ºts-sº ºne 0.33s – I Goddard Space Flight Center *WWomen's Advisory Commim: Women's Advisory Committee Empowerment Equ A lity sucCes, - - º COLLECTION Federal Women's Program http://eeogsfo.nasa.gov/wac UNIVERSITY Cº MiGHGAN -- Lººs Vºrs pººl ºr ºy Sº, Sº UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – INTRODUCTION The Center Director chartered the Women's Advisory Committee (WAC) in 1995 to: • Provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to Center Management with respect to the employment and advancement of women; • Serve as a focal point for the concerns of women on matters affecting their employment and work life; • Help resolve Centerwide issues affecting women employees; and • Provide educational forums for employees and managers on women's issues. The committee functions under the auspices of the Federal Women's Program, which was established in 1969 through Executive Order 11478. The current WAC is the third incarna- tion of an advisory committee for women at Greenbelt. The initial com- mittee, active during the 70's, estab- lished the Day Care Center and initiat- ed upward-mobility programs. From 1989 to 1992 the Women's Advisory Group (WAG) chose sexual harass- ment as their primary issue. Their efforts resulted in Center training for all supervisors and employees. They also encouraged the consideration of Center clerical staff as candidates for the Technician Apprentice Program. PROGRAM INITIATIVES The WAC focuses on helping women balance work and family life. Program initiatives include inauguration of the Centerwide Lactation Program and the Dependent Care Referral Service, which are now managed through the Office of Human Resources (OHR). With the help of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) the WAC set up a Domestic Violence Program. The WAC worked with OHR, Security, and other offices to develop a common pro- tocol for response to employees who may be either victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. Additional informa- tion on this issue is at: http://ohrgsſc. nasa.gov/family/domestic/home.htm The WAC meets annually with the Center Director and more frequently with the Directors of OHR, AETD and OSSMA to discuss issues that affect women's careers and work life. The WAC meets with other Directors of if issues need to be raised. During Women's History Month (March) and on Women's Equality Day (August), the WAC sponsors programs to cele- brate the contributions and accomplish- ments of women. In 2002 the WAC initiated its first annual Career and Networking Luncheon at the Rec Center. A speaker and a panel of Goddard women addressed a variety of career issues. Over 100 women participated. The WAC, funded by the . Council, led the Centerwide Quality of Worklife (QWL) survey. Recommen- dations included the establishment of a QWL office in OHR and innovative work arrangements including televork and other flexible work schedules. OHR is working these actions. Each year, WAC's Lunchtime Seminars deal with issues of interest to women. In 2002 the spotlight was on relation- ships. Programs included sessions on parenting, networking, balance, and gender differences in communication. During the previous year, the focus was on women's health. The theme for 2003 is Linking Goddard Women. Programs will feature Goddard women ...] pro- vide structured opportunities for net- working and learning about the oppor- tunities available at Goddard. The WAC also sponsors several outreach initiatives. In June, the Center holds a weeklong program for junior high school girls: the Summer Institute in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Research (SISTER). In 2003 the WAC is Fº to host an all-day program O r girls in honor of Women's Equality Day (August 26). For up-to-date information on 2003 ſº please check our Web site: tip://eeo.gsfo.nasa.gov/wac PROFILE OF GODDARD WOMEN Why do we need a women's program? The chart below shows that at the end of Fiscal Year 2002, while women held 1180 of Goddard's 3250 civil service jobs, they were under repre- sented in technical jobs, supervisory positions and at the higher grades. Representation of Women 40 | 35 30 25 15 10- % W - Total GSFC - - Supe 5 O i Supervisors - GS 14-15 - SES The average salary of women at GSFC ($66.9K) is 75% that of male employees. Women still struggle to balance work and family i. The Women's Advisory Committee (WAC) seeks to help women move ahead in their careers by removing barriers to their advancement. UNIVERSITY OF MICH ||||| 90.1508469 NP-2003-3-536-GSFC ill 0646 WOMEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES chair Patricia A. Huber (Patty) --300 Vice Chºir Donya M. Douglas --500 Directorate Representatives 200: Dond L. Ford From C. Teel AOO: Jcnice L. Buckner Vanesse L. Griffin 500; Maureen P. Modden (Mo) 300 Ramond L. Kessel (Mond) 900. Virginia L. Kalb (Ginny) Contractor Representatives Christing M. Kominoſh (Chris) ckominoºpop 200gsºngsa.gov Florence W. Tom Honºpopº.00gsſc.nasa.gov oºr representative Karen L. Rogers EEC Representative Lynne G. Slater Each civil servant member can be reached via e-mail º appending "@nasa.gov/ to her full name.