| -t" * l s - * ... THE *~ :- *-*. GOSPEL-MYSTERY . OF . sANCTIFICATION OPENED, . IN sundRY PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS: 3 UETED Especially to the case of those who L.A. BöUR UNDER THE GUILT AND POWER !. - , *. OF IND W.E L LIN G SIN. •=ººm- ‘PO WHIch. IS A D DE D. A SERMON ON JUSTIFICATION. \ By MR, wal.TER MARSHALL, LATE PREACHER OF THE GO SPEL. ſ f ." .* - . [. * { - * - - . . . * I Cor. i. 27, 28, 29, 30. 31. God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to con- found the things which are mighty, &c. | - ~~" * * * yº -ºš º ºxº- * PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY N. will By, souTHw EST CORNER or MARKET AND THIRD STREETS, – 3. W. Scoºr—PRINTER. - 1894. Z THE contents. Direction I. To herform duties required in the law, first, learn the effectual means to attain so great an end. - - , , - - - - - - , , Tirection II. Four endowments and qualifications ºne- cessary : 1. An inclination and firoſhensity of heart thereunto. 2. A fiersuasion of our reconciliation - with God. 3. .4 fiersuasion of our enjoyment of everlasting hafiftiness. 4. A fiersuasion of suffici- ent strength both to will and fierform duties ac- r cehtably. ſº tº tº * - sº º \ Direction III. The way to get these endowments to ena- ble for firactice, is, to receive them from Christ's fulness, by union and fellowshift with him. . Birection IV. The means or instruments ºf this union, , and all fellowshift, are, the gosſic!; and faith. What faith is. - - - - - as as ' Direction V. We cannot attain holiness by our endea- - vours in a natural State, without union and Jellow- shif avith Christ. . sºme sº- * - - * , Page, ~3. 17 , 26 45 59 73 Birection VI. Those that endeavour sincere obedience, as the condition to furocure a Tight and title to sal- vation and as a ground to trust on Christ, do seck salvation, by the works of the law. * . . m . Direction VII. We are noż żo imagine that our hearts and lives must be changed from sin to holiness in . any measure, before we may trust on Christ. w 85 1 19 - - - • * - - f : • , * > - r - & ...” 4. -- ... ? - contents. . . . . . . . . . . º. - * * * . . § { - iv, * . . . . * . " . . ." . Page, Direction VIII. Seek for holiness, only in its due or- * & der, after union, justification, and the gift of the *. gº Holy Ghost; and by faith. - - - - - - 121 , Direction IX. We must receive the comforts of the . goshel, that we may herform the duties of the law. 126 Direction X. That we may, by gosſiel comforts, fier- - form duties of the law, we must get assurance in - that very faith whereby we receive Christ. 133 Direction XI. Believe on Christ in a right manner without delay, and then continue and increase in faith ; that so enjoyment of Christ, and union and Jellowshift with him, and all holiness by him may be begun, continued and increased. - . - 160 Direction XII. Diligently use faith for fierformance of , the duties of the law, by walking no longer accord- ing to your old state firincifiles, or means offirac- 'tice; but only according to that new state you...' receive by faith, and its firincifles, and means .. of fractice. - - - - - tº 1.87 Direction XIII. Make a right use of all means aft- fointed in the word, for obtaining and ſhractising holiness, only in this way of believing and walk- ing in Christ according to your new state. 214 Direction XIV. That you may thus seek holiness only by believing and walking in Christ, take encouragement from the good advantages of this way, and the excellent froñérties of it. 251 | The Sermon on Justification. sº - *- : - , 265 !. \- - f } - PREFACE. READER, 7 - - } MR. WALTER MARSHALL, composer of these Di- rections, how to attain to that practice and manner of life, which we call holiness, righteousness orgodliness, was educated in New College of Oxford, and was a fellow of the said college and afterwards he was chosen a fellow of the college of Winchester; but was put under the Bartholo- mew Bushel, with near two thousand more lights (a sin . not yet repented of) whose illuminations made the land. a Goshen. He was esteemed a Presbyterian ; and was called to be a pastor to a people at Gosportin Hampshire, where he shined, though he had not the public oil. The substance of these meditations was there spun out of his own experiences; he having been much exercised with troubled thoughts, and that for many years, and had, by many mortifying methods, sought peace of conscience : but, notwithstanding all, his troubles still increased. Whereupon he consulted others, particularly Mr. Baxter, whose writings he had been much conversant with ; who thereupon told Mr. Marshall, he took them too legally. He afterwards consulted an eminent divine, Dr. T. G. giving him an account of the state of his soul, and parti- cularizing his sins, which lay heavy on his conscience; who, in his reply, told him, he had forgot to mention the greatest sin of all, the sin of unbelief, in not believing on the Lord Jesus for the remission of his sins, and sanc- tifying his nature. Hereupon he set himself to the study- ing and preaching Christ, and attained to eminent holi- ,” A 2 * * -- - v1. . . . . PREF AcE. ness, great peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Mr. Marshall’s dying words were these, “The “wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal . “life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” having but just before said to those about him, “That, he now died in “the full persuasion of the truth, and in the comfort of . “that doctrine which he had preached.” The sum whereof is contained in the ensuing discourse. — - Some time since, he was translated by death, Elijah-like dropping these sheetsas his mantle for succeeding Elishas to go forth with, for the conversion of sinners, and com- fort of drooping souls. - - These papers are the profound experiences of a studi- ous holy soul, learned of the Father, coming from his very heart; and smell of no party or design, but for ho- liness and happiness. Yet it is to be feared, they will scarcely go down with the heady nationalists of this age, . who are of the tribe of Reuben, wavering with every wind of modish doctrine; but in Judah they will be praised. And we hope that many shrubs and cedars may hereby advance in knowledge and comfort. But not to detain you longer, read over all these directions, that you may fully understand the author, or read none. If you do it with the serious humble spirit in which they were wrote, it may be hoped, (the matter being so weighty, and from so able an hand) through the grace of God, they will sink into thy conscience, and make thee a solid Christian, full of faith, holiness and consolation. - July 21, 1692. -- * *. N. N. THE author of these directions was well known to me, and was with me in my house a month together, above twenty years past: and I esteem him a person de- serving the character which this preface giveth him. –- --> T, WOODCOCK. July 21, 1692. • , --- .” ( vii ) - …T. REcoMMENDATORY PREFACE, PREFIXED TO THE EDITION PRINTED AT EDINBURGH, ANNO 1733. areasº ºnes THIS excellent treatise of Mr. Marshall's, though it be well known among the godly in England, where it has undergone a twofold edition; yet, this being the first time of its publication in Scotland, where it is but known to a few, we could not refuse, at the desire of those con- cerned in the publication of it among us, to declare, that as we have perused the book ourselves with greatedifica- tion and pleasure, so we know it hath had the high appro- bation and testimony of many eminent for grace and holi- ness: and judge the publication of it at this time of day seasonable among us, for promoting practical religion and godliness, and for giving a just view of the vast odds there is betwixt heathenish morality, adorned with the finest flourishes of human rhetoric, and true gospel holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. And this our testimony we judged to be well supported by the words of that great and evangelic person Mr. Robert Trail, late minister of the gospel in the city of London, in his post- script to a pamphlet, intitled A Windication of the Protest- . ant doctrine concerning justification, and of its fireachers and firofessors, from the unjust charge of Antinomianism, “I think (says he) that Dr. Owen’s excellent book of “Justification, and Mr. Marshall’s book of the Mystery “of Sanctification by faith in Jesus Christ, are such vin- “dications and confirmations of the Protestant doctrine, “against which I fear no effectual opposition.—Mr. Mar- “shall Was a holy and retired person, and is only known ( viii ) ~, %. { “to the most of us by his book lately-published. The book “is a deep, practical, well jointed discourse, and requires “a more than ordinary attention in reading of it with pro- “fit. And, if it be singly used, I look upon it as one of “ the most useful books the world hath seen for many “ years. Its excellence is, that it leads the serious rea- “der directly to Jesus Christ, and cuts the sinews and “ overturns the foundation of the new divinity by the “ same argument of gospel holiness by which many at- “tempt to overturn the old. And as it hath already had “ the seal of high approbation by many judicious minis- “ ters and Christians that have read it: so I fear not but “it will stand firm as a rock against all opposition, and “will prove good seed, and food, and light to many here- “ after.” This testimony, abstracting from human frail- ties and escapes, to which the greatest men are liable while they know but in part, we homologate by our sub- scription. \ i. ALEx. HAMILTON . at Stirlin EBENEzER ERSKINE g -- , , RALPH ERSKINE at Dunferm- J. WARDLAW line. J. GIB at Cliesh. JA, OGILVIE. at Aberdeen. ( ix. ) A RECOMMENDATION BY THE REv. M.R. ADAM GIB, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL IN THE Assog IATE CongKEGATION OF . x & ED IN BTſ R. G.H. • *, * sº- THOUGH the due reccommendations foregoing, wherewith these following directions have been formerly sent abroad, be what I pretend not to add any weight unto by my assent; there seems not, however, any thing Su- perfluous in applying, unto two sorts of persons, an ad- vice which hath been already given, with respect to the reading this book. ! = Among the professors of a religious course, some do still adhere unto a legal scheme of holiness, vainly mak- ing it the reason of their peace and hope, or, at least, of their venturing to found both on Christ; and others re- conciled unto an evangelical scheme of holiness, verily making it the result of their peace and hope, as already founded on Christ, freely offered to them in the gospel. The correction which one of these sorts, and the in- struction in righteousness which both of them need, may be peculiarly gained from this book: and, for these pur- poses, they are earnestly intreated to peruse it completely, and in the same order wherein written: so that the one sort may not, from looking first into the latter part there- of, throw it aside as Antinomian; nor the other sort, from looking only into the former part, throw it aside as legal. In fine, whereas I have scarcely ever been acquainted with Ony practical composure, of human product, so evan- gelical, in a thread more connect, and a method more exact than this : I equally despair, that any shall reap true benefit, in a partial and confused reading ; and hope that excellent fruit shall, through the divine blessing, redound therefrom, ufºto such as may read it otherwise. * To proceed thus far in compliance with the inclination of some gentlemen concerned in this edition, is presumed by - ADAM G.I.B. Edinburgh, Dec. 31, 1744. , - SIR; IT gives me no small pleasure to hear, that you are going to republish Mr. Marshall’s Gosfiel Mystery ºf Sanctification.* Theinstruction, consolation, and spiritual improvement, which I myself have received from that solid and judicious treatise, excite in me a pleasing hope that it may be equally instructive and advantageous to others. The recommendation of itin Theron and Ashagio, with which you propose to introduce the new edition, is at your service. To this proposal I consent the more readily, be- cause Mr. Marshah’s book may be looked upon as noim- proper supplement to those dialogues and letters, the au- thor of which intended to have closed his plan, with a dissertation on practical holiness, or evangelical obedience. But this design was dropped: partly, on account of his very declining health; partly, because the work swelled under his hands far beyond his expectation. He has been advised, once more to resume the pen ; and treat that grand subject with some degree of copious- ness and particularity. If he should be enabled to exe- cute, what he acknowledges to be expedient tº doctrines aire dº º cºssed, and the prºs already displayed, yºu ſºns tº prºpaºnatºrialsº his essay, Justifica- - - - - - - * it is said, by the ºy best judge of propriety in sacred writing, Great is the ºystºry ºf tºº, , in ºil 16. This passage, pre- sunse, Mr. Marshaº had in his view, when he pitched upon a title for his book. And this passage will reader it superior to all cºn- sure, unexceptionally just aud proper. R£C&MMEN DATORY LETTER. xi. tion, free justification, through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, is the sacred fleece from which he would spin his thread, and weave his garments; agreeable to that im- portant text, Ye are bought with a firice; therefore glorify God”—If providence, in all things wise and in all things gracious, should see fit to withhold either time or ability for the accomplishment of my purpose, I do, by these presents, nominate and depute Mr. Marshall, to supply my lack of Sei'WłCe. - - " . 4. Mr. Marshallexpresses mythoughts: he prosecutes my scheme: and not only pursues the same end, but proceeds in the same way. I shall therefore rejoice in the prospect of having the Gosfiel Mystery of Sanctification stand as a fourth volume to Theron and Asfiasio. Might Ibe allowed, without the charge of irreverence to use the beautiful ima- ges of an inspired writer, I could with great satisfaction say, If this be a wall, that will build uſion it a falace of ivory: if this be a door, that will enclose it with boards of cedar.f - r - . d Mr. Marshall represents true holiness as consisting in the love of God, and the love of man:—that unforced, un- feigned, and most rational love of God, which arises from a discovery of his unspeakable mercy and infinite kind- ness to us; that cordial, disinterested, and universal love of man, which flows from the possession of a satisfactory and delightful portion in the LoRD JEHow AH. These duties, of love to our Creator and our fellow creatures, are regarded as the sum and substance of the moral law; as the root from which all other branches of pure and undefiled religion spring—Holiness, thus stated, is considered, not as the means, but as a part, a distin- gºished part of our salvation; or rather, as the very cen. tral point, in which all the means of grace, and all the Ordinances of religion, terminate, - Man in a natural state is absolutely incapable of prac. tising this holinessor enjoying this happiness.--If you ask what is meant by a natural state : It is that state in which we are under the guilt of sin, and the curse of the law, * I Cor. vi. 29, f Cant, viii. 9. . . \' , a * xii. REcoMMENDATORY LETTER. are subject to the power of Satan, and influenced by evil propensities—From this state none are released, but by being united to Christ; or, as the apostle speaks, by Christ dwelling in the heart through faith.* Faith, according to Mr. Marshall, is a real persuasion, that Göd is pleased, to give Christ and his salvation; to give him freely without any recommending qualifications, or preparatory, conditions; to give him; not to some sin- ners only, but to me a sinner in particular—It is likewise. an actual receiving of Christ, with all the benefits, privi- leges and promises of the gospel; in pursuance of the di- vine gift, and on no other warrant than the divine grant— This last office is particularly insisted on, as an essential part, or as the principal act of faith. To perform which, there,is no rational, no possible way; unless as our 'au- thor declares, we do, in some, measure, persuade, and assure ourselves,t that Christ and his salvation are ours. a'- As faith is such apersuasion of the heart, and such a re- ception of Christ, it assures the soul of salvation by its own * act; antecedent to all reflection on its fruits or effects, on marks or evidences—Itassures the soul officquittance from guilt, and reconciliation to God; of a title to the everlasting inheritance, and of grace sufficient for, every case of need. —By the exercise of this faith and the enjoyment of these blessings we are sanctified: conscience is pacified, and the ºr x. ... - ... * * * heart purified: we are delivered from the dominion of sin, ... i- - 4. ...” . . * . . . . . + It is not by this expression, affirmed, or insinuated, that we are able to produce faith in ourselves, by any power of our own : This self-sufficiency the author has professedly and frequently disclaimed, asserting, That “the Spirit of God habitually disposes and inclines “our hearts to a right performance of this most important act.”— This manner of speaking is used, I imagine, for two reasons: To point out the first and chief work, which we are to be doing inces- santly and assiduously, till our Lord come; to remind us, that we must not expect to have faith wrought in us, by some fatality of supernatural operation, without any application or endeavour of our own; but that we must make it our diligent endeavour, and our daily business, to believe in Christ. We must labour to enter into this rest, and shew all diligence to attain to the full assurance of hope. \ - - - , -. *- * . . - 2 - . . . . - - -- *.x- .* - Mr. HERVEY's recommendatory Letter. xiii. Here, I apprehend, our author will appear singular. This is the place, in which he seems to go quite out of the common road. The generality of serious people look upon these unspeakable blessings as the reward of holi- ness; to be received after we have sincerely practised uni- disposed to holy tempers, and furnished for an holy prac- versal holiness; not as necessary, previously necessary, to perform any act of true holiness. This is the stumb- ling block, which our legal minds, dim with prejudice, and swollen with pride, will hardly get over.—However, these endowments of our new state are, in our author’s . . opinion, the effectual, and the only effectual expedient, to produce sanctification. They are the very method which the eternal Spirit has ordained for our bringing forth those fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and firaise of God.”—Whereas if there be any ap- pearances of virtue, or any efforts of obedience which spring not from these motives and means of practice, Mr. . . Marshall treats them as “reprobate silver.” He cannot allow them the character of gospel holiness. . - This is the plan, and these a - of the ensuing treatise. To establish or defend them is not my aim. This is attempted and I think executed, in the work itself. My aim is only to exhibit the most distinguishing principles, in one short sketch, and clear- point of view ; that the reader may the more easily re- member them, and by this key enter the more perfectly. . . into the writer's meaning.—Let him that is spiritual f judge; and reject or admit, as each tenet shall appear to correspond or disagree with the infallible word. Only let candour, not rigour, fill the chair; and interpret an unguarded expression, or a seemingly inconsistent sen- tence, by the general tenour of the discourse. - . We are not to expect much pathos of address, or any deligacy of composition. . Here the gospel diamond is set, " not in gold, but in steel : not where it may display the most sprightly beam, or pour a flood of brilliancy; but - * Phil, i. 11. s # 1 Cor. ii. 1s. -- ~~~ re the leading sentiments ~ - MR. HERVEY's recommendatory Letter. xiv. where it may do the most signal service, and afford a fund of usefulness-Neither is the book so particularly calculated for Careless insensensible sinners, as for those who are awakened into a solicitous attention to their ever- lasting interests; who are earnestly inquiring, with the Philippian jailor, What shall I do to be saved 2* or pas- sionately crying, in the language of the Apostle, O wretched man that I am / who shall deliver me from the body of this death ºf If there be any such, as no doubt. there are many, in the Christian world, I would say with regard to them as the Israelitish captive said concerning her illustrious but afflicted master: Would God, my mas- ter were with the firoſhhet that is in Samaria : for he would recover him of his leftrosy || O that such persons were acquainted with the doctrines, and influenced by the di- rections contained in this treatise ! they would, under the divine blessing, recover them from their distress, and restore them to tranquillity : they would comfort their hearts; and thereby establish then in every good word and work.S - * * – . . , . - But I am going to anticipate what the following ex-, tract speaks. I shall therefore only add my hearty wish- es, that you may meet with encouragement and success in the publication of this truly valuable piece. Since there is in this instance, an evident connection between your private interest and the general good; I think you may promise yourself the approbation and acceptance of the public ; as you will assuredly have all the support and assistance that can be given by, - ~ * * , Sir, Your humble servant, f : . -- -- - - Weston Faval, near *: JAMEs HERVEY., ton, JVov. 5, 1756. * Acts xvi. 30, t Rom. wii. 24. | 2. Kings v. 3, § 2. Thess, ii. 17. * . REcoMMENDATION IN THERON AND ASPASIO. —º- “IT is with great pleasure, and without any diffi- “dence, that I refer my readers to Mr. Marshall’s treatise “ on Sanctification. Which I shall not recommend in the “style of a critic, nor like a person of taste, but with all “ the simplicity of the weakest Christian ; I mean from “my own exherience. It has been made one of the most use- “ful books to my own heart. I scarce ever fail to receive “spiritual consolation and strength from the perusal of it; “ and were I to be banished into some desolate island, “ possessed only of two books besides my Bible, this should “be one of the two, perhaps the first that I would choose. . “Should any person, hitherto a stranger to the work, “ purchase it on this recommendation, I must desire to “suggestone caution.—That he be not surprised, if, in the “beginning, he meets with something new, and quite out “of the common road' or, if surprised, that he would not “be offended, but calmly and attentively proceed.—He a “will find the author's design opening itself by degrees. “He will discern more and more the propriety of his “ method. And what might, at the first view, appear like “a stumbling block, will prove to be a fair and ample. “ avenue to the place of truth—to the temple of holiness. “—and the bowers of happiness.” - '- see the third edition of Hervey's Theron and Aspasio, vol. iii. page 336, l ~ - ^ . . SOME SCRIPTURES - - -ExPLAINEID , IN THIs Book. -*• —*£ £<• %• — gEN. ii. 17. § Rom. viii. §. -<. Job i. 5. 23. EccI. vii. 16. -*- xiii. 14. 29. 1 Cor. xi. 29. 2 Cor. viii. 12. xiii. 5. Eph. i. 3. ^ — 10. -^ — 13. — ii. 5, 6. — 20, 21. iv. 22, 24. Isa. xxxvii. 3. —• !. 10, ! !. Jer. xxxi, 29, 30. Hos. xi. 4. Matth. v. 12. .*< vi. 12, 15. -— ix. 14, 17. 3) —- xi. 12. - Mark i. 15. vi. 18. Luke xiii. 24. _ Tim. i. 8. — X. 5. — ii. 8. John i. 16, 17. -. Heb. x. 10, 14, 18. Acts xiii. 33. — 22. - Rom. i. 5. — xii. 17. 3* ii. 6, 7. — James ii. 14, 15. — iii. 25. ——-— 34. . iv. 5.T 1 John i. 3. - vii:^1. - ^~* iii. 9. — ' 6. Rev, xxii. 12, 14, — viii. 3, 4. i , "THE Gospel, MYSTERY SANCTIFICATION. -ºš º ºs- /* - Y -, DIRECTION I. - That we may acceptably perform the Duties of Ho- liness and righteousness required in the Law, our first Work is, to learn the powerful and effectual means whereby we may attain to so great an end. - EXPLICATION. THIS Direction may serve, instead of a preface, to prepare the understandings and attention of the reader for those that follow. And, - First, It acquainteth you with the great end for which all those means are designed, that are the principal sub- ject to be here treated of. The scope of all is, to teach you how you may attain to that practice and manner of life which we call holiness, righteousness, or godliness, obedience, true religion; and which God requireth of us in the law, particularly in the moral law, which is summed up in the ten commandments, and more briefly in those two great commandments of love to God. and our neighbour, Matth. xxii. 27, 39. And more largely explained throughout the Holy Scriptures. My work is, to show how the duties of this law may be done, when they are known ; therefore expect not that I should delay my intent, to help you to the knowledge of them, by any large exposition of them ; which is a work, already performed in several cathechisms and commien- taries. Yet, that you may not miss the mark for want of discerning it, take notice, in few words, that the holiness, B 2 - 18 The Gospel MystERY Direct. f. which I would bring you to, is spiritual, Rom. vii. 14. It consists not only in external works of piety and charity, but in the holy thoughts, imaginations, and affections of the soul, and chiefly in love; from whence all other good works must flow, or else they are not acceptable to God; not only in refraining the execution of sinful lusts, but in longing and delighting to do the will of God, and in a cheerful obedience to God, without repining, fretting, grudging at any duty, as if it were a grievous yoke and burden to you. " -- --- Take notice further, that the law, which is your mark, is exceeding broad, Psal. cxix. 96. and yet not the more easy to be hit; because you must aim to hit it, in every duty of it, with a performance of equal breadth, or else you cannot hit it at all, Jam. ii. 10. The Lord is not at all loved with that love that is due to him as Lord of all, if he be not loved with all our heart, spirit, and might. We are to love every thing in him, his justice, holiness, Sovereign authority, all seeing eye, and all his decrees, commands, judgments, and all his doings. We are to love him, not only better than other things, but singly, as only good, the fountain of all goodness; and to reject all fleshly and worldly enjoyments, even our own lives, as if we hated them, when they stand in competition with our enjoyment of him, or our duty toward him. We must love him so as to yield ourselves wholly up to his constant service in all things, and to his disposal of us as our absolute Lord, whether it be for prosperity or adver- sity, life or death. And, for his sake, we are to love our neighbour, even all men, whether they be friends or foes to us; and so do to them in all things that concern their honour, life, chastity, worldly wealth, credit and content: whatever we would that men should do to us in the like condition, Matth. vii. 12. This spiritual universal obedi- ence is the great end, to the attainment whereof I am directing you. And that you may not reject mine enter- prise as impossible, observe, that the most I promise, is no more than an acceptable performance of these duties of , the law, such as our gracious merciful God will certainly delight in, and be pleased with, during our state of im- perfection in this world, and such as will end in perfecº º \ Direct. I. - OF SANCTIFICATION. . . 19 tion of holiness, and all happiness in the world to come. Before I proceed farther, stay your thoughts a while in the contemplation of the great dignity and excellency of these duties of the law, that you may aim at the per- formance of them, as your end, with so high an esteem, as may cast an amiable lustre upon the ensuing discovery of the means. The principal duties of love to God above all, and to each other for his sake, from whence all the other duties flow, are so excellent, that I cannot imagine any more noble work for the holy angels in their glorious sphere. They are the chief works for which we were at first framed in the image of God, engraven upon man at the first creation, and for which that beautiful image is renewed upéºus in our new creation and sanctification by Jesus Christ, and shall be perfected in our glorification, They are works which depend not merely on the sove- reignty of the will of God, to be commanded, or forbid- den, or left indifferent, or changed, or abolished at his pleasure, as other works that be ong either to the judicial or ceremonial law, or to the means of salvation prescribed by the gospel; but they are, in their own nature, holy, just and good, Rom. vii. 12, and meet for us to perform, because of our natural relation to our Creator and fellow creatures ; so that they have an inseparable dependence upon the holiness of the will of God, and an indispensible establishment thereby. They are works sufficient to ren- der the performers holy in all manner of conversation by the fruits which they bring forth, if no other duties had ever been commanded; and by which, the performance of all other duties is sufficiently established as soon as they are commanded; and without which, there can be no holiness of heart and life imagined; and to which, it was one great honour of Mosaical, and is now of Fvangelical ordinances, to be subservient, for the performance of them . as means which shall cease when they end, this never. failing charity is perfectly attained, I Cor. xiii. They are duties which we were naturally obliged to, by that reason and understanding which God gave to manathis first crea- tion, to discern what was just and meet for him to do, and to which even heathens are still obliged by the light of na- ture, without any written law, or supernatural revelation. 30 THE Gospel MystERY | Direct. I. Rom. ii. 14, 15. Therefore they are called natural re- ligion; and the law that requireth them, is called the na- tural law, and also the moral law; because the manners of all men, Infidels as well as Christians, ought to be con- formed to it, (and, if they had been fully conformable, they would not have come short of eternal happiness, Mat. v. 19. Luke x. 27, 28.) under the penalty of the wrath of God for the violation of it. This is the true morality which God approveth of, consisting in a conformity of all our actions to the moral law. And, if those that, in these days, contend so highly for morality, do understand no other than this, I dare join with them in asserting, that the best morally honest man is the greatest saint; and that morality is the principal part of true religiºand the test of all other parts, without which, faith is dead, and all other religious performances are a vain shew, and mere hypochrisy; for the faithful and true Witness hath testi- fied, concerning the twº great moral commandments of love to God, and our neighbour; that there is none other commandment greater than these, and that on them hang all the law and the prophets, Matth. xxii. 36, 38, 39, 40, Mark xii. 31. - - y * The second thing contained in this introductory direc- tion, is the necessity of learning the powerful and effec- tual means, whereby this great and excellent end may be accomplished, and of making this the first work to be done before we can expect success in any attempt for the at- tainment of it. - l This is an advertisement very needful; because many are apt to skip over the lesson concerning the means (that will fill up this whole treatise) as superfluous and useless. When once they know, the nature and excellency of the duties of the law, they account nothing wanting but dili- gent performance; and they rush blindly upon immedi- wate pragtice, making more haste than good speed. They are quick in promising, Exod. xix. 8. “All that the “Lord hath spoken, we will do,” without sitting down and counting the cost. They look upon holiness as only the means of an end of eternal salvation; not as an end itself, requireth any great means for attaining the prac- tice of it. The inquiry of most, when they begin to have ...sº Direct. I. of SANGTIFICATION, ; , . . . 24 k a sense of religion, is, “ what good thing shall I do that “I may have eternal life º Matth. xix. 16. not, How: shall I be enabled to do any thing that is good? Yea many that are accounted powerful preachers, spend all their zeal in the earnest pressing the immediate practice of the law, without any discovery of the effectual means of performance: as if the works of righteousness, were like those servile employments that need no skill and ar- tifice at all, but industry and activity. That you may not stumble at the threshold of a religious life, by this common oversight, I shall endeavour to make you sensi- ble, that it is not enough for you to know the matter and reason of yotſ duty, but that you are also to leafn the powerful and effectual means of performance, before you can successfully apply yourselves to immediate practice. And, for this end, I shall lay before you the considera- tions following. T. .. $: . . : - 1st, We are all, by nature, void of all strength and ability to perform acceptably that holiness and righteous-- ness which the law requireth, and are dead in trespasses and sins, and children of wrath, by the sin of our first father Adam, as the Scripture witnesseth, Rom. v. 12, 15, 18, 19. Eph. ii. 1, 2, 3. Rom. viii. 7, 8. This doctrine of original sin, which Protestants generally pro- fess, is a firm basis and ground work to the assertion now to be proved, and to many other assertions in this whole discourse. If we believe it to be true, we cannot ration- . ally encourage ourselves to attempt an holy practice, un- . til we are acquainted with some powerful and effectual means to enable us for it. While man continued upright, in the image of God, as he was at first created, Eccl. vii. 19. Gen. i. 27. he could do the will of God sincerely, as soon as he knew it; but when he was fallen, he was quickly afraid, because of his nakedness; but could not help it at all, until God discovered to him the means of restoration, Gen. x. 15. Say to a strong healthy servant, Go, and he goeth; Come, and he cometh : Do this, and he doeth it; but a bed ridden servant must know first how he may be enabled. No doubt the fallen angels know the neeessity of holiness, and tremble at theguilt of their sin; but they know of no means for them to attain to 22. . . THE Gospel MystERY Direct. I. holiness effectually and so continue still in their wicked- ness. It was in vain for Samson to say, “I will go out “ as at other times before; and shake myself,” when he had sinned away his strength, Judges xvi. 20. Men shew themselves strangely forgetful, or hypochritical, in pro- fessing original sin in their prayers, catechisms, and con- fessions of faith; and yet urging upon themselves and others the practice of the law, without the consideration of any strengthening, enlivening means; as if there were no want of ability, but only of activity. . . . . 2dly, Those that doubt of, or deny the doctrine of ori- ginal sin, may all of them know concerning themselves (if their conscience benot blind) that the exact justice of God is against them, and they are under the curse of God, and sentence of death, for their actual sins, if God shoulden- ter into judgment with them, Rom. i. 32. ii. 2. and iii. 9. Gal. iii. IO. Is it possible for a man that knoweth this to be his case, and hath not learned any means of getting out of it, to practise the law immediately; to love God and every thing in him, his justice, holiness, and power, as well as his mercy ; and to yield himself willingly to the disposal of God, though God should inflict sudden death upon him : Is there no skill or artifice at all re- quired in this case, to encourage,the fainting soul to the practice of universal obedience : 3dly, Though Heathens might know much of the work of the law by the common light of natural reason, and understanding, Rom. ii. 14. yet the effectual means of per- formance cannot be discovered by that light, and there- fore are wholly to be learned by the teaching of superna- tural revelation. For what is our natural light, but some sparks and glimmerings of that which was in Adam be- fore the fall? and, even then, in its brightest meridian, it was not sufficient to direct Adam how to recover ability * to walk holily, if once he should lose it by sin; nor to as- sure him before hand, that God would vouchsafe to him any means of recovery. God had set nothing but death. before his eyes in case of transgression, Gen. ii. 17. and therefore he hid himself from God, when the shame of . his nakedness appeared, as expecting no favour from him. We are like sheep gone astray, and know not which way Direct. I. of SANGTIFICATION, * 23 ſ' * & F- * * * * g to return, until we hear the shepherd's voice. Can these dry bones live to God in holiness? O Lord, thou know- est, and we cannot know it, except we learn it of thee. 4thly, Sanctification, whereby our hearts and lives are conformed to the law, is a grace of God, communicated to us by means, as well as justification; and by means of teaching, and learning something that we cannot see with- out the word, Acts xxvi. 17, 18. There are several things pertaining to life and godliness, that are given thro’. knowledge, 2 Pet. 1, 2, 3. There is a form of doctrine made use of by God, to make people free from sin, and servants of righteousness, Rom. vi. 17. 18. And there are several pieces of the whole armour of God necessary to be known and put on, that we may stand against sin and Satan in the evil day, Eph. vi. 13. Shall we slight and overlook the way of sanctification, when the learning the way of justification, hath been accounted worth so many elaborate treatises? . . , - 5thly, God hath given, in the holy Scriptures by his in- spiration, plentiful instruction in righteousness, “that we may be thoroughly furnished for every good work,” 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. especially since the day spring from on high hath visited us, by the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ, “to guide our feet in the way of peace,” Luke i. 78, 79. If God condescend to us so very low, to teach us this way in the Scriptures, and by Christ, it must needs be greatly necessary for us, to sit down at his feet, and learn it. . - 6thly, The way of attaining to godliness is so far from being known without learning out of the holy Scriptures, that, when it is here plainly revealed, we cannot learn it so easily as the duties of the law; which are known in part by the light of nature, and therefore the more easily assented to. It is the way whereby the dead are brought to live unto God; and therefore doubtless it is far above all the thoughts and conjectures of human wisdom. It is the way to salvation, wherein Godwill destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the firu- dent, by discovering things by his Spirit, that the natural man receiveth not ; for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, because they are shritually discerned, 24 THE Gospel: MystERY Direct. I. 1 Cor. i. 19, 31.andii. 14. Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, 1 Tim. iii. 16. The learning of it re- quireth double work; because we must unlearn many of our . former deeply rooted notions, and become fools, that we māy be wise. We must pray earnestly to the Lord to each us, as well as search the Scriptures, that we may get this knowledge. “O that my ways were directed to “keep thy statutes Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy “statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end, Psalm crix. “5, 33. Teach me to do thy will, Psalm cºliii. 10. “The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God,” 2 Thess. iii. 5. Surely these saints did not so much want teaching and direction concerning the duties of the law - to be done, as concérning the way and means whereby they might do them. 7thly, The certain knowledge of these powerful and ef- fectual means, is of the greatest importance and necessity for our establishment in the true faith, and avoiding er- rors contrary thereunto: for we cannot rationally doubt, that the moral duties of love to God and our neighbour, are absolutely necessary to true religion, so that it cannot subsist without them. And, from this principle we may firmly conclude, that nothing repugnant to the practice of these holy duties, ought to be received as a point of faith delivered to us by the most holy God; and that whatsoever is truly necessary, powerful, and effectual, to bring us to the practice of them, ought to be believed as proceeding from God, because it hath the image of his holiness and righteousness engraven upon it. This is a sure test and touch stone, which those that are seriously religious will use to try spirits and their doctrines, whe- ther they be of God, or not; and they cannot rationally approve any doctrine as religious, that is not according to godliness, 1 Tim. vi. 3. By this touch stone Christ proveth his doctrine to be of God, because therein he seeketh the glory of God, John vii. 17, 18. And he teacheth us to knowfalse prophets by their fruits, Matth. vii. 15; 16. wherein the fruits which their doctrine tend- . eth unto, are especially to be considered. Hence it ap- peareth, that, until we know what are the effectual means of holiness, and what not, we want a necessary touch stone X , , * \ Direct. I. of SANCTIFICATION. . . . . 2.5- of divine truth, and may be easily deceived by false doc- trine, or brought to live in mere suspence concerning the truth of any religion, like the seekers. And, if you mis- take, and think those means to be effectual that are not, and those that are effectual to be weak, or of contrary ef- fect, your error in this will be a false touch stone to try other doctrines, whereby you will readily approve of er- rors, and refuse the truth; which hath been a pernicious occasion of many errors in religion in late days. Get but a true touch stone, by learning this lesson, and you will be able to try the various doctrines of Protestants, Papists, Arminians, Socinians, Antinomians, Quakers; and to discover the truth, and cleave to it, with much sa- tisfaction to your judgment, amongst all the janglings and controversies of these times. Hereby you may discover whether the Protestant religion established among us, hath in it, any sinews of Antinomianism; whether it be guilty of any insufferable defect in practical principles, . and deserve to be altered, and turned almost upside down, with new doctrines and methods, as some learned men in late times have judged by their touch stones. * 8thly, It is also of great importance and necessity for our establishment in holy practice; for we cannot apply ourselves to the practice of holiness, with hope of success, except we have some faith concerning the divine assist- ance; which we have no ground to expect, if we use not such means as God hath appointed to work by: “God “meeteth them that remember him in his own ways,” Isaiah lxiv. 5. “ and makes a breach upon those that seek “ him not after the due order,” 1 Chron. xv. 13. He hath chosen and ordained such means of sanctification and salvation, as are for his own glory, and those only he blesseth to us; and he crowneth no man that striveth, except he strive lawfully, 2 Tim. ii. 5. Experience sheweth plentifully, both of Heathens and Christians, how perhi- cious ignorance, or mistaking of those effectual means, is to an holy practice. The heathens generally fell short of an acceptable performance of those duties of the law which they knew, because of their ignorance in this point (1) Many Christians content themselves with external performances, becausesthey never knew how they might - C - - , , *. * "attain to spiritual service, (2) And many reject the way of holiness as austere and unpleasant, because they know. nºt how to cut off a right hand, or pluck out a right eye, without intolerable pain: whereas they would find he ways of wisdom (if they knew them) to be ways of fleasant- feess, and all her faths to be ficace, Prov.iii. Iz. This occa- * → z Sioneth the putting off repentance from time to time, as an uncouth thing... (3) Many others set upon the plac- tice of holiness with a fervent zeal, and, run very fast, but tread not a step in the right way; and, finding them- selves frequently overcome and disappointed by their lusts, they at last give over the work, and turn to wallowa- gain in the mire; which hath occasioned several treatises, to shew how far a reprobate may go in the way. of reli- gion, whereby many weak Saints are discouraged, account- ing that these reprobates have gone further than them- * selves; whereas most of them never knew the right way, nor trode one step aright in it: for few there be that find it Matth. vii. 14. (4) Some of those ignorant zealots doid- humanly macerate their bodies with fasting and other austerities, to kill their lusts; and, when they see their lüsts are still too hard for them, they fall into despair, and are driven, by horror of conscience, to make way with themselves wickedly, to the scandal of religion. Perad- venture. God may bless my discovery of the powerful means of holiness so far, as to Save some one or other from killing themselves. And such a fruit as this would countervail my labour; though I hope God will enlarge the hearts of many by it to run with great cheerfulness, joy, and thanksgiving, in the ways of his commandments. t - * .*.*.*, * -º- -- } *-i -º - - ** - - ‘. T- - w" 3 * - . w § - { * - - - - - - x h, t r - - * * - * . * * . . . . - - : - - . . . . " - ... . . . . . . . . . ..., x . .'; ".” - 2, #3: - - * * e . . . ." 4. - | ~ . - - #-er" ---, * : * ~ * * * , " ... " * * T - - , ºrt * . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . * , - - - - t t- o ~~’ - - - ‘. - - - w - z - * * --- - Several Endowments and Qualifications are neces- * sary to enable us for the immediate Practice of . . . . the Law. Particularly; we must have an incli- nation and propensity of our Hearts thereunto ; ; - *- : - “t : ... . .” . . . . . . . . THOSE means that are next to the attainment of { %. Direct. II: ori's ANGTIFICAtion. 27 º, and therefore we must be well persuaded of our Reconciliation with God, and of our future En- º joyment of the everlästing heavenly Happiness, mid of sufficient Strength both to will and per- Enjoyment of that Happiness. . . . fºrm all huties acceptably, until we come to the - \, . . . . ." . . * * * : * ~ * the great end aimed at, are first to be discovered; that we may learn how to get them by other means, expressed in the following directions. Therefore I have named here several qualifications and endowments that are ne: cessary to make up that holy frame and state of the soul, whereby it is furnished and enabled to practise the jaw immediately; and that not only in the beginning, but in the continuation of that practice. And therefore, note diligently, that these endowments must continue in us during the present life, or else our ability for an holy life will be lost; and they must be before practice, not in any distance of time, but only as the cause is before the effect. I do not say, that I have named particularly all such ne- cessary qualifications; but this much I dare say, that he that gaineth these, may, by the same means, gain any other that should be ranked with them ; and this is a matter worthy of our serious consideration for few un- derstand that any special endowments are required to furnish us for an holy practice, more than for other volun- tary actions. The first Adam had excellent endowments bestowed upon him for an holy practice, when he was first created according to the image of God; and the . second Adam had endowments more excellent, to enable. him for an harder task of obedience. And, seeing obe- dience is grown more difficult, by reason of the opposi- tion and temptations that it meeteth with since the fall of Adam, we that are to be imitators of Christ, had need have very choice endowments, as Christ had ; at least as good, or something better than Adam had at first, as our work is harder than his. ' What king going to make war against another king; sitteth not down first, and consulteth * ‘. . . e." { . . . “. .” . . . .” •rx. ...,\ { . . , - ~’. > * 28 THE Gosper Mystrºx Direct. H. whether he be able, with ten thousand, to meet him that com- eth against him with twenty thousand? And shall we dare to rush into battle against all the powers of darkness, all worldly terrors and allurements, and our own inbred - domineering corruptions, without considering whether we have sufficient spiritual furniture to stand in the evil day? Yet many content themselves with such an ability to will and do their duty, as they would have to be given to men universally ; whereby they are no better enabled for the spiritual battle, than the generality of the world, that lie vanquished under the wicked one; and therefore their standing is not secured by it. It is a hard matter to find what this universal ability is, that so many contend so earnestly for, of what it consits, by what means it is . conveyed to us, and maintained. . . . . . . . . . . . Bodily agility hath spirits, nerves, ligaments and bones, to subsist by ; but this spiritual universal ability seemethº to be some occult quality, that no sufficient account can be given how it is conveyed, or of what it is constituted. Th it none maydeceive themselves, and miscarry in their enterprises for holiness, by depending on such a weak oc- cult quality, I have here shewed Four ENDow MENTs, of which a true ability for the practice of holiness, must ne- cessarily be constituted, and by which it must subsistand be maintained; I intend to shew afterwards, by what means they are given to us; and whether the inclination or propensity here mentioned be perfect or imperfect. And they are of such a mysterious nature, that some who own the necessity of endowments, to frame them for ho-º. liness, are prone to think, that less than these will serve : and that some of these frame us rather for licentiousness than holiness, as they are here placed before any actual performance of the moral law; and that some things con- trary to them would put tis into a better frame for holi- ness. Against all such surmises, I shall endeavour such a demonstration of these endowments particularly; as may gain the assent of right reason ; insisting on them in the same order, wherein I have placed them in the º In the FIRST place, I assert, thatan inclination and pro- pensity of heart to the duties of the law, is necessary to • . . Direct. II. of sanctification. 29 frame and enable us, for the immediate practice of them. And I mean not such a blind propensity as inanimate creatures and brutes have to their natural operations, but such an one as is meet for intelligent creatures, whereby they are, by the conduct of reason, prone and bent to ap- prove and choose their duty, and averse to the practice of sin. “And therefore I have intimated, that the three other endowments mentioned in the direction, are subservient to this as the chief of all, which is sufficient to make it a ra- tional propensity. This is contrary to those, that, out of zeal for obedience, but not according to knowledge, con- tend so earnestly for free will as a necessary and sufficient * endowment to enable us to perform our duty, when once we are convinced of it, and of our obligation to it; and that extol this endowment, as the great benefit that uni- versal redemption hath blessed all mankind with : though they consider this free will without any actual inclination º to good : yea, they cannot but acknowledge, that, in most of mankind that have it, it is incumbered with an actual bent and propensity of the heart altogether to evil. Such a free will as this is, can never free is from slavery to sin . and Satan, and fit us for the practice of the law ; and therefore is not worthy the pains of those that contend so hotly for it. Neither is the will so free as is necessary for the practice of holiness, until it be endued with an incii- nation and propensity thereto ; as may appear by the foi- First, The duties of the law are of such natüre, that they cannot possibly be performed while there is wholly an aversion or mere indifferency of the heart to the perfor- mance of them, and no good inclination and propensity towards the practice of them: because the chief of all the commandmentsis, to love the Lord with our whole heart, might and soul, to love every thing that is in him, to love his will and all his ways, and to like them as good. And all duties must be influenced, in their performance, by this love : we must delight to do the wiłł of God; it must . be sweeter to us than the honey or honey comb, Psal. xi. 8. Job. xxiii. 12. Psal. Ixiii. 1. cxix. 20. and xix. 10. And this love, liking, delight, longing, thirsting, sweet relish- S- ". _- ~ - t • f - try ing, must be continued to the end; and the first indelibe- rate motion of lust must be regulated by love to God 30 THE GoSPEL MYSTERY - Direct. II. and our neighbour; and sin must be lusted against, Gal. v. 17. and abhorred, Psalm xxxvi. 4. If it were true obe- x * } H ", r < *. { . dience (as some would have it) to love our duty only as a market man loveth foul ways to the market, or as a sick, man loveth an unpleasant medicinal potion, or as a cap- tive slave loveth his hard work for fear of a greater evii; then it might be performed with averseness, or want of inclination ; but we must love it as the market man gain, as the sick man health, as pleasant meat and drink, as the captive liberty. Doubtless there can be no power in the will for this kind of service, without an agreeableness of our inclination to the will of God, a heart according to his own heart, an aversion of our hearts from sin, and a kind of antipathy against sin : for we know the proverp, “Like loveth like.” There must be an agreeabſeness in the person of thing beloved, to the disposition of the lover." Love to God must flow from a clean heart, 1 Tim. i. 5. an heart cleansed from evil propensities and inclinations. And reason will tell us, that the first motions of lust; which fall not under our choice and deliberation, cannot be avoided without a fixed propensity of heart to holi- Il CSS. - § Secondly, The image of God (wherein God, according to his infinite wisdom, judged it meet to frame the first Adam in righteousness, and true holiness and upright- ness, Gen. i. 27. Eph. iv. 24. Eccles. vii. 29.) consisted in an actual bent and propensity of heart to the practice of holiness : not in a mere power of will to choose good or evil ; for this, in itself, is neither holy nor unholy, but only a ground work, on which either the image of God, or of Satan may be drawn : nor in an indifference of pro- pensity to the choice of sin or duty ; for this is a wicked disposition to an intelligent creature that knoweth his duty, and sitteth us only to halt between God and Baal. God sat Adam’s soul at first wholly in a right bent and inclina- tion though Adam might act contrary to it if he would ;. as we may be prevailed upon to do some things contrary to our natural inclinations and it is easy to fail of our f f, .* --- Direct. II. of SANCTIFICATION. 3 | duty, though great preparation and furniture be required for the performance of it. The second Adam also, the Lord Jesus Christ, was born an holy thing, Luke i. 35. with an holy disposition of his soul, and propensity to goodness. And can we reasonably hope to arise to the life of holiness, from which the first Adam fell, or to be imitators of Christ, since duty is made so difficult by the fail, if we be not renewed in a measure according to the same image of God, and enabled with such a propensity and inclination ? . . . f . . Thirdly, Original corruption (whereby we are dead to God and godliness from the birth, and made willing slaves to the performance of all actual sins, until the son of God make us free) consisteth in a propensity and inclination of the heart to sin, and averseness to holiness. Without this propensity to sin, what can that law of sin in our members be that warreth against the law of our mind, and leadeth us captive to the service of sin P Rom. vii. 23. What is that poison in us, for which men may be called serpents, vipers? What is that spirit of whoredoms in men, by reason of which they will not frame their doings to turn to God? Hos. v. 4. How is the tree first corrupt, and then its fruit corrupt & Matth. xii. 33. How can man be said to be abo- minable and filthy, that drinketh iniquity like water : Job Xv. 16. How should the mind of the flesh be continual enmity to the law of God? Rom. xiii. 7. I know there is also ablindness of understanding, and other things belong- ing to original corruption, which conduce to this evil pro- pensity of the will; but yet this propensity itself, is the great evil, the indwelling sin which produceth all actual sins; and must of necessity be removed or restrained, by restoring that contrary inclination, wherein the image of God consisteth: or else we shall be backward and repro- bate to every good work, and whatever freedom the will hath, it shall be employed only in the service of sin. Fourthly, God restoreth his people to holiness, by giv- ing to them a new heart, and a new Shirit, and taking away the heart of stone out of their flesh, and giving them an heart offlesh, Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27. and he circumciseth their heart to love him with their whole heart and soul *…** - .” -- 32 THE Gospel MystERY | Direct. II. And he requireth, that we should be transformed in the 'renewing of our mind, that we may firove what is his acceſ. table will, Rom. xii. 2. and David prayeth for the same end, that God would create in him a clean heart, and renew a right shirit within him, Psalm li. 10. If any one can judge, that this new, clean, circumcised heart, this heart of flesh, this new right spirit, is such an one as häth no actual inclińation and propensity to good, but only a power to choose good or evil, undeservedly called free will, with a present inclination to evil, or an indifferelice of propensity to both contraries, it will not be worth my Iabour to convince such a judgment: only let him con- sider, whether David would account such an heart to be clean and right, when he prayed, Psalm cºix, 36. In- cline mine heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. ,-- # , a The SEconD ENDów MENT necessary to enable us for the immediate practice of heliness, and concurring with . the two others that follow to work in us a .# pro- pensity to this practice, is, that we be well persuaded of our reconciliation with God. . We must reckon, that the breach of amity which sir, hath made between God and us, is made up by a firm reconciliation to his love and favour. And herein I include, the great benefit of justi- fication, as the means—whereby we are reconciled to God, which is described in scripture, either by forgiving our sins, or by the imputation of righteousnes to us, Rom. iv. 5; 6, 7. Because both are contained in one and the same justifying act; as one act of iflumination compre- hends expulsion of darkness and introduction of light; one act of repentance containeth mortification of sin, and vivification to righteousness; and every motion from any thing to its contrary, is but one and the same, though it imay be expressed by divers names, with respect to either of the two contrary terms, the one of which is abolished, the other introduced by it. This is a great mystery (con- trary to the apprehensions, not only of the vulgar, but of some learned divines) that we must be reconciled to God, and justified by the remission of our sins, and imputation of righteousness, before any sincere obedience to the law. that we may be enabled for the practice of it. They acr -*. * Direct. II. or sanctification. s3 count, that this doctrine tendeth to the subversion of an holy practice, and is a great pillar of Antinomianism; and that the only way to establish sincere obedience is to make it rather a condition to be performed before our actual justification, and reconciliation with God. Therefore. some late divines have thought fit to bring the doctrine of former Protestants concerning justification, to their anvil, and to hammer it into another form, that it might be more free from Antinomianism, and effectual to secure an holy practice. But their labour is vain and pernicious, tending to Antinomian profaneness, or painted hypocrisy at best; neither can the true practice of holiness be se- cure except the persuasion of our justification, and re- conciliation with God, be first obtained without works of the law, that we may be enabled thereby to do them; as I shall now prove by several arguments; intending also to shew in the following directions, that such a persuasion of the love of God as God giveth to his people, tendeth only to holiness, though a mispersuasion of it be in many. an occasion of licentiousness. First, When the first Adam was framed for the prac- tice of holiness at his creation, he was highly in the favor of God, and had no sin imputed to him, and he was ac- counted righteous in the sight of God, according to his present state ; because he was made upright according to God’s image. And there is no reason to doubt, but that these qualifications were his advantage for an holy prac- tice, and the wisdom of God judged them good for that end ; and, as soon as he lost them, he became dead in sin. The second Adam also, in our nature, was the beloved of the Father, accounted righteous in the sight of God, with- out the imputation of any sin to him, except what his of fice was to bear on the behalf of others. And can we reasonably expect to be imitators of Christ, by performing more difficult obedience than the first Adam’s was before the fall, except the like advantages be given to us, by re- conciliation, and remission of sins, and imputations of a righteousness given by God to us, when we have none of our own T - º ... • Secondly, Those that know their natural deadness under the power of sin and Satan, are fully convinced, that if ** 34 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. II. God leave them their own hearts, they can do nothing but sin; and that they can do no-good work, except it please God, of his great love and mercy, to work it in them, John viii. 36. Phil. ii. 13. Rom. viii. 7, 8. There- fore, that they may be encouraged and rationally inclined to holiness they must hope that God will work savingly in them. Now, I leave it to considerate men to judge, whether such an hope can be well grounded, without a good persuasion of such a reconciliation and saving love of God to us, as depends not upon any precedent good- ness of our works, but is a cause sufficient to produce them effectually in us? Yea, we know further, if we know ourselves sufficiently, that our death in sin proceedeth from the guilt of the first sin of Adam, and the sentence de- nounced against it, Gen. ii. 17. and that it is still main- tained in us by the guilt of sin, and the curse of the law ; and that spiritual life will never be given us, to free us from that *º this guilt and curse be removed from us ; which is done by actual justification, Gal. iii. 13, 14. Rom. vi. 14, And this is sufficient to make us despair of living to God in holiness, while we apprehend ourselves to be under the wrath and curse of God, by rea- son of our transgressions and sins still lying upon us, Ezek. xxxiii. 10. 2%irdly, The nature of the duties of the law is such, as requireth an apprehension of our reconciliation with God, and his hearty love and favour towards us for the doing of them. The great duty is love to God with our whole heart, and not such a contemplative love as philosophers many have to the objects of sciences, which they are con- cerned in no further, than to please their fancies in the knowledge of them: but a practical love, whereby we are Willing, that God should be absolute Lord and Governor over us and all the world, to dispose of us and all others according to his will, as to our temporal and everlasting condition, and that he should be the only portion and hap- piness of all those that are happy; a love whereby we like every thing in him as he is our Lord ; his justice as well as any other attribute, without wishing or desiring that he were better than he is; and whereby we desire that his will may be done upon us, and all others, whether for —º Direct. II. of SANCTIFICATION. . . . 35 prosperity or adversity; life on death; and whereby we ºcan heartily praise him: for all things, and delight in our obedience to him, in doing his will, though we suffer that which is ever so grievous to us, even present death. Con- sider these things well, and you may easily perceive, that our spirits are not in a fit frame for the doing of them, while we apprehend ourselves under the curse and wrath of God, or while we are under prevailing suspicions that God will prove an enemy to us atlast. Slavish fear may extort some slavish, hypocritical performatices from us, “such as that of Pharaoh in letting the Israelites go, Sore against his will ; but the duty of love cannot be extorted and forced by fear; but it must be won and sweetly allured by an apprehension of God’s love and goodness towards us ; as that eminent loving and beloved disciple testifieth, , 1 John iv. 18, 19.: “ There is no fear in love, but perfect “love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment; he that “feareth is not made perfect in love. ... We love him, be- “cause he first loved us.” Observe here, that we cannot be before hand with God in loving him, before we appre- hend his love to us. And consult your own experience, if you have any true love to God, whether it were not wrought in you by a sense of God's love first towards you? All the goodness and excellency of God cannot render him an amiable object to us, except we apprehend him an agreeable good to us. I question not but the devils know the excellency of God’s nature, as well as our greatest metaphysical speculators; and this doth but fill them the more with tormenting horror and trembling, that is con- trary to love, James ii. 19. The greater God’s excellency and perfection is, the greater evil he is to us, if he hate us and curse us. And therefore the principle of self pre- servation, deeply rooted in our natures, hindereth us from loving that which we apprehend as our destruction. If a man be an enemy to us, we can love him for the sake of our loving reconciled God, because his love will make - man’s hatred to work for our good; but if God himself be our enemy, for whose sake can we love him ; who is ºthere that can free us from the evil of his enmity, and turn it to our advantage, until he be pleased to reconcile himself to us?.. : ' ' ' ' ". . . . º r } . - - - - . * .-- 36 - - THE gospel, MystERY - Direct. II. Fourthly, Our conscience must of necessity, be first purged from dead works, that we may serve the living God. And this is done by actual remission of sing procured by the blood of Christ, and manifested to our consciences; as appeared by Christ’s dying for this end, Heb. ix. 14; 15, and x. 1, 2, 4, 14, 17, 22. That conscience where- by We judge ourselves to be under the guilt of sin, and the wrath of God, is accounted an evil conscience in Scrip- ture, though it perform its office truly ; because it is caus-, ed by the evil of sin, and will itself be a cause of our committing more sin; until it can judge us to be justified, from all sin, and received unto the favour of God. Love, which is the end of the law, must proceed from a good conscience, as well as from any other cleanness of heart, I Tim. i. 5. David’s mouth could not be opened to shew forth the praise of God, until he was delivered from blood guilti- ness, Psalm li. 14, 15. This evil guilty conscience, where- by we judge that God is our enemy, and that his justice is against us to our everlasting condemnation, by reason -6four sins, doth strongly maintain and increase the do- minion of sin and Satan in us, and worketh most mis- chievous effects in the soul against godliness, even to bring the soul to hate God, and to wish there were no God, no heaven, no hell, so we might escape the punishment due to us. It so disaffecteth people toward God, that they cannot endure to think, or speak, or hear of him and his law ; but strive rather to put him out of their minds by fleshly pleasures and worldly employments. And thus they are alienated from all true religion; only, blinding it, and stopping the mouth of it. It produceth zeal in many outside religious performances: and also false re- ligion, idolatory, and the most inhuman superstitions in the world. I have often considered, by what manner of working any sin could effectually destroy the whole image of God in the first Adam ; and I conclude, it was by working first an evil guilty conscience in him, whereby he judged, that the just God was against him, and cursed him for that one sin. And this was enough to work a shame- ful nakedness by disorderly lusts, a turning his love wholly from God to the creature, and a desire to be hidden from the presence of God, Gen. iii. 8, 10. which was a total Direct. II. of SANCTIFICATION. 37 destruction of the image of God’s holiness. And we have cause to judge, that from the same cause proceedeth the continual malice, rancour, rage, and blasphemy of the devil, and many notorious wicked men, against God and godliness. Some may think Job uncharitable, in sus- pecting, not merely that his sons had sinned, but that they had been so abominably wicked as to curse God in their hearts, Job. i. 5. But Job well understood, that if the guilt of any ordinary sin lies upon the conscience, it will make the soul to wish secretly, that God was not, or that he were not so just a judge, which is a secret cursing of God, that cannot be avoided, until cur con- sciences be purged from t of Christ for us; which was then figured out by the burnt offerings of Job for his sons. Fifthly, God hath abundantly, discovered to us, in his word, that his method, in bringing men from 5in to holi- ness of life, is, first to make them know that he loveth them and that their sins are blotted out. When he gave the ten commandments on Mount Sinai, he first discovered himself to be their God, that had given them a sure pledge of his salvation, by their delivery from Egypt, in the pre- face, Exod. xx. 2. And during all the time of the Old Testament, God was pleased to make the entrance into religion to be by circumcision ; which was not only a sign, but also a seal of the righteousness of faith, whereby God justifieth people; while they are considered as ungod- ly, Rom. iv. II, 15. And this seal was administered to children of eight days old, before they could perform any condition of sincere obedience, for their justification, that their furniture for an holy practice might be ready before hand. Furthermore, in the time of the Old Testament, God appointed divers washings, and the blood of bulls. and goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the un- clean, to prepare and sanctify them for other parts of his worship in his tabernacle and temple; to figure out his purging their consciences from dead works by the blood of Christ, that they might serve the living God, Heb. ix. 10, 13, 14, 22. This, I say, was then figurative sanc- tification, as the word sanctification is taken in a large sense, comprehending all things that prepare us for the ‘. . . . . . . . . D . - Q he guilt of sin, by the offering 38 THE GOSPEL MystERY Direct. II. service of God, chiefly the remission of sin, Heb. x. 10, 14, 18. Though if it be taken in a strict sense, respect- ing only our conformity to the law, it must necessarily be placed after justification according to the usual method of Protestant divines. God also minded them of the ne- cessity of purging away their guilt; first, that their service might be acceptable, by commanding them to offer the sin-offering before the burnt offering, Lev. v. 8. and xvi. 3, 11. And, lest the guilt of their sins should pollute the service of God, notwithstanding all their particular expi- ations, God was pleased to appoint a general atonement for all their sins one day every year, wherein the scape- goat was “to bear upon him all their iniquities into a “land not inhabited,” Lev. xvi. 22, 34. Under the New Testament, God useth the same method, in lov- ing us first, and washing us from our sins by the blood of Christ, that he may make us priests, to offer the sacri- fices, of praise, and all good works, to God, even the Fa- ther. He entereth us into his service, by washing away our sins in baptism ; he feedeth and strengtheneth us for his service by remission of sins, given to us in the blood of Christ at the Lord’s supper; he exhorteth us to obey him, because he hath already loved us, and our sins are already pardoned. “Forgive one another, even as God “for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Beye therefore “ followers of God as dear children: and walk in love, “ as Christ hath loved us, Eph. iv. 32, and v. 1, 2. I “ write unto you little children, because your sins are for- “given you for his name’s sake. Love not the world, * neither the things that are in the world,” 1 John. ii. 12, 15. I might quote abundance of texts of the same na- ture. We may clearly see by all this, that God hath ac- counted it a matter of greatimportance, and hath conde- scended to take wonderful care in providing plentiful means, both under the Old and New Testament, that his people might be first cleansed from guilt and reconciled to himself, to fit them for the acceptable practice of ho- liness. Away then with all the contrary methods of new divinity. - - - - The THIRD ENDownTENT necessary to enable us for the - - - - Direct. II. of SANCTIFICATION. 39 practice of holiness, without which, a persuasion of our reconciliation with God, would be of little efficacy to work in us a rational propensity to it, is that we are per- suaded of our future enjoyment of the everlasting heaven- Iy happiness. This must precede our holy practice, as a cause disposing and alluring us to it. This assertion hath several sorts of adversaries to oppose it. Some account, that a persuasion of our own future happiness, before we have persevered in sincere obedience, tendeth to licenti- ousness; and that the way to do good works, is rather to make them a condition necessary for the procuring of this persuasion. Others condemn all works that we are allured or stirred up to by the future enjoyment of the heavenly happiness, as legal, mercenary, flowing from self love, and not-from any pure love to God; and they figure out sincere godliness by a man bearing fire in one hand, to burn up heaven, and water in the other, to quench hell ; intimating, that the true service of God must not proceed at all from hope of reward, or fear of punishment, but only from love. To establish the truth. asserted, against the errors that are so contrary to it, and to each other, I shall propose the ensuing considerations. First, The nature of the duties of the law is such, that they cannot be sincerely and universally practised without this endowment. That this endowment must be present in us, is sufficiently proved already, by all that I have said concerning the necessity of the persuasion of our firm reconciliation with God by our justification, to prepare us for this practice ; because that includeth a persuasion” of this future happiness, or else it is of little worth. All that I have to add here, is, that sincere obedience cannot rationally subsist, except it be allured, encouraged, and supported by this persuasion. Let me, therefore, suppose a Sadducee believing no happiness after this life, and put the question, Can such an one love God with his whole heart, might and soul ? Will he not think it. reasonable, rather to lessen and moderate his love towards God, lest he should be over much troubled to part with him by death : We account it most reasonable, to sit loose in our affections from things that we must part with. Can such an one be satisfied with the enjoyment ºv - * * - ,.” . . . .” – . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 2 --- | | - *. * S- - - sº - is 40 – 2 the Gospići. | MystERy Direct. II. of God as his happiness? will he not rather account, that the enjoyment of God and all religious duties are vani- ties; as well as other things; because in a little time he shall have no more benefit by them, than if they had never been How can such an one be willing to lay down his life for the sake of God, when, by his death, he must part with God, as well as with other things : How can he willingly choose afflictions ratherthan sin, when he shall be , more miserable in this life for it, and not at all happy here- after & I grant, if afflictions come unavoidably upon such a - person, he may reasonably judge, that patience is better for him than impatience; but it will displease him, that he is forced to the use of such a virtue; and he will be prone to fret and murmur at his Creator, and to wish he had never been, rather than to endure such miseries, and to be ... comforted only with vain transitory enjoyments, i think , I have said enough to shew how unfurnished such a man." is for holiness. And he that will burn up heaven, and quench hell that he may serve God out of love, doth thereby leave himself little better furnished than the Sad- ducee. The one denieth them, the other will not have them at all to be considered in this case. Secondly, The sure hope of the glory of heaven, is made use of ordinarily by God, since the fall of Adam, as an encouragement to the practice of holiness; as the Scrip- ture doth abundantly shew. Christ, the great pattern of holiness, “for the joy that was set before him, endured “ the cross, despising the shame,” Heb. xii. 2. And though I cannot say, that the first Adam had such a sure hope to preserve him in innocency; yet he had, instead of it, the present possession of an earthly paradise, and an happy estate in it; which he knew would last, if he continued in holiness, or be changed into a better happiness. The apostles did not faint under affliction, because they knew that it wrought for them “a far more exceeding and eter- “nal weight of glory,” 2. Cor. iv. 16, 17. The believ- ing Hebrews “took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, “knowing in themselves that they had in heaven a bet- “ter arid an enduring substance,” Heb. x. 34. The apostle Paul accounts all his sufferings unprofitable, were º, it not for a glorious resurrection; and that Christians would be of all men most miserable, and that the doctrines * R,+r w , Direct. II. . . or sANCTIFICATION. . . . . 41 of the Epicures were rather to be chosen, “Let us eat “and drink for to-morrow we shall die.” And he ex- horts the Corinthians to be “abundant in the work of the “Lord, knowing that their labour shall not be in vain in “the Lord,” 1 Cor. xv. 58. As worldly hope keepeth the world at work in their various employments; so God giveth his people the hope of his glory, to keep them close to his service, Heb. vi. 11, 12. I John. iii. 3. And it is such a sure hope as shall never make them ashamed, Rom. v. 5. Those that think it below the excellency of their love, to work from a hope of the heavenly reward, do thereby advance their love beyond the love of the apostles and primitive saints, and even of Christ himself. Thirdly, This persuasion of our future enjoyment of everlasting happiness cannot tend to licentiousness, if we understand well, that perfect holiness is a necessary part of that happiness; and that though we have a title to & that happiness by free justification and adoption, yet we must go to the possession of it in a way of holiness, 1 John iii. 1, 2, 3. Neither is it legal or mercenary, to be moved by this persuasion; seeing the persuasion itself is not got- ten by the works of the law, but by free grace through faith, Gal. v. 5. And, if it be a working from self love; yet, for certain, it is not that carnal self love which the Scripture condemneth as the mother of sinfulness, 2 Tim. iii. 2, but an holy self love, inclining us to prefer God above the flesh and the world, such as God directeth us un- to, when he exhortethus to save ourselves, Acts i. 40., 1 Tim. iv. 16. And it is so far from being contrary to the pure love of God, that it brings us to love God more purely and entirely. The more good and beneficial we apprehend God to us, to all eternity, doubtless the more lovely God will be to us, and our affections will be the more inflamed towards him. Godwill not be loved as a barren wilderness, a land of darkness to us, neither . will he be served for nought, Jer. ii. 31. Isaiah xlv. 19. He would think it a dishonour to him to be owned by us as our God, if he had not prepared for us a city, Heb. ºxi. 16. And he draweth us to love him by the cords of a man, such cords as the love of man useth to be drawn by, even by his own love to us, in laying his benefits be-, 42 : THE Gospel MystERys Direct. II. fore us, Hosea xi. 4. Therefore the way for us to keep . ourselves in the love of God, is to look for his mercy un- g to eternal life, Jude ver. 21. . . . . . . . . . The LAST ENDow MENT, for the same end as the former, is, that we be well persuaded of sufficient strength both to . will and perform our duty acceptably, until we come to the enjoyment of the heavenly happiness. This is con- trary to the error of those that account it sufficient, if we have strength to practise holiness, if we will, or to will it if we please; and this is the sufficient strength which they earnestly contend for, as a great benefit bestowed on all mankind by universal redemption. It is also contrary to the error of those that think the practice of godliness and wickedness to be alike easy, excepting only some difficulty in the first alterations of vicious customs, and in bearing persecutions, which they account to be a rare case; since the kingdoms of the world have been brought to the pro- fession of Christianity ; or that think that God requireth of men only to do their endeavour, that is, what they can do ; and it is nonsense to say they cannot do what they can do. According to their judgment, it is needless to con- cern ourselves much about sufficient strength for holy practice. For the confirmation of this assertion, against those errors, take these arguments. . . . . . . First, We are, by nature, dead in trespasses and sins, unable to will -or do any thing that is spiritually good, notwithstanding the redemption that is by Christ, until we be actually quickened by Christ, Eph. ii. 1. Rom. viii. 7, 8, 9. Those that are sufficiently enlightened and hum- bled, know themselves to be naturally in this case; that they do not only want executive power to do good, but chiefly an heart to will it, and be pleased with it; that, if God work notin them both to will and to do, they shall nei- ther will nor do anything pleasing to him; that if he leave them to their own corruption, after he hath begun the good work, they shall certainly prove vile apostates; and their latter end will be worse than their beginning. We may conclude from hence; that whosoever can courageously attempt the practice of the law, without being well per- suaded of a sufficient power, whereby he may be enabled. to be heartily willing, as well as to perform when he is Direct. II. - of SANCTIFICATION. 43 willing, until he hath gone through the whole work of obedience acceptably: such an one was never yet truly humbled, and brought to know the plague of his own heart; neither doth he truly, believe the doctrine of ori- ginal sin, whatever formal profession he makes of it. Secondly, Those that think sincere conformity to the law in ordinary cases to be so very easy, shew that they, neither know it nor themselves. Is it an easy thing to wrestle, not against flesh only, but “against principalities, “powers, spiritual wickedness in high places * Eph. vi. 12. Is it an easy thing not to lust or covet according to the tenth commandment : The apostle Paul found it so difficult to obey this commandment, that his concupis- cence prevailed the more by occasion of the command- ment, Rom. vii. 7, 8. Our work is not only to alter vi- cious customs, but to mortify corrupt natural affections, which bred those customs; and not only to deny the ful- filling of sinful lusts, butto be full of holy love and desires; yet even the restraining the execution of corrupt lusts, and crossing them by contrary actions, is, in many cases, like “the cutting off a right hand, and plucking out a “ right eye,” Matth. v. 29, 30. If obedience be so easy, how came it to pass that the heathens generally did those things for which their own consciences condemned them as worthy of death ; Rom. i. 32. and that many among us seek to enter into this strait gate, and are not able, Luke xiii. 24. and break so many vows and purposes of obedience, and fall back to the practice of their lusts, press hard upon their consciences : . . . . As to those that find persecution for religion to be so rare a thing in late days, they have cause to be suspected, that they are of the world, and therefore the world loveth. its own; else they would find, that national profession of religion will not secure those that are truly godly from several sorts of persecutions. . . And suppose men do not persecute us for religion, yet there is great difficulty in bearing great injuries from men on other accounts, and losses, poverty, bodily pains, long diseases, and untimely though in the mean time, the fears of eternal damnation deaths, from the ordinary providence of God, with such hearty love to God, and to injurious men for his sake, 44 THE gospel MystERY Direct. II. • * : . . . - * * – - - . . . . /. . . nd such a patient acquiescence in his will as the law of God requireth. I acknowledge, that the work of God is easy and pleasant to those whom God rightly furnishes . . . with endowments for it; but those that assert it to be easy to men in their common condition, shew their im- prudence in contradicting the general experience of hea- - thens and Christians. Though, many duties do not re- quire much labour of body or mind, and might be done with ease, if we were willing; yet it is easier to remove", a mountain, than to move and incline the heart to will and affect the doing of them. I need not concern myself t filling of his commands. What, if by our endeavours we can do nothing in any measure according to the rule, shall the law be put off with no performance? and shall such endeavours be accounted sufficient holiness? And what if we cannot so much as endeavour in a right way? If a man’s ability were the measure of acceptable duty, the commands of the law would signify very little. . . Thirdly, The wisdom of God hath ever furnished peo- ple with a good persuasion of a sufficient strength, that they might be enabled both to will and to do their duty. with those that account that all have sufficient strength for an holy practice, because they can do their endeavor, that is, what they can do ; for God requireth actual ful- -- The first Adam was furnished with such a strength, and we have no cause to think that he was ignorant of it, or : that he needed to fear that he should be left to his own corruptions, because he had no corruptions in him, until he had produced them in himself by sinning against strength ; and, when he had lost that strength, he could not recover the practice of holiness, until he was acquaint- ed with a better strength, whereby the head of Satan should be bruised, Gen. iii. 15. Our Lord Christ, doubt- * less knew the infinite power of his deity to enable him for all that he was to do and suffer in our nature. He knew , the Lord God would help him, “therefore he should not “be confounded.” Isaiah 1. 7. The scripture sheweth what plentiful assurance of strength God gave to Moses, Joshua, Gideon, when he called them to great employ- ments: and to the Israelites, when he called them to sub- } .’ - , ‘. . . . " ‘. . #. - - - --- - !' . > - - - . . . . - - - - . , !, -- due the land of Canaan, Christ would have the sons of -º-; ; , . " . . . . . . . . . º, S- V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -- ~ *. * :- º r "45 - Direct. III. of SANCTIFICATION. Zebedee to consider whether they were able to “drink of “ his cup, and to be baptized with the baptism that he “ was baptized with,” Matth. xx. 29. Paul encourageth believers to the life of holiness, by persuading them, that sin shall not prevail to get the dominion over them, be- cause “they are not under the law but under grace,” Rom. vi. 13, 14. And he exhorteth them “to be strong “in the Lord, and in the power of his might, that they “might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,” Eph. vi. 10, 11. John exhorteth believers “not to love “the world, nor the things of the world, because they “ were strong, and had overcome the wicked one,” I John ii. 14, 15. They that were called of God heretofore to work miracles were first acquainted with the gift of power & to work them : and no wise man will attempt to do them, without knowledge of the gift : even so, when men that are dead in sin are called to do the works of a holy life, which are in them greatmiracles, God maketh a discovery, of the gift of power unto them, that he may encourage them in a rational way to such a wonderful enterprise." / * º — • - . . . . . . . - & DIRECTION III. - The way to get holy Endowments and Qualifications necessary to frame and enable us for the immedi- ate Practice of the Law, is to receive them out of the Fulness of Christ, by fellowship with him; and, that we may have this Fellowship, we must be in Christ, and have Christ himself in us, by a mystical Union with him. . . . . . . . . . HERE, as much as any where, we have great cause to acknowledge, with the Apostle, that, “ without con- ſº “troversy, great is the mystery of godliness,” even so & 46 THE Gospel Mystery Direct. III. great, that it could “not have entered into the heart of “ man to conceive it, if God had not made it known” in the gospel by supernatural revelation. Yea, though it be man hath not eyes to see it there; for it is foolishness to him ; and if God express it ever so plainly and properly, he will think that God is speaking riddles and parables. And I doubt not but it is still a riddle and parable even to many truly godly, who have received an holy nature in this way ; for the apostles themselves had not the sav- ing benefit of it, before the Comforter discovered it clearly to them, John xiv. 20. And they walked in Christ as the way to the Father, before they clearly knew him to be the 3 way, John xiv. 5. And the best of us know it but in part, and must wait for the perfect knowledge of it in another world. . . . . . . . . One great mystery is, that the holy frame and disposi- tion whereby our souls are furnished and enabled for im- mediate practice of the law, must be obtained “by receiv- “ing it out of Christ’s fulness,” as a thing already pre-- pared and brought to an existence for us in Christ, and treasured up in him ; and that as we are justified by a righteousness wrought out in Christ, and imputed to us; so we are sanctified by such an holy frame and qualifica- tions, as are first wrought out, and completed in Christ. for us, and then imparted to us. And as our natural cor- ruption was produced originally in the first Adam, and propagated from him to us; so our new nature and holi- ness is first produced in Christ, and derived from him to us, or as it were propagated. So that we are not at all to work together with Christ, in making or producing that holy frame in us, but only to take it to ourselves, and use it in our holy practice, as made ready to our hands. Thus we have fellowship with Christ, in receiving that holy frame of spirit that was originally in him : for fel- lowship is, when several persons have the same thing in , common, 1 John i. 2, 3. This mystery is so great, that, notwithstanding all the light of the gospel, we commonly think that we must get an holy frame by producing it anew in ourselves, and by forming and working it out of our own hearts. Therefore many that are seriously de- Direct. III, or SANCTIFICATION. . 47. vout, take a great deal of pains to mortify their corrupt . nature, and begetan holy frame of heart in themselves, by striving earnestly to master their sinful lusts, and by press- ing vehemently upon their hearts many motives to godli- ness, labouring importunately to squeeze good qualifica- tions out of them, as oil out of a flint. They account, that . though they be justified by a righteousness wrought out by Christ, yet they must be sanctified by a holiness wrought out by themselves. And though, out of humility, they are willing to call it infused grace; yet they think they must get the infusion of it by the same manner of working, as if it were wholly acquired by their own endeavours. On this account they acknowledge the entrance into a godly life to be harsh and unpleasing, because it costs so much struggling with their own hearts and affections to new frame them. If they knew that this way of entrance is not only harsh and unpleasant, but altogether impossible; and that the true way of mortifying sin, and quickening themselves to holiness, is by receiving a new nature, out of the fulness of Christ; and that we do no more to the production of a new nature, than of original sin, though we do more to the reception of it; if they knew this, they might save themselves many a bitter agony, and a great deal of mis-spent burdensome labour, and employ their endeavours to enter in at the strait gate, in such a way as would be more pleasant and successful. . . Another great mystery in the way of sanctification, is, the glorious manner of our fellowship with Christ, in re- ceiving an holy frame of heart from him. It is by our being in Christ, and having Christ himself in us; and that not merely by his universal presence as he is God, but by such a close union, as that we are one spirit and one flesh . with him ; which is a privilege peculiar to those that are truly sanctified. I may well call this a mystical union, . because the apostle calleth it a great mystery, in an epistle full of mysteries, Eph. v. 22. intimating, that it is emi- nently great above many other mysteries. It is one of the three mystical unions that are the chief mysteries in. religion. The other two are, the union of the Trinity of persons in one Godhead, and the union of the divine and human nature in one person, Jesus Christ, God and man, 48 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. III. Though we cannot frame an exact idea of the manner of any of these three unions in our imaginations, because the depth of these mysteries is beyond our comprehension; yet we have cause to believe them all, because they are clearly revealed in Scripture, and are a necessary founda- tion for other points of Christian doctrine, Particularly, this union between Christ and believers, is plain in several ... places of Scripture, affirming that Christ is, and “dwell- “eth in believers, and they in him, John vi. 56. and xiv. “20. and that they are so joined together as to become “one spirit,” 1 Cor. vi. 17. and that believers are mem- bers of Christ’s body, of his flesh, and of his bones; and they two, Christ and the church, are one flesh, Eph. v. 30, 31 : Furthermore, this union is illustrated in Scripture by various resemblances, which would be very much un- like the things which they are made use of to resemble, and would rather seem to beguile us by obscuring the truth, than instructus by illustrating of it, if there were no true proper union between Christ and believers. It is resembled by the union between God the Father and Christ John xiv:20. and xvii. 21, 22, 23. between the vine and its branches, John xv. 4, 5. between the head and body Eph. 1. 22, 22. between bread and the eater, John vi. 51, 53, 54. It is not only resembled, but sealed in the Lord’s Supper; where neither the Popish transubstantiation, nor the Lutherans consubstantiation, nor the Protestants spi- ritual presence of Christ’s body and blood to the true re- ceivers, can stand without it. And if we can imagine that Christ's body and blood are not truly eaten and drunk by believers, either spiritually or corporally, we shall make the bread and wine joined with the words of institution, not only naked signs, but such signs as are much more apt to breed false notions in us, than to establish us in the truth. And there is nothing in this union so impossible, or repugnant to reason, as may force us to depart from the plain and familiar sense of these Scriptures that ex: press and illustrate it. Though Christ be in heaven, and we on earth, yet we can join our souls and bodies to his at such a distance, without any substantial change of either, by the same infinite Spirit dwelling in him and us; and so our flesh will become his, when it is quickened by his cº-.. Direct. III, or sANctification. . . 49 Spirit ; and his flesh ours, as truly as if we did eat his flesh and drink his blood; and he will be in us by himself by his Spirit, who is one with him, and who can unite more closely to Christ than any material substance can do, or who can make a more close and intimate union between Christ and us. And it will not follow from hence, that a believer is one person with Christ, any more than Christ is one person with the Father by that great mystical union. Neither will a believer be hereby made God, but only the temple of God, as Christ's body and soul are ; and the Spirit’s lively instrument, rather than the principal cause. Neither will a believer be necessarily perfect in holiness hereby ; or Christ made a sinner: for Christ knoweth how to dwell in believers by certain measures and degrees, and to make them holy so far only as he dwelleth in them. And though this union seem too high a preferment for such unworthy creatures as we are ; yet, considering the preciousness of the blood of God, whereby we are re- deemed, we should dishonor God, if we should not ex- peet a miraculous advancement to the highest dignity that creatures are capable of, through the merits of that blood. Neither is there any thing in this union contrary to the judgment of sense, because the bond of the union, being spiritual, falleth not at all under the judgment of SellSé. - . . . . . . . . . Several learned men of late acknowledge no other union between Christ and believers, than such as persons or things wholly separated, may have by their mutual re- lations to each other; and accordingly they interpret the places of Scriptures that speak of this union. When Christ - is called the head of the church, they account that a po- litical head or governor is the thing meant. When Christ '. is said to be in his people, and they in him, they think that the proper meaning is, that Christ’s law, doctrine, grace, salvation, or that godliness is in them, and embraced by them: so that Christhere must not betaken for Christ him- self, but for some other thing wrought in them by Christ. When Christand believers are said to be one spirit and one flesh, they understand it of the agreement of their minds and affections; as if the greatness of the mystery of this union, mentioned, Eph. v. 32. consisted rather in a harsh * - - * F. s i - - t - •- - .. 50 THE Gospºl, MystERY Direct. III. * ... . . . . . . . . . . . . • ---. . . . . --> - - - . . . - trope, or a dark improper expression, than in the depth and abstruséness of the thing itself; and as if Christ and his apostles had affected obscureintricate expressions when ... they speak to the church of things very plain, and easy to be understood. Thus that great mystery, the union of believers with Christ himself, which is the glory of the church, and hath been highly owned formerly, both by the ancient fathers, and many eminent Protestant divines, particularly writers concerning the doctrine of the Lord’ sº Supper, and by a very general consent of the church in many ages, is now exploded out of the new model of di- vinity. The reason of exploding it, as I judge in charity, is not, because our learned refiners of divinity think them- selves less able to defendit, than the other two mysterious unions, and to silence the objections of those proud sophis- ters that will not believe what they cannot comprehend; but rather, because they account it to be one of the sinews of Antinomianism, that lay unobserved in the former usual doctrine; that ittendeth to puff up men with a persuasion, that they are justified, and have eternal life in them already, and that they need not depend any longer upon their un- certain performances of the condition of sincere obedi- ence for salvation ; whereby they account the very foun- dation of a holy practice to be subverted. But the wis- dom of God hath laid another manner of foundation for an holy practice than they imagine, of which this union (which the builders refuse) is a principal stone next to the head of the corner. And, in opposition to their corrupt glosses upon the Scriptures that prove it, I assert, that our union with Christ is the cause of our subjection to Christas a political head in all things, and of the abiding of his law, doctrine, grace, salvation, and all godliness in us, and of our agreement with him in our minds, and affections; and there- fore it cannot be altogether the same thing with them. And this assertion is useful for a better understanding of the excellency of this union. It is not a privilege procured by our singere obedience and holiness, as some may ima- gine, or a reward of good works, reserved for us in another, world; but it is a privilege bestowed on believers in their very first entrance into an holy state, on which all ability Direct. III. , or sanctification. 51 to do good works doth depend, and all sincere obedience - to the law doth follow after it, as fruit produced by it. - . Having thus far explained the direction, I shall now shew, that though the truth contained in it be above the reach of natural reason, yet it is evidently discovered to . those that have their understandings opened, to discern that supernatural revelation of the mysterious way of sanctification which God hath given to us in the holy Scriptures. . . . . . . . . . . . . First, There are several places in Scriptures that do plainly express it. Some texts shew, “that all things “ pertaining to our salvation, are treasured up for tis in . “ Christ, and comprehended in his fulness;” so that we must have them thence, or not at all, Col. i. 9. “It “pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.” And, in the same epistle, Col. ii. 11, 12, 13. the apostle sheweth that the holy nature whereby we live to God, was first produced in us by his death and resurrection; “ In whom also ye are circumcised in putting of the bor “dy of the sins of the flesh; buried with him ; quickened “together with him, when you were dead in your sins, “Eph. i. 3. Who hath blessed us with all spiritual bles- “sings in heavenly places in Christ.” An holy frame of spirit, with all its necessary qualifications, must needs. be comprehended herein “in all spiritual blessings;” and these are given us in Christ’s person in heavenly places, as prepared and treasured up in him for us while we are upon earth ; and therefore we must have our holy endow- ments out of him, or not at all. In this text some choose rather to read heavenly things, as in the margin, because neither places nor things are expressed in the original ; , but the former textual reading is to be preferred before the marginal, as being the proper sense of the original Greek phrase, which is, and must necessarily be so ren- dered in the two other places of this same epistle, chap. iii. 10. and vi. 12. Another text is, 1 Cor. i. 30, which sheweth, that “Christ is of God made unto us sanctifica- - “tion,” by which we are able to walk holily; as well as wisdom, by the knowledge of which we are savingly wise; and righteousness, by the imputation of which we are jus- 52 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. III. tified ; and redemption, whereby we are redeemed from all misery, to the enjoyment of his glory, as our happi- ness in the heavenly kingdom. Other texts of Scripture. shew plainly, that we receive 'our holiness out of his ful- néss by fellowship with him : John i. 16, 17. § Of his “fulness have we all received, and grace, for grace,” And it is understood of grace answerable to the law given by Moses, which must needs include the grace of sancti- fication: 1 John i. 3, 5, 6, 7... “Truly our fellowship is “ with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. God “ is light. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, “we have fellowship one with another.” Hence we may infer that our fellowship with God and Christ, dóth in- clude particularly our having light, and walking in it ho- lily and 1 ighteously. There are other texts that teach the proof of the whole direction fully; shewing, not only that our holy endowments are made ready first in Christ for us, and received from Christ; but that we receive them by union with Christ: Col. iii. 10, 11. “’Ye have “put on the new man, which is renewed after the Image “ of him that created him : where Christis all and in all, “ 1 Cor. vi. 17. He that is joined to the Lord, is one “spirit, Gal. ii. 20. I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth “in me, 1 John v. 11, 12. This is the record, that God “ hath given to us eternal life; and this life is in his “Son. He that hath the Son, hath life : and he that “ hath not the Son, hath not life.” Can we desire that God should more clearly teach us, that all the fulness of . the new man is in Christ; and all that spiritual nature and life whereby we live to God in holiness; and that they are fixed in him so unseparably, that we cannot have them except we be joined to him, and have himself abid- ing in us? Take heed, lest, through prejudice, and hard- ness of heart, you be guilty of making God a liar, in not believing this eminent record, that God hath given to us ' of his Son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondly, God is pleased to illustrate this mysterious manner of our sanctification by such a variety of simili- tudes and resemblances, as may put us out of doubt that it is truth, and such a truth as we are highly concerned to know and believe. I shall endeavour to contract the Direct. III. or sANCTIFICATION. 53 chief of these resemblances, and the force of them briefly into one sentence ; leaving it to those that are spiritual, to enlarge their meditation upon them. We receive from Christ a new holy frame and nature, whereby we are ena- bled for an holy practice, by union and fellowship with him; in like manner. 1st, As Christ livethin our nature by the Father, John vi. 57. 2d, As we receive original sin and death propagated to us from the first Adam, Rom. v. 12, 15, 16, 17, 3d, As the natural body receiveth . sense, motion, nourishment, from the head, Col. ii. 19. 4th, As the branch receiveth its sap, juice, and fructify- ing virtue from the vine, John xv. 4, 5. 5th, As the wife bringeth forth fruit by virtue of her conjugal union with her husband, Rom. vii. 4. 6th, As stones become an holy temple, by being built upon the foundation, and joined with the chief corner stone, 1 Pet. ii. 4, 5, 6. 7th, As we receive the nourishing virtue of bread, by eating it, and of wine, by drinking it, John vi. 51, 55, 57. which last resemblance is used to seal to us our communion with Christ in the Lord's Supper. Here are seven resemblances instanced, whereof some do illustrate the mystery spoken of more fully than others: All of them do some way inti- mate, that our new life and holy nature are first in Christ, and then in us, by a true proper union and fellowship with him. If any should urge, that the similitude of A- dam and his seed, and of married couples, do make ra- - ther for a relative than-a real union, betwixt Christ and us; let them consider, that all nations are really made of one blood, which was first in Adam, Acts xvii. 26. and that the first woman was made out of the body of Adam, and was really bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. And by this first married couple, the mystical union of Christ and his church, is eminently resembled, Gen.ii.22, 23, 24. with Eph. v. 30, 31, 32. And yet it supposeth both these resemblances in the nearness and fulness of them ; because those that are joined to the Lord, are not only one flesh, but one spirit with him. . . . . . . . Thirdly, The end of Christ’s incarnation, death, and resurrection was, to prepare and form an holy nature and frame for us in himself, to be communicated to us by union and fellowship with him ; and not to enable us to 34 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. III: . produce in ourselves the first original of such an holy na-. ture by our own endeavouas. . . . . . . . . 1. By his incarnation, there was a man created in a ‘ * new holy frame, after the holiness of the first Adam's . . . frame had been marred and abolished by the first trans- gression; and this new frame was far more excellent than ever the first, Adam’s was : because man was really join- ed to God by a close inseparable union of the divine and human nature in one person, Christ; so that these natures had communion each with the other in their actings, and Christ was able to act in his human nature, by power proper to the divine nature, where- in, he was one God with the Father. The words that he spake while he was upon earth, he spake not of himself, by any mere human power, but the Father that dwelt in him, he did the works, John xiv. 10. Why was it that Christ set up the fallen nature of man in such a wonderful frame of holiness, in bringing it to live and act by communion with God, living and acting in it 3 One great end was, that he might communicate this ex- cellent frame to his seed, that should be born of him and in him, by his Spirit, as the last Adam, the quickening Spirit; that, “ as we have borne the image of the earthly “man, so we might also bear the image of the heavenly,” 1 Cor. xv.45, 49. In holiness here, and in glory here- after. Thus he was born Emanuel, God with us; be- cause the fulness of the Godhead, with all holiness, did first dwell in him bodily, even in his human nature; that we might be filled up with that fulness in him, Matth. i., 23. Col. ii. 9, 10. Thus he came down from heaven as living bread, that, as he liveth by the Father, so those that eat him, may live by him; John vi. 51, 56. by the same life of God in them that was first in him. - `... . . . 2. By his death, he freed himself from the guilt of our sins imputed to him, and from all that innocent weakness of his human nature, which he had borne for a time for our sakes. And, by freeing himself, he prepared a free- dom for us, from our whole natural condition; which is both weak as his was, and also polluted with our guilt. and sinful corruption. … Thus the corrupt natural estate, which is called in Scripture the old man, wan crucified to- * ~~ Direct. III. or sANCTIFICATION. 55., And it is destroyed in us, not by any wounds that we ourselves can give to it, but by, our partaking of that freedom from it, and death unto it, that is already wrought out for us by the death of Christ: as is signified by our baptism, wherein we are buried with Christ by the application of his death to us, Rom. vi. 2, 3, 4, 10, gether with Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed. . 1 1. “God sending his own Son in the likeness of sin- “ful flesh, for sin (or, by a sacrifice for sin, as in the . “margin) condemned sin in the flesh ; that the righteous- “ness of the law might be fulfilled in us that walk not “ after the flesh, but after the Spirit,” Rom. viii. 3, 5. Observe here, that though Christ died, that we might be justified by the righteousness of God and of faith, not by our own righteousness which is of the law, Rom. x. 4, 5, 6. Phil. iii. 9. yet he died also, that the righteous- ness of the law might be fulfilled in us, and that by walk- { ing after his spirit, as those that are in Christ, Rom. Ibid. He is resembled in his death to a corn of wheat dying in the earth, that it may propagate its own nature, by bring- ing forth much fruit, John xii. 24. to the passover that was slain, that a feast might be kept upon it; and to bread broken, that it may be nourishment to those that eat it; 1. Cor. v. 7, 8. and xi. 24. to the rock smitten, that water may gush out of it for us to drink, I Cor. x. 4. his seed, i.e. such as derive their holy nature from him, He died, that he, might make, of Jew and Gentile, one new man in himself, Eph. ii. 15. and that he might see * ... " in Christ for us, by union and fellowship with him. 8. By his resurrection, he took possession of spiritual life for us, as now fully procured for us, and made to be our right and property by the merit of his death ; and therefore we are said to be quickened together with Christ, even when we were dead in sins, and to be raised up to- gether, yea, and be made to sit together in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, as our head, while we continue upon earth in our own persons, Eph. ii. 5, 6. His re- Isaiah liii. 10. Let these Scriptures be well observed, and they will sufficiently evidence, that Christ died, not that we might be able to form an holy nature in ourselves, but that we might receive one ready prepared and formed 5.6 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. III. surrection was our resurrection to the life of holiness, as Adam’s fall was our fall into spiritual death. And we are not ourselves the first makers and formers of our new holy-nature, any more than of our original corruption ; but both are formed ready for us to partake of them. us; And, by union with Christ, we partake of that spiritual life that he took possession of for us at his resurrection, and thereby we are enabled to bring forth the fruits of it; as the Scripture sheweth by the similitude of a marriage union, Rom. vii. 4. “‘We are married to him that is “ risen from the dead, that we might bring forth fruit “ unto God.” Baptism signifieth the application of Christ's resurrection to us as well as his death ; we are raised up with him in it, to newness of life, as well as buried with him ; and we are taught thereby, that, be- cause “he died unto sin once, and liveth unto God, we “should likewise reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto, “sin, and alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our * Lord,” Rom. vi. 4, 5, 10, 11. - Fourthly, Our sanctification is by the Holy Ghost, by whom we live and walk holily, Rom. xv. 16. Gal. v. 25. Now, the Holy Ghost first rested on Christ in all fulness, that he might be communicated from him to us; as was signified to John the Baptist, by the similitude of the descending of a dove from the opened heavens, rest- ing on Christ at his baptism, John i. 32, 33. And, when he sanctifiethus, he baptizeth us unto Christ, and joineth igto Christ by himself, as the great bond of union, 1. Gºr. xii. 13. So that, according to the scriptural phrase, it is all one, to have Christ himself, and to have the Spirit of Christ in us, Rom. viii. 9, 10. “He glorifieth “Christ: for he receiveth those things that are Christ's, “ and sheweth them to us,” John xvi. 14, 15. He giv- eth us an experimental knowledge of those spiritual bles- sings which he himself prepared for us by the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ. . . . - - . Fifthly, The effectual causes of those four principal en- dowments which, in the foregoing direction, were asserted as necessary to furnish us for the immediate practice of holiness, are comprehended in the fulness of Christ, and treasured up for us in him ; and the endowments them-- •ºrº - Direct. III. or sANCTIFICATION. 57 selves together with their causes, are attained richly by union and fellowship with Christ. If we be joined to Christ our hearts will be no longer left-under the power of sinful inclinations, or in a mere indifferency of incli- nation to good or evil; but they will be powerfully endow- ed with a power, bent, and propensity to the practice of holiness, by the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, and inclin- ing us to mind spiritual things, and to lust against the flesh, Rom. viii. 1, 4, 5, Gal. v. 17. And we have in Christ a full reconciliation with God, and an advancement into higher favour with him, than the first Adam had in the state of innocency : because the righteousness that Christ wrought out for us by his obedience unto death, is imputed to us for our justification : which is called the righteousness of God, because it is wrought by one that is God as well as man; and therefore it is of infinite value, to satisfy the justice of God, for all our sins, and to pro- cure his pardon and highest favour for us, 2 Cor. v. 21. Rom. v. 19. And, that we may be persuaded of this re- conciliation, we receive the spirit of adoption through Christ, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, Rom. viii. 15, Hereby also we are persuaded of our future enjoyment of the everlasting happiness, and of Safficient strength both to will and to perform our duty acceptably, until we come to that enjoyment. For the spirit of adoption teach- eth us to conclude, that, if we be the children of God, then we are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; and that the law of the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus, maketh us free from the law of sin and death; and that nothing shall be against us, nothing shall Se- parate us from the love of God in Christ; but, in all opposition and difficulties that we meet with, we shall be at last, “ more than conquerors through him that “loved us,” Rom. viii., 17, 29, 35, 37, 39. Further- more, this comfortable persuasion of our justification and future happiness, and all saving privileges cannot tend to licentiousness, as it is given only in this way of union with Christ: because it is joined inseparably with the gift of Sanctification, by the spirit of Christ; so that we cannot have justification, or any saving privilege in Christ, except we receive Christ himself, and his holiness ** * . . 58 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. III. as well as any other benefit; as the scripture testifieth, that, “There is no condemnation to them which are in “Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the “Spirit,” Rom. viii. 1. ---- Sixthly, Whereas it m ay be doubted, whether the saints - that lived before the coming of Christ in the flesh could possibly be one flesh with him, and receive a new nature by union and fellowship with him, as prepared for them in his fulness; we are to know, that the same Christ that took our flesh, was before Abraham, John-viii. 58. and was fore ordained before the foundation of the world, to be sacrificed as a lamb without blemish, that he might redeem us from all iniquity by his precious blood, 1 Pet. i. 18, 19, 20. and he had the same Spirit then, which filled his human nature with all its fulness afterwards, and raised it from the dead; and he gave that Spirit then to the church, 1 Pet. i. 11. and iii. 18, 19. Now, this spi- rit was able and effectual to unite these saints to that flesh which Christ was to take to himself in the fulness of time, because he was the same in both, and to give out to them that grace with which Christ would afterwards fill his flesh, for their salvation, as well as ours. Therefore David accounteth Christ's flesh to be his, and spake of Christ's death and resurrection as his own, before-hand, as well - as any of us can do, since their accomplishment, Psalm xvi. 9, 10, 11, “My flesh also shall rest in hope ; for thou “wilt not leave my soul in hell ; neitherwilt thou suſ- “fer thine holy one to see corruption. Thou wiltshew “me the path of life.” Yea, and saints before David's time, “ did all eat of the same spiritual meat, and drink “ of the same spiritual drink,” even of the same Christ, as we do; and therefore were partakers of the same pri- vilege of union and fellowship with Christ, 1 Cor:ºx. 3, 4. And when Christ was manifested in the flesh, in the ful- ºness of time, all things in heaven and on earth, all the saints departed, whose spirits were then made perfect in heaven, as well as these saints that then were, or should afterwards be on earth, were “gathered together in one.” and comprehended in Christ as their head, Eph, i. 10. And he was “the chief corner stone, in whom the build- “ing of the whole church upon the foundation of the Direct, IV. or sANCTIFICATION. #9" … “ prophets before, and the -apostles after his coming, ~ “being fitly framed together, groweth into an holy tem. “ple in the Lord, Eph. ii. 20, 21... Jesus Christ is the “same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever,” Heb. xiii, 8. His incarnation, death and resurrection, were the cause of all the holiness that ever was, or shall be given to man, . from the fall of Adam, to the end of the world; and that by the mighty power of his Spirit, whereby all saints that ever were, or shall be, are joined together to be members of that one mystical body whereof he is the head. *º-sº - DIRECTION IV. The Means or instruments, whereby the Spirit of God accomplisheth our Union with Christ, and our Fellowship with him in all Holiness, are the Gospel, whereby Christ entereth into our Hearts to work Faith in us ; and Faith whereby we actually receive Christ himself with all his ful. mess, into our Hearts. And this Faith is a Grace of the Sprit, whereby we heartily believe the Gospel, and also believe on Christ, as he is revealed and freely promised to us therein, for all his salvation. 2 * - s - . . . ExPLICATION. : THAT which I asserted, in the foregoing direc- tion, concerning the necessity of our being in Christ, and having Christ in us, by a mystical union, to enable us for an holy practice, might put us to a stand in our en- deavours for holiness; because we cannot imagine how we should be able to raise ourselves above our natural sphere, to this glorious union and fellowship, until God be pleased to make known to us, by Supernatural revela- - tion, the means whereby his Spirit maketh us partakers of ~~~ --~~ * ~. 60 rhi gospel MystERY Direct. IV. at a stand, to go on forward, by revealing two means or instruments whereby his Spirit accomplisheth the mystical union and fellowship between Christ and us, and whereby rational creatures are capable of attaining thereunto, by his Spirit working in them. One of these means is the gospel of the grace of God, wherein God doth make known to us the unsearchable riches of Christ, and Christin us, the hope of glory, Eph. º, iii. 8. Col. i. 27. and doth also invite us and command us to believe on Christ for his salvation, and doth encourage us by a free promise of that salvation, to all that believe on him, Acts xvi. 31. Rom. x. 9, 11. This is God's own instrument of conveyance, wherein he sendeth Christ to us, to bless us with his salvation, Acts iii. 26. It is the ministration of the Sp 6, 8, 9. Faith cometh by the hearing of it; and there- fore it is a great instrument, whereby we are begotten in Christ, and Christis formedia us, Rom. x. 16, 17. I Cor. irit and of righteousness, 2 Cor. iii. iv. 15. Gal. iv. 19. There is no need for us to say in our hearts, “Who shall ascend into heaven to bring Christ “ down from above ; or, who shall descend into the deep, º “to bring up Christ from the dead,” that we may be united, and have fellowship with him in his death and re- surrection? for the word is nigh to us, the gospel, the word of faith, in which Christ himself graciously condescendeth to be nigh to us; so that we may come at him there, without going any further, if we desire to be joined to him, Rom. x. 6, 7, 8. - - ' The other of these means is faith, '. that is wroughtinus by the gospel. This is our instrument of reception, where- by the union between Chiist and us is accomplished on our part, by our actual receiving. Christ him self, with all his fulness, into our heart; which is the principal subj}ct - - º . º º - º ; * : º:# , , , , , , “ . . . . . . . y \, . . . . . . . . - of the present explanation. . . . . . ." . . . . The faith which philosophers commonly treat of, is only an habit of the understanding, whereby we assent to a tes- timony upon the authority of the testifier. Accordingly, some would have faithin Christ to be no more than a be-, lieving the truth af things in religion, upon the authority of Christ testifying them. But the apostle sheweth, that Direct. IV, or sanctification, 61 the faith wher eby we are justified, is faith in Christ's blood, Rom. iii. 24, 25. not only in his authority as a testifier. And though a mere assent to a testimony were sufficient faith for knowledge of things, which the philosophers aim- ed at ; yet we are to consider, that the design of saving faith, is not only to know the truth of Christ and his sal- vation, testified and promised in the gospel, but also to apprehend and receive Christ and his salvation, as given by and with the promise. Therefore, saving faith must necessarily contain two acts, believing the truth of the gospel, and believing on Christ, as promised freely to us in the gospel, for all salvation. By the one, it receiveth . the means wherein Christ is conveyed to us; by the other. it receiveth Christ himself, and his salvation in the means; as it is one act to receive the breast or cup wherein milk or wine are conveyed, and another act, to suck the milk in the breast, and to drink the wine in the cup. - And both these acts must be performed heartily, with an un- feigned love to the truth, and a desire of Christ and his salvation above all things. This is our spiritual appetite, which is necessary for our eating and drinking Christ, the food of life, as a natural appetite is for bodily nourish- ment. Our assenting unto, or believing the gospel, must not be forced by mere conviction of the truth, such as wicked men and devils may be brought to, when they had rather it were false; neither must our believing in Christ be only constrained for fear of damnation, without any hearty love and desire towards the enjoyment of him; but we must receive the love of the truth, by relishing the goodness and excellency of it; and we must “ac- “count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge “of Christ Jesus our Lord) and count them but dung, “that we may win Christ, and be found in him,” 2 Thes. ii. 10. Phil. iii. 8, 9. Esteeming Christ to be all our sai- vation and happiness, Col. iii. 11. “in whom all fulness . “doth dwell,” Col. i. 19. And this love must be to every part of Christ's salvation; to holiness, as well as forgive- iness of sins. We must desire earnestly, that God would create in us a clean heart and right spirit, as well as hide his face from our sins, Psal. li. 9, 10, not like many, that - care for nothing in Christ; but only deliverance from hell. ~. - 62 rhE gospel MystERY Direct. Iv. “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteous- “ness : for they shall be filled,” Matth. v. 6. The for- mer of these acts doth immediately unite us to Christ, be- cause it is terminated only on the means of conveyance, the gospel; yet it is a saving act, if it rightly be performed, because it inclineth and disposeth the soul to the latter act, whereby Christ himself is immediately received into the heart. He that believeth the gospel with hearty love and liking, as the most excellent truth, will certainly with the like heartiness believe on Christ for his salvation. “They that know the name of the Lord, will certainly “put their trust in him,” Psal. ix. 10. Therefore, in Scripture, saving faith is sometimes described by the former of these acts, as if it were a mere believing the gospel; sometimes by the latter, as a believing on Christ, or in Christ, Rom. x.9. “If thou believe in thine heart, “that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved, “ver. I 1. The Scripture saith, that whosoever believeth “on him, shall not be ashamed, 1 John v. 1. Whosoever “believeth, that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God. “Verse 13. These things have I written unto you that “believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may “know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe “ on the name of the Son of God.” For the better understanding of the nature of faith, let it be further observed, that the second and principal act of it, believing on Christ, includeth, believing on God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: because they are one and the same infinite God, and they all concur in our salva- tion by Christ, as the only Mediator between God and us, “ in whom all the promises of God are yea and amen, “2 Cor. i. 20. By him, as Mediator, we believe on God, “ that raised him from the dead, and gave him glory, “ that our faith and hope might be in God,” I Pet. i. 21. And it is the same thing with trusting on God, or on the Lord, which is so highly commended in the whole Scripture, especially in the Old Testament; as may easily appeal', by considering, that it hath the same causes, ef- fects, objects, adjuncts, opposites, and all the same circum- stances, excepting only that it had a respect to Christ, 3.S * promised before his coming, and now it respecteth him. as - t Direct. IV. of SANCTIFICATION. . . 63 already come in the flesh, “believing in the Lord, and . “trusting on his salvation,” are equivalent terms, that. explain one another, Psalm lxxviii. 22. I confess, that trusting on things seen or known by the mere light of reason, as on our own wisdom, power, riches ; on princes, or any arm of flesh, may not so properly be called be- lieving on them ; but trusting on a Saviour, as discovered by a testimony, is properly believing on him. It is also the same thing that is expressed by the terms of resting, relying, leaning, staying ourselves on the Lord, called hoping in the Lord ; because it is the ground of that ex- pectation which is the proper act of hope, though our be- lieving and trusting be for the present as well as future benefit of this salvation. The reason why it is so com- . monly expressed, in the Scriptures of the New Testament, by the terms of believing on Christ, might be probably, because, when that part of Scripture was written, there . was cause in a special manner to urge believing the testi- mony that was then newly revealed by the gospel. Having thus explained the nature of faith, I come now to assert its proper use and office in our salvation. That it is the means and instrument whereby we receive Christ, and all his fulness, actually into our hearts. This excel- lent use and office of faith is encountered by a muł- titude of errors. Men naturally esteem that it is . too small and slight a thing to produce so great effects; as Naaman & thought washing in Jordan too small a matter for the cure of his leprosy. They contemn the true means of entering in at the strait gate, because they seem too easy for such purpose; and there- by they make the entrance not only difficult, but impos- . sible to themselves. Some will allow, that faith is the sole condition of our justification, and the instrument to receive it, according to the doctrine maintained formerly by the Protestants against the Papists: but they account, that it is not sufficient' or effectual to sanctification, but that it rather tendeth to licentiousness, if it be not joined with some other means that may be powerful and effec- tual to secure an holy practice. They commend this great doctrine of Protestants, as a comfortable cordial for –J \ - .* -. . . . . \ 64 rar cosPEI, MystERY Direct. Iv, persons on their death beds, or in agonies under terrors of conscience ; but they account, that it is not good for ordinary food, and that it is wisdom in ministers to preach it seldom and sparingly ; and not without some antidote or corrective, to prevent the licentiousness to which it tendeth. Their common antidote or corrective is, that sanctification is necessary to salvation as well as justifica- tion ; and that though we be justified by faith, yet we are sanctified by our own performances of the law ; and so they set up salvation by works, and make the grace of justification to be of none effect, and not at all comfort- able. If it had indeed such a malignant influence upon practice, it could not be owned as a doctrine proceeding from the most holy God; and all the comfort that it af. fords, must needs be ungrounded and deceitful. This consequence is well understood by some late refiners of the Protestant religion; and therefore they have thought fit to new model this doctrine, and to make saving faith to be only a condition to procure a right and title to our justification by the righteousness of Christ, which must be performed, before we can lay any good claim to the enjoy- ment of it, and before we have any right to use any in- strument for the actual receiving of it; and this they call an accepting of, or receiving Christ. And, that they may the better secure the practice of holiness by their . conditional faith, they will not have trusting in God or Christ for salvation, to be accounted the principal saving act of it; because as it seemeth to them, many loose wicked people trust on God and Christ for their salvation as much as others, and are, by their confidence, hardened the more in their wickedness; but they had rather itshould be obedi. ence to all Christ’s laws, at least in resolution ; or a con- sent that Christ should be their Lord, accepting of his - terms of salvation, and a resignation of themselves to his government in all things. It is a sign that the Scripture form of teaching is grown into disesteem with our great masters of reason, when trusting in the Lord, so much commended in Scripture, is accounted a mean and ordi- nary thing. They endeavour to affright us from owning faith to be an instrument of justification, by telling us, that thereby we that use the instrument, are made our Direct. IV, or sANCT1FICATION. 65 own principal justifiers, to the dishonour of God; though it might be easily answered, that we are made thereby only the principal receivers of our owii justification from God the giver of it, to whom all the glory belongs. . . All these errors will fall, if it can be proved, that such a faith as I have described, is an instrument whereby we actually receive Christ himself into our hearts, and holi- ness of heart and life, as well as justification, by union and fellowship with him. For the proof of it, I shall offer the following arguments. - , - . . . łrst, by faith we have the actual enjoyment and pos- session of Christ himself, and not only of remission of sins, but of life, and so of holiness. “Christ dwelleth in our “hearts by faith, Eph. iii. 17. We live to God; and yet “ not we, but Christ liveth in us by the faith of the “Son of God, Gal. ii. 19, 20. He that believeth on “ the Son of God, hath the Son and everlasting life that “ is in him, 1 John v. 12, 13. John iii. 36. He that heareth “Christ’s word, and believeth on him that sent Christ, “ hath everlasting life, and is passed from death unto life, John v. 24. These texts express clearly such a faith as I have described. Therefore the efficiency or operation of faith; in order to the enjoyment of Christ and his fulness, cannot be the procurement of a bare right or title to this enjoyment; but rather it must be an entrance into it, and taking possession of it. “We have access and en- “trance by faith into that grace of Christ wherein we “stand,” Rom. v. 2. 8. ". . . .. Secondly, The Scripture plainly ascribeth this effect to faith, that by it we receive Christ, put him on, are rooted and grounded in him; and also that we receive the Spi- rit, remission of sins, and an inheritance among them which are sanctified, John i. 12. Gal. iii. 26, 27. Col. ii. 6, 7. Gal. iii. 14. Acts xxvi. 18. And the Scripture illustrateth this receiving by the similitude of eating and drinking ; “he that believeth on Christ, drinketh the living water “ of his Spirit, John vii. 37, 38, 39. Christ is the bread “ of life; his flesh is meat indeed, and his blood is drink “ indeed.” And the way to eat and drink it, is to be-, lieve in Christ; and, by so doing we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us, and have everlasting life, John vi. 35, 47, 48, 66 THE gospel MystERY | Direct. IV. X----> we do receive food into our bodies by eating and drinking, 54, 55, 56. How can it be taught more clearly, that we receive Christ himself properly into our souls by faith, as and that Christ is as truly united to us thereby, as our food, when we eat or drink it? So that faith cannot be a condition to procure a mere right or title to Christ, no more than eating or drinking procureth a mere right or title to our food; but it is rather an instrument to receive it, as the mouth that eateth and drinketh the food. Thirdly, Christ with all his salvation, is freely given by the grace of God to all that believe on him : for “we are “saved by grace through faith ; and that not of our- “selves; it is the gift of God, Eph. ii. 8, 9. We are “justified freely by his grace, through faith in his blood,” Rom. iii. 24, 25. The Holy Ghost, who is the bond of union between Christ and us, is a gift, Acts ii. 38. Now, that which is a gift of grace, must not at all be earned, purchased, or procured by any work or works performed as a condition to get a right or title to it: and therefore faith itself must not be accounted such a conditional work. “If it be by grace, it is no more of works; otherwise “grace is no more grace,” Rom. xi. 6. The condition of a free gift is only, Take and Have. And in this sense, we will readily acknowledge faith to be a condition, al- lowing a liberty in terms where we agree in the thing ; but if you give a pepper corn to purchase a title to it, then you spoil the freeness of the gift. The free offer of Christ to you, is sufficient to confer upon you a right, yea, to make it your duty to receive Christ and his salvation as yours. And because we receive Christ by faith as a free gift, therefore we may account faith to be the instrument, and, as it were, the hand whereby we receive him. t Fourthly, It hath been already proved, that all spiritual life and holiness are treasured up in the fulness of Christ, and communicated to us by union with him. Therefore the accomplishing of union with Christ, is the first work of saving grace in our hearts. And faith itself being an holy grace, and part of spiritual life, cannot be in us be- fore the beginning of it; but rather it is given to us, and v • { . , \ wrought in the very working of the union. And the way wherein it conduceth to the union, cannot be by procur- Direct. IV. or sANCTIFICATION. - 67 ing a mere title to Christ as a condition, because then it should be performed before the uniting work beginneth ; but rather by being an instrument, whereby we may act- ually receive and embrace Christ, who is already, come into the soul, to take possession of it as his own habitation. Fifthly, True saving faith, such as I have described, hath in its nature, and manner of operation, a peculiar apti- union and fellowship with him. God hath fitted natural instruments for their office, as the hands, feet, &c. so that we may know, by their nature and natural manner of operation, for what use they are designed. In like manner we may know that faith is an instrument formed *-, tude or fitness to receive Christ and his salvation, and to unite our souls into him; and to furnish the soul with a new holy nature, and to bring forth an holy practice by on purpose for our union with Christ, and sanctification, if we consider what a peculiar fitness it hath for the work. The discovery of this is of great use for the understanding precious grace of faith. And to make you, as it were, have asserted, I shall present it to your view in three par- ticulars. -- - - 1st, The grace of faith is as well fitted for the soul’s re- ceiving Christ and union with him, as any instrument of the body is for receiving and closing with things needful for it. By the very act of hearty trusting or believing on distance from Christ; as all confidence in our strength, endeavours, works, privileges; or in any worldly plea- sures, profits, honours; or in any human helps and suc- cours for our happiness and salvation: because such con- fidences are inconsistent with our confidence in Christ for all salvation. Paul, by his confidence in Christ, was taken of the mysterious manner of our receiving and practising all holiness by union and fellowship with Christ, by this to see with your eyes, that it is such an instrument as I Christ for all salvation and happiness, the soul casteth and putteth away from itself, every thing that keepeth it at a off from all confidence in the flesh; he suffered the loss of glorying in his privileges and legal righteousness, and 'counted all other enjoyments in matters of the world or of religion, to be but “dung, that he might win Christ, “and be found in him.” Phil. iii. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. The 68 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. IV. s voice of faith is, “Ashur shall not save us, we will not “ ride upon horses, neither will we say any more to the “work of our hands, Ye are our gods; for in thee the “fatherless findeth mercy, Hosea xiv. 3. We have no “might against this great company of our spiritual ene- “mies; neither know we what to do : but our eyes are “upon thee,” 2 Chron. xx. 12. I might multiply places of Scripture to shew what a self emptying grace faith is, and how it casteth other confidences out of the soul, by getting above them to Christ, as the only happiness and salvation. The same act of trusting or believing on Christ, or on God, is the very manner of our souls coming to Christ, John vi. 35. “drawing near to the Lord, Psalm “ lxxiii. 28. fleeing unto the Lord to hide us, Psalm czliii. “9. making our refuge in the shadow of his wings, Psalm “lvii. 1. staying ourselves and our minds upon the Lord, “Isa. l. 10. and xxvi. 3. laying hold on eternal life, 1 Tim. “vi. 12. lifting up our souls to the Lord, Psa. xxv. 1. roll- “ing our way and casting our burden upon the Lord,” Psal. xxxvii. 5. and Iv. 22. and of our eating and drinking Christ, as hath already appeared. . Let us consider, that Christ and his salvation cannot be seen, or handled, or at- tained to, by any bodily motion; but are revealed and promised to us in the word. Now, let any invent, if they can, any way for the soul to exercise any motion or active- ness in receiving of this unseen promised salvation, besides believing the word, and trusting on Christ for the benefit promised. If Christ were to be earned by works, or any other kind of conditional faith ; yet a faith must be instru- mental to receive him. Some think love as fit to be the uniting grace; but I have shewed, that love to Christ's salvation is an ingredient unto faith. And though love be an appetite unto union, yet we have no other likely way to fill this appetite, while we are in this world, be- sides trust on Christ for all his benefits, as he is promised in the gospel. - 2dly, There is in this saving faith, a natural tendency to furnish the soul with an holy frame and nature, and all endowments necessary thereunto, out of the fulness of T Christ. An hearty affectionate trusting on Christ for all his salvation, as freely promised to us, hath naturally enough in it to work in our souls a rational bent and in- . Direct. IV. of SANGTIFICATION. “ — 69 clination to, and ability for, the practice of all holiness; because it comprehendeth in it atrusting, “that, through “Christ, we are dead to sin, and alive to God, that our “old man is crucified, Rom. vi. 2, 3, 4, and that we live “by the Spirit, Gal. v. 25. and that we have forgiveness “ of sin; and that God is our God, Psalm xxxi. 14. and “ that we have in the Lord righteousness and strength, “whereby we are able to do all things, Isa. xlv. 24. Phil, “iv. 13. and that we shall be gloriously happy in the “enjoyment of Christ to all eternity,” Phil. iii. 20, 21. When the saints in Scripture speak so highly of such glo- rious spiritual privileges, as I have here named, they ac- quaint us with the familiar sense and language of their faith, trusting on God and Christ, and they give us but an explication of the nature and contents of it; and they speak of nothing more than what they receive out of the fulness of Christ. And how can we otherwise judge, but that those who have an hearty love to Christ, and can, upon a good ground, think and speak such high things concerning themselves, must needs be heartily disposed, and mightily strengthened for the practice of holiness 3 3dly, Because faith hath such a natural tendency to dis- pose and strengthen the soul for the practice of holiness, we have cause to judge it a meet instrument to accom- plish every part of that practice in an acceptable manner. Those who with a due affection believe stedfastly on Christ for the free gift of all his salvation, may find by experience, that they are carried forth, by that faith, according to the measure of its strength or weakness, to love God heartily, because God hath loved them first, 1 John iv. 19. to praise him, to pray unto him in the name of Christ, Eph. v. 20. John xvi. 26, 27. to be patient with cheerfulness, under all afflictions giving thanks to the Father, that hath called them to his heavenly inheritance, Col. i. 11, 12. to love all the children of God, out of love to their heaven- ly Father, 1 John v. 1. to walk as Christ walked, 1 John ii. 6. and to give themselves up to live to Christ in all things, as constrained by his love in dying for them, 2 Cor. v. 14. We have a cloud of witnesses concerning the excellent works that were produced by faith, Heb. Ki. I. And though trusting on Christ be accounted such a 70 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. IV. slight and contemptible thing, yet I know no work of obe- dience, which it is not able to produce. And note the excellent manner of working by faith. By it we live and act in all good works, as people in Christ, as raised above ourselves and our natural state, by partaking of s s . . * ...' * * : - o e - - . . - him and his salvation; and we do all in his name, and on his account. This is the practice of that mysterious manner of living to God in holiness, which is peculiar to . the Christian religion, wherein we live; “and yet not “we, but Christ liveth in us,” Gal. ii. 20. And who can imagine any other way but this for such a practice, the gospel ? . . . . . . . . .” - *-- - - - -, The explanation that I have made of the nature and office of true faith, and of its aptitude for its office, is suf- ficient to evidence, that it is a most holy faith, as it is cal- led, Jude verse 20. and that such a trusting on Christ while Christ and his salvation are known to us only by as I have described, in its own nature, cannot have any tendency to licentiousness, but only to holiness; and that it rooteth and groundeth us in holiness; more than the mere accepting of any terms of salvation, and consenting to have Christ for our Lord, can do; and is more power- “ * - 3. ful to secure an holy practice, than any of those resolu- tions of obedience, or resignating acts, that some would have to be the great conditions of our salvation; which are indeed no better than hypocritical acts, if they be not pro- duced by this faith. There is indeed a counterfeit dead faith, such as wicked men may have ; and, if that tend to licentiousness, let not true faith be blamed: but rather mark the description of it which I have given, that you of it. may not be deceived with a counterfeit faith instead I shall add something concerning the efficient cause of this excellent grace, and of our union with Christ by it; whereby it may appear, that it is not so slight and easy a way of salvation as some may imagine. The author and finisher of our faith, and of our union and fellowship with Christ, by faith, is no less than the infinite spirit cf God, and God and Christ himself by the Spirit; for, “by one “Spirit we are all haptized into one body of Christ, and “are all made to drink into one Spirit, 1 Cor. xii. 12, 13. --> Direct. IV. or sANCTIFICATION. y1 “God granteth us, according to the riches of his glory, “ to be strengthened with all might, by his Spirit, in the “inner man, that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith,” Eph. iii. 16, 17. If we do but consider, the great effect of faith, that by it we are raised to live above our natural condition, by Christ and his Spirit living in us, we cannot rationally conceive, that it should be within the power of nature to do any thing that advanceth us so high. If God hath done no more for usin our sanctification, than to re- store usto our first natural holiness; yet this could not have been done, withoutputting forth his own almighty power to quicken those that are dead in sin; how much more is this almighty power needful to advance us to this wonder- ful new kind of frame, wherein we live and act above all the power of nature by an higher principle of life than was given to Adam in innocency, even by Christ and his Spirit living and acting in us; The natural man bringeth forth his offspring according to his image, by that natural power of multiplying with which God blessed him at his first creation ; but the second Adam bringeth forth his offspring new born according to his image, only by the Spirit, John iii. 5. “As many as receive him, even those “ that believe on his name, are born not of blood, nor of “ the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God,” John i. 12, 13. Christ took his own human nature into personal union with himself, in the womb of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost coming upon her, and the power of the highest overshadowing her, the same power where- by the world was created, Luke i. 35. So he taketh us into mystical union and fellowship with himself, by no less than an infinite creating power; for “we are the work- “manship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good “works, Eph. ii. 10. and if any man be in Christ, he is a “new creature,” 2 Cor. v. 17. For the accomplishing this great work of our new crea- tion in Christ, the Spirit of God doth first work upon our hearts by and with the gospel, to produce in us the grace of faith. For, if the gospel should come to us in word only, and not in power, and in the Holy Ghost, Paul might labour to plant, and Appollos to water, without any success, because we cannot receive the things of the Spirit j 72 . . . THE Gospel MystERY Direct. IV. of God; yea; we shall account them foolishness, until the Spirit of God enable us to discern them, I Thess. i. 5. ~ 1 Cor. iii. 6. and ii. 14. We shall never come to Christ by any teaching of man, except we also hear and learn of the Father, and be drawn to him by his Spirit, John vi. 44, 45. And when saving faith is wrought in us, the same Spirit giveth us fast hold of Christ by it. As he openeth the mouth of faith to receive Christ, so he filleth it with Christ : or else the acting of faith would be like a dream of one who thinketh he eateth and drinketh, and, when he awaketh he findeth himself empty. The same Spirit of God did both give that faith whereby miracles were wrought, and did work also the miracles by it; so also the same Spirit of Christ doth work saving faith in us, and doth answer the aim and end of that faith, by giving us union and fellowship, with Christ by it : so that none of the glory of this work belongeth to faith, but only to him and his Spirit. And, indeed, faith is of such an humble self denying nature, that it ascribeth nothing that it receiveth, to itself, but all to the grace of God; and . therefore God saveth us by faith, that all the glory may be ascribed to his free grace, Rom, iv. 16. If Adam had strength enough in innocency to perform the duty of faith as well as we ; yet, it will not follow, that he had strength enough to raise himself above his natural state into union with Christ; because faith doth not unite us to him by its own, but by the power of the Spirit work- ing by it, and with it. Thus are we first passive, and then active, in this great work of mystical union : we are first apprehended of Christ, and then, we apprehend him. Christ entereth first into the soul, to join himself to it, by giving it the spirit of faith; and so the soul receiveth him and his Spirit by their own power: as the sun first en- lightened our eyes, and then we can see it by its own light. We may note further, to the glory of the grace of God, that this union is fully accomplished by Christ, giv- ing the spirit of faith to us, even before we act that faith in the reception of him : because, by this, grace or spirit of faith, the soul is inclined and disposed to an active re- ceiving of him. And no doubt, Christ is thus united to many infants, who have the spirit of faith, and yet cannot • , Direct, V. or sANCTIFICATION. 73 act faith, because th 2 * :- ------, ----, derstandings; but those of riper years that are joined passively to him by the spirit of faith, will also join them: selves with him actively by the act of faith; and, until . they act this faith, they cannot know or enjoy their union. with him, and the comfort of it, or make use of it, in act- ing any other duties of holiness acceptabl - ey are not come to the use of their un- y in this life. . . . . . . . - -- - * , º % …” . . \, EXPLICATION. A We cannot attain to the Practice of true Holiness by any of our Endeavours, while we continue in our natural State, and are not Partakers of a new State by Union and Fellowship with Christ IT is evident, all have not that precious faith, where- by Christ dwelleth in our hearts; yea, the number of those that have it, is small, comparatively, to the whole world that lieth in wickedness, 1 John v. 19, 20, and many of those that at length attain unto it, do continue . without it for some considerable time, Eph. ii. 12. And though some have the spirit offith given to them from their mother’s womb (as John the Baotist, Luke i. 15, 44, yet even in them there is a natural being by genera- tion, before there can be a spiritual being by regenera- I Cor. xv. 46. Hence ariseth the consideration of , two states or conditions of the children of men, in mat- ters that appertain to God, and godliness; the one of which is vastly different from the other. Those that have the happiness of a new birth and creation in Christ by faith, are thereby placed in a very excellent state, consist- j ing in the enjoyment of his righteousness, for their justi- G fication ; and of his Spirit, to live by, in holiness here, and glory for ever; as hath already appeared. Those that are not in Christ, by faith, cannot be in a better state 74 THE Gospel, MystERy . Direct. V. than that which they received, together with their natures from the first Adam, by being once born and created in him ; or than they can attain to by the power of that na- ture, with any such help as God is pleased to afford to it. This latter I call a natural state; because it consisteth in such things as we have either received by natural genera- tion, or can attain to by natural power through divine as- sistance; as the Scripture calleth man in this state the na- tural man, 1 Cor. ii. 14. - The former I call a new state because we enter into it by a new birth in Christ; and I may call it a spiritual state, according to the Scripture; beaause it is received from Christ the quickening Spirit: and the natural and spiritual man are opposed, 1 Cor. ii. 14, 15, though some call both these states spiritual, be- cause the everlasting well or wo of the soul or spirit of man is chiefly concerned in them. . . . . It is a common error of those that are in a corrupt na- tural state, that they seek to reform their lives according to the law, without any thoughts that their state must be changed, before their lives can be changed from sin to righteousness. The Heathens, that knew nothing of a new state in Christ, were urged by their own consciences, to practise several duties of the law, according to the know- ledge they had by the light of nature, Rom. ii. 14, 15. Israel, according to the flesh, had a zeal of God and god- liness, and endeavoured to practise the written law, at least in external performances, while they were enemies to the faith of Christ. And Paul attained so far, that he was blameless in these external performances of the righteous- ness of the law, while he persecuted the church of Christ, Phil. iii. 6. Some are so near the kingdom of God, while they continue in a natural state, that they are convinced of the spirituality of the law, that it bindeth us principal- Iy to love God with all our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves, and to perform universal obedience to God, in all our inward thoughts and affections, as well as in all outward actions, and do all the duties that we owe to our neighbour, out of this hearty love, Mark xii. 33, 34. And they struggle and labour, with great earnestness, to subdue their inward thoughts and affections to the law of God, and to abstain Direct. V. or sANCTIFICATION. -- 75 . not only from some sins, but from all known sins, and to perform every known duty of the law with their whole heart and soul, as they think; and are so active and in- tent in their devout practice, that they over work their natural strength ; and so fervent in their zeal, that they are ready even to kill their bodies with fastings and other macerations, that they may kill their sinful lusts. They are strongly convinced, that holiness is absolutely necessa- ry to salvation, and are deeply affected with the terrors of damnation: and yet they were never so much enlight- ened in the mystery of the gospel, as to know that a new state in Christ is necessary to a new life; therefore they labour in vain to reform their natural state, instead of get- ^ --" ting above it in Christ. And some of these, when they have mis-spent many years in striving against the stream of their lusts, without any success, do at last fall misera bly into despair of ever attaining to holiness, and turn to wallowing in the mire of their lusts, or are fearfully swal- lowed up with horror of conscience. There are several false opinions whereby such ignorant zealots encourage themselves in their fruitless endeavours. Some of them judge, that they are able to practise holiness, because they are not compelled to sin, and may abstain from it, if they will. To this they add, that Christ, by the merit of his death, hath restored that freedom of will to good, which was lost by the fall, and hath set nature upon its legs again ; and that, if they endeavour to do what lieth in them, Christ will do the rest, by assisting them with the supplies of his saving grace; so they trust upon the grace of Christ to help them in their endeavours. They plead further, that it would not consist with the justice of God to punish them for sin, if they could not avoid it; and that it would be in vain for the ministers of the gospel to preach to them, and exhort them to any saving duty, if they cannot perform it. They produce examples of Hea- thens, and of such as had the name of Christians without any acquaintance with the faith that I have described, who have attained to a greatexcellency in religious words and works. . . . . . . . My work at present is to deliver those ignorant zealots from their fruitless tormenting labours, by springing them - - ...? . where they ing labour: `-- * * i 76 . THE Gospel Mysºry Direct. V. to despair of the attainment of holiness in a natural state, that they may seek it only in a new state by faith in Christ, may, certainly find it, without such forment- ur, and anxiety, of spirit. For this end, I shall confirm the truth asserted in the direction, and fortify it against the forementioned false opinions, by the ensu- ing considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First, The foundation of this assertion is firmly laid in the directions already explained, and confirmed by many places of Scripture. For, if all endowments necessary to enable us for an holy practice, he to be had only in a state of union and fellowship with Christ by faith, and faith itself, not by the natural power of free wiłł, but by the power of Christ, coming into the soul by his Spirit, to unite us with himself; who seeth not, that the attainment of true holiness by any of Opie most vigorous endeavours, while we continue in our natural condition, is altogether hopeless : I need add no more, were it not to shew more fully what abundance of light the Scripture affordeth to guide us aright in this part of our way, that those who * . wander out of it, by following any false light of their own, or other corrupted judgments, may find themselves the more inexcusable, . . . . . . . . . . . Secondly, It is evident, that we cannot practise true ho- liness while we continue in a natural state ; because we must be “born again, of water and of the Spirit, or else “we cannot enter into the kingdom of God, John iii. 3, “ 5. and we are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, “ which God hath before ordained, that we should walk “ in them,” Eph. ii. 10. If we could love God and ours neighbour as the law requireth, without a new birth and creation, we might live without them : for Christ hath said, “ This do, and thou shalt live,” Luke x. 28. Now’ a new birth and creation is more than a mere reforming and repairing our natural state. If we were put into a certain state and condition by the first birth and creation, much more by the second. For the first produceth the substance of a man as well as a state ; the second had nothing to produce, but a new state of the same person. And note, that we are first created and born; in Adam Direct. V. of sanctrfrcatten. 77 the natural man, but our new birth and creation are in Christ the spiritual man. And if any man be in Christ, he is in a new state, far different from the state of Adam before the fall: he is wholly a new creature; as it is written, “old things are pastaway; behold all things are “ become new,” 2 Cor. v. 17. . . . . . . . . . Thirdly, It is positively asserted by the apostle Paul, that “those that are in the flesh, cannot please God,” Rom. . ...viii. 8. Many are too overly and negligent in considering the sense of this gospel phrase, what it is to be in the flesh. They understand no more by it than to be sinful, or to be addicted inordinately to please the sensitive appetite. They should consider, that the apostle speaketh here of “being in the flesh,” as the cause of sinfulness; as in the next verse he speaketh of being in the spirit, as the cause of holiness; and, whatever cause, it be, it must needs be distinct from its effect. Sin is a property of the flesh, or something that dwelleth in the flesh, Rom. vii. 18. and ºtherefore it is not the flesh itself. The flesh is that which “lusteth against the spirit.” Gal. v. 17. and therefore it is not merely sinful lusting. The true interpretation is, that by flesh is meant the nature of man, as it is corrupted, by the fall of Adam, and propagated from him to us, in that corrupt state, by natural generation; and to “be “in the flesh,” is to be in a natural state: as to be in the “Spirit,” is to be in a new state, by the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, Rom. viii. 9. The corrupt nature is called flesh, because it is received by carnal generation; and the new nature is called spirit, because it is received by spiri- tual regeneration. “That which is born. ... is. “flesh ; and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit.” John iii. 6. So the apostle, if he be rightly understood, hath said enough to make us despair utterly of attaining . to true holiness, while we continue in a natural state. Fourthly, The apostle testifieth, that “those that have “been taúght as the truth is in Jesus, having learned to “ avoid the former sinful conversation, by putting off the “old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful “lusts; and by putting on the new man, which after “God is created in righteousness and true holiness,” Eph. iv. 21, 22, 24.” Putting off the old man, and put- *~, . . . . - G 3 . . . . 78 - rhr. Gospel Mystery Direct, V. ting on the new man, is the same with not being in the flesh ; but in the Spirit in the foregoing testimony; that is, putting off our natural state, and putting on a new state, by union and fellowship with Christ. The apostle him-- self sheweth, that by the new man is meant, that excel- Ient state wherein Christ is all, and in all, Col. iii. 1 1. Therefore by the old man, must needs be meant, the na-. tural state of man, wherein he is without the saving en- joyment of Christ; which is called old, because of the new state to which believers are brought by their regenera- tion in Christ. This is a manner of expression peculiar to * the gospel, as well as the former, and as slightly consi- dered by those that think that the apostle's meaning is only, that they should put off sinfulness, and put on holi- ness in their conversation ; and so they think to become new men, by turning over a new leaf in their practice, and leading a new life. Let them learn here, that the old and new man are two contrary states, containing in them, not only holiness, but all other things that dispose and in- cline us to the practice of them ; and that the old man must be put off, as crucified with Christ, before we can be freed from the practice of sin, Rom. vi. 6, 7. And there- fore we cannot lead a new life, until we have first gotten a new state by faith in Christ. Let me add here, that the meaning of the apostle is the same, Rom. xiii. 12, 13, 14. where he directeth us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, as the means whereby we may cast off the deeds of dark- ness, and walk honestly, as in the day time; not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Fifthly, Our natural state hath several properties that wholly disable us for the practice of holiness, and enslave us to the practice of sin, while we continue in it. Here I shall shew, that the old man, the flesh, or natural state, is not only sin, as some would have it; but it containeth in it several things, which I shall name, that maketh it to be sinful, besides several other things that make it miser- able. I have shewed, that in Christ we have all endow- ments necessary to frame us for godliness; so, in our natural state, we have all things contrary to that holy frame. One thing belonging to our natural state, is, the guilt of sin, even of Adam’s first sin, and of the sinful de- Direct. V. or sANCTIFICATION. 79 pravation of our nature, and of all our own actual trans- gressions; and therefore we are by nature the children of wrath, Eph. ii. 3. and under the curse of God. The bè- nefit of remission of our sins, and freedom from condem- nation, is not given to us in the flesh, or in a natural state, but only in Christ, Rom. viii. 1. Eph. i. 7. And can we imagine, that a man should be able to prevail against sin, while God is against him, and curseth him : Another property, inseparably from the former, is, an evil consci- ence, which denounceth the wrath of God against us for sin, and inclineth us to abhor him, as our enemy, rather than to love him, as hath, been shewed ; or, if it be a blind conscience, it hardeneth us the more in our sins. A third property, is, an evil inclination, tending only to sin; which therefore is called, “sin that dwelleth in us, and “ the law of sin in our members,” that powerfully sub- dueth and captivateth us to the service of sin, Rom. vii. 20, 23. It is a fixed propensity to lust against the law without any deliberation ; and therefore its lustings are not to be prevented by any diligence, or watchfulness. “The mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it is “not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be,” Rom. viii. 7. How vain then is it to plead, that they can do good, if they will, when their minds and will itself is enslaved to sin 3 A fourth property is subjection to the power of the devil, who is the god of this world, that hath blinded the minds of all that believe not, 2 Cor. iv. 4. and will certainly conquer all whom he fighteth, with upon his own dunghill ; that is, in a natural state. . And, from all these properties, we may well conclude, that our natural state hath the property never to be good, to be -stark dead in sin, Eph. ii. 1. according to the sen- tence denounced against the first sin of mankind in Adam, “ in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely “ die,” Gen. ii. 17. For you can no more bring it to holi- ness, by any the most vehement motives and endeavours, . than you can bring a dead carcase to life, by chafing and rubbing it. You can stir up no strength or fortifying grace in the natural man by such motives and endea- vours; because thefe is no strength in him to be stirred up, Rom. v. 6. Though you do all that lieth in you to the utmost, while you are in this flesh, you can do nothing but sin; for there is no good thing in you; as the apostle Paul sheweth by his own experience, “I know that in me * (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing,” Rom, vii. 18. . . . . . . . Sæthly, We have no good ground to trust on Christ, to help us to will or to do that which is acceptable to him, while we continue in our natural state ; or to imagine that freedom of will to holiness is restored to us by the merit of his death. For, as it hath been already shewed, Christ aimed at an higher end, in his incarnation, death and resurrection, than the restoring the decay and ruins of our natural state. He aimed to advance us to a new state, more excellent than the state of nature ever was, by union and fellowship with himself; that we might live to God, not by the power of a natural free will, but by the power of his Spirit living and acting in us. So we may conclude that our natural state is irrecoverable and desperate, because Christ, the only Saviour, did not aim at the recovery of it. It is, neither holy nor happy, but subject to sin, and to all miseries, as long as it remaineth. Even those that are in a new state in Christ, and do serve the law of God with their mind, do yet with ... their flesh serve the law of sin, Rom. vii. 25. As far as it remaineth in them, it lusteth against the Spirit, Gal. v. 17. and it remaineth dead, because of sin, even when the Spirit is life to them, because of righteousness, Rom. viii. 10. and must be wholly abolished by death, before we can be perfected in that holiness and happiness that is by faith in Christ. After God had promised salvation by Christ, the seed of the woman, he placed cherubims and a flaming sword to keep man out of paradise; thereby teaching him that his first state was lost without hope, and that the happiness intended for him, was wholly new. Our old natural man was not revived and reformed by the death of Christ, but crucified together with him, and therefore to be abolished and destroyed out of us by virtue of his death, Rom. vi. 6. It is like the part of a garment infected with the plague of leprosy, which was to be rent off as incurable, that the garment might be clean, Lev. xiii. 56. “If Christ be not in us, we are reprobates,” 2 Cor. xiii. 5. i. e. we are in a state which God hath re- Direct. V. or sANCTIFICATION. 81 jected from partaking of his salvation; so that we are not to expect any assistance from God to make us holy in it, but rather to deliver us from it. . . . . . . . . . . Seventhly, This doth not at all discharge those that are in a natural state from obligation to holiness of life, nor reñder them excusable for their sins at the tribunal of God’s justice. For God hath made man upright, but “they have sought out many inventions,” Eccl. vii. 29. Observe well the words of this text, and you will find that all they who have sought out many inventions, rather than upright walking, are comprehended in man that was at first made upright. And man, in the text, signi- fieth all mankind. . The first Adam was all mankind, as Jacob and Esau were two nations in the womb of Rebec- ca, Gen. xxv. 23. God made us all, in our first parent, according to his own image; able and inclined to do his law ; and in that pure natuire our obligation to obedience was first laid upon us, and the first wilful transgression, whereby our first parent bereaved himself of the image of God, and brought upon himself the sentence of death, was our sin as well as his ; for, “in one man, Adam, all “ have sinned, and so death is passed upon all,” Rom. v. 12. because all mankind were in Adam’s loins, when the first sin was committed; even as Levi may be said to have paid tithes in Abraham before he was born ; because, when his father Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedeck, he was yet in his loins, Heb. vii. 9, 10. That the promise of God, that he will not charge the iniquities of parents upon their children, is a promise belonging to the new co- venant confirmed in the blood of Christ; and it is yea and amen to us only in Christ, in whom we have another nature than that which our parents conveyed to us; so . that we cannot justly claim the benefit of it in our old na-. . tural state, Jer. xxxi. 29, 30, 31. and 2 Cor. i. 20. Those that account their impotency a sufficient plea to excuse them or others, shew that they were never truly humbled for that great wilful transgression of all mankind in the loins of Adam. Inability to pay debt, excuseth not a debtor that hath lavished away his estate; neither doth drunkenness excuse the mad actings of a drunkard, but rather aggravates his sin. And our impotency consisteth . . ***'. ... ' N s2 . The gospel MystERY Direct. V. a willing mindy to practise true holiness and righteous- ness. Naturally we love it not, we like it not, but lust againstit, Gal. v. 17. and hate the light, John iii. 20. If men in a natural state had a hearty love and liking to true holiness, and a desire and serious endeavour to practise it out of hearty love, and yet failed in the event, then they might, under some pretence, plead for their excuse (as some do for them) that they were compelled to sin by an in- evitable fate. But none have just cause to plead any such thing for their excuse; because none endeavour to prac- tise true holiness out of hearty love to it, until the good work be begun in their souls; and, when God hath be- not in a mere y: executive power, but in the want of gun, he will perfect it, Phil. i. 6. and will in the mean time, accept their ready mind, though they fall short in performance, 2 Cor. viii. 12. “How abominable, then, “ and filthy is man, that drinketh iniquity as water.” Job xv. 16. that cannot practise holiness, because he will not 2 This is their just condemnation, “that they love “ darkness rather than light.” They deserve to be par- takers with the devils in torments, as they partake with them in evil lusts; and their inability to do good, will no more excuse them, than it excuseth the devils. Eighthly, Neither will this assertion make it a vain thing to preach the gospel to natural people, and to exhort them to true repentance, and faith in Christ, for their conver- 'sion and salvation. For the design of our preaching is not, to bring them to holiness in their natural state, but to raise them above it, and to present them perfect in Christ in the performance of those duties, Col. i. 28. And though they cannot perform those duties by their natural strength; yet the gospel is made effectual for their con- version and salvation, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which accompanieth the preaching of it, to quicken those that are dead in sin, and to create them anew in Christ, by giving to them repentance unto life, and a lively faith in Christ. The gospel cometh to the elect of God not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, and in such assurance that they receive it with joy of the Holy Ghost, 1 Thes. i. 5, 6. “The gospel is the ministration of “the Spirit, that giveth.life,” 2 Cor. iii. 6,-8, It is migh- Direct. V. or sANCTIFICATION. 85 “ty through God,” 2 Cor. x. 4. It dependeth not at all upon the power of our free-will, to make it successful for our conversion ; but it conveyeth into the Soul that life and power whereby we receive and obey it. Christ can make those that are dead in sin to hear his voice, and live, John v. 25. Therefore he can speak to them by his gospel, and command them to repent and believe with good success, as well as he could say to dead carcases, Talitha cumi, Mark v. 41. “Lazarus, come forth, John xi. 43, 44. and to “ the sick of the palsy, Arise, take up thy bed, and go $ into thine house,” Matth. ix. 6. º JWinthly, There is no reason that the examples of . Heathen philosophers, or any Jews or Christians by out- ward profession, that have lived without the saving know- ledge of God in Christ, should moye us, by their wise say- ings and renowned attainments, in the pracice of devotion and morality to recede from this truth, that hath been so fully confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures. Have we not cause to judge, that the apostle Paul, while he was a zealous Pharisee, and at least some few of the great mul- titude of the Jews in his time that were zealous of the law, and had the instructions of the holy Scriptures, at- tained as near to that true holiness, as the Heathen philo- sophers, or any others in their natural state 2 Yet Paul, after he was enlightened with the saving knowledge of Christ, judged himself the chief of sinners, in his highest former attainments; though, in the judgment of others, he was blameless touching the righteousness which is in the law; and he found it necessary to begin to live to God in a new way by faith in Christ, and to suffer the loss of all his former attainments, and to count them but dung, that he might win Christ, 1 Tim. i. 15. Phil. iii. 6, 7, 8. . . - - ** - And none of the great multitude of Jews that followed after the law" of righteousness, did ever attain unto it, while they sought it not by faith in Christ, Rom. ix. 31, 32. What performances are greater in outward appear- ance, than for a man to give all his goods to the poor, and to give his body to be burnt 2 and yet the Scripture al- loweth us to suppose that this may be done without true charity, and therefore without any true holiness of the 84 THE Gospel. MystERY .. Direct. V. heart and life, I Cor. xiii. 3. Men in a natural state may have strong conviction of the infinite power, wisdom, jus- tice; and goodness of God, and of the judgment to come, and the everlasting happiness of the godly, and totments of the wicked : and these convictions may stir them up, not only to make an high profession, and to utter rare sayings concerning God and godliness; but also to labour with great earnestness to avoid all known sin, to subdue their lusts, to perform universal obedience to God in all kihown duties, and to serve him with their lives and estates to the utmost, and to extort out of their hearts some kind of love to God and godliness, that if possible they may es- cape the terrible torments of hell, and procure everlasting happiness by their endeavours; yet all their love to God is but forced and feigned; they have no hearty liking to God or his service; they account him an hard master, and his commandments grievous, and they repine and fret in- wardly at the burden of them ; and, were it not for fear of everlasting fire, they would little regard the enjoyment of God in heaven; and they would be glad if they might have the liberty to enjoy their lust without danger of dam- nation. The highest preferment of those that are born . . . only"after the flesh in Abtaham’s family, is but to be children of the bend womat, Gal. iv. 23. And though they toil more in God’s service than many of his dear children; yet God accepteth not of their service, because their best performances are slavish, without any child-like affections towards God, and no better than glistering sins. And yet these natural men are not at all beholden to the goodness of their natures for these counterfeit shews of holiness, or for the least abstaining from the grossest sin. If God should leave men fully to their own natural cor- ruptions, and to the power of Satan (as they deserve) all shew of religion and morality would be quickly banished out of the world, and we should grow past feeling in wick- ediness, and like to the cannibals, who are as good by na- ture as ourselves. But God; that can restrain the bºrn- ing of the fiery furnace, without quenching it, and the flowing of water without changing its nature, doth also restrain the working of natural corruption, without mor- tifying it; and through the greathess of his wisdom and Direct. VI. or SANGTIFICATION. -: 85 power, he maketh his enemies to yield feigned obedience to him, Psalm lxvi. 3, and to do many things good for the matter of them, though they can do nothing in a right , holy manner. He hath appointed several means to re- strain our corruptions; as the law, terrors of conscience, terrible judgments, and rewards in this life, magistrates, human laws, labour for necessaries, as food and raiment. - And those gospel means that are effectual for sanctifica- tion, serve also for restraint of sin. God hath gracious ends in this restraint of sin, that his church may be pre- served, and his gospel preached in the world; and that these natural men may be in a better capacity to receive the instructions of the gospel; and that such of them that are chosen, may, in due time, becomverted; and that those of them that are not truly converted, many enjoy more of the goodness of God here, and suffer the less torments. hereafter. As vile and wicked as the world is, we have cause to praise and magnify the free goodness of God that it is no worse. . ... • - * . . . . . DIRECTION VI. Those that endeavour to perform sincere Obedience to all the commands of Christ, as the Condition whereby they are to procure for themselves a Right and Title to Salvation, and a good Ground to trust on him for the same, do seek their Sal- vation by their works of the Law, and not by the Faith of Christ, as he is revealed in the Gospel: and they shall never be able to perform sincerely any true holy Obedience by all such endeavours. EXPLICATION. 4. *. FOR the understanding the terms of this di- rection, note here, that I take salvation as comprehending -- . . Fi . - ..— ... 86 thrº Gospel. MyśTERY Direct. VI. justification, as well as other saving benefits; and sincere obedience as comprehending holy resolutions, as well as the fulfilling of them. The most of men, that have any sense of religions are prone to imagine, that the sure way to establish the practice of holiness and righteousness, is to make it the procuring condition of the favour of God, 5. and all happiness. This may appear by the various false religions that have prevailed most in the world. In this way the Heathens were brought to their best devotion and morality, by the knowledge of the judgment of God, that those that violate several of the great duties to God, and their neighbour, are worthy of death ; and by their consciences accusing or excusing them, according to the practice of them, Rom. i. 32. and ii. 14, 15. Our con- sciences are Informed by the common light of natural rea- son, that it is just with God to require us to perform these duties, that we may avoid his wrath, and enjoy his fa- vour. And we cannot find any better way than this to . " obtain happiness, or to stir up ourselves to duty, without divine revelation. Yet, because our own consciences testi- fy, that we often fail in the performance of those duties, we are inclined by self love to persuade ourselves, that our sincere endeavours to the best we can, shall be suf- ficient to procure the favour of God, and pardon for all our failings. Thus we see, that our persuasion of salva- tion by the condition of sincere obedience, hath its origi- nal from our corrupt natural reason, and is part of the - wisdom of this world. It is none of the wisdom of God “in a mystery, that hidden wisdom which God ordained “ before the world to our glory,” it is none of those things of the Spirit of God, which “ have not entered in- “ to the heart of man,” and which the “natural man can- “ not receive ; for they are foolishness to him ; neither “ can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned,” 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7, 9, 14. It is none of “the foolishness of “preaching, whereby it pleased God to save them that “believe,” 1 Cor. i. 21. And though we have a better . way revealed to us in the gospel, for the enjoyment of the favour of God, and holiness itself, and all salvation, with- out any procuring condition of works, by the free gift of God’s grace through faith in Christ; yet it is very difficult s >. Direct. VI. of SANCTIFICATION. 87. to persuade men out of away they are naturally addicted to, and that hath forestalled and captivated their judg- ments, and is bred in their bone, and therefore cannot easily be gotten out of the flesh. Most of those that live under the hearing and profession of the gospel, are notº brought to hate sin as sin, and to love godliness for itself, though they be convinced of the necessity of it to salva- tion; and therefore they cannot love it heartily. The only means they can take to bring themselves to it, is, to stir up themselves to an hypocritical practice in their old natural way, that they may avoid hell, and get heaven, by their works. And their consciences witness, that the zeal and love that they have for God and godliness, their self-denial, sorrow for sin, strictness of life, are in a manner forced and extorted from them by slavish fear, and mer- cenary hope; so that they are afraid, that, if they should trust on Christ for salvation by free grace without works, the fire of their zeal and devotion would be quickly ex- tinguished, and they should grow careless in religion, and let loose the reins to their lusts, and bring certain damna- tion upon themselves. This moveth them to account them the only Boanergesses and powerful preachers, that preach little or none of the doctrine of free grace, but rather spend their pains in rebuking sin, and urging peo- ple to get Christ and his salvation by their works, and thundering hell and damnation against sinners. It hath been further observed, that some that have contended much for salvation by free grace, without any condition of works have fallen into Antinomian opinions, and Ji- centious practices. The experience of these things hath much prevailed with some learned and zealous men of late amongst ourselves, to recede from the doctrine of jus- tification by faith, without works, formerly professed unanimously, and strongly defended by the Protestants against the Papists, as a principal article of true reli- gion. "They have persuaded themselves, that such away of justification is ineffectual, yea destructive to sanctifica- ſtion; and that the practice of sincere obedience cannot be established against Antinomian dotages and prevailing ſusts except it be made the necessary condition of our justification, and so of our eternal salvation. Therefore . . . . ~. 2^ . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... – ‘’’ -- - -- " - . . . . . . --- . . ... *... . . •. - - - - - N- . . _-->''. . -- - - - - - , , , 88 rhE Gospel. MysºreRY Direct. VI they conclude that God has certainly made sincere obe- dience to be the condition of our salvation. And th have endeavoured to new model the Protestant doctrine, and to interpret the holy Scriptures in a way agreeable and subservient to this their only sure foundation of holi- And they : , mess. º º - . . . º. º, . . . . . . . But I hope to shew, that this their imagined sure foun- dation of holiness was never laid by the holy God; but that it is rather an error in the foundation, pernicious to the true faith, and to holiness of life. I account it an error especially to be abhorred and detested, because we are so prone to be seduced by it, and because it is an error where- by Satan; transforming himself into an angel of light, and patron of holiness, hath greatly withstood the gospel in the apostles' times, and stirred up men to persecute it, out of zeal for the law: and hath since prevailed to set up and maintain Popery, whereby the mystery of iniqui- ty.worketh apace in these days, to corrupt the purity of the gospel among Protestants, and to heal the deadly wound given to Popery by preaching the doctrine of jus- tification by faith without works. . . . . . . - -" .."-- . . One thing asserted in the direction against this funda- mental error, is, that it is a way of salvation by the works of the law, and not by the faith of Christ, as revealed in the gospel; though the maintainers of it would have us be- lieve, that it is the only way of the gospel ; that so we may not doubt of its power and efficacy for our justifica- tion, sanctification, and our whole salvation. Their rea- - sons are, because the law, as a covenant of works, requir- eth us to do all its commandments perfectly, that we may live; whereas they plead only for a milder condition of sincere doing, that we may live. And they plead not for doing duties, as obliged thereunto by the authority of the law given of God by Moses, but only in obedience to the commands of Christ in the gospel. Neither do they plead for salvation by sincere obedience without Christ, but only by Christ, and through his merit and righteous- ºness. And they acknowledge, that both salvation itself, ------- - ..~ * , - . . . . - -- * -- • f Direct. IV. of SANGTIFICATION. 89 ledge also that their salvation is by faith, because sincere obedience is wrought in them by believing the gospel, and is included in the nature of that faith, which is the entire condition of our salvation : and some call it the resigna- ting act of faith. But all these reasons are but a fallacious vizard upon a legal way of salvation, to make it look like pure gospel; as I shall evince by the following partieu- First, All that seek salvation by the sincere performance - of goods works, as the procuring condition, are condemned by the apostle Paul, for seeking righteousness by the works of the law, and not by faith, Rom. ix. 32, and for: seeking to be justified by the law, and falling from the grace of Christ, Gal. v. 4. This one assertion, if it can be proved, is enough to pluck off the fallacious vizard from the condition of sincere obedience, and to make men abhor it, as a damning legal doctrine, that bereaveth its followers of all salvation by Christ. ...And the proof of it is not difficult to persons that warily consider a point of so great moment for their salvation. The Jews, and Ju- daizing Christians, against whom the apostle chiefly dis- puted in his whole controversy, did not profess any hope of being justified by perfect obedience, according to the rigour of the law, but only by such obedience as they ac-" counted to be sincere, and not hypocritical. And we have no cause to doubt that the Judaizing Galatians had learned by the Gospel, to distinguish sincere obedience from hypocrisy. The Jewish religion bound all that pro- fessed it, to acknowledge themselves to be sinners; as ap- peareth by their anniversary humiliation on the day of atonement, and several other rites of the law, and many clear testimonies in the oracies of God, that were com- mitted to them, Psalm cºliii. 2. Prov. x. 9. Eccl. vii. 20. Yet they knew they were bound to turn to the Lord with all their hearts, in sincerity and uprightness, and that God would accept of sincere obedience; for which cause they might better put it for the condition of the law, than we can of the gospel, Psalm li. 6, 10. Deut. vi. 5. and xxx, 10. So that, if the apostle had disputed against those that held only perfect obedience to be the condition of justifi- cation, he had contended with his own shadow. And ºff THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VI. thymight as readily judge sincere obedience to be the chétion of justification under the law, as we can judge itobe the condition under the gospel. Neither doth the aposile condemn them merely for accounting sincere obe- cłince to the law as given by Moses, to be the condition oftheir justification ; but, more generally, for seeking sal- vation by their own works. And he allegeth against theim, that Abraham, who lived before the law of Moses, was not justified by any of his works, though he did per- form sincere obedience : and that David, who lived under the law of Moses, was not justified by his works, though he performed sincere obedience, and was as much bound to obey the law given by Moses, as we are to obey any commands of Christ in the gospel, Rom. iv. 2, 3, 5, 6. Neither doth he condemn them for seeking their salva- tion only by works, without respecting at all the grace and salvation that is by Christ; for the Judaizing Gala- ians were yet professors of the grace and salvation of Christ, though they thought obedience to the law a ne- cessary condition for the partaking of 1t, as also many other Judaizing believers did. And, doubtless, they ac- counted themselves obliged thereunto, not only by the au- thority of Moses, but of Christ also, whom they owned as their Lord and Saviour. And we may be sure it was no damning error, to account Moses’ law obliging at that time; for many thousands of the Jews, that were sound believers, held the ceremonies of Moses to be in force at that time; and Paul was tender towards them in it, Acts xxi. 20, 26. xv. 5. And other Jews sought justification, not only by their sincere works, but also by trusting on the promise made to Abraham, and on their priesthood and sacrifices; which were types of Christ. And the most le- gal Pharisees would thank God for their works, as pro- ceeding from his grace, Luke xviii. 11. And they could as well acknowledge their salvation to be by faith, as the assertors of salvation by sincere obedience can in these days; for they accounted, that their sincere obedience was wrought in them by believing the word of God, which contained gospel as well as legal doctrine in it : and therefore that it must be included in the nature of faith, if faith were taken for the condition of their whole . ) Direct, V.I. of SANGTIFICATION. 9.1 salvation. Let the assertors of the condition of sincere º obedience learn from hence, that they are building again that Judaism which the apostle Paul destroyed, whereby the Jews stumbled at Christ, Rom: ix. 32. and the Gala- tians were in danger of falling from Christ and grace, Gal. v.2.4, and let them beware of falling under that curse which he hath denounced, on this very occasion, - against any man or angel that shall preagh, any other gos- ... ſpel than that which he hath preached, Gal. i. 8,9. Secondly, 'The difference between the law and gospel doth not at all consist in this, that the one requireth per- fect doing : the other, only sincere, doing ; but, in this, that the one requireth doing, the other, not doing, but believing for life and salvation. Their terms are different, not only in degree, but in their whole nature. The apostle Paul opposeth the believing required in the gospel to all doing for life, as the condition: proper to the law, Gal. iii. 12. “The law is not, of faith: but “the man that doth them, shall live in them. Rom. “ iv. 5. To him that worketh not, but believeth on him “that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for * “righteousness.” If we seek salvation by ever so easy and mild a condition of works, we do thereby bring our- selves under the terms of the law, and do become debtors to fulfil the whole law in perfection, though we intended to engage ourselves only to fulfil it in part, Gal. v. 3...for the law is a complete declaration of the only terms whereby God will judge all that are not brought to de- spair of procuring salvation by any of their own works, and to receive it as a free gift freely given to them by the grace of God in Christ. So that all that seek salvation right or wrong, knowing or ignorantly, by any works, less or more, whether invented by their own superstition, or commanded by God in the Old or New Testament, shall at last stand or fall according to those terms. . . . . Thirdly, Sincere obedience cannot be performed to all - the commands of Christ in the gospel, except it be also performed to the moral law, as given by Möses, and as obliging us by that authority. Some assertors of the con- dition of salvation by sincere obedience to the commands of Christ, would fain be free from the authority of the law . . . 92 THE Gospel MystERY & Direct. VI, of Moses, because that justifieth none, but thundereth out of it, Gal. iii. 10, 11. But, if they were at all justified by sinceré works, their respect to Moses’ authority would not hinder their success : for many, that were good Christi- ans, accounted themselves bound to obey, not only the moral, but the ceremonial law; and, if they had sought justification by any works, they would have sought it by those; Acts xx. 20, 21. They knew not of any justification by sincere works, as commanded only in the gospel; yet, if they had erred in any thing absolutely necessary to salvation, the apostles would not have tolerated their weak- ness. And whether they will or no, they must seek their salvation by the works of the moral law, as given by Moses, or else they can never get it by sincere obedience. to the commands of Christ. Christ never loved their new condition so well, as to abolish the Mosaical authority of the moral law, for the establishment of it. He came not to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfil them, in the practice required by them ; and hath declared that . “ those that break one of the least of these commandº “ments, and teach men so, shall be called the least in the “kingdom of heaven : but whosoever shall do and teach “them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of “heaven, Matth. v. 17, 19. He commandeth us to do to “men whatsoever we would they should do to us because “this is the law and the prophets:” which is sufficient to prove, that he would have us to account the law authori- tative to oblige us in this matter. He requireth his dis- ciples to observe and do whatsoever the Scribes and Pharisees bid them, because they sat in Moses’ seat, Matth. xxiii. 2, 3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . And, to come to the point in hand, when Christ had occasion to answer the questions of those that were guilty of the same error that I am now dealing with, in seeking . salvation by their own works, he shewed them that they must obey the commands as they were already established by the Mosaical authority, in the Scripture of the Old Testament : “What is written ? how readest thou? This º “do, and thou shalt live, Luke x. 25, 28. If thou wilt “enter into life keep the commandments; which are, a curse againstall those that seek salvation by the works Direct. v1. of sanctification. ss “Thou shalt lo no murder ; Thou shalt not commit . “ adultery,” &c. : . In like manner, the apostles of Christ urged the per- formance of moral duties upon believers by the authority of the law given by Moses. The apostle Paul exhorteth “to “ love one another, because he that loveth another, - “ hath fulfilled the law, Rom. xiii. 8. and to honor our “father and mother, which is the first commandment, “ with promise.” Eph. vi. 2. The apostle John ex- horteth to love other's, as no new, but an old com- mandment. Thé apostle James exhorteth “to fulfil “ the royal law, according to the Scripture; Thou shalt “ love thy neighbour as thyself;” and to keep all the commandments of the law, one as well as another, be- cause he that said “Do not commit adultery,” said also, “Do not kill,” James ii. 8, 10, 11. Sound Protestants have accounted the denial of the authority of the moral law of Moses to be an Antinomian error. And though our late prevaricators against Antinomianism maintain not this error, yet they establish a worse error, justification by their sincere gospel works. I think the denomination of the Antinomians arose from this error. The law of Mosés had its authority at first from Christ; for Christ was the Lord God of Israel, that ordained the law by angels on Mount Sinai, in the hand by Moses, a mediator for the Israelites, who were then his only church, and with whom we believing Gentiles are now joined, as fellow members of one and the same body, Eph. iii. 6. And though Christ hath since abrogated some of the commandments then given by Moses, concerningfigurative ceremonies and . . . judicial proceedings; yet he hath not annulled the obli- gative authority of the moral law, but hath left it in its full force, to oblige in moral duties, that still are to be practised; as, when some acts of any parliament are re- pealed, the authority of the same parliament remaineth inviolable in other acts that are not repealed. I know they object that the ten commands of the moral law, the ministration of death, written and engraven upon stones, . are also done away by Christ, 2 Cor. iii. 7. But this mak- - eth altogether against their conditional covenant: for they are the ministration of death, and done away, not as they commanded perfect obedience, for even Christ himself 94 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. WI. commandeth us to be perfect, Matth. v. 48, but as they were conditions for procuring life, and avoiding death, established by a promise of life to the doers, and a curse to the breakers of them, Gal. iii. 10, 12. The covenant made with Israel on Mount Sinai, is abolished by Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant, Heb. viii. 8, 9, 13. And the ten commandments bindºus not as they were Words of that covenant, Exod. xxxiv. 28. Imean, they bind us not as conditions of that covenant, except we seek to be justified by works: for the law, as a covenant, doth, still stand in force enough to curse those that seek sal- Vation by their own works, Gal. iii. 10. and if abolished, it is only to those that are in Christ by faith, Gal. ii. 19, 20. Acts ii. 22,-25. and xv. 10, 11. But the ten com- mandments bind us still, as they were then given to a people that were at that time under the covenant of grace made with Abraham, to shew them what duties are holy, just and good, well pleasing to God, and to be a rule for their conversation. The result of all is, that we must still practise moral duties, as commanded by Moses: but we must not seek to be justified by our practice. If we use them as a rule of life, not as conditions of justification, they can be no ministration of death, or killing letter un- to us. Their perfection indeed maketh them to be harder terms to procure life by, but a better rule to discover all imperfections, and to guide us to that perfection which we should aim at. And it will be our wisdom, not to part with the authority of the decalogue of Moses, until our new divines can furnish us with another system of mo- +ality as complete as that, and as excellently composed than that is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Fourthly, Those that endeavour to procure Christ'ssal- vation by their sincere obedience to all the commands of Christ, do act contrary to that way of salvation by Christ, free grace, and faith, discovered in the gospel, though they own it in profession ever so highly. . . . . . . . 1st, They act contrary to the way of salvation by Christ; for they would heal themselves, and save themselves from the power and pollution of sin, and procure God’s favour, by performing sincere obedience before they are come ... ', *. t \ , •. Direct. VI. of SANctrffcArron. 95 to Christ, the only Physician and Saviour. They lay their own obedience lowest in the foundation of their salvation, and build the enjoyment of Christ upon it; who ought to be the only foundation. They would sanctify themselves, before they have a sure interest in Christ; and, “going “about to establish their own righteousness, they do not “submit themselves to the righteousness of God in Christ,” Rom. x. 3, 4, Sometimes they will call the righteousness of Christ, their legal righteousness, that they may make room for an evangelical righteousnes of their own works, to be the immediate procuriñg cause of their justification by Christ; whereas the apostie Paul knew no evangelical righteousness but that of Christ, which he called “ the “righteousness of faith without the law,” Româ. iii. 21, 22. and not of the law, Phil. iii. 9. Thus they make void Christ’s salvation while they pretend to own it, and he profiteth them nothing. Christ is become of none effect to them, while they would be justified by the law, Gal. v. 2, 4. H we would be saved by Christ; we must own ourselves dead, lost sinners, that can have no righteous- . ness for justification but his, no life or ability to do good, until God bring us into union and fellawship with him. 2dly, They do also act contrary to Salvation by grace, according to the true meaning of the gospel. For we are not saved by grace, as the supreme cause of salvation, by the intervention of works given and accepted by grace as the procuring cause; in which sense we might be saved by grace, though by a covenant of works; as a servant that hath monies given him by his master, to purchase an āh- nuity of his master at a low rate, may profess that he had an annuity given him freely, and yet that he hath purchased it, and may claim it as due debt. But we are saved by grace as the immediate and complete cause of our whole salvation, excluding procurement of our salvation by the condition of works, and claiming it by any law as due debt. The Seiipture teacheth us, that there is a perfect opposi- tion, and utter lireconcileableness, between 'salvation by grace and, works : * If by grace, then it is no more of “works; otherwise grace is no more grace; but, if it be * of works, then it is no more grace; otherwise work is “no more work,” Rom. xi. 6. So also there is an oppo- 96 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VI. sition between a reward reckoned of grace, and of debt, . Rom. iv. 4. Between a promise of happiness by the law, and by grace, Rom. iv., 13, 16. God is so jealous of the glory of his free grace, that he will not save us, by any works, though of his own working in us, lest any man should boast, Eph. ii. 9. He knoweth when he healeth . men by physic, or maintaineth them by the labour of their hands, they are prone to attribute the glory, rather to the means they use, than to his sole bounty and good- . ness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3dly, They do also exact contrary to the way of salva- tion by faith; for, as I have shewed already, the faith which is required for our salvation in the gospel, is to be understood in a sense contrary to doing good works as a condition to procure our salvation, and so the true differ- ence between terms of the law and the gospel may be maintained. Believing is opposed to all working for sal- vation, and the “law of works to the law of faith,” Rom. iv. 5. and iii. 27. ISph. ii. 8, 9. Therefore we must not here consider faith as a work of righteousness, as compre- hending any works of righteouness performed or done, as a condition to procure a right and title to Christ, as the hand whereby we work, to earn him as our bread and drink, as our wages; but only as the hand whereby we receive Christ, as freely given to us, or as the mouth whereby we eat and drink him ; as hath been proved. God giveth a sufficient right to receive Christ and his sal- . vation, by the free gospel offer and invitation ; so that he leaveth nothing for our death to do, but to lay hold of him as a free gift that the glory of our salvation may not be ascribed at all to our faith or works, but only to this free grace of God in Christ : “It is of faith, that it may be by “grace,” Rom. iv. 16. . . . . . Fifthly, Christ, or his apostles, never taught a gospel that requireth such a condition of works for salvation as they plead for. The texts of Scripture which they usually allege for their purpose, are either contrary to it, or widely distant from it: as they might learn from many Protestant interpreters, if their affection to a Popish tenet had not blinded them. I shall instañce briefly only in a few of those texts, whereby you may have some light to ***--> r Direct. VI. ºr sANGTIFICATION. 97 judge of the true meaning of the rest. That obedience of faith, mentioned by the apostle Paul, as the great de- sign of gospel preaching, Rom. i. 5. is as contrary to their condition of sincere obedience for salvation, as the law of faith is to the law of works, Rom. iii. 23. It is an obedi- ence that consisteth in believing the report of the gospel; as the apostle explaineth himself, Rom. x. 16. They have not all obeyed the gospel: for Esaias saith, “Lord, “who hath believed our report?” Faith is to be imputed for righteousness, notbecause it is a work of righteousness itself, but because we do by it renounce all confidence in any righteous works whatsoever, and trust on him that justifieth the ungodly ; as is clear by that very text which they usually pervert for their purpose, Rom. iv. 5. They grossly pervert those words of Paul, Rom. ii. 6, 7. “Who “will render to every man according to his deeds; to “ them, who, by patient continuance in well doing, seek “for glory, and honour, and immortality, eternal life.” Where they will have Paul to be declaring the terms of the gospel, when he is evidently declaring the terms of the law, to prove, that both Jews and Gentiles are all un- der sin, and that no flesh can be justified by the works of the law, as appeareth by the tenor of his following dis- course, Rom. iii. 9, 10. They join evidently with the papists, against the concurrent judgment of the best pro- testant divines, in the interpretation of that text, James ii. 24. “Ye see then, how that by works a man is justi- º “fied, and not by faith only.” Where they will have James to deliver the doctrine of justification in more pro- per expressions than the apostle Paul, who teacheth justi- fication by faith without works; though Paul treated on this doćtrine as his principal subject, and James doth only speak of it occasionáily, as a motive to the practice of. goodworks; whereby me may easily judge which of their expressions are to be taken for the most proper. Protes- tants have shewed sufficiently, that James speaketh not of a true saving faith, but of such a dead faith as devils have ; not of justification in a proper sense, but of the de- charation and manifestation of it by its fruits. Besides, he speaks of justification by works, as commanded in the law given by Moses; as appeareth by his siting the com- 98 THE gospel, MystERY Direct. VI: mandments of the law, verse 8, 11. which our contrivers. of the new divinity would have nothing to do with in their model of the doctrine of justification. Another text, alleged by them, is, Rev. xxii. 14. “Blessed are “they that do his commandments, that they may have “a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the “gates into the city.” But the Greek word which is here translated right, is translated flower or firivilege. John i. 12. It signifieth here, a rightful flossession of the fruit of the tree of life, and not a mere title to it. So this text proveth no more than what the Protestants generally acknowledge that good works are the way wherein we are to walk to the enjoyment and possession of the glory of Christ; though a title to Christ, and his glorious salvation, be freely given us without any procuring condition of work. They account also, that when the happiness of heaven is called a reward, it must needs imply a procuring condition of works; as Rev. xxii. 12. Mat. v. i2. But tho' it be called a reward because it is given after the doing of good works, and because it recompenseth good works, better than any wages on earth can recompense the labourer; yet it is a reward of grace, not of debt, Rom. iv. 4. it is no proper wages but a free gift : Rom. vi. 24. “For the wages “ of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through “Jesus Christ our Lord.” . . . . . . . . . Another thing asserted in the direction, is, that those that endeavour to perform this sincere obedience as the condition to procure a right and title to Christ and his salvation, shall never be able to perform sincerely any true obedience by all such endeavours. Though they labour earnestly, and pray fervently, fast frequently, and oblige themselves to holiness by many vows, and press themselves to the practice of it, by the most forcible motives, taken from the infinite power, justice, and knowledge of God, the equity and goodness of his commands, the salvation ... of Christ, everlasting happiness and misery, or any other motives improved by the most affectionate meditation : yet they shall never attainto the end which they aim at in such … an erroneous way. They may restrain their corruptions, and bring themselves to many hypocritical slavish performan- ces, whereby they may be esteemed among men, as emi- ment Saints; but they shall not be able to mortify one cor- * > - - •- e. - Direct. VI. of SANGTIFICATION. 99 ruption, or to perform one duty in such an holy manner as God approveth. Yet here I censure only an error, not the lives of the persons who maintain it. I have heard that some preach legally, and pray revangelically. I doubt not but the frame of their hearts and lives is rather according to their prayers than their sermons. Though Peter complied with Judaism in an outward act of profes- sion : yet he lived himself like a Christian, Gal. ii. 11; 14. I affirm only, that no godly person did or could attain to . godliness in this erroneous way. And what a lamentable disappointment this to those who have attempted to alter the Protestant doctrine, and to pervert and confound law and gospel, and have bred much contention in the church, , that they might secure the practice of sincere obedience against Antinomian errors, by making it the procuring condition of their salvation ; when, after all this ado, the remedy is found to be as bad as the disease; equally un- serviceable and destructive to that great end for which they designed it; and that it hath an Antinomian effect and operation, contrary to the power of godliness - Much more might be said for the confutation of this novel doctrine; but, if this one thing be well proved, it may be sufficient to make the zealous contrivers of it to be ashamed of their craft, and angry with themselves, and sorry, that they have taken so much pains and stretched their wits, to maintain such an unprofitable, unsanctifying - opinion. It will be sufficient for the proof of it, if I shew, that the practice of true holiness cannot possibly be attained unto, by seeking to be saved by the works of the law ; because I have already proved, that this doctrine of salva- tion by sincere obedience, is according to the terms of the law, and not of the gospel. And hereby those also may see their error, that ascribe justification only to the gospel, and sanctification to the law. Yet, because those assertors of the condition of sincere obedience will hardly be per- ... suaded by what hath been said, that it is the way of the law of works, I shall, for their more full conviction, suf- -ficiently manifest, that it is of no other nature and opera- tion, than any other doctrine that is proper to the law, and hath no better fruit : as I proceed to prove by the follow- ing arguments, that holiness cannot be attained by seek- 100 THE Gospel MystERY | Direct. VI. ing it, by the law of works, that so it may appear not worthy to be called gospel doctrine. . . . . . . . directions, and manifestly proved out of the holy Scrip- good persuasion of our reconciliation with God by justi- him; and that Christ himself, with all his fulness, is unit- ed to us by faith ; , which is not a condition to procure a . right and title to Christ, but an instrument whereby we • receive him actually in our hearts, by trusting on him for all salvation freely promised to us in the gospel. All these means of an holy practice, are things wherein our spiritual life and happiness do consit : so that, if we have them, everlasting life is begun in us already ; and because they are the necessary means of an holy practice, therefore the beginning of everlasting life in us must not be placed after such a practice, as the fruit and consequence of it; but must go before it, as the cause before the effect. Now, the terms of the law are directly contrary to this 1st, The way of salvation by the works of the law, is contrary and destructive to those necessary means of an holy practice that have been laid down in the foregoing tures. I have made it appear, that an hearty propensity to an holy practice cannot be attained without some fication, and of our everlasting happiness, and of sufficient strength both to will and to perform our duty; and that these and all other endowments necessary to the same end are to be had only in Christ, by union and fellowship with method. They place the practice of holiness before life, and make it to be the means and procuring cause of life; as Paul, describeth them, Rom. x. 5. “ The man that “ doth these things, shall live by them,” “By these terms, you are first to do the holy duties commanded, before you have any interest in the life promised, or any right to lay of their office ; and instead of being causes, they are made to be effects and fruits of an holy practice. And it will hold of it, as yours, by faith. And you must practise holi- ness without the forementioned means, or else you can never attain to them. Thus the true means are turned out be in vain ever to expect such effects, and fruits; for ho- liness itself, with all its effects, must needs be destroyed, when its necessary causes are taken away. Therefore the apostle Paul testifieth, that the way of salvation by Direct. VI. of sanctification. , 101 --> the work of the law maketh faith void, and the promises. of none effect; and frustrateth the grace of God, as if Christ died in vain; and maketh Christ to be of no profit, and of none effect to us, as those that are fallen from grace, Rom. iv. 14. Gal. ii. 21. and v. 2, 4. Let us now examine the modern doctrine of salvation, by the con- dition of sincere obedience to all the commands of Christ, and we shall quickly find it to be a chip of the same block with the former legal way of salvation in the same manner destructive to the means of holiness, and to ho- liness itself. It requireth of us the performance of sincere obedience, before we have the means necessary to produce it, by making it antecedent to our justification, and per- suasion of eternal happiness, and our actual enjoyment of union and fellowship with Christ, and of that new nature which is to be had only in him by faith. It destroyeth - \ the nature of that saving faith whereby we actually re- ceive and enjoy Christ and all his benefits, and knocketh off our hands from laying hold of Christand his salvation, by telling us still, as Christ told the legal worker after all his labour; that yet we lack something, Mark x. 21. that . it is presumption to take him as our own, until we have per- formed the condition for our right title to him ; which is another kind of saving faith, otherwise called sincere obe- dience. By this devised conditional faith, Satan keepeth many poor souls at bay, poring upon their own hearts for many years together, to find whether they have performed the condition, and whether they have as yet any right to Christ for their salvation, not daring to ºventure to take him as their own. It is a strong partition wall, that will certainly hinder the soul from coming to Christ, until it be thrown down by the knowledge of salvation by grace, without any procuring condition of works. And though it be accounted but as the payment of a pepper-corn for a great estate ; yet it is enough to break the ablest man in the world, because it debars him from laying hold of the only effectual means of holiness, whereby that pepper-corn º, may be obtained. 3dly. Those that seek salvation by the works of the law, do therein act according to their natural state. They live and walk according to the flesh, or old man; not accord- I. 2 . . . . . I O2 2 THE Gosp?L MYSTERY Direct. VI. ing to the new state, by Christ living in them. . I doubt not but several of them that live under the light of the gospel are partakers of a new state in Christ, and do walk holily in it; but the best in this world have in thern flesh as well as spirit, and may act according to either state in . some measure : and in this matter they do act only accord- ing to their carnal natural state. When the believing Galatians were seduced to a legal way of Salvation, the apostle Paul chargeth it yipon them as their folly, that having begun in the Spirit, they would now be “made “ perfect in the flesh,” Gal. iii. 3. And he resembleth those that desire to be under the law, to Abraham’s son born of Hagar the bond woman ; to shew, that such do wałki as those that “are born after the flesh, not after the “Spirit,” Gal. iv. 19, 23, 29. The law was first given to Adam in his pure natural state, to prescribe terms for his continuance in the happiness which he then enjoyed. And, ever since that time, the flesh, or natural man, is married to the law, and the “ law hath dominion over a “man as long as he liveth,” i. e. until he be dead to his fleshly state by the body of Christ, and married to him that is raised from the dead. We are not at all under the law as a covenant of works, according to our new state in Christ; as the apostle testifieth. Rom. vi. 14. “Ye are not *aunder the law, but under grace : and Gal. v. 18. If ye. tº be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.” From hence we may firmly conclude, that none can possibly attain to true godliness by acting according to legal terms; because I have fully proved already, that it is impossible to be godly while we are in the flesh, or in a natural state, and that, as far as we act according to it, we can do nothing but sin. The law is so weak through the flesh, that it cannot bring us to fulfil its own righteousness, Rom. viii. 3, 4. It is married to a cross piece of flesh, that is enmity to it, and can never be subject to it, Rom. viii. 8. It sueth the natural man for an old debt of obedi- ence, that he is utterly unable to pay since the fall; and the success accordingly, it gets nothing. Neither do those take a better course, that would bring themselves to ho- liness, by making sincere obedience to Christ’s commands the condition of their salvation. Their way is the same for substance with that of the Galatians before mentioned, TXirect. VI. of sanctific ATIow. 103 -, who would be made perfect in the flesh, not by perfect obedience, but sincere; as hath been shewed before. Their endeavours to procure an interestin Christ, by their sincere obedience, do testify themselves, that they do not act as people that are in Christ, but rather as people that judge themselves to be without an interest in Christ, and to be yet to seek for it. And sincere obedience is as impossible to be attained unto, as perfect obedience, if we act accord- ing to our dead natural state. 3dly, As the law bereaveth of all strengthening means, that are to be had by faith in Christ, and findeth us with- out strength in our natural state; so of itself, it affordeth us. no strength to fulfil its own commands : “If there had “ been a law given that could have given life, verily ** righteousness should have been by the law.” Gal. iii. 21. It doth not so much as promise life, until we have performed the obedience requireth by it. “The man that “ doth these things shall live by them,” Rom. x. 5. It is well called a voice of words, Heb. xii. 19. because its . high and big words are not accompanied with an enlivera- ing power. And the doctrine of life and salvation by sincere obedience is no better natured, or more bountiful to us; for it exacteth of us the performance of the condi- tion, before it alloweth us any life or salvation by Christ. Can any man rationally expect strength to obey sincerely, by following a doctrine that doth not so much as promise it? The true gospel is of a more benign nature; for it pro- miseth, that “God will pour out of his Spirit upon all “flesh, Acts i. 17. and will put his laws into our minds, “and write them in our hearts, Heb. viii. 10. and will “cause us to walk in his statutes, that we shall keep his “judgments and do them,” Ezek. xxxvi. 27. This word of God’s grace, that requireth not holiness of us as a con- dition, but promiseth it to us as a free gift, must needs be the only doctrine “that is able to build us up, and to “give us an inheritance among them that are sanctified;" | Acts xx. 32. , Seeing it pleaseth God to bring us to holi- ness by believing a doctrine, we may reasonably expect that God should work upon us suitably to the nature of the doctrine which we believe; that he should give by a giving doctrine, and exact by an exacting doctrine. { * 104 THE Gospel, Mystery Direct. VI. 4thy, The way-of procuring life and happiness by the , condition of perfect or sincere works, is not a rational method for the recovery of fallen man; though it were good for the preserving of life before the fall; for it pre- scribeth the immediate practice of holiness to recover a man dead in sin; as if one should say to the sick of the palsy, “Arise, and walk, and then thou shalt be whole, and able “to walk.” We sometimes say jestingly to a child that * is fallen on the ground, “Come hither and I will help “thee up :” but if we should say so to one that is cast upon his bed by a dead palsy, we should be guilty of mocking and cruelly insulting the afflicted. Those that are humbled and made sensible of their original sin, and natural deadness, know that they must first live by the Spirit, before they can act holily, Gal. v. 25. They will inquire : “How shall we have strength to perform the “ duty required " If you answer, that they must trust in , God and Christ to help them, they may readily reply, they have no sure ground to trust on God or Christ for any saving grace, according to this doctrine, before they have performed this condition, at least in a sincere resolu-, tion of obedience, and that they are as unable to bring . . their hearts to such a resolution, as a dead man is to raise himself out of the grave. Take another instance. The , method of the doctrine of works is, You must love God first, and then on that condition he will love you again ; whereas, on the contrary, “we love God, because he lov- “ed us first,” 1 John iv. 19. And if God suspend his , love to us upon any condition, our love to him will not be , absolute, but suspended upon the same condition, and no Way contrary to an actual hating of him. - . . 5/hly, The law is so far from healing our sinful cor- ruption, that it proveth rather an occasion of sinful mo- tions and actings in those that seek salvation by the works of it. This cometh to pass by reason of the power of our , natural corruption ; which is stirred up and rageth the more, when the holy and just law of God is set in oppo- sition against it; so that the fault is not in the law, but in our hearts. Those that find not this by their own ex- perience, should believe the apostle Paul, who teacheth it plainly, and that from his own experience, Rom. vii. 5, 14. He affirmeth, that there are motions of sin by the Direct. VI. or sANCTIFICATION. 105 law, in a fleshly state ; and that sin, taking occasion by the commandment, “Thou shalt not covet,” wrought in him all manner of concupiscence, deceived him, slew him, be- came exceeding sinful; and that without the law, he was alive, and sin dead ; but, when the commandment came, sin revived, and he died. He sheweth the cause of this irreconcileable enmity and contrariety between his sinfnl nature, and the law; “The law is spiritual; but I am “carnal, sold under sin.” Take notice here, from the reason given by the apostle, that the doctrine of Salvation by sincere obedience, will have the same event. Corrupt nature is contrary to sincere obedience, as well as perfect; and, if we make it the condition of our salvation, sin will take the same occasion by it, to become exceeding sinful in its motions and actings. The success of legal doctrine upon the natural man is according to the proverb, “Re- “prove not a scorner lest he hate thee,” Prov. ix. 8. Rebuking a madman, is the way to enrage him : and such is the natural man in spiritual things, since he fell out of his right mind by the sin of Adam. We find, by mani- fold experience, that though men be generally addicted to the principles of salvation by works; yet multitudes of them hate all strict preachers and professors of true holi- ness, because they are a torment to their consciences. They endeavour to shelter themselves in the ignorance of the law ; accounting, that the less they know, the less they shall answer for; and therefore they would not have right things prophesied unto them, Isa. xxx. 10. And they have prevailed generally in the world, to darken the na- tural knowledge of moral duties, in such a degree, that there is a necessity of learning them by divine revelation out of the Scriptures. We may find how prone legal writers are to corrupt the sense of the law, that they may leave starting holes-for their corruptions, by the corrupt glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees, from which Christ did vin- dicate it, Matth. v. And as far as I have observed, none more endeavour to discover the purity and perfection of the law, than those that seek holiness and salvation, with- out àny legal condition, by the mere free grace of God in Christ. The doctrine of salvation by sincere obedience - is but a mincing the perfection required in the law; and 106 rHE Gospel, Mysºrºry Direct. VI. yet how is this doctrine minced again and again, until it is become so small, that the substance of all true obedience is lost : A willingness to be saved according to Christ's terms, or a consent that Christ should be our Lord, or a resolution to obey his commandments (which is little more than ignorant men trust on when they say, they hope God will save them, because they have a good meaning, though they live in the neglect of all religion) without any further practice of holiness, shall pass with many for enough of sincere obedience, both to enter them into a state of salvation, and to continue them in it; so that they shall never be accounted breakers of the gospel covenant, while so much can be pretended. The most that is made necessary for salvation, shall be only, to endeavour to do what we can to obey Christ’s commands: though all that the most can do, is nothing that is truly good. Those that have a little more zeal for their salvation by works, are prone to spend it in superstitious observances, because they suit better with their carnal nature, than the spiritual commands of God and Christ. I doubt not but this hath been one occasion of the prevailing of Heathenish, Jewish and Popish superstitions in the world. We find, by ex- perience, how Popery fell in several nations of late years, when the great pillar of it, the doctrine of justification by works, was overthrown by the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith alone. If these legal zealots be forced, by strong conviction to endeavour the practice of spiritual duties for the quieting of their guilty consciences, they may be brought to strive and labour earnestly and even to macerate their bodies with fasting, that they may kill their lusts; but still their lusts are alive, and as strong as ever they were ; and do shew forth their enmity against (the law of God by inward fretting, repining and grudging at it, as a grievous taskmaster, though a slavish fear re- strain, their gross outward actings. And, if once these zealots beenlightened with the knowledge of the spiritual nature, of the law, to discern that God rejecteth all their slavish service, and will not own it for sincere obedience; ºthen they fall into despair of their salvation, because they see they have failed in their highest attempts to perform the condition; and then they can easily discover them- Direct. VI. of SANCTIFICATION. º. 107 selves, that their hearts swell in anger and manifest ha- tred against the law, yea, and against God and Christ, for prescribing such hard conditions of salvation, which they cannot keep, and yet must expect to be damned eternally for breeding them. This filleth them with blasphemous thoughts against God and Christ, and they can hardly re- frain from blaspheming with their tongues. And when they are brought to this horrible condition, if God doth not in mercy discover to them the way of salvation, by free grace, through faith alone, they will endeavour, if they can, to sear their consciences past feeling of sin and fully to abandon all religion, which hath proved such an un- sufferable torment to them : or, if they cannot sear their consciences, some of them are easily prevailed with by Satan, rather to murder themselves, than to live longer in the hatred of God, the spirit of blasphemy, and continual horror of conscience. This is the pestilent effect of legal doctrine upon a carnal heart, that doth but rouse up, and terribly enrage the sleeping lion, our sinful corruption, in- stead of killing it: as is too evident by the sad experience - of many that have endeavoured with all their might toº practise it; and by the Scripture, that sheweth a sufficient cause why it cannot be otherwise. Therefore, the doc- trine of salvation by sincere obedience, that was invented - against Antinomianism, may well be ranked among the worst Antinomian errors. For my part, I hate it with perfect hatred, and account it mine enemy, as I have found it to be. And I have found by some good experience, the truth of the lesson taught by the apostle, that the way to be freed from the dominion of sin, is, “not to be un- “der the law, but under grace,” Rom. vi. 17. - , 6thly, The way of salvation by works was blasted by the curse denounced agaisnt the first Adam's sin;. so that now it cannot work life in us, or holiness, but only death ; for the law which requireth both sincere and perfect obedi- ence to God in all things, was made known to Adam at his first creation, as the means of continuing the happy - life that was then bestowed upon him ; and it would have . been effectual for this end, if he had not trangressed in the forbidden fruit. But when he had once brought him- self and his posterity under the terrible sentence; “Thou 108 . . . THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VI. shalt surely die,” Gen. ii. 17. All that knowledge of God, or his law, that before wrought for continuance of life, was turned by that cursing sentence the contrary way, to work for his death, even for the death of his soul in sh, as well as for the death of his body; and therefore it quickly moved him to hide himself from God as an enemy. It was as if God should say, “ All the light and º “knowledge that thou hast, shall not be able to continue “thy life or restore it; but it shall rather tend to thy “ death.” Therefore, while we continue in our natural state, under the first Adam’s guilt and curse, the know- ledge of the law, yea, and all such knowledge of God and his attributes as natural men may attain to, must needs be in like manner accursed to us. And seeing man did not - use his natural knowledge and wisdom aright, God is re- solved to revenge the abuse of it, by giving us salvation in a way contrary to it, that seemeth foolishness to the na- tural man; and wholly to abolish the way of living by any of our works, or by any wisdom or knowledge that we can attain unto. “For it is written, I will destroy “the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the “ understanding of the prudent. Hath not God made “foolish the wisdom of this world? for, after that, in the “wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, “it pleased God; by the foolishness of preaching to save “ them that believe,” 1 Cor. i. 19, 20, 21. Hence we may – conclude, that no truth, known by the light of nature, can be an effectual principle or motive to work holiness in us; and gospel principles and motives are but abused, when they are applied to a legal way of salvation. . . . . . . 7thly, The end which God aimed at in giving the law to Moses, was not, that any should ever attain to holiness or salvation by the condition of perfect or sincere obedi- ence to it; though, if there had been any such way of saf- vation at that time, it must have consisted in the perform- ance of that law, which was then given to the church to be a rule of life, as well as a covenant. There was another --covenant made before that time with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ; a covenant of grace, promising all blessings freely through Christ, the promised seed, by which only they were to be saved. And the covenant of the law was added . . . . . Direct. VII. or sANCTIFICATION. : 109 that they mightsee their sinfulness, and subjection to death . and wrath, and the impossibility of attaining to life or ho- liness by their works, and be forced to trust on the free promise only for all their salvation, and that sin might be restrained by the spirit of bondage, until the coming of that promised seed, Jesus Christ, and the more plentiful pouring out of the sanctifying Spirit, by him. This the apostle Paul sheweth largely, Gal. iii. 15, 24. Rom. v. ------ 20, 21. and x. 3, 4. None of the Israelites under the Old Testament were ever saved by the Sinai covenant; neither did any them ever attain to holiness by the terms of it. Some of them did indeed perform the com- mandments of it sincerely, though imperfectly: but those were first justified, and made partakers of life and holiness by virtue of that better covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which was the same in substance with the new covenant, or testament, established by the blood of Christ. Had it not been for that better covenant, the Sinai covenant would have proved to them an occasion of no happiness, but only of sin, despair, and destruction. Of itself it was only a killing letter, the ministration of death and condemnation ; and therefore it, is now abo- lished. 2 Cor. iii. 6, 8, 9, 11. We have cause to praise God, for delivering his church, by the blood of Christ, from this yoke of bondage : and we have cause to abhor the device of those that would lay upon us a more grievous ... and terrible yoke, by turning our very new covenant in- to a covenant of sincere Works, and leaving us no such better covenant, as the Israelites had under their yoke, nº - - to relieve us in our extremity. - DIRECTION VII. We are not to imagine that our hearts and lives must be changed from sin to holiness in any measure, before we may safely venture to trust on Christ for the sure enjoyment of himself, and his salvation. - 110 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VII. . EXPLICATION. sº.-- WE are naturally so prone to ground our salvation upon our own works, that, if we cannot make them procuring conditions and causes of our salvation by Christ, yet we shall endeavour at least to make them ne- cessary preparatives, to fit us for receiving Christ and his "... salvation by faith. And men are easily persuaded, that this is not at all contrary to salvation by free grace, be- cause all that is hereby ascribed to our works, or good qua- lifications, is only, “That they put us in a fit posture “to receive a free gift. If we were to go to a prince for “a free gift, good manners, and due reverence, would “teach us to trim ourselves first, and to change our “slovenly clothes, as Joseph did when he came out of “the dungeon into the presence of Pharaoh. It seemeth “to be an impudent slighting and contemning the jus- “tice and holiness of God and Christ, and an insufferable “affront and, indignity offered to the divine Majesty, “when any dare presume to approach his presence in the “nasty pickle of his sins, covered all over with putrify- “ing sores, not at all closed, bound up, or cleansed; “ much more, when they endeavour to receive the Most “Holy One, into such an abominable stinking kennel, as “a sinner’s heart is, before it be at all reformed. The “ parable concerning the man that was to be bound hand “ and foot, and cast into utter darkness, for coming to “ the royal wedding, without a wedding garment, seem- “eth to be intended as a warning against all such pre- “sumption,” Matth. xxii. 11, 13. Many that behold with terror, the abominable filth of their own heart, are kept off from coming immediately to Christ, by such imaginations, which Satan strongly maintaineth and in- creaseth in them by his suggestions; so that they can by no means be persuaded out of them, until God teacheth them inwardly, by the powerful illumination of his Spirit. They delay the saving act of faith, because they think they are not yet duly prepared and qualified for it. On the same account many weak believers delay coming to the Lord’s Supper for many years together, even as long as they Direct. VII. - or sANCTIFICATION. 111 live in this world; and would be as likely to delay their baptism, if they had not been baptized in infancy. Against all such imaginations, I shall propose the following con- siderations. . . . . . . . First, This error is pernicious to the practice of holi- ness, and to our whole salvation, in the same manner with that treated of in the foregoing direction, and may be confuted by the same arguments which are there produc- ed. Whether holiness be made a procuring condition of our salvation through Christ, or only a condition necessary to qualify us for the reception of Christ, we are equally brought under those legal terms, of doing first the duties required in the law, that so we may live. Therefore, we are equally bereaved of the assistance of those means of holiness mentioned in the foregoing directions, as union and fellowship with Christ, and the enjoyment of all his sanctifying endowments by faith, which would go before the practice of holiness, that they may enable us for it; . . and we are equally left to labour in vain for holiness, while we are in our cursed natural state, whereby our sin- ful corruption will rather be exasperated than mortified: so that we shall never be duly prepared for the reception of Christ, as long as we live in the world. Thus, while we endeavour to prepare our way to Christ by holy qualifi- cations, we do rather fill it with stumbling blocks, and deep pits, whereby our souls are hindered from ever at- taining to the salvation by Christ. . . . -- Secondly, Any the least change of our hearts and lives from sin to holiness before our receiving of Christ and his Salvation by faith, is not at all necessary according to the terms of the gospel, nor required in the word of God. Christ would have the vilest sinners come to him for sal- Vation immediately, without delaying the time to prepare themselves for him. When the wicked jailor inquired, “What he must do to be saved " Paul directed him forth- with to believe on Christ, with a promise that in so doing he should be saved : and straightway he and all his were baptized, Acts xvi. 30, 33. Paul doth not tell him, that he must reform his heart and life first, though he was in a very nasty pickle at that time, having but a little before fastened Paul and Silas in the stocks, and newly attempt- , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º.º. º.º. - *z, * . . .. ... - ~, .. ‘. . . . . . - º -- - º ' , “ .. - - - - - '. “. . º - -- •. . . -. . . . 1 12 . . . . . THE Gospel Mystery . . . . Direct. VII. - --. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't id wilful self murder. Those three thousand ed a hor - Jews that were converted by Peter's preaching, and added the same day to the church by baptism, Acts it. A 1. seemed to have as much need of some considerable time to prepare themselves for receiving Christ as others, be- cause they had but lately polluted themselves with the murder of Christ himself, ver. 23. Christ commands his servants to go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and to bring in to his feast, the poor and the maimed, and the halt and the blind; yea, to go out in- to the high ways, and to compel them to come in with- out allowing them to tarry until they had cleansed their Sores and shifted off their filthy rags, and swarms of lice. Christ would have us to believe on him that justifieth the lingodly; and therefore he doth not require us to be godly before we believe, Rom. iv. 5. He came as a physician for the sick, and doth not expect that they should recover their health, in the least degree, before they come to him, Matth. iv. 12. The vilest sinners are fitly prepared and qualified for this design, which is, to shew forth the ex- ceeding riches of grace, pardoning our sins, and saving us freely, Eph. ii. 5, 7. For this end the law of Moses en- tered, that the “ offence might abound ; that so where “sin abounded, grace might much more abound,” Rom. v. 20. He loved us in our most loathsome sinful pollu- tion, so as to die for us; and much more.will he love us in it, so as to receive us when we come to him for the pur- chased Salvation. He hath given full satisfaction to the justice of God for sinners, that they might have all right- eousness and holiness, and all salvation only by fellowship with him through faith. Therefore it is no affront to Christ, or slighting and contemning the justice and holi- ness of God to come to Christ, while we are polluted sin- ners; but rather it is an affronting and contemning the saving grace, merit and fulness of Christ, if we endeavour to make ourselves righteous and holy before we receive, Christ himself, and all righteousness and holiness in him by faith. Christ loathed not to touch a leper, and con- descended to wash the feet of his disciples, and did not expect that they should be washed and perfumed before- hand, as some great ones of the world are said to do, - - Direct. VII. or sANGTIFICATION. 113 when they wash the feet of poor men in imitation of Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . º Thirdly, Those that receive Christ with an unfeigned faith, shall never want a wedding garment to adolin them in the sight of God. Faith itself is very precious in the sight of God, and most holy, 2 Peter i. 1. Jude verse 20. God loveth it, because it giveth the glory of our salvation only to the free grace of God in Christ, Rom. iv. 16. and renounceth all dependence upon any conditions that we can perform to procure a right to Christ, or to make our- selves acceptable to him.’ It containeth in it an heart love to Christ as a Saviour, and an hungering and thirst- ing appetite for his salvation; and it is the mouth whereby the soul feedeth hungrily upon him. What wedding gai- ment can sinners bring with them more delightful than this to their bountiful God, whose great design is to ma-. nifest the abundant riches of his glorious grace and boun- ty in this wedding feast : The Father himself loveth them … because they love Christ, and believe that he came out from God, John xvi. 27. But yet we see that the excel- lency of faith lieth in this, that it accounteth hot itself, . nor any other work of ours, a sufficient ornament to make us acceptable in the sight of God. It will not be our wed- ding garment itself, but it buyeth of Christ “white rai- “ment, that we may be clothed, and that the shame of “our nakedness may not appear,” Rev. iii. 18. Though it loveth and desireth the free gift of holiness; yet it aban- dons all thoughts of practising holiness immediately, be-, fore we come to Christ for an holy nature. It puttetºon Christ himself, and in hira all things that pertain to life and godliness. Thus every true believer is “clothed “with the sun,” Rev. xii. 1, even with the “Son of “righteousness,” the Lord Jesus; who is pleased to be himself both our wedding garment and feast, and all our spiritual and eternal happiness, . . . . . . For the more full satisfaction and consolation of those distressed souls that lie under the terrible apprehensions of their own sinfulness, and the wrath of God, and dare not venture to trust stedfastly on Christ, for their salvation, , until they can find in themselves some change from sinto holiness, I shallmention particularly several of those things . . . . . . . . . K 2 - . . . . . . **-x 4 114 the gos that such would find in themselves; and I shall show, that, if some of them be not partly comprehended in faith it.- . self, they are fruits and consequences of faith; and there- fore they cannot be rationally expected before we trust . on Christ for our salvation. “… - * 1st, They think it necessary to repent before they be- lieve on Christ for their salvation, because repentance is absolutely necessary to salvation, Luke xiii. 3. “Except “ye repent, yeshall all likewise perish;” and Christ placeth the duty of repentance before faith, Mark i. 15. “Repent, “ and believe the gospel.” But we are to know, that Christ requireth repentance first as the end to be aimed at, and faith in the next place, as the only means of attaining to it; and though the end be first in intention, yet the means are first in practice and execution, though both be absolutely necessary to Salvation. For what is repentance, but an hearty turning from sin to God and his service and what way is there to turn to God, but through Christ, “who is the way, the truth, and the life; without “whom none cometh to the father tº John xiv. 6. and what way is there ofcoming to Christ, but by faith ? There- fore if we would turn to God in the right way, we must first come to Christ by faith; and faith must go before re- pentance, as the great instrument afforded us by the grace of God, for the effectual performance of it. Repentance is indeed a duty which sinner's owe naturally to God; but the great question is, How shall sinners be able to perform it? This question is resolved only by the gospel of Christ, Repent and believe. The way to repent, is, to - begin with believing. Therefore the great doctrine of John, in his baptism of repentance, was that they should believe in him that should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus, Acts xix. 4. 2:lly, Regeneration also is necessary to Salvation, John iii. 3. and therefore many would find it wrought in them- selves before they trust on Christ for their salvation. But consider what regeneration is. It is a new begetting or, creating us in Christ, 1 Cor. iv. 15. Eph. ii. 10. in whom we are partakers of a divine nature far different from that which we received from the first Adam. Now, faith is the uniting grace whereby Christ dwelleth in us, and we Direct. VII. or sanctification. 1 is in him, as hath been shewed; and therefore it is the first grace wrought in our regeneration, and the means of all the rest: when you truly believe, you are regenerated, and not till then. Those that receive Christ by believing, and those only, are the sons of God, “which are born not “ of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of “man, but of God,” John i. 12, 13. 2 * 3dly, They account it necessary to receive Christ as their Lord and Lawgiver, by a sincere resignation of them- selves to his government, and a resolution to obey his law, before they receive him as their Saviour. This is one principle lesson of the new divinity, and such a receiving Christ as Lord, is made to be the great act of saving faith; without which, such faith as I have described, whereby we trust on Christ for salvation, is reckoned no better than gross presumption. They teach, that Christ will not be- stow his salvation on those that do not first yield their sub- jection to his kingly authority; but he calleth them his enemies, because they would not that he should reign over them, and requireth that they be brought and slain be- fore him, Luke xix. 27. And I own it as a certain truth, that Christ will save none but those that are brought to resign themselves sincerely to the obedience of his royal authority and laws. But yet we must observe that the are not brought to this holy resignation, or to any sincere purpose and resolution of obedience, before they receive his Salvation but rather by receiving it. Men that were never thoroughly sensible of their natural death in sin, do easily bing theºsºlve.Jin iversal obedien Ce to God, when they arº, a cºe, death beds, or in any im- raśyaev,u danger, or when they would prepare themselves for the Lord’s Supper, that so they may make their peace with God, and trust securely on Christ for his salvation. But all resolutions of that kind are vain and hypocriti- cal, sooner broken than made. Those that know the plague of their own hearts, do find that their mind is eſ:- . mity unto the law of God and Christ, and cannot be sub- ject unto it, Rom. viii. 7. and that they can as soon re- move a mountain, as give up themelves sincerely to obe- dience, before they trust on Christ for his salvation, and for the gift of a new heart, whereby they may be enabled . . . . - both to will and to do anything that is acceptable to God. We should have been sufficiently obliged to all obedient purposes, resolutions, and resignations, if Christ had never , come into the world to save us; but he knew that we could perform nothing holily, except he made us first par- takers of salvation, and that we shall never obey him as a Lawgiver, until we receive him as a Saviour. He is a saving Lord ; trust on him first to save you from the guilt and power of sin, and dominion of Satan, and to give you a new spiritual disposition ; then, and not till then, the love of Christ will constrain you to resign yourself heartily to live to him that died for you, 2 Cor. v. 14. and ; you will be able to say, with an unfeigned resolution, 2. “O Lord, truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant, and “the son of thy hand maid : thou hast loosed my bands,” Psalm. cxvi. 16. 4thly, It seemethto them evident, that some good works are necessary, before we can trust on Christ safely for the forgiveness of sins; because our Saviour teacheth us, that if we forgive not men their trespasses neither will our heavenly Father forgive our trespasses; and directeth us to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debt- “ors,” Matth. vi. 12, 15. Restitution also was to be made of things wrongfully gotten from others, before the sacramental atonement was made by the trespass offering, Lev. vi. 5, 7. I answer, this is sufficient to prove, that forgiving others, and restitution, according to our abili- ty, or at least a sincere desire and purpose so to do, are * * .* º * * - cº -- ** very closely joined with thºssº are very necessary tºº, -Étºis, for prayer, and for sacra- mental applications of pardoning g.º.º.º. ourselves. A lively faith cannot be without these fruits, and therefores, we cannot pray or partake of sacraments, in faith, with- out them ; but yet, if we strive to do either of these before we trust on Christ for our pardon and salvation, we shall do them slavishly and hypocritically, notin a holy, ac- ceptable manner. Our forgiving others will not be ac- companied with any hearty love to them as to ourselves, for the sake of God; and Our restitution will be but a forced act, like Pharaoh’s letting the children of Israelgo; or, like Judas’restoring the thirty piecesofsilyer:being cºm” *** A Nº. .", - , / ...~~~~ - - . . . - • ? - -: , . . . . . . . . ; - I - - *. Direct. VII. of s ANGTIFICATION. . . . ... / 117 pelled thereunto by terror of spirit; and when the terror that forced us is removed, we shall be as ready to recalº our forgiveness, and to wrong others again, as Pharaoh was to bring the Israelites again into bondage after he had let them go, Exod. xiv. 5. If you would forgive oth- ‘ •ers heartily, so as to love them again, you must first, by faith in Christ, apprehend the love and mercy of God to- wards yourselves; and then you will be able, according to the apostle’s instructions to be kind, tender hearted, forgiving one, another, “ even as God, for Christ’s sake, “ hath forgiven you,” Eph. iv. 32. The readiness of Zaccheus to make restitution, followed upon a discovery of Christ's love to him; and his joyful receiving Christin- to his house, was fruit whereby he did evidence the truth of that faith that was already wrought in his heart. 5thly, I shall reckon up together several other qualifi- cations that distressed souls would find in themselves, that they may be duly prepared to trust on Christ for their sal- . vation; and when they have laboured anxiously a long time, and cannot get them, at last they lie down in sor- | rowful despondence, not daring to apply the consolations of the grace of God in Christ to their wounded consciences. Let perplexed souls mark the particulars, and observe - whether the condition of their own souls be reached in any of them; “O thou afflicted, tossed with tempests, and “ not comforted,” what good qualifications are they that thou wouldst have, that thou mayest be encouraged to lay hold on Christ for salvation . It is likely thou wilt answer, in the bitterness of thy soul: “O let me have “first some love to God and godliness in mine heart, and “ freedom from mine hateful heart risings against him “, and his service | Let me have some good thoughts “of God, his justice, mercy, holiness, that I may be able “ to justify him though he damn me, and that I may “not be filled with murmuring and hellish blasphemies, “in my mind against him. Let the raging of my lusts “be abated, and the stinking kennel of my wicked heart “a little cleansed. Let me, have some holy reverential . “fear of God, and not only a pannic tormenting horror. . “I would be more affected with the wrath of God, and “ 1 wou e more affected with the wrath of God, and “ not be of a slighting heedless spirit. I would be 118 THE Gospel, MystERY | Direct. VII. *** “ more humbled for sin, loath it, and be ashamed of “ and be sorry for it with a godly sorrow, not merely “ because of the punishment, but because it griev- “ eth and vexeth the Holy Spirit of God. I would be “able to make a willing and ingenuous confession of sin, “and to pour out my soul to the Lord in lively affection- “ate prayer for forgiveness, and to praise and glorify “ him heartily, and not be like a lifeless stone in the duty “ of prayer, as I am.” Are these the things thou de- sirest, O poor distressed soul? The best reply I can make for thy speedy comfort, is to inform thee, that the things are good, but thy desires are not well timed. It is un- .* 3. - - - -- - - - • * ... • reasonable for thee to expect these holy qualifications, whilst thou art in thy natural state, under the guilt of sin, and the apprehension of the wrath of God; before thou hast received the atonement, and the new spiritual life that is by Christ, through faith in his name. Thou dost but exasperate thy corruptions, and harden thy heart, and make thy wounds to stink the more because of thy foolishness. Such good qualifications are included in the nature of faith, and for the most part they follow after it; so that they cannot possibly be obtained before thou trust- est on Christ for thy salvation; as I shall shew concerning them particularly in their order. A love to the salvation of God, and to the free gift of holiness, is included in the * nature of faith; so that it cannot be hearty without it. Act faith first, and the apprehension of God’s love to thy soul will sweetly allure and constrain thee to love God and his service universally : “We love him, because he first “ loved us,” 1 John iv. 19. We cañnot be before hand with God in love ; and we must perceive his love to make us love him : for, if we look upon him as a God contrary to us, that hateth us, and will damn us, our own innate * self love will breed hatred and heart risings against him, in spite of our hearts. That love, which is the end of the law, must flow from “ faith unfeigned,” 1 Tim. i. 3. And, if hatred work in thee more than love, how canst thou expect good thoughts of God, or any other, than blaspheming or at least murmuring thoughts of him, in this condition III will never speaketh or thinketh well. The first right holy thoughts thou canst have of God, J. : . . Direct. VII. or sANGTIFICATION. 119 :- are thoughts of his grace and mercy to thy soul in Christ, • ‘. which are included in the grace of faith. Get these thoughts first by believing in Christ, and they will breed in thee love to God, and all good thoughts of him, and free thee from blasphemous and murmuring thoughts by degrees; for “love thinks no evil,” I Cor. xiii. 5. Then wilt thou be able to account God just and merciful, if he had damned thee, and extended his grace to others; and thou wilt be able to think well of his holiness, and of his decrees, which many cannot endure to hear of. The way to get rid of thy raging Justs, is by faith, that “purifi- “eth the heart, and worketh by love,” Acts xv. 9. Gal. v. 6. The soul must be brought to take pleasure in God and Christ by faith, or else it will lust after fleshly and worldly pleasures. And the more you strive against lusts without faith, the more they are stirred up; though you prevail so far as to restrain the fulfilling of them. Beg a holy fear of God, with fear of coming short of the promised rest through unbelief, Heb. iv. 1. Such a fear is an ingre- dient of faith, and it will breed in us a reverential, yea, a child like fear of God and his goodness: tieb. xii. 28. Hosea iii.5. “We must have grace, whereby we may “serve God with reverence,” &c. Pt is in the margin, “We must have or hold fast grace.” And there is no other way to hold fast grace but by faith; and this will - quickly calm all pannic and tormenting horror. And if you would be free from carelessness, and slighting the wrath of God, your way is, first, by believing, to avoid despairing : for people grow careless by despairing : and, for their own quiet, they will endeavour to slight evils which they have no hope to prevent; according to the proverb, “Let us eat and drink for to-morrow we die,” 1 Cor. xv. 32. True humiliation for sin is either a part or fruit of faith; for, on our believing, “we shall remember “our own evil ways, and doings that were not good, “ and shall loath ourselves in our own-sight for all our W &G iii. 7, 8. But beggars will make the most of all their nasty rags, till they be furnished with better clothes; and & abominations,” Ezek. xxxvi. 31. We shall also then - llingly renounce our own righteousness, and “account it but dung, that we may win Christ” by faith, Phil. . 120 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. VII. :- . cripples will not cast away their crutches, until they have a better support to lean on. Godly sorrow for sin, is wrought in us by believing the pardoning grace of God; . as it is found by 'experience, that a pardon from a prince will sometimes sooner draw tears from a stubborn male- factor, than the fear of a halter will. Thus the sinful wo- man was brought to wash Christ's feet with her tears, Luke vii. 37, 38. We are not like to be sorry for griev-, ing God with our sins, while we look upon him #n an ene- my, that will ease himself well enough of his Bºrden, and right himself upon us by our everlasting destruction. The belief of God’s pardoning and accepting grace, is a ne- cessary means to bring us to an ingenuous cogfession of sins. The people freely conféssed their sins,ºhen they were baptised of John in Jordan, “for the remission of “sin,” Mark i. 4, 5. The confession of despairers is forced, like the extorted confessions and cryings out of malefactors upon the rack. A pardon sooner openeth ºf the mouth to an ingenuous confession; than, Cotyſess and &e hanged ; or, Confess and be damned. Therefore if you ... • would freely confess your sins, believe first, that “God “is faithfift and just to forgive your sins,” through Christ, 1 John i. 9. Aid, if you would pray to God, or praise him, with lively affections, you must first believe that God will hear you, and give you what is best for you for Christ's, sake, John xvi. 23, 24. otherwise your praying will be only from the teeth outward; for how shalliyou call on him “in whom you have not believed 3% Romãº. 14. You must come first to Christ the altar, by faith, that by him, you may “ offer the sacrifice of praise to God continual- ly,” Heb. xiii. 10, 15. … Finally, To pass from particulars, to the general asser- tion laid down in the direction; if you ask, What shall we do that we may work the works of God, or get any saving qualifications : I must direct you first to faith, as the work of works, and the great saving preparatory to all good quali- fications, by answering in our Saviour’s words, “This “is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he “hath sent,” John vi. 28, 29. . . . . ) - ~x. - - { ". . 3. *- ...) DIRECTION VIII. ~ .-- Be sure to seek for Holiness of Heart and Life only in its due Order, where God hath placed it, after Union with Christ, justification, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost ; and in that Order, seek it ear- nestly by Faith, as a very necessary. Part of your Salvation. . . . . . . EXPLICATION. I HOPE the reader will observe warily in all these directions, that the holiness aimed at as the great endº in the whole discourse, consisteth not in the grace or act of faith, required peculiarly by the gospel; which, though it be a saving gift of Christ, yet is here considered rather as a means precedent to the reception of Christ, and ail his salvation, than a part of his salvation received. But the holiness aimed at, consisteth in conformity to the whole moral law, to which we are naturally obliged, if there had never been any gospel, or any such duty as be-, lieving in Christ for salvation. 'N Now, in this direction, three things are conta A :ontained that are very necessary to guide us to the attainment of this great end; and therefore worthy of our serious consider- ation." . . . - . . . . First, It is a matter of high concern to be acquainted with the due place and order wherein God hath settled this holy practice in the mystery of our salvation; and a great point of Christian wisdom to seek it only in that or-. der. We know that God is the God of order, and that his infinite wisdom hath appeared in appointing the Ör- der of his creatures, which we are forced to observe for the attainment of our ends in worldly things; so also in spi- ritual things: “God hath made an everlasting covenant, “ordered in all things, and sure,” 2 Sam, xxiii. 5. The 122 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VIII. * benefits of it have an orderly dependence each upon other, as links of the same golden chain, though several of them, and a title to them all, are given to us at one and the same time. And I think enough hath been said already, to shew in what order God brings us to the practice of the moral law. He maketh us first to be in Christ by faith, as branches in the vine, that we may bring forth much fruit, John xv. 4, 5. He first purgeth our consciences from dead works by justification, that we may serve the living God, Heb. ix. 14. He maketh us first to live in the Spirit, and then to walk in the Spirit, Gal. v. 25. This is the order prescribed in the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation ; though the law prescribeth - a quite contrary method, that we should first perform its commands, that so we may be justified and live; and thereby it proveth a killing letter unto us. Now, mark well the great advantages you have for the attainment of holiness, by seeking it in a right gospel order. You will have the advantage of the love of God manifested to- s ward you, in forgiving your sins, receiving you into fa- vour, and giving you the spirit of adoption, and the hope of his glory, freely, through Christ, to persuade and con- strain you, by sweet allurements, to love God again, who hath so dearly loved you, and to love others for his sake, and to give up yourselves to the obedience of all his com- mands out of hearty love to him : you will also enjoy the help of the Spirit of God, to incline you powerfully unto obedience, and to strengthen you for the performance of it against all your corruptions; and the temptations of Satan; so that you will have both wind and tide to for- ward your voyage in the practice of holiness. Contrary- wise, if you rush upon the immediate performance of the law, without taking Christ’s righteousness and his Spirit in the way to it, you will find both wind and tide against you : your guilty consciences, and corrupt dead natures, will certainly defeat and frustrate all your enterprises and attempts to love God, and serve him in love, and you will but stir up sinful lusts instead of stirring up yourselves to true obedience; or at best, you will but attain to some slavish and hypocritical performance. O ! that people would be persuaded to consider the due place of holiness `--- --- Direct. VIII. of SANCTIFICATION. " 123 in the mystery of salvation, and to seek it only there where they have all the advantage of gospel grace to find it. Many miscarry in their zealous enterprises for godliness; and, after they have spent much labour in vain, God maketh a breach upon them, even to their everlasting , destruction as he did upon Uzza, to a temporal destruc- tion ; “ because they sought him not after a due order,” 1 Chron. xiii. 10. - - - … ." Secondly, We are to look upon holiness as a very neces- sary part of that salvation that is received by faith in Christ. Some are so drenched in a covenant of works that they accuse us for making good works needless to salva- tion, if we will not ackowiedge them to be necessary, either as conditions to procure an interestin Christ, or as preparatives to fitus for the receiving him by faith. And others, when they are taught by the Scriptures, that we are saved by faith, through faith, without works, do be- gin to disregard all obedience to the law, as not at all ne- cessary to salvation, and do account themselves obliged to it only in point of gratitude ; if it be wholly neglected, they doubt not but free grace will save them harmless. Yea, some are given up to strong Antinomian delusions, that they account it a part of the liberty from the bondage of the law purchased by the blood of Christ, to make no conscience of breaking the law in their conversation. One cause of these errors, that are so contrary one to the other, is, that many are prone to imagine nothing else to be meant by salvation, but to be delivered from hell, and to receive and enjoy both heavenly happiness and glory : hence they conclude, that, if good works be a means of glorification, and precedent to it, they must also be a precedent means of our whole salvation ; and that if they be not a necessary means of our whole salva- tion, they are not at all necessary to glorification. But though salvation be often taken in Scripture; by way of eminency, for its perfection in the state of heavenly glory; yet, according to its full and proper signification, we are to understand by it, all that freedom from the evil of our natural corrupt state, and all those holy and happy en- joyments that we receive from Christ our Saviour, either in this world by faith, or in the world to come by glori- 124 / THE Gospel MystERY Direct. VIII. fication. Thus justification, the gift of the Spirit to dwell. in us, the privileges of adoption are parts of our salva- tion, which we partake of in this life. Thus also, the con- formity of our hearts to the law of God, and the fruits of righteousness with which we are filled by Jesus Christin this life, are a necessary part of our salvation. God saveth us from our sinful uncleaness here, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, as well as from hell hereafter, Ezek. xxxvi. 29. Tit. iii. 5. Christ was called Jesus, i. e. a Saviour; because he saved his people from their sins, Matth. i. 21. Therefore it is part of our salvation, to deliver us from our sins; which is be- gun, in this life, by justification and sanctification, and perfected by glorification, in the life to come. Can we rationally doubt, whether it be any proper part of our salvation by Christ, to be quickened, to live to God, when we were by nature dead in trespasses and sins; and to have the image of God, in holiness and righteousness restored to us, which we lost by the fall : and to be freed from a vile dishonourable slavery to Satan and our own lusts, and made the servants of God; and to be honoured so highly, as to walk by the Spirit, and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit 3 and what is all this but holiness in heart and life? Conclude we then, that holiness in this life is abso- lutely necessary to salvation, not only as a means to the º end, but by a nobler kind of necessity, as part of the end itself. Though we are not saved by good works, as pro- curing causes; yet we are saved to good works, as fruits and effects of Saving grace; which God hath prepared that we should walk in them, Eph. ii. 10. It is indeed one part of our salvation, to be delivered from the bondage of the covenant of works; but the end of this is, not that we may have liberty to sin (which is the worst of slavery) but that we may fulfil the royal law of liberty, and that we may serve “in newness of spirit, and not in the old- “nešs of the letter,” Gal. v. 13. Rom. vii. 6. Yea, ho- liness in this life is such a part of our salvation, as is a ne- cessary means to make us meet to be partakers of the in- heritance of the saints in heavenly light and glory : with- out holiness we can never see God, Heb. xii. 14. and, are as unfit for the glorious presence, as swine for the presence chamber of an earthly prince. I confess, some may be Direct. VIII. of sanctification. { - . . . ." 125 I a converted, when they are so near the point of death, that they may have little time to practise holiness in this world: but the grace of the Spirit is active live fire, Matth. iii. 11. and, as soon as it is given, it will immediately pro- duce good inward working of love to God and Christ, and his people; which will be sufficient to manifest the righteous judgment of God in saving them at the great day, when he shall judge every man accoording to his work; though some possibly may not have so much time to dicover their inward grace in any outward works, as the thief upon the cross, Luke xxxiii. 40, 43. The third and last thing to be noted in this direction, is, that holiness of heart and life is to be sought for ear- nestly by faith, as a very necessary part of our salvation. Great multitudes of ignorant people, that live under the gospel, harden their hearts in sin, and ruin their souls for ever, by trusting on Christ for such an imaginary salva- tion, as consisteth not at all in holiness, but only in for- º giveness of sin, and deliverance from everlasting torments. They would be free from the punishment due to sin; but they love their lusts so well, that they hate holiness, and would not be saved from the servive of sin. The way to oppose this perficious delusion is, not to deny as some do, that trusting on Christ for salvation is a saving act of faith; but rather to shew; that none do or can trust on Christ for true salvation, except they trust on him for holiness : nei- ther do they heartily desire true salvation, if they do not desire to be made holy and righteous in their hearts and lives. If ever God and Christ give you salvation, holi- ness will be one part of it; if Christ wash you not from the filth of your sins, you have no part with him, John xiii. 8. What a strange kind of salvation do they desire, that care not for holiness : They would be saved and yet be altogether dead in sin, aliens from the life of God, be- reſt of the image of God, deformed by the image of Sa- tan, his slaves, and vassals to their own filthy lusts, utter- ly unmeet for the enjoyment of God in glory. Such a sal- vation as that was never purchased by the blood of Christ; and those that seek it abuse the grace of God in Christ, and turn it into lasciviousness. They would be saved by Christ, and yet out of Christ in a fleshly state ; whereas 126 - THE cospºt MystERy Direct. IX. God doth free none from condemnation, but those that are in Christ, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit; or else they would divide Christ and take a part of his salvation, and leave out the rest ; but he is not di- vided, I Cor. i. 13. They would have their sins forgiven not that they may walk with God in love in time to come, but that they may practise their enmity against him, with- out any fear of punishment. But let them not be de-- ceived, God is not mocked. They understand not what true salvation is, neither were they ever yet thoroughly sen- sible of their lost estate, and of the great evil of sin; and that which they trust on Christ for, is but an imagination of their own brains; and therefore their trusting is gross presumption. True gospel faith maketh us come to Christ with a thirsty appetite, that we may drink of living water, even of his sanctifying Spirit, John vii. 37, 38. and toº cry out earnestly, to save us, not only from hell, but from sin; saying, “ Teach us to do thy will ; thy Spirit is “good, Psal. cxliii. 10. Turn thou me and I shall be “turned, Jer. xxxi. 18. Create in me a clean heart, O “God, and renew a right spirit within me,” Psal. li. 10. This is the way whereby the doctrine of salvation by grace doth necessiate us to holiness of life, by constraining us to seek for it by faith in Christ, as a substantial part of that salvation which is freely given to us through him. . . . x * * DIRECTION IX. We must first receive the comforts of the Gospel that we may be able to perform sincerely the duties of the Law. . . . . . . . . . - .* w ... • SINCE man fell from obedience to God, which he was enabled and engaged to perform by the comforts of his first happy state in paradise, God might have justly re- fused ever to give man again any comforts before hand, to encourage him to his duty ; that the way to holiness being hedged up against him with the thorns and briars offear, grief and despair, he might never be able to escape ..) Direct. IX. ex: SANCTIFICATION. 127 the sentence of death which was denounced against his first transgression. This justice of God is manifest in the method of the legal covenant, wherein God promiseth us no life, comfort or happiness, until we have thoroughly performed his law ; and may be seen in the Mount Sinai promulgation explicated, Lev. xxvi, throughout. And we are by nature so strongly addicted to this legal method of salvation, that it is a hard matter to dissuade those that live under the light of the gospel, from placing the du- ties of the law before the comforts of the gospel. If they cannot make salvation itself, yet they will be sure to make all the comforts of it to depend upon their own works. They think it as unreasonable to expect comfort before du- ty, as wages before work, or the fruits of the earth, before. the husbandman’s labour, 2 Tim. ii. 6. They account the only effectual way to secure the obedience we owe to the law of God, is, to ground all our comforts on the perform- ance of it; and that the contrary doctrine strengthens the hands of the wicked by prophecying peace to them, where there is no peace, Ezek. xiii. 16, 22. and openeth the flood- gates to all licentiousness. Therefore some preachers will advise men not to be solicitous and hasty of getting - comfort, but that they should rather exercise themselves diligently in the performance of their duty; and they tell them, that in so doing, their condition will be safe and happy at last, though they never enjoy any comfort of , their salvation as long as they live in this world. That you may rightly understand what I have asserted in the direction against such vulgar errors, take notice, t’ that I do not make the only place of gospel comfort to be before the duties of the law. I acknowledge, that God comforteth his people on every side, Psalm Ixxi. 21. both before and after the performance of their duty; and that the greatest consolations do follow after duty; yet some comforts God giveth to his people before hand, as advance money, to furnish them for his service, though most of the pay comes in afterward. Neither do I here- by speak any peace to those that continue in their sinful natural state : for the comforts I speak of, cannot be re- ceived without rejecting those false confidences whereby natural men harden themselves in sin; nor without that effectual working of the Spirit whereby we are made t?8 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. IX. good trees, that we may bring forth good fruit. Though they are given before the sincere practice of the law; yet - they are not given to us in our corrupt sinful nature, but in, and with the new holy nature ; which immediately produceth a holy practice, though it must necessarily go before, as the cause before the effect: and they are no other than comforts of those spiritual benefits by which our new state and nature is produced, and of which it is constituted and made up ; as the comforts of redemption, , justification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit, and the like. Neither do I intend here any transport or ravishment of joy and delight, but only such manner of comfort, as ra- tionally strengthens, in some measure, against the op- * pression of fear, grief, and despair, which we are liable unto, by reason of our natural sinfulness and misery. *- This explanation of the sense of my assertion, is suffi- cient to answer some common objections againstit. And I hope the truth of it will be fully evidenced by the follow- / ing arguments. , - - . . . . . . . First, This truth is a clear consectary from those prin- ciples of holiness that have been already confirmed. I have shewed, that we must have a good persuasion of our réconciliation with God,' and of Cºir happiness in heaven, and of our sufficient strength both to will and to do that which is acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, that we may be rationally inclined and bent to the practice of holi- ness; and that these endowments mustbe had, by receiving Christ himself, with his Spirit and all his fulness, by trusting on him for all his salvation, as he is freely, promised to us in the gospel ; and that by this faith we do as really receive Christ, as our food by, eating and drinking. Now, let right reason judge ; can we be per- suaded of the love of God, of our everlasting happiness, and our strength to serve God, and yet be without any comforts? 'Can the glad tidings of the gospel of peace be believed, and Christ and his Spirit actually received into the heart, without any relief to the scul from oppressing: fear, grief, despair : Can the salvation of Christ becomi- - fortless, or the bread and water of life without any sweet relish, to those that feed on him, with hungering ańd thirsting appetites? God will not give such benefits as these to those that do not desire and esteem them above ^, | } * * - Direct. IX. of SANCTIFICATION. 129 the world. And certainly the very receiving of them will be comfortable to such, except they receive them blind-fold : which they cannot do, when the very giving and bestowing them, openeth the eyes of a sinner, and turns him from darkness to light, whereby he doth, at least in some measure, see and perceive spiritually the things that concern his present and future peace, and reap some encouraging and strengthening comfort there- by to the practice of holiness. . . . Secondly, Peace, joy, hope, are recommended:tous in Scripture, as the springs of other holy duties; and fear and oppressing grief forbidden, as hinderances to true re- ligion: “ The peace of God keepeth our hearts and minds “ through Christ Jesus, Phil. iv. 7. Be not sorry : for “the joy of the Lord is your strength, Neh. viii. 10. “Every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth him- “self, even as he is pure, 1 John iii. 3. Fear hath tor- “ment: he that feareth, is not made perfect in love,” 1 John iv. 18. This is the reason why the apostle doubleth his exhortation, to rejoice in the Lord alway, as a duty of exceeding weight and necessity, Phil. iv. 4. What are such duties, but comfort itself? And can we think that these duties are necessary to our continuance in an holy practice, and yet not to the beginning of it, where the work is most difficult, and encouragement most need- ful. Therefore we must make haste, in the first place to get a comfortable frame of spirit, if we would make haste, and not delay, to keep God’s holy commandments. Thirdly, The usual method of gospel doctrine, as it is delivered to us in the holy Scriptures, is, first to comfort our hearts, and thereby to establish us in every good word and work, 2 Thess. ii. 17. And it appears, how clearly this method is adjusted in several epistles written by the apostles, wherein they first aquaint the churches . with the rich grace of God towards them in Christ, and the Spiritual blessings which they are made partakers of, for their strong consolation: and then they exhort them to an holy Coversation, aswerable to such privileges. And it is not only the method of whole epistles, but of many particular exhortations to duty, wherein the com- fortable benefits of the grace of God in Christ, are made use of as arguments and motives to stir up the saints to -> -., - 130 rhE-Gospel, MystERY Direct. IX. - - - - - . . - 2 -- - -- an holy practice ; which comfortable benefits must first be believed, and the comfort of them applied to our own souls, or else they will not be forcible to engage us to the practice for which they are intended. To give you a few instances out of a multitude that might be alleged ; we are exhorted to practise holy duties, because we are dead. to sin, and alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, Tom. vi. 1 1. and because sin shall not have dominion over us: for we are not under the law, but under grace, Rom. vi, 14. because we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit; and God will quicken our mortal bodies, by his Spirit dwelling in us, Rom. viii. 9, 11, 12. because our bo- dies are the members of Christ, and the temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. vi. 15, 19. because God hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, 2 Cor. v. 21. and hath promised, that he will dwell in us, and walk in us, and be to us a father, and we shall be to him sons and daughters, 2 Cor. vi. 18. with chap. vii. 1. be- cause God hath forgiven us, for Christ’s sake: and ac- counteth us his dear children ; and Christ hath loved us and given himself for us; and we that were sometime darkness, are now light in the Lord, Eph. iv. 32. and v. 1, 2, 8. because we are risen with Christ; and when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then we shall also ap- pear with him in glory, Col. iii. 1, 4. because God hath said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,” Heb. xiii. 5. because of the many promises made to us, 2 Cor. vii. 1. Search the scriptures, and you may, with delight, see that this is the vein that runneth through gospel ex- hortations: and you may find the like vein of comfort running through the prophetical exhortations in the Old Testament. - Some may object, “That the apostles used this me- “thod in their writings to saints, who had practised ho- “ liness already, that so they might continue and increase “ therein.” But to that I may easily reply, if it be a method needful for grown saints, much more for begin- ners that find the work of obedience most difficult, and have most need of strong consolation. And I hope to shew how we may be able to lay hold of these consola- tions by faith, in the very first beginning of a holy life. Direct. IX. or sANCTIFICATION. 131 Besides, the gospel proposeth peace and comfort freely to those that are not yet brought to holiness, that, if they have hearts to receive it, they may be converted from sin to righteousness. When the apostles entered into an house they were first to say, Peace be to this house, Luke x. 5. At their very first preaching to sinners, they ac- quainted them with the glad tidings of salvation by Christ, for every one that would receive it as a free gift by faith, Acts iii. 26. and xiii. 26, 32, 38. and xvi. 30, 31. They assured them, ifthey would but trust heartily on Christ, for all his salvation, they should have it, although they were at present the chief of sinners which was comfort sufficient for all that duly esteem spiritual comfort, hungering and thirsting after it. And this is a method agreeable to the design of the gospel; which is to advance the riches of the grace of God in all our spiritual enjoyments. God will give us his consolations before our good works, as well as after them, that we may know, that he giveth us everlasting consolation, and good hope through grace, and not through the procurement of our works, 2 Thess. ii. 16. . . . - . Fourthly, The nature of the duties of the law requireth a comfortable state of the soul for the performance of them. I have before proved sufficiently, that they require a per- Suasion of our reconciliation with God, and of our future happiness, and strength whereby we may be able to walk in holy obedience: Joshua must be strong and very cou- rageous, that he might observe to do according to the - law that Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded him, Joshua i. 7. I shall instance briefly in the comforts, with- out which, several great duties cannot be sincerely per- formed, Can we love God, and delight in him above all, while we look upon him as our everlasting enemy, and apprehend no love and mercy in him towards us, that may render him a suitable good for us, and lovely in our eyes : What doleful melody will the heart make in the . duty of praise, if we account, that all those perfections for which we praise him, will rather aggravate our misery, than make us happy : What a heartless work will it be to pray to him, and to offer up ourselves to his service, if we have no comfortable hope that he will accept of us? is it 132 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. IX. possible for us to free ourselves from carking cares, by casting our care upon the Lord, if we do not apprehend he careth for us? Can we be patient in affliction, with cheerfulness, and under persecutions, except we have peace with God and rejoice in hope of the glory of God? . Rom. v. 1, 2, 3. What reason can persuade us to sub- mit willingly according to our duty, to the stroke of pre- sent death, if God. be pleased to lay it upon us, when we nave no comforts to relieve us against the horrible fear of intolerable torments in hell for ever ? If we should be called to suffer martyrdom for the Pro- testant religion, as our ancestors in this nation have done, we should find it necessary to abandon the late upstart no- tions that have been bred in a time of ease, and to embrace the comfortable doctrine of former Protestants, which, through the grace of God, made so many courageous and joyful martyrs. . . . . . . . . . Fifthly, The state of those that are to be brought from sin to godliness, requires necessarily, that after they be convinced of the vanity of their former false confidences, and of their deadness in original sin, and subjection to the wrath of God, they should have a supply of new gospel comforts afforded, to encourage their fainting souls to holy practices. How little do many physicians of souls consider the condition of their unconverted patients, that are alto- gether without spiritual life and strength, and are or must be convinced thereof: . He that prescribeth bodily exer- cise to a man lying bed ridden under a dead palsy, before any effectual means be used to strengthen him, deserves the name of a merciless insulting tormentor, rather than of a wise and tender hearted physician. How unreason- able is it to prescribe the immediate practice of love to God, and universal obedience to him out 9° love, as the means of curé, for those that see nothing…at wrath and enmity in God towards them in their present condition ? What is it but to require a man to work without strength, promising him, that he shall have strength when his work is done? for comfort or joy is so called, because it strength- eneth, Neh. viii. 10. True it is, that the law, which is the ministration of condemnation, obligeth them to obedi- ence: but our merciful God expectethno sincere perform- Direct, ix. 6; SANGTIFICATION. . . . . 133 ance of his law, from such impotent miserable wretches, in order to their salvation by Christ, till he hath first de- livered them in some measure from those discomforts, slavish fears and despondences, that hold them captive, under the law of sin and death. We may require a strong healthy person; first to work, and then to expect meat, drink arid wages; but a fainting, famished person, must . . first have food, or a reviving cordial, to strengthen his heart, before he can work. is Sæthly, Both Scripture and experience shew, that this, ... is the method whereby God bringeth his people from sin to holiness. Though some of them are bronght under terrors for a while, that sin may be the more imbittered, and the Šalvation of Christ rendered more precious, and acceptable to then ; yet such are again delivered from their terrors by the comfort of God’s salvation, that they may be fitted for holities. And generally, a holy life beginneth with comfort, and is maintained by it. God gàve to Adam, at his first creation, the comfort of his love and favour, and the happiness of paradise to encou- rage him to obedience; and, when he had lost those com- forts by the fall, he was no longer able to obey, until he was restored by the new comfort of a promised seed. Christ, the second Adam, set God always before his face; and he knew, that because God was at his right hand, he should not be moved, therefore his heart was glad, and his glory rejoiced, Psalm. xvi. 8, s. This made him -Willing to bear his agony and bloody sweat, and to be obedient, unto death, even the death of the cross. God drew the Israelites to obedience, with the cords of a man, with the bands of love, by taking off the yoke on their jaws, and laying meat before them, Hos. xi. 4. David tellêth us, for our instruction how he was brought to an ... holy conversation: “ Thy Ioving kindness is before mine “‘eyes ; and I have walked in thy truth, Psalmºxxvi. 3. Lºrd, I have hºped for thy salvation, and dºne thy “commandments.” Psalm crix. 166, ºfteilave several $xamples in the New Testament of the joy that sinners had in the first receiving of Christ, Acts. ii. Ai, Aaj . & #ars "... - ". . . . . " º G * , , ºr, . . . .-y-. • ‘’s - - y: - - , ºt - - - { lºgºpºlº came to the 'ſhessalonians, & they * received the word in much aińiction, with joy In the . . . . . . . . at "… ". . .”.” 134 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. IX. “Holy Ghost, 1. Thess. i. 4, 5, 6. When the Gentiles “ heard the word of God, they were glad; and as thany “as were ordained to eternal life, believed,” Acts xiii. 48. The apostle Paul was constrained, by the love of Christ, to give up himself to live to Christ, 2 Corºv. 14, 15. I dare appeal to the experience of any that obey God out of hearty love. Let them examine themselves, and consider, whether they were brought to give up them- selves to serve God in love, without comfortable appre- hensions of the love of God towards them : I dare say, there are no such prodigies in the new birth. Seventhly, What comfortless religion do those make, that allow people no comfort before hand, to strengthen them for holy performances, which are very cross, dis- pleasing and grievous to their natural inclinations, as the plucking out a right eye, cutting off a right hand; but would have them first to do such things with love and de- ... light, under all their present fears, despondences, and cor- rupt inclinations, and to hope, that, by doing the work thoroughly and sincerely, they shall at last attain to a more comfortable state : All true spiritual comfort, as well as salvation, is indeed quite banished out of the world, if it be suspended upon the condition of our good works, which has already appeared to be the condition of the law, that worketh no comfort, but wrath, Rom. iv. 14, 15. This makes the way of godliness odious to many. They think they shall never enjoy a pleasant hour in this world, if they walk in them; and they had rather comfort them- selves with sinful pleasures than have no comforts at all. Others labour a while in such comfortless religion with inward fretting and repining at its bondage, and at last grow weary and throw off all religion, because they know none better. They that bind such heavy burdens upon men, and grievous to be borne, will plead, that they are : not to be blamed, because they do not preach the gospel. of God and Christ: whereas indeed they preach a gospel of man’s own forging, contrary to the nature of the true. gospel of Christ, which is glad tidings of great joy to all people, Luke ii. 10. An uncomfortable gospel cannot proceed from God the father, who is the Father of mer- &es, and the God of all comfort, 2 Cor. i. 3. nor from :- " - . . . . . . . * * . " - Z - Z. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ... • ‘ ‘. . . . . . ". . . ; :---- . . . •. - * • , ; - - - . . . •. . . . . — ... " * . • * - " - - - - * , W Christ, who is the consolation of Israel, Luke ii.25. nor from the Spirit, who is the comforter, John xiv.16, 17. . ‘God meetéth him that rejoiceth and worketh righteous- ºness, Isa. lxiv. 5. He will be served with gladness and singing, as he shewed by the type of variety of music, and great numbers of musicians in the temple. Christ speaks . to us by his gospel, that his joy may abide in us, and that our joy may be full, John xv. 1 1. No sorrow is approved of by God, except godly sorrow, which can never be in us without some comfort of the love of God towards us. . . . . They that are offended at the uncomfortableness of a re- & ligious life, never yet knew the true way of religion ; eise they would find, that “ the ways of wisdom are ways of * pleasantness and all her paths are peace,” Prov. iii 17. . . ~. 2-— . – ... - —sº- - --- - . * - - •- * 3. * - That we may be prepared by the Comfºrts of the Gos- pel to perform sincerely the Duties of the Law, we must get some Assurance of our Salvation, in that very Faith whereby Christ himself is received in- - to our Hearts, therefore we must endeavour to , , believe on him confidently, persuading and assur-. ing ourselves, in the Act of believing, that Godfree- ly, giveth to us an Interest in Christ and his Saiva- *tion, according to his gracious Promise. EXPLICATION. IT is evident, that those comforts of the gospel that are necessary to an holy practice, cannot be truly received without some assurance of our interest in Christ and his salvation, for some of these comforts consist in a good per- suasion of our reconciliation with God, and of our future ºr heavenly happiness, and of strength both to will and to do that which is acceptable to God through Christ; as hath been before. Shewed. Hence it will clearly follow, ſº that this assurance is very necessary to enable us for the practice of holiness, as those comforts that must go before - if t y ** , , meth dence of our own salvation by Christ; and be sure to apply him and his salvation to ol lieving: And this doctrine was one of the -" whereby they prevailed to overthrow the Popish súpersti- tion whereof doubtfulness of salvation is one of the prin- cipal pillars. But many of the successors of those Pro-. testants have deserted them, and left their writings to be shamefully insulted by the Papists. And this innovation, hath been of longer standing amongst us, than several other parts of oup new divinity, and maintained by those that profess to abhor that corrupt doctrine which the Pa- pists have built upon such principies. Modern divines - taay think they stand upon the shoulders of their prede- cessors, whose labours, they enjoy, and that they can see father than they ; as the schoolmen might have like so far, if the eyes of their prede- lightened by the Spirit of God, to may not be able to see cessors were better enli - God, to understand the mystery of the gospel. And why may We hot judge that it is so in the present case? The eyes of a these late years have been blinded in this point of -: - ty. • 11. 3 EP f oùpºsaly ; and if, upon this, at it is true saving fa Direct. X. or sANCTIFICATION. . . . . 137 not before, we may believe assuredly, that we in particu- lar shall be saved. On this account, they say, that our salvation is by the direct, and our assurances by the reflex act of faith; and that many have true faith, and shali be . saved, that never have any assurance of their Salvation as long as they live in this world. They find, by Scripture s and experience, that many precious saints of God are fre- . . quently troubled with doubtings whether they shall be saved, and whether their faith and obedience be sincere, so that they cannot see assurance in themselves; there- fore they conclude, that assurance must not be account- i. edabsolutely necessary to justifying faith and Saivation, lest we should make the hearts of doubting saints sad, and drive them to despair. They account that former Pro- testants were guilty of a manifest absurdity, in making. assurance to be of the nature and definition of saving faith ; , . because all that hear the gospel are bound to saving faith, and yet they are not bound absolutely to believe that they themselves shall be saved: for then many of them would be bound to believe that which is not declared in the gośr pel concerning them in particular; yea, that which is a plain lie, because the gospel shews that many of those that are called, are not chosen to salvation, but pe— rish for ever, Matth. xx. 16. No wonder if the appearance: of so great an absurdity move many to imagine, that saving faith is a trusting or resting on. Christ as the only sufficient means of salvation, without any assurance ; or, that it is a desiring and venturing to trust or rely upon him, in a mere state of suspence and uncertainty concern- ing our salvation, or with a probable opinion or conjec- tural hope of it at best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Another objection against this doctrine of assurance, is, That it deströyeth self examination; bringeth forth the evil fruits of pride and arrogancy, as if they knew their - places in heaven already, before the day of judgment: causeth carelessness of duty, carnal security, all-manner of licentiousness. And this maketh them commend doubt- fulness of Ohr salvation, as necesary to maintain in us humility, religious fears, watchfulness, much searching and trying our spiritual state and ways, diligence in good works, and all devotion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2. - - -- .* . . * , - - - • - - - - - - • *. , - '-' , . - -:- " - - - - - * --> - 138 rh E gospel Mysºre Ry Direct. X Against all these contrary imaginations, I shall endear vour to maintain this ancient Protestant doctrine of assur- ance, which I have expressed in the direction. And, first, •I shall lay down some observations for the right under- standing of it, which will be sufficient to turn the edge of the strongest objections that can be made against it. . . . First, Gbserve diligently, that the assurance directed, unto, is not a persuasion that we have already received Christ and his salvation, or that we have been already bro’t into a state of grace; but only, that God is pleased gra- ciously to give him and his salvation unto us, and to bring. us into a state of grace though we have been altogether in a state of sin and death until this present time: So that this doctrine doth not at all tend to breed presumption in wicked and unregenerate men, that their state is good al- ready ; but only encourageth them to come to him con- fidently for a good state. I acknowledge, that we may, yea, many must be taught to doubt whether their present state be good 2 and that it is humility so to do; and that we must find out the certainty and sincerity of our faith and obedience by self examination, before we can have a well grounded assurance that we are in a state of grace and salvation already; and that such an assurance belong- eth to that which they call the reflex act of faith, (if any act of faith can be made of it, it being a spiritual sense of . feeling of what is in myself) and is not of the essence of that faith whereby we are justified and saved : and that many precious saints are without it, and subject to many doubts that are contrary to it; so that they may not . know at all that it shall go well with them at the day of judgment: and that it may be sometimes intermitted, if not wholly lost, after it is gotten: and that we should strive to walk holily that we may attain to it, because it. is very useful for our growth and increase in faith, and in all holiness. Most Protestants among us, when they speak or write of assurance, mean only that which is by reflection. And I have said enough briefly to shew, that what I assert, is consistent with the doctrine which is commonly received concerning it, and destructive to none of the good fruits of it? therefore not guilty of those evils that some falsely charge it with. This kind of assurance which I speak of answereth not the question, Whether I Direct. X. or sANcrific ATION. f$9 am already in a state of grace and salvation : There is another great question that the soul must answer, that it, may get into a state of grace. Whether God be graciously pleased now to bestow Christ and his salvation upon me, though I have been hitherto a very wicked creature? We . must be sure to resolve this question comfortably; by an- other kind of assurance in the direct act of faith, wherein " we are to persuade ourselves, (without reflecting upon any good qualifications in ourselves,) that God is ready graciously to receive us into the arms of his saving mercy in Christ, notwithstanding all our former wickedness, ac- cording to that gracious promise, “I will call them my “people, which were not my people; and her beloved, “which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, “ that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are “not my people, there shall they be called the children “ of the living God, Rom. ix. 25, 26. * . . . . Secondly, The assurance directed unto, is not a persua- sion of our salvation, whatever we do, or however we live and walk; but only in a limited way through mere free grace in Christ, by partaking of holiness as well as for- giveness, and by walking in the way of holiness to the en- joyment of the glory of God. We shall not heartily de- sire or endeavour to assure ourselves of such a salvation as this is, if we be not brought first to see our own sinfulness and misery, and to despair of our own righteousness and strength, and to hunger and thirst for the sanctifying as well as justifying grace of God in Christ; that so we may walk in the ways of holiness, to the enjoyment of heavenly glory. The faith whereby we receive Christ, must have in it, not only a persuasion of happiness, but these, and the like good qualifications, that will make it a most holy faith. Certainly an assurance thus qualified, will not beget any pride in us, but rather humility, and self loathing, except any account it pride, to rejoice and glory in Christ, when we have no confidence in the flesh, Phil. iii. 3. It will not destroy religious fear, and breed carnal security, but rather it will make us fear going aside from Christ our only refuge and security, and walking after the flesh. Noah had cause to enter into the ark, and to abide there with assurance of his preservation; 140 riſk gos PEI. MystERy Direct, X. i._-...' yet he might well be afraid to venture out of the ark, because he was persuaded, that continuance in the ark ... was his only safety from perishing in the flood. . And how can a persuasion of salvation in a way of holiness, breed slothfulness in duty, carelessness and licentious: ness? It doth rather mightily allure, and stir us up to “be always abounding in the work of the Lord, for “ as much as we know, that our labour shall not be in “vain in the Lord,” I Cor. xv. 58. They that are persuaded of the free grace of God toward them in “standing.” Christ are not indeed solicitous about earning their sal- ºvation by their own legal works. And Satan as ready to suggest to them, that this is a sinful carelessness, and tendeth to licentiousness. But they that will believe this false suggestion of Satan, shew plainly, that they do not yet know what it is to serve God in love; and that they are held in, to all their obedience, by the bit and bridle of slavish fear, “as the horse and mule, that have no under- * Psal. xxxii. 9, . . . . . . . . Thirdly, Beware of thinking so highly of this assurance as if it were inconsistent with any doubting in the same . . soul. A great reason why many Protestants have re- ceded from the doctrine of their ancestors in this point, is, because they think there can be no true assurance of salvation in any that are troubled with doubtings, as they find many be, whom they cannot but own as true believers and precious Saints of God. True indeed, this assurance if it were perfect in the highest degree, it would exclude all doubting out of the soul, and it doth now exclude it must be contrary to doubtings, in the nature of it; and so, in some degree. But is there not flesh as well as spirit in - . * ºr -2 ° . the best saints on earth : Gal. v. 17. Is there not “a law “ in their members warring against the law of their 4 minds : Rom, vii. 23, May not one that truly believ- eth, say, “Lord, help my unbelief?” Mark. ix, 34. Čań any on earth say, they have received any grace in the highest degree, and that they are wholly free from the contrary corruption ? Why then should we think, that assurance cannot be true, except it be perfect, and free the soul from all doubtings? The apostle accounts it a great blessing to the Thessalonians, that they had much -- *- . ...? º assurance; iºtimating, that sometrue assurance might be .,-- 30, 3.1." It is strange, if the flesh and the of SANGTIFICATION. - 141 in a less degree, 1 Thess. i. 5. Peter had some good as surance of Christ's help, when he walked on the water at Christ’s command; and yet he had some doubtfulness in He had some faith contrary to doubting, though it were but little as Christ's words to him shew : “Q..thod of - - the devil shall never oppose a true assurance, and assault it with doubtings. A ings, that he may not be able to perceive an assurance in himself. He is so fag from knowing his place in heaven º he knoweth not any assurance that he hath of being there, and needeth diligent self examination to find it out. Yet, if at that time he can blame his aoui for doubting, “Why: “art thou cast down, O my. Soul P and why. art thºu dis- - - - - . .4% quieted within me? hope thou in G § d; - for I shali yet “ praise him,” Psalm xiii. 11. If he can condemn his doubtings, as sinful, and say with himself, “This is my- 5 “infirmity,” Psalm Ixxvii. 10. these doubtings are of the flesh, and of the devil: if he still endeavour to call God,' Father, and complain to him, that he doubte th. whether he be his Father, and pray, that God will give him the assurance of his fatherly love, which he is not sensible of and dispel those fears and doubtings; I say, that such an one hath Some true assurance, though he must strive to grow to a higher degree, for; if he were not persuaded of the truth of the love of God towards him, he could not rationally condemn his fears and doubts concerning it. " father, or doth not think to be true. to resist and struggle with slavish fears of wrath, and . doubting of our own Salvation ; and you grant, in effect, that there is, and must be something of assurance of our salvation in Saving faith, whereby it resisteth doubtings, * and you are, in e - *- that God would assure him of that love that he - - - - - - - ect, of the same judgment with mein the assertion, however strangemy expressions seem toyou. -- . ºr 142 THE Gospel, MystERyº If this that I have said concerning our imperfection in as- surance, as well as in other graces were well considered, this ancient Protestant doctrine would be freed much from prejudice, and gain more esteem among us, - … , Fourthly, In the last place, let it be well observed, that the reason why we are to assure ourselves in our faith, that God freely giveth Christ and his salvation to us par- tleularly, is not, because it is a truth before we believe it, but because it becometh a certain truth when we believe it, and because it will never be true, except we do, in some . . . measure persuade and assure ourselves that it is so. We have no absolute promise or declaration in Scripture, that God certainly will or doth give Christ and his salvation to any one of us in particular, neither do we know it to be true already by scripture, or sense, or reason, before we assure ourselves absolutely of it : yea, we are without Christ's salvation at present, in a state of sin and misery, under the curse and wrath of God. Only I shałł prove, that we are bound; by the command of God, thus to assure cur- selves and the scripture doth sufficiently warrant us, that we should not deceive ourselves in believing a lie : but, according to our faith, so shall it be to us, Matth. ix. 29. This is a strange kind of assurance, far different from other ordinary kinds ; and therefore no wonder if it be found weak and imperfect, and difficult to be obtained, and as- saulted with many doubtings. We are constrained to be- lieve other things on the clear evidence we have that they are true, and would remain true, whether we believe them or no; so that we cannot deny our assent, without rebel- ling against the light of our senses, reason, or conscience. But here our assurance is not impressed on our thoughts by any evidence of the thing: but we must work it out in ourselves by the assistance of the Spirit of God, and thereby we bring our own thoughts into captivity to the , obedience of Christ. None but God can justly require of . us this kind of assurance, because he only “calleth those He only can give existence to things that yet are not, and make a thing to be true upon our believing it, that was not true before. He only can make good that promise, “What things soever ye desire when you pray, believe Direct. X. of sanctiFIGATION. 143 •. “ that ye receive them, and ye shall have them, Mark xi. “24. Who is he that sayeth, and it cometh to pass, when “ the Lord commandeth it not!” Lam, iii. 37. There- fore, this faith is due to God only; and greatly redoundeth to his glory. Men will often require a believing some- thing like it; as when one says, “I will forgive your of “fence, and be your friend, if I can find that you believe “it, and that you take me for a friend.” But their fai- lible word is not sufficient ground to make us persuade ourselves absolutely, that we shall have their promised fa- vour. The faith of miracles gives us some light in this . and who had power given them of working them, that the miracles should be wrought, if they believed without doubting of the event, Mark xi. 22, 23. And there is a reason for this resemblance ; because the end of working miracles, was, to confirm the doctrine of salvation by faith in Christ’s name, as the scriptures clearly shew; and, in- - - deed, the salvation of a sinner is a very great miracle. It is reported, that wizards do often require those that come to them, that they should believe, they shall obtain what they desire of them, or at least that they are able to fulfil their desires; whereby the devil, the master of those wi- zards, shews himself to be God’s ape, and that he would fain have that honour and glory ascribed to himself, that is due to God alone. . . . . . Having thus explained the nature of that assurance which I have directed unto, I shall now produce several arguments to prove, that there is, and must necessarily be, such an assurance or persuasion of our salvation in saving faith itself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " First, This assurance of salvation is implied in the de- . scription before given of that faith whereby we receive . . Christ, and his salvation, into our hearts. I described faith to be a grace of the Spirit, whereby we heartily be- lieve the gospel, and also believe on Christ, as he is re- vealed and freely promised to us therein, for all his salva- tion...And I shewed, in the explanation; that believing on Christ is the same with resting, relying, leaning, staying ourselves on Christ or God thro’ Christ, for our salvation 144 riff Gosłki, Mystery Direct. X. It may be somewill like that description the better, because faith was there described by terms that are ordinarily used, even by those that deny the necessity of assurance; but these ordinary terms do sufficiently include assurance in the nature of faith, and they cannot stand without it. And this sheweth, that mariy hold the doctrine of assur- ance implicitly, and profess it, though they think the con- trary. Believing on Christ for salvation, as freely pro- mised to us, must needs include a dependence on him, with a persuasion, that salvation shall be freely given, as it is freely promised to us. Believing with a divine faith, grounded on the infallible truth of the promise, if it did not in some measure exclude a mere suspence and waver- ing opinion or conjecture, were not worthy to be so called. Some may be so absurd as to say, that faith is only a be- lieving, that we shafi be saved by Christ, if we perform such conditions as he requireth : and then, indeed, it wiłłłeave us where it foundºus, as to any certainty of Sal- vation, antil those conditions be performed. But I have ałready prevented such an absurdity, by shewing that this believing of Christ, is, itself not only the condition of our − salvation, but also the instrument whereby we actually receive it. Believing, being the proper act of faith must needs have the same contraries to it; as štaggering, Rom. iv. 20. wavering, Heb. x. 25. doubting, Matth. xiv. 31. fear, Mark v. 36. These contraries do much illustrate the nature of faith; and do shew, that believing must have some confidence in it, else it would have doubting in the very nature of it; for what man that understandeth the preciousness of his immortal soul, and his danger of losing it, can ever avoid fear, dottòting, and trouble of heart, by any believing, whereby he doth not at all assure himself of his salvation 3. The other terms of trusting and resting on Jesus Christ, &c. whereby faith is often described by orthodox teachers, midstºnclude assurance of salvation, because they signify the same thing with believing on -Christ. The soul-mtist have its sufficient support, to bear it up against oppressing fears, troubles, cares, despair, that it may this trust and rest. The right manner of trusting and hoping in the Lord, is, by assuring ourselves against all fears aid-doubtings, that “the Lord is our Direct. X. of sanctiFIGATION. 145 4 God, and he is become our salvation, I trusted on thee, “O Lord; I said, thou art my God, Psalm xxxi. 14. . . “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliv- “erer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust, Psal. “ xviii. 2. Behold God is my salvation : I will trust, and not be afraid, Isa. xii. 2. O my soul, hope thou in God “who is the health of my countenance and my God,” Psalm xlii. 1 1. True hope is grounded in God only, that he will bless us, that he may be an anchor for the soul, sure and stedfast, Heb. vi. 17, 18, 19. If you trust, rely, and stay yourselves on Christ, or hope in him, with- out assuring yourselves at all of salvation by him, you make no better use of him, than if he were a broken reed: and, if you would stay yourselves on the Lord, you must look upon him as your God; as the prophetteacheth, Let him trustin the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God, Isa. 1. 10. If you will restin the Lord you must believe that he dealeth bountifully with you, Psalm czvi. 7. or else, for ought you know, you may make your bed in hell. And you will shew little regard of Christ, and of your own soul if you dare to rest under the wrath of God, without persuasion of a sure interest in Christ. People may please themselves with such a trusting or resting, &c. when they are at ease, but in time of temptation, it vanisheth away, and appeareth to be no true faith, but is turned into shame. The soul that liveth in such wavering and doubting con- cerning salvation, doth not stay itself nor rest at ali; but is like a wave ofthe sea, driven with the wind, and tossed; he is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways, Jam i. 6, 8. If you continue in mere suspense and doubtful- ness of salvation by Christ, your desire to trust, is but a lazy woulding, without any fixed resolution, and you dare not yet venture to trust on him stedfastly. If you call it only your desire to trust and rely on Jesus Christ I may answer, that you cannot do this much in a right manner except you desire and venture to persuade and assure yotirº selves of your salvation by him, notwithstanding all the éauses that you have to doubt and fear the contrary. “If it be objected, that we may trust on Christ only as a sº ficient means of salvation, without any assurance of thiº. effect; I shall acknowledge, that the sufficiency, ºf Göd … 146 thE Gospel MystERY Direct. X. and Christis a good ground for us to reston: but we must understand by it, not only a sufficiency of power, but also of good will and mercy towards us; for what have we to do more with the sufficiency of God and Christ's power than fallen angels without his good will towards us? And if this be truly believed, it will exclude doubtfulness con- cerning your salvation. . . . . . . . . . . Secondly, Several places of Scripture declare positively and expressly, that we are to be assured of our salvation in that faita whereby we are justified and saved... I shall produce some instances. We are exhorted to “draw near “ to God with full assurance of faith,” Heb. x. 22. Many apply this text to that which they call the reflex act of faith, because they imagine that all assurance must be by reflection. But the words of the text do clearly teach us to understand it of that act of faith whereby we draw near to God; that is, the direct act : and it is that very faith, whereby the just do live, even justifying saving faith, verse 38. And this, assurance must be full, at least in the true and proper nature of it, in opposition to mere doubtfulness and uncertainty, though we are yet further to labour for that which is full in the highest degree of perfection. And the same faith whereby we are exhorted to draw nigh unto God, and whereby the just liveth, is, a little after, chap. xi. 1. affirmed to be the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. Why should saving faith have these high titles and attri- butes given to it, if it did not contain in it a sure persua- sion of the great things of our salvation hoped for; making them to be evident to the eyes of our mind as if they were already present in their substance, though yet not visible to our bodily eyes }. That faith whereby we are made par- takers of Christ, and to be Christ’s house must be worthy to be called confidence, and accompanied with rejoicing hope; Whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end, Heb. iii. 6, 14. What is confidence concerning any thing, but trust- ing concerning it with a firm persuasion of the truth of it? If we have only astrong opinion concerning a thing, with- . out any absolute certainty, we use to say; that we are not altogether confident of it. The faith whereby we are justified, must be in a measure like to the faith whereby w \ - Direct. X, or sANGTIFICATION. 14% Abraham “ against hope believed in hope, that his seed “should certainly be multiplied according to the pro- “mise of God: though, by reason of the deadness of his “own body, and of Sarah's womb,” he could have no evidence from his own qualifications to assure himself of it; but all appearances were rather to the contrary; as the apostle teacheth clearly, Rom. iv. 18, 19, 23, 24. As absolutely as this promise was, thus made to Abraham, yet it was not to be fulfilled without this assurance of faith ; and by the like faith, the free promises of salvation by Christ, will be absolutely fulfilled to us.” The apostle James expressly requires that we should ask good things of . God in faith, nothing doubting: which includes assurance manifestiy; and he tells us plainly, that without it a man ought not to think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. Therefore we may firmly conclude, that without it we shall not receive the salvation of Christ, Jam. i. 6, 7. And that which the apostle James requireth us not to doubt of, is the obtaining the things that we ask; as We may learn from an instruction to the same purpose given to us by Christ himself, “What things soever ye. “ desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and “ye shall have them.” Mark xi. 34. More places of Scripture might be alleged to the same purpose: but these are sufficient to evince, that we are bound to assure ourselves of our salvation in faith itself, or else we are never likely to enjoy it; and that it is not humility, but rather proud disobedience, to live in a state of mere suspence and doubtfulness concerning our salvation ; and that this assurance must be in the directact of faith where- by we are justified and saved. For, as for that which is called the reflex act of faith, it is a certain truth, and ge- nerally owned, that it is not absolutely necessary to salva- tion to any ; and that it is sinful and pernicious to many . grace and salvation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Thirdly, God giveth us sufficient ground in scripture to believe, that they are already entered into a state of to come to Christ with confident faith at the very first;" trusting assuredly, that Christ and his salvation shall be given to us without any failing and delay, however vile and sinful our condition hath been hitherto. The scrip- - Y - $48 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. X. - sture speaketh to the vilest sinners in such a manner as ifit were framed on purpose to begetassurance of salvation in them immediately, Acts ii. 39. iii. 26. This promise is universal, that whosoever believeth on Christ, shall not be ashamed, without making a difference between Jew and Greek, Rom. x. 11, 12. And this promise is con- firmed by the blood of Christ, who was given for the World, and lifted up upon the cross for this very end, that “Whosoever believeth on him, should not perish, but “ have everlasting life,” John iii. 14, 15, 16. His in- vitation is free to any, “if any man thirst, let him come “to me, and drink;” and this drink is promised to every one that believeth, John vii. 37, 39. The command of believing is propounded, not only in general, but in par- ... ticular ; and the promise of salvation upon believing, is also applied personally, and that to such as have been bi- therto in a state of sin and wrath; as to the wicked, per- secuting, self-murdering jailor, Acts xvi. 31. “Believe “on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, and thine “house.” God commandeth them that walked altogether in sin hitherto, to call him their own father, in their very first returning, Jer, iii. 4. So, Hos. ii. 25. God saith, he will say, “Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou “art mºv God;” confidently avering their personal in- terest in him. - God hath joined confidence and salvation inseparably together: “ In returning and rest shall ye “be saved : in quietness and in confidence shall be your “strength,” Isa. xxx. 15. What a poor slender use and improvement do many make of these discoveries of the rich grace of God towards sinners, who say, that, if we see that we have performed the condition of believing, then we may take Christ confidently as our own : They skip over the first principal use they ought to make of them. The very performance of the condition is, to take Christ. as our own immediately, and to eat him and drink him, by believing confidently on him for our salvation. If an honest rich man say to a poor woman, “I promise to be “thy husband if thou wilt have me: say, but the word, “ and I am thine;” may not she presently answer con- fidently, “Thou art my husband, and I claim thee for “my husband * And should she not rather say so, than Direct. X. of sanctific Arron. 14° say, “I believe not what thou sayest ?” If an honest man say, “Do but take this gift and it is your own ; do but “eat and drink, and you are freely welcome :” may not I take the gift, and eat and drink at first without any fur- ther ado, and with assurance that it is mine freely? if I do it doubtingly, I disparage the honesty and credit of the donor, as if he were not a man of his word. In like man- ner, if fearing to be too confident, lest we should believe a lie, we should come to Christ doubtingly, and in mere suspence, whether we shall be freely entertained, after all God’s free invitations and promises, should we not dispa- rage the faithfulness of God And should we not be guilty of making God a liar; As the apostle John teach- eth because of our not believing the reedrd, which God gave of his Son; and this is the record “ that God. “ hath given to us eternal life : and this life is in his “Son,” 1 John v. 10, 11. And what if the salvation promised, be not absolutely intended for all to whom the gospel cometh : It is enough, that God giveth us his faithful word, that they that believe shall have it, and none else; and hath absolutely intended to fulfil his word that none should find it to be alie to them, and hath joined believing and salvation inseparably together. On this ground God may justly cause the promise of this salvation to be published to all, and may justly require all to be- lieve on him assuredly for their own Salvation, that so it may appear whether they will give him the glory of his truth: and, if they will not, he may justly reject them, and punish them severely for dishonouring him by their , unbelief. In this case, we must not look to the secret de- crees of God, but to his revealed promises and com- mand. Thus God promised to the Israelites in the wil- derness, that he would give them the land of Canaan, and would fight for them against their enemies : and re- quired them not to fear or be discouraged, that so the promise might be fulfilled to them; yet God never abso- lutely decreed or intended, that those Israelites should en- ter in ; as the event did quickly manifest, Deut. i. 20, 21, . 29, 30. Yet were they not bound in this case to trust confi. dently in God, to give them victory over their enemies, and to give them the possession of the land? had they not suf. 150 - THE Gosph. L. MystERY Direct. X. ficient ground for such a faith? was it not just with God to consume them in the wilderness for their unbelief? “Let “us therefore fear, lest a promise being made of enter- “ing into this everlasting rest through Christ, we should “ come short of it, and fall after the same example of un- “belief.” Heb. iv. 1, 11. " . . . . . . . . Fourthly, The professors of true godliness, that we read of through the Scriptures of the Old and New T estament, did commonly profess their assurance and persuasion of their interest in God and his salvation, and were directed by the word of God so to do; and true saints had still some true assurance of it. And we have no cause to judge, . that this assurance was grounded on the certainty of their own good qualifications, but rather on the promises of God by the direct act of faith. We may judge of the ordinary profession of the frame of spirit that was in saints, by some instances. I shall begin with the profession that the church made when it was very corrupt, at its first coming out of Egypt, when few of them could assure themselves, by their own good qualifications, that they were in a state of grace already; which many now imagine to be the only way of assurance. Even in that corrupt time, the children of Israel sung that triumphant song of Moses, “The Lord “is my strength and my song, and he is become my sal- “vation; he is my God,” &c. Exod. xv. 2. Moses taught them in this song, to assure themselves of their own personal interest in the salvation; and he guided them to the practice of their duty. And they did not find fault with Moses, as some do with ministers in these ºdays, for putting them to express more confidence in their song, than they can find ground for from their qualifica- tions ; but they applied themselves to the exercise of their faith, agreeably to the song ! and, doubtless, this faith was unfeigned in some few of them, though but feigned in others; for it is testified of them, that then they be- lieved his words, they sang his praise, Psal. cvi. 12. Se- veral other psalms and songs that were by divine appoint- ment in common use under the Old Testament, are as clear an evidence as we can desire, of that assurance of faith which is commonly professed, and that people were generally bound te, under the Old Testament; as Psal, —tº Direct. X. - of SANCTIFICATION. 151 xxiii. xxvii. xliv, and xlvi. Many other psalms, or ex- pressions in Psalms, might be alleged. The spirits of few in comparison, could have thoroughly complied with such psalms, though they were true believers, if all the assur- ance of the love of God must altogether depend upon the certain knowledge of the sincerety of their own hearts. We have a great cloud of witnesses gathered out of the whole history of the Old Testament, Heb. xi. who did, and suffered, and obtained great things by faith; whose examples are produced on purpose that we follow them in believing, to the saving of our souls, Heb. x. 39. And, if we consider these examples particularly, we shall find, that many of them do evidently guide us to such a saving faith as hath an assurance of the effect contained in the na- ture of it. I confess we read several times of the fears and doubtings of the saints under the Old Testament; but we read also how their faith opposed such fears and doubts, and how they themselves condemned them as contrary to faith as in the Psalms; Psal. xlii. 1 1. xxxi. 22. and lxxvii. 7, 10. The most mournful psalm in Scripture begins with an expression of some assurance, Psalm lxxxviii. 1. And we may note, that the doubtings that we meet with of the saints of old were commonly occasioned by some ex- traordinary affliction, or some heinous transgression; not by common failings, or the common originardepravation of nature or the uncertainty of their election, or any thought that it is humility to doubt, and that they were not bound to be confident of God’s salvation, because then many might be bound to believe a lie. It is hard to find any of these occasions of doubting under the Old Testament, though they are grown so general among us now under the New Testament. , . . . In the time of the apostles, we may well expect that the assurance of faith grew higher, because the salvation of Christ was revealed, and the Spirit of adoption poured forth plentifully, and the church made free from its former bondage under the terrifying legal covenant. Paul could prove to primitive Christians, by appeals to their own ex- perience, that they were the children and heirs of God, * because they had not received the spirit of bondage “ again to fear, but the spirit of adoption, whereby they f- - .# - 2- I ~ * | - ~, --- i52 . . . THE gospel, Mystery Direct. X. “ cry, Abba, Father. The spirit itself bearing witness * with our spirits, (or beareth our shirit, witness,” as the Syriac and vulgar Latin render it and as the like Greek phrase is rendered, Rom. ix. 1.) “that we are the chil- . . . dren of God. And if children then heirs,” Rom. viii. 15, 16, 17. Gal. iv. 6. And the apostle tells the Ephe- sians, that after they believed, “they were sealed with “ the Holy Spirit, which was the earnest of their inheri- “tance,” Eph. i. 13. 14. i. e. They were sealed from the time that they believed; for the original words are in the same tense. If this witness, seal, and earnest of the Spirit had not been ordinary to believers, it would not have been sufficient to prove, that they were the children of God ; and such a manner of arguing might have driven some to despair, that wanted this witness, seal and earnest. . . . . . . . Let us inquire now, whether the Spirit beareth witness that we are the children of God, and enables us to cry, Abba, Father, by the direct act, or by that which they call - the reflex act of faith ? For we must not think that it is done by an enthusiasm, without any ordinary means: nor can we reasonably imagine, that no true believers can call “God Father, by the guidance of the Spirit, but only those few that are so sure of their own sincerity, that by reflecting upon it, they can ground an act of faith concerning their own interest in Christ: no, surely. Therefore we may judge rather, that the Spirit worketh this in us, by giving us saving faith itself, by the direct act of which all true be- lievers are enabled to trust assuredly on Christ for the en- joyment of the adoption of children, and all his salvation according to the free promise of God: and to call God - Father, without reflecting on any good qualifications. in themselves: for the Spirit is received by the direct act of faith, Gal. iii. 2. and so he is the Spirit of adoption, and ** comfort to all that receive him. They that assert, that the Spirit witnesseth our adoption, only by assuring us of . the sincerity of our faith, love, and other gracious-quali- - fications, and by the reflex act of faith, do teach also com- monly, that you must again try, whether the Spirit thus witnessing, be the spirit of truth, or of delusion, by search- ing narrowly, whether our inward grace be sincere or - - f Birect. X. es SANGT1F1GAtron. . 158 counterfeit : so that hereby the testimony of the Spirit is rendered so hard to be, discerned, that it standeth us in no stead, but all our assurance is made at last to depend on our own certain knowledge of our own. sincerity. There are several other evidences to shew that believers generally were persuaded of their salvation in the apostles time. They loved and waited for the coming of Christ to judge the world, 1 Cor. i. 7. 2 Tim. iv. 8. They loved all the saints for the hope that was laid up for them in heaven, Col. i. 3, 4, 5. The Corinthians, that were very carnal, and but babes in Christ, were persuaded that they should judge the world, and angels, and that their bodies were members of Christ, and the temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. vi. 2, 3, 15, 19. The very first coming of the gospel to the Thessalonians, was in the Holy Ghost, and much assurance ; so that they received it in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost; when as yet they had no considerable time to get assurance, by re- flecting on their good qualifications, i Thess. i. 5, 6. Like- wise, the believing Hebrews, when they were illuminated at their first conversion, took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing that they had in heaven a better and an enduring substance; and this was their confidence, which they were not to cast off, because the just liveth by faith. And therefore it appeareth, that this confidence belong- eth necessarily to justifying saving faith, Heb. x. 32, 34, 35, 38. . . . . . . . - Now, let those that allege the examples or experiences of many modern Christians to disprove all that I have as- serted, consider well whether these are fit to be laid in the balance against all the scripture examples and experiences that I have produced out of the Old and New Testament. I confess that assurance of salvation is more rarely profes- Sed by Christians in these times than formerly: and we may thank some teachers for it, that have deserted the doctrine of former protestants in this point, and vented against it several errors, such as have been already named; and now would take advantage to confirm the truth of their doctrines for those doubtings in Christians, that have been chiefly occasioned by it. But, however, the nature of Saving faith is still the same, And I assert, that, in K. - - !' 154 THz gesprl, MystERY | Direct. X. . . these days, as well as formerly, it always hath in it some assurance of salvation by Christ, which doth and will ap- pear, at least in resisting and condemning all doubtings, and praying against them, and endeavouring to trust as- suredly, and to call God Father; except in extraordinary w désertions, by which our case must not be tried. We are notto trust the judgment of many concerning themselves. They will judge falsely, that they have no assurance at all, because they know not yet, by marks and signs, that they are in a state of grace already or because they think that there is no assurance when there are many doubtings, and because it is so weak, and so much oppressed with doubt- ing, that it can hardly be discerned, as life in a fainting fit. But, if their judgments be better informed, they may be brought to discern some assurance in themselves. We are also to take heed of mistaking those for true be- lievers, that are not so, and of judging this point by their experiences; which is a vulgar error. . The blind charity of some moveth them to take all for true believers who are full of doubts and troubles concerning their salvation, though it may be they only are convinced of sin, and brought to some zeal of God that is not according to the knowledge of the way of salvation by Christ; and they think it duty to comfort such ignorant persons, by persuad- . ing them that their state is good, and their faith right, though they have no assurance of salvation. Thus they are brought to judge falsely concerning the nature of faith, out of their blind charity to such as are yet in ignorance and unbelief; and, instead of comforting such they rather faith in Christ, and to ruin their souls for ever. take the direct way to harden them in their natural states: and to divert them from seeking consolation by saving Fifthly, The chief office of this faith in its direct saving . act, is, to receive Christ and his salvation actually into our hearts, as hath been proved ; which office cannot be rationally performed except we do, in some measure, per- suade our hearts and assure ourselves in the enjoyment of - him. As the body receiveth things into itself by the hands and mouth; so the soul receiveth these things to itself and layeth actual hold on them, by the faculty of the will, kmaking choice of them and embracing them in a way of ſ Direct. X. of SANGTIFICATION. 155 present enjoyment and possession, as it doth by the faculty of the understanding see and apprehend them. Thus the soul receiveth comfort from outward things; as a righ- teous person cannot receive inward comfort from outward things, as from worldly estate, wife, husband, friends, &c. except he choose them as good, and account them his OWI). by a right and title. This is the only rational way where: by the soul can actively lay hold on Christ, and take actual. possession of him, and his salvation, as he is freely offered and promised to us in the gospel, by the grace of faith, which God hath appointed to be our great instrument for the receiving of him, and closing with him. If we do not make choice of Christ as our only salvation and happiness, or if we be altogether in a state of suspence, and doubting whether God will be pleased to give Christ to us or no, it is evident that our souls are quite loose from him, and have no holdfast or enjoyment of him. They do not so much as to pretend at any actual receiving or laying hold, or choosing of him, neither are they fully satisfied that it is lawful for them so to do ; but rather they are yet to seek whether they have any, good ground and right to lay hold on him or no. Let any rational man judge, whether the soul doth or can put forth any sufficient act for the recep- tion and enjoyment of Christ, as its Saviour, Head or Husband, while it is yet, in doubt, whether it be the will of Christ to be joined with it in such a near relation? Can a woman honestly receive any one as her husband, with- out being assured that he is fully willing to be her hus- band? The same may be said concerning the several partsº of Christ's salvation, which are to be received by faith. It is evident, that we do not aright receive the benefit of re- mission of sins, for the purging of our consciences from. that guilt that lieth upon them, unless we have an assured persuasion of God’s forgiving them. We do not actually receive into our hearts our reconciliation with God and adoption of children and the title to an everlasting inherit- ance, until we can assure ourselves, that God is graciously pleased to be our God and Father, and take us to be his children and heirs. We do not actually receive any suf. ficient strength to encourage our hearts to holiness in all _* * '' ...” 156 tº sesert Mysºrry Direct. X. difficulties, unti! we can stedfastly beliće, that God is with us and will not fail nor forsake us, . . . . Hence then we may firmly conclude, that whoso seek- eth to be saved by faith, and doth not seek to have assur- ange or confidence of his own salvation doth but des ceive himself, and delude his soul with a mere fancy in- stead of saving faith, and doth, in effect, seek to be saved, in his corrupt natural state, without receiving, and laying actual hold on the Lord Jesus Christ and his salvation. Sixthly, It is also a great and necessary office of saving faith, to purify the heart, and to enable us to live and walk in the practice of all holy duties, by the grace of Christ and by Christ himself living in us, as hath been shewed before, which office faith is not able to perform, except some assurance of our own interest in him and his salvation be comprehended in the nature of it. If we would live to God, not ourselves, but by Christ living and abiding in us, aceording to Paul’s examples, we must be able to assure ourselves, as he did, “ Christ “loved-me, and gave himself for me, Gal. ii. 20. We “are taught, that if we live in the Spirit, we should walk in “the Spirit,” Gal. v. 25. It would be high presumption if we should endeavour to walk above our natural strength and power by the Spirit, before we have made sure of our living by the Spirit. I have shewed, that we cannot make use of the comfortable benefits of the saw- sing grace of Christ, whereby the gospel doth engage and encourage us to an holy practice, except we have some confidence of our own interest in those saving benefits. If we do not assuredly believe, that we are dead to sin and alive to God through Christ, and risen with him, and not under the law, but under grace, and members of Christ’s body, the temple of his Spirit, the dear children . of God, it would be hypocrisy to serve God upon the ac- count of such privileges, as if we reckoned ourselves to be partakers of them. He that thinks he should doubt of his salvation, is not a fit disciple for this manner of doc- trine; and he may reply to the preachers of the gospel, if you would bring me to holiness, you must make use of other more effectual arguments; for I cannot practise up- on these principles, because I have not faith enough to be Direct. X. of SANCTIFICATION. 157 lieve, that I have any interest in them. Some arguments taken from the justice and wrath of God against sinners and his mercy towards those that perform the condition of sincere obedience, would work more powerfully upon me. O what a miserable worthless kind of saving faith is this, that cannot fit a believer to practise in a gospel. manner, upon the most pure and powerful, principles of grace, but rather leaveth him to work upon legal princi- ples, which can never bring him to serve God acceptably out of love . And as such a faith faileth wholly in the rightmanner of obeying upon gospel principles, so it fail- eth also in the very matter of some great duties, which are of such a nature, that they include assurance of God’s love in the right performance of them ; such are those great duties of peace with God, rejoicing in the Lord al- ways; hope that maketh not ashamed : owning the Lord as our God and our Savion: ; praying to him as our Fa- ther in heaven; offering up body and soul as an accepta: . ble sacrifice to him ; casting all our cares of body and soul upon him; contentment and hearty thanksgiving in every condition ; making our boast in the Lord ; tri- umphing in his praise ; rejoicing in tribulation ; putting on Christin our baptism; receiving Christ'sbody as broken for us, and his blood shed for us in the Lord’s supper ; committing our souls wiłlingly to God as our Redeemer whenever he shall be pleased to call for us; loving Christ's second appearance, and looking for it as that blessed hope. When we fall into any sudden doubting whether we are in a state of grace already ; when we are called to any present undertaking, as to partake of the Lord’s supper, or any duty that requires assurance to the right perform- ance of it, we must relievedurselves, by trusting confident- ly in Christ for the present gift of his salvation, or else we shall be driven to omit the duty, or not to perform it rightly or sincerely. Can we judge ourselves already-in a state of grace by the reflex aet of faith, if we do not find; that we perform these duties, at least several of them, sin- cerely ; or, if we do not find, that we have such a holy faith as doth enable of incline us to the performance of them : And can we thus enabled and inclined by any faith that is without some true assurance of our salvation? -- - Ö - 158 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. X. Therefore, I conclude, that we must necessarily have some assurance of our salvation in the direct act of faith, where- by we are justified, sanctified and saved, before we can, upon any ground, assure ourselves, that we are already in a state of grace, by that which they call the reflex act, ~give me such a saving faith as will produce such fruits as these. No other faith will work by love ; and therefore will not avail to salvation in Christ, Gal. v. 6. The apos- tle James putteth thee upon shewing thy faith by thy works, Jam. ii. 18. And in this trial, this faith of assur- ance cometh off with high praise and honour. When God called his people to work outward miracles by it, all things Thave been possible to them ; and it hath frequently , brought forth such works of righteousness, as may be de- servedly esteemed great spiritual miracles. Flom hence hath proceeded that heroic fortitude of the people of God, whereby their absolute obedience to God hath shined forth in doing and suffering those great things which are re- corded in the hely scriptures, and in the histories of the church. And if we be ever called to the fiery trial, as Protestants formerly were, we shall find their doctrine of 'assurance will encourage us in suffering for the sake of Christ. " .. 2:.. . . . ... Seventhly, The contrary doctrine, which excludeth as- surance out of the nature of saving faith, bringeth forth many evil fruits. It tendeth to bereave, our souls of all assurance of our Salvation, and solid comfort, which is the life of religion, by placing them after sincere universal obedience ; whereas, if we have them not first, we can never attain to this obedience, nor to any assurance that * dependeth. on it, as hath been proved. . And this, as far as it prevails, makes us subject to continual doubtings concerning our salvation, and to tormenting fears of wrath, which casteth out true love to God, and can produce no better than slavish hypocritical service. It is one of the principal pillars whereby manifold superstitions in Popery are supported, as their monkish orders, their satisfactions for sin by works of penance, bodily macerations, whip- pings, pilgrimages, indulgences, trusting on the merits of saints, &c. When once men have lost the knowledge of º, the right way to assure themselves of salvation, they will -* Direct. X. eF s ANCTIFICATION. . . . 1.59 'N catch at any straw, to avoid drowning in the gulph of despair. - - . . . . . “This is no way to administer any solid comfort to the wounded spirits of those that see themselves void of all holiness under the wrath and curse of God, dead in sin, not able so much as to think a good thought. You do but increase their terror and anguish, if you tell them, they must first get faith and obedience; and when they find they have done that, they may persuade themselves, that God will receive them into his grace and favour. Alas ! they know that they can neither believe nor obey, unless God assist them with his grace and favour. And what if they be even at the point of death, struggling with death’s pangs, so that they have no time nor leisure to get good qualifications, and examine the goodness of them. You must have a more speedy way to consfort such, by discovering to them the free promises of salvation to the worst of sinners by faith in Christ ; and by exhorting them to apply to those promises, and trust on Christ con- fidently for remission of sins, holiness and glory ; assur- ing them also that God will help them to believe sincerely on Christ if they desire it with all their hearts, and that it is their duty to believe, because God commands it. . . Several other evils are occasioned by tie same doctrine. en are unwilling to know the worst of themselves, and prone to think their qualifications better than they are, that they may avoid despair. Others please and content themselves without any assurance of their interest in Christ, because they think that it is not necessary to sal- vation, and that but few attain to it; and in this they shew little love to Christ, or to their own souls. Some foster doubting of-salvation as signs of humility, though they will hypocritically complain of them. Many mispend their time in poring upon their own hearts, to find out some evidence of their interest in Christ, when they should rather be employed in receiving Christ, and walking in him, by a confident faith. . - Some are troubled with doubts, whether they should call God father, and what apprehensions they should have of him in prayer, and are offended at ministers, that, in their public prayers, use any expressions that the people \ . # 6O THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XI. cannot join in ; as when they do own God as their God and Father, and Christ as their Saviour; and upon the same account they are offended at the public singing of many of David’s psalms, and avoid partaking of the Lord's supper, because they are not satisfied about their interest in Christ. - - - - - - Though true believers have some assurance of salvation in saving faith itself, yet it is much weakened in many by this contrary doctrine, and assaulted with many doubtings; and then other good qualifications must needs be low and weak together with it, and so obscure, that it is very hard to discern them. . How hard a thing then will it be for true believers to assure themselves, by the certain know- ledge of their own sincerity, that they are in a state of grace already, which some say is the only assurance of faith? Some prescribe such marks and signs to distinguish sincerity from hypocrisy, that believers cannot sufficiently try themselves by them, except they have more know- ledge and experience than ordinary. .. Thus many believers walk heavily in the bitterness of their souls, conflicting with fears and doubtings all their days. And this is the cause that they have so little cou- rage and fervency of spirit in the way of God; that they so much mind earthly things, and are so afraid of suffer- ings and death: and, if they get some assurance by the re- flex act of faith, they often soon loose it again by sins and temptations. The way to avoid these evils, is, to get your assurance, to maintain it, and renew it on all occasions by the direct act of faith, by trusting assuredly on the name of the Lord, and staying yourself upon your God, when you walk in darkness, and see no light in any of your own qualifications, Isa. 1. 10. I doubt not that the experience of choice Christians will bear witness to this truth. " | - —º-. * -- DIRECTION XI. . . . . . Endeavour diligently to perform the great work ºf ... believing on Christ, in a right Manner, with- out any Delay, and then also to continue and in- crease in your most holy Faith; that so your Fn- Direct. XI. or sANctIFICATION. 16-i r joyment of him, Union and Fellowship with him, and all Holiness by him, may be begun, continued, and increased in you. . * - EXPLICATION. HAVING already discovered to you the power- ful and effectual means of an holy practice, my remain- ing work is, to lead you to the actual exercise and im- provement of them, for the immediate attainment of the end. And I think, it may be clearly perceived by the foregoing directions, that faith in Christ is the duty with which a holy life is to begin, and by which the foundation of all other holy duties is laid in the soul. It is before suffi- ciently proved, that Christ himself, with all endowments necessary to enable us to an holy practice is received actu- ally into our hearts by faith. This is the uniting grace, whereby the Spirit of God knitteth the knot, of mystical marriage between Christ and us, and maketh us branches of that noble vine: members of that body, joined to that excellent head; living stones of that spiritual temple, built upon the precious living corner stone, and sure foundation; partakers of the bread and drink that came down from heaven, and giveth life to the world. This is the grace whereby we pass from our corrupt natural state, to a new holy state in Christ, also from death in sin, to the life of righteousness; and whereby we are comforted, that so we may be established in every good word and work. If we, put the question, “What must we do, that we may work, “the work of God?” Christ resolveth it, that we “believe “on him whom he hath sent,” John vi. 28, 29. He putteth us first upon the work of believing, which is the work of God, by way of eminency, the work of works, because all other good works proceed from it. The First thing in the present direction, is to put you upon the performance of this great work of believing on Christ, and to guide you therein, for you are to consider distinctly four things contained in it. 1. The First is, You are to make it your-diligent en- deavour to perform the great work of believing on Christ - s f -69 , 2 *" - - - S * • / T - - ^- ſ' 1 - té? . . THE Gese EL, MYSTERY | Direct. XI. Many make little conscience of this duty. It is not known by natural right, as many moral duties are, but only by supernatural revelation in the gospel, and it is foolishness to the natural man. These are sometimester- rified with apprehensions of other sins, and will examine. -themselves concerning them : and it may be, will write them down, to help their memories and devotion. But the great sin of not believing on Christ, is seldom thought . of in their self examinations, or registered in the large catalogues of their sins. And even those who are con- vinced that believing on Christ is a duty necessary to Sal- . .*. º vation, do neglect all diligent endeavours to perform it; either because they account that it is a motion of the heart which may be easily performed at any time, without any *—z , , s = * | labour or diligent endeavours : or on the contrary, be- cause they account it as difficult as all the works of the law, and utterly impossible for them to perform by their most diligent endeavours, except the Spirit of God work it in them by his mighty power; and that therefore it is in vain for them to work, until they feel this working of the Spirit in their hearts: or because they account it a duty so peculiar to the elect, that it would be presumption for them to endeavour the performance of it, until they know themselves to be elected to eternal life through Christ. I shall urge you to diligent performance of this duty, notwithstanding all these impediments, by the fol- lowing consideration. It is worthy of our best endeavours as appeareth by the preciousness, excellency and necessity of it already discovered. . . . . r: ". #º. 4. # If the light of nature were not darkened in the matters of salvation, it would shew us, that we cannot of ourselves find out the way of salvation, and would condemn those that despise that revelation of the way of salvation that God hath given us in the gospel, declared in the holy scriptures. The great end of preaching the gospel, is for the obedience of faith, Rom. i. 5. that so we may be brought to Christ, and all other obedience. Yea, the great end of all revealed doctrines in the whole scripture is, to * make us wise unto salvation by faith that is in Christ “Jesus,” 2 Tim. iii. 15. The “end of the law given by * Moses was for righteousness to every one that believ- “eth,” Rom. x. 4, and Christ was that end for righteous- Direct. XI. of SANCTIFICATION, < 163 ness. The moral law itself was revealed, in order to our salvation by believing on Christ; or else the knowledge of it had nothing availed fallen man, that was unable to perform it. Therefore they that slight the duty of be- lieving, and account it foolishness, do thereby slight, des- pise and vilify the whole counseſ of God revealed in the scripture. The law and the gospel and Christ himself, are become of none effect to the salvation of such. The only fruit that such an one can attain to, by all the saving doctrines of the scripture, is only some hypocritical mo- ral duties, and slavish performances, which will be as filthy rags in the sight of God in the great day. However, many mind not the sin of unbelieſ in their self examinations, and write it not in their scrols l yet let them know, that this is the most pernicious sin of all. All the sins in theiß scrols would not prevail to their condemnation, yea, they would not prevail in their conversation, were it not for their unbelief. This one sin prevailing, maketh it impossi- ble for them to please God iſ any duty whatsoever, Heb. xi. 6. If you will not mind this one main sin now, God will at last mind you of it with a vengeance : for “ he that “believeth not on the Son, shall not see life: but the “ wrath of God abideth on him, John iii. 36. The Lord “Jesus shall he revealed from heaven, in flaming fire, “taking vengeance on those that obey not the gospel of “our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thess, i. 7, 8. . . . - 2. Believing on Christ, is a work that will require dili. gent endeavour and labour for the performance of it. We must labour to enter into that rest, lest any man fall by unbelief, Heb. iv. 11. “We must shew diligence to “the full assurance of hope to the end, that we may be fol- “lowers of them who through faith and patience inherit “ the promises,” Heb. vi. 11, 12. It is a work that re- quireth the exercise of might and power; and therefore we have need to be strengthened with might by the Spirit in the inward man, that Christ may dwell in our hº by faith, Eph. iii. 16, 17. I confess, it is easy, pleasant and delicious in its own nature, because it is a motion of the . heart, without any cumbersome bodily labour: and it is a taking Christ, and his salvation as our own, which is very comfortable and delightful; and the soul is carried forth in this, by love to him and its own happiness, which ¥64. THE GOSPEI, MYSTERY Direct. XI. * is an affection. that’ maketh even hard works easy and pleasant; yet it is made difficult to us, by reason of the opposition that it meets with from our own inward cor- ruptions, and from Satan’s temptations. It is no easy ** matter to receive Christ as our happiness, and free-sal- vation, with true confidence and lively affection, when the guilt of sin lieth heavily upon the conscience, and the Wrath of God is manifested by the word and terrible judgments: -especially when we have been long accus- tomed to seek salvation by the procurement of our own works, and to account the way of salvation by free grace, foolish and pernicious: when our lusts incline us strongly . to the things of the flesh and the world: when Satan doth his utmost, by his own suggestions, and by false teachers, and by worldly allurements and terrors, to hinder the sin- cere performance of this duty. Many works that are easy in their own nature, prove difficult for us to perform in our circumstances. To forgive our enemies, and to love them as ourselves, is but a motion of the mind, easy to be performed in its own nature; and yet many that are con- vinced of their duty find it a hard matter to bring their hearts to the performance of it. It is but a motion of the mind, to cast our care upon God for worldly things, and rich men may think they can do it easily ; but poor men, that have great families, find it a hard matter. That easy comfortable duty which Moses exhorted the Israelites to, when Pharaoh, with his chariots and horsemen over- took them at the Red Sea, “Fear ye not, stand still, and “ see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you * to day,” Exod. xiv. 13. was not easily performed. The very easiness of some duties make their performance dif- ficult; as Naaman the Syrian was hardly brought to wash and be clean, because he thought it to be too slight and easy a remedy for the cure of his leprosy, 2 Kings v. 12, 13. Even in this very case, people are offended at the duty of believing on Christ, as too slight and easy a remedy to cure the leprosy of the soul; they would have some ... harder thing enjoined them, to the attainment of so great an end as this everlasting salvation. The performance of aH the moral law is not accounted work enough for this end, Matth. xix. 17, 20. However easy the work of believing seemeth to many; yet common experience Direct. XI. or sANGTIFICAtron. #65 *. hath shewed, that men are more easily brought to the most burdensome, unreasonable, and inhuman observa-º. tions; as the Jews and Christian Galatians were more . . easily brought to take upon their necks the yoke of Moses’ “ law which none were able to bear, Acts xv. 10. The . heathens were more easily brought to burn their sons and . daughters in the fire to their gods, Deut. xii. 31. The Papists are more easily brought to their vows of chastity. and poverty, and obedience to the most rigorous rules of monastic discipline ; to macerate and torture their bodies. with fasting, scourges, and pilgrimages; and to bear all the excessive tyranny of the Papal hierarchy, in a multi- . tude of burdensome, superstitious and ridiculous devotions. They that slight the work of faith for its easiness, shew, that they were never yet made sensible of innumerable . sins, and the terrible curse of the law and wrath of God that they lie under ; and of the darkness and vanity of their minds, the corruption and hardness of their hearts, and their bondage under the power of sin and Satan; and have not been truly humbled, without which they cannot believe in a right manner. Many sound believers have found by experience, that it hath been a very hard mat- ter to bring their hearts to the duty of believing : it hath cost them vigorous struggles and sharp conflicts with their own corruptions, and Satan’s temptations. It is so dif- ficult a work, that we cannot perform it without the mighty working of the Spirit of God in our hearts, who only can make it to be absolutely easy to us, and doth make it easy or suffer it to be difficult, according as he is pleased to communicate his grace in various degreesunto our souls. 3. Though we cannot possibly perform this great work in a right manner, until the Spirit of God work faith in our hearts by his mighty power; yet it is necessary that - we should endeavourit; and that before we can find the Spirit of God working faith effectually in us, or giving strength to believe. We can perform no holy duty accep- tably, except the Spirit of God work it in us; and yet we are not hereby excused from working ourselves, but we are the rather stirred up to the greater diligence: “Work out - “ your salvation, with fear and trembling; for it is God “ that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good V-- 166. THE gospel MystERY Direct. XI. “ pleasure,” Phil. ii. 12, 13. The way by which the Spirit. works faith in the elect, is by stirring them up to endea- vour to believe. And this is a way suitable to the means that the Spirit useth ; i. e. the exhortations, commands, and invitations of the gospel; which would be of no force, if we were not to obey them, until we find faith already wrought in us. Neither can we possibly find that the Spirit of God doth effectually work faith, or give strength to be- lieve, until we act it: for all inward graces, as well as all other inward habits, are discerned by their acts, as seed in the ground by its springing. We cannot see any such thing as love to God or man in our hearts before we act it. Children know not their ability to stand upon their feet, until they have made trial, by endeavouring so to do: so we know not our spiritual strength, until we have learned by experience from the use and exercise of it. Neither can we know, or assure ourselves absolutely, that the Spirit of God will give us strength to believe, before we act faith ; for such a knowledge and assurance, if it be right, is saving faith itselfin part: and whosoever trusteth on Christ as- suredly for strength to believe by his Spirit, doth, in effect trust on him for his own salvation, which is inseparably joined with the grace of saving faith. Though the Spirit worketh other duties in us by faith; yet he worketh faith in us immediately by hearing, knowing, and understand- ing the word : “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing “ by the word of God,” Rom. x. 17. And in the word he maketh no absolute promise or declaration, that he will work faith in this or that unbelieving heart, or that he will give strength to any one in particular to believe : or begin the work of believing in Christ; for faith itself is the first grace whereby we have a particular interest in any saving promise. . . It is a thing hidden in the secret council and purpose of God concerning us, whether he will give us his Spirit and saving faith until our election be discovered by our believing actually. Therefore, as soon as we know the duty of believing; we are to apply ourselves immedi- ately to the vigorous performance of the duty, and, in so doing we shall find that the Spirit of Christ hath strength- ened us to believe, though we know not certainly, that he will do it before hand, The Spirit cometh indiscernibly Direct. XI. of s ANCTIFICATroN. - 16? upon the elect, to work faith within them : like the wind that bloweth where it lists, and none knoweth whence it Cometh, and whither it goeth, but only we hear the sound of it, and thereby know it when it is past and gone, John iii. 8. We must therefore begin all the work, before we know that the Spirit doth or will work in us savingly; and we shall be willing to set upon the work, if we be Christ’s people; for “Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power,” Psalm cz. 3. It is enough that God discovereth to aus before hand in the gospel what faith is, and the ground we have to believe on Christ for our own salvation ; and that God requireth this duty of us, and will help us in the performance of it, if we apply ourselves heartily thereunto: “Fear not, I command thee, be strong, and of good cou- “rage, Josh. i. 6. Arise, and be doing, and the Lord will “ be with thee,” 1, Chron. xxii. 16. Therefore whoso re- ceiveth this gospel discovery as the word of God in hearty love, is taught by the Spirit, and will certainly come to Christ by believing, John vi. 45. Every one that receiveth it not, despiseth God, maketh him a liar, and deserveth justly to perish for his unbelief. . 4. Though the Spirit worketh saving faith only in the elect, and others believe not because they are not of Christ’s sheep, John x. 26. and on that account it is called the “faith of God’s elect,” Tit. i. 1. yet all who hear the gos- pel are obliged to the duty of believing, as well as to all the duties of the moral law, and that before they know their own particular election ; and they are liable to con- demnation for unbelief as well as for any other sin: “He “ that believeth not, is condemned already, because he “ hath not believed on the name of the owly begotten Son “of God,” John iii. 18. The apostle Paulsheweth that,the elect Israelites obtained salvation, and the rest, who were not elected, were blinded : and yet even these were broken off from the good olive tree, because of their unbe- lief, Rom. xi. 7, 20. We cannot have a certain knowledge of our election to eternal life before we do believe ; it is a thing hidden in the unsearchable council of God, until it be manifest by our effectual caſſing, and believing on Christ. The apostle knew the election of the Thessalonians, by finding the evidence of their faith, that the gospel came to #68 THE Gospel MystERY. Direct. XI. them, not in “word only, but also in power, and in the “Holy Ghost, and in much assurance : and that they had - “ received the word in much affliction, with joy in the “Holy Ghost,” 1 Thess. i. 4, 5, 6. We are to see our call- ing, if we would find out, that God hath chosen us, I Cor. i. 26, 27. Therefore we must believe on Christ before we know our election, or else we shall never know it, and shall hever believe. And it is no presumption for us to trust confidently on Christ for everlasting life, before we have any good evidence of our election ; beeause God, who can- not lie, hath made a general promise, “ That whosoever “believeth on him shall not be ashamed,” without making the least difference among them who perform this duty, . Rom. x. 1 1, 12. The promise is as firm, and sure to be ful- filled, as any of God’s decrees and purposes : and there- fore it is a good and sufficient ground for our confidence. It is certain, that all that the Father hath given to Christ, by the decree of eternal election, shall come to Christ: and it is as really certain, that Christ will in no wise cast out any that cometh to him, whosoever he be, John vi. 37. And we need not fear that we shall infringe God’s decree of election, by believing on Christ confidently for our sal- vation, before we know what God hath decreed concern- ing us; for, if we believe, we shall at lastbe found among the number of the elect; and, if we refuse to believe, we shall thereby wilfully place ourselves among the reprobates that stumble at the word, being disobedient, “ whereunto “ also they are appointed,” 1 Pet. ii. 8. I shall add further, that though we have no evidence of our particular election before we believe; yet we are to trust on Christ assuredly, to make it evident to us, by giving us that salvation which is the peculiar portion of the elect only. All spiritual saving blessings wherewith God blesseth his people in Christ, are the peculiar portion of them whom “God hath chosen in Christ before the “foundation of the world,” Fph. i. 3. 4. yet we mustne- cessarily trust on Christ for those saving blessings, or have none at all. We are to pray in faith nothing doubting, that God will remember us with the favour that he bear- eth to his people; that we may see the good of his chosen, and glory with his inheritance, Psalm cvi, 4, 5. There- Direct. XI. of SANGTIFICATION. 169 } * .* fore we are to trust assuredly on God, that he will deal with us as his chosen people. Thus it appeareth that it is not presumption, but your bounden duty, to apply your- 'selves to the great work of believing on Christ for salva- tion, without questioning at all before-hand, whether you are elected or not: “Secret things belong to God, but “ those things that are revealed, belong unto us, that we º - “may do them,” Deut. xxxix. 29. lay do - - The SECOND thing directed to, is, that you shall en- deavour for a right manner of performing this duty. This is a point of great concernment, because the want of it will render your faith ineffectual to sanctification and Salvation. The great duty of love, which is the end of the law, and the principal fruit of sanctification, must flow from faith unfeigned, 1 Tim. i. 5. There is a feigned faith, that doth not really receive Christ into the heart, and will not produce love, or any true obedience ; such as Simon Magus had, Acts viii. 13, 23. for, notwithstand- ing his faith, he was in the “gail of bitterness, and in “ the bond of iniquity:” and such as those Jews had, to whom Christ would not commit himself, who did not Confess him; lest they should on that account be put out of the synagogue, John ii. 23. and xii. 43. and such as the apostle James speaks of, “What doth it profit, my “brethren, if a man say he hath faith, and have not “works? Can that faith save him : The devils also be- “lieve and tremble,” James ii. 14, 19. Take heed therefore, lest you deceive your souls with a counterfeit faith, instead of the precious faith of God’s elect. The way to distinguish the one from the other is by considering well what is the right manner of that believing which is effectual to salvation. Hypocrites may perform the same works for the matter, with true saints; but they are de- fective in the manner of performance, wherein the excel- lency of the work doth chiefly consist. One great reason 'why many seek to enter in at the strait gate, and are not able, Luke xiii. 24. is; because they are ignorant and de- fective in the right manner of acting this faith whereby they are to enter. Now, I confess, that God only is able to guide us effectually in the right way of believing. And º P - .* 17O THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XI. \ we have this great consolation, when we see our own folly and proneness to mistake our way, that if we heartily de- sire and endeavour to believe on Christ aright, we may confidently trust on him to guide us. God hath pro- mised, that the way faring men, though fools, shall not err in the way of holiness; and that he will teach sinners in the way ; “The meek will he guide in judgment, and “the meek will he teach his way,” Psal. xxv. 8, 9. and he commandeth them that lack wisdom “to ask it of “God in faith, nothing doubting,” James i. 5, 6. But, however, we are to know, that God guideth us only ac- cording to the rule of his word ; and we must endeavour to learn the right way of believing out of the word, or else we are not able so much as to trust rightly on God for guidance and direction, in this great work. To help you therein, I have given you before, in this treatise, a de- scription of Saving faith ; and have shewed, that it con- taineth two acts in it; the one is, believing the truth of the gospel ; the other is, believing on Christ as revealed and freely promised to us in the gospel, for all his salva- tion. Now, your great endeavour must be, to perform both these acts in a right manner : as I shall shew con- cerning each of them in particular. * > - In the first place, You are highly concerned to en- deavour for a right belief of the truth of the gospel of Christ; that so you may be well furnished, disposed, and encouraged to believe on him, as revealed and promised in the gospel. Hereby you are to remove all discomfort- able theughts and objections of Satan and your own con- -science, and to overcome all corrupt inclinations, that hinder a cheerful embracing of Christ and his salvation. It is found by experience, that when any fail in the se- cond act of faith, the reason of their failing is commonly some defect in this first act. There is some false imagi- nation or other in them, contrary to the belief of the truth of the gospel: which is a strong hold of sin and Satan that must be pulled down, before they can receive Christ into their hearts by believing on him. If they knew the name of Christ, as he is discovered in the gospel, and judged aright of the truth and excellency of it, they would not fail to put their trust in him. And we are in great Direct. XI. of sanctification. “ 171 danger of entertaining such false imaginations, and to ac- count many truths of the gospel strange paradoxes, yea, foolish and pernicious, because of our ignorance, self con- ceitedness, guilty consciences, corrupt affections, and ma- Inifold el'I'OI's, wherewith our judgments are prepossessed in matters of salvation : and because Satan laboureth to beguile us, as he did Eve, through his subtility, to cor- rupt our minds from the simplicity of the gospel that is in Christ, 2 Cor. xi. 3. I shall therefore give you some par- ticular instructions, that are of the greatest moment, to prevent such defects as we are most liable to in the first act of our faith. ~ * - 1. You must believe with a full persuasion, that you are a child of wrath by nature, as well as others: fallen from God by the sin of the first Adam : dead in trespasses and sins; subject to the curse of the law of God and to the power of Satan, and to insupportable misery to all eternity ; and that you cannot possibly procure your reconciliation with God, or any spiritual life and strength to do any good work, by any endeavouring to get salvation according to the terms of the legal covenant; and that you cannot find any way to escape out of this sinful and miserable condi- tion by your own reason and understanding, without super- natural revelation, nor be freed from it, except by that in- finite power that raiseth the dead. We must not be afraid as Some are, to know our own vileness and sinfulness, nei- ther must we be willing to think ourselves better than we are ; but must be heartily desirous and glad to know the worst of our own condition; yea, when we have found out the worst that we can of ourselves, we must be willing to believe, that our hearts are deceitful, and desperately wicked, beyond all that we can know and find out, Jer. xvii. 9. This is all necessary, to work in us true humi- liation, self-despair, and self-loathing, that we may high- ly esteem, and earnestly seek the salvation of Christ, as the one thing necessary. It maketh us sick of sin, and sen- sible of our need of the great Physician, and willing to be ordered according to any of his prescriptions, whatsoever we suffer, rather than to follow our own wisdom, Matth. ix. 12. It was for want of this humiliation that the Scribes and Pharisees were not so forward to enter into 172 THE gospel MystERY Direct. XI. Matth. xxi. 31. the kingdom of heaven as the publicans and harlots, 2. You are to believe assuredly, that there is no wayto be saved, without receiving all thesaving benefits of Christ, his Spirit as well as his merits, sanctification as well as remission of sins, by faith. It is the ruin of many souls, that they truston Christ for remission of sins, without any regard to holiness; whereas these two benefits are insepa- rably joined in him, so that none are freed from condemna- tion by Christ, but those that are enabled to walk holily; i. e. not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, Rom. viii. 1. It is also the ruin of souls, to seek only remission of sins by faith in Christ, and holiness by our endeavours, accord- ing to the terms of the law ; whereas we can never live to God in holiness, except we be dead to the law, and live only by Christliving in us by faith. That faith which re- ceiveth not holiness as well as remission of sins from. bring us to heavenly glory, Heb. xii. 14. 3. You are to be fully persuaded of the “all sufficiency “ of Christ for the salvation of yourself, and of all that “believe on him ; that his blood cleanseth from all sin.” 1 John i. 7. Though our sins be never so great and horrible, and continued in never sº long, yet he is able to deliver from the body of death, and mortify our cor- ruptions, be they ever so strong. We find in scripture that abominable wicked persons have been saved by him, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, covetous, drunkards, ex- tortioners, &c. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 19. Such as have sinned against the light of nature, as the heathen, and the light of scripture, as the Jews: such as have denied Christ, as , Peter, and persecuted and blasphemed him as Paul. Ma- ny that have fallen into great sins are ruined for:ever, be- ‘. . .” cause they do not account the grace of Christ sufficient ºtheir pardon and sanctification: when they think they are gone, and past all hope of recovery, ...that their sins are upon them, and they pine away iſºthem, how shall they live? Ezek, xxxiii. 10. This despair works, secretly in many souls, without such trouble and horror, andmäketh them careless of their souls and true religion. The devil fills some with horrid, filthy, blasphemous thoughts, on º $ Christ, will never sanctify us; and therefore it will never Direct. Xſ. of sanctification. . . , 173 purpose, that they think their sins too great to be forgiven; though commonly such thoughts, are the feast of the sins of those that are pestered with them, aſid father the devil's siń than theirs, because they are hurried into them söre against their wiłłs : but, if their hearts be somewhat pol- Inted within them, Christ tesifieth, “ that ałł rhalifier of “sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven, except the bias. “ phemy against the Holy Ghost,” Matth. xii. 31. And as for those that are guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, the reason why they are never forgiven, is hot be- cause of any want of sufficiency in the blood of Christ, of in the pardoning mercy of God; but because they never repent of that śīn; and fiever seek to God for mercy thro' him, but continue obstinate until death ; for the scripture testifieth, that it is impossible to refiew them again unto repentañee, Heb. vi. 5, 6. So that the merits ºf Christ are sufficient for all that seek to him for mercy by believ- ing. There are others that despair of ever getting any victory over their tists;because they have formerly made finany vows arid resolutioſis, and have tised many vigor- ous endeavours against them in vain. Such are to per- strade themselves, that the grace of Christ is sufficient for them, wheti all other theaſis have failed; as the womati that had the isstie of biood, arid was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse by any remedies that physiciańs could prescribe, yet perstraded herself, that, if she might but touch the clothes of Christ, she should be whole, Mark v. 25,-28. Those that despair, by reason of the great- Hess of their guiſt and corruption; do greatly dishonour and tridervalue the graee of God, his infinite mercy, and the fºrfiriterrierits of Christ's blood, and the power of his Spirit, and deserve to perish with Cain and Judas. Abun- , dance of people that give up themselves to affficentions. ress in this wicked generation, fie under secret despair: which maketh them so desperate in swearing, blasphern- ing, whofing, draftkeriness; and ałł marrier of wickedness. How Hörrid and heinous soever oar sins and corruptions have been, we should learn to account them a smaſſ mat- ter in comparison to the grace of Christ, who is Gód as weſt as man, and offered up himself, by the éternal Spi- fit, as a sacrifice of infinite value, for our salvation: and . . . . . . . " P., 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ s’ ~, 174 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XI. " can create us anew as easily as he created the world by a word speaking. . . N-2 4. You are to be fully persuaded ofthe truth ofthe ge- neral free promise, in your own particular case, that if you believe on Christ sincerely, you shall have everlasting life. as Well as any other in the world, without performing any condition of works to procure an interest in him: for the promise is universal, “Whosoever believeth on him, shall “ not be ashamed,” Rom. ix. 33. without any exception. And, if God exclude you not, you must not exclude your- selves; but rather conclude peremptorily, that, how vile, wicked and unworthy soever you be, yet, if you come, you shall be accepted as well as any other in the world. You are to believe that great article of the creed, the re- mission of sins, in your own case, when you are principally concerned, or else it will little profit you, to believe it in the case of others. This is that which hinders many broken wounded spirits from coming to the great Phy- sician, when they are convinced of the abominable filthi- ness of their hearts, that they are dead in sin without the -- Ieast spark of true grace and holiness in them. They think that it is in vain for such as they are, to trust on Christ for salvation : and that he will never save such as they are. Why so : they can be but lost creatures at worst; and Christ came to seek and save those that are lost. If they that are dead in sin, cannot be saved, then all must despair and perish : for none have any spiritual life, until they receive it by believing on Christ. Somethink them- selves to be worse than any. others, and that none have such wicked hearts as they : and though others be accept- ed, yet they shall be rejected. But they should know, that Christ came to save the chief of sinners, 1 Tim. i. 15. And that the design of God is to shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in our salvation, Eph. ii. 7, which is most glo- rified by pardoning the greatest sinners. And it is but our ignorance, to think ourselves like nobody; for all others, as well as we, are naturally dead in trespasses and sins; their mind is enmity to God, and is not subject to his law, nor indeed can be, Rom. viii. 7. and every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts are only evil, and continu- ally so, Gen. vi. 5. they have all the same corrupt foun- Direct. XI, of sanctiFICATION. 175 tain of all abominations in their hearts, though we may have exceeded many others in several actual sins. Others think that they have out stayed their time, and therefore now they should find no place for repentance, though they should seek it carefully with tears, Heb. xii. 17. But, be- hold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation, 2 Cor. vi. 2. even as God calleth upon you by the gospel. And although Esau was rejected, who sought rather the earthly than the spiritual blessings of the birth- right; yet they shall not be rejected, that seek the enjoy- ment of Christ, and his salvation, as their only happiness. If you come unto Christ's vineyard at the eleventh hour of the day, you shall have your penny, as well as those that come early in the morning: because the reward is of grace, and not of merit, Matth. xx. 9, 10. And here you must be sure to believe stedfastly, that Christ and all his salva- tion is bestowed as a free gift upon those that do not work to procure any right or title to him, or meekness or un- worthiness to receive him, but only believe on him that justifieth the ungodly, Rom. iv. 5. If you put any con- dition of works or good qualifications between yourselves and Christ, it will be a partition wall which you can never climb over. 5. You are to believe assuredly, that it is the will of God you should believe in Christ, and have eternal life by him, as well as any other; that your believing is a duty very acceptable to God; and that he will help you, as well as any other, in this work, because he calleth and command- eth you, by the gospel, to believe on him. This maketh ‘ us to set cheerfully upon the work of believing; as when Jesus commanded the blind man to be salled, they said unto him, “Be à. comfort, rise: he calleth thee,” . Mark x. 49. A command of Christ made Peter to walk upon the water, Matth. xiv. 29....And here we are not to meddle with God’s secret of predestination; or the purpose of his will to give the grace of faith to some rather than others; but only with his revealed will, in his gra- cious invitations and commands, by which we are requir- ed to believe on Christ. This will of God is confirmed by his oath, “As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no “ pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked 176 THE GOSPEE, Mysºry Direct. XI. tº turn from his way, and live : turn ye, turn ye from * your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel,” Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Christ testifieth, that he “would often * have gathered the children of Jerusalem, even as a hem * gathereth her chickens under her wings, and they “ would not.” Matth. xxiii. 37. And the apostle Paul testified, that God “will have all men to be saved,”’ &c. | Tim, ii. 4 You are to reject and abandon all thoughts that are contrary to this persuasion. What if few be saved? tºy salvation will not make the number too great: for few will follow tºe in the duty of believing. What if the wrºth of God be revealed from heaven against thee in many terºble judgments, and the word, and thine own conscience condemn thee, and Christ seem to reckon thee no better than a dog, as he did the woman of Canaan : Matt, ºv. 25. Thou art to make a good interpretation of all these tººgs, that the end of them is to drive thee to Christ, as this was the end of the curses of the law, and all the terrible dispensations of them, Rom. x. 4. If a pro- pºet, or an angel from heaven were sent of God, on pur- pose to declare, that the sentence of everlasting damnation is declared against thee, it would be thy duty to believe, that Godsent him to give thee timely warning, for this very end, and thou mightest believe, and turn to God by faith and repetitance. Jeremiah prophesied against the Jews, that God would pluck them up, pull them down, and destroy them for their sins; yet he himself taught them, * if they turned from their evil ways, God would repent * him of the evil,” Jer. xviii. 7, 8, 11. Jonah preached nothing but certain destruction to Nineveh, to be executed upon them within forty days, chap. iii. 4. yet the intent of that terrible message was, that those heathenish people might escape destruction by repentance. The most ab- solute and peremptory denunciations of divine vengeance against us, while we are in this world, must always be un- derstood with a secret reserve of salvation for us, upon our faith and repentance. And we are to account, that the reason why God doth so terribly denounce his judgments against us by his word, is, that we may escape them, by ºying for refuge to his free mercy in Christ. Take heed of fºstering any thoughts, that God hath absolutely decreed * , , " " -> - * i Direct. XI. committed the unpardonable sin; or that it is in vain for, you to attempt the work of believing, because God wiłł not help you in it. If such thoughts prevail in your hearts, they will do you more hurt than the most blasphemous thoughts that terrify you, or any of the grossest abomi- nations that ever you were guilty of because they obstruct your believing on Christ for salvation. “ The Spirit and “the bride-say, come. Christ saith, Whosoever will, let “him take the water of life freely,” Rev. xxii. 17. There--. fore we are to abandon all thoughts that hinder our com- ing to Christ, as very sinful and perpicious, arising in us from our own corruptions, and Satáà's delusions, and ut- terly opposite to the mind of Christ, and teachings of the Spirit. And what ground can we have to entertain such unbelieving thoughts : Hath God made us of his privy- council, that we should be able to know that God hath de- creed us to damnation, before it be manifest by our final unbelief and impenitence : As for the unpardonable sin, . it consisteth in renouncing the way of salvation by Christ with the whole heart, after we have attained to the know- ledge of it, and are convinced of the truth of it by the . gospel. It is the sin that the Christian Hebrews would have been guilty of, if they had revolted from Christiani- ty to the religion of the unbelieving Jews, that account- ed Christ to be an impostor, and were most rancorous per- secutors of him and his ways, Heb. vi. 4, 5. They that have committed that sin, continue implacable, malicious enemies to Christ and his ways to the end, without any repentance. Therefore, if you can but find, that you de- sire seriously to get an interest in Christ, and to be better Christians than you are ; if you be troubled and grieved, *that your hearts and lives are so wicked, and that you want faith, love, and true obedience; yea, if your hearts be not maliciously bent to persecute the gospel, and prefer atheism, licentiousness, or any false religion before it, you have no cause to suspect yourselves to be guilty of this unpardonable sin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . to shew no saving mercy to you, or that you have already. 6. Add to all these, “a full persuasion of the incom- “parable glorious excellency of Christ, and of the way “ of salvation by him.” You are to esteem the enjoy • * > . ^ v.--> . 178 - THE Gespri. MystERY Direct. XI. ment of Christ as the only salvation and true happiness, and such an happiness as hathin it unsearchable riches of glory, and will make our cup to run over with exceeding abundance of peace, and joy, and glory, to all eternity. We must account all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, &c. Phil. iii. 8. Such a persuasion as this, will allure and incline your wills and affections to choose and embrace Christ as the chief good, and never to rest satisfied without the enjoy- ment of him ; and to reject every thing that stands in . competition with him, or the enjoyment of him. Christ is precious in the esteem of all true believers, 1 Pet. ii. 7. Their high esteem of his incomparable preciousness and excellency, induceth them to sell all, that they may buy this pearl of great price, Matth. xiii. 46. This maketh them to say, “Lord, evermore give us this bread, that “Cometh down from heaven, and giveth life to the world. “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of “eternal life, John vi. 32, 33, 34, 68. Because of the “savour of his good ointments, his name is as ointment “poured forth ; therefore do the virgins love him, àong “ i. 3. They are sick of love to him, because he is, in “ their eyes, the chiefest among ten thousand,” Song v. 8, 10. As the glory of God that appeared in the wonder- ful beauty of the temple, and in the wisdom and glory of Solomon, drew worshippers to God from the utmost parts of the earth ; so the unparalleled excellency of Christ, which was prefigured by the glory of Solomon and the temple, doth more powerfully draw believers in these gos- pel days. The devil, who is the god of this world, knows how necessary it is for our salvation, to discern all the a glory, and excellency of Christ and therefore where the gospel is preached he maketh it his great work to eclipse the glory of Christ's ministry, and to blind the minds of the people, lest the light of his glorious gospel should shine unto them, 2 Cor. iv. 4. One that is con- - vinced of the truth of the gospel, may be averse to the embracing of it until he see also the goodness of it, that Christ is altogether lovely and excellent. ‘second principal act offaith where- “by Christ himself, and his Spirit, and all his saving be- “nefits, are actually received into the heart, which is be- Direct, XI. or sANCTIFICATIon. 179. “lieving on Christ, as revealed and freely promised to “ us in the gospel, for all his salvation.” The Spirit, of God doth habitually dispose and incline our hearts to a right performance of this act, by enabling us to perform the first act, according to the former instructions, by be- lieving assuredly those great things of the gospel whereby we are delivered into a form of doctrine, Rom. vi. 17. which we are to obey from our hearts, and to follow as our pattern, in the manner of our acting faith in Christ for our salvation. Therefore I need only exhort you briefly to act your faith in Christ according to that form and pat- tern, in which you have been already so largely instructed. You are to believe in Christ as alone sufficient, and as being all sufficient for your happiness and salvation ; despairing altogether of any attainment of happiness by your own wisdom, strength, works of righteousness, or any fleshly, worldly confidences whatsoever. We must be as dead people to all other confidences and account them to be loss for Christ, according to the example of the blessed apostle, Phil. iii. 3, 7, 8. We must not be grieved, that we have nothing to trust upon besides Christ. for our salvation ; but rather we are to rejoice, that we need nothing else, and that we have a sure foundation to rely upon, incomparably better than any other that can be imagined. And we must resolve to cast the burden of our souls wholly on Christ, and to seek salvation no other way, whatever becomes of us. If the cripple lay not the whole weight of his body upon a strong staff, but part of it on a rotten one, he is like to receive a fall. If the swimmer will not commit his body wholly to the water to bear him up, but catch at weeds, or struggle to feel out ground, he may sink to the bottom. Christ will be all our salvation, or nothing. If we seek to be saved any other way, as the Galatians did by circumcision, Christ will profit us nothing, Gal. v. 2. . . . . . … You are also to receive Christ merely as a free gift, given to the chief of sinners, resolving that you will not -perform any conditions, to procure yourselves a right and title to him ; but that you will come to him as a lost sin- ner, an ungodly creature, trusting on him that justifieth the ungodly ; and that you will buy him without money, 180 . . . The gospel Mystery Direct. XI. . . . . . . . . ; . . ." . . . . . . , * \ . . . . . . . . * arid without any price whatsoever, Rom. iv. 5. Isa. lv.2. Egok not on your own faith or love or any good qualifi- cations in yourselves, as the ground of your trusting in christ, but only to the free grace and loving kindness, of God in Christ: “How excellent is thy loving kindness, & 6 God ... therefore the children of men put their trust “ under the shadow of thy wings,” Psalm xxxvi. 7. For; if you make your faith, love, or good qualifications, to be your first and principal foundation, and you build Christ upon them instead of building all upon him, you invert the order of the gospel, and he will profit you no- ºther thing to be observed diligently, is, that you must come to Christ for a new holy heart and life, and all things necessary thereto, as well as for deliverance from the wrath of God, and the torments of hell. You must also come to him with an ardent love and affection, and esteem him better than a thousand worlds, and the only. excellent portion, loathing and abhorring yourself, as a vile, sinful and miserable creature, and accounting all things dung in comparison of his excellency; that you may be able to say from the bottom of your heart, “Whom “ have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth “ that i desire besides thee,” Psalm lxxiii. 25. Lastly, You must endeavour to draw near with full assurance of faith, Heb. x. 22. trusting on Christ constantly for your own particular salvation, upon the account of that general promise, that whosever believeth on him shall riot be ashamed, Roma. ix. 33. You must check youpselves for all doubtings, fears, staggerings, concern- ing your own salvation by Christ, saying with the Psalm- ist, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul ?” &c. Psalm : The THIRD thing contained in this direction, is, the avoiding all delay in the performance of this great work of believing in Christ. Until we have performed it, we continue under the power of sity and Satan, and under the 'wrath of God; and there is nothing be- tween hell and us, besides the breath of our nostrils. It is dangereus fºr Lot to linger in Sodom, lest fire and brimstone come down from heaven upon him. The man- * *.*. Direct. XI. of sanctification. 181 slayer must flee with all haste to the city of refuge, lest the avenger of blood pursue him, while his heart is hot, and slay him, Deut. xix. 5, 6. We should make haste and not delay to keep God’s commandments, Psalm crºix. 60, and flee for refuge to the hope set before us, (Heb. vi. 18. And God commandeth us to flee thus by faith, without which it isjmpossible to please God in other duties. The work is of such a nature, that it may be performed as soon as you hear the gospel. “As soon as they hear of me, “ they shall obey me, Psal. xviii. 44. As soon as Zion “travailed, she brought forth her children,” Isa. lxvi. 8. * We have many examples of those who received the word by faith at the first hearing of it. Three thousand were added to the church on the very same day wherein Peter first published the gospel in Jerusalem, Acts i. 41. So, many Jews and Gentiles were converted at the first hear- ing "of the apostie Paul at Antioch, Acts xiii. 48. The jailor and all his house believed, and were baptized the same night wherein Paul first preached to them, Acts xvi. 33, 34. The gospel came at first to the Thessalonians, “not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost,” 1 Thess. i. 5, 6. If God open the hearts of his people to attend diligently. They may be instructed in the know- ledge of the gospel by one brief sermon sufficiently, to be- gin the practice of saving faith. And when they know their duty, God requireth immediate performance, with- out allowing us the least respite in the state of unbelief. When Satan cannot prevail with people to reject wholly the duty of believing, his next attempt for the ruin of their souls, is, to prevail with them at least to delay and shift off the performance of it from time to time, by several false reasonings and imaginations which he putteth into their minds. The most ignorant and sensual are easily prevailed with to defer this duty, until they have taken their fill of the pleasures, profits and honours of this world, and are summoned to prepare for another, by infirmities, age, sickness, praying and hoping, that a large time of . repentance will be granted unto them before they die. But such delays shew, that they are really unwilling to re- pent and believe, until they are forced by necessity ; and that they prefer the pleasures, profits and honours of the 182 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XI. . T- world above God, and Christ, and their own souls. Thus they unfit themselves more and more for this great duty, by their customary walking in sin, and by mispending the precious time of their health and strength, which is most meet for the performance of this great work. They highly provoke God never to give them time or grace to repent hereafter. Others imagine, that, after they have heard the gospel of salvation by Christ, they may lawfully defer the believing it, until they have sufficiently examined the truth of some other different doctrine, or until God be pleased to afford them some other means, to assure them fully of the truth of the gospel, Thus they that are called Seekers mispend the day of grace, “ever learning, “but never coming to the knowledge of the truth,” 2 Tim. iii. 7. But the truth of the gospel doth so clearly evidence itself by its own light, that, if people do not wilfully shut their eyes, or blind themselves by their own pride, and love of their lusts, they would easily perceive, that it is the truth of God; because the image of his grace, mercy, power, justice and holiness, appears manifestly engraven upon it. It is a sign people are proud, when they consent not to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, 2 Tim. vi. 3. If they were humble, and sincerely inclined to do the will of God, they would know whether the doctrine be of God, or no, John vii. 17. they would quickly be persuaded of the truth by Moses and the prophets, Christ and the apostles, spoken to them in the scripture. And, if they will not hear them, neither will they be per- suaded though one rose from the dead; or whatever other miracle be wrought, to confirm the divine authori- ty of the gospel, Luke xvi. 31. Another sort of people there are, that delay the great work of believing, to the ruin of their souls, resting in an attendance upon the out- ward means of grace and salvation, instead of any endea- vours to receive Christ by faith, though they be convinced of the truth of the gospel. This they call waiting upon God at the doors of his grace and salvation, in the use of means appointed by him, and sitting under the droppings of the sanctuary. But let them know, that this is not the right waiting on God required in scripture. It is rather disobedience to God, and to the means of his appointment, birect. XI. ef s ANCTIFICATI on. 183 who requires, that we should be doers of the word, and not hearers only, “deceiving ourselves,” James i. 22. And that we should come in to the spiritual feast, Lukexiv. 23. and not only stand at the door, or sit under the droppings of the house of God, lest Christ repute us no better than eve-droppers. That wholly waiting on the Lord com- mended to us in scripture, is ever accompanied with be-, lieving and hoping in the Lord, and dependeth thereon : “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness “ of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the “Lord ; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen “thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord, Psalm xxvii. 13, “ 14. It is good that a man should both hope and quiet- “ly wait for the salvation of the Lord,” Lam. iii. 26. ^What is it that these deluded ones wait for, before they perform the duty of believing : Is it for more knowledge of the gospel ? The way to increase thy knowledge, as well as any other talent, is, to make use of what thou hast received already. Believe heartily on Christ for all thy salvation, according to that little knowledge of the gospel which thou hast, and thou wilt have an interestin the pro- mise of knowledge contained in the new covenant: “They shall all know me, from the least to the greatest “of them, saith the Lord,” Jer. xxxi. 34. Is it for the appointed time of thy conversion that thou waitest? Then thou waitest as those impotent folk that lay at the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the season when the angél will come down and move the water. Know then, that if you enter into Christ now by faith, thou shalt find in him Waters of life, and the Spirit moving them for the heai- ing and quickening of thy soul. God hath appointed by his word, that it shall be thy duty to endeavour, that the Present time should be the time of thy conversion : As the Holy Ghost saith, “To day, if thou wilt hear his “voice, harden not thy heart,” Heb. iii. 7, 8. And thou shalt never know at what time God hath purposed, in his Secret council, to give faith to thee, until thou dost acte- ally believe. Dost thou wait for any manifestations or flowings in of God’s saving love to thy soul ? Then the way to obtain it, is, to believe, that the God of hope may fill thee with all joy and peace in believing, Rom, - \ . . . . xv. 13. Thou hast sufficient manifestation of God’s lov J. . . . - - - , ... ' 's . . . . . * - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ‘Y : “. . ." . " . . A to thy soul, by the free promi -- ses of life and salvation by . Christ. Dobut trust on the name of the Lord, and stay upon thy God, when thou walkest in darkness and seest no light of sensible comforts any other way; otherwise thou waitest for comfort in vain, and this shalt thou have at the Lord’s hand, “ thou shalt lie down in sorrow,” Isa. 1. 10, 11. Dost thou wait for any qualifications to . prepare thee for the work of believing? If they be good and holy qualifications, thou canst not have them before faith, but they are rather included in the nature of faith, or they are fruits of it: as hath been largely proved. If they be bad and sinful, it is strange that any should wait for them, and yet no more strange than true. Some fool- ishly wait to be terrified with a sense of God’s wrath, and despairing thoughts; and these they call the pangs of the new birth; though, in their own nature, they are rather God, rather than holiness: and therefore we should strive to prevent them, by believing God’s love in Christ, rather than to wait for them. It is true, God maketh these despairing thoughts as well as other sins, work for - . . . $. * ~ * ~ *: tº ''', t , , r s . . . * good to them that are delivered from them by faith in Christ; they are moved thereby to hate sin, and to prize him the moie, and the comforts of his gospel, and to - Y. " . t . w - - ſ loath and abhor themselves: yet many are brought to him without them, by God’s giving them the knowledge of their own sins, and of Christ’s salvation together. Se- ºveral examples of these were above mentioned, who re- ceived the word with joy at the first hearing of it. And we must not desire or wait for any evil of sin, such as these despairing thoughts are, that good may come of it; neither should we expect to be worse before we be better, when we may and ought to be better presently, by believing - ta. . on Christ. . . . . . . . . . . The Foti RTH thing in the direction, is, that we should continue and increase in the most holy faith. And, that we may, we must not think, that, when we have once at- tained to the grace of saving faith and thereby are begot- ten anew in Christ, our names are up in heaven; and º Direct. XI. er sANcrific Arron. 185 therefore me may be careless: but as long as we continue in this life, we must endeavour to continue in the faith, grounded, and settled not moved away from the hope of the gospel, Col. i. 23. and to hold the beginning of our confidence, and the rejoicing of hope, stedfast to the end, Heb. iii. 6, 14. and to build up ourselves in our most holy faith, Jude ver. 20. abounding therein with thanksgiving, Col. ii. 7. Though we receive Christ freely by faith ; yet we are but babes in him, 1 Cor. iii. 1. And we must not account, that we have already attained or are already perfect, Phil. iii. 12, 13. but we must strive to be more rooted and built up in him, until we come unto a “perfect “man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of “ Christ,” Eph. iv. 13. If the new nature be really in us by regeneration, it will have º to its own con-, tinuance and increase, until it come to perfection, as the new born babe, 1. Pet. ii. 2. And we are not only to re- ceive Christ and a new holy nature, by faith ; but also to live and walk by it, and to resist the devil, and to quench all his fiery darts by it, and also to grow in grace, and to . perfect holiness in the fear of God ; for we are kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto salvation, T Pet, i. 5. As all out Christian warfare is the good fight of faith, 1 Tim. vi. 12. all spiritual life and holiness continue, grow or decay in us, according as faith conti- mueth, groweth or decayeth in vigour; but, when this faith beginneth to sink by fears and doubtings, the man himself beginneth to sink together with it, Matth. xiv. 29, 31. Faith is like the hand of Moses: while it is held up, Israel prevails: when it is let down, Amalek prevails, Exod. xvii. 1 1. This continuance and growth in faith, will require our labour and industry; as well as the be- ginning; though we are to ascribe the glory of aff to the grace of God in Christ who is the finisher, as well as the author of it, Heb. xii.2. The church méeteth with great difficulties in her marching through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly Canaan, as well as in her first deliverance from Egyptian bondage; yea, we often meet with greater difficulties in going to perfection, than we did in the beginning of the good work; the wisdom and merey of God se eraering it, that we shall be exercised 186 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XI. with the sharpest dispensations of Providence, and the fiercest assaults of our own corruptions, and Satan's temp- tations, after we have grace given us to stand in the evil day. You must therefore endeavour to continue and go; on in the same right manner, as I have taught you to be-, gin this greatwork of believing in Christ, that your faith may be of the same nature from the beginning to the end though it increase in degrees: for our faith is imperfect, and joined with much unbelief in this world: and we have need to pray still “ Lord, I believe, help thou mine un- “belief.” Mark ix. 24. and therefore we have need to strive for more faith that we may receive Christingreater perfection. If you find your faith hath produced good Works, you should thereby increase your confidence in Christ, for salvation by his mere grace. But take heed of changing the nature of your faith, from trusting on the grace and merits of Christ, to trusting on your own works, according to the Popish doctrine, That our first justifi- cation is by grace and faith only, but our secondjustifica- tion is also by works. Beware also of trusting on faith it- self, as a work of righteousness, instead of trusting on Christ by faith. If you do not find, that your believing in such a right manner as I have described, doth produce such fruits of holiness as you desire, you ought not to diminish, but rather to increase your confidence in him: knowing that the weakness of your faith hindereth its fruitfulness; and the greater your confidence is concerning the love of God to you in him, the greater will be your love to God and to his service. If you fall into any gross sin after the work is begun in you, as David and Peter did, think not that you must cast away your confidence, and expect no- thing but wrath from God and Christ, and that you must refuse to be comforted by his grace, atleast for sometime; for thus you would be the more weak, and prone to fallinto other sins; but rather strive to believe more confidently, that you have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous : and that he is the propitiation for our sins, 1 John ii. 1, 2. And let not the guilt of sin stay at all upon your conscience, but wash it away with all speed, in the fountain of Christ's blood, which is opened for us, that it may be ready for our use on all such incidentaloe- —3. t Direct. XII. of SANGTIFICATION. • 187. casions; that so you may be humbled for your sins in a gospel way and may hate your own sinfulness, and be sor- ry for it with godly sorrow, out of love to God. Peter might have been ruined for ever by denying Christ, as Judas was by betraying him, if Peter’s faith had not been upheld by Christ's prayer, Luke xxi. 31, 32. If a cloud be cast over all your inward, qualifications, so that you can see no grace at all in yourselves; yet still trust on him. that justifieth the ungodly, and came to seek and to save them that are lost. If God seem to deal with you as an: enemy, by bringing on you some horrible affliction, as he: did upon Job, beware of condemning your faith and its . fruits as if they were not acceptable to God; but rather say with holy Job, “ Though he slay me, yet will I trust. “ in him; but I will maintain mine own ways before him,” . Job xiii. 15. Strive to keep and to increase faith by faith; i.e. by acting faith frequently, by trusting on God to keep. and to increase it; being confident, that “he who hath “begun a good-work in you, will perform it until the “ day of Jesus Christ,” Phil. i. 6. - - - - - A " " - ~...~ * , DIRECTION XII. Make-diligent use of your most holy Faith, for the immediate performance of the Duties of the Law, by walking no longer according to your old natu- ral State, or any Principles or means of Practice that belong unto it, but only according to that new ſtate which you receive by Faith, and the Principles and means of Practice that properly belong thereunto ; and strive to continue and in- crease in such manner of Practice. This is the only way to attain to an acceptable Performance of , these holy and righteous Duties, as far as it is . possible in this present Life. . . . . . . - - i. - * * - & " ) *~~~ - ~ * * ** 188 . . . . THE gospel, MystErx ºpirect. XII. EXPLICATION. . . HERE I am guiding you to the manner of practice, wherein you are to make use of faith, and of all other effectual means of holiness before treated of, which faith layeth holdon, for the immediate performance of the law; which is the great end aimed at in this whole treatise. And therefore this deserveth to be diligently considered, as the principal direction, to which all the foregoing and following are subservient. . . As for the meaning of it, [. have already-shewed, that our old natural state is that which we derive from the first Adam by natural genera- tion; and it is called, in the scripture, The old man; and while we are in it, we are said to be in the flesh. And Our new state is that which we receive from the second Adam, Jesus Christ, by being new born in union and fellowship with him through faith ; and it is called, in scripture, The new man : and when we are in it, we are said to be in the Spirit. The principles and means of practice be- longing to a natural state, are such as persons do or may attain and make use of, before they are in Christ by faith. Such as belong properly to the new state, are the mani- fold holy endowments, privileges and enjoyments, which we partake of in Christ by faith, such as have already ap- peared to be the only effectual means of a holy life. We are said to walk according to either of these states, or to the principles or means that belong to either of them, when we are moved and guided, by virtue of them, to such actings as are agreeable to them. Thus kings act according to their state, in commanding authoritatively, and in magnificent bounty: poor men, in the way of ser- vice and obedience; and children indiscriminately, Esther i. 7. Prov. xviii. 23.51 Cor. xiii. 11. So the manner of practice here directed to, consists in moving and guiding ourselves, in the performanee of the works of the law, by gospel principles and means. This is the rare and excel- lent art of godhness, in which every Christian should strive to be skilful and expert. The reason why many come off with shame and confusion, after they have a long tims laboured with much zeal and industry for the J * Direct. XII. or sANCTIFICATION. 189 attainment of true godliness, is, because they were never , acquainted with this holy art, and never endeavoured to practise it in a right gospel way. Some worldly arts are called mysteries: but, above all, this spiritual art of god- liness is, without controversy, a great mystery, 1 Tim.iii. 16, because the means that are to be made use of in it, are deeply mysterious, as hath been shewed: and you are not a skilful artist, till you know them, and can reduce them to practice. It is a manner of practice farabove the sphere of natural ability, such as would never have en- tered into the hearts of the wisest in the world, if it had not been revealed to us in the scriptures; and, whenit is ºthere most plainly revealed, continueth a dark riddle to ºr those that are not inwardly enlightened and taught by the holy Spirit; such as many godly persons guided by the Spi- rit do in some measure walk in, yet do but obscurely dis- cern ; they can hardly perceive their own knowledge of it, and can hardly give any account toothers of the way where- in they walk; as the disciples that walked in Christ, the way to the Father, and yet perceived not that knowledge in themselves: “Lord we know not whither thou go- “est, and how can we know the way ? John xiv. 5. This is the reason why many pºor believers are so weak in Christ, and attain so small a degree of holiness and righ- teousness. Therefore, that you may the better be ac- quainted with a mystery of so high concernment, I shall shew, in the first place, that the holy scriptures do di- rect you to this manner of practice; as only effectual for the performance of holy duties; and then I shall lay be- fore you some necessary instructions, that you may un- derstand how to walk aright in it, and continue and go forward therein, till you be made perfect in Christ. For the FIRST of these, the holy scriptures are very large and clear, in directing us to this manner of practice, and to continuance and growth therein. And here it is useful for us, to observe the great variety of peculiar words and phrases whereby the Holy Ghost teacheth, this mys- tery, which many that frequently read the scriptures, yea, that pretend to be preachers of the gospel, do little under- stand or regard; shewing thereby, that the things of the •r . ' 196 The gospel MystER Y. Direct, XII. Spirit of God are foolishness to them, and that they are not yet acquainted with the form of sound words, and are strangers to the very language of the gospel, which they profess, and pretend to preach. I shall therefore present to your view several of these peculiar words and phrases whereby this mysterious manner of practice is expressed in the holy scriptures, and commanded to you as the only way for the sure attainment of all holiness in the heart and life. I shall rank such of them altogether as agree 2 in sense, that the multitude of them may not breed con- fusion in your thoughts. . . . . . 1. This is the manner of practice inscripture, which is expressed by “living by faith, Heb. ii. 4. Gal. ii. 20. Heb. “x. 38: walking by faith, 2 Cor. v. 7; faith working “by love, Gal. v. 6; overcoming the world by faith, “. . John v. 4; quenching all the fiery darts of the wicked, “ by the shield of faith,” Eph. vi. 16. . . Some make no more of living and walking by faith, than merely a stir- ring up and encouraging ourselves to our duty by such principles as we believe. Thus the Jews might account that they lived by faith because they professed and assented unto the doctrine of Moses and the prophets, and were moved thereby to a zeal of God, though they sought righteousness not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, Rom. ix. 32. Thus Paul might think he lived by faith, while he was a zealous Pharisee; but afterwards he knew, that the life of faith consisted in dying to the law, and living to God; and that not himself but Christ lived in him, Gal. ii. 19, 20. - As it is one and the same thing, to be justified by faith, and by Christ believed on, Rom. v. 1. so to live, walk and work by faith is all one with living, walking, working by means of Christ, and his saving endowments; which we receive and make use of by faith to guide and move ourselves to the practice of holiness. 1- - 2. The same thing is commended to us by the terms of “walking rooted and built up in Christ, Col. ii. 6, 7. “living to God, and not to ourselves but to have Christ. “living in us, Gal. ii. 19, 20. good conversation in Christ, “1 Pet. iii. 16. putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, that “we may walk honestly as in the day, Rom, xiii. 13, 14. --r 2– *-. } A* Direct. XII. of s ANGTIFICATION. 191 “being strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, “Fph. vi. 10. doing all things in the name of Christ, “Col. iii. 17. walking up and down in the name of “ the Lord, Zech. x. 12. going in the strength of the “Lord; making mention of his righteousness, even of “his only,” Psalm lxxi. 16. These phrases are frequent, and do sufficiently explain one another; and do shew, that we are to practise holiness, not only by virtue of Christ's all- thority but also of his strengthening endowments moving us and encouraging us thereunto. . . . . . . - 3. It is also signified by the phrases of being strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. ii. 1. having our conversation in the world, not with fleshly: wisdom; but by the grace of God, 2 Cor. i. 12. having or holding fast grace, that we may serve God acceptably, labouring abundantly, in such a manner; as that the whole work is not performed by us, but by the grace of God that is with us, 1 Cor. xv. 13. By grace, therefore, we may well understand the privileges of our new state given to us in Christ, whereby we ought to be influenced and guided in the performance of holy duties. - - 4. It is also signified, when we are to “put off the old, “ and put on the new man;” yea to continue in so doing; though we have done it in a measure already, and that we avoid our former sinful conversation, Eph. iv. 21, 22, 24. and to avoid sin, because we have put off the old, and put on the new man, Col. iii. 9, 10. I have already shewed, that by this twofold man is not meant merely sin and holiness; but by the former is meant our natural state, with all its endowments, whereby we are furnished only to the practice of sin; and, by the latter our new state in Christ, that whereby we are furnished with all means ne- cessary for the practice of holiness. > - . . . 5. We are to understand the same thing, when we are taught “not to walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit,” that we may be free from the law of sin, and that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us, Rom. viii. 1, 2, 3. “ and through the Spirit to mortify the deeds of “ the body: and to be led by the Spirit,” because we live by the Spirit, and have crucified the flesh, with the affec- tions and lusts, Gal. v. 24. The apostle doth, shew, by y f 193 rhE gospel MystERY Direct. XII. these expressions, not only thatwe are to practise holiness, but also by that means we may do it effectually. By the flesh is meantour old nature derived from the first Adam; and by the Spirit is meant the Spirit of Christ, and that new nature which we have by him dwelling in us. We are said to walk after either of these natures, when we make the properties or qualifications of either of them to be the principles of our practice. So when we are taught to serve in “newness of Spirit, and not in the oldness of “ the latter,” that so we may bring forth fruit unto God, the meaning is, that we must endeavour to bring forth the fruits of holiness, not by virtue of the law, that killing letter, to which the flesh is married, and by which the mo- tions of sin are in us; but by virtue of the Spirit, and his manifold riches, which we partake of in our new state by a mystical marriage with Christ, Rom. vii. 4, 5, 6, and by virtue of such principles as belong to the new state de- clared in the gospel, whereby the holy Spirit is minister- ed to us. . . . . t * * * . - ... 6. This is the manner of walking which the apostle Paul directeth us unto, when he teacheth us by his own. example, that the continual work of our lives should be, “ to know Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and “the fellowship of his sufferings; being made conform- “ able to his death; if by any means we may attain unto “the resurrection of the dead, and to encrease and press “ forward in this kind of knowledge,” Phil. iii. 10, 11, 12, 13. Certainly, he meaneth such an experimental know- ledge of Christ, and his death and resurrection, as effect- ually makes, us conformable thereunto in dying unto sin, and living unto God. And he would hereby guide us, to make use of Christ, and his death and resurrection, by faith, as the powerful means of all holiness in heart and life; and to increase in this manner of walking, until we attain unto, perfection in him. * - The SEgoND thing proposed, was, to lay before you some necessary instructions, that your steps may be guided a- right, to continue and go forward in this way of holiness; until you be made perfect in Christ. And seeing we are maturally prone to mistake this way, and are utterly un- able to find it out or discernlit by our own reason-and-un- \, . Direct. XII. or sANCTIFICATION. 193 derstanding, we should the more diligently attend to these instructions taken out of the holy scriptures. And we should pray earnestly, that God would give unto us the spirit of wisdom and revelation, that we may discern the way of holiness thereby, and walk aright in it; according to that gracious promise, “The wayfaring men though “fools, shall not err therein,” Isa. xxxv. 8. 1. Let us observe, and consider diligently, in our whole conversation, that though we are partakers of a new holy state by faith in Christ, yet our natural state doth remain in a measure, with all its corrupt principles and properties. As long as we live in this present world, our apprehension of Christ, and his perfections in this life, is only by faith : whereas by sense and reason, we may apprehend much in ourselves, contrary to him ; and this faith is imperfect ; so that true believers have cause to pray to God to help their unbelief, Mark ix. 24. Therefore, though we receive a perfect Christ by faith, yet the measure and degree of en- joying him is imperfect; and we hope still so long as we are in this world to enjoy him in a higher degree of per- fection than we have done. We are yet but weak in Christ, 2 Cor. xiii. 4. children in comparison to the perfection we expect in another world, 1 Cor. xiii. 10, 1 1. and we must grow still, till we come to the perfect man, Eph. iv. 13. and some are weaker babes than others, and have re- ceived him in so small a measure that they may be account- ed carnal rather than spiritual, 1 Cor. iii. 1. And, be- cause all the blessings and perfections of our new state, as justification, the gift of the Spirit, and of the holy nature, and the adoption of children are seated and treasured up in Christ, and joined with him inseparably, we can receive them no farther than we receive Christ himself by faith : which we do in an imperfect measure and degree in this life. The apostle Paul proposeth himself as a pattern for all those that are perfect in the truth of grace to imitate : and yet he professeth that he was not yet made so perfect in the degree or measure of saving endowments, but that he did still press forward towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, labouring still to apprehend and win him more perfectly, and to be found in him, not having his ownrighteousness, but that which - . R. - , 194 THE Gespel MystERY Direct. XII, is of God by faith; and to gain more experimental know- ledge of him, and of the fellowship of his sufferings, and the power of his resurrection, being made conformable r" thereunto, Phil. iii. 8, 10, 14. Believers are justified alrea-- dy; yet wait for the hope of righteousness by faith, i.e. for the full enjoyment of the righteousness of Christ, Gal. v. 5. They have received but the first fruitof the Spirit, and must wait for a more full enjoyment of it. The Spirit witnesseth now to them, that they are the children of God; and yet they groan within themselves, waiting for more full enjoy- ment of adoption, Rom. viii. 23. Now, seeing the degree and measure of our reception, and enjoyment of Christ, with all the blessings of our new state in him in this life, is imperfect, it followeth clearly, that our contrary natural this world do, in some degree partake of these two contrary states. Believers have indeed put off the old man, and put state, with its properties, remaineth still in usin some de- gree, and is not perfectly abolished: so that all believers in on the new man where Christ is all and in all, Col. iii. 10, 1.1. Yet they are to put the old man off, and the new man on more and more, because the old man remaineth still in a Trieasure. They are said to be, not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, because their being in the Spirit is their best and lasting state: as denominations are usually taken from the better part; but yet the fleshis in them, and they findwork enough to mortify the deeds of it, Rom. viii. 9, 13. There- fore several things which are contrary to each other, are frequently attributed to believers in the scripture, with i respect to these two contrary states, wherein one place seems to contradict another; and yet both are true in divers respects. Thus holy Paul saith truly of himself, I live, yet not I, Gal. ii. 20. because he did live to God by Christ living in him; and yet, in another respect, accord- ing to his natural state, he did not live to God. Again, he professeth that he was carnal, sold under sin; and yet, on the contrary, that he allowed not sin, but hated it. He sheweth how both these were true, concerning himself, in divers respects. He saith, “in me (that is, in my flesh) “ dwelleth no good thing; and, I delight to do the will . “ of God according to the inward man. With the mind “ I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the “ law of sin,” Rom. vii. 14, 15, 18, 22, 25. John saith, Direct, XII. or sANcrific Arion, 195 “ He that saith he hath no sin, deceiveth himself and is “a liar,” 1 John i. 8. and also that it is true, that who- soever is born of God, doth not commit sin : for his seed, i.e. Christ's the new spiritual nature, “remaineth in him: “ and he cannot sin, because he is born of God,”— 1 John iii. 9. It is true that we are weak and can do nothing, and yet strong and able to do all things, 2 Cor. xii. 10, ii. | Phil. iv. 13. It is true, that believers are dead because of sin; but alive because of righteousness, Rom. viii. 10. and that when they die by a natural death they shall ne- ver die, John xi. 25, 26. They are sor;3 that have the in- heritance by their birth right, and yet, in some respects, may differ nothing from servants ; and so they may be under the law, in a sense and yet under grace, and heirs according to the free promise, at the same time, Gal. iv. 1, 2. They are redeemed from the curse of the law, and have forgiveness of sins, and a promise, that God will ne- ver be wroth with them, nor rebuke them any more, Gal. iii. 13. Eph. i. 7. Isa. liv. 9. and yet on the contrary, the curse written in the law is sometimes poured out upon them, Dan. ix. 1 1. and they have need still to pray, that God would deliver them from their guiltiness, and for- give their debts, Psalm li. 14. Matt. vi. 12, and they may expect that God will punish them for all their iniquities, Amos iii. 2. These contrary things asserted concerning believers in the scriptures, do sufficiently manifest, that they partake of two contrary states in this life. And this is a plain, easy, and ready way to reconcile these seeming - contradictions, whatever other ways may be used to recoil- cile some of them. And what reason is there to question that the old state remaineth in believers in some degrees; seeing all sound Protestants acknowledge, that the sinful depravation and pollution of our natures, commonly caä- ed original sin, which is one principal part of this old state, . doth remain in all as long as they live in this world Now, though some penal evils may be said to remain in us, yet we cannot suppose, that this original pollution is conti- nued in us as considered in Christ; but as considered in our old state, derived from the first Adam. Therefore the first sin of Adam is imputed, in some respect, even to those who are justified by faith; and they remain, in •, -- ~, - < * * a measure, as aforesaid, under the punishment and curse denounced, Gen. ii. 17. In the day thouseatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And on this account, the same original guilt and pollution is propagated to the children’ of believing parents, as well as others, by natural genera- tion. And if such a great and fundamental part of the natural state continue in believers, as subjection to the guilt of the first sin, and original corruption, which is one great part of the punishment and death threatened, and by which we are prone and inclined to all actual sins, why should we not judge, that other parts of the same state do likewise continue in them, as the guilt of their own actual sins, and subjection to the wrath of God, and the curses and punishments denounced against them in the law? and why should we not judge, that all the miseries of this life, and death itself, are inflicted upon believers, at least in some respect, as punishments of sin It may be objected that this doctrine of a twofold state of believers in this life, doth much derogate from the perfection of our justi- fication by Christ, and from the fulness of all the grace and spiritual blessings of Christ, and from the merits of his death, and the power of his Spirit; and that it greatly diminisheth the consolation of believers in him. But it - may be easily windicated from this objection, if we under- stand it rightly ; for, notwithstanding this twofold state, it still holdeth true, that believers, while they are on earth have all perfection of spiritual blessings, justification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit, holiness, eternal life, and glory in and with Christ, Eph. i. 3. In the person of Christ, who is now in heaven, the old man is perfectly crucified ; they are dead to sin, and to the law and its curse, and they are quickened together with him, and raised up with him and made to sit in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, Eph. ii. 6. And believers do, in their own . . . persons receive and enjoy, by faith, all these perfect spi- . ritual blessings of Christ, as far as they receive and enjoy Christ himself dwelling in them, and no further. Thus far they are in a new state, free from the guilt, pollution, and punishment of sin, and so from the wrath of God, all miseries, and death itself while they are in this world: . yea, all the guilt, pollution, and punishments of sin; and all evils whatever which they are subject to, according to their natural state, do them no harm according to this new state, but work for their good; and are no evils, but rather advantages to them, tending to the destruction, only of the flesh, and to the perfection of the new man in Christ. Yet it holdeth true also, that our reception and en- joyment of Christ himself, and all his perfections, is but an imperfect measure and degree, until faith be turned into heavenly vision and fruition of him; and therefore our / old sinful state, with the evils thereof, is not perfectly ‘. abolished during this life. The kingdom of heaven or the grace of Christ within us, is like leaven in meal which doth not unite itself perfectly to the meal in an instant, but by degrees, until the whole be leavened, Matth. xiii. 33, or like the morning light that expelleth darkness by degrees, shining more and more unto the perfect day, Prov. iv. 18. This cannot be justly accounted any derogation from the merits of Christ's death, or from the power of his Spirit, seeing he never intended to bring to pass, by his death, or by the power of his Spirit, that we should enjoy his spiritual blessings any further than we are in him, and en- joy him by faith; or that we should be made holy or happy :according to the flesh, by a reformation of our natural state; as hath been shewed. Neither doth this diminish the consolation of believers in Christ; for thereby they may know, that they have the perfection of grace and happiness in him, and that they enjoy it in this world, as far tº as they enjoy Christ himself by faith ; and that they shall enjoy itin a perfect measure, and be fully freed from their sinful and miserable state, when that frame of nature, which they received from the first Adam is dissolved by death. This instruction is very useful to frame our souls aright for the practising holiness only by those gospel principles and means that belong to our new state, which we are par- takers of by faith in Christ, And thus it is easily vindi- cated from another great objection, wherein the Papists and Quakers do much triumph. They appeal to men's consciences to answer this question. Which doctrine is most likely to bring people to the practiče of true godliness? . theirs, which teacheth, that perfect holiness may be attain- Ş. ed in this life: or ours which teacheth, that it is impossible for us to keep the law perfectly, and to purge ourselyºs R 2 198. | THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XII. from all sin, as long as we live in this world though we use our best endeavours ? They think, that common reason will make the verdict pass for them against our doctrine, as that which discourageth all endeavours for ." perfection, and hardeneth the hearts of people, to allow themselves in sin, because they cannot avoid it. But on the contrary, the doctrine of the perfectionists hardens people, to allow themselves in sin, and to call evil good : as the Papists account, that the concupiscence of the flesh against the Spirit, is no sin, but rather good matter for the exercise of their virtues, because the most perfect in this life are not withoutit. It also discourageth those who labour to get holiness in the right way by faithin Christ, and mak- eth them to think that they labour in vain, because they find themselves still sinful and far from perfection, when they have done their best to attain it. It hindereth our dili- gence in seeking holiness by those principles and means whereby only it can be found; for who will be diligent and watchful to avoid walking according to his own carnal prin- ciples, if he think that his own carnal state, with its princi- ples is quite abolished, and is out of him, so that at present - he is in no danger of walking according to them : What- soever good works the doctrine of the perfectionists may serve to promote, I am sure it hindereth a great part of . that work which Christ would have us to be employed in as long as we live in this world. We must know that our old state, with its evil principles, continueth still in a mea- sure, or else we shall not be fit for the great duties of con- fessing of sins, loathing ourselves for them, praying ear- nestly for the pardon of them, a just sorrowing for them with a godly sorrow, accepting the punishment of our sins, and giving God the glory of his justice, and offering to him the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit, being poor in spirit, working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Some have doubted, how it can consist with ourjustification by Christ, that we should be still liable to be punished for our sins, and obliged to pray for the pardon of them be- cause they have not well considered the twofold state of be- lievers in this life. And except we know this, and keep it in mind, we shall never be fit to practise continually the great duties that tend to the putting off the old man, and putting on the new man, and mortifying the deeds of the Birect. XII. of SANCTIFICATION. s 1939 body by the Spirit; praying continually, that God would , * renew a right spirit in us, and sanctify us throughout ; pressing forward to perfection, desiring the sincere milk of the word, and the enjoyment of other ordinances. Christ hath appointed, that his church on earth should be em- ployed in such works: and perfectionists either do, or fain would account them needless for them, and that they have no longer need of Christ himself, to be their spiritual phy- sician and advocate with the Father, and prepitiation for their sins; therefore they are not fit to be members of the church on earth, and are never likely to be members of the church in heaven, except they can make a ladder, and climb up thither, before their time. - . . . 2. Despair of purging the flesh or natural man of its sinful lusts and inclinations, and of practising holiness, by your willing and resolving to do the best that lieth in your own power, and trusting on the grace of God and Christ, to help you in such resolutions and endeavours: rather resolve to trust on him, to work in you to will and to do by his own power, according to his own good pleasure. They who are convinced of their own sin and misery, do commonly first think to tame the flesh, and to subdue and - root out its lusts, and to make their corrupt nature to be better natured, and inclined to holiness, by their strug- gling and wrestling with it; and, if they can but bring their hearts to a full purpose and resolution, to do the best that lieth in them, they hope that by such a resolution they shall be able to achieve great enterprizes in the conquest of their lusts, and performance of the most difficult duties. It is the great work of some zealous divines, in their preach- ing and writing, to stir up people to this resolution, where- - in they place the chiefest turning point from sin to godli- ness. And they think that this is not contrary to the life of faith, because they trust on the grace of God through Christ, to help them in all such resolutions and endeavours. Thus they endeavour to reform their old state, and to be made perfect in the flesh, instead of putting it off, and walking according to the new state in Christ. They trust on low, carnal things for holiness, and upon the acts of their own will, their purposes, resolutions, and endea- vours, instead of Christ; and they trust on him, to help. them in this carnal way; whereas true faith, would teach 200 rhE sesſ EL, MystERY Direct, XII. them that they are nothing, and only labour in vain. They may as well wash the black moor white, as purge the flesh or natural man from its vile lusts, and make it pure and holy. It is desperately wicked, past all cure. It will un- avoidably lust against the Spirit of God, even in the best saints on earth, Gal. v. 17. Its mind is enmity to the law of God; and neither is, nor can be, subject to it, Rom. viii. 7. They who would cure it, and make it holy, by their own resolutions and endeavours, do act quite con- trary to the design of Christ’s death.: for he died not that the flesh, or old natural man might be made holy : but that it might be crucified and destroyed out of us, Rom. vi. 6. and that we might live to God, not to ourselves, or by any natural power of our own resolutions and en- deavours, but by Christ living in us, and by his Spirit bringing forth the fruits of righteousness in us, Gal. ii. 20. and v. 24, 25. Therefore we must be content to live in the natural man vile and wicked, as we found it, until it be utterly abolished by death; though we must not allow its wickedness, but rather groan to be delivered from the body of this death, thanking God that there is Á deliverance through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our way to mortify sinful affections and lusts, amust be, not by purging them out of the flesh, and by putting off the flesh itself, and getting above into Christ by faith, and walking, in that new nature that is by him. Thus, “the way of life is “ above to the wise, that he may depart from hell be- “ neath,” Prov. xv.24. Our willing, resolving, and endea- vouring must be, to do the best, not that lieth in ourselves, or in our own power, but that Christ and the power of his Spirit shall be pleased to work in us; for in us, i. e. in our flesh, there dwelleth no good thing, Rom. vii. 18. We have great ground to trust in God and Christ for help in such resolutions, and endeavour after holiness, as in things that are agreeable to the design of Christ in our redemption, and to the way of acting and living by faith. It is likely, that Peter sincerely resolved to die with Christ, rather than to deny him, and to do all that he could by his own power for that end : but he made him quickly to see the weakness and vanity of such resolutions. And we see by experience, Whatmany resolutions made in sick- * Direct. XII. of SANCTIFICATION, - 30; . ness and other dangers mostly come to. It is not enough for us to trust on Christ, to help us to act and endeavour so far only as creatures; for so the worst of men are help- ed: he is the JEHOVAH in whom they live, move, and have their being, Acts xvii. 28. And it is likely the Pharisee would trust on God, to help him in duty, as he would thank God for the performance of duty, Luke xviii. 1 1. And this is all the faith that many make use of in order to a holy practice. But we must trust on Christ, to enable us above the strength of our own natural power, by virtue of the new nature which we have in him, and by his Spirit dwelling and working in us; or else our best endeavours will be altogether sinful, and mere hypocrisy, nothwithstanding all the help for which we trust upon him. We must also take heed of depending for holiness upon any resolution to walk in Christ, or any written covenants, or any holiness, that we have already received; for we must know, that the virtue of these things, continues no longer than we continue walking in Christ, and he in us. They must be kept up by the continual presence of Christ In us; as light is maintained by the presence of the sun, and cannot subsist without it. A *~ 3. You must not seek to procure forgiveness of sins, the favour of God, a new holy nature, life, and happiness, by any works of the moral law, or by any rites and ceremo- nies whatever; but rather you must work as those, who have all these things already, according to your new state in Christ; as such who are only to receive them more and more by faith as they are ready prepared, treasured up, and freely given to you, in your spiritual head, the Lord Jesus Christ. If we walk as those who are yet wholly to seek for the procurements of such enjoyments as these, it is a manifest sign, that, at present, we judge ourselves to be without them, and without himself; in whose fulness they are all contained; and therefore we walk according to our old natural state, as those who are yet in the flesh, and who would get salvation in it, and by our carnal works and observances, instead of living alto- gether on him by faith. This practice is, according to the tenor of the covenant of works as I have beforeshewed. And we have no ground to trust on Christ and his Spirit, & 202 the gospel MystERY Direct. XII, to work holiness in us this way; for we are dead to the legal covenant by the body of Christ, Rom. vii. 4. and “if we are led by the Spirit we are not under the law,” Gal. v. 18. When the Galatians were seduced by false teachers, to seek the procurement of justification and lifeby . circumcision, and other works of the Mosaical law, the apostle Paul rebuketh-them for seeking to be made per- fect in the flesh directly contrary to their good beginning in the Spirit, for rendering Christ of none effect to them, and, for falling from grace, Gal. iii. 3. and v. 4. And - when some of the Collossians sought perfection in like . manner, by observation of circumcision, holy meats, holy . times and other rudiments of the world, the same apostle blameth them for not holding the head Jesus Christ, and as such as were not dead and risen with Christ, but living - merely in the world, Col. ii. 19, 20. and iii. 1. He clear- ly, shewed, that those who seek any saving enjoyments in such a way, do walk according to their old natural state; and that the true manner of living by faith in Christ, is, to walk as those that have all fulness and per- fection of spiritual blessings in him by faith, and need not . seek for them any other way to procure them for them- selves. In this sense it is a true saying; "That believers should notact for life, but from life. They must act as those that are not procuring life by their works, but as such who have already received and derived life from Christ, and act from the power and virtue received from him. And hereby it appears, that the Papists, and all others that think to justify, purify, sanctify, and save themselves by any of their own works, rites or ceremonies whatever, do walk in a carnal way, as those that are without any present interest in Christ, and shall never attain unto holi- - ness or happiness, until they learn a better way of reli- 4. Think not, that you can effectually incline your heart to the immediate practice of holiness, by any such practical principles, as serve only to bind, press, and urge you to the performance of holy duties; but rather letsuch principles stir you up, to go to Christ first by faith, that - you may be effectually inclined to the immediate practice of holiness in him by gospel principles, that strengthen Direct, XII. or sANCTIFICATION. 203 and enable you, as well as oblige you thereunto. There - are some practical principles, that do only bind; press, and urge us to holy duties, by shewing the reasonableness, equity, and necessity of our obedience, without shewing at all how we that are by nature dead in sin, under the Wrath of God, may have any strength and ability for the per- formance of them : as, for instance, the authority of God the law giver, our absolute dependence on him as our Creator, Preserver, Governor, in whose hand, is our life, breath and all our happiness here and for ever: his all- seeing eye, that searcheth our heart, discerneth our very thoughts and secret purposes: his exactjustice, in render- ing to all according to their works; his almighty and eternal power, to reward those that obey him, and to punish transgressors for ever : the unspeakable joy of heaven, and terrible damnation of hell. Such principles as these do bind our consciences very strictly, and do work very strongly upon the prevalent affections of hope and fear, to press and urge our hearts to the performance of holy duties, if we believe them assuredly, and work them earnestly upon our hearts, by frequent, serious, lively meditation. And therefore some account them the most forcible and effectual means to form any virtue in the soul, and to bring it to immediate performance of any duty, though never so difficult; and that the life of faith con- sisteth principally in our living to God in holiness, by a constant belief and meditation on them. And they ac- count those things that serve to mind them of such prin- ciples, very effectual for holiness; as looking on the pic- ture of death, or on a death’s head, keeping a coffin by them ready made, walking about among the graves, &c. But this is not that manner of living to God whereof the apostle speaketh, when he saith, “I live, yet not I, but “ Christ liveth in me; and the life which I live in the “flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved “me, and gave himself for me,” Gal. ii. 20. If a man make use of these obliging principles, to stir him to go to Christ for strength to act bodily, he walketh like one that has received him as his only life by faith; and if other- wise he only walketh like other natural men. For the natural man may be brought to act by these principles, r^ 204 THE coser:L Mystery Direct. XII. partly by natural light, and more fully by scripture light, without any true knowledge of the way of salvation by Christ, and as if Christ had never come into the world. And he may be strictly bound by them, and vehemently urged and pressed to holy duties; and yet all this while, is left to his own natural strength, or rather weakness, being not assured by any of these principles that God would give him strength to help him in the performance of these duties: and can do nothing aright until he get new life and strength by Christ, by a more precious, sav- ing faith. There would be no need of a new life and strength by Christ if these principles were sufficient to bring us to a holy conversation. Therefore this manner of practice is no better than walking after the flesh, accord- ing to our corrupt state, and seeking to be made perfect in the flesh. No question but Paul was very diligent in it while he was a blind Pharisee. Yea, the heathen Phi- losophers might attain to it in some measure, by the light of common reason. The devils have much principles, as . they do believe assuredly ; yet they are never the better for them. It is a part of the natural wisdom whereby the world knew not God, not that wisdom of God in a mys- tery discovered in the gospel, which is the only satisfying wisdom and power of God unto Salvation. What can you produce but corruption, by pressing with motives to holi- ness, one that hath no soundness in him, from the soal of the foot, even to the head, only wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores. He that is made truly sensible of his own vileness and deadness by nature, will despair of ever bringing himself to holiness by principles that afford him no life and strength, but only lay obligations upon him, and urge and press him to duty. What are mere obligations to one that is dead in sin & While the soul is without spiritual Fife, sin is the more moved and enraged by pressing and urging upon the soul the obligations of the law, and its commands. “ The motions of sin are by the law ; “ and sin taking occasion by the commandment, worketh “ in us all manner of concupiscence,” Rom. vii. 5, 8. And yet these obliging principles are very good and ex- cellent in this right gospel use of them ; as the apostle S Direct. XII. of s ANCTIFICATION. 205 faith of the law, that it is good, if it be used lawfully, 1 Tim. i. 8. The humbled sinner knoweth well his obli- gations, but it is life and strength that he wanteth, and de- spairing of walking according to such obligations, until he get this life and strength by faith in Christ. There- fore these obliging principles do move him to go, in the first place to Christ, that so he may be enabled to answer their end, by the strengthening and enlivening principles of God’s grace in Christ. Some there are that make use of gospel principles, only to oblige and urge to duty, with- out affording any life and strength for the performance : as they who think that Christ died and rose again to estab- lish a new covenant of works for our salvation, and to give us a pattern of good works by his own obedience, rather than to purchase life, obedience, and good works for us. Such as these do not understand and receive the . principles of the gospel rightly : but they pervert and abuse them, contrary to their true nature and design; and thereby they render them as ineffectual for their sanctifi- cation, as any other natural or legal principles. 5. Stir up and strengthen yourself, to perform the duties of holiness, by a firm persuasion of your enjoyment of Jesus Christ, and all spiritual and everlasting benefits through him. Set not yourselves upon the performance of the law, with any prevailing thoughts or apprehensions, that you are yet without an interestin Christ, and the love of God through him ; under the curse of the law, the . power of sin and Satan, having no better portion than this present world ; no better strength, than that which - is in the purposes and resolutions of your own free will. While such thoughts as these prevail, and influence your actings, it is evident, that you walk according to the prin- ciples and practices of your old natural state; and you will be moved thereby, to yield to the dominion of sin and Satan, to withdraw yourselves from God and godliness as . Adam was moved, from the sight of his own nakedness, to hide himself from God, Gen. iii. 10. Therefore your way to a holy practice, is, first to conquer and expel such tunbelieving thoughts, by trusting confidentiy on Christ, and persuading yourselves by faith, that his righteousness, Spirit, glory and all his spiritual benefits, are yours; and ‘. . --- that he dwelleth in you, and you in him. In the might of his confidence, you shall go forth to the performance of the law, and you will be strong against sin and Satan, and tible to do all things through Christ that strengthens you. This confident persuasion is of great necessity to the right framing and disposing our hearts to walk according to our new state in Christ. The life of faith principally consisteth in it. And herein it eminently appeareth, that faith is an hand, not only to receive Christ, but also to work by him ; and that it cannot be effectual for our sanctification, except it contain in it some assurance of our interest in him ; as hath been shewed. ' Thus we act as those that are above the sphere of nature, advanced to . union and fellowship with Christ. The apostle maintained in his heart a persuasion that Christ had loved him, and given himself for him ; and hereby he was enabled to live to God in holiness, through Christ living in him by faith. He teacheth us also, that we must maintain the like per- suasion, if we would walk holily in Christ. We must know ... that our old man is crucified with him ; and we must reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto. God through Jesus Christ our Lord, Rom. vi. 6, 1 1. This is the means whereby we may be filled with the Spirit, strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might; which God would not require of us, if he had not appoint- ed the means, Fph. vi. 20. Christ himself walked in the constant persuasion of his excellent state; he set the Lord always before him, and was persuaded, that, because God was at his right hand he should not be moved, Psalm xvi. 8. How should it be rationally expected, that a man should act according to this new state, without assurance that he is in it ! It is a rule of common prudence in all worldly callings and conditions, that every one must know and well consider his own state, lest he should act . . proudly. above it, or sordidly below it. And it is a hard thing to bring some to a right estimate of their own world- ly condition. If the same rule were observed in spiritual things, doubtless the knowledge and persuasion of the glory and excellency of our new state in Christ, would more elevate the hearts of believers above all serdid slavery to their lusts, and enlarge them. to run cheerfully ".- . . . . ; S. , -, - - - A. - - - - - - - - -- - - - … i - - - - - '' . . . . . t - . - - - ' ' ...” ... . . * * w", "... y , - º - . • ** • ' • ' - - - - * , ‘. - ...,' t - * , , , - . . . Direct. XII. of 's ANCTIFICATION. . . . . 20% in the way of God’s commandments. If Christians knew . . . their own strength better, they would eliterprize greater - things for the glory of God. But this knowledge is dit- ficultly attained; it is only by faith and spiritual illumi- nation. The best know but in part ; and hence it is, that º the conversation of believers falleth so much below their holy and heavenly calling. . . . . . . . . . . . 6: Consider what endowments, privileges or properties of your new state are most meet and forcible to incline and strengthen your heart to love God above all, and renounce *-- all sin, and to give up yourself to universal obedience to - his commands; and strive to walk in the persuasion of . them, that you may attain to the practice of these great duties. I may well join these together, because to love the Lord with all our heart, might and soui, is the first and great command, which influenceth to ail obedience, with a hatred and detestation of all sin, as it is contrary and hateful to God. The same effectual means that pro- duceth the one, will also produce the other ; and holiness, chiefly consisteth in these. So the chief blessings of our holy state are most meet and forcible to enable us for the immediate performance of them, and are to be made use of to this end by faith. Particularly, you must believe stedfastly, that all your sins are blotted out, and that you are reconciled to God, and have access into his favour by the bleod of Christ, and that he is your God and Father and altogether love to you, and your all sufficient everlast- ing portion and happiness through him. Such apprehen- sions as these, do present God as a very lovely object to our hearts, and do thereby allure and win our affections, that cannot be forced by commands, or threatnings, but must be sweetly won and drawn by allurements. We must not harbour any suspicions that God would prove a ter- rible, eyerlasting enemy to us, if we would love him': for . . . , there is no fear in love : but perfect love casteth out fear: . because fear hath torment: he that feareth is not made perfect in love. ‘We love him, because he first loved us, 1 John iv. 18, 19. David loved the Lord because he was persuaded, he was his strength, rock, fortress: his God and the horn of his salvation, Psalm xviii. 1, 2. Love . . that causeth obedience unto the law, must proceed from a --- ~- ~, - * good conscience purged from sin; and this good consci- ence must proceed from faith unfeigned, whereby weap-' prehend the remission of our sins, our reconciliation with . N God by the merits of the blood of Christ, 1 Tim. 1. 5. Heb. ix. 14. For the same end that your hearts may be rightly fitted and framed for the performance of these principal duties, the holy Scripture directeth you to walk in the persuasion of other principal endowments of your - new state; as that you “ have fellowship with the Father, “and with his Son Jesus Christ, 1 John i. 3. that you are “the temple of the living God, 2 Cor. vi. 16. that you - - “live by the Spirit, Gal. v. 25. that you are called to ho- “liness, and created in Christ Jesús unto good works ; “ that God would sanctify you wholly and make you per- “fect in holiness, at the last, 1 Thess. v. 23. Eph. ii. 10. “ That your old man is crucified with Christ; and “through him you are dead unto sin, and alive unto * God; and being made free from sin, you are become “ the servants of righteousness, and have your fruit unto “holiness, and the end everlasting life, Rora. vi. 6, 22. . “Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. “When Christ who is your life shalſ appear, then shall ye “also appear with him in glory,” Col. iii. 3. 4. Such persuasions as these, when they are deeply rooted and constantly maintained in our hearts, do strongly arm and encourage us to practise universal obedience, in opposition to every sinful just ; because we lock upon it, not only . as our duty, but our great privilege, to do all things thro’ Christ strengthening us ; and God doth certainly work in us both to will and to do by these principles, because they properly belong to the gospel, or New Testament, which is the ministration of the Spirit, and the power of God is unto salvation, 2.Cer. iii. 6, 8. Rom. i. 16. . . . . . . 7. For the performance of other duties of the law, you are to consider, not only these endowments, privileges, and properties of your new state, which are meet and for- cible to enable you to the love of God, and universal obe- ... dience, but also, those who have a peculiar force and ap- titude suitable to the special nature of stich duties; and you must endeavour to assure yourselves of them by faith, ----- --- . ...~~ - -- ... .", - - ‘. . ; , - t - ) . . . . . . . / . . ; . . . . . . * Direct. XII. or sanctification. 20° that you may be encouraged and strengthened to perform the duties. I shall give you some instances of this ºanner of practice in several duties, whereby you may the better’. understand how to guide yourselves in the rest. And as to the duties of the first table, if you would draw near to God in a duty of his worship with a true heart, you must . do it in full assurance of faith concerning your enjoyment of Christ and his salvation. And would you perform the , great duty of trusting on the Lord with all your heart, casting your care upon him, and committing the disposal of yourself to him in all your concerns? Persuade your- . self through Christ, that God, according to his prêmise, ". will never fail you nor forsake you ; that he taketh a fa- therly care of you, that he will withhold no good thing from you; and will make all things to work for your good. And thus you will be strong and courageous in the prac- |-tice of this duty; whereas, if you live in a mere suspence concerning your interest in the privileges, you will be sub- ject to carnal fears and carking cares, in despite of your heart; and you will be prone to trust on the arm of flesh, though your conscience tell you plainly, that, in so doing, you incur the heinous guilt of idolatry. Would you be strengthened to submit to the band of God with a cheerful patience, in bearing any affliction, and death itself: the way to fortify yourselves is to believe assuredly, that your afflictions which are but for a moment, do work for you a far more exceeding and an eternal weight of glory; that Christ is your gain in death and life : that his grace is sufficient for you, and his strength made perfect in your weakness; and that he will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able ; and will at last make , you more than conquerors over all evil. Untif yola attain to such persuasions as these, you will be prone to fret and murmur under the burden of affliction, and to use indirect means to deliver yourselves, notwithstanding the clearest convictions to the contrary. Would you limit yourseives to the observation of God’s own institutions in his wor- ship? believe that you are complete in Christ, and have all perfection of spiritual blessings, in him ; and that God will build you up in him by the ordinances of his own ap- pointment. . This will make you account his ordinances * * * .*.*.*- v - 2 18 THE Gospel Mystic Rr Direct. XII. sufficient, and men's traditions and invention needless in the worship of God: whereas, if you do not apprehend all fullness in Christ, you will be like the Papists, prone to catch at every straw, and to multiply superstitious ob- servations without end, for the supply of your spiritual Wańts. Would you confess your sins to God, pray to him, and praise him heartily for his benefits? Would you praise him for affliction, as well as prosperity ? believe assuredly that God is faithful and just to forgive your sin through Christ; that you are made an holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praises, that are accept- able to God through him ; and that God heareth your prayers, and will fulfil them, so far as they are good for you ; and that all God’s ways are mercy and truth to- Ward you, whether he prosper or afflict you in this life. If you be altogether in doubt, or otherwise persuaded, concerning these privileges, all your confessions, prayers and praises will be but heartless lip labours, slavish or pharisaical works. In like manner, if you be enabled to hear and receive the word as the word of God, and to meditate on it with delight; then you will be willing to know the strictness and spirituality of the commands of God, and to try and examine your ways impartially by them, if you believe assuredly, that the words is the power of God unto Salvation; and that Christ is our great phy- ician, willing and able to heal you, be the case never so bad; and where your sin abounds his grace towards you doth so much the more abound; whereas, without these comfortable apprehensions, all the works of hearing, me- ditation, self-examination, will be but uncouth, heartless works, and they will be performed negligently, and by halves or hypocritically, and out of slavish fear with much reluctancy, without any good will or readiness of mind. So also, for the right receiving the sacrāments, you will find yourself much strengthened by believing, that you, may have communion with God and Christ in them, and that you may have a great High Priest to bear the iniquity of your holy things and to make you for ever ac- cepted before the Lord. | - - - - In the same way you are to apply yourselves to all duties towards your neighbour required in the second Direct. XII. of SANGTIFICATION. 211 table of the law, by acting in a persuasion of such privileges of your new state, as have a peculiar force to encourage - and strengthen you for the performance of them. That you may love your neighbour as yourself and do to him in all things as you would he should do to you, without partiality and séïf seeking; that you may give him his due honour and abstain from injuring him in his life, chase tity, worldly estate, good name, or from coveting anything that is his, according to the several commands in the se- cond table of the decalogue: you must walk in a persuasioſi not only that these things are just and equitable toward your fellow creatures, and that you are strictly bound to . the performance of them ; but that they are the will of your heavenly Father, who hath begotten you according to his own image in righteousness and true holiness, and hath given you his Spirit, that you may be like minded to him in all things: and they are the mind of Christ who dwelleth in you, and you in him; that God in Christ are kind, tender hearted, long suffering, and full of good- ness to men, whether good or bad, friends or enemies, poor or rich, and that he came into the world, not to destroy but to save : and that you are of the same spirit: that the injuries done to you by your neighbours, can do - you no harm; and you need not seek any good for your- selves by injuring them, because you have all desirable happiness in Christ; and all things, though intended by your enemies for your hurt, certainly work for your good, , through him. Such apprehensions as these wrought in us by the Spirit of faith do certainly beget in us a right frame of spirit, thoroughly furnished for ever good work towards your neighbour. Likewise your hearts will be purified to unfeigned love of the brethern in Christ, and you will walk toward them with all lowliness, meekness, long suffering, forbearing one another in love, if you maintain a steadfast belief and persuasion of those mani- fold bonds of love whereby you are inseparably joined with them through him ; as particularly, that there is one body, and one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Finally, you will be able to abstain from all fleshly and worldly 12 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XII. <- lusts, that war against the soul, and hinder all godliness, g by an assured persuasion, not merely that gluttony, drun- kenness, lechery, are filthy swinish abominations: and that the pleasures, profits and honours of the world, are vain; empty things; but that you are crucified to the flesh and the world, and quickened, raised, and sit in heavenly places, together with Christ, and that you have pleasures, tº profits, honours, in him, to which the best things in the world are not worthy to be compared; and that you are members of Christ, the temple of his Spirit, citizens of heaven, children of the day, not of the night, nor of darkness, so that it is below your state and dignity to practise deeds of darkness, and mind fleshly worldly things. Thus I have given instances enough, to stir you up to ac- quaint yourselves with the manifold endowments, privi- leges, properties of your new state in Christ, as they are discovered in the gospel of your salvation, whereby the new nature is fitted for holy operations; as the cemmon nature of man is furnished with the endowments necessa- ry for those functions and operations to which it is design- ed; and also to stir you up, to make use of them by faith, as they serve to strengthen you either for universal obe- dience, or for particular duties. And, by this manner of walking, your hearts will be comforted, and establish- ed in every good word and work; and you will grow in holiness, until you attain unto perfection in Jesus Christ. , 8. If you endeavour to grow in grace, and in all ho- liness, trust assuredly that God will enable you by this manner of walking, to do every thing that is necessary for his glory, and your own everlasting salvation; and that he will graciously accept of that obedience through - Christ, which you are enabled to perform according to the measure of . and pardon your failings, tho’ you offend in many-t . - as to degrees of holiness and high acts of obedience. And therefore attempt not the performance of duty, in any hings, and fall short of many others, other way, though you cannot yet attain to do so much as you would in this way. This is a necessary instruction to establish us in the life of faith, that the sense of our manifold failings and defects may not move us either to --> despair, or to return to the use of carnal principles and Direct. XII. . . . of SANctIFICATIeN. . . . . 213 means, for help against our corruptions, as account ing this way of living and acting by faith to be insuffi- cient for our sanctification and salvation. The apostle Paul exhorts the Galatians to walkin the Spirit, tho’ the flesh lusts against the Spirit, so that they cannot do the things that they would, Gal. v. 16, 17. We are to know, that though the law requireth of us the utmost perfection of holiness, yet the gospel maketh an allow- ance for our weakness, and Christ is so meek and lowly in heart, that he accepteth of that which our weak faith can attain to by his grace, and doth not exact or expect any more of us for his glory and our salvation, until we grow stronger in grace. God sheweth his greatindulgence to his people under the Old Testament, that Moses the lawgiver suffered them because of the hardness of their hearts, to put away their wives, tho’ from the beginning it was not so, Matth. xix. 8. and also in tolerating the customary practice of Polygamy. Tho' Christ will not tolerate the continuance of such practices in his church, since the Spirit is more pientifully poured forth under the * gospel : yet he is as forward as ever, to bear with the failings of his weak saints who desire to obey him sin- cerely. We have another instance of God’s indulgence, more full to our present purpose, in his commanding that the fearful and faint hearted should not be forced to enter into battle against their enemies, but suffered to ". return home to their houses; tho’ fighting in battle against their enemies, without fear and faint heartedness, was a duty that God did much exercise his people in, at . . that time, Deut. xx. 3, 8. So under the gospel, though it be an eminent part of Christ's service, to endure the " greatest fight of afflictions, and death itself courageously, for his name's sake; yet if any be so weak in faith, that -- they have not sufficient courage to venture into the bat- . tie, no doubt but Christ alloweth them to make use of any honest means whereby they may escape the hands of persecutors, with safety to their holy profession. He will lº accept them in this weaker kind of service, and will ap- - - prove of them better than if they should hazard a denial of his name, by venturing themselves upon the trial of matyrdom, when they might have escaped it. Peter 2 ~ s--- ' ' ' 2 14 rh E Gospel MystERY Direct. XII. came off with sin and shame, by venturing beyond the . measure of his faith, into the hands of his persecutors, when he went after Christ to the High Priest's hall; whereas he should rather have made use of that indulgent demission that Christ gave to him and the rest of his dis- ciples: “Let these go their way,” John xviii. 8. Christ dealeth with his people as a good careful shepherd, that will not over drive his sheep; “He shall gather the “lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and “shall gently lead those that are with young,” Isa. xl. 11. He would not have his disciples urged rigorously up- on the duty of fasting, when their spirits were unfit for it ; because he knew, that imposing duties above their strength, is like putting a piece of new cloth into an old garment, and new wine into old bottles; which spoileth all at last, Matt, ix. 14, 15, 16, 17. That precept of So- lomon, “Be not righteous overmuch,” Eccles. vii. 16. is very useful and necessary, if rightly understood. We are to beware of being too rigorous in exacting righte- ousness of ourselves and others, beyond the measure of faith and grace. Overdoing commonly proveth undoing. Children who venture on their feet beyond their strength, have many a fall ; and so have babes in Christ, when they venture unnecessarily upon such duties as are beyond the strength of their faith. We should be content, at present to do the best that we can, according to the mea- sure of the gift of Christ, though we know. that others are enabled to do much better; and we are not to de- spise the day of small things, but to praise God that he worketh in us any thing that is well pleasing in his sight, hoping that he will sanctify us throughout, and bring us at last to perfection of holiness through Jesus Christ our Lord. And we should carefully observe in all things,” that good lesson of the apostle, “Not to think of our- “selves more highly than we ought to think; but to “think soberly according as God hath dealt to every “man the measure of faith,” Rom. Xii. 3. Yirect. XIII. or sANCTIFICATIow. 21s - DIRECTION XIII. Endeavour diligently to make the right use of a Means' appointed in the Word of God, for the obtaining and practising Holiness, only in this Way of be- lieving in Christ, and walking in him, according to your new State by Faith. - *. EXPLICATION. . # , THIS might have been added to the instructions in the explication of the former direction, because its use is the same, to guide usin the mysterious manner of practising holiness in Christ, by the life of faith; but the weight and comprehensiveness of it, maketh it worthy to be treated of by itself, as a distinct direction. Two things are observable In it. * - - . . . . - First, That though all holiness be effectually attained by the life of faith in Christ, yet the use of any means ap- pointed in the word for attaining and promoting holi- ness, is not hereby made void, but rather established. This is needful to be observed against the pride and ig- norance of some carnal gospellers, who being puffed up with a conceit of their feigned faith, imagine themselves to be in such a state of perfection, that they are above all ordinances, except singing hallelujahs; and also against the Papists, who run into the contrary extreme, by heap- ing together a multitude of means of holiness, which God never Commanded, neither ever came they into his heart, and who slander the Protestant doctrine of faith and free grace, as if it tended to destroy ail diligent use of the means of holiness and Saivation, and to breed up a com- pany of lazy Soliñdians. We do indeed assert and pro- fess, that a true and lively faith, in Christ is alone suffici-. ent and effectual, through the grace of God, to receive him and all his fulness so far as is necessary in this life, for our justification, sanctification, and eternal salvation, but yet we also assert, and profess, that several means are appointed of Cod for the begetting, maintaining and in- creasing this faith, and the acting and exercising it, in order to tile attainment of its end ; and that these means ,-- 316 THE Gesprl MystERY Direct. XIII. are to be used diligently, which are mentioned in the se- quel. True believers find, by experience, that their faith needeth such helps; and they that think themselves abové any need of them, do reject the counsel of God against themselves, like to those proud Pharisees and lawyers, who thought it a thing beneath them, and refused to be baptized of John, Luke vii. 30. Yet we account no means necessary or lawful to be used for the attainment of holi- ness, besides those that are appointed by God in his word. We know, that holiness is a part of our Salvation: and therefore they who think men may. or can invent any means effectually for the attainment of it, do ascribe their salvation partly to men, and rob God of his glory in being our only Saviour ; and they do thereby plainiy shew, that though they “draw nigh unto God with their mouth, “ and honour him with their lips ; yet thcir hearts are “ far from him. And in vain do they worship him, teach- “ing for doctrines the commandments of men,” Matth. xv. 7, 8, 9. - . . . - The SECOND thing observable, and principally design- ed, in this direction, is “the right manner of using all “ the means of holiness,” for the obtaining and practising it no other way besides that of believing in Christ, and walking in him according to our new state by faith ; waich hath been already demonstrated to be the only way where- by we may effectually attain to this great end. We must use thern as helps to the life of faith, in its beginning, continuance and growth ; and as instruments subservi- ent to faith, the principal instrument, in all its acts and exercises, whereby the soul receiveth Christ, and walketh in all holiness by him. We must beware, lest we use them. rather in opposition than in subordination to the way of sanctification and salvation by free grace in Christ, through faith; and lest, by our abuse of them, they be made ra- ther hindrances than helps to our faith. We must not idolize any of the means, and put them into the place of Christ, as the Papist’s do, by trusting in them ; as if they were effectual to confer grace to the soul, by the work that is done in the use of them. Neither may we use them as works of righteousness, to be performed as con- ditions for the procuring the favour of God, and the sal- 3-43.4% Direct. XIII. of sanctific ATION. 217' vation of Christ. Neither must they be accounted so ab- solutely necessary to salvation; as if a true faith were void and of none effect, when we are debarred from the en- joyment of several of them. The holy scriptures, with all the means of grace appointed therein, are able to make us wise unto salvation, no other way than by faith in Jesus Christ, 2 Tim. iii. 15. And therefore our wise endeavour must be, not to use them in any opposi- tion to the grace of God in Christ. For God’s ordinances are like the cherubims of glory, made with their faces looking towards the mercy seat. They are made to guide us to Christ for salvation by faith, alone. If any turn them to another use, it is a great violation of divine in- stitutions; as if any sacrilegious person had presumed to turn the faces of the cherubims from the mercy seat some other way. This right use of the means of grace, is a point wherein many are ignorant, that use them with great zeal and diligence ; and thereby they do not only lose their labour, and the benefit of the means, but also they wrest and pervert them to their own destruction. The Jews under the law of Moses, enjoyed many more ordi- nances of worship than we do under the gospel; but their table became their snare, and they fell miserably from God and Christ, because the “veil of ignorance was upon “ their hearts,” that they could not jook to the end of those ordinances, even to the Lord Jesus Christ; and they sought not salvation by faith, but by the ordinances, as works of righteousness, and by other works of the law ; for “they stumbled at the stumbling stone,” Rom. ix. 31, 32. and x. 4, 5. 2 Cor. iii. 13, 14. That you may not stumble and fall by the same pernicious error, I - shall shew particularly how several of the principal means of holiness appointed in the word of God, are to be made use of in that right manner expressed in the direction. 1. We must endeavour diligently to know the word. of God contained in the holy scripture, and to improve it to this end, that we may be made wise unto salvatiºn, through faith which is in Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. iii. 15. Other means of salvation are necessary to the more abun- dant well being of our faith, and of our new state in Christ; 218 ºr HE Gospel MystERY Direct. XIII, - - but this is absolutely necessary to the very being thereof; | because faith cometh by hearing the word of God, and receiveth him as manifested by the word ; as I have be-, fore proved. Rahab the Canaanite was justified by faith, before she had any visible communion with the church in any of God’s ordinances; yet liot without the word of God, even the same word, for substance, which was writ- ten in the scriptures, and was then extant in the book of Moses; though that word was not brought to her by any . book of holy scripture, not by the preaching of any holy minister, but by the report of the heathens, Josh. ii. 9, 11. Buthere our great work must be, to get such a knowledge of the word, as is necessary and sufficient to guide us in the receiving Christ, and walking in him by faith. You must not be of their minds that think the knowledge of * the ten commandments to be sufficient to salvation, or that would have mysteries to remain hid from the under- standing of the vulgar, and nothing to be preached to them but what they can readily assent to, and receive by the light that is in all men ; of which mind, it may be, some ministers are, who unwittingly agree with the Qua- kers in a fundamental of their heresy. But you must en- deavour chiefly, to know the mystery of the Father and the Son, as it is discovered in the gospel, wherein are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Col. ii. of it, is death eternal, John xvii. 3. 2 Cor. iv. 3. You must know, that “Christ is the end of the law,” Rom. x. 4. and therefore you must endeavour to know the commands of the law; flot that you may be enabled, by that knowledge, to practise them immediately, and so to procure salvation by your works; but rather, by your knowledge of them, you may be anade sensible of your inability to perform them, and that the enmity that is in your heart against them; and the wrath that you are un- der for breaking them, and the impossibility of being saved by your own works; that so you may fly to Christ for " fication, and strength to fulfil the law acceptably through 2, 3, which to know is life eternal, and the ignorance, refuge, and trust only to the free grace of God for justi- him in your conversation. And for this end, you rºust. endeavour to learn the utmost strictness of the commands, Direct. XIII. of s ANCTIFICATION. 219 the exact perfection and spiritual purity which they re- quire, that you may be the more convinced of sin, and stirred up to seek unto Christ for remission of sin, for pu- rity of heart and spiritual obedience, and be brought near- er to the enjoyment of him; as he testifieth, that the Scribe who understood the greatness of that command of t s “ loving the Lord with all the heart and soul, was not “far from the kingdom of God,” Matt. xii. 34. The most effectual knowledge for your salvation, is, to under- • *, *, *** staid these two points; the desperate sinfulness and mi- sery of your own natural condition, and the alone suffici- ency of the grace of God in Christ for your salvation ; that & O - you may be abused as to the flesh, and exalted in him alone. And, for the better understanding these two main points, you should jearn how the first Adam was the figure of the second, Rom. v. 14. how sin and death came up- on all the natural seed of the first Adam, by his disobe- die.ce in eating the forbidden fruit, and how righteous- ness and everlasting iife come tºpon aſ the Spiritual seed of the second Adam, Jesus Christ by his obedience unto death, even the death of the cross. You also should learn the true difference between the two covenants, the old and the new, or the law and the gospel : that the former shºtteth us up under the guilt and power of sin, and the wrath of God and his curse, by its rigorous terms, “Do “all the commandments, and live; and cursed are you, “if ye do them not, and fall in the least point ;” the latter openeth the gates of righteousness and life to all believers. (i. e. the new covenant) by its gracious terms, “ B2- . “lieve in the lord Jesus Christ, and live,” i. e. AH your sins shall be forgiver, and holiness and glory shall be given to you freely by his merit and Spirit. Further- more you should learn the gospel principles that you are to walk by, for the attainment of holiness in Christ. And here I shall mind you particularly, that you would be a good proficient in Christian learning, if you get a - > - - 13, you get good understanding of the 6th and 7th chapters of the apostle Paul to the Romans; where the powerful principles of sanctification are purposely treated of, and differenced from those weak and ineffectual principles, which we are 220 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XIII. most naturally prone to walk by. I need not particular- ly commend any other points of religion to your learning; for, if you get the knowledge of these principal points, which I have mentioned, and improve it to a right end, which is, to live and walk by faith in Christ, your own renewed mind will covet the knowledge of all other things that appertain to life and godliness; and, if in any thing you be otherwise minded than is according to saving truth, “God shall reveal even this unto you,” Phil. iii. 15. Yet let me caution you, lest instead of gaining Christ by your knowledge, you rather lose him, by putting your knowledge in the place of Christ, and trusting on it for your salvation. One cause of the Jews perishing was, that they rested on a form of knowledge, and of the truth in the law, Rom. ii. 20. And, doubtless, all that many Christians will gain by their knowledge in the end, will only be, to be beaten with more stripes, because they place their religion and salvation chiefly in the knowledge of their Lord’s will, and in their ability to talk and dis- pute of it, without preparing themselves to do according thereunto, Luke xii. 47. Much less are you to place your religion, and hope of salvation, in a daily task o reading chapters, or repeating sermons, without under- standing more than the Papists do their lessons in the La- tin mass, and canonical hours; as sad experience sheweth, that many seemingly devout and frequent hearers of the word, do notwithstanding remain in lamentable and won- derful ignorance of the saving truth. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, “ That in hearing, they “shall hear, and not understand; and, in seeing, they “shall see,” &c. Matth. xiii. 14, 15. 2. Another means to be used diligently for the pro- moting the life of faith, is, examination of our state and ways according to the word; whether we be, at present, in a state of sin and wrath, or of grace and salvation ; that, if we be in a state of sin, we may know our sickness, and come to the great Physician, while it is called to day : and, if we be in a state of grace, we may know that we are of the truth, and assure our hearts before God, with the greater confidence, by the testimony of a good conscience. 1 John iii. 19. that so our hearts may be Direct. XIII. or sANCTIFICATION. 221 more strongly comforted by faith, and established in eve- ry good work; and that, if our ways be evil, we may turn from them to the Lord our God through Christ; without whom none cometh to the Father, Lam. iii. 40. John xiv. 6. But your great care, in this work of self- examination, must be, to perform it in such a manner, that it may not hinder and destroy the life of faith, as it doth in many, instead of promoting it. Therefore be- ware lest ye trust upon your Self-examination, rather than upon Christ; as some do, that think they have made their peace with God, merely because they have examined themselves upon their sick bed, or before the receiving of the Lord’s supper, though they have found themselves stark naught, and do not depend on Chiist, to make thern better, but on their own deceitful purposes and resolutions. Think not that you must begin this work with doubting whether God will extend mercy to you, and save you; and that you must leave this a question wholly under de- bate, until you have found out how to resolve it by self- examination. This is a common and very pernicious er- ror in the very foundation of this work, which is hereby laid in the great sin of unbelief; which, as soon as it pre- valleth, doth, by its great influence, dash and obscure all inward gracious qualifications of peace, hope, joy, love to God and his people, before they be at all tried, whether they can give any good evidence for their salva- tion. And it makes people willing to think their own qualifications better than they are, lest they should fall into an utter despair of their salvation ; and thus it wholly marreth the good work of self-examination, and maketh it destructive to our souls; for to them that are defiled and unbelieving, there is nothing pure. Tit. i. 15. You should rather begin the work with much as- surance of faith, that though you may at present find your heart never so wicked and reprobate, (as many of God’s choicest servants have found,) yet the door of mercy is open for you, and that God will certainly save you for ever, if you put your trust in his grace through Christ. I have formerly shewed, that this confident persuasion is of the nature of saving faith, and that we have sufficient ground - T 2 – , 222 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XIII. for it in the free promises of the gospel, when we walkin darkness, and can see no lightshining forth in our graci- ous qualifications. If we begin the work with this con- fidence, it will make us impartial, and not afraid to find out the worst of ourselves, and willing to judge, that our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, beyond what we can find out, Jer. xvii. 9. And if we have any holy qualifications, this confidence will preserve them in their vigour and brightness, that they may be able to give clear evidence, that we are at present in a state of grace. Mark well the difference between those two questions, Whether God will graciously accept and save me, though a vile sinner, through Christ; as before wasfsaid, and whether I am already brought in- to a state of salvation ? The former of these, I say, is to be resolved affirmatively by a confident faith in Christ; the latter is only to be inquired into by self-examination. Mispend not your time, as many do, in poring upon your hearts, to find whether you be good enough to trust on Christ for your salvation, or to find whether you have any faith, before you dare be so bold as to act faith in him. But know, that though you cannot find that you have any faith or holiness, yet, if you will now believe on him that justifieth the ungodly, it shall be accounted to you for righteousness, Rom. iv. 5. And if you love Christ, and your own soul, mispend not your time in examining, whether you have committed the unpardon- able sin against the Holy Ghost, except it be with a full purpose, to assure yourself, more and more, that you are not guilty thereof; for any doubtfulness in this point, will but harden you in unbelief. Remember well, that the question to be resolved, is, whether you be at present in a state of grace? and to resolve it, you must be willing to know the best of yourself, as well as the worst : and you must not think, that humility bindeth you to overlook your good qualifications, and to take notice only of your cor- . ruptions. But your great work must be, to find whether there be not some drop of saving grace in the ocean of your corruption? And it will consist well with humility, to take notice of, and own any true spark of holiness that is in you; because the praise and glory of it belongeth not > • º Direct. XIII. or sANGTIFICATION. 22s to you, but to God, Phil. i. 11. And you must try in- herent grace by the touch stone, not by the measure ; by its nature, not its degree ; nor denying any lustings of the spirit in you, because of the strong lustings of the flesh against the spirit: or denying that you are spiritual in some degree, and babes in Christ, because you find your- selves carnal in a more prevailing degree, and the old man bigger than the new, Gal. v. 17. 1 Cor. ii. 1. Especially you are to examine and prove, whether you be in the faith. For, if you make sure of this, you make - sure of all the things that pertain to life and godliness; and, if you doubt of this, you will certainly doubt of the truth of any other qualifications, and will suspect them to be merely carnal and counterfeit; because it is a known truth, that to the unbelieving there is nothing pure and that all that have not truly received Christ by faith, are at present in an unregenerate state, though they seem ne- ver so pure and godly, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. Tit. i. 15. And let not the issue of this trial depend at all upon your knowledge of the time when, or of the sermon, con- ference, or place of scripture, by which you were first converted, to the faith; though that is good to know too, if it may be. And some who have formerly lived in gross-ignorance, or in a manifest opposition to true faith and holiness, may know such circumstances of their conversion, and may reflect upon them comfortably, as the apostle Paul did, who was turned of a sudden, from his persecuting rage, to be a disciple and an apostle of Christ; yet others, sincere believers, may be wholly ig- norant of them, as John the Baptist, who was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb, Luke' i. 15. and they that have been trained up religiously, and know the holy scripture from their childhood, as Timothy, 2 Tim. iii. 15. yea, and many that are first turned from gross ignorance and profaneness, to some external re- formation, and then, in process of time, brought nearer to the kingdom of heaven, by insensible degrees, before they be really new begotten by the spirit of faith. There are also some that deceive their souls, by imagining, they know, at what time, and by what text of scripture, they were converted, and can make large discourses of . . 224 the gospel, Mystery Direct. XIII. the workings of God upon their hearts, and are prone to taſk unseasonably, with vain giorying, of their own ex- periences: when, at last, all their experiences are not : sufficient to evidence, that they are attained to the least -- measure of true saving faith. . . . . . . . . Therefore, that we may not unjustly condemn or justi- fy our faith, by proceeding on insufficient evidences in its trial; our best way is, to examine it by the inseparable properties of a true saving faith, by putting to ourselves , such questions as these : Are we made thoroughly sensi- ble of our sinfulness, and of the deadness and misery of our natural state, so as to despair absolutely of ever attain- ing to any righteousness, holiness, or true happiness, while we continue in it? Are the eyes of our understand- ing enlightened, to see the excellency of Christ, and the alone sufficiency and all sufficiency of his grace for our salvation? Do we prefer the enjoyment of him above aſſ things, and desire it with our whole heart, as our only happiness, whatsoever we may suffer for his sake? Do we desire with our whole heart, to be delivered from the power and practice of sin, as well as from the wrath of God, and the pains of hell ? Do our hearts come to Christ, and lay hold on him for salvation, by trusting him . only, and endeavouring to trust on him confidently, not- * . withstanding all fears and doubts that assaultus? If you find in yourself asfaith that hath these properties, though as small as a grain of mustard seed, and opposed with much unbelief and manifold corruptions in your soul, you may conclude that you are in a state of salvation at present, and that your remaining work is, to continue and grow in it more and more, and to walk worthy of it. You should also examine the fruits of your faith, and try whether you can, “shew your faith by your works,” as you are taught, James ii. 18. that you may be sure not to be deceived in your judgment concerning it. And though it be true, as I have noted, that doubts concern- ing your faith will breed doubtings concerning the sinceri- . ty of other qualifications that are fruits thereof; yet pos- sibly you may get such clear evidences of your sincerity, as may overcome and expet all your doubts. And here you are not only to enquire, whether your inclinations, Direct. XIII. of sANCTIFICATION. 223 ~ Fº affections and actions, be materially good and holy; but also, by what principles they are bred and in- —fluenced 3 whether it be by slavish fears of hell, and mer- cenary hopes of getting heaven by your works, which are legal and carnal principles that can never breed true holiness: or by gospel principles as by love to God, be- cause God hath loved you first, and to Christ, because he hath died; and by the hopes of eternal life, as the free gift of God through him, and dependence on God, to sanctify you by his Spirit according to his promises: Re- member, that the New Testament is the ministration of the Spirit, 2 Cor. iii. 6, and the Spirit will sanctify us, not by legal, but by gospel principles. Take notice, far- ther, that you need not trouble yourself, to find out a multitude of marks and signs of true grace, if you can find a few good ones. Particularly, you may know, that “you are passed from death to life, if you love the brethren,” I John iii. 14. i. e. If you love all whom you can in charity judge to be true believers, and that because they are true believers, and for the truth’s sake, that dwelleth in them. As Solomon discerned the true mother of the child, by her very great affection to- wards her child; so the mother grace of faith may be discerned by the love that it breeds in us toward all true believers. To conclude this point, happy are you if you can find so much evidence of the fruits of your faith, as may enable you to express your sincerity in these mode- rate terms, “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good “conscience; in all things willing to live honestly,” Heb. 3. Meditation on the word of God is of very great use and advantage for the attainment and practice of holiness through faith in Christ. It is a duty whereby the soul doth feed and ruminate upon the word as its spiritual food, and digesteth it and turneth it into nourishment, whereby we are strengthened for every good work. Our souls are satisfied therewith, as with marrow and fatness; when we remember God upon our beds, and meditate on him in the night watches, Psal. lxiii. 5, 6. The new nature may well be called the mind, Rom. vii. 25. Be- cause it liveth and acteth, by minding and meditating on spiritual things. Therefore it is a duty to be practised, 226 A THE cospiti, MystERY Direct. XIII. cernment iles, in practising this duty in such a manner, as that it may be subservient, and not at all opposite to the t not only at some limited times, but all the day, Psalm cºix. 97 yea day and night, Psalmi, 2. even in our or- dinary employments at home and abroad. An habitual knowledge of the word will not profit us, without an ac- tive minding it by frequent meditation. Some think, that much preaching of the word is not needful, where a people are already brought to the knowledge of those things that are necessary to salvation. But they who are regenerated by the word, find by experience, that their spiritual life is maintained and increased by often minding the same word; and therefore, “as new born'babes they “ desire the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow “ thereby,” I Pet. ii. 2. and would by the preachers, be put often in remembrance of the same things tº at they imay feed upon them by meditation, though they know them already, and are “established in the present truth,” 2 Pet. i. 12. But here our greatest skill and chief con- life of faith. We must not rely upon the performance of a daily task of meditation, as a work of righteousness for the procurement of the favour of God, instead of relying of the righteousness of Christ; as indeed we are prone to do, to catch at any straw, rather than to trust only on the free grace of God in him for our salvation. And the end of our meditation must-not be mere speculation and knowledge of the truth, but rather the vigorous pressing it upon our consciences, and the stiring up our hearts and affections to the practice of it. And, in stiring up ourselves to an holy practice, we must warily observe, how far the several parts of the truth of God are powerful and effec- tual to the attainment of this end, that we may make use of them accordingly. We must not imagine, as too many do, yea, and some great masters in the art of meditation, that we can bring our hearts effectually to the love of God, and holiness, can work strange alterations, and frame … in our hearts any holy qualifications or virtue, merely by working in ourselves strong apprehensions of God’s eter- nal power and godhead, his sovereign authority, omni- science, perfect holines, exactjustice, the equity of his law, and reasonableness of our obedience to it; the unspeak- ~. Direct. XIII. or sANGTIFICATION. . . . 227 able happiness prepared for the godly, and misery to the wicked, to all eternity. Meditation on such things, as these, is indeed very useful to press upon our Conscienges the strictness of our obligation to holy duties, and to move us to go by faith to Christ, for life and strength to-per- form them. But, that we may receive this life and strength, whereby we are enabled for immediate per-, formance, we must meditate believingly on Ciuist’s sav- ing benefits, as they are discovered in the gospel; which is the only doctrine which is the power of God to our sal- vation, and whereby the puickening spirit is ministered to us, and that is able to build us up, and give us an inherit- ance among all them who are sanctified, Rom. i. 16. 2 Cor. iii. 6. Acts xx. 32. You must take special care to act faith in your meditation, mix the word of God’s grace with it, or eise it will not profit you, Heb. iv. 2, And, if you set the loving kindness ºf God frequently before your eyes, by meditating, on it believingly, you will be strengthened to walk in the truth, Psalm xxvi. 3. and by “beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, you & “will be changed into the same image, from glory to “glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Cor. iii. 18. This kind of meditation is sweet, and delightful to those that aré, guided to it by the Spirit of faith; and it needs not the help of such artificial metrods as the vulgar cannot easily learn. You may let your to any rules of method. You will find your souls much enlivened by it, and enriched with the grace of God; which cannot be effected by any kind of meditation, though it be never so methodical, and curiously framed according to the rules of art. . . fe - 1 - , 4: The sacrament of baptism must needs be of great use. * * * * * to promote the life of faith, if it be made use of according ... to its nature and institution; because it is a seal of the righteousness of faith, as a circumcision was formerly, Rom. iv. 11. But then we must take heed of making it a seal of the contrary righteousness of works; as the carnal Jews did, that sought to be justified by the law of Moses; and as many Christians do, that transform the new covenant into a covenant of works, requiring sincere obedience to 228. rHE gospel Mysºrºry Direct. XIII. *. - all the laws of Christ, as the condition of our justification 3. into which new devised covenant—they think themselves to be entered by their baptism. I may say of baptism thus perverted and abused, as the apostie saith of circum- cision, “Baptism verily profiteth, if thou keep the law; “but, if thou be a breaker of the law, thy baptism is “made no baptism,” Rom. ii. 25. If thou be baptised, so long as thou continuest in the abuse of that holy ordi- nance, “ Christ shall profit you nothing; he is become of “none effect to you; ye are fallen from grace,” Gal. v. . . * * * * 2, 4. Beware also of making an idol of baptism, and putting it in the place of Christ as the Papists do, who hold that it concerneth grace by the very work that is per- formed in the administration of it; and as many ignorant - .. - w 9 *** people do, that trust rather on their baptism, than on him ; like the pharisees, who placed their confidence on circum- cison, and other external privileges, Phil. iii. 4, 5. We are to know, that God is not well pleased with many that are baptised, 1 Cor. x. 2, 5. and the time will come, when he will punish the baptised with the unbap- tised, as well as the circumcised with the uncircumcised, Jer. ix. 25. Beware also of advancing baptism to an equal partnership with faith in your salvation; as some do, who account aſ baptism as null and void, besides that which is administered to persons grown up to years of discretion; and tiley that refuse to be rebaptised at those years, are to be accounted aliens from the true church, from Christ and his salvation, notwithstanding all their faith in him. If the baptism of infants were null and void; yet the want of true baptism would be no damn- ing matter to those that are otherwise persuaded. Circum- cision was as necessary as baptism in its time; and yet the Israelites omitted it for the space of forty years in the wilderness, without fearing, that they should fall short of . salvation for want of it, Josh. v. 6, 7. Many precious saints in the primitive times of persecution, having gone to heaven through a baptism of suffering for the name of Christ, before they had opportunity to be baptised with water. And, in those ancient times, when the custom of defering baptism too much prevailed, we are not to think that none were in a state of salvation by faith in Carist Direct. XIII. of sanctific ATION. 229 º' that deferred that ordinance, or neglected it. Take no- - tice, further, that it is not sufficient to avoid the perni- cious errors of those that pervert baptism, contrary to its institution; but you must be also diligentin improving it to the ends for which it was instituted. And here let me desire you to put the question seriously to your souls, What good use do you make of your baptism : How often, or seldom, do you think upon it? The vulgar sort of Christians, yea, it may be feared, many sincere converts, do so fittie think upon their own baptism, and study to make a due improvement of it, that it is of no more profit to their souls than if they never had been baptized; yea, their sin is the more aggravated, by rendering such an or- dinance of none effect to their souls thro’ their own gross neglect. Though baptism be administered to us but once in our lives; yet we ought frequently to reflect upon it, and on all occasions to put the question to ourselves, Unto what were we baptized Acts xix. 3. What does this ordinance seal? what did it engage us to ? And accord- ingly we must stir up and strengthen ourselves by ourbap- tism, to lay iſſoid on the grace which it seals to us, and to fulfil its engagements. We should often remember, that we are made Christ’s disciples by baptism, and engaged to hear him, rather than Moses, and to believe on him for our salvation; as John baptized with the baptism of re- pentance, saying to the people, that they should believe on him that should come after him, i. e. on Christ Jesus. *We should remember, that our baptism seaſed our putting - on of Christ, and our being the Children of God by faith in him, and our being no longer under the former school- master, the law, Gal. iii. 25, 26, 27. and that it sealed to us the putting off the body of sin, and our burial and resurrection with Christ by faith, and the forgiving of our trespasses, Col. ii. 12, 13. Our being made members of one body, Christ, and to drink into one º Spirit, 1 Cor. xii. 12, 13. We may find by such things as these, which are more fully discovered in the gospel, that it is the proper nature and tendency of baptism, to guide us to faith in Christ alone for remis- sion of sins, holiness and all salvation, by unions and fellowship with him; and that a diligent improvement of 230 THE Gospel MystERY Direct. XIII. •. life of faith. - ~, . . . . . . 5. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper is as a spiritual feast to nourish our faith, and to strengthen us to walk in all holiness by Christ living and working in us, if it be used according to the pattern which he gave us in its first institution, recorded by three Evangelists, Matt. xxvii. 26, 27, 28. Mark xiv. 22, 23, 24. Luke xxii. 12, 20. and was extraordinarily revealed from heaven by Christ himself to the apostle Paul, 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24, 25. that we might be the more obliged and stirred up to the exact observation of it. Its end is, not only that we may remember Christ’s death in the history, but in the mystery of it; as that his body was broken for us, that his blood is the blood of the New Testament, or co- venant shed for us; and for many, for the remission of sins ; that so we may receive and enjoy all the promises of the new covenant which are recorded, Heb. viii. 10, l 1, 12. Its end is, to mind us, that Christ’s body and blood are bread and drink, even all sufficient food to nou- rish our souls to everlasting life; and that we ought to take, and eat, and drink him by faith : and to assure us that when we truly believe on him, he is as really and closely united to us by his Spirit, as the food which we eat and drink is united to our bodies. Christ himself, John vi. doth more fully explain this mystery. Further- more, this sacrament doth not only put us in mind of the spiritual blessings wherewith we are blessed in Christ, and our enjoyment of them by faith, but also it is a mean and instrument, whereby God doth really exhibit and give forth Christ and his salvation to true believers, and whereby he doth stir up, and strengthen believers, to re- ceive and feed upon him by present actings of faith, while they partake of the outward elements. When Christ saith, “...Eat, drink; this is my body, this is my blood,” no less can be meant, than that he doth as truly give his body and blood to true believers in that ordinance, as the bread and cup; and they do as truly receive it by faith, as if a prince invest a subject in some honourable office, by delivering to him a staff, sword or signet; and say to him, “Take this staff, sword or signet; this is such an “office or preferment;” or, if a father should deliver a this ordinance, must needs be of great advantage to the Ejirect. XIII. or sANGTIFICATION. -- 23 I deed for conveyance of land to his son, and say, “Take “ it as thy own ; this is such a farm or manor ;” how can such expressions import anything less, in common sense and reason, than a present, gift, and conveyance of the offices, preferments, and lands, by and with those outward signs : Therefore the apostle Paul asserteth, that the bread in the Lord’s supper, is the communion of the body of Christ, and the cup is the communion of his blood, 1 Cor. x. 16. which sheweth, that his body and blood are really communicated to us, and we do really partake of them, as well as of the bread and cup. The chief excellency and advantage of this ordinance is, that it is not only a figure and resemblance of our living upon a crucified Saviour, but also a precious instrument, whereby Christ, the bread and drink of life, is really conveyed to us, and received by us thro’ faith. This makes it to be a love token, worthy of that ardent affection towards us, which filled Christ’s heart at the time when he instituted it, when he was on the point of finishing his greatest work of love, by laying down his life for us, 1 Cor. xi. 23. And this is diligently to be observed, that we may make a right improvement of this ordinance, and receive the saving be- nefits of it. One reason why many do little esteem, and seldom or never partake of this ordinance, and do find little benefit by it, is, because they falsely imagine, that God in it only holds ‘orth naked signs and resemblances of Christ and his salvation, which they account to be held forth so plainly in scripture, that they need not the help of such a sign ; whereas, if they understood, that God doth really give Christ himself to their faith, by and with those signs and resemblances, they would prize it as the most delicious feast, and be desirous to partake of it on all opportunities, Acts ii. 42. and xx. 7. Another reason why many partake seldom or never of this ordinance, and know little of the benefit of it, is, because they think them- selves brought by it into great danger of eating and drinking their own damnation ; according to these ter- rifying words of the apostle, “For he that eateth and “drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation “ to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body,” I Cor. xi. 29. Therefore they account it the safest way, wholly 232 the gospel Mystrºy Direct. XIII. to abstain from such a dangerous ordinance, or, at least, that once a year is enough to run so great a hazard. And if they be brought to it sometimes by constraint of con- science, their slavish fears bereave them of all comfortable fruit of it. So that instead of striving to receive Christ and his salvation therein, they account themselves to have succeeded well if they come off without the sentence of damnation ; as the Jewish Rabbies write, that the High Priest’s life was so imminently hazarded by his entering once a year into the Holy of Holies, that he staid there as little time as he could, lest the people should think him to be struck dead by the hand of God; and when he was come forth alive, he usually made a feast of thanksgiving for joy of so great a deliverance. But there is no reason why we should be so much terrified by those words of the apostle; for they were darted against such a gross profa- nation of the Lord’s supper among the Corinthians, as we may easily avoid, by observing the institution of it, which the apostle proposeth to them as a sufficient re- medy against the gross abuse, in not discerning or differ- encing the Lord’s body from other bodily food, and par- taking of it as their own supper, with such disorder . that one was hungry, and another drunken. Besides, that terrifying word damnation, may be rendered more mildly judgment, as it is in the margin ; yea, the apostle himself, ver. 22. doth interpret it of a merciful, tem- poral judgment, whereby we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned, with the world. We are indeed prone to sin, in receiving this ordinance un- worthily ; and so we are also to pollute, more or less, all other holy things that we meddie with. So that the con- sideration of our danger might fill us with slavish fear in the use of all other means of grace, as well as of this, were it not, that we have a great High Priest, to bear this iniquity of our holy things, Exod. xxviii. 38. under the covert of whose righteousness we are to draw near unto God, without slavish fear, in the full assurance of faith, in this as well as in other holy ordinances; and we are to rejoice in the Lord in this spiritual feast, as the Jews were bound tò do in their solemn feasts, Deut. xvi. i4, 15. There are other abuses of this ordiñance, like Direct. XIII. or sANCTIFICATION. 233 tº o' to those of baptism forementioned, whereby it is rendered opposite, rather than subservient to the life of faith. Some put it in the place of Christ, by trusting on it as a work of righteousness for the procuring of God’s favour, or an ordinance sufficient to confer grace to the soul by the ve- ry work wrought. Others make it so necessary, that they account faith is not sufficient without it; and therefore they will partake of it, if they can possibly, though it be in a disorderly manner, upon their sick beds, when they are in fear of death, as their viaticum. The Papists do horribly idolize it by their sigment of transubstantiation, and the adoration of their breaden god, and their sacri- fice of the mass for the sins of the quick and the dead. We ought warily to conceive that the true body and blood of Christ are given to us, with the bread and wine in a spiritual mysterious manner, by the unsearchable opera- tion of the Holy Spirit, uniting Christ and us together by faith, without any transubstantiation in the outward elements. 5. Prayer is to be made use of as a means of living by faith in Christ, according to the new man. And it is the making our requests with supplication and thanks- giving. That it is to be used so, as an eminent means, appears, because God requireth it, 1 Thess. v. 17. \ Rom, xii. 12, it is our priestly work, 1 Pet. ii. 5. com- pared with Psalm cºli. 2, and the property of saints, I Cor. i. 2, and God is a God hearing prayer, Psalm Ixy. 2. God will be prayed to by his people, for the be- nefit that he is minded to bestow upon them, when once he hath enabled them to pray; though at first he is found of them who seek him not, Ezek. xxxvi. 27, 37. Phil. i. 19, 20, that he may prepare them for thanksgiving, and make benefits double benefits to them, Psalm lxvi. 16, 18, 19. and I. 15. 2 Cor. i. 10, 11. Though his will be not changed by this means; yet it is accom- plished, ordinarily, and his purpose is to accomplish it this way. And therefore, trusting assuredly should not make us neglect, but rather perform this duty, 2 Sam. yii. 27. Christ the Mediator of the new covenant, by whom justification and sanctification are promised, is also the Mediator for acceptance of our prayers, Heb. iv, 11, 16. The Spirit that sanctifieth us, begetteth usin Christ and sheweth the things of Christ to us, is a Spirit of pray- er, Zech. xii. 10. Gal. iv. 6. He is as fire inflaming the soul, and making it to mount upward in prayer to God, prayerless people are dead to God. If they are children of Zion, yet they are but still born, dead chil- dren, who cry not, Acts ix. I l. not written among the living in Jerusalem : Heathens in nature, though Chris- tians in name, Jer. x. 21. It is a duty so great, that it is put for all the service of God, as a fundamental du- ty, which, if it be done, the rest will be done well and not without it; and other ordinances of worship are helps to it, Isa. lvi. 7. It is the great means whereby faith doth exert itself to perform its whole work, and poureth itself forth in all holy desires and affections, Psalm lxii. S. and so yields a sweet savour, as Mary’s box of preci- ous spikenard, Mark xiv. 3. John xii. 3. and so the same promises are made to faith and prayer, Rom. x. 11, 12, 13. It is our continual incense and sacrifice, whereby we offer ourselves, hearts, affections, and lives to God, Psalm czli. 2. We act all grace in it; and must act it this way, or else we are not likely to act it any other way. And as we act grace, so we obtain grace by it, and all holiness, Psal. cxxxviii. 3. Luke xi. 13. Heb. iv. 16. Psal. lxxxi. 10. Our riches come in by it. Israel prevails while Moses holds up his hands, Exod. xvii. 1 1. By prayer Hannah is strengthened against her sorrows, 1 Sam. i. 15, 18. peace is continued, Phil. iv. 6, 7, the disordered soul is set in order by it, as Han- nah, 1 Sam. i. 18. Psalm xxxii. 1–11. Incense was still burnt, while the lamps were dressed, Exod. xxx. 7, 8. It is added to the spiritual armour, not as a particular piece of it, but a means of putting on all, and making use of all aright, that we may stand in the evil day, Eph. vi. 18. It is a means of transfiguring us into the likeness. of Christ in holiness, and making our spiritual faces to shine, as Christ was transfigured bodily, whilst he prayed, Luke xi. 29; and Moses’ face shone, whilst he talked with God, Exod. xxxiv. 29. Hence the frequent use of this duty is commended to us; Eph. vi. 18. Praying always, (fianti kairo) on all seasons and opportunities; Direct. XIII. or sanctification. ass and, by the example of the saints, in public with the congregation, Acts ii. 42. and x. 30, 31. Solemn acts of prayer should be continued daily, Matth. vi. 11. yea, several times in a day, as morning and evening sa- crifice, Dan. vi. 10. Psal. xcii. 2. or thrice, Psal. lv. 17. besides special occasions, James v. 13, 15. and brief ejaculations, that hinder not other bussiness, Psal. cxxix. 8. 2 Sam. xv. 31. Neh. ii. 4. Prayers should be solemn, in our closets, Matth. vi. 6. in families, Acts. x. 30, 31. And as sacrifices were multiplied upon the Sabbath days, and days of atonement, and at other appointed seasons, Numb. xxviii. besides the continual burnt-offerings; so ought prayer also. In a word, a Christian ought to give up himself eminently to this du- *** ty, Psal. cik. 4. without limits, Psal. cxix. 164. But the great work is to practise this duty rightly for holi- ness, only by faith in Christ. Here we had need say, Lord teach us to pray, Luke xi. 1. and that not only as to the matter, but as to the manner: both which are taught by Christ, in some measure, in that brief pattern of prayer which he taught his disciples. But for the understanding of it, we must consult the whole word, 2 Tim, iii. 16, 17. And we have need of the Spirit of Christ to guide us in the duty; and therefore we are taught to pray by the Spirit, i. e. the Holy Ghost, Jude ver. 20. Eph. ii. 18. the Spirit of God only guideth and enabled our souls to pray aright. And, that you may do so, take these rules. . . . . . . (1.) You must pray with your hearts and Spirits, Isa. xxvi. 9. John iv. 24. where the Spirit of Christ, and of prayer, prinsipally reside, Gal. iv. 6. Eph. i. 17. with understanding, 1 Cor. xiv. 15, 16. for we are renewed in knowledge, Col. iii. 10. 2 Pet. i. 3. so that praying in ignorance cannot sanctify. And it must be with sincere hearty desire of the good things we ask in prayer; for God seeth the heart, Psal. lxii. 8. Prayer is chiefly a heart work, Psal. xxvii. 8. God heareth the heart without the mouth, but never heareth the mouth acceptably without the heart, 1 Sam. i. 18. Your prayer is odious hypocrisy, mocking of God, and taking his name in vain, when you utter petitions for the com. 336 rhE gospel Mystrºy Direct. XIII. ing of his kingdom, and doing his will, and yet hate godliness in your heart. This is lying to God, and flat- ‘. . tering with your lips, but no true prayer; and so God. takes it, Psal. Ixxviii. 36. And you must have a sense of your wants and necessities, and that God only can sup- ply them, 2 Chron. xx. 12. And ſervency if those desires is required, James v. 16. And you must pray with at- tention, minding yourselves what you pray, or else you cannot expect that God should mind it, Dan. ix. 3. Watch unto it, 1 Pet. iv. 7. Set yourselves to this duty intently. God seeth where your heart is wander- ing, when you pray without attention, Ezek. xxxiii. 31. When you say never so many prayers without un- derstanding, attention, affection, it is not praying at all, but sinning, and playing the hypocrite; as Papists mum- ble over their Latin prayers upon the beads by tale, prat- ing like parrots what they cannot understand. And thus ignorant people say: over their forms of English pray ers, and account they have well discharged their duty, though their hearts prayed not at all, and were minding other things. This is a mere lip labour, and bodily exercise, offering a dead carcase to God; plain deceit, Mal. i. 13, 14. a form of godliness, with denying the power, 2 Tim. iii. 5. whereby Popery hath cheated the world of the power of this, and all other holy ordinances. They say, God minds and knows what they speak, and approves it. I answer, He sees them so as to judge them for hypocrites and profane persons, for not knowing, minding, and ap- proving what they utter themselves: he hath no pleasure in fools, Eccl. v. 1; 4. They would not deal so with an earthly prince. - - ~ (2.) You must pray “in the name of Christ:” for the Spirit glorifies Christ, John xvi. 14. and leadeth us to God through him, Eph. ii. 18. As I have shewed, that walk- - ing in the Spirit, and walking in Christ, is all one; so praying in the Spirit, and by and through Christ. And as we are to walk in the name of the Lord, and to do all things in his name, so to pray in his name, as is command- ed, John xiv. 13, 14. It is not enough to conclude our prayers, “through Jesus Christ our Lord,” but we must some for blessings ºn the garments of our elder brother, “, #. . Direct. XIII. or sANGTIFICATION. 23r and must depend upon his worthiness and strength for all. So also, we must praise God for all things in his name, , as things received for his sake, and by him, Eph. v. 20, We must lay hold on his strength only, and pleadnothing, and own nothing, for our acceptance, but him. We must not plead our own works arrogantly, like the proud Pha- risee, Luke xvii. 11, 12. Except only as fruits of grace, and rewards of grace, Isa. xxxviii. 3. Praying in the Spirit is upon gospel, not legal principles, Rom. vii. 6. 2 Cor. vi. 3. with great humiliation, and sense of un- worthiness, Psal. li. with a broken spirit; with despair of acceptance, otherwise than upon Christ’s account, Dan. ix. 18. It your enlargements, strugglings, meltings, have been never so great; yet without this all is abominable. (3.) Hence you must not think to be accepted for the goodness of your prayers, and trust on them as works of righteousness; which is making idols of your prayers, and putting them into the place of Christ quite contrary to praying in his name. Thus Papists hope to be saved by saying their tale of prayers upon their bead rows; and they have indulgences granted upon their saying so many prayers, and of such a sort. Yea, some ignorant Protes- tants trust on their prayers as duties of righteousness; and they think one prayer to be more acceptable than an- other, by reason of the holiness of the form, if it were made by holy mea ; especially the Lord’s prayer, which they use to help them in any exigence of danger; how little so- ever they can apply it to their own case, they make an idol of it. And some use it, and other places of scripture, as a spell or charm, to drive away the devil. And others think their prayers more acceptable in one place, than in another, by reason of the holiness of the place, John iv. 31, 24. 1 Tim. ii. 8. Others trust on their much speaking, Matth. vi. 7. which they call the enlarging of their hearts. They think to put off God and to stop the mouth of con- science with a few prayers, and so to live as they list. (4.) Pray to God as your Father, through Christ as your Saviour, in faith of remission of sins, and your ag- . ceptance with God, and the obtaining all other things which you desire of him, as far as is necessary for your salvation, James i. 5, 6, 7, and y, 15. 1 John v. 14, 15. 288 riſk gospel Mysºrrºry Direct. XIII. Mark xi. 24. Heb. x. 14. Psalm. Ixii. 8. Bºxxvi. 7. Iv. 16. lvii. 1, 2. and xvii. 6. This is praying in Christ, Eph. iii. 12. and by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of adoption, Rom. viii. 15. Gal. iv. 6. Without this, prayer is lifeless and heartless, and but a dead carcase, Rom. x. 14. Psalm lxxvii. 1, 2. By this you may judge whether you have prayed rightly, more than by your melting affection, or largeness in expression. Though you be not assured that you shall have every thing that you ask, yet every thing that is good. This faith you must endeavour to act; and therefore, if any sin lie on your conscience, you must strive first to get the pardon of it, Psal. xxxii. 1; 5. and purification from it by faith, that you may lift up holy hands without wrath and doubting, 1 Tim. ii. 8. The sin of wrath there is especially mentioned, because that is contrary to love, and forgetting others. Here lies the strength, life and powerfulness of prayer. Set faith on work, and you will be powerful, and prevail. - (5.) You must strive in prayer, to stir up, and act every other sanctifying grace, through faith moving youthereto. Thus your spikenards will yield their smell; as godly sor- row, Psalm xxxviii. 18. peace, Isa. xxvii. 5, joy, Psalm cv. 3. hepe, Psalm lxxi. 5. desire and love to God, Psalm iv. 6. and love to all his commands, Psalm crix. 4, 5. and to all his people out of love to him, Psalm cºxii. 8. you must seek the Spirit himself, in the first place, Luke xi. 13. Psalm xxxvii. 5. and all spiritual things, Matth. vi. 33. Praying only for carnal things, shews a carnal heart, and leaves it carrial. Pray for faith, Mark ix. 24. and for such things as may serve most for the glorifying God, 2 Chron. i. 11, 12, and, for outward things, you ( must act faith in submission to his will. And this prayer sets you in a holy frame, Matth. xxvi. 52. Luke xxii. 42, 43. Hallowing God’s name must be your aim, Matth. vi. 9; not your justs, James iv. 3. . . . . . . . . . (6.) Strive to bring your soul into order by this duty, however disordered by guilt, anguish, inordinate cares, or fears, Psalm xxxii. 1, 3. lv. 16, 17, 20, 21. and , lxix. 32. Phil. iv. 6, 7. 1 Sam. i. A watch must be often wound up. You must wrestle in prayer, against f : Direct. XIII. or sANCTIFICATION. 289 your unbelief, doubtings, fears, cares, reluctancy of the flesh to that which is good ; against all evil lusts and desires, coldness of affection, impatience, trouble of spi- rit; every thing that is contrary to an holy life, and the graces and holy desires to be acted for yourselves or others, Col. iv. 12. Rom. xv. 39. Stir up yourselves to the duty, Col. ii. 1, 2, Isa. lxiv. 7. Though the flesh be cross and reluctant, we must not yield, but resist by the Spirit, Matth. xxvi. 14. and thus we shall find the Spirit helping our infirmities, Rom. viii. 26, 27. Though God seem to defer long, we must not faint nor be diseouraged, Luke xviii. 1, 7. The greater our agonies be, the more earnestly we are to pray, Psalm xxii. 1, 2. Luke xxii. 42. This is [firoskarterci te froseichel “to continue instant in prayer,” Rom. xii. 12. Eph. vi. 18. Thus you will find prayer a great heart work, and not such a thing as may be done while you think on other things, and that it requireth all the strength of faith and affection that you can possibly stir up. Thus you may get a holy frame. . . . (7.) You must make a good use of the whole matter, and all the manner of prayer, as ordinary and extraordi- nary exigences may require, to stir up grace in you, by wrestling, and to bring your hearts into a holy frame. A3, in confession, you must condemn yourself according to the flesh, but not as you are in Christ. You must not deny that grace that you have, as if you were only wicked hitherto, and now to begin again; which hinders praise ... for grace received in those that are already converted. In supplication, you must endeavour to work up your heart to a godly sorrow, Psal. xxxviii. 18, and a holy, sense of your own sin and misery: and lay before you the aggra- vations thereof, Psal. li. 3. and cii. Complaint and la- mentations are one great part of prayer, as the Lamen- tations of Jeremiah. And you must add pleadings to yourpetitions, with such arguments as may servetostreng- then faith, and to stir up and kindle affection, Job. xxiii. 4. which pleadings are taken from attributes, Num. xiv. 17, 18. promises, 2 Sam. vii. 27, 28, &c. Gen. xxxii. 9, 12, the equity of our cause, Psalm xvii. 2, 3. the ad- Yantage and benefit of the thing, to the glory of God, *". 240 wife cospºl. Mysºrry Direct. XIII. t and our comfort, Psal. cxv. 1, 2, and lxxix. 9, fo, 13. Naked petitions are not sufficient, when the soul findeth special cause of struggling and wrestling against corrup- tions and dangers, and for mercies, Carist’s large prayer (John xvii.) is made up of pleading, and very few peti- tions. And we must make use also of praise and tanks- giving, to stir up peace, joy, love, &c. Gen. xxxiii. 10. Psal. xviii. 1, 2, 3, xxxiii. 1. lxxiv. 14. and civ. 34, Especially be much in praising God for mercies of the new state in Christ, Eph. i. 3. and then you will the bet- ter give thanks for all benefits on this account, Eph. v. 20. 1 Thess. v. 18, and plead for those benefits, to stir up to faith and duty. That brief ejaculation, “Lord have mercy on me,” is very good to be used ; but it will not answer the end and use of the whole duty of prayer; as some lazy carnal people would have it, and so harden themselves in the neglect of the duty; though the large improvement and use of all the matter of prayer, at all times, is not required, but only as ordinary alid extraordinary occasions may require. . (8.) You must not confine and limit your prayers by any prescribed form : seeing it is impossible that any such forms should be contrived, as should answer and fit all the various conditions and necessities of the soul at all times. I do not condemn all forms, as that made by Christ, the 'Lord’s prayer; though it were easy to shew, that he never intended it for a form of prayer, so as to bind any to the precise form of words: and it is plain the Spirit of God 'hath expressed it in different words, Matth. vi. Luke xi. But better to pray by that form, or other forms, than not at all. It is uncharitable, to take away crutches, or wood- ‘en legs, from lame people; yet none will look upon thern tout as dead helps. 'I say, it is utterly unlawful to bind ourselves to any form; because none can answer the duty ‘fity, and suitable to particular occasions, Eph. vi. 8. Phil. iv. 6. John xv. 7. 1 Thess. v. 38. Eph. v. 20. You ‘must make the wholescripture your commonprayer book, ‘as the primitive church did; being the language of the ‘Spirit, reaching all occasions and conditions, and fitest to r ‘speak to God in. And, if you use a form, you must fol- * * low it by the Spirit, farther than the form goes, accord- Af Direct. XIII. or sANCTIFICATIon. 24.1 ing as he shall guide you by the word; or else you quench the Spirit, 1 Thess. v. 19. If you know the principles of prayer, and have a lively sense of your necessities, and hearty desires of God's grace and mercies, you will be able to pray without forms, and your affections will bring forth words out of the fulness of your heart. And you' need not be over solicitous and timorous about words ; for doubtless, the Spirit, who is the help to us in speak- ing to men, will also much more help us to speak to God, if we desire it, I Cor. i. 5. Mark xiii. 1 1. Luke xii. 11, 12. And God regards not eloquent words, nor ar- tificial composure; neither need we regard it in private prayer, Isa. xxxviii. 14. If you limit yourself to forms, you will thereby grow formal, and limit the Spirit. . 7. Another means appointed of God, is singing of psalms, i. e. songs of any sacred subject, composed to a tune, hymns or songs of praise, and spirtual songs of any sublime spiritual manner, as Psalm xlv. and the Song of Solomon. God hath commanded it in the New Testa- ment, Col. iii. 16. Eph. v. 19. though, now in these days, many question whether it be an ordinance or no. And there were many commands for it under the Old Testament, Psalm crlix. 1, 2, 3. xcvi. 1. and c. Moses and the children of Israel sang before David's time, Exod. xv. David composed psalms by the Spirit, to be sung publicly, 2 Sam. xxiii. 1, 2, yea, privately too, Psalm xl. 3. 2 Chron. xxix. 30. Psalm cv. 2. Other songs also were made upon several occasions, and used, whe- ther they were parts of the scripture or no; as Solomon made a thousand and five, 1 Kings iv. 32. And they made songs upon occasion. Which teacheth that it is lawful for us to do so, if they be according to the word, Isa. xxxviii. 9, 14. The matter of scripture may be sung, Psalm crix. 54. Christ and his disciples sung a hymn, Matth. xxvi. 30. Supposed to be one of David’s psalms : and they were written for our instruction, as well as other parts of scripture, Rom. xv. 4, &c. and so to be used now in singing. They speak of the things of the New Testament, either figuratively or clearly ; and we may understand them better now, than the Jews could - X' - . . . 242 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XIII. under the Old Testament, 2 Cor. iii. 16. Gal. ii. 17. - Christians heretofore practised this duty as well as Jews, Acts xvi. 25. Hence their antelucani hymi (the hymns they sung before day light) were noted by Pliny a Hea- then. These songs or hymns may be used at all times, especially for holy mirth or rejoicing, James v. 13. But this text is not to be taken exclusively in singing, any more than in prayer, Psalm xxxviii. 18, 2 Chron. xxxv. 25. But the right manner of this duty is chiefly to be noted. And, here (1) Trust not upon the melody of the voice; as if that pleased God, who delighteth only in the melody of the heart, Col. iii. 16. Neither let the recreating your senses be your end, which is but a carnal work; JVon mixeica chordula, sed cor ; non clamans, sedamans, ſisallit in aure Oc f ; “ Not a musical string, but the heart; not “crying, but loving sounds in the ear of the Lord.” This spiritual music was typified by musical instruments of old. (2) You must use it for the same end as medi- tation and prayer, according to the nature of what is sung, i. e. to quicken faith, 2 Chron. xx. 21, 22. Acts xvi. 25, 26. and joy and delight in the Lord glorying in him, Psalm civ. 33, 34. cv. 3. exlix. 1, 2. and xxxiii. 1, 2, 3, You are never right until you can be heartily merry in the Lord, to act joy and mirth holily, James v. 13. Eph. v. 19. and also to get more knowledge, and instruction in heavenly mysteries, and in your duty, teaching and admonishing, Col. iii. 16. Many Psalms are Maschils, (as their title is,) i. e. psalms of instruc-‘ tion. Thus we are to sing such psalms as speak in the first person, tho' we cannot apply them to ourselves as words uttered by ourselves concerning ourselves: and in this we do not lie. David speaks of Christ as of himself, as a pat- tern of affliction and virtue, to instruct others; and we sing such psalms, not as our words, but words for our instruction. And therein we do not lie, any more than the Levites, the sons of Korah, or Jeduthun, or other musicians bound to sing them, Psalms v., xxxix, and xlii. Though it be good to personate all the good that we can ; yet we have so much liberty in the use of psalms, that though we cannot apply all to ourselves, as speaking and thinking the same, yet we shall answer the end, if we Direct. XIII. or sANCTIFICATION. 248 sing for our instruction, as in Psalms vi, xxvi, xlvi, ci, and cºxxi. And Psalms have a peculiar fitness for teach- - ing and instructing; because the pleasantness of metre - said or sung, is very helpful to the memory. See Deut. xxxi. 19, 21. And there is a variety of curious artifice in the piacing of words in the psalms upon this account; and there are some atphabetical psalms, as Psalms xxv, xxxiv, xxxvii, czi, CXii, cºix, and cºlv. And, by the melody of the sound, the instruction comes in with de- fight, as a physical dose sugared ; and sorrow is naturally ailayed, to fit the mind for spiritual joy; and distemper- ed passions appeased, 2 Kings iii. 15. 1 Sam. xvi. 14, -15, 16. So Orpheus, Amphion, and others, were fa- mous for civilizing rude and barbarous people by music. 8. Fasting is also an ordinance of God to be used for the same purpose and end, and is commanded to is under the New Testament, Matth. ix. 15. and xvii. 21. 1 Cor. vii. 5. And we have examples of it, Acts xiii. 2, 3. and xiv. 23. Under the Old Testament, there were frequent commands for it, and examples, chiefly upon occasion of extraordinary afflictions, 1 Sam, vii. 6. Neh. 1x. 1. Dan. ix. 3, and x. 2, 3, 2 Sam. xii. 16. Psalm xxxv. 13. 2 Sam. iii. 31. Joel ii. 13. beside the anniver- sary great day of atonement, Lev. xvi. 29, 31. when every one was to fast on pain of being cut off. There is a prophecy of the same for the times of the New Testa- ment, Zech. xii. 12. It was used most on extraordinary occasions; and it is a help to holiness by faith, because it is a meet help for extraordinary prayer and humiliation Joel i. 14, and ii. 12. , But the great matter is, to use it rightly, as followeth. . . . . . (1) Trust not in it, as meriting or satisfying, as Pa- pists and Pharisees do, Luke xvii. 18. putting it in the place of Christ; or as a means of itself conferring grace, and mortifying lusts, as many do, who may sooner kill their bodies than their ſusts; or as any purifying rite: yea, or in or for itself acceptable to God, T Tim. iv. 8. Heb. xii. 9. Col. ii. 16, 17, 20, 23. Imagine not, that prayer is not acceptable without it: for this is against faith. Fasts, as well as feasts, are no substantial parts of ! - -- - - 244 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XIII. - - worship, because not spiritual, but bodily; though, un- * der the Old Testament, they were parts, as instituted rites figurative and teaching. But that use is now ceased; as that on the day of atonement, and so many significative iites adjoining to fasting, as Saekcloth, ashes, rending, garments, pouring out water, lying on the earth. The kingdom of God consists not in these things, Rom. xiv. 16. The soul is hardened by trusting in them, Isa. Iviii. 3, 6. Zech. vii. 5, 6, 10. (2). Use it as a help to extraordinary prayer and hu- miliation ; that the mind may not be unsuited for it, by eating, drinking, or bodily pleasures, Joel ii. 13. Isa. xxii. 12, 13. Zech. xii. 10–14. It is good only as a help to the soul, removing impediments. The best fast is, when the mind is taken off from delights, as in John the Baptist’s case, Matth. iii. 4. when heaven and godly sorrow take off the soul, Zech. xii. 10–14. (3) Use it in such a measure as may be proper for its end; without which it is worth nothing. If abstinence divert your mind, by reason of a gnawing appetite, then you had better eat sparingly, as Daniel, in his great fast, chap. x. 2, 3. Some have not enough of spiritual mind- ediness, to give up themselves to fasting and prayer, with- eut great distraction : and such had better eat, than go beyond their strength in a thing notabsolutely necessary. which produceth only a slavish act, as in the case of vir- ginity, 1 Cor. vii. 7, 8, 9, 34, 35, 36. Christ would not have his weak disciples necessitated to the duty, Matt. ix. 14, 15. In the mean time, such should strive to be sensible of the weakness and carnality that hinders their use of this excellent help. . . . . . . . 9. You may expect here something to be spoken of vows. But I shall only say this of them. Think not to, bring yourselves to good by vows and promises, as if the strength of your own law could do it when the strength of God’s law doth it not. We bring children to make pro- mises of amendment; but we know how well they keep them. The devil will urge you to vow, and then to break, that he may perplex your conscience the more. 10. Another great mean, is, fellowship, and commu- nion with the Saints, Acts i. 42. . . . . . i S. - . 2. \, . . . Direct. XIII, or sANcTIFICATION, 245 FIRST, This mean must be used diligently. Whoso- ever God saveth, should be added to some visible church, and come into communion of other saints; and, if they have opportunity for it, their heart should be bent towards it. Sometimes the church is in the wilderness, and hin- dered from visible communion and ordinances ; but they that believe in Christ, are always willing and desirous so to add and join themselves, Acts ii. 41, 44, 47. “And “they continued stedfast in fellowship,” I John ii. 19. And God binds his people to leave the fellowship and So- ciety of the wicked as much as may be, 2 Cor. vi. 17. And, so far as we are necessitated to accompany with them, we ought to shew charity to their souls and bodies, 1 Cor. v. 9. This communion with Saints is to be exer- cised in private converse, Psalm ci. 4, 5, 6, 7. And in public assemblies, Heb. x. 25. Zech. xiv. 16, 17. And doubtless it ought to be used for the attainment of holi- ness ; as may be proved. . . . . . - . . " 1st, In general, Because God communinates all Salva- tion to a people ordinarily, by or in a church; either by taking them in fellowship, or holding forth the light. of truth by his churches to the world. A church is the temple of God, where God dwells, 1 Tim, iii. 15. He hath placed his name and salvation there, as in Jerusalem of old, Joel ii. 32. -2 Chron. vi. 5, 6. He hath given to his churches those officers and ordinances whereby he & converts others, 1 Cor. xii. 28. His springs are there, Psalm Ixxxvii. 7. He makes the several members of a church instruments, for the conveyance of his grace and fulness from one to another, as the members of a natural body convey to each other the fulness of the head. Eph. iv. 16. All the new born are brought fortii and nourish- ed by the church, Isa. lxvi. 8, 11. xix. 20. and Ix. 4. and therefore all who would be saved should join to a church : they shall prosper who love the church, so as to stand in its gates, and unite as members, brethren and Companións, Psalm Cºxii. 2, 4, 6. And wrath is de- nounced against those who are not members of it, at least of the mystical body ; they cannot have God for their fa- ther, who have not that for their mother, Song i. 7, 8. x 2 { 245 THE Gospel, MystERY Direct. XIII. duceth to holiness many ways. , This maketh those who desire fellowship with God, to take hold of the skirts of his people, Zech. viii. 23. . . . . & * , - 2dly, In particular, Fellowship with the saints con- I. By manifold helps to holiness, which are received thereby : As, . . . . . . . . . . . (1) The word and sacraments, Acts i. 42. Isa. ii. 3. Matth. xxviii. 19, 20. and all the ministerial office and labour in watching over souls, Heb. xiii. 17. 1 Thess. v. 12, 13. Isa. xxv. 6. None of these helps can be ` enjoyed without fellowship of saints, each with other. And, if believers had been to have stood single by them- selves, and not maintained fellowship with each other, for mutual assistance and common good, none of these things could have continued ; neither could any believer have been extant at this day, in any ordinary way, but even the very name of believers had been abolished. . . . . (2) Mutual prayer, which is the more forcible, when all pray together, Matth. xviii. 19, 20. 2 Cor. i. 10, 11. James v. 16. Rom. xv. 30. ' ' ' ' ' *Y. (3) Mutual admonition, instruction, consolation, to help each other when they are ready to fall, and to pro- mote the good work in each other, 1 Thess. v. 14. “He “ that walketh with wise men, shall be wise, Prov. xiii. * 20. Wo to him that is alone when he falleth.” See Eccl. iv. 9–12. In church fellowship there are many helpers; many to watch. Soldiers have their security in compa- ny ; and the church is compared to an army with ban- ners, Song vi. 4, 10. So, for quickening affections, iron sharpeneth iron, Prov. xxvii. 17. Likewise, the counsel of a friend, like ointment and perfume, rejoiceth the heart, Prov. xxvii. 9. Yea, the wounds and reproofs of the righteous are as precious balm, Psalm cºli. 5. (4) External supports; which mitigate afflictions, and are to be communicated mutually, Eph. iv. 28. 1 Pet. iv. 9, 10. The affliction is increased, when none careth for our souls, Psalm crlii. 4. . . . . . (5) Excommunication, when offences were exceeding heinous, or men obstinate in sin. This ordinance is ap- pointed for the destruction of the flesh, that the Spirit may be saved, 1 Cor. v. 5. Better and more hopeful it is, Direct. XIII. or sANGTIFICATION. , 247 to be cast out by the church for a person's amendment, than to be wholly without the church at all times: and better to be a lost sheep, than a goat or swine. For ex- communication cuts off actual communion only, until re- pentance be evident; and not absolutely abolisheth the ti- tle and relation of a brother and church member, though it judgeth one to be an unnatural brother, and a pernici- ous rotten member at present, not fit for acts of com- munion. Besides, admonition is still to be afforded, 2 Thess. iii. 15. and any means are to be used, that may serve to cure and restore him. The church reacheth forth a hand to help such a person, though it do not join . hands in fellowship with him ; or it communicateth to him not with him. Yet if he have not so much grace as to repent, it were better he had never known the way of righteousness, 2 Fet. ii. 21. . . . . . . . . . (6.) The lively examples of Saints are before our eyes in church fellowship, to teach and encourage, Phil. iii. 17. and iv. 9. 2 Tim. iii. 19, 11. 2 Cor. ix. 2. . . . . . . 2. By those holy duties that are required and do ap- pertain to this fellowship and communion. All acts that belong to this fellowship are holy ; as, hearing, receiv- ing the sacrament, prayer, mutual admonition, &c. I shall consider some such holy acts, whereby we are rather . doers than receivers, and which we perform towards others : As, r (1), Godly discourse, teaching, admonishing, com- forting others in Christ; which we cannot so perform to- wards others, as towards those we have strict fellowship with in Christ. Others, like swine, trample these jewels under foot; and saints therefore are forced to refrain from godly discourse in their company, Amos v. 10, 13. and vi. 10. But holy discourse is most acceptable to the saints, and to be practised with them, Mal. iii. 16. and is greatly to the advantage of holiness, Prov. xi. 25. (2) In helping, succouring, and conversing with Christ in his members, we do good to Christ in his members in church fellowship: and we ourselves, as members of Christ, act as well from him as towards him : whereas if we dogood to others without, we do good only for Christ's sake, but not to him, Mat. xxv. 35,49. We have advantage in general, to do all duties that belong to us as members & 248 THE Gospel Mystºry Birect. XIII. | - of Christ to fellow members; which we cannot do, if se- parate from them ; as a natural member cannot perform its office to other members, if separate from them, - SEGONDLY, The means must be used rightly, for the tº- * attaining of holiness in Christ. . . ... ." I. One rule is, Do not trust on church membership, or on churches, as if this or that relation in fellowship commended you to God of itself; whereas, church- . way is but a help to fellowship with Christ, and walking in the duties of that fellowship. The Israelites stumbled at Christ, by trusting on their carnal privileges, and set them in opposition to him; whereas they should have on- . ly made them subservient to him. Confidence in them. should have been abandoned, as Paul’s example teacheth, Phil. iii. 3, 4, 5. &e. We must not glory in Paul, Apollos, Cephas, but in Christ; else we glory in the flesh, and in men, 1 Cor. i. 12, 13. and iii. 21. Trust- ing on church privileges is an inlet to formality and licen- , tiousness, Jer. vii. 4, 8, 9, 10. and thence the corrup- tion of churches, Isa. i. 10. 2 Tim. ii. 20. -- - 2. Follow no church any farther than you may follow it in the way of Christ; and keep fellowship with it only upon his account, because it follows him, and hath fel- lowship with him, I John i. 3.- Zech. viii. 23. If a church revolt from Christ, we must not follow it, how ancient soever it may be ; as the Israelitish church was not to be followed, when it persecuted him and his apostles; and many, by adhering to that church, fell from Christ, | Phil. iii. 6. Acts vi. 13, 14. and xxi. 28. We are in- deed to hear the church, but not every one that calls it- self so, and none any farther than it’speaketh as a true church, according to the voice of the shepherd, John X. 27. We must subject ourselves to ministers of Christ, and stewards of his mysteries, 1 Cor. iv. 1. but must give up ourselves first to Christ absolutely, and to the church. according to the will of Christ, 2 Cop. viii. 5. Gur fear must not be taught by the precepts of men, Matt. XV. The doctrines of any men are to be tried by scripture, whateyer authority they pretend to, Acts xvii. 11. An unlimited following church guides, brought the church into Babylon, and into all manner of spiritual whore- Direct. XIII. or sANcrification. 24s doms and abominations. You are not baptized into thº name of the church, but into the name of Christ, 1 Cor. 3. Do not think, that you must attain this or that de- gree of grace, before you join yourself in full communion with a church of Christ in all ordinances. But when you have given up yourself to Christ and learned the duty of communion, give up yourself unto a church of Christ, though you find much weakness and inability. For church ordinances of special communion serve to strengthen you; - and how can you get heat, being alone! The disciples, as soon as converted, embraced all fellowship, Acts i. 42. And churches, that they may forward holiness in them- selves and others, raust be willing to receive Christ’s weak ones, and to feed his lambs as well as better grown sheep, and bear them on their sides, Isa. lxvi. 12. How else shall Shrist’s weak ones grow strong by that nourishment that other parts supply? they are very unreasonable, that expect Christians should grow, out of church fellowship, to as high a degree of grace, as these that are in those pastures of tender grass: and are unwilling to receive any that they are like to have occasion to bear with : whereas bearing and long suffering are great duties of church fellowship, Eph. iv. 2, 3. Rom. xiv. 1. The weakest have most need to be strengthened by church communion; and we are bound to receive them, as Christ hath received us, Rom. xv. 7. We do not reject or separate the weaker parts of the body, 1 Cor. xii. 23. 24. but put more honour and comeliness on them. Admission into the churches in the apostólic times was gained upon profession, with a shew of seriousness; though tares got in among the wheat, and many scandals arose to the reproach of the ways of Christ; and the greatest strictness wiłł not keep outall hypocrites; yet the best care must be taken so far as not to hinder any that have the least truth of grace. 4. Keep communion with a church, for the sake of communion with Christ, 1 John i. 3. Zech. viii. 23. Therefore you must keep communion inchrist's pure ways only, and, in them, seek him by faith; that, in the en- joyment of those advantages you may receive and act the godliness and holiness forementioned, and aim at spiritual r - - - \, - - . - - - t ...--. , -- | - 250 the gospel MystERY Direct. XIII. flourishing and growth in grace. Choose therefore fellow- ship with the most spiritual churches. Judge of churches and men, according to the rule of the new creature, 2 Cor. v. 16. 17. and try them, Rev. ii. 2. and iii. 9. other- wise a church may corrupt you. See that thy communi- on answer its end, tend to thy edification, not to thy destruc- tion; which you ought to take all the advantage of, not only in the church where you are a member, but by com- munion with other churches, as occasionally providence casts you among them ; for your communion with a par- ticular church obligeth to communion with all churches of Christ in his ways, as you are called thereto, I Cor. x. 27. And it is an abuse to say, We are members of a church in London, and therefore refuse fellowship with a church in the country; seeing, if we are members of Christ, we are members of one another, whether single persons or churches. And endeavour to join in fellow- ship with the godly of the place where you live, that you may have the more frequent and constant communion. Onesimus, though converted at Rome, must be one of the church of the Colossians, because he lived there, Col. iv. 9. compared with Philemon, verse 10. The union of the saints together in distant societies, according to the places where they lived, was the apostolic practice, and cannot be violated without sin. Such can best watch over, admonish, comfort, and edify each other; which is the benefit of communion. And they indeed destroy com- munion, that seek it where they cannot have this benefit. I only add to this head, that church fellowship, without practising the ways of Christ, is but a conspiracy to take his name in vain, and a counterfeit church fellowship of hypocrites. It is impudence for such to invite others to their community : tyranny, to compel them. Every Christian is bound to seek a better church fellowship by reformation ; and those that do so, are the best sons of Christ’s church, who inquire, is this the way to enjoy Christ? a church way being appointed to enjoy him 5. Especially leave not the church in persecution, when you need its help most, and are then most tried whether you will cleave to it. This is a sign of apostacy, Heb. x. Direct. XIV. of sanctification. 331 25, 26. Matth. xxiv. 9, 10, 12, 13, 14. We should cleave to one another as one flesh, even to prisons and death; or else we deny Christ in his members, Matth. DIRECTION XIV. *That wou may seek Holiness and Righteousness, only by believing in Christ, and walking in him by Faith, and according to the former Directions, take Encouragement from the great Advantages of this Way, and the excellent properties of it. ExPLICATION. THIS direction may serve as an epilogue or con- clusion, by stirring us up unto a lively and cheerful embracing those gospel rules forementioned, by several weighty motives. Many are kept from seeking godliness, because they know not the way to it; or the way that they think of seems uncouth, unpleasant, disadvantageous and full of discouragement: like the way through the wilderness of Canaan, which wearied the Israelites, and occasioned their many murmurings, Numb. xxi. 4. But this is a way so good and excellent, that those who have the true knowledge of it, and desire heartily to be godly, cannot dislike it. I shall shew the excelleney of it, in several particulars. But you should first call to mind what is the way I have taught, viz. union and fel- lowship with Christ, and by faith in him, as discovered in the gospel; not by law, or in a natural condition, or by thinking to get it before we come to Christ, to pro- cure him by it, which is striving against the stream; but that we must first apply him and his salvation to ourselves, for our comfort, and that by confident faith; and then walk by that faith; according to the new man, in Christ, and not as in a natural condition; and use all means of holiness rightly for this end. Now that this is an excel- . lent advantageous way appears by the following desirable properties of it, . 253 rif gospel MystEnr Direct. XIV. 1st, It hath this property, that it tends, to the abase- ment of all flesh, and exaltation of God only in his grace and power through Christ. And so it is agreeable to God’s design in all his works, and the end that he aimeth at, Rom. xi. 6. Isa. ii. 17. Fzek. xxxvi. 21, 22, 23, 31, 32. Psalm cºlv. 4. and a fit means for the attaining the end that we ought to aim at in the first place, which is through faith. For, * , w the hallowing, sanctifying, glorifying God’s name in all things; and is the first and chief petition, Matth. vi. 9. and is the end of all our acting, *1 Cop. x. 31. was the end of giving the law, Rom. iii. 19, 20. God made all things for Christ, and would have him have the pre-emi- nence in all, Col. i. 17, 18. that the Father may be glo- rified in the Son, John xiv. 13. And this property of it is a great argument to prove, that it is the way of God, and hath the character of his image stamped upon it. We may say, that it is like him, and a way according to his heart; as Christ proveth his doctrine to be of God, by this argument, John vii. 18. And Paul proveth the doc- trine of justification, and of sanctification, and salvation by grace through faith to be of God: because it excludes all boastings of the creature, Rom. iii. 27, 28. 1 Cor. i. 29, 30, 31. Eph. iii. 8, 9. Thus property appears evi- dently in the mystery of sanctification by Christ in us 1. It sheweth, that we can do nothing by our natural will or any power of the flesh; and that God will not en- able us to do any thing that way, Rom. vii. 18. however nature be stirred up by the law, or natural helps, Gal. iii. 21. And so it serveth to work self loathing and abase- ment, and to make us look upon nature as desperately wicked, and past cure, and not to be reformed, but put off, by putting on Christ. It remains wicked, and only wicked, after we have put on Christ. . . . . . ... A 2. It sheweth that all our good works, and living to God, are not by our own power and strength at all, but by the power of Christ, living in us by faith; and that God ºn- ableth us to act, not merely according to our natural . power, as he enableth carnal men and all other creatures, - but above our own power, by Christ united to us and in us through the Spirit. All men live, move, and have \, Direct. XIV. of SANCTIFICATION. 253 their being in him; and, by his universal support and maintenance of nature in its being and activity, they act, Heb. i. 3. so that the glory of their actings as creatures belongs to God. But God acts more immediately in his people; who are one flesh and one Spirit with Christ; and act not by their own power, but by the power of the Spirit of Christ in them, as closely united to them, and being the living temples of his Spirit; so that Christis the immediate principal agent of all their good works; and they are his works properly, who works all our works in us and for us; and yet they are the saints’ works by fel- lowship with him, by whose light and power the facul- ties of the saints do act, and are acted, Gal. ii. 20. Eph. iii. 16, 17. Col. i. I. so that we are to ascribe all our . works to God in Christ, and thank him for them as free gifts, 1 Cor. xv. 10. Phil. i. 11. God enables us to - act, not by ourselves, as he doth others, but by himself. The wicked are supported in acting only according to ‘. . their own nature: so they act wickedly : Thus all are said to live, move, and have their being in God, Acts xvii. 27. But God enableth us to conquer sin, not by ourselves, but by himself, Hos. i. 7. and the glory of en- abling us doth not only belong to him, which the Pha- risee could not but ascribe to him, Luke xviii. 1 1. But also the glory of doing all in us. And yet we work as one with Christ, even as he works as one with the Father, by the Father working in him. We live as branches by the juice of the vine, act as members by the animal spi- rits of the head, and bring forth fruit by marraige to him as our husband, and work in the strength of him as the living bread that we feed on. He is all in the new man, Col. iii. 11.’and all the promises are made good in him, 2 Cor. i. 20. - 2dly, It hath this property, that it consisted well with other doctrines of the gospel; which contrary errors do not. And hence this is the way to confirm us in many other points of the gospel; and therefore appears to be true by its harmony with other truths, and fit linking with them in the same golden chain of the mystery of godliness; and evidenceth them to be true by their har- f 254. THE gospel MystERY . . Direct. xiv. - -- mony with it. I have shewed, that men's mistaking the true way of sanctification, is the cause of perverting the scriptures in other points of faith, and of declining from the truth, to Popish, Socinian, and other Arminian tenets; because men cannot seriously take that for truth, which they judge not to be according to godliness. But this way of holiness will evidence, that these gospel doctrines which they refuse, are according to godliness; and that those tenets which a blind zeal for holiness moveth them to embrace, are indeed contrary to holiness; however Satan appeareth to their natural understandings as an angel of . light in such tenets. Whatever men say, it is certain that . legalists are indeed the Antinomians, I shall instance in some truths confirmed by it. . . . 1. The doctrine of original sin, viz. not only the guilt of Adam's sin, and a corrupt nature, but utter impoten- cy to do spiritual good, and proneness to sin, which is death to God, and all people according to nature, Psalm li. 5. Rom. v. 12. There is an utter inability to keep the law truly in any point. Many deny this doctrine; because they think, that, if people believe this they will excuse their sins by it, and be apt to despair of all striv- ing to do good works, and leave off all endeavours, and grow licentious; and they think it will be more condu- cing to godliness to hold and teach, either that there is no original sin, or corruption derived from Adam, or at least, it is done away, either in the world, by universal redemp- tion, or, in the church, by baptism; and that there is free will restored, whereby people are able to incline them- selves to do good, that men may be more encouraged to set up good works and their neglect made inexcuseable. All this is indeed forcibly against seeking and endeavour- ing for holiness by the free will and power of nature; which is the way of endeavouring which I directed you to avoid; and, if there were no new way to holiness since the fall, original sin might make us despair ; but there is a new birth, a new heart, a new creature; and there- fore we have directed you to the seeking of holiness, by the Spirit of Christ, and willing good freely by a spiritual power, as new creatures partakers of a divine nature in him. Yea, it is necessºry to know the first Adam that Direct. XIV. of SANCTIFICATION. 255 we may know the second, Rom. v. 12. to believe the fall and original sin, that we may be stirred up to fly to Christ by faith for holiness by free gift, knowing that we can- not attain it by our own power and free will, 2 Cor. i. 9. Matt. ix. 12, 13. Rom. vii. 24, 25. 2 Cor. iii. 3. Eph. v. 14. There were no need of a new man or a new crea- tion, if the old were not without strength and Íife, John iii. 5, 6. Eph. ii. 8. But original deadness cannot hin- der God’s working faith, and hungerings and thirstings after Christ, by the spirit through the gospel, in those that God chooseth to walk holily and blamelessly before him in love, 1 Thess. i. 4, 5. Acts xxvi. 18. And so we are made alive in a new head, and become branches of another vine, living to God by the Spirit, not by na- ture. . . . . . 2. It confirms us in the doctrine of predestination, which many deny, because they say, it takes men off from endeavour, as fruitless, by telling men, that all events are predetermined. This argument would be more forcible, against endeavours by the power of our own free will but not at all against endeavours for holiness by the ope- ration of God, giving us faith and all holiness by his own Spirit working in us through Christ; we are to trust on him for the grace of the elect, and God’s good will to- wards men, Matt. iii. 17. Luke ii. 14. Psal. cvi. 4, 5. Election by grace destroys seeking by works, but not by grace, Rom. xi. 5, 6. And we are here taught to seek for salvation only in the way of the elect, and we may conclude that holiness is to be had by God’s will, and not by our own: and it may move us to desire holiness by the will of God, Rom. ix. H6. Psalm cº. 3. And seeing it appears, by this doctrine of sanctification through Christ, that we are God’s workmanship as to all the good wrought in us, Phil. ii. 12, 13. Eph. ii. 10. We may well admit, that he hath appointed his pleasure from eternity, without infringing the natural liberty of our corrupt wills, which reacheth not unto good works, Acts xv. 18. Com- pared with 36. Man’s natural free will may well consist with God’s decree: as in paradise, Decretum radic contin- genţiae. - . . . . . 3. It confirms us in the true doctrine of juctification and 256 THE Gespel MystERY Direct. XIV. reconciliation with God by faith, relying on the merits of Christ’s blood, without any works of our own; and with- out considering faith as a work to procure favour by the righteousness of the act, but only as a hand to receive the gift, or as the very eating and drinking of Christ actually rather than any kind of condition entitling us to him as our food. This great doctrine of the gospel many hate, as breaking the strongest bonds of holiness, and opening a way to all licentiousness, for they reckon that the condition- ality of works to attain God’s favour, and avoid his wrath, and the necessity of them to salvation, are the most ne- cessary and effectual impulsives to all holiness; and they account that the other doctrine opens the flood gates to licentiousness. And truly this consideration would be of some weight, if people were to be brought to holiness by moral persuasions, and their natural endeavours stirred up by the terms of the law, and by slavish fears and merce- nary hopes; for the source of these motives would be alto- gether enervated by the doctrine of justification by free grace. But I have already shewed, that a man, being a guilty dead creature, cannot be brought to serve God out of love, by the force of any of these motives; and that we are not sanctified by any of of our own endeavours to work holiness in ourselves, but rather by faith in Christ's death and resurrection, even the same whereby we are justified, and that the urging of the law stirs up sin; and that freedom from it is necessary to all holiness, as the Apostle teacheth, Rom. vi. 11, 14. and vii. 4, 5. And this way of sanctification confirms the doctrine of justifi- cation by faith, as the Apostle informeth, Rom. viii. 1. For if we are sanctified, and so restoreth to the image of God, and life, by the Spirit, through faith; it is evi- dent, that God hath taken us into his favour, and par- doned our sins, by the same faith, without the law; or else we should not have the fruits and effects of his favour thereby to our eternal salvation, Rom. viii. 2. Yea, his justice would not admit his giving life without works, if we are not made righteous in Christ by the same faith. And we cannot trust, to have holiness freely given us by Christ, upon any rational ground: except we can also trust on the same Christ for free reconciliation, and for- Direct. XIV, or sANCTIFICATION. 257 giveness of sins for our justification : neither can guilty cursed creatures, that cannot work by reason of their deadness under the curse, be brought to a rational love . of God, except they apprehend his loving them first free- ly, without works, 1 John iv. 19, The great objection, and reason of so many controversies and books written about it, is, because they think, that men will trust to be saved, however they live. But sanctification, is an effect of justification, and floweth from the same grace ; and we trust for them both by the same faith, and for the latter in order to the former. And such a faith, be it ever so confident, tendeth not to licentiousness, but to ho- liness, and we grant, that justification by grace destroys holiness by legal endeavours, but not by grace. So that there is no need to live a Papist, and die an Antinomian. 4. It confirms us in the doctrine of real union with Christ; so plentifully held forth in scripture ; which doc- trine some account a vain notion, and cannot endure it, because they think it worketh not holiness, but presump- - tion : whereas I have shewed, that it is absolutely neces- sary for the enjoyment of spiritual life and holiness, which is treasured up in Christ; and that so inseparably, that we cannot have it without a real union with him, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. 1 John v. 12. John vi. 53. and xv. 5. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Col. iii. 1 1. The members and branches cannot live without union with the vine and head, nor the stones be part of the living temple, except they be really joined mediately, or immediately to the corner stone. - - $ - 5. It confirms us in the doctrine of certain final perse- verance of the saints, John iii. 36. vi. 37, and v. 24. 1 John iii. 9. 1 Thess. v. 24. Phil. i. 6. John x. 28, 29. and iv. 14. They think this dectrine maketh people careless of good works. I answer, it maketh people careless of seeking them by their own natural strength, and in a way of slavish fear, but careful and courageous, in trusting on the grace of God for them, when they are brought by régeneration, heartily to desire them, R. vi. 14. Numb. xiii. 30. setting upon the doing of 3. in that grace, 1 Thess. v. 8, 11. And I have shexº~ that all fears of damnation will never bring person** . -** 258 the sospel, Mystery Direct. XIV. work out of love; and that nothing will do it but a com- fortable doctrine. . . . . . . . . 3dly. It hath this excellent property, that it is the ne- ver failing, effectually powerful, alone sufficient, and. sure way to attain to true holiness. They that have the -truth in them, find it; and the truly humbled find it. People strive in vain, when they seek it any other way; ... therefore venture with the lepers, else you die, 2 Kings vii. Isa. lv. 2, 3, 7. All other ways either stir up sin, . orincrease despairin you ; as seeking holiness by the law, and working under the curse doth ; and breeds but slav- ish hypocritical obedience at best, and restrains sin only, instead of mortifying it, Gal. iv. 25. The Jews sought another way, and could not attain it, Rom. ix. And all that seek it another way shall lie down in sorrow. Isaiah li. - 1 1. And that (1) Because as we are under the law in our natural state, we are dead, and children of wrath, Eph. ii. 1, 3, and the law curseth us in- stead of helping us, Gal. iii. 10. and giveth no life by its obligation, Gal. iii. 21. And we cannot work ho- liness in ourselves, Rom. v. 6. So that an humbled. person finds it in vain, to seek holiness by the law, or his own strength ; for the law is weak through our flesh. Seeking a pure life without a pure nature, is building without a foundation. And there is no seeking a new- nature from the law; for it bids us make brick without straw ; and saith to the cripple, Walk, without giving any strength. - - , , . (2) In this way only is God reconciled to us, even in Christ, 2 Cor. v. 19. Eph. i. 7. And so he loves us, and is a fit object of our love, 1 John iv. 19.- And so, in this way only, we have a new and divine nature by the Spirit of Christ in us, effectually carrying us forth to ho- liness with life and love, Rom. viii. 5. Gal. v. 17. 2 Pet. i. 3, 4, and have new hearts according to the new nature, and cannot but serve him, 1- John iii. 9. So ºhat here is a sure foundation for godliness, and love to. *- ...t with all our heart, might and soul, and sin is not ºy restrained but mortified; and not only the outside ºãe clean, but the inside, and the image of God renew- ed; and holy actings surely follow. We sin not accord- --- - Direct. XIV. or sANCTIFICATION. 259 ing to the old nature, though we are not perfect in de- gree, because of the old nature. - - - 4thly. It is a most pleasant way to those that are in it, Prov. iii. 17. and that in several respects. 1. It is a most plain way, easy to be found, to one that seeth his own deadness under the law, and is so renewed in the Spirit of his mind, as to know and be persuaded of the truth of the gospel. Tho' such may be troubled and pestered with many legal thoughts and workings ; yet, when they seriously consider things, the way is so plain, that they think it folly and madness to go any other way; so that the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein, Isa. xxxv. 9. Prov. viii. 9. The enlightened soul cannot think of another way, when truly humbled, Prov. i. 8. And when we are in Christ, we have his Spi-s rit to be our guide in this way, 2 John ii. 27. John xvi. 13. So that we need not be filled with such distracting thoughts, about knowledge of our way as legal Spirits are about thousands of cases of conscience, which do so multiply upon them, that they despair of finding out the way of religion, by reason of so various doubts, and ma- nifold intricacies. Here we may be sure, that God will so far teach us our duties, as that we shall not be misled with error, so as to continue in it to destruction, Psalm . xxv. 8, 9, 14. What a trouble is it to atraveller to be doubt- ful of his way, and without a guide, when his business is of great importance, upon life and death; it is even a heart breaking. But those that are in this way, may be sure, that though they sometimes err, yet they shall not err destructively, but shall discern their way again, Gal. iv. 7, 10. . . . . . . . 2. It is easy to those that walk in it, by the Spirit, though it be difficult to get into it, by reason of the op- position of the flesh or devil scaring us, or seducing us from it. Here you have holiness as a free gift received by faith, an act of the mind and soul. Whosoever will, may come, take it, and drink freely, and nothing is re- quired but a willing mind, John vii. 38. Isa. lv. 1. Rev. xxii. 17. But the law is an intolerable burden, Matt. xxiii. 5. Acts xv. 10, if duty be laid on us by its terms. We ~~ 260 THE Gospel. MystERY Direct. XIV. are not left in this way to conquer lusts by our endeavours, which is an unsuccessful work; but what is duty is given, and the law is turned into promises, Heb. viii. Ezek. xxxi. 25, 26. Jer. xxxi. 33. and xxxii. 40. We have all now in Christ, Col. iii. 1 1. and ii. 9, 10, 15, 17. This is a ca- tholic medicine, instead of a thousand. How pleasant would this free gift, holiness, be to us if we knew our own wants, inabilities, and sinfulness : How ready are some to toil continually, and macerate their bodies in a melancho- ly legal way, to get holiness, rather than perish for ever ? And therefore how ready should we be, when it is only Take and have : Believe, and be sanctified and saved 3 2 Kings v. 13. Christ’s burden is light by his Spirit's bearing it, Matt. ix. 30. No weariness, but renewing of strength, Isa. xl. 31. 3. It is a way of peace, Prov. iii. 17. free from fears. and terrors of conscience, that those meet with unavoid- ably who seek salvation by works for the law worketh wrath, Rom. Iv. 15. It is not the way of Mount Sinai, but of Jerusalem, Heb. xii. 18, 22. The doubts of salva- tion that people meet with, arise from putting some con- dition of works between Christ and themselves; as hath appeared in this discourse. But our walking in this way, is by faith, which rejects such fears and doubting, John xiv. 1. Mark. v. 36. Heb. x. 19, 22. It is free from fears of Satan, or any evil, Rom. viii. 31, 32. and free from slavish fears of perishing by our sins, 1 John ii. 1, 2. Phil. iv. 6, 7, faith laying hold on infinite grace, mercy, and power to secure us; the Lord is the keeper and shade on the right hand, Psalm crxi. 5. Free and powerful grace - º , , answers all objections. 4. It is a way that is paved with love, like Solomon's - chariot, Song iii. 10. We are to set God’s loving kindness and all the gifts of his love still before our eyes, Psalm xxvi. 2. Christ’s death, resurrection, intercession, before our eyes; which breed peace, joy, hope, love, Rom. xv. 13. Isa. xxxv. 10. You must believe for your justification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit, and a future inheritance; your death and resurrection with Christ. In believing for these things, your whole way is adorned with flowers, . .) Direct. XIV. or sANGTIFICATron. 261 and hath these fruits growing on each side; so that it is thro’ the garden of Eden, rather than the wilderness of Sinai, Acts ix. 31. It is the office of the Spirit or guide to be our comforter, and not a spirit of bondage, Röm. viii. 15. Peace and joy are great duties in this way, Phil. iv. 4, 5, 6. God doth not drive us on with whips and terrors, and by the rod of the school master, the law; ibut leads us, and wins us to walk in his ways, by allure- ments, Song i. 3. Hos. xi. 3, 4. See such allurements, 2 Cor. v. 15. and vii. 1. Rom. xii. 1, 5. . . 5. Our very moving, acting, walking in this way, is a pleasure and delight. Every good work is done with pleasure; the very labour of the way is pleasant. Car- ºnal men wish duties were not necessary, and they are bur- densome to them ; but they are pleasant to us; because we do not gain holiness by our own carnal wrestling with our lusts, and crossing them, out of fear, with regret and grief, and setting conscience and the law against them, to hinder their actings: but we act naturally, according to the new nature, and perform our new spiritual desires by walking in the ways of God through Christ; and our lust and pleasures in sin, are not only restrained, but taken away in Christ; and pleasures in holiness freely gi- ven us, and implanted in us, Psalm viii. 5. Gal. v. 17, 24, John iv. 34, Psalm xi. 8. and cºix. 14, 16, 20. We have a new taste and savour, love and liking, by the Spi- rit of Christ; and look on the law not as a burden, but as our privilege in Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . - 5thly, It is a high exalted way above all other ways. Unto this way the prophet Habakkuk is exalted, when, upon the failure of all visible helps, and supports, he re- solves to rejoice in the Lord, and joy in the God of his sälvation, and making God his strength by faith, his feet should be as hinds’ feet, and should walk upon his high places, Heb. iii. 18, 19. These are the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, that God hath set usin, being quickened and raised up together with him, Eph. ii. 5, 6. 1. We live high here; for we live not after the flesh, but after the spirit, and Christ in us, with all his fulness, Rom. viii. 1, 2. Gal. ii. 20, and v. 25. We walk in 262 *HE Gospel Mysºr ERY Direct. XIV. fellowship with God dwelling in us and walking in us, 2 Cor. vi. 16, 18. And therefore our works are of higher price and excellency, than the works of others: because they are wrought in God, John ii. 21. and are the fruits of God's Spirit, Gal. v. 23. Phil. i. 11. and We may know, that they are accepted and good, by our gospel principles, which others have not, Rom. vii. 6. . . . 2. We are enabled to the most difficult duties, Phil. iv. 1, 3, and nothing is too hard for us. Se the great works done by faith. Heb. xi. Mark ix. 23. works that carn iſ men think folly and madness to venture upon, (they are so great) and honorable achievements in doing and suffering for Christ. 3. We walk in an honorable state with God, and on honorable terms; not as guilty creatures, to get our párdon by works, nor as bond servants, to earn our meat and drink; but as sons and heirs, walking towards the full possession of that happiness to which we have a title; and so we have much boldness in God’s presence; Gal. iv. 6, 7. We can approach nearer to God than others, and walk before him confidently, without slavish fear ; not as strangers, but as such who are of his own family, Eph. ii. 19, 20. And this prompts us to do greater things than others; walking as free men, Rom. vi. 17, 18. John viii. 35, 36. It is a kingly way: the law to us is as a royal law of liberty, and our privilege; not a bond and yoke of compulsion. - 4. It is the way only of those that are honorable, pre- cious in the eyes of the Lord, even his elect and redeemed Ones, whose special privilege it is to walk therein ; no unclean beast goeth there, Isa. xxxv. 8, 9. No carnal man can walk in this way, but only those that are taught of God, John vi. 44, 45, 46. Nor would it have come into our hearts without divine revelation. . . . . . - r e 5. The preparing this way cost Christ very dear. It is a costly way, Heb. x. 19, 20. 1 Pet. iii. 18. , 6. It is a good old way, wherein thou mayest follow the footsteps of all the flock. . . . . . 7. It is the way to perfection. It leads to such holi- ness, which shall, in a while, be absolutely perfect. It differs only in the degree and manner of manifestation, HDirect. XIV. or sANGTIFICATION. . s 263 from the holiness of heaven: there the saints live by the same Spirit: and the same God is all in all, 1 Cor. xv. 28. John iv. 14. and have the image of the same spiritual man, 1 Cor. xv. 49. Only here we have but the first fruits of the Spirit, Rom. viii. 24. and live by faith, and not by sight, 2 Cor. v. 7. and are not full grown in Christ, Eph. iv. 13. Sanctification in Christ, is glorifi- cation begun, as glorification is sanctification perfected. - * - - -* - - a *. Y. 2 ,, . * * . * * * s - ~. 1 - ~' . . . . . ~~ THE - ' ' . t ſ *- -- ~ . ‘’ -. f - -- z w º," ". - ext d *... * - w -. - ‘. . z . ** & , ºr ſ | | * * * f - r | - w ^. - r a- - 5 * ~ DOCTRINE * - -- Ä , " - • 1 - w *…* w - : -- * ~' w 4. 4 \ - - * * * ~~ f - * * R | -- w --" - * w - < i S--"T * --- Z n r º, * Y Y - - _Y - i z / . * *. / , ºx , f * - z" ? / + w t ..] -- } ‘. . • . O x ". . *. - ' ' ' , - - * , * - - - *- --- * x 6' * , _j ~ ; M *. -- A - - ‘I } ~ * w - - -r * -. y Q. * > ". • * ~ -- *... r \ - { -- > c z - A . . . ~ -* - r .” * * - : * 1. -- - - - s- - * : .* jº º g ºve” . t - --" - A. Y. ,” - - ^. t S. ~. * - • { w * - .* ~, - * * * \ - - - - l - - - - 3. - " - a .” f * -- * * - “. r • * r r Y - */ - ~, * * * | *. - -- *>3 k ~ * , --> * v? w \ -. - * * 4. --- -, * & - ”, “r- - - -. .” - * - OPENED AND APPLIED. . . . . . . . & " * - ** * * -- . ." Ž & Z- - - º * - t - - ~ : l t ~~ *- * * * - -* * * 2. t *. * N - ~ * * , , ; - w z- -- - - .* i - « + … - - { l . . * * , y * , * - - º 2 § ' ſ * * > *-** *** ***- , - f * - • as S .” ~~ w - •, - 3 - -- ! * y w - ', - z-A * ~$ 2- f 2 * - Rom. iii. 23, 24, 25, 26. , ~ ,’ .’ ~~~~ - . . | l 3. *. f - . . - . For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Being justifted freely. by his grace, through $ the redemption that is in jesus Christ, . . Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. . . . . . . . . . . To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness : — that he might be just, and the justifter of him which believeth in jesus. . . . , , , , , . . . THE apostle, having confuted and overthrown all justification, either of Jew or Gentile, by works in the foregoing discourse, is now proving, what he asserted, verse, 21, 22. viz. “That the righteousness of Godwith- . “out the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law “ and the prophets: even the righteousness of God which a’ . f v. 2. . - - - - ~! * ,” - \ _y \ w w . e &’ i . . . . . . * * , ... *\ i , ; * r *. (tho' a real change is annexed to it) but only a relative change with reference to God’s judgment. And thus the word is used in the text, and so also in matters of judicature throughout the scripture. Yea, some contends. against the Papists, that it is no where in scripture used otherwise, except by a trope borrowed from this as the proper sense. And, in the text, it is beyond all doubt . , meant of being deemed and accounted just in the sight of God; for such a justification is here only treated of, as appears in the text, and before, ver. 19, 20. And I have been the longer explaining the sense of the word, because the mistaking it, by reason of its composition, occasioned ... that Popish error, whereby the benefit signified by it is obscured, yea, overthrown : so that we had need to con- In the text we have, 1. The persons justified, (i.) Sinners. (2) Such sinners of all sorts that shall believe, whether Jews or Gentiles. * -, “ . . . . . ; . . . . . 2. The Justifier, or efficient cause, God. 3. The impulsive cause, grace. r : 4. The means effecting, or material cause, the redemp- tion of Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . 5. The formal cause, the remission of sins. 6. The instrumental cause, faith. . . . . 7. The time of declaring, the present time. From hence therefore, will arise several, useful obser- ~~~ vations, all tending to explain the nature of justification; which shall be laid down, and cleared out of the text, and ‘confirmed particularly : and then I shall make use of them ”, aii together." OBSERV. I. “They who are justified are sinners, such « who are come short of the glory of God,” i.e. of God’s approbation, John v. 44. of God’s image of holiness, 2 Cor. iii. 18. Eph. X. i. , -Z iv. 24. of eternal happiness, 1 Thess. ii. 12. Rom. v. 2. 2 Cor. iv. 17. . . ." . . . . . . . . . . , i. The law condemns all sinners, and strikes them *- i. ! º - } º , - - - . .'s -- - - - - . . . . 4. - ...' ' openED AND Appli FD, 26° dead as with a thunderbolt, Rom. iii. 20. and adjudgeth them to shame, confusion, and misery, instead of glory and happiness, by the strict terms of it, Rom. ii. 6, 9, 11, 12. which none fulfils, neither can do, Rom. viii. 7, nei- ther Jews nor Gentiles. There is no hope, if free grace restore them not. * T 2. Christ came only to save sinners, and died for this end, Rom. v. 6. “When we were yet without strength, “in due time Christ died for the ungodly. And, 1 Tim. " “ i. 15. This is a faithul saying, and worthy of all ac- “ceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save “sinners, of whom I am chief, Matth. ix. 13. I am “not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance * Matt. xviii. 11. The Son of Man is come to save that “which was lost.” And God must be believed on to Salva- tion, as a God that justifieth the ungodly : he must be-, lieve, as one.that worketh not, on him that justifieth the ungodly, Rom. iv. 5. . . . . . . . . OBSERV. II. “Sinners of all sorts, without difference, “whether Jews or Gentiles, that believe, are the subjects. “ of this justification.” This is the scope of the apostle, to Shew, that whereas Jews and Gentiles were universally condemned by the light and law of nature, or the law written; so the righteousness of God is upon all them that believe, ver. 21, 22. without difference. This was a great point to be defended against the Jews in the apostles’ time, who appropriated justification to themselves in a legal way, and to such as were proselytes to the law and circumcision; and therefore the apostie Paul vehé- mently urged it, Rom. x. 11, 12. And it was a point newly revealed to the apostles, that the Gentiles might be accepted without turning Jews, and much prized as Yery glorious revelation, Acts x. 28, 45. Eph. iii. 4, 5,8. Col. i. 25, 26, 27. And it is confirmed, . . . . . . 1. Because notwithstanding the Jews' privilege of the laws by reason of breaking the law, they had as much need of free justification as the Gentiles, and no worthiness - above the Gentiles by their works, but were rather greater sinners, Rom. ii. 23, 24. And when there is equal need of worth, God might righteously justify one as well as another, Rom. iii. 9, . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . Z 2 . . . . . . . . . . . ." § 2 . . . --> 270 - THE DocTRINE of Justific ATION - _- 2. God is the God of the Gentiles as well as of the Jews, Rom. iii. 29. as he promised, Rom. iv. 9, 12, 13. Gal. iii. 8. Isa. xix. 25. Zech. xiv. 9. 3. Abraham was justified before he was circumcised, that he might be the Father of those that believe, though ". uncircumcised, that they might inherit the same blessing, Rom. iv. 10, 11, 12. . . . . . 4. This will appear further, by shewing, that justifica- tion is only by faith, and without dependence upon the law, merely by the righteousness of another ; and so Jews and Gentiles are alike capable of it. . OBSERV. III. “That the justifier, or efficient cause of “justification, is God.” It is an act of God, Rom. viii. 33. “It is God that justifieth.” He only can justifiy thoritatively and irreversibly. . . . . . . . 1. Because he is the lawgiver, and hath power to save and destroy, James iv. 12. This case concerns God’s law, and can only be tried at his tribunal. He is the judge of the world, Gen. xviii. 35. It is a small worth- less thing to be justified by man, or by ourselves merely, I Cor. iv. 3, 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. To him the debt of suffering for sin, and acting righteousness, is owed: and therefore he only can give - a discharge for payment, or a release of the debtor, Psal. li. 4. Mark ii. 7... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBSERV. IV. “God justifieth souls freely by his grace [doreou te autou chariti] by his grace l’”. One of these ex- pressions had been enough; but this redoubling it shew- eth the importance of the truth, to quicken our attention - the more. Here is the impulsive cause of justification, and his free manner of bestowing it accordingly. …And this signifies God’s free undeserved favour in opposition to any works of our righteousness, whereby it might be challenged as a debt due us, Rom. iv. 4. “Now to him º “that worketh, is the reward not reckoned of grace, but “ of debt, chap. ix. 6. If by grace, then is it no more “ of works; otherwise grace is no more grâce ; but if it “be of works, then is it no more grace; otherwise “ work is no more work, Eph. ii. 8, 9. By grace are ye “ saved, thro’ faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the “gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast, “ 2 Tim, i. 9. Who hath saved us, and called us with . . ºl. º openED AND APPLIED. . . . .271 “a holy calling, not according to our works, but accord- “ing to his own purpose and grace, which was given us “ in Christ Jesus before the world began, verse 10. But “is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour “Jesus Christ,” &c.; Grace is mercy and love shewed freely out of God’s proper motion ; shewing mercy, be-, cause he will shew mercy.; and loving us, because he will love us, Rom. ix. 15. And this is confirmed. . . 1. Because there was not, nor is anything in us, but what might move God to condemn us: for we have all sinned; Eph. ii. 3. Ezek. xvi. 6. 2. Because God would take away boasting, and have his grace glorified and exalted in our salvation he will have all the praise and glory, though we have the bles: sedness, Eph. ii. 7, 9. “That, in the ages to come, he “might shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his “kindness towards us, through Christ Jesus. And so “Rom. iii. 27.” OBSERV. V. “God justifieth sinners through the re- “ demption that is in Jesus Christ, whom God hath set “forth to be a propitiation thro' faith in his blood.” This is the effecting means or material cause of our justifica: . . tion, viz. redemption and propitiation through the blood, of Christ; which is the righteousness of God treasured up in him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By redemption is meant, properly such a deliverance as is by paying a price; and so the words redeem and redemption are frequently used, Exod. xiii. 13. Numb. iii. 48,49, 51. Lev. xxv.24, 51, 52. Jer. xxxii. 7, 8. Neh. v. 8. From this proper signification, it is borrow- red, to signify a deliverance without price, Luke Xxi. 28. Eph. i. 4. and iv. 30. or rather by a metonomy of the cause, put for the highest effect, the state of glory; so that the state of glory is called, redemption, as being the º icompleting and crownin g e ffect o f Christ's redemption : therefore it is called the purchased possession. By a propitiation is meant, that which appeaseth the wrath of God for sin, and wins his favour. And this propitiation of Christ is two ways typified: first, In the propitiatory sacrifices, whose blood was shed. And, 2dly, By the mercy seat; which was called the propiti- 272 the DocTRINE or justification ation, because it covered the ark, wherein was the law; and the blood of the sacrifices for atonement, was sprink. led by the High Priest before it. And this mercy seat was a sign of God’s favourableness to a sinful people, in Now this doctrine appears confirmed for these reasons. residing among them, and was called (ilaserion). Heb. 1. Because Christ, by the will of God, gave himself a ransom for us to redeem us. from sin and punishment, wrath and curse : Tit. ii. 14, “He gave himself for us, “to redeem us from all uniquity,” he gave himself to death for us ; was delivered for our offences; his death was the price of our redemption, that we might be justis fied in God's sight. God gave him up to death, he spared him not, that we'rnight be made righteousness, I Cor. i. 30. and Matth. xx. 28. “He gave his own “life, a ransom for many; and so, 1 Tim. ii. 6, he “bought us with this price, I Cor. vi. 20. He redeemed - | “.. us not with silver and gold, but with his precious blood. * - - - - - 5 • * - 3. “as of a lamb without spot,” 1 Pet. i. 13, 19. 2 Pet. ii. 1. Rev. v. 9. He suffered the penalty due to us for 3in : 1 Pet. ii. 24. “He bare our sins in his own body “on the "tree, Gal. iii. 13. He was made a curse - “ for us,” and thereby redeemed us from the curse of the law: and, that he might be made a curse, he was made sin: for us, 2 Cor. v. 21. Psa. liii. 5, 6, He subjected himself to the law, in active as well as passive obedience, -- Gal. iv. 4. and obeyed his Father even to death, do- ing and suffering at his commandment, John Xiv. 31. Heb. x. 7. and his obedience was for our justification, Compare Rom. v. 19. with Phil. iii. 8, 9.. So Christ satisfied both our debt of righteousness, and debt of prº- nishment; for our faultiness, taint of sin, and want of righteousness, as well as for our guilt, and obnoxious- mess to punishment; that we might be free from wrath and deemed righteous in God’s sight. His suffering was the consummating act of redemption; and so all is attri- buted to it, Heb. ii. 9, 10, even to his blood ; though other doings and sufferings concur, 2 Cor. viii. 9. We • are righteous, by him, as we are guilty by Adam, Rom. We 12- -- . . . openED AND APPLIED. . 273 2. God accepted this price as a satisfaction to his justice, which he shewed in raising Christ from the dead, and so acquitting him from all our sins: He was justified in . “ the Spirit, 1 Tim. iii. 16. forus: Rom; iv. 2.5iºrai- “sed for our justification, See Rom. viii.33, 34. It is “God that justifieth: who is he that condemneth? It is “Christ that died, yea, rather that is risen from the dead. . “And Heb. x. 14. By one offering he hath perfected “for ever them that are sanctified. And Eph. v. 2. “This sacrifice was a sweet smelling savour unto God,” ... If Christ had sunk under the weight of our sins, and had not been raised, the payment had not been finished, and so the debt not discharged, John xvi. 10. “Of righte- “ousness, because I go to my Father.” 3. This redemption is in Christ, as to the benefit of it; so that it cannot be had, except we be in Christ, and have Christ; so the text expresseth and sheweth, that he is the propitiation; and, as such, he is our righteousness 1 Cor. i. 30. We have redemption and righteousness in him, Eph. i. 7. 2 Cor. v. 21. and therein our free- dom from condemnation, Rom. viii. 1. Christ died, that his seed might be justified, Isa. liii. 10, 1 1. those that are in him by spiritual generation, 1 Cor. iv. 15. . . OBSERV. VI. “The formal cause of justification, or “ that wherein it consists, is the remission of sin, i. e. not “offly the guilt and punishment is removed, but the “fault; because it is a pardon grounded on justice, which “cleareth the fault also. By him we are justified from “all things that the law chargeth us with, Acts xiii. 39.” In men subject to a law, there is no middle condition between not imputing sin, and imputing righteousness : and so these terms are used as equivalent; Acts xiii. 38. 39. “Through this man is préâched the forgiveness of “sins; and by him all that believe are, justified, &c. Rom. “ iv. 6, 7, 8. 2 Cor. v. 19, 21. Rom. v. 17.” This is through the bloodshed of Christ, Eph. i. 7. Matth. OBSERV. VII. “God justifieth a sinner through faith “ in Christ’s blood.” Faith is the instrumental cause of receiving this benefit, faith is the blood of Christ. 1. This faith is a believing on. Christ, that we may be * Q. .274 - THE Doctºr E of Just IFICATION. justified by him: Col. ii. 16. “Knowing that a man is & not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith “ of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ; “that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and “not by the works of the law.” We believe in Christ for justificatiºn; out of ai Šense of cur inability to obtain justification by works. , ºf . . . . . . . . 2. This faith doth not justify us, as an act of righte- ousness, earning and procuring our justification by the "work of it; for this would have been, justification by ~ works as under the law; diametrically opposite to grace and free gift; which excludes all consideration ºf ańy. works of ours, to be our righteousness, under any dero- mination or diminutive terms whatever, whether you call it legal or evangelical; though you reckon it no more than the payment of a peppercorn, Rom. xi. 6. Faith in this case is accounted a not working, Rom. iv. 5. Aid it is not faith that-stands instead of the righteousness of the law, but the righteousness of Christ, which satisfieth for what we ought to have done or suffered; as hath been shewed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. God justifieth by faith, as the instrument whereby we receive Christ and his righteousness; by which we are justified properly; and we are justified by faith onky me- tonnically, by reason of the righteousness received by it: and to be justified by faith and by Christ, is all one, Gal. iii. 8. Rom. v. 19. By faith we receive remission of sins, Acts xxvi. 18. and x. 43. Its effect is, the reception of justification, not the working of it; as a man may be said to be maintained by hisłiáñds, or nourished by his mouth, when those do but receive that which nourisheth, his food and drink. The cupºis: pút for the liquor in the cup, I Cor, xi. 26, 27. Seeºom. i. 17. and iii. 22. Christ is in is by faith, Ephiji; 17, received, ate, drunk, John i. 12. . . . said vi. 50, :51, §3 3.54. ‘. . . . tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ºf his faith is to be understööd exclusively, to all our works for justification. We defend against the Papists justification by faith phy: And there is nothingºnore fully expressed in scripture phrase, Rom, iii. 28, Gai, ii. 16. Phil. iii. 8, 9. Rom. iv, Is. . . 5. We must understand faith in a full sense, of receiv- ..- -- - - - 2. ~. openED AND APPLIED. . . . . . 275. ing remission of the fault as well as of the punishment. . We believe, God accounts not the fault to us of the least sin. And, where, faith is said to be accounted for righteousness, it is because of the objectit receives, Rom. iv. 5, 6, 7, 8. 2 Cor. v. 19, 21. We believe, Christ's righ- teousness is imputed to us, as our sins are to him ; or else we receive not remission of sins by believing: which is contrary to charging us with sin and condemnation ; which charging signifieth imputing sin, Rom. viii. 33,34. Together with the removal of the charge of sin, we re- ceive the gift of righteousness, Rom. v. 17. And this we . have in the reception of Christ’s redemption and blood- shed, Eph. i. 7: Matth. xxvi. 28, . . . . . OBSERV. V.H.I. “That God; in setting forth Christ to “be a propitiation through faith in his blood, aimed to “declare his righteousness now under the gospel, for the “remission of sins that are past, as well as present;” of those sins that were past, and committed under the Old Testament, which was God’s time of forbearing, in par- doning long before his justice was actually satisfied by Christ's atonement, Heb. xiii. 8. Rev. xiii. 8. Matth. xviii. 26. The ground of these pardons is now revealed by Christ’s coming, Isa. li. 5, 7, and Ivi. 1. Dan. ix. 24. 2 Tim. i. 9, 16. that those pardons may be noblemish to the justice of God now satisfied, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Psal. lxxxv. 10. • . . . . . . . 1. By this righteousness is meant that righteousness of God mentioned in the proposition, Rom. iii. 21, 22. of which the text is but a confirmation; viz. the righteous- ness of God; not his essential righteousness, that which is an essential property of God; but a righteousness which is upon all them that believe; Christ's righteousness, which is the end of the law, Rom. x. 3, 4, and therefore called God’s righteousness; that which Christ wrought for us, which is given to us, and we receive by faith; that where- by Christ answered the law for us; by which, as the price he redeemed us; which is called God’s righteous- ness, because it is of God’s working, and it only hath God’s acceptance and approbation: as Christ is called - the Lamb of God, because God provided him and ac-. cepts him as an offering, John i. 29. Upon the like ac- count, Christ's kingdom is called the kingdom of God, 2- - 276 The DocTRINE of Justification ness of God here and in other because God’s own handsets it up, and maintains it, and rules it, Eph. v. 5; Christ, who became obedient toº. death, to work this righteousness, was God as well as man, Phil. ii. 6,28. And, this is that righteousness which the apostle opposeth, to his own; that which is in Christ; which he had through faith. And this is the righteous- - of God here and in other places; the righteousness . which is of God by faith, Phil. iii. 9. 2. God aimed at declaring, in gospel times, his righ- teousness in forgiving sins past, in the time of God’s for- bearance under the Old Testament, Rom. iii. 25. and al- . so in justifying those that believe in Christ, at present: for it was by the righteousness of the same Christ, that sins were pardoned under the Old Testament, as well as now, Heb. xiii. 8. Christ was the Lamb slain from the foun- dation of the world, Rev. xiii. 8. Only the righteousness ousness of God. was not actually fulfilled, and revealed then, but it was shadowed out then, by the sacrifices, ransoms, redemp- tions, &c. Heb. x. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10. So this was a time of God’s forbearance: because he pardons sins, as it were, without present payment and satisfaction. He had pati- ence and did net exact the debt, until Christ paid all, Matt. xviii. 26. But then God promised, that he would reveal his righteousness in due time, Isa. lvi. 1. and li. 5. Psal. xcvii. 2. Dan. ix. 24. And this he hath done by the appearance of Christ, 2 Tim. i. 10. - . . . OBSERV. IX. “The end of this manifestation is, that “God may appear just, in forgiving sins past as well as : “ present, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.” Here the essential property of God is exalted, and ap, pears glorious, in justifying by the forementioned righte- 1. As God justifieth freely by grace, he would appear hereby justin justifying sinners; for it would be a blemish to God’s justice, to forgive without a satisfaction, and righteousness performed; and therefore, though he be gracious and merciful, yet he will not clear the guilty, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Gen. xviii. 25. Exod. xxiii. 7. And so the saints of God concluded, that God hath a righte- ousness and redemption whereby he forgave sin, though it was not then revealed, Psalm li. 14. cxxx. 7, 8, and * ...~. erenrºd AND APPLIED. 277 exliii. 1, 2, God would have justice and mercy to meet in our salvation, Psal. lxxxv. 10. . . . 2. God would have it appear, that he only is just, and therefore saveth us, not by our own righteousness, but by his ; which is indeed the more exalted by our unrighte- ousness occasionally, though God is not therefore un- righteous in taking vengeance, Rom. iii. 4. Dan. ix. 7. 3 God would appear to be the only procurer and worker of our righteousness, and so our justifier by way of procurement, as well as by way of judgment; and so he will justify us by a righteousness of his own, and not by our own, Isa. liv. 17. and xlv. 22, 24, 25. that we may glory in the Lord only, 1 Cor. i. 30, 31. USE I. It serves for instruction, by way of encourage- ment and consolation; that the great happiness of those that are in Christ, is, that their sins are forgiven, and they ac- counted just in the sight of the Judge of all the world, through the redemption that is by the blood of Christ; and this benefit contains all blessedness of life, and the consequences thereof, Rom. iv. 6. That man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, hath ablessedness therein, and such an extensive blessedness, in regard of the spiritual part, as Abraham had, compre- hending all spiritual blessings in Christ; for they which be of faith, are blessed with faithful Abraham, Gal. iii. 9. For this righteousness being the fundamental blessing, is revealed from faith to faith, and they that are by faith just and justified through that righteousness, do live by faith, always receiving it, and receiving nourishment and comfort by it, Rom. i. 17 1. They are delivered from the charge of sin and fault before God, Rom. viii. 33, 34. [Tis egkalesei :] “Who “shall lay anything to their charge, or be suffered to “bring in, at God’s tribunal, any indictment, charge to, “ or accusation against them : It is God that justifieth “ them; and Christ hath died, and rose again. They “ are redeemed from among men, being the first fruits “ to God and the Lamb. In their mouth there is no “guile ; and they are without fault (a momei) before the “throne of God,” Rev. xiv. 4, 5. See also Col. i. 22. 3. They are delivered from all condemnation in sentence 278 THE DocTRINE or Justification and execution : the curse and wrath of God, Gal. iii. 13. “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, be- “ing made a curse for üs. "I Thess. i. 10. Jesus, which “delivered us from the wrath to come. Psalm lzxxv. 3, “Thou hast taken away all thy wrath : thou hast turned “thyself from the fierceness of thine anger,” See verses 5, 6. The wrath of God is an unsupportable burden, and the foundation of all miseries; which foundation is razed, as a foundation of blessedness laid, whereby we have peace with God, and are fully reconciled to God, Rom. v. i, 2. 2 Cor. v. 18, 19. Col. i. 21, 22, “You that were “ sometime alienated, and enemies in your mind by “wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the bo- “dy of his flesh through death, to present you holy and “unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.” Now, where there is no blame before God, there can be no wrath from God. . . . . . 3. They have no need to seek salvation by the works of the law; and so are delivered from a yoke that can- not be borne; from endless observances that Pharisees and Papists have heaped up : from continual frights, doubts, fears and terrors by the law, Acts xv. 10. Rom. viii. 15. . . from a wrath working law, Rom. iv. 15. from a sin ir- ºritating law, Rom. vii. 5. from a killing law, a ministra- tion of death and condemnation, 2 Cor. iii. 6, 7, 9. Mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, Gal. iv. 24. 4. Hence they are delivered from a condemning con- science, which otherwise would still gnaw them as a worm, Heb. ix. 14. “If the blood of bulls and of goats, “ and ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sancti- “fieth to the purifying of the flesh ; how much more “shall the blood of Christ, who, through the eternal Spi- “rit, offered himself without spot to God, purge your “ conscience from dead work, to serve the living God.” A guilty conscience is a foul conscience: and it will make all services and duties dead works, unfit for the service. of the living God: it is the blood of Christ, applied by faith, that takes off this foulness of guilt from the con- science: therefore the blood of Christ hath the only effica- cy this way, to take off the conscience of sin, Heb. x. 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. Hence they come to have a good consciê openED AND APPLIED. 27° xxiv. 16. . ence, 1 Pet. iii. 21. void of offence towards God, Acts 5. It is an everlasting righteousness; by which their standing in Christ is secured, Dan. ix. 24. It is an eter- nal redemption that is obtained, Heb. ix. 20. Whereas by the law, those that were justified typically, might fal under condemnation ; so far as to need another sacrifice for sin to morrow ; they had no real purgation of consci- ence from sin by those sacrifices; and therefore could not have a lasting delivery of their consciences from guilt by them. Here it is far otherwise ; here is an effectual, com- plete, and perpetual redemption, reaching the conscience of the sinner, and for the purging away all-sins, past, present, and to come, 1 John i. 7. - . . . . 6. It is a righteousness of infinite value; because it is the righteousness of one that is God; and his name, is, JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jer. xxiii. 6. Heb. ix. 14. It is therefore more powerful to save, than Adam’s sin was to destroy or condemn, Rom. v. Christ is here the power of God, 1 Corinthians i. 24. Hence we are powerful, and conquer by faith. Like- wise there is a marvelous plenty of mercy and grace, that is brought to us by Jehovah our Righteousness, plenteous redemption, Psalm Cºxx. 7. It must be most plentiful, because infinite. Though no creature could satisfy for sin, yet Jehovah could do it abundantly ; and therefore in Christ, God’s mercy prevails high above our sins, Psalm ciii. 11, 12. - . . . . . . … . 7. God’s grace and justice are both engaged on our behalf in this righteousness. Justice is terrible, and seems to be against mercy, and dreadful to natural people; but it is otherwise to believers: it is pacified and appeased through this righteousness; it is satisfied by Christ for our sins. Justice becomes our friend, joins in with grace: and, instead of pleading against us, is altogether for us : and it speaks contrary to what it speaks to sinners out of Christ, Josh. xxiv. 19, 20. We may also plead justice, for forgiveness through mercy in Christ, Rom. iii. 26. 8. We may be sure of holiness and glory, delivery. from the power and dominion of sin, as well as the charge of it before God, and guilt in our consciences : for this was the end of Christ's death, Titus ii. 14, Rom, Yi, 14, and viii. 3, 4, 30. “Whom he justified, them “he also glorified.” The law was the strength of sin; for sin had its title to rule in us by reason of the curse; and thence Satan also rules; but here is our deliverance from sº sin and Satan, yea, from death too, Heb. ii. 14, 15. Hos. *.iii. 14. And by the same, reason, we are raised, by this excellent righteousness, to a better state than we had in Adam at first; for Christ died that we might receive . the adoption of sons, and the Spirit; that we might be brought under a new covenant, and be set in the right Way of holiness, serving out of love, Gal. iii. 14. I John Y.1% Gal. iv. 5. Heb. ix. 15. Rom. v. 11. Luke i. 74. 9. We may be sure, hence, of a concurrence of all things for our good. All things shall work for good, through grace, to bring us to glory; because God is for us, who is the Creator and Governor of all things, Rom. viii. 28, 31, 33. God will never be wroth with us, nor rebuke us in anger any more, Isa. liv. 9. Rom. v. 2–5. 10. Hence we may come before God without confusion of face, yea, with boldness to the throne of grace in Christ's name, John xiv. 13, 14. and accept all good things from him, Eph. iii, 12. “ in whom we have “boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him, “Heb. x. 22, 23. Let us draw near with full assurance “ of faith.” Christ's blood pleads for us, in heaven, Heb. xii. 24. and we may, and are to, plead boldly a satisfac- - tion on his account. . . . . * - ". . . . . . . I 1. We live in those times when this righteousness is fully revealed, and sin made an end of, Rom. iii. 21, 23. This is our happiness above those that lived before Christ’s coming who were under types and shadows of this righteousness: when as we have the substance in its own light; and so we are not under the law, which they were under as a schoolmaster. We are not servants but sons, called to liberty, Gal. iii. 23, 26. iv. 7. and v. 13. The preaching the old covenant as a church ordinance to be surged, now is ceased ; the law is not to be preached now in the same terms as Moses preached it, for justification, Rom. x. 5, 6, 7, 8. 2 Cor. iii. 6, 7. Gal. iii. 23, 24. It is contrary in terms to faith, though it were subservient, *> * - - a ! -, ºf ºr & $ - -- ...” - § . . . . . . . epºngi AND APPLIED. . . . . 33 1 USE II. For examination, whether we be in Christ, and have received this justification by faith with all our hearts. – . . . . 1. Consider whether you may be really sensible of siń, and your condemnation by the law. This is necessà- ry to make us fly to Christ; and for this as one greaten d; was the law given, Gal. iii. 22, 23, 24. Matth. ix. 13. Acts ii. 37. Without sense of sin, there wiłł be no priz- ing of Christ, or desire of holiness; but rather abuse of grace to carnal security and licentiousness. Those that were stung with the fiery serpent Rooked up to the brazen serpent. . . - . . . . . . - 2. Dost thou trust only upon free mercy for justifica- tion in God’s sight, renouncing all thy works whâtever in this point, as not able to stand in them before God’s exact justice, crying with the poor publican : Perfection- ists, and self-righteous persons, have no share in this mat- ter, Luke xviii. 13, 14. Paul notwithstanding all that the world might think he had to plead for himself, “ counted all but dung, that he might win Christ, and tº be found in him, not having his own righteousness; “ which is of the law, but that which is through the “faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by * faith,” i.e., the redeeming and propitiation right- eousness of Christ; whereby he desired only to be jus- tified; and which he believed in for that end, opposing it to any thing inherent in himself, which therefore he calls his own righteousness, Phil. iii. 7, 8, 9. Rom. iv. 5. . . . - * 3. Dost thou trust with any confidence on Christ, not continuing in a mere suspence : In a way of mere doubting, we can receive no good thing from God, Ja: i. 6, 7. Mere doubting will not loose the conscience from the guilt of sin, Heb. x. 12, but leaveth the soul under terrors. Abraham’s confidence is the example and pattern of our justifying faith, that we should endeavour to come up into, believing with a fulness of persuasion, in hope against hope, Rom. iv. 24. Though a beliving soul may be assaulted with many doubtings, yet it fights against them; and doth not give up itself to the dominion f A a 2 • - * * - * . , - J “. . . " " . . . . . 28? THE DoctriNE of Jüsºrtric Arron, of them, Psalm xlii. 11. Mark ix, 24. It hath al- ways something contrary to them, and striving with them. . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Dost thou come to Christ for remission of sins, for the right end, namely that thou mayest be freed from the dominion of sin before the living God, Heb. ix. 14. Psalm Cºxx. Tit. ii. 14. 1 Pet. ii. 24. If otherwise, thou dost not receive it for the right end; and desirest not really the favour and enjoyment of God, and to be in friendship with him. \ * . . . . . . . . . . . . * 5. Dost thou walk in holiness, and strive to evidence this justification by the fruits of faith, in good-works. : ~ ; ^- , If otherwise thy faith is but a dead faith; for a true faith purifieth the heart, Acts xv. 9. If Christ be thine, he will be sanctification as well as righteousness, 1 Cor. i. 30. Rom. viii. 1, 9. John xiii. 8. If God hath taken thee into his favour, he will doubtless cleanse thee. Though faith alone justifies without the concurrence of works; to the act of justification, yet that faith is not so alone, as not to be accompanied with good works ; as the eye alone seeth, yet it is not alone without other members; so the apostle James declareth faith that is alone, to be dead, and biddeth us shew our faith by our works; which is to be understood, not as if works were the con- ditions of attaining justification, but sure evidences of justification attained by faith, and very necessary, James ii. 14, 15. The gospel is no covenant of works requiring another righteousness for justification by doing for life. Works justify us from such accusations of men as will de- ny us to have justification by faith, or that we have a true and lively faith, or as good trees, Matth. xii. 33, 37. not a being our righteousness themselves, or condi- tions of our having Christ’s righteousness, or qualifying us for it. - , s Use III. It serveth for exhortation to several du- 1. To the wicked. It is dehortation unto them from continuance in sin, under God’s wrath, running head long to damnation; for here is a door of mercy opened them ; a righteousness prepared that they may be \ oprºnºfi AND APPLIED. 28s freely accepted of God. Some men are desperadoes : . . “They have loved strangers, and after them they will “go,” Jer. ii. 25. They are resolved to run the risk of it, and please themselves, that they shall speed as well as others. And some men would be justified, but seek for it in a wrong way. Some will go to the Pope, to quiet their consciences by his deceit ; some to their own works and performances: but you are exhorted to look out for the true righteousness. Christsaith in the gospel; “Behold me, behold me:” the kingdom of heaven, is . open : mercy, and righteousness are freely offered, Isa. lv. 6, 7. Jer, iii. 12. Repentance is preached with remis- sion of sins, Luke xxiv. 57. Acts, ii. 38. Beware you do not neglect this acceptable time, this day of salvation; Heb. ii. 1, 3. For, . . . . . (1.) If you do, you remain under the wrath of God John iii. 36. under the curse of the law : which, like a flood, sweeps away all that are found out of this ark, the Lord Jesus Christ, Psalm xi. 5, 6. . . . . . - (2) Youé condemnation will be aggravated by re- ºfusing so great Salvation, Heb. ii. 3. You will have no * cloak for your sins when you refuse mercy, John xv. 22. You cannot say, you are undene, by your past sins, be- yond recovery, and therefore it is in vain to strive : for behold, reſission of sins is proclaimed unto you, Ezek. xxxiii. 16; 11. And what an horrid sin is it, to despise the bloºd of the Son of God? John iii. 18, 36. . ." @BJECT. I. “If God justify the ungodly, Rom. iv. “5. what need I forsake ungodliness at all ? Rom. « vi. 1.” - . . . . . . . . . . ANs. Thou canst not seek justification truly, except thou hast a mind to live to God in friendship with him: for justification is God’s way of taking us into friend- ship with him, Rom. v. 1, 2, and of reconciling us, 2 Cor. v. 19. The use thou art to make of it, is to seek: . God’s friendship by it, and the enjoyment of him. Why doth a man seek a pardon, if he intend to go on in rebellion, and stand out in defiance to his prince : 1 Pet. ii. 24. They seek pardon in a mocking way, that intend not to return to obedience, Gal. vi. 7, 8. . . . &;" - , * > 4 - - - …” ~ $84 THE Doctºrnt of Justification OBJECT. II. “My sins are so great that I have né, “encouragement to hope.” . . . . . . . - ANs. Christ's righteousness is for all sorts of sinners that believe, whether Jew or Gentile; and how great sinners were of both sorts, Rom. i., ii, and iii. and even for those that killed and murdered the Lord of glory, Acts. ii. 23, 36. 1 Cor. ii. 8. for the chief of sinners, 1 Tim. i. 15. Acts xvi. “Where sin abounds, grace su- “perabounds, Rom. v. 20.” Your sins are but the sins of a creature, but his righteousness is the righteous- ness of God, John vi. 37. Rom. x. 3, 11, 13. -- ExHoRT. II. It exhorts- those that have a mind to turn to God, to tuin the right way, by faith in Christ for justification. Let them not seek by works, as most in the world do, and all are prone to do, Rom. ix. 31, 32. But this doctrine seems very foolish, yea; pernicious to a natural man. “Become a fool that thou mayest be wise,” I Cor. iii. 18. otherwise you will labour in the fire, and weary yourselves for every vanity, and be under coñtinual discomforts and discouragements : for you can do no good work while you are in the flesh, under the law, and its curse, before God have received you into favour; for justification is in order of nature before true holiñess of heart and life, 1 Tim. i. 5. Heb. ix. 14. Faith is the great work and mother duty, John vi. 29. Gal. vi. Isa. Iv. 2, &c, and therefore, while you believe not, you dis- honour Christ and his death, Gal. ii. 21. and v. 2, 3, 4: Therefore come boldly, though you have been a great sinner, Acts x. 43. and seek righteousness in Christ with holiness, Rom. viii. 1. . . . - Q. But how shall I get faith ? - A. Faith is the gift of God, Eph. ii. 8. and by the gospel, Rom. i. 15, 16, 17. Faith cometh by hearing the gospel preached, Rom. x. 17. and that comes, in working faith, not in word only, but in power, 1 Thess. i. 5.' beyond what can be done by natural or human at- tainment, John vi. 63. Therefore, if thou hast no be- ginning of it in thee, thy only way is, to attend to the gospel, and to meditate on thy sin and misery, and errºnxp and APPLIES. $38, _^ Christ's excellency, that so thou mayest be inclined in thy heart to believe, Song i. 3. Gal. ii. 16. Psalm ix. 19. for this is the way God useth to beget faith, Isa. lv. 4. But if thou hast a desire and inclination to fly from thy- self to Christ in the bent of thy heart, so that thou pre- ferrest Christ above all, then the Spirit hath begun, and will carry on the work; so that now thou mayest pray confidently for faith, Song i. 4. Luke xi. 18. Mark xi, 34. ". . . . . . . . -, * OBJECT. III. “Put without holiness no man shall see “ the Lord, Heb. xii. 24. And how shall I get holiness? “I cannot sanctify myself; and this confidence you speak “ of, may slacken my diligence.” ... ' & f * - "... • * * - . ANs. If thou hast righteousness in Christ, God will make thee holy; and this confidence is the only way to get holiness, because of that righteousness, Rom. v. 21. The new covenant is confirmed in him, which promiseth a new heart. If sin be forgiven, thou shalt be delivered from its power, and quickened by the same death and resurrection of Christ, whereby thou art justified, Col. ii. I 2. 13. ". faith. . . . . . .” - is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. To walk humbly, as being nothing of themselves, to acknowledge themselves enemies to God by nature, Exhort. III. It exhorteth them that are justified by and acknowledge their sins in the greatness and heinous- ness of them; that they are saved freely by the righteous- ness of another, not by their own; yea, that they are so far fallen, that the justice of God would have been against -- 9 sº & 3 ---> them, if it had not been satisfied, Psal. lxxi. 16. Rom. iii. 27. but now they see that Christ hath satisfied, and his righteousness is above their sins, Ezek. xxxvi. 31. . 2. To praise and glorify God through Christ for his grace." Oh what abundant grace and love appears in God’s washing and cleansing us by his Son’s blood | Rev. i. 5. Gal. ii. 20. and in making his Son sin and a curse for us? Rom. v. 5, 8. 1 John iv. 9, 10. and iii. 16. 2 Cor. viii. 9. and what a glorious and exceljent righteousness hath God given us in Christ? Isa. xi. 10. - * w 3. To walk comfortably, upon the account of this ºr? - * - 286 THE DocTRINE of Justification & “, righteousness, Isa. xl. 1, 2. Triumph over sin and afflic. tion. Rom, viii. 33,39. Beconfident in expecting great things from God, Heb. x. 22. for, though you may be unworthy and grace will shew you your own unworthi- ness, yet you stand upon the righteousness of Christ. Glory in the hope of God’s glory; for if Christ died to reconcile you when you were enemies, much more will he save you by his life, now you are reconciled, Rom. v. 3, 10. Ask boldly for what you want; for God is in Christ’s manhood as the mercy seat. Wheneversin stings you, and objections trouble you, -look to the brazen ser- pent; confess sin, and trust for pardon; meditate on Christ’s righteousness, and the abundance of grace in him, Rom. viii. 32. If you find ever so much ungodliness, no good qualifications; yet Christ is at hand for your com- fort, Isa. l. 10. 2 Thess. ii. 16, 17. In all your sins, apply yourselves to this fountain, Zech. xiii. l. l John -i, 7. If sin lie on the conscience, it weakens peace and spiritual strength. Lie not under guilt with a slavish fear; you have a righteousness to deliver you from it: apply it by faith that you may have no more conscience of sin as *, f . ge - Dr. gº tº * - condemning, Heb. x. 2. Psalm xxxii. You have a better righteousness than any perfectionists can have. . - 4. Hold fast this way of justification notwithstanding all the noise that is made in the world against it; for the devil will strive to scare you out of it, or steal it from you ; as he did from the Jews, from the Galatians, the papists and many protestants, Gal. i. 9, and the apostle reckons it is by a spiritual bewitchery. He will strive to get you to trust on works, and tell you, it is for the pro- moting of holiness, and to trust on works to get Christ, and to lay works lowest in the foundation. If you lose this righteousness of Christ, under any colour or pretence whatever, you lose all, Gal. v. 2, 3. Do not so dis- honour Christ, as to think of procuring that by works which you have fully in Christ. Think not that the gos- pel requires any other justification to gain this; for the gospel is no legal covenant, but a declaration of the righ- teousness of faith; and we, being justified, are heirs by adoption and promise, Gal. iii. 24, 25, 26, and iv. 7, *E.- --- &PENED AND APPLIED. -*. 28? This is the doctrine which glorifieth God, and abaseth the creature; which is a mark of its truth. Beware, therefore, of carnal reason: which will go quite contrary, and make Christ's righteousness a stumbling stone to thee, 2 Pet. ii. 8. Rom. ix. 32, 33. 5. Walk as one that enjoys the favour of God in Christ. Let him have the honour of it. Walk therefore in holi- ness, knowing by what price you are redeemed, 1 Pet. i. 17, 18. 2 Cor. v. 14, 15. 2 Pet. i. 5, 11. I Cor. vi. 20. Love God that hath loved you first, 1 John iv. 19. Psalm czvi. 16. Believe that God will enable you for the practice of holiness, Rom. vi. 14. Particularly, walk in love to the saints; exercise forgiveness to your enemies. Sense of your own sins, and God’s forgiving you, will cause you to pity and forgive others; else you cannot pray or trust for forgiveness of your sins upon reasonable grounds, Eph. iv. 31, 32. Matt. vi. 14, 15. and xviii. 21. Desire grace may be exalted upon others; and wait patiently for the full declaration of justification, at the great day, Gal. v. 5. Acts. iii. 19. for here your justification is known only by faith; but in outward things you are dealt with as a sinner: then your righ- teousness shall appear openly, and you shall be dealt with according to it, -- ~~T - .--- FINIS, UNIVERSITY of McHGAN i 3 9015 O8586 2723 s ... * * s 1,125,863 ſaeº. .-,-,-,-, º-},.…ººº… .