Her Marlº Mºiſillumiſſil Walt SUD0Cs COLLECTION Pºlilº Hº |iſºmºn |-ing ºf |ſing Missiſm – FERC's Enforcement Hotline staff will D- address any question or complaint related to activities or organizations under FERC jurisdiction. This purview includes issues related to natural gas, electricity, hydroelectric operations and oil pipelines. These issues may range from landowner vs. pipeline disputes to potentially inappropriate market practices. Calls Classified by Industry Type Gas Oil — Other — - Electric Hydroelectric When appropriate, the Hotline becomes an informal dispute resolution process to resolve complaints without litigation or other formal, lengthy proceedings. Complaints vs. Information Requests – Informal Complaints Information Requests In Hal The purpose of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Office of Market Oversight and Investigations is to provide vigilant oversight and vigorous enforcement of proper market rules to ensure that dependable, affordable and competitive energy markets will benefit customers and other market participants. Role of the Hotline The Enforcement Hotline provides a tool for business executives and the public to ask about market activities or transactions that may be an abuse of market power, an abuse of an affiliate relationship or a violation of tariffs or other FERC requirements. Character of Calls Procedure Other –Hydro Landowner – – Market Oriented The Enforcement Hotline started operation in 1987. That first year, it had 43 calls. Our goal since 1987 has been to expand the presence of the Hotline in the business community. Today, the Hotline draws about 600 calls a year. lig miling Pºss- The Hotline often is the first step D- in filing complaints, starting informally with a process that can be handled quickly and confidentially. STEP ONE: Contact the Hotline by e-mail (hotline®ferc.gov) or by telephone: - Toll-Free Phone: 1-888–889–8030 - Local Washington, D.C., Phone: (202) 502–8390 The Hotline is staffed during East Coast business hours, Monday through Friday. At other times, leave a message and someone will get back to you the morning of the next business day. STEP TWO: Describe your question or com- plaint to an attorney on the Enforcement staff of the Office of Market Oversight and Investigations (OMOI). STEP THREE: The attorney will then informally and expeditiously address your matter. Procedural Information * Hotline advice is informal and not binding on the Commission * All Hotline matters are treated confidentially— calls also may be anonymous. * Matters are addressed expeditiously * As warranted, some matters may be referred to the OMO Division of Enforcement for investigation Hulling lºſivities - The Hotline has helped to identify D- market abuse, clarify procedural ques- tions, prevent natural gas pipeline companies from terminating transportation services, resolve tariff disputes, aid landowners whose property was damaged by pipeline construc- tion and obtain transmission service for wholesale marketers of electricity. Its role is growing with increased activity in the competitive markets for natural gas and electricity. Other Examples of Hotline Matters * Complaints about bidding anomalies - Price spikes * Inappropriate use of financial instruments * Fluctuations in available capacity on electric transmission lines and natural gas pipelines |- Interconnection discrimination - Improper market affiliate transactions When Hotline Will Not intervene - Disputes involving compensation or easement agreements between landowners and natural gas pipelines * Matters before the Commission in docketed proceedings * Matters purely involving retail sales and service that should be raised with state public utility commissions VIII. Hillſ. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Enforcement Hotline pro- vides an opportunity for energy professionals to help monitor their own industry. The toll- free Hotline (1-888–889–8030) is staffed to ensure that questions, comments, complaints and tips from the public are handled expeditiously. * .. - - - - -- sº. If FERC is the cop on the beat, your role is to be the energy market's Neighborhood Watch. FERC invites you to help clean up the neighborhood by being the stewards of wise and acceptable energy marketplace practices. . - . ſerºgm UNI RSITY OF MICHIG VE iii. O 61 8543 14 3 9015