b) wººº… e Alboard E S E A R C H L A B C R A T C R Y |\\ (~~ | || <, > <, zº. C (_) != | |× UNIVERSITY OF №ſſGAN LIBRARIES MAY 2 2 2003 DEPOSITED BY UNİTED STATES OF A™ÁFRICA ------- WELCOME urs is a rich and productive 80-year heritage. We opened our doors to NRL in 1923, after the famous inventor Thomas Edison recommended that a “modern research facility for the Navy” be established. In 1963, NRL was first designated the Navy’s “Corporate Research and Development Laboratory.” Today we continue to perform research, extending scientific and technical knowledge necessary to support a modern Navy and Marine Corps leading to future naval materials, components, sensors, and systems. Since its establishment, NRL has been involved in nearly every area of science and technology needed to help the Navy attain the advantage over potential adversaries. First and foremost, we are people, about 2950, including over 730 PhDs, a Nobel Laureate, and many aspirants. These people are a national trust in the truest sense. - Our scientists, engineers, and support personnel work in a campus-like atmosphere that encourages interdisciplinary projects and studies. We pride ourselves on our corporate approach to meeting Navy and Marine Corps challenges. We strive to reward in many ways in addition to salary. Synergism abounds as one of our major strengths. While publications, patents, and licenses are important to recognize the accomplishments of our work, our primary mission is support of Fleet and Marine Corps operations with the fruits of first principles research and cutting edge technology. The Laboratory is as vital and innovative today as ever. For people who place a high value on scientific and technical contributions and who put a premium on technical excellence, this is a superb place to work. Our goal is to continue to create a nurturing climate for inventiveness and productivity that supports the needs of the Naval services and our Ination. CAPT David M. Schubert, USN Commanding Officer Dr. John A. Montgomery Director of Research he Naval Research Laboratory’s mission is to conduct a broadly based multidisciplinary program of scientific research and advanced technological development directed toward maritime applications of new and improved materi- als, techniques, and equipment; systems; ocean, atmospheric, and space sciences, and related technologies. This includes • providing primary in-house research for the physical, engineering, space, and environmental sciences • providing broadly based exploratory and advanced development programs in response to identified and anticipated Navy and Marine Corps needs • providing broad multidisciplinary support to the Naval Warfare Centers • providing space and space systems technology development and support, and • assuming responsibility as the Navy’s Corporate Laboratory. he Naval Research Laboratory opened its doors in 1923, seven years after it was first proposed in discussions between Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and inventor Thomas A. Edison. The new laboratory boasted two divisions, Radio and Sound. Research divisions in Heat and Light (later Optics), Physical Metallurgy, Chemistry, and Mechan- ics and Electricity soon followed. Early research achievements included the discovery and explanation of radio skip distance; the development of the fathometer and early sonar; and the development of the first operational American radar, in time for use in World War II. The postwar era was a time of great expan- sion for NRL. The Laboratory continued and added to its prewar research program in radio, radar, underwater sound, chemistry, metallurgy, and optics. However, it also added new research areas in nuclear Science and cosmic rays; in upper atmosphere research, using V-2 and successor rockets; in radio astronomy; in electron and X-ray diffraction analysis of molecular structures; and in enhanced programs in antisubmarine warfare, electronic counter- measures, surface chemistry, Solar physics, and In OTC. The Laboratory's Vanguard rocket project was possibly its most famous postwar R&D program. Laboratory Scientists have designed, built, and launched more than 85 satellites since the late 1950s. In the oceans, NRL's Ocean Engineering Branch, working with the Navy’s Deep Submer- gence Project Office, acquired a worldwide reputation for searching the ocean’s abyssal depths. NRL's Laboratory for the Structure of Matter has become internationally famous for its pioneering work in using electron and X-ray diffraction methods for understanding the structure of complicated organic molecules. The Laboratory’s Dr. Jerome Karle received the 1985 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in this regard. The Laboratory’s current research program spans the Scientific spectrum, including studies in topics as diverse as monitoring the solar corona and its impact on the Earth’s atmo- sphere, biomolecular engineering, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, the oceanic climate, virtual reality, Superconductivity, and nanoscience. Indeed, with 80 years of growth and development, NRL shines as the Navy’s corporate laboratory and as one of the Federal Government’s leading in-house centers for innovative research in the national interest. Dr. E.O. Hulburt, first NRL Director of Research First photo transmitted | via the Communication Moon Relay (CMR), 1960. Shown is the USS Hancock. History First meeting of the Naval Consulting Board, 1915. Front row center is Thomas A. Edison and to his right is the Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels. FACILITIES n support of its diverse programs, NRL has an impressive array of modern tools for research, many of which are unique. A sampling is listed below. • Computational Meta Facility (CMF) consisting of scalable, massively parallel-shared memory architec- tures accessible by remote access: – Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 — Hewlett Packard Exemplar — Sun Microsystems HPC Wildfire • ATDnet Washington area POP. . . high performance, multigigabit optical DWDM StreamS Human-Computer-Interaction Laboratory Radar Cross Section Prediction facility Artificial Intelligence Center Central Target Simulation facility Versatile facilities for high magnetic field and cryogenics research - • Variety of GaAs and solid-state lasers, including devices of very high power and brightness • Nanoelectronics processing facility • Nike krypton-fluoride 5 kilojoule laser • Spacecraft fabrication, assembly, and test facilities — Radio frequency anechoic chambers and controls — Shock and vibration – Thermal vacuum and acoustic reverbera- tion chambers Satellite telemetry, tracking, and control facilities Infrared “anechoic” chamber Acoustic holography pool facility Mode stirred chamber for creating intense electromagnetic testing environments Virtual reality grotto workbenches and interaction laboratory Advanced distributed simulation center with HPC and ATM network Table-top-terrawatt (T3) laser Large-volume space chamber Laboratory for advanced material synthesis Molecular Beam Epitaxy Center for advanced electronic devices Nano Institute facilities Trace element mass spectrometer Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation system Microwave processing facility Rail gun system Space chamber Laboratory for Structural Acoustics Naval prototype optical interferometer Ocean dynamics and prediction network Electron microscopy center Satellite Data Ingest and Processing System Space instrument test facility NRL–Stennis Space Center (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi) and NRL–Monterey (California) perform R&D in marine geology and geophysics, oceanogra- phy, and atmospheric sciences. Other NRL locations include the Chesapeake Bay Detachment in Chesa- peake Beach, Maryland; two smaller Maryland sites, Pomonkey and Tilghman Island; and the Marine Corrosion Facility in Key West, Florida. Mobile research platforms contribute greatly to NRL's research. These include six uniquely config- ured P-3 Orion turboprop aircraft at the Flight Support Detachment located at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Lexington Park, Maryland; and one ship, the ex-USS Shadwell (LSD-15), berthed in Mobile Bay, Alabama. Tº Naval Research Laboratory is a field command under the Chief of Naval Research, who reports to the Secretary of the Navy via the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition. Heading the Laboratory with joint responsibilities are CAPT David M. Schubert, USN, Commanding Officer, and Dr. John A. Montgomery, Director of Research. Line authority passes from the Commanding Officer and the Director of Research to the Office of Program Administration and Policy Development to the research divisions. Research is performed in the following organizational units: • Systems Directorate • Materials Science and Component Technology Directorate • Ocean and Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate • Naval Center for Space Technology. NRL operates as a Navy Working Capital Funded activity. As an NWCF activity, all costs, including overhead, are contributed by benefiting customers. Funding in FY2002 came from the Chief of Naval Research, the Naval Systems Commands, and other Navy sources; government agencies, such as the U.S. Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Department of Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and several nongovernment activities. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Investigating radiation detectors in a specially instrumented cryostat NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20375-5320 Building Occupants 69 Naval Center for Space Technology 59 Spacecraft Eng Dept Space Sys Dev Dept 49/32 Supply Division 72 Incoming Visitor Section Guard Force Human Resources Office Building Occupants 35 Laboratory for Structure of Matter 1. Information Technology Division 57 R&D Services Division 2 Acoustics Division Remote Sensing Division 28 Cafeteria 28 Materials Sci and Tech Division 43 Executive Directorate Command Support Division Management and Admin Head of Security Counsel/Legal Library Center for Bio/Molecular Sci & Eng Radar Division Building Occupants 208 Electronics Science and Technology Division Highlighted buildings indicate headquarters/ 209 Space Science Division dministrative offices for NRL's main site 215 Optical Sciences Division . . . . a 210 Tactical Electronic Warfare Division divisions, laboratories, departments, and 222 Technical Information Division Centers Contracting Division Financial Management Division Patents Office Chemistry Division SCALE IN FEET Navy Technology Center for Safety & 200 10 º 200 400 600 Survivability Institute for Nanoscience Plasma Physics Division Lab for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics T he following areas represent broad fields of NRL research. Under each, more specific topics that are being investigated for the benefit of the Naval services and other sponsoring organizations are listed. Some details of this work are given in the NRL Review, published annually. More specific details are published in reports on individual projects provided to sponsors and/or presented as papers for professional societies or their journals. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence * Environmental Effects on Naval Systems Advanced distributed simulations for design and warfighting Meteorological effects on electro-optical system perfor- Meteorology Methods of specifying, developing, documenting, and maintaining software Expert systems for resource allocation, signal identification, operational planning, target classification, and robotics Machine learning Information security Virtual reality and interactive visual system Distributed interactive simulations Device Technology Integrated optics IR sensors Electric field coupling Radiation-hardened electronics Microwave and millimeter wave technology Hydrogen masers for GPS Aperture syntheses Vacuum electronics Parallel scientific libraries, algorithms for massively parallel, shared memory systems Digital progressive HDTV for scientific visualization High-performance, all-optical networking IITâIlC6. Air quality in confined spaces Solar and geomagnetic activity Ionospheric behavior Magnetospheric and space plasma effects Contaminant transport Information Technology Antijam communication links High assurance computer systems Information security Communication and information theory Networking - mobile, local, metro wide area Telecommunications - terrestrial, littoral, space Switched optical networking Distributed applications Battle management information systems High performance computing Next-generation signaled optical network architecture Teraflop scalable shared niemory Massively parallel computer architectures Distributed, secure, and mobile information infrastructures High-end, progressive, HDTV imagery distribution Air/sea interaction effects on operations Data assimilation techniques Global/regional forecasting Tactical database development Meteorological tactical decision aids Nanoelectronics and Microelectronics Novel, nanostructure-based sensors New materials and nano devices Oceanography Open-ocean, littoral, and nearshore oceanographic forecasting Shallow water tactical oceanography In situ oceanographic sensors and data fusion Bio-optical and fine-scale physical processes Waves, tides, and surf prediction Plasma Physics Radiation hydrodynamics Laser plasma interactions – Pulsed power – Large-area plasma processing – Space plasma simulations Directed Energy Technology Satellite and space communication systems Laser propagation Voice/data compression technology High-power microwave sources Medium- and high-frequency propagation research Pulsed power - Shipboard electromagnetic interference mitigation High energy and chemical lasers technology Pulse detonation engines Marine Geosciences Ram accelerators Geoacoustic modeling Electronic Warfare Marine seismology Repeaters/jammers, EO/IR active countermeasures and decoys Geomagnetic modeling EW/C*CM systems and technology Geotechnology/sediment dynamics Intercept receivers, signal processing, and identification Geospatial information systems systems º Expendable autonomous vehicles *. Platform signature measurement and management Biomolecular engineerin Threat and EW systems modeling and simulation Theory of . g Enhanced Maintainability, Reliability, and Mobility fuels/explosives/propellants Survivability Technology Materials processing Coatings Advanced alloy systems Rapid solidification technology High-temperature materials Laser fabrication and processing Ceramics and composite materials Superconductivity Thin films and coatings Structural characterization of materials Lubricants and greases Water additives and cleaners Fire safety and fire suppression Laser hardening Satellite survivability Missile blast survivability CURRENT RESEARCH Space Research and Technology Advanced space systems Space sensing applications Remote sensing of the Earth from space Satellite communications Spacecraft design, engineering, and integration Satellite ground station design Navigation technology Astrodynamics Surveillance and Sensor Technology Imaging radars Target classification/identification Underwater acoustic propagation, reverberation, and noise Electromagnetic sensors—gamma ray to RF wavelengths SQUID for magnetic field detection Low observables technology Undersea Technology Anechoic coatings Fiber-optic acoustic sensors Shallow water environmental acoustics and sensor systems Target reflection, diffraction, and scattering Unmanned undersea vehicle dynamics Weapons launch RL today employs approximately 2950 personnel–34 military officers, 73 enlisted men and women, and 2843 civilians. In the research staff, there are about 730 doctorate degrees, NRL PEOPLE AND FLACES 334 masters degrees, and 580 bachelor degrees. The support staff assists the research staff by providing administrative help, computer-aided designing, machining, fabrication, technical information MOSaic view of the near side of the moon lit by earthshine from images transmitted by the Deep Space Science Experiment, called Clementine. Designed, built, and operated by NRL, Clementine ended the first complete moon mapping in May 1994. NRL donated a model of the Clementine Satellite to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum on January 22, 2003. SCIENTISTS/ENGINEERS: Physicists Chemists General Physical Scientists Mathematicians Astronomers Metallurgists Computer Scientists Electronics Engineers Mechanical Engineers Aerospace Engineers Oceanographers Meteorologists Other 1581 468 116 34 36 48 12 120 388 60 53 56 50 140 Services, personnel development, information retrieval, computer support, and contracting and Supply management Services. Evaluating materials at high temperatures under fatigue and creep conditions M any of NRL's research efforts have spun off commercial applications in addition to the defense-oriented objectives for which they were originally developed. NRL developments in areas such as radar, radio, satellite navigation, fiber optics, chemical and biological sensors, and a wide variety of materials and coatings have made significant contributions to the safety and welfare of the civilian community. The transitioning of NRL's dual use technolo- gies to the private sector is facilitated by NRL's Technology Transfer Office. This office implements the Technology Transfer Act by which Congress authorized Federal Laboratories such as NRL to participate in Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and patent licensing agreements. NRL has entered into more than 200 CRADAS with industry, universities, nonprofit organiza- tions, and other government organizations. In addition, NRL has executed over 40 licenses to its inventions. These licenses authorize the licensees to manufacture and sell a product based on NRL's technology in exchange for royalty payments that are shared by the Labora- tory and the inventors. NRL's Technology Transfer exhibit travels to various professional meetings and events around the country as a means to expose industry to NRL's leading edge developments and to encourage collaborations and licensing arrange- ments that will benefit both NRL and industry. -- - | tº | NRL's Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) method of screening for explosives has been licensed by Quantum Magnetics, a division of InVision Technologies. Quantum Magnetics manufactures this equipment for screening luggage and packages at airports and other Secure areas. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER THE COMMANDING OFFICEF APT David M. Schubert, USN, assumed com- 634). From August 1992 to August 1994, he served on mand of the Naval Research Laboratory in May the Joint Staff (J3) as Operations Officer for the National 2002. A 1977 honors graduate and Trident Scholar of Military Command Center. the United States Naval Academy, CAPT Schubert CAPT Schubert returned to USS Chicago as her received a B.S. in Physics. Once commissioned, he Commanding Officer from May 1995 to July 1997. From reported to the Naval Research Laboratory for a August 1997 to July 1999, CAPT Schubert served as the Summer internship program testing thin-line acoustic Assistant for Plans, Liaison and Assessments for the arrays. After completing nuclear power and submarine Submarine Warfare Division of the Navy Staff and then training, he reported in March 1979 to the USS Ham- moved to COMSUBLANT as the Assistant Chief of Staff merhead (SSN 663), where he served as Communica- for Warfare Requirements, Planning and Assessments. tions Officer, Damage Control Assistant, and Opera- From July 1999 to May 2002 he served as the Assistant tions Officer. Chief of Naval Research. There he was instrumental in He served as an instructor at Nuclear Power School establishing ONR’s Future Naval Capabilities program. in Orlando, Florida from April 1982 to March 1984, CAPT Schubert’s awards include the Legion of Merit, and then as engineer of the USS Chicago (SSN 721). In the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious 1988 he was selected for the MIT/Woods Hole Joint Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, and the Oceanography program, where he received a Master’s Navy Achievement Medal. He twice served on ships that degree in Physical Oceanography. won Battle “E” awards. In October 1990, CAPT Schubert reported as Executive Officer on USS Stonewall Jackson (SSBN r. John A. Montgomery received his B.S. in Physics from North Texas State University in 1967 and his Master’s in Physics in 1969. He received his PhD in Physics from the Catholic University of America in 1982. As Director of Research of the Naval Research Laboratory, he oversees research and development expenditures of approximately $800 million per year. Dr. Montgomery joined the NRL in 1968 as a research physicist in the Advanced Techniques Branch of the Electronic Warfare Division. In 1980, he was selected to head the Off-Board Countermeasures Branch. In 1985, he was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) and was selected as Superintendent of the Tactical Electronic Warfare Division. He has been responsible for numerous systems that have been developed/approved for operational use by the Navy and other services and has had great impact through the application of advanced technologies to solve unusual or severe operational deficiencies noted during world crises. Dr. Montgomery received the DoD Distinguished Civilian Service Award in 2001, the DON Distin- guished Civilian Service Award in 1999, and the DON Meritorious Civilian Service Award in 1986. As a member of the SES, he received the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive award in 1991 and 2002 and the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive award in 1988 and again in 1999. He also received the 1997 Dr. Arthur E. Bisson Prize for Naval Technology Achievement, awarded by the Chief of Naval Research in 1998. Further, he has received the Association of Old Crows (Electronic Defense Association) Joint Services Award in 1993. He was an NRL Edison Scholar, and is a member of Sigma Xi. He has served as the U.S. National Leader of The Technical Cooperation Program’s multina- tional Group on EW since 1987, and served as its Executive Chairman. THE DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH The following three publications are available from the Publication and Visual Information Services Section, Code 5211, (202) 404-4963. • The NRL Fact Book gives more details about the Laboratory and its operations. It lists major equipment, current fields of research, field sites, and outlying facilities. It also presents information about the responsibilities, organization, key personnel, and funding of the divisions, detachments, and other major organizational units. - • The NRL Review presents annual highlights of the unclassified research and development programs. The book fulfills a dual purpose: it provides an exchange of information among scientists, engineers, scholars, and managers; and it is used in recruiting science and engineering professionals. • NRL Major Facilities highlights major research areas to promote cooperative use of these facilities between Laboratory scientists and other agencies. To date, NRL has signed a significant number of CRADAs and licensed important - technology to private industry. Specific information on NRL-developed technology is available from the Technology Transfer Office at (202) 767-7230. - - | General information about NRL may be obtained from Public Affairs, Code 1030, (202) 767-2541 E ..º.º it.” '...}{}; E ... º.º. . . . " ..., \-’t . REVIEWED AND APPROVED # N. -4 NRL/PU/1000--02–455 O =3 - March 2003 II E ,4-- * * * O Y- *=9 4.2c/º 5E; :=3 -- CAPT David M. Schubert, USN #2 o . - Commanding Officer LL] O ...” - : EO D CY) Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. = URL: http://www.nrl.navy.mil/