AECU-552, (ORNL-382) U N T T E D S T A T E S A T O M I C E N E R G Y C O M M T S S I O N RADIOACTIVE DECONTAMINATION PROPERTIES OF LABORATORY SURFACES II. Paints, Plastics and Floor Materials by Paul C. Tompkins Oscar M., BiZZell. Clyde D. Watson JUA Oak Ridge National Laboratory UN 1 o 1967 This document contains no restricted data. as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1916. This copy is reproduced direct from copy as submitted to this Office a Technical Information Branch, Oak Ridge Extension AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn., , 10-19-h9–-200-A100l.2 III.iii. AUG 30 350 e-3- ORNL-382 RADIOACTIVE DECONTAMINATION PROPERTIES OF LABORATORY SURFACES II, PAINTS, PLASTICS AND FLOOR MATERIALS ABSTRACT The susceptibility of various paints, plastics, and floor materials to contamination and their subsequent ease of decontamination have been |5iº. determined by simple empirical tests. The probable usefulness of these materials in Radioactive Laboratories and attendant facilities are further indicated by chemical resistance tests with common laboratory reagents. ORNL-382 § - -, tº tº. 2 # * *** RADIGACTIVE DECONTAMINATION PROPERTIES OF ABCRATORY SURFACES II. PAINTS, PLASTICS AND FLOOR Mºtºrialsº Paul C. Tompkins.” {}scar. M., Bizzell” and Glyde De Watson* Cak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Many materials which are commonly used in radiochemical laboratories have proved difficult, if not practically impossibles to clean once they have become contaminated with a radioactive element. This has led to the general conclusion that radioactive decontamination and surface erosion are practically synonymous. Therefore, considerable emphasis has been placed on a search for materials which are resistant to chemical corrosion and abra- sions with much of the emphasis being placed on properties permitting ree placement of sections which are highly contaminated. Complete reliance on the use of expendable materials for permanent fix- tures is less satisfactory in many instances than the use of more permanent surfaces if these can be satisfactorily cleaned by ordinary reagent tech- niquess Alsos many persons in relatively small institutions do most of their work at activity levels low enough to permit proper maintenance by the cheaper cleaning procedures. For these reasons, a systematic study of the problems involved in reagent cleaning has been initiated at Oak Ridge National Laborae . i tory in collaboration with the Isotopes Division of the Atomic Energy Commis- Sione Extensive scouting experiments with several materials and reagents led to the development of simple, empirical tests by which the susceptibility of different materials to contaminations and their subsequent ease of decontam- ination could be compared under controlled conditions (l). This paper re- ports the results obtained by the standard test on different resins (paints G - *. *s. & tºº. £º * Q 5 and strip coats), plastics and flooring materials, -5- ORNL-382 Since these materials are used to coat either porous or corrodible items, the best surfaces would be built up as follows: 1) First Layer - Seal Coat. This coat must penetrate the porous mate- rial to some depth (several mm. on concrete or wood) and fill all the pores with a homogeneous, chemically resistant body. 2) Second Layer - Permanent Surface Coat. This is preferably a homo- geneous extension of the seal coat. It should be resistant to those condi- tions to which it is destined to be exposed, and should have a low adsorp- tion value for the radioelements of interest. - 3) Third Layer - Final Surface Coat. This may be varied to suit con- ditions. In addition to the requisite chemical and physical properties, it should have a low susceptibility to contamination, and a large decontamina- tion index” tº all the radioelements of interest, and the most important contaminating conditions encountered. In the case of flooring material, an exterior wax finish is often used. These data are of a preliminary nature to the extent that a wider range of elements and contaminating conditions must be explored before a full evaluation can be made • MiATERIALS AND METHODS FºEPARATION OF THE COATINGS The various coatings were applied to 2% x 24-inch plaques as nearly as possible in the manner and to the type of material recommended by the manu- facturer. They were cured in a dust-free atmosphere with adequate ventila- tion for the prescribed time or longer, Those which required heat curing were baked under the conditions prescribed by the manufacturer, The finished plaques were stored individually and examined carefully * - 43. before use. Only those which presented a smooths nonporous appearance were p 9 p pp ORNL-382 e-6- . - selected in an effort to obtain data under the best possible conditions. - Some of the materials were submitted in sheet forms. Plaques of the and the edges rounded to minimize proper size were cut from these sheets, adsorption. These materials are indicated by an asterisk in tables. *, *, *, * form and concentrations provided by the Operations Division of Oak Ridge Carrier-free" solutions of H were used in the National Laboratory (2). Approximately 100 - 200/ic of activity was writes as contamination in each case. - - - - - g w - - * , * The methods for testing the succeptibility of a surface to contamina- tion and its subsequent ease of decontamination with various reagents have been described in a previous paper (l). The susceptibility test measures the apparent asorption of the radioelement by the surface when a small drop is allowed to stand in contact with the surface for an hour. The decontam- nation test measures the total amount of cºntainian that may be removed at the end of the second decontamination step when a small drop of radioac- tive solution is dried on the surface under controlled conditiºns a then removed, first by the standard reagent alone, and then by scrubbing. The standard reagents used for this work are g 32 . W () as For P. as HNo, - 3 H.P0, For Ba149: 6N mo, For I* : 56% HI A beginning has been made toward the development of less corrosive re- agents, such as detergents, which would be the ones used in practice. These would be expected to vary in efficiency from one material to another. The detergents used were prepared in accordance with the specifications of the ~7- ORNL-382 manufacturer. A 1% solution was used except as otherwise specified. The various coatings were also applied to rounded rods 3/8-inch diame- ter by 5 inches long of soft wood or aluminum. These were immersed at room temperature for periods of one week in 3M solutions of HNO2, HCl, H.89, NaOH 3” and in hexone (selected as a "typical" organic solvent of the ketone type). Failure of the coating was indicated (l) if the reagent became badly discolored, (2) if the coating became soft or (3) if "bleed through" was in- dicated by discoloration of the test rod at a level of 0,5 cm above the im- mersion level. The coatings were rated as follows: E - Passed all tests S - Satisfactory for HCl, HNO3, H289, NaOH AS - Satisfactory for acids, failed with NaOH AS** - Failed with NaOH, and only one acid S** - Satisfactory for NaOH, failed with one acid F - Failed With NaOH and two acids These symbols appear beneath the name of the various materials which are listed alphabetically under the manufacturer's name in Tables I and II. This classification draws not only on the data obtained in our laboratory, but also from data obtained by us under other conditions, and on data attained by others.” Specific corrosion data obtained in our laboratory is listed in Table W. There was insufficient information on some materials to permit such classification and these have been left blank. The purpose of this investigation is to explore the extent to which pro- tective coatings can be used with ordinary structural materials such as wood, transite, concrete, etc. , so that reagent cleaning procedures can be used for their maintenance. A serious attempt has been made to develop the information in such a way that it will contribute to the ultimate construc- tion of standard tables so that decontamination properties may be included among the physical and chemical properties of a product. RESULTS AND DISGUSSION Previous studies (1) have shown that when a cleaning solvent is applied to a surface contaminated with a radionuclide, practically all of the contam- inant that can be removed in a reasonable time is removed very rapidly, The very tenacious retention of the residual activity that is so well known to. workers in the field has been shown to arise in part from a slow rate of ex- change between the surface and the solvent. The removal of this slowly ex- changing fraction, as well as of atoms irreversibly attached to the surface, can be accomplished only by a process of surface erosion, preferably by the removal of successive "monolayers." Therefore, it is desirable to find a solvent which may be used as the final step in the cleaning process which would attack the surface very slowly and yet not soften it significantly. This characteristic, as well as general chemical resistance, is important in considering the results of the corrosion tests, The following discussion concerns only the protective coatings. Fluoro- thene, polythene, Duralon #35 and Monsanto research sample J-653, which is a strip coat, withstood all of the corrosion tests. The baked Shell enamel and Unichrome B-124-1 successfully withstood the hexone but failed in the presence of the alkali. * , t * t 1. The Devon Resin K 5925, withstood the hexone for 24 hours, and all of the TABLE I MATERIAI, ºftöONTAMINATION AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTS Material and Manufacturer Gross Spill # Adsorbed Step 1 Step 2 (Corrosion Rating)ll Isotope Average Index in 1 hr. DIs DI DI 615 Rubalt (Green) p32 4.9 •09 3,8 2.7 1.1 Alfred Hague & Co., Bºžº 4 5,0 •64 3.6 3.3 •3 (F) I 3.3 •02 l,6 1,4 .2 Amercoat #55 P.32 723 •01 5,3 3.2 2.l Amer, Pipe & Constre Co., BalA0 & 7.62 •01 5.2 4.1 1.1 (S T131 3e3 •0l. 1.3 l.2 •l Amercoat #44 ão 7.5 • Ol 5.5 3.0 2.5 Amere Pipe & Constro Co., # l 6 6,8 •01 4.8 3.6 l.2 (S) T13 3.0 •02 l. 3 1.3 . .03 Amercoat #31 P32 6.4 o05 5.1 3.4 le.7 Amer, Pipe & Constr. Co., #;" 2 6.0 •03 4.5 4.0 •5 (S) T 3.3 •02 l,6 l.6 .02 Asphalt-Tile Flooring” p32 lo? 5.2 2.4 2.1 •3 Armstrong Cork Company is.” 2 lo'9 14.2 2,9 2.1 •8 (F) I 1,5 16.5 2.8 2.8 ,02 Duranite H (White) p32 6.8 •005 4.5 3.4 1.1 Atlas Powder Company Bºº § 5,7 ,02 4.0 2.4 1.6 (AS**) T13. 4.1 ,07 le.9 le 7 .2 20BK Warnish Fºo f 8.0 ,005 5,7 3,3 2.4 Barrett Warnish Company #3. & 7.2 l •01 5.1 4 - 1 1.0 (A.S.) T 323 2008 lo2 l. 1 •l Gray M-101 p32 5.6 •02 3.9 3, 1 .8 BisCrite Company Biº 2. 6,8 e005 4.5 3.5 120 (S) I- 4.0 .02 2.3 2.2 •l Fluorothenek-Flame p3? O 5,7 •l 4.7 3.8 .9 Sprayed onto Aluminum Ba14 4. 4.7 25 4.4 2.9 1.5 **** K=25 Il 31 2,0 l,0 2.0 l,5 •5 Plastic Coating 541 (Green) p32 7,2 201 5.2 3,7 l,5 Corrosite º BalA0 6 6.8 •0l. 4.8 4.1 • 7 (A.S.** Ilºl 2.8 2006 1.5 l.5 •03 Plastic Coating (Gray) P32 5.6 •02 3.9 3.2 a 7 Gorrosite Corporation BalA0 2 5.4 •03 3.9 3, 7 •2 (S) 1131 3.5 •01 125 1.4 •l ORNL-383 ~10- Material and Manufacturer Gross Spill # Adsorbed Step 1 Step (Corrosion Rating) Isotope Average index in 1 hr., D.I. § Dr. DI Plastic Goating #8228 p32 #91 •2 3.4 360 •4 Corrosite Corporation Bº" 4. 5.1 22 4.94 3,9 off (S) 1131 3, 1 .02 124 led, •l Plastic Goating (Aluminum) p32 3,6 25 3e3 2,7 .6 Gorrosite Corporation Bºº 4 4,8 •3 463 3.2 lol (F) Il 21 3.1 •02 1.4 le3 •l Devon Resin K-5925 (Clear) P32 491 •2 3.4 2.8 .6 Devoe and Reynolds Company Ball,0 4 52.5 ,02 3,8 3.5 •3 (S) 1131 2.6 •2 le.9 1,8 •l Lucite?: P32 9.4. 2005 7.el 3.6 3.5 Tºront Corporation BalA0 7 5.2 e3 4.67 4.4 •3 (S) Il 31 5,6 2002 2.9 2.6 o:3 Polythene” p32 724 2009 5 e 3 3. 8 125 Bufont Corporation BalA0 6 6el o9 6.0 420 2.0 (E) Il 31 4.7 203 3.2 2.8 •4 Shell. Enamel (Baked) p32 720 2008 469 A 20 e.9 DuPont Corporation Balá0 7 9el 2004 6.7 4.0 227 ; I131 420 •01 220 l.9 ol Shellstonek P32 5 e 3 o004, 229 2.5 •4 E. H. Sheldon & Goe BalA0 3 ls2 21.60 2,5 2.3 •2 (E) T131 l,6 e07 •4 • 3 ol Supermite Warnish p32 O 5.9 201 3.9 2,5 194 The Garland Company Bal& 2 6,0 •01 4.0 3,8 22 (A.S.) Il31 2,8 •02 lel loo •l Acanal (Gray) p32 427 •03 3.2 3.1 •l, The Garland Company Bal/40 4. 5,5 ,08 424 3.0 ls.4 (S) I131. 3.21. •05 le.8 le.7 •l Acanal. (White) p32 3ol. •4 2.27 2.5 o? The Garland Company Ball.0 2 3,9 a 3 364 3.2 .2 (3) I131 3.2 •02 loš le3 •2 Textolitek p32 5.0 o,07 3,8 322 .6 General Electric Co., #;" 4 4.9 •05 3.6 3.4 22 (E) T131 3.00 203 ls 5 le2 • 23 Pli-Namel 815 Concrete P32 5,7 •04. 423 22 7 l,6 The Glidden Co. (Gray Balá0 2 6.2 •02 4.25 4.0 •5 (A.S.) Il 31 3,4 201 lok le? •2 Black Cheme Resistant #1 p32 5,8 e03 4.3 3.6 e." The Glidden Company Balá0 4. 4,8 207 3.6 3.4 22 (A.S.) Il3]. 223 •08 132 lol •l tº 1.1 *::::: zº: tº ºf Manufacturer Gross Spill # Adsorbed { ğº sººn #. in 1 hºe }} }. . . . . . .6%. .# º - - - - *i; }, º is i sº %: Šiatºrial ºf ºt §a. is? ###. tº tº 3%: #% - §§ r . . ."§ §§ ałing) Isotope Average Index § f * --- *-- a-------- * 31&ºk ºut, flesistant #2 ºthe Glidden Gompany # *, ' s (F) . . . . . º . . 32 *** ** ... i. i**, *.. º as aw & ºn 4 vs a ; : # 8. #. :#3 Bººk ūhºma Fº Ši. § tant #3 º # f *f; 'ºhé & Liſičeň &ompany #. {}} - d ºr a 31. #. f - gº? ~ 24 a2 gº t; & 2. 2. 2 2 5 .4 •l 25 3 5 9 à 3 §---- § § ,80 ,08 e20 •04 •0l. 14 {} & : § 5. : § # * {} #2, #3, cºrney" ºn 4. º .# t :-- Methacrylate (white ----- #$$. £º sº º & º § #e, Pº **ś &ts;#4, sº a waº - 5 Whº &iſiºdłęſa Gompany. º: # * w - § {\ }, - - II l * §§ | - - .* § # o é & 140 4 # ; §§ § Alkyd (White) pº *] - The Glidden Company riºd. f a “ sy % * (AcSoº) ſlº • § o 201. 203 s02 e Q3 •01. {} § : : 3. Ö 3 : § }} e14 4. : & : § {} : # : § º *} & & * {} dº § }. Ç Cºpa §§ y - J.f #:§ 3. {} 4. 3: ; 201 £; § : : 2 : § º § 202 {} § {} } o:50 •0l. •02 Ö & § * …s. * .....º.º. & s32 Gºorinated Rubber (Gray) - #2 2 sº The Glidden Company Belº 4 (Asse) § {} O 3 ::: § :: £, § & ^^ -s ov. …an ºs ----'i º • *; .32 Goodyear Vinyl Style 351.1% p3 : ſtoodyear Rºbe: Goſapa, Balko goodyear ºpe: Joãpany #. 2 (S) - £131. - 5,30 5,60 e20 •04. ,02 202 •04 902 ,008 {} : : * £; N§ ; §- {} § l 5 & & § º i p-l £º 2s. 8." tº ". * ** * ~~~~ -º-º-º: s, tº £he Gordon Lacy Company Bă. A t . cº-cº- \ (A. § £y $$.3% A i. £; §a : % ğ. ; §3tà.- : # § -&à. ğ y º ;3 & à 5 The Gordon Lacy Gompany Belko 4 (3) --- 1131. § {} 5 £. } º: 3 J-211-E (White) P32 40 5 3 § : {} 3 § {} :: A-248-3 (Clear) p32. 7, i. e Q07 {} lak The Gºrdon Lacy Company Baº º 6 664 *02 (S) T13. 7 3 | cº 3. .003 £º 3 & p 3 ? 5 • 9 § {} 2 The Gºrdox, iaºy Company Bă & f *}” tºº, § 3) º 3. º;: : § {} ; {} & 4. Q 2 º - 524 ,03 4. 2,8 2005 tº & ::: § % &# § :: & ge: {} 3 £º !. i. :: *, *, º, A gy #’ rºs, ºf ºr *. ... º - A-39-A (Black) pº, 6.3 •04. The Gordon Lacy Company Ball,0 2. 5,8 •01. (8) 1131 32.3 202 3 @ 2 {} 3. s! : § {} l. & 5 {? ORNI-382 -12- º - Material and Manufacturer Gross - Spill # Adsorbed Step l step (Corrosion Rating) Isotope Average Index in 1 hr. DIs DI DI Silicone-583 P32 , - I- - - - (Heat Dried) BalA0 8 § : ; ; ; Interchemi l3l sº © º © ºw. © & adº 8 º Corpo Ilº 522 ,003 227 2.6 •l Silicone-575 - p32 (Heat Dried) BalA0 7 ; : ;: ;: : terche - - & §) “o Q ſº {} In *** Corp., - Ilºl 5al 2006 269 2,8 •l Silicone-60.9 P32 (Heat Dried) BalA0 6 .. º: 520 4.2 .8 Interchemical Corp. Il 31 tºº o 2005 3.29 304 25 (F) 4.9 2007 2.7 2.6 ol Rigortex 2202 (Clear) p32 - - Inertol Company BalA0 6 § 201 560 3.05 loš (A. S.**) Il3l E.-J. • o o02 4.8 369 o9 - 3,9 201 le.9 l,8. •l Iſº-600 (Clear) P32 Lithgow Corporation Balá0 . 2 3:? •3 228 223 of (S**) Ilºl © 205 2.4 223 •l - 223 206 lel le0 •l *Cotoid (Gray) P32 Lithgow Corporation Balá0 2 ;: o? 3.7 3ol. 26 (F) Ilºl. {} o03 4.04 3.25 o9 - 3.29 o01. l,9 le.8 •l Shiller (White Enamel # F32 Mi, Shiller Company 3) BalA0 2 #: º 3. l. , 3.0 •l (AS) Il?l O 20 4.94 3.29 •5 3.25 •0l. l,5 184 ol Coprene (Clear) 32 Maas and Waldstein Balá0 6 º: .03 427 3.2 loº (AAS) I131 gº O •l 5,7 3.68 lo.9 - 3.67 o02 260 lo.8 o? Fermanite FAH% P32 Maurice A. Knight, Co., BalA0 4. 3: ol 422 3.5 a 7 (F) ## C. a 15 3.6 323 23 2.5 o? le.8 125 •3 Pyroflexº (On Permanite) P32 4,7 tº . . . . . .3 s tº 26 4.5 8 Maurice A. Knight Co., 140 ºr o 32 a 7 (S) É Ö # 4. 424 l,8 427 3.6 lel 3,3 o04. lo.9 lo.9 •0. Pyroflex Lacquer (White) P32 Maurice A. Knight Co., - BalA0 2 : •02 4,6 3o4 122 (S) - 1131. •5 206 423 2.6 le.7 4 ol 2005 le.8 le 7 ol Pyroflex Lacquer (Gra P33 & Maurice A. Knight º Balá0 6 º 2004. 42.8 3.2 1,6 (S) Il31 ſº º 2007 405 3.4 lel - 4.0 2004 l,6 l,5 •l -13- ORNL-382 Material and Manufacturer Gross Spill # Adsorbed Step 1 step 2 (Corrosion Rating) Isotope Average Index in l hr. DIs DI DT Pyroflex Lacquer (Black) #io - 6.5 .02 4.8 3.3 1.5 Maurice A. Knight Co., Bel40 2 5,9 o02 4.2 3.6 .6 (S) 1131 3.6 2008 le: lºk l Silicone L37222 P33. 7.1 2006 4.9 4.1 8 (Air Dried) Bºº 2. 8.2 2004 5.8 4.7 1 #idland Ind., Go, 1131 ... ' 5.6 •008 3,5 3.1. •4 (S) Special Goating #1 p3? º 8.0 ,006 5-8 4.1. 1,7 Patterson Sargent Go, Balš0 7 7.8 2004 564 3,7 alſº s {A, 3.4%) 1131 492 •008 . 2, 1 l.9 * Special, Goating #2 **i.o 7.20 •01. 5.0 3.9 lol Patterson Sargent Go, Baº 2 6.1 2006 3.9 3.4 25 (A.S.) - ** 1131 - 2,8 204 194 l,0 , * 24 t Penkołe - p32. el 3.70 .6 .6 a 03 Peninsular chem. Prod, Go. Bg#9 l 124 •2 a 7 o'7 204 (S) - Ilºl. led a 3 25 25 •02 Phenoplast - p32 420 23 3.25 3.3 22 Phenoplast Corporation Ba140 . 4. 5ol 206 3.99 302 27 (A.S.) - Il31 4.1. ,005 le.8 le? •l Tead Paste and Wehicle p32 460 •3 3.5 3.2 .3 Pittsburgh Plate Glass co, Baº” 3 322 206 2.0 le.8 22 (A.S.**) Il31 loš •4 121 lol , 201. White Gloss Enamel P32 420 205 2.27 2.6 ol Pratt & Lambert Balá0 4 402 204 2.8 2.6 a2 - (AS) Il31 2,3 .06 lel lol •04 white Eggshell Enamel P32 3.29 2.05 2.6 2.5 ol Pratt & Lambert Bal;0 # 3,8 sG7 2.6 2.6 ,02 (AS) 113i - 2,7 *02 lso lso 203 Proxcote 19-70-3 (Clear) p32 6,7 206 5.5 3.6 le.9 Proxylin Products Balºo 2 6.4 •06 522 3,9. 123 (S) - 1131. 3ol. a09 220 l.9 •l Prufcoat (Gray) p32 5.1 202 3.4 3.4 o03 Prufcoat Laboratories, Inc., Ba140 2 5 cl. 203 3.6 3.5 ol (S) Il31 420 2004. 1.6 l.5 •l Line3: Warnish p32 524 202 3.7 3.6 al Sherwiń-Williams Co., Balá0 2 5 e5 203 460 328 22. (AS) Ilºl 392 •03 1.7 le6 al CRNL-382 -1} Material and Manufacturer Gross % Adsorbed Step 2 (Corrosion Rating) Isotope Average in 1 hr. Dre DI Koroseal - Tile Floorings R22 2.4 2.25 o?. Sloanee-Blabon Ba140 2 o4 2,6 25 (S) Il 31 •04 1.6 •3 § Flooring Sample 386A4 P32 a 5" 3.65 ol Sloane=Blabon #9 2 o08 222 22 (S) 1131 o08 25 •02 Flooring Sample 386B4 *io • 3 3ol. .2 Sloane-Blabon Ba 3 •l 3.4 124. (AS) T131 ol o9 •2 . Flooring Sample 386.3% p3? cº 304 22 Sloane-Blabon BalA0 3 24 227 a 8 (S) T131 207 o? •02 Flooring Sample 386D# p32 208 425 326 o9 Sloane-Blabon Ba140 à 207 465 304 l l © O O (E) 1131. •005 lol loo ol Flooring Sample 386E* p32. 26 2,7 2.6 ol Sloane-Blabon Balá0 Á ol 460 2.3 lo"? (E) Il 31 3 2007 lo2 le Q o? Black Plasticol (Baked) p32 3.24. lol 324, 227 ,7 Stanley Cheme Bºžº 3 2.25 le4 265 lo 9 26 (F) I 2el •2 194 • 3 lol Duralon #35 P32 5,7 205 4.94 26 U. S. Stoneware Coe Balá0 2 460 27 423 o8 131 (E) I 420 ol 300 o9 B-121 Unichrome (Clear) Fºo 6.3 a 05 5.20 loš United Chromium Ba 6 723 283 5,6 le.8 (F) Tl2]. 463 2004 i.3 204 Tjcilon 45]. P32 3.29 62 322 228 24 Dull Aluminum, United chron, Bºžº 4 5.2 o005 2.9 ° 2,6 23 (F) II3 3.6 2008 le 5 le O •5 B 124-1. Unichrom (Clear) P32 3.05 20%. 221 le.9 o2 Baked, United Chromium . Ball,0 3 364 •03 le.9 128 ol (AS) Il3l l,8 208 27 26 ol. Ücilon 452 (Gray) P32 3,6 o? 2 o'9 2 o'? o? United Chromium Balá0 4 3.27 206 2.25 2.e3 22 (sºk) T131 3,6 202 loº le? 22 Ucilon 400–9 (White) P32 720 2002 A., 3 3.24. a 9 United Chromium Błº § 6-4 e Q4. 5.0 326 124 (S) T131 4.01. o008 220 159 ol silon 16 lumin p3? o8 •0. * . 32 Ö § § ºn um) #;" 2 £: .# Žiž 3:3 i: (F) Il31 3.4 •02 l, 7 le6 & -15- ORNT-382 łlaterial and Manufacturer (Corrosion Rating) .*º-ººººººººººº sº Percent Adsorbed in One Hour º: p? BalA9 1131 Liquid S.G. 553-45A Americ Resinous Chem. Corpe (S) Brevori-Black S.C. Atlas * Company S Polyken Tapek Bauer and Black (S) Bisonite #751 – White S.C. Bisonite Company (34%) Goacreteže Special Floor Sample Carbide & Carbon, ORNL Geon Latex 3l X Bo #, Goodrich (F) GoGoons S.C., Heliºsº Corps (S) O. D. H68 Tape” Industrial. Tape Corp., (AS**) Jonflex #66 Tapek Industrial Tape Corp., (AS) Acetate Film Tapek Industrial Tape Corp. (F) Ool 0.63 0.03 0.0001 0,007 02004. 0.08 02.05 0.07 Ö,009 0.03 0,0l 95 e4. 90.3 2002 21.0 21.0 6.0 0.4 0.23 427 92.9 43.1 Alel 0.65 l8,0 0.2 Öel 0.61 0,,Ol ORNL-382 Material and Manufacturer —ló- 4– Table II orbed in one Hour Percent Ads (Corrosion Rating) p3? Ba140 1131 Copeel Liquid Plastic 0,00l 0.03 0.22 Maas & Waldstein Company f (S) Mica S.C., a Blue 0.003 0.04 0.03 Midland Ind. Finishes Co., (S) -- Research Sample #J–653 (S.C.) O,07 0.24 0.93 Monsanto Chem, Company g (E) Spraylat S.G. - 1054. 0, 1 0.23 0.3 Spraylat Corporation 㺠Plywoodºº 48.0 82,0 Al-O U. So Plywood Company Tygofilm e Clear S.C., 0,004. 0.2008 0.202 U. S. Stoneware Company (S) Aluminum & 0.65 0.04 O.05 Structural Steel3: 76,6 92.3 0.1 Transitek 95,0 98.20 9.7 - IT- - ORNL-382 TABLE V - gºngsion tests - • . Chemical Test - 3 M HNO3 3 v Nadi || 3 || Hol | 3 M Hoso, Hexone - - a di g 3 º: w; e # a à - Material and Manufacturer $ 3 § § 3 ; ; ; # ºp| 3 || 8p || 3 # ºp {} § - sº ! 5 §: ; ; º © . . § © . . " gi ºf g ºr i ºf {} © ºf Q tº {} - Qj º “r. ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 5 :