circuit Count of THE UNITED STATES EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. ITN EXQUITY. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES, Complainant, º ºS. THE JAMAICA AND BR00KLYN ROAD COMPANY, Defendant. VOI v. II. EXHIBITS, EATON & LEWIS, Solicitors for Defendant, FREDERIC H. BETTS, H. W. SEELY, Of Counsel. - º - --~~~~ C. G. Burgoyne, Walker and Centre Sts., N. Y. (IRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. - Zºo IN ENG), UITY. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES, Complainant, 07S. THE JAMAICA AND BBOOKLYN ROAD COMPANY., Defendant. ON LETTERS PATENT No. 407,188, STEPHEN D. FIELD, DATED JULY 16, 1889, ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. DEFEND ANT'S PRO OFS. VOI A, II. ENRX HIE IT. S. EATON & LEWIS, Solicitors for Defendant. FREDERIC H. BETTS, H. W. SEELY, Of Counsel. NEW YORK : C. G. BURGoyNE, WALKER AND CENTRE STREETs. 1893. INDEX TO VOLUIMIE II. Exhibits. DRAWINGS, SKETCHES, ETC. PAGE Edison Sketch No. 1.------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. - « & c. “ 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - “. « C. “ 3-------------------------- 3 - C ç ç. “ 4-------------------------- 4. & C . c. « . 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 & C Q & “ 6-------------------------- 6 & C & C “ 7-------------------------- 7 “ Drawing No. 8------------------------- 8 “ Estimate and Sketch No. 9- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 “ Drawing No. 10 - - - - - - - --------------- 10 & C & C “ 11 ----------------------- 11 Green's 1875 Road, Plan of -------------------- 12 Siemen's H–Armature Sketch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 MODELs. Boué and Chretien, Track and Conductors ------- & C & C. Car ----------------------- & 4 ç ç Generator ----------------- ( c. & 4 Prime Motor--------------- P A T E N T S . British. Bellet and De Rouvre Patent---- - - - - - - - - - - - - 107–114 Clark Patent ------------------------------- 94–106 Clark (William), Patent of 1878 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 115–139 Cook Patent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85–93 Dugmore and Millward Patent ----------...-- - - - 69–75 Guyard Patent ------------------------------ 76–84 Hjorth “ – c - - - - --------------- - - - - Not printed. Lake “ ---------------------------- 140–144 Pinkus “ ------------------------------ 24–68 Taylor “ ------------------------------ 14–23 Wheatstone Patent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not printed. Wheatstone and Cook Patent - - - - - - - - - - - Not printed. - II French. PAGE Boué Patent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --------- 168–190 - C “ Translation of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 191–199 Chretien Patent-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200, 201 & 4 “ Certified Copy of ----------- 204–206 & 4 “ Translation of -. -- - - - - - - - - - -202, 203 Q & “ No. 122,593 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 145–161 & C C. c. . . “ Translation of 162–167 United States. Brush Patent, No. 217,667 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 257–261 T)rescher Patent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 242–246 Dupas “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — ... - - - - - - - 221–223 Field “ No. 229,991-- - - - - - - - -...--- 267–271 4 4. & C “ 232,253 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 272-275 & 4 4 & “ 236,569 -- ... --- - - - - - - - - 276–278 Green’s Motor Patent ...---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __250–252 “ Patent No. 171, 122-. --------------- 247–249 & 4 & 4 No. 465,407 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 279_283 Lindsay “ ---------------------------- 214–220 Maxim “ No. 228,543------------------ 262–266 Neff “ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 207-209 Robinson “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229, 230 Sawyer “ -- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - - - - - - - - 253–256 Spang “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237–241. “. Re-issued Patent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...- 231–236 Utley and Ross “ --------------------- 224–228 Wesson---------------------------------- 210–213 PHOTOGRAPHS. Edison Photograph No. 1.---------------------- 496 Q & «. “ 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 497 & C ç ç “ 3-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 498 & 4 Q & “ 15- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 499 “ 1880 Photograph No. 16. --- - - - - -------- 500 . . ſ: C & C “ 17 ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 501 & C. º 4 & 4 “ 18-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 502 & C ç ç & 4 “ 19 - - - - - - - - - - 503 & 4 & C. & C “ 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 504. º - -- III PAGE Edison 1880 Photograph No. 21-------------...-- 505 - « C & & 4 “ 22---------------- 506 -- cº & 4 “ 23---------------- 507 & C … - C “ 24---------------- 508 PUBLICATIONS. Davenport Article No. 1.-------------------- 284–288 & C & 4 “ 2-------------------- 289–295 - “. & 4 “ 3-------------------- 296–302 . . & 4 “ 4-------------------- 303—308 . . c - “ 5-------------------- 309_314 Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens, Organ für die ----------------------------------- 321–327 Fortschritte Article, Translation of die_--_ _ _ _ 328–339 Kalamazoo Telegraph ----------------. ----- 319, 320 La Nature Article - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 355-363 « . “ Translation of ------------- 364–369 Ties Mondes Article - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 315, 316 C & “ Translation of ------------ 317, 318 Scientific American Article of August 2, 1879 ---- 339 & C C & “ “ Oct. 18, 1879____340, 341 & 4 & 4 & 4 “ Feb. 28, 1880 - - - - - - 370 Seeley’s Scientific American Article - - - - - - - - - 344–352 Upton's ( Q & 4 Letter---------- 352–354 Weston’s “ C & “ - - - - ------- 342–344 MISCELLANEOUS. Dynamo Circular - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 371-374 File Wrapper of Green Patent--------------- 375–382 Q & a q “ Patent in Suit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 383-482 Opinion of Mr. B. F. Thurston on Patent in Suit_483–495 Thurston Letter-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 483 § 24), ºſw 8%ŹźŽÍ.4% ſeſ d'X, 37 ***%9,2), €, º ~~~~ ** * –? - a ºf f :::::::::::=º . Fº: ºr " --~~~~ º *- . ===Hººi - - :*: -º- ********** -------------. … *† ~~ s'. - Cº-ºrsºSºº-sºs. F --> . *- *:::::::::::: "--, 2-f - --~~--- - - -- r” ********** sl --- ****-*..... - - *-, - - *...- ----- **-*-, - - - º ***--------...} - - ~~~~~~~~...~*-i- - T-J ºr - - - - - -- “…cººr"--- ------ *-i-m------ - - “ss. *::. : 1 "T"---4----. - **-ºss --- "… * …, ----...--~~~~~~~" --------Tº: ----- - - ºr,. …------ºº-º-º-º-º: rº------- --- - - ºnrº , º, ...--º-º: ºr "º". 3.5 o 0 2.0 / 7.2 ° ** º º º Ž & 24, 4%,27 &yº /* & . zºl- %2---.2% 44; 24// 2%).2. &zo----- 222 2. Aºya #44-4 #,2,…, * * &aſºn, &A. %rºy .4% 24 fº 2322. _…:): *?, ººoº!®, _) &(?? ??? zaeſz„ººſº ! 2/ ºrºž - zº»,añºſ y 10 º hyn,、。| 4/4 z z^p ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~);} : - - - - - - - ---- · «…--~~~ ~~~~ 2 4,2 %,„ſ/? »… ?yzae· 4&-ºśs, 11. - Aya & 4 × -? * * /2- A. - '7% - - º /0.3- 0 ° - - /73 * e - - ... a '. —º __ - & 7 a... … ººzºº _-T - - . f £4…º.º. º. ºr " sº *4% £4.4% . % & cºcºon. **** 2% // - ſ Yº----------> Ź№ - * ~~~~~. --> --> - º ºr ~~< a------~~ --~~~~~~~~~~~~ * v- A 8% - ºf 8. & re.-- / 87/ - º % } <; &~ 44 13 2 A : & - — { ; : ; : - * * * * * * --------------------------------- --------------- : i - ; : - ; : ; : - FTT---——— - — —A *****, *, *.sº 1.-- nº. ºn - !\n tºº. Eravuu Kyº, and Wiluw Stºriºswºrºnt. ., ii. Thiru-nº-Fºrdhai Märtiv tº - © \()') *-- - ſº.5//EETSS) Dranº, Aſ‘5 r A.D.1840. Sep.24. Nº.3644. PINKUs SPECIFICATION. “A №Ē źĒĒĒĢ\} %@šāſĒĢÑ} %ŽĒŠÈą \È№šįg}} §? №tºj § →ă №#i-№III №Ě SąŘžūç NŚ2%),º. §à§|D !, on Stºne by Malby 3. $gas - - Drawn T----- --- Tl i == ! } | Ș § § | |- Losdor Printedlyūfoliol. Firwann Enka and William Spottiswoop. - Printers to the Queens most Fºrellent Maesty 1855. - 60 .5//EE7' 2 ºf M*3.4. Zºranº — — —- ¿ã - ¿№ §ZĪ №:№ №, № ſº º -------ºf..."------------- —ITE HH==== 1: Edwann Evae and William Seºniswoopi, Queeismost Errellent Majesty (835. its pos: ſºlutedly Grone - Piatristotle * *ardº & ºrtly adorea. - A.D.1840. Sep 24.Nº. 8644. PIN KUS SPECIFICATION 7%z enrº, —£4 4- A. D. Rºto, ºrt. 24. Nº 8,644 15 sheets PINKUS SPECIFICATION ~I --~~ frºntº, yº. - º Drºnny A"142 - §§ -- J)rawina N96. CD \ ng <|Š \ C *_2:2. `sº / \ - _2^ z. `--~T –-T - - - A. - - |\ –1 \ \ *~ ---- --- \ –––––– - - `-- ſ \ - / __--" \\ --> _` -- \ 2^ º - \ **) | / / —t- / | - --- / + –/ o | A - @T: (); - Drawing Wº...A 2. I _º T, … na *g º ſº º ;: Drum on Stone ºf Mally & Sons Losnow. Print - ME, * Wºº" 62 -ar--- Bºº. ºxicts hºusans. ------------ i. --~~~~ -T- ------------- ---ºr-sº ~~~~~~ -------- === #ºKr- Adlºsºp 24.N.: 8644. Pinhº's sºurration fºr ºvnda/awnay wavºr overed, ,------. yºzºa, **micrº by Malbº º ºu Lonnon: Pºintelhº'ſ Finicrºtu *ontº, Elmau, Exitt and Wu.Ast Sroriswºl. º 63 Tanjº 3-p cº Nº. 864. PDNiºtis Nexentariox. - ///7&rntº ſtºray L_*…**** * * * 65 -, ºgg&I (isoſir, "ſioroows1.1.10.1$ wwitTIMPſ ſisuſul suºčių) viņoſ skolu! :| www.ctſ apſtoº;) Aiſpoſti, :Notino'ſ 7z, -%2,7 %,pº,*%/ ------------- |0 1 ‘NOLIWOLILOJASȘȚIMNIď /&zºº, ºſ/'##98;N'#3’da Sºóſºſ (Ty "ºſ „ZººZºº · - ( )\, ,|(\).* <_ ºgºl º viso! (tºtoo wsi L10-15www.rii, ; itlolºx{ isolustrojiſ, ºſi oſ skritiſ, º tuvºſcisivati:ſ hºmioſły·úIpului, º xog xxx | ºstrºs * &ſvſ; girºſ, ſiði, ºpazoſooff, maeſ y ffuunup pºmarº */ º z ($77II7$$7) ' + ' () ºxoſ, yºrafoºdS ,SITYINíd ºfiț¢ £ ©N Țg I, 38’ 0’59’I! Y (1,7,7,7,737 … -- → „” 67 **** (№rwaens notwºrt i '9', Lºſ ºſſº ºrff * */ J. 3:1 ſſº -ſisefeſtuºſºwansonistrºombºpo, sinimų- ! coast:}}„$$$ärxiſtuvwxiſ ſtýriſ) ſą pºſuiſ : soa sorſ ·/pauotoº now waſuvaenug gøff, …,|× 'Noilwoſarosas .Snyº NIă . ***98 à Nºſſz aaş*OffſBI‘q’y ·|- 68 -(ſisóſtºſ, ſtºſºwa isosesſivoon suoſuſ), …o…nišš!xvrnių įſimĶĒŽĖ}}}È}:xovtº«; º suossºmiſtſ,;tims unit:mºrti (pºurq, w,fºuz, 4,77øn,*ael , , , , , , , , ºwo, ſung yo powszą ºrvºsoz, zºnº º ſuº º’o ‘*****************/ §SSI · o o, o º ſo i 3 · , 1/3 ºsº*****s*lºvu). - · § 71 s (l'1,n + ſ \ Ivriſ ) i I. V ſv. lºſ X , ! \\ • Koi…vofaixads . S.}MNIď · į Hºgg ::Nºiae'…tºS ſtyi 81·tí·wº ſs 13:whrs ºr ) · tºt aeths' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. A.D. 1853 . . . . . . . Nº 2663. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w--~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~...~~~~~ Electric Signalling Apparatus for Railways. - i. LETTERS PATENT to George Dugmore, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Manufacturer, and George Haywood Millward, of Birmingham aforesaid, Manufacturer, for the Invention of “A NEW OR IMPROVED METHOD of SIGNALLING or CoMMUNICATING BETWEEN TRAINs on RAILWAYs.” Sealed the 9th May 1854, and dated the 17th November 1853. - PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with their Petition, on the 17th November 1853. We, GEORGE DUGMORE, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, - 5 Manufacturer, and GEORGE HAYwood MILLWARD, of Birmingham afore- said, Manufacturer, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “A Nºw or IMPROVED METHOD OF SIGNALLING or CoMMUNICATING BETWEEN TRAINs on RAILWAYs” to be as follows:— The object of our Invention is to enable the guard or driver of a 10 train to communicate with the guard or driver of another distant train, so that in case of accident or on any other occasion a distant train may be signalled or warned. We carry our Invention into effect in the - - 2 A.D. 1853–Nº 2663. g.º. Dugmore & Millward's Improvements in Signalling on Railways. following manner. We lay two rods of metal along the railway and between the two rails of each line, and we attach two wheels to each locomotive, or tender, or guard's van, each of the said wheels being pressed upon one of the said metallic rods so as to be in electrical com— munication therewith. Each locomotive, &c. is furnished with a voltaic battery, and any suitable signalling apparatus capable of being worked by electricity, and the signalling apparatus is kept constantly in eiectrical communication with the before-mentioned wheels, and consequently with the rods on which they bear. When the driver of a train wishes to signal the driver of another train, several miles, for example, behind, and caution him not to approach, he has only to bring the poles of his battery into electrical communication with the wheels bearing on the metal rods to convey an electrical current to the signal apparatus in the distant train, and by affecting the said apparatus com— municate the desired information. When the ordinary rails are laid so as to be in electrical communication they may be employed in carrying our Invention into effect, instead of the rods described. The signalling apparatus may be a beli or dial and needle, but we do not confine our- selves to any particular apparatus, the essence of our Invention con- sisting in providing the means of placing a train in motion in electrical communication with another distant train in motion, so that in case of accident or otherwise intelligence may be communicated from one to the other. SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 15th May 1854. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, we, GEORGE DUGMORE, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Manu- facturer, and GEORGE HAYWOOD MILLWARD, of Birmingham aforesaid, Manufacturer, send greeting. WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Seventeenth day of November, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, in the 10 15 20. 25 30 s 10 15 20 25 30 Specification, A.D. 1853–Nº 2663, 3 Dugmore & Millward's Improvements in Signalling on Railways. seventeenth year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and succes- sors, give and grant unto us, the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward, Her special licence that we, the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward, our executors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as we, the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward, our executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “A NEw of IMPROVED METHOD of SIGNALLING OF CoMMUNICATING BETWEEN TRAINS ON RAILWAYS," upon the condition (amongst others) that we, the said George Dugmore and George Hay- wood Millward, by an instrument in writing under our hands and seals, or under the hand and seal of one of us, should particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and im- mediately after the date of the said Letters Patent, - - NOW KNOW YE, that we, the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward, do hereby declare the nature of the said Inven- tion, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement thereof, that is to say: - The object of our Invention is to enable the guard or driver of a railway train to communicate with the guard or driver of another dis- tant train, so that in case of accident or on any other occasion the guard or person in charge of one train may signal or communicate with the guard or person in charge of another train. We carry our Invention into effect in the manner illustrated in the accompanying Drawing. Figure I represents in plan a railway and portions of two railway carriages supposed to belong to different and distant railway trains, to which our Invention is applied; and Figure 2, represents an eleva- tion of the same, a, b, are two rods of metal, laid along the line of 72 4 - A.D. 1853.-N* 2663. specification. Dugmore & Millwards Improvements in Signalling on Railways. railway, and between the two rails of each line the said metallic rods are perfectly continuous, that is to say, there is a perfect metallic continuity in the said rods from end to end of the line of railway. The said rods must be divided at intervals, and their ends separated, to permit of expansion and contraction by variation of temperature, and the said separated ends must be joined by wires soldered thereto. We attach to each locomotive, tender, or other carriage, in which the person in charge of the train is stationed, two wheels c, d, e. f, which said wheels bear on the rods a, b; the peripheries of the said wheels c, d, e,f, are of metal, and are in metallic communication with their axles g, h, , k, so that during the rest or motion of either or both the trains the axle g is in metallie or electrical communication with the axle i, end the axle h is in electrical communication with the axle k. Each of the carriages l, m, is furnished with a voltaic battery n, o, and a bell or any other signalling apparatus capable of being worked by electricity; the said signalling instruments may be stationed at the points p, q, r, s, are springs connected with the signalling apparatus p, which said springs press upon the axles g, h, and thereby keep the signalling apparatus p, in electrical communication with the rods a, b. t, w, are similar springs, which keep the signalling apparatus q, also in electrical communication with the rods a, b. The voltaic batteries m, o, are furnished with springs v, w, and a, y, respectively, by which the said voltaic batteries may be brought into electrical communication with the axles g, h, and i, k, and through them with the rods a,b. The signalling instruments p, q, are usually kept in electrical communica- tion with the rods a, b, and the voltaic batteries n, o, are ordinarily insulated from the said rods by one of the springs v, w, aſ, y, being raised from the axles g, h, i, k. The several parts of our Invention being arranged as last described, the guard or person in charge of 10 20 25 either of the carriages l, m, (we will suppose the carriage 1.) can signal 30 the guard or person in charge of the other carriage m, by bringing the springs w, w, of the voltaic battery in his carriage in contact with the axles g, h, when a voltaic current from the battery n, will circulate along the rods a, b, and through the signalling apparatus q, in the - * 73 . 10 15 20 25 Specification. A.D. 1853.−N° 2663. 5 Dugmore & Millward's Improvements in Signalling on Railways. carriage m, and by working the said signalling apparatus will com- municate with the guard or person on the carriage m. In a similar way the person in the carriage m may direct a voltaic current from the battery o, along the rods a, b, and work the signalling apparatus p, in the carriage l. We do not think it necessary to describe the many signalling instruments which may be employed at the points q, p, as many such are well known, and constitute no part of our Invention; we prefer, however, to use a bell, struck by mechanism actuated by a voltaic current. Although we prefer a voltaic battery as the most convenient source of electricity, we do not confine ourselves thereto, as electricity from other sources may be employed. Although we prefer to use two rods a, b, laid down expressly for carrying our Invention into effect, yet we do not confine ourselves to the use of the said two rods, as where the rails offer a sufficient good electrical conductor, we avail ourselves of the said rails in carrying our Invention into effect, as illustrated in Figure 3, where only one rod a is laid down in addition to the rails, and the said rails are used as the other electrical conductor. Or, where the rails are sufficiently continuous, they may be used for the two electrical conductors, in which case, however, it is necessary that the wheels of the various carriages be sufficiently insulated from each other to prevent them from establishing an electrical communica- tion from one rail to another. In place of the pair of wheels c, d, and e, f, pairs of wheels of the locomotive or tender or other carriage may be employed, provided the wheels of each pair be sufficiently insulated from each other. A signal may be sent from any part of the line to a train on the line by bringing wires from a voltaic battery in contact with the rods a, b. - - Having now described the nature of our said Invention, and the manner in which the same is to be performed, we wish it to be understood that we do not limit ourselves to the precise methods of carrying the same into effect herein described and illustrated by the accompanying Drawing, as the same may be varied without departing from the nature of the said Invention But we claim as our Invention communicating between trains on 1ailways by causing a current of 74. 6 A.D. 1853–Nº. 2663. Specification. Dugmore & Millward's Improvements in Signalling on Railways. electricity from one train, whether at rest or in motion, to circulate in rods laid along the line of railway, or through the ordinary rails, and actuate a signal on another train at rest or in motion. In witness whereof, we, the said George Dugmore and George Haywood Millward, have hereunto set our hands and seals, 5 this Thirteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. GEORGE DUGMORE. (L.S.) GEORGE HAYWOOD MILLWARD. (L.s.) Witness, 10 GEORGE SHAw. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SpottiswooDE. Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1854. - - º -- --- A D. 1s53, NOVEMIEEER, 17, Nº. 2663. - - - Orr-El sfºr EET). jºurc-TMCRE & MIT, LV-AIED’s SIPEcrific-A-Trors - º:--- -- -------- - …A. FIG-: III. FHE FILEL PRAwiNG is PARTLY co-orºl - - R. PRossza. LITR. LoNeon: Printed by Gyokes rewaap Exar and williau Sºrºwoods, Printers to the Queen's most Excelleft Majesty. - º A 5 10 15 ºr--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A.D. 1855 . . . . . . . Nº 83. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Electric Telegraphs. LETTERS PATENT to Francois Victor Guyard, Engineer Captain, of the Town of Gravelines, in the French Empire, for the Invention of “CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ELECTRO-TELEGRAPHIC CoMMUNICATIONs.” Sealed the 29th June 1855, and dated the 12th January 1855. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said François Victor Guyard at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with his Petition on the 12th January 1855. I, FRANÇoſs VICTOR GUYARD, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ELECTRO-TELEGRAPHIC Commu- NICATIONS'' to be as follows:— I place two wires, one above the other, along the line of railway, and near to the rails. These wires are carried by suitable supports, and are insulated from the earth and from each other. Each wire is divided into lengths of a mile or two miles, or more or less, and the divisions in each wire are opposite to the middle of the adjoining length of the other wire. All the lengths or sections of wire are insulated from each other. On the tender or engine, or one of the carriages in each train, is a projecting arm, carrying two metallic brushes, which I prefer to make of a cylindrical form, and free to revolve. By this or other suitable means, a connection is made between the wires and one pole of a galvanic battery or other source of electricity on the train, the other pole of which battery is connected with one of the axles, and through it with the earth. The wire from the battery includes an alarum apparatus, such as is ordinarily used in electric telegraphic apparatus. Although one pole of the battery is 20 in connection with the earth, the other pole is only in connection with the º 2 A.D. 1855—Nº 83. s. Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. insulated wires on the line, and therefore no current is produced, and the alarum is not rung. If, however, another train similarly provided comes so close to the first train as to be in contact with the same section of one of the line wires, a current will then pass from one battery through the line wire and through the other battery into the earth and back to the first battery. The alarums on both trains will thus be rung, and warning given of their proximity to each other. If the batteries should happen to be arranged so that their similar poles are in connection with the line wire, they might neutralize each other's action, and produce no effect. This may be avoided by means of an apparatus which is constantly reversing the connections, so that the batteries may at all events be momentarily, or at intervals, acting together, upon which the alarums will be instantly rung. Attention being thus called, a telegraphic communication may be established and kept up between the two trains as long as their distance apart does not exceed one-half of the length of a section of wire. - - - The same apparatus is applicable to giving other signals; thus, in case of any obstruction on the line, it is only necessary to connect the wires to the earth, either directly or through a portable alarum apparatus, and the consequence is, that any approaching train will be warned by the ringing of its alarum, and will also give warning of its approach by ringing the portable alarum when the same is applied. The gates used at level crossings over the line may be arranged so as to put the wires in connection with the earth through an alarum apparatus whenever the gates are opened to allow of the traffic across the line. A similar arrangement is applicable to a swing bridge, and in other cases. The wires are carried down into the earth at those places, and at stations or other places were they would be in the way; they are insulated by a coating of gutta percha or other means where carried under ground. In lieu of employing separate detached lengths of wire, as above mentioned, the wires may be continuous, and may then be employed at the same time for transmitting the ordinary telegraphic communications; two conducting wires for each line of way are thus suspended on double supports or gibbets between the two lines. The electric current is always introduced from the same pole of the battery (as, for example, from the positive pole,) into each conducting wire, and a train may be placed in communication with two conductors by a third conductor, which unites them. At level crossings the communication is also made between the two conductors. - Instead of employing the aforesaid apparatus for alternately reversing the connections, an apparatus is employed which alternately makes and breaks the connections. A tell-tale or marker, acting by the electric current itself, 1() 20 30 35 7s sº A.D. 1855.-Nº 83. 3. Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. is applied as an indicator or register for detecting negligence on the part of the persons employed. Rumford's apparatus, or any other known apparatus, may be employed for obtaining a constant current of electricity for working the apparatus above described. 5 SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said François Victor Guyard in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 3rd July 1855. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I, FRANCOIs VICTOR GUYARD, Engineer Captain, of the Town of Gravelines, in the French 10 Empire, send greeting. WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Twelfth day of January, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, in the eighteenth year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant unto me, the 15 said François Victor Guyard, Her special licence that I, the said François Victor Guyard, my executors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as I, the said François Victor Guyard, my executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully 20 might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ELECTRO-TELEGRAPHIC ComMUNICATIONS," upon the condition (amongst others) that I, the said Francois Victor Guyard, by an instrument in writing under my hand and seal, should particularly describe 25 and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next. and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent. NOW KNOW YE, that I, the said François Victor Guyard, do hereby 30 declare the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement thereof, reference being had to the accompanying Drawing, and to the figures and letters marked thereon, that is to say:- The object of the Invention is to establish a self-acting and permanent tele- 35 graphic communication during the progress of the trains on railways, so as to avoid the meeting or overtaking of one train by another on the same line, and 4. - A.D. 1855. Nº 83. Specification. Guniard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. grap to prevent accidents from the negligence of the attendants in closing the gates at level crossings, and generally to prevent accidents, by affording a means of communication with trains in motion. The locomotive engine carries an apparatus which at a certain distance signals to the driver of the approach of danger, and also communicates a signal to the attendants at level crossings to close the gates before the train reaches them. On each line of railway is suspended a metallic wire, which serves as the electric conductor; these wires are placed in communication with the appa- ratus carried by each train by means of a connecting apparatus or communi- cator, herein—after described. The trains are furnished with electric alarums or bells, and with voltaic piles, or other sources of electricity, which supply the current in the line wires through the intervention of the communicator. In this way, the conductors or line wires being insulated, each train during its progress carries with it an incomplete circuit, and in its normal state the telegraphic system remains inactive. I shall now proceed to show how, in the presence of a danger, the telegraph is put in action, either spontaneously, as in the cases which may be foreseen (such as the approach of another train, or the opening of gates or swing bridges,) or by hand, in cases which cannot be foreseen, (such as the breaking of rails, slips of earth, cattle straying on the line, and many others.) The voltaic pile or battery ought to have a constant intensity, which may be obtained by the care of a practised operator, or better still by substituting for the current of the battery the induced current of a Ruhmkorff's apparatus, or a magneto-electrical machine, or other apparatus for producing induced currents. In such apparatus the intensity of the current may be regulated by varying the velocity of the motion of the machine, or by adjusting the position of the coils or the magnet by means of a screw, or by varying the number of coils in action, or otherwise, and they must be so arranged as to direct the current in one constant direction, as is well understood. When the voltaic battery is employed, it may consist of a series of small constant batteries with sulphate of copper and comparatively small zinc surfaces. The intensity of the current may be verified at each station by passing it through coils of wire offering the same resistance as the length of line wire through which it is to act, or, in a simpler manner, by means of a galvanometer. The current thus obtained must be capable of putting in action the electric. alarum by means of an electro-magnet or otherwise, or of inflaming a charge of gunpowder, or of producing a signal by any of the other known means. I will now proceed to describe the mode of applying the apparatus to the prevention of accidents, and to the regulating of the working of the railway. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 - 5 10 2 5 30 35 Specification. A.D. 1855.-Nº 83. 5 Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. Figure 1 is a side view, and Figure 2 is a plan, of a portion of a double line of railway with trains running in different directions. I will suppose that there are two trains upon the same line of rails, and that they are approaching too near to one another, either by running in contrary directions, or by one overtaking the other. Each of the trains carries with it an incomplete telegraphic circuit, so that as soon as the two trains approach each other within the distance to which the voltaic battery is capable of acting, the two circuits complete one another, and put in action the alarums or other instru– ments on both trains. To obtain this result, however, it is necessary that the two currents should proceed from contrary poles of the batteries, so that by uniting they may form one single current, and not two opposing currents, which would destroy each other. This is effected by means of a distributor, or apparatus for reversing the poles placed on each train. This distributor is moved by clock-work at intervals of about five seconds, more or less, so that if the two currents should happen to be in the same direction, one or the other will be quickly reversed, and the action of the apparatus will not be delayed longer than five seconds. - The gates of a level crossing may be arranged so that, when open, they may act, with regard to the train, in the same manner as another train would act. For this purpose, it suffices to make a communication between the line wire and the earth when the gate is open. Figure 3 is a side view, and Figure 4 is a plan, showing one of the gates and the arrangements of the wires. The gate is hung upon its hinges in such a manner that it will only rest in two positions, that is to say, either closed, as in Figure 3, or thrown completely back, as in Figure 4. The wire g, which is connected to the line wire, is carried down under the rails and up the gate post, and along the top of the gate to the catch i. When the gate is opened, the catch i is hooked into an eye or loop j, which is connected by a wire to the earth. The line wire is thus placed in connection with the earth, and consequently a current of electricity passes through it from the battery on an approaching train, and the alarum on the train is sounded. The wire at the crossing place is connected to an alarum apparatus fixed at that place, and this alarum is also rung by the action of the electric current. The attendant at the gates thus receives warning to close them, at the same time that the engine driver is warned of their being open. When the gates are closed, the engine driver is informed of the fact by the interruption of the current, and by the alarum ceasing to ring. A similar arrangement is applicable to a swing bridge. In the case of an accident happening on the line, the approaching trains may be signalled to stop by merely connecting the line wire with the earth. In 80 81. º 6 - A.D. 1855.-Nº 83. Specification. Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. a similar manner a train may be signalled to stop after it has passed the point from which the signal is sent. By the addition of certain parts or instruments, the apparatus is made to serve as a check or tell-tale by registering its own operations. Tor this purpose, a clock-work apparatus is mounted on the train, and carries a sheet of paper or a dial, on which a mark is made whenever the electric current passes. This may be effected by a pencil moved by an electro-magnet, or otherwise. The time at which any signal was given is thus registered. A second pencil or marker is actuated by a branch current from the battery, and is put in action by the contact of a metallic spring on the carriage, with a series of metallic pins or studs placed at each mile or other determinate distance along the line. The moment of passing each of these studs is thus registered, and it can at once be ascertained whether the engine driver has been attempting, by a dangerous excess of speed at one part of the line, to recover time lost on other parts of the line. The mode of suspending the wires is shown in Figures 5, 9, 10, and 11. A series of posts or double gallows A are placed between the two lines of rails. Each post A carries two pieces of metal v, v', to which are jointed the vertical rods or wires a, which are rivetted to a collar or short tube 2, which embraces and supports the line wire B. The ends of this collar from the lines 1, 2, and 3, 4, are bevilled or filed to a conical form, so as to offer as little resist- ance as possible to the communicators, herein-after described. The wires B may be also employed for the ordinary electric telegraph, or they may be employed exclusively for the purposes herein—before mentioned. In lieu of regulating the distance to which the signals are transmitted by adjusting the intensity of the electric current, as herein-before described, the distance may be regulated in the following manner —Instead of employing a single wire for each line of rails, two parallel wires are employed. These wires are divided into lengths of a mile or two miles, more or less, and they are placed so that the break in one line of wire is opposite to the centre of a length of the other wire, as shewn in Figure 12. Each length of wire is insulated from all the other lengths. The communicators, herein-after described, are put in connection with both wires, which are thus capable of conveying a signal to or from the train for a distance varying from one-half to the whole of a length of wire, according to the position of the train. The distributor for reversing the direction of the current is shewn in Figure 6. It consists of an excentric l, driven by clock-work, and giving motion to two arms or levers m, mº, which are pressed against it by springs m, nº. One of the levers m is in communication with the rail and the earth 10 15 20 30 35 s s º 10 15 20 25 30 35 Specification. A.D. 1855.-Nº 83. 7 Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. through the wheels and axles, or otherwise; the other lever m' is in connec- tion with the communicator through the tell-tale or registering apparatus S and the alarum T, and also with a telegraphic instrument, if one is employed. The levers m, m', slide over two transverse pieces p, p", each of which is formed of two pieces of metal, separated by a narrow partition of ivory or other insu- lating substance. The pieces 1 and 3 communicate with the positive pole of the voltaic battery I (or other source of electricity), while the pieces 2 com- municate with the negative pole. By the motion of the excentric l the current is thus continually being reversed. - The communicator is shewn in Figure 5, and on a larger scale in Figure 7. a and b are two rollers of copper or other good conductor of electricity, which are mounted upon a frame fixed on the locomotive engine. The line wire B lies between these rollers, which are pressed against it by springs d, d. The lower bearings of the rollers turn upon pins or joints, to allow of the rollers being pressed against the wire. The wire hangs in curves from post to post, and the length of the rollers a, b, is sufficient to allow of the constantly varying height of the different portions of the wire. It is by means of these rollers that the communication is made between the battery and the wire. - Figure 8 shows another form of communicator, consisting of two metallic rollers c and e, placed so as to form an angle, in which rests the line wire B. These rollers are mounted on levers f, l, which turn upon fixed centres, and are supported by rods o, o', attached to pistons q, q', which rest upon springs p, p. The rollers are placed so as to support the wire B at its highest points, and they yield to the weight of the wire, so as to follow its curvature at the inter- mediate parts. Instead of plain rollers, rollers covered with brushes of metallic wire may be employed to make contact with the line wire. The tell-tale, or registering apparatus, consists of a sheet of paper wound upon a cylinder, and unrolling itself by a clock-work motion; this sheet is crossed by lines of different colours or thicknesses, to indicate the hours and their divisions. A pencil or marker is placed vertically over this sheet, and is brought down upon it by means of an electro-magnet included in the circuit every time that the apparatus is put in action; the moment of the communica- tion of any signal is thus registered. - The register or marker of the speed of the train is made in a similar manner, and may mark on the same sheet of paper. The electro-magnet which works this marker is, however, included in a branch circuit leading from the battery, so that it acts independently of the first-mentioned marker. This branch circuit is completed at regular intervals of a mile or other determinate distance by means of a spring, which touches a fixed metallic pin or stud in connection s 8 A.D. I 85 5 .—N" 83. Specification. Guyard's Improvements in Electro-Telegraphic Communications. with the earth or rail at each of such intervals; the moment of passing each stud is thus registered. By means of these markers or registers, the time of receiving a signal and the position of the train at that time or at any other time are registered on the paper. Having now described the nature of my Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, I wish it to be understood that I do not claim generally the effecting of electro-telegraphic communications with trains on railways by making contact with a fixed line wire; but what I claim is, - Firstly, the constructing apparatus for effecting electro-telegraphic com- munications with trains on railways in such manner that the distance from the train to which such communications extends is regulated by adjusting the intensity of the current of electricity, as herein-before described. Secondly, the constructing apparatus for effecting electro-telegraphic com- munications with trains on railways with one or more line wires, either divided into lengths or continuous, in combination with communicators, consisting of two rollers acted upon by springs and forming contact with the line wire, in manner herein—before described. - Thirdly, the constructing apparatus for effecting electro-telegraphic com- munications with trains on railways, in manner herein-before described, 10 15 with a distributor, for continually reversing the direction of the current of 20 electricity, as herein-before described. Fourthly, the constructing such apparatus as aforesaid, in combination with the registering apparatus, herein—before described. In witness whereof, I, the said François Victor Guyard, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. FRANÇOIS VICTOR GUYARD. (...s.) Witness, CH. ARMENGAUD, Ing. Civil, Rue Filles du Calvaire, No. 6, à Paris. LONDON : Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYBE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1855. 25 30 Q A.D. 1855. JANY 12. Nº 83. : *z. GUYARD's SPECIFICATION. // &///// ~~ F - c. . . d –––. F G. 2. IRE-ED Tſº H I | i T I I l_ſ_ſ - ---------------- - -T-R ſ - A. A E-T l- -- H ------- ------- --- ------ T. -- ----------------- —E= - | | H H-fi b | T IEEL II - - - F | c. 12. B B - - w I co-º F c. 5. S F 1 C . 6. F. l G. 3. F 1 C . 9 . F G. 16. A. o W IB IB - B —- 2 Zeº dźauzaz as zarzà, cºred. y| |-----------~~ -HA * -----------------...------------. . Ll - --------------------------- ./ § Hºnºli and WillºSigriswoopF. tersiotheſhteens most fºlient Majesty. 1855. - 85 - Propelling Carriages. A.D. 1862, 25th February. N* 514. *~~ LETTERS PATENT to Harry Whiteside Cook, of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, a Minor, for the Invention of “An IMPROVED MoDE of AND APPARATUS FOR PROPELLING CARRIAGES AND VEHICLES BY MEANs of ELECTRICITY.” * Sealed the 22nd Auguts 1862, and dated the 25th February 1862. 25th February 1862. - - PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Harry Whiteside Cook at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with his Petition, on the I, HARRY WHITESIDE Cook, of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, 5 a Minor, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “An IMPROVED ELECTRICITY,” to be as follows:— | º -: º s t MoDE of AND APPARATUs FoR PROPELLING CARRIAGES AND WEHICLES BY MEANS OF ... My Invention relates to a new and improved mode of and apparatus for propelling carriages by means of electricity. In order to effect this object, I '0 make use of that attractive power or force which a coil or helix exerts upon or induces in a bar of soft iron placed within its spiral during the passage through the length of the wire of an electric current and which attractive force is the force or power known in physics as the axial force. The iron bar being about the length of the coil, an attractive force is exerted or set 5 up, and tends to bring the centre of the coil to a position identical ſ with that of the centre of the bar. I propose, then, by an arrangement now to be described to make use of this force for the production of motion 86 2 A.D. 1862.-Nº 514. sº. Cº. Improved Mode of Propºlling Carriages by Electricity. in a continuous rectilinear or other direction. The arrangement of parts I intend to employ to effect this object is as follows:—A core is formed of alternate lengths of iron and hemp, or some other suitable non-magnetic substance; these parts are so connected as to form one continuous flexible rod, line, or cable, over and along which the coil can pass, and which extends 5 throughout the entire length of the road to be traversed by the cºil, and any carriage, sledge, or other weight which it may be intended to draw forward or propel along the road. The length of the coil being determined, the bars of iron in this compound core, rod, or cable are made of a length about equal to that of the coil; the intervening or connecting portions of the core or cable 10 are to be of such a length that the coil, in passing over them, may never be within the attractive limits of more than one of the iron portions at one and the same time. Now, the attractive force commences when one-third of the length of any one of the before-mentioned iron portions of the core has been introduced within the coil, and its effect continues until the centres of the core 15 and coil coincide, but the impetus acquired carries the centre of the coil or core (as one or the other may be fixed or moveable) beyond the centre of the other; the current continuing to pass through the coil, the attractive force has a tendency to draw the moveable portion back again towards its original position. Let us suppose, however, that we are speaking (as is practically the 20 case in my Invention) of a coil running over or along a fixed core. If at the moment the two centres coincide the electric current be cut off the attraction ceases instantaneously, and the impetus acquired will carry the coil not only beyond the centre but over the intervening portion of the core, and with a proper battery power it will carry the coil to within the attractive limit of 25 the second iron. At this moment the voltaic circuit is again automatically completed, the attractive force will be again set up, and the coil be impelled or dragged forward until its centre coincides with that of the second iron portion of the core. The current being again broken, the momentum of the carriage, or the impetus given to it by the attractive force exerted will bring 30 the coil within the attractive limits of the third iron link, and so on with ever increasing speed until it arrives with its freight at its destination, or is stopped by the driver. This latter operation can be effected at any moment by breaking the voltaic contact; he will also have the power (by regulating the periods at which the circuit is completed) of reversing the motion of the coil. 35 As to the mode of supporting the coil and core, I propose to support the coil upon wheels running upon rails, & the core upon props, eccentric wheels, or any other convenient or suitable contrivance which may be found most practical. The battery will be connected with the coil in any convenient l* 87 º sº. A.D. 1862–Nº 514. 3 Cook's Improved Mode of Propelling Carriages by Electricity. manner; it may form a portion of the travelling apparatus, or it may be stationary, as may be thought most desirable, the proper relative arrangements for effecting these objects being simple and easy. - - This Invention may be employed for the transport of parcels, luggage, 5 papers, passengers, or for any other purposes for which the present locomotive engines are employed. The present railway system is peculiarly adapted for the developement of the present Invention, which would not necessitate any expensive alterations in the permanent way. SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed 10 by the said Harry Whiteside Cook in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 25th August 1862. - TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I, HARRY WHITESIDE Cook, of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, a Minor, send greeting. 15 WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Twenty-fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, in the twenty-fifth year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant unto me, the said Harry Whiteside Cook, Her special license that I the 20 said Harry Whiteside Cook, my executors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as I, the said Harry Whiteside Cook, my executors, admi- nistrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United 25 Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “AN IMPROVED Mooz of AND Appakarus son Peorgining CARRIAGES AND VEHICLES BY MEANs of Eºcrºcity," upon the condition (amongst others) that I, the said Harry Whiteside Cook, by an instrument in writing under my hand and seal, should particularly describe and ascertain 30 the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent. Now KNOW YE, that I, the said Harry Whiteside Cook, do hereby 35 declare the nature of my said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the 4. A.D. I 862.-Nº 51 4. Specification. Cook's Improved Mode of Propelling Carriages by Electricity. following statement, reference being had to the Drawing hereunto annexed, and to the letters and figures marked thereon, that is to say):- My Invention relates to a new and improved mode of and apparatus for pro- pelling carriages by means of electricity. In order to effect this object, I make use of that attractive power or force which a coil or helix exerts upon or 5 induces in a bar of soft iron (placed as a core within its spiral) during the passage through the length of the wire of an electric current, and which attractive force is the force or power known in physics as the axial force. The iron bar being about the length of the coil, an attractive force is exerted or set up, and tends to bring the centre of the coil to a position identical with 10 that of the centre of the bar. I propose then, by an arrangement now to be described, to make use of this force for the production of motion in a con- tinuous rectilinear or other direction. The arrangements of parts I intend to employ to effect this object are as follows:—A core is formed of alternate lengths of iron and hemp, or some other suitable non-magnetic substance; 15 these parts are so connected as to form one continuous flexible rod, line, or cable, over and along which the coil can pass, and which extends throughout the entire length of the road to be traversed by the coil, and any carriage, sledge, or other weight which it may be intended to draw forward or propel along the road. The length of the coil being determined, the bars of iron in 20 this compound core, flexible rod, or cable are made of a length about equal to that of the coil. The intervening or connecting portions of the core or cable are to be of such a length that the coil in passing over them may never be within the attractive limits of more than one of the iron portions at one and the same time. Now, the attractive force commences when one-third of the 25 length of any one of the before-mentioned iron portions of the core has been introduced within the coil, and its effect continues until the points equidistant from the ends of the core and coil coincide, but the impetus acquired carries, the middle of the coil or core (as one or the other may be fixed or moveable) beyond the middle of the other. As the current of electricity continues to 30 pass through the coil, the attractive force has a tendency to draw the moveable portion back again towards its original position. Let us suppose, however, that we are speaking (as is practically the case in my Invention) of a coil running over or along a fixed core. If at the moment the points equidistant. from the ends of the coil and core coincide, the electric current be cut 35 off, the attraction ceases instantaneously, and the impetus acquired will carry the coil not only beyond this central point, but over the intervening portion of the core, and with a proper battery power it will carry the coil to within the attractive limit of the second iron of the flexible core. At this moment the 89 10 15 20 25. 30 Specification. A.D. 1862.-Nº 514. 5 Cook's Improved Mode of Propelling Carriages by Electricity. voltaic circuit is again automatically completed, the attractive force will be again set up, and the coil be impelled or dragged forward until its central point coincides with that of the second iron portion of the core. The current being again broken, the momentum of the carriage, or the impetus given to it by the attractive force exerted, will bring the coil within the attractive limits of the third iron link, and so on with ever increasing speed until it arrives with its freight at its destination, or is stopped by the driver. This latter operation can be effected at any moment by breaking the voltaic circuit, and applying a break to overcome the momentum acquired by the carriage. The driver will also have the power (by regulating the periods at which the circuit is completed) of reversing the motion of the coil, and consequently of the carriage in which the coil is placed. As to the mode of supporting the coils and core, I propose to use two or more, and to support the coils in a carriage or framing mounted on wheels which are made to run upon rails. The core may be supported upon props, excentric wheels, or any other convenient or suitable contrivances, or simply allowed to lie in a trough laid along the line between the rails. The battery will be connected with the coil in any con- venient manner; it may form a portion of the travelling apparatus, or it may be stationary, as may be thought most desirable. In the accompanying Drawings I have shewn the battery as placed in the carriage with the coils, as I consider this the preferable mode. This Invention may be employed for the transport of parcels, luggage, papers, passengers, or for any other purposes for which the present locomotive engines are employed. The present railway system is peculiarly adapted for the developement of the present Invention, which would not necessitate any expensive alterations in the permanent way. In the accompanying Drawing Fig. I represents in longitudinal vertical section an apparatus constructed according to my Invention for propelling carriages on railways; Fig. 2 is a transverse section of the same a, a, a, is a flexible core composed of alternate lengths of bar iron and gutta percha or other non-magnetic substance, the dark parts in the Drawing representing the iron, and the light parts the gutta percha. The mode of constructing this core will be best understood by referring to Figures 3 and 4 which represent plan and edge or sectional views of the flexible core, drawn upon an enlarged scale; the central part of the core is composed of a hempen band I, on to which are secured by rivets, screws, or otherwise, iron plates 2, 2. Flat pieces of gutter percha 3, 3, are also secured to the hempen band 1. It will be seen, on referring to Figures 3 and 4, that the iron and gutta percha are arranged alter- nately in equal lengths, or nearly so, throughout the entire length of the flexible 90 6 A.D. 1862.- Nº 514. Specification. Cook's Improved Mode of Propelling Carriages by Electricity. core a. This flexible core is stationary (that is) it is secured at both ends, so that it cannot be pulled longitudinally out of its place; it is, however, capable of being lifted up out of the trough b in which it rests. This trough extends along the entire length of the line of railway between the rails, and simply serves to support the flexible core a, and preserve it from being damaged. The flexible core a passes through two or more coils c, cº, which are secured in frames d, d, attached to the carriage e, which being provided with running wheels f f, will run on the ordinary rails fº, fº, of the line. In order to facili- tate the entrance of the flexible core into the coils c, c, and to prevent it from rubbing the interior thereof, the core a, as the carriage advances, is lifted up and supported in a horizontal position by the carrying wheels g. g. g.g. The coils o are as usual made of a long length of insulated wire, one end of which is con- nected with the positive pole of a battery h, and the other end with the negative pole of the battery, in the well-known manner of producing electro- magnets, by passing a current of voltaic electricity around a coil of soft iron. A commutator i (which is shewn detached at Figures 5 and 6 in front and sectional views drawn upon an enlarged scale) interposed in the circuit, and is employed for making and breaking the voltaic circuit at the proper moment of time, and for regulating the time at which these operations are to be effected. As the proper moment for making and breaking the circuit depends upon the speed with which the carriage is advancing and the coils are passing over the stationary flexible core, the motion of the arms of this commutator must be governed by the speed of the coil, and consequently of the carriage. This is effected by means of the vibrating arms.j, j, and vertical rod k, which by means of a pall or click at its upper end actuates a ratchet wheel l, on the axle of which is keyed a spur wheel m, which gears into and drives a toothed wheel n on the spindle or shaft r of the commutator arms q, q'. The requisite up-and- down motion of the vertical rod k, in order to drive the ratchet wheel i, is effected by means of two small cranks o, o, Fig. 1, jointed to the ends of the arms j, and mounted on the shafts of the toothed wheels p, p, which run on the top side of the flexible core a, and are driven by their teeth being made to take into holes in the face of the flexible core, as seen in Figures 3 and 4. It will now be seen that as the wheels p pass over the flexible core a, they will be made to rotate and carry round with them the cranks o, and con- sequently will communicate an up-and-down motion to the rod k, and by this means actuate the ratchet wheel l and toothed wheel m, which drives the commutator arms q. Upon referring to Figures 5 and 6, it will be seen that the commutator is composed of two rings i and tº, and that the surface of each of these rings is 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 - 91 e / 5 10 15 20 25 specification. A.D. 1862.-Nº 514. 7 Cook's Improved Mode of Propelling Carriages by Electricity. subdivided into four parts, two of which, coloured yellow, are made of brass Or copper, while the other two are made of ivory or some other suitable non-con- ductor of electricity. Against the surface of each of these compound rings bears a metallic arm q, q', and both of these arms are mounted on the same shaft r, which carries the toothed wheel n, Fig. 6 (and shewn by red lines in Fig. 1). One of the brass segments of the ring i is connected by a wire c, with a brass segment won the reversing plate v (see Fig. 1) and by means of the spring hands 1 (colored red in the Drawing) the ring i is put in con- nection with the coil c. The other segment of the ring i is similarly connected with the brass segment a on the reversing plate 9, and by means of the spring hands 2 (colored black in the Drawing) the ring of the commutator is put into connection with the coil cº. The brass segments of the other ring tº are connected with each other, and with the battery by the wire s. It will now be evident that whenever the arm q is in contact with either of the brass segments of the ring i, this arm q and also the other arm q", which is in metallic contact with it, will be in connection with the battery, and therefore if the arm q' of the ring tº be also in contact with one of its brass segments, there will be a perfect circuit, and one of the coils c will be electrized, and consequently will have an attraction for the iron core. The carriage in consequence of this mag- netic attraction of the coil c for the core a will advance, and in so doing will actuate the gearing and shaft r of the commutator i, and by carrying round the arms q, q', will cause the arm q to pass from the first brass segment of the ring on to the ivory segment, ºnd thereby break the circuit. The momentum of the carriage e will, however, be sufficient to carry it forward, and by so doing, will bring the arm q on to the second brass segment, and thereby com- plete the circuit through the other coil, which in its turn will exert an attractive force on the core a, and give the carriage a second impetus. In order to start the apparatus it will only be necessary to bring one of the irons of the core a within the influence of one of the coils, and this is effected by 30 35 means of the toothed gearing t, t, which, by means of the toothed wheel w” taking into the holes of the core a, will draw forward the carriage a few inches upon the gearing t, being actuated by means of the winch handle tº. In order to reverse the direction of the carriage, the circuit must first be broken by means of the contact breaker v'. This carriage or core is then to be moved, so as to bring one of the irons of the core a within the influence of the coils cº, and the handle vº upon the reversing plate c, being moved round in the direc- tion of the arrow, will carry with it the spring hands 1 and 2, which will then be thrown into the position shewn by dots in Fig. 1; the circuit may then be again completed by the contact breaker v', and the current of electricity will 8 A.D. 1862.-N" 514. Specification. Cook's improved Mod of Prºpºny Carriage ºriº. proceed from the battery through the commutator, and by the wire cº to the segment piece won the reversing plate v, and by the red hands 1 to the segment piece 2, and from thence by the wire 2° to the coil cº. It will be seen that the upper ring i" of the commutator can be moved partially round by means of the handle tº, Figures 5 and 6. By this means the time during 5 which the hands q, q', will be in contact with the segmental plates on the rings i, *, can be increased or diminished, and consequently the length of time during which the circuit of electricity is completed can be controlled at pleasure. Having now described my Invention of an improved mode of and appa- 10 ratus for propelling carriages and vehicles by means of electricity, and having explained the manner of carrying the same into effect, I claim as the Invention secured to me by Letters Patent as aforesaid, the mode heroin set forth of applying or using the axial force or power of electro-magnets, for the purpose of drawing or propelling carriages on railways; I claim particularly 15 the combination of a stationary flexible core with a moveable electric coil or coils, for the purpose above set forth. - In witness whereof, I, the said Harry Whiteside Cook, have hereunto set my hand and seal, the Twenty-third day of August, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. 20 HARRY WHITESIDE COOK. (L.s.) Bee-ee: I.ONDON : Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISwoopiº, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1862. A.B. 1862 FEB 25. Nº 514. - - COOK'S SPECIFICATION. (a sheer) * I c. g . * c. s. E o o oſ o o o O O o O O o O O o O O o O p o O O O. O. O. O. o O O O o O O O E & ... " º - E - - E ... " f : C . 4. . - E gri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I*-I-T-I-T-I-T-I-T-I-T-I-T-I- I-I-I-T-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-T-I-T-I-TăTI-I-I-I-I-T-I-T-I-T-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-IV, E - –––4 - 1. T —ſ E Y- —I *3. - º I It – - " . = N = Fil G. 2 . | | |\ = ||| = 4); = ---------------------------- -----------------------" " London P. ------ - - i. ºnºs Emanuſ.… tudwaa..w Sr., ºswoºn. * Queensmº" 94. 10 15 A.D. 1864, anº. Nº 1386. Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. LETTERS PATENT to William Clark, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Engineer and Patent Agent, for the Invention of “IMPROVEMENTS IN ELECTR0-MAGNETIC AND MAGNETO-ELECTRIC APPARATUS, AND THEIR APPLICATION As A STATIONARY OR LocoMotive DRIVING Power.”— A communication from abroad by Jean Henry Cazal, Civil Engineer, of 29, Boulevart St. Martin, Paris. Sealed the 18th November 1864, and dated the 3rd June 1864. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Clark at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with his Petition, on the 3rd June 1864. I, WILLIAM CLARK, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Engineer and Patent Agent, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “IMPROVEMENTS IN ELECTR0-MAGNETIC AND MAGNETO-ELECTRIC APPARATUS, AND THEIR APPLICATION As A STATIONARY OR LocoMotive DRIVING PowąR,” to be as follows:— - - The electric effects of the pile or induction apparatus capable of being used for the construction of a practical electro-dynamic motor depend on the following conditions: — 1st, on the construction of the electro-magnets; 2ndly, on that of the coils which produce the magnetic effects; and 3rdly, on the arrangement of the electro-magnetic apparatus. Up to the present time the question has not been properly studied as to the most suitable method of making electro-magnetic and magneto-electric 95 2 A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. sº Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. bobbins as regards their surface and dimensions, also the form of the soft iron relatively to the length, surface, and volume of the circuit of the coil, so as to obtain the maximum magnetic power with a given source of electricity, and vice versa, a maximum of electricity with a minimum of power, when it is desired to produce dry electricity by the aid of magneto-electric apparatus. 5 Studies in electricity, based on numerous experiments, have led me to adopt an electro-magnet with cylindrical surface, having multiple poles and a large magnetic surface, and this Invention consists in its application, 1st, as an ordinary electro-magnet; 2ndly, as an electro-magnet to be applied in electro- dynamic motors, which may be either stationary or locomotive engines; 3rdly, 10 in the construction of artificial magnets and magneto-electric bobbins for induction apparatus; and, lastly, in all cases where it is of advantage to substitute bobbins or coils with a large surface instead of the ordinary bobbins. - The bobbin is composed of an iron reel, on which the copper wire is wound. 15 On the two ends of the reel are applied two rings, also of iron, in such manner as to nearly enclose the reel and the wire wound thereon. It will be readily understood that the electric current in passing produces magnetism in the iron, and the two magnetic poles will be distributed over the cylindrical surface of the metal rings above referred to, which are placed in such position that 20 the poles re-act by their proximity one on the other and increase their mag- netic power thereby. A semi-cylindrical iron armature placed in contact with this electro-magnet is capable of sustaining a much heavier weight for a given amount of electricity than it would otherwise be capable of. I have found from experience that in these improved bobbins the action of the electric 25 current is more direct and better utilized, if the mass of iron presents a considerable surface for the radiation of the electric current. Instead of the rings having a plain cylindrical surface, notches or spaces may be made in them, and thus obtain an electro-magnet with multiple poles (the number varying with that of the spaces). Further, by applying a shaft with pivots to 30 the reel, and fitting the whole in bearings on a frame carrying an iron casing, or it may be wood, furnished with iron armatures, I obtain an apparatus for producing rotary motion which I will now proceed to describe with reference to Figs. 2 and 2* of the Drawings. a, a, represents the reel on which the copper wire is wound; b, b, are the 35 two rings having eight grooves or indentations on their periphery and lateral surfaces, which latter grooves need not be more than from one-third to one- fifth of an inch in depth. These two rings are keyed on the shaft, and screwed to the end of the reel in such manner that the hollows and plain parts v. 96 s 10 15. 25 30 sº. A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. 3 Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. are uniformly disposed thereon. C, c, iron shaft; d, copper commutator of small diameter divided into eight parts equal in number to the grooves; e, insulating coupling, to which the commutator is keyed; f, metallic key forming a spring, which is platinized at its extremity, and serves to establish or break the current by its alternate contact with the hollows and projections of the commutator. The current enters the reel by the shaft, and leaves it at the commutator every time contact is effected with the key which is in com- munication with the second wire of the current. A, A, are iron armatures arranged concentrically on the bobbin with just the necessary play to prevent contact. The armatures are made nearly the same width as the spaces. Thus, if the electro-magnet be actuated by the passage of the current, and the eight armatures placed near the poles be attracted, two conditions will ensue if the apparatus is arranged in such manner that the cover bearing the armature be fixed the electro-magnet will be attracted and acquire a rotary motion, while if, on the contrary, the electro-magnet be fixed, the cover will turn on it according to which method is adopted. - It should be remarked that by reason of the speed acquired by the motor the dead points at the most are only about one-thirtieth of an inch either when moving from right to left or from left to right, which, being readily overcome, and a second attraction taking place, the rotating motion proceeds under the most favorable conditions, as the armatures (even under the most unfavorable conditions) are disposed relatively to the poles of the electro- magnet in such manner that it receives the attraction with the smallest possible space intervening, having a very considerable surface of attraction. On the other hand it will be seen that the quantity of wire is very small relatively to that of the iron, so that the action of the current is at once of the maximum amount and more direct. Further, the attractive force of the poles being at the extremity of the radius it is certain that proportionately greater results may be obtained by increasing the radius according to laws established by careful experiments; it may however be safely affirmed, 1st, that the length of the circuit, 2ndly, the large surface of soft iron, and 3rdly, the lever, furnish materials for the construction of powerful electro-magnets, and all things being otherwise equal when increasing the radius, and this without complicating the mechanism, an apparatus for producing direct rotary motion may be made of much simpler construction and of more power by dispensing with the armatures of soft iron, as represented in Fig. 4. In this case the electro-magnetic bobbin is made in two parts, the one fixed and the other movable, in such manner that the poles are superposed, in which case it is the other poles which are attracted at each passage of the current. 4. A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. sº, Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. Electro-dynamic locomotive engines—This apparatus is represented at Fig. 3 of the Drawings, r, r, are two metal coils through which the electri- city circulates, positive in the one, negative in the other, and proceeding from a voltaic or magneto-electric source. - Let V, V, be a vehicle furnished with a rear train of wheels insulated at their axles, for example, and having a fore carriage forming the driving wheel. This wheel, serving as a motor, consists of the cylindrical electro-magnet with large attracting surface herein-before described, and which can be adapted to a locomotive engine by simple and practical means. As regards the bobbin, it may be furnished with fixed poles regularly arranged, and acting on arma- tures fixed to the frame of the carriage, or it may be constructed, when dispensing with the use of armatures, with its poles superposed, one of which (the north pole for example) turns on a south pole fixed to the framing of the carriage. c, c, represent two rings of copper or iron applied on the cylindrical surface of the bobbin, but suitably insulated from the conducting parts of the bobbin in such manner that the current enters at one wheel and leaves at the other. It will be understood that as the carriage rests on the rails the positive electricity, for example, enters by one wheel into the wire of the electro- magnet, traverses the circuit, and passes out at the commutator, which is in communication with the other wheel. The electro-magnet being attracted by the armatures produces a rotating motion causing the vehicle to move forwards on the rails at a speed and with a power proportionate to the intensity of the current. 10 15 20 This novel construction of electro-magnet thus furnishes a means of * doubling, tripling, or still further increasing the power by the simple addition of one, two, or more similar apparatus on the same driving shaft if for a fixed engine, or on one or more axles when applied to vehicles. The weight of the copper wire forming the bobbin of the electro-magnet, far from being pre- judicial as a dead weight, on the contrary imparts the advantage of a fly wheel to the driver and increases the adherence of the wheels to the rails. Magneto-electric apparatus—The construction of improved magneto- electric apparatus will naturally ensue from the adoption of the improved electro-magnetic bobbin herein-before described. Thus, if I replace the eight armatures of soft iron employed in the motor above described by eight artificial magnets of horse-shoe form, fixed in such manner as to present their eight poles to the eight similar poles of the bobbin, and the whole being suitably arranged by imparting rotatory motion to the bobbin, a direct current may be obtained in the wire of the latter, which may be utilized according 30 35 º 98 10 20 30 35 Provisional A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. 5. Specification. Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. to the purpose to which the apparatus is to be applied. Instead of employing horse-shoe magnets I may obtain a much simpler apparatus by constructing a bobbin similar to the one beiore described, in which the surrounding rings are of magnetised steel instead of soft iron, the opposite poles of the two rings being superposed. It is evident that the normal condition of the apparatus consists in super- posing movable poles over fixed ones, consequently if, by imparting a rotating motion, this attraction is caused to cease, it will produce an electric current in the wire and a continuous flow of electricity positive and negative will be obtained at the two ends of the wire. It should be further remarked that the space between any two poles of opposite natures being the same in the eight poles of the apparatus described, it follows that for a single revolution of the wheel there will be eight currents of the same nature and intensity produced in the same unit of time, thereby producing a powerful direct current of much greater uniformity and intensity than can be produced by ordinary apparatus. - Admitting then the possibility of constructing 1st, electro-dynamic receivers capable of producing a useful amount of work, and, 2ndly, powerful magneto- electric apparatus of simple and economical construction producing dry electricity at a great tension, it may be affirmed that electricity will become of sure, practical, and commercial value, furnishing a solution, 1st, of the problem of applying electro-dynamic motors, more especially small ones for example, to the shuttles of looms, sewing machines, bobbins, and spinning machines, knitting and netting machines, electrić bells, electro-medical appa- ratus, the production of the electric light machine, and foot lathes, polishing machines, and other purposes; 2ndly, its application to electric locomotion, as it would be easy to utilize the natural forces by transmitting them where required by the aid of wire conductors of the dynamic electricity. Millions of horse power will thus be at disposal for various purposes. - - In the case of locomotion, for example, an immense power will be extended along ràilways passing through valleys, as the waterfalls and currents of water and air may be utilized for working magneto-electric apparatus, which would distribute the electric currents greater or less distances along the rails of the permanent way. The carriages bearing the propelling apparatus would travel on the line, receiving each instant its motive power from the rails, which are suitably insulated. Trains drawn by electro-magnetic motors would offer immense advantages over the ordinary system of working railways, where may be seen a heavy locomotive encumbered with its supply of water and fuel, add to which a train - 99. 6 " . A.D. 1864.—N" 1386. Provisional Specification. Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. of carriages equally heavy, and often without anything to carry for a part of the time they are in use. They would also possess the enormous advantage of being capable of carrying both passengers and merchandise, while steam engines, which are always liable to explosions, only serve for drawing loads and not carrying them. Lastly, all the weight being borne on the axle receiving the first impulse, the driving wheels would bite the rails with great power, and steep inclines might be traversed without difficulty. If we further examine the economical and financial conditions governing the construction of railways, it will be seen that the secondary branch lines, and those traversing mountainous countries, might be made profitable by the application of electricity, whereas with steam locomotion they may often be considered impracticable, or are worked on such onerous terms as to be detrimental to the interests of the main lines. The Invention thus consists, 1st, in the use and application of an electro- magnetic bobbin having a large surface, to all kinds of known electrical apparatus, or employed as a substitute for the bobbins now in use; 2ndly, of the stationary or locomotive apparatus constructed on the principles herein described; 3rdly, of the magneto-electric apparatus also described in the course of the present Specification, whatever may be the form and arrange- ment or details of construction of sā apparatus; and lastly, whatever may be the nature of its application. - SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said William Clark in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 2nd December 1864. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I, WILLIAM CLARK, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Engineer and Patent Agent, send greeting. - WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Third day of June, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in the twenty-seventh year of Her reign, did for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant unto me, the said William Clark, Her special licence that I, the said William Clark, my execu- tors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as I, the said William Clark, my executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the 10 15 20 25 30 35 100 A. s 10 15 20 25 Specification. A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. - 7 Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. United K ingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “IMPROVEMENTS IN ELECTRo–MAGNETIC AND MAGNETO- ELECTRIC APPARATUS, AND THEIR APPLICATION As A STATIONARY OR LocoMotive DRIVING Power,” a com", to me from abroad by Jean Henry Cazal, Civil Engineer, of 29, Boulevart St. Martin, Paris, upon the condition (amongst others) that I, the said William Clark, my executors or administrators, by an instrument in writing under my, or their, or one of their hands and seals, should particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent. Now KNow YE, that I, the said William Clark, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following state- ment, reference being had to the Sheet of Drawings hereunto annexed, and to the letters and figures marked thereon (that is to say) — The electric effects of the pile or induction apparatus capable of being used for the construction of a practical electro-dyńamic motor depend on the fol- lowing conditions, viz., 1st, on the construction of the electro-magnets; 2ndly, on that of the coils which produce the magnetic effects; 3rdly, on the arrange- ment of the electro-magnetic apparatus. - - Up to the present time the question has not been properly studied as to the most suitable method of making electro-magnetic and magneto-electric bobbins as regards their surface dimensions, also the form of the soft iron relatively to the length, surface, and volume of the circuit of the coil so as to obtain the maximum magnetic power with a given source of electricity, and vice versa, a maximum of electricity with a minimum of power when it is desired to produce dry electricity by the aid of magneto-electric apparatus. Studies in electricity, based on numerous experiments, have led me to adopt 30 35 an electro-magnet with cylindrical surface, having multiple poles and a large magnetic surface, and this Invention consists in its application, 1st, as an ordinary electro-magnet, 2ndly, as an electro-magnet to be applied in electro- dynamic motors which may be either stationary or locomotive, 3rdly, in the construction of artificial magnets and magneto-electric bobbins for induction. apparatus, and lastly, in all cases where it is of advantage to substitute bobbins with a large surface instead of the ordinary bobbins. A single bobbin, Fig. 1–The bobbin is composed of an iron reel on which the copper wire is wound, on the two ends of the reel are applied two rings also of iron in such manner as to nearly enclose the reel and the wire wound 101 8 A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. Specification. Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. thereon. It will be readily understood that the electric current in passing produces magnetism in the iron, and the two magnetic poles will be distributed over the cylindrical surface of the metal rings above referred to, which are placed in such position that the poles re-act by their proximity one on the other, and increase their magnetic power thereby. A semi-cylindrical iron armature placed in contact with this electro-magnet is capable of sustaining a much heavier weight for a given amount of electricity than it would other- wise be capable of. I have found from experience that in these improved bobbins the action of the electric current is more direct and better utilized if the mass of iron presents a considerable surface for the radiation of the electric current. Instead of rings having a plain cylindrical surface notches or spaces may be made in them, and thus obtain an electro-magnet with multiple poles (the number varying with that of the spaces). Further, by applying a shaft with pivots to the reel and fitting the whole in bearings on a frame carrying an iron casing, or it may be of wood furnished with iron armatures, I obtain an apparatus for producing rotary motion which I will now proceed to describe. In Figs. 2 and 2* of the Drawings a, a, represents the reel on which the copper wire is wound ; b, b, are the two rings having eight grooves or indenta- tions on their periphery and lateral surfaces, which latter grooves need not be more than from one-third to one-fifth of an inch in depth. These two rings are keyed on the shaft and screwed to the ends of the reel in such manner that the hollows and plain parts are symmetrically disposed thereon; c, c, iron shaft; d, copper commutator of small diameter divided into eight parts equal in number to the grooves; e insulating coupling to which the commutator is keyed ; f, metallic key forming a spring which is platinized at its extremity and serves to establish or break the current by its alternate contact with the hollows and projections of the commutator. The current enters the reel by the shaft and leaves it at the commutator every time contact is effected with the key which is in communication with the second wire of the current. A, A, are iron armatures arranged concentrically on the bobbin with just the necessary play to prevent contact. The armatures are made nearly the same width as the spaces. Thus, if the electro-magnet be actuated by the passage of the current and the eight armatures placed near the poles be attracted, two conditions will ensue; thus if the apparatus is arranged in such manner that the cover bearing the armature be fixed, the electro-magnet will be attracted and acquire a rotary motion, while if on the contrary, the electro-magnet be fixed, the cover will turn on it according to which method is adopted. It should be remarked that by reason of the speed acquired by the motor 10 15 20 25 30. 35 º 102 º : 5 10 15 20 25 35 Specification. A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. 9 Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. the dead points at the most are only about one-thirtieth part of an inch either when moving from right to left or from left to right, which being readily over- come and a second attraction taking place the rotary motion proceeds under the most favorable conditions, as the armatures (even under the most un- favorable conditions) are disposed relatively to the poles of the electro-magnet in such manner that it receives the attraction with the smallest possible space intervening and having a very considerable surface of attraction. On the other hand, it will be seen that the quantity of wire is very small relatively to that of the iron, so that the action of the current is at once of the maximum amount and more direct. Further, the attractive force of the poles being at the extreme of the radius, it is certain that proportionately greater results may be obtained by increasing the radius according to laws established by careful experiments; it may however be safely affirmed, 1st, that the length of the circuit, 2ndly, the large surface of soft iron, and 3rdly, the leverage furnish materials for the construction of powerful electro-magnets, all things being otherwise equal, when increasing the radius and this without complicating the mechanism, an apparatus for producing direct rotary motion may be made of much simpler construction and of more power by dispensing with the armatures of soft iron as represented in Fig. 4. In this case the electro-magnetic bobbin is made in two parts, the one fixed and the other movable, in such manner that the poles are superposed, in which case it is the other poles which are attracted at each passage of the current. Electro-dynamic locomotive engine.—This apparatus is represented at Fig. 3 of the Drawings. r, r, are two metal coils, through which the electricity circulates positive in the one and negative in the cther, and proceeding from a voltaic or magneto-electric source. Let V, V, be a vehicle, furnished with a rear train of wheels insulated at their axes, for example, and having a fore carriage forming the driving wheel; this wheel, serving as a motor, consists of the cylindrical electro-magnet, with large attracting surface herein-before described, and which can be adapted to a locomotive engine by simple and practical means; as Iegards the bobbins, it may be furnished with fixed poles, regularly arranged and acting on armatures fixed to the frame of the carriage; or it may be constructed when dispensing with the use of armatures with its poles superposed, one of which (the north pole for example) turns on a south pole arrangement fixed to the framing of the carriage, c, c, represents two rings of copper or iron applied on the cylindrical surface of the bobbin, but suitably insulated from the conducting parts of the bobbin in such manner that the current enters at one wheel and leaves at the other. it will be understood that as the carriage rests on the rails the positive 103 10 A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. Specification. Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. electricity, for example, enters by one wheel into the wire of the electro-magnet, traverses the circuit, and passes out at the commutator which is in com- munication with the other wheel. The electro-magnet being attracted by the armatures produces a rotating motion, which causes the vehicle to move forwards on the rails at a speed and with a power proportionate to the intensity of the current. This novel construction of electro-magnet thus furnishes a means of doubling, tripling, or still further increasing the power by the simple addition of one, two, or more similar apparatus on the same driving shaft if for a fixed engine, or on one or more axles when applied to vehicles. "The weight of the copper wire forming the bobbin of the electro-magnet, far from being prejudicial as a dead weight, on the contrary imparts the advantages of a fly wheel to the driver, and increases the adherence of the wheels to the rails. Magneto-electric apparatus.-The construction of improved magneto-electric apparatus will naturally ensue from the adoption of the improved electro- magnetic bobbin herein described. Thus, if I replace the eight armatures of soft iron employed in the motor above described by eight artificial magnets of horse-shoe form, fixed in such manner as to present their eight poles to the eight similar poles of the bobbin, and the whole being suitably arranged by imparting rotary motion to the bobbin, a direct current may be obtained in the wire of the latter, which may be utilized according to the purpose to which the apparatus is to be applied. Instead of employing horse-shoe magnets, I may obtain a much simpler apparatus by constructing a bobbin similar to the one before described, in which the surrounding rings are of magnetised steel instead of soft iron, the opposite poles of the two rings being super- posed. It is evident that the normal condition of the apparatus consists in super- posing movable poles over fixed ones; consequently if by imparting a rotating motion this attraction is caused to cease, it will produce an electric current in the wire, and a continuous flow of electricity positive and negative will be obtained at the two ends of the wire. It should be further remarked that the space between any two poles of opposite natures being the same in the eight poles in the apparatus described, it follows that for a single revolution of the wheel there will be eight currents of the same nature and intensity produced in the same unit of time, thereby producing a powerful direct current of much greater uniformity and intensity than can be produced by ordinary apparatus. Admitting then the possibility of constructing, 1st, electro-dynamic receivers capable of producing a useful amount of work; 2ndly, powerful magneto- electric apparatus of simple and economical construction producing dry electricity 10 15 20 25 30 35 104 | 10 j 5 20 25 Specification. A .D. 1864.—Nº 1386. il Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. at a great tension, it may be affirmed that electricity will become of sure, practical, and commercial value, and furnishing a solution, 1st, of the problem of applying electro-dynamic motors, more especially small ones, for example, to the shuttles of looms, sewing machines, bobbins, and spinning machines, knitting and netting machines, electric belts, electro-medical apparatus, the production of the electric light, machine and foot lathes, polishing machines, and other purposes; 2ndly, its application to electric locomotion, as it would be easy to utilize the natural forces by transmitting them where they may be required by the aid of wire conductors of the dynamic electricity. Millions of horse power will thus be at disposal for various purposes. In the case of locomotion, for example, an immense power will be extended along railways passing through valleys, as the waterfalls and the currents of water and air may be utilized for working magneto-electric apparatus, which would distribute the electric currents greater or less distances along the rails of the perma- ment way. The carriages bearing the propelling apparatus would travel on the line receiving each instant its motive power from the rails, which are suitably insulated. Trains driven by electro-magnetic motors would offer immense advantages over the ordinary system of working railways, where may be seen a heavy locomotive encumbered with its supply of water and fuel, add to which a train of carriages equally heavy, and often without anything to carry for a part of the time they are in use. They would also possess the enormous advantages of being capable of carrying both passengers and merchandize, while steam engines, which are always liable to explosions, only serve to draw loads, and not carrying them; lastly, all the weight being borne on the axle receiving the first impulse, the driving wheels would bite the rails with great power, and steep inclines might be traversed without difficulty. If we further examine the economical and financial conditions governing the construction of railways, it will be seen that the secondary branch lines and those traversing mountainous countries might be made profitable by the application of electricity, whereas with steam locomotion they may be often considered impracticable or worked on such onerous terms as to be detrimental to the interests of the main lines. - Having described the nature of this Invention, and the manner of per- forming the same, I declare that what I claim as the Invention to be protected by the herein-before in part recited Letters Patent is, - First, the use and application of an electro-magnetic bobbin, having a large surface, as described, to all kinds of known electrical apparatus, or employed as a substitute for bobbins now in use. 105 - 12 A.D. 1864.—Nº 1386. - Specification. Clark's Improvements in Electro-magnetic and Magneto-electric Apparatus. Secondly, I claim the stationary motor or locomotive apparatus constructed on the principles herein described. Thirdly, I claim the magneto-electric apparatus herein-before described, º whatever may be the form and arrangement or details of construction. And, lastly, whatever may be the nature of its application, In witness whereof, I, the said William Clark, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Second day of December, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. 5 W. CLARK. (L.S.) Witness, 1() JAMES DAISH, 53, Chancery Lane, London. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAMI SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1864, º / 106 . a s/Ezr A.D., lººk June 3, Nº.1386, - (i.AltR 5 SPECIFICATIow. f : c. 2” ºf G. 2. | ( \ |F \ - - |------------- \ * -ºs.º. 1, Millwºº. The fºod drawing is colored. Lon: os: Printed by ſºon ºf Enwaru, Eyru; and William Sºrriswooni. Wir simile Oneºus most fºrellent Majesty Sºl 107 – Tº re-º ºr | A.D. 1864, 29th Oorones. Nº 2681. Motive Power. - LETTERS PATENT to Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, of No. 27, Rue Mademoiselle, Versailles, Seine et Oise, in the Empire of France, for the Invention of “CERTAIN IMPROVE- ments in THE Application of Eºcrºcry as a Moriya Power.” Sealed the 7th April 1865, and dated the 29th October 1864. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with their Petition, on the 29th October 1864. 5 We, Louis PHILIPPE GABRIEL BELLET and CHARIES MARIE PHILIPPE DE RouvBE, of No. 27 , Rue Mademoiselle, Versailles, Seine et Oise, in the Empire of France, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE APPLICATION or FºxcrºſcITY As A MoTIVE Power,” to be as follows, that is to say:- - 10 Our Invention consists in the construction of a locomotive to run on rails in a tunnel for the transmission of letters and for carrying passengers and merchandise from one place to another. 108 2 A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. º, Bellet & Dé Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. The locomotive consists chiefly of a box or carriage supported on two pairs of wheels; the motive wheels carry a certain number of electro-magnets, the polar surfaces of which are flush with the felloes, and the opposite extremities of which rest on the spokes and on the nave. Each of the bobbins sur- rounding the magnets is in contact by one of its poles with a brass circle, 5 through which the current continually passes; the other pole is in contact with a commutator, wedged on the axle by means of a non-conducting sub- stance. Opposite each wheel is placed one of ese commutators, the circular surface of which is composed of a series of segments, alternately con- ductors and non-conductors, and on which rests a hammer in communication 10 with the current. The commutators are wedged on the nave in such a manner that the isolating segment is placed with the conducting axis so that the current travels from one wheel to another, and to enable the electro- magnetising and therefore the attraction from the rail to be alternately exercised for each revolution of the wheel a number of times, double the 15 number of the electro-magnets of one of the wheels. The current is created by two threads stretching on the rail, and on which turn two small rollers, one thread being attached to the brass receiver fixed on the axis of the wheel, the other to two hammers, distributing alternately the current to the two wheels by means of the commutators herein-before described, 20 Our system is also applicable to any locomotive in which the attractive point is on the felloe of the wheel, and which possesses a transmitting power of motion on a rail serving as armatures to the wheels. - SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie 25 Philippe de Rouvre in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 28th April 1865. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, we, Louis PHILIPPE GABRIEL BELLET. and CHARLES MARIE PHILIPPE DE ROUVRE, of of No. 27, Rue Mademoiselle, Versailles, Seine et Oise, in the Empire of 30 France, send greeting. - WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in the twenty-eighth year 109 º Specification, A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. 3 - Bellet & De Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant uñto us, the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe. de Rouvre, Her special licence that we, the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, our executors, administrators, 5 and assigns, or such others as we, the said Louis' Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, our executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and law- fully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United Kingdom of 10 Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE APPLICATION OF ELECTRICITY As A MoTIVE. Power,” upon the condition (amongst others) that we, the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, our executors or administrators, by an instrument in writing under our, or their, or one 15 of their hands and seals, should particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be per- formed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent. - 20 NOW KNOW YE, that we, the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, do hereby declare the nature of our said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be parti- cularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement, reference being had to the Drawing hereto annexed, and to the figures and letters 25 marked thereon, that is to say:- Our Invention consists in the application of a certain principle, herein—after described, for the construction of a locomotive to run on railways for the transmission of letters, the carrying of passengers and merchandise from one place to another. - 30 And in order that our Invention may be better understood, we will proceed to describe the same by réference to the annexed Drawing, and to the figures and letters of reference marked thereon, that is to Say,- Let 0, Figure 1, represent a circle set on an undefined plane M, N, now 35 if on any point of its circumference, say, at c, for instance, we place a weight sufficiently heavy to disturb the equilibrium in which the circle is set, the weight will go down to the point E, where the circumference will be tangent to the plane M, N. On account of such motion the center 0 will be moved 4. A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. Specification. Bellet & De Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. in the direction of the arrow o, o', a distance exactly equal to F, E, and will reach o'. - Let us suppose now that the weight placed at C be replaced by an attractive force acting from c to E, the effect produced will be the same, Therefore, if within the circle we place from O to C an electro-magnet arranged in such a manner that its polar surfaces be at C, and if on the other hand the permanent plane M, N, be of iron so as to serve as an armature at the moment that a voltaic current shall be made to pass in the electro-magnet this latter will be attracted on the plane M, N, and the circle c will be thrown, as herein—before described in the direction represented by the arrow. These premises being understood, the force of our electro-magnet locomotive consists mainly in the setting a pair of motive wheels on the hind part of the frame of a carriage similar to the Crampton wheels of a locomotive. The diameter varies according to the speed required and the use of the engine. Each of them must be prepared with a number of electro-magnets, fitted according to the radii of the circle, and their neutral points be, near the nave, at the moment the polar surface passes through the thickness of the fellies and is externally on the same level. These wheels are provided with flanges, and are made to run on iron rails, which serve for armature. A commutator set on the axle of the motive wheels directs the current by which the electro-magnets are made to operate, to pass successively on each of the latter, and consequently they operate alternately from the point c, Figure 1, until the moment when the said electro-magnets are in contact with the plane M, N, that is to say, with the rail. At that moment the current is broken by the commutator, and the electro-magnet then in contact loses its force, whilst the following one, which is at the point C, receiving in its turn the magnetizing is attracted forward on the rail and operates in its turn up to the point of contact, where the current is again interrupted, and so on. By these means it will be seen that the wheel will advance a space equal to E, F, at each attraction. The locomotive herein-after described is especially adapted for the service of the Post Office for carrying letters and similar parcels. And in large towns by a proper system of underground railways uniting together the main post cffice stations our Invention will render thé greatest services. - With engines of a larger dimension, and by employing this railway, it will afford the facility of communication between the most important towns of a country by carrying the letters with a speed hitherto unknown. Figures 2, 3, and 4 of the Drawing represent a locomotive as an application 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 I 0 I 5 $20 25 Tº “ P º Specification. A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. 5 JBellet & De Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. of our Invention. The same letters of reference in each of the three Figures show parts which are similar. Figure 2 is a lateral elevation of the apparatus; Figure 3 is the plan, and Figure 4 section of the wheel. The locomotive is composed of two fore wheels R of small dimension, and of two hind wheels R of a larger diameter. These last wheels are in reality the force and the motive power. These two sets of wheels are united together by a frame c. Each motive wheel R" is composed, firstly, of an iron boss M, in which are made twenty holes, serving for the setting of a similar number of very short brass rods D; secondly, of twenty electro-magnets E, having one of their extremities supported by the shoulders of the radii, and the opposite extremities being on the level of the external part of the felly. The disposition of the electro-magnets is so arranged that their bobbins rest internally on the felly, whilst their polar surfaces cross through the felly externally, and is level with it. The motive wheels are keyed on the axletree for the purpose of crossing between them their radii, and therefore the electro-magnets which compose them. Such position of the wheels on the axletree produces on the rail an attraction for each fortieth part of the circumference run over. The axletree by which the two motive wheels are connected carries the distributor o, consisting of a commutator similar to those employed in apparatus for natural philosophy. It is composed of two hardened caoutchouc discs, on the circumference of which are alternately set twenty ivory and twenty platina plates. On each of these latter is placed a rod, on which is fixed one of the wires of the electro-magnets, and corresponds to it in the wheel between the two circles, another entirely of platina having a smaller diameter is placed and carries on its sides forty brass rods, each of them corresponding to an electro-magnetic wire. This distributor keyed on the axletree is completely 30 35 isolated by the adjunction of the caoutchoucherein-before described. Under- neath the circles a division plate F supported by two cross pieces T is placed, and carries the spring hammers V of the commutator. This division plate consists of an ivory plate having two slide bars, through which pass the stems of the hammers. By this means and with adjusting screws their length is regulated. These two hammers are composed of steel springs having their extremity provided with a brass prism, the stopper of which is in permanent contact with the circumference of the distributor circles. A brass plate connects these hammers together, and the electric current can thereby pâSS from one to the other; they are in communication by a bolt and a moveable rod with a grooved roller G, serving to bring them the current. Another roller is in direct communication with a spring bearing on the brass circle of 111 112 6 A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. Specification. Bellet & De Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. the distributor. In the centre of the two rails forming the line are two metallic wires H, similar to telegraphic wires, and on which run the brass rollers herein-before referred to. These wires are in direct communication with a battery placed at one extremity of the line. By such arrangements we avoid, firstly, the inconveniencies of having a battery close to the passage of letters and parcels; secondly, the difficulties of properly handling a large number of voltaic apparatuses, and the expenses attending the transport of considerable dead weight. It will be therefore required to fit at fixed stations a battery, as is done for the telegraphic lines, and which battery by means of the conductors will supply with electric current the apparatus during their transit. - By the arrangements herein-before described the current produced by the battery runs through one of the conductor wires, passes on its grooved roller G, with which it is in contact, crosses the division plate F to reach the hammer V in juxtaposition with one of the distributor platina plates. The current then follows the wire conducting to an electro-magnet E, and egressing through the second electrode of that magnet, passes the platina disk Q through the spring in contact with it, and returns to the battery by following the second roller and the conductor wire opposite to the one it had started from. As we have herein-before described the force instantaneously produced in the electro- magnets causes on each attraction a displacement of the wheel, and con- sequently a corresponding motion of the distributor circles. On account of this movement the hammer in contact with a platina plate is moved on an ivory plate. The current being now stopped on that side passes through the opposite hammer, which in consequence of the crossing of the radii, as herein- before described, is in contact with a metallic plate. The electric current travels alternately from one motive wheel to the other, and each of these wheels is behind the other at a distance of one-fortieth part of their circum- ference. To stop one of these apparatus when travelling it suffices to break by any means whatever the electric current giving the impulse to the engine. The electro-magnets will cease to work, and the locomotive will be soon stopped. And having now described the nature of our Invention, and the best mode of putting the same into execution, we declare that we do not restrict ourselves to the precise details herein-before laid down, provided the principle of our Invention be retained; but what we claim and intend to be protected by the herein-before in part recited Letters Patent is, every kind of locomotive deriving its motive power from one or more attractive points produced on the 10. 15 20. 25. 3{} * *__*- 113 Specification. A.D. 1864.—Nº 2681. 7 Bellet & De Rouvre's Application of Electricity as a Motive Power. circumference of the fellies of wheels, the attraction taking place between these points and the plane on which the wheels are running, as herein-before described, reference being had to the letters and figures of the Drawing. In witness whereof, we the said Louis Philippe Gabriel Bellet and 5. Charles Marie Philippe de Rouvre, have hereunto set our hands and seals, this Twenty-seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. L. P. G. BELLET. (L.S.) C. M. P. DE ROUVRE. (L.S.) 10 Witness, - H*. GILBEE, No. 10, Rue de la Fidélité, Paris. 27th April 1865. T- - LONDON : Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISwooDE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1865. /2 siraz tº A.D. 1864 Octºº. Nº? BELLET & DE ROUVRE'S SPECIFICATIow. * N ||f|| #H. H The filed, drawing is not colorea. London: Printed ºygłońce Epward Eyre and Willias, Segriswoope. Printerſtodie Queen's mostExcellent Majesty lbé5. 115 N 10 15 20 2… 2222* *322 A.D. 1878, a war. Nº 1756. -F * wn Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway stations - and Trains. LETTERS PATENT to William Clark, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for the Invention of “IMPROVED ELECTRIC APPA- RATUS Folk CoMMUNICATING BETWEEN .RAILWAY STATIONS AND TRAINs, BETWEEN TRAINS, AND BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF TRAINS.” A communication from abroad by Eugène Jacques Jérôme de Baillehache, of Paris, France. - Sealed the 29th October 1878, and dated the 1st May 1878. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Clark at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 1st May 1878. WILLIAM CLARK, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent. “IMPROVED ELECTRIC APPARATUS FoR COMMUNICATING BETWEEN RAIL- WAY STATIONS AND TRAINS, BETWEEN TRAINS, AND BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF TRAINS.” [A communication from abroad by Eugène Jacques Jérôme de Baillehache, of Paris, France.] - This Invention relates to improved electric apparatus for effecting communication between railway trains, whether in motion or stationary, and stations; for com- municating between trains on the same or different lines; and also for communicating between the different parts of railway trains. Hitherto all attempts at utilising electricity for the prevention of accidents on railways have been limited to the employment of ingenious arrangements of appa- ratus for attracting the attention of the train or station officials by the use of semaphores, worked either mechanically or electrically, which answer well enough for signalling at certain points, such as crossings or stations; but the object of this Invention is to supply a want hitherto unfulfilled, the Invention consisting in placing trains while travelling between stations, or to which any accident has happened, in constant electric communication with the stations in front and rear, and vice versa. - [Price 18, 4.d.] A. ~422.222' 2 - A.D. 1878. – No 1756. Provisional Specification. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. According to this Invention the guard's van or any other carriage of the train is converted into a travelling bureau, furnished with the necessary telegraphic trans- mitting and receiving apparatus. In order that the Invention may be more readily understood, I will describe it with reference to the accompanying Drawings, in which Figures I and 2 show longitudinal and transverse sections of a guard's van with the apparatus in position. In order to put the guard of the train in constant electrical communication with the stations on the line without interfering with existing apparatus, the require- ments are, 1st, a complete set of telegraph apparatus, such as in use at stations, viz., alarum, transmitter, galvanometer, conducting wires, and battery; or to economize space a small Bréguet apparatus may be employed, consisting of a transmitter a, receiver b, alarum c, and a battery, preferably dry. One pole com- municates by a copper wire with a rack rod d, operated by a pinion and crank handle, for raising and lowering an arm e carrying a trailing spring contact plate f. through which when lowered a continuous contact is made with a galvanised iron wire g, herein-after termed the line wire, supported upon porcelain insulators h disposed along the line at about 10 or 12 metres apart. These insulators are mounted upon short posts sunk in the ground, and rising about 12 centimetres above the level of the rails i ; or the insulators may be mounted upon the sleepers so as to prevent the ash pan of the locomotive touching the wire g. These insu- lators may be eitherconical or spherical, and may be made of wood, tarred, painted, or varnished, insulated by a tubular core of india-rubber, through which a pin passes mounted in a forked bearing or otherwise. The other pole of the battery is to earth through the axle guard j, the wheels, and rails. The trailing contact f follows all the indulations of the line wire g, along which it slides, being maintained constantly in contact there with by the weight of the rode, which is free to play laterally to a slight extent in its hanger k, the contact being assisted by the pressure of a spiral spring, and, if necessary, by that of a spring l. The trailing contact is formed of a copper plate and two thin steel spring plates about 20 centimetres wide, and the elasticity of the largest of the two, which is about 40 centimetres long, being increased by two spiral springs. In order to neutralize the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical oscillations and vibrations of the van in travelling, a system of spiral springs is placed beneath, at the side, or at front and back of the telegraph apparatus, in order to keep the needle of the receiving dial always in a vertical plane. To prevent the trailing contact becoming heated the springs may, if necessary, be kept cool by moistened cotton wicks, or by a small stream of water from a 1() 15 20 30 - 35 vessel in or beneath the van, but the air alone is sufficient, owing to the speed of the train, to keep the contact cool. To avoid interfering with the working of junctions the line wire g is connected at these points with the nearest station by a wire supported on telegraph posts beside the line. - - To prevent the electrical, communication being interrupted at level crossings, where the line wire g is necessarily removed from its position, and carried overhead or otherwise for a few feet, there may be a second trailing spring contact, also raised and lowered by a rack, the one being at the front and the other at the tail of the train, and the two connected by a conducting wire or through the couplings, so that when the one is passing the gap at a crossing the other is still in contact with line wire g, and vice versa. - The line wire current at level crossings and gates may pass through a vibrating alarum with relay, to warn the gatekeeper of the presence of a train. - The system of which the above are heads is simple, practical, inexpensive in application, and of general utility on railways. There is no danger of the line wire wearing, as the trailing spring contact may be so regulated by the rack d as at any speed only just to touch the wire in passing over the insulators. At 60 kilometres an hour contact will be made once every 40 45 50 º * sº. A.D. 1878–Nº 1756. 3 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stalions, &c. half second, and it is only necessary to make it constant by depressing the trailing contact by means of rack d when a message is being sent or received. The wire is not liable to wear even at the insulators, as it droops by its own weight, and being free to move along the insulators the points of contact are constantly changed by the effect of its own expansion and contraction. The wire is put in tension by ratchet gear, such as used for ordinary wire fencing, placed so as to avoid all risk of the trailing contact striking against any uneven surfaces. 1( } I - . …) 20 30 3 5 4() A wire brush may be attached in front of the trailing contact to keep the wire clear of snow in winter. The brush also adds to the number of points of contact with the wire for the transmission of the current. The following are further details for the transmission of messages:– 1st. When the train is in motion the ratchet should be at the stop point indicated on the rack, in order that the trailing contact may rub with slight friction upon the wire near the insulators. - 2nd. To send a message from a train in motion to another train or to a station the rack is raised to position No. 2, to increase the pressure of the trailing contact, and similarly when a message is to be received. - 3rd. When the travelling telegraph van is to be cut out of the circuit to allow a message to pass to another point, or in consequence of storms, the rack should be lowered to position No. 3, in order that the trailing contact may be raised entirely off the wire. 4th. The train in motion always communicates directly with the arrival station, i.e., that to which it is proceeding, provided that the instrument at the departure station is disconnected immediately the train starts. - 5th. Therefore if the guard wished to communicate with the station just left, he would apply to the arrival station to be put in direct communication with the departure station, which would be effected through the ordinary telegraph wire connecting the two stations. 6th. Reciprocally, if a message is to be sent from the departure station to a train which has just left, it would apply to the arrival station to be put in direct com- munication with train. 7th. If the train has passed beyond station No. 2 when so applied to by station No. 1, the call is passed on to station No. 3 in advance through the ordinary tele- graph wire, and communication would be effected with the train through the wire between the rails, as in the previous case. - 8th. The special regulations for the working of single lines may be continued without in any way effecting the employment of the above system for the trans- mission of train messages; but in order to still further increase these measures of security it is necessary that each train, although signalled by the departure to the arrival station, on entering upon the single line should signal its approach to the gatekeepers ahead, and also announce its presence on the line to the arrival station. Communication being established as described in Section 2, the gatekeepers ahead 50 of the train would be warned by their alarums, which only cease sounding when the train has passed them. - 9th. In case of accident, or when the train has a message to send (the direction of the current from the van being always the same as the direction of motion of the train), the alarums of those signal boxes only which the train has not passed will be acted on when a message is despatched. - 10th. The line in front of the first signal box is not considered clear until the vibrating alarums sounds. 11th. When a train is approaching another upon the same line, as it would be the rule that a train should not leave a station without warning the next box in the direction in which it is going of its approach, there is no fear of collision, as all the traits on this same line, whatever may be their number, will receive the message announcing the starting of the train. Figures 3 to 13 of the Drawings are diagrams to indicate the action of the alatums at the gate-houses. - * - - 4. A.D. 1878–Nº 1756. sº. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. Figure 3 indicates that a train in connection with the line wire will set in motion the alarums in advance of the train, and notify the arrival station. G is the departure station; G", the arrival station; T, train; S, S, S, gate-houses alarums; G, T, S, G", the special wire between the rails; G, G', ordinary telegraph wire. The gatekeepers, warned by the alarums of the approach of a train, are thereby cautioned to exercise increased vigilance. Figure 4 indicates that after the train has passed the box the alarum ceases to sound, those only sounding which are, in front of the train, and the gatekeepers may then with safety open the gates at the crossing for the passage of vehicles. Figure 5 indicates that two trains on the same line may communicate. If the stations are out of circuit the current only passes between the two trains, and when train T", in ignorance of train T being on the same line, signals the station G to which it is proceeding, its message will be received by the train T instead of by the station. Figure 6 shows how two trains T, T', may communicate where a station or signal box intervenes by the station G' putting the two in direct communication by means of the commutator C, D. Figure 7 shows how two trains on different lines may communicate by means of a special commutator at the arrival station; P, Paris station ; M, Mantes station; O, Oissel station; E, Elboeuf station; R, Rouen station; C, D, direct communication by means of the ordinary telegraph ; C, D', direct communication by means of the ordinary telegraph and the special wire between the rails. Suppose a train A between Paris and Mantes be travelling to Rouen, the train A may communicate with train B travelling to Oissel from Elboeuf without the message passing to or through a train H between Mantes and Oissel. This is done by the station M putting the train in direct communication as far as O by the ôrdinary telegraph wire, and station O does the same through Cº, D', by means of a special commutator, as if the line current were interrupted between M and O. Figure 8 shows how a train may communicate with a train T" in front travelling upon the same line, or which may have broken down. In entering on the single line G, G", the signal of train T to the arrival station G will be received by the train T'; if the latter by arrangement with train T puts itself out of the circuit, the train T can communicate direct with station G'. - Figure 9 indicates how a train broken down may communicate with the arrival and departure stations, and also with another train approaching it. The train 'i' and station G' are signalled direct by the train T', as likewise station G, if station Gº puts the train. Tº in direct communication with G by means of the com- mutator above referred to. - - - Figure 10 shows how, if by the omission of station G to disconnect itself from the line wire the stations G, G', are notified both at once, as well as all the crossings, the alarums in this case only ceasing to sound when the train T arrives at G', and all messages sent by train T being received by both stations. Figure 11 indicates the case of a train T leaving the rails, and the wire being severed. In this event those alarums which were in action at once cease to sound, thus notifying the accident to the gatekeepers. Figures 118 and 11b show the position of the alarums before and after the accident łespectively. Figure 12 shows how communication is re-established after train T has left the rails and the wire is broken. It is simply necessary to join up by a short length of wire, either the trailing contact, or if the latter be broken, the Breguet with the 1() 15 20 40 .45 5() wire running along the line; thus, although the train is still off the metals, it is easy to inform the stations before and behind of the accident by direct communi- cation through the commutator above referred to. In this case the alarums at the crossings will be again set in motion in the direction in which the train was travelling (see the position of alarums, Figures 11° and 11°). Figure 13 indicates another instance of a train having left the rails, the line being destroyed and the wire broken, Suppose a train T to have run off the line 55 ºf 119 - T0 15 20 2 - o 30 35 40 45 50 55 §, A.D. 1878,--N9 1756. 5 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c, before reaching the points H where it should have passed on to the branch H, L, the train T', which is started from the station G', say, ten minutes after the time at which the train T is due at K, should be shunted at H, in order to allow the express Tº travelling in the direction m, K, n, to pass, and should not pass the point K. until after the train T' has arrived at H. In order to avoid one or more accidents in such a case, immediately the train T". leaves the rails, the alarums 8, s”, sº, in both directions cease working, and the gate- keepers at once put the signals at danger. The disabled train should at once re- connect the line wire, and by a short length of wire connected to its own apparatus restore communication in the forward direction. There is no communication in the backward direction unless the train T” is already started, in which case train T can signal the mishap to both trains travelling towards it. To avoid interruptions at level crossings, it is preferable to employ a second trailing contact as before mentioned, one at either cnd of the train, connected together either by a wire or through the couplings, and a wire extending beneath the carriages, as will be presently described. The insulator supports for the line wire may be either rigid or flexible so as to allow the wire to rise after the trailing contact has passed over it. In the latter case the support is formed of two arms, which carry the enamelled iron spindle of the insulator, and rests upon a bell or hood forming a protection to a sleeve or socket in which works a metal spring acting stem, which rises and falls under the pressure of the trailing contact. The support may either be fixed directly to the sleepers by two or four ears, or fixed to posts or stakes driven into the ground at distances of about 10 metres apart. The support is made either of cast or malleable iron. The insulator is of wood coated with a mixture of tar and linseed oil, a steel spring or other metallic fastening being used to confine the wire. It is effectually insulated on the exterior by the tar and linseed oil, and on the interior with india- rubber, gutta percha, or tar, while the stem is of enamelled iron greased. This insulator may also be employed in other cases where a good electrical insulator is, desired. For example, when used in working the discs and points, it enables the ordinary telegraph posts to be dispensed with, as when fixed upright in the ground. or supported horizontally on posts or stakes, allows of a current being passed through the wire corresponding to the disc or switch for actuating an alarum, and thus indicate that the desired operation has been performed. In applying the Invention to railways in course of construction, instead of employing a wire for communicating electrically between trains, or between trains and stations, the rails may be used as conductors, the wheels of the telegraph van being in contact with a metallic brush or a spring contact, transmit by a wire the current to the instruments in the van. In this case the rails should be coated throughout their length with some insulating substance, such as coal tar (preferably applied in a heated state) to prevent the escape of the current. The rails may be thus employed in two ways, viz.:- 1st. Using both rails in order to close the circuit of a station at the nearest signal box. 2nd. By employing one rail only, which allows of telegraphic communication being established between stations in the ordinary way. Figure 14 illustrates an example of the first case, in which two rails are employed ; X is a commutator at station A : Z, battery at station B; T, turntable; O, branches or crossings; X, y, commutator, placing the two sides of the line or both rails in direct communication, provision being made for such obstacles as are presented by branches, points, crossings, and turntables, by an insulated copper wire soldered to the rail, so that the current may pass uninterruptedly between the two stations. At these points the current is diverted, the wire being carried on posts P by ordinary insulators, and so passes round the obstacles; S, S, S, are sections cº rails to which is soldered or brazed the insulated wire for bridging over the obstacles on the line w between station B and station A. Thus suppose two stations A, B, to be separated by a distance of kilometres; the circuit may be closed at station A 120 6 - A.D. 1878. –Nº 1756. Tºrovisional Specification, Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. by a commutator. The current from station B goes to A, passes through X, y, and returns to the battery at B; the current goes from and returns to battery Z; it is therefore a closed metallic circuit. In this case every train travelling over this part of the line communicates with station B and not with station A. The reverse will be the case if station B, by means of its communicator, connects the two rails, and if the station. A puts its battery in communication with the wires connected to the rails. - In the case of closed circuits, both rails should be completely insulated as before described, while all interruptions or obstacles are bridged over, so to speak, by means of a length of insulated wire carried on posts alongside, as before described. Figure 15 shows an example of the 2nd case, in which a single rail only is employed for establishing communication. In this case a train travelling between A. and B may communicate with the stations by a single rail if two conducting wires soldered to the extreme rails at each station be employed. The single rail serves both as a means of communicating between stations, and also with a train on any part of the line between A and B; R, R, insulated rails; E, E, fish plates. - The escape of the current is easily avoidable at the turntables, switches, branches, &c. For this purpose, instead of fishing the rail nearest the obstacle to be got over, it is supported upon a chair insulated by a coating of tar; a space of a few millimetres is also left at the end of the conducting rail, and an insulated wire is soldered to the rail and carried alongside on posts until the obstacle is passed, beyond which it is again connected to the line. It is also necessary to take certain precautions with regard to the fish plates, chairs, and bolts. The fish plates which serve to connect the rails should be gälvanised or polished on the inside for about 3 centimetres at the upper part, where they are in contact with the rail, and should also be tarred over the whole of their external surface. The chairs should also be tarred so as to insulate them from the sleepers upon which they are supported. The bolt heads should likewise be coated with hot coal tar, in order to prevent any escape of the current in to the ballast. These precautions have the double advantage of ensuring perfect insulation and preserving the rails, fish plates, and bolts, from oxidation. The wire employed to bridge over the obstacles on the line should be brazed with copper in a hole made in the rail. The Invention thus consists in the direct transmission of telegraph messages to trains in motion, either by means of a wire laid between the rails, or by one or both rails, or by the use of a telephone. - The Invention is also applicable for communicating between the passengers and guard of a train, the arrangement being such as will admit of constant electrical communication between the guard's van and the carriages, while preventing all tampering with the apparatus on the part of the passengers. Figure 16 shows such an arrangement; take a train of eight carriages, for example; the front guard's van F will be provided with a vibrating alarum S and battery P of 10 to 12 elements which transmit the current from one carriage to the other through the hook of the right-hand coupling chain, and thence to gutta percha covered wires fixed within the compartments. The tail brake van F" is so arranged that the wire which is in communication with the last carriage by the hook of the coupling chain is connected with the left-hand coupling, and thus return the current to the battery through the several left-hand couplings by means of the wire which connects the same together. The wire may be placed at one side of the carriages, either above or underneath the same. The hooks of the ordinary coupling chains serve in this manner to establish a continuous current between the two poles of the battery. The hooks at the front and rear of each carriage are connected as shown in Figure 17, by a spiral galvanised, nickelled, or tinned wire which is free to adapt itself to the movements of the chains, and is soldered to the hooks with copper solder, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. 45 50 55 1. 21. 10 15 20 2 5 30 40 sº. A.T.), 1878,-No 1756, 7 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. The alarum mechanism placed in each compartment, which is represented in Figure 18, is operated by a crank handle to be moved from A to B, by which a spring R is caused to press on button S so as to set in motion the alarum in the guard's van, and which continues to sound until the handle is returned to position A. To the handle is attached a rack rod T which protrudes from the compartment above the door, and rotates a pinion G connected to a disc or movable lamp with colored glasses which is projected at right angles from the side of the carriage to indicate to the guard the compartment from whence the alarm proceeds. The apparatus can only be reset by the guard releasing the pawl of a ratchet formed on the pinion. - - When it is desired to communicate between the front and rear brake vans F, F, the circuit may be closed through the earth. In this case one pole of the battery in the front brake van F, Figure 16, is connected by a wire with the axle guard, and a similar arrangement is adopted in the rear brake van F". If the Morse apparatus be in use at the stations, every train may be made to trace its journey electrically upon the paper strip, and the time of its passage at level crossings, as when only one apparatus is carried on the train; the current is interrupted at such places which are thereby indicated on the paper strip. More- over, if two trains on the same line be each provided with Morse apparatus, they may at all times ascertain the distance they are apart. By the foregoing arrangements, - 1st. A station may at any moment communicate with one or more trains on the same line, whatever may be their position, and also with the stations to which they are proceeding, 2nd. That a station may communicate with any particular train without the others being necessarily made acquainted with the terms of the message, 3rd. That either stations or trains may warn gatekeepers of the approach of all trains, ordinary or special. - - 4th. That trains may be always certain as to whether the line ahead is clear. 5th. That two or more trains travelling on the same line in the same or different directions, may by the aid of a special commutator at their destination, be enabled to communicate telegraphically with each other. 6th. That a train broken down may at once communicate this fact to the station in front and rear, or to the trains travelling on the same or different lines, and also indicate its position and any other necessary information. 7th. That the passengers in a train may communicate with the officials and the officials with each other. - In order to more rapidly transmit messages in case of emergency, a special code might be employed, in which every letter, according to the number of turns of the transmitter, would represent a complete sentence. 122 8 A.D. 1878. –Nº 1756. - Specification. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent filed by the said William Clark in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 1st November 1878. WILLIAM CLARK, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent. “IMPROVED ELECTRIC APPARATUS FOR COMMUNICATING BETWEEN RAIL- WAY STATIONS AND TRAINS, BETWEEN TRAINS, AND BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF TRAINS.” A communication from abroad by Eugène Jacques Jérôme de Baillehache, of Paris, France. This Invention has in view the prevention of collisions and other accidents on railways, and relates to improved electric apparatus for effecting communication between railway trains (whether moving or stationary) and stations, between one train and another on the same or a different line, and also between the passengers and the guards or other officials of the same train. Hitherto all attempts at utilising electricity for the prevention of accidents on railways have been limited to the employment of ingenious arrangements of apparatus for attracting the attention of the train or station officials by the use of semaphores, worked either mechanically or electrically, which answer well enough for signalling at certain points, such as crossings or stations; but the object of this Invention is to supply a want hitherto unfulfilled ; the Invention consisting in means whereby all trains, whether travelling between stations or in distress in consequence of an accident, are placed in constant electric communication with the stations in front and rear, and vice versa. According to this Invention the guard's van or any other carriage of the train is converted into a travelling telegraphic bureau, furnished with the necessary trans- mitting and receiving apparatus. In order that the Invention may be more readily understood, I will describe it with reference to the accompanying Drawings, in which Figures 1 and 2 show longitudinal and transverse sections of a guard's van with the apparatus in position. In order to put the guard of the train in constant electrical communication with the stations on the line without interfering with existing apparatus the require- ments are, fst, a complete set of telegraph apparatus such as in use at stations, viz., alarum or call bell, transmitter, galvanometer, conducting wires, and battery; or to economise space a small Bréguet apparatus may be employed, consisting of a transmitter a, receiver b, alarum c, and a battery, preferably a dry one. One pole communicates by a copper wire with a rack rod d, operated by a pinion and crank handle, for raising and lowering an arm e, carrying a trailing spring contact plate f. through which when lowered a continuous contact is made with a galvanised iron wire g, herein-after termed the line wire supported upon porcelain insulators h disposed along the road at about 10 or 12 metres apart. These insulators are mounted upon short posts sunk in the ground and rising about 12 centimetres above the level of the rails i; or the insulators may be mounted upon the sleepers, or otherwise, out of the way of the ash pan of the locomotive, which must not touch the wire g. These insulators may be either conical or spherical, and may be made of wood, tarred, painted, or varnished, insulated by a tubular core of india- rubber, through which a pin passes mounted in a forked bearing or otherwise. The other pole of the battery is to earth, through the axle guard j, the wheels, and rails. The trailing contact f follows all the undulations of the line wire g along which it slides, being maintained constantly in contact therewith by the weight of the rod e, which is free to play laterally to a slight extent in its hanger k, the contact being assisted by the pressure of a spiral spring, and, if necessary, by that of a spring l. - The trailing contact is formed of a copper plate and two thin steel spring plates about 20 centimetres wide, and the elasticity of the largest of the two, which is about 40 centimetres long, being increased by two spiral springs. 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ~- - ºv - 123 ! 10 20 30 35 40 50 Specification. A.D º 1878. – No 1756. - 9 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. In order to neutralise the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical oscillations and vibrations of the van in travelling, a system of spiral springs is placed beneath at the side or at front and back of the telegraph apparatus, in order to keep the needle of the receiving dial always in a vertical plane. To prevent the trailing contact becoming heated the springs may, if necessary, be kept cool by moistened cotton wicks or by a small stream of water from a vessel in or beneath the van, but owing to the speed of the train the air alone is sufficient to keep the contact cool. - To avoid interfering with the working of junctions the line wire g is connected at these points with the nearest station by a wire supported on telegraph posts beside the road, To prevent the electrical communication being interrupted at level crossing: where the line wire g is necessarily removed from its position and carried over- head or otherwise for a few feet, there may be a second trailing spring contact also raised and lowered by a rack, the first one being at the front and the other at the tail of the train, and the two connected by a conducting wire or through the couplings, so that when the one is passing the gap at a crossing the other is still in contact with line wire g, and vice versa. - The line wire current at level crossings and gates may pass through a vibrating alarum with relay to warn the gatekeeper of the presence of a train. The system of which the above are heads is simple, practical, inexpensive in application, and of general utility on railways. - There is no danger of the line wire wearing, as the trailing spring contact may be so regulated by the rack d as at any speed only just to touch the wire in passing over the insulators. At 60 kilometres an hour contact will be made once every half second, and it is only necessary to make it constant by depressing the trailing contact by means of rack d when a message is being sent or received. The wire is not liable to wear even at the insulators as it droops by its own weight, and being free to move along the insulators the points of contact are constantly changed by the effect of its own expansion and contraction. The wire is put in tension by a wire stretcher in form of a ratchet, such as used for ordinary wire fencing, placed so as to avoid all risk of the trailing contact striking against any uneven surfaces. A wire brush may be attached in front of the trailing contact to keep the wire clear of snow in winter; the brush also adds to the number of points of contact with the wire for the transmission of the current. The following are rules to be observed in the transmission of messages:– 1st. When the train is in motion the pinion should be opposite a certain mark made on the rack, in order that the trailing contact may rub with slight friction upon the wire near the insulators. 2nd. To send a message from a train in motion to another train or to a station the rack should be raised to position No. 2, to increase the pressure of the trailing contact, and similarly when a message is to be received. 3rd. When the travelling telegraph van is to be cut out of the circuit to allow a message to pass to another point, or when in consequence of thunderstorms the apparatus at the stations are not in working order, the rack should be lowered to position No. 3, in order that the trailing contact may be raised entirely off the wire. 4th. The train in motion always communicates directly with the station to which it is proceeding, the instrument at the station in rear having been disconnected immediately the train started. . 5th. Therefore, if the guard wished to communicate with the last station quitted he would apply to the station ahead to be put in direct communication with the station in rear, which would be effected through the ordinary telegraph wire con- necting the two stations. 6th. Reciprocally if a message is to be sent from a station to a train which has left it, application would have to be made to the next station to be put in direct communication with train, 7th. If the train has passed beyond station No. 2, when so applied to by station 124. 10 A.D. 1878–Nº. 1756. * Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. No. 1, the call is passed on to station No. 3 in advance through the ordinary telegraph wire, and communication would be effected with the train through the wire between the rails, as in the previous case. 8th. The special regulations for the working of single lines may be continued in use without in any way affecting the employment of the above system for the transmission of train messages, but in order to still further increase these measures of security, it is necessary that each train, although signalled by the station which it has left, to the station to which it is proceeding, on entering upon the single line, should signal its approach to the gatekeepers ahead, and also announce its presence on the line to the station ahead. Communication being established as described in § 2, the gatekeepers ahead of the train would be warned by their alarums, which only cease sounding when the train has passed them. - 9th. In case of accident, or when the train has a message to send (the direction o the current from the van being always the same as the direction of motion of the train), the alarums of those signal boxes only which the train has not passed will be sounded when a message is despatched. 10th. The line in front of the first signal box is not considered clear until the vibrating alarum sounds. - 11th. No train should leave a station without warning the next box in the direction in which it is going of its approach, so that when one train is approaching another on the same line, there shall be no danger of collision, as all the trains on the same line, whatever may be their number, will receive the message announcing the starting of the train. Figures 3 to 13 of the Drawings are diagrams to indicate the action of the alarums at the gatehouses, - Figure 3 indicates that a train in connection with the line wire travelling from station G to station G', will set in motion the alarums in advance of the train, and notify the station G"; T, train ; S, S, S, gatehouse alarums; G, T, S, G", the special wire between the rails; G, G, ordinary telegraph wire. The gatekeepers being warned by the alarums of the approach of a train, are thereby cautioned to exercise increased vigilance. Figure 4 indicates that after the train has passed the box, the alarum ceases to sound, those only sounding which are in front of the train, and the gatekeepers may then with Safety open the gates at the crossing for the passage of vehicles. Figure 5 indicates that two trains on the same line may communicate electrically. If the stations are out of circuit, the current only passes between the two trains, and when the guard of train T", in ignorance of train T being on the same line, signals the station G to which he is proceeding, the message will be received at the train T ifistead of at the station. Figure 6 shows how two trains T, T', may communicate, where a station or signal box intervenes, by the two being put in direct communication by means of the commutator C, D, at the station or signal box. Figure 7 shows how two trains on different lines may communicate by means of a special commutator at the station towards which they are proceeding. Let P be Paris station; M, Mantes station; O, Oissel station; E, Elboeuf station; R, Rouen station; C, D, direct communication by means of the ordinary telegraph; Cº, D', direct communication by means of the ordinary telegraph and the special wire between the rails. Suppose a train A between Paris and Mantes be travelling to Rouen. The train A may communicate with train B, travelling to Oissel from Elboeuf without the message passing to and through a train H between Mantes and Oissel. This is done by the station M putting the train in direct communication as far as O by the ordinary telegraph wire, and station O does the same through Cº, D', by means of a special commutator as if the line current were interrupted between M and O. Figure 8 shows how a train may communicate with a train. Tº in front, travelling upon the same line, or which may have broken down. In entering on the straight 1() 15 20 35 40 45 55 º º E0 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 Specification, A.D. 1878.-No 1756. II. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. line G, G, the signal of train T to the station G', will be received by the train Tº: if the latter by concert with train T puts itself out of the circuit, the train T can communicate direct with station G'. - - Figure 9 indicates how a train broken down or in distress may communicate with the stations in front and rear, and also with another train approaching it. The train T and station G' are signalled direct by the train T', and likewise station G, if station Gº puts the train Tº in direct communication with G by means of the commutator above referred to. Figure 10 shows how, if by the omission of station G to disconnect itself from the line wire, the stations G, G', are both notified as well as all the crossings, the alarums in this case only ceasing to sound when the train T arrives at G', and all messages sent by train T being received by both stations. - - Figure 11 indicates the case of a train T leaving the rails and the wire being severed. In this event, those alarums which were in action at once cease to sound, whereby coupled with the non-arrival of the train, the gatekeepers are warned of the accident. - Figures 11° and 11” show the position of the alarums before and after the accident respectively. - Figure 12 shows how communication is re-established after train T has left the rails and broken the wire. It is simply necessary to join up by a short length of wire, either the trailing contact, or if the latter be broken, the Breguet instrument with the line wire. Thus, although the train is still off the metals, it is easy to inform the stations, before and behind, of the accident by direct communication through the commutator above referred to. In this case, the alarums at the crossings ahead of the train will be again set in motion (see the position of alarums, Figures 11a and 11b). Figure 13 illustrates another instance of a train having left the rails, torn up the line, and broken the wire. Suppose the train T to have run off the line before reaching the points H where it should have passed on to the branch H, L, the train T' which is started from the station G', say ten minutes after the time at which the train T is due at K, should be shunted at H in order to allow the express Tº travelling in the direction ºn, K, n, to pass, and should not pass the point K until after the train Tº has arrived at H. * - In order to avoid one or more accidents in such a case, immediately the train. Tº leaves the rails, the alarums s, s”, sº, in both directions cease working, and the gate keepers at once put the signals at danger. The disabled train should at once reconnect the line wire, and by a short length of wire connected to its own apparatus restore communication in the direction of the station ahead. There is no communi- cation in the backward direction unless the train Tºis already started, in which case train T can signal the mishap to both trains travelling towards it. To avoid interruptions at level crossings it is preferable to employ a second trailing contact as before mentioned, one at each end of the train connected together either by a wire or through the couplings, and a wire extending beneath the carriages, so that when the one contact is passing over the gap in the line wire occasioned by the level crossing the other contact is touching the wire, as will be presently described. The insulator supports for the line wire may be either rigid or flexible, so as to allow the wire to rise after the trailing contact has passed over it. In the latter case the support is formed of two arms, which carry the enamelled iron spindle of the insulator, and rests upon a bell or hood forming a protection to a sleeve or socket in which works a metal rod pressing on a spring, which acts upwards or downwards and rising and falling under the pressure of the trailing contact. The support may either be fixed directly to the sleepers by two or four ears, or fixed to posts or stakes driven into the ground at distances of about 10 metres apart. The support is made either of cast or malleable iron. The insulator is of wood coated with a mixture of tar and linseed oil (a steel spring or other metallic fastening 126 12 - A.D. 1878.-Nº 1756. Specification. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. being used to confine the wire), and it is effectually insulated on the exterior by the tar and linseed oil, and on the interior with india-rubber, gutta percha, or tar, the spindle being of enamelled iron and greased. This insulator may also be employed in other cases where a good electrical insulator is desired; for example, in working signals and points it enables the ordinary telegraph posts to be dispensed with, as when fixed upright in the ground or supported horizontally on posts or stakes, it allows of a current being passed through the wire corresponding to the disc or switch for actuating an alarum, and thus indicate that the desired operation has been performed. In applying the Invention to railways in course of construction, instead of employing a wire for communicating electrically between trains or between trains and stations, the rails may be used as conductors, the wheels of the telegraph van being in contact with a metallic brush or a spring contact in order to transmit by a wire the current to the instruments in the van. In this case the rails should be coated throughout their length with some insulating material, such as coal tar (preferably applied in a heated state), to prevent the escape of the current. The rails may be thus employed in two ways, viz., 1st. Using both rails in order to close the circuit of a station at the nearest signal box. 2nd. By employing one rail only, which allows of telegraphic communication being established between stations in the ordinary way. Figure 14 illustrates an example of the first case, in which two rails are employed. X is a commutator at station A; Z, battery at station B; T, turntable; O, branches or crossings; X, y, commutator placing the two sides of the line or both rails in direct communication, provision being made for such obstacles as are presented by branches, points, crossings, and turntables by an insulated copper wire soldered to the rail, so that the current may pass uninterruptedly between the two stations. "At these points the current is diverted, the wire being carried on posts P by ordinary insulators, and so avoids the obstacle or interruption. S, S, S, are sections of rails, to which is soldered or brazed the insulated wire for avoiding or bridging over the obstacles or interruptions on the line n between station B and station A. Thus suppose two stations A, B, to be separated by a distance of n kilometres, the circuit may be closed at station. A by a commutator. The current from station B goes to A, passes through X, y, and returns to the battery at B; the current goes from and returns to battery Z, and the circuit is therefore a closed metallic one. In this case every train travelling over this part of the line communicates with station B, and not with station A. The reverse will be the case if station B, by means of its commutator, connects the two rails, and if the station. A puts its battery in communication with the wires connected to the rails. In the case of closed circuits both rails should be completely insulated, as before described, while all interruptions or obstacles are bridged over, so to speak, by means of a length of insulated wire carried on posts alongside, as before described. Figure 15 shews an example of the second case in which a single rail only is employed for establishing communication. In this case a train travelling between A and B may communicate with the stations by a single rail, two conducting wires soldered to the rail being led to each station. The single rail serves both as a means qf communicating between stations, and also with a train on any part of the line between A and B. R, R, insulated rails; E, E, fish plates. The escape of the current is easily avoidable at the turntables, switches, branches, &c. For this purpose instead of fishing the rail nearest the obstacle or interruption to be got over, it is supported upon a chair insulated by a coating of tar; a space of a few millimetres is also left at the end of the conducting rail, and an insulated wire is soldered to the rail and carried alongside on posts until the obstacle is passed, beyond which it is again connected to the line. - It is also necessary to take certain precautions with regard to the fish plates, chairs, and bolts. The fish plates which serve to connect the rails should be 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 127 10 20 30 35 40 45 50 5 5 Specification. A.D. 1878. –No 1756. 13 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. galvanised or polished on the inside for about three centimetres at the upper part where they are in contact with the rail, and should also be tarred over the whole of their external surface. The chairs should also be tarred, so as to insulate them from the sleepers upon which they are supported. The bolt heads should likewise be coated with hot coal tar, so as to prevent any escape of the current into the ballast. These precautions have the double advantage of ensuring perfect insulation and preserving the rails, fish plates, and bolts from oxidation. - A The wire employed to bridge over the obstacles on the line should be soldered with copper in a hole made in the rail. The two arrangements last described thus have for their object to substitute in the case of new lines the rail itself for the line wire between the rails as a means of establishing direct telegraphic communication between trains or between trains and stations. In this novel mode of transmission the essential point is to ensure the perfect insulation of the rail by coating it with tar applied in a heated state to render the circuit continuous through the medium of the fish plates, and to bridge over the obstacles or interruptions caused by turntables, points, and branches by means of wires connecting the rails at either side of the obstacle. The Invention thus enables the direct transmission of telegraph messages to trains in motion, either by means of a wire laid between the rails or by one or both rails, or by the use of a telephone, - The Invention is also applicable for communicating between the passengers and guard of a train, the arrangement being such as to admit of constant electrical communication between the guard's van and the carriages, and prevent the passen- gers tampering with the apparatus with impunity. Figure 16 shews such an arrangement. Take a train of eight carriages for example, the front guard's van F will be provided with a vibrating alarum S and battery P of ten to 12 elements, which transmits the current from one carriage to the other through the hook of the right-hand coupling chain, and thence to gutta percha covered wires fixed within the compartments. The tail brake van F" is so arranged that the wire which is in communication with the last carriage by the hook of the coupling chain is connected with the left-hand coupling, and thus returns the current to the battery through the left-hand couplings by means of the wire which connects them. The wire may be placed at one side of the carriages, either above or underneath. The hooks of the ordinary coupling chains thus serve to establish a continuous circuit between the two poles of the battery. The hooks at the front and rear of each carriage are connected, as shewn in Figure 17, by a galvanized, nickelled, or tinned spiral wire, which is free to adapt itself to the movements of the chains, and is soldered to the hooks with copper solder. The alarum mechanism placed in each compartment, whlch is represented in Figure 18, is operated by a crank handle to be moved from A to B, by which a Spring is caused to pass on button S, so as to set in motion the alarum in the guard's van, which continues to sound until the handle is, returned to position A. To the handle is attached a rack rod T, which protrudes from the compartment above the door, and rotates a pinion G connected to a disc or moveable lamp with colored glasses, which is projected at right angles from the side of the carriage to indicate to the guard the compartment from whence the alarm proceeds. The apparatus can only be reset by the guard releasing a pawl from a ratchet formed on the pinion, When it is desired to communicate between the front and rear brake vans F, F, the circuit may be closed through the earth. In this case one pole of the battery in the front brake van F, Figure 16, is connected by a wire with the axle guard, and a similar arrangement is adopted in the rear brake van F". If the Morse apparatus be in use at the stations every train may be made to record electrically upon the paper strip its journey, and the time of its passage at level crossings, as when only one apparatus is carried on the train the current is, interrupted at such places, which are thereby indicated on the paper strip. More- 128 14. - A.D. 1878.-No 1756, Specification. Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. over, if two trains on the same line be each provided with Morse apparatus they may at all times ascertain the distance they are apart. - By the foregoing arrangements, 1st. A station may at any moment communicate with one or more trains on the same line, whatever may be their position or the direction in which they are travel- ling, and also with the stations to which they are proceeding. - 2nd. That a station may communicate with any particular train without the others being necessarily made acquainted with the terms of the message. 3rd. Both stations and trains may warn gatekeepers of the approach of all trains, ordinary or special. - - 4th. Trains may be always certain as to whether the line ahead is clear. 5th. Two or more trains travelling on the same line in the same or different directions, may, by the aid of a special commutator at their destination communicate telegraphically with each other. 6th. A train disabled may at once communicate this fact to the station in front and rear, or to the trains travelling on the same or different lines, and also indicate its position and other necessary information. 7th. The passengers in a train may communicate with the officials, and the officials with each other. In order to more rapidly transmit messages in cases of emergency a special code might be employed, in which every letter, according to the number of turns of the transmitter, would represent a complete sentence. In describing this improved system of establishing permanent electrical commu- nication between railway trains and stations it has been shewn that messages may be transmitted telegraphically whatever may be the position of the wire, and to avoid the objections to a wire laid between the rails it is preferable to place it along- side the railroad or above the roofs of the carriages. The following details will enable companies to employ the various telegraphic instruments, including the telephone and microphone, in connection with this Invention. - - Referring to Figure 19 the contact piece consists of a metallic plate a, upon which are fixed two or more spring plates b fixed at one end to the plate a. The springs are made of steel, partly covered with copper, which strengthens them without lessening their elasticity. In practice they would be made of about 10 inches in width, and from 12 to 16 inches in length. The free ends of the springs are fitted to work between two small cylindrical pins, and they are retained at their under part beneath the plate by another copper plate provided with binding studs, to which is attached the wire connected to the instruments in the guard's van. The spring contact a projects at the side of the van, being supported by an arm having one or two branches resting on a friction roller h to allow of its free oscillation within the limits allowed to it by the stop i. j, k, are two steel springs, applying a slight pressure in opposite directions to arm g. The weight of the spring contact a is counterbalanced by a weight l, m, is a bracket inside the van, upon which the weight is placed when the apparatus is to be disconnected, the spring contact then descending by its own weight. On the inner end of the arm g is a binding stud m, to which the wire of the receiving instrument is attached, the said instrument being to earth through the axle guard as before mentioned. - - The above arrangements are susceptible of considerable variation to suit the circumstances of each line, the principle remaining however the same in all cases, The movement of the contact piece a, b, which may be compared to that of a balance having been indicated I will describe the arrangements required to ensure proper contact with the wire. - As the distance between the telegraph poles on railways varies, and the wires are in Some cases carried underground, the arrangements to be adopted can only be indicated in a general way, as they depend on the rolling stock of each company, the number of tunnels, &c. 10 15 20 25 30 4() 45 50 B5 129 | 10 15 20 35 40 45 50 55 Specification. - A.T). 1878. – Nº 1756. 15 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. It is, however, always possible to fix the posts at distances of from two to four metres apart, and at the proper distance from the rails, and they may be strengthened by struts or placed closer together on curves if necessary. Posts should be erected where they are not already fixed, upon which should be mounted, at a few inches above the level of the contact piece, an arm of metal or wood forming a support for an insulator, by which the line wire is supported alongside of the line. This wire is placed about on a level with the contact piece, as shown in Figure 20, so as to constantly press by its own weight thereon, the pressure diminishing gradually as the contact piece approaches the insulators. - The springs of the contact piece should never rise high enough to strike the hook which supports the wire, care being taken however that when one of the spring plates leaves the wire at the moment of passing the insulator (see Figure 20), the other plate shall be still in contact, and thus prevent any interruption of the current. Moreover, a number of these spring contacts may be arranged along the side of the carriage to ensure a more perfect contact. Interruptions will sometimes occur at level crossings owing to the necessity of carrying the wire up to a con- siderable height to allow of the passage under it of carts loaded with hay, for example. An uninterrupted communication may however be had if desired by means of a second contact on one of the passenger carriages or on the rear guard's van placed in electrical communication with the first one at the front part of the train by the arrangement before mentioned in connection with the hook of the safety coupling chain, whether the said hooks are brazed or whether a wire be simply rivetted thereto above the line of traction. - The same arrangements are adopted at branches and junctions as at level crossings except as regards the two outside lines where the line wire may be con- tinued alongside without inconvenience. In tunnels the insulators would be attached to the walls, the wire being kept at the same level as before. At curves the posts should be placed closer together, and the insulators at a height depending on the cant of the line, and on whether the line wire is placed on the inner or outer side of the curve. - There will be no difficulty in providing the telegraphic communication in the station itself, as the insulators and their supports would be at a sufficient height and distance to avoid the carriage doors and goods cargoes. It will be easily seen that this contact arrangement will not only enable tele- graphic communication to be had between trains in motion, but also render possible the use of the telephone and microphone for the purpose, owing to the perfect contact obtained; padded carriages would be employed in this case on account of the sound, and the earth wire would pass by way of the axle guards. - There is no doubt also that an ordinary dial telegraph, or Morse, or other apparatus might also be used to indicate the position of trains to the station master or gatekeeper. - - - - If a dial telegraph is used (Figure 24) every other letter, A, C, E, G, I, &c., would indicate a contact, and the alternate letters B, D, F, H, &c., an interruption or the passage of a train over a level crossing. When a Morse apparatus is used the transit of trains would be indicated by the variations in the marks on the strip consequent on the contact and interruptions in the contact of the pallet. As the wire is throughout laid parallel to the train, and in contact with the contact pallet, the breadth of the latter (10 inches) is such that it shall always remain in contact with the wire, while its height, arrangement, and form are calculated with a view to compensate for the slightest differences in level caused by the vibration or oscillation of trains or other causes apt to produce interruptions, The wire stretchers need only be placed at distances of one kilometer apart, or, if necessary, additional posts may be employed to lessen the sagging due to the weight of the wire, - - Figure 19 is a section of a van with the apparatus applied. Figure 20 is an ordinary telegraph post with an arm, from which the wire is suspended. 16 A.D. 1878. – No 1756. Specification, - Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. Figures 21, 22, and 23 show respectively side and front view and plan of one of the pallets or contact plates. Figure 24 is a view of a railway with the wire for communicating between trains in motion and stations; this Figure also shows the mode of using a dial telegraph at a station for the purpose of indicating the position of a train in communication 5 there with. - ... " - - The letters A, C, E, G indicate those sections of the line where contact is made; and letters B, D, F, other points of the same line where interruptions occur. The same letters A, B, C, D, &c., on the dial correspond with the passage of a train at these points as the needle on the dial moves one notch every time a contact is 10 made and broken. - The position of the train is indicated in the figure by the pallet at G ; the needle on the dial also standing opposite this letter, and in this manner the progress of the train may be followed or ascertained at any moment. Figure 25 shows a larger view of the dial, - 15 a, Figure 21, is the plate upon which the contact springs b, b, are fixed at c, c.; d, d, slots in plate a, through which the ends of springs b pass, and are retained by copper or other metallic strips c, attached to the lower edge of each spring ; the wires f are attached to these strips; e", copper strips for strengthening the upper portion of the springs, 20 g, Figure 19, arm on which the contact springs are supported; h, friction roller; i, stop for limiting the upward motion of arm g; j, k, springs of equal strength pressing on opposite sides of the arm g, the one being fixed on the inside and the other on the outside of the van ; L, weight suspended from the inner end of arm g, to counterbalance the pallet; m, bracket, upon which the weight is placed 25 when the apparatus is not in use ; m, stud on end of arm g : o, wire connecting the instrument in the van with the contact pallet; p, earth wire connecting with the axle guard of one of the wheels; g, insulator. r, Figure 20, suspension hook for line wire. I will next describe the method of giving a graphical representation of the 30 position of trains on the several sections of a railway. The ruling principle of the block system is that a train shall not be allowed to enter upon a section until the preceding train has reached the next station; notwithstanding these precautions however accidents still continue to occur. The line being in fact signalled “clear,” as soon as the train arrives at the station, should any delay occur in restarting the 35 train, the following one may run into it. A very simple modification would, however, render the block system absolutely safe. If a permanent contact in con- nection with the train itself be established on a line divided into m sections, contact would be maintained during the whole time the section is being traversed, and the line would therefore never be signalled “clear,” either too soon or too late. Thus 40 the safety of the passengers is not made entirely dependant on the vigilance of the signalman, who may, perhaps, have several switches to attend to at different points, may be liable to err or to have his attention diverted. The arrangement, which, to be adopted by preference for insuring a permanent contact while the train is traversing a section, is very simple, as the wire is by its 45 own weight caused to remain in constant contact with a second pallet placed about one foot above the first on the side of the front van. It will be easy by means of this second pallet to ascertain the progress and speed of trains travelling on the different sections of the line, and also the exact time occupied. - - Referring to Figure 26, suppose a line A, B, to be divided into sections a c, 0 d, 50 de, ef, f b, and that at each point c, d, e, f, an insulated metal wire is connected, so as to establish communication between trains travelling on the line and a station Z, where are received the series of indications transmitted by the pallets of trains P, P'. In this manner an electric circuit closed by the earth is established between each train and station Z, where are combined elements forming separate batteries. As however a number of separate wires would seriously interfere with the working of a railway, this difficulty may be avoided by combining the whole of 5 5 º: s * 131 10 15 Specification, A.D. 1878.-No 1756. 17 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. the wires between A and B in the form of a cable, composed in the present instance of five insulated wires intersected at the several points c, d, e, f, B. The cable is thus of equal strength-throughout, but the electric current will pass through one wire only at a time. - The cable is supported by a ring hung from the post carrying the insulator and wire of the second contact pallet, and is to be kept in suitable tension. Each wire corresponding with the needle of a receiver, whose mechanism is similar to that used for working the needle of dial receivers; it will thus be seen that the several zones or sections of line traversed by the trains may be all controlled from one centre, as the several needles will in turn be set in motion by the trains themselves through the medium of the cable connected with the said station. This system may be further extended by making the needle of one section indicate breaks or interruptions, may have regular distances in a section, as for instance, the distance of the several telegraph poles. Thus at each post, or at, say, every one hundred yards,a series of contacts and breaks might be produced which would operate the corresponding receiver and convey information of a train having met with a mishap at any point even before the guard would have had time to make arrangements for the purpose. A vibrating alarm, or a dial receiver with relay, if the current is too weak on account of the distance, should be placed at each intersection, in order to avoid any 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 failure in the action by which a train might be allowed to enter on a section before it is clear. It would be left to the option of the railway companies to employ such instruments as may be judged most suited for the purpose, The chief point in view is to demonstrate the practical possibility of controlling the movements of trains by tracking them throughout their journey and recording their speed time of passing any given points, delays, or excessive speeds, at distances which have been hitherto considered impossible. - * - In place of using a system of needles operated by electro-magnets, a Morse cylinder may be employed to record the journey of the trains by means of as many needles and electro-magnets as there are wires corresponding to as many sections of the line. * - Another modification in the apparatus for transmitting messages to and from trains in motion is illustrated in Figures 29 and 30. In this case a roller is sub- stituted for the contact pallet before described. By means of such an apparatus, rendered free to adopt itself to every movement of the telegraph wire without ever ceasing to remain in contact with it while the train is in motion, the perfect contact ensured by the pressure of the wire upon the roller will enable the current passing through the wire to pass to earth through a receiving instrument in which messages are received as regularly as at a station, the speed of the train, however great, being as nothing compared with that of the current. - The above arrangement possesses the advantages of being simple, practical, and easy of application; it requires no attention when once installed, and affords perfect security in the working of trains. - c is one of the insulators hung on a pin in a fork b from an arm a parallel to the line, so as to avoid any risk of the carriages striking against it. The line wire e is suspended from the insulators c by a wire and ring or spring hook d, the wire being maintained at the proper tension by means of compensation tightening devices, such as are at present in use, which allow of expansion and con- traction, placed at distances 500 or 1000 yards apart. Upon the side of the guard's van, preferably above the doorway, is mounted a copper roller f. flanged to prevent the wire from slipping off. An oil cupg is placed at each end of the roller f which is supported on friction rollers h, Figure 28, disposed around the spindle i. Such spindle is supported at each end on two round rods j, j, capable of vertical adjustment for regulating the action of the apparatus. The arms j are parallel to and equidistant from a rod k, connected at its lower end to a lever l, slightly curved at the end, and having a rounded edge, whereby the rods are enabled to slide up and down with slight friction in their guides, which are fixed to the van, The lever l is pivoted at m on a fixed support, and has a sliding B 132 i8 A.D. 1878. – No 1756. Specification, Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. weight n on its other end, which may be fixed in any position by a locking lever o. The end of the wire to the receiving instrument is coiled in the form of a spring p upon a stem forming a prolongation of the spindle i, and retained thereon by a collar and by a pin terminating in a copper knob. This knob in revolving makes con- tact with a tongue s of the same metal, supported by a steel spring, which is pressed against one of the supporting arms of the cylinder by means of bolts and insulating strips of india-rubber. By this means the speed at which the cylinder f rotates may be readily indicated, from which can be calculated the speed of the train, as at every revolution of the cylinder the knoh strikes the tongue 8, and transmits to an electro-magnet provided with a needle, and actuated by the local battery in the van, the rotatory movement of the cylinder, that is to say, the contacts and inter- ruptions caused by the rotation of the knob on the spindle. The other arrangements in the van remain the same as before as regards the suspension of the telegraph apparatus upon balancing springs, and the connection of the earth wire to the axle guard, and thence to earth through the wheels and rail. Two rollers f and levers may be mounted upon each guard's van, as in Figure 29, so as to avoid striking the insulator. A second wire e', Figure 30, of a few yards in length, and attached to the wire e at each end, may also be employed at each point of suspension, said wire e' passing below the insulators. It may be objected that the contact will cease for a fraction of a second, but this will be obviated by employing two rollers on each van, as in Figure 30, instead of one, so that when the first roller ceases contact at the point of suspension the second roller at the other end of the van will be still in contact with the wire. It should be added that vertical slots are made in the side of the guard’s van, lined with stout india-rubber to allow of the play of the roller, and also to avoid shocks consequent on any sudden variation of speed. - - In the arrangements in which contact is obtained by the wire bearing upon the contact roller pallet, brush, or other device, instead of by the latter pressing on the wire, the difficulty arising from the motion of the train is avoided. The weight of the wire ensures a permanent contact, whatever may be the movements of the carriage, when two roller pallets or other devices are employed, although one may momentarily lose contact with the wire. - - The receiver or transmitter might also be a telephone, it being simply necessary to connect the line with the two contact screws and close the circuit through the earth. - - The arrangement considered the most practical consists in placing the contact roller upon the roof the guard's van, with freedom to rise and fall to the extent of from 12 to 16 inches in its guides, which might in this case be fixed in the small look-out cab which usually projects above the roof. The weighted lever would be on the inside and the contact roller be above the roof. With this arrangement the wire would be supported of a height of from 14 feet 8 inches to 14 feet 10 inches above the level of the rails at the centre of the line for carriages of the type in use on the Western Railway of France. The load gauge for goods cargoes being 14 feet, and the height of bridges and other standing works being 15 feet 9 inches in the clear, the contact roller, although beyond the load guage, will not be liable to come in contact with the bridges, &c., while it has sufficient vertical play to let it pass inside the load guage. A certain amount of elasticity may also be imparted to the line wire at its point of suspension from the insulators by coiling it in spiral form and passing it through a ring to bring the two ends into a plane perpendicular to the line, as represented in Figure 31, in which v indicates the point of attachment of the wire to the insulator c ; b, the forked stem by which the insulator is attached to the arm of the telegraph pole; v, spiral part of wire; t, ring through which the wire passes; f, contact roller. This arrangement avoids any obstruction to the roller at this point. - - - Having now described the Invention, and the manner of performing the same, I - 10 15 20 2 5 35 40 45 56) 55 133 Specification, A.D. 1878.-Nº 1756. 19 Clark's Electric Apparatus for Communicating between Railway Stations, &c. declare that what I claim as the Invention to be protected by the herein-before in part recited Letters Patent is, the various arrangements of electric circuits and apparatus arranged, applied, and operating, substantially as and for the purpose herein shewn and described. - In witness whereof, I, the said William Clark, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Thirty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. - W*. CLARK, (L.S.) LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EnwARD Eyre and WILLIAM SpottiswooDE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1378... 134. • •- ºſłººſÁsòfèwntrºllºx, soutsuoðnò alți on suðjuſį *tºwsillo.IS KVITTIMȚITE TAXAſtavy, ſºwo), Kąpºmiſſ Notínoſ roupſ-owu), ºstroçº ſąlęſ --- • I • Taſ (S.LAITHS ( ) 'NÔL I'votātoſ, Stvºorstwo)SYT}{V_T)) ‘9 CZT), N ° L ÆVIN ’8 ſºľ (IV ' [ „Lºſºſ HS *|| SHEET 2. AD 1818. May 1. Nº.1756. CLARKS Provision Au, SPECIFICATION. F1 G.5. iſ ºf f > H. F| G. 18. (4 SHEETS) PL, 2. Losdos. Pºinted by GroRGE EdwardExRE and WiLLIAMSporriswoons. Printerstothe Queen's most Excellent Majesty 1878. " 2"| * - º - - - - SHEET 3. - - - - : - A.D. 1878. May 1. Nº.1756. (*#rs) | CLARKS PRovisionAL SPECIFICATION. - Fic.3. F1 G. 4. - - F- J F-_--> | | | | || & &” & Ż' F | C. G. ſ ſ - F1G.8. | Hº-H He; ſ é. ſ - *ašS.1) --- H H —- * —- H &” Tຠ/T 4. Malty& Sons, Photo-Litho. London. Printed by GeoRGE FowARDEYRE and WILLIAMSporriswoope. Printers to the Queen's mostExcellent Majestylö78. g º W. - | - ſ - SHEET 4. A.D.4878. MAY 1. Nº.1756. (4 SHEETS) CIARKS ProvisionAL SPECIFICATION. PL: 4. ----------------ºf---------- … Gr. - 2^ -----------, 2 S’ T-4–-e- J’ T º. * . Li º * -- - - - - - - F- a- -----------_- 2. - L–I : +- F1 G. 16. 62. - --- IH) { TH) || . ----------------------------------------------uºvºſºvº----------------------------------------------- - --~~~E~~ A_a a_a * --------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------------------- - Malby & Sons Photo-Litho. Losdos. Pºinted by GEORGE EdwardExRE and William Spottiswoops. Printerstothe Queen's most Excellent Majesty 1878. - SHEET 1. A.D. 1878, MAY 1. Nº 1756. - - 2 SHEETS/ CTARKS Specific ATION. PL: 1. | - - Melby & Sons, Photo-Litho Losdos. Printed by George ErwardEyre and William Sportswoops Printers tothe Queen's most Excellent Majestylºb. — 139 fºtºſ ſisatiſ ſuaTſaxȚſsourštºnò3īņ01 SJ2luZQI gºooºsſa. LoďSºvíTIIM№uva:№vaezogogº ſą pauņņºsoagot oqſ l-opoqa 'suos ºg «qrwyſ- :| -$№-~†-… § 2 ( 9 || 3ģ ğ- - - ----\, k>6 i ’9 # 3. '3' : '/ae/‘NorivorăroadsSYRIVIO ( S.L33THS 2 /- ’99 ET.,, N ° L AVIN · @ Z$3 ['(['W '8 … Lºſſ HIS ~ 10 20 22.222 - %22zº. 22. %22 “2-> 2% º A.D. 1878, 14th Avgust, N° 3217. -v-/ ~~~~~ Transmission of Signals by Electricity. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by William Robert Lake at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 14th August 1878. A communication from abroad by Angelo Cattaneo, of Pavia, Italy, Civil Engineer. WILLIAM ROBERT LAKE, of the Firm of Haseltine, Lake, & Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London. “AN IMPROVED METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF SIGNALS BY ELECTRICITY BETWEEN RAILWAY TRAINS AND STATIONS OR OTHER PARTs of THE LINE, AND FOR SIMILAR PURPOSES.” [A communication from abroad by Angelo Cattaneo, of Pavia, Italy, Civil Engineer.] - - - The principle on which this Invention is based consists in using the rails upon which the train travels as an electric conductor, and in insulating the right-hand wheels of the carriages from the left-hand wheels thereof as an essential and indispensable condition, as the current has to travel by one rail and return by the other. This object may be obtained by reason of the great resistance of the soil to the transmission of the electricity from one rail to the other, and by the weak tension occurring with regard to the shortness of the circuit and the large section of the conductors. It is however desirable in practice to coat the outside of the rails, except the surface thereof, with tar or other cohesive matter; it will be useful also to lay gravel and small particles of earth between the rails of the double line. On railways where the rails touch their supports only and not the soil, their insulation is far superior to that required for the purposes of this Invention. In carrying the said Invention into practice, the line is divided into sections comprising the distance between two stations. The rails all along that section are joined together by means of Screwed iron bands, which have been previously tinned on the side of contact between the band and rail; or in order to avoid tinning they are united by means of short copper wire of convenient size, slightly curved and soldered together in holes made at their ends nearest the joints. [Price 4d.] -- 141 2 A.D. 1878,-N° 3217. sº. Lake's Improved Apparatus for the Transmission of Signals by Electricity. Every locomotive or its tender carries an electric battery of sufficient power, but of small tension, also electric bells, a commutator, and one or more metallic springs touched slightly at each side during the journey by the nave of one wheel or more, right and left. For greater certainty in the movable contact it is desirable to apply two forked springs in contact with the naves of two wheels at each side, thus producing at each side four contacts between the springs and wheels, and two contacts between the wheels and the rail. It is desirable to solder at the point of contact a brass or copper ring on the naves reduced to their smallest possible diameter. A box containing the electric elements should be provided in a convenient place, varying according to the different kinds of engines. The electric bells and commutator are also placed in a convenient position, so that the engine driver may easily hear the former and operate the latter; without being shut up they must be protected from the weather. 10 The commutator is composed of four brass knobs or buttons fixed in a piece of 15 wood or ebonite to the four summits of a square with spherical caps or heads resting on the surface of the said piece, and provided on the opposite extremities with holes and adjusting screws. In the centre of the said square there is inserted a lever composed of insulating material and revolving on an axis, and carrying underneath two flexible brass plates so as to cause by pressure their extremities to touch the said four caps. A spring applied to the said axis drives the lever against a stop, whilst the extremities of the plates touch the caps; another obstructing part limits the rotation of the lever to one-fourth of a revolution from its automatic and normal position. - All the wheels on the right-hand side of the carriages must be insulated electrically from those on the left-hand side. - Among the various means for insulation the following may be mentioned, that is to say :- The oxydation of the axle connected with the nave by means of steam Super- heated by the process known as Barff's, together with a coat of varnish of minium; also superficial sulphurization by sulphur vapour and an additional coating of mlnium. - Another means of insulation applicable to new constructions consists in inserting wood in the wheels of the carriages. The iron wedges securing the axles on the wheels must not turn direct on the axle, but on a plate previously introduced. The positive pole of the battery is connected with the bobbins of the electro-magnet of the bells, and then with one of the rails, as for example, with the rail on the right- hand side and the negative pole with the left-hand rail by means of copper wire in the following manner, namely:-A wire from the positive pole to one of the knobs or buttons of the bells, another wire from the other knob or button of the bells to one knob or button of the commutator, a third wire from the negative pole to another knob or button of the commutator, and a fourth and fifth wire from each couple of right and left springs respectively to the other knobs or buttons of the commutator. The plates of the commutator in the automatic position unite the positive pole with the left-hand rail. By moving the lever one-quarter of a revolution, the connection of the poles with the rails is reversed. The engine driver, before giving the starting signal at each station, by moving a lever, puts two wheels which are in contact with the springs into electrical com- munication, to make sure that the battery and the immediate contacts, including the wheels, are in perfect order, and thus closing an immediate circuit and hearing the signal indicating the proper state of his electric apparatus, he whistles and starts. When a train arrives at a section without the automatic alarm taking place, it is evident that the rails do not communicate one with the other at any point of the section, or that the section itself is clear. If another train should be already travelling on the section in an opposite direction, the action of the poles of its 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 º 142 º z 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 §. A.D. 1878.-Nº 3217. 8 Lake's Improved Apparatus for the Transmission of Signals by Electricity. battery on the rails being naturally reversed with respect to the action of the battery of the other train, it follows that the circuit is closed, the current traverses the batteries of the two trains, and the simultaneous signal takes place. By working in proper time the lever of the commutator so as to apply it as a keyboard, the circuit is alternately broken and re-established, and signals and messages may be exchanged, When a train travels at a slackened speed, or if through an accident it is compelled to stop, the driver is enabled to protect his own train and other trains that might be running against or after him, by operating the commutator now and then, . -- In addition to the bells a telegraphic instrument may be applied for exchanging meSS3,068, sº. masters are enabled to signal with running trains by putting the two rails into electrical communication. For this purpose four underground wires are soldered one to each rail of the section right and left of the station end, at the station, on four brass knobs fixed in the summit of a square; by means of two brass plates the desired connection with one or the other of the above sections or with both is established. - In case of a train not stopping at the station, a few minutes before its arrival, the plates turn so as to remove the interruption in the rails by forming a single section of the two (right and left), thus preventing the possibility of a collision at the station. - The watchmen or signalmen on the line also can communicate with the running train by means of two wires applied to the rails and worked by a keyboard. For the purpose of receiving messages from the trains, two bells are put in circuit at each station, one for the right-hand section, and the other for the left- hand section. Bells are also put in circuit in every signal box or house. In adding to the four fixed knobs or buttons at the station two other knobs, a compass may be inserted in the circuit for each section for the purposes of indicating by the deviation of the needle the presence and direction of a train. However, as the train itself must not be disturbed unnecessarily, the closing of the circuit must be effected by means resisting electric transmission so as to allow only a weak current capable of producing the deviation of some degrees in the compass, but quite powerless to operate the bells. Two thin metallic plates, kept asunder at a distance of a few millemetres and immersed in a vessel containing water and constituting a kind of rheostat of great simplicity, answers all purposes. The connection of the wires is effected as follows, that is to say:-A wire extends from a knob or button suitably placed to one of the knobs or buttons of the compass; another wire extends from the other knob or button of the compass to one of the thin metallic plates, a third wire from another knob or button to the other thin metallic plate. - In one position of a revolving plate the closing of the circuit is effected imperfectly, that is to say, with a great resistance owing to the film of water between the two thin metallic plates, and when a train runs on the corresponding line the needle of the galvanometer deviates. On the other hand, by bringing the plate to another position the metallic closing of the circuit is effected, and in case of the presence of a train its own bells as well as the corresponding bells at the station are put into operation. The same process applies to the other section. As the aqueous closing of the circuit can be maintained without inconvenience, the guard of the train himself can initiate communications with the stations by causing the needle to oscillate by means of the alternate movement of his commutator. - - By applying the electrodes of a local battery to the 2 knobs corresponding to the rails of a section, the station masters can always mutually ascertain not only whether the electric current is continuous, but also whether the line is clear. The 143 4. - A.D. 1878–Nº 3217. sº Lake's Improved Apparatus for the Transmission of Signals by Electricity. interruption of the two rails, and also of the opposite rails, can be effected by a rail on the right hand of the station; for the other, by a rail on the left hand. When it is desired to make the apparatus intended for preventing collisions at the stations self-acting, two complementary rails are applied, each about four hundred metres long, and connected at their ends by means of wire with the ordinary rails. These complementary rails on the passage of a train are slightly pressed by the flange of the wheels in contact with springs in connection with the electric apparatus, on which flange it will be advisable to solder a copper ring, or I may employ the following easy and inexpensive means for superseding these complementary rails, that is to say:-I provide a cylinder connected with a clock at the station so as to complete a revolution in twenty-four hours, graduated in ten minutes on one of the plane faces of the periphery, carries as many appended pieces as there are direct trains passing during the day, in a position corresponding to the time of passage of the trains. These pieces consist of two small brass plates placed side by side in a plane passing through the axis of the cylinder, insulated from each other and secured on a fixed small vice which is fastened with adjusting screws on the proper degree of the cylinder. - - Five minutes before the passage of the train each of the two plates meets the extremity of two small brass springs soldered to the wire connected with the rails, This contact would remove the interruption of the rails, and would form a single section of the two right and left of the station, during the whole time of contact. At the bifurcation of the double line the apparatus indicates to the driver whether the switch is in the right position. For that purpose, at a distance of 400—o- metres before the switch, there are placed in the two branches of the siding two advising rails, preferably of copper or tinned iron, each about 10 metres long, and connected respectively by means of underground wires with two sections of the switch. These sections have no electric connection between themselves nor with the point when the two rails cross. The said point is not connected with the rails; a wire connects one rail with one section of the switch, and the other rail with the other section. The rails must be insulated from the plates on which the switches rest and slide. - In order to make certain of the electric contact between the moveable points and the rails it will be advisable to apply tinning or to solder on small copper plates, If a train runs from the single line towards the siding rail, the mere fact that the points are touched sooner on one side than the other produces no signal; however, all the other signals can be given all along the open line. If, on the other hand, the train runs from one of the branches of the siding towards the single line by passing over the advising rail, the bells operate or do not operate, according to whether the switch is missed or not, whereby, in the first case but not in the second, the closing of the circuit is ascertained. If two trains should run from the branches of the siding towards the switch no collision can happen, since the train which finds the line blocked is advised thereof. In case the branches of the siding should end at two stations at a short distance from the switch the advising rails become unnecessary, since the rails themselves serve this purpose. - On an alarm being given the driver knows at once whether it refers to another train on the line; in that case the signal takes place only by one of the two 5 opposite positions of the commutator. In all other cases the alarm is given by both positions. The mere failing of the mutual insulation of the wheels would not constitute a danger, but simply occasion a false alarm, easily ascertained by the commutator, A false alarm might also be raised by an excess of electric deviation produced by an eventual but improbable inundation of the double line, but it could be easily 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 144| 5 sº. - A.D. 1878.-N9 3217. 5. Lake's Improved Apparatus for the Transmission of Signals by Electricity. detected through the relative weakness of the current, the absence of the con- ventional signals, and the play of the bells in the two positions of the commutator; however, this would not prove a danger. Other applications of the principles of this Invention besides those above described may be made, such for instance as obtaining automatic signals of the giving way of bridges, tunnels, adjacent rocks, or the like. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE Edward Eyre and Wii.I.AM Spottiswoops, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1879. 145 &zzz za & Zoº. 62. 27° 26.-2, #: @ 27t. &ºy - *~ &. ~~~~ azzº!9% ºy, v_z, -ty Awawa.” Q MINISTERE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DEs całęNEs. BREVETS D'INVENTION, MéMoire DESCRIPTIF anneace º2% % 22 e 2, … ſº - - –7.5 ºzzzz /2% --- - 2-2-1 N 2%, 2.0, colº, (2 *3. Leź % ed 4, 2 a 2.2% 2%. 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N Zºº. ... -- ~ *.N. /* . . . . . .3tº , "... £3. 3.34%::::Hd "i # **śd . . . * **ng . #... ... ...- ... ."; * , ºilº ºf ‘. . . º º / - - * * , sº-ºw." - **. 34: Sºlū *. */ 161 R /ºzºz. s J%. 6. º Z%%jøzon. - ſ—tº Že & - zºº 2– º %2. *&z. ~% “”. - &&föušutaude to 3 toozićtº Judit&tigº, 2/7. & Z Z - …” - 162 283 Defendant’s Exhibit Translation of Chre- tien Patent No. 122,593. FRENCH REPUBLIC–MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. LETTERS PATENT. Specification annexed to a patent for fifteen years, taken the 13th of February, 1878, by Chretien (Jean), constructing engineer at Paris, No. 87 Rue de Monceau, and which has been granted to him by an order from the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce under date of April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sev- enty-eight ; for “ the use of electricity as a motive force or agent of transmission of this force in the hoisting machines and mechanical arrangements accomplishing this invention.” PATENT No. 122,593. The force produced or transmitted by electricity can be applied in many cases to hoisting machines, and I claim the priority of this invention in making known some of the arrangements by means of which we arrive at this result. We know already that it is possible to transport to great distances, by means of a wire or metallic cable, the force produced or received by a magneto-electric machine. For example, we can communicate the move- ment of any machine to a magneto-electric machine, then receive the electricity disengaged by means of con- ducting wires connected to the terminals (poles) of an- other magneto-electric machine situated at a greater or less distance : the latter takes a motion of rotation under the influence of the electric current and de- velops a work which is a fraction more or less great of 163 284 the work developed by the first magneto-electric machine, and, consequently, of the motor work. Moreover, with certain magneto-electric machines, acting as generators of electricity, we can derive several currents, each capable of operating another magneto- electric machine. In short, I signalize here as being one of the principal improvements that permit my invention, and of which I pursue the solution, the pos- sibility of restoring in part the motive power ex- pended to raise the loads by utilizing the work developed by these same loads or by others when they descend. For example, I take the case of a warehouse where the elevators have each to raise and lower the goods; to raise these goods it is necessary to expend a certain mechanical work; to lower them we are still actually obliged to expend a mechanical work more or less great ; whereas we should be able, on the contrary, to collect and store the work that these goods develop by their descent and utilize it in its turn as a motive power. - This being explained, I place in communication by conducting wires two magneto-electric machines, one receiving the action of the motor and producing the electricity; the other receiving the electricity from the first and giving the movement to the mechanism of the hoisting machine. The hoisting machines, cranes, windlasses, lifts, ele- vators in hotels (ascenseurs) and elevators in general, vary, so to speak, without limit in their proportions, their shapes, their situations and their applications. I can, therefore, only indicate here some of the means by which we can apply electricity to the hoisting machines in general: being given on condition that I reserve my rights exclusive for this application to all machines of this character whatever they may be. In the drawing here annexed figure 1 indicates an arrangement of detail having for its object to secure to the machine that receives the electric current a normal 164: 285 speed almost regular, and to restrain the too great range of speed where this is necessary. This arrangement is composed of a centrifugal gover- nor, which can be of any kind and arranged no matter how, operated by the machine and causing a switch (commutateur), thin plate or metallic brush, to advance or recede upon a bobbin called a resistance bobbin, or any other equivalent device interposed in the circuit of the electric current; in such a way as to produce a variable electric resistance, according as the metallic contact introduces into the circuit a length of wire more or less great. When the governor revolves at its normal speed, the contact is made at one of the extremities of the bobbin in such a way that the electricity is led to the machine that it operates without passing through the wires of the resistance bobbin, and thus travels over the least length of wire possible. When the speed increases and the balls of the governor diverge, the switch (commu. tateur) slides the length of the bobbin, and the contact takes place upon the wires of the bobbin or upon the armatures, according to the manner in which it is arranged, and the electric current is obliged to pass through a length of wire the greater as the switch has slid more. Finally, when the speed attains its maximum and the balls are at their greatest divergence, the con- tact takes place at the other extremity of the bobbin and the electricity must pass through all the wire that it contains. From this results an electrical resistance that prevents the machine from exceeding the limit of speed foreknown and which ought to be generally that which it is able to acquire in rotating empty. Figures 2 and 3 represent an ordinary windlass com- posed of a magneto-electric machine, the armature of which revolves when it is actuated by an electric current. The shaft or axle of the impelling armature carries at one of its extremities a toothed pinion, and at the other a brake pulley. The pinion drives a cog wheel, the shaft of which carries the winding wheel of the chain. 165 286 The starting lever, which is mounted upon a fixed axle, carries at the extremity where the hand acts a counterweight which tends to shut off the electric cur- rent and to press the brake a little when it is let alone; it acts upon the brake by simply resting against the pulley; it closes or opens the electric circuit according to the position it gives to the switch (commutateur) mounted on the extremity opposite to the counter- weight. In the position indicated by the drawing the brake does not act, but it is upon the point of being pressed; the switch introduces into the circuit all the wire of the bobbin and the machine revolves at its least speed. If then we lean a little upon the lever the switch will rise in such a way as to no more touch the metallic part of the bobbin ; the current will be interrupted therefore ; the machine will stop, and in pressing a little upon the brake we can hold the load suspended or lower it, more or less, slowly at will. If in place of leaning upon the lever we had raised it, the switch would have slid over the bobbin, introducing less and less of wire into the circuit. - º Therefore, we have thus a simple and easy means of - obtaining by a lever only the starting, the regulation of the speed or of the force, the stopping and the descent by the brake. This mode of operation by means of a unique means is susceptible of various applications in machines of this class, and I claim expressly the invention of it. Figure 4 indicates another arrangement of windlass, in which the magneto-electric machine revolves con- stantly. The windlass is driven by friction gears; the shaft of the impelling armature carries, at one of its extremities, a small friction pulley or friction pinion, which drives, after the manner of an interior toothed wheel, a large wheel supported upon the shaft of the winding wheel or drum (noia, ou du tambour d'enroule- 'ment) of the chain. The brake is a fixed piece mounted / upon the frame near the exterior of the rim of the large wheel. A very slight play (un mouvement de J - w 287 déplacement très-faible) of the axle of this wheel permits the interior of the rim to come near to the driving pinion or the brake; so that, by a movement of some millimetres only we throw in gear to make the windlass turn, or throw out of gear by pressing more or less upon the brake to stop or lower the load. This slight play of the shaft can be obtained in various ways; the drawing indicates a hand lever fixed upon a small eccentric which serves as a bearing to the end of the shaft that is on the side of the driving wheel that it works to throw in gear on one side or the other. The governor, driven by a gearing by means of a cord or a belt, acts as it has been said before. - Figures 5, 6 and 7 represent a bridge crane, the windlass of which possesses two movements, one of hoisting and the other of translation of the carriage ; this last with change of speed. The movement of hoisting is obtained by any friction gear acting like that of figure 4, with this difference, that the friction takes place on the exterior of the wheel and the move- ment is transmitted to the winding wheel of the chain by an intermediate gear; which transmission can be made in any other manner. The movement of dis- placement of the carriage is obtained by a chain which draws it in one direction or the other, according as the sprocket wheel, which acts upon this chain, turns in one direction or the other. The alternative movement of the sprocket wheel is communicated to it by a sys- tem of interior and exterior (tautót interieure tautót eac- ſerieure) friction gear; this friction is obtained by means of a wheel, the rim of which carries a turned groove, in which enters with a sufficient play the fric- tion pinion mounted upon the shaft of the armature ; in displacing, as formerly, the grooved wheel, we throw the convex part or the concave part of the groove in gear with the pinion which is on the interior and we thus obtain a movement in two different directions. This means of change of motion can be applied in other dispositions for which I claim the invention of 167 288 them. Finally the governor, disposed otherwise than in the preceding figures acts in an analogous manner. That which precedes makes known in what my in- vention consists, but it is clear that we can obtain the results indicated by very varied means. The introduc- tion of an electrical resistance in the circuit, for ex- ample, can be obtained by other means than those in- dicated; the governor can be of any system whatever, the same as the windlass, etc. I claim, therefore, as being of my invention, not only the details described, but the application to hoisting machines in general of all the similar or other means by the aid of which the application of forces trans- mitted by electricity to different hoisting machines may be obtained. Paris, February 12, 1878. (Signed) CHRETIEN. Paris, August 4, 1892. Certified, etc., etc., etc. [SEAL.] 168 %. 84./.../ // (w. 6. / %3. £y….”/34 & 3" !e a cº-4. $4.4.4 - + 34:::: A ſº-f" REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. /a----, 25, fººt. - - ãº. 3, artwº- N MINISTERE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DES COLONIES. —-ºs- BREVETS DINVENTION. Mémoire DEscriptir annead au º 24 7 * j, a 2.2 /~~ / 2/~2. */* *eyº &c., ºw.' ~2. cº- - Z - 2^2 + r. 2: ~& - 2% A /…/ 2. & ºr C2. 422,- - ºf C/3 ozze z ſ Cºnºvº zº ~24, C22- . 2%) -- 2.2%, 2. Cº., 2. 24. 2% º ż, 2 . /* Z &/º/ 2 A- . 2 ce. 24, 2. 2% 2^^2-e 2. 22, 22% 24, v/4 ºz/622. 24 / * *~, 2.22%222 2, … Cºzzi ºcce, 2, 2/24 ºz. º, 2% geº, &c. º ż, , , , 22. A º, a , 4 - 2/v2 - Žº 7, 2-zor 4. * … 2/2/ 2,224. ~~~ *… º ~! /* / 2.2%24, , 2, 4, - - Aſ a ſºund 136 || 6 s Ownope d. tol, ſ/_ e/9%. % 2.ºne &- /* / zº£2. Aſ /* , , , cºe *~~~ º 2 & º/~~~~2, - * z z - . - - -- * / Ż-º ~(~12, 222-2 2/7 ºn 2 2-z-z * 2.2%, 4.2 169 - Ž - - -z-z-z e_{{ ^^ cº- –Č Ž 2, 6 -&-z-z-z 2. 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A --~~~2 → ~ 2. 2- tº T. 1.-->22 /* - 9 ºr tº -o yº ~ / → ~~ 272-22 - ,” 2. "A 2” *y-, * > - 2. - 2 ” 27.22, 2–67~&- --~~~7 *A*7 A --~~2.Z: *O /2-(? i-x5 2 *7-2T2 ºn-2-2 v ºn tº 2-Y7. T / 22 22 2 - 2 ” 2 ºz. c. 2.--> -222 cº-a- - 2.22° *2. ~~~7-2-2 - / →--> 7-1-2-2-2. 4–3. 27-z 25-5 Tºrººz - - 2-,-,-,-, (-2-2. 22 2 ” or/ -,-,-7--> 2.2 × 2-7--> - ~22 -2.27 22 ºr -27-222-2^ -- */2 22: 22- ºrz /2 2. 2- 222 22 ° yº 2-& - tº 22 º/e 22 ~~ 2* /~ 2–2 ^2. - --~~ / 9 * * 2-2-2-2 c5. z' - / , ~~% /…/ ºr 2-2. 4–2. yº 2-5-2 <2 = 7,2227 A … º. oº ovº » - or- ºr 2- ºr ºr ºr ºr ( . ) , , ºt º/ ..} 2 & 2/Z. º ----- 27 -->2-2: 27–2-2-3 . . ºf A * * ºzoº º 27 ~z . zzº A 2. *A* 22 "a o” A–. yº º - _ - -- /…/ 2- /*2 × 2 º 2 : º ż (2-2 2 ” 22 -- ^2. 2 ”ye - / - - - Ž To º *"Dº) A Tº X/Y2 º - .9/ S Zoº 2 A * 62 ºz t-Zºr 22,2'- ** 22-22 2 (2 2. - - . Af 2 , '7.2 Y-2 - A &Z z —2A 292 º 2 2. 2 ºf 2 --~ ve … º' ºr 2222 2-roº 4 2. ~~~~~ 22 , ºr A/r. zºo ºr ºn / > r2. 2. on tº 2 2.2° 22' 9 * * - yº - 22- ºr 22, 2 ×222 22. A v2 -ZººZ * on tº º 2-oxº~~~~ º ove /~/. ** 2° 22' 2” ( 'tº 1-1 -7- 2- º 2 / °) º ~ - !) - ~~~~t rºo 2-2 ſº-yo 2-2 tº 22 C. A. /~~ - *- c/ - - - ><^2-2-22 2 ” /*)-2 A. - O Ž 2 * * /* -r/ 2.2×2 y.º. 2 º' 2-y º reº 2…a 2,222 ºz. … /* 2° 2 ºz -— fºr A Z27-2 22° 22-22 zºo.Ž º - 22°2. – a «% *72 /2 º/* - ^2. zºº 2 * 22 r - - f T-2-42 Z →o 5,22-vºn-2-2 2 ºz. 2 * º/” ×22-. _, 27 2 : * 22 / ~~~~/2 … – 27-2-22 º /~22-2-2. 2-2,4-2 2-2-7 A yº 2-22 º ---, 2-2-)-2'- / - - (2° 242 T-7222- º/2 - ºf a Vºya * / 'ſ 7 & 2 2. - */ QT2 … º 2-2 /2^2 / 22 27-tº-27~1.27-- --~7.2 × 2. *22 / - --> C27 tº 2-2-7-2 D. 24-22 -Y2-2-20 27–212,727 - 2 2 / 2, 2’-> 27- a 2- A-2C 22 2-w^ º, 2 ×2 a 2-2 a 'ſ *Z-69 - oyºL^_^^ -)-2- A *2-/* ~ a2. Zºo y tº / 222 º' Mº 22, 22. - - & - º 5-2 / 2 (2-7) 22:7-Z2 A., 2-222 - 22° 22' ~, ). , - 22 A 2 -- % 2 2. > 2. r" 2° 2T2 … 2-2-2 /2 Aº 22-22 - * º º 48T —º zoº.o.º. / 52 2.7° 2, 2- tº 7 o' zº a 222 wºole ºn tº ºr º -ºn v º, 2 ºz y º zºº -ºº º' --~~ —º --~~~~ ºn tº 2 ” ”e 2- - º, 2 … yºu ºvº, º ---2°2, 22- º *22222*2 p. - 2. 2,~22 w/ 2++2×2-77 22 tº ~2 ~ 222 22 Zº ~007/2 --~~~~~ 2-22-22 2 tº 2-2 ~22-222 *2227 1-22 ... * … ºn / 24 gº -- - --- 77 vºn-zoº 2 Aya - - -2-22 A. ” (22 2” -a-…--> --z. 42 - 22–2-rºº 27 / ~~~z-T) 2- 22° 2 A. & 2 ºzo * 22 2 *//*22 & 2 &2 7° 24′2-pºo -- -- º 2^. ~t-Zºº -~2/~22 º *2 - P- 72 2. =ley / -->CP 2. rº Z– —ºo lº y → ~ 9, 22-2 cºo - & --- acco” ºr Zºº 2 /, (+2 2, -2). - - - P2-2-> --> 2/ - Z (2. Zºz a 2-2 º 2-2-22 ſº 2. on cº- 2 ” - ~~~ … . . . .” 2 22 º 77 º, o ---2-2. 22, 2 × - º A wº *** **** 2° ºr 2 272 y º ºx ºr º-rº cº-º º, 2 / 22-2 × . .22 e^* > 2. / º - 2-5 ºv/ 2-2-2-2 or 2 - ~2- / 22, -, 4-4-92 - -—7 2. º 22- º º ~ * > * 2. -aº -2 jºo tº a 2-2 ºve -----~~~~ 88T - 22° 22, 22, 22 ey * ~ * * ~ : * ~ * ~/ – Z 22 22 242 22 º 202 ºr" * -" § 7.§ ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - … • A-Z 22 Zºº -- «2 2-z-Z2 A 272 5.222 / / D-2 & 2- 2.É.- … … A 22 ~2%. 22-2-2-1-r/- zºº & 2, 22 ſº », 6- º -/ / - - - ~~~~~~ -- --- - --- 2222* /2 2.5 zºº 22 *—e 22 -> -e, , , , .22 - 2” 2× c 22–72. - a 2-2-2 ºz. - -- *222 º *22222-2. 2-22° 22-222 222. ~ 2: 22-tº- 42- z ºre tº 2,22–~ 2-, 2-2-2. --> 2, 2–2 on tº 2, 6 * 2°A - 22 /* (? - - zºº 6 * 2: A ºn tº ºve. ºza - rºy-e 2 - 27° →vºy z2– 22 / 2 - →º 2-2 D …” ---, -, -, -º Pººyº - ~222 ~~~~~ 7° *** 2, 4-ye - 2” Th-t-t-Tº-Tº - - 22.2.2 22. 2×2-2-22 . a 22-. Tø 2, 22. -->~22 2-vºv-7-72 * ~2 . rºe 2 ºz.2° 2–’ → … -- *2% ~222 27-tº-1-2-2-2 29 ºn A-222 Zºo” 2- vº º y o a 22 ºz. 2 ºr A -v2.2/222-5-2 ºr 22, a 2- * →22 2--1-1-1-2 222 on/ Tº 2° tº * 2° º 'ºz y 22 × 2.22 rº, 2, 2, 22 // 5 / 2” 22 º 20 op- o */e yº 7 , 22.2× 2 × 2 × 2 = … a zºo A 2-2 ºv/e - - - - ~~~~ Zºº. A yº 2-ºx 2–2 22 –2 ºvº, º a tº gy / 2 & *222, 2 2 * > / 2. 22. 2-m-t-t-1-1 2-8-2 & D yº 2- ~2–322 -- ~ zz > * - - / . 189: s: ;5.# | t| º ... ." \º V.cº. A sh Yaº Juh º l, tº ºccº, d. - du. W. f * y |- -- .” i i N\ . . - \;\ §:2 º 7 - 2 : zº - 4 y c tº 2 cºv/o 2 */ ~~~~~~~ 3. 2.4% …?-A-7 _2, …/eſ/ 22, 2% a zº/ tº colº a 2. 22% - /* ." - - - Čc a & - 26% cºcºa & Z - 2^2 //~~/ y Ž & Cº. (-62/27 ſo /~ & * No G, a cº, on dº vetº wº * , * , - º - - \ lic ow ºf . gº {. tº a ſºon do tº a ovus cle . - c. 2d actº ckºu - 4 ºr Q/v1_ gº or a/ of tº flax |- colº, do Jºaº d.º. eye ecºs, 3: (., lºo, len 30, co-ow, a woºd, tº ºccº awſ - cow, tº {art * & 24, */ // ſº, a , 47, ore, &% ºf º 2. tº cº, -º º 2%. 2/ /… co, A 24 zo 44, 22-2. *}” ** *//* 2/2, r Ž - z - Čcº-LC/? -á, 2-2-7 & c/…/ ºf ºcc o/~/ C 622/ -- 7 - 2 - - - - - ~ a & 26, 'ſ a 4 (cº & & /co, 2% 2%. 2, wº /… //o CC/ / t-O-C 4-7 -&lºt_ …eſ/eºzºc, 2.2/ – ~~~~/…, 26 -2 &c." cºe 2 ºz. . % - 4– / . . . -4 26, 2 & * / cºver 6, 4.2%, *2-1-1-4) 2% ‘. - / 7 % C ce/ ozº - Z * * * cºſ cºco ºr ozººſ zve ce//acceſ, | * - / . - - * : C. § w “. : : - - _/ / 2. - i. º º /- ºn. & // 4//* ///f - - Jº - a " * = . .%, 4 & 2 × *—ºz ſºz. - - - - - ...ºf * ~~~~ * %. ayee’”. %22% º *… * Sºficſ Qu.}}ºcauðc foºtopticle jºué - .. c. * * - - . ...”. .*** -- . - s- O ------- __2 —- ". r) * - - .*. . . . . - * :* \ . 2% ~~ º * * * t- -.'... r.) 2’ --- 2 * ...." - ** :* - - - - ( 2 - - ... ... ... // . six 2 - - - - º, -- ‘s'. - “. - º --> ºr º * , ,-- * r * 2- . - ‘.…." 1 fo . ~~ --- º J” _*.* */ --~~ /* ...” r . r§J.- Žozzes -glissières (Zºg. 3) Z]*mensions cº ereczzāor- -- \ = , Zege zzcze. C. C. Zinde en éois goudonnéAgrºint à rone à éoº rº'e: žs āroster m&ºes 33,3'3'. W s, , * § §. - N N º ** § ºv • rº, . N. W - N Nºw º, \ ~ ſº t . º - S ºri - - º - \ \s * - sº W § \\ J & \ * Sºo. | * *, * * N$º § ; _//e.ſ., & 77.5 vetatiſ, cº £a. tº exceio, CŞ Öes vehicuſes 3Ltt … f. pºt Péfectricité § - Jºo zze /k. zzºoz's A Zerazzºre. demaraºgon (AAgne) Z2/2Zice Zárr.gº.c. s - Ze;en cºe. A < 7/z.ºgaczo&ace? 2 <4.Zeczrozzzo&’rez” zz, zz." 7&zºzzre. zºe, Zzzzzzzzzzz3/ § A&z ić's J'S a cº’ Cozzzzzzcóczzº &. &zzzzzzzº 3. Zºzzzz oz. cºozzéré dºzº 4. 324. Ze374 coaczzcáezzz zºzz3.2c%e2 Zºzz- acs zºos & Z; 27.2%%érzcc . (ſota) Accozzzzzzº-sº ſcºre szzrºzºvić'ss’eć Č sº.) 190 §' N. * 191 313 Defendant’s Exhibit Translation of Boué Patent. FRENCH REPUBLIC, MINISTER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND COLONIES. PATENT. Description attached to the fifteen-year patent taken out the 17th of September, 1878, by Francois Alexandre Bouè,12Perrache Place, Lyon (Rhone), and delivered by decree of the Minister of Agri- culture and Commerce, under date of the 12th of December, for the traction of vehicles upon rails by electricity. Patent No. 126,446. PRINCIPLE OF THE CASE. § 1. Our system has for its basis the following prin- ciple, that a magneto-electric machine in motion, when galvanically connected with another magneto-electric machine, imparts to the latter an analogous move- ment. This transportation of force to a distance, a principle as yet but little known, we purpose applying particu- larly to the propulsion of tram cars and generally to vehicles on rails. DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUESTION. § 2. Let us take for example one dynamo-electric ma- chine A (Fig. 1) set in motion by a natural force, a waterfall for instance ; if it is galvanically connected with an analogous machine B placed in a railway carriage m m' by the wires ok, o' k, this latter machine will take up the same movement. - Then if the machine B is geared with the wheels of the carriage m mſ, that also will participate in the movement according to the motive force of the machine B. 192 314 MOTIVE FORCE OF MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINEs. § 3. It is well known, to-day, 1st, that the dynamo- electric power of magneto-electric machines is propor- tional to the velocity given to the shaft which bears the bobbins; 2d, that the force is proportional to the num- ber of producers of electricity, as the resulting currents of a number of these machines may be combined, as in the case of the cells of a voltaic battery; 3d, that the currents obtained are of the same nature as those from voltaic batteries; 4th, that in the transportation of mo- tive force from one machine to another, there is a loss proportional to the resistance of the circuit ; 5th, that several builders have made magneto-electric machines requiring three, six, eight and even ten-horse power to give them a velocity of 450 revolutions a minute ; 6th, that these machines transmit to one or more similar machines their motive power with a loss of thirty per cent. over a circuit of ordinary resistance; 7th and last, that under these conditions magneto-electric machines may be constructed at little expense, which will be cap- able of transmitting to a distance power sufficient to propel over rails a vehicle weighing about 4,000 kilo- grammes and containing passengers. Now this result is sufficient for the end which we have particularly in view, and may at will be extended, in the way which we have indicated, to the propulsion of vehicles combined into a train. It is known through experiments that on level rail- roads the rolling friction (on track and axle) is only one two-hundredth part of the power needed to propel the car, if it is well constructed and properly lubricated, at the maxim speed of 30 kilometers per hour. As our tram car weighs 40 quintals, with passengers, the resistance on a level will be only 4%).0"; 200 kilogrammes. On rising grades of the railway it will be three times as much, or 600 kilogrammes. Now a horse of average strength can draw over Ordinary roads, at a trot, up slopes of as great inclination as any on the railroad as well as on a level, 193 Q - w 315 800 kilogrammes at the least. Whence it follows that the propulsion of the proposed carriage will require a force represented by § {} or § of that exerted by an or- dinary horse, which is ordinarily estimated at 48 kilo- grammetres, so that it will be 31 kilogrammetres. On the other hand, since the best magneto-electric machines lose thirty per cent. of their force when it is transmitted to a similar machine at a distance, or, what amounts to the same thing, convert only seventy per cent., it follows that it will be necessary to develop in 100 × 31 70 kilogrammetres, or 44, in order to move over the rails on level and grades, a car weighing 40,000 kilograms, at a considerable speed. It is less than one horse power ; Gramme machines assure this result and even more wonderful ones! the first machine a dynamo-electric power of PROPULSION AT RAILWAY SPEED. § 4. Since the velocity of cars on a tramway does not exceed 10 or 12 kilometres an hour, it follows, after the considerations discussed above, that the prob- lem of propelling vehicles by a dynamo-electric current is no longer in doubt. The practical difficulty is in the establishment of a constant galvanic communication between the stationary magneto-electric machine A (Fig. 1) which we will call the “Magneto,” and the movable machine B, which we will call the “Electromotor.” § 5. To overcome this difficulty, we adopt the follow- ing means: Along the track formed by the two rails r r and s sº we place a galvanic conductor a a', the end a of which is connected to one of the poles of the magneto A, while the other end aſ is galvanically in- sulated. The conductor itself is insulated throughout its whole length. The other pole of the magneto is connected with the ground at the point a. The magneto. 194 316 is thus connected to an open circuit over the conductor a d'. § 6. Let m ºn be the carriage upon the rails; upon this carriage the electro-motor B (§ 4) is galvanically connected at one of its poles to the conductor a a by means of a wire conductor B P ; the other pole of the electro-motor B is connected to the earth through the axle, the conductive portions of the wheels of the carriage m mſ and the rails, which are themselves con- nected in a suitable manner with the ground on which they rest. - § 7. The galvanic circuit is thus closed, and the result is that the electro-motor B, actuated by the magneto A, will set in motion the carriage m /m/, and as the circuit will remain continuously closed, the carriage m mſ will travel over the rails r r", s sº, as long as may be desired, whatever may be the length of the railway. We shall show further on (§ 16) how the movement of the electro-motor is communicated to the carriage itself. § 8. To stop the carriage m mſ, it is necessary only to break the galvanic circuit ; to cause it to go back- wards requires only to change the direction of the current, and to set it in motion, forward, only to again set up the current in the former direction. The wire B P extends from the carriage to the con- ductor a aſ with which its extremity P is in permanent contact. METHOD OF EFFECTING CONTACT WITH THE CONDUCTOR. § 9. Contact is effected through a conductor formed of a bare copper wire a aſ two or three millimeters in diameter. This wire passes through a small cylinder c c (Fig. 3), where it is held in place by a small grooved wheel r rº, from the groove in which it cannot escape. It passes over, besides lightly rubbing, a kind of metallic brush b bº placed in the cylinder before and M 195 317 behind the wheel. We shall call the whole arrange- ment “the contact wheels.” This cylinder is supported by the iron arm M which forms part of the cross-piece L L', to which are attached in the same way the grooved wheels r r" about 6 centi- meters in diameter and a centimeter thick. The sys- tem of wheels engages with the lips of a double iron at T, a sort of small railway made up of two bands S S', T T' (Fig. 3), between which the wheels R R may revolve. At the central point P is attached the con- ducting wire which leads to the electromotor ($8). The point of contact P is galvanically insulated from the support M and the cylinder c cº; it communicates simply with the wheel r r and the brushes b bº which take up, owing to their permanent contact, the current which comes from the magneto through the wire a d’ (§ 5.) The iron at T, S S1 and T T' is sustained hori- zontally at intervals of about eight or ten meters by poles, and held about four meters above the ground. The two strips of which it is composed are in the same vertical plane. About every meter the strips S S and TT (Figs. 3 and 4) support a half ring of porcelain upon which rests without being attached anywhere the conducting wire a d', which can have no possible contact with any con- ducting body except the wheel r r" and the brushes b bº (Fig. 3). The cylinder c c is of tarred wood. The strips of iron at T are about five meters long, five centimeters wide and four millimeters thick. They are about six centimeters apart. The iron at T may be carried upon poles, houses, trees, lamp-posts, etc. The conductor a aſ will thus follow all the curves of the railroad. NOTE. For the sake of economy on long roads, one of the strips TT1 might itself be made to form the conductor. It might be reduced to very small proportions, while 196 3.18 the other strip could be replaced by a wire, the object of which would be to support the system. PROPULSION AT HIGH SPEED. § 10. For the propulsion of tram cars at a high speed (a kilometer a minute or more), the conductors of the magneto-electric current may be made up of strips of copper, which can be placed upon small beams set up on the ground along the rails, and upon which they may be galvanically insulated. The cur- rent from the magneto, which traverses this conductor, will be taken up by means of a metallic brush attached to the car ºn m'. The brush may be placed upon the periphery of a wheel in such a way as to avoid the dis- advantage of continual friction at a high speed. Noth- ing, however, need prevent the use, even at a high rate of speed, of the system of contact already described, which can be facilitated by placing the strips a little farther apart, and consequently increasing the size of the wheels R R', which will have a lower speed of rota- tion and less tendency to become heated. § 11. As we have pointed out, the current which traverses the conductor a aī (Fig. 4) can follow the curves of the railway as well upon track No. 1 (outward) as upon track No. 2 (inward); this conductor a a connected with one of the poles of the magneto-electric machine A will follow along by the side of track No. 1, and then return by the side of track No. 2. It will be insulated at its extremity aſ as already indicated (§ 5). § 12. Currents of the same nature from several magneto-electric machines may be sent over the con- ductor a d’, augmenting one another in power of pro- pulsion. - Means employed to set in motion by a single current a number of conveyances over the same railway, producing a service /ī/.e. that of the omnibuses in our cities. § 13. A number of vehicles upon the same railway may be set in motion simultaneously by the same cur- rent a d’ (Fig. 2). To this end a special interrupter is º N 2. º 197 w ~- ºv s 319 placed upon each carriage—a tuning fork which breaks the circuit. The tuning fork on any one carriage differ- ing from that on any of the others, the result is that the electromotor B of each vehicle m mſ will be excited by an interrupted current having all the force of the direct currents. Accordingly vehicle No. 1, for example, will, owing to its tuning fork, be traversed by a current hav- ing 150 interruptions a second ; vehicle No. 2 by a current having 180 interruptions; vehicle No. 3 by a current having 200 interruptions, and so on with the others. But the action of the motive current coming from the machine A (Fig. 2) will be felt at each of the motors B at different intervals, not conflicting with one another, very near together, and with all of its pro- pulsive force acting upon each of them at intervals of less than 1/150 of a second. ARRANGEMENT OF THE TUNING FORK. § 14. Let D represent a steel tuning fork (Fig. 5), between the branches of which is placed an electro- magnet E. The propelling current comes from the magneto to the tuning fork by the wire PP'; it follows the tuning fork, then the fixed stylus S a in contact with a piece of platinum on the tuning fork at the point a. The current passes through the stylus and the wire a So e, traverses the electro-magnet E, and finally ar- rives at the electro-motor B, situated, as has been said upon the carriage m mſ (§ 2, Fig. 2). It is evident, then, that each time the current passes, the branches of the tuning fork are attracted towards the electro-mag- net, breaking the contact at the point a, and conse- quently interrupting the current. The tuning fork then returns to its normal position, the contact is re- established at the point a so that the current again passes, and a new interruption immediately follows, and so on. The current is interrupted according to the natu- ral rate of vibration of each tuning fork. 320 CHOICE OF MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. § 15. Gramme machines, especially constructed for the transmission of power, will be used in preference to all others, in the present state of the art. Those used as magnetos will be strong in tension and in quantity. A number of Gramme rings can be placed on the same rotating axle. If arranged for water-power of many horse-power, 40 or 50 for example, seven or eight Gramme rings can be united on one ro- tating axle. The effect of such a system will be very powerful, and sufficient for the propulsion of vehicles weighing forty quintals. The Gramme system, employed as electro-motor, will be made proportional to the effect to be produced, with a view to the fact that the electro-motor which will be used for pulling carriages formed into a train, must weigh 4 of the total weight to be pulled. § 16. The axis upon the electromotor which bears the bundle of Gramme bobbins will actuate directly (through the medium of wheels and pinions) the prin- cipal wheels of the vehicle. Thus the use of connecting- rods will be avoided as well as dead centres. The motion of the carriage will be regular and not jerky like that of locomotives on steam railroads. The numerical relation of the gearing teeth to each other will be the basis of determination of the velocity of propulsion for a known dynamo-electric power. Two Gramme rings can be put in engagement with each other on electromotors of powerful traction. One of these rings, the first to receive the current, will be one-half Smaller than the second and of as high a speed as possible. The second, the velocity of which will be a little less, will drive the wheels of the vehicle as above described. * In this system, the propelling current, after having traversed the tuning fork already described (§ 14), will arrive at one of the electro-magnets of the small ring, pass through it to one of the brushes of the small Gramme ring, while the other brush of the same ring - º 199 s 321 will be connected (electrically) to the electro-magnets of the large Gramme ring, and these in turn to one of the brushes of the same large ring. Then the second brush of the large ring will be connected to the ground by means of the axle, the wheels and the rails as de- scribed above (§ 6). § 17. In default of natural forces, the magnetos A (Fig. 2) will be driven by horse-power or by steam engines. § 18. We do not hesitate to set forth the immense in- dustrial advantages of the special application described above, which include, 1st, the propulsion of tram cars; 2d, the propulsion of cars on railroads in general and agricultural railroads in particular; 3d, propulsion upon canals and rivers, water taking the place of rails. Ordinary railroads require considerable fixed mate- rial. Our system, at one stroke, does away with ma- chines and considerably reduces the weight of fixed material. We reserve to ourselves the exclusive ownership as well as the right to bring in such modifications as we may deem necessary. Lyon, Sept. 15, 1878. (Signed) Bouf. 200 R r e V e t d' invent i on No. 128, O 75, en d a te du A - 1 8 d e c e mlb e r 1 878 , - #º A v. chrét1en, pour l* emp l o i de l' éiee tr 1c 1 té C om lû e moy e n de 'M. $º, t r a c t i o n e t de l o c omo t i o n , / / - L ' é l e c t r 1 c 1 t é o f f ra ſi t u n m oy e n p r a t i q ue d e t ra n s me t t r e l e - - - . N > • • . N A° é m o u V e m e ſ t d * u n m o t e u r & c e r t a 1 n s ap p ar e 11 s au moyen de p>rio c é d é s d 1 ve r s, don t un c er ta 1 n nomb r e s o n t c o n nus , l * objet de mon 1 nve n t 1 o t N ./ / c on s i s te a emp l o ye r l ' e l ec t r i c 1 té pour c o mmum 1 que r aux d i V e r s em - /, A, / - g 1 n S o u V e h 1 c l e s q u 1 pe u v e n t e t r e u t i l 1 s és , d an s 1 a t ra c t 1 o n e t la l o c o m o t 1 o m , s o 1 t su r t e r r e, s o i t sur chem 1 m de fe r, s0 î t su r e an au x \ o u r i v i è r e s , la pu l s s an c e mo t r i ce fou rm 1 e pa r un mo t e u r que lc on que , A . V o i c i , p o u r l * 1m t el l 1 g en c e p l u s e x p l 1 c 1 te de la p r és e n t e i m - » . - A, / v e m t i o n , Que l qu e s - u ne s de s c ombt n a t i o ns qu i p eu v e n t ê t r e emp l oye es / p o u r o b t e n 1 r c e l' e s u l t & t . - - / N N, S u p p o s o ns un vé hi c l e à f a 1 r e mou v o 1 r ou un f a rd eau a t 1 r e r é ſ u t i l 1 S a ï. t l 8, p u i s s a n c e d * un m o t e u r d o r t o n d 1 s p o s e : j e p i ac e N - - A p rê S d e Ce mC te u r u ne ma c h i ne magnéto - élec t r 1 que q u * 1 l m e t en m o u V e m è ri t ; p u i s , au li oy e n d * un ou de p l u s i e u r s f i l s c o n d u c t e u rs , S e l c ſi 1 ) - 1 e S eee ) envoie le c o u r a n t e i e c tr 1 qu e p r o d u 1 t dans une au t r e ma c h - / / / / - N. 1 ne r egn é to - é le c t r 1 que p l ac e e s u r le vé h i c le ou far d e au a me t t r e N ". e n mc u v e m en t , o u t o u t au p r è s , de ma n 1 e r e à p ou v o i r t r an snie t t re f ac - V, / 1 l eme n t le mou ve me n t a un m ecan i slne ap p r o p r i e . - / N - / C * e s t do ri c le mo u v e m e n t i m p r 1 me a la s e c o n d e m a c h i n e magn e t c - / N e 1 e c t r i q u e p a r l e c o u r & n t p a r t a n t de l a p re m i è r e, q u 1 a c t 1 o n m ê / N en s u i te l e V e h i c l e ou le f & r d e a,u a f & i r é m o u v o 1 l , - / - · S * 1 l s * a g 1 t, p a r exemp l e, d * un v e h i c 1 e d e c h em i n d e f e r, on - N - A / - / " p e u t p l ac e r la deux 1 è me ma c h 1 n e ma gſi é to - e le c t r 1 que sur ce ve h 1 c l e e t communi que r le mouvement x xxxx & x & xx de ro ta t i on aux roue s s 0 4 t - - / ' ' s A d i r e c t em en t, s o i t 1 n d i r e c t e rn en t. L * e l ec tr 1 c 1 te , da Il s c e c a s , p e u t e t re - - A c on dui te par un ou plus 1 eu rs f l l s, lesuels p euv en t e tre f i x es ou A s * en r o u l e r e t s e de rc u i e r s u r u Y t aaib o u r o u bd b i ne , au f u r e t me S u r é / - - - d e la ma rc he du v é h i c l e .. L e s r & i l s p e u v e n t au s s i , dan S q u e l qtles / c as, se r v i r avan t a ge u se ment de c o nd u c t eu r po u r l e c o u r e n t d e r e t o u r - A 201 • 0n p e u t en g o re, d an s qu e l que s e a s, u t i l.1 s e r le s d e u x ra, i l s c omme S e u l s ç o n d u c t e u r s du eour en t, à le cond 1 t 1 on de l e s i s o le r suf r1 s anune n t l * un de l ' au t 1 e . I l s e r a i t al o r s f ac 1 l e de re c ue 1 l l i r 1 e c o u r a r t . d 6 chaque ra i l , s o i t p a r d es contacte dire et s, s o 1 t sur les r cues . - / T. e s r o u es de v a 1 en t a v o 1 r u n e p a l' t i e 1 s o l an t e in te r p o s ee e n t r e i e u r - N, b andage et l' e s s 1 eu, c e qu 1 ex 1 ste notamm e nt dans les roues à rayons - ". en bo 1 s. Qn aur a 1 t a1 n s 1 des mac h i ne s t re s -1 e ger e s et très-simples, en mouvement su r des r a 1 l s , s a n s a t ta c h e s e t s an s m o t eu r app a ren t, ". que l ' on p o u r r a i t me t tfºme en ma rc be en av an t o u en arr 1ère, ar r éter - V - o u r e l en t 1 r en tou c h an t s 1 m p le me n t un c o mmu n 1 e a t e u r an a lo gue a c e 1 u 1 / - - - / / - - / , / de c r 1 t dans mon p réc é d en t b r eve t p o u r l * ap p l 1 c a t1 o n de l * e l e c t r1 c 1 te a u X a p p a re 1 l s de le v a ge . / - A V e c u ne t eſl s i o n 8 u f f i s a ſi t e 1 ° élec tr1 e 1 te eondui te p a r l e s r ai ls peu t ag1 r su r p l u s 1 eu l' s mac h i ne s e t l e u rs mass es, êtant Stu f - f 1 Sa ſilû en t cons 1dérables, peuvent ê t re, dans c e r t a1 nes l 1 mi te s, c ons 1 ä- * / / / - ere es de vé r1 tab le re s e r v o i r s ou ac c umu l a t e u rs 3 E d * e 1 é c tr 1 c î t e . .I l V a sans d i r e q u e p o u r d e longs p a rc o u r s on au r a1 t p arf o 1 s av º n tage à rour a 1 r 1 : éle c tr 1 c 1 té sur p l u s 1 e u r s p o i n t s . ce t te 1 nv en t i on peu t t r ouv e r de nomb r eu se s appl 1 e at1ons, n o tammen t pour ce r ta i m e s e xp l o 1 t a t i on s de m i ne s, de t ram'ii ays , e t c hem1 ns de fer de v 1 l le, pour d i v er ses manoeuvres de gares et d i f - / f e r en tes e xp l o î ta t i on s . / / En résumé, je rev en d 1 que : 1 . L * emp l o i de 1* é1e et r1 e 1 té comme mo'y en ou agen t de t ra c t 1 o n e t de l o c omo t 1 on pa rtout où 1 * a p p l 1 c a t ion , en pe u t être ra1 te. 2 . Le moyen qu1 eons 1 ste à employer les ra11s d' un ehem 1 n - - - / / d e fe r c omme c o ndu c t-eu rs ou comme ac cumulateurs d* e l e c t ri c 1 t e, : p O u V a n t a1 i m eſl t e r t Q u S app ar e 1 ls de t r a c t i o n , f i x e s ou mQ b 1 l e s, t o º º / V eh ic l es appropr 1 és c 1 r cul an t su r c es ra i ls . 202 s º 327 Defendant’s Exhibit Translation of Chre- tien Patent, PATENT No. 128,075, DATED THE 18TH DECEMBER, 1878. To M.R. CRETIEN, FOR THE USE OF ELECTRICITY As MEANS OF TRACTION AND LOCOMOTION. Electricity offering a means of transmitting motion from a motor to certain apparatus by means of different processes, a certain number of which are known—the object of my invention consists in employing electricity to communicate the motive power furnished by any motor whatsoever to various machines or vehicles which can be used in traction and locomotion, either on the ground, or on the railway, or upon canals or rivers. The following are, for the more exact understanding of the present invention, some of the combinations which can be employed to obtain this result. Tet us suppose a vehicle to be moved or a load to be drawn by utilizing the power of a motor which we have at our disposition. I place near this motor a magneto- electric machine which it sets in motion ; then, by means of one or several conducting wires, according to circumstances, I send the electric current produced into another magneto-electric machine placed upon the vehicle or load to be set in motion, or very near it, so as to be able easily to transmit the motion to an appro- priate mechanism. It is then the motion imparted to the second mag- neto-electric machine by the current starting from the first, which then affects the vehicle or load to be moved. If it is a question, for example, of a railway carriage, we can place the second magneto-electric machine upon this vehicle and communicate the motion of rotation to the wheels, either directly or indirectly. The elec- tricity in this case can be conducted by one or several wires, which can be fixed or be rolled upon or unrolled from a drum or bobbin in proportion to the progress of 203 328 the vehicle. The rails can also, in some cases, ad- vantageously serve as conductors for the return cur- rent. - We can also, in some cases, use the rails as the only current conductors, on condition of insulating them sufficiently from each other. It would then be easy to collect the current from each rail, either by contacts direct or upon the wheels. The wheels should have an insulating part interposed between their tires and axles, which is the case especially in wheels with wooden spokes. We should thus have very light and very sim- ple machines, moving upon rails, without any attach- ments or apparent motor, which could be put in motion forward or backward, could be stopped or slowed up by simply touching a switch similar to that described in my preceding patent for the application of electricity to lifting apparatus. With a sufficient electro-motive force, the electricity conducted by the rails can act upon several machines, and their masses, being sufficiently large, can be, within certain limits, considered as veritable reservoirs or ac- cumulators of electricity. It is understood that, for long stretches, we can sometimes advantageously furnish the electricity at several points. This invention can find numerous applications, espe- cially for certain workings of mines, of tramways and of city railways; for various switchings in stations and different workings. To sum up, I claim : 1st. The use of electricity as a means or agent of traction or locomotion everywhere where application of it can be made. 2d. The method which consists in employing the rails of a railway as conductors or as accumulators of elec- tricity, able to feed all traction apparatus, fixed or movable, and all suitable vehicles circulating upon the rails. º A. éa e - - * : < %zz , ' - - -% /%2»x4 22…e 2.à * # /© # /2)a \ - - - A *z^- %azzz24 , s Brevet n°. l28075, en date du l8 décembre 18'(8, A M. Chrétien, pour l' emploi de l' électricité comme mOy- en de traction et de locomotion . L' électricité orrrant un moyen pratique de transmettre le mouvement d' un moteur à certains appareils au moyen de procédés divers , dont un certain nombre sont connus , l' objet de mon inventiom consiste à employer l' électricité pour communiquer aux divers en- gins ou véhicules qui peuvent être utilisés dans la traction et la locomotion, soit sur terre , soit sur chemin de fer, soit sur ca - naux ou rivières, la puissance motrice fournie par un moteur quel- sà C Onque • Voici , pour l' intelligence plus explicite de la présente invent ion, quelques-unes , des combinaisons qui peuvent être employées pour obtenir ce résultat. Supposons un véhicule à faire mouvoir ou un rardeau à tirer en utilisant la puissance d' un moteur dont on dispose : je place près de ce moteur une machine magnéto-électrique qu'il met en mouvement ; puis, au moyen d* ou ou de plusieurs fils conducteurs, selon les cas , j'envoie le courant électrique pr oduit dans une autre machine magnéto-électrique placée sur le véhicule ou le far- deau à mettre en mouvement , ou tout auprès, de ma nière à pouvoir transmettre facilement le mouvement à un mécanisme approprié. C" est donc le mouvement imprimé à la seconde machine magnéto-électrique par le courant partant de la première, qui ac - tionne ensuite le véhicule ou le fardeau à faire mouvoir. S* il s* agit , par exemple, d' un véhicule de chemin de fer, on peut placer la deuxième machine magnéto-électrique SUll° C 6 véhicule et communiquer le mouvement de rotation aux roues soit 205 |. ditectement , soit indirectement . L' électricit é, dans ce cas, peut être conduite par un ou plusieurs fils, lesquels peuvent être fixes ou s" enrouler et se dérouler sur un tambour ou bobine, au fur et à mesure de la marche du véhicule • Les rails peuvent aussi, dans quelques cas , servir avantageusement de conducteurs pour le courant de ret, Our . 0º peut encore, dans quelques cas , utiliser les deux rails comme seuls conducteurs du courant, à la condition de le s is- oler suffisamment l' un ae 1 autre. Il serait alors facile de re- cueillir le courant de chaque rail, soit par des contacts directs, soit sur les roues. Les roues devraient avoir une partie isolante interposée entre leur bandage et l' essieu, ce qui existe notam- ment dans les roues à rayons en bois • On aurait ainsi des machines très légères et très simples, en mouvement sur des rails, sans at - taches et sans moteur apparent , que 1 on pourrait mettre en marche en avant ou en arrière, arrêter ou ralentir en touchant simplement un commutateur analogue à celui décrit dans mon précédent brevet pour 1 application ae l' électricité aux appareils de levage. Avec une tension suffisante, l' électricité conduite par les rails peut agir sur plusieurs machines, et leur masses, étant suffisamment considérables, peuvent être, dans de certaines limites considérées eomme de véritable réservoirs ou accumulateurs d' élec- tricité, Il va sans dire que pour de longs parcours- on aurait parfois avantage à fournir l' électricité sur plusieurs points, Cette "invention peut trouver de nombreuses applications notamment pour certaines exploitations de mines, de tramways et, chemins de fer , de villes, pour diverses manoeuvres de gares et différentes exploitations . 206 En résumé, je revendique : l° L' emploi de l' électricité comme moyen ou agent de traction et de locomotion partout où application en peut étre faite . 2o Le moyen qui consiste à employer les rails d' un che- . -\ min de fer comme eonducteurs ou comme accumulateurs d' électricité pouvant alimenter tous appareils de traction, fixes ou mobiles, tous - - véh » cules appropriés circulant sur ces rails . 4/eY =% 207 No. 7,889, J. NEFF, Electric Motor, Wy § \, N & Nº. O o K|| o K. t § NJ ||*|||||s ty K. O Nº ||NS o º |Illfiſſiſ Patented Jan, 7, 1851, - |- SU.N. § Ş. sº ſº f |- iſ I & N § s 2. N ºft º º - . ser £º } ñºs 1. fº / ºš º% N , \ 2 | 32 Żºłęs º %27/2 Fººzå. sº $ 9/TST, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JACOB NEFF, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. | M. PROVE MENT | N ELECTRO - MAG NET || C E N G | NES. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 7,889, dated January 7, 1851. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JACOB NEFF, of Phila- delphia, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and Improved Electro-Magnetic Engine; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the construc- tion and operation of the same, reference be- ing had to the annexed drawings, making a part of this specification, in which— Figure 1 is a side elevation; Fig. 2, an end elevation; Fig. 3, a view of the magnetic disk or wheel and magnets; Fig. 4, a transverse section through the Wheel and one pair of mag- nets, showing the manner of insulating the magnets from the wheel; Fig. 5, a portion of the circular frames, showing the arrangements of the armatures; Fig. 6, a perspective view of the engine. The same letters always referring to the same parts a reference to the particular figures is not deemed necessary. Letter a, circular frame; b, magnetic wheel or disk; c, support for the friction-roller, &c.; d, friction-roller; e, break, which is composed of as many disks as there are magnetic wheels, each one being insulated from the other, (in the model there are three separate disks; f, collar made of ivory or any non-conducting substance for the purpose of insulating the break from the shaft; g, shaft; h, shaft-sup- porters; i, nuts securing the magnets in their places; k, armatures; l, magnets; m and n, screw-posts for connecting with the battery; o, screw-post for the reverse motion; p, insu- lating-screws which hold the supporters c in their places; q, wire connecting screw-post o with the brake on the other end of the shaft, by which a reversed motion of the engine is obtained; r, bars to which the armatures are fastened; 8, Screw for securing the magnets in their places; t, ivory-washer; u, screw-posts for connecting the wire of the magnets with the brake. . The construction of the machine is as fol- lows: The frame a being made of iron or any suitable metal, with cross-bars of the same, to which the armatures are attached in such a manner that each magnet has a separate ar- mature. Said armatures are made of soft iron, and sufficiently large to cover both faces of the electro-magnets. If the frame be made of iron the armatures must be insulated from it, and of suitable thickness. The magnetic wheel or disk is so constructed as to admit of the complete insulation of the magnets, which may be accomplished as shown in Fig. 4, which is as follows: The nuts i being insulated from the wheel by any non conducting substance and tightly driven into the wheel, are now drilled and tapped for the purpose of receiv- ing the screw 8, the screw passing through an ivory washer t, which fits into a countersink and forms a seat for the magnet, the hole in the washer being just large enough to admit the screw, which passes into a chamber some- what larger than itself. I do not, however, confine myself to this particular method of in- Sulating the magnets. The breakis composed of three separate disks. The outside ones have flanges for the better se- curing them to the shaft by means of set-screws, and also that they may be set as circumstances require. The disks are separated from each other by any of the non-conducting substances. The inner or middle disk is held in its place by insulated screws passing through the outer disk. Each disk has sixteen platina points on its periphery corresponding in number to the armatures k, their use being to complete the cir- cuit when the battery is connected to the screw- posts m and n, by which means the magnets are magnetized as they come in contact with the friction-rollers d and demagnetized as they leave it. The friction-rollers d are made of any suitable metal and covered with platina, working under the breaks, and retained in their proper position by set-screws above their jour- nals and spiral springs beneath. I use for my magnets any of the known forms of the horseshoe or U magnets, the same be- ing wrapped by insulated copper or other wire, one end of which is securely fixed in the wheel b, as shown in Fig. 4, the other end being at- tached to the screw-post u in the break e. To put the machine in operation it is only necessary to attach the wires of the battery to the screw-posts m and n, when the electric current proceeds from the battery, passing from the screw-post m up the leg of the Sup- port h into the shaft g; thence into the first disk or wheel through the copper wire proceed- ing from said wheel round the magnets at- tached to the said wheel, along the wire to the 209 : 7, SS9 screw-post u into the first or outer break; thence by means of the points to the friction- roller d, where it meets the current from the opposite pole of the battery, which has passed from the battery through the screw-post n to the friction-roller d, thus completing the cir- cuit of the current of electricity, and making magnets of the U-shaped pieces of iron, which magnets commence drawing when the edge of the magnets is near the edge of the armatures, and continue pulling until the magnets are im- mediately under or opposite to the armatures. The connection is then broken and the mag- nets pass freely under the armatures. The second or middle wheel now occupies the same position that the first did at the starting of the machine, the current passing in the same manner from the screw-post m into the wheel; thence through the wire surrounding the mag- nets in the said wheel into the middle break to the friction-roller d, the magnets on the sec- ond or middle wheel operating in a similar manner as did those of the first. The opera- tion is repeated in the same manner by the third or last wheel carrying the current into its accompanying break. The first wheel is now charged and the same operation is re peated, and so on successively, by which means a continuous motion is kept up. To produce a reverse action detach the wire leading from the battery to the screw-post n, and attach it to screw-post o, and the operation is complete, another set of breaks on the other end of the shaft being brought into operation so adjusted as to act in the opposite direction. In order to control the power of the engine I propose to attach a governor to it which shall act upon a lever which shall be connected to the negative plate or plates of the battery, by which means the amount of electricity can be regulated. I do not confine myself to the use of any particular battery. What I claim as my improvement and wish to secure by Letters Patent, is— The insulated disks in combination with the platina points to act in concert with the mag- netic wheels, in manner and form and for pur- poses herein described. JACOB NEFF. Witnesses: FREEMAN SCOTT, JoHN KERN, * * - 210 No. 16,665. | 8 \ |S © || - º, " * - § § ^ - º, LA \ FO $ º -- R N § W. D. WESSONS, Railroad Telegraphic Signal, Patented Feb. 17, 1857. º 214 Q UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM D. W. ESSON, OF CHILLIC OTHE, OHIO, I MPROVEMENT IN ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 16,665, dated February 17, 1857. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM D. WESSON, of the city of Chillicothe, in the county of Ross and State of Ohio, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Electric Tele- graphs, by which they are adapted for use un- der locomotive conditions; and I do hereby de- clare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part of this specification, in which— Figure 1 is a longitudinal elevation of a por- tion of a telegraph, showing its adaptation, by my invention, to communicate to or from a train while stationary or in motion. Fig. 2 is a transverse elevation of the same. Fig. 3 is a detail view of part of the same. Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7 are views representing modifications of some of the details of the telegraph. Fig. 8 is a side view, on a small scale, of a com- plete telegraph-line of the construction repre- sented in Figs. 1, 2, 3, exhibiting the batteries, the instruments, and the terminal ground- plates. Similar letters of reference indicate corre- sponding parts in the several figures. The object of my invention is to adapt the electric telegraph in all its various characters, as designated “electro-magnetic,” “electro- chemical,” &c., in an effective manner to trans- mit telegraphic communications between rail- road-trains, canal-boats, and other vehicles which move in an unvarying or but little vary- ing track or route, and stationary points at greater or less distances, or between all such vehicles, either while the said vehicles are sta- tionary or in motion. - The general principle of my invention con- sists in the construction of a complete station- ary telegraph-line along the route to be trav- eled by the vehicle, in such manner that its circuit may be broken at regular intervals by the passage of the vehicle along the route, and in furnishing the vehicle or vehicles running along the route with a telegraphing-instrument and suitable means of effecting a continualcon- nection from the said apparatus to the station- ary line at opposite sides of such point there- in as the circuit may be broken at, by the de- vice carried by the vehicle for that purpose, thereby causing the circuit to be completed through the vehicle or vehicles. To enable others skilled in the art to make and use my invention, I will proceed first to describe with reference to the drawings the details of its construction in that mode which ‘I consider the best, and the operation thereof, and will then explain briefly some modifica- tions. To facilitate the explanation I will define the meaning of some terms that will be found in the description. By the term “vehicle” is. meant either a railroad car or train, a canal- boat, or any other body moving on a definite route of travel. The term “outside line” is meant to embrace everything outside the ve- hicle, necessary for the proper conduction and insulation of a galvanic or telegraph circuit. The term “inside line” is meant to embrace all the connections and other parts of the cir- cuit carried by the vehicle or vehicles, and the term “telegraphery” is intended to include all the fixtures and apparatus usually employed in telegraph offices for the purpose of trans- mitting and receiving intelligence. The outside line is composed of immovable and movable conductors, the immovable con- ductors being arranged so that by the inter- position and contact of the movable conduct- ors a perfectly continuous conductor, like that of an ordinary unbroken conducting-wire, is produced, and the movable conductors being so applied that they may be used to break the direct circuit through the outside line to ena- ble it to be completed through the inside line to enable communication to be carried on be: tween all vehicles on the track or other route of travel each with another, and with station- ary offices upon or remote from the route of travel. To construct this outside line a row or line of equidistant posts, A. A., or other equivalent supports, is erected along the track or other route of travel, longitudinally paral- lel therewith. To theside of each of these posts nearest the track are attached two horizontal arms, B B, (see Fig. 2,) exteriding rectangu- larly toward the track. To the ends of these arms are firmly secured boards or metal plates C C, to each of which is attached, by a pivot, a, one of a pair of metal elbows, D D, which are insulated from the boards or plates C C at their pivots a a. These elbows are only al- lowed a slight amount of play on their pivots, their motion being limited between pins bºo, which are also insulated, and the elbows never touch each other. Each elbow is connected 2 - 16,665 with the nearest elbow on the next post or standard by one of a series of iron conducting- wires, E. E., two elbows thus connected and the connecting-wire constituting one of theim- movable conductors of the outside line. The connection of the conducting-wire with the el- bows is made by passing the end of the wire through a groove, d, (see Fig. 2,) in the bot- tom of the elbow, and then upward and through a hole in the elbow, as shown at e, Fig. 1, by which method of connection the weight of the conducting-wires, acting in Catenary curves, is made to draw the upper ends of the two el- bows of each immovable conductor toward those of the next stationary conductor or those which are respectively carried by the same posts. - . - - - It will be observed, on reference to Figs. 1 and 2, that the conducting-wires E E are rep- resented as being fringed with fine iron wires ff, which hang so as to be capable of vibrat- ing freely backward and forward. This is to suit the particular construction of what are termed the “circuit-receivers” of the inside line that is shown in those figures, as will be hereinafter described; but with other con- structions of the circuit-receivers, hereinafter specified, plain wires only will be required for. the conductors of the outside line. - To the part of each post A above the arms B B is attached a bracket or frame-work, F, of wood or other material, to carry a shaft, G, which stands out horizontally over and at right angles to the track. This shaft has a crank, g, from which is suspended, by a link, h, a rod, i, which works in guides and has at its bottom a wedge-shaped piece of metal, H, which enters between the upper parts of the two elbows D D attached to the posts, the up- per parts of the said elbows being beveled to fit the piece H. The rod i is fitted with a spring, j, which tends to press down the piece H be- tween and into contact with the beveled parts of the elbows, in which condition it closes the circuit between two immovable conductors. The above action of the spring j is, however, limited by the crank g, which, on its arrival at a vertical position below the shaft, prevents the farther descent of the piece H, but the pe- culiar mode of connecting the conducting-wires E E with the elbows D D draws them toward the piece H with an elastic pressure, which makes the said elbows adapt themselves to a proper state of contact with the piece H, which constitutes the movable conductor before men- tioned, and must be insulated from the post A or from the ground. From the extremity of the shaft G which overhangs or is nearest to the track is suspended a pendulum, I, which hangs in vertical position when the movable conductor is in its lowest position, but which, is to be swung forward by what is termed the “circuit-breaker” on the vehicle striking it as the vehicle passes along the track, and thus caused to turn the shaft G far enough for the crank g to raise the movable conductor or, as it may be termed, the “circuit-closer,” A, out of contact with the elbows D D, and thus break the circuit in the outside line. The circuit of the outside line is always closed of itself at all points except where a vehicle breaks it, and at that point the circuit is completed through. the inside line. - The inside line will now be described. Near each end of the vehicle V is placed one of two devices, which I term “circuit receiv- ers,” of one of which a plain view is given in Fig. 3. These circuit-receivers consist each of a horse shoe electro-magnet, JJ, having hori- Zontal iron plates, K. K., attached to its poles, and being attached to a horizontal shaft, l, which is supported near the cross-bar J', of the magnet by an elliptic spring, m, and at the other end by a fixed standard, m. The circuit- receivers are to project from the vehicle on the side next the outside line so far that the plates K K will be under the conducting-wires E E, and are to be arranged at such an elevation that the plates will be in contact with the fringe ff. A sufficient battery is to be applied to the coils of the magnet of each circuit-receiver to give the magnet the requisite power to insure the adhesion of the finge of the outside line to the poles of the magnet, in which condition the outside line serves as an armature to the magnet. The object of the spring m is to ac- commodate the circuit-receivers to the swaying motion of the vehicle from whatever cause, so that the fringe may never fail to be in contact with the poles kk of the magnets. The shaftsl l of the circuit-receivers are connected by a con- ducting-wire, y, having a telegraphery in its circuit. Between the two circuit-receivers is placed what I term the “circuit-breaker” L, Figs. 1 and 2, which consists of a stand of wood, metal, or other material having its upper sur- face horizontal for the greater portion of its length, but inclined downward toward the ends, as shown in Fig.1. This is placed at such an elevation that its ends will strike the pen- dulums and as the vehicle passes them, will throw them forward, until the horizontal part of its upper surface arrives under them and holds them in an inclined position, thereby lift- ing the circuit-closers or movable conductors H out of contact with the stationary conduct- ors of the outside line, as shown in the center of Fig. 1, and holding them in that condition until it passes the pendulums. The pendulums are fitted with rollers, I', at their extremities to reduce their friction on the circuit-breaker. The circuit-breaker should be of such length relatively to the distance between the pendu- lums or to the length of the several stationary conductors of the outside line that it will come into operation on one pendulum before it leaves the one behind it, and open the circuit of the outside line at a new place before it allows it to close at the place previously opened, and thus keep the circuit of the outside line contin- ually open where the vehicle is passing. The circuit-receivers should be so far apart on the * 213 \\ 16,665 3 vehicle that the inside line will extend beyond the entire length of two immovable conduct- ors, so that the circuit may be completed through the inside line as well when the two movable conductors are out of circuit as when only one is so. It will be understood, without further expla- nation, that by the above-described devices and contrivances, the galvanic circuit is diverted from a telegraph-line outside of a moving ve- hicle into a line traveling on such vehicle, and thence out again onto the line outside, there- by enabling the communication to be trans- mitted from one vehicle to another, on the same route of travel, or between a vehicle and any station in the circuit of the outside line, the vehicle or vehicles being in either case either stationery or in motion. Of the modifications of the apparatus before referred to, one consists in dispensing with the wire fringe ff on the conducting-wires E E, and the substitution of rollers on the poles of the electro-magnets of the circuit-receivers. This modification is exhibited in Figs. 4 and 5, the former being an elevation of a circuit-re- ceiver thus modified, and the latter a plan of the same. p. p are the rollers which are fitted to turn freely on journals formed on the poles of the magnet, said rollers being flanged at each end to prevent the wire slipping off. These rollers are held up against the conduct- ing-wire E by the elliptic spring m, and the wire E constitutes an armature to the magnet. In Fig. 1 the plates C C are represented as be- ing made with rigid foot-pieces q q. These foot-pieces are not necessary when thefringed wire is used, but are intended, under the modi- fication just described, to serve the purpose of bearings for the wheels p p, to keep them in a horizontal line corresponding with the height of the conducting-wire while passing the intervals between the elbows D D, to which the wires are connected. These foot-pieces q q should have each a conductive connection with the elbow on the same plate C. Another modification consists in the use of rigid bars of iron, preferably of flat form, in- stead of conducting-wires E. E., such bars be- ing arranged end to end without touching one another, and supported and insulated on arms attached to posts in a substantially similar manner to the arms B B, (shown in Fig. 2,) the circuit-closer in this case consisting of a pendulum resting against the bars or against portions of their supporting-arms in such man- ner as to close the circuit between the bars when the pendulum hangs free, but to break the circuit when the pendulum is moved back or forth. This modification is illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7, of which the former is a longi- tudinal elevation of the ends of two bars that are supported by the same post with the pen- dulum connection of the same, and the latter a plan of the same. Aſ is the post. Bº B' are the arms. E! E' are the bars, and I' is the pendulum, which may be caused to impose it- self against the two branches r r of the arms, as shown in Fig. 7, or against one face of the bars E! E! themselves, either by the force of a spring placed between it and the post A’ press- ing against it, or by the force of gravitation, as developed by a proper arrangement of its center of gravity. Rigid bars may be substituted for wires as conductors in all applications of my invention, and it is practicable to employ the rails of a railroad-track as the conductors of the outside line by properly insulating them from the earth, and by applying to them, in a manner substantially the same as the foregoing, cir- cuit-closers, circuit-breakers, and circuit-re- ceivers. A shedding may be constructed from post to post over the entire length of the line to protect the circuit-closers and works generally from incasement or interruption by sleet or ice. What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is— Constructing the stationary telegraph-line of a series of immovable and interposed mova- ble conductors, and furnishing the vehicle with a circuit-breaker, circuit-receivers, and con- ductors, arranged to operate substantially as herein set forth, for the purpose of breaking the circuit through the main line at a point or points where the vehicle is passing and completing the circle through the vehicle, so that by suitable telegraphing-instruments or apparatus carried by the vehicle communica- tions may be transmitted and received by the vehicle to and from other vehicles, or to or from stations at a distance, either while the vehicle or vehicles are stationary or in motion, as herein fully set forth. W.M. D. WESSON. Witnesses: W. J. SAGE, E. H. GROW. 2. Sheets—Sheet 1, L T, LINDSEY, eets—Sheet 1 Electric Motor, 92,066. - Patented June 29, 1869. ºr - 7/??resses. - Zzvezzzzz. *… tº a 22. 215 L. T., LINDSEY, 2. Sheets—Sheet 2, Electric Motor, 92,066, Patented June 29, 1869, sº * //ZZZesses. Zºzzzzzzº: &%atºr's J% Ży &4. - / - - º - - - THE Norris LiTHo. washington D. C. 216 Q º ińmited Stateſ; patent (ºffice. LANDY TUNST ALL LINDSEY, OF JACKSON, TENNESSEE. Letters Patent No. 92,066, dated June 29, 1869. IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRO-M.A.G.NETIC MOTORS. -º-º-º-º- The schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and making part of the same. –º-º->;-e- To whom it may concern: Be it known that I, LANDY TUNSTALL LINDSEY, of Jackson, in the county of Madison, and State of Tennessee, have invented certain new and useful In- provements in Acquiring an Electro-Magnetic Recip- rocating Automatic Motion, said motion being pro- vided with an electro-magnetic governor, whereby it can be graduated to any rate of speed desirable to at- tain; and I hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the letters and figures of reference inarked thereon. Figure 1 represents a general plan and view of the instrument. - - B is the base, upon which the instrument rests. M M' M*M* are electro-magnets, of the U-form. L.L are horizontal levers, suspended over the mag- nets. S S are stands, which contain the adjustable axis of the levers L L respectively. a a' a” aſ" are adjustable pivot-screws in the stands S.S., wherein rests the axis of the levers L. L. w w w w " are jam-nuts thereon, to secure them firmly in the stands when the axis of the levers are properly adjusted. - P. P. P” P” are posts, upon which the levers alter- nately-rest during their vibration. i i i" i” are movable adjusting-screws therein, to regulate the breadth of stroke of the levers. ºr . ºr e ée" "are jam-nuts thereon, to secure them firmly in the posts when properly adjusted. At the point of contact of the levers and posts there are short projections, of platina wire, on each, repre- sented at 0 o' 0" o”. - - N Nº N*.N” are binding-screw stands, for the recep- tion of the wires leading from the battery to the mag- nets, when worked by a system of closed circuits. m n' m” m” are binding-screws, for securing the wires therein. C O'C' Cº are binding-screw stands, for the recep- tion of the wires leading from the battery, when worked by a system of open circuits. c & cºcº are binding-screws, for securing the wires therein. - W W’ are two spiral springs, for connecting the stands C C and 6" C", as becomes necessary, when worked by a system of closed circuits. - H is a small circular base, upon which are fixed the triangularly-arranged metallic points h h' h". V is a brass bar, secured on the point h", and mov- able back and forth on the points h l'. - Where the same reference-letters appear in the dif- ferent drawings, they indicate the same parts, whether such parts be there represented in a vertical or hori- zontal position, the working of the instrument being in mowise affected by a reverse arrangement of levers, magnets, and adjusting-screws, so that the arrange- ment of the connections for the alternations of the effects produced by the magnets is not changed. As all the parts hereinbefore described have to either conduct or control the effect of a current of electricity, it is essential that they be made of brass, copper, of other metal which is a suitable conducting-medium. Figure 2 represents a plan for applying said motion to the use of turning a crank communicating with cog- wheels, the arrangement of magnets, levers, and ad- justing-screws in the posts being just the reverse of that shown in fig. 1. Figure 3 shows a single lever and its magnets prop- erly placed, the left end of the lever indicating how the motion thereof, actuated by the electrical current pass- ing through the coils of the magnet underneath, can be applied to the control of an escapement, as shown at E. - - The right end of the lever indicates, in like manner, how it can impart a rotary motion to a shaft by strik- ing upon ratchet-wheels, as shown at R. This motion may be applied for a variety of pur- poses. Among those that can now be enumerated are: To furnish the motive-power for actuating mechanism in two ways; first, by having a spindle or shaft termi- nating at one extremity, in the form of a crank, to which the motion can be communicated by a proper arrangement of connecting-rods, ieading from thence to and connecting with a lever, as shown in fig. 2; or, secondly, by having ratchet-wheels fixed permanently on said shaft, and the rotary motion imparted by the stroke of one or more levers on the same, as shown at R. fig. 3; to furnish the requisite means for regulat- ing the movement of any series of mechanism by con- trolling an escapement, as shown at E, fig. 3; all of which are accomplished in the several manners here- inafter described. Fig.1 represents the plan showing the properarrange- mentofelectro-magnets, levers, supporting-stands, con- taining adjustable pivot-screws, posts, with adjustable screws therein, and other auxiliary appliances requisite in acquiring and controlling the motion. I will here explain their application and use, in con- junction with the inetallic connections, for the proper conduct and control of the electricity which are under- neath the base-board. - - As the mechanical combination of magnets, levers, and posts are counterparts, one of the other, I shall, for the sake of clearer illustration, designate them in their collective sense as sets. - Each set is composed of two magnets, placed verti- cally on either side of a stand, whose vertical projec- tions rise sufficiently high to admit the suspension of a horizontal lever above and over the magnets. This level moves, at its centre, on an axis supported in the stand by adjustable pivot-screws, and has iron armā- *- 217 ture-bars fixed in a right-angle position, permanently thereon, on either side of its axis, and just over the poles of each magnet. Two posts, placed vertically, containing movable ad- justing-screws therein, are placed just on the outer side of either magnet, the ends of the lever above rest- ing alternately upon them. Two sets are essential to secure the result to be obtained. The result desired to be obtained is an unintermitting reciprocating automatic motion of the levers. This motion is acquired in two ways, and in each by the action of the levers striking alternately upon the post, the lever and post of set No. 1 directing or controlling the flow of the electric current through the coils of the magnets of set No. 2, and vice versa. The axis of each lever being at its centre, and the armatures thereon, as well as magnets thereunder, being located on either side of its axis, when the elec- | tric current flows through the coils of any one magnet, and such magnet attracts the armature above to its poles, it causes the lever, to which such armature is attached, while approaching therewith, on the one side of its axis, to recede correspondingly from the poles of the magnet on the other side. - The alternations of the magnets, in controlling their respective armatures, swung above, occurregularly and successively, the connections being so disposed that the currents of electricity will act, first, in one of the mag- nets of set No. 1; next, in one of the magnets of set No. 2; next, in the other magnet of set No. 1; next, in the other magnet of set No. 2; each armature, as it is successively attracted to the poles of the mag- nets, carrying with it that side of the lever to which it is attached, the series of alternations being repeated unintermittingly so long as the battery remains con- nected. - - - - For instance, let us suppose the current to first cause the magnet M of set No. 1 to attract its arma- ture A above to its poles. This would have the effect to bring that end of the lever to which this arimature is attached with it also. - The lever L, being thus attracted, moves toward the poles of the magnet until its further progress is ar- rested by coming in contact with the end-post P. The effect of this contact of lever L and post P will be to so direct or control the electric current, that it will next cause the magnet M’ of set No. 2 to attract its armature A* to its poles. - - The armature A", moving toward the poles of the magnet M", brings with it that end of the lever L to which it is attached, until the motion is arrested by the lever coming in contact with the post P*. • The electric current will now be so directed or con- trolled by this contact that it will next cause the mag- net M! of set No. 1 to attract its armature A* to its poles, that end of the lever L to which it is attached moving therewith until its progress is again impeded by coming in contact with the post P', in the manner as before described. This contact will so direct or control the electrical current that it will next cause the magnet M" of set No. 2 to influence its armature A” to its poles, thereby bringing that end of lever Lºto a contact with post P*. after the same manner as inereinbefore described. The effect of this contact will now return the action- ary influence of the current to magnet M of set No. 1, the point from whence this explanation began, and the currents will be thus interrupted and returned au- tomatically through the coils of the magnets, and the effects produced alternately thereby on the armatures and levers will be repeated and continued, so long as the metallic circuit, with the battery, remains complete. Having thus shown that the motion is imparted to the levers by the alternate action of the magnets there- under, and that these alternations occur, first, by the ºnal wires to each magnet. action of the magnets in attracting their respective- 92,066 armatures; and, secondly, by the armatures, in obey- ing the pulsations of electricity, while in these mag- nets, drawing that end of the lever to which each is attached, to a contact with one of the end posts, and that the current is so directed or controlled by such contact that it causes a magnet of the opposite set to act likewise in drawing its armature thereto each time such contact is made, it now remains to describe the metallic connections extending from the magnets of each set to the central stand (which contains the axis of the lever) and end post of the opposite set, and their connection also with the batteries, by which means this motion is obtained. The motion can be acquired in two ways, with but slight change in the disposition of the connecting wires, but the manner of acquiring either one is ex- actly opposite to that of the other. The method I shall first describe, I will designate as the “closed-circuit system.” There are two magnets to each set, and two termi- The magnets of a set are connected by the joining together of a terminal wire from each. The remaining terminal wire of each magnet of a set leads to and connects with a battery, and this completes the metallic circuit of such battery, including both magnets of the set therein. In set No. 1, fig. 1, the wires 4, magnet M and 6, magnet M', are joined together, and the remaining wires, 3 and 5, of these magnets, respectively, extend to binding-screw stands N*N". The wiresleading from a battery, when secured in these stands by the bind- ing-screws m” m”, complete the circuit. Supposing the current to proceed from the battery to binding-screw stand Nº", it will pass thence to and enter magnet M at 3, passing through the coils of this magnet and out of theim at 4, proceeding thence across to and entering magnet M! at 6, passing through, its coils and out of them at 5, and from thence to bind- ing-screw stand N’, where it will connect with a wire leading to the other pole of the battery. - Set No. 2 is a counterpart, in all respects, of set No. 1. The wires 8 and 10 are joined together, and the wires 7 and 9 proceed to binding-screw stand N N", where they also connect with the wires leading from a battery, and this completes the metallic circuit for the conduct of the electricity through their coils also. As the current would now flow, in each instance, unrestrictedly through the coils of both magnets of the sets, respectively, the horizontal levers L L would each have an equal influence exerted on either side of its axis, to control the armatures—thereon. Eagh would, therefore, be held in a state of equilibrium. If the magnetic influence of either magnet of a set be now destroyed, it will withdraw the counter-resist- ance such magnet offers to the efforts of the magnet opposite (in the same set) to attract its armature to its poles, and the influence on the one side of the axis. of the lever being thus annulled, the armature of the magnet on the other side, and with it that end of the lever to which it is attached, will immediately move toward the poles of that magnet. This is done by al- ternately annulling and restoring the magnetic influ- ence in the magnet, in regular and successive order. The horizontal levers L. L., and vertically-placed columns or posts P P' P” P”, on the outer side of the magnets of eitherset, are employed to accomplish this. effect, and their application in this connection thus ex- plained. - The wires 3, magnet M and 5, magnet M., of set No. 1, in their route to binding-screw stands N* N”, first pass by and connect with the posts Pº" Pº, respect- ively, of the opposite set, and a wire conductor also extends from the junction of the wires 4 and 6, mag- nets M M', of the same set, to, and connects with the stand S of the opposite set. º º º This latter connection brings the lever Iſ of set No. 2 into metallic communication with magnets M and M’ of set No 1, by means of the last-mentioned wire connecting with the stand S', and through it with the lever L, which has its axis in the adjustable pivot- screws therein. Ilikewise the wires 7, magnet M", and 9, magnet M", of set No. 2, in their route to binding- screw stands N N', first pass by and connect with the posts P P', respectively, of the opposite set, before reaching these binding-screw stands, and a wire con- ductor also leads from the junction of the wires 8 and - 10, magnets M* M", of the same set, and connects with the stand S of the opposite set. This latter connection brings the lever L of set No. 1 into metallic communication with magnets M" and M" of set No. 2, by means of the last-mentioned wire connecting with the stand S, and throngh it with the lever L, which has its axis in the adjustable pivot- Screws therein. - The object of this manner of running the connec- tions, and upon which depends the working of the en- tire instrument, is that the contact of either end of either of the horizontal levers L L with any one of the posts P Pº Pº Pº" in either one set, will have the effect to cut off from communication with the battery a magnet of the opposite set, by preventing the elec- tric current from flowing through the coils of such magnet while such contact lasts, leaving the other mag- net in the same set as the only one retaining magnetic influence to attract its armature to its poles, which it will immediately do. - The series of alternations of the currents through the coils of the magnets, and of the levers affected thereby, will be substantially as hereinbefore described. One battery can be made sufficient for the entire in- strument, by causing the current therefrom to flow through the coils of all the magnets of both sets, by simply connecting one pole of the battery with either wire 3 or 5 of set No. 1, and the other pole of the bat- tery with either wire 7 or 9 of set No. 2, and joining together that wire of each set which still remains un- counected. This may be easily done by securing one end of a short wire in either binding-screw stand N* or Nº" of set No. 1, and the other end of the same wire in either binding-screw stand N or N' of set No. 2, using the two stands which will then remain unoccu- pied for the reception of the wires leading from a single battery. The connections in all other respects remain unchanged, and the same result is produced. - The opposite method of acquiring the same motion I shall designate as the “open-circuit system.” In this case I use a battery for each set. The metallic circuits extending from the batteries through the mag- nets of each set, and thence back to the batteries, are broken or incomplete, and the currents from the bat- teries cannot flow, or the magnets attract their arma- tures thereto, until the bleaks in these circuits are closed or completed. The contact of a lever and post of one set, in arrangement, unites the disconnected parts of, completes or restores the circuit. Each time either of the circuits are closed in this malnier, it includes within it a magnet of the opposite set. - - As the magnets are thus alternately included in one or the other of the circuits of the batteries, they be- come successively magnetized, by the passage of the currents through the coils which surround them, caus- ing the armatures above to be attracted to their poles, creating an automatic motion of the levers, by their being thus drawn in contact with the posts thereuth- der, in the same manner as hereinbefore described, the arhiatures, in this instance, obeying the pulsations of the magnets as they become alternately charged, while, in the first-named method, the action of the magnet this and 3 92,066 which attracted the armature depended upon annul- ling the power of the opposite magnet of the same set. The batteries are inserted by disuniting the wires which lead from the junction of wires 4 and 6, of set No. 1, to stand S of set No. 2, and from the junction of wires 8 and 10 of set No. 2, to stand S of set No. 1, and connecting the ends of each, when thus dissev- ered, with a battery. The wires 3 and 5 of set No. 1, in this arrangement, are not required to extend beyond their connection with the posts P” P'of set No. 2, and the wires 7 and 9 of set No. 2, are not required to extend farther than their connection with posts P P' of set No. 1. As the binding-screw stands NN’N"N" are not now in use, the wires leading from the posts P P' P” P” thereto, amount to nothing more than mere append- ages, offering neither utility nor impediment to the working of the instrument. To enable both methods to be tested, I have in- serted an extra set of binding-screw stands, C C'C' C”, to receive the battery-wires, when the instrument. is worked by the “open-circuit system.” The connecting-wires leading to the stands SS, from the magnets of the opposite sets, respectively, are disunited, as above described, and their ends se- cured in the binding-screw stands just referred to, from whence they communicate with the batteries. The wires so disunited can be reunited, when neces- sary, for the purpose of using the “closed-circuit sys- tem,” by securing the wire springs WW’, leading from the stands C Cº, in the stands O' C", respectively. This restores the metallic communication of the stands S S with the magnets of the opposite sets, re- spectively, disunited, as before described. The motion can be arrested by dissevering any one of the wires leading from a magnet to a post, the brass bar V, on the small wooden base H, being employed for this purpose. ... " The base H has three brass points, h h' h", arranged in triangular shape thereon. One end of the bar V is fixed movably on the point h", and its otherend moves back and forth to and from the points h h’. The wire leading from magnet M' to post P” is dis- united, one end being connected with the point h, and the other with the point h". - When the bar Wrests on the point It, it unites these ends, and restores the metallic communication between the post and imagnet; but when it is moved to and rests on the point l', the metallic communication is broken, and the series of connections, whereby the al- ternations in the action of the magnets and motion of the leversis produced, are interrupted and incomplete. By the connections as traced, and their effect as de- scribed, it will be seen that my invention does not de- pend for its motion upon any mechanical auxiliary assistance, farther than that of the vibration of the levers, and their alternate contact upon the posts, as hereinbefore described, the motion being actuated all- tomatically by these successive contacts upon the posts, and controlled entirely by electricity. Either one of the sets can be used, in either case, as a governor, to regulate and control the speed of the 'other set, by simply widening or lessening the breadth of the vibration of the lever of such set. The breadth of vibration of either lever can be in- creased or diminished by the movable adjusting-screws i i i" i”, in the posts P P' P” P”. These screws can be securely fixed at any breadth of motion desired by the aid of the jam-nuts e e'e" (". I, therefore, claim the accomplishmeht of the same motion in two ways, the connections, in all respects, remaining unchanged, and the principle the same, the only change inade at all being in the location of the batteries. - The alternations of the currents through the mag- nets successively, as hereinbefore described, are shown to be for the purpose of causing a vibratory recipro- cating motion of the horizontal levers L L', as the armatures thereon are alternately attracted toward the poles of the magnets thereunder. Having thus shown the manner in which this vi- bratory motion is acquired, it now remains to explain how it can be applied, so as to communicate a rotary motion to a shaft, or spindle, terminating in crank- form. - The best position for this purpose is to have the lever vertical and the magnets horizontal, as shown in fig. 2. - Only one set is necessary for this purpose. The other can be used as a governor, and may be in either form, the lever horizontal and magnets vertical, or vice º67-8a. - Set No. 1, in the accompanying drawing, is the one used for the purpose of communicating the rotary mo- tion, the magnets and levers being placed as shown in fig. 2. Set No. 2 is the governor. The connections remaining the same, and only the position of the magnets, armatures, lever, and screws in the adjusting-posts being changed, I have only re- ferred to and represented that set to which the con- necting-rods, which communicate the motion, are at- tached. (See fig. 2.) The posts PP are vertical, but the adjusting-screws. i iſ therein are placed horizontally. The axis of the lever L, when placed vertically, is at one end thereof, and situated below the magnets, as shown in fig. 2. The magnets being arranged on either side of the lever, one armature is sufficient for each. The magnets are supported above the base by the stands D D'. The screws d d", connected to the rear of each mag- net, pass through a loose aperture in these stands, and have jam-nuts b bº bº thereon, on either side of the stands D JO’. By this means, the coils can be moved close up to the armatures, and exert a fuller influence over them. The magnet M is represented as drawn back against the supporting-stand D. This is done that the full outline of the lever L, in its vertical position, together with the armature there- on, may be clearly seen. When in use, the magnets on either side are moved as close as is possible to, without impeding the vibra- tion of the armature. The breadth of vibration of the lever can be adjusted by means of the horizontally-placed screws i i", in the vertical posts P P'. The lever L is vertical, and vibrates between the points of the horizontally-placed screws i i", a breadth of one-sixteenth or any other fractional part of an inch desired. The more contracted the space, however, the better. The play is thus contracted, that the armature A may not be drawn far away from the points of the magnets M M', between which it vibrates, that either magnet may thus be enabled to exert almost full in- fluence in attracting it. Connected with the lever L, near its topmost ex- tremity, is the horizontal rod T, extending half an inch, when it extends two and a half inches farther in a right-angle direction. This rod terminates at either end in the form of a collar, fitting, at the short-angle extremity, over the top of the lever L, and, at the extremity of the long angle, over the top of the vertical rod T'. This rod is secured at its angle by a pin, t, passing 92,066 through it and into the horizontal right-angle projec- tion, or shelf of the post 1. The vertical rod T is three inches long, and is sus- pended on a pin, t, passing through the post I, half an inch below its connection with the horizontal rod T. The vertical rod Tº connects, at its extremity far- thest from the pin tº, with a horizontal rod, or con- necting-arm, T'. The 6ther end of the connecting-arm T"isconnected, at f°, to the crank of the spindle f, in the frame F, and the motion communicated to spindle f by means of the interlocking teeth, of the wheels l l’, on each. The object in having the rods TT secured by the pins tºt', half an inch from their connecting points, re- spectively, is, that the motion may, in each instance, be multiplied, by Čontinuing the rods, in both cases, four times this length. By this arrangement, the lever L., vibrating the breadth of one-sixteenth part of an inch between the points of the adjusting-screws i i", and moving the short angle of the rod T, working on the pin t, the same breadth, will impart to the extremity of the long angle of this rod a vibration multiplied fully four times this breadth. - The collar of the horizontal rod T, fitting over the vertical rod T', with the stroke indicated by the space between the last-mentioned rod and the dotted lines, to impart to the upper, or half-inch section of the same rod, and this rod being, like the other, four times this length, the motion is multiplied fully four times, so that an inch-stroke is gained at the other, or longest extremity from the pin tº. - The horizontal rod 'T", connecting to this end of the vertical rod T', and the other end thereof connecting with the crank-termination of the spindle f at f", this stroke of one inch in breadth is thus communicated to it, the crank of the spindle being half an inch in length. Fig. 3 represents one set of the instrument, and il- lustrates, at each end of the lever, how the motion can be applied to control an escapement, or to impart ro- tary motion to a shaft, or spindle. - Connected to lever L, on the left side thereof, is an escapement-arm, m, secured by a pin also in the post o, the pallets of which rest alternately upon the teeth of the escapement-wheel E, causing it, when actuated y the mechanical means whence it derives its motion, to revolve uniformly, by the alternate arrest and re- lease of the same by the escapement-arm. - On the right side of the lever is shown a represen- tation of the lever resting upon a tooth of a ratchet- wheel, R. This is designed to illustrate how the rotary motion can be imparted to the spindle on which the ratchet- wheel is fixed, by the arrangement of two or more le- vers, in the manner represented, each striking alter- nately upon a ratchet-wheel, fixed on the spindle op- posite thereto. As my invention applies to controlling the action of magnets, by the peculiar bearing of their connections, in directing or controlling the flow of a battery-current through the helices which surround the same, I do not reserve for it a special application to any particular form of magnet, but to any and all wherein the power and action of such are dependent upon the passage of an electrical current through a helix surrounding it, whether it be to cause such magnet to attract an arm- ature to its poles, like that invented by Professor Henry; or to draw an iron magnetic bar within the helix, as the axial magnet invented by Professor Page; or to control and arrest the motion of a needle en- closed within a helix, or any other form or kind what- ever, wherein electro-imagnetism is the actuating-me- dium, which produces or controls the mechanical effect. The route of the wires leading from the magnets of 220 each set, to or via the end posts of the opposite set, can be reversed or exchanged, so that each will con- nect with that post of the same set opposite to the one indicated hereinbefore, and the working of the instru- ment will be the same. It is only essential, in extending these connections from the magnets of one set to or via the end posts of the opposite set, to do so in such manner that the ac- tion of the magnets, as regards: themselves, and the sets also, will be alternate and successive. Any number of sets can he controlled and operated, if the magnets of each are included in the battery-cir- cuits, but only two are necessary, in any instance, to contain the connections which actuate and govern the motion. The plan of connecting-rods may also be varied from as desired, the present example being only to illustrate how a greater breadth of stroke can be imparted, by means of the multiplying-arrangement referred to and explained in fig. 2, without permitting the armature to be drawn beyond the full influence of the magnets on either side of it. - If it were not that the power of a magnet to attract an armature to its poles diminishes rapidly as the space between it and the armature widens, there would be no necessity for resorting to such an arrangement as that of the multiplying connecting-rods above referred to and described, the lever L could be adjusted to any breadth of vibration required: By the arrangement as explained in fig. 2, however, it is shown that the motion can be increased, by the aid of connecting-rods, to any breadth of stroke de- sired, without having the armature placed, at any time, beyond the influence and control of either of the mag- nets which enclose it. I consider the “closed-circuit system” as possessing the greatest advantage, as it is susceptible of being worked or controlled at or from remote points, if they are found to be of practical utility in any connec- tion, and it is desired to introduce two or more of them in a circuit between, and at local or distant sta- tions, with only a single wire intervening to conduct the battery-current, the earth forming the return-cir- cuit; or the instruments can be thus worked by either system, by connecting them with a “local battery” of sulphate of copper and zinc, and controlling them from 92,066 the remote point, by means of that connection in the “local circuit” which is opened and closed by the vi- brations of the armature of a “relay-magnet.” - Either quantity or intensity-currents can be used, by introducing into the circuit such magnets as are adapted to the kind of current generated from the bat- tery. - - Having described my invention, What I claim therein, is— - 1. The arrangement of the levers I, L', suspended over or between the magnets M M M*M*, and strik- ing alternately upon the adjusting-screws i i i" iſ", of the posts PPP"P", substantially as hereinbefore de- scribed, and for the purpose of obtaining an uninter- mitting, reciprocating, automatic motion, as set forth. 2. The mechanical combination and arrangement of magnets M. M., lever L, stand. S, posts PP, consti- tuting set No. 1; and of magnets M"M", lever L', stand S', posts P” P’’, constituting set No. 2, the two sets taken together formińg the instrument, the levers of each set actuated and controlled automatically by elec- tro-magnetism, substantially in the manner set forth. 3. Extending the wires 3, magnet M and 5, mag- net M', of set No. 1, to and connecting them with posts P” P”, respectively, of set No. 2; uniting the wires 4, magnet M and 6, magnet M!, of set No. 1, and extend- ing them by a connecting-wire, leading from their junc- tion to and connecting with stand S of set No. 2; ex- tending the wires 7, magnet M" and 9, magnet M* of set No. 2, to and connecting them with posts PP, respectively, of set No. 1; uniting the wires 8, mag- net M" and 10, magnet M", of set No. 2, and extend- ing them by a connecting-wire, leading from their jung- tion to and connecting with stand S of set No. 1, attaching or inserting the batteries, as hereinbefore described and set forth. 4. The employment of either of the sets as a gov- ernor, to regulate and control the rapidity of motion of the other set, substantially as set forth. In testimony whereof, I have signed my name to these specifications, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, on this the 8th day of May, 1869. L. T. LINDSEY. Witnesses: G. W. RoRERTSON, W. M. STEPHENS. 221 A. E. DUPAS, Electro-Magnetic Engine. No. 93,689, Patented Aug. 17, 1869, - N- 2^ Z. 2, - - - 3 o zaz O -2'- - -7 - C; ) ).C. -72& l CE-772 \ 1. \\ T ii li' W 11 // | ſº *s- L. - º l \ ... ------- i ~ t t N- l s ~----- ==============2% ſ S — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J/ -- --- - - - - - ---------------------------------> - º - Z//zzzzesses: - / Zzzyezzzzz": %.e. 2 e-ºad. N. PETERS, PHOto-LTHOGRAPHER, washington, D.C 222 illnited states patent (Office. A. E. DUP A S, O F N E W OR L E ANS, LOUIS I A N A. Letters Paient No. 93,689, dated August 17, 1869. IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRO-MIAGNETIC ENGINES. –º-º-º-º- The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and making part of the same. ——º- To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, A. E. DUPAs, of Paris, France, but now residing in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, have invented a certain new, useful, and improved Electro-Magnetic Machine, and mode of connecting the same as a motor to sewing-machines; and I do hereby declare the following to be a clear, full, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the annexed drawings, making a part of this specification, in which— - Figure 1 is a side elevation, and Figure 2 an end view of said improvement. The especial object of my invention is to create a motor for sewing-machines, which will operate them more economically than can be done by any other motive-power, but my invention can, with equal ad- vantage, be applied to a variety of other economic uses, that need not herein be specified, wherein a moderate degree of power only is required to be brought into action and considerations of economy have any weight. - - The nature of my invention will be best indicated by a description of its construction and mode of opera- tion, which will at once disclose the same, and show that my combination and arrangement of the parts of which my machine is composed dispense entirely with the heavy, rigid, and cumbrous members heretofore considered indispensable in electro-magnetic machines, and that hence an increased quantum of power is de- veloped for transmission and useful application to whatever machine it may be employed to operate, whether such transmission be in a direct and positive manner or through the agency of intermediate gearing. But this description can be better given, and my invention be more readily and quickly understood, by referring to the drawings, on which the same letters denote the same parts at both the figures. Upon a proper pedestal, platform, or table A, is mounted and permanently secured a tri-pole electro- magnet B Bº B", the central pole B, of which, is pro- vided with a curved top, while the side/poles B and B" are provided with corresponding curved but more extended heads D D, which curved extended heads, it will be observed, subserve the purpose of guide- ways for the hollow cylindrical armature C, which is placed on top of the same, and between which and the said extended heads of the exterior poles B and B" there must be a continual and perfect contact, in order that the magnetism developed or induced by the battery (which latter is not shown on the draw- ing) may be utilized and applied to the best advan- tage. This cylindrical armature is made hollow, to reduce its weight and fiction, as well as to facilitate its at- traction by the central pole B' of the magnet, by con- fining the whole inducing-power of the magnet to its surface. - - - E E is a vibrating or oscillating frame, (the points of articulation being at e and e, at or near the base of the magnet, which said frame straddles,) in which tle armature C is sustained on a central axis, F, as shown transversely across the heads D D, in such a mainer as to keep the said armature in close and perfect contact with the said heads. This vibrating frame E E constitutes the mechan- ical instrumentality, through the agency of which motion is communicated to the fly-wheel G by means of the connecting pitman H and the crank J, and by which I am enabled to dispense with, as wholly un- necessary, the heavy and cumbrous frame-work that is employed for the like purpose in all existing electro- magnetic machines of which, I have any knowledge. R is a double eccentric, or cam, that is placed on the axis of the fly-wheel G, to operate the spring- commutators L and M, and through them to fulfil the function of closing the circuit at the beginning of each stroke, and breaking said circuit when the arma- ture is at about the centre of the heads D D, or in a position that is over the perpendicular axis of the magnet, allowing the armature and oscillating frame to complete the stroke by its momentum in a manner analogous to the cut-off in a steam-engine. The armature C and vibrating frame E E are thus caused to oscillate to and fro and transmit a rotary motion to the crank J and fly-wheel G, through the pitman H. - To make a direct application of niy electro-magnetic machine as a motor to operate a sewing-machine, nothing further is necessary than to extend the axis O' of the fly-wheel G, as shown at 0, fig. 2, first pro- viding a lateral supporting-arm, R, having a vertical standard, S, in which to mount a proper journal-box, and a pendent arm, T, having projecting bents -w ºt, to serve as guide-ways for a needle-bar, W, that is operated by a crank-pin, i, that takes into a horizon- tally elongated slot 2, (see fig. 1,) at the upper extrem- ity of said bar, or any suitable direct connection with the needle-arm of any ordinary sewing-machine. To start and to stop the machine, I employ a pro- jecting conductor or head, m, a non-conducting head, m, with an ordinary switch or strip of metal, N, which is provided with an ivory or other suitable non-con- ducting knob or handle, m'. These, after proper insulation from each other, when the platform A is of metal, are secured upon said platform, as shown upon the drawings, so that when the machine is to be put in operation, the opera- tor will only have to push the switch N by the handle n', upon the head m, to close the circuit of the battery, while, to stop the machine, the switch will have to be 223 pushed upon the non-conducting head m, to break the circuit of the battery. In order to regulate the speed of the machine, with- out breaking the circuit of the battery, I employ a friction-arm, W, in connection with a treadle-lever, a. A depression of said treadle-lever brings the fiction- arm, at its upper end, which is provided with a curved brake, in contact with the axis O' of the fly-wheel, and by tractive power effects the object. A suitable battery is connected with the machine in any usual manner by conducting-wires, and it is ready for use. I have demonstrated, by actual experiment, that my machine will drive a sewing-maching for twelve hours continuously, at a cost of less than forty cents. Having thus described my invention, What I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Pat- ent, is— 1. The tri-pole magnet having its central pole B formed with a curved top, while the side poles B B" are provided with corresponding curved but more extended heads D D, in the manner and for the pur- pose as described. 93,689 2. The rotating hollow cylindrical armature C, pro- vided with a central axis, F, or its equivalent, for the purposes herein described. - 3. The combination of the tri-pole magnet B B B", with the oscillating frame EE, and the rotating hollow cylindrical armature C, as herein stated, to operate as described. 4. The above combination, in combination with pit- man H, crank J, fly-wheel G, double eccentric K, and commutators L and M, when these parts are con- structed, arranged, and operate substantially as set forth. 5. The electro-magnetic machine, as herein de- scribed, as a whole, in combination with a sewing-ma- chine, when the two are united in the manner and by the means substantially as herein described, and the motion of the needle is controlled by means of a fric- tion-arm or brake, W, operated by a treadle-lever, a, as set forth. A. E. DUPAS. Witnesses: ARMAND PELLERIN, PAUL DUCATEL. 224. 2. Sheets--Sheet 1, M. H., UT LEY & A. R0 SS. lm provement in Electro-Magnetic Motor. Patented 0ct, 10, 1871. No. 119,899. SS 23 SS S ^O §3 ſºſ Ņ ZZZZZZ.Fr?? % 2 43 SSS. % 2 ËĒĖĘĚĖLğ 4ğ!ſé ∞ 4§ſú Ø £ ºſ º @ ſae × × ? @ * / ( 9 /…/ º 3 · 9/_.*/ ſê: Ñ -},§AZZZZZZZZZZZZZZI!ſaeWZZZZZZſae : ) ſaeſi ÉN 24 lèſ: : : : żºłºżģÍ §% Żżi f, Áº | ZŽzzyezzzozºy //zzzzesses ſº O4% w/ S. Photo-Lithographer. Washington, D. ( 225 2. Sheets--Sheet 2. M. H. UT LEY & A. ROSS. lm provement in Electro-Magnetic Motor. No. 119,899, Patented 0ct. 10, 1871, *** cº- //zzzze.ºres - grapher, Washington, D.C. 226 3. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MAURICE HOWELL UTLEY AND ALEXANDER ROSS, OF MONTREAL, CANADA. IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRO - MAGNETIC MOTORS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 119,899, dated October 10, 1871. To all whom, it may concern. Beit known that we, MAURICE HOWELLUT- LEY, of the city of Montreal, in the district of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, doctor of medicine, and ALEXANDER ROSS, of same place, optician, have invented new and useful Improvements on Double-Action Electro-Mag- netic Motors; and we do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact descrip- tion of the construction and operation of the same, reference being had to theannexed draw- ings, where— - Figure 1 represents an elevation of the mo- tor with part of the outer set of magnets re- moved. Fig. 2 represents a vertical section of Fig. 1. Figs. 3, 4, and 5 represent horizon- tal sections on line A B, Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 6 represents a sectional plan of compound com- mutator. Fig. 7 represents an elevation of Same. Fig. 8 represents a detail of electro- magnet. Fig. 9 represents a plan of simple commutator-switch. Fig. 10 represents a sec- tion of condenser. Fig. 11 represents a sec- tion of governor. The object of the present invention is to pro- duce a double-action electro-magnetic motor that may be made available for many purposes where rotary motion is required, including generally all those for which steam power is at present used, and many others for which Steam power cannot easily be adapted; as, for example, the acting simultaneously upon all the brakes of a railway train by the mere move- ment of a handle by the finger of any of the persons in charge of the train. - In the drawing hereunto annexed similar letters of reference indicate like parts. a are two disks, of metal, forming the ends of a frame-work; these are attached together by three or more pillars, a', as desired. To these are attached two rings, b bl, by means of any suitable lugs, bº, formed on the pillars; or they may be attached in any desired or ordi- nary manner. In the center of the disks a a set-screw, bº, in each is provided, arranged with jam-nuts for adjusting and securing them in their required positions to hold the shaft c forming the axis of the machine. This is done by providing the shaft with male conical ends, and the set-screws with corresponding matri- cal ends, as shown in the drawing, Figs. 1 and 2, this being the form of bearing giving the - | leastfrictional resistance; but, if required, the bearings may be made in any other suitable or ordinary form, as will be the case when the ends of the shaft require to be extended. Al- though but two rings, b bº and other parts, which will be hereinafter described, are shown: in the drawing, their number may be increased as desired, or as found most beneficial to the particular purpose for which the machine is applied. On the shaft c a cylinder of brass, c', is secured by means of a diaphragm, cº, in the center of the cylinder, and which may be cast in one with it, the cylinder c' extending on both sides of the diaphragm a sufficient ex- tent to form a surface for attaching two sets of magnets, d d". In the periphery of the cyl- inder c' plates dº, of soft iron, are dovetailed or otherwise secured; there being two provid- ed for each magnet, and inserted at equal dis- tances around the periphery of the cylinder, being turned to a true surface with it. At the back of the plates dº openings are formed in the cylinder, to allow the ends of the magnet core to pass and rest upon the plates dº, to which they are attached by screws; thus the plates become the poles of the magnets. It will, therefore, be readily understood that e are the cores of the magnets, of soft iron, and e' the ordinary insulated copper wire wound around them in the usual way of forming an electro-magnet. continuous in each series of magnets, d d", the current of electricity entering on one coil, traversing in succession the whole, and Jeav- ing when it has completed the circuit of mag- nets. To the rings b bº magnets ff", of a simi- lar character to those above described, as d d", are attached, being equal in number to them, and disposed in the manner indicated in the drawing at equal distances, and their poles terminated in plates fº, corresponding to those d”. These are situated at equal distances in a circle a little larger than the diameter of the cylinder c', so that the two do not touch; but otherwise they will be brought as near as pos- sible. In the arrangement of the two series of magnets d d", those marked d may be said to be placed in the position shown in Fig. 5, while those marked d" are in the position shown in Fig. 3 or 4; or, in other words, when the poles of the upper series d are opposite the poles of the series f, the poles of the series d" The Wire e' in this case is - - 227 2 119,899 are intermediate with the poles of the series the motion they connect M M with P and N: f". This is to obviate the possibility of the machine stopping in such a position that the switching on of the battery would fail to start it without other appliances, (as in the dead- center of a single crank steam-engine;) and in case of using a greater number of Series of mag- nets, they will be so arranged that the poles of no two series will be in the same position at the same time with regard to the series of magnets. The compound commutators, by means of which the direction of the current is changed exactly at the points required in the series of magnets d d", are shown in Figs. 1, 2, 6, and 7, and are each constructed as follows: On the shaft c, and in the position shown in the draw- ing, Figs. 1 and 2, a piece of ebonite or other insulating material, g, is placed, being secured to it; this is surmounted with two pieces of suitable metal, g’ g”, which do not touch each other in any part; these form the terminals of the wire e', one end being attached to gº and the other to gº, the necessary insulation from every other part of the machine being pro- vided in the ordinary manner, the terminals g’ gº having longitudinally - projecting parts corresponding to the number of poles in that series of magnets, d or d", to which they are each of them attached, and so arranged that when revolving with the axis a fixed spring, h, will pass alternately on each of the longi- tudinally-projecting parts of g’ and g”, connect- ing it with one pole of the battery, while a similar spring, h", placed as clearly shown in Fig. 6, connects the other terminal with the opposite pole of the battery; or, in other words, when the spring his in connection with the terminal gº the spring h" is in connection with the terminal gº, and vice versa. On the shaft c pulleys i of any suitable configuration are secured, for the purpose of transmitting the motion to any other body by means of belts, &c., or worm or toothed gear-wheels may be used, if preferred. Fig. 9 shows a plan of a simple commuta- tor-switch for starting, stopping, or reversing the motion of the motor. In a plate, i', of any suitable material, studs N N P P M M are inserted passing through it; they are connected as follows: N N' to the negative pole of the battery, P P' to the positive pole of the bat- tery, and M. M' to the springs h h', respective- ly. The studs above named are placed, as shown in the drawing, at equal distances from a common center, k, and equally apart from each other, while from the center k two or four plates of metal, k", are fixed on arms l, of in- sulating material actuated by handle l', by which the plates may be turned, so as to con- nect N or P with M on one side, and N' or P' with M! on the other side. The plates lº' must also be of such a size that they may rest on the two studs M M without connecting or touching any of the others. Thus, when the motor is required to move in one direction, the plates k" are so placed that they connect the studs M M with N' and P', and to reverse when required to stop the motion they are placed on M M only. Fig. 10 represents a section of a condenser Similar to those used in connection with in- duction-coils, and applied for a similar pur- pose with motor to collect the electricity in- duced in the wire by the demagnetization of the iron cores at the instant of reversing the current or breaking the circuit, and fully util- izing the battery power. This is constructed in the usual manner, viz: A series of thin plates, of metal, such astin-foil, are laid above each other with sheets of insulating material placed between each to prevent contact, the alternate sheets of metals being connected to- gether at their opposite ends, and the ends of the condenser being attached to the springs h h". - Fig. 11 represents a section of a governor for regulating the speed of the motor. It may be constructed on the shaft c, or made as a separate piece, as shown in the drawing, and placed anywhere in the electrical circuit. In this case it is constructed as follows: On the spindle q, carried by bearings in any or- dinary manner, a pulley, q', is placed for caus- ing it to revolve with the motor by a belt. To the spindle is secured a cylindrical piece of insulating material, q", the spindle passing through its center. To the extremities of this are attached two metal rings, r r"; to r are at- tached two springs, r", as shown in the draw- ing, having their lower extremities loaded with any suitably-formed weights of metal, s, made to press upon the ring r" with greater or less force, as required, by adjusting the screws s'. To place this in the electrical circuit two springs, sº, are provided to each of the rings ºr r", one on each side of them, and having one of their extremities pressing on the rings, while the other is suitably attached to any sta- tionary part of the machine, and connected to a part of the electrical wire, which may be severed for that purpose. The parts r", ss, and sº are made in dupli- cate in the drawing for the purpose of greater surety of connection, and forming an equi- librium to the spindle revolving at a high speed. When the speed of the motor is such that it causes the centrifugal force of the weights 8 to overcome the action of the springs **, they press outward and become separated from contact with ring r", and consequently break the electrical circuit. Referring again to Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the series of magnets ff" are connected in the circuit of electricity anywhere between one of the springs hor h" and the battery. If desired, the electro-magnets ff" may be removed and permanent magnets used instead, or the series of magnets d d" may be permanent mag- nets, while those f f* are electro-magnets, the various other changes requisite, which will be well understood, being made. The operation of the motor is as follows: A suitable galvanic battery F being provided … - - 228 4 119,899 3 and its poles attached to the simple commu- tator-switch, as described in Fig. 9, from thence the current passes to the springs h h", and is by them transmitted, as hereinbefore described, to the magnets d d", and having traversed the circuit of these in succession, (it being understood that each series of mag- nets acts separately,) then traverses in like manner the series of magnets ff", (when the electro-magnets are used;) but not being act- ed upon by the compound commutator it al- ways flows in the same direction. From these it passes through the switch, Fig. 10, to the other pole of the battery. By this means the magnets d d" are attracted as they revolve to the magnets ff", and as each of the poles in series d and d" pass these in f f*, the poles be- ing reversed by the action of the compound commutator in the revolving magnets, their action is rendered double by attracting them as they approach, and repelling them imme- diately on passing. This may be better un- derstood by reference to Fig. 5, in which the pole 1 of the magnet is attracted by the pole 2 and repelled by the pole 3, and so on all round the Series. Having thus described the construction and operation of our invention, to which we have given the name of double-action electro-mag- netic motor, what we claim as our invention, and wish to secure by Letters Patent, is as fol- lows: 1. Two sets of magnets, d d", each having their poles in a pair of soft-iron plates, d", and all arranged upon a brass cylinder, c', com- bined with corresponding sets of magnets ff", having their poles in soft-iron plates fº, and arranged upon rings b b% whose circumference is greater than that of cylinder c', so that when the magnets d and fare opposite the magnets d" and f* are intermediate, as and for the pur- pose specified. - 2. The insulating material g on shaft c, the two pieces of metal g’ g” not touching each other, the wire e, and pair of springs, h h", combined and arranged as a compound commutator, in the manner described, and for the purpose specified. - - 3. The plate i', provided with studs MM’, N N', and PP' arranged thereon at equal distances apart and from the center k, and the pair of plates k', fixed on insulating-arms l, when all are applied to springs h h and the negative and positive poles of the battery, to form an improved switch, as and for the purpose speci- fied. - - 4. The magnets d d" and f f, having their poles in soft-iron plates dº fº, the compound commutator e g g g h h' e, the switch i M M! N N' P P' k lº l, the governor q gº r r" r" sº s, and the ordinary condenser, combined and ar- ranged in an electrical motor, as and for the purpose specified. 5. The governor, composed of spindle q, cylinder q", rings r r", springs r" and s”, and Weights s, arranged and operating Substan- tially in the manner and for the purpose de- Scribed. M. H. UTLEY. ALEXR. ROSS. Witnesses: r CHARLES LEGGE, CHARLES G. C. SIMPSON. w. Robinson. Sp lices for Electric Track Circuits. No. 155,259. Patented Sept. 22, 1874, Witnesses: - In ventor: N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographor washington, D.c. 230 3 s UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM ROBINSON, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. IMPROVEMENT IN SPLICES FOR ELECTRIC TRACK-CIRCUITs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 155,259, dated September 22, 1874; application filed July 18, 1873. - To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM ROBINSON, of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented certain Improve- ments in Railroad-Rail Splices for Electric-Sig- maling Purposes, of which the following is a specification: - The invention relates to rail-splices for rail- roads, its object being to secure under all cir- cumstances a perfectly reliable metallic connec- tion between the adjacent rails of a rail-line, in order that long lines of rails may be reliable for conducting the electric current in railway-sig- maling. Many of the splices now in common use can- not be relied upon for the purpose indicated. The invention consists in a metallic spring- plate, of suitable form, brought into contact with two adjacent rails in such a way as to be held in place by the ordinary rail-splice be- tween the inner bolts, which hold the same in position. In the drawing, Figure 1 shows an edge view of the curved spring-plate; Fig. 2, a front view of the same. Fig. 3 is a perspective view of two adjacent rails, showing the spring-plate applied in proper place; and Fig. 4, a top sec- tional view of the same, showing the head of the rails removed by a horizontal section through the line aſ a, Fig. 3. - A is the spring-plate; B and C, adjacent rails, abutting at F. The plate A is curved or “set” at an angle, so that when it is applied to the rails B C at the junction F, and the or- dinary splices D E are applied and screwed up, the pressure of the splice E on the plate A will have a tendency to straighten out the latter, and thus the ends of the plate A will be pressed very firmly against the rails B and C, insuring good metallic connection between the latter, even when the splices D and E are loose. This spring - plate is desirable as an auxiliary in securing good connections at all joints. Nevertheless, with good fished joints, it may, in some cases, be dispensed with. With many styles of joint it is indispensable, as, for instance, with the so-called “wooden- block joint,” whereas the old style “chair” cannot be used at all in its ordinary condition for the purpose indicated. What is here claimed, and desired to be se- cured by Letters Patent, is- w The combination, with the adjacent rails o a track and splice or fish bars, of the curved metallic plate A, applied between a splice or fish bar and the rails, and electrically connect- ing the rails, substantially as set forth. WILLIAM ROBINSON. Witnesses: G. E. SANGSTON, C. NORWOOD. 231 2 She ets -- Sheet 1, H. W. S P A N G. circuit and Circuit - G 10 ser, for Railway - Sign a ling App ar at us. Reissued June 1, 1875, N 0, 6,476. WiTN E BEE 5. & /3 *&^% #.= l * º *_* - 2. She et S -- Sheet 2, H. W. S P A N G. Circuit and Circuit - C I os e r for Railway-signaling App a rat us. Reissued June 1, 1875. 2 - * ZŽ 3 | lº VVIT N E = E == = - (92 * A A - ºffe & | N v ENTE H — - gº 2 ºz. - - */... º.º. &_% 233 w UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY W. SPANG, OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN CIRCUITS AND CIRCUIT-CLOSERS FOR RAILWAY-SIGNALING APPARATUS, Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 142,131, dated August 26, 1873; reissue No. 6,476, dated June 1, 1875; application filed November 10, 1873. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, HENRY W. SPANG, of Reading, in the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, have invented certain Improve- ments in Electric Circuits and Circuit-Closers for Railway-Signal Purposes, of which the fol- lowing is a specification: The object of the invention is to prevent the collision of railway-trains, and accidents at street or railway crossings, by causing sig- nals to be displayed or sounded when a loco- motive or train is occupying a specified sec- tion of the track, or approaching a street or road crossing. It consists, first, in the com- bination, in a circuit-closer to be operated by a suitable pressing device or devices, of an insulated foundation having metallic conduct- ing-pieces arranged thereon, with a metallic roller or rollers for electrically connecting the said metallic pieces, and thereby causing an electric circuit to be closed or broken, and a signal displayed or sounded, or both; second, the combination of two electro-magnets, an armature-lever with two armatures, and a spring or springs pressing against and hold- ing the said lever in proper position, the said electro-magnets being in separate and inde- pendent circuits, and arranged to be brought into action alternately for closing and break- ing a secondary or local circuit and thereby causing a signal to be displayed or sounded, or both, and afterward cease to be displayed or sounded. The arrangement of an electro-magnet, con- trolling a secondary circuit and a visual or audible signal, or both, at or near one end of an insulated section of railway-track, and a galyanic battery and circuit-closer at or near the opposite end of said section, and con- nected with the two lines of rails of said sec- tion of track, so that the said magnet can only be charged by said battery and a safety- signal given when every pair of wheels of a locomotive or train have passed off said sec- tion of track. - In the accompanying drawing, Figure 1 is a perspective view of a section of railway- track, with my improved circuit closer and breaker near each end; also, an improved ar- rangement of relay electro-magnets, which can be placed at any suitable point of the section. Fig. 2 is a sectional view of the contact-roll- ers of my circuit closer and breaker. Fig. 3 is a plan view of a given section or length of track, which is insulated or separated from the adjacent track of same line at each end of said section, and showing a novel arrange- ment of electro-magnet, battery, and circuit- closer in combination therewith. Fig. 4 is a plan view of a given length or section of a single line of rails of a railway-track, said section being not insulated from the adjacent track at each end thereof, and showing my novel arrangement of electro-magnets, bat- tery, and circuit closers and breakers con- nected therewith, and with a wire conductor, which forms a portion of the circuit. Fig. 5 shows views of the contact-plates or conduct- ors on the end of a vibrating lever, forming a part of the circuit closer and breaker in one form that I propose to use. Figs. 6, 7, and 8 are views of different arrangements of the contact-plates or conductors of a vertical or upright circuit closer and breaker. B, Fig. 1, is an electric circuit closer and breaker, which can be operated by a passing train. It is constructed as follows: C is a metallic lever, the short end of which is ad- jacent to and slightly above the rail, in which position it is retained by the spiral or other spring, D, acting on the under side of the opposite end of the lever. To take up the set of the spring, which it requires occasion- ally, on account of excessive use, a bolt, b, is passed through the lever and spring. its tightening-nut b! bears upon the upper side. E is an arched or curved spring or yielding presser-bar on sills adjacent to the track, and projecting a suitable distance above the rail. One or both of its ends may be so attached to the sills as to allow the spring or presser bar to spread and lower under pressure. The track end of the lever C bears against the un- der side of bar E. The wheels of a locomo- tive or train ride over the spring or yielding presser-bar E, which gradually and easily spreads and lowers, and thereby depresses the track end of lever C of the circuit closer and breaker B. To the inner end of the long arm of lever C 234. | 2 - 6,476 is fixed an insulating - plate, F, to the face of which the metallic contact-plates G. G* or G* Gº Gº are attached. They are insulated or separated from each other, as fully shown at Fig. 5. In place of the metallic plates Gº! Gº G*, plates of ebonite or any insulating sub- stance can be used. H. H. H. H., Fig. 2, are metallic contact-rollers in suitable bearings in the blocks or heads II", and said blocks are insulated or separated from each other. When end of lever C, to which plate F is attached, is depressed by spring D, roller H in metallic head I is in contact with wide portion of me. tallic plate G, or plate Gº, and rollers Hº H' in metallic head I", are in contact with plate G° or G*, and circuit broken between H and H' H'; and when said end of lever C is ele- wated by presser-bar E and wheel of a loco- motive or car, rollers H and Hº Hº will contact with plate G or G*, and close circuit between said rollers. A good contact will be made be- tween said rollers and plate or plates by means of the springs J J', which are recessed in the blocks II", and exert their force on the journals of the rollers through intervening caps K K'. L is a vertical circuit closer and breaker, con- structed as follows: M is an upright, upon which is fixed a plate, N, of ebonite or other insulating substance. Nº N* are projections from plate N, and of similar material. A cast-iron box, lined with ebonite or other in- sulating material, and fixed to upright, can be used with equal effect. Upon the insulat- ing-plate N are fixed the parallel metallic plates or conductors O O" O’ or O' O‘O’ O", which are separated from each other, as shown in Fig. 6, and so completely insulated that very little electricity can pass between them. P is a vertical guide-rod, over or upon which moves the sleeve Q. The roller-head R, attached to the sleeve, carries the contact roller or rollers R', which traverse the plates or rails O O" O’ or O' O O" O', and are held firmly against them by springs and caps simi- lar to those shown in circuit-closer B. - To the sleeve Q is attached a rod, Q', which is actuated by the lever C', like in construction, arrangement, and mode of op- eration to the lever C of the circuit closer and breaker B, shown and described. Rod Q' or sleeve Q can be actuated by any suita- ble means, for causing the contact-rollers to traverse the plates or rails O O". O” or O' Oº O” O". A spiral spring, S, brings the connect- ing-rod Q', sleeve Q, and their attendant parts back to their normal position, after pressure which has moved them therefrom has ceased. The sleeve Q may be insulated from metallic contact with the connecting-rod Q' or the roller-head R by placing a plate of any insu- lating substance between them. Plates or rails of ebonite may be substituted for the me- tallic plates O' O” O’. T, Fig. 1, is a relay- magnet, having two electro-magnets, Tº T' and T*T*, the terminal wires of which are connected with the binding or connecting posts c c' and cº cº, U is an armature-lever on usually one mile. the shaft d. It has the armatures U' U” on or near its opposite ends. V V* are posts, which regulate the extent of the vibration of the lever, and prevent its armatures from sticking on the cores of the electro-magnets. They also serve, in connection with the armature- lever, to close or break a secondary or local circuit from an additional battery, for operat- ing or controlling a visual or audible signal, or both. W* V* are springs, which press against the lever U, and hold it in the position it is placed by an electric circuit closed tem- porarily, the said circuit charging one electro- magnet, T'T', and attracting the armature U” on one end of the lever, which is held by said spring or springs in that position until another circuit is closed, and charges the op- posite electro-magnet Tº Tº, which then at- tracts the opposite armature U*, changing the position of lever U. A., Fig. 3, is a section of railway-track, of any required length— It is insulated or separated from the adjacent track A' A* at each end and in the same line. A*, Fig. 4, is a section of track not insulated from, but forming a continuous metallic line with, the portions of track at each of its ends. B B' are circuit-closers, respectively near op- posite ends of sections of track A or A*. T is the relay-magnet, at or near one end of said section, of either modification. -- Referring to Fig. 3, the wire a connects ºne roller-head I and the connecting-post gº of the electro-magnet Tº T'; wire wº, the battery Y and roller-head I"; wire aº, the battery Y and binding-post 6 of electro-magnet T'T'; wire a', the line of rails a and the binding-post c’ of the electro-magnet Tº Tº; wire a', the line of rails a' and the connecting-post gº of the elec- tro-magnet Tº Tº; wire a”, the line of rails a and the battery Y’; wire a”, the line of rails a! and the roller-head I*; wire a', the roller-lead I” and the battery Y'. A train, reference being had to Fig. 3, pass- ing over the track in the direction of the ar- rows, the tread of the wheels depresses the spring or presser bar E, and, in consequence, the end of the lever C, which is adjacent to rail a”, is depressed, and the opposite end and insulating-block elevated, and the gºt plate G or G* and the rollers H. H' i. make contact with each other, and close the electric circuit, which, flowing from battery Y over wires a, aſ a ", the roller-heads I I", springs J J', caps K K', rollers H. H.' H', plate G or G*, charges the electro-magnet Tº T', wºn at- tracts the armature U', and thereby cºises le. ver U to contact with post V, and close and keep closed a secondary or local circuit, by means of which a signal may be displayed or sounded, or both, until the last car of said train has passed off the insulated section of track A, and depressed the spring or presser bar E! and the end of lever C/ of the circuit- closer B', which is located just beyond, or de- sired distance beyond, the termination of the insulated section of track, and thereby cause ** the electric circuit from the battery Y' to be closed, and the current thereof to flow over. wire a', circuit-closer B', wire aº, rails a', wire a", magnet Tº Tº, wire a”, rails a, and wire a', and charges the electro-magnet Tº Tº, which attracts the armature U*, and thereby causes lever U to contact with post V", and open and keep open the said secondary or local cir: cuit, the result of which is that the signal ceases to be displayed or sounded. No elec. trical communication can be had between the magnet Tº Tº and battery Y', at opposite ends of the insulated section of track, so long as a train or locomotive or car is on said section, because the metallic wheels and axles form complete metallic circuits, in connection with the rails, and of course the electrical circuit of battery Y’ will be completed at, and not ex- tend beyond, the first pair of metallic wheels and axle in the direction of its flow. For this reason the circuit closer and breaker B' is lo- cated so that it is operated only after the last car of the train has passed off said insulated section of track. - As shown in Fig. 4, the electric circuit from battery Y’ is completed by passing over wires w" alº alº aº, line of rails a”, and the circuit- closer B', as and for the purpose hereinbefore explained. - In Fig. 3 the two lines of rails a a' form *he principal portion of the conductors of the t ectrical circuit between battery Y’ at one end and the electro-magnet Tº Tº at the oppo- site end of the insulated section of track, and in Fig. 4 the line-wire a.º. and one line, a”, of the rails form the principal portion of the conductors of the electrical circuit between battery Y’ at one end and the electro-mag- net Tº Tº at the opposite end of section of track A*. - - - The line-wire or other conductor agº can be attached to insulators on poles, or insulated and laid in the earth. - Instead of the devices shown and described in Figs. 3 and 4 for closing circuit, any other suitable devices may be substituted, and be operated by a locomotive or car or person. Section of rails a and a', Fig. 3, and a”, Fi 4, should each have metallic continuity J. ghout its length by the ends of the com- ponent rails being connected by suitable me- tallic connections or conductors. Instead of connecting wires a " and al", Fig. 4, to line of rails a”, they can terminate in, and form connection with, the earth. - E 6 shows the arrangement of the bat- tery, electro-magnet, and the wires in connec- tion with the metallic plates or conductors O O! O' or Oº O4 O O" of the upright éircuit closer and breaker L. When the roller R', or its equivalent—viz., two rollers connected by a conducting-axle, as shown at Hº Hº of the roller-head I", Fig. 1–rests upon the plates or rails O O" or O'O', the electric circuit is broken, and when upon the plates O O" or O' Gº the electric circuit is closed. The vertical circuit *loser and breaker can also be placed in a hori- 6,476 3. zontal position, and be used for railway-switch signal, or other signal or alarm purposes, by arranging it so that the rod Q' will be act- uated by a switch lever or rod or other device. Upon the ebonite plate N metallic rails or con- ductors can be fixed, as shown at O' O O" O'", Fig. 7, for a three-throw switch. - Fig. 8 shows the arrangement of the battery with plates O O". O” and two electro-magnets, and arranged for changing from one circuit to another. - The spring or presser bar E can be used in connection with any other contrivance for clos- ing or breaking an electric circuit, and there- by operating an electro - magnetic signal or alarm apparatus. Having now fully described the construction and operation of my invention, I claim— 1. The combination, in a circuit closer, breaker, or changer, operated by a suitable pressure device, of an insulating - foundation having metallic conducting-pieces arranged thereon, and a metallic roller or rollers for electrically connecting the same, substantially as set forth. . - 2. The metallic plates or rails O O". O” or Oº O O", or O O" O' On", in combination with the insulating-plate N, guide-rod P, sleeve Q, roll- er-head R, roller or rollers R', as and for the purpose set forth. 3. The combination of curved spring or yielding presser-bar E, detached lever C, and a circuit-closer having an insulated foundation with metallic roller or rollefs, for electrically connecting the same for closing an electric railway-signal circuit, as set forth. - 4. The combination of the electro-magnets Tº T' Tº Tº, armature-lever U, armatures Ul U", and springs V*W*, one or both, substan- tially as described. - 5. The combination of the two lines of rails a d' of insulated section A of railway-track, electro or relay magnet Tº Tº, controlling a secondary circuit and electric railway-signal apparatus, and connected with said lines of rails at one end of said section of track, and a circuit closer and breaker and battery lo- cated beyond the opposite end of said section of track, and connected with said lines of rails thereof at said opposite end, as and for the purpose set forth. - - 6. The combination of electro-magnet Tº T', battery Y, and circuit closer and breaker B with electro-magnet Tº Tº, connected with lines of rails a a' of insulated section A of railway- track at one end thereof, and battery Y’ and circuit closer and breaker B', located beyond and connected with said lines of rails at the opposite end thereof, as and for the purpose set forth, - - 7. The combination of an insulated section of railway-track, the respective lines of rails of which are in continuous metallic connec- tion, an electro-magnet having its terminals connected respectively to opposite lines of rails of said section at one end thereof, a gal- vanic battery having one of its poles connect. 4 6,476 ed to one line of rails of said section at the opposite end thereof, and its other pole con- nected with a circuit-closer, which is electric- ally connected with the other line of rails at said opposite end of the section, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. In testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name in the presence of two subscribing wit- IleSSøS. HENRY W. SPANG. Witnesses: DANIEL SPANG, ISAAC SPANG. 287 H. W. spang. - Electric Railway - Sign a 1. N 0, 164,778, Patented June 22, 1875, * § * ºff §: s|| & S § º E_5=3 B º- | N v ENT E. Fa – Soº's * M - . /* º - &2&zºccº. . 238 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY W. SPANG, OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPRovement IN ELEcTRIC RAILWAY-sign ALs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 164,778, dated June 22, 1875; application filed March 24, 1874. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, HENRY W. SPANG, of Reading, in the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, have invented Improvements in Electric Circuits and Devices for Railway- Signaling Apparatus, of which the following is a specification: - Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating my inven- tion. Fig. 2 is a modification of a circuit- closer. My invention relates to that class of electric circuits in which the two lines of rails of a sec- tion of railroad-track are used as the princi- pal electric conductors between a galvanic battery and electro' or relay magnet, which controls a visual or audible signal, or both. It consists, first, in a novel combination and arrangement of polarized relay-magets, which control secondary or local circuits, and visual or audible signals, or both, and galvanic bat- teries, with the rails of adjacent sections of railroad-tracks, so that a safety-signal cannot be given when a relay-magnet which is con- nected to one section of track is accidentally charged by a galvanic battery connected to an adjacent section of track; second, in the combination of a spring or other pressing cir- cuit closer and breaker with a movable rail, or any other movable part of a railroad-switch, and an adjacent main-line rail, which is insu- lated from said movable switch-rail, so that a good electrical circuit or connection will be maintained between the said switch and ad- jacent main-line rails when the rails of said switch are set in line with the rails of the main track, and the circuit will be broken when the rails of said switch are not set in line with the rails of the main track; third, in the combination and arrangement of the movable rails of a railroad-switch with a cir- cuit closer or breaker, or a metallic plate or conductor, and the adjacent main-line rails, So that when the said movable switch-rails are occupied by a locomotive or car, moving or at rest, the electric circuit of said main- line rails will be shunted or broken, and thereby a safety-signal will be prevented from being given. - A A and A' A', Fig. 1, are adjacent sec- tions of railroad-track, each a mile long, more or less. a aſ are the opposite ends thereof. ID is a switch upon section of track A. A., and A*A* is a section of a branch track or siding, connected with section of main track A. A. Stationary rails R R' R4 Rº R', movable switch- rails R* R*, and frog H form section of track A. A., and rails Rº R*R*, als) frog H, form sec- tion A*A* of branch track or siding. Rails R10 R11 IR” R13 R14 R19 form Section of track A' A'. Rails R* R” are about fifty feet in length, and when occupied by the wheels W W, united by their axle or axles X of a lo- comotive or car, they constitute a circuit- closer. Letter C indicates that the rails and other metallic conductors employed in sec- tions of track A. A A' A' A*A* are metallic- ally connected together, and letters S and Sº that they are insulated or separated from each other. Letters S*S* indicate the point where the rails R* R* of section A*A* of the branch track are insulated or separated from the rails of the other portion of the said branch track, and beyond which cars can stand on the said branch track without endangering trains on the main track. The movable rails R* Rº of switch D are connected and held in their proper position by the solid metallic rods d d", and are fastened thereto in the usual manner, and they rest upon and slide over metallic plates G. G', when rod d is moved by lever d” on its fulcrum dº. The rail Rº is separated or insulated from rails R and Rº, which are con- nected together by wire 2, metallic plate foſ circuit-closer F, and wire 3. The said plate, or other suitable conductor, f, is fastened to a wooden sill, and is separated from the curved lever fº of circuit-closer F, which is also fast- ened to a sill or sills, and is adjacent to rail, R*. When lever fºis not depressed by the wheel or wheels of a locomotive or car the circuit between plate f and lever fº, and said wheel or wheels and rail Rº, will be broken, and when said lever fº is occupied and de- pressed by the wheel or wheels of a locomo- tive or car the circuit will be closed between plate f and lever fº and said wheel or wheels 239 2 R64,778 and rail Rº. Rail R" is metallically connected with rails R', and insulated or separated from rails R*, and circuit is maintained between rails R* and R' by circuit closer and breaker E and wire 6, when switch-rails R*R* are set in line with main-line rails R* R”, and the cir- cuit is broken between them when said rails R* R* are not Set in line with rails R4 RAE. The circuit closer and breaker E consists of a movable metallic rod or other suitable con- ductor, e, moving in a metallic frame or sup- porter, 6', and is pressed against rail R", or any other suitable movable part of switch D, by a spring, e”, so as to make a good electrical con- tact therewith when rails R*R* are set in line with rails R* R*. The metallic plates G. G' are separated or insulated from rails R* R. R." Rº, which can also rest upon metallic plates, but which must be insulated or separated from each other and from plates G. G'. Branch-track rails R* are connected with main-track rails Rº by wire 8, and branch-track rails R' R* are con- nected to main-track rails R* R" by frog H, so that the circuit of the rails of the section of main track A. A will be extended to the rails of sec- tion A*A* of the branch track or siding, and thereby enable the circuit of the main track to be shunted and a danger - signal to be given when a car or cars on the branch track are pushed or blown out too near or across the main track, and thereby prevent a collision between a train on the main track and cars on the siding. Instead of connecting rails R* R* R7 R* to frog H, they can all be connected together by Wire 12. - - BB Bº B*are galvanic batteries. Bisconnect- ed to rails of section of track A. A. at end aſ,and B” is connected to rails of section of track Al A! at end aſ thereof, and the poles of said bat- teries B Bº are reversed or in opposite posi- tions. M Gr!M' is a polarized relay-magnet of Siemens' or any other make, and consists of electro-magnets m 'm', connected together by wire r, and to the iron cores of said electro- 1magnets m 'm' poles or plates n m' are attached, and between which lever l vibrates on its ful- crum o, contacting alternately with metallic point p and hard-rubber,or insulated point q. The said iron poles m 'm' and lever l are polar- ized by iron cores of magnets m 'm' and lever l being attached to a permanent magnet. The poles n m' and points p q are adjusted so that lever l will be nearer pole m', and be attracted thereby, when the battery currentis not passing over magnets m 'm', and leverl will only contact with metallic point p when current of battery B flows over relay M, and current of battery Bº flows over relay M', in direction of arrow y. Jor J’is an ordinary electro-magnet, whose arma- ture-lever should be employed in connection with suitable mechanism controlling a visual or autlible signal, so that when not charged by battery B" or Bº a caution or danger sem. aphoric signal will be shown, or a bell will not be sounded; and, when charged, the caution or danger semaphoric signal will be removed from view, thereby indicating safety; or a sema- phorić signal indicating safety will be shown, or a bell will be sounded, thereby indicating safety. When a locomotive or train moving in di- rection of arrow y approaches end a of section of track A. A., and rails R* R” of section A' A' are occupied by the wheels W W and axles X thereof, the circuit of battery B will flow over wire 1, rails R, wire 2, plate f wire 3, rails R*, wire 4, magnet m', wire r, and magnet m of relay M, wire 5, rails R*, wheels W W, axles X, rails R* R” R', frog H, rails Rº, wire 6, circuit-closer E, rails R* R', and wire 7, there- by changing the polarity of poles n m', and causing lever l to be attracted by pole n, and to contact with metallic point p, thereby clos- ing circuit of battery B" over wire 9, lever l, metallic point p, wire 10, electro-magnet J, and wire 11, charging magnet J, and causing a safe- ty - signal to be given, as hereinbefore ex- plained. Should rails R* R” of section A. A be occu- pied by the wheels W. W. and axles X of a preceding locomotive or train when said wheels W W and axles X of the following locomotive or train occupy rails R* R” of section A' A', the circuit of battery B will only flow over wire 1, rails R, wire 2, plate f wire 3, rails R*, wheels W. W., axles X, rails Rº, wire 6, cir- cuit closer and breaker E, rails Rº R', and wire 7, and not over relay M, as hereinbefore de- scribed, and consequently a danger or caution signal will continue to be given. When Wheels Wł Wł and axles X1 of a lo- comotive or car, moving or at rest, are upon switch-rails R* R*. the tread of the said wheels will depress curved lever fº, and cause it to contact with plate f. and circuit of battery B will flow over wire 1, rails R, wire 2, plate f. lever fº, wheels W, rail Rº, axle X', wheels W!, rails Rº R', and wire 7. Should a car or cars on the siding or branch track be pushed or blown out, and the wheels W*W* and axles X” thereof occupy rails R' or Rº and Rº of section A*A*, and thereby be too near or across the rails of main track A. A, and endanger a locomotive or train on said main track, the circuit of battery B will flow over wire 1, rail R, wire 2, plate f wire 3, rail R*, wire 8, rails Rº, wheels W*W*, axles X”, rails R' or Rº, frog H or wire, 12, rails R*, wire 6, circuit-closer E, rails R* R', and wire 7, and not over relay M, as hereinbefore described. Should rails R* R” of switch. D not be set in direct line with main-line rails R*R*, or be set in line with rails R7 R’ of the section A* A* of the branch track or siding, rail R" will not contact with rod e of circuit-closer E; and the continuous metallic circuit, hereinbefore de- scribed, by which relay-magnet M is charged by battery B, will be broken, and the circuit | of battery B will flow over wires 1 7, rails R. - * 240 184,778 3 R', and the sills, and into the earth adjacent to said rails R R', and will not flow over relay M, as hereinbefore described, when rails R* R* are occupied by wheels W W and axles X of locomotive or train. Should a rail in Sections of rails R. R. R4 Rº R” or frog H be removed or broken, the con- tinuous metallic circuit hereinbefore described wiłł be broken, and circuit of battery B will not flow over relay M, as hereinbefore de- scribed. Lever l of relay M! will be attracted by plate or pole n, and will contact with metallie point p, and close circuit of battery B" over wire 18, point p, lever l, wire 19, magnet J', and wire 20, and cause a safety-signal to be given when circuit of battery B" flows over wire 13, rails Rº Rº Rº, rails of adjacent sec- tion of track, wheels and axles of locomotive or train, wire 14, magnet m', wire r, and mag- net m of relay M', wire 15, rails R*, wire 16, rails R', and wire 17. If the proper separation of insulation of rails R* R” is not maintained at Sº the Said rails are liable to contact with each other, par- ticularly during the summer, when the rails expand, and metallic connection can also be made between said rails R* and Rºby a piece of metal accidentally coming in contact with the base of said rails R* and R19, and when me- tallic connection is made between rails R* R" the circuit of battery Bº will flow; when rails R” Rºº are occupied by all the wheels W W and axles X of a locomotive, over wire 13, rails Rº Rº, wheels W W and axles X of said locomotive, rails R*, wire 5, magnet m, wire r, and magnet m of relay M, wire 4, rail Rº, thence to rail R" and wire 17, thereby caus- ing the magnetism of pole m' to be increased, and lever l to still continue to contact with hard-rubber point q, and thereby lever l will still continue to keep circuit of battery B open and magnet J demagnetized, and a danger- signal to be given, as hereinbefore explained, to the engineer of said locomotive. The object, therefore, of employing polarized relay-magnet M, instead of an ordinary relay- magnet, in connection with rails of section of track A.A at end a, and connecting battery Bº to the rails of adjacent section of track A*A* at end a', so that the poles thereof will be in an opposite position É. those of battery B, which is connected to fails of section of track A. A. at end a', is to prevent lever l contacting with metallic point p, and causing a safety- signal to be given, when current of battery B" passes over relay M, as hereinbefore described, which is an important feature, for the reason that at the time the current of battery Bº passes. over relay M, as hereinbefore described, the rails R* R* of switch D might be set in line with rails Rº R* of the branch track A*A*, a rail in section of track A. A might be removed or broken, or rails R. R.' of section of track A. A might be occupied by a preceding locomotive or train. As hereinbefore stated, the rails Rº R* are connected by the solid metallic rods d d", and the object of insulating rails R* from R. R*, and connecting said rails R Rº with circuit- closer F by wires 2 and 3, is to enable circuit of battery B to flow from rails R R to rails R*R* without being shunted when rails R*R* are not occupied by a locomotive or car, and to shunt the circuit of battery B when rails R*R* are occupied by a locomotive or car, moving or at rest, as it is important that every part of the Section of track A. A., including the movable switch-rails R*R*, should be protected, and a safety-signal be prevented from being given, when they are occupied by a locomotive or Car. ' The curved lever f" of circuit-closer F can be dispensed with, and the plate f can be placed underneath, But separated from Rº, as shown in Fig. 2, so that when rail Rº is occupied and depressed by a locomotive or car it will con- tact with plate f. A gum or other spring can be placed under curved lever fº or rail R*, so that lever for rail Rº will only be depressed and contact with plate f when said lever or fail is occupied by a locomotive or car, and not when a person is standing on said lever or rail. Instead of the circuit-closer F, a circuit-closer and breaker can be employed, so that when rails R* R* of switch D are not occupied by a locomotive or car, the circuit between wires 2 and 3 will be closed, and when said rails are occupied by a locomotive or car the circuit between wires 2 and 3 will be broken. The divisions of Sec- tions of rails R. R. R4 Rº Rº Rº Rº Rº R10 R11 R14 R” in sections of track AA A' A' A*A* should each have metallic continuity throughout its length by having the ends of the rails jointed together by the usual metallic fish-plates, which should be kept well screwed up, so as to form a good electrical connection and cir- cuit between them, and should any of the said fish-plates get loose often, and fail to maintain a good connection between the rails, it will be advisable to place a copper wire between one of the fish-plates and the rails, or underneath the rails, and solder the ends of said wire to the ends of the adjacent rails. Having now fully explained my invention, I claim— - 1. The combination of a series of batteries, polarized relays, and means for making or breaking the circuits of the batteries, arranged substantially as set forth, whereby any one of the relays will be operatively affected only by the current from its own designated battery, and not by the current from either of the bat. teries adjacent to such designated battery. 2. The combination and arrangement of po- larized relay M, section of track A. A., and bat- tery B with polarized relay M', section of track A' A', and battery B", so that should cur- rent of battery Bº pass over relay M a safety. signal will not be given, as set forth. 241 4 164,738 3. Circuit-closer and breaker E and wire 6, in combination with rails R*R*, as set forth. 4. Switch-rails R* R”, in combination with rails R Rº R, wire 2, circuit-closer F, or plate f, wire 3, and rails lºº, as and for the purpose Set forth. 5. Rails R7 R* R9 of Section A*A* of branch track or siding, and wire 8, in combination º, with frog H, or wire 12, and rails R*R*R* of main track A. A., as set forth. In testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name in presence of two subscribing witneses. Witnesses : HENRY W. SPANG. C. T. SELLERs, D. SPANG. * 242 *- //7//zęssed, L. D R E S G H E R , Magneto-Electric Mach in e. Patented 0ct. 11, 1875. No. 168,560, &z: / Z 7 º C& -2} z. % Z -- -----T r Z - a -- - - - - (G)} | .” \ \ -- I ,” \\ \ \ - \ \ . ---- * º --- \\ 1. t 2 / Ø - 2. She et s -- Sheet 1. *** *. * --> | | | | | III | | N ºut-º-º-º-thin - | HIEEHiſ 2 sº ºn | //ø/e/e/oy": 2622% º /* zz, 243 L. D. RES C H E R . 2. Sheets -- She et 2. Magneto-Electric Machine. N 0, 168,560, Fig. 4 VV itnesses. c/ºcaea 3&cºatoa. /* ~. N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washin gton, D. Patented 0ct, 12, 1875, Patented 0ct. 11, 1875, ... ln ventor, & Biaºw W. S. *A 300AA (Uſºvº Cº. • & UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LUIS DRESCHER, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. IMPROVEMENT IN MAGNETo-ELEcTRic MACHINEs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 168,560, dated October 11, 1875; application filed October 13, 1874. - To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, LUIS DRESCHER, M. D., of the city and State of New York, have invented an Improved Magneto-Electric Ma- chine, of which the following is a specification: This invention relates to improvements in that class of magneto-electric machines which are constructed with a revolving helical arma- ture; and it consists, first, in so constructing the machine, as hereinafter fully described, as that a new intermediate circuit may be formed at the moment the usual primary circuit is broken, the second new circuit automatically closing and leading off at the moment of its induction the secondary current generated in the helix by the reinduction of its coils dur- ing the momentary interruption of the first circuit. By this means two different electri- cal currents of different qualities and charac- teristics are derived at pleasure from one and the same helix in the one machine, viz: the primary induced current, ordinarily obtained from this class of machines, producing marked electrolytical and mild physiological effects; and also a second induced current of great -physiological intensity and power, similar, in fact, to the “extra" current secured by the use of a battery-cell, in combination with an electro-magnet, and which, being a current of a higher order, produces severe physiological but no electrolytical effect. It consists, sec- ond, in so arranging the cams or commutators which open and close the circuits as to per- mit a change in their adjustment about the axis of the helix with which they are made to revolve, so as to alter at pleasure their rela- tion to the poles and armature of the perma- nent magnet, and thereby modify the intensity of the currents derived from the machine. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a side elevation of my improved magneto- electric machine, with its case in section; Fig. 2 an end view, and Fig. 3 a plan or top view, of the same; Fig. 4, a central vertical section through the helix and its bearings, drawn upon an enlarged scale: Fig. 5, an end view of the same, with the upper part of the supporting-bar broken away; Fig. 6, an ele- vation of the end of the revolving electro- magnet, illustrating the combination of the adjusting-sector of the cams there with; Figs, 7 and 8, sectional views of the two commuta- tor-cams enlarged; Figs. 9 to 14, diagrams, illustrating in detail the operation of my ma- chine. - *. A is a permanent horseshoe-magnet; D, an electro - magnet which rotates between the poles of the permanent magnet A ; C C, nie- tallic bars, secured midway between the arms of the magnet, in a right line there with, On either side thereof, to support the electro-mag- net and the gearing, by which it is made to revolve. g is a shaft revolved by a crank, j, and supported at either end about midway the length of the magnet in suitable bearings formed in the bars C Cº. i is a large toothed wheel meshing into a pinion, f, upon a lower shaft, e, arranged to revolve in bearings in the bars C Cº, and which carries a grooved pulley-wheel, h. - - The electro-magnet D consists of a helix, r, (see Fig. 4.) of fine insulated copper wire, coiled around a bar, p, of soft iron, which is confined between two parallel soft-iron plates, m 0, arranged at right angles thereto, and se- cured at either end to the perimeters of two | cylindrical metallic heads, 8 s'. m mſ are short journals secured centrally to the outer face of each of the heads s sº, to project therefrom in a right line coincident with its axis, and these journals are supported in suitable bearings formed to receive them in the bars C and C/ respectively, (see Fig. 4.) on either side of the permanent magnet A. The plates m o, con- nected by the cross-bar p and supported be- tween the poles of the magnet A, constitute an armature for said magnet, and electrical currents are induced in the coil r, wrapped about the cross-bar p, by the revolution of said armature. This revolution is produced by means of a small pulley, b, formed or se- cured upon one of the journals m' of the armature, an endless cord being carried around said pulley b and the larger pulley h, as shown by dotted lines in Fig. 1, which in turn is made to revolve by means of the crank. . j, and the toothed gearing meshing into the pinion f upon the shaft of said pulley h, as shown in Fig. 2. The opposite journal m of the revolving electro-magnet D is sufficiently extended to receive a sleeve, d, (see Fig. 4.) Which encircles the same between the head 8 2 . - 168,560 and the bearing-bar C. To the inner end of this loose sleeve d is secured a segmental plate, t, (see Fig. 6,) of somewhat smaller radius than the head s. The segmental plate t and the sleeve d to which it is secured thus admit of adjustment about the journal m with reference to the armature-plates m o of the poles of the electro-magnet I), and, when adjusted, are firmly secured by means of a set- screw, a, (see Figs. 4 and 6,) so as to revolve there ºth. A segmental opening, a, Figs. 4 and (ºt in the head s, through which one end of ºre-coil r is carried. Two metal- lic segmeº plates or cams, u w, are secured upon the sleeve d, the one, w, directly in con- tact there with and the other, u, insulated therefrom by the interposition of any suitable non-conducting material, 2. (See Figs. 7 and 8.) These cans project radially from the sleeve d in parallel planes, but in opposite directions, as shown in Rigs. 4 and 5. The arc of the insulated cam w is made to describe a greater are than that of the cam w attached to the shaft, so that if the arc included by the one be one hundred and fifty degrees, that of the other shall be about one hundred and twenty- five degrees; these proportions, however, being necessarily varied according as cams of greater or smaller radius are used. The outer end of the wire helix r of the electro-magnet D is carried through the opening a, in the head 8 and secured to the insulated cam u, the inner end of the helix being secured to the journal m with which the second cam w is in direct contact. G. G' are metallic springs, so secured to a block, E, of non-conducting material attached to the supporting-bar C be- low the bearing of the journal, as to project upwardly on each side of said journal, and bear tangentially against the cams u wa B, Figs. 1 and 2, is a wooden case in which the permanent magnet A and its attachments, as described, are inclosed and properly secured. H' H', Fig. 5, are metallic sockets, formed in the case B, to receive the detachable elec- trodes of the apparatus, and which are con- nected respectively with the springs G. G' by means of elastic metallic strips H. H., extend- ing from each spring, so as to bear upon its appropriate Secket, as shown in Figs. 1 and 5. d' is likewise a socket, formed in or secured to the bar C', which supports the journal m of the helix r, so that said bar serves as a con- ductor from said journal and the cam w, which is in contact there with, to the socket d'. L., Figs. 1 and 5, is a switch-lever, connect- ed by a fixed conducting-wire or metallic strip with the electrode - socket H' of one of the springs, and so pivoted as to admit of being thrown at pleasure into contact with the elec- trode-socket H^* of the other spring. My improved magneto-electric machine is operated by turning the crank j either to the right or left, thus producing, by means of the intermediate gearing, a corresponding rapid revolution of the electro-magnet D between the poles of the permanent magnet A. This revolution of the electro-magnet D induces an electric current in its helix r, whenever a cir- cuit is closed between the ends of the coil, and by establishing an electrical conductor between the springs G. G', their contact with the cam u w, during each semi-revolution of the helix, closes such a circuit, so that an electric current is thereby obtained. This electric current is not constant, owing to the interruption of the circuit when the springs change cams at each semi-revolution, but, as the springs bear against the cams during the greater part of each revolution, and the inter- ruptions of the current are very brief, the electric current thus btained in a circuit closed by the two springs is “wave-like” in movement, having a maximum and minimum of intensity between each interruption, and is distinguished by the gentle shocks given there- by. This current, produced directly by means of the magnet A and its helix or revolving ar- mature D as the generating-factors, is a prima- ry induced current, and its production is com- mon to this class of magneto-electrical pna- chines. Its quality and intensity may be varied by altering the relative position of the cams, whose action interrupt the current, with reference to the armature-plates, m o, whose action produce it, the required change of ad- justment being made at pleasure, by loosen- ing the set-screw a and turning the sector t about its axis. - - The current is obtained for practical purpo- ses by means of electrode - wires, inserted in the sockets H/ H', connected with the two springs G. G', but a circuit may also be closed for this current by turning the switch-lever L into contact with the socket H', as shown in Figs. 1 and 5 of the drawing. At the moment the primary current is in- terrupted by the shifting of the springs upon the cams, the helix itself becomes a rheome- ter, each spiral of the coil inducing, at the moment of interruption, a current in the ad- jacent spiral. The secondary current, thus in- stantly induced in the helix by the interrup- tion of the primary current as its generating- factor, is but of momentary duration, and, when passed through suitable conductors, is distinguished by its high velocity and conse- quent intensity, giving severe shocks and pro- ducing marked physiological, but no electro- lytical effects, being similar in all particulars to the “extra current” obtained by the com- bination of a battery-cell with an electro- magnet. - - - By means of the different proportions of the segmental commutator-cams w w, the tangen- tial arrangement of their springs, and the combination of a second closed circuit with the closed circuit of the primary current, I am enabled with my machine to obtain this secondary current as readily as the primary current, and to furnish the one or the other, or the two together, without change of helix, or the removal or modification of any part of the machine. ſº *- 2. * 168,560 - 3 The production of the two electric currents, during each revolution of the helix, is fully illustrated by the diagrams, Figs. 9 to 14, wherein the shaded cam represents that in di- rect contact with the journal m, and the white cam represents that which is insulated there- from. G. G' represent the springs; C', the journal-bar forming a conductor from the shaded cam to the socket d'; 13, the closed circuit from one spring to the other, and 2Y the closed circuit from the one spring G to the shaded cam, independent of the second spring. The dotted arrows indicate the direc- tion in which the helix is supposed to be re- volving, and the solid arrows the course of the electrical currents. In the position of the cams, illustrated in Figs. 9 and 12, the two springs bear simulta- neously upon both cams, so that the circuit is closed for the primary current directly through the cams and springs and their electrodes. The instant, however, that the circuit for the primary current is broken by the withdrawal of the shaded cam from its spring—which, because of the difference in their proportions, must, in all cases, occur before the contact of the opposite insulated cam is broken—the secondary circuit closed through the journal m and bar C', and the spring, which is still in contact with the insulated cam, conducts away the secondary current at that moment gener- ated. (See Figs. 10 and 13.) I claim as my invention— 1. Segmental commutator - cams w w, em- bracing arcs of different degrees, combined with the helix r, tangential insulated springs G G', and electrical conductor C' d', of a mag- neto-electric machine, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 2. In a magneto-electric machine, construct- ed substantially as herein described, wherein a primary circuit may be established at will between the opposite poles of the helix, through the commutator-cams, their sº ags, and a conducting-medium between th ngS, the combination of electrodes, t' 3 COIl- nected directly with one of the -is inde- pendently of the springs, and the ot!.er with any given point of the aforesaid primary cir- cuit, whereby a second circuit may be estab- lished, which shall be automatically closed at each semi-revolution of the helix, at the mo- ment the primary circuit is opened, all sub- stantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 3. In a magneto-electric machine, construct- ed with a revolving helix, the combination of the commutator-cams which open and close automatically the circuit induced in the coil, with a collar encircling the shaft or arbor of the helix, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. - 4. A magneto-electric machine, constructed substantially as herein described, to deliver both primary and secondary electric currents ; the same helix, in manner as herein set Orth. - LUIS DRESCHER. Witnesses: H. L. WATTENBERG, G. M. PLYMPTON. 24.7 G. F. G. R. E. E.N. E L E C T R O M.A. G. N. ET I C F A N. - No. 171, 122. Patented Dec. 14, 1875. º - ^. º Yºsesses. \ssessss. & X%le, 2. *** **, * ~ "Nºs. &SA. 249 | + UNITED STATES GEORGE F. GREEN, OF KALAMAZOO, PATENT OFFICE. MICHIGAN, ASSIGNOR TO SAMUEL S. WHITE, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPRovement IN ELECTRo-MAGNET.c FANs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 171,122, dated December 14, 1875; application filed August 5, 1873. CASE G. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, GEORGE F. GREEN, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, have invented a certain new and useful Application of Power from an Electro-Magnetic Motor, of which the follow- ing is a specification : My invention relates more especially to the automatic vibration of fans used during the performance of dental operation. Its objects are to secure a fan which may easily be ad- justed in any desired position, and which may be worked by electro-magnetism. The subject- matter claimed is hereinafter specified. The accompanying drawing represents a view in perspective of my improved apparatus. Through a base, B, I insert the stem d of a hollow metallic bracket, D, which turns hori- zontally on this stem over the base in any di- rection. Into the upper extremity of the bracket D I slide a stud, e, from which I pro- ject an elbow, f, with a clamp-joint, G, con- necting it to a permanent magnet, E, which is upheld by the clamp-joint G, on which it is free to turn upward and downward, or the clamp may be fixed at any adjusted position by means of the jam-nut v upon it. The mag- net may also be turned around in any hori- zontal direction, as the stud e is free to turn in the bracket D, and in any of these po- sitions may be fixed by the set-screw h. I in- sulate the magnet E from the bracket D by interposing between the jam-nut v and the el- bow fa washer of non-conducting material, such as rubber or pasteboard, for example. On the side of the magnet E opposite the joint, G. I solder a step, which affords a bearing for the lower end of a shaft, I. Between the poles of the magnet E I mount an electro-magnet, F, on a spindle, j, the lower end of which has a bearing in the bottom of the magnet E, while its upper end passes through and is sustained in the arm i of an open metallic frame, H, which extends across the magnet E and is se- cured to its poles. The magnet F is thus free to rotate between the poles of the magnet E. The upper end of the spindle j carries a pin- ion, k, between the arm i and the magnet F, and this pinion meshes into a gear-wheel, K, supported on a shaft, l, the lower end of which is supported in the frame H, and its upper end, as well as the upper end of the shaft I, sup- ported in a cross-brace, M, which is in turn braced by being screwed down upon the stir- rup N, which is mounted on the frame H. Near the upper end of the shaft I, which is pivoted in this cross-brace N, I solder a bent arm, N’, in the upper end of which I provide a socket, O, for the fan-shaft P, the fan-shaft being securely held in this socket by means of a set-screw, which permits the shaft to be slipped in or out as desired. The open fan R. is secured in a vertical position to the outer end of the shaft. Upon the upper end of the shaft l, which projects through and above the cross-brace M, I mount a crank-wheel, S, and connect to the wrist-pin of this crank one end of a flexible or extendible connecting-rod, T, which is curved upward to admit of the crank- wheel passing under it, and also to allow a spiral spring to be coiled around the connect- ing-rod. The end of this connecting-rod passes through an eye in one end of a short link, u, and in the other end of this link is a wrist-pin, which is fastened in the rear end of a long crank, w, the forward end of this crank w be- ing brazed around the crooked shaft N’. The small crank g is rotated by the power of the battery, and as it rotates it operates the long crank w through the connecting-rod t and link w, and through this connection the shaft N' is vibrated, but not rotated, and the fan isswayed to and fro. The power of the battery is transmitted from the wires a aſ and the bracket D through the binding-posts y y and metallic contacts between them and the spindlej (as is well un- derstood) to the electro-magnet F, which ro- tates between the poles of the permanent mag- net E, and the electro-magnet rotates the pin- ion-shaft j and pinion k, and through it the gear-wheel K on the shaft'l, which carries the crank and transmits the motion just described to the fan. - - To admit of the intermission of the opera- tion of the fan without disconnecting the wires a d', I provide a circuit-breaker, C, which con- 9. sists of a metallic arm pivoted on the base B, and thus connected at one end with the cir- cuit, which it keeps closed so long as it rests in contact with the stud c connected with the wire a', as already described. When this arm is lifted from the stud c the circuit is broken, the arrangement and operation being such as is well understood by electricians in the cate- gory of telegraphic switches. - I claim as my invention— 1. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of the rotating electro-mag- net, its gearing, the fan-shaft, cross-brace M, and the cranked pitman-connections between the fan-shaft and gearing, whereby the fan is vibrated by the rotation of the magnet. 2. The combination of the fan, the electro- | magnet, and its adjustable supporting-bracket, through which the circuit passes; these mem- 171,122 bers being constructed and operating in com- bination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. 3. The combination, substantially as set forth, of the electro - motor, the adjustable bracket, and the circuit - breaking lever, through which the current passes to the bracket. 4. The combination of the horizontally ad- justable bracket, the electro-magnet, and the insulated vertically-adjustable joint between the bracket and magnet. - In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- scribed my name. GEORGE F. GREEN. Witnesses: . - - LEVI TEAL, W.M. E. MORGAN. 250 G. F. G. R. E. E.N. FLECTRO-MIAG NETIC MOTOR. S. No. 184,469. Patented Nov. 21, 1876. 22* - º -- WITNESSES º - º, * 2…4% AT TORNEYS N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. 251 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. G E O R G E F. G R E E N, O F. K. A. L. A M A Z O O, M I C H I G A N. | M. PROVEMENT IN ELECT R O - MAGNETIC MOTO RS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 184,469, dated November 21, 1876; application filed October 28, 1875. To a!! whom it may concern: Be it known that I, GEORGE F, GREEN, of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo county, and State of Michigan, have invented a new Electro-Motor, of which the following is a specification: This invention has relation to that class of machines known as “electro-motors;” and the nature of my invention consists in a rotating head carrying a straight electro-magnet, actu- ated by a peculiar break-piece, this magnet re- volving on, and at right angles with, a spin- dle secured between the legs of a stationary electro-magnet, as will be hereinafter more fully set forth. In the annexed drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of the engine complete, in which B designates the rotating head, Fig. 2 indi- cates the yoke and the spindle in connection, with pivot at one end, and a steel box for bearing and gear secured to the yoke at the opposite end. Fig. 3 is the same yoke, with the electro-magnet and helices attached, but with the balancing-head removed to show the arrangement of the parts more clearly. Fig. 4 is a section of the same, together with the balancing-head, showing the arrangement of the wires along the spindle to the disks or pole-changers C C. Fig. 5 is an edge view of the break-piece E and conductor F, not in contact, but both bearing contiguous faces of considerable area. lisk C'. pads b. Fig. 7 is a detail view of the cam G., which is secured or forged on the spindle near its pivot, whose office is to lift the break-piece E from the conductor F, for the purpose to be presently shown. In this invention the circuit-breaker E is so arranged as to work in connection with the circuit-shifters, to avoid the destruction or burning of the same heretofore so objectiona- tole in electro-magnetic apparatus. The rotating head B', Fig. 1, is composed of two separate helices, one placed on each end of the soft-iron bar B, (shown in Fig. 3,) having an outer and inner end of each helix- wire carried down and soldered to the tubular disk C, the other two ends of the helix-wire carried down and soldered to the opposite These helices and wires are generally inclosed in wood, and preferably in the form Fig. 6 is a perspective view of break-piece E and one of the shifter- - shown. This covering prevents the hum of rotation and the atmospheric resistance which occur when the magnet is not thus protected. The current flowing through the helices of the rotating head also flows through the outer helices D D', the same break-piece affecting the inner and outer helices, and working in connection with the disks or pole changers C C'. These disks are insulated from the spin- dle, in the usual way, by the introduction of paper or other non-conductor between them and the spindle. - The break-piece E, Fig. 5, is operated by the cam G on the lower end of the spindle, lifting this break-piece from the face F the in- stant the disks C C are in position to reverse the current in the rotating head. The disks or shifters to this engine for reversing the cur- rent are the same in principle as those of the well-known “Page electro-motor,” and gener- ally shown in works on physics; but the hitherto unavoidable destruction by burning of the disks is prevented by the break-piece E breaking the circuit the instant the current is ready to reverse on the inner helices H. H. This break-piece also entirely relieves the en- gine of magnetism while the rotating head is passing centers, then letting the whole cur- rent on as soon as the magnets have passed each other. When the break-piece is lifted by the cam G it checks the flow of current from the battery, causing the battery to suspend action, thus prolonging the life of the battery very considerably. This lifting - check also prevents any liability of the current “short- circuiting,” or finding a passage through both shifter-pads A and b, in every half-revolution of the spindle, by passing through one or both of the disks C C'. This arrangement also en- tirely prevents the destruction of these parts by burning which has heretofore been so troublesome, and makes the engine in this re- spect exceedingly durable. In building the revolving head of this en- gine, to which the driving-gear is attached, I insert the piece of round soft iron B half-way through the yoke, Fig. 2, soldering it firmly and at right angles with the axis coinciding with that of the spindle. The helices H. H. may be made of one wire, like that on the outer or U magnet D D'; but I prefer to wind 252 , switch e, to wire f then to helix D'. 2. 184,469 on each end of this iron cylinder Bseparate coils of copper wire H. H. Such independent coils appear to give better results than when made of one continuous wire. In winding these two separate coils I connect the ends of both coils to the disks C C, so that the current divides and runs through both coils in the same direction, co-operating, of course, to make one end of the magnet B positive and the other end negative alternately. The yoke I is made, preferably, of brass, with an open- ing large enough to admit and Secure the cy- lindrical bar B. A narrow cut, J, is extended from this central opening, through which the wires are passed before securing them to the disks C C. K., Fig. 4,-is a steel spindle, piv- oted at one end, and the other inserted in the stem L of the yoke. This stem L is grooved on opposite sides to receive the wires passing to the disks C C, as shown at O, Fig. 2. At G, on the spindle, is the small double cam shown in detail in Fig. 7. On the opposite or short end of the yoke is placed the main driv- ing-gear, secured to a steel box or bearing in- Serted in the end of the yoke, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The cam G, Fig. 7, is forged solid on the spindle, or otherwise secured, and has two opposite lugs for lifting the break- piece E from the conductor F as the spindle revolves. - The faces of the break-piece and conductor are furnished with flat disks, preferably of silver. These disks having appreciable area, the electric force remains distributed over the same at the moment contact is broken and re- newed; hence they are not liable to combus- tion by such rapid interruption of the current as in case of a point or edge contact, in which the electric force is concentrated to an inten- sity beyond the capacity of the metal to re- sist. The disk or face c is furnished with a small perforation, a, to prevent any atmos- pheric pressure, and also for ventilation. The shifter-pad b is shown in connection with this perforated disk in Fig. 6. I prefer making the helices of these en- gines of Square wire, as it makes a more com- pact helix than round wire, bringing the cur- rent nearer the axis of force. - - In the operation of the engine the current enters the cable M from the battery, passes to the conductor F, then to break-piece E, and to shifter-pad b; then through one disk, C, by wires to helices on both ends of the iron cyl- inder or magnet B simultaneously, and leaves the helices simultaneously by the other wires, and through the other disk, C, both helices co-operating to increase the magnetic power required. Thence the current enters the shifter-pad A, passes the wire d, through the It then leaves this helix by wire g, passes to switch h, wire k, to helix D; leaving this helix by wire l, passing Switch m, through cable P, to bat- tery. To reverse the engine the switches e h m are simply reversed from the position as- sumed above, and shown in Fig. 1 These engines are constructed to develop great power in a small compass, and one hav- ing a U-magnet four and a half inches by three and a half, or the size very nearly of the several parts shown in the drawings herewith presented, is sufficiently large to run the or- dinary sewing-machine for making all kinds of garments. I have found, by years of practice, that in order to secure greater power for heavier work, it is not well to increase the size of the engine greatly beyond these dimensions; but it is better to attach to the periphery of the gear on a shaft a number of these machines, thus securing any amount of driving-power. I propose at some future day to make ap- plication for a patent for the combination of a series of these small motors with a large drive-wheel, upon the periphery of which they are arranged to operate. Having thus described the nature of my in- vention, what I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is— 1. The combination of the yoke I and elec- tro magnet B, substantially as specified. 2. The combination of the yoke I and elec- tro-magnet with the spindle and pole-chang- ers, substantially as described. 3. The switch-board N, having switch-arms e, h, and m, in combination with the helices D. D' and rotating helices H. H., substantially as described. - 4. The combination, with a U-shaped elec- tro-magnet, of the separate helices H. H., in which the current is divided on the spindle, the two parts of the divided current running thence independently to the separate helices on the straight electro-magnet H H, whereby the power of the engine is increased, substan- tially as described. - 5. The yoke or axle I, consisting of spindle K, with cam G., pole-changers C C, stem L, and head, with driving-wheel, substantially as specified. 6. The break-piece E, in combination with the shifter-pads a and b, disks C C, and cam G, substantially as described. 7. The combination, with a U-shaped mag- net, of the shifter-pads A and b, break-piece E, and conductor F, substantially as specified. GEORGE F. GREEN. Witnesses: JAMES M. DAVIS, JOHN H. DEAN. 253 W. E. S.A. W. YER. - ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ENGINE. No. 191,781. Pat ented June 12, 1877. 2% \ _& % Zºº. 3 ſ % ſº- º > *%, Azzezzoz. º &/ºzaa” &c., * 25.4 WILLIAM E. SAWYER, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. | M. PROVEMENT IN E LEC TRO - MAGNET || C E N G | NES. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 191,781, dated June 12, 1877; application filed - March 26, 1877. To a 77 whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM EDWARD SAWYER, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Electro-Magnetic En- gines, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description. My improvement relates to an arrangement of the electro-magnets in relation to their ar. matures, whereby short, but extremely power- ful, electro-magnets are caused, through the close proximity of their poles, to act in an in- tense magnetic field upon relatively short armatures, which, passing before the poles of the magnets in the line of an arc extending from pole to pole of the same, present a con- stant succession of homogeneous armatures without intervals of separation between any two consecutive armatures; and in the con- struction of an iron drum, having numerous projections upon its inner periphery, any two of which, together with the portion of the drum intervening between them, form an arma- ture for the magnets; and in the combination of a drum having projections with a mag- net or magnets, the distance between whose poles is the distance between any two of the projections on the drum. • In the drawings accompanying and forming a part of this specification, Figures 1 and 2 are end views, and Fig. 3 is a sectional top view, of the motor. A is a cast-iron drum or barrel, having a foot-piece to hold it in position when the drum is stationary, as is the case in the form shown. | When it is desired to revolve the drum, the foot-piece is omitted, the shaft D of the mag- nets then being stationary. Upon the inner periphery of the drum are nine projections, B, each one running longi- tudinally through the drum, although any number of these projections may be employed. I prefer to cast the drum and projections in a single piece. Malleable-iron castings, or castings of the iron employed in the production of Bessemer steel when it has arrived at that point at and before which carbon is added to the molten mass, best answer the purpose; but ordinary cast-iron may be employed. I may, however, employ wrought-iron in the construction of the drum, which may be made in sections, the preference being given to the solid mass. The limbs of the two magnets c e o c I pre- fer, as shown, to be welded to back-piece C; but I may construct them of plates of iron bolted to the back-piece. To increase the magnetic effect, each limb may consist of several thin plates of iron, bolted together and to the back-piece. The magnets may be cast of the malleable or the Bessemer iron, as hereinbefore men-- tioned, any tendency to polarization being cor- rected by occasional or alternate reversals of the battery-current in the helices of the mag- nets by means of a commutator or otherwise; but I greatly prefer to construct them of wrought-iron. In very large motors it may be inconvenient or impossible to employ a single back-piece for two magnets, in which case the back-pieces of each magnet may be bolted to or form a part of the exterior periphery of an iron drum; or they may be bolted to flanges fixed to the Shaft. - Through the back-piece C of the two mag- nets runs the shaft D, having its bearings in the cross-pieces E, which are bolted to oppo- site sides of the drum. The interior of the drum is bored out, so that the faces of the projections B form segments’ of a true circle. The pole ends of the magnets are also turned off, so that their faces form segments of a true circle slightly less in diameter than that of the faces of the projections B. The magnets are alternately charged with electricity. When one is charged, the mag- netic circuit is formed from one of its poles through a projection, B, and thence through the circumferential mass of the drum to the next projection B and the other pole of the magnet. The magnet is thus drawn up to and opposite two of the projections B, as shown in Fig. 1. Each pole of the magnet on the opposite side of the shaft is then directly be: tween two of the projections B, The current of electricity is removed from the first magnet and put into the second, when the motion of revolution carries the second magnet a little Over the center of the distance between two projections, and the action recorded in the first instance is repeated, the current in the second 2 magnet being removed so soon as it arrives opposite its two projections, B, and restored to the first, and so on indefinitely, whereby continuous rotary motion of the magnets and their shaft is maintained. It is thus apparent that any two of the projections B, together with that portion of the drum which is be- tween them, constitute an armature for the magnets. It is also apparent, first, that the projections B may be brought very near to: gether, forming very shortarmatures; second, that in the construction of electro-magnets shown it is possible to bring their poles very close together, with the same quantity of wire in the helices that, if wound upon a cylinder of iron containing the same mass of metal, as in ordinary magnets, would greatly separate the poles; third, that the closer the poles of the magnets to each other the more powerful is the action upon their armature; fourth, that the shorter the magnets the quicker and the more intense their action; and, fifth, that, as I combine with a short armature of considera- ble mass a short magnet whose poles are very close together, I obtain greater power, greater intensity of action, and greater speed of charge and discharge of the magnet than have here- tofore been accomplished in electro-magnetic engines. To charge the magnets properly, I employ a commutator, F G, constructed as follows: Two metal disks are cut with as many teeth as there are projections on the drum. I pre- fer that the space between two teeth shall be equal to the face of each tooth; but the space may be slightly in excess. These disks, slightly separated, are fixed to an insulating-hub, b, so that the teeth on one disk come opposite the spaces on the other. The teeth of the two disks F and G are indicated by the white di- visions, Fig. 3. The spaces between the teeth may be filled in with an insulating substance, if desired. - To these disks, thus insulated from each other and from the shaft D, are connected the helices of the magnets, as follows: One end of the wire composing the helices of the lower magnet, Fig. 1, is connected to the shaft or metal of the magnet; the other end of the wire is connected to the disk G. One end of the wire composing the helices of the upper magnet is in like manner connected to the shaft or metal of the magnet, the other end of the wire being connected to the disk F. A metal roller H, wide enough to overlap the distance between the two disks, is held to a bearing upon the disks by an insulated spring, I, or equivalent device. One pole of the bat- tery (not shown) is connected to the shaft D through the drum and cross-piece E, the other pole being connected to the spring I. It is obvious that as the roller H bears upon a tooth of disk G the lower magnet is charged by the battery; but as it leaves that tooth the battery is removed from the lower magnet, and, by the bearing of the roller upon the succeeding tooth of disk F, it is directed - 191,781 through the helices of the upper magnet. To guard against accidents, which might result from carelessness while the magnets are swing- ing round, the ends of the drum may be en- tirely covered with wood or metal, leaving only the ends of shaft D exposed. By moving the spring I backward or for- ward, thus changing the position of the roller H upon the disks FG, not only may the speed of revolution be regulated, but the direction of revolution may be reversed; and where it is desired to so regulate or reverse, the spring may be attached to any convenient form of lever workable by hand or foot. In applying my engine to the running of machinery, I transfer its power by crank, pul- ley, or gearing attached to the motor-shaft. In engines constructed upon the principle of my invention it is possible to obtain very considerable powers with comparative econo- my of construction and operation. In all other forms of electro-motors it has been neo- essary, in order to obtain considerable powers, either to employ a great number of small mag- nets, rendering the machinery very costly, or to employ long and large magnets, which, be- sides requiring extremely powerful batteriesin their operation, charge and discharge too slow- ly for almost any practical purpose. In my invention, however powerful the engine is de- signed to be, short magnets are retained, their power being increased not by lengthening the mass of iron forming the connection from pole to pole, but in transversely lengthening the plates composing the limbs of the magnets. Thus the charging and discharging of the limbs of large magnets is effected as rapidly as the charging and discharging of limbs of less transverse length, provided that the limbs in both cases Shall be of the same thickness and the same length from pole to pole. Increase of power is thus obtained without loss in speed. The drum may be of any diameter, and, within reasonable bounds, of any length. Although in small power motors, for eco- nomical reasons, I employ but two magnets, where greater powers are required a greater number of magnets is necessitated, and these are arranged one to follow another. I do not, therefore, limit myself in the number of the magnets, or the diameter or length of the drum. - It is obvious that the drum, instead of the magnets, may be revolved, the drum then . forming a pulley; or that the projections form- ing the armatures may be upon the exterior periphery of the drum, and the magnets out- side the drum, instead of as shown in the drawings, the form shown being preferable on account of its compactness, ease of moving, transportation, &c. It is further obvious that the electro-mag- netic engine of my invention is applicable to all kinds of machinery requiring for its op- eration a power within its scope. In applying it to sewing-machines, I combine with it a friction-clutch, worked by the foot of the oper- 256 19 2,781 - 3 ator, for the purposes of controlling and reg- ulating speed. For pumping purposes, I fix to the motor- shaft a pinion meshing into a gear from which the pump is worked, whereby a slow and pow- erful motion of the plunger is obtained. For the propelling of boats, Ieither continue the motor-shaft to the propeller, or gear from the motor to the propeller-shaft. Having thus fully described my invention, what I claim as such, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is— 1. In an electro-magnetic engine, a fixed or revolving drum, provided with projections circumferentially equidistant, any adjoining two of which, together with that portion of the circumferential mass of the drum which is between such two projections, forms the arma- ture of an electro - magnet, substantially as shown and described. 2. In an electro-magnetic engine, the com- bination, with an electro-magnet whose poles consist of elongated edges running parallel to each other, of an armature whose ends consist of elongated projections running parallel to each other, and also to the elongated poles of the magnet, the distance between the projec- tions of the armature being the distance be- tween the poles of the magnet, as and for the purpose specified. - - 3. In an electro-magnetic engine, the ar- rangement of an electro-magnet with relation to a drum or barrel provided with circumfer- entially-equidistant projections, any adjoining two of which, together with the circumferen- tial mass of iron between them, constitute an armature, whereby the action of the magnet is such as to cause one of its poles to precede the other in the direction of its revolution, substantially as shown and described. WILLIAM EDWARD SAWYER. Witnesses: JAS. G. SMITH, CHANDLER HALL. 257 2 Sheets—Sheet 1. C. F. B.R. US H. Dynamo-Electric Machine, No. 217,677. Patented July 22, 1879. WITNESSES INVENTOR £2.2/Cáz. 3, 13~2%. ~%.72-73, ca 4% ſº 258 2 Sheets—Sheet 2. C. F. B.R. US H. Dynamo-Electric Machine, Patented July 22, 1879. º-º No. 217,677. # - -- É l É º i. # º - ---- # º -> Cºa. º. |NVENTOR CŞa &aaº Sºv, a tºy. ATTORNEYS. WITNESSES º 259 * UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES F. BRUSH, OF CIEVELAND, OHIO. | MPROVEMENT IN DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 217,677, dated July 22, 1879; application filed March 11, 1878. To a/Z whom it may concern: Be it known that I, CHARLES F. BRUSH, of Cleveland, in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines; and I do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it pertains to make and use it, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, which form part of this specification. Myinvention relates to dynamo-electric ma- chines, and has for its object the maintenance in such machines of a “magnetic field” while the machine is running, whether the external circuit is closed or open. In dynamo-electric machines as ordinarily constructed, no magnetic field is maintained when the external circuit is open, except that due to residual magnetism; hence the electro- motive force developed by the machine in this condition is very feeble. It is only when the external circuit is closed through a resistance not too large that powerful currents are de- veloped, owing to the strong magnetic field produced by the circulation of the currents themselves around the field-magnets. Such machines are not well adapted to certain kinds of work, notably that of electroplating. For this purpose a machine arranged to do a large quantity of work at one operation may fail en- tirely to do a small quantity, because of the comparatively high external resistance in- Volved in the latter case and the low electro- motive force of the machine at the start. Again, it is well known that during the pro- cess of electroplating, a very considerable elec- tro-motive force is developed in the plating- bath in a direction opposed to the current from the dynamo-electric machine. If, now, the cur- rent from the machine is momentarily weak- ened, by accident or otherwise, its magnetic field, and consequently its electro-motive force, are correspondingly reduced. If the latter falls below the opposing electro-motive force of the bath, it will be overcome by it, and the machine will have the direction of its current reversed. This accident often happens with plating-machines, and is a source of much annoyance. It will now be obvious that if even a moderately-strong magnetic field be constantly maintained within the machine, both of the above-described difficulties will be eliminated. Other useful applications of a “permanent-field” machine will readily sug- gest themselves. I attain my object by diverting from exter- nal work a portion of the current of the ma- chine, and using it, either alone or in connec- tion with the rest of the current, for working the field-magnets. I prefer the latter plan of the two just above mentioned, especially for electroplating-machines. If, now, the exter- nal circuit be broken entirely, the magnetic field will in the formere plan just mentioned remain unimpaired, and in the latter plan will remain sufficiently strong to effect the desired end. In applying my invention to dynamo-elec- tric machines, I wind the cores of the field- magnets with a suitable quantity of compara- tively fine wire having a high resistance in comparison with that of the external circuit and the rest of the wire on the machine. The ends of this wire are so connected with other parts of the machine that when the latter is running a current of electricity constantly cir- culates in said wire, whether the external cir- cuit be closed or not. The high resistance of this wire prevents the passage through it of more than a small proportion of the whole cur- rent capable of being evolved by the machine; therefore the available external current is not materially lessened. When this device, which I have called a “teaser,” is used in connection With field-magnets, also wound with coarse wire, as shown in Figure 1 of the drawings, for the purpose of still further increasing the mag- nectic field by employing the main current for this purpose, in the usual manner, then the “teaser” may be so arranged that the current which passes through it will also circulate in the coarse wire, thus increasing the efficiency of the device. This arrangement, illustrating one of the most common applications of my in- vention, is shown in Fig. 1 of the drawings. Instead of the teaser and helix F being con- structed from wire of differentgages, thesize of wire may be alike in both, or the teaser-wire may be coarser than the principal magnet- wire; but in these cases the waste of current through the teaser would be excessive, leav- | ing comparatively little for use in the exter- nal circuit, | | 260 2 217,677. Instead of the magnet being surrounded with both teaser and ordinary helix F, the latter may be omitted, and the teaser increased in gage and length (thus still maintaining its high re- sistance) until it will of itself maintain suffi- cient magnetic field. This modified form of machine is shown in Fig. 5 of the drawings. I will now proceed to describe the construc- tion of one or more forms of device embody- ing my invention. - In the drawings, Fig. 1 represents in plan view a portion of a dynamo-electric machine, showing one of its magnetic helices partially wound and so arranged as to exhibit the teaser and helix F, also to show one form of arrang- ing the currents of the teaser and main wire. Fig. 2 is the same, showing, however, a modi- fied arrangement of the currents of teaser and main wire. Fig. 3 shows a modified method of applying the teaser by wrapping it upon the outside of the main helix instead of within it, as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 4 shows another modified form of teaser, where it may be Wrapped around the magnet alongside and independent of the main helix. Fig. 5 shows another modified form of my device, in which the main helix F is omitted, and the magnet clothed only with the teaser. Fig. 6 shows still another modification of my invention, wherein the teaser does not surround the mag- net-cores at all. A A represent the base and standards of a dynamo-electric machine. A' A' are the bearings in which revolves the shaft that carries the armature and commu- tator-cylinder. - B is one arm of a field-magnet, of which said magnets there are two in such a machine as here shown—one upon either side of the re- volving armature. C C' are metallic brushes for collecting the current from the commutator-cylinder, and conducting the same down through their sup- ports Cº. to suitable connections, where it is disposed of according to the arrangement of the circuits. D D’ are binding-posts, representing the positive and negative poles of the machine, from which proceed the wires or other con- ductors for conveying said current to the place of its application. E represents the teaser, already sufficiently described, so far as the principles of its appli- cation and operation are concerned. It there- fore only remains to explain a few of various modifications in the manner of applying said teaser and the arrangement of the currents. As shown in Fig. 1 of the drawings, the teaser E is first wrapped, say, in two courses around the core of the magnet B, and the main helix- wire F is wound outside and independent of the teaser. One end of the teaser-wire is con- nected with the binding-post D and brush C, and the other with the post D’. The main helix-wire F passes from the post D’, to which it is connected, to the magnet-core, around which it forms a helix, and, finally, connects with the brush C’. Thus arranged, the current will be as follows while the external circuit is closed: Tracing it from brush C, it divides itself between the external circuit and the teaser inversely as their respective resistances, and again uniting into an undivided current at the post D’, it passes on through the helix F to the brush C’. If, now, the external circuit be opened, the reduced current consequently evolved by the machine will take the following course, by which it will be clearly perceived how in such case a permanent magnetic field is maintained. (The same conditions would obtain if the ma- chine were to be originally started on an open external circuit.) Tracing, now, the current from the brush C, it passes through the teaser E, around its helical portion, down to bind- ing-post D', where it meets the wire F of the main helix, through which it passes again around the magnet, and finally to the brush C'. This arrangement of circuits, as shown in Fig. 1, while for many purposes preferable, on account of the increased amount of cur- rent convolutions passed around the magnets, is not the only one that will prove effective in carrying out and embodying my said inven- tion. Such an arrangement of currents as shown in Fig. 2 will serve an operative pur- pose. In this form the teaser E, instead of con- necting with the wire F at the binding-post D', as hereinbefore specified, takes the following course: Commencing, say, at its connection with the brush C and post D, it proceeds to de- Scribe a helix around the magnet, and then terminates in its connection with the brush C’. It is not at all essential that the teaser be wrapped around the magnet underneath the wire F. A variety of methods would be equally as operative as the above, among which may be mentioned that illustrated in Fig. 3 of the drawings, where the teaser is wrapped outside of the helix F; also, that shown in Fig. 4, where the teaser is Wrapped alongside the helix F, forming a separate and independent Section or helix. Fig. 5 of the drawings is designed to show the arrangement of the current When the Wire F is omitted, as hereinbefore described, in which case the magnets are Wound only with the teaser. Fig. 6 of the drawings is designed to show the arrangement of parts and direction of cur- rent when the teaser-wire E does not surround a magnet-core, but merely serves to join, through a high resistance, the positive and negative poles D D' of the machine. In this case the teaser-wire need not necessarily form a helix, but may be disposed of in any con- venient manner, either within the machine or exterior to it. The direction of the current through the several parts of the apparatus is the same as described in connection with Fig. 1 of the drawings, and the effect produced is the same, but less in degree, since the mag- 261 217,677 3 netizing power of the helix F only is brought into action, instead of that of both helices, F and E, as in the former case. It should be distinctly understood that I do not limit my invention to the form adaptable to any particular dynamo-electric machine, inasmuch as it is susceptible of a variety of modifications, whereby it may be applied to devices of various constructions without any material departure from its spirit and intent, or the essential principles of its construction and operation. The forms in which I have here chosen to demonstrate it are those best applicable to such a dynamo-electric machine as shown in United States Patent No. 189,997, granted to me April 24, 1877. What I claim is— 1. In a dynamo-electric machine, the wire or helix E, having a comparatively high re- sistance and kept constantly in closed circuit while the machine is running, in combination with the magnet-wire or helix F, as commonly employed. 2. In a dynamo-electric machine in which the coils around the field-of-force electro-mag- nets are included in the main or operative cir- cuits, the combination of such main circuit with a constantly-closed differential circuit of prescribed resistance, for the purpose of main- taining the flow of the current through the coils surrounding the electro-magnets in the machine when the main or operative (exter- nal) circuit is broken, substantially as shown. In testimony whereof Ihave signed my name to this specification in the presence of two Sub- scribing witnesses. CHARLES F. BRUSH. Witnesses: LEVERETT L. LEGGETT, JNO. CROWELL, Jr. 262 2 Sheets—Sheet 1. H. S. MAXIM. Dynamo-Electric Machine. No. 228,543. Patented June 8, 1880. F'.}. 7. 2.* w) ºt- ſ ~ ~ haventor ;— itnesses;- *º- 2%d. Joſanº. N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 263 2 Sheets—Sheet 2. H. S. MAXIM, Dynamo-Electric Machine No. 228,543. Patented June 8, 1880. 2.4 d *~ \ * || || 20 2.2. D 13 J) 3.3 | - 3.4 /6 jh 1S J3. C}} , & Cº.)b /5 J) | | I] — Z Fi; 3. 17 E-H-4– T T 6 7 º, E= Af & A A 3 SS Q | (O)I. I. 2. SQ-1}_º jø 11 Witnesses;- }nventor;- zºº 2%ueu º v/a/a, N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 264 A. J O I 5 2O 25 3O 35 4O 45 50 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HIRAM. S. MAXIM, OF BROOKLYN, ASSIGNOR TO SPENCER D. SCHUYLER, OF - NEW YORK, N. Y. DYNAMO - ELECTRIC MAC H IN E. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 228,543, dated June 8, 1880. Application filed February 20, 1880. To a/Z whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, HIRAM. S. MAXIM, of the city of Brooklyn, county of Kings, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Dynamo-Electric Machines, of which the following is a specifi- cation, reference being had to the accompany- ing drawings, forming a part thereof. My invention relates more particularly to a device for regulating such machines in respect to the amount of electricity generated, so as to render the electro-motive force of the current constant at each point of consumption. Dynamo-electric machines, as they have usually been constructed heretofore, have had no means of regulating the current, and this has constituted a serious objection to their use for many purposes to which electricity is ap- plied. Where the current is all used in a sin- gle circuit and for a single purpose such ma- chineshave served the purposereasonably well; but they do not answer where many branches from a common circuit are used and each re- quires a definite and constant amount of cur- rent, as in plating, telegraphing, and those systems of electric lighting where many lamps are worked in branches of the main circuit. In plating fine goods much difficulty has been experienced from changes of polarity, as well as variations of quantity and intensity of the current, even where a single bath has been used in a circuit. The electricity generated in the bath itself by the operation of plating is Sometimes sufficient to overcome the force of the field-magnets of the machine upon any slacking of speed of the machine, and reverse the current, and the removal of a part of the articles in course of plating frequently injures the remainder by causing too rapid a deposi- tion of metal upon them. It is extremely desirable in plating, teleg- raphy, electric lighting, and other applica- tions of electricity, to generate a large current at a single central point and distribute it, much as water and gas are distributed, by mains and branches, in such a manner that the electro- motive force of the current shall not vary at any point of consumption, however much its consumption may fluctuate, Devices of various forms have been used for varying the resistance in the circuitto compen- (Model.) sate for changes of strength in the current and for diverting a part of the current upon its in- creasing beyond its normal strength; but these systems of regulation involve great waste of 55 power, and the devices employed are not suf- ficiently sensitive to fluctuations in the current to act efficiently. Where increased resistance is thrown into the main circuit to compensate for a lamp or branch removed, it is obvious 60 that the power consumed in generating the current remains the same, whether many lamps or branches, or only one or two, are in use, and the power represented by the lamps or branches not in use is wasted. - It is obvious that the regulating device should be applied to the source of supply rather than to the current after it is generated; and it is the object of my present invention to provide a regulator orgovernor for the dynamo- 70 machine, that shall automatically control the generation of the current, so as to make the amount of electricity generated at all times equal to the amount required for use, without appreciable variation of intensity. I contem- 75 plate applying this system of regulation in a variety of ways; but my present invention re- lates particularly to using an auxiliary machine to excite the main field-magnets, and turning the brushes of the auxiliary machine toward 80 and from the neutral points of their commu- tator by mechanism automatically controlled by a sensitive electro-magnet in a branch of the main circuit. In the drawings, Figure 1 is a plan of the 85 top of my machine. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal vertical section cut near the center. Fig. 3 shows the arrangement and connection of the wires. Fig. 4 shows the positions of the com- mutator-brushes of the exciting-machine. A. A. A. are electro-magnets, forming the magnetic field of the main machine. The three on the left, as shown in Fig. 3, have their South poles attached to a curved piece of iron which goes nearly half around the armature, 95 and the three on the right have their north poles attached to a similar piece of iron dia- metrically opposite. B is an armature carry- 65 9C ing coils of insulated wire arranged in any of the usual methods and revolving between the 100 field-magnets A A. A. C is the commutator It conveys the current of the main machine. 26 5 IO I5 2O 25 3O 35 4O 5O 55 *O 65 2 generated by the revolution of the armature B through proper connections to the conduct- ors 20 and 24. The main field-magnets are not in the main circuit, but are excited by the smaller or aux- iliary machine, of which D D are the field- magnets, and E is the armature. F is the commutator of the auxiliary ma- chine. G G are the brush-holders, and H. H. are the brushes. - II are arms carrying the brush-holders G G, and affixed to a sleeve surrounding the Shaft of the machine. J is a toothed Sector affixed to the same sleeve and engaging with the bevel-gear K. - I, L is a double disk or wheel mounted upon the shaft M, which carries the gear K. It is attached to the shaft so as to turn with it, but is free to move vertically upon it a short distance. N is a wheel mounted upon the shaft Q, and revolving between the edges of the disks LL, so that either of them may be made to engage with it. The shaft Q is mounted in the bear- ings O O, and is revolved continuously in the same direction by the pulleys P and j and the band k. - - R is a lever controlling the vertical posi- tion of the disks L. L. T is a strong electro-magnet in the circuit of the auxiliary machine, and S is its armature. U is a Spring applied to push up the arma- ture end of the lever R, and V is its adjusting- SCrew. - h is an electro-magnet of high resistance, placed in a branch of the main conductors, and i is its armature. - - Z is a lever carrying the armature i, and having a spring, a, to balance the pull of the magnet h. The operation of the machine is as follows: Upon the revolution of the shaft the auxiliary machine, the circuit of which is always closed, generates a current of electricity, which passes through the main field-magnets, through the shunt 17 18, or the magnet T, according as the shunt is open or closed, and finally through the field-magnets of the auxiliary machine, as shown in Fig. 3. When the shunt 17 18 is open the path of the current is from 1 to 6, inclusive, in the order of the numbers; but when the shunt is closed the magnet T is cut out, and the current follows 17 18 instead of 5 6 7. The opening and closing of the shunt are ef. fected by the magnet h, with its armature and lever, placed in the branch 20 21 22 of the main circuit 2024. The position of the shunt obviously determines the magnetic condition of T, and consequently the position of the ar- mature S. The lever R is so arranged that when the armature S is depressed the lower disk L is brought into contact with the fric- tion-wheel N, and when S is raised the upper disk L engages with N. The brush-holders G G are so arranged with reference to the sector J that when the lower - 228,543 disk engages with N the brushes will be turned toward the position shown in the dotted lines in Fig. 4, while, with the upper disk in contact, they will be turned toward the position shown by the full lines in the same figure. A stop, (D', in Fig. 2,) prevents the sector from turn- ing far enough to unmesh the gearing. There are two vertical points, diametrically opposite to each other on the commutator, where the brushes receive no current from the machine. It is convenient to designate these as the neu- tral points of the commutator, although they correspond to the magnetic poles of the arma- ture. The position of the brushes when at such neutral points of the commutator is rep- resented by the dotted lines in Fig. 4. At or about ninety degrees from these are two points where the current of greatest power will pass to the brushes. These are shown by the full lines in Fig. 4. Between these the current va- ries from zero up to its greatest power, and while the machine is running at uniform speed its current may be increased or diminished at will by changing the position of the commu- tator-brushes. It is evident that the magnet h effectually controls the amount of current generated by the main machine by shifting the commuta- tor-brushes of the auxiliary machine, for the amount of electricity generated by the main machine depends upon the degree of excite- ment of its field-magnets by the current of the auxiliary machine, and that depends upon the position of its commutator-brushes. - The magnet T is made of low resistance, so as not to weaken the current of the auxiliary machine too much; but the magnet his made of high resistance, both to prevent any con- siderable part of the main current from pass- ing through it and to render it very sensitive to fluctuations in the strength of the main cir- cuit. The lever Z is mounted, like a scale-beam, upon knife-edge supports, and its vibrations are kept within narrow limits by means of the Screws X and Y. To make an electrical connection between the lever Z and the conductor v, I use a cup of mercury and a pendant of iron directly under the center of the lever, as this does not throw 7O 75 8C 85 90 95 IOO I IO II 5 the lever out of balance or require any appre- ciable power to move it. One connection of the shunt is carried to the cup of mercury through the conductor v, and the other to the set-screw X through the conductor p and the post d, so that the shunt is closed when the lever Z is raised. - The tension of the spring a is so adjusted, by means of its adjusting-screw b, that it ex- actly balances the pull of h when a current of normal strength is passing, and the machine is then self-adjusting to any fluctuations of consumption of the current. The adjustment of the spring a determines the normal inten- sity of the current. - The particular form of the parts shown is not essential, and it is obvious that various I 2G) I 25 1 3C sº 266 228,543 adjustable devices other than the spring a and lever Z may be used for balancing the pull of the magnet h. - When branches are put in between the 5 main conductors, or the work of the main cir- cuit is otherwise increased, the current is mo- mentarily weakened very slightly, the pull of A the magnet his diminished, and the spring a ! draws down its end of the lever and opens the Io shunt. The magnet T being excited, throws the lower disk L into gear, and revolves the brushes G G toward the point of maximum current on the commutator, and the current is strengthened until equilibrium is again es- 15 tablished between the magnet h and the spring a. When the Work of the main circuit is di- minished the reverse operation takes place. This device is very sensitive to variations of strength in the main circuit, and it acts at 20 once with great efficiency to increase or de- crease the amount of electricity generated; for at the first operation of opening the shunt the magnet T is thrown into the auxiliary circuit, and weakens it by increasing the re- 25 sistance, and the rapid revolution of the brushes toward the neutral points still fur- ther weakens the auxiliary circuit. This not only directly decreases the power of the main field-magnets, but reacts upon the auxiliary * field-magnets to still further weaken the aux- iliary circuit and the main field. Upon clos- ing the shunt corresponding increments are accumulated. The electro - motive force of the current at any point of consumption is 35 thus kept constant by causing the machine to generate precisely the amount required for use. Accidental changes of polarity in the main circuit are obviously impossible, as the mag- netic field of the main machine is independent 40 of the main circuit. It is obvious that the essential features of the regulating device above described are the automatic revolution of the brushes of the auxiliary machine relatively to the maximum 45 and neutral points of its commutator, and the automatic control of the direction of such rev- olution by the magnet h or its equivalent, acted upon by the main circuit. - The particular arrangement of the toothed º, Sector, friction-wheels, and magnet which I have described as used for revolving the brushes is not essential, as various other me- chanical devices may be used, under control of the magnet h, for imparting a reversible re- 55 volving movement to the brushes, and I do not wish to be limited to the particular device shown. - Other devices may also be used in place of the magnet h for opening and closing the 60 shunt—as, for instance, a metallic rod expand- ing and contracting according as more or less heat is imparted to it by the main current; but I prefer the electro-magnet on account of its greater sensitiveness to changes in the 65 strength of the current. I am aware that regulators of various forms have been applied to an electrical circuit, con- sisting of shunts or resistance-coils operated by the heating effects of the current upon a strip of metal placed in the circuit, or some equivalent device; but such regulators are fundamentally different from the regulator I have described above, for they are designed to throttle or partially divert a current al- ready generated, while my regulator operates directly upon the source of supply. I do not claim, however, the use of an aux- iliary machine for exciting the field-magnets of the main machine independently of the reg- ulating device; but, - Having described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is— - 1. The combination of a dynamo - electric machine and a similar auxiliary machine, used for exciting the main field-magnets, with com- mutator-brushes mounted so as to turn freely and revolving automatically relatively to the points of maximum and minimum current on the commutator of the auxiliary machine in response to variations of tension in the main current, substantially as described. 2. A dynamo - electric machine having its field-magnets excited by a similar auxiliary machine, in combination with mechanism for revolving the commutator - brushes of the auxiliary machine to and from the neutral points of its commutator, and an electro-mag- net for controlling the direction of such revo- lution, which magnet is thrown into and out of an electrical circuit by a shunt operated by an electro - magnet in the main circuit or a branch thereof, substantially as described. 3. The sector J, carrying the brushes H. H., in combination with the pinion K, the mova- ble disks L. L., and the friction-wheel N, the said wheel N revolving continuously in the same direction, substantially as described, and for the purposes set forth. 4. The combination of the electro - magnet h with the electro-magnet T, the said magnet h being of high resistance and placed in a branch of the main circuit, and its armature- lever controlling the admission of an elec- trical current to the magnet T, and the said magnet T being of low resistance and operat- ing mechanism for increasing and diminish- ing the amount of electricity generated by the main dynamo-electric machine, substantially as described. 5. The combination, in a dynamo - electric machine, of the electro-magnet h and adjust- able spring a, or equivalent device, for regu- lating the normal tension of the current, with commutator - brushes revolved automatically to and from the points of maximum current on the commutator by mechanism controlled by said electro-magnet, substantially as de- Scribed. - - HIRAM. S. MAXIM. witnesses: A. B. FAIRCHILD, L. E. CURTIS. 7O 75 8o 85 90 95 IOO I O 5 I I5 I 20 I 25 267 (No Model.) 2. Sheets—Sheet 1. S. D. FIELD. Propelling Cars by Electricity. No. 229,991. Patented July 13, 1880. [T] Zºzºz Z Lº J ſº§ *... N ºn N N §s 2 P £: WITJWESSES - 7777777777777-7777.7 p.W.7°EN'TOR a - 2%%ex. Z). zzez %, a 4.2% r By hº Attorneys. N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. 268 (No Model.) 2. Sheets—Sheet, 2. S, D, FIELD. Propelling Cars by Electricity. No. 229,991. Patented July 13, 1880. F-E- --- r--T-1-1-- - - - - - IT! Viz; #### Jº × / / / z / z … / / / / z / / z z z z / / / / / / / - / &/- / / / / &/T / - / / / / w / / I / º - + Zºº. 6. - == H - |_ _ZºZT º § `-- N º - Zº ~! º Twº ºn .2 - - § _Z3 % §%|E| 2" §§ WITJy. ESSES I W 7°E WTOR 2%22, Ø % 24 - AS462/.ez Z, Z'zezcz. By Jºzº Attorneys O zóż, 26 &M2– *\!-- (*~ L N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. 269 i O IS 25 35 40 45 50 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. STEPHEN D. FIELD, O F NEW YORK, N. Y. PROPELLING CARS BY ELECTRICITY, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 229,991, dated July 13, 1880. - Application filed June 9, 1880. (No model.) - To all whom it may concern: - Be it known that I, STEPHEN DUDLEY FIELD, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Propelling Railway-Cars by Electro-Magnetism, which improvements are fully set forth in the following specification, reference being had to the accompanying draw- ings. Myinvention consists, generally, in a method of and apparatus for propelling a railway car or cars along a track by means of an electro- magnetic motor mounted upon such car, and haying its axis mechanically connected with the wheels thereof by means of suitable gear- ing or belts, and in supplying the necessary electric power to operate said motor by means of one or more stationary electric generators placed at suitable distances along and near to the line of the railway, which generators trans- mit powerful currents of electricity through suitable positive and negative conductors prop- erly insulated from each other, and extending along the line of the railway and parallel there- to, which currents act as a medium for the transmission of mechanical power from one or more such stationary motors to the traveling motor which directly acts to propel the car. To this end my invention consists in provid- ing the electro-magnetic motor which propels the car with a movable or shifting commuta- tor, by which the rotation of the said motor may be controlled, arrested, or reversed at pleasure. It further consists in making use of a con- tinuous hollow chamber having an insulated electrical conductor extended within it, and alongitudinal slot, so as to permit the entrance into it of a traveling arm, for the purpose of effecting electrical contact between the mov. ing car and the conductor within the chamber, and in providing the chamber with suitable tubes, whereby steam, hot water, or hot air may beforced through it for the purpose of pre- venting accumulations of ice and snow therein. It further consists in constructing the said chamber in such a manner that its exterior portion may serve also as one of the rails of the track. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of a railway-car and its electro- motor. Fig. 2 is a vertical transverse section of the same and of the track upon which it runs. Fig. 3 is a vertical longitudinal section of the same. Fig. 4 is a detached view, show- ing one method of forming a connection be- tween the traveling car and the stationary con- ductors. Fig. 5 shows the manner of electri- cally connecting the generating apparatus with the track and insulated conductor ex- tending along the line of the railway; and Fig. 6 shows a modification of my invention, in which the hollow chamber inclosing the insu- lated conductor is combined with or forms a part of one of the rails of the track. My invention is designed and adapted more particularly for the propulsion of street-rail- way cars for the accommodation of the local passenger traffic of cities and towns, although I remark that it may in many instances be em- ployed with advantage underother conditions, some of which will be hereinafter set forth. In the drawings I have shown my invention as adapted to the conditions of ordinary street. traffic upon surface railways incities and towns. In carrying out my invention it is necessary to provide two electric conductors of sufficient capacity extending the whole length of the railway, or, in case the latter is of considerable length, it may with advantage be operated in separate sections detached from each other, and with their terminal points in close prox- imity. The conductors must be parallel with the track, and must be insulated one from the other, and, in addition, one of them at least must be insulated from the earth. These con- ditions may be fulfilled in a practically conven- ient and economical manner by making use of one or both rails of the track itself as one. of the required conductors. In order to do this it is only necessary to establish a good conducting-connection between the ends of the successive abutting rails in line with each other, and this may be effected by riveting or otherwise securing a metallic bar, strap, or rod to the respective rails on each side of every joint, as I have found the ordinary joint-fast- enings to be in most cases insufficient for this purpose. The remaining conductor consists of a suit- able metallic bar, rod, or strip extending par- allel with the rails throughout the length of the track or section thereof which is to be operated. 55 65 7o 75 8o 85 90 95 foo Under some conditions it would be sufficient 270 5 IO I 5 2O 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6o 65 to support this conductor upon suitable insu- lating blocks or pedestals fixed upon the sleep- ers and projecting above them, either between the ordinary rails or outside of them, as might be found most convenient. When, however, the track is required to be laid in the streets and roadways of cities and towns, thisarrange- ment would be objectionable, inasmuch as it would necessarily project above the surface of the roadway and form a serious obstruction to the passage of ordinary vehicles. One method which I have invented of ful- filling the required conditions and of over- coming the objections stated is shown in Fig. 6 of the drawings, in which A represents the pavement of a street or roadway. B repre- sents one rail of the track, which may be laid upon and secured to a longitudinal sleeper, b, in the ordinary manner, and the latter may, in turn, be supported by cross-ties C. The other rail of the track, B', is laid upon and secured to a hollow iron girder, D, which has a longitudi. nal slot, d, through its top, extending its whole length. Parallel with the rail B', and, by pref. erence, directly beneath it, is a metallic bar, rod, or strap, E, which is placed in the cham- ber within the hollow girder D and secured to its upper side, and at the same time insu- lated therefrom, as best seen in Fig. 4. Such insulation may be conveniently effected by placing a layer, F, of non-conducting material, between the conducting-strip E and the body of the girder. I have found the material known as “vulcanized fiber” to serve the pur- pose well. The hollow girder D and rail B' may be rolled in one piece, or they may be composed of separate pieces bolted together. In some cases it may be preferable to separate the rail from the girder, as shown in Fig. 2—an ar- rangement which, although its first cost is greater, is much more conveniently accessible for making any repairs that may be necessary, either of the rails or the electric conductors. Thus it will be understood that two distinct electrical conductors extend the whole length of the railway, or of such portion thereof as is intended to be operated by a single gener- ator, one of these conductors being the rail B' or the hollow girder D, (either or both,) and the other the continuous insulated me- tallic bar or strip E. These two conductors are connected with the terminals of a dynamo- electric or other suitable stationary generator of electricity, G, by means of suitable wires or conductors w w!, which is driven by a steam- engine or other source of power, H. The car I, Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 5, is mounted upon flanged wheels i i and runs upon the rails B B' in the usual manner. An electro-magnetic motor, K, of any well- known and suitable construction, is mounted upon the said car, and its main shaft or axis is connected with one of the axles of the car by means of a belt, k. In practice, however, I prefer to make use of a system of gear-wheels between the motor and the car-axle, as a smaller - - 229,991 and more rapidly revolving motor can then be made use of, thus economizing space in the car, which is important when the motor is to be placed in a car having passenger accom- modations also. - The manner in which I provide for the con- veyance of the electric current from the track- conductors to the motor K, and of controlling the action of the current upon the motor is as follows: -- - A lever, L, is secured to the platform or any other convenient portion of the car I. The lower arm of this lever, l, extends downward below the platform of the car and passes through the slot i into the chamber within the hollow girder D. The end of this lever is armed with a metallic roller, l', which presses against the continuous insulated conductor E, as best seen in Figs.3 and 4. The roller serves to maintain an electric connection between the lever L as it moves with the car along the track and the conductor E. A brush orbroom composed of metallic wires may be used in place of the roller l' with good effect. A blade spring, M, is mounted upon the le. ver, L, but is insulated therefrom, and presses constantly, by virtue of its own resiliency, against the edge of the slot d. This may also be replaced by a wire brush or broom—a de- vice which is especially advantageous on street- railways in consequence of the liability of the conducting-surfaces to be covered with mud and dust, and thus prevent proper electrical connection between the parts. The spring M is connected by a wire, m, with one terminal of the coil or helix of the electromotor K, the other terminal thereof being connected in the usual manner to the commutator N. This commutator is constructed in the usual and well-known manner, consisting of a ring upon the axis of the motor composed of alternate sections of conducting and insulating mate- rial, and provided with two metallic springs or brushes, n m, which press against the pe. riphery of the ring as it revolves, and alter- nately break and close the circuit through the motor as the shaft with its armature revolves. In my apparatus the commutator-springs, al- though constructed in the ordinary manner, are not fixed to stationary supports, but are mounted upon the opposite ends of a movable rock shaft, which has its center of motion co- incident with that of the motor-axis, and the position of this rock-shaft, and therefore of the commutator-springs, in reference to the com- mutator is controlled through the connecting- bar P by the lever L, to which it is attached by an adjustable screw-and-slot arrangement, p. By shifting the position of the commuta- tor-springs the direction in which the motor tends to rotate by the action of the current may be reversed without reversing the direc- tion of the current itself, as is well known. The operation of the apparatus is as follows: Premising by stating that the line of the rail- lway is to be divided into sections, preferably is . . 8o 85 90 95 I Oo Io 5 - *- 120- I 25 I 30 271 º IO I 5 2O 25 3o 35 4o 229,991 3 of a length equal to the distance which is de- sired to preserve between successive cars or trains of cars moving upon the same track, (one such section being shown in Fig. 5,) the conductors D and E are charged with elec- tricity of opposite polarity from the terminals or poles of the generator G, being connected therewith by the wires w w. If, now, the car I be supposed to be standing at any point on the section of railway, with its lever I, in a perpendicular position, the roller l' will not then be in contact with the conductor E, and no electric connection will be formed between the conductors E and D; but if the lever L be moved into the position shown in Fig. 3 the roller l' will be brought in contact with the conductor E, and a powerful current of electricity will pass from one conductor to the other through roller l', lever L, and connecting- bar P to the commutator-springs n n, thence through the commutator N and the coils of the motor K, and thence through wire m and blade-spring M to the other conductor, D, which will cause the motor to revolve rapidly and powerfully, and to propel the car I along the track. By throwing the lever L into a re- verse position the action of the motor is also reversed and the car will be propelled in the opposite direction. Thus, by means of the lever L, the car may be started, stopped, or reversed at any moment with the utmost convenience and facility. The arrangement of the circuits may in many cases be altered with advantage by connect- ing the wire m to the wheels and axles of the car and dispensing with the spring, in which case the rail B of the track may be utilized as one conductor, as hereinbefore set forth. A still better arrangement is that of con. necting the wire m both with the spring M and the axles and wheels of the car, and the 45 50 * - corresponding conductor leading from the gen- erator with both the rail B' and the girder D. This is especially applicable when the latter are combined together in the manner shown in Fig. 6, and is in most cases to be preferred to the one previously described. When the hollow girder E is laid beneath the surface of a street or roadway it would be liable to become filled with ice and snow dur- ing cold weather, and thus obstruct the oper- ation of the mechanism of the circuit-closer. To provide against this difficulty I extend one or more tubes, R. R., throughout the whole length of the hollow girder or chamber, through which a current of steam or hot water from the boiler which supplies the engine may be made to pass, the effect of which will be to melt the frozen accumulations and permit them to flow away through suitable openings placed at interval and communicating with the sewer or other convenient channel for disposing of them. It will be observed that this method of op- erating a railway may be made to furnish ab- Solute security against collisions. In case one caris following another upon the same line of track, and by failing to observe signals, or by the accidental stoppage of the forward car, the hindmost one should attempt to enter upon the same section, the current from the generator will be divided between the two cars, and the speed of each will be very greatly reduced thereby; but bystopping the hindmost car by putting its lever in mid- gear the full power of the generator will act upon the forward car and propel it rapidly on to the next Section. I claim as my invention— 1. The combination, with an electro-imag- netic motor and its commutator, of a circuit- controlling lever capable of three positions, the first closing the circuit on the commutator when in position to produce a forward motion of the motor, the second closing the circuit on the commutator when in position to produce a backward motion of the motor, and the third interrupting or cutting off the current from the motor, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, substantially as herein set forth, of a continuous hollow chamber con- taining an insulated electrical conductor and one or more tubes extending lengthwise of the chamber. - 3. A railway-track rail consisting of a con- tinuous hollow chamber having an insulated electrical conductorextendinglengthwise with- in it, and provided with a longitudinal slot, substantially as set forth, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of May, A. D. 1880. STEPHEN DUDLEY FIELD, Witnesses: . WM. C. WITTER, FRANK L. POPE. 55 6o 65 79 75 8o 85 90 95 I Oo 272 (No Model.) S. D., FIELD. Electro-Magnetic Locomotives, No. *** Patented Sept. 14, 1880. ... ſºlal ~–T-__ - —ſ : &ig : 1. N - : A } ; : P : A. H---4--------- F-----H { }___ ----Tº- : —U L : e^ €H - n | || ſº- - I y É/ - _*- H--H------- ---------- - - | | | - - |_- " ! _Z} / Z) | \ r"r" Z/V//E/W7 O/º: º, 7.4%%. A 7TORAVEV. THE noRRIs PETERs co., PHoro-irrho., washingtoN, D.c. - - 273 IO 2O 25 30 35 40 45 50 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. STEP H E N D. FIELD, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC LOCOMOTIVE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 232,253, dated September 14, 1880. - - Application filed July 3, 1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, STEPHEN D. FIELD, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improve- ments in Electro-Magnetic Locomotives, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to certain improve- ments in the method of and apparatus for pro- pelling a car, carriage, or vehicle along the track of a railway by the action of an electro- motor mounted upon such vehicle, the axis of said motor being mechanically connected with the driving-wheels thereof by means of spur- gearing or otherwise, and the power which op- erates said motor being supplied by one or more stationary dynamo-electric generators, each of which is driven by a steam-engine or other suitable or convenient motor. Electric generators of this description are intended to be placed at suitable distances apart along and in the vicinity of the line of the railway. This system as a whole is particularly set forth and described in another application for Letters Patent, which was filed by me in the Patent Office on or about the 10th day of March, A. D. 1880, to which reference is had. My present invention consists in certain im- provements in the details of construction of the electro-magnetic locomotive described in my pending application hereinbefore referred to; and it consists, first, in combining with the electro-motor of said locomotive and its com- mutator two sets of contact-springs or other equivalent devices, one set being so adjusted in relation to the commutator as to produce rotation of the motor in one direction, while the other set is so adjusted as to produce ro- tation in the opposite direction, whereby the direction of rotation of the motor and the con- sequent direction in which the carriage or lo- comotive is propelled is determined by bring- ing one or the other of the two sets of con- tact-springs into operative connection with the commutator; second, in combining with the two sets of contact-springs and the elec- tro-motor and its commutator, constructed and arranged in the manner hereinbefore stated, a lever adapted to throw either one of the two sets of contact devices into action and the other set out of action upon the commutator by a single movement, whereby the driver or attendant is enabled to instantly reverse the direction of rotation of the motor at pleasure; third, in so arranging the con- . trolling-lever, hereinbefore referred to, that it may be capable of being placed in three dif- ferent positions, the first position throwing the devices for producing a direct motion of the motor into relation with the commutator, the second withdrawing all the contacts from the commutator, and the third throwing the de- vices for producing a reverse motion of the mo- tor into relation with the commutator; fourth, in combining with the electro-magnetic motor and its commutator and two sets of commu- tator-contacts, respectively adjusted to pro- duce a direct and a reverse motion of the mo- tor, a shifting bar or rod so arranged that a movable lever for controlling the same may be attached at either one of two or more dif- ferent points, whereby the driver is enabled to control the movements of the locomotive while stationed at the forward end thereof when traveling in either direction, and is thereby enabled to have a clear view of the track which is about to be passed over; fifth, in combining with an electro-magnetic motor and its commutator having two sets of con- tact devices respectively adjusted to produce a direct and reverse motion of said motor, a shifting bar or rod adapted to throw one set of contact devices into contact and the other set out of contact with the commutator by a single movement, and suitable means of ad- justment, whereby the respective positions of the two sets of contacts with relation to each other, to the commutator, and to the shifting. 55 60 65 70 75 8o 85 bar may be regulated so as to compensate for the wear of the contact-springs and to secure the most effective action from the motor when rotating in either direction. In the accompanying drawings, Figure I is a plan view of an electro-magnetic locomotive embodying my improvements; and Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the same, partly in section. I have shown the various parts of the mech- anism mounted upon or secured to a platform or frame, A, which forms the body of the loco- motive or carriage. This platform is supported in the usual manner upon flanged wheels B B B' B', which are adapted to run upon the track T. Upon a suitable bed-plate, C, secured to the platform A, is mounted an electro-motor, which 90 IOO 274 IO I 5 may be of any well-known and suitable con- struction. I have shown in the drawings one form which is well adapted to the purpose, and which consists of two large and powerful sta- tionary electro-magnets, DD, having an arma- ture, E, wound with coils of insulated wire, and arranged to rotate upon the shaft e, within the field of force of the stationary magnets DD. The rotating armature-shaft e also carries a commutator, f. The periphery of the commutator f is di- vided into a number of insulated sectors, which form the terminals of a like number of coils of wire upon the armature E. The electric current which operates the motor is taken from a stationary conductor running 25 30 35 4O 45 50 55 €o 65 parallel with the track, or the rail of the track itself may form such a conductor, and is con- veyed thence to the two-armed lever O O, pref. erably through its axis o. The manner in which a conducting-connec. tion may be made between the stationary con- ductor running parallel with the track and the moving carriage or locomotive is set forth in detail in my pending application, hereinbe- fore referred to, and therefore needs no partic- ular description in this place, as it forms no part of the invention hereinafter claimed. The two armed lever O O carries at its ex- tremities two sets of contact-springs, Pºp', the lowermost one, p", being shown in dotted lines in Fig. 2. These contact-springs are so ad- justed that only one set can be brought in con- tact with the commutator f at the same time. In the figure the uppermost contact-spring, P, is represented as being raised out of con- tact with the commutator, while at the same time the lowermost contact-spring, p", attached to the other arm of the same lever, rests upon one of the divisions of the commutator f. The position of the opposite lever, O' O', is the reverse of that of O O, inasmuch as its up- per contact-spring, P', rests upon the commu- tator, while the lowermost one, p, is removed therefrom. The electric circuit therefore (when the apparatus is in the position shown in the drawings) passes into the armature-coils by the spring P and out again by the spring p’. The two springs P and p" are respectively adjusted in relation to the divisions of the com- mutator in a well-known manner, so as to pro- duce a rotation of the armature E and its shaft in a particular direction, which acts to propel the carriage, for example, toward the right hand. In like manner the other two contact- springs, P’ and p, when brought into electrical connection with the commutator, cause a rota- tion of the armature E in the opposite direc- tion. The apparatus which is employed to effect the necessary movements of the commutator- springs will now be described. The two-armed levers O O and O' O', to which the commutator-springs are attached, are mounted, respectively, upon rock-shafts o 0', moving in suitable bearings attached to 232,253 the platform A. Levers N N', attached to the respective rock-shafts, project downward through apertures in the platform, the ends of both levers N N' being joined to a hori- zontal rod, M M, which extends the whole length of the carriage, and is jointed at its ends to the other rock-shafts, l and l', which are fitted with short arms projecting upward and formed into sockets L' and L''. A mova- ble handle or controlling-lever, L, is made to fit into either of these sockets, and when placed in one of them, as seen at the right hand in Fig. 2, enables the driver or attend- ant, by moving it to and fro, to control the po- sition of the several contact-springs P p’ P' p in relation to the commutator f, and conse- quently the movements of the armature E of the electro-motor. The lever L, when in posi- tion, moves along a curved horizontal guard, R, which has three recesses cut in it. These recesses serve to hold the lever L firmly in position when it has been sprung into them. The middle one of the three recesses, r", re- tains the lever Lin such a position that neither of the four contact-springs touch the commu- tator, and the electric circuit is therefore in- terrupted and the motor at rest. By placing the lever in one of the other two recesses, r', the contacts are adjusted for the forward movement, and in the other, r", for the re- verse movement. By removing the lever L from the socket L' and placing it in the socket L'', at the other end of the carriage, the same operations may be performed in the same way. This arrangement is especially convenient when the motor is applied to the cars of an ordinary street-railway, which are required to run in either direction without being turned round at the end of the trip, as the driver can stand on the front platform of the car and in sert the controlling-lever into its socket, which gives him perfect command of the machinery, while the absence of the lever at the other end of the car renders it impossible for any unau- thorized person to interfere with the apparatus. The relation of the contact-springs to the divisions of the commutator should be ren- dered adjustable within the necessary limits in order to derive the greatest useful effect from the action of the motor at different speeds and under different conditions, and also to compensate for the wear of the con- tact-springs arising from continuous use, and it is also desirable that such means of adjust- ment should be independent in respect to each set of contacts. I have shown in the draw- ings one device for effecting this. The respective levers N N are joined to sleeves or couplings v v^, into which the sec- tions of the shifting-rod M are inserted by means of a right and left screw-thread cut upon them, which arrangement enables the normal positions of the levers N N', in rela- tion to each other and to the shifting-rod M to be varied as required, so as to secure the most effective working of the motor in either direction. 7o 75 8o 85 90 95 IOO IO 5 I IO II 5 ~ 12 O 125 130 2O 232,253 3 The rotary motion of the armature E and its axis e in either direction is communicated to the driving-wheels B B of the locomotive by means of a pinion, e', which works into a 5 toothed wheel, g, preferably having a consid- erably greater number of teeth, and this, in turn, engages with another toothed wheel, h, on the axle b of the driving-wheels. - Various modifications may obviously be made in the construction and arrangement of the different parts of the locomotive without departing from the spirit of my invention. Any well-known and suitable form of rotary electro-motor may be employed. Rollers or 15 brushes may be made use of in lieu of con- tact-springs, as shown, and other mechanical means of adjusting the position of the contacts may be employed, if preferable. I claim as my invention— 1. The combination, substantially as here- in before set forth, of an electro-magnetic mo- tor and its commutator with two sets of con- tact springs or devices, one set so adjusted in relation to said commutator as to produce ro- 25 tation of the motor in one direction, while the other set is so adjusted as to produce rotation in the opposite direction. springs or devices, one set so adjusted in re- lation to said commutator as to produce ro- tation of the motor in one direction, while the other set is so adjusted as to produce rotation in the opposite direction, and a lever capable of being placed in three positions, the first po- sition throwing the devices for producing a di. rect motion of the motor into contact with the commutator, the second withdrawing all the contacts from the commutator, and the third throwing the devices for producing a reverse motion of the motor into contact with the com- mutator. - 4. The combination, substantially as herein. before set forth, of an electro-magnetic motor and its commutator with two sets of commu- tator-contacts, respectively adjusted to pro- duce a direct and reverse motion of the motor, and a shifting bar or rod so arranged that a removable lever for controlling the same may be attached at either one of two or more dif. ferent points. 5. The combination, substantially as herein- before set forth, of an electro-magnetic motor and its commutator with two sets of commu- tator-contacts, respectively adjusted to pro- duce a direct and reverse motion of the motor, 2. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of an electro-magnetic mo- 3° tor and its commutator with two sets of con- tact springs or devices, one set so adjusted in a shifting bar or rod adapted to throw one set of contact devices into contact and the other set out of contact with the commutator by a single movement, and means of adjustment 7O 4O relation to said commutator as to produce ro- tation of the motor in one direction, while the other set is so adjusted as to produce rotation 35 in the opposite direction, and a lever adapted to throw either one of the two sets of contact devices into contact and the other set out of contact with the commutator by a single move- ment. 3. The combination, substantially as herein- before set forth, of an electro-magnetic motor and its commutator with two sets of contact whereby the respective positions of the two sets of contacts with relation to each other, to the commutator, and to the shifting-bar may be regulated. Signed by me this 30th day of June, A. D. 1880. STEPHEN D. FIELD. Witnesses: WM. C. WITTER, FRANK L. POPE. 276 S. D. FIELD. Equalizing Dynamo Electric Currents by means of Secondary Batteries. No. 236,569. Patented Jan. 11, 1881. _ _ - - ----- ~~ 22, ~) R - - ºventov 20, 20.4% e//, º, per- … 3 Chevrº Cútczºvetſ. N. PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, washington, D.C. 277 UNITED STATES * - PATENT OFFICE. STEPHEN D. FIELD, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. - EQUALIZING DYNAMO-ELECTRIC CURRENTS BY MEANS OF SECONDARY BATTERIES, - SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 236,569, dated January 11, 1881. Application filed August 4, 1879. To all whom it may concern. Be it known that I, STEPHEN D. FIELD, of the city and county of San Francisco, in the State of California, have invented certain Im- 5 provements in Equalizing Dynamo-Electric Currents; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description thereof, reference being had to the accompany- ing drawings. Io The object of my invention is to tranquilize I5 and render dynamo-electric currents constant and continuous, so that they can be used for ordinary telegraphing and other purposes for which a steady and uniform current is neces- Sary. It is a well-known fact that induced cur- rents, such as are generated by dynamo-electric machines, are in a constant state of vibration, owing to the alternate polarization and depo- 20 larization of the magnets, and also that the 25 steadiness of the current is affected by an in- crease or decrease in the speed of the motive power that drives the machine; and for these reasons electric currents generated in this man- ner could not heretofore be used for telegraphic purposes. - My invention consists in interposing a sec- ondary battery between the dynamo electric machine and the main-circuit wires, and in 30 passing the dynamic current through the bat- 35 tery before it is taken up by the circuit wires, by which means the current is equalized and rendered steady and constant. In the accompanying drawings I have rep- resented a very simple and effective arrange- ment for this purpose; but my invention is not confined to any special manner of combining the battery with the dynamo-electric machine, as various arrangements could be used. 40 In the drawings, Figure 1 is a side elevation, 45 and Fig. 2 a plan view, of an apparatus illus- strating my improved system of equalizing dy- namo-electric currents. A is the dynamo-electric machine. B and C are the wires which lead the induced cur- rent away from the machine. D is a Stationary drum or Solid wheel, which I prefer to make of Wood or other non-conduct- ing substance or material. This drum or wheel 50 is secured to some stationary object in a ver- tical plane, and is located at some point con- venient to the machine A. The wheel or drum has a hole through its center, through which a shaft, E, passes, the ends of the shaft being supported in the upper ends of standards ff, 55 so that the shaft passes through the center or axis of the drum or wheel. On each side of this stationary drum or wheel I secure alter- nate narrow and wide metallic plates close to- gether, but not so as to touch each other. The 60 wide plates g on one side are secured opposite the wide plates g on the opposite side, while the narrow platesh are also opposite each other on opposite sides. This wheel or drum, thus faced, forms the commutator for the machine 65 A. Near this commutator I place as many cups III of a secondary battery as there are wide plates g on one side of the commutator, and at Some other point convenient I place a larger cup, J. Each two cups, II, of the bat- 70 tery I connect together by a separate wire, k, as shown. I then connect each two opposite wide plates g on the commutator D together - by means of an insulated wire, l, and the same wire which connects these two plates I lead to 75 the battery, and connect its opposite end with one of the wires k, which connects two of the cups of the battery. The wires l are so dis- posed that the successive pairs of wide plates g entirely around the commutator are con- 80 nected successively with the connections of the battery. I then connect all the narrow plates h on each side of the commutator by means of a single wire, m, and these two wires I lead to and connect with the large cup J. 85 Upon each side of the stationary commuta- tor D, Isecure an arm, n, to the central shaft, E, and to the outer ends of these arms I clamp the brushes V, so that when the shaft is ro- tated the brush on each side will pass success- 90 ively from one plate to the other. The arm on one side of the commutator is set behind the arm on the opposite side, so that the brush on one side will move two plates in advance of the brush on the opposite side. The two 95 brushes will then move simultaneously over the wide plates and simultaneously over the narrow plates; but one brush will move over the Wide plate on One side while the brush on the opposite side is moving over the next wide IOo plate behind it, thus keeping the positive and negative currents distinct. Each arm n. has a wide hub, O, and a flat spring, p, is secured to the floor or foundation on which the com- IO I5 2O 25 3O 35 4O 2 236,569 mutator stands, and extends up so that its up- per end bears upon this hub. One of the wires B C, which take the current away from the dynamo-electric machine A, is connected with the lower end of the spring p on one side of the machine by means of a screw-cap, q, while the other is connected in the same way with the spring on the opposite side. The shaft E is driven by a belt, R, from the dynamo-machine A, so that they both operate in unison as one machine. Now, when the dynamo-machine is set in motion, the wires B C conduct the vibratory currents to the springs p, from which they are taken by the brushes which successively trans- mit them to the plates on the sides of the commutator. For the purpose of illustration we will consider the machine to start with the brush on one side of the commutator in con- tact with the wide plate which is connected with the first cup of the battery. The brush on the opposite side will then be in contact with the first wide plate in advance of the first-named plate, and this last-named plate is connected with the wire k, that connects the first and second cups of the series. The two currents will then be received in the first cup of the battery, and the lead plate of which it is composed will receive charges of -- and — electricity. The next contact of the brushes is with two narrow plates on opposite sides, and as all the narrow plates on each side are connected together and with the large cup J, the plates of this cup also receive a charge from the dynamo-machine. The brushes then pass to the next two wide plates, and carry the current to the second cup of the battery, with which these plates are connected. These electrodes, in turn, receive a charge both from the dynamo-machine and from the larger cup J at the instant of passing from the narrow 45 5O to the broad strips, then to the narrow plates again, by which the current is thrown back upon the large cup J, then to a wide plate, and so on alternately, as long as the machine is in operation. The currents are thus carried successively from one pair of cups to another in rotation around the series, and are con- ducted from the battery by means of the wires s s, at the two ends of the battery. The large - cup J serves to take the currents while change is being made from one pair of cups to the other. By this means I equalize the dynamic current, so that it flows in a steady, continu- ous, and uniform current from the wires ss of 55 the battery, and the current thus corrected can be used for the most delicate telegraphic purposes. - Having thus described my invention, what I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Pat- ent, is— - - 1. The improvement in utilizing dynamo- electric currents for telegraphic purposes, con- sisting of the commutator provided with al- ternate wide and narrow plates, the former being connected together in pairs and to a series of battery-cups, and the latter plates, upon each side of the commutator, being con- nected each to the other and to separate bat- tery-cups, in combination with a dynamo-elec- tric machine, its conducting-wires, and the circuit-wires, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 2. The combination of the commutator D, provided with alternate wide and narrow plates g h, the plates g being connected to- gether in pairs and to battery-cups, and the plates h, upon each side of the commutator, being connected each to the other and to sep- arate battery-cups, with the dynamo-electric machine A, wires B C, Springs p, arms m, hav- ing hubs O, and brushes V, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. A stationary commutator, D, provided with the alternate wide and narrow plates on each side, all the narrow plates on each side being united by a single wire and connected with a cup, J, while the wide plates in pairs are connected successively with the cups II of a battery, in combination with the dynamo- electric generator A, wires B C, springs p, arms n, with their hubs O, and the brushes V, all combined and arranged to operate sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal. STEPHEN D. FIELD. [L. S.] Witnesses: W. F. CLARK, W. F.T.O.Y.D DUCKETT. ". 65 7O 75 8O _^- 85 90 95 --~~ * 279 | 441 Defendant's Exhibit Green Patent 465,407. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, |Coat of Arms.] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. To ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING : THIS IS To CERTIFY that the annexed is a true copy from the Records of this Office of the Letters Patent granted Oliver S. Kelly, December 15, 1891, Number 465,407, for Improvement in Electric Railways. In testimony whereof, I, W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 21st day of January, in [SEAL.j the year of our Lord one thousand - eight hundred and Ninety-two, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and six- teenth. W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner. [2–155.] No. 465,407. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. |Cut.] TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME : Whereas, George F. Green, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, has presented to the Commissioner of Patents a peti- tion, praying for the grant of Letters Patent for an alleged new and useful improvement in Electric Rail- 280 - 442 ways. He having assigned his right, title and interest in said improvement, by direct and mesne assignments, to Oliver S. Kelly, of Springfield, Ohio, a description of which invention is contained in the Specification, of which a copy is hereunto annexed and made a part hereof, and has complied with the various requirements of Law in such case made and provided ; and Whereas, upon due examination made, the said Claimant is adjudged to be justly entitled to a Patent under the Law; Now, therefore, these Letters Patent are to grant unto the said Oliver S. Kelly, his heirs or assigns, for the term of seventeen years from the fifteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the exclusive right to make, use and vend the said invention throughout the United States and the Terri- tories thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the - Patent Office to be affixed at the City of Washington this fifteenth day of [SEAL.] December, in the year of our Lord - one thousand eight hundred and ninety-One, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixteenth. CYRUs BUSSEY, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Countersigned : W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner of Patents. º -* - _** × -& 281 G. F. GREEN. ELECTRIC RAILWAY, No. 465,407, Patented Dec. 15, 1891, ==== ~ - =Zº TZ2 -- - * Tºº-N =Z" - GATEVICT/IETT-Gº. -ET--- E_ _ \\ - .A. N_^1 Zy \zy - | &–ſs J ==== === —”-Z-E- J –2 7//Z.WºS&A's - 4. º07? A C- 24ttorney& THE Noah's PETERs co., PHoro-LTHo., washington, D. c. 2s2 IC I5 20 25 3o UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE F. GREEN, OF KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN, ASSIGNOR, BY DIRECT AND MESNE ASSIGNMENTS, TO OLIVER S. KELLY, OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ELECTRIC RAI LVVAY. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 465,407, dated December 15, 1891. - Application filed September 15, 1879, To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, GEORGE F. GREEN, of IQalamazoo, in the county of Kalamazoo and State of Michigan, have invented a new and useful Method of Propelling Cars by Elec- tricity, which invention is fully set forth in the following specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, wherein— Figure 1 is a transverse section of the track and an end elevation of the car. Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are details of the track. The object of my invention is to propel cars rapidly and easily without the annoy- ance and difficulty of transmitting the source of energy whereby the cars are propelled. I therefore locate my source of electrical energy or means of electric supply at the end of the track or at any convenient points along the track and let the engine only travel with the cars. Independent conductors may be used; but I prefer to employ the track-rails for con- ductors, the cars feeding their engine from the track as they travel along. The required. electricity may be produced by any of the known methods. charged from the stationary battery or any other means of electric supply well known in the art, conducts the electric current to the wheels on the cars, and thereby to the engine on the cars. One rail of the track being connected with the positive pole the bther rail may be connected with the negative pole, and the current flows from the battery or other means of electric supply on one side of the 35 4O 45 5o track up into the car through the engine and back on the other side of the track to the battery, making a complete metallic circuit. H is a post or proper support for the rail- way-track, and C is one of the cross-ties where. on the string-rails E are mounted. A B are proper braces for the structure. . F F are the metallic rails mounted"on the string-pieces E and D, and G are insulators to prevent the escape of the electric charge. K is a stationary source of electric energy or means of electric supply in electrical con- nection with the rails F F or other insulated stationary conductors. - L is a car, the wheels P whereof are adapted to travel on rails F, and J is an electric mo- tor mounted upon the car and supplied with - The track or rail, being electricity by a metallic connection with the track-conductor. Through this motor, which is of any of the common forms in practical use and well known in the art—such, for in- stance, as that described in my patent, No. 184,469, dated November 21, 1876—the elec- tric current flows continuously, and the coils of said motor are constantly excited (except 55 at that instant of time when the current 6o. through said coils is being reversed) so long as the poles of said motor are in circuit with the electric generators, whereby a positive and continuous propelling force is transmit- ted to the driving-wheels of the car. When the common form of uniting the ends of the track-rails is found insufficient to make good metallic connection from one rail to the other, I use a U-shaped loop of metal, as seen in Figs. 2 and 3, and secure its ends to the rail by solder or otherwise. The projecting U- shaped surface on the block D prevents the insulator G from becoming wet, because an electric current will run across a wet surface and escape. The upper side and under side of the block D can be covered with a varnish, rubber, or other non-conducting substance. L is an ordinary railway-car; but this will be understood to be merely typical. The en- gine J–an ordinary electric motor which fur- nishes the motive power—is attached to the car in some proper manner. The electrical current from the stationary source of energy or means of electric supply charges and trav- erses one of the rails F, and passes thence to the engine or motor by means of the car- wheels P. After passing the engine or motor the current is circuited back to the battery by way of the opposite wheel and rail. Having therefore described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to protect by Letters Patent, is— 1. The combination, substantially as set forth, of a railway-track, one or more sta- tionary means of electric supply, electrical conductors extending from said means of electric supply along the lines of said track, and consisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof, vehicles moving along Said track, electro-dynamic motors whose coils are con- stantly excited So long as the poles of Said motors are in circuit with the means of elec- 75 90 95 IOC IO I5 2d 25 2 465,407 tric supply fixed upon said vehicles for im- parting motion thereto, and wheels support- ing said vehicles upon the track, and also serving to maintain continuous electrical connection between said means of electric supply and motors, substantially as described. 2. The combination, substantially as set forth, of a railway-track, one or , more sta- tionary electric batteries, electrical conduct- ors extending from said batteries along the lines of said track, and consisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof, vehicles moving along said track, electro - dynamic motors whose coils are constantly excited so long as the poles of said motors are in circuit with the electric batteries fixed upon said vehicles for imparting motion thereto, and wheels sup- porting said vehicles upon the track, and also serving to maintain continuous electrical con- nection between said batteries and motors, substantially as described. 3. The combination, substantially as set forth, of a railway-track, one or more sta- tionary means of electric supply, electrical conductors extending from said means of elec- tric supply along the lines of said track, and consisting wholly or in part of the rails there- of, vehicles movable along said track, electro- dynamic motors fixed upon said vehicles for imparting motion thereto, and wheels Sup- porting said vehicles upon the track, and also serving to maintain continuous electrical con- nection between said means of electric Sup- ply and said motors, substantially as de- Scribed. .4. The combination of a railway-track, one or more stationary means of electric Supply, electrical conductors extending from said means of electric supply along the lines of said track, and consisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof, vehicles moving along said track, rotating electro-dynamic motors fixed upon said vehicles for imparting motion thereto, and wheels supporting said vehicles upon the track, and also serving to maintain continuous electrical connection between said means of electric supply and said rotating motors, substantially as described. GEORGE F. GREEN. Witnesses: I. N. WATTLES, IIENRY C. BRIGGS, SUSAN S. NOBLE. 3o 35 4o 45 *- *-* 284 º- Electrical Vol. XI. ºy & 2," T H E JANUARY 7, 1891. Z. (TS. 2, 6-2 z_2 * * * /872. neer."º"/. Engi No. 140. THE INVENTOR'S OF THE ELECTRIC MOTOR.—I. witH SPECIAL REFERENCE to THE work of THoMAs DAVENPORT. To rightly appreciate a discoverer we should not look at his work from our time; we should not judge of his work in the full- ness of the light of present knowledge, but in the dim twilight which alone illuminated him to then unknown—but now well- known—facts and laws.--ALFRED M. MAYER. : HE electric motor, which but a few brief years ago, was regarded as but little better than a philo- sopher's plaything, has, with almost startling suddenness, assumed its position as one of the potent factors of mod- ern industrial develop- ment. The story of the birth of this great in- vention has hitherto been given to the - world only in part, and even such fragments of its early annals as were once known are now well-nigh forgotten ; they linger only in fast fading written records, and in the memories of an earlier generation, of which the scattered survivors are rapidly passing from the stage. I have sought, therefore, while trustworthy evidence is yet accessible, not only from the testimony of the few witnesses yet living, but from STURGEON'S APPARATUS FOR ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ROTATION. [By permission of Charles Scribner's Sons.] the time-worn and crumbling pages of contemporaneous manuscripts, to rescue from impending oblivion the true story of the invention of the electric motor. It is eminently desirable that we enter upon the field of research with a definite conception of what is meant when we speak of the electric motor in the sense of a concrete organization, in other words as an invention. What, then, let us inquire, is the essence, the fundamental principle, which finds its necessary embodiment in each and every one of the thousands of electric motors which are doing such an important and increasing share of the world’s work to-day The question happily, is not a difficult one to answer. If an expert, skilled in the law of patents, were asked to formulate in legal phraseology a definition which should concisely sum up the new and useful inven- tion embodied in the machine which we know as the elec- tric motor, it might be gouched in language something like the following: The method of producing mechanical power by the ap- plication of electro-magnetism, which consists in combin- ing with a suitable source of electricity, two systems of HENRY'S Arrºws FOR PRODUCING MOTION BY ELECTRO- - MAGNETISM, [By permission of Charles Scribner's Sons.] electro-magnets; one system mounted upon a shaft rotat- ing continuously in one direction; the other fived in rela- tion thereto, and a commutator actuated by the rotation of said shaft, wing to instantly reverse the polarity of one of said systems, when by reason of their mutual attraction, the revolution of the shaft has brought the poles of the moving magnetic system into coincidence with the poles of the fixed s/tem. The above definition, formulated in the semblance of a patent claim, will at once be recognized as embracing the essential characteristics of the practical electric motor as we find itſät work in the world to-day. On the other hand, it will be observed that the definition excludes certain special organizations, among which may be mentioned the rotary motor having a field induced by the permanent mag- netism of steel; the rotary motor in which the intermit- tent attraction of electro-magnets is exerted upon a succes- sion of non-polarized soft iron armatures arranged upon the periphery of a wheel, and the reciprocating motor in which masses of soft iron are dragged back and forth by the alternately intermittent attraction of electro-magnets or of solenoids. While it may be admitted that these and some other less well-known devices are not without a certain utility in minor and special applications of electric power, nevertheless, in a broad sense, it may be stated without qualification, that the machine of which a definition has just been given, has no less surely proven its right to be regarded as the accepted type of the modern electric motor than has the double-acting cylinder, piston and crank to be regarded as the accepted type of the modern steam engine. As in the aeolipile of Hero of Alexandria we had an ex- ample of rotary mechanical motion by the energy of steam before the advent of the double-acting cylinder and crank, so likewise did we have rotary motion by electro-magnet- <2–2. 32, Z & ~& 6 - Z / ** Zººl º * *~%. ..?? 2, 4 & 222, 2. 2-2,4-, 2- : * ***'. 4% al.,…, zºº/** - ! s º * - - 22.2%. Żºłº 222 & *22% 2.2. ºf 4. * *- - - ^- ** | , zºº..… & 22- 24%. 24.2 2 º' --- ~~~~ Azé, e/<-2 º 2-&z. #º …” A. tº erº-zezzº-2 4%. ge *z, & º 2:… 2 A /4 ºzº •key.…” (2. y & ~24 ... Zºº éº-º-º-4-2-2. & zze, zerº.2 & 24. 2 / *…*.*.*. *** * %. zº. 2… º -*.*.*.*. 4 & 2, * *24 Cºcº / /* * * *… 2 Heye.7%zº % …Ž2. #/ . .” 22%; º % zº */ *%e 4. 2…”ºzeź24.2% ...4 c… e^. º ecºzº. % 2.24 .. - - • A - †. .., 2^ 24. 2,2,... z. zº-ſºº & */ 2^****, ; 2-422 A. & Z * Z, a re- - S - 2 - - f - - $44, J. Z.2 < zº 2}^zéeº/* %2.4% *~~ 2 * 2. 242.… * **, 2* a 34- cº 4%zº- Žáºz. … %. Žež-. << - , , § sº 3. - #~~&22% frz", 4%.” *** **** & Cº. -- *** * * *%. 2.22% ºc zº ºrºž2 *** *** * g a 2.244; 24% zºz. - * -º-f ... ". 42:43 %22%2% - * * ... e. , 22 * * 2 ** Az % ºz Azºº/, & 9/ 2 º' Že 4%ze, ** Že z : * /a º zº, $f £ºws: **** …& A…” are 4.1% zºº & /* Ž 2& # , Z - - - : * . *** */***2 & 2. & 4, 24* a .ºzzº , 24.4.2 ºzza-º. 26% 22 ºz. … .ºz. ...?'..."...º.º.º.º.º. º tºº 2. ... … . . . . º.º.º.º.º. ººzaſ 4. ~- º º - **** º 27.4% ~4 ** *** c.i. º 3-3, 2. •. 2 zºº :- - & 2× zzaraze 4 A v. A º zá. 22-6. - ~ * ** 2 a.ºf/º 3.4% ºzº, 27% º 2...Keeg. Aº Aº 2.4%. *** *%. 2%, 4.22. /**** º 2. Že. 2 a. *…* * £azzeº, lºz * 2.4% º gº ºzºáz 24- 2.4% £º - '-º'- º cº-wºrd & tºº **, 37.2%%2 ºzººl Ø º: zazęż3 2.24 4. 22.4% “AZ-. **- º 32 *… - % *Č. Žº %.4. 24.2% * º 2. ex: arſº a 4 × ºº:: zºº. - \ . . . * <> º A %2%22 ," *4. er 7:42, *: * ork..…º 4.67~~ Ayy ... tº * ‘. . * Z. ...*.* *** - Žzºº *}~£2 24 ****, ºft % *º- º - ** 2p; % ºz. 2.4% ºf gº- 2. - : *- : &-- - - --4---- r *eº. As º & 4. & 4&#~ &ze º 2-ke %:…24. & a′-ºr º% ºf z- 2% ºz º , - £º. e-º-º-º: *2 •º-º-grººt- 2-3-4 24- Ż:4. a-º. ºº *** *** 4 a... a 24-7- * …º.º. 2 … .º. 2”. */. FAC SIMILE OF ORIGINAL DRAFT OF DAVENPORT's PATENT SPECIFICATION OF 1835, FoR His ELECTRIC MoroR. 292 36 T H E E L E C T R ICAL E N G IN E E R. with such a satisfactory exemplification of a principle which has extended his name to the ends of the earth. Acting upon this suggestion of Professor Eaton, Gen. eral Van Rensselaer gave Davenport a line of introduction to Professor Henry, which he delivered to him in person a few days afterwards at Princeton. Professor Henry was much interested in Davenport’s machine, and after witness- ing its operation asked how large a power he intended to build, to which Davenport replied “a full one-horsepower;” whereupon Professor Henry, with his usual caution, sug- gested that it would be better if he were to continue his experiments for a time on a smaller scale. He said to him that if it were given out that he was building a one-horse power magnetic machine, and should he fail in his first at- tempt, which would not improbably be the case, not only would his credit as an inventor suffer, but the electro- magnetic engine would be hastily and unjustly stigmatized as a “humbug,” a result which could not be but preju- dicial to the advancement of science and the arts. Profes- sor Henry, with the courtesy which he invariably exhibited towards deserving inventors, gave Davenport a certificate, in which he spoke highly of the novelty and originality of his invention. At the same time he did not hesitate to ex- press to him the conviction, which he is known to have entertained even at that early day, that the applica- tion of galvanic electricity was at best an indirect way of utilizing the energy derived from the combustion of coal, and therefore could not economically compete with that agent as a means of propelling machinery. He neverthe- less believed that it might be found useful in many cases in which the actual expense of power was a consideration not to be weighed against other more desirable objects to be attained. In his views in relation to this subject Henry was far in advance of most of his contemporaries, for the grand conception of the conservation of energy had at that day dawned only upon the minds of a few of the most profound thinkers of the period. Before leaving Princeton, Henry exhibited to Daven- port, much to the surprise of the latter, his oscillating electro-magnetic engine, made in 1831, of which an illus- tration has been given. This was to him the first intima- tion that any one prior to himself had even conceived the possibility of producing motive power by electro- magnetism. - - While at Princeton, Davenport made the acquaintance of Professor Henry’s life-long and intimate friend, Alexander Dallas Bache, then professor of natural philos- ophy in the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, and afterwards for many years superintendent of the U. S. Coast Survey. At the cordial invitation of Professor Bache, Davenport accompanied him to Philadelphia, where about the middle of July he exhibited his machine in operation in the library of the Franklin Institute. While in this place it was examined with interest by a large number of scientific men. Prior to his departure for Washington, Professor Bache gave Davenport a letter, the conservative tone of which indicates that he had been led by his association with Henry to entertain similar advanced views in respect to the equivalence of the natural forces. This letter is as follows:– At the request of Mr. Davenport, I have examined a model of a machine applying the electro-magnetic action as a moving power. At first it appeared to me that an experiment might be made upon this model, from which the useful effects of a machine properly constructed might be inferred. But I am satis- fied on examination, that such a result could be had only from a much more complete model than this, or from a working machine of full size. It would be highly interesting in a scientific point of view, and possibly in a practical light, if such an experiment could be made. The power is no doubt adequate to produce any effect which can be required in the arts, but the question of cost can hardly be fairly answered without experimental data. A. D. BACHE, Prof. Nat. Philosophy,. Pennsylvania University; July 15, 1835. Philadelphia. [Jan. 14, 1891. Upon reaching Washington a few days later, Davenport discovered to his dismay that owing to the unforseen delays and expenses to which he had been subjected by his exhibitions in Troy, Albany, Princeton and Philadelphia, the added cost of preparing the drawings and specifica- tions for his application for a patent would so reduce his available funds as to leave him without sufficient means to return to his home in Vermont. He was therefore com- pelled by sheer necessity to postpone for the time his intention of applying for his patent, and in a very dejected frame of mind set out for home, taking his model with him. Upon reaching Troy he proposed to sell his machine to the Rensselaer Institute for $30. Professor Eaton, favoring the proposition, gave him a line to General Van Rensselaer, recommending the purchase of the model. In attempting to enter the grounds of Mr. Van Rensselaer's mansion Davenport was set upon by three ferocious watch-dogs, who soon reduced his habiliments to a deplor- able condition, although he was fortunately rescued by the servants before serious injury had been inflicted. Writing of this incident, he says:– - Mr. Van Rensselaer examined my certificates from Profes- sors Henry and Bache, and the line from Professor Eaton, and meanwhile the kitchen-maid tacked together my torn garments. After receiving a check from General Van Rensselaer for the stipulated sum, and depositing his model in the Rens- selaer Institute, Davenport returned to Vermont, in no very happy frame of mind. He had not only been unsuc- cessful in the main object of his journey, but had been brought like many others to a realizing sense of the fact that compliments are far more easily obtained than cash. The model which formed the subject of this commercial transaction was preserved for many years in the cabinet of the Rensselaer Institute, but ultimately perished in the disastrous fire in Troy in 1862, in which the buildings of the Institute shared the fate of a vast number of others, and were totally consumed with all their valuable contents. Professor Eaton, who was a man of a deservedly high scientific reputation, as well as of a somewhat enthusiastic temperament, had from the beginning conceived a warm feeling of friendship and respect for the modest and unas- suming Vermont blacksmith, and exerted himself in every possible way to advance his interests. Scarcely had Davenport, dispirited and despondent, left Troy, when Professor Eaton penned the following flattering notice of his invention, and procured its insertion in a Troy news- paper. So far as can be learned, this was the first pub- lished notice of Davenport's electro-magnetic engine. [From the Troy Daily Budget, August 13, 1835.] An obscure blacksmith of Brandon, Vermont, 16 miles south of Middlebury College, happened accidentally to become acquainted with Professºr Henry's discoveries in Electro-Magnetism. Pos- sassino one of thaca raizad-lai al-aa-aal-l-era fined- - of a blacksmith shop—nor any shop less than the canopy of heaven—he applied this power to the astonishment of scientific mechanics. He turns three horizontal wheels around fifty times per second, with this power. The wheels and shaft weigh eleven pounds. He has convinced Professors Henry and Bache that the power is sufficient for strong machinery. A detailed account of it will appear in the next number of Silliman's Journal. The Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer has purchased his first constructed machine (or model) for the Rensselaer Institute in Troy, as piece of school apparatus. No chemical or philosophical apparatus can *-i-i- is +- tº u-c -i-ur- hereafter be considered perfect without it. Whatever may be its fate in mechanics, it will cause the name of Thomas Davenport (the inventor) to accompany that of Professor Henry to the ends of the earth. - Professor Bache, of Philadelphia, and Professor Turner of Vermont, have given their opinions in writing that Mr. Daven- port's application of Professor Henry's discoveries may be made to move heavy machinery for useful purposes. According to their views, another Livingston might make another Fulton of the Brandon blacksmith, - A month later Professor Eaton wrote to Davenport at Brandon, enclosing a copy of the Troy Budget containing the article therein referred to. The letter and extract are as follows :- 293 Jan. 14, 1891.] \ [Professor Amos Eaton to Thomas Davenport.] - - TRoy, Sept. 9, 1835. DEAR SIR:—I published a short account of your invention on the 13th day of August. It was copied into all the papers. Last week some mule of a fellow caused the Daily Advertiser to pub- lish a statement that your plan “would not work.” The New York papers and others copied it. While some gentlemen were trying to raise money to give you a chance for a trial, that ras- cally article stopped all exertions, and the subscriptions were burned; I felt it imy duty to come out boldly for you, for the sake of my own reputation, and of Bache's, Henry’s, and Turner's. You will see how I treat the subject in the Troy Budget of yesterday. My object in this letter is to tell you that you must be here about the tenth of October, and put your machine in perfect order; also you must exhibit it yourself at three o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, 14th of October, before a thousand spectators. I will deliver a lecture while you are working it, explaining the principles, etc. The judge's seat in the court room is the place to show it. This small damper will, in my opinion, make your fortune. It will give you a chance to exhibit truth. I tell you TRUTH, TRUTH is everything On that day (October 14) your exertion of your skill will make your fortune. Write me im- mediately telling me positively what to depend on. It is advertised in all the papers that your machine will be exhibited at three o'clock p. m., 14th of October next. Your friend, AMOS EATON, [From the Troy Daily Budget September 8, 1835.] VERMONT ELECTRO-MAG1 IETIC MACHINE. To GILES B. KELLOGG, Esq., It was through your agency that Thomas Davenport's aston- ishing application of Professor Henry's discoveries in electro- magnetism was announced to the world, and it is my particular request that you hasten before the public the following com- munication to the Albany Daily Advertiser, without waiting to copy it from that paper : To the Editors of the Albany Daily Advertiser. I have just read in the New York Commercial Advertiser the following ex- tract from your paper: “We are sorry to inform our contemporaries that, on further examination, the plan of the Brandon blacksmith will not work.” Knowing one of the editors of your paper to be a gentleman of true science and liberal feelings, I feel assured that he will contradict the unkind statement upon my assurance that it is totally untrue. Immediately after Professors Bache and Henry had examined this machine in brisk motion, the Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer purchased it and placed it in my possession and care, but on account of the battery-cups having been injured in Philadelphia, it has not been put in motion since I received it. But I have often seen it in motion, and know it to be all that has been said of it—an astonishing application of electro-magnetism : I have no interest in the invention ; but, as the unaccountable falsehood which originated in your paper is calculated to injure an ingenious mechanic, I request you to publish this article. On the 14th of October next, the electro-magnetic machine invented by a blacksmith in Brandon, Vt., shall be exhibited gratuitously, in the Court-house in the city of Troy, to all who may please to call, at three o'clock in the after- noon. It shall be in full action and shall be moved solely by electro-magnetism. It shall carry three wheels weighing eleven pounds, and a miniature trip- hammer, as an emblem of the inventor's avocation. The fourteenth of October being the last day of the examination of students of Rensselaer Institue, many gentlemen of science will probably be present, to all of whom I pledge myself to demonstrate that the “plan of the Brandon blacksmith does work,” according to the certificates of Professors Bache of Philadelphia, Henry of Princeton, and Turner of Middlebury. AMos EATON, Senior Professor, Rensselaer Institute. Davenport was at his home in Vermont when this letter reached him. His fortunes were apparently at their very lowest ebb. Day by day, for more than two years, he had labored indefatigably upon his invention, to the utter neglect of his ordinary means of livelihood. The heavy expenditures incurred in his fruitless journey to Washing- ton had brought him to the end, not only of his resources, but of his credit among his townsmen. His father-in-law, a prosperous and well-to-farmer of Brandon ; a shrewd and sagacious, though by no means illiberal man—albeit one who is reputed to have appreciated full well the value of a dollar—offered him every inducement he could think of to put aside his visionary schemes, resume his trade, and henceforth support his family in comfort. Other neighbors, who cherished a sincere friendship and respect for Daven- port, joined in the appeal. He could not but be strongly impressed with their practical and common-sense view of the situation, and while in a frame of mind to comply with it, replied to Professor Eaton's letter, stating in effect that two years of incessant labor and anxiety had yielded him but scanty reputation and no money ; that his credit was utterly exhausted, while his family were almost suffer- ing for the ordinary necessities of life. Professor Eaton T H E E L E C T R I. C. A. L E N G IN E E R. - 37 immediately replied, under date of September 21, 1835, deprecating in the strongest terms Davenport's resolution, and refusing to listen to his proposal to abandon the under- taking. Among other things he wrote:– Make my name Thomas Davenport, and I will give you five thousand dollars for your idea—rather, I mean “the bubble, repu- tation.” . . . . . It is a thing which will progress slowly; per- haps it may never yield you anything but reputation. But you have involved friends; and it is your duty to support their pledges for you. . . . Remember, if you fail to be here on the fourteenth, destruction is your portion This was the critical moment, the turning point, in the career of Davenport. Not only was the mere thought of throwing aside the hopes and aspirations which he had so long cherished almost unendurable to him, but his keen sense of honor instinctively revolted from the slightest im- putation of bad faith towards the scientific friends who had cordially given him their countenance and support, or of reluctance to make good to the best of his ability, their pledges and expectations. On the other hand, to persevere was to be confronted with poverty, doubt, discouragement and almost with despair. To a man constituted like Dav- enport, however, a mental conflict waged on these grounds could have but one termination. Paraphrasing the mem- orable words of the elder Adams, he well might have ex- VILLAGE SQROOLHOUSE AT BRANDON, IN WHICH DAVENPORT's ELECTRIC RAILwAY was ExHIBITED. Now PART of RESI- DENCE OF GEO. PARMENTER. - º [From a recent photograph by F. L. Pope.] claimed at this juncture in his affairs: “The die is now cast ; I have passed the Rubicon. Sink or swim ; live or die ; survive or perish with my invention, is my unalter- able determination.” With renewed determination he cast aside all despondency and devoted every energy to his preparations for the demonstration at Troy. It is not easy for us to-day to appreciate the formidable difficulties with which he was obliged to contend, Brandon was at that date but an obscure country town, remote from all main lines of travel and transportation, the nearest city of any importance being Troy, N. Y., 100 miles distant, with which communication was maintained by stage-coach. He ... now determined to construct an entirely new machine, of a model adapted to railway locomotive purposes, and at once wrote to Professor Eaton to procure for him some neces- sary materials. In reply Eaton wrote on September 25, sending with the letter by a chance stage-coach passenger two packages of No. 16 copper wire, one of 3 and the other of 2 lbs. : . - - Luckily I find Mr. Jackson (a neighbor of yours) at the stage- 2.94. 38 T H E E L E C T R T CAL E N G IN E E R. office. He promises to deliver you the wire. ... I have broken all the hardware stores, and bought all the wire in the city, and given it to Mr. Jackson. . . . . - . - Then came the difficulty of insulating the wire. Daven- port had been led, from Henry's researches, to suppose that silk was the only material which would answer the purpose. But it was not only difficult, but in fact impossible to obtain this material in that remote region, and he was destitute of means where with to procure it from the city. But in this dilemma, the unselfish devotion of the faithful wife, who had loyally stood by him through prosperity and adversity, came to his rescue. Her one silk gown, the wedding dress which was her father's gift ; almost her sole remaining relic of more prosperous but of perhaps not. happier days, was bravely offered as a sacrifice to the cause of science. Cut into narrow strips, the treasured garment was used to insulate the helices of the new machine. Night and day the work went on with such success that punctually on the tenth of October Davenport presented himself at the Rensselaer Institute with the new motor in readiness for exhibition. On the 14th, pursuant to the pledge of Professor Eaton, it was put in operation on the Judge’s bench in the court-room in Troy, in the presence of hundreds of interested and enthusiastic spectators. - Among the audience who attended this exhibition was a young artisan whose home was in Cabotville, a village just north of Springfield, Mass., which then enjoyed a high reputation, as indeed it does to-day, for the skill of its mechanics and the excellence of its products. This young man became greatly interested in the new motive power, and proposed to Davenport that he should immediately accompany him to Cabotville, promising to assist him to the best of his ability in bringing the invention into practi. cal use. The proposal was accepted, and the two worked together at that place for some two months, during which time they completed a model of a circular railway 36 inchés in diameter, upon which an electro-magnetic loco- motive traveled with amazing rapidity. At the end of this time Davenport was informed by his associate that he was disinclined to go any further with the enterprise, but as Davenport himself says, he had little reason to complain of his conduct, inasmuch as he willingly gave him the bene- fit of two months’ labór and his board during the time, to say nothing of some small expenses which had been in- curred. It was now the middle of December and our in- ventor was again left in a state of destitution at a distance of 150 miles from his home. Hardly knowing which way to turn next, he bethought himself of a letter which he had received just before his visit to Troy from a silk man- ufacturer in Dedham, Mass., who desired to apply electro- magnetic power to the processes employed in his factory. Among other acquaintanceships which Davenport had formed while in Cabotville, was that of a Mr. Kimball, himself an intelligent mechanic, who had taken much interest [Jan. 14, 1891. of that intelligent city would be highly gratified with an exhibition of the wonderful effects of the silent, unseen and irresistible power of electro-magnetism.” He accord- ingly exhibited his locomotive two weeks at the Marlbor- ough hotel, and realized the princely sum of $12, just suffi- cient to meet the charges of his landlord for the use of the room. Davenport states that notices of this exhibition were published in some of the Boston newspapers of the day, but a diligent search through the columns of such journals as have been preserved has failed to reveal them. The exhi- bition, however, is well remembered by Thomas Hall, the veteran manufacturer of electrical instruments in Boston, who, although but a boy at the time, was employed in the shop of Daniel Davis, Jr., in which scientific instruments were made and repaired. According to the recollection of Mr. Hall, the machine consisted of a number of small mag- nets placed upon the rim of a vertical wheel, and constitut- ing a sort of pole-armature, which revolved between the poles of two larger electro-magnets placed in a horizontal position which formed the field. His impression is that the field magnets were connected with the armatures in series. The current was supplied by a large Wollaston battery, and as the zincs became rapidly coated with oxide, neces- sitating frequent cleaning, two sets of batteries were provided, one of which was used while the other was being cleaned. The motor and battery were mounted upon a truck which traveled at a considerable speed.” Tºº ºc. Afwayº, ww. THE DAVENPORT MOTOR EXHIBITED IN BOSTON, AS REMEMBERED BY MR. T. HALL. At this juncture he received a letter from Kimball, cordially inviting him to stay at his own house for a few weeks and promising to furnish materials for building a larger machine. He accepted the proposal—there was obviously nothing else to be done—until finally, upon his expressing a desire to return to his family in Vermont, the generous Kimball furnished the dejected inventor with a new suit of clothes, and the necessary cash for his journey, and when in parting from him Davenport expressed his doubts as to ever being able to repay him, this good Sam- aritan cheerily remarked that he “need not trouble himself about that,” but whenever he needed further assistance to in the project of the electric railway. In his pºrplexity he * KimbāII and WäS advised by him to Tāke his machine to Dedham, and in case he failed to conclude a satisfactory arrangement with the silk manufacturer, to try a public exhibition of his circular railway in Boston, by which means he might perhaps raise sufficient funds to aid him in making further experiments. In addition to his good advice, Kimball very generously handed him $50 for his expenses, and not content with that, told him if his plans all failed to let him know, and he would cheerfully render him further assistance. “Such kindness,” writes Davenport, “from a stranger whom I had never seen half- a-dozen times in my life, seemed to be an omen of future prosperity.” He proceeded to Dedham, and although “received most politely” by the silk manufacturer, that per- son did not seem inclined to take any chances in testing the capacity of electro-magnetism for winding silk, nor did he offer to reimbuse Davenport for the expenses he had incurred in bringing his machine a long distance for exhi- bition. As a last resort the persevering inventor proceeded to Boston, hoping, as he says, “that the thinking portion - º call upon him.f. - Writing of his circumstances at this time, in the early part of 1836, he says : . For several months my prospects of getting assistance for a trial on a large scale, looked very dubious. My friends seemed to be worn out and tired of my talk about electro-magnetism being used as substitute for steam. Many hundreds of ingenious mechanics and wealthy people had seen the power propel machinery of various kinds, and all expressed a strong anxiety that I should persevere, and apparently wished with all their hearts that I might succeed. The great benefit; it would have in saving human life was particularly mentioned by all who seemed to wish the project well, but yet I was totally unable to reach the purse strings of the capitalist. The objection urged by many was that my letters patent had not been taken out, and when I informed them that the patent could be obtained as soon as I could raise the * The author desires to express his acknowledgments to William Lincoln Smith, S. B., of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and W. A. Hovey, of the American Bell Telephone º for making an examination of the files of the Boston papers, and to Mr. Smith especially for the information obtaiaed from Mr. Hall. - # The author regrets that he has been unsuccessful in the attempt which has been made by him to identify the Mr. Kimball whose generous conduct towards *:::::::: and struggling inventor, entitles him to the grateful remembrance of all electricians. - - - 295 Jan. 14, 1891.] means sufficient for that purpose, the reply was that I had delayed so long already that some other person would probably anticipate Iſle. The necessities of Davenport’s family now rendered it imperative that he should at once seek some means of live- lihood. With characteristic persistence, he determined to attempt this by giving exhibitions of his circular railway and other electro-magnetic apparatus. His first entertain- ment of this kind was given in the public school-house in Brandon village. The occasion is well remembered by aged residents of that place who are still living. The building in which the exhibition took place now forms a part of the residence of George Parmenter, Esq., and, it may be remarked in passing, enjoys the further distinction of hav- ing been the school attended by Stephen A. Douglas, a native of Brandon, in preparation for college, he support- ing himself meantime by working at the trade of a cabinet maker. - During the following summer Davenport exhibited his apparatus two weeks at Saratoga Springs, which even at that early day had come to be somewhat of a resort during the warm season for wealthy people from various parts of the country. While here he formed the acquaintance of a leading citizen of the place, the late Ransom Cook, who was at that time a prosperous manufacturer, and propri- etor of an extensive shop driven by steam power and sup- plied with superior machinery and tools for working both T H E E L E C T R I. C. A. L E N G IN E E R. 39 THE New Electric light AND Power station - AT LOWELL, MASS. - - BY p' w No better proof of the commercial success of electricity as a producer of light and power can be adduced than the fact that so many cities are at last providing themselves with stations worthy of the name, and that engineers are giving their whole attention to the erection of stations which will not only produce the desired effect of making electric light and power reliable and popular, but which will be able to take care of the rapid increase of business, and at the same time have a chance of creating some divi- dend for the pocket of the stockholder. As another example of such a station, I take pleasure in presenting in detail the plans of the new electric light and power station at Lowell, Mass., which is now just being put into active service. Like most of the larger cities, Lowell has passed through an interesting history in the development of its electric lighting industry. The Lowell Electric Light Corporation was organized under the laws of Massachu- setts, in 1881, with a capital of $10,000, and began busi- Elec.Engr., N.Y. Fig. 1.--THE LowRLL, Mass., ELECTRIC LIGHT STATION.—SECTION OF ENGINE AND DYNAMO ROOM. in wood and metal. Cook was profoundly impressed with the apparent value and importance of the invention, and at once tendered to Davenport the technical and financial assistance necessary to bring his enterprise properly before the public. THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH CO. NOT TO SELL OUT. A statement has been published that Jay Gould had pur- chased a controlling interest in the Postal Telegraph Cable. Com- pany. This report is so far denied. One of the officials of the Company says: - “The report is entirely unfounded. Our stock is not listed on the stock exchange and there is none to be bought. This company was formed for the purpose of carrying on a legitimate business and not for the purpose of compelling the Western Union to buy us out. - “During the past two years we have built more than 4,000 miles of line, and we are now pushing rapidly toward New Orleans. As soon as that link is finished our system will extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. We have direct connection with the Commercial Cable Company and the Canadian Pacific Telegraph. The gentle- men who own a controlling interest in this company do not wish to sell, nor do the Western Union Company wish to buy our property, for they recognize the fact that should they gain con- trol of our system a new company would be formed within three months,” - - ness with two Weston arc light machines, leasing power from an accommodating sawmill. Business, however, did not thrive very well, and about a year later the Middlesex Electric Light Company was formed, and a small plant was builton Middle street. This company introduced the Thomson-Houston system, and shortly after effected a combination with the old company, under the same name, and continaed to do business till about two years ago. At that time they reorganized under the name of the Lowell Electric Light Corporation, still continuing to use the Middle street-station. Without going into details, it may be stated that they started at first with one 50 h. p. Armington and Sims engine, increased to three engines of the same manufacture, and then put in a 250 h.p. Har- ris-Corliss high pressure engine, remodelling the entire plant. Business continuing to increase, another addition Was' temporarily made, and then it was decided to build on an adjoining lot, and a 200 h. p. Atlas engine and another 300 h. p. Harris-Corliss engine were put in. In 1889, the alternating incandescent system was introduced, making an enormous increase in the demand for generating capacity, and a contract was entered into to furnish power for the Lowell and Dracut Street Railway Company, and it being at once seen that even the enlarged station was wholly inadequate to meet the requirements, it was decided to build a new first-class station, and accordingly land was bought on Perry street, 296 - - Electrical Engiflee'ſ 2:…º JANUARY 21, 1891. No. 14%, ’’ 2.4 - *a*~~~~~~ T H E Vol. XI. THE INVENtors of the ELECTRIC MotoR.—III. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WORK OF THOMAS , DAVENPORT. BY enterprise, was in many respects no ordi- nary man. A native of Connecticut, he had been brought to the state of New York by his parents while yet a child, and had begun life in the then newly settled region of the upper Hudson by diligence and economy accumulated a small capital, he commenced on his own account in 1822, the manufacture of furniture in Saratoga Springs, and a few years later was able to fit up the large and well equipped shop referred to, which stood on the site of the present Grand Hotel. Cook was a characteristic type of that self-educated, in- telligent, ingenious, and enter- prising class of Americ an mechanics, the products of whose industrial skill have become known and esteemed in every country of the civil- ized world. From his very boy- hood, every moment that could be spared from toil was utilized to the utmost in increasing the small store of knowledge with which a common school education had furnished him, and books, not only of the natural sciences, but of history, law and politics, were his un- ceasing recreation and delight, A man of scrupulous integrity, diligent and successful in business, cordially detesting every form of chicanery and hypocrisy, yet ever ready with hand and purse to aid the needy and deserving ; distin- guished no less for his sound judgment than for his self- reliance and independence, he was one who could not but occupy a leading position in any community in which his lot was cast. Touched with the narrative of Davenport’s - struggles and misfortunes, not only did Cook hasten to relieve his immediate pecuniary necessities, but instinctively perceiving the future possibilities of his invention, he suspended the lucrative business which he was carrying on, that he might throw himself heart and hand into the new enterprise. Writing of this period Davenport says:– ANSOM COOK, the new partner in the as a journeyman cabinet-maker. Having 2…?…& AGED 83 YEARS AND 7 MONTHS. [From a Photograph made in 1877, by W. H. Baker, of Saratoga, N. Y.] My mind was now measurably relieved, and I felt that I could apply myself to the object in view, with renewed dili- gence. As the patent had not been obtained, we commenced building a model for the Patent Office. Mr. Cook seemed to be more and more enamored with the invention as the work pro- gressed. Several hands were now employed in constructing models, and important alterations in the arrangement of the machine were made by Mr. Cook, which seemed to increase his confidence in the ultimate successful application of the power. As soon as we had completed a model for the Patent Office, I pro- ceeded to Washington and deposited my model and papers. A great variety of experiments were made in Mr. Cook's shop, with regard to the best mode of constructing both steel and electro- magnets, and many models of various sizes were completed. At least two of the working models constructed by Davenport and Cook during the winter of 1836-7 are for- tunately still in existence in an excellent state of preserva- tion. The writer has had an opportunity of making a careful examination of one of these, a small electric loco- motive running on a circular railway 24 inches in diameter, an illustration of which is given here with. The motor proper consists of two straight electro-magnets, one constituting a stationary field, and the other an armature revolving in a horizontal plane parallel to and above the field. The - armature is connected with' the driving wheels by a speed-reducing bevel-gear. The field and armature mag- nets are each 5% in. long, with cores # in. in diameter. They are each wound with two No. 16 copper wires connected in parallel, there being 24 con- volutions of each wire on each c or e. The commutator is constructed with insulated springs rubbing upon insula- ted metallic segments. The connections with the battery are formed by mercury-cups. Perhaps the most remarkable circumstance about this motor is that the field and arma- ture are connected in paral- lel, so that in this model we have a veritable example of a shºwnt-wownd motor, built in 1836-7. The workmanship of the little machine is of the finest description, and would reflect no discredit upon the shop of any leading manu- facturer of to-day. It bears in every feature the impress of the unusual mechanical skill of its designer. This model of the circular railway, together with several station- ary motors embodying the same general principles, were intended for exhibition in the city of New York. Near the close of the year 1886, Davenport, who was im- patiently awaiting the issue of his patent, received a letter from Congressman Slade, conveying the unwelcome intelligence that his model and all the papers relating to his application had been destroyed in the fire which con- sumed the contents of the patent office. Not a paper nor a 297 | 66 T H E E L E C T R I C A L E N G IN E E R. single one of the 7,000 models contained in the hall escaped destruction. - - - This disaster occurred on the 15th of December, 1836. Another model was immediately constructed and a new set. of papers prepared, and about the middle of January, 1837, Davenport, supplied with funds by Cook, set out on his third journey to Washington, and filed an application on January 24, 1837, for his patent, which was issued in due course on the 25th of February following. The following extract from the columns of a local jour- mal will serve to show the stage which the invention had now reached : . [From the Saratoga Sentinel, Jan. 8, 1837.] DAVENPORT AND COOK'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ENGINE. In company with Dr. Steel and several other gentlemen, we called upon Messrs. Davenport and Cook, of this village, on Satur- day, with a view of examining the electro-magnetic engine invented by the senior partner. - The ingenuity, yet simplicity of its construction, the rapid- ity of its motion, together with the grandeur of the thought that we are witnessing the operation of machinery propelled by that subtle and all pervading principle—electricity, combine to render it the most interesting exhibition we have ever witnessed. Although we shall say something on the subject, it is per- haps impossible to describe this machine by words alone, so as to give more than a faint idea of it to the reader. It consists of a stationary magnetic circle, formed of discon- nected segments. These segments are permanently charged magnets, the repelling poles of which are placed contiguous to each other. Within the circle stands the motive wheel, having the projecting galvanic magnets, which revolve as near the circle as they can be brought without actual contact. The gal- vanic magnets are charged by a battery, and when so charged, magnetic attraction and repulsion are brought into requisition in giving motion to the wheel—the poles of the galvanic magnets being charged more than a thousand times per minute. . . . We were shown a model in which the motive wheel was 5% inches diameter, which elevated a weight of twelve pounds. And to illustrate the facilities for increasing the power of this engine, another model was exhibited to us with a motive wheel of eleven inches in diameter, which elevated a weight of eighty-eight pounds. Although these models have been for some time in progress, and we have occasionally been permitted to examine them, we have waited till the present period, when the practi- cability of obtaining a rapid and unlimited increase of power seems to be placed beyond a doubt, before expressing an opinion, or calling the public attention to the subject. ... If this engine answers the expectations of the inventor (and we believe no one can assign a reason why it should not), it is destined to produce the greatest revolution in the commercial and mechanical interests which the world has ever witnessed, While Davenport was in Washington attending to the issue of his patent, Cook formed in New York the acquaint- ance of a typical representative of a class of people who have become in later years much more widely than favor- ably known in electrical circles ag “promoters.” This person, whose prominent position as secretary of one of the leading scientific and technical institutions in New York apparently entitled him to confidence, suggested the advis- ability of forming a joint-stock association to exploit the patent. To this Cook, and Davenport, after his return from Washington, willingly acceded, the more so, that they had found that the cost of procuring patents in the different countries of Europe, and of building a machine large enough to give the public convincing proof of the value of the discovery, would be likely to be considerably beyond their individual resources. In accordance with this plan, early in March articles of association were drawn up, by the terms of which a portion of the stock was placed in the hands of the promoter to enable him to raise funds “for building models and machinery, and for testing the utility of said invention; for giving to the same its greatest possible value for the benefit of the stockholders (the con- structions so made to belong to the association); also for securing the exclusive use of said invention in Europe for the benefit of the association.” A supplementary agreement was executed at the same time, by which the promoter pledged himself to pay Davenport and Cook $12,000 in cash within thirty days. This was a large sum of money in those days, and the - [Jan. 21, 1891. struggling inventor at last felt able to congratulate himself that his pecuniary troubles at least were at an end. Every prospect seemed as favorable as could be desired or hoped for. As a curiosity we give a fac-simile of one the certificates of scrip of this—perhaps the first joint stock company ever organized to exploit an electrical inven- tion. In March, Davenport received a letter from Professor Benjamin Silliman, of New Haven, requesting information about his machine for publication in the American Jour. nal of Science and adding: I have no doubt you will always receive advantage from the sound and judicious advice of our friend Mr. (the pro- motor) whose experience in business and great zeal and fidelity in this affair will no doubt greatly aid in all the proper business part of your concern. - The publication in Silliman's Journal of April, 1837, of a detailed description from personal examination of two dif- ferent forms of Davenport’s machine, one having revolving electro-magnets in conjunction with fixed permanent field magnets, and the other composed entirely of electro-mag- nets both in its fixed and revolving members, excited very great interest in scientific circles both in this country and abroad. At the end of the article, which is signed with the initials of Professor Silliman, the author sums up his con. clusions in reference to the invention as follows: r 1. It appears then, from the facts stated above, that electro- magnetism is quite adequate to the generation of rotary motion. 2. That it is not necessary to employ permanent unagnets in any part of the construction, and that electro-magnets are far prefer- able, not only for the moving, but for the stationary parts of the machine. - 3. That the |. generated by electro-magnetism may be indefinitely prolonged, since, for exhausted acids and corroded metals, fresh acids and batteries, kept always in readiness, may be substituted, even without stopping the movement. 4. That the power may be increased beyond any limit hitherto attained, and probably beyond any which can be with certainty assigned—since, by increasing all the members of the apparatus, due reference being had to the relative proportionate weight, size, and form of the fixed and movable parts—to the length of the insulated wires and the manner of winding them—and to the proper size and construction of the battery, as well as to the nature and strength of the acid or other exciting agent, and the manner of connecting the battery with the machine, it would appear certain, that the power must be increased in some ratio which experience must ascertain. 5. As electro-magnetism has been experimentally proved to be sufficient to raise and sustain several thousands of pounds, no reason can be discovered why—when the acting surfaces are, by skillful mechanism, brought as near as possible, without contact—- the continued exertion of the power should not generate a con- tinued rotary movement, of a degree of energy, inferior indeed tº that exerted in actual contact, but still nearly appoximating to it. - - - 6. As the power can be generated cheaply and certainly—as it can be continued indefinitely—as it has been very greatly increased by very simple means—as we have no knowledge of its limit, and may therefore presume on an indefinite augmentation of its energy, it is much to be desired, that the investigation should be prosecuted with zeal, aided by correct scientific knowledge, by mechanical skill, and by ample funds. It may therefore be reasonably hoped, that science and art, the hand- maids of discovery, will both receive from this interesting research a liberal reward. Science has thus, most unexpectedly, placed in our hands a new power of great but unknown energy. - It does not evoke the winds from their caverns; nor give wings to water by the urgency of heat; nor drive to exhaustion muscular power of animals; nor operate by complicated mechanism; nor accumulate hydraulic force by daming the vexed torrents; nor summon any other form of gravitating force; but, by the simplest means—the mere contact of metallic surfaces of small extent, with feeble chemical agents, a power everywhere diffused through nature, but generally concealed from our senses—is mysteriously evolved, and by circulation in insulated wires it is still more mysteriously augmented, a thousand and a thousand fold, until it breaks forth with incredible energy; there is no appreciable interval between its first evolution and its full maturity, and the infant starts up a giant. Nothing since the discovery of gravitation and of the struc- ture of the celestial systems, is so wonderful as the power evolved by galvanism ; whether we contemplate it in the muscular con- vulsions of animals, the chemical decompositions, the solar brightness of the galvanic light, the dissipating consuming heat, [Jan. 21, 1891.] and more than all, in the magnetic energy, which leaves far behind all previous artificial accumulations of this power, and reveals, as there is full reason to believe, the grand secret of terrestrial magnetism itself. - We shall hereafter give an accurate drawing, made to scale, of one of three or four machines, substantially alike, which were constructed in the winter of 1836-37, by Daven- port and Cook, The model in the patent office in Wash- ington was one of these, another was sent to Europe to be used in obtaining patents in various countries, and at least one other was kept on exhibition in New York, where it was inspected by crowds of curious spectators. The workshop and laboratory of Davenport and Cook were in a large building at 42 Stanton street, which has long since disappeared and been replaced by tenement houses. Writing of this period, Davenport says: During the spring and summer of 1837, our laboratory, which was a spacious one, was crowded to overflowing daily by visitors to examine the variety of machines and apparatus which were on hand, and in progress of construction. Among the distin- guished and scientific gentlemen who visited our work, were Professor Samuel F. B. Morse, then of the New York University, S º s s T H E E L E c T R ICA L ENG IN E E R. 67 francs, or $40,000, as a Compensation for his wonderful invention.” In the Cºurse, of this summer we constructed a great variety of machines, testing the power of each to ascertain the amount of improvement, and among these was a miniature locomotive engine which moved on a circular railway of 14 feet in diameter, moving a train of half-a-dozen cars. Many of the public prints came out in favor of theinvention, recommending that capitalists should examine the operation of the machines, and aid in the enterprise by their assistance in furnishing funds. Many of these newspaper notices are so characteristic, that I cannot forbear making a few extracts from them : (From the New York Herald, April 27, 1837.) A. REvolution IN PHILOSOPHY. —DAWN OF A NEW CIVILIZATION. We mentioned slightly the other day a few particulars de- scriptive of the electro-magnetic machine now preparing for exhi- bition in this city. We shall now go a little deeper into this most extraordinary discovery, probably the greatest of ancient and modern times, the greatest the world has ever seen, the greatest the world will ever see. . - - - - - - We are in the commencement of a revolution in philosophy, science, art, and civilization. The occult and mysterious principle of galvanism is now beginning to be developed in all its magnifi- cence and energy. o - - - - - - It is utterly impossible to give vent to all those burning thoughts which crowd upon our mind at the contemplation of this discovery. It surpasses any discovery of ancient or modern times. The generalization of this principle, and its undoubted identifi- cation with all the phenomena of nature—with motion-with animal life—with earthquakes—with gravity—with electricity- with the motion of the earth and planets round the sun, must and will create an entire revolution in all science, in all art, in all philosophy, and in all future civilization. Indeed we may go further, and however droll it may appear, we have strong Sus- picions that the friendship, esteem and the mysterious love MoDEL OF ELECTRIC CIRCULAR RAILWAY MADE BY DAVENPORT AND COOK IN 1836-7. [Front recent photograph and sketch by F. Le Pope.] and Doctor Charles G. Page, then of Boston. Professor Morse frequently mentioned his intentions of experimenting on the electro-magnet for the purpose of producing signs for signals for telegraphic purposes, and stated that he had long ago conceived the idea of transmitting intelligence by electricity. A gentleman from Germany, Baron D , purchased secretly from one of our workmen drawings of some of the best models, and in about six months from that time the German papers were teeming with the news that Baron D had invented a new motive power, a model of a machine, put in motion by electro-magnetism . The German Diet is said to have voted this gentleman pirate 200,000 1. From the sworn deposition of Professor Leonard D. Gale, corroborated by others, printed in the record of the Supreme Court in the case of O’Reilly v. Morse, it appears that the first crude model of Morse's telegraphic recording apparatus was constructed by him in the late fall of 1835, and that Gale became associated with him in 1836. In his deposition Gale says:– “From April to September, 1837, Professor Morse and myself were engaged together in the work o! preparing magnets, winding wire, constructing batteries, etc., in the Uni- Versity, for an experiment on a larger but still very limited scale, in the little leisure that each had to spare. The latter part of August, 1837, the 99eration of the instrument was shown to numerous visitors to the University.” It must have been while this work was going on, that Morse visited Davenport's laboratory. The marked likeness between the electro-magnet in the original instrument of Morse, preserved in the cabinet of the Western Union Telegraph Cºmpany, at 195 Broadway, New York, and the magnets in some of the motors ºf Dayenport and Cook, constructed just before they brought their apparatus to New York, furnishes grounds for the belief that Morse's knowledge of the con- struction of Henry's magnet may, in part at least, have been derived from observations made during his visit to the laboratory here referred to, between the sexes is founded on the same principle with which Mr. Davenport turns his wheel, and the lightning flashes from heaven—and the aurora borealis spreads out its garments of rosy light in the sky—and the very planets themselves run their races round the sun from eternity to eternity. - Enough for the present. We have long been a student, in chemistry, electricity, galvanism, and such like. Sciences. ...We shall illustrate our views at our leisure. Meantime we bid all prepare for an organic revolution in science, philosophy, religion, and civilization. We are just entering upon a wonderful age. (From the N. Y. Evening Star, August, 1887.) In concurrence, unanimously we believe, with all who have 2. The writer, notwithstanding much research, has failed in his attempts to penetrate the ; of the “gentleman pirate.” The statement is given as it is written. Possibly others may be more successful. - 68 T H E E L E C T R I C A L E N G IN E E R. witnessed the operations of this extraordinary and simple ap- paratus, and listened to the lucid and eloquent explanations of Mr. Cook, we confess our utter amazement at the prodigious changes which it manifestly foretells in the application of an entire new and immeasurable agent of mechanical power; and at the same time, while we see and admire, acknowledge ourselves, for want of language to sustain us, utterly incompetent to impart any correct conception of this marvelous invention to our readers. All we say is, “go and be convinced.” . . . . . . It is a sublime but not wild idea of Mr. Cook, that a ship's bottom, covered with suitable plates and the ocean for its bath, may drive herself along with incredible velocity, at the same time generating abundance of hydrogen to light her onward upon the deep. - - . . . - - - - - But it is in a commercial view that it exhibits, in prospective at least, an importance combined with the finest sublimity. It is well known that sea-water forms an active bath for the galvanic battery when kept up by frequent changes. Is there any insur- mountable objection to arranging the sheathing of the vessel so as to form a battery, and with the ocean for its bath and the appli- cation of magnetic power, “drive the ship onward in her course and guide her to the point of destination by the same agent 2" When the use of steam is proposed in conducting our distant commerce, we cannot avoid the reflection that on the vast deep the perils of wind and waves are sufficient without adding those of fire and explosion. - (From the N. Y. Evening Post.) We learn that some recent improvements have been made in the application of electricity as a moving power to machinery. A larger apparatus than the one hitherto exhibited has been con- structed under the direction of Mr. Cook, now in this city, which is to set in motion a turning lathe, in order that those who take an interest in the invention may see it at work. Nothing but the difficulty of the times now stands in the way of demonstrating the application of this power on a large scale to machinery of the most ponderous description. (From American Correspondence of London Morning Herald.) I did not write by the packet of the 16th [August, 1837], be- cause I had made an appointment for the next day, to go and see the electric-magnetic machines of Mr. Davenport, and which Iconsidered well worthy to be the subject of a letter, provided there were any grounds for the vast expectations founded upon them, not only by the inventor and his friends, but by every person who had examined them, and heard the explanations of Mr. Davenport. Having seen them, I am free to confess that I cannot discover any good reason why the power may not be obtained and employed in sufficient abundance for any machinery; why it should not supersede steam, to which it is infinitely prefera- ble on the score of expense, safety, and simplicity. I do not very clearly understand the principle (something about changing the poles from positive to negative, or from north to South), and vice- versa, in rapid succession ; but this is of little consequence, as I shall be able to send you, probably by the next packet, a pamphlet containing a full exposition, with illustrative engravings. Mr. Cook, who is associated with Mr. Davenport in the patent, is now engaged in preparing this pamphlet, and he has promised me the first copy that is printed. They have patented their invention in France and England. . - - - - - The last machine constructed by Mr. Davenport occupies a surface of about 18 inches square, that is, 18 inches on each side, and consists merely of a platform, having upon it an iron circular frame, with an arch extending from side to side above it, a - in the centr - in this arch at top-and-in-a-socke below, and on this spindle an incomplete wheel, formed of two cross pieces of iron, with segments of a circle at the four ex- tremities. It is, in fact, a wheel, with four breaks in its periph- ery. Some hundreds of feet of isolated, or coated, copper wire are wound around the cross pieces, and also around the fixed circu- lar frame ; the connection with the galvanic batteries, which are three small cylinders, each consisting of six concentric tubes of zinc and copper, the outer one scarcely larger than a quart pot, is, formed by small rods of copper. The revolving wheel is six inches in diameter, and weighs about six pounds. Attached to the upright spindle is a small cog-wheel, which may be made to work in other wheels, with axles, for the purpose of showing how great a weight can be raised from the ground. With the three batteries acting on it, the revolution of the wheel was 1,000 times in a minute ; and these 1,000 revolutions raised a weight of 200 lbs. one foot. The first machine made by Mr. Davenport, which is much smaller and has but one battery, raised but 24 lbs. He is confident that with a number of batteries, or one very large one, say, as big as a barrel, there would be power enough to drive the largest machinery, while the cost of construction would be reduced to a fifth, or perhaps a tenth, and that of attendance, fuel, etc., now forming so heavy an item in the expenses of Steam-power, would be almost done away with. Half a barrel of blue vitriol, and a hogshead or two of water, would send a ship from New York to Liverpool ; and no accident could possibly happen, beyond the breaking of some part of the [Jan. 21, 1891. machinery, which is so simple, that any damage could be repaired in half a day. Surely it is a great and vastly important discov- ery, and the wildest imagination could hardly grasp the wonders in *ieving which it may, and doubtless will, become the instru- ment. - A reference to the preceding description of the machine shown to the correspondent of the London Herald, is sufficient to show that it was quite an advanced type of motor, having a horseshoe field, and a four-pole armature fitted with segmental polar surfaces. A model of one of the machines of this type, but having two poles only, is still in existence. - Amid the general chorus of praise, there was, as might have been expected, now and then an inharmonious note, as witness the following communication :- [From the Journal of Commerce.] Messrs. Editors: I have been much gratified with your ex- posure of various humbugs of late in science and politics; but if I recollectright, you have not touched upon what I consider as also indubitably a great humbug. I mean Mr. Davenport's machine, so far as it boasts of being of any practical utility. I am aware that Mr. Silliman speaks of Mr. Davenport's invention as “put- ting into our hands a new power of great but unknown energy,” and supposes the power may be increased beyond any limit which can be assigned ; he therefore seems to speak of the discovery as of great pecuniary value, and recommends that the investigation should be prosecuted “by ample funds,” etc. Mr. S. has not, however, shown in what way any great and useful power is to be attained by Mr. Davenport's invention, and probably he would not again lend his name in the same manner to this affair. I am aware also that Mr. D. is able by his machine to move a couple of tiny cars about a railroad in Barclay street, of a dozen or fifteen feet in diameter ; but I propose to show that he cannot, by electro- magnetism, acquire any great and valuable power, and that his machine in its grand promise is a humbug. Annoying caricatures were also circulated, a fashion much in vogue at that day. One of these skits represented a boat propelled by lightning ; Davenport and Cook, with despair depicted upon their countenances were tinkering at the machinery, while Prof. Silliman, in an attitude of mock dignity, was expatiating to the public on the merits of the scheme. - - So far as can be ascertained, the earliest account of the experiments of Professor Moritz Hermann von Jacobi, of Königsberg, Prussia, afterwards of St. Petersburg, which reached this country, was contained in a paper published in Sturgeon’s Annals, translated from Comptes Rendus.” This admirable paper, which, considering the early date of its publication, displays a masterly knowledge of the fun- damental principles of electro-magnetism, as well as an in- timate experimental acquaintance with its phenomena, especially as exhibited in the actions and reactions of, the magnets of an electric motor, contains a full description of Jacobi's machine, illustrated with an isometrical drawing which clearly exhibits the details of its construction. From this drawing, which we reproduce in fac-simile, it clearly ºxideºuts-tºº-º-º: Curtivº s S [] [. Die Tº sºline º, S [12 C Davenport and Smalley's motor heretofore described, but that even in the details of construction the differences are comparatively unimportant. In this paper, Jacobi states that he first succeeded in obtaining rotary motion in May, 1834, and incidentally refers to a paper partially describ- ing it, which he read before the Academy of Sciences of Paris, on December 1, of the same year, an abstract of which was published in l’Institut, No. 82, on December 3rd. The following is a translation of this note :- M. Jacobi, of Königsberg, presented to the Academy a paper on a magnetic engine of his invention, in which magnetism is employed as a motive power. The following is the description given of it :-The apparatus consists of two systems comprising eight bars each of soft iron, each 7 in. long and 1 in. in diam- eter. These two systems of bars are placed at right angles, and so arranged on two discs that the ends or poles of the bars are opposite one another. One disc is fixed while the other revolves on its axis, and the movable bars are thus made to pass as close as possible in front of the fixed ones. The 16 bars are wound with 320 feet of copper wire, 34 inch in diameter, the ends of which were gonnected with a voltaic apparatus. The whole mass, moving at a speed of six feet per second, gives about 50 lbs., being 3. Sturgeon's Annals of Electricity, etc., i., 408. - 300 Jan. 21, 1891.] T H E E L E C T R T C A L E N G IN E E R. 69 a considerable vis viva. The work thus furnished, measured by an apparatus similar to the Prony brake, is equal to a weight of . 10 or 12 lbs. lifted one foot per second. This success is principally due to a novel construction of the commutator by which the changes of polarity are worked. These take place eight times in each complete revolution; that is to say, eight times in half or three-quarters of a second, the ordinary speed of the machine, when the water in the cell is so little acidulated that the develop- ment of gas is hardly appreciable. In 1838, under the patronage and at the expense of the Emperor Nicholas, of Russia, Jacobi constructed a much larger motor upon substantially the same principles, with which he succeeded in propelling a boat upon the Neva, at St. Petersburg. As full accounts of this experiment have been many times published, I will not occupy space by repeating them here. The illustration given will suffice to show the general character of the motor used on this occa- S1011. The question of actual priority, in point of time, as between the invention of Davenport and that of Jacobi is a very close one. If the rotary motion which Jacobi ob- tained in May, 1834, was effected by the identical appara- tus described in his paper read before the Academy in November of that year, then his priority must be conceded, but it does not appear to be certain that such is the case. In any event, the discoveries here and abroad must neces- sarily have been wholly independent, although nearly coin- #% Šsºft §§"ſºft, sº JAcoBI's ELECTRo-MAGNETIC ENGINE of 1834. (Reproduced from Sturgeon’s Annals.] cident in point of time, and it is, to say the least, remark- able, that one who labored under such limitations and disadvantages as Davenport, should by the unaided force of his native genius, have achieved a result which has been universally conceded to reflect the highest credit upon the talents and perseverance of one of the most able and learned experimental philosophers of his day. The following letter, written near the close of the year 1837, gives an interesting résumé of the progress of affairs in the laboratory at that date": [Thomas Davenport to Professor Benjamin-Silliman.] With this machine I have produced 100 revolutions per minute with 6 square feet of sheet zinc exposed to action, surrounded with thin sheet copper. - I then displaced the stationary magnets, and substituted one magnet 3inches in diameter, forming a semi-circle, with the poles directly opposite each other, and weighing about 100 pounds. With this magnet I produced 150 revolutions per minute, using the same º of zinc surface. With one revolving magnet I produced 175 revolutions per minute, with 4 square feet of sheet zinc. I next constructed a hollow magnet 2 feet in length and 4 inches in diameter, made of boiler iron, is of an unch in thick- ness, with 4 coils of copper wire, with which I succeeded in getting 100 revolutions per minute. A hollow magnet was then constructed of thin sheet-iron, of the thickness of common stove- pipe iron, which revolved 150 times per minute. Hollow mag- nets I think may be used to great advantage where weight is an objection; but in my experiments I generally make use of solid IrOn. -- - I also constructed a machine with simply two magnets formed of 2-inch round iron, 15 inches in length, of the stirrup form. The distance between the centres of the poles is 5 inches and the magnet revolves 450 times per minute, with 2 square feet of zinc. The stationary magnets being placed with the poles of the revolving magnet pointing downwards, the shaft to which the revolving magnet is attached passes through its centre and rests on the centre of the stationary magnet. Two of these machines (weighing in all 50 pounds) I have attached to small drilling works, which I find produce sufficient power to do all my drilling of iron and steel, to the size of 4 of an inch in diameter. - I have adopted this form on the third machine which I have recently put in operation. The magnets are formed of 2% inch \s | \ \ - SU iº |||| Iiz. MOTOR USED BY JACOBL IN HIS EXPERIMENT ON THE NEWA IN 1838. [By permission of D. Van Nostrand Co.] iron, with the centres of their poles 9 inches apart and weighing 50 pounds each ; with this I produced 300 revolutions per minute, and have successfully applied it to turning hard wood of 3 inches diameter. I find the power increases in full proportion to the increase ºish and without increasing in proportion the size of the battery. The wire must be increased in size in proportion to the size of the iron used, and, consequently, the difficulty attending long wires will always be avoided. - I find no difficulty in using my machine 12 hours in succes- sion, without changing batteries or agitating the solution. I am erecting conveniences to test the powers of each magnet as they are increased in weight and size, and think I shall be able in season for the April number of your journal to give the exact increase of power in proportion to weight, of magnets weighing from 10 pounds to several tons. - I have also made some very satisfactory trials, while making my machines, respecting the expense for the consumption of zinc and acids, and I think I shall soon be able to give nearly the pre- cise cost of making the largest machinery. - Galvanism is, I trust, destined to produce the greatest results in the most simple form, and I hope not to be considered an enthusiast, when I venture to predict, that soon engines capable of propelling the largest machinery will be produced by the simple action of two galvanic magnets, and worked with much less expense than steam. Yours respectfully, New York, Dec. 26, 1837. THOMAS DAVENPORT. Dear Sir :-Having lately made a number of applications of the power of large galvanic magnets in propelling machinery (being independent of the large machine now constructing by the association*), I have thought proper to state to you the results, believing they would not be uninteresting to you. I have constructed a machine with two revolving magnets 2 feet in length, made of iron, 3% inches in diameter, and weighing, after being wound with 6 coils of No. 10 copper wire, 100 pourids each. Three stationary magnets of 2 feet diameter, were placed around the periphery, making 6 poles and weighing 100 pounds each. 4 Silliman's Aimer. Jowr. Sci., xxxiii. (appendix). * The machine alluded to in the above letter, as now being constructed for the Electro-Magnetic Association, by Messrs. Davenport and Cook, is nearly completed, and is expected to be of about two tons' power. It is formed by a combination of small magnets, weighing about four pounds each, and three- and-a-half inches between the poles. These magnets are placed—two hundred and thirty-four in number, on an iron shaft six feet in length, and a corres- ponding number in a circle as stationary magnets, 70 In 1838, Frederic Coombs was sent abroad to obtain patents in Great Britain and other countries, and to ex- hibit the invention with the hope of enlisting foreign capital in aid of the enterprise. The following notice was published in the proceedings of the London Electrical Society, of its meeting of July 17, 1838:* Previous to the chair being taken, Mr. Coombs, of New York, exhibited to the members a locomotive engine propelled by elec- tro-magnetism. This machine, which is at present exhibiting at the Royal Gallery of Practical Science, consist: 1st. Of the carriage containing the apparatus, but which, in consequence of the arrangements necessary to the taking out of a patent in this country not being completed, could not be explained. 2d. Two voltaic batteries; these are made on the principle of Hare's calorimotor, excited with a strong solution of sulphate of copper. 3d. Two carriages attached to the apparatus. The apparatus, bat- teries, and carriages weigh 60 or 70 lbs., and are placed on a cir- cular railroad. Upon connexion of the apparatus being com- pleted (by means of four cups containing mercury) with the poles of the two batteries, the apparatus is set in motion and revolves for some time with considerable velocity, but which decreases as the action of the battery diminishes. The exhibition appears to have been favorably received by the members present, but it does not appear that any- thing further was accomplished. The following is selected from a number of newspaper notices: [From the London Morning Herald, August, 1838.] DAVENPORT'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVE. Mr. Davenport has at length gratified the curiosity of the English skeptics to a certain extent, by sending over a model of a locomotive engine, which is now exhibiting at the Adelaide Gallery, in the Lowther Arcade, worked on the same principle as his larger stationary engines. This carriage runs on a circular rail- way, and draws after it two other carriages, which move, by the aid of two small galvanic batteries, at the rate of about three miles an hour. The weight thus propelled is nearly 80 lbs., and the carriage containing the apparatus about one foot square. manner in which the electro-magnets are arranged is kept a secret for the present ; but the principle on which the application of the power depends is well known, and the chief superiority in Mr. Davenport's invention consists in his having, by some pecu- liar contrivance, brought into exercise a greater amount of power within a given space and weight, than has been hitherto accom- plished. Though we do not anticipate that Mr. Davenport's in- vention as exhibited in the working model would be found applicable on a large scale with any practical advantage; yet what he has accomplished is sufficient to show that important - results may be expected from future improvements in the application of the same principle. We are informed by an American gentleman who has recently arrived in England that he witnessed a two horse power electro-magnetic engine, of Mr. Davenport's construction, employed in printing a newspaper in New York, and that it performed the work most satisfactorily. Whether or not, however, this was done at a cheaper rate than the same power might be obtained from steam, we are not able to ascertain, Frederic Coombs, the exhibitor of the Davenport motor in England, in his old age became mentally unbalanced, º - vi —and from his harmless eccentricities of dress and was, for many years, a well known character in the streets of Washington, San Francisco and New York. His per- sonal appearance was remarkable, combining as it were, the stately dignity of a Washington with the affable and condescending benevolence of a Franklin. The portrait given herewith will be recognized by many of our older readers. - The peculiar business methods pursued by the individ- ual who had been entrusted with the management of the financial interests of the association soon came to be of a character to excite the suspicions both of his associates and of the public. His plan appears to have been a suffi- ciently simple one, namely, to sell shares to any one who could be induced to purchase, at any price the party could be induced to pay, and to put the proceeds in his own pocket, at the same time persistently refusing to render to his associates any account of his doings, but reluctantly disgorging, from time to time, such sums of money as were absolutely necessary to keep the laboratory going T H E E L E C T R T CAL E N G IN E E R. The a passing notice, here. 5. Sturgeon's Annals of Electricity, etc., iii. 156. [Jan. 21, 1891. with the smallest possible number of employes. This course of conduct could have but one result. The confi- dence of the public generally in the integrity of the man- agement of the association became impaired, while those who had purchased shares not unnaturally began to enter- tain suspicions that they had been duped. Ransom Cook was a man who was not only peculiarly sensitive in matters of honor, but one who was utterly without patience with fraud or chicanery in any form. He did nothesitate to express his disappointment and vexation at the conduct of the business manager, and ultimately, on the 12th of February, 1838, he sold nearly the whole of his interest for a mere pittance, withdrew in disgust from the enterprise, and re- turned to his home in Saratoga. During the year they had carried on operations in New York, Cook had expended on the work some $3,000, and Davenport more than $2,000 of their own money, while the total amount received from their business manager, instead of the promised $12,000, was only $1,700. After the departure of Cook, Davenport and M. W. Nelson, the party who had purchased Cook’s interest, brought a suit in chancery against their unprinci- pled associate, the result of which was that the court com- pelled the latter, much against his will, to exhibit his books and render an account of his stewardship. Daven- port had meantime sold a part of the patent right for the New England States which he had reserved to himself, and the proceeds furnished him with means to continue his experiments for a time without other aid. - One cannot but deplore the unfortunate occurrences which led to the permanent withdrawal of such a man as Ransom Cook from further association with a department of experimental research, in which his natural tastes, no less than his remarkable talents, so eminently qualified him to achieve distinction. An artificer of surpassing skill; a diligent and observant student of nature’s ways and works; an original thinker, and an inventor of a high order; the brief story of a single one of Cook's mechanical con- ceptions will portray more vividly than volumes of descrip- tion the rare genius of the man. Ever full of intelligent curiosity regarding the cunning works of nature, he be- came at one time absorbed in the study of the structure and habits of the so-called “ship-worm * (teredo navalis). More than anything else, he was struck with the capacity of this little creature to apply its cutting tool with equal facility and efficacy, at any angle to the grain of the wood, and as a skilled wood-wooker, his mind at once seized upon and sought to apply the hint which nature had thus given. Patiently and skillfully, with his own hands, he forged from steel experimental augers and bits, with cutters mod- eled from the teredo's mandibles, until at last the result was achieved; the curved tips of the justly celebrated “Cook bit,” an implement which by sheer intrinsic merit has made itself indispensable to the “kit” of every wood- less ingenious and original conceptions, space forbids even In the autumn of his days, retiring with a handsome and well-earned competency from the active pursuits of life, he provided himself with a well- stocked library, and a model laboratory equipped with the most improved mechanical appliances and scientific appara- tus. Here it was his especial delight to entertain his chosen friends, among whom were numbered many of the most prominent of public men and scientists who were his contemporaries. He died at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 26, 1881, at the advanced age of 87. It is impossible to resist the conviction, that had Ransom Cook continued to devote his unusual and peculiar talents to the industrial. development of electro-magnetism, many of those knotty problems, which for so many years confronted and obstructed the pathway of the investigator, would have received at his hands an earlier solution. Thrown once more upon his own resources, Davenport proceeded to build several larger machines, of a type very similar to that of the model locomotive in the illustration 302 Jan. 21, 1891.] on page 67, referring to which he says: I increased the size of my magnets to about 50 lbs. each, and with four machines, with two of these magnets in each, I moved a large Napier printing press in the month of April, 1838. There was not, however, sufficient power for printing papers, although the machine would keep the press in motion. While engaged in these experiments, he received a letter from Dr. Charles G. Page, then of Boston, who had been for some time engaged in exploring the same field. It is of interest as showing the views of Page at that date, and especially in view of the reference to the experiment of arresting the rotation of a magnetic bar by what is obviously an inductive action : [Charles G. Page to Thomas Davenport.] BoSTON, April 28th, 1838. THOMAS DAVENPORT, ESQ., Sir :-I have for a long time (as is well known to you) been pursuing the same experiment as yourself, but for many months past, I believe I have been on an entirely new and different track. My main object has been to prevent retardation or back action. My plan is to cut off the galvanic current from both systems of magnets instead of changing poles as they arrive at equilibrium. The advantage of this I have fully tested, and my model for a patent went to the office three months ago. I have had notice from the Commissioner that it should be attended to as soon as practicable, but the certificate has not yet arrived. This experi- ment has been tried on a large scale, and has failed, not because of any fault in the plan, but for the simple reason that the mag- nets were too much crowded. I made a demand on the company for $500, to alter the machine, but as they have already exceeded their subscription by $500, they thought best to give it up. But - §§§§§ 3 # *S S $. is ; : 3 $ $ $, $ & ... 3 |2. --> > bº - - $ 2 s s :S 3 { C B- ſº : s,s, $9 "S : Z. - - “S Sº - º -- 2. - e SS S. P- §: (5 . § 3 ; ; & à *> ºn - * | . . $ $, $ $ º º § 80 S .S. 8- º: pr; Sº S S $. S. qx º • S 's 'S S R 80 to 3 is $ $ & S S < 2. tº -- S ‘S S –5 ºn- - tº º: - ; ‘s fi & # % ** -- O (a ": STOCK CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ASSOCIATION. [Fac-Simile of Original in possession of W. G. Davenport.] I have no idea of abandoning the experiment myself, as I have full confidence that a power equivalent to that of one or two men can be obtained with economy. I have a foundation for this calculation, and can prove by some recent discoveries I have made that in the present state of our knowledge, the economy of the power is limited somewhere about the strength of a single man. I have made a still further improvement, which was fairly tested in a machine completed yesterday, by which I can increase the power of a machine to a great extent without increasing the battery. I also made some time since certain important diseov- eries in magnetic electricity, which throw a vast deal of light on this subject. I showed one of them yesterday to Mr. Horn, in a new machine which works exceedingly well without change of ‘th E E L E cºt Ric AL ENG IN E E R. 71 poles. To his great surprise I stopped almost instantly a bar making a thousand revolutions [per minute] by bringing together the two ends of a wire which had no connection with the battery, nor with the wires around the magnet. This is a most singular thing, as the wire is entirely independent, and the machine stops much more suddenly than by reversing poles. - I have still more recently made a more important discovery. than this last. It does not relate at all to Uhange of poles or cut- FREDERIC COOMBS, [From a photograph in the possession of Stephen D. Field.] ting off the current, but is simply a method of increasing the power of the magnet. I will engage to make any machine of yours in five minutes time half as strong again, or forfeit the value of the machine (the battery shall remain the same). I feel very sure the power will be useful to the extent I have above named, but for reasons which I can make conclusive to any one I do not believe in its indefinite increase. I am now under obligations to no one here, and before I get up another interest I should like to know your views. I believe it would be for your advantage and mine, and contribute much to the success of the experiment, if our interests should be united. If you will make me a reasonable offer, I will take hold with you heart and hand, and there is no question but that in a short time we could make an excellent business of it, as we could cover the whole grouted. Please write me immediately. Respectfully yours, CHARLES G. PAGE. Acknowledging the receipt of this letter, Davenport re- plied briefly on Nov. 2, stating that he was “not in a situation to make or receive propositions relative to a union of interests,” inasmuch as the ownership of his in- vention was largely vested in the corporation which had been organized to exploit it. HOW TO DISPOSE OF THE INDIANS. Secretary of War Proctor's mail is burdened with letters from cranks making suggestions as to the conduct of the Indian cam- paign. One correspondent proposes to exterminate the entire Sioux nation or a large part of it by establishing an electric plant at Pine Ridge and stretching a wire around the hostile camp. Then, turning on the current, the Indians are to be driven down to the wire, which is to be drawn closer and closer until contact with the wire causes wholesale destruction. - Vol. XI. THE INVENToRs of THE ELECTRIC Motor.—Iv WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE To THE work of THoMAs - DAVENPORT. BY ARLY in the spring of 1838, Davenport ing within the magnetic field of a sole- noid, which afterwards came to be well known by the name of the “axial mag- net.” Entertaining the conviction that in O this principle lay the germ of an import- ſant improvement in electro-magnetic 5) engines, due to the possibility of greatly increasing the effective length of the ºn . stroke, he at once prepared and filed in the Patent Office at Washington, a caveat describing his dis- covery, and giving an outline of the manner in which he pro- posed to apply it for the movement of machinery. Although this discovery was no doubt original with Davenport, the phenomenon had been observed by Peter Barlow as early as 1822. So far as record evidence goes, however, the caveat of Davenport is believed to be the earliest proposition to apply this principle in any manner for industrial purposes. As this caveat has never been published, a copy of it is given below, procured by permission of the heirs of the inventor, from the secret archives of the Patent Office at Washington. - - - JANUARY 28, 1891. discovered the principle of the core mov- 1. This effect was noticed by Barlow in the course of an experiment in magnetizing a steel needle which was placed within a helix wound upon a glass tube. His own account of it, is as follows : “In performing this experiment, I employed a glass tube about 5 inches in length and 3 inch in diameter; and it was observed, when the needle was placed in it, so that one-half of it projected beyond the end, that the moment the plates reached the acid, the needle was drawn instantly to the middle of the tube, and while the contact was continued it was held sº spended in the centre of the tube wºn the latter was held vertically - the suspending power of the spiral exceeding tº power of gravity. (The connection of the spiral with the con- º” wires is here supposed to be made before the plates are immersed in the acid. “This effect is very curious, because the needle here remains suspended in the open space, directly in the axis of the tube, and not attached to either side as in the usual cases of suspension by attraction.” BARLow : Essay on Mag- metic Attractions, etc. [2d edition, 1823.]. p. 262. The writer is indebted to Charles L. Clarke for the loan of the exceedingly rare work from which the above extract was taken, - The following editoral note referring to the same phonomenon appears in Sturgeon’s Ammals, vol. ii., p. 80 (Jan. 1838): “In answer to our correspondent, who wants to know if it be possible to suspend a needle in the air by transmit- ting an electric current through a helix in which the needle or bar is lying, we must say, yes. The fact was first shown at the London Institution, Moorfields. The battery employed was contrived by Mr. Pepys, and consisted of a single pair of plates of copper and zinc, each about 50 feet long and 2 feet broad, formed into a spiral on a cylindrical nucleus of wood, and placed in a barrel or circular wooden º: which held about 50 gallons of acid solution. The ex- periment may be made, however, with a battery of one square foot of each metal, immersed in a strong solution of nitrous acid. The helix must be of narrow bore, of 6 or 8 layers of spirals, and held vertically. The gravitating propensity of the needle may be much reduced by holding a bar magnet at a small distance above the helix.” - In Alfred Vail's American Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, p. 59, is an account of “An Interesting Experiment of Supporting a Large Bar of Iron within the Helix. Discovered by Mr. Vail, Jan. 1844,” which, so far as the writer is aware, is the earliest published account of the suspension of a soft iron bar of any considerable weight. The account is in the following words:– “It has been shown many years, since that a magnetic needle would be drawn into and suspended within a helix conveying a galvanic current, and that in the case of using large bar magnets, the coils of helices might be made to move over them as in De la Rive's rings; but in no instance, I believe has it been recorded or observed, that a bar of iron weighing a pound or more could be drawn up into the helix and there sustained in the air, as it were, without support. If the helix be connected with from 6 to 12 pairs of Grove's battery, the bar may be drawn u , into its centre and there sustained in a vertical §." by the action of the helix, form- ing an exceedingly interesting and paradoxical experiment.” - º - The Caveat of THOMAS DAVENPORT, of the City of New York. The said Thomas Davenport, having invented a new machine of which a description is hereinafter contained, and desiring further time to mature the same, files this his caveat in the patent office of the United States, and prays protection of his right till he shall have matured the same. The design, purpose, and distinguishing characteristics of his invention are as follows: º * . Said machine is designed to create or supply a power for any pur- pose to which animal, mechanical or other physical power can be, or is, applied to move bodies and machinery of every description. It is composed of an instrument denominated in science a helix, which is formed by winding insulated wire proper for the purpose around a hollow cylinder or other shaped tube of thin metal or other suitable substance in- capable of being magnetized, in the usual manner and proper quantity in making helices. Galvanism being passed through such wire in proper quantity the helix is complete. The helix should be so formed that the internal hollow will be smooth, firm and uniform throughout, so as to permit a long, straight and uniformly thick piece or bolt of iron of the same shape and nearly exactly filling said hollow cylinder or tube to pass and repass longitudinally through it with as little friction or " obstruction as possible. The end of a bolt or piece of iron fitting said tube or hollow cylinder, as before described, is then inserted a short distance into said hollow cylinder or tube, and the helix being galvanized the bolt will be drawn forcibly entirely into said tube and a motion be thus created. It is this machine, composed of the helix and bolt of iron (neither of which do I claim separately), thus producing mo- tion, which I claim as my invention.. I have so far im- proved it as to produce a reciprocating motion by which a crank may be turned in the following manner: I take two of the above machines, and the helices being placed perpendicular, I attach the two bolts at each ex- tremity of a balance or walking beam. I then alternately galvanize each helix, and while one is galvanized, I take off or suspend the galvanism from the other. The consequence is, that the helix which is galvanized draws down its own bolt, and the other, not being galvanized, allows its bolt to . ascend. As soon as the latter bolt has nearly reached the top of its helix I remove the galvanism from the former helix. and galvanize the latter. The bolt of this is then drawn down and the other bolt ascends, and so on alternately. In- termediate the centre of the balance or walking beam and one of its extremities, at a suitable distance between, is at- tached arod which descends to a crank, and as the balance beam moves up and down the crank is turned and turns a wheel band or other instrument to communicate power or producestmotion. I put a balance wheel on the axis of the crank, and the axis of the crank forms a convenient means of letting on and suspending the galvanism as before de- scribed. In order to do this, separate pieces of silver, copper and other suitable metal are fastened to the axis so as to go about half way around it, forming a semi-circle flat and smooth. The conductors from the battery and the conductors to the helices are placed in contact with those pieces of metal. but so as not to communicate galvanism to each other, unless through the medium of those pieces of metal. Then as the axis revolves when the revolution brings the conductors both in contact with their pieces of metal their helix is galvanized, and when, by such revolution the contact ceases, the galvan- ism of the same helix is suspended, and so of the other helix. Dated New York, May 5th, 1838., - - Attest : - E. PAINE. Respecting the work which was carried on during the year 1838, I have been able to obtain but little information. There are indications that matters in New York were prac- tically at a standstill. It was a period of extreme financial depression, in which even well established interests exper- ienced no little difficulty in meeting their liabilities and carrying on their business. In February, 1839, º: received a letter from John H. Smith, of Glasgow, a nephew of Junius Smith, who organized the corporation which, - THOMAS DAVENPORT. 94. T H E E L E C T R ICAL ENG IN E E R. built the celebrated steamship the British Queen. It ap- pears that Smith, who had visited America in the preced- ing summer, had seen a model of Davenport’s apparatus in operation at the Mechanics' Fair in Castle Garden, and in his letter he intimated his desire to undertake the intro- duction of the invention in Great Britain, on Davenport's behalf. Writing from Brandon, in reply to this and other letters from Smith, on August 15, 1839, Davenport says: I have experimented these 18 months past with my own limited means, having constructed machines on more than 30 entirely different plans; making great improvements in the power in proportion to the weight, &c. - • - - - - I have no doubt but that the power is unlimited, which can and ultimately will be successfully applied to all pur- poses for which steam-power is now used. - - . - - * - An attempt is making in New York by some individuals who have a machine now exhibiting in Gold street, to monopolize, as they say, the business of Electro-magnetic speculation. They have obtained a charter, and are offering for sale shares of stock; but their machine, although inferior in principle of application to any ever before exhibited to the public, is precisely on the plan of one constructed by myself in the winter of 1835, a part of which is now at this place [Brandon]. In a subsequent letter to Smith, dated in New York, December 13, 1839, Davenport mentioned that he was driving a rotary printing press with a machine weighing less than 100 pounds. - In January, 1840, Davenport commenced the publication of a journal entitled The Electro-Magnet and Mechanics’ Intelligencer. This was a small folio sheet 12 by 16 inches, and as its title-page announces, was printed on a press pro- pelled by electro-magnetism. As a matter of curiosity we give a fac-simile of the head of this somewhat unique and not particularly well-printed publication. Copies of the two first numbers issued have been preserved. It is not known how many, if any, subsequent numbers were issued. Among the editorial remarks in the second number I find the following, which are quoted as explanatory of the plan and scope of the undertaking : The first number of the Electro-Magnet was issued on Saturday, January 18, 1840, which was the first paper ever printed by the power of Electro-Magnetism or Galvanism. The project was pro posed and set on foot for the express purpose of bringing before the public some tangible illustration whereby the power might be brought forward upon as cheap and prudent scale as possible. How far we have succeeded, time must show. - - - - - - As the second number of our publication is before the public, we would respectfully call the attention of those who wish to advance the cause of philanthropy to come for- ward and assist us in our experiment. That we may be considered chimerical by many we doubt not ; but when all things are fully proved we shall hope for a better fate than many of our prede- CeSSOrs. - - On January 28, 1840, only three days later, in a letter to his brother, in Brandon, he feelingly portrays some of the miseries which beset the path of this, the pioneer effort in -—eiectrical journalism : I have been obliged to bear the whole load in starting the paper and have no writer to aid me yet. I have talked with some, and find that it will cost $10 per week for editorial articles (which accounts for no more original matter), yet I intend to have friends, enough soon that will help without expense to me. - - . - - . The truth is, I am now in the worst pinch in regard to means for supporting my family that I ever have been, yet my prospects are the most flattering, and I think the most sure to net me something handsome as early as spring. You see I have no way to get a few dollars in a place, except by the prospect of getting subscribers, which I have not yet tried to do. I have only to take time and make my trade in 33 fump. - - - A few months later Davenport appears to have made a second essay in the way of a journalistic enterprise, of which, so far as is known, only a single number was issued. The new undertaking was somewhat more ambitious in character, being printed in quarto form upon a sheet 16 by 22 inches. This journal was entitled The Magnet ; Devoted to Arts, Science and Mechanism, and was “edited by S. J. Burr, secretary, U. S. Society of Science and Mechan- - [Jan. 28, 1891. ism,” presumably at the munificent salary of $10 per week, which in fairness it must be stated, was every cent that the work was worth. As a matter of interest, we copy the advertisement which appeared at the top of the first col- umn, together with the prospectus : LIGHTNING IN HARNEss. The Printing Press Worked By LIGHTNING ! EXHIBITION, The Greatest Discovery of the Age. The attention of the scientific, mechanical, and curious is re- spectfully invited to the exhibition of LIGHTNING IN HARNESS, which is this day opened at No. 4 Little Green street. (Little Green street is between Broadway and Nassau street, and runs from Maiden Lane to Liberty street.) - - The exhibition of Davenport's electro-magnetic engine will continue open this day, from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. The engine is of sufficient power to drive a printing press, and those who witness the exhibition will find it printing the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The proprietor has been induced to exhibit his electro-mag- netic engines especially upon this day, for what can be more ap- propriate than, upon the anniversary of our nation’s birth, to print the Declaration of Independence and send it by lightning throughout the whole world. - Admittance free. July 4, 1840. PROSPECTUS OF THE MAGNET. We present our little work to the public with great confidence and for several excellent reasons: First. It is printed upon a new and improved conical rotary press. Secondly. This press is worked by our electro-magnetic engine. Thirdly. Both are wholly American. The first number of the paper is published on the anniversary of our national indépendence, and offered at a cheap rate to the patronage of the lovers of truth, and those who devote time and labor to mechanical and scientific pursuits. Though the investigation of electro-magnetism will form the principal feature of our journal, it is not intended to confine its columns to that interesting science; we shall fill our pages with such authentic matter as may come within our reach upon all scientific and mechanical subjects. - - With respect to electro-magnetism, it is the intention of the publisher to advance tangible proofs that this power has already triumphed in moving machinery. It is also his design to make known all the experiments made by him since December, 1833, which go to corroborate his views on this subject, with wood cuts, illustrating various models and machines, together with the laws of electro-magnetism, and the great advantage this wonder- ful power has over steam, in regard to safety, cheapness, and con- venience. In the mean time, the experiments of others, more ex- perienced in the science of electricity, galvanism, magnetism and electro-magnetism, will be noticed in order that the reader may get a general idea of the science, and the laws by which they are governed, and by which we are guided in controlling and work- ing the powerful and mysterious agent. It is not our intention to make the subjects tedious, nor the articles too laborious for the ideas of readers in general. - We shall treat upon the different branches of science, and the various inventions and improvements that shall be made known, as also those at present in operation, together with such miscella- meous and interesting matter as shall appear from time to time. Any objections or difficulties that may be advanced by dif- ferent individuals, in regard to the application of electro-magnet- ism as a motive power, we shall be pleased to receive, and shall consider it a favor to communicate with them through the columns of the Magnet. Several scientific gentlemen of our city, Boston, and Philadel- phia, have already engaged to become contributors to make our paper interesting and useful to all classes. THOMAS DAVENPORT. NEw York, July 4, 1840. Two or three machines of different design were em- ployed at different times, in driving the printing press. One of them was a helix machine, constructed upon the general plan proposed in the caveat of 1838 which has been given above. - The experiments of Davenport during the season had been so numerous and so costly that he again found him- self at the end of his resources, and was reluctantly com- Jan. 28, 1891. pelled to suspend operations. Receiving encouraging let- ters from Great Britain, he finally made arrangements to proceed to that country in order to personally negotiate the sale of his foreign patents, and it was only the lack of promised pecuniary assistance which failed to reach him on the very morning of his intended departure, that prevented him from being one of the unfortunate passengers of the ill-fated steamer President, which foundered at sea, carrying with her every soul on board. - Very little record remains of the labors of Davenport for sometime after the occurrences which have just been narrated. It was, however, at some time during this period, that he experienced one of those cruel disappoint- ments by which fortune sometimes seems to delight in making a foot-ball of the struggling inventor. The story of this misfortune is best given in Davenport’s own words: A gentleman residing in Ohio, finally proposed to assist me to an amount which I considered would enable me to put the electric-motor power on such a footing that it should no longer prove problematical whether electro-magnetism could be used instead of steam. As I had for a long time been completely destitute of means for carrying on my business, and even for comfortably supporting myself and family, I now felt not only relieved as regarded my daily subsistence; but I was much elated at the idea of having sufficient funds to build a proper Electro- magnetic engine. This gentleman funished me with $3,000 in Ohio bank notes. T H E E L E C T R T C A L E N G IN E E R. 95 For testing the capacity and usefulness of the electro-magnetic power, as a mechanical agent for the purposes of navigation and locomotion, and the probable cost of using the same according to the invention of Professor Page, the sum of twenty-thousand dol- lars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy in making a practicable experiment of said invention ac- cording to the plans to be proposed and conducted by Professor Page. - From time to time accounts of the experiments of Dr. Page found their way into the journals of the day, and one of these notices, coming into the hands of Davenport, led him to send a communication to a local newspaper, which is not only valuable in itself, as a concise review of the author’s own work, but because it was the occasion that led to an interesting correspondence between Davenport and Page, the essential parts of which are printed herewith, and which form a contribution of no inconsiderable import- ance to the history of the development of electro-magnetism as a motive power: [From the Brandon Post, Sept. 26, 1850.] ELECTRO-MAGNETISM TRIUMPHANT OVER STEAM. Mr. Welch –Will you allow me a small space in the Post for the purpose of making a few remarks respecting Professor Page's successful.experiment, in applying Electro-Magnetism to propel- ling machinery, as described in the following article which recently appeared in the National Intelligencer: CLAIM of DAVENPORT s PATENT. No. 132 of FEBRUARY 25, 1837. [Fac-Simile from Original Specification in Archives of Patent Office.] Of these notes I had used only $10 when I was informed that the bank that had issued the notes had broken, and that my money was good for nothing. This proved to be the fact, I never received $10 in cash for the remaining $2,990. After struggling along for nine months more in trying to convince my friends that the object of which I had so long been in pursuit was still worthy of their attention, I reluctantly gave up all hope of further assistance, and in the fall of 1842 moved my family to Brandon, Vt., where I resumed work at my trade as a blacksmith, which was then my only resource to gain a livelihood. Early in 1843, the inventor's nervous system, enfeebled by so many years of incessant toil and anxiety, gave way under the strain, and a protracted and dangerous illness ensued, which left him with a constitution permanently impaired. After residing two or three years in Brandon, he retired to a small farm in Salisbury, Vermont, where he passed the few remaining years of his life. He could not, however, wholly withdraw his mind from the fascinating science which had for so many years been a part of his very life, and in the retirement of his quiet home, he con- tinued his studies and experiments in electro-magnetism. In February, 1849, a memorial of Dr. Charles G. Page was presented in the United States Senate by Senator Ben- ton, asking for the appointment of a committee to examine the merits of an invention for applying electro-magnetism to the purposes of navigation and locomotion, and a dom- mittee of seven was appointed for that purpose. In March an appropriation was granted, in pursuance of the recom- mendation of this committee : ºf Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power. Professor Pagé, in the Lectures which he is now delivering before the Smith- sonian Institution, states that there is no longer any doubt of the application of this power as a substitute for steam. He exhibited the most imposing experi- ments ever witnessed in this branch of the science. An immense bar of iron, weighing 160 pounds, was made to spring up by magnetic action, and to move rapidly up and down, dancing like a feather in the air, without any visible sup- port. The force operating upon this he stated to average three hundred pownds through ten inchº of its motion. He said he could raise this one hundred feet as readily as thrºgh ten inches, and he expected no difficulty in doing the same with a bar weighing one tom or one hundred tons. He could make a pile driver or a forge hammer, with great simplicity, and could make an engine with a stroke of six, twelve, twenty, or any number of feet. It looked very unlike a magnetic machine. lt was a reciprocating engine of two feet stroke, and the whole engine and battery weighed about one ton. When the power was thrown on by a motion of a lever, the engine started off magnifi- cently, making one hundred and fourteen strokes per minute; though when it drove a circular Saw ten inches in diamater, Sawing up boards an inch and a quarter thick into laths, the engine made but eighty strokes per minute. There was a great anxiety to obtain specimens of the laths sawed in this way to preserve as trophies of this great mechanical triumph. The force operating upon the magnetic cylinder throughout the whole motion of two feet, was stated to be 600 pounds when the engine was moving very slowly, but he had not been able to ascertain what the force, was when the engine was running at a working speed, though it was considerably less. The most important and interesting point, however, is the expense of the power. Prof. Page stated that he had reduced the cost sofar that it was less than steam under many and most conditions, though not so low as the cheapest steam engines. With all the imperfections of the engine, the consumption of three pounds of zinc per day would produce one horse power. The larger his engines (contrary to what has been known before) the greater the economy. Prof. Page was himself surprised at the result. There were yet practical difficulties to overcome ; the battery had yet to be improved; and it remained yet to try the experiment on a grander scale, to make a power of one hundred horse or more. - -- As I am confident that the results of the experiments of this. enterprising and scientific gentleman will open the eyes of the people and the purses of capitalists, sufficiently to soon place on our lakes, rivers and railroads, a safer and more convenient power than steam, I hope I may not regret so much in future as I have for ten years past, that the paralyzing hand of poverty has for- -º- 306 96 T H E E L E C TRICAL E N G IN E E R. bidden any attempt on the part of myself to prove to the world, what as early as 1833, I believed could be done within the space of five years. At that time galvanism appeared to me to have the same relation to the power of an electro-magnet that water does to the power of a steam engine, and I had no doubt but that I could convince the whole sensible world of the fact, by applying the power of a small electro-magnet to moving the lightest ma- chinery. But in this I was disappointed. I found the power more controllable than the minds of men, and compliments more plenty than money. - Having devoted the most part of seventeen years of my life in laboring to apply electro-magnetism to useful purposes (and without receiving any remuneration), it may not be improper for me to state to the public the power and size of some of the electro- magnetic engines which I have invented and applied to the mov- ing of machinery, that they may be compared with the engine lately constructed by Prof. Page. Early in 1838 I ascertained that a bolt of iron could be drawn with great force into a helix whenever the battery current was suffered to pass through the coil. I immediately constructed a small engine on this principle, which, when in motion, very much resembled a little steam engine with two perpendicular cylinders. During the same season I filed a caveat for this improvement in the United States Patent Office, and sent several models to Europe. A patent for this invention was obtained in England and the Provinces, and money paid into several other European Patent Offices where no letters patent have ever been obtained. - - - In 1839 I experimented on a much larger scale with the mag- netic cylinder or helix, and constructed a helix two feet in length with an aperture through the centre two inches in diameter. A bolt of iron 2 feet long and 2% inches in diameter, weighing about 28 pounds, was forced into the helix when the current of galvan- ism passed through the wire, with a power equal to 6 pounds to the square inch of its diameter. This test was made with the helix and bolt placed in horizontal position, so that the weight of the iron should not be reckoned. When the helix was in a perpendicular position and raised one - foot from a platform, with the lower end of the bolt resting upon the platform, and the upper end entering one foot into the helix, the battery current would raise this bar of iron with such force that it would often pass entirely through the coil, 2 feet in length, and fall upon the platform. cylinders weighing 50 pounds each. The engine made a 12-inch stroke and weighed about 200 pounds. The battery was made of lead and zinc plates 2 feet long and 5 inches wide, weighing in its most improved state 100 pounds. In the same month I com- menced publishing a newspaper, which was printed on a press pro- pelled by this engine, When the press worked off but 10 papers per minute; the engine made 120 strokes in the same time. Many who witnessed the working of this machine, estimated it to be a two horse power, but from my own tests, I could not make it ex- ceed the power of one horse. The cost of zinc and acid in work- ing did not exceed 25 cents per day. In the course of my experi- ments, up to the time of printing by this power, I had constructed in all more than 100 engines of various dimensions, and all dif- ferent in point of construction, for the purpose of ascertaining the best proportions and mechanical arrangements for the increase of power. My experiments with helices, using long and short, large and small, hollow and solid bars of iron, were very numerous. My press was first moved by a horizontal helix engine, next by a rotary, and lastly by a perpendicular double helix engine. Now, as Prof. Page's experiment with 160 pounds of iron “dancing like a feather in the air” seems to me to be precisely like the experiment I made in 1839, when the 28 pounds of iron jumped through a helix two feet in length, by magnetic º LII -º-L plan and principle as my own above described, I presume the scientific gentleman lays no claim to having presented any new rowte in his application of the power, or to have made any im- portant improvement whatever in my invention. If Prof. Page, by the completion of his engine, has finally come to the point at which I arrived ten years ago in testing electro-magnetism as a prime-mover in the arts, and has expended as much money in the series of experiments which he of course would be obliged to Imake, I think I could have saved him the needless expenditure of several thousand dollars, by giving him the results of some of my experiments in 1838-9-40, which l should have been happy to to do, if I had been consulted in due time. . THOMAS DAVENPORT. SALISBURY, VT., Sept. 12, 1850. -. The publication of this communication drew forth the following letter from Professor Page : t [Letter of Charles G. Page to Thomas Davenport.] WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct 2, 1850. Dear Sir –I have received this day your communication in the Brandon Post. I have been aware from the beginning of [Jan. 28, 1891. to you to know of a promise of success in the common cause. I believe there is nothing in my improvements that conflict in any way with your inventions, but should it ever prove to be the case, I think we could make an amicable arrangement. I commenced my experiments on the helix primarily in 1830, and made several miniature models, and published accounts of several of them in the early part of 1837. In 1838, in the winter, I think, while I was in Davis' shop in Boston, a gentleman from New York called and said that you thought you could get power in that way, but that you had not yet arranged any machine. My experiments and little models had been successfully tried long before that, and I have always believed and am satisfied that I was the first that ever attempted to get power in that way. - In 1843 I made a great improvement on this principle, and many more since, without which I am satisfied nothing could be done to render the power available. I have always looked with pleasure upon your zeal and ingen- uity in this matter and when speaking in public have always alluded to you in terms of commendation, and although your article was no doubt written with feeling, yet I hope you will not repeat it until we can fully understand each other. Respectfully, your obedient Servant, - - - CHA's. G. PAGE. THO's. DAVENPORT, Esq. [From the Brandon Post, October 31, 1850.3 - WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 24, 1850. Mr. Editor :-I notice in your paper a communication from Mr. Davenport, in which he gives an interesting historical ac- count of his experiments in electro-pnagnetism, and concludes that he was in advance of myself in respect to the peculiar plan of operation which he describes. According to his own statements he was in advance of me in respect to the scale of magnitude of his experiments, and from the size of battery which he employed that would have necessarily followed. But the attempt to apply this peculiar principle of action to an engine for mechanical pur- poses was made and published, so far as I can learn, first by myself, and long before Mr. Davenport states that he was first aware of the fact that a bar of iron would be drawn into a helix. This fact has been long known to the world, having been first published by Mr. Barlow in 1823, and I apprehend that the reason In January, 1840, I had completed an engine with two magnetic why it has been so little thought of as a source of mechanical action, is that the force thus exerted was so very feeble compared with the attraction of the electro-magnet. As to raising a bar, I can of course claim no originality, and the raising of a bar of 600 pounds, which I now do readily, presents a difference only in degree from the experiment of Mr. Barlow in 1823 in raising a small bar, perhaps of only one ounce. But the peculiar improve- ments by which I raise so great a weight with so small an eacpendi- twre of galvanic power are novel and original with myself. Mr. Davenport is entitled to great credit for his ingenuity and zeal ir, the pursuit of electro-magnetism, and I have always viewed with much interest his early perseverance in this matter. But it is due to himself, the community and myself, that I should make this statement, and to add that I do not feel indebted to any one for the peculiar views which I have long entertained in regard to the plan of operation based upon the known fact above mentioned. CHAS. G. PAGE. In view of the historical interest attaching to the inquiry, the author has made every effort to verify the statement made by Professor Page in the two preceding letters in respect to his publication in 1837, of accounts of experi- ments with the helix and core, but without success. From other publications made by Professor Page, it seems im- OUDssldle O'Tººwo -º-º-º-º- --~~~~ + º- ºr- --- C º him must have been the result of some Cla. misapprehension. In an article published in American Journal of Science in 1845, vol. xlix, p. 131, he says: your experiments with the helix, and although we were operating entirely independent of each other, it will no doubt be gratifying This new species of electro-motion, which by way of distinc- tion I denominate the axial reciprocating engine, was unsuccess- fully attempted in the year 1838, and notice made of it in this journal (vol. xxxv for 1839, pp. 261 and 262) together with some other eacperiments wbon the interior of helices. My failure at that time was for want of suitable batteries, etc. . . . . . . To sustain a small needle within the helix is a trite experiment, but by the arrangements which I have adopted, a bar of iron or steel (which becomes instantly and powerfully magnetized) is 2. The improvement here referred to by Professor Page, is probably that em- bodied in the engine, which he exhibited in New York in the fall of 1851, and which is described with illustrations in the Scientific American of November 15, of that year (vol. vii., pp. 65,67). This machine was fitted with a range of hollow helices formed of square wire. A sliding commutator was so arranged as to pass the current through three successive coils of the series at the same time, current being cut off from each rear coil in succession, and thrown on the coil in tront of the core in the direction in which the latter is moving. Thus astroke of any length in either direction could be given to the moving core. The battery used is stated to have been 40 pairs of 10 inch Grove’s. This form of motor had been used in Professor Page's well-known experiment in propelling an electro- magnetic locomotive on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in April of the same year. - 5 given by 307 | Jan. 28, 1891.] T H E E L E cT R Ica L E NG IN E E R. 97 sustained entirely free from any visible. support, and this too by the action of only six small Grove's batteries. This is almost a realization of the fable of Mahomet's coffin, or the statue of Theamicles. When the helix is connected with six pairs Grove's in good order, it will draw up within its centre a bar of iron or steel weighing two or three pounds and sustain it with its upper end projected above the helix - - - He then goes on to give a description of his well known axial reciprocating engine, for which he took a patent Jan- uary 31, 1854, and which is described in many works on electricity and magnetism.” Referring to the notice in vol. xxxv of American Jour- , nal of Science of which Page speaks in the above extract, I find that it describes an apparatus consisting of a pair of helices, with U-shaped cores thrust into them at each end, so that the four poles will meet in the centre of the helix. It is distinctly stated that this apparatus was contrived Jan. 11, 1838, but it is not properly an axial magnet, nor is any mode of application to the moving of machinery described. The inference seems unavoidable that Profes- sor Page must have been in error as to his dates, and that Thomas Davenport is really entitled to priority in the application of axial magnetism to the movement of machinery, as set forth in his caveat of May 5, 1838, and as reduced to practice by him in 1838-39-40. [Letter of Thomas Davenport to Charles G. Page.] - SALISBURY, Oct.—, 1850. Dear Sir :-Yours of the 2d inst, was duly rec’d. When I wrote the article which you noticed in the Brandon Post, I had no knowledge of the fact that Congress had appropriated any moneys. for testing the availibility of electro-magnetic power. Since then, THE EI. F. GT AND MECHARTICS INTISTELºSSORR, “Page's revolving helix,” “Page’s revolving helical ring.” These experiments seem to be on the same principle as the “float- ing helix” and “De la Rive's ring.” In your improvements in the “floating helix,” it appears that you had no idea of accumulating power in that way, for in your letter to me dated Boston, April 28th, 1888,” you have said nothing about any experiments with the helix, although you mention a variety of other experiments which you have made in producing rotary motions, without changing poles, and which you considered was an improvement on my system of changing the polarity of the magnet. You also stated in the same sheet, that you could show good reasons why the power would not admit of “indefinite increase,” but must be confined to the power of that of one or two men. Since I first saw the power of an electro-magnet eachibited, any idea that the power could not be indefinitely increased, seemed to affect me with a pe- culiar disagreeableness. I write you thus plain, because I have had strong feelings on the subject, and retain them yet. I believe that my zºal and attachment to, and inventions in, electro- magnetism have been of great value to Science and the arts, to government and to the whole world, and this I shall endeavor to show in a publication which I hope to have prepared in a few weeks, in which I intend to fully show my position in the matter. You mention in your letter of the 2nd inst. that if your im- provements in any way conflict with my inventions, there could no doubt be an amicable arrangement made between us. It strikes me that if Government has taken the business in hand to perfect the application of this power to moving machinery, that Congress would be the proper body for me to look to for compen- sation for what I have done in the premises. I should be happy, however, to receive suggestions from you with regard to the best course for me to pursue. In the meantime, I hope that Congress will make still further appropriations, that you may continue on in the noble cause. - - For the last four years I have been experimenting in electro- magnetism. On a plan for applying the power to new purposes; and have succeeded to my full satisfaction. This invention I con- - - --- PUBLISHED BY THOMAS DAVENPORT, AND PRINTED ON A Pſ: ESS PROPELLED By ELECT&c-Mag ng lºsłł. oRPICE, 42 stanTON STREET, NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1810. No. 1.-vo. 1. - FAC-SIMILE, FULL SIZE, OF THE HEADING OF DAVENPORT's ELECTRICAL Journal, ISSUED IN 1840. sider of very great importance to the public, and I hope to be able in a few months to present you with a model for exami- nation. - - - - - Respectfully your friend and fellow-laborer, - THOMAS DAVENPORT: - ſ [Charles G. Page to Thomas Davenport.] have received your report to the Secretary of the Navy on the subject of electro-magnetism as a moving power. I am truly gratified to learn that your experiments have resulted so favor- ably. I believe, however, that if I could have had in 1840, one half the amount of money that you have expended, I should have produced more power and fully as economically. I question whether, in proportion to weight, your machine actually exceeds in power the helix machine with which I printed a newspaper in 1840. But, the improved state of the galvanic apparatus would probably render your power a cheaper one. I perceive that you have made a great many experiments which were precisely like those I had tried, excepting that yours were on a larger scale, The impossibility of my obtaining funds to build larger caused me much regret. In completing my engine for printing, I had used up all the means I possessed, and all that I could get, for I had tired my friends with my solicitations for funds. After trying more than a year without success, I gave up all hopes of enlisting individuals any farther in the enterprise, and I then thought of applying to Congress for an appropriation for the purpose of testing the power on a larger scale. I asked the opinion of many intelligent and influen- tial individuals in regard to my plans, but they invariably gave me unfavorable answers. In 1845-6 I wrote to some gentlemen and members of Congress on the probability of my getting an appropriation from the Government, but their answers were generally discouraging. But I will not tire you at this time with an enumeration of my misfortunes; for it pains me much to call to memory the many distressing circumstances in which I have been placed in consequence of my zeal in the cause. You men- tion that you believe that you are the first that ever attempted to get3. with the helix, and that you had successfully tried a model previous to 1838; also that some of your experiments in the helix were published prior to that date. I find in Davis's “Descriptive Catalogue of Apparatus and Experiments,” pub- lished in Boston in 1838, the following apparatus described: 3. See Davis's Manual of Magnetism. [12th, edition] p. 182'; U. S. Letters Patent, No. 10,480; Martin and Wetzler, The Electric Motor, etc., p. 79. WASHINGTON, D. C., October 22, 1850. Dear Sir: I have this day received your kind letter and although I.º with you in opinion on its most important points, still Phelieve you to be as sincere as you are zealous. I do not remember the letter of 1838 you refer to, but it has gener- ally been my practice in writing to othèrs upon the subject, to with- hold such information as would give them an advantage over my- self by giving them the benefit of my own inventions. However in 1838 and after, and in 1836–7, I was fully of the belief that an eco- nomical power could not be obtained, unless the difficulties of the time required to charge and discharge magnets and the influence of secondary currents could be overcome. These difficulties al- ways increase with any increase in the size of the engines. I threw out all these objections in Silliman's Journal at that time, but I hoped and believed there would be a remedy. ; I was con- stantly searching after it, and at last I found it. It was only when I found it, that I thought the way was clear. You must estimate the power of your engine much too high. Your printing press was a very small one, and it would not have required, I think, #5 horse-power to drive it at the rate you mention. I send you a pamphlet containing an account of the performance of my engine 4. De la Rive's ring is a small helix of thin wire in the form of a vertical annulus which is mounted on a float, having a small plate of copper attached to one end and a corresponding plate of zinc to the other end, which hang below the float. The whoſe arrangement is then placed upon the surface of a vessel of acidulated water, which causes a current to pass through the ring. If the pole of a bar magnet is presented to the ring, the latter will move towards the centre of the magnet, passing over the bar. It is in fact an inversion of the solenoid and core, and involves precisely the same principle. (See Davis' Manual ºf Magnetism. [12. Ed.], p. 115.) 5. See ante, p. 71, 30s 98. * . T H E E L E CT RIC A. L. E N G IN E E R. which was made about five years since, and which after I got it into the best working order I showed to Congress, working a plan- ing machine (small one) and afterwards carried to Tower's print- ing office to test it. This engine had by accurate measurement, 4. of a horse-power and yet you see how large a press it worked at the rate of twelve hundred impressions per hour. There are some other points in your published article which do not seem to me to be correct, as to estimates, etc. But there is no reason why I should raise a discussion now about them. You will notice in the pamphlet that I had given you credit for your labors (see page 6). There seems to be no hope from Congress now. They have taken the ground that it is a matter of individual enterprise, and on that ground they refuse to appropriate further for my experi- ments. I applied for forty thousand dollars to build a large ship with an engine of one-hundred horse-power, which they refused without a count. The great feature of my engine is the manner in which I over- come the difficulties I spoke of, and you will I am sure be grati- fied when you come to know the plan. It has never been made known in public yet, but by next spring my work will be pub- lished containing a full description. I shall be always glad to hear from you and render you any aid in my power. Meantime believe me to be, Your friend and well wisher, THOMAS DAVENPORT, Esq. CHARLES G. PAGE. [Jan. 28, 1891. McCARTHY'S ELECTRIC CAR GEAR. AMong the new devices designed to transmit the power developed by the motor to the car axle of an electric car We note that recently patented by Mr. L. A. McCarthy, of Brooklyn, N. Y. In this arrangement the inventor has sought to effect a simple arrangement by which the motor may be kept in constant operation, if desired, and thrown in and out of gear with the axle with the least possible jar, and thus to obtain efficiency with flexibility of con- nection. As shown in the accompanying engraving, the motion of the armature is transmitted to an intermediate shaft 0 by means of driving rods. Mounted upon this shaft is a movable cone pulley B placed directly opposite a cor- responding friction pulley D, mounted on the car axle. The pulley B is normally held out of contact with the pulley D by the spring s, and under such condition the motor runs free. When it is desired to start the car, the driver, by turning a lever on the platform, draws the rod g taut, which, acting upon the belſ crank lever F, moves its short armſ, and presses the cone pulley B firmly against **= -----→ ======s ===== E. - T-TVº \ - | º | - ſiſ 2-Sº, il Hijº ==Liſſa iſ zºº” | * HºH. Éiºs= ==----- SS-2' ſ W ºn º | - =ll - }_{Eºſh Fºº : - |- - || || -- tº-º-Hi # iſ | | | | c | 2- | N ==ll _{\ } Hel–e) e-º \m-II ==== -º- == - MCCARTHY's ELECTRIC CAR GEAR. P. S.—I have kept a good account of electro-magnetic engines and I do not think that a horse-power was ever attained before my engine. Jacobi's great engine was about 3% horse-power, and so far as I can learn, was the most powerful ever made. About the year 1850, Davenport became interested in the development of an idea which he had conceived, of producing music by electro-magnetism. The following notice of this invention appeared in a journal of the time : [From the Scientific American, April 3, 1851.] the pulley D. In this manner the motion is transmitted without shock and is under complete control of the driver. THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF THE PHONOGRAPH. The greatest feat of reporting that has ever been performed by the official reporters of Congress was that of preparing the Senate report for the Record Wednesday night, Jan. 14. The chief reporter is sick, and but two men were available to do the work. The Senate was in session for fourteen hours, all of which time was spent in an active discussion of the silver bill. It was The Electric Piano. º - Mr. Davenport, of Salisbury, Vt., we learn claims to have made an improvement in pianos, causing the musical chord by means of electric magnets to continue an equable and free vibra- tion for any length of time. The perpetual and hitherto incurable defect of the piano-forte is the impulsive and eyanescent nature of its tone, and though great improvements have been made upon it, and various devices have been elaborated to prolong its notes in some degree, yet the want of a sustained vibration is still an inherent defect in that beautiful instrument. Davenport's work in this direction, which was attended with very satisfactory and successful results, was brought to an untimely end by his illness and death, which took place in the summer of 1851. It is my purpose to enter more at length into the history of his labors in this direc- tion in a subsequent article. - BERLIN, N. H.-The Westinghouse Company is now installing a central station plant at Berlin, N. H., with the Westinghouse alternating current apparatus. The plant will commence opera- tions with 750 sixteen candle power lights capacity. after 12 o'clock at night when they adjourned, and during the ses. sion they had talked over 120,000 words. Two stenographers took the report, and, by dictating their notes into phonographs for typewriters to transcribe, they had all the copy ready for the printers by 8 o'clock in the morning, and the Record was on the desks of the Senators when Congress convened. LAws AGAINST THE EMPLOYMENT OF JUVENILE operatoRs. At its last session, the Georgia Legislature passed a law provid- ing that in the future all railway telegraph operators must be not less than eighteen years of age before they can accept such posi- tions, and, furthermore, they must pass an examination as to capability before the chief train despatcher of the road upon which employment is sought. Tennessee operators will push a similar measure before the Legislature of that State. They claim that the passage of these bills means the disappearance of the boy operator and a corresponding decrease in the number of accidents resulting from the employing of inefficient, immature and inex- perienged railroad telegraphers. It would be well, perhaps, if every State should adopt such a law. MR. W. H. MCCULLOCH, manager for the Southern Telephone Co., at Greenville, Miss., has been promoted to the position of supervising auditor, with headquarters at Vicksburg. Mr. D. Thomas, of Memphis, succeeds him. **~~~~ *** Electrical Engineer. ** Vol. XI. FEBRUARY 4, 1891. THE INVENTors of THE ELECTRIC MotoR.—v. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WORK OF THOMAS DAVENPORT. BY Thomas Davenport in the field of electro- magnetism and its application as a motive only remains for me to sum up, so far as may be, what I conceive to be the true sig- nificance of his work as a part of the gen- eral history of the industrial application of electro-magnetism, and by way of preface, to say a few words regarding the personal - characteristics of the man. Although forty years have passed since Davenport was borne to his humble grave under the shadow of the stately elms of Brandon, there are still living many old residents, his former friends and neighbors, who well remember him, and who by common consent, speak of him as one who re- ceived, and who in the fullest measure deserved, the respect and esteem of the community in which he lived. However visionary his schemes may have appeared to many of his townsmen, there seems to have been but one opinion as to the high character and substantial worth of the man himself. - Thomas Davenport was pre-eminently a student, a thinker and an originator ; a strikingly characteristic type of a class of minds to whom the world always has been, and always will be, indebted for its grandest mechanical conceptions. Modest and unassuming in his intercourse with his fellow men, reticent in speech, but cheerful and kindly in manner, and by no means lacking in that dry humor which seems almost inseparable from such a nature, he nevertheless possessed, beneath a peculiarly mild and gentle exterior, a determined and resolute perseverance but little removed from obstimacy, which poverty, adversity and disappointment were utterly powerless to overcome. From the very moment when he first witnessed the exhi- bition of the mysterious power of Henry’s electro-magnet, the conception of utilizing its invisible force for the pro- pulsion of machinery took possession of his mind and thence- forth occupied it almost to the exclusion of every other con- sideration. He studied, he pondered, he experimented. Seek- ing from the beginning to produce continuous rotary motion, with the unerring instinct of the born inventor, in his very first essay he grasped what I have defined as the essential principle of the electric motor, the combination of moving and fixed electro-magnets, one reversible and the other non- reversible ; and however extensively and widely he may subsequently have experimented in other directions, he never once loosed his grasp of this fundamental conception. It may be asked whether it is certain that this concep- tion is due to Davenport alone. It is true that in an abso- lute sense, this question at this late day can only be answered by the light of internal evidence. Every one who has much intercourse with inventors must have observed power, has now been brought to a close. It - that when two minds have wrought upon a mechanical problem until success has crowned their efforts, it is ordi- narily quite impossible even for the parties immediately concerned to dissever and distinguish their respective con- tributions to the general result. Yet the experienced ob- server, familiar with the mental characteristics of the varying types of the creative mind, usually finds little difficulty in reaching a conclusion which is at least satisfac- tory to himself. He only needs to know the two men to know in what manner and by what mental processes the ultimate result must have been reached. - From the moment that Davenport declared, in the pres- ence of the little assemblage at Crown Point, his intention of producing rotary motion by means of electro-magnetism, it is certain that he never for one moment permitted him- self to doubt that he would ultimately accomplish that result. He was fortunate in having a coadjutor like Smalley, young, enthusiastic, a natural mechanic and a willing º ; and it is altogether probable that to the latter is largely due the embodied form and structure of the machine, particularly the contrivance of the mechanism employed º effecting the reversal of the current which is shown in the sketch accompanying the specification of 1835. It is not unlikely that the design of the first metallic com- mutator may also have been due to him ; but the fact re- mains, that the master mind, wholly absorbed in the subject, and possessing the determination and the capacity to suc- ceed in spite of every obstacle was that of Davenport. Had Smalley not been at hand to assist him, some other person would have been found. Had it been necessary for him to carry on * work alone, he would have done it. When a mind possessing the indomitable perseverance of that of Pºyº, is once in possession of an original idea—the conception of something to be done—its ultimate accom- plishment, whether with or without the assistance of others, is as certain as fate. It is the story of every great inven- tion; poverty, ridicule, discouragement, may defer, but 2.Te P. to prevent, the development of an idea. In the argument before the Supreme Court of the United States in § Telephone case, the learned counsel for the complainanº remarked 3– - - It is of mon experience that the maker of a great invention which originates a new art, seldom has the technical skill and turn of mind which produces the best apparatus. . - . It is an interesting fact that the particular forms Watt thought of when he took out his patent; were practically so ineffective that it required ten years' unremitting work of himself and Boulton, the best machinist in England, before an engine was produced which was commercially satisfactory. But since he took his patent, no engine has ever been constructed which condensed the steam in the working cylinder, - Many instances might be cited as evidence as the truth of this statement. Not only Watt, but Fukton, Morse, Bessemer, Bell, and to mention a very recent instance, Rogers, the inventor of the wonderful typograph machine, were men of only ordinary mechanical skill, and were. almost wholly indebted to others for devising and working out the mechanical contrivances in yhich their conceptions. were embodied, and by which only their work could be *... rendered useful to mankind. Yet this fact does not in the least detract from their individual merit as inventors of the highest type, and as benefactors of the human race. I have seldom seen this idea more forcibly expressed than in a decision of Judge Kane, rendered many years ago in an important patent case, in which he said : 310 126 T H E E L E C T R I C A L E N G IN E E R. [Feb. 4, 1891. All machines may be regarded as merely devices, by the in “On the Principles of Electro-Magnetical Machines,” in strumentality of which the laws ºf nature are made applicable the concluding portion of which he said: and operative to the production of a particular result. He who - g p - … - - - first discovers that a law of nature can be so applied, and having ..I consider that there will not be much difficulty in determining devised machinery to make it operative, introduces it in a practical with sufficient precision the duty of one pound of zinc, by its form to the knowledge of his fellow men, is a discoverer and in- transformation into the sulphate, in the same manner that in the ventor of the highest grade—not merely of the mechanism, the steam engine, the duty of one bushel of coal serves as a measure combination of iron, brass and wood, in the form of levers, screws to estimate the effect of different combinations. The future use and pulleys, but the force which operates through the mechanical and application of electro-magnetic machines appears to me medium—the principle—or to use the synonym given for this quite certain, especially as the mere trials and vague ideas which term in the act of 1793, the-character of the machine; . . . have hitherto prevailed in the construction of these machines the essential principle which his machine was the first to em- have now at length yielded to the precise and definite laws which body, to exemplify, to illustrate, to make operative, and to an- are conformable to the general laws which nature is acºustomed nounce to mankind. - to observe with strictness, whenever the question of effects and I have expressed the opinion that the combination of the thº, causes arises. …, - - moving and fixed electro-magnets, one reversible and the The eminent English philosopher, James P. Joule, of other non-reversible, must be regarded, in the light of our Manchester, in a communication containing an account of present knowledge, as the essential principle of the electric * of his quantitative experiments and investigations in motor. The experience of the past few years has demon electro-magnetism, expressed himself as follows :— strated beyond question, that the largest motors yet made, I can scarcely doubt that electro-magnetism will eventually show as high, if not a higher, net efficiency than the smaller be substituted for steam in propelling machinery. . If the power - - - - of the engine is in proportion to the attractive force of its mag- sizes, and in fact it has not as yet been found practicable et, and if the attºº"... is as the square ºf the icº. to construct an efficient motor of any considerable power forcé, the economic effect will be in the direct ratio of the quan- upon any other principle. A moment’s reflection serves to tity of electricity, and the cost of working the engine may be show the impracticability of organizing a large motor, eduºd ºdºſiº, º is tº be determined, hºwever, how far either with permanent magnets as in Sturgeon’s plan, or the effects of magnetic electricity may disappoint these expecta- tions.” with non-reversible electro-magnets and neutral armatures - - - - - - as in Edmondson’s plan, while on the other hand, by So late as 1851, Professor Page, in discussing the question employing ºpinº intrºduced by Davenpºrt in iſ .''...'...º.º..." pioneer machine of 1834, no apparent limit to the “” g y - - - - - - - - - We have no proof of any such relation of electricity to heat as to dimensions or power of the motors which it is possible to make the mechanical power of one the measure of the mechanical construct has yet become manifest. - power of the other. Whatever may be the connection and anal- In our own time, when the doctrine of the conservation of . ogy between heat and electricity, we must consider them as energy is so inseparably interwoven with every conception distinct forces in their mechanical relations." - of the mechanical and chemical interactions of the natural The subsequent researches of Grove, Mayer, Liebig, and forces, it is wellnigh impossible for us to realize that in more particularly of Joule himself, ultimately established Davenport's day, this fundamental law was wholly unknown, the law of the equivalence of forces upon the firm and or at most had been only dimly perceived by one or two of enduring foundation of experimental demonstration, and the most profound philosophers of the day. Davenport confirmed the opinion long before expressed by Henry, himself lived and died in the full conviction that the day that the endeavor to find in voltaic electricity a substitute which should witness the triumph of electro-magnetism or a rival to coal-power, must, from the nature of things, be over steam was close at hand. There is much reason to an utterly hopeless one. hope that ere many years have passed, his cherished belief The publications made by Professor Page at various and expectation will prove to have been not wholly with- dates between 1837 and 1855, and the interesting corres- out foundation.... Undoubtedly he also believed that yoltaig pondence between Page and Davenport which has already energy was in like manner destined to take the place of been given, show that the conceptions, of the two men, coal energy. In , his time science, had not sufficiently ad- both in respect to the most desirable principle of construc. Yanced to enable the latent fallacy of this idea to be tion of the electro-magnetic motor, and as to the possible detected and demonstrated. It is not to have been ex- limits of its power, were widely at variance ; but time, pected that a humble village artisan, knowing literally which proves all things, has shown conclusively, that of nothing of science, beyºnd that which his own discoveries the two, the views of favenport were the more correct. had taught him," should have mistrusted the existence of 3. The opinions of Page 3.I’e indicated in the extracts law of equivalence between the forces of nature, which which follow, taken from articles written by him at was as yet undiscovered and even unsuspected by the most various times : - - learned philosophers of the day. The following extracts, Since the announcement of Mr. Davenport's invention, the - selected at random from many which might be cited, give innumerable experiments which have been performed in this - -ample evidenee-of-the-views which generally prevailed—set atºmia-Eagle ads ea-the-eentinent of Europes and even in the among scientific men in relation to this subject, prior to the º *. *. all º the ºl. º - - - - Which have been made, have ha ar the gºrea, test Torooortion- year 1840. In his treatise On the Steam engine, then ate power. Since I first gave the º: .. º have - - recently published, and considered a work of high authority, had sixteen different models constructed, each involving 'distinct - Dr. Lardner had said :— - principles. From all these experiments the inference is still the Philosophy already directs her finger at sources of inexhaust- same, viz., the fewer the magnets and the smaller their size ible power in the phénomena of electricity and magnetism, and (within Čºrtain limits), the greater the ratio of mechanical power many causes to combine to justify the expectation that we are on obtained." - - the eve of mechanical discoveries still greater than any which Practically we have already been taught, that (unlike other have yet appeared ; and that the steam-engine itself, with the powers, where the largest engines are the most simple and least gigantic powers conferred upon it by the immortal Watt, will expensive) electro-magnetic engines, above a certain limit, increase dwindle into insignificance in comparison with the hidden in complication and expense and in a much greater ratio than powers of nature still to be revealed, and that the day will come the power obtained. To ascertain this limit, the precise point when that machine, which is now extending the blessing of civil- where economy ceases, is now the great, and ought to be the only, ization to the most remote skirts of the globe, will cease to have object of research." existence except in the page of history. - I must premise here (as I have heretofore expressed myself) At the meeting of the British Association in 1840, Prof. ºf I do not º: ". #.". *:::::/ ſº ::::::::: - - and ln giving this description to the public, I am Only Selectin Jacobi presented to that body 3. very carefully prepal ed paper from the multitude of ... I jº constructed, suchforms . 1. This he effected in a country village, unaided by scientific knowledge, by obviously economize a given galvanic power. A number of ma- books, or by the encouragement of men of superior attainments, or with kindred spirits. Whatever may be the result of his labors, his merits are of a high 2. Sturgeon’s Annals of Electricity, etc., vi, 159. order, and he has proved himself well worthy of the most splendid success. 3. Ibád, iv, 135. Should his machine finally accomplish that which he and many of his friends’ 4. Scientific American, (1st series) vi, 315, anticipate, its value will be incalculable.” THoMAs P. Jonks: Journal of 5. Amer. Jour. Science,4xxxv, 106. Franklin Institute. [2d ser.] xxiv, 342. 6. Ibid, xxxv, x108. É || C — Fig. 2 Hiſ %2: S& |=! º º ^-> - Rºig. 4. I * l_i =\ | | | - - Elec.Engr, N. P. DRAw1NG ACCOMPANYING DAVENPORT's BRITISH PATENT. [Made to scale from actual Working Machine.] Fig. 1, elevation.—Fig. 2, plan.-Fig. 3, vertical tranverse section.—Fig. 4, horizontal transverse section in plane of a b. of Fig. 3–Fig. 5, plan of arrange- ment of magnets. B platform; C base; D battery, consisting of concentric cylinders of copper E and zinc F, immersed in vessel G containing sulphate of copper solution; H I, positive and negative conductors; K L insulated commutator segments fixed upon vertical shaft R. M N OP cores of electro-magnets; Q Q Q Q helices of insulated copper wire ; a b bearings of shaft. R. e de f commutator springs; V support for electro-magnet ; S T semi-circular permanent steel mag- nets; 55 north poles and 66 south poles of permanent magnets. § 312 - 128 T H E E L E cT RIC AL ENG IN E E R. [Feb. 4, 1891. chines wherein the poles of the magnets were changed, and others wherein the poles of the magnets were not changed, but both systems, the stationary and the revolving, were rendered mag- netic and non-magnetic at intervals, have been laid aside as not worth describing.” So also in his letter to Davenport of April 28, 1838, he says :— I feel very sure the power will be useful to the extent I have above named (a power equivalent to one or two men), but for reasons which I can make conclusive to any one, I do not believe in its indefinite increase." - - The subsequent comment of Davenport upon this opin- ion, is a peculiarly significant one. In his letter to Page of October, 1850, he says:– Since I first saw the power of the electro-magnet exhibited, any idea that the power could not be indefinitely increased, seemed to affect me with a peculiar disagreeableness. So also in his letter to Smith in 1839, he had said:— Ihave no doubt but that the power is wºnlimited, which can, and ultimately will, be successfully applied to all purposes for which steam power is now used.” This difference of opinion was radical, and it extended to the details of the method of applying the electro-mag- netic power. In his letter of April 28, 1838, Page says: “My main object has been to prevent retardation or back action. My plan is to cut off the galvanic current from both systems of magnets instead of changing poles as they arrive at equilibrium. The advantage of this I have fully tested.”8 In an article written a year later, he remarks:– Change of poles cannot be introduced in a machine, for the following reasons:—1. It requires time; and during this time, the magnets which change poles are attracted and retained (re- tarded?) somewhat by those which do not change. 2. Similar poles will attract and produce back action ; for unless the mag- nets which change poles be favored by excess of battery or supe- rior conductors, they cannot receive near the same charge as those which do not change : for first, there is magnetism of an oppo- site character to be overcome ; and secondly, two breaks in the galvanic circuit are necessary to produce change of poles. 3. Two magnets which have a statical repelling power, that is, a power which will merely keep them asunder when the machine is at rest, will attract each other when the machine is in motion. This singular fact is a consequence of secondary currents.” So far as I have been able to ascertain, the views of Professor Page in this particular, remained unchanged throughout the whole course of his subsequent experimental labors. In every attempt made by him to produce electro- magnetic power on anything like a large scale, as, for ex- ample, in his locomotive, and in the other experiments made under the Congressional appropriation, he appears to have consistently adhered to the theory that the best results were to be attained by simply cutting off the current from the magnets, without reversing polarity. Davenport, on the other hand, with equal persistency, adhered to the plan of reversing the polarity of one set of magnets twice in each revolution, and out of the very large number of ma- chines constructed at different times by him or màer his direction, the only instance I can find in which this princi- ple was departed from, is in the case of the two or three helix machines which were built in New York between 1838 and 1840.10" The results of modern research and ex- perience, have abundantly verified the correctness of Davenport's ideas, and have shown that the “peculiar dis- agreeableness” with which the notion of an assignable limit to the power of electro-magnetism affected him, was but a prophetic manifestation of the instinct and inspiration of the true inventor. - - The course of Davenport and Cook in transferring their invention to an incorporated company, for the avowed pur- pose of raising money by the sale of shares to reimburse them for their expenditures, and to provide means for con- ducting further experiments on a scale large enough to demonstrate the utility of the invention, met at the time with a considerable amount of adverse criticism, an exam- ple of which among many others may be found in a paper on Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power, by Professor Page, published in 1839, from which the following is an extract : - It is much to be regretted, that in our country the invention should be a subject of mercenary speculation, when in reality it has no value except as an experiment, and that the public have been so far misled, as to withdraw that countenance and encour- agement which the experiment really merits. We cannot but deplore, that such an interesting branch of science should be so traduced, and that the very name of electro-magnetism should be coupled with empiricism.** So also, a prominent scientific journal in an editorial paragraph, observed:— We rather regret that this interesting application of electro- magnetism is attempted to be sustained by an appeal to the hope of immediate profit.** I cannot but regard this implied censure as unjust and unmerited. Examine critically as one may every line of the correspondence and writings of Davenport and I ven- ture to say there can be found not one trace of a self- seeking spirit, not the faintest expression of a desire to make money from his invention, beyond the modest and reasonable expectation of a comfortable support for him- self and those dependent upon him. It is but seldom that he refers, even casually, to the innumerable hardships and inconveniences which he and his family must have not in- frequently suffered from want of means; but on the other hand, we find more than once, expressions of profound re- gret at being unable to command the financial support which was essential to him in perfecting and carrying out his self-imposed task of giving to the world an economical and efficient substitute for what he calls, and was at that time justified in calling, “the murderous power of steam.” For my own part, I can see no reason why the action of Davenport and Cook, in taking part in the organization of a stock-company whose earnings were expected to come from the future development of the invention, was not in every respect as legitimate and proper at that day as it would be at this. It is certain that neither of the princi- pals could have entertained the slightest intention of mis- representing the circumstances, or of misleading the public. It appears to have been perfectly well understood by all concerned, that the invention was not claimed to have passed beyond the stage of a promising experiment, but nevertheless, that if the proceeds of the sales of stock en- abled a large engine to be constructed and put in success- ful operation, the future of the enterprise might reasonably be expected to be highly profitable to the shareholders. It is not impossible that misrepresentation and even fraud may have been practiced upon some of the shareholders by the agent who had been entrusted by Davenport and Cook–with the management-of-the-business-of-the-com pany, but the records show that no effort was spared by them to put a stop to his irregular proceedings as soon as they became aware of them. One needs but to read the letters of Davenport, to be impressed with the conviction that he was a man of childlike simplicity and transparent integrity of purpose, and that the single object to which he devoted every energy of his life, was not the accum- mulation of money nor the gratification of self, but the development of what he believed to be an invention des- tined to confer priceless benefits upon his fellow men. In conversation with some of the more elderly residents of Brandon, among whom were a number of acquaintances and friends of Davenport during his lifetime, I have been more than once assured that he was the real originator of the electric telegraph. This statement has recently been made with some particularity in the columns of the local press : 7. Amer. Jowr. Science, xxxvi., 350 (1839). 8. Amte, p. 71. 9. Amle, p. 94. - - 10. Amer. Jowr. Science, xxxv, 109 (1839). - 10a. It does not appear that Davenport ever took out a patent in this country on the helix machine. It was, however, patented in Great Britain, as a comi- munication from abroad, on July 11, 1838, by Lewis C. Callet. 11. 4-mer. Juw". Science, xxxv., 107. 12, Ibid., xxxiii, 194. 313|| Feb. 4, 1891.] [ From the Brandon (Vt.) Union, December 19, 1890.] - There are but very few outside this immediate vicinity that are aware of the fact that the first telegraph line in the world for transmitting signals over a wire by electricity was erected in Brandon, and by a Brandon man. Yet such was the case, and this town has the honor of being the first spot where this mighty invention of modern times was put to practical use. . . . Mr. Davenport, then living in Brandon, in connection with Mr. Smalley, now living at Forestdale, experimented considerable in electric appliances. Long before Prof. Morse had projected anything of the kind, these gentlemen had a wire that connected their two residences, on which were transmitted dispatches by means of electricity, using a battery, and which gave by machinery the sound as now heard from machines in ordinary use. After this wire had been in operation for some length of time, Mr. Daven- port moved to New York and began the publishing of the Electro- Magnet, being printed by a machine propelled by electro-magnetic force, as the paper claims upon its title-page. While in New York we are informed that Prof. Morse called upon Mr. Daven- port, and was struck with his discovery, and then began to make improvements thereon, inventing the Morse alphabet. He then applied it to Mr. Davenport's discovery which has proven to be such a magnificent success. To Prof. Morse belongs a great deal of honor for bringing before the public the wonderful merits and advantages of telegraphy, but the discovery and origin of this great invention justly belongs to Thomas Davenport of Brandon. WoRKING MoDEL OF DAVENPORT's ELECTRIG LOCOMOTIVE. [Photograph from th: original in the Cabinet of the Troy Female Seminary. Swpposed to have been constructed circa 1837.] - No claim of this kind is asserted or even remotely hinted at in any of the letters or papers of Davenport which I have examined. On the other hand, in response to a specific inquiry as to the telegraph line which Davenport and himself are reputed to have constructed and used, Mr. Smalley has stated that in the course of their experiments in 1834, they discovered that physical effects could be pro- duced by the electro-magnet through a considerable length of wire, and that any length at their command seemed to make no difference in the time required to effect the result, but that no attempt was made by them to transmit intelligible signals, or to construct apparatus for that purpose. The fact first mentioned by Mr. Smalley, was, however, well known at the date mentioned (1834), having been fully demonstrated in the experiments made by Henry in Albany in 1830–31. The source of this telegraphic legend may undoubtedly be traced to a conviction which Davenport is known to T H E E L E C T R I C A L E N G IN E E R. 129 have entertained, and honestly so, that Morse's telegraphic apparatus was an infringement upon his own patent of 1837. In a letter written from Brandon, under date of April 18, 1846, to Dr. Thomas P. Jones, of Washington, he writes:– I learn from Mr. who has recently been in Washington, that it is your opinion that Prof. Morse's application of electro- magnetism to propelling his machinery for the telegraph is an infringement on my patent, I have long thought so myself, but not knowing how to proceed in consequence of my poverty- stricken situation, I have taken no steps in the case. . . . As the claim granted me is for “applying magnetic and electro- magnetic power as a moving principle for machinery,” it is as clear as the solar light that Morse must be using what of right belongs to me. - In explanation of this erroneous opinion on the part of Davenport, it must be borne in mind that at the date when the above letter was written, the history and chronology of the invention of the telegraph had never been made public ; it was first brought out in the course of the ex- haustive legal investigations consequent upon the inter- ference proceedings between Morse and Bain, and the suits against O'Reilly and others by the Morse patentees at a still later date. The very earliest published notice of Morse's invention appeared in the New York Journal of Commerce; a communication over Morse’s own signature, accompanied by a sample of the writing of the apparatus then used, which was dated September 4, 1837. As this was some two or three months after his visit to Daven- port’s laboratory, the latter, by a very natural process of reasoning, assumed that Morse had merely applied his (Davenport's) idea to the movement of another kind of machinery for a different purpose. But at a later date it was established, upon evidence which cannot be gainsaid, that Morse had actually constructed and operated his electro-magnetic recording apparatus in a short circuit in his rooms in the New York University building, as early as November, 1835, more than a year before Davenport and Cook came to New York with their machinery for exhibition.” - It is not improbable that Morse was indebted to Daven- port for a more effective construction of the electro-mag- net than he had hitherto employed, but even granting this, the electro-magnet was a feature which Davenport himself had borrowed from Henry, and which formed no part, per se, of his own discoveries. The patent of Davenport was granted February 25, 1837, under the title of “An Application of Electro-Magnetism to Propelling Machinery.” The claiming clause of this patent has been criticised by unfavorable implication, as “a remarkable instance of the granting of a broad claim by the Patent Office to an inventor.” It may not be out of place to º". for a moment whether such a criticism is well-founded. The statement is in the following words: The º: here claimed and desired to be secured by Let- ters Patent, consists in applying magnetic and electro-magnetic power, as ºaoving principle for machinery, in the mammer above described, ºf in any other substantially the same in principle. Within a few months after the issue of the patent, Davenport, referring to his invention, wrote : No depºrture from the principle of the orginal invention has been or can be made. That principle was the production of rotary motion by repeated changes of magnetic poles; this it is which is secured by patent ; and no peculiarity of arrangement or modi- fication of the magnets can be made to move without adopting the essence of the first invention. This assertion, although in a strictly literal sense inaccu- rate,” is nevertheless substantially true, inasmuch as every practical motor in use at the present day involves the prin- 13. In the case of Morse v. O'Reilly in the United States Supreme Court, the following witnesses testified to having seen the operation of Morse's electro- magnetic recording telegraph in his rooms in the New York University in 1835 #: º : Leonard D. Gale, Daniel Huntington, Osbert B. Loomis, and Robert anklin. - 14. Neither the prior machine of Edmondson already described (ante, p. 1) nor the helix and core machines, subsequently constructed by Davenport himself and by Prof. Page, make use of the principle of “repeated change of poles.” But none of these types of machines have achieved permanent indus- trial success, in comparison with the pole-changing type, for reasons which are now well understood. - 314 130 - T H E E L E C T R ICA L E N G IN E E R. ciple of the “production of rotary motion by repeated changes of magnetic poles.” . If, therefore, we read into the claim of the patent the mode of operation original with Davenport, viz., the combination of reversible and non-reversible “galvanic magnets” which is described in the specification, as being the organization referred to in the words “in the manner above described,” we find that its manner is not only not unwarrantably broad, but that it defines with accuracy and clearness the precise invention which Davenport made ; no more ; no less. Justice Curtis, in his decision in a leading patent case before the Supreme Court of the United States, has remarked : - It is this new mode of operation which gives it the character of an invention and entitles the inventor to a patent ; and this new mode of operation is, in view of the patent law, the thing entitled to protection. . - - - . . Specifications are to be construed liberally, in accordance with the Constitution and the patent laws of the United States, to promote the progress of the useful arts, and allow inventors to retain to their own use, not anything which is a matter of common right, but what they themselves have created. * * “In that case,” says James J. Storrow, confessedly one of the most learned and able advocates of our own day, “the maturest judgment of the Court was announced by a jurist whose peculiar faculty it was to perceive both the groundwork of a legal rule, its limits, and the limits of its application, and to formulate the whole in language which defined as well as stated.” And in a more recent case de- cided in the same court the venerable Justice Bradley has remarked : The whole subject-matter of a patent is an embodied concep- tion, outside of the patent itself, which to the mind of those ex- pert in the art, stands out in clear and distinct relief, whilst it is often unperceived, or but dimly perceived, by the uninitiated. This owtward embodiment of the terms contained in the patent is the thing invented, and is to be properly sought, like the explana- tion of all latent ambiguities arising from the description of external things, by evidence in pais. ** - - If, therefore, we interpret the claim of Davenport's pat- ent, not only in its relation to the state of the art at the date of its invention, but in the light of the well-consid- ered utterances of the highest tribunal of the land, and compare it thus understood with the definition of the fundamental principle of the modern electric motor which was formulated at the beginning of this series of papers, we shall find that they are substantially identical. The conclusion necessarily follows, that the invention thus identified was conceived and embodied in concrete operative form by Thomas Davenport at least as early as July, 1834, was exhibited and described to others prior to January 5, 1835, and was covered by his Letters Patent of February 25, 1837. If, therefore, this patent, which expired in Feb- ruary 1851, were in force to-day, it is not too much to say, that upon a fair judicial construction of its claim, every successful electric motor now running would be embraced within its scope. - Thomas Davenport was born in Williamstown, Orange County, Vermont, on July 9, 1802. He was descended from the family of the same name prominent in the early annals of the New Haven colony, and was the eighth in a family of eleven children of Daniel and Hannah (Rice) Davenport. His father, who was a farmer, died when he was but ten years of age, leaving the family in indigent circumstances. At the age of 14 he was apprenticed to Samuel Abbott, of Williamstown, with whom he learned the blacksmith's trade. Upon the expiration of his apprenticeship, about 1823, he removed to Brandon, Vt., where he set up business for himself. He married, Febru- arly 14, 1827, Emily, daughter of Capt. Rufus and Anna Goss, of Brandon, born March 29, 1810. The mother of Rufus Goss was a daughter of the celebrated American traveler, Jonathan Carver. Davenport was prosperous in 15. Winansw. Denmead, 15 Howard, 830 (1853). 16. Bischoff v. Wethered, 9 Wallace, 812 (1869). [Feb. 4, 1891. his business, and shortly after his marriage, built a com modious brick house in Brandon village, and was in a fair way to accumulate a comfortable property, when his attention was directed by the circumstances already related, to the study of electro-magnetism. From that time forward, the history of his labors and the history of the man are inseparable. Two sons were born to Davenport, both of whom subse- quently enlisted and became officers in the war of the rebellion. The elder, George D., a captain in the 5th Ver- mont Regiment, fell in the battle of the Wilderness; and the younger, Willard G., who is still living, became a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church. The story of the active life of the inventor has been fully told in connection with the history of his work. He died on a small farm in Salisbury, Vt., July 6, 1851, at the compara- tively early age of 49, and was buried in Brandon. The immediate cause of his death appears to have been a species of nervous prostration, superinduced by excessive study; and no doubt aggravated by the effects of so many years of toil, privation and disappointment. If the publication of these papers shall in any measure serve to render tardy justice to the memory of one of the most meritorious of inventors, as well as one of the most amiable and deserving of men, then the story of the “Brandon blacksmith,” the writing of which has been to me a labor of love, will not have been in vain. NEW TESLA ALTERNATING MOTOR. WE have already described a number of different forms of alternating current motors designed by Mr. Nikola Tesla, depending upon a variety of phenomena met with Jºl - W TESLA ALTERNATING MOTOR. in the employment of alternating currents. One general type of these consists of a machine with, say, four poles, between which is mounted an armature, generally wound with closed coils. On two opposite poles of the field are primary coils connected up in the main circuit. On the same cores are also wound secondary coils which are closed through coils on the other pair of poles. When an alter- nating current is caused to pass through the primary coils, it energizes directly one set of poles, and induces currents in the secondary coils, which in turn energize the other poles; but the phases of the current in the secondary coils may differ in time from those of the primary current, and, hence a shifting of the poles is effected, that imparts a rotation to the motor. In the new motor designed by Mr. Tesla, however, two energizing circuits are brought into inductive relation in the motor itself, and the employment of an external in- *** 9 aux 4A -- ºAº ^ *.. *- « -- .ſ-, - 3ºÂ--c-4 2 4c4-x *-4-2 2-2-aº. , a &a4 - Aa--- 7 2 , ZA%2 - -- -- »-% $-------- Copy of article in "Les Monde s" Vol. II, l866 - page l93 - entitled Appareil électromoteur de M. Militzerº • Appareil électromoteurlde M. Militzer.- En l864 M. le cheva- lier Bonelli, dans le but de réaliser le transport d' objets pondé - rables au moyen de l' éle ctricité, établissait , entre le point de départ et celui de la destination, un tube cylindrique divisé en . sections et pourvu de multiplicateurs électriques sur toute la longueur de son parcours. En dedans de ce tube une héli ce de fil métallique, de moindre diamètre que la lumière du tube, devait recevoir une impulsion progressive par l' attraction électro-dynami- · que que le tube, électrisé par sections, était supposé exercer sur les tours parallèles de l' hélice mobile parcourue par le même cou- | rant . · L' appareil, dont M. Militzer a présenté un modèle à la ' s : J * Académie Impériale de Vienne, remplit le même but d' une manière à fois plus sûre et moins complexe • Douze petits électro-aimanta en fer-à-cheval sont fixés verticalement aux bras d' une étoile à l2 rayons , de sorte que les lignes joignant leur pôles soient situées dans la direction des rayons , les plane polaires étant alternative- ment dirigés vers les deux côtés de la base commune • Le système enti er rep ose sur un axe qui le traverse librement par son centre · et sur une petite roue servant de guide ; le plan de l' étoile ser- vant de base aux électro-aimant s, est vertical à l' horizon et reste toujours parallèle à lui-même. Les deux bouts de cet axe sont fixés en permanence à deux roues, dont les raies sont les électro-aimants. Dès qu'une moitié de ces aimants est excitée par le courant électrique, les armatures correspondantes sont soumises une à attraction latérale, et les roues, .. de même que leur axe com- 316 mun, exécutent un tour jusqu'à ce que les armatures se trouvent en face de leurs plans polaires , le système entier progresse en consé- quence le long de rails métalliques adaptés à cet effet • Ce mouve- ment accompli, un commutateur adapté à l' axe interrompt le courant dans les 6 premiers électro-aimants et le rétablit dans les 6 autres de sorte qu'un nouveau mouvement progressif 3. lieu dans la même di- rection et de la même valeur que le premier . L' électricité motrice est fournie par une batterie galvanique dont les pôles communiquent avec les rails , Chacune des parties de l' appareil est convenable- ment isolée , de sorte, que la passage ae 1 éieetrieité d' une ligne - - de rails à l' autre ne peut avoir lieu chaque fois que par une des séries des multiplicateurs at tachés aux électro-aimants . (Aeadémie Imperiale des sciences de Vienne, séance du l4 décem- -« bre l865 • /-/e/ * / 317 485 Defendant’s Exhibit, Translation of Les Mondes Article. Copy of ARTICLE IN LES MONDEs, VoI. II. 1866, PAGE 193, ENTITLED “APPARIEL ELECTROMOTEUR DE M. MILITZER.” Electromotor Apparatus of Mr. Militzer.—In 1864 Cavalier Bonelli, for the purpose of bringing about the transportation of weighty objects by means of elec- tricity, established, between the point of departure and that of destination, a cylindrical tube divided into sec- tions and provided with electric bobbins along the whole length of its course. On the inside of this tube a coil of metallic wire of less diameter than the clear space of the tube was to receive a progressive impulse on account of the electro-dynamic attraction that the tube, electrified in sections, was supposed to exert upon the parallel turns of the movable coil. The device, of which Mr. Militzer has presented a model to the Im- perial Academy of Vienna, accomplishes the same ob- ject in a manner twice as sure and less complex. Twelve little horseshoe electro-magnets are fixed vertically to the arms of a star with twelve radii, so that the lines joining their poles are situated in the direction of the radii, the polar planes being alternately directed toward the two sides of the common base. The entire system rests upon a axis which passes freely through its cen- tre and upon a small wheel serving as guide ; the plane of the star serving as a base for the electro-magnets, is perpendicular to the horizon and remains always par- allel to itself. The two ends of this axis are permanently fixed to two wheels, whose spokes are the electro-mag- nets. As soon as one-half of these magnets are excited by the electric current, the corresponding armatures are subjected to a lateral attraction, and the wheels, together with their common axis, turn until the arma- tures are in front of their polar planes; the entire sys- tem therefore progresses along the metallic rails arranged for this purpose. This movement accom- 318 486 plished, a commutator fitted to the axis breaks the current in the first six electro-magnets and re-estab- lishes it in the other six in such a manner that a new progressive movement takes place in the same direction and of the same strength as the first. The motive electricity is furnished by a galvanic battery whose poles communicate with the rails. Each of the parts of the apparatus is suitably insulated, so that the pas- sage of the electricity from one line of rails to the other can each time take place only by means of one of the - series of coils attached to the electro-magnets. (Imperial Academy of Sciences of Vienna, Session of December 14th, 1865.) – \ *_ 319 487 Defendant’s Exhibit Kalamazoo Telegraph. [Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph, October 7, 1875.] RAPID TRANSIT IN KALAMAZOO. The conflict of interest which has attended the in- troduction of the new method for transferring people from one quarter of the metropolis to another has only delayed the movement, without stopping it. There is such a demand for some plan which will relieve the narrow, crowded streets of compact business centres from the additional encumbrance of the street railway that, since the plan of having the cars run overhead has been shown to be feasible, it can hardly fail of coming into use. The interest awakened in the subject has led to the development of quite a number of plans, and one of the most remarkable comes from Kalamazoo. As it applicable to the car that runs on the street bed, as well as to the one propelled through the air, and as it will undoubtedly lead to a cheaper, safer and more rapid method of running such cars, it merits an ex- tended notice for our own community. It is nothing less than an application of electricity to this work. The engine is under the car, out of sight. The battery is at one end of the road, and it is connected with the engine on the car by means of the track. A dozen doubts and objections come to mind at the very men- tion of electricity as applied to any such purpose and in any such way as the above, but these matters have all been put at rest before this by careful and con- clusive experiment. The only complete car thus far built on this plan is a model constructed for purposes of the Patent Office, but the details of the plan have been put to a thorough test separately. Instead of having a gang of stable boys occupied in taking care of horses, one man will be able to look after all the power. No driver or engineer will be needed on the car. A single touch from the conductor will stop, start or reverse the power and the car. The engine is simple 488 and inexpensive. The battery is of a kind that is easily managed, and it is arranged so that its consump- tion can be checked at any time when it is not needed. There is practically no limit to the amount of power. If it costs in exactly the same proportions to run the large car and the small, the expense of operating the former will be a little more than the wages usually paid to a car-driver, which leaves nearly the cost of keeping the horses, and frequently renewing them, be- tween the old method and the one under discussion. The model to which we have referred was not in- tended for testing the invention; but, as a satisfaction to one of the parties interested, its inventor built a little elevated track of 200 feet in length, and equipped the model for service. We saw it tested with a load of thirty pounds, and it ran around the track at the rate of one mile in seven and one-half minutes, or twelve times its length per second. At another time, it was loaded at 53 pounds, and then it ran up a grade of 80 feet to the mile at the rate of one mile in eleven minutes. One of the most satisfactory tests is the readiness with which the car responds to a reversal of the current. It takes up its full speed almost immedi- ately. The inventor of this ingenious mechanism is Geo. F. Green, Esq., of this village, and arrangements are being made to construct a car on the large scale during the present season. A party of Eastern capital- ists are also interested with Mr. Green. He uses a small engine of the same kind to run Mrs. G.'s sewing- machine. Two wires pass from the battery at the shop to the house, and are so arranged as to be extended to any portion of the sitting-room. As the machine is in- dependent of the treadle, it is also needless to have it fastened to a table. It is attached to a lap-board, and the one who is to use it goes to the window, or the stove, or wherever else it is convenient to have the sew- ing done. 321 79.6%. ". º --- s º fü Tºjº. r ORGAN r die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens in technischer Beziehung. - Organ des Wereins deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. Herausgegeben won E. Heusinger von Waldegg. Wierunddreissigster Jahrgang. Neue Folge, XVI, Band. – 1879, Ergänzungshert mit 5 Tafeln Zeichnungen in Folio und 21 Holzschmittfiguren. Ergänzungsheft. Das Organ" erscheint in Zweimonatichen Heften von 5–6 Druckbogen nebst den erforderlichen Zeichnungen in Lithographie und Holzschmitt. 2. 6. Preis des Jahr gangs 20 Mark. zwei Blätt im Formate des ,0rgan", mit M. 20. —, grössere mach worhergehender Uebereinkunft berechnet. - original-Auſsitze. . Instrument zur Aufnahme von Radreif- und schienenprofilen. Mittheilung der Grossherzogl. General-Direction der Badischen Staats-Eisenbahnen. Weltausstellungsberichte von Emil Stötzer, Ingenieur in Linz. III. Waggon-Reservoirs von M. Lepage in Epinal. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXII.) . . . . . . . . . . . . Beleuchtung von-Werkstätten durch electrische Mittel. Mit- theilung des Ingenieurs A. Borodin, Worsitzender der Central-Betriebs-Direction der russischen Süd-Westbahnen in Kiew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die electro-dynamische Locomotive. In Betrieb in der Ge- werbe-Ausstellung in Berlin 1879, von Carl Schalten- brand, Ingenieur in Berlin. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXIII.). Neuer Zughaken für fortwährende Bemutzung der zwei Schrau- benkuppelungen und Abschaffung der Nothketten. Wom Ober- ingenieur Dietz, bei der Central-Verwaltung der europäisch- türkischen Eisenbahnen in Paris. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXIII.) Eiserner Oberbau aus. Altschienen. System Plate, Ober- ingenieur und Worstand des Büreaus für Oberbau, Mechanik und Fahrbetriebsmittel der k. Ak. Direction für Staats-Eisen- bahnbauten in Wien. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXIII.) . . . Doppel-Seitenkipper (Patent Kayser). Mit Abbild. (Taf. XXXIII.) . . . - Worrichtung zum Prºbiºen der fragrédern in der weekstatt der Posen-Creuzburger Eisenbahn. Mitgetheilt von F. W. Eićh-holz, Eisenb.-Maschinenmeister in Posen. Mit Abbild. 10. 11. 12. 13. (Taf, XXXXV.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gleismesser mit graphischel Darstellung zum Revidiren der Spurweite und Ueberhöhung von Eisenbahn-Gleisen, con- struirt von H. Dorp miller, Ingenieur der Berg.-Märki. schen Eisenbahn. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXIV.), : . . . . Universal-Güterwagen. System. He usinger von Waldegg. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXV.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wergleichung der Bau- und Betriebskosten von normal- und schmalspurigen Secundárbahnen vom Ingenieuer Jacob sen º º Mit Holzschn. - * € 06: Zur Frage iber. Anordnung der optischen Signale sowohi vor Eisenbahn- resp. Gleise-Verzweigungen als auch vor Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXII.). . . . . ber die an Austrebende Érweiterung ver signal-ordnung für die Eisenbahnen Deutschlands . . . . Seite Eisenbahn- resp. Gleise-Vereinigungen im Sinne des $ 50 -- Inhalt: . Wiesbaden. C. W. K r e i d e l’s We r I a g. - - : Seite des Bahnpolizei-Reglements. Von Weise, Abtheilungs-Bau- meister der Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburger Eisenbahn. Mit 245 Holzschmitten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 14. Hydraulische Kohlen-Ladevörrichtung auf Bahnhof Stendal. Von R. Meyer, Maschinenmeister der Magdeburg-Halber- 246 städter Eisenbahn in Stendal. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXVI). 270 15. Zur Frage , Eiserner Lang- oder Querschwellen-Oberbau?" Von Heinr. Claus, kgl. Eisenbahn-Baumeister in Schneide- mühl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 247 16. Stehhbolzen-Abschneider von W. Lose hand, Werkstätten- Vorsteher in Leinhausen bei Hannover. Mit Abbild. (Taf. XXXVI.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 249 17. Zur Festigkeit gewölbter Locomotivfeuerkästen von R. Zu- mach, Ingenieur und Hülfsarbeiter in der Administration der Belgischen Staatsbahnen in Brüssel. Mit Holzschnitten 274 253 Bericht iber die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens, - Bahn-Oberbau. . 18. Oberbau-System für Pferde - und Secundár-Eisenbahnen. 254 System Finet. Mit Holzschmitten . . . . . . . . .*... . 280 19. Eiserner, Oberbau auf der Rheinischen Eisenbahn 281 258. Bahnhofse in richtungen. 20. Der neue Central-Bahnhof in Hannover. 2S1 21. Der Kohlenbahnhof Wedding bei Berlin 2S2 O Masch in en- und Wagenwesen. - - 22. Neuer Friedmann'scher Injector. Mit Abbild, (Taf, XXXII.) 282 23. Ueber die Materialien zu den Locomotivkesseln der Köln- 259 Mindener Eisenbahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 24. Das Reinigen der Wiehwagen auf der Köln-Mindener Eisenb. .283 260 25. Ehrhardt's patentirte rotirende Kaltsäge . . . . 2S3 - - - Allgemeines und Betrieb. 261 26. Giessbachbahn (Seil- und Zahnrad-System) : . . . . 283 27. Betrieb der Vicinalbahnen im Königr. Bayern . . . . . . 284 266, 28. Neue Methode des Eintreibens eiserner Pfähle von Le Grand und Sutcliff in London. Mit Abbild. (Taf, XXXIII) . . 284 29. Berichtigungen . 2S4 * - - 322 249 ganzen Raume und beleuchtet sowohl dasjenige Was der Be- leuchtung bedarf, als auch das was im Dunkeln bleiben könnte. Es kann eben nicht kleinlich sein und mit der Sonne wett- eifernd, kann es nur eine glänzende Beleuchtung bieten, da trotz aller in letzterer Zeit gemachten Bemühungen die Frage über die Theilung des electrischen Lichtes in einzelne kleine Flammen obgleich einigermaassen vorgeschritten, jedoch im practischen Sinne noch lange nicht gelöst ist. Deshalb eben hängt der Vortheil der electrischen Beleuchtung in jedem ein- zelnen Falle unmittelbar von dem in einer gewissen Räumlich- keit erforderlichen Beleuchtungsgrade und von der Anzahl der bei gewöhnlicher oder Gasbeleuchtung nöthigen Anzahl von Gaslampen- oder Lichtflammen ab: je grösser die Anzahl, je mehr Arbeiter, von denen jeder einer Gasflamme oder einer Handlampe bedarf, in einer Werkstätte concentrirt sind und je prachtvoller ein Theater, ein Saal oder dgl. beleuchtet werden soll, desto vortheilhafter wird sich die electrische Be- leuchtung erweisen, sind die Arbeiter aber in einem grossen Raume zerstreut, so kann die electrische Beleuchtung in ihrem jetzigen Zustande natürlich nicht mit Gas-, umsoweniger mit Petroleumbeleuchtung concurriren. Dasselbe gilt auch von der Beleuchtung der Strassen, Plätze und Brücken, die nicht glänzend erhellt zu werden brauchen. Die frühere, höchst mangelhafte Beleuchtung der Dreherei und Schlosserei mit Oel- und Petroleumlampen, vor Errichtung der obenerwähnten Gallerie, betrug 1 Rub. 50 cop. p. Stunde; gegenwärtig, nach Aufführung der Gallerie und bedeutender Vergrösserung der Arbeiterzahl, würde die frühere Beleuch- tungsart selbstverständlich noch kostspieliger sein. Bei der seiner Zeit in Aussicht genommenen Einrichtung einer Gasbe- leuchtung mit 160 Flammen wurden die stündlichen Kosten Von der Kiewer Gas-Gesellsehaft mit 2 Rub. 40 cop. ange- geben, wobei die Amortisation und Verzinsung etc. nicht be- rechnet waren; wären diese Kosten aber in Rechnung gezogen, so hätte die Gasbeleuchtung pro Stunde 3 Rub. gekostet. In vorliegendem Falle erweist sich also die electrische Beleuch- tung ohne Berücksichtigung der Einrichtungskosten fast um 4 Mal billiger als die Beleuchtung mit gewöhnlichen Lampen, - - kommen aber die Verzinsung und Amortisation des Anlage- capitals in Betracht, so ergiebt sich die electrische Beleuchtung UIN) 20 % billiger als die gewöhnliche und um 2 Mal billiger als die Gasbeleuchtung. Ungeachtet der so günstigen Resultate der electrischen Beleuchtung würden wir uns aber nicht entschliessen, dieselbe in den Montage- Wagenwerkstätten (wie solches anfangs beab- sichtigt war) einzuführen, denn bei der Zerstreutheit der Ar- beiten in diesen Räumen und bei der verhältnissmässig ge- ringen Arbeiterzahl, würde sich die electrische Beleuchtung dort aller Wahrscheinlichkeit noch theurer als die gewöhnliche, gegenwärtig benutzte, gestalten. Noch muss erwähnt werden, dass die oben besprochenen günstigen Resultate zum grossen Theil dem Umstande zu ver- danken sind, dass bei der überschiessenden Betriebskraft in den Werkstätten es nicht nothwendig war, für die electrische Beleuchtung eine specielle Dampfmaschine zu beschaffen und folglich keinen besonderen Maschinisten und Heizer anzustellen, sonst wären die Ergebnisse Wahrscheinlich wohl andere gewesen. Jedoch abgesehen von der Billigkeitsfrage bei der electri- schen Beleuchtung stellt dieselbe noch folgende Vortheile in Aussicht. 1. Vollständige Abwesenheit von Feuersgefahr, was weder bei Gasbeleuchtung und noch viel weniger bei gewöhnlicher Beleuchtung zu erwarten ist. 2. Eine höchst unbedeutende Wärmeentwickelung, in Folge dessen die electrische Beleuchtung die Temperatur im erleuch- teten Raume nicht erhöht und – wie es bei jeder anderen Beleuchtung der Fall ist – die Luft nicht verdirbt. Dieser Umstand ist für Theater, Säle und theilweise auch für Werk- stätten von ausserordentlicher Wichtigkeit. 3. Die electrische Beleuchtung verbreitet ein der Tages- helle ähnliches, gleichmässiges Licht über die ganze Werkstätte ohne irgend etwas im Dunkeln zu lassen, wodurch selbstver- ständlich der Gang, die Schleunigkeit, sowie Qualität der Arbeit gefördert wird, nur ist es unmöglich diesen Vortheil in Zahlen auszudrücken. Kiew, 5.12. Juli 1879. Die electro-dynamische LOCOmotive. In Betrieb in der Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Berlin 1879. Von Carl Schaltenbrand, Ingenieur in Berlin. (Hierzu Fig. 1–9 auf Taf. XXXIII.) Seit dem 28. Mai ist in der Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Berlin, seitens der Firma Siemens & Halske eine electro- dynamische Locomotive ausgestellt und in Betrieb gesetzt. Es erregt wohl kein Ausstellungsgegenstand ein so ungetheiltes Interesse, sowohl bei Sachverständigen als auch bei dem grossen Publikum, wie dieser Motor. - Der Versuchszug, bestehend aus der Locomotive und 3 Wagen in Gestalt von doppelten Sitzbänken für je drei Per- sonen, also zusammen 18 Personen, durchfährt jeden Tag von 11–1 und 3–5 Uhr die etwas mehr wie 300" lange, ge- schlossene Bahn. Dieselbe hat Curven von 5m Radius bei 0,49" Spurweite und schlingt sich schlangenartig um die Ausstellungsgebäude. Der Zug, von dem Fig. 1 Taf. XXXIII eine Ansicht zeigt, während Fig. 2 die vordere Ansicht eines Wagens darstellt, ist stets voll besetzt und durchläuft die Bahn in je 1. Minute mit 3,5m mittlerer Geschwindigkeit. Diese 250 Letztere kann noch bedeutend gesteigert werden, jedoch ist dies wegen des lebhaften Verkehres und der vielen Windungen um Gebäudeecken aus Rücksicht auf die Sicherheit des Publi- kums nicht wohl zulässig. In den 4 Stunden können circa 80 Fahrten ausgeführt, also 1440 Personen befördert werden. Die Fahrtaxe von 20 Pfg. ist zu wohlthätigen Zwecken bestimmt. Besonders die liebe Jugend, aber auch Damen und ältere Herren mit ergrautem Haare, drängen sich zu diesen Fahrten und wenn der erste Zug durch die Tischreihen einer grösseren Restauration saust wird er von den Gästen stets mit einem Hurrah ! begrüsst. Dies Interesse ist ein durchaus gerecht- fertigtes, denn was hier im kleinen Maassstabe zur Unter- haltung vorgeführt wird, ist bei genügend praktischer Durch- führung vielleicht bestimmt, einen Umschwung in unser Transport- wesen zu bringen. Die jüngste Zeit hat so viele an's Fabelhafte grenzende - - Erfindungen besonders auf dem Gebiete des Electro-Magnetis- mus gebracht, dass wir schon vor keiner kühnen Idee zurück- schrecken dürfen. - Wenn ich in dem Nachstehenden das Ausgestellte einfach beschreibe und mich jeder Beurtheilung enthalte, so geschieht dies weil ich annehme, dass die Aussteller aus naheliegenden Gründen noch mit ihren besseren Ideen zurückhalten und hier nur das Princip der Construction vorführen; auch dürfte es voreilig sein, die erste Ausführung einer werthvollen Sache, welche wie diese noch in den Kinderschuhen steht, zu be- mängeln. - Der Betrieb mit der electro-dynamischen Locomotive zer- fällt in drei Haupttheile: Erstens in den dynamo-electrischen Inductor, zweitens in die electro-dynamische Locomotive und drittens in die continuirliche Leitung des Inductionsstromes von dem Inductor nach dem Motor der fahrenden Locomotive. Von diesen drei Theiler dürften die beiden ersten als betriebs- fähige Combinationen bereits bekannter Maschinen anzusehen sein. Ich glaube jedoch nicht zu irren, wenn ich in dem letzten Theile denjenigen zu erkennen glaube, von dessen glücklicher Construction die Zukunft des Betriebes mit electro-dynamischen Locomotiven bedingt ist. 1. Der dynam0-electrische Inductor Es ist eine Electro-Magnetmaschine nach von H ef 1) G 1' - Alteneek (Siemens & Halske). - - Da dieselbe Maschine sich als electro- dynamischer Motor bei der Locomotive wiederholt, so soll sie der Hauptsache nach kurz beschrieben werden. An einem an die Wand des Ausstellungsgebäudes be- festigten Gussrahmen tragen zwei Lager gp und h q eine hori- zontale Welle ef, welche durch Fest- und Los-Riemscheiben i und k und einen Lederriemen von der Haupttransmission der Maschinenhalle *) mit 400 bis 450 Touren pro Minute *) Zwischen dem Dampfmaschinen der Berliner Maschinenbau- Anstalten Cyklop und Schwarzkopff. - gedreht oder nach Belieben still gestellt werden kann. Auf dieser Welle sitzt der Anker, ein stärkerer Cylinder aus weichem Eisen. Um diesen Anker ist ein isolirter Leitungs- draht, welcher mit seiner Umhüllung 4 bis 4%" stark ist, in einer eigenthümlichen Art herum gelegt. Denkt man sich den Umfang des Cylinders in acht gleiche Theile getheilt und beginnt in Fig. 3 die Wickelung über einen der Theilstriche von links nach rechts, so geht der Draht an der rechten End- fläche dicht bei der Achse vorbei nach der diametral gegen- über liegenden Theillinie des Cylindermantels und folgt dieser nach der linken Endfläche. Hier jedoch legt sich der Leitungs- draht nach einer Sehne auf einen, dem diametralen zunächst liegenden Theilstrich, folgt diesem nach der rechten Endfläche, welche er abermals diametral kreuzt; dann nach der linken Endfläche zurückgekehrt, geht er wie vorhin nach einer Sehne auf einen, dem diametralen in derselben Richtung zunächst liegenden Punkt über u. s. w. – Es bilden sich so über dem Cylindermantel 8 Drahtbündel, welche aus je 4 Lagen zu 9 oder zusammen 36 Drähten jedes bestehen. Sie werden durch umgelegte Messingbände festgehalten. Die Drähte kreuzen die rechte Endfläche des Ankers diametral, während sie an der linken Endfläche acht nach Sehnen laufende verbindende Bündel VOl) je 18 Drähten und so ein kleineres Achteck bilden. Je in der Mitte einer jeden Sehne sind die achtzehn Drähte eines Bündels durch zwei Drähte mit dem links auf der Achse sitzenden Commutator C in leitende Verbindung gesetzt. Der Anker hat mit seinen Drahtbündeln und den diese bindenden Messingbänden ungefähr 250" Durchmesser und 650mm grösste Länge. - Der Commutator oder die Strom – Steuerung ist in den Figuren 8 und 9 als Seitenansicht und Querschnitt gezeichnet. Er besteht aus einer isolirenden Holztrommel von 120mm Durch- messer und 100" Länge, deren Cylinder-Mantel mit 8 isolir- ten Kupferstreifen bekleidet ist. Die Trommel dreht sich mit dem Anker. An der linken dem Anker zugekehrten Seite trägt jeder kupferne Mantel- streifen die Anschlüsse von zwei der früher genannten Ver- bindungsdrähte des Ankers derart, dass die Drahtbündel des Letztern von jeder Sehnenmitte der zugekehrten Endfläche aus abwechselnd mit einem der Commutatorstreifen in leitender Verbindung stehen. -ist-im-FigTäTat XXXff ais vordere Ansicht. TrºtTim rg ““ “Ä -einer-isoirrender-Scheibe, weiche an als Querschnitt nach m-n gezeichnet. Lagerbocke gp verstellbar (drehbar) befestigt ist, sitzen zwei Kupferstücke u und v und an jedem derselben in verschieden langen Haltern zwei Bürsten in solcher Stellung, dass sie auf der Trommel bei der Drehung derselben schleifen und stets zwei obere Mantelstreifen mit dem Anschlussstücke u und zwei untere mit demjenigen v in leitender Verbindung stehn, wäh- rend die zwischen diesen liegenden zwei Mantelstreifen rechts und zwei links, und demnach auch die entsprechenden Anker- verbindungen isolirt sind. - Jede Bürste des Commutators besteht aus circa 15 bis 20 Drähten von 1mm Stärke und 110mm Länge. Sie sind 30 bis 35" breit, der Länge nach verstellbar und stehen circa 80" -- an der schleifenden Seite aus den Haltern vor. Die Electro-Magnete stehen in Fig. 4 rechts und links 324 251 neben dem Anker. Sie hilden an jeder Seite eine Wand d d, und d, dg aus je 10 Flacheisen von 20" Stärke und 50" Breite, sodass jede Wand 500" Länge und 900" Höhe hat. Die beiden Wände stehen oben und unten 150" von einander entfernt und biegen sich mit geringem Spielraum so um den Anker, dass sie diesen auf je 4 seines Umfanges umhüllen. Auf den geraden Enden dieser Eisenwände sitzen Draht- windungen B, B1, B2 und B3, von eisernen Flantschen be- grenzt, von je 280" Höhe und 70" Stärke auf jedem Eisen, vertical in 270" Abstand für den Ankerbogen, von ein- ander entfernt. Die oben und unten 35" vorstehenden Enden der verticalen Eisen sind durch horizontale Flacheisen und Schrauben verbunden, so dass das Ganze einen zusammen- hängenden Rahmen bildet, welcher zwischen den Flantschen der hinteren Drahtbündel an das Gussgestell befestigt ist. Der Draht ist mit seiner Umhüllung 5 bis 5%" und in folgender Art um die Eisen gewunden. - Von der Anschlussklemme u des Commutators aus schlingt sich ein Draht von unten nach oben, dann abwärts und wieder aufwärts in drei Lagen von je 35 also zusammen 105 Win- dungen zu einem Bündel B um die Vordere Magnetwand, springt dann oben nach der hinteren Wand über und bildet, diese abwärts, aufwärts und wieder abwärts in umgekehrter Richtung umschlingend, das Drahtbündel B, , wonach er in einer am Gestelle befestigten Anschlussklemme g endet. Von der Anschlussklemme v des Commutators ausgehend bildet ein Draht r in ganz symetrischer Art die beiden unteren Drahtbündel B2 und B, und endet in einer Anschlussklemme p am Gestelle. Dabei sind die Richtungen der Windungen in denjenigen Bündeln, welche auf derselben Magnetwand sitzen, vom Cummutator ausgehend dieselben. Wird eine electrische Batterie zum Beispiel mit dem po- sitiven Pole an der Klemmschraube g und mit dem negativen an derjenigen p des Gestelles angeschlossen, so durchströmt der positive Strom von g aus zuerst an der inneren, dann an der äusseren Wandseite, also steigend rechts herum, das Draht- bündel B und verwandelt die obere Hälfte der hinteren Eisen- wand in einen Electro-Magnet, dessen Südpol bei S1 und dessen Nordpol bei d, liegt, dann umströmt er die obere Hälfte der vorderen Wand in umgekehrter Richtung und erzeugt hier einen Nordpol in s und einen südpol in dwelcher sich durch die Querverbingung gegen den Südpol von d2 aufhebt. Es bildet demnach die obere Hälfte des Eisenrahmens einen Hufeisenmagnet, dessen Nordpol in s und dessen Südpol in s liegt. Der Strom geht nun nach der Anschlussklemme u durch die oberen Bürsten des Commutators in die Anker- windungen, durch diese in einer fürs Erste noch unbeachteten Art durch die unteren Bürsten nach der Klemme v, dann nach dem Drahtbündel B2, durchströmt dieses von aussen nach innen, oder von unten gesehen rechts herum, dann das Drahtbündel Bz links herum und tritt bei p aus. Die untere Hälfte des stark Eisenrahmens wird demnach ebenfalls in einen Magnet ver- wandelt, dessen Nordpol in s und dessen Südpol in s liegt. Wenn die Batterie in den Klemmen g und p ausgeschaltet wird, bleibt in den Magneteisen noch eine Spur der Wirkung, Stromrichtung eine Umgekehrte. der sogenannte remanente Magnetismus, zurück. Es ist das Verdienst der Herren Siemens & Halske diese Spuren von Magnetismus als genügend zur ersten Erzeugung von Inductions- strömen in den Drahtwindungen des Ankers benutzt zu haben. Denkt man sich die acht Drahtbündel des Ankers Syme- trisch zur Verticalen, Fig. 4, und kein Bündel auf dieser selbst stehen, so liegen zwei Bündel symetrisch zunächst dem Maximum des Nordpoles s und zwei diametral gegenüber, entsprechend - zu dem Maximum des Südpoles S. Sie liegen in den Wirkungs- sphären der betreffenden Pole, während die anderen Draht- bündel sich ausserhalb derselben befinden. - Betrachtet man die beiden oberen in den Wirkungssphären liegenden Drahtbündel bei einer Drehung des Ankers nach rechts, Fig. 4, so entfernt sich das eine von dem Nordpole s und das andere nähert sich dem Südpole s, so dass in diesen Drahtbündeln gleich gerichtete Ströme inducirt werden. Dasselbe gilt von den beiden unteren, in der magnetischen Wirkungssphäre liegenden Drahtbündeln, nur ist die positive Da diese 4 Drahtbündel an der rechten Ankerseite (Fig. 3) diametral zusammenhängen, so heben sich die nach dieser Seite inducirten Electricitäten ge- genseitig auf, während diejenigen, nach dem Commutator hin, frei werden. Hier laufen je die Hälfte der Drahtwindungen in den horizontalen Sehnenbündeln zusammen und aus diesen entnimmt der Commutator oben die negative und unten die positive Strö- mung und führt sie beziehungsweise den Klemmschrauben u und v zu. Die in je der anderen Hälfte der Drähte jedes Bündels inducirten Ströme gehen nach der Seite des Commu- tators durch die geneigt stehenden Sehnenbündel nach den ausserhalb der Wirkungsphäre liegenden Bündeln des Anker- mantels, in denen sie sich mit verschiedener Stromrichtung in in zwei neben einander liegenden Drähten begegnen, oder, viel- leicht richtiger gesagt, in denen die positiven und negativen Electricitäten parallel laufen und sich dann in den verticalen Sehnenbündeln der rechten Endfläche aufheben. Diese Ströme in den ausserhalb der Wirkungssphäre liegenden Drahtbündeln haben demnach keine Wirkung auf den Anker selbst, und in- dem sie sich durch gegenseitige Induction in ihrer Stromstärke vergrössern, befördern sie die Absonderung oder Induction der Ströme in der Wirkungssphäre der Electro-Magnete. Herr Dr. O. Frölich sagt in seiner Abhandlung über diesen Gegenstand: *) »Ausserdem besitzt man über die elec- trischen Vorgänge in diesen Maschinen noch wenig genaue Kenntnisse, obschon dieselben ganz eigenthümlicher Art und auch theoretisch interessant sind.« – Um sich ein annäherndes Bild der Wirkung zu machen, empfiehlt es sich, in einer Kopf-Ansicht der einfachen Dop- peltwindung des Ankers, von den, in den Wirkungssphären liegenden Bündeln ausgehend, die positiven und negativen Stromrichtungen mit Roth- und Blaustift so lange zu verfolgen, bis die ungleichen Ströme sich entweder auf halbem Wege aufheben, oder als gleichartige Vereinigt in den Anschlussstellen des Commutators zusammentreffen. - *) Handbuch der electrischen Telegraphie von Dr. K. E. Zetsche, I. Band, Seite 300. , . - 325 2 Die an der hinteren Fläche sich kreuzenden Windungen werden dabei punktirt, das linksseitige Sehnenachteck wird ausgezogen. Führt man diese Zeichnungen für verschiedene sich folgenden Ankerstellungen aus, so erkennt man, dass die verschiedenen abgesonderten Strecken, bei der Drehung des Ankers weiter laufen, bis bei einer Achteldrehung die Figur absolut zur Verticalen genau dieselbe wie vorher ist. In die- sem Fortlaufen der Inductions- und der Sammelstellen, relativ zu den Drahtwindungen, ist wohl ein besonderer Vorzug dieses Systemes gegenüber solchen Windungen zu erkennen, bei denen ein plötzlicher Wechsel der Stromrichtung nöthig wird. Die anfangs schwachen Inductionsströme werden von den Schrauben u und v aus, wie früher beschrieben, um die Eisen- kerne durch die Drahtbündel B, B1, B2 und B5 geleitet, und wenn die Leitung zwischen den Endklemmen g und p geschlos- sen wird, so verstärken sie die Wirkungen der Magnete und damit diejenige der Induction, also sich selbst, bis auf ein bestimmtes Maximum. Es sind nun zwei für die Anwendung wichtige Thatsachen anzuführen. 1) Wenn der Stromkreis zwischen g und p nicht geschlossen ist, entspricht der Widerstand des dynamo-electrischen Inductors nur der Wirkung des remanenten Magnetismus. Eine Verstärkung desselben tritt nicht ein. 2) Wenn der Stromkreis zwischen g und p geschlossen ist, steigt die Wirkung der Induction mit dem Widerstande den der Strom in dieser Schliessung findet, bis zu einem absoluten Maximum, so dass auch die Wirkung der Mag- neten und der Kraftbedarf des dynamo-electrischen In- ductors mit diesem Widerstande steigt und bei einfacher Stromschliessung nur klein bleiben kann. 2. Die electro-dynamische Locomotive. Von dieser Locomotive ist in Fig, 5 auf Taf. XXXIII ein Längenschnitt, Fig. 6 ein Querschnitt und in Fig. 7 ein Grund- riss des Unterbaues gezeichnet. Der letztere besteht aus einem gusseisernen Rahmen, in welchem zwei Radachsen in gewöhnlicher Art gelagert sind. Auf diesem Wagen liegt ein electro-dynamischer Motor, wel- cher dem vorstehend beschriebenen dynamo-electrischen InduC- tor völlkommen gleicht. Bei C liegt der Commutator. Hier treten die Inductions- =strème-durch-die-Drähte-à-und-b-in-einer-nee-ºesteheº beschriebenen Art, durch die Klemmschrauben g und p (Fig. 3) ein, durchlaufen in einer, der früher beschriebenen, umgekehr- ten Richtung die Drahtbündel B, B1, B2 und B, und gehen dann durch die Bürstenhalter u und v in die Drahtbündel des Ankers, jedoch so, dass sie diesen in einer der früher be- schriebenen gleichen Richtung umströmen. Es wechseln dem- nach hier der Nordpol und der Südpol der Magnete sich gegen- einander aus. Bedenkt man nun, dass durch die Entfernung eines Drahtelementes von einem Pole eines Magnetes ein Strom in diesem erzeugt wird und zur weiteren Entfernung des Drah- tes dann Kraft erforderlich ist, so würde, wenn diese Kraft plötzlich zu wirken aufhörte, sich das Drahtelement selbstthätig dem betreffenden Pole wieder nähern unter Aufhebung des inducirten Stromes. Wenn deshalb die Magnetpole und die - 2 Y A. Stromrichtungen in Ä Motor innerhalb der Wirkungssphäre genau dieselben wären, wie in dem dynamo- electrischen ºdeator so würde der Anker sich in dem ersteren umgekehrt drehen und die Bürsten zerstören. Es sind, wie oben angegeben, nur die Magnetpole umgekehrt, wodurch die Ankerdrehung genau in derselben Richtung erfolgt. - - Im electro-dynamischen Motor heben sich die Inductions- ströme unter Kraftabgabe mit umgekehrter Bewegung gegen die Magnetpole, in denselben Drahtbündeln der Ankerwindun- gen wieder auf, in denen sie früher unter Kraftaufwand er- zeugt wurden. Es wird jedoch nicht dieselbe Kraft zurückgegeben. Ein Kraftverlust bis 50 % ist nachgewiesen, so dass der dynamo- electrische Inductor mit 7 Pfdkr. betrieben wird, um an der electro-dynamischen Locomotive 3*/2 Pfdkr. Leistung zu erzeu- gen. Es liegt dies wohl hauptsächlich an der später zu be- schreibenden Leitung. Bei besserer Leitung, wie sie z. B. zum Betriebe von Webstühlen in der Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Betrieb ist, sollen nach früheren Angaben nur 20 bis 25% Verlust constatirt sein.*) Die drehende Bewegung des Ankers wird durch ein Zahn- rad 1 und ein Wechselrad t auf ein dem ersteren gleiches Rad w übertragen, dessen Achse unter der Locomotive gela- gert ist und die Bewegung durch ein conisches Rad x ent- weder auf ein solches y oder y fortpflanzt, welche letztere für Vorwärts- oder Rückwärts-Fahrt, nach Belieben, mit der Hand- habe j in Eingriff gestellt werden können. - Die conischen Räder übertragen die Drehung mit 18 : 24 Uebersetzung auf eine Querwelle und diese dreht durch ein Zahnrad a im Eingriffe mit den Zahnrädern 8 und ß, mit einer Uebersetzung 26: 48 die Triebachsen. Die Locomotive wird mit dem Hebel & gesteuert, welcher auf der Bremswelle p, p aufgekeilt ist. Die Letztere ist im vorderen Theile des Gussgestelles gelagert und wirkt mit zwei gewöhnlichen Holzbremsschuhen auf die vorderen Laufflächen der Vorderräder, wenn der Hebel ö nach vorwärts ausgelegt wird. In diesem Falle ist auch der Inductionsstrom unter- brochen. - Hinter dem Hebel ö liegt bei o auf dem Rahmen, in eine schlecht leitende Holzplatte eingelassen, eine kleine Kupfer- platte. Eine zweite bewegliche Kupferplatte liegt auf der erste- renº-wenn-der-Hebe-8-mach-rückwärts-Riese-ds-mit-eine- Federklinke am Zahnbogen befestigt ist, wie dies Fig. 1 zeigt. Isolirte Federn drücken die obere Kupferplatte fest auf die untere. Der electrische Strom nimmt seinen Weg durch den Contact der Platten und wird unterbrochen, wenn der Hebel ö beim Anziehen der Bremse die obere Platte mit einer isolirten Zugstange ganz auf die Holzplatte schleppt. Der Strom wird schwächer mit der Ueberdeckung der Kupferplatten. Die Loco- motive ist so bei voller Fahrgeschwindigkeit auf 5" Weg zum Stehen zu bringen. - Um, wohl nur jetzt in der Ausstellung, zu verhüten, dass ein Unbefugter die Locomotive in Bewegung setzt, ist die Drahtleitung noch an einer geeigneten Stelle im electro-dyna- *) Vergleiche einen Vortrag von Professor Hörmann, Wochen- schrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Jahrgang 1877. – 5. Juni. 326 253 mischen Motor unterbrochen und es sind die isolirten Enden mit einer sie verbindenden und abnehmbaren Haube bei z in einen verschliessbaren Kasten gelegt. 3. Die continuirliche Leitung von dem dynamo-electrischen Inductor, nach der fahrenden Locomotive, wird durch die Fahrschienen und eine besondere, auf Holz isolirte, Mittelschiene 7t vermittelt, indem sich der eine Leitungsdraht a (Fig. 3) an die letztere anschliesst, wäh- rend derjenige b an die Fahrschienen angeschlossen ist und so durch die Locomotivräder und den Rahmen mit dem ent- sprechenden Drahte b des Locomotivmotors in ununterbrochen leitender Verbindung steht. Unter der Locomotive sind an einem gemeinsamen isolir- ten Bocke z zwei Bürsten mit ihren Haltern in geneigter Stel- lung so befestigt, dass sie mit ihren Saugeenden die Mittel- schiene 7t zwischen sich fassen. Eine regulirbare einfache Spiralfeder zieht die drehbaren Halter so zusammen, dass die Bürsten genügend angespannt werden. Jede Bürste besteht aus circa 15 Kupferdrähten von 1 bis 1!" Stärke und 220mm Länge. Sie ist 20" breit, ragt circa 150" aus den Hal- tern gegen die Mittelschiene vor und ist nach Abnutzung der Länge nach verstellbar. Diese Bürsten nehmen den elec- den Contactapparat bei o, am Steuerungshebel d, nach dem Drahtanschlusse p des Motors. Wenn man durch Anfassen mit den nassen Fingerspitzen die Mittelschiene mit einer äusseren Schiene verbindet, so spürt man ein schwaches krabelndes Gefühl in diesen und es macht, auffallender Weise, dabei keinen Unterschied ob die Locomo- tive nahe oder weit, in Bewegung oder in Ruhe ist. Obschon fortwährend viele Personen gleichzeitig diesen Versuch machen, ist eine merkliche Wirkung auf die Fahrgeschwindigkeit der Locomotive nicht zu beobachten. Der menschliche Körper leitet voraussichtlich nicht viel besser als das Holz, in solch reich- licher Fläche und ein grosser Theil des Stromes wählt sich unbeirrt den besser leitenden Kupferdraht als Weg. Hauptabmessungen der L0C0m0liVe. Spurweite 490". Radstand 500". Raddurchmesser 400". Umdrehungszahl des Ankers 200 bis 400. Ueber- setzung auf die Radachse rot. 1: 2/2. Ganze Länge 1,500". Grösste Breite 850mm. Grösste Höhe 960". Zugkraft bei 1,88" Fahrgeschwindigkeit 75 Kilogr., also rot. 2 Pferdekraft Effectivleistung ohne die Locomotive selbst. In der Ausstellung bei 3,5" Geschwindigkeit ist die Zugkraft bei der Bewegung kaum halb so gross, jedoch wird die Gesammtleistung mit Ein- trischen Strom aus der Mittelschiene auf und führen ihn durch schluss des Locomotiv-Widerstandes 32 Pferdekraft betragen. Neuer Zughaken für fortwährende Benutzung der zwei Schraubenkuppelungen und Abschaffung der Nothketten. Vom Oberingenieur Dietz, bei der Central-Verwaltung der europäisch-türkischen Eisenbahnen in Paris. (Hierzu Fig. 10 und 11 auf Taf. XXXII.) Der in Taf. XXXIII in Fig. 10 und 11 abgebildete Zug- haken wird nicht, wie gewöhnlich an die Zugstange geschweisst, sondern in einer an derselben befindlichen Gabel vermittelst eines Bolzens mit Ansatz eingepasst. Dieser Zughaken trägt an einem Glied die normale Schrau- benkuppelung und im rechten Winkel einen Haken zur Auf- nahme der dem anderen Wagen gehörigen Schraubenkuppelung. Will man zwei mit diesem Haken versehene Wagen kup- nen, so wirft man einfach die Schraubenkuppelung des ersten Wagens in den Haken des zweiten, und die Kuppelung des zweiten in den Haken des ersten, hierauf dreht man eine be- liebige der zwei Kuppelungsschrauben, bis beide straff ange- zogen sind, was durch die Beweglichkeit der Haken um die Verbindungsbolzen ermöglicht wird. - Durch diese Anordnung werden folgende Vortheile erreicht: 1. Fortwährende Benutzung der zwei entgegenstehenden Schraubenkupplungen, wodurch die ausgeübte Zugkraft auf beide vertheilt und die Sicherheit gegen Abreissen ver- grössert wird. 2. Beseitigung der Nothketten, welche überhaupt nur unge- nügend ihrem Zweck entsprechen, da, gerade wenn sie in Anspruch genommen werden sollen, in Folge Abreissen eines Zughakens, sie gewöhnlich mit abreissen; wenn sie in Anwendung kommen, so verursachen sie öfters Ent- gleisungen in Folge ihrer Stellung ausserhalb der Zugs- linie; die beiden Ketten arbeiten nicht gleichmässig, der Wagen wird seitlich gezogen und springt aus dem Gleise. 3. Egnet sich dieser Haken für alle jetzt bestehenden Wagen-Kuppelungen und bietet den grossen Vortheil, nach dem Bedürfnisse des Verkehrs ohne weiteres mit dem bestehenden Material ausgenutzt werden zu können, in- dem man einfach die schadhaftwerdenden Zughaken alten Modells, in jedem einzelnen Fall durch Haken des neuen Modells ersetzt. - - Der Preis dieses Hakens berechnet sich ungefähr auf das Doppelte des bisherigen, da derselbe aber die Beseitigung der kostspieligen Nothketten ermöglicht, so ist seine Anwendung selbst vom ökonomischen Standpunkt aus betrachtet vortheilhaft. 34 327 Organt dfortschtite des Eisenbahnwegens. Fig 2 Versuchs Zug mitieſ electro-dynamischen Locomotive wº º in Betriebinder Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Berlin 1879 der Wagen. - Fig 1 & 2 Maaſs.stab-140. "Fig1. Seitenansicht. Tºzo I go, Dynamo-electrischer Jnductor (Siemenscher) Fig. 3 & 4 Maasslab-120 und Fig 5 & 6 Masslab-110 H33 Wordere ºnsight Jº Slºſs = º- Electro-dynamische . IOCOmotive. (Fig5 6 & 7 Maasslab-120) - Fig. 9. ph - Fig. 6. - Querschmittmachſ. R. ''Til langenschmitmach 0+ º -- ºº: º º C. Steuerms #88 - 2 Undriss des Unterballes. º lºº Lº Re-Lillº 1879. Taº XXXIII 328 499 Defendant’s Exhibit Translation of die Fortschritte Article. THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC LOCOMOTIVE Working in the Industrial Exhibition at Berlin, 1879. By Carl Schaltenbrand, Engineer, of Berlin. (Herewith Figs. 1-9, on Plate XXXIII.) “Since the 28th of May there has been put up and operated, on the part of the firm of Siemens and Halske, in the Industrial Exhibition at Berlin, an elec- tro-dynamic locomotive. There is certainly no object exhibited which excites such undivided interest, as well among specialists as also among the great public, as this motor. The experimental train, consisting of the locomotive and three carriages in the form of a double bench, each for three people—that is, together 18 persons—traverses every day from 11–1 and from 3 to 5 o'clock the closed track, something more than 300 meters long. It has curves of 5 meters radius with a gauge of 0.49 meters, and winds like a serpent around the corners of the ex- hibition buildings. The train, of which Fig. 1, plate XXXIII., shows a view, while Fig. 2 represents the front view of a carriage, is constantly filled, and trav- erses the route every minute and a half with an average speed of 3.50 meters. This latter can be considerably raised, yet this, on account of the lively traffic, and of the many turnings around the corners of the buildings, out of regard for the safety of the public, is not advis- able. - In the four hours about 80 trips can be made, that is, about 1,440 persons can be carried. The price of the ride, 20 pfennige (5 cts.) is devoted to charitable objects. The young people, but also gentlemen and ladies. with gray hair, throng to these trips, and when the 329 500 first train rushes through the rows of tables of a restau- rant of considerable size, it is always greeted with a Hurrah! by the guests. This interest is a perfectly justifiable one, for what is here carried out on a small scale for amusement is perhaps destined, when carried out sufficiently in practice, to bring about a revolution in our system of transportation. - The latter time has produced so many inventions bordering on the marvellous, especially in the field of electro-magnetism, that we can no longer be alarmed at any bold idea. If, in what follows, I simply describe what is exhib- ited, and refrain from any judgment thereon, it happens because I assume that the exhibitors, for reason easily perceived, still hold back their best ideas, and exhibit here only the principle of construction ; more- over, it would be rash to criticise the first performance of a valuable matter which, like this, is still in the in- fant class. The work with the electro-dynamic locomotive divides itself into three principal divisions: 1st, The dynamo-electric Inductor (i. e., the primary machine, Translator); 2d, The electro-dynamic Locomotive; and 3d, The continuous conduction of the primary cur- rent from the primary machine to the motor of the traveling locomotive. Of these three divisions, the first two can be regarded as workable combinations of machines already known. But I do not think to err if I recognize in the last that element upon whose success- ful construction the future of working with electro- dynamic locomotives is conditioned. THE DYNAMO-ELECTRIC INDUCTOR Is shown in Fig. 3, Plate XXXIII. as a front view, and in Fig. 4 as a section on the line m m It is an electro-magnetic machine on the system of Von Hefner–Alteneck (Siemens and Halske). As the same machine is duplicated in the locomotive < 330 501 as an electro-dynamic motor, it shall, in its chief points, be briefly described. On a cast-iron frame fastened to the wall of the Ex- hibition building two bearings g p and h () support a horizontal shaft ef, which, by means of fast and loose pulleys i / and a leather belt, can be turned from the principal shaft of the Machinery Hall” at a speed of 400–500 revolutions per minute, or brought to a stand- still, as desired. Upon this shaft is the armature, a strong cylinder of soft iron. About this armature there is laid in a peculiar manner an insulated conducting wire, which, with its covering, is 4 to 4 millimeters thick. If we think of the circumference of the cylinder as divided into eight equal parts, and begin, in Fig. 3, the winding upon one of the divisions from left to right, then the wires passes on the right-hand end surface close by the axis to the diametrically opposite section of the surface of the cylinder, and follows the latter to the left-hand end surface. Here, however, the conduct- ing wire is laid over one section upon a division lying diametrically adjacent, follows this to the right-hand end surface, which it again crosses diametrically; then it turns back to the left hand end surface, goes as before over one section to a point lying diametrically adjacent, &c. There are thus formed upon the cylinder surface eight coils of wire, which consist of 4 layers of 9 wires each, or 36 wires altogether. They are held fast by brass strips laid about them. The wires cross the right-hand end sur- face of the armature diametrically, while on the left- hand end they form 8 sectionally running coils of 18 wires each, and thus form a smaller octagon. Just in the middle of each section the 18 wires of the coil are connected with the commutator C, lying at the left upon the axis. The armature with its coils of wires and the brass strips holding these has a diameter of * Between the steam engines of the Berlin Machine Manufactory Cyklop and Schwarzkopff. 331 502 about 250 millimeters, and its greatest length is 650 millimeters. The commutator or current controller is shown in Figures 8 and 9 as a side view and section. It con- sists of an insulated drum of 120 millimeters diameter and 100 millimeters long, whose convex surface is cov- ered with 8 insulated copper strips. The drum turns with the armature. On the left- hand side of the armature each of the copper strips on the surface makes the connections of two of the before- mentioned connecting wires of the armature in such a manner that the coils of the latter, starting from each section centre of the opposite end surface, alternately stand in electrical connection with one of the commu- tator strips. Upon the periphery of an insulated disk, which is arranged movable upon the pedestal g p, there lie two pieces of copper w and v, and on each of these, in holders of different length, two brushes in such a position that they rub upon the drum as its turns, and thus two upper surface strips are continually connected electrically with the junction pieces u, and the two under ones, with the junction pieces v, while the two metal strips lying be- tween these, two on the right and two on the left, and consequently the corresponding armature connections, are insulated. Each brush of the commutator consists of about 15 to 20 wires one millimeter thick and 110 mm. long. They are 30 to 35 mm. wide, movable in the direction of their length, and they project on the friction- rubbing side about 80 mm. from the holders. The electro-magnets stand in Fig. 4 right and left close to the armature. They form on each side a core d d” and d d", each of 10 iron sheets 20 mm. thick and 50 mm. wide, so that each core has a length of 500 mm. and a height of 900 mm. The two cores are separated above and below 150 mm. from each, and bend around the armature with little clear space, so - \ * 332 503 that they encircle it except on 4 of its circumfer- €In Ce. Upon the straight ends of these iron cores lie the wire coils B B1 Bº and B8, capped with iron collars, each 280 mm. high and 70 mm. thick upon each iron, vertically distant from each other 270 mm. allowing for the curve of the armature. The upper and lower ends of the vertical irons project 35 mm. and are united by means of horizontal iron sheets and screws, so that the whole forms a connected frame, which is fastened to the cast-iron foundation between the flanges of the back coil. The wire with its covering is 5 to 54 mm. thick, and is wound upon the iron in the following manner : Starting from the binding post u of the commutator, a wire winds from below upward, then downward and again upward in three layers, each of 35, thus, alto- gether, 105 turns, to a coil B around the front magnet core, then jumps up over the back core and forms the coil B, , encircling this downwards, upwards, and again downwards, after which it ends in a binding post fast- ened to the frame. Starting from the binding post v of the commutator, a wire r forms the two lower coils B, and Ba, in a very symmetrical manner, and ends in a binding post p on the frame. Thereby, the direction of the turns in those coils which lie upon the same magnet core are the same, starting from the commutator. If an electric battery, for instance, is connected by the positive pole to the binding screw g, and by the negative to the binding screw p of the frame, then the positive current, starting from g, passes first on the inner, then on the outer, core, ascending to the right, the coil B, , and changes the upper half of the back- iron core into an electro-magnet whose south pole is at 81, and whose north pole at d's, then courses around the upper half of the front core in the opposite direc- tion, and produces here a north pole at S and a south pole at d, which, on account of the cross-connection, faces the south pole of dº. 333 504 The upper half, therefore, of the iron frame forms a horseshoe magnet, whose north pole is at 8, and its south pole at St. The current then goes to the binding screw u, through the upper brushes of the commutator into the coils of the armature, through these in a manner for the present unconsidered, through the under brushes to the clamp v, then to the coil B, traverses this from outside in- wardly, or, as looked at from below, round to the right, then the coil B's round to the left and comes out at p. The lower half of the iron frame is, therefore, also changed into a magnet whose north pole is at 8 and whose south pole at St. If the battery is shut off at the clamps g and p, a trace of the effect, the so-called residual magnetism, still remains in the iron of the magnets. The credit is due to Messrs. Siemens and Halske of having made use of these traces of magnetism as sufficient for the first production of induction currents in the coils of the armature. If we assume the eight coils of the armature arranged symmetrically as regards the perpendicular, Fig. 4, and no coil lying in the perpendicular itself, then two coils lie symmetrically as to the maximum of the north pole s, and the two diametrically opposite corresponding to the maximum of the south pole s, . They lie in the operative fields of the respective poles, while the other coils are outside of it. If we regard the two upper coils lying in the oper- ative fields, then, on the turning of the armature to the right, one moves away from the north pole s, and the other approaches the south pole S1, so that in these coils current of the same direction are induced. The same is true for the two lower coils lying in the magnetic field, except that the positive direction of the current is a reversed one. Since these four coils on the right side of the armature (Fig. 3) are diametrically connected, the electricities induced towards this side counteract * 334 505 each other, while those towards the commutator be- come free. Here the halves of the coils in the horizontal sec- tions meet, and from them the commutator takes at the top the negative and at the bottom the positive current and leads it to the binding screws v and v, respectively. The currents induced in the other halves of the wires of each coil pass to the side of the commu- tator through suitably lying section coils to the coils of the armature surface lying outside of the operative field, and in these they meet, having different current direction in two coils which lie adjacent, or, perhaps, more properly expressed, in which the positive and negative electricities run parallel, and then counteract each other in the vertical section coils of the right- hand end surface. These currents in the coils lying outside the operative field have, therefore, no effect upon the armature itself, and, since they increase in their current strength through mutual induction, they help the separation or induction of the currents in the operative field of the electro-magnets. Dr. O. Froehlich says, in an article on this subject” “Moreover, as regards the electrical operations in these machines, we as yet possess little accurate knowledge, although these operations are of a very peculiar kind and theoretically also interesting.” In order to form an approximate idea of the opera- tion, it is recommended, in a top view of the sim- ple double winding of the armature, starting from the coils lying in the operative field, to follow with a red and blue pencil the positive and negative current directions until the unlike currents either counteract each other in the middle, or joined as like currents meet in the binding-posts of the commutator. The windings crossing each other on the back sur- face will be dotted, the left hand octagonal section will be drawn out. If we carry out these drawings for dif- * Handbuch der Electrischen Telegraphie, by Dr. K. E. Zetsche, II. Wol., p. 300. - 335 506 ferent successive positions of the armature, we recog- nize that the different separated spaces, on the turning of the armature, pass along until, with an eighth of a turn, the figure referred to the vertical is exactly the same as before. In this forward movement relatively to the coils of the induction and collecting positions, there is indeed an especial advantage of this system, as contrasted with those in which a sudden change of the current direction becomes necessary. The induction currents, weak at first, are led from the screws v and u, as previously described, through the coils B, B1, B, and Bs, and, when the conductor is closed between the end screws g and p, they increase the effects of the magnets and thereby the effects of the induction, that is, of themselves, up to a maximum that is fixed. There are two facts important in their appli- cation to be noticed : (1) When the circuit between g and pis not closed, the resistance of the dynamo-electric inductor only corre- sponds to the effect of the residual magnetism. No increase of the same occurs. (2) When the circuit between g and p is closed, the effect of the induction increases with the resist- ance which the current finds in this circuit, up to an absolute maximum, so that both the effect of the magnets and the necessity of power for the dynamo-electric inductor increases with this resistance, and only on a simple short circuit can it remain small. THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC LOCOMOTIVE. Of this locomotive there is shown in Fig. 5, on Plate XXXIII., a longitudinal section ; in Fig. 6, a cross-sec- tion; and in Fig. 7, a plan of the foundation. The latter consists of a cast iron frame, in which are placed in the ordinary manner two wheel-shafts. On this carriage lies an electro-dynamic motor, which is exactly similar to the hereinbefore described dynamo- electric inductor. 336 507 At C is the commutator. Here the induction cur- rents enter through the wires a and b, in a manner hereafter described, through the binding-screws g and p (Fig. 3), traverse in one of the previously described reversed directions the coils B, B1, B, and Ba, and then goes through the brush-holders u and v, into the coils of the armature, yet in such a manner that they encircle this in one of the previously described direct courses. Hence the north pole and the south pole of the magnets are here changed relatively to each other. If we consider now, that by the removal of a wire coil from a pole of a magnet a current is induced in it, and that for the further removal of the wire power is necessary, then, if this power suddenly ceased to work, the coil of wire, of its own accord, would again approach the said pole with a cessation of the induced current. If, therefore, the magnet poles and the current directions in the electro-dynamic motor within the operative field were exactly the same as in the dynamo electric inductor, then the armature of the latter would turn backward and destroy the brushes. As mentioned above, the magnet poles are reversed, whereby there results the revolution of the armature in exactly the same direction. In the electro-dynamic motor the induction currents, while giving out power with a reversed motion towards the magnets, are destroyed in the same coils of the armature windings in which, through expenditure of power, they were before produced. The same power, however, is not given back. A loss of power up to 50% is proven, so that the dynamo- electric inductor is driven with 7 H.-P., in order to pro- duce at the electro-dynamic locomotives a work of 3} H.-P. This lies principally in the conductor to be de- scribed further on. With better conduction, as is the case, for example, in the working of looms in the Industrial Exhibition, according to earlier reports, there is said to be shown only 20% to 25% of loss. The revolving motion of the armature is transmitted by means of a cog-wheel /, and a change-wheel t, to a 508 wheel w, similar to the first, whose axis is fixed under the locomotive, and which transmits the motion by means of a bevel-wheel ac, either to a similar bevel- wheel y or yi, which latter wheel, by means of the handle j, can be put in gear for going forwards or back- wards, as may be desired. The bevel wheels transmit the revolution with a ratio of 18 to 24 to a cross shaft, and this turns the driving axis with a ratio of 26 to 48, by means of a toothed wheel g cogged with the toothed wheels B & B1. The locomotive is controlled by the lever d, which is set up on the brake-shaft a. The latter is set into the front part of the cast-iron frame, and works by two ordinary wooden brake-shoes upon the forward running surface of the front wheels, when the brake d is set for- ward. In this case the induction currents are also interrupted. Back of the brake d lies at o on the frame a small copper plate set into a poorly conducting flat piece of wood. A second movable copper plate lies upon the former, when the lever d pushed backwards is con- nected to a spring-catch on the toothed circle, as shown in Fig. 1. Insulated springs press the upper copper plate fast upon the lower one. The electric current takes its course through the contact of the plates, and is interrupted when the lever d putting on the brake, the upper plate with an insulated connecting- rod slips completely onto the wooden strip. The current becomes weaker on a partial contact of the copper plates. The locomotive at full speed can be brought to a standstill in 5 meters distance. In order to prevent, although only now in the ex- hibition, an unauthorized person from setting the loco- motive in motion, the wire conductor at a suitable place in the electro-dynamic motor is interrupted, and the insulated ends with a connecting removable plug placed in a closed box at 2. º 338 509 THE CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION. From the dynamo-electric inductor to the traveling locomotive is accomplished through the rails and a middle rail n, insulated on wood, since the one conducting wire a (Fig. 3) connects to the latter, while the conducting wire b is joined to the rails, and thus, through the locomotive wheels and the frame, stands in unbroken electrical connection with the correspond- ing wire 6 of the locomotive motor. Under the locomotive there are fastened to a com- mon insulated block T. two brushes, with their holders, in such a position that they embrace between them with their friction ends the middle rail n. A simple regulating spiral spring draws the revolvable holders together in such a manner that the brushes are suffi- ciently under strain. Each brush consists of about 15 copper wires from 1 to 14 mm. thick, and 220 mm. long. It is 20 mm. wide, stands out from the holders about 150 mm. against the middle rail, and is movable length- wise when worn off. These brushes take up the elec- tric current from the middle rail and conduct it through the contact point at 0, on the governing lever d, to the point p, where the wires of the motor connect. If by taking hold of then, with the tips of the fingers we connect the middle rail with an outer one, we feel in the finger tips a slight itching sensation, and, for a wonder, it makes no difference whether the locomotive is near or distant, in motion or at rest. Although there are constantly many people making this experiment at the same time, there is no noticeable effect upon the speed of the locomotive. The human body apparently does not conduct much better than the wood, and with such a large surface a greater part of the current un- erringly chooses for its course the better conducting copper wires. 339 510 PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Gauge, 490 mm. Height of wheel, 500 mm. Diam- eter of wheel, 400 mm. Revolutions of the armature, 200 to 400. Ratio of transmission to wheel axis, 1 to 2}. Entire length, 1,500 meters. Greatest width, 850 mm. Greatest height, 960 mm. Tractive power at a speed of 1.88 m. 75 kilogr.; that is, an effective work of 2 rotary H. P., without the locomotive itself. In the exhibition, with a speed of 3.5 m., the tractive power when in motion is scarcely half as great, yet the total work, including the resistance of the locomotive, will amount to 3% H. P.” Defendant's Exhibit Scientific American of August 2, 1879. [Scientific American, August 2, 1879. AN ELECTRICAL RAILWAY. Siemens & Halske, of Berlin, says the London Echo, have supplied a real novelty to the exhibition held in that city. It is an electrical railway, with three car- riages, capable of carrying twenty passengers. The road is about 220 yards long, and the train travels at the rate of ten feet per second—about seven miles an hour. A steam engine drives a dynamo-electric ma- chine, and the current produced is transmitted to an- other machine which works the train. Deprez is ex- hibiting a model of his motor at Lille, and at the forth- coming Scientific Exhibition in the Palais de L’Indus- trie, at Paris, he will have a small train worked by a battery of twelve Bunsen cells. Deprez hopes to be able to work an aerial propeller by his motor. s AWEEKºſURyſiºgº A \º A-fºr-H - n - ſ - J ." wº º º cºw York, ovoº [ºn]". UT." A. ... "wº - - S §§ - !'" ºn 1- |Tiſſillſ. Tilſillſ|ITIIITITTT | | !" § i |ffl|| \ . | | | / _s - -- |Ii = - li- : I- -: in - . . . . . - - - - || iiii; º l - - - - - |Hii: in 11- - - - - - 111. - 1111111 - it in - | - illii - - - º | - - w º - - W= \ \W \ s \... ". W \ º Edison's ELECTRIC GENERATOR.—[see page 242.] OP.) 341 4% Ścientific ºut critiºn. ted tha d both in CQ&ſnt in Europe, and tists having heir heads, but for Mr. he was about to produce a practi- omic light for gençal use, jhe entire SS W. ź it for gr; - coming. ká tºtſnºb thé people ted for the iſºgº light. º º in this di écío t ost paſſ suspended judgmerit. Delay on the part of Mr. Edison comforted the holders of gas stocks, and confirmed the scientists in their belief that he had undertaken not only a task of great magnitude and difficulty, but one that would require more time and means than could be controlled by most experimenters. But Mr. Edison, flushed by his scientific victories, was un- daunted and determined to yield to no obstacles. Unfortunately, however, the daily papers from time to time printed reports of progress in electric lighting, which, from their extravagance and inaccu- racy, placed Mr. Edison, to say the least, in an extremely embarrassing position as regards his alleged pro- mises and the expected fulfillment of them, besides misleading the pub- lic as to the true nature of the pro- blem to be dealt with, resulting in a reaction of feeling prejudicial to Mr. Edison's just fame. At present little is said by Mr. Edison concerning his electric light, excepting that he considers it an assured success, and that he is per- fecting the details of his electric lighting system as rapidly as pos- sible. It is not our purpose just now to enter into a description of Mr. Edi son's electric lighting system as a whole, but to describe his new electric generator—one of the most important factors of the system—and also to describe his new electrical motor used in driving light machinery for domestic and industrial purposes. The new generator resembles in some respects other well known forms, but it differs from them all in several very important particulars; for instance, the field magnets are immense, being about 54 inches high, and weighing about 1100 lb. The magnet cores—of wrought iron—are 6 inches in diameter, and 36 inches long; they are mounted upon vulcanized-fiber disks, C, hav- and each strand passes length heavy cast iron blocſis, 10% inches high and 9 inches wide, and are connected at the top by a wrought iron yoke, 6 inches high and 7 inches wide. The cores are wound with 3 layers of No. 10 cotton covered wire, the ends of which are connected with binding posts on the base of the machine. The two blocks upon which the cores rest, as well as the bearings of the armature, are supported by a cross-shaped brass casting. -- The armature which revolves in the cylindrical space be- tween the poles of the field magnet is shown in section in Fig 2. It consists of a wooden cylinder, A, mounted on a 1% inch shaft, and having attached to its ends soft iron plates, B, between which there are several layers, D, of No. 20 soft Iron wire wound cir- cumferentially. Outside of the iron disks, B, there are ing their peripheries notched to receive the several coils, E, of insulated wire wound lengthwise on the cylinder and connected with copper bars, F, of the commutator cylinder, G. There are 41 r;#5 in. wires in each strand, wise around the cylinder on diametrically opposite sides, the opposite ends of all of the wires in each strand be. ing soldered to commutator bars on opposite sides of the commutator cylinder. There are 40 strands surrounding the armature, and the com- - - mutator cylinder is pressed on opposite sides by copper wire brushes which take off the current. The armature shaft has a 10 inch pulley with a 5 inch face, and the speed of the ma- chine is about 500 turns per minute. Although the current from the armature may be used to excite the field magnet, Mr. Edison finds it more economical to charge the field mag- met by means of a separate machine. In fact, he intends to charge a battery of such generators with a single Faradic machine of this form. - * - An important fact has been developed in the course of Mr. Edison's experiments with this generator. He finds that by connecting the ends of the field magnet by a 99pper Wire for a moment when the machine is started, * field magnet soon attains its maximum charge, which it retains so long as the generator is in continuous operation. It requires a minute or more to fully charge the immense magnets, and when charged their influence is far reaching The internal resistance of the armature is only 3% ohm, and Mr. Edison claims that he realizes 90 per cent of the power applied to this machine in effective exter. the current generated is sufficient to produce lights of sixteen candles each. The economy of this machine is shown by the fact that one man may turn it with Sufficient rapidity to maintain the electric arc of a Jablochkoff candle. While this generator in general principle is the same as in the best of the well known forms, still there is an all-im- portant difference, which is, that it will convert and deliver for useful work nearly double the foot-pounds of energy that any other machine will under like conditions. It has been shown by Hopkinson that the Siemens machine, which is gen- erally recognized as the best form yet devised, converts from the belt to the circuit 92 per cent of the energy, but later corrections reduce this to 83 per cent; from these results many scientists have inferred and stated that there was little mar- gin for improvement in the generating machine. Now the energy converted is distributed over the whole resistance; hence if the resistance of the machine be represented by 1, % %% i % and the exterior circuit by 9, then of the total energy con- verted, # will be useful, as it is outside of the machine, and 1% lost in the resistance of the machine. The Siemens machine, and nearly all other machines in use, make the external resistance equal to that of the machine; hence one half of the energy only is useful, and sistance, so as to change the distribution of energy to ob- tain more exterior work, results in reducing the power of the machine to convert energy. Therefore, efforts toward economy in one direction are) met in the other direction by loss in the interest account due to the necessity of using a greater number of machines to convert a given amount of power. - In Mr. Edison's generator 5 horse power is transferred upon a resistance of 5 ohms, of which a 3% ohm is in the machine, thus delivering #5 of the total current upon a cir- cuit exterior to the machine; thus nearly the maximum economy is attained when other machines, under like con- ditions, will scarcely give any current at all. In dealing with the electric light problem, Mr. Edison has very properly devoted a large share of time and attention to the production of an economical generator, as it is the very | Fig. 3–EDISON'S ELECTRIC MOTOR. foundation of the system. It bears the same relation to electric lighting that the cheap production of gas does to gas lighting. It is as important to generate electricity cheaply as to use it economically. Mr. Edison meets squarely both ends of the question, and is carryiº º his experiments on a gigantic scale; being encouraged by . developments he continues his researches in expectation o still better things His electric generator he considers com. plete; his electric lamp, although in good usable ". slowly improving, and will not be intrºduced to the public so long as Mr. Edison thinks it can be improved. The lower view in our large engray103 represents one end of the Menlo Park machine shop, showing the 80 horse: power engine in the engine roº beyond. One of the new electric generators is shown 9” the right, and the dynamo- meter with which the power tests are made is shown on the left. Not far from the generator is placed an electric dyna: mometer, shown in one of the smaller views at the top of the page. - - : - - This electrical dynamometer is the invention of Prof. J. and powerful. nal current. It requires but 5 horse power to drive it, and W. Trowbridge. Mr. Edison has, however, improved it [OCTOBER 18, 1879. and adapted it to his own purposes. As there is neither iron * magnets in the apparatus it may be used in the vicinity of the generator without being influenced by its magnets The electrical current traverses the two large spiral of Copper ribbon, and also the smaller spiral, whose bifilar sus. pension keeps it at right angles to the larger spirals when no current passes. The smaller spiral carries a small mir- ror, and the readings are taken from a distant scale, the light spot serving as an index. The circuit is completed thrºugh the smaller spiral by means of mercury cups kept cool by water running through their hollow walls. The galvanometer tests are made in a distant building where neither jars nor magnetic influence can affect the accuracy of the readings. The galvanometer (Thomson's reflecting) is placed on a table resting on a brick founda- tion and is inclosed by a dark chamber having apertures any attempt by these inventors to increase the exterior re- for viewing the scale. The development of the new elec- tric generator has required months of careful investigation by aid of these two instruments, and it is only after making hundreds of alterations and experiments that the improvement has been wrought. Fig. 3 shows Mr. Edison's new electric motor intended for running sewing machines, small elevators, lathes, and other light machinery, by connecting it with the same wires that furnishes the current for the electric lamps. . Its construction differs but slightly from the electric generator. The armature is arranged parallel with the magnet instead of transversely, and the magnet is formed of a single casting. In other respects it is like the generator, having the same form of armature, also commutator cylinder and brushes. The engraving represents the motor about one fourth of its real size. Whatever may be said or thought in regard to Mr. Edi- son’s progress in electric lighting, it cannot be denied that he has made important discoveries which must tend to cheapen the electric light generally, and when he shall have completed his electric lighting system we hope he will reap the reward merited by his untiring perseverance. --º-º-º-º-º- MECHANICAL INVENTIONS, An improvement in counter stiffeners for boots and shoes has been patented by Mr. Frank Avery, of Garden Prairie, Ill. The object of this invention is to provide a counter stiffener that will be durable, stiff, and waterproof, and that can be easily applied in the manufacture of all kinds of boots, and shoes. Mr. John W. King, of Huntingdon, Tenn., has invented an improvement in washing machines. The invention consists in a simple arrangement of mechanism for driving pounders or cups. - for chains of all kinds. ping and interlocking ring sections, that are connected by a central transverse stay, secured by a fastening screw, and, in addition thereto, by cross pins or rivets. Mr. Lyman H. Blend, of Oneonta, N. Y., has patented an improved machine for use in the treatment of paralysis in its various forms, curvature of the spine, and their kin- dred diseases, by producing a passive motion of the feet and legs similar to the natu- ral step in walking, and by the partial suspension of the body from the waist or head. Mr. Jacob Obrist, of Au Sable Forks, N. Y., has pat- ented an implement for hold- ing and entering tacks in put- ting down carpets, trimming and covering furniture, and other similar purposes. It consists in providing the lower jaw of the pinchers with a W-shaped notch to re- ceive the shank of the tack, while the upper jaw bears upon the head and holds it securely while being entered; also, in curving the handles, so as to permit the lower jaw to rest upon the floor and leave space for the hand under the handle. - Animprovement in detachable table legs has been patented by Mr. James W. Bullock, of Boston, Mass. The object of this invention is to construct tables, stands, chairs, and other articles of furniture, so that they can be readily taken apart and packed in compact form for transportation; and the in- vention consists in the attachment of the legs by dovetail joints and spring friction devices, so that they can be easily removed and adjusted. - Mr. Eli Hancox, of Troy, N. Y., has patented a lap ring - It consists of diagonally overlap- A device for sawing logs into boards or joists, etc.,. of any desired thickness and width at one and the same time at one operation, has been patented by Mr. John W. Morris, of Moss Point, Miss. 342 º 515 Defendant’s Exhibit Weston's Scientific American Letter. [Scientific American, November 1, 1879.] EDISON's ELECTRICAL GENERATOR. To the Editor of the Scientific American : I can scarcely conceive it as possible that the article on the above subject in last week's Scientific Ameri- can could have been written from statements derived from Mr. Edison himself, inasmuch as so many of the advantages claimed for the machine described, and statements of the results obtained are so manifestly absurd as to indicate on the part of both writer and prompter a positive want of knowledge of the electric circuit and the principles governing the construction and operation of electric machines. It is not my intention to criticise the design or con- struction of the machine (not because they are not open to criticism), as I am now, and have been for many years, engaged in the manufacture of electric machines, but rather to call attention to the impossibility of ob- taining the described results without destroying the doctrine of the conservation and correlation of forces. What the “important fact ’’ “developed in the course of Mr. Edison's experiments with this generator '' is (if it means anything more than what Hjorth, Wilde, Siemens and Wheatstone set forth many years ago) I am unable to comprehend from the description given. It is stated that “ the internal resistance of the armature * of this machine “is only , ohm.” On this fact, and the disproportion between this resistance and that of the external circuit, the theory of the alleged efficiency of the machine is stated to be based, for we are informed that “while this generator in general principle is the same as in the best well-known forms, still there is an all-important difference, which is that it will convert and deliver for useful work 343 516 nearly double the number of foot pounds that any other machine will under like conditions.” The ex- planation of this remarkable efficiency T quote: “Now the energy converted is distributed over the whole re- sistance ; hence, if the resistance of the machine be represented by 1, and the exterior circuit by 9, then, of the total energy converted, nine-tenths will be useful, as it is outside of the machine, and one-tenth is lost in the resistance of the machine.” How any one acquainted with the laws of the electric circuit can make such statements is what I cannot understand. The statement last quoted is mathematic- ally absurd. It implies either that the machine is capable of increasing its own electro-motive force nine times without an increased earpenditure of power, or that external resistance is not resistance to the current in- duced in the Edison machine. T}oes Mr. Edison, or any one for him, mean to say 7° that – enables him to obtain nE, and that C is not 70, E = ?” + R ? If so, Mr. Edison has discovered some- 70, thing more than perpetual motion, and Mr. Keely had better retire from the field. Further on, the writer gives us another example of this mode of reasoning, when, emboldened and satisfied with the absurd theory above ex- posed, he endeavors to prove the cause of the inefficiency of the Siemens and other machines. Couldn’t the writer of the article see that since E R C = —–, that by — or by making R = r, the machine r —- R Il would, according to his theory, have returned more useful current to the circuit than could be due to the power employed (and in the ratio indicated), so that there would actually be a creation of force If such statements as these have been made by Mr. 344 L. 517 Edison to the representatives of the daily papers, I think he has no cause to complain of the treatment re- ceived, but rather to consider himself fortunate that he has escaped rougher handling. In conclusion, allow me to say that if Mr. Edison thinks he has accomplished so much by the reduction of the internal resistance of his machine that he has much more to do in this direction before his machine will equal in this respect others already in the market. EDWARD WESTON. Newark, N. J., October 13, 1879. Defendant’s Exhibit Seeley’s Scientific American Article. [ Scientific American, November 15, 1879.] EDISON's ELECTRICAL GENERATOR. By Charles A. Seeley, Ph. D. Electric machines convert mechanical into electrical energy. The obtaining of electricity may be considered a manufacturing process, wherein steam power is the raw material and electricity the product. The best. machine, other things being equal, will give the greatest yield of finished product from a given expenditure or consumption of raw material. The ratio of yield to consumption is the expression of the efficiency of the machine. How many foot pounds of electricity can be got out of 100 foot pounds of mechanical energy P Certainly not more than 100; certainly less. What are the sources of loss, and what become of the lost foot pounds? Friction and resistance of the air inexorably demand their share in all kinds of machines. In the electric machine a heavy armature, sometimes spread out like a fanning mill, must be revolved at the rate of 345 518 500 to 1,000 times in a minute. Also there are great leakages incidental and peculiar to the electric machine, which may be summed up in the expression local actions, which consist in currents induced outside of the normal circuit, changes in the magnetism of the mag- net cores, etc. How many foot pounds do we lose or are we obliged to lose out of the 100 expended ? How many foot pounds of electricity are left after deducting the losses 2 The facts and laws of physics, with the assist- ance of mathematical logic, never fail to furnish pre- cious answers to such questions. People generally, however, are not familiar with the methods and lan- guage of exact science, and prefer results of direct, plain, actual and practical experiments, results unmixed with any abstraction. We appeal now to the testi- mony of such experiments. In 1877 a committee of the Franklin Institute, con- sisting of ten competent and eminent experts, with a view of determining the capabilities of electrical gener- ators, made a series of trials with the best machines then procurable. Their elaborate report describing the details of experiments was published in the May and June numbers of the Institute Journal of 1878. This report has become a recognized authority, and remains, so far as I know, in all respects unimpeached; and I shall use it now with fullest confidence in the accuracy of its statements. The committee experi- mented with six machines; 3 Brush, 2 Wallace, 1 Gramme. To suit my present purpose I have reduced statements of the report to the simple symmetrical form of the table below. This table shows the losses and produce of 100 foot pounds of power delivered upon each machine ; the figures may be read as repre- senting foot pounds or per cents. 346 519 1 2 3 4. 5 6 a. Brush -- - - - - - - 16.7 || 33.5 50.1 50. 31. b. “ - - - - - - - - 10.4 50.9 61.1 39. 22. C. “ - - - - - - - - 11.1 41. 52.1 47. 2 / . d. Wallace . . . . . . 8. 53.2 58.2 38.1 14. 6. “ - - - - - - 8.6 || 63. 71.6 30.3 | 12. f. Gramme - - - - - - 7.4 21. 28.4 71.2 38. 1. Names of machines. 2. Friction and resistance of the air. 3. Local actions, including all losses, except those of 2. 4. Total losses, the sum of 2 and 3. 5. Total current of the normal circuit, or the total yield of electricity. 6. The electricity utilized in producing light. It is substantially the amount utilizable for any purpose. I present this table as worthy of thoughtful atten- tion; it should interest all electricians. The facts which a little study will disclose may prove somewhat appalling to those whose imaginations have been busy with bringing Niagara power to New York, and with the demolition of gas companies. The facts shown in columns 5 and 6 are worthy of special attention. The total produce of electricity is shown in 5, and in 6 the practical value of that elec- tricity; the figures in 6 are only about one-half the cor- responding figures of 5. Why is it that when we have produced the electricity half of it must slip away ? Some persons will be content if they are told simply that it is a way which electricity has of behaving. But there is a satisfactory, rational explanation, which, I believe, can be made plain to persons of ordinary intel- ligence. It ought to be known to all those who are making or using machines. I am grieved to observe that many persons who talk and write glibly about electricity do not understand it; some even ignore or deny the 520 fact to be explained. I will try to set forth the case plainly. Electricity moves in a circuit, and in moving disap- pears; that is, it is converted into some other form of energy. The same electricity does not move round and round again ; it never repasses the starting point; it does not exist to repass the starting point. As it moves it falls and dies in its tracks, and its dead body at once and on the spot is resurrected, but in a changed form. Now a part of the circuit is always and of necessity inside of the machine or battery; it is the wire of the armature or the liquids and the metals of the battery. This part of the circuit also is inaccessible, and the electricity which is here transformed is unavailable ; this electricity, in fact, is worse than useless, for the heat into which it is transformed is one of the serious practical difficulties of the machine. It is then only the electricity which appears in the circuit outside of the machine which is utilizable. - At this point plausibly comes in a suggestion that the internal part of the circuit be made very small and the exterior part very large. Why not (say) make the internal part 1 and the external 9, thus saving 4% and losing only tº 2 Unfortunately the suggestion is not practical ; a fallacy is concealed in it. The electricity is truly converted throughout the entire circuit, but not evenly in proportion to the length of the circuit. The conversion takes place pre- cisely and exactly in accord with the resistance in the circuit to the flow of the electricity. The electricity may be considered as distributed over the whole circuit pari passa, with the resistance, and thereupon is transformed into energy of another name, distributed as to the quantity precisely as was the electricity. This explanation does not disclose the weakness of the suggestion, but it will assist us in finding it. Beasts of burden and other rational creatures redouble their efforts when their burdens are increased, and “thrice is he armed,” etc. Electricity behaves very 348 º 521 differently; there are no moral suasions or reserved forces behind it. Increase its burden, and it weakens right down ; it is more stubborn than a mule ; it won’t budge at all, except after its narrow plan. The law of the electric current is that it exists or is produced in- versely as the resistance to its flow in the circuit ; double the resistance and the current is halved ; treble the resistance and the current is one-third, etc., in any machine let the armature revolve steadily, and the cur- rent produced will depend solely upon the resistance; with the least resistance you get the maximum current, with the greatest resistance you have the minimum cur- rent. Now, also, the internal resistance of any machine is constant or unalterable. In order to get any external effect, external resistance must be added to the internal. To get the greatest yield from a machine or battery, it must be short-circuited ; that is, the external resistance must be suppressed ; but then you find yourself in the interesting predicament that all the electricity is securely bottled up in the armature, and is of no good to you. On the other hand, arrange things so that the greatest part of the resistance is external, and the electricity has shriveled up to a quantity which is utterly useless to any allopath. There is evidently a just mean ; what is it 2 What is the best practical ratio of the external and internal resistance 2 The mathematical calculations, which clearly and beauti- fully answer this question, and which take in the prin- ciple that the sum of variables is least when they are equal, are probably beyond the experience of the average reader, and I substitute a sort of cut and try method. Let the current of the short circuited machine be (say) 100. Now add an external resistance (R') equal to the internal (r), thereby making a doubled total resistance (R). ( r + R = R ). The total current has become 50, and the external or utilizable part of it is 25. Treble the R, making r = 1 and R = 2, and the total current becomes 334, and the utilizable part 22.2. For another trial, make external half as great as inter- 349 522 nal r = 1, and R = }, and total current becomes 66.6, of which 22.2 is utilizable. Now, we are getting indi- cations of the fact that the greatest external current is produced in a given time when the external and inter- nal resistences are equal. I recommend the reader who is not yet satisfied to continue the cut and try plan till he shall be. But, exclaims the bright scholar who is always on the qui vive for flaws, it is a question of economy, and it may be best to take a little more than the given time, and so get a greater portion than the half for our use; time is cheaper than coal; or, if we must have a certain great quantity of electricity in a short time, we may build a very big machine or use a good many little ones; why not save nine-tenths of the total current 2 The remarks of the bright scholar are always entertain- ing, sometimes they are instructive. The trouble with him is that although his vision is very clear it is not so wide; he is quick to spy out a thing, but he does not observe its environments. Why not nine-tenths 2 It is a hard thing to do after perusing the table of results above given ; but consider or imagine that the losses of a machine by friction and local action are reduced to one-tenth, so that 100 foot pounds of steam power produce 90 foot pounds of current, of which the external part of the circuit (= to the internal) shall have 45. Now adjust external resistance so that you shall get 4% outside and I'm inside, and weigh and figure up the results. Instead of getting 9 for 10 invested, you have 16.2 avails of 28 in- vested, or at the rate of 5.8 from 10 invested. There is a clear gain by attending to the spigot, but the steady leakage at the bung was still going on. I do not mean to say that the equalizing r and R should be an inflex- ible practical rule, but simply that the advantages of varying from it are not so great as some persons sup- pose; also the loss from local action is not constant for varying products of electricity; the illustration ought not to mislead any one, and the precise data for de- 350 º 523 termining the peculiar ratio of r to R' for the most economical working are plainly enough indicated. Now, on looking over the above, I feel as if I had led the reader over a wearisome roundabout road, when there is a short cut across lots to the destination. My excuse is that the short cut is not a familiar thorough- fare, and the average traveler cannot feel confidence in it. Mathematics is what I have in mind. To the mathematician the expression a *-i- b% = e2 is the clear expression of the relation of the sides of right-angled triangles and many other things, but we plain people whittle up a great many shingles or pencils in the cut and try plan before we can apprehend the thing it teaches. But there is one little expression, simple in form, yet full of meaning, in fact a mine of the elements of ideas on electricity, which I would, if I had my way about it, compel the reader to wrestle with till he had completely mastered it. It is the expression of the principal facts about the elec- tric circuit ; it is called Ohm’s law, and it is E this: C = – C is the strength of the current ; that is, R - the quantity (say ft. lb.) flowing per second. E is electromotive force, an idea corresponding to tension, pressure, or head. R is resistance to the flow. (It will assist the tyro to obsesve that electricity has some of the properties of ordinary fluids, and that Ohm's law is true for water and steam. Let, for example, C be galls. of water per minute, E head of water, R re- sistance to flow, narrowness of pipes, friction, etc. The formula, however, is not useful outside of elec- tricity, mainly for the reason of the difficulty of specify- ing and keeping constant the elements which constitute R.) The formula declares that C varies directly with E, and inversely with R. In any machine E varies with velocity ; when the velocity is uniform, E is con- stant, whatever be the ratio of external and internal resistance, or whatever be the produce of the machine - 351 524 in usable current. If it is desired to distinguish the internal (r) from the external (R) resistance, r + R' E 7 -- Rº machine r is always constant, and E is constant for constant velocity ; in this last case C can vary only with R. C represents only the total C of the normal cir- cuit ; the useful C, or that which can appear as light, heat, chemical or mechanical energy outside of the C (r. -- Rſ) TRT may be substituted for R, when C = In any machine, = , etc., etc. But about Edison's electric generator The articles about it on pages 242 and 272 are the texts on which I have discoursed, and, although I have not named the generator, it has all the time been in mind. Those who are accustomed to read between the lines have some of my thoughts which are not yet put on paper. But lest any one should suppose that I am unfriendly to Mr. Edison and his work, ſ hasten to say that I am fully in accord and sympathy with the writer of page 242, when he asserts and laments that the newspaper reports of the sayings and doings of Mr. Edison were exaggerated and inaccurate, and conse- quently damaging to him. No one capable of making the improvements in the telegraph and telephone, for which we are indebted to Mr. Edison could be other than an accomplished electrician. His reputation as a scientist, indeed, is smirched by the newspaper ex- aggerations, and no doubt he will be more careful in future. But there is a danger nearer home, indeed among his own friends, and in his very household. The lamentable case of Deacon Richard Smith and his wicked partners should serve as a warning. It is said that the deacon was wise and good until his wicked partners got control of him, when he behaved foolishly and uttered blank nonsense. The writer of page 242 is probably a friend of Mr. Edison, but possibly, alas ! a wicked partner. Why does he say such things as these : “Mr. Edison claims that he realizes 90 per cent. of the power applied to this machine in external work.” 352 525 “The economy of this machine is shown by the fact that one man may turn it with sufficient rapidity to maintain the electric arc of a Jablochkoff candle, etc.” Perhaps the writer is a humorist, and had in his mind Col. Sellers, Indian trader foot pounds, etc., which he could not keep out of a serious discussion ; but such jests are not good. Mr. Edison has built a very interesting machine, and he has the opportunity of making a valuable contribu- tion to the electrical arts by furnishing authentic ac- counts of its capabilities. New York, October 30, 1879. Defendant’s Exhibit Upton's Scientific American Letter. | Scientific American, November 15, 1879.] EDISON's ELECTRICAL GENERATOR. To the Editor of the Scientific American : I notice in your last issue a communication from a gentleman named Weston, denying certain results which I had stated to the writer of the criticised article re- garding the efficiency of my dynamo-electric machine. His statements are without sense or science, and plainly originate from one who does not understand the laws which he pretends to set forth. I append the report of Mr. Upton, my assistant, who has made all the meas- urements with the Faradic machine. - T. A. EDISON. Menlo Park, N. J., October 23, 1879. MR. EDISON.—I have read very carefully the commu- nication of Mr. Weston, which you handed me to report upon. It is impossible that the statement quoted by him, that your machine delivers nine-tenths of the elec- 353 526 trical energy outside, is mathematically absurd, when it has been found to be practically true. The assertion that a machine working with nine times more external than internal resistance must be “capable of increasing its own electromotive force nine times without an increased expendi- ture of power” is utter nonsense. Mr. Weston has evidently confounded the obtaining of a maximum of current with the obtaining of a maximum of eco- nomical efficiency. A Faradic machine with a constant field may be considered electrically, when running at a fixed speed, as a battery with a certain E. M. F. and internal resistance. Your machine, for example, has 130 volts electro-motive force and about half an ohm internal resistance. According to the reasoning in the letter in question it would be mathematically absurd to connect a battery with a resistance nine times greater than itself, and “destructive of the doctrine of the con- servation and correlation of forces,” since doing this with a battery is exactly similar to what you have done with your machine in the case ºnentioned. To express the results with equations the outside work may be taken as equal to E° (r-HR)—” R. This will be a maximum when the equation of condition that the first differential coefficient is equal to zero is satis- fied, or – 2 E° (r. --R)–3|R + E° (r. -- R)–2 = 0, which is the case when R = r. This shows the maxi- mum is obtained when the external resistance is made equal to the internal. An experimental proof of this was given in a recent number of La Lumiere Ælectrique. For example, in your machine there should be a maxi- mum theoretically when R equals 0.5 ohm, E equaling 130 × 130 44.3 i ≤ 1 × 0.5 × 53,000 =11 horse power can be utilized outside of the machine, while as many are lost in the machine. Again, if R = 97", as in the case mentioned for illustration in the Scientific American, that is R = 4.5 ohms 130 × 130 44.3 -5 - 5 × 4.5 × 53,000 = 4 horse power can be 130 volts, or when 527 utilized outside of the machine. In the first case, as compared to the second, 25 times as much power is lost in order that 23 times as much useful effect may be obtained. Seeing that Mr. Weston has failed to understand this statement, though expressed clearly in the article he criticises, his talk about your denying the truth of Ohm’s law is highly ridiculous, as well as his boastings about exposing your so-called absurd theory. His plac- ing a few letters and equations in his letter makes more absurd the total lack of power he has to apply them. FRANCIS R. UPTON. 355 . âaz 42 a 4 %2 Az - % *… 2-- / 4 - º ºº - a 2azz zz•42a $. ºººé /7 /º74- zygo Copy of an article inº# Nature " ror January.beginning on page ll9 entitled "Le Chemin de Fer Électrique de Berlin • " LE CHEMIN DE EER ELECTRIQUE De Berlin • La Traction Electrique Des Chemins De Fer Aériens et Souterrains Dans Les Grandes Villes . Le sous-titre de cet article est de nature à faire naître 1 incréaulité chez nos lecteurs, même parmi ceux que la pratique a familiarisé avec les récentes merveilles de l' électricité • En vérit é , une pareille idée émise il y a vinet ans, n'aurait assuré - ment été digne que d' un peu de pitié pour celui qui aurait osé , l' émett re , mais les découvertes se sont succ édé depuis lors, et l' cn est contraint aujourd'hui a examiner sérieusement une question dont la solution aété ébauchée en pratique, il y a quelques mois, dans la capitale de l' empire d' Allemagne . Le chemin de fer électrique de Berli n, qui a fonctionné pen- dant toute la durée de l' exp osition de l879 , n' est autre chose qu' - - - - - par l' electricité , nous all ons en donner le pr incipe en quelques mOt S • Si nous relions deux machines magnéto-électriques Oll dynamo - éle ctriques A et B par des conducteurs métalliques, et que IlOllS mettions la machine A en mouvement en dépensant du travail, XlCllS produirons un courant éle ctrique qui, arrivant dans la machine B, la met tra en mouvement en pr oduisant de nouveau du travail sur la machine • B • Il est bien évident que lamachine B ne restituera qu'une frac- tion du travail dépensé par la machine A, et que le rapport entre l 356 le travail dépensé et le travail produit , le rendement, variera avec la nature des machines , leurs vitesses relatives , leur puis - sance et la longueur des c onducteurs électriques qui les relient ; avec des conducteurs d' une assez grande longueur et des machines appropriées ; il ne s'abaissera pas au-dessous de trente polar cent- Si nous prenons une machine dynamo-électrique dépassant dix chevaux de force, que nous la mettions en mouvement à l' aide d' une machine à vapeur par exemple , et que nous la reliions par des cOn- ducteurs éle ctriques à une se c onde machine · dynamo-électrique, II1O1 }- téé sur un véhicule dont les roues peuvent recevoir un mouvement de cette seconde machine, nous aurons ainsi constitué une voiture électrique qui ne fonctionnera qu' autant que les conducteurs éle c- triques suivront son déplacement . En disposant notre voiture sur des rails et en utili sant d' une part les rails , pour constituer un des conducteurs relié à la ma- enine par l' intermédiaire des roues, et d' autre part en rail cen - tral bien isolé for mant le second conducteur et envoyant le courant dans la machine par des brosses ou des balais toujours en contact avec ce rail, nous aurons alors une locomotive électrique re cevant la force motrice de l' usine sous forme d' électricité, et pouvant exercer un travail variant de trois à six chevaux , En attelant des petites voitures à ce remorqueur ou locomotive, nous avons le che- min de fer électrique que M. Werner Siemens , le savant électricien allemand, a établi à l' exposition de Berlin • Les figures que YlOllS reproduisons permettent de se rendre parfaiteme nt compte de cette intérressante et concluante expérience dont nous examinerons tout 2 357 . à l' heure les conséquences . La figure l représente la ma chine et une voiture à l' échelle de l | 40, avec une vue par bout d' une des voitures . Les figures 2 et 3 donnent les détails de la locomotive au l | 20 • La figure 3 est une vue pittoresque montrant l' ensemble de la petite machine et des trois voitures de six places chacune qu'elle remorquait . Les machines employées sont les machines à courants continus du système Siemens, elles ont toutes les deux le s mêmes dimensions et, pour en comprendre le principe, on n'a qu'à se reporter aux machines Gramme, dont elles ne diff'èrent que par des dispositions se condaires , relativement à la question qui nous oc c upe • La figure 3 mont re une coupe longitudinale du remorqueur dans laquelle on voit la bobine qui, mise en mouvenant par le courant électrique qu' elle reçoit de la machine placée dans l' usine , - nous allons voir c omment, —transmet son mouvement aux roues motri ces par une série d' engrenages l , t , V , X , Y• Ce jeu d' engrenages est nécessaire pour reduire la vit esse de rot at ion des roues , bien inférieure à celle de la bobine , et pour pouvoir aisposer convenablement la machine dynamo-électrique . La machine productrice d* électricité est reliée par un de ses pôles aux rails du chemin de fer, et par son aut re pôle , au rail cent r'al N ( fig. 2 et 3) formé d' une barre de f'er méplate placée de champ t out le long de la voie , et isolée le mieux possible sur des tasseaux en bois. Une paire de brosses ou balais, formés de fils d e c uivre assez fins , comme les colle cteurs des machines Gramme , - vie nnent constamme nt s'appliquer sur ce rail N et établissent une communication électrique continue entre l' un des pôles de la machine placée sur la locomotive et le rail • Le courent arrive donc 3 | 358 par le rail, le balais, traverse les fils de la machine dynamo-élee trique placée sur ie remorqueur, et retourne à la source électrique par les roues et les rails ordinaires . 0n relie métalliquement bes voitures et le remorqueur par des fils de cuivre , les l6 roues du train servent alors à établir une communication électrique plus parfaite entre le remorqueur et les rails qui servent au retour du courant . La mise en marche et l' arrêt se font à l' aide d' un commu- t ateur ordinaire que le mécanicien, assis sur la machine , fait ma- noeuvrer de la main gauche tanais que sa main droit agit sur un pe- tit frein à main qui, en s'appliquant sur les roues d avant du re - morqueur, arrête le train. Des mesures faites sur ce t rain en marche avec dix-huit voyageurs ont donné, pour la locomotiv e , un errort de traction de 75 kilogrammes et une vitesse de lm,88 par seconde, ce qui représente un travail effectif de près de deux che- vaux, sans compter le travail depensé par la lo c omc tiv e pour , se re- morqueur elle-même . A l' interieur de l' Expositi on, la vitesse a atteint 3m, 50 par se conde (l2,6 kilomètres par heure) le travail développé représentait alors trois chevaux et demi - Ces chiffres sont bons à constater , car ils montrent qu'on peut transmettre électriquement à une machine se déplaçant sur ses c onducteurs , une force déjà assez considérable . En considérant cette remarquable expérience à un point de vue plus élevé, on peut comparer le remorqueur Siemens à une locomotive à vapeur qui serait réduite à son mé canisme moteur ; le foyer et, la chaudière seraient fixes, et la machine recevrait sa vapeur par un tuyau qui s* allongerait ou se rac courcirait én suivant les dé- placements de la machine , En supposant toutes ces conditions réa - lisables et réalise es, l' avantage resterait encore à l' électricité sur un p oint , c'est qu'après avoir travaillé, elle ne laisserait - 4- 359 aucun résidu tandis qu'il faudrait toujours se débarrasser de la va - peur qui aurait agi sur les pistons de la locomotive . Si on appliquait l' électricité à la traction des chemins de fer aériens et souterrains dans les grandes villes , on obtiendrait donc les avantages suivants : · l9 Diminution du poids mort inutile à transporter. On peut remarquer en eff'et combi en la me chine est petite relativement au train qu'elle remorque et ses dimensions pourraient encore être ré- duites sans inconvénient . Dans le cas improbable où le poids du remorqueur serail trop faible pour obtenir une adhérence suffisante, il serait toujours possible de vaincre la diffi cult é en transformant le remorqueur iui-même en voiture automobile , il en résulterait une augmentation de poids suffisante pour empêcher le patinage des roues motri ces . 2O Suppression du danger d' incendie , puis qu'on n emporte pas de combustible • 3O Suppression de la fumée et, des esearºines pour le même motif • 49 Suppression de la vapeur, puisqu' on n* emporte pas de chaudière . Les objections faites contre les chemins de rer aériens ou - souterrains dans les grandes villes disparais sent par ce mode spé - ci al et nouveau de traction ; l' air comprimé et les machines S 3.l1S foyer sont des solutions beaucoup mo ins parfaites que celle présen- tée par l' électricité, aussi bien au point de vue économique qu' au point de vue pratique • Dans un chemin de fer suspendu ou souter- | rain, riennº est plus facile que de bien isoler le rail central , le fonctionnement d' un pareil système pourra donc être toujours assuré 5 - 36Q Les meilleures machines dynamo-électriques seront celles dont le rendement sera le plus élevé , et les machines Siemens , Gramme , Brush, Wallace-Farmer, etc . , conviendront également , si elles sont dans des conditions que la pratique apprendra bien vite à détermi - l1 GY" • M. Gramme e onstruit en ce moment pour l' usine de M. Menier , à Noisiel, une machine spécialement destinée au transport de la force motrice a distance par l' électricité machine qui a fourni en marche normale un travail de aix chevaux (750 kilogram-mètre) 2 ui a atteint jusqu'à seize chevaux dans des conditions spéciale s. Du jour où l' on aura besoin d' une force plus grande, il sera facile de l' obtenir en augmentant les dimensions des machines • D' autre part , les machines à vapeur fixes étant plus économi- que S que les locomotives, on aura donc intérêt à utiliser des ma- chines à vapeur de grande puissance qui seront les usines de force - d' où rayonneront les conducteurs qui actionneront les différentes lignes de chemins de fer électriques dont la capitale sera sillon- née dans un avenir plus ou moins lointain . Nous sommes heureux d' avoir eu cette idée à Paris, en même temps que le savant doet eur Siemens étudiait ün semblable projet à Berlin pour les chemins de fer suspendus de cette capitale . " Je crains bien qu* il ne c oule encore beaucoup d' eau dans la " Sprée avant que mon rêve ne se réalise, même dans de faibles proportions . " T'ell3s sont les paroles prononcées par M. Wer"ner Siemens , en terminant sa communication à L'Association protectrice des progrès e l' industrie relativement à son petit chemin de fer. - - - Nous enregistrons ces craintes sans trop les partager. La science va si vit e qu'il serait imprudent d' assigner une période d' incubation, même assez court e, à une idée dont la possibilité 'o 361 pratique a été confirmée par une expérience aussi concluante que c elle de Berlin • La distribution de l' électricité à domicile et la traction des chemins de fer suspendus dans les grandes villes , sont des idées | qui méritent plus qu'un examen superficiel: elles supportent déjà vaillamme nt la critique • Qui osera le premier leu donner la sanction de l' expérience ? E. Hospitalier, Ingénieur des A rts et Manu- factures . · 02 / % % 362 ------4”------, ! ------ +---> - - - - - - | g------------ KXX-XXX-XXXXXixº KXXXX: & 3×××× | £33333333333333333. - § | a | col & | St. 323,333.33%33&| - Wºº | ol 3333333333. t | & & & & º | - -- º & \ – - - -- ----zº-ſº---f O -> ºv , ºr - "w tº ---º-, -}^-- ** – º –– % - t! I -, * * ! … . . © s tº 12 º' \! º }} / © ------ ~2. ~~27 NS= S-----NNWºwwºws WºWWWºRSWRNWSVNV S §§ NS N -- —N N - Nº c N l §3% N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N *N N N NH N i - ~~ - -] N N 363 Defendant’s lºxhibit Translation of La Nature Article. Copy of an Article in La Mature, for January, 1880, Beginning on Page 119, Entitled “ The Electric Jºailway of Berlin.” THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY OF BERLIN. Electric Traction of the Overhead and Underground Railways in Great Cities. The sub-title of this article is of a nature to arouse incredulity among our readers, even among those whom practice has familiarized with the recent mar- vels of electricity. In truth, such an idea announced twenty years ago, would certainly have merited only a little pity for him who should have dared to announce it; but discoveries have succeeded each other since then, and we are compelled to-day seriously to examine a question, whose solution has been outlined in prac- tice, some months ago, in the capital of the Empire of Germany. - The electric railway in Berlin, which has worked during the whole continuance of the Exhibition of 1879, is nothing else than one application of the transmission of motive power to a distance by means of electricity; we will give the principle of it in a few words: If we connect two magneto-electric or dynamo-elec- tric machines, A and B, by metallic conductors, and if we set the machine A in motion by eagending work, we shall produce an electric current, which, reaching the machine B, will set it in motion, again producing work upon the machine B. - It is very evident that the machine B will restore only a part of the work expended by the machine A, and that the relation between the work expended and the work produced, the output, will vary with the nature of the machines, the relative velocities, 365 548 their power and the length of the electric conductors which connect them ; in certain cases this output will reach sixty per cent.; even with conductors of very great length and suitable machines, it will not fall below thirty per cent. -- If we take a dynamo-electric machine exceeding ten horse-power, set it in motion by means of a steam engine, for example, and connect it by electric conduct- ors to a second dynamo-electric machine mounted upon a carriage whose wheels can receive a motion from this second machine, we shall have thus made an electric carriage which will work only as long as the electric conductors shall follow its movement. Placing our carriage upon rails, and using, on the one hand, the rails to form one of the conductors joined to the machine by means of the wheels, and, on the other hand, a central rail well insulated forming the second conductor, and, sending the current into the machine by means of the brushes always in contact with this rail, we shall then have an electric locomotive receiving the motive power from the power station under the form of electricity, and capable of exerting a work varying from three to six horse-power. Attaching small car- riages to this tug or locomotive, we have the electric railway which Mr. Werner Siemens, the German elec- trical scientist, has established at the exhibition of Ber- lin. The figures which we reproduce permit of taking account perfectly of this interesting and decisive ex- periment, of which we shall at once examine the con- Sequences. - Figure 1 represents the machine and one of the carriages on the scale of 1 to 40, with an end view of one of the carriages. Figures 2 and 3 give the details of the locomotive on the scale of 1 to 20. Figure 3 is an elevation showing the ensemble of the little machine, and of the three carriages with six seats each which it draws. The machines employed are continuous current machines of the Siemens system ; they have both the 366 º 549 same dimensions, and, in order to understand the prin- ciple of them, we have only to refer to the Gramme machines, from which they differ only in arrangements of secondary importance, as regards the question which now occupies our attention. Figure 3 shows a longi- tudinal section of the locomotive, in which we see the armature which, put in motion by the electric current which it receives from the machine placed in the power station—we shall see how—-transmits its motion to the motive wheels by a series of cogs, l, t, v, ac, y. This cogging is necessary in order to reduce the speed of rotation of the wheels, very much less than that of the armature, and in order to be able to suitably arrange the dynamo-electric machine. The machine producing the electricity is connected by one of its poles to the rails of the railway, and by its other pole, to the central rail N (Figs. 2 and 3) formed of a bar of flat iron placed all along the track, and in- sulated as well as possible upon supports of wood. A pair of brushes, formed of copper wires quite fine, like the collectors of the Gramme machines, are con- stantly applied to this rail N and establish an elec- trical contact continuously between one of the poles of the machine placed upon the locomotive and the rail. The current then reaches the brushes by means of the rail, traverses the wires of the dynamo-electric machine placed upon the locomotive, and returns to the electric source by the wheels and the ordinary rails. The car- riages and the locomotive are connected by copper wires; the 16 wheels of the train thus serve to estab- lish a more perfect electric communication between the locomotive and the rails which serve for the return of the current. The starting and stopping are done by means of an ordinary switch which the mechanician, seated upon the machine, works with his left hand, while his right hand acts upon a small hand-brake which, being applied to the forward wheels of the loco- motive, stops the train. Measurements made upon this train in motion, with eighteen passengers, have given, for the locomotive, a tractive effect of 75 kilograms and 550 a speed of 1*.88 per second, which represents an effective work of nearly two horses, without counting the work expended by the locomotive in order to draw itself. Inside the exhibition, the speed reaches 3” .50 per second (12.6 kilometres per hours); the work de- veloped represented then three horses and a half. These figures are good to verify, for they show that we can transmit electrically to a machine moving upon its conductors a force already quite considerable. Considering this remarkable experiment from a higher point of view, we can compare the Siemens locomotive to a steam locomotive which should be reduced to its motive mechanism ; the furnace and boiler would be fixed, and the machine would receive its steam by a pipe which lengthened or shortened according to the movements of the machine. Suppos- ing all these conditions to be realizable and realized, the advantage would always rest with electricity on one point : it is that after having worked it would leave no refuse, while it would always be necessary to get rid of the steam which should have acted on the pistons of the locomotive. If we applied electricity to the traction of overhead and underground railways in the great cities, we should then obtain the following advantages: 1st. Diminution of the dead weight to be carried. We can notice in fact how small the machine is rela- tively to the train which it draws, and its dimensions could still be reduced without inconvenience. In the improbable case in which the weight of the locomotive would be too small to obtain sufficient ad- herence, it would always be possible to overcome the difficulty by transforming the locomotive itself into a self-moving carriage; there would result therefrom a sufficient increase of weight to prevent the slipping of the motive wheels. 2d. Suppression of the danger of fire, since we carry no fuel. - - 3d. Suppression of smoke and cinders for the same I'68, SO11. 368 551 4th. Suppression of steam, since we carry no boiler. The objections urged against overhead or under- ground railways in the large cities disappear by this special and new method of traction ; compressed air and machines without furnaces are solu- tions much less perfect than that by means of electricity as well from the economical point of view as from the practical. In an overhead or underground railway, nothing is easier than to insulate well the central rail; the working of such a system would then always be assured. The best dynamo-electric machines will be those whose output is the highest, and the Siemens, Gramme, Brush, Wallace-Farmer, etc., will be equally suitable, if they conform to the conditions which practice will soon teach how to determine. Mr. Gramme is building at this moment for the fac- tory of Mr. Menier, at Noisiel, a machine especially designed for the transmission of motive power to a distance by means of electricity, a machine which has furnished at its normal speed a work of ten horses (750 kilogram-metres), and which has reached even sixteen horses, under special conditions. From the day when we shall have need of a greater power it will be easy to obtain it by increasing the dimensions of the ma- chines. Moreover, stationary steam engines are more eco- nomical than locomotives; we shall then be interested in utilizing steam engines of great power, which will be power stations, whence will radiate the conductors which will work the different electric railways with which the capital will be intersected in a future more or less distant. - We are happy at having had this idea at Paris at the same time that the learned Doctor Siemens was study- ing a similar project at Berlin for the overhead railways of that capital. “I fear, indeed, that much water will flow in the Spree before my dream be realized, even in feeble pro- portions.” 369 552 Such are the words pronounced by Mr. Werner Siemens, on finishing his communication to the Society for the Protection of Industrial Progress relative to his little railway. We note these fears without too much sharing them. Science goes so rapidly that it would be imprudent to assign a period of incubation, even quite short, to an idea of which the practical possibility has been con- firmed by an experiment so conclusive as that at Ber- lin. The distribution of electricity from house to house, and the traction of overhead railways in large cities, are ideas that merit more than a superficial examina- tion ; they are already valiantly withstanding criticism. Who will first dare to give them the sanction of ex- periment 2 E. HospitaLIER, Engineer of Arts and Manufactures. 370 Z/80 tº hºw & 44 lºſºe C. Slºv (~ *-* * * * # * * º hy.…. * *** FEBRUARY 38, 1880.] ya.…-7 ºtentitiº American. missionary work in Asiatic Turkey would do well to put ELECTRICAL RAILWAY. themselves in communication with the missionaries in charge . The electric railway illustrated in the accompanying en- of them. Robert College at Constantinople, and the Syrian gravings, which we take from La Nature, Was exhibited at Protestant College at Beyrout, are too well known to the British public to require special notice at my hands. It # gives me pleasure, however, to report in regard to both of § those deservedly popular institutions that their prospects were never so full of hope as at the present time. . Aºi –––– e-º-o-º-º- ----- Still another Chemical Photometer. *=. There are several metals like uranium which are more or less sensitive to light when mixed with organic matter. The ( ) high degree to which silver possesses this character, is well || known. Dr. Eder, in Vienna, has studied the action of light|| || 7 - on corrosive sublimate (mercuric chloride), and finds that it is @ easily reduced to calomel (mercurous chloride) in the sun- light. As the former substance is soluble in water and the Nº latter is not, a white, precipitate shows the change. It was Fig. 1. found that the following proportions were the most sensi- tive: Dissolve 40 grammes of oxalate of ammonia in 1 liter of water (4 per cent) and 50 grammes corrosive sublimate (5 per cent) in 1 liter of water. Mix together 2 volumes of the former and 1 of the latter. In the red, yellow, and yellow- ish-green portions of the spectrum the solution remains clear, but is rapidly precipitated in the blue, violet, and ultra vio- let. The weight of the precipitate per minute is proportional to the photometric strength of the light. --—-º-º-º-º-º------ The Largest of Land Animals. - In the American Journal of Science and Arts, Prof. Marsh describes the largest land animal yet known to have existed on the globe. Its name is Atlantosaurus immanis. The thigh bone of this creature is over 8 feet long, with a thick- ness at the larger end of 25 inches, though the bone has no true head. A comparison of this bone with the femur of a crocodile would indicate that the fossil saurian, if of similar proportions, had a total length of 115 feet. That the reptile was 100 feet long when alive is at least probable. The other bones of this animal that have been found are proportion- ately gigantic; caudal vertebra has a transverse diameter of more than 16 inches. Ali the bones of this reptile yet dis- covered are in the Yale College Museum. They are from the Upper Jurassic of Colorado. —º-4-º-º-º- Two magnets or dynamo-electric machines, A and B, con- A Fish Story. nected by metallic conductors, form a complete system for A Boston correspondent of the Forest and Stream tells the transmission of power. If motion is imparted to the the following remarkable story. The scene is laid - in Long Island, where, on the shore of a pond, the correspondent was watching the play of swallows as they skimmed just over the surface of the water shortly before sunset. “About a hundred yards out was a bed of lily pads; and as the swallows skipped it, occasionally a good sized ripple could be seen, and sometimes a break from the edges indicating a fish there. This fastened my attention to the par- ticular place. I had often seen cats play with swal. lows, swooping at them, but the idea of fish doing the same was something new to me. Presently I saw a clean breach, and a fine large pickerel showed his whole size and got a swallow, too, as he disap- Nº §§ n sº tº WN —Motor. END OF CAR. the Berlin Exhibition of 1879. It presents a good example of the conversion of motive force into electricity and the conversion of the electric current back into motive force. 137 the machine, A, and this amount of power transmitted varies with the nature of the machines, their speed, and the length of the conductors connecting them. Some machines are capa- ble of delivering 60 percent of the ori ginal power under favor- able circumstances. A dynamo-electric machine operated by a steam engine, and connected by conductors with a sec- ond dynamo-electric machine mounted on a vehicle, the Wheels of which are acted on by the second machine, con- stitutes an electric carriage or wagon. If the vehicle be Placed upon rails, and the rails are used as conductors, the Current being taken from an insulated rail by a metallic brush and returned to the electric generator by the ordinary uninsulated rails, we have an electric locomotive; connecta few cars with this locomotive and we have the electric rail. Way as constructed by Dr. Werner Siemens, the well known German electrician, and exhibited at Berlin. In the annexed cuts Fig. 1 represents a side view of the locomotive and a cross section of the cars, both drawn to a scale of £5. Figs, 2 and 3 show detailed views of the loco- motive on a scale of ºr Fig. 4 shows the locomotive drawing three cars, each containing six passengers. The machines used ate of the continuous current system of Siemens. The armature is rotated by means of the current received through the conductors from the stationary machine, and transmits |its motion to the driving wheels through a number of gear Wheels, l, t, v, a, y, which are necessary to reduce the speed. (The machine producing the current has one of its poles connected with the track rails, and the other pole is con. nected with the insulated central rail, N (Figs, 2 and 3), Which is simply a conductor. A pair of brushes made of Very fine copper wire, like the collectors of the Gramme ma- chine, are kept in contact with the rail, N, completing the electrical communication between the rail and the machine. The current comes through the insulated rail, passes through the brushes, traverses the wires of the electric motor, and returns through the wheels and track rails. The cars and the locomotive have an electrical connection through a copper wire. The sixteen wheels of the train form a perfect metallic communication between the locomo- tiye and the rails for the return current. The locomotive is started and stopped by a lever controlled by the driver sitting on the locomotive. The brake is ope- rated in a similar way. The performance of the locomotive varies from 2 H. P. and a-velocity of 6 feet per second, to 3% H. P. and 12% feet per second (74% miles per hour), the train carrying eighteen passengers. - –º-4-º-º-º- MECHANICAL INVENTIONS. Mr. Alfred H. Crockford, of Newark, N.J., has patented an improved brace for bits and drills of all kinds, whereby the bits and drills may be centered and firmly secured in the brace. The bits can also be readily applied to work in places or positions where the brace stock cannot have - full swing. - An improved paper machine has been patented by Mr. William E. Phelps, of Lewisville, Pa. The ob- ject of this invention is to strengthen the paper by laying the fibers in all directions, instead of in the direction of the length of the paper only, as is now peared beneath the water. This I saw repeat...d | - ºn– done. - several times, and I called the attention of my com- º Nºnºr N. Mr. Elijah Ware, of Omaha, Neb., has patented - - - - - §§§WNNiñáš: N §§ §§ - -º-º-º- - ar, Fray, tº .3 ---------- panion to this novel sight. While we were watch- \\ §º Nºw § an improved spring power for watches and clocks - - - WN -- ing we saw tWo large fish break. at the sºme swal- Fig. 3–Longitudinal. SECTION OF MOTOR. low, the fish coming from opposite directions, and * , each head on to each. Both missed the swallow, but, sin. machine, A, an electric current will be produced which is gular to relate, only one fish was seen to fall into the water, converted into motive power by the machine, B. Of course | and neither was seen to pass the other, My companion and the machine, B, delivers only a part of the power applied to myself looked with wonder, - There was a great commotion in the water with a continuous spattering, and a boat being hantly we jumped in and rowed to the spot, and picked up the largest pond pickerel I ever saw. When we had him in the boat the mystery was solved; the smaller of the fish had, in his eagerness for the swallow, jumped clear down the larger one's throat, and only the tail, to the extent of about an inch, showed. The large fish was completely rent asunder and killed by the catastrophe. Both together weighed 22 pounds.” —-----~ Two telephone Companies have been chartered in Paris by the government, and are now Connecting their central offices with the residences and offices of the subscribers. The com- Pºny using the Edison telephone charge six hundred frames 8, year. The Société Générale de Telephones uses the Gower tele- phone, and charges one thousand francs per year. The govern- ment reserves the privilege of buying out both companies. FIG. 4.—SIEMENS" ELECTRICAL RAILWAY. ºr | % º - º The object of this invention is to construct a spring power mechanical movement for use in watches and clocks, or for other purposes, where a small pow- - er is required, and to dispense with the train of gearing usually required. The inventor makes use of a spring at- tached to and coiled around a shaft that carries a loose and fast gear wheel, the spring being at- tached also to the loose gear, and the two wheels geared to a Sec- ondary shaft. Mr. James A. Moore, of Kew- anna, Ind., has invented a spring propelled carriage, whose motive power is contained in a combi- nation of coiled springs, levers, eccentrics, etc. These are so ar ranged upon a carriage as to be capable of exerting sufficient force after the springs are wound up to effect a long con- tinued and economical propul- sion of the carriage. Improvements in pressing ma- chines for printers, bookbinders, etc., have been patented by Mr. Joshua W. Jones, of Harrisburg, Pa. The object of this invention is to improve the construction of the machines for which letters patent Nos. 204,741 and 212,947 were granted to the same inven- tor June 11, 1878, and March 4, , 1879, respectively, and which were illustrated in these columns some time since. Mr. Ebenezer R. Gay, of Dubuque, Iowa, has patented a 371 stºcrate traitt, Tº Illſlål Hºlliſ Milº Il ||||III, Having been fully perfected so as to produce Electric Light in a perfectly practical manner, at a cost below that of any other y artificial light, and with the most complete safety, we are pre- Y/ pared to make propositions for its introduction into localities ~ / / where considerable light is needed. The places where this light / can be used with the greatest economy, and where it is certain, - 4. / sooner or later, to supplant all other illuminating agents, are = FACTORIES, MILLS, SHOPS, DEPOTS, PARKS, DOCKS, H OPEN SPACES, CHURCHES, PUBLIC HALLS THEATRES, STORES, &c., and also in LIGHTHOUSES, and as headlights for STEAMERS, FERRY BOATS and LOCOMOTIVES; also for projecting VIEWS, DIAGRAMS, &c., in Lectures upon Scientific and other subjects. Electric Light is pure white, and therefore gives day colors to all objects viewed by it. An equal amount of gas or oil light produces nearly two hundred times as much heat and carbonic acid gas, and costs from four to twenty times as much as the Electric Light. There is no danger of fire or explosion in its uSe. - - º in ºl Parties desiring to use Electric Light for the above or simi- lar purposes, are invited to send us full particulars regarding the buildings, rooms or places to be lighted, including dimensions, character of walls and ceilings, amount of available power and its location, amount of light now used, character of work being done, length of time light will be needed continuously, &c., &c. With these items before us, we will make a proposition to furnish a COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, put it in perfect working order, and guarantee its success and per- manence. Opportunity will be given to test the Apparatus thor- oughly before concluding the purchase. The fullest investigation and the most exhaustive compara- tive tests satisfy us that our Apparatus is the best now before =kº the public, and that the BRUSH DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MA- #sº CHINES and BRUSH AUTOMATIC CARBON REGULATORS = ºr are, so far, unequalled. - * - - - - Adiustable Lamp for Hanging Lamp for Factories, &c. . - *"...º.º. . º-o-º-e—ºn TELEGRAPH supply Co., i45 and 147 st. clair sº. crºvº.I.A.N.D. OECIO. - - - º º - ºn- T - t --~~ - - º - NW ºw www. W –Sole Jºſanufacturers of the spºrºſt ºr a Prasaºuse N wn &lew ſºngland Agency: - §lew ºark ºffency: #ennsylvania Agenry: BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT Co., BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT Co., Brush ELECTRIC LIGHT Co., - nia. P 17 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. 231 Broadway, New York. 924 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Crocker's Publishing House, Cleveland, O. 372 *ś as in the Pacinotti machine. [Reprinted from the Journal of THE FRANKLIN INs'TITUTE, Vol. CW, 1878.] --TEXITIER, ACTS IETER, OIN/I-4– —OINT— he Board of Managers of the Franklin Institute having empowered T. Committee on Instruction to purchase a Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine, it was deemed advisable to examine into the merits of, and to test, the various machines offered for sale. This was undertaken part- ly as a guide in making a selection for purchase, and also to obtain reliable data regarding the adaptability of such machines to the pro- duction of Light. In view of the scientific importance of the work, the Committee on Instruction, which consists of five members of the Board of Man- agers, availed themselves of the services of four other members of the same, who, by request, assisted in the investigation, and now join in this report. - The work was divided among Sub-Committees as follows: On Photometric Measurements, Messrs. Briggs, Profs. Rogers and Chase. On Electric Measurements, Profs. Houston, Thomson, and Mr. Rand. (Mr. Rand's business engagements prevented his taking active part in the work of this sub-committee.) On Dynami- cal Measurements, Messrs. Jones, Sartain, and Knight. Previous to the commencement of the labors of the Committee, an invitation was extended to makers of dynamo-electric machines, with a request that they should furnish machines for competitive trial. This invitation was also given in the columns of the JouTNAL of the Institute, and received general publication in the newspapers and scientific periodicals. . The only machines supplied directly from the makers were two each of the Brush and Wallace-Farmer types, but the Committee were gratified in obtaining, through the courtesy of Prof. H. W. Wiley, of Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., a “Gramme” machine. This Gramme machine formed a part of the exhibit of M. Breguet at the Centennial exhibition, and, for this and other reasons, is believed to be a good example of its class. - - The source of power for the experiments was an upright steam- engine belonging to the Institute. It has 6" bore of cylinder, and 8" stroke, heavy fly-wheel 30" diameter, and governer so adjusted as to give speeds from 100 to 250 revolutions per minute. In measuring the power used, indicator diagrams were taken from the engine, as a check on the dynamometer readings, although the latter were relied upon in making our calculations, except in the case of the large Wallace machine. The Brush machine, Fig. 4, has, for its magnetic field, two horse- shoe electro-magnets, with their like poles facing each other, at a suitable distance apart, the circular armature rotating between them. In this machine the currents are generated in coils of copper wire, wound upon an iron ring, constituting the armature. This ring is not entirely covered by the coils, as in the Gramme armature, but the al- ternate uncovered spaces between the coils are almost completely filled by iron extensions from the ring, thus exposing large surfaces of the armature ring for the dissipation of heat, due to its constantly changing The ring revolves between the poles of two large field magnets, the two positive poles of which are at the same extremity of the diameter of the armature, and the two negative poles at the opposite extremity, each pair constituting practically extended poles of opposite character. The coils on the armature ring are eight in number, opposite ones being connected end to end, and the terminals carried out to the com- mutator. Figs. 5 and 6 show this arrangement, only one pair of coils, however, being shown in Fig. 5 as connected. In order to place the commutator in a convenient position, the terminal wires are carried through the centre of the shaft to a point outside the bearings. The commutators are so arranged, that, at any instant, three pairs of coils are interposed in the circuit of the machine, working, as it were, in multiple arc, the remaining pair being cut out at the neutral point; while in the Gramme machine, the numerous armature coils being connected end to end throughout, and connections being made to the metal strips composing the commutator, two sets of coils in multiple arc are at one time interposed in the circuit, each set constituting one- half of the coils on the armature. The commutator consists of segments of brass, secured to a ring of non-conducting material, carried on the shaft. These segments are divided into two thicknesses, the inner being permanently secured to the non-conducting matérial, and the outer ones, which take all the wear, are fastened to the inner in such a manner that they can be easily removed when required. The commutator brushes, which are composed of strips of hard brass, joined together at the outer ends, are inexpensive and easily renewed. The machines are simple in construction, all the working parts being easily accessible, and the cost of maintenance low. Fig. 4 represents the smaller Brush machine, which is identical in mechanical design with the larger, except that in the former there are two commutators, each of which is connected with alternate armature cbils. - --- By this arrangement connections can be so made as to produce electric currents of high or low electromotive force (55 to 120 volts, as will hereafter be shown,) or the conductor can be divided into two circuits, each of which can be utilized for producing its own light, or for performing other work. - - The Brush and Wallace-Farmer machines were accompanied by lamps, or carbon holders, which were thought by their makers to pre- sent advantages, if not for all machines, at least to be especially apapted to the requirements of their own; the usual “Serrin” lamp, which is made by M. Breguet for the Gramme machine, did not ac- company the latter. The result of experiment, however, quickly es- tablished the suitability of the Brush lamp as the source of light from all the machines, and the same lamp, with carbons properly adjusted as to size, was used for the several trials. - This lamp is shown in Figs. 10 and 11, in which a is a helix of insu- lated copper wire, resting upon an insulated plate, b, upheld by the metallic post, c. Loosely fitted within the helix is the core, d, partial- ly supported by the adjustable springs, e. The rod, f, passes freely through the centre of the core, d, and has at its lower end a clamp for holding the carbon pencil. A washer, h, of brass, surrounds the rod, f, just below the core, d, and has one edge resting on the lifting finger attached to the latter, while the other edge is overhung by the head of an adjustable screw stop, a. - The metal post, e, is supported and guided by a tubular post, i, se- cured to a suitable base plate. Attached to the lower end of the post, c, and passing out through a slot in i, is the arm, y, supporting an in- sulated holder for the lower carbon. - If now one conducting wire, from the machine, be connected to the base plate, and the other to the lower carbon holder, the current of electricity will pass up through the posts, i and e, through the helix, a, rod, f, and the carbons, k k, thus completing the circuit. The axial magnetism produced in the helix will draw up the core, d, and it, by means of the lifting finger, will raise one edge of the washer, h, which, by its angular impingement against the rod, f, clamps and lifts it to a distance controlled by the adjustable stop, ar, but separating the carbon points far enough to produce the light. As the carbons burn away, the increased length of the electric arc increases its resistance and weakens the magnetism of the helix, and therefore, the coil, rod and carbon move downward by the force of - gravity, until, by the shortening of the arc, the magnetism of the helix is strengthened and the downward movement arrested. When, however, the downward movement is sufficient to bring the clutch- washer, h, to the support, l, it will be released from the clamping effect of the lifting finger, and the rod, f, will slip through until arrested by the upward movement of the core, due to the increased magnetism of the helix. : The normal position of the clamp-washer is with the edge under the adjustable stop, just touching the support, l, the office of the core being to regulate the slipping of the rod through it. If, however, the rod, from any cause, falls too far, it will instantly and automatic- ally be raised again, as at first, and the carbon points thus continued at the proper distance from each other. In the lamp used in these experiments, the helix was composed of two separate insulated wires wound together, so that, by means of suitable pin contacts, shown at the top of Fig. 10, they could be con- nected either in couples or end to end, thus varying the intensity of the magnetism of the helix. This, in connection with varying the weight to be lifted by the magnetism of the helix, either by loading the core or increasing the upward thrust of the springs, enabled us to adjust the lamp to suit the varying qualities of the currents dealt with. 373 The advantage to be derived from using a larger source of light than the standard candle, in measuring the electric light, was con- sidered. A gas-flame, giving 30 candles’ light, and the oxy-hydrogen light, so adjusted as to give 70 to 136 candles, were carefully meas- ured and used as a comparison, Both of these were found unsatis- factory, and the measurements relied on for our calculations were made entirely with a standard candle, earefully corrected for any vari- ation of consumption from 120 grains per hour. Were much higher intensities of light to be measured, it would be well to use, as a means of comparison, a large gas-burner or a mul- tiple-wick lamp, such as are employed in lighthouse service, its power being constantly checked by measurements with the standard candle and separate photometer; but with the volume of light dealt with in these experiments, the candle was sufficiently large, and its direct use greatly reduced the chance of error. In the earlier experiments, measurements of light, current and pow- er were made simultaneously, thus establishing standard references by which after-experiments upon the different points were connected. In determining the amount of light produced by each machine, it was run continuously for from four to five hours, and observations made at intervals, care being taken to maintain the speed and other conditions normal. One of the most important conditions necessary to insure correct results, was the relative position of the carbon points. Great care was taken that the axes of the two sticks or pencils of car- bon were in the same line, so that the light produced should be pro- jected equally in all directions. Were the axes of the carbon pencils not in the same ilne, a much greater quantity of light would be pro- jected in one direction, and the result of calculation of the light pro- duced, based on the inverse square of the distance from the photo- meter, would be too great or too small, accordingly as this adjustment was in the one or the other direction. ——-º-º-º-º--- The following is taken from the Table of Results of the trials of . the various Machines. EXTRACTS FROM TABLE I. ShowING WEIGHT, Power ABsor BED, LIGHT PRODUCED, ECT., BY DYNAMo- ELECTRIC MACHINEs, TESTED BY A Committee of THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, I877–8. a # ## 5 # N & ‘s # : | LIGHT Pro- £ LENGTH OF CARBON ..º. H|*|† : * | 3 || 3 # # CANDLEs. o # # = i. .# |— > -º- ca * | * * | + | – gº Bº, #| ||34 || || 3 || || || 3: Small Brush, - - 390 1400 3.76 900 # X | | 1.91 .58 Large Wallace, - 600 800 | 823 | Small Wallace, - | 350 1000 |3.89 440 4 x + 2.45 .074 Gramme, - - || 366 800 | 1.84 705 4 x + 3.15 .55 EXTRACTS FROM TABLE IV.-CURRENT AND ELECTROMOTIVE FoRCE OF DYNAMo-ELECTRIC MACHINEs. From determinations by EDw1N J. Houston and ELIHU THOMson. #5 WEBER CURRENT PER onM # PER SEC. É; NAME OF MACHINE. ## rom heat . By gºat- #. * Hºº is | *g: A*, Large Brush, - - - 30.37 29.87 60.08 A”, Small Brush, - - - - 18.63 A”, “ ** - - - - || 21.12 21.87 56.51 B”, Small Wallace, - - - 10.42 9.73 || 35.38 B”, “ &g - - - - 9.64 - B”, “ & 4 - - - 10 33 11.16 || 38.59 Gramme, * - - - - 16.38 16,86 || 51.09 After careful consideration of all the facts embodied in the preceeding re- ports, the Committee has unanimously concluded that the small Brush ma- . chine, though somewhat less economical than the Gramme machine, or the large Brush machine, for the general production of light and of electrical cur- rents, is, of the various machines experimented with, the best adapted for the purposes of the Institute, chiefly for the following reasons: 1. It is admirably adapted to the production of currents of widely varying electromotive force, and produces a good light. From the mechanical details of its construction, especially at the com- mutators, it possesses great ease of repair to the parts subject to wear. The Committee therefore recommends that it be selected for purchase. The Committee desires to express its thanks to Prof. H. W. Wiley, for the loan of the Gramme machine, to the Committee of the Central High School, to the Fales & Jenks Manufacturing Co., to Mr. J. W. Sutton, to Messrs. Wm. Sellers & Co., to Messrs. W. W. Goodwin & Co., for the loan of apparatus and other favors, and to Mr. Thomas H. McCollin for his valuable services in tak- º photographs from which the illustrations of the carbon points were Iſla Cle. - EDWIN J. Houston, ELIHU THOMSON, THEO. D. RAND, WASHINGTON JONES, SAMUEL SARTAIN, J. B. KNIGHT, Chairman. ROBERT E. ROGERS, PLINY E. CHASE, RoBERT BRIGGS, Copy of Report to Prof John Trowbridge, Chairman Committee on Philo- sophical, Mathematical, and other instruments, at the Fair of Mass. Charitable Mechanics Association, Boston, Sept. and Oct., 1878. At 10-30 P.M., on Friday, the 25th. of October, 1878, I applied the Richard Thompson Indicator to the “Brown” Steam Engine on exhibition, to ascertain the power required to drive the Electric Light on exhibition. I used a pair of instruments which I believe to be correct, one on each end of the cylinder, and, with the assistance of Mr. C. H. Brown, took six pair of diagrams, simul- taneously at each test. The diagrams were completed from the reading of Amsler's Polar Planimeter, with the following result, namely: - Power required to drive one Brush machine, said by them to be equal to four lights–1448 horse power; being equal to 1,112 horse ; ower for each light. (The No. 5, 12000 candle Brush machine, giving 4, 5 or 6 lights.) - Power required to drive one Wallace Farmer machine, said by them to be equal to three lights, 10,6976 horse power, being equal to 3,5658 horse power for each light. (The 8 inch, 6000 candle machine.) . Power required to drive one Wallace Farmer machine, said by them to be equal to five lights, 16,3705 horse power, being equal to 3,274 horse power for each light. §. 9 inch, 10000 candle machine.) - - RECAPITULATION. One Brush machine, 4 lights, 6,448 horse power; 1,112 horse power per light. “Wallace Farmer" 3 “ 10,6976 “ “ 3,568 “ * v- “ “ 4 º' tº a W . * * 5 ‘. . 16,3705 * - * - 3,274 ( (. * - -- Q. v. The series of diagrams I retain as my youchers. If the committee require them, they are at their order. Respectfully submitted, F. W. BACON, Consulting Engineer. 8 Pemberton Square, Boston. We usually consider the illuminating power of one of our 2000 to 3000 candle-power lights to be sufficient for the practical lighting of the following area,S - - OPEN SPACES, such as PARKS, DOCKS, YARDS, &c., &c., - 20,000 to 40,000 square feet to each light. ENCLOSED SPACES, such as DEPOTS, WAREHOUSES, ROLLING MILLS, FOUNDRIES, PLANING MILLS, &c., where a generally diffused illumination is desired, 10,000 to 15,000 square feet to each light. SHOPS, FACTORIES, MILLS. STORES, THEATRES, CHURCHES HOTEL OFFICES, &c., where a brilliant light is wanted, equally good throughout, 2,000 to 4,000 square feet to each light. We make the following sizes of Machines: Nos. º Number of Lights. *...* weight. . . ; *ś: 2. . . . 1000. . . . . . . . . . One. . . . . . . . 14. . . .260. . . . 1200. . . . 5 in. . . .3 in. 3. . . . 2000. . . . . . . . . . One . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . .400. . . . 1200 . . . 6 in . . . . 3 in. 4. . . .4000. . . . . One or Two. . . . . .3}. . . . 550. . . . 1100. . . .6 in . . . . 4 in. 5. . . 12000. . . Four, Five or Six. . . .6%. . . 1150. . . . . 900. . . . 8 in . . . . 6 in. . . . . .35000. . . . Ten to Eighteen . . . 13 . . .2200. . . . . 750. . . 12 in . . . . 8 in. . All Lamps are burned ºn one circuit We add estimates of the cost of running different sizes of machines, so as to enable parties to judge of the relative cost of the light compared with gas or oil. As one example we take the six light No. 5 machine. The items would be as follows, supposing the light to be used 3000 hours per year: Cost of 63 H.P., at 1.c per H. P. per hour, - - - Cost of carbons burned in six lamps, two inches per hour in each, at 14c per inch, - - - - - 10 per cent, per year upon cost of outfit to cover depreciation and interest, (cost of engine not included) - - - 5}c Attendance, oil, waste, etc., - - - - 206 About 80 per hour for each light. 476 “ Where power is already in use, and the amount necessary to drive the machine can be spared, the first and last items may be omitted from the account, leaving the cost, including interest on investment, 20% c per hour. The six lights, furnished at this cost, would be equal in illuminating power to from 100 to 300 gas burners, (according to the situation) costing, at $2.00 per thousand feet, from $1.00 to $3.00 per hour. As a second example we take the No. 7 machine, giving 18 lights of 2000 candle-power each, the lights being used 1200 hours per year. Cost of 13 H. P., at 16 per H. P. per hour, - - - Cost of carbons burned in eighteen lamps, two inches per hour in 6}c per hour 15c “ 13c per hour each, at 13 c per inch, - - - T. - o “ 10 per cent, per year upon cost of outfit, to cover interest and depreciation, 1200 hours per year, - - - 250 “ Attendance, oil, waste, etc., - - - - - 25c . Or, 6c per hour per light. $1.08 Leaving out cost of power and attendance, where these are already provided in abundange, the total cost would be 70c per hour, or less than 46 per hour per light. Each light would supplant from 10 to 50 gas burners, (according to distribution) costing from 10c to 50c per hour, at $2.00 per thousand feet. 374. -- º N- - --- - - § N tº T-Sººn -- - w M. w Nww Nwww. - HE attention of Manufacturers and others who have occasion to use artificial light to any considerable extent, is called to the great economy in cost and the great increase in light, afforded by the BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS. There are many situations in which it alone, of all the various artificial lights, can do the work of illumination satisfactorily, not only because it costs less, but be- cause it furnishes a volume of light obtainable in no other way. Such situations are rolling Mills, Iron Foundries, Moulding Shops and all factories where there are large, high ceiling rooms, as well as Docks, Warehouses, Depots, Open Spaces, etc. In such places Elec- tric Light has been used to very great advantage—very largely used abroad and now to an increasing extent in this country. There are other Factories, Mills, Shops, Large Stores, Hotel offices, Theatres, Public Halls, etc., in which gas or oil has been used and they have furnished a sufficient amount of light, but, when all the cost is counted up and the result compared, not only with the cost but with the other great advantages of Electric Light, it is found that the latter has the decided advantage, and it is slowly but surely occupying the field. There are still other places in which when the cost of the necessary power to drive the machine, taken in connection with the fact that a compara- tively small amount of light is needed, in a number of rooms, or for a very short time each day, are considered, it will be found that Elec- tric Light posesses no advantage in point of cost over other lights, yet still retains its value as a pure white light, giving no heat and free from danger of explosion. So far as the Brush apparatus is concerned it may be stated with confidence that the experimental stage has been passed. It has taken its place among the practical lights of the day and is rapidly being introduced into the locations where its peculiar advantages make it the cheapest and best light. It is not offered for domestic purposes be- cause in dwellings it is not as cheap as gas or oil and is not yet adapt- ed to such uses. The apparatus consists of a Dynamo-Electric Machine, which gen- erates the current of electricity, and electric lamps or regulators for holding and feeding the carbon points, which, by their consumption in the voltaic arc, produce the light. Both are the invention of Charles F. Brush, M. E., of Cleveland, a gentleman of the most extensive and accurate scientific attainments, especially in the field of Dynamo- Electricity. By the highest scientific authorities in this country they have been given the first place among all machines or apparatus of this kind now in practical use. Franklin Institute- At the conclusion of a long and exhaustive trial at the Franklin Institute, in Philadelphia, a complete report on Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines was presented by a special committee of nine members strong- ly favoring the Brush Machine, and its purchase was recommended for the uses of the Institute, which recommendation was immediately carried out. The only American Machine competing with the Brush, was shown to be less than one-third the efficiency of the Brush, and heated so greatly as to be seriously impeded in working. The prominent points in which the Brush machine excels all oth- ers of its class, are the following: - 1st. It produces the greatest amount of light in proportion to the power used in driving the machine, and the least amount of heat in the machine itself. - 2d. It is more simple in its construction and less liable to require steam engines. . 3d. A single Brush Machine will produce any number of lights desired, from one up to twenty, all in one circuit, all equally steady. The peculiar points of excellence in the Electric lamps or Regu- lators are the following: - - 1st. They are entirely automatic in their action, keeping the carbon points at the exact distance from each other that produces the best effect and feeding them down regularly until entirely consumed, without requiring the slightest attention or adjustment. 2d. Not a trace of clockwork, or mechanism of that character, or any complex parts, are used in the lamps, and their action is con- trolled entirely by the current. When finished and shipped from the factory they are ready to put up and start running without change or adjustment. - 3d. By a very simple and ingenious device added to the lamps that are to be burned a number at a time in a single circuit, no one lamp can get more than its share of the total current, but all burn with equal steadiness and power. Another device provides for any possible accident that may prevent one lamp from burning proper- ly, from interfering with the others in the same circuit, for, by its operation that lamp is automatically cut out of the circuit until repairs, being fully as durable in all respects as the highest grade—of it is ready to burn properly again, when it is automatically cut into circuit, all without interfering with any other lamp. 4th. The lamps are so constructed that the light may be used with its full power, or a ground glass or opal globe may be used to re- duce its intensity or power to any required degree. It is thus adapted for use in all places where a light of great power, or a more diffused and softened light, is needed. - THE Cost of LIGHT produced by this Apparatus consists of the fol- lowing items:–Cost of power to run the machine; cost of attendance upon engine and machine; wear and tear of apparatus; cost of car- bons burned in the lamps. The first two items would vary with the location and circumstances. Where power is in use for other purposes, and there is a small surplus which can be used for running the ma- chines, no additional expense is incurred, and the first two items may be omitted from the account. The wear and tear of the electrical ap- paratus is not four per cent. per year, far less than in most moving machinery. This comes from the fact that the Brush Apparatus is the simplest and most durable yet brought out. Even a cursory ex- amination shows this. The expense for carbons consumed in each lamp varies from three cents to five cents per hour. Where cost of power and attendance may be omitted, and large spaces are to be lighted, the saving over gas is great, falling, under circumstances, favoring the electric light, to as low as one-twentieth the cost of an equal amount of gas-light. - - The great advantage possessed by electric light, over all its rivals, for the illumination of places where considerable light in large rooms or spaces is desired, is now generally conceded. The light is pure white, and therefore gives natural colors to all objects or materials illumin- ated by it. It does not vitiate the atmosphere by giving off volumes of carbonic acid gas and other non-respirable gases, as do gas and oil. An equal amount of gas-light produces about two hundred times as much heat. THERE ARE No DANGERS in its use at all corresponding to those due to leaky gas-pipes, defective meters, exploding lamps, etc. In places adapted to its use it is by far the cheapest light that can be obtained. It is the “coming light,” the latest wonder of the Nineteenth century. Comparison with Forêigma Systems. Comparisons of the Brush Apparatus with the best of the sys- tems in use in Paris, of which so much has been written of late, are favorable to the American system. The Jablochkoff Candle, as ordinarily used there, is placed in a glass globe on a post ten feet high, and gives a light equal to 700 candles. One candle, burning an hour and a half, costs fifteen cents. If light is needed for a longer time, a fresh candle must be substituted each hour and a half. If the candle is accidently extinguished, it does not re-light itself, as does the Brush lamp, but must be re-lit by hand. A Brush lamp of 3,000 candle-power costs four cents per hour for carbon consumed, or less than one-third the cost of the 700 candle-power light produced by the Jablochkoff candle. If the Brush lamp is accidently extinguished, it instantly re-lights itself, and it requires attention only once, in burning twelve hours continuously, whereas the Jablochkoff candie would require attention seven times in the same interval. So great has been the appreciation of the Brush Electric light ap- paratus, as a practical substitute for gas and oil, for the illumination of places suited to its use, that over one hundred lights have already been sold for actual use, although it is less than a year since the first, order was filled Some af the largest and m st- - - º-08- and mills in the country are using it daily, or rather nightly, in their regular business and with the most satisfactory results both as to economy and facility. - - About nine-tenths of the electric lights actually purchased and in use to-day in this country are Brush lights, and it is difficult to keep up with orders for the sizes of machines most in demand. The Telegraph Supply Company have the exclusive control of the manufacture and sale of this apparatus, and their factory, occupying five floors 50x100, with two engines, two boilers and a full outfit of modern machinery, enables them to carry on all branches of the man- ufacture, from the crude material to the completed machines, in the most perfect manner. - - During the dark hours of the day and in the early evening the factory and office are illuminated exclusively by the Brush light and all other light dispensed with. The building is thus made conspicuous by its brilliant illumination and attracts crowds, not of idlers only, but of substantial business men, to see a practical illustration of its value. The actual cost to the Company for the illumination of three floors, including the office, does not exceed ten cents per hour, and their gas bills, for a smaller amount of light, would be not less than $1.00 per hour. 375 559 Defendant's Exhibit File Wrapper of Green Patent. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [Coat of Arms.] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING : THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the annexed is a true copy from the Records of this Office of the File Wrapper in the matter of the Letters Patent granted George F. Green, Assignor by direct and mesne Assignments to Oliver S. Kelly, December 15, 1891, Number 465,407, for Improvement in Electric Railways. In testimony whereof I, W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 25th day of Jan- [SEAL. uary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety- two, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and sixteenth. W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner. 560 1879. itſ (Serial Number,) (Exºr's Book,) 130–54 Assignment. Patent No. 465,407. George F. Green, Assor. by direct and mesne assign- ments to Oliver S. Kelly of Springfield, Ohio. Of Kalamazoo. County of State of Michigan. Invention—Electric Railway. ſ Petition Aug. 19° 1879. Affidavit & 4 & C & 4 Specification “ “ “ . Drawing Sept. 15, 1879. Model Aug. 19, “ Specimen * First fee Cash - “ “ Cert. \- App. filed complete. Examined Nov. 25" '91. a Countersigned : J. W. BABSON, Nov. 28, '91. - For Commissioner. Notice of allowance, Nov. 28, 1891. Final fee Cash, , 189 . . . “ “ on original wapper (inside). “ “ Cert., , 189 Patented Dec. 15, 1891. BUTTERWORTH & DOWELL, Loan & Trust Bldg., City. 377 561 * 30 IDIV. 26. 169. 54 George F. Green, by direct and mesne assgts., Assor. to Oliver S. Kelley, of Springfield, Ohio. Of Kalamazoo. County of C. c. State of Michigan. Electric Track and Insulator for Propelling Cars. Rec'd Aug. 19, 1879. Petition ç ç ç & 4 a. Affidavit & C G & C & Specification “ “ “ Drawing, 1 sheet, Sept. 15, 1879. Sub. dg. Dec. 6, 1889. Model Aug. 19, 1879. Cert. dep., Cash $15, Aug. 19, 1879. Add'I Fee Cert. “ “ Cash, $20, Nov. 27, 1891. Examined Nov. 25, '91. Geo. D. Seely, Exr. Issue. J. W. Babson. - Patented Dec. 15, 1891. Assoc. Nov. 28, 1891. Circular. 37s 562 º CONTENTS. - 191. Electric Railways Systems. Application papers: . Oct. 24, 1881, Letter. Rejected Sept. 20, 1879. . July 11, 1881, Letter. July 19, 1881, Power Atty. “ “ “ Dwg. to Atty. Returned. Aug. 19, 1881, Amdt. “A-B.” . Sept. 1, 1881, Letter. Sept. 5, 1881, Amdt, “C.” “ 8, “ Amendment. Sept. 9, 1881, Letter. Oct. 1, 1881, Amdt. “D.” . Oct. 10, 1881, Letter. Oct. 13, 1881, Amendment. º Nov. 2, 1881, Sub. Spec. - . Nov. 7, 1881, Rej. . Nov. 11, 1881, Amdt. “E.” . Nov. 18, 1881, Rej. . Nov. 22, 1881, Amdt. and Letter. . Nov. 25, 1881, Rej. * 29, 81, Amdt, “ F.” . Dec. 1, 1881, Rej. Improvement in Electric Railways. . Dec. 5, 81, Amdt. Dec. 7, 1881, Rej. An. 3, Amendt. Jan. 31, 1882, Letter. 136 1879. (Exºr's Book,) 54 G. SEELY. Y /169 DTV. 26. Patent No. - George F. Green, Assor. to Oliver S. Kelley, of Springfield, O. Of Kalamazoo. County of State of Michigan. Invention—Electric Track & Insulator for Propelling Cars. - ſ Petition Aug. 19, 1879. Affidavit & C & G C & Specification “ “ “ Drawing Sept. 15, “ - Model Aug. 19, “ - -- Specimen *_ First fee Cash $15, Aug. 19, 1879. * “ “ Cert. U App. filed complete. Examined Nov. 25, '91. - Countersigned : | Nov. 28, '91. For Commissioner. Notice of allowance, - 188 Final fee Cash, 188 See original Wrapper for final fee. Final fee Cert., 188 Patented Dec. 15, 1891. Atty, or P. O. address, R. D. O. Smith, City. Assor. BUTTERWORTH, HALL & DOWELL, - - St., City. 564 1879. CONTENTS. 191. Electric Railways. Application papers: 34 38 41 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. - 32. 33. 334.Mar. 30, “ & C 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. Dec. 1, '81, Rej. Dec. 5, '81, Amendment. Dec. 7, “ Rej. Jan. 3, '82, Amendment. Jan. 4, '82, Letter. “ 19, '86, “ Jan. 27, “ Interlocutory Appeal. Jan. 27, “ Notice. Teb. 2, “ Examiner's Answer. & 4 5, “ Notice. & 4 18, & 4 & 4 Mar. 2, “ ç ç. “ 30, “ Comr.’s lyecision. - -*- Oaths. º April 10, “ Committee's Rept. “ 12, “ Comr.’s Decision. “ 14, “ Memorandum. “ 16, “ Notice Comr.'s Dec. Feb. 11, '87, Letter. “ 24, “ Rej. Mar. 9, “ Letter. Rev. of Power of Atty. June 27, '91. TITLE. Improvement in Electric Railways. º: º 381 565 1888. CONTENTS. 191. Electric Railways, Systems. Application papers : 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Mar. 12, '87, Letter. Aug. 13, '88, Assoc. Power. Mar. 12, '89, Amendment G. Rej. Mar. 23/87. April 9/89, Rev. and Power. June 12, '89, Notice. June 15"/89, Subst. Specif. Rej. June 25/89. July 5/89, Amdt. and Argmt. “ 17, “ Assoc. Power. “ “ “ Amdt. H. 2nd Rej. July 20/89. Nov. 27, '89, Rev. & Power of Atty. Oct. 19, '89, Oath & Amdt. I. Dec. 6, “ Tetter. Letter Dec. 27/89. Jan. 13, '90, Oath, Argument & Amdt. K. Feb. 5, '90, Letter. Feb. 18, '90, Rej. Mar. 10, '90, Req. for Recn. TITLE. Improvement in Electric Railways. 382 566 1885. CONTENTS. 191. Electric Railways, Systems. Application papers: 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Mar. 12, '90, Rej. “ 20, “ Appeal to Board. Apr. 7, '90, Exrs. Statement. 3. - Aug. 12” “ “ Affirmed. } : “ “ “ “ Notice of Decision. | # Sept. 12, '90, Appeal to Com’r. #3 Apr. 28' '91, Exr. Affirmed. } &# “ 29" “ Notice of Decision. 3 # Sept. 22, '91, Appeal to S. Court of D. C. Nov. 24” “ Comr.’s Dec. Reversed. “ 24, “ Amendt. TITLE. Improvement in Electric Railways. J. F. F. M. H. -ºr asa 567 Defendant's Exhibit File Wrapper of Pat- ent in Suit. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [Coat of Arms. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the annexed is a true copy from the Files of this Office of the File Wrapper, Con- tents and Drawings in the Matter of the Application of Stephen D. Field, Assignor to David Dudley Field, Trustee, and Stephen J. Field, Cyrus W. Field, Henry M. Field and Stephen D. Field, Filed March 10, 1880, Serial Number 4752, on which letters patent were granted July 16, 1889, number 407,188, Electric Railways. In testimony whereof, I, C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 29th day of May, in the [SEAL.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner. 384 568 PETITION. TO THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : Your petitioner, a resident of the City of New York, State of New York, prays that Letters Patent may be granted to him for the invention set forth in the an- nexed specification; and he hereby appoints Frank L. Pope, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, his attorney, with full power of substitution and revocation, to prosecute this application, to make alterations and amendments therein, to receive the patent, and to transact all busi- * -- ness in the Patent Office connected there with. STEPHEN TX. FIELD. * 385 2. 569 1. TöSALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : - - Erased per Sub Spec. June 23/80 OWN, that I, STEPHEN DUDLEY FIELD, of the such car, and having its axis mechanically connected 1. 386 3 WOrdS era Sed. F. L. P. 4 WOrdS interlined. Erased per amdt, May 19,80 570 ith the wheels thereof by means of suitable gearing or belts, and in supplying the necessary electric power to operate said motor by means of one or more stationary 15 electric generators placed at suitable distances along - nd near to the line of the railway, which generators transmit powerful currents of electricity through suitable positive and negative conductors prop- erly insulated from each other and extending along the 20 line of the railway aud parallel thereto, which currents act as a medium for the transmission of mechanical power notors to the traveling from one or more such stationary A motor which directly acts to propel the car. To this end my invention &nsists in so arranging one 25 or both of the metallic rails of availway track in in- sulated or detached sections, and electrically connecting such sections of track with a stationary generator of electricity, that the line of rails forms a\portion of the conductor between the generator and the motor which 30 acts directly to propel the car which runs upon or along _said rails. It further consists in providing the said tro-magnetic motor which propels the car with a mov- able or Shi commutator, by which the rotation of the said motor may be trolled, arrested or revers 35 at pleasure. It further consists-in-the combination. with the said motor of a lever, whereby i may be made to give either a direct or a reverse moti - 571 e motor, or to "º. off the º, cuvrent therefrom at pleasure, according to the position 40 in which it is placed. It further consists in making use of a continuous hollow chamber, having an insulated electrical conductor extended within it, and providing said chamber with a longitudinal slot so as to permit the entrance into it of a traveling arm for the purpose 45 of effecting electrical contact between the moving car and the conductor within the chamber. It further con- is in providing the hollow chamber hereinbefore re- ferred to with-suitable tubes, whereby steam, hot water Erased per or hot air may be force{{-through it for the purpose of º 50 preventing accumulations of ice and snow therein. It further consists in constructing the said chamber in such a manner that its exterior portion may serve also *º- —as one of the rails of the track N. It further consists - in combining with a continuous hollow chamber, such as 55 hereinbefore referred to, containing a continuous elec- trical conductor, a railway-car or vehicle propelled by an electro-magnetic motor, upon a track-extending par- allel with said hollow chamber and its enclosed conductor. It further consists in combining with the said hollow 60 chamber, enclosed conductor, and railway calºpropelled 8, 1 Word by an electro-magnetic motor A lever attached to said ve- Inºngº. hicle, which lever may be moved in such manner as to make or break contact between the motor and the continuous conductor, for the purpose of controlling the movemen 3 388 –-º-º-º- 572 65 of the traveling car with convenience and facility, and lly it consists in providing a railroad track with two continuous electric conductors, extending the whole lengthNor the length of a portion thereof, one conductor being formed of one or both rails of the track and the 70 other of a continuous bar, strip or rod of metal parallel with the rails of said track and properly insulated therefrom. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of a railway car and its electro-motor. Figure 2 is a 75 vertical transverse section of the same, and of the track upon which it runs; Figure 3 is a vertical longi- tudinal section of the same, Figure 4 is a detached view showing one method of torming a connection between the travelling car and the stationary conductors. Fig- 80 ure 5 shows the manner of electrically connecting the ºf generating apparatus with the track and insulated con- ductor extending along the line of the railway, and Fig- uré 6 shows a modification of my invention in which the hollow chamber enclosing the insulated conductor is com- 85 bined with or forms a part of one of the rails of the track. My invention is designed and adapted more particular- ly for the propulsion of street railway cars, for the accommodation of the local passenger traffic of cities 90 and towns, although I remark that it may in many instances be employed with advantage under other conditions, som 4. 389 | 95 10() 110 115 573 f which will be hereinafter set forth. In the drawings I have shown my invention as adapted conditions of ordinary street traffic upon sur- face railways in cities and towns. In carrying out my invention it is necessary to pro- vide two electric conductors of sufficient capacity, ex- tending the whole length of the railway, or, in case the latter is of considerable length, it may with advantage be operated in separate sections, detached from each other and with their terminal points in close prox- imity. The conductors must be parallel with the track, and must be insulated ºne from the other, and in addition at least one of them must be insulated from the earth. These conditions may be füNfilled in a practically con- venient and economical manner by making use of one or both rails of the track itself, as one of the required conductors. In order to do this it is only necessary to establish a good conducting connection between the ends of the successive abutting rails in line with each other, and this may be effected by riveting or otherwise securing a metallic bar, strap or rod to the respective rails on each side of every joint, as I have ordinary joint fastenings to be in most cases ient for this purpose. The remaining conductor consists of a suitable metal- lic bar, rod or strip extending parallel with the rail 5 390 574 120 would be sufficient to support this conductor upon suit- lating blocks or pedestals, fixed upon the sleepers, and projecting above them, either between the ordinary rails or outside of them, as might be found most convenient. When, however, the track is required to 125 be laid in the streets and roadways of cities and towns, this arrangement would be objectionable, inasmuch as it would necessarily project above the surface of the road- way, and form a serious obstruction to the passage of ordinary vehicles. 130 One method which I have invented of fulfilling the required conditions, and of overcoming the objection stated, is shown in Figure 6 of the drawings : in which A represents the pavement of a street or roadway. B represents one rail of the track, which may be laid up- 135 on and secured to a longitudinal sleeper b in the or- 140 whole length. Parallel with the rail B', and b erence, directly beneath it, is a metallic bar, rod girder D, and secured to its upper side and at the same time _y 6 391 || 575 145 sulation may be conveniently effected by placing a layer F, of non-conducting material, between the conducting strip Yº and the body of the girder. I have found the material known as “vulcanized fibre '' to serve the purpose 150 The hollow girder D and rail B may be rolled in one piece, or they Nuay be composed of separate pieces bolted together. In some cases it may be preferable to separ- ate the rail from the girder, as shown in Figure 2, an arrangement which, Yulthough its first cost is greater, 155 is much more convenièutly accessible for making any re- pairs that may be necessary either of the rails or the electric conductors. - Thus it will be understood that two distinct elec- trical conductors extend the whole length of the railway, 160 or of such portion thereof as is intended to be operated by a single generator, one of these conductors being the rail B or the hollow girder D (either or both), and the other the continuous insulated metallić bar or strip E. These two conductors are connected with the terminals of 165 a dynamo-electric or other suitable stationary generator of electricity G (by means of suitable wires OR conduc- tors w w/), which is driven by a steam engine oxother source of power H. The car /, Figures 1, 2, 3 and 5, is mounted up 170 flanged wheels i ; and runs upon the rails B B in th usual manner. 392 14 lines erased. F. L. P. 576 175 180 185 190 commodations also. 195 Thus it will be understood that two distinct elec- Rºl conductors extend the whole length of the railway, Ol' O b portion thereof as is intended to be 926tated rail B of the hollow girder D (either 92-60th), and the other the continuous Susulated mºſſlic bar or strip /. These two conductors arêºconurécted with the terminals º erºsuitable stationary gener- ator of electricity, G, by means of Suitable wires or conductors w yºwlich is drawn by a Steam engine or other sourge?f power H. Tye Gar I, Figures\, 2, 3 and 5, is mounted TROn flanged y}réels i i and runs upon the rails B B in the usual Iſla In 1161'. An electro-magnetic motor K, of any well-known and suitable construction, is mounted upon the said car, and its main shaft or axis is connected with one of the ax- les of the car by means of a belt AEN In practice, how- ever, I prefer to make use of a system of gear-wheels be- tween the motor and the car-axle, as āNSmaller and more rapidly revolving motor can then be maxle use of, thus economizing space in the car, which is important when the motor is to be placed in a car having passenger ac- The manner in which I provide for the conv the electric current from the track conductors to the 393 ; Sº 5 7 7 otor A, and of controlling the action of the current up- on Nühe motor is as follows : ANever / is secured to the platform or any other 200 convenient portion of the car /. The lower arm of this with a metallic roller l' which presses against the con- 205 tinuous insulated bonductor /, as best seen in Figure 3 and 4. This roller Serves to maintain an electric con- nection between the lever /, as it moves with the car along the track, and the Ngonductor E. A brush or broom composed of metallic wireSQuay be used in place of the 210 roller / with good effect. ANblade spring M is mounted upon the lever Z, but is insulated therefrom, and presses constantly by virtue of its own resiliency against the edge of the slot d. This may also be replaced by a wire brush or broom, a device which is especially advan- 215 tageous on street railways, in consequence of the liabil- ity of the conducting surfaces to be covered with mud and dust, and thus prevent proper electrica.kconnection between the parts. The spring M is connected by a wire m with one terminal of the coil or helix of 220 electro-motor K, the other terminal thereof being Yºon- nected in the usual manner to the commutator M. This commutator is constructed in the usual and well-know 9 394. 578 anner, consisting of a ring upon the axis of the motor, osed of alternate sections of conducting and insu- - ring as it revolves, and alternately break and close the circuit through the motor magnets as the shaft with its armature revölves. In my apparatus, the commutator- 230 springs, although constructed in the ordinary manner, are not fixed to stationary supports, but are mounted up- on the opposite ends of a movable rock-shaft, A which has its centre of motion coincident with that of the motor axis, and the position of this rock-shaft, and, therefore, 235 of the commutator springs, in reference to the Commuta- tor, is controlled through the sonnecting bar P by the lever /, to which it is attached by an adjustable screw and slot arrangement p. By shifting the position of the commutator springs, the direction in which the motor -wº- º 240 tends to rotate by the action of the current may be re- versed without reversing the direction of the current itself, as is well known. The operation of the apparatus is as follows: Premising by stating that the line of the railway is 245 to be divided into sections, preferably of a length, equal to the distance which it is desired to preserve bet successive cars or trains of cars moving upon the same track (one such section being shown in Figure 5), the conductors D and E are charged with electricity of oppo 10 395 579 250 site polarity from the terminals or poles of the genera- , being connected there with by the wires w w. If e car / be supposed to be standing at any point on ion of railway, with its lever L in a perpen- dicular position, the roller l' will not then be in con- 255 tact with the conductor E, and no electric connection will be formečk between the conductors F and D. But if the lever / be moved into the position shown in Figure 3 the roller l' will be brought in contact with the conduc- - tor /, and a powerful current of electricity will pass - - 260 from one conductor to the other, through roller /, lever J., and connecting bar R, to the commutator springs n n, thence through the commutator W and the coils of the motor A, and thence through wire ºn and blade-spring M to the other conductor D, which will cause the motor to 265 revolve rapidly and powerfully,\and to propel the car I along the track. By throwing the lever Z into a reverse position, the action of the motor is also reversed and the car will be propelled in the opposite direction. Thus, by means of the lever /, the car may be started, 270 stopped, or reversed at any moment with the utmost con- venience and facility. The arrangement of the circuits may be in Yuany cases altered with advantage, by connecting the wire X to the wheels and axles of the car, and dispensing wit M. - 275 spring A in which case the rail B of the track may be 11 3.96 580 -_* - utilized as one conductor as hereinbefore set forth. A still better arrangement is that of connecting the wire m both with the spring M and the axles and wheels of the car, and Nthe corresponding conductor leading from the 280 generator With both the rail B' and the girder D. This is especially applicable when the latter are combined together in the manner shown in Figure 6, and is in most cases to be preferred to the one previously described. When the hollow girder Æ is laid beneath the surface 285 of a street or roadway, it would be liable to become filled with ice and snow during cold weather, and thus obstruct the operation of the mechanism of the circuit- closer. To provide against this difficulty, I extend one or more tubes /ø ſº throughout the whole length of 290 the hollow girder or chamber, through which a current of steam or hot water from the boiler which supplies the - ct of which will be ermit them to flow t intervals, and venient channel engine may be made to pass, the e to melt the frozen accumulations, and away through suitable openings, placed 295 communicating with the sewer or other c for disposing of them. It will be observed that this method of operating a railway may be made to furnish absolute security against collisions. In case one car is following another upon 300 the same line of track, and by failing to observe signals, or by the accidental stoppage of the forward car, the hindmost one should attempt to enter upon the same sec 12 397. 581 ion, the current from the generator will be divided be- reduced thereby, but, by stopping the hindmost utting its lever in mid-gear, the full power of 310 I claim as Nøy invention : 1. The combination, substantially as herein set forth, of a stationary dynamo-electric genarator, a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the rail or rails of a railroad track, a ve- 315 hicle movable upon or albug said insulated section of track, and an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle for propelling the same, and included in said a circuit of conductors sº he combination, substantially as herein set forth, Erased per 320 of an electro-m c motor with a Nºnovable or shifting º commutator, for controlling, ing ºr reversing the direction of rotation of said motor; - 4 WOrdS era Sed. F. L. P. Erased per mdt May 19/80 a. 330 of the motor, and the third interrupting or cutting off 13 398 582 & combination, substantially as herein set forth, & hollow chamber, containing an insulated ºpe 340 lengthwise of the cha May 19/80 Ø. 5. A railway t ing of a continuous hollow chamber having an insulated electrical conductor, extending lengthwise within it, and provided with a longitudinal slot, substantially as set forth 345 7. § 3. The combination, substantially as herein set forth, of a railway vehicle propelled by an electro-magnetic motor, with a continuous hollow\chamber containing an insulated electrical conductor extending parallel with the track upon which said vehicle runs. 350 8. 7. 4. The combination, substantially as herein set forth, of a railway vehicle propelled by an electro-magnetic motor, a continuous hollow chamber containing an insu- lated electrical conductor extending parallel with the 355 to said vehicle, which lever is movable so as to make stop the same at pleasure by making or breaking break-contact between the electro-magnetic motor and the continuous conductor. - 14 583 9. 3. A railway track having two continuous electric con- -- ors extending the whole length, or the length of a { 360 portion one conductor being formed of one or - both rails of the track, and the other conductor of a continuous bar, strip or rod o rails of said track and insulated therefrom, tially as specified. 365 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this 8th day of March, A. D. 1880. STEPHEN D. FIELD. Witnesses: FRANK L. POPE. MILLER C. EARL. 400 584 OATH. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS. : County of New York, -- STEPHEN DUDLEY FIELD, the above-named Petitioner, - being duly sworn, deposes and says that he verily be- lieves himself to be the original and first inventor of the improvement in Propelling Railway Cars by Elec- tro Magnetism, described and claimed in the foregoing specification; that he does not know and does not be- lieve that the same was ever before known or used ; that the same has not been patented to him nor with his knowledge or consent in any foreign country, and that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the City and State of New York. STEPHEN D. FIELD. [L. S.] Subscribed and sworn before ! -º me this 8th day of March, A. D. 1880. WM. ARNOUx, |L. S.] Notary Public, Kings & New York Cos. [ENDORSED :] U. S. Patent Office, } Mar. 10, 1880. § ASSOCIATE POWER OF ATTORNEY. TO THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS: Please recognize the firm of BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON, of Washington, D. C. (composed of William D. * Baldwin, Marcus S. Hopkins and Joseph I. Peyton), Lºs as my associate attorneys in the matter of the applica- 401 585 tion of Stephen D. Field for Letters Patent for Propel- ling Railway Cars by Electricity. Filed March 10, 1880. FRANK L. POPE, Atty. for Field. 32 Park Place, New York, March 10, 1880. [ENDORSED : ] 4752 177 97 Power of Atty. Mar. 10, 1880. Room No. 118. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Mar. 27, 1880. STEPHEN D. FIELD, | Propelling R. R. Cars by Care FRANK L. Pop E, ! Electro Magnetism. - r Mar. 10, 1880. J Elizabeth, N. J. No. 4752. Claim 1 is anticipated by English Patent No. 2681 of 1864. Claim 2 is met by patent of Paine, 153,456, July 28, 1874 (Motors). Claim 4 for covering or housing device shown in Eng. Patent 3201 of 1866 is not con- sidered broadly patentable. Claim 7 met by Eng. Pat- ents as above, 2681 of 1864 & 3201 of 1866. Claim 8 met by patent of Boyle, 132,434, Oct. 22, 1872 (R. R. 402 586 Car Telegraphs). Claim 9 met by Eng. Patent 3201 of 1866. Claims 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 & 9 are rejected. H. C. Towns RND, Ex’r. P. W. PAGE, Ass’t. Ex. [ENDORSED :] 177 1. 97 Rej. Mar. 27/80. Room 118. Case 4752. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for Letters Patent for an Improvement in Pro- pelling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism, filed March 10, 1880. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The combination of the first claim, to which English Patent No. 2681 is cited as a reference, calls for as one of its elements “a circuit of conductors com- posed in part of an insulated or detached section of the rail or rails of a railroad track,” and also for “a vehicle moving upon or along said insulated section.” No such insulated section of track is found in the refer- €11Ce. The third claim calls specifically for a “circuit-con- trolling lever capable of three positions,” for certain specified operations. I do not find anything answering to this description in English Patent 3201 of 1866, cited as a reference. The seventh claim, as it stands, is not believed to be met by the reference cited. As to the patentability of the device of enclosing the conductor in a hollow cham- ber, in the manner specified, there would seem to be little doubt, in view of the useful results attained 403 º º 587 thereby, which could not be attained without it (see specification, lines 119–129, 284–296). It is only by this device that I am able to apply the invention to the ordinary street cars. The combination of the eighth claim is believed to be a different one, operated in a different way, and for a different purpose from that cited in the reference, patent 132,434. An amendment is filed here with which will, it is believed, sufficiently distinguish the claim from the reference. The combination of the ninth claim is limited spe- cifically to one rail conductor and one independent con- ductor used together, and is not found in the reference given, which does not, so far as can be discovered, allude to the use of the rail as a conductor. A reconsideration of the case, as amended, is re- quested. Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, by his attorney, FRANK L. Pope. Elizabeth, N. J., Mar. 29, 1880. [ENDORSED :] U. S. Patent Office, } Mar. 30, 1880. 404 588 Room 118. Case 4752. * In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD, for Letters Patent for an Improvement in Pro- pelling Railway cars by Electro-Magnetism, filed March 10, 1880. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The above application is hereby amended as follows: second By erasing the 8th. A claim, and re-numbering the succeeding claims in their proper Order. By erasing the words “making or breaking" in the eighth claim, and inserting in place thereof the follow- ing:"start-or-stop the same at DIGISTE º º Ol' - Juneº, so ſpreaking.” - Very Respectfully, - STEPHEN D. FIELD, by his attorney, FRANK L. POPE. Elizabeth, N. J., Mar. 29, 1880. [ENDORSED :] | U. S. Patent Office ! & Mar. 30, 1880. 177 2 97 - Amendment, Mar. 30, 1880. Canceled June 23, 1880, by subspec. - 2. 589 Room No. 118. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Apr. 7, 1880. | Propelling Railway Cars S. Pºº L. POPE | by flectro Magnetism. - | Mar. 10, 1880. Elizabeth, N. J. No. 4752. In addition to Eng. Patent 2681 of 1864, Eng. Pat- ents 263 of 1859 and 447 of 1868 are cited to show the common & well known use of the rails of a track for conveying electric currents. Claims 1 & 8 are rejected on reference to these patents. Claim 2 (original claim 3) was not objected to. Claim 3 (original 4) is still considered to cover broadly housing or covering in any similar way the conductor shown in the reference. This is not considered broadly as an invention. Claim 6 is rejected for the same reason. Claim 7 is considered fully met by patent of Boyle before cited. In both cases the lever is raised to make or break the circuit ; it is as common to stop or start a motor by this means as it is to operate a signal. Claims 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 are rejected. H. C. Towns END, Exºr. P. W. PAGE, Asst. Ex. [ENDORSED :] 177 3 97 Rej. Apr. 7/80. 406 590 Room 118. Case 4752. AMENDMENT. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for Letters Patent for Improvement in Propel- ling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism ; filed March 10, 1880. (Case No. 4752.) 32 PARK PLACE, New York City, May , 1880. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The above application is hereby amended as follows: Page 2, line 31. By striking out all between the word “It’ in line 31 and the word “placed '' in line 40, in- clusive. Page 3. By striking out all between the word “It " in line 46 and the word “track " in line 53, inclusive. Page 5, line 101, by striking out the word “bent.” Page 6, line 142, by striking out the word “stop " and inserting in lieu thereof the word!" strap.” Pages 13, 14. By striking out Claim 2 (originally 3). Dage 14. By striking out claims 4 and 5 (originally 5 and 6). Bages 14, 15. By changing the numbers of the re- maining claims as follows: Claim 3 (originally 4) to claim 2. Claim 6 (originally 7) to claim 3. Claim 7 (originally 8) to claim 4. Claim 8 (originally 9) to claim 5. The present claims 2, 4 and 5, which are understood nºt to be objected to, have been withdrawn from this application and transferred to a new application which is filed here with. Further action on the remaining claims in this appli- cation will be hereafter taken by the applicant. Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, by his attorney, FRANK L. POPE. º 407 591 [ENDORSED :] } U. S. Patent Office, ; May 19, 1880. 177 4. 97 Amdt, May 19/80. 25 GRANT PLACE, WASHINGTON, D. C., June 1st, 1880. To THE COMMR. OF PATENTS: SIR-Permission is hereby requested to temporarily withdraw the drawings filed March 10, 1880, with the Application of Stephen D. Field for a Patent for Pro- pelling Railway Cars by Electricity. Respectfully, BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON, per SKINKLE. |ENDORSED :] S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 44. Letter. Filed June 1, 1880. 4.08 592 Room 118. No. 4752. AMIENDMENT. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD, for Letters Patent for Improvements in Propelling Railway Cars by Elec- tricity, filed March 10, 1880, No. 4752. - 32 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK, Sub. spec. June 23/80 - June 22, 1880. TO THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The above application is hereby amended as follows: By substituting the following for the specification originally filed, and subsequently amended : “TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : º 1. q KNOWN, that I, STEPHEN D. FIELD, of the City, County in a method of and apparatus along a track by means of erators placed at suitable distances apart, along and neari line of the railway, which generators transmit powerful currents 1. * 4.09 593 of electricity through suitable positive and negative conductors, 15 of the Yailway and parallel thereto, which currents act as a medium for the transmission of mechanical power from one or more such stationary notors to the traveling motor which directly acts to To this end my invention consists: First, In the em- 20 ployment of one or Yoore stationary dynamo-electric generators, driven by steam engines or other suitable motors, in combination with a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheel- ed car, carriage or vehicle, which is movable upon or along said 25 insulated section of track, an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle, for propelling the same along the track, and included in the said circuit of conductors, together with a device for clos- ing, breaking or otherwise controlling the said circuit, placed upon said vehicle and accessible to the driver or attendant on board 30 the same, whereby the movements of the electro-motor and of the vehicle may be readily controlled by the said driver; and, Sec- Per Dec 9/80 ond, In the combination of a car, carriage or vehicle, and an electro-motor thus constructed and arranged, with a continuous hol- low chamber enclosing an insulated electric conductor, and provid- 35 ed with a longitudinal slot to permit the entrance of an a jecting from said vehicle, so as to protect the conductor fro jury and yet permit a traveling conducting connection to be for by said arm between the vehicle and the enclosed conductor, at any point on the line of the track. A Insert “A.” Dec 9/80 594 40 In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of a railway car and its electro-motor. Figure 2 is a vertical transverse section of the same and of the track upon which it runs; Figure 3 is a vertical longitudinal section of the same. Figure 4 is a detached view, showing one method of 45 forming a connection between the traveling car and the station- ary conductors.N. Figure 5 shows the manner of electrically connecting the generating apparatus with the track and insulat- ed conductor extending along the line of the railway, and Fig- ure 6 shows a modification of my invention in which the hol- 50 low chamber enclosing the insulated conductor is combined with, or forms a part of, one of the rails of the track. My invention is designed and adapted more particularly for the propulsion of street railway cars, for the accommodation of the local passenger traffic of cities and towns, although 55 I remark that it may in many instances be employed with advan- 1I]. will be here A after tage under other conditions, some of whic set forth. - In the drawings I have shown my invention as adapted to the conditions of ordinary street traffic upon surface railways 60 in cities and towns. - In carrying out my invention it is necessary to provide two electric conductors of sufficient capacity, extending the whole length of the railway, or in case the latter is of con- siderable length, it may with advantage be operated in separa 3 411. 65 70 75 80 595 Sections detached from each other, and with their terminal points in close proximity. The conductors must be parallel with the track, and must be insulated one from the other, and in addition at least one of them must be insulated from the earth. These conditions may be fulfilled in a practically convenient and economical manner by making use of one or both rails of the track itself, as one of the required conductors. In order to do this, it is only necessary to establish a good conducting connection between the ends of the successive abut- ting rails in line with each other, and this may be effected by riveting or otherwise securing a metallic bar, strap or rod to the respective rails on each side of every joint, as I have found the ordinary joint fastenings to be in most cases insuf- ficient for this purpose. The remaining conductor consists of a suitable metallic bar, rod or strap extending parallel with the rails through- out the length of the track or section thereof which is to be operated. Under some conditions it would be sufficient to support this conductor upon suitable insulating blocks or ped- 90 arrangement would be objectionable, inasmuch as it would nec- essarily project above the surface of the roadway, and for serious obstruction to the passage of ordinary vehicles. One method which I have invented of fulfilling the required 4. 4-12 596 ſ nditions, and of overcoming the objection stated, is shown in Yigure 6 of the drawings, in which A represents the pavement Not ShoWh. ported (by cross-ties C). The other rail of the track B is laid upon and secured to a hollow iron girder D, which has a longitudinal slot d through its top, extending its whole length. 100 Parallel with the rail B', and, by preference, directly beneath it, is a metallic bar, Nod or strap E, which is placed in the chamber within the hollow girder D, and secured to its upper side and at the same time insulated therefrom, as best seen in Figure 4. Such insulation Yuay be conveniently effected by 105 placing a layer F of non-conducting material between the con- ducting strap ſº and the body of the girder. I have found the º material known as “vulcanized fibre '' to serve the purpose well. s The hollow girder D and rail B may be rolled in one piece *— or they may be composed of separate pieces bolted together. 110 In some cases it may be preferable to separate the rail from the girder, as shown in Figure 2, an arrangèquent which, although its first cost is greater, is much more conveniently accessible for making any repairs that may be necessary, either of the rails or the electric conductors. 115 Thus it will be understood that two distinct electrical conductors extend the whole length of the railway, or of such portion thereof as is intended to be operated by a single gen- erator, one of these conductors being the rail B', or the hollow 597 120 lated Yuetallic bar or strap E. These two conductors are con- ith the terminals of a dynamo-electric or other suitable generator of electricity G by means of suitable 125 The car I, Fiºures 1, 2, 3 and 5, is mounted upon flanged how *śso - - er DeC 130 of a belt A. A. In practice, A I prefer to make use of a . / system of gear wheels betweenNhe motor and the car axle, as “R” a smaller and more rapidly revolving motor can then be made use Dec 9/80 of, thus economizing space in the Čar, which is important when the motor is to be placed in a car having passenger accommoda- 135 tions also. The manner in which I provide for the conveyance of the electric current from the track conductors to the motor A, and of controlling the action of the current upon Nhe motor is as follows: 140 A lever L is secured to the platform or any obber conven- ient portion of the car I. The lower arm of this lever / ex- tends downwards, below the platform of the car, and Yasses through the slot i into the chamber within the hollow ºn D. The end of this lever is armed with a metallic roller 145 which presses against the continuous insulated conductor K, as 6 4.14. 598 est seen in Figures 3 and 4. This roller serves to maintain an electric connection between the lever /, as it moves with the bar along the track and the conductor /. A brush or broom composed of metallic wires may be used in place of the 150 roller l' with good effect. A blade-spring M is mounted upon the lever D, but is insulated therefrom, and presses constant- ly by virtue of its own resiliency against the edge of the slot d. This may also be replaced by a wire brush or broom, a de- vice which is especially advantageous on street railways, in 155 consequence of the liability of the conducting surfaces to be covered with mud and dust, and thus prevent proper electrical connection between the Noarts. The spring M is connected by a wire m, with one terminal of the coil or helix of the electro- motor K, the other terminal thereof being connected in the us- 160 ual manner to the commutator M. This commutator is construc- ted in the usual and well-known Umanner, consisting of a ring upon the axis of the motor composed of alternate sections of conducting and insulating material, and provided with two me- tallic springs or brushes n n, which press against the periphery 165 of the ring as it revolves, and alternately break and close the circuit through the motor magnets as the shaft with its arma- ture revolves. In my apparatus the commutator springs, al- though constructed in the ordinary manner, are not fixed to stationary supports, but are mounted upon the opposite ends of a 170 movable rock-shaft, which has its centre of motion coincident with that of the motor axis, and the position of this shaft, and, therefore, of the commutator springs, in reference to the commutator, is controlled through the connecting bar ~ 7 4.15 180 185 190 195 599 the lever /, to which is attached by an adjustable screw and rrangement p. By shifting the position of the commuta- the direction of the current itself, as is well known. The operation of the apparatus is as follows: Premising by stating that the line of the railway is to be divided into sections, preferably of a length equal to the distance which it is desired to preserve between successive cars or trains of cars moving upon the same track, (one such section being shown in Figure 5)N he conductors D and /ø are charged with electricity of opposite polarity from the terminals or poles of the generator G, being connected therewith by the wires w w. If now the car I be supposed to be standing at any point on the section of railway, with its ſever L in a perpendicular position, the roller / will not then be in contact with the con- ductor /, and no electric connection will be formed between the conductors E and D. But if the lever L be moved into the posi- tion shown in Figure 3, the roller l' will be brought in contact with the conductor /, and a powerful current of electricity will pass from one conductor to the other, through roller l', lever Z, and connecting bar P to the commutator springs n \; thence through the commutator M and the coils of the motor X, and thence through wire m and blade-spring M to the other conductor D, which will cause the motor to revolve rapidly and powerful and to propel the car I along the track. By throwing the level. 8 416 600 200 X into a reverse position, the action of the motor is also re- versed and the car will be propelled in the opposite direction. Thus by means of the lever /, the car may be started, stopped or reversed at any moment with the utmost convenience and fa- cility. - 205 The arrangement of the circuits may be in many cases al- tered with advantage by connecting the wire m to the wheels and axles of the bar, and dispensing with the spring, in which case the rail B of the track may be utilized as one conductor as hereinbefore set forth. A still better arrangement is that 210 of connecting the wire \both with the spring M and the axles and wheels of the car, and the corresponding conductor leading from the generator, with both the rail B' and the girder D. This is especially applicable when the latter are combined to- gether in the manner shown in Figure 6, and is in most cases to 215 be preferred to the one previously rity against collisions. same line of track, cidental stop- In case one car is following another upon t and, by failing to observe signals, or by the will be divided between the two cars, and the speed will be very greatly reduced thereby, but, by stoppin most car by putting its lever in mid-gear, the full power 225 the generator will act upon the forward car, and propel it r idly on to the next section. == 230 235 240 245 250 255 601 do not claim herein, the combination which I have de- circuit on the Yommutator when in a position to produce a backward motion of the motor, and the third interrupting or cutting off the circuit from the motor, nor the combination of a continuous hollow chamber containing an insulated elec- tric conductor and tubes for conveying hot water, air or steam lengthwise thereof, as these combinations and devices have been claimed in another division of this application. I claim as my inventionX 1. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a stationary dynamo-electric generator driven by a suitable motor, a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said insulated section of track, an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle for propelling the same, and included in said circuit of conductors, and a circuit-controlling device placed upon said vehicle. 2. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a railway carriage or vehicle propelled Noy an elec- tro-magnetic motor mounted thereon, with a continuous hollow chamber enclosing an insulated electric conductor and provided with a longitudinal slot to permit the entrance of an arm pro- jecting from said carriage, so as to form a traveling electric . Insert, “C” connection with said insulated conductor.” A - Dec 9/80 (For signature and witnesses see original specification.) Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, By his attorney, FRANK L. POPE. 10 4.18 602 [ENDORSED :] ( U. S. Patent Office, } Jun. 23, 1880. 177 5 97 Sub. Spec. June 23/80. Amendment S. D. Field. Propelling R. R. Cars by Electricity. Filed Mar. 10–80. Canceled per Sub. Spec. July 23 1881. Room No. 118. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 7, 1880. S. D. FIELD, | Propelling R. R. Cars. Care FRANK L. POPE, Mar. 10, 1880. Elizabeth, N. J. 4752. Claim 1 is considered met by English Patent 2681 of 1864, and claim 2 seems to cover the wire shown in said patent enclosed in an ordinary open box. The Examiner holds this to be devoid of invention. This application is finally rejected, subject to appeal to the Board. H. C. TOWNSEND, Ex’r. P. W. PAGE, Asst. Ex. [ENDORSED :] 177 6 97 Rej. July 7/80. ſ s y 4.19 y 603 Room 118. Case 4752. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for Letters Patent for improvement in Propel- ling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism, filed March 10, 1880. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-Referring to the letter of the Examiner of July 7th, 1880, in which he says: “This application is finally rejected subject to appeal to the board,” I would re- spectfully call attention to the fact that, in accordance with Rule 29, Rules of practice, the applicant is en- titled to two rejections of the original claim, or if amended in matter of substance of the amended claims, and that the present claim was so amended in matter of substance after the first two rejections by including another element in the combination, viz.: “a circuit- controlling device placed upon said vehicle.” This element of the combination claimed is not found in the reference cited, as in the apparatus there described the circuit-controlling device for starting, stopping or re- versing the vehicle is not placed on board of it, but at some stationary point elsewhere. In order that no doubt may exist as to the right of the applicant to an appeal, another action on the merits of the case is requested. Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, by his attorney, FRANK L. POPE. 32 Park Place, New York, -- July 9, 1880. |ENDORSED :] }". S. Patent Office Jul. 10, 1880. 177 7 97 Req. for Recon. July 10/80. 420 604 Room No. 118. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 24, 1880. \ Propelling R. R. Cars Stephen D. FIELD, | by Electricity. Care FRANK L. Pop E, - - 5 Mar. 10, 1880. | 2 Elizabeth, N. J. No. 4752. Claim 1 has been reconsidered. The location of the circuit breaker in this instance is not considered mate- rial to the question of the pertinence of the references, and the 1st claim is finally rejected on the references hitherto cited. Claim 2 stands as per letter of July 7, finally rejected. The case is now in condition for appeal. H. C. Towns BND, Ex’r. P. W. PAGE, Asst. Ex. [ENDORSED :] 177 8 97 2d Rej., July 24, /80. 4752 9 Exam. Ans. Aug. 3, 1880. 4752 10 Exam. Revised. Sep. 27, 1880. X 421 605 In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for patent for Propelling Railway Cars by Elec- tricity, filed March 10, 1880. (Serial No. 4752.) NEW YORK, Dec. 8th, 1880. TO THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The above application is hereby amended as follows: (Referring to the amended specification filed on or about June 19, 1880.) Page 2, line 31, erase the word “and.” Page 3, TITC 39, TTCFTHE WOTTTTTER." insert the fol. lowing: [" and, third, in the combination of a wheeled Tiågerör vehicle, an electro-magnetic motor mounted ropelling said vehicle, and a yielding or teal connection between the driving said vehicle a e electro-motor, whereby wheels the rapid municated gradually to the vehicle, an strain upon the Yuechanism is avoided.” Page 6, Tine T30Ntter the words “belt AE’ insert the following. Tº By thusuaking use of a yielding or fric- tional connection between the electro-motor and the wheels of the vehicle I avoid any undue strain upon the machinery such as would otherwise arise from the tend- ency of the motor to rotate rapidly as soon as its cir- cuit is closed, while the inertia of the vehicle prevents it from getting under way with as much rapidity as the motor. If, therefore, a rigid or unyielding mechanical connection were made use of, the driving Yuachinery great power which is exerted by an electro-mot the moment of its starting.” Page 6, line 130, erase the word “however.” - Page 11, line 256, insert the following additional claim : - - - ation, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a wheeled carriage of - “A.” Erase per amdt, Mar 21/81 ovement of the moto starting is com- “B” - -- C 27 Erase per amdt, Mar 21/81 4.22 606 motor mounted thereon, and a yielding or frictional mechanică ion between the driving wheels of said vehicle and the electro-motor:* Very respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, By his attorney, FRANK L. POPE. [ENDORSED :] ; U. S. Patent Office, Dec. 9, 1880. 11 177 97 Amendt. A. B. C. Dec. 9–1888. 4752. Canceled Mar. 21–81. Room 91. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., December 28, 1880. | Propelling R. R. sº jº ºFort . Cars by Electricity. iii. N. J. Mar, 10,1880. ‘’’ ‘’’ j No. 4752. Claim 1 is found to be anticipated by articles in “Les Mondes,” 15 Dec., 1864, page 656, & 31 May, 1866, page 193 (Patent Office Library). These references, discov- ered subsequently to action by the Board of Appeals, exhibit all the elements of the claim, with the excep- tion of the circuit breaker on the engine & the station- ary dynamo machine. With regard to the first, it is held that, if the reference is sufficiently explicit to *— 423 > 607 enable one skilled in the art to construct the devices entire, that there would be no invention in putting a circuit breaker on the engine. With regard to the sec- ond point, it is shown by French patent of Gasseau, No. 51,270, 24 Dec., 1861, that it is old to use a dynamo to run a motor. On these grounds the claim is rejected. Claim 3 is considered fully met by patent of Guest, 172,309, June, 1876, and Gaume, 122,944, Jan. 23, 1872 (Motors). These patents show an electric motor with yielding connection with the devices to be run thereby. Claims 1 and 3 are rejected. F. L. FREEMAN, Ex. P. W. PAGE. Asst. Ex. - [ENDORSED :] 4752 12 177 97 Rej. Dec. 28/80. Room No. 91. Serial No. 4752. Copd. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., January 27, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, care FRANK L. PopF, Elizabeth, N. J. : Application—Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Mag- netism. Filed Mar. 10, 1880. Book No. 177 97 Upon a revision of this case it appears that the appeal to board of examiners in chief, filed Jan. 10, 1881, is not in order, under the rules, which provide 608 that there must be two rejections of the claims before the case is appealed to the examiners in chief (Rule 129). The third claim has unquestionably been re- jected only once, while the last action of the examiner relating to claim 1 must be construed as a first rejec- tion, since new references have been cited which allow the applicant to further amend his case (Rule 67). The appeal will therefore not be entertained at present. In the further treatment of this case the examiner desires to place on record the fact that it is quite common to use a current regulator in connection with a stationary electric motor, and for this reason the patent of D. Williamson, No. 160,495, Mar. 2, 1875 (Elec- tricity—Motors), is cited, which is only one of numer- ous patents which clearly show this feature. The reasons which lead to the rejection of the first claim may now be stated as follows: English patent No. 2681 of 1864 and the article in “Les Mondes,” Dec. 15, 1864, pp. 656 & 657, previously cited, illustrate and describe an electro-magnetic loco- motive driven by a stationary source of electricity which is communicated to the traveling motor through the rails, or through conductors parallel to the rails. The same arrangement is also described in English patent No. 8644 of 1840, where the motor is of ordinary con- struction and geared with the wheels of the carriage by any ordinary means (see pp. 16 & 17, from line 35 of p. 16 to line 10 of p. 17 of patent). The difference between applicant's arrangement and those disclosed by the references is, that, in the latter a battery is used as the source of power, while applicant prefers to use an electro-dynamic generator, and that the references do not describe or show a cur- rent regulator, which in this application is described, though quite insufficiently illustrated. If either the use of an electro-dynamic generator or that of a cur- rent regulator could be held to involve invention, the first claim presented in this case would be patentable ; there is, however, no invention in the use of these two devices for the very purpose for which they were in- s 4.25 > 609 tended by the inventors of the same, it being well un- derstood that they are not of applicant's invention. To use an electro-dynamic generator instead of a bat- tery is as much and no more invention than using coal instead of wood for generating steam. These appliances are so well-known equivalents that they are now indif- ferently used, and have been so used as early as 1861, as is well illustrated in the French patent of Gasseau previously cited. As to the current regulator, the patent of Williamson cited above shows such device as applied to a station- ary electric motor, and to apply the same to a locomo- tive requires as much and no more invention than to apply any one of the numerous adjusting and control- ling devices of a stationary steam engine to a steam locomotive. The link motion for stopping and reversing the engine is a device in point. The subject matter of the first claim is therefore held to cover a mere ac- cumulation of old devices, each part performing in its new location its old function, and nothing else; and this claim is therefore rejected. The second claim is allowed. As to the third claim, the same is held to be fully met by the references cited. Friction and belt gearing are at the present state of the art so universally known appliances, and are so extensively used wherever the nature of the machinery connected by the same sug- gests their use, in preference to cog-gearing, that the application of the same to a particular machine cannot be held to constitute invention. This action may, if so desired, be considered a final rejection, upon which immediate appeal to the board may be taken. Before final action in this case is reached applicant will be required to so amend the drawing as to show the commutator and current regu- lator in a manner that will explain their operation ; the cross-ties 0, referred to on p. 5, line 97, should also be shown. - F. L. FREEMAN, Ex. Jos. LYONS, 2d Asst. 4.26 610 [ENDORSED :] 4752 177 13 97 Rej. Jan. 28/81. 4752 14 Examiner's Answer. Feb. 14, 1881. 4752 15 Mar. 11, '81. Reaffirmed on 1st claim & 3 claim dis- cussed. IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD, for Propelling Railway Cars by Electricity, filed March 10, 1880. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 14, 1881. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-In the above-entitled matter, in view of the recent decision of the Board of Examiners in Chief, we beg to say that in appealing the first claim a clerical error was made in copying the claim, which error ap- pears to have been followed by the Examiner. The claim, as the Board rightly found, was never amended in the record, and never intended to be, and the form in which it was presented by the applicant before the Board and by the Examiner in his answer to reasons of appeal was erroneous by mere inadvertence. With regard to the third claim and the amendment of the specification, contained in the amendment, filed December 9, 1880, we are advised by the said decision of the Board, and note, upon examination of the case, that the said amendment was not approved by the Com- missioner, and appears to have been admitted and con- A*- 427 611 sidered informally. We therefore hereby request that an order nunc pro func may be granted admitting the said amendment for examination. - Very respectfully, y BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON, Attys. for Field. Recommended : H. H. BATES, Examr. in Chief. Approved : W. D. STOCKBRIDGE, Actg. Comr. Mch. 15/81. [ENDORSED :] 4752 177 97 S. D. Field. Propelling R. R. Cars. Mar. 14, '81. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 16. Req. of Atty. Filed Mar. 14, 1881. s Copied. P Room No. 118. Serial No. 4752. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., March 21, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, care FRANK L. POPE, Elizabeth, N. J. : Application—Propelling Railway Cars, etc. Filed March 10, 1880. (Book No. 177) 97 In view of the decision of the Board of Examiners in Chief rendered March 11, 1881, the first and second claims will be allowed. Claim 3 having been recom- mended by the Board for admission, and having been 612 admitted by the Commissioner March 15, 1881, is now before the examiner in regular form. This claim is held to be met by the patent of J. H. Guest, No. 172,309, Jan. 18, 1876 (Electricity—Motors). Belt and frictional gearing is a well-known means for transmitting power from one part of a machine to another, and is generally used with great advantage in most cases where the power shaft is continuously rotat- ing while the working parts of the machine are operated at intervals only, or where provision is made for the stoppage of the operative portion, either by the hand of the operator or by automatic mechanism. Printing Presses, Sawing Machines, Metal Planers and a great number of other well-known machines could be cited which clearly show the continuously rotating power shaft connected with the rest of the machine by belts or friction wheels. These facts, however, are so well known that a spe- cific reference to a particular machine seems superflu- ous. The transmission of power from a motor to the working machine by means of belts being old, and the use of belts for the same purpose in electric motors being also old, as shown by the reference, it cannot be held to constitute an invention to apply belt gearing to the transmission of power from a common electric motor to a particular operating machine. Claim 3 is therefore rejected on the ground that it presents no in- vention over the reference. If so desired, the action may be considered as a second rejection, upon which appeal lies to the board of examiners in chief. F. L. FREEMAN, Ex. Jos. LYONS, 2’ Asst. [ENDORSED: ] 4752 17 Mar. 21, '81. Rej. S º > 613 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for Patent for Propelling Railway Cars by Elec- tricity, filed March 10, 1880. WASHINGTON, D. C., Mar. 21", 1881. HONORABLE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-In the above-entitled matter the applicant has decided to embrace the subject matter of the 3" claim in a separate application, and therefore we have to re- quest in his behalf that the 3" claim may be erased in the present application, and that the case may be passed for issue without it. Also erase amendment dated Dec. 8, 1880, which inserts certain matter on Page 3, line 39, after the word “ track’’; and also which inserts certain matter on page 6, line 130, after the words “belt A: ". Page 6, line 130, restore the words however: Respectfully, BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON. [ENDORSED :] U. S. Patent Office, Mar. 21, 1881. 4752 18 Amendment, Mar. 21–1881. Canceled by Sub. Spec. July 21–81. July 21st/81 – º 614 Room No. 91. Serial No. 4752. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., March 22, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, Care FRANK L. POPE, Elizabeth, N. J. : Application—Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Mag- netism. Filed March 10, 1880. (Book No. 177) 97 The amendment, filed Mar. 21, 1881, overcomes the S objections heretofore urged, but final action in this -º- case must be postponed in view of a probable interfer- ence with another pending application until after the conflicting application shall have been put in proper form for the declaration of the interference. F. L. FREEMAN, Exr. Jos. LYONs, 2" Asst. |ENDORSED :] 4752 19 Mar. 22, '81. Letter. 431 615 Prospective Interference. Revised Rules No. 94. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C., July 12, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, Care BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON, Present. Please find below a copy of a communication from the Examiner concerning your application for “Pro- pelling Railway Cars by Electro Magnetism,” filed March 10, 1880. Serial No. 4752. (Book No. 177) 97 Very respectfully, E. M. MARBLE, Commissioner of Patents. (Room No. 91.) You are hereby informed that your application above designated shows, but does not claim, the invention defined below, and claimed in a pending application. If you shall, on or before the 26th day of July, 1881, file an amendment to your application duly claiming the stated invention, you will be made a party with the applicant to an interference to be declared, but not otherwise. The invention claimed is : In an electric railway, the combination of one or more stationary dynamo-electric machines with conductors extending along the whole line and formed partly or wholly by the rails them- selves, on which rails are vehicles having dynamo-elec- tric machines fixed thereon for imparting motion 616 thereto, the electrical connection between said last- named dynamo-electric machines and the stationary dynamo-electric machines being maintained continu- ously by the wheels of the vehicles. In an electric railway, the combination of one or more stationary dynamo-electric generators driven by suitable power; a conducting circuit formed wholly or partly of suitable insulated lines of rails; a wheeled vehicle adapted to move on said rails, and having one or more electro-dynamic motors impelling the same, one pole of said motor being in electrical connection with the stationary generator through one line of con- ductors, and the other electrically connected with the other line of conductors for completing the circuit through the stationary generator. FREEMAN, Ex’r. Jos. IIYONs, 2" Asst. [ENDORSED :] 177 20 97 July 12, 81. Letter. S. 433 617 AMIENT)MENT. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for Let- ters Patent for Improvements in Propelling Railway Cars by Electricity, filed March 10, 1880. No. 4752. 32 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK, July 20th, 1881. To THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS: SIR-The above application is hereby amended as follows: originally By substituting the following for the specification A filed and subsequently amended. º “TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : sºmeº July 21/81 BE IT KNOWN, That I, STEPHEN DUDLEY FIELD, of the City, County and State of New York, have invented certain new and - Mechanism for Apr 4/3, useful improvements in A Propelling Railway Cars by Electro- 5 Magnetism, which improvements are fully set forth in the fol- lowing specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings. mechanism Apr 4/89 My invention consists generally in a-method-of-and-appaſſ- atus—for propelling a railway car or vehicle along a track by 10 means of an electro-magnetic motor mounted thereon, and having 1 434 Apr 4/89 5 10 15 20 618 its axis mechanicallly connected with the wheels thereof by means of suitable gearing or belts, and in supplying the nec- essary electric power to operate said motor by means of one or more stationary electric generators placed at suitable dis- tances apart, along and near to the line of the railway, which generators transmit powerful currents of electricity through suitable positive and negative conductors, properly insulated from each other, and extending along the line of the railway and parallel thereto, which currents act as a medium for the transmission of mechanical power from one or more such sta- tionary motors to the traveling motor which directly acts to propel the car. f in To this end my invention consists, First: In the employment of one or more stationary dynamo-electric genera- tors, driven by steam engines or other suitable motors, in combination with a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheeled car, carriage or vehicle, which is movable upon or along said insulated section of track, an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle, for propell- ing the same along the track, and included in the said cir- cuit of conductors, together with a device for closing, break- ing or otherwise controlling the said circuit, placed upon said vehicle and accessible to the driver or attendant on * 2 º 435 sº 619 - board the same, whereby the movements of the electro-motor and of the vehicle may be readily controlled by the said dri- II] . ver: S second; . In the combination of a car, carriage or vehicle and an electro-motor thus constructed and arranged, 5 with a continuous hollow chamber enclosing an insulated elec- tric conductor, and provided with a longitudinal slot to per- mit the entrance of an arm projecting from said vehicle, so as to protect the conductor from injury, and yet permit a traveling conducting connection to be formed by said arm be- 10 tween the vehicle and the enclosed conductor, at any point on the line of the track/–,T third; in In the combination of Apr 4/89 a wheeled carriage or vehicle, an electro-magnetic motor mounted thereon for propelling said vehicle, and a yielding or frictional mechanical connection between the driving wheels of said vehicle and the electro-motor, whereby the rapid move- 15 ment of the motor in starting is communicated gradually to the vehicle, and any undue strain upon the mechanism is avoided. urth : In the combination of one or more stationary dynamo- ric generators, with electric conductors extend- ing therefrom alo e line of a railway track, which con- 20 ductors consist wholly or i t of the rails of said track, º, sº vehicles movable along said track ing electro-dynamic mo- Apr 4/89 3 620 electrical connection between said generators and motors, eby an uninterrupted electric current passes from the stationary generator through said track and wheels to the traveling motor upon the vehicle; and, Fifth : In the . 5 combination of or more stationary dynamo-electric genera- tors, and suitable prime motors for driving the same, with a conducting circuit formed wholly or in part of insulated lines of rails or railway track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said lines of rails, one or more-electro-dynamic motors 10 for impelling said vehicle, one terminal of such motor or mo- tors being electrically connected with a statio generator through one line of conductors, and the other with the other line of conductors, whereby an electric circuit is comp through the motor and conductors and the stationary genera 15 In the accompanying drawings Figure 1 is a plan view of a railway car and its electro-motor. Figure 2 is a vertical transverse section of the same and of the track upon which it runs. Figure 3 is a vertical longitudinal section of the Wa, same. Figure 4 is a detached view, showing one * Of 20 forming a connection between the traveling car and the sta- tionary conductors. Figure 5 shows the manner of electrical- ly connecting the generating apparatus with the track and insulated conductor extending along the line of the railway, and Figure 6 shows a modification of my invention in which º Apr 4/89 4 621 the hollow chamber enclosing the insulated conductor is com- bined with, or forms a part of, one of the rails of the track. My invention is designed and adapted more particularly for the propulsion of street railway cars for the accommoda- 5 tion of the local passenger traffic of cities and towns, al- though I remark that it may in many instances be employed with advantage under other conditions, some of which will be hereinafter set forth. - In the drawings I have shown my invention as adapted to 10 the conditions of ordinary street traffic upon surface rail- ways in cities and towns. In carrying out my invention it is necessary to provide two electric conductors of sufficient capacity, extending the whole length of the railway, or, in case the latter is of con- 15 siderable length, it may with advantage be operated in separ- ate sections, detached from each other and with their terminal points in close proximity. The conductors must be parallel with the track, and must be insulated one from the other, and, in addition, at least one of them must be insulated from the 20 earth. These conditions may be fulfilled in a practically convenient and economical manner by making use of one or both rails of the track itself as one of the required conductors. In order to do this it is only necessary to establish a good conducting connection between the ends of the successive - 5 * - 622 abutting rails in line with each other, and this may be ef- fected by riveting or otherwise securing a metallic bar, strap or rod to the respective rails on each side of every joint, as I have found the ordinary joint fastenings to be in most 5 cases insufficient for this purpose. The remaining conductor consists of a suitable metallic bar, rod or strap extending parallel with the rails, through- out the length of the track or section thereof which is to be operated. Under some conditions it would be sufficient to 10 support this conductor upon suitable insulating blocks or ped- estals, fixed upon the sleepers, and projecting above them, either between the ordinary rails or outside of them, as might be found most convenient. When, however, the track is required to be laid in the streets or roadways of cities and 15 towns, this arrangement would be objectionable, inasmuch as it would necessarily project above the surface of the roadway form a and A serious obstruction to the passage of ordinary vehicles. One method which I have invented of fulfilling the re- quired conditions and of overcoming the objections stated 20 is shown in Figure 6 of the drawings, in which A represents the pavement of a street or roadway. B represents one rail of the track, which may be laid upon and secured to a longi- tudinal sleeper b in the ordinary manner, and the latter may in turn be supported by cross-ties C. The other rail of the 4 º 6 439 623 track B", is laid upon and secured to a hollow iron girder D, which has a longitudinal slot d through its top, extending its whole length. Parallel with the rail B', and by prefer- ence, directly beneath it, is a metallic bar, rod or strap 5 /, which is placed in the chamber within the hollow girder D, and secured to its upper side, and at the same time insulated therefrom, as best seen in Figure 4. Such insulation may be conveniently effected by placing a layer F of non-conducting material between the conducting strap E and the body of the 10 girder. I have found the material known as “vulcanized fibre '' to serve the purpose well. The hollow girder D and rail B may be rolled in one piece or they may be composed of separate pieces bolted to- gether. In some cases it may be preferable to separate the 15 rail from the girder, as shown in Figure 2, an arrangement which, although its first cost is greater, is much more con- veniently accessible for making any repairs that may be neces- of sary, either of the rails or A the electric conductors. Thus, it will be understood that two distinct electrical 20 conductors extend the whole length of the railway, or of such portion thereof as is intended to be operated by a single generator, one of these conductors being the rail B' or the hollow girder D (either or both), and the other the continu- ous insulated metallic bar or strap E. These two conductors 7 624 are connected with the terminals of a dynamo-electric or oth- (See Fig. 5) er suitable stationary generator of electricity G A by means of suitable wires or conductors w wº, which generator is driven by a steam engine or other source of power H. 5 The car I, Figures 1, 2, 3 and 5, is mounted upon flang- ed wheels . . and runs upon the rails B B in the usual man- Ile]". An electro-magnetic motor A of any well-known and suita- ble construction is mounted upon the said car, and its main 10 shaft or axis is connected with one of the axles of the car by means of a belt A. By thus making use of a yielding or - frictional connection between the electro-motor and the wheels - of the vehicle I avoid any undue strain upon the machinery such as would otherwise arise from the tendency of the motor 15 to rotate rapidly as soon as its circuit is closed, while the inertia of the vehicle prevents it from getting under way with as much rapidify as the motor. If, therefore, a rigid or unyielding mechanical connection were made use of, the driv- ing machinery would be liable to be injured in consequence of 20 the great power which is exerted by an electro-motor at the moment of its starting. In practice I prefer to make use of a system of gear wheels between the motor and the car axle, as a smaller and more rapidly revolving motor can then be made use of, thus economizing space in the car, which is im- - -* - 8 44.1 portant when the motor is to be placed in a car having passen- ger accommodations also. The manner in which I provide for the conveyance of the electric current from the track conductors to the motor /ć, 5 and of controlling the action of the current upon the motor is as follows: A lever / is secured to the platform or any other con- venient portion of the car 1. The lower arm of this lever / extends downwards, below the platform of the car, and pass- 10 es through the slot d into the chamber within the hollow girder D. The end of this lever is armed with a metallic roller / which presses against the continuous insulated con- ductor /, as best seen in Figures 3 and 4. This roller serves to maintain an electric connection between the lever P 15 L as it moves with the car along the track and the conductor E. A brush or broom composed of metallic wires may be used in place of the roller / with good effect. A blade spring M is mounted upon the lever /, but is insulated therefrom and presses constantly, by virtue of its own resiliency, against 20 the edge of the slot d. This may also be replaced by a wire brush or broom, a device which is especially advantageous on street railways, in consequence of the liability of the con- ducting surfaces to be covered with mud and dust, and thus prevent proper electrical connection between the parts. The 9 4.42 626 spring M is connected by a wire m with one terminal of the coil or helix of the electro-motor K, the other terminal thereof being connected in the usual manner to the commutator W. This commutator is constructed in the usual and well- 5 known manner, consisting of a ring upon the axis of the motor composed of alternate sections of conducting and insulating material, and provided with two metallic springs or brushcs n n which press against the periphery of the ring as it re- volves, and alternately break and close the circuit through 10 the motor magnets as the shaft with its armature revolves. In my apparatus the commutator springs, although constructed in the ordinary manner, are not fixed to stationary supports, but are mounted upon the opposite ends of a movable rock-shaft which has its centre of motion coincident with that of the 15 motor axis, and the position of this rock-shaft, and, therefore, of the commutator springs, in reference to the commutator, is controlled through the connecting bar P by the lever. Z, to Ex1. it. which A is attached by an adjustable screw and slot arrangement p. By shifting the position of the commutator springs the 20 direction in which the motor tends to rotate by the action of the current may be reversed without reversing the direction of the current itself, as is well known. The operation of the apparatus is as follows: Premising by stating that the line of the railway is to 10 * 4. s 443 627 be divided into sections, preferably of a length equal to the distance which it is desired to preserve between successive cars or trains of cars moving upon the same track (one such section being shown in Figure 5), the conductors D and E are 5 charged with electricity of opposite polarity from the termin- als or poles of the generator G, being connected there with by the wires w wº. If now the car I be supposed to be standing at any point on the section of railway, with its lever L in a perpendicular position, the roller l' will not then be in con- 10 tact with the conductor Æ, and no electric connection will be formed between the conductors E and D. But, if the lever / be moved into the position shown in Figure 3, the roller l' will be brought in contact with the conductor E, and a power- ful current of electricity will pass from one conductor to 15 the other, through roller l', lever /, and connecting bar P. to the commutator springs n n, thence through the commutator M and the coils of the motor /ć, and thence through wire m and blade spring M to the other conductor D, which will cause the motor to revolve rapidly and powerfully, and to propel the car 20 / along the track. By throwing the lever / into a reverse position, the action of the motor is also reversed, and the car will be propelled in the opposite direction. Thus, by means of the lever /, the car may be started, stopped or re- versed at any moment with the utmost convenience and facility. 11 444 628 The arrangement of the circuits may be in many cases al- tered with advantage by connecting the wire m to the wheels and axles of the car, and dispensing with the spring, in which case the rail B of the track may be utilized as one conductor 5 as hereinbefore set forth. A still better arrangement is that of connecting the wire m both with the spring M and the axles and wheels of the car, and the corresponding conductor leading from the generator with both the rail B and the girder D. This is especially applicable when the latter are 10 combined together in the manner shown in Figure 6, and is in most cases to be preferred to the one previously described. It will be observed that this method of operating a rail- way may be made to furnish absolute security against collis- ions. In case one car is following another upon the same 15 line of track, and, by failing to observe signals, or, by the * accidental stoppage of the forward car, the hindmost one should attempt to enter upon the same section, the current from the generator will be divided between the two cars, and the speed of each will be greatly reduced thereby ; but, by 20 stopping the hind most car by putting its lever in mid-gear, the full power of the generator will act upon the forward car, and propel it rapidly on to the next section. I do not claim herein the combination which I have de- scribed of an electro-motor and its commutator, with a cir- 12 445 629 cuit-controlling lever capable of three positions, the first closing the circuit on the commutator when in position to produce afo Å ward motion of the motor ; the second closing the circuit on the commutator when in a position to produce a 5 backward motion of the motor, and the third interrupting or cutting off the circuit from the motor, as this combination has been claimed in a ahether-divisien-ef this—applieation.— º 630 I claim as my invention : 1. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a stationary dynamo-electric generator driven by a suitable motor, a circuit of conductors composed in part of 5 an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said insulated section of track, an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle for propelling the same, and included in said circuit of conductors, and a circuit-controlling device 10 placed upon said vehicle. 2. The combination, substantially as hereinbfore set forth, of a railway carriage or vehicle propelled by an elec- tro-magnetic motor mounted thereon, with a continuous hollow chamber enclosing an insulated electric conductor, and provided * 15 with a longitudinal slot to permit the entrance of an arm pro- jecting from said carriage, so as to form a traveling elec- tric connection with said insulated conductor. 3. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a wheeled carriage or vehicle, an electro-magnetic 20 motor mounted thereon, and a yielding or frictional mechanic- al connection between the driving wheels of said vehicle and the electro-motor. 14 Nº. 4. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set {th, of a railway track, one or more stationary dynamo- electric generators, electrical conductors extending from said generator or generators along the line of said track and 5 consisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof, vehicles movable along said track, electro-dynamic motors fixed upon said vehicles for in parting motion thereto, and wheels sup- porting said vehicles upon the track, and also serving to maintain continuous electrical connection between said gen- 10 erator and motors. 5. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of one or more stationary dynamo-electric generators, one or more prime motors for driving the same, a conducting circuit formed wholly or in part of insulated lines of rails 15 of a railway track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said lines of rails, one or more electro-dynamic photors for impelling said vehicle, one pole of said motor or Notors be- ing electrically connected with the stationary generator through one line of conductors, and the other with the 20 line of conductors, for completing an electric current between the stationary generator.” (For signature of inventor and witnesses see original speci- fication.) Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, By his Attorney. 15 |ENDORSED :] } U. S. Patent Office, Jul. 21, 1881. S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 21. Sub. Spec'n. Filed July 21–1881. - - Erased Apr 1/89 4.48 632 Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. PATENT OFFICE, AUG. 10, 1881, Ex'R. OF INTERFERENCES. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 6, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, care BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON, Present. Please find below a copy of a communication from the Examiner concerning your application for patent for “Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism,” filed March 10, 1880. Serial No. 4752. Book No. 177 97 Very respectfully, E. M. MARBLE, Commissioner of Patents. Room No. 91, All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” Your case, above referred to, is adjudged to interfere with others, hereafter specified, and the question of priority will be determined in conformity with the Rules. The statement demanded by Rule 105 must be sealed up and filed on or before the 10" day of Oct., 1881, with the subject of the invention, and name of party filing it, indorsed on the envelope. The subject matter involved in the inteference is: I. In an electric railway, the combination of one or more stationary dynamo- electric machines, with conductors extending along the whole line and formed partly or wholly by the rails themselves, on which rails are vehicles having dynamo- electric machines fixed thereon for imparting motion thereto, the electric connection between said last- 449 633 named dynamo-electric machines and the stationary dynamo-electric machine being maintained continu- ously by the wheels of the vehicle, with or without the aid of contact rollers, springs or brushes (Siemens, claim 1 ; Edison, claim 20; Field, claim 4). II. In an electric railway, the combination of one or more sta- tionary dynamo-electric generators driven by suitable power, a conducting circuit formed wholly or in part of suitably insulated lines of rails, a wheeled vehicle adapted to move on said rails, and having one or more electro-dynamic motors impelling the same, one pole of said motor being in electrical connection with the sta- tionary generator through one line of conductors, and the other electrically connected with the other line of conductors, for completing the circuit through the sta- tionary generator (Siemens, claim 2; Edison, claim 21; Field, claim 5). PARTIES IN INTERFERENCE. Ernst W. Siemens, of Berlin, Germany, filed Mar. 12, 1880. Serial No. 9603. Book No. 204 (C. S. Whit- 93 man, of Washington, D. C., attorney.) Thomas A. Edison, of Menlo Park, N. J., filed June 3, 1880. Serial No. 11,243. Book No. 213 (Dyer & 49 Wilber, of Washington, D. C., attorneys.) Stephen D. Field, of New York City, filed Mar. 10, 1880. Serial No. 4752. Book No. 177 (Frank L. 97 Pope, of Elizabeth, N. J., attorney; Baldwin, Hopkins & Peyton, of Washington, D. C., associates.) J. H. WHITAKER, Actg. Examiner. JOS. LYONS, 2’ Asst. [ENDORSED :] 22 4752 Aug. 6, '81. Intf. 4.50 634 Room No. 91. Serial No. 4752. Copied. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 6, 1881. STEPHEN D. FIELD, care BALDWIN, HOPKINS & PEYTON. Present. Application—Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Mag- netism. Filed Mar. 10, 1880. (Book No. 177) 97 Upon a revision of the above application with refer- ence to the substitute specification, filed July 21, 1881, it appears that claim 3, formerly twice rejected by the examiner and erased by applicant per amendment filed Mar. 21, 1881, has been re-inserted. It is thought that justice to the other parties requires that the prospective interference should be declared without delay. The applicant will, upon the determination of the interference, be entitled to prosecute his rights, in re- spect to claim 3, by appeal to the proper tribunal. J. H. WHITAKER, Actg. Examiner. Jos. LYONs, 2’ Asst. - |ENDORSED :] 4752 23 Aug. 6, ’81. Letter. & Fº * 451 635 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD * for patent for Improvement in Propelling Rail- - way Cars by Electricity, filed March 10, 1880. No. 4752. NEW YORK, April 22, 1882. HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : Please recognize Frederick W. Whitridge, of No. 32 Park Place, New York City, in the State of New York, as my associate attorney in the matter of the above- entitled application. Very Respectfully, FRANK L. Pop E, Atty. for Field. Approved : W. D. BALDWIN, 2- Of Counsel. [ENDORSED :] U. S. Patent Office ! Apr. 24, 1882. S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 124. Asso. Power. Filed Mar. 10, 1881. Asso. power of atty. to F. W. Whitridge. 4752 24 Jun. 25, '84. X favor Field. 4.52 | A A ºn 636 MARCH 28, 1885. HON. COMMISSIONER of PATENTs, Washington, D. C. : DEAR SIR-I hereby respectfully request a suspension of action upon the application of Stephen D. Field for “Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism,” filed March 10, 1880, No. 4752, for the period of two weeks from the date hereof. The object of this request is to afford time for the consideration of proposed amendments to the applica- tion, and in order that, if any motion to rehear the commissioner's decision on the Interference of Field's said application with that Siemens shall be made, the same may be disposed of before further action by the applicant or the office. Very Respectfully, F. W. WHITRIDGE, Atty. for Field, 59 Wall St., New York City. [ENDORSED :] ; U. S. Patent Office, { Mar. 28, 1885. S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 24. Letter. Filed Mar. 28, 1885. ‘. --- / 453 637 Jannus & Skinkle. May 18, 1885. # WASHINGTON, D. C. IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. In the matter of the application of STEPHEN D. FIELD for a Patent for Improvement in Propelling Rail- way Cars by Electricity, filed March 10th, 1880. Serial No. 4752. NEW YORK, May 16th, 1885. To THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS: SIR-The interference between the above-named application and the applications of Siemens and Edison having been decided in favor of the said Field, it is un- derstood by the latter that his case is now in a condi- tion to issue, and that it has been referred to the Pri- - mary Examiner for that purpose; and he desires to º know when the case will be sent to issue. Very Respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, by his Atty., ERANK L. POPE. [ENDORSED :] U.S. Patent Office, ! } May 19, 1885. Division XVI. y Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 25. Letter. Filed May 19, 1885. - 638 [2071a) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., May 20, 1885. Mailed May 21, 1885. S. D. FIELD, | Subject: Propelling Rail- Care F. L. Pop E, way Cars by Electricity. 32 Park Place, ſ Filed Mch. 10, 1880. N. Y. City. ] No. 4752. Please find below a communication from the Ex- aminer in charge of the application above noted. M. W. MONTGOMERy, Commissioner of Patents. Room No. 91. All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” In response to applicant's communication bearing date of the 18th inst., concerning the above-named ap- plication, he is hereby advised that an additional inter- ference will be declared between it and at least two other pending applications, both of which are now ready for said interference, but were properly withheld from the original interference under rule 123, for the reason that the parties involved in the issue of the in- terference had begun to take testimony. The proposed interference would be declared at once but for the fact that an additional party is seeking an interference with this application ; but, before such in- terference can be declared he will be obliged to appeal to the board of Examiners in Chief. It seems desirable that all the parties who propose to test the broad question here at issue should be em- braced in this interference. C. J. KINTNER, Ex. [ENDORSED :] Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 26. Letter. Dated May 20, 1885. º * * 455 639 |2061] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, \{ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 18, 1886. S. D. FIELD, Care F. W. WHITRIDGE, 32 Park Place, N. Y. City : Please find below a copy of a communication from the Examiner concerning your applm. 4752, filed March 10, 1880, Elect. Railway. Very respectfully, M. W. MoWTGOMERy, Commissioner of Patents. - Room No. .... All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, º Washington, D. C.” Your case, above referred to, is adjudged to interfere with others, hereafter specified, and the question of priority will be determined in conformity with the Rules. The statement demanded by Rule 105 must be sealed up and filed on or before the day of y 18 , with the subject of the invention, and name of party filing it, indorsed on the envelope. The subject matter involved in the interference is : The combination of a stationary dynamo-electric generator driven by a suitable motor, a circuit of con- ductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said section of track, an º electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle for propelling the same, and included in said circuit of conductors, and a controlling device placed upon said vehicle. 456 640 Applicant's claim 1 ; claims 1 & 2 of interfering applm. of E. W. Siemens, Berlin, Germany, C. S. Whit- man, Present, Atty., and Claims 4 & 6 of applm. of Thomas Hall, Newton, Mass., Foster & Freeman, Pre- sent, Attys. After award of priority this case will be held for action on claim 3 as indicated in previous office letters. - C. J. KINTNER, Ex. [ENDORSED :] Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 27. Interf. Dated Jan. 18, 1886. 4.57 º 641 [2061] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 18, 1886. S. D. FIELD, Care F. W. WHITRIDGE, 32 Park Place, N. Y. City: Please find below a copy of a communication from the Examiner concerning your applin. 4752, filed March 10, 1880–Elect. Railway, &c. Very respectfully, M. W. MoWTGOMERY, Commissioner of Patents. Room No...... All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” Your case, above referred to, is adjudged to interfere with others, hereafter specified, and the question of priority will be determined in conformity with the Rules. - The statement demanded by Rule 105 must be sealed up and filed on or before the day of > 18 , with the subject of the invention, and name of party filing it, indorsed on the envelope. The subject matter involved in the interference is: (1) The combi- nation, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a rail- way track, one or more stationary dynamo-electric gen- erators, electrical conductors extending from said gen- erator or generators along the line of said track, & con- sisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof, vehicles movable along said track, electro-dynamic motors fixed upon said vehicles for imparting motion thereto, & wheels supporting said vehicle upon the track & also 458 642 serving to maintain continuous electrical connection between said generator and motors. (2) The combination of one or more stationary dyna- mo-electric generators, one or more prime motors for driving the same, a conducting circuit formed wholly or in part of insulated lines of rails of a railway track, a wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said lines of rails, one or more electro-dynamic motors for impelling said vehicles, one pole of said motor or motors being electrically connected with the stationary generator through one line of conductors, and the other with the other line of conductors, for completing an electric cir- cuit through the generator. Applicant's claims 4 and 5 respectively, and claims 7 and 8 of applm. of Thos. Hall, Newton, Mass., Foster & Freeman, Present, Attys. After award of priority this case will be held for action on claim 3. C. J. KINTNER, Ex. [ENDORSED :] Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 28. Interf. Dated Jan. 18, 1886. sº 4.59 | 643 [2071a) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, y UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, U. S. PATENT OFFICE, JUNE 18, 1886, Ex'R. OF INTERFERENCEs. WASHINGTON, D. C., June 18, 1886. Dictated, M. M. Mailed June 18, 1886. Subject : Propelling R. R. S. D. FIELD, | J p 9. Care F. W. WHITRIDGE, | Cars by Electro-Mag- 32 Park Place, } *". •ch 10, 1880 N.Y. City. Riled Mºrch 10, 1880. j No. 4752. Please find below a communication from the Exami- ner in charge of the application above noted. M. W. MoWTGOMERY, Commissioner of Patents. º Room No. 91. All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” The application of George F. Green, Kalamazoo, Michigan (R. D. O. Smith, Present, attorney), is this day added to the interference declared on January 18th, 1886, between Field & Hall. Subject, Electric Railways. Green's claim 1 is involved in the first count ; and claims 2 & 3 in the second count. C. J. KINTNER, Ex. Statement July 14, '86. [ENDORSED :) Q- Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 29. Letter. Green added to Intſ. Fjeld–Hall. Dated June 18, 1886. º -- - - - - - - - - --- 644 T)ictated, M. [2071a) º º DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, º- UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 13th, 1886. Mailed Jul. 14, 1886. S. D. FIELD, | Subject: Propelling R. R. Care F. W. WHITRIDGE, Cars, &c. 59 Wall St., f Filed March 10, 1880. N. Y. No. 4752. Please find below a communication from the Exami- ner in charge of the application above noted. M. W. MoWTGOMERY, Commissioner of Patents. Room No. 91. Yº- All communications should be addressed to -- “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” The application of G. F. Green, Kalamazoo, Michi- gan, R. D. O. Smith, Washington, D. C., attorney, is this day added to the interference between Field, Sie- mens & Hall. Green's claim 4 is involved in this interference. C. J. KINTNER, Ex. [ENDORSED :] Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 9a. Green added to Interf. July 13, 1886. 461 645 [2061] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. PATENT OFFICE, JUL. 16, 1886, Ex'R. OF INTERFERENCES, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 13th, 1886. S. D. FIELD, Care F. W. WHITRIDGE, 59 Wall Street, N. Y. City: Please find below a copy of a communication from the Examiner concerning your pending application for Electric Railways, filed March 10, 1880. No. 4752. Very respectfully, M. W. MoWTGOMERy, Commissioner of Patents. Room No. 91. All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” Your case, above referred to, is adjudged to interfere with others, hereafter specified, and the question of priority will be determined in conformity with the Tules. - The statement demanded by Rule 105 must be sealed up and filed on or before the 22 day of July, 1886, with the subject of the invention, and name of party filing it, indorsed on the envelope. The subject matter involved in the interference is the same as in the origi- nal interference. The application of G. F. Green, of Kalamazoo, Michi- gan (R. D. O. Smith, Washington, D. C., Attorney), is 462 646 this day added to the interference between Field, Sie- mens and Hall. Green's 4th claim is involved in this interference. C. J. KINTNER, Ex. |ENDORSED :] º Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 30. Interf. Dated July 13, 1886. IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GREEN GREEN | WS. vs. | - HALL HALL WS. WS. Electrical Railways. FIELD SIEMENS WS. | FIELD J TO THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-I hereby revoke the power of Attorneys hereto- fore given in the above cases to Mr. Frank L. Pope, of - Elizabeth, N. J., as my Attorney herein, and I appoint in his place and stead as my Attorney, with full power to do all the acts named in the original Power of Attor- ney to Mr. Pope, Mr. Frederick W. Whitridge, Coun- sellor at Law, of 59 Wall Street, New York City, and request that this substitution be entered of record. Dated New York, April 22nd, 1887. Yours, &c., STEPHEN D. FIELD. I hereby consent to and approve of the foregoing rev- ocation of power of attorney and to the entry of an order based thereon, ERANK L. POPE. Apr. 25, 1887. I, DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, the assignee of the applica- tion of Stephen D. Field in the within interferences, 463 647 which said application was filed in the United States Patent Office upon the 10th day of March, 1880, and is numbered 4752, do hereby, as such assignee, and as trustee, under the said assignment for Stephen J. y Field, Cyrus W. Field, Henry M. Field and Stephen D. Field, consent to and approve of the foregoing revoca- tion of power of attorney and to the entry of an order based thereon. - DAVID DUDLEY FIELD. Dated New York, May 2nd, 1887. [ENDORSED :] } U. S. Patent Office, Apr. 29, 1887. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 31. Power of Atty. Filed Apl. 29, 1887. - sº 464. 648 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GREEN GREEN | WS. WS. | HALL HALL WS. WS. Electrical Railways. FIELD. SIEMENS - WS. | FIELD. J To THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS: SIR-Please recognize as my associate attorney in the above-entitled interference cases declared against the application of Stephen D. Field, filed the 10th day of March, 1880, the firm of Marble & Mason (composed of Edgar N. Marble and Robert Mason), of Washing- ton, D. C., and oblige, Your obedient servant, FREDERICK. W. WHITRIDGE. Dated New York, April 22nd, 1887. [ENDORSED:] U. S. Patent Office, } Apr. 29, 1887. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 32. Asso. Power of Atty. Filed Apl. 29, 1887. 465 y - 649 U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Ex PARTE STEPHEN D. FIELD. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. Application filed March 10, 1880. No. 4752. MESSRS. F. L. Pop E, F. W. WHITRIDGE and MARBLE & MASON, attorneys. The orders made by the Commissioner, dated March 6, 1889, in the interferences entitled Green v. Hall v. Siemens v. Field and Green v. Hall v. Field, remand- ing the application of Field to the primary examiner for consideration as to whether “ the invention covered therein (the application of Field) is patentable in view of Clark's patent, taken in connection with the other state of the art,” are hereby modified as follows: The application of Field involved in these interferences is hereby forwarded to a committee consisting of princi- pal examiners Seaton, Randall and Blodgett, who are directed to make a thorough examination of said appli- cation in connection with British Patent No. 1386 of 1864, of Clark, and consider the patentability of the invention claimed by Field, in view of said British pat- ent and the state of the art, as well as the operative- ness of the invention set forth in the British patent, and report to me their conclusions thereon. Said committee are directed to permit oral argument to be made before them, if desired by Field's counsel. BENTON J. HALL, Commissioner. March 11, 1889. [ENDORSED :] - Stephen D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 33. Order of Commr. Dated Mar. 11, 1889. Recorded Vol. 39, p. 384. - 466 650 [2–175] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, |Coat of Arms. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the annexed is a true copy from the Records of this Office of the Decision of the Commissioner, March 29, 1889, in the matter of the Application of Stephen D. Field, Filed March 10, 1880, Serial Number 4752, for Improvement in Electric Railways. In testimony whereof, I, C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 29th day of May, in the [SEAL.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner. 3. 4.67 651 U. S. PATENT OFFICE. Ex PARTE STEPHEN D. FIELD. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. REFERENCE. Application filed March 10, 1880. No. 4752. MESSRS. F. L. Pop E, F. W. WHITRIDGE and MARBLE & MASON for applicant. In the Commissioner's decision in the interference in which this application was involved, dated March 6, 1889, it was stated as follows: “I am impressed, however, with the similarity be- tween the invention involved in this interference and that set forth in the British patent to Clark (No. 1386 of A. D. 1864), to which the examiners in chief have called my attention and which has also been brought before me by certain motions, and I therefore direct the case of Field to be returned to the primary examiner, who will consider whether the invention covered therein is patentable in view of Clark's patent, taken in con- nection with the other state of the art.” Since the date of that decision I have reconsidered this order, and so far modified it as, instead of remand- ing the application to the primary examiner to refer it to a special committee appointed by me to advise me as to whether the Clark patent was an anticipation of the Field application or of any part thereof, without reference to the condition of the state of the art gener- ally. Such committee has made a full and careful report to me, and I have examined the Clark patent myself, with the aid of this report, and am satisfied that the report is correct and correctly shows the relation between the Clark patent as a reference and Field's ap- plication. I find that claims 1, 2 and 3 of Field's ap- plication are not anticipated by anything shown, de- 468 652 scribed or claimed in the British patent, while the fourth and fifth claims are anticipated thereby. I therefore remand Field's application to the primary examiner with instructions to reject claims 4 and 5 therein, and thereby enable Field to take such steps as he may see proper, either to appeal, amend or cancel. The report of the committee is made part of this order. BENTON J. HALL, Commissioner. March 29, 1889. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, March 20, 1889. HON. BENTON J. HALL, Commissioner of Patents: SIR-In compliance with your instructions of the 11th inst. that we should make a thorough examina- tion of the application of Stephen D. Field (Electric Railways), filed March 10, 1880, Serial No. 4752, in connection with British patent to Clark, No. 1386 of A. D. 1864, and consider the patentability of the in- vention claimed by Field, in view of said British patent and the state of the art, as well as the operativeness of the invention set forth in the British patent, and report our conclusions thereon; your Committee beg leave to submit the following: As to the patentability of the invention claimed by Field in view of the said British patent and the state of the art, it is to be noted, in the first place, that your Committee's understanding of your instructions is not that a complete examination into the novelty of Field's invention, embracing the entire art, is required to be made de novo, but that the subject matter of Field's claims is to be compared with the showing in the Brit- ish patent, and its patentability determined in view of º • 2 - ^ 469 653 such showing, taking in connection there with the known state of the art prior to the date of Field's invention. In order that a clear understanding may be obtained as to the bearing of Clark's construction, as shown and described in his patent, upon that as claimed by Field's, your Committee will compare the elements included in the former with those embraced in the claims of the latter. - The first comparison of Field's claims with the show- ing of the British patent discloses that his claims 2 and 3 are for combinations and constructions not found in the patent. Their subject matter, therefore, is clearly patentable, so far as the latter is concerned. As to claim 1, its elements are as follows: 1. A stationary dynamo-electric generator. 2. A circuit of conductors composed in part of an in- sulated or detached section of the line of rails of a rail- road track. 3. A wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said track. 4. An electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle and included in the circuit. 5. A circuit-controlling device upon the vehicle. The first four elements are found represented in the patent by parts or elements answering to the terms of the claim, while the fifth element is found wanting ; nor does it appear from anything disclosed therein that the patentee contemplated the use thereof. The appli- cation of this missing element, viz., a circuit-controlling device carried upon the vehicle, to the construction shown in the patent, is not an obvious thing, so far as the Committee are aware, even with the knowledge of the present day, and to all appearances would involve a material degree of invention; and, inasmuch as Field is the first inventor to present a combination which includes, so far as your Committee are informed, the circuit-controlling device mounted upon the traveling vehicle, it is considered that he should be held to be entitled to the grant of his 1st claim, notwithstanding that other elements are found in the British patent 470 654 which are the equivalent of Field's devices—the cir- cuit-controlling excepted. Claim 4 of Field embraces: 1. A railway track. 2. One or more stationary dynamo-electric gener- ators. 3. Electrical conductors extending from said gene- rator or generators along the line of said track, and consisting wholly or in part of the rails thereof. 4. Vehicles movable along said track. 5. Electro-dynamo motors upon said vehicles. 6. Wheels supporting said vehicle upon the track, and serving to maintain continuous electrical connec- tion between said generator and motors. The British patent shows: first, a railway track ; second, it refers to a stationary voltaic or magneto- electric generator ; third, it presents electrical con- ductors extending from the generator along the line of the track, and consisting of the rails thereof; fourth, it presents a vehicle movable along the track upon the rails; fifth, an electro-dynamic motor upon said vehicle, and, sixth, wheels supporting the vehicle upon the track, and serving to maintain continuous electrical connection between the generator and the motor. A full anticipation of this claim in all its features is thus presented in the British patent. In this connection it will be noted that the magneto- electric generator of the patent is understood to be embraced by the reference in the claim to a dynamo- electric generator.” Claim 5 embraces: 1. One or more stationary dynamo-electric gener- ators. 2. One or more prime motors for driving the same. 3. A conducting circuit formed wholly or in part of insulated lines of a railway track. 4. A wheeled vehicle movable upon or along said lines of rails. 5. One or more electro-dynamic motors for impelling said vehicle, one pole of said motor or motors being 4.71 655 electrically connected with the stationary generator through one line of conductors, and the other with the other line of conductors, for completing an electric cir- cuit embracing the stationary generator. These elements were all found in the British patent substantially as covered by the said claim 5–the exist- ence of a prime motor for actuating the magneto-elec- tric generator of the patent being the natural inference. The rails of the patent are described as insulated, and the connection of the poles of the electro-dynamic motor upon the vehicle with the conductors in the patent are as is specified in the claim. To sum up, the conclusions reached by your Com- mittee are that claims 1, 2 and 3 of Field's application are not anticipated by what is presented in the British patent; while claims 4 and 5 are met thereby. It may be proper to state that, after a full considera– tion of all the actions taken by the Office in this case, and of the references cited by the primary examiner, as well as those suggested by the board of Examiners in chief, your Committee conceive themselves to be sup- ported in their opinion as to the patentability of claim 1; especially so as to the Board, in one of their de- cisions in this case, sustained a claim which was on appeal before them, and which was identical in its terms with the one in question ; it being observed, however, that Clark's patent was not at that time before them as a reference. - As to the operativeness of the invention set forth in the British patent, it is to be noted that, while the de- vices of said patent may not be of the more recent and approved form, and while, when in use, they may not be quite so satisfactory and entirely successful as those of Field, yet it is not seen that they would not be prac- tically operative for the purpose for which they were designed by the inventor. Sufficient is, however, disclosed, we hold, in the pat- ent to enable any one skilled in the art to make and use the invention of the patentee in the way contem- plated by him. - 4.72 656 It has been urged that the magneto-electric gener- ator described in the patent is inoperative to produce a direct continuous current, but it is considered unnec- essary to go into an extended consideration of the ques- tion as to whether it is or is not. There is no neces- sary connection between such generator and the elec- tro-dynamic motor of the patent, and nothing to show that the patentee regarded their use in combination as essential. Indeed, his specification refers in general terms to the use, in connection with his motor, upon the vehicle to be propelled, of electricity from any voltaic or magneto-electric source, and he also dis- tinctly refers to a continuous current. Obviously, any magneto-electric source of electricity might be utilized with his motor ; and, further, it clearly appears that, with connections established with any suitable gener- ator, his motor would be operative for propelling the vehicle upon which it is mounted. As hereinbefore stated, the motor which the patentee presents may not be quite as satisfactory and success- ful in its operation as motors of more recent origin; but, notwithstanding possible remedial defects, it never- theless remains as a motor operative to a degree. It is to observed that the applicant Field has pre- sented no particular form of motor in his application, but intends to cover by his claims and employ any motor whatever that may prove suitable to the pur- pose. Respectfully submitted, M. SEATON, CHAS. F. RANDALL, Committee. WM. H. BLODGETT, [ENDORSED :] Copy. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 34. Comr. De- cision. Dated March 29, 1889. 473 657 Intf. dec. fav. Field, June 23, 1888. Limit Appeal, July 13, 1888. Extended. Appeal to Board by Green, July 23, 1888. Dec. by Board in fav. Green, Nov. 30, 1888. Appeal to Commissioner by Siemens, Dec. 27, 1888. Q & C & & 4 “ Field, “ 28, “ - c. & 4 & C “ Hall, “ 29, “ Com. Dec. fav. Field, Mar. 6, 1889. Motion to overrule by all remaining parties, Mar. 18, 1889. - - Com. Dec. in fav. Field redeclared, Mar. 29, 1889. r Motion by remaining parties for rehearing, April 3, 1889. |ENDORSED :] S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 35. Mem- orandum. Dated April , 1889. Prepared by , Clerk, for reference. IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS: º: SIR-In the matter of the application of Stephen D. Field for letters patent for Improvements in Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism, filed March 10, 1880, Serial No. 4752, amendment is hereby made as follows: Cancel claims 4 and 5. Very respectfully, STEPHEN D. FIELD, By MARBLE & MASON, - Assoc. Attorneys. Washington, D. C., April 1, 1889. [ENDORSED : } U. S. Patent Office, ! Apr. 1, 1889. S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 36. Amend- ment. Filed Apr. 1, 1889. 474. 658 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-In the matter of the application of Stephen D. Field for letters patent for Improvements in Propelling Railway Cars by Electro-Magnetism, filed March 10, 1880, Serial No. 4752, the following amendments are respectfully submitted : Before the title of the invention, in the preamble to the specification, insert – – Mechanism for. Page 1 of the specification, lines 8, 9, cancel “a method of and apparatus,” and insert – -Unº. Page 2, line 13, cancel “ . First : In,” and insert | first, ind - Page 3, line 3, cancel “. Second : In,” and insert | , second, in Page 3, line 11, cancel “. Third : In,” and insert | , and ºrd, in. Cancel the fourth and fifth clauses of the statement of invention, commencing with line 18, page 3, and ending with line 14, page 4. - 4. Page 3, line 19, cancel “method,” and insertl way. Page 13, line 7, cancel “ another division of this ap- lication,” and insert - D Letters patent granted to me, July 13, 1880, No. 229,991, application filed June 9, 1880. Very respectfully, STEHEN T). FIELD, By MARBLE & MASON, Assoc. Attorneys. Washington, D. C., April 4, 1889. [ENDORSED :] } U. S. Patent Office, Apr. 4, 1889. § U. S. Patent Office, ! Apr. 5, 1889, & Division xxvi. S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 37. Amendment D. Filed Apr. 4, 1889. * * 4.75 s 659 U. S. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C., June 26th, 1889. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS : SIR-The application of S. D. Field (Electric Rail- ways), filed March 10th, 1880, : 4752, is reported to me as ready for allowance, in view of the finding of the Committee to which the case was referred by Commis- sioner's order of March 11th, for consideration of English Patent # 1386 of 1864. This case has never been before me as an Examiner, having been reiecte a former Examiner as long ago h b cted by a former Exami | 9. as 1880, since which it has been before the Board of Examiners in Chief, the Examiner of Interferences and the Commissioner. Upon final adjudication of the in- terference the case was referred to the Committee men- tioned above for consideration of the one remaining reference, instead of being returned to the Primary Examiner as usual. I now ask for instructions as to whether, under the circumstances, I shall sign the file and thus in appear- ance assume responsibility for the case when I have never had it in my charge. The case having been taken from me for some reason of which I have never been informed, it would seem to be reasonable that I should be relieved from any re- sponsibility whatever in connection there with, and that the Committee or some member thereof should com- plete their work by indorsing the file “Examined.” I do not wish to be understood as taking any excep- tion to the finding of the Committee ; I assume that their conclusions were the same as I should have reached myself had the opportunity been given me, but the case has not been examined by me, and my sig- nature upon the file would be misleading and deceptive ; and, if it is your opinion that I should affix my signa- 476. 660 ture to the file wrapper, I desire to place this letter and your instructions in the file to correct any misconcep- tion that might arise. Respectfully, GEO. D. SEELY, Examiner Division XXVI. |ENDORSED :] S. D. Field. Serial No. 4752. Paper No. 38. Ref. to Comr. Dated June 26, 1889. Comrs. Rept. Paper No. 39: I do not think the examiner need feel any hesitation in signing the file in this case. The signing by an examiner does not necessarily imply that he is responsible for the conclusion reached in a given case. It often happens that he is called upon to pass to issue an application in which his find- ing has been expressly overruled by a superior tribunal. In such case it is usual for him to affix his signature as a formal act, leaving the record to show the circum- stances under which he acted. In this case, in which the circumstances are analo- gous to those just stated, the responsibility for the actions in the case is clearly fixed, and the examiner should sign the file as usual. ROBERT J. FISHER, Assistant Commissioner. June 27, 1889. [ENDORSED :] 4752 39 Comr. Rept. June 27, 1889. º º 4.77 661 [2–024 Serial No. 4752. Issue Division. All communications should be addressed to “The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.” DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., June 27", 1889. STEPHEN D. FIELD, Assor., c/o MARBLE & MASON, Asso., City: SIR-Your application for a patent for an Improve- ment in Electric Railways, Filed Mar. 10", 1880, has been examined and allowed. The final fee, twenty dollars, must be paid, and the Letters Patent bear date as of a day not later than six months from the time of this present notice of allow- 8,1] C62. If the final fee is not paid within that period the pat- ent will be withheld, and your only relief will be by a renewal of the application, with additional fees, under the provisions of Section 4897, Revised Statutes. The Office aims to deliver patents upon the day of their date, and on which their term begins to run ; but, to do this properly, applicants will be expected to pay their final fees at least twenty days prior to the conclusion of the six months allowed them by law. The printing, photo-lithographing and engrossing of the several pat- ent parts, preparatory to final signing and sealing, will consume the intervening time, and such work will not be done until after payment of the necessary fees. When you send the final fee you will also send, dis- tinctly and plainly written, the name of the inventor and title of invention as above given, date of allowance 4.78 662 (which is the date of this circular), date of filing, and, if assigned, the names of the assignees. If you desire to have the patent issue to assignees an assignment containing a request to that effect, to- gether with the fee for recording the same, must be filed in this Office on or before the date of payment of final fee. Additional copies of Specifications and Drawings will be charged for at the following rates: Single Copies, uncertified, 25 cents; twenty copies or more, 10 cents each. The money should accompany the order. Very respectfully, C. E. MITCHELL. Commissioner of Patents. [Printed on left-hand margin in red ink: The within title is that given by the Examiner in charge as most appropriate to your invention. Should you desire a change in the same, satisfactory reasons must be given therefor on or before the payment of the final fee.] [Printed diagonally across the face in red ink: [º In remitting the final fee give the serial number at the head of this notice.] - [2–137] MEMORANDUM. FEE PAID AT U. S. PATENT OFFICE. Serial No. 4752. 188 Inventor: Stephen D. Field. Patent to be issued to said Field. Name of invention, as allowed : Mechanism for Pro- pelling Cars by Electro-Magnetism. Date of payment: June 27, 1889. Fee: $20. Solicitors : Marble & Mason. Date of filing: Mach. 10, 1880. -- 470 ~ 663 Date of circular of allowance : June 27, 1889. Send patent to Marble & Mason, City. [ENDORSED : ] U. S. Patent Office, June 27, 1889. 1880 97 4752 No. 407,188. Stephen D. Field, Assor. to David Dudley Field, Trustee for himself, Stephen J. Field, Cyrus W. Field, Henry M. Field and Stephen D. Field. Of New York. County of “ º c State of & 4 & C Propelling Railway Cars by Electric Magnetism. Recd., March 10, 1880. - Petition, & C * @ & C Affidavit, ç ç ç ç ç ç. Specification, & C & c. c. c. Drawing 2 sheets, “ Model not reqd. Cert. dep. Cash, $15, March 10, 1880. Addl. Fee Cert. “ “ Cash, $20, June 27/89. Examined June 27/89, Geo. D. Seely, Exr. Issue J. W. Babson, June 27/89. Patented July 16, 1889. Circular, June 27", 1889. FRANK-Prº-PepH; Asso. F. W. WHITRIDGE, 59 Wall St., New York City. Bºttºwin;-B+ºf+ses—&—PHYAFest; - €ity. - - - - 664 1880. CONTENTS. Application papers. 1. Rejected Mar. 27, 1870. 2. Amdt., Mar. 20/80. 3. Rejected Apr. 7, 1880. 4. Amdt, May 19/80. 4. Letter, June 1", 80. 5. Sub. Spec., June 23/80. 6. Rejected, July 7, 1880. 7. Req. for Recon., July 10/80. 8. 2d Rej., July 24, 1880. 9. Exam. Ans., Aug. 3, 1880. {sº appeal file 10. Exam. Reversed, Sep. 27, 1880. for papers. 11. Dec. 9, 1880. Amendt. “A, B, C.” 12. Rejected, Dec. 18, 1880. 12, May 10, 1880, Power of Atty. 13. Rejection, Jan. 28, 1881. 14. Examiner's Answer, Feb. 14, 1881. ) See appeal 15. Mar. 11, '81, Reaffirmed on *{ file for claim & 3 claim dismissed: papers. 16. Mar. 14, '81, Request of Atty. 17. March 21, 1881, Rej. 18. Mar. 21, 1881, Amendment. 19. Mar. 22, 1881, Letter. 20. July 12, 1881, Letter. 21. “ 21, “ Sub. Specification. 22. Interference x 213,204, Aug. 6, 1881. 23. Letter, Aug. 6, 1881. 24. June 25, '84, x favor Field. 24 May 28, '85, Letter. 25. May 19, '85, Letter. 26. May 20, '85, Letter. - 481 665 TITLE: Electric Railways. 36 Electricity- Motors. r 172 Electricity. Motive Power. Locomotion. SERIAL NUMBER: 1887. 4752 4172 Addl. file. Book: 71 Patent No. Stephen D. Field, Of County of State of Invention - rº ~ # | Petition, 188 5 Affidavit # \ Specification := ) Drawing 3. Model º Specimen ‘5 First fee Cash 3 “ “ Cert. # App. filed complete Mch. 10, 1880. Examined, Countersigned : - For Commissioner. Notice of allowance, 188 Final fee Cash, 188 & ſº “. Cert., 188 Patented, 188 - Atty. or P. O. address, Fredk. W. Whitridge, 59 Wall St., N. Y. Asso. Marble & Mason. -— 482 666 1887. CONTENTS. Application papers. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Jan. 18, '86, x Siemens and Hall. ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ X Hall. June 18, '86, Green added to x Hall. July 13, “ C & “ to x Siemens and Hall. April 29, '87, Power. * “ “ Assoc, power. March 11, '89, Com. Order. “ 29, “ “ Decision. April “ Memorandum. “ 1, '89, Amendment. * . 4, - a - “. D. Jan. 26/89, Letter to Commr. “ 27, “ Comr. Rept. TITLE: Improvement in A. M. P. M. P. H. - [ENDORSED :] 1903, D/91. 11,869, D/91. -- * - 4S5 f 667 Defendant’s Exhibit, Thurston Letter. PROVIDENCE, Jan. 23, 1890. MAJOR S. B. EATON : MY DEAR SIR-I enclose here with my opinion on the Field patent to you, as requested, which kindly hand to Mr. Villard. The shortness of the opinion does not at all correspond with the length of time which I have been compelled to devote to the matter in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Take it all in all, it is the worst patent that I ever had to deal with to extract therefrom its meaning. I am satisfied, however, that I have reached a sound conclusion, and that, while it is very well that the Edison General Electric Co. should own the patent as fencing stuff, no large price should be paid for it. I have sent to you by express the report of Mr. Whitman to Mr. Villard received from you. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the papers. Truly yours, B. F. THURSTON. Defendant's Exhibit Opinion of Mr. B. F. Thurston on Patent in Suit. PROVIDENCE, Jan. 21, 1890. HENRY WILLARD, Pres’t, Edison General Electric Co.: DEAR SIR-The subject which has been submitted to me for an opinion is the scope of the letters patent granted to Stephen D. Field, No. 407,188, dated July 16, 1889, for an Electric Railway; the extent to which the invention, as set forth in the claims, is limited by the art existing at the date of his patent ; and whether the patent, probably, represents a property in in- vention which it would be necessary for a company º 484. 668 engaged in installing electric-railway plants to acquire as a protection for its own business, or desirable to have as an important weapon of attack against rivals. I have most carefully studied the patent in the effort to reach a satisfactory conclusion as to the true inter- pretation of its first claim, which, obviously, was in- tended to be the broadest statement of the invention. The patent contains three claims, and I have reached the following conclusions: 1. The first claim, in my opinion, is of doubtful validity, for ambiguity, for irreconcilability with the specification, and for unintelligibility. 2. If the most favorable construction be sought to be given to it, on the theory that the Patent Office in fact, as the result of the interference proceeding had between Field, Sie- mens, Hall and Greene, intended to hold that Field was in fact the first person to make the combination in an electric railway consisting of a stationary dynamo electric generator, a circuit of conductors leading out from and back to the same, one of which conductors at least is insulated from the ground, and the two insulated from each other, a railroad track, a wheeled vehicle movable on said track, and an electro- magnetic motor mounted on the movable vehicle, but included in the circuit of conductors, and a circuit-con- trolling device on the vehicle, then, in my opinion, the said first claim has not the proper phraseology to sup- port this statement of invention, and if the claim were consistently phrased it would be invalid on account of exhibiting no invention in view of the facts in the art of applied electricity known prior to the Field invention. 3. The second claim of the patent, in my opinion, is good for the limited and special combination therein recited. 4. The third claim, in my opinion, is invalid for want of invention in view of the prior known art. My reasons are as follows: The first claim of the patent is in the words: “The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of -2. º - -- * 485 669 a stationary dynamo electric generator driven by a suitable motor, a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track, a wheeled vehicle º moving upon or along said insulated section of -" track, an electro-magnetic motor mounted upon said vehicle for propelling the same, and included in said circuit of conductors, and a circuit controlling de- vice placed upon said vehicle.” The claim will be intelligible as a statement of a com- bination, provided a meaning consistent with the speci- fication and the drawings can be given to the words of requirement for the conductors, “ composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a failroad track,” upon or along which insulated section of track the vehicle is required by the claim to be mov- able. No one of all the several theories of interpreta- tion which the imagination can suggest is entirely con- sistent with the specification, or free from serious ob- jection. The one least repugnant to the specification will state a combination which, if not invalid for want of statement of a patentable subject, is of small com- mercial value. I infer that the want of fitness of the said first claim to the specification finds its best explanation in the fact that when the specification was first filed it con- tained a statement of invention to the effect that one or both of the rails of the railroad track were to be ar- ranged in insulated or detached sections, forming a cir- cuit electrically connected with a stationary generator, so that one rail of the line forms a portion (and, as I understand from the language, the plus side) of the con- ductor between the generator and the motor on the car, The claim was very nearly in the language of the pres- ent claim 1 of the patent, and such claim and the state- ment in the specification were consistent on the - * theory that one of the traffic rails was to conduct the current to the motor, and the return, or minus path, was to be through the other rail. Much support is given to this view from a reference to Field's caveat of 486 670 May 21, 1879, which is a clear statement that he con- templated connecting the positive and the negative poles of the dynamo with the track rails, respectively, and insulating the wheels on one side of the car from their axles. - This support for the claim as originally filed was stricken out when, after rejection on references by the Patent Office, a substitute specification was filed cor- responding substantially with the specification of the patent, but the claim was not correspondingly modified. The original application, also, in the statement of the matters which the invention comprehended, said, in effect, that the traffic rails might be used for the minus conductor, and that the plus conductor might be an in- sulated bar or strap. It was this latter subject only that survived in the patent after the amendment to the specification above mentioned, and hence the repug- nancy which arises between a claim (tolerably intel- ligible when explained by the stricken out statement of invention) and the other, or retained, subject of inven- tion. The words, “a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track,” occurring in the claim of the patent, must mean, when read with the specification, the minus side of the circuit ; while the words, “a circuit of conductors composed in part of an insulated or detached section of the 'rail or rails of a railway track,” in the original appli- cation, most probably mean, when read with the part subsequently eliminated from the specification, the plus side of the circuit. This interpretation of the eliminated portion of the specification and claim 1, as originally filed, is not wholly satisfactory, but I consider that it is the most reasonable interpretation, especially in the light of the Field caveat. I have no doubt that the words “insu- lated or detached sections,” occurring in the portion of the specification subsequently stricken out, mean that the line of rails was to be divided into sections, and - - 487 2- 671 that a dynamo was to give current to each section; but the words next following, “ and electrically con- necting the sections with the stationary generator,” &c., indicate to my mind, a purpose to use the rails for all that portion of the circuit not included between the dynamo and the rails. True, nothing is said about in- sulating one of the rails from the ground, but the words “electrically connected "imply this. I have no reason to doubt that Field started to make his application on the basis of his caveat, which most certainly is a rail circuit, but concluded on reflection to confine his ap- plication to a system using an independent and insu- lated third rail or strap as a conductor for one side of the circuit, and the rails, or one of them, for the other side of the circuit. His testimony in the interference proceedings, as well as that of Mr. Pope, is instructive, at least, on the fact that the patent is not at all for an all-rail circuit, but requires an independent in- sulated conductor. Field testified (p. 30), when ex- amined as to the relation between his caveat and the application, that he considered that the caveat governed the rail method perfectly well, and that his time had been occupied with prosecuting the application for the patent which does not include a circuit of rails, and he recognizes in express terms that the caveat was descriptive of a circuit in which the current went to the motor through one of the traffic rails, and returned by the other traffic rail, but that such system was not com- prehended by the present patent, which contemplated the employment of a third rail for the plus side of the circuit, independent of the tracks. He emphasizes this statement in his answer to cross-question 111 and declares that if it had not been for this interference, he should have gone on with an application based upon the system described in the caveat, and that the inven- tion which is described in the patent involved a detached conductor circuit. Mr. Pope, the solicitor of Field, who drew the application, says expressly that the application in interference which resulted in the present Field Patent | 488 672 does not show any system by which the traffic rail or rails of the track upon which the vehicle moves can be used as a conductor of electricity from the generator to the motor without the presence of a third rail; and he in terms admits that the system described in the caveat differs from the system embodied in the patent in this, that in the caveat the traffic rails are for con- ducting electricity to and from the motor, whereas in the application the two traffic rails are not so used, but a third rail is employed as a conductor from the gener- ator to the motor. - I infer from this testimony that Field concluded to put into the patent only the third rail modification, and leave his caveat on file, with a purpose, perhaps, of undertaking at some future time to cover the all-rail ircuit idea. This examination into the proceedings before the Patent Office enables me to advance one step in as- certaining the meaning of the first claim of the patent, because it settles beyond question that the words “an insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track,” occurring in the claim, mean only the minus side of the circuit, and form no part of the circuit leading from the generator to the car motor. I am satisfied, after a critical study of the specifica- tion that the invention recited in the first claim is limited to a railway track which is composed of sections; that is to say, the line of track is divided into portions which are detached from each other, and that a dynamo is required to be combined with each section of such track. The dynamo electric generator shown in the drawings of the patent is what is known as a series dynamo, and would be capable of use with arc lights arranged only in series and not in multiple arc. The characteristic of such series wound dynamo is that the current is constant, and the electro-motive force is variable. It would follow from this, that when a second car entered upon one of the sections, the result would be that the current from the generator would be divided between the two cars, and both cars *T 2 - * 4.89 2. 673 would be reduced in speed. The patent so states, and it will be noticed that the paragraph containing the statement speaks of the system described in the patent as a distinctive method of operating an electric railway which possesses the advantage of security against collisions. The paragraph to which I refer is as fol- lows : “It will be observed that this method of operating a railway may be made to furnish absolute security against collisions. In case one car is following another upon the same line of track, and by failing to observe signals, or by the accidental stoppage of the forward car, the hind most one should attempt to enter upon the same section, the current from the generator will be divided between the two cars, and the speed of each will be greatly reduced thereby ; but by stopping the hind most car, by putting its lever in mid-gear, the full power of the generator will act upon the forward car and propel it rapidly to the next section.” The only apparatus described in the patent is one in which that portion of the circuit leading from the dynamo to the motor is an insulated rod or strap, and the other side of the circuit is made up of a rail, or, what is the same thing, the hollow iron girder which contains the insulated strap or rail. In that part of the specification which describes the operation of the apparatus, the language occurs, “Premising by stating that the line of railway is to be divided into sections, preferably of a length equal to the distance which it is desired to preserve between successive cars, or trains of cars, moving upon the same track.” This is consistent with the other parts of the specification on the same subject, and confirms me in the view that the “insulated or detached section of the line of rails of a railroad track’ mean nothing more than a section of the main line. It is certain that neither of the rails is insulated from the ground. The drawings show this fact, and the specification does not state otherwise. I, therefore, give to the word “insul- ated '' the same meaning that I give to the word 674 “ detached,” and consider them synonyms, and that the two words mean merely that one section of the track is to be separated by a short distance from the adjacent section. It is very clear that such separation of one section of the track from another section would not affect the insulation of the section from the ground, and any current sent over one of the sections would jump the gap of separation through the earth as a con- ductor. This confirms me in the conclusion that not only in the system described in the patent must the railway track be divided into sections, but that there must be a dynamo specially appropriated to each section. Now, there is nothing said in the patent that the insulated strap or conductor must be of the same length as the section and be detached from the strap of the next section, as is absolutely neces- sary under the system shown, but I make no special point of this, and will assume that it would be a part of the common knowledge, at the date of the application, of electricians, to divide the insulated con- ductor into sections corresponding with the division of the rails into sections. There is one paragraph in the specification which leads to some confusion and illustrates the general character of the whole specification as an instrument most difficult to give any certain meaning to. That passage is this : “ The arrangement of the circuits may be in many cases altered with advantage, by connecting the wire m to the wheels and axles of the car, and dis- pensing with the spring, in which case the rail B of the track may be utilized as one conductor, as hereinbefore set forth. A still better arrangement is that of con- necting the wire m both with the spring M and the axles and wheels of the car, and the corresponding conductor leading from the generator with both the rail B' and the girder D. This is especially applicable when the latter are combined together in the manner shown in figure 6, and is in most cases to be preferred to the one previously described.” I fancy that this paragraph was written when it was 491 675 the purpose of Field to base the invention in the ap- plication upon the all-rail circuit set forth in the caveat, as well also as the modification which consists in em- ploying a third insulated wire or strap as a conductor, and that, when he changed his purpose and concluded to limit his patent only to the modification, there was an omission to modify or change this paragraph. The first portion of the paragraph is intelligible enough, be- cause it is obvious that, if the wire ºn be connected to the wheels and axles, it will not be indispensably necessary to use the spring M which is in combination with the girder and conducts the minus side of the circuit back to the generator, but it is difficult to understand what the latter portion of the paragraph means. As it seems to me, if the wire ºn were connected with the spring M, and also with the axles and wheels of the car, and also the corresponding conductor (carrying the plus side of the circuit) leading from the generator, with both the rail B' and the girder D, it would neces- sarily follow that there would be no circuit, for the reason that both the outgoing and the return current would be through the same rail. I am therefore of the opinion that the only reason- able construction that can be put upon the first claim of the patent is that it consists of the following elements in combination : 1. A stationary dynamo electric generator driven by a suitable motor ; - 2. A circuit of conductors composed, so far as the re- turn path is concerned, of a section of the line of rails - of the railroad track detached from the next adjacent sections; 3. An independent insulated rail or strap for con- veying the current from the generator to the motor, to be supplied by intendment in order to make an operative apparatus; 4. A dynamo electric machine appropriate to each section of the track, the circuit of each section to be independent of the circuit of every other 4.92 676 section, this element to be supplied by intendment to be consistent with the specification. 5. An electro-magnetic motor, mounted upon the car and inclined in the circuit of the particular section over which it is moving. 6. A circuit-controlling device placed upon the ve- hicle. Under this construction of the claim, which is in ac- cord with the doctrine of the Supreme Court in Hendy vs. Miners’ Iron Works, 127 U. S., 375; Fay vs. Cordes- man, 109 U. S., 408; Sargent vs. Hall, 114 U. S., 63; Shepard vs. Carrigan, 116 U. S., 593; White vs. Dun- bar, 119 U. S., 47; Crawford vs. Keysinger, 123 U. S., 589, inasmuch as all elements or devices necessary to embody the invention as set forth in the specification are to be construed into the claim, notwithstanding that they are not mentioned specifically therein, it would logically follow that no system of electrical railways now in use with which I am acquainted would infringe the first claim. While I am satisfied that I have reached the right construction of the claim, I will assume that it will be contended that it ought to be construed broadly for a combination of a dynamo-electric generator, an insu- luated wire or strap conductor, a rail or rails of a track, and an electro-magnetic motor on the vehicle, included in said circuit of conductors so composed of an insu- lated strap or wire for one side, and the rail or rails for the other side, and a circuit-controlling device, and that under this construction the overhead conducting wire systems of electric railways would be claimed an infringement. The defense to the claim, under such supposition, would be that all the elements of the claim are absolutely old in the art in combina- tion with each other, save only the last element of the circuit-controlling device, and that this last-named element is in itself individually old, and also, in com- bination with the first four elements of the claim, a controlling device in the sense of a make and break has been employed. The question would then be, whether º º 493 ſ 677 it constituted any invention to introduce an individu- ally old circuit-controlling device, capable not only of breaking a circuit, but of inducing a forward or back- ward movement to the car, into an old combination of a generator and conductors. In my opinion, under the case stated, no invention: would be exhibited, but only the exercise of ordinary intelligent judgment and mechanical skill. There is no doubt that all the elements of the claim, with the exception of the last, were old in the art at the date of the application for the Field Patent in combina- tion with each other. This not only appears from the British Patent to Clarke, No. 1386 of 1884, and the Pincus Patent, No. 8644 of 1840, but Field himself recognized that the elements themselves, and their combination with each other, were old, because the Patent Office authoritatively so found the fact to be, and Field amended his application by canceling claims covering that combination which he introduced for the purposes of the interference had with Siemens, Hall and Green, after such decision had been made. It is evident that Field does not intend to confine himself in his claim to his par- ticular form of circuit controller. This he carved out of the application and took a separate patent, No. 229,- 991, therefor. He intends to include any and all cir- cuit controllers, whether of his specific type or not, which will accomplish the breaking of a circuit, effect a forward movement to the car, or a backward move- ment at will. Inasmuch as circuit controllers having this same capacity were known prior to his application, I do not consider that placing such a circuit controller upon a car, in place of the simple make-and-break cir- cuit controller, would amount to the exercise of inven- tion. I am aware that this question was directly raised in the Patent Office upon a review of the decis- ion of the primary examiner, and that the Board of Examiners-in-chief held that this additional element in the combination was something more than an instance of double use and involved the exercise of invention. 494. 678 This finding, however, does not modify my conclusion In the light of repeated decisions of the Supreme Court giving the rules as to what does constitute an instance of want of invention or of double use of known things, I am of the opinion that no invention is exhibited under the facts as they are admitted to be. The second claim of the patent is for the special combination of a railway carriage propelled by an elec- tro-magnetic motor mounted thereon, a continuous hol- low chamber enclosing an insulated electric conductor, and provided with a longitudinal slot to permit the entrance of an arm projecting from said carriage, so as to form a traveling electrical connection with the insu- lated conductor. So far as any prior art has been submitted to me bearing upon this claim, I find nothing which destroys its validity. In order to infringe it, it is necessary to have a continuous hollow chamber inside of which there shall be an insulated electric conductor. Further- more, I regard that the other elements which I have referred to as being necessarily contained by intend- ment in the first claim are to be found by intendment in this second claim ; that is to say, the line of railway is to be divided into sections, and a dynamo is to be electrically connected with each section. So far as I am aware, no electric railway system employs this con- duit. While I have said that I regard that the better view is that this second claim should be construed, with respect to the division of the track into sections, in the same manner that the first claim is required by its terms to be, I will assume it to be possible that this limitation shall not be imposed upon the claim, and that therefore a railway which was not divided into sections, but which employed the modern dynamo having a constant electro-motive force and variable current, would infringe this claim, provided the wire leading from the dynamo to the motor were carried by the conduit and insulated therein. It is possible that the conduit system may be revived, in which case this claim would possess some value, because it seems to º º 4.95 sº 679 me that the arrangement shown by Field at figures 2 and 6 is very convenient. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that it is possible that municipalities will at no distant day suppress the overhead system, and that a return to the conduit system will be necessary. In such event the hollow conduit with its contained insulated wire or strap to form one side of the circuit, and the spring M in connection with the conduit for the other side of the circuit would be useful. So, also, under the favorable construction possible for the claim, the rail itself could be utilized for the return portion of the circuit. I consider this claim of more commercial value by far than the first, but obviously its value will depend upon the contingency that electric railway systems will be compelled to employ a conduit system. The com- mercial value of this apparatus specified in the second claim, will depend largely upon the advice which you shall receive from the electricians of your company as to whether a probably preferred conduit system would employ it or not. - The third claim of the patent is for the combination of an electro-magnetic motor on a car with the driving wheels, by means of the driving belt. I consider this claim absolutely deficient in patentable quality. In fact, it was so decided by the Patent Office, and though in the subsequent proceedings this decision was over- looked and the claim allowed to stand, it is clear to my mind that there can be no invention in combining an electro-motor with the thing which is to be driven by means of a belt. The analogies are too abundant in the mechanic arts of the connection of motors of all kinds with the machinery which they drive by means of belts, the only advantage of which, in distinction from gears, is that they allow a certain slip of the belt over the pulley of the machinery to be driven, so that the speed of the driver in starting is not to the full ex- tent communicated to the driven. Very respectfully, B. F. THURSTON. , , ,