D 301 - 6/8: 32 - 2 colº O!!2}~p → Cº. - AIR FORCE HANDBOOK 32–2005 15 July 2009 LIBRARIES APR 15 2010 DEPOSITED BY F AME BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE HANDBOOK 32–2005 SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE 15 July 2009 Operations FIREFIGHTING GUIDE FOR CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS ACCESSIBILITY: Publications are available on the e-Publishing website at www.e-publishing.af.mil for downloading or ordering. RELEASIBILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication. OPR: HQ AFCESA/CC Certified by: HQ AF/A7C (MGen Del Eulberg) Pages: 110 This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 10-2, Readi- ness. It establishes guidance for the operations of the Fire Emergency Services (FES) flight during contingency operations. It outlines the basic procedures and guidelines to ensure the survivability of all firefighting resources during conflict. It applies to Air Force firefighters at all levels, including Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) units. Refer recom- mended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Information Management Tool (IMT) 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF IMT 847s from the field through Major Command (MAJCOM) publications/forms managers. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publica- tion are maintained in accordance with (IAW) Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of IAW Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located at https://www.my.af.mil/gcss-afó1a/afrims/afrimsl. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, com- modity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 3 Chapter 1—SCOPE. .................................................................................. 9 1.1. General.….. 9 12. Mission. … 9 1.3. Contingency Firefighting................................................................ 9 1.4. Limiting Factors (LIMFACS). ........................................................ 10 Chapter 2—RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPPORT. .............................. 12 2.1. Installation Commanders................................................................. 12 2.2. Transportation.......................... * 9 @ s tº s g º q as g º 'º e g g g e g g g tº g º p tº g g g g g g g g tº e g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 12 2.3. Supply, Contracting and Supply Functions..................................... 12 24. Services. … 12 2.5. Personnel Support for Contingency Operations (PERSCO). .......... 13 2.6. Communications. ............................................................................ 13 2.7. Security Forces................................................................................ 13 2.8. Civil Engineers (CE)....................................................................... 13 29. Fuels.…. 13 2.10. Unit Control Centers (UCC).......................................................... 14 2.11. Contingency Response Group Element (CRGE)........................... 14 2.12. Base Operations (Airfield Management). s e g º ºs s = a s gº e g º gº ºs e º a g g g g gº tº a g g º ſº tº tº º te tº º ſº º 14 Chapter 3—PLANNING GUIDANCE. 15 3.1. Introduction........................................… 15 3.2. Force Packages................................................................................ 15 3.3. Vehicles and Equipment.................................................................. 16 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 4 Table 3.1. FES Core Vehicles. .................................................................... | 7 Table 3.2. Aircraft Category Matrix............................................................ 17 3.4. Operational Risk Management (ORM)........................................... 18 Table 3.3. Risk Decision Matrix.................................................................. 19 Chapter 4—INSTALLATION FIREFIGHTING PLAN......................... 21 4.1. Introduction..................................................................................... 20 4.2. Planning Period............................................................................... 20 4.3. Chain of Command. ........................................................................ 20 44. Intelligence....................................................................... e s s = e s e s e e s - s • s 20 4.5. Firefighter Safety and Health.......................................................... 22 4.6. Long Term Planning........................................................................ 22 4.7. Plans.…. 22 4.8. Attack Preparation Period. .............................................................. 23 4.9. Attack Response Period. ................................................................. 28 4.10. Attack Recovery Period. ............................................................... 29 4.11. Administration and Logistics........................................................ 32 Chapter 5–JFIRE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (CONOPS)............ 33 5.1. General.............…. 33 5.2. Concepts.…. 33 5.3. Procedures....................................................................................... 34 5.4. Work-Rest Cycles (WRC)............................................................... 34 Chapter 6—CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE AND DECONTAMINATION. 35 6.2. Detection......................................................…. 35 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 5 6.3. Operational Decontamination.......................................................... 35 Table 6.1. Suggested Decontamination Materials for Dispersal Sites......... 35 6.4. Barrier Material............................................................................... 36 Chapter 7—DISPERSAL SITE PROCEDURES..................................... 37 7.1. General.…. 37 7.2. Dispersal Site Procedures................................................................ 37 7.3. General Considerations................................................................... 37 Chapter 8—HEAT EXHAUSTION AND WRCS. ................................... 38 8.1. Introduction..…......….......... 38 8.2. Responsibilities. .............................................................................. 38 83. Terms. … 38 8.4. Heat Illness Prevention.................................................................... 39 Table 8.1. Heat Stress Index........................................................................ 40 8.5 WRC...…. 41 Table 8.2. WRC Guidelines......................................................................... 42 Chapter 9–FIRE RESPONSE DURING ALARM CONDITIONS....... 43 9.1. General.…. 43 92. Alarm Yellow.................................................................................. 43 9.3. Alarm Red/Blue. ............................................................................. 43 94. Alarm Black.................................................…. 44 9.5. Observing Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP)............... 46 Chapter 10–VEHICLE OPERATIONS. 47 10.1. General......…. 47 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 6 10.2. Daily Maintenance........................................................................ 47 10.3. Agent Resupply............................................................................. 47 104. Water Resupply............................................................................. 47 10.5. Safety. … 47 10.6. Efficiency.…....... 48 10.7. Vehicle Maintenance, Repair and Refueling................................. 48 10.8. Vehicle Kits................................................................................... 48 Chapter 11—FIRE CONTROL CENTER OPERATIONS. ................... 49 11.1. General..…. 49 11.2: Personnel.…. 49 11.3. Status Boards................................................................................. 49 11.4. Visual Aid Board........................................................................... 49 11.5. Maps..….. 49 11.6. Communication Equipment........................................................... 50 11.7. Log Book.…. 50 Chapter 12—RADIO PROCEDURE AND DISCIPLINE....................... 51 12.1. General.…..........…..........…. 5] 12.2. Transmissions................................................................................ 51 12.3. Authentication Matrix. .................................................................. 51 124. Duress Signal. ............................................................................... 51 12.5. Discipline. … 51 Chapter 13—SELF CONTAINED BREATHINGAPPARATUS AIR SUPPLY. 52 13.1. General.....…. 52 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 7 13.2. Refilling. ….......................... 52 13.3. Decontamination........................................................................... 52 13.4. Breathing Air Re-Servicing........................................................... 52 Chapter 14—INSTALLATION UTILITY OUTAGES........................... 53 14.1. General.…. 53 14.2. Water.…............ 53 14.3. Sewage. …........................................................... 53 144. Telephone...................................................................................... 53 14.5. Gas. … 53 146. Electric. … 53 14.7. Radio Service. ............................................................................... 53 Chapter 15-CONTINGENCY FIRE PREVENTION. 54 15.1 General. … 54 5.2. Standards Compliance............................................................................ 54 15.3. Engineering Reviews............................................................................ 54 15.4. Reference Material............................................................................... 54 Chapter 16–INFORMATION COLLECTION, RECORDS, AND FORMS. 55 16.1. Information Collections........................................................................ 55 16.2. Records..............................................…. 55 Attachment 1—GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION. 56 Attachment 2–SAMPLE DISPERSAL LOCATION CHECKLIST..... 60 Attachment 3–SAMPLE AUTHENTICATION MATRIX.................... 62 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 8 Attachment 4 SAMPLE TENT CITY FIRE SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST. 63 Attachment 5–SAMPLE MUNITIONS STORAGE AREAS SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST. 67 Attachment 6–SAMPLE FUELS STORAGE AREAS SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST...... 69 Attachment 7–FIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES GUIDE FOR AUXILIARY FIREFIGHTING TEAMS. 71 Attachment 8–GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION AND REPORTING PROCEDURES.............................................................. 73 Attachment 9–SAMPLE OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS.................. 75 Attachment 10–FES UTC MISCAPS. .................................................. 103 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 9 Chapter 1 SCOPE 1.1. General. This handbook explains doctrine and procedures to guide com- manders and FES personnel at all levels in protecting mission resources dur- ing contingencies. These contingencies may include but are not limited too; major combat operations, humanitarian relief operations, responses to man- made or natural disasters, etc. These operations may occur at bare bases, for- ward operating locations, co-located bases, or aerial ports. 1.2. Mission. The Air Force FES mission is to prevent fires, minimize injuries and loss of life and property, and alleviate negative impact to the environment occurring in periods of peace, war, and humanitarian support operations. In- cluded are both man-made and natural incidents; fire suppression and hazard mitigation, rescue, mitigation or containment of releases of hazardous mate- rials (HAZMAT), such as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high- yield explosive (CBRNE) agents, resulting from industrial accidents, terror- ism, or weapons of mass destruction (WMD); and emergency medical sup- port. 1.3. Contingency Firefighting. During contingency operations, firefighting forces are the primary installation emergency response team and are responsi- ble for supporting the commander’s primary requirement to launch and recov- er sorties. To meet this requirement, FES operations may differ from normal peacetime operations. The information contained herein will assist command- ers and firefighters in understanding the risks and calculated assessments re- quired to sustain the contingency FES mission. Typical contingency manpow- er and resources are based on the War Mobilization Plan, Volume 1 (WMP-1), CE Supplement, Appendix 5 (for wartime planning), or AFPAM 32-2004, Aircraft Fire Protection for Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), (short duration operations generally less than 120 days). Note: The primary contingency FES mission is to support sortie generation; protecting critical, high priority components supporting the flying mission is secondary. Deci- sion-makers at all levels must be informed when FES resources or capabilities are below standard requirements, including reduced manning, vehicle, equip- ment, and agent levels. Since home station FES resources are shared to Sup- AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 10 port contingency operations, risk management must be employed more ag- gressively due to the reduced FES resources at both home stations and contin- gency locations. Additional risk is expected at both locations. 1.4. LIMFACS. Firefighters may have limited capabilities or resources during contingency operations (especially during initial stages of a deployment). The amount of resources common to peacetime operations, such as manpower, Vehicles, agents and equipment, may not be available. 1.4.1. UTCs do not exist separately for training, logistics, Fire Alarm Com- munications Center (FACC), or extinguisher maintenance. These functions may be performed by shift personnel as additional duties during contingen- cies. Additionally, unique contingency tasks such as security, shelter man- agement and Contamination Control Area (CCA) operations will also be the responsibility of shift personnel until follow-on forces arrive. Fire chiefs must prioritize the functions of the flight during risk assessment so sortie support is not compromised during the initial stages of a deployment. 1.4.2. Emergency response capability is greatly reduced when operating in the Joint Firefighter Integrated Response Ensemble (JFIRE) due to the ensemble placing additional physical burdens on the firefighter. Physical challenges related to JFIRE include increased weight, thermal burden, increased difficul- ty breathing through the C-2 canister, the need for increased work-rest cycles (WRC) and rehabilitation difficulties after an emergency response. These LIMFACS must be considered during emergency operations. Expectations from firefighters must be reduced and a focus on protecting only the highest priority resources. 1.4.3. Lack of adequate water supply will limit FES capability. 1.4.4. Fire vehicles carry required fire fighting agents and firefighters to the scene of the fire. Reductions in vehicles diminish response capability. 1.4.5. FES resources will be vulnerable to attack until splinter protection, har- dening and contamination avoidance measures are in place. This includes re- sources such as fire facilities, vehicles, communications equipment, personnel, rescue equipment, extinguishing agents and personal protective equipment (PPE). AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 11 1.4.6. Limited supplies of extinguishing agents (Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), dry chemical, and water) will hinder or prevent operations to extin- guish fires involving petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) tanks or aircraft. 1.4.7. Enemy attack may include CBRNE or ground attack by enemy forces. Consequently, unexploded ordnance (UXO) can delay fire response. The se- nior fire officer (SFO) must ensure UXOs blocking access to mission essential assets are cleared by explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel as soon as possible. In this environment, firefighters must perform explosive ordnance reconnaissance (EOR) after an attack and during responses that will cause delays. These delays may allow fires to progress prior to FES arrival, increas- ing the need for larger amounts of firefighting agents. If appropriate, the SFO may allow some fires to burn to save resources for higher priorities or to avoid unreasonable risk to firefighters. 1.4.8. The absence of armored firefighting vehicles limits responses to areas inside the fence in hostile environments where attacks “outside the wire” are expected. Responses outside the wire will only occur with approval of the installation commander and follow guidelines established for such responses. Procedures for outside the wire operations must be prepared and approved at the beginning of operations. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 12 Chapter 2 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPPORT 2.1. Installation Commander. Installation commanders will establish and execute comprehensive installation FES programs. These programs execute Department of Defense Instructions (DODI) 6055.06, DoD Fire and Emer- gency Services (FES) Program, DODI 6055.6-M, DoD Fire and Emergency Services Certification Program, AFPD 32–20, Fire Emergency Services, and AFI 32-2001, Fire Emergency Services Program. 2.2. Transportation. The SFO will submit requests to: 2.2.1. Provide fire vehicle mechanics. 2.2.2. Accomplish fire vehicle repairs in fire station or dispersal locations. 2.2.3. Provide replacement fire vehicles and parts as required. Replacement parts receive the highest force activity designator (FAD) assigned to the mis- sion being supported if the part renders a fire vehicle out of service or in a limited service status. 2.3. Supply, Contracting and Finance Functions. All supplies and firefight- ing equipment may be provided through local vendor services and contracts. Firefighting equipment must be National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) compliant. All requisitions for critical FES equipment must be equal to the highest FAD assigned to the mission being supported. Submit requests to: 2.3.1. Provide firefighter rescue, PPE and other supplies. 2.3.2. Provide JFIRE component replacements in sufficient quantities to ac- commodate existing or inbound firefighters. 2.3.3. Maintain and protect firefighting agent special levels. 2.3.4. Provide firefighting agents as required. 2.4. Services. The SFO submits requests to: AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 13 2.4.1. Provide billeting for firefighters. Firefighters may be dispersed to mi- nimize the impact of enemy attacks. Response capability impacts must be considered when making this determination. 2.4.2. Provide food services to firefighters. 2.4.3. Assist in posting fire reporting, prevention and safety information in life support areas (LSAs) and work areas. 2.5. Personnel Support for Contingency Operations (PERSCO). The SFO submits requests to: 2.5.1. Make emergency manpower requests through the AOR FES functional manager. 2.5.2. Brief fire prevention, emergency reporting and other safety procedures during in processing. 2.6. Communications. The SFO submits requests to the communications function to install and maintain the FACC communications network. 2.7. Security Forces (SF). The SFO submits requests to SF to provide physi- cal and emergency services as necessary. f 2.8. Civil Engineers (CE). The SFO submits requests to CE to: 2.8.1. Provide EOD services on a priority basis when UXOs hinder FES re- sponse. 2.8.2. Provide power production and barrier maintenance expertise for genera- tor support and barrier reset operations. 2.8.3. Assist with large-scale decontamination of FES assets. 2.8.4. Provide required emergency management support elements. 2.8.5. Provide a high priority for splinter protection and hardening, and con- tamination avoidance measures of FES assets. 2.8.6. Provide, maintain and improve firefighting water supplies. 2.9. Fuels. The SFO submits requests to the fuels function to: AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 14 2.9.1. Service FES vehicles and equipment. 2.9.2. Provide POL storage area familiarization training to firefighters. 2.9.3. Assist in fuel transfer operations and provide expertise in the event of a POL storage area incident. 2.10. Unit Control Centers (UCC). UCCs ensure that: 2.10.1. All personnel are trained in fire prevention, reporting, and safety pro- cedures and responsibilities (see Attachments 4 and 7). 2.10.2. All HAZMAT storage facilities are limited to only those necessary to accomplish the mission. : - 2.11. Contingency Response Group Element (CRGE). The SFO submits requests to the CRGE (formerly known as Tanker Airlift Control Element [TALCE]) to: 2.11.1. Provide information/support on air flow movement. 2.11.2. Provide information on aircraft parking. 2.12. Base Operations (Airfield Management). The SFO submits requests to: 2.12.1. Obtain flightline licensing. 2.12.2. Obtain airfield layout maps. 2.12.3. Obtain daily flying schedule. AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 15 Chapter 3 PLANNING GUIDANCE 3.1. Introduction. The focus of fire resources in wartime or during contin- gencies is fire prevention and fire fighting. Fire prevention focuses on prepar- ing occupants and operators to operate safely to prevent fires and detect and intervene early at fires that occur. The fire fighting element protects weapons systems and facilities needed to accomplish the mission. A critical first step is to develop a list of priorities at the site. This is a corporative effort with the Emergency Management element. At some locations, aircraft may be the highest priority for protection while at others, facilities may be more critical than aircraft. Wartime staffing assumes operating from a central fire station where all resources are based. It also assumes that only one major emergency event will occur at a time. Risk assessment and management procedures, re- sponse time standards and operational procedures are similar to home station operations. FES response strategies may be complicated by the presence of chemical agents, antipersonnel devices, and munitions. FES capability must be included in appropriate base recovery plans. 3.2. Force Packages. Firefighters are postured into force packages identified by unit type codes (UTC). 3.2.1. The 6-person Fire Operations team (4FPFP) is the basic building block. It provides the manpower to manage emergency operations, including staffing fire trucks and communications centers. 3.2.2. The 2-person Incident Command team (4FPFJ) provides mid-level su- pervision and incident command for firefighting operations. 3.2.3. Fire Management teams (4FPFN/4FPFA) serve as the fire chief flight chief and provides overall FES flight management. The teams establish and maintain FES capability and serve as the principle fire risk manager and advi- sor to senior leaders minimizing loss of life and property. 3.2.4. The 2-person Fire Inspection Prevention team (4FPFG) provides fire inspection and prevention capability. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 16 3.2.5. The 3-person 4FPS4 team provides command and control (C2)-level staff assistance at a Numbered Air Force, MAJCOM Headquarters, or forward operating location (FOL). 3.2.6. Attachment 10 lists the FES UTC MISCAPS for quick reference; how- ever, when MAJCOM planners source contingency manpower and vehicle requirements use the most current UTCs found on the CE UTC Management Community of Practice (CoP) website at: https://afkm. wbafb.af.mil/ASPs/CoP/EntryCoP. asp?Filt er=OO-EN-CE–23. 3.3. Vehicles and Equipment. Fire vehicles and equipment may be in-place or pre-positioned. SFOs identify shortfalls in firefighting vehicles and equip- ment through an analysis of operations at the site. Where shortages exist, ve- hicles may be leased with adequate lead time; when lead time is not available, vehicles may be tasked from home station fleets and backfilled with leased vehicles as soon as possible. Additional vehicles and support equipment may be needed at any stage of a conflict. Note: Functional expertise is available from the Headquarters Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (HQ AFCESA) Readiness Operations Center at: DSN: 523–6229; Commercial: (850) 283-6229, Duty Officer: (850) 624–7446, and Tyndall AFB Command POSt. DSN: 523-2155. 3.3.1. Table 3.1 lists the required core set of vehicles to provide FES flights the capability to protect Air Force people, property and missions: Table 3.1. FES Core Vehicles Vehicle Type Vehicle ARFF - Provides combinations needed to deliver P-19 (1,000 gallons) the required quantity of agent from Table 5.2. Striker (1,500 gallons) P-23 (3,300 gallons) TI-3000 (3,000 gallons) Rescue P-10 P–28 P-30 AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 17 Structural Water Tender C2 S P-22 P-24 P-18 P-26 4x4 All 1 Ton W/Lift 3.3.2. During wartime the number of aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) vehicles required varies according to the size of aircraft assigned to the instal- lation or the size of aircraft at the installation more than 50 percent of the time. Table 3.2 indicates the ideal core set of vehicles and personnel UTCs required for fire ground operations. Note: Table 3.2 applies to wartime opera- tions only. For determining manpower and equipment requirements for all other contingencies, refer to AFPAM 32-2004. • Table 3.2. Aircraft Category Matrix . gent Vehicles to deliver the Agent Manpower UTCs ategory equired f ODI 055.06) Category 4 |12,626 H P-23 (3K), 1 P-19 (1.5K), 1 P- 14FPFA, 1.4FPFN, (C-5A/B) 22/P-24 (PUMPER), 1 P-30 24FPFJ, 114FPFP, (RESCUE), 1 P-26 (TANKER), 1 [Total: 72 C2 Category 3 19,570 3 P-23 (3K), 1 P-19 (1.5K), 1 P- 14FPFA, 1.4FPFN, (E-4, B-2, 22/P-24 (PUMPER), 1 P-30 24FPFJ |KC-10) (RESCUE), 1 P-26 (TANKER), 1 [104FPFP, Total: C2 66 Category 2 7,780 2 P-23 (3K), 2 P-19 (1.5K), 1 P- 14FPFA, 1.4FPFN, (B-1, B-52, 22/P-24 (PUMPER), 1 P-30 24FPFJ, C-17) (RESCUE), 1 P-26 (TANKER), 1 (94FPFP, Total: 60 2 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 18 Category 1 |4,880 1 P-23 (3K), 2 P-19 (1.5K), 1 P- 14FPFA, 1.4FPFN, (F-16 to C- 22/P-24 (PUMPER), 1 P-30 24FPFJ, 8.4FPFP, 130) (RESCUE), 1 P-26 (TANKER), 1 [Total: 54 C2 Notes: 1. Use Table 3.1 to determine substitute vehicles when the ideal vehicles are not available. 2. Availability of P-23s is limited. P-19s, available in large numbers, may be used to fill the requirement but will require more vehicles and additional per- sonnel UTCs. Add a 4FPFP for every two ARFF vehicles above the number required for P-23s. For example, at a Category 2 installation using P-19s in- stead of P-23s, 6 vehicles would be required, 2 more than required for P-23s. One additional 4FPFP UTCs would also be required. 3.3.3. For unique situations such as AF installations without assigned aircraft, installations where only rotary wing or unmanned aircraft are assigned, or large installations that require more than one fire station to meet emergency response time standards, consult the appropriate command/theater fire chief for assistance. 3.4. Operational Risk Management (ORM). 3.4.1. Risk requires a subjective assessment of the probability that an FES emergency event will occur, and the expected severity of such an event. The probability factor relies heavily on historic emergency response data to predict future events. But for contingency operations, historical data is not available and assumptions must be made on which to estimate risk. Probability. Anecdotal information indicates that fire emergency events are more probable during contingencies due to the intensity of aircraft operations, temporary construction and the potential for enemy actions (such as aircraft battle damage). Severity. The severity of fire emergency events is expected to greater than for home stations due to the use of combustible materials in temporary construction and temporary wiring. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 19 3.4.2. Risk management primarily involves allocating resources according to the risk. Normally, resources are allocated according to the most probable time of day and day of the week that a fire emergency event will occur, from historic fire response data. This data may not be available at contingency loca- tions. Consequently, the assumption during initial operations is that the risk is static and the same level of capability is maintained continuously. This as- sumption is for the first 120 days of operation then response data is assessed to determine if existing capability is still appropriate. For more information regarding risk management see AFI 32-2001, chapter 6. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 - 20 Chapter 4 INSTALLATION FIREFIGHTING PLAN 4.1. Introduction. This chapter outlines tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs), and generic guidelines to enhance the survivability of firefighters, vehicles, equipment and resources during contingencies. Provided is an over- view of the FES functions and responsibilities in the contingency environ- ment. In the absence of formal training and lesson plans, this section can be used to present training. 4.2. Planning Period. Upon arrival, the installation fire chief will create or review plans and execute training and actions required to implement those plans. Deployed firefighters take the following actions immediately upon ar- rival: - 4.2.1. Establish fire emergency response posture. 4.2.2. Establish fire prevention, force protection and firefighter safety pro- grams. 4.2.3. Work with emergency managers to determine response priorities. 4.2.4. Communicate risk and capability issues to the installation commander. For more information regarding reporting level of service capability see AFI 32–2001, chapter 6.5. 4.2.5. Determine and coordinate response capability available in the Emergen- cy Management (EM) flight. EM personnel may have HAZMAT response capability (training and equipment) that can help during these types of re- sponse. 4.3. Chain of Command. The fire chief must establish the internal chain of command, determine the installation’s chain of command and disseminate the information to all firefighters. 4.3.1 Functional Chain of Command. The fire chief’s geographic AOR dic- tates functional area reporting to the appropriate MAJCOM. For Joint Task Force (JTF) operations, operational control (OPCON) will be assumed by the AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 - 21 JTF Commander. Administrative Control (ADCON) will be retained by the designated USAF functional manager. 4.4. Intelligence. Obtain current intelligence threat assessments of potential adversary’s ability and intent to attack the installation, including the use of WMD. Accurate information enables fire chiefs to tailor defensive pre- planning and TTPs to mitigate the consequences of an attack. 4.5. Firefighter Safety and Health. To the maximum extent possible, NFPA 1500 shall apply during wartime and contingency operations. When com- pliance is not possible, ORM processes must be used to deviate from NFPA requirements. Everything possible must be done to protect firefighters but mission comes first, which may require doing operations during war that would not be done when at peace. However, operations or tasks that cannot be performed safely will not be undertaken. 4.6. Long Term Planning. When intelligence indicates the deployment may become “steady state,” the fire chief must begin long term planning after ini- tial establishment of the installation. This requires the fire chief to evaluate the resources in place to determine if they meet established standards. If addition- al resources are required, plans to fix shortfalls must be communicated to lea- dership. Plan to improve facilities and obtain proper manpower, vehicles, and equipment for the fire station. Consider water distribution systems, utilities, systems, command and control facilities, etc. 4.7. Plans. Plans include, but are not limited to, installation support, mobiliza- tion, contingency response, fire prevention, training, and pre-fire plans. 4.7.1. Conducting local training is critical. Existing lesson plans may be uti- lized and new lesson plans developed as necessary. 4.7.2. To the greatest extent possible, establish dispersal locations and obtain shelter assets. Place assets indoors and utilize natural covering (ditches, trees, hillsides, trenches, etc.) as much as possible. All dispersal sites will be splinter protected and hardened if the threat dictates. Use contamination control pro- cedures and provide appropriate levels of contamination avoidance measures on these locations (see Attachment 2). AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 22 4.7.3. If the treat dictates, harden and splinter-protect all non-dispersed fire assets, including the FACC and communication network as required. Do not overlook supplies, station generators, and fuel containment dikes. 4.7.4. Conduct pre-fire planning and train on mission assigned aircraft and priority facilities as soon as possible. 4.7.5. Establish fire prevention, reporting, education and safety programs. 4.7.6. Train facility occupants in first aid firefighting to enable them to extin- guish fires in the initial stages. 4.7.7. Survey water supplies for emergency use. Include both on and off in- stallation locations to include swimming pools, lakes, rivers, towers, tankers, pumps, wells, and basic expeditionary airfield resources (BEAR) mobile water distribution systems. Construct expedient access routes made of dirt or gravel and install dry hydrants and pumps as necessary to expedite re-supply opera- tions. 4.7.8. Coordinate with POL personnel to ensure drainage, dikes and holding areas are in place. Dikes should hold 1.5 times the container’s capacity. Sur- vey possible fuel holding or tank drainage diversion areas where spilled fuel can be burned off. Identify fuel transfer possibilities and determine if AFFF inventories are adequate for the amount of fuel stored. 4.7.9. Inventory all firefighting agents and equipment; request high priority fills for shortfalls through local supply channels and the contracting officer. 4.8. Attack Preparation Period. The following action will be taken: 4.8.1. Maintain accountability of all personnel. 4.8.2. Establish a recall roster and system to accomplish the recall. 4.8.3. The SFO initiates appropriate checklists (see Attachments 2 thru 9). 4.8.4. Establish the FACC. 4.8.5. Define what assets are available and determine what resources are needed to support the mission while meeting appropriate Air Force standards. Initiate shortfall requests through appropriate channels. Additional firefighting AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 23 agents, clothing, equipment and supplies may be procured through supply channels (establish good working relationships with Contracting and Finance). 4.8.6. When the treat dictates, firefighters will be issued chemical warfare ensemble and nerve agent antidote based on the associated threat conditions. Firefighters must be prepared to utilize the JFIRE ensemble. 4.8.7. Issue weapons as threat conditions dictate. Use selective arming as ne- cessary. 4.8.8. Initiate dispersal plan as threat conditions warrant. Disperse support assets (tools/equipment, emergency water storage [EWS], mobile air compressor, etc.) and implement physical/chemical conta- mination avoidance actions to maximize survivability. Disperse vehicles and agents (see Attachment 2). Correct deficien- cies on vehicles/agent status. Vehicles will remain sheltered as much as possible. Vehicles may relocate with the approval of the SFO. 4.8.9. Implement survivability measures to include contamination control for vehicles and equipment. Black out/tone-down/splinter and chemical contami- nation avoidance measures will be implemented for the following resources: Fire Station (FACC communications network is a very important priority). Include radio antenna and repeater as applicable. Dispersal sites and personnel bunkers. EWS sites supplementing existing emergency water sources. Agent/equipment dispersal. 4.8.10. Determine availability of installed fire suppression systems. 4.8.11. Identify communication services for major work centers (i.e. building location, and telephone numbers) (see Table A9.4). 4.8.12. Establish the FACC and Alternate FACC. Establish FACC work shifts. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 24 The SFO will: Confirm and account for all firefighting resources prior to actual response. Maintain overall firefighting, fire vehicle, and equipment status. Receive installation control center directives and disseminate to firefighters. Take necessary actions to reverse or limit any degradation to the FES mission. Ensure incident response reporting procedures are in place. The FACC will maintain up to date information on the following: Fire vehicles by call sign, type, registration number, and status. Dispersal points of all resources and crew accountability. Quantities and location of firefighting agents. Installation map to chart blocked roads, craters, UXO's, CBRNE zones, air base defense (ABD) sectors, and utility status. List of static water locations and approximate amounts available. Logbook will be used to document significant events. Installation priority listing. The FACC communications network is critical to the success of the FES mission and recovery operations. Every attempt should be made to obtain the following communications devices: Primary and Secondary Crash line. Fire reporting lines. Direct Line or dedicated line to appropriate work centers (e.g., UCC). Administrative line (two or more is preferred). AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 25 Portable radios/batteries/charger(s). Back-up generator with auto-start and transfer capability. The alternate FACC may be activated at any time. Checklists, refer- ence material, supplies, and communications equipment should be maintained for this purpose. Communication disruption/outages. If communication systems fail, the following may be implemented: Portables/mobile radios. Alternate frequency. Direct lines and runners. Cellular telephones. A complete list of telephone numbers will be maintained in the FACC and command vehicles. If an authentication matrix is used, see Attachment 3. 4.8.13. Operations. Shift schedules will be determined by the SFO. Manpower authoriza- tions are predicated on firefighters working 84 hours per week (12 or 24 hour shifts continuously). However SFOs are not bound by this concept and may vary the work schedule as the risk dictates. Some considerations are: Ops TEMPO, manning levels, weather conditions, wear of PPE in chemical envi- ronment, variations in risk, etc. It should be noted that the mission may re- quire periods when firefighters will work for extended shifts. However, ex- tended shifts should only be considered for limited periods when needed due to reduced manning levels and mission requirements. Working extended shifts significantly increases risk to firefighter safety. For deployments over 90 days, work schedules should be adjusted to 72 hours per week where possible. Note: Crews will be rotated in a manner as to reduce their vulnerability to enemy attack. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 26 The SFO should establish response priorities based on the installa- tion’s emergency management plans, manningſ equipment status and mission requirements. Consider things such as aircraft, structural, fuel spill, and muni- tions incidents. As the threat escalates, firefighters may operate from dispersed loca- tions. JFIRE may be required. Shift change will be as prescribed by the SFO and IAW local direc- tives/operating instructions (OI). Assistant Chiefs (A/C) will manage shift change. All firefighters must be informed of mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) level, threat condition and intelligence updates at shift change. Crew Rotation. Each firefighter will be assigned to a specific vehicle. At the be- ginning of each shift, firefighters will report to their assigned vehicle at the A/Cs direction. Normally, shift change will occur in the fire station; however, dur- ing dispersed operations the SFO will rotate crews when safely possible. Accountability for all crews and vehicle status will be accom- plished by the SFO immediately following shift change. If firefighters are unable to report to their pre-designated location due to hostile activity, they will assemble in an area designated by the SFO. Transportation to their assigned vehicle will be arranged by the SFO as situa- tion permits. Off duty personnel will report to their assigned billets for rest and recuperation. The senior member must maintain accountability of all off-duty firefighters. 4.8.14. Responses and Standbys. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 27 At heightened threat conditions, the SFO may need to coordinate all responses with the EOC. Under SFO direction, the FACC will dispatch incidents using selec- tive response procedures based on priority of asset. 4.8.15. Other Requirements. Be prepared to selectively arm personnel as threat dictates. Issue authentication matrix to each crew. Secure personnel and departmental records and documentation in a protected shelter or area. Arriving firefighters will receive necessary briefings and billeting during in-processing. A FES supervisor will be dispatched to the receiving area to ensure a smooth transition. 4.9. Attack Response Period. This is the time period during an attack or hos- tile activities that firefighting and rescue activities will be limited. Survivabili- ty is the main priority while mission sustainment is the primary objective. 4.9.1. Upon notification that an airfield attack is imminent, the FACC will alert dispersed fire crews. Crews must be attentive to indications of a change in alarm condition and report pertinent information to the FACC (e.g., observ- ing personnel taking cover, changes in displayed flags, giant voice announce- ments, gunfire, bomb bursts, etc). If differences in alarm conditions exist, take cover until the difference is resolved. 4.9.2. Personnel actions. Firefighters must be protected with the appropriate individual protec- tive ensemble (IPE) according to current alarm conditions. They must be able to instantly cease any operation and take immediate cover in the event of an attack. Be alert to surprise and re-attack possibilities. Always be aware of the nearest personnel bunker. Unless specifically directed by the SFO, do not perform any rescue/ firefighting operations except immediate area self-aid and buddy care (SABC) while attack is occurring. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 28 If away from dispersal site when an attack occurs, DO NOT attempt to return to the dispersal location. Stop and take appropriate cover where you aſ C. Personnel in vehicles not in splinter protected facilities will seek the best available protection in their area. 4.9.3. Communications will be kept to an absolute minimum during and im- mediately after attacks. During the attack, firefighters should provide size, activity, location, uniform, time, and equipment (SALUTE) reports to the SFO. 4.10. Attack Recovery Period. 4.10.1. Dispersed crew actions. Upon notification that an attack is over, fire crews will immediately account for crew members, perform SABC as required, perform a thorough UXO sweep, check for damage/contamination, and verify status/condition of assigned assets. Report status to the FACC once completed. Note UXO locations. Remain at least 300 feet from UXOs; do not transmit hand-held radios within 25 feet of UXOs or 100 feet for mobile radios. Identify, mark, and report all UXOs to the FACC LAW AFMAN 10-100, Airman's Manual. Make note of other UXO reports as this may alter pending re- sponse routes to future emergencies/incidents. - Note improvised explosive device (IED) locations. Withdraw all non-essential personnel IAW AFMAN 10-100. Per- Sonnel will be behind or under cover. LAW AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, minimum with- drawal distances for IEDs are: 500 feet if IED is a small item or box (up to 2 cubic feet). AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 29 1,000 feet if IED is a barrel or car (up to 15 cubic feet). 1,500 feet if IED is a van or truck. 2,000 feet if IED is larger than already described. Responding command authorities and EOD personnel will evaluate and adjust distances if needed. Withdrawal distances are for initial evacuation until command authorities and EOD personnel evaluate the incident. Report facility/asset damage. Report personnel injuries. Inspect/report M-8 and M-9 readings on vehicles and dispersed as- SetS. Conduct operational decontamination as required. 4.10.2. Firefighting Actions. When directed, fire crews will proceed to the incident site. All responses by firefighting vehicles will be made IAW local guid- ance. Pre-fire plans will be utilized at the scene of facility and aircraft fires. Responding crews will report their observations to the FACC. 4.10.3. SFO actions. The SFO/FACC will immediately announce alarm condition changes and initiate an after attack vehicle/equipment/personnel status check. Mission sustainment and firefighter safety is the SFO’s primary con- cern. It may not be possible to extinguish every fire and perform every rescue, prudent judgment on when and how to engage firefighting forces is paramount to the success of our mission. The SFO directs the allocations of firefighting resources in concert with command priorities and current mission sustainment and installation recovery operations. In the event of multiple responses, the commander and the SFO must coordinate on which fires to let burn and which to engage; which rescues to perform and which to leave to SABC. Decisions AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 30 are usually made in relation to sortie generation and aircraft recovery, depend- ing on current response capabilities/commitments. The FACC will establish an effective flow of communications be- tween the SFO, appropriate work centers, and firefighting crews. The SFO exercises primary control of responding vehicles. Normal- ly, the A/C will command the fire ground; however, crew chiefs may perform this function on multiple incidents. The following considerations govern what vehicles, if any, are dispatched to incidents: Equipment/agent availability. Alarm condition. 4. Access to incident. Firefighting crew status. Priority. Physical security. 4.10.4. Responses. The EOC director, through the SFO, approves responses before dis- patch. Responding crews will not deviate from their assignment to render as- sistance at other incidents. They will however, report their observations to the FACC. Resource priorities are listed in the facility priority list; this must be maintained in the FACC and as required by the SFO. When necessary, use the authentication matrix prior to responding to validate all responses or orders (see Attachment 3). If damages exceed firefighting capability, the SFO will request “Let Burn” approval from the EOC director. Interior fire operations should only be attempted if there is high probability for successful fire stop to a mission essential asset or rescue. Debris, UXOs and other hazards may hinder response. Make every attempt to stay on the hard surface. If possible, do not drive or walk through AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 31 contaminated areas, puddles or vapors; find an alternate route. If leaving the hard surface becomes necessary, use spotters in front of the vehicle to sweep for UXOs. 4.10.5. Re-attack actions. The SFO must consider ceasing all operations that are not mission essential. Crews should evaluate the location/status of available cover at every incident site. At the conclusion of the re-attack, revert to attack recovery actions. 4.10.6. Communications. Plans should be in place in the event the FACC is destroyed. In the event the primary FACC is inoperable, the FACC operator will re-locate to the alternate FACC. If all communication channels are jammed or inoperative for any reason, communications between firefighting units will be by any means available (i.e., portables/mobile radios, alternate frequency, direct lines and runners, cellular telephones, public address systems, etc). A verification matrix will be distributed to each vehicle to verify information passed over the radio net. This matrix will be changed if com- promise is suspected. 4.11. Administration and Logistics. Vehicle and manpower calculations can be made utilizing the appro- priate Air Force publications. Shortfalls must be up channeled through the appropriate authority. Manpower replacements must be made through PERSCO and coordi- nated through the commander. Firefighting equipment and agents may be obtained locally. Quickly identify shortfalls and request through local established procedures. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 32 4.11.4. Make sure Supply maintains a sufficient amount of special level stock items (e.g., bunkers, AFFF, dry chemical, JFIRE, etc). Consider using local vendors to fill equipment or agent (resources) shortfalls. Contracting and/or Finance liaison officers may be available for assistance when using vendor services. 4.11.6. When appropriate add critical contractors to the entry access list i.e., HAZMAT clean up companies, fire truck maintenance, etc. 4.11.7. Consider mutual aid agreements when feasible. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 33 Chapter 5 JFIRE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (CONOPS) 5.1. General. The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for utiliz- ing the JFIRE in CBRN environments. 5.1.1. JFIRE is designed specifically for a wartime mission that allows fire- fighters to operate in CBRN environments, engage fires, effect rescue and transition between filtered air and supplied air. 5.1.2. LIMFACS. The firefighter is using two complete protective ensembles when using the JFIRE, a proximity firefighting suit and a battle dress over- garment (BDO). This causes increased physical stress for the firefighter. Re- habilitation after engaging in emergency response is necessary. 5.2. Concepts. 5.2.1. Exterior. The main firefighting objective is to minimize the spread of fire to exposures, especially those that have a direct impact on the mission. Firefight- ing is normally accomplished using vehicle turrets or master streams. Firefighters may assume MOPP 4 non-firefighting posture or MOPP 4 firefighting posture as determined by the SFO. 5.2.2. Interior (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health [IDLH] area). Offensive interior operations will only be conducted when necessary to save mission critical assets or to rescue personnel and will only occur when directed by the SFO. Prior to entry, the attack crew or incident commander (IC) will an- nounce that entry is being made. At this time the FACC will acknowledge the entry and announce “Start the 5-Minute Tick.” The 5-Minute Tick guidelines are as follows: As soon as the attack crew makes entry, a 5-minute countdown will begin and the FACC will maintain the count. At the 5-minute mark, the FACC will inform the IC that the 5-Minute Tick has expired. The IC will ensure the AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 34 interior crews are informed. At this time, communications between the attack crew and IC become critical. The IC requires a status report that can help him/her make a tactical decision as to whether or not to continue interior fire attack. At the 10-minute mark, the FACC will again inform the IC and, in turn, the attack crew. The IC will also advise the interior crew to complete their task or withdraw at the 15-minute mark. At the 15-minute mark, the attack crew may be ordered to withdraw from the facility for rehabilitation. If there is a delay in withdrawal, the IC will employ the rapid intervention team (RIT). The RIT can perform other fire ground duties as long as they do not hinder their primary objective of provid- ing rescue for the attack team if required. 5.3. Procedures. Complete procedures for employing the JFIRE are contained in T.O. 14P3-1-181, Joint-Firefighter Integrated Response Ensemble (J- FIRE). 5.4. Work/Rest Cycles (WRC). WRCs will be enforced for firefighters. WRC will be at the direction of the IC. As rest cycles do not exclude firefight- ing activities, priority responses are still likely to be mounting. However, the IC must consider the WRC when deciding attack modes and fire ground tasks. Note: Refer to Chapter 8 for further guidance. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 35 Chapter 6 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE AND DECONTAMINATION 6.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures for detecting contamination and subsequent decontamination. 6.2. Detection. 6.2.1. All personnel, vehicles, facilities, shelters and equipment will have M-8 paper/M-9 tape appropriately applied. 6.2.2. All personnel will carry M-8 paper for random sampling of specific items when necessary. 6.2.3. Notify the FACC when contamination is evident. 6.3. Operational Decontamination. 6.3.1. All dispersal sites should have the materials listed in Table 6.1 on hand for decontamination. Table 6.1. Suggested Decontamination Materials for Dispersal Sites. Bucket Bleach Scrubbing brushes Rags/sponges and/or wiping clothes Plastic trash bags M291/M295 kit Bug Sprayer Decontamination mitt Plastic bags Rubber bands to seal self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) bottle connections 6.3.2. When contamination is suspected: Report M-8 paper/M-9 tape readings to the FACC. Decontamination efforts should be limited to those actions necessary to meet mission require- ments. Always minimize the risk of exposure and contact hazard to personnel and equipment. - When directed, contaminated personnel should report to a CCA for decontamination. All dispersal sites should be located so that the topography channels contaminated water away from the immediate area. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 36 For minor contamination, spot decontamination procedures should be accomplished. Contaminated material should be placed in plastic bags for appropriate disposal. For gross contamination, use bleach and water solution to decontami- nate. 6.3.3. CCA Procedures. Follow applicable checklist in Attachment 9, A.9.1. 6.4. Barrier Material. 6.4.1. Calculate how much barrier material will be required to protect critical assets from chemical deposition. 6.4.2. Cover critical assets when directed by leadership IAW procedures listed in AFMAN 10-100 and follow local procedures after a chemical attack. AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 37 Chapter 7 DISPERSAL SITE PROCEDURES 7.1. General. Dispersal management is a means of physically tracking and protecting assets at dispersal sites. 7.2. Dispersal Site Procedures. 7.2.1. The oncoming shift crew will ensure items are inventoried at shift change. Annotate results and pass the information to the FACC. 7.2.2. Arrange resources to enhance their accessibility in shelters. 7.2.3. Dispersal sites should not be within 300 feet of a priority facility. 7.2.4. Terrain and prevailing winds should be considered when harden- ing/splinter protecting dispersal sites. 7.3. General Considerations. 7.3.1. Only one ARFF or structural vehicle should be dispersed to the same location. Tone down and properly mark all vehicles for chemical detection and avoidance. g 7.3.2. Separate vehicles housed in the station as much as possible. 7.3.3. Arrange dispersal points so that not more than two sites are in a straight target line. 7.3.4. Disperse one ARFF vehicle so that it has a view of the active runway. 7.3.5. Firefighters will ensure vehicles and equipment are protected from di- rect attack. Each vehicle will be equipped with a first aid kit, UXO/contamination marking kit and an operational decontamination kit. 7.3.6. Contamination avoidance techniques will be utilized. All assets will be splinter protected, covered in plastic and marked with chemical detection ma- terial. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 38 Chapter 8 HEAT EXHAUSTION AND WORK/REST CYCLES 8.1. Introduction. This section establishes guidance for making decisions on firefighter WRCs while operating in JFIRE ensembles. Successfully function- ing in a contingency environment depends on understanding the factors con- tributing to heat stress, knowing and implementing the preventive measures, and maintaining constant observation of personnel for risk factors and signs of heat illness. 8.2. Responsibilities. All personnel will become familiar with the provisions of this section. All personnel should drink as much as possible and stay hy- drated, during all MOPP conditions. Beware of existing climatic conditions and prepare and react accordingly. The SFO can alter these procedures if ne- cessary. 8.2.1. SFO. The SFO will consider the circumstances of each incident and make adequate provisions early in the incident for a WRC, or rest and rehabil- itation, for all personnel operating at the scene. 8.2.2. Crew Chiefs. All crew chiefs will maintain awareness of the condition of each member operating within their span of control and ensure adequate steps are taken to provide for each member’s safety and health. 8.2.3. Firefighters. All firefighters should remain aware of the health and safe- ty of other crew members. 8.3. Terms. 8.3.1. Dehydration. Following the loss of sweat, water must be consumed to replace the body’s loss of fluids. If the body fluid lost through sweating is not replaced, dehydration will follow. Whenever consumption of water fails to keep up with output of sweat, the body will become progressively dehydrated. Thirst is a poor indicator of dehydration. Dehydration is possible without any signs of thirst; mental and physical performance can degrade so slowly that individuals may not recognize the problem in themselves or others. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 39 8.3.2. Heat Exhaustion. This condition appears as marked fatigue and weak- ness, nausea, dizziness, fainting, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and disorientation. Factors that compound heat exhaustion are lack of acclimatiza- tion and failure to replace water lost in sweat. 8.3.3. Heat Stroke. This is a medical emergency that is caused when the body stops sweating, leading to loss of evaporative cooling and a dangerous rise in core temperature. It can include all of the signs and symptoms of heat exhaus- tion, but is more severe and can be fatal. One heat casualty is usually followed by others. 8.3.4. IPE. Insulating effects of IPE occur even when ambient temperature and humidity are relatively low. Variations to MOPP levels, such as opening or removing the jacket, or removing some or all of the firefighter proximity clothing, will reduce barriers to body cooling. Therefore, the SFO must con- duct risk analyses to balance performing mission critical tasks, casualties due to actual CBRN threat, and degraded performance due to heat stress, dehydra- tion, and bulkiness of the protective equipment. 8.3.5. Acclimatization. Un-acclimated personnel are those who have not built up a tolerance for working in a hot environment. They will experience de- graded mental and physical performance and be highly susceptible to heat illness. 8.3.6. Physical Condition. Persons who are overweight or are poorly condi- tioned become fatigued more easily and do not adjust to working in excessive climatic conditions as quickly as those in good physical condition. Overweight and fatigue also impair the body’s heat exchanging mechanisms. 8.4. Heat Illness Prevention. 8.4.1. The key to preventing heat illness and sustaining performance is know- ledge of preventive measures. Utilize the heat stress index tables in Table 8.1 for general guidance. Be aware these tables require temperature/humidity lev- el input from a competent authority such as the weather flight for complete accuracy. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 40 Table 8.1. Heat Stress Index. RELATIVE HUMIDITY 10%| 20%| 30%| 40%| 50%| 60%| 70%| 80% 90% 104 98 || 104 || 110| 120|| 132 - 102 97| 101 108|| 117| 125 : 100 95 99| 105| 110| 120 132 H 98 93 97| 101 106| 110| 125 3. 96 91 95 98| 104| 108| 120 128 3. 94 89 93 95| 100 105 || 1 || 122 s 92 87 90 92 96|| 100| 106| 115 122 o: 90 85 88 90 92 96 || 100|| 106 114 122 E 88 82 86 87 89 93 95| 100 106 115 2 86 80 84 85 87 90 92 96 - 100 109 : 84 78 81 83 85 86 89 91 95 99 > 82 77 79 80 81 84 86 89 91 95 = 80 75 77 78 79 81 83 85 86 89 - 78 72 75 77 78 79 80 81 83 85 76 70 72 75 76 77 77 77 78 79 74 68 70 73 74 75 75 75 76 77 Note: Add 10°F. when protective clothing is worn & 10 °F. when in direct sunlight HUMITURE DANGER INJURY THREAT DEG F CATEGORY BELOW 60 NONE Little or no danger under normal cir- CumStanceS 80 – 90 CAUTION Fatigue possible if exposure is pro- longed and there is physical activity 90 – 105 EXTREME | Heat cramps and heat exhaustion poss- CAUTION ible if exposure is prolonged and there is physical activity 105 – 130 DANGER Heat cramps or exhaustion likely, heat stroke possible if exposure is prolonged and there is physical activity ABOVE 130 EXTREME Heat stroke imminent! DANGER AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 41 8.4.2. Water is critical for maintaining health and individual performance, since the human body is highly dependent on water to cool itself in a hot envi- ronment. All water consumed must be from a medically approved source to prevent waterborne illnesses. All personnel should ensure there is an adequate supply of drinking water protected from biological and chemical fallout at each dispersal site. Canteens must be kept full; ensure individuals are trained on the proper techniques to fill canteens in a contaminated environment. 8.4.3. Increased sweating requires additional water consumption. As men- tioned earlier, thirst alone is not a good indicator of adequate fluid intake. Per- sonnel always need to drink before they feel thirsty. They must drink small amounts of water frequently rather than drink large amounts occasionally. When IPE is worn in an extreme heat environment, water requirements are more than 20 quarts per day. 8.5. WRC. To prevent a dangerous increase in body temperature, heat produc- tion must be minimized by reducing work pace and increasing rest periods. In very hot and humid conditions, reducing the duration of physical activity may be the only way to prevent dangerous increases in body temperature. WRC recommendations, as advised by AFMAN 10-100, are provided in Table 8.2. This table is to be used by the SFO when determining fire crew WRCs. 8.5.1. Allow personnel to seek relief periodically from potentially dangerous heat stress situations by resting in shaded or air conditioned areas (vehicle cabs), and by removing IPE and firefighter PPE. Rotating dispersed crews to the station for rest/rehabilitation will assist in affecting this means. 8.5.2. Even moderate exertion in MOPP gear can cause heat illness at lower Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) indices. When IPE is worn, add 10°F to the measured WBGT index. 8.5.3. Avoid resting directly on the hot ground. The ground heated by the sun can be 30–45 degrees hotter than the air. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 42 Table 8.2. WRC Guidelines. WBGT Index Water Intake Work/Rest Cycle (qts per hour) 78 – 82 At least /, Continuous 82 – 85 At least / - 1 50/10 86–88 At least 1 45/15 89 – 90 At least 1 % 30\30 Above 90 At least 2 20\40 Notes: 1. WRC recommendations are based on personnel who are fully acclima- tized, optimally conditioned, hydrated and rested. 2. If IPE/firefighter PPE is worn, add 10 degF to the WBGT index. 3. Water intake shown supports WRCs. When WRCs cannot be applied due to mission critical requirements such as firefighting in support of sortie generation, add 1/2 to 1 more quarts per hour to values shown in table. 4. This guidance is not a substitute for common sense and experience; the appearance of heat casualties is a sure sign that the safe limit of work time has been exceeded and/or water consumption is inadequate. AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 43 Chapter 9 FIRE RESPONSE DURING ALARM CONDITIONS 9.1. General. This section establishes procedures for actions to be taken under alarm conditions of yellow, black and red/blue. FES actions when under attack require determining, within certain guidelines, the amount of firefighters and apparatus to respond to incidents. This section should be used to supplement locally developed checklists. 9.2. Alarm Yellow. 9.2.1. Implement MOPP as directed by the installation commander. 9.2.2. Conduct fire response as directed by the SFO. 9.3. Alarm Red/Blue. 9.3.1. Implement MOPP 4 or as directed by the installation commander. 9.3.2. If Alarm Red or Blue is declared, it is imperative that firefighters know what type of attack is occurring (e.g., tactical ballistic missile, aircraft, or spe- cial operations forces). The FACC or SFO must notify fire crews by radio of the type of attack. Firefighter actions based on the type of attack are as fol- lows:. Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM). Firefighters dispersed around the base will remain in their fire vehicles and assume directed MOPP. This action is based upon the concept that a TBM is not guided and has no predetermined target prior to launch. If a hardened facility or overhead shelter for the vehicle is nearby, it should be utilized. Personnel outside their fire vehicle during at- tack and unable to expeditiously return to their vehicle should seek shelter in the nearest hardened facility or overhead cover. Avoid the following locations: Within 1,000 feet of POL or munitions storage facilities. Aircraft Attack. Firefighters dispersed around the base will imme- diately exit their fire vehicle, seek shelter in a pre-constructed personnel bunker or hardened facility, and assume the directed MOPP. This action is AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 44 based upon the concept that attack aircraft have the ability to see targets on the ground. Avoid the following locations: Inside/beneath fire trucks or any other vehicle. Within 300 feet of a priority facility. Within 1000 feet of POL or munitions storage facilities. Special Operations Forces (SOF). Firefighters dispersed around the base will first determine where the SOF attack is occurring in relation to their location. Firefighters in close proximity to attack will either establish defen- sive fighting positions or leave the immediate area as soon as possible if it is safe to do so. Firefighters not in the SOF attack sector will monitor radio transmissions and be prepared to react if their sector becomes involved. Fire fighting activities should not be conducted in the attack area until it is declared secure by security forces. 9.3.3. Movement of FES vehicles during Alarm Red/Blue conditions will only be accomplished with direct authority of the SFO and EOC director. Unless directed, fire crews will remain in place during Alarm Red/Blue until told to proceed. Firefighters must remain vigilant for any attack related threat or damage to themselves and the installation. Any such threat noted will be ra- dioed to the SFO for broadcast to other firefighters (use the SALUTE method of reporting as outlined in the Airman’s Manual). 9.4. Alarm Black. 9.4.1. Implement MOPP 4 or as directed by the installation commander. 9.4.2. Following the declaration of Alarm Black by the EOC, firefighters are required to take an array of actions. First and foremost is to ensure the crew is not injured or otherwise affected by the attack. After determining the status of the crew, firefighters will report their status to the FACC. A thorough sweep of the immediate dispersal site is imperative. Crews should concentrate on those areas that could jeopardize their response to emergencies or their safety. All vehicles moving during Alarm Black must be coordinated and approved AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 45 by the EOC director. Crews will not move their vehicle unless directed by the SFO. 9.4.3. When performing standby duty, firefighters must be prepared to react to any given wartime scenario in case an Alarm Black is declared. Concerns such as condition of response routes to the standby, existing UXO and hostilities in the standby area must be addressed. Once on scene, full attention to the stand- by is paramount. Fire crews must be ready to react to any possible situations requiring their assistance. The following are two standby scenarios and actions to be taken during wartime standby situations. There may be times when fire crews will have to perform standby while remaining at their dispersal location. Two examples of this situation are when there might be simultaneous standby requirements or when crews have been directed to remain in their dispersal location by the SFO. Fire crews will confirm the standby location and select the best possible response route based on current base situational reports of UXO, bomb craters and other response route factors. Crews must be prepared to respond in the appropriate MOPP condition and firefighting posture. Visual confirmation of standby from the dispersal site is most desired if possible. If this is not possible, crews will coordinate with maintenance control through the FACC. g The most desirable location for firefighters to perform standby opera- tions is as close to the area as possible with an unobstructed view of the area. Crews must be prepared to respond should anything happen during the stand- by. Firefighters must locate an appropriate area to seek cover (e.g., hardened aircraft shelters [HAS] or other appropriate “safe areas”) should re-attack oc- cur during the standby. If no adequate cover is available, firefighters will re- main in their vehicle during a TBM attack and will exit the vehicle for protec- tion during an aircraft attack. SOF attacks will be dealt with in one of two ways: firefighters will either return fire to combat SOF or leave the immediate area as soon as possible. Ops-tempo may increase to the point where fire resources may not be available to meet established fire protection standards. When this occurs, im- plement ORM; consider optimum positioning of fire equipment, limiting air- craft maintenance or changing hours, etc. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 46 SFO should utilize T.O. 00–25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, for fire protection standby operation requirements. 9.5. Observing MOPP. 9.5.1. Firefighters will not reduce MOPP level until validated and directed by the SFO. 9.5.2. M-9 tape or simulated tape will not be applied to firefighter proximity gear. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 47 Chapter 10 VEHICLE OPERATIONS 10.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures for FES vehicle opera- tions. 10.2. Daily Maintenance. 10.2.1. Daily maintenance will be accomplished on each FES vehicle and rec- orded on the appropriate form immediately following shift change or as di- rected by the SFO. 10.2.2. Inspection completion and vehicle status will be provided to the FACC. 10.3. Agent Resupply. 10.3.1. If AFFF or dry chemical is used, notify the FACC for agent tracking. 10.3.2. Agent tanks will be topped off daily or as necessary. 10.4. Water Resupply. 10.4.1. If EWS tanks are used, notify the FACC for agent tracking. 10.4.2. Top off all EWS tanks when situation permits. 10.5. Safety. 10.5.1. Safe vehicle operation is of the utmost importance. 10.5.2. Observe posted speed limits and speed restrictions for runways, tax- iways, and while operating around aircraft. 10.5.3. Only licensed and task qualified drivers will be allowed to drive while wearing the protective mask. - 10.5.4. Local policy must be established for operating lights and sirens on emergency vehicles. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 - 48 10.5.5. Extra caution and safety applies to driver operators while maneuvering in cantonment areas. These areas are massed with personnel and many times are poorly lit during nighttime hours. 10.6. Efficiency. Conservation of fuel and agent must be strictly observed. 10.7. Vehicle Maintenance, Repair and Refueling. 10.7.1. Major discrepancies that effect the vehicle operation will be reported to the FACC immediately. 10.7.2. Where possible, fire truck maintenance will be dispatched to the ve- hicle’s location. If FES mechanics are not available, submit a request for maintenance support. Firefighters must have knowledge of minor repairs. 10.7.3. Refueling will be accomplished at dispersal points when possible. 10.8. Vehicle Kits. All vehicles will maintain the following kits: 10.8.1. First Aid Kit. 10.8.2. SABC Kit. 10.8.3. UXO/Contamination Marking Kit. 10.8.4. Decontamination Kit. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 49 Chapter 11 FIRE ALARM CONTROL CENTER OPERATIONS 11.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures for operating the FACC. 11.2. Personnel. Manpower for the FACC may not be available; this section may be manned by shift personnel. 11.3. Status Boards. A status board will be maintained with the following information as a minimum: 11.3.1. Personnel by name, rank, AFSC, and position. 11.3.2. Vehicle by registration number, call sign, assigned crew, and dispersed grid coordinates. 11.3.3. Available resources by location, type, quantity, (i.e., gallon/pound, etc.) and grid coordinates. 11.3.4. EWS systems by location and capacity. 11.4. Visual Aid Board. A visual aid board will be maintained with the fol- lowing information as a minimum: * 11.4.1. Current alarm condition and MOPP level. 11.4.2. Building priority listings. 11.4.3. Pertinent phone numbers. 11.4.4. Pertinent information (i.e., duress words, sign/countersign, and instal- lation control center directives). 11.4.5. Munitions locations if applicable. 11.5. Maps. The following maps should be maintained and updated as re- quired and the alternate FACC should be similarly equipped. 11.5.1. Installation grid map with CBRN zones and split MOPP sectors/zones. 11.5.2. Vehicle, personnel, and resource dispersal sites. 11.5.3. Buildings and airfield. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 50 11.5.4. Roadways and bridges. 11.5.5. EWS systems. 11.5.6. Munitions/weapons storage locations. 11.6. Communication Equipment. The FACC, and if possible the alternate FACC, should be equipped with the following: 11.6.1. Land mobile radio with multi-channel capability is preferred. 11.6.2. Hard-line (i.e., field phone, etc.) with air traffic control tower, EOC, UCC, SFS, maintenance control, and other agencies deemed appropriate by the SFO. 11.6.3. Fire reporting phone lines (from key locations). 11.6.4. Public Address system that broadcasts to the fire station. 11.7. Log Book. The FACC operator should keep a daily logbook current with all pertinent information. The daily logbook in conjunction with checklists should be able to serve as a backup for status boards, visual aids, and charts in the event of FACC relocation. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 51 Chapter 12 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, PROCEDURES, AND DISCIPLINE 12.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures when utilizing radios as a means of communication. Radio communication procedures and discipline may be defined as the process of maintaining clear, decisive, open channels of communication with as little confusion and repetition as possible. 12.2. Transmissions. 12.2.1. Speak in plain language saying what you mean, i.e., unit responding, on location, in service, etc. 12.2.2. Vehicles may be assigned letter designation IAW their real world ve- hicle radio call sign (e.g., Crash 10 will become Charlie 10). Also, designators for A and B shift may be employed (e.g., Alpha or Bravo 10). Vehicles will use these letter designations as call signs. Personnel may be assigned letter designations also (e.g., Bravo-10; 1, 2, and 3). An alternative to this is to code name the vehicle (e.g., Jackpot) and designate the personnel as 1, 2, and 3 (CC, DO, back-seater). 12.3. Authentication Matrix. Authentication matrix should be used to verify radio transmissions. All personnel should update their matrix as codes are used. 12.4. Duress Signal. 12.4.1. Firefighters under duress should communicate the assigned duress words to the FACC followed by as much information as possible (i.e., loca- tion, and nature of problem, injuries, etc.). Firefighters will then wait for di- rection from FACC or SFO. 12.4.2. If a firefighter under duress is unable to orally transmit a duress mes- sage, a secondary means should be established. 12.5. Discipline. Radio transmissions are reserved for pertinent communica- tions only. General conversation and chit-chat must be avoided to keep vital channels open and prevent efforts to locate dispersed units through tracking devices. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 52 Chapter 13 SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS AIR SUPPLY 13.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures for SCBA air supply oper- ations. 13.2. Refilling. 13.2.1. SCBA cylinders will not be filled while potential CBRN contamina- tion conditions exist. 13.2.2. SCBA cylinders will be filled by qualified personnel only. A bottle fill log will be used with annotations denoting bottle number, date filled and fire- fighter’s printed name and signature. 13.3. Decontamination. 13.3.1. If M-8 or M-9 paper shows contamination, attempt to decontaminate the breathing air equipment cover before removing. 13.3.2. Dispose of the contaminated cover at an appropriate disposal site. 13.4. Breathing Air Re-servicing. 13.4.1. All cylinders requiring servicing are filled during attack preparation. Plastic caps/covers will be put on spare bottles to keep contaminants out. 13.4.2. Disperse as many spare bottles as possible with vehicles. The air filtra- tion system and associated equipment will be stored in a suitable shelter and covered with plastic. 13.4.3. The air compressor intake valves and filters will be covered and taped closed. The air filtration system will be sealed in plastic. M8/M9 chemical detection paper will be affixed to the top and sides of air compressors to aid in identification and contamination avoidance. 13.4.4. Additional filter sets for the purification system will be stored in plas- tic bags. 13.4.5. SCBA re-servicing will not be conducted during an ALARM condition where there is a potential chemical presence. AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 53 Chapter 14 INSTALLATION UTILITY OUTAGES 14.1. General. This chapter establishes procedures in the event of utility out- ageS. 14.2. Water. When water services are interrupted, every effort should be made to conserve water. Out of service hydrants should be annotated on all maps. Crews should re-supply vehicles as necessary utilizing existing EWS systems. 14.3. Sewage. When sewage service is interrupted, all personnel should make efforts to not over tax the waste treatment plant, or drains tied to the plant, by dumping excess water from firefighting operations or decontamination efforts into the system. 14.4. Telephone. When telephone services are interrupted, communication must be made by runner, radio or field phone/cell phone. 14.5. Gas. When gas service is interrupted, all units should be notified. In the event of a fire or gas leak, FES should make efforts to contain or terminate the fire or leak. It may become necessary to shut-off other facility utilities to pre- vent fire or damage. 14.6. Electrical. When electrical service is interrupted to the FACC, auxiliary power should be utilized. Consideration for finding an alternative electrical Source to recharge batteries and portable devices should take immediate priority if the auxiliary power source fails (i.e., generator on vehicles). 14.7. Radio Service. It may become necessary to align vehicles in the field to act as repeaters for long distance transmissions. The FACC or SFO will man- age this coordination on the scene. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 54 Chapter 15 CONTINGENCY FIRE PREVENTION 15.1. General. This chapter describes unique fire prevention and inspection issues to consider when operating in a contingency environment. 15.2. Standards compliance. As with firefighter occupational safety and health and all aspects of fire emergency services, our goal is to meet the same criteria at deployed locations as we do at home. However; this is not practical for example when operating at locations for short durations and using expe- dient construction methods. On the other hand once a location becomes “en- during; fire chiefs must consider adhering to established criteria as outlined in DoDIs, AFIs, Unified Facility Criteria, Engineering Technical Letters, NFPA codes, and other relevant engineering and prevention documents. 15.3 Facility Plans Reviews. FES Flights will conduct plans reviews as re- quired and coordinate with MAJCOM/AOR fire chief and engineering staff when needed 15.4. Reference Material. Guidance for FES flights includes the NFPA Code on line found at: • http://www.nfpa.org/codesonline/ • Contact HQ AFCESA/CEXF at afcesa.cexf3)tyndall.af.mil for the username and password 15.4.1. The Unified Facility Criteria, UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engi- neering for Facilities. 15.4.2. Engineering Technical Letter. ETL 09-4, Fire Protection Engineering Criteria – Expeditionary and Force Projection Operational Theaters. Attachment 8, General Fire Prevention and Reporting Procedures. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 55 Chapter 16 INFORMATION COLLECTION, RECORSD, AND FORMS 16.1. Information Collections. No information collections are created by this publication. 16.2. Records. The program records created as a result of the processes pre- scribed in this publication are maintained LAW AFMAN 33-363 and disposed of LAW AFRIMS RDS located at https://www.my.af.mil/gcss- afó1a/afrims/afrims/. 16.2.1. Adopted Forms. AF IMT 847, Recommendation for Change of Publi- cation. 16.2.2. Prescribed Forms. No prescribed forms are implemented in this publi- cation. LOREN M. RENO, Lt Gen, USAF d DCS/Logistics, Installations and Mission Support AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 56 Attachment 1 GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION References DODI 6055.06, DOD Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Program, 21 De- cember 2006 DODI 6055.06-M. DOD Fire and Emergency Services Certification Program, February 2006 AFPD 10–2, Readiness, 30 October 2006 AFPD 32–20, Fire Emergency Services, 5 August 2003 AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, 13 January 2008 AFI 32-2001, Fire Emergency Services Program, 9 September 2008 AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008 AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, 17 November 2008 AFMAN 10-100, Airman's Manual, 1 June 2004 AFPAM 10-219, Volume 3, Post Attack and Post Disaster Procedures, 9 June 2008 AFPAM 10-219, Volume 5, Bare Base Conceptual Planning Guide, 1 June 1996 AFPAM 32-2004, Aircraft Fire Protection for Military Operations Other Than War, 1 September 1999 T.O. 14P3-1-181, Joint-Firefighter Integrated Response Ensemble (J-FIRE), 1 August 2007 T.O. 00–25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, 15 July 2002 WMP-1, CE Supplement, May 2008 NFPA Codes On-Line, http://www.nfpa.org/codesonline/ FES Community of Practice (CoP) https://www.d.my.af.mil/afknprod/ASPs/Cop/EntryCop.asp?Filter=OO- EN-CE-10 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 57 Abbreviations and Acronyms A/C–Assistant Chief ABD–Air Base Defense ABU–Airman Battle Uniform AFMLA—Air Force Manpower and Innovation Agency AFSC–Air Force Specialty Code AOR-Area of Responsibility ARC–Air Reserve Component ARFF-Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting BDO-Battle Dress Overgarment BDU—Battle Dress Uniform BEAR–Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources CAM—Chemical Agent Monitor CBRNE—Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives CC—Commander CCA—Contamination Control Area or Chemical Contamination Avoidance CE—Civil Engineer CW—Chemical Warfare DO—Director of Operations ECS-Expeditionary Combat Support EM–Emergency Management EOC–Emergency Operations Center EOD-Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOR-Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance EWS-Emergency Water Storage FACC—Fire Alarm Communications Center FAD–Force Activity Designator AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 58 FES-Fire Emergency Services FF–Firefighter FPCON.—Force Protection Condition HAS–Hardened Aircraft Shelter HAZMAT—Hazardous Material IAW–In Accordance With IC–Incident Commander ICC—Installation Control Center IDLH-Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health IPE—Individual Protective Equipment JFIRE–Joint Firefighter’s Integrated Response Ensemble LIMFACS-Limiting Factors LSA—Life Support Areas MCO−Major Combat Operations MISCAPS–Mission Capabilities MOC–Mobile Operations Center MOPP Mission- Oriented Protective Posture NCO−Noncommissioned Officer NFPA—National Fire Protection Association ORM-Occupational Risk Management PERSCO−Personnel Support for Contingency Operations PMF–Position Manning Factor POL–Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants PPE—Personal Protective Equipment RIT-Rapid Intervention Team SABC—Self-Aid and Buddy Care SCBA—Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus SFO Senior Fire Official AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 59 SOF-Special Operations Forces SSN-Social Security Number TALCE—Tanker Airlift Control Element TBM–Tactical Ballistic Missile TTP –Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures UCC—Unit Control Center UTC–Unit Type Code UXO—Unexploded Ordnance VHA—Vapor Hazard Area WBGT-Water Bulb Globe Temperature WMD–Weapons of Mass Destruction WRC–Work/Rest Cycle AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 60 Attachment 2 SAMPLE DISPERSAL LOCATION CHECKLISTS Table A2.1. Fire Dept. Dispersal Location & Manpower Assignments. Personnel Asset Day Night - Total Sectors/ Zones Location Grid SFO FCC Operator A/C Station Chief MCV # 1 MCV # 2 MCV # 3 Rescue Pumper Tanker (optional) Security/ Shelter Management TOTAL differently LAW SFO direction. Note: Manpower assignment; suggested locations: Can be located/manned AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 61 Table A2.2. Follow-on Forces or Alternate Vehicle Dispersal Sites. Personnel Sectors/ | Geography Asset Total Sºº Grid Day Night Zones Location MCV # 4 MCV #5 Pumper Command Van HAZMAT Trailer Flat Bed P/U Hose/Foam N/A | N/A N/A Cart Mobile Air N/A | N/A N/A Compressor Support Ve- | N/A | N/A | N/A hicle Note: 1. Once vehicles reach their dispersal sites, a crew status check is to be accomplished. When status of crews is reported, the FACC will update the appropriate work centers. Also, dispersal sites (tools and equipment, EWS. etc.) will be inspected/annotated for damage/contamination after every at- tack. This will be done at the first available opportunity and coordinated by the A/C. 2. Vehicles will be maintained in the station and simulated dispersed for real-world commitments. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 62 Attachment 3 Table A.3.1. Sample Authentication Matrix. | | | | | || C TD TE TFT G THTTT.J. T.K.T.T.M. 1 28 81 || 1 || 79 || 9 || 92 || 10 | 97 96 || 7 || 71 | 40 | 19 2 53 22 99 || 13 22 || 70 80 | | | | | | 21 || 76 || || 7 || 57 3 || 4 || 87 || 17 | 69 || 38 || 2 || 23 27 || 44 || 49 || 12 || 50 | 1.4 4 42 | 18 || 32 26 || 58 || 93 || 74 || 3 || 78 || 25 || 34 || 24 || 6 5 29 | 73 18 || 46 82 | 15 26 || 15 || 5 | 66 56 || || 1 || 13 6 77 95 || 36 19 || 9 || || 63 45 55 61 || 48 27 | 37 || 75 7 10 || 62 59 || 88 || 2 || 6 | 68 20 || 5 || 28 || 23 29 || 34 8 65 | 16 || 32 98 || 54 | 12 || 39 20 | 83 || 9 || 67 || 90 30 9 52 | 16 || 85 || 8 || 94 || 47 || 3 || || 35 || 4 || 89 30 || 3 || 43 10 33 || 41 || 25 || 8 || 72 || 7 || 21 || 33 60 | 84 || 31 | XX | 1.4 X N | O | P R S | T | U | V | W X | Y Z 1 79 97 92 || 28 || 7 || 40 | 10 || 71 || 1 || 19 || 8 || || 96 || 9 2 13 || 1 || 70 53 21 || 17 | 80 || 76 99 || 57 22 || || 1 || 22 3 69 27 | 2 || 4 || 49 || 50 || 23 | 12 || 17 | 14 || 87 44 38 4 26 || 3 || 93 || 42 25 | 24 || 74 || 34 || 32 || 6 | 18 || 78 58 5 46 | 15 15 29 | 66 || || 1 || 26 || 56 | 18 || 13 | 73 || 5 || 82 6 19 55 63 || 77 || 48 || 37 || 45 27 | 36 75 95 || 61 91 7 88 20 || 6 || 10 || 28 29 | 68 || 23 59 || 34 || 62 5 2 8 98 || 20 | 12 || 65|| 9 || 90 39 || 67 ||32 || 30 | 16 || 83 54 9 || 8 || 35 | 47 52 | 89 || 3 || 31 || 30 || 85 || 43 | 16 || 4 || 94 10 || 8 || 33 || 7 || 33 | 84 | XX 21 || 31 || 25 || 14 || 41 || 60 | 72 X When authentication is required, sending members will call out a phonetic letter and a number. Receiving members will cross-reference the matrix to find the correct code to authenticate the communication. Note: Matrix should be new and generated prior to deployment. All members must delete codes as they are used. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 63 Attachment 4 SAMPLE TENT CITY FIRE SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST Table A4.1. Fire Safety Checklist Planning Task 1. Tent City a. Dispersed layout Layout 12 ft between tents in a row (6-7 tents per row) _60 ft between tent rows (4 rows per group) 150 ft between tent groups (25–27 tents per group) b. Non-dispersed layout 12 ft between tents in a row (6-7 tents per row) 30 ft between tent rows (4 rows per group) _60 ft between tent groups (25-27 per group) c. Facility Group Areas. Refer to dispersal distance matrix (AFPAM 10-219V5) d. Marking Tents/Facilities Ensure tents/facilities and rows are named, numbered, and placarded e. Vehicle Parking. Vehicle parking should not be allowed within tent city. Parking should be in designated areas only f. Separation Distances Refer to recommended distanced between functional & individual facilities (AFPAM 10-219.V.5) 2. Tent City Fire a. Conduct frequent inspections Inspections b. Include flight supervisors _c. Invite ground Safety personnel 3. General in- a. Electrical wiring, serviceability, and installation spection items _b. Check for unapproved extension cords or lighting _c. Ensure max 60-watt light bulbs in tent lighting to prevent pyrolysis of tent material and possible fire d. Ensure AC/heating units, generators, and similar equip- ment is positioned far enough away from tents to max- imize safety e. Electrical equipment is properly grounded _f. Proper aisle space inside tents AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 64 Planning Task T Inspection Item _g. Ensure 2 means of exit are maintained in all tent facili- ties; travel distance from any point in a structure to at least one exit shall not exceed 150 ft _h. Develop and post a written evacuation plan for tent city occupants; include assembly points, head count proce- dures, and emergency firefighting and notification pro- cedures _i. Enforce “No Smoking” policy in all tents _j. Ensure designated smoking areas with proper disposal receptacles are established _k. Ensure a fully operational fire extinguisher is provided. Minimum rating 2A:10 B,C in each tent. _l. Ensure tent trash receptacles are emptied daily m. Identify/eliminate self-help projects that create life safe- ty/fire hazards _n. Ensure vegetation and trash around Tent City area is controlled _o. During cold weather operations, when oil/gas fired hea- ters are used, ensure heaters are properly serviced, fuel lines are not leaking, and combustibles are kept at a safe distance. Safe distances are determined by manu- facturers or the appropriate NFPA standard. p. Ensure proper installation of battery-operated smoke detectors for each tent/facility used as sleeping quar- ters. Detector should be mounted on center beam of tent _q. Maintain at least a 10% bench stock of battery operated smoke detectors _r. Open burning (i.e., bonfires, grills, etc.) within Tent City is not allowed S. Open burning waste receptacles (latrines) should be mo- nitored by the Tent City Mayor AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 65 + Special Hazard Areas a. Field kitchens Burner refueling located 50 ft from tents/facilities and lighting/generator equipment; fire extinguisher is readi- ly available No accumulation of grease on tent surfaces _ Grease disposal areas at least 8 ft from tents A minimum of 2 fire extinguishers with rating of 2A: 40 BC provided for cooking areas; extinguishers located at entrances to cooking areas Electrical distribution panel located at least 6 ft from kitchen tent and of protected connector type Electrical generators positioned at least 15 ft from tent walls; fuel tanks positioned remote as possible from generators & diked with fuel lines protected Portable water heaters at least 20 ft from serving area _Adequate aisles and exits are maintained b. Generators _Fuel bladders located as far as practical from other facil- 1tleS Fuel bladders earth bermed to contain any spillage/leak; earthen berms capable of containing 125% of tank ca- pacity _All generators properly grounded An extinguisher with minimum rating of 2A:10 B, C is available in the area “No Smoking” signs posted around fuel storage areas Vegetation control in generator and fuel storage areas c. Medical Facilities _ In addition to general inspection areas, ensure at least one 150–LB halon flightline fire extinguisher available for air evacuation/helipad operations AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 66 | Planning Task 5. Fire a. At least 1 local signaling device in/near each tent group- Reporting ing to warn personnel of fire (warning triangle, blow horn with a unique sound, or other distinct signaling devices) b. A bullhorn or public address system available at Mayor’s tent/office to use in event of a fire _c. Telephone/radio link to Fire Communication Center from Mayor’s tent/office if designated fire reporting phone lines not available (i.e., 911 or 117) _d. See general fire prevention and reporting procedures attachment for additional details Notes: 1. Post this checklist in a readily accessible, highly visible area. 2. Senior member must ensure all assigned personnel are familiar with the contents and their responsibilities in these checklists. 3. Suggest submitting this attachment for installation control center directive (ICCD) or faxing to appropriate agencies. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 67 Attachment 5 SAMPLE MUNITIONS STORAGE AREAS SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST Layout L- T General - Table A5.1. Storage Area Checklists | Inspection item a. Minimum distance from ther facilities (AFPAM 10-219 V5 and AFMAN 91–201). b. Minimum separation distances based upon storage. 2. General Storage Requirements a. Open Storage Without any type of barricades, munitions storage should be temporary only. Separation distances between stacks are maintained (AFPAM 10-219V5). b. Covered storage _ Normally accomplished by using igloo ammunition storage facilities or combat zone type steel arch or culvert igloos/covered igloos. Net Explosive Weight (NEW) in nonstandard earth covered igloos is 250,000 pounds (quantity- distance criteria outlined in AFPAM 10-219.V.5). 3. Fire Prevention Practices a. Ensure flame and Spark-producing devices are kept out of the area. b. Maintain proper separation distances and vegetation control. c. Ensure refuse and packing material is not allowed to accumulate. d. Ensure firebreaks provided around each storage aſ Ca. e. Intentional/controlled burning will not be permitted without Fire Chiefs approval. f. No flammable liquids for cleaning. g. Flammable storage will be located at least 50 ft AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 68 agency. Planning Inspection Item Task from explosive storage locations. _h. Vehicles, other than those loading or unloading, not parked closer than 25 ft to any storage facility. Notes: 1. Post this checklist in a readily accessible, highly visible area. 2. Senior member must ensure all assigned personnel are familiar with the contents and their responsibilities in these checklists. 3. Suggest submitting this attachment for ICCD or faxing to appropriate AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 69 Attachment 6 SAMPLE FUELS STORAGE AREAS SAFETY PLANNING AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST Table A6.1. Fuels Storage Area Checklist Planning T General Layout Inspection Item a. Minimum distance from other facilities (AFPAM 10-219V5). b. Minimum separation distances based upon storage vessel. c. Adequate drainage available to prevent spilled fuel from endangering other tanks. d. All fuel-holding and tank drainage diversion areas clearly identified. Fuels personnel ensured FES understands location & operation of all diversion valves. _e. Fuels personnel, in conjunction with fire personnel, identify all suitable fuel-holding tanks & receivers to receive transferred fuel from burning tanks. Plan is cooperative operation between agencies. _f. Bulk fuel storage areas situated so that a rupture or failure of a bladder/dike will not allow fuel to flow into adjacent tent city areas. _g. Dikes and earthen berms capable of holding at least 125% of the vessel’s capacity. h. Access for FES apparatus paved or improved. 2. Fire Pre- vention a NOSMOKING in or around fuel storage/dispensing area.S. _b. Flame and spark-producing devices are kept out of the area. c. Refuse not allowed to accumulate. d. All fuel dispensing equipment properly grounded. e. All fuel drums properly bonded and grounded. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 70 Planning Inspection Item Task _f. Installed fire protection systems inspected daily to ensure high state of readiness. _g. Vegetation control strictly enforced in and around bulk fuel storage sites. _h. Intentional/controlled burning not permitted within 200 ft of storage areas or without prior approval of Fire Chief. _i. At least one fire extinguisher with a 2A60BC rating located at each fuel storage & dispensing area. _j. Vehicles, other than those loading or unloading, not parked closer than 25 ft to any storage facility. - - Notes: 1. Post this checklist in a readily accessible, highly visible area. 2. Senior member must ensure all assigned personnel are familiar with the contents and their responsibilities in this checklist. 3. Suggest submitting this attachment for ICCD or faxing to appropriate agency. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 71 Attachment 7 FIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES GUIDE FOR AUXILIARY FIREFIGHTING TEAMS A7.1. At contingency locations, it is likely that firefighters will be engaged in mission essential FES tasks involving aircraft and weapon systems. In such situations, firefighters may be unable to respond to incidents involving lesser priorities as listed in base emergency management plans. Therefore, fire pre- vention training becomes crucial so non-firefighting personnel can intervene early to extinguish small fires. A7.2. Chapter 5 in AFPAM 10-219, Volume 3, provides additional informa- tion for auxiliary firefighting tactics and training. The following checklist pro- vides a brief overview of fire fighting actions. Table A7.1. Auxiliary Firefighting. GENERAL FIREFIGHTING AND REPORTING PROCEDURES U Know location & operation of fire extinguishers prior to needing them. D Fight small fires within limitations of extinguisher & personal training. D Always operate using buddy system; work in teams. D Maintain fire escape route to your back and never allow fire to get be- tween you & your way out. D For auxiliary firefighters trained to utilize fire hoses/nozzles and fire pumps, always perform within the realms of your training. D Always remember, if fire gets out of control, evacuate & try to contain fire to building from outside. Limit spread of fire to adjacent structures. BASIC FIREFIGHTING METHODS Type Methods Fire D Preventing fires is always the best line of defense. Prevention Structural | D Do not enter a burning building to fight a fire. Fire [] If fire is found in early stages of development, the appropri- ate fire extinguisher can extinguish the fire. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 72 BASIC FIREFIGHTING METHODS - Type - Methods Structural | D Auxiliary firefighters with proper training can utilize hose Fire (cont.) Streams from exterior in order to control the spread of fire. Vehicle D. A fuel fire can be put out with a portable fire extinguisher. Fire D. Do not allow flowing fuel to flow towards you. D. Do not stand in puddles of fuel. D If fuel tank has ruptured, do not attempt to fight the fire. D Remove exposures if this can be done safely. Electrical | D Never use water on an electrical fire. Fire D Attempt to de-energize at main breaker or pulling fuses. D Only use type C fire extinguishers. Gas Fire U Turn gas off at shut-off valve and fight fire as a structural or (Natural/ tent fire. - Propane) D Do extinguish the fire prior to removing the fuel source. Tent Fire D Fire spreads with alarming speed in a tent fire and can be very dangerous. D Drop all tents in the immediate area and wet all tents down if water is available. Ground D Utilize shovels, rakes, fire brooms, etc. Cover Fire Note: Suggest submitting this attachment for ICCD or faxing to appropriate agencies. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 73 # * * * ' ' 's 'g' 'º' i' 'H' 3 y Attachment 8 GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION AND REPORTING PROCEDURES A8.1. Tent Chief. Senior member assigned to each tent has the following re- sponsibilities: A8.1.1. Ensure personnel assigned to your tent are familiar with this checklist and their fire prevention and reporting responsibilities. A8.1.2. Ensure this checklist is posted in each tent, readily available and visi- ble for use in the event of an emergency. A8.2. Fire Reporting and Evacuation. A8.2.1. SOUND THE ALARM: Yell FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. A8.2.1.1. Evacuate the tent area immediately. A8.2.1.2. Get far enough away to ensure safety. A8.2.1.3. Take a head count to ensure everyone evacuated safely. A8.2.1.4. Do not re-enter a burning structure for any reason. A8.2.2. Report the fire. A8.2.2.1. Use designated fire phone number or locally established fire reporting procedures. A8. Your name and telephone number/radio call sign where you can be reached. A8. Type of fire. A8. Other pertinent information, i.e. number of victims. A8.2.2.2. Contact your UCC immediately and follow up to ensure it’s been reported! AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 74 A8.2.2.3. Firefighters may not be able to respond; in the event this occurs, implement auxiliary firefighting procedures (see Auxiliary Firefighting Checklist in Attachment 7). A8.2.3. Fight the fire with the fire extinguisher. A8.2.3.1. Do not attempt to fight the fire unless you can do so safely. A8.2.3.2. REMEMBER: While fighting fire in MOPP 4, your protective mask will not protect you from the products of combustion. Stay upwind and always have an escape route at your back. A8.2.4. Evacuate adjacent tents and facilities. A8.2.5. Drop adjacent tents if you can do it safely. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 75 Attachment 9 SAMPLE FES OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS Table A9.1. Chain of Command and Duty Assignments Chart. DUTY ASSIGNMENTS First Last MI RANK Duty DEROS Duty CMS SMS MS TS Table A9.2. Fire Emergency Services Dispersal Plan. º T ASSIGNMENTS DISPERSAL STATUS LOCATION registration day shift Night shift | Chief 1 KILL KILL persome C2 NUMBERS NUMBERS REG # Fuel Weapon # Equipment Chief 2 C2 REG # Weapon # Command Van Step Van REG. # Weapon # Rescue P-XX REG. H. Weapon # AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 76 CALL SIGN/ VEHICLE/ REGISTRATION ASSIGNMENTS Day Shift Night Shift DISPERSAL LOCATION STATUS Engine P-XX REG. H. Weapon # Engine P-XX REG. H. Weapon # Crash P-XX REG. H. Weapon # Crash P-XX REG. # Weapon # Crash P-XX REG. H. Weapon # Crash P-XX REG. H. Weapon # Tanker P-XX REG. H. Weapon # AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 77 Table A9.3. Emergency Water Source Locations. IDENTIFIER. GRID COORD CAPACITY STATUS EWS SITE # 1 EWS SITE #2 TANK # 1 TANK #2 TANK # 3 TANK #4 TANK # 5 TANK # 6 TANK # 7 TANK #8 RAW WATER # 1 RAW WATER #2 RAW WATER # 3 POOL DRAFTING PIT RIVER Table A9.4. Important Contact Information. NAME PHONE CALL SIGN | LOCATION/GRID EOC Alternate UCC – CE Reps. Alt. UCC – CE Reps. Tertiary UCC – CE R BCE Alternate Tower Alternate MOC Alternate MUNS AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 78 Alternate Trans Alternate Fuels Alternate SFS Alternate SFS FACC Alternate Tertiary Medical Alternate Table A9.5. Preparation Checklist. ALL PURPOSE CHECKLIST PAGE | OF 2 PAGES TITLESUBJECTſvctivity/RUNCTIONAL AREA OPR: DATE: XXX 1. Preparation Checklist CES/ Oct 2005 CEF No/ NO. ITEM Go | c. N/A O 1 FACILITY: A. Blackout/Tone down/Hardening Actions: - Turn off all outside lighting. Disable automatic ex- terior lights. - Install Blackout boards or window covers on all ex- terior windows. - Cover all blog numbers & facility use ID markings. - Install camouflage netting over covered access to entry control point (ECP). - Lock all exterior doors & establish single entry point (as required by FPCON levels). Post signs on all doors (except ECP) stating “Door Locked - Use Main Entrance.” - Post current FPCON level on entry door and toxic free area (TFA) entry/exit. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 79 - Place M-8 chemical detection boards. - Place M-16 clearing procedures sign near weapons clearing barrel outside ECP. - Place M-16 storage rack inside ECP. - Ensure shuffle boxes are in place outside of main ECP & outside of TFA main entrance. Ensure brush- es are available; boxes are filled with sand & have COVerS. - Hang shuffle box instructions - Shelter manager’s/security will use UXO marking kit to conduct facility sweeps. B. Establish CCA Processing Line. - Set up various stations and instructional signs. - Position additional JS-LIST/J-FIRE items near CCA/TFA processing line. C. Emergency Generator Procedures - The emergency generator will be inspected as soon as possible. Check fuel and top off as required. - Harden generator fuel tank. - M-8 placards will be placed on a horizontal surface around the generator facility. VEHICLES: SEE VEHICLE PREPARATION CHECKLIST VEHICLE DISPERSAL SITES: Camouflage & Hardening Actions: - Set-up camouflage splinter protection and contami- nation avoidance. -- Erect frame to support plastic and camouflage covering at sites. -- Establish vehicle splinter protection, defensive fighting position and bunker. -- Install concertina wire around dispersal site to control access. - Ensure equipment items are secured and protected inside splinter protected areas. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 80 FIRE ALARM COMMUNICATION CENTER AND ALTERNATE LOCATIONS: A. Primary FACC (Bldg. XXX): - Restrict access. - Inventory FACC Kit and place in the FACC. - Prepare Bug Out Kit B. Alternate FACC (Bldg. XXX): - Inventory the Alternate FACC Kit. - Inspect phone and radios. INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT (IPE) FOR MOPP 0 OR HIGHER: A. Personnel: - Inspect members for ID Card, Line Badge, Dog Tags, and other documents as locally required; place in outer pocket - Inspect protective mask and update your inspection card, re-inspect at proper intervals. B. IPE: - Mark JS-LIST gear with M-9 tape IAW AFMAN 10-100 - Mark items with Kill Tag numbers, fill canteen and don IPE to current MOPP - Ensure personnel have re- quired equipment to include; helmet, web belt, can- teen, body armor, protective mask, flashlight Ensure EWS hardening/splinter protection is accom- plished. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 81 Table A9.6. Vehicle and Equipment Dispersal Sites. ALL PURPOSE CHECKLIST PAGE | OF 2 PAGES TITLESUBJECTACTIVITYFUNCTIONAL AREA OPR: DATE: XXX 2. Vehicle and Equipment Dispersal Sites CES/ | Oct 2005 CEF NO. ITEM 1 Vehicle/Equipment Dispersal Sites: SITE GRID LOCATION VEHICLE SECTOR/ZONE ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE DELTA ECHO FOXTROT FACC Alt. FACC Mobile Air Trailer AFFF Trailer Agent/Hose SCBA Units AFFF 5-gal CN PKP 50-lbS CN AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 82 Table A9.7. Dispersal Trailer Inventories. 3. Dispersal Trailer Inventories PAGE | OF 2 PAGES A opr. XXX CES/ CEF DATE: Oct 2005 NO. ITEM Go NO/ Go N/A 1 ALPHA. Site Trailer (Crash Truck): - Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) -3% AFFF in 5-gal containers, Qty (36 CN) or 180 gallons total. - 100' of 3" Supply Hose and misc. tools and adap- terS - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (2 EA) - SCBA Units, Qty (3 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinders, Qty (3 CY) - 50-lb Cans of PKP, Qty (3 CN) or 150 pounds BRAVO Site Trailer (P-23 Crash Truck): - P-23 Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) -3% AFFF in 5-gal containers, Qty (36 CN) or 180 gailons total. - 100' of 3" Supply Hose and misc. tools and adap- terS - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (2 EA) - Interspiro SCBA Units, Qty (3 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinders, Qty (3 CY) - 50-lb Cans of PKP, Qty (3 CN) or 150 pounds CHARLIE Site Trailer (Water Tanker): - Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) - 100' of 3" supply hose and misc. tools and adapters - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (1 EA) - SCBA Units, Qty (1 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinder, Qty (1 CY) - 500' of 5" Supply Hose AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 sy 4 DELTA Site Trailer (Crash Truck): - Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) -3% AFFF in 5-gal containers, Qty (36 CN) or 180 gallons total. - 100' of 3" supply hose and misc. tools and adapters - 50-lb Cans of PKP, Qty (3 CN) or 150 pounds - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (2 EA) - SCBA Units, Qty (3 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinders, Qty (3 CY) 5 ECHO Site Trailer (Structural Pumper): - Power Saw Kit and extra blades - Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) - 1000' of 5" supply hose & misc. tools & adapters - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (1 EA) - SCBA Units, Qty (4 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinders, Qty (4 CY) -3% AFFF in 5-gal containers, Qty (11 CN) or 55 gallons total. 6 FOXTROTSite Trailer (Crash Truck): - Spare Tire and Rim, Qty (1 EA) -3% AFFF in 5-gal containers, Qty (26 CN) or 130 gallons total. - 100' of 3" supply hose and misc. tools and adapters - 50-lb Cans of PKP, Qty (3 CN) or 150 pounds - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (1 EA) - 200° of 1-3/4” Fire Attack Hose Lines and spare TFT nozzle, Qty (2 EA) - SCBA Units, Qty (3 EA) - Extra SCBA Cylinders, Qty (3 CY) 7 SUPPORT Vehicle Trailer: - Spare Tire & Rims (1 each per vehicle type) - 5-gal Diesel Jerry Can, Qty (1 EA) and 5-gal MOGAS Jerry Can, Qty (1 EA) - Gross Decon buckets & brushes AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 84 Table A9.8. Vehicle Preparation Checklist. TITLESUBJECTActivity/RUNCTIONAL AREA 4. Vehicle Preparation Checklist ALL PURPOSE CHECKLIST PAGE | OF 2 PAGES DATE: Oct 2005 NO. ITEM NO/ Go N/A 1 Items required: Vehicle Kits (Decon, UXO, self-aid & buddy care), inventory checklist, M-9 tape, fresh water containers and vehicle books. - Conduct complete vehicle checkout and inventory using vehicle books, appropriate checklists, vehicle Tech Order excerpts, and AF 18XX cards. - Top off vehicle with fuel and oils as required. - Ensure agent is topped off as required. - Inventory and store vehicle kits. - Check first aid kit for seal and current date. - Place spare SCBA air bottles on each vehicle. - Place full fresh water container on each vehicle; attach a piece of M-9 on top of the container. Complete other passive defense measures. - Camouflage. - Expedient hardening/splinter protection. - Blackout vehicles. *Remember, if you can be seen, you are a target” Place M-9 tape on horizontal surfaces. - Mark M-9 tape with date & time placed on vehicle. Replace and re-mark if contaminated or saturated. - Cover vehicle registration numbers or unit ID dur- ing FPCON "Charlie" or higher levels. DECON, Self Aid Buddy Care (SABC) and Unex- ploded Ordnance (UXO) Kits: - Inventory & place a veh. decon kit on each veh. - Inventory & place a SABC kit on each veh. - Inventory & place a UXO Marking kit on each veh. Kits should include: AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 85 DECON KIT - Bucket - Bug Sprayer - Bleach - Decontamination mitt/paper bag - Brushes; long and short handled - Sponges - Plastic bags and rubber bands to seal SCBA bottle connections - Plastic bags SABC KIT - Assorted splints - Triangle bandages - Slings - Assorted bandages UXO KIT - Markers for UXO and contamination. - Chemical “Glow Sticks.” - Surveyors ribbon and stakes. - Flashlight. Maintain the following items on each Emergency Response Vehicle: - AF Form 18xx - Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report - Vehicle's Waiver Card - Vehicle Equipment/Tool Inventory Sheet - Standard Form 91 - Motor Vehicle Accident Report - DD Form XXX8 – Accident Identification Card - SCBA Operator Inspection Checklist (as applica- ble) - Vehicle Fuel Key - Decontamination Kit - SABC Kit - UXO/Contamination Marking Kit - Hose Card (if applicable) - Hub Inspection Sheet (P-23's only) AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 86 Table A9.9. JFIRE CCA Procedures. Responsibility Area of Contact Hazard Area (CHA): CCA SUPERVISOR'S ACTIONS 1. Coordinate with the shelter supervisor for required assistants. a. Brief assistants and provide them with checklists. b. Set work, rest, and replacement cycles for assistants. c. Supervise assistants. 2. Set up the CHA and post instructions. a. Ensure sufficient number of M295 decon kits are placed at the Arrival and Initial Decon Area. One M295 per individual processing is the minimum required for this procedure. b. Ensure all footwear shuffle boxes are filled with a 5% chlorine solution (household bleach). Boxes should be filled to the point that the solution covers the bottoms and sides of the over boots but not to the point that it rises well up into the OG pant leg area. c. Ensure all glove wash troughs are filled with the 5% chlorine solution and the rinse troughs are filled with water. d. Ensure benches are available to facilitate footwear cover re- moval e. Ensure barrels/hampers and liners are at each station for dis- carded clothing and equipment. f. Determine location of areas designated for contaminated waste & trash disposal, OG aeration, & other IPE decon if used. g. Ensure there is space, equipment, and supplies for servicing mission masks. h. Ensure equipment and decontaminants are available to decon- taminate the CCA. 3. Establish a clean egress route and post instructions. 4. As personnel leave the transportation point, they should be di- rected (either by signs or attendant) to the contamination control area. Monitor and prompt personnel processing to: a. Follow all instructions carefully. b. Touch only the outside of clothing. 5. Maintain a steady processing flow. 6. Coordinate with shelter supervisor to restock the CHA supplies. 7. Decontaminate and refurbish the CCA items regularly. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 87 Vapor Hazard 1. Coordinate with the shelter supervisor for required assistants. Area (VHA): a. Brief assistants and provide them with checklists. b. Set work, rest, and replacement cycles for assistants. c. Supervise assistants. 2. Set up the VHA and post instructions. a. Ensure workspace, spare mask parts, hoods, cloths, deconta- mination solutions, sponges, and water are available for cleaning and servicing masks. b. Ensure containers and liners are available for removed items. c. Ensure an over garment and duty uniform aeration area is des- ignated. 3. Establish a clean egress area and post instructions. 4. Monitor and prompt personnel processing and maintain a steady processing rate. 5. Coordinate VHA restocking with the shelter Supervisor. 6. Clean the VHA and remove trash regularly. 7. Ensure doffed underclothing and masks are removed from the airlock (If available) regularly. coa assistants actions Contact TT Keep decontaminant containers clean and filled Hazard Area 2. Collect, bag, and dispose of contaminated rubber IPE, as re- (CHA) quired. 3. Collect and transport mission critical equipment to the Refur- bishment Area. 4. Outside the CCA, prepare OG for aeration. a. Inspect OG for serviceability. b. Brush off excess decontaminant. c. Remove M8 or M9 paper. d. Sort Over garments by size & type to ease future ID. e. Tag each Over garments with date & start time of aeration. 5. Retrieve and store decontaminated IPE when needed (check with M8 or M9 paper and CAM). Only reuse suits that test free of liquid contamination. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 88 6. Refurbish Mission Critical Equipment (MCE) MCE includes the protective mask (MCU-2A/P, M-45), Firefighter equipment (Bunker Boots, Proximity Suit, Helmet and CW protec- tive gloves) Note: Fire Dept personnel will refurbish the Interspiro CW Mask. 7. CW Mask Refurbishment Procedures (see Figure A9.2 for example of station layout): CCA attendant transports the mask from the mask monitoring/removal area to station 1 of the refur- bishment area. 8. Station 1 - Mask Decontamination – 1 Attendant a. Remove and discard the filter canister. b. Submerged the mask in a 5% chlorine solution for 30 seconds. 9. Station 2 - Mask Aeration —2 Attendants (recommended). Preparing mask for aeration. a. Remove the head-harness and visor from the mask and sub- merge in water for approximately two minutes. Note: Remove the head-harnesses by cutting the straps immediately below the metal tab and discard the head harness. b. After the two-minute rinse, remove the masks and hang place on the racks for aeration. c. Wipe visors down with a dry disposable-towelette and move the mask to the re-service station. Vapor Hazard Area (VHA): 1 . Station 3 - Firefighter Proximity Suit – 1 Attendant a. Separate exterior aluminized shell (silvers) from interior bunk- er liners. b. Separate bunker suspenders from proximity trousers. c. Hang bunker liners and suspenders for aeration. d. Submerge bunker silvers in 5% chlorine solution for 30 sec’s. e. Rinse by submerging in 5% water solution for 30 sec’s. f. Hang bunker silvers on aeration rack. g. Monitor bunker silvers with a Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) prior to removing from aeration rack. h. Monitor bunker liners & suspenders with chemical agent mon- itor (cam) prior to removing from aeration rack. i. Reassemble bunker liners, silvers, & suspenders before trans- porting to VHA. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 89 2. Station 4 – Modified Structural ARFF Helmet – 1 Attendant a. Submerge the ARFF helmet with aluminized dome cover and shroud (attachments) in the 5% chlorine solution for approx- imately 30 seconds. b. Rinse the helmet with attachments with water in the same manner as step #1. c. Place the helmet with attachments on the aeration rack. d. Monitor helmet with attachments with a CAM prior to remov- ing them from the aeration rack before transporting to the VHA. 3. Station 5 – Firefighter/CW Protective Gloves – 1 Attendant a. Submerge the gloves in the 5% chlorine solution for approx- imately 30 seconds. b. Rinse the gloves by submerging and agitating in water for ap- proximately 30 seconds. c. Place the gloves on the aeration rack. d. Monitor the gloves with a CAM prior to removing them from the aeration rack before transporting to the VHA. 4. Clean, monitor, and decontaminate the CHA; remove trash and contaminated items as necessary. 5. Transport aerated and refurbished MCE to the TFA. 6. Collect, separate, and stow duty uniforms. 7. Dispose of glove inserts and underwear. Table A9.10. Risk Matrix Chart. Risk MATRIX CHART CAMSCALE CAM BAR READING H 3 or more bars: do not remove mask or undergarments G 1 or more bars: do not remove mask or undergarments Any liquid contact | Do not remove mask or undergarments Wind Direction ! Wind Direction CCA Exit / Distances If space permits, stations should Mask monitoring/ removal area To TFA 2 Uniform & undergarment removal area — CCA Entry º be spaced 20 yards apart. p y X – º Refurbishment Areas within each station H º h should be 10 wards apart ---- yards ap 3|z Soyards – H. H. H. E2 Wash/rinse/d Protective overgarment Glove removal <= stations ry removal area 3 ſea t g A A Station 2 sus ^i: sus ss ^: sess g 50 yards ss ss ss Station 4 ! A–AA—A^_^^–A Mask wi Overboot removal Station 3 - H & hoo 3ſ.623 removal | | H - us area - Legend - F- Station 1 ss t ss | Racks | sas | | | | º - * Bºh a sus Boot wash * - inse ss ¥º w/hangers § § º: Shelter External X. X. hampers Equipment Rºya |-|- | fea ** Boot T-T s Sign wash Table M295 Station tube & tub Holder Boundry Weapons stanchion º wash & ºus ºn olding area * * h & A Arr; * * > Gun Chair Hamper Bench ia Arrival and Initial cabinet & pe Bºº ſ | X Decon Area clearing 5 Station #1: Mask DeContamination Work table to remove canisters Container to Waste submerge mask in 5% chlorine Solution receptacle for canisters — — ... as as s a s = s. sº are = * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Station #2: Mask Aeration Work table to Work table to Table to hold mask for hold mask remove transport to aeration- Waste headharnesses reservice station receptacle for headharnesses Rinse receptacles Station #3: Mask Aeration and Re-service T-EC) [T- Work table to Table to stock & I-I-I-I T-I-T-I hold mask from reservice components | º; k T-1 L- aeration racks (visors, canisters, etc) refurolshed ſnaS Aeration racks Work table to reservice mask Transport mask to aeration station Transport rinsed mask to aeration and re-service station se AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 92 Table A9.11. CCA Processing Procedures. CCA Processing Steps STATION I – Arrival and Initial Decontamination Area 1. Split into two person “buddy” teams (try to team with an indi- vidual wearing same protective overgarment). º S | \, s|||s|s Sls |S|s *|S|s|s -k 2. Check each other for visual evidence or signs of contact hazard (liquid, solid or dusty). Note: Special interest should be given to gloves, hood/mask, and M9 paper. 3. Disconnect velcro for hose/canister and allow to hang freely. !!WARNING!! Using two fingers apply pressure to the mask front voicemitter and to the beard of the J-FIRE to hold the mask firmly in place and prevent loss of mask seal integrity. 4. Thoroughly decontaminate yourself and all exterior equipment, including the M295 decontamination kits provided. Buddies should assist each other in hard to reach areas. Special interest should be given to gloves, hood/mask and filter canisters. 5. EOD buddy teams spray 5% chlorine solution using multipurpose sprayer (pump pressurized) to all exposed areas of Level A Suit. 6. Proceed to the Weapons Clearing, Wash and Holding Area. Weapons Clearing, Wash and Holding Area 1. Complete weapons clearing/turn-in (if required) prior to deconta- minating gloves and over boots. 2. Step into Boot Wash Tray. 3. Wash Gloves in Decon Tub. 4. Rinse Gloves in Rinse Tub. 5. If holding area is not established, proceed directly to Equipment Removal Area. AFH 32–2005 15 July 2009 93 Note: EOD Personnel wearing Level A Suits will proceed di- rectly to Station 3 – Over boot Removal Area. Decontaminate boots in foot trays provided along the way. | |S|s CCA Processing St. sº |S|S 3 Oteps § G|S|s Holding Area C s : s S. S. The Holding Area is designed to allow shade for personnel waiting to process. Informational signs may be developed for personnel to read while waiting. This is a great location to post installation spe- cific information. The following is general information that could be posted within this area: 1. Carefully read the notices posted on the information boards prior to beginning your processing. 2. Remove your individual protective equipment (IPE) in the order specified by the posted instructions. 3. In the event the CCA/TFA complex comes under attack or is otherwise compromised, immediately take cover; don your protec- tive mask & gloves. External Equipment Removal Area !!WARNING!! Take great care when doffing items. Do not remove mask or any protective clothing. Contact hazard transfer to exposed skin and/or respiratory tract can lead to sickness or death. 1. Undo Velcro attachments on your hood underarm straps. 2. Re-attach underarm straps over the shoulder. 3. Remove all external items other than protective mask and over garment, place on racks. These items include helmet, vest (aircrew), web gear, mask carrier, flak vest, cold/wet weather gear and other non-essential items. IMPORTANT: Do not let previously deconned equipment touch ground. 4. Empty all pockets and place items in hampers. 5. Proceed to Station 2 – Mask Wipe and Hood Removal Area. Note: Decontaminate boots in foot trays provided along the way. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 94 - CCA Processing Steps s || | |s STATION 2 §§§ s Mask Wipe and Hood Removal Area C s s !!WARNING!! Using two fingers apply pressure to the mask front voicemitter and to the beard of The J-FIRE to hold the mask firmly in place and prevent loss of mask seal integrity. Individual will face attendant and apply pressure to the front voicemitter. - Firefighters will hold mask in place with 2 fingers on beard/ breathing valve. Attendant: 1. Loosen processee’s hood drawstring. 2. Re-attach underarm straps over the shoulder (if not already com- pleted). 3. Wipe down eye lens outserts and around the filter element using the 5% chlorine solution. 4. Wipe all exposed areas of the interspiro CW mask (lens and ca- nister) with the 5% chlorine solution. 5. Repeat wipe down procedure with water. 6. Pull hood over processee’s head and unsnap hoop straps with pliers (cut the hood temple straps if necessary). 7. Pull the hood off the mask and drop it in the hamper. . : Attendant and individual will decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided. Individual will proceed to Station 3 – Over boot Removal Area. IMPORTANT: J-FIRE personnel proceed directly to Station 3 – Protective Overgarment Removal Area. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 95 º - |S|s CCA Processing Steps s s - |s STATION 3 – Overhoot Removal Area C s : s S. S. IMPORTANT11 While waiting in line, read all instructions for this station and watch the other processing teams in front of you. 1. Proceed to the first available bench as a buddy team, sit on the bench with boots resting on the “dirty” side of the bench. 2. Undo both of your velcro pant leg fasteners and unzip leg zippers. 3. Undo all over boot fasteners. 4. The outer pant leg of the Level-A suit is pulled up to fully expose the bunker boots. 5. One individual will lift their leg closest to the center of the bench and rests it on the bench as your buddy removes the over boot/bunker boot and drops it into the hamper. Once the over boot/bunker boot is removed, place your foot on the “clean” side of the bench as you now Straddle the bench. 6. The other individual will complete the same procedures until both processee’s are straddling the bench. 7. Utilizing the “Buddy” system the remaining boot is processed in the same manner. 8. Wipe down bench with 5% chlorine solution. 9. Decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided and proceed to the Protective Overgarment Removal Area. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 96 CCA Processing Steps Protective Overgarment Removal Area s i | Important – Working aS a buddy team, remove over garment, bunker pants or Level A Suit. One processee will perform the rocedure first and then the buddy will perform it next. BDO Trouser Removal Buddy will: Unsnap rear snaps, untie waist cord, loosen side pull straps, and unfasten front fly closure. Individual will: Turn and face away from their buddy. Buddy will: Lower the individual’s pants to their knees. Do NOT turn pants inside out as you remove them. Individual will: Steady self by holding on to the rack and extend their foot back one at a time. Buddy will: Remove the individual’s trousers and place them into the containment hamper. Individual and buddy will: 1. Decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided. 2. Repeat procedures for doffing buddy. Buddy will: 1. Loosen zippers, hook & pile fasteners, and untie drawstring on front of the jacket. 2. Undo hook & pile attachment points on each sleeve cuff. Individual will: Turn and face away from your buddy, make a fist with both hands and hold arms behind you. Buddy will: 1. Pull the jacket down and away from the individual’s shoulders helping them remove their arms from the sleeves one at a time. - Elastic sleeve cuffs – Jacket will come off inside out. - Velcro sleeves – Jacket will come off right-side out. 2. Place jacket in the containment hamper. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 97 º s|| Sls CCA Processing Steps Sº S s S|5|3||s - J-FIRE Bunker pants and trouser removal Firefighter 1 will: 1. Push bunker pants down to the top of the bunker boots. 2. Reach through jacket & “pinch” hasp to release suspenders. Firefighter 2 will: 1. Unsnap and untie the waist elastic coat retention cord. 2. Unfasten waistband hook & pile fastener tapes & front fly clo- SureS. Firefighter 1 will: 1. Turn and face away from Firefighter 2. 2. Steady yourself by holding on rack. Extend feet back one at a time. Firefighter 2 will: 1. Remove the bunker trouser, boot and trouser at the same time and place them into the containment hamper. 2. Place an uncontaminated disposable plastic boot or sock on the foot before touching the ground. 3. Repeat the process for the other leg. Firefighter 1 will: Repeat this process for your buddy. Both Firefighters will: Decontaminate & rinse gloves in tubs pro- vided. FFS remove jacket LAW removal procedures below. Trouser Removal Individual will: Reach through your jacket and “pinch” hasp to release suspenders. Buddy will: 1. Unsnap and untie the waist elastic coat retention cord. 2. Unfasten the waistband hook and pile fastener tapes and front fly closures. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 98 5|- º i. E|3: CCA Processing Steps E|3| |5. 2. E. P- Trouser Removal cont. Individual will: Turn and face away from their buddy. Buddy will: Lower the individual’s pants to their knees. IMPORTANT: Do not turn pants inside out during removal!! Individual will: Steady themselves by holding on to the rack. Extend feet back one at a time. Buddy will: Remove individual’s trousers & place into contain- ment hamper. Individual and buddy will: 1. Decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided. 2. Repeat procedures for doffing buddy. Jacket Removal Individual and buddy will: 1. Firefighter 2 will disconnect the canister and hose assembly and Secure it away from the jacket. 2. Your buddy will loosen zippers, and hook and pile tape on the front of the jacket, the jacket sleeves and the hood. 3. Face buddy; lean slightly forward with chin out & head up. 4. Buddy will stretch out hood & pull away from your head. 5. Turn and face away from your buddy, make a fist with both hands and hold arms behind you. 6. Your buddy will pull the jacket down and away from your shoulders helping the processee remove their arms from the sleeves one at a time. Note: Your arms should come out of the coat without turning the sleeves inside out. 7. Place jacket in the containment hamper. Individual and buddy will: 1. Decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided. 2. Repeat all above procedures for doffing buddy. 3. Proceed to Station 4 – Glove Removal Area. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 99 CCA Processing Steps s i | EOD – HAZMAT Level A Suit Important: The following steps require buddy assistance. 1. Unfasten belt inside suit and don gloves. Gloves are stored inside level A suit. 2. Open hook & pile closure and zipper. 3. Pull suit down to knee level ensuring outside of suit does not contact uniform or skin during process. 4. Remove suit one leg at a time by lifting leg backward and pull- ing it free from leg & foot. 5. Place non-contaminated disposable plastic sock or boot on ex- posed foot before it touches ground. Note: Once suit is unzipped, you may switch the CW Interspi- ro mask from bottled air to ambient air. 6. Place the suit in the hamper. 7. Processee and buddy will decontaminate and rinse gloves in tubs provided and proceed to Station 4 - Glove Removal Area. STATION 4 – GLOVE REMOVAL AREA !!WARNING!! Avoid contacting rubber glove exterior with unprotected hand. 1. Work both rubber gloves at same time and drop into hamper. 2. Work the Fire/CW protective gloves at the same time until they are halfway off and drop into the hamper. 3. Proceed to the Mask Monitoring/Removal Area. MASK MONITORING/REMOVAL AREA Individual will: Face the attendant, spread legs apart and hold arms out to your side with palms up. VHA Attendant Will: 1. Monitor individual using the CAM (see procedures below). 2. If cam bar readings are less than CAM monitoring chart, re- moves mask according to mask removal procedures below. 3. If cam bar readings are equal to or greater than CAM monitor- ing chart, don clean gloves & proceed to Uniform/Undergarment Removal Area AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 100 CCA Processing Steps s CAM Monitoring Procedures 1. Monitor the front of the processee outlining the body and across | * the front using an “X” pattern if desired. 2. Have the processee face away and extend their foot back one at | * | * a time and monitor the bottom of each foot. 3. During monitoring pay special attention to the palms, wrists, :k || >k | >k ankles, neck, and bottom of feet. :k :k :k Mask Removal Procedures IMPORTANT: Attendant Will document individuals last name and last 4 of SSAN on a mask ID tag before individual re- moves mask. Attendant Will: 1. Ask individual their last name and last 4 of SSAN & write it on mask tag. :k 2. Bring nomex hood over processee’s head. Individual will: 1. Using both hands, grasp lower head harness straps, take three :k :k deep breaths :k || >k 2. Pull mask out & away from face, remove & place on table. Attendant will: Attach the mask tag to the head harness buckle and place the mask in the container. >k || >k || >k Individual will: Continue holding breath, eyes open until reaching the Toxic Free Area. >k || >k || >k Uniform/Undergarment Removal Area Caution: Bending too far forward in mask may cause mask seal to leak on some individuals. Use boot step (CAPS only) to elevate your foot when untying the combat boot laces. 1. Place foot on boot step (CAPS only) and untie combat boots. >k || >k 2. Hold onto rack for balance & remove combat boots or disposa- | * | * ble booties. You may use boot remover (CAPS only) if desired. 3. Remove your ABU/BDU shirt and place it into the hamper. :k || >k | >k AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 101 4. Remove your ABU/BDU pants and place it into the hamper. :k :k 5. Return to the Mask Monitoring/Removal Area. :k :k º sº |S| ºt s|| |S|s CCA Processing Steps s s s s tº S. s - EMERGENCY CCA PROCEDURES 3. If CAM bar readings are the same upon remonitoring, take the following emergency steps: 1. 2. Immediately stop CCA operations. Monitor surrounding area within the VHA to verify levels and look for any potential hot spots. If hot spots are found decontaminate by using decontamination kits, washing down area with 5% chlorine solution, sealing, re- moving, covering etc. . Once levels are below the ones listed in the CAM Monitoring Chart, continue CCA operations . If levels have not changed - Check serviceability of CAMs. Replace as necessary and re- monitor area. - Verify wind direction. Ensure you are still downwind or crosswind. If not, the CCA must be relocated to an upwind or crosswind location. CAM Monitoring – Risk Matrix Chart CAMSCALE |CAM BAR READING H 3 or more bars Do Not Remove Protective Mask G 1 or more bars Do Not Remove Protective Mask AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 102 Attachment 10 FES UTC MISCAPS A11.1. Force Packages. A11.1.1. UTC: 4FPFA, Title: EN Fire Chief Manager. Total Personnel: 1; Officers: 0. Enlisted: 1, Civ.: 0 MANFOR as of 20070329, Date Registered: 20070329 Provides essential FES management for wing personnel and firefighters when combined with 4FPFN, 4FPFJ, or 4FPFP in support of a bare base, follow-on or other major combat operations, or missions at contingency operating loca- tions, aerial ports, en route bases, or critical stateside bases. Provides FES management oversight, including training, and provides senior leadership ad- vice on vital information for minimizing loss of life, property damage, and limiting damage from fire that would seriously degrade mission capability. When combined with a 4FPFN, is capable of providing 24-hour Emergency Operations Center coverage. Firefighter deploys with individual protective equipment and clothing, weapons and ammo. Lower skill level substitution is not allowed. Expeditionary Combat Support (ECS) is required from service designated as base operating Support integrator. FAC AFSC Description Qty 44EF 3E700 Fire Protection Manager 1 A11.1.2. UTC:4FPFN, Title: EN Deputy Fire Chief Manager. Total Personnel: 1; Officers: 0. Enlisted: 1, Civ.: 0 MANFOR as of: 20070514, Date Registered: 20070329 Provides essential fire emergency services management for wing personnel and firefighters when combined with 4FPFA, 4FPFJ, or 4FPFP in support of a bare base, forward operating location or other major combat operations or missions at contingency operating locations, aerial ports, en route bases, or critical stateside bases. Provides senior leadership advice on vital information AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 103 º “. - - º - for minimizing loss of life, property damage, and limiting damage from fire that would seriously degrade mission capability. When combined with 4FPFA is capable of providing 24-hour Emergency Operations Center coverage. Per- Sonnel will deploy with individual protective equipment and clothing, wea- pons and ammo. Lower skill level substitution is not allowed. ECS is required from service designated as base operating support integrator. FAC AFSC AFSC Title Qty 44EF 3E791 FIRE PROTECTION SUPT 1 A.11.1.3. UTC: 4FPFJ, Title: EN Firefighter Management 2 PKTM Total Personnel: 2; Officers, 0 Enlisted 2, Civ.: 0 MANFOR as of 20050810, Date Registered: 20050726 Provides fire ground/hazardous materials incident command and control for single or multiple 4FPFP UTCs in support of operations at a bare base, co- located operating base, forward operating location or other contingency oper- ating locations, aerial ports, en route bases, or critical stateside bases. Team is capable of providing 24-hour fire ground incident command and control for aircraft, structural, POL, and munitions fire suppression and rescue operations. Team is also capable of providing ECS fire prevention functions and limited fire prevention inspections. UTC must be supported by one 4F9FJ UTC. Per- sonnel will deploy with individual protective equipment and clothing, wea- pons and ammo. Skill level substitution is not allowed. ECS is required from Service designated as base operating support integrator. FAC AFSC AFSC Title Qty 44EF 3E771 FIRE PROTECTION CFMN 2 AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 104 A.11.14 UTC: 4FPFP, Title: EN Firefighter Truck Crew. Total Personnel: 6; Officers: 0 Enlisted: 6 Civ.: 0 MANFOR as of 20070706, Date Registered: 20070329 Provides 24-hour staffing for a single aircraft rescue fire fighting (ARFF) ve- hicle operations or provides staffing for one rapid re-supple water tender and fire alarm communications in support of major combat or contingency opera- tions at bare base, forward operating locations, aerial ports, en route base, or critical stateside bases. Type aircraft determines amount of fire suppression agent required (in gallons). One 4FPFP UTC is required for each ARFF ve- hicle. When combined with additional 4FPFP UTCs, one 4FPFJ and one 4FPFN, the team is capable of providing 24-hour crash rescue/fire suppression services and fire ground command and control. They also provide limited support for structural, POL, and munitions fires. Hazardous material (HAZMAT) response capabilities are limited to hazmat defensive operations only. Personnel will deploy with individual protective equipment and clothing, weapons and ammo. Substitutions authorized for execution, reporting and posturing in accordance with AFI 10-403. ECS is required from service desig- nated as base operating support integrator. FAC Grade AFSC AFSC Title Qty 44EF 3E731 FIRE PROTECTION APR 2 44EF E5 3E751 FIRE PROTECTION JNMN 1 44EF 3E751 FIRE PROTECTION JNMN 2 44EF 3E771 FIRE PROTECTION CFMN 1 Total Personnel: 6 A11.1.5. UTC: 4FPFG Title: Fire Inspection and Prevention Team. Total Personnel: 2 Officers: 0 Enlisted: 2 Civ.:0 MANFOR as of: 2008XXXX Date Registered: 2008XXXX Provides fire inspection and prevention capability in support of operations at a AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 105 bare base, co-located operating base, forward operating location or other con- tingency operating locations, aerial ports, en route bases, or critical stateside bases. Team is capable of provide for ECS fire inspections and limited fire prevention functions to include; hazard assessments, public fire safety educa- tion and facility plans reviews. Personnel will deploy with individual protec- tive equipment and clothing, weapons and ammo. Skill level substitution is not allowed. Special Note: One 3E771 position requires mandatory DOD Fire Emergency Services certification Fire Inspector II. ECS is required from service designated as base operating support integrator. Reviewed XXX FAC Grade AFSC AFSC Title Qty 44EF 3E771 FIRE PROTECTION CFMN 2 Total Personnel: 2 A11.1.6. UTC: 4F9S4 Title: EN FIRE JTF/HQ STAFF MGT TEAM Total Personnel: 3; Officers: 0 Enlisted: 3 Civ.: 0 MANFOR as of 7/1/2005 Date Registered: 20020813 Fire protection force to provide staff augmentation in support of regional con- tingencies or natural disasters during wartime or stability operations. UTC may be augmented by additional fire UTCs to support stability operations. Personnel will deploy with individual protective equipment and clothing, weapons and ammo unless otherwise directed. Substitutions authorized for execution, reporting, and posturing in accordance with AFI 10-403. ECS is required from service designated as base operating Support integrator. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 106 FAC AFSC AFSC Title Qty 1700 3E700 FIRE PROTECTION MGR 1 1700 3E771 FIRE PROTECTION CFMN 2 Total Personnel: 3 A11.2. Equipment Packages. A11.2.1. UTC: 4F9FE. Title: EN Firefighter Comm Package (equipment). MANFOR as of: 20050701, Date Registered: 20031007 Provides deployed firefighters with essential communications to perform li- mited fire fighting operations in support of regional conflicts, operations, and natural disaster relief efforts for both crash and/or structural fire fighting oper- ations. A11.2.2. UTC: 4F9FF. Title: EN Firefighter Self Contained Breathing Appa- ratus (SCBA) Compressor (equipment only). MANFOR as of 20050701, Date Registered: 20010226 Provides deployed firefighters with essential breathing air reservicing capabil- ity to support limited fire fighting operations in support of regional conflicts, major combat operations, and natural disaster relief efforts for both crash and/or structural fire fighting operations. A11.2.3 UTC: 4F9FH. Title: EN HAZMAT Emergency Response Equipment (equipment only). MANFOR as of: (Awaiting Pilot Unit Completion) Date Registered: 20070919 Provides deployed firefighters with essential equipment needed to perform hazmat/WMD response in support of major theater of war or contingency op- erations at bare bases, forward operating locations, aerial ports, en route bases, critical stateside bases, humanitarian relief operations, and to protect the ho- meland. Equipment is deployed in response to accidents or natural disasters AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 107 requiring mitigation or containment of hazardous material releases such as toxic industrial chemicals/materials. Limited capability exists to respond to nuclear, biological, or radiological agent incidents. Must be combined with three 4FPFP and one 4FPFJUTCs to accomplish the mission. A11.2.4. UTC: 4F9F.J. Title: EN Firefighter Management 2 PKTM EQ (equipment only). MANFOR as of: 20050726, Date Registered: 20000309. Provides equipment to support fire ground/hazardous materials incident com- mand and control for one 4FPFJ UTC in support of operations at a bare base, co-located operating base, forward operating location or other contingency operating locations, aerial ports, en route bases, or critical stateside bases. Equipment will support 24-hour fire ground incident command and control for aircraft, structural, POL, and munitions fire suppression and rescue operations. A11.2.5. UTC: 4F9FR. Title: EN Fire Night Vision Goggles (equipment only). MANFOR as of 20050701, Date Registered: 20040225 Provides deployed firefighters night vision equipment to perform and sustain aircraft crashes, structural, or incidents requiring FES. Equipment will be sourced to support firefighting operations at regional conflicts, major combat operations, natural disaster relief operations, and conflicts involving long-term mission support. A.11.2.6. UTC: 4F9FX. Title: EN Firefighter Limited Equipment Set (equipment only). MANFOR as of 20050701, Date Registered: 20010226 Provides deployed firefighters with essential firefighting equipment to per- form limited fire fighting operations in support of regional conflicts, major combat operations, and natural disaster relief efforts for both crash and/or structural fire fighting operations. Note: The most current UTC information AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 108 and that of their corresponding Equipment and Supply Listings (ESL) can be found on the CE UTC Management CoP secure web site at: https://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/ASPs/CoP/EntryCop.asp?Filter=OO-EN-CE- 23. A11.3. Vehicle Packages. A11.3.1. UFM32 – L127/P18: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency operations with 4 (2 per 12 hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPF.J. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Se- cured spare tire, 600ft of 3 inch fire hose, 600ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, two 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, one 24 ft ground ladder, applicable T.O.(s), opera- tions/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. A11.3.2. UFM33 – L128/P-26: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 4 (2 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPFJ. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 600 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 600 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, two 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, one 24 ft ground ladder, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. A11.3.3. UFM34 – L130/P-24: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 8 (4 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPF.J. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 1000 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 800 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, three 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, one 24 ft ground ladder, one universal adapter, two 2 1/2 inch double male adapters, two 2 1/2 inch female adapters, AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 109 applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany ve- hicle. A.11.3.4. UFM35 – L133 /P-22: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 8 (4 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPFJ. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 1000 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 800 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, three 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, one 24 ft ground ladder, one universal adapter, two2 1/2 inch double male adapters, two 2 1/2 inch female adapters, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany ve- hicle. A11.3.5. UFM36 — L143/P-23: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 8 (4 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPF.J. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 1000 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 800 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, three 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, one 24 ft ground ladder, one universal adapter, two 2 1/2 inch double male adapters, two 2 1/2 inch female adapters, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany ve- hicle. A11.3.6. UFM37 – L144/P-27; Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 4 (2 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPFJ. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 600 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 600 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, two 1 3/4 inch fire nozzles, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair ma- nuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. AFH 32-2005 15 July 2009 110 A11.3.7. UFM38 – L145/P-19: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency opera- tions with 6 (3 per 12-hour shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPF.J. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, 600 ft of 3 inch fire hose, 600 ft of 1 3/4 inch fire hose, two 1 3/4 fire nozzles, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. Note: Only the P-19B model has structural interior fire attack and drafting capability. A11.3.8. UFM3A – C122/P-30 (replaces P-10 [L149/P-10 suitable sub]): Ve- hicle Only. Provides FES Flight initial ECS capability for fire protection oper- ations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency operations with 4 (2 per 12-hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC 4F9FP, 4F9FN, 4FPFJ. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, applicable T.O.(s), opera- tions/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. A11.3.9. UFM3B – L152: Vehicle Only. Provides FES Flight ECS capability for fire protection operations. This UTC must be combined with UTC 4F9FX. This vehicle is staffed in wartime or contingency operations with 4 (2 per 12- hr shift) qualified fire fighters from UTC’s 4F9FP, 4F9FN, or 4FPFJ. This UTC requires qualified fire truck vehicle mechanic support. Secured spare tire, applicable T.O.(s), operations/repair manuals and TMSK will accompany vehicle. NOTES NOTES U RSITY OF MI iii. O15 O8543 3 9015 | iſill 1479