HH || 2: H 75/57 UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN LIBRARIES APR 0 1 2003 DEPOSITED EY UNITED STATES OF AME IC R 2A SHOP SELF-HELP HOMEOWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM: Improving the quality of housing, increasing homeownership Opportunities, and community renewal are wital parts of the mission of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). One way HUD accomplishes these important tasks is by funding national and regional nonprofit Organizations, which, through the sweat equity of low-income families and Volunteer labor, build affordable sales housing. HUD supports these nonprofit Organizations through the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program, or SHOP Altogether, SHOP has supported the building of over 8,000 homes since the program began in 1996, and Over 3,000 more are slated for completion. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451. Seventh Street, SW. • Washington, DC 20410 Mel Martinez, Secretary > * %. £) ºf, tº 2. >, s 2. & &, 3’s {j A. (J ‘’’. Aſ E.Jºv & 5 ** 3.º k? E f, 7. C) |- - - - - - ºw-ºn Men'ſ |- |- - While SHOP does not provide funds directly to low-income families, it does fund eligible nonprofit organizations with experience in developing self-help housing for low-income homebuyers. Low-income families interested in buying homes or Volunteers interested in building homes should contact the SHOP-funded Organizations listed under Attention: Homebuyers and Volunteers. Toward the beginning of each year, HUD invites nonprofit organizations to compete for SHOP funding through the Super Notice of Funding Availability (SuperNOFA) for HUD's Discretionary Grants Programs. If your organization is interested in applying for SHOP funds, you should monitor the Federal Register for the publication of this major notice. The SuperNOFA will indicate the approximate amount of funds available for grantees. In fiscal year 2002, approximately $22 million was available for SHOP grants. As part of its commitment to increase home- ownership opportunities for low-income families, the Bush Administration requested $65 million for SHOP for fiscal year 2003. DOES OUR ORGANIZATION QUALIFY FOR SHOP FUNDS? Your nonprofit organization may be eligible for SHOP funding if it meets all of these criteria: . • Your group is a national or regional organization (or a consortium) with demonstrated capacity and experience in providing or facilitating innovative self-help housing programs. "Regional" organizations are those that operate in at least two States. A "consortium" is several nonprofit organizations uniting to submit a single application. • Your group has developed at least 30 self-help housing units within 2 years of the SuperNOFA announcement in the Federal Register. • Your group can demonstrate that it will be able to develop at least 30 self-help housing units within the grant period. • Your group's SHOP investment will not exceed an average of $10,000 per dwelling unit. • Your group can leverage funds for housing construction and gain the commitment of a large amount of sweat equity from homebuyers and labor donated by volunteers. Sweat equity includes painting, landscaping, carpentry and trim work, drywall, and roofing. • Your group can develop decent, safe, and sanitary non-luxury dwellings and make them available at below-market prices to homebuyers who otherwise would be unable to afford to purchase a home. • Your homebuyers' incomes do not exceed 80 percent of the median income for your local area. WHAT SHOULD WE SAY IN 0UR APPLICATION? HUD will rate your organization's application according to these factors: (1) the quality of your program design; (2) your capacity and experience in managing a sweat-equity program; (3) the identification of your community's needs; and (4) your ability to generate other sources of construction funds. HOW CAN WE USE SHOP FUNDS? If your application wins approval, you can use SHOP funds to buy and finance land for homes, as well as for closing costs. SHOP funds can support infrastructure improvements, such as installing, extending, constructing, or rehabilitating utilities. Other infrastructure improvements can include removing environmental hazards. Up to 20 percent of your organization's grant may be used for adminis- trative costs. You may not use SHOP funds for rehabilitation of existing homes, home improvements, or construction not related to infrastructure. WHERE D0 WE GET AN APPLICATION? You can obtain application materials by contacting the SuperNOFA Information Center at 1-800-HUD-8929 (1-800-483–8929). TTY users should call 1-800-HUD-2209 (1-800-483-2209). The SHOP notice of funding availability and application forms can be downloaded from the HUD Web site at http://www.hud.gov/grants/. Consult the SuperNOFA announcement in the Federal Register for the SHOP application deadline for fiscal year 2003. WHERE D0 WE GET MORE INFORMATION? SHOP is administered by the Office of Affordable Housing Programs, which is part of HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development. For more information about SHOP write to SHOP Office of Affordable Housing Programs, Room 7164, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410, or call 1-202-708-2684. Hearing-impaired callers should use the Federal Information Relay Service, 1-800-877-8339. |ATTENTION: HOMEBUYERS AND WOLUNTEERS f you are an eligible homebuyer willing to use your sweat equity to purchase a home or if you would like to volunteer on a homebuilding project, you should contact one of the following grantees who will direct you to a local affiliate: • ACORN Housing Corporation at 1-312-939-1611 or e-mail ahccevdirectºacorn.org. • Habitat for Humanity International at 1-229-924- 6935 ext. 2408 or e-mail DGoldenG)=FHl.org. • Housing Assistance Council at 1-202-842-8600 or e-mail Joe Qruralhome.org. • Northwest Regional Facilitators at 1-360-377-7738 or e-mail ſhugo Gynrf.org (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington). • PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation at 1-520-806-9513 or e-mail jvshaw®ppep.org (Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, and New Mexico). • Wisconsin Association of Self-Help Executive Directors, Inc., at 1-608–257-6773 ext. 246 or e-mail washedG)mailbag.org (Wisconsin and Minnesota). HUD is America's housing agency. It is committed to increase homeownership (particularly among minorities), create affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans, and support the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities, and people living with AIDS. HUD promotes economic and community development as well as enforces the Nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at http://www.hud.gov. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development 451. Seventh Street, SW - Washington, DC 20410 (202) 708-2684 " http://www.hud.gov Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 Return Service Requested &MENT Oe * Iliſiºn FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID HUD Permit No. G–795