Who May Be Eligible For Government Benefits? YOU! Someone You Know 00I 23 2003 - - DEPOSITED BY Vi S it. - - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA www.Goveºgºv Egºfiºſon Your Benefits Connection º º, - º 2- º º º * (Bènefits.gov Yºrbaſis on What Is Goveenefits.gov? Goveenefits.gov. . . v’ v’ ls the first government-wide resource for citizen benefits. ls a Web site that helps you determine if you, or someone you are helping, may be eligible to receive government benefits or assistance. Helps you access benefit eligibility information and conduct eligibility screening through a free, confidential, and easy to use online questionnaire. ls part of President Bush's E-Government strategy to make it easier for citizens and businesses to interact with their government. Launched in April 2002, GovEenefits.gov Consolidates information about hundreds of government benefit and assistance programs, including Federal and State programs, previously spread across nearly 31 million Web pages. New programs are regularly added to the site. N | 3 RSITY OF MICH! iii. 3 673 90.15 0854 ill 4 Goveenefits.gov Gives You 3 Easy Ways To Search For Government Benefits For You, Or The Person You Are Helping 1. Search All Programs vº Answer questions about your situation. vº Find all the benefit programs you may be eligible to receive. Search Specific Programs vº Search by benefit program Categories. vº Answer questions related to those categories. v. Find benefit programs you may be eligible to receive. Keyword Search v Search by keyword for benefit programs adminis- tered at the Federal and State levels. Who Should Visit Goveenefits.govº You! Someone You Know! Goveenefits.gov helps any citizen, social service caseworker, person working for a professional or faith-based organization, community center, library, college or university, Federal, State or local benefits agency, or other interested party, determine the full spectrum of benefit and assistance programs that are available. Whether it's a direct payment, loan, insurance, training, or other assistance, there may be a government program that can help you or someone you know. How Can You Let Others Know About Goveenefits.govº v Share this brochure with your family, friends, and colleagues. v. Post a link to www.Goveenefits.gov on your organization's Web site. vº Include a feature on Goveenefits.gov in your organization's newsletter or other publication. You May Be Eligible For Benefits. . . . . . in one or more of these categories: - v’ Caregivers Children Disability Disaster ASSistance Education Employment Farming Food & Nutrition Health Care Housing Parents Retirement Senior Citizens Teaching & Research Taxpayers Veterans And More! What Are Others Saying About Goveenefits.gov? 2003 E-Gov Pioneer Award -Government Solutions Center 2003 Secure-Biz Award for Citizen Service -Federal CIO Council “Hot Site!” “Grade: A’” -USA Today -The Fort Worth Star-Telegram For More Information. . . Visit. . . www.GovEenefits.gov ( Benefits.gov Your Benefits Connection GovEenefits.gov is a partnership among the U.S. Department of Labor (Mandjing Partner) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of State, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Social Security Administration. . Photos - Digital imagery© Copyright 2001, PhotoDisc, Inc. - 08/03