ºil/2 m 5%/22/2 Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations Welcome This goose, designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, is the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located along the Bitterroot River in western Montana's scenic and historic Bitterroot Valley. Surrounded by the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountain Ranges, the Refuge offers spectacular viewing opportunities of both landscape and wildlife. Managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge is one of over 550 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System — a system of lands set aside to conserve wildlife for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans. Established in 1963 to provide habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife, the Refuge's 2,800 acres are home to 235 species of birds, 37 species of mammals, and 17 species of reptiles and amphibians. Lee Metcalf NWR provides visitors with many opportunities to enjoy recreational activities compatible with its conservation mission and the National Wildlife Refuge System priority public uses: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation. All public use activities on Lee Metcalf NWR are governed by Federal and State law. Refuge visitors are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to public use and resource management. This brochure details regulations for hunting and fishing on the Refuge. These regulations are enforced in addition to regulations promulgated under the Refuge Administration Act (16 USCŞ668dd-668ee), Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and other applicable wildlife and public use statutes. General Information and Regulations m The Refuge office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. The office is closed on Federal holidays. m An accessible restroom is available in the Refuge office during operating hours. An accessible outhouse is available in the Wildlife Viewing Area during Refuge visitation hours of dawn to dusk. m The Refuge is open to waterfowl hunting, archery white-tailed deer hunting, and fishing. m Hunting is permitted on designated Refuge lands only. Areas open and closed to hunting are shown on the Refuge hunting map. m The area surrounding the Refuge headquarters and areas marked with “Area Closed” signs are closed to hunting. m Current Federal and State hunting regulations apply. Consult the Montana State Hunting Regulations for a complete list of State regulations (available on-line at http://fwp.mt.gov). m All hunters and anglers on Lee Metcalf NWR must follow Federal and State of Montana licensing guidelines to hunt and fish on the Refuge. Hunters and anglers must possess their hunting or fishing license(s) and photo identification at all times while on the Refuge. In Overnight parking and open fires are not allowed on the Refuge. m All trash, including food products, animal parts, spent shotgun shell casings, and paper and plastic products, must be removed from the Refuge. m See the Refuge general information brochure for other recreational opportunities and regulations. Fishing Regulations Waterfowl Hunting Regulations Fishing is allowed along the slough and the river in the Refuge's Wildlife Viewing Area in accordance with State of Montana regulations in effect on the Bitterroot River from Tucker Crossing to the Florence Bridge. Ducks, geese, and coots may be hunted only from established numbered blinds in designated areas of the Refuge (see map). Hunting for ring-necked pheasants, Swans, or any other wildlife species (except white- tailed deer as described here) is prohibited. In addition to current Federal regulations and State hunting regulations, Refuge-specific hunting regulations detailed in this publication and on Refuge signs must be followed. in Wildlife observation, scouting, and loitering during waterfowl hunting season are prohibited at the waterfowl hunting parking area and on the Refuge road leading to the waterfowl hunting parking 3.1623. m All hunters must have visible means of retrieving waterfowl such as a float tube, waders, or a dog capable of retrieving. m Dogs must be on leash in the parking area, while traveling to your designated hunting blind, and when returning to your vehicle from the blind. Seasons/Hours Blinds m Consult the State Migratory Game Bird hunting regulations for season dates. m A youth waterfowl hunt is traditionally held the weekend before the opener; check State hunting regulations for exact dates. m The waterfowl hunting area is closed to waterfowl hunting on Mondays and Thursdays. * Legal shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset daily. Sunrise/sunset tables are posted at the registration (hunter sign-in/ sign-out) box. * Legal entry time into the hunting area is no earlier than 2 hours before legal shooting hours. It is strictly prohibited to remain in the parking or hunting areas any longer than 2 hours after sunset. m Established numbered blinds for waterfowl hunting are available on a first-come, first-served basis except for the opening weekend of waterfowl hunting season when blind use will be determined by a public drawing. m No more than four people may use a blind at any one time. m Reserving blinds during any part of the waterfowl hunting season is restricted to hunters with disabilities. m Hunters must sign-in/sign-out at the registration box. m All hunting must be conducted from within the blind. m Blinds 1, 2, 7, 14, and 15 do not have a decoy requirement; however, a minimum of six decoys are required for all other blinds. m For blind 13, hunters may either use the blind or position a portable blind in the mowed area adjacent to the established blind. To Florence (6 miles) Miles .25 .5 Kilometers ) Wildfowl Lane (county road Refuge Boundar U.S. Route 203 Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Other Route non-public) ( Refuge Roads Refuge Headquarters Hunter Access Parking Trails - ºli Accessible Restroom 5- H-H Railroad Hº tº im & - Waterfowl Hunt Area Blinds O Water XXXX Closed to Hunting Hunting Except Areas Marked Entire Refuge Open to Archery Closed Fishing Allowed in Wildlife Viewing Area Only ZZ Waterfowl Hunt Area >G To Missoula (25 miles) ~- - - - -) ·~ ~ ~ v^ ) \- - |- ¿??????????? ???????????? ©^^ �� ?3№ \ \,§§ ^r.∞S$ *..����������■ 1„... }<>�������� §·&&&&&&\\& №§§-ſ ſaeſ?$ №§§§§??? |×�� To Hamilton (23 miles) (Xºxº: € �� 22; % © ?? §§§§§§ $ččºč Ķ : KXZ §§ © ¿