D 1. & Cº. C 11 NAEP 2002 Yeon-of-c-Glonce Report Assessment Cycle Card October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 | A 24ANCES National center for EducClion Stoltistics U.S. Deportment of Education Institute of EducClfion Sciences MIAſ ºf Aſ NCES 2003–45] UNM ºf MICH. FEB 13 Documents Center º ^ - | UNIVERSITY of Michigan LIBRARIES SEP 18 2003 DEPOSITEL. By UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 TALLY OF BOOKLETS, NAEP operations during the last assessment cycle collected a virtual mountain of materials — they are some of the “numbers behind the TEMS, AND RESPONSES numbers” that appear in NAEP reports. BYSUBJECT READING Total number of Student booklets processe º Number of discrete constructed-response items admi 4,214,229 Number of additional responses scored from previous assessments (for 177 4,549,426 Number of constructed responses sco Total number of constructed responses WRITING Total number of Student booklets processed. 285,851 Number of discrete constructed-response items administered: 60 608,269 Number of additional responses scored from previous assessments (for 118 trend items). 148,760 757,029 Number of Constructed responses sc Total number of constructed responses sco TOTAL MAIN ASSESSMENT Number of Constructed responses sco Number of additional responses scored from previous assessments (for 295 trend items): 483,957 Total number of constructed responses scor ed; 5,306,455 NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 TALLY OF STUDENTS NAEP operations during the last assessment cycle collected a virtual mountain of materials — they are some of the “numbers behind the BY GRADE AND numbers" that appear in NAEP reports. SUBJECT To accurately represent the academic performance of 4,191,800 students in 73,000 public and private schools across the nation, NAEP assessed grade 4 samples of: 12,044 Students in National Writing 31,447 Students in National Reading 138,236 Students in State Writing 139,481 Students in State Reading in 6,414 public (5,793) and private (621) schools To accurately represent the academic performance of 3,983,800 students in 46,000 public and private schools across the nation, NAEP assessed grade 8 samples of: 14,298 Students in National Writing 31,081 Students in National Reading 116,925 Students in State Writing 113,606 Students in State Reading in 5,403 public (4,798) and private (605) schools To accurately represent the academic performance of 3,238,600 students in 31,000 public and private Schools across the nation, NAEP assessed grade 12 samples of: 18,888 students in National writing 25,888 tudents in National Read - g in 754 public (459) and private (295) schools NAEP assessed grades 4, 8, & 12 total samples of: 45,230 Students in National Writing 88,416 Students in National Reading 255,161 Students in State Writing 253,087 Students in State Reading 641,894 Students in State and National Writing and Read 12,571 Participating Schools in State and National NAEP (11,050 public and 1,521 private) _ NAEP 2002 Assessment cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 MEETINGS AND PUBLICATIONS RELEASE DATES • October October 1, 2001 0Ctober 17–19 NAEP Contractors' Meeting — Washington, DC Design and Analysis Committee (DAC) Meeting — Washington, DC November November 14–16 November 20 November 30 December 3–4 December 9–11 National ASSessment Governing Board (NAGB) Meeting — Alexandria, VA Release of The Nation's Report Cards: Science Highlights 2000 (NCES 2002–452) and State Science 2000 Reports (NCES 2002–453) NAEP Validity Studies Panel (NWS) Meeting — Washington, DC December Combined NAEP State Coordinator Orientation and “Large Group" Training–Washington, DC Science Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ January January 18, 2002 January 22–24 Oral Reading Study Group Meeting — Washington, DC Education Information Advisory Committee (EIAC) Meeting—St. Petersburg, FL February January 23 State Assessment Directors Meeting — Sarasota, FL January 29 NAEP Contractors' Meeting — Washington, DC January 31 Technology Rich Environment (TRE) Advisory Group Meeting — Princeton, NJ February 1–2 Design and Analysis Committee (DAC) Meeting — Washington, DC February 28–March 2 National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) Meeting — New Orleans, LA March 17-April 18 March 18–19 March 21 Reading Scoring — Virginia Beach, VA Mathematics Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ NAEP Validity Studies Panel (NWS) Meeting — Washington, DC NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 April 2–19 April 11 April 16–17 April 22–July 25 Mathematics Scoring — Mesa, AZ NAEP Contractors' Meeting — Washington, DC NAEP State Coordinator Orientation – Rockville, MD Writing Scoring – Virginia Beach, VA May 2–3 Panel 1 — Geography Anchor Meeting — Princeton, NJ May 3–4 Design and Analysis Committee (DAC) Meeting – Princeton, NJ May 7–8 Reading Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ May 8–9 NAEP State Coordinator Orientation – Washington, DC May 9 Release of The Nation's Report Cards: U.S. History Highlights 2001 (NCES 2002–482) and U.S. History 2001 (NCES 2002–483) May 16–18 National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) Meeting – Washington, DC May 28–30 Foreign Language Committee Meeting – Washington, DC June 9–10 NAEP State Coordinator Orientation – Washington, DC June 12–14 Panel 2 – Geography Anchor Meeting – Princeton, NJ June 19–21 Mathematics Bilingual Committee Meeting – Princeton, NJ June 20 the Natiºns Rºad U.S. History 2001. ºsº - NCES 2002–483 Release of The Nation's Report Cards: Geography 2001 (NCES 2002–484) and Geography Highlights 2001 (NCES 2002–485) Educatiºn statistics fe Natiºn's Report gººd Geography 2001 Improvements seen in Marp * 2001 Geºgraphy Results at Grades 4 and - ----- -**- Improvements seen in NAEP2001 U.S. History Results at Grades 4 and 8 -------------- ----- --------- --- ------- * I ºwe Pºzooi-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-tº- |-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- - ºne-tº- ----- NCES 2002–485 NCES 2002–482 NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 MEETINGS AND PUBLICATIONS RELEASE DATES July Mathematics Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ July 1–2 July 1–2 Reading Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ July 22–24 NAEP State Coordinator “Large Group" Training — Washington, DC July 23–26 New NAEP Coordinators Orientation and NAEP Network Item Review for Math and Reading — Washington, DC August 1–3 National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) Meeting — Washington, DC August 8 NAEP Contractors Meeting — Washington, DC August 20–21 NAEP State Coordinator Orientation — Washington, DC August 22–25 NAEP State Coordinator “Large Group" Training — Washington, DC August 27 NAEP Validity Studies Panel (NWS) Meeting — Washington, DC September September 19–20 September 16–17 September 18–20 Mathematics Committee Meeting — Princeton, NJ NAEP State Coordinator Orientation — Alexandria, VA NAEP State Coordinator Workshop on Building Relations with Schools and Districts — Washington, DC - NAEP State Coordinator Training Orientation SeSSions With 36 NAEP State COOrdinators intro- duced NAEP and their responsibilities in the program. Topics included the role Of the NAEP State COOrdinator in NAEP and in the COOrdinator's Own State, team building to get the job done, and NAEP resources. Large Group training Sessions with 31 NAEP State COOrdinators extended the Orientation Sessions, and focused on the dissemination plan each COOrdinator need- ed to create and submit to NCES. Topics in these sessions included Title | requirements, building teams with districts and Schools, NAEP Sampling, 2003 NAEP activities, developing the dissemination and Outreach plan, and Working with the NAEP Coaches. A third program attended by 11 NAEP State COOrdinators Combined Orientation and large group training and gave Comprehensive COverage to all the training topics; Some topics were COvered by means of an internet WebEx hookup. A workshop attended by 40 COOrdinators focused On the COOrdinator's role in recruiting Schools for the NAEP Sample, and included a panel discussion by previous NAEP COOrdinators. A total of 8 NAEP State COOrdinator Orientation and training Sessions were held in the Washington, DC area between April and September, 2002. Also, the Workshop entitled "Building Relations with Schools and Districts" was held in Washington, DC, in September. NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 NAEP CONTRACTORS FOR 2003–2009 NCES has organized its Work on NAEP and increased its capacity for getting the job done by adding the manpower and expertise of Several Contractors. RSITY OF MICHIGAN Illi 15 08543 3806 Alliance Coordination Ensures coordination among Alliance contractors; maintains data for tracking program progreSS; and provides logistical support for Written complaints. Design, Analysis, and Reporting (DAR) Designs all pilot and field tests, operational assess- ments and special studies; analyzes data to ensure the reporting of valid results; proposes and studies psychometric and statistical analyses compatible with previous NAEP methodologies; determines the data needed to meet the goals for reporting; and prepares reports. Item Development Develops the background variables, cognitive items, and scoring rubrics; assists in scoring and the training of scorers; conducts small-scale pilot tests of the items and rubrics; and participates in reviews of items. Material Preparation Prepares and packages the assessment and all auxiliary materials; distributes assessment booklets and materials to the test administrators for each school; develops training and scoring materials; and SCOres all assessments. Sampling and Data Collection Selects representative samples; prepares sample weights for NAEP assessments; administers assess- ments and collects data from field tests, operational assessments, and Special studies; and ships Com- pleted assessment materials to the scoring sites. Web Operations and Maintenance (WOM) Acquires, develops, implements, and Supports Internet-related applications and services for NAEP and the NAEP contractors; identifies and deploys emerging technologies and new products to improve NAEP's offerings; and ensures timely services and release of quality products using Web technologies. Dissemination & Outreach Designs all NAEP products; designs and produces a portable convention booth to display materials; cre- ates dissemination plans for NAEP reports, special studies and Secondary analysis grants. NAEP State Coordinators (NSC) Serves as the liaison between the State Education Agency and the National ASSessment of Educational Progress (NAEP); serves as the state's representa- tive to review NAEP assessment items and process- es; coordinates the NAEP administration in the state; analyzes and reports NAEP data; and coordi- nates the use of NAEP results for policy and pro- gram planning. Meeting Logistics (ML) Provides support to NAEP and NAEP contractors by planning meetings, Staffing meetings, arranging travel, and related activities for meetings. NAEP Quality Assurance (QA) Assures the integrity of NAEP assessments and the assessment process through Ongoing monitoring and identification of potential technical and opera- tional errors. State Service Center (SSC) – To Be Awarded Establishes a NAEP State Service Center to provide Ongoing Support, technical assistance and training for the NAEP State Coordinators; answers informa- tion requests regarding NAEP; and maintains a NAEP Information Center. State Analysis (SA) – To Be Awarded Enhances NAEP's capability to monitor academic progress and the performance trends of states and their identified subgroups; portrays patterns of achievement gaps between the subgroups on NAEP state assessments; explains NAEP state results; and identifies patterns of performance that could affect NAEP assessments in states/jurisdictions. | NAEP 2002 Assessment Cycle October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 - Join the thousands Who have visited the NAEP website to access the many NAEP publications, data files, and WEB SITE FACTS AND FIGURES released items available there. Chronicle of NAEP Web Site Usage Average Number High Number of Users Year and Month of Users Per Day for Month (date) 2001 October 957 1,342 (10/16) |- L November 1,402 6,158 (11/20) http://nces. ed.gov/nations reportcard December 714. 1,718 (12/03) E. The Nation's Report card ſunk. *A* E]*: edgow/nations epoſtcard/ -] & Go *nº Enzº ANCESnºonºcºmºtºcoºnsºle. Fºr = = 2002 F = January 943 1,441 (01/30) -U-I-AA-A* 2002 Reading : Assessment Results º -qu- NOW AVAILABLE :. Results from the national ------ and state reading assessment :. ...” February 1,120 1,541 (02/05) "º -------rriºr º:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::: tº:::::::::::::, | – March 1,011 1,445 (03/05) - nzoozmann issz.wnse the NAEP2002 wrºtraubandºtrktassessmen - º:* : **** *::::: * "ºº" i-plate turnail ::::::::::::::::::::: * Monthly Visits º Tº April 1,000 1,446 (04/22) to NAEP Web Site º 180,000- * May 2,028 15,211 (05/10) 160,000- 140,000- 120,000- June 1,098 3,553 (06/21) 100,000- 80,000- July 904 1,314 (07/09) 60,000- 40,000- 20,000- August 845 1,275 (08/28) 0 - § September 1,104 1,456 (09/04) CŞ.