| 6 | a \l 5 ºf C.1/>aff b;04-0 rit Facts Mational Library Service The Library of Congress for the Blind and Physically Handicapped - • - - Washington, DC 20542 January 2009 - - www.loc.gov/nls Playback Machines and Accessories Provided on Free Loan to Eligible Individuals and Institutions Background Recorded materials loaned free by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress, are available on digital talking-book cartridges and audiocassettes. Both digital and cassette recordings require specially designed playback equipment (see Part I, below), which is loaned free to eligible individuals and institutions. Special accessories (see Part II, below) are also loaned free. Digital talking-book players play digital cartridges and cassette machines play audiocassettes at either 15/16 or the commercial standard 1-7/8 inches per second (ips). Only headphones and amplified headphones with miniplugs will work with the digital player. To obtain any of the equipment and accessories described below, individuals and institutions must be registered with the Library of Congress talking-book program. An application for the free library service may be requested from the Reference Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20542, or downloaded from the NLS web site, www.loc. gov/nls. All equipment and accessories are provided by the cooperating regional library serving eligible readers in their state of residence for as long as the reader is actively involved in the program. UNIVE! siſ" . . . . . . . . . . . L}{3}{A}º APR 1920ſ | CEPOSſ fi... . . . * 1 M lºrrn ºn TF, Tr Cº. f**** , I\ f * : * : r. , Part I. Available Playback Machines Digital Standard Player plays NLS (ANSI/NISO Z39.86:2002) digital talking books plays Daisy 2.02 digital talking books plays AMR-WB+, MP3, and WAV audiofiles has eight controls includes a variable speed control that permits speeding up or slowing down playback speed without changing the pitch is portable - - is equipped with a rechargeable battery and an electrical cord includes built-in audio instructions for using the digital machine Digital Advanced Player plays NLS (ANSI/NISO Z39.86:2002) digital talking books plays Daisy 2.02 digital talking books plays AMR-WB+, MP3, and WAV audiofiles has thirteen controls, including a row of controls for setting and retrieving bookmarks and navigating through the structured levels of a book includes a variable speed control that permits speeding up or slowing down playback speed without changing the pitch is portable is equipped with a rechargeable battery and an electrical cord includes built-in audio instructions for using the digital player Cassette Machine plays 2-track and 4-track audiocassettes at 15/16 ips and 1-7/8 ips has ten controls includes a variable speed control that permits speeding up or slowing down playback speed is portable is equipped with a rechargeable battery and an electrical cord includes separate instructions for using the cassette machine Part II. Part III. Special Accessories for Digital Talking-Book Players Amplifier - • is for individuals with significant hearing loss • requires a separate application with medical certification; the sound is boosted to a level that can cause permanent hearing loss to persons with normal hearing. Please contact your cooperating library about the application procedure for obtaining this accessory. * Headphones • are issued only to readers who require them for reading talking books where speakers are not permitted, as in nursing homes and hospitals Pillow Speaker • is for individuals who are confined to bed • may be used with any playback machine • is placed under the reader’s pillow and is normally heard only by the reader Special Accessories for Cassette Book Machines Amplifier • is for individuals with significant hearing loss • requires a separate application with medical certification; the sound is boosted to a level that can cause permanent hearing loss to persons with normal hearing. Please contact your cooperating library about the application procedure for obtaining this accessory. Breath Switch • is for individuals with little or no use of their extremities • must be used with remote control unit Extension Levers • are for individuals who have difficulty manipulating the key controls on a cassette machine • attach to the key controls of the cassette machine Headphones • are issued only to readers who require them for reading talking books where speakers are not permitted, as in nursing homes and hospitals Pillow Speaker • is for individuals who are confined to bed • may be used with any playback machine • is placed under the reader’s pillow and is normally heard only by the reader Remote Control Unit • is for individuals who are confined to bed or who have difficulty with mobility - & • turns playback equipment on and off but does not control other functions such as volume and speed • fits cassette playback equipment • requires a separate application. Please contact your cooperating library about the application procedure for obtaining this accessory. Solar Panel Battery Charger - • is for readers who do not have access to electricity. Please contact your cooperating library about the procedure for obtaining this accessory. Individuals and institutions who wish to purchase playback equipment, who desire special features not included with NLS-provided machines, or who are ineligible for the free loan of NLS-provided equipment may examine other options by requesting Facts: Sources for Purchase of Cassette Players and Player-Recorders Compatible with Recorded Materials Produced by the National Library Service (NLS) from the Reference Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, as noted on the first page, or by e-mail at nlsrefó).loc.gov. - UNIVEnemy of Mººn..... Tilliºl|| || || || || || || || ||||||||||||||||| "#######" © Printed using recycled paper January 12, 2009