stool semi- fluid and frequent in morning; pappy, yellowish-green, copious, fetid, Sulf, 1. Stool watery, feces yellow; frequent diar- rhoea of yellow-greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water, Grat, 1. Stool, Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent. Pod, 1. Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around um- bilicus, Gamb. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea with coldness of extremi- ties; with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mu- cus; offensive, yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. - Stool pasty, bright yellow; copious, with much mucus and light gray. Chel. 1. Stool gray, whitish gray, green, bloody, difficult. PhOS. 1. Stool, Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish-gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Stool. Urging to a copious yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic ; then two abundant stools in quick Succession, first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Stool. Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white with red urine. A con. 1. Stool liquid and brownish, frothy, pro- fuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish, mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus, red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude. Rhus Tox. 1. - Stool yellowish-white, frequent, green. Sulf. A.C. 1. Stool thin; fluid, frequent, whitish-yel- low. Cocc. 1. - Stool. Chronic diarrhoea, especially dur- ing early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment ; yellow, pasty, black; mucous and blood-streaked ; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Stool, Stool. Diarrhoea; frequent; profuse, greenish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea, like scrapings of intes- times; reddish, mucous or blood; flaky, With extreme burning in amus during Stool. Canth. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool sour, green, bloody; One stool fetid the other odorless; one containing fecal matter; the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food ; from fruit; ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offensive, nearly painless; involuntary, dark || brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog-pond, green frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-smelling, undigested; con- taining curds. Mag. C. Clin. Diarrhoea from abuse of intoxicat- ing drinks or high living; stools fre- quent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish- green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Stool. (Protrusion of Rectum.) Contraction of rectum, so that it protrudes during hard stool, Lyc, 2. Stool, Prolapsus of rectum from moderate exertion of stool. Ign, 2. Stool. Aggravation of internal piles, with protrusion of rectum after stool; Sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Stool. Feeling in rectum as if mucous membrane were thick and obstructed stool, and as if rectum would pro- trude if the effort were continued. AEsc. 2. & - Stool. Prolapsus; prolapsed feeling after stool; prolapsed feeling with back- ache. AEsc. 3. Stool. Protrusion of rectum after stool, then painful constriction of anus. Lach. 2. Stool. Procidentia recti during stool. Ign. Clin. Stool. (Pains during Stool.) Stitches in rec- tum, during and after stool, with spas- modic constriction in anus, Nit. Ac. 2. Stool, Cutting in rectum during normal stool, Sulf. 2, Stool, Pain in rectum during stool, as if something would be torn asunder. Nit, Ac, 2. Stool, Cutting in hypogastrium in morning, with a thin stool, Sulf. 7. Stool. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Stool. Burning, biting, stinging in anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Caps. 3. Stool. Smarting in rectum and anus, with Soft stool. Mur. A c. 2. Stool. Burning in anus during soft stool. Amm. Mur. 3. (335) STO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. S TO O L. Stool. Scraping, sticking, cutting in rec- tum and amus during stool, with dragging. Nit. A c. 2. Stool. Burning in amus during stool. Merc. C. 3. Stool. Pressure in anus during stool, with pain. Alum. 3. Stool. Jerking, almost sticking pain in rectum, with burning, stinging, itch- ing, during stool. Sil. 2. - Stool. Crawling, itching, burning in anus during stool. Zinc. 3. Stool. Burning pain in amus during, be- fore and after stool. Berb. 3. Stool. Pain in anus caused by stool; con- tracted feeling during stool. Chel. 3. Stool. Cutting in abdomen towards evening, during stool; after the stool shivering. Canth. 5. Stool. Sticking in rectum, with smarting during a stool that was not hard. PhOS. 2. Stool. Dried and constricted feeling in rectum during stool. Alum. 2. Stool. Stitches in rectum during stool. Carbo V. 2. Stool. Burning in anus during and after Stool. Lach. 3. Stool. Burning in anus during stool. Calc. C. 3. Stool. (Pain before Stool.) Griping in abdo- men before and during stool; after stool, Sulf. 5, Stool. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of the abdomen; ameliora- tion from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen; said he must go to stool. Plunb. 7. Stool. Cutting in abdomen in morning in bed; griping at night, with pain be- fore stool. Nit. A c. 5. Stool. Griping and jerking in abdomen, with pain which is better after stool. Rhus Tox. 5. Stool. Griping in abdomen before stool; also during and after stocl. Aloe 5. Stool. Griping in abdomen, then stool, with constriction in recturn. Phos. 5. Stool. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m., then unusual stool. A mm. Mur, 7. Stool. Griping in upper abdomen when she wishes to go to stool. Nux V. 5. Stool. Cutting before stool with griping. Mag. C. 5. Stool. Pain in abdomen with coldness, then heat and warm sweat; heat with inclination to stool; pain in trans- verse colon at 3 a. m., ther diarrhoea. POd. 5. Stool. Spasmodic pain in anus, before and after stool. Lach. 3. Stool. (Pains after Stool.) Burning in rec- tum after stool. Æsc, 2. Stool, Sharp pain in rectum after stool and after eating; aggravation from exert- ing the mind or studying in morning be- fore stool. Nux, W. 2, Stool. Burning in anus after a thin stool; after a soft formed stool. Sulf, 3, Stool, Burning in anus after stool; sore in morning as if points were sticking in it. Iris V. 3. Stool. Dragging Or griping in abdomen after stool. Carbo V. 5. Sstool. Pain in region of ascending colon on rising after stool; in region of right quadratus lumborum muscles on rising from lying. Rhus Tox. 7. Stool. Burning in rectum after stool. Natºr. C. 2. - Stool. Burning in rectum and anus after soft stool, with exhaustion. Phos. 2. Stool. Sore pain in rectum after stool. Staph. 2. Stool. Pressure in rectum after Puls. 2. Stool. Smarting in anus after hard stool; burning after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. Stool. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. Stool. Burning in rectum in morning after a copious stool. Calc. C. 2. Stool. Burning and griping in rectum after stool. Kali C. 2. Stool. Pain in abdomen in evening after drinking ; after stool, on touch, with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. Stool. Burning in anus after stool, with itching. Mur. A c. 3. Stool. Burning Smarting in anus some hours after stool, with cutting as in Sore; biting in evening with Sore pain. Nux V. 3. - Stool. Biting Sore sensation in and around anus after stool, with itching and soreness. Kali C. 3. Stool. Burning pain in anus after stool; in forenoon, with pressure. Kali B. 3. Stool. Excoriated feeling after a stool, attended with a contraction of rec- tum and constriction of anus. Alum. 3. Stool. Burning in anus when not at stool and before and after stool. Olean. 3. Stool. Stitches towards anus, with sore- ness and burning after stool. Carbo V. 3. stool. Stool. Sticking cutting in anus after stool. Aloe 3. Stool. Griping in abdomen, as in diar- rhoea, after stool. Natr. M. 5. Stool. Acrid Smarting, burning sensation at the anus and up the rectum, after stool, as if a hot spray were projected over the parts. Lil. Tig. Clin. Stool. (Tenesmus and Urging.) Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after, as if something remained; pressure during soft stool, Sulf. 2. St00l. Anxious urging in rectum; frequent ineffectual after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft. Nux W. 2, Stool. Sensation of a plug between symphy- sis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Aloe 7. Stool, Urging to stool in rectum, Agar. 2. Stool. Urging to stool, with passage of urine. Aloe 2, Stool, Tenesmus in morning after waking, then a copious fluid stool, Sulf, 2. Stool, Bearing-down pains in hypogas- trium ; worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Stool. Urging to stool. Æsc, 3. Stool. Cutting low down in abdomen, pen- etrating into pelvis; worse from re- tracting walls of abdomen, with urg- ing to stool. Puls. 7. Stool. Urging in rectum, so that he could Scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool, Natr. C. 2, Stool. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, mem- branous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Stool. Frequent and successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of a small quantity of soft stool. Arg. M. 2. Stool. Contractive pain in hypogastrium, like after-pains, with urging to stool. Con. 7. Stool. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilli- neSS running up back; then urging to stool; then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Stool. Urging to stool after drinking, but Only a little mucus passed. Caps. 2. Stool. Urging to stool after a meal; more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. Stool. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet, on account of this pain, he does not dare | to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Stool. Tenesmus; urging to stool. A con. 2. Stool. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, With Sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. Stool. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus; the desire for stool aggravated when standing. Lil, Tig. 7. - Stool. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, offensive stool with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus; later another. Stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually sub- sided returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Stool. Tenesmus, then copious, thin or paplike, Sour-smelling stool, with re- lief. Arn. 2. Stool. Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenes- mus as in dysentery, with burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. - Stool. Urging to stool, which is thin, fre- quent, but ineffectual, or with a Scanty, hard stool. Bell. 1. Stool. Urging in rectum to stool, with Sensation in anus and lower part of rectum as if weakened by diarrhoea. Coloc. 2. Stool. Frequent desire in rectum for stool. Hyos. 2. Stool. Griping in abdomen, with ineffec- tual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; ag- gravation from eating plums, Rheum 5. Stool. Urging more in upper intestines; stool Soft and insufficient; anxious urging; inability to evacuate feces, without danger of eversion and pro- lapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. w (336) STO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. STO O L. Stool. Ineffectual urging, with feeling as if rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Kali C. 2. Stool. Griping in abdomen with constant desire for stool, but little is evacuated, Merc. 5. Stool. Urging in rectum on rising, be- fore stool, which shot out as from a gun. Phos. 2. Stool. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Stool. Urging in rectum to stool. Berb. 2. Stool. Desire for stool whenever she lies On left side. Phos. Clin. Stool. (Yellow.) Yellow watery diarrhoea, with tearing cutting before stool as after taking cold, Dulc, 1. Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chop- ped, Sulf. Ac, 1, - Stool light yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Borax 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool soft and bright yellow; pasty; of the order of putre- fying Snakes. Lach. 1. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty; Smelling almost like burnt blotting- paper; copious, with discharge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Stool. Tiquid stool; diarrhoea in morn- ing on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. Stool soft, mixed with serum, Orange- colored, loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Stool. Yellow, pappy, pasty stool. 1. Stool. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious yellow, half liquid stool; with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Stool. Frequent, yellow, watery stool, with griping. Apis 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow, in morning, with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of ſlatus. Natr. S. 1. Stool. Watery stool through the day; yellow, painless, with rumbling. Iris V. 1. Stool. Pain in umbilical region in morn- ing, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with frequent cutting through all small intestines. DiOSC. 7. Stool. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with Sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back Aloe 1. Stool enveloped by filamentous, yellowish mucus; this mucus is entirely blood in last portions of feces. Carbo V. 1. Stool, Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal; with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Stool. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool, with un- digested food. Hep. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; Stool like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus, sometimes frothy, extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters. Sulf. A c. Clin. Aloe Stool, Stool, (Miscellaneous.) Sensation in rec- tum, as if stool were incomplete. Nux W. 2. Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1. Stool, first part lumpy; second, soft, Lyc, 1. Stool, Faintness, with sensation of empti- ness in abdomen after stool, Pod. 5, Stool. Involuntary stool at night in sleep. Arn, 1. Stool watery, spurting from him. Jatr. 1, Stool soft, mixed with mucus, frequent. Puls, 1, Stool of only clear, mucus, Hell. 1, Stool undigested, Calc. C. 1. Stool during micturition, also at 5 a. m., with micturition; in morning after rising; after breakfast. Aloe 1. Stool undigested, of food eaten the previous evening; involuntary. Olean. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea in morning and through forenoon; the natural stool in evening immediately after eating and drink- ing; alternating with constipation. POd. 1. Stool. Thin stool preceded and followed by rumbling and at times noise as if a bottle were emptied, Jatr, 1. Stool. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; involum- tary. Ver. Alb. 1. Stool, Diarrhoea in morning, then burning in anus; aggravation at night, pre- ceded by cutting in abdomen, then prickling and burning in anus; stool smelling like old cheese, Bry. 1. Pain in abdomen better after stool; with unbearable anxiety, so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life. Ars. A. 5. Stool. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing, tension, heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool. Sep. 5. Stool. Pressure on rectum and on bladder, then pressure downward in abdomen and an us when at stool. Lil. Tig. 2. Stool. Diarrhoea after eating, of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in an us and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Stool. Diarrhoea in morning after rising; stool dark; aggravation in morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive, with griping. Nux V. 1. Stool. Desire for stool in rectum in even- ing with griping in hypogastrium, then large, moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Stool. Noise in abdomen, as if a full bottle were emptied in evening, con- tinuing after a thin stool at 10 p.m. Jatr. 5. Stool. Stool frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small; consisting of mucus. Arm. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very offen- sive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. tenacious, colorless Stool. Diarrhoea; stool passes better when standing. Caust, 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft ; difficult from inactivity of the rec- tum. Natr. M. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. Ac. 1. Stool involuntary. Bell. 1. Stool offensive, involuntary, delayed. Op. 1 Stool. Liquid, involuntary stool; then burning in anus and griping in intes- times. Kali B. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool watery, painless. Thuja 1. Stool after dinner very dry, and like sand, but passed without trouble. Arg. M. I Stool. Sore pain in rectum during stool as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Stool. Gnawing in rectum when not at stool. Carbo V. 2. Stool. Heat in lower part of rectum dur- ing stool. Con. 2. Stool. Fissures more in rectum than in anus after stool. Nit. A c. 2. Stool. Jerking in anus when not at stool. Nux V. 3. Stool. Sticking in anus when not at stool. Con. 3. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without injury. Lach. 3. Stool natural at first, then several small, loose evacuations; then small, hard evacuations, with violent straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Stool soft and insufficient. Kali C. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea in morning; stool papes- cent, with much mucus, but no real pain. Bapt. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forci- ble, frequent, followed by tenesmus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. Stool. Straining to stool, then scanty diarrhoea; then increased straining. Bell. 2. Stool. Burning in rectum, with the evac- uation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious; pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms except the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Stool. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Stool. Natural stool, with pressure and straining; with mucus. Sil. 1, Stool. Pressure in anus during and after a pasty stool. Sulf. A c. 3. Stool. Thin stool after waking at 3 o'clock. Aloe 1. Stool. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Small stool consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Stool. Diarrhoea; involuntary stool when coughing; suitable to old persons; to scrofulous and phthisical patients. PhOS. Clin. ( 337 ) tº S TO O L. REPERTORY OF PART II. STO O L S. Stool. Involuntary, unnoticed, hard stool. Aloe Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea with urging and ina- bility to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feeling in abdomen and rectum ; faintness. Lept. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea with burning in rectum and anus after stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea coming on Suddenly; faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and Sweet- meats during summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot, Tig. Clin. Stool. Painful diarrhoea of old people; even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbo V. Clin. Stool. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless; gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea, aggravated by motion; straining to stool. Bell. Clin. Stool. Mesenteric disease, glandular en- largement ; emaciation ; irregular stool; enormous appetite. Tod. Clin. Stool. Dong-continued sensation in rec- tum after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Berb. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by ex- cessive cutting around about the navel, and expelled all at Once after considerable urging and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; frequent desire for stool; with chilliness and nausea; stools offensive, painless, fluid, Scanty, putrid, with biting, burning sensation in anus. Sil. Clin. Stool. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rec- tum and anus like soft clay ; tena- cious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. Stools. (Bloody.) Stools spotted with blood. Natr, C, 1. - Stools. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Colch. 1. Stools. Bloody stools, with painful, acrid sensation in anus. Merc. 1. Stools. Dysenteric attacks for several suc- cessive years; frequent bloody stools, with gnawing at navel, then inffectual straining. Kali B. 1. Stools. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stir- red eggs; worse at night; pains in- creased after stool. Merc. Clin. Stools. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy stools; with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. Stools. Dysentery, with a low type of fever; bloody, almost painless stools. Apis Clin. Stools. Dysenteric, bloody stools, with intolerable burning tenesmus; with chill as if water was poured over one. Canth. Clin. Stools. Dysenteric stools; blood and slime separated. Mur. A c. Clin. Stools. Dysentery; stools watery, mucous and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus TOx. Clin. . Stools. Dysentery; stools bloody, mucous every half hour, with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. Clin. Stools. Diphtheritic dysentery; burning in rectum, with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. A c. Clin. Stools. Dysentery when the patient is cold, skin blue, stools of bloody mu- cus. Iris V. Clin. Stools. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenes mus; stools almost black and fermented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Stools. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly-like; stringy discharges, with tenesmus dur- ing and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Stools. Chronic dysentery; stools fre- quent, Small, pitch-like, with pale blood; involuntary. Zinc. Clin. Stools. (Brown.) Diarrhoea, with great prostration; stools involuntary during sleep; brown, fermented, with fetid breath and loathing of food. Arn. Clin. Stools. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood, look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- vation in morning and forenoon, with tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Lil. Tig. Clin. Stools. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clin. Stools. (Constipation.) Constipation in spite of frequent straining, on following days hard, difficult, unsatisfactory stools, Sil. 1. Stools, Constipation painless, stools hard masses, scanty, enveloped in mucus, with pricking, cutting in anus. Nit. A c. 1. . Stools. Constipation; stools of tenacious feces, with great tenesmus, Merc, C. 1, Stools. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Pompart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of wa- tery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. |PhOS. 1. Stools. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung after great Straining and burn- ing, with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools not hard. Natr. C. 1. Stools. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite Sep. 2. Stools. Knotty stools. Natr. S. 1. Stools. Difficult stools with straining and burning in rectum. Nit. A c. 1. Stools. Children’s stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clin. Stools. Constipation; stools consisting of small, hard, black balls. Plumb. Clin. Stools. Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea; stools hard, crum- bly, clayey, Pod. Clin. - Stools. Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is in- active; the stools are hard; often associated with Soreness of the rec- tum and anus, which bleed readily. Alum. Clin. Stools. Constipation with ineffectual urg- ing; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark colored; Constipation alternating with diar- rhoea. Iod. Clin. Stools. Constipation in persons of sed- entary habits from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble When passing, with great straining, and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. Stools, Constipation; stools enormously large and painful, leaving the sphinc- ters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus, especially in those who have abused alcohol or narcotics. Lach. Clin. Stools. Chronic constipation; inertia of rectum; stools very large and very hard. Ver. Alb. Clin. Stools. Constipation ; large, hard, diffi- cult stools; frequent urging, without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Stools. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Stools. Obstinate constipation; inactiv- ity or intussusception; spools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing, as if it would fly to pieces. Thuja. Clin. Stools. Habitual constipation; stools Scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus. Kali B. Clin. Stools very Sluggish ; the rectum seems plugged up ; the attempt to have a stool causes distress in the abdomen. Anac. Clin. Stools. Bowels very inactive; the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort. Hep. Clin. - Stools. Inactivity of rectum; stools hard. Natr. M. Clin. Stools. Obstinate constipation, with feel- ing of a load in rectum, which cannot be evacuated; stools seem to stick to the anus like putty. Plat. Clin. Stools. Obstinate constipation, especially if it alternates with diarrhoea, with stool followed by tremulous weakness. Con. Clin. Stools. Constipation ; fecal stools com- pletely enveloped in mucus. Op. Clin. (338) STOOLS. REPERTORY OF PART II. S TO O L S. Stools. Constipation of long standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum in- active. Op. Clin. Stools hard, dark brown or black; dry as if burnt. Bry. Clin. Stools. (Flatulence.) Stools watery, with flatulence and frequent; more frequent after taking food or water, Ferr, 1. Stools. Flatulence in abdomen, then urg- ing; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Stools. Colic in abdomen, as after taking cold, as before diarrhoea, before stools, with rumbling and pain in small of back. Dulc. 5. Stools frequent, watery, with burning in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus; fre- Quent, of only mucus; at times, with cutting and urging. Nit. A c. 1. Stools. Rumbling in abdomen all the fore- noon, with gurgling; then four pasty stools, with emission of flatus. Natr. M. 5. Stools. Flatulent colic from acids, with frequent loose stools; cutting almost constantly running from left to right. Ipec. Clin. Stools, (Green.) Stools sudden, pasty, dirty green, offensive, forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Stools, Diarrhoea, in evening, at night, with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Stools, Diarrhoea frequent, with cutting and pressure; stools green, frothy, mu- cous. Mag, C. 1, Stools. Diarrhoea ; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy, undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, tenes- mus during and burning after stool; worse after cold food; pains worse after eating and drinking. Laur. Clin. Stools. Cholera infantum ; great desire for undigestible things like ham, smoked meat; abdomen Sunken, flabby; emaciation ; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph, Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hyster- ical women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty; with tenes- mus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea ; stools as green as grass; fermented; putrid; continu- ous nausea. Ipec. Clin. Stools. Chronic diarrhoea during men- struation; green mucous stools; SOme- times diarrhoea, alternates with Con- stipation. Amm. Mur. Clin. Stools grass-green, slimy, with vomiting; colic. Ant. T. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. A con. Clin. Stools. (Light Colored.) Liver enormously enlarged; jaundice, with clay-colored stools; chronic derangements of liver. Nit. Ac. Clin. - Stools. Jaundice, with clear urine; offensive, tongue white; stools dark. Chel. Clin. Stools. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhaust- ing character; stools whitish, whey- like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Iod. Clin. Stools. Liver torpid, skin yellow; stools light colored ; jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children, during dentition ; hard, un- digested; bleeding from anus after stool. CalC. C. Clin. Stools. Liver enlarged and often in- durated; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch ; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Stools. Cirrhotic liver can be felt, as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools, tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Iod. Clin. Stools. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; swelling of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Stools. Duodenal catarrh, sometimes with jaundice; white stools. Kali B. Clin. Stools. (Mia!ed Colors.) Diarrhoea; stools scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire; offensive; slimy; blackish, Merc. C. 1. Stools. Copious, blackish-brown, and whitish stools. Apis 1. Stools may be brown or black, burning; putrid; brought on by eating or drinking, or aggravated after mid- night, preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- green lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Stools. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Stools. Chronic diarrhoea; green, liquid stools, always mucous and bloody; no emission of flatus for six days. Ratan. Clin. Stools. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea, with almost constant Oozing from anus; stools jelly-like, green or bloody, fetid or sour, expelled quickly; worse after taking boiled milk. Sep. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools green or bloody, the anus remaining constantly Open. Phos. Clin. e Stools. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. sº Stools. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. • Stools. Diarrhoea with great prostration and collapse at the very commence- ment of the disease; cutting pains with a loose discharge of dark brown or black feces like coffee-grounds; rice-water stools. Camph. Clin. - Stools. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin, and brown, later ca- daverous-smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Stools. Chronic diarrhoea in cachectic, dyspeptic persons; stools light gray or brownish ; corrosive, sometimes painless, with rumbling in bowels, colicky pains during and before stool, and burning in anus after. Kali C. Clin. l Stools. Diarrhoea with excessive accumu- lation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with lumps; thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offensive, un- digested, white, cadaverous-smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown watery, white wa- tery, green mucus, thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray; like rice water. Chel. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy; forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natrum M. Clin. Stools. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Stools. Green, slimy stools, mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undigested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor; especially in children during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. Stools green, sometimes slimy; white and mushy; hot and watery; very offen- Sive. Calc. Ph. Clin. Stools. Cholera infantum ; stools whitish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smell of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea in the morning driving him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. (339) | | | | | { | Stools. S TO O L S. REPERTORY OF PART II. STRAINE D. Stools. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gela- tinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer: from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, green- ish, white, watery stools, with flakes; severe pinching colic before stool from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, un- digested; are sometimes mucus, yel- low or green, and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. - - - Stools. Interminable diarrhoea in summer, which resists everything, especially in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin, Stools. (Yellow.) Watery feces, frequent, with Soreness in an us; bright yellow fluid feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast, from vaccination ; stool pale-yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-color- ed, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin. Stools. Cholera infantum ; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour, despite the most careful washing. Sulf. Ac. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offen- sive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment ; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea brought on by rid- ing in cars. Or Carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water; with flatu- lent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen; stools fetid, yellow, pain- less; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Stools. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, pro- fuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. . Stools. (Miscellaneous.) Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour-smelling, then shivering, then urging, with constriction in intes- times, Rheum 1, Stools black, acrid, putrid; excoriated skin about anus, Ars, A, 1. Stools. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings: then ineffectual tendency to diar- rhoea; difficult vomiting; trembling in abdomen and bending together, then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Stools. Offensive diarrhoeic stools. Ant. T. 1. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools frequent in evening; involuntary when sneezing or laughing; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus; in morning, afternoon, and evening, al- Ways soon after eating. Sulf. 1. Stools contain glassy, tough, mucus; cov- ered with mucus. A mm. Mur. 1. Stools. Burning in rectum during and after soft stools. Amm. Mur. 2. Stools. I)iarrhoea; stools frequent, scanty, pasty, exhausting, offensive, as car- rion. Sil. 1. Stools. Copious diarrhoea with vomiting, them watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. Stools. Burning in anus, with frequent stools; itching. Dyc. 3. Stools. Sudden cutting in abdomen, re- lieved after profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry. 5. Stools. Diarrhoea comes on gradually; stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; stools black or thick like glue, passed in thin stripes like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. - - Stools. Dysentery from cold damp weather, rectum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. - Stools. Dysentery; particularly valuable in the collapsed stage; stools invol- untary, grumous; with these condi- tions it has saved many apparently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea in nursing infants; of fensive, preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth. Borax Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mu- cus, like frog's spawn, generally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with constipation. Hell. Clin. Stools. Nervous diarrhoea from depres- sion of the nerve centres; stools loose, papescent, enveloped in bright red foamy blood, preceded by colic, with burning at the anus during and after stool. Zinc. Clin. Stools. Cholera infantum, with involun- tary, offensive stool. Op. Clin. Stools. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels; stools covered with mucus. Puls. Clin. Stools. Involuntary stools in bed, from paralysis of Sphincter ani. Laur. Clin. Stools sometimes involuntary on every motion; this symptom indicates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera infantum. Apis Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy ; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Stools. Frequent, involuntary stools of pu- trid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and in- termittent. Carbo V. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of some- thing pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Stools. Involuntary, putrid stools in ty- phoid. Arn. Clin. Stools at first hard, then mushy, finally fluid, Smelling like rotten eggs; in- Voluntary, fermented, sour-smelling; diarrhoea, alternating with constipa- tion. Calc. C. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheu- matism ; Stools sour-smelling when the weather suddenly changes from || Warm to cold; damp weather. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea from chilling the stom- ach with ice water; from rancid fat; stools putrid, cadaverous-smelling. Carbo V. Clin. Stools. Diarrhoea of undigested stools, Sour Odor, large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. Stools. Cholera or choleraic stool, not Copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Stooping. Frequent urging in rectum with prolapsus and emission of flatus; stooping and, still more, crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Stooping. Stitches in right hypochon- drium during and after stooping. Calc. C. 6. - Stoops. Pain in hypochondria, aggra- wated by standing, so that he stoops; Dulc. towards morning with distention pain in forehead and diarrhoea. Aloe 6. Straighten. Pressure in abdomen downward at night, waking her; with tension of muscles so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf. 5, Strain. ing in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1. Strain. Constipation; an all-gone feeling in rectum; inability to expel feces or to strain at Stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum. Sep. Clin. Strained. Pinching in muscles of abdo- Stools frequent, watery, with burn- t i h i men when sitting as if he had fallen upon them; Strained pain; sensitive- mess of walls. Hyos. 5. | | | | i ( 340 ) STRA N. N. C. Straining. Constipation in spite of frequent straining; on following days hard, diffi- cult, unsatisfactory stools, Sil, 1. Straining. Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again, after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil. 1. Straining in rectum before, during and after stool; fullness; sensation after as if something remained; pressure during soft stool. Sulf. 2. Straining. Stool natural at first, then Several Small, loose evacuations, then small hard evacuations with violent straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Straining. Constipation; no urging; in- activity of rectum; stool insufficient, hard; much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. Straining to stool, then scanty diarrhoea, - then increased straining. Bell. 2. Straining. Stool unsatisfactory, after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and confusion of head. Bry. 1. Straining. Constipation; stools like sheep- dung, after great straining and burn- ing; with balls of mucus like peas; difficult stools, not hard. Natr. C. 1. Straining. Difficult stool, with straining and burning in rectum. Nit. A c. 1. Straining. Natural stool, with pressure and straining, with mucus. Sil. 1. Straining. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years; frequent bloody stools with gnawing at navel, then in- effectual straining. Kali B. 1. Straining. Inactivity of rectum ; even a soft and thin stool requires great straining. Alum. Clin. Straining. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very small, resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great straining. Bapt. Clin. ſº Straining. Diarrhoea aggravated by mo- tion; straining to stool. Bell. Clin. Straining. Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool like sheep’s-dung, passed only after hard straining. Berb. Clin. Straining. Dysentery, bloody and mu- cous, with great straining and burn- ing of anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggrava- tion after eating or drinking. Coloc. Clin. Straining. Chronic dysentery; urgent straining, with Shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Lyc. Clin. Straining. Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen, with in- effectual pressing, straining and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Straining. Constipation in persons of sedentary habits, from atomy of lower intestines; stools hard, dry, crumble when passing, with great Straining and causing prolapse of rectum. Pod. Clin. REPERTORY OF PART II. Strangulated. Piles protruding and strangulated, or with stitches up- ward at each cough or sneeze. Tach. Clin. Straw. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-colored, €onsisting of decomposed blood, look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Streaked. Constipation; stool very hard, passed with much difficulty and streaked with blood. Carbo An. Clin. Streaked. Constipation; stool hard, knot- ty, streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by Smarting at the anus. Natr. S. Clin. Streaks. Diarrhoea in evening, at night, with cutting and pressure in rectum ; with streaks of blood; stools of green mucus, with burning and protrusion of anus; with cutting and griping. Merc. 1. Streaks. White, tough mucus, with the stool like scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. Streaks. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; then a soft one, en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Streaks. Stools whitish, mixed with te- nacious mucus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Streaks. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A c. 1. Stream. Stool hard, in shape of laurel berries; difficult; with cutting in anus as if too narrow ; then a stream of blood, followed by soreness in anus along rectum. Alum. 1. Stream, Stool profuse, black, fetid, running out in a stream; at first hard, black and lumpy, then mushy. Lept. 1. Stream. Bleeding piles; blood flows with each stool in a small stream. Phos. Clin. Strength. Chronic diarrhoea with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus smelling like lime, which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. Stretching. Flatulent colic relieved by stretching the body out or walking DiOSC. Clin. - String. Pain in hepatic region extending downward and across umbilical re- gion as if constricted by a string, Chel. 6. - String, Constriction transversely across um- bilical region as by a string; in after- noon till 6 above navel. Chel. 7. String. Colic; intense paroxysms of a shooting character; abdomen hard as a stone and drawn into the spine as if by a string; knots in recti muscles. Plumb. Clin. - Stringy. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon- colored, chopped, frothy, mucous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burn- ing in rectum during stool. Sulf. Ac: Clin. SU DO EN. Stringy. Stool soft, then empty feeling in abdomen; saffron-yellow; stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac. 1, Stringy. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. Strips. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; stools black or thick like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. A c. Clin. Study. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with SOreness and sharp Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Studying. Sharp pain in rectum after stool, after eating; aggravation from exerting the mind or studying in morning before stool, Nux W. 2, Stuffed. Internal feeling in groins as if stuffed; aggravation from stepping forward, when it seemed that the thickness pushed forward and every- thing would fall out. Cocc. 7. Stuffed. Chronic constipation; feeling in anus as if stuffed full; large, hard, difficult stools only once or twice a week. Apis Clin. Subacute. Catarrhal enteritis; perity ph- litis; subacute colitis. Merc. Clin. Subsided. Desire in rectum for stool, after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, offensive stool, with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus, later another stool, the urging which had gradually subsided returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Substance. Sensation of a foreign sub- stance in rectum, or rough, hard feces, with constant looseness of bowels. Natr. M. 2. Substances. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold substances; stools generally dark, scanty, watery or mucus, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Substantial. Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum and anus after stool ; severe rumbling of gas, watery discharges, mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. - Sudden. (Stool.) Stools sudden, pasty, dirty green, offensive, forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Sudden. Flatulence in abdomen, then urg- ing; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. - Sudden. Diarrhoea frequent and sudden, without pain or smell; watery. Ferr. 1. Sudden. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- Quent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very Offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Sudden. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. (341 ) SU D DEN. REPERTORY OF PART II. SW E L L N. C. Sudden. (Miscellaneous.) Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea; then sudden, complete rest. Kali B. 1. Sudden. Urging to stool after eating, when rising from lying; sudden in morning on rising; ineffectual; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Sudden. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, with sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious, yellow, half liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Sudden cutting in abdomen relieved after profuse, pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double. Bry, 5. Sudden flatulence in hypogastrium, pass- ing painfully towards ring. Graph, 7. Sudden. Rolling and rumbling in abdo- men, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Natr. S. 5. Sudden bounding as of something alive in right iliac region. Thuja 7. Sudden. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy ; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Suddenly. Sharp, pinching pains in liver which come suddenly and with great severity. Berb. Clin. Suddenly. Constipation; stool large, hard lumps which remain long in rectum and when feces are expelled they suddenly recede into the rectum; even a soft stool is expelled with much diffi- culty. Sil. Clin. Suddenly. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after con- | finement. Mur. Ac. Clin. Suffocation. Feeling in abdomen as if distended, even to bursting, causing suffocation. Caps. 5. Suffocation. Intermittent boring in ab- º domen, often extending to chest, threatening suffocation; to small of back, kidneys, bladder, lower limbs. Plumb. 5. Suffocative. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells heart. Laur. Clin. Sugar. Diarrhoea from eating sugar or sweets, of which there is a great fond- ness. Arg. N. Clin. Sulphur. Chronic diarrhoea, with gradual loss of strength; fetid stool and flatus, smelling like lime which has been used to purify gas of sulphur. Phos. Clin. - . Sulphuretted hydrogen. Flatulence; emis- sion of flatus, worse in evening and night, offensive, smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, Sulf. 5. Sulphuretted hydrogen. Distention of ab- domen in morning in bed, relieved by emission of flatus, smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen; also at night, after eating, with heaviness. Sulf. 5. Summer. . Diarrhoea coming on suddenly, faint feeling before, during and after stool; worse from fruits and sweet- meats during Summer; every move- ment of the body renews the dis- charges. Crot. Tig, Clin. about the Summer. Diarrhoea from checked per- spiration during heat of summer with cold nights. A con. Clin. Summer. Mucous diarrhoea in summer, often caused by checked perspiration. Cham. Clin. Summer. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery; gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush ; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool, Natr. C. Clin. Summer. Periodical return of dysentery in spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges, with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. - Summer. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer, which resists everything, especi- ally in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Sunken. Colic, scanty urine, with pallor, sunken features and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face cov- ered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. * Sunken. Cholera infantum ; great desire for indigestible things, like ham, smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flab- by ; emaciation; stools green, undi- gested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. Supper. Distention of abdomen after sup- per, with heaviness, anxiety and emis- sion of flatus. Arg. N. 5. Supper. Distention of abdomen after eat- ing; after a moderate Supper, with griping here and there; sharp pain, as from flatulent food and much drink. China, 5. Supper. Colic from cold, from getting feet wet, from fruits, from ices, pas- try; flatulent colic in evening after Supper or at night. Puls. Clin. Supports. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand | to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. - Suppressed. Haemorrhoids from a sup- pressed cutaneous eruption. Aloe Clin. +. Suppressed. Colic caused by suppressed perspiration, as from drinking ice water when heated. Coloc. Clin. Suppressed. Colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation; men- strual colic. Puls. Clin. Suppression. Asiatic cholera with sudden suppression of the discharges and collapse. Camph. Clin. Suppurate. Haemorrhoids intensely pain- ful; boring, cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool; become incarcerated and Sup- purate. Sil. Clin. Suppurate. Haemorrhoids large, bleeding which suppurate. Merc. Clin. Suppurating. Distention in hepatic re- gion, with pain as if suppurating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Sweet. Suppurating. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, re- lieved bending forward, with pain on touch, as if suppurating. China 6. Suppurating. Haemorrhoids, protruding, large bluish, suppurating and offen- sive, with burning pains in anus. Carbo V. Clin. Suppuration of inguinal glands; buboes. Hep. 7. Suppurative. Swelling of inguinal glands, suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Swallow. Internal coldness in abdomen, after every swallow of drink, re- newed on every inspiration. China 5. Swashing in abdomen as of water, Crot, Tig. Sweat. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful; watery; invol- untary. Ver. Alb. 1. Sweat. Pain in abdomen, then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting in anus as before diarrhoea, from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncovering dur- ing sweat. Nux V. 5. Sweat. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor || Sunken features and Staggering, pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat; pulse tready. Hell. 5. Sweat. Pain in abdomen with coldness, then heat and warm sweat; heat with inclination to stool ; pain in trans- verse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. POd. 5. Sweat. Metro-peritonitis, with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold | Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. | Ars. A. Clin. * : Sweat. Cold from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kidneys | and down into testicles and legs, with cold, clammy, sweat. Diosc. Clin. { Colic after eating and drinking, | obliging one to bend double; worse | from sweet things. Sulf. Clin. Sweetmeats. Diarrhoea coming on Sud- denly; faint feeling before, during | and after stool, worse from fruits and | sweetmeats during summer; every movement of the body renews the discharges. Crot. Tig. Clin. Sweetish. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- ness; cutting rising to upper abdo- men, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Sweets. Diarrhoea from eating sugar or sweets, of which there is a great fond- mess. Arg. N. Clin. Sweets. Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever taking fresh meat, fat foods, acids, sweets. Caust. Clin. - Swell. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Carbo An. 2. Swelling. (Abdomen.) Swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch, Acon, 5. Swelling. Stitches; griping in abdomen, with swelling. Acon. 5. Swelling of abdomen. Crotal. H. 5. ( 342 ) SW E L L ||N C. REPERTORY OF PART II. TEAR N. C. Swelling of abdomen with trembling. Con. 5. Swelling. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of the abdomen; aggravation from lying on left side; better when lying on the back and by gentle pressure. Rhus Tox, Clin. Swelling. (Inguinal Glands.) Swelling of inguinal glands, Calc. C. 7. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circum- scribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. M re. 7. Swelling of inguinal glands. Rhus Tox. 7. Swelling of inguinal glands, with sticking and cutting. Thuja 7. Swelling of inguinal glands; painful; and of axillary glands. Natr. C. 7. Swelling of inguinal glands, suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. AC, 7. - Swelling. (Liver.) China 6. Swelling. Inflammation of the liver, with pain, swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, Small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. Swelling and abscess in liver, with stitch- ing pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up into the chest. Kali C. Clin. Swelling and hardness of the liver; Stitches. Sulf. Clin. Swelling. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools, swell- •. ing of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Swelling. (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids with swelling; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum, burning, painful. Nit. A c. 3. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins, with dis- charge of bloody slime by day and - night. Thuja 3. Swelling. Aggravation of internal piles with protrusion of rectum after stool; sometimes prolapsed for days, owing to the swelling and congestion. Pod. 2. Swelling of liver. Swellings. Hard swellings of the liver. Con. 7. Swollen, (Abdomen.) Abdomen swollen and painful. Ars. A. 5. Swollen. Bruised feeling in the abdom- inal walls which are extremly tender even when the abdomen is not swol- len. Apis Clin. Swollen. Abdomen swollen, hard, Sore above navel, where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes relieved by pressure. Cina Clin. Swollen. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen swol- len and tender to the touch ; some- times associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Swollen. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for re- lief; abdomen swollen, sensitive, no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdomen. Ver. Alb. Clin. Swollen, (Haemorrhoids.) Haemorrhoids swollen and sore, Aloe 3. Swollen. Haemorrhoids, with sore pain; unendurable on walking or reflecting; Swollen, with itching sticking and much moisture; hard, stinging burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. Swollen. Haemorrhoids swollen, protrud- ing, burning, sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during a stool, which is not hard; haemorrhage. Calc. C. 3. Swollen haemorrhoids, with burning sore pain; blue haemorrhoids, with pain on pressure. Mur. A c. 3. Swollen. Haemorrhoids swollen ; bleed- ing during natural stool. Kali C. 3. Swollen. Haemorrhoids swollen and pro- trude with a hard stool; protrude during diarrhoea, with stitching and burning for many hours. Kali C. 3. Swollen. Haemorrhoids, accompanied with obstinate constipation; swollen, itch- ing, Stinging, burning, and painful when touched. Caust. Clin. - Swollen. Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching burning pains; from cold; from ice cream and ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Swollen. (Liver.) Atrophic nutmeg liver, which is swollen; enlargement of liver and spleen after intermittent fever. Nux Mos. Clin. - Swollen. Perihepatitis with sharp Stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Swollen. Hepatic affections in good livers; in alcoholic excesses and after allopathic dosing; liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing. Nux V. Clin. Swollen. (Miscellaneous.) Swollen glands in right groin ; with sensitiveness. Graph. 7. Swollen. Mucous membrane of the amus is swollen and everted; in dysentery, With excessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Taking. Pain in muscles of abdomen when rising from lying, with pressing to stool as from taking cold. Aloe 5. Tallow. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour Smelling; undigested; containing curds. Mag. C. Ciin. Tape. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; Stools black or thick like glue, passed in thin strips like tape. Carbol. A c. Clin. Tar-like. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Taste. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice, yellow tongue, bitter taste. Chel. Clin. Taste. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea, Sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- mess; cutting rising to upper abdo- men, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Tearing. (Abdomen.) Diarrhoea with cold- ness of extremities, with vomiting and prostration; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; stool dark, bloody col- ored; black mucus; offensive, yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Tearing. Griping tearing in upper abdo- men and in side of chest after dinner; aggravated by walking and standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Tearing. Paroxysmal tearing in abdo- men, worse at umbilicus. Plumb. 5. Tearing. Stitches in abdomen, extending into the vagina; tearing; cutting. Ars. A. 5. Tearing. Incarcerated flatus, with ten- sion; sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Tearing. Stitches in abdomen, with grip- ing, tearing, drawing extending to Chest. Nux V. 5. Tearing. Cutting in abdomen on appear- pe rance of menses; aggravation from motion, with tearing in back and Small of back; during menstruation, with diarrhoea. Caust. 5. - Tearing, (Miscellaneous.) Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with tearing cutting before stool, as after taking cold. Dulc. 1. Tearing. Contracted sensation in rectum during stool; stool difficult, hard, caus- ing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Natr. M. 2. Tearing, Constriction in rectum during stool, with discharge of bright blood; after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; after eating, with tearing sticking. Nux W. 2. Tearing around umbilicus, with flatulence, Natr, S. 7, Tearing. Stinging tearing in perineum. Amm. Mur. 3. Tearing. Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence. Arm. 7. Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting. Ruta 2. - Tearing. Griping tearing in region of navel and lower down in sides, with pain in small of back as if broken. Cham. 7. Tearing transversely across pubis and then through pudenda as far as anus. Carbo An. 7. Tearing. Stitches in anus, with tearing, cutting and burning. Kali C. 3. Tearing, Sticking in right hypochon- drium after dinner; in hepatic and right inguinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch; pinching, sticking, tearing. Kali C. 6. Tearing. Sticking in hepatic region; in- termittent tearing. Con. 6. Tearing in hepatic region as if stones would cut their way out, with diar- rhoea, always preceded by an agree- able sensation in the stomach. Nux MOS. 6. (343) i TEARINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. 1–i TE NES MUS. Tearings. Tearing. Dysentery; stools watery, mu- cous and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus, Rhus TOx. Clin. T}rawing pain in posterior part, extending towards back, like tearings. Calc. C. 6. i & * & Tearings extending around anus, with Teething. | | | i } | Smarting. Berb, 3. Green, slimy stools, mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor; especially in children during teething or from tak- ing cold. Cham. Clin. Teething. Cholera infantum ; stools whit- ish, Curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; sour smell- ing of the whole body, especially dur- ing teething. Rheum Clin. Ten. Constipation; stool blackish, scanty, like sheep-dung; painful; only once in eight or ten days, or green in balls, often hard. Plumb. 1. Ten p. m. Rumbling in abdomen between 6 and 10 p. m., with movements of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus; offensive. China 5. Ten p. m. bottle were emptied; in evening, con- tinuing after a thin stool at 10 p. m. Jatr. 5. Tenacious, Stool of only clear, tenacious, colorless mucus. Hell, 1. Tenacious. Constipation; stools of tena- cious feces, with great tenesmus. Merc. C, 1. Tenacious. Stool whitish, mixed with tenacious mucus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Tenacious. Diarrhoea; stool adheres to rectum and anus like soft clay; tena- cious; glutinous. Plat. Clin. ender, Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Cupr. 5, Tender. Bruised feeling in the abdominal walls, which are extremely tender even when the abdomen is not swoll- en. Apis Clin. Tender. Watery, profuse diarrhoea; gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen Swollen and tender to the touch; some- times associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. . Tenderness, Tumefaction of abdomen, with tenderness to touch, Bell, 5. Tenderness, Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw ; tenderness on pressure. Bell, 5. Tenderness. Mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted in dysen- tery, with excessive tenderness. Bell. Clin. Tenderness. Jaundice, with haemorrhage from the nose; tenderness of the liver. Crotal. H. Clin. - Tenderness. Perityphlitis, with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix and hardness. Crotal. H. Clin. Tenderness. Cirrhotic liver; can be felt as emaciation progresses; clay-colored stools; tenderness over the region of the liver, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Tod. Clin. T Noise in abdomen as if a full Tenderness. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tenderness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Crotal. H. Clin. Tenderness. Enlarged liver of drunkards, with inflammation and abscess; jaun- dice; tenderness on pressure. Lach. Clin. Tenesmus. (Constipation.) Constant, inef- fectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum, Merc, 2. Tenesmus, but nothing passes except mucus tinged with blood, Merc, C, 2. Tenesmus. Constipation, with sensitive- ness above Ponpart's ligament and hardness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus. Phos. 1. Tenesmus, Constipation; stools of tena- cious feces, with great tenesmus, Merc, C, 1. Tenesmus with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, membranous | mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urg- ing to stool, which is unsatisfactory. Colch. 2. Tenesmus. Small stool after colic, with tenesmus, first of dark green feces then of dark green mucus. Ars. A. 1. Tenesmus. Expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting in anus as from blind hamorrhoids. Ars. A. 1. Tenesmus. Frequent tenesmus during the day, without ability to expel any- thing. Anac. 2. Tenesmus, but he cannot expel anything and the rectum seems plugged up. Anac, 2. - Tenesmus. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus, only wind, passes with pressure in rectum. Carbo V. 2. 4. Tenesmus. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great urgent desire for stool; but on sitting down the desire imme diately passes off without an evacua- tion. Anac. Clin. Tenesmus, (Diarrhoea.) Tenesmus in morn- ing after waking, then a copious fluid stool, Sulf. 2. * - Tenesmus, Griping in abdomen, with rum- bling; then thin, green diarrhoea with- out tenesmus. Mag, C, 5. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Tenesmus, Small, frequent passages, consist- ing of mucus, at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Caps. 1. Tenesmus. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea; then Sudden, complete rest. Kali B. 1. - - Temesmus, then copious, thin or paplike, sour-smelling stool with relief. Arm. 2. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent, of thin, greenish mucus. Laur. 1. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea, then empty tenes- mus; mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; small stool, consisting of only mucus. Caps. 1. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea, frequent; twice in || morning, with tenesmus. Nit. A c. 1. Tenesmus. Crawling tenesmus in anus as in diarrhoea, every evening before sleep. Plat. 3. Tenesmus during diarrhoea. Alum. 2. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum. Gamb. 2. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, pro- fuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Tenesmus. T)iarrhoea violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea; stool semi-liquid, forcible, frequent, followed by tenes- mus and burning in anus; brown, fre- quent, followed by tenesmus, pain in back and burning in rectum. Rheum 1. -- Tenesmus. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about ; then thin, offensive stool, with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; the urging, which had gradually subsided, returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly- like mucus, like frog's spawn, gener- ally with tenesmus; sometimes pro- fuse, watery, alternating with consti- pation. Hell. Clin. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea; stools dark brown, Semi-liquid, bilious, offensive; aggra- Vation in morning and forenoon, with || tenesmus of bladder and rectum dur- ing stool, preceded by constant drag- ging and bearing-down. Iil. Tig. Clin. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hys- terical women, mostly during night; Stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Tenesmus. Mucous diarrhoea, with tenes- mus; stools frequent, small; burning in rectum and bladder; bloody; Shaggy; greenish; frothy; worse at night. Caps. Clin. Tenesmus. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary, green, mucous or mushy, undigested, with cutting in abdomen before, ten- esmus during, and burning after Stool; Worse after eating and drink- ing. Taur. Clin. . Tenesmus. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools with greenish scum floating on top of Water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Tenesmus. (Dysentery.) Stool of blood and mucus with pain and tenesmus; frequent day and night, with cutting in abdo- men, and almost ineffectual tenesmus. Merc, C, 1, - - Tenesmus. Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenesmus as in dysentery, with burn- ing pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. (344) ; : • * ---- - 1 * * } - ſº TENES MUS. REPERTORY OF PART II. TESTICLES. Tenesmus. Dysentery; stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Colch. 1. Tenesmus. Stool of bloody mucus, with Cutting in abdomen and tenesmus. Merc. 1. Tenesmus. Stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis; feces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood, fol- lowed by tenesmus. Merc. C. 1. Tenesmus. Dysentery; discharges bloody, Some tenesmus but not painful. Bapt. Clin. - Tenesmus. Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever; inflammation, tenes- mus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysenteric, bloody stools, with | intolerable burning tenesmus; with chill as if water were poured over one. Canth. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus, ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysentery in moist weather; aggravation from any current of air; violent tenesmus of rectum and blad- der. Caps. Clin. Tenesmus. Diphtheritic dysentery; burn- ing in rectum with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. A c. Clin. |Tenesmus. Stool bloody with tenesmus, and painful; dysenteric; much black, offensive blood; pseudo-membrane; painful and frequent, with fever and headache. Nit. A c. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysentery; almost constant cutting pains in abdomen, with inef- fectual pressing, straining, and tenes- mus; discharges of bloody slime day and night; severe pains in rectum. continue after stool. Merc. C. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysenteries during the au- tumn, with violent colic and tenes- mus; stools almost black and fer- mented, like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Tenesmus. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of Summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; stringy discharges with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. - Tenesmus. Chronic dysentery; discharges like meat washings; severe tenesmus, burning pain deep in rectum. Pod. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool, and long-lasting, Severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is watery, bloody and Offensive. Plumb. Clin. Tenesmus. Dysentery; stools watery, mu- cous and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus Tox. Clin. ' Tenesmus. (Miscellaneous.) Haemorrhoids, blind, painful, with slow, hot prick- ings; haemorrhoidal tenesmus, caus- ing burning pain. Ars. A. 3. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urg- ing towards anus and genitals, alter- nating with painful contractions of anus. Bell. 2. Tenesmus; urging to stool. A con. 2. Tenesmus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of Soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Aloe 2. Tenesmus. Cutting in umbilical region after eating, with tenesmus. Coloc. 7. Tense. Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Cupr. 5. Tense. Abdomen distended and tense, with rumbling and cutting. Hep. 5. Tense, Abdomen tense and hard; tense and hot, with rumbling, grumbling and constant diarrhoea. Sil. 5. Tense. Swelling of inguinal glands, sup- purative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and mus- cles tense. Nit. A c. 7. - Tension. (Abdomen.) Distention of abdo- men after eating, with tension; ameliora- tion from emission of flatus, Lyc. 5. Tension in abdomen and incarceration of flatus, Lyc, 5. Tension. Pressure in abdomen downard at night, waking her; with tension of mus- cles so that he could not easily straighten up; as from incarcerated flatus. Sulf. 5, Tension. Distention and pain in abdomen, with tension. Coloc. 5. Tension. Colic, with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with tension and grumbling. Op. 5. Tension. Soreness in abdomen as if menses would appear, with drawing; tension; heaviness during motion; emptiness after stool, Sep, 5. Tension. Sticking, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the ab- domen. Alum. 5. Tension. Drawing tension in abdomen. Calc. C. 5. Tension. Tension in abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between pit of stomach and navel; aggravation from motion, with tension in lower part of back. Caps. 5. Tension in abdomen in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Carbo V. 5. Tension. Distention of abdomen with tension and hardness. Chel. 5. Tension. Incarcerated flatus with tension, Sticking, drawing, tearing in whole abdomen. Coloc. 5. Tension in region of left anterior superior spine, of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, extending to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. Tension. Distention of abdomen and after eating; tension with weight, with pain in place of a hernia. Sil. 5. Tension. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Un- easiness in region of liver, with heat, pressure, and tension. Aloe 6. Tension and pressure in hepatic region, as if enlarged, even to bursting. Calc. C. 6. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there, on waking from midday map. Carbo V. 6. Tension in liver when lying on left side, with pressure. Card. M. 6. Tension. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in open air, also with tension in right hypochondrium, as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing while sitting. Natr. S. 6. - . Tension. Sticking in hepatic region; ag- gravation from motion, with tension. Nit. A c. 6. Tension, (Miscellaneous.) Flatulence here and there in hypochondria; even in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing ten- sion and bubbling; amelioration from empty eructations. Lyc, 6. Tension. Constriction of anus during stool, with tension and burning after dry stool. Sil. 3. - Tension. Inflation and tension, with pinching in umbilical region; with frequent emission of flatus. Gamb. 7. Tension in hypogastrium, with pain on touch. Op. 7. Tension. Feeling of tension in hypogas- trium when sitting and walking, with heaviness. Kali C. 7. * * Tension. Spasmodic tension in rectum all day. Ign. 2. Tension. Distention of hypochondria; worse in sides, pit of stomach and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Tensive. Burning and tensive pain in right hypochondrium; worse from pressure; sharp drawing in hepatic region. Mag. MI. 6, Tensive, Drawing, tensive pains in abdomen, like liver pains, Puls, 5. Tensive. Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles, which hang low down. Puls, 5, Tensive. Griping, tensive pain in umbilical region, extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Tensive pain in hepatic region, in right below false ribs, aggravated on deep inspiration. Bry. 6. Tensive pain in morning on getting Out of bed, especially in region of OS pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium were spasmodically constricted; sometimes as if distended; pains generally in- creasing and decreasing. Bell. 7. Tensive pain extending to chest, as from distention of abdomen. Caps. 5. Tensive, spasmodic pain in inguinal re- gions, extending from upper and outer part downward and inward. Chel. 7. Terrible. Colic from the passage of gall- stones; pain shooting into chest and arms with terrible eructations. DiOSc. Clin. Testicle. Drawing, burning in hypogas- trium, extending from right ring, as if in spermatic cord into right testi- cle. Staph. 7. Testicles, Drawing, tensive pains in upper abdomen, extending through spermatic cord into testicles which hang low down, Puls, 5. (345) TESTicles. REPERTORY OF PART II. THIRST. Testicles. Griping in left inguinal, extend- ing to testicles. Diosc. 7. Testicles. Pain in hypogastrium in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Testicles. Boring, cramp-like pains in anus, extending into rectum and tes- ticles. Sil. 3. Testicles. Colic from passage of gravel from kidneys; pains shoot up into kid- neys and down into testicles and legs, with cold clammy sweat. Diosc. Clin. Testicles. Haemorrhoids intensely pain- ful; boring cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; protrude during stool, become incarcerated and Sup- purate. Sil. Clin. Theatre. Nervous diarrhoea from emo- tions; from apprehension as when ready to go to church, theatre, etc. Arg. N. Clin. - Thick. Stool profuse, thick, papescent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms of abdomen. Asaf. 1. Thick. Hard stool and covered with streaks of blood; knotty, enveloped in thick mucus; then a soft One, en- veloped in mucus. Mag. M. 1. Thick. Feeling in rectum as if mucous membrane were thick and obstructed stool, and as if rectum would pro- trude if the effort were continued. Af.sc. 2. t Thick. Obstinate constipation; inactiv- ity or intussusception; stools hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus when passing as if it would fly 4 to pieces. Thuja Clin. - Thigh. Tension in region of left anterior superior spine of ilium in evening, changing into drawing, extending to spine of ilium, to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh. Coloc. 7. - Thighs. Cramps in abdomen ; aggrava- tion in evening and night, with cold- ness in thighs. Calc. C. 5. Thighs. Cutting in abdomen rather than sticking, with salivation before men- ses, with drawing in thighs. Cham. 5. Thighs. Dysentery; stools watery, mu- cous and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus Tox. Clin. Tight. Distension of abdomen on eating, with heaviness of head; with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Thin, (Stool.) Cutting in hypogastrium in morning, with a thin stool. Sulf. 7. Thin, Griping in abdomen, with rumbling; then thin, green diarrhoea, without tenesmus, Mag, C. 5. Thin. Burning in anus after a thin stool; after a soft formed stool, Sulf, 3, Thin, Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand, Aloe 2. Thin. Urging in rectum so that he could scarcely reach the closet; then thin, forcible, spurting stool. Natr, C, 2. Thin. Flatulence in abdomen, then urg- ing; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. Thin. Griping in abdomen; worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; ameli- oration after a thin stool, with dis- charge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc. 5. - Thin, Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish, gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yellow, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. PhoS. A.C. 1. Thin stool, preceded and followed by rum- bling, and at times noise, as if a bottle were emptied. Jatr. 1. Thin, Diarrhoea; stool thin, olive-green, ex- hausting, pernicious, offensive, fre- Quent, brown, slimy; next day fetid and dark. Secale 1. Thin stool after waking, at 3 o'clock. Aloe 1. Thin. Tenesmus, then copious, thin or paplike, Sour-smelling stool, with re- lief. Arm. 2. Thin. Urging to stool, which is thin, fre- Quent, but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool. Bell. 1. Thin. Pain in umbilical region in morn- ing, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain ; with frequent cutting through all Small intestines. DiOSc. 7. Thin. Urging to a copious, yellowish- brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Thin stool, afternoons, with flatulence. Dulc. 1. Thin. Desire for stool in rectum in eve- ning, with griping in hypogastrium; then large, moist, at last thin, sour stool, after which he was relieved but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Thin. Diarrhoea; frequent, thin, involun- tary, with flatus; Small. Ign. 1. Thin. Distention of abdomen, with rum- bling after stool; after breakfast, with griping; then a second thin stool; then retraction of an us and nausea. ECali B. 5. Thin. Stool thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty, Smelling almost like burnt blotting paper; copious, with dis- charge of much mucus. Coloc. 1. Thin. Stool thin like a round worm, with much white mucus, also blood. Graph. 1. Thin. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes un- consciously, with sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Thin. Noise in abdomen as if a full bot- tle were emptied in evening, continu- ing after a thin stool at 10 p. m. Jatr. 5. - Thin. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent, of thin, greenish mucus. Taur. 1. Thin. Stool thin fluid, frequent, whitish- yellow. Cocc. 1. . Thim. Diarrhoea; stool partly liquid, partly solid; offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood. Sulf. A.C. J. Thin. Thin. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, offensive stool, with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually sub- sided returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Thin. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation yellow, thin, or brown; mushy or white, ac- Companied by severe lumbar and sa- cral pains. AEsc. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating, with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Inactivity of rectum ; even a soft and thin stool requires great strain- ing. Alum. Clin. - Thin. Diarrhoea in low types of malarial fever; evacuations horribly offensive, thin, fecal, usually dark. Bapt. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea; stools painless, at first frothy, thin and brown; later cadaver- ous-smelling, containing bits of yel- low feces. Borax Clin. Thin. Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum ; weak digestion, es- pecially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yel- lowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intestines, like pads, here and there, all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea, from bad drainage; from drinking impure water; stools black Or thick, like glue, passed in thin Strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea, with excessive accumu- lation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale, fecal, mixed with lumps; thin, yellow, Shaggy, reddish, mucous, un- digested. Lyc. Clin. . Thin. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus, like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Thin. Diarrhoea, from abuse of intoxicat- ing drinks or high living; stools fre- quent, Small, corrosive, offensive, thin, brownish-green, fecal. Nux V. Clin. Thin. Cholera infantum; stool from the least movement of the body, thin and painless, gushing, profuse, watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Thin. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, pro- fuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux Mos. Clin. Thirst, Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps, 7. Thirst. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen swol- len and tender to the touch, some- times associated with the coldness of the body, unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. (346) T H 1 RST. REPERTORY OF PART II. TOUCH!. Thirst. Colic before stool, before passage of flatus, with thirst; flatulent. China 5. Thirst. Acute dysentery with unquencha- ble thirst ; even the lips, mouth, and throat feel raw and burning; tendency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Thread-worms. Crawling in rectum as from thread-worms. Ign. 2. Thread-worms. Crawling in anus, as of thread-worms. Crocus. 3. - Thread-worms. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itch- ing around it; involuntary, of viscid, Slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Thread-worms. Passes worms, both round and thread-worms. Cina, Clin. Threads, Stool hard, with urging and stick- ing in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus, dark, half digested, of intoler- able odor, Graph. 1. Thready. Colic, scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken features and staggering, pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy Sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Three. Constipation; stool hard and dif- ficult only every two, three or four days. Sulf, 1. Three. Constipation; hard stool every other day or every three or four days. Cocc. Clin. . Three a. m. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness; then heat and warm sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. Pod. 5. Three o'clock. Thin stool, after waking, at 3 o'clock. Aloe 1. Throat. Acute dysentery, with unquench- able thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burning; ten- dency to collapse; cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Throbbing, Beating, throbbing in anus as with hammers. Lach, 3, Throbbing, Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing? Ign, 5. Throbbing pain in rectum all day after stool; also burning pain during the hard stool and in anus. Sulf. 2. Throbbing in and below hepatic region, as if an ulcer would form. Nux V. 6. Throbbing. Pain in abdominal muscles on touch ; throbbing. Kali C. 5. Throbbing. Feeling below hypochondria as if laced, with trembling and throb- bing in epigastric region. Calc. C. 6. Throbbing. Sore feeling in anus, worse outside, with Stitching, burning and throbbing. Calc. Ph. 3. Throbbing. Haemorrhoids, with excessive burning, as from pepper; throbbing Soreness, with drawing pain in back. Caps. Clin. Throbbing. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain in hepatic region; worse from touch or walking; hard- ness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Through. Pain through hypochondria and in right scapula, in region of liver and spleen. Chel. 6. - Through. Intermittent pain, with flatu- lence in hypochondria and stitches through chest. Cham. 6. Through. Paralytic pain in right ring as if something would force its way through when sitting; amelioration from rising. Cocc. 7. Through. Painter's colic; pain in umbili- cal region, extending through to the back. Plat. Clin. Thrust, as from a blunt tool, in right um- bilical region. Anac. 7. Thrust. Haemorrhoids, with sensation as if a red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum ; relieved by sitting in Cold water. Rali C. Clin. Thrusts from one side of the abdomen to the other. Arn. 5. Tight, Intolerance of tight clothing in hypochondria, Calc, C, 6. Tight. Urging in rectum, with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Tinged. Tenesmus, but nothing passes ex- cept mucus tinged with blood, Merc, C, 2. - Tinged. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mu- cus, red, and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. Tingling. Violent itching or tingling at anus from worms. Zing. Clin. Timnitus aurium. Constipation with ver- tigo, heat in the head, and tinnitus aurium ; large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum. China. Clin. Tobacco. Diarrhoea; stools sour, green, bloody; one stool fetid, the other odor- less; one containing fecal matter, the other blood; no two stools alike; caused by eating pork or fat food, from fruit, ice cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Puls. Clin. Together. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting; trembling in abdo- men and bending together, then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Amt. T. 5. - • Tongue. Inflammation of the liver with pain, Swelling, hardness, constant fever, dry tongue, restlessness, small, rapid pulse, and on rising from bed faintness. Iod. 6. - - g Tongue. Metro-peritonitis with nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold Sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. - Tongue. Dropsical diseases depending on organic affections of liver; jaundice, with dull headache; constipation; foul tongue. Card. M. Clin. Tongue. Jaundice, with clear urine, of fensive, tongue white; stools dark. Chel. Clin. - Tongue. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. Tongue, Peritonitis and enteritis with restlessness; dry, red tongue. Rhus Tox. Clin. Tool. Thrust as from a blunt tool in right umbilical region. Anac. 7. - Torn, Pain in rectum during stool, as if something would be torn asunder, Nit. Ac. 2. - Torn. Sore pain in rectum during stool as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Torn. Pain in hypochondrium in ring when coughing, extending into testi- cles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Natr. M. 7. Torn. Cutting in hypogastrium as if every- thing would be torn to pieces; deep down, then higher up; sticking. Kali C. 7. Torn. Pain in upper abdomen as if every- thing would be torn to pieces during menstruation. Graph. 6. Torm. Colic immediately after eating; pain below the navel as if the intes- times were torn. Graph. Clin. Torpid. Liver torpid; skin yellow; stools light colored; jaundice. Hydras. Clin. Torpor. Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids; stool very Small, resembles sheep’s-dung; passed only by very great Straining. Bapt. Clin. Torpor. Constipation; torpor of rectum, even a soft stool is voided with diffi-- culty. Psor. Clin. Torpor. Constipation; torpor of bowels, feces hard, scanty, passed with diffi- culty from constriction of sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind. Lyc. Clin. Torrent. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch; sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Tossed. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go stool. Plumb. 7. Tossing. Early stage of peritomitis and enteritis, with severe, agonizing pain, tossing about, high fever. Acon. Clin. Touch. (Abdomen Painful.) Swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch. Acon, 5. Touch, Bruised pain in abdominal muscles on touch. Sulf, 5. Touch, Pain in abdomen aggravated by pressure, touch and horizontal position; with sensitiveness, Apis 5. Touch. Spasmodic motions of muscles of abdomen; contracted and sore to touch. Cupr. 5. Touch. Soreness of abdomen on touch. AESC. 5, Touch. Soreness in abdomen, especially in sides and down sides of umbilicus on touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Touch, Soreness in abdomen as if beaten or as after purgatives; on touch and on coughing. Ferr. 5. ( 347 ) T OU C H . REPERTORY OF PART II. TREMBLIN C. |Touch. Pain in abdominal muscles on touch ; throbbing. Kali C. 5. Touch. Bruised pain in muscles of abdo- men on motion and on touch. Nux V. 5. Touch. Pain in abdomen in evening, after drinking, after stool, on touch, with diarrhoea. Puls. 5. Touch, (Abdomen Sensitive.) Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, Acon, 5. Touch, Tunsefaction of abdomen with ten- derness to touch, Bell, 5. Touch. Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Cupr. 5. - Touch. Abdominal colic, radiating to all parts of body; sensitiveness of abdo- men to touch. Plumb. 5. Touch. Abdomen tympanitic, hard and sensitive to touch, with rumbling. Op. 5. - Touch. Abdominal affections, character- ized by extreme sensitiveness to touch; intolerance of even the clothing. Bell. Clin. Touch. Watery, profuse diarrhoea, gush- ing out like a torrent; abdomen swoll- en and tender to touch ; sometimes associated with coldness of the body and unqenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Touch. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tenderness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes. Crotal. H. Clin. Touch, (Haemorrhoids, Painful.) Haemor- rhoids swollen, protruding, burning, sticking; protruding during soft stool; painful on touch; painful when sitting. Lyc. 3. Touch. Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels, with sticking; with burning pain on walking, on touch. Sulf. 3. Touch. Haemorrhoidal pressure in anus, with burning when seated; on touch. Thuja 3. Touch. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at an us. Sulf. A c. Clin. Touch. Piles, with pain on sitting down or taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; wiih violent pinching and very sore to touch. Graph. Clin. Touch. Old pendulous hæmorrhoids that cease to bleed but become painful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A G. Clin. Touch. Haemorrhoids, bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding, bleeding from least touch, with stitching, burning pains; from cold, from ice cream and * ice water in hot weather. Ars. A. Clin. Touch. (Hypochondrium, Right, Painful.) Bruised pain in right hypochondrium, worse from touch on breathing, Lyc, 6. Touch. Sticking pain in hepatic region, with burning when sitting bent over; on touch ; bile increased, Sulf. 6. Touch. Pain in hypochondria on touch, in region of liver; bruised pain. Carbo V. 6. Touch. Intermittent pressure in hepatic region while standing, relieved bend- ing forward with pain on touch, as if suppurating. China 6. Touch. Pressure in right hypochondrium, with pain on touch. Iod. 6. Touch. Sticking in right hypochondrium after dinner, in hepatic and right in- guinal regions; in a spot in hepatic region; Sore pain on touch ; pinching; sticking; tearing. Kali C. 6. Touch. Sticking in liver in right hypo- chondrium, with burning and pain on touch; then burning extending back- ward. Laur. 6. Touch. Hepatic region sensitive when Walking, with pain on touch at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. Touch. Pain in hepatic region on pres- sure; sensitiveness; worse when lying On right side, with pain on touch. PhOS. 6. Touch. Perihepatitis, with sharp stitches in right hypochondrium ; aggravation from any motion; better when lying on right side; liver seems swollen, Sore to touch. Bry. Clin. Touch. Hepatic region very sensitive and painful to touch; right lobe of liver painful; Stitching burning pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Touch. Liver enlarged and often in- durated; jaundiced hue of skin and Conjunctiva; liver sore to touch ; stools clay-colored. Merc. Clin. Touch. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcer- ative pain in hepatic region; worse from touch, on walking; hardness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Touch. (Miscellaneous.) Abdomen hard, With pain in umbilical region on touch. Rali C. 7. Touch. Sensitiveness of hypogastrium to touch. A con. 7. Touch. Tension in hypogastrium, with pain on touch. Op. 7. Touch. Dragging in hypogastrium towards groins during stool; in groins; ameli- oration from emission of flatus; with Sensitiveness to touch. Kali C. 7. Touch. Inguinal glands as large as peas, painful to touch. Sil. 7. Touch. Pain about umbilicus, causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise him- Self or to lie on back, and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Touch. Dysentery; excoriating discharges; abdomen externally cold to touch ; stools bloody, green, mucous, like stirred eggs, worse at night; pains increased after stool. Mere. Clin. Touched. Haemorrhoids with sore pain; unendurable on walking, or reflecting, Swollen, with itching, sticking, and much moisture, hard, stinging, burn- ing, painful when touched. Caust. 3. Touched. Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched; at night, with moisture. Carbo V. 3. Touched. Haemorrhoids accompanied with Obstinate constipation; swollen, itch- ing, stinging, burning and painful When touched. Caust. Clin. Tough. White tough mucus with the stool like Scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth, 1. Tough, Stool tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1, Tough. Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel and passage of tough mucus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps, 7, . Tough. Stools contain glassy, tough mu- Cus; COvered with mucus. Amm. Mur. 1. Tough. Inveterate constipation with dis- appointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum ; feces slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Phos. Clin. Transparent. Tenesmus, with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious, membranous mucus, with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is un- satisfactory. Colch. 2. Transparent. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark, yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Transverse. Bruised sensation, worse in cacal region and along transverse colon On moderate pressure, Merc, C, 5. Transverse. Pain in abdomen, with cold- ness, then heat and warm sweat; heat With inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a.m., then diar- rhoea. POd. 5. - Transverse. Tympanitis, mostly about the caecum and transverse colon. PhOS. Clin. Transverse. Colitis, with Soreness along transverse colon; aggravated by bend- ing forward. Sulf. Clin. Transversely. Constriction transversely across umbilical region as by a string, in after- noon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Transversely, Pinching or cramp-like pressure transversely across abdo- men, in region of pit of stomach, after eating. Cina 5. Transversely. Tearing transversely across pubis, and then through pudenda as far as an us. Carbo An. 7. Travelling. Constipation of emigrants or while travelling. Plat. Clin, Trembling. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diar- rhoea; difficult vomiting, trembling in abdomen and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Trembling. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars. A. 2. Trembling. Feeling below hypochondria as if laced, with trembling and throb- bing in epigastric region. Calc. C. 6. Trembling. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-colored, chopped, frothy, mu- cous, stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum during stool. Sulf. A c. Clin, - (348) TreMBLIN c. REPERTORY OF PART II. Uğ Bi LICAL. Trembling. Swelling of abdomen, with trembling. Con. 5. - Tremulous. Chronic diarrhoea of old peo- ple, with tremulous weakness; dis- charges sometimes involuntary. Con. Clin. Tremulous. Obstinate constipation, es- pecially if it alternates with diarrhoea; with stool, followed by tremulous weakness. Con. Clin. - - Tubercle. Burning pain in perineum, and an inch from amus a tubercle, which became moist and Smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. Tumefaction of abdomen with tenderness to touch, Bell, 5, Tumor. Enlargement of liver; feeling as of hard tumor in region of umbilicus, with cramp-like pain in hepatic re- gion. Zinc. Clin. Tumors. Enlarged mesenteric glands and tumors in the abdomen. Con. Clin. Turning. Cholera infantum ; stools whit- ish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to air; Sour Smell of whole body, especially during teething. Rheum Clin. Twice, Diarrhoea of green mucus, as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green, then slimy; not exhausting; without colic. Puls. 1. Twice. Diarrhoea twice in morning, with tenesmus in afternoon; frequent, of thin, greenish mucus. Laur. 1. Twice. Diarrhoea frequent, twice in morn- ing, with tenesmus. Nit. A c. 1. Twisted. Cutting pain in abdomen with feeling as if intestines were twisted into a knot; flatulence here and there; the longer delayed the emissions of flatus the more difficult it is to pass, Wer, Alb. 5, Twisting. Colic, with cutting, twisting about navel and passage of tough mu- cus like diarrhoea, at times mixed with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering, Caps, 7. Twisting about navel, with pains on pres- sure. Cina, 7. Twisting in all parts of abdomen, worse in lower, constantly changing. Diosc. 5. Twisting griping here and there in rec- tum. Staph. 5. Twisting. Gall-stone colic, with jaundice and twisting pain. Pod. Clin. Twisting. Violent, flatulent colic, gener- ally relieved by walking about; ag- gravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into the chest and arms. DiOSC. Clin. Twitching of muscles of the abdomen. Nux V. 5. * Twitching in left side of abdomen, between navel and left flank, as if in muscles of wall; then sticking deep in left side of back. Bry. 5. Two. Constipation; stool hard and diffi- cult; only every two, three or four days. Sulf. 1. Two p. m. Diarrhoea six times, from morn- till 2 p. m., without pain. Borax 1. Two. Weakness in abdomen after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 2. - Tympanitic. Distention of abdomen, with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Arn. 5. Tympanitic. Distention of abdomen, tym- panitic and tender. Canth. 5. Tympanitic. Abdomen tympanitic, hard, and sensitive to touch, with rumbling. Op. 5. Tympanitic. Distention of abdomen; tympanitic. Phos. 5. Tympanitic. Distention of abdomen; tympanitic; coldness also in back. Secale 5. Tympanitic distention of abdomen, not relieved by emission of flatus. Sulf. 5. Tympanitis. Pain in abdomen after a light meal, with tympanitis. Zinc. 5. Tympanitis, General tympanitis with enlarged spleen. Phos. A c. Clin. Tympanitis mostly about the caecum and transverse colon. Phos. Clin. Typhlitis. Bry. Clin. Typhlitis; extreme distention of abdomen with icy coldness in stomach. Colch. Clin. Typhlitis. tis and in the late stage of peritoni- tis. Lach. Clin. - Typhlitis. Natr. S. Clin. Typhlitis; painful swelling of the whole right side of abdomen; aggravation from lying on left side, better when lying on the back and by gentle pres– sure. Rhus Tox. Clin. Typhoid. Involuntary, putrid stools in typhoid. Arn. Clin. Typhoid. Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid; dark; venous. Arn. Clin. Typhoid. Diarrhoea during typhoid or Scarlatina. Apis Clin. Typhoid. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen. Op. Clin. Typhoid. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium. Hyos. Clin. Typhoid. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, consisting of decom- posed blood. Lach. Clin. Typhoid. Diarrhoea in typhoid; offensive; or in old people who sink down in bed. Mur. A c. Clin. Typhoid. Diarrhoea, with much wind; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating; from fruit; from lager beer; from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. A c. Clin. Ulcer. Sore pain in rectum during stool as if an ulcer had been torn apart, with discharge of mucus. Ant. Cr. 2. Ulcer. Throbbing in and below hepatic region as if an ulcer would form. Nux V. 6. Ulcer. Distention in hepatic region, with pain as if Suppurating, and as if an ulcer would burst. Laur. 6. Ulcerate. Constipation; accumulation of large masses of feces. Graph. Clin. Extremely valuable in typhli- Ulceration. Dysentery, with bloody, slimy stools, with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum; chronic dysentery. Arg. N. Clin. - Ulceration of the bowels. Ars. A. Clin. Ulceration. Duodenitis with jaundice; ulceration of the duodenum. Pod. Clin. Ulceration of rectum. Phos. Clin. Ulceration. Chronic catarrh and ulcera- tion of the ilio-caccal region. Op. Clin. Ulceration. Urging to a copious, yellow- ish-brown, partly thin, sourish, offen- sive stool; then transient relief of colic, then two abundant stools in quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Ulcerative. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch on walking ; hard- ness; distention of liver. Sil. Clin. Umbilical. (Pain.) Pain in umbilical re- gion, emanating from navel; ameliora- tion by frequent discharge of flatus. Co- loc. 7, Umbilical, Agar, 7. Umbilical, Acon, 6. Umbilical, Distress in umbilical region and in hypogastric regions, with inter- mittent cutting in stomach and small in- testines, Diosc, 7. Umbilical. Griping, tensive pain in umbili- cal region, extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening; relieved by emission of flatus, Sulf. 7. Umbilical. Griping in umbilical region, worse from eating fruit, with cutting and general chill. Coloc. 7. Umbilical. Pain in hepatic region, extend. ing downward and across umbilical region, as if constricted by a string. Chel. 6. Umbilical, Constriction transversely across umbilical region as by a string, in after- noon till 6, above navel. Chel. 7. Umbilical. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Umbilical. Aching in liver extending to spine, worse in region of gall-bladder, with rumbling in abdomen and aching in umbilical region. Lept. 6. Umbilical. Thrust, as from a blunt tool, in right umbilical region. Anac. 7. Stitches in umbilical region. Burning in the umbilical region, Umbilical. Pain in umbilical region. Bapt. 7. Umbilical. Griping in umbilical region, with pinching, as after taking cold. Bry. 7. Umbilical. Spasmodic retraction in um- bilical region, with nausea. Chel. 7. Umbilical. Griping in umbilical region; then cutting in abdomen, across right lumbar region, extending to back. Chel. 7. Umbilical. Colic in umbilical region, with shivering. China 7. ---------- ( 349 ) UMB 1 L I CAL. REPERTORY OF PART II. UN DIC E STE D. Umbilical. Sticking in umbilical region, in a spot obliging him to bend up ; worse from lifting; extending towards loins and spine. Coloc. 7. Umbilical. Cutting in umbilical region after eating, with tenesmus. Coloc. 7. Umbilical. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse, thin, yellow stool, not relieving the pain, with fre- quent cutting through all Small in- testines. Diosc. 7. Umbilical. Paroxysmal clawing in um- bilical rigion, from sides of abdomen towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anx- ious heat of cheeks. Hep. 7. Umbilical. Inflation and tension, with pinching in umbilical region; with frequent emission of flatus. Gamb. 7. Umbilical. Sticking in umbilical region during inspiration. Hyos. 7. - Umbilical. Abdomen hard, with pain in umbilical region on touch. Kali C. 7. Umbilical. Griping in umbilical region, at times above, at times below navel; in afternoon, soon after eating, as from flatus. Ver. Alb. 7. Umbilical. bilical region, as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel. Zinc. 7. Umbilical. Painter's colic; pain in um- bilical region, extending through to the back. Plat. Clin, TJmbilical. Hernias, both umbilical and inguinal. Cocc. Clin. Umbilical hernia. Calc. C. Clin. Umbilicus, (Pain.) Pain on pressure on umbilicus; pain is felt down to anus, where there is constant protrusion. Crot, Tig. 7. Umbilicus. Stool yellow and green; diar- rhoea mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus, Gamb. 1. Umbilicus. Griping below umbilicus. Diosc. 7. Umbilicus. Tearing around umbilicus, With flatulence, Natr, S. 7, Umbilicus. Pincling below umbilicus. Agar. 7. Umbilicus. Soreness in abdomen, especi- ally in sides and down sides of um- bilicus on touch, with pain. Aloe 7. Umbilicus. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m., then unusual stool. Amm. Mur. 7. Umbilicus. Pain about umbilicus causing him to bend forward; aggravation from touch, attempting to raise him- self or to lie on back and cried out that his intestines were burning. Ars. A. 7. Umbilicus. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed out- ward, aggravated by standing. Bell. 7. Umbilicus. Feeling of distention of abdo- men, with constrictiye pain below umbilicus; the latter comes in jerks, obliging bending double. Bell. 7. Umbilicus. Pain to side of umbilicus, corresponding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly sticking, often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen, or stomach. Berb. 7. Sticking griping pain in um- | Umbilicus. Sticking in left side of abdo- men below umbilicus, on walking rapidly and afterwards. China 7. Umbilicus. Cramping pain above umbili- cus. Diosc. 7. Umbilicus. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, pro- , fuse, with colic and tenesmus; fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Umbilicus. Sticking in region of umbili- Cus. Dulc. 7. Umbilicus. Sticking above and to left of umbilicus. Ign. 7. Umbilicus. Pain in abdomen, between pit of stomach and umbilicus. ſod. 5. Umbilicus. Cutting about umbilicus, with shivering. Ipec. 7. Umbilicus. Cutting about umbilicus. Kali C. 7. Umbilicus. Griping about umbilicus on eating, with pinching. Nux V. 7. Umbilicus. Pain below umbilicus, as from || a stone, taking away the breath, after dinner. Nux V. 7. - Umbilicus. Paroxysmal tearing in abdo- men, worse at umbilicus. Plumb. 5. Umbilicus. Griping about umbilicus. Ra- tan. 7. Umbilicus. Retraction of abdomen, with hardness and pain in umbilicus, radi- ating to lumbar region and iliac fossae; with hard knots Over its surface. Plumb. 5. - Umbilicus. Pain across umbilicus, pre- venting sleep; pinching when sitting below umbilicus, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder as if it were forced on groins. Sulf. 7. Umbilicus. (Miscellaneous.) Umbilicus seems to adhere to spine. Plum, 7. Umbilicus. Distress in umbilicus with burning in back part of liver and in spine. Lept. 7. - Umbilicus. Hard pressure in right side beneath umbilicus. Staph. 7. Umbilicus. Enlargement of liver, feeling as of a hard tumor in region of um- bilicus, with Cramp-like pain in hepatic region. Zinc. Clin. - Unconsciously. Diarrhoea; a thin stool passes unconsciously with sensation as if flatus would pass. Staph. 1. Unconsciously. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially dur- ing sleep; a typhoid State with de- lirium. Hyos. Clin. Uncovering. Pain in abdomen then dis- charge of dark mucus causing biting in anus; as before diarrhoea from taking cold; in morning on slightest uncov- ering during sweat. Nux V. 5. Under. Stitches in liver under left short ribs. Agar. 6. Under, Distention of hypochondria worse in sides, pit of Stomach, and small of back; inability to breathe on account of tension and fullness under ribs. Ign. 6. Undigested. (Stool.) Stool undigested, Calc. C, 1. Undigested. Stool undigested, of food eaten the previous evening; involuntary. Olean. 1. - Undigested. Diarrhoea after eating; of undigested feces; also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. China 1. Undigested. Evacuation of shreds of mucus or of undigested food with enormous distention of abdomen ; stools excessively offensive. Arg. N. Clin. Undigested. Diarrhoea of undigested stools, Sour odor, large in quantity. Calc. C. Clin. Undigested. Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition, hard, undigested, bleeding from anus after stool. Calc. C. Clin. Undigested. Cholera infantum ; great de- sire for indigestible things like ham, Smoked meat; abdomen sunken, flabby; emaciation; stools green, un- digested, offensive, forcibly expelled. Calc. Ph. Clin. "Undigested. Stools profuse, putrid, cor- rosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, Offensive, undigested, white, cadaver- ous-Smelling; worse at night. China Clin. Undigested. Green slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color, often un- digested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; foul odor; especially in chil- dren during teething or from taking cold. Cham. Clin. Undigested. Chronic diarrhoea; stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested food and of an intolerable fetor. Graph. Clim. Undigested. Diarrhoea containing undi- gested food; painless, recurring when eating or drinking. Ferr. Clin. Undigested. Chronic diarrhoea after the abuse of Mercury or Quinine; light yellow, fecal, papescent, sour stool with undigested food. Hep. Clin, Undigested. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undigested; are sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. - Undigested. Diarrhoea; stools involun- tary, green, mucous or mushy, undi- gested, with cutting in abdomen be- fore, tenesmus during, and burning after stool, worse after eating and drinking. Taur. Clin. Undigested. Diarrhoea in spring when warm weather sets in; stools very of fensive, undigested, watery, chocolate- colored, consisting of decomposed blood, looking like charred straw. Lach. Clin. - Undigested. Diarrhoea, with excessive ac- cumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown, or pale, fecal, mixed with lumps; thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Lyg. Clin. Undigested. TXiarrhoea with cutting press- ing pains before and during stool, with drawing pain in rectum after stool, continuing for hours; stools green, Slimy, with flakes of false membranes; undigested, putrid, fetid, Sour-Smelling. Nit. Ac. Clin. (350) UN DIC E S T E D. REPERTORY OF PART II. U R C N. C. | Undigested. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog-pond; green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; sour smelling, undi- gested, containing curds. Mag. C. Clin. Undigested. Diarrhoea with constant rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sedimenu; worse night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. Undigested. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools Slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested; with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOS. Clin. Undigested. Diarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weak- ening effect; stool white, gray, copi- Ous, painless, involuntary, with dis- charge of undigested substances. Phos. Ac. Clin. * Uneasiness in region of liver, with heat, pressure and tension. Aloe 6. Uneasiness. Rumbling in abdomen, with uneasiness and emission of flatus. Nit. A c. 5. Unendurable, Haemorrhoids, with sore pain; unendurable on walking or reflecting; Swollen, with itching, sticking and much moisture; hard; stinging burn- ing; painful when touched. Caust. 3. Unendurable. Hypochondrium oppressed by clothing, which was unendurable. Carbo V. 6. Unendurable. Hepatic region very sen- sitive and painful to touch ; right lobe of liver painful; stitching burn- ing pains; clothing unendurable. Carbo V. Clin. Unatural. Ascarides, with itching; un- natural appetite; flushed face. Ferr. Clin. Unnoticed. Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus; falling out without exertion; almost unnoticed. Aloe 1. Unnoticed. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery, passed unnoticed. Mur. A.C. 1. - Unnoticed. Involuntary, unnoticed hard stool. Aloe Clin, Unpleasant and distended feeling in hepatic i region if she eats to satiety. Lyc. 6. | Unquenchable. Acute dysentery with . unquenchable thirst; even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burn- ing; tendency to collapse, cold hands and feet. Canth. Clin. Unquenchable. Watery profuse diarrhoea gushing out like a torrent ; abdomen swollen and tender to touch ; some- times associated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Unsatisfactory. Constipation in spite of fre- quent straining; on following days hard, difficult, unsatisfactory stools, Sil, 1. Unsatisfactory. Constipation; stool small, hard, often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; unsatisfactory. Zinc. 1. Unsatisfactory. Constipation; stool hard and dark brown, in Small pieces, with loss of appetite; stool gray and crumbly and unsatisfactory. Op. 1. Unsatisfactory. Constipation; stool at times scanty, unsatisfactory. Sulf, 1. Unsatisfactory. Tenesmus with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious membranous mucus with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool which is unsatisfactory. Colch. 2. Unsatisfactory. Rumbling and noises in abdomen with discharge of flatus, unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not Without exertion of abdominal mus- cles. Ign. 5. Unsatisfactory. Constipation; stool hard and crumbly and unsatisfactory, diffi- cult, with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with fre- quent micturition. Natr. M. 1, Unsuccessful. Constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool; insuf- ficient; inactivity of bowels; retarded stool from inactivity of rectum. Kali C. Clin. Unusual. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty, at an unusual time, lumpy, light clay-colored, with urg- ing and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. Unusual. Pain below umbilicus at 4 p. m., then unusual stool. A mm. Mur. 7. Upper. Urging to stool after a meal, more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. Upper. Pain in the upper portion of the abdomen as from taking cold and as if diarrhoea would ensue; with raven- Ous hunger. Asaf. 5. - Upper. Urging more in upper intestines; stool soft and insufficient, anxious urging, inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and pro- lapsus of rectum. Ign, 2. Upward. Flatulence; no flatus emitted up- ward and downward, Ratan, 5. Upward. Griping in abdomen, worse below navel, obliging him to bend over; amelioration after a thin stool, with discharge of flatus upward and down- ward. Coloc 5. - Upwards. Prolapsus ami, with sharp, stab- bing pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. : - Upwards. Fissures of the amus, without constipation ; acute pains shooting upwards. Ign. Clin. Urethra. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, begin- ning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; amel- ioration from rest when sitting and lying. Nux W, 7. Urethra. Stitches at origin of Ponpart's ligament, at left ilium, extending down, then shooting outward into left side of female urethra. Berb. 7. Urethra. Passage of pure blood from anus and from urethra. Canth. 3. Urgent, Stool tough, gluey, fetid; so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea after getting up; slimy, Sulf, 1, Urgent. Stool soft, mixed with serum : orange colored; loose in morning and urgent. Apis 1. Urgent. Frequent tenesmus for many days without being able to pass any- thing; great, urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire im- mediately passes off without an evacu- ation, Anac. Clin. - Urgent. Chronic dysentery; urgent strain- ing, with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation. Ilyc. Clin. Urging. (Stool.) Urging to stool. Æsc. 3, Urging to stool in rectum, Agar, 2. Urging to stool, with passage of urine. Aloe 2. -- Urging, Constant urging in rectum. Crot, Tig. 2, - * . Urging. Sensation of a plug between sym- physis pubis and os coccygis, with urg- ing to stool. Aloe 7, Urging, Stool hard, with urging and stick- ing in anus; lumpy, with threads of mucus; dark, half digested, of intoler- able odor, Graph, 1. Urging, Stool soft, difficult, scanty, with much urging; clay colored. Hep, 1, Urging in rectum, but large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel soft feces; only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles. Hep. 2. - - Urging. Ineffectual urging in rectum in eve- ning, with protrusion of rectum, Ign, 2, Urging. Constant, ineffectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum, Merc, 2. Urging, Anxious urging in rectum; fre- quent; ineffectual; after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft. Nux W. 2. Urging. Diarrhoea; stools pasty, sour-smell- ing; then shivering; then urging, with constriction in intestines, Rheum 1, Urging. Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again after urging | and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1. Jrging, Frequent ineffectual urging in rectum, Sulf, 2. | Urging. Diarrhoea after eating; of undi- gested feces, also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging with biting, burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool. China, 1. . Urging. Tenesmus with only a little feces at first, then transparent, bilious mem- branous mucus with relief of colic; amelioration from frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool which is un- Satisfactory. Colch. 2. - Urging. Stool pasty, light-brown after urging then runnbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen; after an hour a second stool, mucous, urgent, gray- ish-green and dirty brown; forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Urging. Flatulence in abdomen then urging; stools sudden, thin, small, with flatus. Crot. Tig. 5. | Urging in rectum so that he could scarce- ly reach the closet, then thin, forcible, spurting stool, Natr, C, 2. Urging. Stools soft with lumps of white mucus, pasty; at an unusual time; lumpy; light; clay colored, with urging and inactivity of rectum. PhOS. 1. | (351) º | i } ; U R C : N. C. REPERTORY OF PART II. U R IN AT | N. C. Urging. Cutting low down in abdomen penetrating into pelvis, worse from re- tracting walls of abdomen with urging to stool. Puls. 7. Urging in rectum with scanty stool passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sensation in the } abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Urging. Tenesmus, urging to stool. A con. 2. | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | Urging to stool after eating; when rising from lying; sudden in morning on ris- ing; ineffectual ; also with emission of flatus. Aloe 2. Urging. Gurgling in hypogastrium at night, with sudden urging to stool. Aloe 7. - Urging to stool after a meal, more in upper part of intestines. Anac. 1. Urging. Sudden waking at 6 a. m., with copious, yellow, half liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Urging. Distention of abdomen with fre- quent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Arn. 5. Urging to stool; ineffectual; tenesmus as in dysentery, with burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 2. Urging to stool, which is thin, frequent, but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool. Bell. 1. Urging. Tenesmus; a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Bell. 2. Urging. Passage of mucus from anus with urging. Carbo V. 3. Urging in rectum to stool. Berb. 2. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Caps. 2. Urging. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus; Only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Carbo V. 2. Urging. Pressure in rectum all day, with frequent ineffectual urging. Caust. 2. Urging. Spasms of sphincter ani, with chilliness running up back; then urg- ing to stool; then insufficient stool. Colch. 3. Urging to a copious yellowish-brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick succes- sion; first pappy, then fluid, with ul- cerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Urging. Ineffectual urging; frequent; then stool in single, Stony pieces. Coloc. 2. Urging in rectum to stool, with Sensation in an us and lower part of rectum, as if weakened by diarrhoea. Coloc. 2. Urging. Contractive pain in hypogas- trium, like after-pains, with urging to stool. Con. 7. Urging. Diarrhoea; stool watery, frequent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Urging more in upper intestines; stool soft and insufficient; anxious urging; inability to evacuate feces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum. Ign. 2. Urging, Constipation; hard, insufficient stool with urging and protrusion of rectum. Gamb. 1. Urging in rectum; stool not hard but dif- ficult on account of inactivity of rec- tum. Graph. 2. Urging in rectum sudden, with noise as of liquids in abdomen, worse on left side. Jatr. 2. - Urging. Ineffectual urging with feeling as if rectum were too weak to evacu- ate the stool. Kali C. 2. Urging. Aching, burning in gall-bladder, chilliness along spine with urging to stool; better after a profuse, black stool. Lept. 6. Urging. Protruding, painful, Sore haemor- rhoids, with ineffectual urging. Merc. 3. Urging. Stools offensive, with offensive flatus; frequent, of only mucus; at times with cutting and urging. Nit. A c. 1. Urging. Griping in abdomen with inef- fectual urging to stool; pain before and during stool; better after stool; aggravation from eating plums. Rheum 5. Urging. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal; desire increased when moving about, then thin, offensive stool with colic, then ineffectual tenesmus, later another stool; the urging which had gradually subsided returned more than ever. Rheum 2. Urging. Frequent ineffectual urging in rectum, causing pain. Merc. C. 2. Urging in rectum on rising, before stool, which shot out as from a gun. Phos. 2. Urging. Frequent urging in rectum with prolapsus and emission of flatus; Stooping and, Still more, crouching down caused protrusion. Ruta 2. Urging. Constipation; fruitless urging to stool; dryness of rectum ; knotty stool, Shining as if greased, very | Small in size; passes easier when standing. Caust. Clin. Urging. Constipation produced by cheese, better from smoking; frequent urging to stool without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of stony hardness. Coloc. Clin. Urging. Diarrhoea; stool preceded by excessive cutting around about the navel and expelled all at once after considerable urging, and followed by a feeling of great relief. Gamb. Clin. Urging. Constipation, with ineffectual urging; amelioration after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark col- ored; constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Iod. Clin. Urging. Constipation; ineffectual urging to stool with Small discharges, or only flatus passes; stool only every second day. Mag. C. Clin. Urging. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody, or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Urging. Dysentery; stools bloody, mucous, every half hour with constant urging and much backache. Lil. Tig. Clin. Urging. Diarrhoea with urging and ina- bility to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faint- ness. Lept. Clin. Urging. Constipation in Sad, desponding || and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard ; worse from starchy or vegetable food. Natr. C. Clin. Urging. Diphtheritic dysentery; burning in rectum with ineffectual urging; stools bloody; tenesmus. Nit. Ac. Clin. Urging. Constipation; desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be ex- pelled; ineffectual urging, with sharp, splinter-like, cutting pains. Nit. Ac. Clin. " * Urging. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs, thin, yel- low, profuse and putrid ; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux MOs. Clin. Urging. Constipation; large, hard, diffi cult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool; the action of the bowels irregular and spasmodic. Nux V. Clin. Urging. Dysentery; stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging; tenesmus ceas- ing after stool; stools like pitch and blood. Nux V, Clin. Urging. (Miscellaneous.) Cramp-like pain above pubis in afternoon, with fre- quent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. Urging. Prolapsus of rectum, without urging, as if anus were paralyzed. Graph. 2. • ‘ Urging. Constipation; no urging; inac- tivity of rectum; stool insufficient, hard ; much straining, with headache. Arn. Clin. Urging. Constipation for days; no desire; no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux MOS. Clin. Urging. Constipation of long standing; no urging; stools composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum in- active. Op. Clin. Urinate. Cramp-like pain above pubis in afternoon, with frequent urging to urinate. Chel. 7. - Urinate. Chronic diarrhoea; cannot urin- ate without having a stool, or the stools became dark and fetid; worse after eating. Apis Clin. Urinating. Prolapsus of rectum, as if everted, when urinating. Mur. A c. 2. Urinating. Constriction of anus, with itching, burning all day; worse after urinating, with hard stool. Nit. A c. Urinating. Piles suddenly in children, with great sensitiveness; prolapsus ani while urinating; piles after con- finement. Mur. Ac. Clin. ( 352 ) **i. 1–2–--—t———”— . . º. . UR IN E. REPERTORY OF PART II. *—-º- violent. Urine. Urging to stool, with passage of urine. Aloe 2, Urine. Fear lest stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would es- cape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand, Aloe 2. Urine. Bearing down pains in hypogas- trium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina, with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Urine. Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white, with red urine. Acon. 1. Urine. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with Sputtering flatus; with dread lest feces and urine escaped to- gether; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Urine. Burning in rectum with the evacuation of stool and urine; stools dry and large, then copious, pasty stools, with relief of all symptoms ex- cept the confusion of head. Bry. 2. Urine. Constriction in hypogastrium be- fore passage of turbid urine. Chel. 7. Urine. Stool white with dark urine. China 1. - Urine. Colic; scanty urine, with pallor, Sunken cheeks and staggering; pupils dilated, lips bluish, face covered with clammy Sweat; pulse thready. Hell. 5. Urine. Diarrhoea watery, frequent, with many empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. |Urine. Jaundice with clear urine, offen- sive, tongue white; stools dark, Chel. Clin. - Usual. Anxious urging in rectum; frequent, ineffectual, after the usual stool, with griping, and stool when passed was soft, Nux W, 2. Usual. Smarting in anus after hard | stool; burning after usual stool. Mag. M. 3. Uterine. Constipation of females with pain and pressure in iliac regions from uterine and abdominal conges- tion during pregnancy. Sep. Clin. Vaccination. Diarrhoea daily, after break- fast, from vaccination ; Stool pale yel- low, watery, or dry and greasy; forcibly expelled; gurgling, like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Vagina. Bearing-down pains in hypo- gastrium; worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Vagina. Stitches in abdomen, extending into the vagina; tearing; cutting. Ars. A. 5. Vagina. Pressure in morning in hypo- gastrium as if everything would be forced out towards organs of genera- tion, with distention of abdomen; then contraction of abdomen; then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Bell. 7. ~ * Valuable. Extremely valuable in typh- litis and in the late stage of peritonitis. Lach. Clin. Vertigo. Valuable. Dysentery; particularly valu- able in the collapsed stage; Stools in- voluntary, grumous; with these con- ditions it has saved many apparently hopeless cases. Secale Clin. Varices. Small, protruding varices, which sting, burn and Smart intolerably. Apis Clin. Varicose veins near right ring. Berb. 7. Vegetable. Constipation in sad, despond- ing and hypochondriac persons; fre- quent urging, but insufficient stool, though the feces are not hard; worse from starchy or vegetable stool. Natr. C. Clin. Vegetables. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Vegetables. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for re- lief; abdomen swollen, sensitive ; no flatus up or down ; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdomen. Ver. Alb. Clin. Vein. Bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood, a far greater quan- tity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant. Lyc. Clin. Veins. Varicose veins near right ring. Berb. 7. Veins. Anus red, inflamed and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Sulf. 3. Weins. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins with discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Thuja 3. * Veins. Engorgement of the haemor- rhoidal veins is one of the most con- stant effects of Aloes. Aloe Clin. Venous. Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid, dark, venous. Arn. Clin. Vertebrae. Constrictive pain below short ribs extending into lumbar vertebrae. Camph. 5. - Vertigo. Distention of abdomen on eat- ing, with heaviness of head, with rush of blood to head, vertigo and confusion ; intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Graph. 5. Constipation with vertigo, heat in head, and tinnitus aurium, large accumulation of feces, especially after continued purging with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from in- activity of rectum. China Clin. Vertigo. Hard stool with depression of mind, causing headache and vertigo in old people. Calc. Ph. Clin. Wessels, Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels, with sticking; with burning pain on walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Vessels. Bleeding haemorrhoids; burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels. Acon. 3. Vessels. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting; fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Kali B. 3. Wexation. Diarrhoea during first denti- tion, with much wind after vexation; containing white points or flakes like pus; offensive with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. Vexation. Hepatitis after vexation or taking cold; dull, aching pains in liver. Cham. Clin. Wexation. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver, with Soreness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Vinegar. Diarrhoea from vinegar or Other acids. Ant. Cr. Clin. Violent. (Colic.) Violent colic from cold. A con. Clin. Violent colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces. Ant. T. Clin. Violent. Intestinal obstruction with fecal vomiting and violent colic. Op. Clin. Violent. Dysenteries during the autumn, with violent colic and tenesmus; stools almºst black and fermented ; like frothy molasses. Ipec. Clin. Violent. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool, then yellowish- green stools; profuse emission of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. Violent flatulent colic generally relieved by walking about ; aggravated by lying down at night; pains are gener- ally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure ; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Violent. (Pain.) Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen, amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild, tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Violent. Diarrhoea, watery, with violent pinching and emission of much flatus. Agar. 1. - Violent. Stools may be black, brown, burning, putrid, brought on by eat. ing or drinking, aggravated after midnight, preceded by most violent, burning and cutting pains, and fol- lowed by extreme exhaustion. Ars. A. 1. Violent. Anxiety with pain in abdomen so violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed them from him ; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about. Ars. A. 5. - Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges. A con. Clin. Violent. (Stool.) Violent stool, watery black fluid; burning in anus; after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Violent. Diarrhoea violent, painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Cupr. 1. Violent. Diarrhoea; stool profuse, mucous, of much bloody mucus, violent, in- voluntary, frequent, with weakness. Petr. 1. Violent itching Or tingling at anus as from worms. Zinc. Clin. Violent. Jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of Quinine, with attacks of faintness. Nux V. Clin. ( 353 ) V : O L E N T. REPERTORY OF PART II. WALKINC. Violent. (Miscellaneous). , Stool natural at first then several small, loose evacuations, then small, hard evacua- tions, with violent straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Ant. Cr. 1. Violent. Desire in rectum for stool after a meal, desire increased when moving about ; then thin, offensive stool with colic; then ineffectual tenesmus; later another stool; after rising from stool the urging which had gradually sub- sided, returned more violent than ever. Rheum 2. Violent, Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenesmus and urging after. Merc, Clin. Violently. Piles feel damp, painful to touch, itch violently; needle-like pains at anus. Sulf. A c. Clin. Viscera. of the pelvic viscera. Alcon. Clin. Viscera. Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. Cupr. Clin. Viscid. Discharge of moisture from anus, with sore feeling and itching around | it; involuntary; of viscid, slimy fluid, causing Soreness; of thread-worms during stool. Sulf. 3. Voided. Large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was pro- truded; with severe backache in lum- bar region. AEsc. 1. Voided. Inveterate constipation, with disappointing calls, the trouble being in the rectum; feces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. PhOS. Clin. Voided. Constipation; torpor of rectum, even a soft stool is voided with diffi- culty. Psor. Clin. Womiting, (Diarrhoea with Vomiting.) Stool of green mucus, with retching; vomit- ing of mucus and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria; bloody, Arg, N, 1. . Womiting. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody colored, black mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Vomiting. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Ant. T. 1, - Vomiting. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting; trembling in ab- domen and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Vomiting. Copious diarrhoea, with vomit- ing; then watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. - Vomiting. Cholera infantum, with vom- iting of sour food or curdled lumps. Calc. C. Clin. Vomiting. Abdominal dropsy, sometimes with diarrhoea and vomiting. Apis Clin. Inflammation or engorgement || Vomiting. Stools grass-green, slimy, with vomiting; colic. Ant. T. Clin. Vomiting. Cholera infantum; sudden vomiting and diarrhoea, with cold- ness of body. Camph. Clin. Vomiting. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated ; slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Vomiting. (Miscellaneous.) Metro-peri- tomitis, with nausea, vomiting, pro- found prostration, cold sweat, brown tongue, burning pain. Ars. A. Clin. Vomiting. Hepatic diseases with indiges– tion, eructations, salivation, heart- burn, vomiting of food. Berb. Clin. Vomiting. Horrible colics, with tendency to collapse; convulsive vomiting; hic- cough. Cupr. Clin. Vomiting. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomiting of bile. Iris V. Clin. Gastro-enteritis, with bilious RCali B. Clin. Vomiting. or bloody vomiting. Vomiting. Intestinal obstruction, with fecal vomiting and violent colic. Op. Clin. - Vomiting. Hyperaemia of liver, with great pressure in hepatic region, al- ternating with vomiting or diarrhoea. Ver. Alb. Clin. Vomiting. Jaundice, with nausea and vomiting. Plumb. Clin. Vomiting. Chronic inflammation of the liver with constipation; vomiting of green mucus. Plumb. Clin. Waist. Gall-stone colic; terrible darting pains; intolerance of garments about the waist. Calc. C. Clin. - Waking. Pain in abdomen at night, waking from uneasy slumber; then sixteen evacu- ations of greenish fetid mucus, with noisy emission of flatus, Arg, N, 5. Waking. Tenesmus in morning after wak- ing, then a copious fluid stool, Sulf, 2. Waking. Pressure in abdomen, downward at night, waking her, with tension of muscles so that he could not easily straighten up, as from incarcerated flatus, Sulf. 5. Waking. Distention of abdomen by flatu- lence, waking about midnight, causing oppressive pain here and there; some flatus passed without remarkable relief; new flatus collected for hours; amelior- ation from lying on one side and the other, Cocc, 5. Waking, Itching, burning in rectum at night on Waking and in morning, with pinching extending to perineum. Nit. A c. 2. Waking. Thin stool after waking at 3 o'clock. Aloe 1. Waking. Flatulent pain morning after waking, flatus rumbled and moved about painfully, worse in upper abdo- men. Puls. 5. Waking. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there, on waking from midday map. Carbo V. 6. Waking. Sticking in rectum waking her at 4 a. m.; Sticking again next morn- ing after waking. Mag, C. 2. Waking. Pressure in hypogastrium as if bladder would fall out over os pubis; partially relieved by hard pressure; the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking. Sep. 7. Waking. Sudden waking at 6 a. m. with copious, yellow, half liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Walk. Colic in hypogastrium, as if flatu- lence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum, and anus; aggravation from every step, obliging him to walk bent; ameliora- tion from rest when sitting and lying, Nux W, 7. Walk. Cramp in rectum all the forenoon; a griping and Sticking, with anxiety, so that she must walk about. Calc. C. 2. Walk. Heaviness in abdomen; sensation as if it hung down heavily, obliging || her to walk bent. Carbo V. 5. Walk. Griping in abdomen so that he could neither lie nor sit and could Only walk bent. Over; amelioration from violent motion and rolling about. Coloc. 5. Walk. Constriction and weight in abdo- men with sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Walk. Intermittent griping in hypogas- trium, so that she could scarcely walk after entering the house, pre- ceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus. Sulf. 7. Walk. Colic, compelling one to walk bent, relieved by bending double and walk- ing about, or by lying on the abdo- men. Rhus Tox. Clin. Walk. Colic, forcing patient to bend double; he must walk about for relief; abdomen swollen, sensitive, no flatus up or down; after a cold; from fruits or vegetables; cold feeling in abdo- men. Ver. Alb. Clin. Walking. (Abdomen.) Sticking in left side of abdomen, below umbilicus, on Walking rapidly and afterwards. China, 7. Walking. Cutting all through abdomen in morning; aggravated by walking. DiOSC. 5. Walking. Griping tearing in upper ab- domen and in side of chest after din- ner; aggravated by walking and Standing; amelioration when the body and mind are at rest. Zinc. 5. Walking. Violent, flatulent colic; gener- ally relieved by walking about; ag- gravated by lying down at night; pains are generally cutting, twisting; amelioration from pressure; generally radiate from the abdomen to the back, into chest and arms. Diosc. Clin. Walking. Colic, compelling one to walk bent; relieved by bending double or Walking about, or by lying on the ab- domen. Rhus Tox Clin. Walking, (Haemorrhoids.) Protruding haem- orrhoids during stool; when walking; painful, Sep, 3. (354) WALKINC. REPERTORY OF PART II. WATER. Walking. Haemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels, with sticking; with burning pain on walking and on touch. Sulf. 3. Walking, Haemorrhoids with sore pain; unendurable on walking or reflecting; swollen, with itching, sticking, and much moisture; hard, stinging, burn- ing, painful when touched. Caust. 3. |Walking, Blind piles with pressure and Soreness in anus and rectum, painful when sitting and standing, less when walking, worse after taking fresh air. Ign. 3. Walking. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Carbo An. 2. Walking. Haemorrhoids bleeding when walking. Sep. 3. Walking. Inflammation of haemorrhoids; Stitches; sore pain during cough; pain when walking. Kali C. 3. Walking. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion as Walking or standing; she supports the amus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Walking. (Hypochondrium, Right.) Bear- ing-down pains worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with constant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was discharged. Lil. Tig. 7. Walking. Stitches in hypochondria when walking in open air; also with tension in right hypochondrium as if hepatic region would burst open at 4 p. m.; on deep breathing, while sitting. Natr. S. 6. Walking. Hepatic region sensitive when walking, with pain on touch, at 1:30 p. m. Natr. S. 6. Walking. Pain in liver when walking, changing to heaviness; cutting, draw- ing, burning pain in liver. Kali C. 6. Walking. Pain in region of gall-bladder; aggravated by walking; in liver, ex- tending from right lateral ligament to gall-bladder. Bapt. 6. - Walking. Abscess of liver; throbbing, ul- cerative pain in hepatic region; worse from touch or walking; hardness; dis- tention of liver. Sil. Clin. Walking. Chronic engorgement of the liver; cirrhosis, Soreness and stitches in the liver when walking; hepatic abscess. Hep. Clin. Walking. (Miscellaneous.) Weight in left hypochondrium when walking, sitting and lying, not affecting breathing, Lyc, 6 Walking. Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness; with pain on pressure and from long walking and standing; obliged to lie down. Merc. 7. Walking. Swelling of inguinal glands, suppurative, with pain on walking; the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Nit. A c. 7. Walking. Burning pain in perineum; and an inch from anus a tubercle which became moist and Smarted on walk- ing. Thuja 3. in hypogastrium, Walking. Biting, Sore pain in anus on walking, and burning in rectum. Mezer. 3. Walking. Moisture and itching in anus, with Soreness; moisture between anus and nates, when walking. Nit. A c. 3. Walking. Feeling of tension in hypogas- trium when sitting and walking, with heaviness. Kali C. 7. - Walking. Weight in hypochondrium, aggravated by Walking. Kali C. 7. Walking. Flatulent colic, relieved by stretching the body out or walking. DiOSC. Clin. Walls, Constipation; stool that has pro- truded slips back again after urging and straining till abdominal walls are sore, Sil, 1. Walls. Cutting low down in abdomen, pen- etrating into pelvis; worse from re- tracting walls of abdomen, with urg- | ing to stool. Puls. 7. Walls. Pinching in muscles of abdomen when sitting, as if he had fallen upon them ; strained pain; sensitiveness of walls. Hyos. 5. Walls. Bruised feeling in the abdominal walls, which are extremely tender, even when the abdomen is not swollen. Apis Clin. Warm. Pain in abdomen, with coldness, then heat and warm sweat; heat, with inclination to stool; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., then diarrhoea. POd. 5. Warm. Cholera or choleraic stools; not copious, with desire for warm food and drinks, and horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. Cupr. Clin. Warm. Diarrhoea, alternating with rheu- matism ; Stools Sour-Smelling when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Warm. Diarrhoea in spring when warm || weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-col- ored, consisting of decomposed blood looking like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Warm. Old pendulous haemorrhoids that cease to bleed but become painful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A c. Clin. Warm. Diarrhoea from fright, worse from being in a warm room, preceded by colic and pain in the small of back. Puls. Clin. Warmth. Stool fluid after eating, with discharge of flatus and colic all the afternoon; better from warmth of bed. Coloc. 1. Warmth. Haemorrhoids aggravated by cold water; amelioration from warmth; with prolapsus of rectum, accom- panied by Sticking and biting. Mur. A.C. Clin. Warmth. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, with great straining and burning in anus, temporarily ceasing after stool and by warmth of bed; aggravation after eating and drinking. Coloc. Clin. Warts about anus. Thuja. Clin. Washing. Cholera infantum ; stools saf- from yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Washings. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Wasting away of liver; nutmeg liver. Laur. Clin. Water. (Diarrhoea from Drinking.) Stools watery, with flatulence, and frequent; more frequent after taking food or Water, Ferr, 1. Water. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water. Grat. Clin. - Water. Diarrhoea from bad drainage, from drinking impure water; stools black Or thick, like glue, passed in thin Strips like tape. Carbol. Ac. Clin. Water. Camp diarrhoea; chronic, from chronic irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, with aching and burning in hepatic region; worse from drinking cold water; stools black, fecal, fluid, papescent, tar-like, muddy, greenish. Lept. Clin. Water. Diarrhoea, brought on by riding in Cars Or Carriage; aggravation from drinking cold water, with flatulent distention; colic; feeling as if sharp Stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Watery, (Stool.) Stool watery, feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellowish-greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water. Grat, 1. Water. Stool of brown, frothy water, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nau- Sea; then Sudden, complete rest. Kali B. 1. Water, Stool of greenish water, with dis- tention of abdomen; frequent; liquid; always preceded by griping; worse on right side. Mag. C. 1. Water. Stool watery, of blood and water; contained acrid water; greenish. Ars. A. 1. - Water. Cutting, with heaviness across lower abdomen; ineffectual retchings; then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea; difficult vomiting; trembling in abdo- men and bending together; then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water. Ant. T. 5. Water. Watery feces; frequent, with Soreness in anus; bright, yellow fluid; feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Water. Stool soft, brownish easy, floating on water. Merc. 1. Water. Colic, as if intestinal canal were full of water. Kali C. Clin. Water. Diarrhoea, with constant rumb- ling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested; very offens- ive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse at night and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. ( 355) WATER. REPERTORY OF PART II. wATERY. Water. Diarrhoea; watery, slimy, frothy, green, bloody or bilious stools, with greenish scum floating on top of water; violent urging before, tenes- mus and urging after. Merc. Clin. Water. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Water. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast from vaccination; stools pale yellow; watery, oily and greasy; forcibly ex- pelled, gurgling like water from a bunghole. Thuja. Clin. Water. (Miscellaneous.) Swashing in ab- domen, as of water, Crot. Tig. 5. Water. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes; greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. Aloe Clin. Water. Dysenteric, bloody stools with intolerable, burning tenesmus, with chill as if water were poured over one. Canth. Clin. - Water. Haemorrhoids with sensation as if red-hot poker were being thrust up the rectum, relieved by sitting in cold water. Kali C, Clin. Water. Diarrhoea, with urging and ina- bility to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen as of water; after stool sharp pains around navel; weak feel- ing in abdomen and rectum ; faintness. Tlept. Clin. - Water. Constipation resulting from un- wise enemas of water and Soap. Op. Clin. Waterbrash. Colic from indigestion with waterbrash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating; flatulent, with pressure upward causing dyspnoea. Nux V. Clin. - Watery. (Stool.) Scanty, watery stool about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool. Arg, N. 1, Watery, Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with tearing, cutting before stool, as after taking cold, Dulc, 1. Watery, Stools watery, with flatulence and frequent, more frequent after taking 'food or Water, Ferr, 1. Watery. Stool watery, feces yellow; fre- quent diarrhoea of yellow-greenish water; forcible, of green frothy water. Grat, 1. Watery, Stool watery, spurting from him. Jatr. 1, - Watery, Diarrhoea watery, with violent pinching and emission of much flatus. Agar. 1. Watery. Violent stool, watery, black fluid; burning in anus after uneasiness and pain in the abdomen. Ars. A. 1. Watery. Diarrhoea watery, yellowish, and painless; forcible, Crot, Tig, 1. Watery. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend double; hot; smell- ing like rotten eggs, green, watery; painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. Watery. Stools frequent, watery, with burning in anus; disposition to strain and bear down. Iris V. 1, Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white, with red urine. A con. 1. Watery. Pinching in hypogastrium in morning, with fermenting, rumbling, then watery diarrhoea. Nux V. 7. Watery. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Ponpart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of watery stools, mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses; and tenesmus. Phos. 1. Watery. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, with desire for eating and drinking; stool frequent and painful, watery; in- voluntary. Ver. Alb. 1. Watery. Stool watery, of blood and water; contained acrid water; greenish. Ars. A. 1. Watery. Copious diarrhoea, with vomit- ing; then watery and fetid stools. Apis 1. Watery. Frequent yellow, watery stool, with griping. Apis 1. Watery. Diarrhoea watery, frequent, with many empty eructations and copious urine. Con. 1. Watery diarrhoea, mixed with hard parts; involuntary in sleep. Con. 1. Watery. Diarrhoea frequent and sudden, without pain or smell; watery. Ferr. Watery. Diarrhoea, with pinching around umbilicus; sometimes with discharge of flatus; stool watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus, fecal; forcible. Gamb. 1. Watery feces, frequent, with soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid; feces twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Watery stool through the day; yellow, painless with rumbling. Iris V.1. Watery. Diarrhoea, then burning in anus; stool watery; passed unnoticed. Mur. A c. 1. - Watery. Diarrhoea; stool watery, soft; difficult from inactivity of the rectum. Natr. M. 1. - - Watery. Diarrhoea; stool watery, fre- quent, with burning in anus; sudden about midnight, with urging; very Offensive; ammoniacal. Lach. 1. Watery. Diarrhoea; stool watery, pain- less. Thuja 1. - Watery. Diarrhoea; stools green, watery; after a chill or fright. Acon. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea of malarial origin or after chilling the stomach with cold Substances; stools generally dark, Scânty, watery or mucous, sometimes bloody. Ars. A. Clin. Watery. Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell; discharges profuse, greenish, blackish- brown, papescent; stool and breath equally offensive. Asaf. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea comes on gradually; stools more and more watery; pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. China Clin. Watery. Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings; greenish, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright red lumps, Apis Clin. Watery. Stools green, sometimes slimy, white and mushy; hot and watery; very offensive. Calc. Ph. Clin. * Watery. Diarrhoea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown watery, white Watery, green mucus; thin, pasty, bright yellow or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Watery. Dysentery; bloody stool, with deathly nausea from Smelling cook- ing; watery stool; jelly-like mucus, with Scrapings from intestines. Colch. Clin. Watery. Chronic diarrhoea; gushing, wa- tery; worse at night, with coldness of body and great prostration. Ferr. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea watery, green, frothy, gushing out with force; resulting from drinking excessive quantities of Water. Grat. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea; stools of jelly-like mucus; like frogs’ spawn, generally with tenesmus; sometimes profuse, watery, alternating with constipation. Hell. Clin. Watery. Yellow watery diarrhoea, nearly Odorless, involuntary, passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state with delirium. Hyos. Clin. Watery. Chronic diarrhoea of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish whey-like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Tod. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea, with burning in rec- tum and anus after a stool; severe rumbling of gas; watery discharges mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools. Iris V. Clin. Watery profuse diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch ; sometimes asso- ciated with coldness of the body and unquenchable thirst. Jatr. Clin. Watery,gushing diarrhoea in the morning; stools brownish, frothy, jelly-like, lumpy. Kali B. Clin. Watery. Periodical return of dysentery in Spring or early part of summer; stools blackish, watery, bloody, jelly- like; Stringy discharges with tenes- mus during and after stool. Kali B. Clin. - Watery. Diarrhoea in spring when warm || weather sets in ; stools very offensive, undigested, watery, chocolate-colored, consisting of decomposed blood look- ing like charred straw. Lach. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea during hot summer and after milk; stools watery, gray; worse during day and after eating; with discharge passing with a gush; much fetid flatus is passed with the stool. Natr. C. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea, chronic; gushing, black, greenish, gray, bloody, watery stools. Natr. M. Clin. Watery. Dysentery of bloody mucus, mixed with the green, watery stool. Mag. C. Clin. Watery. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black; mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. ( 356 ) WATERY. FEPERTORY OF PART II. WEATHER. Watery. Diarrhoea after fright or sudden joy; offensive, involuntary, watery, frothy, dark stools. Op. Clin. Watery. Morning diarrhoea, with green, painless, but exhausting stools; Wa- tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; with lumps of white mucus or little grains, like tallow. Phos. Clin. Watery. Dysentery; burning in anus during stool and long-lasting, severe tenesmus afterwards; fruitless efforts to stool, which is bloody, watery and offensive, Plumb. Clin, Watery. Diarrhoea between midnight and morning, with sensation as of Something pulling at the navel; stools watery, dark, offensive, profuse, in- voluntary or mucous and bloody. Plumb. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea of drunkards on their last legs; great debility and nervous prostration; a sensation of trembling all over the body; stools lemon-color- ed, chopped, frothy, mucous, Stringy, offensive, watery, with burning in rectum. Sulf. A.C. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea; stool horribly offen- sive, nearly painless, involuntary, dark brown, black, watery or green mucus. Psor. Clin. Watery. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer which resists everything, especi- ally in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea in the morning driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Watery, Cholera infantum; stools saffrom yellow, chopped; offensive, watery; child smells sour despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Watery. Dysentery; stools watery, mu- cous, and bloody, with tearing down the thighs and much tenesmus. Rhus Tox. Clin. * * Watery. Diarrhoea daily after breakfast from vaccination; stool pale yellow, watery, or oily and greasy; forcibly expelled, gurgling like water from a bung hole. Thuja. Clin. Watery. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish-white, watery stools with flakes; severe pinching; colic before stool, from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. * Watery. Cholera infantum ; stool from the least movement of the body; thin and painless, gushing, profuse, Watery, flaky, inodorous; faintness at stool or immediately after. Ver. Alb. Clin. Waxy liver, dependent upon long lasting bone disease. Phos. Clin. Weak feeling in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur. Aloe 5. Weak, Emptiness and weak feeling in abdomen; coldness. Phos. 5. Weak feeling in abdomen, as if menses would come on. Sulf. A c. 5. Weak: Desire for stool in rectum in evening, with griping in hypogas- trium; then large moist, at last thin, Sour stool, after which he was relieved, but felt weak. Dulc. 2. Weak. Ineffectual urging with feeling as if rectum were too weak to evacuate the stool. Kali C. 2. Weak. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with Sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. Weak. Frequent involuntary stools of putrid, cadaverous odor; burning pains deep in abdomen; feces escape with flatus; collapse; pulse weak and intermittent. Carbo V. Clin. Weak. Diarrhoea, with urging and ina- bility to retain the stool; gurgling in abdomen, as of water; after stool Sharp pains around navel; weak feeling in abdomen and rectum; faintness. Lept. Clin. Weak. Diarrhoea always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; stools profuse, gushing, mucus yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Weak. Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing; weak and dizzy after stool. Petr. Clin. Weaken. Chronic diarrhoea, which does not weaken the patient. Calc. C. Clin. Weakened. Urging in rectum to stool, with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum, as if weakened by diar- rhoea. Coloc. 2. Weakening. T)iarrhoea, lasting a long time, apparently without any weak- ening effect; stool white, gray, copi- ous, painless, involuntary, with dis- charge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. Weakness in ring as if a hernia would form. Nux W, 7. Weakness. Stool light, yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Borax 1. Weakness, Drawing griping in abdomen, with pressure in rectum, nausea, weak- ness in pit of stomach and pallor of face; throbbing, Ign, 5. Weakness, Urging in rectum, with scanty Stool, passed in pieces after pressure, with painful weakness, and tight sen- sation in the abdominal muscles. Plat. 2. Weakness of sphincter ani so that cleanli- ness was difficult. Aloe 3. Weakness. Burning in rectum after stool, with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Ars, A. 2. Weakness in abdomen and in back, so that she must lie down. Phos. 5. Weakness. Singular feeling in pelvic re- gion at 4 p. m. ; a weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Sep. 7. Weather. Weakness in abdomen after fyvo hard stools, with loss of appetite. Sep. 5. Weakness. Diarrhoea; stool profuse; mu- cous, of much bloody mucus; violent, involuntary, frequent; with weak- neSS. Petr. 1. Weakness of rectum. Petr. 2. Weakness. Cutting pain in hypogastrium mornings, with nausea; sweetish, dis- gusting taste, weakness and sleepi- ness; Cutting, rising to upper abdo- men, where it amounted to griping. Nux V. 7. Weakness. Chronic diarrhoea of old peo- ple, with tremulous weakness; dis- charge sometimes involuntary. Con. Clin. Weakness. Obstinate constipation, espe- cially if it alternates with diarrhoea; with stool followed by tremulous weakness. Con. Clin. Weakness. Painless cholera morbus with deathly nausea, weakness and pros- tration; aggravation from the smell or sight of food. Colch. Clin. Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking Or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts. Sep. Clin. Weakness. Colic; sensation of coldness, Weakness and faintness; better from bending double. Petr. Clin. Wear, Distention and sensitiveness of abdo- men, so that she must wear the clothes about stomach very loose; even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dare not lay the arm across the abdo- men, Lach, 5. Diarrhoea driving out of bed Very early in the morning; want of confidence in Sphincter ani; worse immediately after eating; aggravated in mornings in hot, damp weather. Aloe Clin. - Weather. Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; constipated during hot weather. Ant. Cr. Clin. Weather. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Weather. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather; from cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, drinking milk. Bry. Clin. Weather. Dysentery in moist weather; aggravation from any current of air; violent tenesmus of rectum and blad- der. Caps. Clin. - Weather. Diarrhoea in hot damp weather in the fall; vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, varying in color green, yellow, reddish, variegated; Slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Weather. Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatism; stools sour-smelling, when the weather suddenly changes from Warm to cold; damp weather. Dulc. Clin. Weather. Old pendulous haemorrhoids ... that cease to bleed but become pain- ful to the touch, especially in warm weather. Nit. A c. Clin. (357) REPERTORY OF PART II. WEATHER. WHN D. Weather. Diarrhoea in spring when | White. Diarrhoea copious, yellowish and | White. Duodenal catarrh, sometimes warm weather sets in ; stools very of— offensive, containing pieces of white with jaundice; white stools. Kali B. fensive, undigested, watery, chocolate- membrane; Orange-yellow, slimy; Clin. colored, consisting of decomposed with bright yellow flakes, without | White. Morning diarrhoea, with green, blood, looking like charred straw. feces. Colch. 1. painless but exhausting stools; wa- Lach. Clin. White. Diarrhoea of white mucus in tery; pouring away as from a hydrant; Weather. Chronic diarrhoea, worse some little pieces like pop-corn. Cina with lumps of white mucus or little time after rising and moving about ; Clin. grains like tallow. Phos. Clin. after a protracted spell of damp, cold weather or from living in damp houses. Natr. S. Clin. - Weather. Dysentery from cold, damp weather, rectum protrudes; stools very slimy. Dulc. Clin. - Weight in left hypochondrium when walk- ing, sitting, and lying, not affecting breathing, Lyc. 6. Weight. Bearing down pains in hypo- gastrium, worse when walking, with weight low down in vagina; with con- stant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was dis- charged. Lil. Tig. 7. Weight in hypogastrium, aggravated by walking. Kali C. 7. Weight. Constriction and weight in ab- domen with sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Nux V. 5. Weight. Distention of abdomen and after eating tension with weight, with - pain in place of a hernia. Sil. 5. Weight. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus; bilious, with sensa- tion as if weight would pass. Sulf 1. Weight. Congested, enlarged liver; sen. sation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium as if the liver had in- creased in weight and dragged at its ligaments. Agar. Clin. Wet. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin ; yel- low, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Wet. Colic immediately after eating; and worse after drinking; amelioration from hot, wet cloths; abdomen enor- mously distended. Nux Mos. Clin. Wet. Colic from cold; from getting feet wet; from fruit, ices, pasty; flatulent colic in evening after Supper, at night. Puls. Clin. Whey-like. Chronic diarrhoea of an ex- hausting character; stools whitish, whey-like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in the morning. Tod. Clin. White, (Stool.) Stool contained many white shreds. Colch. 1, |White. Diarrhoea nightly, with colic, so that she must bend double; hot, Smell- ing like rotten eggs; green, watery; painless, consisting of feces and mu- cus; white, slimy, with colic. Cham. 1. White. Stool soft, with lumps of white mucus; pasty at an unusual time; lumpy; light; clay colored, with urg- ing and inactivity of rectum. Phos. 1. White. Watery diarrhoea; stool green, white, with red urine. Acon. 1. White. Stool white, with dark urine. China 1. - White. Stool intermitting, frequent at first ; hard, thin, pasty, then liquid, white, offensive like bad eggs. Calc. C. 1. White tough mucus, with the stool like Scrapings from the intestines, with streaks of blood; copious. Canth. 1. White. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation ; con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. White thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus; also blood. Graph. 1. White. Stool white, gelatinous like frog's Spawn; frequent with pressure. Hell. i. White. Constipation; stool white; of only yellow-white mucus, mixed with blood, with pain in back, Puls. 1. White. Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd. Ant. Cr. Clin. White. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black them evacuation yellow, thin, or brown; mushy or white, ac- Companied by severe lumbar and sa- cral pains. AEsc. Clin. White. Diarrhoea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown watery, white watery, green mucus; thin, pasty, bright yellow, or light gray, like rice water. Chel. 7. White. Jaundice with clear urine; offen- Sive; tongue white; stools dark. Chel, Clin. White. Stools profuse, putrid, corrosive, loose, brownish, frothy, black, offen- Sive, undigested, white, cadaverous- Smelling; worse at night. China. Clin. White. Green, slimy stools, mucous; chopped, white and yellow mucus, often of a changeable color, often un- digested, often like chopped eggs and Spinach; foul odor, especially in chil- dren during teething or after taking cold. Cham. Clin. - White. Diarrhoea; stool like scum of a frog pond, green, frothy; white masses like lumps of tallow floating on the green; Sour-Smelling; undigested; containing curds. Mag C. Clin. White. Diarrhoea with discharge of lum- brici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy, or white. Cina Clin. White. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; stool white, gray, copious, pain- less, involuntary, with discharge of undigested substances. Phos. A c. Clin. White. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear yellow, red or green Slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. White. Stools green, sometimes slimy, white and mushy, hot and watery, very offensive. Calc. Ph, Clin. White. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, un- digested, or sometimes mucous, yel- low or green, and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. - White. Stool yellowish-white, frequent, green. Sulf. A c. 1. White. Diarrhoea; frequent, profuse, greenish, white, watery stools with ſtakes; severe pinching colic before stool from emotions, as fright. Ver. Alb. Clin. White. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change | often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low ; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden ; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Whitish. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish, gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yel- low, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. Ac. 1. - Whitish. Constipation, with sensitiveness above Pompart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of wa- tery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses, and tenesmus. PhOS. 1. Whitish. Copious, blackish-brown, green and whitish stools. Apis 1. Whitish. Stool whitish, mixed with te- nacious mucus and streaks of blood. Nux V. 1. Whitish. Diarrhoea soft, frequent, whitish. Iod. 1. Whitish. Diarrhoea; stool whitish, fre- quent ; also causing burning in anus. Op. 1. º - Whitish. Constipation; stool hard and difficult, mixed with mucus and knotty, whitish, Scanty, brownish, dif- ficult, but not hard. Sep. 1. Whitish. Chronic diarrhoea of an exhaust- ing character; stools whitish, whey- like, watery, foamy, mucous; worse in || the morning. Tod. Clin. Whitish. Cholera infantum ; stools whit- ish, curdy, turning green on the diaper on exposure to the air; sour smell of whole body, especially during teeth- ing. Rheum Clin. - Whitish-gray. Stool gray, green, bloody, difficult. Phos. 1. Whitish-gray. Constipation; stool hard, green, Slimy, acrid, excoriating anus; whitish-gray. Merc. 1. Whitish-yellow. Stools thin, fluid, fre- quent, whitish-yellow. Cocc. 1. Wide. Paralysis of rectum; anus wide open; haemorrhage from bowels. Secale 2. Wild. Shooting from umbilical region to other parts of abdomen; amelioration from pressure; so violent at times that he was almost wild; tossed about, pressed his fist into his abdomen, said he must go to stool. Plumb. 7. Wind. Diarrhoea during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation: con- taining white points or flakes like pus; offensive, with much flatulence. Calc. Ph. 1. whitish-gray, ( 358 ) W. N. D. REPERTORY OF PART II. YELLO W. Wind. Ineffectual urging; tenesmus; only wind passes, with pressure in rectum. Carbo V. 2. Wind. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling of wind; worse at night from fright or other emotions. Ign. Clin. Wind. Prolapsus of rectum, with weak feeling in evening in bed; itching, burning all day; passes only wind and mucus, with Sensation of a plug in rectum. Sep. 2. - Wind. Diarrhoea, with much wind ; stools profuse, dark green, brown, gelatinous; worse after eating ; from fruit, from lager beer, from abuse of Opium; with intolerable itching of anus during typhoid fever. Mur. Ac. Clin. - - Wine. Flatulent colic; worse from wine with retraction of the abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus passing off without relief. Zin C. Clin. Wiping. Itching, Smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping, Graph, 3. Women. Diarrhoea of pregnant women. Ant. Cr. Clin. Women. Oozing of a thin inodorous fluid from the rectum; weak digestion, es- pecially in nursing women. Carbo An. Clin. Women. Periodical abdominal spasms in sensitive and hysterical women. Ign. Clin. - Women. Constipation of women before and during menses. Sil. Clin. Women. Diarrhoea of anaemic and hys- terical women, mostly during night; stools greenish, pasty, with tenesmus and cutting in abdomen. Mag. M. Clin. Work. Sensation in abdomen as if full of stones, after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Ant. T. 5. Work. Irritable liver; jaundice from vexation; from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with Soreness and sharp, Sticking pains; aggravation from lying on left side. Natr. S. Clin. Worm. Stool thin, like a round worm, with much white mucus, also blood. Graph. 1. - Worms. Crawling in rectum in evening when sitting, with biting, as from worms; itching during the day, Sulf. 2. Worms. Evacuation of large, round worms. Merc. 2. Worms. Passes worms, both round and thread-worms. Cina, Clin. - Worms. Colic from cold evening air; from worms; colic which only passes off by lying down. Merc. Clin. Worms. Colic; pains in lower abdomen from worms. Sil. Clin. Worms. Violent itching or tingling at anus from worms. Zinc. Clin. Writhing. Sense of writhing in the ab- domen. Agar. 5. Writhing. Griping colic writhing around navel, better from hot milk, worse after eating or nursing. Crot. Tig. Clin. Yawning. Cutting in abdomen, then leu- corrhoea, with griping at various times; sometimes when yawning; after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner. Zinc. 5, Years. Dysenteric attacks for several suc- cessive years; frequent, bloody stools, with gnawing at navel; then ineffec- tual straining. Kali B. 1. Yeast, Diarrhoea at night, with cutting in intestines; stool like brown yeast, Arn, 1. Yeast. Diarrhoea, slimy and of the ap- pearance of yeast; cadaverous smell. Ant. T. Clin. Yellow. (Stool.) Stool watery, feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea, of yellow-greenish | water; forcible, of green, frothy water. Grat, 1. º Yellow, Diarrhoea in morning, with heat and pain in anus; stool liquid, yellow, green, frequent, Pod, 1. - Yellow, Stool soft, then empty feeling in ab- domen; Saffron yellow, stringy and slimy; chopped. Sulf. Ac. 1, Yellow. Stool yellow and green; diarrhoea, mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus. Gamb, 1. Yellow. Diarrhoea, with coldness of ex- tremities; with vomiting and prostra- tion; with tearing and cutting in ab- domen; stool dark, bloody-colored; black mucus; offensive; yellow; with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus. Ars. A. 1. Yellow. Stool light yellow, soft, three times a day, with weakness. Borax 1. Yellow, Stool pasty, bright yellow, copious, with much mucus and light gray. Chel. 1. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stool thin, whitish- gray, involuntary, pasty, bright yel- low, with sensation as if he would emit flatus; not prostrating. Phos. A c. 1. Yellow, Constipation, with sensitiveness above Ponpart's ligament and hard- ness low down in left iliac region; afterwards almost dysentery of wa- tery stools mixed with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses; and tenesmus. PhOS. 1. r Yellow. Sudden, waking at 6 a. m., with copious, yellow, half-liquid stool, with urging in rectum. Arg. N. 1. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stool fluid, yellow, in morning with full feeling in abdo- men and emission of flatus. Natr. S. 1. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stool liquid, with mucus; red and yellow, gelatinous, tinged with blood, preceded by lassi- tude. Rhus Tox. 1. Yellow. Constipation; stool white; of only yellow-white mucus mixed with blood; with pain in back. Puls. 1. Yellow. Watery stool through the day; yellow, painless, with rumbling. Iris Yellow. Frequent yellow, watery stool, with griping. Apis 1. Yellow, pappy, pasty stool. Aloe 1. Yellow. Liquid stool; diarrhoea in morn- ing on rising; yellow, with distention and dull pain under ribs. Aloe 1. . Yellow. Yellow. Watery feces; frequent, with soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid feces; twice, then chilliness; three stools of yellow water. Grat. 1. Pain in umbilical region in morning, with profuse, thin yellow stool, not relieving the pain; with frequent cutting through all small intestines. DiOSC. 7. Yellow. Diarrhoea copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane, orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes; without feces. Colch. 1. Yellow. Diarrhoea in wet weather, mostly mornings after rising and eating; with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, fecal, slimy. Agar. Clin. Yellow. Chronic diarrhoea; first part hard and black, then evacuation; yellow, thin or brown; mushy or white, accompanied by severe lumbar and Sacral pains. AESC. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stools painless; at first frothy, thin and brown; later cadaverous-Smelling, containing bits of yellow feces. Borax Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea; brown, yellow or slimy; putrid odor, with low types of fever; coldness of extremities; ten- dency to collapse. Carbo V. Clin. Yellow. Green, slimy stools; mucous; chopped white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color, often undigested, often like chopped eggs and spinach ; foul odor, especially in children during teething, or from taking cold. Cham. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea without pain or urg- ing; stools brown watery, white wa- tery, green mucus, thin, pasty, bright yellow, or light gray, like rice water. Chel. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea in hot damp weather in the fall, vomiting and purging of rice water stools; varying in color, green, yellow, reddish, variegated; , slime and feces mixed. Colch. Clin. Yellow. T)iarrhoea brought on by riding in cars or carriage; aggravated by drinking cold water, with flatulent distention ; colic; feeling as if sharp stones were rubbing together in ab- domen; stools fetid, yellow, painless; prolapsus recti after stool. Cocc. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stools white, sour, undigested, or sometimes mucous, yellow or green, and of a decayed odor. Hep. Clin. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, nearly odorless, involuntary, passed in bed uncon- Sciously especially during sleep; a typhoid state with delirium. Hyos. Clin. - Yellow. Diarrhoea, with excessive ac- cumulation of flatus; stools thin, brown or pale; fecal, mixed with lumps, thin, yellow, shaggy, reddish, mucous, undigested. Lyc. Clin. Yellow. Exhausting diarrhoea; stools slimy, like chopped eggs; thin, yellow, profuse and putrid; undigested, with cutting and urging during stool. Nux Mos. Clin. ( 359 ) YELLow. REPERTORY OF PART II. YELLO WISH - C RE EN . Yellow. Diarrhoea; stool involuntary when emitting flatus; stools thin, yellow, fecal, with emission of fetid flatus like rotten eggs. Olean. Clin. Yellow. Dysentery; discharges white, slimy, clear yellow, red or green, slime, blood and mucus. Puls. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stools jelly-like, dark yellow, red, watery, with lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef. Rhus Tox. Clin. Yellow. Chronic diarrhoea, especially during early hours of morning; stool watery, with meal-like sediment; yel- low, pasty, black, mucous and blood- streaked; involuntary; very offensive, like carrion. Pod. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea; stool like chopped eggs; of yellow mucus, sometimes frothy, extremely fetid; aggravation from eating oysters, Sulf. A c. Clin. Yellow. Cholera infantum ; stools saffron- yellow, chopped, offensive, watery; child smells. Sour, despite the most careful washing. Sulf. A c. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea daily, after breakfast, from vaccination; stool pale yellow, watery or oily and greasy, forcibly expelled, gurgling, like water from a bung-hole. Thuja. Clin. Yellow. Diarrhoea, with constant rum- bling and gurgling in abdomen; stools dark yellow, undigested, very offensive; stools of yellow water, with meal-like sediment; worse night |. and morning after eating. Phos. A c. Clin. - Yellow. Diarrhoea in the morning, driv- ing him out of bed; the stools change often in color; watery; brown; fecal; green; mucous; bloody; white; yel- low; frothy; sour; fetid; expulsion sudden; the smell of the stool follows him all around. Sulf. Clin. Yellow. (Miscellaneous.) Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus; consti- pated during hot weather. Ant. Cr, Clin. Yellow. Liver torpid, skin yellow, stools light colored; Clin. - Yellow. Enlargement of the liver; pain under angle of right shoulder blade, or with jaundice; yellow tongue; bit- ter taste. Chel. Clin. * Yellow. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin, nausea and headache. Iris V. Clin. Yellow. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. PhOS. Cljn. Yellow. Enlargement and congestion of the liver; jaundice; yellow color of the face and eyes; gray stools; Swell- ing of feet and legs. Mag. M. Clin. Yellow-greenish, Stool watery; feces yellow; frequent diarrhoea of yellow-greenish water; forcible, of green, frothy water, Grat, 1. Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with tearing cut- ting before stool, as after taking cold. Dulc. 1, Yellowish, Diarrhoea; stool semi-fluid and frequent in morning; pappy yellowish, green, copious fetid, Sulf, 1. Yellowish. Diarrhoea; watery, yellowish and painless, forcible. Crot, Tig, 1. Yellowish. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 a. m., with sputtering flatus; with dread, lest feces and urine escaped together; while he would force out yet he held back. Aloe 1. Yellowish. Stool enveloped by filamen- tous, yellowish mucus; this mucus is entirely blood in last portions of feces. Carbo V. 1. -- Yellowish. Stool liquid and brownish, frothy, profuse, forcible, several times a day; yellowish; mostly in morning. Ratan. 1. - jaundice. Hydras. Yellowish. Diarrhoea; copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, with- out feces. Colch. 1. Yellowish. Stool yellowish-white, quent, green. Sulf. A c. 1. Yellowish. Diarrhoea, always in daytime, never at night, but has stools early in the morning; hunger immediately after stool from weak, empty feeling in bowels; Stools profuse, gushing, mucous, yellowish-brown, with colic. Petr. Clin. Yellowish. Diarrhoea; stools thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intes- times, like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains. Ratan. Clin. Yellowish. Diarrhoea; stools yellowish, slimy; cutting pain before and after, with itching of anus when sitting. Staph. Clin. Yellowish. Interminable diarrhoea in sum- mer, which resists everything, especi- ally in scrofulous children; stools putrid, fetid, watery, yellowish or greenish ; discharged rapidly with great force. Secale Clin. Yellowish-brown. Urging to a copious, yellowish-brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool; then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in Quick succession; first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels. Coloc. 1. Yellowish-green. Diarrhoea, with violent colic and rumbling before stool; then yellowish-green stools; profuse emis- sion of fetid flatus. Natr. S. Clin. fre- - * . ſ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN S. 390.1508463 0758 . . . , ***( ) . . !! !! * .ae aerº,